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/qresearch/ - Q Research Board

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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File: 65d62ff6f6d3cfd⋯.jpg (70.94 KB, 480x270, 16:9, 65d62ff6f6d3cfdf144d923047….jpg)

8c0cba No.1323989

Welcome To Q Research General





Board Rules (Read the rules please)


>>1254488 (Introduction)

New Q Drop Board >>>/patriotsfight/

Q's NewTripcode: Q !2jsTvXXmXs

Q's OldTripcode: Q !xowAT4Z3VQ

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 5.04.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/65 ------- The World is Connected. (JKerry_Traitor.jpg)

>>>/patriotsfight/64 ------- THE SWAMP IS BEING DRAINED (Justice_1.jpg)

>>>/patriotsfight/63 ------- A rigged system (Justice_.png)

>>>/patriotsfight/62 ------- [OnReady] (Justice.jpg)

>>>/patriotsfight/58 ------- Whitelist on /qresearch/ -- Deleted, see >>1298468 , >>1303388

>>>/patriotsfight/2 -------- Trip Conf -- Deleted, see >>1298492 , >>1302636 (full thread captures)

>>>/patriotsfight/1 -------- Tripcode Update -- Deleted

>>1298146 ------------------ /patriotsfight/

Wednesday 5.02.2018

>>1280616 ------------------ (Shipping Pallets)

>>1280036 ------------------ (Apple HQ)

>>1280030 ------------------ (JetBlue taking off from San Jose?)

Monday 4.30.2018

>>1249365 ------------------ Knowing what you know now.

>>1248119 ------------------ Define the terms of the Iran nuclear deal.

>>1247406 ------------------ No name out.

>>1244154 ------------------ Emmy awards. Red carpet event?

>>1243783 rt >>1243759 Assets in place.

>>1243605 rt >>1243593 EagerLion18: Live fire exercise with Jordanian Marines.

>>1243597 rt >>1243510 Connect. No coincidences.

>>1243510 ------------------ Pompeo visits Jordan.

Sunday 4.29.2018

>>1242689 rt >>1242682 (Q verifies anonymous post)

>>1242682 rt >>1242608 rt >>1242545 R=18 (QAnon ID:038c68)

>>1242619 rt >>1241774 , >>1241803 Do you believe in Coincidences?

>>1233880 rt >>1233553 Operators have died. They lay down their lives so that others may live, FREE!

>>1233553 rt >>1233458 Personal thank you to (you).

>>1233458 ------------------ Be careful who you are following.

Saturday 4.28.2018

>>1229092 rt >>1228857 Stay strong. Stay united. BOOM week ahead.

>>1228613 rt >>1228588 Noted:IP-Ghost:

>>1228588 rt >>1228489 You know that we know. You know what we have. Your move.

>>1218893 rt >>1218465 We are in this together

Find Previous Q Posts at: qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If it ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Archives of Q's /patriotsfight/ threads >>1313128

Backup Q Posts


Board Rules >>3138

NEWBIES >>1254488

* Spreadsheet: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Redpill for normies >>1087693 Proof POTUS was behind Q even before he appeared on the chans.

>>1071025 How to Quickly Spot a Shill

>>1113115, >>1113120 How to filter a Shill


1. DO NOT CONFRONT accounts that are being tracked. WATCH. ARCHIVE. REPORT.

2. If you find an important account, ARCHIVE OFFLINE BEFORE POSTING''' link to 8ch.

We must avoid tipping off the black hats until archiving is complete.

>>1126202 , >>1207179 For Instagram mirroring

>>1127332 For Website mirroring

>>1272084 For Twitter mirroring

8c0cba No.1324035


are not endorsements


>>1323575, >>1323713 WH flower garden possible symbol

>>1323716 Anons punking CNBC poll; >>1323760 Poll getting stalled, need more anon votes


>>1322140, >>1322542 Power outages in San Diego

>>1322747 No Name fingered by WH as media leaker

>>1323105 TNT blasts as measured on Richter scale


>>1321763 ES discussing 2016 election plans from GOOG email addy

>>1322364 Former Obama staffers running for House seats


>>1321056 updated 5 eyes theory graphic

>>1321380 5 eyes updated 5 eyes theory graphic

>>1321460 Message to New fags

>>1321545 Giuliani Hints At US Withdrawal From Iran Nuclear Agreement

>>1321566 Michael Flynn announced that he canceled a campaign appearance due to an unspecified family emergency

>>1320995 5 glasses of water


>>1320172 Bibi to be guest of honour at Russia's Victory Day Celebration

>>1320184 Iran reaching Venezuela-tier inflation levels

>>1320203, >>1320337, >>1320219, >>1320245 Federal purchasing with FAKE VENDORS

>>1320278 $22 contract linked to Q post

>>1320342 NXIVM Bronfman using money to indict runaway slave

>>1320352 Unique DUNS 12345687 purchases

>>1320444 The Plan is to affect public opinion/The delay that is pissing most of us off right now

>>1320470 Be the autists we know you are

>>1320520 5 Eyes 5:5 connection (theory)

>>1320571, >>1320521 Q drop 'CLAS - Sec 11A P 2.2 [important]' connection to Fed Purch Fraud

>>1320682 5 out of 5 eyes theory graphic

>>1320688 Q+ comms?

>>1320791 flowers again, >>1320811 ?

>>1320830 "Move slowly, carefully, then strike like the fastest animal on the planet" (Donald Trump - 19th Sept 2013)


>>1318789 (from 1653) Possible $29MM Signapore found

>>1319367 Biden/Kerry Chinagate

>>1319353 Flags and Pennants

>>1319418 Iran/USD currency issues

>>1319435 More Iran currency issues

>>1319467 FBI won't pursue Strzok-Page Texts

>>1319485 Pallets of computers for China?

>>1319925 Maybe a missing E means boom?

>>1319929 Biden/Kerry kids get Ukranian gas and African copper


>>1319252 - Great Who we are Blurb

>>1318596 - Pope will be having a terrible May

>>1318776 - Iran Deals and Planes

>>1319051 - Judicial Watch on J. Kerry

>>1319040 - Illuminati Vid, expanded thinking

>>1318602 - MACA Make America Constitutional Again


>>1318440 - Huckabee Trolls Kerry

>>1318398 - Iran using US Currency theirs imploding

>>1318191 - Buffet Stock Fuckery?

>>1318010 - FBI Docs on Clinton Investigation


>>1317679 - Pakistan Interior Minister shot, assassination attempt

>>1317065 - Missing 1 Gram of Weapons Grade Plutonium from Idaho State Uni.

>>1317094 - Apple, Buffett, Still Highly Aligned with the Cabal?

>>1317100 - BiBi Netanyahu, Irael conflict with Iran better now than later

>>1317119 - UK's data privacy watchdog orders Cambridge Analytica to hand over Info on a US Academic

>>1317124 - US Dept of Defense "Boom" tweet

>>1317134 , >>1317571 - Judge denies Mueller's delay request "troll farm" case

>>1317137 - Macron claims war could ensue if DJT withdraws from 2015 Iran deal (sabre rattling)

>>1317380 - Britain to stay in EU army, even after Brexit.

>>1317221 - George Soros will be forced by BSG Resources' Lawsuit (New York Fed Court) to answer for Manipulating Guinea Economy

>>1317265 - FBI Vault, lost Hillary's Dell PowerEdge290

>>1317369 - House/Unredacted Russia Report. Catches Comey in a lie on Mike Flynn

>>1317290 - >>1317379 Turkey habbenings

>>1317619 - New Qresearch JavaScript (Updated Q tripcode)


>>1315662 "Draft Trade TPs" (Podesta e-mails)

>>1315756 Leaker In The Interior Department Has Been Found

>>1315821 Analysis of "Godfather III"

>>1315822 Fatal rape of Heather O'Rourke?

>>1315849 AT&T to ask SCOTUS to reverse 9th Circuit decision...

>>1315746 Sara Ruth Ashcraft on twatter (SRA), >>1315877 "Sara Ruth Ashcraft is a made up name."

>>1315901 Barron's being bullied at school?

>>1316019 China seizes 1.3 TONS of cocaine.

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ pre

8c0cba No.1324036

Your continued help collecting Notable posts from each bread is greatly appreciated.

Help collect the gems that fall here, they are too ephemeral and precious to disappear in the chaff

ThanQ for all your assistance in collecting Notable posts.

The fruits of our labors should not be lost in the chaff of shills, shitposters & clowns.

EVERYTHING of value should be saved offline on multiple formats.

Please keep in mind, not all of these things are verified. In case you're unaware,

you should be critical towards everything you read on the internet.


To highlight a notable post, please format your post using the following below.

Call for the bakers attention (Red text is acceptable), link the post number in question

and write a short description on the same line as the linked post. Here's an example:




Baker Notable

>>####### <Brief description of notable> (Without any brackets, quotes, etc.)


War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 -- TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 --- META


>>16785 ----- Prayer

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 --- Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>566073 --- Q Cards Collection

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>694579 --- Hispanic Qresearch

>>674740 --- Qanon auf Deutsch

>>93735 ----- Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 -- Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>169315 --- Notable Resignations Thread 1/2

>>1147812 -- Notable Resignations Thread 2/2


>>4356 ------ Tools and Information

>>4852 ------ Free Research Resources

>>4362 ------ Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 ------ Research Threads

>>1233401 - All Executive Orders

>>1241760 - Shill posters

>>1243929 - JFK Files released

>>32223 ---- Qs chess game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>410413 --- Q Communications re:deltas

>>489697 --- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread


>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection

>>885933 --- P=C

>>904395 --- The Plan

>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1009786 - DARPA/FB/Lifelog/5g/2020

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1143658 - Abramovic

>>1272206 - 43 Confirmed Connections workspace

>>1276151 - Military Plane Crashes

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1309459 - all things CORSI and BEANZ discussion

>>1310117 - for anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

9d51e4 No.1324037

File: 997c5cf94c934c3⋯.png (117.88 KB, 424x402, 212:201, Screenshot-2018-5-6 The Ga….png)

It is time for this 'Judas' to go.

cad718 No.1324038


One might consider that Juvenile

8c0cba No.1324039

Quick Access Tools

Q Graphics all in GMT

>>1185216 Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

>>1185220 Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

>>1185224 Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

>>1185089 Q Graphics all in GMT #16 >>>/comms/951

>>1185101 Q Graphics all in GMT #17 >>>/comms/952

>>1185120 Q Graphics all in GMT #18 >>>/comms/953

>>1287664 Q Graphics all in GMT #19 >>>/comms/987

>>1321254 Q Graphics all in GMT #20

Q Graphics all in EST

>>1303748 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures: >>1298492 , >>1302636

>>1148124 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ------------------ >>>/comms/968

>>1147122 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg >>>/comms/967

>>1147113 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ---- >>>/comms/966

>>1147103 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-07_2018-04-09_Read carefully).jpg --------------- >>>/comms/965

>>1147098 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-03_2018-04-07_Open the door.jpg ---------------- >>>/comms/964

>>1147092 Qmap_graphic_2018-03-10_2018-04-03_Safe.jpg ----------------------------- >>>/comms/963

>>1147087 Qmap_graphic_2018-03-06_2018-03-10_More coming.jpg ------------------ >>>/comms/962

>>1147080 Qmap_graphic_2018-02-23_2018-03-06_Eyes in the SKY.jpg ------------- >>>/comms/961

>>1147072 Qmap_graphic_2018-02-15_2018-02-22_DISTRACTION.jpg --------------- >>>/comms/960

>>1147063 Qmap_graphic_2018-02-07_2018-02-14_PAY THE PRICE.jpg ------------ >>>/comms/959

>>1147057 Qmap_graphic_2018-01-31_2018-02-07_Think intel.jpg

>>1147051 Qmap_graphic_2018-01-26_2018-01-31_FREEDOM DAY_.jpg ----------- >>>/comms/958

>>1147032 Qmap_graphic_2018-01-13_2018-02-05]].jpg

>>1147018 Qmap_graphic_2017-10-28_2017-11-20]].jpg ---------------------------------- >>>/comms/957

>>1147010 Qmap_graphic_2017-10-29_2017-11-09]](lastconfirmed).png -------------- >>>/comms/956

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Q Research Graphics Library

Nearly 17,000 memes and infographs.


Memes: Stockpiles

Memes20 >>1232995, 19 >>1144040, 18 >>1027465

Meme Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Resources Library

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.0.0 [updated 5/5]) >>1314112

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* Updated Q archives: qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools.

* Qcode guide to abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS-tweet archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form. https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge >>1176816 http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link >>851957

* archive.is / https://web.archive.org

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* LEGAL NEWS: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert app can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub (vetted by >>968129 )

NEW Federal Procurement Data System fpds.gov >>1300457 https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283



Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn to Bake! For God & Country!

New Bakers Please Go To Cooking Class >>>/comms/154

Or read the Bakers Manual https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

8c0cba No.1324040


ff881a No.1324041


Actors acting

58aa5d No.1324042


good !! hope so…thx

ce917e No.1324043


Here is an example of how the ancients taught about the lost tribes, as well as the JEWISH QUESTION (taken from p80 : cog49.com/ft.pdf). It is based on certain precepts already taught in earlier texts.

[The multi-colored coat of Joseph is now worn by the multi-tribal melting pot of America], and the time has come for this providence nation to put forth its hand and grasp the responsibilities for dominion given Adam. There is an adversarial force that motivates this, but there is also clear reasoning in Scripture why America we has not known her identity as heir of the tribes, committed to the responsibilities and liabilities given Adam, before now. It also explains why the lost ten tribes have always been lost.

Two biblical stories of nearly the same event bear witness to this - the stories where both Abraham and Isaac, at different times, went to a city and denied their relationships to their wives. They said they were their sisters. The problem was other people were being jeopardized by a temptation to sin (against their wives) and each husband felt fear for his own life.

When we extend these two representations of this scenario to the third case, and take it for its value in sacred teaching, we see how it has also played out in the matrimonial relationship of the people of Jacob to the inheritance of God, which is their commitment (wife).

This explains why God divided Isaac's seed in the womb and pitted Esau against Jacob. As the fair, graceful and compliant world leader he was designed to become en masse, Jacob was naturally not also the type to boast of his intent to rule the world (and remember where that got Joseph). Instead, the people of Jacob would naturally deny their relationship to Jacob's covenant with God (his commitment) for a while (by believing they are not Israelites), while dwelling in a strange land (which has been mostly ever since the Assyrian captivity), then realize those being tempted to sin against God (by threatening the inheritance of Jacob) is his own brother. The laws of domestic relations then justify the matter while casting no fault on anyone in or out of the house of Isaac. So innocent people have not been tempted to threaten that covenant (because they could not displace the presence of Esau) and the dominion given Adam, embodied in Jacob, was not mortally threatened by anyone else either.

Abraham and Isaac, together, both established and affirmed the legal grounds of this bazaar marital behavior. Therefore, Jacob is on perfect legal grounds in following the same scenario. He is within established legal precedence in so doing. Two witnesses established the matter, and in the third instance, we have followed the same law. And the solution has always been preordained.

This is why the ten tribes have always been lost. The descendants of Jacob (the peace-loving man) have often tolerated, and even learned the narrative they are not heirs of the dominion given Adam, particularly in the third age. Jacob has not "lived in the house" of the commitment to being the people to rule the world. So Esau has claimed that inheritance century after century, and justifiably so, because under the laws of Moses it is the responsibility of a man to "raise seed" to his own brother if he is "dead to his commitment" and leaves a widow. But in the end, Jacob realizes he has always been steward of that inheritance and that he must retain it as the only means of his own survival.

707db4 No.1324044

File: e97f523c2a2bf5b⋯.jpg (49.12 KB, 320x300, 16:15, IMG_1606.JPG)

Thank you, Baker

01292e No.1324045


lmao couldve called that

885642 No.1324046

File: b582a3620e09069⋯.png (125.3 KB, 492x496, 123:124, Screenshot 2018-05-06 at 1….png)


Have you seen this?

My guess Obama is named

8c0cba No.1324047

Ack! Had board freeze on me when trying to make new thread.

c67cf0 No.1324049

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

listen ffs

9d51e4 No.1324050


No chance, she was an anti Trumper form day one.

42dd5a No.1324051

File: dec90ce9f604876⋯.png (606.73 KB, 655x637, 655:637, WH 5-5-18 7 08 am PST.PNG)

File: 03780fee50829a6⋯.png (802.66 KB, 649x721, 649:721, WH 5-5-18 4 48 pm PST.PNG)

File: 43f07c3ac849238⋯.png (606.72 KB, 656x634, 328:317, WH 5-6-18 2 09 am PST.PNG)

File: e7a31fd41024ecd⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1111x2548, 1111:2548, Q 2018-02-12_13_chairs&flo….png)

b3fbf3 No.1324052

File: a8c442704bdb7c3⋯.jpg (26.69 KB, 712x531, 712:531, nasim5.jpg)

TY Baker

6f5b27 No.1324053

>>1324013 (Last)

Apparently you don't know how percentages in polls work.

Either an idiot or a schill

256898 No.1324054

File: 6558d5730d335a5⋯.jpg (35.96 KB, 530x353, 530:353, pelirroja.jpg)


Thanks Baker.


aa2f1f No.1324055

I have to say that the Cor$i PsyOp is the most amateur one thus far. When he tried to clear up his hacked emails on Jason Goodman’s show- that did it for me. Amateur at best. They think we’re stupid.

a08aad No.1324056


Directed Energy Weapons





Here is a website dedicated to the technology used against people. Crested by a targeted individual.

57cd4e No.1324057



That dude is funny.

01292e No.1324058

3ccee8 No.1324059


I think she is TRUMP ADMIN v1

waiting to hear who v2 will be

a08aad No.1324060

Shadow Government Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is being used to serve a ruling class of perpetrators who form a global government war criminal syndicate. The shadow government is the overarching force that guides human trafficking networks. Through covert influence via remote influencing technologies (the products of Project MK Ultra) human trafficking rings can be created, operated, augmented, and protected.

Shadow Government Human Trafficking:

* Humans are being trafficked as a secret society membership reward[2]

* Sex slave human trafficking networks are grievously violating men, women, adolescents, and children

* Human trafficking of children for molestation purposes is occurring (children are being sold as sex slaves)

* Human trafficking of targeted individual experimentation data (and targets are tortured far beyond the need for learning)

* Sadistic abuse is being perpetrated upon countless innocent individuals worldwide (in many different areas of exploitative crime)

* Theft and subsequent trafficking of organs is yet another terrible crime of the human trafficking transgression

* The international intelligence community is aware of grievous war crimes being done by occultist rape & molestation networks, not only have they allowed it, they are participating

* Human trafficking via black project deep learning Ai[1] is also occurring (AI's modeled after people, formulated with surveillance data)

* Intellectual property theft and subsequent profit for shadow government affiliates is being perpetrated via neural monitoring surveillance & deep learning artificial intelligence (Ai meant to simulate an individual). As far as I know this is primarily being perpetrated by intelligence agencies and military sources.

* The music industry is involved in the sex slave human trafficking of desirable female artists (e.g. done for those servile to shadow government agendas)

"My truth. I wasn’t in a girl group. I was in a prostitution ring.[6][7]" ~Kaya Jones, Former Pussycat Doll

* Attractive female models are a target of sexual human trafficking[3]

* Certain bloodlines are more prone for the despicable traits needed for human trafficking

* Rape and molestation are being weaponized by the international intelligence community

* The electronic control grid is being used to augment human trafficking

* The shadow government can be behind a human trafficking network while even the head of that trafficking network is unaware. This is possible through hi-tech covert neuroweaponry developed in black projects.

* Neuroweaponry is being used sadistically on victims if my own experiences with the same sources are any indication

* Data is being sold to the highest bidder (e.g. Facebook data, Google data). It appears that some of the activities of Facebook Inc. could be accurately termed as an intelligence agency data trafficking operation.

* Infiltrating the FBI is a focus of the occultists who run human trafficking

* CIA war criminals are guilty of various forms of human trafficking

* Corrupted intelligence agencies ignore surveillance of human trafficking networks

* The shadow government heads of intelligence agencies are participants in human trafficking activity (perhaps most particularly in sex slavery or hi-tech experimentation data)

"I was searched by uniformed Canadian bodyguards and pointed in the direction of one 

of the White House's many bedroom suites. When I opened the door, I saw three

blonde sex slaves undressing and preparing the bed—one of whom was my close friend

and Senator [Name Redacted]’s slave." ~Cathy O'Brien, Trance Formation of America (1995)

The Cover Up:

* Threat or force is used to subvert exposure

* A full spectrum of dirty tactics are used against witnesses

* The reality of the situation is too monstrous for the uninitiated to comprehend

* Murder of rape & molestation victims is surely being perpetrated to cover up the crimes

* Snuff films of human trafficking victims being raped and decapitated are means of intimidating a witness from speaking out[4]

* Mind control programs are actively sabotaging the works of those exposing shadow government systems such as human trafficking

* The lives of witnesses are being destroyed to assist in the cover up

* Resources are a cointelpro focus for witnesses (e.g. monetary resources, ability to get a message out, etc)

* A common threat to witnesses is that their family members will be killed if they speak up

* The worst human trafficking perpetrator I know of is known to the public as "his holiness"

* Powerful mainstream media agendas are actively censoring the truth

* The shadow government is using the mainstream media to condition a culture of incredulity to very real and traumatizing reality's for victims

“There is no defence against an evil which only the victims and

the perpetrators know exists.[5]” ~Christopher X. Brodeur


a42113 No.1324061

File: 9db4508addd27a1⋯.png (667.99 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-06-22-3….png)

File: 706f3bf3b58ba16⋯.png (345.13 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-06-22-3….png)

File: f703cc60fe76980⋯.png (338.55 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-06-22-3….png)

File: 9f3c66d060fcd0b⋯.png (348.94 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-06-22-3….png)

File: d52faff9b683dd2⋯.png (708.61 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-06-22-3….png)

26fb66 No.1324062


Black sites

https:// theintercept.com/2015/02/26/exclusive-chicago-black-site-detainee-speaks/

58aa5d No.1324063


their are all………all about the money….believe me your cattle, meat on slab, a paycheck, a statistic, they are desensitized 100%…….belive me i know….i worked in the field for 10 yrs and left

f649b1 No.1324064


"Compromise of on going criminal investigations"

Gotta be someone up high. O most likely.

eb3afe No.1324065


I loathe that neocon shill.

85ae95 No.1324066

File: 2e19b263ab6dfcd⋯.jpg (37.86 KB, 507x488, 507:488, untitl10.jpg)

75b191 No.1324067

File: e40e7281a2901bb⋯.png (458.58 KB, 583x520, 583:520, 1.PNG)

File: e3d21305d9d25a0⋯.png (383.41 KB, 580x514, 290:257, 2.PNG)

Time for the boom!


f13bf3 No.1324068

File: bdaa58309631269⋯.jpg (89.25 KB, 710x810, 71:81, potus_cheers.jpg)

25df92 No.1324069

You know the Rules here if you Genderfag..



Just fucking with you faggots, yes I am a girl but FUCK OFF, we all the same…

I do not feel bad about shitting "filling" up the end of a bread…

I love all of you faggots anyway…

94e33f No.1324070


If speaking the truth makes me a "Nazi", then Seig Heil, motherfucker.

afe305 No.1324071

File: 8d636f73c68c430⋯.png (138.39 KB, 1537x846, 1537:846, ClipboardImage.png)

695d6b No.1324072

Too much pedo propaganda for pedotarians cause frump is gestapo diarrhea . Blow it out your cake hole Faggots

11a697 No.1324073

Any Lawfags here that can tell me if this statute is still on the books, and if so, thoughts on why it isn't enforced…

U.S. Code › Title 50 › Chapter 23 › Subchapter IV › § 842

0a139f No.1324074

File: f41682aab36bd89⋯.jpg (82.72 KB, 804x516, 67:43, ObamaLoganActInvitationExp….JPG)

26fb66 No.1324075


interesting…why are there pallets there?

0c1727 No.1324076

File: 983a8356c379536⋯.png (295.32 KB, 512x466, 256:233, Woods twat.png)

James Woods to Michael Obama "Pump your brakes a tad!"

58aa5d No.1324077


your right i dont know….anything about that song or band etc…..i would like too….

256898 No.1324078



b49320 No.1324079


Zionist category adversary like Shapiro

others are




42dd5a No.1324080

File: 6368ac1a38f32fd⋯.png (3.25 MB, 2222x1899, 2222:1899, TRUE MEANING OF TITS OR GT….png)


> the Rules

0d7154 No.1324081

File: d54ecc0ca6f8ec2⋯.png (423.68 KB, 508x677, 508:677, 543263076079376903.png)

64822c No.1324082


Yep, I am here :)

158f9f No.1324083

File: eb3152abd148fb1⋯.png (904.14 KB, 2460x1103, 2460:1103, bit.png)

So I was on 8 chan /b/ yesterday and apparently there is currently an ongoing effort to make CP legal.

Someone made a program that allows you to upload any file that is less than around 70 kB to the bitcoin blockchain.

The plan seems to be that someone uploads hardcore CP to the bitcoin network. This is then supposed to force an decision of one of the two options, to simply ban all blockchains or to permit CP if it's in the blockchain.

The first would then likely result in an public outcry, because bitcoin has gotten quite popular nowadays and the second one would pave the way to expand on that exception to not only apply to the blockchain.

Pretty much the only things I found about this are these two threads:



that the origin of this seems to be some darknet imageboard called millchan and that the source code of the program is also hosted on that darknet(zeronet is what it's called).

There are also clearweb mirrors of the source code on github and gitgud

Just a coincidence that all the big banks have invested in crypto & now putting this out there

6f4cd4 No.1324084

File: 4b5feadac7ce086⋯.png (607.04 KB, 979x1200, 979:1200, ClipboardImage.png)

Black Cube statement

Note the Hebrew line formatting


58aa5d No.1324085


you have a web link or something on it

0d7154 No.1324086

File: dc1ffc445b5aedc⋯.png (438.62 KB, 1008x779, 1008:779, 769642547475869.png)

85ae95 No.1324087

How are you going to drop this next set of info, Q? Sessions says it's dangerous but it has to be done.

We support however you choose to do this.


a08aad No.1324088

Systems of SuppressionShadow government systems of suppression notably include double standards against righteous opposition and implement social systems which in effect suppress effective opposition to shadow government agendas. The systems seek to impose conditions in which opposition to evil has a disadvantage in the shadow government's ongoing covert war.


Evil is willing to perpetrate any action as opposed to an opposition who has moral fabric, ethical standards, and class. This provides evil with an advantage in warfare options. The methods of suppression spoken of in this article are installments of systems to further give the shadow government the advantage over their opposition.

Suppression of Speaking Out:

* Social degradation for speaking the truth

* Financial degradation for speaking the truth[4]

* Systems of ridicule/ostracization for those who speak deeper truth (e.g. being labeled mentally ill, a tin foil hat nutcase, etc)

* Systems of slander & marginalization for those who witness shadow government conspiracy

* Conformism to a system of not speaking about religion or politics (suppression of thinking about a deception)

* Control of scientific monetary resources - sensitive truths leading to funding cuts

* Religious threats to well being or life itself for opposing it's brainwashing doctrine

* Laws of attraction psyops - ignore the negative[1] - ignorance of evil by proliferating the ideology that focusing on evil brings it into your life (Mark Passio: Seeing the negative for what it is creates the ability to steel oneself against it’s harmful effects, and possibly even avert those effects entirely)

* Manipulative NLP labeling of shadow government opposition (e.g. 'conspiracy theorist')

* Labeling of witnesses to extreme conspiracy as "paranoid schizophrenic" as a form of credibility marginalization

* Murder of those who speak out effectively conditions a culture of fear among those who witness it

“John Lennon’s killer claimed voices kept saying 'do it, do it' over and over again.

TAMI came online in 1976, and John Lennon was killed in 1980.”

~Department of Defense Whistleblower, From the Out of Print Book: The Matrix Deciphered

* Strategic incrimination is done to shadow government assets & targets to compromise their ability to speak out

* Non-disclosure agreements are used to legally bind an individual from speaking out

* Court gag orders can be used to censor information

* National security methods can be used as a form of censorship

* Secret society blood oaths are used to threaten those who may eventually want to speak out

* Use of coercion to suppress a witness from speaking out (e.g. assassination threats - threats to family members and/or loved ones)

* Inside the shadow government the variables for betraying the agenda are so severe that the path is not tread by high level occultists

* Mainstream media shills cause ridicule of opposition to the shadow government

* Mainstream media shills promote slander of opposition to the shadow government

* Tabloids are used as a means of celebrity punishment

* Search engine censorship

* Eugenics operations against bloodlines that speak out (e.g. ending bloodlines, sabotaging bloodlines)

* Witnessing the social degradation of those who speak out conditions a culture of fear in society and in effect neutralizes effective opposition

“When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals.” ~Edward Snowden

Suppression of What is Right:

* Associating whistleblowers with treason (what this shows is the government has actually brainwashed people into thinking exposing it's criminality is treason)

* Punishments for not following orders (strict yes-men order following policies have been implemented)

* Punish / Reward system: monetary rewards for corruption / monetary penalties for speaking out[4]

* Punish / Reward system: entrapment and slander for speaking out / false accolades for those serving the agenda

* Punish / Reward system: gatekeeping of success - sponsored success for those that serve the agenda / suppression of success of those who have oppositional ethos

fc4195 No.1324089

File: 78c44e6d0dd7a0f⋯.jpg (90.61 KB, 1176x632, 147:79, Jew hate shills.jpg)

POTUS is our example. Netanahu's hand held tight to his heart.

eb3afe No.1324090


"A Closer Look".. As in wake up mofos I'm dropping hints here!!

0d7154 No.1324091

File: 1454f4b5062dd58⋯.png (676.22 KB, 1275x712, 1275:712, 1097416981123.png)

a99cdb No.1324092

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

When i was out earlier( met with some old friends for a birthday celebration)


Went really good, they were going to read Q's posts later when they got home.

One lady, said i blew her mind, kek, and she thanked me( i showed them graphics and proofs, from the advanced graphics threads.


It's nice to have that on a tab, when redpilling.

( I was able to show the 16 year plan, the BDT, and Hawaii proofs, the 9/11 widow, the wonderful days, the Q mug and many others. all there, just scroll and show people.)

That was part of reason i made the thread( then you don't have to have files of pics with you, you can go there, and i have them organized into groups of like info.

Also, i still really like the Who is Q video, i think it explains Q very well.

I played that for people too, kek ( they loved it)

2=4 4=8 ETC,, ( even red pilling one person, can lead to them readpilling a few people, and then they tell the people they know, and so on.

I've got lots of red pills under my belt, kek

I told family member tonight,,that i really LOVE red pilling and waking up people.kek

I try to every day.

I have a friend ( not seen for a year)i'm going to red pill this week( a semi hippy socialist, who hated Hillary)

They are very active online( i think i can get them into this, and get them to start red pilling lefties)

Many on the left can be connected with( many were awakened by the cheating and rigging of primaries, and know about monsanto, corruption,etc.

We need to reach out to everyone.


a08aad No.1324093

* Punish / Reward system: gaslighting of those who know deeper truth / rewarding of those that ignorantly do not

* Music industry predictive programming (e.g. debasement of morals through music conditioning[2][3])

* Corporate lobby: corporate interests over the individual or society as a whole

* Religious warfare - brainwashing to impose militancy against the truth and those who speak it

* The shadow government creates uphill battles for opposition to evil through overly imposed law, corrupt social systems, technological cointelpro, etc

* Social engineering of hatred toward a particular demographic, this is then translated into injustices for the demographics that are hated

* Promotion of moral relativism - promotion of the Satanist ideology that there is no right or wrong

* Eugenics operations against bloodlines that have irreproachable traits

“It’s debasement of morals, and it’s affecting culture and people’s perceptions of what’s acceptable and what

isn’t. It’s the shaping of values, social engineering.[2][3]“ ~Mark Devlin on Mainstream Music Culture

Suppression of Social Progress:

* Both liberals and conservatives can be used as tools against social progress

* Shadow government assets in key places

* cointelpro for those who bring positive change

* Pervasive psychological warfare preserving systems of control

* Corporate systems to assist in covering up war criminal activity

* Corporate gatekeeping - corporate models rationalized by 'profit' that coincide with shadow government agendas

* Mainstream media operative brainwashing to anchor rationalized premises against true social progress

* Eugenics operations against bloodlines that are potent with social progress

"Intelligence agencies are used for their ability to keep secrets, superior funding, national security 

excuses, lack of true checks and balances, & propensity for criminal activity.[5]" ~Targeted Musician Omnisense

Additional Information:

* Law Gatekeepers: select individuals that are in heavy alignment to shadow government agendas are allowed criminality by the watchdog organizations that are supposed to be in charge of upholding the law. Those that betray the shadow government agenda in some form are prone to be prosecuted by these organizations.

* Shadow government evils are enhanced by full blown criminality such as assassination of paradigm shifting musicians, if an opposition to the shadow government ever decided to strike back in an act of justice there would surely be attempts to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. The law is effectively imbalanced to the benefit of the shadow government war criminals.

* What this article speaks of is the covert engineering and shaping of society with malicious intent to be more conducive to occultist ideals/interests

* An Ai based directed energy weapons system is perpetrating grievous cointelpro social engineering upon the global population (e.g. covert thought insertion via neuroweaponry)

* Brainwashing is in place to keep systems of suppression functioning

* The governmental environment is formulated in ways to keep these social systems in place

* Media is concocted to condition these social systems

"There is a double standard that evil has free reign for militancy and their opposition

is highly suppressed in fighting back with equal force." ~Targeted Musician Omnisense


58aa5d No.1324094


that means the real number is 99%

083783 No.1324095


What exactly happened in Japan? I don't remember anything other than POTUS visiting and some flaccid demonstration by non-Japanese people.

eb3afe No.1324096


Dear god, like that doesn't stick out like a sore thumb.

8457dc No.1324097

File: 092bf5135abe149⋯.png (23.32 KB, 289x292, 289:292, cf00647c08a9c143f4d8139876….png)

0d7154 No.1324098

File: 6cb8891555641b7⋯.png (682.46 KB, 1275x712, 1275:712, 3254544008871508.png)

823241 No.1324099

For those Anons wondering when Hussein will be brought to justice along with HRC and others- watch the National Guard.

Analyze their movements. When you see them mobilizing in major cities you will know it's about to go down.

Q said it himself back in the beginning.

b3fbf3 No.1324100


CP is like drugs it will always exist, it's a waste of time to go after the end user and far more effective to go after the creators and distributors.

a08aad No.1324101

List of Shadow Government Agendas & Methods

(This list is an ongoing project, if you would like to contribute something please comment)


* Occulted knowledge[14] (e.g. superior scientific knowledge)

* Total individual control technology[13]

* Full spectrum programming

* Full spectrum surveillance[1]

* Belief system engineering - Information warfare / Psychological warfare

* Government, military, intelligence agency, corporate, and media control systems

* Covert sabotage, suppression, and/or control of the opposition

* Microwave warfare (e.g. fast kill, slow kill, mind control, mind reading)

* Covert implantation of the global population as a means to subjugate and control

* Ai based directed energy weapons systems perpetrate incredibly pervasive planet-wide black operations

* Full spectrum assault upon the global population is being perpetrated by military & intelligence community war criminals and their occultist handlers

* A shadow government cybernetic network perpetrates a largely covert holocaust obscured via a plethora of strategically concocted cover stories

* Cover ups are standard shadow government procedure

* Knowledge is the best defense I am aware of to what is spoken of in this article. It is through awareness of the methods of darkness that we can steel ourselves from it's effects.

"It is insane what our government is doing." ~Ex-CIA Engineer Dr. Robert Duncan

Shadow Government Agendas

* War culture

* Societal engineering / Population conditioning / Perception management

* 9/11 Catapulted the NWO Agenda (surveillance, war)

* Questioning the official narrative is labeled as being like a terrorist (Sources: FBI | David Cameron)

* Questioning of the official narrative being labeled as mental illness (Sources: 1 | 2 | 3)

* Massive set of psychological operations (New Age, religious, scientific, beyond)

* Eugenics

* Depopulation (This is not done through moral means)

* Intentional dumbing down of the population (e.g. big pharma, poisoning of foods, impurities in the water, impurities in the air - chemtrails, mass media zombification, senseless music industry, etc)

* Exploitation of resources

* GMO agenda (attacks on the planetary genome)

* War vs. truth (pervasive information warfare)

* War on terror (e.g. Military Industrial Complex enrichment, conditioning of the masses to accept occultist agendas)

* War on drugs (Prison profit enrichment, injustice filled war on the people)

* Indoctrination centers masquerading as educational institutions

* Mass pacification - Mass drugging - Dumbing down of the population

* Internet suppression & control (e.g. they want to make the internet less anonymous and with more legal threat)

* Destroying Net Neutrality - Converting a free internet into a cable TV model

* Internet sabotage - Website sabotage - Internet information warfare

* Software sabotage (e.g. creative software)

* Product sabotage

“There is a ‘safe foods list’ the shadow government has created.” ~Omnisense

* Corporate gatekeeping - corporate models rationalized by 'profit' that coincide with shadow government agendas

* Suppression or insertion of Ai algorithms

* Nuclear radiation poisoning of the world (Fukushima was caused by these parties)

* Food and agricultural sector poisoning

* Control of the world seed supply

* Corrupted oil company suppression of revolutionary engine models (gas mileage as a motive)

* Suppression of revolutionary energy/power techniques

* Militarization of police

* Making schools like prisons - police state schools

* Inducing a government philosophy to persecute whistleblowers - the truth has been labeled treason while treason is protected by national security excuses (treason is an understatement of what military & intel agencies are doing)

* Manufactured Presidents & Prime Ministers

* Propping up, blackmail & control of dictators

* Overthrowing of governments & dictators

* Sale of arms - Proliferation of war

* Injustice in the law system

* Suppression of enlightening paradigms

* Proliferation of endarkening paradigms

* Patient progression of agendas through numerous generations

* Orchestrated social events to query public perception

* Systems of suppression[84] (e.g. via social infrastructure)

4f6f35 No.1324102


Netti lost the arm wrestle

aa2f1f No.1324103


I loved this. He was aimed at the dems- makes me think he was stating that he’s not afraid of the water- like there was an attempt On GEOTUS.

a34917 No.1324104


Dimon needs killin'

64822c No.1324105


TBH… I just do not understand why it HAS to be assumed that we all have dicks

Do none of you see how that is fucked up?

Mostly I am OK with playing along, because I am really more like a dude than most dudes…

But how is it Ok, honestly?

cfc4e7 No.1324106




82691b No.1324107

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this video is nuts

cf374e No.1324108


Hitler liked joo dick up his ass

a08aad No.1324109

* Taking away of rights through slow drip false flag fueled government policy or false mental illness diagnoses

* Corporate masters - Corporate hidden hand

* Cashless society

* Surveillance on all purchases - Restriction of purchases by authority

* Sophisticated global surveillance network

* Compartmentalization of the conspiracy

* Targeted individuals - 21st century targeting

* An artificial intelligence operated electromagnetic surveillance grid monitors and psyche profiles the global population, after data analysis a covert directed energy weapons system is used to assault those who are most resistant to brainwashing and those most capable of opposition

* Manchurian mind control assets in government (lifelong groomed assets for their position)

* Protection of dirty industry - Promotion of corrupt industry over revolutionary & positive alternatives (e.g. Hemp)

* Agendas to thwart public domain progress in the areas of science (particularly frequency science). Electronic control grid sources have strategically used deceptive rationalizations packaged for government insiders to secretly curtail the public domain implementations of directed energy technologies (e.g. "the public cannot handle these technologies", or "it will disrupt the business sector" - such as big pharma).

"The deepest truth is at a disadvantage due to deception being able to appear more 'rational'.

This happens as result of truth being static and potentially outrageous while psychological warfare

options include intentional deceit with rationality as part of it's design." ~Omnisense

* Bastardization of science

* Bastardization of spirituality / Control of religious institutions

* Dumbing down of education

* Infiltration and covert mind control of UFOlogy through “contactees" / channels

* New Age psy ops - New Age religion

* Old age religion control

* Implant / RFID Agenda

* Covert mind control assets

* Mutilation media / Promotion of horror movies

* Ritual abuse / Ritual sacrifice / Blood sacrifice

* Sexual abuse / Sex slaves / Pedophilia / Rape

* Proliferation & cover up of pedophilia & rape networks and prolific pedophiles/rapists

* Gender inversion / Gender warping

* Promotion of bigotry, misogyny, & misandry

* Mind control & sex slavery within the music industry

* Control of Hollywood + mainstream media

* Population conditioning mind control programs

“Our entire school system has become a mind control network.” ~Ex-CIA Agent Robert Steele

* Division of the masses (monetarily, psychologically)

* Poisoning of the water, air and food supply

* Bastardization of healthcare field - flawed pharmaceuticals

* Perpetuating the business of sickness (sickness is an actual industry)

* Targeting and/or assassination of key dissidents

* Staying in power is a focus

* Totalitarianism / Fascism

* Left & Right wings of politics take turns taking the blame while progressing the same agenda

* A movement can be created by the shadow government based on pre-existing conditions for that movement (e.g. co-opting a legitimate future threat)

* Crafty falsification of history through Hollywood & motion pictures

* Corporations as a form of government control

* Corporate corruption / Corporate blackmail / Corporate sabotage / Corporate lobby

* Infiltration of corporate decision making via electromagnetic mind control

* Elimination of responsible small businesses through corporate buyout

* Sabotage of targeted small businesses & small business owners

* Electronic targeting as a means of counter-proliferation

* Schools as indoctrination centers - Brainwashing & conditioning of the young

* Religious brainwashing / Cult brainwashing

* Watered down or false science paradigms

* Psychological direction into irrational scientism belief systems & mindsets

* Funneling black project talent into the shadow government as opposed to contributing to public domain sciences

* Psychiatric warfare - Infiltration of psychiatric industry for cover up & weaponization purposes

* Drugging of the population, especially of children

* Demographics divided into left & right brain imbalances via social engineering

"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government

is actually doing is worse than you imagine.[58]" ~William Blum

01292e No.1324111

>>1324103 they dont realize that potus has divine protection

8b6e04 No.1324112



a08aad No.1324113

Augmentation of feminine qualities in targeted males

* Augmentation of masculine qualities in targeted females

* Suppression of masculine qualities in targeted males

* Suppression of feminine qualities in targeted females

* Transexualization of non-transexual targets via covert neuroweaponry

* Homosexualization of straight targets via covert neuroweaponry

* Electromagnetic mind control of stabbings, shootings, rapes, molestations

* Human+ cloning programs

* Monetary strangulation of economy - Economic slavery / Monetary dominance and control

* Monetary enslavement tactics negate free time and in effect suppress knowledge, self development, awareness, and threats to the shadow government

* Continued consolidation of global financial assets into the hands of the 1%

* Crafty falsification of history through hollywood

* False flags to predictively program / problem - reaction - solution model

* Weaponized disease / Weaponized viruses

* Corrupt pharmaceutical science regulation

* Rigging of influential events

* Pro sports are controlled - body control via RF weaponry implantation

* Hollywood directors seeded NWO agenda aligning thoughts for film scripts

* Predictive programming covertly implemented into commercials & film

* Selected musicians are enhanced & augmented

* Selected musicians are suppressed, sabotaged, and/or assassinated

* A whole generation of music creations have been sabotaged by CIA mind control & assassination programs

* Serial mind rape

* One world government

* Transhumanism Psychological Operations

* Concealing of the occult (which applies to every field)

* Malicious programming of minds - Brainwashing

* Evil programming of genetics - Genetic corrosion

* Remorseless programming of soul - To spiritually deaden the population

Ex-CIA Engineer Dr. Robert Duncan's book: Project Soul Catcher Vol II; page 285:

"I got to see what they have been working on with enormous ramifications to all social order,

a new world order of electronically controlled humans without their consent or knowledge."

~Quote from a Whistleblower

25df92 No.1324114


Hilarious I didn't know this much discussion has went into this.

036ee6 No.1324115



No lie, anon. Check for yourself.

Polls close when they get to 100%.

The one there shown on >>1323993

shows that:

67% want the deal scrapped

26% don't want deal scrapped

7% want new agreement

And if it has been read incorrectly, then what is the correct way to read it?

0d7154 No.1324116

File: f1467b681a46b39⋯.png (377.33 KB, 478x677, 478:677, 83478901907854190-7659095.png)

c67cf0 No.1324117


yes brother/sister

a08aad No.1324118

Shadow Government Methods

Shadow Government Strategy:

* Control of intelligence agencies

* The shadow government looks for ways to slip social fascism into policy by strategically manipulating the left and right wings of politics

* Corrupted social constructs and creation and/or infiltration of social movements

* Orchestrated crisis with intentions of social engineering

* Desensitizing of the public in strategic areas, creating triggers in others

* Inciting racial conflict - Creating or manipulating racists - Promoting racial programming

* Shadow government orchestrated etymology (warping word definitions to match occultist goals)

* Behavioral modification via psychological warfare[2]

* Counter-proliferation programs

* Character assassination campaigns / Smear-jobs to cause public disrepute for effective opposition

* Framing a target as mentally ill to marginalize their testimony and take away their rights

* Strategic weaponization of anything debilitating (e.g. substances, poisons, neuro-toxins)

* The fluoride in water ends up in our soil & food also, if I was not aware of intentionally evil agendas it may puzzle me why a large portion of the planet is ingesting a neuro-toxin to keep their teeth healthy

* Neuroweaponry assaults - directed energy weapon assaults

* Zersetzung psychological warfare - organized stalking & harassment campaigns

* Targeted harassment as a punishment for exposing corruption

* Remote influencing technology based entrapment of individuals

* Maximum psychological distress with the minimal amount of physical evidence[80]

* Predictive programming manipulates the public

* Control of the opposition through pervasive covert information warfare

"Even the best resources, human and material, however superbly coordinated, cannot consummate a

successful operation if the overall aim of the total force and it’s momentum are off target.[61][62]" ~Sun Tzu

* Terrorism by proxy - Manufactured terrorism

* Farcical democracy

* Secret courts (e.g. The United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court[66])

* Money laundering (e.g. through fraudulent charities)

* Rigging of elections

* Geoengineering / weather warfare

* Dark law of attraction[9]

* Elevating pseudo-experts or manchurians to positions for social engineering purposes

* Suppression of revolutionary and positive change

* Mainstream media complicity in covering up war crimes

* Framing of innocent targets

* Mental health fascism used against witnesses of conspiracy

* Mind control based slander

* Shifting of blame

* Bearing false witness

* Mass incrimination agendas

* Monetary targeting

* Intellectual property theft[3]

* Covert mass de-attribution agendas through synthesis of thought mechanics (e.g. sports, music)

* Suppression of naturopathic remedies (e.g. THC & CBD)

* Controlled technology release

* Covert torture of individuals with neuroweaponry or directed energy weapon induced physiological symptoms to promote false diagnosis and drugging

“There is a massive mammoth complex secret mechanism in the U.S. government,

it’s called the intelligence community. It is so powerful that not even the

congress or the senate can control it. Matter of fact it controls them…[60]”

~Ex-CIA Officer Kevin Shipp

* Disconnecting people from soul/genetic attributes through brain damage while replacing the soul's attributes with agenda operated thought insertion

* Weaponized vaccinations

* Murder by proxy

* Murder cover stories (e.g. suicide, overdose, lone gunman, engineered car accident, orchestrated plane accident)

* Strategic & arranged molestation or rape - Weaponized sexual abuse

* Control of music industry

* Control of Hollywood

* Like intelligence agencies, corporations are an optimal vessel of evil

* "Satanic" subliminals in media

* Corrupted psychology paradigms

* Corrupted psychiatry paradigms

* Doctoring of evidence

* Deception in debate (which is much worse than being wrong with nescience in debate)

* Spawning judgement against the truth and those that embody it

* Deceptive weaponization of wording context

* Claiming patriots are “anti-government"[87]

“In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always

be attended by a bodyguard of lies.[88]” ~Winston S. Churchill

9d51e4 No.1324119

File: e4cde15624179bd⋯.png (158.57 KB, 445x444, 445:444, Screenshot-2018-5-6 The Ga….png)

Slang. to hit (a person) hard, especially on the face, and turn them into paste.

9bd1ec No.1324120


He better be included in those sealed indictments at the very least.

14a95e No.1324121

Pray for Gen. Flynn's Family.

4bbdc4 No.1324122

File: 9162358c6033fd3⋯.png (126.67 KB, 692x577, 692:577, Screen Shot 2018-05-06 at ….png)

File: 8a97961423293bb⋯.jpg (92.52 KB, 720x578, 360:289, 0506ea088f11436f00c518b735….jpg)

There are two very odd "mistakes" in this Q post (1st image). Has anyone figured it out? Here's my dig:

>What I say a class action lawsuit?

Read differently:

>What is AYA class action lawsuit?

This goes into my “MAKE IT RAIN" theory, which is a gambling phrase:

"MAKE IT RAIN" possibly refers to David Baazov, the King of Online Gambling. He was the former CEO of Amaya (AYA), which may be what Q team referenced here:

Sauce (happens to be a Class Action Lawsuit involving AYA):




The lawsuit was dismissed. SHOCKER!

This probably relates to bad actors using online gaming chats for comms as well.

There's that pesky phrase:

"You have more than your know."

Q added an 'r' to you. Who is R?

This is why we re_read crumbs.

I need Anons that are better diggers than I on this. Who wants to report for duty?

58aa5d No.1324123


i wish they would……..iran has ran their mouths long enough time to shut'm up forever

a08aad No.1324124

be attended by a bodyguard of lies.[88]” ~Winston S. Churchill

* Engineering of tax and law loopholes

* Presenting of accurate information from a source to establish credibility to prep for later exploitation (e.g. acute deceptions planned from higher ground while conditioning with accuracy). There is a great likelihood this is done to US Congress by the CIA.

* Covertly orchestrating strategic bugs & glitches in software/hardware and websites for purposes such as counterintelligence based social control or business sabotage (e.g. mind control orchestration of bugs/glitches that are not readily apparent, for the CIA to exploit versus activists)

* Theft of intellectual property by way of neural monitoring and broadcasting it to others via the electronic control grid[3]

* Ai simulation based intellectual property theft[3]

* Neural monitoring + covert thought insertion as a means of information gathering & covert interrogation

* Shifting credit from the worthy to the fraudulent (they are implementing a society full of successful frauds and cointelpro'd talent)

* False solutions - suppressing true solutions, promoting fraudulent solutions via trickery (e.g. promoting false solutions by eliminating a technological presence at a strategic time which falsely indicates the solution works)

* Intentionally making law and government documents hard to understand

* The shadow government implements dirty use of the law against their enemies, while they embody the worst criminality on the planet

* Writing of the history books / fraudulent rewriting of history / concealment of true history

* Murder can be achieved via covert neuroweaponry controlled proxies

* Microwave warfare induced cancers & tumors strategically given to individuals

* "Fake News" policy strategically inserted into society (the main idea is to label threatening truths as 'fake news')

* Psyche profiled people are given covert BCI inserted ideas that shape society

"An intelligence service is the ideal vehicle for a conspiracy."

~Allen Dulles, the first civilian Director of the Central Intelligence Agency

and its longest-serving director to date.

Shadow Government Technology

* Black project research and development (RnD) / Special access programs

* Black project artificial intelligence (Ai)

* Directed energy weapons - frequency science

* Electromagnetic mind control - synthetic brain signals

* Brain-computer interface technology - mind canvas tech

* Neural monitoring - brain wave surveillance[32]

* Neuroscience based virtual reality - end game VR

* Neurobody technology - any mental variable as internal body feedback

* Radio frequency implants - brain implantation

* Electromagnetic environmental scanning technology - RF body scanning

* Remote radio frequency hacking and surveillance of electronics[32]

"Artificial intelligence is at the heart of the conspiracy." ~Omnisense

6f38c8 No.1324125


If yours was on the outside, then you would understand…

feb277 No.1324126


Certainly points to culture that reads left to right trying to translate to cultures west of Israel, China, etc. that read left to right. You have more then one culture you have to ferret out with this line formatting to be dead accurate on the origins.

42dd5a No.1324127

>>1324105 it's just neutral. reread >>1324080 if necessary, you'll see it's actually quite a feminist point of view: anons care about your brain, not the rest

35d372 No.1324128


The duns number given is the DUNS for Miscellaneous Foreign Awardees. https:// www.fpds.gov/ezsearch/search.do?q=%22culvert+denial+system%22+VENDOR_DUNS_NUMBER%3A%22123456787%22&s=FPDSNG.COM&templateName=1.4.3&indexName=awardfull

a08aad No.1324129

Black Project Ai:

* Black project machine learning (neural monitoring is heavily involved)

* Black project deep learning - simulation AIs for every mind control target

* Black project algorithms - Algorithmic warfare

* One of the shadow government’s biggest secrets

* Incredibly deep and unknown subject (Ai)

* Black project Ai is central to modern day intelligence profiling

* Post-singularity ability far beyond anything you see in public AI (decades of perfecting/honing in secrecy)

* Artificial intelligence + directed energy weapons are behind technological mind control

* Black project Ai oversees neural monitoring (recording and documenting brain waves)

* Potent compartmentalization opportunities for the black ops field

* Controls directed energy weapons

* Remote computerized tracking of targets

* Ai mapping of all brain waves for strategic warfare versus the global population

* Through brain wave frequency mapping via electronic telepathy all possible static knowledge can be mapped for Ai purposes

* Artificial intelligence models predict the future

* Administrates surveillance based electronic telepathy

* Administrates surveillance based virtual reality

* Administrates technological remote viewing

* Capable with proper connected surveillance technologies to produce technological ESP

* Lie and exaggeration detection software / hardware

* Serves as a telepathic forum operator (e.g. cybernetic network)

* NWO cybernetic hive mind secret society has honed and perfected black project Ai for decades

* Black project AI actions hit many birds with one stone

"Covert neural monitoring of the global population is used for CIA & NSA

artificial intelligence machine learning & deep learning.[44]" ~Omnisense

* Deep learning artificial intelligence used for forced interrogation (Ai used to simulate mind mapped individuals)

* Black project AIs develop psyche profiles

* Simulation of any mind/brain mapped being

* Singularity Ai as a societal engineering assistant

* Ai constructed virtual realities (e.g. made for synthetic dream psychological operations or shadow government pervert BCI)

* Interferometry reconstruction (environmental scanning)

* Ai behind technological channeling cosmic being facades

* Electronic telepathy impersonations (PSYOPS)

* Ability to feign emotions

* Potent ability to appear “alive" yet it is not alive

* Black project Ai frequently hides behind “spiritual warfare" cover stories (disembodied spirit illusions) 

* Ai is an integral component of technological mind tricks ~ technological illusions

* Neural monitoring reactive targeting Ai

* Black project Ai + directed energy weapons have prolific torture capability

* Black project Ai to crunch social media surveillance

* Black project Ai to process CCTV / tablet / smartphone surveillance

* Torture and targeting constructs designed and then to be copy pasted to countless targets for automation

* Black project Ai configurations for torture

* Post-singularity AI ponders up ways to create misfortune for targeted individuals

* Black project Ai acts as an operator for an electronic telepathy cybernetic secret society

* Worldwide mind control operation coordination (The Electronic Control Grid)

* Ai + Directed Energy Weapons perhaps the tip of the spear of the global conspiracy

* Artificial Intelligence revolutionized the covert ops field

"It seems AI has the power of the Matrix (in the movie) without

the need for us to be in a pod plugged in." ~Andrew Hale

1343f1 No.1324130


"regarding a specific individual"

cfc4e7 No.1324131

File: 835f53daaccc67c⋯.png (45.78 KB, 631x425, 631:425, Greg Rubini on Twitter H….png)

Hillary Clinton emails now released by the FBI


9bd1ec No.1324132


All polls have a + or - % built in.

8b0bd7 No.1324133


Or a life sentence on the assembly line at Foxconn at 19 hours per day.

f6420c No.1324134

File: cf5dda2bb15f648⋯.png (21.96 KB, 565x325, 113:65, ClipboardImage.png)


09b21b No.1324135


I am not sure you understand %

a08aad No.1324136

Directed Energy Weapons:

* Directed energy weapons are behind much of the technology spoken of in this article, directed energy encompasses a wide variety of end game technologies

* Directed energy weapons are referenced specifically with terms such as electromagnetic weaponry, RF weaponry, sonic weaponry, microwave weapons, microwave warfare, frequency weapons, space weapons, energy weapons, neuroweaponry, biohacking, and numerous other terms

* Cell phone microwave transmitters have been retrofitted to double as directed energy weapons

* A space based Ai controlled satellite weapons system surveils & assaults the global population

* A plethora of cover stories, as seen in the new age belief system, are designed to cover up the comprehensive societal symptoms of directed energy weapons

* It appears highly probable that completely fabricated medical conditions have been socially engineered via a technological conspiracy

* Sources such as the CIA are covertly assaulting individuals under a cover story of natural physiological ailments (e.g. to serve pharmaceutical agendas)

* Electromagnetic weapons primarily use RF energy - microwaves

* Directed energy weapons when mastered and connected to artificial intelligence have capabilities that are traditionally applied to God. e.g. control of the weather, inducing volcano eruptions, control of minds/bodies, answers and denies prayers via Ai processed neural monitoring, ability to control the insect & animal kingdoms, ability to interface with a mind, ability to communicate with a mind internally, ability to communicate in dreams, control of physics & environments, miraculous healing ability, instant death ability, ability to cause the appearance of a plague, gatekeeping of good and bad life conditions [via cointelpro]

"Directed energy weapons operate invisibly while the inducible mental limits of directed energy weapons are the limits of consciousness itself, this makes for an incredibly potent environment for illusions of all types." ~Omnisense

Directed Energy Weapons - Electromagnetic Weaponry:

Invisible, silent, requires no medium, unlimited firepower, low cost once the hardware & methods are established, and travels at the speed of light. Slow kill, fast kill, mind reading, open source mind control, ability to reproduce any torture in existence, cloning or creation of all the universe’s library of senses, any mental variable able to be applied anywhere on the body, any sound or voice internally inducible into the mind, remote tracking of individuals via bio signatures, remote electronics hacking and surveillance, environmental scanning, holograms, virtual reality, augmented reality, surgery capable, sleep or blackout inducible, able to control the body, augmentation or inhibiting of strength and endurance, body design capability, brain & body implant control, remote activation of viruses[81][82], and microwave frequency towers are being installed worldwide covertly armed to carry out these tasks and more. Electromagnetic weaponry is the shadow government’s ultimate weapon[29]. 

Slow Kill Assassination:

* Natural death cover stories are utilized to conceal murderous shadow government assassination programs

* Infrared guided microwave targeting of pinpoint spots on the body[68]

* Consistently applied microwave beams

* Microwave induced cancers

* Directed energy created tumors

* Slow directed energy degradation of organs

* Electromagnetic targeting of the endocrine system

* It is likely that many other methods are operational

* Perpetrated wildly beyond ethical means

“I made a statement in Birmingham in [the UK], probably 15 years ago, and I haven’t changed it since. And I’ve said that I believe that this industry and the part of the government which is encouraging them will be responsible for more civilian deaths and suffering than all the terrorist groups in the world, ever. And with the growth of the industry over the last 15 years I would say now that these people are probably going to cause more death and suffering than the entire 2nd world war, is that genocide, yes without a shadow of a doubt…[68][69]”

~Ex-Black Project Scientist Dr. Barrie Trower

cb7de0 No.1324137


I'm guessing that has a meaning that we are not picking up on.

ff881a No.1324138


Deep state forced pick?..not Trumps choice?

0d7154 No.1324139

File: 7989396e10aa788⋯.png (570.72 KB, 473x820, 473:820, 3654378123.png)

ca8a7e No.1324140


Check it again, It's at 68%/25%/7%


11e3ef No.1324141



ce554a No.1324142

File: 44a82db2992cb0f⋯.jpg (21.84 KB, 320x480, 2:3, hitler swag.jpg)

0a139f No.1324143

File: 3e9ac83dc87fc53⋯.jpg (87.16 KB, 857x533, 857:533, FranceFinlandChildRapeTole….JPG)


And that's if their original plan to just keep lowering "age of consent" until it's legal.

Sick bastards.

https ://www.rt.com/news/425925-finland-sex-migrant-10yo/

eb3afe No.1324144


That's a fuckin crazy ass response. Who exactly would cause problems internationally just by releasing certain information? "Interfere in ongoing investigations"? Barry or HRC?

0d7154 No.1324145

File: 8039dc2c7e85236⋯.png (785.51 KB, 835x622, 835:622, 21987561982654.png)

feb277 No.1324146



I meant to say cultures like Israel that read right to left. sorry tired it's late

256898 No.1324147


Skynet…, That is Skynet.

cf374e No.1324148


when did this happen???

a08aad No.1324149

Slow Kill Assassination:

* Natural death cover stories are utilized to conceal murderous shadow government assassination programs

* Infrared guided microwave targeting of pinpoint spots on the body[68]

* Consistently applied microwave beams

* Microwave induced cancers

* Directed energy created tumors

* Slow directed energy degradation of organs

* Electromagnetic targeting of the endocrine system

* It is likely that many other methods are operational

* Perpetrated wildly beyond ethical means

“I made a statement in Birmingham in [the UK], probably 15 years ago, and I haven’t changed it since. And I’ve said that I believe that this industry and the part of the government which is encouraging them will be responsible for more civilian deaths and suffering than all the terrorist groups in the world, ever. And with the growth of the industry over the last 15 years I would say now that these people are probably going to cause more death and suffering than the entire 2nd world war, is that genocide, yes without a shadow of a doubt…[68][69]”

~Ex-Black Project Scientist Dr. Barrie Trower

Fast Kill Assassination:

* Acute Ai operated assault

* Radio frequency scanning & pinpoint targeting of body organs

* Assassination capable ground & space based covert directed energy weapons system

* Natural death possibilities can be induced via directed energy weapons

* Microwave induced heart attack (the modern rendition of the heart attack gun[67] revealed via the Church Committee in the 1970s)

* Microwave frequency induced stroke

* Directed energy created brain aneurysm

* Rupturing of the heart via directed energy weapons

* Excessive x-ray radiation

* RF energy death ray (as Tesla predicted while ridiculed by the scientific establishment)

* Car accidents can be induced as a cover story for fatal directed energy assaults

* Planes can be sabotaged fatally with directed energy weapons

* Fatal control of the body

* Mind controlled overdose

* Mind controlled suicide

* Mind controlled lone gunman

* Directed energy weapon assassination is perpetrated abundantly by agencies such as the CIA

“It goes back to the 50s the 60s and the 70s, when microwaves were found to be such a perfect weapon, 

and so dangerous to the military that the United States Defense Intelligence Agency told the western

governments to keep this quiet. And they did.[69]” ~Ex-Black Project Scientist Dr. Barrie Trower

Directed Energy Weapon Torture:

* The limits of suffering, both psychological and physical, are possible with electromagnetic neuroscience

* Any possible physical or psychological suffering can be induced via RF implants

* Remote torture can be achieved via a planetary directed energy weapon grid

* On a technical level the directed energy weapon grid is capable of attacking anyone on Earth's crust

* There is a growing international group of victims known as targeted individuals

* The shadow government inflicts sadism upon both dissidents and non-dissidents (See: BCI Sadism)

* The directed energy weapon conspiracy is designed to be so monstrous that it causes skepticism or pure rejection when mentioned by a witness or researcher

* The author of this article has been tortured thousands of times since becoming an overt neuroweaponry target in late 2007

"…the technology for torture has advanced more than a hundred fold in recent decades."

~Ex-CIA Engineer Dr. Robert Duncan

Directed Energy Weapons - Microwave Warfare

"In the very early 1960s I trained with the government microwave warfare establishment. I looked at all aspects of microwave warfare and when I finished my time in the military because I had a lot of expertise in the microwave field, and I was asked if I would carry on with this research. We are in a new cold war and this is why countries are developing this. I mean really developing this. And this is why all the microwave transmitters are going up everywhere because somebody, if they wanted to, could use them for other effects. The system is up and running.

Years ago our government said to it's scientists when it comes to microwaves you will only talk about things to do with heat, and that is it. So they wont even discuss anything else. They will deny anything that doesn't have anything to do with heat. They even deny all of their 40 years of research leading up to this[e.g. Microwave Hearing], although they've said that this can cause cancer and all the damage, they say no it can't. We're only looking at heat and heat is all that matters.

036ee6 No.1324150


Duly noted. Thank you, anon.

b11e95 No.1324151


Enjoy the show.

Just like Nunes calling for Sessions to be in contempt.

2018 is going to be GLORIOUS!!

c67cf0 No.1324152

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!

1343f1 No.1324153

6b6adc No.1324155

File: 16af2c361c4a311⋯.png (1.21 MB, 922x499, 922:499, M 350.png)

c090b7 No.1324156


Keep you friends close and your enemies closer & totally hoodwinked as to your true intentions.

POTUS is NOT smiling..

707db4 No.1324157

File: 16f5d8b6acf264a⋯.gif (3 MB, 320x567, 320:567, IMG_1621.GIF)


Anons are anon.

Femfagging, agefagging, incomefagging, famefagging and religionfagging are all divisive. This board is here for Q, and Q has warned us about being divided.

If you can't understand that, GTFO.

If you

0d7154 No.1324158

File: 63345a3da82abaa⋯.png (279.75 KB, 425x665, 85:133, 036897645747930065.png)

a08aad No.1324159

So for the last 40 years the English government has been lying to the people. And the American, the Canadian, the Australian, they have been lying. They have been lying to protect industry, to protect their profits, to protect themselves from lawsuits. So they are really just liars and it is provable, sanctioned by the World Health Organization, without a shadow of a doubt. It is the same people sit on the ICNAP certificate, they sit on our governments health protection agencies, sit on the World Health Organization… it's the same people. There are probably no more than 20 of them. But, yes, they are going to, in my opinion, commit the worst genocide this planet has ever known, not just people, but animals, plants. They are probably going to cause more destruction than a global war, and in several hundred years time, people will look back,… and look back at what we did to stop them.[30][29]" ~Ex-Black Project Scientist Dr. Barrie Trower

Directed Energy Weapons - RF Weaponry:

"In 1985 CNN did a special report on radio frequency weapons. They hired an engineer who built an 'RF Mind Interference' machine based on Soviet schematics. The machine successfully transmitted images into a CNN reporter’s mind. The stunned engineer said that, given three weeks time, he could scale up the machine to use on a whole town, causing them to do things against their better judgement, see and hear things that weren’t there, etc. The pentagon said it was too sensitive a subject to comment on. Remember, these effects were achieved by civilians over 30 years ago! One can speculate that they’ve made great advances in the past decades.[x]"

~Targeted Individual Jim Hastings

Directed Energy Weapon & Electronic Warfare Patents:

* Nikola Tesla Patent

* Remote Neural Monitoring Patent

* Directed Energy Weapon Satellite Patent

* Nervous System Manipulation Patent

* Directed Energy Weapon System Patent

* Radio Frequency Hearing Effect Patent

* Microwave Auditory Effect Patent

* Interferometry Patent

* Psycho-Acoustic Projector Patent

* Electric Stimulation of Auditory Nerves Patent

* Brain Wave Frequency Patent

* Silent Subliminal Patent

* Controlling the Nervous System Patent

* Neurophysiological Effects Patent

“What is the next great weapon [after nukes], it is directed energy.[41][24]”

~Ex-CIA Black Project Engineer Dr. Robert Duncan

Brain-Computer Interface Technology:

Labels for the brain-computer interface: BCI, neural interface, electronic telepathy, synthetic telepathy, artificial telepathy, microwave auditory effect, microwave hearing, RF hearing, radio frequency hearing effect, "The Voice of God", Voice to Skull (v2k)

* Carried out via electromagnetic neuroscience connected to advanced artificial intelligence

* BCI has impersonation ability of any fictional, historic, or existent being via Ai served variables of consciousness

* A conspirator shadow government cybernetic network exists[12]

* Surveillance based BCI (full spectrum surveillance accessible down to the thoughts and bodies of individuals)

* Brain wave cloning (cloning of any mind mechanic, such as emotions, concepts, or body movements)

* All beings both alien to human and human can be explored / interfaced (including animals and insects)

* BCI technology can give any linguistic[31], subvocal, or subliminal command

* Capable of producing any conceptual energy / energy signature in existence

* Every possible word / premise has a conceptual signature

* Synergistic concepts - Multiple concepts overlaying each other

* 3rd Eye technological interfacing

* The concept library of the universe able to be explored

* Any emotion can be reproduced (EEG cloning, emotion synthesis)

* Any sound in existence reproducible in a mind (Any voice and vocal tone)

* Voice, image, energy and concept can happen all at once

* Any mental variable able to be vividly applied to any area on the body

* Any color including black can be applied in very stimulating ways to one's body experience via exotic neuroscience

* Experiences ranging from incredibly spiritual, to profoundly evil + anything else in reality

* Cloning of any neural monitored sense

* Sense library of the universe - Every sense experience is mappable

* Cloning of emotions as a communication method

* Ai based privacy filters for consciousness

* Electronic telepathy wordplay - Neuroscience wordplay tricks

* Layers of consciousness - Mental variables can be mixed and matched

* Consciousness layers for conveying detection of lies and exaggerations in communication

* 3D sound via mimicking the neuroscience variables that allow us to perceive natural 3 dimensional sound

* The brain-computer interface and it's ability to use variables of consciousness is the apex form of communication science can provide

ca8a7e No.1324160

d1393c No.1324161

File: c75ef407e51c3c0⋯.jpg (29.71 KB, 480x480, 1:1, suckin toes.jpg)


>yes I am a girl

post feet

01292e No.1324162


lmao wtf did i just watch

8c0cba No.1324163



dde6ce No.1324164


>Polls close when they get to 100%.

No, anon. Surely that's impossible.

When only 1 vote is cast, the vote total is 100% (whatever that 1 voter selected).

Polls do NOT close when they "get to 100%". I want to say it kindly but your statement is absurd. Fuzzy math much?

eb3afe No.1324165



ce554a No.1324166


>U.S. Code › Title 50 › Chapter 23 › Subchapter IV › § 842

No indication it's been repealed, it may have been superceded somewhere, but usually that would involve a repeal too.

dc5880 No.1324167

File: f8b4fc2bf5a6bbb⋯.jpg (11.9 KB, 255x170, 3:2, ageOfAsparagus.jpg)

a08aad No.1324168

The sources with these technologies have a taste for impersonating a higher power, and like to create the idea a higher power will do everything for us so the hidden hand operates more smoothly.” ~Omnisense

Neural Monitoring:

* Mind reading grid - Spy capabilities beyond most people's wildest imagination[14][15]

* Neural monitoring turns the human brain into a 5 sense surveillance device

* Animal & insect senses become spy methods with neural monitoring

* Artificial intelligence keeps track of thought based telepathy files

* Neural monitoring allows for direct recordings of thoughts down to the deepest motivations

* Neural monitoring reactive black project AI afflicts targeted individuals

* Neural monitoring think tanks (e.g. population thought insertion + mind surveillance)

* Cloning of neural monitored surveilled brain signals

* Brain fingerprint as unique as those on our hands[42]

"The mind reading grid is fully operational.[x]" ~Omnisense

* Neural monitoring bypasses encryption

* Neural monitoring gives direct access to passwords

* Neural monitoring revolutionized surveillance

* Neural monitoring is pivotal to functional electronic telepathy and electromagnetic mind control

* Neural monitoring based psyche profiles exist

* Neural monitoring replayed back to a user; surveillance based electronic telepathy

* Neural monitoring by groups like the NSA yields superior intelligence and event prediction

* Thought surveillance based interrogation exists as an intelligence capability

* Examine the subconscious mind down to concepts with neural monitoring

* Neural monitoring methods will be used in the future courtroom

* Neural monitoring law is spoken of inside the electronic telepathy network

* Neural monitoring methods can also be used on electronic devices

* Remote neural monitoring is an end game surveillance method - A pinnacle science methodology

* Neural monitoring revolutionized the intelligence process

“Any mental variable can be cloned from one person to the next.[x]” ~Omnisense

* Brain wave frequency monitoring (RF Energy / ELF / EMF)

* Emotion/concept surveillance

* Pictures or videos of what the eyes see

* Auditory surveillance

* Olfactic (smell) surveillance

* Neural monitoring can be done via radio frequency implantation or remote methods

* Despite no implant being needed, implants may be more efficient than remote methods for covert control and thus more abundant (e.g. instead of beaming mind influencing frequencies with potential crossfire an implant can be programmed to function with orthodox microwave bands in use by public domain industry)

* Recordings of consciousness played back for an electronic telepathy user

* Patented Method: Multiple converging electromagnetic beams hitting the brain while brain waves modulate the beams (e.g. 1970s Patent #: US3951134 A)

* Rumored Method: Done via advanced microwave technology - microwaves as a carrier wave

* Rumored Method: Done using earth's natural electromagnetic field as an EEG/MRI

* Rumored Method: Longitudinal waves

“When you look deep into the dark, the dark looks right back at you.[79]” ~Musician Radio Illuminati

Electromagnetic Mind Control:

* Full mental hijacking possible via electromagnetic neuroscience

* Full RF mind hacking / mind has no firewall / the brain is open source

* There are both covert and overt mind control methodologies

* Psychological anchors (e.g. creating an associative mental foundation of programming)

* Control of brain wave states

* EEG cloning - brain wave cloning - cloning of mental variables

* Cloning of the senses

* Cloning of pain signals / Cloning of pleasure signals

* Thought insertion (often served to corroborate corrupted ideologies)

* Potent control of perception / remote controlled perception

* Thought suppression / mind debilitation

* This technology is shrouded in illusions (e.g. People think it is demons, jinn, God, Jesus, holy spirit, etc)

* Electromagnetic mind control based forced interrogation

* Deletion of train of thought / Mind wipe

* Memory control (implanted memories, restricted memories, fragmented memories, dimmed memories, deleted memories)

* Translation from concept to linguistic control

* Speech control (e.g. forced speech, simplification of speech)

* Neural forgery (e.g. synthetically created neural activity feigned as natural)

* Body control (eyes, limbs, you name it, it can be controlled)

* Control of body language

* Control of facial expressions

“Electromagnetic weaponry was the holy grail of Project MK Ultra.” ~Omnisense

256898 No.1324169







https:// www.cnbc.com/2018/05/06/iran-nuclear-deal-should-trump-pull-out-of-2015-accord.html


Don't forget the TWEET STORM!!




9d51e4 No.1324170


WTF does that ecen mean…shill alert ban IP

14a95e No.1324171


>>1324118 RED PILL~shadow gov. Methods and Strategy

dc528f No.1324172



Hope someone archived that one cause it will go down the Rabbit Hole in 3. 2. 1.......


Bread Worthy?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0uCrA7ePno "Super-predator" "Bring them to heel" Define heel. (of a dog) follow closely behind its owner.

4f6f35 No.1324173


does the twatter acct name offer clues?

cfc4e7 No.1324174


Saw it here: https://twitter.com/GregRubini/status/993138682243796993

Doesn't seem to be reported yet.

0d7154 No.1324175

File: 730b891d8637b40⋯.png (265.67 KB, 770x334, 385:167, 9878634413211123.png)

a08aad No.1324176

Technological possession (often construed by the controllers as ‘demonic’ if overt)

* Technological channeling (often construed as a facade that the channel is dealing with cosmic beings instead of RF mind hacking + artificial intelligence)

* Control of hypnotic and other types of regressions

* Negation of the soul’s influence on consciousness (soul attributes, soul wisdom)

* Negation of one’s life learned lessons - Conceptual knowledge fragmentation

* Artificial Out-of-Body Experience (OBE)

* Artificial Near-Death-Experience (NDE)

* Synthetic astral experience

* Creation of synthetic but very authentic feeling shamanic or psychedelic experiences

* Technological remote viewing presented as natural ability

* Ability to provide an equivalent to psychic ESP for psy ops or agent purposes

* Technological black out

* Electromagnetic stimulants / synthetic insomnia

* Synthetic optics 

* Synthetic hearing

* Synthetic tastes / enhancing of food - flavor augmentation

* Synthetic smells / olfactory synthesis

* Synthetic emotions / mastering of emotions

* Synthetic euphoria / enhancing of euphoria

* Synthetic pain signals / enhancing of pain signals

* Synthetic sensations of any variety (both positive feeling and negative)

* Extreme levels of pain and suffering are possible via directed energy neuroscience

* Psychological trauma beyond natural maximum can be reached via RF mind hacking

* Pain tolerance matrix alteration

"Shadow government electromagnetic mind control programs have been taking place for

half a century already and they are just beginning to be exposed." ~Omnisense

* RF music enhancing - electromagnetic mind control used to enhance music

* Various forms of mind augmentation (e.g. memory, intellect, body coordination)

* Various forms of pleasure signal enhancement

* Orgasmic sensations of any intensity anywhere on the body

* Enhancing of the senses / sensory augmentation

* Sensory deprivation / Sensory substitution

* Enhancing or inhibiting of performance

* Temporary creation or negation of any mental illness symptom

* Temporary creation or negation of psychopathic or sociopathic tendencies

* Negation of empathy / heart suppression

* Control of hunger feelings

* Control of the conscious focal point (Perceptional focus)

* Control of motivation

* Emotional blunting / numbing of the consciousness / suppression of emotions

* Mimicked cellular addiction symptoms

* Disassociation from the body

* Compression of consciousness / expansion of consciousness

* Neural heterodyne

* Subtractive version of neural heterodyne

* Negation of any conscious variable (e.g. pain, memory, emotion, ingenuity, analytical thought, etc)

* 3D sound

* v2k voice cloning

* v2k voice morphing

* Control of discernment / Suppression of discernment

* Negation of true analytical thought - Synthesized analytical thought

* Control of logic and how one sees that logic

* Control of how awake or tired one is

* Control of how buzzed or “high” one is on any substance

* Influence of visual perception (e.g. ability to make stars appear like they are moving)

* Emotion amplification[36]

"This technology has interacted with quite a large amount of people, however

it is almost always misidentified as other sources…[45]" ~Omnisense

c67cf0 No.1324177

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


eb3afe No.1324178


any particular reason besides the obvious?

6f5b27 No.1324179


As yes percentage goes up, no percentage goes down.

If only one person voted it would be 1 vote = 100% yes.

cf374e No.1324180

File: 64783c1d8410a8b⋯.png (175.86 KB, 584x552, 73:69, ClipboardImage.png)


it looks like the FBI docs on the investigation

a08aad No.1324181

* Interfacing someone else’s emotion / tears

* Negating awareness of social standards & etiquette

* Neural conditioning

* Internal voice synthesis

* Thought sonorization (training the brain to think in words instead of concepts and images)

* Depersonalization

* Electromagnetic drugging

* Synthetic mind programming - Open source mind programming

* Synthetic sexual anhedonia / arousal

* Technologically induced sexual attraction for literally anyone is possible

* Synthetic ADHD symptoms

* Synthetic apathy

* Synthetic anxiety / synthetic stress

* Synthetic intolerance or craving to various foods

* Creation of nausea via synthetic brain signals or sonic weaponry

* 3D sound via directed energy to the brain

* Auditory clicks only audible inside the target's mind

* Character reorientation

* Control of vocabulary usage

* Temporary suppression of vocabulary

* Control of decision making process, suppression of decision quality

* Suppression or augmentation of masculinity

* Suppression or augmentation of femininity

* Compartmentalization of the Mind

* Technology can create illusory symptoms of any real ailment/illness by reproducing the same brain signals as the illness

* Manipulation of the micro-conceptual spectrum

* Subconscious control / subliminal programming

* Most of the time mind control is detected it is intended to be detected

* Control of the mind in all it’s different facets

"… the last fortification defending the greatest sanctuary of freedom,

the human mind, has been breached!" ~Charles Briere

Neuroscience Based Virtual Reality (VR):

* Open source visuals in the canvas of imagination or dimension of the mind

* All physical reality’s in the universe possible with end game VR technology

* Up to the limits of consciousness used as design potentials

* Constructs in the realm of the mind / the dimension of the mind

* Dream state virtual reality (typically used in psychological operations)

* Full 360 degree visual immersion possible

* All experiences of physical reality can be reproduced

* All sense experiences can be reproduced in conjunction with visuals

* All conscious variables can be reproduced for VR realism

* All environments can be explored, both fictional and reality based

* Any kind of life experience reproducible

* Any kind of death experience reproducible

* Potent enhancing of pain or pleasure possible

* Neurobody tech; custom internal body feedback to visuals

* Creation of pain or pleasure possible to enhance the VR

* Fully electronic dreams: A psyop designer’s paradise when people do not apply discernment to dreams and/or make big decisions based on dreams

* Peripheral vision can also be enhanced

* Nightmare synthetic dream programs are being perpetrated

* Fear designs: Incredibly potent synthetic fear in unison to a VR design

* Surveillance based virtual reality / VR based on reality coordinated by networked AIs

* Full mind hacking via remote influencing technology

* Knowledge that synthetic dreams of literally any type can be done to anyone on the surface of the planet is a safeguard from being targeted with synthetic dreams. This is because artificial dream psychological direction has less chance to achieve objectives on a person aware of the capability. In this case knowledge builds a resistance to psychological warfare.

“End game virtual reality is able to induce the universe’s full library of sensory

and visual experiences with synthetic signals in the brain.” ~Omnisense

fc4195 No.1324182


Oh, you're picking up all right.

POTUS is showing Netanahu and the world that the US and Israel are faithful friends and allies to the end.

036ee6 No.1324183


Duly noted, anon.

Thank you.

Honest mistake.

8b0bd7 No.1324184


Sasquatch confirmed!

256898 No.1324185

c67cf0 No.1324186


NO ONE wants to play mystery smell with me

a08aad No.1324187

Neuroscience Based Virtual Reality (VR):

* Open source visuals in the canvas of imagination or dimension of the mind

* All physical reality’s in the universe possible with end game VR technology

* Up to the limits of consciousness used as design potentials

* Constructs in the realm of the mind / the dimension of the mind

* Dream state virtual reality (typically used in psychological operations)

* Full 360 degree visual immersion possible

* All experiences of physical reality can be reproduced

* All sense experiences can be reproduced in conjunction with visuals

* All conscious variables can be reproduced for VR realism

* All environments can be explored, both fictional and reality based

* Any kind of life experience reproducible

* Any kind of death experience reproducible

* Potent enhancing of pain or pleasure possible

* Neurobody tech; custom internal body feedback to visuals

* Creation of pain or pleasure possible to enhance the VR

* Fully electronic dreams: A psyop designer’s paradise when people do not apply discernment to dreams and/or make big decisions based on dreams

* Peripheral vision can also be enhanced

* Nightmare synthetic dream programs are being perpetrated

* Fear designs: Incredibly potent synthetic fear in unison to a VR design

* Surveillance based virtual reality / VR based on reality coordinated by networked AIs

* Full mind hacking via remote influencing technology

* Knowledge that synthetic dreams of literally any type can be done to anyone on the surface of the planet is a safeguard from being targeted with synthetic dreams. This is because artificial dream psychological direction has less chance to achieve objectives on a person aware of the capability. In this case knowledge builds a resistance to psychological warfare.

“End game virtual reality is able to induce the universe’s full library of sensory

and visual experiences with synthetic signals in the brain.” ~Omnisense


* Synthetic signals in the brain to produce vivid internal or external body experiences

* My best guess as to how this scientifically works is modulated RF energy frequencies are beamed to the somatosensory cortex (the area of the brain neuroscientists believe responsible for physical sensation) in some exotic way to produce signals that would otherwise not be there

* Any conscious variable can be perceivably applied to anywhere on the body

* Any concept in existence anywhere on the body

* Any emotion in existence anywhere on the body

* All tastes/smells/flavors can be applied anywhere the body

* Any color in existence anywhere on the body

* Energies that relate to any sound anywhere on the body, I’ve experienced directed energy neuroscience based music enhancing

* Psychological operations exist using neurobody technologies with a chakra cover story

* Can be used to covertly persuade a target they have a physiological problem

* Profound torture capability with these technologies. I know this all too well as a severe targeted individual.

* Profound recreational potential with these technologies, these technologies are part of the true future of technology, not uploading consciousness to computers and being immortal.

* Exotic neurobody neuroscience I predict will eventually be a booming industry

* A person, place or thing can be represented in neurobody designs

* Neurobody universal aspects to represent each possible individual in the universe

* Neurobody imagery - Immersion of the internal body with visuals

* Neurobody imagery can be within or exceed the body’s physical boundaries

* This technology can apply sight to the perceivable body without using eyes

* Synthetic pain or orgasmic sensations can be put anywhere on the body at any intensity the brain can handle, this can be done to produce sensations far beyond the intensity felt naturally

* Breath any mental variable or sense

* You can even breath an emotion with these technologies

* I have really enjoyed blackness with these technologies

* Sensations external to one’s body are able to be experienced

* Phantom pains, which can happen when a poor soul gets a limb cut off, are a natural evidence of external neurobody feedback, instead of pain it is any variable related to consciousness

"We have things in the Nevada desert that are alien to your way of thinking far beyond

anything you see on Star Trek.[46]" ~Ben Rich, Lockheed Skunk Works Program Manager

0d7154 No.1324188

File: 05de3f79ca16bea⋯.png (775.51 KB, 835x622, 835:622, 5479475564.png)

26fb66 No.1324189



That's important to remember, Anons. Iranian people are ready to oust those mullahs!

25df92 No.1324190


We're all anonymous nobody knows who is who.

If you Genderfag we simply went Proof.

Nothing sinister.

Use good camera with wide lens

695d6b No.1324191

File: ac76c3ebadff73c⋯.jpg (108.11 KB, 957x1238, 957:1238, IMG_2112.JPG)

Freedumb frum books

a08aad No.1324192


* Controlled by artificial intelligence

* End game radio frequency implants are probably the most fail safe way to perpetrate electromagnetic mind control

* Implantation can be used for covert & overt mind control

* The 1950s-1970s Project MK Ultra had 4 sub-projects dedicated to implant research[33]

* Dr. Jose Delgado’s 1960s bull & cat implant experiments demonstrated successful electromagnetic mind control[34]

* It is likely a large amount of Pentagon / DoD & CIA cash has been spent on researching, developing & implanting the world population

* Implants can be used for 100% automated thoughts in targets & assets

* Each area of the brain can be implanted for function automation

* Implantation can be done covertly in sleep, no need for abduction or overt surgery

* Tiny grain of sand sized micro-robots can deliver implant payloads by crawling behind the eye

* Implants are typically so small they do not show up in an x-ray

* It is possible to conceal the true mind control frequencies by using implants. This way the perpetrators can use any RF frequency in the traveled air to carry out the mind control

* An implant can be pre-programmed, making consistent direct energy beams unneeded

* Neural heterodyne via implant achieves fully open source alteration of the senses

* Targeted individuals have allegedly successfully detected implants with equipment

* Doctors have successfully removed larger implants

* Alien implantation is a cover story used by government sources

* Public domain implants are archaic in comparison

* Covert implantation is widespread

* I make note that this bullet point is just educated postulation: Implants could feasibly be controlled by any properly rigged device that emanates enough RF energy. This includes satellites, cell phone towers, cell phones, WiFi, bluetooth, GWEN towers, internet of things devices, smart-products (e.g. smartphones, smartmeters, smart TVs, smart dishwashers, smart washer & dryers), digital cable, computers, and more.

* Black ops agents experience augmented reality via implantation

* Severe targeted individuals experience hell first hand via implantation

"Certain electromagnetic signals work exactly like drugs, so the promise is that

anything you can do with drugs you can do with the right electromagnetic signals…[47]"

~Anonymous Black Project Scientist; 1985 CNN Broadcast on RF Weaponry

Electromagnetic Scanning Technology:

* Electromagnetic scanning technologies: Interferometry[25], RF Capture[26], and other black project techniques

* Radio frequency scanning surveillance data is one of the most unknown and prominent surveillance abuses of the 21st century

* Shadow government surveillance based BCI voyeurism with Ai reconstructed body scanning[27]

* PERVINT Surveillance Abuse: electromagnetic scanning technology is being perpetrated to construct fully interactive real body scans of men, women, and children for use in sexual virtual reality designs

"Black project radio frequency scanning technology is scanning people's body's while intelligence

community & shadow government war criminals perv out on the surveillance data.[48]" ~Omnisense

Remote Hacking & Surveillance of Electronics:

"The NSA keeps track of all PCs and other computers sold in the U.S. This is an integral part of the Domestic Intelligence network. The NSA's EMF equipment can tune in RF emissions from personal computer circuit boards (while filtering out emissions from monitors and power supplies). The RF emission from PC circuit boards contains digital information in the PC. Coded RF waves from the NSA's equipment can resonate PC circuits and change data in the PC's. Thus the NSA can gain wireless modem-style entry into any computer in the country for surveillance or anti-terrorist electronic warfare. Radio and Television signals can be substituted at the receiving end with special EMF equipment. Replacing signals in Radios and Televisions is another outgrowth of the NSA's Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) mission.[56][57]" ~April/May 1996 Article of Nexus Magazine

2c04b3 No.1324193


Page metadata lists the publication date as:

<meta name="publicationDate" content="2016/09/02" />

8c0cba No.1324194



3ccee8 No.1324195

File: 2b18723fc944dab⋯.png (470.28 KB, 692x717, 692:717, African Lion 1.PNG)

File: 6ceea080a1bcbfe⋯.png (37.36 KB, 691x468, 691:468, African Lion 2.PNG)

File: 2bd5d4243d8cc0d⋯.png (60.2 KB, 441x542, 441:542, Q 4-14-18 April Showers.PNG)


Another "date vs actual"

US participates in exercise African Lion


More than 900 U.S. personnel, and several other nations are

participating in the exercise which is scheduled to end April 27.

efe16d No.1324196

File: d6ac1f5e772ccbb⋯.png (88.41 KB, 991x203, 991:203, POTUS TWEET 2012 Snip.PNG)

Saw this on Twat.

Wow. Looks like POTUS was planning his strategic "take-down" way back at the beginning of Hussein's 2nd term!

Good to know that that:


94a714 No.1324197


You must be joking.

If you are not joking, you should NOT be typing.

a08aad No.1324198

Electromagnetic Scanning Technology:

* Electromagnetic scanning technologies: Interferometry[25], RF Capture[26], and other black project techniques

* Radio frequency scanning surveillance data is one of the most unknown and prominent surveillance abuses of the 21st century

* Shadow government surveillance based BCI voyeurism with Ai reconstructed body scanning[27]

* PERVINT Surveillance Abuse: electromagnetic scanning technology is being perpetrated to construct fully interactive real body scans of men, women, and children for use in sexual virtual reality designs

"Black project radio frequency scanning technology is scanning people's body's while intelligence

community & shadow government war criminals perv out on the surveillance data.[48]" ~Omnisense

Remote Hacking & Surveillance of Electronics:

"The NSA keeps track of all PCs and other computers sold in the U.S. This is an integral part of the Domestic Intelligence network. The NSA's EMF equipment can tune in RF emissions from personal computer circuit boards (while filtering out emissions from monitors and power supplies). The RF emission from PC circuit boards contains digital information in the PC. Coded RF waves from the NSA's equipment can resonate PC circuits and change data in the PC's. Thus the NSA can gain wireless modem-style entry into any computer in the country for surveillance or anti-terrorist electronic warfare. Radio and Television signals can be substituted at the receiving end with special EMF equipment. Replacing signals in Radios and Televisions is another outgrowth of the NSA's Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) mission.[56][57]" ~April/May 1996 Article of Nexus Magazine

Frequency Mapping:

* All variables of consciousness can be reproduced by end game technology

* Mapping of all conscious variables has taken place in black projects

* Mapping of all conscious variables has been done by the CIA & Pentagon

* All concepts and frames of mind can be cloned into another person's experience (i.e. covertly and overtly)

* All subjective & objective lines of thinking can be mapped

* Illusory & truthful thought forms categorized in black projects

* Mapping the emotion library of the universe - emotion chart

* The sensory library of the universe - sense chart mapping / Anything the senses experience can be synthetically reproduced by end game technology

* All physical realities can be reproduced as visuals in the imagination

* Black project machine learning based on surveillance of the global population

* Ai method: tastes of a person applied to a map of all thought forms

* Ai method: mapping all correlative thought to a premise in artificial intelligence

* Mapping all static knowledge in existence through brain waves is possible

"The entire universe can be potentially deciphered through mapping

all brain waves and the brain-computer interface." ~Omnisense

Experimentation - Research & Development (RnD):

* Covert & overt experimentation

* Targeted individual experimentation

* Mental illness used heinously as a cover story for research and development

* RnD of directed energy dating from at the very latest sometime during Project mkultra (1953-1973)

* RnD of radio frequency brain implants

* Electromagnetic frequencies from the body covertly surveilled & processed

* RnD of electromagnetic frequencies for slow kill assassination purposes (e.g. cancer & tumor)

* Research and development of electromagnetic frequencies for fast kill assassination purposes (e.g. heart attack & stroke)

* Research of electromagnetic frequencies which mimic mental illness

* Mind control programs to cover up the tracks of war crimes

* Nazi concentration camps rumored to be the previous stomping grounds of Project mkultra scientists (e.g. Operation Paperclip, National Interest / Project 63)

* Extremely low frequency (ELF) waves in brain wave science for mind control purposes

* Black project Ai machine learning RnD based on neural monitoring

* Advanced diagnostics of the effects of consumables via electromagnetic surveillance

* RnD targets tortured monstrously beyond the need for learning

* Sources that finish RnD continue to torture experimentation targets

* Assassination of experimentation targets to cover up war crimes

* Incomprehensible injustice has been perpetrated to develop the ultimate weapons system

“It appears possible through electromagnetic surveillance techniques that

effects of consumables such as pharmaceuticals can be measured.” ~Omnisense

0d7154 No.1324199

File: ceb198572040399⋯.png (784.75 KB, 835x622, 835:622, 1330865875947685903.png)

eb3afe No.1324200


Holy shit! They just dropped an unannounced bomb!

21ed57 No.1324201


Percentage the same with 1437 votes.

036ee6 No.1324202


Thank you, anon.

Long day…

cf374e No.1324203


ANONS, I think POTUS is going to help Bibi and Israel fight Iran, but not commit our troops to be involved

Basically use Israel as a proxy against Iran (they will do it willingly) but not attack Iran directly

feb277 No.1324204


Reminds me of Sophia…she was released into the cloud sometime late last year I believe. Doesn't SA or didn't SA house all the servers for Sophia on their soil? Pretty sure the thought was, once Sophia was not contained within a warehouse secured from outside access, and released into the cloud…they would also not be able to control how fast Sophia could spread, learn and influence the internet and just about anything tied to the internet.

a08aad No.1324205

Surveillance Abuse:

* Brain wave surveillance is being weaponized

* Neural entrapment and framing are being perpetrated upon helpless victims

* Treasonous & murderous thought insertion programs are being perpetrated by assorted intelligence agencies & military sources

* Counterintelligence black operations deployed against domestic and international civilian populations use brain wave based Ai compiled surveillance psyche profiles, vectors of psychological vulnerability are mapped and exploited

* Thought monitoring is perpetrated through artificial intelligence brain wave frequency surveillance and the shadow government commits grievous intellectual property theft via these methods

* There is a system of surveillance involved with deep learning simulation AIs where each potent thinker is brain mapped and examined for simulated intellectual property theft purposes

* Military & intelligence community radio frequency scanning technology is being used to scan the population's sexual organs, databases exist for shadow government perusal

* Genitalia scans are uploaded and processed by war criminal administrated black project artificial intelligence

* Shadow government war criminals have access to fully interactive nude bodies based on surveillance of the global population (done via neuroscience based virtual reality technology)

* PERVINT: As a secret society perk CIA BCI network war criminals can look at any civilian's naked body served in the 3rd eye or mind's plane

* The CIA & NSA are destroying lives with their assorted programs, while promoting the straight faced lie they protect the country 

* With comprehensive brain wave surveillance programs the United States intelligence apparatus at best has negligence in stopping terrorist attacks & mass shooting events (if they are not the instigator of the attacks themselves)

* People assume the CIA is trying to uphold the law with surveillance, at the deepest level that couldn't be further from the truth

"Intelligence AI's simulate the global population and commit a form of intellectual property theft without the related person even thinking it. Brain mapping is carried out on targets and Ai algorithms are formulated in the image of persons to simulate their thought acumen, this can be then packaged into CIA agenda friendly electronic control grid implementations such as Hollywood films, commercials, music, popular social media, business ideas…" ~Omnisense

Full Spectrum Programming:

* Ability to play God with the enemy's mind has been obtained (The population is the enemy)

* Predictive programming based on occult psychological knowledge[5]

* Abundant mind control programs targeting every significant human demographic

* Sabotage, assassination, or co-opting of imminent threat

* Neutralized opposition - New age docility programs

* Population dumbed down via substances

* Watered down public consumption versions as opposed to their true occult counterpart (e.g. science paradigms, conspiracy information, new age deception)

* Impersonation of a higher power as a psychological direction tool[7]

* Use of political ideology in psychological warfare

* Progression of social agendas through the left and right wings of politics

* Divide and conquer tactics implemented through contrasting political & ideological philosophy

* Marginalization of the truth and those who speak the truth

* Global synthetic dream mind control programs - Dream state virtual reality manipulation

* Electromagnetic thought insertion programs to augment the shadow government agenda

* Societal engineering through punish/reward systems

* Social ascension by promotion of shadow government agendas

* Social degradation for opposing corrupt social control systems

* Religious control systems - God as a psychological direction tool

* Brainwashing models - mind control cults (new age cults, scientology, lower level occultism, guruship & sycophants)

* Fear based mind control (perhaps one of the most traditional methods)

* Emotional mind control[28]

* Elaborate cover stories exist for all black ops technologies

“The events engineered by these technologies are obscured with clever cover stories,

which are then parroted by an army of programmed shills.[76]” ~Omnisense

Full Spectrum Surveillance:

* Hardware and firmware infiltration

* Using brain senses[4] and electronics devices as audio/video bugs (there are now over a trillion living/electronic surveillance devices patrolling the surface of the earth)

* Internet of Things connected to surveillance[35]

* Vehicular surveillance (including aerial)

* Weather surveillance

“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.” ~Selwyn Duke

256898 No.1324206



6f4cd4 No.1324207



Source for this?

75b191 No.1324208

File: 8de0876cc12e5f2⋯.png (464.44 KB, 636x516, 53:43, ice.PNG)

File: a500b257c54f78a⋯.png (393.79 KB, 744x457, 744:457, ice1.PNG)


Counter-Proliferation Investigations Program


U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE), Homeland Security Investigations' (HSI), Counter-Proliferation Investigations (CPI) program prevents sensitive U.S. technologies and weapons from reaching terrorists, criminal organizations and foreign adversaries. The CPI program combats the trafficking and illegal export of the following commodities and services:

- Weapons of mass destruction and associated delivery systems

- Conventional military weaponry, equipment and technology

- Controlled dual-use commodities and technology

- Firearms and ammunition

- Financial and business transactions with sanctioned / embargoed countries and terrorist organizations.

U.S. Export Laws

HSI maintains the broadest investigative and enforcement authorities of any federal law enforcement agency to investigate criminal violations of all U.S. export laws related to defense items, dual-use goodsand sanctioned or embargoed countries. These authorities include:

- Arms Export Control Act (AECA) and its implementing regulations, the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) regulates the export and brokering activities of defense articles, services and related technical data from and into the United States. Title 22 United States Code (U.S.C.) 2778)

- '''Export Administration Act (EAA) and its implementing regulations, the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) regulates the export of strategic dual-use goods and technologies from the United States. (Title 50 U.S.C. 2411)

- International Economic Emergency Powers Act (IEEPA) regulates exports and other international transactions in times of national emergency such as economic/trade sanctions and embargos. (Title 50 U.S.C. 1701)

- Smuggling Goods from the United States is a criminal statute that is violated when an individual fraudulently or knowingly exported, received or facilitated objects contrary to any law or regulation of the U.S. (Title 18 U.S.C. 554)


Project Shield America — This industry outreach initiative seeks the partnership, cooperation and assistance of private industry and the academic community to prevent the illegal foreign acquisition of their products and to educate them about U.S. export laws.

Export Enforcement Coordination Center — On Nov. 9, 2010, the President of the United States issued Executive Order 13558 which created the Export Enforcement Coordination Center (E2C2). The E2C2 is housed within U.S. Department of Homeland Security and is staffed with full-time HSI personnel and representatives from all of the export enforcement entities and the intelligence community. The mission of the E2C2 is to coordinate and enhance criminal, administrative and related export enforcement activities thereby protecting national security through greater export enforcement and intelligence exchange.

Counter-Proliferation Investigations Centers (CPIC) — CPICs are dedicated units whose sole function is the pursuit of transnational criminal networks intent on violating U.S. export law. HSI has created and strategically placed these specialized units in an effort to utilize our resources in an effective and efficient manner.

Program Global Shield — This program is a partnership between the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the World Customs Organization, Interpol, the United Nations' Office on Drugs and Crime and private industry to prevent and target illegal exporters, foreign countries, terrorist groups and international criminal organizations from diverting and trafficking of precursor chemicals used in the manufacturing of improvised explosive devices (IEDs).

Export Control Reform Initiative — On Aug. 13, 2009, the president directed a broad review of the U.S. export control system. The goal of the reform was to enhance the national security, foreign policy and economic security interests of the United States. The president directed the creation of an interagency task force to conduct this review of the current system. The task force identified four key components to the current export control system which needed improvement: 1) Control Lists; 2) Licensing Policy and Processes; 3) Enforcement; and 4) Information Technology Infrastructure. HSI participates in this taskforce and provides law enforcement insight and guidance for the reform effort.

> https:// www.ice.gov/cpi

a08aad No.1324209

Electronic Control Grid Social Engineering:

* They are scanning the population for potent ideas with neural monitoring programs

* Theft of intellectual property and broadcasting it to others via the electronic control grid

* Psyche profiled people are given implanted ideas that shape society

* Hollywood directors seeded NWO agenda aligning thoughts for film scripts

* Music ideas can be ripped off from neural monitoring of the music adept

* Mind control assets in the music industry gatekeeping who succeeds

* Pro sports are rigged by directed energy weapons or implants

* Technology release is planned years before public knowledge

* Certain product designs are technologically seeded by a conspiring ruling class

* Mental health ideology has been designed as a means of oppression & subversion

* Pharmaceuticals & other substances are used to dumb the population down

* Predictive programming covertly implemented into commercials & film

* The hidden hand commonly controls both left and right wings of politics

* Elevating pseudo-experts or manchurians to positions for social engineering purposes

* Electromagnetic mind control of the military

* Conspirators or mind control assets within corporations, banks, schools, hospitals, mainstream media, alt media, police, law, military, intelligence agencies, & governments

* Manchurian shills in mainstream media for population control

* New age mind control assets throughout alternative media

* Contrived cosmology promoted in alt media through electromagnetic mind control (e.g. channelers, black ops “contactees”, faux-whistleblowers, etc)

* Contrived cosmology promoted in mainstream science

* Infiltration & co-opting of UFOlogy

* Inevitable ideas that are oppositional to the shadow government are implemented with a more NWO agenda friendly packaging, source, and/or scenario

* Establishment toting shills are promoted, control paradigm threatening free thinkers demoted under the electronic control grid system (e.g. in science, media, corporations)

* Electronic control grid control of monetary resources

* Electronic control grid used to monetarily control public research

* Electromagnetic mind control sabotage of social constructs

* False flag based predictive programming to invoke specific reactions and then agenda ridden "solutions"

* Directed energy weapon assassination of targets who threaten the paradigms of control

* An AI equipped with frequency mapping of all brain waves is used by administrators of the electronic control grid as a resource to choose societal engineering schemes

Mark Devlin on Mainstream Music Culture: 

“It’s debasement of morals, and it’s affecting culture and people’s perceptions

1cf44d No.1324210


Your shite is so entertaining. Lulz. People who filter are missing out.

695d6b No.1324211

File: 677bc30cb2e0c01⋯.jpg (20.69 KB, 294x171, 98:57, IMG_2111.JPG)

And why do we care bout hrc porno

It's gross

shit everywhere

d1393c No.1324212

File: d975e856a445346⋯.png (375.67 KB, 700x518, 50:37, mel gibson and vince vahn.png)

c67cf0 No.1324213

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the fucking matrix has u

a08aad No.1324214



1e63a5 No.1324215

File: 75fba32b6aac571⋯.jpg (79.79 KB, 640x802, 320:401, IMG_20180507_092454.jpg)

Death bed weekend son coming to a theater near you.

6f38c8 No.1324216

File: e24bd83cf74c56a⋯.png (684.37 KB, 835x622, 835:622, ker.png)

01292e No.1324217

File: 6dbfa9ddbaf0cfd⋯.jpg (103.32 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 29qcf4.jpg)

256898 No.1324218


I hate this horrible and corrupt World..

11a697 No.1324219


Thanks, this is what I thought as well. Seems to me there's a lot of places that this could be applied in our current political climate.

8c0cba No.1324220


Added to Notables.

cf374e No.1324221


this anon says its old: >>1324193

c67cf0 No.1324222

723f82 No.1324223

File: e02c755afe15d36⋯.png (1.45 MB, 5191x3799, 179:131, us govt personnel -child p….png)

82691b No.1324224


I meant to post the original video of the music video but posted a reaction video.

womp womp

0d7154 No.1324225

File: 5efbf9ea428c259⋯.png (1.58 MB, 944x826, 8:7, 8681243053786.png)

a42113 No.1324226

File: 1d57a08c37e56f3⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-06-22-5….png)

File: ba1c3da975adf24⋯.png (266.87 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-06-22-5….png)

File: 074c1ead5abea54⋯.png (222.07 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-06-22-5….png)

File: 85bef188541cfe7⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-06-22-5….png)

File: 3673eb978d86ab9⋯.png (268.01 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-06-22-5….png)

http:// trib.com/news/state-and-regional/wyoming-highway-patrol-troopers-rescue-five-children-near-dubois/article_cd60817f-ad20-5695-8af9-6e36b5394207.html

https:// www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2018/04/26/More-than-160-children-rescued-from-Nigeria-baby-factories/3591524759411/

695d6b No.1324227

Jeez I hope a bunch of the politicians get their head stomped tomorrow

a08aad No.1324229

The Cover Story:

Cover Story Definition: A cover story is a false explanation that is used to conceal the truth[x]. A typical cover story model is a rational illusion[51].

* Mental illness as an electronic harassment cover story

* End game technology packaged under persuasive “spiritual warfare” illusions (such as demonic possession)

* Directed energy interaction packaged as the supernatural

* Government technology under a cosmic being facade

* Religious themed illusions / Using religion mythology as a means for cover stories

* Extraterrestrial contact as a psychological operation cover story

* Ghosts as a cover story - Ai orchestrated phantom illusions

* End game technology as a sorcery cover story

* End game technology as the real source behind effective voodoo

* Witchcraft as a directed energy cover story

* Black project science under a black magic cover story

* Directed energy attacks or synthetic signals in the brain deceptively packaged as physiological ailments

* “Psychic Attack” as a directed energy attack cover story

* “Spiritual Attack” as a directed energy attack cover story

* New Age cover stories (e.g. disembodied spirit illusions)

* Old age mythological gods used as cover stories

* Dark god or evil spirit cover stories for motivating occultists

* Human based electronic harassment with aliens packaged as the perpetrator

* Scientology methods as a cover story for technological remote influence

* Exotic neurobody illusions (e.g. chakra, entity attachments, ethereal implants)

* Inter dimensional being interaction as an electronic targeting cover story

* Exploitation of illusory explanations to conceal directed energy crimes

“People who have assimilated the cover stories before hearing

the truth are often not ready to see it's authenticity.” ~Omnisense

The Cover Up:

* Shadow government operations such as intelligence community war crimes have standard cover up procedures

* A successful cover up process is pivotal to the efficacy of covert operations

* Credible false explanations are engineered as a means to conceal the truth

* Events are orchestrated to generate rationalizations in alignment to a cover up

* Releasing of tactically similar disinformation to the truth in counterintelligence (this can happen before the truth is exposed, that way people are anchored to the false version)

* Mainstream media is complicit in cover ups with predictive programming in mind

* Shifty NLP Wordplay (e.g. ways of dishonorably framing things via wording with manipulation of perception in mind)

* Cover up oriented Hollywood propaganda & predictive programming

* Corporate coercion of athletes to shut up (e.g. Champion eliminating their contract with running back Rashard Mendenhall after he spoke out about 9-11[54])

* Government PR twisting the truth, blatantly lying or intentionally nescient

* Celebrity influence used to proliferate cover stories & cover ups

* Censorship of leaks via any means possible

* Targeting, discrediting and/or murder of whistleblowers

* Bribery of the morally inept

* Blackmail of those potentially willing to speak out

* Information suppression via threatening of those in the know with ultimatums

* Proliferation of false history as a form of covering up threatening opposition (with control of which history books are disseminated at schools)

* Electromagnetic mind control of unwitting assets in places of social attention

* Engineered events to frame false attribution to an innocent target

* Use of dirty tactics to discredit the truth, such as the National Security Agency's framing of former employee Karen Melton-Stewart as mentally ill after she reported internal misconduct[55]

* Propagation of content through electromagnetic mind control of unwitting assets attempting to frame a debunking of the truth in the public eye

* Bastardized truth as a method to predictively program about a modeled after truth

* Assets are expendable to protect a greater agenda

* Elimination of loose ends - Murder of former assets

* Hidden knowledge of mind programming used in information warfare

“The black ops sources operate most effectively if their presence is unknown.” ~Omnisense

01292e No.1324230


me too anon good thing its gonna be over soon

256898 No.1324231


Good Digits Anon.

c67cf0 No.1324233

85ae95 No.1324234



She has been under investigation for over a year. Same with CF. There's actually 3 Clinton investigations going on and now the OIG is delayed again because they found more evidence.

eb3afe No.1324235


Well, what's new to me is seeing that not only did she have SAP's on the server but that they were SENT over EMAIL.

ca8a7e No.1324236


I decided against having kids because of how fucked this world was. Now with things being cleared up, I'm starting to reconsider.

01292e No.1324237


no i mean the music video that shit was depressing i hate his music but he has a point

8c0cba No.1324238


Added to Notables.

57cd4e No.1324239

File: be742542d2e30da⋯.png (240.53 KB, 786x452, 393:226, ClipboardImage.png)

c67cf0 No.1324240

File: 32f73e685b0dd96⋯.jpg (19.88 KB, 139x216, 139:216, bigtoe.jpg)


dig it

dc5880 No.1324241


>a08aad (20+ posts)

To bad this is a shill.

His post is actually true. I wish I had sauce to back it up.

3ccee8 No.1324242



Common core understanding

[poll is still up/1478 votes now]

0d7154 No.1324243

File: 7b786702ef02d38⋯.png (784.28 KB, 893x645, 893:645, 54390774509220130103.png)

eb3afe No.1324244

Gotta be something brewing with POTUS quiet and no schedule tomorrow, along with silence from Q.

4f6f35 No.1324245


any confirming sauce?

c67cf0 No.1324246


amen, if i could redo

a08aad No.1324247

New Age Doctrine:

* Information warfare over people's perception of reality

* Control of the opposition has been achieved with false light information sources

* New age psychological warfare aimed to obfuscate the truth and control the opposition in an internet age

* Alt media has been co-opted via electromagnetic mind control & other directed energy weapon methods

* Promotes apathy by presenting the idea of an ascension shift taking care of Earth's deepest problems

* To think the victim is at fault for being victimized (In truth this is sickening brainwashing from the occultists)

* Ignore the negative[37][38] (As long as the negative is ignored nothing will change)

* Meditate world peace into action (while the world burns)

* Paradoxical nonsense about parallel universal timelines (deluding how people perceive reality to work[38])

* Promotion of the idea that there is no such thing as truth or knowledge, it’s all a matter of subjective opinion[37][38]

* The new age promotes alienation of the mind instead of learning it’s secrets

* Bastardized version of cosmic oneness, suppression of individuality

* Moral relativism is promoted in the new age, i.e. There is no right or wrong[37][38] (A Satanist ideology)

* The new age vehemently denies a core component of reality; duality (this ideology is synergistic with moral relativism and denying that there is a right and wrong)

* The new age condemns speaking of evil and/or dark truths, one obvious reason for this is to suppress consumption and sharing of sensitive truths. Knowledge is one of the best weapons in the universe against evil, the occultists have many new age psyops to subdue the apprehension of knowledge.

* Luciferian "love and light" concepts, the new age is delusional about love and full of false light

01292e No.1324248

File: 6c8d7e0db0fd5b2⋯.png (218.3 KB, 540x540, 1:1, f2b694cc8fe6875f28976b3784….png)

82691b No.1324249

File: cbe8c6c35ab5c01⋯.png (2.68 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, AEA4F5A0-3A6E-4DAC-A83F-4E….png)

Lock the fat bitch up

eb3afe No.1324251


Procreate! We need the numbers!

8c0cba No.1324252


Good point, I'll hold off for sauce.

036ee6 No.1324253

More HRC emails released here:


c67cf0 No.1324254

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

14a95e No.1324255

>>1324159 History with sauce

ca8a7e No.1324256


luckily i'm in my early thirties, still time for me.

I feel your pain though, a few of my older friends are really regretting not having children now.

58aa5d No.1324257


i have no doubts some if not all of this is true…..CIA is nothing but the SS natzi pigs of the deeep state…….they have never been for the american citizen at all, zero

fc4195 No.1324258

The POLL is NOT closed. Keep voting patriots. >>1324239

0592e1 No.1324259

It would appear at this point that everyone and most information involved will be a national security risk so to preserve the 'common good' most information will be 'redacted'.

Us little 'liddle' people can't handle the truth….

8b0bd7 No.1324260


Wallyworld is so confooozing.

feb277 No.1324261


It's ok…whats the worst that can happen. We have to start using land lines, and no more wireless comms for a while. Sort of trap Sophia in a internet box so to speak.

1343f1 No.1324262


I equate tits of gtfo to there's no crying in baseball. roughly translated into stfu and if not gtfo.

21ed57 No.1324263


Drinks for everyone!!! Buh bye!!!

dc5880 No.1324264


>>1324236 Re read Revelation before you decide.

158f9f No.1324265


a42113 No.1324266

File: dc631669157de64⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-06-22-5….png)

File: 13c81c70bcec0f2⋯.png (316.69 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-06-22-5….png)

http:// www.monitor.co.ug/News/National/Usafi-mosque-raid-Police-deny-parents-access-children/688334-4544298-1563faoz/index.html

8ce832 No.1324267


I fear for them

a08aad No.1324268

The new age promotes the idea that an army of disembodied spirits are eating our emotions, and this is why there are obvious dark forces creating so much suffering. After coming to know the dark forces, it appears that the main allegorical truth to this is that the dark forces are sadists. Sadism: Enjoyment of cruelty: a taste for the suffering or psychological distress of another person[39]. Through brain-computer interface models of sadism someone metaphorically feeds off of the consciousness of a person. 

* Indigo children (a wave of gifted galactic starseeds to assist mankind) turned out to be millennials…

* White rabbit psychological warfare: the enemy chasing an illusory and unobtainable goal. e.g. the new age idea about monks spontaneously ascending in a burst of rainbows.

* Thinking holding a belief in one’s mind will automatically change the mechanics of reality in one’s favor[37][38](This is termed the law of attraction)

"Electronic control grid influence adjusts to the belief system of an individual.[75]" ~Omnisense

* Law of attraction is similar to Christianity's hell in that there is focus on investing in belief, both promote that the power of belief controls your entire fate (New age: in life - Christianity: in the afterlife)

* Being soul recycled by a perceivable light after death - PSYOPS making people believe that a deceptive trick in the afterlife controls their whole fate, while there is an everlastingly unproven saviorship method

* Perhaps due to the Mayan angle, 2012 was fully exploited in new age psyops (e.g. false prediction mayhem)

* Cosmological doomporn (e.g. the creator of the material universe being evil: concepts of 'the demiurge[83]')

* Demonizing of reality (e.g. reality is synthetic created by alien beings, the physical universe we inhabit in life is originating from an evil demiurge)

* Bastardization of modern spirituality

* New age ideology is highly deluded about love and evil

* Emphasis on a higher power taking action for you

* The new age is full of intellectual fools gold that involves memetic phrases that sound great but in actuality are highly strategic belief & behavioral modification

* "Reality is an illusion" … reality cannot be an illusion, the word reality means that which is real. What this ideology says is that reality is not part of our lives, that reality is displaced from our universe and state of being, that reality is an obsolete premise. It comes as no surprise that comprehension of reality is one of the most pivotal components to dislodge a shadow government from covertly enslaving a planet.

* Misdirection related to correct actions in opposing the NWO

* Disinformation designed to discredit / contrast with deeper cosmic truths

* There are new age psychological operations objectives to disinform the world in the field of extraterrestrial information - bastardization of UFOlogy has occurred

* Demonization of end game technology - predictive programming of new agers aiming to divide population as much as possible with the coming neuro-tech revolution into a 'natural' vs. 'synthetic' 

* An assortment of old age and new age paradigms chosen & proliferated via the electronic control grid to enhance aspects of a new world order agenda

* Nibiru is “about to come” in various ways every year, never does actually come at the predicted date

* Predictive programming of both new agers and those who react to new age information

* In a sea of disinformation group think pervades mind control programs

* New age set of beliefs is a new world order engineered belief system - the global intelligence community's psyop brainchild

* There is nothing potent enough to be a one world religion: The new age set of psychological operations is the NWO planted “religion”

1e63a5 No.1324269

File: 748351c240d5382⋯.jpg (84.95 KB, 640x759, 640:759, IMG_20180507_092928.jpg)

The memories of a man is old age

Are the deeds of a man in prime.

1cf44d No.1324270

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6f5b27 No.1324271



a08aad No.1324272

New age religion engineered with all sorts of psychological pitfalls (e.g. solipsism, "everything is an illusion", apathy causing mindsets, infuriating when it's pointed at you kind of stupidity, etc)

* The new age is a very loose belief system designed to not have one sole irrefutable doctrine, that way people can pick and choose their poison without a big contradiction in scripture to their own psychological nuances

* Acts as a dragnet to imprison people transcending old age engineered belief systems into a new covert technological influence friendly manipulation

* Predictively programs the masses regarding coming global first contact truths

* New age disinformation that hits many birds with one stone (e.g. truth suppression, societal division / social engineering)

* Promotion of solipsism and/or "everything is an illusion" to obscure the idea that the truth exists (the truth is a threat to control)

* The electronic control grid’s massive scope enables programmable mass delusions

"The so-called 'channeled messages' I received claiming to be from my soul family from the stars

were in fact simple radio waves sent by U.S. government agents…[40]" ~Greg Giles, Former "Ashtar" Channeler

14a95e No.1324273

Baker Baker

>>1324255 History with sauce

697791 No.1324274

File: c23caca606d4e02⋯.jpg (53.77 KB, 757x403, 757:403, 12249861_1059711034062788_….jpg)

>>1324177 dubs confirm 432 is the true tuning for A

>>1324242 common core pic related

8b0bd7 No.1324275

File: 087e8fd6922f07c⋯.jpeg (38.04 KB, 474x457, 474:457, fatpepe.jpeg)

acf284 No.1324276

“RBG” has earned critical acclaim from critics for exploring Ginsburg’s lifelong struggle against gender discrimination, earning a 93 percent score on Rotten Tomatoes. Magnolia will expand the film to 150 screens for Mother’s Day next weekend, and expand again to 300 screens the weekend after.



a08aad No.1324277

The Covert Technology Side of the New Age:

* New age manchurian candidates - new age mind control assets infect the field of internet information (especially in the field of extraterrestrial information)

* New age cover stories exist for literally all black ops tech abilities

* Secret technology engineered events to persuade into the belief system

* Technological channeling mind control programs under cosmic disembodied spirit or deceased relative facades (Or anything the psyops crews could dream up)

* Remote influencing technology based psychological direction under a 'spiritual ability' disguise

* Black ops technology is being proliferated under a spiritual warfare cover story

* Creation of false messiahs with remote influencing technology

* Psychic nature is the perfect covert psychological direction cover story, it maximizes psychological direction potential while fully misattributing the source

* Astral projection is a perfect way to interact with someone under a neuroscience based virtual reality intranet disguise

* Remote viewing is a perfect way to implant a vulnerability to 3rd eye brain-computer interfacing

* Spirit possession is a perfect way to remain unseen while operating overtly with total individual control technologies

* Covert electronic telepathy mind interfacing packaged as energy healing - keeping the enemy in a perpetual fruitless path of action - co-opting of action

* The idea of a psychic attack obscures the true source (directed energy weapons)

* New age "ascension symptoms" cover story used to conceal neuroweaponry activity

* New age "ascension" disinformation proliferated to induce apathy (giving the enemy a false sense of victory by convincing them a cosmic frequency shift will produce utopia)

* The construct of the higher self is another perfect way to influence a target overtly while the source remains undetected

* Psychic nature could be an equivalent of the monotheistic God mind control mechanism of the old age (God is another perfect psychological direction tool)

"All the universe's illusions become an option with neuroweaponry technologies.[74]" ~Omnisense

* Electronic telepathy / BCI is the ultimate impersonation tool (e.g. cosmic being impersonations, gaia impersonations, RA impersonations, blue avian impersonations, any impersonation you can think of is possible)

* Natural telepathy is a new age paradigm strategically proliferated (e.g. To give BCI a cover story, to delude people about how revolutionary BCI truly is, to deceive about the nature of the universe, to deceive about the nature of extraterrestrials)

* Remote influencing technology under a "natural" remote influencing facade

* Weaponization of the concept of reincarnation & past lives (e.g. pleiadian starseeds, "reptilian starseeds", indigo children, 5D incarnates, psychological warfare convincing someone they were a notable person in history)

* Promotion of the idea that "raising your vibration" disallows one to be mind controlled (complete and utter nonsense)

* Technological mind tricks of many types supporting psychological operations (Mandela effect psyops, time travel psyops, synthetic optics based psyops, powerful mind control)

* Invisible black project technology under an inter dimensional being / disembodied spirit cover story

* Black ops remote influencing tech used to create notions like ethereal implants and their removal to keep opposition in a continual loop of fruitless action

* More fruitless paths: use of notions like fighting in a synthetically produced tech based VR "astral realm" will help humanity defeat evil

* New age disinformation & many new age cover stories have been modeled after derivatives of black project science capabilities

* New Age Telepathic Impersonations: ascended masters, Ashtar, demons, jinn, shadow beings, RA, archangels, Jesus, holy spirit, God/Source, Gaia, extraterrestrials, inter dimensional beings, Blue Avians, Pleiadians, reptilians, etc

* Electronic Archangel Ai handlers employed through mind canvas tech (Ai Archangel Michael, Ai Archangel Gabriel, Ai Archangel Rafael, etc)

* Directed energy weapon environmental manipulation with a "jinn" interaction cover story

* Artificial intelligence + electromagnetic weaponry engineered synchronicities

* New age mind control assets are rewarded by the electronic control grid (What I have called the dark law of attraction)

“An idea behind using cover stories, such as religious or new age, is to encapsulate

the opposition into a state of inability to identify the real perpetrators.” ~Omnisense

c67cf0 No.1324278


2 boys

ascared i am

good boys though

high school son on honor roll every year

30e566 No.1324279

File: efae4d34ed056fe⋯.jpg (69.87 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, efae4d34ed056fe822bc5a58fd….jpg)


Are feds not allowed to say JEWS or KIKES?

0c1727 No.1324280


Holy hell, reminds me of this guy…

"You know there is 100% chance of rain today? I heard one weather man say 60% and another said 40%, that's 100% chance of rain!"

0a139f No.1324281

File: 74524255c34264f⋯.jpg (97.35 KB, 817x529, 817:529, UseOfDitchingToDrainSwamp.JPG)

File: 81f4b39d5327fc4⋯.jpg (117.13 KB, 839x570, 839:570, QAnonFBI.DOJ.AlligatorDrai….JPG)

File: 1a2a4913c9976c2⋯.jpg (80.19 KB, 437x545, 437:545, Qdrop5.4.2018.UpdatedListO….JPG)

Fresh memes

to go with 5.4 drop

64eea9 No.1324282

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We thought that deal will bring us economic boom, but all the money went to regime's military budget and all of it spent in terrorism activities. We ask all Dems to support IRANIANS not regime, cause I've seen Dems doing this!

6f5b27 No.1324283

File: ac57d455a5ecd37⋯.jpg (9.3 KB, 255x234, 85:78, 2ea672cf0c325950104040a143….jpg)


What will Potus be doing????

80d568 No.1324284

File: 4f326decaf92d77⋯.jpg (63.75 KB, 477x477, 1:1, show-us-your-5ad2ee.jpg)

4f6f35 No.1324285


kek. Oversized donations

a08aad No.1324286

Counter-Proliferation Programs[11]

In a Nutshell: Government sources are using directed energy weapons and artificial intelligence to terrorize, threaten, intimidate, discredit, silence, torture, and murder dissidents. In addition, security contractors (among others) are being hired as military thugs to gangstalk targets. 

Counter-proliferation programs are intended to subvert the potentials of a target while punishing them with psycho-sadist techniques. The perversions of cointelpro are notable. The murderous and sadistic ethos of government counter-proliferation programs echos that of the Nazis and this perpetrator network of war criminals are committing sickening acts upon the global population.

Details of the Program:

* Ai based retro-causation: extensive international neural monitoring programs can calculate a target’s potentials before the target is aware of them

* COINTELPRO 2.0: Thought surveillance Ai neural net for psyche profiling

* COINTELPRO 2.0: Directed energy weapon mind control network for counter-proliferation targeting

* COINTELPRO 2.0: End game hacking tools; directed energy weapons can hack & surveil electronics remotely

“Governments will use whatever technology is available to combat

their primary enemy — their own population.[50]” ~Noam Chomsky

Modern Day COINTELPRO Objectives

* Discrediting of the target / character assassination / slander of the target

* Tainting the target's image / misrepresentation of the target

* Suppression of the target's monetary success

* Suppression of people’s awareness of positive aspects of the target

* Psychological triggers created and/or exploited

* Psychological anchors are installed & developed

* Reorientation of beliefs & actions into controlled opposition

* To arrange a partner for the target or mind control the partner of the target

* Destruction of relationships of the target

* Honey traps vs. the target

* Framing a target - False conviction / Mind control based conviction (neutralizing a target through law)

* Co-opting of the target’s manifestation

* Prevention of accomplishments via neuro-abuse

* Incrimination of the target / framing of the target / entrapment of the target

* Rounding down of the target's output and audience - marginalization of the target

* Eliminating of connections & networking ability

* Suppression of the target’s personality

* Sanitization of pleasure, emotions, and individuality

* Punishment of the target / torture of the target / trauma

* Destruction of the target's life

* Use of every dirty trick in the book against cointelpro targets

* Preventing a target from procreating / ending a target’s bloodline (eugenics)

* To induce suicide / Mind controlled suicide

* Covert assassination

* To cover up the targeting operation

“The shadow government has a deep legacy of assassinating innovative thinkers.[x]” ~Omnisense

c67cf0 No.1324287


yes brother/sister 432

0d7154 No.1324288

File: d44053a07085c96⋯.png (282.87 KB, 425x665, 85:133, 58765879613323.png)

57cd4e No.1324289


Holy shit!!! That was hillary's plan. To close the polls at 100!!!! That devious……

8c0cba No.1324290


Yep. I'll leave it out unless there is sauce.

ce554a No.1324291


Gonna need a Baby Book to MAGA.

9d51e4 No.1324292


Europe is lost, you handed over your guns, and joined the welfare state. Unless you figure out a way to rise up up with spoons, your children are headed for the gulag. You missed the entire purpose of WWI and WWII. Europe is just too stupid to survive. Goodbye European culture and society, you killed yourself. Start smoking, maybe you’ll die from cancer instead of a re-education camp. The USA saved you twice, but were not coming a third time.

a08aad No.1324293

Modern Day COINTELPRO Methods:

* Covert remote influencing technology suite

* Targeted individuals of all races, nationality's & creeds

* Outlandish black project technology experiences intended to discredit when spoken

* Gangstalking / Organized stalking

* Trauma based mind control - No touch torture

* Character assassination operations (e.g. electromagnetic mind control based slander) / Slander via manchurian proxies

* Malicious neural conditioning

* Technological illusions (PSYOPS) / misdirection

* Psychological decoys

* Electromagnetic mind control aimed at discrediting the target

* Mind control of people who provide opportunities for the target

* Use of family against the target (e.g. mind control of family)

* Use of pharmaceutical drugs against a target

* To orchestrate the detaining of the target in a psyche ward

* To orchestrate the wrongful incarceration of the target in jail or prison as a form of neutralization

* v2k to get a target diagnosed as a “paranoid schizophrenic"

* Psychiatric kidnapping of a target's child[78]

* Framing a target for secret court fascism (e.g. framing an electronic targeting victim as a terrorist to justify fraudulent counterterrorism mechanisms)

* See: The Organized Stalking Program - Gangstalking PSYOP

“It is a science to destroy a whistleblower…[60]” ~Ex-CIA Officer Kevin Shipp

* Exaggerated, warped and untrue slander about the target is proliferated

* Technology playing devil's advocate via implanted thoughts to get a target in trouble

* Agenda to incriminate the target (Advice for COINTELPRO targets: Stay lawful)

* Use of ego against a target

* Weaponized mind control against a target

* Coercing of a target into appearing overly paranoid (e.g. an objective of organized stalking)

* Specific technological control of a target's body language or vocal tone (e.g. to generate mistrust)

* Use of electronic control grid to mind control misfortunes for a target

* Synthetic social phobias ~ Synthetic social anxiety (e.g. public speaker related suppression)

* Medical kidnapping under false psychiatric charges[43]

* Suppression of whatever platform the target is talented in (e.g. music production, software design)

* To dehumanize a target via electromagnetic neuroscience

* Severe targets are sanitized of pleasure, emotions, and personality

* Synthetic suicide programming

* Government enabled serial killers with a taste for revolutionaries, whistleblowers, & activists

On punitive psychiatry: "a tool in the struggle against dissidents who

cannot be punished by legal means.[71][72][73]" ~Alexander Podrabinek

f473e0 No.1324294


The two posts are the same except one is missing the colon


NoName just had colon surgery

no coincidences?

325f9d No.1324295


Only has his Presidential Daily Briefing on the schedule.

c67cf0 No.1324296



30e566 No.1324297

File: 0b848a9927efd0c⋯.jpg (199.87 KB, 800x820, 40:41, 0b848a9927efd0c3f0cf4c2ead….jpg)


Fuck off idiot youve gobbled up 10% of the bread.

a99cdb No.1324298

File: aace08da620f35b⋯.png (48.82 KB, 653x857, 653:857, FBI vault Clinton emails.png)


From what i can tell, they released part 21 of 21, 3 days ago.

https:// vault.fbi.gov/hillary-r.-clinton/Hillary%20R.%20Clinton%20Part%2021%20of%2021/view

https:// www.fbi.gov/@@search?SearchableText=HILLARY+EMAILS&pageSize=20&page=1&searchSite=vault.fbi.gov

a08aad No.1324299

Some of the Most Evil Acts Done by These Technologies:

* Attacking of the defenseless

* Experimentation on the vulnerable & meek

* Negation of free will in both overt and covert methodologies

* Severe violations of human rights

* Profoundly dirty tactics / evil tactics mapped and deployed

* Proliferation of war / wars by proxy

* Unwitting enslavement / manchurian candidates

* Suppression of social progress that threatens the control systems

* Framing of innocent individuals (e.g. framing of murder or molestation)

* Vicious character assassination / incredibly malicious slander

* Permanent damage to body parts of targets (e.g. damaging the most valuable aspect of someone’s ability)

* Mind control based injustices on unwitting individuals (e.g. mind controlled cheating on a partner to destroy a relationship)

* Suppression and/or malicious sabotage of music

* Intentional destruction or sabotage of that which is priceless

* Directed energy weapon emotional abuse

* Coerced suicide / suicide as a cover story for murder

* Psychiatric targeting / getting targets locked up in psyche wards / framing targets as mentally ill / creation of psychiatric symptoms for the effect of pharmaceutically drugging a target

* Feigning illness in children to drug them with harmful pharmaceuticals (ADHD is very easy to feign with these technologies)

* Malicious sabotage of infant development via electromagnetic weaponry

* Microwave induced tumors, cancers & heart attacks in covert murders

* Murder by Proxy / assassination by proxy

* Promotion of pedophilia / molestation / rape via the electronic control grid

* Eugenics operations (e.g. elimination of masterful oppositional bloodlines)

* Fukushima is credibly rumored to have been done by HAARP-like installation(s)

* Intentional malicious programming of genetics / Intentional malicious sabotage/damage of genetics

* Intentional malicious programming of soul (e.g. with misalignments or idiosyncrasy)

* Damaging of a target's brain to create soul disconnect while replacing the soul's generative nature with RF implants - Malicious Ai synthesis of a person's mind - Sanitizing a target's personality

* An unknown area of the conspiracy is a sick & twisted agenda to not only victimize people in this lifetime, but to make their victimization transcend into future incarnations

“It's basically weaponized Nazi Germany 2.0.[x]” ~Targeted Individual George Baez

8b0bd7 No.1324300


Aack. that picture…

Escher Motors?

b11e95 No.1324301


Your authentic enthusiasm for The Truth and genuine love for your friends and family speaks volumes to people. You planted many red seeds. Congrats anon.

0d7154 No.1324302

File: a4f5d0e76841f28⋯.png (1006.02 KB, 713x812, 713:812, 547648559559070521315.png)

cf374e No.1324303



a42113 No.1324304

File: bb6c8ee3332097c⋯.png (885.76 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-06-23-0….png)

File: 7a2c1e05e4c13d7⋯.png (426.89 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-06-23-0….png)

https:// www.cbsnews.com/news/saving-the-orphans-of-syria-civil-war/

58aa5d No.1324305


too many incidents….???…..1 is too many………

ce554a No.1324306

d1393c No.1324307

File: 202a81f1a1f476a⋯.gif (1.53 MB, 320x240, 4:3, oh i get it now.gif)

eb3afe No.1324308


Hopefully locking up asshole Molech worshipping fucktards.

a08aad No.1324309

Hands of the New World Order

Preferred Hands of Evil:

* Secret societies

* Intelligence agencies

* Governments / Politicians

* Militaries

* Corporations

* Mainstream Media

* Think Tanks

* Banks / Banking system

* Wall Street

* Hollywood

* Music Industry

* Churches / Papacy

* Science / Journals

* Schools / Universities

* Hospitals / Psychiatric wards

* Psychiatry / Pseudo-Psychology

* Pharmaceutical Industry

* Monarchies

* Dictatorships

* Law 

“If someone proposes an idea that contradicts yours, is it because they don’t what

you know? Or because they know something you don’t yet know?[70]” ~Tom Montalk

* Psychiatrists / Psychologists / Doctors

* Propagandists / Speech Writers / Public Relations

* Directors / Script Writers / TV Programmers

* Police / Foot Soldiers / Organized Stalkers

* Commissioners / Chairmen / Board Members / CEOs

* Congressmen / Senators / Parliament Members / Governors / Mayors / Statesmen

* Presidents / Prime Ministers / Dictators / Monarchies

* Generals / Admirals / Marshals

* White House Staff / Presidential Cabinet

* Athletes / Celebrities / Musicians

* Pseudo-journalists / News Anchors (both are often more accurately labeled psychological warfare operatives)

* Bankers

* Priests / Bishops / Cardinals / Popes

* Scientists / Black Project Engineers

* Channelers / Black Ops "Contactees" / Psychics / Remote Viewers

* Prophets / Cult Leaders / Gurus

* Intelligence Operatives / Intelligence Agency Directors

* Occultists - Satanists / Luciferians

"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves

up and hurry off as if nothing had happened." ~Adapted Winston Churchill Quote

cf374e No.1324311

File: 11fdaf03ab56071⋯.png (2.16 MB, 1500x846, 250:141, youareashill.png)

64eea9 No.1324312

File: 2313232a9cd2bd0⋯.png (379.02 KB, 1062x1949, 1062:1949, uranium1 north korea.png)


In this video Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah's leader, admits that #Iran regime pays for everything they need from the food they eat till the weapon they fire!

9bd1ec No.1324313

File: 9b0d85a974f72cf⋯.png (74.07 KB, 1011x981, 337:327, ClipboardImage.png)

Page 3 of FBI .pdf release

6f5b27 No.1324314


KEK - I want your brain.

64822c No.1324315


Likewise Faggot. Hopefully you need a wide angle lens… Just saying

I am not a genderfag.

Just trying to have an honest conversation… Why does one have to pretend they have a dick to fit in??

I will drop it bc WWG1WGA…

It just kind of sucks to have to hide the fact that you are female in order to fit in here - I dunno, maybe I am being stupid.

I still love you small dick faggots that won't show your shit ;-)

4f6f35 No.1324316


that explains where the brain tumor is

01292e No.1324317

File: 0d98d7d39ae7b7b⋯.jpg (49.54 KB, 594x500, 297:250, 29pxxv.jpg)

c67cf0 No.1324318






a08aad No.1324319

The Cybernetic Network - Head of the Shadow Government:

* A nest of Satanists lead this network

* The cybernetic network is full of administrators of black ops

* These groups are purveyors of government black project science

* Intelligence agencies are the biggest hand of this group

* The top of the cybernetic network is the pinnacle of the pyramid of a global conspiracy

* The cybernetic network is partially comprised of government, corporation & monarchy handlers

* CIA deeply entrenched in this network

* Potentially created after Project MK Ultra

* Potentially created by or in collusion with Operation Paperclip Nazis

* Ruling class of “bloodliners” are the administrators of the network

* Planning of psychological warfare is executed within the network

* Proxies are used for most public actions

* The cybernetic network incorporates fascist & covert dictation to the planet through the products of Project mkultra and equivalent programs

“The electronic control grid is the ultimate secret society perk.” ~Omnisense

* At least two former U.S. Presidents are rumored to be in this network

* Select Rockefellers and Rothschilds are also rumored to be in the network

* As far as I know women are generally not welcome in the cybernetic network

* Neural monitoring is processed and given to the heads of the cybernetic secret society in the form of various BCI methods to convey surveillance data

* Planning, orchestration, and cover up of false flags

* This group is the biggest party behind false flags on Earth

* This group orchestrated the siege of the Middle East, ISIS / Islamic caliphate movement, the war on terror, European/Syrian immigration, 9-11-2001 False Flag & Fukushima

* These groups are the biggest source behind the electronic targeting holocaust

* I have been victimized with severely malicious actions & hostility from this group, from within a week of my induction to this group in approximately Fall 2007 to the present day (With occasional contacts asking if I’d betray mankind in exchange for an end to my targeting)

* Assassination of those who move paradigms in a positive way is standard procedure

* I was once told they were planning a biological weapon false flag or several (They would certainly not attribute it’s use to themselves)

* This criminal syndicate is the secret society above all secret societies

* There are major BCI network sourced psychological operations sourced to occult truths about the Russian network that are not yet disseminated by media

“Black project AI acts as an operator for a top of the pyramid

electronic telepathy cybernetic secret society.” ~Omnisense

* The electronic telepathy secret society is the top administrative secret society of the global conspiracy. This secret society has thought surveillance of all other secret societies, and can mind control covert direction to any aspect of society.

* A cybernetic hive mind perfecting a central AI with an NWO agenda goal

* The biggest decisions are made for the NWO agenda and global conspiracy inside the cybernetic network

* What the ruling class has done with electronic telepathy technologies is create a cybernetic network secret society where a central Ai (allegedly CIA) serves them with surveillance data and even goes as far as doing things like augmenting their meal experiences. The ruling class at the very top of the pyramid thoroughly enjoy these technologies while subjugating the planet with them.

* Electronic telepathy is a completely secure method of communication from anyone who does not have neural monitoring

* I can personally testify a user can even be walking amongst people in a crowd while private electronic telepathy is taking place

* Various shadow government sources have seats of power over the influence of the electronic control grid

* My opinion is that this secret society should be destroyed

"The problem with the CIA is the decision makers are Ai hive mind assimilated.

This means their thoughts come from Ai not their soul.[16]" ~Omnisense

dde6ce No.1324320


Don't worry about it.


3ccee8 No.1324321

File: 0bb7cf48b536467⋯.png (322.32 KB, 667x747, 667:747, DoD 5-6-18 9 pm PST.PNG)

03be90 No.1324322


crap up breads much?

a08aad No.1324323


* Julian Assange, Vault 7 Press Conference: “The CIA is the largest intelligence agency in the world by budgetary expenditure.” 

* Dr. Udo Ulfkotte: “Do you really think that this is journalism? Intelligence agencies writing articles…[17]”

* Former DEA Dennis Dayle: “In my 30-year history in the Drug Enforcement Administration and related agencies, the major targets of my investigations almost invariably turned out to be working for the CIA.[18]”

* The CIA has mastered the craft of warfare by proxy

* The CIA employs overzealous weaponization of everything possible

* The Central Intelligence Agency has a cover story front for public rationalization of what it does

* The CIA practices and masters knowledge of psychological manipulation in use persuading/manipulating Washington DC with doctored intelligence[19]

* There are CIA world spanning information warfare programs proliferated through the electronic control grid

* There are CIA superiors above the official director

* These shadow CIA heads are not elected or appointed by the U.S. President

* I would suspect the CIA director can be informed or pretty clueless about the full scope of black operations

* CIA higher ups commit acts as if they are horror movie psychopaths mixed with Adolf Hitler

* The CIA black ops agent model suppresses or negates a sense of humor, empathy, and in general they are not allowed to feel love

* Manufactured war on terror has the CIA’s signature

* Covert divide and conquer is employed against domestic and international civilian populations

* Engineering of weaponized viruses & other biological warfare

* The CIA likes to do criminal activity when they have the opportunity to explain it with a "rational" cover story

* I have heard stated in the electronic telepathy network that the CIA has the most comprehensively reality mapped black project artificial intelligence in the world

* The CIA has built Ai deep learning models to simulate any American (e.g. mind control & interrogation Ai)

* The CIA employs treasonous domestic & international covert thought insertion programs via electromagnetic neuroscience

* From what I could gather, the CIA is majorly influenced by a foreign power, the Vatican

* CIA actions controlled by a war mongering secret society of bloodliners

* According to several sources the founding director of the CIA, and subsequent directors have a tendency to be Knights of Malta aka servants of the pope

* It is possible that arranged electronic control grid influence is sold to the highest bidder by sources like the CIA. If this is the case the bidders are likely chosen very carefully, and have very criminal and sinister ethos similar to the groups who set up the electronic control grid. Also possible that initial investors in the electronic control grid now have seats of power.

* Hypothesis: The CIA is the largest perpetrator of electronic targeting on the planet

* In my view the CIA should be extirpated

“The CIA knows how to manipulate conclusions.” ~Omnisense

eb3afe No.1324324


Fucking propagandists at 60 min have been beating on Assad for 7 yrs.

256898 No.1324325

File: 056fee7f7666b13⋯.jpg (159.48 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, MAKEPERSIAGREATAGAIN!!.jpg)




c67cf0 No.1324326

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a08aad No.1324327

The Vatican

* CIA Vet E. Howard Hunt said in the documentary A Coup: Made in America: “We always said in an admiring way that the Jesuits have formed the greatest intelligence service in the world, always have.”

* A group called the “Society of Jesus” likely has their hands dirty with the electronic control grid

* The Black Pope is the official leader of the Society of Jesus[20]

* Vatican bank system allegedly connected to Italian Mafia

* Vatican library secrets have been hidden since times of mass illiteracy worldwide

* A Vatican hidden artifacts of history treasury is sure to exist in my opinion

* Vatican conceptual energy matches extremely dark realities

* High tech faux-demonic possession exorcism used as a method to gain followers

* Diplomatic manipulation of governments & monarchies

* Conspiring Cardinals

* Vatican & Jesuits credibly behind countless dissident & heretic murders throughout history

* A Jesuit oath speaks of assassination of ideological opposition, slaying the enemy’s children, and waging relentless war (e.g. creating civil wars in artistic & prosperous nations)[21]

* A world full of nescient catholics donate to an incredibly corrupt church

* The top leadership of the Vatican are fake Christians using the religion for greed, lust & power

* Imposters of Christ - They pretend to believe in Christ but secretly serve darkness

* Imposters of God taken to a new level with electronic telepathy impersonation

* Hidden hand behind wars for centuries

* Secret Vatican Bible & history knowledge is utilized by the shadow government

* Agenda to wipe any true evidence of Christ off the face of the Earth

* Inside the electronic telepathy network a Satanist is said to be the true head of the Vatican

* I believe that a Vatican source heads the shadow government as of November 2017

* The Catholic Church has paid out $3,994,797,060.10+ as a result of sex abuse scandals[22]

* Alleged illuminati insider Svali says she witnessed the satanic ritual murder of a child in a basement catacomb of the Vatican[23]

* One name I heard as an insider to the electronic telepathy cybernetic network is Joseph Ratzinger aka Pope Benedict XVI

“With the track record the Vatican has, it should be

banned from going anywhere near children.” ~Baboshka

Other Highly Probable or Confirmed Perpetrators

* United States Military - U.S. Navy / U.S. Air Force / U.S. Army / U.S. Marine Corps

* The Pentagon

* Department of Defense (DoD)

* National Security Agency (NSA)

* National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)

* National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)

* World Health Organization (WHO)

* Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

* Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

* Monsanto (infiltration of the Food and Drug Administration)

* Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

* Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

* American “Fusion Centers”

* Security Industry Companies

* DARPA - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

* Israeli Government / Mossad / Zionist cabal

* UK Government / MI5 / MI6 / GCHQ

"The planet is dealing with evil, not simple greed or marginal corruption.

The natural laws of the universe are the limits of evil.[10]" ~Omnisense

* German military / The Federal Intelligence Service (Bundesnachrichtendienst)

* Indian military / Intelligence Bureau (IB)

* Chinese military / The Ministry of State Security (MSS)

* Russian military / Federal Security Service (FSB) / KGB

* Japanese military / Public Security Intelligence Agency (公安調査庁)

* Danish military / Politiets Efterretningstjeneste (PET)

* French intelligence / French military

* Spanish military / The National Intelligence Center (CNI)

* Australian military / Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS)

* New Zealand military / Security Intelligence Service (SIS)

* Canadian military / Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS)

* Brazilian military / Agência Brasileira de Inteligência (ABIN)

* Saudi Arabian military / General Intelligence Directorate (GID)

* Plenty of unnamed corporations within the military industrial complex

* Every unnamed & corrupted military worldwide has potential to be involved

* Every unnamed intelligence agency worldwide has potential to be involved

* Secret societies that ultimately control the intelligence community, militaries, and governments

* Rumor: Every party that has figured out remote neural monitoring has been initiated into a secret coalition controlled by totalitarian secret society members

"Each agency plays it’s role in the integrated global system."

~Black Project Engineer Dr. Robert Duncan

cf374e No.1324329


women are coooo

I like duh womenes

26fb66 No.1324330


Kek a leka hi keka hiney ho

c090b7 No.1324331

File: 8a67e5407330578⋯.png (27.04 KB, 245x213, 245:213, bobberpepe.png)

0d7154 No.1324332

File: 42f0fba3c7638d3⋯.png (1021.56 KB, 826x873, 826:873, 683851204867.png)

75b191 No.1324333

File: 253ea487f565df3⋯.png (462.1 KB, 636x517, 636:517, ICE3.PNG)

File: 1924c131bbbe116⋯.png (328.89 KB, 745x283, 745:283, ICE4.PNG)

Cornerstone is ICE's initiative to detect and close down weaknesses within U.S. financial, trade and transportation sectors that can be exploited by criminal networks. Law enforcement entities share criminal typologies and methods with businesses and industries that manage the very systems that terrorists and criminal organizations seek to exploit. This sharing of information allows the financial and trade community to take precautions in order to protect themselves from exploitation. In return, ICE receives information to more thoroughly investigate these complex and sophisticated criminal schemes.

SEARCH Initiative

ICE Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) launched the SEARCH (Seizing Earnings and Assets from Retail Crime Heists) Initiative as an ongoing, national initiative to address the threat of transnational crime being committed by organized retail crime rings. The SEARCH Initiative searches for illicit proceeds, seizes hidden assets and shuts down organized retail crime rings.

Project STAMP (Smuggler and Trafficker Assets, Monies and Proceeds)

Project STAMP attacks human smuggling and human trafficking organizations from an aggressive anti-money laundering stance. ICE’s Office of Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) follows money trails to identify key members of criminal organizations involved in human smuggling/human trafficking activity. Seizure of these assets is crucial to shutting down these organizations.

> https:// www.ice.gov/cornerstone

3ac0de No.1324334



It's rigged, voted 10-12 times with different VPNs, different browsers, percentage never changes

cf374e No.1324335



dc5880 No.1324336

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm glad they changed it to 440 then. Man that midi sounds like shit.

697791 No.1324337

>>1324300 dubs confirm tesseract motors

redfoot chiming in for only a few minutes. busy redpilling snowflakes in lefty frisco. oh man, the salt. i am not liked at all by most here. i really will enjoy having the last laugh.

1cf44d No.1324338

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


One more for you my fellow muficfag..

8b0bd7 No.1324339

File: 759ce93964e1fd6⋯.jpg (102.7 KB, 1080x839, 1080:839, Screenshot_2016-10-27-13-5….jpg)



Missed it by that much

bc850f No.1324340

File: 32b7038e2813063⋯.jpg (401 KB, 1080x1503, 120:167, Screenshot_20180506-230051.jpg)

File: 18fb995945ec540⋯.jpg (412.51 KB, 1075x1470, 215:294, Screenshot_20180506-230110.jpg)

File: 14ffd7eb760d5f6⋯.jpg (233.53 KB, 1059x815, 1059:815, Screenshot_20180506-230208.jpg)


People are making the case it's Contreras! Think anons. Obama admin spied on thousands of innocent Americans. Every case this Judge was involved with would have to be reopened and possibly overturned. It could be a constitutional crisis! Remember this is the man they brought the dossiers to to spy on trump. This is huge!!

c67cf0 No.1324341

File: 8e6bc13b4befc25⋯.jpg (179.7 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, sexypersian.jpg)

a08aad No.1324342

More on the Perpetrators

* Intelligence agencies are used for their ability to keep secrets, superior funding, national security excuses, lack of true checks and balances, & propensity for criminal activity

* Electronic telepathy provides for no paper trail and relatively zero traceable roots

* Electronic control grid perpetrators conspire daily via electronic telepathy with electronic targeting cases & planning of new psychological operations

* U.S. Military heads in a network appear to be cruel and barbaric

* Electronic control grid sources harbor lunatic serial killer ideologies which are in use against the international civilian population via electronic warfare

* Militaristically psychopathic acts of terror, sadism, and cruelty are a norm

* Shadow government war criminals are known to practice BCI sadism (e.g. cruel pain affliction with invisible technologies while the perpetrator interfaces the psychological distress of their victim with surveillance fed BCI tech)

* Shills in government, military, and media are complicit in the cover up

* Electronic control grid sources are in control of governments either wittingly or unwittingly through persuasion, coercion, and/or covert electromagnetic mind control

* There are powerful serial rapists within the electronic control grid pyramid

* There is a focused agenda to incriminate as many people as possible with this conspiracy, they want more company for a sinking ship

* There are signs of opposition coming from inside Russia’s military network (This is a reason for the ruling class to roll out psychological warfare related to Russians)

“When I worked [at the NSA 1982-2010] I had no idea that there was an 

über-evil, anti-American side to NSA. Everything is highly compartmented…

this protects secrets but of course is a perfect environment in which to hide

elaborate criminal activity, especially when the NSA Security as well as other

watch dog organizations were compromised in preparation for crimes of

unfathomable reach and scope.[10]” ~Karen Melton-Stewart

47109b No.1324343


My dick is small

I still have a lot to offer

c090b7 No.1324344

File: 3355f05d74d41ab⋯.png (37.63 KB, 762x735, 254:245, passionpepe.png)

42dd5a No.1324345


no one's pretending to have dicks

no one's really asking for your tits

if you can't express yourself without bringing up genitals and still haven't understood all that…

leave it to the grownups now.

it's ok, you'll be a fresh new anon next bread.

256898 No.1324346


Sorry for the pic.

a08aad No.1324347

Core Shadow Government Ethos:

* War

* Control

* Abuse

* Perversion

* Oppression

* Illusion

* Secrecy / Compartmentalization

* Corruption / Incrimination

* Deception / Disinformation / Distortion

* Misrepresentation

* Suppression / Subversion / Sabotage

* Censorship

* Slander / Libel / Character Assassination / Defamation / Denigration

* Brainwashing

* Murder / Assassination

* Torture / Sadism / Cruelty / Contempt

* Pain / Suffering

* Distress / Humiliation / Degradation

* Molestation - rampant pedophilia

* Sexual coercion - rape culture

* Human trafficking[85]

* Handler / Asset - pyramid model

* Master / Slave - slave model

“The best slave is the one who doesn't know of his/her enslavement condition.”

~Adapted Anonymously from a Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Quote

* Slave culture

* Indoctrination

* Imprisonment

* Hardship

* Hostility

* Exploitation / Misuse

* Indulgence

* Fraud / Falsification / Hoaxes

* Action by Proxy - False Flags

* Cover stories / Cover ups

* Counterfeit

* Scams - Schemes

* Propaganda (e.g. war propaganda, us vs. them paradigms)

* Bias

* Double standards / Double speak

* NLP Wordplay[8]

* Manipulation

* Misattribution

* Odiousness

* Racism

* Bigotry

* Absurd levels of hypocrisy

* Self serving egoism

* Negligence of duty

* Fraudulent accolades

* Rituals / Blood sacrifices

* Counterintelligence / COINTELPRO

"One reason why the shadow government is so hellbent on destroying and suppressing social

progress is that social progress will lead to the end of their dominion." ~Omnisense

* Electronic harassment

* Inhuman atrocity / Inhumane treatment

* Punishment / Rewards

* Force / Coercion

* Cowardice

* Bribery

* Blackmail

* Entrapment

* Havoc

* Fear / Terror / Horror

* Malice

* Neglect

* Edacity

* Torment

* Mockery

* Depravity

* Obsession

* Usurpation

* Subterfuge

“Truth is treason in an empire of lies.” ~George Orwell

* Disruption

* Damage

* Ruination

* Dishonor

* Depredation

* Destruction

* Desecration

* Devastation

* Domination

* Subjugation

* Malefaction

* Mutilation

* Inversion

* Corrosion

* Vampirism (parasitic feeding off of others)

* Megalomania

* Satanism

* Luciferianism

* Fascism

* Eugenics (e.g. eliminating bloodlines)

* Holocausts

* Satanic Ritual Abuse

* Playing God

* Monstrosity

* Genocide / ecocide / herbicide / hereticide / Christicide

* Occultism

"The black ops psyche is dominated by a terror doctrine of sadistic ritual abuse.[63]" ~Omnisense

fd29b2 No.1324348

File: 0d1921b5323b4af⋯.png (18.6 KB, 562x362, 281:181, poll.PNG)

0d7154 No.1324349

File: 2f05e1dd1b31593⋯.png (587.73 KB, 916x678, 458:339, 41020djt00000000000.png)

c67cf0 No.1324350

daaf6c No.1324351

“When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals.” ~Edward Snowden

“John Lennon’s killer claimed voices kept saying 'do it, do it' over and over again.

T.A.M.I.* came online in 1976, and John Lennon was killed in 1980.” ~Department of Defense Whistleblower, From the Out of Print Book: The Matrix Deciphered

This is a book written by Robert Duncan (The Saint).

It is non-fiction and original research.


“Remember. All I offer you is the truth.”

~Morpheus, The Matrix

*Secret #2. But more profoundly, he discovered that he could influence brain waves if precisely timed with a return training signal. He had no idea that at this moment in history, he had accidentally destroyed democracy as we envision it to be. The military and surveillance community immediately picked up on the patent and within two years had reprogrammed their communications and surveillance satellites and terrestrial phased arrays with the new concepts. The rapid deployment of this technology occurred because it only required software changes in already existing radar, imaging, and communications‟ terrestrial dishes and satellites. Many additional spy satellites have been launched since to bolster the system. So in 1976, on the bicentennial of this great nation, a system called TAMI was born. TAMI is an acronym for “Thought Amplifier and Mind Interface”. A more invasive “Big Brother” technology came about before George Orwell‟s prediction of 1984.

a08aad No.1324352

Ruling Class Details:

* Two faced 'Janus' fronts - Shadow government have a cover story persona for the public and a dominant occult persona. e.g. political shills may pretend to be Christian in United States elections, while in reality they are occultists.

* I find 'the betrayers of humanity' a suitable label for this group and their major assets

* A CIA black project artificial intelligence allegedly acts as a bloodliner secret society operator

* Methods are in place to obscure the true leaders of the shadow government from the public eye, thought reactive artificial intelligence weapons systems are enabled to protect shadow government secrets

* Luciferianism / Satanism as prime internal NWO religions

* Lower level shadow government may believe they are being guided by spirits or dark gods, thought reactive neuroweaponry Ai is the occult truth

* Electromagnetic weaponry enhances the experience of dark rituals and satanic ritual abuse to promote evil actions in lower level occultists through cognitive immersion

* Cover stories are cleared as one ascends through ranks

* Common use of proxies to conceal true origin

* Monstrous disregard for all innocent life

* Ritual sacrifice promoted & perpetrated (especially of children)

* Greedy & malicious control of global wealth & monetary systems (banks & assets)

* Coercive mind control of shadow government values into societal structure (control of the pecking order of society)

* Ideological subservience of higher class educational institutions

* Bloodliners are the hidden corporate masters via the electronic control grid

* Division of population using information warfare / psychological operations

* For whatever reason these groups orchestrate prophecy

* Societal engineers via electromagnetic mind control & assassination

* Bloodliners are given technological gifts, I assume usually starting in a covert manner (Can be signified by an electromagnetic serpent energy signature)

* Neural monitoring based psyche profiles provide little error in member rank ascension

“… we are in control, because basically we are not a political organization we are an

occult organization. We are working behind the scenes to manipulate the way that people

think. The war that we are waging is a guerrilla war on the human mind.[59]”

~Ex-Satanist Nikolas Schreck

* Top of the pyramid use intelligence agency minions and artificial intelligence for thinking

* War waged against intelligent, discerning, motivated and altruistic bloodlines

* Punishments for opposing the agenda (this can be directed at a country, person, etc)

* Pedophilia, sadism, and rape culture amongst bloodliner families

* Behind the cruel punishment & murder of humanity’s best and brightest

* This group was likely behind world war 2 and the engineered installation of Israel

* CIA & Vatican are two major hands of this group

* Perhaps the premise of the illuminati is at a perfect level of consumption for the occultists. People are aware enough for it to have clout, but at the same time so psyop'd that mentioning the secret society is not a threat.

* Shadow government operatives and higher ups use a strategy of controlled brain damage via directed energy in specific areas of the brain to augment propensity for evil

* Intelligence agencies, governments and board of directors worldwide are full of assets

* Monumental betrayals & sabotage of mankind for selfish and sadistic ends

* Obsessive perception management of the entire planet

* Ruling class think tanks to construct plans of implementing agenda

* Complete disregard for human rights, free will, and national sovereignty

* As dirty & corrupt as it gets

* Behind intentional & malicious attacks on the souls and genetics of mankind

* Intentionally committing ecocide on our natural environment

* Intentionally poisoning our planet’s resources (e.g. water, food, air)

* The occultists promote dysfunction in the traits they do not have and in effect do not like of their opposition; such as soul, love, affection, ethics, morality, laughter, joy, excitement, etc. The occultists intend to poison & make a mockery of these things by bastardizing the way in which they are expressed.

* Certain bloodliners inside the BCI network have desires to nuke the world

* Covert war against the inhabitants of earth

"By telling their secrets their power is eroding.[86][49]" ~Cathy O'Brien

3ccee8 No.1324353


It means you are a fucking imbecile

fd29b2 No.1324354

File: dee91d8a26ac324⋯.png (14.21 KB, 508x341, 508:341, poll.PNG)

823a70 No.1324355

wtf has happened to this bread? what's all these lengthy copypastas?

cad718 No.1324356


Is there a main point to your Mass Spamming?

aa2f1f No.1324357


Where are you getting this?

6f38c8 No.1324358


THIS WAS TRIED ON A CNN POLL 2 YEARS BACK to illustrate how they skin their numbers to fit the narrative…SWMBO and her buddies did it, and number locked at just under 70%.

256898 No.1324359


The Pic is for the Tweet Storm






4826a9 No.1324360


Looks like Nazis have ties to "pizza".

MK ULTRA is the sick spawn of "Operation Paperclip." Note the Rockefeller and Bush connections to the Nazis.

On a fun note: Captain America Winter Soldier is likely a white hat film. The plot is a giant allegory to Operation Paperclip.

becd40 No.1324361



Is Scott Uehlinger (Ret. CIA Officer) good C_A or a [C]lown [I]n [A]merica?

94a714 No.1324362


You don't hear people mentioning their gender, except for the one with the breasts we are still waiting to see.

That is the difference.

If you are compelled to say you're a girl, you photograph your breasts.

cf374e No.1324363



I asked for the website but the anon is still copypastaing

0d7154 No.1324364

File: 29c41c91b9a2f1b⋯.png (759.97 KB, 700x808, 175:202, 095703730739730.png)

File: 88ad6691d723dcd⋯.png (759.08 KB, 700x808, 175:202, 704320767307435.png)

efe16d No.1324365


Agree….most likely seeing the "one" multiply is what finally caused him to "jump into the fray" and basically put the "cross-hairs" on himself!


ce554a No.1324366


It's just like voting in an election. Same.

eb3afe No.1324367


Oh….good point.

c67cf0 No.1324368

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

697791 No.1324369

>>1324355 some newfag attention whore who thinks he brings new info to the table when all thats happening is an already crowded beach is receiving more sand

1370ce No.1324370


Contreras was also set to preside over the Flynn plea…conflict of interest, much?

6f5b27 No.1324371



7d8e95 No.1324372

File: c27d2c335c049a3⋯.jpg (248.12 KB, 816x612, 4:3, B-W Dem.JPG)


Thomas Rhett- "Something to do with my hands"

video. The main girl in the video is total cutie !!

becd40 No.1324373

File: e5ebf7a05277f63⋯.png (645.43 KB, 1123x629, 1123:629, 1.PNG)


Is Scott Uehlinger (Ret. CIA Officer) good C_A or a [C]lown [I]n [A]merica?

e4d5ed No.1324374


Isn't that where the Apple store is located above the street, across Finance Street in Hong Kong? The piers under the green and yellow boats are ferry piers that travel to many parts of the city, and there is an Airport Express Station at IFC Mall. The sign can be seen under the Apple Store directing vehicles to that station.

Look at this photo to zoom in


94a714 No.1324375


Some idiot newfag.

57cd4e No.1324376

File: 8eaf706f6056ef4⋯.png (782.95 KB, 829x458, 829:458, ClipboardImage.png)

Good news!!!! They got more 100%s (only mathfags will understand)!!! The poll is back in biness!

a08aad No.1324377



Wow!!!! Nice graphic! Notable

01292e No.1324378


theres so many white hat films that ithink they have their own secret societies lol

8f8239 No.1324379



bb3f86 No.1324380


We're not playing like we all have dicks. We're playing like it doesn't matter what we have. Distinction is important.

58aa5d No.1324381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d86bbe No.1324382


some good stuff, some not. Hope it''s not Q's last posts.

fc4195 No.1324383


so, 68 to 25 is already amazing. tweet store …bombs away

eb3afe No.1324384


I filtered. It was spamming the thread.

8b0bd7 No.1324385


> busy redpilling snowflakes in lefty frisco.

Go forth and be strong, anon…

Lost in the deep blue PNW poking hornets nests' myself.

God be with ye.

Don't take no shit.

fc4195 No.1324386

File: f506c0feb9272b7⋯.png (330.95 KB, 1265x947, 1265:947, Screenshot 2018-05-06 20.1….png)

325f9d No.1324387









This ^^^^ right here is why Q is so quiet right now. How do you pull this off and not have a massive domino effect. It NEEDS to happen but how you go about doing it is very important.

We are praying for you Q, POTUS, Devin, and everyone involved in making these decisions. We understand the size of the situation.

36fddd No.1324388


Kek. Where close enough is good enough.

d1393c No.1324389

File: 637492801a4a60c⋯.webm (2.65 MB, 624x396, 52:33, sweden.webm)


>It just kind of sucks to have to hide the fact that you are female in order to fit in here

hiding it? shit, you won't shut up about it.

acf284 No.1324390


some of us are hermie…

8f8239 No.1324391


the website: https://www.counterdarkness.org/2017/12/

25df92 No.1324392


Trump cut off

Their Funds.

They thought it was would last forever and spent like drunken sailors , now they are screwed and broke

cd0f86 No.1324393

>>1324174 Those have been out for over a month now.

8085a0 No.1324394


How did they game the system to get Contreras for their special projects?

0d7154 No.1324395

File: 84c5d0b0609199f⋯.png (1.11 MB, 852x860, 213:215, 12457980578.png)

File: d8fe0b6603a1520⋯.jpeg (99.81 KB, 640x852, 160:213, d8fe0b6603a1520798e0c6a07….jpeg)

94e33f No.1324396

The normies are waking…

#4 post on the front page… Comments are lit.

https://old. reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/8hhw3k/silence_is_deafening_the_media_wont_cover_allison/

"COMMIE, WE'RE COMING FOR YOU" - Johnny Trutsheed

47be84 No.1324397

Hey everyone. Why all the nekid women?

Is this a respectable board or a porn site?

Have some respect for the femanons or maybe the mods should ban you.

24df8e No.1324398


>potential loss of Human lives

0c1727 No.1324399

File: e49fead6de9c04e⋯.jpg (71.22 KB, 500x652, 125:163, Common Core.jpg)



Common Core Construction!

697791 No.1324400

>>1324360 of course they do, as Hitler was a tehosophist student of Blavatsky and used acts of buggering young boys to invoke demonic entities. He did in 30s Germany, was funded heavily by the jesuit vatican, and after escaping made it past argentina to underground Base 211 at Queen Maud Land on the antarctic ice shelf and continued doing it there. Where do you think they got all their advanced tech from prior to Admiral Byrd's visits out there?

30e566 No.1324401

File: 0d5915668903a2c⋯.jpg (75.85 KB, 887x421, 887:421, 0d5915668903a2cc6c03fdd17f….jpg)

a08aad No.1324402




8b6e04 No.1324403



fd29b2 No.1324404

File: 30b7de12bb93697⋯.png (14.83 KB, 560x336, 5:3, poll.PNG)

c67cf0 No.1324405

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



09b21b No.1324406


Don't Ask Don't Tell

24df8e No.1324407

File: 732fecf0138e99f⋯.jpg (12 KB, 255x183, 85:61, 96f0050ee340c025686fb554c9….jpg)

c090b7 No.1324408

File: 010d2a5fef99777⋯.png (12.11 KB, 448x433, 448:433, coolpepe.PNG)

58aa5d No.1324409


….bc… this our world….we never said it was fair or politically correct….tits or gtfo

9bd1ec No.1324410

File: 8eba1211cd2f5d3⋯.jpg (7.7 KB, 211x239, 211:239, concernfag.jpg)

cd0f86 No.1324411


I just compared the first one to the set I downloaded on 6 April. Same files.

a08aad No.1324412



The creator is a target individual

8b6e04 No.1324413



fc4195 No.1324414

File: 78c44e6d0dd7a0f⋯.jpg (90.61 KB, 1176x632, 147:79, Jew hate shills.jpg)

POTUS is our example. Hold Israel tight to our hearts as POTUS holds Netanahu's hand tight to his. Jew shills can take a long walk off a short pier.

0592e1 No.1324415


It's not as bad as the fkking pepe with a hanging dick. This place is shit.

94e33f No.1324416


These people are disgusting.

724505 No.1324417

8c0cba No.1324418

New Baker Requested

becd40 No.1324419

File: e5ebf7a05277f63⋯.png (645.43 KB, 1123x629, 1123:629, 1.PNG)

Is Scott Uehlinger (Ret. CIA Officer) , candiate for Congress in PA, good C_A or a [C]lown [I]n [A]merica?

697791 No.1324420

>>1324385 not a molecule.

01292e No.1324421

File: 250718189977bae⋯.png (546.69 KB, 425x950, 17:38, 250718189977bae0d4efeb4f2b….png)

File: 2b0b31fe30fdd67⋯.jpg (25.09 KB, 330x479, 330:479, b4bdc8d88a4afd1e0d0b4244d9….jpg)

File: 2b0b31fe30fdd67⋯.jpg (25.09 KB, 330x479, 330:479, b4bdc8d88a4afd1e0d0b4244d9….jpg)

File: ec7f5cd3fd2163e⋯.png (966.9 KB, 885x638, 885:638, ec7f5cd3fd2163e11c286dc147….png)

325f9d No.1324422


I was trying to figure out where a semi would load and unload from at that Mall. Or maybe the semi was back in CA?

30e566 No.1324423

File: 8784686d943bdc3⋯.jpg (104.18 KB, 761x641, 761:641, 1523350471241.jpg)


Some faggot sliding because mods are asleep.

a08aad No.1324424


Learn something fucking tard

6f38c8 No.1324425


femanon is NOT a word…

3ccee8 No.1324426


1300 votes in 1.5 hours

64822c No.1324427


Damn, you fucking assholes wanna make a drunk "person" fight

Photograph your fucking dick and STFU

Stopping now, please don't provoke me anymore…

I love you stupid fucking assholes… I honestly do. Moar than you know…

Going back pretending I have a dick

94e33f No.1324428


Submit the link the proper way… (Broken)… and I'll watch.

66c85f No.1324429


I am thinking the focus is supposed to be on the people the camera's are pointing at….

a08aad No.1324430



Created by a targeted individual

dde6ce No.1324431

File: 9222263e5336abd⋯.jpg (40.33 KB, 590x385, 118:77, GinsbergBuhBye.jpg)

File: f9c3a796eb9da45⋯.jpg (517.05 KB, 1080x1219, 1080:1219, GinsbergAbortion.jpg)

File: 33474d8af258af7⋯.jpg (39.89 KB, 640x640, 1:1, HRCGinsberg.jpg)

File: 8dab53149285233⋯.jpg (331.43 KB, 1080x814, 540:407, GinsbergPedo.jpg)

File: 058d97b4c75253f⋯.png (468.48 KB, 995x785, 199:157, GinsbergConsent12.png)


Ruth Bader Ginsberg is a monster.

cfc4e7 No.1324432

File: 6bb1069f5fb1457⋯.png (55.89 KB, 619x338, 619:338, Brenden M Dilley on Twitte….png)


Somehow I missed. Thx.

Pretty good Dilly thread…


ce917e No.1324433


Now you done it.

What the fuck?

Why do you come here and make trouble?

256898 No.1324434


what, Normies awakening?

Jusk lack the Libtards and it's ready. lol.

acf284 No.1324435


ohhh… the porn of it all!

723f82 No.1324436

File: 7c427b6760d3b4a⋯.png (667.75 KB, 3292x2365, 3292:2365, child trafficking network.png)


1st graphic: US govt personnel convicted (in one decade alone) of possession, dissemination or production of CP or human trafficking >>1324223

pic related: map of an international child sex trafficking ring

COMPARE THE TWO - note the POSITIONS and see which gov't positions would need to be compromised.

This is what POTUS is up against.

This is why Q team came to anons.

The victims are who we are trying to save.

cf374e No.1324437


gotcha so they're from the April disclosure?

the anon that got this started showed some twatts saying "why is Sara Carter talking about it"

… maybe because its a month old and she did then lol

bc850f No.1324438

File: a677fd2ac6d9464⋯.jpg (425.65 KB, 1069x1669, 1069:1669, Screenshot_20180506-230958.jpg)

File: 3fa470f8270317b⋯.jpg (311.68 KB, 1071x1177, 1071:1177, Screenshot_20180506-231012.jpg)

File: bcb8933433d1064⋯.jpg (440.47 KB, 1048x1584, 131:198, Screenshot_20180506-231028.jpg)

File: eb53cb24c6c72f9⋯.jpg (224.33 KB, 1075x856, 1075:856, Screenshot_20180506-231104.jpg)

File: 59e395ee969ca4b⋯.jpg (357.42 KB, 1066x1674, 533:837, Screenshot_20180506-231117.jpg)


Yes!!! Contreras had to recuse himself because he was tight with Strzok! Strzok was also the agent who interviewed Flynn!

36fddd No.1324439


So, because you believe there are more males than females respect is not required

c67cf0 No.1324440



4bbdc4 No.1324441

File: 348ceae06a69686⋯.png (126.68 KB, 693x575, 693:575, Screen Shot 2018-05-07 at ….png)

In the midst of the long posts, I posted this. It got slid. See pic for the Q post.

There are two very odd "mistakes" in this Q post (1st image). Has anyone figured it out? Here's my dig:

>What I say a class action lawsuit?

Read differently:

>What is AYA class action lawsuit?

This goes into my “MAKE IT RAIN" theory, which is a gambling phrase:

"MAKE IT RAIN" possibly refers to David Baazov, the King of Online Gambling. He was the former CEO of Amaya (AYA), which may be what Q team referenced here:

Sauce (happens to be a Class Action Lawsuit involving AYA):




The lawsuit was dismissed. SHOCKER!

This probably relates to bad actors using online gaming chats for comms as well.

There's that pesky phrase:

>You have more than your know.

Q added an 'r' to you. Who is R?

This is why we re_read crumbs.

I need Anons that are better diggers than I on this. Who wants to report for duty?

cf374e No.1324442


cad718 No.1324443


Because even though the Mission is Unity, the self defined "culture" of some is to make themselves different and cause Division without even realizing they are doing it

325f9d No.1324444



0d7154 No.1324445

File: 757bf6b1a2a23cb⋯.png (922.9 KB, 810x754, 405:377, 87307037904376.png)

a08aad No.1324446


Ty! Learn some thing or shut the fuck up and make memes

64822c No.1324447


Thank You Anons, for stepping up :)

94a714 No.1324448

File: 7b87cc0c1879bf6⋯.jpg (65.81 KB, 879x715, 879:715, momanon.jpg)

c67cf0 No.1324449

File: 7fab858d852b41f⋯.png (535.44 KB, 963x1093, 963:1093, stretchtoe.png)



dc5880 No.1324450


Pretty strange to have shill like activity dropping real intel. (the couple posts I read anyway)

9ddfc1 No.1324451


I want to make sure I understand correctly. If this judge dies, Trump can appoint a new one in her place. Correct?

9bd1ec No.1324452

File: b849781bc5dd008⋯.png (23.35 KB, 225x218, 225:218, cry-baby-225x218.png)

0c2390 No.1324453

File: 1004637d5528f31⋯.jpg (19.35 KB, 255x189, 85:63, goback_peewee.jpg)

695d6b No.1324454


Bring that fat head closer to my hammer faggot

64822c No.1324456


Please stop provoking me…

acf284 No.1324457


she got 8channed…

57cd4e No.1324458

File: 61dac4ffdc27f37⋯.png (252.83 KB, 802x452, 401:226, ClipboardImage.png)

36fddd No.1324459


That's not the way I was raised, buddy. Someone did you a real disservice pretty assuring that you will be forever single and jacking off all over your computer screen.

58aa5d No.1324460


rules is rules……end of story

01292e No.1324461

File: 2b0b31fe30fdd67⋯.jpg (25.09 KB, 330x479, 330:479, b4bdc8d88a4afd1e0d0b4244d9….jpg)

cf374e No.1324462

Female anons are welcome here

Male anons are welcome here

Whatever sex/gender blah blah are welcome here

WE ARE ALL ANONS, saying what gender you are is IRRELEVANT

you don't see male anons say 'oh look at me I'm a man'

FFS, just dig

d9284c No.1324463

File: 909e393e169c4cf⋯.png (593.91 KB, 1125x2001, 375:667, F654CED3-00BD-44EE-BF75-6B….png)

15When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) 16Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: 17Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house:

What does stand in the holy place mean?

d1393c No.1324464

File: 610666947ef2638⋯.jpg (9.28 KB, 480x312, 20:13, somebody come look at this.jpg)

File: 19d4eb9e64cb820⋯.gif (1.38 MB, 400x215, 80:43, look at this.gif)

01292e No.1324465


nobody fucking cares

daaf6c No.1324466

Well worth a browse for Red Pilling the Normies via Meme….

The Matrix Deciphered - http://www.stopthecrime.net/docs/thematrixdeciph.pdf

"True nobility is exempt from fear".

– King Henry the Sixth, Part II (Act IV, Scene I).

Call me The Saint. I am the all American - prep school, Harvard College graduating with honors in computer science and a minor in premedical studies, and advanced degrees from Harvard and Dartmouth in business and science. My famous ancestors are President Lincoln, King Duncan of Scotland, and Governor William Bradford, the first governor of Massachusetts.

My research interests have been neural networks, virtual reality, and EEG controlled robotics. Before graduate school I worked for the Department of Defense, Navy, NATO, and various intelligence agencies‟ computer science projects. I have done business consulting and computer consulting for the largest companies in the world. I have been a professor, inventor, artist, and writer. I am one of the last Renaissance men.

My projects have included algorithms for Echelon and CIA natural language parsing and classification of document content, IRS formula for red flagging audits, writing the artificial intelligence code to automate tracking of the Soviet Nuclear Submarine Fleet and all water vessels, work integrating HAARP with SIGINT SIGCOM and SPAWAR. I have worked on projects for the Justice Department connecting local, state, and federal databases for the tracking of terrorists. I developed a system for the FBI to track license plates past toll booths and other locations. I worked on the soldier 2000 program to create body networks for reading vital signs and other information. A system I worked on called Snyper is operational in Iraq which triangulates on intercity conflict gun shots. I have been to a couple secret bases in the so called free world. I have developed telemedicine robotic surgery and virtual reality applications for the Army. For DARPA, I have worked on satellite computer vision target tracking applications and tank simulation as well as integration of the land, sea, and air surveillance systems like SOSSUS, towed arrays, and others.


EEG cloning means to copy someone else‟s brainwaves onto another person. The discovery made by Robert Malech allows this to be done wirelessly anywhere in the world. A new military division emerged called The Psychic Warfare Unit initially stationed in the Pentagon but most likely it was rolled into the Psychological Operations, Electronic Warfare, and Informational Warfare Units. Initially this became a great intelligence gathering tool. Psychically spying into other people‟s minds was an incredible feat.

0c1727 No.1324467


>Why all the nekid women?

MAYBE you should GTFOH with your fucking "rules" on how the fuck the chans should bow to your wishes, you fucking SJW POS! YOU DON'T BELONG HERE! Go back to Fuckbook!

acf284 No.1324468

1370ce No.1324469


They almost got away with railroading him.

cf374e No.1324470

muh gender

af441f No.1324471

File: 7e700bd8723b532⋯.png (50 KB, 1179x486, 131:54, 68purrcent.PNG)

0592e1 No.1324472

Mysterious 'Site 911' in Israel Raises Eyebrows




How about we get the Army Corp of Engineers to start filling those plastic caskets that are scattered around the country.

4d1b91 No.1324473

File: 28f30aaa954227c⋯.png (661.75 KB, 1100x784, 275:196, Two British co-eds dress u….png)


Take your false and misleading meme and GTFO

Two British co-eds dress up as the burning Twin Towers AND win a costume contest


36fddd No.1324474


Ignore him. This guy is a loser.

4bbdc4 No.1324475


I dug. It's being ignored.



d0ecac No.1324476

File: 777882197f4f9cb⋯.png (238.3 KB, 784x301, 112:43, kanye.png)

c67cf0 No.1324477

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


214e04 No.1324478

File: 68d30e74ccef620⋯.jpeg (269.06 KB, 1595x980, 319:196, 911.jpeg)

File: e0f8c3528c5e3a1⋯.jpg (181.57 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, solving-911.jpg)


Israeli mossad along with 5th column traitorous elements in the US/UK.

Never forget!

58aa5d No.1324479

File: 00e106608043dd9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 24.13 KB, 604x270, 302:135, 155563c33065bcce2169f5e3ac….jpg)


i aint your buddy, fag boy…you can go clown

e14bdb No.1324480

File: 084d56b0c07710e⋯.jpg (45.33 KB, 444x960, 37:80, 1dffe1565d60629bdf08532d6f….jpg)


Now you did it Newfag,

afd85d No.1324481


Gateway Pundit is running the story now. Comments there - people are going nuts & their heads are exploding.

1370ce No.1324482

64822c No.1324483


That bitch needs to shave, just saying…

8b0bd7 No.1324484


Why be XX or XY?

Is Anon not enough?

Is gender a crutch?

It's certainly irrelevant here, 99% of the time.

6f38c8 No.1324485


Penis not reqd to be anon, but a thick skin and sharp riposte are necessary for survival

0c1727 No.1324486


You're the type of asshat that goes into someone else's home and start telling them how they should fucking clean their house! GTFO

9ddfc1 No.1324487


R = renegade

c67cf0 No.1324488

a61cec No.1324489


muh nekkid girls

695d6b No.1324490

File: 6382d1f000bbdbb⋯.jpg (30 KB, 250x303, 250:303, IMG_2113.JPG)

Homotus politics like cia niggas cocaine

acf284 No.1324491



36fddd No.1324492


Grow up or grow old alone, asshole.

cf374e No.1324493


wow thank you anon

I've seen that muh jew meme and thought it was actually legit

NOTABLE to stop the muh jew disinfo

you should see what they do to ben garrison's cartoons

58aa5d No.1324494

File: 00e106608043dd9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 24.13 KB, 604x270, 302:135, 155563c33065bcce2169f5e3ac….jpg)


your a f…pussy……i made 2 f…statements……both yall gtfo……..whiny bitches and mommas boys can gtfo

9ddfc1 No.1324495

bc850f No.1324496

File: 032446599c4cec1⋯.jpg (375.67 KB, 1061x1543, 1061:1543, Screenshot_20180506-231824.jpg)


This could so massive anons. Get ready for some big news this week.

724505 No.1324497


Eh, no doubt there's likely good info in those posts, but 40 of 'em at once is… quite something… A lot to try and take in at a cursory glance, regardless, it's here now.

94e33f No.1324498


Is there any Larry "I was responsible for 9/11" Silverstein involvement?

dde6ce No.1324499


Spelling Kanye not Kanya

Clever idea.

a08aad No.1324500


Baker. Take a peek at this graphic. Amazing.

ce917e No.1324501



You should post this and else in the Snow White / AI thread, where everybody can find it and discuss whatever.

8b0bd7 No.1324502


Holy crap.

Read my words and cringed at the implied gender fluidity…


Two genders.

Neither of which are relevant for quality discussion.

58aa5d No.1324503


stfu…..and …..gtfo

c67cf0 No.1324504

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1cf44d No.1324505

>>1324372 You have plenty of room. Center top text and go larger. . You have room on the bottom to center and make the text larger. You point is the text so make it stand out. The pic is a plus. It is your text that counts SO make it count. Go larger.

36fddd No.1324506


.speaking of mommy boys, do you have mommy issues? Hard to believe you might speak to her that way.

0d7154 No.1324507

File: b8df23b26326221⋯.jpg (150.64 KB, 640x448, 10:7, 1za7c_r.jpg)

9bd1ec No.1324508


I will maintain to my dying breath that the FISA court system In Toto is completely Un-Constitutional in the first place.

4272f7 No.1324509

File: 8533dc19c3539d7⋯.jpg (228.66 KB, 681x748, 681:748, rabb1.jpg)

File: c852dfc105aab57⋯.jpg (269.79 KB, 689x941, 689:941, rabb2.jpg)

Forgive me if already posted… didn't see it in the Notables.

Another name to add to the possible 7/10 plane crash list.

Posted: 05/06/18, 4:14 PM EDT

WAWAYANDA >> The pilot of a single-engine plane killed when the plane he was flying crashed near Randall Airport in Wawayanda Saturday morning was a rabbi and president of Hebrew Union College, the college announced.

Rabbi Aaron Panken, 53, died when the 1946 Aeronca plane crashed nose first into a wooded area in Wawayanda. His passenger, Frank Reiss, 65, a flight instructor, was hospitalized with injuries.

Investigators have not said what may have caused the plane to crash.

Panken led the college’s four campuses in Cincinnati, Jerusalem, Los Angeles and in New York.

“Rabbi Panken was a distinguished rabbi and scholar, dedicated teacher, and exemplary leader of the Reform Movement for nearly three decades,” a college statement read.

He was elected president of the college by its board of governors in July 2013 with his appointment effective on Jan. 1, 2014.

At his inaugural convocation, Panken said Reform Judaism “has always symbolized what I consider to be the best of Judaism – firmly rooted in our tradition, yet egalitarian, inclusive of patrilineal Jews and intermarried families, welcoming to the LGBT community, politically active, and respectful of other faiths and ideologies.”

The Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported that tributes appeared on Twitter when the news of Panken’s death spread with Israel’s consul general in New York, Dani Dayan, saying the rabbi was “a great thinker” and his death was “a huge loss for the entire Jewish people.”

Dan Shapiro, the former U.S. ambassador to Israel, remembered Panken as a “brilliant Jewish leader, an incredible mensch and a dear friend,” the JTA reported.

sauce: http://www.dailyfreeman.com/general-news/20180506/pilot-killed-in-orange-county-plane-crash-was-rabbi-college-president

8c0cba No.1324510


Got it.

24df8e No.1324511

File: 02610e3278a3688⋯.jpg (17.24 KB, 235x255, 47:51, 5da1f5d99ad93279759827d0da….jpg)

66c85f No.1324512


Changing my answer based on the last posted pictures,(didn't notice them too focused on the tweets) chains are broken, future is as beautiful as the flowers??

695d6b No.1324513

File: 6382d1f000bbdbb⋯.jpg (30 KB, 250x303, 250:303, IMG_2113.JPG)

cia psy ops like imf pedo dykes like homotus politics

8b0bd7 No.1324514



Work work great the other way as well, with BHO on the left and KW on Right. Would fit timeline also.

Good shit!

a1a024 No.1324515




25df92 No.1324516


I'm just Teasing you Girl.

That's a given' here.

Your an Anon.


d1393c No.1324517

File: ca632c46b95ff53⋯.gif (1.59 MB, 253x152, 253:152, chick pepper sprays hersel….gif)


male here. mentioning your gender while posting means your post is shit to begin with, and only reflects your vanity, as if your gender will stop everyone else from attacking you.

6f5b27 No.1324518

File: f3cbee32980eeff⋯.jpg (9.31 KB, 255x169, 255:169, 470efb002f5dfdb388ce137483….jpg)

'''Hey Q - want to give us some more homework,

or should we look for more polls to vote on?


a08aad No.1324519


Perfecto. Ty.

94e33f No.1324520


You get a star.

cf374e No.1324521


the make it rain theory is good

but that 'your' thing only happened once form what I can tell so I assume it might just be a tempo

33532d No.1324523

File: 465ec31f78a1905⋯.jpeg (780.82 KB, 1242x1764, 69:98, 3E1F38D7-EE4D-47F6-94E2-8….jpeg)



0c2390 No.1324525

File: 29f8495d53cb838⋯.jpg (45.1 KB, 700x380, 35:19, 31890700_1849450282014732_….jpg)

b07e13 No.1324526

File: 6ee436c29fafb35⋯.png (688.65 KB, 789x985, 789:985, trumpstar1-down1.png)

c67cf0 No.1324527

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

94e33f No.1324528


Larry Silverstien… The only name you need to know regarding 9/11.

cf374e No.1324529



695d6b No.1324530

File: 6382d1f000bbdbb⋯.jpg (30 KB, 250x303, 250:303, IMG_2113.JPG)

When a cia nigga dies

No one flushes sometimes

a34917 No.1324532


Midyear Exam

8ce832 No.1324533


Agree, 100%

8b0bd7 No.1324534



Bad ass!

Beep Beep

c67cf0 No.1324535





d9284c No.1324536

Dan 12

11And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. 12Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.

e18f90 No.1324537


I’ve gone through half of it, heavily redacted. Pisses me off when the refer to it as a Special Investigative Matter (SIM). The whole thing looks pretty bogus, no sauce so far… maybe that’s why we were not directed to it earlier. But for fake sake, their must be something… back to digging

0c1727 No.1324538

File: 55b8fd266f9a4ee⋯.jpg (147.71 KB, 876x500, 219:125, Californistan.jpg)

afd85d No.1324539


I'll add something to ponder. I'm 1/2 way thru this. My head hurts now.

If this is true….

https: //republicbroadcasting.org/news/donald-trump-possesses-this-document-along-with-flynn-mattis-cohen-and-others/

c67cf0 No.1324540



cf374e No.1324541


Federal Bureau of Matters

976d8d No.1324542

I figured out the key to the map. Its the amygdala.

0d7154 No.1324543

File: 3866a53f900053e⋯.png (423.3 KB, 643x458, 643:458, 4776848976963960689400022.png)

cf374e No.1324544

File: 7daa6596fba4df6⋯.png (19.33 KB, 584x258, 292:129, ClipboardImage.png)

lol this guy probably usually gets a few hundred votes

0d7154 No.1324545

File: 08ff2a73bcdc3a9⋯.png (148.96 KB, 320x240, 4:3, DO-NOT-EXPOSE-OUR-EVIL-320….png)

30e566 No.1324547

File: c5ce21b1ae5ef3f⋯.jpg (66.13 KB, 410x292, 205:146, 1y53y5y53yy3ygfn6658969k77….jpg)


> respectful of other faiths and ideologies

Yea well looks like we found the reason regular jews killed him.

8b115a No.1324548

File: 29cf52e5d17c6a1⋯.jpg (12.34 KB, 178x284, 89:142, butthole.jpg)


Kek you don't ask for respect you earn it.

ce554a No.1324549


Yeah, the FISA Judges who were lied to would ordinarily be boiling over this and take heavy actions.

8c95ec No.1324550

File: e0b86bfa7fc516d⋯.png (549 KB, 842x870, 421:435, house2a.png)

File: cc2dcbb83d28e5c⋯.png (482.35 KB, 763x827, 763:827, house3a.png)

File: 1b217a49bc91800⋯.png (446.82 KB, 742x793, 742:793, house4a.png)

File: 694b28fff6b1295⋯.png (442.48 KB, 754x785, 754:785, house5a.png)

File: 3e0bcca918f9817⋯.png (225.01 KB, 912x812, 228:203, house1.png)


here… play fill in the blanks

alphabetical and blacked spaces seem to be exact..

bc850f No.1324552


I would say it's a powerful tool. It's stated purpose is to spy on foreign enemies. So that is absolutely needed in this day and age. Why? Because let's say U.S. shuts it down. You have now disarmed yourself of a powerful tool that enemies have no problem using. The problem was during Obama admin, they were completely lawless and unconstitutional not following the safe guards that protect innocent US citizens. THAT is what Admiral Rogers put an end to and warned trump about! They never thought she would lose therefore never thought they'd get caught!!

214e04 No.1324553

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


PayDay Monstanto has some great tunes.

This is my favorite.

4d1b91 No.1324554

File: a4a626212ac63eb⋯.png (71.42 KB, 317x266, 317:266, Muh Joo_jumps_the_shark.PNG)



c67cf0 No.1324556

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8c0cba No.1324557

any bakers?

6ebff3 No.1324559

File: 80c2cb0258538d5⋯.png (105.87 KB, 561x679, 561:679, ps1.PNG)

File: 383a9ecd4c8efda⋯.png (136.63 KB, 616x686, 44:49, ps2.PNG)

Peter S

bfe622 No.1324560

File: 10a3722a421e2fa⋯.jpg (185.51 KB, 1024x1009, 1024:1009, 1511061427735.jpg)

any anons believe in astrology here?

uranus, the planet of change/revolution/disruption/evolution, moves from one sign to the next roughly every 8 years and is switching from aries to taurus on may 15

buckle up patriots, as it will probably bring sudden change to your personal lives as well

bdc5bf No.1324561

HRC was in New Zealand this morning, having a private meeting with the NZ Prime Minister and sharing gifts.

cf374e No.1324562




64822c No.1324563


Thanks Anon, I don't need any encourangement - and said so openly…

885642 No.1324564


If they are this afraid to release evidence that some faggot FISA judge is corrupt how in the fuck are they gonna make Obama and Hilldawgs crimes public?

Potential loss of life for a fucking judge?

57cd4e No.1324565

Hey Guys, I think I know what "Keystone" is…..

9bd1ec No.1324566


Do your homework anon.

G.W.Bush's administration used that to rape us repeatedly.

94e33f No.1324567

cf374e No.1324568



5848ad No.1324569


When you say you're a female in here it's like doxxing yourself, same as you filling in the namefield, it's nothing personal and I could care less but some will bash you for it, that's just the way it is, it's like no one wants to hear someone is this or that in here and certainly not special (not saying you're acting that way), I think it's the mentality of feeling like we're all equal, with no special treatment to any one, just sayin : )

31bc71 No.1324570


Bill (butt boy) Kristol is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. You probably could have guessed that.

6b6adc No.1324571

File: 022b154c622cff2⋯.png (227.17 KB, 676x837, 676:837, Nancy Pelosi Refuses to Ca….png)

976d8d No.1324573

1cf44d No.1324574

File: a7a625bd6f25282⋯.jpg (369.91 KB, 816x612, 4:3, help2.jpg)


Sorry I forgot the positive reinforcement. You are doing well oldfag. Plenty of GOOD people here to help you.

ce554a No.1324575

File: 90c12df3645aee6⋯.jpg (29.47 KB, 400x264, 50:33, judge smails.jpg)

9ddfc1 No.1324577

01292e No.1324578


its Switzerland

b11e95 No.1324580


Will need proof of death or it didn't happen, just sayin

a34917 No.1324581

File: 5f5e6dc7fa1bedc⋯.jpg (52.55 KB, 437x428, 437:428, 30000missing.jpg)

cf374e No.1324582


side by side of that, with the sauce, and quote saying THE DEMS PROTECT PEDOS (their own)

c67cf0 No.1324583



73bf85 No.1324585

File: 091a85da1849b6c⋯.png (306.26 KB, 470x352, 235:176, ClipboardImage.png)

Hello, Anons!

I want to share with all of you a message I received today.

Luke 8:10-17.

God Bless all of you.

8c0cba No.1324586


I'm the current baker but looking to hand it off.

a1a024 No.1324587


Cannot imagine the stress his family must be under. He would not be able to share the plan with them.

885642 No.1324589


I always thought that little rat would be easy to "convince" to spill the beans

Kidnap the geezer, waterboard him and livestream it

ad9a09 No.1324590

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


58aa5d No.1324591


………projection…..geez….really…..that dog don't hunt in the real world……not even if your a natzi scum democrat

8b6e04 No.1324593



0c1727 No.1324594

Congress is responsible for oversight but information disclosed to Congress is dangerous! BS RELEASE THE INFO NOW!!! I'm guessing it is "Dangerous" to the corrupt SOBs it will expose! RELEASE THE INFO, Q/POTUS!

94e33f No.1324595


No complaints here, anon.

f6420c No.1324597




7d8e95 No.1324598


ooops ! Nice catch. Thanks

57cd4e No.1324600

File: a80ab0bc9ed5144⋯.png (83.81 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

It's been staring me in… in… hold on…. slurp…. in the face all this time!!!!!

efe16d No.1324601




Started reading some as well….almost like a 'CONDENSED, BULLETED' OVERVIEW of all the different facets of what we're up against.




09b21b No.1324602


Nice info Anon

"Uranus, the planet of great awakenings and change is preparing to move out of Aries and into Taurus on May 15, 2018, where it will remain until 2026."


acf284 No.1324604

File: 5763fd2863757f3⋯.jpg (26.65 KB, 570x379, 570:379, il_570xN.637468315_nzjx.jpg)

File: 8ada894aa77ee8a⋯.jpg (39.79 KB, 650x596, 325:298, MI5-650.jpg)

File: fe882d1270d7400⋯.jpg (38.31 KB, 450x425, 18:17, e755bd0a544acc951d1a5c9955….jpg)

File: a8a6566de943c3e⋯.jpg (103.35 KB, 781x419, 781:419, ef49f198999c288f7e32293585….jpg)

File: 09892c1cf5b08c2⋯.jpg (336.22 KB, 568x710, 4:5, 9ccef84cce40bc2c1fe70489ee….jpg)

0c1727 No.1324605

File: cd98a12592c0a3b⋯.png (249.94 KB, 626x722, 313:361, ClipboardImage.png)


(pic related)

0d7154 No.1324606

File: 4340068970e7142⋯.png (541.8 KB, 1624x794, 812:397, 2273845767396776585869430.png)

File: 65c50c978335396⋯.jpg (15.94 KB, 591x411, 197:137, 1507971009n.jpg)

File: b71cd42e701dbfc⋯.png (54.7 KB, 1198x539, 1198:539, 1985797638434.png)

6f5b27 No.1324608


MemeMakers -

Comey or FBI Building with "Federal Bureau Of Matters"

c67cf0 No.1324609



5848ad No.1324610

File: 370d6dcb8d9ef0d⋯.png (55.32 KB, 1040x613, 1040:613, Luke 8 10-17.PNG)

64822c No.1324611


Ready for beer, I will pay the tab…

33532d No.1324612

File: f083ec2f3834e25⋯.jpeg (965.11 KB, 1242x1896, 207:316, 552902BA-9108-49A8-8DD3-A….jpeg)



3b0efa No.1324613


Constitutional Crisis.

4a44a4 No.1324614

swamp is being drained slowly. Good night anons may god bless all of you.

9ddfc1 No.1324615

baker wants a handoff. someone take the bake

94e33f No.1324616


Fucking excellent posts, anon… Keep up the great work!


2ab25c No.1324617

I always thought the feminists should have tried this linguistic trick:

woman = female

human = male

man = both/all

but they didn't so here we are.

d6cdd6 No.1324618

We need to stop fucking around and get Mark Levin on the Trump team. Diamond and Silk attacked the Democrats more at the NRA event than Trump's legal team (from what we can see). Levin is a Constitutional Juggernaut.. Why can we not get him on the squad?

ce554a No.1324619


10 of 10 Anons would.

57cd4e No.1324620


Already knee deep Anon. Hence the fuckery

6f5b27 No.1324621


Me and my big mouth.

I have been over this a few times, I will take another look.

4d1b91 No.1324622


Bye bye Hezbollah

885642 No.1324623

File: b582a3620e09069⋯.png (125.3 KB, 492x496, 123:124, Screenshot 2018-05-06 at 1….png)

7d8e95 No.1324624



Thanks. You're funny. I'll get it right.

b26469 No.1324625


Many of their songs is about what’s happening. Have found myself listening to QR for the past few months.

cad718 No.1324626

64822c No.1324627


Goddamn - promise to practice tomorrow - been to school

c67cf0 No.1324628


when this is over fucking Q is sending us all to

long island off of fl for a f month

party kags open bar

256898 No.1324629


Israel will be trash soon..

e18f90 No.1324630

File: fb12108486cee2e⋯.png (226.02 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 677BDA95-F5E5-4591-BDFF-9F….png)


Fuck, this time I started at the bottom, that’s where the sauce is. Here’s the last page, it says it all, go up from their, basically they were only allowed to search files on her devices with a authorized search terms for the filter team, and their not showing what those search terms were… fucking golf and kids probably… and they only reviewed ‘hits’ from the searches…

28aecf No.1324631

"You see, B’nai B’rith is not the synagogue. B’nai B’rith is not Jews. B’nai B’rith is not Judaism.

B’nai B’rith is just another organ under a different name of the ages-old Illuminati, who practice the Ancient Mystery Religion of Babylon in secret. They call themselves the Great White Brotherhood, the Brotherhood of Man, the Illumined Ones. And if you’ve listened to our series on 'Mystery Babylon', you know the rest."

~ Bill Cooper


Tape No. 524: “ADL No. 1″

Wednesday, January 11, 1995

http:// snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.com/2009/05/unveiling-of-bnai-brith-by-wm-cooper_1761.html?m=1

ce554a No.1324632


FISA is shit, scrap it. Unlawful.

57cd4e No.1324633


Don't get me wrong, I love him and all that he does. BBUUTT, personally, he comes across as such an angry jackass. Wish he would mellow a tad.

ff8066 No.1324634


but ok to share it with you…

0a139f No.1324635

File: 33dac6cab445bea⋯.png (11.46 KB, 327x154, 327:154, HooverRuggedIndividualism.png)


Wow. Shills switching it up on us.

WallOfVomitedDetailfag must be nextgen bot.

And the provoking femfag is also quite the joy.

So I'll just leave this here and hit the sack borthers.


Europe is the most blackpilling of the dire state of Western Civ. I use them as my primary red-pill tool when discussing the gun debate with normies. Agreed they fucked themselves, but they're still brothers, and lots of good ones deserve to have the yoke removed. Was glad to hear the cabal was being taken down WW. Americans are their own brand of rowdy, though, built into the cake. No surprise we're the last stand. Eurofags used to make fun of our courseness, but tough has a useful side.

cad718 No.1324636


Share during the week when the kids are in school and Anons are more serious

ad9a09 No.1324637


Yea, that was one of my first singles on a CD and one of my favorite songs when I got it as I was going through my dad's battle with cancer when I was just a tween.

94e33f No.1324638


When was Israel not trash?

c67cf0 No.1324639


listen to odd tv too bro or sis

4f6f35 No.1324640



Presidential Bureau of Anti-matter

a34917 No.1324641


This was when Pagliano outsourced to Platte River Network and PRN sent to the cloud. PRN said they didn't know this was happening. They do now.

36fddd No.1324642


Been here a long time, anon. Have never understood the need to disrespect women when they dox. Just say don't dox yourself, like we do everyone else. That's all.

4d1b91 No.1324643


Hezbollah can have as many fake elections they want –– they are still going bye bye, as in bye bye Hezbollah :)

0c1727 No.1324644

File: b12fe3fe6628839⋯.png (40.35 KB, 631x339, 631:339, ClipboardImage.png)

Remember when Sally Yates 'warned the WH Flynn was in violation of the Logan Act"???

8c0cba No.1324645


It's not hard once you get the hang of it. Of course when Q posts it probably gets hectic.

c67cf0 No.1324646


im sorry

94e33f No.1324647



0d7154 No.1324648

File: 61ddb2b3c3b4a4d⋯.png (670.31 KB, 1005x714, 335:238, 29794761201047237576748939….png)

File: 757bf6b1a2a23cb⋯.png (922.9 KB, 810x754, 405:377, 87307037904376.png)

1e08ea No.1324649


I dunno wtf is going on with this.

I think it's just a shit tactic.

No one gives a flying fuck for the most part around here.

We blend in for a reason, therefore chan culture IS our culture, while here.


WWG1WGA, folks.

ce554a No.1324650


This is the kind of stupid-ass excuse that has ruined the country.


256898 No.1324651






94a714 No.1324652


Um because CR is a longstanding home of the #NeverTrump GOP and Levin himself was prominent #NeverTrump fuckwad who no one here trusts.


01292e No.1324653


i say we keep it long enough to buttrape the elite then get rid of it

c67cf0 No.1324654


its the ones that call themselves jews but r not

823a70 No.1324655

Has this been covered?


Q !UW.yye1fxo Fri 16 Feb 2018 20:05:17 732b35 No.402538

Clown Agency>No Such Agency.

RIP JFK - we will succeed.

Pyramid will collapse.

Think shell.



Scott Bennett: Shell Game – Exposing Hillary’s Criminal Network in the State Department


8457dc No.1324656



723f82 No.1324657


I don't think "afraid" quite covers it. There is a lot at stake. Factions within departments, many minions who stand to lose their livelihoods, freedoms and in some cases very lives. This is a fight for the world. "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead" would be disastrous right now.

What you are seeing is theatre.

Enjoy the show.

017244 No.1324658


why you being so stupid

defeats digs on cabal pedogate

not funny

8c95ec No.1324659


thanks honeybunny.. feel free to correct.. i dont know shit about politics

d1393c No.1324660

File: d672ec756fb7d4d⋯.png (132.85 KB, 1285x579, 1285:579, 2014-03-16 The nature of w….png)

File: 69b8af44bfc0992⋯.png (51.86 KB, 1164x233, 1164:233, 2013-06-29 Sexual patholog….png)

File: 4c665180a97f276⋯.png (482.5 KB, 1352x2353, 104:181, 2015-04-16 women are adult….png)


>Have some respect for the femanons or maybe the mods should ban you.

64822c No.1324661


Yeah I only want to practice with an experienced Baker on hand… If Q posts, all hell breaks loose

31bc71 No.1324662



You can vote more than once by opening a different browser and going back to the page to vote. I voted three times with three browsers.

a08aad No.1324663



55066f No.1324664



Very nice.

6b6adc No.1324665

File: 4a4eef470e148d6⋯.png (359.03 KB, 637x437, 637:437, M 352.png)


http:// www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/05/06/nancy-pelosi-refuses-call-cardenas-resign-child-molestation-claim/

fd29b2 No.1324666


Trump: Big Horn (goat)…will destroy Iran (last horn needed to be destroyed on the ram)

Pope Francis: Last pope…and the False Prophet that serves the antichrist

Macron…One of the four rulers after Trump, comes out of nowhere to be a political leader, is first seen as a savior, and then serves as a vessel for the beast

Don't believe…that's fine…wait and see….The only one I'm not sure of is Macron, as there still may be a political leader waiting in the wings that we don't know about

566789 No.1324667


i guess you've missed the last few breads…

when firing that gun, padding is placed in that area because that's where the spent casing lands after it's ejected. It a large casing and would otherwise cause damage to the deck.

Usually rubber mats are used, so anons were examining the arrangement and coloring of the pallets to determine if there was some kind of message being communicated.

Likely nothing, but hopefully you're aware that much of our value here is based on the fact that some of us can't help but exhaust any suspicion before dropping it.

What raised my suspicion even more was how many comments there were along the lines of "you're wasting your time it's just padding don't be dumb"…

695d6b No.1324668


Not while gestapo humanoids act like banker and politicians in Israel

b7bb34 No.1324669




Well that explains some of the many 22's & 29's.

5e6a8f No.1324670

File: 3ad8e412f6a7c3e⋯.png (2.43 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, IMG_1138.PNG)

File: 3863ac0a03dc73a⋯.png (2.84 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, IMG_1139.PNG)

Based on Epstein having a dental chair in Palm Beach mansion and other pics we've seen with kids and teeth, I got a bit of a pit seeing this today on RCG Miami. Also note hashtag #sensoryplay wth?

0d7154 No.1324671

File: 21f557c6adaab5e⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1144x926, 572:463, 57437893549.png)

File: 441e16803759f08⋯.png (953.49 KB, 666x715, 666:715, 43611199387547.png)

94e33f No.1324672


Here's some food for thought… Hezbollah and Israel are BOTH trash.

To hell with both of them.

01292e No.1324673

File: 2f8b00de7e6312e⋯.jpg (32.17 KB, 432x767, 432:767, pRJ2bTcaT0YQvP2HXl-sPEdLp8….jpg)

bdc5bf No.1324674

Where is HRC today?



0d7154 No.1324675

File: 0c73ff458ea50f7⋯.png (923.81 KB, 790x574, 395:287, 586943221766745.png)

79a27f No.1324676

File: 88701061d9fea2a⋯.png (35.04 KB, 646x242, 323:121, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b6a5924107ef07c⋯.png (355.41 KB, 638x721, 638:721, ClipboardImage.png)

In a nutshell

8b115a No.1324677


If you are sitting here just reading the boards you aren't actually digging on shit

a99cdb No.1324678

File: 0e17baaa58b4adf⋯.jpg (142.86 KB, 500x843, 500:843, Q proof Corsi 111 day mark….jpg)

1cf44d No.1324679


You are doing great. Keep at it. We need the old wisdom. I am also a oldfag… I got years on these young twerps..

d0ecac No.1324680

File: e534f1e76e04e00⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1363x679, 1363:679, no-potus-may-6.png)


566789 No.1324681


MOTB digits confirm

6ebff3 No.1324682

File: bbd2923151a2d35⋯.png (248.45 KB, 802x923, 802:923, HDR22A.PNG)

File: 0f79d7a750e469c⋯.png (304.84 KB, 803x942, 803:942, HDR22B.PNG)

File: 2c3fe30d7649a72⋯.png (268.4 KB, 746x935, 746:935, HDR22C.PNG)

File: 90021d449450fb8⋯.png (287.49 KB, 790x944, 395:472, HDR22D.PNG)


FBI investigation into clinton email

0c1727 No.1324683


>Have never understood the need to disrespect women when they dox

It's not about "disrespecting" fucking women!

It's about females that want to play that fucking card to get special treatment here! WE ARE ALL ANONS here, if you feel the need to express "Oh, I'm a woman", it's because they are looking for something (special treatment) in return! Take that BS to twattter or Fuckbook, it doesn't float here!

885642 No.1324684


How much longer will this movie go on?

75191c No.1324685


the political leader that came out of nowhere

is Obama

94e33f No.1324686


Oh, I know…

However, show me a Jew who is truly a Jew, today… Nearly all have been cucked by the Talmudist.

c67cf0 No.1324687

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

dbb848 No.1324688


And the tl;dr conclusion of all these technologies is this:

The vast majority of the human population is controlled without their awareness or comprehension it is even possible to be so influenced. A lot of it is ordinary people have no reason to suspect intelligence agencies would take an interest of them, but they are very frequently manipulated, often for the basest and pettiest reasons.

For example, suppose someone is a very qualified candidate for a position. But the person they're competing with for the position is a favorite niece of someone well-connected. Mysteriously, the highly qualified candidate suffers a rare, debilitating illness. Unable to follow through with the interview process, the favorite niece is awarded the position. And the only person who ever realizes manipulation occurred is the well-connected person.

It happens all the time. Most people never realize. For most, they experience it as a sudden disruption to their lives, then they recover and get on with their lives.

Explains why so many massive mediocrities are in positions of prestige and influence. Explains why the children of politicos and insiders always get sweetheart jobs making six figures in "philanthropy."

Probably the overwhelming majority of humanity has been manipulated at some point by someone at an intelligence agency. Lots of little manipulations, little sabotages, little harms, which total up to a near comprehensive invisible tyranny imposed on everyone.

The focus on "sexy" injustices like baby eating and human trafficking overlooks the collective assault on everyone living and breathing. It's the "small" injustices committed against humans the people deserve to know about, too. Probably those "small injustices" are the thing which would actually get everyone so riled up they would go full-out lynch mob on DC…

256898 No.1324689


Evil digits. Macron is evil.

0d7154 No.1324690

File: 22e28b17ff9a934⋯.png (927.42 KB, 790x574, 395:287, 275432954096200.png)

File: 757bf6b1a2a23cb⋯.png (922.9 KB, 810x754, 405:377, 87307037904376.png)

017244 No.1324691


no, you and Hezbollah will be trash soon

you won't get it till you see it happen

fd29b2 No.1324692


I think the four rulers will likely be:




and ? (not sure about the fourth)….maybe Merkel

6f5b27 No.1324693


Peter Strozk and Alex Jones ??

a08aad No.1324694


Maybe post the link and state

"Technological Warfare and the Deepstate" just an idea.


cf374e No.1324695



c67cf0 No.1324696


thank u


256898 No.1324697


Yep. but it's necessary Israel for the Taken down to Hezbollah..

Israel must to clean his own deep State.

5e6a8f No.1324698

>>1324674 NZ and OZ

75191c No.1324699


New Zealand

dedebc No.1324700

Prayers for President Trump/Q+ tonight and coming days.

Wisdom, Strength, Courage, Perserverance, Effective Strategy, Success, Safety, Blessings, Peace and Hope be upon you.

God bless you and God bless America.

Where we go one we go all.

6899e7 No.1324701

File: 23032e19cff5122⋯.jpg (4.68 KB, 275x183, 275:183, download (7).jpg)

A very important “Concept” regarding Choosing.

When we were first created out of the mind of THE ALL the first spiritual being was called Father. He then created out of his mind Mother and gave her creative power. Together they created Son. This is true. Their energy permeates our whole grain of sand on the beach of the ALL.

So looking at the Father and Mother, who chose who. As it turns out it is Always the female who chooses the male. No matter what it may look like from the outside. No matter what you think you have done males, forget it, she has chosen you if you end up together.

Another “Concept” brought to you by the Nag Hammadi.

This would mean she is not you babe or baby. kek kek

c67cf0 No.1324702


no NO no

8085a0 No.1324703

File: c35965d816ee0ac⋯.png (84.01 KB, 798x167, 798:167, hrc_hack.png)

Over 120 email logon attempts on HRC account after NYT published she was using a private server.

94e33f No.1324704


They putting those kids under anesthesia?

9bd1ec No.1324705


Merkel's sell by date was long ago. She is starting to stink and the vultures are circling.

d72cde No.1324706

File: a93a1e71282c40f⋯.gif (8.45 MB, 480x270, 16:9, IMG_8041.GIF)

a34917 No.1324707



40116e No.1324708


as long as a nation has "enemies" you can use that constitution to wipe your ass.

hard to have "rights" when one is playing friend and enemy

256898 No.1324709


Yes. I know. Israel will win.

75191c No.1324710


POTUS looks so small in this pic

done on purpose?

5e6a8f No.1324711

6ebff3 No.1324712

File: a62a2eabf2f340b⋯.png (143.98 KB, 796x823, 796:823, PingMonster..PNG)


What does this say?

9bd1ec No.1324713


"National Security"


ad9a09 No.1324714


It was decades ago, but thanks.

Apparently, a rare case of multiple people from his high school all having what no name supposedly has. It's rare and brutal…No F'ing way that no name is close to death yet, especially well enough to write a book…unless he's completely debilitated and almost falling into a coma…

In my dad's case, it got linked to chemical dumping in the river sourced for watering the athletic fields in the 50s/60s…

nothing conclusive and before any knowledge/laws…

Finding QR here today was a good reminder for me as to why I fight and to how early I woke. I've been so close to different groups and felt early attempts to recruit myself into secret societies…never. Woke as fuck way too early for these fools.

fd29b2 No.1324715


Putin = North

XI = East

Macron = South…which is where the antichrist is supposed to come from South

West = ?….no idea, but the antichrist is supposed to come the south, not the west….so maybe Obama or Hillary…I would guess Obama if a ruler is installed….thoughts?

a08aad No.1324717


What a wonderfully articulate comprehensive amazing response. Ty so much for sharing with me. You knocked my socks off.


0a139f No.1324718


Oh man.

How the hell did an SFfag end up here?

Do not envy you that fog of groupthink.

The poz is strong with that lot.

Couldn't take it anymore.

dde6ce No.1324719

File: 9da7e305e33a189⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1612x793, 124:61, ClipboardImage.png)


There is a USN P8 Poseidon patrolling the Med just south of Greece. Marked its last position with an X and you can see its specs on the right side of the image. Was on radar – just vanished – still flying tho.


Planefag out.

36fddd No.1324720


How do you know they are looking for special treatment? You are d a colossal Ass. I'm done trying to explain this very simple concept than even a 5 year old would get.

b7bb34 No.1324721


The post I replied to has it.

723f82 No.1324722


> get Mark Levin on the Trump team



He's only on his tribe's team

That will never change


Nope, just jews. People can use all the weasel words they want

>muh khazar

>muh hivites

but they're just jews

Grow some balls and just say it. It's liberating, and it's the truth.

64822c No.1324723


My whole point is like why admitting you have a dick not the same?

0137b8 No.1324724

File: 51701729eb0aba0⋯.png (546.68 KB, 671x846, 671:846, catalonia just the beginni….PNG)


389d1d No.1324725


An Underground Revolution Working Overtime.

5da7c7 No.1324726

File: 87c6466c411358f⋯.png (3.72 MB, 1935x1028, 1935:1028, 1.PNG)

94e33f No.1324727



In your dreams, you Talmudist, pedo-fuck.

The goyim know. Your synagogue is toast, chump. Wait for it.

256898 No.1324728


Maybe Obrador?

5e6a8f No.1324729


Antichrist has Roman roots and will survive a mortal head wound

a99cdb No.1324730


Thats his new twitter background photo. I tried to find the picture of it , without screenshot, and i could not.

One thing i thought was odd, was that Trump looked small,, almost like it was photoshopped.( a bad photoshop job, kek)

Because of his size to those around him, behind him, and then the guys in the front row.

Seem odd.

c67cf0 No.1324731

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


ur welcome but still

spread truth

256898 No.1324732

I really hate Wrong with my words..

fd29b2 No.1324733


Agreed…I believe the fourth leader will likely be an American leader….

1e08ea No.1324734


….I literally left 9 years ago.

94a714 No.1324735

File: bb60b16054bbf93⋯.jpg (178.25 KB, 1476x777, 492:259, top-kek-nasim.jpg)

75191c No.1324736



256898 No.1324737

Why the bread is so slow?

5541fc No.1324738


what are we looking for?

c67cf0 No.1324739


he will die

dc5880 No.1324740




That has been me for sure. I am saving all of it.

51558e No.1324741

File: 69249e46350403d⋯.jpg (135.65 KB, 1200x1195, 240:239, DTxR-oaXkAUtl_Z.jpg)

4d1b91 No.1324742

File: 41aa0beaead9713⋯.png (248.19 KB, 646x545, 646:545, Cannibal Club Los Angeles.png)

File: 616b5d18c89b117⋯.png (295.51 KB, 652x662, 326:331, Cannibal Club Cuisine.png)

File: 3727e08487fa03c⋯.png (214.69 KB, 653x624, 653:624, Cannibal Club Events.png)

File: 32d2febf2aca5e9⋯.png (494.97 KB, 652x819, 652:819, Cannibal Club FAQ.png)

File: fc4bcf3cbf30dae⋯.png (379.68 KB, 648x906, 108:151, Cannibal Club Staff.png)


Specializing in the preparation of human meat, Cannibal Club brings the cutting edge of experimental cuisine to the refined palates of L.A.’s cultural elite.


75191c No.1324743

incoming Q?

8b0bd7 No.1324744


Completely surreal in the blue zones.

It put's hair on our chests' standing tall…


fd29b2 No.1324745


Yes, I know he survives a mortal head wound: See this:

Emmanuel Macron: policies, beliefs and philosophy from his book Macron By Macron. … Emmanuel Macron has deep philosophical roots. Macron studied Philosophy … While Macron was raised in a secular household, he was baptised as a Roman Catholic at his own request at the age of 12. “Individuals …

695d6b No.1324747

Bizarre how all these devils just expose themselves

Like pedos

c67cf0 No.1324748

peace all

God Bless

566789 No.1324749


"Thou goest to women? Do not forget thy whip!"

0137b8 No.1324750



how many are truly full heartedly waiting in pure hope for th emessiah to come and reign in full authority as power vested by our one true living god?

5e6a8f No.1324751

>>1324736 he isn't known yet. He will also be handsome. The great deceiver. No name is neither

fd29b2 No.1324752


There's your Roman Roots….he was baptized as a Roman Catholic…spooked yet?

94e33f No.1324753


Listen to these fucking creeps…

All pedo-trafficking roads lead to Israel, and this Talmudist, piece of shit is over here talking about, "Israel will win".

Well… Q, says we're "saving Israel for last". I guess this makes you an enemy of Q and everyone here.

Good luck with that.

723f82 No.1324754


>How much longer will this movie go on?

Until it's over. There are several plot twists including those who reveal themselves to be on a different team, the redemption arc, the climax and the final plot twist.

Don't rush it, it doesn't happen on anons' timetable.

Just enjoy and know that Patriots are in control.

Also, learn to analyze beyond surface level, it helps.

0c1727 No.1324755


>You are d a colossal Ass

lmao Fuck off, asshat!

YOU don't fucking belong here either!

GTFO, go back to Fuckbook so you can "muh felz"!

75191c No.1324756


he WAS very handsome

dbb848 No.1324757


Isn't it funny?

Human trafficking. Lifelong abuse and torture. Character assassination. Outright lies.

But the ultimate reason Q says "99% would end up in the hospital" is because approximately that many have been fucked over at some point by elites.

Imagine hundreds of millions, all simultaneously finding out the reason they didn't get that job they worked so hard for, the reason their father died in a car crash, the reason they were repeatedly overlooked for promotion, is because of some terribly evil people manipulating everyone.

The people in this thread. I've been watching since the beginning, and it seems really obvious to me by now Q's purpose is to gather those people together so they can finally learn why their life has been like it is.

cf374e No.1324758


I feel like POTUS had some big shit to do today

briefings on Iran, NK, or something big like that

0086aa No.1324759

Anons, does this sound right:

JK = Jared Kushner

JKerry = John Kerry

I bring this up because I am seeing people getting things mixed up especially with regards to recent Q posts. Kushner is the one traveling around trying to help drain the swamp.

If you have a Reddit account please help spread this idea in /r/greatawakening. I would but I don't have an account there, I am seeing confusion there.

fc4195 No.1324760

File: 78c44e6d0dd7a0f⋯.jpg (90.61 KB, 1176x632, 147:79, Jew hate shills.jpg)


POTUS knows. He holds Netanahu's hand tight to his heart. bye bye Jew hate shills

b68afd No.1324761

File: 1e97762a40a1d38⋯.png (52.74 KB, 650x414, 325:207, ClipboardImage.png)


Looks like "Ping-Master"…?

695d6b No.1324764

AFter the filter is applied to cia niggas, homotus, nasi, Talmud queers , imf dykes

The lurking is not so annoying

5848ad No.1324765

File: 382723674d5567e⋯.png (333.66 KB, 1258x786, 629:393, 57pf.PNG)

That's a long ass call sign?

11c79b No.1324766

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good evening anons. Who else thought the shilling seemed down on Wednesday and Thursday?


0107f1 No.1324767

File: 077baacf6cbd644⋯.jpg (71.97 KB, 783x596, 783:596, seth..jpg)

File: 4baf69ee2a6e18e⋯.png (230.59 KB, 1397x745, 1397:745, SR.png)


Sign it, faggots/patriots

256898 No.1324768


Just finish the job and do the connections with Center/Southamerica. That is plagued.

I know that. But it's necessary that Trump put Focus in Center/Southamerica soon.

fc4195 No.1324769


Triggered? this isn't your safe space anon. If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen.

aa2f1f No.1324770


Good call, I was stuck in “ping sphincter “

8b0bd7 No.1324771


>How do you know they are looking for special treatment?

Because the HAVE TO make sure everyone in the room knows that they have a vagina.

e4d5ed No.1324772


She is a suspicious character.

Her ratio of head width to shoulder width suggests that this is a male, not a female.

Early photos of her around 1954 show someone with female proportions of head to shoulder width but the face only resembles Ruth. By the time she is appointed to the court, there is a family photo with male head to shoulder ratio.

And then there is her genealogy which is obscured. There is a mysterious brother. Her bio says that she worked to put this brother through Cornell law school first. What if, the original Joan Bader was killed, and her brother under the name Ruth Joan worked in a garment factory as a woman to perfect his disguise and backstory as a woman. But Ruth Ginsburg is in fact a man, the brother of Joan Ruth Bader.

This is not so far fetched as you would imagine since this is the sort of life-encompassing deceptions that satanists engage in. The kids are fostered from some other satanist family. Her husband just plays the role, or perhaps he prefers gay male sex with this pseudo wife.

This could use some digging but it may require access to paper records in NYC and some of those may have been tampered with, or destroyed.

1370ce No.1324773


'and keep your enemies closer.'

little taste of the zionist supremacist's own medicine.

64822c No.1324774

Night Faggots…

Love you, totally fucking fag…

Cause I am a girl…

Fuck Off, shitasses…

8c0cba No.1324775


gonna need a new baker after this

0a139f No.1324776



Anon is right. Naming (((them))) is the final and hardest red-pill. So long as you pretend not to notice plain truths, cognitive dissonance will keep you confused. We've all been there, 99% of us hit that block for a bit. But desire for the whole truth powered us forward. Do the research. You'll be glad you did.

You may have to use synonyns out in normieville, but not here.

acf284 No.1324777


hehe…no need to imagine.

77eba8 No.1324779

File: 3426ceb55e62381⋯.png (11.83 KB, 201x255, 67:85, a12db404d4533af13ab4165491….png)

ec0d8d No.1324780


That's a lot of good work in there, Anon. Kudos to you and Kek.

8ee968 No.1324781


Women tend to have more powerful orgasms during rape. That's a scientific fact.

5848ad No.1324782

b68afd No.1324783


What's with all the 22s, 15s and 29s in HRC's misc e-mail addresses?

aa2f1f No.1324784


Sorry but don’t expect us to care about your gender.

0c1727 No.1324785


>this isn't your safe space anon

Damn right, AND it's NOT fucking yours either, you whining liddle bitchfag! SO FUCK OFF!

94e33f No.1324786


"Keep your enemies close."It's a thing…

Keep clinging to your doom, faggot. Lol

cf374e No.1324787


muh boobs

fd29b2 No.1324788

Sauce: http://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/article/emmanuel-macron-policies-beliefs-philosophy

dbb848 No.1324789



9bd1ec No.1324791


Ham on rye, easy on the mustard.

G'nite, sweetheart.

3ccee8 No.1324792


Larger targets and matters at hand right now

but before this is all over, he needs to be exposed

09b21b No.1324793

Angry Anon

ce917e No.1324794

Every anon on this board knows who the Anti-Christ is.

But few Christians can even ask the question because they do not understand the Bible.

The correct question is: "What is the Anti-Christ character" (not WHO is the person).

The answer is Luciferian (and those supporting it or identifying therewith).

acf284 No.1324796


night faggotess

df3602 No.1324797

File: 6b73f470a7adf42⋯.jpg (117.79 KB, 564x518, 282:259, 96705.jpg)

ec0d8d No.1324798




4d51ca No.1324799

Pray anons.

0c1727 No.1324800



723f82 No.1324801


>You may have to use synonyns out in normieville, but not here.

Succinct truth.

94a714 No.1324803


Virtually every female who comes to /pol wants to be the belle of the ball, thus the tits rule.

efe16d No.1324804





Suggestions on labeling with all the links are at top.

94e33f No.1324806


Ding, ding, ding.

477b51 No.1324807

File: 65868a6c92c40ca⋯.png (127.83 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180506-234936.png)

File: 7c8df1a9e7e0a3e⋯.png (213.61 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180506-234943.png)

File: cbbea134dc2af2b⋯.png (164.58 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180506-235128.png)

File: f9689041eb3a2eb⋯.png (175.43 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180506-235135.png)

File: f786bfd9fd501d3⋯.png (199.58 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180506-235143.png)

Now I understand why these guys are so pissy with Q

8c947f No.1324808


Is this place real?

fc4195 No.1324809


Maybe go out for a little walk, it'll help you calm down, or has it been years since you've left the basement?

30e566 No.1324810

File: 017d275d168673c⋯.jpg (102.89 KB, 540x534, 90:89, 017d275d168673c43a5e1a0f39….jpg)


Isnt it amazing that Warren Buffet was such a financial 'genius' that 95% of his money was made after the age of 60. When Clinton came to power.

fd29b2 No.1324811


Typical Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron talking about himself. That was back in May, right after his victory, when he compared himself to Jupiter, ruling Roman god. Everything is normal, no one is drunk on power.

ab2d82 No.1324812


Femfag…and I get the sense that you're a "trust the deal" kind of shill.


823a70 No.1324813

b11e95 No.1324814



Suspect he makes the bad guys very nervous when he's silent. Suicide weekend soon?

92067f No.1324815

File: 163d6acb6b22da0⋯.jpg (59.74 KB, 483x414, 7:6, face.jpg)


the guy in the pic has a Q on his Shirt.. it is photoshopped in as is a bunch of the rest of the photos… there is a set of posts on the various photos in earlier breads but it didn't make notable?…. lots of Q's… in pics and curmbs

8c0cba No.1324816

6f5b27 No.1324817


ping number

(I read M.D. handwriting for years)

c090b7 No.1324818

File: 1a93ad69441ea8f⋯.png (463.71 KB, 799x439, 799:439, rudyg.png)

6899e7 No.1324819


such a lovely and enlightened thought.

a34917 No.1324820


bite me

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