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fd41d6  No.12538940[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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fd41d6  No.12538953

Global Announcements

Reminder: Stay out of ALL STATE CAPITOLS on January 20, 2021. There are no "armed protests" being planned by Patriots

>>12495002 Using TOR/Onion with Brave Browser instructions

>>12478438, >>12479577 8BIT PSA Potential Resolution for Current ClearNet Issues Effecting Some Anons+

>>12423519 President Trump is the only thing left in the way of the CCP taking our Nation (Video)

>>12422748 Letter from NYE County, NV Chairman - Trump will be President for another 4 years

Report Election/Voter Fraud Directly to Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org

Support Lin Wood https://fightback.law/

Support Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org/

CM Research "Executive Directive 51" https://mobile.twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1337927415465533440

CM YOUTUBE ARCHIVE https://rumble.com/vbij1v-dominion-voter-fraud-drama-bombshell-video-by-ron-codemonkey.html

Notables Are Not Endorsements


>>12538314 The pool report suggest Trump hadn't even been in the Oval prior to Lindell's visit at 3pm. Presumably only came down to meet with him

>>12538324 All the FISA docs in one archive

>>12538337 Robert Maguire notable

>>12538390 PF Report

>>12538448 Kash Patel - A name to remember (Q Post 1481)

>>12538537 Chat Logs Reveal Alleged Plan To Turn Trump Rally Into Violent Riot

>>12538575 For the KEK!!

>>12538581 "Our Telephone Has Not Stopped Ringing" - Wyoming Republicans RIP Liz Cheney After Her Outrageous Vote to Impeach President Trump @GOP

>>12538617 My Pillow CEO Michael Lindell shows off his notes

>>12538663 Mayor Bowser just gave us the additional phone numbers Q told us about back in 2017…

>>12538735 Joe Biden is being protected by Checkmate Security

>>12538775 #Durham Senate Judiciary releases transcripts of interviews from oversight Crossfire Hurricane Investigation

>>12538783 Anon opines - On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out.

>>12538819 Suicide Weekend starting early Sweet and Low magnate jumps to death

>>12538842 Massachusetts just rescinded the order for mandatory flu vaccinations for any child that wanted to return to school. sauce WBZ Boston

>>12538896 #16008


>>12537546 , >>12537580 , >>12537612 , >>12537672 Backup of the 11 transcripts released today by Graham

>>12537605 Lincoln Project reportedly scrubs co-founder from website amid allegations he groomed young men for sex

>>12537631 HUBER TWEET FBI to rioters: “Every FBI field office in the country is looking for you … even your friends and family are tipping us off.

>>12537650 WhatsApp Pushes Back Deadline For Users to Agree on New Terms Amid User Backlash

>>12537687 CNN, Dem AG Mock Comparisons to BLM Violence: 'Unbelievably Different'

>>12537690 Graham releases Russia probe docs, slams original investigation as 'incompetent, corrupt'

>>12537725 , >>12537740 , >>12537741 PF Report

>>12537746 'Insufficient evidence': Justice Department closes Pennsylvania election investigation

>>12537819 NSC Advisor statement on securing 5G

>>12537822 Cop wore MAGA hat as disguise at Capitol to save officers, trick rioters: report

>>12537854 Caroline Kennedy has resigned from the board of Boeing

>>12537862 Mike Lindell, CEO of My Pillow, is seen leaving the White House.

>>12537870 , >>12537932 FISA DeClass Doc locations

>>12537877 Police searching for man caught on surveillance video walking down a New York sidewalk swinging a rifle

>>12537909 JUST IN: Lindsey Graham Releases 11 Transcripts of Interviews Conducted During Senate Judiciary Committee’s Probe of Crossfire Hurricane

>>12537938 FISA Declass - "It was completely obvious that this information intended to be used by one of the parties against the other."

>>12537943 Notable from the supervisory intel agent transcript page 49-50 They are questioned about the "Crossfire Hurricane Fusion Center" and asks to confer with their lawyer

>>12537986 Armie Hammer's ex Courtney Vucekovich claims he wanted to 'barbecue and eat' her ribs amid messaging scandal

>>12538021 , >>12538063 Flashback - FULL SPEECH: President Donald Trump at MASSIVE Rally in Pensacola, FL 12/8/17

>>12538049 Victoria's Secret tycoon Les Wexner accused of allowing #Epstein to abuse young girls at his mansion

>>12538058 National Rifle Association has filed for bankruptcy - Ollie North called it a year ago…

>>12538076 Supreme Courthouse in Richmond, VA closed today due to bomb threat

>>12538098 #16007

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fd41d6  No.12538957


>>12536711 , >>12536749 Chairman Graham Releases Information from DNI Ratcliffe on FBI’s Handling of Crossfire Hurricane

>>12536715 De Blasio says NYC will be out of COVID vaccine next week

>>12536723 Sec Pompeo - Serving as your Secretary of State has been the honor of a lifetime. You can keep following me @mikepompeo

>>12536744 Newly Declassified Summary Indicating FBI Knew Steele Dossier Source Was Likely a Russian Agent, Had Been Under U.S. Counterintelligence Investigation

>>12536755 Georgia Governor Kemp Praises the “Peaceful” George Floyd Protests that Caused $2 Billion in Damages

>>12536757 Brian Kemp Tells Georgia Legislators to Move Past 2020 and Focus on COVID-19 During State of State Address

>>12536758 Nancy Pelosi: Small Inauguration Is ‘Not a Concession to the Terrorists,’ but ‘Recognition of the Danger of COVID’

>>12536760 Governments Collapsing in last few days

>>12536773 Newly Declassified FBI Materials Demonstrate Clear Double Standard for Clinton, Trump Campaigns

>>12536785 YouTube and Rumble(?) Remove GP Video Investigation of Antia-BLM Organizer John Sullivan

>>12536788 These are NOT Trump Supporters

>>12536799 Newly Declassified Document Indicates FBI Misled Congress on Reliability of Steele Dossier

>>12536809 Video reportedly shows journo affiliated with NBC, NPR inside U.S. Capitol filming with arrested leftist

>>12536814 Signal App is Down!

>>12536819 Comey: Trump Radicalized His Supporters Same Way Al-Qaeda Radicalized Terrorists

>>12536854 PF Report

>>12536875 FISA Abuse Investigation January 15, 2021

>>12536911 Trust in leaders evaporates across China, Europe, U.S.

>>12536920 DOJ official says no "direct evidence" of plot to kidnap or kill lawmakers in U.S. Capitol riot

>>12536926 D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser had urged Interior to close off the Mall to outside gatherings

>>12536937 Over 200 Puerto Rican National Guard mobilized from Muñiz Air Base to Washington D.C.

>>12536948 Docs are out. Grassley had them for several days. Proved what I have reported for years. This began years ago. FISA court was lied to. So many details.

>>12536966 Lawmakers Ask Army to Send Cots for National Guard in US Capitol

>>12536986 Kek of the day

>>12537031 Patrick Byrne via Telegram

>>12537070 FBI RELEASED TODAY - Community Outreach in Field Offices

>>12537077 The case of the missing relief money

>>12537053 Notabled by anon no title given

>>12537115 Same ANTIFA guy from Colombus OH?

>>12537057 Nearly 100 criminal cases filed, open subject investigations expected to go beyond 300 within days

>>12537137 Inside California's Colossal Container-Ship Traffic Jam

>>12537138 Senate Judiciary has publicly released declassified documents including key intelligence on Crossfire Hurricane, FISA & Trump Campaign surveillance

>>12537151 Kathleen Kennedy : We are joining forces with China Jan 14, 2021 - Disney going full on CCP

>>12537237 #Durham Senate Judiciary releases transcripts of interviews from oversight Crossfire Hurricane Investigation.

>>12537231 Findings: Obama Admin knowingly authorized funding to known Alqaeda

>>12537220 Democrat Pennsylvania Lt. Gov: You Do Not Have the Right to Say Election Was Rigged, ‘Not Protected Free Speech’

>>12537213 After Steele was closed as a witness, Pientka used Bruce Ohr as an intermediary to continue access with Steele.

>>12537200 FISA Abuse Investigation witnesses

>>12537283 Today's Senate Judiciary Committee press release

>>12537329 #16006

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fd41d6  No.12538961


>>12535943 ICE, Department of Corrections cooperation ensures safe removal of child molester from US

>>12535959 , >>12535963 , >>12535992 , >>12536018 False Flags popping up EVERYWHERE

>>12535961 “Pelosi says MEMBERS OF CONGRESS who helped attack could be prosecuted”

>>12536017 , >>12536375 New Gen Flynn Peter Navarro’s report lays out the election outcome very clearly. Agree or disagree, Peter highlights what many believe happened on 3 NOV, (Kayleigh John 316)

>>12536021 GRASSLEY COMMS?

>>12536045 President Donald Trump will leave Washington next Wednesday morning, ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration

>>12536046 Marshall Law trending on twitter

>>12536102 Did SolarWinds Make the Right Move in Hiring Former CISA Director Krebs?

>>12536154 Michigan's top @GOP lawmakers are canceling the session next week over upcoming "credible threats" near the state Capitol.

>>12536165 National Guard troops rise to 25,000 in Washington D.C.

>>12536188 Totalitarianism Is Upon Us

>>12536202 Flashback - President Trump's 2017 Inaugural Address

>>12536209 CNN’s Jake Tapper Tries to Deflect After His Own Network Hosted One of the “Domestic Terrorists” Who Participated in Siege of US Capitol

>>12536221 Our Telephone Has Not Stopped Ringing” – Wyoming Republicans RIP Liz Cheney After Her Outrageous Vote to Impeach President Trump

>>12536231 NEW - BLM Plaza was repainted today in DC before the inauguration.

>>12536238 Today’s Big Media Is Like Russia’s Pravda – Totally Dishonest and Totally Committed to the Fascists and Elites Addicted to Power

>>12536089 , >>12536164 Space Command giving us Boom hints

>>12536354 Dig on DeepState David Cohen

>>12536312 Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and his entire Cabinet resign over child welfare scandal

>>12536317 Bret Baier busted for possessing Chinese Communist Art

>>12536325 Military News Prosecutor: Retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel in Capitol Riot Aimed 'To Take Hostages' (From DS Military.com)

>>12536338 Feds walk back claims Capitol rioters meant to 'capture and assassinate' elected officials

>>12536345 , >>12536421 PF Report

>>12536436 Pence calls Kamala Harris to offer congratulations and assistance

>>12536419 National Guard preparing for improvised explosive device threat from inauguration protesters

>>12536412 Italy's Conte looks for outside backing after Renzi quits government

>>12536405 YouTube and Rumble(?) Remove GP Video Investigation of Antia-BLM Organizer John Sullivan

>>12536387 Biden picks Whitmer for DNC vice chair

>>12536517 The Senate Judiciary Committee released transcripts of interviews conducted during its inquiry into the origins and aftermath of the Crossfire Hurricane

>>12536521 Palm Beach Officials Looking to Cancel Trump Golf Course Land Contract

>>12536530 Capitol officer claims MAGA hat was part of ruse to rescue colleagues

>>12536548 Comey: Trump Radicalized His Supporters Same Way Al-Qaeda Radicalized Terrorists

>>12536596 #16005

Previously Collected Notables

>>12534296 #16002, >>12535048 #16003, >>12535799 #16004

>>12531922 #15999, >>12532707 #16000, >>12533533 #16001

>>12529588 #15996, >>12530380 #15997, >>12531175 #15998

>>12527231 #15993, >>12528019 #15994, >>12528793 #15995

>>12524967 #15990, >>12525705 #15991, >>12526467 #15992

>>12522648 #15987, >>12523439 #15988, >>12524213 #15989

>>12520726 #15985, >>12521849 #15986 1/2 , >>12522026 #15986 2/2

>>12518413 #15982, >>12519183 #15983, >>12519694 #15984

>>12516060 #15979, >>12516863 #15980, >>12517640 #15981

>>12513779 #15976, >>12514537 #15977, >>12515296 #15978

>>12511438 #15973, >>12512222 #15974, >>12513026 #15975

>>12509136 #15970, >>12509896 #15971, >>12510673 #15972

>>12506871 #15967, >>12507644 #15968, >>12508420 #15969

>>12504753 #15964, >>12505491 #15965, >>12506134 #15966

>>12502209 #15961, >>12503005 #15962, >>12503776 #15963

>>12499923 #15958, >>12500686 #15959, >>12501471 #15960

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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fd41d6  No.12538967

Other Dedicated Research Threads

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fd41d6  No.12538974

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fd41d6  No.12538980

>>12538940 OP



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000000  No.12538982

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

They won't refute it, they'll just call me a jew.

It's time to wake up.


Look at the information for yourself and you will see that it IS NOT disinformation.

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


The INTENT of these posts is to bring awareness, these same people own all media outlets.

Just disprove any of these posts, and they will stop. Seriously.

Edomite Canaanites Full

(It's a video, click it.)



The "Deep State" / The children of Cain / Who call themselves Jew today / They control China


The "Illuminati" / The children of Lucifer himself / Who call themselves Jew today / They control China


"They" / The Anti-Christ / Who call themselves Jew today / They control China

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

Ask yourself, if these posts were coming from JIDF/Mossad, what would they be hoping to achieve? What's the 'endgame'? How is exposing all this information "jewish defense"?

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" or "Alex Kaplan" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor Satanist/luciferian/Edomite Canaanite, or ANTIFA.

The one's making these claims areJIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jew hater" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.


Share this information the best you can.


Feel free to copy/pasta and make these post's in my absence if you see fit, this is important information.

Never filter, point out the JIDF/Mossad shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremacist" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


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1ef92b  No.12538987

File: ae283bc945ddd16⋯.jpg (53.82 KB, 480x720, 2:3, ae283bc945ddd16c48f2527d3a….jpg)




yoh callin the ball

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c3bd00  No.12538994

File: e755e6461f967e3⋯.png (487.08 KB, 746x596, 373:298, _protocols_skip_baker_1.png)

File: 20d8f2056968293⋯.png (143.35 KB, 474x355, 474:355, _protocols_skip_baker_2.png)

File: ee54579eaf80143⋯.jpg (242.16 KB, 1065x595, 213:119, _protocols_skip_baker_3.jpg)

File: cb544c4c4adf936⋯.jpg (205.21 KB, 1137x590, 1137:590, _protocols_skip_baker_5.jpg)

File: 7071586ab1ce585⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2790x9886, 1395:4943, _The_Protocols_of_the_Lern….png)

They won't refute it, they'll just call me a jew.

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Documentary



















The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Documentary

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000000  No.12538996

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They won't refute it, they'll just call me a jew.

Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein (Interview with son of the devil)

*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*

He admits everything from killing Jesus to 9/11 but

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."


"We been doin' this for thousands and thousands of years, since down to Abe-eh-Adam's time. Ehh we take the children, of our enemy, which is the white race, and ahh we bring em to the basements in the synagogue, where we drain their blood and uhh, watch em die there. It's very similar to how we do uh uh the uh uh the sacrifices that we do with the kosher butchering and uh, so we do that. And then uh, we mix it with the passover bread and so we eat the blood of our enemies. And the bodies, ehhh we're not cannibals, so, what we do is we take those, cause we can make some shekels, and we give em to the slaughter houses and those are pounds, and pounds, and pounds of meat that we grind up in the sausage and the hamburger, and that's why we made those the most popular thing's, sausage for breakfast and hamburger for lunch. And so all the goyim out here are really eating their children!And, uh, even when we say this outright, and tell you people, you don't believe it… So that's, that's YOUR problem."

JIDF/Mossad will tell you to filter like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out, all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel


Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


'We can't prove sex with children does them harm' says Labour-linked NCCL


Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews


ADL Calls for Trump's Impeachment After Capitol Violence


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

000000  No.12539000

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews

Moloch is a name or term that appears several times in the Hebrew Bible, primarily in the book of Leviticus. The Bible strongly condemns practices associated with Moloch, which appear to have included child sacrifice. Traditionally, Moloch has been understood as referring to a Canaanite god. However, since 1935 scholars have debated whether the term instead refers to a type of sacrifice on the basis of a similar term used for sacrifice in the Punic language. This second position has grown increasingly popular but remains contested. Since the medieval period, Moloch has often been portrayed as a bull-headed idol with outstretched hands over a fire; this depiction takes the brief mentions of Moloch in the Bible and combines it with various sources, including ancient accounts of Carthaginian child sacrifice and the legend of the Minotaur. Moloch has been used figuratively to refer to a person or thing demanding or requiring a very costly sacrifice

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c3bd00  No.12539004

File: 68569457dd6b47f⋯.png (465.48 KB, 612x688, 153:172, _jew_threa_.png)

They spend quite a bit of time trying to convince you they are just a normal anon and that anyone posting truth about jews are the jews

JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

It’s not the Jews™

JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that SPLIT THE BREADS to get away from the truth about jews, never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables or claim "it's not all the jews"

It’s not the Jews™

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "Qanon / There is no Qanon" back and forth, "selfkill" "Muhjoo is a jew", "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, MaJoo, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta", "Marriage is: one man, one woman", or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

"Finkelfag" isn't one of them.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

000000  No.12539007

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

They spend quite a bit of time trying to convince you they are just a normal anon and that anyone posting truth about jews are the jews

JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

It’s not the Jews™

JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that SPLIT THE BREADS to get away from the truth about jews, never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables or claim "it's not all the jews"

It’s not the Jews™

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "Qanon / There is no Qanon" back and forth, "selfkill" "Muhjoo is a jew", "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, MaJoo, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta", "Marriage is: one man, one woman", or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

"Finkelfag" isn't one of them.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3b12cf  No.12539013

File: 43f93b6e0d72a33⋯.jpeg (13.2 KB, 257x145, 257:145, 3B4ACDA4_9998_4612_84FF_3….jpeg)

File: b843e817df10e00⋯.jpeg (163 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, 16F93033_52A9_4EB6_8D4C_C….jpeg)

We do not forget

we do not forgive

—We are legion—

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d399d2  No.12539018

File: fdd85d36e7121e6⋯.jpeg (582.58 KB, 1587x1575, 529:525, 2D4108C6_6FCB_4D4F_8FF3_B….jpeg)

File: 0aab48d4ab39041⋯.jpeg (577.4 KB, 1492x1356, 373:339, D7CC044B_C0CE_4CAF_B6C1_4….jpeg)

File: 627d1eda64d2f1b⋯.jpeg (122.14 KB, 947x606, 947:606, 2FBF3CDC_C09E_43EB_8398_C….jpeg)

File: e77419f2c50d0a2⋯.jpeg (763.6 KB, 1183x1163, 1183:1163, 03382CA2_41E3_4615_81F7_A….jpeg)

File: ead3a1abb970480⋯.jpeg (82.71 KB, 394x591, 2:3, 4A50E4F8_1D20_4302_AA55_B….jpeg)

Transcription and pic dump of Mike Lindell.

transcript from what I can gather



(Colon?) NOW as Acting National Security

with getting the evidence of ALL the

in the election and all information regarding

people he knows who already have security

done massive research on these issues

Fort Mead. He is an attorney with cyber

and is up to speed on election (issues?)

(Insurrection?) Act now as a result of the assault on the

(….al?) law if necessary upon the first hint of any

Sidney Powell, Bill Olsen/Olson/Owen/?, Kurt Olsen/Olson/Owen/?

Move Kash Patel to CIA Acting

Foreign Interference in the election. Trigger

powers. Make clear this is China/Iran

domestic actors. Instruct Frank

evidence on…the….broad

unlikely? amount?

the line……..evidence


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ebb167  No.12539022

File: 9877731bf19c10d⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB, 2048x1446, 1024:723, 75C52688_93F6_4F91_AB07_6….jpeg)

How many patriot active mil/intel are posting alongside as part of the ops [non-Qteam]

Gibs anon a number.

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c5d17b  No.12539029

File: 405f60bd5b8d493⋯.jpg (35.75 KB, 454x727, 454:727, 1610663696434.jpg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c3bd00  No.12539030

File: 718df6af0efef52⋯.png (1.38 MB, 603x960, 201:320, 718df6af0efef52b3c77e4f662….png)

File: 836965582abd422⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 3668x3284, 917:821, 836965582abd4221ac7a525055….jpg)

File: 8b3c966ab76048c⋯.jpg (297.43 KB, 1272x1023, 424:341, adl_jidf1.jpg)

File: f457913cdfd6d80⋯.png (516.62 KB, 810x570, 27:19, adl_jidf1.png)

File: 6ecef38d684f64d⋯.png (214.19 KB, 1238x554, 619:277, adl_jidf2.png)

They spend quite a bit of time trying to convince you they are just a normal anon and that anyone posting truth about jews are the jews

JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

It’s not the Jews™

JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that SPLIT THE BREADS to get away from the truth about jews, never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables or claim "it's not all the jews"

It’s not the Jews™

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "Qanon / There is no Qanon" back and forth, "selfkill" "Muhjoo is a jew", "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, MaJoo, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta", "Marriage is: one man, one woman", or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

"Finkelfag" isn't one of them.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7d3bc  No.12539046

<script>!function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src="https://rumble.com/embedJS/u2ravl"+(arguments[1].video?'.'+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble");</script>

<div id="rumble_v8k2zp"></div>


Rumble("play", {"video":"v8k2zp","div":"rumble_v8k2zp"});</script>

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8177fc  No.12539047

Bannon reporting that Lee Zeldin and Elise Stefanik both under consideration to replace Liz Cheney as chair

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

000000  No.12539048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Legacy Media shills

MSM media shills are not just covering up for common criminals, they are covering up decades of crimes against children.

MSM media shills had ample reason and repeated opportunities to investigate Pizzagate and dozens of similar previous scandals.

MSM media shills not only failed to investigate but actively covered up, campaigned extensively to suppress and to discredit the evidence others uncovered, defaming honest researchers, making them objects of scorn, ridicule and contempt.

MSM media shills did this in both dramatic entertainment and in news content across multiple platforms; all while knowing the stories about the traffic in and ritual sexual abuse of children were and are true.

“I didn’t know,” is not a valid or feasible defense for MSM media shills. Our enemies have exposed themselves and the contemptible kayfabe of legacy media.

We the People are awake.

Justice is coming


>National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (front)

>Children's Defense Fund (Front)

>Podesta/Alefatis Pizzagate

>Dan Schneider/Pedowood

>Epstein Sex Island/Blackbook

>Pentagon Child Porn Servers

>Peter Scully Dark Web Child Torturer Live Streamer

>The Franklin Coverup/BoysTown Ring

>Drasius Kedys Pedo Ring

>Chilean Senator Pedo Ring

>North Fox Island Child Killing Ring

>Madeline McCann Disappearance

>Brooke Shields Child Actor

>Cardinal George Pell Vatican Ring

>Colonel Michael Aquino Pedo Cult

>G4S Security Human Trafficking

>Dyncorp Human Trafficking

>Dolphin Square Ring

>Planned Parenthood Organ Trafficking

>Jersey Island Child Killings

>Elm Guest House Ring

>UK Grooming Gang Police Cover up

>Clinton Hitlist

>Clinton Haiti Child Trafficking

>Joe Biden Child Groper

>McMartin Pre-schoolRing

>Presidio Military Daycare Ring

>Dutroux Affair Coverup

>Israeli Resort in Colombia tied to sex trafficking

>NXIVM Sex Cult

>Pennsylvania 300+ Priests Pedo Ring

>Sandusky Pedo Ring

>Roman Polanski Scandal

>Jared Fogle "Subway" Pedo Ring

>MJ Scandal

>Savile Scandal

>Oprah's School For Girls Abuse

>JonBenet Photographer Child Abuse Arrest

>The Finders Cult

>Tuam Church Child Mass Grave

>Lanarkshire Orphanage Child Mass Grave

>Dozier School for Boys Child Mass Grave

>Nancy Schaefer CPS Assassination

>Andrew Breitbart Podesta Assassination

>Boko Haram Girls Michelle Obama

>FBI Ted Gunderson exposes child trafficking

>Muslim Child Training Camp Cover up

>Portugal Elite Sex Ring

>Brazil Celebrity Spirit Healer Pedo Ring

>Tucson/Pemex Trafficking Camp

>Italy Foster Care Pedo Ring

>Norway Pedo Ring Bust

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

28d4fa  No.12539049

File: ac0e6362991d59d⋯.jpeg (84.64 KB, 720x821, 720:821, 69A95B60_A570_40E7_9D23_1….jpeg)


Less than 10

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a7d3bc  No.12539050


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a3d610  No.12539051

File: 8fa3d2b52f72702⋯.png (671.62 KB, 616x720, 77:90, 8fa3d2b52f7270210fab4166e5….png)

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af35bf  No.12539052

The Hanging Tree


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f0de08  No.12539053


john has a long mustache

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e0dfe2  No.12539054

File: 5c8294eb817c7dc⋯.png (65.63 KB, 641x315, 641:315, Screen_Shot_2021_01_15_at_….png)

How is US nursing home care or hospital care different from imprisonment?

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81e702  No.12539055

File: 72337c83cfa1884⋯.png (512.83 KB, 588x382, 294:191, Screenshot_2021_01_15_Meme….png)

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db048e  No.12539056

File: 9d382de10691ad2⋯.jpeg (56.94 KB, 750x120, 25:4, E7ED8F97_7A5F_4E75_B051_D….jpeg)

File: b9e6e553750bb58⋯.jpeg (114.96 KB, 750x267, 250:89, 7B81D95F_0203_4BF9_A1E0_9….jpeg)

File: f71a382f999270d⋯.jpeg (397.61 KB, 524x1255, 524:1255, 98338322_89BC_4F95_9B59_A….jpeg)

Done in 30 years. 1991-2021

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78c25c  No.12539057


TY The Dood

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a7d3bc  No.12539058

<iframe class="rumble" width="640" height="360" src="https://rumble.com/embed/v8k2zp/?pub=2ravl" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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1bea4c  No.12539060

>>12538679 (lb)

>>12538817 (lb)

>>12538991 (lb)

> It says Fort Mead [sic]

Either a mistake it happens, or a drop.

I'm not finding much on a "Fort" "Mead"

But this politician has a story which might somehow, tangentially be related:

< Cowles Mead

< https://mississippiencyclopedia.org/entries/cowles-mead/

Here is the pertinent bit:

After moving to Georgia, Mead launched a fierce 1804 campaign for a seat in the US Congress. The election was close, and ballots from three counties were delayed by a hurricane. Georgia’s governor certified the election without the missing counties, declaring Mead the winner by 169 votes. Mead took his congressional seat in 1805, but his opponent, Thomas Spalding, refused to concede. A November 1805 recount that included the delayed ballots gave Spalding the seat by a thirty-nine-vote margin. This political reversal was temporary, however, and on 20 January 1806 Jefferson appointed Mead secretary of the Mississippi Territory, which then included the present states of Mississippi and Alabama. The secretary’s powers were nearly absolute, and nearby foreign disputes with the Spanish on the Louisiana border and near Mobile helped to expand Mead’s emergency powers.

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23fa94  No.12539062

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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7378c3  No.12539063

File: ea931c4705058cb⋯.png (54.56 KB, 931x352, 931:352, Annotation_2021_01_15_0555….png)

File: 04132b9bc387ae8⋯.png (339.91 KB, 938x397, 938:397, Annotation_2021_01_15_0745….png)

File: be94f2f0a72d223⋯.png (143.33 KB, 932x335, 932:335, Annotation_2021_01_15_1555….png)

File: 06c4ef2f3114725⋯.png (96 KB, 909x331, 909:331, Annotation_2021_01_15_1717….png)

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bb8094  No.12539064

File: 24edaa4b81033b5⋯.png (274.1 KB, 691x551, 691:551, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 83a56276239ac60⋯.png (50.74 KB, 696x370, 348:185, ClipboardImage.png)

Dutch government resigns over child benefits scandal


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a7d3bc  No.12539065

how do i embed a video

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78c25c  No.12539066


Keep up the good work, Chaz.

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270897  No.12539067

File: 7c5f2e24507a12b⋯.png (272.13 KB, 400x599, 400:599, easy_bake.png)



old school ebonix

thats hate speech lad

Nancy Pelossi says so

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d92092  No.12539068

File: 364eacccf56d39e⋯.png (871.63 KB, 1743x588, 83:28, ClipboardImage.png)

There is No Escaping God

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780946  No.12539069



again with this horseshit

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7f5d8e  No.12539070

File: 71901e4db1e689f⋯.jpg (28.35 KB, 480x360, 4:3, download.jpg)

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9f41ee  No.12539071

File: 571f7cca8016e41⋯.jpg (226.31 KB, 737x601, 737:601, 1610503666.jpg)


Mi-L was always the only way.


The first execution for treason will be smothering by a MyPillow.

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fb4e90  No.12539072

File: fa7e5a9501c113c⋯.jpg (7.36 KB, 257x145, 257:145, bbf1caf196ffb5b5a8f3hf569b….JPG)

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d399d2  No.12539073


checked. Michael Madsen reported in 2009 that at that time NSA Q group had about 1000 analysts.

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aecea2  No.12539074


Faggot. You are faggot, and so is your backhole.

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1ef92b  No.12539075

File: 002e60f48053608⋯.jpg (2.6 MB, 1200x1820, 60:91, 002e60f480536083c8a773ecb2….jpg)

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3e39d3  No.12539076

File: ce4c2fe47ad66b9⋯.png (239.83 KB, 500x366, 250:183, BuyMuhCarpet.png)

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81e702  No.12539077

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fb4e90  No.12539078

File: 6d61405bf13daef⋯.jpg (41.28 KB, 750x489, 250:163, omarpanic.jpg)

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1bea4c  No.12539079

File: 414643cfe5dc169⋯.webm (2.22 MB, 640x640, 1:1, Hippie_chick_nurses_kid_w….webm)


> Baker steps up


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81e702  No.12539080

File: a9422371c28666b⋯.png (9.46 KB, 298x373, 298:373, Screenshot_2021_01_15_Q_Re….png)

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bdac6d  No.12539081

Regional partners do not tolerate smugglers & criminals who place migrants’ live, health, and safety at risk. Excellent work by @FGV_SV in El Salvador to issue arrest warrants for two criminal organizing a migrant caravan.


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1872de  No.12539082

File: ab2a93b16ce6780⋯.png (106.67 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)

*Any Anon Patriot who posts Truth about Jewish Cabal Crimes gets the Jewish Gaslighting Slander & Smear Attack -

*First the Jewish clown shill smeared Anons with :

Russian bots, didn't work


spambot, bot bot bot, didn't work


muh joooos, disguise the "Jew", didn't work


"Mohamed", didn't work


"works for brock", nonsensical, didn't work


"media matters", illogical, didn't work


"quasem, your general", unknown to Americans (prior to the Hand, kek), didn't work


"iranian", enemy of Israelis, not us, didn't work


"IRGC", unknown, didn't work


"clown", didn't work

then back to

"mason", didn't work


When OUTED As a "Q IS A PSYOP" Shill

"shill", Projection, didn't work


"anjel", wrong, didn't work

then Ad Hominem REeeee attacks

"cunt","disgusting", didn't work


"you're trained by professionals to be on this board", Projection, didn't work


"Anjel G", didn't work


"gore meme folder", nonsense, didn't work


"drunk clown, beer@the parade (100% certain)", totally wrong, didn't work


random "Bible phrases", still not "blending in"


"we're" United with Q, phony, didn't work


"CCP", Americans don't use this term, only Israelis

with the China virus, it's

"China controls the EU and UN", false, didn't work


"China foments hate against Israel", victim 101 ploy, didn't work


"Kaplan", unknown, doesn't work


"Skinheads", passé, cultural fail, doesn't work


"C_A MuhJoo Bot", hilarious, doesn't work


"fucking shill cunt", Jew mad, doesn't work


"Farci grammar", masterpiece of stupidity, doesn't work


"Molly X cunt", who?, doesn't work


"MOSSAD shill", Jew desperate, Alinsky tactic doesn't work

then 2 day spamfest of

"commie kike", oxymoron, not blending in


"MOS glitch", JIDF shill admitting that Q's "MOS" = MOSSAD


"bigot", old trick, doesn't work


"you cocksucker", Jew losing, Jew mad


"Pedophile", slander, doesn't work


"SATANIST", JEW real MAD, [using aggression-slander] per Q


"you lying cunt", projection, doesn't work


"ANTI-Q Shill", false, doesn't work


"Mason Pedophile:", Jew Seething Mad, doesn't work,


"disgusting nazi", sounds like Bernie ad, doesn't work,


Are you Iranian?, too phony, doesn't work


"ALLAH SNACKBAR", 2 yr.-old outdated phrase from ZeroHedge, doesn't work


"Satanic division", double slander, doesn't work


"mooslime goat fucker", terrified of "American", doesn't work

Jews and Israelis are terrified of the 80+ Million Americans who KNOW about Jewish Subversion and Organized Crimes against Humanity

That's why the Israeli and Sayanim Jews always try to trick you, pretending as if no American Patriot anons could possibly post any Truth About Jewish Cabal Crimes.  must be them "foreigners", not American Patriot Trump supporters.

*The Jewish shill will call you anything but what we are:American Patriots who KNOW.

From The Wandering Jew To The Slandering Jew

[using aggression - slander]


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a8aac9  No.12539083

File: d525d657ef92660⋯.jpg (353.6 KB, 800x600, 4:3, feinstein6.jpg)

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009874  No.12539084




notable transcription

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a40afa  No.12539085


Show options and limits

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797419  No.12539086

File: aebc0bbc9876ff9⋯.jpeg (11.53 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1f99bd94a5394df1d6262fa05….jpeg)

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ce3e4f  No.12539087

File: 184dce4b3a37a27⋯.png (79.51 KB, 479x509, 479:509, mike_desktop.png)

File: b18c29ea20b39f6⋯.jpeg (71.85 KB, 394x591, 2:3, ErzTGcxXUAIjQfb.jpeg)

File: a1f0d3cef0e691b⋯.jpg (70.02 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 4f4249351263383d57562c9d3c….jpg)


Previews are over.


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11d77a  No.12539088

File: b81323d7655b7ed⋯.png (144.41 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)





Handling Agent 1: Interviewed on Tuesday, March 3, 2020


Michael B. Steinbach: Interviewed on Friday, June 12, 2020


Stephen C. Laycock: Interviewed on Monday, June 15, 2020


Dana J. Boente: Interviewed on Monday, June 22, 2020


'''Bruce Ohr: Interviewed on Tuesday, June 30, 2020


Stuart Evans: Interviewed on Friday, July 31, 2020


Supervisory Special Agent 1: Thursday, August 27, 2020


Jonathan Moffa: Interviewed on Wednesday, September 9, 2020



Deputy Chief, Counterintelligence and Export Control Section, Justice Department: Interviewed on Friday, September 18, 2020


Case Agent 1: Interviewed on Friday, September 25, 2020



Supervisory Intelligence Analyst: Interviewed on Thursday, October 29, 2020



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78c25c  No.12539089

File: 9c8020628335c23⋯.jpg (35.74 KB, 490x332, 245:166, Elise_NewMommy3.JPG)

File: 3c35976f7c8e814⋯.jpg (140.61 KB, 680x430, 68:43, Elise_NewMommy7.jpg)

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3565e0  No.12539091

Relieved Iran Expects Biden’s ‘Unconditional Return’ to Obama-Negotiated Nuclear Deal

Iran expects the next U.S. administration under President-elect Joe Biden to unconditionally return to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) nuclear deal as originally negotiated by President Barack Obama, Iran’s Ambassador to the U.N. said Friday.

Majid Takht Ravanchi revealed a confident Iran has already received positive signals from the inbound Biden administration.

“We have heard from the Biden team a number of positive remarks regarding the JCPOA and the return of the United States to its obligations based on it,” Iran’s U.N. envoy told the semi-official IRNA news service.


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e53397  No.12539092


shut up with your stupidty.

in your inverted morality nothing you say or do has any consequence on us in the long term.

you fail.

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e61fab  No.12539093

*hits blunt*


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a1c730  No.12539094

File: e5e7057c09814b8⋯.png (26.83 KB, 480x382, 240:191, ClipboardImage.png)

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18ad18  No.12539095


Need 8kun platinum for that

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c5d17b  No.12539096

File: 7ccd3459b596f30⋯.png (802.95 KB, 1080x862, 540:431, Memeto_1610729862428.png)

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56f6c7  No.12539097

File: d21a520ec26002c⋯.png (399.68 KB, 1044x1186, 522:593, Castle_Rock_Paterson_AFB_2….png)

>Pic Related

Is this real or is it a fake? Posted half an hour ago in halfchan.

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cbd50b  No.12539098


Gotta say… excellent timing on captures…

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3e39d3  No.12539099

File: 015fe44de274cf8⋯.png (506.8 KB, 1024x919, 1024:919, BMC5.png)

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6cbc5c  No.12539100

>>12538446 lb

First of all, thats a pic of Ezra, not Kash.

Secondly, do your homework.


"There was one person, however, who McMaster couldn’t get rid of: Ezra Cohen-Watnick, the senior director for intelligence programs. McMaster tried to remove him in March, but President Trump, at the urging of Bannon and Jared Kushner, told McMaster that Cohen-Watnick was staying, as first reported by Politico. According to a senior White House official, the two men had a sit-down meeting the following week in which McMaster acknowledged that he hadn’t been able to do what he wanted to do, and that they would keep things as they are and “see how they go for a while.” That was over four months ago. That Cohen-Watnick, 31 years old and largely unknown before entering the administration, has become unfireable reveals how important he has become to the Trump White House, where loyalty is prized."


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5d9122  No.12539101


Fort Mead


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28d4fa  No.12539102

File: 96ffbe50d902d42⋯.jpeg (46.06 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 9F278D4E_188D_4FE8_9229_0….jpeg)

Watching CNN leaves one with the impression our constitutional republic has been usurped. Glad this is only a movie.

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009874  No.12539103


Top kek

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bdac6d  No.12539104


Fuck off faggot

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000000  No.12539105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Probably been mentioned a lot of times before but this video lines up with what we think is going on. Prophecy about Trump and the plan made years before he announced he was going to run. Even says that the plan is brilliant

I'm not a christianfag but there's more to the material world than can be explained so I'm not dismissing this as evangelical voodoo.

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a7d3bc  No.12539106


wow okay i never asked that xD kek

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5bb6c1  No.12539107


Fort Meade…..Civil War General

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1ef92b  No.12539108

File: 6aad16e89ab957f⋯.jpg (90.37 KB, 600x408, 25:17, 6aad16e89ab957fba8002b9d52….jpg)



Shit for



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7f3a43  No.12539109

File: fc2ccbabdcbcec8⋯.jpg (216.57 KB, 743x775, 743:775, fc2ccbabdcbcec8a29c12e231c….jpg)

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c3bd00  No.12539110

File: 0ad3247f1905f1d⋯.png (273.47 KB, 1411x1225, 1411:1225, trash9.png)

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47caea  No.12539111

File: a06ac2c6a36d692⋯.png (348.15 KB, 920x858, 460:429, 169_1691667_post_apu_apust….png)

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392c1c  No.12539112

File: af000850d653580⋯.jpg (101.77 KB, 536x600, 67:75, Dallas.jpg)

File: 07715d4fc916ab7⋯.jpg (659.39 KB, 2000x1334, 1000:667, carolyn_bessette_jfk_jr.jpg)

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d399d2  No.12539113



Mike Lindell is Q. Pass it on. kek

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97e1aa  No.12539114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5d9122  No.12539115


Isn't NSA Headquarter in Fort Mead ?

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6c21e7  No.12539116


It maybe hopium but I am so glad there are thousands of these guys (vets) who are on our side.

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8ffb08  No.12539117

Does the way Mike L hugs his pillow remind anyone else of when POTUS hugged the flag?

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5bf315  No.12539118


I haven't heard her mouthing off since her demotion. Has anyone seen her?

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6cbc5c  No.12539119


Good digs anon!

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90aa6c  No.12539120

File: eb01e23dcbc5883⋯.gif (931.33 KB, 320x174, 160:87, Take_the_Pain.gif)

File: ccdd2bc7301b352⋯.png (137.98 KB, 596x596, 1:1, FULL_NIGGER_CIA.png)

File: 7f8381d00cb7c30⋯.png (89.75 KB, 1280x1294, 640:647, 7f8381d00cb7c30285df2e32b7….png)

File: c1bce18b7127fe6⋯.jpg (77.52 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, image.jpg)

File: 796ad6d2a079754⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1242x2135, 1242:2135, 1610749664964.png)


Thank You Baker!


So what Happened to the CIA Seal?




What a Strong Independent Black Woman Can't Shitpost?

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8cdd53  No.12539121

File: 4af7684bdf8a410⋯.png (2.5 MB, 5340x2956, 1335:739, Checkmate.png)

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e69743  No.12539122

File: 556f867a402dd3e⋯.png (540.08 KB, 876x492, 73:41, tim.png)

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f86e20  No.12539123

File: 2b6af475d6599ae⋯.png (2.43 MB, 900x1200, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c361801459cf52f⋯.jpeg (527.9 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, Eh0HqnNU4AAago_.jpeg)

>>12536788 (pb)

This "MAGA" satanist has similar choker necklace as spotted on antifa fire "fighters". That "fem" individual was pretty well covered up. (pics related)

see Q4690 for antifa firefighter selfie

>https:// 8kun.top/qresearch/res/10632725.html#10633420

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1cb756  No.12539124



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270897  No.12539125

File: ae68f99cd17d81c⋯.png (2.62 MB, 1048x1200, 131:150, ClipboardImage.png)


thanks for spam, ming

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285c70  No.12539126

Question of the evening: Has anyone seen congress leaving the capital to go to their apartments or town houses since the fence and wires went up?

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690335  No.12539127


>Done in 30 years. 1991-2021



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1872de  No.12539128

File: 0edabec8a0175ff⋯.png (95.38 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Jew running so scared. kekkity kek.

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ebb167  No.12539129

File: 2549f4a96e5b272⋯.png (2.27 MB, 2048x2732, 512:683, C9DA00EA_FFE4_4267_B4C5_82….png)


She’s not my type, your mother.

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67c828  No.12539130

File: 20edb2a46a0aed1⋯.jpg (204.01 KB, 1080x1329, 360:443, 20210115_144000.jpg)

File: 8dfb9b6eb4da02d⋯.jpg (302.58 KB, 1080x1944, 5:9, 20210115_143946.jpg)


Click put link into embed box.

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30a0ee  No.12539131

WaPo camera idiot: "OMG I GOT THE SECRET NOTEZ!!!!"

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c8184c  No.12539132

File: 32d5d83da279a0a⋯.jpg (90.19 KB, 1080x652, 270:163, 9mvgswn61jb61.jpg)

All I know is that Trump is a meat swinging beast of a man and that if he "wins" this shit and walks his big dick energy back in the White House we all can sing songs at the campfire and suck each other off.

If he doesn't, well then I guess you all know what to do. Stop bitching and crying and start looking up what fougauss is and how to make a range card while you knock out some flutter kicks.

Why the fuck are there so many doom pussies? Easy, a lack of fatherhood and getting your ass spanked as a little piece of shit that didnt know his dick from a spaghetti noodle. You think this shit started in 2017? Niggers have been awake since before Alex Jonestein was yelling about faggot frogs (not the pepes) that shilock was yelling about finger print scanners at the fucking DMV in the 90s and you dont see him running to Israel and going all black pill do you? You gonna let fat man be harder than your moms cock? HUH!!!!

Some of these niggers on here have been awake since WACO and RUBY RIDGE at a minimum. Hell some niggers have been awake since they Bay of Pigs and some old as dirt niggers were red pilled by Eisenhower (GOD REST HIS SOUL) gave the MIC speech back in grandpa TV time. GRAB YOUR SACK!


I wish I could take all you fuckers to the wood line for some forest rape of your fucking loose ass cheese dick hole by my hajji choking man mamba of freedom. DONT MAKE ME CHOKE YOU TOO you fucking shit for brains, cant stay in step, slow run fat body faggots eating all the fucking pie and rat fucking all the food!




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773b1e  No.12539133

File: abec55c011b29df⋯.jpg (168.42 KB, 1080x864, 5:4, Q_Team_Cutout.jpg)


So many commercials and previews.

Let's go!

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df3fd2  No.12539134


TY anon

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c3bd00  No.12539135

File: f35920b3e3bdf63⋯.png (391.71 KB, 1411x1225, 1411:1225, ClipboardImage.png)

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3e39d3  No.12539136

File: 7725d61182fb5a1⋯.png (245.52 KB, 1044x842, 522:421, ClipboardImage.png)

Here - you can edit your IRCG entry now.

But you wont will you?

You never do.

Doesn't match muh narrative.

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5bb6c1  No.12539137


Actually amazing what women can do.

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3b12cf  No.12539138


Expect Us

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bb8094  No.12539139

File: 7e62c6c26ba2282⋯.png (159.65 KB, 1141x2196, 1141:2196, ClipboardImage.png)

January 15, 2021

Judiciary Committee Releases Transcripts of Interviews Conducted During Oversight of Crossfire Hurricane Investigation


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23fa94  No.12539140

File: 81f2baefa27fadf⋯.jpg (56.88 KB, 478x680, 239:340, 139412053_404479914218858_….jpg)

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8177fc  No.12539141

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


i prefer this hanging Tree song

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d60eef  No.12539142

File: 3249fb13c5df5e5⋯.png (606.64 KB, 1233x604, 1233:604, badcraft.png)

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8cdd53  No.12539143

File: 9411668d0af3fbc⋯.png (777.98 KB, 1015x924, 145:132, fk1.png)


You still won't argue Anon's information,

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cb9378  No.12539144


Iran is already settled with POTUS.

For some time now.

All these reports are just theater.

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5b0e52  No.12539145

File: 22a6bbd05ee0251⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1138x677, 1138:677, ClipboardImage.png)

bewb test

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28d4fa  No.12539146


How the hell would you do that without being there?

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999d33  No.12539147

I saw Mike Lindell at the grocery store yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “I’m not Q” and “Buy one get one free”. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen MAGA hats in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the MAGA hats and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each hat and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

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adf36d  No.12539148

>>12538617 (lb)

>>12538991 (lb)


"[Appoint?] Frank Colon" comes before "NOW as Acting National Security [Director?]

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ab4e4e  No.12539149

File: 968e099d2dd4393⋯.jpeg (358.6 KB, 640x732, 160:183, 46289BB0_55DC_4C93_AC9F_3….jpeg)

File: 38296dee9ba9e19⋯.jpeg (592.37 KB, 640x973, 640:973, F01F6A62_DACB_47AF_B353_6….jpeg)

File: fd82dece0cdbb01⋯.jpeg (231.16 KB, 640x406, 320:203, 5485358B_DBA2_42D5_9864_7….jpeg)

Here’s a repost to keep the thread going. Have anons decided this is legit or fake and gay?



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23fa94  No.12539150

File: 251aa2df82c72e4⋯.jpg (389.55 KB, 750x744, 125:124, IMG_7818.jpg)

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1cb756  No.12539151

File: d2c18e9af6e85e7⋯.png (19.31 KB, 555x285, 37:19, ClipboardImage.png)




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23a731  No.12539152

File: c2515577aa932a1⋯.jpg (151.49 KB, 826x1175, 826:1175, 20210115_153432.jpg)

File: fd4a25ccaa36a4c⋯.mp4 (8.96 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, LdyfNHLDUCHCZta0.mp4)

Don’t step one foot outside your home in Canada or this might happen. It’s doesn’t matter if you are a frail old man either.


this fight has to be won, we cannot allow this Insanity any longer, I never thought in my life I would see this kind of shit

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81e702  No.12539153

File: dfa4375466ed404⋯.png (582.05 KB, 727x416, 727:416, Screenshot_2021_01_15_Can_….png)

File: 7456b1c663b02d3⋯.png (852.55 KB, 1491x714, 71:34, Screenshot_2021_01_15_Can_….png)

A pseudo autobiography of disco's The Village People.


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f8d54c  No.12539154

>>12539097 <<<< Plane Anons eyes on double check to confirm

Patriot Anons

POTUS & Q team -

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c3bd00  No.12539155

File: 424235d5b9feeb6⋯.png (292.97 KB, 1409x1223, 1409:1223, trash.png)

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a1d71d  No.12539156

File: a11bec4a845b78b⋯.png (686.46 KB, 921x931, 921:931, Capture_1_.png)

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6cbc5c  No.12539157


Good choice.

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6f3bb2  No.12539158

File: 43c9022313e2960⋯.jpg (339.99 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 43c9022313e2960d087767c565….jpg)



>bewb test 1

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285c70  No.12539159


DC anons?

Live cameras?

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1872de  No.12539160

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


1-17-2020 #10037 Post No. 7842342

I asked the JIDF clown for Sauce, he:

1.Posted a meme of a pile of bodies with Made Up Numbers on it.  and claimed: "There you go"… as if just writing numbers is "sauce". Post No. 7842537

2.Upon my challenge: "Sauce it or GTFO", how many ovens? how many bodies in each oven?

Post No. 7842637 The Jewish Propaganda clown actually wrote:

"So YOU prove it."

The Jewish shill had 0 Sauce, and actually told me to sauce the "6,000,000" for him. This number has been claimed by the Jews for the last 75 Years.

4.Which means that not a single Jewish clown shill could provide Sauce for the 6 Million made up number.

5.Except for someone's claim of seeing some "nazi serial numbers" among the ''millions on computer file" at Yad Vashem, which is the World Holocaust Remembrance Center in Jerusalem, in Israel. Post No. 7843099

So I dugg:

Yad Vashem Was Planned in 1942

Yad Vashem was first proposed in September 1942, at a board meeting of the Jewish National Fund, by Mordecai Shenhavi, a member of Kibbutz Mishmar Ha'emek.[4]

In August 1945, the plan was discussed in greater detail at a Zionist meeting in London.

Sauce: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yad_Vashem

Since the JIDF shill Meme stated that the "high volume extermination camps were only open from 1942 -1945".This means that the Jews and Zionists


6.Another Anon Posted: I DID THE MATH…IT'S BULLSHIT

Post No. 7842721: I picked one camp off your list.

Gross Rosen.

A total of 40000 people died there, and not all were Jewish, but >let's say all were Jewish..

40,000 / 1095 = 37 Jews per day. Long ways from your 228 per day per camp number..

Sauce: https://www.yadvashem.org/odot_pdf/Microsoft%20Word%20-%206320.pdf

Same Anon, Post No.7842808:

Ebensee Concentration Camp

11,000 prisoners died.11,000 / 1095 = 10 per day.

Sauce: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ebensee_concentration_camp

7.Another Anon Post No. 7843172:

In all of German occupied Europe, there resided 2.4 million Jews before the War, according to the World Jewish Encyclopedia.

After the War, 3.8 million Jewish "Holocaust Survivors" were receiving pensions from the German Government.

Tragically, the remaining 6 million were lost.

-Edgar J. Steele

Jews Telling Us That "6 Million Jews Died" Without Any Sauce (Other Than Their Own Bogus Claims)

*Jews have claimed the "6 Million Jews Died" since that number was published in a Ukrainian newspaper in 1915.

30 Years before the end of WWII.

Have we been HoloCONNED by Jews for 75 Years?

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1bea4c  No.12539161


> General from Civil war

It's FortMead, without ane, not Fort Meade.



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e69743  No.12539162

File: 88e5b70b2301951⋯.png (647.8 KB, 914x544, 457:272, xhib.png)

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23fa94  No.12539163

File: c7233d67bd5150c⋯.jpeg (4.2 KB, 255x242, 255:242, b62cd8d30c53314764723f823….jpeg)



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bbe613  No.12539164

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

remember anons use that Big Dick Energy i know you all have, hold this fucking line 5 more days.

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c0c47a  No.12539165

File: 223ad904cbe3899⋯.png (459.45 KB, 800x300, 8:3, 20210112_135820.png)

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97e1aa  No.12539166


Yw need confirm if true or fake news by them (DS)

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149418  No.12539167



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d60eef  No.12539168

File: 0ea9a86d372e8c8⋯.png (603.5 KB, 926x582, 463:291, stealth.png)

comfy 80 uids and 30 orcs filtered

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f88140  No.12539169

File: b03cd0b64bca2eb⋯.png (29.89 KB, 997x620, 997:620, Screenshot_2021_01_15_at_2….png)

DMV California website is Still down, this is day two….

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385184  No.12539170

File: 6b6e818dc2dc5d1⋯.jpeg (55.25 KB, 600x786, 100:131, 560f0268bd86ef1a008beff8.jpeg)

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d3a8bb  No.12539171

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Don't let [them] Monarch our future.

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9cc1b8  No.12539172

File: 05b555ff4d9ebb8⋯.jpg (42.18 KB, 680x680, 1:1, ComfyPillow.jpg)

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b9adf3  No.12539173

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3e762a  No.12539174

>>12538642 lb


who is John Gault?

who knew John Gault would be a division shill?

WHO is John Gault?








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d62579  No.12539175


What ever it may be it has the libs going ape shit all over.

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8cdd53  No.12539176

File: 76a18f73c05c63f⋯.png (1.41 MB, 2579x1269, 2579:1269, fk9.png)


You aren't practising what you're preaching.

You won't refute Anon's information.

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cbd50b  No.12539177


Thank you! 🙏

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c5d17b  No.12539178

File: 88c06905846c8aa⋯.jpeg (63.86 KB, 936x486, 52:27, 1585105565.jpeg)

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5bf315  No.12539179


So that is probably where the server(s) from Germany went.

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fb4e90  No.12539180


They have underground tunnels to use if necessary.

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9e6f74  No.12539181



Damn, you fellow Anons are nicer than many shills around here, oh, they're waning these days…))

Comfy in numbers!

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000000  No.12539182


Where is the evidence of jamming of cell service? Some dude on a video saying he "talked to people to who think their phone is being jammed" doesn't cut it.

Then he cites, the mayor, but the mayor says NOTHING about jamming cell/radio frequencies.

Take a sec and think about how jamming would effect the population…

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3e39d3  No.12539184

File: e82cfd168b9170f⋯.png (303.6 KB, 400x404, 100:101, CarpetSales.png)


Buy Muh Carpet=

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c3bd00  No.12539185

File: b8f3db9e728ba50⋯.png (454.25 KB, 591x391, 591:391, crys_anno.png)


> filtered

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23fa94  No.12539186

File: 33f31100f398ef5⋯.png (939.96 KB, 1220x1280, 61:64, 33f31100f398ef56331fc991ad….png)

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812cb0  No.12539187


and look what the faggot with the camera is doing that's right filming it

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c3bd00  No.12539188

File: e5eff1ad58576a9⋯.png (395.77 KB, 1409x1223, 1409:1223, ClipboardImage.png)

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e69743  No.12539189


i'm okay with defunding this

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df3fd2  No.12539190

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1872de  No.12539191

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Poland Published the Red Cross Report on the Number of Jews Dead in the Concentration Camps:

271,301 people were killed, NOT 6 million

The Polish government has also become a major player in the anti-Zionist movement following attempts by the Zionists to extort $300 Billion from that country as “compensation for the Holocaust.”

The Poles have published the Red Cross report on the Nazi concentration camps that claims 271,301 people were killed, not 6 million.

They also have argued that Poland itself was the worst victim of Nazi atrocities.

Sauce: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.klubinteligencjipolskiej.pl%2F2019%2F02%2Foficjalne-zrodla-z-miedzynarodowego-czerwonego-krzyza-dowodza-ze-holokaust-byl-zydowskim-oszustwem%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3xtHz7dl-ZWskDFDIfukpsOKncfI_gxXNR26t2i0oSMHBNMq9KxlXZbog

Sauce: https://stillnessinthestorm.com/2019/05/benjamin-fulford-may-20th-2019-battleships-and-war-planes-gather-near-indonesia-as-u-s-china-proxy-war-escalates/

Another Anon Sauce: http://www.klubinteligencjipolskiej.pl/2019/02/oficjalne-zrodla-z-miedzynarodowego-czerwonego-krzyza-dowodza-ze-holokaust-byl-zydowskim-oszustwem/

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1df624  No.12539192

The relative benefits of hopium vs copium… discuss.

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c2fb4e  No.12539193

>>12532863 (PB)

According to your chart, I would be a pre-existialistfag.

>>12532957 (PB)

Palm Beach County officials want to scratch Trump's balls.

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740e6d  No.12539194


Nobody knows because it is spelled

John Galt

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e61fab  No.12539195

Has POTUS been Military Intelligence since he left West Point?

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7f5d8e  No.12539196

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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78c25c  No.12539198

>>12539132 - Anon Opines About Concernfags By Acting Like One

Baker - for your consideration…

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21f8ea  No.12539199

File: 5b728a1a8b477cd⋯.png (80.14 KB, 362x193, 362:193, framing.png)

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c0052a  No.12539200


92-9000 is a typical AF1 aircraft.


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71c403  No.12539201



Do people fail to see the satanic goat head on her chest w/adorning pentagram when she pretends to be fake MAGA/Anon type?

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3e39d3  No.12539202

File: 61904f6231e3d3a⋯.png (304.62 KB, 400x404, 100:101, CarpetSalesTQ.png)

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f8239c  No.12539203

Has FISA officially been released/Declas now?

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ed190a  No.12539204


I am one of the local racists.

I was wondering if someone could help me out.

I always say I am a Christian, and I did read the Bible.

I gotta say though

I was just informed by a socialist that Christianity forbids eating pork and shellfish.

I didn't realize that.

I gotta give up bacon or what?

Can someone tell me why they do or don't follow this practice.

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5ae470  No.12539205



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8cdd53  No.12539206

File: d08569a0f8c3891⋯.png (1.41 MB, 2579x1269, 2579:1269, fk10.png)



Anons know that's what you're doing.

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1ab937  No.12539207

File: 131df3867b086f6⋯.gif (496.8 KB, 300x126, 50:21, 131.gif)

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6cbc5c  No.12539208

File: 95caefd09cfaa0a⋯.png (448.34 KB, 1432x1721, 1432:1721, Capture_2021_01_15_16_47_3….png)

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385184  No.12539209


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285c70  No.12539210



Yeah forgot about those

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bb8094  No.12539211

File: 7cbeabaa65e4811⋯.png (307.61 KB, 526x530, 263:265, ClipboardImage.png)



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d2b171  No.12539212

File: fe9f5b6f77b30b8⋯.jpeg (635.19 KB, 1107x738, 3:2, D39E1B55_4DF7_49AC_86E5_0….jpeg)

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7378c3  No.12539213

File: 6e2533889ed1f8c⋯.jpeg (10.85 KB, 255x228, 85:76, 6e2533889ed1f8c738e15b781….jpeg)

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000000  No.12539214

Who else thinks Bannon is playing Posobiec and Kasaam for fools?

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d60eef  No.12539215

File: 6ba2795edc87e26⋯.png (517.12 KB, 779x550, 779:550, issliberty.png)


was effective during 911

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c3bd00  No.12539216

File: b75b713c407ab61⋯.png (298.99 KB, 1408x1222, 704:611, trash2.png)

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e53397  No.12539217

today the psyop which started in the afternoon are te4h bitch boasting psychological operators putting out 'you are powerless while we rebrand you as domestic terrorists.' and then when called that it's slander they show trannies and have it as if they are saying 'sue us'.

and thus admit that what they say is, in fact, slander.

they use the parody of a person who they imagine we think is against us and have them supposedly be the ones opposed to what we want, which is rule of law and fair elections (what I want).

and they've been at this all day.

because the DNS is broken many people who might be here are not, so the board is left to the compromised baker team, who did figure out how how to create this DNS and 'solve' it by compromising people by getting them to use the hosts file to resolve the URL, which leaves them open to ID duplication (or triplication).

and also one posts constantly pretending to be antifa boast posts as if they are actively framing people with the FZABi.

pretty remarkable effort on someone's part at a major take down of the effectiveness of 8kun.

seems like a fishbowl operation. Maybe I'm targeted with a view that is only mine?

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4a9e23  No.12539218


did I miss something? Are we now on half-chan?

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5d9122  No.12539219


I think it's a Typo and reffering to headquarter NSA Fort Mead(e), Maryland

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c3bd00  No.12539220

File: daab04f939fdb2c⋯.png (495.57 KB, 1408x1222, 704:611, ClipboardImage.png)

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000000  No.12539221


I remember this copypasta

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3e762a  No.12539222

File: 2af17d7756dc400⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB, 1276x720, 319:180, whisper_laugh.mp4)

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1ab937  No.12539223



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e61fab  No.12539224


You really think there’s no NG under there?

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205752  No.12539225


She is definitely not MAGA, No satanists supporting DJT that this anon has ever seen, found reference to.

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2bf78b  No.12539226

File: cd1c9db30424770⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1200x629, 1200:629, ClipboardImage.png)

>>12538861 /LB

>>12538337 /LB

>Instruct Frank ?

>frank who???

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67c828  No.12539227


do you have any proof beside her looks? Seriously.

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df3fd2  No.12539228

File: f30e0086108bb3c⋯.jpg (63.18 KB, 595x571, 595:571, only_1.JPG)


Dirty Political Trick:


slams Sen. Lindsey Graham and Deep State veterans for only just releasing Obamagate transcripts that destroy the phony Trump-Russia narrative. #MAGA #AmericaFirst #Dobbs

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aecea2  No.12539229

File: 08b2ee8fd443fbd⋯.png (285 KB, 423x374, 423:374, exorcise.PNG)

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4a5dc9  No.12539230


I liked the 'Pence' one better…been a while.

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e321ea  No.12539231


you should have videoed it so you had sauce. you could have just told him you are douche and winked at him.


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8ebac0  No.12539232

File: 86b4ced5201eff5⋯.png (215.71 KB, 1249x690, 1249:690, Kurt_Olsen.PNG)

File: c133f65fb088a2f⋯.png (10.64 KB, 234x255, 78:85, 1610748413.png)

File: 1114b0dcce378b5⋯.jpeg (105.19 KB, 947x606, 947:606, 1610748529.jpeg)


>>12538337 LB Notables

Do I have the right Kurt Olsen from Mike's notes?


Seals are wonderful creatures?

Has >17 years legal experience?

"Mr. Olsen is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy (B.S. with Merit 1984) and the National Law Center, George Washington University (J.D. with Honors 1992). During his career in the U.S. Navy, Mr. Olsen served as a Naval Special Warfare Officer assigned to SEAL Team Five in Coronado, California. He has traveled extensively in the Middle East and Far East, primarily as a special operations platoon commander. Mr. Olsen is a member of the Bar of the District of Columbia and the State of Maryland."

Or is that someone else? And who's Bill Olsen? Related??

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1bea4c  No.12539233


> Sad reality

They're not peace officers.

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c3d8de  No.12539234

File: b8d3782c9b07be5⋯.png (124.75 KB, 865x585, 173:117, image_2021_01_16_084754.png)

Space Force is involved in the worldwide blackouts we are seeing in multiple countries right now. This is a test run of the top secret Global Broadcast Satellite program. GBS can bathe any broadcast system with a particle beam technology to override the machinery. Trump will use this program to enable direct contact with all television screens for a worldwide address in which he will reveal the signing of multiple new executive orders that will allow the swift trial through military tribunals for all those who chose treason over the past week and 4 years. He committed to a “smooth transition of power to a new administration”. That administration will be new, with a new patriotic VP and without the trough of treasonous swamp actors working to undermine him. This is now justified under Emergency Broadcast Act as internet platforms activated section 4 through their seditionist censorship. Pence is actively pursuing 25th amendment so Trump is putting system in place ASAP. #Trusttheprocess #MAGA #KAG #1776again


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bb8094  No.12539235

File: 1543ef6635225d6⋯.png (319.17 KB, 594x453, 198:151, ClipboardImage.png)

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000000  No.12539236

In August 2016, Lindell met with then-Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump,[4][22][23] and became an avid supporter, calling Trump "the most amazing president this country has ever seen in history", following his 2016 election.[24] In a speech at Liberty University in August 2019, Lindell said "When I met with Donald Trump, it felt like a divine appointment, and when I walked out of that office I decided I was going to go all in."[25][26]

On October 19, 2016, Lindell attended the final presidential debate in Las Vegas.[27] He spoke at a Trump campaign rally in Minneapolis on November 6, 2016, and attended the Official Donald Watch Party on November 8. He attended Trump's inauguration, and Trump gave him an inauguration lapel pin as a personal gift.[24][28][22]

In 2017, Lindell sat next to Trump at an industry roundtable event at the White House.[29][30][4][23]

At a rally in Fargo, North Dakota on June 27, 2018, Trump commended Lindell's business acumen.[31] Lindell spoke at a Trump rally on October 4, 2018, in Rochester, Minnesota.[32] Lindell spoke at the 2019 Conservative Political Action Conference, in which he promoted Trump as "the greatest president in history"[33] and "chosen by God."[11]

In a March 2020 appearance on Fox News, Lindell said that his company's bedding factories had been refocused on face mask production at the behest of the Trump administration. Later that month, Lindell appeared with Trump at a White House coronavirus press conference, at which Lindell praised Trump: "God gave us grace on November 8, 2016, to change the course we were on. God had been taken out of our schools and lives, a nation had turned its back on God. I encourage you to use this time at home to get back in the word. Read our Bible and spend time with our families."[34]

Lindell has considered running for governor of Minnesota in 2022 against Democratic incumbent Tim Walz,[11][35] reportedly at Trump's urging.[11] He attended a Republican Governors Association meeting, at which he was encouraged to run.[11] In May 2020, he became the campaign chair for Trump's reelection campaign in Minnesota.[35] In July 2020 Lindell said he was "99% sure" about running for Minnesota governor.[36]

In November 2020, Lindell was identified as among those who paid for the bail of Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse.[37]

After Trump's loss in the 2020 presidential election, Lindell called for voters in Georgia, which voted against Trump, to be imprisoned and for Trump to "impose martial law".[38]

Following the storming of the United States Capitol by Trump supporters in January 2021, Lindell was among those who advanced the conspiracy theory that people associated with antifa were responsible for the attack, saying they were probably there "dressed as Trump people".[39]

Promotion of unproven COVID-19 "cure"

Further information: Misinformation related to the COVID-19 pandemic and List of unproven methods against COVID-19

In White House meetings with Trump and public appearances, Lindell has promoted a plant extract, oleandrin, as a "cure" for COVID-19, saying, "This thing works – it's the miracle of all time."[40] In a television appearance, Lindell made a misleading statement about the testing of the substance.[40] Lindell has a financial stake in Phoenix Biotechnology, a company that makes oleandrin, and sits on its board.[40] Lindell's unsubstantiated claims alarmed scientists, since there is no scientific evidence that oleandrin is a safe or effective coronavirus treatment, and since the plant is poisonous at low doses.[40][41][42][43] After the efforts by Lindell and U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson to promote oleandrin, Trump said his administration would "look at" the substance.[40]

something smells

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6cbc5c  No.12539237

File: 7217b7590641563⋯.jpeg (39.79 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 5c3ccb13bd773025774c9125.jpeg)


Congress has its own subway system.

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c1ab7b  No.12539238

File: da31436e5092f5c⋯.jpg (163.81 KB, 1051x591, 1051:591, da31436e5092f5c8624f4a7a15….jpg)

Funny, the day 8kun puts up a banner to prepare for a Tour only experience is the day it runs smooth as a whistle. If when 8 goes full for, and we can no longer post images, welp we're no longer on an image board. Anyone got the QRD on why we're going 100 percent for? I remember from the leaks of a conversation Jim had had with the guy who was running his news site , Jim was saying the site would possibly be finished in November due to no money. Is going full torrie related to this?

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67c828  No.12539239


Ivanka is married to the enemy.

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f615b5  No.12539240

File: 6ce13fc6cb0f78c⋯.png (142.84 KB, 1488x1250, 744:625, ClipboardImage.png)

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6c21e7  No.12539241


Well, let's hope they are noisy and messy so we can see some evidence.

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df3fd2  No.12539242

File: 16cba992bad77f4⋯.jpg (23.57 KB, 789x129, 263:43, ad_voc.JPG)


Biden Adviser to MSNBC’s Ruhle: ‘Thank You for Your Advocacy’

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8cdd53  No.12539243




that's what you're doing

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c0c107  No.12539244

File: fcd9cdd9722a173⋯.jpg (18.46 KB, 510x314, 255:157, ErwGn1MW4AQfqjp.jpg)

File: 541e1489db01e6c⋯.jpg (32.28 KB, 459x305, 459:305, ax9A84M_460s.jpg)

File: 2dc790130eb4bc4⋯.jpg (111 KB, 408x528, 17:22, d75d8403194cd0.jpg)

File: 95b1a7ec58895a8⋯.jpg (271.32 KB, 2000x1680, 25:21, suicide_weekend.jpg)

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8a15b9  No.12539245


Done in 30


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000000  No.12539246

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3e39d3  No.12539247

File: af018dcd1a7c77e⋯.png (311.02 KB, 702x336, 117:56, Solemani.png)




(Muhjoo shill now looking for clean pants)

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a40afa  No.12539248



The fascists in Europe were the last line of defense against the anarchist communists that do this sort of thing. Alas, the understanding is lost and idiots like these are screaming (((fascists))) when they were the strong traditionalists who opposed this left wing totalitarianism.

Franco, Mussolini, Hitler, etc.

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a4d51c  No.12539249


January 17, 1991, when Operation Desert Storm started, was the same day Michael Speicher's plane was shot down and he was murdered.

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9f41ee  No.12539250

File: ee17bdf66ac48aa⋯.jpg (17.21 KB, 255x242, 255:242, ee17bdf66ac48aab40d534eddb….jpg)


We try, fren. Here's a few more tips

thjis is how you redtext

<im not completely sure what this is called, but it's redtext lite

>this is how you greentext

Feel free to ask more questions

I dont know how to purple text, winging it here


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406732  No.12539251

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c0052a  No.12539252


Tex2's are trainers, they are NOT escorting Macho041.

Buckley AFB is located there, not peterson.

MACHO callsign is not a callsign for a presidential aircraft.

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dd9b19  No.12539253

File: 2a299452bf6f7d3⋯.jpg (9.88 KB, 253x204, 253:204, 594100bc32db9b318db2d39c18….jpg)

Did anybody bother to read the title at the top of Mike Lindell's document?

Pretty fuckin' dasting.

Also spied the word "probable" just before "cause"…

As in "probable cause"

That's legal shit, ya know.

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90aa6c  No.12539254

File: 997d77bf4d79f63⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1242x2135, 1242:2135, 1610749762991.png)

File: a22992b0b3b4cf4⋯.jpg (198.43 KB, 665x997, 665:997, Step_Brothers_4_Lyfe_2021.jpg)


So, the same Shills trying to suck off ANONS with the "This Was a DEEPSTATE PsyOp Slide" apparently forgot the Systematic TIMELINE Proofs, Warp Speed Winning, and 1000% Overdrive Reeeee from Cucks Neutered Network and Frens for the past 4-years was all just Part of "Their Plan"?


These are the same people who archive their "Greatest Hits" when you search "Self Suck" on Google Images…




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385184  No.12539255

File: cb2e69ac127ae57⋯.png (136.57 KB, 600x747, 200:249, image_2021_01_15_174927.png)



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d92092  No.12539256

Energy is Rising

Popcorn Consumption Increasing

-Worldwide- Demand Elevating to Levels Never Seen't Before

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f88140  No.12539257


That has to be fake did you actually read it? There is no way this would have been issued. The grammar is horrible..

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1872de  No.12539258

File: ed0ca2b77fe0299⋯.png (210.5 KB, 400x267, 400:267, ClipboardImage.png)

Holocaust Museum Head Explains How

The Complete Lack of Physical Evidence Of The HolocaustIs Proof It Happened

Dec. 2020

"There is no physical evidence for the Holocaust", according to Dr Ephraim Kaye of the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Israel:

"Essentially, Holocaust denial is part and parcel of the history of the Holocaust itself."

The most glaring, blatant example is the largest death camp - Auschwitz-Birkenau - this is a death camp - that began its killing operations in March 1942 until November 1944 when the facility was closed down because the Russians were getting too close.

"During that 2 1/2 years, it’s anywhere between 1.2 and 1.4 million people were murdered -90% were Jews - and the chilling fact is when you come back and you visit that facility today - 18, 19 times with different groups - IDF officers - educators - which geographically is a tremendous area - it had 60,000 permanent prisoners at any given time - and you walk around and you look for the physical evidence of the destruction of 1.2 to 1.4 million people - what’s distressing, and depressing is that you really don’t find it."

"You don’t find the mountains of clothing of victims that arrived there. You don’t find mountains of ashes and bones - it was taken in trucks and dumped in the Vistula (River) or the swamp around Auschwitz."

"You don’t see the actual buildings of the crematoria or gas chambers""- they were blown up by the Germans before they retreat in 1945. - the actual destruction process."

"Treblinka - one of the small death camps - where between the 22nd of July, 1942 and the 2nd of August 1943 - it’s estimated that 900,000 Jews were murdered in those 13 months at Treblinka."unbelievable"- "there is nothing there''.

"But when you look for physical evidence, there’s nothing there"- because before that camp was closed down - by the way because of a Jewish prisoner revolt on the 2nd of August, 1943 - but in the Spring of 1943, there were no crematoria at Treblinka -there were gas chambers - bodies were buried in tremendous deep graves that were dug by steam shovels - at Treblinka. Himmler gave an order to dig everything up - destroy everything - and disperse it in the entire area - which was done - and Jewish prisoners had to do this work. A person visits today Treblinka and sees nothing."

"A person visits Belzec or Chelmno, or Sobibor - hundreds and hundreds of thousands of Jews were murdered in those death camps, and you can’t see anything."

"Where shooting operations took place - not gassing operations - Babi Yar where we know there were 30,000 Jews were murdered there in the end of September,1941 - all together close to 60.000 Jews in ’41 and ’42 - and you dig it up, you should find some physical evidence - bodies, bones, something - that doesn’t disappear - it’s not there because it was all dug up by a special, top secret operation commanded by SS Paul Blobel, called 1005 - personally created by Himmler in the Spring of 1942."

The Germans at their height of military superiority in 1942, and they decide to go back and to clean up the mess they made. They went back to Babi Yar, the Rumbula Forest near Riga, the seventh and ninth fort near Kovna, the Ponary near Vilna where tens of thousands of Jews had been murdered in ’41 and ’42. They dug it up - cleaned it out - disappeared.'''

*^Source of Quotes: Video of Ephraim Kaye: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CLKptQmUR8

*At the alleged height of the killing operation in 1943-the Jewish press published a cover story explaining why there would be no physical evidence of any mass murders of Jews at the end of the war.

The Jews had already committed to the “Holocaust” narrative so as to justify the establishment of Israel, but because they made it all up-with the help of Academy Award-winning screenwriter, Ben Hecht- there wasn’t going to be any physical evidence.

Credibility Problem- Both Auschwitz and Treblinka were built in swampy areas where the water table was very high. If you attempted to dig a mass grave, as Ephraim Kaye contends, it would immediately fill with water. And if the Germans merely threw millions of tons of clothing into the Vistula River, that evidence could easily be dredged up today.

No evidence of mass murder at Treblinka: it was a Transit Camp, not a “death camp” with “gas chambers”. According to these ridiculous Jewish “eye witnesses,” the Germans used a diesel-powered submarine engine from a Soviet submarine to gas the Jews at Treblinka. (diesel not poisonous enough to kill).

Sauce: https://christiansfortruth.com/holocaust-museum-head-explains-how-the-complete-lack-of-physical-evidence-of-the-holocaust-is-proof-it-happened/

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df3fd2  No.12539259

File: f969330a910b2e2⋯.jpg (36.19 KB, 843x210, 281:70, oath.JPG)


Oathkeepers Issue Warning to American Patriots: “Beware of False Flags and Traps that are Now Being Set”

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e53397  No.12539260


you realize that by doing this and trying to cause problems between different factions that you draw a curse upoin yourself?

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eaecdc  No.12539261


I always wondered what "stone" was all about.

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000000  No.12539262


I dunno.. I saw him at that mpls rally. There’s something about him. Like Trump. Enigmatic and created with a higher purpose.

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1df624  No.12539263


>Are we now on half-chan?

For all the good it's going to do, we might as well be on reddit

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6f3bb2  No.12539264



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d399d2  No.12539265


leaks are real. news is fake. with potus, you never reall know for sure. but could be epic trolling opportunity accusing leftists of validating "Qanon conspiracy" kek

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78c25c  No.12539266



Lindsey Graham saying Comey and McCabe brought shame upon the FBI has finally been officially unredacted.

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23fa94  No.12539267

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3b12cf  No.12539268


Baker Notable

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e321ea  No.12539269


> I did read the Bible.

>Christianity forbids eating pork and shellfish.


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038198  No.12539270

File: a1c34587378ccf4⋯.jpg (196.64 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, Kash_Patel_Dan_Scavino.jpg)

Don't know about other anons, but Kash is way up there in my book, like Birthday Dan level.

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c1ab7b  No.12539271


Phone fagging auto spell checked my use of tor to Tour and for, hopefully y'all get me.

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91110f  No.12539272

File: 08f54dca95e0c60⋯.png (155.11 KB, 416x583, 416:583, 8j7h65856.PNG)

Gov.@dougducey budget appears to include $10 million to help charter schools, which already get more in per-pupil state funding than district schools, with transportation and a taxpayer-funded open enrollment campaign. PS. Charter owners are big Ducey campaign donors.

Among @dougducey big charter school operator donors is @Primavera_AZ founder @DamianCreamer,who has received millions in shareholder distributions from tax dollars.


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1bea4c  No.12539273


> Typo

I would assume as such, but drops and coms have been sufficiently cryptic that every mistake deserves attention.

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dd9b19  No.12539274


Two dashes before, two dashes after

–Like dis

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e69743  No.12539275

So you guys agree

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9da534  No.12539276


>>>12538337 Robert Maguire notable

This is the title for this notable? WTF does Robt. Maguire have to do with the tweets except that he retweeted? The post itself has nothing to do with Robt. Maguire! The context is about 1) Lindell at WH, 2) His notes exposed and transcribed, 3) Content of the notes, NONE of which have anything to do with Maguire who simply retweeted!

The laziness in not even trying to provide a title with correct context is unbelievable.

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797419  No.12539277

Sounds like a funeral >>12539242

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f9ff20  No.12539278

File: 581d6b2ec1a529b⋯.jpg (19.87 KB, 332x249, 4:3, Mecha_Streisand.jpg)


Will Mecha-Lindell fight Mecha-Streisand?

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406732  No.12539279

File: 2242c7307a9c36f⋯.png (810.26 KB, 960x879, 320:293, ClipboardImage.png)

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6cbc5c  No.12539280


Fake and gay. Mike lives in MN and try finding ANY grocery store that sells MAGA hats in Minnesota.

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1cb756  No.12539281


"military tribunals". LARP giveaway verbiage.

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3e762a  No.12539282


smells like Wiccanpedia

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f615b5  No.12539283


MACHO41 is filtered but it is in the database.

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797419  No.12539284


Or a charity….

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df3fd2  No.12539285

File: 2483caec200932c⋯.jpg (59.06 KB, 842x523, 842:523, app_crash.JPG)


Signal Messaging App Crashes — After Massive Number of New Users — Tens of Millions New Users Just This Week!

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7f3a43  No.12539286


likely Frank Colon

see >>12538991 (lb)

Colon is an attorney at Fort Meade, MD with long experience who's been working in milint as well, apparently.

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8ebac0  No.12539287

File: b584fbde9171709⋯.jpg (248.98 KB, 1688x1458, 844:729, ErzpUhhUcAIffbX.jpg)


From the twatter:

"On the first line, is that Frank Colon? Later in the doc, Frank is referenced again."


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6ce041  No.12539288


Shut up

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28d4fa  No.12539289


What are people dying from?

Serious question.

Characteristic in presentation, progression of illness, and path of recovery (or not)?

Are they being poisoned?

Something else?

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81e702  No.12539290

File: 812dc92d897adb3⋯.png (195.37 KB, 398x568, 199:284, Screenshot_2021_01_15_Bide….png)


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4a9e23  No.12539291

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1ab937  No.12539292


Ivanka is the person most dedicated to The Plan

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502d85  No.12539293


> migrant caravan.

January 21st teams descend on the southern border armed with cutting torches to remove the wall.

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fb4e90  No.12539294


I assume so, and was only answering the question as to whether or not anyone has visually seen them leaving.

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385184  No.12539295



Certain EMS radios are jammed as well.

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000000  No.12539296

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d2b149  No.12539297

File: 68fccf7df515f9c⋯.png (34.46 KB, 645x280, 129:56, Screenshot_2021_01_15_at_4….png)

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bdac6d  No.12539298


It will make [them] expend any ammo they have left.

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01a987  No.12539299

File: 040671928329623⋯.jpg (72.95 KB, 714x818, 357:409, 0406719283296234012d5eee28….jpg)

>>12538888 (PB)

Aliums arrest pedo Joe

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ccce9e  No.12539300





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9a3d62  No.12539301

can i get a check in of everyone looking thru the 11 interviews

We're waiting on the Virginia vs Maxwell on the 19th but like we need to focus… broplsrespond

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d60eef  No.12539302

File: 1cef2e13d23814a⋯.png (436.57 KB, 734x678, 367:339, antifa.png)

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50908c  No.12539303

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a1c730  No.12539304


Regular old Influenza

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7f1263  No.12539305


Acute mortality syndrome, the silent killer.

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d92092  No.12539306

Fishing Is Fun

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47caea  No.12539307

Hi guize,

Just getting here after workfagging all day.

Lindell's notes…Kash to CIA, does that mean Gina is gone? Haven't heard anything other than rumors she's doing the dirt nap.

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71c403  No.12539308


Um, growing up, adults told us that if you didn't cook pork correctly it would in fact make you deathly ill. It was pushed that this belief was born out of ignorance of food born illnesses.

Don't forget, Lobster was also one of the forbidden foods.

I've never thought much about it till recently. I have a Muslim in-law who recently freaked out after proclaiming the crunchy brown stuff on the salad was "amazing", then we said "yeah, bacon!"

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d7f851  No.12539309


Can’t believe some of the naysayers and negative anons discouraging you for having a child right now. Pay them no mind, anon. It’s the greatest greatest gift we receive from God in this human life. I started this mission just after my child was born… phewwwww. It’s been a rough ride and I would do anything for a do over.

God bless you, Anon. Your child will be safe in the new world. Your family will flourish. In Jesus’ name I declare it.. Amen

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d230de  No.12539310

Notables Are Not Endorsements

>>12538940 OP

>>12538980 Dough

#16009 @250 Notables


>>12539018 Transcription and pic dump of Mike Lindell

>>12539056 Done in 30 years. 1991-2021?

>>12539088 Friday Night Declass Lads, Dig In For The Weekend

>>12539211 Government In Ireland Forced To Admit Covid-19 Does Not Exist (R vid)

>>12539228 @jsolomon dirty tricks Reports slams Sen. Lindsey Graham and Deep State veterans


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3385ae  No.12539311


Somebody wanna tell him what the fences are for?

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d399d2  No.12539312

File: 8b8d52bca02cffa⋯.jpeg (295.46 KB, 2048x1366, 1024:683, 56376B4E_5598_4A69_92B4_6….jpeg)

File: 2f6002f23101c8f⋯.jpeg (166.45 KB, 2048x1364, 512:341, 049B445C_08F1_4626_8C8E_A….jpeg)


source. dont shoot the messenger

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3e39d3  No.12539313

File: bd93fcf7b9f6f94⋯.png (340 KB, 400x404, 100:101, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e043b9aec75edb2⋯.jpg (226.6 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, FU.jpg)

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000000  No.12539314

>>12538940 OP

>>12538980 Dough

#16009@250 Notables

>>12539018 Notable transcription / pic dump from Mike Lindell notes

>>12539088 Declass ready for DIGGING anons

>>12539091 Relieved Iran Expects Biden’s ‘Unconditional Return’ to Obama-Negotiated Nuclear Deal

>>12539056 Done in 30 years. 1991-2021

>>12539169 DMV California website is Still down, this is day two

>>12539228 Dirty Political Trick:@jsolomonReports slams Sen. Lindsey Graham and Deep State veterans for only just releasing Obamagate transcripts that destroy the phony Trump-Russia narrative

>>12539242 Biden Adviser to MSNBC’s Ruhle: ‘Thank You for Your Advocacy’

>>12539259 Oathkeepers Issue Warning to American Patriots: “Beware of False Flags and Traps that are Now Being Set”

>>12539272 Gov.@dougducey budget appears to include $10 million to help charter schools

>>12539279 Kek of this bread

>>12539285 Signal Messaging App Crashes — After Massive Number of New Users


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0135a0  No.12539315

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d7f851  No.12539316


See.. I do it sometimes. Lb Pb on that post

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6ce041  No.12539317


Joe doesn’t like niggers. But she ain’t one.

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9a3d62  No.12539318


Clinesmith and FISA Chief judge Boasberg update as well

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a4d51c  No.12539319


With a wet pillow….

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385184  No.12539320

File: a1e2573e43b2a90⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1284x814, 642:407, image_2021_01_15_175217.png)

check it out my anons

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690335  No.12539321






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7f5d8e  No.12539322

A Podesta Arrest.

Just one.

There's more than enough to justify.

Prolly more than WE know.

Just one little PODESTA

you OWE us this

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3b735e  No.12539323


Rothschild is a redditor, how embarrassing. Wasn't Gizzlane Maxwell head redditor of all time? Gosh, old money is weak and beta.

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eaecdc  No.12539324


Maybe, but I don´t see it yet.

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c3bd00  No.12539325

File: 59f3ea83331c273⋯.png (286.69 KB, 1410x1224, 235:204, trash3.png)

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285c70  No.12539326


Yup they sure will make history. kek

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dd9b19  No.12539327


Fuckin' cripplechan couldn't Planefag if their fucking real lives depended upon it.

Latecomers. Just full of shit. No one there understands mil shit, anyway.

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7ec9ae  No.12539328



Fuck off!!! There is NO QANON, only Q.

Fuck off!!!

They're trying to pin something on Qanon. There is no Qanon!!!

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773b1e  No.12539329

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e6bdc9  No.12539330


go home to mommy

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78c25c  No.12539331


The only rumor I'm hearing is that fonefagging will be banned off of 8kun due to overwhelming user feedback.

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21f8ea  No.12539332




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a1c730  No.12539333


Obvious honeypot is obvious

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1872de  No.12539334

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Why Are There 69 Jewish Holocaust Museums In America?

>To INDOCTRINATE the 98% Non-Jewish Children that JEWS Are Eternal VICTIMS, Not TYRANTS

'''Here is a List of 29 States that have Holocaust Museums and Memorials:

'''1 Arizona

2 California = 7 Museums/Memorials

3 Colorado

4 Florida = 6 Museums/Memorials

5 Georgia

6 Illinois - founded by Billionaire Jew Governor J.B. Pritzker

7 Indiana

8 Louisiana

9 Maine

10 Maryland

11 Massachusetts

12 Michigan = 3 Museums/Memorials

13 Mississippi

14 Missouri

15 Nebraska

16 New Hampshire

17 New Jersey

18 New Mexico

19 New York  = 9 Museums/Memorials

20 Ohio = 4 Museums/Memorials

21 Oregon

22 Pennsylvania = 5 Museums/Memorials

23 Rhode Island

24 South Carolina

25 Tennessee

26 Texas = 5 Museums/Memorials

27 Washington, D.C. - the NATIONAL Museum (!)

28 Wisconsin

29 Virginia

Why Is The FOREIGN Jewish "Holocaust" MORE Important Than The American Revolution?


Sauce: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Holocaust_memorials_and_museums_in_the_United_States

On "Holocaust" Remembrance Day 2 years ago,

The Holocaust Museum in DC actually had the nerve to Rebuke President Trump for Not Saying the "6 Million" number

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9a3d62  No.12539335

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bb8094  No.12539336

The National Rifle Association has filed bankruptcy in New York in an effort to restructure the organization and move to Texas, the organization announced Friday.

Read, it's being reformed.


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a3d610  No.12539337

File: d588e3a45849824⋯.gif (3.32 MB, 650x302, 325:151, d588e3a45849824ecd6b19a4fa….gif)

File: abfb82375f3d92a⋯.jpg (13.15 KB, 255x139, 255:139, 38565eec252d22254a46ba439f….jpg)

File: e5986c53126d614⋯.gif (982.98 KB, 500x209, 500:209, e5986c53126d6142e2ca5f628b….gif)

File: 984eeeb95d67f0c⋯.jpg (144.52 KB, 750x725, 30:29, ffe12120054e1adedb6c50ea49….jpg)

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773b1e  No.12539338


Seasonal flu

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3ad852  No.12539339


It’s anything that rolls in it’s own shit or hangs out on the bottom of the ocean

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c8fef6  No.12539340

>>12538896 #16008,

>>12536596 #16005, >>12537329 #16006, >>12538098 #16007

>>12534296 #16002, >>12535048 #16003, >>12535799 #16004

>>12531922 #15999, >>12532707 #16000, >>12533533 #16001

>>12529588 #15996, >>12530380 #15997, >>12531175 #15998

>>12527231 #15993, >>12528019 #15994, >>12528793 #15995

>>12524967 #15990, >>12525705 #15991, >>12526467 #15992

>>12522648 #15987, >>12523439 #15988, >>12524213 #15989

>>12520726 #15985, >>12521849 #15986 1/2 , >>12522026 #15986 2/2

>>12518413 #15982, >>12519183 #15983, >>12519694 #15984

>>12516060 #15979, >>12516863 #15980, >>12517640 #15981

>>12513779 #15976, >>12514537 #15977, >>12515296 #15978

>>12511438 #15973, >>12512222 #15974, >>12513026 #15975

>>12509136 #15970, >>12509896 #15971, >>12510673 #15972

>>12506871 #15967, >>12507644 #15968, >>12508420 #15969

>>12504753 #15964, >>12505491 #15965, >>12506134 #15966

>>12502209 #15961, >>12503005 #15962, >>12503776 #15963

>>12499923 #15958, >>12500686 #15959, >>12501471 #15960

>>12497622 #15955 1/2, >>12498399 #15956, >>12499153 #15957

>>12496098 #15953, >>12496929 #15954, >>12497623 #15955 2/2

>>12493783 #15950, >>12494563 #15951, >>12495307 #15952

>>12491500 #15947, >>12492256 #15948, >>12493018 #15949

>>12489237 #15944, >>12490008 #15945, >>12490762 #15946

>>12486908 #15941, >>12487720 #15942, >>12488494 #15943

>>12484678 #15938, >>12485448 #15939, >>12486193 #15940

>>12482256 #15935, >>12483125 #15936, >>12483854 #15937

>>12479932 #15932, >>12480737 #15933, >>12481426 #15934

>>12477609 #15929, >>12478387 #15930, >>12479151 #15931

>>12475284 #15926, >>12476022 #15927, >>12476793 #15928

>>12472820 #15923, >>12473515 #15924, >>12474061 #15925

>>12470430 #15920, >>12471195 #15921, >>12472047 #15922

>>12468090 #15917, >>12468924 #15918, >>12469655 #15919

>>12465825 #15914, >>12466616 #15915, >>12467822 #15916

>>12462913 #15911, >>12464281 #15912, >>12465050 #15913

>>12461152 #15908, >>12461929 #15909, >>12462693 #15910

>>12458796 #15905, >>12459605 #15906, >>12460389 #15907

>>12456567 #15902, >>12457258 #15903, >>12458043 #15904

>>12454190 #15899, >>12455003 #15900, >>12455738 #15901

>>12451990 #15896, >>12452660 #15897, >>12453425 #15898

>>12449977 #15893, >>12450368 #15894, >>12451175 #15895

>>12447311 #15890, >>12448054 #15891, >>12448855 #15892

>>12445004 #15887, >>12447903 #15888, >>12446576 #15889

>>12442613 #15884, >>12443405 #15885, >>12444254 #15886

>>12440213 #15881, >>12441028 #15882, >>12441764 #15883

>>12437928 #15878, >>12438681 #15879, >>12439493 #15880

>>12435629 #15875, >>12436493 #15876, >>12437772 #15877

>>12433344 #15872, >>12434093 #15873, >>12434828 #15874

>>12431017 #15869, >>12431651 #15870, >>12437028 #15871

>>12428651 #15866, >>12429445 #15867, >>12430253 #15868

>>12426349 #15863, >>12427103 #15864, >>12427867 #15865

>>12424039 #15860, >>12424800 #15861, >>12425584 #15462

>>12421679 #15857, >>12422447 #15858, >>12423240 #15859

>>12419349 #15854, >>12420133 #15855, >>12420915 #15856

>>12417039 #15851, >>12417801 #15852, >>12418572 #15853

>>12414720 #15848, >>12415494 #15849, >>12416268 #15850

>>12412492 #15845, >>12413200 #15846, >>12413978 #15847

>>12410141 #15482, >>12410948 #15843, >>12411726 #15844

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bf2527  No.12539341

why is it that whenever we see reports about farmland being bought up….

the people/countries doing it seem like they will be on the wrong end of Trump's EO's?

isn't it grand?

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820408  No.12539342

Who is Qanon?

I know about Q, but not Qanon.

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79b806  No.12539343

File: 6f89d47c3df7e5e⋯.png (308.15 KB, 632x587, 632:587, FBI_arrests_syrian_terrori….png)


Remember Q said that we should check foreign news for more accurate stories?

I was trying to find the Antifa-ISIS article again, decided to check the newspaper and found this:


FBI arrests ex-YPG member for plotting attack on pro-Trump protesters

A Florida man and an ex-member of the PKK terrorist group’s Syrian affiliate, the YPG, was arrested Friday and charged with trying to organize an armed response to pro-President Donald Trump protesters expected at the state Capitol on Sunday, the U.S. Attorney’s Office announced.

Daniel Baker of Tallahassee was using social media to recruit people in a plot to create a circle around protesters and trap them in the Capitol, according to an affidavit filed by an FBI agent.

The court document describes a series of threats of violence and a prediction of civil war. Baker is described as anti-Trump, anti-government, anti-white supremacists and anti-police.

“Extremists intent on violence from either end of the political and social spectrums must be stopped, and they will be stopped,” said U.S. Attorney Lawrence Keefe in a news release.

Baker was kicked out of the Army in 2007 after going AWOL before being deployed to Iraq.

Full article:


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7f1263  No.12539344

File: 3e108924ad37f26⋯.jpeg (190.79 KB, 1028x1340, 257:335, 6D0502BE_38AB_450D_B814_A….jpeg)

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6cbc5c  No.12539345


The tippy top.

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4a5dc9  No.12539346


That meme is perfect….KEK!!!!!

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038198  No.12539347


It feels so soft and comfortable!

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1df624  No.12539348


>Seasonal flu


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6f7811  No.12539349

File: e1ea6e66710b963⋯.jpeg (22.13 KB, 554x554, 1:1, images_10_.jpeg)

File: 40d13470b4bd318⋯.jpeg (23.4 KB, 762x403, 762:403, images_11_.jpeg)


Don't kill sentient parts of the life vibration it hurts you you're it

It's confusing when your blood thinks it's pig

Eat green pill Blue Alien Pizza is People

Thought bubble.discuss

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000000  No.12539350


reverse placebo


stress yourself to death

mind over matter

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6ce041  No.12539351


He’s the highest ranking Qanon

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bb8094  No.12539352

File: 6aa168dcf73f96d⋯.png (183.55 KB, 524x536, 131:134, ClipboardImage.png)

Not sure of the truth of it, but,,,

we may have our accts. back on tweaker soon.

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af35bf  No.12539353

Calling for

Professor Taifun

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dbfa3a  No.12539355

Oh shit Oh fuck

Mil hauling MASSIVE ASS towards WH.

Capitol on LOCKDOWN w/NG and an Alarm is being heard going off.

Two whirly birds just flew by.

The fuck?

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7f3a43  No.12539356

File: 5102df2148d2cb4⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1200x755, 240:151, 5102df2148d2cb434e7572d375….png)

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9a3d62  No.12539357

Procrastinated on the 6th and an interview on

17th, recall Newsom!

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385184  No.12539358

File: d606c7ee1276935⋯.jpg (50.63 KB, 618x410, 309:205, ellen_pao_ghislaine_maxwel….jpg)


>Wasn't Gizzlane Maxwell head redditor of all time?

yes she managed a group that had millions


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91c4fa  No.12539359

5 minutes til 6 o'clock

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5d9122  No.12539360


hmmm… true.

somebody here said the grammar was bad in that text. but what you say is also true.

So I'll rewind and play again.

Thank you!

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30a0ee  No.12539362

File: 427c33647f9ca74⋯.png (397.34 KB, 595x339, 595:339, ClipboardImage.png)

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bdac6d  No.12539363

File: 569e879c42ea444⋯.png (278.39 KB, 345x565, 69:113, trump_card.png)

> Sees "My Pillow" trending on twat

> Clicks on it

> See's lib's freaking out over it

> Proceeds to KEK my ass off.

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7e9c0c  No.12539364

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1872de  No.12539366

File: e6069459dcc7aa6⋯.png (1.15 MB, 599x900, 599:900, ClipboardImage.png)

The Christian Holocaust: White Christian Russians Killed by Bolshevik Jews

*66 Million White Russian Christians Killed over 39 Years

*100 Million White Russian Christians Killed over 100 Years

>Why hasn't Hollywood made 1 single movie about The WHITE CHRISTIAN HOLOCAUST?

*Or a TV series showing the Horrors of the Jewish Bolshevik GULAGs?

*Why Isn't The White Christian Holocaust Taught In Schools?

Why aren't there 69 White Christian Holocaust Museums in America?

Why isn't there a NATIONAL Museum for the Christian Holocaust in Washington D.C.?

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e321ea  No.12539367

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aecea2  No.12539368



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2e0545  No.12539370


we named him qanon.

thats the name we chose

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690335  No.12539371








Gemma O'Doherty has done a first class job in getting the Irish government to admit there is no evidence that Sars-Cov2 Covid-19 even exists.

Please support us below


Discover The Forgotten Power of Plants with Nicole Apelian https://tinyurl(DOT)com/y6qqnjgg




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a40afa  No.12539372


Not really.

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838cc2  No.12539373


if he gets his twitter back the storm tweet is back on the table.

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6ce041  No.12539374


Kids watching despicable me 3. Happy birthday dan scene. So much weird.

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d4d250  No.12539375

File: c27942a488fa2b1⋯.jpeg (661.67 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, B7AB9E07_29FC_4EB1_A35E_F….jpeg)

File: af99a005febb295⋯.jpeg (499.78 KB, 896x2176, 7:17, 41009FA2_2580_4E0F_9F57_4….jpeg)

File: d7e9f490059a8e6⋯.jpeg (587.64 KB, 861x2250, 287:750, 5FBE67AF_20DF_4ED6_AB0C_3….jpeg)

File: bcd606f84571d78⋯.jpeg (495.71 KB, 952x2213, 952:2213, B46C6275_254D_4BA8_A4C7_3….jpeg)

>>12530082 (pb)

I’d say my post is =NOTABLE== as well as post >>1250082 in Bread #15997.

Who ever wrote this is articulate, has excellent grasp of grammar and understands the true purpose of “Q” and how he (“Q) was used to access and engage the “Anons”.

This is no jerky boy Anon or a newfag, autists…

Since I don’t believe in coincidences and based on what was articulated by the Anon in his post, I offer one more piece of evidence as to who possibly wrote this.

It hinges on whether the ID# was randomly selected by 8Kun or purposely selected by the Anon who posted.

So I leave you with a screen shot of the post and your ability to discern his writing style and what he wrote including the possible identity of the ID# of the post…

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3b93b9  No.12539377

File: 462b051c6159f88⋯.png (48.88 KB, 788x627, 788:627, ClipboardImage.png)

>>12537938 FISA Declass - "It was completely obvious that this information intended to be used by one of the parties against the other."

Q has said nothing is really lost, so is it even possible to find this info. All of it must be added to their Sentinel system, and remember Peter Strzock said to page one night, he was messing with the title or section of the document he was filing. So I think instead of misplaced or lost, they rename it something only they will know, and say oops. Because destroying evidence would be a crime, so they lose it in a humongous system.

Also, this is really pissing me off, why is it the two top Justice and Law Enforcement Agencies that dominate the people, are always losing stuff and they get away with the fucking excuse ALL the time??? We heard that so many times in the last 4 years it's like we have extreme criminal enterprises running these two agencies.

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23a731  No.12539378

File: 0ba5b1ba2621f8f⋯.jpg (23.74 KB, 400x305, 80:61, 1bfae3c556545d4a12f25c8658….jpg)

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5b0e52  No.12539379


oh shit oh fuck

your sauce is nonexistent and insanely faggot

oh fuck oh shit oh fuck

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970a72  No.12539380


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e69743  No.12539382

File: 1453b36333fe208⋯.png (884.85 KB, 974x734, 487:367, noth.png)

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d31a21  No.12539383

File: 7f5d0c9388a1c71⋯.png (287.76 KB, 651x701, 651:701, 56400C6D_510E_4FE9_A2C7_3F….png)


Fucking low life shit eating faggots

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c3d8de  No.12539384

File: 4906691d1cc9be4⋯.jpg (11.87 KB, 430x475, 86:95, saturn.jpg)

File: 5bd787f6ce27a0e⋯.png (317.11 KB, 1014x704, 507:352, pope3.png)

Ever noticed how the hammer and sickle flag looks a lot like the symbol for Saturn?

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90aa6c  No.12539385

File: 2e493e9d1759b46⋯.png (196.56 KB, 495x504, 55:56, E_Tool_KYSF.png)

File: b9f3a7f122a38a8⋯.png (233.25 KB, 700x370, 70:37, b9f3a7f122a38a84936a4031e8….png)

File: cd3965743cdab2a⋯.jpeg (18.55 KB, 236x307, 236:307, 1_H_Zdcj_th0I6L1u7479kkw.jpeg)


Mike Rothschild I'm Sending you an E-Tool Overnight…. Fantastic Quality…Sturdy… [You]'re Gonna Love It Pig King Jr.

[[[You]]] know what it's for…

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38254a  No.12539386

>>12538850 lb

Welp. I'm crying.

That was beautiful, anon. And scary.

May your tinypepe be comfy in there and may he come into a bright and new world. Please let him know (in due time) that he has many aunt & uncle anons who love him and they tried to help bring light and truth forth, too. Tell him, daddy was not alone. The good people of the world were right there with him, fighting by his side.

For God and Country

And our collective future.

God wins

God bless you anon, your family and tinypepe

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0e370f  No.12539387

File: 64b35b9ac840fac⋯.jpg (18.37 KB, 300x314, 150:157, kgo_com.jpg)

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d230de  No.12539388



Sorry bakes, got lost in translation, deferring to you.

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8cdd53  No.12539389




that's exactly what you're doing.

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e19e65  No.12539390


Alexa, stop.

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681e8a  No.12539391


So much for people "being shown" the truth I guess.

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c1ab7b  No.12539392


Top kek.

>this is how you red text

>Enters red text but doesn't explain how.

That is some funny shit

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a1c730  No.12539393


He probably can't post on FB. I have had a few different bans, and I could log on and see everything but was unable to interact (post / like / etc)

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a40afa  No.12539394


Fascist Jews!!!

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6cbc5c  No.12539395

File: c5a31e8699f3810⋯.png (70.4 KB, 1438x600, 719:300, Capture_2021_01_15_16_58_3….png)


Confirmed. I can't send shit right now.

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7e9c0c  No.12539396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3e8e75  No.12539397

File: 3725945d2648316⋯.png (615.86 KB, 1880x939, 1880:939, Opera_Snapshot_2021_01_15_….png)


MACHO callsign is more likely to be an E-4.

ALLY42 on the ground now at Peterson.

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0d5d58  No.12539398


With their aggressive solicitation for donations from members, I'm surprised they're bankrupt. I used to be a member but quit after a couple of years of constant and increasing frequent/urgent requests for donations in higher and higher amounts. Constantly begging for money. I gave extra a couple of times thinking it would get them off my back, but it only made them double their efforts to get more money out of me, so I told them to eff off and will never again join the NRA. I support the 2A by owning guns. I don't need to pay grifters to support 2A.

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316f18  No.12539399

File: 644bd447a3edde2⋯.png (577.46 KB, 683x521, 683:521, ClipboardImage.png)

DC webcams that anon help post last bake.


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dbfa3a  No.12539400


If you’re in DC, just look out your damned window!

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385184  No.12539401


When asked by another Twitter user asked if everyone at the party was OK with Maxwell being at the party, she responded that the employees who made the guest list were fine with her attending.

The “super exclusive” party was attended by tech industry giants and former politicians, including Al Gore, ex-MySpace CEO Owen Van Natta and former Twitter engineering head Mike Abbott, according to Business Insider.

Kleiner Perkins is venture capital giant in Silicon Valley that provided funding for companies such as Amazon, Google and Twitter. Pao served as a partner at the firm before leaving in 2012.

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96afaa  No.12539402

Q never said the storm tweet would come from POTUS' account.>>12539373

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30a0ee  No.12539403

File: cc9571f18e40a4b⋯.png (69.44 KB, 250x202, 125:101, ClipboardImage.png)


omg holy fuck dude!!! wow!!!

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c3bd00  No.12539404

File: 8625346a0ab668c⋯.jpg (29.96 KB, 420x300, 7:5, accuse.jpg)


>that's exactly what you're doing.

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure thing jew.

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21f8ea  No.12539405

File: 3a4cbf5b75e1361⋯.png (266.73 KB, 474x249, 158:83, dude.png)


>Ever noticed how the hammer and sickle flag looks a lot like the symbol for Saturn?

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23fa94  No.12539406

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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56f4a3  No.12539407




it doesnt say/read qanon now does it? it reads Q_Anon. legalities are legalities and thereby qanon does noot exist. There is Q and there is me and you. and together we look into stuff, openly sourced. ANYWHO

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dbfa3a  No.12539408


Happening fast.

If in DC, just look outside.

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269d98  No.12539409

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4a9e23  No.12539410




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28d4fa  No.12539411


They are testing negative for influenza A & B.

We do check for it still. Odd thing is I haven’t seen a single influenza positive this year. Figure that one out.

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a40afa  No.12539412



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4184e0  No.12539413

a lot of Australia comms today

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18ad18  No.12539414


Til muh Birthday as well

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d60eef  No.12539415

File: 2d081427fabc969⋯.png (424.63 KB, 1200x750, 8:5, justkikit.png)

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385184  No.12539416

File: f4fe10f0b242eb7⋯.jpg (40.3 KB, 533x800, 533:800, 1f19cef0985449844216804d4c….jpg)


murdered by jews

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000000  No.12539417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They won't refute it, they'll just call me a jew.

Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein (Interview with son of the devil)

*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*

He admits everything from killing Jesus to 9/11 but

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."


"We been doin' this for thousands and thousands of years, since down to Abe-eh-Adam's time. Ehh we take the children, of our enemy, which is the white race, and ahh we bring em to the basements in the synagogue, where we drain their blood and uhh, watch em die there. It's very similar to how we do uh uh the uh uh the sacrifices that we do with the kosher butchering and uh, so we do that. And then uh, we mix it with the passover bread and so we eat the blood of our enemies. And the bodies, ehhh we're not cannibals, so, what we do is we take those, cause we can make some shekels, and we give em to the slaughter houses and those are pounds, and pounds, and pounds of meat that we grind up in the sausage and the hamburger, and that's why we made those the most popular thing's, sausage for breakfast and hamburger for lunch. And so all the goyim out here are really eating their children!And, uh, even when we say this outright, and tell you people, you don't believe it… So that's, that's YOUR problem."

JIDF/Mossad will tell you to filter like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out, all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel


Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


'We can't prove sex with children does them harm' says Labour-linked NCCL


Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews


ADL Calls for Trump's Impeachment After Capitol Violence


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7ec9ae  No.12539418


All made up and fake and gay!

There is no "him", there is no Qanon!!

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91c4fa  No.12539419


Also, the motor in your dildo is worn.

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4184e0  No.12539420

one minute

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f88140  No.12539421


Still have three hours on the west coast….

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6cbc5c  No.12539422


I think these wwre mikes sugggestions. Havent heard yet on Gina.

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a1c730  No.12539423

File: 52dda1258ccbbd5⋯.png (557.49 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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dcdda7  No.12539424


most anons arent in DC dipshit

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bdac6d  No.12539425


Fuck off faggot

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3b12cf  No.12539426


(You) chose nothing.

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812cb0  No.12539427


Literally they are dying from the media

The media is scaring them to death

The media is making them think they are sick

They induce a mass Hypochondriasis in the duped population

Scared that they will die when they get any flu or cold like symptom

many will run head first into the Death Non Care Systmem

which has been mandated a bounty for each covid death that they log

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3b735e  No.12539428


Comfy suicide weekend comms?

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773b1e  No.12539429

File: c4e6301b1f9f83c⋯.jpg (110.7 KB, 980x551, 980:551, A_Merkel.jpg)

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91110f  No.12539430

File: 1e65c7e45adfd99⋯.png (12.75 KB, 398x260, 199:130, rec1wreqw.PNG)

BREAKING: Another Biden supporter, Emanuel Zanders III, has been charged with widespread election fraud in Louisiana.State by state we're finding more and more election fraud. Kudos to law enforcement for proving that our votes matter.

BATON ROUGE, La – Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry and Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin Thursday morning announced their offices have arrested an Amite City Councilman on eight counts of election fraud.

Emanuel Zanders, III is accused of submitting voter registration applications that are known by the person to be materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent.

At a news conference in Baton Rouge, both Attorney General Landry and Secretary Ardoin expressed the importance of election integrity through free and fair elections. They stressed that every legal voter gets one legal vote and no more: one man, one vote.

“Anything other than a one-for-one vote distorts our election process,” said Attorney General Landry. “Those who wish to distort an election in this matter are breaking the law and betraying their fellow citizens. It is even more disheartening when the perpetrator is an elected official.”

“Election integrity matters,” said Secretary Ardoin. “Yesterday’s arrest is the culmination of work by my office, the Attorney General's Office, the Registrar of Voters, and others; and it proves that the multi-level checks and balances of our election processes and procedures work. This should serve as a stark warning to those looking to violate our election laws.”

Councilman Zanders was arrested and charged on Monday afternoon. His arrest was a result of the ongoing, joint investigation between the Louisiana Bureau of Investigation and the Secretary of State's Office.

In October, the Tangipahoa Parish Registrar of Voters contacted the Secretary of State's Office with concerns that voter registration forms were being turned in with fraudulent address information.

It is alleged that Councilman Zanders purposefully manipulated over twenty Louisiana citizens into illegally changing their voter registration by asking citizens to sign registration forms that he would later complete with a fraudulent address. It is further alleged that Councilman Zanders submitted another voter registration application on behalf of a citizen using his own address.

In September, the Attorney General Landry’s Office and Secretary Ardoin’s Office worked together to bring a Crowley woman to justice for purposefully failing to mark an elderly voter’s ballot in the manner dictated by said voter.

“Election integrity is the bedrock of our election process. I am proud of the work Secretary Ardoin has done to protect our elections and weed out bad actors who wish to betray our system and way of life,” concluded Attorney General Landry.



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9a3d62  No.12539431




heli's showing up uknown, 7 last night

war games for sure

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efadd4  No.12539432

File: db1bb205890780a⋯.jpg (97.87 KB, 636x499, 636:499, 4u09pe.jpg)


Hello Anons

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dbfa3a  No.12539433


Are you seriously expecting me to post an MSM article as it’s happening right now?!

Fuck off, TardShill.

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67c828  No.12539434


Needs sauce.

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2bf78b  No.12539435


Same as his commie pal in GA did. Must be another laundering scam to raise taxes in the name of muh education, and then line their pockets with it. Wonder how many other commie governors are doing this.

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b139c0  No.12539436

File: 84261f05a934169⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1631x486, 1631:486, Screenshot_2021_01_15_shm_….png)


…One you've seen the symbolism and understand the context, it all makes sense. Cannot unsee what has been exposed to the light of truth.

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30a0ee  No.12539437


You must be new. Nothing is happening.


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000000  No.12539438

I <3 you ban-anon


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f615b5  No.12539439

Any SDR fags in/around DC to check cell bands

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2e0545  No.12539440


omg lets spam the fuck out of him

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5ae470  No.12539441


>Why Are There 69 Jewish Holocaust Museums In America?

Because Esau has Dominion.

>22 Pennsylvania = 5 Museums/Memorials

No surprise there.

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95e3e8  No.12539442


Jesus, Leaf looks terrible

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a1c730  No.12539443


Tainted tests.

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56f4a3  No.12539444


there is a drought anon. sorry. savor sauces when they come. kek

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000000  No.12539445


The more notes the better. no worries.

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133717  No.12539446

File: 75af9d5a8982dc9⋯.png (343.64 KB, 505x590, 101:118, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 202c743796f5830⋯.mp4 (6.72 MB, 640x480, 4:3, MyFellowAmer_TheStorm.mp4)




The Storm is upon us Smiling face with sunglasses#WWG1WWA #TRUMP2020ToSaveAmerica




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e69743  No.12539447

File: cd2b59fb59cb06d⋯.png (1.89 MB, 2062x2062, 1:1, six_clock.png)

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18ad18  No.12539448



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b87769  No.12539449

File: 03e2ce2a60db00d⋯.png (153.74 KB, 736x698, 368:349, Martial1.png)

File: fe42e418e9862e6⋯.png (520.73 KB, 737x680, 737:680, Martial2.png)

File: 36e602a19ca871e⋯.png (152.66 KB, 742x694, 371:347, Martial3.png)

File: 3b222e9ca6cf53c⋯.png (145.64 KB, 736x603, 736:603, Martial4.png)

from beforeitsnews:

Inauguration Cancelled, Trump Remains in Office, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, CNN, MSNBC to Loose Licenses


fwiw, article shared by GhostEzra at gab

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549a55  No.12539450

I trust the plan 100% BUT I wonder what's the plan for the people who are brainwashed by their television. My parents have cable that means they hate Trump. Even if we round them all up, there will be A LOT of brainwashed who will suffer from all the lies.

What's the plan for them ? I want to save my parents, they think he's Hitler WHAT THE FUCK.



Sorry I'm freaking out I don't see how the plan could be done in 5 days, and even after that there will LOTS of people in need of mental help.

I wonder a lot these days.

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b9adf3  No.12539451


because that's what it is

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2e0545  No.12539452


sauce it or shut the fuck up

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e15c99  No.12539453

File: 65113340378cdba⋯.jpg (88.14 KB, 439x584, 439:584, punisher_state_funeral.jpg)


Actions to be taken immediately to save the Country and return to the Constitution

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9f0477  No.12539454

Note: Several Telegram posts attributed to Patrick Byrne and appearing in the notables come from a Telegram account that posted during the period (according to https://www.deepcapture.com/2021/01/covid-and-imposters/) he was in the hospital with a 105-degree temperature and not active on social media. That account also never mentioned his illness. Treat them as suspect.

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bb8094  No.12539455

File: 7f2007a3f7823f6⋯.png (2.43 MB, 1080x1252, 270:313, ClipboardImage.png)

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009874  No.12539456


>most anons arent in DC dipshit


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a40afa  No.12539457


Really bad theme parks.

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869381  No.12539458

Did Denmark's whole fucking government just resign?

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1bea4c  No.12539459

File: 9c0268ae1e04f01⋯.png (37.24 KB, 766x685, 766:685, Signal.PNG)

File: 76fc1464cb035e6⋯.png (24.85 KB, 771x635, 771:635, SimpliSafe.PNG)

File: eae9e1d0dcee8a9⋯.png (32.5 KB, 769x670, 769:670, Apex_Legends.PNG)

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6c21e7  No.12539460


I went to college with this guy in 1980 - his goal in life was to be able to drink anyone under the table with tequila. Hard Drunk every day at 19-20

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30a0ee  No.12539461


Guy is full of shit. OpSec is a thing. Fucking retard.

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69562d  No.12539462

WTF's. D.C. Capitol region became a Military Fortress in a couple days. It's under control of the U.S. Military. What do we know? We know it is not to protect the Capitol from Trump voters. We also know it's not to protect it from the antifa/blm rioters. Why has the Capitol area become a Military Fortress then?

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78c25c  No.12539463


The group that eventually coalesced to become COMMS did it.

Maybe one day you'll understand why Real Anons had to BTFO them and their subversive banner.


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690335  No.12539464





>BREAKING: Another Biden supporter, Emanuel Zanders III, has been charged with widespread election fraud in Louisiana.

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2e0545  No.12539465


we arent rounding them up you deluded nazi psychopath

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9a3d62  No.12539466

File: 7e327df1a9643ea⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1491x1242, 497:414, wtfdumbsacstatebitch.png)

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c26b61  No.12539467

File: 29f939264bee67d⋯.jpeg (544.61 KB, 1242x1054, 621:527, 85D55107_0146_42F8_8857_2….jpeg)

File: 3ad97d892ab6f77⋯.jpeg (596.72 KB, 1242x1297, 1242:1297, AD92B71D_00D6_483F_ABAB_6….jpeg)

File: 1209dd3bd94c9e8⋯.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1242x1536, 207:256, 6119548A_301A_4A7E_99DF_3….jpeg)



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34d73f  No.12539468


I wonder what was redacted and when ?

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838cc2  No.12539469

You know that part of the roller coaster ride where you reach the tippy top and then you go down and that shit goes really fast? We're at that point. It's all going to start happening fast af

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db048e  No.12539470

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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01a987  No.12539471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ATTN Legacy Media shills

The satanist pedovore mind control era is over.

290 million Americans want the truth; including the truth about the gas lighting of America – MSM media complicity in C_A social subversion operations.

Entertainment company executives who think movies like NORMAL on HBO are the product of creative competition to meet audience demand will be surprised to discover that MI, POTUS and anons of QR all see it as subversive IO, a destructive psyop, one of hundreds run by MSM/legacy media against an unwitting civilian population.

Whether the public is aware, or ever becomes aware, of the harm done by MSM/legacy media content shilling, anons know, POTUS knows and MI knows.

Media companies closely associated with satanic mind control like Disney testify to the destructive nature and subversive power of cult mind warfare tactics.

Media shills and entertainment companies prepared to repent, to admit their role in social and sexual subversion and atone for decades evil must make a 180 reversal; stop destroying, start repairing and rebuilding, and begin undoing the harm they have done to civilization, the US and throughout the world.

A Turkish proverb says “No matter how far down the wrong road you have gone, turn back.”

Repairing damage for legacy media content means initiating a cross platform, all format, surge of error corrected, future positive, neural malware-free news and entertainment content, without subliminal or subsonic embeds, hypnotic induction or “side band” symbolic language technologies targeting our unconscious below the threshold of awareness.

Restoring the integrity of our news and entertainment media means resuming our journey toward the light, as individuals and as a species, and start of the long process undoing the harm done our minds by decades of satanic IO.


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974d13  No.12539472


Fuck off.

This stupid little Bitch is the reason Q gear wasn't allowed at Trump Rally's.

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23fa94  No.12539473

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e53397  No.12539474


when you keep up a psyop that is designed to farm illformed opinions you bring a curse upon yourself. please stop for your own good.

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bdac6d  No.12539475

California Man Arrested and Charged on Federal Charges Following Events at The United States Capitol

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A California man was arrested and charged yesterday in connection with the riots at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, January 6, 2021.

Hunter Allen Ehmke, 20, of Glendora, California, was charged by criminal complaint with one count of obstruction of an official proceeding, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1521(c)(2); one count of violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds, in violation of Title 40, United States Code, Section 5104(e)(2); and one count of destruction of government property, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1361. The defendant was arrested outside of Los Angeles, and made his initial appearance yesterday before Magistrate Judge John E. McDermott of the United States District Court for the Central District of California.

The affidavit in support of criminal complaint alleges that during the events at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, Ehmke jumped onto a window ledge and smashed several panes out of a six-pane window that led to an office space inside the Capitol. Officers with the United States Capitol Police were able to apprehend Ehmke on scene. While the officers were in the process of placing Ehmke under arrest, the large crowd became very aggressive and menacing towards the officers and, faced with being outnumbered by a threatening crowd and having no realistic way to make a safe arrest, the officers made the decision to release the defendant, ordering him to leave the Capitol grounds. The Architect of the Capitol estimated the damage to the window in excess of $2,400.

SAUCE: https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/california-man-arrested-and-charged-federal-charges-following-events-united-states

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e5f9cb  No.12539476

did Lindell just ruin the plan or did he leak it on purpose?

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773b1e  No.12539477


Does Twitter put an election fraud alert on these tweets?

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d2b149  No.12539478

File: 4e1b5b715a7dcb6⋯.png (151.92 KB, 389x316, 389:316, Screenshot_2021_01_03_at_6….png)

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3882e2  No.12539479

Ok anons I’ve figured out why they wanted the virtual inauguration. Their using Fear of Trump supporters as excuse but in reality their afraid of having slo joe live trying to repeat his oath. (Cuz you know it’s gonna be pre-recorded) Kek

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635eaf  No.12539480

File: c4d637db98a72da⋯.png (774.69 KB, 640x786, 320:393, ClipboardImage.png)

Well son of a bitch.

Seems Alex Jones and David Icke may have been right all along.

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385184  No.12539481

Any live streams coming out of Washington DC, YouTube does not have a single live stream

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adb7c2  No.12539482

File: acacf1538af548e⋯.jpeg (630.55 KB, 828x1325, 828:1325, 1B7CA5E3_1F1F_4986_9743_0….jpeg)



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91c4fa  No.12539483


I read somewhere that she was trained to be his handler.

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a33da4  No.12539484

Trump Receives Morocco’s Highest Award for Middle East Work: Official

WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump on Friday received Morocco’s highest award for his work in advancing a normalization deal between Israel and Morocco, a senior administration official told Reuters.

In a private Oval Office ceremony, Princess Lalla Joumala Alaoui, who is Morocco’s ambassador to the United States, gave Trump the Order of Muhammad, an award given only to heads of state. It was a gift from Morocco’s King Mohammed VI.

White House senior adviser Jared Kushner and Middle East envoy Avi Berkowitz received other awards for their work on the Israel-Morocco deal, which was reached in December.

The United States in the last five months helped broker deals between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco. The agreements are aimed at normalizing relations and opening economic ties.

The Kushner team had been working on reaching more agreements between Israel and the Arab world. But time has run out and no more are expected before Trump leaves office on Wednesday.


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9a3d62  No.12539485


good rolls on the judges lmao

gambling on cases +

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249d6a  No.12539486

File: 61a2bc5e9e34af5⋯.jpg (10.98 KB, 342x193, 342:193, sauce.jpg)


IDK. Did it?

Sauce if you wanna discuss shit.

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1bea4c  No.12539487


ty, anon

Mike Lindell is the man!

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a1c730  No.12539488

File: e694668f6cfcaa2⋯.gif (361.32 KB, 360x240, 3:2, PANIC.gif)

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04e4bb  No.12539489

>nobody held to account for spygate crimes despite being rubbed in your face for years

>house intelligence committee member sleeping with Chinese spy, nothing happens

>shut down economy, take away your freedom, jobs, and school

>reopen it as Biden comes into power to a crowd of 0 surrounded by troops

>trust the plan

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241bc9  No.12539490

anyone find out why 8kun went down?

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549a55  No.12539491


Yikes, get help.

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5352c9  No.12539492


No _ Table

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a4d51c  No.12539493


It doesn't matter where they go.

There's eyes everywhere now.

More important,

they only need to control their leader(s),

who will tell the rest to keep close and report to duty at the Capitol.

When the day arrives,

they'll all be there.

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4ad1d3  No.12539494

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009874  No.12539495


I don’t think anyone takes a pic of their documents close up, upload it and post to twitter accidentally

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49dc5e  No.12539496

File: 53fafcab397c858⋯.png (362.17 KB, 605x489, 605:489, ClipboardImage.png)

i assume you guys have seen this

could be trolling a bit

just something to keep in mind

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d230de  No.12539497



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97e1aa  No.12539498

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9a3d62  No.12539499


en banc in friendly circuits

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db048e  No.12539500

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c0052a  No.12539501


Thomas, here's what this anon knows.

Everything you said. Fine by me.

IF the US becomes a wholly owned subsidiary of the CCP, well, no one said I had to accept that as an individual born into a Constitutional Republic. As such, I have a duty to defend it.

IF the US is restored to its intended purpose and government, then so much the better.

Acting accordingly.

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8c9773  No.12539502


Q 1660:

How large is Mueller’s team?


Think 470.

The more you know.


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bb8094  No.12539503

File: 7254624fb79ae73⋯.png (1.14 MB, 768x865, 768:865, ClipboardImage.png)

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95e3e8  No.12539504


That cop sounds like Shoresy from Letterkenny

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28d4fa  No.12539505



Not in the lab part of hospital and not knowledgeable about quality control measures taken to assess commercial testing kits and reagents.

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2e0545  No.12539506


didnt say i did. i said we did. i remember it like it was yesterday

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96afaa  No.12539507

i think he provided it for Q proof>>12539476

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6ce041  No.12539508

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40f012  No.12539509





>take the vaccine anon





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b87769  No.12539510


Wups, not shared by ghostezra.

gab is so FUBAR now it's almost impossible to stay logged in long enough to see anything clearly. Torba really screwed up letting everyone on the site at the same time. If he was Noah he'd let everyone on the ark, it would sink and no one would survive.

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67c828  No.12539511

File: 4b68137e58fd985⋯.png (267.97 KB, 504x336, 3:2, 4b68137e58fd98544562e3f487….png)


Give us your theory and we will let you know if your a retard or not.

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502d85  No.12539512

File: ee67be251474042⋯.jpg (35.61 KB, 600x451, 600:451, Gold_Thumbs_Up.jpg)



You have been the most consistent poster of truths for a while now. Simple, succinct, effective. You win the internet today!

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f615b5  No.12539513


It went down lol

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773b1e  No.12539514


Well there's an active coup in progress fren.

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974d13  No.12539515

File: a6aea23adad3f13⋯.png (748.47 KB, 935x935, 1:1, it745b8a6d7f52732d42c85830….png)



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d92092  No.12539516

File: 86aa6c3a1611236⋯.png (37.43 KB, 565x492, 565:492, ClipboardImage.png)

Please Stand-By


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d306f5  No.12539517

File: 7b6f2cddcc8c807⋯.jpg (41.09 KB, 620x559, 620:559, 7b6f2cddcc8c807ddd5f02cc08….jpg)

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690335  No.12539518




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e75d8e  No.12539519


BREAKING!!!! Mike Lindell is really JFK Jr.

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8ebac0  No.12539520


how about posting the link so we can see why??

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9a3d62  No.12539521

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cb9378  No.12539522


>Global Broadcast Satellite


FF weather alert (WW)..

Brute force will be necessary.

Coming to a theater near you.

Movie is about to start.

Enjoy the Show.

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80ccaa  No.12539523

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ty Baker

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5bf315  No.12539524


Perhaps it was taken from the DS and is under White Hat military control. That is the only thing that makes sense to me. I could be wrong though.

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6cbc5c  No.12539525

File: 92e38e2d7c7fc11⋯.png (1016.99 KB, 1438x2450, 719:1225, Capture_2021_01_15_17_04_0….png)

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6891f7  No.12539526


we'll see..

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a1c730  No.12539527

File: 27fb5efed364a0c⋯.png (461.26 KB, 889x500, 889:500, vote_fraud_absurd.png)

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e69743  No.12539528

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5b0e52  No.12539529


i see your muscle shirt got delivered today

muscles coming tomorrow?

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7ec9ae  No.12539530


Sauce it anon!!

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49dc5e  No.12539531

I wish i liked brave browser, but i really dont

anyone know a way to set it or dissenter up like opera?

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3b12cf  No.12539532

File: e0bf4f9a3cf53a7⋯.png (2.03 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, DBF9FDCF_2F37_451B_96EA_E9….png)

File: c25ac17dc02a935⋯.png (1.7 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 883BB650_50DD_49D3_9431_21….png)


Lol Jew shill trying to include my banner hijscking within Jew spam hall monitor post Kek

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a40afa  No.12539533


You are dumb.


You are dumb too.

Trump is not Hitler. And that is the problem. That is what Hitler's problem was. Way too nice. Like Trump Hitler underestimated how evil the countries controlled by jews were.

Hopefully this Q shit works out. I believe.

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ffc897  No.12539534


Pitiful ass on that woman.

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4a5dc9  No.12539535

File: 28fb7c0f23ec843⋯.png (187.96 KB, 388x550, 194:275, 5_days.png)

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a1c730  No.12539536

File: 18233a21e99e8c8⋯.jpg (173.08 KB, 500x638, 250:319, bigfoot.jpg)

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8177fc  No.12539537

File: 7659ce8a9d5bb70⋯.png (556.55 KB, 623x650, 623:650, ClipboardImage.png)


40 minutes ago

The National Rifle Association files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, will relocate to Texas

On Friday, the National Rifle Association (NRA) — which faces a legal battle in New York state — released a statement announcing that it intends to restructure as a nonprofit based in Texas and has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protections. NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre said in a statement that the association is “as financially strong as we have been in years.”

Photo via @ReutersUS

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46d1b6  No.12539538

File: cd6bf8b2c2f95c2⋯.png (374.79 KB, 588x570, 98:95, cd6bf8b2c2f95c23506f2c5d3e….png)


notable this shit

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c0c47a  No.12539539

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2e0545  No.12539540

File: 28c6136fa18519f⋯.jpg (134.99 KB, 736x736, 1:1, EovbDNsW4AUemEz.jpg)

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78c25c  No.12539541


>Give us your theory and we will let you know if your a retard or not.

I'm going to go ahead and call it now: retard.

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8ada1e  No.12539542

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This Has NEVER OCCURED In U.S. History #Censorship | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 103

Jan 15, 2021


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b9adf3  No.12539543


>is a bit



jew panic KEK

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c91d52  No.12539544

>>12538333 lb

Hey, Mike, all your pillows belong to us? Boys need pillows! lol

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c3bd00  No.12539545

File: 7923156f2caa137⋯.png (394.84 KB, 1410x1224, 235:204, ClipboardImage.png)

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009874  No.12539546


We have a lurker

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c0052a  No.12539547

File: 08de18fe7594efe⋯.png (249.85 KB, 966x644, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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385184  No.12539548

File: 85b6a7db61f0a96⋯.png (113.59 KB, 599x573, 599:573, image_2021_01_15_180520.png)

Help Q has hurt me, f'ing snowflakes

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869381  No.12539549

File: f2c23103b9850ab⋯.png (18.68 KB, 824x186, 412:93, fema.png)

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191a21  No.12539550

>>12536792 /pb

There's likely just so many logistical problems such as: how to explain hidin' biden's "broken foot" not being broken anymore or: why TF is hunter hidin' in the oval office with a 6-year-old and a crack pipe?

Either that…or…Where's joe?

btw: anybody heard if kamaltoe has resigned her senate seat, yet?

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49dc5e  No.12539551






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9a3d62  No.12539552



twitch progressives or chaturbate thots?

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820408  No.12539553

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d7f851  No.12539554


Who owns DC?

Who really owns DC?

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248153  No.12539555


Because they’ve isolated the virus to this singular geographical area, and the military is the only org capable of enforcing full isolation…

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000000  No.12539556

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They won't refute it, they'll just call me a jew.

It's time to wake up.


Look at the information for yourself and you will see that it IS NOT disinformation.

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


The INTENT of these posts is to bring awareness, these same people own all media outlets.

Just disprove any of these posts, and they will stop. Seriously.

Edomite Canaanites Full

(It's a video, click it.)



The "Deep State" / The children of Cain / Who call themselves Jew today / They control China


The "Illuminati" / The children of Lucifer himself / Who call themselves Jew today / They control China


"They" / The Anti-Christ / Who call themselves Jew today / They control China

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

Ask yourself, if these posts were coming from JIDF/Mossad, what would they be hoping to achieve? What's the 'endgame'? How is exposing all this information "jewish defense"?

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" or "Alex Kaplan" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor Satanist/luciferian/Edomite Canaanite, or ANTIFA.

The one's making these claims areJIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jew hater" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.


Share this information the best you can.


Feel free to copy/pasta and make these post's in my absence if you see fit, this is important information.

Never filter, point out the JIDF/Mossad shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremacist" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


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3b12cf  No.12539557



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43ddd8  No.12539558


I vote for Obama and Valeria Jarrett to be arrested first. D.C. is filled with Blacks, thats what the NG is for. They will riot, because they don't know any better. Look how long they voted Democrat, not knowing the Democrats created the KKK.

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974d13  No.12539559

File: 5bdda53e2bc8215⋯.png (975.27 KB, 1017x499, 1017:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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d2b149  No.12539560


stop posting this bullshit!

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791839  No.12539561

Just gonna leave this here.


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773b1e  No.12539562


My name is Bill Kristol. And I am alarmed. Good news story.

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01a987  No.12539563

File: 9e2a71ce67cd016⋯.jpg (458.38 KB, 1824x1212, 152:101, 9e2a71ce67cd016d9112f7be82….jpg)

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1bea4c  No.12539564


> Controlled opposition is now bankrupt

I quit the NRA years ago and joined a regional organization.


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49dc5e  No.12539565


i did, but im sorry youre so tarded you cant find something on your own….

geez guise…

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8177fc  No.12539566

CNN reporting moar NG TROOPS on wat to DC for total of 25,000

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80ccaa  No.12539567

File: b93b9e211554167⋯.jpeg (62.62 KB, 591x759, 197:253, b93b9e211554167a5a1809a4f….jpeg)


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c9ab98  No.12539568

File: 50a89dd33c0eff9⋯.png (56.82 KB, 371x173, 371:173, ClipboardImage.png)


Joe Biden is actually John F. Kennedy Jr in a mask, say QAnon conspiracy theorists

Joe Biden is really JFK Jr, Trump is an intergalactic being and on January 20 he will appear on global TV to take charge, according to conspiracists.


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6ce041  No.12539569


Seriously mike. They need some pillows and shit at the capital. Or bricks if they’re chinks.

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3565e0  No.12539570


Fake Blonde, Fake tits, Plastic Surgery on face plus heavy make up and Botox. 100% Globalist Zionist Cabal Jewess.

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838cc2  No.12539571

Saw a car with a Trump sticker and just underneath it was a Q sticker as well. I live in a small town. Made me smile. We will win this. God wins.

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c3bd00  No.12539572

File: f1988b21f70e0a1⋯.jpg (330.72 KB, 1000x752, 125:94, JIDF_aggots.jpg)

File: adedf5ad903086d⋯.jpg (147.64 KB, 1440x1083, 480:361, JIDF_faggots.jpg)



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9a3d62  No.12539573



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970a72  No.12539574

File: daba1afba94ead4⋯.jpeg (839.76 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, ErkiBS_WMAICdE5.jpeg)

File: ee638320cba9532⋯.jpeg (872.66 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, ErkiBTAXEAchgKf.jpeg)

File: 4f31ce88776c767⋯.jpeg (852.87 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, ErkiBTBXYAEZi0k.jpeg)

File: 000194da712ed0b⋯.jpeg (800.42 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, ErkiBTdXIAEiMQF.jpeg)

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f0de08  No.12539575



Washington House Bill 1068

They are trying to pass a bill to hide / classify election audit results

Investment Watch Blog

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e819ba  No.12539576


It’s habbening!!!


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812cb0  No.12539577


It's not a military fortress it is concert grade security fencing with some razor wire on top

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385184  No.12539578

File: a10f0911bafcaa9⋯.jpg (91.52 KB, 599x573, 599:573, 6.jpg)

f'ing snowflakes

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000000  No.12539579


the crown

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4dd091  No.12539580


Fort George G. Meade is a United States Army installation located in Maryland, that includes the Defense Information School, the Defense Media Activity, the United States Army Field Band, and the headquarters of United States Cyber Command, the National Security Agency, the Defense Courier Service, Defense Information Systems Agency headquarters, and the U.S. Navy's Cryptologic Warfare Group Six

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59cfec  No.12539581

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6cbc5c  No.12539582


"I watched a ton of their videos…"

Bullshit she even knows what Q is.

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a4d51c  No.12539583



[C] before [D]

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30a0ee  No.12539584

File: c7d541634085d74⋯.jpg (11.28 KB, 236x207, 236:207, f2c8a70267acd3e7a03e853906….jpg)

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d60eef  No.12539585

File: ce24835110409f7⋯.jpg (167.26 KB, 1070x750, 107:75, drag.jpg)

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ffc897  No.12539586


And what is getting ready to happen hasn't either. Q told us Biblical. He is more right than we know.

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79b806  No.12539587

File: 76499517584e61d⋯.png (284.18 KB, 603x545, 603:545, Bitcoin_to_far_right.png)

File: a095431ed971a1c⋯.png (16.52 KB, 533x165, 533:165, Fuentes_bitcoin.png)

File: 6e67131f9de116e⋯.png (11.56 KB, 345x260, 69:52, Fuentes_heckles_Don_Jr.png)


Also this.


Payments in bitcoin worth more than $500,000 were made to 22 different virtual wallets, most of them belonging to far-right activists and internet personalities, before the storming of the U.S. Capitol, cryptocurrency compliance startup Chainalysis said on Friday.

The payments, made by a French donor, of 28.15 bitcoins were made on Dec. 8, the New York-based startup, specializing in countering money laundering and fraud in the digital currency space, said in a blog post.

Chainalysis said it now has evidence that many alt-right groups and personalities received large bitcoin donations as part of the single transaction.

"We have also gathered evidence that strongly suggests the donor was a now-deceased computer programmer based in France," Chainalysis said in the report.

Nick Fuentes, who was permanently suspended from YouTube last year for hate speech, received 13.5 bitcoins, worth about $250,000 at the time of the transfer, making him by far the biggest beneficiary of the donation, according to the blog post.

Fuentes could not be reached for a request for comment.



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a1c730  No.12539588

File: 2129969353e6bb2⋯.png (25.81 KB, 473x500, 473:500, pepe_12.png)


They are all here. We are the news now

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9da534  No.12539589


Lurk Moar before posting. Or go back and take a left turn at the Rebbit sign.

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974d13  No.12539590

File: a21f930d1c9db45⋯.png (312.69 KB, 4067x4066, 4067:4066, thundercatsduygdygdainaiui….png)

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dd9b19  No.12539591


Well played.

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69562d  No.12539592


Didn't think anyone would be interested. Thank you for the question. Theory: Deep state thinks it won. Bowser thinks she's in control. Capitol police corrupt. Deep state ain't going to be happy when they find out there is going to be no inauguration. Checkmate. Military precision.

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7f1263  No.12539593

The frenetic and ham handed barbs are bouncing harmlessly into the drink, narley a splinter or popped peg.

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d2b171  No.12539594

File: 2bfe72131613493⋯.gif (3.67 MB, 640x377, 640:377, 9BFF99F8_463C_41B0_B75C_69….gif)

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000000  No.12539595

>>12538940 OP

>>12538980 Dough

#16009@550 Notables

>>12539018 Notable transcription / pic dump from Mike Lindell notes

>>12539088 Declass ready for DIGGING anons

>>12539091 Relieved Iran Expects Biden’s ‘Unconditional Return’ to Obama-Negotiated Nuclear Deal

>>12539056 Done in 30 years. 1991-2021

>>12539169 DMV California website is Still down, this is day two

>>12539228 Dirty Political Trick:@jsolomonReports slams Sen. Lindsey Graham and Deep State veterans for only just releasing Obamagate transcripts that destroy the phony Trump-Russia narrative

>>12539242 Biden Adviser to MSNBC’s Ruhle: ‘Thank You for Your Advocacy’

>>12539259 Oathkeepers Issue Warning to American Patriots: “Beware of False Flags and Traps that are Now Being Set”

>>12539272 Gov.@dougducey budget appears to include $10 million to help charter schools

>>12539279 Kek of this bread

>>12539285 Signal Messaging App Crashes — After Massive Number of New Users

>>12539211 Government in Ireland forced to admit China Virus (Covid19) does not exist

>>12539343 FBI arrests ex-YPG member for plotting attack on pro-Trump protesters

>>12539358 Ex Reddit CEO Ellen Pao knew of GMAX allegations

>>12539399 DC Webcams link

>>12539397 PF Report

>>12539430 BREAKING: Another Biden supporter, Emanuel Zanders III, has been charged with widespread election fraud in Louisiana

>>12539467 Mainstream news is running with Martial Law/New CIA Director/Insurrection act from Mike Lindell's notes

>>12539475 California Man Arrested and Charged on Federal Charges Following Events at The United States Capitol

>>12539484 Trump Receives Morocco’s Highest Award for Middle East Work

>>12539537 The National Rifle Association files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, will relocate to Texas


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776567  No.12539596


Aw Bill, you fucking fragile little faggot

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78c25c  No.12539597


Damn, when Aussies slander they don't fuck around.

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8ada1e  No.12539598

File: a6d77053c4a8721⋯.png (719.6 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_2018_07_03_20_1….png)

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91c4fa  No.12539599

Dirty Pillows or GTFO

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241bc9  No.12539600

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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b9adf3  No.12539601


jews will want to invade using their proxies when they realize they lost

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269d98  No.12539602


Mike talking about White House visit.

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56f6c7  No.12539603


Space Force is nearby.

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805762  No.12539604



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80ccaa  No.12539605

File: 2de70c49407e2e7⋯.png (339.1 KB, 674x448, 337:224, 2de70c49407e2e716811966147….png)

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820408  No.12539606

Wait Joe Biden is JFK Jr?

I knew it.

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51fe70  No.12539607

File: ad774fa116c0bc5⋯.jpg (418.77 KB, 1146x792, 191:132, ssay.jpg)

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c9ab98  No.12539608

File: 6c553d71d1a71e1⋯.png (756.27 KB, 653x660, 653:660, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6996357e5255119⋯.png (662.18 KB, 665x917, 95:131, ClipboardImage.png)

Wealthy Sweet’N Low magnate leaps to death from NYC apartment

A wealthy, 89-year-old artificial sweetener magnate who made Sweet’N Low a household name has committed suicide by jumping from his Park Avenue apartment building, law enforcement sources told The Post.

Donald Tober, CEO and co-owner of the New York-based 1,400-employee Sugar Foods, leapt to his death just after 5 a.m. Friday, and was found in the courtyard of the luxury Upper East Side building between 65th and 66th streets, the sources said.

He was struggling with Parkinson’s disease, the sources said.

At the helm of Sugar Foods, Tober turned the company’s flagship product, Sweet’N Low, and its ubiquitous little pink packets, into a mainstay on kitchen counters and restaurant tables across the country, along with Sugar in the Raw and N’Joy nondairy creamer.

“Basically, we’re concerned with everything that surrounds the coffee cup,” Tober told Restaurant News in 1995. “We’re tightly focused.”


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ba8155  No.12539609


>I spent 3 months.

Is that Patrick Bryne?

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4370af  No.12539610


No it's not. Wasn't down yesterday either. Wouldn't matter if it was.

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5352e0  No.12539611


I don't think we have the whole story. Find out whos' kids they are.

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6cbc5c  No.12539612


Jealous much?

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9a3d62  No.12539613

File: 0d0a84c3b73d403⋯.jpg (128.79 KB, 1111x1009, 1111:1009, Screenshot_2021_01_15_1508….jpg)


ayy lmao

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c0052a  No.12539614


It'll slow down who ever they think is going to try to get through it long enough to get a bead on them.

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192d7d  No.12539615

File: 2146651720eb2b4⋯.png (274.8 KB, 609x579, 203:193, ClipboardImage.png)




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bb8094  No.12539616

File: 91befced0bbdb40⋯.png (67.35 KB, 295x216, 295:216, ClipboardImage.png)

Corney Comms

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000000  No.12539617




Tell me what the notable should say

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cb9378  No.12539618

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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000000  No.12539619

>>12536177 pb

5 red stripes?

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974d13  No.12539620



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a1c730  No.12539621

File: f2c8a70267acd3e⋯.png (62.47 KB, 236x207, 236:207, pepe_keks.png)

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260559  No.12539622

>>12533115 PB

Capped it right before they memory holed it!

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e19e65  No.12539623


Aww, sorry grandma

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91c4fa  No.12539624


What a timeline…MyPillow guy in Warshington.

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01a987  No.12539625

File: 7d62fc9e2e25e7f⋯.jpg (497.11 KB, 1287x1691, 1287:1691, 7d62fc9e2e25e7fa24663de1c0….jpg)

In the everyday world we attach “me” to our body and to that “me” we attach multiple defined identities. Religious, racial, social –

How real are those defined identities?

To some of us they're extremely real.

To others, including most of the satanist pedovore cult con artists we contend with, none of those identities are real.

Our ethnic, racial and religious identities, to the cultist’s way of thinking, are simply masks, sheep's clothing, to be worn or exchanged at convenience.

Pedovores assume and discard Catholic, Jewish, evangelical protestant, and secular humanist identities as easily as they express right wing, left wing or centrist ideological positions. These labels are meaningless to pedovores who use our treasured identities as protective camouflage for the abduction and ritual abuse of our children as well as economic depredation.

Ideologies and dogmas are cognitive malware. They make effective smokescreens.

Whatever identity mask they adopt, cult pedovores need and seek access to vulnerable children.

We have found satanist pedovore cultists running major charitable organizations, respected foundations and reputable institutions which are collectively responsible for hundreds, if not thousands, of national and international programs targeting “at risk” ie vulnerable children – all under pretext of helping.

Children's Defense Fund is a prime example of a pedovore social subversion weaponized as a charitable construct. CDF is endorsed by the biggest “stars” and executives in the entertainment business.


Most of the same people were also involved in starting the National Center for Missing and Exploited children, which gave pedovores both access to kids and a heads-up early warning system because the creepy sham center for M&E kids started the “Amber Alert Service” run by the evil pedovore Laura Silsby, arrested for kidnapping “orphaned” children (parents alive) in Haiti.


Pedovores are con artists, they steal your wallet and offer to help you look for it.

Similarly, when communities ask themselves, "who's going to care for our poor orphans?" Pedovores always have their hands up, and may style themselves Catholics Jews or evangelicals in order facilitate access.


Pedovores don't believe in national, religious or ethnic identities. cultists are identity-shifters who embed themselves in ethnic, religious or ideological communities and seek control of fund raising and identity defining structures. Pedovore run such organizations today, because this is information war, and that's how IW is fought.


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385184  No.12539626


High Frequency Global Communications System

The primary HFGCS voice frequencies are 4724.0 kHz, 6712.0 kHz, 6739.0 kHz, 8992.0 kHz, 11175.0 kHz, 13200.0 kHz and 15016.0 kHz. In addition to the HFGCS, U.S. aircraft frequently use Military Auxiliary Radio System

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8ada1e  No.12539627



Funny how they never bring up Alex Jones inventing a fake Q named Zack and had Corsi infiltrate Q movement a few weeks into Q 's first posts

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d306f5  No.12539629

File: 6962ebe8c3ce79a⋯.png (53.21 KB, 500x378, 250:189, shillsbelike.png)


Lots of people leaping to their deaths lately.

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23a731  No.12539630

File: 0d327048e82d841⋯.png (483.97 KB, 1490x453, 1490:453, snowstorm_DC.png)


Snow storm in DC

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ee3ddf  No.12539631

File: d4b7332633ab062⋯.jpg (116.82 KB, 720x481, 720:481, wickAZ.jpg)

File: cdf894871f9717f⋯.jpg (172.34 KB, 1000x668, 250:167, wick.jpg)

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8177fc  No.12539632

File: b18681f5c041c00⋯.png (332.32 KB, 870x652, 435:326, ClipboardImage.png)


Giuliani: ‘We’re Not Stopping on Jan. 20’

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bdac6d  No.12539633

Remember that Q said to remember the name Kash Patel, especially with Mike Lindell's note's being zoomed in on by WaPo.

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2f8135  No.12539634


>this fight has to be won, we cannot allow this Insanity any longer, I never thought in my life I would see this kind of shit

Sadly, I've unfortunately seen MUCH worse that has gone on LONG before the whole covid scam.

I cannot EVER in good conscious support this type of behavior from law enforcement officials.

Equally if not more guilty are the parties responsible for the policies and legislation that "allow" this type of behavior.

Clown world MUST be destroyed before we allow it to get any worse

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8f9488  No.12539635

File: 9340309e2f504bb⋯.png (674.16 KB, 720x541, 720:541, ClipboardImage.png)


>Joe Biden is really JFK Jr, Trump is an intergalactic being

go on.

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67c828  No.12539636


One of the better ones actually.

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d7f851  No.12539637




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ba8155  No.12539638


>Jealous much?

typical liberal reaction

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260559  No.12539639

File: c50b186dd7129e6⋯.png (232.81 KB, 1283x742, 1283:742, armie_on_wiki.png)

File: e44d9418e9efdd5⋯.jpg (73.29 KB, 464x587, 464:587, armie_on_wiki2.jpg)


wtf…didn't attach

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04e4bb  No.12539640


yeah its fucking winter

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820408  No.12539641

I mean if he could be Lou Barletta, why not Biden?

Uncle Joe


Uncle Louie

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812cb0  No.12539642


one renegade city bus or trash truck says otherwise

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e69743  No.12539643

File: 5f05374281a2d44⋯.jpg (22.83 KB, 500x500, 1:1, mkay.jpg)

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c0052a  No.12539644


Going to be really nice to see your ass in jail.

Maybe it'd be better to have you fight in one of your own shitholes, like iran or maybe china. You like make war with other peoples kids, how about you do it yourself this time.

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5d9122  No.12539645



A hot spot.

So who knows which one they refer to in the pillow text then..

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7a278a  No.12539646



you just made the list!

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ffc897  No.12539647


Where does anyone think these thousands of arrested DS fucks are going to be housed? All down in Gitmo? No, those FEMA Camps are going to be used to house the treason perpetrators until they can be transported to Gitmo for their Tribunals.

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95482e  No.12539648

Trump should now ask the My Pillow guy to have a press conference announcing he is Q

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3b12cf  No.12539649


The Act of 1871 establishes the silent control of the US republic under new name USA, through Tye crown, which is then owned by the Vatican through past war debts

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d92092  No.12539650

File: 269fddf0ca34667⋯.png (735.24 KB, 1014x916, 507:458, ClipboardImage.png)

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c8525d  No.12539651


Holy shit! Their conspiracy theories are way fuckin better than ours! KEK!

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690335  No.12539652

File: ffe3b583511e75d⋯.png (898.43 KB, 600x700, 6:7, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6dfe937a22d6204⋯.gif (793.83 KB, 500x240, 25:12, FULL_RETARD.gif)




>Joe Biden is actually John F. Kennedy Jr in a mask, say QAnon conspiracy theorists



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2e0545  No.12539653

File: f18bfe4b5e25bfd⋯.png (469.72 KB, 439x374, 439:374, ClipboardImage.png)


thats not true.

THIS stupid little bitch is the reason we couldnt bring Q shit to trump rallies.

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9a3d62  No.12539654

File: b5c39b79a3ac883⋯.jpg (128.04 KB, 889x737, 889:737, Screenshot_2021_01_11_1602….jpg)

File: b29405d997dae1c⋯.jpg (116.26 KB, 863x814, 863:814, Screenshot_2021_01_11_1543….jpg)



and WH YT bro

filter anyone who doesnt have eye on ball

no hard feelings either

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56f4a3  No.12539655

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e5826a  No.12539656

When Potus leaves on Wed Jan 20th from JBA int he morning it will still be considered AF1.

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776567  No.12539657


Anyone involved in 911 should be executed like this, send them flying like they did to the victims / human sacrifices.

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8ebac0  No.12539658

File: 91b99a1aaac831a⋯.png (31.79 KB, 1009x419, 1009:419, BOOM_ongoing.PNG)



Interdasting if relevant.

The last 3 Q drop BOOMs could just as well apply ATM.

So w/ others like Coats going to roll DECLAS further?


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7ec9ae  No.12539660


Cancer causing sweet n low?

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6cbc5c  No.12539661


Helpful. Thank you.

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01a987  No.12539662

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

An Awakening is a natural or induced coming to consciousness or awareness of the surrounding metaphysical reality. The exit from the matrix is accompanied by a profound leap of consciousness, an augmentation of awareness, which to be sustained must be balanced.

What advertisers and shills do is an effort to unbalance the forces within us. Advertisers use our emotional imbalance to influence our buying. Shills try to generate hate by a creating a mirrored reciprocal response, and by convincing us freely expressing hatred of others is normal, natural and rational for human beings.

Shills interact with each other in the language of Hell.

Hell is an environment – a place where words like cocksucker and phrases like fuck your mother are a standard greeting.

What we are learning is that this world is a "self-created" hell.

It doesn’t have to be that way, but it is that way.

By Awakening we learn to keep our internal forces balanced, to know that when we hate we are wrong, and every day to put on the full armor of God.


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e5826a  No.12539663


Per John Roberts on Fox

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caaf69  No.12539664

File: ccffdd640df36bc⋯.jpeg (98.38 KB, 1125x682, 1125:682, 812632F5_9B63_41FF_9802_F….jpeg)

File: e4497920bc821a7⋯.jpeg (347.23 KB, 1125x1582, 1125:1582, 17AD17D4_3909_41E7_82EE_3….jpeg)


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e69743  No.12539665

File: 17d1fe6da666fca⋯.jpg (49.27 KB, 337x343, 337:343, oh_whoa_pepe.jpg)

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c82d62  No.12539666

File: 4c2394d7a7d980a⋯.png (370.24 KB, 788x479, 788:479, Screen_Shot_2021_01_15_at_….png)


Here's a screen shot from the live stream.

Nice find anon.

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d4d250  No.12539667


Go with the subject line

Possible “One Q - POTUS45 drop”

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c0052a  No.12539668

File: 1bbca52bc10b64f⋯.png (877.61 KB, 847x471, 847:471, ClipboardImage.png)

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502d85  No.12539669


> has committed suicide

"7 of 10"

Who'd he piss off?

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c3eab4  No.12539670


Is he JT Tumilson? Seal Team 6?

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9da534  No.12539671



>>>12539537 The National Rifle Association files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, will relocate to Texas

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bb8094  No.12539672

File: 57196952c9dd3ac⋯.png (161.32 KB, 566x595, 566:595, ClipboardImage.png)

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23a731  No.12539673

File: 3cb05968585862e⋯.jpg (104.06 KB, 720x997, 720:997, 20210115_161250.jpg)


Why are there 20,000 plus troops in DC with more mobilizing?

It's not for the defense of the event.

It's symbolic.

It unambiguously answers the question (common in banana republics):

Who do the generals and the military support?

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690335  No.12539674





>Giuliani: ‘We’re Not Stopping on Jan. 20’

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efadd4  No.12539675


NYC Limousine Liberals

wonder what really prompted the jump

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a4d51c  No.12539676


been thinking this

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c3f264  No.12539677

Hey Q,

Dragon here, can we have fun yet though?

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23fa94  No.12539678

File: 6cad07b62c9339d⋯.jpg (89.76 KB, 1085x685, 217:137, 6cad07b62c9339d24adb902660….jpg)

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797419  No.12539679

The snow is Blue correct????


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ffc897  No.12539680


Diarrhea of the brain with these people. Unfuckingreal.

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cb9378  No.12539681


"Are you seriouuuus?!"

Fuck off with this BS.

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04e4bb  No.12539682


pardon hunter biden

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4708b2  No.12539683

File: 36eeac0708671fc⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1200x1116, 100:93, POTUS_Patton_6.png)


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9a3d62  No.12539684

sure , my vote is go ahead

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000000  No.12539685

>>12538940 OP

>>12538980 Dough

#16009 FINAL Notables

>>12539018 Notable transcription / pic dump from Mike Lindell notes

>>12539088 Declass ready for DIGGING anons

>>12539091 Relieved Iran Expects Biden’s ‘Unconditional Return’ to Obama-Negotiated Nuclear Deal

>>12539056 Done in 30 years. 1991-2021

>>12539169 DMV California website is Still down, this is day two

>>12539228 Dirty Political Trick:@jsolomonReports slams Sen. Lindsey Graham and Deep State veterans for only just releasing Obamagate transcripts that destroy the phony Trump-Russia narrative

>>12539242 Biden Adviser to MSNBC’s Ruhle: ‘Thank You for Your Advocacy’

>>12539259 Oathkeepers Issue Warning to American Patriots: “Beware of False Flags and Traps that are Now Being Set”

>>12539272 Gov.@dougducey budget appears to include $10 million to help charter schools

>>12539279 Kek of this bread

>>12539285 Signal Messaging App Crashes — After Massive Number of New Users

>>12539211 Government in Ireland forced to admit China Virus (Covid19) does not exist

>>12539343 FBI arrests ex-YPG member for plotting attack on pro-Trump protesters

>>12539358 Ex Reddit CEO Ellen Pao knew of GMAX allegations

>>12539399 DC Webcams link

>>12539397 PF Report

>>12539430 BREAKING: Another Biden supporter, Emanuel Zanders III, has been charged with widespread election fraud in Louisiana

>>12539467 Mainstream news is running with Martial Law/New CIA Director/Insurrection act from Mike Lindell's notes

>>12539475 California Man Arrested and Charged on Federal Charges Following Events at The United States Capitol

>>12539484 Trump Receives Morocco’s Highest Award for Middle East Work

>>12539537 The National Rifle Association files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, will relocate to Texas

>>12539608 Wealthy Sweet’N Low magnate leaps to death from NYC apartment

>>12539615 It appears President Trump's Facebook has been re-activated

>>12539568 FULL RETARD HIT PIECE Joe Biden is actually John F. Kennedy Jr in a mask

>>12539375 Possible “One Q - POTUS45 drop”


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385184  No.12539686


>Is that Patrick Bryne?


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23fa94  No.12539687

File: 0e4b29e01f5de54⋯.png (49.18 KB, 562x265, 562:265, Screen_Shot_2021_01_15_at_….png)

File: 043edb124153b1c⋯.png (63.9 KB, 565x284, 565:284, Screen_Shot_2021_01_15_at_….png)

File: 9c04b29bb6a8f97⋯.png (137.77 KB, 561x599, 561:599, Screen_Shot_2021_01_15_at_….png)


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4ac560  No.12539688


Hi Blair Parker.

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ed05e8  No.12539689

Blasting marky marky good vibrations right now…fuck off everyone

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53bec5  No.12539690

File: 6040ccbda1c653e⋯.gif (1.25 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Deep_State_Panic_MMM_Delic….gif)


The panic is DELICIOUS!

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95e3e8  No.12539691


Global martial law, and the global EAS?

Fucking KEK!

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78c25c  No.12539692


We could have shut down the R fags a lot easier if they would have run this piece back then.

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6ce041  No.12539693


Noice. Allergies are acting up.

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797419  No.12539694

>>12539682 This was posted days ago get with the program pal

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8177fc  No.12539695


>Who do the generals and the military support?

Who do they support?

what is the symbolism?

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9da534  No.12539696




>>>>12539537 The National Rifle Association files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, will relocate to Texas

Meant for:


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191a21  No.12539697

Boy! That foreign entity, 'district of columbia' is really gonna suck when it becomes an encircled, foreign enclave within the Constitutional Republic of the United States and the 'Constitution for the united states' becomes the actual, legal, recognized Constitution instead of the altered-from-the-original-in-word-and-intent corporate legalspeak of CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES.

2021 is gonna be a great year for the world! The end of the demonrat party, the end of soros/gates/schwab/globalist con, the rising of the true, real, Constitutional Republic of America, the only country on earth of which it will be able to be stated: Of, By and For The People; insuring a government made up: Of, By and For Patriots…AMERICAN PATRIOTS!

Yep! DAYUM fine time to be ALIVE!

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a1c730  No.12539698


They should at least try to tell slightly more realistic lies, if they want people to actually believe their BS.

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de3ab5  No.12539699

File: 814947026c0b517⋯.jpeg (473.96 KB, 828x1015, 828:1015, 100BFA04_97DD_4C10_9AB5_7….jpeg)


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baa521  No.12539700

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d2363e  No.12539701

File: 2a48ac5a69ce98f⋯.jpg (87.62 KB, 959x714, 137:102, 2a48ac5a69ce98fff8069aff49….jpg)

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000000  No.12539702

if yall could stop blocking my clearnet access after 3 posts every night that would be great

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7628d9  No.12539703


Sauce please.

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776567  No.12539704

File: c7e5c166cde41cf⋯.jpg (77.98 KB, 960x807, 320:269, dracos.jpg)


Come on up "dragon"

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741476  No.12539705

File: dab29c8bc37dffa⋯.jpg (22.57 KB, 360x360, 1:1, DB_mjQXWsAAn6Cq_jpg_large.jpg)



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974d13  No.12539706

File: a68c691e538b8a7⋯.png (9.19 KB, 240x255, 16:17, maam3791ab53aeec109494bae0….png)

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81e702  No.12539707

File: 90b33e6767d47e9⋯.jpg (90.5 KB, 585x479, 585:479, ErzAKDLW4AUYPOf.jpg)

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a4d51c  No.12539708



phase one of mass arrests.

They already had all intel about them long before.

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0d5d58  No.12539709

Why the NG presence at all 50 state capitols?

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d7f851  No.12539710


That’s funny because we aren’t paying anyone because we don’t owe anyone anything. In fact, [they] owe us everything [they] have. Fortunately for The People of each country that owes us everything… we won’t take it all. We will simply take control of where the remainder of their monies/fortunes go. To The People of each country.

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ffc897  No.12539711


Frankfurt School professors wanted to make you believe it was actually black. At the very least, a dark gray. Why not? They've redefined everything else. Their right to do you know.

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d3a8bb  No.12539712

File: 41e7d717141954f⋯.png (797.15 KB, 634x688, 317:344, 41e7d717141954fb7a519086b2….png)


Yes she can be.

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cd97b5  No.12539713


No sauce and nothing on live cams to back this stupid shit up.


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5bf315  No.12539714


Comes up for me like it was never gone

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820408  No.12539716

So if JFK JR is Joe Biden…

It's safe to say that Joe Biden might be, dare I say, OURGUY?


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7e9c0c  No.12539717


I. P. Freely has a new book coming out later this month!

'Root Causes, Optics & the Lemonade Debate'.

A great man and I'm sure you'll love it. Preorder a copy today!

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85f79d  No.12539718

File: a46e5846d3b6dde⋯.mp4 (2.22 MB, 640x360, 16:9, we_are_all_going_to_die.mp4)

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7f1263  No.12539719


There’s a guy round these parts go a fuckin punisher skull on his hood and a sticker that says some shit like “The Q machine”

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23fa94  No.12539720

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7f3a43  No.12539721


Had the same problem. Changed my DNS.


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7ec9ae  No.12539722


What a fuckin' retard! Sorry, I lost all respect for him!!

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9a3d62  No.12539724


mightve gotten a sketchy laptop as well

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ffc897  No.12539727


Good question.

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34c7d5  No.12539728

File: 97a8b3dbd3fe693⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1315x912, 1315:912, cswc.png)

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6ce041  No.12539729



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000000  No.12539731



Good job muh banner dude!

What a dumb fuck.

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805762  No.12539732


Sounds like WW84

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98c2dd  No.12539733

File: 8df5370db1330a3⋯.png (53.31 KB, 279x380, 279:380, downloadfile.png)

MAGA Patriots Pre-Show

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9512ac  No.12539734


Xie Xie !

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bdac6d  No.12539736



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8ada1e  No.12539737


except they don't censor or cancel Big foot on social media. insert pic of Big Foot saying

Eric Ciaramella

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80ccaa  No.12539738

File: bf5b5ca3d5396e2⋯.png (10.28 KB, 564x506, 282:253, Capture.PNG)

File: feed8f55d07d818⋯.png (92.69 KB, 1089x635, 1089:635, Capture1.PNG)

File: ceda26eaaa7a63a⋯.png (9.96 KB, 399x275, 399:275, Capture3.PNG)






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6cbc5c  No.12539740


Good question. Why are 20,000 troops sleeping on the floor of the capitol?

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8177fc  No.12539741


>So if JFK JR is Joe Biden…

they really screwed up that rumor.

I have never read on that on here

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efadd4  No.12539742

File: b7d3c2357dfff8b⋯.jpg (32.68 KB, 618x400, 309:200, c7a5c82ded7fe7292792d5ae3c….jpg)


Why hasn't she given up

her Senate seat yet?

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6ce041  No.12539744


To give reason to take our guns away. Or Chinese invasion. Let’s see what happens.

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ffc897  No.12539745


Doesn't look good to us. Capitulation always looks good to the left. A great movie, has great actors.

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e53397  No.12539746



whats up wtih the dark haired soldier you featured in your other post?

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c3f264  No.12539748



Whoa there Lizard man, just wanted to ask Q a question. My people have no quarrel with your kind.

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23a731  No.12539749




I saw it was snowing pretty good on the live video feed of DC

Downtown dc from atop the Willard

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4bb1e7  No.12539751


Don't you have a zoom meeting with Toober to go to?

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bdac6d  No.12539752

File: 0abe2ad8ab62a3d⋯.jpeg (16.02 KB, 254x255, 254:255, pepe_middlefinger_3letter.jpeg)

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baa521  No.12539753

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


6am Law Abiding Citizen

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85f79d  No.12539755


the nocebo effect.

a medical professional tells someone they are sick because of a fraudulent test so they believe the doctor and they develop symptoms.

Those you are taught to trust the most

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2f8135  No.12539756

File: a7944af639ece2a⋯.png (167.58 KB, 249x249, 1:1, Screenshot_2020_06_12_why_….png)

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9a3d62  No.12539757

File: 30976699c931fa0⋯.png (113.41 KB, 1174x508, 587:254, ClipboardImage.png)




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9fed79  No.12539758

File: b1b68e654aa0c25⋯.png (963.81 KB, 644x711, 644:711, ClipboardImage.png)

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a1d71d  No.12539759


Was Karen on the line listening to make sure Mike didn't get his little pecker hard?

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34c7d5  No.12539761

File: d8260c4d3b4689f⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1315x912, 1315:912, stfuf.png)

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9da534  No.12539762



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6d4d28  No.12539763

File: 586df6216255770⋯.jpeg (66.65 KB, 750x430, 75:43, 5D42A70A_EBF9_447A_8DF2_A….jpeg)

Last time I checked barbed wire is put on the side that would have people trying to scale it. This looks like it’s on the Capitol side.

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8c9773  No.12539764


Valid concerns, Anon. Many here have been learning all they can with the same concerns. Our loved ones will be awakened. When they are you need to be there for them. Prepare now.

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5bf315  No.12539765


That is not what pardons are for, sorry.

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9a3d62  No.12539766


FY 2021



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78c25c  No.12539767


I think Nancy finally hooked them up with some cots.

Her son's company got the $1.7B contract to do it.

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cb9378  No.12539768

File: 8ee2e6bcc1c614d⋯.png (55.63 KB, 555x153, 185:51, israeli_intel_media_assets….png)


Bye, Billy Mossad.

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e5826a  No.12539769

File: 05a3ab771cadfeb⋯.png (30.92 KB, 407x449, 407:449, Screen_Shot_01_15_21_at_06….PNG)

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a1c730  No.12539772

File: d08f98f241b685c⋯.jpg (45.89 KB, 640x640, 1:1, HRC_wicked.jpg)

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bb8094  No.12539773

File: 0fd12fc7950315f⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1013x1280, 1013:1280, ClipboardImage.png)


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2a0aee  No.12539774


Don't make me a part of your we

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ba8155  No.12539775

CNN keeps saying Trump is in hiding and Pence is

defacto president.

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805762  No.12539777

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5d9122  No.12539778

Frenz, I'm telling ya: After this DS mess here on this cute planet is cleaned up, we have to clean up the intergalactic DS in space. I have the strong feeling this goes wayyy beyond. Seriously!

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820408  No.12539779


It was suggested…

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5352c9  No.12539780

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fb4e90  No.12539781

File: ecb943a5ef3d8e6⋯.jpg (430.69 KB, 1000x866, 500:433, Op_Ed_Trump_Vindicated_art….jpg)

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9f06fb  No.12539782

File: b4ff3e423ceb329⋯.jpeg (116.12 KB, 1148x802, 574:401, 9A464C2D_F813_4543_9372_B….jpeg)


My name is Bill Kristol, and I scam news from 8Kun and those pesky Anons…

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4ad1d3  No.12539783


Twitter account is still suspended.

Full Brain Gay.

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3565e0  No.12539785




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1bea4c  No.12539786



> Why troops in every state?

Because the swamp is not only deep, it is broad.

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af35bf  No.12539787

Maybe somebody need to call the FBI!

I found this on the web.

Please verify and check!!!

Pls forward it to the FBI



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6ce041  No.12539788


I educated you on this yesterday. Fuck off.

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bdac6d  No.12539789

NEW - President Trump's Facebook & Instagram pages have been restored. Unclear if he can post again.


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23a731  No.12539790


They wish

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97e1aa  No.12539791


Same here

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000000  No.12539792




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b9adf3  No.12539793


>Frenz, I'm telling ya: After this DS mess here on this cute planet is cleaned up, we have to clean up the intergalactic DS in space. I have the strong feeling this goes wayyy beyond. Seriously!

look for jews on saturn

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ed05e8  No.12539794


BAS here we come

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974d13  No.12539795

File: 139e65c37d1684d⋯.jpg (125.53 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, flag550c914dc7b8c845615e66….jpg)

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7f1263  No.12539796

File: d6509c6f3dabc4d⋯.jpeg (4.64 MB, 2144x3000, 268:375, 0E9A6059_D0A9_4423_87AB_D….jpeg)


Was thinking about how stupi

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0ac2bb  No.12539797


I didn’t know there were MIke Lindell Mad Libs.

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fd41d6  No.12539798

Q Research General #16010: Only In The Darkness Can You See The Stars Edition

>>12539715 OP

>>12539747 Fresh Bread

>>12539747 Fresh Bread

>>12539747 Fresh Bread

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cb9378  No.12539800



So… transparant.

These people are stupid.

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8c9773  No.12539801


That's a shame. Very bad deal.

All we asked for was Greenland.

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1bea4c  No.12539802


> Page doesn't exist

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ffc897  No.12539803


He's from 10 minutes into the future that guy. Bet he knows Q.

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97e1aa  No.12539805


His instagram was still up for me.

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adf36d  No.12539806


Husband and wife seem to be involved in a ton of foundations, charities, and on boards

various different associations regarding the arts, nutrition, conservation of monuments etc.

"Acronym, Inc. also funds educational arts projects for children nationwide such as the successful Quilts Across America."


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000000  No.12539807

Q Research General #16010: Only In The Darkness Can You See The Stars Edition

>>12539715 OP

>>12539747 Fresh Bread

>>12539747 Fresh Bread

>>12539747 Fresh Bread

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820408  No.12539808

Nachos Wins.

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c3bd00  No.12539809

File: 5718cff77986930⋯.png (237.94 KB, 490x327, 490:327, all_so_clear.png)

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