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/qresearch/ - Q Research Board

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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Max filesize is 16 MB.
Max image dimensions are 15000 x 15000.
You may upload 5 per post.

Attention newfags: Leave the Name/Email field blank for your safety/anonymity. Do not create new threads. You may post in any thread already created. Thank you.

File: 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, 2ca1bdf21b2af5bdc6812f9b55….png)

3e6840 No.1411928

Welcome To Q Research General

Personal thank you to the BO, Bakers, and Autists/Anons who continually dedicate their time and energy to the GREAT AWAKENING.

You are all Patriots.

The hard part is coming to an end.

The next phase will bring JUSTICE.

Board Rules (Read the rules please)


Q's New Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/

Q's Tripcode

Current Q Tripcode: Q !4pRcUA0lBE

PAST Tripcodes: !xowAT4Z3VQ , !2jsTvXXmXs [ Blacklisted see, >>>/patriotsfight/71 ]

Trip Code Change Explanation: Q accidentally typed the password in plain text, Q updated password for new Trip on

His Secured /patriotsfight/ Board, BO Confirmed and then white listed new Tripcode, and Blacklisted the compromised one, on /qresearch/. See >>1355345


Q's Latest Posts

Monday 05.14.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/82 ------- Comms understood? (deleted) see >>1411589

>>>/patriotsfight/81 ------- They are losing control of the message. (deleted)

>>>/patriotsfight/80 ------- [ATTACKS WILL ONLY INTENSIFY]

Sunday 05.13.2018

>>1397513 ------------------ Full Circle.

>>1394586 ------------------ On Guard.

>>1394124 ------------------ Trust must be earned.

>>1393554 rt >>1393485 ----- What must happen pre 11.11?

>>1393391 rt >>1393351 ----- rt "The Shadow Government"

>>1393354 rt >>1393313 ----- Watch what happens [-30].

>>1393321 rt >>1393295 ----- LOOP.

>>1393311 rt >>1393269 ----- Well done, Anon.

>>1393295 ------------------ https://nationalsecurityaction.org/who-we-are/

Saturday 05.12.2018

>>1392849 ------------------ Sealed indictments.

>>1391731 ------------------ Now comes the pain.

>>1391509 rt >>1391481 ----- Godspeed, Patriot.

>>1391443 rt >>1391351 ----- Corruption everywhere.

>>1391355 rt >>1391341 ----- News beginning to leak.

>>1391340 rt >>1391298 ----- Happy Hunting!

>>1391298 ------------------ Truth Coming.

>>>/patriotsfight/79 ------- No private comms

>>1388185 ------------------ Stay the course.

>>1385613 ------------------ PEOPLE UNITED hold the power.

>>1384036 rt >>1383888 ----- Time to move on.

Friday 05.11.2018

>>1373162 ------------------ This is why we are here.

>>1372772 ------------------ Q Responds to Corsi/AJ Attack

Thursday 05.10.2018

>>1368097 rt >>1368028 ----- Explore further.

>>>/patriotsfight/78 ------- Facebook is listening to you 24/7/365.

>>>/patriotsfight/77 ------- Future to prove past.

>>1366780 rt >>1366601 ----- Note the pictures we post are ALL originals.

>>>/patriotsfight/76 ------- Rank & File. (deleted) see >>1411709

>>>/patriotsfight/75 ------- Castle LOCK. (deleted)

>>>/patriotsfight/74 ------- Fellow Patriots:

>>>/patriotsfight/73 ------- (DOJNUNESRELEASE.png)

>>1362511 ------------------ This is not a game.

>>>/patriotsfight/72 ------- NKSINGSEC.png

>>1361222 ------------------ [Be careful who you follow]

>>1358839 ------------------ Iran confirms Zarif-Kerry meeting in NY (twitter link)

>>1358706 ------------------ Now comes the pain.

Wednesday 05.09.2018

>>1349487 ------------------ http://www.iran-daily.com/News/202615.html Happy hunting!

Tuesday 05.08.2018

>>1342162 ------------------ Even Qs are Human ;-)

>>>/patriotsfight/71 ------- Error Corrected

>>>/patriotsfight/70 ------- Trip Confirmed

>>>/patriotsfight/69 ------- TRIP Update.

>>>/patriotsfight/68 ------- Today, EVIL lost control - also: >>1341959

>>>/patriotsfight/67 ------- Review time

>>>/patriotsfight/66 ------- Use LOGIC

Backup Q Posts


Previous Q Posts

Find Previous Q Posts at: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Archives of Q's /patriotsfight/ threads >>1313128

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Read: Social Media Protocols

1. DO NOT CONFRONT accounts that are being tracked. WATCH. ARCHIVE. REPORT.

'''2. If you find an important account, ARCHIVE OFFLINE BEFORE POSTING link to 8ch

We must avoid tipping off the black hats until archiving is complete.

>>1126202 , >>1207179 For Instagram mirroring

>>1127332 For Website mirroring

>>1272084 For Twitter mirroring

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1329265 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

>>1113115, >>1113120 How to filter a Shill

3e6840 No.1411930


are not endorsements


>>1411191 Mueller may have a conflict

>>1411220, >>1411253 POTUS Schedule (bad weather)

>>1411222 Margot Kidder died.

>>1411299 Defending the Nation With Secretary of Defense James Mattis

>>1411304 Post 75 was the FREEDOM flag reminding us of the LOCKed thread on /PF/.

>>1411365 Smoogle Quint fire truck

>>1411368, >>1411393 Unsealed indictment: health care fraud and money laundering

>>1411451 Iranian Group Offers $100,000 to Blow Up New U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem

>>1411484 Man accused in military centre stabbing acquitted of terror charges, not criminally responsible

>>1411556 Ben Garrison: A House Divided

>>1411783, >>1411881 Q said extradicted, not arrested

>>1411803 Baruch the scribe aka Mav[Lag] aka camperman aka board owner of /cbts/ he outed himself on twitter

>>1411814 Veteran Chinese scientist takes an ‘Alice in Wonderland’ journey deep under the sea

>>1411830 Hamas is sending civilians to die for media coverage, says Abbas' advisor (Palestinian Authority)


>>1410419 Q74 Fire Engine pic on social media in 2014

>>1410482, >>1410567 POTUS Posting pics from Air Force Base.

>>1410483 D.C. FBI Insiders Fear: “General Flynn Might Take a Flamethrower to this Town Before He is Done”

>>1410721 Israel created Hamas

>>1410523, >>1410742 Flotus Kidney Op is cover story for an Top Secret meeting?

>>1410689, >>1410992 Another amazing 'Future Proves Past Proof

>>1410842, >>1410904 >SKY_TAR_[E_BZ_y]

>>1410885, >>1411055 Q74 engine in Upper Darby, PA:

>>1410891 There was not any Iran deal to begin with? LOL – the "deal" was never signed!

>>1410918 Updates on Jerusalem Embassy and Gaza protests

>>1410998 The Storm

>>1411111 Now Comes The Pain, Quints Qonfirm


>>1409679 Ted Cruz interview

>>1409864, >>1410000 Why were the Sephardim kicked out of the Iberian Peninsula?


>>1408936 FLOTUS Recovering from Minimally Invasive Kidney Surgery

>>1409033 Castle lock digs

>>1409068 Mountain Deep digs?

>>1409381 German version of 2-reg spoopy planes found.

>>1409385 Q Billboard is to look bad on Qmovement?

>>1409395 Exopolitics article

>>1408810 Pompeo Tweet about the embassy

>>1409265 >>1409234 >>1409199 >>1409179 >>1409171 Planefag reports

>>1409487 POTUS tweets


>>1408176 Big Day graphic connects

>>1408120 Anons Stay The Course

>>1408252 Multinational law/tax-firm Named “CMS”

>>1408134 Building a list of sites on the planet that are exclusionary zones to bypass local laws

>>1408348 >>1408393 >>1408432 Planefag reports

>>1408067 Political corruption probe

>>1408541 The USAF regs should dictate the numbering of trucks.

>>1408619 All for a LARP

>>1408638 "Iran threatens" graphic


>>1407292 Avenatti threatening to sue Daily Caller

>>1407307 On technological advances and black hat data mining (commentary)

>>1407310 USAF tweet w/“Snowden” on uniform

>>1407367 Sessions gunning for Chicago

>>1407742 Airbus finance chief quits group

>>1407857 Money sent to terrorists out of MSP airport

>>1407946 Chinese plane forced to land after window breaking


>>1406565 Problems with Tesla

>>1406651 Two of three Goldman trading securities heads quit

>>1406653 CIA as “the pickle factory”

>>1406766 Presidential Memorandum on reducing oil purchases from Iran

>>1406838 On Bitcoin; FOIA request on Bitcoin turns up “classified”; info denied

>>1406852 DWS won because of destroyed ballots

>>1407081 HRC shifting campaign cash to Delaware LLC


>>1405672 War Games Q Clock diagram

>>1405719 Joke Kerry meets with NZ rep.

>>1405770 Keith A. Raniere Holds Patent for Luciferian Rehabilitation

>>1405782 Meeting in the "Safe Room"

>>1405824 Anons putting the clues together.

>>1405757 UK affluent families using privilege to avoid child abuse investigations

>>1405833 NXIVM Indictment, co-conspripator #2 India Oxenberg

>>1405863 Oxenberg family lines to the English Crown… watch Wikipedia edits

>>1406072 >>1406082 Flight 370 crash was deliberate


>>1404935 Attention all patriots, BO message

>>1405614 Planefag Updates

>>1405000 Huma 48 markers

>>1405128 Robert David Steele: Koreas Unite, Denuclearize ME, Global Financial Reset, Ideas for Iran

>>1405281 The Link

>>1405301 ISGP Studies Dig

>>1405362 Ain't no brakes on the Q train.

>>1405443 GermanArchiveAnon Update

>>1405539, >>1405547, >>1405570 Ecuador prepares to hand Assange over to UK, US?

>>1405089 Q sign on highway.

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

3e6840 No.1411932

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 -- TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 --- META


>>16785 ----- Prayer

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 --- Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>566073 --- Q Cards Collection

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>694579 --- Hispanic Qresearch

>>674740 --- Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 -- Newfag Q&A

>>93735 ----- Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 -- Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>169315 --- Notable Resignations Thread 1/2

>>1147812 -- Notable Resignations Thread 2/2


>>4356 ------ Tools and Information

>>4852 ------ Free Research Resources

>>4362 ------ Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 ------ Research Threads

>>1233401 - All Executive Orders

>>1241760 - Shill posters

>>1243929 - JFK Files released

>>32223 ---- Qs chess game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>410413 --- Q Communications re:deltas

>>489697 --- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread


>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection

>>885933 --- P=C

>>904395 --- The Plan

>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1143658 - Abramovic

>>1272206 - 43 Confirmed Connections workspace

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

3e6840 No.1411934

Graphics of All Q'S Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21 >>1408993

>>1335083 Previous GMT Graphics

Q Graphics all in EST

>>1411389 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82

>>1303748 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures: >>1298492 , >>1302636

>>1148124 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ------------------ >>>/comms/968

>>1147122 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg >>>/comms/967

>>1147113 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ---- >>>/comms/966

>>1335077 Previous EST Graphics

NEW: Q's Images Posted

Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* NEW QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: qmap.pub >>1334710

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 5/13]) >>1403707

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

'* http://''qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>851957

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library

Nearly 18,000 Memes and Infographs Searchable by Subject


Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Memes: Latest Stockpiles

Memes21 >>1352458 20 >>1232995, 19 >>1144040

Meme Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ----------------------- qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn to Bake! We Really Need Patriot Bakers

New Bakers Please Go To Cooking Class >>>/comms/154

Or read the Bakers Manual https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

3e6840 No.1411936

File: 4e0a3f95b80089f⋯.jpg (191.49 KB, 800x450, 16:9, _25zuf2tnfzi.jpg)

Dough #1771



d839a6 No.1411946

File: 5461563e101a566⋯.png (293.63 KB, 616x541, 616:541, honeypotQ.png)

((THEY)) are losing control of the message

d839a6 No.1411954


FUCK. i mispell'd customer. standby

3e6840 No.1411957


Heh yea I know, I wanted to quote Q tho.

Also I don't like using () in titles, for reasons..

57b189 No.1411959

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

TRUMP the greatest troll

013239 No.1411960

File: 106d6424aece526⋯.jpg (184.26 KB, 1111x616, 101:56, Q13.jpg)

thanks baker!!


f66bcb No.1411966

a5d658 No.1411968

any anons got tips for migraines with using pharma ? want to dig but head feels like a freight truck hit it

c0d3c1 No.1411982

Fairfield parents accused of torturing 10 children, living in squalor


Thanks California. 10 more we're gonna have to support. Neighbors hardly even know they had kids. Moonbeam FTW.

73245c No.1411984


one eye migraine?

6a5fdb No.1411985

File: c8b5281702ca2e0⋯.png (127.37 KB, 1068x650, 534:325, IMG_1152.PNG)

4e440d No.1411986


Persian Art?

5415b8 No.1411987

File: fde89f048def21b⋯.jpg (146.19 KB, 500x575, 20:23, parachutes.jpg)

File: af078e82b1bdb0a⋯.jpg (111.8 KB, 678x521, 678:521, midnight-sun-flat-earth.jpg)

9972f0 No.1411988

https:// www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-05-14/george-soros-gets-most-of-his-2-billion-back-from-scott-bessent

c0d3c1 No.1411989

File: 0a449e9df269fdf⋯.png (490.87 KB, 919x448, 919:448, ClipboardImage.png)

57b189 No.1411990


this video is great haha

1e64ec No.1411991


I'm also curious.

aecbee No.1411992


Heat on your feet. Ice on your neck.

6fc49d No.1411993


Natural way to ease it is to run your hands and forearms under water that is as hot as you can stand it. Pulls the blood toward the extremities and away from the brain. Might not get rid of it, but will help.

ee9f78 No.1411994

Last bread:


Exactly! Glad someone else is paying close attention. It's actully pretty fascinating.

ac3b99 No.1411995


Not exactly, but this works for me.

i Midol (yes, Midol) and a hot cup of coffee, anyway you like it.

It will put down a migraine in about 10 minutes.

25fcec No.1411996

what is "Castle Lock" ? thank you in advance.

ae35e2 No.1411997


like what you did with the Admiral…

789bfb No.1411998

>>1411943 (prev bread)

Oh bullshit. Q said NO outside comms A LONG TIME AGO. Anyone saying they have had outside comms with Q is simply lying, unless THEY, the party declaring something different that what Q said, can prove it. Q merely made a statement as to what the deal is. No "proof" of any kind is required for that. The asshat that's lying about the comms with Q needs to PROVE it or STFU.

3b2d94 No.1411999


Ice pack to the carotid arteries, wrists, back of knees. Neck area most important. Constricts the blood vessels.

a8ff49 No.1412000


Thanks, Goodbye

f29b05 No.1412001


I received mine, but I'll not disclose it.

It's sort of a 'wake up call' to let 'you' know 'they know' who and where you are.

Strange, bizarre, a little un-nerving, but nothing to freak out over.

4213ef No.1412002

File: 7bee51e94bac647⋯.mp4 (12.21 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, jonesneedsbrainforce.mp4)


c0daf3 No.1412003



1e64ec No.1412004


have you tried cannabis or psilocybin?

475a2d No.1412005

File: c2c55a5403cf316⋯.png (798.91 KB, 750x730, 75:73, FIGHTDEMON.png)

File: 2398a4d83232b6d⋯.jpg (110.88 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 2398a4d83232b6d9cc029dc32d….jpg)

ee9f78 No.1412007


Excederin migraine helps me. Or get on a blood pressure med like lisinopril. Helps keep them from occurring.

3b2d94 No.1412008



Via what medium?

1e64ec No.1412009


look through notables. plenty of explanations

34b1d8 No.1412010



6814cc No.1412011


These sketches are great!

821dab No.1412012

File: c39d271920c31c1⋯.jpg (217.73 KB, 1476x851, 1476:851, WWG1WGA.jpg)

>>1411384 (Previous Bread)


We spent about $15,000 on our "Billboard For Truth" back in 2005, and it was complicated as all get out to get set up. We didn't have a penny left between us when we were done, and we wouldn't accept donations or gifts other than water (We were water fasting for the 3 weeks we were camping up there as well) but I can understand REAL Patriots asking for HELP to advance the cause.

I love all you Anons (no homo)

The TRUTH shall set us FREE.




adc05f No.1412013

>>1411969 lb

Flynn is the last person to be accused of treason. Ok, lets say webb is desinfo agent, this desinfo will trash his credibility. Why would someone do it deliberately? I think he is just crazy

716efa No.1412014

File: ed8a5eb4e35ae6a⋯.jpg (38.28 KB, 500x281, 500:281, Erdogantheantichrist.jpg)

Notice the baphomet star

f77c3f No.1412015

File: 82b037e60691363⋯.jpg (190.96 KB, 1440x807, 480:269, 2ced8ee2cd5207d9abe90bb232….jpg)


see if you didn't eat somethiin with asparatame or sucralose or other chemical fake sugar.

they are baaaad.

6a5fdb No.1412016

eb56e3 No.1412017


I've been here since the beginning, nearly everyday digging and twatting… nothing yet

e782bd No.1412018

File: 271c13e35502c9d⋯.jpg (53.98 KB, 1163x554, 1163:554, DZEi3mlVoAEZsHc.jpg)

File: 7c711e66d65dba3⋯.jpg (91.42 KB, 1200x561, 400:187, DZEin04VwAAJFJ0.jpg)


Here's an example

c0d3c1 No.1412020



1e64ec No.1412021


also exercise, diet regulation, appropriate amounts of sleep, and proper supplementation will also work wonders

595dfe No.1412022


migraines are, usually, caused by dehydration. dont want to ramble on but your brain is 70% water, so when dehydrated your body drains the water from your brain leading to a headache!

73245c No.1412023

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Q says so therefore it is eh.

Blind faith eh.

what happened to trust is earned?

c7b111 No.1412024

>>1391222 (old bread)



1) learn postimg protocol before you post again.

2) personal message was a blue foam "Q" left on 8 chan founder's desk while he was out a couple months ago.

ee9f78 No.1412025


Did you happen to listen to those first YT's with Beanz and those two Gus controlling the CBTS board? They said that back then, and right after that is when Q shut them down and then they all cried foul and said "board comped", "fake Q!" bullshit.

92a63d No.1412026

File: 8935eb4ba266414⋯.jpg (160.74 KB, 1080x826, 540:413, 1521330364129.jpg)


They are acting as expected. We know.

Remember Doug from AIM called Webb when he started having problems with his psyop. Webb immediately put out a video saying he trusts them and theyre legit.

All i ever needed to know about Webb. Let them all expose themselves. We dont have to do a thing. Chans always win.

Trust in Kek newbies.

3c80f2 No.1412027

>>1411718 (lb) muh q website feelz

oh my, doxxing and yelling? you obviously don't understand the firepower on this board. honestly, i would say more but it's just not very challenging. i will say this, i think you deserve a cookie for trying.

82bd4a No.1412028

>>1411257 (last bread)

Shills have no lives. They're parasites. Some are living in their parent's basements, or being perpetual "students" living off of student loan money they'll never pay back of grants. Some are welfare and entitlement queens. Some are on the Brock/Podesta/Soros payroll unaware of the fact that their paychecks are ensuring they'll all hang for treason along with their masters.

4213ef No.1412029

File: 3768c98c7f926ad⋯.png (228.12 KB, 518x646, 259:323, bot_shill_cunt.png)

f29b05 No.1412030


Via third party text message.

Will not say more other than 'they' know who I am.

4ff69c No.1412031


Patriots do not glorify Q.

These billboards and websites are fake and gay.

Famefags are fake and gay.

3b2d94 No.1412032


He was instrumental in the effort to expose the dirty finances/banking in the Vatican. Conveniently this arose and put a stop to it. Pell was working with Pope Benedict.

ee9f78 No.1412033


Have you ever suffered from migraines? Not sliding. Just wondering?

c31cea No.1412034

File: a114d4b6fa8d1fc⋯.jpg (39.15 KB, 466x350, 233:175, 804d9a988a3775830253db3cb1….jpg)

File: 4ea97815e80b012⋯.png (135.82 KB, 681x236, 681:236, 1774.png)

Q74 means 1774

1774 was the signing of the first declaration of independence and the beginning of the American Revolution.



Thought you'd like to know.


adc05f No.1412035


Here from chans, nothing yet

ee9f78 No.1412036


That's why I say schizophrenic.

d9e83a No.1412037


It is a chess move on the chess game "Capablanca vs Marshall", a famous game played in Cuba. D5 was the chess move. D5 was said in Q post #74 and corresponded with c

castle LOCK, in a later Q post.

5e87c1 No.1412038

File: afdbf832273bfe7⋯.jpg (257.36 KB, 667x1000, 667:1000, Q POTUSisNottaCult.jpg)

>>1411624 (last bread)

32bd86 No.1412039

File: bca7a25254bc580⋯.webm (2.56 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, wink1.webm)



4e440d No.1412040


Hmm. Good Support, But not WW.

Only the support in the immigrants in Eurasia.

And that's the immediate

Because Big/BioTech as 5G,6G, RFID, Terminators will be a hard fight

Really. We're separated

1e64ec No.1412041


fuck off you aspie faggot

I'm confident I've been here longer than you. i don't need anyone to explain "posting protocol"

fc37bf No.1412042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Battle Hymn Of The Republic

233ef2 No.1412043

File: f25d8c174398e2a⋯.png (434.48 KB, 465x525, 31:35, 1474766745753.png)


The embassy for ants reflects their true level of importance and value in this world, both as a state and as a people.

3f185c No.1412044

Friend in DC is reporting terrible thunderstorm in progress, and the electricity knocked out.

6a5fdb No.1412045

I used to get daily migraines for 20 years, needed 2 different medications to control it, if you need pharmaceuticals then take them. Most of today's drug problems are over prescribing medications unnecessary but they still have a place .

c31cea No.1412046

Note to Baker

Bitcoin notable in batch #1764 is fake news being pushed by disinfo sites and scammers.

Recommend removal or research into it by other anons to verify my claims.

4ff69c No.1412047

File: f6cd7993442c24b⋯.jpg (206.98 KB, 652x960, 163:240, afbabd26b1ae654ffa32cebc19….jpg)


i got muh personalized Q message

0fce04 No.1412048


You Nasimfags are something else. Celebrating a multi murdering transgender boy. Why does it have tits in some pics and not in others? Did you ever think of that? What about the Adam's apple?

But Muh freedom of speech!

Fags will be fags I guess

7dd5fe No.1412049

>>1411785 (last bread #1770)

Because normies use what services they've used in the past or ask a friend for a suggestion.

Normies don't dig, dig, dig to see if the services they use are evil or be construed as evil or local or foreign because normies don't think that way.

+ maybe the dude is an ex-pat.

Maybe he saw the service advertised on late night TV.

Normies just need a site that fits their budget and will do what they believe it will do.

Normies don't see Beanz, Corsi, etal with the same lens.

Let them grow in their journey.

Did you know Beanz and Corsi beforehand or only now because of Q?

Not everything is bad or evil.


Anything that reaches out is good.

Not trying to be mean here, yet if we dox than what's the point of Q saying we need to be UNITED?

Being alert is one thing.

Dox w/out all the information is a normie thing - not an autist/anon thing.

Just believe that if someone is doing something half way correct than we should give benefit of doubt.

Not all come to or heard of chan.


I came to 4ch because I couldn't believe pepe became a racist meme

A comment in theconservatvetreehouse led me to 8ch.

Then there was fbianon followed by megaanone.

Then I followed Beanz for a couple months probably through drawandstrike, but might've been rex imperator...doesn't matter.

Only followed her for a couple months.

While digging found Corsi and read some of his earlier decodes which I thought might be of use for a family member.

Then discounted him and haven't cared about him for 6 months or so.

MEANING: like religion and sports and other curiosities of life we all follow the path we follow.

Good and bad.

Beanz, Corsi, and the like aren't for me and I learned that on my own.

Others will learn via their friends, Q, research, or their own intuition or Beanz/Corsi will be all they need to be awakened.

We all serve a purpose.

We all learn at different speeds.


Think we just need to lean towards kindness and tolerance.

Shutting the f'up now.

0273b8 No.1412050

File: dbde276f1f227c3⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 4032x2268, 16:9, 20180512_105743.jpg)


Trucking fag here, just rolling along in S.E. Michigan and caught up to this.

Pic related

1c922a No.1412052

Baker: They are L O S I N G Control of The Message. Spellcheck.

eb56e3 No.1412053


horrible ones, yes.

73245c No.1412054

Kill a migraine instantly

2 alieve, to relax the tighented up muscles caused by the root cause of the headache

Water, to assit in rehydration, which is also an issue.

The problem is, your neck. #3 vertibra is out and pinching a nerve that leades near the optical center of the brain. Your neck and shoulder muscles are tensed due to the pinch in the nerve. Laying on your back, pulling at the base of the skull, forcing the chin into the chest should result in a weight lifting pop in the neck. 20 mins later, no headache.

d839a6 No.1412055

File: 67356a69cc49b8e⋯.png (300.07 KB, 615x544, 615:544, honeypot.png)


let's try this again…

c0d3c1 No.1412056

>>1412048 Fuck off shill

a5d658 No.1412057


seems to help thanks anon

0d5328 No.1412058


You are disparaging a patriot over flawed research.

821dab No.1412059

File: d3caef9bbae38f8⋯.png (495.55 KB, 918x810, 17:15, Screen Shot 2018-02-28 at ….png)

File: 7f38dd536abb859⋯.png (173.05 KB, 481x332, 481:332, Screen Shot 2018-01-18 at ….png)

File: 20bb1c6f7f5b095⋯.png (92.11 KB, 487x473, 487:473, Screen Shot 2018-02-13 at ….png)

File: ec0ff27dbd87fd2⋯.png (63 KB, 473x525, 473:525, Screen Shot 2018-02-13 at ….png)


I don't care about Q other than how he can serve Humanity, My Nation, and the TRUTH. Our message 13 years ago STILL stands today, for it was a VERY simple message. The Truth is ALWAYS simple, and anyone who denies that is either a liar or deluded and the Truth is NOT in them.

When you do the Right thing for the Right reasons, the Right things happen Anon.



#TheGreatAwakening #TheRising #WWG1WGA

d9e83a No.1412060


New division fag tactic, sew jealousy amongst anons.

f6832c No.1412061


Try pressing on your stomach, lower area roughly between hip bones. Find the right place, and it will stop instantly.

afea7f No.1412062



Approaching #1776

4e440d No.1412063


In Israel they did an act with Iranians.

Asking the farsi again..

adc05f No.1412064


I had them since i remember myself. Honestly drives me crazy when people say its from dehydration, like other anon said. Whats your opinion?

0fce04 No.1412065


Im a shill because you post pics of a tranny? Got it, Einstein

6a5fdb No.1412066


No that's a tension headache, migraines are neurological

fc37bf No.1412067

c0d3c1 No.1412068

Did you give them a honk and a wave trucking fag?

ccdcac No.1412069


at some point

this Nasim anon

is going to dig her up

and have at her

for about 12 minutes

21ccea No.1412070

File: 11413890951b8aa⋯.png (251.21 KB, 600x811, 600:811, WH xmas 2017.png)


They dropped this for us during Christmas but it wasnt personalized. I am quite interested to see what these clever buggers have planned besides a blue foam Q

92a63d No.1412071

File: 4521ece728e39c8⋯.jpg (149.69 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 1526335638012.jpg)

File: a7e3470c0e2b9ab⋯.png (408.4 KB, 1532x1501, 1532:1501, 1526338383987.png)

Btw faggots were doing a dig on Atheist Soymaker Jordan Peterson on /pol/

Interesting stuff is popping up.


73245c No.1412072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


you want one too


a5d658 No.1412073

>>1412001 idk man i freaked a little

4b118a No.1412074

>I suck at making posters

>need help with design

>making 36" by 24"

>making 36' x 24" sign told hold over one of our nations busiest freeways (city with millions, over pass is dead center were all other freeways meet)

>three jobs barley have time to sit down and make something that looks good

>fedex print shop $89 for 36"x24' on canvas with wood frame

6a5fdb No.1412075


Serotonin imbalances for some which is why some antidepressants help

595dfe No.1412076


i would get them years ago when i was still at school then one day we learned what i just said in my previous post and since that day i dont drink anything except water (excluding alcohol) and i honestly have never had anything since, unless it was a genuine head cold, or hangover

156069 No.1412077

File: 5751f5a625bc43f⋯.png (409.09 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Real_Housewives_of_the_Dee….png)

65e6e2 No.1412078


Just curious but was it a date of some personal significance to you? without actually a message?

2082d2 No.1412079


Q's next drop.

d1193c No.1412080

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live from Gaza. 55 Killed/2700 Wounded.

22fcb6 No.1412081


Good find Anon

78ce30 No.1412082


no, because you complain, and if anon you would know by now that is the best way to get more of it

(and it wastes 10 times more posts than just letting it go). filtered

32bd86 No.1412083

File: 5650f7944c7bd3a⋯.jpg (550.3 KB, 1076x1050, 538:525, 20180411_053323.jpg)

e782bd No.1412085


That's why you keep silent about the things you know or have experienced if they will be used only for furthering your ego.

c0d3c1 No.1412086

>>1412065 Not a tranny, doof.

>>1412068 Many nasim fags anon, you don't get it.

427c4f No.1412087

>>1409864 (previous)

Thank you for this. I've slowly figured some of this out already but this lays it out so clearly. Whaddaya know, the top rabbi knows something, but I didn't have confidence in rabbis or know which to consult because of the crap one gets from reform and conservative

a682d8 No.1412088


Was sicker then a dog a week ago. Eyes hurt, head hurt, lungs hurt. Took an Excedrin Migraine. Felt like the hand of God had descended upon my poor beat up body and made it feel like it was 21 again.

4e440d No.1412089


Romans everywhere..

0fce04 No.1412090


Because you're a fag and like trannies?

219bb6 No.1412091

File: dfafcd350856080⋯.png (135.52 KB, 703x897, 703:897, IMG_9901.PNG)

File: e657e165f93ec77⋯.png (120.55 KB, 704x904, 88:113, IMG_9903.PNG)

Anons, have we w seen this yet? New court filing from today judge granting motion by Concord Management against Mueller's indictment to produce the evidence.


ee9f78 No.1412092


Ya me too. After seeing a neuro and many other docs for years I just found that migraines are truly different for everyone. What I take doesn't always work for others.

Just FYI to the anon with a migraine, sometimes it's due to pressure in the air. I get the behind the counter Aleve sinus for those days when regular migraine med isn't working. Helps a lot.

4c0a60 No.1412093



There are related AF positions at the same spot in Hawaii he was in.

bb2ea6 No.1412094


Are you ok with people selling $300 Q related domains and $500 shit tier websites? Not judging, just wondering.

2f86d3 No.1412095

File: ceb866d82469ad3⋯.png (4.23 MB, 1549x2048, 1549:2048, ClipboardImage.png)

Ninja Supreme Court Justice: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Has Fun With Fame

The star of the documentary “RBG” has embraced her popularity as another tool in her effort to help women advance.


ac3b99 No.1412096

The Blood-Thirsty Kike will use any excuse to go on their killing sprees.

Over 50 Palestinians in massive protest are killed by Israeli military, bloodiest day in Gaza since 2014 war

https:// abcnews.go.com/International/dead-hundreds-injured-palestinians-protest-opening-us-embassy/story?id=55143043

They actually wonder why everyone hates their filthy guts.

508c08 No.1412097

File: 4029a16a3175c21⋯.jpeg (908.23 KB, 1125x2395, 225:479, 852F6F8E-F033-40CA-A4C0-6….jpeg)

Hey Anons don’t let Alex Jones, Jerome Corsi or whoever try to take credit for the forthcoming IBOR! They may even try to act Pro-IBOR but then flip the script!

‘Coincidentally’ you will see on Infowars that Alex ‘protested’ Google HQ today against their censorship. Kinda odd given the timing..

f77c3f No.1412098

File: 74463664f2248b1⋯.png (56.14 KB, 511x349, 511:349, chkit.png)

3e6840 No.1412099

File: a088e01db584bba⋯.jpg (121.46 KB, 638x359, 638:359, 8a865f4c3d9a4ed43f767ccb66….jpg)

File: d6c446c6c72d35f⋯.png (67.83 KB, 652x432, 163:108, FireShot Capture 195 - Loo….png)


Caught me.

I'm Norse baker tho so I'm excused, kek

4ff69c No.1412100


Just to clarify - yours is cool as fuck anon, just think the Q billboard is fake and gay.

Godspeed patriot!

156069 No.1412101

File: 202f8448f4c5748⋯.png (476.9 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, I_AM_Godlike.png)

no wonder they named his 1/2 brother William…. and all of a sudden the name GLP makes sense

ceba5e No.1412102

File: 9bccfb657bd34d5⋯.jpg (115.12 KB, 839x512, 839:512, standardviewersWTF.jpg)

>>1411834 (l.b.)


bc7205 No.1412103

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



One for the truckerfags who keep our country running.

05dec7 No.1412104

File: 87810bf2f0ae025⋯.png (101.39 KB, 964x449, 964:449, Screen Shot 2018-05-14 at ….png)

File: f2475885bfafd94⋯.png (155.91 KB, 795x603, 265:201, Screen Shot 2018-05-14 at ….png)

File: e83affd63b07d72⋯.png (448.64 KB, 796x662, 398:331, Screen Shot 2018-05-14 at ….png)

File: 5b75a39bd85c100⋯.png (100.23 KB, 796x456, 199:114, Screen Shot 2018-05-14 at ….png)

File: 8e49db0a4adcc2e⋯.png (528.81 KB, 790x653, 790:653, Screen Shot 2018-05-14 at ….png)

Italy's New Populist Government is Kicking Ass

~ Wanting to Export Migrants

~ Wanting EU to stay out of their Government


940aac No.1412105

I am here to fight for what is right.

I am here to help reveal the truth.

I stand in the face of adversity, knowing that my

mission is a rightious one.

I accept that it makes me an out cast.

I accept the insults.

I accept it for the sake of those who might be


I…. am a flat earth believer.

I see what you cannot… but soon you will join


Then you will know my pain.

You will know my JOY.

637dea No.1412106

File: c307887d1253a0f⋯.jpg (119.64 KB, 1138x820, 569:410, incomeactivator.JPG)

File: 2310cd901b614eb⋯.png (136.29 KB, 803x778, 803:778, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b9c46e105bea47f⋯.png (395.44 KB, 1012x838, 506:419, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a6d951cff812dd⋯.png (74.17 KB, 788x475, 788:475, ClipboardImage.png)



this site is BAD NEWS. imo.

I am going to re-post the research I did into the site using whois, etc.

In last bread many anons had a BIG problem with it. So BIG was their problem with it they acted like proper SJWs #triggered into a tantrum.

I GET that there are domains by proxy and perhaps this woman who owns the hosting site doesn't own this website but either way …. if this is a patriot why use multiple proxies to hide? And why use selected voices? And why set up a cozy spot in the middle? And why ask for registrations?

Nah, I don't like it. Honey Pot, vehicle to co-opt & Discredit, or just plain middle man scammer I do not support this site and I'm with the anons who think it deserves major digging.

c0d3c1 No.1412107


Division fags. Peterson is a very good man.

f29b05 No.1412108


The Q-Team warning was later that evening, so it was sort of a confirmation as to what had happened earlier in the day, which, in and of itself, was uneventful.

bb2ea6 No.1412109


You have NO clue what a migraine is.

e6e9be No.1412111



894426 No.1412112


Migraines are the result of blood vessel dilation in certain area of the brain.

That’s why…visual and auditory disturbance, nausea, and pain.

Not caused by muscle tension.

73245c No.1412113


Alieve is the only thing that does anything to me. I get headaches with cool designs in my eyesight, that'll put me down for the day.

32bd86 No.1412114

a8ff49 No.1412115


Just ID+ Nasims and carry on Patriot. That's all they have to offer anyway

d7a33b No.1412116

File: 1719973726c677d⋯.png (238.05 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-14-20-1….png)

Was random digging a day or2 ago but had things to do and dropped the dig. I had saved link and image. Not familiar with A.D. so not sure if source is good or bad.

So leaving this here for diggers, may be useful as I don't have time to dig .

Who is Serco. ?


81cf0a No.1412117


What about Obama pointing a Gun at something Pic?

ee9f78 No.1412118


That jackass was also claiming credit for naming Halpr as the spy. Lies, lies, and more lies.

92a63d No.1412119

File: 3128372a1d52131⋯.jpg (109.53 KB, 730x1024, 365:512, 1521503546363.jpg)



No offense but looking at the website this guy will probably barely recover costs.

How much does a billboard cost?

c31cea No.1412120


Well done anon(s).

I had my suspicions about this man.

Seems he is a gatekeeper just like AJ.

Expose him.

5987d3 No.1412121


Peppermint essential oil (in carrier) massage into temples and across forehead

c5c1a8 No.1412122



Not expecting anything here, let's just press on with what we've got.

I'll be happy with a future of freedom for me and my kids

a5d658 No.1412123


damn it i woudlnt have posted that if i knew it would waste like 12 bread lol

1e64ec No.1412124


look, it's been hundreds of threads by now. why do you still namefag? you have to know by now that we find you annoying…

7d68d3 No.1412125


good way to make yourself a target

621be3 No.1412126

migraines are a symptom of (rancid) vegetable oils in diet, esp. sunflower, safflower, and canola. also msg, "natural flavors".

check into how cerebrus capital owns grocery stores (lucky, albertsons, etc. ) and also pharmaceutical companies that sell the symptom-reducers (not cures) for the dietary insults.

637dea No.1412127


people are really concern fagging over those of us questioning this web site.

0ff42c No.1412128

File: 749e349caedca70⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1584x927, 176:103, Untitledtqrtqrtqrtqaf.png)

b8c4d2 No.1412129

I remember seeing a photo of Jared and Ivanka with his rabbi of Chabad Lubavitch.

The rabbi wore the Black Cube on his forehead.

The black cube is the symbol of Saturn/Satan. There are giant black cube sculptures in major cities all over the world.

Islam's Kaaba, the black cube building in Mecca where the worshiping masses walk around and around.

Video about the Black Cube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sgzbkfY-0I

f060a8 No.1412130

File: 567f77182da45d4⋯.jpg (712.8 KB, 3500x2369, 3500:2369, 567f77182da45d472d6379ed3d….jpg)

a8ff49 No.1412132


I had them yrs ago and was told they were from an Allergy to Dairy Products

78ce30 No.1412133


good way to show they're not scared

e88dbd No.1412134


I was craving pickles.. and then.. BOOM

e782bd No.1412135


>I'll be happy with a future of freedom for me and my kids

None of us know how freedom looks like, but it will be remarkably familiar for many.

Looking forward to that day anon.

427c4f No.1412136


The judge granted the motion for defense to inspect the instructions given to the grand jury, to see if they were wrong (how can you indict a nonexistent company, Concord Catering, which this GJ also did) and support dismissal of the charges.

So this is not a motion for dismissal, but a motion to dig into how Mueller is handling his GJ.

9c719f No.1412137


Auras here, prodromal. Imitrex for me.

3e6840 No.1412138


If it comforts you, the baker is a flatman too

c0d3c1 No.1412139


Strongly disagree. Read his book. /ourguy/

1e64ec No.1412140

File: 4043911dba3584a⋯.gif (1005.88 KB, 500x248, 125:62, 1509318085792.gif)


fuck off

1a1a48 No.1412141



afea7f No.1412142

So is Hillary doing a worldwide book tour so she can secretly face charges in countries she's harmed?

0ff42c No.1412143

File: 63e18c80181a4fe⋯.png (1.22 MB, 927x784, 927:784, UntitledAERARGAR.png)

578796 No.1412144


That says [Proposed].

894426 No.1412145


Excedrin migraine is aspirin, acetaminophen and caffeine in one pill.

It is also…the same as every other type of excedrin.

t.pharmanon worked on excedrin migraine studies in 90s

eb56e3 No.1412146


I've not had one since 2011 however, I had an accident that nearly killed me that included a brain injury.

Took 6 months to recover and underwent testing to determine if my IQ was intact. After much therapy, it was. My Neuro dr's feel that the injury itself is what changed my migraines.

I do not recommend getting run over by a car and being drug for 30 feet.

b64a22 No.1412148



We ain't scared of you! Fear is for the weak and controlled!

81cf0a No.1412149


Dude, you got enough pictures of her OK?

Get a Towel and review them by yourself.

4213ef No.1412150

File: edd9965f314f740⋯.jpg (33.77 KB, 480x488, 60:61, S_a_D.jpg)

02751a No.1412152


If its not a book its a documentary. Or 60 Minutes.

3b2d94 No.1412153


Get several of those little gel peapod thingys and keep 'em in the freezer. Less mess than ice.

May once Q/Trump get us through this battle, the migraines and tinnitus will stop.

7d68d3 No.1412154


suggest swapping the billboard image with the definition (put honey pot at bottom, so you read the website stuff first)

1e64ec No.1412155

Are we expecting big things for tomorrow?

013239 No.1412156

File: 8d287b763e2e980⋯.png (318.93 KB, 868x1125, 868:1125, pepePickle.png)

508c08 No.1412157


Anon the level of deception with that clown is unreal!

That IBOR draft is version 1.0 and make no mistake the Anons here on this board put it together not some Huckster selling vitamins!

Don’t let that retard famefag that he wrote IBOR!!! Let the memes commence!


4e440d No.1412158


Also the focus in the AI as Palantir.

That is very dangerous for the world

Predict every movement in every time

Also toughen the laws against the Crime/Blackmail by Big Data/Brother.

A lot of agencies pay for the data of the User. All.

And Maybe to restrict the mining of cryptos.

4213ef No.1412159



013239 No.1412160








2f86d3 No.1412161

Futurism Employees React to Their Facebook Data Secrets

We downloaded our co-worker’s Facebook data. They’re about to learn what we found.


7d68d3 No.1412162


Come on, man!

375961 No.1412163




U c it, u get it? I only c it!

c31cea No.1412164



The fact that he is allowed to be on youtube, on TV shows, on patreon, to publish books that sell like crazy, to get media and press coverage etc make me skeptical of him.

I can't prove anything, nor do I want to.

But your position is just as dumb as you think that mine is.

Prove your position or stop and think before posting.

7cf664 No.1412165

File: f998d1580797a18⋯.png (258.98 KB, 986x554, 493:277, pickle rick.PNG)



637dea No.1412166


I get what you're saying, and FWIW I am not one of the anons that cares about Corsi or Beanz or whoever else .. I think there's room for everyone.

This web site though?

Not the same thing.


6743fa No.1412167


Can’t beat injectable (subcutaneous spring-loaded) Imitrex. Gone in 10 mins or less. If you have insurance have your doctor prescribe it. Without insurance it’s about $1,455 per dose. Big Pharma.

4e440d No.1412168



Wake up call

Already they have Govr?

894426 No.1412169


T’s Ok.

Not taking up space when nada is going on besides Nasim argument.

ee9f78 No.1412170


Ha! Wow! Glad you are ok. Difficult topic bc everyone wants to help but the root cause for different people can be across the board. Hence, why there's no one cure pill for them.

Hope migraine anon feels better… Back to digging..

1a1a48 No.1412171

Do you all think they have thought of every possible outcome and planned contigencies accordingly? Infowars, sad to say seems to have been a contigency. Kill off real voice of resistance (Bill Cooper) and fund Alex Jones as controlled contigency.

ccdcac No.1412172

File: 6505a4f231732b7⋯.png (125.26 KB, 257x359, 257:359, my-pickle-dot-com.png)

475a2d No.1412173

File: 89986ed18e1bc9f⋯.jpg (316.52 KB, 980x551, 980:551, nasimseal.jpg)

789bfb No.1412174


Q has earned my trust.

f060a8 No.1412175

File: 81d392fddb81ef9⋯.png (658 KB, 754x650, 29:25, 81d392fddb81ef9151a8268a5f….png)


eab9ca No.1412176

File: c060864c0abfa8b⋯.jpg (113.27 KB, 685x474, 685:474, Study finds OP still sucki….jpg)


977ce9 No.1412177

File: 40872562ae1d950⋯.jpg (115.29 KB, 750x750, 1:1, 750x750.jpeg.1fb3a797825d4….jpg)

http:// thehill.com/opinion/white-house/387625-mueller-may-have-a-conflict-and-it-leads-directly-to-a-russian-oligarch

New John Solomon… same "Russian Oligarch" Mark Warner was texting with a while ago…

Here are the texts..

https:// www.scribd.com/document/371101285/TEXTS-Mark-Warner-texted-with-Russian-oligarch-lobbyist-in-effort-to-contact-Christopher-Steele

e8d49f No.1412178

File: 5345dfd6f293f0e⋯.png (6.1 KB, 362x161, 362:161, 1392436.PNG)


'A' left a note the other day Re: Bread 1776

We should hit that one sometime tonight.

b5470c No.1412179

File: a1257ba5f60e34f⋯.jpg (16.31 KB, 300x166, 150:83, 1.21.jpg)


f7e709 No.1412180


Why does she trigger you so hard?

b95a14 No.1412181


Short-term: big hit of sodium (salty chips), caffeine and aspirin (which is excedrine).

Long-term: Magnesium supplements. 1,000 mg in one shot can knock out a migraine in 20 min. if you catch it early, but 500/day will make them less frequent/intense in general.

And yes, must get all the toxins out of diet. Fake sure (as per prev anon), GMO/pesticide/herbicide foods, and MSG (look up sneaky names they call it on food labels these days). If water is fluoridated, or you swim a lot (Chlorine) take Iodine daily to counter.

Used to be in pharma, developed baaaad chem sensitivities/migraine, for years. Studied nutrition, cleaned up diet, about good as new these days.

Don't want to slide too much with this stuff, so I may suggest health-nutrition-pharma thread at some point if ppl are interested. Part of the awakening will be learning how we've been poisoned and how to fix it. Many anons have good info.

My sympathies for migraine, it's a bitch.

2c202a No.1412182

File: 536b11088e20603⋯.jpg (96.03 KB, 674x1200, 337:600, 536b11088e2060356618167902….jpg)

So q posted this billboard, i checked out the site and it has a store, are we now endorsing profiting off the movement all of a sudden?

e06392 No.1412183




Why Does Ukraine Seem So Much Like Syria?

Daniel McAdams





In Ukraine, US-backed rebels seize weapons from a military depot and begin firing on police — killing at least ten. The rebel groups occupy and torch government buildings, trade union headquarters, the central post office, and political party headquarters. They occupy local government facilities in other cities and physically attack local authorities. Their goal is to overthrow the elected government.

Reports of rebel reinforcements arriving, with “bulky backpacks near the scene of the latest protests,” are suspiciously reminiscent of the “Internet in a Suitcase” project funded by the US government to provide tools for “activists” in regime-change candidate countries. The US has similarly trained and equipped the Syrian rebels.

US-backed rebels are photographed all over Ukraine with weapons, sometimes photographed shooting at police. In Syria, the US covertly provided the weapons and approved Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and other “friends of Syria” to provide even more. A Russian official has accused the US of arming the Ukrainian opposition.

As in Syria, where US Ambassador Robert Ford adopted the rebels from the beginning of the insurrection, US officials have beat a steady path to the Ukrainian rebels to offer their support and assistance. Senator John McCain has even dined with Svoboda Party president Oleh Tyahnybok, shown here in a rather different pose. US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland was recorded plotting the overthrow and replacement of the Ukrainian government with the US Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt.

Pyatt, a man surely devoid of any sense of self-reflection, boldly proclaimed that his recorded plotting to overthrow of the Ukrainian government was merely “helping to build bridges between the government and the opposition.” Of course in a strict sense that is true: he is actively engaged in building a bridge to government power for the Ukrainian opposition.

The Syrian rebels are presented as a moderate group of would-be democrats seeking political reform; Ukrainian rebels are presented as a bunch of pro-Western, pro-EU “peaceful demonstrators.” In both cases the real power on the streets has been radical extremists with whom US officials have had considerable contact.

In Syria, President Assad responded early on to the unrest with offers of compromise, including agreeing to hold a constitutional referendum which put an end to generations of one-party rule. In Ukraine, President Yanukovich granted amnesty to violent protesters, rescinded legislation seen as inhibiting protest, fired his government at the request of the opposition and even offered to name opposition leaders to a new interim government. Each move toward compromise and appeasement of the opposition was met with increased violence and escalating demands on the part of the rebels, most recently in Ukraine after opposition leaders met with US and EU officials at a security conference in Munich.

President Obama sternly warns the Ukrainian government against restoring order: “We expect the Ukrainian government to show restraint, to not resort to violence in dealing with peaceful protesters.” He cryptically hinted at possible US escalation, stating: “We’ll be monitoring very carefully the situation, recognizing that, along with our European partners and the international community, there will be consequences if people step over the line.”

He similarly warned Syrian president Assad against taking action to defend the country against armed rebels fighting for its overthrow.

Another red line drawn? This time on Russia’s doorstep?

Here again is the million dollar question: What would Washington do if rebels intent on overthrowing the Obama regime raided military weapons depots, killed at least ten police officers and wounded dozens of others, set Washington D.C. on fire, occupied key government buildings including the US Capitol complex, and demanded a change in the Constitution favoring their ascendance to power?

Obama warned the Ukraine government to make sure the “Ukrainian military does not step in to resolve issues that could be resolved by civilians.” The US military was called in to quell a far less significant protest in Seattle over the World Trade Organization meeting there in 1999.

The US Capitol area has been on “lockdown” innumerable times over such “threats” as a mentally disturbed woman driving erratically — who was unarmed and shot dead by police.

One need not side with either opposing group in Ukraine to point out the choking hypocrisy of the US position.

But what is truly remarkable are the many similarities between what has been happening in Syria and what is now happening in Ukraine. It almost seems as if the same hand with the same playbook is plotting both regime change operations…

73245c No.1412184


They're going to a looottt of expense to keep up the facade. lawsuit after lawsuit, social media banning, They really have to sell this thing don't they.

1e64ec No.1412185


This is the final thing I'll say on the matter:

1. Look at the trends involving his name. Start with dates after the Cathy Newman interview, then also do the same thing for the dates following the BIll Maeher interview. These two timeframes should give you an idea once compared with narratives seen in places like this and /pol/ around the internet.

2. Study the field, then revisit his work.

You're falling for their tricks, anon.

427c4f No.1412186


It's presumably a mezuzah, containing the whole text of the Torah in tiny tiny form. But yeah the black cube is weird.

6743fa No.1412187


Also, it’s a New 🌚. For some reason they run together.

78ce30 No.1412188


ugh, stop hyping it, just let it be

92a63d No.1412189

File: d07a3b2cc66eda8⋯.jpg (136.25 KB, 900x588, 75:49, d07a3b2cc66eda857677544fe6….jpg)


Yes his whole act is to turn conservatives away from god and make them not resist whats coming.

Like lambs to the slaughter.

1536a2 No.1412190

File: 9cb5e136af7de73⋯.png (138.69 KB, 716x930, 358:465, Capture _2018-05-14-20-38-….png)

Who edited our wiki?

4ff69c No.1412191


Yeah why don't these idiots realize he earned it awhile ago so of course we follow and serve as best we can.

And I'd add Q earned that trust with the most paranoid and least likely to believe anything group of people in the world at that.


9ee2fe No.1412192


wonder what real purpose of back brace is

47fe3c No.1412193

So, where's the pain that's supposed to be coming?

Hurt me, daddy. I'm ready.

d1e64a No.1412194


If you are female and on the pill stop immediately! Those pills are a health nightmare for women. There are alternatives.

2188bc No.1412195

Enough on the headaches. Starting to feel shilly.

595dfe No.1412196


agreed, Q may be paying us a visit

3c80f2 No.1412197


the Q is fake slides days are numbered.

013239 No.1412198

File: ae541d3e4e14879⋯.png (1.61 MB, 2287x992, 2287:992, COMPEDsidebyside2.png)



7b7273 No.1412199

File: 3d69dbf5f1341a0⋯.png (534.74 KB, 496x496, 1:1, nasalies8.png)

File: 76f8351139569b0⋯.png (429.7 KB, 489x597, 163:199, flat1.png)

File: 8aafc6ce3c6fbbb⋯.png (132.75 KB, 263x231, 263:231, habbening.png)

894426 No.1412200


It’s fucking stupid and tiresome.

It was sad and stupid the first day.

Now it’s just old and stupid.

4e440d No.1412201

File: d9fc72955b3e97c⋯.jpg (36.9 KB, 636x416, 159:104, 1ac140b8bf (1).jpg)



ae35e2 No.1412202


and I love her….

508c08 No.1412203


I took those notes and will add to version 1.1 eventually we will have something great!

IBOR will be written by the anons on this board!

Alex and Corsi are not allowed to famefag this! They are ‘PAYtriots’ and we Anons are not here to rake in shekels!

Selfless not selfish!!!

c1c8f3 No.1412204


>threaten to deport

how about

promise to deport?

they still need (as do we) to get a handle on the judenpress

013239 No.1412205

File: 6d69a45888ff346⋯.jpg (283.52 KB, 994x1123, 994:1123, LookAtThatSlide.jpg)

475a2d No.1412206



578915 No.1412207

File: b0e7f925d8bd0c6⋯.png (160.38 KB, 259x380, 259:380, 528b1cd5f9467e59c95b63b5ea….png)

1a1a48 No.1412208


Based on experience and some medical research, I wonder if migraines are caused by water/fluid imbalance in the body. See if yours come on after days of eating a lot of salt, or a lot of carbs. If there are fluid imbalances in your body that fluctuate your weight can fluctuate by a few pounds within days without trying as the fluid in your body shifts.

For me, i get massive headaches and I do notice it has to do with eating salty foods or over doing carbs and then drinking water.

81cf0a No.1412209


Why is it called "Having a Brain"?

004a95 No.1412210


From what I've seen I'd be very hesitant to call him an athiest

e782bd No.1412211

File: 595e550750b4b29⋯.jpg (48.02 KB, 593x596, 593:596, tinnitus.jpg)

dc2f77 No.1412212

File: 756e644c865c7ea⋯.jpg (203.09 KB, 731x463, 731:463, picklecannon.jpg)

fc37bf No.1412213

File: 5fdfd4f667ae443⋯.png (9.73 KB, 377x477, 377:477, follow-q-ok.png)

File: 31bb2f2db0fd392⋯.png (18.85 KB, 377x477, 377:477, what-is-q.png)

Time for flyers on trees on campuses, to counter the clowns.

3e6840 No.1412214


I know, too bad I can't stay that long..

Like this bread tho: #1771: Think Mirror

Kek, that woulda been a good title actually, oh well..

>>1411997, >>1412011, >>1412141

Ty, wish I could draw like that ;)

5435e1 No.1412215


Hi Huma!

1e64ec No.1412216


if continents are hills (think rising sea levels)

>A rock will stand on seven hills.

Is there a seventh?

4ff69c No.1412217


Like boiling a frog, THEY won't even know until it's too late.

b60e4d No.1412218


Good work anon!!!!! This is a huge improvement, very readable, clear simple messages, visually attractive too.

595dfe No.1412219


you never know anon. maybe they are attacking us with some MK shit

3c80f2 No.1412220


nice, it's spoopy alright.

47fe3c No.1412221

File: 33dffa7c8d31897⋯.png (649.52 KB, 1140x641, 1140:641, ClipboardImage.png)


Leave Pepe alone!

2c202a No.1412222

>>1412207 ok ok jeez

aecbee No.1412223


Well there's a question I can get behind.

435ca9 No.1412224


First Jewgul result, literally…

Operation Rescue (Kansas)

Operation Rescue is an American anti-abortion organization. It describes itself on its webpage as "one of the leading Pro-life Christian activist organizations".

Trust Kansas?

9e1227 No.1412225

Bold prediction time!

There will never be laws on the books that throw 89 year old ladies into prison for believing the earth is flat.

Anybody want to wager a bet?

7dd5fe No.1412226


It appears to be only three sites for sale.

Personally, I don't give a f for such little money.

Don't see the site asking for donations.

If someone wants to buy a site that's offered - THEIR CHOICE.

When I was looking at starting a business there was business name I wanted to use. Looked it up and it would've cost me $3,200 for website.

Needless to say, didn't go that route.

Based on what the dude paid for the vinyl Q sign and based on the renting of the billboard, starting a website, the $1,300 to be made from selling 3 websites won't make him rich.

He'll still have spent way more money than received.

+ maybe no one will buy the names.

+ he probably paid for the names to begin with.

The site isn't for me, yet if it gets more to know and follow Q than what people CHOOSE to do with THEIR MONEY, is entirely up to them.

I haven't purchased any Q type material and chances are I won't.

(Don't like to say never as never has a habit of biting one in the arse)

People are selling t-shirts, mugs, books, decodes, books, and whatnot.


People have to eat and pay bills, I'm not going to judge harshly.


4213ef No.1412227

File: b512f22847a08f8⋯.gif (2.93 MB, 359x346, 359:346, 01muhshekelz.gif)

ee878a No.1412228


And, most Truckers aren't really scared, bet some Truckers have stories that would make most shit a brick.

a8ff49 No.1412229


Its useless garbage that has no place here. They are raping, terrorizing, torturing, murdering and eating children and we are here for a specific purpose. Not to have morons fixated on making memes of a schizo-transgender murderer and finding it humorous. it's absolutely ridiculous.

f7e709 No.1412230


You realize thats how it works right?

Once they get feedback they post it to trigger people…ignore it…it goes away

737830 No.1412231

“MAKE IT RAIN" s a gambling phrase:

"MAKE IT RAIN" could be referring to David Baazov, the King of Online Gambling. He was the former CEO of Amaya (AYA), which may be what Q team referenced here:

>What I say a class action lawsuit?

Read differently:

>What is AYA class action lawsuit?

Sauce (happens to be a Class Action Lawsuit involving AYA):




5e87c1 No.1412232

File: daf82eace3ccb2a⋯.jpg (16.56 KB, 260x163, 260:163, Thats all folks.jpg)

File: 5c8faa6fbc045af⋯.jpg (387.74 KB, 852x1358, 426:679, Q weKnowWhoYouAre.jpg)



CLOWNS were sending out messages to certain Q/Anon analysts claiming to be "Q" and bitching about the board - it is a massive GASLIGHT that's all. Next time meme em back

f060a8 No.1412233

File: 702446daefd17b0⋯.jpg (160.31 KB, 1200x1047, 400:349, DYbDg-sXcAE0JMz.jpg)

4ff69c No.1412234

File: 25a9053065beba3⋯.jpg (225.38 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, 1f52e97a2dee6b7292a287fd9c….jpg)

aecbee No.1412235



Still hoping FE folks can reconcile with the muh aliens group.

b8c4d2 No.1412236

Saturn Synagogue of Satan

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/pAkJNyl1gZI" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Part 2

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/5sgzbkfY-0I" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

475a2d No.1412237

>>1412069 wait yer turn, faggot. kek

>>1412098 K≡K!

4c0a60 No.1412238

File: 55186c5e6f5ec4c⋯.jpeg (195.27 KB, 750x416, 375:208, 17D169AC-C988-4C1E-BA63-6….jpeg)

File: c822a661d4872fc⋯.jpeg (339.41 KB, 750x537, 250:179, 4A3B33DD-CC2B-49F2-9767-9….jpeg)

Anons, this is a chick. Female vet here w/ experience wearing a uniform, and those are definitely boobs.

Senior Master Sergaent rank insignia.

Maybe this chick: http:// www.jble.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/1467264/

7cf664 No.1412239



fc37bf No.1412240

File: da2b061152dc261⋯.png (29.7 KB, 540x481, 540:481, pepe-boil.png)

3e8dbb No.1412241


read the about us page. youll find your answer. this site is a honeypot produced by bad actors.

we could gather funds and have a billboard. we have everything.

233ef2 No.1412242


Interesting that both their signatures are so straight, angular and pointy and compact. Usually H&W have different script (cursive) styles…


Our numbers are growing.


They haven't gone full Cheka yet, so that's something I guess. But you're right - any excuse whatsoever

>"never let a crisis go to waste" = kill & torture as many as you can quick while the goyim are looking elsewhere

aa7f7c No.1412244

File: b0f31c74933a2a0⋯.png (561.04 KB, 860x505, 172:101, qanonhistory.png)


I wonder why they are doing that?

Ordered to discredit it?

Makes no sense.

How does discrediting it make it go away?

f060a8 No.1412245

File: fb83feeda7e3384⋯.jpg (133.32 KB, 763x1200, 763:1200, DYbDef-X0AAXYRf.jpg)

1e64ec No.1412246


>They are trying to force God's hand.

Not gonna lie here, this one seems crumb-like.

ceba5e No.1412247

>>1412049 >Shutting the f'up now.

you said that 2 breads ago.

>>1410500 >Shutting up now.

Still kindly waiting, losing tolerance tho for the english lit essays have to admit

427c4f No.1412248


Jordan Peterson? I haven't noticed him turning people away from God. Where does he do that?

And I'd like some sauce for the assertion that he worked 3 years on the horrible UN post-2015 development agenda.

156069 No.1412249


Neon Nettle = Hope Porn

2188bc No.1412250

POTUS tweet updated now.

Now we have correct language. "Thank you to all of the well-wishers!"

It was, "well-wishes"

113e52 No.1412251


I suppose they would have a little more difficulty contacting those Anons who don't do the Social Media thing or the Cell Phone thing

1e64ec No.1412252


he doesn't.

stop responding to them.

Eyes ahead, anon.

aecbee No.1412253

We might as well start exchanging knitting patterns.

3e8dbb No.1412254


dont be dumb

81cf0a No.1412255


I already told him..get a towel and fuck off

4e440d No.1412256


<Robert Ford

Focus in Ford…

Even Ukraine has ties with Israel..If Israel help to create ISIS, Why not with the Nazis in ukraine?

eab9ca No.1412257

File: 30a59522d555971⋯.gif (1.84 MB, 480x360, 4:3, dirty jew.gif)

78ce30 No.1412258

(noticing Tucker Carlson said "big week" opening, and "Godspeed" to a later guest)…

e782bd No.1412259


I agree, it's a forced culture and therefore not culture.

Insecure waifufags should insecure waifufag privately, or even better work on themselves and get a girlfriend. It's not hard to outdo a murderer in the girlfriend department.

f060a8 No.1412260

File: b445b5df1b2ba15⋯.png (355.8 KB, 1230x575, 246:115, boom.png)


a682d8 No.1412261


Gee whiz and Clooney cut and ran selling his 13 million dollar Italian Estate cause he thought the muslims had Italy all locked up. He's probably one of the ones they had on the list to deport anyway.

1e64ec No.1412262



1b57ad No.1412263


What are these empty containers? And when, where? Sauce?

97ae33 No.1412264


r = Rowdy Roddy Piper?

ac3b99 No.1412265

File: 38505e251553ed0⋯.jpg (106.71 KB, 640x515, 128:103, fm046046.jpg)

23297b No.1412266

Drudge Report has this headline:

"Priests found in bed together in Rome face being expelled… "

But the link is dead

https:// www.independent.ie/irish-news/priests-found-in-bed-together-in-rome-face-being-expelled-36899240.html

Was this true? Anyone have it archived?

aecbee No.1412267


Look up "bandwagon."

Surely they are here.

73245c No.1412268


in this day and age, nothing is true until it's proven true. to think otherwise is stupidity.

013239 No.1412269


hahahaha (((muh joooos))) but thats funny I'll be honest

1536a2 No.1412270


Needles ready Nancy

4e440d No.1412271


When the anons post the PDF of IBOR?

97ae33 No.1412272


HEY TUCKER SAY "Wizz Bang" on your next show

043ecb No.1412273


when does this damned black cube get destroyed? Q? ~

2c202a No.1412274

File: 1c9d22951b41eef⋯.jpg (58.04 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 464.jpg)


I admit it I was triggered. I kms now

f060a8 No.1412275

File: cbd480226774dfd⋯.jpg (264.62 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, DYdae_TU0AEtJkL.jpg)

02751a No.1412276

File: 878afd31e28a8af⋯.png (51.99 KB, 615x519, 205:173, not seeing it.png)


Are you sure it was incorrect originally?

a682d8 No.1412277


It's called Google Image. Drop the image in there and google will pull up the matching photo with the skinny on its history

4e440d No.1412278


<They’re about to learn what we found.


0ff7fd No.1412279


Oh my goodness. Hadn't thought of the Concord in ages. I know that this isn't it, but still.

f7e709 No.1412280



Hes a Neo Liberal conman

The author or co-author of more than seventy scientific articles, he published Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief in 1999 with Routledge, which was subsequently made into a televised lecture series on TVO (. He has also served as an advisor to the UN Secretary-General’s High Level Panel on Global Sustainability (2012). Dr. Peterson is prese

fc37bf No.1412281

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ghost Riders in the Sky

eb190b No.1412282

File: c5d2e8fc5fa35bf⋯.jpeg (162.33 KB, 750x755, 150:151, image.jpeg)

Isn't this a CRIME

If it isn't it should be.

We send people to Congress and they just do what whoever pays them most wants. And the info right out in the open. WTF?

Come on man, enough is enough!

This is corruption at the most basic level.

This should be Front Page News.

They should be dismissed from Congress and thrown in jail.

We The People

ceba5e No.1412283

>>1411384 (l.b.)

your post, your choice anon. no blame.

seems like all solid factual research to me.

also seems like the bullies are out in force.

> #1771: They Are Loosing Control Of The Message

d1164b No.1412284

File: 312d22871f5037c⋯.png (728.12 KB, 620x444, 155:111, ClipboardImage.png)


I believe I remember hearing something from Bill Cooper saying that there was one inside the Luxor hotel in Las Vegas. Could be wrong.

Lots of Egyptian symbolism.

4ff69c No.1412285


>leakers are traitors and cowards, and we will find out who they are!

Love this from POTUS today.

5e87c1 No.1412286


I admit the first was Rage Memeing mostly~

What kind of TARDS actually believe working for the benefit of POTUS is a "Cult of Personality" Jeeeeeeeeeze!

eab9ca No.1412287

File: 49e0d980e00681a⋯.jpg (131.55 KB, 840x545, 168:109, 1511378027780.jpg)

>Female vet here

claims of gender render a post null and void.

a5d658 No.1412288


yeah i fast food for 2 meals today fuck that shit going to start bringing lunch to work

97ae33 No.1412289


If you use chrome just right click on the image and select "Search Google for image"

ac3b99 No.1412290

File: 83276f2dafb4fdc⋯.jpg (12.9 KB, 300x168, 25:14, israelnuked.jpg)


When this finally happens.

4213ef No.1412291

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Black cube of Saturn with explanation.

c13e84 No.1412292


DW is a researcher just like us, and everyone has to turn thier passion into a living somehow. Gotta eat and put a roof over your head. he has straight admitted in multiple of his articles though he should be GIVING more of his info freely, and he holds to much back trying to monetize it a bit.

It's a hard balance to walk and its always easy to armchair general someone else for not being perfect when you have the benefit of other life circumstances.

much of what he says agrees with what Q is leading us to. The shills attack him as hard as us, so he must be on to something!

He does a very good job at tying together information of OTHER RESEARCHERS before him into a comprehensive overview. He gets repetitive sometimes and gets some things wrong through naivety but he tries much like us.

Anons have been wrong, fooled by deepstate plants / trolls into believing something wrong. We have all been lied to about almost everything since birth.

It's Very hard world to live in. We need to be careful not to slap the 'evil' label onto anyone we disagree with about something or who makes a mistake.

especially those trying to figure out a way to live the good path in a world where the good are stomped down and taken advantage of.

>>1411384 (prev)

this anon made very good points about this.

cc6ec4 No.1412293

File: cec241ca876ac94⋯.png (256.99 KB, 1366x1821, 1366:1821, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 18474b838603aca⋯.png (399.48 KB, 1214x562, 607:281, ClipboardImage.png)


Unless Q was calling them out.

The site store has some Trump domains he thinks are worth hundreds of dollars, as well as some sort of pyramid-scheme type of Q website network for $500.

f060a8 No.1412294

File: 99b6ec882414717⋯.jpg (161.21 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, DYgWIjLX0AMaFp0.jpg)

004a95 No.1412295


Haha. Shill shitheads bitching about Peterson. He thinks athiesm is stupid. You people do realize that right?

1536a2 No.1412296

#1771 Think Mirror - We're the Media Now!

ceba5e No.1412297

>>1412283 meant for

>>1411933 (l.b.)

freudian slip?

dabfab No.1412298

ALICE is the active shooter training for organizations. At a loss as to "&" Wonderland might mean. Could be Hollywood exposure on pedophilia. You lost me on this one Q.

Any ideas @prayingmedic?

e782bd No.1412299


What's anons' opinion on David Icke?

72a805 No.1412300

File: 805414fa8c6c84a⋯.jpg (42.31 KB, 621x869, 621:869, Operational-Camouflage-Pat….jpg)

File: cc73395c722bb47⋯.jpg (44.22 KB, 621x414, 3:2, operational-camouflage-pat….jpg)

This came up earlier and someone else posted a related picture but it didn't make sense what the relation was, but the picture was interesting as fuck so this is about that.

military.com has an article on the front page right now about the upcoming uniform change. I can link the actual article if it goes down but you should just go to their front page so you see it presented the way they want.

The article is about the uniform change and only that. which makes the name and rank in the pictures a bit odd. Keep in mind these pictures are a photo op where every detail was controlled.

Snowden hasn't twatted since my homeboy told iran to suck it.

The uniform has him at e8 with that insignia there which is a senior master sergeant. I'm not sure what the intended message is but i remember the bullshit narrative was that he joined the army, not the air force, but got medically discharged in boot camp and let his freedom boner guide him to the nsa. I don't know what to make of it but we haven't seen snowden come up lately and i don't do coincidences.

fc37bf No.1412301


Who would nuke israel?

Iran leaders are our bitch now

4ff69c No.1412302


Shills are ignorant on purpose to try and piss people off but they fail

7d68d3 No.1412303


that's very disturbing

what's on his face?

f7e709 No.1412304


Retaliation for using the Samson Option…or trying to get them to use the Samson Option

a5d658 No.1412305


thats why i said i regret posting it clutters up board. and to not waste bread with this post. do you notice any weird stuff here anons ? https://news.google.com/gn/news/headlines/section/topic/SCIENCE?ned=us&hl=en&gl=US i certainly do

ae35e2 No.1412306


As they worked together, conjuring up the novel and the film, correspondence reveals a preoccupation with “the Cube” (later transmuted into the Monolith). Responding to Clarke’s suggestion in 1966 that the Cube communicate directly with the man-apes who would one day populate the film, Kubrick instead advocates an enigmatic presence: “We see only the hypnotic image appear and the spellbound faces of the man-apes.”


508c08 No.1412307


It’s still version 1.0

Next version is 1.1

Obviously not an official legal document but a list of things we Anons see important to bring attention to.

Will post version 1.1 tomorrow.

PDF as well.

Once we have a final version we can meme it to the normies and hope that some rep will pick it up to draw inspiration to make an official IBOR!

4e440d No.1412308



2967b6 No.1412309

File: 78528c34ffc1e97⋯.jpg (39.95 KB, 450x252, 25:14, p78.jpg)


You said something patently false, does that make you a shill?

dc2f77 No.1412310


totally agree, they all need kicked out

term limits, all of them be closely watched and open book policy while in office for no more than 8 years

no career politicians no more!

1b57ad No.1412311



Thanks, anons. I guess that's the reverse image search that's been mentioned.

013239 No.1412312


was shilly af when I left

e00074 No.1412313

File: 9255d6cdafff359⋯.png (909.85 KB, 1334x900, 667:450, Barry Soetoro Andrew Basia….png)

f060a8 No.1412314

File: 4a09934120b5fdd⋯.png (848.75 KB, 893x804, 893:804, 4a09934120b5fdda9c421a005e….png)

8b2bfb No.1412315


https:// www.irishtimes.com/news/social-affairs/religion-and-beliefs/two-trainee-priests-sent-back-to-ireland-after-being-found-in-bed-together-1.3491779

67c932 No.1412316

Wouldn't it be so great if "Q" waiting for bread 1776 to start todays "drop"?


Use logic?

4e440d No.1412317


Mandalay Bay. The FF

It's near of the Luxor hotel.


cf9af3 No.1412318


Still kinda shilly

ac3b99 No.1412319


Iran does not have nukes.

I don't know… Maybe Russia, or China…

Maybe the US for 911?

8dacd9 No.1412320



>It's sort of a 'wake up call' to let 'you' know 'they know' who and where you are.

Same. I got mine.

f77c3f No.1412321

File: d9c1296e99682fd⋯.jpg (89 KB, 553x553, 1:1, bakerneeded111.jpg)

fresh off the farm for our good bakers

1536a2 No.1412323


United We ( end shills )

9c50a6 No.1412324

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Disinfo agent peddling Theosophy.

56d66c No.1412325

File: bc32d6b119b5ea3⋯.jpg (46.42 KB, 662x499, 662:499, download (1).jpg)


>Q74 means 1774

>1774 was the signing of the first declaration of independence and the beginning of the American Revolution.



4b9b21 No.1412326


youre right re: covering costs

it's just the pic was put mins after series of discrediting links pushing conspiracy on Q and all of us here true patriots

so connected imho. and deletion confirms - anons got on it, checked it, op done, msg (another one confirming past posts that it will only get worse and all the meaning of the most important psyop here really as concerning more critical times approaching 'they want you divided') send.

and the msg mind You was - q wave is getting bigger, anons don't fall for aj/jc division, so clowns [fear] losing what's left of their way of influence/disinfo/dividing/control and start boiling another disinfo melting pot (also for possible use in backing off later (turning off/lowering energy to being concernfags lots of new followers /we still need them to make the awakening wider and deeper quicker, no?/ )at a critical point or even getting a trojan horse army of black hats new wave of useful idiots (no dis, just not hardened enough patriots who followed wrong ppl usually imho) back here again to derail the decoding/focusing/acting of Anons

that said, it's of secondary importance to me as i do trust the plan - hope u too, Godspeed

if some people want to take this site on a radar, fine, this anon would not spread any credit for this site yet in context of above, especially concerning putting tb/jc right in there as for now.. i personally hope most will just get on with research here or redpilling irl

sorry for not being more coherent and blunt about this but thought on it gettin back from work and quite tired just typing it as you make sense imo yet it should not sway our reserves to this possibly bs site

invest your energy wise and kek wil confirm anon

05dec7 No.1412327


Should every one just come here and start posting their mental problem fantasies,

and sick obsessions?? Why do you feel entitled to do it? Enough already. Do it at home and quit forcing it down our throats.

2967b6 No.1412328


He was, he or she said they are worried, implying they were the ones who rented the billboard.

abb1c4 No.1412329

File: 8f1109d4c59c004⋯.jpg (23.9 KB, 255x236, 255:236, 44b82b82b6bfe916748ac07f33….jpg)

52dde9 No.1412330


No matter what you guys believe, I doubt any FE'er actually wanted to believe they had been lied to since day 1 of existence. I think many of those who attack these posts are clowns, us anons have found many shocking truths, and seems unnatural to attack these posts.

It's far better to ignore like I should have, because it's > 40k. Q will let us know when we shift above 40k, until then stay the course. If we all ignore, then we will know that the attacks are from clowns, not anons. >>1412199

4e440d No.1412331


Saturn is the generator/rack of the 3D/4D.

97ae33 No.1412332

File: 2f6597a2a8fba16⋯.jpg (46.21 KB, 460x1138, 230:569, PRIRHGL.jpg)

81cf0a No.1412333


This fake shit.

Same guy both sides

The original with Obama is very convincing so why Fake it?

0ff7fd No.1412334


Feeling it now. Updates be slooooowwwww.

c13e84 No.1412335


The thing is, boomers need this kind of stuff. My local farms are still trying to sell their honey through AOL!!!

Peer to Peer economy, not relying on the Big Jew corporations to support us. Unless honest anons don't point people in the correct directions, predators will jump in to fill the void.

e782bd No.1412336


I know my 40k+ and that psy-op has no place there

d1164b No.1412337


Follow up…


789bfb No.1412338


Says you. Pffffffffft. Ok.

4c0a60 No.1412339



Point being I know boobs in uniform. Dont need to claim shit.

264e18 No.1412340

https: //www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/presidential-executive-order-amending-executive-order-13223/


Anons, I have been lurking on WH site, and these 2 articles go hand in hand. Q said watch the EO's and this could be relevent

f54e6a No.1412341


I am not giving up. I trust in the plan. But the waiting for the IG report is fucking torturing me. Please drop it soon Horowitz. And while you're at it, release the fucking un-redacted texts already

814295 No.1412342


Your will go to hell for spreading obvious lies!!

eab9ca No.1412343

File: 7d7faecb3fb5b20⋯.gif (711.32 KB, 200x331, 200:331, 1513818418463.gif)


f060a8 No.1412344

File: 47bb4169b0938e6⋯.jpg (56.25 KB, 850x588, 425:294, 47bb4169b0938e69e55a6095b4….jpg)

5987d3 No.1412345


I think the anon meant post image protocol.

427c4f No.1412346


Yes, so fucked up that that was cancelled. Weird, like someone told them to cancel it.

ceba5e No.1412347


yep, they bullied one anon to ask baker to remove his/her notable locating the server host.

>>1411933 (l.b.)


>>1411270, >>1411749 - doUKnowq.com server hosting from shady company in Toronto ON

370a16 No.1412348

67ab16 No.1412349


Thank you

At the end with the american flag aflame in the sky makes me wonder the significance to qanons post of the american flag.

7d68d3 No.1412350


it's on a car.

013239 No.1412351


yea but not a bunch of fags defending paytriots and muh Q is comped nonsense

just a few "normal" shills and some FEtards

I'll take what I can get lol

9e1227 No.1412352

I prefer calling DJT "The President" rather than POTUS because that is a faggotty liberal term used on faggotty TV shows. It sounds stupid and gay also.

Anyone want to convert?

Contrary to popular opinion, recent studies have found you DO NOT spontaneously explode by calling he president the president and not potus.

789bfb No.1412353


Stupid is as stupid does, anon. Lort!

d30047 No.1412354


POTUS treatening to find the leakers and traitors means he already knows who they are and is going to orchestrate their exposure at the most opportune time. KEK!

d1164b No.1412355


Large, public sacrifice.

0ff7fd No.1412356


Well now, this isn't your average post.

82d167 No.1412357

File: e5a68a060acb9e3⋯.png (2.63 MB, 3820x2400, 191:120, LARP.png)

4e440d No.1412358

266d20 No.1412359


Yet another obvious attempt to brainwash public opinion prior to horrible information about RBG about to being released, like McStain?

3b2d94 No.1412360

File: 87d0f382d64345b⋯.jpg (70.59 KB, 639x444, 213:148, new judges.JPG)

Senate confirms two more of Trump’s judicial picks to the 7th Circuit

https:// www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/may/14/michael-scudder-amy-st-eve-trump-judges-confirmed-/

c0283d No.1412361


Do believe that's what's going on, been waiting for 1776 for a few hrs now

f7e709 No.1412362


They do it because it gets weaklings like you riled up

cf9af3 No.1412363


Roll with the punches I guess.

92a63d No.1412364

File: fccdc5dd75bfdd7⋯.png (141.7 KB, 470x344, 235:172, 304cd68933e54c5f00dcb37dbc….png)


> Peterson slave upset

He says a lot of stuff. Im suspicious and wary of him. Were just digging. None of the shit i posted is bombshell or proof of anything without more evidence.

9104d7 No.1412365

follow the wives


Bill Burns

Ambassador Bill Burns is President of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He most recently served as Deputy Secretary of State (2011-2014).

Bill Burns is married to LISA CARTY


Lisa Carty is the Director of the U.S. Liaison Office of the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). She has worked for more than three decades in the fields of global public health, humanitarian relief and international women’s issues. She has had leadership roles in both the public and non-profit sectors including 25 years with the U.S. Department of State with overseas assignments in Asia, the Middle East and Russia. Her UN career has included work with the UN Relief Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees, as well as a posting as UNAIDS’ Country Director for the Russian Federation. Earlier in her career, Ms. Carty helped lead the work of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Global Health Program and was a Senior Fellow and the Center for Strategic and International Studies. From 2009 to 2011 she was appointed as a member of the U.S. Presidential Advisory Committee on Trade Policy and Negotiations and from 2012 to 2014 served as chair of the Pink Ribbon Red Ribbon Steering Committee. She holds a Master Degree in Public Health from Johns Hopkins University.

Lisa Carty is senior adviser at the CSIS Global Health Policy Center. She has devoted most of her career to international health and humanitarian issues.



cc720f No.1412366





eb09c0 No.1412367

File: 2623a5e382c2643⋯.jpg (3.89 MB, 5760x4544, 90:71, FlatEarth&MuhJoosSittingIn….jpg)


Don't forget they're in the same room with muhjooos ; )

156069 No.1412368

File: 4d191f77d607265⋯.png (170.51 KB, 932x473, 932:473, Epic_Liddle_Kidz.png)

File: 7a45ff39c69b3f0⋯.png (680.82 KB, 1056x1408, 3:4, Liddle_NZ_Labour_Leader.png)

File: f5c061a9aa6bf42⋯.png (213.11 KB, 1136x1708, 284:427, Liddle_or_Little.png)

2967b6 No.1412369


Yes!! We need to be making our own website alternatives.

c0283d No.1412370

File: b4282e2bf847b6d⋯.jpg (136.65 KB, 720x725, 144:145, Screenshot_20180514-205502….jpg)


5e87c1 No.1412371

File: 55bedbb1781628f⋯.jpg (107.38 KB, 1006x617, 1006:617, WrongVenueLib0fCongress.jpg)

5987d3 No.1412372


Do they run in your family? Sometimes genetic.

56d66c No.1412373

tomorrow is 5-15-2018

5+1+5+2+0+1+8= 22.

Look what connects 22 with tomorrow.

May 15 is the 135th day of the year 135 = 9 and POTUS is 45th or 4+5=9

1997 – The United States government acknowledges the existence of the "Secret War" in Laos and dedicates the Laos Memorial in honor of Hmong and other "Secret War" veterans.

1969 – People's Park: California Governor Ronald Reagan has an impromptu student park owned by the University of California at Berkeley fenced off from student anti-war protestors, sparking a riot.

1974 – Members of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine attack and take hostages at an Israeli school; a total of 31 people are killed, including 22 schoolchildren.

eab9ca No.1412374

File: 8b4e500f2217ae2⋯.gif (987.16 KB, 229x176, 229:176, 1514321201153.gif)

fc37bf No.1412375

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Battle for KEKalot (song)

97ae33 No.1412376

File: 5c5967b8842da65⋯.jpg (252.33 KB, 768x768, 1:1, nBEkIl-XNxM2W34TXQZNPwzQ7s….jpg)


They love this being posted

8dacd9 No.1412377


You mean the supersonic jet that had to fly with 5.5 degrees nose up at 60,000 ft. to maintain altitude as the surface below curved upwards on the horizon…

0fabdf No.1412378

File: d0da6782f2d0bab⋯.jpg (765.78 KB, 1242x1798, 621:899, 1526311635314.jpg)

File: 04759dc15450618⋯.jpg (112.63 KB, 631x745, 631:745, 1526343684788.jpg)

File: 69ee49df8b0828a⋯.png (49.4 KB, 697x581, 697:581, 1526324370281.png)

change of tactics?

156069 No.1412379

File: b1022f7de5bd03f⋯.png (90.54 KB, 1894x134, 947:67, Screen Shot 2018-05-14 at ….png)

File: 34355e0cd46d431⋯.png (201.78 KB, 2004x730, 1002:365, Screen Shot 2018-05-14 at ….png)


New Zealand Labor Leader Andrew Liddle

90ab98 No.1412380

File: 9cf8815bac9e673⋯.jpg (72.23 KB, 790x527, 790:527, potus_podium.jpg)


This was Trump @ the RNC when he won the nomination.

>KEYSTONE podium!!!

2967b6 No.1412381


Society is a LARP, the satanists are LARPing for sure.

718815 No.1412382


Make it rain.

Transformers movie. Calling for Ac-130 gunship strike.

21ccea No.1412383

8d1e0b No.1412384

File: 29f24faa1606e6c⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1115x828, 1115:828, 17853237899280086815.png)


you made me do it

97ae33 No.1412385

f7e709 No.1412386


Just to help out those here who seem research incapable….

Broken Arrows: Nuclear Weapons Accidents

Since 1950, there have been 32 nuclear weapon accidents, known as "Broken Arrows." A Broken Arrow is defined as an unexpected event involving nuclear weapons that result in the accidental launching, firing, detonating, theft or loss of the weapon. To date, six nuclear weapons have been lost and never recovered.

Thats 6… countem 6 nukes MIA….that we know of….

56d66c No.1412387


organic apple cider vinegar with the mother.

456f91 No.1412388

File: 9cc7688be7ae1b3⋯.png (357.1 KB, 785x440, 157:88, 0e87ac5076c2da644cf485d31c….png)

File: 2cb9c4836aefc26⋯.png (521.97 KB, 729x770, 729:770, 2cb9c4836aefc26ba8d02deaab….png)

File: 93430f355d203dd⋯.jpg (86.69 KB, 728x540, 182:135, 93430f355d203dd9f16f3bea6e….jpg)

File: a04d309f398595e⋯.png (1.86 MB, 953x1200, 953:1200, a04d309f398595e919d628180f….png)

File: fb5b9632358e42b⋯.png (426.22 KB, 544x499, 544:499, fb5b9632358e42bedb19ae8f9a….png)

Love our POTUS

Love winning so much, Love u anons

1a1a48 No.1412389


Don't think it is dehydration, but I 100% think it is fluid imbalance, like rapid fluid changes in the brain. For me, it is always after eating either a lot of salt, or lot of carbs. Two things that make your body need more water to metabolize. I think it is the rapid change in fluid that may happen to a lot of people, but for some, it also affects the fluid balance in the brain.

Try eating low salt, moderate carbs/sugar for few weeks and see if headaches stop.

bc7205 No.1412390

File: 23ea56547d82442⋯.jpg (31.95 KB, 374x380, 187:190, AngryCat.JPG)


What, Americans control where Jerusalems capital is.

How does it feel to be America's bitch

ae35e2 No.1412391



f060a8 No.1412392

File: bd2bb83add1d620⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1218x1026, 203:171, bd2bb83add1d620cb5b4081467….png)

4213ef No.1412393


Pay no mind to the shillbot.

Davids info is meshing with Q intel very very closely. The only logical way to look at David Icke is the same as with Q.

I can't help but think he's telling facts.

048b3d No.1412394


OMG! This is total crap!

47fe3c No.1412395


That's some gold medalist gymnastics there, anon. Hope you didn't pull a muscle ripping that garbage out of your balloon knot.

f54e6a No.1412396


Telling them they are retarded idiots isn't going to work in my experience

e7309c No.1412397

File: 61ddda39a5d3e4f⋯.jpg (2.35 MB, 3046x1987, 3046:1987, 161221-F-LW859-003.jpg)

File: 5e82fc5642dacaa⋯.jpg (73.68 KB, 781x520, 781:520, 170329-F-ZZ999-461.jpg)


still over the target, experiencing a high level of faggotflak including nasimfaggots

9c97cf No.1412398


Where they know what the weather will be like and say, an identifying message on these boards that only you would know?

789bfb No.1412399


NUKE ID: aC3B99 Little Manlet screaming for attention.

15be84 No.1412400


The reason the IBOR has problems is that you can't arbitrarily take away the right for certain websites to declare themselves Conservative or Liberal, and then disallow disruptive content. For instance you cannot force FR to allow DU content or vise versa. People with a moral and political viewpoint should be able to come together on a site where it is inexplicably stated that such a site is established for that viewpoint.


ac3b99 No.1412401

File: 01e999345f9c373⋯.jpg (101.47 KB, 475x700, 19:28, HRCstillfreewhy.jpg)

72a805 No.1412402


i think we need to put it back. that's relevant information. if an anon works that site they know how to anonymously come here and tell us to fuck off. also i don't think q would let us dox a patriot in our confusion, but that's a personal judgment of character and not a statement of fact. let the truth come to light

4ff69c No.1412403


Iran's leaders need some fine American lead tapped into their heads so its people can finally be free again.

435ca9 No.1412404


Hmm, just doing a little more on the "Operation Rescue" that has been edited into the QWiki…

It engages in activities that it describes as "on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to restore legal personhood to the pre-born and stop abortion in obedience to biblical mandates."

The group was once known as Operation Rescue West, it originated in California as part of the original Operation Rescue (formally Operation Rescue National, now named Operation Save America since 1999), but moved to Kansas in 2002 to focus attention on one of two prominent doctors who performed late-term abortions, Dr. George Tiller.

After the FACE (Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances) bill was signed into law by then-president Bill Clinton, Operation Rescue West implemented new tactics that did not involve arrest.

Operation Rescue has publicized a number of allegedly "botched" abortions at Tiller’s Women’s Health Care Services, including the death of Christin A. Gilbert following a third-trimester abortion. Operation Rescue staff have also investigated and made allegations regarding other facilities around the country.

Operation Rescue also worked to mobilize support in the Kansas State Legislature to order the newly elected Attorney General, Democrat Paul Morrison, to reinstate misdemeanor charges that were dismissed on jurisdictional grounds against Dr. Tiller. The group planned a rally in front of the offices of ADA Nora Foulston, to present evidence of mass murder against Tiller.

On May 31, 2009, Tiller was assassinated in his church. Scott Roeder of Merriam, KS was convicted of first degree murder in the shooting. Operation Rescue denounced Tiller's murder in numerous statements, describing it as "cowardly" and "antithetical to what we believe". The group also said that Roeder had "never been a member, contributor, or volunteer with Operation Rescue." Roeder responded to Newman's disavowal by declaring, "Well, my gosh. I've got probably a thousand dollars worth of receipts, at least, from the money I've donated to him."

The phone number for Operation Rescue's senior policy advisor, Cheryl Sullenger, was found on the dashboard of Scott Roeder's car. At first Sullenger, who was convicted for conspiring to blow up a California abortion clinic in 1988, denied any contact with him, saying that her phone number is freely available online. Then, she revised her statements, indicating that she informed Scott Roeder of where Dr Tiller would be at specific times:

"He would call and say, 'When does court start? When’s the next hearing?'" Sullenger said. "I was polite enough to give him the information. I had no reason not to. Who knew? Who knew, you know what I mean?"

fc37bf No.1412405

ae35e2 No.1412406


"..meshing with Q…"

thought of sean! kek!

c0283d No.1412407


There's SO much good symbolism from the RNC convention

a682d8 No.1412408


Was at a Shasta conference he was speaking at years ago, where his wife was verbally beating the shit out of him in between breaks because he was nailing some newager fawning over him the night before.

23297b No.1412409


Thx, anon.

ac3b99 No.1412410

File: 7889b9797d4b1a7⋯.jpg (280.07 KB, 1024x764, 256:191, 7889b9797d4b1a7bc696b85241….jpg)


Cry me a river, bitch.

1d01ac No.1412411


Look at how many leave congress and go to work for healthcare companies…

Follow the $$$

1a1a48 No.1412412


Shots came from the eye of the pyramid

4e440d No.1412413


New Socia media with help of the No such agency?

97ae33 No.1412414

File: e5aede86235efec⋯.jpg (32.25 KB, 480x311, 480:311, 5YM1rCDVB3WRZRXGEDttvE0fnH….jpg)

0ff7fd No.1412415

HFS. This board. Ancient Aliens makes more sense.

013239 No.1412416


>Americans control where Jerusalems capital is.


56d66c No.1412417

File: c2c64846fef445f⋯.jpg (191.65 KB, 1196x698, 598:349, 3ad48a7044f41b92b7450da3c0….jpg)

File: 4b8c4f65a795d88⋯.jpeg (290.84 KB, 1743x978, 581:326, 4b8c4f65a795d88a1da26733a….jpeg)

File: 3063b3a463343b1⋯.jpeg (12.03 KB, 182x255, 182:255, 3063b3a463343b12e8d7d268a….jpeg)

File: 9cf8815bac9e673⋯.jpg (72.23 KB, 790x527, 790:527, 9cf8815bac9e673c9c21c1b9a1….jpg)


notice the web thing on the side. Ripping the spider web apart.

0fabdf No.1412418


yeah but this is not us telling them, they are telling that to themselves now… why?

297645 No.1412419


You got it all wrong. Tomorrow is Tuesday


3e6840 No.1412420


will drop off soon anyway, it's a while back


I've been ignoring most about that sign on purpose anyway. If you're close to the bottom of the digg I won't mind adding it?

Let me know how it turns out.

Notables so far


>>1411968 Tips for migraines without using pharma?

>>1412034, >>1412325 Q74 means 1774

f060a8 No.1412421

File: 8d886ce31436018⋯.png (153.74 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, bb4d0ade138aa08fd2dc561531….png)

3 Hostages Released

d87651 No.1412422


Why in the fuck are they even glorifying this shit stick rump ranger? I'm so fucking sick of seeing her/his dog face that I could vomit.

cc720f No.1412423


Fuck off shillfag

e3e48e No.1412424

File: 142f35bb61ba9e9⋯.jpg (723.99 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180514-205759….jpg)

So I read Neon Revolts latest on we dont say his name…then I saw McConnell went to visit him. What Plan did they try to hatch or what was offered.

52dde9 No.1412425


I don't want to slide the thread, but does anyone know the truth about PH water? My wife wants to tell me it's bad, but nothing is as bad as fluoride tap water or non BPA free water bottles.

4e440d No.1412426


Cute skin….

ae35e2 No.1412427


Arcturians are intuitive by nature.

e782bd No.1412428


What's the matter bro

ceba5e No.1412429






>>1411384 (Previous Bread)

All these appeals to experience, authority, ridicule & heartstrings deftly avoid one critical issue:


>>1411422(Previous Bread)




A new study finds hundreds of sites—including microsoft.com, adobe.com, and godaddy.comemploy scripts that record visitors' keystrokes, mouse movements, and scrolling behavior in real time, even before the input is submitted or is later deleted.

370a16 No.1412430

9e1227 No.1412431

Funny story…

David Icke told the world a bunch of reptile aliens ruled the world.

He even said it was the nazis too.

A bunch of jews still followed him around and threw a pie at his face.

cc720f No.1412432

File: 1305a87e2fa163d⋯.jpg (35.01 KB, 461x403, 461:403, c9558e0fcb8e68ab31d2f2fbca….jpg)

ae35e2 No.1412434


Because she is wonderful.

c0283d No.1412435


Sometimes its Memes like this one that are solely responsible for elevating my mood…

Haha thanQ Anon

3f185c No.1412436

File: e9f9bd8a9236334⋯.jpg (112.7 KB, 750x917, 750:917, ClintonsIRS.jpg)


Great find on Bill Burns/Lisa Carty.

Seeing a pattern of these wives keeping their maiden names, and I don't think it's because they're sentimental about their families. They're weaponizing their marriage by keeping their name separate from their husbands.

$5 will get you $20 that Lisa Carty and all her AIDS work will lead straight to the Clintons' Global Health Initiative, and its scam with Ranboxy (if I recall the name correctly) Pharmaceuticals to manufacture fraudulent HIV/AIDS drugs, then shipping them to African nations where it would be difficult if not almost impossible for patients to follow medication protocol properly, even IF the medication was manufactured correctly. CGHI was never even incorporated according to U.S. legal requirements, but was operating as a non-profit. It is all, from one end to the other, one stupendously massive fraud.

1e64ec No.1412437


maybe i'm the aspie faggot…

ccdcac No.1412438

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hanity stream

b95a14 No.1412439


A person usually has to experiment to solve a chronic problem that can have multiple possible causes. Headaches and migraine fit that bill. Just keeping digging till you find it. Can never go wrong with healthy diet/exercise tho. Set small, attainable goals, and build from there.

7dd5fe No.1412440


perhaps because STFU now = 1 long post every other bread for me and for means GTFO

or maybe, as a retard, I've got dementia

f54e6a No.1412441


Apparently if they want any chance in November, they are being forced to realize that Never Trumping hasn't worked yet. They need to dial it back and actually get a platform to run on. Which we know they are incapable of. Blue wave? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

5ad500 No.1412442

File: 06710147e2c1926⋯.jpg (378.39 KB, 1035x1180, 207:236, Screenshot_20180514-204702….jpg)

File: 93a0beb3a302a7e⋯.jpg (385.11 KB, 1033x1102, 1033:1102, Screenshot_20180514-205030….jpg)


Anons the article in The Hill does not disappoint. Read it for comfy feels.


a5d658 No.1412443


some tidbits from his wiki page

Burns, together with George Tenet was instrumental in forcing through the short-lived Israeli-Palestinian cease fire agreement of June 2001.[3][4] He played a leading role in the elimination of Libya’s illicit weapons program, and the secret bilateral channel with the Iranians that led to a historic interim agreement between Iran and the P5+1.,[5] and as well as in efforts to re-set relations with Russia early in the Obama Administration and in the strengthening of the strategic partnership with India. Secretary of State John Kerry lauded his "quiet, head-down, get-it-done diplomacy", stating that it had earned him the trust of both Republican and Democratic administrations; The Atlantic called him a “secret diplomatic weapon” deployed against some of the United States' thorniest foreign policy challenges.[6]

Burns was widely assumed to be on presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's shortlist of Secretary of State nominees, had she won

264e18 No.1412444

File: d6a1f66c6890db5⋯.jpg (150.47 KB, 732x1000, 183:250, IMG_3546.JPG)

Board is shilly tonight.

e782bd No.1412445


translation: because I have massive romantic insecurity&fear issues

297645 No.1412446

Be careful who you silence. The next gag could be

for you.

21ccea No.1412447

File: a927074cb85f9ea⋯.jpg (340.75 KB, 768x768, 1:1, israel embassy 2 2.jpg)

1536a2 No.1412448

File: 1a2c985b7d1aafd⋯.jpg (110.86 KB, 900x674, 450:337, ZomboMeme 14052018210257.jpg)

8dacd9 No.1412449


More specific than that.

92a63d No.1412450

File: 3b9f6dc98223ced⋯.png (128.48 KB, 600x312, 25:13, brthrwars67670652098022980….png)


Its my opinion this guy is a plant and his psycho babble is bullshit. A pacifier for the right.

Calm the fuck down time will tell what the exact story is. Im open to the idea hes is legit /ourguy/ just not atm.

9197e1 No.1412451



‏ @mflynnJR

2h2 hours ago

What does Erik Prince know about the ACTUAL content on Weiner’s laptop? I’ve heard it’s DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMNING…..


ee878a No.1412452


Oh look a kike trying to call for war.


600359 No.1412453

File: 9e6e330dd194f8b⋯.png (647.43 KB, 643x484, 643:484, surface-to-surface-ballist….png)


92ec42 No.1412454

>>1412106 As someone who does webhosting for a living, please let me ask you to reconsider your position. It is not at all unusual for the domain host to also be listed as the registrant. It's not the way I'd recommend for a client, but it's a pretty standard practice. The person who owns the douknowq.com website more than likely has no other affiliation with this Lee Romanov other than the fact that Lee Romanov's company is hosting the website.

ae35e2 No.1412455


not really massive…

4e440d No.1412456


At least Pence also is there. kek.

78ce30 No.1412457

File: d2c2625cfe0f173⋯.png (314.02 KB, 555x555, 1:1, bakerneeded_qresearch.png)

File: 6fc61cebabcdf6f⋯.png (290.5 KB, 555x555, 1:1, bakerneeded_blank.png)

7b9954 No.1412458

It is getting really close to some prophecies.

Turkey just withdrew from Israel and the USA

If Turkey, Iran and Russia combine - that sounds a lot like the Nostradamus Prophecies.

ceba5e No.1412459


Smart move. Will give a holler if/when any breakthrough.

Thanks for the hard work in the kitchen.

e07d97 No.1412460


drop it!!

26c49f No.1412461

>>1408659 from last bread



f3a2bb No.1412462

File: 1162f18b7a87212⋯.jpg (25.96 KB, 560x280, 2:1, daniel-ortega.jpg)


I know this question is irrelevant but rumors on Nicaraguan streets is that Dictator Daniel Ortega Saavedra, has died during heart surgery in Cuba today 5/14/18.

I do not believe it myself, BUT…. are you aware of any news about this "Butcher" Dictator? I have attached picture of Daniel Ortega Saavedra and his wife Rosario Murillo. President and Vice President of Nicaragua, respectively. Thank you and God bless you all.

a3d80d No.1412463


finally some arcturian love up in her :P

508c08 No.1412464


I don’t know what you mean by the abbreviations you made.

Fakebook etc do not advertise that they are for liberals only. They want everybody on their digital plantation but they also want to socially engineer masses of people.

If a site says that they are just for Republicans or just for Democrats then so be it!

This is quite niche I’d say and not many just go to those places we are mostly focusing on the bigger picture here.

Reread ‘The Right to free choice’

d1e64a No.1412465


One word: bullshit

789bfb No.1412466


No crying here, dickwad. Lmaoooooo at you!

a682d8 No.1412467


Can imagine how that can support a healthy exchange of idea's and elevate the peoples intelligence factor. Sounds like the blind leading the blind, or preaching to the choir. We have that now. How about just letting it fall under the lst amendment right of free speech. I mean it's already in our constitution folks.

4462eb No.1412468


10-4 Anon & flattards deserve ID+ too, we all learn eventually

ac3b99 No.1412470

File: 5bbd208dd28578f⋯.png (135.63 KB, 538x517, 538:517, 5bbd208dd28578fe5677638164….png)


Whatever you say, Moshe.

d87651 No.1412471


What the fuck is wonderful about her? She had issues and tried to kill people. You worship a murderer? Why the fuck are you even here? And a shit dog face ugly murderer as well

3e2349 No.1412472

File: becc1ba89544b6b⋯.png (29.05 KB, 593x260, 593:260, RoseanneBarr.png)

Verified account.

30c53e No.1412473



i recommend the same. get some good indica. if all else fails, it will make you forget that you have a head. problem solved.

370a16 No.1412474

You meme fags are on fire tonight

ac3b99 No.1412475

File: 90f999808eadaf3⋯.jpg (158.47 KB, 998x1078, 499:539, 3d335a9b05e206eba1b6112fc6….jpg)

3c80f2 No.1412476

File: bfb24b9efaff02c⋯.jpg (35.43 KB, 724x230, 362:115, brettbruce.jpg)

File: f501dfa4db6f209⋯.jpg (61.21 KB, 591x317, 591:317, brettbruce2.jpg)


Brett Bruce, the original host of the domain does not come up in Cali business search at SoS. He does (did?) business as Affordable SEO Services by Brett Bruce. The only hit I get is for Brett Bruce LLC and he's been out of business since 2009. No, this was a quick handoff of domains from this Bruce fella to the person you found. Very quick.

801aa9 No.1412477

https:// www.nytimes.com/2018/05/14/us/eric-greitens-missouri-governor-charges.html

Soros, you failed

e523ce No.1412479


he didn't sound too good in hours 1 or 2 today. I think all of the anti-AJ stuff in here is getting to him. I still follow him….for now. I'm going to let this all play out.

9c97cf No.1412480


something in your physical location?

c69967 No.1412481

File: 8fd9297bf123e09⋯.jpg (263.67 KB, 1125x1159, 1125:1159, IMG_0308.JPG)

ee878a No.1412482


tweet is fake and gay


789bfb No.1412483


No matter what Turtle has to say, McStain has very few friends in the Senate. They pretty much hate him.

92a63d No.1412484


YES! Please share anything not classified. DO IT

d3fc8c No.1412485


Weed. Pineapple Express.

Happy digging anon

3e2349 No.1412486


No, it isn't.

8dacd9 No.1412487


No. Via this board.

f72f65 No.1412488


How about you roll the fuck out, fucko?!

e523ce No.1412489


Trucking fag - please stay away from the lot lizards!

10-4 buddy.

c69967 No.1412490

File: 5da8cbe4ef56eb4⋯.png (139.54 KB, 1166x971, 1166:971, IMG_0140.PNG)

9a6afc No.1412491


yes chabad takes the Torah seriously and literally

Deuteronomy 11:18

Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.

d1e64a No.1412492


She also got blocked by some lefty moron who doesn't like to debate. Kek

9fc70b No.1412493



this isn't a site that has customers and if people are worried about it. they need never venture onto the internet.

everything you do from here on out is traced.

google, facebook, twitter, you name it they are harvesting information.

1a1a48 No.1412494


You think it is possible corsi and AJ are "acting" and not really anti-Q?

15be84 No.1412495


FR = FreeRepublic(Conservative)

DU= Democrat UnderGround

ee9f78 No.1412496


Whoa! Let's go Prince! Speak Up!

7c22d3 No.1412497


Steel boner.

d87651 No.1412498


Look dude.. This place has nothing to do with flat Earth or any other conspiracy. Please create your own board or go to a conspiracy thread somewhere. You don't belong here and neither does FE.

e782bd No.1412499

@fags talking about shills, it being shilly, shills being x or whatever… can you either post some substantiated or semisubstantiated material or just keep it to yourselves? You are helping nobody by just saying "ohh it shilly" "oh lawd this board" "oh no its x again"

Every time you post things like that it sounds like you posted it while getting rear ended in bed by a big black gentleman, such is the lack of determined contribution in those posts.

370a16 No.1412500

File: dc186cd56e404a8⋯.jpeg (160.32 KB, 1440x1182, 240:197, 1525827837.jpeg)

ee878a No.1412501


Got mine too wont go into detail.

Was scary AF, something I wont forget for a long time.

621be3 No.1412502

nasimfag, can you drop a few nasim blanks ?

i want to make a nasim who says "free speech tomorrow".

b153ac No.1412503

File: 9c45f4efc01a0ad⋯.jpg (204.29 KB, 1063x935, 1063:935, Screenshot_20180514-200757.jpg)


For posterity. This is going to be major bombshells.

600359 No.1412504


This does help in some instances and should be tried first. everyone has access to Water. Keep Hydrated.

4ff69c No.1412505


How much money has Eric Prince made for himself in the name of Paytriotism?

4e440d No.1412506


https:// m.newsok.com/article/feed/2205049/nicaraguas-army-urges-end-to-violence-as-protests-continue

If that is true. China will be forced to take panama. Tick Tock for Maduro?

1d01ac No.1412507


They are scared shitless because of what Q said is being saved for last…

e88dbd No.1412508


Yes. AJ and Corsi are Q. They want plausible deniability.

1536a2 No.1412509

Hannity just fuggin said .." Trust but Verify"

aa7f7c No.1412510

File: d5bbfaab626deda⋯.jpg (84.67 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, spyring.jpg)


Yes, I was told by my browser that there was a script running from 8chan and was slowing everything down. Including my keystrokes. The keys keep hanging and keystrokes aren't creating letters on a regular basis.

I wonder if it's because they want to set up the anons. It's very annoying

c69967 No.1412511

File: bae877ec0f1e2f4⋯.jpg (19.48 KB, 255x251, 255:251, IMG_0256.JPG)

File: b1854d8f8d49cd0⋯.jpg (113.82 KB, 920x960, 23:24, IMG_0433.JPG)

5987d3 No.1412512

File: 77551e0f95e58f0⋯.jpg (21.31 KB, 255x215, 51:43, bound to happen.jpg)

c7b111 No.1412513

File: e32fd86a7941d66⋯.jpg (74.79 KB, 904x481, 904:481, SHILLS.JPG)

3f185c No.1412515

File: 195e5f5accfb07f⋯.jpg (69.61 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Ortel.jpg)


Charles Ortel has hundreds of hours of financial and tax analysis on the massive bed of fraud the Clintons made for themselves.

Anyone wanting to argue U.S. tax and non-profit laws, and the numbers on the Clintons' publicly-available tax filings, with Charles Ortel has their work cut out for them.

I live for the day that they and all their greasy criminal friends have to lie in that bed.

1a1a48 No.1412516


Oh snap… never thought of that

637dea No.1412517


Not sure what I'm to reconsider.

It is research, it's all out there in public domain.

She wants to be found - she's a business person, a previous mayoralty candidate and a motivational speaker.

The research speaks for itself.

f63224 No.1412519

File: ed9bcd66d6b46b4⋯.jpg (38.19 KB, 750x500, 3:2, shooter4n-2-web.jpg)

Nasim and i can bake one :D

anyone oppose?

789bfb No.1412520

File: f731c6bffdba31e⋯.jpg (84.75 KB, 1051x1200, 1051:1200, DICKHEAD.jpg)

f29b05 No.1412521


'Never leave home without it'

Not that I was on the run, but I don't anyways.

Trackers work both ways.

7b7273 No.1412522


Hhhhmmmm …..

So you know this for a fact or you were told this and you chose to believe it??

637dea No.1412523


what site are you searching?

f77c3f No.1412524

File: ed4452d749c3b3c⋯.jpg (50.92 KB, 590x550, 59:55, wait4q.jpg)


noice chops anon cheers!

2571d3 No.1412525


All you can do is warn people.

You can't make them not click it.

e782bd No.1412526

b5470c No.1412527


So for the hell of it I went to the Wikipedia entry for JPB. Noticed that the references were in kill boxes…

[2["People | Berkman Klein Center". Cyber.law.harvard.edu. Archived from the original on August 14, 2016. Retrieved March 21, 2017.

[3]The Internet: Biographies, p. 8.

[4]Jones 2002, p. 23.

Not sure it's relevant.

I still think the SUB is the USS Indiana early deployment with highly enhanced surveillance and first strike tech.

05dec7 No.1412528

What a waste of bread.

2 notables - 1 being "how do you get rid of migraine".

5ad500 No.1412529


Also sounds like Ezekiel 38

e45518 No.1412530


You can even see in Corsi's eyes hes lying. LMAO

ce54d9 No.1412531


President Trump. Sounds righteous.

3e6840 No.1412532


Feel free to digg and find something notable

dc2f77 No.1412533


sleeper leapers

f060a8 No.1412534

File: b9635df007a6985⋯.jpg (233.28 KB, 1436x1628, 359:407, b9635df007a6985a3bfd8a2704….jpg)

307e95 No.1412535


Aye. Please take her and leave.

590961 No.1412536


Nice coalition building, guy! Tell you what, I'll take all your rejects and we'll see who's team end up better.

8c1802 No.1412537


Proof it's time to walk away.

eb09c0 No.1412538

File: 250058e4ba53356⋯.jpg (163.32 KB, 1920x884, 480:221, FireShot Capture 031 - IP ….jpg)

9d2f5c No.1412539



595dfe No.1412540

File: 50e402585d18c87⋯.jpg (44.83 KB, 511x290, 511:290, gitmo.jpg)

even if you disregard all of the Q stuff, this is still an eventful week. now factor in all the Q stuff and you have a giant BOOM!!

1a1a48 No.1412541


Obviously Infowars has been well funded from the beginning. They killed off BIll Cooper and propped up AJ and he was free to talk anti-globalism as long as he followed the rules. But I could never figure out who he was working for. Any idea?

508c08 No.1412542


Yeah see I’ve never heard of those it’s quite Niche.

In today’s world if you want to connect with friends and family we are steered toward a few choices.

Yeah sure others come along but reread ‘The Right to free choice’ what these megacorps do is buy up competition and run Monopolies.

Near consolidation!

They are socially engineering people!


78ce30 No.1412543


heeey, dat cat… cheers right back, patriots!

d1e64a No.1412544


Actually, my comment was regarding the "weaponizing marriage" statement.

ee9f78 No.1412545


Where's this and when?

ac3b99 No.1412546


Is that an old family saying of yours?

e523ce No.1412547


Yes, my gut tells me that Jordan Peterson is another faggot like shapiro - I trust neither one. It is possible that they are trying to dilute conservatism.

7b58c4 No.1412548


Notice the longitude lines on the Flat Map keep

getting father apart as they go…. on a round earth

the lines would get closer together in the southern

hemisphere because they would come back

together at the south pole.

These lines (on a government map) keep getting

further apart which proves FLAT plane for

navigtion of military things.>>1412478

ae35e2 No.1412549


have no idea. going with my intuition.

cc6ec4 No.1412550

File: 05d479dbad3f5c5⋯.png (281.22 KB, 460x1138, 230:569, ClipboardImage.png)


You monster.

4e440d No.1412551



5a2b5a No.1412552

File: 9233648b4b903a2⋯.jpg (17.57 KB, 403x111, 403:111, Q therapy.JPG)

File: c1d1cbb603e27f5⋯.jpg (23.57 KB, 409x171, 409:171, Q therapy_2.JPG)

File: ecf4e1fc91696a2⋯.jpg (38.6 KB, 438x428, 219:214, cia manchurian 1979.JPG)


[They] are afraid.


cc720f No.1412553


Kill yourself you lonely faggot. Nobody wants your moldy gay bread

e88dbd No.1412554


I need help.

Mine is so big, women text and call and knock on the door 24/7. I can't get any sleep. They want to have five-somes, and more.

Please help. What to do?

2f86d3 No.1412555


Ya Think we should get rid of the FED?

Ya Think the US should go back to the Gold Standard?

I just posted a petition at the Whitehouse …Congress-should-pass-legislation-dissolve-federal-reserve-and-issue-new-us-dollars-backed-gold-and-silver



789bfb No.1412556


Eric Prince didn't co-opt the Q movement & bastardize it for fame & glory in the name of Paytriotism.

e523ce No.1412557


is this ben shapiro? You get no shekels for deceiving the goy.

102ab6 No.1412558


Same here had them for years above the left eye

Allergies led to Sinus Infections which aggravated my cervical stenosis. Had a Balloon sinuplasty, no more migranes

1a1a48 No.1412559


AJ has a choice. My gut tells me, he will ditch his handlers and come out swinging patriot style. But I could be wrong.

5f53db No.1412560


What's all that stuff mean

15be84 No.1412561


Think of it like this. If a site is working to elect President Trump And they are constantly Being disrupted by those who Hate Trump and love Hillary. Then how can that site get anything done? It will be just be constant fighting.

595dfe No.1412562


when this all blows up, everything will go into chaos. the anons will try and steer the ship the best they can. the charlatans will use the chaos to drive the masses into anarchy

307e95 No.1412563

File: 228f1dc912ae909⋯.jpg (35.91 KB, 600x450, 4:3, b9635df007a6985a3bfd8a2704….jpg)



ceba5e No.1412564

File: cb8b0f9095f9eff⋯.jpg (12.44 KB, 340x270, 34:27, foff-hoodie.jpg)

and/or a script? betya one of these


there was one (tho perhaps worded differently) in the middle bread as well.


sound likes chaos magick to me.


e7309c No.1412565


“So NYPD first gets that computer. They see how disgusting it is. They keep a copy of everything, and they pass a copy on to the FBI, which finally pushes the FBI off their chairs, making Comey reopen that investigation, which was indicated in the letter last week. The point being, NYPD has all the information, and they will pursue justice within their rights if the FBI doesn’t.”


f060a8 No.1412567

File: 5d248aad3fabef3⋯.jpg (536.85 KB, 1024x1433, 1024:1433, 5d248aad3fabef3745a90f3f30….jpg)

78ce30 No.1412568


is he really so bad he would still be worse than Justin Trudeau? Because canucks are looking forward to that victory…

e8a877 No.1412569


B6 and a Lysine tablet. Lay down…couple of hours it should be gone.

eab9ca No.1412570

File: 019a98f39921270⋯.png (708.92 KB, 525x557, 525:557, Vlad the Impaler, this ple….png)

7b7273 No.1412571


Cool story, bruh.

9ee2fe No.1412572


theory is Q is waiting for bread 1776

05dec7 No.1412573


I did. Italy's new government wanting to

export 500,000 illegal migrants and

telling the EU to stay out of their country.

Photos, and sauce.

But, I guess headaches are more important tonight.

c69967 No.1412574

File: db836e1c4026140⋯.jpeg (73.71 KB, 328x768, 41:96, 95b78cd18490a0a69445a2b3b….jpeg)

File: 141c68155a0a2aa⋯.jpg (72.33 KB, 820x615, 4:3, IMG_0272.JPG)

600359 No.1412575

File: 536b11088e20603⋯.jpg (96.03 KB, 674x1200, 337:600, DdIbzokW4AEb4TR.jpg)

File: 38839ea0098070c⋯.png (12.59 KB, 436x393, 436:393, firefox_2018-05-15_13-14-1….png)

d1e64a No.1412576


Wake up

048b3d No.1412577


Well said.

21ccea No.1412578


Why not 1774 like the firetruck?

adc05f No.1412580


Ty anon, but i am not

ceba5e No.1412581

ae35e2 No.1412582


we have it all.

d1193c No.1412583



b153ac No.1412584

File: f0b75dec230ca54⋯.jpg (230.61 KB, 1073x1019, 1073:1019, Screenshot_20180514-201407.jpg)


Link to Erik prince interview. Schneiderman roadblock out of the way. Here comes the pain.

d1164b No.1412585

File: 48ec5de3e31a4bc⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1764x1685, 1764:1685, ClipboardImage.png)

Looks like people are trying to dox codemonkey

789bfb No.1412586


No. I think they are truly butt hurt about being called out & they have turned on Q. If that's not how it is, good. If it is, fuck 'em.

6c3fa6 No.1412588

i wish i had put myself up for adoption when i was 12

ae3cdc No.1412589

File: 512e4327492e0c8⋯.png (17.2 KB, 1200x873, 400:291, 1200px-Flag_of_Israel.svg.png)


>All these people are known Zionists or Cryptokikes/controlled opposition. Many of them are advocating and promoting war with Iran and promote Israeli propaganda and they don't call out Israel for their false flag chemical attacks in Syria.

>Feel free to add to the list.

Q - Zionist

Alex Jones - Zionist

Jerome Corsi - Zionist

Roger Stone - Zionist

PJW - Zionist

Posobiec - Zionist

Bannon - Zionist

Ben Shapiro - Zionist

Jordan Peterson - Zionist

Eddie Bravo - Zionist

Joe Rogan - Zionist

Sam Harris - Zionist

Richard Spencer - Zionist

Mich Enoch - Zionist

Lauren Southern - Zionist

Faith Goldy - Zionist

Sellner/Pettibone - Zionist

Tommy Robinson - Zionist

Ann Coulter - Zionist

Molyneux - Zionist

Cernovich - Zionist

George Webb - Zionist

Jason Goodman - Zionist

Milo - Zionist

JF - Zionist

Styx - Crypto zionist?

David Duke - Zionist

Patrick Little - Controlled opposition cryptokike

Andrew Anglin - Zionist

Weev - Zionst

Sargoy of Mossad - Zionist

9fc70b No.1412590


doesn't the painting behind the guy look like Nassim?

c69967 No.1412591

File: c8b3081cdec841c⋯.png (217.96 KB, 616x541, 616:541, honeypotQ.png)

370a16 No.1412592


Actually pretty amusing for a shill post.

e523ce No.1412593


yes jordy peterboy's gay lover is in here defending him….

b153ac No.1412595

File: f0b75dec230ca54⋯.jpg (230.61 KB, 1073x1019, 1073:1019, Screenshot_20180514-201407.jpg)


Shit forget link


e88dbd No.1412596


Ohh thanks. The recommended migraine meds knocked me out.

9ed4d0 No.1412597

Any anons done the de-comm on the 74 post yet or do I need to get on it?

f3a2bb No.1412598


Thank you for the article. China MUST leave Nicaragua. God bless.

718815 No.1412599

I wonder if he who shall not be named is a Russian mole.

9ee2fe No.1412600


that would be better/sooner

475a2d No.1412601

File: e7ee7923df5ce98⋯.png (339.52 KB, 682x850, 341:425, shitrusshills.png)

HFS, anons...if you haven't seen the interview with Gen. Mattis I highly recommend it.



<version 2 (pic related)

77f85d No.1412602

File: e10f4e912ca2970⋯.jpg (426.31 KB, 1080x1730, 108:173, Screenshot_20180514-181245….jpg)

File: 5e0bc7ca06aee89⋯.jpg (465.26 KB, 1080x1923, 360:641, Screenshot_20180514-181425….jpg)

Praying Medic was the featured "journalist" on douknowq. com He is a charlatan who sells Prayer Healing on prayingmedic .com. The douknowq site also has a section for "Prayers and Meditation for America". Do you believe in coincidences. This guys is definitely sick…

156069 No.1412603

File: d129256fc1b77c1⋯.png (335.17 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Red_Black_Witches_V2.png)


so very accurate on so many levels

578796 No.1412604


No. We've already been told the Fed will be restructured. And if you knew anything about finance, you would know why.

ae3cdc No.1412605

File: 7a5e16b612ebbd5⋯.png (425.16 KB, 879x884, 879:884, 1526332477715.png)

398de3 No.1412606


You are 1000000000% correct, Anon.

f29b05 No.1412607


Thanks for the confirmation, fellow Anon.

f54e6a No.1412608


Zerofuck is a cocksucker. We need to dig on that piece of shit and out him for the fucking faggot he is. Subversion and shilling is all he does

a682d8 No.1412609


I think you answered your own question there partner. The Globalist. Prolly has Soros embedded in layers of foundations originating and orchestrating the plot lines. AJ back up on himself so many times I'm surprise they don't have a bucket next to his mic

083ea1 No.1412610

File: 0d259d17b7003cf⋯.png (53.87 KB, 720x300, 12:5, 20180514_201501.png)

I guess Jordan should start video taping these "UFOs" since he sees them all the time and knows where they are. But, I'm 100% sure he won't.

3e6840 No.1412611

Updates Notables

Gimme moar?

missed you, >>1412573 this is why I post for updates

4213ef No.1412612



e523ce No.1412613


24 A's

dc2f77 No.1412614


kinda like u just did, smdh

6c3fa6 No.1412615


if you've seen inception, you know half of how this works

9a6afc No.1412616

File: bd1f7325fd79a8f⋯.jpg (9.88 KB, 288x175, 288:175, [rplifeviolence2.jpg)

3e6840 No.1412617




>>1411968 Tips for migraines without using pharma?

>>1412104 Italy's New Populist Government is Kicking Ass

>>1412034, >>1412325 Q74 means 1774

>>1412347 Putting this here for transparency, post containing last bread discussion on doUKnowq.com

>>1412438 Hannity stream

>>1412451, >>1412503 What does Erik Prince know about the ACTUAL content on Weiner’s laptop?

e782bd No.1412618


Don't group things together.

Prayer and meditation is important, and has nothing to do with paytriotism.!


c69967 No.1412619


f060a8 No.1412620

File: 6b37e7c28c72434⋯.png (774.33 KB, 1023x576, 341:192, 6b37e7c28c72434e7cf9b5f83f….png)

3f185c No.1412621

File: 09b84eaaa31a9da⋯.jpg (37 KB, 500x364, 125:91, suspishusdoggo.jpg)


If my wife and I had significant justification, because of a political and bleeding-edge nature of our careers, it's certainly possible we might want to use different names for professional reasons.

Think of the large number of married couples who have one person working as a media executive, and the other person working high up in politics. As if they'd never talk in bed at night? Any couple like this who wanted to use it to their own financial or career benefit could easily do so.

I also know how sneaky women can be. They can sure as hell play the long game.

97ae33 No.1412622

File: 8c6d98f2ad16166⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 280.57 KB, 689x666, 689:666, 990c1b577f09e3a5a60a3e1a3b….jpg)



abb1c4 No.1412623

File: eb24e3397fe2eeb⋯.jpg (17.53 KB, 297x162, 11:6, 2aa465.jpg)

bfa5d6 No.1412624



I think this is getting a bit out of hand, and we are missing the forest for the trees. Here are all the pages on the site. You all can judge for yourselves.

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[ ADD ] http://www.douknowq.com/134981/Q-Confirmed-That-Corsi-was-target-of-Be-Careful-of-Who-You-F.htm

[ ADD ] http://www.douknowq.com/134876/Did-FBI-plant-spies-in-Trump-Campaign.htm

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[ IGN ] http://www.douknowq.com/134414/The-Logan-Act-Violations-and-Proofs-of-Q.htm

[ IGN ] http://www.douknowq.com/134388/Greg-Hunter-Iran-Deal-is-a-Fraud.htm

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[ IGN ] http://www.douknowq.com/134397/Ivanka-Trump-What-it-was-like-growing-up-Trump.htm

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Added 42 pages, ignored 22 pages, encountered 0 errors.

aa7f7c No.1412625

File: e52517c9e28a5bc⋯.jpg (83.79 KB, 348x500, 87:125, Twitter censors.jpg)


Dem Underground throws off people who talk about subjects they don't like. It's an evil site.

Free Republic is no better.

No free speech without free thought.

If everything else fails they will slow down the keystrokes. Can codemonkey fix it?

4213ef No.1412626

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Joe Biden.

9c50a6 No.1412627

File: e4396ece2483edd⋯.png (539.47 KB, 540x720, 3:4, e4396ece2483edddbedd4221c9….png)


Wow they found his twitter picture!

These clowns are really pathetic. 0Hour is such a fraud.

a682d8 No.1412628


Wow … he's cute

3b2d94 No.1412629


Oh please, migraine tips is NOT notable.

842e76 No.1412630

What’s the time? What post do we line up with now?

PS any ‘lurk moar’ bs will be disregarded. I’m half retarded. You can not deny this is one hell of a mental gymnastic routine even for the hardest of autism’s.

789bfb No.1412631


Hang on, I'll ask your Mother….I got it from her. Must be YOUR family.

e523ce No.1412632


Yes, I do.

f060a8 No.1412633

File: 9c327b6000e3280⋯.png (769.01 KB, 700x500, 7:5, 9c327b6000e3280dd9e61bce5b….png)

b5470c No.1412634

File: 181cd59f30870fb⋯.jpg (13.3 KB, 299x169, 23:13, francospirit.jpg)

cf9af3 No.1412635


To my knowledge, Q has not openly supported Israel throughout this entire ordeal.

f060a8 No.1412636

File: 9bee2398543d88e⋯.jpg (93.04 KB, 640x407, 640:407, 9bee2398543d88efe35b51ba37….jpg)

cc6ec4 No.1412637

File: 7144502ccd16260⋯.jpg (71.43 KB, 460x1138, 230:569, shekels.jpg)




Messed up the last panel.


4213ef No.1412638

File: a16ddf9eb18021f⋯.png (303.72 KB, 388x401, 388:401, ew.png)


977aa8 No.1412639

File: 2a8bdfd4c20a9b2⋯.jpg (35.91 KB, 564x550, 282:275, 2a8bdfd4c20a9b267fc189a0ee….jpg)


>the red arrows and circles

3e6840 No.1412640


I don't mind the tips, seems other anons liked it too

9e1227 No.1412641


Noice you made it better.

I like this guy this guy gets it.

Plus you get to put TRUMP in there again.

b47770 No.1412642


Every single one of the women of my gen between the ages of 25 and 30 can't get pregnant. What do they all have in common? 10+ years of birth control use.

f90f73 No.1412643

What's up with the E-Bake going on when this bread still rising?

4e440d No.1412644


Gotcha. Be careful. they will do the same strategy of Chavez.

Vote smartly and destroy the Machines of Soros.

They love the vote fraud.

And the sandinists.

ae1895 No.1412645

File: 810832654406627⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 1000x1640, 25:41, shrine.jpg)




156069 No.1412646

File: d73e4672c8f5e33⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1600x1728, 25:27, The_High_Priestess_3D_DVD.png)


High Priestess / Witch / Satanist / Pedovore

f77c3f No.1412647

File: 367306f745e7b18⋯.jpg (60.31 KB, 1024x800, 32:25, hotpepesauce.jpg)


the memes are flowin

307e72 No.1412648

File: f0d6fcb12439d60⋯.png (31 KB, 710x180, 71:18, Screen Shot 2018-05-14 at ….png)

d276b3 No.1412649



Effing Classic!

789bfb No.1412650


Dear "I need help",

KYS. That's the only remedy for your problem.

d9e83a No.1412651


I think what you meant to say is "Thank you Erik for all that you have done for our country".

c69967 No.1412652

File: ab2e7d599cbc7e8⋯.jpg (9.62 KB, 271x186, 271:186, ab2e7d599cbc7e83cdab095362….jpg)

3e6840 No.1412653


Not me

Clowns around

475a2d No.1412654



15be84 No.1412656


I understand what you are saying. I think that many would feel better about the IBOR if they felt that sites such as the ones I mentioned would be protected. But yes I agree that there is a real problem with sites like FaceBook and Twitter. They try to claim that they are balanced when they are not.

156069 No.1412657


top kek

3b2d94 No.1412658


Kek. Even tho' one of 'em is mine, doesn't seem like that topic is Q related.

d1193c No.1412659

File: fc7fc6ec7d117c9⋯.jpg (167.61 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, 181286_04big.jpg)



ae1895 No.1412660



ceba5e No.1412662

don't what 8chan you're running, but it's about the least processor intensive site i've ever used.

currently have ~21 breads open with a ~4yr old computer, no problems.

click on [Options] (top right corner), then [User JS] on left side of window and see if you have any scripts installed? might help.

05dec7 No.1412664


I don't mind and I was the one upset with you.

You're baking would be fine - without "her" photos.

3e2349 No.1412665


4213ef No.1412666


Just because you are narrow-minded and ignorant doesn't mean people here share in your ignorance.

fc37bf No.1412667

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I was sceptical about Lionel.

This is an impressive compilation of words tho.

92ec42 No.1412668

>>1412517 I agree, the domain host, Lee Romanov seems spoopy as hell. What I'm saying is, we don't have any idea who is running that website based on the information available in the whois. I was asking you to reconsider your judgement of the website owner's motives, since we have no idea who they are. It looks like a typical "newbie" built website to me, made by someone who clearly knows not much about website design. They look to be trying out all the "toys" the drag-and-drop website builder provides. A typical newbie mistake.

f72f65 No.1412669


No, just you profiting off of taking it up the ass and sucking muzzie cock!

dc2f77 No.1412670


plus gmo and vax

3e6840 No.1412671


I've been here with a work break but without sleep for almost 30hrs. to me it is very related, ty for opinions tho

600359 No.1412672

File: 19a8fc5a719a9dc⋯.png (186.62 KB, 529x622, 529:622, honeypot-removed-from-Patr….png)

610f01 No.1412673


They're all lying. It never happened. That's why not a single one can tell you what it said. Remember, No private comms, past present future. Q's post is about an emergency alert that has not yet happened.

267286 No.1412674


Now that you said it was a lib term, guess i'm converting

3c80f2 No.1412675


can u read?

f67e81 No.1412676


2nd cervical vertebrae. on the left side, right up against the vertebrae will typically be a lump. Huge cause of headaches. Use caution, pressing on this lump can cause nausea; be gentle, work on it over time. Use to be a legit massage therapist.

eab9ca No.1412677

File: 2b2c7bee83da27b⋯.jpg (40.15 KB, 600x600, 1:1, sweaty guy.jpg)

083ea1 No.1412678


What a great response there buddy, tell your Master Jordan to #releasethevideo lol

f060a8 No.1412679

File: 4bde6d9d3bf4be4⋯.jpg (65.39 KB, 800x803, 800:803, 4bde6d9d3bf4be44f68201428f….jpg)

1d01ac No.1412680



An anti-zionist pastor giving the prayer…

789bfb No.1412681


I wish somebody would take that fuckwad's ass down. He is an idiot & all his little followers attack on his command.

3b2d94 No.1412682


Anon, take a break and get some sleep. We need you rested.

595dfe No.1412683

do we have a baker??

475a2d No.1412684

File: fd179e86f57fe1c⋯.png (136.66 KB, 468x318, 78:53, nasimflag1.png)

f060a8 No.1412685

File: d5e0bc2dd3be3cb⋯.png (731.18 KB, 1218x813, 406:271, AmericanPeopleRisingAboveI….png)

97ae33 No.1412686

File: a1513700b22521e⋯.jpg (297.33 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ZiafTxc-W6XhptlPFTqRFBVPDz….jpg)

3e6840 No.1412687


Nvm the e-bake, it's not me, and I reported it already

a5d658 No.1412688


they did say enjoy the show

3f185c No.1412689

Roseanne Barr

‏Verified account @therealroseanne

You are blocked from following @lsarsour and viewing @lsarsour's Tweets. Learn mor

5:23 PM - 14 May 2018



610f01 No.1412690


It never happened. They're all lying lol. No private comms, past, present, future. Q just setting them up to show you. He was talking about an emergency alert broadcast, personalized by the prez.

b153ac No.1412691



Great reads anons. Deripaska sure is an interesting fella

1ff86d No.1412692

File: f3d9f0b4a3d5925⋯.jpg (1.69 MB, 3820x2400, 191:120, AllForALarp.jpg)

4ff69c No.1412694


Yes thanks for being a mercenary that sells war and murders civilians under the banner of our flag. Also thanks for that $250 million CIA contract. Or for his help during Hurricane Katrina charging 240k a day to help Americans who were suffering.

Nope, not a paytriot at all.


4213ef No.1412695

File: 674af883ddf31f4⋯.png (98.77 KB, 500x284, 125:71, you-dumb-bitch.png)


>tell your Master Jordan

Go fuck yourself. #releasethisdickinyourmouth

d276b3 No.1412696


have any sauce to go with that

f060a8 No.1412698

File: 02b3914711eb905⋯.png (730.78 KB, 1227x727, 1227:727, weThePeople.png)

5ad500 No.1412699


Appear to be watching person sitting in straight a jacket wearing a robe under the jacket.

dc2f77 No.1412700


also see gates at ted talks - population control through vax

508c08 No.1412701


Of course those sites would be fine!

IBOR is mostly about protecting the users and their right to voice their opinions!

The digital plantations like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are in focus because they’ve demonstrated their bias and that they are not a neutral platform!

Also they are parasitic to the content that is freely provided people should be paid for their intellectual property reread ‘The Right to your fair share’

c0283d No.1412702

File: ad0b5bc4fc1e658⋯.jpg (136.05 KB, 720x638, 360:319, Screenshot_20180514-212340….jpg)

'Not Expected'

ANONS Spidey senses are tingling

4e440d No.1412703


The Lion and the map of Israel,

Jerusalem is the core..


02751a No.1412704

File: ec0f95838b1430f⋯.png (14.14 KB, 600x287, 600:287, roseanne.png)



ae3cdc No.1412705

File: 07f56b4fe084073⋯.jpg (307.17 KB, 1180x1063, 1180:1063, TalmudHatredOfJesusMeme.jpg)


Q is promoting war with Iran.

Israel is the instigator.

Israel is behind the blackmailing of congress (through Debbie Wasserman Schultz, an Israeli national) and Imran Awan.

Israel is behind 9/11.

Israel is the evil that plagues this earth as of this moment. Trump must exile the Jews like Cyrus and destroy their pseudo-Babylon. The Talmud is the chief authority in Judaism for the Jews of today.

(((They))) were the ones who killed Christ. (((They))) were the ones who killed JFK. (((They))) were the ones who killed Seth Rich. (((They))) are the ones who are pedophiles because the Talmud tells them ITS OKAY.

Wake the fuck up to the cancer that is the Jew. The cancer that is plaguing this earth. The cancer that scapegoated the entire Middle East and Islamic as terrorists world for the Greater Israel project.

People siding with Israel are siding with Satan. The Israel that exists today was created by the Rothschilds and they own it. Netanyahu has an extensive relationship with the Rothschilds.

595dfe No.1412707


God bless you, baker. seen a post about a shill asking to bake, stay frosty!

013239 No.1412708

File: 971fac293777c32⋯.jpg (19.91 KB, 220x275, 4:5, flat3.jpg)


094391 No.1412710


divisionfag and/or clown

854b84 No.1412711


Ya…… it also lets you know his mind is controlled and manipulated. Not sure isn't this the guy who was implying Q was actually an alien intelligence and not actually a team of humans? I could be wrong it could have been a different person on the Q train but whenever that person went there I was like… welp, shut this shit off!

f2e509 No.1412712



05dec7 No.1412713


That is bullshit. We don't know that.

f67e81 No.1412715


There were also 35,000 Palestinians protesting today. The Israelis were supposedly,primarily, targeting Hamas, which is supposed to be a terrorist group.

ae3cdc No.1412716

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



8bffb1 No.1412718


FRB is unconstitutional ab initio.

97ae33 No.1412719


efukt has something right up your alley

083ea1 No.1412720


You're exactly why nobody buys that bs, Time to grow up

3c80f2 No.1412721


whoa, never heard of the guy, but whoa

6c3fa6 No.1412722

getting the avoidance vibes

eab9ca No.1412723

File: 1a0a4b569dd4596⋯.jpg (33.8 KB, 540x357, 180:119, hmmm interesting.jpg)

4e440d No.1412725



e523ce No.1412726

It's Ben Shapiro Joke Night:

Q: Why does Ben Shapiro like to watch porno movies backward?

A: He likes the part where the hooker gives the shekels back.

013239 No.1412729

muh Q is a larp

muh Q is a commie

muh Q is a zionist

muh Corsi

muh AJ

muh AIM

muh random twatter personas

muh FE

muh jooos

muh sliding on confirmed crumbs




8bffb1 No.1412730

File: 90c12df3645aee6⋯.jpg (29.47 KB, 400x264, 50:33, judge smails.jpg)

1d01ac No.1412731

File: 20f69a3b1174cea⋯.png (230.34 KB, 694x618, 347:309, Screenshot 2018-05-14 at 6….png)


Pick a source…any source.

Trump is going after Israel.