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/qresearch/ - Q Research Board

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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Max filesize is 16 MB.
Max image dimensions are 15000 x 15000.
You may upload 5 per post.

Attention newfags: Leave the Name/Email field blank for your safety/anonymity. Do not create new threads. You may post in any thread already created. Thank you.

File: 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, 2ca1bdf21b2af5bdc6812f9b55….png)

346c79 No.1413478

Welcome To Q Research General

Personal thank you to the BO, Bakers, and Autists/Anons who continually dedicate their time and energy to the GREAT AWAKENING.

You are all Patriots.

The hard part is coming to an end.

The next phase will bring JUSTICE.

Board Rules (Read the rules please)


Q's New Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/

Q's Tripcode

Current Q Tripcode: Q !4pRcUA0lBE

PAST Tripcodes: !xowAT4Z3VQ , !2jsTvXXmXs [ Blacklisted see, >>>/patriotsfight/71 ]

Trip Code Change Explanation: Q accidentally typed the password in plain text, Q updated password for new Trip on

His Secured /patriotsfight/ Board, BO Confirmed and then white listed new Tripcode, and Blacklisted the compromised one, on /qresearch/. See >>1355345


Q's Latest Posts

Monday 05.14.2018

>>1413374 rt >>1413137 ----- rt: Patriot vs Paytriot

>>1413045 rt >>1413017 ----- Repost crumb re: Rudy

>>1413017 ------------------ Who knows where the bodies are buried?

>>>/patriotsfight/82 ------- Comms understood? (deleted) see >>1411589

>>>/patriotsfight/81 ------- They are losing control of the message. (deleted)

>>>/patriotsfight/80 ------- [ATTACKS WILL ONLY INTENSIFY]

Sunday 05.13.2018

>>1397513 ------------------ Full Circle.

>>1394586 ------------------ On Guard.

>>1394124 ------------------ Trust must be earned.

>>1393554 rt >>1393485 ----- What must happen pre 11.11?

>>1393391 rt >>1393351 ----- rt "The Shadow Government"

>>1393354 rt >>1393313 ----- Watch what happens [-30].

>>1393321 rt >>1393295 ----- LOOP.

>>1393311 rt >>1393269 ----- Well done, Anon.

>>1393295 ------------------ https://nationalsecurityaction.org/who-we-are/

Saturday 05.12.2018

>>1392849 ------------------ Sealed indictments.

>>1391731 ------------------ Now comes the pain.

>>1391509 rt >>1391481 ----- Godspeed, Patriot.

>>1391443 rt >>1391351 ----- Corruption everywhere.

>>1391355 rt >>1391341 ----- News beginning to leak.

>>1391340 rt >>1391298 ----- Happy Hunting!

>>1391298 ------------------ Truth Coming.

>>>/patriotsfight/79 ------- No private comms

>>1388185 ------------------ Stay the course.

>>1385613 ------------------ PEOPLE UNITED hold the power.

>>1384036 rt >>1383888 ----- Time to move on.

Friday 05.11.2018

>>1373162 ------------------ This is why we are here.

>>1372772 ------------------ Q Responds to Corsi/AJ Attack

Thursday 05.10.2018

>>1368097 rt >>1368028 ----- Explore further.

>>>/patriotsfight/78 ------- Facebook is listening to you 24/7/365.

>>>/patriotsfight/77 ------- Future to prove past.

>>1366780 rt >>1366601 ----- Note the pictures we post are ALL originals.

>>>/patriotsfight/76 ------- Rank & File. (deleted) see >>1411709

>>>/patriotsfight/75 ------- Castle LOCK. (deleted)

>>>/patriotsfight/74 ------- Fellow Patriots:

>>>/patriotsfight/73 ------- (DOJNUNESRELEASE.png)

>>1362511 ------------------ This is not a game.

>>>/patriotsfight/72 ------- NKSINGSEC.png

>>1361222 ------------------ [Be careful who you follow]

>>1358839 ------------------ Iran confirms Zarif-Kerry meeting in NY (twitter link)

>>1358706 ------------------ Now comes the pain.

Wednesday 05.09.2018

>>1349487 ------------------ http://www.iran-daily.com/News/202615.html Happy hunting!

Tuesday 05.08.2018

>>1342162 ------------------ Even Qs are Human ;-)

>>>/patriotsfight/71 ------- Error Corrected

>>>/patriotsfight/70 ------- Trip Confirmed

>>>/patriotsfight/69 ------- TRIP Update.

>>>/patriotsfight/68 ------- Today, EVIL lost control - also: >>1341959

>>>/patriotsfight/67 ------- Review time

>>>/patriotsfight/66 ------- Use LOGIC

Backup Q Posts


Previous Q Posts

Find Previous Q Posts at: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Archives of Q's /patriotsfight/ threads >>1313128

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Read: Social Media Protocols

1. DO NOT CONFRONT accounts that are being tracked. WATCH. ARCHIVE. REPORT.

'''2. If you find an important account, ARCHIVE OFFLINE BEFORE POSTING link to 8ch

We must avoid tipping off the black hats until archiving is complete.

>>1126202 , >>1207179 For Instagram mirroring

>>1127332 For Website mirroring

>>1272084 For Twitter mirroring

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1329265 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

>>1113115, >>1113120 How to filter a Shill

346c79 No.1413487


are not endorsements


>>1412836 Pickle = ++ side-by-side

>>1412934 Quick vid on Q's drop 5/10/18. Fellow Patriots. Pass the pills

>>1412976 Pizzagate Returns (Video)

>>1413118 Locating server host. >DoUKnow 36 Toronto St.

>>1413181 New X post


>>1411968 Tips for migraines without using pharma?

>>1412104 Italy's New Populist Government is Kicking Ass

>>1412034, >>1412325 Q74 means 1774

>>1412347 Putting this here for transparency, post containing last bread discussion on doUKnowq.com

>>1412438 Hannity stream

>>1412451, >>1412503 What does Erik Prince know about the ACTUAL content on Weiner’s laptop?


>>1411191 Mueller may have a conflict

>>1411220, >>1411253 POTUS Schedule (bad weather)

>>1411222 Margot Kidder died.

>>1411299 Defending the Nation With Secretary of Defense James Mattis

>>1411304 Post 75 was the FREEDOM flag reminding us of the LOCKed thread on /PF/.

>>1411365 Smoogle Quint fire truck

>>1411368, >>1411393 Unsealed indictment: health care fraud and money laundering

>>1411451 Iranian Group Offers $100,000 to Blow Up New U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem

>>1411484 Man accused in military centre stabbing acquitted of terror charges, not criminally responsible

>>1411556 Ben Garrison: A House Divided

>>1411783, >>1411881 Q said extradicted, not arrested

>>1411803 Baruch the scribe aka Mav[Lag] aka camperman aka board owner of /cbts/ he outed himself on twitter

>>1411814 Veteran Chinese scientist takes an ‘Alice in Wonderland’ journey deep under the sea

>>1411830 Hamas is sending civilians to die for media coverage, says Abbas' advisor (Palestinian Authority)


>>1410419 Q74 Fire Engine pic on social media in 2014

>>1410482, >>1410567 POTUS Posting pics from Air Force Base.

>>1410483 D.C. FBI Insiders Fear: “General Flynn Might Take a Flamethrower to this Town Before He is Done”

>>1410721 Israel created Hamas

>>1410523, >>1410742 Flotus Kidney Op is cover story for an Top Secret meeting?

>>1410689, >>1410992 Another amazing 'Future Proves Past Proof

>>1410842, >>1410904 >SKY_TAR_[E_BZ_y]

>>1410885, >>1411055 Q74 engine in Upper Darby, PA:

>>1410891 There was not any Iran deal to begin with? LOL – the "deal" was never signed!

>>1410918 Updates on Jerusalem Embassy and Gaza protests

>>1410998 The Storm

>>1411111 Now Comes The Pain, Quints Qonfirm


>>1409679 Ted Cruz interview

>>1409864, >>1410000 Why were the Sephardim kicked out of the Iberian Peninsula?


>>1408936 FLOTUS Recovering from Minimally Invasive Kidney Surgery

>>1409033 Castle lock digs

>>1409068 Mountain Deep digs?

>>1409381 German version of 2-reg spoopy planes found.

>>1409385 Q Billboard is to look bad on Qmovement?

>>1409395 Exopolitics article

>>1408810 Pompeo Tweet about the embassy

>>1409265 >>1409234 >>1409199 >>1409179 >>1409171 Planefag reports

>>1409487 POTUS tweets


>>1408176 Big Day graphic connects

>>1408120 Anons Stay The Course

>>1408252 Multinational law/tax-firm Named “CMS”

>>1408134 Building a list of sites on the planet that are exclusionary zones to bypass local laws

>>1408348 >>1408393 >>1408432 Planefag reports

>>1408067 Political corruption probe

>>1408541 The USAF regs should dictate the numbering of trucks.

>>1408619 All for a LARP

>>1408638 "Iran threatens" graphic


>>1407292 Avenatti threatening to sue Daily Caller

>>1407307 On technological advances and black hat data mining (commentary)

>>1407310 USAF tweet w/“Snowden” on uniform

>>1407367 Sessions gunning for Chicago

>>1407742 Airbus finance chief quits group

>>1407857 Money sent to terrorists out of MSP airport

>>1407946 Chinese plane forced to land after window breaking


>>1406565 Problems with Tesla

>>1406651 Two of three Goldman trading securities heads quit

>>1406653 CIA as “the pickle factory”

>>1406766 Presidential Memorandum on reducing oil purchases from Iran

>>1406838 On Bitcoin; FOIA request on Bitcoin turns up “classified”; info denied

>>1406852 DWS won because of destroyed ballots

>>1407081 HRC shifting campaign cash to Delaware LLC


>>1405672 War Games Q Clock diagram

>>1405719 Joke Kerry meets with NZ rep.

>>1405770 Keith A. Raniere Holds Patent for Luciferian Rehabilitation

>>1405782 Meeting in the "Safe Room"

>>1405824 Anons putting the clues together.

>>1405757 UK affluent families using privilege to avoid child abuse investigations

>>1405833 NXIVM Indictment, co-conspripator #2 India Oxenberg

>>1405863 Oxenberg family lines to the English Crown… watch Wikipedia edits

>>1406072 >>1406082 Flight 370 crash was deliberate

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

346c79 No.1413493

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 -- TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 --- META


>>16785 ----- Prayer

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 --- Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>566073 --- Q Cards Collection

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>694579 --- Hispanic Qresearch

>>674740 --- Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 -- Newfag Q&A

>>93735 ----- Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 -- Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>169315 --- Notable Resignations Thread 1/2

>>1147812 -- Notable Resignations Thread 2/2


>>4356 ------ Tools and Information

>>4852 ------ Free Research Resources

>>4362 ------ Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 ------ Research Threads

>>1233401 - All Executive Orders

>>1241760 - Shill posters

>>1243929 - JFK Files released

>>32223 ---- Qs chess game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>410413 --- Q Communications re:deltas

>>489697 --- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread


>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection

>>885933 --- P=C

>>904395 --- The Plan

>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1143658 - Abramovic

>>1272206 - 43 Confirmed Connections workspace

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

346c79 No.1413498

Graphics of All Q'S Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21 >>1408993

>>1335083 Previous GMT Graphics

Q Graphics all in EST

>>1411389 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82

>>1303748 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures: >>1298492 , >>1302636

>>1148124 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ------------------ >>>/comms/968

>>1147122 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg >>>/comms/967

>>1147113 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ---- >>>/comms/966

>>1335077 Previous EST Graphics

NEW: Q's Images Posted

Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* NEW QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: qmap.pub >>1334710

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 5/13]) >>1403707

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

'* http://''qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>851957

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library

Nearly 18,000 Memes and Infographs Searchable by Subject


Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Memes: Latest Stockpiles

Memes21 >>1352458 20 >>1232995, 19 >>1144040

Meme Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ----------------------- qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn to Bake! We Really Need Patriot Bakers

New Bakers Please Go To Cooking Class >>>/comms/154

Or read the Bakers Manual https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

346c79 No.1413518

File: e3705e1da9978ac⋯.jpg (221.18 KB, 513x703, 27:37, _8cp9mu5qvyf.jpg)

Dough #1773



5a0da8 No.1413527

File: f769df5f2792e8c⋯.jpg (291.3 KB, 828x1403, 36:61, ZomboMeme 14052018222605.jpg)

85927b No.1413529

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Congress laughs at Lynch

346c79 No.1413530


Late Q

b983e1 No.1413531

If pain coming, visit doctor

8f2e34 No.1413532

File: 32442bcb210610c⋯.png (122.06 KB, 676x1136, 169:284, 0.png)


probably larping, using old re-posts. at least non-shadow Q was proven right in a few days which rocked this board.

059bb3 No.1413533


The Punish Her Symbol

2858c7 No.1413534

ETA for incoming Pain?

839447 No.1413535


If they have harmed our FLOTUS let us know.

db1976 No.1413536

The storm is almost here……

we've gone through the booms

and here comes the RAIN

Take off the \ and put it on a O

and you get PAIN and Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3a06f2 No.1413537

Q you had better stay for bread 1776!

aa60e9 No.1413538

File: 978c554219e8f6d⋯.png (180.66 KB, 398x403, 398:403, DoItQ.png)



3897fd No.1413539


He (EP) was a Navy SEAL after all. hmmmm. Then again, this was a favorite for all of us in the Stan, and it was on my humvee. Justice always matters. So bring it.

10af20 No.1413540

File: 7dc1c8c67422cd4⋯.jpg (71.57 KB, 1090x511, 1090:511, FireShot Capture 041 - BRE….jpg)


Q ………alex jones re posted this after you called him out the other night around midnight

59d225 No.1413541

Q, what's with Killary's absurd coverup of a back brace? Is it to brace from the impact of what is coming?

59ad79 No.1413542




late Q baker:

>>1413485 Pain Coming

7c2aef No.1413544

File: 145cf6cc7769930⋯.png (997.13 KB, 1440x987, 480:329, 145cf6cc7769930b1817bf04eb….png)

346c79 No.1413545



Wait.. Did he just Qonfirm my bread title?


e3855c No.1413546

Last bread:




He has to be a key of some sort for him not to have been brought back with the other "hostages" and to have been BLOCKED by HRC.

af5e36 No.1413547

File: 949c0e81dda7a68⋯.png (437.38 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, God_will_judge_our_enemies….png)

f7c485 No.1413548

File: f2aa54176a6c885⋯.jpg (52.92 KB, 617x489, 617:489, 2018-05-14_20:27:24.jpg)

>>1413485 (prev)

Mar 9 2018 18:25:15 (EST)


Where there was once darkness, there is now LIGHT.

Sea to shining sea.



Feb 10 2018 05:30:58 (EST)

Seals are wonderful creatures.

Heard they work fast at capturing their prey.


Silence is golden.


Games R FUN!


06525c No.1413549

Robin Grist is on Laura Ingrham right now!!

It is going down!!

4586d6 No.1413550

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Some good ol' fashioned Classic lol

59d225 No.1413551

3a06f2 No.1413552


Rain might have always meant "Iran". Rearrange the letters.

ebd08c No.1413553

File: 600c9d2397172f3⋯.png (86.39 KB, 877x578, 877:578, Earthquake.png)




3.8 just happened

bab759 No.1413554

File: e1913f27c0f55f8⋯.png (115.16 KB, 469x691, 469:691, other post.png)

115071 No.1413555


Hell yes, son!

e27220 No.1413556


Robert Levinson.

Dead or alive?

Next prisoner to come home?


4e06a3 No.1413558


Drop the hammer!

Do it, Q!

No escapes.

f7c485 No.1413559



>Robin Grist


e96887 No.1413560

Potus/flotus are at a military "hospital" for the week. Probably safe to say, booms are incoming….

f800eb No.1413561


Nice, flashback anon!

216256 No.1413562

File: ecc9038f547ae66⋯.jpg (9.1 KB, 241x250, 241:250, mascourt.jpg)


Of course they are.

Congress needs to defund these programs. But they probably won't.

It's another reason why we need a ==Constitutional Convention==, outlaw all these programs. There are many many many things that need to change.

We could be safe to restore the pre-1871 Constitution. Then update from that. Internet bill of rights, additional 4th Amendment protections, etc.

fbe3a4 No.1413563

Q will we see/hear/know about the pain as it happens? When it happens?

06525c No.1413564

File: b8e3d455dc2f784⋯.jpg (16.84 KB, 255x178, 255:178, 9beb672fd7e9b81a7f4e3117ef….jpg)

File: d737871a69a7b68⋯.jpg (11.2 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 58a59ce503babfda056d053eaf….jpg)

File: eb4a42ec343ca42⋯.jpg (21.54 KB, 170x255, 2:3, 12421525a2684a43a71cd8dd1f….jpg)


59d225 No.1413565

Claiming Kenyan citizenship to avoid prosecution type PAIN is what I want to see.

02444e No.1413566


POTUS is back in the WH now. Check his schedule.

4e06a3 No.1413567



About to expire.

Did they respond?

065c93 No.1413568

>>1413485 Q

It's happening

Tick Tock




Strok Texts!!


Bring the pain


Come on, man. Do better. BE BEST

e3855c No.1413569


Trying to get people to understand just how fuckin YUGE it is that she has FINALLY broken through to main stage!!


cae45f No.1413570

File: 269b69beb8501d3⋯.jpg (170.49 KB, 640x383, 640:383, johngalt.jpg)

what is 'who is john galt?', what is 'who is q?'

13fd21 No.1413571

What kind of pain?

3a06f2 No.1413572


U better start thinking of names for #1776 son!

ed6a71 No.1413573


Don't post that.

Everlast is a faggot democrat that hates Trump.

Fuck him.

2d263d No.1413574


Again, remember whatever it was that is on that laptop is bad enough that Weiner's lawyers turned it over voluntarily.

That doesn't happen unless whatever it reveals is so bad that the legal team feels their client's best interest is to just cop and turn states evidence.

06525c No.1413575

Q - What about the anon who posts as X?

fa18ca No.1413576

File: 21c41b24ff4209e⋯.png (725.82 KB, 848x666, 424:333, dzx.PNG)

The State of CA has been collecting the DNA of every child born since 1983.

>Nothing to see here goy. Move along



ebd08c No.1413578


I want to see Flynn take a flame thrower to DC!

9ec057 No.1413579

File: db7cc6fecacca60⋯.jpg (352.84 KB, 1364x1094, 682:547, Screenshot_20180417-181334.jpg)

f24a88 No.1413580


<Robyn Gritz


b2dedc No.1413581

File: 9255d6cdafff359⋯.png (909.85 KB, 1334x900, 667:450, Barry Soetoro Andrew Basia….png)

File: 6b7eec16f095595⋯.png (2.2 MB, 1440x863, 1440:863, Tesla Trump Teleporation T….png)

File: 1a1358ca9612bf1⋯.png (425.59 KB, 500x498, 250:249, y-from-the-depths-of-b-her….png)

Thanks, baker!

3a06f2 No.1413582


Is he? I haven't kept up with him but used to like his stuff.

065c93 No.1413583


85927b No.1413584

File: b3366128078c7e2⋯.png (221.3 KB, 1080x982, 540:491, Screenshot_20180514-145208….png)


Dunford was in Brussels today. We will see what happens.

6dac1e No.1413585

File: 28826c61c97f3b3⋯.jpg (17.52 KB, 318x159, 2:1, erik2.jpg)

Hittin twatter with #LetErikSpeak

4ff319 No.1413586

File: 0451d2ff5576865⋯.jpg (103.96 KB, 1240x744, 5:3, messageImage_1526351403008.jpg)

I’m sure this will get lost in the Q fest going on but looks like MZ is getting squoze.

Facebook suspends 200 apps as part of investigation into data misuse

After Cambridge Analytica fallout, the company is investigating apps that had access to large amounts of data before 2014

Facebook said it had suspended roughly 200 apps as part of its investigation into the potential misuse of personal data on the social network, the latest fallout from the Cambridge Analytica privacy scandal.

In an announcement on Monday, the company also said that it had investigated thousands of apps two months after reporting by the Observer and the Guardian revealed that millions of Americans’ personal data was harvested from Facebook and improperly shared with Cambridge Analytica, a political consultancy.

‘We’re waiting for answers’: Facebook, Brexit and 40 questions

Read more

Ime Archibong, Facebook’s vice-president of product partnerships, said in a blogpost that the company was conducting a “comprehensive review” to identify every app that had access to large amounts of data before the site changed its policies in 2014. When concerns arise, Facebook plans to conduct interviews, request information from the apps “and perform audits that may include on-site inspections”, Archibong wrote.

“There is a lot more work to be done to find all the apps that may have misused people’s Facebook data – and it will take time. We are investing heavily to make sure this investigation is as thorough and timely as possible.”

If Facebook discovers that an app misused data, the company said it would ban them and allow users to check whether they were affected through a dedicated webpage.

A spokesperson also confirmed to the Guardian that Facebook had suspended myPersonality, a Facebook quiz application that launched in 2007.

Two Cambridge researchers, Dr Michal Kosinski and Dr David Stillwell, had pioneered psychometric research using Facebook data with that application. The myPersonality database served as the inspiration for the app built by Aleksandr Kogan, which is at the center of the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

https:// www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/may/14/facebook-apps-suspended-privacy-scandal-cambridge-analytica

cc9a83 No.1413587

File: c4820469201904e⋯.jpg (114.06 KB, 603x346, 603:346, down-the-rabbit-hole.jpg)

>>1413137 (last bread)

thx for sharing, anon.

love it already.

theme song is ace.

346c79 No.1413588


At this point I'm considering calling in sick, kek

c7f097 No.1413589

File: 2e5e6c0bb993810⋯.jpg (24.04 KB, 552x137, 552:137, #fbianon2.jpg)


Children are being kidnapped by the State from their families through Child Protective Services/Family Court.

Please make it STOP.

06c583 No.1413590

File: e18944771173ebe⋯.jpg (47.57 KB, 600x488, 75:61, dc-its-time.jpg)

b77a36 No.1413591

Q just pointed out a post including a video where Jordan Sather is. Jordan Sather is a guy researching what…?

40183c No.1413592

>>1412840 (previous)

John Solomon

80cdd0 No.1413593

File: fb66a391ba05991⋯.png (5.92 KB, 170x73, 170:73, ClipboardImage.png)


Via https://fontmeme.com/cnn-font/

59d225 No.1413594


I'll drink to that Patriot!

bc4fc3 No.1413595

File: 9130386adf7961d⋯.png (993.62 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, 9130386adf7961d4fd812324e5….png)

7dfb9a No.1413596

File: 80c136726d4742c⋯.jpg (269.17 KB, 720x1439, 720:1439, Screenshot_20180514-223035….jpg)

File: ad1d3edb8135995⋯.jpg (101.43 KB, 720x856, 90:107, Screenshot_20180514-223044….jpg)

File: f668cc802dba783⋯.jpg (156.92 KB, 720x1168, 45:73, Screenshot_20180514-223059….jpg)


1ed6e0 No.1413597

File: 6a73019627d4225⋯.png (406.76 KB, 811x844, 811:844, newband.png)

>>1413300 (LB)

Love to see muh old PepePincher memes make a comeback. Thanks Anon, have a new multicheckumpointer

aef719 No.1413598



6ec640 No.1413599

k…. so x post are going to be notables?

ebd08c No.1413600



ed6a71 No.1413601


Yup. We have no stars.

We don't need them either.

President Trump is taking down the Devil.

All I need and ever wanted. President Trump.

f214cb No.1413602

File: 2c3e8b1610d6056⋯.jpg (373.08 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 72accfdbfbe76d5d978c9ca0d8….jpg)

Q, I sent love to and prayed for FLOTUS.

90bbe2 No.1413603


Everything EXCEPT Flat Earth Theory. He will ban yo azz for bringing it up

77bcc3 No.1413604

Who is Q? Well here's my theory.

There are quite a few popular qanon twatters and they all support each other. (thick as thieves). I believe they are working together as Q. Whenever someone is kicked to the curb, the tripcode changes and there's drama (baruke, beanz, corsi).

Also, every time the trip code changes, the voice of Q also changes.

Q is a larp comprised of a a bunch of twatfags.

06c583 No.1413605


Great find Anon!! These are the signs we are looking for. Thank You!!

c12308 No.1413606

File: 9602fe3072f7694⋯.png (429.95 KB, 720x480, 3:2, Screenshot_2018-05-14-13-3….png)

She looks so 😢 or is it pain? :)

aef719 No.1413607

c7f097 No.1413608

File: 0ede9f4d5e75e70⋯.png (150.66 KB, 700x604, 175:151, 0ede9f4d5e75e704618575d8ff….png)

af82d5 No.1413609


29K Sealed Indictments!

4586d6 No.1413610


Didn't realize we was still even a thing.

They all hate TRUMP. Its a good battle song though.

Although I think Ice T likes TRUMP, at least he very pro 2nd.

8ec18e No.1413611


>Potus/flotus are at a military "hospital" for the week. Probably safe to say, booms are incoming….

Walter Reed has a nuclear bunker in it.

71c146 No.1413612

File: c1698d1c85f9d15⋯.jpg (70.46 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 60588605.jpg)

If PAIN is another redacted memo…

839447 No.1413613


One piece of classified info moved off shore or sold to a third party is a breach of national security and …..


0c8179 No.1413614


Yes please.

"Iran next"?

0fa73d No.1413615

File: a74a75d4a8e1097⋯.png (26.24 KB, 507x332, 507:332, who-knows-where.PNG)

>>Who knows where the bodies are buried?

10af20 No.1413616






ed6a71 No.1413617


Cool story. Fuck off.

115071 No.1413618


Date / location of pic?

c7f097 No.1413619

File: b990de1be7f6667⋯.png (275.21 KB, 680x697, 40:41, #8.png)

d26d3f No.1413620

File: 48ef19271ba9a15⋯.jpg (67.05 KB, 500x334, 250:167, pain.jpg)

abc0b3 No.1413622


hey what a coincidence, i posted this before yours


3a06f2 No.1413623


Ironically Everlast has "painkillers". It's like the memes just write themselves or some shit. Kek

02444e No.1413624


tineye.com or gargle image search

abc0b3 No.1413625

b77a36 No.1413626


Well you can easily prove/disprove that topic (hint: basic maths) and you wouldn't believe you can easily prove/disprove some other topics as well (hint: CE-5)

fc7e6b No.1413627


CrankYankin'PrankFags! Stop calling Corsi, Jones, and now this douche canoe! They are starting to believe it's Q! It was funny at first, made 'em look like the jesters they are, but, let's just get back to working with Q now. Mmmmkay? Greeaaaattt.

be2d4b No.1413628


Was Erik Prince "working" for deep state? In other words the DS believed Erik Prince was man they had on the inside. But in actuality was a double FOR POTUS and is working to MAGA( through various means undisclosed).

The making it public was a shot across the bow. To make the rats squirm. To monitor reactions. Know they know you know.

a8811f No.1413629

Did Roseanne lose it? Why is she posting abt the BS pleiadians?

6a72c0 No.1413630

I remember when this whole thing began

No talk of God then we called you a man

And believe me, my admiration for you hasn't died

But every word you say today

Gets twisted round some other way

And they'll hurt you if they think you lied

abd2c2 No.1413631


Debtors prison was started in England by Jewish bankers…read a book please

f7c485 No.1413632

File: 88cca7e22b7a4b8⋯.jpg (79.62 KB, 849x383, 849:383, RainWRWY.jpg)

File: c82cabf3b4821b2⋯.jpg (623.92 KB, 1014x1033, 1014:1033, WWg1wga.jpg)

Amos 5:24

'''But let justice roll down like waters,

and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.'''

WRWY in thought, in prayer, in deed.

cc9a83 No.1413633


and #1775 (the original Patriots' Day that year)


just say "something something zika mumble so you can deny it tmrw something"…should do the trick ;-)

aef719 No.1413634


don't forget slimey…

9ec057 No.1413635

File: 169eb5a53e39547⋯.png (1004.35 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, Screenshot_20180423-221157.png)



06c583 No.1413636


He's not a star. Who listens to him??

e3855c No.1413637

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



f8502d No.1413638

>>1413526 (lb)


110733 No.1413639

File: bc1f9c6b6091ff5⋯.jpg (60.26 KB, 800x533, 800:533, bc1.jpg)


A hero denied by his homeland

Revenge will be sweet

If you bake it, he will crumb

f37719 No.1413640


I'm thinking that 200 apps is only a start, if they're being honest.

df7f23 No.1413641

File: 904659ecb4b614b⋯.jpg (414.49 KB, 1606x738, 803:369, 2018.05.11.012040.screensh….jpg)


any better.? just check whois.. viewsource on site home pages… & search for the bitcoin address same for qanon pub & thestoryofq com | whois dates are damning for ties to qanonposts com …. ALL solicit 'donations' for a simply 8CH scraper

77bcc3 No.1413642


I dont use reddit though. guess im stuck here.

38b7ba No.1413643

File: af2d564059da64e⋯.png (293.57 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, #q-PixTeller-225634.png)

b77a36 No.1413644


You haven't been here long enough.

These are people consumed by their own egos.

5399e2 No.1413645


Listen to to or watch the video.

I am.

Roger Stone, Corsi, and Infowars et al is being outed.

At this point [14/44 mins] Sather has been referenced but is not narrating the video

27c1d6 No.1413647

File: b059e997881e48e⋯.png (69.83 KB, 1172x922, 586:461, M trump punisher - Copy.png)

2cd999 No.1413648

File: 8afcaa0f6f657f1⋯.png (318.22 KB, 784x845, 784:845, ClipboardImage.png)

cancer trending among TRAITORS?

115071 No.1413649


yeah… i know.

5f3504 No.1413650


handlers making her prolly

so then she can dismiss it all

64f390 No.1413651

File: c7cda2e74bc2b65⋯.png (379.53 KB, 596x640, 149:160, roseanne1.PNG)

File: 7812d772a939016⋯.png (65.88 KB, 599x752, 599:752, roseanne2.PNG)


Health care and Secret Space program coverup. This is why the shills hate on him. He is on our team. Over Target. Sometimes Maybe he tries a bit too hard to make j$wtube happy, but hes on bitchute also.Like DW he is trying to make a journalist style profession out of the truth movement. MSM won't finance genuine truth investigators. This is peer to peer investigative journalism. If your not willing to accept aliens might be with us you might want to skip it until you can swallow that pill.

6dac1e No.1413652


She's tweeting about the PLEADIANS….kek, another name for PAYTRIOTS. They PLEAD for $$.

85927b No.1413653

File: cfacad420ad1a50⋯.png (193.31 KB, 1080x1200, 9:10, Screenshot_20180514-213606….png)

fbe3a4 No.1413654


WRONG and laughable

cca5ee No.1413655

File: 7429ca168db9d21⋯.jpg (3.18 MB, 4768x4064, 149:127, appioemnjfna.jpg)

File: e0c1c1b9fa43746⋯.jpg (3.06 MB, 4768x4064, 149:127, apernfslojew.jpg)

File: ba147d5f5f801fe⋯.jpg (2.78 MB, 4768x3368, 596:421, aprilshoweronlyv2.jpg)

File: ee7819e691e9e18⋯.jpg (2.85 MB, 4768x4064, 149:127, aprilshowertempv2.jpg)

8a1d26 No.1413656

Q never said who will get the pain.

10af20 No.1413657


read the constitution ass hat…….iits civil not criminal…….

989c44 No.1413658

File: f78a153a8c98c2a⋯.jpg (65.58 KB, 686x966, 49:69, IMG_2215.JPG)

Keep getting banned

abc0b3 No.1413659

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


those fucking pizzagate cultists made a new video yesterday

lets catch these faggots once and for all!

e96887 No.1413660


This is twice he's linked to sather, Q might be the catalyst for the fake alien agenda. Physics doesn't care about opinion.

df7f23 No.1413661

File: 0d4b73c01b6e173⋯.jpg (185.81 KB, 983x555, 983:555, 2018.05.13.124250.screensh….jpg)


follow the keybase.io trail patriots


1dd960 No.1413662

File: c9ec07d38d0b25c⋯.jpg (107.11 KB, 1026x548, 513:274, ScandalsResort.jpg)


>Pain coming

0805dd No.1413663

File: f6c507a925baa45⋯.png (85.72 KB, 1200x264, 50:11, Screen Shot 2018-05-14 at ….png)

From Twatter….Probably fake

38b7ba No.1413664


Why would you want to stay here if you think Q is fake? What's your purpose?

118b82 No.1413665

File: 23f6553521efb38⋯.png (873.28 KB, 807x488, 807:488, ClipboardImage.png)

Hezbollah promises strikes against Israel’s ‘very heart’ if it continues crossing ‘red lines’

The leader of Lebanon’s Hezbollah has warned Tel Aviv against crossing any more “red lines,” claiming that the latest Israeli strikes on Iranian targets in Syria already triggered an “entirely new” stage of the confrontation.

“An entirely new phase” of armed resistance against Israel began last week, the leader of Lebanon's Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, noted on Monday night, claiming that some 55 missiles – including some “heavy” ones – were fired into the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights last Wednesday evening.

While stopping short of confirming or denying if Hezbollah was involved in the attacks on the Golan Heights, Nasrallah did note that “this is just one form of retaliation for the continuous Israeli aggression against Syria.”

“The message was delivered to the Israeli enemy. It said that the era when you hit Syria without response is over,” Hezbollah's leader added in a televised speech.

While there were no casualties, with Israel claiming all of around 20 projectiles were fired at the Golan Heights were either intercepted by the Iron Dome defense system or failed to reach their intended targets, the attack was immediately pinned on Iranian Quds Forces. In retaliation, Israel scrambled over two dozen jets to strike Iranian-affiliated targets in Syria.

A total of 70 projectiles, including 60 air-to-surface rockets and 10 surface-to-surface missiles, were unleashed on Iranian military targets and Syrian air-defense systems near Damascus and in the south of the country on Thursday morning, according to the Russian military.

While Israel again reiterated that it reserves the right to confront any threat to its national security, in particular by striking alleged Iranian-linked weapons depots that Israel believes are destined for Hezbollah – Nasrallah has warned Tel Aviv against their irresponsible deeper involvement in Syria.

If Israel “once again crossed red lines, the next strike will be at the very heart of Palestine and not just near the Golan border,” Nasrallah said, without providing specifics. “If you thought that you could kill and bomb without receiving a response, then you are wrong and misguided, and the response will be in the appropriate form and time.”

READ MORE: Israeli strikes on Syria raise threat of military confrontation with Tehran – Russian MP

Using the opportunity, Nasrallah also slammed the American support for Israel and Donald Trump's withdrawal from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal last week.

“The US works according to its own interests as well as the interests of the Zionist entity,” Nasrallah said. “The US is not trustworthy because it respects neither the international agreements nor its allies.”

More: https://www.rt.com/news/426723-hezbollah-strikes-israel-heart/

584405 No.1413666


Weren't these the fellas overlooking the Boston bombers operation?

Why should we trust them? You said it yourself, trust is earned.

a40f8d No.1413667


what difference, at this point, does it make?

4586d6 No.1413668

File: 6238cad2e63352a⋯.png (168.88 KB, 398x441, 398:441, pain.PNG)

File: defc550dc190512⋯.png (929.13 KB, 932x619, 932:619, justice.PNG)

06525c No.1413669


Then you should just leave now. No sense wasting time on a "larp".

a2c336 No.1413670


She's on Twitter https://twitter.com/vabelle2010

She's amazing and has had her life destroyed by McCabe and crew for doing the right thing. She was constantly fighting to bring Bob levinson home. They hated that Flynn defended her and tried to destroy his life too.


b2bc32 No.1413671

Natural World Order?


1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

abc0b3 No.1413673

File: 5b5efa5d1dd9dd2⋯.jpg (2.77 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, code 1.jpg)

File: 31c3a238ed89f2b⋯.jpg (2.78 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, code 2.jpg)

File: 7f7acd5bf7f1419⋯.png (3.5 MB, 1920x951, 640:317, coords.PNG)


description says

34.683051, -82.491360




translated it says

special thanks to pelzes lutheran church of his holy name

username is "thegamecaller"

f7c485 No.1413674

File: 36c7bbf0d850eca⋯.jpg (61.73 KB, 454x466, 227:233, JeffersonsPrayerForTheNati….jpg)

b77a36 No.1413675


Lurk moar

c0cc76 No.1413676


iPhone X

355d6a No.1413677

File: 0eac2f15f8d1425⋯.gif (2.03 MB, 260x227, 260:227, RAT2.gif)

38b7ba No.1413678

File: 2e0a11f80817d97⋯.png (641.23 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, QproofsApril.png)

8a1d26 No.1413679


What if the pain is for a white hat? Sky event soon?

7c7dc5 No.1413680

File: 71803badef39946⋯.jpg (111.81 KB, 800x1182, 400:591, 800px-Pindar_statue.jpg)



b77a36 No.1413681


Slowly anons will have to accept this

e27220 No.1413682


A couple months ago you said a 2nd prison was being outfitted because GITMO will be at capacity.

Has it been completed? Ready for pain recipients?

38f1ac No.1413683


John Solomon just broke it on Ingraham Angle.

77bcc3 No.1413684


Because awesome work is being done here, regardless of who Q is.

abd2c2 No.1413685


I realize that you fucking niggerbrain…but if you want to flap about things learn their roots….

Debtors prison started in England…Usury was outlawed by the Church and guess who was allowed to do it…Jewish bankers….Learn something or GTFO here….

ba0fd5 No.1413686


Why does Q [always] use [] in weird places, I don't understand that. Early Q, the questions seemed like an American and the questions were intriguing and fascinating making you want more. Lately Q sounds foreign. I don't know, something reads different in the phrasing and cadence of the text. Go back and re-read from the beginning and tell me I'm wrong.

d26d3f No.1413687


ahhh, you post funny come back. nice one.

584405 No.1413688


well.. fake is hard to assert, but one can question the motives.

Like the latest pic, these fellas were overlooking the Boston bombers operation. Seems like Q has some explaining to do if we're working with murderers, or terrorists.

a40f8d No.1413689

File: 0482f69707d1547⋯.png (428.25 KB, 1663x1038, 1663:1038, ClipboardImage.png)

Go home, pilot.

You're drunk.

e3855c No.1413690


You're wrong.

aef719 No.1413691


yes…I snorted.

b77a36 No.1413692

Good luck Q!

When's the next Q+?

ed6a71 No.1413693

I am very happy to see the kindergarten class also known as the youtube Q community has been completely demolished and destroyed.



Anybody that was not at least 18 years old when 9/11/01 happened are literally in the way and need to LURK MOAR.

Imagine being six years old when that happened and then being here and telling us some shit they learned…

Most of them yammer on about GOD or some shit. Stupid retards with zero knowledge base. Been listening to the fat fuck in Austin TX for a year or two and think they know something.

Thanks Q for fucking that shit up!

7dfb9a No.1413694


This is what I'm trying to convey

7c7dc5 No.1413695


blowing fuel?

59ad79 No.1413696

File: 76a02128125cf45⋯.jpg (115.55 KB, 720x502, 360:251, popesidebyside.jpg)

5959c0 No.1413697

P = C

C = Chair

P = Pain?

P answers to the Chair

Pain = Chair

e95d99 No.1413698

>>1413206 (last bread)

Alex Jones is Bill Hicks

go to minute 10 of this video, made a believer out of me


85927b No.1413699


Diego Garcia

25c894 No.1413700


it's definitely different.

the q crumbs developed just like your writing style develops the more you write.

not foreign don't concernfag

db1976 No.1413702





59ad79 No.1413703

803809 No.1413704


Banned AND filtered. Mostly because you're NAMEFAGGIN and stupid. It's not the first time I'm trying to help you. Smh…

989c44 No.1413705

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Tango bravo


6a72c0 No.1413706

Listen Jesus I don't like what I see

All I ask is that you listen to me

And remember, I've been your right hand man all along

You have set them all on fire

They think they've found the new Messiah

And they'll hurt you when they find they're wrong

( Jesus Christ Superstar - Heaven On Their Minds )

6dac1e No.1413707


Learn to read, Faggot

Roseanne Barr

‏Verified account @therealroseanne

14h14 hours ago

Replying to @kabamur_taygeta


ce2a72 No.1413708

File: abe64b1a68255d1⋯.png (13.48 KB, 712x103, 712:103, 6IMYfUK.png)

File: 067e45f229515a4⋯.png (131.9 KB, 1876x781, 1876:781, 1524174099808.png)

For about a year prior to Q the biggest dig was on the WL insurance keys being released. White hats were helping. They were trying to distribute the data but echelon/xkeyscore kept it contained.

Q, what happened to JA in 10/2016? Are we supposed to just act like it never happened? Now that Trump is in office and cleaning, are we supposed to revisit this? JA's jarring anarchistic followers silenced in preference to Q/Trump "Great Awakening?" NYPD Wiener insurance enough?


af5e36 No.1413709

File: 59bd8fe54aadf44⋯.png (1.02 MB, 720x899, 720:899, pain_coming_may_15_2018.png)

10af20 No.1413710

File: 9cddad9afcd838f⋯.jpg (88.03 KB, 900x486, 50:27, FireShot Capture 058 - (31….jpg)





59ad79 No.1413711


because you deserve it

3a06f2 No.1413712


What about "A New rEvolution" or "Paul Revere's Revenge"

06c583 No.1413713

File: 7cd99a9e6d33f1a⋯.jpeg (1.54 MB, 1127x1646, 1127:1646, 9412507E-1CDF-441E-8CDB-0….jpeg)


Fact!! And I think at the end of the day, when we realize ALL Honest Anons and People of Truth & Good Will & Intention are ALL "Team Q", the better off we will be.

Have we ever settled on WHY the letter "Q" was chosen??

ad390c No.1413714

The red shoes help young dancers. But once you put them on you can't stop wearing them, and you can't stop dancing.

Its an old story. Kate Bush does a video on the red shoes.

e27220 No.1413715


For one, Q is a team. So of course they will have differences in syntax and language.

The brackets typically indicate parentheses. At other times they have represented a kill box. As Q says, "multiple meanings."

What we can be sure of is that "everything has meaning" and in time we will likely understand all those meanings.

db1976 No.1413716

Probably not the time to drop this but I've never seen this discussed here.

They did the Chemical Papers in 2009 and then they were buried.


cfe8b2 No.1413717


classic spoky45

6dac1e No.1413718


In Russia, Box kill you

629134 No.1413719

File: d474724cad895c0⋯.jpeg (784.75 KB, 1242x781, 1242:781, 894F3EA5-5E2E-423D-BF2F-A….jpeg)

5399e2 No.1413720


Politico Article here >>1410574

38b7ba No.1413721


Does anyone know if the 29k are STILL sealed?

How many have been unsealed since they started counting???

ba0fd5 No.1413723


Oh snap, just read post where Q implied Rudy knows where the bodies are buried. He's talking about 9/11 bodies. Like missing passengers and poor obliterated bodies from the towers.

1ee01a No.1413724


The film is GLORIOUS

e95d99 No.1413725

File: ec5fa3dd348f9b3⋯.jpg (9.93 KB, 186x216, 31:36, flagcheckem.jpg)

b2dedc No.1413726

File: 1d0ecf321042556⋯.png (1.97 MB, 1440x863, 1440:863, Tesla Trump Teleporation T….png)

File: 1a43d1edfc9232e⋯.png (618.7 KB, 666x851, 18:23, TinfoilMAGAPepe.png)


Fixed second one.

0364e2 No.1413727


Wait Q… Everyone is taking this for granted. Can you clarify, "Pain for WHO?"

b77a36 No.1413728


So this automatically means pleiadians are paytriots? I'm having trouble following your logic.

38b7ba No.1413729

File: b15592bfbc99dde⋯.png (492.56 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, QProofsRudy.png)

File: 25d83efdd277516⋯.png (544.19 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, QProofsPatriotsDay.png)

File: d4cd6a2c12fdcf5⋯.png (582 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, QproofsMueller.png)

File: bb3dbf0571c167a⋯.jpg (392.61 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, #QproofsEmails.jpg)

989c44 No.1413730


Hash code ?

984ff2 No.1413731

File: 8014e5ee6d31a4e⋯.png (551.88 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, F99F1EF4-4621-4886-AAD6-79….png)

File: 2d61fa699772c1e⋯.jpeg (180.66 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, D384D058-19B3-4B67-B2CE-B….jpeg)

File: 1a18eb0ba3a4150⋯.png (1.21 MB, 2208x1019, 2208:1019, 6532A0AA-C3BD-4021-8EF5-30….png)

File: a40bd1671af4694⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1909x1446, 1909:1446, E168276F-AE8D-4E74-BDB7-A9….png)

>>1408252 (prev bread) CMS notable

e0f10b No.1413732


No convention. It's a blank check for Congress to rewrite the constitution. You think you and I get to go? fucking politicians decide everything. Constitution does not need rewritten. The first thing that would go is 2A. NOT NEEDED->>

The same pen that started a program can undo the program. These programs are NOT part of the Constitution.


7753a5 No.1413733

File: 7e78a2c0d76f2d2⋯.png (188.38 KB, 633x788, 633:788, ClipboardImage.png)

Q has called for UNITY

Ever since the beginning

He has told us that


That includes liberals

He has taught us how to educate

How to enlighten

Using Memes


Now is the time for WE THE PEOPLE

To come together

To all learn how to play the game of politics

The game of dialogue

The game of discussion

The game of negotiation

The game of making the deal

The President himself can teach us

The Art of the Deal

Now is the time to get down to business

With a President who is a BUSINESS LEADER

But NOT a politician

Emulate him, not the angry mob

When anons show they are filled with hate

They are only imitating Antifa

We do not value that behavior

Because we know in our hearts it is wrong


Love your neighbor

Liberals, radicals, talk to them all

85927b No.1413734


Lurk Moar.


[]__[]=kill box

3a06f2 No.1413735


Top level Gov Security Clearance; Nuclear and above.

a40f8d No.1413736

File: 12facc38132628f⋯.png (1.17 MB, 988x740, 247:185, ClipboardImage.png)

Plane circling this near Elgin. Anyone know what it is?

10af20 No.1413737


thats common knowledge you uneducated ass hat……i learned that in elementary school

02444e No.1413738


Think metaphorically.

5b8648 No.1413739

File: dd8e312f6a45904⋯.jpg (348.21 KB, 1080x1484, 270:371, Screenshot_20180514-193945.jpg)

File: cb289358b772a07⋯.gif (351.46 KB, 500x219, 500:219, tumblr_lw1lvd8L6s1qca6mzo2….gif)

Baruch/Mac[LAG]/camperman/cbts bo claims im Q guys!


065c93 No.1413740

Pain Coming.

In a few days/weeks/months/years anons will be saying "Q didn't mean this month"

60aac7 No.1413741

File: be7904b7c088782⋯.jpg (685.29 KB, 2048x1463, 2048:1463, 6dac381bd843dba6e59c87be37….jpg)


I bet bad actors' phones are ringing all over the place as you say that!!!!

772e31 No.1413742


its a play on words/spelling

plead ians

plead for $$$

a8811f No.1413743


OMG that's so funny….they plead and plead to be "beeleeved"….before they reveal themselves they will start a gofundme….for the planets!

ed6a71 No.1413744


What would it matter if AJ was BH?

It wouldn't matter at all.

And he isn't anyway so go fuck yourself faggot.

8a1d26 No.1413745

Rudy better hurry up. He cant remember his lines.

e4cd09 No.1413746


2 Gitmos = High level arrest

1 Diego Garcia = 2nd level arrest

Closed prisons in USA = All others arrested

7c7dc5 No.1413747

Gah. Q posting can't even stop the shitposting.

59d225 No.1413748


Or maybe specifically the bodies of those on the planes that apparently hit the Pentagon and Shanksville? Those sights were not plane crashes, and the souls onboard those missing planes went somewhere, now didn't they?

4e06a3 No.1413749



abd2c2 No.1413750



Its too bad you never graduated from it

069b91 No.1413751


"In honor of JFK, we shine the LIGHT"

6dac1e No.1413752


Read the fucking tweet…she tweeted the word PLEADians, not Pleidians. Making a fucking joke.

06c583 No.1413753

File: 72e8e4518edb292⋯.jpeg (17.08 KB, 143x255, 143:255, image (3).jpeg)


I hear your argument Anon, but I was FAR more awake 30+ years ago at age 5 than most so-called "adults" in my society are now. And I would reckon it's the same way for a lot of us here. Don't dismiss the youth.

e8e3cf No.1413754


do it Q

065c93 No.1413755

Make Pain Great Again

c5bd2e No.1413756


Praying with you for our FLOTUS.

Where two or more are gathered in HIS NAME. Amen

God Bless our First Lady.

aef719 No.1413757

e5b8aa No.1413758

File: e2454688ca8e004⋯.png (892.64 KB, 1013x791, 1013:791, e2454688ca8e004a6ab98ddefe….png)



DUMB Destroyed?

9a2e11 No.1413759

File: 783637f5bfc7dfb⋯.png (7.96 KB, 332x133, 332:133, Score.png)


https://docs.google. com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/

b77a36 No.1413760


No, it's a name of an inhabited star system. Since the cluster is called Pleiades, the inhabitants are called Pleiadians.

fbe3a4 No.1413762


Ty that’s what I was going to say also

98074b No.1413763


I'd go for clarity on that myself.

Btw, I'll eat my humble pie on AJ too. Anon's are right calling AJ a shill.

Thanks for the proof. That's all I wanted.

Soo, failing aj.

who? in addition to Q, not instead of.

ee1e78 No.1413764

File: 0cbb81bca9d781c⋯.jpg (136.76 KB, 740x1109, 740:1109, Capt4111ure.JPG)

File: 90eca77caede4e7⋯.jpg (115.75 KB, 745x1104, 745:1104, Capt65ure.JPG)

File: 01c7ee6a8e0fc87⋯.jpg (125.35 KB, 753x1106, 753:1106, Capt11414ure.JPG)

Reviewed my collection of INWO cards to scan for any Q. Nothing crazy, but:

E = 5

F = 6

F = 6

Sum = 17 = Q

Infobahn has some Qs and 8ch if you abstract a bit.

Helicopter breaking apart in the sky with a Q.

06525c No.1413765


FINALLY Pleadians and other beings.

The Universe is a MASSIVE, COMPLEX neighborhood.

839447 No.1413766


If they have harmed FLOTUS it would be for Patriots and Traitors, just in different ways.

989c44 No.1413767

File: 6b7feec2d235c3d⋯.jpg (107.56 KB, 500x527, 500:527, IMG_1469.JPG)

File: f443def1c2921bc⋯.jpg (365.66 KB, 1024x1242, 512:621, IMG_1513.JPG)

File: 9944753b8e11bca⋯.jpg (384.14 KB, 1120x1120, 1:1, IMG_1532.JPG)

5399e2 No.1413768

File: 83381555c735986⋯.png (11.76 KB, 374x392, 187:196, Q Punisher Skull 3-9-18.PNG)

2e3245 No.1413769


PALENSTINE'S leader is known as CHAIRMAN

P = C

Out of the 1.5 million people in the Gaza strip, 1.2 million have refugee status. About 80 percent of the population depend on foreign aid and international financing via the United Nations’ special body known as the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). The agency was created in 1949 with the goal of aiding Palestinians who were expelled from their territories as a result of the 1948 Arab-Israel War. Most of the financial aid sustaining the agency comes from the United States and Europe.

a5f6bf No.1413770


damnit it's not all about me

772e31 No.1413771




59ad79 No.1413772

File: f9e670918da875e⋯.jpg (43.8 KB, 720x395, 144:79, muhaliens3.jpg)


muh pleaidians

69c091 No.1413773

Rockefeller sale hits record $832 million, the largest for a single collector

Auction totals for the Peggy and David Rockefeller Collection at Christie's reached $832.6 million, making it the largest from a single collection ever.

Twenty-two records were set during the auction for certain artists or items.

Among the records were new auction highs for Monet (a water lilies painting that went for $84.7 million) and Matisse ('Odalisque Couchee aux Magnolias' went for $80.7 million).


4e06a3 No.1413774




e08170 No.1413775


Yeahhh.. Aanon said to be ready… hope something YUGE is coming

877403 No.1413776

File: d88afd5aa68bd8d⋯.png (64.6 KB, 603x451, 603:451, Screenshot 2018-05-14 at 1….png)


she actually just forgot an 'i'. she also told kabamur to dm her

6dac1e No.1413777

5f3504 No.1413778


or like pleading their cases

plead ians lol



1ee01a No.1413779


Start acting more like an historian. I've found much success talking to normies in historical context. Read bout the IC and the covert warfare of the past 30 years. Normies LOVE true crime and that's THE history to learn from the past administrations.

59ad79 No.1413780

aef719 No.1413781


the internet…info available.

216256 No.1413782


3/4 of the states must agree on changes before it becomes law. Congress can only start the process.

It's going to happen. It needs to happen. It will happen.

88a6ec No.1413783

This is pretty much telling me that we'll have a summer of visible and credibility pain for the Democrats, and the Shadow Government. Fucking yes, 2019 is going to be great. History books.

59d225 No.1413784

Make it PAIN


3dd32e No.1413785

BAKER → please re-notable to this bread w/ updates and remove #1766 notable >1408134

Notable text: >>##### Building a list of sites on the planet that are exclusionary zones to facilitate cabal activity

Help me out anons. Hive mind. Digging and keeping list updated.

Thesis: The Cabal operates above us thru the BIS for their financial fuckery, and uses these exclusionary zones/inviolability to bypass local laws. Keywords: Inviolability, extraterritoriality, autonomy

Based on this post: >>1288936 (old bread)

List so far:


Embassies, consulates, places of residence, diplomatic immunity (updated)

Military bases, demilitarized zones, NATO HQ

Antarctic Treaty System

Outer Space Treaty

International waters

Free trade zones

(cities within a city)

City of London

Vatican (and Properties of the Holy See)

Washington DC


Hong Kong (also Kowloon Walled City - now demolished, see >>1319610)


Greece - Mount Athos is autonomous (think vatican)

(cities / country anomalies, extraterritorality & enclaves)

Monaco - has no central bank

Palazzo Malta

Villa del Priorato di Malta

Argentina: autonomous city, Buenos Aires

Cyprus - includes de facto state of Northern Cyprus (recall Hillary dig in that email)

Fiji - autonomous region Rotuma

Mexico - Mexico City is autonomous (BIS LOCATION THERE!!) >>1310865

Kingdom of the Netherlands - autonomy: Aruba, Curaçao, Netherlands, Sint Maarten

New Zealand - dependent territories of Ross Dependency + Tokelau and responsibilities for Cook Islands + Niue

San Marino - enclave

Gibraltar - tax haven

Geurnsey (also Jersey) - Business Aviation Services >>1409408 >>1409583 (new)

(organizations of interest)

Incorporated Trades of Edinburgh

INTERPOL headquarters in Lyon, France, used by INTERPOL

(locations of interest)



Headquarters of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta in Rome

Fort St. Angelo in Malta

European Patent Office in Munich, Berlin and The Hague

Longwood House on St. Helena

International Maritime Organisation Headquarters in London

SHAPE in Belgium

EuroAirport Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg

Privately and foreign owned ports

Kish Island in Iran >German cabal was trying to setup a banking hub here

Université Laval

Disneyland https://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/infrastructure/a15155208/disney-world-government/ (new)


United Nations HQ in NY

United Nations offices: Geneva, Vienna, Nairobi, The Hague, Hamburg, Copenhagen

Complete list: https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_Nations_organizations_by_location

1946 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the UN (http ://www.un.org/en/ethics/pdf/convention.pdf)

(notable reads) (new)

The inviolability of diplomatic and consular premises http ://newsite.diplomaticlawguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/DiplomaticLaw.pdf

Please reply and I will add to list and own it ongoing

91ba27 No.1413786


I like that! Oroboros are creepy.

Stylized Oroboros serpent biting its tail, forming a circle with its body. Inside the circle is the point of Lucifer. Texe Marrs, Codex Magic

3a06f2 No.1413787


If it's like the punisher storyline he's avenging his family's death right? That would give us the hint it is somene whose family dies Auden of whoever they are taking down. For example: if they're taking down No name it will prob be someone from Benghazi or Vietnam that lost people because of him.

fbe3a4 No.1413788


Your still small voice inside of you….let your conscious be your guild ;)

6dac1e No.1413789


They live in the BEGobah system.

69c091 No.1413790


She's born in the year of DRAGON. Another DRAGON.

989c44 No.1413791

File: c033785443072d6⋯.jpg (102.68 KB, 666x534, 111:89, IMG_2074.JPG)

File: d38a2d730087444⋯.jpg (26.09 KB, 242x208, 121:104, IMG_2076.JPG)

File: 4beab323ad558cb⋯.jpg (55.27 KB, 509x640, 509:640, IMG_2078.JPG)

e3855c No.1413792


Cashing out cuz they're cash strapped. Kek.

06525c No.1413793


Pain for the corrupt officials and politicians.

abd2c2 No.1413794



This is the best one yet anons…the Palestinians are the Cabal Elites….Holy Fucking Shit…LMAO

59ad79 No.1413795

STOP THE Psliding


10af20 No.1413796

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

584e90 No.1413797

File: 5dbf6632a96a42b⋯.jpg (114.69 KB, 965x599, 965:599, 5dbf6632a96a42bf020ac06a6b….jpg)

01c60e No.1413798


Sounds like divisive jew shill to me. But what the fuck do I know, i'm only 26.

Kill yourself attention faggot

3897fd No.1413799

I think EP may have been the mole though… hopefully it backfired.>>1413628

065c93 No.1413800


Art sales, great way to launder money

372804 No.1413801


Third one = bad ass

1ef190 No.1413802

File: 8a1e902a6f8ae08⋯.png (126.52 KB, 850x668, 425:334, pain.png)

Now comes the pain

38b7ba No.1413803

File: af2d564059da64e⋯.png (293.57 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, #q-PixTeller-225634.png)

File: 4b318dba5188a2b⋯.png (67.61 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, #QProofs2-PixTeller-203487.png)

File: 4e99f3b28891960⋯.jpg (294.67 KB, 1191x842, 1191:842, #qproofnk.jpg)

File: c22eabc492f8cfb⋯.png (384.13 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, qproofsdod.png)

For those fighting the war on Twitter. Here are 4 of my favorite #QProofs to quiet the detractors:

c0df45 No.1413804

File: 3eb7193ac21643c⋯.jpg (102.73 KB, 579x500, 579:500, 2aa9kb.jpg)

b77a36 No.1413805


multiple star systems in a cluster* i need to go to sleep


THANK YOU finally someone gets it.

how close is the nearest star? what's the chance it has life? What about the rest of the infinite universe? Really simple answer. Remove the Cabal failsafes and you get contact, re: incarnated extraterrestrials totally coincidental crumb


you are funny

ee50be No.1413806


>Normies LOVE true crime

that's what's so crazy: the wildest, unimaginable stories are real, but they're conditioned not to believe it…

216256 No.1413807


Has to be a sequestered team somewhere.

Military perhaps.

The Storm can't happen until they finish….

877403 No.1413808


Don't censor people you faggot

8217cf No.1413809


Space trash.

1b2432 No.1413810


This is the kind of pain I wouldn't mind seeing.

I am going to be in a whole world of hurt, next week.

I would love to see weiner's laptop(ONLY , no crotch shots of his) to lessem my pain


Please release ALL of the insurance files!


f620fa No.1413811

File: a306abc8d37cfa9⋯.gif (468.6 KB, 300x225, 4:3, lz8epzkonax01.gif)

e5b8aa No.1413812


Time for New Social Media?

c2eb10 No.1413813


Clutch, anon.

cc9a83 No.1413814

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


just can't get this track outta my head

←Method Man - Bring The Pain (HD)


I came to bring the pain hardcore from the brain

Let's go inside my astral plane

Find out my mental, based on instrumental

Records, hey, so I can write monumental

Methods, I'm not the King

But niggas is decaf, I stick 'em for the CREAM

Check it, just how deep can shit get

Deep as the abyss and brothers is mad fish accept it

bec2b6 No.1413815

Daddy Q, where is my pain?

I lie awake at night, sweaty and breathless, anticipating the touch of your MOAB against my chocolate rosebud… But that gratification continues to be deferred.

"BIG NEXT WEEK" you whisper, but I need your bigness this week. I need it today. I need it NOW.

Please, Daddy Q, please give me your big MOAB. Fill me up with it. I can handle it, I promise. I've been practicing.

My wife wonders what's happened to her long necked vase, and all I can tell her is to trust the plan. She nods as though she understands, and I grin, clenching my anus almost until the vase shatters. I have full control where that's concerned, you see.

Please, Daddy Q. I'm begging you. Unseal those indictments and splash me with that sweet, sweet justice. I'll swallow every drop and still beg you for me.

98074b No.1413816


What in the glorified hell makes anyone think a con con would solve anything?

Oooh, you don't follow the laws we have, well damn it, I'll write ten more that make you follow the laws we have!!!!

Fuck me, those con con dolts are dense…

6dac1e No.1413817


Read the (mis)spelling, genius, then think about what the word PLEAD means. Jesus fuck.

b2bc32 No.1413818


Brad Parscale

77bcc3 No.1413819

Why did Q delete his post about the Q47 fire truck being comms? Because the fire truck has had that name even before the hostages came home.


1b2432 No.1413820


sorry that is from prev. bread

06525c No.1413821


You knew this was going to be coming.

Do some research so you don't get so triggered.

b77a36 No.1413822


fun fact Pleiadians have no deals with satanic pedos

584405 No.1413823

File: 98365b99d66a863⋯.jpg (73.65 KB, 550x562, 275:281, craft_2-550-x-562.jpg)

Not competent enough to stop two kid bombers but competent enough to stop a WW network of criminals and criminal world leaders with nuclear weapons and special tech(9/11)…

I'd love to believe it but something holds me back

570fef No.1413824

File: 0247b86232ce6a5⋯.jpeg (729.84 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 71A8FF34-DA11-4442-AA4A-C….jpeg)

2e3245 No.1413825


Is Palenstine another NK?

another Iran?

another CIA black op site?

Is that why Israel will be last? to deal with Palenstine and whoever really controls it?

a2c336 No.1413826


I like that alot. Well said anon and Brian. Side note, I wonder if we will see info on Andrew Breitbart's death. He was one of the first to start taking the fight to the enemy. Using their own tactics against them and called out podesta for what he was.

c0cc76 No.1413827

Anons does FLOTUS "kidney issue" have to do with THE PAIN OF KIDNEY STONES?

"Now comes the pain."

e3855c No.1413828


When is Rubio gonna resign? He's so beyond comped. Been hiding behind the pillars in the Capitol avoiding the MSM all year. Here he is on Laura. He seems like he's waiting for the hammer to drop.

02444e No.1413829


Terms of his will. Proceeds to "charity" – e.g., CFR.

880b91 No.1413830


Don't even know where to Start with this, So Appologies In advance Baker I'm about to Drop a shit ton of Info, Re-link back to this, and then Give More Summaries because this is so Large its impossible to cover in one post. Bellow are the meaty bits.

Q said, "Every SIGLE day we fight for you"

This CMS (Cameron McKenna Single) Is a mulitnational Tax/Law firm/group that is the largest in Germany, and among the 10 largest in the world. They are the first Western law office to be allowed to operate in Iran after Hussien lifted Sanctions in 2016. (((They))) specialize in M&A, international Arbitration, and every-type of law you can think of related to the Cabal.

(((They))) don't just write Opinions about Significant international cases to advise their clients about pertinent subjects like money-laundering, foreign direct investment, white collar crime, and Qualified-Tax-Crime, (((They))) help direct policy discussion in major financial regulatory groups/panels.

This is where it gets real:

Rudolf von Erlach and Andreas von Erlach are/were both international corporate lawyers for the conglomerate CMS von Erlach poncet AG


"Rudolf von Erlach (27 January 1891-7 August 1944) was a member of the Swiss General Staff and commanded Gebirgsbrigade 12 and later the 5. Division in Switzerland during World War"

"The Erlach family was a noble Bernese patrician family. They first became citizens of Bern around 1300. During the 17th and 18th Centuries they were one of the leading families in Bern. For centuries the family served as senior military commanders in both Bern and in foreign armies. They were mayors of Bern and ruled over many other towns and cities in western Switzerland. Several family members received the upper nobility title "Reichsgraf".

Hanz Poncet


Dr. Charles Poncet serves as a Partner of CMS von Erlach Poncet, one of Switzerland's leading law firms and a member of the CMS network. Dr. Poncet served as a Partner of Ziegler Poncet Grumbach Carra (ZPG) from 1986 to 2014. Dr. Poncet is one of the leading international arbitration specialists in Geneva and has been a practicing lawyer for over 25 years. He has appeared in several leading cases concerning large scale investments, joint ventures and other disputes, often involving amounts in dispute in excess of one billion USD. Dr. Poncet serves as chairman of SOGEMCO SA and as a director of Société des Hôtels Président. Dr. Poncet has been Non-Executive Chairman of London Capital Group Holdings plc since March 25, 2015 and as its Non-Executive Director since November 7, 2014. He was a member of the Swiss Parliament from 1989 to 1995 and is fluent in French, Italian, English and German.

Enter Cornelius Brandi elected Executive Chairman of CMS and Senior Partner of CMS Germany in 2008, after working tirelessly to unite all these independent law offices under one group, owned by the most powerful banking family in the world, the house of Torlonia.

f24a88 No.1413831

Given Q's talk of pain coming, methinks this sheds new light on the congressional hearing scheduled for Wednesday with Admiral Rogers and the Three Deep State Stooges (although it seems Leaky Jimmy conveniently can't come). Related to the incoming pain, Q? Kek!

e95d99 No.1413832

File: e2b8bc969905122⋯.png (243.76 KB, 517x594, 47:54, shillspotter.png)

023f87 No.1413833


This is an outstanding example of how the Cabal worms and weasels their way out of corners.

5959c0 No.1413834

File: 9ab5337b93ebd65⋯.jpg (58.28 KB, 1134x638, 567:319, motherofgod.jpg)

59ad79 No.1413835


muh pleiadians

go watch ancient aliens and gtfo of /qresearch/

fc7e6b No.1413836


Beautiful spot! And, plenty of room for growth. How do I invest in New development?

3897fd No.1413837


Weakest, retarded argument ever

b77a36 No.1413838


Because anons archive offline, and some posts are deleted so /qresearch/ doesn't get flooded by unaware norms.

065c93 No.1413839

Is FLOTUS and family in hiding for the next week because of the pain coming?

8a1d26 No.1413840

Q. Evidence against black hats is overwhelming. Why do they continue to fight?

85927b No.1413841

Keep Nunes safe Q.

e0f10b No.1413842


'natural' fits 'axe me a question' rotschild going on and on about 'natural' laws of harvesting the weaker

13fd21 No.1413843


Cancer is believable. Instant empathy. Instant free pass for everything.

He will fake his death and dissapear too.

880b91 No.1413844


The House of Torlonia are the most powerful bankers on the earth. They are intermarried with the Borghese family who founded the Bank of the Holy Spirit which merged with Banca di Roma which merged with Capitalia which merged with Unicredit which went into contract with Santander, Warburg Pincus and General Atlantic and this contract ended in July 2016 right after it was exposed. The House of Torlonia is also intermarried with the Javal banking family and the royal family of Luxembourg. The Borghese family are married with the Aldobrandini family who are intermarried with the French Rothschild family branch. The House of Torlonia rule over Velian Hill which represents the treasury.

The Vatican and Switzerland are the only two nations on earth that use the square shaped flag. The papal keys are used on the UBS bank logo and on the flag of Geneva along with the Jesuits rising sun logo. The House of Savoy have ruled over Geneva in service to the Holy See for centuries and Prince Vittorio Emanuele resides in Geneva today. The Massimo family is intermarried with the House of Savoy who were the last kings of Italy who put in Benito Mussolini who established the Vatican as a nation in 1929 through the Lateran Treaty. The House of Savoy appears to rule over Cispian Hill in Rome.

Prince Lorenz of Belgium is of the House of Austria-Este, House of Savoy, and married into the Belgian royalty and has worked as a banker in Rome, Paris and London. Prince Lorenz is currently a managing partner at Gutzwiller Bank in Basel Switzerland right near the Bank for International Settlements which has three members of the board of directors from Italy. Archduke Sigismund is the head of the Austrian House of Habsburg-Lorraine which have Medici blood which is why he holds the title of Grand Duke of Tuscany and he resides in Switzerland today. The recent Bank Medici in Austria was shut down for corruption involved in the Bernie Madoff scandal. It is illegal to reveal the identity of a person's bank account in Switzerland. The House of Austria-Este appears to rule over Esquiline Hill.


The princes Torlonia are an Italian noble family from Rome, who acquired a huge fortune in the 18th and 19th centuries through administering the finances of the Vatican.

Prince Assistants to the Papal Throne. This honour is today held by Alessandro Torlonia and Marcantonio Colonna, Prince and Duke of Paliano.


Borghese is the surname of a family of Italian noble and papal background, originating as the Borghese or Borghesi in Siena, where they came to prominence in the 13th century holding offices under the commune. The head of the family, Marcantonio, moved to Rome in the 16th century and there, following the election (1605) of his son Camillo as POPE PAUL V they rose in power and wealth.

Borghese-TORLONIA, Giulio (1847–1914), princes of Fucino, grandson of Francesco, married princess Anna Maria Torlonia


The Bank of the Holy Spirit (Italian: Il Banco di Santo Spirito) was a bank founded by POPE PAUL V on December 13, 1605. The Bank was the first national bank in Europe (as the bank of the Papal States),[1]

In 1992, the Bank of the Holy Spirit—which had previously merged with the Cassa di Risparmio di Roma (est. 1836) in 1989— merged with the Banco di Roma (est. 1880) to form the Banca di Roma, which subsequently merged with other banks in 2002 to form CAPITALIA.[10]


Capitalia was an Italian banking group headquartered in Rome. The bank was a listed company in Borsa Italiana (Milan Stock Exchange). The bank was acquired by UniCredit by issuing news shares of UNICREDIT for shares of Capitalia.[1]

f8b508 No.1413845


No, not massive.

69c091 No.1413846


The point is to make the pain public knowledge. If it's all inside stuff then the world cannot wake up to it!

e3855c No.1413847


Literally anyone and everyone could wear a punisher label.

cca5ee No.1413848

File: 0feb0e6208ce3f3⋯.jpg (80.59 KB, 509x499, 509:499, 2a212a.jpg)

38b7ba No.1413849

File: 07c50367ede427d⋯.jpg (119.14 KB, 888x499, 888:499, #korea.jpg)

1ee01a No.1413850


Push them to the Hollywood versions to whet the appetite: American Made, The Infiltrator, and Kill The Messenger

7dfb9a No.1413851

c0df45 No.1413852


Fight or flight

06c583 No.1413853


Thank You for sharing that again Anon. I told Jeff it was as vital as anything he has written. And it is. These Floridated, brainwashed, SCARED, mostly all GOOD HEARTED normies are afraid of us, and they almost ALL have genuine Stockholm Syndrome, I shit you not.

So yes, that makes the loud mouth radicals dangerous, but most liberals ARE "Snowflakes." Good hearted people who run their mouths when threatened because they don't REALLY want to fight.

We MUST remember that we are here to BREAK Spells with MAGIC, and reverse curses. Then the truly lost will get theirs.

Shadilay Anons!!

b8dad7 No.1413854

File: c76cf94b0c59662⋯.jpg (265 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, pain.jpg)

003799 No.1413855


What a crap vid. Not watching that. Waste of time.


989c44 No.1413856

File: 6f0b940dd2c600a⋯.jpg (345.62 KB, 1120x1120, 1:1, IMG_1558.JPG)

File: 14e431a541a90ec⋯.jpg (228.85 KB, 1120x1129, 1120:1129, IMG_1559.JPG)

File: c62c9c62337ec14⋯.jpg (128.87 KB, 753x563, 753:563, IMG_1560.JPG)

b77a36 No.1413857


they are biblical angels

880b91 No.1413858



UniCredit Group is an Italian global banking and financial services company. Its network spanning 50 markets in 17 countries, with more than 8,500 branches and over 147,000 employees.[3]

In April 2015 UniCredit and Banco Santander reached an preliminary agreement to merge their asset-management businesses in a transaction valuing the combined entity at about 5.4 billion euros ($5.8 billion). The accord created a holding company called Pioneer Investments that is 50 percent owned by UniCredit and 50 percent held by the U.S. buyout firms Warburg Pincus LLC and General Atlantic LLC. The holding firm owns Pioneer’s U.S. business and controls combined operations of UniCredit’s Pioneer, excluding its U.S. activities, and Santander Asset Management. The two lenders hold each one third of the new combined business, while Warburg Pincus and General Atlantic owns the rest.[17] However, the deal was terminated on 27 July 2016.


The flag of Vatican City was adopted on June 7, 1929, the year Pope Pius XI signed the Lateran Treaty with Italy, creating a new independent state governed by the Holy See.

The flag is one of only two square country flags in the world, the other being the flag of Switzerland.


The Banking Law of 1934 made it a criminal act for a Swiss bank to reveal the name of an account holder.


In 1290, the latter obtained the right of installing the vice-dominus of the diocese, the title of "Vidame of Geneva"[6] was granted by Amadeus V, Count of Savoy in the name of the Holy See (by the Foreign relations of the Holy See) to the counts of the House of Candia under count François de Candie of Chambéry-Le-Vieux a Chatellaine of the Savoy, this official exercised minor jurisdiction in the town in the bishop's absence.


Vittorio Emanuele of Savoy, Prince of Naples

He was revealed to be a member of Propaganda Due (P2), the state within a state responsible for high-level corruption and political manipulation.[4] In France he was tried on a murder charge, of which he was cleared of unlawful killing but convicted of a firearms offence. Vittorio Emanuele was arrested on 16 June 2006, following an investigation started by John Woodcock of the Public Prosecutor's Office in Potenza, Italy, on charges of criminal association, corruption and exploitation of prostitution.[5] A trial on these charges began in Potenza, Italy on 21 December 2009. Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia was acquitted of all charges in 2007 and 2010.[6][7]

Vittorio Emanuele and his family currently reside in Geneva.

Vittorio Emanuele has worked as a banker and an aircraft salesman, and then an arms dealer.[8]


Archduke Sigismund of AUSTRIA, Grand Duke of Tuscany (Sigismund Otto Maria Josef Gottfried Henrich Erik Leopold Ferdinand Von Habsburg-Lothringen; born 21 April 1966) is the titular Grand Duke of Tuscany and current head of the Tuscan branch of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine.

Sigismund was educated in computer science and has worked as a banker.[2]

Sigismund lives with his family in Lausanne, Switzerland.


Bank Medici AG was a bank based in Vienna, AUSTRIA. It was founded in 1994 by banker Sonja Kohn and incorporated as a bank in 2003.[1]

On May 28, 2009, Bank Medici lost its Austrian banking license. Kohn and the Bank are under investigation.[11]


Prince Lorenz of Belgium, Archduke of Austria-Este (born 16 December 1955) is a member of the Belgian Royal Family and an Austrian-Belgian citizen.[1] Since 1996 he is also head of the House of Austria-Este, a branch of the formerly Imperial Austrian House of Habsburg-Lorraine.

Prince Lorenz was born in Clinique du Belvédère, Boulogne-Billancourt, Hauts-de-Seine, France, as the second child of Robert, Archduke of Austria-Este and of Archduchess Margaret, born Princess Margherita of SAVOY-Aosta.

He worked at various banks in London, Paris, and Rome. In 1983 he joined the Gutzwiller private bank in BASEL where he eventually became a Managing Partner.


The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is an international financial institution[2] owned by central banks which "fosters international monetary and financial cooperation and serves as a bank for central banks".[3]

It is based in BASEL, Switzerland,

877403 No.1413859

This board as a whole isn't ready for Pleiadians but if you are interested you should definitely look into it for yourself. Kryon and Kabamur are the best bets

216256 No.1413860


Technically it's contempt of Court to avoid the debtor prison label.

It's an abuse of power by the Judiciary. They are using the prisons for CIVIL things, not criminal.

There are a few cases of people being sent to prison for Contempt of Court over property / money and being in prison for YEARS.

Has to stop. I would remove the authority of Judges to send people to prison on civil cases.

98074b No.1413861


heh, fuck that man

My conscious guided me to AJ.

I don't think I'll trust anyone anymore. Everyone I turn to and seek knowledge that i don't have and need fucks me over. This i am sick of. Beyond tired of that.

02444e No.1413862


That's circuit court, not Fed District Court (the level at which the sealed indictments are hanging).

aef719 No.1413863


so wrong…kek!

065c93 No.1413865


There is going to be a cancer epidemic among Dem congressmen

0a3d29 No.1413866

File: 4d8b9f6de9a95bc⋯.jpg (49.96 KB, 640x428, 160:107, size0.jpg)

59d225 No.1413867


You think BW and Craftwerk aren't capable of monitoring an attack? You think the gov't knew nothing of it? What part of double CIA asset don't you get?

4e06a3 No.1413868


Have you DM her?

Gave you thumbs up?

b983e1 No.1413869

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Now comes the *cough* p… *cough* …ai… *cough* …n.

77bcc3 No.1413870


It can't get flooded. He posted it on his private board. Try again.

e5b8aa No.1413871


War between Israel vs lebanon soon?

59ad79 No.1413872

6a72c0 No.1413873


>Wait Q… Everyone is taking this for granted. Can you clarify, "Pain for WHO?"

I agree.

On this board, the average Anon would be ripped apart for this.

Where is the sauce? Who? When? Where are the facts?

115071 No.1413874


'Sup DJ

06c583 No.1413876


This!! This is a game. Learn to play the game.

989c44 No.1413877

File: 258968baf50073f⋯.jpg (21.88 KB, 227x222, 227:222, IMG_2179.JPG)

Dear pleadians , some don't get the makeover, still sorting

c0f173 No.1413878

File: b445b5df1b2ba15⋯.png (355.8 KB, 1230x575, 246:115, boom.png)

ba0fd5 No.1413879


Of course, Yinon plan must proceed rapidly

584405 No.1413880


They were many placed out as lookers all over the place. It was dissected on 4chan and all over when it happened, go find the archives, I'm not responsible for your ignorance

10af20 No.1413881

File: 69e129d79aaecce⋯.png (414.85 KB, 1170x550, 117:55, 20180416140125-4905.png)

File: 0176bba1bf22fe9⋯.png (133.61 KB, 500x584, 125:146, freemascn-science-earth-re….png)

File: 01d53ff63669f31⋯.png (245.38 KB, 600x335, 120:67, 01d53ff63669f312dd4b56b7e5….png)

0805dd No.1413882

File: 1d6a2c3961a7991⋯.png (174.84 KB, 1220x710, 122:71, Screen Shot 2018-05-14 at ….png)

64f390 No.1413883


Q JUST defended roseanne from someone trying to call her a paytriot and called out a video it sounds like YOU need to watch on how to tell the difference.

Roseanne is more woke than you could imagine. She is trying to help you wake up and remember who you really are.

fc7e6b No.1413884


Or, FLOTUS had a procedure at the hospital.

aa715b No.1413885

File: 30dc0413eb49164⋯.jpg (238.31 KB, 568x939, 568:939, Screenshot_20180514-224835….jpg)

Now comes the pain of truth

06525c No.1413886


Kek. And can't be bought off with cash.

93232d No.1413887

File: 647bb87a954384c⋯.png (91.95 KB, 621x436, 621:436, Screen Shot 2018-05-14 at ….png)

6dac1e No.1413888


I called Q and asked. Just grab your phone and dial 7 (the alphanumeric code for Q) 111 times and he will answer.

df7f23 No.1413889

File: 0ede3e7876bc9a7⋯.jpg (104.26 KB, 856x292, 214:73, 2018.05.14.214627.screensh….jpg)


Amen Patriot!!!!

Here before Q

Here after Q

Collectively Anons have better digs & intel


e257e1 No.1413890

People look closely at the tweet. It was 25A, 251, not 241. That means 05/27 by the clock. Which is 30 days after 04/27 (21). Learn comms.

e5b8aa No.1413891


it's just a matter of time..

a40f8d No.1413892

File: fe5c49830800465⋯.png (182.05 KB, 820x631, 820:631, ClipboardImage.png)

38b7ba No.1413893


Just because AJ had something you may have needed to hear doesn't mean you have to be LOYAL to him.

Trust in the Almighty alone and let Him lead you.

Don't idolize man.

Stay strong, you are NEVER alone.

c69761 No.1413894


Why do I predict that this guy will either Overdose, or have Heartattack or be Suicided when he is no longer useful to his new management. He is more comped than a cheap room w/ a buffet in Vegas.

ee50be No.1413895

>>1413873 >>1413727

Q sings, let him sing and hear the song… you can't explain a song.

Expand your listening…

7bd4a2 No.1413896

c0cc76 No.1413897


64f390 No.1413898



Woops, not you. meant the guy you are replying to:


e96887 No.1413899

File: 635720d9b8e8594⋯.png (517.82 KB, 720x577, 720:577, 20180514_215016.png)

Muh evidence

5b8648 No.1413900


More like BB kek

f8b16b No.1413901

File: 7fcf0f6b4644547⋯.jpg (23.16 KB, 300x509, 300:509, IMG_20180514_214846.jpg)

Surely, we can make use of this

739a3f No.1413902


sounds logical

a40f8d No.1413903


you got that right,anon.

7bd4a2 No.1413904

File: 0b84e5766ef23f9⋯.png (46.97 KB, 512x386, 256:193, IMG_4237.PNG)

02444e No.1413905


Not how the crim process works. These indictments are spread around the country. 94 Federal Districts.

e5b8aa No.1413906




1a34ca No.1413907


She walks around on the streets - by herself?

Not in my neighborhood

59d225 No.1413908


Q will send you and all those listening a Telegram announcing the plan so you don't have to wait for the next episode.

1ed6e0 No.1413909


She had just gotten a call moments before that some of her co-conspirators were indicted/detained/became monitored, Q never clarified.

85927b No.1413910



8a1d26 No.1413911

When will the deep state surrender Q. It's obvious they are broken.

ee50be No.1413912

>>1413901 dank bongino

839447 No.1413913


Let me solve this for everyone.

Multiverse - infinite universes each can be different and yet interconnected.

there can be a flat earth somewhere (I don't live on it)

there can be aliens meddling in human affairs (I doubt it here myself)

there can be multidimensional beings involved in our affairs (possible all the way up to the divine).

93232d No.1413914

File: 2cc0087a9c90664⋯.png (71.8 KB, 613x318, 613:318, Screen Shot 2018-05-14 at ….png)

372804 No.1413915


Whoever had their thumb on Rosanne's tweets seems to be out of the way.

216256 No.1413916


>What in the glorified hell makes anyone think a con con would solve anything?

It will work, GOD is on our side. Believe this. A correct Constitutional Convention would restore the Natural Law (Law of GOD).

Scoff if you want. But faith will always win.

065c93 No.1413917


FLOTUS did not have kidney stones

59ad79 No.1413918

File: 2c798a220b7c560⋯.png (1.91 MB, 2053x1553, 2053:1553, muh.png)

a2c336 No.1413919

File: d1fad79cf578121⋯.jpg (311.32 KB, 1066x1287, 82:99, Screenshot_20180514-215009.jpg)

File: ae282b201f15136⋯.jpg (459.73 KB, 657x1431, 73:159, Screenshot_20180514-215059.jpg)

File: cd0f5b3ee58328c⋯.jpg (434.54 KB, 661x1498, 661:1498, Screenshot_20180514-215120.jpg)



Notice why PLO fly swastikas still to this day?

2e3245 No.1413920


Who really controls Palenstine?

Why is Israel saved for last?

118b82 No.1413921


Only the Cabal speak in terms of "red lines" They are reeling in their death throws!

No war!

39bfb5 No.1413922

Pain coming for us because nothing will happen again.

989c44 No.1413923

File: 94bc5f5aa9a0785⋯.jpg (49.29 KB, 440x533, 440:533, IMG_2201.JPG)

Bitches don't know

a8811f No.1413924

So the only reason the pleadians haven't made contact is bc the cabal is in control? Aren't they all mighty knowing and powerful? Why would they be scared of the roths? Give me a break! Q has never given any validity to the hellywood ET story line. I stand with Q. We have to get to the moon first!

10af20 No.1413925


try this q hot-line


f7749e No.1413926


It's supposedly PANCREATIC cancer. Why the stupid eye patch, then? Faking like No Name?

e5b8aa No.1413927


And a C130, HOLY FUCK!!!

6438e9 No.1413928

What happened to @ jack? He's still in the job as CEO???

584405 No.1413930


Monitoring sure help those guys who got their bodies torn apart.

All my point is, is that, if they couldn't do shit then, wtf should we assume they can do shit now.

All I see is incompetence and stalling for time,

TRUST THE PLAN.., my ass

59ad79 No.1413931


a bunch of islamist degenerates

8ec18e No.1413932


Large is more than 20 million revenue…. This is going to backfire spectacularly.

1ee01a No.1413933


Focus on BOOKS. The internet doesn't suffice because of that Abraham Lincoln quote. If you can refer to books you have more credibility to your knowledge.

877403 No.1413934


Great conversation skills

5e450c No.1413935

File: 2455110ccf313c2⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1632x3169, 1632:3169, how many more.png)


As opposed to the greys (and reptilians), who DO.

Also, crazy coincidence/synchronicity that I was just piecing this together when all this pleadians talk starts going on, KEK

c0f173 No.1413936

File: 30f09d6a4a31383⋯.jpg (78.6 KB, 612x612, 1:1, 72dc04b4a404a31d1db4e81ce8….jpg)

ba0fd5 No.1413937



c0cc76 No.1413938


RIGHT but there could be symbolism BRING THE PAIN

cc9a83 No.1413939


being in a barbershop if/when the hoods find out He ain't got a drop of African blood in him is what i want to see.


>Methods, I'm not the King

>But niggas is decaf, I stick 'em for the CREAM

84f93e No.1413940


not happening potus met with kenyan pres

after kenyan pres tweeted "the country of kenya is bigger than 1 citizen" or something along those lines. no asylum for scum

725eb1 No.1413941


Aquarius vs COM-12 ?

ef312c No.1413942

File: f15659e6faeb9a2⋯.jpg (51.67 KB, 961x488, 961:488, r.jpg)



they are scared

e257e1 No.1413943


People look closely at the tweet. It was 25A, 251, not 241. That means 05/27 by the clock. Which is 30 days after 04/27 (21). Learn comms.

0317e4 No.1413944

https:// sputniknews.com/society/201805121064399872-After-Firing-Top-Judge-Duterte-Gains-Control-of-all-Branches-of-Philippine-Govt/

Following demands from the executive branch, Manila's Supreme Court voted Friday to remove the nation's top judge — appointed by the previous administration — labeled an "enemy" by Duterte after consistently voting against the president's policies, including the use of torture and mass killing to stem the country's rampant drug trade.

The ouster of the country's first woman chief justice, Maria Lourdes Sereno, is seen by opposition political parties in the country as the elimination of a final shield against government corruption and human rights abuses, leaving only a "puppet Supreme Court" that acts at the behest of the autocratic Duterte.

Alleging violations in the process that saw Sereno appointed to the top spot in 2013, Manila's Supreme Court appeared to rubber stamp a petition from Duterte's administration seeking her removal, according to Reuters.

ba0fd5 No.1413945


There is no useful information in this picture for us… but maybe for [someone]

e96887 No.1413946


Dan Bing bong Bing bingo

6ec640 No.1413947


kek wtf

aef719 No.1413948



16e76d No.1413949

(Bread #1772)


>If you say we should trust Prince then I will but it's not easy given his CIA and mercenary background!

I think that "Double" means double agent.

c0f173 No.1413950

File: 1d863aaef0343e1⋯.png (481.92 KB, 612x610, 306:305, 1d863aaef0343e1fe02d2f61d7….png)

8ec18e No.1413951


Again. There is a Nuclear Bunker at Walter Reed.

POTUS there all week?

6a72c0 No.1413952


Fuck off, this is our future.

I didn't come here to hear a song and dance.

I came here for verifiable facts and information.

ef312c No.1413953


did't mean to attach Roseanne

98074b No.1413954


The original didn't last 5 years.

I didn't get the memo God wanted a con con.

Application, and i mean strict application of the constitution we have restores natural law. The one i have in my desk drawer, says pocket constitution for the american citizen on it.

dba10c No.1413955

File: b31d70b7f8e4651⋯.jpg (297.49 KB, 1448x845, 1448:845, QNOWCOMESTHEPAINMEME.jpg)

a5f6bf No.1413956


DC or VI?

7e10b4 No.1413957

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNXL_-oLJU8

Make it rain. The lyrics sure seem to note the storm…

0364e2 No.1413958

Q, this is about 9/11 and the bodies, isn't it? You're going to expose the truth… it's going to be painful for all of us, isn't it?

989c44 No.1413959



a40f8d No.1413960


do we want to know?

91e76f No.1413962

Blue Avians, Pleiadians, Galactic Federation, how does this fit in with Q?

There's a theory that FLOTUS is a Pleiadian, is this true and how would these "Alien Races" be proven?

I believe we NEED to talk about the "fringe theories" because when the truth starts coming out, we want to already know exactly what is truth and what is manufactured bullshit.

We have ALREADY WON. What we fight next will be partial disclosure. We don't want this. At all.

With every new fact coming to light, we want to bombard them with questions and links exposing the truth to the world.

115071 No.1413963


And punished…


440004 No.1413964

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



How anyone could state "What difference does it make?" that the original man Alex Jones was replaced by an imposter? Oh My.

These people are sick.

06525c No.1413965


Love Kryon - been reading all books and watching videos, in person conferences for 10 years.

3dd32e No.1413966

Can the planefag Guernsey et al anon please start a consolidated thread of his digs? Great shit in there.

My theory is that my dig on extraterritorial spaces are facilitated by private plane fuckerey.

Private meetings. Movement of cash or drugs. Movement of human trafficking.

This anon understood private planes, the 2 reg scheme, etc. I could never extend my dig, but if I can link his in an ongoing fashion, like my dig, it would really start to build a web.

This is true for other digs from other anons, such as NXIVM and other channels. Remember Q said planes an trains…

fbe3a4 No.1413967


Lollllllllll That’s Jenny’s # I got it off the wall ..said for a good time call

59ad79 No.1413968


your stupidity amazes me

I don't converse about idiotic bullshit

stfu then kys

1a34ca No.1413969


Women and children first.

4586d6 No.1413970


Man is fallible, TRUST GOD

c0cc76 No.1413971




0693e5 No.1413972

@Q FLOTUS and Barron Safe ????

"Disinfo is necessary"

570fef No.1413973

File: 50a29b5a064de6a⋯.jpeg (378.42 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 4AF71A2A-96B2-4310-9C4F-0….jpeg)

e0f10b No.1413974


look at the file name.

Look at the file name.

L ook

at the file name.

e5b8aa No.1413975


Nah. it's interesting..

Before of this

Together with the AI, it will be a relevant topic.

ee1e78 No.1413976

File: 56882858c19c390⋯.png (434.2 KB, 627x827, 627:827, pepe earth.png)


7753a5 No.1413977

Q just dropped the Seal Team 6 logo with

Pain coming.

We all THINK we know what it means, but Q often encodes and third meaning in his drops. Think of all the ways he could have said to expect PAIN imminently.

PA incoming

PA is the country code for Panama. Could there be more Panama Papers related events about to slam some American politicians?

Or what about

P A Coming

Prince Academi Coming

Erik Prince owns Academi which hires former Seal Team 6 guys among others.

38b7ba No.1413978


Thank you, anon.

346c79 No.1413979

Notables so far

Updates if I missed anything?


>>1413689,>>1413736 Planefag Update

>>1413785 Building a list of sites on the planet that are exclusionary zones to facilitate cabal activity

>>1413773 Rockefeller sale hits record $832 million, the largest for a single collector

06c583 No.1413980

File: edd27ad3764a525⋯.jpg (36.06 KB, 442x520, 17:20, Screen Shot 2017-10-18 at ….jpg)


We ALL learn from fools and from sages. The pursuit of Truth, if it's honest, is a solitary one. Only YOU can put together your 40K foot worldview. We all have been had, and we've all bought into deception or actors at some point.

Never forget, our WHOLE WORLD is based on lies, from top to bottom. And we were at the tail end of a losing game. Until we weren't. KEK!!

441554 No.1413981


want to do some fun guesses?

HRC linked to vdeos found under the insurance files on weiner's computer. Q pointed to these files about videos of epstein's island. in the post, some of the videos were associated with rooms, if i remember correctly, rooms which were named H, R, and C.

do i need to be more clear?

5a0da8 No.1413982

God damn.. All the shills from 4chan are reappearing now that we're talking about prince/ blackwater/ academi

2c35af No.1413983

File: 1c9491f31ee8ec9⋯.jpg (21.51 KB, 255x176, 255:176, IMG_2225.JPG)

877403 No.1413984


Kryon is a very good source of info.

af5e36 No.1413985

File: 586e18630e145e6⋯.png (430.81 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Q_crumb_2018_May_14_Pain_C….png)

f8b508 No.1413986


>There's a theory that FLOTUS is a Pleiadian, is this true and how would these "Alien Races" be proven?

Impossible. No Pleiadian could ever dress as fashionably as FLOTUS.

786e4e No.1413987

File: 360d343d1312db0⋯.jpg (341.59 KB, 1080x964, 270:241, Screenshot_20180514-190626….jpg)

Anyone find it odd that Q posts pic of billboard for Q movement monetization / data mining site featuring charlatan Praying Medic, and then hours later Rosanne tweets links to Praying Medic YouTube along with 2 other Q videos from Paytriots?

b8dad7 No.1413988



59ad79 No.1413989


>>1413689 , >>1413736 Planefag Update

e257e1 No.1413990


People look closely at the tweet. It was 25A, 251, not 241. That means 05/27 by the clock. Which is 30 days after 04/27 (21). Learn comms.

You missed this

ee50be No.1413991


well, those are detailed to you through Q's poetry and interpretative dance.

Learn the comms

065c93 No.1413992

File: a5638e8489a19fb⋯.jpg (85.85 KB, 814x463, 814:463, blue-balls[1].jpg)


>pain coming for us

98074b No.1413993

for a bunch of fuckers, you're some supportive fuckers.



ebd08c No.1413994


How do you know?

7dfb9a No.1413995


Anon isn't smart enough to know WHAT the file names are/how to use them, but knows they are important & have meaning

216256 No.1413996


>Application, and i mean strict application of the constitution we have restores natural law.

It's not possible with today's judiciary, where they decide laws, block POTUS, put people in prison over debts, etc.

The holes in the original need to be fixed. Give the President a line item veto (Supreme court blocked this in 1996), etc etc etc.

It's the only solution.

And GOD is telling you to do this if you listen.

984ff2 No.1413997





All related sorry for the wall of text all the info is relevnt to the CMS dig

a40f8d No.1413998


Papa was a rollin' stone…

e0f10b No.1413999


oh sure, let's just ask everyone to vote on a new constitution. Fuck off and die, while we protect the one we have

5b8648 No.1414000


Come at me bro I'll take the hits all day long.

b8dad7 No.1414001


kryon, that's it. that's your sauce? tits or gtfo

2e3245 No.1414002


just llike KJU controlled NK

09e2b6 No.1414003


My thoughts exactly

9a2e11 No.1414004

631ad2 No.1414005

File: ceff9b32996d531⋯.png (40.55 KB, 597x334, 597:334, Screen Shot 2018-05-14 at ….png)

File: 8b009da748807e8⋯.png (126.56 KB, 885x503, 885:503, Screen Shot 2018-05-14 at ….png)


q last post 22:24

one other Q post at 22:24

06c583 No.1414006

File: 1a71cbe9916acbb⋯.png (646.68 KB, 599x600, 599:600, Screen Shot 2018-03-10 at ….png)


In that case, FLOTUS needs FRESH cranberry juice. Expensive and hard to make, but it works.

6ec640 No.1414007


Dems: OPRAH for 2020

POTUS: I hope she does run I know her weakness

Dems: …

584405 No.1414008


I FEAR you're correct, sir…

pain, my ass is all the pain I see

ee50be No.1414009

>>1413987 no.

Anonymous 05/14/18 (Mon) 21:39:50 b34484 No.1412850>>1412857 >>1412866

File (hide): 4a86cd4a53fa40c?.png (83.29 KB, 688x366, 344:183, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Anonymous 05/14/18 (Mon) 21:40:59 5d6ff0 No.1412866>>1413056



muh paypal account

muh patreon

muh support me

someone should let roseanne know she is promoting a paytriot

Anonymous 05/14/18 (Mon) 21:57:12 6d88a4 No.1413056>>1413071 >>1413074 >>1413119 >>1413137


So if she talks about Q on her show,

is she a "paytriot"?

Anonymous 05/14/18 (Mon) 22:01:07 c57186 No.1413137>>1413374


I don't think it would be fair to say that a journalist can't make money when covering Q. But that's the difference. A journalist covering Q isn't necessarily usurping Q. The paytriots in question were trying to usurp Q. This video explains what happened very well. It certainly cleared my head about it all.


Q !4pRcUA0lBE 05/14/18 (Mon) 22:18:27 1ab4eb No.1413374


10af20 No.1414010

File: 46c89c380a56f26⋯.jpg (46.8 KB, 644x640, 161:160, 46c89c380a56f26ee1b1a737f1….jpg)

File: 69e129d79aaecce⋯.png (414.85 KB, 1170x550, 117:55, 20180416140125-4905.png)

File: e74767cb3a574d7⋯.jpg (48.87 KB, 550x480, 55:48, trump-fe-tweets.jpg)

02444e No.1414011


POTUS schedule tweet. He returned to WH after visiting FLOTUS.

And don't you think the WH has a bunker?

e5b8aa No.1414012


Yep. The White Pills for the Anons

Not recommended for Normies.

b77a36 No.1414013


Wow thank you so much for this.

Behold a Pale Horse was not called BIG! by Q for no reason.

Some clarification will be needed (especially regarding Ike's dentist) but good job.


abd2c2 No.1414014

File: ccaad2e31fec76d⋯.png (155.65 KB, 631x392, 631:392, PikeZionismvsIslam.png)


Same assholes that control Israel….thats who.

Of course you idiots really do want WW3…just like The Illuminati wants you too and you are falling for it

98074b No.1414015


she get the sonar treatment?

I've had that done.

5e450c No.1414016


see >>1413935

LOOK at ALL the names that are CONNECTED. BUSH, Brzezinski, Rockerfeller (removed post TRUMP'S Victory) Bilderbergs, Trilateral Commission, etc.

77bcc3 No.1414017


Q is in pain because the "Q group" is collapsing and turning against each other. Corsi, beanz, baruke etc. The end of the Q larp is near.

8a1d26 No.1414018

Why are the alien idiots here?

38b7ba No.1414019


PA=abbreviation for state of Pennsylvania

Pittsburgh FBI is Headquarters for state of West Virginia.

WV Governor Justice switched from DEM party to Repub.

3897fd No.1414020


Nice to see my post from yesterday in another iteration. I think it fits well too!

216256 No.1414021


That lucky guy really scored with that hot looking woman.

03daeb No.1414022

File: 0598ccb6f9e4c85⋯.jpg (12.3 KB, 255x165, 17:11, ae932a922a12ece90629d018b8….jpg)

Do not let anyone get you pumped up about tomorrow

or next day

or any certain day

I've said from long ago…it's a shill tactic

It gets anons hyped then they see nothing happens.

In the world of Geopolitical intrigue shit don't happen often on anyone's schedule.


Total shill

Even a self shill

But still a shill.

Don't fall for it

5c2379 No.1414023


WTF did u just have me watch…

Deadass feel like I'm going to die in 7days…

59d225 No.1414024


I get your doubts, but if they were paid by Obama Admin to oversee op take place? And now they want to correct the wrongs? Think about how many fucked up things CIA, Mossad, MI6, Spec Ops, etc have to do for country? Is it wrong to continue working for your country as an operator? Do they not get paid to do as they are told? If the world has been so fucked up for decades, isn't that just the norm? Now there is an Awakening, and EP is on board with it.

b8dad7 No.1414026


the boards not ready for it slide. they have special knowledge that can only be understood by a select few.

3c5a4c No.1414027


This was posted before Q's post?! If so, then absolutely.

38b7ba No.1414028

File: af2d564059da64e⋯.png (293.57 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, #q-PixTeller-225634.png)

93232d No.1414029

File: 9f428be4c7ef3ea⋯.png (97.38 KB, 843x393, 281:131, Screen Shot 2018-05-14 at ….png)

File: 779df8e199141c1⋯.png (893.69 KB, 796x591, 796:591, Screen Shot 2018-05-14 at ….png)

File: 0ae1a421a3d3dc8⋯.png (949.61 KB, 789x590, 789:590, Screen Shot 2018-05-14 at ….png)


More photos in article

944367 No.1414030


Looks like Seattle is going to have to start walking to pickup their deliveries and put in for one of those instant brew cuppa chino machines

3897fd No.1414031


They cycle in and out. Don't think let it get to you, just feel sorry for the bakers.

0364e2 No.1414033

Man, I hope you're not talking about pain coming to YOU, Q…

065c93 No.1414034



989c44 No.1414035

File: 551e901a6150a6d⋯.jpg (106.83 KB, 500x656, 125:164, IMG_2148.JPG)

c0f173 No.1414036

File: 20d8214b65d952a⋯.jpg (17.33 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 20d8214b65d952ab129257f4c6….jpg)

Operation Smiles !!!!

Building E !!!

The Island !!!

the Terminal !!!

Apr 8th Q

9798a6 No.1414037

5/20 will be yuge

7753a5 No.1414038

Let's be open minded

PAIN coming does not mean

Plentiful Apples In Norway coming

But what about…

Privacy, Authentication, Integrity, and Non-repudiation coming?

Things are not always what they seem.

38b7ba No.1414039

File: 0b717c8c3af515c⋯.jpg (97.99 KB, 643x500, 643:500, #courtky.jpg)

File: 0f0cb1a2ad26455⋯.jpg (87.95 KB, 1080x608, 135:76, #court.jpg)

File: 16de2b3bc72acdc⋯.jpg (89.59 KB, 1080x608, 135:76, #courts.jpg)

File: d1629402c1bc1b7⋯.png (33.91 KB, 715x660, 13:12, #KYplacementnumbers.png)

584405 No.1414040


That's ironic considering Ron Pauls bashing of Trump, but he has to keep his money coming from the Libertarians I guess

4ff319 No.1414041


This pic makes me feel ill almost. These two are a different kind of evil, it just oozes out of them and impacts my ocular glands.

984ff2 No.1414042


Appologies again but this is all relevant to the CMS (Cameron McKenna SIGLE) tax/lawfirm notable related to Q’s mispelling of “Single” in his post:

Every SIGLE day we fight for you


a40f8d No.1414043



03daeb No.1414044


Who said May 14th

This is perfect example of shillcraft

Setting false expectations

3dd32e No.1414045


fuck off predictionfag

bec2b6 No.1414046


If I had a husband with balls like that, I'd expect a couple hospital visits too.

ac6371 No.1414047

File: d5a57cc0dab87cf⋯.png (233.05 KB, 1351x832, 1351:832, flynns-sxs.png)

General Michael Flynn and Michael Flynn Jr. - Side by Side Weiner Laptop Tweets


Nov 2, 2016

U decide - NYPD Blows Whistle on New Hillary Emails: Money Laundering, Sex Crimes w Children, etc…MUST READ!


May 14, 2018

What does Erik Prince know about the ACTUAL content on Weiner’s laptop? I’ve heard it’s DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMNING…..


Remember anons. Gen Flynn tweeted this back in the day. The tweet is now deleted.

Now Jr. is throwing some light back on the subject.

True Pundit broke the story first.


Eric Prince discussed it from his sources days later on Breitbart.


03daeb No.1414048


I second the fuck off

346c79 No.1414049


expecting me to pick up on that, good luck

77bcc3 No.1414050


reaching at best

84f93e No.1414051


can i get a link to that ama i had before but cant find it now. also found it weird that he referred to himself as a "black sheep" someone was posting last night as a "black sheep" wonder if its him lol

989c44 No.1414052

File: c2d0867783a87e1⋯.jpg (225.52 KB, 1100x1100, 1:1, IMG_2173.JPG)

I ordered a Gibson for …..

e3855c No.1414053


I know all about it dumb fuck.

fbe3a4 No.1414054


Technically what we were told is she had a benignly tumor on her kidney and it was removed posted by the White House …now you wanna disput that that’s your biz but personally since it wasn’t posted tell it was done out of RESPECT to our FLOTUS it’s none of our biz and needs no more explanation ..we as anons should really leave it be

10af20 No.1414055

File: da363c94148f1e2⋯.jpg (69 KB, 640x427, 640:427, 1m-hauly-heist.jpg)


bingo…call to claim yoour prize now !

c0f173 No.1414056

File: 9ac82452add7f05⋯.jpeg (232.79 KB, 1456x1280, 91:80, 9f88be903dbb360699fb6a07b….jpeg)

aef719 No.1414057


we'll see what happens…

38b7ba No.1414058

File: c0f9988c03c8e33⋯.jpg (46.24 KB, 738x375, 246:125, c0f9988c03c8e339c45cd51b89….jpg)

c0cc76 No.1414059


Why would POTUS give us detailed information or even any information on FLOTUS being in the hospital.


083af0 No.1414060

This is kind of a random question, but pretty important to many Anons… What is the best way to delay/beat property foreclosure in progress? Assuming one does not presently have the funds to pay the principle plus interest. Any links/resources are appreciated. Thanks Anons!

584405 No.1414061


Hey, if that kind of OP was in your job description wtf kind of a person are you to accept it, and then we should work with them… inb4 stabbed in the back

c3836b No.1414062



38b7ba No.1414063

File: 43f9548ed75906b⋯.png (19.49 KB, 423x331, 423:331, #IranMA.png)

803809 No.1414064


Tuff love faggot.kek

e257e1 No.1414065


People look closely at the tweet.

25 A's = 251

251 = CLOCK TRANSFORM(05/27)

05/27 = (221 + 30)

221 = 04/27

What did Q Post on 04/27?

Who gives a shit about Roseanne, we got bread to bake.

07c522 No.1414066


“Now, you can say that I've grown bitter but of this you may be sure

The rich have got their channels in the bedrooms of the poor

And there's a mighty judgment coming, but I may be wrong

You see, you hear these funny voices in the Tower of Song”

-L Cohen

552967 No.1414067

File: 81810b298dda737⋯.png (1010 B, 440x13, 440:13, ClipboardImage.png)



Looks like a key

38b7ba No.1414068

File: 66eed7e96515b57⋯.png (16.69 KB, 410x307, 410:307, #arrests.png)

7753a5 No.1414069


Maybe we should share more of the stories that work. There really is too much shit on this board that has nothing to do with research. But figuring out how to communicate EFFECTIVELY with normies, IS reasearch and will certainly help the revolution to succeed in the long term.

38b7ba No.1414070

File: 3e6783ec5fbd9d3⋯.png (499.82 KB, 745x563, 745:563, #8ch.png)

e5b8aa No.1414071



This is very big.

Q after of all this batter against the MB and with Big Tech, needs to explain this..

3dd32e No.1414072


thank you anon - this dumb shit has done a lot to slow down our movement

e698ea No.1414073


Baker babes have DEFINITELY taken a turn for the worse…

644301 No.1414074

File: 438567b07cca375⋯.jpg (199.07 KB, 852x1358, 426:679, 4e07a0096181675b3eadca327e….jpg)

38b7ba No.1414075

File: f21518ef6c4e5c2⋯.jpg (84.41 KB, 896x560, 8:5, #q55.jpg)

115071 No.1414076

File: d4e636e1a4e479c⋯.png (15.8 KB, 236x72, 59:18, Selection_154.png)


I clearly came across wrong.. was just analyzing pic and saw "Punished" Breadbox(BB), with a possibly Jack Burton-esque icon..

Just playing jr. detective.

Being a dork.

f8beff No.1414077

Planefags, is it normal to have a line of JetBlue flights in a pretty tight line coming off the east coast over Canada, and now coming into northern Minnesota?

f8b508 No.1414078

File: 763acf9f5ba0b83⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 4-concave-earth-real.png)

File: 667542c144350fd⋯.jpg (53.18 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 4fd4c919abcf52ca4e53107510….jpg)

File: 8cae9eee24e0b39⋯.jpg (197.86 KB, 1046x959, 1046:959, 5c18a7_5719989.jpg)

File: 8a6632a3b5edd3d⋯.jpg (84.06 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 8a6632a3b5edd3d773ac268976….jpg)

File: fb150029dbd89ad⋯.png (836.44 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, atom1.png)


Getting closer. Pic related.

ee50be No.1414079

i wonder how many HR folks combing through resumes saw:

-i had (x) notables

-i got a ( Y o u ) from Q

77bcc3 No.1414080


because she's the flotus and people care. to think it's comms is egotistical.

38b7ba No.1414081

File: 084e356e5d1ac8e⋯.jpeg (138.09 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, #qanon.jpeg)

c0cc76 No.1414082


Damn, kidney stones sound PAINFUL

5f3504 No.1414083


i refused to watch

bec2b6 No.1414084


1. Identify as a gay black transgendered Muslim woman

2. Call CNN

3. Muh oppression

4. Crowd fund

64f390 No.1414085


You can confirm it yourself. C-5, i.e. Close Encounter of the 5th kind. Direct communication of human and alien.

Google "Analysis and Assessment of the gateway experience."

TRUMP declassified this for us with the JFK files. It works and the military uses it in secret. <- that is something obama hide from you and he slowwalked all the documents that where legally supposed to be publicly released in 2012 but they sat on.

The gateway experience is on the torrents,, very easy to find. also use the officialfirstcontact websites guide to call out to aliens. If you are not advanced enough to hear them talk back, they will often do a high altitude fly by to show off for you a few times if you are extremely polite about it.

Gateway experience will help you reach the mental state needed to access your own spy potential. This is required for any race to go intergalactic, telepathy is 'the universal translator'

efa826 No.1414086


"You can't catch us if we don't land!"

That's where you're wrong, we'll follow you in this random circle pattern until you are forced to land.

38b7ba No.1414087

File: 3cd321c0c073e0e⋯.jpg (98.38 KB, 925x943, 925:943, #trump.jpg)

6aff1b No.1414088


Many Anons need a serious red pill.

They are much like the normies in this respect

It’s a fact ETs have been visiting this planet for millions of years

We are fucking fighting an alien race in this war

Why do Podesta Greer and many others want to change the narrative?

Are they aligned with the “demons” and want to make themselves look like they were trying to save humanity?


Be very skeptical of those who try to control this discussion.

5e876e No.1414089

File: 6a2a92b41cd7423⋯.jpg (57.57 KB, 620x465, 4:3, boobarry.jpg)

ed6a71 No.1414090


OMG if we get the normies to think BH is AJ we gain something something….

Noboday cares.

Its the jews.

d41a8b No.1414091

File: 2fdd3b550aa37a6⋯.png (725.16 KB, 1918x927, 1918:927, Screenshot-2018-5-14 ADS-B….png)

Weird how the flight path curves. Like if it were traveling over a sphere.

Godspeed home, you two.

81f212 No.1414092

File: 984abc40b0f50d5⋯.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1242x1985, 1242:1985, A6A79E19-405E-48DA-B6B2-6….jpeg)

File: a8f4982ae88bce5⋯.jpeg (1.49 MB, 1242x2156, 621:1078, 38850140-E931-40EC-B74F-4….jpeg)

File: 543db459b8a3d48⋯.jpeg (3.83 MB, 1242x2168, 621:1084, D86F365D-B161-48F3-A75A-0….jpeg)

File: 6081bc2318e50dc⋯.jpeg (816.41 KB, 1242x2164, 621:1082, 582C1FA4-C353-42F5-A67D-F….jpeg)




03daeb No.1414093

>>1414017 You know this…YET you are still here my Dear Shillhole

59ad79 No.1414094

File: ab2b7654d250402⋯.jpg (79.3 KB, 728x469, 104:67, fe5.jpg)

93232d No.1414095




cc9a83 No.1414096

File: 2fae9697283570e⋯.png (332.47 KB, 482x599, 482:599, 482px-Lesser_CoA_of_the_em….png)

>>1413118 (l.b.)


>business address is to a Regus coworking space in Toronto,

thanx, anon. this helps the direction.

>Lee Romanov figure. She seems shady AF.

nice last name. pic related.


>CNN appearance was about horoscopes and driving.



very interesting. pls send a reply when you find anything else. thx.

ebd08c No.1414097



06525c No.1414098


Because it is possible Q was only pointing out that Q is becoming more mainstream - with a billboard.

Q didn't say anything about the billboard being a bad thing.

9798a6 No.1414099


Kys Pretentiousfag.

35c6a6 No.1414100

File: 1dc229a1528e9d6⋯.png (188.55 KB, 500x281, 500:281, paincoming.png)

e5b8aa No.1414101


Good Signal.

1b2432 No.1414103


some people are so infantile, it is a wonder to me how they even exist in the world.

38b7ba No.1414105

File: f1c3eab42fd5f68⋯.jpg (174.69 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, #Newsweek sex trafficking-….jpg)

File: 0fc656162daeb15⋯.jpg (80.1 KB, 1024x600, 128:75, #nancy.jpg)

File: 2e5e6c0bb993810⋯.jpg (24.04 KB, 552x137, 552:137, #fbianon2.jpg)

File: b86fc8101b04045⋯.jpg (166.79 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, #ncmecgraphic.jpg)

File: 1587a4fff4a9862⋯.jpg (70.57 KB, 823x416, 823:416, ;;40-eVxUoAAChIF.jpg)

341eb7 No.1414106


> For about a year prior to Q the biggest dig was on the WL insurance keys being released. White hats were helping. They were trying to distribute the data but echelon/xkeyscore kept it contained.

I remember that. There was hype, someone published code, reports of someone dying and computers being remotely killed the instant they looked at data, and then nothing. No one talking about methods, results, or lack of results. The few times I could contact someone to ask how to look into this I got answers like "you idiot we already did it and you're an idiot." Was it all a larp?

e698ea No.1414107


Better get you a slice before that fat bitch eats it all.

6dac1e No.1414108

Reaching here….SEAL logo….SEALed indictments. Indictments about to be UNsealed?

5b8648 No.1414109


No worries anon. Just figured baruch was calling me out. That faggot is in for a rude awakening.

c0cc76 No.1414110


Kidney stones are really painful. I would not want to "bring the pain".

77bcc3 No.1414111


They are extremely painful.

0364e2 No.1414112


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 551e62 1074782 📁

Apr 17 2018 05:53:02 (EST)






a5f6bf No.1414113



4ff319 No.1414114



Baker, This


38b7ba No.1414115

File: faa7ffaa1d0747a⋯.png (347.88 KB, 800x533, 800:533, #qbaby.png)

bec2b6 No.1414116


It's much harder than you think, what with the quivering quim and night sweats.

989c44 No.1414117

File: 902fc64b08d9f3d⋯.jpg (24.84 KB, 528x468, 44:39, IMG_1486.JPG)

File: 26ae4e359f3b68b⋯.jpg (79.57 KB, 772x960, 193:240, IMG_1489.JPG)

File: 415479011ce6621⋯.jpg (286.5 KB, 1505x2048, 1505:2048, IMG_0802.JPG)

b2bc32 No.1414118


1/13/18 Q posts "Goodbye @Jack"

1/23/18 Twitter COO resigns


03daeb No.1414119


False Expectation shillcraft

We need to name it so it can be ID'd faster

06c583 No.1414120

File: a071cc5ff368ca9⋯.png (293.39 KB, 472x256, 59:32, Screen Shot 2018-05-14 at ….png)


I didn't say she did, and I'm not sure how you would know what medical procedures she's going through, I'm just saying…

If your kidneys are messed up, FRESH Organic cranberry juice is a life saver. It saved mine. I nearly died from heavy metal build up in my kidneys. It wasn't just the juice, but it changed my therapy dramatically. KEK!!

e257e1 No.1414121




People look closely at the tweet.

25 A's = 251

251 = CLOCK TRANSFORM(05/27)

05/27 = (221 + 30)

221 = 04/27

What did Q Post on 04/27?

Who gives a shit about Roseanne, we got bread to bake.

38b7ba No.1414122

File: df96ca978aea53b⋯.png (400.6 KB, 795x416, 795:416, #qavalanche.png)

02444e No.1414123


BTW, that lawfirm we've been digging on, CMS (Cameron McKenna Sigle) operates in Guernsey and all the other extra-t locations I bothered to check.

b77a36 No.1414124


If you do a 100% confirmation when we are not ready, the Cabal failsafes might activate.

38b7ba No.1414125

File: 6ffb315d63c0af6⋯.jpg (95 KB, 686x419, 686:419, #qbaby.jpg)

3a7c3a No.1414126

File: f02f7cf8f626253⋯.png (43.97 KB, 981x742, 981:742, EXCEL_2018-05-14_23-05-14.png)


Not enough data points here to tell if it is even slowing down. It either isn't, or they are intentionally staggered like this.

1b2432 No.1414127


they must not have the ability for critical thought anymore.

f8b508 No.1414128


Look into MJ-12, moon resonance, JFK assassination connection.

38b7ba No.1414129

File: 6f7e4960c27676c⋯.jpeg (82.26 KB, 615x837, 205:279, #POTUSAF1.jpeg)

6a72c0 No.1414130


Can you imagine Admr Rogers going off on Alex Jones or Corsi?

He is so much above that. And if "Q" is part of the team, wouldn't he be of like mind?

"Q" is an Anon, and therefore he is held to the same standards of other anons.

If he posts something, then it better be backed up by real "sauce" or else we

look like idiots when the posts fail to materialize.

Feel the Pain Soon

What the hell does that mean?

b77a36 No.1414131


And this right there is a


09e2b6 No.1414132


No but it is a great double meaning of a public event and a Qcrumb.

That happens often here.

38b7ba No.1414133

File: 7fdd4ac23b00c24⋯.jpeg (100.16 KB, 1020x572, 255:143, #qthp.jpeg)

a6ec9c No.1414134

File: d3586d121657ff5⋯.gif (471.29 KB, 500x375, 4:3, isaac green paytriot.gif)



U2's The Sweetest Thing plays in the background

005b31 No.1414135


Pleiadian = psyop. They're Nazi's predating Operation Paperclip. It's a ruse.

2752b1 No.1414136



pay for your fucking kids.


Our children are our future.

Do you want to to have your future dictated by another?

Be a fucking man/woman and raise your children.

b8dad7 No.1414137

af5e36 No.1414138

File: 6de41b64c065c3b⋯.png (69.66 KB, 830x806, 415:403, Screen Shot 2018-05-14 at ….png)


May 14 is the date of the Q crumb - not a prediction of the date that the pain will actually be occurring

A link to the q crumb accompanies the image

I always date all of my Q-crumb-quote-images so that they make more sense later, and we have perspective about when Q said what

59d225 No.1414139


I hear you. But then again, if you were SpecOps, you are expendable. Live to fight another day, or die trying. War is despicable. Blackmail is real. Work or die, your choice. Sometimes life is fucked up as an operator. But you fucking follow orders. If you don't, the 40k foot view falls apart. You can claim you wouldn't do it. But then again, if you wouldn't take part in an operation of that caliber, yo probably wouldn't have even been a consideration to join such a team. Sure you get paid, but its about following orders and a plan. Some ex SOC operatives only know 1 type of life and they die living it.

e76a5d No.1414140


One eye covered.

989216 No.1414141

The pic Q took of the pallets on the plane, what if it was all cash? Apple has almost 300 billion in cash.

e5b8aa No.1414142


that is pence or pompeo.

96c980 No.1414143


Almost makes it seem like Darwin was onto something…

e0f10b No.1414144


exactly. Im in the graphics division.

88a5f1 No.1414145


So are the rest of those faggots.

LTV, Defaggles, Unicrock…et al.


aa715b No.1414146

>>1413522 prev

Same thought here anon. Accelerate timetables!

06c583 No.1414147


Maybe. But we are doing a "bottom to top" unraveling of Hydra here. How about we shut down CPS, fix our water supply and #EndTheFed before we start DEBATING the existence of ET's??

Isn't that the order we should work in??

c1846a No.1414148

Just dreamt I was at a Q party


e27220 No.1414149

File: cc88fee2215971c⋯.png (185.21 KB, 924x1110, 154:185, Screen Shot 2018-05-14 at ….png)

File: e2cbcd30050ad94⋯.png (124.95 KB, 1222x374, 611:187, Screen Shot 2018-05-14 at ….png)

Think I might have just found a link between the Punisher skull post from Q and the Castle LOCK post.

Pics related.

The skull logo is from the Marvel comic The Punisher and has been adopted by many military groups.

"Wearing all black with a white skull emblazoned on his chest, the symbol is usually the last thing his targets see."

So who is the main character in The Punisher?


Is this our crumb for Castle LOCK?

Perhaps we need to dig more on The Punisher (wouldn't be the first movie reference from Q).

https:// taskandpurpose.com/bone-deep-relationship-punisher-military/

629134 No.1414150

File: c22e31ac6a8569e⋯.jpeg (788.01 KB, 1218x792, 203:132, 69D48E2D-67BE-49EF-A74D-7….jpeg)

File: d4cb1dae744164c⋯.jpeg (803.77 KB, 1242x783, 46:29, A053CE5F-4A68-4DF9-B957-4….jpeg)

File: c3a24caf0800246⋯.jpeg (803.72 KB, 1242x796, 621:398, F08C640C-40E1-49AE-9D37-B….jpeg)

a40f8d No.1414151

File: 324f5ddbdf2c88b⋯.png (692.99 KB, 574x752, 287:376, ClipboardImage.png)

Kidney stones are the worst but I'd take them any day over this…

f8b508 No.1414152


Within the cavity of a sphere…

85927b No.1414153

File: 3019bd69a21251d⋯.png (112.64 KB, 1080x607, 1080:607, Screenshot_20180514-220732….png)



cc9a83 No.1414154

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>>1413118 (l.b.)


Lee Romanov,

President Income Activator

Part 3



346c79 No.1414155


>>1413586 Facebook suspends 200 apps as part of investigation into data misuse

>>1413689, >>1413736, >>1414091 Planefag Update

>>1413785 Building a list of sites on the planet that are exclusionary zones to facilitate cabal activity

>>1413773 Rockefeller sale hits record $832 million, the largest for a single collector

>>1413935 As opposed to the greys (and reptilians), who DO.

>>1413997 Every SIGLE day we fight for you

>>1414029 Satellite images show North Korea has begun to dismantle its nuclear test site just weeks before historic Trump-Kim summit in Singapore

>>1414121 People look closely at the tweet.

Shit's moving fast, hope I caught all updates

Wouldn't mind if you tagged some headlines

ebd08c No.1414156


All I'm asking for is proof either way. Anons are going ape shit crazy with fairytales about bunkers and shit. Nothing has come out on MSM, that I know of. I had not seen the post from WH about it being benign tumor. That sounds most reasonable.

I totally agree it really is none of our business. I just wish anons would stop with the fake narrative of hiding in bunkers and shit.

88a5f1 No.1414157






62aad0 No.1414158

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bring the PAIN!

205592 No.1414159


PAIN is also short for "ouchy."

Any significance?

P also stand for urine.

Got anything on that one?

I'm sorry… just had to vent. How silly


8de431 No.1414160


Do any Anons work for Proxy Productions LLC? Wouldn't it be interesting to know who registered CANNIBAL CLUB back in 2008, when BO was at the height of power and they never expected President Trump to take over?

http://archive. is/jw9Qw#selection-555.0-1035.1502


Updated 17 hours ago



Registrar:New Dream Network, LLC dba DreamHost Web Hosting

Registration Date:2008-04-30

Expiration Date:2019-04-30

Updated Date:2018-03-30


Name Servers:ns1.dreamhost.com




Name:Proxy Protection LLC

Organization:Proxy Protection LLC

Street:417 Associated Rd #324

C/O cannibalclub.org



Postal Code:92821





Name:Proxy Protection LLC

Organization:Proxy Protection LLC

Street:417 Associated Rd #324

C/O cannibalclub.org



Postal Code:92821





Name:Proxy Protection LLC

Organization:Proxy Protection LLC

Street:417 Associated Rd #324

C/O cannibalclub.org



Postal Code:92821






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Registrant Email: email@proxy.dreamhost.com

Registry Admin ID: C184829424-LROR

Admin Name: Proxy Protection LLC

Admin Organization: Proxy Protection LLC

Admin Street: 417 Associated Rd #324

Admin Street: C/O cannibalclub.org

Admin City: Brea

Admin State/Province: CA

Admin Postal Code: 92821

Admin Country: US

Admin Phone: +1.7147064182

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Admin Email: email@proxy.dreamhost.com

Registry Tech ID: C184829424-LROR

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Tech Organization: Proxy Protection LLC

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d315b2 No.1414161


"durr.. maybe if I claim I know who Qlarp is, i'll get more retweets"

"I go to lift the veil to promote my stoopid theories, buy muh book"

e5b8aa No.1414162



https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQUOZE

c65101 No.1414163

>>1410000 (previous)

Look at the politics. I spend my childhood and early adulthood looking at weirdos like Shimon Peres and I could never understand what Israel wanted. I felt no connection to that stuff. I figured they must just like fighting and turmoil over there, augmented by the weird language like "partners for peace" that were fighting all the time. Just weird.

Now there's a clear motivation, and I can understand it. They want their country, they want the hostile people who aren't like them out. I can get behind that.

It's a generational change. Someone like Peres would never act like Netanyahu, nor vice versa. Peres was Israeli deep state. You can just tell the leadership is different now.

af82d5 No.1414164

File: 0496d6b38239033⋯.jpg (237.33 KB, 1500x998, 750:499, wmbcjYL.jpg)

File: cc6c060ee411d4f⋯.jpg (362.56 KB, 1024x1536, 2:3, lgkfun.jpg)

File: 51a0e6ab0312ddf⋯.jpg (357.33 KB, 1645x1326, 1645:1326, IMG_5407.JPG)


Have some eye bleach, anon.

64f390 No.1414165


Desperate shills lash out at roseanne because she dares speak out truth re: alien coverup. I would rather be friends with pleaidian space hippies than reptilian space fascists any day.

ee1e78 No.1414166

File: 0feb08b312b6cc6⋯.jpg (16.64 KB, 480x269, 480:269, 48291f2e06ec38736caf9219a9….jpg)

644301 No.1414167


Today is D1.

f8b508 No.1414168


my posts were not FE, derp

38b7ba No.1414169

File: ef8c4332900a10c⋯.jpg (59.37 KB, 480x480, 1:1, ;rr.jpg)

71a6f5 No.1414170

Focus on reality here:

To deliver this pain and punishment takes many loyal and dedicated Patriots willing to risk their careers, lives and families.

Their actions are for us, "We the People". To take our country back. It doesn't just happen by speaking it, action thru the plan must be taken. Many in harms way.

These military, LEO, WHat Agents, politicians and others must be among the Deep State perps to locate their targets and act as ordered.

Lets help, support and encourage these Patriots. Patience is hard, but the Plan will bear the greatest fruits - results.

Crimson wave of Justice is hitting, hitting and hitting.

1ef190 No.1414171

File: 8a1e902a6f8ae08⋯.png (126.52 KB, 850x668, 425:334, pain.png)

File: 92d370890d9ca7d⋯.jpg (5.61 KB, 255x248, 255:248, 6de41b64c065c3bd71da09b087….jpg)

Now Comes The Paine

Paine will seek death penalty for Leon Tripp



UPDATE | Judge denies bond for Tanya Tripp in enlightening hearing





6cbfcc No.1414172

File: 850abfbb9988af5⋯.png (332.33 KB, 733x564, 733:564, just-like-that-corsi-aj.png)

File: c2607c605c46b94⋯.png (170.66 KB, 488x383, 488:383, aj-clown2.png)

File: 4be32a22b75d9ab⋯.png (160.2 KB, 322x633, 322:633, aj-clown-meme-2.png)

5fe798 No.1414173

File: 52640fc07071efa⋯.jpg (179.44 KB, 958x682, 479:341, q_x_brackets_post.jpg)


There are 24 A's in Flynn Jr's post.



Did the arrests re:Weiner's laptop already begin? Q post 541 says [X] jailed.

96c980 No.1414174


Lol "Hey bud smile for the camera" (Glom!)

fbe3a4 No.1414175


Melanias health is not a “public event” omg what is wrong with you Anons ? Show your First Lady some respect and leave her health be it’s not yours to question nor is it part of a plot or riddle ! Have y’all forgotten how to respect a lady ! Health is off limits ..

38b7ba No.1414176

File: fffcf7b989a8bd7⋯.jpg (115.33 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, #qh.jpg)

ce2a72 No.1414177


Remember, the groups took the steps to teach others how to find the data themselves. "You have to decide to know the truth."

Censorship is very real and it was weaponized during that dig.

62aad0 No.1414178

File: 029f6461991715c⋯.jpg (41 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, deathpunish.jpg)

440004 No.1414179

File: 30c7225d1717c94⋯.jpg (37.46 KB, 281x320, 281:320, knights.jpg)




Where the murderers buried the bodies? In this case where and how the murders were hidden. Some were dustified. Some were taken to a hanger in Cleveland, interviewed. And then what? Was it like the Stadium in Chile? Where they were shot? Honestly, what they did in other countries to those who opposed them was nothing different than what they did here? And planned to do further?

American "exceptionalism" was only for the elite. The Knights of the C-A a special aristo class? "Knights" = the attendants of royalty?

Maybe that's why the frame-up of President Trump leads to English and British [NZ and Oz] Intel, not to Russia? And from there maybe to Switzerland. Check the Red Crosses.

59ad79 No.1414180


thats a nameShill anon

b77a36 No.1414181


You'll get bashed for including ET's, just remember - Q said M. W. Cooper's book is BIG!

644301 No.1414182



38b7ba No.1414183

File: 5f5d755fe1638e2⋯.png (499.66 KB, 825x531, 275:177, #rrinformed.png)

1ee01a No.1414184


Mena, AR

Works every time. When you set the stage that the two dynasties have been in cahoots from the get go you expose politics in a way that the normie ALWAYS sensed, but couldn't articulate.

ebd08c No.1414185



anons need to stop with the kidney stones shit unless you have proof.

0364e2 No.1414186

I just ask for one thing when this is all over with…

Q, please have Morgan Freeman narrate the move they make about you, please!

a1ec45 No.1414187

File: 170909f61f11c01⋯.jpg (22.21 KB, 446x418, 223:209, Capture.JPG)

File: b17299e0605de23⋯.jpg (5.59 KB, 255x248, 255:248, 92d370890d9ca7d5b4770fdc62….jpg)

083af0 No.1414188


tits or gtfo

af5e36 No.1414189

File: 93831a5cf5eacb8⋯.png (713.67 KB, 800x685, 160:137, Damned_Soul_symbolism_down….png)

85927b No.1414190

File: 2926685f0356348⋯.jpg (175.32 KB, 650x866, 325:433, CK-DELUXE-STOCK5.JPG)


Chris Kyle was a SEAL, he started the whole painting Punisher on his teams equipment.

EP, also was a SEAL.

That is the connection.

38b7ba No.1414191

File: b7a3077ac24b305⋯.jpeg (185.69 KB, 1242x744, 207:124, #trumpstrength.jpeg)

e257e1 No.1414192


Wrong, there were 25 A's. Read the tweet.

e698ea No.1414193


Here's to hoping the volcano right next door pops and takes care of all those dirty hippie commies.

10af20 No.1414194

File: 679273ab52211ad⋯.jpg (7.8 KB, 224x224, 1:1, download (1).jpg)


20% cild support

20% medical support

20% taxes

do you have 60% income dingle berry

especially after spending life savings on lawyers

c0cc76 No.1414195

Listen guys I just got off the phone with Q and he said to


06525c No.1414196

>>1414047 Flynn Father & Son re: Weiner Laptop

Notable ?

c2ff2b No.1414197

Has Michael Avenatti become the Deep State counter to Q?

38b7ba No.1414198

File: 6891d1baf1fc56f⋯.jpg (56.74 KB, 526x578, 263:289, 6891d1baf1fc56f8629e95e555….jpg)

025ed0 No.1414199


St. Michael the Archangel,

defend us in battle.

Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.

May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,

and do thou,

O Prince of the heavenly hosts,

by the power of God,

thrust into hell Satan,

and all the evil spirits,

who prowl about the world

seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

584405 No.1414200


Maybe the world needed some nay-sayers in the military intelligence and all other institutions that was used against their own people, terrorizing and murdering them. Maybe that would have stopped this before it took 40 years or more to get the ball rolling…

But I guess all you military shits are too coward to stand for what you swore upon… or maybe it just took you 40 years.. talk about incompetence… there are no excuses.. I'm going to bed.. You all disgust me

77bcc3 No.1414201


I am here to expose corruption and fakery. There's no way on earth this is the original Q. See my previous posts. The Q group is nothing more than a group of twatfags.

ebd08c No.1414202


Proof that it is kidney stones

38b7ba No.1414203

File: c9568e0e50fc8ac⋯.jpg (18.95 KB, 297x162, 11:6, c9568e0e50fc8ac98f56553c10….jpg)

ee50be No.1414204


no thanks. you've got a few harsh truths to learn about that one…

b77a36 No.1414205


Maybe rename >>1413935 to "more extraterrestrial coincidences"

ee1e78 No.1414206

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Love Rudy.

Have a framed picture of he and my uncle shaking hands up on my apartment wall, from back when he was the last real mayor of NYC.

631ad2 No.1414207

File: 8b009da748807e8⋯.png (126.56 KB, 885x503, 885:503, Screen Shot 2018-05-14 at ….png)

File: ceff9b32996d531⋯.png (40.55 KB, 597x334, 597:334, Screen Shot 2018-05-14 at ….png)

File: ee8eeee563aa2e1⋯.png (50.49 KB, 748x266, 374:133, Screen Shot 2018-05-14 at ….png)




q posted at 22:24

the only other Q posted at 22:24

it said

watch the EO's

well one was published today!

346c79 No.1414208


I just copy pasted what people tagged tbh, no time. which post was that

Baking soon-ish

02444e No.1414209


How bought the old phrase "he knows where the bodies are buried." Look it up/gaggle it.

e27220 No.1414210


Yes. My belief is also that Erik Prince is about to bring the pain on the cabal but I always look for other possible meanings.

839447 No.1414211

FLOTUS was said to have an Embolic procedure.

Emboli is the movement of substance to occlude a vessel or area.

It was said that it was used most likely to isolate and kill off a benign tumor.




noun: embolism; plural noun: embolisms

1. Medicine

obstruction of an artery, typically by a clot of blood or an air bubble.

2. the periodic intercalation of days or a month to correct the accumulating discrepancy between the calendar year and the solar year, as in a leap year.

96c980 No.1414212


Fake AND Gay.

631ad2 No.1414213


forgot link


90ca53 No.1414214


They should have to give homeless people free products and coffee and use starbucks bathrooms just because it's now policy anyone can use them… Hi there sorry we don't buy your products we just came to shit.

10af20 No.1414215


he told me watch the water……

blackwater that is

8d19d0 No.1414216


Twatter…Bailey account. My phone is so jacked I can't get out and back in to ggrab direct lin.

2752b1 No.1414217


Hope you arent Kyle…..

0364e2 No.1414218


Great.. Is nothing sacred ?

a6ec9c No.1414219

File: a5daa3dd4914565⋯.jpg (41.88 KB, 720x395, 144:79, podesta muh aliens.jpg)

File: 3007cbf4b2b5c81⋯.gif (1.77 MB, 651x429, 217:143, popckorn cartman.gif)



a5f6bf No.1414220

59ad79 No.1414221

326a34 No.1414222

File: 44a21c8a61b7dad⋯.jpg (89.87 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote-since-i-entered-poli….jpg)


26d760 No.1414223


good cover to secure and protect her

c0cc76 No.1414224


Godspeed Anon, don't forget your


02444e No.1414225

File: ed736e25685bc9e⋯.jpg (5.23 KB, 225x225, 1:1, download.jpg)

115071 No.1414226



38b7ba No.1414227

File: af67901054ed615⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 3500x2333, 3500:2333, af67901054ed615fe566699390….jpg)

File: 82d6de1154aa399⋯.png (465.34 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, #Abramson-PixTeller-230678.png)

File: d00e7d6ccd1e30f⋯.jpg (124.24 KB, 853x500, 853:500, #bevinfischer.jpg)

File: 1e158005f77284e⋯.png (632.72 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, #FischerKhan-PixTeller-230….png)

File: 33395149f575958⋯.jpg (291.84 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, #EndCorruption-PixTeller-2….jpg)

96c980 No.1414228


FWIW Pittsburgh is the original world HQ of Heinz (prior to Kraft purchase) but don't think it matters.

b77a36 No.1414229

440004 No.1414231


That's what "metaphorical" means. Look it up.

64f390 No.1414232


No coincidences anon, my guides guided me to that tweet and to discuss it on this board at a specific time and for a specific reason.

Thank you for your work, I have difficulty putting together things like that image.

03daeb No.1414233

>>1414201 Ok. It's exposed. Thank you. I'm all better now. Please feel free to leave now. Thank you. We're all good now thx to you. You pay you go.

b2bc32 No.1414234


Cool digits but that was a refrigerated truck.

94ee46 No.1414235

I don't think Q has ever mentioned Eric Prince by name, initials or nickname

I think the punisher symbol is Q's way of naming Eric Prince

He is a MAJOR player in this and is most likely in the Q group

He will be a HERO

ebd08c No.1414236




ee7081 No.1414238


>Q never said who will get the pain.

No big deal. There's enough pain to go around for all of them.

5f3504 No.1414241

984ff2 No.1414242

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