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File: b52cd57b4b45a2a⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1030x728, 515:364, qr_title.png)

cfa75c  No.14480652[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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42f921  No.14483280

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements

#18219 TBC

#18218 TBC

#18217 TBC

#18316 TBC


>>14477495 Tucker Carlson's interview with the father of Kareem Nicoui, one of the 13 fallen in Afghanistan.

>>14477502 What if Flynn phone call didn’t expose Russia , but it exposed Israel? (See article) law of war

>>14477512 Someone Is Secretly Working on "Privately Owned" Space Station

>>14477552 The world will now realize that Trump was ALWAYS the victim of a politically motivated witch-hunt

>>14477554 Blind Items Revealed #5 pornhub owners and investors.

>>14477582 Fully Vaccinated People are at “Greater Risk of Hospitalization”gwp

>>14477611 code monkey to write a report on hunter biden laptop and its content as now one else has done it

>>14477617 Media Inquiry With Fort Bliss Over Soldier Saying She Will Shoot Americans, code monkey twat

>>14477638 The January 6th Select Committee is asking for records, here's the full list of 15 media companies

>>14477650 dangerous storm, Hurricane Ida to discuss preparations = biden twat

>>14477656 barak obama twat, anon opines violience incoming reads like comey twats comms

>>14477666 Obama Foundation Hires Billionaire’s Lawyer Amid Legal Battles, bloomberg and evil trips confirm, obama fuckery

>>14477688 host of military intel legal pdfs dropped by anon

>>14477723 Woman who hid 26 kids behind false wall at day care guilty. abc news

>>14477731 two articles, one by the con tree house and one by sundance . both interesting on afghan

>>14477798 SUBLIMINAL THAT…… PUMPKIN. (based)

>>14477828 Australia: "Covid Fugitive" Previously Known As "Man With A Cold" Arrested, rumble video link

>>14477898 This board is SO FUCKED UP that it it LAUGHABLE!

>>14477951 Obscure codes, botential?

>>14477967 video on how to edit 'hosts' file in Windows

>>14477970 they say graphene can be removed with apple pectin


>>14478038 Redo the entire election on paper with hordes of poll watchers and cameras running

>>14478047 Trudeau campaign rally cancelled over security concerns amid protests

>>14478056 CA Anons! Vote John Cox, CPA, Business owner. Endorsed by Trump

>>14478079 Why don't they ask Biden who Q is?

>>14478097 OSS editing past notables and dough file and dough post

>>14478146 ‘Firm trial date’ set for Ghislaine Maxwell’s sex crimes case

>>14478151 #18315


>>14476788 Lindsey Graham and Sean Hannity are courting each other live on the Hannity Show

>>14476837, >>14476856 Dig: (literally) Halo Trust: Afghanistan mine

>>14476848 [1 ton] of cocaine found in shipment of bananas

>>14477056, >>14477090, >>14477095 The quest for image hosting fix on Android Devices

>>14477059 Bali suitcase killer Heather Mack to get early release from prison

>>14477098, >>14477167 A heavily fortified C.I.A. base in Kabul has been destroyed.

>>14477157 Putin in Oct 2016 - "It's no accident that the American and Russian People, in the most critical times in History, united to defeat a common enemy"

>>14477199 Nothing to see here, just Jeff Bezos and his yacht chilling in Sarandë Albania

>>14477265 The storm is upon us is all over Twitter right now

>>14477287 Apple CEO Tim Cook donates $10 million to undisclosed charity.

>>14477400 #18314


>>14476154, >>14476296, >>14476257 (WATCH) Marine Lt. Col Fired for demanding accountability on Afghanistan

>>14475938 Florida is running out of oxygen



>>14475971 Wow [They] reallllly don't want you to see the images posted on 8kun today

>>14475973 Maricopa No Comply, No Moar Money

>>14476028 Russia 'successfully tests' its unplugged internet

>>14476136, >>14476526 Shadow Dockets? They keep telling the people to “Back the Blue” But will the blue wake up?

>>14476193 NYers say fuck your vax mandate

>>14476242 ICYMI: *insert name here* is probably just OSS gaslighting you

>>14476249 Media’s ‘Lab Leak’ Denial Darling Is Actually Ex-Chinese Communist Advisor.

>>14476268 walk on your hands

>>14476318 Moloch, Ba’al and the rest of the Y-head demon brands are represented by families of the associated

>>14476325 (WATCH) The Orion Conspiracy short film

>>14476384 RE: Biden’s 8 dog bite incidents

>>14476385 Having a little rest in Japan ⚓ Flag of United States Flag of Japan #NavyPartnerships

>>14476415 RE: IMAGES DOWN, Editing the hosts file works, and it is 100% safe to do so.

>>14476504 WAPO: ISIS propaganda app celebrating Kabul terror attack relies on Amazon Web Services

>>14475909, >>14472407 pb: Germany halts all C19 vax, moratorium on all vaccines, says unsafe?

>>14476560 [11.3] has many meanings >implying

>>14476621 Who let him dictate things with his fraudulent "testing"

>>14476838 #18313


>>14475127 Do any phonefags know how to edit host files on mobile?

>>14475102 Does our pulling out of AFG constitute the end of belligerent occupation by US?

>>14475141 @SLDelta45 Every day we get closer to standing up The Forge

>>14475209 AZ Violations of state law by counties, cities and towns; attorney general investigation; report; withholding of state shared revenues

>>14475219 Make Trudeau Afghanistan failures a top election issue!

>>14475249 Former CEO And COO Of JHL Biotech Convicted Of Conspiracy To Steal Trade Secrets And Commit Wire Fraud Exceeding $101 Million

>>14475284 Fred Corbin has ⁣leaked Pfizer jab documents & access to the Wuhan labs "deleted" database

>>14475314 Found this free pdf download printable wallet Bill of Rights here:

>>14475317 DDoS Guard dumped 8kun (two weeks ago)


>>14475379 A student of University of Tennessee was dragged out of the classroom by police for not wearing a mask

>>14475404 [39] on Qclock today

>>14475411 At 2255 local time this evening, 4 rockets were fired into the Abdali Region, #Kuwait from Safwan, #Iraq.

>>14475419 RE: letter from a state agency saying employees have get vaxxed or weekly tests

>>14475440 Robert F. Kennedy's assassin, Sirhan Sirhan, granted parole - AP

>>14475477 Defund the Capitol Police

>>14475490 New Orleans mayor urges people to EVACUATE as Hurricane Ida strengthens, likely to hit city on anniversary of Katrina disaster

>>14475708 DeSantis will appeal block from Leon County Florida Judge on Statewide mandatory Mask bans

>>14475719 infighting between the shill fake news media

>>14475757, >>14475777, >>14475778, >>14475789 DIGITAL SOLDIERS FOR AMERICA

>>14475876 #18312


>>14474361 Taliban Now Has More Black Hawk Helicopters Than 85% Of Countries In The World: OBAMA 2.0


>>14474419 IMPEACHMENT Joe Biden Has Been Derelict In His Duty. He Is Unfit To Lead.

>>14474440 Trump chose that Patton clip for a reason

>>14474520, >>14474635 QRBUNKER ENDCHAN is OPEN

>>14474552 Obama needs to STFU already

>>14474556 Biden told another Kabul attack is 'likely'

>>14474604 Parents need to stand between their children and any form of drugs

>>14474627 Alarming Report Showing Pfizer Vaccination Extortion

>>14474628 Powell just signaled the end of the inflationary cycle

>>14474634 State Department in Kabul is turning American citizens away

>>14474638, 7.5 Million Americans to Lose Jobless Benefits on Labor Day

>>14474821 Multi-state operation rescues 47 victims of human trafficking

>>14474712 anon news bun

>>14474749 Chinese Official Sets 1.1 Billion Vaccination Target By October

>>14474760 The taliban are correct. 20 years of Banksters wars.

>>14474786, >>14474806 Big Pharma is essential to Big Tech… why is that?

>>14474790 US intelligence releases report on COVID-19 origins, says outbreak was natural, not a bioweapon

>>14474798 The Taliban has partially taken control of Kabul airport - AFP

>>14474814 Gab Receives A Letter From Congress

>>14475051 #18311


>>14473594 Jen Psuki Briefing 420 waiting

>>14473609 Ashiest Rabbi Epstein is now chaplain of Harvard

>>14473692 Public Service Announcement

>>14473723 Kitchen Shift Change

>>14473987 image fix

>>14474030 Natural Immunity 13x More Effective Than Vaccines

>>14474036 Biden presidency teetering amid calls to resign

>>14474063 Denmark To Scrap All Covid-19 Restrictions

>>14474079 Fire Rips Through Massive Chinese Residential Skyscraper

>>14474080 Any PF's in the house?

>>14474099 Taliban vows to protect portraits of Queen Elizabeth II

>>14474128 Microsoft Warns Thousands of Cloud Customers of Exposed Databases

>>14474162 ‘Stop AAPI Hate Coalition’ Demands Termination of Program Fighting Chinese Communist Party Spies.

>>14474207 House Republicans File Articles of Impeachment for Secretary Antony Blinken

>>14474224 Rep. Madison Cawthorn – Requests Invocation Of The 25TH AMENDMENT And REMOVAL OF JOE

>>14474243 Military HELICOPTERS are flying VERY LOW over MANHATTAN. What’s going on?

>>14474258 Dog talk and an owl mask

>>14474286 #18310

Previously Collected

>>14471893 #18307, >>14472866 #18308, >>14473522 #18309

>>14469529 #18304, >>14470346 #18305, >>14471121 #18306

>>14467216 #18301, >>14468001 #18302, >>14468768 #18303

>>14464844 #18298, >>14465653 #18299, >>14466443 #18300

>>14462282 #18295, >>14463379 #18296, >>14464043 #18297

>>14460188 #18292, >>14464052 #18293, >>14465749 #18294

>>14457924 #18289, >>14458680 #18290, >>14459436 #18291

>>14455548 #18286, >>14456354 #18287, >>14457131 #18288

>>14453008 #18283, >>14453757 #18284,>>14455752 #18285

>>14450622 #18280, >>14451361 #18281, >>14452124 #18282

>>14448350 #18277, >>14449111 #18278, >>14449849 #18279

>>14445987 #18274, >>14446750 #18275, >>14447526 #18276

>>14443659 #18271, >>14445129 #18272, >>14445210 #18273

>>14441323 #18268, >>14442089 #18269, >>14442837 #18270

>>14439023 #18265, >>14439802 #18266, >>14440567 #18267

>>14436765 #18262, >>14437511 #18263, >>14438265 #18264

>>14434427 #18259, >>14435214 #18260, >>14435981 #18261

>>14431973 #18256, >>14432837 #18257, >>14433811 #18258

>>14429786 #18253, >>14430554 #18254, >>14431249 #18255

>>14427442 #18250, >>14428209 #18251, >>14428962 #18252

>>14425636 #18247, >>14425891 #18248, >>14426666 #18249

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14137057 Q Research Not ables #8


Other Dedicated Research Threads

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* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

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* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

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Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf


Learn To Bake!

Simple instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Complete Apprentice baking instructions https://controlc.com/0cf78628

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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42f921  No.14483285


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d7d8b0  No.14483293

Where is the correct bread?

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af6433  No.14483294

File: 125c983887552eb⋯.png (731.11 KB, 845x613, 845:613, Screen_Shot_2021_08_28_at_….png)

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af6433  No.14483295


operators are toast

no way out

board under attack for sure

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09421a  No.14483296

What an absolute shitshow.

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1c4ac3  No.14483297

File: 0ec07ace1f1d5dd⋯.gif (7.28 MB, 800x480, 5:3, G16_conus_band07_24fr_2021….gif)

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ca8a31  No.14483298

Holy shit, ((they're)) locking every bread or what?

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f2b01d  No.14483299

Nothing can stop what is coming.


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8e4a24  No.14483300

The Cabal isn't collapsing. They are killing innocents with their shot, and clearing any remaining patriots out of the gov't and media. Trump ain't coming back, and even if he did there will be no one to advance a pro-america agenda. Devolution is already in progress. FEMA & the CDC are running the gov't because of, muh Pandemic. The only patriots in control are those loyal to foreign powers…patriotic Chinese, etc.

Up next, end of unemployment, mortgage foreclosurea, FEMA camps, food shortages, vaxx passports, 6 month jabs, rioters being shot by woke military…basically everything on the DS/elites agenda.

Q was always false hope for "justice". They are going to get their kind of justice on the little people for figuring out their game.

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af6433  No.14483301


you tried this last bread

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cfa75c  No.14483302

File: ee214b43bc384a4⋯.png (61.71 KB, 351x303, 117:101, ee214b43bc384a42d56ce16bae….png)


So you finally renamed & reactivated the loaf I boke this afternoon?

Why delete the previous #18322?

Just curious. Care to explain?

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41a384  No.14483303

Iphone hosts files

> Short of jailbreaking the Iphone, are there any 3rd party apps that will allow me to access the Hosts file of the Iphone?

> If you explain your aim we may be able to suggest alternatives, such as setting up your own wifi router with custom DNS entries to redirect to local network addresses.

You could also use a custom DNS server on the internet too if you need to redirect for whatever reason but you are giving us so little info that it makes it impossible to know what may help & what will fail.


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aa5fac  No.14483304

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Comment appelle tu, J'Mapelle Nancy

I have the guns of the 2/6

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ca8a31  No.14483305

File: 1b83ab828b3b868⋯.gif (10.41 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 1b83ab828b3b868d3e8b3190c7….gif)


"The storm"

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f2b01d  No.14483306


And yet… you're still here. Your life is so worthless you need to spend your Saturday night shilling QResearch?


Sad, man. Sad.

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d7d8b0  No.14483307


>What an absolute shitshow.

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375c68  No.14483308

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4d9365  No.14483309

File: 6015821e011fd46⋯.png (614.43 KB, 606x592, 303:296, 09adcfc5d5a888a7bd6ff0d111….png)

if at first you dont succeed, try try again

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375c68  No.14483310


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212b2e  No.14483311


kike BV stole the bake and didnt even put in the notables. even though they were collected.

The mission is to stop anons from baking.

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f5970e  No.14483312

do not alter you settings to see images

(THEY) are counting on you to do that, there is a reason you aren't seeing anything right now


Most images are from shills anyway, so you're not missing anything

Anyone who tells you to is either a fool or ignorant

Never adjust your system files to any website

apologize for red text but it'sImportant!!

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ca8a31  No.14483314


Don't care.. I have nothing more to lose at this point.

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212b2e  No.14483315


look how fast they posted it just to shut you down. no notables just threw in an old dough.

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f737ce  No.14483316

File: 5f9f9ea628c0a78⋯.png (705.98 KB, 1440x1011, 480:337, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e6b22bf82502a53⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1445x665, 289:133, ClipboardImage.png)

TEAL call sign means Hurricane Hunter.

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32b17b  No.14483317


All of you fucktards reconfiguring your host files are going to be in a world of hurt when the Nazi’s kick down your door and seize your computer that has 8kun hard coded in its system files SMDH

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af6433  No.14483318

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f5970e  No.14483319

not only does it have the ability to see every site you visit, vpn or not, it is able to be used as a backdoor for keylogging and other fun things hackers love.

vpn, is a false sense of security, but changing your host files to match a particular site, especially an "anonymous" site is just idiotic


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f2b01d  No.14483320


>there is a reason you aren't seeing anything right now

I can imagine.

Would rather not, but I can imagine.

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af6433  No.14483321


come and take it

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a7587a  No.14483322

Not only do I blame the Bidan Admin, I also blame Congress(Suckmore/Bitch) and the House(Piglosi) for not recognizing the problem and fixing it…unless this is going by their plan and their plan "IS" to "DESTROY" the "UNITED STATES"…

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d7d8b0  No.14483323




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41a384  No.14483324


>All of you fucktards reconfiguring your host files are going to be in a world of hurt when the Nazi’s kick down your door and seize your computer that has 8kun hard coded in its system files SMDH

LOL. As if you aren't leaving trails yaself.

This is a underwater basketweaving forum. I like underwater basketweaving.

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af6433  No.14483325





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097f07  No.14483326

Notables for 18316-18320 are in 18321. Don't look comp'd…

>>14482358 (pb)

>>14482359 (pb)

>>14482361 (pb)

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d7d8b0  No.14483327


Thank you for heads up, anon.

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a68c8b  No.14483328

from some locked bread…

here's a tweet that Jordan Sather appears to have gotten deep sixed for


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8d62c8  No.14483329


That's what I'm reading. "Don't meme" is what I hear. The memes are destroying them [Cabal].

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f5970e  No.14483330


spreading information by changing your sys settings?

come on clown

just wait for the fix cunt

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13e4c8  No.14483331

I bet the NSA has the rarest Pepes. Probably even the ones you never finished or shit canned because you didn't think they were that good.

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41a384  No.14483332


You should educate yourself. Become better.

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af6433  No.14483333


some of us are a lot smarter then you

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09421a  No.14483334



>>14482457, >>14482495 Psaki and Obama since 2011, confirmed by FOIA, w pdf links

>>14482460 Ida headed to Port Fourchon - Oil and Gas to be affected

>>14482476 Ida might be strongest since 1850

>>14482480 Visual: Assange in Ecuador

>>14482491 Helicopters stacking in Houston for Ida

>>14482506 Jim Watkins opines on the frustrations of AI

>>14482510 US Embassy Alert page 404d for hours re: evac flights

>>14482526 Sleepy Joe slumps over in meeting with Israeli PM

>>14482537 Gold Star mom calls out the cheaters and Biden.

>>14482558 Soldiers trained in psychological warfare; placed interns at CNN and NPR

>>14482576 AZ Wendy Rogers has an 8 point plan to election integrity

>>14482618 Pentagon held talks last week with Chinese military

>>14482638 US Citizens should evacuate Kabul airport

>>14482652 Embedded video of HW Bush using term "deluded gunman" re: JFK's killer

>>14482679 Via NYPost: Veterans involved in Afghanistan rescues

>>14482716 A theory of multiple factions warring re: China meeting

>>14482897, >>14482913 Alex Berenson twatter suspended for questioning the vax - might be a challenge

>>14482982 Taiwan reports zero COVID cases

>>14483035 Video: Alduos Huxley on Controlling Humans (Anons really need to know their Huxley)

>>14483066 CMz via Seth Keshel: Audits are just fine

>>14483104 #18321

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cfa75c  No.14483335

File: 75e8281be4c7e42⋯.jpg (72.75 KB, 766x630, 383:315, 75e8281be4c7e426f98280e019….jpg)


>look how fast they locked it just to shut you down

There, fixed it for you.

But you're right. They locked the bread I boke right after I made the first post.

Couldn't even post the entire ebake dough…. not attributing any blame or fault, just wondering why, when all I did was trying to make a new bread for anons 'cause there was no baker. that's all.

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49c788  No.14483336

I knew I was on bread 18322! then poof i was somewhere else and 18322 was nowhere to be found…until now. Did that happen to anyone else? wtf kek more pot or no?

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f5970e  No.14483337

you have memes that should be used elsewhere besides ppl that see them every damn day

when the Kun goes down then what, stop memes?


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32b17b  No.14483338


Yea but at least my iPhone will be locked and I have someone ready to remote wipe it in case of an emergency…

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212b2e  No.14483339




>How To Edit Hosts File in Windows 10.

>Modifying your hosts file enables you to override the domain name system (DNS) for a domain on a specific machine. DNS management is useful when you want to test your site without the test link prior to going live with SSL, verify that an alias site works prior to DNS changes, and for other DNS-related reasons.

>Modifying your hosts file causes your local machine to look directly at the Internet Protocol (IP) address that you specify

You can confirm this independently by using a search engine lmao

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ca8a31  No.14483340


I also like underwater basketweaving.. that's why i''m here.

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9ff424  No.14483341

I can explain everything vax you are seeing

When you see people start covering their cars with political stickers, whatever side they belong to is the Gullibles. These people trust "leaders", join cults, and will be violent against and kill whoever the cult says are the enemy. 20 years ago this was our side. Now it's the left. Who do you see sticking stickers all over their cars today? Left or right?

In 1969-1972, our Gullibles got very into cults which sprang up everywhere. Mormonism also increased during this era. Every week, almost every night, the news announced that some cult leader and his wife, and their powerful upper team members, had induced the cult's sheep to ingest this or that substance, to do this or that other suicidal thing, and perform a mass die-off. You young have no idea how widespread this phenomenon was and how common it became. Literally every week a new cult, usually starting in Texas, Utah or California with a leader from the Midwest (think Manson and Ohio), ended violently with heaps of bodies discovered dead in remote places because their cult leader simply just fucking wanted lots of dead, and told them to ingest, drink or inject whatever substance. There was no logical reason. The leader just LIKED DEATH.

You are all trying to find and assign another reason. That's where you're wrong. It's illogical. There IS no other reason.

Fauci and his band simply LIKE DEATH.

In every last single case of these instances the cult leader was Silent Generation. These people are born authoritarians. They are also Gen X's parents. This is why we know them and their tactics extremely well, we were raised and cult hazed by them in the 60's-80's. Their favorite phrases: "My way or the highway." "Because The Bible/Jesus/Science says so." "Not in MY house it isn't." "Well, in THIS house, we…" "You will do as I say or be destroyed." "Anyone who disagrees with what I have just instructed you is evil/the enemy/out to kill you, trust only me."

Sound familiar? Now let's examine some dates. Silent Generation's birth period was generally 1925-1943. Examine these birthdates.

Charles Manson

November 12, 1934

Anthony Fauci

December 24, 1940

Klaus Schwab

March 30, 1938

Nancy Pelosi

March 26, 1940

Joseph Robinette Biden

November 20, 1942

I could add lots more names but our entire political system, both parties, our media and almost all major US corporations right now are headed by members of Silent Generation.


This is a group very prone to authoritarian, jack booted tendencies. They all consider themselves teachers and religious leaders with "something important to say to younger people". This is part of why all their songs in the Sixties expressed that and why during same decade and the Seventies many of them became religious figures, traveled to and from India hanging out with "gurus" and came back launching little cults of their own. If Fauci were not in a blue scrub, a suit, or a white lab coat HE ABSOLUTELY WOULD BE IN RELIGIOUS ROBES LIKE KLAUS SCHWAB ANNOUNCING EDICTS EXACTLY AS INSANE AND CONTROLLING FROM BEHIND A CHURCH PODIUM. Same sickness. Same Silent Gen lust for power. Same "I am a religious leader" air to him. Think about this.

As people grow old they become more obsessed with medicine. They hope to beat or cheat death and live forever. Baby Boomers share this same tendency. What we are being forced to live through is two ageing demographics who by rights should all be in cemeteries, living too long because Big Pharma, and who because of this worship Big Pharma, anxiously ruining everything in our younger lives out of their own lust for power. Notice how everything around this vaccine and virus now bears a certain religious tone to it, a sense of cult. This brings me to my central statement.

The 1970's began with cults and it ended with cults. 1969: Manson/Spahn Ranch. 1979: Jonestown.

You are being forced at near gunpoint to participate in an obscene worldwide death cult run by Silent Generation and its giddy Baby Boomer acolytes, and what you are seeing this morning is you, inside a Mormon-style church temple, backing towards the locked doors as the shiny-eyed devotees close in all around you with needles demanding to know why you refused to inject the Koolaid like Rev. Jim Fauci Jones instructed you.

Don't you want to be saved, anon?

Don't you want to see heaven?

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af6433  No.14483342

were going to hang the satanists

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d29b0d  No.14483343

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL

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09421a  No.14483344





All notables there.


Had two locked on anon as well.

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9ff424  No.14483345


It's 1969-1972 all over again, same generation behind it because they're on edge of death and senile thus obsessed with germs, fear, and mortality, and because they are in power and have been since 1950 and refuse to let go. Silent Gen are THE ENEMY, /POL/. I'm a Generation X-er and saw it and I was there. These bastards are our parents.

How long will we all let a bunch of totalitarian olds wreck our future to expand their cult? That's the question.



IF YOU ACCEPT THE INJECTION YOU WILL LIKELY DIE. The cleanup from this will be fucking incredible.

It's JONESTOWN, INCORPORATED you are all witnessing happening.

Thanks for reading.

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f2b01d  No.14483346

I have been here for almost two years now - I thought I'd seen it all.

But this is def a new panic we have yet to see before.

Imagine the Pepe weather report meme with nothing but PANIC coming your way, shills.


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41a384  No.14483347

File: b6cfb471d9be20c⋯.png (2.43 MB, 1407x2410, 1407:2410, obama_quads.png)

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d7d8b0  No.14483348


>you have memes that should be used elsewhere besides ppl that see them every damn day

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d53c71  No.14483349


I am waiting to hear his next line. This is amusing AF.

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364c15  No.14483350


great plan eigh

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375c68  No.14483351

File: ab8b6e160505f81⋯.jpg (94.96 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ab8b6e160505f8125c75767ce1….jpg)


BV you better start collecting the ones you like, 5 breads is a lot of work. Good luck

And your numbers are all wrong, again.

#18219 TBC

#18218 TBC

#18217 TBC

#18316 TBC

We are in the 18300's now not the 18200's

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ca8a31  No.14483352

File: d222c74cb02f978⋯.gif (3.41 MB, 540x305, 108:61, ezgif_com_gif_maker_15_.gif)


>some of us are a lot smarter then you

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09421a  No.14483353

File: 5882636e7c063cc⋯.png (16.44 KB, 255x235, 51:47, Hurricane_Pepe.png)


Storm's a brewin' here, too.

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f5970e  No.14483354










again sorry for red text

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b7b635  No.14483355

15 Million Mail Ballots Unaccounted For in 2020 Election

“This is not data that we are speculating about,” he added. “This is federal data, and that’s where we get the 15 million number. Fifteen million ballots were sent in the mail last year that never ever came back and were counted” (emphasis added).

“A lot of states didn’t give the data [to the Election Assistance Commission]. … They’re not required to. … This is all voluntary, so a lot of states never reported the number of screwups they made, how many ballots disappeared, how many ballots were rejected that came back in the mail. So the number is per se higher than 15 million,” Adams added."


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a00ee3  No.14483356

File: d27f9f6925cb238⋯.jpg (174.69 KB, 794x554, 397:277, HEDGE_HOG.jpg)

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3187ca  No.14483357


Sucks to be (you) faggots!

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af6433  No.14483358


do you have the 7 layers of the osi

lets name them in order go


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212b2e  No.14483359


He doesn't like death, he likes money and pussy like all the others. Doesn't like having his blackmail tapes released.

Doesn't care if you live or die.

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ca8a31  No.14483360


I sense panic bigly

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13e4c8  No.14483362


>this is def a new panic we have yet to see before

In general or here? kek

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09421a  No.14483363


>>14481447 RFK's son and Fox News correspondent Douglas Kennedy explains why he believes his father's murderer should be granted parole by California Gov. Gavin Newsom. #FoxNews


>>14481639 Statement by President Joe Biden on the Evacuation Mission in Kabul,( he trying to copy trump)

>>14481666, >>14481727, '''The US Establishment and Al Qaeda"', spokemanbooks.com (evil trips confirm notable)

>>14481814 THE FIVE STAGES OF GRIEF - THE GREAT AWAKENING, self post for newbies.

>>14481870, >>14481876 moar on regeneron, pdf cures


>>14482183 #18319: Sword of Truth Edition Anonymous

>>14482222 Three Days Left: U.S. Embassy’s Website Alert Page Down, Give, breitbart, plus digiits confirm desert storm 2.0

>>14482332 #18320


>>14478278 Flynn saying that Afghanistan is the geographic lynchpin, rumble video comment from highest rank anons flynn

>>14480666 An Entire Desert Town That Once Served as the Backdrop for ‘Airwolf’ Just Sold for $6.25 Million, yahoo, evil trips confirm

>>14480668 Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller comment on supporting trump.

>>14480677 get preceptive, we are only at the fourth level boss in this game, self notable, military/pharma complex stage level

>>14480678 The New Witch Hunt: Dem Jan 6 Committee Demands Data From 15 Social Media Companies, gwp (hunt for red october signal, personal quote)

>>14480682 Teen mental health hospitalizations rise by 57% during lockdowns in Victoria – state report , russian news.

>>14480684 2 Dead In Japan After Receiving Moderna Jabs From Contaminated Batches, zero hedge

>>14480701 ‘Tell them ISIS is hosting Parler’: Amazon pulls plug on jihadist propaganda app run through its servers russian new

>>14480734 Former child star Matthew Mindler, 19, found dead after being reported missing - pagesix news

>>14480740, >>14480799 Rep. Gosar Demands Answers from State Dept Following National Pulse Afghan Exfiltration Exposé., inculding summary, national pulse

>>14480848 Anonymous donor from 'out of town' pays for funerals of ALL 20 Tennessee flash flooding victims who included seven-month old twins and a 16-year-old - domigood

>>14480853 Former Colorado daycare owner and employee are found guilty of child abuse after hiding 26 toddlers in a basement behind a FALSE WALL - station gossib.(i know, but looks worth)

>>14480860 Removal of our historic Columbus statue in Syracuse NY, is being replaced with generic Heritage Park, anon post

>>14480899, >>14480921 slimy lawyers attacking trump and his lawyers trying to disbar them from practicing, The Judicial arm of the deep state - the hill (trash left wing mouthpiece)

>>14480928 Granholm Chartered Military Jet to Ukraine as US Struggled To Evacuate Americans From Afghanistan - freebeacon

>>14480934 rumble video of mother of fallen marine calls biden a dementia ridden piece of crap.

>>14480966 CALIFORNIA COULD BE FIRST TO MANDATE VAX, california globe

>>14480997,>>14481001, >>14481004, >>14481008, >>14481013, >>14481016,

VANGUARD Ben Fulford (no seriously he could be right, right) parts 1 to 5

>>14481036 Oldfag here. I can explain everything vax you are seeing , 4chan thread

>>14481070 Dr. Meryl Nass. You cannot be forced to get the Covid vaccine. Here is the way out. blogspot

>>14481107 Airbnb Opens Up Housing for 20,000 Afghan Refugees Globally, Hosts Can Sign Up for the Programme, techcodex


a complete how to?

>>14481186 China supply issues could cause empty shelves across Australia by Christmas, news.com

>>14481196 Where There Is No Doctor: A Village Health Care Handbook (October 2011)

free download - backdoor survival, (kek i know, but helpful)

>>14481252 Navy surgeon Reveals More Soldiers have died from the Vaccine than died from COVID." gekko twat

>>14481331 CNN Reporter Says Taliban Members Who Chant ‘Death To America’ Seem ‘Friendly At The Same Time, kek

>>14482183 #18319 Posted in #18320

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41a384  No.14483364



>Yea but at least my iPhone will be locked and I have someone ready to remote wipe it in case of an emergency…

Get a better phone. Or don't use the personal tracker.

The best way is to set up your own DNS server so that you're in control of what it passes from the could and what you know (by verification) are the proper addresses.

This is one of the suggestions for the iPhone.

The iPhone isn't configurable with system files - they don't want the under-informed messing around with them. So basically, you're cucked if you have an iPhone.

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e7ad81  No.14483365

>No more images

Fucking based.

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375c68  No.14483366


NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements



>>14478222 Jan. 6 select committee now demands a massive tranche of records from social media companies

>>14478231 Flynn with Bannon

>>14478266 Up to 100 Afghan evacuees are on terror watch lists

>>14478273 St. Croix County, WI, would be an ideal target for a conservative county audit in WI, since Milwaukee, Dane, and Rock would give so much resistance

>>14478276 Top 100 counties we must secure Full Forensic Audits in in order to trust or restore the integrity of our election system

>>14478304, >>14478300 Gen Flynn: Eric Clapton song appropriate for the times we live in

>>14478325, >>14478328, >>14478334, >>14478339 ‘Resign Or Face Impeachment’: Lawmakers Call For Biden’s Ouster In Wake Of Afghanistan Disaster

>>14478364, >>14478345, >>14478956 Natural Immunity 13x More Effective Than Vaccines At Stopping Delta

>>14478347 MSNBC thinks this is the most important story of the day Lin Wood & Sidney Powell are not Trump’s lawyers

>>14478390 Who is E. Saether? Why is he doing Cryogenics at NASA in Langley, Virginia? Weird.

>>14478399 Unvaxxed Australians prevented from buying food from grocery stores

>>14478421, >>14478596, >>14478433, >>14478449 New South Wales in Australia. You are allowed to go out for ONE HOUR….But only if you’re double jabbed!!!

>>14478451, >>14478465 He tried to warn us a decade ago, They locked him up Assange

>>14478471 Paratroopers from @PantherBrigade search caves found during a Sensitive Site Exploration mission and load a UH-60 Blackhawk afterward.

>>14478525 McCarthy Calls On Pelosi To Call Congress Back Into Session

>>14478593 Biden Gives Taliban List Of Americans Who Needed To Enter Airport

>>14478572 US military are pissing off their people and this Lieutenant Colonel is just the start

>>14478628 Covid stories. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT

>>14478672 Cardinals Turn Around Mid-Flight as Saints Game Canceled Ahead of Hurricane Ida Arizona, comms?

>>14478678 MSM implied that 901 Florida residents died of COVID in a single day, it was eight

>>14478696 Tommy

>>14478767 Update on Wisconsin Election Investigation by Speaker Vos

>>14478773, >>14479037 8kun Image Viewer 0.1 So for the rest of you, if you don't, won't or can't play with your DNS settings, and have basic tech skills, here is a python script to view selected images

>>14478819 Vial Contents - All 4 Companies Revealed:

>>14478880 PhD Cellular Biologist: Why Segregate 70% Of African Americans For A Vaccine That Does Not Work

>>14478894 CDC Counts Those who Die within 14 Days of a Covid Jab as Unvaccinated

>>14478954 Remember: Our Enemy Is Not Each Other..It Is The "Military Industrial Complex" ..The "New World Order" Which Both Jfk And Ike Warned Us About.

>>14478984 Are we alone? No Highest Classification (Wouldn’t be needed if we were alone)

>>14478985 April 2017 Trump Admin dropped MOAB on ISIS

>>14479045 #18316

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4e1cdf  No.14483367


The kun has been through a lot through the years

Including attacks on the image server

Never once have I changed my shit

Overcome the urge for instant gratification

That's how they gitcha

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935db4  No.14483368

File: 438f8cb58dca5e2⋯.png (335.76 KB, 640x480, 4:3, The_Last_One.png)


Clowns with boxes on their foreheads sucking goat horns

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a00ee3  No.14483369




ß???ß ÿ

ß????ß?ß?? ÿÜÜß










ß?? MR PIG ???????ß





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49c788  No.14483370



ya, not doin' anything someone tells me to do. Fistpum,p.jpg

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b7b635  No.14483371

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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09421a  No.14483372


>>14479875 Patriot nurse on fire. Rogue gov't, no one is going to parachute down and save us, Youtube karen panicking now.

>>14479926 7 Major Biden Disasters in 7 Months, brietbart

>>14479933 More Republicans Join Calls for Impeaching Biden After Kabul Massacre, trending politics

>>14479992 Pope replaces Australian bishop in alleged misconduct probe, yahoo

>>14480085 Eviction moratorium slapped down:breitbart

>>14480323 University of Pittsburgh Admits To Harvesting Organs From LIVING Babies Who Survived Abortions And Getting FEDERAL Funds For It, sarasota news

>>14480295, >>14480358 The Galileo Project for the Systematic Scientific Search for Evidence of Extraterrestrial Technological Artifacts, video and article from project.iq.harvard, (will go back and look at this later)

>>14480378 Dr. Paul E. Alexander , stew peters interview. rumble video

>>14480393 HUNDREDS OF PATRIOTS Turn Out in Wentzville, MO with 9 Hour Notice to Honor LCpl. Jared Schmitz Killed in Kabul Bombing , gab

>>14480434 We’ve produced some preparedness advice for Mandarin speakers in the path of Hurricane #Ida, fema twat

>>14480441 chinese Mother Sells Her Baby To Medical Firm; What Kabul Bombing Means To The US's Future In Afghan, youtube

>>14480487 The U.S. Intelligence Report on the Origin of COVID-19 Looks “Preordained” and “Mirrors Many of the the Talking points of the CCP” gwp

>>14480499 Biden Regime Now Aiding and Abetting Our Worst Enemies, video and article gwp

>>14480500 Official Complaint Filed with UN Human Rights Committee Over Mistreatment of Jan. 6 Prisoners, gwp

>>14480511 Chicago Mother: Judge Took Away My Parental Rights For Not Getting COVID Vaccine, gwp

>>14481742 #18318 Posted in #18320

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c63599  No.14483373


pefer taking of the pot watch water pipe

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44fe40  No.14483374

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


All for a larp? Q hasn't posted since 12.08.20 and yet this site still draws a lot of shill attention. Must be something going on.

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d53c71  No.14483375

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212b2e  No.14483376


stop gaslighting rabbi

you can easily confirm this >>14483339 with a search or two

>why edit hosts file w10

>what does it do

>changing host file to override dns

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41a384  No.14483377


Do what you want, fag. Or learn a thing or two instead of just waving the white flag.

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09421a  No.14483378


You call this winning, pig?

No. Not at all.

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af6433  No.14483379

the clowns are the ones fearful now

ohh how the tides have turned

PHIZER, monday is coming

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cfa75c  No.14483380

File: 8d40a59448d28ea⋯.png (750.97 KB, 840x710, 84:71, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 78f1b9c5d15d6ec⋯.jpeg (130.65 KB, 828x781, 828:781, 78f1b9c5d15d6ec649a5004f8….jpeg)

>8kun with their current BO/BVs

Still comfy, fuckers!

(pics relate)

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f2b01d  No.14483381


In general, for sure too.

The world is crazy right now.

what a timeline.

Oh, reminds me… I opened a new tab this AM for work and happened to glance down at the "news" for the browser page - Main article headline was - TEN MANDELA EFFECT EXAMPLES.

They are pushing timeline shift now in the MSM.

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212b2e  No.14483382


based Gary.

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83b3bb  No.14483383

File: ee3a32c0b6719c2⋯.png (15.67 KB, 656x213, 656:213, tide_turning.png)





Aug 27

Denmark is removing all covid restrictions.

Australia is building quarantine camps.

Why the difference?PeterSweden


I'm Peter Imanuelsen | Swedish journalist | Political commentator | Supporter of freedom, kindness and liberty |

Møre og Romsdal, Norwaypetersweden.comBorn September 27Joined March 2016

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a00ee3  No.14483384

File: 8639c81101a1342⋯.jpg (203.73 KB, 791x443, 791:443, HEDGE_PIG.jpg)



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97e3d8  No.14483385


>>> Cybercommand Psycological Operations Divison has joined the Chat <<<

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991968  No.14483386

File: db25391d30ee688⋯.png (137.17 KB, 535x581, 535:581, Screenshot_2021_08_28_at_2….png)



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13e4c8  No.14483387


>The kun has been through a lot through the years

Like describing a trusty boat in dry dock.

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935db4  No.14483388

File: 14d32c94d424fa7⋯.png (830.23 KB, 1024x672, 32:21, THISTIME_U_LOSE.png)


we edit our host file

because we can,

not because it is hard,

but because it is easy

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31fc7f  No.14483391


Jews just doing their usual.



Are you going to fix this? Or do I need to step in?

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c63599  No.14483392


seent image nigger it

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32b17b  No.14483393


>So basically, you're cucked if you have an iPhone.

I don’t know about you but I’m here for the underwater basket weaving classes…

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f5970e  No.14483394



how many of us "anons" have fell for the attacks and got that instant gratification and have been "suicided" or been in "accidents"




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49c788  No.14483395


How are the camps being built in Australia and the Australians are protesting in the biggest numbers ever? Who are you trying to fool?

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f2b01d  No.14483396


I was a newfag the last time I remember the image server gong down. Lasted about two days, I think.

Eh, it'll come back up eventually.

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f85529  No.14483397



now do bill gates

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09421a  No.14483398


Not the baker. Just had the old bread open and was able to catch the old dough.

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18ed70  No.14483399

Hearing from various people on twitter that NATO has ordered all evacuations to stop in Kabul

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e7ad81  No.14483400



Please sir, keep your voice down this is a Mongolian boat making forum.

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375c68  No.14483401

File: 31ad379bd6a4cc0⋯.png (110.66 KB, 285x291, 95:97, 4a0158e797feaa65317f94b90f….png)



Quads check

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af6433  No.14483402

call during market hours

phizer call center


phizer corporate office

212) 733-2323

call and remind them that selling poison is not goo for stock profits. warn the call center employees to sell their stock before it falls. this is only the beginning. spreads like wildfire. causes bigwigs brains to explode weather to sell. join in on the fun.

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212b2e  No.14483403


it's easy and anyone can look up what it is and what it does.


no ones gonna cast a voodoo spell our your computer if you override dns

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935db4  No.14483405

File: f8b087a9e729526⋯.png (504.39 KB, 825x672, 275:224, GW_WTF.png)


I edit my host file because Ihave eye and want to see images

# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.


# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.


# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each

# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should

# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.

# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one

# space.


# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual

# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.


# For example:


# rhino.acme.com # source server

# x.acme.com # x client host

# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.

# localhost

# ::1 localhost media.8kun.top media.8kun.top media.8kun.top media.8kun.top media.8kun.top

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49c788  No.14483406


>"suicided" or been in "accidents"

talk about gratification…fuck off demon

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09421a  No.14483407

File: e5f1880b7693ed0⋯.jpg (26.89 KB, 255x255, 1:1, confused_pepe.jpg)

Logically, how does someone who wants this place to fail have so much control?

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1f10a1  No.14483408

File: 1a0c92be450a4b7⋯.jpg (186.01 KB, 860x608, 215:152, SCORCHED_EARTH.jpg)

I like analogies and parables… you can relate good thought's across all platforms if done right.

Here's one to ponder…lol.

Cruising along in a big arsed jumbo, having a holiday… as I'm watching out the window, I see the pilot bail out… he's wearing a chute, so I;m not too stressed as to his safety, but wondering about mine.

The flight continues… so the co-pilot has got his shit together… ok…. cool.

Then I see another body flying past the window with a chute on…. and that one looked like he's got a co-pilots uniform on…….Hmmmmm….. that looks a bit dodgy…. as I look up the isle towards the pilots door.

Plane is still flying straight and not going into a death spiral…… hmmmm….. ok….. auto pilot is working, that's a good sign…… but I wonder what the fuck is going on in that cockpit….. hopefully the navigator has his shit together and is on that radio to the tower, getting all the necessary instructions to land this bird.

Still not stressed too much, but wondering if I should offer assistance up front in any way, because there's a lot of buttons, switches, levers and controls of all sorts to fiddle with….. for a nice smooth landing.

Thennnnnnnnnn,..oh fuck… was that the navigator bailing out as well???…. what the fuck???………….I'm not sure that anyone is piloting this baby anymore…… hmmmm….. best go have a look.

Sooooooooo…. knowing that the door will be heavily barricaded and strengthened to keep the likes of me or any "terrorist" from getting in….. I look through the rows of passengers, as I'm running up the isle….. spot the most useless out of the lot ( yes Narco, I finally found a use for you ), grab him and use his head as a battering ram….. fortunately it's as thick as a brick and easily broke down the door.

Now here we are… cockpit is empty… planes on auto pilot and that pilot seat looks mighty comfy…..ahhhhhhh….it is……lol.

I've yet to find anything mechanical that I cant use as though it's an extension of my body… so I recon my hands on the wheel,are as good as anyone's.

BUT… here we have a problem… flying this sucker is easy and getting fucking boring…… at some point there needs to be some very SIMPLE directions….OR…. confirmation that the information given by shills (God damn terrorists…lol) is correct.

I know all 3 had parachutes on… so those fuckers are down there somewhere and can EASILY send a message as to direction to take.

Just so I can program the heading into console, plot course…… and stop circling the drain, watching fuel burn.

Did that message get across?… A simple yes/no on shills advice……

yeah….. I could have just asked that…. but meh…lol.

tickitty toc

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44a8ae  No.14483410

So where do we go when this place goes tits-up?

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54b9d4  No.14483411

The CIA as organized crime :

how illegal operations corrupt America and the world / by Douglas Valentine.

Chapter 1:

'''How William Colby Gave Me the Keys to the CIA


Chapter 2:

'''One Thing Leads to Another: My Rare Access in

Investigating the War on Drugs'''



Chapter 3:

The Vietna m War’s Silver Lining: A Bureaucratic

Model for Population Control Emerges

Chapter 4:

The System atic Gathering of Intelligence

Chapter 5:

What We R eally Learned From Vietnam: A War

Crimes Model for Afghanistan and Elsewhere

Chapter 6:

The Afghan ‘Dirty War’ Escalates

Chapter 7:

Vietnam Re play on Afghan Defectors

Chapter 8:

Disrupting the Accommodation: CIA Killings Spell

Victory in Afghanistan and Defeat in America

Chapter 9:

The CIA in Ukraine

Chapter 10:

War Crimes as Policy

Chapter 11:

New Games , Same Aims: CIA Organizational Changes



Chapter 12:

Creating a C rime: How the CIA Commandeered the

Drug Enforcement Administration

Chapter 13:

Beyond Dirt y Wars: The CIA/DEA Connection and

Modern Day Terror in Latin America

Chapter 14:

Project Gunrunner



Chapter 15:

The Spook W ho Became a Congressman: Why CIA

Officers Cannot Be Allowed to Hold Public Office

Chapter 16:

Major Gener al Bruce Lawlor: From CIA Officer in

Vietnam to Homeland Security Honcho

Chapter 17:

Homeland S ecurity: The Phoenix Comes Home to Roost




Chapter 18:

Fragging Bob Kerrey: The CIA and

the Need for a War Crimes Tribunal

Chapter 19:

Top Secret A merica Shadow Reward System

Chapter 20:

How the Government Tries to Mess with Your Mind

Chapter 21:

Disguising Obama’s Dirty War

Chapter 22:

Parallels of Conquest, Past and Present

Chapter 23:

Propaganda as Terrorism

Chapter 24:

The War on Terror as the Greatest Covert Op Ever


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13e4c8  No.14483412


In general is next level right now. Here it's a 4/10. kek

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a00ee3  No.14483413

File: 18859d20ceba64d⋯.jpg (87.68 KB, 487x487, 1:1, SAUCE.jpg)

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ca8a31  No.14483414

File: b7fad121388db5a⋯.jpg (22.47 KB, 500x437, 500:437, b7fad121388db5a654c9e9b81b….jpg)

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d29b0d  No.14483415

If you thought that the CIA was a problem

Wait until you learn aboutUNIT 8200

The elite of the elite who infiltrate and control everything including the CIA

Watch The Water

It begins with a trickle (Kalay network)

Grows to a stream

Then becomes a torrent

And finally a flood that nobody can ignore


Offshore Leaks (2013)

Bahamas Leaks (2016)

Panama Papers (2016)

Paradise Papers (2017 & 2018)

And let's not forget the actions of the U.S. Treasury


By Julian Assange

Conspiracy As Governance


Military industrial complex


Unit 8200

The Cabal

Next URL takes you to aMap of Global Corruptionwith names you can search on and links to more info. This Map is continually being updated and right now, info onUnit 8200is being added.


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83b3bb  No.14483417


https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2021/08/26/australia-has-begun-building-covid-concentration-camps-n2594763 https://en-volve.com/2021/08/27/australia-is-building-first-covid-quarantine-internment-camp-to-segregate-population-and-keep-delta-variant-out/ There's 2 do you own research for more

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09421a  No.14483418


Home. We go home anon.

Forget this even happened.

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03da28  No.14483419

File: 526a8ea0a683a9a⋯.jpg (74.36 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, FromMyColdDeadKeyboard.jpg)

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cfa75c  No.14483420

File: 5b1559cf8a11934⋯.jpg (25.92 KB, 553x401, 553:401, 5b1559cf8a11934e4658705b58….jpg)


>not because it is hard,

>but because it is easy


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f2b01d  No.14483421



Just FYI to the lurkers - this is a shill.

Goyim? Come on, Clown.

Try harder.

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212b2e  No.14483423


this is the meetup spot though

already new boards /mnr/ and /qrb/ but this is where anons gather

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f5970e  No.14483424

Last word



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44a8ae  No.14483425



We need a new camp. This one has become infested with vermin.

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f2b01d  No.14483427


Go start a fucking board, shill.

No one is stopping you.

It's a free Kun.

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212b2e  No.14483428


nice try shill

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49c788  No.14483429



I'd screen shot…but…ya….

It's scary huge

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097f07  No.14483430


Has anyone tracked down where these "other" IP addresses got injected into the breads? And where they came from? Seems phishy.

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18ed70  No.14483431

Fuck your manufacturing consensus, fucking clowns

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c63599  No.14483433



austrailia runned by dumb white niggers who hump crocidiles matey

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13e4c8  No.14483434


Dead drops. Courier Pigeons. Graffiti. Small planes with banners. Mail in ballots.

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09421a  No.14483435




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af6433  No.14483436

the kazars are getting masacred

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375c68  No.14483437

File: 65882967a685731⋯.png (777.05 KB, 1080x934, 540:467, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 365e204c9740a0b⋯.png (174 KB, 434x555, 434:555, ClipboardImage.png)


Why won’t the State Department help US citizens at the Kabul airport?




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1a5c61  No.14483438


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f2b01d  No.14483439



Note to Lurkers.

This too, is a shill.

Eat a foreskin?


Come on, Clown.

Try harder.

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af6433  No.14483440

try harder clowns

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18ed70  No.14483441


fuck off

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212b2e  No.14483442

File: 9ddf5c7b70a98a7⋯.jpg (39.02 KB, 565x830, 113:166, 1604820837384.jpg)

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09421a  No.14483444


Guess what shill?

Watkins hasn't approved a new board on 8kun in an eternity.

Go play at Reddit.

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28fe7d  No.14483445



Just do it, take the shot, change your shit, others are so confident its safe that they're telling you to do what they did otherwise "you're stupid"

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49c788  No.14483446


Have you checked out the locations for yourself? Perhaps YOU are being fooled!

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97e3d8  No.14483447



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991968  No.14483448

File: ffe4aefe3033f23⋯.png (116.17 KB, 478x667, 478:667, Screenshot_2021_08_28_at_2….png)




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c63599  No.14483449


because the taliban paid pops moar for them , then the Americans left behind were willing or had the money to pay psucki

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cfa75c  No.14483450

File: 3d7f4340efdc58c⋯.jpg (241.52 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 3d7f4340efdc58cc31baac083b….jpg)


Last time when this one didn't work, tbh, I created /qrbunker/ on endchan.

has a new owner now, so nothing to do with me anymore.

Probably still better than gerbil's /qanonresearch/ on endchan…..

Just saying 'cause I wouldn't know any better place.

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af6433  No.14483451

File: a1ebd69520977b5⋯.png (37.52 KB, 108x181, 108:181, Screen_Shot_2021_08_27_at_….png)

ded clown

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f2b01d  No.14483452



Note to Lurkers.

This is a shill.

Come on, Clown.

You can do better than that!

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d29b0d  No.14483453

File: 762e0be52e9acf9⋯.jpg (44.58 KB, 720x480, 3:2, 5DancingIsraelisArrestedOn….jpg)

File: 5a056081f9ce083⋯.jpg (80.19 KB, 900x675, 4:3, IMG_20210817_164817_412.jpg)

File: 97bf025177d1183⋯.jpg (49.32 KB, 1280x576, 20:9, IMG_20210817_165534_008.jpg)

My dear friends,

I just wanted to take a moment to express my sincerest gratitude to each of you who are truly seeking truth and wisdom and love. We are all family, we are all one human race. My wish and my drive is to instill upon you encouragement that the best is truly yet to come.

Together, we have weathered storm after storm, together we have endured, together we are still standing… and tomorrow we shall remain.

Upon our journey, we have overcome what most would consider "insurmountable" challenges and "impossible" feats. Tomorrow will be no different. Yes, there will be highs and there will be lows and that is WHY together throughout our struggles we will continue to strengthen the unbreakable bonds between us.

We are a nation of FAITH in GOD, whose kingdom will have no end, and it is that FAITH that drives us to seek the light, to seek out the TRUTH and it is LOVE that will unite us. Keep that in mind as we seek to enlighten those who are unwittingly enslaved by the machinations of the rulling ellite.

At the same time my friends (and make no mistake) the enemy's grip is getting tighter and their sole focus is on End-Game.

Remember, they live in fear, lack, doubt and limitation. That is WHY they are so desperate to control you, because they fear you, because they fear the light. That is WHY they crawl in darkness and scheme to destroy you. Just remember… the devil always overplays his hand.

It is YOU who is intended to tend to the garden and together my friends we will choose to pull the weeds with definiteness of purpose and together we will see it clean and green again.

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935db4  No.14483455

File: 43ee9aff3d65a44⋯.png (176.21 KB, 613x630, 613:630, Clown.png)


and then you go to hardware store and buy mouse poison meme baits

then you throw them all around the attic

then you see clearly and rest quietly

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c63599  No.14483456


oh all us anons at Disneyland, at the same time…, wut could go wrong

free beer

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a00ee3  No.14483457

America Winning














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af6433  No.14483458

File: 21a02c71d1e6864⋯.png (172.96 KB, 271x668, 271:668, Screen_Shot_2021_08_25_at_….png)

soon to be dead clown

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69cbfe  No.14483459

Could start a QR AOL chat room kek

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af6433  No.14483460

File: 4f7c8b5304fb2e7⋯.png (154.71 KB, 227x300, 227:300, Screen_Shot_2021_08_27_at_….png)

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364c15  No.14483461

if we are watching the plan

its a shit plan

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375c68  No.14483462

File: ff8fbf7345d239d⋯.png (105.58 KB, 706x738, 353:369, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c2b085413dab25e⋯.png (152.4 KB, 661x783, 661:783, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 952b42347cab76b⋯.png (215.94 KB, 639x876, 213:292, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd23dd46ff82ee3⋯.png (328.28 KB, 617x807, 617:807, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d52ed3d844e3525⋯.png (141.43 KB, 697x660, 697:660, ClipboardImage.png)

Seth Keshel, [28.08.21 22:34]

I’m not sure why this just came to mind, since Elizabeth Warren is all but out of the public eye and national conversation…

But does anyone else remember that time Trump goaded her into releasing her ancestry, and she came out…

Whiter than the average white person?

One of the master troll jobs of all time.


Seth Keshel, [28.08.21 23:37]

See document below.

I am coming hard after NC in September. Read this analysis by the NC Election Integrity Committee. I’m in the middle.

Will be in NC mid-September for two dates.

Like those linebackers who crunch the QB when they mic up the players: “Gonna be here all day. All day!”


Seth Keshel, [28.08.21 23:37]

File :NC_Elections_Research_Summary.pdf

19 pages


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ba5235  No.14483463

Not sure if any real anons are on here at the moment, but I want to draw your attention to this article on Lew Rockwell


OK I am one of the extreme skeptics when it comes to jumping to conclusions on this vax. Because I've trained myself not to jump to conclusions on anything. My position is all the claims about it being 'gene altering' are just reactionary until proven. Yeah there are a lot of people dying from clots and whatnot, but that didn't prove to me that it was a gene-altering bioweapon. It could still be intentional and deadly without being a gene weapon.

But this article….

It is written by a Russian doctor claiming experience in Russian bio-weapons research & testing. He claims the mRNA tech goes back 40 years and was developed by the Soviets specifically as a weapon delivery platform. If he checks out, then the balance of the argument has just been shifted.

This paints a picture of a global elite who not only wanted to kill us in secret, but employed a military technology from the bad old days of the cold war as a means to do so. The tech may have been originally developed to be delivered by a missile….bu the the MASTER STROKE was using vaccines as the delivery system. Which the public has become accustomed to trusting over the years (well the sheep have anyway).

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3d7487  No.14483464

File: 09d02ae5c54d86f⋯.jpeg (13 KB, 255x245, 51:49, 09d02ae5c54d86ffb917b0ef8….jpeg)

File: 8e325426769e32d⋯.jpeg (60.78 KB, 572x472, 143:118, 8e325426769e32d551ef5efc9….jpeg)

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f2b01d  No.14483465



Start a new board bakers!



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09421a  No.14483466

File: 7683b6cb516bc93⋯.jpg (170.18 KB, 599x548, 599:548, Dank.jpg)

So here's all anon can say:

Took the bake a few hours ago with a good heart and clear intentions.

Had two bakes locked and deleted.

Was banned. (1 down. 99 to go.)

Truly, no answer for what's habbening here.

Heart hurts.

No warrior. Retreat is fine and dandy.

Mañana, y'all.

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d29b0d  No.14483467

🔴Those who voted for President Trump but gave up on him, will deeply regret it. Go ahead and bookmark this. Take a picture. Write it on your refrigerator. The scope of things to come is astounding. All great things. Power back to we the people.



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31fc7f  No.14483468


Jews really have infested this place. There's no doubt about that.

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41a384  No.14483469

File: 90b4a0da82d4f01⋯.png (658.74 KB, 1330x819, 190:117, its_about_profits.png)

File: 049cd8f3af699f6⋯.png (589.3 KB, 769x760, 769:760, 5monthboosters.png)


>selling poison is not goo for stock profits

But it is. Enjoy your 5 month booster.

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1a5c61  No.14483470


What should scare you is 8-Bit and CM bailed and left FlapJack and his clown crew in charge of the asylum. If so this place has been comp'd since 8ch 2018.

The jew hate flows from them and with their active of tacit support.

They are now desperate enough to delete threads which is true clown behavior - can't cope? Delete the scary information.

Let me guess... Maricopa coming? Paymasters need 'concrete' action.

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a00ee3  No.14483471




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a68c8b  No.14483472

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


And I proceeded to tell him the story of

Alice's Restaurant Massacre

With full orchestration and five-part harmony

And stuff like that and all the phenome…

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32b17b  No.14483473

Jim just posted this on Telegram

Congratulations America. You have become more aware than ever of daily incidents in every town, city and state across the Union where an enemy-infested local, state or federal government is actively attacking our freedoms and way of life.

You have been awakened to the scale of this infiltration, where it came from, and what its end goal is.

Once operating freely in the shadows as we consumed TV dinners in front of back-to-back episodes of Friends, now the enemy slithers in plain view, completely exposed in the brilliant glow of a thousand points of light.

Fellow citizens, with your focus and attention on what these traitors are doing each day around the country, and by raising your voice wherever it may touch ears, you are actively participating in a new Revolutionary war effort currently underway to defeat and overthrow a hideous, transnational and multigenerational empire of death that has been destroying our world for over a century, on a demon horse of communism.

You are going to win because you have a force behind you of a hundred million angry patriots who just woke up and remembered how much they loved Old Glory.



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49c788  No.14483474


>My dear friends

Never, ever show your face here again Satan the beloweth, get beyond our humanity.

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375c68  No.14483475

File: 6336cee597e031d⋯.png (44.6 KB, 461x549, 461:549, ClipboardImage.png)

Jim Watkins, Forwarded from We The Media (Joe M)

Congratulations America. You have become more aware than ever of daily incidents in every town, city and state across the Union where an enemy-infested local, state or federal government is actively attacking our freedoms and way of life.

You have been awakened to the scale of this infiltration, where it came from, and what its end goal is.

Once operating freely in the shadows as we consumed TV dinners in front of back-to-back episodes of Friends, now the enemy slithers in plain view,completely exposed in the brilliant glow of a thousand points of light.

Fellow citizens, with your focus and attention on what these traitors are doing each day around the country, and by raising your voice wherever it may touch ears, you are actively participating in a new Revolutionary war effort currently underway to defeat and overthrow a hideous, transnational and multigenerational empire of death that has been destroying our world for over a century, on a demon horse of communism.

You are going to win because you have a force behind you of a hundred million angry patriots who just woke up and remembered how much they loved Old Glory.



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83b3bb  No.14483476


Damn Mr Pig Shills out in full force tonight PANIC!! Means we winning!

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212b2e  No.14483477



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ca8a31  No.14483479

File: 38268c3bda3b759⋯.jpg (58.17 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 5l2c73.jpg)



I love it!

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af6433  No.14483480


kek, logic of a retard.

the shot is what no one is taking. it doesnt matter what u call it

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375c68  No.14483481

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42f921  No.14483482


>Midnight Riders

>Endchan QR 1

>Endchan QR 2

>Endchan QR 3







>Start a new board, bakers!


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3187ca  No.14483483

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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8d62c8  No.14483484


The infiltration is right here on Q Research Jim.

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09421a  No.14483485


Watkins won't approve new boards on 8kun, but anons are welcome to try.

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41a384  No.14483486


>So where do we go when this place goes tits-up?

The only reason we're left running is that we offer an amazing amount of insight as to whether their mind-control programs are working. They need the feedback loop.

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375c68  No.14483487

File: c88fb95f7352cf7⋯.png (310.64 KB, 702x480, 117:80, 5ccf89c2bbb15de55621d92205….png)


Fuck off

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af6433  No.14483488



apple pectin


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f2b01d  No.14483489


There's always half-chan.


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42f921  No.14483491

File: 78d8c17ce8ad9f3⋯.png (31.75 KB, 998x191, 998:191, drunkbit.PNG)

File: 2d09ec51c775e54⋯.jpg (46.8 KB, 891x280, 891:280, 2d09ec51c775e54ad7a87f2e6e….jpg)


>What should scare you is 8-Bit and CM bailed and left FlapJack and his clown crew in charge of the asylum.

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49c788  No.14483492


Confirmed. o7 Go forth and do battle.

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f737ce  No.14483493

File: e84d592997c1feb⋯.png (859.62 KB, 1919x1015, 1919:1015, ClipboardImage.png)



Getting closer. Look at Mobile Bay right now. Kek. PF bets it is quite the sight looking off to the southern sky.

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1a5c61  No.14483495

File: 67f9aae594441fc⋯.png (10.6 KB, 422x168, 211:84, MedMatt2.png)





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ca8a31  No.14483496


Anons are fearless!! We love our country and will never abandon our post!

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a00ee3  No.14483497

File: 4d07c7c12a9fd14⋯.jpg (144.96 KB, 746x518, 373:259, ONWARD_NO_FEAR.jpg)




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09421a  No.14483498



So fix this place maybe?

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d29b0d  No.14483499

I grew up in the 70s/80s before the social media revolution. People now are so zoned out on their devices and 24/7 info overload, critical thinking is a lost art. People need to disengage from technology for a while. Look around, use yr mind. You might be surprised how much more clearly you perceive the world.

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375c68  No.14483500

File: ded573e79e56032⋯.png (134.34 KB, 520x480, 13:12, 441eb1eb1607f886250a15d31c….png)



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44d794  No.14483501

Re-post from UK Bread. Current digs say LisaMI6 may not taken same evening as the Traf_Cam pics.

(Post follows)

Both IP's I can use were banned by the OSS persona, the last time for baking a bread for General.

Is okay I guess, anons have been great so far about getting new International breads up as I am unable to help anymore.

Goggle sauce for area:


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f2b01d  No.14483502


OK, Clown.

Cry moar. It looks good on you.


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af6433  No.14483503


when people have the antidote faggot, your profit doesnt exist

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cfa75c  No.14483504

File: ad1d502f75f7ab6⋯.jpg (119.71 KB, 1000x972, 250:243, ad1d502f75f7ab6e77178c5996….jpg)



Oh, there's still /qrb/ on 8kun.

BO should be 8ball, if I'm not mistaken – so that could be an alternative as well, if BO/BVs continue to prove to be fuckers.

Seems very sad though, this current situation on /qr/ ….

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4e1cdf  No.14483505


Not sure

Looked up the IPs and nothing I saw screams trustworthy

See for yourself

Compare those IPs to what comes up when you search 8kun.top


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813cbe  No.14483506


Your post has been infested by the enemy, anon.


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097f07  No.14483507


Yoda meme: "The butthurt is strong in this one."

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1f10a1  No.14483508


It's not the first time that we've had to do this… done twice before…. but back then it was NICE to get confirmation from Jim or CM… I'll end up doing it…. but it pisses me off that everyone has bailed out…. just some very simple comms would do it.

No point in me doing it now…. shit internet and can't post anyway, without crashing shit.

and lets face it…. the left can't meme, so I'm missing nothing….lmao.

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41a384  No.14483509


>Has anyone tracked down where these "other" IP addresses got injected into the breads?

Look them up yourself! Use the


Or go to any one of the million DNS lookup websites: https://dns-lookup.com/

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44d794  No.14483510


Sorry, will retry that. Back in a minute.

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9f0b21  No.14483511


Actually for a bit when OSS was gone the shills had a monopoly on the bake, but most didn't care because they're fucking morans.

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b7b635  No.14483512


Here's a thought. You can start your own image board with all the rape and child porn tiddies you wanna. Far the fuck away from here. Filtered.

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4d9365  No.14483513

File: 23cc76b5cc3e88d⋯.jpg (101.79 KB, 600x722, 300:361, 1627179930354.jpg)


click save.. add to booba folder. make popcorn and drink beer. enjoy parade

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364c15  No.14483514


show the people the truth

let us sort the fuckers out


6 months tops

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c63599  No.14483515

the never ending self winding maniacal sprint jack in the box asshole who never leaves, never stops whining, never stops demanding trannie dick ass pussy , just never ending lies -

two fuckwits

either maddcow or biden

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1a5c61  No.14483516

File: 01bf803e00205a4⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1245x702, 415:234, AlwaysDeceiving.png)

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af6433  No.14483517



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42f921  No.14483518

File: 226ff2793f8bdb5⋯.png (24.89 KB, 1033x309, 1033:309, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 516e60a61982978⋯.png (13.69 KB, 1399x273, 1399:273, ClipboardImage.png)


>completely exposed in the brilliant glow of a thousand points of light.

>thousand points of light.

This is an illuminati statement.

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aa5fac  No.14483519


Do you have a problem with who i used to be ?

Everythin' is changin' anon, you'd best get over your problems, my daughters, my neices are worthy of love

They are your future

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3d7487  No.14483520

File: 5fa9eb5e62f7725⋯.png (166.04 KB, 464x502, 232:251, 5fa9eb5e62f77253a74c82d3df….png)

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991968  No.14483521

File: 5e09ca0c542ef09⋯.png (62.99 KB, 1415x756, 1415:756, Screenshot_2021_08_28_at_1….png)


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13e4c8  No.14483522


But CM has been doing election related patriot shit which is muy importante.

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09421a  No.14483523


Gulf Shores, AL is God's country.

Stay safe, my friends.

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d29b0d  No.14483524


Dear fellow Hold The Line Humans 🗺♥️🙌🏼 - PLEAEE HELP TO SHARE THE BELOW MESSAGE and help us spread this idea.

We are looking for volunteers to help with any city that wishes to take part around the World!

We NEED your help with local knowledge, and we need people to help organise on the actual day. 🙏🏻

Initially we need to select a busy central starting point, somewhere where we are able to easily build a line of people holding hands, whilst displaying banners and signs!

If feasible on the day, and there is enough support, it will be great if we manage to join a few cities together and to leave OUR mark of unity across the country.

This started in the UK, but things have been growing, with other cities around the world now getting behind this movement.

For the greatest impact we should be aiming to get our lines onto main roads and/or highways, whichever is safer of course.

Our intention is to create a feeling of community and solidarity, and we want to assist likeminded people to meet up locally, whilst WE take our stand against what is going on all around the world. 🌎🗺

By Holding The Line we can create a visual that we believe will spread around the world.

If we can get EVERYONE that sees through this tyranny, to get behind this movement, it will be impossible for governments and the media to ignore US.

Being on measurable roads, this will be easy to measure, showing just how many people love their freedom and autonomy! No more lies from the MSM on turnout.

Bring your good vibes and contribute to our free thinking tribe!

Our future generations are relying on us, and we cannot let them down on our watch! Let’s DO THIS people! 💃🕺

Date: 11th September 2021, meeting at Noon.

If you would like to gain further info register on www.awareness.foundation/holdtheline

We have created a series of groups to accommodate the planning for each city and adding more and more as we go long.

Now is a time to draw a line that shows that we stand together, and nothing is going to stop us. 👊🏼🙏🏼☀️🙌🏼🔥♥️

Channels already live and starting to plan and organise:

HTL Main Central Group - https://t.me/AF_Holdtheline

Bath & Bristol - https://t.me/joinchat/4DGCo4–6qY1MDA0

Belfast - https://t.me/joinchat/oDqVMH7ULN9kODk0

Birmingham - https://t.me/joinchat/tRn3ARDoGioyZjg0

Brighton - https://t.me/joinchat/fXYrusVK8hk5MjI0

Cambridge - https://t.me/joinchat/Kw5Utb5ioxAwOWQ0

Derby - https://t.me/joinchat/jYDgvwLA7FRiNzU0

Dundee - https://t.me/joinchat/4kwAORximlpmMDk0

Edinburgh - https://t.me/joinchat/-1kwIuG9vn01NmQ0

Exeter - https://t.me/joinchat/_7KuLVID7BZmZDhk

Fife - https://t.me/joinchat/swuNdHVB4p05OWM0

Glasgow - https://t.me/joinchat/vOpNjxCnYjg0OGZk

Hartlepool - https://t.me/joinchat/515RNOMiza9hYmJk

Herts/Beds/Bucks - https://t.me/joinchat/zuzdf9FU3ag1OTk0

Hull - https://t.me/joinchat/JLgn_Z11HxYxYTQ0

Leeds - https://t.me/joinchat/TP-9VNkJ6wExYWE0

Leicester - https://t.me/joinchat/rduxtuTP7P45ZmQ0

Liverpool - https://t.me/joinchat/zgeHkNU947JkYWY0

London - https://t.me/joinchat/k2Nrj0atbnNiYTA0

Manchester - https://t.me/joinchat/V-Y1Z9uHce40ODA8

Middlesborough - https://t.me/joinchat/YNJlIe2Gp304YjA0

Newcastle - https://t.me/joinchat/S1gOtmHLcFc2NDFk

Nottingham - https://t.me/joinchat/cbxgW21wJVk1NGY0

Oxford - https://t.me/joinchat/1ow6yTBvJHBkMzA0

Sheffield - https://t.me/joinchat/zVdxwNPeOGA5ODg0

Southend - https://t.me/joinchat/6fFfx41CUKA2MmFk

Southampton - https://t.me/joinchat/zXb7eYI3iIo3NTI0

Sunderland - https://t.me/joinchat/lmWrOF-wuM8zNzc0

Wales - https://t.me/joinchat/Y1hF4G7QG58zMWZk

Wiltshire - https://t.me/joinchat/DLePALHw-0g2ZWU0

Eire, has also shown interest and seeking to connect Europe with the UK:

Dublin - https://t.me/joinchat/zClVnkdkkkxkNjQ0

The idea has now taken off in the US also, so we have already formed groups for:

Idaho - https://t.me/joinchat/tQ9WUS9v6wIxYmI0

Los Angeles - https://t.me/joinchat/V3nCd5ocz8YyOTBk

Orange County - https://t.me/joinchat/atFRFxJytvk1N2M0

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212b2e  No.14483525


>not attributing any blame or fault

wake up anon.

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ca8a31  No.14483526


>infested by the enemy

((they)) are here because we are dangerous

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375c68  No.14483527

File: 91168710f4efd4b⋯.png (7.61 KB, 377x121, 377:121, ClipboardImage.png)

We need full forensic audits in all 50 states!

Call your representatives and demand it.


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b7b635  No.14483528

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41a384  No.14483529


>others are so confident its safe

Or they may have spent the time educating themselves instead of shitposting on a zimbabwean goat herding forum.

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54b9d4  No.14483530


No faggot. It's the way you are looking at it that's shit. When we try to tell them the truth, they think we are crazy. The sheep believe this bullshit. We have to keep putting the info out there n keep trying to wake them up. Meanwhile, Q team is allowing them to experience what the evil pos had planned for us. If they don't go through it, if we don't show them, they won't believe us. They have to see it for themselves. So the showing them part is controlled and being played out as if it were in real time. Remember? NK.. Trump had met with Kim in Nov. We found out in March or so and public didn't find out til June? But in June, they acted like it was happening in real time.

PSYWAR. Embrace the suck. Supposedly, it's gonna get worse before it gets moar bettah. Gotta get America rowing in the same direction before we arrest n execute these pos.

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af6433  No.14483531


that means you are traveling through a dmain service that is not registered to the icann database. it doesnt mean your connection is compromised. morans

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935db4  No.14483532

File: 6a495cd435d76ff⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1079x713, 1079:713, Sons_of_Liberty.png)

File: a6ef65ea2474f5a⋯.png (802.21 KB, 851x611, 851:611, Make_a_Hole.png)


the Woo D'etat habbens

when everyone ignores Bidan

and starts doin American patriot shit


Make a hole

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375c68  No.14483533

File: 28469c9cc2c28e9⋯.png (521.82 KB, 750x610, 75:61, bfa7fa17b5949a14f7a806d8ad….png)


Go back to Reddit.

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1a5c61  No.14483534


This is a flawed system.

Volunteers run the board but clowns are paid to be here so they can control the narrative any time they like.

Now they have also bought off the administrators so they can also remove any voices that threaten them.

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097f07  No.14483535


Not the question I asked. I asked when they showed up in the breads.

(And I prefer dig, myself.)

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b04ee6  No.14483536

File: 2a54c016a860e5e⋯.png (259.8 KB, 889x718, 889:718, vaxd.png)

u guys seen this?


It's time to know who's vaccinated.

Vaccination is a choice, but knowing who to trust should be free for everyone.

wait, isn't everyone getting vaccinated?

Only 49.6% of Americans are vaccinated.

That’s not enough… but as long as vaccination is a choice, it’s a number that’s not likely to increase by a large margin. There are several factors inhibiting more widespread vaccination that can be difficult to overcome.

Lack of access for underprivileged communities

Fear of side-effects, imagined or misreported

Belief in conspiracy theories or right-wing ideologies

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3187ca  No.14483537

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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a00ee3  No.14483538




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f2b01d  No.14483539


It's our job to wade through it, anon.

It sucks sometimes, but they never win.

If they won, they wouldn't be here.

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44d794  No.14483540


Re-post from UK Bread. Current digs say LISAMI6 may be taken on a different evening than the TRAF_CAM pics

(Post follows)

No pics for drops? Let’s just have a chat then. We are currently discussing the possibility that the LisaMI6.png pic was taken at a different time (maybe even date) as all the other NSA_Traf_cam pics on Victoria Embankment. There are 3 trees in the span from restaurant ship HISPANIOLA’s sheltered gangway entrance to past the first gangway (the uncovered one) where the third tree lies. The third tree sits between both of the restaurant ship TATTERSHALL CASTLE’s gangways. In the LISAMI6 pic, the car with brake lights is kerbed next to this 3rd tree. But, the EMB pics show a car with brake lights betw 1st and 2nd trees. Now, if you look at the 3rd tree in EMB pics, there are what appear to be black boxes (which we believe to be trash bins) next to 3rd tree. Not so in the LISA pic. At the very least, the different parked cars configuration excludes LISAMI6 from having been taken during or near in time to the short minutes-long period captured in the TRAF_CAM sequence of pictures.

Cars can be moved; just not that fast. And trash bins not being seen in LISA would mean two possibilities: 1), LISA might have been taken BEFORE the trash bins were put out as seem in the EMBANKMENT pics. Or 2), The LISA pic could have been taken on a different evening.

We actually have SV pics on Victoria Embankment of trash bins in front of the HISPANIOLA for anons to compare to the EMB pics. Yes, not in front of TATTERSHALL CASTLE, but it is just yards away and we might assume they use the same type trash bins for pick-up

by the same trash removal service. If LISA is no longer tethered to the rest of the Victoria Embankment (EMB) pics, then what does this mean? Well, LISA is still considered to be Christmas Day2013 (+/- 1) due to the building lights config match of the MILLBANK BLDG with open source pics from Christmas Day 2013.

Now, this DOES NOT mean that the EMB pics are not still from a very close date. Prior to connecting the MILLBANK BLDG to Christmas 2013 via open source pics, we had pretty good success in narrowing the EMB pics timeframe being from the end of October 2013 to before March 2014 by observing and dating the emplacement of construction shrouds on Westminster Palace and the First-Aid sign on Northumberland. We also had a ROT1 picture match with open source pics for a sidewalk sign on 22DEC2013, and a video match from (I can’t recall the exact date.) The Bazalgette Memorial pic we found was the ONLY pic match for that marker seen in ROT1.

What is implied? Either two visits that same night, with LISA occuring prior to EMB,or moar than one visit on a different evening. We always knew the LISAMI6 pic was taken by hand right? The camera position of LISA, although taken from Hungerford Bridge, is quite a way from where the alleged traffic cam position is. The CH series appears also to have been by a hand-held camera, starting at the top of the steps of Hungerford Bridge and descending to street level. Perhaps the LISA pic, showing a car with its brakelights on, is a crumb to point us at the other pics of a car, possibly the same car, now in a different kerb position, with brakelights on giving us the notion that maybe what has been captured is not one but two occurrances.

Some thoughts on LISA: Hand-held. In just the right place and time to catch someone pulling up? Assuming for the sake of discussion that the car with brakelights might be what we were intended to see, how could cameraman get on the bridge to watch that car park at that location? Possibly knew it was going to park there based on prior occursnces? One should ask, What if the pic taken shows the car leaving? Whether or not the high-values were areiving or departing, we were not shown them approaching or leaving the cars. They certainly could have shown that but didn’t. So, if we are not meant to identify the persons in this LISA pic, then what was it meant to impart? Nothing is dropped without a reason.

If one unreported visit with an intelligence service can be denied as an approach and rebuff of that intelligence service, then what can be inferred from two visits?

GoggleEarth sauce:


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a00ee3  No.14483541

File: ed84fc56ee5b444⋯.jpg (96.94 KB, 781x472, 781:472, BADDA_BOOM_BOOM.jpg)

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097f07  No.14483542


GHWB's "Thousand points of light" turned back on them. They don't like the spotlight.

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80a2f3  No.14483543


i have an IMMUNE SYSTEM that works, and I do NOT wish to let you experiment on me.

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9f0b21  No.14483544


Its a site with a bunch of IPs. If you want to verify you'd have to ask Jim if those are all

his servers serving the images. It only takes one of those to be comped.

11 v441480.hosted-by-vdsina.ru ( 118.534 ms 118.519 ms 118.500 ms

11 v441479.hosted-by-vdsina.ru ( 118.246 ms 118.387 ms 118.737 ms

11 v441473.hosted-by-vdsina.ru ( 119.118 ms 119.102 ms *

11 v441475.hosted-by-vdsina.ru ( 118.135 ms 118.019 ms 118.139 ms

11 v441408.hosted-by-vdsina.ru ( 121.547 ms 121.492 ms 121.484 ms

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96d903  No.14483545


just click options uncheck hide images. done, worked for me

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41a384  No.14483546


>the shot is what no one is taking

It doesn't matter if anyone takes it. The 5 month mandated vaxx will get paid for, in full, by the US government. Pfizer Ka-ching!

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351c2b  No.14483547

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Clapton knows

This Has Gotta Stop – New Protest Song by Rock Legend Eric Clapton Pushes Back Against COVID Dictates and Government Control (VIDEO)

Lots of imagery that anons will recognize.


“This Has Gotta Stop” – New Protest Song by Rock Legend Eric Clapton Pushes Back Against COVID Dictates and Government Control (VIDEO)

In May singer, songwriter, and guitar legend Eric Clapton was deathly ill from taking the COVID jab.


My Hands and Feet Were Frozen, Numb or Burning – Eric Clapton Says He Had a Bad Reaction to AstraZeneca Covid Jab, Feared He Would Never Play Again


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49c788  No.14483548



no mention of VAERS website to check for themselves what 'side effects' have been reported.

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1a5c61  No.14483549


I sincerely hope noone comes here using anything but a VPN.

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f737ce  No.14483550

File: 898bb0c7220ee28⋯.png (3.27 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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54b9d4  No.14483551


It's "chew a foreskin," faggot.

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9f0b21  No.14483552
















































Khazars, Jews. Jesuits.

There's no such thing as real Jews in the same way there is no such thing as real Communism.

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49c788  No.14483553


Fuck off. Clapton sacrificed his own child by throwing it out a window.

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1a5c61  No.14483554

File: a7d1ce1492e6031⋯.png (35.72 KB, 496x464, 31:29, salute.png)

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aa5fac  No.14483555



I've been runnin' the Yellow Jackets, hopefully can still do so, not necessary to do this on 11/09

infact may work more for humanity to have this take place on the 09/09, September 9th @ 11, this will align with my Mother, the Virgin Birth, as opposed to Ruby (my daughter) the illegitimate Birth.

As of the 31st prodominance returns to the faith

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cfa75c  No.14483556

File: 022844cca6f1748⋯.jpg (21.8 KB, 540x339, 180:113, 022844cca6f1748aece00494fe….jpg)


I am awake, fren. Don't mistake politeness or loyalty for compliance.

I'm still just here (for now) to not split the hive mind.

Next station (if necessary and in near future): /qrb/

After that (if needed), /qrbunker/ on endchan

After that, I don't know yet ….

But anon needs bread, no?

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b5e8c1  No.14483557

I'm sorry you had to die but…

We want more money

We want the diversion to pass shit fuck bills that destroy America and its people while your busy watching our shit show

We make money from you suffering and apparently most of us enjoy every minute of destroying our own, even if we're to stupid and jaded to see that this leads to our own demise

Sound familiar Congress, Senate and shit fuck admin with their bitch boy legion of rogue agents?

anon will get a neck brace to guard against the whiplash from the mad amount of bad karmic energy coming your way

every evil thing you do

will come back times 10 at YOU

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935db4  No.14483558

File: 4a665101d7206ce⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1187x1482, 1187:1482, HIGHEST_LEVEL.png)

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d53c71  No.14483559


Boom. God gave us the best weapon against viruses.

Fuck the shot.

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a00ee3  No.14483560







8888888847 77















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9f0b21  No.14483561

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f737ce  No.14483562

File: 7eeaa5311ad5de9⋯.png (999.52 KB, 1098x828, 61:46, Laura.png)

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991968  No.14483563

File: c0bea8d3c18a92c⋯.jpg (31.13 KB, 736x414, 16:9, kek4.jpg)

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41a384  No.14483564

File: 52880553b586ead⋯.jpeg (130.16 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, wasnt_allowed_to_buy_groc….jpeg)

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f85529  No.14483565

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>transnational and multigenerational empire of death that has been destroying our world for over a century

posted info below on the shoah'd breads

spent the time gathering the links for anons

so, anon will post again

>>14483045 (pb)

>should look to Edward Berneys, the nephew of Freud

all anons should know about Bernays

4 part docu Century of the Self exposing his manipulation of society

vid rel: Cent of Self part 1 on youtube & the yt channel has playlist w all 4 parts

or watch w dl options at archive.org





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af6433  No.14483566


no an executive order is in place to forfeit and confiscate that.. insurrection was initiated on jan 6. thus those exec orders are in effect under law of war manual



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a00ee3  No.14483567



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1a5c61  No.14483568




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ca8a31  No.14483569


Shit dude, those people are gonna get smashed

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af6433  No.14483570


remember trump

"Everyone please disperse"

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a00ee3  No.14483571

File: 03af6a582d6a87e⋯.jpg (217.24 KB, 822x608, 411:304, FORWARD.jpg)

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c910de  No.14483572

File: 6e1fe9a8ead2512⋯.jpg (66.37 KB, 332x500, 83:125, d578c8f5c438a2b184edf460b9….jpg)


This reads like a Whitehat replacement for the UN.

You must have noticed how under the Cabal, national leaders seemed to be taking orders from the UN

That's because they were tied to it via blackmail and threats

Now that they are free, a world of SOVEREIGN nations could still use some advice and consultation from a global but open body of people.

The people they are suggesting as consultants are the kind of people who get Knighted or the Presidential Medal of Freedom. They are people who do real things in life, that benefit their nation. They have real experience getting things done and real knowledge.

Note the background is a Russian Orthodox Christian Cathedral

And how this 2nd line is about the Cabals push towards China

Many professional organizations have had to take the lead against (hostile) acquisitions, low-wage countries, hedge funds, speculators and stock exchanges, resulting in mass dismissals.

We need to make NEW INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS that are not Cabal fronts and are honest and free of bribery. We have to organize space mining and industry, the push to colonies on the moon, on Mars, and in the Asteroid Belt. This needs a lot of international cooperation and investment in poorer countries. If Democratic Republic of Congo has cobalt needed for communications gear, then lets get the child miners into education programs and invest in proper equipment and training for adult miners under the same conditions as in North America. This needs coordination and oversight beyond the borders of each sovereign nation.

St Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg


Now go watch the entire opening show from the Sochi Olympics in 2014 because it has messages about who the Russian people really are. Builders!!!

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41a384  No.14483573


? Not buying it. Maybe the cash-ola will get paid back to the gov, but not to the tax-payers.

"America" or "The United States"?

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097f07  No.14483574


Welp, the cable fuckers I go through are serving me for media.8kun.top.

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b7b635  No.14483575

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af6433  No.14483576

File: 4a24265d1844e59⋯.jpg (70.97 KB, 980x551, 980:551, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

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4a6955  No.14483577


Those might be done by 2026 or so.

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9cbc33  No.14483579


blackpilled but chuckl-a-ble!

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1a5c61  No.14483581

File: a2879cf0a27be12⋯.png (24.48 KB, 570x348, 95:58, ClipboardImage.png)


Call the ball

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af6433  No.14483582


give up dude,

we stopped your war

dropped your covid narrative

are killing operators

russia has afganastan surrounded

watch the water

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9f0b21  No.14483583


Yeah i see that same shit going through Stockholm1.Level3.net

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09421a  No.14483584


Whatever. CMz bitching about audits when he abandoned post here means very little to anon right now.

What will be, will be.

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375c68  No.14483585

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Wow, so much evil right in front of us the whole time, Bush likely stole and twisted that terminology from JFK senior.

President Kennedy's Final Address to the United Nations General Assembly



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097f07  No.14483586


Aptly stated, semantics kitty.

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991968  No.14483587

File: 81ff26b19ddd4d2⋯.png (280.11 KB, 478x623, 478:623, Screenshot_2021_08_28_at_2….png)

FEMA Retweeted

Team Rubicon


Team Rubicon has a route clearance team en route now to the area that Hurricane #Ida is projected to make landfall. We are pre-staging this team and will be ready to respond as soon as it is safe to do so, clearing essential roads and access points. Stay safe Gulf Coast.


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a5cbc2  No.14483589


The whole time that 0bama was POTUS, I kept telling people that he was trying to destroy our Country and create racial division.

HRC was set to finish us off.

Trump getting elected in 2016 threw a monkey wrench in their plans.

Now they are making up for lost time, trying to squeeze 8 years into 4 years.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

They hate this Country and want to see it in ruins. That is their goal.

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375c68  No.14483590

File: a836ee2a873e90d⋯.png (8.37 KB, 452x127, 452:127, ClipboardImage.png)

Wendy Rogers, [28.08.21 23:56]

Good night to everyone but the Maricopa Board of Supervisors and the Biden Administration.


I love her. KEK!

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41a384  No.14483591


Who am I and which war?

I hope the Covid nonsense will drop. It's taking awhile to get out of the pubic consciousness.

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f737ce  No.14483592


That last one is a Laura Night Shift meme. Not a current image of Ida.

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ca8a31  No.14483593

File: 4ffd5cb69c65aff⋯.jpg (59.32 KB, 592x500, 148:125, 5l5s2r.jpg)

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b7b635  No.14483594


I miss life before social media.

Life has turned to shit ever since.

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375c68  No.14483595



>>14478399,Unvaxxed Australians prevented from buying food from grocery stores

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af6433  No.14483596

File: 0c7f6a6e1d48593⋯.jpg (52.64 KB, 418x431, 418:431, 0c7f6a6e1d48593e79e97d3c70….jpg)

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935db4  No.14483598

File: 85f4faea81e0d6b⋯.png (896.75 KB, 1124x814, 562:407, Victory_Gardens.png)


The WW2 generation planted backyard Victory Gardens and knew how to can veggies in mason jars

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097f07  No.14483599


Met her in central Virginia this past Sunday. More energy than most 25 year-olds. Really impressive.

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743405  No.14483600

File: a26012438abb179⋯.png (8.97 MB, 2849x3208, 2849:3208, 5A1B33BD_044D_4519_ABF1_41….png)

File: d3acb9c663337a3⋯.png (1.4 MB, 2904x2272, 363:284, 763979D4_D5E9_4C3A_AB83_2E….png)

spectin Resident tweet

“My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us…….”

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1a5c61  No.14483601

File: 841337106bdc1ac⋯.png (3.66 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


The capybara does semantics.

Kitty focuses on grammar and occasionally spelling and punctuation.

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f2b01d  No.14483602


Ida rolling ashore.

Emergency Preparedness Month.

Patriots tweeting My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us…… en masse on twitter

There have been plenty of near-precipice-y habbenings before this, but this is quite a storm we have rolling in now.

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743405  No.14483603




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a00ee3  No.14483604

File: 34d242f130b7074⋯.jpg (134.17 KB, 758x452, 379:226, PIG_T_109.jpg)

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13e4c8  No.14483606


He didn't abandon ship lol

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097f07  No.14483607


Apologies. My eyesight is bad – all the images just look like fuzzy dots.

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af6433  No.14483608

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c910de  No.14483609


JACK: Governments are hacking into other governments. They do it to steal secrets or find how many weapons they have, if they’re planning a strike, or if there’s anything else that might be a threat. Some nations are much more advanced at security than others. One country with advanced cyber-security capabilities is Israel. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

PM: Eight years ago my goal was to make Israel one of the five leading cyber powers in the world. I think we’ve reached that. I think we’re actually maybe even further ahead on that list.

JACK: This is incredible. Israel isn’t even as big as the state of New Jersey so for such a small country to achieve this is no small task.

PM: Means we’re punching a bag two-hundred times above our weight. Not two times, not ten times, and not even a hundred times. Two-hundred times above our weight which means there’s something here that defies numerical size.

JACK: How did such a small country become one of the leaders in the cyber-security space? That’s what we’re gonna find out.

JACK (INTRO): [INTRO MUSIC] These are true stories from the dark side of the internet. I’m Jack Rhysider. This is Darknet Diaries. [INTRO MUSIC ENDS]

JACK: Israel is a tiny country in the Middle East. Most of the countries in the Middle East speak primarily Arabic but not Israel. Most of the countries in the Middle East are predominantly Muslim but not Israel. Many of the Middle Eastern countries are rich in oil but not Israel. It’s almost like Israel is a glitch on the map, a lone island in a sea. But you know what happens when a grain of sand gets into an oyster? The oyster attacks the sand and tries to get rid of it by secreting substances at it and if the sand doesn’t leave, it continues to attack it for years until one day it’s a beautiful pearl. Israel is under attack. [BOMBING] I’m not gonna get into who started what and why there are so many battles going on but at this point the cycle of revenge grows louder all the time. Because Israel is right in the middle of it all, they need to stay technologically advanced or else they risk being taken over.

One example of using technology to defend the attacks is the Iron Dome. Israel frequently sees rockets launched into the country and when this happens the Iron Dome kicks into action; [SIRENS] first initiating a siren in the area, then launching a rocket that flies directly towards the incoming missile and detonates when it’s near it. [EXPLOSIONS] It takes out 90% of incoming rockets this way, and it’s almost an automated method. It’s pretty impressive because of how high-tech and effective it is. This is just one example of how Israel is investing in technology but the whole nation is high-tech. Compared to the US, Israel has more scientists and technicians per capita than us, they have a bigger smart phone penetration percentage than us, and there’s a bigger percent of people online compared to the US. It’s one of the most innovative countries in the world and when you find a place this rich in technology you’ll also find information security. Israel has a few hacker and cyber-security conferences and during some of these conferences the Prime Minster gave a keynote.

COURT: [APPLAUSE] Welcome Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel.

JACK: During the talk he explained a new complex they’re building in the desert in a town called Be’er Sheva.

PM: It’s called CyberSpark. It’s a cyber-park and it’s situated in Be’er Sheva. We’re moving our NSA right into that campus.

JACK: Our NSA. The Israeli government has its own version of the NSA. This fascinates me. I want to know more about this. He goes on to explain this CyberSpark further.

PM: It’s a peculiar one because it has several things adjoining each other and I’ll point them out to you. First thing is we have the Unit 8200 headquarters, our collection agency. Here’s the university. Railroad fast line to Tel Aviv University is here, the CERT center here.

JACK: He just pointed to a map and said here is where Unit 8200, their collection agency, is being built, also explaining that this complex has a university, the Israeli Computer Emergency Readiness Team, and a bunch of buildings specifically built for cyber-security companies to work at. Imagine an area of six city blocks that’s roped off for just cyber-security stuff, a place where commercial government and education will all live in the same campus with a train station smack in the center of it. How cool is that? This whole complex is amazing but I’m fascinated with the [00:05:00] intelligence-collection agency, Unit 8200. Later on the Prime Minster commented about the NSA and then said…

PM: If you don’t know what NSA is, it’s America’s 8200 Unit.

JACK: Unit 8200. Now we know the secret name of the Israeli intelligence-collection agency.

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1a5c61  No.14483610


Did you think Afghanistan was/is a clusterfuck?

Stand by for Katrina 2.

This will take out sleepy Joe.

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f2b01d  No.14483611


Everyone is tweeting that anon.

It's like "Take the Pledge" challenge.

See this:


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a00ee3  No.14483613

File: 91ab3a6aaf322a8⋯.jpg (103.37 KB, 411x546, 137:182, GIVE_EM_HELL.jpg)

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375c68  No.14483614


So she is full of life and determination?

Spurs me on, thanks for the share fren

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ea0cd8  No.14483615

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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41a384  No.14483616


Square-foot gardening came later for the urban and townhome set.

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8e6dd4  No.14483617


Yep. Trump threw their timetable off.

I think they're overplaying their hand. Got some popcorn, fren?

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18a131  No.14483619

File: 0380e2ce39bdc2b⋯.gif (342.41 KB, 1500x1949, 1500:1949, Night_shift_arrow.gif)

File: 14bb2a2a8e6face⋯.gif (87.1 KB, 800x533, 800:533, Night_Shift_Cat_Eyes.gif)

File: e1621fee872d564⋯.gif (920.59 KB, 512x640, 4:5, Night_Shift_Frog.gif)

File: 8f3c41f27bc499c⋯.gif (1.01 MB, 935x640, 187:128, Night_Shift_Lion_Flag.gif)

File: 84c9e1535c67215⋯.gif (632.09 KB, 800x450, 16:9, night_shift_punisher_flag.gif)

Night Shift is in the HOUSE!!!

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935db4  No.14483620


raised gardening is not a new thing son

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f737ce  No.14483621

File: 60ed52164f03caf⋯.png (745.47 KB, 1920x1013, 1920:1013, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 807e1b2be115534⋯.png (2.77 MB, 1341x1013, 1341:1013, ClipboardImage.png)





Down from 21,000 to 10,000. Airspeed down from 313 knots to 177 knots. Must be groundspeed displayed as he seems to be flying into something like a 65 to 70 km/h headwind.

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1a5c61  No.14483623


Could be macular degeneration.

Might also be the newly trendy crap-o-meme system which while uncomfy requires less painful injections.

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f85529  No.14483624

File: 8b573d88ab34e87⋯.jpg (108.32 KB, 794x1058, 397:529, cm_dod_ride_never_ends.jpg)


>he abandoned post here

always remember he's here forever

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8e6dd4  No.14483625


Wait until the truckers go on strike and even the vaxxed won't have anything.

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9f0b21  No.14483626


I can do more than one thing. I'm not a leftist.

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41a384  No.14483627


Marketed towards? Is that a better way to put it?

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cfa75c  No.14483628

File: dc9c41f0e2fed0c⋯.jpg (482.11 KB, 1920x1280, 3:2, 2019_03_17_19_58_12_www_ad….jpg)

Are we still on that same ship?



Just asking ….

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a00ee3  No.14483629

File: 8e1fa2992dcb6fd⋯.jpg (159 KB, 755x546, 755:546, THAT_WILL_DO_MR_PIG.jpg)

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375c68  No.14483630





>>14478421, >>14478596, >>14478433, >>14478449,New South Wales in Australia. You are allowed to go out for ONE HOUR….But only if you’re double jabbed

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fb00bf  No.14483631

pics ? wtf

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1a5c61  No.14483633


There is no such thing as multitasking, it should be called doing a lot of tasks half assed.

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69cbfe  No.14483634

Anon is having Pepe meme withdrawal symptoms…got the shakes…Just need a little hop…

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9f0b21  No.14483635


Oh look everybody the new LARP is out.

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4e1cdf  No.14483636


US Army Corps of Engineers was in charge of the levees

A lot of locals said those levees were blown on purpose

I tend to believe them

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09421a  No.14483637


Did the anon looking for Patriots Fight find it earlier before all the hooplah?

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a00ee3  No.14483638

File: 2f89c01648073e7⋯.jpg (134.38 KB, 869x457, 869:457, RIDE_WITH_U.jpg)

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fd55cf  No.14483639

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


<>watch the water…

Scott Harrison: Why Tech Loves charity: water

>258 views | Apr 22, 2011 | TechCrunch

"…a very simple idea, my33rd birthdayI ask for33 dollars…"

Andrew Keen interviews Scott Harrison, founder of charity: water

>Discussion on what attracted the tech community to [Charity: water]…ten years ago.


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c910de  No.14483640

File: 1cf11a8c76ca108⋯.jpg (1.56 MB, 2146x1407, 2146:1407, YoungAmerica.jpg)

The January 6th Select Committee need look no further than the FBI to find out who is responsible for the violence that day.


Just like the kidnapping plot around the Michigan Governor the FBI both designed, and then "foiled" to frame the MAGA movement, this has all the hallmarks of an IC directed operation.


It is going to be of little surprise to anyone, that the FBI had infiltrated no less than three militia groups present that day, months in advance, using dozens of "informants".

Eventually, that information will come out publicly. The committee's job, is to distract from that and create a false, citizen focused narrative; and then to use that narrative to push to enact strict "Domestic Terrorism" law, which is really just the curtailing of your right to gather and protest.

I originally detailed this operation when it began in earnest over a year ago, and "former" CIA officers-turned-politicians began seeding it out to the public carefully.

Eyes Open.

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8e6dd4  No.14483641


I'm old enough to remember what a shitshow Katrina was (Brownie was doing a heckuva job too).

This storm seems to be on the same path.

And WTF is this BS that they don't have time to implement evacuation measures such as contraflow? I'm pretty sure they knew this storm was coming.

If I were living below sea level in Hurricane Alley and a major hurricane was headed my way, I'd GTFO and not wait for any evacuation orders, but that's just me–a lifelong Midwesterner.

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1440e3  No.14483642

There is a sphere in the area opposite your sun of a very, very cold nature, but large enough to skew certain statistical figures. This sphere should not properly be called a planet as it is locked in first density

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991968  No.14483643

File: d5759995d19a4a1⋯.png (32.58 KB, 598x381, 598:381, Screenshot_2021_08_29_at_0….png)

NATO statement:

We regret to inform you that international military evacuations from Kabul airport have ended and we are no longer able to call anyone forward for evacuation flights. We will keep lists of all of you who have registered ….

11:03 PM · Aug 28, 2021·Twitter for iPhone


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a5cbc2  No.14483644


Vaxed people are acting like they can catch covid from unvaxed people.

How does that make any sense?

If their vax works, then they can't catch covid.

If the vax doesn't work, then why the heck should anyone be taking it?

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af6433  No.14483645

File: 621a7f4cd6072b5⋯.jpg (36.6 KB, 634x634, 1:1, 621a7f4cd6072b51a3b2bd274c….jpg)

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1440e3  No.14483646

There is a sphere in the area opposite your sun of a very, very cold nature, but large enough to skew certain statistical figures. This sphere should not properly be called a planet as it is locked in first density.

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09421a  No.14483648


What a job.

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9f0b21  No.14483649


I didn't say at the same time.

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1a5c61  No.14483650


Yep I understand New Orleans did not require evacuation inside the levees.

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743405  No.14483651


At 6:34pm ET = 18:34

Joe B tweets

Preparations for Hurricane Ida (Storm)

We have deployed If you are in path

Be prepared

Q Post #1834 10Aug2018 Timestamp 10:44:55




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935db4  No.14483652

File: 26e3677a8649108⋯.png (745.86 KB, 960x630, 32:21, 8KUN_Platinum.png)


get the platinum Pepe card

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c910de  No.14483655

File: bc3c34c7fce0517⋯.jpg (28.21 KB, 412x345, 412:345, IMG_20210828_211122_575.jpg)


CIA Operation KUDO:

The Extradition of Julian Assange and systematic dismantling of global free speech.

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fd55cf  No.14483656


>"…a very simple idea, my33rd birthdayI ask for33 dollars…"


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375c68  No.14483657

File: 511de400895913c⋯.png (180.82 KB, 672x559, 672:559, ClipboardImage.png)

The Tweet That Got Alex Berenson Permanently Suspended From Twitter


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743405  No.14483658


Don’t know

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f737ce  No.14483659

File: f11afae03af2175⋯.gif (1.97 MB, 500x412, 125:103, ShakeItLady.gif)

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30be68  No.14483661

Why would RAND have such a document?

People’s Liberation Army Operational Concepts


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69cbfe  No.14483662


A card seems hard to snort

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935db4  No.14483663

File: 19ece830030ce31⋯.png (858.79 KB, 920x778, 460:389, Fire_Fury.png)


Officially notified

peeps are now actually abandoned and fucked over

Time for We the People to stand up and tell these shit heads to get the fuck out of the way

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a00ee3  No.14483664




ß???ß ÿ

ß????ß?ß?? ÿÜÜß










ß?? MR PIG ???????ß






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af6433  No.14483665

File: c92e38a02fe3c73⋯.gif (301.19 KB, 1200x875, 48:35, 0330z.gif)

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c910de  No.14483666

File: d3b64305534409d⋯.jpg (31.61 KB, 827x294, 827:294, IMG_20210828_204635_045.jpg)

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9b7e5e  No.14483668


since last bread

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364c15  No.14483669

Only when you are close to death do you know what life is

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743405  No.14483670


I know.

Not Joe tho


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30be68  No.14483671

China Military Power


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cfa75c  No.14483672

File: 53f5cf03aec6e7f⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1251x826, 1251:826, 53f5cf03aec6e7f588a0896970….png)

File: 2236c05e22eb071⋯.jpeg (68.63 KB, 474x521, 474:521, 2236c05e22eb071e63f9b8756….jpeg)


Move to France, bitch, there's art for you to try out (pics relate).

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41a384  No.14483673


They're trying to make it as uncomfortable for you as possible. Take a page from their book. Make it as uncomfortable for them as possible.

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b7b635  No.14483674


Oregon audit has to come from outside of Oregon. The leaders in Salem, cater to no one but the Obidens and CHINA. If I remember correctly, the Sec of State already held an audit of the 2020 election and gave it the all clear. I'm willing to bet Oregon will be the last state to ever have a real audit.

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fd55cf  No.14483675


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991968  No.14483676

File: 3beebc02ff4acac⋯.png (110.35 KB, 270x265, 54:53, Screenshot_2021_08_29_at_0….png)

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30be68  No.14483677

Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2020


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a00ee3  No.14483678

File: c487fec7f992dbf⋯.jpg (114.54 KB, 568x553, 568:553, BLANKET_COMFY.jpg)

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af6433  No.14483679

wait til the stock market opens on monday.

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ca8a31  No.14483680

File: 63c59c9c142133d⋯.jpg (88.54 KB, 625x449, 625:449, 5l5t4g.jpg)

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44d794  No.14483681


Kek. Made me think, “I am your density.” Carry on.

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41a384  No.14483682

File: 9ff7f85b3aa58fe⋯.png (582.25 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, newsom_what_hashtag.png)

"I wish I knew what that said."

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30be68  No.14483683



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54b9d4  No.14483684



They're FUCT.

Plus didn't the dude take all his money out the day it was launched?

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af6433  No.14483685

File: 1abb0b0158a221a⋯.png (469.5 KB, 503x490, 503:490, Screen_Shot_2021_08_21_at_….png)

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b4ab60  No.14483686

File: cf73056650abe25⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20210828_231628….jpg)

I'm being flooded with this server mismatch shit

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a11fd4  No.14483687

File: 2c26e9f42b2891b⋯.jpg (42.6 KB, 600x335, 120:67, CoolMoonPepe.jpg)

File: 0de31a69a93763c⋯.jpg (79.96 KB, 600x335, 120:67, HoldtheLine_Pray.jpg)

Thank you, anons.

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935db4  No.14483688

File: 899eb8888d28a15⋯.png (931.58 KB, 1024x769, 1024:769, Abomination.png)


it is a brain washing inversion hypnotic spell

satanic mind fuck

So they are blind to the fact the vaxx poisoned them and destroyed their own immune system

now the annual flu is fatal to them

any virus will trigger hyper response that will detonate a cytokine storm that shutsdown their organs and kills them

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a00ee3  No.14483689

File: be64589bfd717a8⋯.jpg (64.13 KB, 528x431, 528:431, NOT_THIS_TIME.jpg)

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f737ce  No.14483690

File: 915e05d04317e18⋯.png (3.89 MB, 1829x1015, 1829:1015, ClipboardImage.png)


155 km/h = ~84 knots

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af6433  No.14483691

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09421a  No.14483692

Was that first bake deleted because of the Patriots Fight backup?

Because anon can do it again…

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a5cbc2  No.14483693


As a matter of fact, I do.

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d53c71  No.14483694


Anon is learned and wise.

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920c34  No.14483695

File: c57fd67bf706b7d⋯.png (16.65 KB, 597x116, 597:116, Screen_Shot_2021_08_29_at_….png)



I = 9

S = 19

I = 9

S = 19

K = 11

19+9+19+9+11 ……..=56


The Clinton campaign is attempting once again to sweep important questions under the rug about top aide Huma Abedin, her family ties to theMuslim Brotherhoodand to Saudi Arabia, and her role in the ballooning Clinton email scandal.

Her mother, Saleha Abedin, sits on the Presidency Staff Council of theInternational Islamic Council for Da’wa and Relief, a group that is chaired by the leader of the=Muslim Brotherhood, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi.

Perhaps recognizing how offensive such ties will be to voters concerned over future terrorist attacks on this country by radical Muslims professing allegiance to Sharia law, the Clinton campaign on Monday tried to downplay Ms. Abedin’s involvement in the Journal and theMuslim Brotherhood.

The Clinton surrogate group Media Matters claimed predictably there was “no evidence” that Ms. Abedin or her family had ties to theMuslim Brotherhood, and that Trump campaign staffers who spoke of these ties were conspiracy theorists.

To debunk the evidence, Media Matters pointed to a Snopes.com “fact-check” piece that cited as its sole source… SenatorJohn McCain. This is the sameJohn McCainwho met Libyan militia leader Abdelkarim Belhaj, a knownal Qaedaassociate, and saluted him as “my hero” during a 2011 visit to Benghazi.


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a929b7  No.14483696


Reduce Potential Symptoms

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b4ab60  No.14483697


They work for apple?

Apple to scan U.S. iPhones for images of child sexual abuse


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13e4c8  No.14483698


>Bush likely stole and twisted that terminology from JFK

That is spoopy af.

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b4ab60  No.14483699


Edit your host file and stop bitching

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3d7487  No.14483701

File: a595f08feef9677⋯.jpeg (20.77 KB, 480x445, 96:89, a595f08feef9677de0b4f66bf….jpeg)

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f20e63  No.14483702

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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cfa75c  No.14483703

File: b17cc2d3b62a1fe⋯.jpg (267.91 KB, 1920x1040, 24:13, b17cc2d3b62a1fe47dfdca8f00….jpg)


>“I am your density.”


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a929b7  No.14483704


Got any sauce?

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a5cbc2  No.14483705


Our Bill of Rights has been under attack for quite some time.

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a00ee3  No.14483706

File: a58a32c7d033770⋯.jpg (268.91 KB, 769x538, 769:538, TAKING_IT_BACK.jpg)

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097f07  No.14483707


Chimp smoking cigarette: "Go on…"

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aeb21c  No.14483708


Step up to the plate, PATRIOT BAKERS!

Q is never going to post here, again.

Start a new board and keep the COMPED JEW-ASS-LICKER, BO, and his JEW MASTER BV, the FUCK OUT OF IT!


Take the bull by the horns, and start something BETTER!

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09421a  No.14483709

File: a445a8c1df1cf2b⋯.jpg (184.65 KB, 575x615, 115:123, are_we_there_yet.jpg)


Feels like we are almost there.

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f85529  No.14483710


>a cytokine storm that shutsdown their organs and kills them

>cytokine storm

inhibited by HCQ

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991968  No.14483711


They can't, they don't have admin privileges, they can't connect via Russia, that's why they are so desperate.

Just saying

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cfa75c  No.14483712

File: 8f79e4d3488f129⋯.png (303.52 KB, 806x585, 62:45, 8f79e4d3488f129fc1e3faaa1e….png)

File: ee59e2d2578e6bf⋯.png (296.91 KB, 806x585, 62:45, ee59e2d2578e6bf678e1853f8a….png)


>Pepe meme withdrawal symptoms

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86ab56  No.14483714


>We regret to inform you

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f737ce  No.14483715

File: ceb1d9dd2823775⋯.jpg (34.94 KB, 460x397, 460:397, TBS.jpg)

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aeb21c  No.14483716


Start something NEW and GREAT!


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b4ab60  No.14483717


Russia can no longer connect here?

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a5cbc2  No.14483718


Crock of BS

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b4ab60  No.14483719


And jailbreaking a phone is simple

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991968  No.14483720

File: 89b820816ab5f79⋯.png (296.38 KB, 535x655, 107:131, Screenshot_2021_08_29_at_0….png)



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097f07  No.14483721


Chimp stubs out cigarette. "That's just like, your opinion, man."

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364c15  No.14483722

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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aeb21c  No.14483723


You can start something new and fresh, or you can become a SLAVE to the NASTY LITTLE JEW, BV, and his FAGGOT MINION BUTT-SEX SLAVE, BO.

Your call!

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af6433  No.14483724

the great awakening

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fd55cf  No.14483725

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Peoria Police: 6 people arrested, accused of trying to kidnap pregnant family member

>69,864 views | Aug 27, 2021

Peoria Police officials say the parents and siblings of a 20-year-old pregnant woman

are accused of targeting the woman, with incidents stretching back to March 2021.

The family reportedly did not agree with the woman's boyfriend's status as a non-Muslim.

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a043f4  No.14483726


>it is a brain washing inversion hypnotic spell

>satanic mind fuck

Surprise! No, it's not.

9The coming of the lawless one will be accompanied by the working of Satan, with every kind of power, sign, and false wonder, 10and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. 11For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie, 12in order that judgment may come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness.

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69cbfe  No.14483727


Anon still has no images (iOS) but will assume those are the dankest Pepe images ever spawn from the heart of the interwebz


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4e1cdf  No.14483728


you're bossy

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9cbc33  No.14483729

I suspected she was a phony. Now no doubts.


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b4ab60  No.14483730


What I really want is for you to stick a knife in your throat

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1a5c61  No.14483731


If I started a new board first thing I would take care of is the bigot problem.

Why don't you fuck off to your containment thread you nasty little shit.

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af6433  No.14483732


no. a hologram false flag wont work retard

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935db4  No.14483733

File: 08dd1d930359296⋯.png (702 KB, 768x797, 768:797, Covid_1984.png)


"these results point to TGF-β as a key cytokine regulating a chronic immune reaction in severe COVID-19, an immune reaction which is no longer directed to SARS-CoV-2."


Pfizer employee whistleblower


Dr Zelenko Interview


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aeb21c  No.14483734

HOW COMEone can post images on other boards, but this one?

Could it be because the NATION DESTROYING JEW, BV, and his FAGGOT ASS-SLAVE, BO have COMPED THE BOARD???

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09421a  No.14483735

File: e7227ab00197b9a⋯.jpg (3.29 MB, 1645x1645, 1:1, 8_kun_seal.jpg)


Here's the Patriots Fight backup.

1834 came from that board - not /qresearch/


Images can likely be found here.


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41a384  No.14483736

File: 90d5a82a4e61d53⋯.png (826.55 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, ClipboardImage.png)

A (long) list of Newsom’s failures

It’s no secret that Governor Newsom’s tenure has been a monumental failure. That has been on full display throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. With that being said, even before the pandemic, Newsom’s leadership proved to be awful for California.


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a5cbc2  No.14483737



What goes around, comes around.

See if they can take what they dish out.

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f737ce  No.14483738

File: a4231f482e58d60⋯.jpg (42.21 KB, 400x433, 400:433, 43078619_690922691271709_6….jpg)

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4ee854  No.14483740

File: 094c9fbc7bea239⋯.png (106.35 KB, 360x202, 180:101, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 356caa79b5d338d⋯.png (344.35 KB, 675x455, 135:91, ClipboardImage.png)


Digits ✔️d

Navy tweeting Dec 24, 2017

"Julian Assange"

Navy deleted tweet, keystroke mistake.


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8072d9  No.14483741

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

& May God Bless America…

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a043f4  No.14483742



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aeb21c  No.14483743


Of course your would, JEW.

But then again, you would be recreating this board, only worse.


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1a5c61  No.14483744


PANIC in the muhjoo shilling department.

Something good must be coming.


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db5763  No.14483745


We need a lot of string and a bunch of cans.

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b4ab60  No.14483746


Maybe you should go to the other boards then?

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bdf9de  No.14483747


Here ya go, anon.


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86ab56  No.14483748



Was that an F22 over the white house?

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09421a  No.14483749


Dalio? That you?

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a68c8b  No.14483750

File: 3e1c9d2d2c7a298⋯.png (458.63 KB, 559x500, 559:500, b9998a88c400c87b966c6b7a86….png)

File: 492e6a8e85dff14⋯.jpeg (16.43 KB, 255x177, 85:59, 9badd82fd68f6e0579845f599….jpeg)

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86ab56  No.14483751

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Anon is having Pepe meme withdrawal symptoms…got the shakes…Just need a little hop…

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b4ab60  No.14483752


The fact you continue repeating yourself only makes you like the jew

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8072d9  No.14483753

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f737ce  No.14483754

File: f02fc7b49ae5596⋯.png (38.21 KB, 600x631, 600:631, ClipboardImage.png)


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920c34  No.14483755

File: a96b775407eed2e⋯.png (120.94 KB, 316x321, 316:321, Screen_Shot_2021_08_29_at_….png)

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9f0b21  No.14483756


Nah. They're just fucking pissed that OSS ended their board dominance for the past 2-3 weeks.

A lot of anons weren't paying attention enough to notice that it was pretty much Babyfist (doge), Tranime and Gerbil baking probably 90% of the time. 100% of the time on weekends.

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54b9d4  No.14483757


Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE).

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b3ffb2  No.14483758


Comparing Hurricanes Katrina and Ida. Both started on August 23. Feels like deja vu all over again.

I hope anons on the Gulf Coast stay safe.

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1a5c61  No.14483759


Ahhh fuck off you gaslighting clown.

You must be a Muslim Brotherhood boi.

Iranian perhaps?

If I'm jewish you are a madrasa educated towel head. See, making shit up, like FISA, goes both ways.

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097f07  No.14483760



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aeb21c  No.14483761


>PANIC in the muhjoo shilling department.

>Something good must be coming.



>Maybe you should go to the other boards then?

Maybe you should go cry to your rabbi?

We are on to you nation destroying jews.


>The fact you continue repeating yourself only makes you like the jew

Says the jew.

Good one!

Did your rabbi tell you to type that, or did you come up with it on your own?

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4ee854  No.14483762

File: 2d7902792765346⋯.png (218.35 KB, 768x879, 256:293, ClipboardImage.png)

Foods high in ZINC ionophores (activators) QUERCETIN & Epigallocatechin

U.S. Department of Agriculture:

The two flavonoids QUERCETIN & EPIGALLOCATECHIN GALLATE have an action similar to chloroquine but are much safer when consumed in moderate amounts as part of your healthy diet.

These charts give the potency per 100 grams, and also how much you have to consume to get 100 grams.


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9da096  No.14483763

File: 74c0bb7143bd523⋯.png (97.98 KB, 608x509, 608:509, screenshot_231.png)

File: 8c8f62c5a51d6dd⋯.jpg (54.43 KB, 502x680, 251:340, E96y5_vWYAEFjEd.jpg)

Seeing reports Biden is not going to be present to pay his respects to the 13 soldiers

The Pentagon confirmed earlier the 13 fallen US troops remains are en route to Dover Air Force Base for dignified transfer but declined to confirm whether Biden would attend the dignified transfer

The newly released WH daily guidance doesn’t show Biden will be at the base


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db5763  No.14483764

nothing is a coincidence

It's like they fucking muzzled us in here!

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14cd5c  No.14483765


But they don't know that. It worked 9/11 - and they obviously don't think anyone has gotten smarter - look at the whole COVID mess. Wouldn't surprise me at all if they tried that BS again

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1edb80  No.14483766

LaToya Cantrell is the current, and first female, mayor of New Orleans. During Katrina, the mayor was Ray Nagin, who was later sentenced to ten years, for wire fraud, bribery, and money laundering. He was released early in 2020 due to coronavirus. It should be assumed that Cantrell is a career criminal as well, possibly in her position at this time on purpose.

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b3ffb2  No.14483767


Probably just as well…he's not the legitimate president, he has no business being there IMHO.

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cfa75c  No.14483768


>no images (iOS)

Sorry to read that, anon!

Thanks for the assumption as well. Won't try to mess with what you're thinking in this case. ;)


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54b9d4  No.14483769


At least we're here. A while back we were completely deplatformed. That suct.

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0e24dd  No.14483770




Crossing the Rubicon refers to overthrow of government. Why does FEMA have a Team Rubicon?


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1a5c61  No.14483771

File: b73bf7c7a355a2c⋯.png (183.6 KB, 450x300, 3:2, JIDF.png)

File: ecc6ca37f4137bb⋯.png (738.57 KB, 800x800, 1:1, JIDF3.png)

File: dc5d24ed1a682bc⋯.png (235.74 KB, 1000x420, 50:21, JIDF4.png)

File: a6dda4a1bb205e4⋯.png (293.46 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Bogeyman.png)

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aeb21c  No.14483772


You are being "deplatformed" by BV who used banning as a form of censorship.

What is the real difference?

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a5cbc2  No.14483773


We already know that every state has cheated.

What will be done about it?


Just don't vote in the next election.

When 100 million people don't vote, their illusion of choice falls apart.

Then they will have to start making people vote to continue their ruse.

They always resort to force.

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b4ab60  No.14483774


The easiest way to do this is to run an iPad simulator using XCode and then add an entry in the hosts file (/etc/hosts) on the host system to point to your test site. Yes, you can edit the iPad hosts file, but you need to be jailbroken. Once you've done that, download Cydia (app market), and get iFile.Aug 3, 2011

https://stackoverflow.com › questions

Can I edit an iPad's host file? - Stack Overflow


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f737ce  No.14483775

File: 42e4d2a459928d1⋯.png (192.41 KB, 500x485, 100:97, 42e4d2a459928d1c005388f29e….png)


You may not have images displayed on your device anon. But believe me when I tell you that someone at Apple has them.

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4e1cdf  No.14483776


We're basically on the countdown to 9/11 anniversary

You know what was 17 years ago?

The 9/11 commission was dissolved

Aug 21, 2004

I have a hunch it'll be 9/11 evidence that wakes people up

And then every fucking one will be behind the audit

Could just be wishful thinking

Y'know, positivity and whatnot

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971b35  No.14483777


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aeb21c  No.14483778

How come we can post images on other boards but this one?


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935db4  No.14483780

File: 0c22028949f883d⋯.png (498.23 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, HCQ_inserts_Zinc.png)


No… you dont understand HCQ

HCQ must be used as a prophylaxis to prevent symptoms

and it can also be used as a therapeutic at the immediate onset of symptoms

HCQ is a delivery mechanism for zinc.

Zinc cannot penetrate the cell wall into cytoplasm.

HCQ promotes zinc insertion.

Zinc inside an infected cell is able to stop virus replication.

Think of Zinc as the bullet and HCQ is the gun.

Once a cytokine storm becomes intense and starts shutting down organs, it is iffy if a patient will pull through at all.

The important message is prevention and immediate treatment asap if symptoms appear.

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af6433  No.14483781



you should be spreading the info already

their are good cgi clips of planes in breads

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af6433  No.14483782

File: 09fef5aa4cf185c⋯.mp4 (2.89 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 09fef5aa4cf185cd375c56f2e6….mp4)

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86ab56  No.14483783


Air traffic controller shocked at amount of Afghans inside Air Force plane

A recording captured the stunned reaction of an air traffic controller at the Kabul airport, where a massive US Air Force cargo plane carried some 640 Afghan refugees out of the fallen capital.

“OK, how many people do you think are on your jet — 800 people on your jet? Holy f—, holy cow!” the controller says, according to CNN, citing a number that just slightly exceeded the stunning load of passengers later captured in a now-iconic image.

Scores of Afghans attempting to flee the war-torn country in the wake of the Taliban takeover rushed the partly open ramp of the C-17 Globemaster III and packed the jet’s expansive hold for a flight to Qatar, according to Defense One, which obtained the jarring photo.

In total, about 640 refugees made it out of Kabul, a defense official told the publication, far more people than the crew had intended to transport.

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b4ab60  No.14483784


Do you have mommy issues?

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4ee854  No.14483785

File: 6a202ce255a054a⋯.png (547.86 KB, 944x1280, 59:80, ClipboardImage.png)



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69cbfe  No.14483786


Steve’s ghost has seen some shit

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375c68  No.14483787

File: d9c0e1fce444081⋯.png (104.82 KB, 474x356, 237:178, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aae775a7d75ee84⋯.png (805.07 KB, 979x947, 979:947, ClipboardImage.png)


A Thousand Pieces

Written By Sean Stone

Narrated by Sean Stone, “A Thousand Pieces” refers to John F. Kennedy’s desire to splinter the CIA before his untimely death. This documentary examines the systemic corruption of the Deep State, entrenched within the CIA and FBI. Featuring whistleblowers Cathy O’Brien and Joe Flynn, former FBI Agents John DeSouza and Robyn Gritz, and former CIA Officer Robert David Steele


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54b9d4  No.14483788


It'll circle back.

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af6433  No.14483789

panic shills panic

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aeb21c  No.14483790



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f85529  No.14483791


your post demonstrates that you don't understand HCQ

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6cc0f0  No.14483792

File: c6708f776f03f49⋯.png (909.34 KB, 1015x571, 1015:571, ClipboardImage.png)

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097f07  No.14483793



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991968  No.14483794

File: 1abfc31a03320b2⋯.png (557.18 KB, 535x682, 535:682, Screenshot_2021_08_29_at_0….png)


You know


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b4ab60  No.14483795


Circle back girl has ALOT of circling back to do….

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f737ce  No.14483796

File: 60c3e480b23f2fe⋯.png (673.2 KB, 1920x1011, 640:337, ClipboardImage.png)

Call sign TEAL72. Last seen 17 minutes ago. Come back boys! Kek!

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d0bf46  No.14483797

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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af6433  No.14483798

spread the 9 11 info

flow of information


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b4ab60  No.14483799

Anons any idea what's about to drop? Has to be something huge with this many fucking shills

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fd55cf  No.14483800

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Jack Dorsey's Square In Action

>140,378 views | Dec 1, 2009

Twitter creator Jack Dorsey talks about his new project, Square, and we see it in action


Zurtle Bojangles

Zurtle Bojangles

5 months ago

Still a snake a decade later

Test Talk

Test Talk

6 months ago

This is like watching the backstory of a movie villain except this is a villain no one likes.

Sanjukta Sen

Sanjukta Sen

7 months ago

u are a sellout

bradar bradar

bradar bradar

7 months ago


Kenji Oyamada

Kenji Oyamada

9 years ago

owesome smart guy adoring..



9 years ago

Jack Dorsey: you are insanely handsome and creative. I want your babies and you of course…

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b4ab60  No.14483801


Yes. Stop using your teeth bitch boy.

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cfa75c  No.14483802

File: 22dd9d73e9290e6⋯.png (350.81 KB, 500x498, 250:249, ClipboardImage.png)


Well, you might have tried some things.

But non of it is shocking.

You should reallt try that "art" in Paris.

T'was a man who created it, and once you've tried it, it might even put you at peace with men.

Now, please post 'em!

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c63599  No.14483803




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86ab56  No.14483804



Thirst: A Story of Redemption, Compassion, and a Mission to Bring Clean Water to the World

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5b1ebf  No.14483805




STRANDED: Congressmen and Others Accuse Biden of Blocking US Citizens from Kabul Airport, Leaving Them to be Beaten by Taliban Terrorists

News Article:


Related Tweet:

John Cardillo




“I'm hearing from people very close to TF Pineapple that the State Dept. is actively blocking the private extractions of Americans by our private operators.


Why is the US Govt. leaving Americans stranded to be killed in Afghanistan?

Something very sinister going on.”

Tweet link:


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db5763  No.14483806

I say they are going to create a "natural disaster" soon.


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935db4  No.14483808


dont believe me then… I dont give a fuck

Dig for yourself on Dr Zelenko

he has been on a alt media blitz during the last month explaining how HCQ and Ivermectin and Quercetin work in conjunction with Zinc

He has also been warning of the genocide agenda behind the forced vaxx effort

teach yourself or stay ignorant and stupid… your choice

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61f13c  No.14483809

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86ab56  No.14483810


Mercy Ships is an international charity. Mercy Ships currently operates the largest non-governmental hospital ships in the world, providing humanitarian aid like free health care, community development projects, community health education, mental health programs, agriculture projects, and palliative care for terminally ill patients.

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ca4aa2  No.14483811


We will never forgive, we will never forget, we will hunt you down (anonymous). Joe Biden

Wonder who he was talking about.

Rubicon blew up the Golden Gate, was such a good show.

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13e4c8  No.14483812

And then one day the memes became so dank that they couldn't even be displayed on normal devices.

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f737ce  No.14483813

File: 40abb0cda3c5519⋯.jpg (61.37 KB, 570x556, 285:278, pollylarge.jpg)

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cfa75c  No.14483814

File: 606041d5365f4bb⋯.jpg (18.77 KB, 378x357, 18:17, DCoAcJ6W0AAKB5r.jpg)


>Report submitted


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5b1ebf  No.14483815









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b3ffb2  No.14483816


Ida looks like she's going to be as bitchy as Katrina.

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4664a8  No.14483817

File: abc3afb6a4080a0⋯.jpg (142.79 KB, 800x788, 200:197, schumer_meme_enough_with_t….jpg)

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ba5235  No.14483818

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

They are collapsing the southern border

MonkeyWerx with yet another update about all the flights coming into the US from central and south america daily. These are full of 85% males, and being processed through military bases. Add to that the flights coming in from Afghanistan which are full of 90% males, all coming to Texas.

This is a military insurgency in the making Patriots. No one is talking about this. We need EYES ON THIS, haven't heard shit from General Flynn or normal patriot sources.

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86ab56  No.14483819


It was then they saw the rarest pepe of all.

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69cbfe  No.14483820



That’s what I’m talkin about!

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b3ffb2  No.14483821


That sounds so similar to Dubya on 9/11.

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5b1ebf  No.14483822


>And then one day the memes became so dank that they couldn't even be displayed on normal devices

This is what the precipice looks like fren

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375c68  No.14483823

File: 35ae3e0e7281b74⋯.png (832.1 KB, 604x829, 604:829, 35ae3e0e7281b74e3f5deed96b….png)


You are a dotard, that is the BV/Baker for this bread, look at the ID, and all the posts from that ID….

Highlight the id

Press control and f



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af6433  No.14483824


monkeywerx glows

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aeb21c  No.14483825



Chew on that nut!

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54b9d4  No.14483826


Dem's some big words there, Mister…sure hope yer caps lock is stuck.

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097f07  No.14483827


Hear here, anon. I was *pissed* when they canceled it after one season. Cut a little too close to the truth, methinks.

Same bad guy as the bad guy in Mr. Robot, kek.

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b4ab60  No.14483828


Little pussy hurt?

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5b1ebf  No.14483829


>It was then they saw the rarest pepe of all.

The rarest type of pepe meme that if you stop to look at it you turn into a mountain of salt

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af6433  No.14483830


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c63599  No.14483831


two chicken sammiches to go, hammich

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f2b01d  No.14483832


>This is a military insurgency in the making Patriots


This is the DS PAID army, frens.

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af6433  No.14483833


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4ee854  No.14483834

File: 19fffa1ac7c2471⋯.png (234.48 KB, 571x498, 571:498, ClipboardImage.png)

NATO statement:

We regret to inform you that international military evacuations from Kabul airport have ended and we are no longer able to call anyone forward for evacuation flights. We will keep lists of all of you who have registered.

8:38 PM · Aug 28, 2021 - https://twitter.com/Osinttechnical/status/1431823602287091713?s=20

CIA blew up Eagle base - https://twitter.com/herbertnyt/status/1431820462774964225?s=20


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097f07  No.14483835


Fascinating list. Whence came you by it? Hmm, did Unit 8200 throw that over the fence to you

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13e4c8  No.14483836

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375c68  No.14483837


Demanding every state has an audit, is the start.

Instead of bitching here, go and call your state representative, write a letter and emails, demanding a full forensic audit.

No one is resorting to force of any kind, its a different time line.

Suck it.

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af6433  No.14483838


nato will self destruct in 30 seconds

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aeb21c  No.14483839


Censorship hurts everyone, you PATHETIC little JEW CUNT!

If jews were being banned, they would be crying to their RABBIS.

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f737ce  No.14483840

File: faf6dfebf6b0426⋯.png (130.99 KB, 724x724, 1:1, faf6dfebf6b0426d4a735d819c….png)


Anon knows how misunderstandings can erupt on the boards. Furthermoar, anon predicts future board chatter that Polly is a PF. Top Effin Kek.

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f85529  No.14483841


anon knows all you mention very well

but, there is no better teacher than experience

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14cd5c  No.14483842


You know. .My company launched new 'long-term disabil