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7df7e3  No.12552058[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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7df7e3  No.12552059

Global Announcements

Reminder: Stay out of ALL STATE CAPITOLS on January 20, 2021. There are no "armed protests" being planned by Patriots

>>12537546 , >>12537580 , >>12537612 , >>12537672 Backup of the 11 transcripts released today by Graham

>>12495002 Using TOR/Onion with Brave Browser instructions

>>12478438, >>12479577 8BIT PSA Potential Resolution for Current ClearNet Issues Effecting Some Anons+

>>12423519 President Trump is the only thing left in the way of the CCP taking our Nation (Video)

>>12422748 Letter from NYE County, NV Chairman - Trump will be President for another 4 years

Report Election/Voter Fraud Directly to Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org

Support Lin Wood https://fightback.law/

Support Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org/

CM Research "Executive Directive 51" https://mobile.twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1337927415465533440

CM YOUTUBE ARCHIVE https://rumble.com/vbij1v-dominion-voter-fraud-drama-bombshell-video-by-ron-codemonkey.html

Notables Are Not Endorsements


>>12551339 Germany To Put COVID-Rulebreakers In "Detention Camp"

>>12551362 Pennsylvania Lt Gov Denies Free Speech, Says ‘You Do Not Have The Right’ To Question Election Integrity

>>12551377 ‘Risk Pool’ to be Created to Compensate Nations Hurt by Bill Gates Venture to Dim the Sun to Cool Earth

>>12551387 , >>12551396 RECALL NEWS - Over 760,000 pounds of Hot Pockets recalled, may contain 'pieces of glass and plastic'

>>12551392 , >>12551433 , >>12551473 FF at Frankfurt Airport

>>12551393 Judge drops charges against 28 Black Lives Matter protesters in Detroit

>>12551409 Sealed Indictments: The Project for a New American Government

>>12551411 FBI arrests 'hardcore leftist' plotting to violently attack pro-Trump protesters at Florida Capitol over rioting at US Capitol

>>12551416 Banner Bot

>>12551432 ‘Engineered Virus’: Wuhan Lab’s Military Ties, Secrecy Highlighted By US State Dept Fact Sheet

>>12551443 4am talking points

>>12551454 Afghan Migrants Accused of Filming Child Sex Abuse for Blackmail

>>12551458 PF Report


>>12551463 This was supposedly for the parade, which was canceled and made virtual. Why are they still building it? Seems significant.

>>12551475 Facebook Censors Mexican Cardinal for Denouncing ‘New World Order’

>>12551481 Greece Extends Lockdown Indefinitely

>>12551554 Iranian missiles land within 20 miles of ship, 100 miles from Nimitz strike group in Indian Ocean: officials

>>12551576 Maryland suspending commuter train service

>>12551585 Dmitry Medvedev: America 2.0. After the election

>>12551597 Trump declassifies Russiagate, Obamagate docs

>>12551638 German governor Armin Laschet chosen to lead Angela Merkel’s party

>>12551659 As of January 2021 Trump Administration Accomplishments

>>12551671 Censored by Twitter or Facebook? This state's bill would let you sue

>>12551752 CHYNA stooges giving credence to China's crushing of free speech, leftists are fools or are in on it

>>12551808 Top House Dem committee chairs launch investigation into the Capitol attack and other related threats against peaceful transfer of power,

>>12551844 Former NYPD Commissioner: ‘Citizens of the US’ Now Biggest Terror Threat

>>12551900 AF2 headed to Naval Air Station Lemoore

>>12551909 Rothschild Heirs: Who Are the Living Descendants of Europe's Famous Banking Dynasty

>>12551944 Guardian Smears Syria's President With Implausible Link To Beirut's Port Blast

>>12551958 US Real Estate Firms Forfeit $50m in Alleged Drug Money

>>12552006 Since 1999 Five ‘Flu Years’ Saw More Deaths In UK Than 2020!

>>12552039 #16025

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7df7e3  No.12552064


>>12550609 , >>12550716 Temp Structure near the White House?

>>12550646 Yesterday Acting Secretary Gaynor toured the Joint Task Force National Capital Region Operations Center at #FortMcNair (Fort McNair?)

>>12550675 @SecPompeo Our framers understood that a nation flourishes when individuals can exercise their religious freedom. Governments should protect this right

>>12550677 Weapons distributed to National Guard at the Capitol

>>12550694 13 Israelis suffer FACIAL PARALYSIS after taking Pfizer Covid jab

>>12550757 PF Report

>>12550786 James Murdoch Blasts “Media Outlets That Propagate Lies” In FT Interview

>>12550846 The United States has repeatedly called for a transparent and thorough investigation into the origin of COVID-19

>>12550849 An online activist group has questioned major retail companies including Walmart and Amazon for selling MyPillow products

>>12550887 Tim Gionet, known as Baked Alaska, has been arrested by federal authorities

>>12550603 Epstein flight log dig

>>12550940 US Gov “has reason to believe that several researchers inside the WIV (Wuhan Institute of Virology) became sick in autumn 2019

>>12550945 Zone around the White House and National Mall is getting more restrictive

>>12550954 1st Marine Div - Be ready to fight

>>12550957 , >>12551042 The left knows what's coming and that nothing can stop it

>>12551116 The Review-Journal is owned by the family of Sheldon Adelson.

>>12551102 55 Americans Have Died Following COVID Vaccination, Norway Deaths Rise To 29

>>12551096 Iranian missiles land within 20 miles of ship, 100 miles from Nimitz strike group in Indian Ocean

>>12551068 Obama Friend and Former Premier Matteo Renzi Triggers Political Crisis in Italy

>>12551018 @SecPompeo Wuhan Virus: CCP covered it up. CCP disappeared the doctors who knew. CCP still refuses to let the world in to see what it wrought

>>12551006 The DC police escorting busses full with people in the day before the march.

>>12551133 Alternative tech platform DLive cracks down on users amid media complaints about ‘extremist’ audience after Capitol storming

>>12551161 USMC - Shield to Storm

>>12551164 ‘I do love Doritos’: Ted Cruz responds to viral, fake CNN correction about him having a ‘QAnon’ Dorito stuck to suit

>>12551168 . >>12551204 JADE SACKER was in Rojava with the YPJ as a photojournalist reminder, her partner on Jan 6, John Sullivan was wearing Jihad scarf.

>>12551175 Bill Gates Becomes America's Largest Farmland Owner While 'Great Reset" Says Future Is 'No Private Property'

>>12551194 CDU Anoints Merkel's Successor In Party Leadership Vote

>>12551215 dig on Miriam Adelson

>>12551228 Text of a Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to the Southern Border of the United States

>>12551235 In God We Trust - new Flynn on clouthub

>>12551263 #16024

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7df7e3  No.12552068


>>12549795 DC roads are completely shut down around white house

>>12549800 New Sec. Pompeo The CCP broke its promise to the people of Hong Kong. We imposed real costs on those denying freedom to those noble people

>>12549985 Anon decode

>>12549995 "Every car that tried to leave Washington DC last night had to go through identification checkpoints

>>12550038 Patrick Byrne Explanation of the SolarWinds Hack

>>12550075 , >>12550186 Antifa activist arrested for plotting murder Trump supporters

>>12550079 Temp Structure appears near White House

>>12550320 Bigger fencing going up around Capitol

>>12550336 Another criminal murderer executed by Federal Government

>>12550377 PF Report

>>12550398 Washington DC and especially Capitol Hill probably ranks one of the most surveilled places on the planet.

>>12550417 Hollywood deaths

>>12550478 #16023

Previously Collected Notables

>>12548164 #16020, >>12548943 #16021, >>12549698 #16022

>>12545824 #16017, >>12546600 #16018, >>12547383 #16019

>>12543494 #16014, >>12544284 #16015, >>12544998 #16016

>>12541198 #16011, >>12541982 #16012, >>12542727 #16013

>>12538896 #16008, >>12539685 #16009, >>12540407 #16010

>>12536596 #16005, >>12537329 #16006, >>12538098 #16007

>>12534296 #16002, >>12535048 #16003, >>12535799 #16004

>>12531922 #15999, >>12532707 #16000, >>12533533 #16001

>>12529588 #15996, >>12530380 #15997, >>12531175 #15998

>>12527231 #15993, >>12528019 #15994, >>12528793 #15995

>>12524967 #15990, >>12525705 #15991, >>12526467 #15992

>>12522648 #15987, >>12523439 #15988, >>12524213 #15989

>>12520726 #15985, >>12521849 #15986 1/2 , >>12522026 #15986 2/2

>>12518413 #15982, >>12519183 #15983, >>12519694 #15984

>>12516060 #15979, >>12516863 #15980, >>12517640 #15981

>>12513779 #15976, >>12514537 #15977, >>12515296 #15978

>>12511438 #15973, >>12512222 #15974, >>12513026 #15975

>>12509136 #15970, >>12509896 #15971, >>12510673 #15972

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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7df7e3  No.12552072

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>9901078 ————————————–——– Questions & Practice Thread

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International Q Research Threads

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>>11250635 ————————————–——– China #1

>>8331823 ————————————–——– France #2

>>12145439 ————————————–——– Germany #73

>>10838222 ————————————–——– Italia #1

>>11487786 ————————————–——– Israel/Zionism #1

>>12219245 ————————————–——– Japan #1

>>9133907 ————————————–——– Mexico #1

>>10497699 ————————————–——– Nederland #5

>>10524823 ————————————–——– New Zealand #5

>>12173250 ————————————–——– Nordic #2

>>12228207 ————————————–——– Portugal #1

>>11937308 ————————————–——– Scotland #2

>>11550704 ————————————–——– South Africa #2

>>12443793 ————————————–——– UK #29

>>11306246 ————————————–——– Vatican #2

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Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

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7df7e3  No.12552078

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* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.3: https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

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Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf


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7df7e3  No.12552081

>>12552058 OP



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a4ef66  No.12552115

File: 2e68289b51c1942⋯.jpg (115.11 KB, 894x669, 298:223, Coleen_Gray_2.jpg)

File: ff3cd1bcf0389c4⋯.jpg (271.71 KB, 1072x805, 1072:805, midafternoonshiftinvasion.jpg)

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1fc4a7  No.12552116

File: 4c9c0f0194423df⋯.jpg (20.79 KB, 255x249, 85:83, Working_on_a_gold_wall_at_….jpg)

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ea00e5  No.12552118

File: f3f15e367e229aa⋯.png (36.16 KB, 739x298, 739:298, ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: Biden camp plans early legislation to give citizenship to 11M illegal aliens; the bill would provide no stepped-up immigration enforcement or border security measures - LA Times


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f0bdcd  No.12552119

File: 8611c2a189c4b35⋯.png (163.02 KB, 1024x1022, 512:511, Screenshot_2021_01_16_Q_2_.png)

File: fbd4ba4d6fbfe1e⋯.png (85.61 KB, 760x543, 760:543, Screenshot_2021_01_16_Q_4_.png)

File: 86a6ee6168d746d⋯.png (144.43 KB, 1210x1040, 121:104, Screenshot_2021_01_14_Q_3_.png)

File: 4e53b7eed0bdb57⋯.png (3.54 MB, 5768x2768, 721:346, EBS_2099.png)

File: 6e3adfa964c0a40⋯.jpg (3.46 MB, 2272x5404, 568:1351, NROL_we_own_the_night.jpg)



Jan. 5th = C_A stop payment

Jan. 5th = GA Run Off

Jan. 6th = 11.23 on lunar calendar - PAIN 23

Jan. 6th = 12th day of Christmas/Epiphany Western Calendar

Jan. 6th = POTUS Call for patriots to come to DC - Fuck around, found out day

Jan. 6th = Electoral College - Certification before Declass + 5

Jan. 7th = Eastern OrthdoX Christmas - What do you want for Xmas

Jan. 7th + 10 days Darkness =Jan 17th@POTUS twitter shutdown

Jan. 13th = 11.3/11.4 = 1.13/1.14 Proofs to Begin - Report Confirms Numerous Countries Interfered In the 2020 Election – Millions of Invalid Ballots Inserted Into the Election - DECLASS CONFIRMED ON LOU DOBBS - SHELDON ADELSON DEAD 12TH

Jan. 15th = Friday - MAGA Promise day 1 - Friday the 15th is the date on the iPhone in the pic cap for #2099 about the EAS test - Threats at Google, VA supreme court, London Heathrow - First Round of Declass.

Jan. 15th + 7 = Jan. 22nd :stay at home< - [-7] - DR_noon_clear_sky^ - Safe comms_SAT-re_Bz985300^00









Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b189f8 No.130638📁

Jan 22 2018 21:47:32 (EST)

What would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed the assassination (possibility) of the POTUS or member of his family?

What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved?

Forget the Russia set up [1 of 22].

This is only the beginning.

Be careful what you wish for.


Could messages such as those be publicly disclosed?

What happens to the FBI?

What happens to the DOJ?

What happens to special counsel?

What happens in general?

Every FBI/DOJ prev case could be challenged.


Think logically.

We haven’t started the drops re: human trafficking / sacrifices [yet][worst].

Those [good] who know cannot sleep.

Those [good] who know cannot find peace.

Those [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held accountable.

Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there.

Those you trust are the most guilty of sin.

Who are we taught to trust?

If you are religious, PRAY.

60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity.

These people should be hanging.









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297aee  No.12552120

File: e7b054d75c25e72⋯.png (639.1 KB, 742x734, 371:367, ClipboardImage.png)

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6f1f9f  No.12552121

This isn't the Cold War. This is something different. The China threat is already within our borders.


(Timestamp 2:00PM EST)

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f21b49  No.12552124

New World Order - in their own words




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6f1f9f  No.12552131

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0cae38  No.12552136

File: f2b76c0904f9605⋯.jpg (26.76 KB, 662x478, 331:239, gender_reveal_dad.jpg)

What's the deal with QAnon I can't seem to find his new posts in the bread?

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81e385  No.12552138














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46ed51  No.12552139

File: ccab47b47c228af⋯.jpeg (136.44 KB, 846x476, 423:238, 9A96B909_A9D7_4B67_99A6_8….jpeg)

If this were a horror movie for [them], this would be the approximate point where the swamp nervously laughed off the harbinger and proceeded directly into the trap.

Why are the fences in DC built backwards, eh?

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3eee34  No.12552141

File: 16a9b3f68d6e2d3⋯.png (407.22 KB, 1800x806, 900:403, a_955.png)

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3ba38e  No.12552142

File: 497d7d37d898048⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1792x828, 448:207, 76BFB322_CB49_446D_8387_39….png)

File: 6f77d9324f3b45f⋯.jpeg (163.79 KB, 828x1310, 414:655, 8376BA7F_7ED1_4C84_A0C0_6….jpeg)

We brought a lot of attention to ourselves seeking to “get money out of politics” and using the money from that fame, we publicly endorsed democrat candidates and donated large amounts to them

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3bc0c4  No.12552143



repost from (lb)

New Sec. Pompeo


See new Tweets


Secretary Pompeo


US government account

This isn't the Cold War. This is something different. The China threat is already within our borders.

2:00 PM · Jan 16, 2021·Twitter Media Studio




Quote Tweets




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af9d06  No.12552145

Biden is live, announcing his White House Science Team.

he said…"blah blah blah….'God willing', we will blah blah blah blah"

the guy just cursed himself….God willing…..

also introducing Dr Nelson, woman of Deep state Parents

also a Dr. Wilson,.. another DS doctor…

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c629b3  No.12552146


This might have been notable the first time it was posted, even if it is JUST an anon's opinion. Now, though, after at least 20 post of the same damn thing….it is shill spam, so fuck off and find something else to obsess about.

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5f9aa3  No.12552147

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9fb17f  No.12552148

>>12551966 LB

Birds sing like crazy AFTER a storm, as well.

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fa91d0  No.12552149

File: 2cd5198ad06d73f⋯.jpg (128.54 KB, 931x696, 931:696, Me_with_Pepe_N_Frens.JPG)




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1c5ddc  No.12552150

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Check out this short video.


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cd0914  No.12552151

File: f29c36206ef7c02⋯.png (94.22 KB, 661x874, 661:874, 4.png)

- While the whole world is distracted by US inauguration

- Millions of people around the world are getting vaccine shots every single day

- Lockdowns are almost everywhere

- Small businesses destroyed

- People slowly accepting THE NEW NORMAL

- GREAT RESET is here

And the worst thing?

Our familiy members, friends, cooworkers are getting vaccines, and GOD knows what will happen to them after few weeks, months, years…

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fbd315  No.12552152

File: 90109f6881e3c0a⋯.jpg (73.02 KB, 680x332, 170:83, bread_stay_home_do_some_ba….jpg)

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189b90  No.12552153

>>12552050 lb

Curiouser and Curiouser

>>12552093 lb

They have subways and tunnels going to and from the Congress building too. So why the fence around that and not WH.

DC is a swamp of tunnels.

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5f9aa3  No.12552154


Bye Bye Miss American Pie

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a75e65  No.12552155


One of many avenues that they will use to never loose power.

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a37b55  No.12552156


as predicted

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1f12d8  No.12552157

File: fa7e5a9501c113c⋯.jpg (7.36 KB, 257x145, 257:145, bbf1caf196ffb5b5a8f3hf569b….JPG)

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1f12d8  No.12552158

File: e8fe26b62f5257e⋯.jpg (39.52 KB, 612x397, 612:397, 3nzccded0v.jpg)

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9cba6a  No.12552159

>>12552129 lb

>DC is completed locked on that day.

Just heard on the radio that all bridges going into DC will be closed Tuesday through Thursday.

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358ca4  No.12552160

File: 279217c30e1b1f0⋯.jpeg (443.45 KB, 1656x1243, 1656:1243, 06DA602B_E5AB_4CC3_B9A1_D….jpeg)


TYBakes, comfy

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e5965a  No.12552161

>>12552108 LB

And, "solved" the Nashville bombing in 2 days…They're THAT good.

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ec86d8  No.12552162

File: 912c48920e5d126⋯.png (531.46 KB, 1663x936, 1663:936, Screenshot_2021_01_16_Day1….png)

He says ME standing at the side of the road at 1:54. It is fucking JFK, Jr. HE IS ALIVE and is the narrator of this video.


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f0bdcd  No.12552163


>This might have been notable the first time it was posted, even if it is JUST an anon's opinion. Now, though, after at least 20 post of the same damn thing….it is shill spam, so fuck off and find something else to obsess about.

Keep shilling faggot, which part exactly is my "opinion" you retarded fuck?

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e376e6  No.12552164


And there's over 40 million of them.

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69b9d8  No.12552165


Ok, The Dood.

Why was the FRESH formatted/handled way differently lb than all the other times you have been doing it?

Spoopy alert.

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aba509  No.12552166


Apparently Q has been busy larping as Joe Biden. Which is why he doesn't post here as much anymore.

Follow Biden Twitter for Project D Comms.

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189b90  No.12552167


>Our familiy members

If they think I'm going to take care of them for the rest of their lives when they become disabled due to taking the damn thing, they have better think again.

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5f9aa3  No.12552168

File: a1806fd838af7ca⋯.jpg (45.75 KB, 750x422, 375:211, OCD.jpg)

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49a50e  No.12552169

>>12552155 If you mean they are doing this to garner votes then you are not thinking straight. Looks like they don't need them for votes.

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fa91d0  No.12552170

File: a343a6af7e4cc41⋯.jpg (72.58 KB, 480x640, 3:4, U_S_Paratroopers_AIRBORNE_….jpg)

File: 0fbde4b797f6a69⋯.jpg (22.84 KB, 290x239, 290:239, U_S_Paratrooper_Lt.jpg)

File: 34913f3430ccb72⋯.png (388.81 KB, 450x554, 225:277, Rare_God_Nugget_Pepe_Clear.png)

File: 93a7c6290d2b4a2⋯.mp4 (12.76 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 4_DONT_TREAD_ON_ME.mp4)

File: 48affc62a4f4ef3⋯.jpg (85.13 KB, 408x510, 4:5, 48affc62a4f4ef369b4279625c….jpg)


Guess What?


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aa7c84  No.12552171

File: db95fc0cbb97a3e⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB, 640x360, 16:9, _2FuHxHdpNESQDhQ.mp4)

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909cf9  No.12552172


How can 'the Biden camp' be planning any legislation?

Biden is trying to become Executive branch (President).

Legislation is what Congress does.

Are they admitting something by accident?

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06cb55  No.12552173

In a few days we get to see who gets to say i told you so.

Anons believing in the plan by an anonymous letter of the alphabet.

Or those who have been skeptical about this entire psyop with zero results as of yet.

Rate the probabilities.

My guess is that this plan and psyop is bullshit.

Q should just come out and say it,before nothing can stop what is coming either way now.

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aa7c84  No.12552174

File: 29d9528d8da3385⋯.mp4 (14.02 MB, 1066x600, 533:300, 8KUN_Last_place_on_earth_f….mp4)

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1a3ebc  No.12552175

File: 4dbab8449fc4f53⋯.png (3.13 KB, 445x256, 445:256, PBS4.png)

File: 5a69642547899c5⋯.jpg (157.99 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, PBSssgulag.jpg)


All episode now brought to you by the letter Gulag

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b7003b  No.12552176

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b24a68  No.12552177


hey guys

we'll just legalize 11M more votes for us

k thx bye

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aa7c84  No.12552178

File: 80625ed7771dfc8⋯.jpg (169.05 KB, 634x1191, 634:1191, 36C83CCA00000578_3726250_i….jpg)

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b3aa4b  No.12552179

File: 5365d3b0eb06e2f⋯.jpeg (358.07 KB, 606x554, 303:277, D3EACDDC_F3C1_45B1_B92F_3….jpeg)

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000000  No.12552180



In the corner.

It's your shit-stained dildo.

>Put it back in your mouth

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aa7c84  No.12552181

File: 82fbe3106dbdb40⋯.jpeg (142.73 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 82fbe3106dbdb4022aa38811c….jpeg)

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af9d06  No.12552183



presidents always do that.

He is the 'leader' of D party.

He is pretending to be in charge

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909cf9  No.12552184

File: 3603b55995b2d26⋯.png (3.09 MB, 1400x1173, 1400:1173, QAnonBannerFF.png)

File: f0b2269994aaa8d⋯.png (107.88 KB, 262x193, 262:193, Gaslighting.png)

File: 5e9cf31d03db7f5⋯.png (131.63 KB, 932x753, 932:753, Q4881.PNG)



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 10/17/2020 12:36:26


There is 'Q'. 1

There are 'Anons'. 2

There is no 'Qanon'.3

Media labeling as 'Qanon' is a method [deliberate] to combine [attach] 'Q' to comments _theories _suggestions _statements [and ACTIONS] made by 2.



Not all 'Anons' are authentic [injected].

You are correct, CJ.

Retweet @ 17:17 had meaning. [mathematical probability _17:17 [day after]?]

Do you believe it was a coincidence surgical removal of You Tube accounts occurred same day as 'Hunter' drop?

Welcome to the Digital Battlefield.


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191f89  No.12552185

>>12552137 (LB)



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fe9233  No.12552186

File: 3ed3651789dcd8f⋯.jpeg (51.62 KB, 545x351, 545:351, 34AFE525_D26B_45FB_8642_E….jpeg)

File: 63886345393d2a4⋯.jpeg (682.57 KB, 985x1203, 985:1203, 7C4A44C4_FEC2_40CA_A745_E….jpeg)

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aa7c84  No.12552187

File: f470407440ddc50⋯.jpg (124.38 KB, 1000x671, 1000:671, 1000x_1.jpg)

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475999  No.12552188

File: 55ffb6087498b12⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 2500x1682, 1250:841, 55ffb6087498b12749ad8e460f….jpg)

When was this taken?

Is this a marker? This is 12:00 UTC / GMT 0

Why would Homeland Security be in this time zone? This has to be comms.

Is it GO-TIME?

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30cbee  No.12552189

File: 98129f8ae1a4fd8⋯.jpeg (344.51 KB, 640x727, 640:727, 8B8DE758_7683_4FE2_A7B1_5….jpeg)

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c629b3  No.12552190

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12e98f  No.12552191

File: 23847ee694271ad⋯.png (357.74 KB, 633x559, 633:559, ClipboardImage.png)

A Bodyguard of Lies: How the Allies Deceived Germany about D-Day

Not to undermine Normandy but, IMO it was amateur compared to the world wide Q movement and "Draining the Swamp".


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7a50a3  No.12552192

File: 76618f8603d2171⋯.jpg (259.69 KB, 1080x1689, 360:563, 20210116_130542.jpg)


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aa7c84  No.12552193

File: 7c2b98f0297fc7c⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1303x867, 1303:867, 1610566408154.png)

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a23633  No.12552194

File: 431abe92b2cfc6f⋯.jpeg (353.15 KB, 607x613, 607:613, E78E449A_F6F0_4505_8A8E_0….jpeg)

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90b358  No.12552195

File: 3daa6e15089db42⋯.jpg (71.55 KB, 500x441, 500:441, I_BestBuy_HappyEID_.jpg)



*Of course, (((they))) would like a Christian/Muslim war above all else…

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909cf9  No.12552196


No, Presidents and their staff do not create 'legislation'.

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000000  No.12552197

>>12552053 (lb)

reg plate

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b95e5c  No.12552198

File: 56561237b63f13d⋯.jpg (109.37 KB, 807x910, 807:910, in_sight_1.JPG)


INCITEMENT: Alec Baldwin Wanted to ‘Stone’ Republicans, ‘Kill Their Wives and Children’

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b24a68  No.12552199


no new suicide since this morning? shame

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f21b49  No.12552200

what happened to Mike Lindell - RSBN interview ?

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b6b10f  No.12552201





Q told us a long time ago what was going to happen here at home.

Q drop 95 and Q drop 299 told us exactly in what order the Deep State /_\ Rock would collapse.

/_\ Rock = Triangle rock = Pyramid = Eye of Providence = Rothchilds

First up was Saudi Arabia…

11/04/2017 = Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman mass arrested over 500 corrupt Royals, politicians, military officers and businessmen and locked 'em up in one central location for interrogations / trials.

Q told us exactly this in Drop 95

"What happened in SA (Saudi Arabia) will happen here"

Make sense now?

26,000 National Guard troops in DC

Military Check Points

Multi-Layered fenced perimeter with CONCERTINA WIRE!

"Military is the only way. Fully controlled."

"How to capture a very dangerous animal?"

Simple… lure them into a trap.

The upcoming "inauguration" will put all of the rotten eggs in one basket. BOOM

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d8578e  No.12552202

File: bc714e522f467f8⋯.png (217.96 KB, 598x656, 299:328, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7cce17949a3322a⋯.png (528.55 KB, 598x669, 598:669, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 348f422e5cce2d8⋯.png (419.97 KB, 598x665, 598:665, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 30c4ab94b582786⋯.png (40.07 KB, 598x429, 46:33, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef6c6781e5f2210⋯.png (289.74 KB, 519x633, 173:211, ClipboardImage.png)

They are coming from EVERYWHERE.






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67dd8f  No.12552203


How do you trap a dangerous animal?


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aa7c84  No.12552204

File: 220b530acff519e⋯.png (524.61 KB, 588x830, 294:415, 1610599557745.png)

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000000  No.12552205


If "Q" posts again, it won't be Q.

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e376e6  No.12552206


It's more for domestic terrorism and single payer style bankrupting. They already can do whatever they want with the vote.

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92d7de  No.12552207


anon if you have not been paying attention the Biden Camp includes the Legislative Branch and the Judicial Branch

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4ec61a  No.12552208

File: 673f02e96c2c806⋯.png (184.76 KB, 428x432, 107:108, Screen_Shot_2021_01_16_at_….png)

File: 62f607f5b5e636b⋯.jpg (665.2 KB, 4000x2000, 2:1, keksniper.jpg)


your banner R belong to me now bot


you intentionally post twice at the same time so your two posts are seen 'together' as if you are…no you are attempting to associate to the two but they are not together


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b7003b  No.12552209

File: 9c5819aa44cc378⋯.png (199.92 KB, 1117x631, 1117:631, Q_anon_research.png)

File: c15538fab79b0ca⋯.png (359.39 KB, 1678x899, 1678:899, blitz4.png)

File: 5b96979302f830d⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1197x1345, 1197:1345, comfy_q.png)

File: db2cdcfb41a2c1b⋯.jpg (302.83 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, in_it_together.jpg)

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fa91d0  No.12552210

File: 325200102f0d3fa⋯.jpeg (98.11 KB, 960x540, 16:9, Democrats5.jpeg)

File: ad61ef6bb6f16aa⋯.jpg (361 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, Obama2.jpg)

File: 761d5fa6e5c9ee6⋯.gif (9.7 MB, 568x320, 71:40, Time_To_Ask_Yourself_What_….gif)

File: 955d91a1cb2f30c⋯.jpg (254.55 KB, 1377x771, 459:257, OBAMA_COMMIE_ORGANIZER.JPG)

File: b19c6e4783c8701⋯.jpg (136.72 KB, 825x549, 275:183, BLM_BTB3.jpg)



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b95d23  No.12552211

File: 4dc39b05171f6ab⋯.jpg (44.99 KB, 468x472, 117:118, De7iFh1UwAAR1Ds_jpg_large.jpg)

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b95e5c  No.12552212

File: bf7981500157996⋯.jpg (82.52 KB, 793x605, 793:605, mando.JPG)


Woke Bullies at This Lefty Media Site Try to Deplatform Mandalorian Star Gina Carano

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aa7c84  No.12552213

File: afbddac88563806⋯.jpg (21.79 KB, 480x346, 240:173, 1610668130844.jpg)

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af9d06  No.12552214


presidents create budgets which are approved by congress

Trump did so with Military budget

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2f1c5c  No.12552215

File: 434aee66cd92ee7⋯.jpeg (394.61 KB, 640x913, 640:913, 14B9DFF7_691A_43D6_A12D_6….jpeg)

File: 2d2535b97b8ff30⋯.jpeg (246.2 KB, 640x808, 80:101, 99239E34_7483_4DA1_8A8C_C….jpeg)

File: e7ed4bb75cec2cb⋯.jpeg (394.02 KB, 640x929, 640:929, 5560A721_A2A6_40AC_AEF2_1….jpeg)

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2b83b1  No.12552216


3 fingers pointing at green

Sounds like Go.

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4ee49e  No.12552217


Pompeo had unusual tweets over an hour 1200-1400 EST

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5cc48f  No.12552218

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aa7c84  No.12552219

File: d678ecfc2e0e7ec⋯.jpg (435.41 KB, 1600x1069, 1600:1069, 1610741266752.jpg)

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87ed6b  No.12552220


>In a few days we get to see who gets to say i told you so.

Those individuals have mental work to do.

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df07f0  No.12552221

File: 4fefbeeb74c79cf⋯.jpg (143.88 KB, 1069x1106, 1069:1106, conspiracy_theorists_remai….jpg)

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186d85  No.12552222

Well this lurker is quite lost at this point…not sure anymore what exactly is happening except that the other side failed miserably at trying to blame us for their violence and their name calling and blaming everyone but themselves. Big tech is seen as Big Brother but as far as our POTUS lost lost lost….

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a26748  No.12552223

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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909cf9  No.12552224


No it doesn't.

The BIDEN camp is Executive only.

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832d60  No.12552225


It is a picture of a traitor in a room full of other traitors preparing to finalize treason.

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4ee49e  No.12552226


Pompeo had unusual tweets 1200-1300 EST

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cec7de  No.12552227


Very cool.

Thank you!

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90b358  No.12552228

File: 8d71d595550cdc5⋯.png (195.4 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Breaking_news_man_notices_….png)


My guess, alive and well in witness protection…

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dbdec6  No.12552229

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

No one dare enter….

D.C. right now

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69b9d8  No.12552230


Thanks for the graphical reminder of how compd af shit was here for the longest time.

Never again!

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fe4cff  No.12552231



No, I think it was Kurt Schlicter (I have no idea how to spell it) calling into one of the local D.C. radio shows. I remember it, pretty sure it was the Larry O'Conner show or at least he was the one who played it.

My 2 sauce-less cents.

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b95e5c  No.12552232

File: 2ab6332ea92dc37⋯.jpg (64.5 KB, 890x530, 89:53, my_pill_1.JPG)


No, MyPillow guy, the military can’t save Trump. That’s ‘flat out mentally ill.’

By Bud Kennedy

January 16, 2021 12:56 PM

Read more here: https://www.star-telegram.com/news/politics-government/article248398000.html#storylink=cpy

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b24a68  No.12552233


>They already can do whatever they want with the vote.

true, fair enough, but this far widens the "legal"/proper margin.

like Corleone moving into cleaner pastures…

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fa91d0  No.12552235

File: b3a55a61ee288ad⋯.gif (815.78 KB, 400x225, 16:9, B_2_MOP_PEPE.gif)

File: 088064aa86fc570⋯.png (79.11 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Braces_Pepe_Clear.png)

File: 7d0f0700c2b083c⋯.png (118.93 KB, 513x486, 19:18, Davy_Crocket_Nuke_Pepe_Tri….png)

File: 1a0a2e58fb3a469⋯.png (78.71 KB, 600x300, 2:1, Jerk_Off_Bait_Pepe_Fish_Me….png)

File: 9ff7d06908a7df7⋯.jpg (93.07 KB, 424x391, 424:391, Nowhere_to_Run_Pepe.jpg)



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2f97ef  No.12552236

File: adb57b230fecf0d⋯.png (399.18 KB, 1614x840, 269:140, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3709ae2c528434a⋯.png (367.66 KB, 1505x990, 301:198, ClipboardImage.png)

"John Sullivan (February 17, 1740 – January 23, 1795) was an Irish-American General in the Revolutionary War winning several key battles most notably the Deleware crossing"

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5cc48f  No.12552237

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909cf9  No.12552238


Presidents don't draft legislation, they sign what is drafted by congress.

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aa7c84  No.12552239

File: dddf7a9a2ca5926⋯.jpg (234.08 KB, 770x767, 770:767, 1610807340615.jpg)

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4ee49e  No.12552240


Actually 1200-1300 EST

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77f07f  No.12552241

File: f2b9480484ed057⋯.jpg (51.9 KB, 780x438, 130:73, 190127112223_jerome_corsi_….jpg)

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b95d23  No.12552242

File: d6e9c0d7e57be43⋯.png (214.84 KB, 465x262, 465:262, Screenshot_2021_01_16_prof….png)

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06387e  No.12552243

File: b119bbfd666440d⋯.jpg (143.53 KB, 396x432, 11:12, maga_makeover.jpg)

It's always been QAnon! Jews have infiltrated shaming people in the QAnon movement!

Don't let Jews turn QAnon into a terrorist movement!'


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4ec61a  No.12552244

File: 1c0a80dff8a4d23⋯.jpg (8.95 KB, 250x250, 1:1, poseidon_glow_bait_ilumina….jpg)


thanks for showing everyone how long it took us to figure out what was going on and that banner was shill banner

glowing hard i see

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a75e65  No.12552245


Exactly. We will see if this stuff was legit or all bullshit. Best believe if nothing happens (per usual) no one is gonna believe anything People say about tRuStIng ThE pLaN or Q related ever again.

A lot of anon Q personalities credibility is on the line

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06cb55  No.12552246


Does it matter?

Nothing can stop either eventuality

We are full blown communist

Or something that has never happened before happens

I'm going with swamp wins.


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6d96cb  No.12552247

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Soldier's Message to Trump Supporters Will Keep You in The Fight

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846f38  No.12552248

File: 2fe0c210846d5b3⋯.jpeg (41.83 KB, 474x315, 158:105, 91AFCE42_8DA1_47CE_BD00_E….jpeg)

Yeah, a huge grandstand erected at the White House during a virtual inauguration. Picture is example only. Isn’t that a super duper fake china covid super spreader structure?

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2d7eca  No.12552249

File: b3d59aded2fe1ab⋯.jpeg (272.49 KB, 640x659, 640:659, 2F7DD255_0787_4987_B137_F….jpeg)

File: 6886ed76a2f91e7⋯.jpeg (271.07 KB, 640x656, 40:41, 203BF571_C8A8_4858_A018_6….jpeg)

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dbdec6  No.12552250


digits confirm

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aa7c84  No.12552251

File: 282e58e896ccafd⋯.png (68.12 KB, 730x727, 730:727, 1610821552316.png)

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e376e6  No.12552252


>Are they admitting something by accident?

Yes, that they have it all.

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5cc48f  No.12552253

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cfa169  No.12552254

File: 8a9d0818ff1d7e1⋯.png (698.52 KB, 846x496, 423:248, IsleOfComfy.png)



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a37b55  No.12552255

File: 1924f6f23f601a5⋯.mp4 (7.37 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Pain_is_coming_Nothing_can….mp4)

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000000  No.12552256



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69b9d8  No.12552257

File: d21cf4912c7ec86⋯.png (2.21 KB, 81x63, 9:7, ckd.png)


Quad deuces for the lurkfag.

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6f1f9f  No.12552258


SAUCE it faggot

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2b83b1  No.12552259

File: 39069cefb606cf9⋯.png (1001.75 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 0040841.png)

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aa7c84  No.12552260

File: 304221c0f6c9692⋯.mp4 (3.71 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, AjPK_ki2xFeKj8Eh.mp4)

I'm here to see a friend

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af9d06  No.12552261


a president can create an idea for legislation.

a president and his team can even put it in writing in a draft.

he can create anything in writing., Then give it to Congress to pass into law.

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06d989  No.12552262

File: 2b6bc67df6f4e6c⋯.png (240.08 KB, 400x327, 400:327, grammar_kitty_intensifies.png)




Damn you, anon, your gose is cooked.

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7df7e3  No.12552263


No cause for concern. Minor emergency. Handled. Back to normal ops.

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adde71  No.12552264

File: 3d56a5abdbb9482⋯.jpg (139.86 KB, 1280x878, 640:439, 200827_h_ls763_0038.jpg)

Oh shit.. was that meeting room FEMA's meeting room?

Same color walls.

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b95e5c  No.12552265

File: 27cf61606533040⋯.jpg (78.65 KB, 866x712, 433:356, if_poem.JPG)


EXCELLENT: Dan Scavino Releases Incredible Video of President Trump to Poem “If–” by Rudyard Kipling

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1383c0  No.12552266

>>12552093 pb

So they will just live in the underground tunnels and not ever have to worry about going to the oval office, that sits in a WH complex NOT protected by 26,000 troops?

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e3adb2  No.12552267

>>12551384 Agreed. It is to reinforce the phony MSM/D narrative that MAGA are dangerous rioters to the sycophants, while demoralizing MAGA through intimidation to cause them to rethink ever even coming to the Kapitol ever again.

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df07f0  No.12552269

File: 219d2f9345b16b6⋯.png (318.42 KB, 610x610, 1:1, imayonlyhave1matchbuticanm….png)


noice diggies

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aa7c84  No.12552270

File: da94ba5082e3033⋯.jpeg (242.83 KB, 828x843, 276:281, da94ba5082e30336d4a672024….jpeg)

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189b90  No.12552271


That background music is very distracting.

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5cc48f  No.12552272


he looks zombied in that picture

definitely not a picture of health

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000000  No.12552273


Actually they did a scouting AOC won…..

They even broadcasted it…………

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f2749c  No.12552274

>>12551757 lb

retard… so you think that you can arrest someone for a crime they are just thinking about committing?? only when a conspiracy is expressed or formed by a group can an arrest be made

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06387e  No.12552275

File: e65a9a4a817858e⋯.jpg (49.52 KB, 600x615, 40:41, TV.jpg)


Negros in the army?!?!

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d8578e  No.12552276

File: a95e36d9e56e197⋯.jpg (66.34 KB, 887x500, 887:500, 4fx5ff.jpg)

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aa7c84  No.12552277

File: 3fa77a47e8c38aa⋯.jpg (206.44 KB, 640x960, 2:3, ellen_pao_ghislaine_maxwel….jpg)

File: d606c7ee1276935⋯.jpg (50.63 KB, 618x410, 309:205, ellen_pao_ghislaine_maxwel….jpg)

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f0bdcd  No.12552278



Ben RothsChild - Dead

Donald Tober - Suicide

Sheldon Adelson - Kingpin of Vegas - dead

Vegas route 66 shooting was an attempt on MBS/PDJT

Q told us long ago KHAZARIAN MAFIA = ++

Qpost 2099 date on phone = Friday 15, Time on Phone = 1:56 = QPOST 156 which is just ++

Proofs to begin = 11.3 = 1.13 think mirror

Adelson first reported 1.13


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4ee49e  No.12552279


But that time can’t be today as EST later

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b95e5c  No.12552281

File: 77c14b8b7a63080⋯.jpg (119.46 KB, 860x812, 215:203, green_z.JPG)


Biden Inaugural Like Baghdad: Green Zone, Red Zone, Military Checkpoints to Enter and Leave Downtown D.C., Bridges Into City to Be Closed

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4ec61a  No.12552282


division shill alert

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44135c  No.12552283

File: c75086327048784⋯.png (445.36 KB, 1181x635, 1181:635, UAE_Land.png)

UAE C17 landing in Huntsville, AL

They going in for some BBQ?

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06cb55  No.12552284


More than credibility is on the line.

Many people, me included, have given the swamp enough ammunition to round us up.

To be honest, it's ok.

I'd rather not live in the aftermath of an openly swamp run world.

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189b90  No.12552285


You didn't notice the second image in the last bake did you

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aa7c84  No.12552286

File: 0377c3ad10fcf67⋯.mp4 (950.71 KB, 360x450, 4:5, National_Anthem.mp4)

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6d96cb  No.12552288

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Soldier Tells Joe Biden He's Disqualified Right to His Face

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dbdec6  No.12552289


"You can check out any time you like

But you can never leave!"

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2f16c1  No.12552290

File: 66be6513bd9316f⋯.jpeg (250.36 KB, 640x819, 640:819, 25FF5A82_DEB6_4D44_BB9F_B….jpeg)

File: 4538a583d567737⋯.jpeg (246.62 KB, 640x794, 320:397, AB7E7936_5876_4B91_96E3_1….jpeg)

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e35ae5  No.12552292

File: 3ea8127ace8d921⋯.png (14.07 KB, 465x202, 465:202, ClipboardImage.png)


>I'm going with swamp wins.


giveupanon would be beaten to death by battle buddies for being such a fucking wet cunt . You don't belong here.

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aa7c84  No.12552293

File: 8b078837f12b17c⋯.mp4 (4.06 MB, 352x640, 11:20, RedCross.mp4)

Your Red Cross

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b7003b  No.12552294

File: 67801da5a723882⋯.jpg (11.39 KB, 196x255, 196:255, mar_24_zero.jpg)


sure. like killing your mother for giving you birth. a loving mother too. shrugs. but what else are spoiled rotten brats gonna do? kill. makes total sense, right? kmao. anyway…..

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b28ce6  No.12552295

File: bf0fc4d609e4392⋯.png (29.93 KB, 950x653, 950:653, Screenshot_2021_01_16_at_1….png)

Three days and counting that California DMV website has been down….

I'm beginning to think the Trump administration has confiscated California DMV records.

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06cb55  No.12552296


You really believe we are all united?

How naive of you.

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12e98f  No.12552297

File: 847d19fd99ca195⋯.png (93.41 KB, 782x591, 782:591, ClipboardImage.png)



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9cba6a  No.12552298

File: 4395caf19e5ebb9⋯.png (137.95 KB, 850x400, 17:8, Sun_Tzu_Defeating_the_enem….png)


>Why are the fences in DC built backwards, eh?

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a37b55  No.12552299

File: dc1ae19ac4a020a⋯.png (159.25 KB, 1227x738, 409:246, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2467d239b4637c⋯.webm (4.06 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Army_National_Guard_Capta….webm)

People actually believe those responsible for the attempted coup [coup attempt] of a duly elected sitting US President will go unpunished?

End to our Constitutional Republic?

No equal justice under the law?

No accountability?

Escape unscathed?

Buckle up!


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aa7c84  No.12552300

File: 6248200c1a9b6e7⋯.png (834.19 KB, 771x513, 257:171, trump_inaugural_White_Hous….png)

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868dac  No.12552301


As for me?

There's suicide by cop and there's suicide by swamp


Burma Shave


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b74b89  No.12552302

Does anyone believe the US Military built the TOR Browser to give us internet freedom?

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713d61  No.12552303

Wondering if the non-censoring social media sites Signal and Telegram Messenger are safe to use, or are they opposition traps? Asking for a friend.

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90b358  No.12552304

File: 79ea72dbc2fc787⋯.jpg (74.54 KB, 800x722, 400:361, S_Podesta_VJ_Perfectly_Nor….jpg)

File: 22f380a53425fd0⋯.jpg (131 KB, 751x952, 751:952, S_Podesta_VJ_possible_Pode….jpg)

File: 472ab5dd0671291⋯.jpg (92.1 KB, 768x768, 1:1, S_Podesta_Bennington.jpg)



BHO's Valerie Jarratt and HRC's John Podesta

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e3adb2  No.12552305

>>12552247 I hate background music in vids.

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000000  No.12552306


Person putting this together is very bad at putting stuff like that together, can't hear what he is saying with someone singing the same time.

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5f9aa3  No.12552307


quad deuces = legit.

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adde71  No.12552308


SEPT —-17—– [week of]


DECLAS coming?





I did, if the local time there is 21:46 in the second image, doesn't that put them in Greenland? Three hours later than EST is not UTC.

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2b83b1  No.12552309

File: 930bfa2136df533⋯.jpeg (378.42 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 930bfa2136df53382067f6989….jpeg)

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a19fb6  No.12552310

Popular rabbi warns followers COVID vaccine 'could make you gay

'Rabbi Daniel Asor also claims that both the virus and the vaccines are the work of a "global malicious government" trying to "establish a new world order."



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973b08  No.12552311


Based on these "elections" didn't the dems secure the house and the senate? That's how. It's a sure bet.

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b24a68  No.12552312

File: 8b15032d50f1fbb⋯.png (361.94 KB, 1111x777, 1111:777, Q_BiteCrumbs_20171206_RED_….png)

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1fc4a7  No.12552313

File: 87d18facebcdc8c⋯.jpg (11.01 KB, 233x255, 233:255, 87d18facebcdc8c8ddc1e2bfd0….jpg)



Looks bad, but in all reality we have a massive crew of 100 million plus in the US and a billion plus WW.

Nothing can stop what is coming.

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1357be  No.12552314

File: ad142f661804d56⋯.png (181.91 KB, 487x400, 487:400, _arturo_toscanini.png)

March 25, 1867 – January 16, 1957

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b95e5c  No.12552315

File: f81a7239279b1b8⋯.jpg (34.99 KB, 714x235, 714:235, hell_to_pay.JPG)


Hell to pay: Arson shakes a Church of Satan community

Members of the Church of Satan are grieving the destruction of a historic “Halloween House” that authorities say was set ablaze this week by an arsonist

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8aa914  No.12552316


Juan O Savin

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e376e6  No.12552317



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868dac  No.12552319


Nobody asked faggot!

(I find talking to myself therapeutic.)

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5cc48f  No.12552320

File: ee548afe74df868⋯.jpg (13.07 KB, 251x255, 251:255, Boom.jpg)


how I wish, that' be a true boom

i'd be so fucking happy

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832d60  No.12552321


>so you think that you can arrest someone for a crime they are just thinking about committing??

Welcome to the future. Look up "Minority Report", "predictive programming", and "pre-crime". Have fun.

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0c9f85  No.12552322

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



GOD this was hard to find.

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06cb55  No.12552323


Thats amazingly nihilistic of you.

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0574e2  No.12552324

File: 3a06f1eb586219b⋯.jpg (557.33 KB, 1379x854, 197:122, 5c827d403a6cf.jpg)


stop your bullshit

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f0bdcd  No.12552325




Jan. 5th = C_A stop payment

Jan. 5th = GA Run Off

Jan. 6th = 11.23 on lunar calendar - PAIN 23

Jan. 6th = 12th day of Christmas/Epiphany Western Calendar

Jan. 6th = POTUS Call for patriots to come to DC - Fuck around, found out day

Jan. 6th = Electoral College - Certification before Declass + 5

Jan. 7th = Eastern OrthdoX Christmas - What do you want for Xmas

Jan. 7th + 10 days Darkness =Jan 17th@POTUS twitter shutdown

Jan. 13th = 11.3/11.4 = 1.13/1.14 Proofs to Begin - Report Confirms Numerous Countries Interfered In the 2020 Election – Millions of Invalid Ballots Inserted Into the Election - DECLASS CONFIRMED ON LOU DOBBS - SHELDON ADELSON DEAD 12TH

Jan. 15th = Friday - MAGA Promise day 1 - Friday the 15th is the date on the iPhone in the pic cap for #2099 about the EAS test - Threats at Google, VA supreme court, London Heathrow - First Round of Declass.

Jan. 15th + 7 = Jan. 22nd :stay at home< - [-7] - DR_noon_clear_sky^ - Safe comms_SAT-re_Bz985300^00







Still to come

Jan. 16th = Saturday - MAGA Promise day 2 - PresTrump declares Jan 16th Religious Freedom Day - Benjamin de Rothschild, Sheldon Adelson dead before noon

Jan. 17th = D5 on Lunar - D5 = Strongest Level Avalanche, Snowball

Jan. 19th = D7 on Lunar - remember THIS DAY - D7 = Pearl Harbor/Wake Island - a day that will live in infamy(never forgotten, remember THIS DAY)

Jan. 19th = Epiphany/Popcorn Day Eastern Orthodox


Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Jeremiah 1:19 - They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the Lord.


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b189f8 No.130638📁

Jan 22 2018 21:47:32 (EST)

What would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed the assassination (possibility) of the POTUS or member of his family?

What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved?

Forget the Russia set up [1 of 22].

This is only the beginning.

Be careful what you wish for.


Could messages such as those be publicly disclosed?

What happens to the FBI?

What happens to the DOJ?

What happens to special counsel?

What happens in general?

Every FBI/DOJ prev case could be challenged.


Think logically.

We haven’t started the drops re: human trafficking / sacrifices [yet][worst].

Those [good] who know cannot sleep.

Those [good] who know cannot find peace.

Those [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held accountable.

Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there.

Those you trust are the most guilty of sin.

Who are we taught to trust?

If you are religious, PRAY.

60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity.

These people should be hanging.









Ben RothsChild - Dead

Donald Tober - Suicide

Sheldon Adelson - Kingpin of Vegas - dead

Vegas route 66 shooting was an attempt on MBS/PDJT = AS THE WORLD TURNS

Q told us long ago KHAZARIAN/ROTHSCHILD MAFIA = ++

Qpost 2099 date on phone = Friday 15, Time on Phone = 1:56 = QPOST 156 which is just ++

Proofs to begin = 11.3 = 1.13 think mirror

Adelson first reported 1.13



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000000  No.12552326

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7766a2  No.12552327


If your in a big blue city….yer already “rounded up”

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594964  No.12552328


I want that Geochron on the wall.

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4ec61a  No.12552329


people who believe nothing will happen just dont come in here faggot glower…you on the other hand have agenda to constantly interrupt us

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4262d4  No.12552330

I'm guessing Q will either post after the op and explain in a victorious debrief, or we'll meet him in room 101 and find out he was Mr Charrington to our Winston Smith. Either way I'm glad it's about to end.

If the paedo is inaugurated it's over. Don't kid yourself that that was part of the plan

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e20a08  No.12552331

What did anon miss ?

Just got up

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44135c  No.12552332


Would be freaking awesome!! I so hope he's alive.

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1fc4a7  No.12552333



Nice one.

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475999  No.12552334





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22c3e7  No.12552335

File: 7f48f928eb74f48⋯.png (896.43 KB, 650x531, 650:531, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6af55bee43273cc⋯.png (345.66 KB, 381x520, 381:520, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 140a1944ef4f9e0⋯.png (36.96 KB, 425x376, 425:376, ClipboardImage.png)

>>12552116 (WTH?)


The Keys to the Gold Vaults at the New York Fed – Part 2: The Auxiliary Vault

[not sure who/what/why wall of gold image was dropped, but found this via tineye search. 9/11 + FED + gold]

As mentioned in , there are two gold vaults at the New York Fed, the main vault and the auxiliary vault. Very little is written anywhere about theFRBNY’s auxiliary vault,or the ‘aux vault’ as it has sometimes been referred to.

The auxiliary vault also fails to make an appearance during the New York Fed’s famous gold vault tour.It’s as if the Fed specifically wants to keep this aux vault off the radar, or at least flying under the radar.

Although neither the 1991 nor the 1998 versions of the Fed’s publication ‘Key to the Gold Vault’ (KTTGV) refer to the auxiliary vault, the 2004 and 2008 versions do (in passing) as follows:

“Bullion at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York belonging to some 60 foreign central banks and international monetary organizations is stored in 122 separate compartments in the main and auxiliary vaults.”

“Bullion at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York belonging to some 36 foreign governments, central banks and official international organizations is stored in 122 separate compartments in the main and auxiliary vaults.” ()

All four of the on-line versions of ‘Key to the Gold Vault’ that I sourced (from 1991 – 2008, see Part 1) state that the “main vault was opened in September 1924” and so this statement indirectly implies that there is another ‘non-main’ vault.

The reference to the auxiliary vault in the more recent 2004 and 2008 versions of KTTGV seems to imply that the aux vault is still in active use for gold storage. Otherwise, why would the Fed mention it?

Just to clarify what auxiliary means. Various dictionary definitions of ‘Auxiliary’ include the following: supplementary, additional, subsidiary capacity, backup reserve. In the context of space, auxiliary refers to additional space.

New York Fed writer Charles Parnow’s ‘’ publication (first published in 1973) explicitly refers to the auxiliary vault with a quite precise reference. This is probably the only detailed description of the auxiliary vault that’s on record, and it states:

“A smaller auxiliary vault built in 1963 holds three accounts. One account with 107,000 bars of gold is stacked with bricklayer precision into a solid wall 12 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 18 feet deep.” (From: ‘A Day at the Fed’) …

Where is the Aux Vault?

The exact location of the FRBNY’s auxiliary vault appears to be something that the Fed doesn’t wish to discuss.It’s therefore interesting that there is a comment on the web that appears to state exactly where the aux vault is located.

In July 2002, a forum contributor called Woodman wrote in a bulletin board at www.freerepublic.com that the Federal Reserve aux vault is located at Level B5 of 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza.

While discussing the gold supposedly stored under the WTC, Woodman“…all of the Gold stored in the WTC was really stored 3 blocks east in the basement vaults of the Federal Reserve Bank and the aux. at 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza B5."

For those not familiar, the vault at 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza (CMP) on the fifth sub-level (B5) is the famous Chase (now JP Morgan) vault, supposedly the largest bank vault in the world. Some of the details of this vault were uncovered in 2013 and can be read on Zerohedge.

The interesting angle about the 2002 comment is that, how, in 2002, could someone refer to the Chase Manhattan Plaza (CMP) B5 vault as the aux (auxiliary) of the FRBNY vault unless they knew details about these two adjacent vaults?

MUCH moar at


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6d96cb  No.12552336

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Washington DC Builds Prison for Politicians

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75b140  No.12552337

File: 624bee7d343b192⋯.jpg (114.63 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 624bee7d343b1924b2c9f191a3….jpg)


Comfy AF.

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b95e5c  No.12552338

File: 2e790dd500aae9d⋯.jpg (89.22 KB, 706x626, 353:313, fl_cap.JPG)


Self-Avowed ‘Hardcore Leftist’ Arrested for Inciting Violence at Florida Capitol

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e35ae5  No.12552339

look at date of tweet

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77f07f  No.12552340

File: 4b278ae1ff17450⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1908x1146, 318:191, DAD.png)

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90b358  No.12552341


got a cigarette?

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581096  No.12552342


This is the way.

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e13af3  No.12552343

I recently came across this short video. It certainly could play out this way. This should be spread far and wide beforehand. It would certainly throw a wrench in the good guys plans:


Should be a NOTABLE

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189b90  No.12552344


Nothing. Same day as yesterday. Rinse and repeat.

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506ae1  No.12552345

File: 429710e65ee36ef⋯.png (63.35 KB, 197x256, 197:256, ClipboardImage.png)


What a lovely woman! Thank you for the post.

Coleen, indeed, as me Da would say! Erin go Bragh!

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191f89  No.12552346


You're lazy. Pathetic.

((Pence receives extensive security briefing ahead of inauguration))


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e376e6  No.12552347


Do you earn an extra .02/wk for the annoying formatting?

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5cc48f  No.12552348


>I'd rather not live in the aftermath of an openly swamp run world.


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ec86d8  No.12552349


Not his voice.

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0c9f85  No.12552350

File: 93a506c68cd6873⋯.png (858.47 KB, 1272x529, 1272:529, minority_report_ball.png)

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d41759  No.12552351


The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee finalizes a report [pdf available here] with evidence of Joe and Hunter Biden conducting financial deals with foreign governments. The report outlines how the Biden family sold access to government policy for personal financial benefit.

[Embed pdf Below] Considering the scale of evidence showing massive conflicts of interest, it is quite astounding that Joe Biden is currently ‘president-elect’…


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5ccd03  No.12552352

File: 0981d913af8df4b⋯.jpg (78.03 KB, 640x650, 64:65, awakenedsaxon.jpg)


dan! kek!

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b95e5c  No.12552353

File: d6ca4351b394610⋯.jpg (80.28 KB, 724x724, 1:1, dps.JPG)


DPS abruptly closes Texas State Capitol out of an abundance of caution, threats of violence

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06d989  No.12552354

File: 3bc13f5940d03e2⋯.png (1.4 MB, 899x603, 899:603, fellow_anons.PNG)


Dubs 5 quads confirm.

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a4ef66  No.12552355

File: 41cdb699c3be6d6⋯.png (49.11 KB, 512x512, 1:1, entranced.png)


aw shucky darn what a shame so sad

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9296fd  No.12552356


PJ's are the best!

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e376e6  No.12552357



No such thing. Never was.

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06cb55  No.12552358


Tell me moar.

Everything on here is "interrupting " you from doing absolutely nothing to stop what is coming.

The only way for evil to succeed, is if good men stand and do nothing.

Mission accomplished dumb ass.

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bae9f0  No.12552359

File: edc06a7e959d491⋯.png (195.8 KB, 1107x406, 1107:406, ClipboardImage.png)

AF2 turns around.

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868dac  No.12552360


I understand why one would say that.

Let's just put it this way.

I am not young.

I am not surrounded by loved ones.

I have had a fulfilling life.

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1333be  No.12552361


Right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

B…But that arm is banned!

Says who? Congress? Some low-level pissant politician? There are no illegal weapons. The statement is an absurdity.

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1fc4a7  No.12552362

File: b270386764c4bca⋯.png (599.16 KB, 651x495, 217:165, FRBNY_Men_Inspecting_Wall_….png)

File: 4002736b908e252⋯.jpg (331.07 KB, 630x420, 3:2, nyfed_gold_630x420.jpg)

File: 50177d13284ee19⋯.png (60.02 KB, 651x396, 217:132, 5_651x396.png)

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c63ac0  No.12552363

File: 7116bccff1e5e1c⋯.jpeg (222.75 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, ZQgfmVhy.jpeg)

People won’t be able to start filing #TaxReturns until Feb. 12, the #IRS said.

The delay gives the IRS time to do additional programming and testing of systems following tax law changes implemented late last year.

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4ee49e  No.12552364


Gov acct

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82ff87  No.12552365

File: 223ad904cbe3899⋯.png (459.45 KB, 800x300, 8:3, 20210112_135820.png)

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594964  No.12552366


Free tiddy squeezes

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b95e5c  No.12552367

File: 022e65af0d5e8ec⋯.jpg (31.83 KB, 969x190, 51:10, trojan.JPG)


Biden COVID-19 relief plan is a Trojan horse for a sweeping liberal agenda

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874500  No.12552368

File: 434be05d44f2aa4⋯.jpg (64.91 KB, 315x475, 63:95, facebook.jpg)

File: db352960b515c67⋯.jpg (66.03 KB, 314x474, 157:237, facebook2.jpg)

Game Theory: Pedo Zuck is now backed in a corner. Incoming Trump declass on Monday may force him to pull the plug on Facebook Sunday. Pedo Jack likely pondering the same for Twitter. Lot's of anxiety. Our POTUS is a brilliant man. May God bless Donald Trump and his team.

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b7003b  No.12552369

File: 2cba3a5a0830f99⋯.png (120.28 KB, 600x240, 5:2, anon_conformist.png)


lol. sure, pile it on sweetheart. you do you boi. you almighty wise one who brow beats those who think differently. you're killin it!

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b28ce6  No.12552370

File: 27ca627049de951⋯.png (130.37 KB, 543x630, 181:210, Screenshot_2021_01_16_at_1….png)

DMV California has been down for more than a week….A official government website. WTH is going on! Seriously I need to register my car!!

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c63ac0  No.12552371



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7a50a3  No.12552372

File: 34b118049b8b7ee⋯.mp4 (8.8 MB, 886x486, 443:243, ext_tw_video_57.mp4)

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500c10  No.12552373

File: 2c55cf5f2119384⋯.jpg (188.65 KB, 881x1175, 881:1175, 2c55cf5f21193843e8f08f02a4….jpg)

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7eb50b  No.12552374

File: 949625902a39912⋯.png (303.19 KB, 623x725, 623:725, qfakedu.png)


I think you guys are fucking out of yer tree delusional. THose troops are there for (you) "terrorists". The demonshits need to make believe that we actually have the balls to attack them. We dont. So they will have their wind up toys do something else they can blame on "Qanons" Meanwhile, we sit back and continue to do nothing and "let Qew do the heavy lifting"

And now NOTHING will happen.

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a37b55  No.12552375

File: f1c4717c67d0a3e⋯.png (199.21 KB, 750x651, 250:217, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 56af149d60278d8⋯.webm (3.49 MB, 264x480, 11:20, Soldier_Tells_Joe_Biden_H….webm)


Pray for our troops. Joe Biden will NEVER be president.

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e3adb2  No.12552376

>>12552162 No. Juan O'Savin. He is part of the JFK jr. mythos though.

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25e31e  No.12552377

File: e3554ec65ea7976⋯.jpeg (606.75 KB, 1125x1158, 375:386, 842027D3_F33D_4134_9820_F….jpeg)


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fa91d0  No.12552378

File: bbe7e8992569e8b⋯.mp4 (12.81 MB, 640x352, 20:11, WARRIOR_POETS_FIGHT_.mp4)

File: 91bd402708f553d⋯.jpg (74.45 KB, 696x696, 1:1, PEPE_SNCO_TOP3.JPG)



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9fd84f  No.12552379

File: b8ba81be1b3dd97⋯.png (530.56 KB, 551x538, 551:538, ClipboardImage.png)

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1357be  No.12552380

File: 2dfb36c3ed01b66⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 2500x1682, 1250:841, 55ffb6087498b12749ad8e460f….jpg)

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943686  No.12552381

File: 890c6b470177ee9⋯.mp4 (2.1 MB, 492x270, 82:45, If_by_Dan_Savino.mp4)

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06cb55  No.12552382


I will not go quietly however

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9c0db2  No.12552383

yes, this is real. saw it late last night. Q is, will anything be done about it?


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f0bdcd  No.12552384





Jan. 5th = C_A stop payment

Jan. 5th = GA Run Off

Jan. 6th = 11.23 on lunar calendar - PAIN 23

Jan. 6th = 12th day of Christmas/Epiphany Western Calendar

Jan. 6th = POTUS Call for patriots to come to DC - Fuck around, found out day

Jan. 6th = Electoral College - Certification before Declass + 5

Jan. 7th = Eastern OrthdoX Christmas - What do you want for Xmas

Jan. 7th + 10 days Darkness =Jan 17th@POTUS twitter shutdown

Jan. 13th = 11.3/11.4 = 1.13/1.14 Proofs to Begin - Report Confirms Numerous Countries Interfered In the 2020 Election – Millions of Invalid Ballots Inserted Into the Election - DECLASS CONFIRMED ON LOU DOBBS - SHELDON ADELSON DEAD 12TH

Jan. 15th = Friday - MAGA Promise day 1 - Friday the 15th is the date on the iPhone in the pic cap for #2099 about the EAS test - Threats at Google, VA supreme court, London Heathrow - First Round of Declass.

Jan. 15th + 7 = Jan. 22nd :stay at home< - [-7] - DR_noon_clear_sky^ - Safe comms_SAT-re_Bz985300^00







Still to come

Jan. 16th = Saturday - MAGA Promise day 2 - PresTrump declares Jan 16th Religious Freedom Day - Benjamin de Rothschild, Sheldon Adelson dead before noon

Jan. 17th = D5 on Lunar - D5 = Strongest Level Avalanche, Snowball

Jan. 19th = D7 on Lunar - remember THIS DAY - D7 = Pearl Harbor/Wake Island - a day that will live in infamy(never forgotten, remember THIS DAY)

Jan. 19th = Epiphany/Popcorn Day Eastern Orthodox


Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Jeremiah 1:19 - They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the Lord.


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b189f8 No.130638📁

Jan 22 2018 21:47:32 (EST)

What would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed the assassination (possibility) of the POTUS or member of his family?

What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved?

Forget the Russia set up [1 of 22].

This is only the beginning.

Be careful what you wish for.


Could messages such as those be publicly disclosed?

What happens to the FBI?

What happens to the DOJ?

What happens to special counsel?

What happens in general?

Every FBI/DOJ prev case could be challenged.


Think logically.

We haven’t started the drops re: human trafficking / sacrifices [yet][worst].

Those [good] who know cannot sleep.

Those [good] who know cannot find peace.

Those [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held accountable.

Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there.

Those you trust are the most guilty of sin.

Who are we taught to trust?

If you are religious, PRAY.

60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity.

These people should be hanging.









Ben RothsChild - Dead

Donald Tober - Suicide

Sheldon Adelson - Kingpin of Vegas - dead

Vegas route 66 shooting was an attempt on MBS/PDJT = AS THE WORLD TURNS

Q told us long ago KHAZARIAN/ROTHSCHILD MAFIA = ++

Qpost 2099 date on phone = Friday 15, Time on Phone = 1:56 = QPOST 156 which is just ++

Proofs to begin = 11.3 = 1.13 think mirror

Adelson first reported 1.13






From Epiphany to Epiphany - JAN 6 - 19

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69b9d8  No.12552385


kek nope

But, I am damn glad it's there for me whenever clearnet decides to be a nigger.

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1d6ab5  No.12552386

File: d4dca532df20a7e⋯.png (337.26 KB, 1080x566, 540:283, Memeto_1607868955827.png)

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d25294  No.12552387

File: ad88f3409621ac9⋯.jpg (62.59 KB, 800x503, 800:503, jktu7kujt_yieketuktu64uuj7….jpg)

Principalities and Powers

Starting to figure out who the Chinese worship yet?

Or that part in the bible about the great dragon and ancient serpent?

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7766a2  No.12552388

Stop with the LGBTQ

Call them what they really are Pedos

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046ff4  No.12552389


What if the arrests happen when all of them are sitting and waiting for Biden to be inaugurated…

Suddenly a BIG VOICE alarm goes of.

SCARE event.


All are locked in and arrested.

Nice scene for a movie, don't ya think?

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e376e6  No.12552390


Yet another tree falls in the forest.

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b95e5c  No.12552391

File: 0c648089613a7e9⋯.jpg (42.07 KB, 722x243, 722:243, feds_back_away.JPG)


Feds back away from claim of assassination plot at Capitol

Prosecutors who initially said there was “strong evidence” the pro-Trump mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol last week aimed to “capture and assassinate elected officials” have backed away from that allegation

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e35ae5  No.12552392

File: 390ea8f818ee986⋯.png (16.16 KB, 435x183, 145:61, ClipboardImage.png)


spent all that time for nothing;

too gay; dr

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e56a5a  No.12552393

Anons. The only way this makes sense to me is this…

"–That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–"

We, the People.


Q has posted this statement 11 times in the drops. That HAS to mean something. They will form a new government very similar to the current one with safeguards in place….

POTUS: "This can never be allowed to happen again (in our Country or to another President)."

How do you deter & prevent this from happening again?

Simply by terminating employment of those responsible?

Simply by conducting a few 'non-threatening' investigations?

Or by:

Prosecuting those responsible to the fullest extent of the law?

Setting up new checks & balances and oversight designed to increase transparency?

Provide OIG office(s) w/ funding inc (size) ++ authority?

Provide select committees w/ access and in-house viewing of non NAT SEC CLAS material?

Provide a check on Directors/Dep Directors/Asst Directors of all such ABC agencies?

Establish 'financial checks/reviews' of those in senior (critical) positions (audits) + direct family (close proximity)?

Transparency and Prosecution is the only way forward to save our Republic and safeguard such criminal and treasonous acts from occurring again.

While some want to quietly remove those responsible and go about our business (save face on the World Stage), those in control, understand, this band-aid will simply not work.

Nobody should be above the law (no matter how massive the spider-web is (entangled)).

This will never happen again.




How better to get rid of the massive 8,000+ bureaucrats that have infected the system? Make them irrelevant to the current form of government. Constitutional. By the people for the people.

However the current events and actions will play out, I believe this is the end result. My two sons 19 and 16 are enthralled. Won't stop asking questions and digging. Absolutely warms my heart.

What a show!

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5cc48f  No.12552394

File: b435792f61fc56d⋯.jpg (816.85 KB, 1400x1527, 1400:1527, 1538785105.jpg)


thanks for the meme. love the quote, hate the only one i had

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4ec61a  No.12552395

File: 71411479a967042⋯.png (183.4 KB, 729x699, 243:233, Screen_Shot_2021_01_16_at_….png)

File: 00cc923ebe219a2⋯.jpg (9.93 KB, 254x255, 254:255, glowing_bait.jpg)


False Flag Propaganda

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846f38  No.12552396

File: 0ad8c67a6270cf1⋯.jpeg (42.25 KB, 445x447, 445:447, E767EFA0_4006_4CB4_9945_7….jpeg)

Reminds me of slo jo

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b382be  No.12552397


There will never be another real election.

Though to be fair, there hasn't been in 20+ years.

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594964  No.12552398


Get Well Soon.

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e3adb2  No.12552399

>>12552370 not for me. it's been up.

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581096  No.12552400


Sastanists-even dumber than Christians.

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1fc4a7  No.12552401

File: 4318ddb75de3ed4⋯.png (47.4 KB, 800x228, 200:57, US_Gold_Reserves.png)



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c9c9dc  No.12552402

File: 92cb3fb61c214c5⋯.png (359.17 KB, 606x643, 606:643, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d1ddb003af96e2⋯.png (800.5 KB, 1024x731, 1024:731, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 25fcc56389ad61d⋯.png (45.13 KB, 477x730, 477:730, ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Navy


The #USNavy's #USSTheodoreRoosevelt carrier strike group, focused on combat readiness and warfighting excellence at sea with @jmsdf_pao_eng

. #NavyPartnerships

Flag of United States

Flag of Japan


Rightwards arrow



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86c05b  No.12552403

a Red dragon, at that.>>12552387

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fa91d0  No.12552404

File: 8f9681138a6977e⋯.gif (1.29 MB, 500x500, 1:1, Flaming_Merchant.gif)

File: 273a71d6cccd633⋯.jpg (195.61 KB, 903x1500, 301:500, Fritz_Get_The_Flamethrower.jpg)

File: 7cea67ed39cbe98⋯.gif (4.5 MB, 480x267, 160:89, Grab_the_Flamethrower_Carl.gif)

File: 2fbc2f9aaa629b8⋯.gif (1.46 MB, 320x480, 2:3, Lion_Flame.gif)

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2b83b1  No.12552405

File: aab4485eb367af4⋯.jpg (225.24 KB, 1265x1248, 1265:1248, El2qo_uUcAAiln3.jpg)

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726fca  No.12552406

File: 5560ee42bce2202⋯.jpg (478.07 KB, 1917x969, 639:323, AF2_16_Jan_21_1920.jpg)

AF2 over Lincoln, Nebraska. Home of Offutt AFB and the Nightwatches and Mercury planes.

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b28ce6  No.12552407


And WHY isn't anyone reporting this! All duck duck go is showing are people complaining. Not one article for a government website that millions depend on…..

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4e38e0  No.12552408


What is with AF2 at Lincoln Nebraska and not updating position?

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3602be  No.12552409

File: 027fe68a4308224⋯.png (672.8 KB, 584x738, 292:369, 027fe68a4308224ee6fadff69c….png)


o7 Baker

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25e31e  No.12552410

File: 863f2d19dce5e02⋯.jpeg (396.31 KB, 1125x1108, 1125:1108, 871F7E53_EE05_4AD8_A65F_A….jpeg)


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b8dc34  No.12552411

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

engage v2

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e35ae5  No.12552412

File: 4565fd7796494ea⋯.png (18.8 KB, 477x206, 477:206, ClipboardImage.png)


>If the paedo is inaugurated it's over.

predictanons are the worst. Especially the full-stop predictanons.

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7766a2  No.12552413


Annoying…..yer reference to “As the world turns” is faggot

As the world turns is a Satanic primer for newbies

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e3adb2  No.12552414

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e5606e  No.12552415

File: 9ab662d4113d96d⋯.jpeg (566.07 KB, 1169x929, 1169:929, 99E135E7_4DF9_449F_84CC_F….jpeg)

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b24a68  No.12552416


normalising zoo already?

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943557  No.12552417

>>12551880 pb

>Pompeo: "Wheels up to CA…"

Q #3414:

[Wheels Up]

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b95e5c  No.12552418

File: e301067ed57f5c2⋯.jpg (53.42 KB, 1137x290, 1137:290, 4b.JPG)


DC Inauguration Updates: 4 Bridges Between DC, Virginia Closing; National Mall Closed

D.C. is under enhanced security after a deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol and FBI warnings that more violence could come before or on Inauguration Day

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5acc64  No.12552419


One would assume, for example, that a traitorous Florida congress-critter would be tried in Federal Court in Florida… someone gotta cart their asses back home for trial!

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726fca  No.12552420


Not sure - ADS-B could be being messed with. Suppression of transponders.

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4a9442  No.12552421

File: 31441f0c17221e5⋯.gif (7.66 MB, 600x450, 4:3, E6560414_D655_46F3_85D6_4C….gif)



This movie is in an ominous scene right now.

Buckle up anons.

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fe4cff  No.12552422


Cause of death was technically never determined. Seth Rich didn't have a life threatening injury, he made it in/out of surgery w/no complications then just abruptly died after being visited by Donna Brazile.

The hospital review found no fault w/the attending physician and was unable to determine the cause of death. As such, they redacted the identity and sent the review out to "fellows" for a second assessment opinion. One in a million, my kids Doc, pro-Trump, huge conservative, was following everything going on, was one of them.

So, you may be onto something there, would also explain why his family freaks out when anyone talks about his death or whom killed him.

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000000  No.12552423


Why are FEMA, DHS and the FBI IN THE 12:00GMT / 0 GMT Time Zone?

When did Pence go to this time zone?

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0c9f85  No.12552424

AF2 being fucky

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25e31e  No.12552425

File: d2be2cb6ee1b1af⋯.jpeg (587.63 KB, 1125x1150, 45:46, 39E751FA_A4B6_42E1_9663_1….jpeg)


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cb7a3a  No.12552426


>not sure anymore what exactly is happening

Imagine how the enemy feels right now, then feel comfy.

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4ec61a  No.12552427

File: cbf29f3b807d463⋯.jpg (57.04 KB, 426x612, 71:102, comfy.jpg)

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f0bdcd  No.12552428


>predictanons are the worst. Especially the full-stop predictanons.


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90b358  No.12552429

File: d1a96dafd824604⋯.jpg (122.73 KB, 1024x600, 128:75, Seth_Rich.JPG)


We'll find out soon enough, fren.

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6d96cb  No.12552430

File: 571f25e9bbd82b4⋯.jpg (33.49 KB, 640x333, 640:333, DJT_41020.jpg)

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a26748  No.12552431


Lurk moar…you are wasting digits

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69b9d8  No.12552432


You must be doing something right to have Filter Jew and the Gang hanging on every post you make.

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1f12d8  No.12552433

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live stream of DC

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e0bf22  No.12552434


Good find anon

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7b14ca  No.12552435


Now, why would Sec Pompeo be twatting this right now? Setting the stage?

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bdf91d  No.12552436

Is it over?

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4ee49e  No.12552438



Looks like criminal concerns against Joe Biden

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f0bdcd  No.12552439

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Annoying…..yer reference to “As the world turns” is faggot


>As the world turns is a Satanic primer for newbies

Hi Shill

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191f89  No.12552440


>When did Pence go to this time zone?

Kek! You're slow.

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e3adb2  No.12552441

File: 19171a8dcdce78a⋯.png (1.02 MB, 2844x1398, 474:233, Screen_Shot_2021_01_16_at_….png)


Up for me right now.

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f0bdcd  No.12552442

File: d1e57e47a84f41d⋯.png (713.88 KB, 966x1406, 483:703, Screenshot_2021_01_15_The_….png)

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df5e24  No.12552443

Yeah… Did Gateway make an assumption the notes were Mike Lindell's, or have we a shot of him walking in with them or was it something the Trump team gave him?

Hate not knowing.


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06cb55  No.12552444


Not yet,but soon.

One way or the other

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832d60  No.12552445

File: bb83275435e5caa⋯.png (735.37 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, pepe_salute_2.png)


Just a few like you could turn the entire fucking ship around, if you were to go after the softest and most sensitive of targets. Wouldn't even require your ultimate sacrifice. Q's biggest lie was that they are stupid. They are definitely not stupid. But they are fucking cowards.


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b7003b  No.12552446

kek. i see why.. fuck that guy.


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b24a68  No.12552447

File: 6d53575d0321f5e⋯.png (7.29 MB, 4444x5270, 2222:2635, Q_RED_RedCross.png)


welp, vintage…



+more onRED

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b382be  No.12552448


Because they have all 3 branches (4th and 5th too, if you include MSM and CIA).

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a4ef66  No.12552449


they don't make 'em like that anymore.

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6d96cb  No.12552450

File: da56b64e0d06e79⋯.gif (47.14 KB, 290x226, 145:113, external_content_duckduckg….gif)

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d216b1  No.12552451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Worlds hotest pianist… Live

Titties and talent.Happy saturday

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1333be  No.12552452


In 1913 they started removing gold from circulation and storing it. 1933 the gold transfer to Rothschild control began. 1972 Nixon removed the gold link to the US Dollar.

Now look at the chart.

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aba509  No.12552453

Hey Q, Robin Oood here,

Um, when does the fun start? I don't wanna be late.

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000000  No.12552454


Q is not an individual retard

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b95e5c  No.12552455

File: 65a97b57ca779d1⋯.jpg (47.44 KB, 621x405, 23:15, night_mare.JPG)


Our Mounting Orwellian Nightmare

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cb7a3a  No.12552456


For (((them))), yes.

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e376e6  No.12552457


Yet another sign Trump was DS from the start.

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25e31e  No.12552458

File: 75db70d3fc187a6⋯.jpeg (585.13 KB, 1125x1074, 375:358, A39ECF4D_5F14_4E90_901F_7….jpeg)

File: e1e9d84ffc991ab⋯.jpeg (636.67 KB, 1125x1418, 1125:1418, BC2FF2C7_E9AF_4AF9_9FC4_0….jpeg)

File: 1b6084fbb06af29⋯.jpeg (309.18 KB, 1125x1021, 1125:1021, F24F165E_D366_4D8E_AD61_F….jpeg)


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594964  No.12552459


The stories that peanut butter jar could tell…

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4ee49e  No.12552460



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aba509  No.12552461

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fa91d0  No.12552462

File: 884f39410b236ff⋯.png (8.56 KB, 510x464, 255:232, Doubt_Pepe.png)

File: 6b6d8bbc699da18⋯.png (177.64 KB, 427x584, 427:584, Pepe_Dunce_Clear.png)

File: e588f838aa25bee⋯.png (62.27 KB, 300x300, 1:1, Pepe_Outlet_Fork_It_Clear.png)

File: def3a0314189522⋯.png (284.58 KB, 703x355, 703:355, PEPE_Wretch_Clear.png)

File: 95174488b89f232⋯.jpg (18.01 KB, 480x264, 20:11, Praying_Pepe.jpg)







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000000  No.12552463


>Three days and counting that California DMV website has been down

Nobody in Silicon Valley knows how to fix this anymore?

Weird that there is no placeholder "technical difficulties" type of page. It's just gone.

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f56998  No.12552464


I was wonder the same thing maybe it’s tomorrow at 1:00pm

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b95e5c  No.12552465

File: e20a63b4d4e833c⋯.jpg (93.09 KB, 673x564, 673:564, dis_cuss.JPG)


Biden Economic Adviser: How We’ll Fund Biden’s Agenda ‘Not Tonight’s Problem’ and Options Will Be Discussed in Future

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7766a2  No.12552466

Oh boy……Trump days away from handing country over to commies

Will he…….won’t he………

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03320e  No.12552467

File: 98e14629b90255c⋯.png (916.93 KB, 1880x939, 1880:939, Opera_Snapshot_2021_01_16_….png)


Glitchiness with ADSB often happens around that area.

UTAH65 heading opposite way also glitchy.

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5299d3  No.12552468

File: 9534bc8688b329f⋯.jpg (34.07 KB, 330x256, 165:128, Slidepic1.jpg)


This is new daily slide. The CA DMV site was never down.

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804fc1  No.12552469

File: 1d9f216cf4845d0⋯.jpg (142.88 KB, 960x829, 960:829, 1d9f216cf4845d0931a049dbcd….jpg)


Right? The metaphor continues. It's quite beautiful really.

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943557  No.12552470



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531cf0  No.12552471




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804eef  No.12552472

>Pennsylvania Lt Gov Denies Free Speech, Says ‘You Do Not Have The Right’ To Question Election Integrity

I cannot stress the fact that these people are out of fucking control and need to be fucking put in serious Check by the Rule of Law. Supreme Law, not this faggot kangaroo court bull shit these commie-nazi fuck-tards are trying to run unconstitutionally in OUR United States of America

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5ccd03  No.12552473



seemed a little on edge…

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001371  No.12552474

I just thought of something. If some of these clowns try to fake their own deaths to escape justice and just…disappear, think about that for a moment and let it sink in.

If they create their own, "deaths," who's to say they couldn't subsequently ACTUALLY die after assuming their new fake identities? Think about how that would effect optics.

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fe4cff  No.12552475


Joe Biden's son died because he took down a huge pedophile in Delaware, I mean had a brain tumor.

He didn't die in f'ing Iraq. Joe is a POS.

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e3adb2  No.12552476

>>12552466 I think they stole it from us already.

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b382be  No.12552477


Not just unusual, but very hawkish against CCP.

These are war words.

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aa584c  No.12552478

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Operation Desert Storm Remembered

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e376e6  No.12552479


Thank President Controlled Op Trump. He fed us to the dogs.

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87ed6b  No.12552480


A team of military and civilians.

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90b358  No.12552481

File: 98705ed49919273⋯.png (182.91 KB, 1721x1040, 1721:1040, SethRichWS_countdown.PNG)

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4ee49e  No.12552482


I tried to look up USN USMC and USCG and couldn’t see how USCG will be so helpful

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25e31e  No.12552483

File: b8d6d4394feb9e2⋯.jpeg (441.84 KB, 1125x832, 1125:832, 82162AF6_E562_4BF4_A29E_7….jpeg)


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a19fb6  No.12552484

CIA glowie praises "noble" Hong Kong rioters …

meanwhile at home Trump niggers, MAGAtards and QAnons face prison time for answering Donald's call to protest at the Capitol

Jenna Ryan, Who Took Jet to Capitol Riot, Asks Donald Trump for a Pardon

"I just want people to know I'm a normal person," Ryan continued. "That I listen to my president who told me to go to the Capitol. That I was displaying my patriotism while I was there and I was just protesting and I wasn't trying to do anything violent and I didn't realize there was actually violence."


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e5606e  No.12552485

File: 0800c870da1366b⋯.jpeg (513.43 KB, 1836x1821, 612:607, 378B69AF_77E7_4CE9_92CC_C….jpeg)

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b95e5c  No.12552486

File: 7382d4f522c59eb⋯.jpg (27.06 KB, 780x258, 130:43, big_phar.JPG)


Pharma performed a miracle, but government’s botched rollout killed tens of thousands

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5ccd03  No.12552487

File: f52b0226cc5cf52⋯.png (281.53 KB, 446x471, 446:471, brosnahappy.png)

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000000  No.12552488


Digits confirm you should continue lurking

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730f6f  No.12552489


Concertina wire on INSIDE of fence so you can't climb OUT PLUS 30K ARMED MILITARY for a VIRTUAL inauguration.

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f0bdcd  No.12552490





Jan. 5th = C_A stop payment

Jan. 5th = GA Run Off

Jan. 6th = 11.23 on lunar calendar - PAIN 23

Jan. 6th = 12th day of Christmas/Epiphany Western Calendar

Jan. 6th = POTUS Call for patriots to come to DC - Fuck around, found out day

Jan. 6th = Electoral College - Certification before Declass + 5

Jan. 7th = Eastern OrthdoX Christmas - What do you want for Xmas

Jan. 7th + 10 days Darkness =Jan 17th@POTUS twitter shutdown

Jan. 13th = 11.3/11.4 = 1.13/1.14 Proofs to Begin - Report Confirms Numerous Countries Interfered In the 2020 Election – Millions of Invalid Ballots Inserted Into the Election - DECLASS CONFIRMED ON LOU DOBBS - SHELDON ADELSON DEAD 12TH

Jan. 15th = Friday - MAGA Promise day 1 - Friday the 15th is the date on the iPhone in the pic cap for #2099 about the EAS test - Threats at Google, VA supreme court, London Heathrow - First Round of Declass.

Jan. 15th + 7 = Jan. 22nd :stay at home< - [-7] - DR_noon_clear_sky^ - Safe comms_SAT-re_Bz985300^00







Still to come

Jan. 16th = Saturday - MAGA Promise day 2 - PresTrump declares Jan 16th Religious Freedom Day - Benjamin de Rothschild, Sheldon Adelson dead before noon

Jan. 17th = D5 on Lunar - D5 = Strongest Level Avalanche, Snowball

Jan. 19th = D7 on Lunar - remember THIS DAY - D7 = Pearl Harbor/Wake Island - a day that will live in infamy(never forgotten, remember THIS DAY)

Jan. 19th = Epiphany/Popcorn Day Eastern Orthodox


Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Jeremiah 1:19 - They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the Lord.


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b189f8 No.130638📁

Jan 22 2018 21:47:32 (EST)

What would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed the assassination (possibility) of the POTUS or member of his family?

What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved?

Forget the Russia set up [1 of 22].

This is only the beginning.

Be careful what you wish for.


Could messages such as those be publicly disclosed?

What happens to the FBI?

What happens to the DOJ?

What happens to special counsel?

What happens in general?

Every FBI/DOJ prev case could be challenged.


Think logically.

We haven’t started the drops re: human trafficking / sacrifices [yet][worst].

Those [good] who know cannot sleep.

Those [good] who know cannot find peace.

Those [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held accountable.

Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there.

Those you trust are the most guilty of sin.

Who are we taught to trust?

If you are religious, PRAY.

60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity.

These people should be hanging.









Ben RothsChild - Dead

Donald Tober - Suicide

Sheldon Adelson - Kingpin of Vegas - dead

Vegas route 66 shooting was an attempt on MBS/PDJT = AS THE WORLD TURNS

Q told us long ago KHAZARIAN/ROTHSCHILD MAFIA = ++

Qpost 2099 date on phone = Friday 15, Time on Phone = 1:56 = QPOST 156 which is just ++

Proofs to begin = 11.3 = 1.13 think mirror

Adelson first reported 1.13






From Epiphany to Epiphany - JAN 6 - 19

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7df7e3  No.12552491

>>12552058 OP

>>12552081 Dough

#16026@350 Notables

>>12552118 Biden camp plans early legislation to give citizenship to 11M illegal aliens; the bill would provide no stepped-up immigration enforcement or border security measures

>>12552121 Sec Pompeo - This isn't the Cold War. This is something different. The China threat is already within our borders

>>12552198 INCITEMENT: Alec Baldwin Wanted to ‘Stone’ Republicans, ‘Kill Their Wives and Children’

>>12552202 Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming

>>12552212 Woke Bullies at This Lefty Media Site Try to Deplatform Mandalorian Star Gina Carano

>>12552265 Dan Scavino Releases Incredible Video of President Trump to Poem “If–” by Rudyard Kipling

>>12552281 Biden Inaugural Like Baghdad: Green Zone, Red Zone, Military Checkpoints to Enter and Leave Downtown D.C., Bridges Into City to Be Closed

>>12552283 , >>12552359 , >>12552467 PF Report

>>12552288 Soldier Tells Joe Biden He's Disqualified Right to His Face

>>12552312 REDCROSS

>>12552338 Self-Avowed ‘Hardcore Leftist’ Arrested for Inciting Violence at Florida Capitol

>>12552351 The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee finalizes a report with evidence of Joe and Hunter Biden conducting financial deals with foreign governments

>>12552353 DPS abruptly closes Texas State Capitol out of an abundance of caution, threats of violence

>>12552363 People won’t be able to start filing #TaxReturns until Feb. 12, the #IRS said.

>>12552367 Biden COVID-19 relief plan is a Trojan horse for a sweeping liberal agenda

>>12552391 Feds back away from claim of assassination plot at Capitol


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aba509  No.12552492

At this point. Seth Rich is as real as big foot.

Could be an entirely made-up CGI person.

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1d6ab5  No.12552493

File: cfbe12512dc88c2⋯.jpg (23.64 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 20210106_182423.jpg)

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1333be  No.12552494


As the World Turns from control by Jacob/Israel to Esau/Edom.


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b382be  No.12552495


He was a distraction.

Trump is in Cheyenne.

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06cb55  No.12552496



Q is just a bunch of retards.

Or moar precisely, the retards are the ones who believe in Q

These people are stupid wasn't meant for the swamp.

It was meant for those who believe in a letter of the alphabet with zero results and all predictions wrong.

Enjoy the show

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8aa914  No.12552497


"Kid by the Side of the Road", is his Book.

Jan 6 DC interview:


The Called:

Drive across the US to DC. Neat way to spend an hour and 15 minutes. If anyone has the time.


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cd3ff0  No.12552498

File: f98c2c65efebb5b⋯.jpeg (343.5 KB, 640x694, 320:347, BCC45D8E_ADF4_4E18_BA02_0….jpeg)

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a3a178  No.12552499

File: 18decce0c922031⋯.png (86.73 KB, 1200x750, 8:5, PedFluDeath_WeeklyImage.png)



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02f228  No.12552500

File: 9e1bd5981e83b22⋯.jpeg (345.36 KB, 640x585, 128:117, FA79CA75_BD9E_47B3_96CE_D….jpeg)

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1fc4a7  No.12552501

File: ad9e03df780550a⋯.png (17.08 KB, 651x408, 217:136, 29_651x408.png)

File: dbf9a9f0466e042⋯.jpg (42.04 KB, 651x428, 651:428, fort_knox_1974_920x1240_65….jpg)

File: e13c59ac4d14098⋯.jpg (115.89 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, US_Mint_seal.jpg)

File: 9a704bd2244bbb1⋯.jpg (36.04 KB, 800x278, 400:139, knox_audit_1.jpg)


Knox audit

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1357be  No.12552502


Thank you you are a very special type of person…

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000000  No.12552503



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90b358  No.12552504


I don't think so, but we will find out soon.

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53e1cf  No.12552505

File: 5d27da84f4362d6⋯.png (317.13 KB, 603x777, 201:259, Miriam.png)

Miriam met Sheldon Adelson at Rockefeller after she went to Rockefeller University on an exchange program, specializing in drug addiction.

The couple's interest in drug rehabilitation stems from the fact that Adelson's son, Mitchell Adelson, died in 2005 to drug overdose involving cocaine and heroin.

[interesting in that drug addiction was Mariam's medical specialty]

The1990s and the period after saw Sheldon’s money soaring and his engagement in politics heightening. Sheldon became famous in 2012 when two $5 million checks were signed for Newt Gingrich’s presidential campaign. One was signed by Sheldon himself, but the other was signed by Miriam Adelson his second and final wife whom he married in 1991.


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b24a68  No.12552506


seems like this was looked over as a good map-decoding lesson

see drop 262 in here, for instance

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cd0914  No.12552507

File: a9e21fdfa5b2ffc⋯.jpeg (1.67 MB, 2026x4051, 2026:4051, gFUjYDQf.jpeg)

Just your daily reminder you are ruled by a group of oligarchs who despise your existence, prostituted you and your children's future to foreign powers while making millions grifting under the guise of public service. As you were America.

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60811a  No.12552508

File: 755f981f8f3c8b9⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1033x1411, 1033:1411, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f0e0023299e82df⋯.png (795.02 KB, 916x854, 458:427, ClipboardImage.png)

Hey Frens,

Enjoying the show. Super comfy. Love you all(no homo)

Reminder to me, and all, pray!

Chad Wolf > Pete Gaynor

Pete Gaynor became FEMA Administrator on January 16, 2020

BAKER Notable: 26 year Marine vet Pete Gaynor became FEMA Administrator on January 16, 2020


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b95e5c  No.12552509

File: 489d4c8b98de266⋯.jpg (63.51 KB, 621x451, 621:451, top_ex.JPG)


January 16, 2021

Fox News reportedly considering top executive firings over their post-election ratings collapse

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03320e  No.12552510

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1fc4a7  No.12552511

File: b9e79482a0f3e6c⋯.png (197.92 KB, 936x832, 9:8, gold5.png)

File: 2890b6490d5d72b⋯.png (456.46 KB, 936x831, 312:277, gold4.png)

File: 5471706d1d6c99c⋯.png (226.07 KB, 951x849, 317:283, gold3.png)

File: 6447cf14c78d99a⋯.png (471.78 KB, 922x801, 922:801, gold1.png)

File: 82226fb9cab6632⋯.png (194.17 KB, 918x838, 459:419, gold2.png)

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000000  No.12552512


….just like that you disappeared.

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bae9f0  No.12552513


not a pf but all mil go 'off radar' in the state of Idaho then back on when they leave the state air. I think maybe they switch to MIL transponder er sumpin.

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993e50  No.12552514


If they were displayed for everyone to see (no way that was accidental given apparent importance of that type to info. Mike would be a terrible courier if he did that. No one would carry sensitive info like that. No folio? Come on.), then it must be either misinfo/misdirection to the adversary or they showed exactly what they were thinking of or recommending doing to warn the adversary.

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a4ef66  No.12552515

File: 8f0c31ed41c30b0⋯.jpg (36.29 KB, 572x837, 572:837, deanwormer_chkd.jpg)

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415c49  No.12552516


11 million is a fallse number from 20 years ago

more like 50 Million illegals now

Bear Stearns -researched this

11 million is said for the last 20 years

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a0f2a5  No.12552517


TLDL: they'll kill Biden

Yeah, that's a scary possibility. If he's even real, he's gonna get sacrificed no matter


what. Him supposedly getting killed by someone affiliated with Trump would psyop the fuck out of normies.

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bdf91d  No.12552518


uhm, hey… i don't know if you notice it or anyone notice it, but, …. why is the nato-wire on the inside?

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90b358  No.12552519

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1fc4a7  No.12552520

File: 2c7de47bb782915⋯.png (337.34 KB, 651x692, 651:692, 27_651x692.png)

File: 2e0365d86fd4f22⋯.jpg (26.88 KB, 800x638, 400:319, fort_knox_image.jpg)

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b95e5c  No.12552521

File: d0f48fc25388328⋯.jpg (147.72 KB, 1204x689, 1204:689, re_cov.JPG)


After judge orders hospital to use experimental Covid-19 treatment, woman recovers

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816d65  No.12552522

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


good morning patriots!


good lord.

but your stupid ass will still be here spewing your guesses and opinions tho, right?

this whole 'new Q' and old Q thing is going to make this board look ignorant as fuck…

yall do know theres a tripcode and Q's own board for THAT reason, right?

(incase the qtards here get too stupid and/or compromised by their own ego/false intelligence… Q can push the reset button and still be able to post… just without all of your JUNK diluting it.

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a19fb6  No.12552523


> Q's biggest lie was that they are stupid

he was talking about the anons

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ebc9a0  No.12552524


do you not understand what "backroom deals" are?

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7766a2  No.12552525


Grandpa always said the Jews stole all the gold

When Nixon sucked off the Chinese, and ended good standard Gramps said you won’t be able to stop greedy fucks from ruining America

The Silent Generation LOVED opening China, they thought they would all be filthy rich cuz they were so righteous.

Hey….look where we are gramps!

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a3a178  No.12552526



>>12549995 (lb)

Interesting they're checking cars LEAVING DC. If they're worried about "muh extremists" at the inauguration, you'd think they'd want to know who is ENTERING DC.

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7eb50b  No.12552527




Wake the fuck up

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3602be  No.12552528

File: b02784048377848⋯.png (1011.8 KB, 944x944, 1:1, Screen_Shot_2021_01_04_at_….png)

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67dd8f  No.12552529

File: 2dfa5cbb857bf8b⋯.jpeg (124.74 KB, 1024x775, 1024:775, Some_Rice.jpeg)

For KEKs

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e0bf22  No.12552530


Who the fuck is this little shit, Fauci's brother? This video should be enough to arrest that traitor.

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415c49  No.12552531


11 million a constant for 20 years ?

use logical thinking

number stays same for 20 years ?

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0c9f85  No.12552532


That begs the question of 'what' is in Ihaho?

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69b9d8  No.12552533



Rather than just pass this by like most disinterested Anons do I decided to actually stop just to say


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000000  No.12552534



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000000  No.12552535


>Pharma performed a miracle

I would encourage anyone stupid enough to believe this to get the needle.

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fa91d0  No.12552536

File: 0cf5d97ca49ab18⋯.png (345.92 KB, 846x1080, 47:60, Digital_Jesus.png)

File: 29cc8117cd193ba⋯.png (514.1 KB, 559x447, 559:447, Laughing_Wine_Jesus_remove….png)

File: 3bed18a62cd98aa⋯.jpg (141.52 KB, 837x743, 837:743, 3bed18a62cd98aa9b880e178d5….jpg)

File: 6acbf5d6627521c⋯.gif (1.65 MB, 360x332, 90:83, GODFATHER_KEK.gif)

File: 33917282f21d617⋯.gif (5.94 MB, 500x375, 4:3, Smokes_in_Sublime_KEK.gif)



Just Remember Frens….

Jesus' First Miracle was a "Wine Run" at the Wedding at Cana. And You Can OnlyENTER HEAVEN in One Emotional State,



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c629b3  No.12552537


That would be a big fat NO. Beau was assigned to protect that pedophile and get him off the charges. Beau later realized just how REAL the charges were and how deep it went, he then tried to defy his orders by allowing the POS child rapist to get justice to the full extent of the law…it was that decision that gave Beua a previously diagnosed 'brain tumor' that would later be blamed, by Joe, on his military actions in Iraq… Woa always me, says Joe…lost my wife and daughter and now my son…

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1d6ab5  No.12552538

File: 72ef0beb8690593⋯.jpg (66.78 KB, 682x448, 341:224, 20201113_213442.jpg)

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943557  No.12552539


…reporting by CNN…

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e376e6  No.12552540


Everyone knows patriots are respectful and law abiding.

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5ccd03  No.12552541

File: acddb155156d28e⋯.mp4 (141.38 KB, 640x480, 4:3, cheyenne.mp4)



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1333be  No.12552542


The audit will be a lie…if they ever allow it.

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131565  No.12552543


>They will form a new government very similar to the current one with safeguards in place….

need a way to detect people who are fundamentally sociopaths, because they aren't going to just disappear and see being dishonest as an asset to help themselves to whatever they can steal

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fe4cff  No.12552544


They are pretty active watching for boats coming/going if someone attempted to run. Also, they have guns and don't hesitate to use them liberally if need be.

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a3a178  No.12552545



The drug Ivermectin – a pill sometimes used to treat children with head lice or to rid dogs and cats of worms – is not yet approved by the federal government for use against Covid-19. But Smentkiewicz's son and daughter call it “a miracle drug” in their court papers.

They don't want us to have the cure.

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c629b3  No.12552546


>previously diagnosed


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b95e5c  No.12552547

File: 19b3d6935df772c⋯.jpg (105.16 KB, 983x777, 983:777, show_up.JPG)


Cook County Plans To Resume Jury Trials In February, But Will Jurors Show Up?

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000000  No.12552548


Trip code for sale?

>look around

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b382be  No.12552549


Its really the only logical answer.

Imagine how many cops, firemen, doctors, family, and friends would have to be willing to cover up a death for Hillary.

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a37b55  No.12552550

File: 6ecc34ddc1b300f⋯.png (389.89 KB, 679x479, 679:479, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f3cd99d9e9cfaf7⋯.png (270.71 KB, 382x382, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 969495970594321⋯.webm (2.09 MB, 480x480, 1:1, Washington_DC_Builds_Pris….webm)

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cd0914  No.12552551

File: f6d07b9f013eb4e⋯.png (487.11 KB, 620x768, 155:192, 6.png)

File: 32d5d83da279a0a⋯.jpg (90.19 KB, 1080x652, 270:163, 2.jpg)


do you know someone who is buying this shit?

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1fc4a7  No.12552552

File: bb19d51057b8fee⋯.jpg (46.56 KB, 560x403, 560:403, world_silver_production_14….jpg)

File: 888e063c62befef⋯.png (34.75 KB, 643x461, 643:461, World_Gold_Production_1493….png)

File: 74752cd66bb7c7c⋯.jpg (21.25 KB, 600x411, 200:137, gold_standard_inequality_0.jpg)

File: 0ffde863c6820eb⋯.jpg (129.66 KB, 481x549, 481:549, how_much_silver_is_in_worl….jpg)

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e35ae5  No.12552553


What's the release date on this

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69b9d8  No.12552554


>uh, doesn't he mean…

STFU he's rollin'

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3c0e8f  No.12552555

Please help America. I know this sounds stupid. But I am stuck in a bit of a psychological prison of the mind. I am unable to determine fact from not fact, or unable to establish facts about reality with my "normie" mother.

I just need to know if I am being strange or she is.

Call me fag drama if you want.

I actually think you all are like brain professionals and shit and I trust someone to respond with something to tell me either I am fucking insane and looking at nothing, or someone is trying to gaslight me hard.

I can't figure out what is going on because I am 34 years old and I have a diagnosis of crazy as fuck.

My mother is 68, she does not.

I feel like she is either intentionally gaslighting me for some reason, like i have always thought she might be doing it.

But, in the last week it has gotten worse.

I feel like I need to do something to prevent my mom's psychological decline or decide I am being crazy.

I am struggling to establish fact.

The other day.

I said democrats are generally pro-choice and republicans are generally pro-life.

She argued for 20 minutes that it wasn't true or she didn't know that.

She has been a lifelong democrat and pro-choice.

Anyway. I call her today.

To talk about the church I grew up.

It was unitarian universalist and I wanted to compare liberal sexual education to a more conservative sexual education.

She keeps arguing with me that my church doesn't have liberal views on sexuality compared to the christian churches.

Is that not a fact?

am I crazy?

I showed her this article.


I used this quote for a conversation.

UUism sees sexual expression as an affirming part of the human experience, and we support everyone’s right to learn about and engage in sex in consensual, pleasurable, developmentally appropriate ways. We also acknowledge that sexuality in our society is damaged by violence, exploitation, alienation, dishonesty, abuse of power, and the treatment of persons as objects.

She told me that where it says "we support everyone’s right to learn about and engage in sex in consensual, pleasurable, developmentally appropriate ways."

that the word sex, doesn't mean sex. I need to read her article to get the proper context Is that true to you all>

Or is it clear that in that statement, it is referring clearly, to physical sexual activity. She is saying it actually means "sexual expression" or something. I just wanted her to see that I don't think christian faiths are talking about "pleasurable" sex.

Our faith tradition doesn’t maintain a list of “shalt nots”; rather, we offer opportunities to learn about sexuality, to engage in dialogue, and to gain spiritual perspectives on sex so that we make decisions wisely, ethically, and in accordance with our personal and faith values.

I thought that most christian churches were not "gaining spiritual persepctives" on sexuality.

Anyway. I went through this crazy sex ed program at the church. I told her to get a piece of paper and write down 2 sentences.

"The Unitarian Universalist church generally has more liberal ideas about sexuality.

The Christian church generally has more conservative ideas about sexuality.

We argued for like 20 minutes about whether those statement is true or not. She still doesn't agree with my "facts".I don't know America. I feel like i am saying obvious stuff. But I am being gaslit so hard by my own mother. I can't tell if I am crazy, she is crazy, or what.

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36fe07  No.12552556


^^^ Gonna get this out!

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7766a2  No.12552557


Cool……so Dems will completely piss off people who came here legally

Good job commies….keep up the good work comrade

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855cd7  No.12552558


Just you. Works fine for others. Three days of your bullshit posts, glowfag.

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fc1c7c  No.12552559

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a3a178  No.12552560


You wake the fuck up faggot.

Kids also get the seasonal flu, dumbass. They don't really die from it, but they sure as fuck contract it.

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25e31e  No.12552561

File: 1ddcf88c0865323⋯.jpeg (266.17 KB, 1125x997, 1125:997, E6C39030_3B10_40C6_B8A2_6….jpeg)

File: fc2a7f4d0bbf497⋯.jpeg (671.26 KB, 1125x1627, 1125:1627, 6D747378_1850_440E_87A1_7….jpeg)


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594964  No.12552562


Ironic, the fact that you clawed your way into this corner of the info-verse, just to denounce said existence. Stop hitting yourself.

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23b9ee  No.12552563

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a19fb6  No.12552564




>good lord.


>but your stupid ass will still be here spewing your guesses and opinions tho, right?


>this whole 'new Q' and old Q thing is going to make this board look ignorant as fuck…


>yall do know theres a tripcode and Q's own board for THAT reason, right?


>(incase the qtards here get too stupid and/or compromised by their own ego/false intelligence… Q can push the reset button and still be able to post… just without all of your JUNK diluting it

Ron collects wrist watches, Jim collects fountain pens … how did Q prove that he's the real thing ….LOL …

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fbca4a  No.12552565


>Interesting they're checking cars LEAVING DC. If they're worried about "muh extremists" at the inauguration, you'd think they'd want to know who is ENTERING DC.

They are possibly checking for suspicious people who may have been there before the lockdown and checkpoints

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b28ce6  No.12552566


You are a fucken lair I provided proof the website has been down for a week. How does it feel to be a worthless piece of shit. GFY

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f0bdcd  No.12552567


>Rather than just pass this by like most disinterested Anons do I decided to actually stop just to say

If you are disinterested in Q proofs, possibly the biggest Qproof in the history of this board, why the fuck are you here. Oh I guess that is obvious by your responses in this thread so far.

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4ec61a  No.12552568


keep up the good work..a lot of people give you shit but you havent waivered of those dates once

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6f1f9f  No.12552569

The CCP conducted espionage from its diplomatic facility in Houston, Texas? We closed it down. Not gonna happen on our watch.


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000000  No.12552570



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b95e5c  No.12552571

File: 531a8e662458492⋯.jpg (69.89 KB, 847x686, 121:98, he_or_z.JPG)


Policeman Who Appeared to Direct Protesters in the Capital Now Being Touted as a Hero Who Risked His Life to Save Others

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e20a08  No.12552572


Mathers and his alter ego

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90b358  No.12552573

File: 976afc3fd2874d5⋯.png (698.67 KB, 720x864, 5:6, CV_19_masks_4.png)


yup, Ivermectin and HCQ and Zinc packs

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b7003b  No.12552574

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804eef  No.12552575


>Soldier Tells Joe Biden He's Disqualified Right to His Face

I have a tremendous amount of respect for those individuals. I would have had to fight an enormous amount of rage and adrenaline, trying to not knock joe TF out.

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a3a178  No.12552576


The opposite of 6 gorillion.

They want to minimize the numbers instead of inflate.

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9cba6a  No.12552577

File: 2c793bcd2c8d60d⋯.mp4 (179.2 KB, 502x270, 251:135, POTUS_Never_Give_Up.mp4)


>If - video


>EXCELLENT: Dan Scavino Releases Incredible Video of President Trump to Poem “If–” by Rudyard Kipling

IF anyone watches that video and really believes POTUS is going to hand our country over to the CCP is a retard and should find ared scarf!

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1fc4a7  No.12552578

File: c7dab918743db12⋯.pdf (552.02 KB, US_Mint_Fort_Knox_gold_aud….pdf)

File: df5b05ae75fe41f⋯.pdf (2.6 MB, US_Official_Gold_Reserves_….pdf)

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7eb50b  No.12552579

File: 95ff19d2a55a3b6⋯.jpg (60.4 KB, 644x960, 161:240, cantexpectgod.jpg)

Are WE the baddies?

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1333be  No.12552580


The only secure way to store gold is in circulation.

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22c3e7  No.12552581


[end of sauce:]

So why wouldJP Morgan,as a commercial precious metals vault operator, beasking for an FOIA exemptionwhen two other vault operators, namelyBrinks and Scotia Mocatta,submitted vault licensing applications, and that did not see the need to ask for confidential treatment on the basis of “confidential commercial information”?

Looking at a list of , there is nothing in the list that would apply to JP Morgan but not to Scotia Mocatta and/or Brinks, except perhaps the first type of FOIA exemption in a scenario in which, were the aux vault at level B5 in the Chase Manhattan Plaza complex, then it could be included underforeign policy considerationsi.e. “Those documents properly classified as secret in the interest of national defense or foreign policy”. i.e. that the Chase vault facilityconducts business for a ´Federal´client and on behalf of foreign central banks and international monetary organisations.

In summary, there is a lot of circumstantial evidence to suggest that the Fed’s aux vault is indeed located at 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza, B5, accessible from the Fed’s Vault E via a link corridor ortunnel structure.

Until the FRBNY writes publicly about its auxiliary vault, which seems unlikely, then circumstantial evidence remains as the only evidence on which to go on.


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4ee49e  No.12552582


No date on document

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a75e65  No.12552583


I’ll bite.

Q abandoned you. Nothing anons have decoded has ever come true.

Q never makes predictions, it’s people who are balls deep in this “movement” that gives us a bad name. It’s these empty predictions that never happens, it’s the PAYtriots that are taking advantage of you.

A lot of credibility is Riding on the next few days. It will determine if qanon followers are just a laughing stock of the next crazy conspiracy age. Which is highly likely.

No one of y’all have done shit except waste all day jerking off and assuming things, force connections that have nothing to do with each other.

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1718ce  No.12552584

Very surprised to see Mike the pillow guy hanging out with Trump at this stage of the game. What's up with that? Very strange.

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bdf91d  No.12552585

File: 3be751eda6dd118⋯.jpg (232.07 KB, 962x641, 962:641, 38024158_9147273_image_a_1….jpg)

nevermind, just an optical illusion, the nato wire is on the outside…

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06cb55  No.12552586


Been here the entire time.

Before Q

Show me the plan

Show me evidence that the plan is miraculously going to happen

Just one piece of evidence will do

I thought so

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b95e5c  No.12552587

File: 91141a5220afbd1⋯.jpg (68.84 KB, 858x607, 858:607, hund_flee.JPG)


Hundreds of Christians flee after Muslims threaten to torch neighborhood

Furor erupted when Facebook allowed a now-deleted post

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bb66d4  No.12552588

File: 0d211773af2ca71⋯.png (808.75 KB, 843x775, 843:775, bought.png)

chyna bought this election, and if Orange Man Bad upsets the apple cart, there's gonna be hell to pay - like EMP hell possible.

not buying the jan 6 excuse. A minor demonstration in terms of actual damage and loss of life and we suddenly have the single largest deployment on American soil since the Civil War? Either they're that scared or there's other things afoot. I'm inclined to believe both things.

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5ccd03  No.12552589

File: f3018e3743db842⋯.jpg (147.26 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, bulldog_puppies1.jpg)


puppies cause cancer next?

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000000  No.12552590


I used to…then I told them FOX was bullshit. Now they don't talk to me.

Too hard for them to handle.

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e3a072  No.12552591


>We were rubber tanks an sheeeit

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25e31e  No.12552592

File: 8f4e5799467eaf2⋯.jpeg (400.85 KB, 1125x1355, 225:271, 8D7A8EAC_BD34_4493_BBD4_D….jpeg)


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1333be  No.12552593


Which is why it isn't in circulation.

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993e50  No.12552594



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90b358  No.12552595


Move out to a friends' for your own sanity.

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f0bdcd  No.12552596


>keep up the good work..a lot of people give you shit but you havent waivered of those dates once

They give me shit because I am directly over the target, the more they shill the more it shows the lurkers how correct I am, and more importantly how correct =Q WAS/IS==

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06a255  No.12552597

File: d09a7ea232adcc9⋯.jpg (175.49 KB, 684x455, 684:455, Screenshot_20210116_132928….jpg)


Why are they planning for transition in

GMT location? Greenland was a place of interest *didn't POTUS make jokes about buying it or something a few years ago*.

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d18dd0  No.12552598


Surprised no patriots with terminal illness have not yet taken matters into their own hands.

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4ec61a  No.12552599


he directed them away from mike pence who was only 100 feet away from them

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cb7a3a  No.12552600



>Interesting they're checking cars LEAVING DC.

Really makes you think?

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b28ce6  No.12552601



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7766a2  No.12552602


Trump and his buddies have made trillions during his term……all you got was 1200 bucks and a huge bill from the Fed

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b93b56  No.12552603


Man, that stuff looks nasty.

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855cd7  No.12552604

File: dbf385a189e3dc7⋯.png (554.36 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Trump_eliminate_bad_milita….png)


Retirement dates in parentheses

1. Scaparrotti ret (19)

3. Neller ret (19)

4. Zukunft ret (19)

5. Tidd ret (19)

6. Thomas ret (19)

7. Waldhauser ret (19)

8. Selva ret (19)

9. Dunford ret (19)

10. Mattis ret (19)

14. Richardson ret (19)

15. Votel ret (19)

16. Goldfein ret (20)

18. Lengyel ret (20)

19. Robinson ret (18)

20. Shanahan w/d (19)

21. Harris amb to SKor, announced resig (20)

22. McDew ret (18)

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f0bdcd  No.12552605

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a75e65  No.12552606


Strange? What’s strange about high level personalities hanging out? People do it all the time. It’s foreign to you bc you are a peasant

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b95e5c  No.12552607

File: 9c93d6bd1ea7e06⋯.jpg (101.34 KB, 845x644, 845:644, of_back.JPG)


Democrat who accused GOP of giving rioters 'reconnaissance' tours backs off

It's possible 'they did not realize what some of these groups were doing'

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943686  No.12552608

File: e9d4992e3ec252b⋯.mp4 (1.76 MB, 426x238, 213:119, JFK_Jr_video_hold_the_line.mp4)

>>12551670 (lb)

Nice video

Hold the LINE

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437a57  No.12552609

File: c14e2d16e9e67a7⋯.png (262.79 KB, 454x250, 227:125, jd_thumbs_up_right.PNG)

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713d61  No.12552610


There were 159 million votes counted in the 2020 presidential election.

There are 135 million registered voters in the US. Where did the extra 24 million ballots come from?

PDJT was credited with 74 million votes.

The most votes Biden could possibly have received was 61 million.

Do the math, it's proof of voter fraud.

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189b90  No.12552611


Another celeb dog? First was Miley Cyrus.

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816d65  No.12552612

File: eca9669dbb354ee⋯.jpg (71.97 KB, 488x641, 488:641, good_doggo.JPG)


some of us aren't in need of money, peasant.

I just spent your car payment on 2 zips of CandyLand…

might roll it all up, tuck it in a jacket pocket and loose it in my closet somewhere… (it happens more than it should)

but its cool. we aint here to talk about money n shit..

just know, not everyone has to sale there soul.

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25e31e  No.12552613


2 Bibles/ Biblical

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90b358  No.12552614

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f3e5c6  No.12552615



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b24a68  No.12552616


makes sense that he's high level intel, actually.

very high profile, not taken seriously

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000000  No.12552617

I saw this mentioned in a TASS screengrab last night, but I haven't yet seen it in Notables:

Facebook reinstated President Trump's account.

Sauce: <https://bigleaguepolitics.com/president-trumps-facebook-page-is-reactivated/>

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726fca  No.12552618


Skyking posts in Zulu Time. Just sayin'.

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bdf91d  No.12552619


to prevent people from climbing over

i don't know what could happen that normal people would start to climb over but well, there it is now.

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1c299e  No.12552620


Gott mit uns.

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dbdec6  No.12552621


Q said "you won't believe who Q is"

we will know who Q is at some point….

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000000  No.12552622


You should lurk moar.

You have no idea what you are talking about and clearly a shill.

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001371  No.12552623


Which reminds me of some digs from years ago regarding Nazi's and ratlines. Just a thought.

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90b358  No.12552624

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fa91d0  No.12552625

File: 29ae2e72a38fc5b⋯.png (149.94 KB, 499x500, 499:500, Prince_of_Peace.png)

File: 70120d1d78d01cb⋯.gif (8.21 MB, 480x480, 1:1, Sin_Forgiven_Small.gif)

File: 58a648afa3da4fe⋯.jpg (11.53 KB, 356x259, 356:259, Sin_Separates.jpg)

File: c031349d2848e81⋯.jpg (59.41 KB, 1242x1242, 1:1, Canyon_of_Sin_Illusion.jpg)

File: f623a58bb307006⋯.jpg (120.63 KB, 473x349, 473:349, Mystery_of_Inequity.jpg)

What is the Difference Between Coercing Patients to Take a Covid-19 Vaccine or else not Receive Any Further Life-Saving Medical Care (Chemo, Dialysis, Surgery, ect) and ISIS forcing You to Convert to Islam or Die in a Burning Cage? Because that is What is Happening Right Now in the U.S.

It is the Same "SPIRIT OF INEQUITY" of the King of Division Shills Satan that Guilts People Into Going Along to Get Along in a Mental Prison of Hate, Malice, Pain, and Their Mother, [FEAR].

The Accuser Wants You to Feel Guilty. Guilt is Sin. The Wages of Sin are Death. Sin Forgiven is Grace and the Key to Becoming FREE.








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0c9f85  No.12552626


Sotomayor's current net worth is $6 million. She earns huge amount of money from her career. Her current salary is $200K.

Sonia Sotomayor: Liberal Bully

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a19fb6  No.12552627


lol, most reverends ranting against liberal morals are closet homos seeking faggotry in public restrooms …like your typical conservative Republican senators …

time to wake up

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60811a  No.12552628



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e376e6  No.12552629


>Orange Man Bad

That was nothing but political theatre so you wouldn't figure out he was on the same side. But there's no way we could be sitting here today with the circumstances as they are if he weren't.

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25e31e  No.12552630

File: 523e211f1d8e0f0⋯.jpeg (209.7 KB, 1125x371, 1125:371, 3A015409_ED96_4E40_B17C_E….jpeg)


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b95e5c  No.12552631

File: 7c973a5c371e2b7⋯.jpg (137.02 KB, 862x692, 431:346, p_puts.JPG)


Pelosi Puts Swalwell Back On Homeland Security Committee Despite Chinese Spy 'Entanglement'

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69b9d8  No.12552632


Quit going full spergo all the time.

Some Anons do social commentary skits in order to point out how you get attacked in a very non-Anon way.

Doesn't mean said ironic commentary works as intended every time but that is what it is.

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816d65  No.12552633


trying to 'voice to type' right now…

but google is too stupid to pull it off.

*lose it

*sell their soul

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e5f786  No.12552634

File: 6428819724ba60f⋯.jpg (128.43 KB, 736x1074, 368:537, Commie_Jews.jpg)

When asked why the Communists destroy the middle class or educated and their entire families when they invade a country Mr. Harrold Wallace Rosenthal replied:

"It is an established rule to destroy all members of pre-existing government, their families and relatives but never Jews. They destroy all members of the police, state police, army officers and their families but never Jews. You see, we know when a government begins to search for the Communists within its borders – they are really attempting to uncover Jews in their area. We're not fooled! The invisible rulers in the Communist countries have a world control over the propaganda and the governments in free countries. We control every media of expression including newspapers, magazines, radio and television. Even your music! We censor the song released for publication long before they reach the publishers. Before long we will have complete control of your thinking."

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4b5815  No.12552635

Random thoughts

The US Corporation concept is interesting, but for the public it’s too esoteric to be convincing and creates massive quandaries about all laws and amendments since 1871. Sorry. Even if true, it’s a moot point since not enough people would accept.

Biden’s CGI inauguration. Get Tom Hanks and John Roberts and make it look real…for no point. Biden doesn’t get into the White House, so where would that go?

Ditto Trump leaving for Florida and running in 2024, they would imprison or kill him if he leaves office.

While the window is closing, and anons are getting nervous, we don’t know what the plan is, although it’s beginning to look like it starts storming soon and through the period following the 20th.

Just keep your preps ready and your head down, eyes up, ass…er. Well, don’t talk out of it, at least!

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594964  No.12552636


Our job is not to convince you of the worthiness of seeking truth. Good luck with your journey.

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25e31e  No.12552637

File: c13f76911328183⋯.jpeg (277.26 KB, 1125x682, 1125:682, 2078E018_5030_4AD5_84EF_2….jpeg)


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000000  No.12552638



…and hugs cause cancer.

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aa584c  No.12552639

One America News


Election fraud mounts as Dems race the clock - https://t.co/v3xdrNs2ga?amp=1

Election fraud mounts as Dems race the clock


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993e50  No.12552640


Is it correct that whe wasn't even a judge before SCOTUS?

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c63ac0  No.12552641

File: eb64cdcf460b567⋯.png (773.4 KB, 1136x850, 568:425, Screen_Shot_2021_01_16_at_….png)

someone is worried……

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92d7de  No.12552642


so Roth's got like 13 tonnes of gold off the deal

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726fca  No.12552643

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dbdec6  No.12552644


There is not or going to be a Biden admin.

PDJT is the last president.

Q is replacing the old with a new.

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874500  No.12552645

File: d1a8dc4cae04600⋯.jpg (53.99 KB, 393x438, 131:146, keistercorkerAlert2.jpg)

>>12552374 ←This is a keister corker.

We held the line mother 'effer. We also counteract the mainstream media by red pilling the normies with truthful news mother 'effer. You are a farce and a JIDF shill. You are a loser that needs to grow up and learn that daddy's keister corking is not healthy. Neither is yours. I'm done with your kind shill.

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aa584c  No.12552646



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000000  No.12552647


Don't poke the bear, dude. If she drives you crazy, talk to someone else. I've got relatives like this, too. Take a step back. I know it's hard with relatives. But, just because you love someone doesn't mean that they're good for your mental health.

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3c0e8f  No.12552648


I don't have a problem with liberal sexuality.

I have a problem when someone doesn't realize there beliefs about sexuality fall on the liberal side of the spectrum.

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b95e5c  No.12552649

File: 4675154b6038563⋯.jpg (51.8 KB, 887x550, 887:550, cov_camps.JPG)


Germany To Put COVID-Rulebreakers In "Detention Camp"

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d950c5  No.12552650


Fuck the IRS, we have no representation, why should we pay.

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a37b55  No.12552651

File: 0f26088a386e402⋯.png (352.17 KB, 550x441, 550:441, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 66facc50dc759ba⋯.mp4 (8.83 MB, 886x486, 443:243, EXCELLENT_Dan_Scavino_Rele….mp4)

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001371  No.12552652


Ratlines (World War II aftermath)

"Ratlines" were a system of escape routes for Nazis and other fascists fleeing Europe in the aftermath of World War II. These escape routes mainly led toward havens in Latin America, particularly Argentina though also in Paraguay, Colombia,[1] Brazil, Uruguay, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Guatemala, Ecuador and Bolivia, as well as the United States, Spain and Switzerland.

There were two primary routes: the first went from Germany to Spain, then Argentina; the second from Germany to Rome to Genoa, then South America. The two routes developed independently but eventually came together.[2] The ratlines were supported by clergy of the Catholic Church, and historian Michael Phayer claims this was supported by the Vatican.[3][4]

While reputable scholars unanimously consider Nazi leader Adolf Hitler to have committed suicide in Berlin near the end of the war, various conspiracy theories claim that he survived the war and fled to Argentina.


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dbdec6  No.12552653

There is not or going to be a Biden admin.

PDJT is the last president.

Q is replacing the old with a new

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12e98f  No.12552654


But Ma.. I want to be a battle ship!

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fc1c7c  No.12552655


Lurk Moar

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297aee  No.12552656


>I can't tell if I am crazy, she is crazy, or what.

you're both crazy

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5ccd03  No.12552657

File: 5950afb39ae0ff6⋯.jpg (19.7 KB, 327x398, 327:398, pinkfreud.jpg)

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6d974d  No.12552658

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Lt. Gen. McInerny


"I found out yesterday that Comey, the former FBI Director, sold Hammer and Scorecard, this top secret program, to the Chinese."

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a75e65  No.12552659


Yet you have been filing all your life. Sit down faggot.

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e376e6  No.12552660


Is he still on Twitter? If so, it's because he's a shill.

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b3aa4b  No.12552661


>uhm, hey… i don't know if you notice it or anyone notice it, but, …. why is the nato-wire on the inside?

It’s looped through both sides let’s not be delusional faggots here. They rigged the elections and everybody knows it so this is why they are so afraid of the American people. This is what dictatorships do. A legitimate government doesn’t fence itself in with checkpoints and surround itself with 25k armed military police with thousands sleeping on the floor in the Capitol.

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6b31af  No.12552662

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Live from DC: Looking like a WAR ZONE

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b24a68  No.12552663


and you're helping the Beast perfect its algorithms, you lazy collaborating scum

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bb66d4  No.12552664


they are getting the audit list prioritized no doubt

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b93b56  No.12552665


Very nice

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e5fd21  No.12552666


history repeats swiftly

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9cba6a  No.12552667

"They" should take pedo Joe to Frank Lutz's house and park him in the replica of the Oval Office room and tell him he's potus! kmao That idiot wouldn't know he wasn't at the WH!

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e20a08  No.12552668


Waiting for: Mike pillow guy is Q

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7b14ca  No.12552669



As if "Joe M" would have a blue checkmark.

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993e50  No.12552670

>>12552640 (me)

Disregard. Sorry. Realized I should have just looked it up myself after posting.

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734419  No.12552671

so im taking it as lurk is the werd

ill try

obviously not including this one, heh

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4b5815  No.12552672


That’s not a very accurate interpretation of his post.

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b95e5c  No.12552673

File: 10df298954cc71a⋯.jpg (45.25 KB, 983x231, 983:231, pa_dem.JPG)


Pennsylvania Democratic lawmaker blasted for claim that lies about 2020 election are not protected speech

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a3a178  No.12552674



>They are possibly checking for suspicious people who may have been there before the lockdown and checkpoints

10 days after the fact.

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b382be  No.12552675


Trump needed Jan 6 to happen.

The left is begging for him to add the 30k troops into DC.

Imagine if he had tried that himself.

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dbdec6  No.12552676

There is not or going to be a Biden admin.

PDJT is the last president.

Q is throwing off this corrupt one and replacing with a new

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0d2122  No.12552677


Anybody got a link to the 2nd of Joe's videos that still works?

I can't find the one I downloaded before…

And I mean the 2nd one, not the re-mastered. Got that one

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000000  No.12552678

Anons, you really have to read "The Kid By The Side Of The Road" by Juan O Salvin.

It explains so much of what we learned here.

This is not a slide and this anon is an oldfag but believe what you will. This book is only 68 pages long but a wealth of information.

Download it in pdf here:


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adde71  No.12552679


I know all we can see in that picture is "classified" but the green sign is usually "unclassified" It probably not a SCIF.

I see USSS, USCG, both people who you would expect to be at a DHS about DC security. I would like to know more about the building plans on the desk.

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18a6ec  No.12552680

File: 50e884324939126⋯.png (1.09 MB, 898x921, 898:921, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 59258cf64f8a59e⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


The CCP conducted espionage from its diplomatic facility in Houston, Texas? We closed it down. Not gonna happen on our watch.


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3acf79  No.12552681

File: 6726ce81d1f7d0e⋯.jpg (44.33 KB, 618x488, 309:244, Kansas_tweet_time_code.jpg)

America first

Timestamps matter

Deltas matter

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fb21fa  No.12552682

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f0bdcd  No.12552683


>Quit going full spergo all the time.


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d950c5  No.12552684


Probably already noted in the past, but jic


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c629b3  No.12552685



Agreed, also agree that the adverts can be annoying but what the heck, anons gotta get their bread and butter somewhere!

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90b358  No.12552686


a lazy but understandable reading given our propaganda programming

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25e31e  No.12552687

File: f783e36ae8781a8⋯.jpeg (781.55 KB, 1125x1452, 375:484, 6B87E439_247F_4995_91C4_2….jpeg)


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de70a7  No.12552688

File: d720306c5b5ae4e⋯.jpg (767.69 KB, 924x754, 462:377, trumpaxe2.jpg)


We caught them al

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82ff87  No.12552689


forgot Rodgers was THE START?

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000000  No.12552690


That meme is brilliant!

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993189  No.12552691

File: c47c0d966ba0e9e⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1439x1294, 1439:1294, 4252020situationroom.png)


this is very very interdasting indeed

this is an interesting analysis

maybe should beNOTABLEfor posterity


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36fe07  No.12552692


You really got it going on aa7c8f!

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b28ce6  No.12552693


Post a screen shot of the California DMV commie…..You can't dumb motherfucker

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726fca  No.12552694

File: e8da40f5072b61f⋯.jpg (60.06 KB, 620x402, 310:201, Tanks.jpg)

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4262d4  No.12552695


I'm sure JoeM got punted off twitter months ago

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b382be  No.12552696




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1fc4a7  No.12552697

File: 2b7c6c7ab5e5e5f⋯.png (444.87 KB, 1015x688, 1015:688, ClipboardImage.png)


Million oz of silver = 28.45 metric tonnes.


Silver metric tonnes: 1,125,937

Gold metric tonnes: 151,482

Silver produced 7.4 times over gold since 1900.

Silver gold ratio now: 101:1

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0bc5a9  No.12552698


you can't yell "FRAUD!!!" in an over-crowded election

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fe4cff  No.12552699


I don't doubt your assessment, but does my memory fail me. I could swear Beau ultimately put the pedo behind bars inciting the wrath of a "brain tumor".

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bdf91d  No.12552700


it is really saw to see that even the military protects these corrupt people, we know that they know this too which makes it even worst. And to make it even more worst, some of these corrupt folks are pedos. Now think about it, the military protects very bad people.


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9cba6a  No.12552701


>10. Mattis ret (19)

>14. Richardson ret (19)

13. Admiral Rogers retired!!!

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000000  No.12552702


Sigh. Let me guess. He was wearing a "Q Sent Me" shirt, caveman furs, covered in tattoos and piercings, and next week will have turned out to be a BLM activist with a history of crimes against children.

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bdf91d  No.12552703


>it is really '*saw to see


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f1e799  No.12552704

File: 0feca9d11915953⋯.png (15.68 KB, 1196x620, 299:155, newrepublic.png)

You are here!

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046ff4  No.12552705

File: f0068a193c80e2f⋯.png (38.41 KB, 555x133, 555:133, sweet_dreams_1.png)

File: 975aebb38ad1cc9⋯.png (145.88 KB, 555x402, 185:134, sweet_dreams_2.png)

File: e69416da670e65f⋯.png (231.38 KB, 555x512, 555:512, sweet_dreams_3.png)



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726fca  No.12552706

File: 9d1095016793160⋯.png (914.29 KB, 1000x709, 1000:709, ClipboardImage.png)


The best we can do is an inflatable landing craft.

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b95e5c  No.12552707

File: 5661a9c687964b6⋯.jpg (29.19 KB, 565x191, 565:191, alen_d.JPG)


Alan Dershowitz to Newsmax TV: House Violated Constitution

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81e385  No.12552708


Is JoeM that video guy who got his ass handed to him by the little Mexican boy on YouTube?

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7fc25b  No.12552709


Why hasn't he been served?

Some of this outlines serious crimes

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e87b20  No.12552710


Might be a plan.. won't change anything.

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df5e24  No.12552711


Yes. It is weird for him to be walking around with it in such a way… unless it was meant to be seen… if NCSWIC.

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92d7de  No.12552712


All I am saying is that those branches have been shown to be comped and as such are in the Biden Camp or Criminal Conspiracy I said noted nothing about a biden presidency or administration

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7df7e3  No.12552713

>>12552058 OP

>>12552081 Dough

#16026@550 Notables

>>12552118 Biden camp plans early legislation to give citizenship to 11M illegal aliens; the bill would provide no stepped-up immigration enforcement or border security measures

>>12552121 Sec Pompeo - This isn't the Cold War. This is something different. The China threat is already within our borders

>>12552198 INCITEMENT: Alec Baldwin Wanted to ‘Stone’ Republicans, ‘Kill Their Wives and Children’

>>12552202 Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming

>>12552212 Woke Bullies at This Lefty Media Site Try to Deplatform Mandalorian Star Gina Carano

>>12552265 Dan Scavino Releases Incredible Video of President Trump to Poem “If–” by Rudyard Kipling

>>12552281 Biden Inaugural Like Baghdad: Green Zone, Red Zone, Military Checkpoints to Enter and Leave Downtown D.C., Bridges Into City to Be Closed

>>12552283 , >>12552359 , >>12552467 , >>12552406 PF Report

>>12552288 Soldier Tells Joe Biden He's Disqualified Right to His Face

>>12552312 REDCROSS

>>12552338 Self-Avowed ‘Hardcore Leftist’ Arrested for Inciting Violence at Florida Capitol

>>12552351 The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee finalizes a report with evidence of Joe and Hunter Biden conducting financial deals with foreign governments

>>12552353 DPS abruptly closes Texas State Capitol out of an abundance of caution, threats of violence

>>12552363 People won’t be able to start filing #TaxReturns until Feb. 12, the #IRS said.

>>12552367 Biden COVID-19 relief plan is a Trojan horse for a sweeping liberal agenda

>>12552391 Feds back away from claim of assassination plot at Capitol

>>12552569 Sec Pompeo - The CCP conducted espionage from its diplomatic facility in Houston, Texas? We closed it down. Not gonna happen on our watch

>>12552571 Policeman Who Appeared to Direct Protesters in the Capital Now Being Touted as a Hero Who Risked His Life to Save Others

>>12552587 Hundreds of Christians flee after Muslims threaten to torch neighborhood Furor erupted when Facebook allowed a now-deleted post

>>12552607 Democrat who accused GOP of giving rioters 'reconnaissance' tours backs off

>>12552630 New narrative story on Military occupation of DC

>>12552631 Pelosi Puts Swalwell Back On Homeland Security Committee Despite Chinese Spy 'Entanglement'

>>12552639 OANN - Election fraud mounts as Dems race the clock

>>12552649 Germany To Put COVID-Rulebreakers In "Detention Camp"

>>12552662 Live from DC: Looking like a WAR ZONE - Ann Vandersteel (Video)

>>12552673 Pennsylvania Democratic lawmaker blasted for claim that lies about 2020 election are not protected speech

>>12552604 Retirement dates in parentheses



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1d6ab5  No.12552714

File: 14e010d97483222⋯.gif (3.65 MB, 368x368, 1:1, 1591206632567.gif)

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a3a178  No.12552715


He did.

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90b358  No.12552716

File: ccfaee5b2e529ef⋯.png (299.17 KB, 500x330, 50:33, Wizard_of_Oz_WoO.png)


stop talking sense (and cent$)

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b28ce6  No.12552717


It's starting to freak me out. A government website that millions depend on and not one article not one mention anywhere…I need to register my car this is insane…

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fa91d0  No.12552718


Ivermectin works by killing candida in the gut. Candida causes most of our Health Issues. Big Pharma knows this and works with Big Food.

It's like the Forced Entropy they do with electronics to keep the CONsumables Flowing….

Like Covid Masks and Vacinnes

Insert "You See How That Works Boy?" Joe Dirt Meme here…

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726fca  No.12552720


What about gold-plated tungsten?


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b95e5c  No.12552721

File: 7d4f741f7c60223⋯.jpg (29.67 KB, 610x188, 305:94, never_c.JPG)


John Fund to Newsmax TV: Impeachment Trial May Never Come

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eeb98a  No.12552722

File: 3ed9cdc4130f7cb⋯.png (1.49 MB, 2672x1544, 334:193, Screen_Shot_2021_01_16_at_….png)


here's your time stamp. IT WORKS

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5ccd03  No.12552723

File: b8f7e65d5ee0d31⋯.jpg (83.87 KB, 600x338, 300:169, frank_luntz_pollster_600.jpg)


luntz has been toobin…allegedly. sources say.

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846f38  No.12552724

File: a55a99cc8e82dfd⋯.jpeg (54.08 KB, 474x355, 474:355, 512B2FFE_AE04_4EB7_AF5D_D….jpeg)

Welders currently closing the sewer pipes at DC. Some from the deep water oil rigs down in TX and wearing scuba gear and O2 tanks. WTH?

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adde71  No.12552725

File: f8ea6b407426c5e⋯.jpg (61.71 KB, 604x382, 302:191, img_3780.jpg)


It looks like the FEMA conference room but the FEMA has been removed behind the flags.

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35abad  No.12552726


historicalaly, ancient gold to silver ratio is

between 8 to 12 to 1

I am talking about in ancient Rome, Greece, etc

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000000  No.12552727


Anon, are you talking about "Q We Are The Plan"?

It's on Bitchute here:


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4d1bf2  No.12552728


It kills all kinds of parasites.

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c60fb7  No.12552729

File: 966ea7de7e632af⋯.png (89.46 KB, 456x489, 152:163, 6g5235f4342.PNG)

File: 9d785996d969e4a⋯.png (7.09 KB, 464x215, 464:215, 654v6346534.PNG)

File: 818f751ef3d57b2⋯.png (3.62 KB, 473x91, 473:91, n87546bv4543.PNG)

File: eb7076fa9b98f0d⋯.png (173.28 KB, 463x735, 463:735, v54344325432.PNG)


Q post





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b95e5c  No.12552730

File: 8152d6109d06f3d⋯.jpg (56.72 KB, 623x595, 89:85, ice_c.JPG)


COVID-19 Found in Chinese Ice Cream Samples

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c629b3  No.12552731


Not at all, ultimately Beau did defy his orders and allowed that pedo to go to jail and be exposed, and for that he was 'brain tumored'….that happens when a high caliber bullet gets shot through your head.

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b24a68  No.12552732



must have the tunnels watertight already.

really making this airtight

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aba509  No.12552733


Oh you mean good ole Anjel from Expunge Your Thinking?

Yeah that kid smoked JoeM years ago. Shit was tight.

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fa91d0  No.12552734


CHYNA #1 Supplier of Tungsten…

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df5e24  No.12552735


I just don't see HOW it could be notes FOR the President.

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92d7de  No.12552736


They don't want the rats escaping through the sewers

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03b62c  No.12552737

File: 056c422657679b4⋯.jpeg (143.62 KB, 750x611, 750:611, 6C3386F5_A24C_4334_97F5_F….jpeg)


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0c9f85  No.12552738



Account suspended




Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: c95f7e No.1123499📁

Apr 20 2018 21:37:07 (EST)

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: c95f7e No.1123388📁

Apr 20 2018 21:32:06 (EST)





Hint: Hussein & Maggie


How many pics can you find of them together?

Age 10, 11, 12….


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03ee91  No.12552739

>>12551339 /lb

Notice 'rule' breakers.

They - and every other garbage pos so-called 'government' that is bending over and exposing the backsides of their citizens to the garbage, globalist scum-of-the-world - aren't even trying anymore.

Not a 'LAW' of course 'cause no LAW has been written anyplace except garbage countries with garbage regimes like the communist party in china where there is no debate, the scum just say 'it's now a law 'cause we say it is' - our future under the communist party in china.

But don't just focus on germany and the nazi-public-announcement-of-their-rebirth 'cause it's being planned elsewhere, like here in Canada.

DAYUM! Good thing there are PATRIOTS in America about to save the world 'cause otherwise, this would be said about America under a hidin' biden and hoe front for the communist party in china, had actually been successful!

WHEW! That was close. President Trump has to make certain that the 2022 election - and beyond - are protected with photo ID and paper ballots ONLY! No more of this communist party in china/soros/gates/zuckerturd crap!

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1d6ab5  No.12552741

File: fa52efdeb005651⋯.gif (520.1 KB, 244x146, 122:73, tenor_1jj.gif)

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90b358  No.12552742


thanks, didn't know

>>12552728 yep

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f3e5c6  No.12552743

PRESIDENT TRUMP is doing everything possible to implement NESARA AT THE INTERNAL LEVEL IN THE UNITED STATES, AND GESARA AT THE GLOBAL LEVEL, in the 209 nations that have signed that law.

It is also largely achieving ′′DRAIN THE SWAMP ′′ in which America became, with the discrete help of:

– The Galactic Federation of the Free Worlds,

– The Ascended Masters,

– The Alliance – composed of BRICS countries: (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).

North American troops are already in several countries to arrest elite members of the ′′deep state′′ living in those countries.

US military has also rescued more than 500 thousand children slaves from those sick people from the world’s satanic elite.

It has also restored the Republic in the United States, which thus ceases to be a private corporation, in the hands of a few Cabal families.

Likewise it is proving the return to the pristine, original U.S. Constitution, in wind and tide. This has also CREATED A NEW COIN, THE UST, which can only be EMITED BY THE UNITED STATES Treasury.

For this reason, TRUMP HAS CREATED AMERICAN TREASURY, WITH RENO HEADS IN RENO, CASTING THE POWER OF THE FED, which was nothing “federal”, since IT WAS PRIVATE PROPERTY, nor reserve, either, and the TABLE OF DIRECTORS WAS appointed by The ROTSCHILDS, as well as issuing money as they please. All that will no longer be allowed, under no circumstances. And the new currency is fully backed by real wealth.

Soon the other countries will be deploying GESARA, and then there will be a single currency, backed by real wealth. And it will be digital, because it will be part of the Quantum Financial System (QFS), which is already working, although it has not been disclosed yet.

Although their evil plans are being disclosed with the intention of fearing them, don’t consider it. QUANTUM COMPUTERS already being used, are equipped with an ALIEN TECHNOLOGY, UNKNOWN ON EARTH, moved by plasma and tachion energy, as well as possessing Artificial Intelligence.

THE CABAL CAN NEVER HACK THAT SYSTEM, nor promote money laundering operations, or steal from citizens.

YOU ALL WILL HAVE YOUR OWN ACCOUNT, AND YOU CAN MANIPULATE THAT ACCOUNT FREELY. Because the quantum computer detects immediately and in real time, any attempted fraud, theft or whatever and automatically blocks the requested transaction. I ask you, my friends, not to be afraid.

I assure you both you and your families are safe. NOBODY WILL BE LEFT WITHOUT MONEY FOR THEIR SUPERVIVENCE AND FAMILY.

THE CABAL IS TRYING TO SAVE ITS POWER AND IS GIVING ITS LAST COLLETS, adapting a global ′′BURNED LAND′′ policy. IF THE PLANET IS NOT UNDER THEIR CONTROL, NO ONE CAN HAVE IT. But their strength is running out, and they know it. Every day there is a new Victory of Light. There are more arrests every day.

Most of the planetary elite is already behind bars at Guantanamo. Or under house arrests. We will no longer allow them their onslaught against humans, and we have eliminated any attempt at a third world war.

Galactics have neutralized all of Earth’s atomic arsenal. Plus, PART OF NESARA and GESARA means THE END OF EVERYTHING EVIL AND ANY WAR ON PLANET EARTH. Includes an international armistice. From now on all the peoples of this planet will live in peace and harmony with each other.


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25e31e  No.12552744

File: 06ebb24ef8d448f⋯.jpeg (529.84 KB, 1125x1558, 1125:1558, A05F591B_6049_415E_B91F_4….jpeg)


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f3e5c6  No.12552745


In short, there will be no more wars. Every citizen will have more than enough to have a roof, food on the table and health for everyone. Whether or not you have a job, there will always be money in your account.

The role of banks will be another completely different. With the new financial system, there will be the forgiveness of all bank debts. They already started cancelling the debt of the poorest countries.

Mortgage and credit or debit card debts will be forgiven anyway. It’ll be a way to give people back at least part of what they’ve been robbed of all their lives.

Water, light, and heating accounts will be removed due to opening free energy patents, for example. Energy becomes free and free to all, no matter where in the world you live. Plus, income tax is being eliminated.

There will be a single tax of 14 % on consumer goods, excluding medicines, food, homes or secondhand cars, and especially whatever is first needed for life on Earth.


Earth will have a full-fledged galactic society. There will no longer be people going hungry, violence, or anything that represents a low vibration, because the planet, which is a living being, is moving on to the Fifth Dimension, and you with it.

THERE WILL BE NO HOSPITALS, NO VACCINES, NOT EVEN SICKNESS. Almost near the MEDBED’S, or medical beds are released to the public, which in a matter of minutes, will heal all and any pre-future illness.

Every human being will regain their freedom and live a prosperous, rich and happy life. And all of it is just around the corner.

So pay no attention to the catastrophic view of Cabal’s plans. They won’t be fulfilled, I assure you. I ASK YOU ALL TO START CELEBRATING THE FREEDOM OF ′′ BEING ′′ AND THE VICTORY OF THE STRENGTH OF LIGHT, FROM NOW!!!



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03320e  No.12552746



Military planning operations etc works in Zulu (GMT) or (UTC) time worldwide. This prevents confusion having to convert back and forth to local time all the time.

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fa91d0  No.12552747


So does onion soup and oregano oil…


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b93b56  No.12552748

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18a6ec  No.12552749

File: f3881ff3cb066de⋯.png (86.6 KB, 900x252, 25:7, Intense_Shilling.png)

[Shills whine]

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90b358  No.12552750

File: a11f78e4b86cbd0⋯.png (356.33 KB, 870x912, 145:152, yogamen.png)

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b7003b  No.12552751


maybe bc true patriots (folks who love things, nurture things, grow and build things) dont ever consider those sorts of avenues. in other words….WE arent deranged?

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4b5815  No.12552752


Troops with M-5s? Is that one better than an M-4? When your palaver exceeds your cognition.

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a3a178  No.12552753


Where are you getting GMT from? Since there's no fucking timestamp on your pic, what makes you think they're in GMT?

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23b9ee  No.12552754


woah is there any sauce for this?

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b95e5c  No.12552755

File: 8988da171bb22d3⋯.jpg (95.26 KB, 659x614, 659:614, streamer.JPG)


Far-right personality ‘Baked Alaska’ arrested after Capitol riot

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aba509  No.12552756

Yeah Anjel is THE GOAT.

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726fca  No.12552757


If you were going to remove gold and replace it with something else that was counterfeit, the weight of tungsten is within 1% of the weight of gold. Cover tungsten with gold leaf and Robert is your mother's brother.

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1fc4a7  No.12552758

File: 80105c91589e1a6⋯.jpg (44.13 KB, 640x687, 640:687, f6ff74a60fbf39cdeea7c7f9e1….jpg)

File: 65487caaa158a41⋯.jpg (334.5 KB, 1080x844, 270:211, 139923.jpg)


Under Augustu, Silver Denarius was Sterling silver .925 (92.5%)

By 800 AD there was 2-3 percent silver in the coinage.

Took 850 years to (((do))) what the fed only took 108 to do.


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22c3e7  No.12552759

File: 86819fc181ac2ba⋯.png (15.1 KB, 724x95, 724:95, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d3eba783d2e27c⋯.png (169.92 KB, 891x251, 891:251, ClipboardImage.png)


my read of the tea leaves is that the bankers forced Nixon to close the gold window to avoid depleting gold reserves. before his could reinstate it, they nixed him via engineered Watergate soft coup.

We are lied to when we are told that Nixon lied about it being temporary. He got US out of Vietnam war, an unforgivable offence v. DS

"Nixon ordered Treasury Secretary John Connally to uncouple gold from its fixed $35 price and suspended the ability of foreign banks to directly exchange dollars for gold. During a national television address, Nixon promised the action would be temporary in order to “defend the dollar against the speculators,” but this turned out to be a lie."

sauce from tenthamendmentcenter.com, link too long

Watergate: a CIA coup

All the Presidents' Men is a great book and a great movie. But it should be in the "fiction" section.

The "revelation" that Mark Felt is supposedly the notorious secret source "Deep Throat" is certainly not the whole story - if it is even true.

Bob Woodward started his career as a cryptologic officer on a Navy ship that was intended to be used as a alternative military command center in the event of nuclear war. His next post was to be a briefer of top Pentagon officials – that's generally NOT training to be a reporter. When Woodward was dispatched to the Washington comPost, his writing was so poor that they had to train him at a suburban Maryland newspaper for a year before he could get hired at the Post.

It seems the CIA and others decided that Nixon had to go for the long term interests of the empire. This is similar to what is happening to George W. Shrub. Why is the "torture" scandal suddenly getting lots of airtime, when this is not exactly news (it SHOULD get airtime, but it is part of a pattern going back a LONG LONG time)?

The "burglars" in the Watergate admitted the next day to being CIA which is not normal practice for CIA agents (unless they were told to say this, they were whistleblowers and had remorse, or were incompetent the first seems the most likely).


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b24a68  No.12552760



except he had flip-flopped already, leaving the magafolk for vapid irl streaming

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000000  No.12552761


Might be here: https://www.bitchute.com/profile/bi2psS5KtUjq/

Bitchute super slow now.

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81e385  No.12552762


More like SUPER GOAT.

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35abad  No.12552763



“Conservative” Pollster Frank Luntz’s Damning Email to Hunter Biden Was Just Released By Steve Bannon

This looks so bad for Frank, he's been outed as a fraud….there's no coming back from this…


OCTOBER 21, 2020

Hunter sends Frank an email, a bit shocked, and peeved that when Frank was on TV discussing political ads (and possibly their validity) he didn’t slam a “China/Jeep” ad put out by team Romney. This appears to make Hunter upset and he calls Frank out on it.

MORE NEWS: President Trump’s Pennsylvania Event Yesterday Absolutely Creamed Obama’s PA Appearance Today in Online Views…Blowout!

You can tell Hunter is probably high as a kite when he wrote the email because he called Fank the “smartest person in politics.”

Give me a break…How much crack had he smoked before he wrote that?

Hunter goes and whines for a bit, and basically wants to know why Fank would ignore the “Jeep/China” ad that Hunter thinks is “fake”…but it’s Frank’s reply that is the real eye-opener.

Frank basically tells Hunter that he didn’t “help” them out and slam the ad because Joe had “snubbed ” him. Luntz bellyaches about that like a teenage girl, even mentioning that he’s talked to Beau – Hunter’s brother – about it his hurt feelings.

And then he drops the news that he “declared” Joe the winner of the VP debate against Paul Ryan, even though Paul Ryan was his “client.”

See below:

Hey @FrankLuntz can you confirm this email? Asking for @SpeakerRyan. We may have a few more that you could confirm as well. . . . pic.twitter.com/pZNT1RRntm

— Steve Bannon’s War Room (@WarRoomPandemic) October 21, 2020

This guy is. a complete fraud.

His polls – like all of these other fraud polls – are just “favors” for friends.

And his opinion, just like his focus groups, can also be bought and sold as well.

Nothing we see is real. Everything is fake. The media and all of its tentacles are a massive snow job.

And now, this explains why…Luntz is a Biden and libersal stooge.


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a3a178  No.12552764


>They - and every other garbage pos so-called 'government' that is bending over and exposing the backsides of their citizens to the garbage, globalist scum-of-the-world - aren't even trying anymore.

Or are they being forced to expose who they really are?

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b28ce6  No.12552765


Nice picture it doesn't work even the fucken phone line says it doesn't work.

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de70a7  No.12552766

File: 37929028eb59340⋯.png (795.94 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, obamagateinfiltrat.png)

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726fca  No.12552767

File: c70b421a0c68008⋯.jpg (161.26 KB, 815x500, 163:100, Moar_Shilling.jpg)

File: 1b9d7edd50ad6f9⋯.jpg (227.37 KB, 881x499, 881:499, Shilling.jpg)

File: 2361248c1ad5e69⋯.jpg (80.05 KB, 960x408, 40:17, Even_moar_shilling.jpg)


Have we reached these levels of shilling yet?

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297aee  No.12552768

File: 54acd7c43970a81⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1080x1082, 540:541, comfycat.png)

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000000  No.12552769


Hi Charlie Ward.

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0a4bfc  No.12552770

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7eb50b  No.12552771

File: 14283b051d62c4c⋯.jpg (65.85 KB, 480x624, 10:13, me_natsoc.jpg)


Are we wrong?

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d41759  No.12552772

File: efa35560b116002⋯.png (27.43 KB, 681x272, 681:272, lin.PNG)


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0bc5a9  No.12552773

File: d0b7dcac4a15017⋯.jpg (38.93 KB, 388x277, 388:277, chewy.jpg)

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4d1bf2  No.12552774


Good luck getting your cows and other livestock to eat those.

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81e385  No.12552775










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90b358  No.12552776

File: 6e01bcd1468cfcc⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, WW2_Tiger_I_Tank_148.png)



Assuming that our history timeline is correct and the period of 400-1000 AD is not just a repeat of 0-300 AD

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337270  No.12552777

File: e9f8769f9abc098⋯.png (941.44 KB, 967x594, 967:594, IAskPapacy8.png)



nice digitz tho

The current state of society is the direct result of drug-addicted boomer parents forcing their kids to play sports for decades instead of allowing us to draw anime untilB00M, Marina Abromovic. fuck this entire diseased corrupt temple up its asshole with a cactus i swear smdh.

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f0bdcd  No.12552778

File: d9710cda13487bf⋯.png (131.69 KB, 1521x488, 1521:488, Screenshot_2021_01_16_Q_7_.png)

suicide weekend

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b95e5c  No.12552779

File: 0ba1132394bfbf0⋯.png (897.95 KB, 718x841, 718:841, I_O_keyb.PNG)

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50e128  No.12552780


Three branches become one >>12552207

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12e98f  No.12552781

File: 4bcede06fbb9f51⋯.mp4 (3.61 MB, 640x288, 20:9, THE_PLOT_THICKENS_.mp4)




Sweet misery of life…

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ebc9a0  No.12552782


because their guns are more numerous and bigger than yours. The end is your insignificant death.

Give us taxes: "No!"

Ok, we take your property: "No!"

Ok, we come to arrest you: "No!"

Ok, we bust down your door: "No!"

Ok, surrender or we shoot: "No!"


BREAKING NEWS: "Crazy Violent Extremist Killed by Scared Police Who Were Just Doing Their Jobs!"

Police Major quoted as saying: "Well we were on our way home from delivering presents to the local orphanage and nursing home. I was taking a 5-minute break to speak on the phone with my pregnant wife about our adopted minority child with muscular dystrophy when I got an interruption call to visit the residence of a person known for their violent extremist views on taxes. That's when things turned ugly…."

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de70a7  No.12552783



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e96d52  No.12552784


When I'm calling youoooou ooooou.

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816d65  No.12552785


dat beast will NEVER b able to decipher REAL comms if they are being sent… kno that.

we can send you marching orders in a music video, dude.

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4b5815  No.12552786


Or victims being flushed away.

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726fca  No.12552787

File: e2581222c33e7ad⋯.jpg (13.48 KB, 255x174, 85:58, Airplane_Biden.jpg)

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000000  No.12552788


They arrested Baked Alaska? Did they arrest Apple Pie, too? I hear Streudel is still on the loose. Kek.

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69f01e  No.12552789

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23b9ee  No.12552790

File: 8bae04eaf7b4168⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1086x1082, 543:541, sigh.png)



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a3a178  No.12552791



Just went to CA state DMV website. It's up. Even navigated to "renew my license" and it still worked.

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fa91d0  No.12552792


That's why I scratched my head back in 2004 when Bush allowed us (Military) to convert to powerized Tungsten bullets .223 for training…

Made sense at the time for conserving lead for downrange…

Tungsten is also known as Wolframite…interesting history for the nerds out there / here…

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9296fd  No.12552793


Thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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c629b3  No.12552794


diatomaceous earth for animals, even human animals, does wonders for cleaning out the gut.

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7df7e3  No.12552795

>>12552058 OP

>>12552081 Dough

#16026 FINAL Notables

>>12552118 Biden camp plans early legislation to give citizenship to 11M illegal aliens; the bill would provide no stepped-up immigration enforcement or border security measures

>>12552121 Sec Pompeo - This isn't the Cold War. This is something different. The China threat is already within our borders

>>12552198 INCITEMENT: Alec Baldwin Wanted to ‘Stone’ Republicans, ‘Kill Their Wives and Children’

>>12552202 Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming

>>12552212 Woke Bullies at This Lefty Media Site Try to Deplatform Mandalorian Star Gina Carano

>>12552265 Dan Scavino Releases Incredible Video of President Trump to Poem “If–” by Rudyard Kipling

>>12552281 Biden Inaugural Like Baghdad: Green Zone, Red Zone, Military Checkpoints to Enter and Leave Downtown D.C., Bridges Into City to Be Closed

>>12552283 , >>12552359 , >>12552467 , >>12552406 PF Report

>>12552288 Soldier Tells Joe Biden He's Disqualified Right to His Face

>>12552312 REDCROSS

>>12552338 Self-Avowed ‘Hardcore Leftist’ Arrested for Inciting Violence at Florida Capitol

>>12552351 The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee finalizes a report with evidence of Joe and Hunter Biden conducting financial deals with foreign governments

>>12552505 More digs on Miriam Adelson / family

>>12552353 DPS abruptly closes Texas State Capitol out of an abundance of caution, threats of violence

>>12552363 People won’t be able to start filing #TaxReturns until Feb. 12, the #IRS said.

>>12552367 Biden COVID-19 relief plan is a Trojan horse for a sweeping liberal agenda

>>12552391 Feds back away from claim of assassination plot at Capitol

>>12552569 , >>12552680 Sec Pompeo - The CCP conducted espionage from its diplomatic facility in Houston, Texas? We closed it down. Not gonna happen on our watch

>>12552571 Policeman Who Appeared to Direct Protesters in the Capital Now Being Touted as a Hero Who Risked His Life to Save Others

>>12552587 Hundreds of Christians flee after Muslims threaten to torch neighborhood Furor erupted when Facebook allowed a now-deleted post

>>12552607 Democrat who accused GOP of giving rioters 'reconnaissance' tours backs off

>>12552630 New narrative story on Military occupation of DC

>>12552631 Pelosi Puts Swalwell Back On Homeland Security Committee Despite Chinese Spy 'Entanglement'

>>12552639 OANN - Election fraud mounts as Dems race the clock

>>12552649 Germany To Put COVID-Rulebreakers In "Detention Camp"

>>12552662 Live from DC: Looking like a WAR ZONE - Ann Vandersteel (Video)

>>12552673 Pennsylvania Democratic lawmaker blasted for claim that lies about 2020 election are not protected speech

>>12552604 Retirement dates in parentheses


>>12552707 Alan Dershowitz to Newsmax TV: House Violated Constitution

>>12552730 COVID-19 Found in Chinese Ice Cream Samples

>>12552737 All 122 Bureau of Prison facilities went into lockdown last night


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4d1bf2  No.12552796


I scrapped the bathing in shill tears plan. I'm building an olympic size swimming pool instead.

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9cba6a  No.12552797


>Welders currently closing the sewer pipes at DC. Some from the deep water oil rigs down in TX and wearing scuba gear and O2 tanks. WTH?

WTH? Why post that NS without any sauce, asshole?

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df5e24  No.12552798


Unless it was notes from Pres. team to the Pres. on next steps… and was given to Mike? But give them to Mike. The redacted section was definitely to hide something not to be shown on the memo or was removed for some reason.

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69b9d8  No.12552799


The Dood is as equally hard-headed as you are - creates a stalemate where nobody gets what they want.

I told someone else that came in yesterday all guns blazing how to handle it and have more Anons on your side fighting for that particular cause:

- Address The Dood courteously by tagging the Dough and laying out your concerns in polite manner.

- If he continues to ignore, other Anons will notice and be curious why he didn't answer you.

- If he answers you and it's a bullshit reason, then other Anons will notice and raise concerns as well.

- If he answers you with a decent enough reason, then great you 2 can discuss rationally and come to a conclusion.

If you really think about it, that's what ended up killing doc off as a QR Baker.

The Color Revolution diggs and doc ignoring it caught up to him (from an /AnonsKnow/ perspective) via that approach.

Prior to that all the full spego BRT accusations never fully got anywhere as the Comms Lackeys were able to paint you and others as the shills.

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9a0123  No.12552800

File: 5c9b5aa9fc2ddf2⋯.png (676.17 KB, 387x765, 43:85, ClipboardImage.png)

Jack Maxey posts "be not afraid"


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b24a68  No.12552801


meantime, the more you use it, the more it learns.

don't be such a cunt and help them lord over us all

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000000  No.12552802


Not all wormwood. Be careful. You don't want the stuff they use to make absinth. That'll fuck you up. There are a number of different varieties. Be careful when using herbs.

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868dac  No.12552803

I haven't seen this mentioned here yet:


> Biden's SS name is Celtic

> Harris is Pioneer

> Harris

> Pioneer

I dry-heaved multiple times.

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bcc62d  No.12552804

File: 01e091f3da91238⋯.png (148.67 KB, 221x228, 221:228, ClipboardImage.png)


Nice Congress you got 'ere! Be a shame if somethin 'appened to it.

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952e2f  No.12552805


Where is Pence going?

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000000  No.12552806



Definitely working here on the east coast


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df5e24  No.12552807


But WHY give them to Mike?

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0189f3  No.12552808


got sauce for this motherfucker?

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90b358  No.12552809


thx, didn't know Tungsten= 'Wolframite'

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726fca  No.12552810

File: 2e8de40181c69b6⋯.png (1.98 MB, 1197x697, 1197:697, ClipboardImage.png)

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eeb98a  No.12552811

File: 68f88188f439e90⋯.png (4.46 MB, 2662x1464, 1331:732, Screen_Shot_2021_01_16_at_….png)

File: 76abe380b8faaea⋯.png (4.23 MB, 2390x1578, 1195:789, Screen_Shot_2021_01_16_at_….png)

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816d65  No.12552812

File: 3946981e07271fd⋯.png (470.24 KB, 750x500, 3:2, situation_room_Qresearch.png)


thats the TIPPY TOP question everyone would love to have answered… i guess you gotta wait fer muh book.

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938b86  No.12552813


It was more like:

Wait until you learn who has been TALKING TO YOU HERE.

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3928a1  No.12552815


Because confirmation bias will take hold.

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8676c3  No.12552816

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b28ce6  No.12552817

I see China has poured millions into trolls this weekend as their last stand….This place is crawling with little yellow dicks

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500c10  No.12552818


sauce is



Seems the tweet is from Jan 14, 20:19 EST (if I can trust twatter's timestamps). Thus published approx. 3.5 hrs after the meeting.

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23b9ee  No.12552819



also has the highest melt point of all the metals

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000000  No.12552820


Got any good literature on candida treatments?

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2b83b1  No.12552821

File: 5aea24bf5c8381b⋯.png (611.74 KB, 1439x792, 1439:792, project_20201022_2253156_0….png)

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868dac  No.12552823

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4d1bf2  No.12552824


Ivermectin works on tics and lice and such. Again good luck with the sea shells killing tics.

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a3a178  No.12552825


And then what?

Who will be POTUS?

Who will be in congress?

New election?

MIL rule?

For how long?

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6d974d  No.12552827



Holy shit is this place nothing but shills anymore???

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4095b9  No.12552829

File: ffb01bdb27c4752⋯.gif (4.99 MB, 400x225, 16:9, _3S6Yz_1_.gif)


What this reminded me of…

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9296fd  No.12552830


…hence the claim of a 'coin' shortage?

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a3a178  No.12552832


The video is a week old. It's been notabled several times.

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38d1fc  No.12552833


ChInA = CIA's last stand.

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5f9aa3  No.12552834

File: 5e2dd9167606cd0⋯.jpg (19.78 KB, 500x266, 250:133, hes_right_you_waecco.jpg)

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fa91d0  No.12552836



Hallucinations are Great if You're into that sort of Thing.

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f0bdcd  No.12552837

File: eca0bac984b184b⋯.png (1.69 MB, 3596x3292, 899:823, Screenshot_2020_12_25_Q_Re….png)

File: 09057c2ac36def8⋯.png (2.41 MB, 3452x3272, 863:818, big_mad.png)


>The Dood is as equally hard-headed as you are - creates a stalemate where nobody gets what they want.


And the DOOD is not one person, it is all the comms jews handing off a static vpn to control the bake 24/7

What is a Static IP?

A VPN static IP is one that is assigned directly to you and does not change. This IP address is based at a place of your picking among the eight available locations. This IP address will never cease to be available for you because it is only assigned to you and no other LimeVPN user. The best thing about the static IP is that each time you connect to the internet; you are assigned the same IP, which conceals your real IP address by the same server.


>>>/Midnightriders/22244 <-WNB talking about purchasing a static VPN - fucking busted

>agreed. i could bankroll virtual pvt svr but the perimeter protection would have to be full retard, and i aint bankroll’n dat


>so when will burner acct be up?


>NB has it. He here?


>email account. We need a burner email account to send off PW/SN to




>Meeting adjourned if everyone is cool, email nightbaker@protonmail and get your PW/SN..


>get a burner proton mail acct wakes


>will do

>inb4 15 memes by /MNR/ faggots with zero actual defense.

>inb4 you don't contribute to the board

>inb4 moar red text


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90b358  No.12552838

File: 2ded8d936578408⋯.jpeg (154.61 KB, 1440x819, 160:91, Zulu_Chinks_on_the_wire.jpeg)


I don't think so, but in sync with your post;

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1d6ab5  No.12552840

File: 2b6cdd82dbfeacf⋯.jpeg (161.4 KB, 1440x956, 360:239, 1527905587.jpeg)

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0cb341  No.12552841


What is power patrol, cant find nothing. and that phone# comes up as some trucking co.

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fe4cff  No.12552842

File: 68265f6dbaebe7f⋯.png (554.07 KB, 588x830, 294:415, ClipboardImage.png)


Probably won't get banned either.

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000000  No.12552843


AI? Muh alienz? Cylons? *shoots Cylon toaster*

Anything other than that, and I'm going to be disappointed.

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6d974d  No.12552844


Thank God.

It's literally the reason the Plan works, and nobody seemed to give a shit.

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a3a178  No.12552845


Cut sugar.

Candida thrives on sugar.

I was doing an oregano oil therapy (mentioned by another anon in this bread) but the taste was so fucking disgusting I couldn't finish it.

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39baa5  No.12552847

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868dac  No.12552848


I thought that was why women do yoga?

Otherwise what is the point?

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e5f786  No.12552849

File: c2a1946e9c9714b⋯.jpeg (98.27 KB, 604x452, 151:113, dollarbillthereare13stars….jpeg)

File: d0e13737da06e24⋯.jpg (107.6 KB, 760x369, 760:369, sodchineseonedollar1yuan.jpg)


Love of money ain't what Anons are about. That is a Jewish trait.

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a0f2a5  No.12552850


If we know, they know.

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18a6ec  No.12552851

File: def821d14158d8c⋯.png (427.75 KB, 756x675, 28:25, pepe_comfy.png)


Just think. Puppets for evil fucks that don't give a shit about any of them for money that's not worth anything.


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fa91d0  No.12552852

File: 37e122577fd4431⋯.jpg (2.8 MB, 4032x1860, 336:155, 20210116_135115.jpg)

File: 13fc8ccd801ffef⋯.jpg (1.82 MB, 4032x1860, 336:155, 20210116_135157.jpg)


Pic didn't load….



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dafc8b  No.12552853



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1d6ab5  No.12552854

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38d1fc  No.12552855

I suspect fairies of being evil ugly dwarf spirits. There used to be a race of wicked ugly dwarfs that lived underground.

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000000  No.12552856


You can take it in capsules. No taste that way.

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f3e5c6  No.12552857


Count Saint Germain (also sometimes referred to as Master Rákóczi or Master R) is a legendary spiritual master of the ancient wisdom in various Theosophical and post-Theosophical teachings, said to be responsible for the New Age culture of the Age of Aquarius and identified with the Count Saint Germain (fl. 1710–1784), who has been variously described as a courtier, adventurer, inventor, alchemist, pianist, violinist, and amateur composer.

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046ff4  No.12552858

File: de912b4a317b9e9⋯.png (103.95 KB, 555x313, 555:313, sweet_dreams_4.png)




Forgot one.

Pillow guy = Sweet Dreams

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832e14  No.12552859


hello shill.


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90b358  No.12552860

File: 578e162c96ac5a2⋯.jpg (29.53 KB, 480x483, 160:161, zuck_nazi.jpg)

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03320e  No.12552861

File: 98c372d1fe0f090⋯.png (920.56 KB, 1880x939, 1880:939, Opera_Snapshot_2021_01_16_….png)

AF2 has resolved its ADSB issues still W bound near Denver.

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846f38  No.12552862

File: 733126f35ff3d01⋯.jpeg (13.2 KB, 150x150, 1:1, 3A93438C_B8A5_4106_A284_1….jpeg)


Elevated levels of DEHP found in the run off. Still tracking for sources. Major problem. DC has to move out.

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3928a1  No.12552864


you can take it with 500 mg of edibles

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22c3e7  No.12552865

File: a54863504f1f255⋯.png (1.69 MB, 956x900, 239:225, ClipboardImage.png)



https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbed_tape (razorwire) . nasty

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0189f3  No.12552868




FEMA hasnt been removed, the FEMA logo/flags would be on the wall out of frame to the right, behind Pence.

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729cae  No.12552869


Anon from last bread:


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e3a072  No.12552870


This operation is completed, thank you for your service

Please text 'DIAMONDPEPE' TO #QANON for recognition award to be forwarded to your current address on file

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cbe94b  No.12552873

File: e8eb957febfafc3⋯.png (644.97 KB, 760x369, 760:369, yup_china.png)

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12e98f  No.12552874

File: 09a451a43e0e760⋯.jpg (33.93 KB, 504x336, 3:2, hitler_fb_zuck.jpg)

File: 7d91b48b3ed03cb⋯.jpg (65.62 KB, 715x816, 715:816, facebook_fb_fact_checker.jpg)

File: ce63e81ff02c5fb⋯.jpg (56.72 KB, 720x710, 72:71, fb_nwo_lib.jpg)

File: 9a5f11c5c3e7130⋯.jpg (65.64 KB, 648x388, 162:97, j_edgar_hoover_fbi_directo….jpg)

File: f848c71d58b55ae⋯.jpg (59.98 KB, 960x947, 960:947, fb_facebook_jfk.jpg)

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9c3f2e  No.12552876

File: 642b2b193a70ef0⋯.jpg (442.91 KB, 1080x1628, 270:407, 20210116_125521.jpg)


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1d6ab5  No.12552877

File: ee518f988713c38⋯.jpg (63.51 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 23268b785591ea3b62faab6077….jpg)

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726fca  No.12552878

File: 5a65e7ded26d114⋯.jpg (436.09 KB, 1915x969, 1915:969, AF2_16_Jan_21_1950.jpg)

AF2 now unglitched and West of Fort Collins, looks to be possibly headed for Coronado NAS.


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b3d8a2  No.12552880


Alex Jones Bot

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7eb50b  No.12552881

File: c4057810710a913⋯.jpg (1.59 MB, 1791x3756, 597:1252, 911_URBAN_MOVERS_MOS.jpg)

I wonder if the Biden admin will address 9-11?

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03b62c  No.12552882


I’m taking a guess that this is so the prisoners do not escape during the Blackout…

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dbf424  No.12552883

Jade Sacker / Sullivan links.





Foreign Affairs is the Publication of the Council on Foreign Relations. The CFR. Jade Sacker worked for the CFR. That's notable, but we might already know that. CFR = deep state bad guys.

https://www.cfr.org/membership/roster - CFR membership roster includes

Lynn Forester de Rothschild

George Soros

Jonathan Soros



John Sullivan

Jade Sacker




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3928a1  No.12552886


That shit never comes out of your clothes once your in it.

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1d6ab5  No.12552887

File: c2beede65b8b17a⋯.jpg (105.54 KB, 1024x641, 1024:641, 1610723060048m.jpg)

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4b5815  No.12552889


Soy boi has a urban yuppie haircut. Must be so “far-right”, that he is left-wing.

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804fc1  No.12552890

File: f5c2ec2939535fc⋯.jpeg (241.89 KB, 800x800, 1:1, EoQ03z1XEAQD_gy.jpeg)


Fucking yes. Comfy intensifies.

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90b358  No.12552891

File: 826152011abe098⋯.jpg (13.89 KB, 474x316, 3:2, Yippee_.jpg)


love the last

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de70a7  No.12552892


I do want some of that, kek, but I can't afford it. I do use wormwood oil for my dog, and myself once in a while. And wormwood tea.

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4ee49e  No.12552893


So they can’t pass legislation

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7df7e3  No.12552895

Q Research General #16027: The Long And Winding Road To National Popcorn Day Edition

>>12552814 OP

>>12552839 Fresh Bread

>>12552839 Fresh Bread

>>12552839 Fresh Bread

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c9c9dc  No.12552897

File: c133f65fb088a2f⋯.png (10.64 KB, 234x255, 78:85, mypepe.png)

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7df7e3  No.12552900

Q Research General #16027: The Long And Winding Road To National Popcorn Day Edition

>>12552814 OP

>>12552839 Fresh Bread

>>12552839 Fresh Bread

>>12552839 Fresh Bread

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0a4fcc  No.12552901


A possibility that can't be ignored. They've pulled off more sketchy shit than this.

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23b9ee  No.12552904

File: 4e66d62b56340f5⋯.jpg (99.28 KB, 1082x796, 541:398, Portrait_of_a_Manichaean.jpg)


your interpretation indicates that you would be better served reading Nostradamus

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38d1fc  No.12552905


Comms to us to be comfy.

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5ccd03  No.12552907

File: 18e0e2261e6d4d3⋯.jpg (58.07 KB, 1024x577, 1024:577, donny_.jpg)

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7eb50b  No.12552908

File: 10b3a5201c83aa9⋯.png (680.62 KB, 668x580, 167:145, Nulandkikeukraine.png)

Do you think Biden will just ignore our little Qew forays?

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90b358  No.12552910

File: ee7ba736bbf85ef⋯.png (203.17 KB, 632x498, 316:249, WuPepe_Zsu.png)

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7df7e3  No.12552911


Q Research General #16027: The Long And Winding Road To National Popcorn Day Edition

>>12552814 OP

>>12552839 Fresh Bread

>>12552839 Fresh Bread

>>12552839 Fresh Bread

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