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68f67d  No.12500739[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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68f67d  No.12500755

Global Announcements

Reminder: Stay out of ALL STATE CAPITOLS on January 20, 2021. There are no "armed protests" being planned by Patriots

>>12495002 Using TOR/Onion with Brave Browser instructions

>>12478438, >>12479577 8BIT PSA Potential Resolution for Current ClearNet Issues Effecting Some Anons+

>>12423519 President Trump is the only thing left in the way of the CCP taking our Nation (Video)

>>12422748 Letter from NYE County, NV Chairman - Trump will be President for another 4 years

Report Election/Voter Fraud Directly to Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org

Support Lin Wood https://fightback.law/

Support Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org/

CM Research "Executive Directive 51" https://mobile.twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1337927415465533440

CM YOUTUBE ARCHIVE https://rumble.com/vbij1v-dominion-voter-fraud-drama-bombshell-video-by-ron-codemonkey.html

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68f67d  No.12500758

Notables Are Not Endorsements


>>12500047 Comcast showing outages

>>12500068 AirBNB cancels all reservations for Inauguration week

>>12500071 , >>12500176 , >>12500398 PF Report

>>12500103 @HQ_AFMC Unicorn face ….space guardians

>>12500118 Fellow "Whites" Ben and Jerry tell us what we must do to rid us of our GUILT

>>12500067 , >>12500155 Northwest Power Outages Pinned on High Wind

>>12500156 Petition underway by some Republicans for a special GOP conference meeting to push out Liz Cheney from her leadership post.

>>12500205 , >>12500240 , >>12500223 Further dig on the 4 states that just had a disaster declared.

>>12500227 Atop the Powerful Budget Committee at Last, Bernie Sanders Wants to Go Big

>>12500308 Having a rough morning at Microsoft today

>>12500215 Dem Lawmaker Introduces Resolution To 'Abolish' Electoral College

>>12500324 , >>12500444 President Kennedy Asked the FBI to Look Into Speaker Pelosi’s Father for Connections to the Mob

>>12500348 Andrew Torba - The ADL has NO POWER over Gab which is why they hate us. It’s that simple. There is absolutely nothing they can say or do to get us to censor opinions they don’t like

>>12500351 Banker, 53, who shot himself in the chest after arrest at Capitol riot was 'dedicated family man who loved his daughters', friend says

>>12500361 FLASHBACK: Liberals Started Rioting Right After Trump’s Election, Even During His Inauguration

>>12500374 Docs reveal CA Governor Newsom’s secret $1B CCP deal

>>12500380 Let's not forget how the Mayor of DC treated NG troops during the BLM/Antifa riots, forcing them out of their lodging

>>12500402 Beijing-Linked Group Tries to Sway US Media With Reporter Trips, Dinners With Execs

>>12500404 Sec Pompeo - #NobelPrize

>>12500421 NYC to terminate all contracts with Trump, Mayor de Blasio says, citing deadly Capitol FF

>>12500422 Signal Application dig

>>12500425 The National Guard are asleep on the floor of the U.S. Capitol. Literally. They’re being used for a fake “terrorism” narrative in the same way the intel community was used for a fake Russia narrative.

>>12500441 Forbes Magazine is slammed for 'cancel culture' op-ed warning companies NOT to hire any ex-Trump administration members

>>12500459 Pelosi Chooses China Spy Lover Eric Swalwell to Be On Her New Impeachment Panel

>>12500465 Google Pausing All Political Ads, Airbnb Canceling All DC Reservations This Week

>>12500468 Why is NBC news showing Perdue winning Georgia with 99% of vote in?

>>12500491 GoFundMe will no longer let users raise money to travel to political events

>>12500497 Intel Soars After CEO Bob Swan Announces Resignation

>>12500502 This is what Wiki says about GAB!! This is so sick: Widely described as a haven for extremists including neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and the alt-right

>>12500514 Google admits experimentally blocking some Australian news sites from searches as row over paying outlets for content gains steam

>>12500562 Parler Switches Domain Registry to Epik Following AWS Ban

>>12500590 Biden Personnel Chief Served At Chinese Intel Org Flagged By FBI For Recruiting Western Spies

>>12500597 Cumulus Media, America’s third largest owner of AM and FM radio stations, is threatening to fire show hosts who question the results of the 2020 Presidential Election on air.

>>12500603 91% of Trump voters sticking by him despite Capitol Hill F: Poll

>>12500621 If Big Tech Can Ban Certain Political Views So Easily, Why is Child Porn Rife on Their Platforms?

>>12500651 National Guard Gearing Up With Rifles, Riot Shields At The Capitol

>>12500686 #15959

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68f67d  No.12500762


>>12499339 Dem Whip proposes scrapping National Anthem to bring country together.

>>12499352 Biden protected by private security firm called 'Checkmate'?

>>12499361 New Presidential Disaster declarations (today 1/13/21 for Connecticut, Georgia, Utah, Louisiana)

>>12499382 Olympic Gold Medallist Reportedly Identified in Video of Capitol Protest

>>12499385 FBI says they knew there would be trouble at the Capitol, yet told no one.

>>12499395 New arrest in Capitol FF

>>12499447 Opera Web Browser is Chinese owned

>>12499461 Google Patent To Manipulate The Human Nervous System

>>12499501 Why are there so many troops in DC? Now that the rally/protest is over, what are they guarding? (Massive troops in Congress Welcome Center)

>>12499564 China style social credit system is here. You are financially rewarded or penalized for what you think

>>12499670 , >>12499672 PF Report

>>12499680 Fauci Prattles On about Possible U.S. Superstrain Of COVID-19

>>12499328 , >>12499799 The US House (Congress) is getting very uptight. Prayer of confession?

>>12499861 UNITED AIRLINES - kicked off a plane load of people because they DARED to sing the National Anthem!

>>12499902 US Marines - Permissible and Prohibited conduct related to demonstrations

>>12499923 #15958


>>12498450 Kansas moving to new position in New Admin Not Secy of State anymore?

>>12498564 Mainstream media goes full Orwell telling readers they’re using the word ‘Orwellian’ wrong

>>12498586 , >>12498801 Extensive tunnel system in Washington D.C

>>12498588 DEBLASIO: NYC will end all city contracts with the Trump Organization.

>>12498598 Global DNS Propagation Check - Multiple servers responding wrongly or not at all for 8kun.top

>>12498604 Computer programmer has just two guesses left for his password to access $220m in Bitcoin before digital wallet locks FOREVER

>>12498654 Huckabee - Actor or DeepState? - 'Trump 'has sullied his own good reputation''

>>12498762, >>12498792 , >>12498981 , >>12499006 PF Report

>>12498780 US Air Force tweet - A new Stealth Bomber?

>>12498817 The GOP-corporate divorce is a blessing for the party’s future

>>12498845 Military Giant Voice

>>12499008 Squish Republican Turncoats Are More Vile Than Democrats

>>12499111 Power outages on West Coast growing Washington State over 500K

>>12499153 #15957

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68f67d  No.12500765


>>12497849, >>12497903 Pompeo Tweets America First! 8AM Sharp

>>12497856, Victimizing the troops. Culture of victimhood.

>>12497887 Sec Army on Recent Events at Capitol

>>12497902 "Israel Raids Syria?"

>>12497923 Dank Memes Brightening up Gab and Redpilling Normies

>>12497933 Hmm… Connections and digs related to NY SC son's Arrest

>>12497950 Court Ruling regarding election?

>>12497984 "Battleground Voter Survey

>>12498399 #15956

Previously Collected Notables

>>12497622 #15955 1/2

>>12496098 #15953, >>12496929 #15954, >>12497623 #15955 2/2

>>12493783 #15950, >>12494563 #15951, >>12495307 #15952

>>12491500 #15947, >>12492256 #15948, >>12493018 #15949

>>12489237 #15944, >>12490008 #15945, >>12490762 #15946

>>12486908 #15941, >>12487720 #15942, >>12488494 #15943

>>12484678 #15938, >>12485448 #15939, >>12486193 #15940

>>12482256 #15935, >>12483125 #15936, >>12483854 #15937

>>12479932 #15932, >>12480737 #15933, >>12481426 #15934

>>12477609 #15929, >>12478387 #15930, >>12479151 #15931

>>12475284 #15926, >>12476022 #15927, >>12476793 #15928

>>12472820 #15923, >>12473515 #15924, >>12474061 #15925

>>12470430 #15920, >>12471195 #15921, >>12472047 #15922

>>12468090 #15917, >>12468924 #15918, >>12469655 #15919

>>12465825 #15914, >>12466616 #15915, >>12467822 #15916

>>12462913 #15911, >>12464281 #15912, >>12465050 #15913

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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68f67d  No.12500769

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>9901078 ————————————–——– Questions & Practice Thread

>>11039643 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #11

>>>/qrb/13005 ————————————–——– Planefagging 101 Q&A

>>>/qrb/42185 ————————————–——– Boatfagging Q&A

International Q Research Threads

>>12076528 ————————————–——– Australia #12

>>12268046 ————————————–——– Balkan #3

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>>12340423 ————————————–——– Canada #12

>>11250635 ————————————–——– China #1

>>8331823 ————————————–——– France #2

>>12145439 ————————————–——– Germany #73

>>10838222 ————————————–——– Italia #1

>>11487786 ————————————–——– Israel/Zionism #1

>>12219245 ————————————–——– Japan #1

>>9133907 ————————————–——– Mexico #1

>>10497699 ————————————–——– Nederland #5

>>10524823 ————————————–——– New Zealand #5

>>12173250 ————————————–——– Nordic #2

>>11937308 ————————————–——– Scotland #2

>>11550704 ————————————–——– South Africa #2

>>12196203 ————————————–——– UK #28

>>11306246 ————————————–——– Vatican #2

>>12228207 ————————————–——– Portugal #1

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>>11187218 ————————————–——– #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order

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68f67d  No.12500772

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* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.3: https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

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Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

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68f67d  No.12500781

>>12500739 OP



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bf6467  No.12500791

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f98ebc  No.12500799

File: 4d7b859d5b48ff5⋯.png (391.74 KB, 598x320, 299:160, ClipboardImage.png)

Don't reply to bait posts

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18d0c6  No.12500800


So snipey!

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47a563  No.12500801

File: 329289e3baac26a⋯.jpg (131.75 KB, 1561x535, 1561:535, Capture.JPG)

what a weird flight pattern


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3ff2fc  No.12500802

File: f070f4a0f58e3ce⋯.png (132.69 KB, 844x744, 211:186, 8765414565746.png)

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08029a  No.12500803

File: 5650f54c85e03a0⋯.png (66.04 KB, 659x873, 659:873, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aedd94bbf6bb5c2⋯.png (66.07 KB, 686x860, 343:430, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a76504c330bb127⋯.png (63.35 KB, 703x883, 703:883, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d56f9e407030a15⋯.png (68.19 KB, 679x902, 679:902, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d6fe4e0cf94304⋯.png (69.04 KB, 700x917, 100:131, ClipboardImage.png)

‘Indicative of Genocide’: CCP’s Abuses in Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Tibet Detailed by Tory Human Rights Commission

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has “intensified an assault on all human rights” against every group and individual in China, Britain’s Conservative Party Human Rights Commission has alleged in a report, which claims to show evidence that the actions carried out by the regime are “indicative of the crime of genocide”.

In the report, The Darkness Deepens: The Crackdown on Human Rights in China 2016-2020 — an advance copy of which was seen by Breitbart London — the Commission detailed the stunning growth of authoritarianism in China carried out by the dictatorship in Beijing.

The report documented the implementation of mass surveillance systems, mass instances of modern-day slavery, torture, organ harvesting, the dismantling of promised freedoms in Hong Kong, and the crimes committed against ethnic minorities in Tibet and Xinjiang.

The Commission said that evidence shows that between one and three million Uyghur Muslims have been detained in concentration camps in the Western Chinese province of Xinjiang, known also as East Turkestan by the local inhabitants.

Evidence presented to the Commission demonstrated the “mass internment, forced labour, torture, mass surveillance, severe violations of freedom of religion or belief and forced sterilisation” in Xinjiang.

Dr Joanne Smith Finley, Reader in Chinese Studies at Newcastle University, told the Commission of a conversation she had with a Uyghur man in Urumqi, the capital city of Xinjiang, on July 18, 2018, who told her that “people are taken for small things, not necessarily always because of religious practice”.

The man said that he had never heard of anyone leaving the internment camps, with the exceptions of those who fell ill, saying: “Some people were given ‘medicine’ to change their thinking, ‘for their minds’. When this made them mentally ill, only then were they released.”

Two days prior to the conversation, a Han Chinese man — the dominant ethnic group of China — told Dr Smith Finley that “detainers are just there to have their thinking changed”.

One Uyghur woman who provided testimony to the Commission said that the CCP was attempting to “wipe out” three types of Uyghur: intellectuals, the rich, and the religious.

She said that 15 of her extended family members were interned in the camps for these reasons, including both of her parents, “for not cooperating with the Communist Party of China and for performing pilgrimage, being religious, being rich, and having more children”.

She said that one of her family members died as a result of the torture carried out by the communist regime.

“My youngest uncle has two children, and when he and his wife were taken away, the regime took his children away and put them in the children’s concentration camps,” the woman testified.

Speaking to the Commission, Dr Adrian Zenz said that by 2019, Xinjiang authorities had “planned to subject at least 80 per cent of women of childbearing age in the rural southern four minority prefectures to intrusive birth prevention surgeries (IUDs or sterilisation), with actual shares likely being much higher”.

Dr Zenz said that between 2015 and 2018, population growth rates fell by 84 per cent in the two largest Uyghur Muslim prefectures, with birth rates continuing to fall. He said that in 2020, one Uyghur region saw an “unprecedented near-zero population growth”.


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f63588  No.12500804

Reading impeachmnet live now. Its because he said he won the election and if people dont fight like hell they wont have a country. PROVE HE WAS WRONG NOW!!!!

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52801f  No.12500805

File: b7f47d37c9886d6⋯.jpeg (756.21 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 07F01F7F_3300_46EC_B3AF_6….jpeg)

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c3dd9c  No.12500807

File: fc5e7e077391c7f⋯.jpg (74.52 KB, 720x1080, 2:3, UOgHVAC.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

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112bea  No.12500808


Nice snipe baker

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65d7b7  No.12500809

PSE outage map


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14fca6  No.12500810

File: fa7e5a9501c113c⋯.jpg (7.36 KB, 257x145, 257:145, bbf1caf196ffb5b5a8f3hf569b….JPG)

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7222ca  No.12500811

File: ad6b26f40810df0⋯.jpg (85.71 KB, 600x900, 2:3, Jesus_Savior.jpg)

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14fca6  No.12500812

File: 570d33c71ae2b3f⋯.jpg (68.18 KB, 500x494, 250:247, trumpdulyelected.jpg)

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f63588  No.12500813

File: 8023b318e3ef180⋯.png (16.06 KB, 598x253, 26:11, ClipboardImage.png)


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08029a  No.12500814

File: f000f89e8e9ca5f⋯.png (409.73 KB, 644x333, 644:333, ClipboardImage.png)

Archbishop of Glasgow dies after catching coronavirus at Christmas

The Archbishop of Glasgow, Philip Tartaglia, has died after contracting coronavirus, the Catholic Church in Scotland has announced. The 70-year-old, who had served as leader of Scotland’s largest Catholic community since 2012, tested positive for Covid-19 shortly after Christmas and had been self-isolating at home. He died on Wednesday, January 13, the Feast of St Mungo – the patron saint of Glasgow. The cause of death is not yet clear.

Archbishop Philip Tartaglia had served as Archbishop of Glasgow since 2012 (Picture:Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images) Archbishop Tartaglia was previously the Bishop of Paisley, having been nominated by Pope Benedict XVI in 2005. He was ordained Bishop two months later, in November of that year, by his predecessor, Archbishop Mario Conti. The Pope’s Ambassador to Great Britain, Archbishop Claudio Gugerotti, has been informed of his death.

Archbishop Philip Tartaglia opens the doors of St Andrew Cathedral as places of worship reopen for private prayers last June (Picture: Getty) A spokesman for the Church said the Archdiocese will be overseen by an administrator until Pope Francis appoints a successor. Philip Tartaglia was born in Glasgow on January 11, 1951, to parents Guido and Annita Trataglia and had three younger brothers and five younger sisters.

He went to primary school in Riddrie in Glasgow’s East End, and later worked in Dennistoun. The senior cleric also studied in Rome, and worked in Aberdeen and Dumbarton, West Dunbartonshire.


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90f167  No.12500815

File: fdfb9775f277c91⋯.mp4 (637.5 KB, 800x792, 100:99, pepe_matrix.mp4)


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31f96a  No.12500816


Going to violate that by replying to you, Karen.

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158248  No.12500818

Pelosi speaking now… invoking Abraham Lincoln

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1d2b7b  No.12500819

File: e352660284b243b⋯.png (642.08 KB, 2120x1460, 106:73, Qcheckmate.png)

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0a35db  No.12500820

File: f0ff2635f4a4de6⋯.png (303.22 KB, 593x453, 593:453, Bildschirmfoto_2021_01_13_….png)

Could - "We flipped the script" - be of any importance?


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7fa0e3  No.12500821

File: f14fa13e8859176⋯.jpg (90.21 KB, 1200x791, 1200:791, redhead_coffee.jpg)

>>12500775 (lb)

>>12500797 (lb)

Lining the criminals up for a massive perp walk.

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619d5a  No.12500822

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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3b1f31  No.12500823

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8e09d1  No.12500824

File: 9b1b1ec5efb3f2e⋯.png (536.3 KB, 726x636, 121:106, clipboard_image.png)

>>12499385 PB

>FBI says they knew there would be trouble at the Capitol, yet told no one

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b673f8  No.12500825




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9449a3  No.12500826


>Pelosi speaking now… invoking Abraham Lincoln


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08ff74  No.12500827

File: e715280996a6b4e⋯.jpg (111.12 KB, 616x405, 616:405, BidenNacho.jpg)

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5968d2  No.12500828

>>12500068 (lb)

>AirBNB cancels all reservations for Inauguration week

Holy fuck, we're controlled top-down by tech companies. People want to rent rooms. Homeowners want to rent out those rooms. But a tech company is saying, "Nah, you can't do that because of our liberal agenda."

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7aae08  No.12500829

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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90f167  No.12500830


Kek, and Abraham is the founder of the Republican Party… what a fucking cunt she is

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d8fdbf  No.12500831

>>12500796 lb

yet here you are with your loose lips instigating the conversation. you realize patriots arent the only ones here right. if your not just a faggot larp, you just revealed privileged intel about domestic troop movement to the enemy.

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08029a  No.12500832

File: 099d8c7335f7adb⋯.png (537.14 KB, 663x328, 663:328, ClipboardImage.png)

Operation Warp Speed Chief Resigns At Biden’s Request — Will Stay For 30 Days To Assist In The Transition

Dr. Moncef Slaoui, the chief executive of the Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed vaccine initiative, tendered his resignation Tuesday evening after being asked to do so by President-elect Joe Biden’s team.

Biden had heaped praise on Slaoui and the Warp Speed team for rapidly pushing two separate vaccines to market in record time, but in recent days, the president-elect has criticized the Trump administration’s distribution plan.

“I have submitted my resignation letter yesterday to the current administration thanking them for giving me the opportunity to help our country and our people as well as the people of the world,” Slaoui said Wednesday morning on CNBC. “I’m very supportive of this upcoming administration, and really of course, of the operation, and its mission, and I will be doing everything I can to help them succeed as part of the process.”

Slaoui then confirmed that Biden’s team had asked him to resign from his current post as “chief scientific adviser” and had allowed him to stay on for 30 days to assist with the transition process.

“I look forward to really helping the new team and continuing of course to work very hard and support the operation and the thousands who have participated through this effort and continue to succeed,” he continued.


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c2a049  No.12500833

File: 3603b55995b2d26⋯.png (3.09 MB, 1400x1173, 1400:1173, QAnonBannerShill55.png)

File: d55e1b54a4aa268⋯.png (649.31 KB, 513x684, 3:4, Gaslight2.png)

File: dac263b290fa626⋯.png (108.58 KB, 702x1247, 702:1247, Q4881_2_.PNG)


Say hi to CNN and MSDNC, shill.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 10/17/2020 12:36:26


There is 'Q'. 1

There are 'Anons'. 2

There is no 'Qanon'.3

Media labeling as 'Qanon' is a method [deliberate] to combine [attach] 'Q' to comments _theories _suggestions _statements [and ACTIONS] made by 2.



Not all 'Anons' are authentic [injected].

You are correct, CJ.

Retweet @ 17:17 had meaning. [mathematical probability _17:17 [day after]?]

Do you believe it was a coincidence surgical removal of You Tube accounts occurred same day as 'Hunter' drop?

Welcome to the Digital Battlefield.


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f63588  No.12500834

Nancy is wearing a black dress she had a grey one on in the pic with the Nattional guard

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000000  No.12500835

nice snizzle muh nizzle

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158248  No.12500836

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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52aecf  No.12500837

Very specific reason…

Why now?

Race for TIME.

Pace picking up?

Something BIG is coming.

Deep clean.

Nothing is deleted.


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618faf  No.12500838



Very nice snipe at the end of last bread.

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aca73e  No.12500839


Not really Covid. The operators put a stake through his tainted pervert heart!

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1b9331  No.12500840

>>12500752 lb

>>12500795 lb

So, the thought occurred to anon before 751 went off…

Would the websites switching black and white indicate support for the action now ongoing?

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08029a  No.12500841

Boris Johnson Blasts ‘Demented’ Chinese Traditional Medicine for Starting Coronavirus Crisis

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has blamed the worldwide coronavirus crisis on the “demented” ideas within Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which advocates pseudoscientific herbal and natural remedies including the use of body parts of rare animals.

Speaking at a virtual One Planet Summit on Monday afternoon, the Prime Minister placed the blame of the Chinese coronavirus on the wide held belief in the communist country in TCM.

“Don’t forget that the coronavirus pandemic was the product of an imbalance in man’s relationship with the natural world,” Johnson said.

“It originates from bats or pangolins, from the demented belief that if you grind up the scales of a pangolin you will somehow become more potent or whatever it is people believe,” he said.

“It originates from this collision between mankind and the natural world and we’ve got to stop it,” Johnson concluded.

While the coronavirus is believed to have originated in bats, Chinese scientists have speculated that pangolins — an endangered, scaled ant-eater — may have served as pass-through species before it was spread to humans.

Mr Johnson is reportedly an avid advocate for the endangered species, with The Sun noting that while serving as Foreign Secretary he had a stuffed pangolin toy on his desk.

Farage: Blame China for Christmas Being Cancelled For Millions in the UK https://t.co/KkJGWs0yvy

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) December 25, 2020

The tough words from Mr Johnson come as tensions have been rising between the United Kingdom and the communist regime in Beijing, with Conservative Party hardliners pressuring the PM to take a stronger stance against China for its human rights abuses in Xinjiang and the vicious crackdown on pro-democracy campaigners in Hong Kong, a former British colony.

On Tuesday, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab announced that the government would be imposing fines on companies who work with firms in China connected to allegations of modern slavery in the Western province of Xinjiang.

Mr Raab accused the communist country of using “internment camps, arbitrary detention, political re-education, forced labour, torture and forced sterilisation – all on an industrial scale.”

“It is truly horrific. Barbarism we had hoped lost to another era, being practised today as we speak in one of the leading members of the international community.”

“Here in the UK, we must take action to make sure that UK businesses are not part of the supply chains that lead to the gates of the internment camps in Xinjiang.

Mr Raab was accused of not going far enough by imposing fines, however, with former Conservative Party leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith questioning why Magnitsky sanctions have not been imposed.

“Surely Magnitsky sanctions should have been in this list,” Sir Iain said, before questioning: “I wonder who it is in Government that is blocking this.”

‘Setback for the Free World’: EU Trade Deal with Communist China Draws Harsh Criticism https://t.co/CktU0dsAnG

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) January 5, 2021


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f63588  No.12500842

Nancy is also not wearing her badge of power broach she says she always wears

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c2a049  No.12500843


I'd rather be castrated.

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2a7e82  No.12500844

I should have been born in a time when "collecting scalps" was in.

Peace through stregnth.

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bde14b  No.12500845

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


o7 Baker

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000000  No.12500846

Are we gonna get a green screen inauguration like New Years Eve? Will the shot heard round the world happen and be blamed on patriots? Can't be anymore crazy than what's going on right now.

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f368eb  No.12500847

File: ee70eb9c4746510⋯.jpeg (69.43 KB, 768x947, 768:947, ee70eb9c4746510d6d675b448….jpeg)

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2ceec8  No.12500848

File: 1ac5035341f993e⋯.jpg (65.97 KB, 640x865, 128:173, download_20210113_112159.jpg)

Does anyone have any sauce on this, quick search found nothing. Busy at work cannot do anymore digging…

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d49251  No.12500849

File: 8d272cc064c89b5⋯.jpg (273.06 KB, 860x900, 43:45, rear.jpg)

>>12500773 (pb)

>4 years.


You're going to know in one week, you concerfagging black-pilled cuntwaffle. Go somewhere else.

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938f29  No.12500850

File: d0c8a07a806ef75⋯.png (197.7 KB, 305x403, 305:403, ClipboardImage.png)


President Donald J Trump did not expand GITMO to over 4X its size in the past 4 years to walk away leaving it empty.

Hold the damn line.


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16bff4  No.12500851


Jill Biden said the same.

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c2a049  No.12500852


What a dumb faggot pushing a narrative to cover up the fact it was manufactured in a lab in Wuhan.

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618faf  No.12500853

File: 879dcede410b588⋯.png (145.48 KB, 617x413, 617:413, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 521c94255a4e692⋯.png (80.66 KB, 947x414, 947:414, ClipboardImage.png)


Spencer Geissinger - Senior Vice President for Operations and Business Development.


Recently signed a statement for the need to have Trump removed.


As Republicans, former Republicans, and former officials of Republican administrations, we believe that President Trump remaining in office is a threat to the United States. He must be removed from office immediately.'''


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f63588  No.12500854

File: 3fa5c5a486b2742⋯.png (1.08 MB, 780x574, 390:287, ClipboardImage.png)

She is not wearing it today

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eb2843  No.12500855



Don't be a retard.

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cc8ee6  No.12500856

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






Merging Central Banks?! (4k)



Most people are aware that all countries run their own central bank for the sake of internal economic stability.

We've got the Bank of England, the US has the Federal Reserve, Germany, France, Australia, China, they've all got one and the EU has the European Central Bank too.

And in the US, states have central banks as well.

So you get the idea that Central Banks are essential for the smooth running of the economy. Or more precisely for the smooth running of how the economy is set up today.

But did you know that there's a Central Bank of Central Banks?

And this is the Bank of International Settlements, or BIS, based in Switzerland.

The BIS is wholly owned by 63 other central banks, one of which is the Bank of England.

It looks like just about all EU and EEA countries are involved as well as the US, Korea, China, Vietnam, Turkey, Thailand, Japan, Israel and Switzerland and many more.

The BIS has two principal activities: economic analysis and banking.

And it has two regional offices—one for Asia and the Pacific in Hong Kong and one for the Americas in Mexico City.

The BIS has been around since 1936. But in 2019 it was decided that the BIS would expand its operations. So it is opening what it calls 'Innovation Hubs' in four new locations.

And in a June 2020 press release, BIS said that these would be Toronto, London, Frankfurt & Paris and Stockholm as well as a strategic partnership in New York.

So that looks like the US, the EU and Brexit UK.

And, on top of Switzerland, the BIS already has Innovation Hub presence in Honk Kong and Singapore.

But what surprised me what that I can't find any mention of this in the mainstream press. Sort of surprised me.

And things look to be moving ahead quite fast on this. Because a Statutory Instrument was issued in the last few days to put the BIS, its Governors and staff on the immunity from prosecution list.

And I also managed to find a draft treaty between the UK and BIS laying out the establishment of the Bank for International Settlements Innovation Hub, or BISIH, in London. Yes, a draft Treaty.

And the Treaty talks about immunity and says the bank and its staff will pay no tax here, will be immune from prosecution and:

"The UK shall guarantee to the BIS, including its BISIH London Centre, the autonomy and freedom of action necessary to carry out its Official Activities."

And also:

"The Premises shall be inviolable. No official of the UK or person exercising any public authority, whether administrative, judicial, military, or police, shall enter the Premises unless permission to do so has been given by the General Manager of the BIS, the Deputy General Manager of the BIS, the Head of the BISIH London Centre or their duly authorised representative notified to FCDO Protocol."

All standard procedure I'm sure.

So what's this Innovation Hub going to be doing?

And in a podcast the interim head at the time, BIS head of research Hyun Song Shin said that the Hub would do three things:

"…identify and develop in-depth insights into critical trends in technology affecting central banks."

Now I said that Shin was the interim head of the BIS Hub, but he has been replaced by Benoit Coure, who previously sat on the executive board of the European Central Bank.

Anyway, the Governor of the Bank of England said last year:

"Now more than ever it is important the central banking community does all it can to build a more effective, resilient and inclusive financial system, and technology is an important part of that effort."

And the Chancellor Rishi Sunak called it 'fantastic' and said:

"It presents an invaluable opportunity to connect the expertise of the world's central banks, working collaboratively on innovative new ways to enhance financial services."

4k. 4k video.




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1d2b7b  No.12500857

File: 6d49639c5bc3721⋯.png (392.35 KB, 640x480, 4:3, gitmoadam.png)

File: 529d94a536975ab⋯.jpg (90.06 KB, 546x900, 91:150, gitmorock_2.jpg)

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08ff74  No.12500858


I'm on the edge of my comfy seat, if that makes any sense.

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158248  No.12500859

Pelosi says "domestic terrorists" sent by President Trump to "Thwart the will of the people"

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aca73e  No.12500860


Where? You got a link or just a line of BS?

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f1c920  No.12500861

File: 02cfd211e4bafeb⋯.png (346.04 KB, 488x391, 488:391, comvefefefe.PNG)

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77fa2d  No.12500862


Despite the World Health Organisation last year confirming the coronavirus to be of animal origin, conspiracy theories that COVID-19 is man-made continue to circulate.

The Supreme Court in the Ica region of Peru is investigating a resolution by a local court, claiming that COVID-19 was invented by the "criminal elites" of Hungarian-American philanthropist George Soros, the Rockefeller family, and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates.

We "have ordered a preliminary investigation into the Chief Justices of the Criminal Appeals Chamber Chincha and Pisco to obtain evidence that will help determine the presence or absence of alleged violations", the Ica Supreme Court said in a message published on its Facebook page.

The probe comes after the Chinch and Pisco court reportedly moved to justify a petition for an extension of pre-trial detention in one criminal case due to the unpredictable nature of the coronavirus pandemic created by the "criminal elites who dominate the world".

"No world government, natural and legal persons, nor the defendant's defence can maintain that this pandemic has the quality of [being] 'predictable', except for the creators of the new world order such as Bill Gates, Soros, Rockefeller and others, who handled it and continue to do so with extreme secrecy within their environments and global corporations", the court earlier argued.

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810b92  No.12500863


>Boris Johnson

He's deep state

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000000  No.12500864


Putting some respek on the snipe, baker. o7

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80af19  No.12500865

File: 8790e8480547474⋯.jpg (32.63 KB, 720x468, 20:13, 20210105_142836.jpg)

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000000  No.12500866

pew pew

nice snipe


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18d0c6  No.12500867


Whew. She has zacry disease

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8d7782  No.12500868

Q Team, if you even still monitor this place…

I would like to reiterate my request that Swalwell be driven to tears (or better yet soiling himself) right before being hauled away publicly in handcuffs.

This of course in return for his threat to nuke patriots.

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cc295f  No.12500869

File: 223ad904cbe3899⋯.png (459.45 KB, 800x300, 8:3, 20210112_135820.png)

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b673f8  No.12500870

File: 2489b76e2e4f73b⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1080x833, 1080:833, Screen_Shot_44.png)

File: 611338da1d1a2aa⋯.png (867.11 KB, 897x690, 13:10, MeatClown.png)

image post test

TY to anon for the original image

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ab348b  No.12500871

the FBI spokeshunk said yesterday all the brag boast bullshit (He called it "keyboard bravado") is off their radar. I paraphrase.

people who make false accusations make a man like that have a harder task.

The way I see it the FBI aren't looking for Hunter Thompson boast shame bully types.

they are looking for actual criminals with violent to-do lists. Plus: if you have an issue with someone having their own personal to-do list, without authority of law enforcement, the FBI would most likely be the ones you would need to contact.

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90f167  No.12500872


Kek, these people that are against the USA are a fucking dumb, visitor anon.

None of these deep state FAGGOTS have caught on.

The Schadenfreude will be Legendary and will be remembered, so this shit never happens again.

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8284fa  No.12500873

File: 28808830b2cbda9⋯.jpg (902.09 KB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 20210113_122928.jpg)

File: 2f2f535baf7dfa1⋯.jpg (859.67 KB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 20210113_122926.jpg)

Anons what is this



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08029a  No.12500874

File: 4d2c1c64eadb819⋯.png (174.74 KB, 1199x492, 1199:492, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4db2282ad535ada⋯.png (86.8 KB, 565x509, 565:509, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ddd56b2b121ea7⋯.png (13.35 KB, 797x192, 797:192, ClipboardImage.png)

Google reveals sophisticated Windows and Android hacking operation

The attackers used a combination of Android, Chrome, and Windows vulnerabilities, including both zero-days and n-days exploits.

Google published a six-part report today detailing a sophisticated hacking operation that the company detected in early 2020 and which targeted owners of both Android and Windows devices.

"One server targeted Windows users, the other targeted Android," Project Zero, one of Google's security teams, said in the first of six blog posts.

Google said that both exploit servers used Google Chrome vulnerabilities to gain an initial foothold on victim devices. Once an initial entry point was established in the user's browsers, attackers deployed an OS-level exploit to gain more control of the victim's devices.

The exploit chains included a combination of both zero-day and n-day vulnerabilities, where zero-day refers to bugs unknown to the software makers, and n-day refers to bugs that have been patched but are still being exploited in the wild.

All in all, Google said the exploit servers contained:

Four "renderer" bugs in Google Chrome, one of which was still a 0-day at the time of its discovery.

Two sandbox escape exploits abusing three 0-day vulnerabilities in the Windows OS.

And a "privilege escalation kit" composed of publicly known n-day exploits for older versions of the Android OS.

The four zero-days, all of which were patched in the spring of 2020, were as follows:

CVE-2020-6418 - Chrome Vulnerability in TurboFan (fixed February 2020)

CVE-2020-0938 - Font Vulnerability on Windows (fixed April 2020)

CVE-2020-1020 - Font Vulnerability on Windows (fixed April 2020)

CVE-2020-1027 - Windows CSRSS Vulnerability (fixed April 2020)

Google said that while they did not find any evidence of Android zero-day exploits hosted on the exploit servers, its security researchers believe that the threat actor most likely had access to Android zero-days as well, but most likely weren't hosting them on the servers when its researchers discovered it.

Google: Exploit chains were complex and well-engineered

Overall, Google described the exploit chains as "designed for efficiency & flexibility through their modularity."

"They are well-engineered, complex code with a variety of novel exploitation methods, mature logging, sophisticated and calculated post-exploitation techniques, and high volumes of anti-analysis and targeting checks," Google said.

"We believe that teams of experts have designed and developed these exploit chains," but Google stopped short of providing any other details about the attackers or the type of victims they targeted.


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677ef7  No.12500875


is the Capitol flag flying at half-mast today?

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7fa0e3  No.12500876

File: 2a257c97060cc8d⋯.png (662.02 KB, 474x902, 237:451, Emerald_Robinson.png)


If true, I will only watch it if:

1. Emerald Robinson does the interview.

2. Emerald Robinson is conducting the interview in a bikini.

These are my terms.

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9ec396  No.12500877


Thanks for your skill and dedication, baker.

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158248  No.12500878


watch the fuckin live feed to lazy maggot… I gave you a link


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573791  No.12500879


SAN ANTONIO (KTSA News) – A San Antonio woman featured in a Project Veritas video has been arrested after an extensive investigation by the Texas Attorney General’s Election Fraud Division.

Rachel Rodriguez is charged with election fraud, illegal voting, unlawfully assisting people voting by mail, and unlawfully possessing an official ballot.

Attorney General Ken Paxton reviewed dozens of hours of unedited, raw footage which reportedly showed Rodriguez vote harvesting before the 2020 election.

“ This is a victory for election integrity and a strong signal that anyone who attempts to defraud the people of Texas, deprive them of their vote, or undermine the integrity of elections will be brought to justice,” said Paxton. “The shocking and blatantly illegal action documented by Project Veritas demonstrates a form of election fraud my office continually investigates and prosecutes.

If convicted, Rodriguez could face up to 20 years in prison.

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138ce6  No.12500880

"It had to be this way."

No, it really didn't… this was Q Team & Trump's ego trying to convince us that "patriots are in control" and a gross underestimation of the Deep State's resolve.

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000000  No.12500881

>>12500517 lb


>>12500559 lb

there was always a post-trump plan.

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8e09d1  No.12500882

File: 4752b09f813e8e8⋯.png (199.57 KB, 319x310, 319:310, podester.png)


Pedoster looks like Podester.

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aa1ca6  No.12500883

File: d14a792f5e8859a⋯.jpg (55.17 KB, 533x539, 533:539, soultothedevil95.jpg)

File: 2fab88f971daf63⋯.jpg (99.85 KB, 640x479, 640:479, nancydouble.jpg)

>>12497292 pb

People into MkUlra yo

>>12497074 pb

that's why they all look so weird?

>>12497035 pb

>>12497035 pb

As I wrote earlier

Are Bakers Gatekeepers

Info already public that Nancy's son-in-law was organizer of riots

So what good is this article except as a means to back-pedal info that already is public?

>>12497001 pb

is that even her? Looks too young

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f63588  No.12500884


A heliccopter

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18d0c6  No.12500885


How about anal tears

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f1c920  No.12500886

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aca73e  No.12500887


Or back when the scalps weren't purple mohawks or dumb bitch Karen cuts!

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c2a049  No.12500888


Your move, Google.

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14fca6  No.12500889

Pelosi: "I stand before you today as an officer of the Constitution"


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b673f8  No.12500890


i can see the first image but not the second


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90f167  No.12500891


Might be NG

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055e55  No.12500892

in notables:

>>12500103 @HQ_AFMC Unicorn face ….space guardians


digs revealed:



Is a state-of-the-art, 24/7 operation owned by DMA (Defense Media Activity) that provides a timely, accurate and reliable connection between the media around the world and the military serving at home and abroad.

Through a network of portable Ku-band satellite transmitters’ located in-theater, robust IP connections, and a distribution hub DVIDS makes available real-time broadcast-quality video, still images and print products as well as immediate interview opportunities with service members, commanders and subject matter experts.

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424a20  No.12500893

File: b96b915f7a1a4cc⋯.mp4 (8.27 MB, 360x360, 1:1, Magic_Sword_Sound_of_Truth….mp4)

>>12500620 /lB ALL

>New Magic Sword

>Operators in the field, eh Q?


> someone could make a mp4 of that with high quality sound it will help my digital soldiering a lot.

>thanks in advance

360p file size, 720p to large to post here

can use this site to grab your own copy:


enter: https://youtu.be/a9DTcYI-jEs at above


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cc1f46  No.12500894

File: edb8fefcf29ed1c⋯.png (119.44 KB, 491x280, 491:280, ClipboardImage.png)


>Anons what is this

A helicopter

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ed26fc  No.12500895


Looks to be a DHS helicopter. Why do you think this is significant?

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c3dd9c  No.12500896

The cunt is sure laying it on thick.

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c7a567  No.12500897


Thank God you're here, anon.

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8284fa  No.12500898



Yea what kind what affiliation

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d8fdbf  No.12500899

File: 04f9456ab084dae⋯.png (179.43 KB, 717x526, 717:526, ClipboardImage.png)


if pic related is a helicopter, then id say you just spotted a cruise missile over DC. duck and cover faggot

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f63588  No.12500900

File: 2d8bbfe56da7846⋯.png (309.29 KB, 628x427, 628:427, ClipboardImage.png)

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938f29  No.12500901

File: 874f7e1cb1e1884⋯.png (227.47 KB, 513x429, 171:143, ClipboardImage.png)

Jovan Pulitzer - VIDEO ON FUCKBOOK ·

YOU GET IT FIRST MAKE IT GO VIRAL"American Election Interference - 65 countries participated, attacked 7 states and over 600 individual county polling locations #PROOF #VisualProof DOWNLOAD A PROECTION COPY"


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90f167  No.12500902


Fuck off shill

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3d6f0d  No.12500903


Thought Ole Nance was missing.

Guess not.

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15633f  No.12500904

File: e5048a52d0b5bd0⋯.png (3.01 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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000000  No.12500905

Now the bitch is quoting JFK…ygbsm

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dad08d  No.12500906

File: 5f734b669da21a5⋯.jpg (484.19 KB, 2796x2096, 699:524, The_Way_2_.jpg)

Psalm23>The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

This is not a vision. This is not insider knowledge. This is not prophecy.

This is a simple Wondering, an attempted Decode.

Remember….[We have the algorithm]

The USA [Christian Foundation]

The Plan.Biblical.

The Pattern: Death and Resurrection.

What is the world-wide Narrative?

Christ vs Antichrist in view.

Foreshadows of both abound.

A humble wondering…

Will something happen on the 23rd[PAIN]? … To whom?

[NOW] BETRAYED by Judases and Brutuses.

[NOW] Conspired against.

[NOW] Falsely accused by his own.

[NOW AND UNFOLDING] Original v Counterfeit, The True v The False

[SOON] The 20th, symbolic DEATH. AReflectionThereof….ThinkMIRROR?

DEATH: Administratively, Socially, Business, etc.

And all the sheep cry <“ALL HOPE IS LOST!”

For, >‘I will strike down the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered.’

[3 days later]

23rd, symbolically resurrected. ASimilitudeThereof…

The enemy’s triumph IS his defeat. [MIRROR]

The Biblical Pattern.

Either way….

It is too late.

Evil never realizes it has lost until after the Lord has claimed Victory…

…even though it was spoken, from the origin of The Plan, long before [The Stage] was set.

God Wins.

What was spoken of in the beginning, comes to pass.

“And many who were blind could then see.”

The Great Awakening…unto the Lord.

This is not prophecy. Just a hopeful wondering about current events.

…..beaten and mocked? Will DJT win? Has DJT lost?

No matter what this earthly realm may bring: [FREEDOM/PERSECUTION]

Deny yourself. Pick up your cross. And follow Jesus.


>Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

[the end won't be for everyone]

<The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all.

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d07457  No.12500907


Is it bad that I wish she died choking on JFK's cock?

-asking for a fren

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677ef7  No.12500908


never mind, should of looked before i leaped.


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aa1ca6  No.12500909

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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810b92  No.12500910


That's a missile

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8666fb  No.12500911



United States Army, ISTAR, Task Force ODIN

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6c4335  No.12500912

Pelosi's going all in on painting Trump's speech last Wednesday as "insurrectionary" and "dangerous to our democracy". I wish that hag would stroke out live on CSPAN

This dessicated harridan is obnoxious enough to quote Kennedy from the Dallas speech he wasn't able to deliver in 1963.

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08029a  No.12500913

File: a42ae4942c752d7⋯.png (848.87 KB, 777x539, 111:77, ClipboardImage.png)

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467ca4  No.12500914



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000000  No.12500915

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


She the chick-ida-China the Chinese chicken?

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158248  No.12500916

Jim Jordan to rebutt Pelosi

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83f5e8  No.12500917

>>12500176 LB


Think they use old Navy Piper U11As?

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14fca6  No.12500918

First Pelosi brought up Lincoln, now Kennedy.

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938f29  No.12500919


>I'm on the edge of my comfy seat, if that makes any sense.

sure does!

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c2a049  No.12500920


>65 countries

Fuck me.

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1d2b7b  No.12500921

File: df1c1bfe2e20418⋯.png (593.45 KB, 2064x1385, 2064:1385, Qcheckmate.png)

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1b9331  No.12500922


FISA brings down the house


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f1c920  No.12500923

File: 3db7bffefe7413f⋯.png (557.42 KB, 902x783, 902:783, unblockmepussy.PNG)


missing the good ole days when i had a twatter

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46c977  No.12500924

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LB Should beNotable

AZ Fraud Investigation results out soon…

17States affected by fraud, not just Swing States….

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000000  No.12500925


meant: invoking

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31f96a  No.12500926


Yes, because JFK would have had to deal with the cover-up hassles.

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90f167  No.12500927

Fucking Pelosi is quoting JFK


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714179  No.12500928


another call for assassination. oh joy.

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8e09d1  No.12500929

File: 049eb54f6069bf7⋯.png (147.78 KB, 341x302, 341:302, patriotic_bewbs.png)



>If true, I will only watch it if:

>1. Emerald Robinson does the interview.

>2. Emerald Robinson is conducting the interview in a bikini.

Will there be patriotic bewbs?

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08029a  No.12500930

File: a95cb3a6f4d0599⋯.png (745.52 KB, 818x902, 409:451, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ac5aa3bb6872536⋯.png (24.75 KB, 802x393, 802:393, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump team will blame China lab for growing Covid-19 with 'bombshell' evidence as part of final salvos of president's administration - but UK dismisses claim

America is set to present dramatic new evidence that the virus leaked from a Wuhan lab – in the final act of the Trump administration.

Senior officials in Washington say that outgoing Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is set to make a ‘bombshell intervention’.

They say he will reveal evidence that SARS-CoV-2 did not leap naturally from bats, pangolins or other species to humans.

Instead he will claim it was cultured by scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology – where Chinese and foreign experts have warned of poor bio-security for years.

British Foreign Office and security sources confirmed they were expecting the claims from Washington but dismissed them in advance, saying ‘all the credible scientific evidence does not point to a leak from the laboratory’.

They said this view was backed up intelligence agencies on both sides of the Atlantic, adding: ‘The established view of the US intelligence community suggests the pandemic was natural in origin.’

Yesterday Boris Johnson backed the theory the virus first infected humans at the Wuhan wet market, where pangolins were among the live species on offer.

But Mr Pompeo is also set to cite close links between the Institute and the People’s Liberation Army.

He will point out its highest security section has always had a ‘dual use’ military and civilian purpose.

He is also expected to accuse the World Health Organisation of assisting in a Chinese cover-up by refusing to probe the lab’s possible role.

Its ten-person team tasked with investigating the pandemic’s origins will arrive in Wuhan tomorrow – but there is no mention of the lab in its official terms of reference.

Former Brexit Secretary David Davis said it was ‘vital’ the WHO team probe the institute as the possible origin of the pandemic.

He said: ‘We don’t know whether this virus was natural or artificially created, and if it came from the lab, whether this was an accident or deliberate. It would be immoral and foolish to allow any sort of cover-up


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52d801  No.12500931

File: 449ab7fe94979a0⋯.png (202.23 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 89E75C68_0788_4B69_AB1A_9A….png)

File: ee10e3602013c09⋯.png (342.8 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 1F79E1FC_236D_497F_8244_EC….png)

File: f1680570404c4f8⋯.png (340.59 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 94F3626E_A83B_4CDD_8A7A_D2….png)


More on this - POTUS signed the STORM Act a number of days ago.

Pertains to the legal relationship that exists between FEMA and a state government receiving disaster funds from the agency.

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f63588  No.12500932

File: e17ee9de19424c4⋯.png (41.34 KB, 598x434, 299:217, ClipboardImage.png)


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076829  No.12500933

File: 20dba1d78990290⋯.png (87.78 KB, 864x215, 864:215, 01_13_12_36_45.png)

They heard that a the friend of a co-workers wife had supported Trump. They are digging for possible contamination across party lines.

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bfa195  No.12500934

Donald Trump could declassify top-secret intelligence linking Covid to Wuhan research lab.


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0b02e9  No.12500935


She's correct except for who they were sent by.

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5c0c65  No.12500936

File: a2e40c0ddc12562⋯.jpg (138.94 KB, 1440x810, 16:9, 20210113_103630.jpg)

File: 27a153decea16bf⋯.jpg (89.65 KB, 1262x843, 1262:843, 20210112_235518.jpg)

File: b20ce8f3ba2d109⋯.png (508.74 KB, 720x540, 4:3, Cupace20200917144428.png)

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f368eb  No.12500937

File: e59db32bbbe1f5d⋯.jpeg (39.04 KB, 640x480, 4:3, e59db32bbbe1f5d2511bd8b3a….jpeg)


"No man shall die that a shill might whip his skippy"


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944693  No.12500938

File: 6fcf1a4ff7b2f86⋯.png (1.12 MB, 842x562, 421:281, pepe_missile_launch_benis_….PNG)

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ed26fc  No.12500939

File: bf12c2c631af2f5⋯.png (32.78 KB, 845x431, 845:431, Capture.PNG)

Reposting from lb. Ducati was raided in Dec, corporate offices and the homes of executives. Considering Italy is neck deep in the coup this is possibly a relevant happening.


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e20b7c  No.12500940

File: 0d8e68d736e8100⋯.png (203.85 KB, 500x313, 500:313, ClipboardImage.png)


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: ee2415 No.97777 📁

Jan 19 2018 17:50:33 (EST)

He has to use the bathroom prior to leaving.


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d2fa1b  No.12500941

File: c27a81ddfa80fa3⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 1887x794, 1887:794, higlander.jpg)

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d5d630  No.12500942

My ISP allows 8kun. But I can't get here using ProtonVPN.

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000000  No.12500943


Fake assassination attempt at inauguration blamed on patriots? If this is a movie then I am going all in.

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f63588  No.12500944

File: 476bda0d5c882fd⋯.png (28.41 KB, 598x413, 598:413, ClipboardImage.png)

Killary is hungry https://twitter.com/HillaryClinton/status/1349095220827348993

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48e775  No.12500945

'''We aren't being thrown to the wolves –


Hold the line

Keep researching, verifying

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ac48a9  No.12500946

File: 6ce750394165cd4⋯.jpeg (101.56 KB, 944x708, 4:3, CF1498E8_9EF2_45F6_B68E_6….jpeg)


Nice Snipe Baker!

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2c46f3  No.12500948

File: c4a3e1de9d1e75b⋯.png (586.95 KB, 1031x574, 1031:574, Screen_Shot_2021_01_13_at_….png)

BOXER44 arrives at Offutt AFB from JBA.

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08029a  No.12500949

File: 390a879bcbaee21⋯.png (153.73 KB, 636x476, 159:119, ClipboardImage.png)

Florida State Representative Asks Governor DeSantis to Divest State Funds From Apple, Facebook, Google and Twitter

“Florida taxpayers should not be forced to do business with entities that censor them.” – FL State Rep. Randy Fine

Florida State Representative Randy Fine asked Governor Ron DeSantis to divest state funds from Apple, Facebook, Google and Twitter due to their censorship of conservatives.

Big Tech purged President Trump and thousands of conservatives then targeted Parler, the free speech alternative to Twitter.

One state lawmaker has had enough and is using his position to push back on the tech oligarchs.

“I am deeply disturbed to see the country’s major technology companies use the actions of these few as a pretext to silence tens of millions of good, patriotic Americans, millions of whom live here in Florida,” Fine wrote to DeSantis.

“It is clear that Twitter and Facebook are engaged in one-sided viewpoint discrimination on targeting conservatives. These companies allow actual terrorists around the world to use their platforms to target America, Americans, and our allies, without as much as a peep..”

He continued, “And it is not disputed that Amazon, Apple and Google are actively working to eliminate any alternative outlets where conservatives can speak freely.”

Rep Fine said he will be introducing legislation to forbid any state or local government from conducting any business with the tech tyrants.

“They may get to decide who they do business with. So do we,” he said.


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0eb472  No.12500950


J. Jordan

"19 minutes into president elect Trump's acceptance speech the Washington Post's headline was The Impeachment Push begins" (or something like that).

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7f153f  No.12500951


How do we know the secret service hasn't been cleaning house for a while too? Need a job? I bet you need a nice background on this…


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c8ce2d  No.12500952


I'm on mulvad and I have to switch servers to find one that isn't blocked.

Maybe their providers blocking as well?

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5f3c56  No.12500953

Goed Jimbo.

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076829  No.12500954


None of this will be happening. We are in for 10 solid years of absolute hell. Then we all expire from the Gates vaccine agenda.

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191cab  No.12500955

Trumpy Dumpy Doopity Do…Q's got another puzzle for you…

Trumpy Dumpy Dippity Dee…You have been played but are too dumb to see…

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2a7e82  No.12500956

File: 5ebfdb1478fabd4⋯.mp4 (2.08 MB, 576x1026, 32:57, 5ebfdb1478fabd49a44ba042c9….mp4)

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cb2f63  No.12500958

If Trump really lost, why all of the blacklisting, deplatforming, canceling?

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90f167  No.12500959




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467ca4  No.12500960


No way is that big enough.

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726076  No.12500961

File: 46611da765a8c12⋯.png (408.2 KB, 598x702, 23:27, Screenshot_2021_01_13_Veri….png)

File: 8f5783743ae3e65⋯.mp4 (562.59 KB, 640x426, 320:213, MTUz6BRAU_8UVPBD.mp4)

The President of South Africa Matamela Ramaphosa and his fellow Communists laughing at the fact that the Convid Lockdown will not end for years to come..


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9ec396  No.12500962


Obama and Barbara Boxer?

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ce2e47  No.12500963

File: b829263edb2186e⋯.jpeg (89.3 KB, 1218x498, 203:83, 9DDA20BE_83D9_4115_8D50_5….jpeg)

BREAKING - Italy ministers quit coalition. Puts Premier Conte at risk.


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08ff74  No.12500964

File: d32c277f3ebb3da⋯.jpg (56.43 KB, 640x480, 4:3, URGay.JPG)

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ac48a9  No.12500965

File: ce47e47b82c321d⋯.jpeg (215.95 KB, 600x404, 150:101, 3765D79C_2CDE_49EA_9978_E….jpeg)

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000000  No.12500966


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49fa13  No.12500967

File: bd10cf4265ee17d⋯.png (357.3 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Poll: 80% Trump Voters, 76% of Republicans Less Likely to Vote for Lawmaker Who Votes for Impeachment

Hannah Bleau13 Jan 20211


The vast majority of Trump supporters and Republicans in battleground states are less likely to vote for a member of Congress who votes in favor of impeaching President Donald Trump, a January 12 memo from the pollster John McLaughlin of McLaughlin & Associates found.

The memo, addressed to Trump campaign adviser Jason Miller, provided a slate of findings based on the opinions of 800 voters in battleground states taken January 10-11. States include Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin.

According to the survey, 60 percent of battleground voters view the Democrats’ second impeachment effort as a waste of time. Moreover, 80 percent of Trump voters and 76 percent of Republicans indicated that they are less likely to vote for a member of Congress who votes in favor of impeaching Trump — a finding that comes as the House gathers Wednesday to vote on impeaching him yet again, accusing him of inciting the violence that occurred at the U.S. Capitol on January 6. More broadly, among all voters surveyed, 48 percent say they are “less likely” to vote for a member of Congress who votes to impeach Trump.

Speaking on the House floor on Wednesday, Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA), chair of the House Rules Committee, told his colleagues that Trump effectively “organized” and “incited” the protests that occurred despite the fact that the commander-in-chief repeatedly called for peace and never once instructed or encouraged supporters to engage in lawless acts.

Overall, the survey showed that impeaching Trump in the final days of his presidency is widely unpopular. Nearly three-quarters of all voters “agree that efforts by Pelosi and the Democrats to try to impeach the President after [President-elect] Joe Biden is sworn in would be politically motivated to prevent the President from running again, stripping his Secret Service protection, and preventing him from having a Presidential Library,” per the memo.

A majority of voters, 65 percent, say Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) are “making this worse and keeping the country divided” by continuing to attack Trump.

At least five GOP lawmakers have publicly expressed their support for impeachment, including Reps. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), John Katko (R-NY), Fred Upton (R-MI), Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA), and Liz Cheney (R-WY).


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f98ebc  No.12500968

File: a58be7708d1a307⋯.png (104.47 KB, 620x435, 124:87, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 36e23cb01a09e7f⋯.png (50.19 KB, 634x276, 317:138, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1bd32379101b64c⋯.png (48.96 KB, 638x266, 319:133, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2e7d7b662b67387⋯.png (50.57 KB, 627x245, 627:245, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 68d1f9c388f648a⋯.png (135.94 KB, 625x603, 625:603, ClipboardImage.png)


Nothing on the Newsmax site to this effect.

Something is weird on that site though, a handful of "headlines" without actual headlines


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f63588  No.12500969


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938f29  No.12500970

File: 7b4dcc7a4dffba4⋯.png (74.44 KB, 421x447, 421:447, ClipboardImage.png)

Lin Wood calling out whoever is posting under his name on Telegram!!

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08029a  No.12500971

File: d1a71233fe9c0db⋯.png (23.21 KB, 759x361, 759:361, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 545de018e3d7b15⋯.png (47.2 KB, 756x675, 28:25, ClipboardImage.png)

Every major Western media outlet has been wined and dined by communist China

Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) filings from the Department of Justice (DoJ) show that nearly every mainstream media outlet in the West has been broadcasting “favorable coverage” of communist China in exchange for “private dinners” and “sponsored trips.”

The China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF), which is funded by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), has maintained a close relationship with media outlets like CNN, The New York Times and The Washington Post, which continue to “disseminate positive messages” about China in exchange for the gifts they receive from the communist Chinese regime.

Other mainstream media outlets on the dole from China include MSNBC, Forbes, the Financial Times, Reuters, Bloomberg, ABC News, the Economist, The Wall Street Journal, TIME magazine, the Los Angeles Times, AFP, The Hill, The Atlantic and BBC.

CUSEF also targets American colleges and universities with offers of funding for policy research, high-level dialogues and exchange programs, so long as these institutions do the bidding of China and cast the communist country in a positive light.

A report from the United States government explains that the goal of CUSEF and other associated people and groups is “to co-opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition to the policies and authority of its ruling Chinese Communist Party.”

“The United Front strategy uses a range of methods to influence overseas Chinese communities, foreign governments, and other actors to take actions or adopt positions supportive of Beijing’s preferred policies,” it further adds.

Mainstream media really is a communist Chinese propaganda front

After forging an agreement with the American lobbying firm BLJ many moons ago, CUSEF set out to “effectively disseminate positive messages to the media, key influencers and opinion leaders, and the general public” about China and the CCP.

With BLJ’s help, CUSEF has been providing journalists and journalism students with “familiarization trips” to China, which involve plenty of wine and dine experiences that propagate the illusion that communist China is a great place to be run by great people.


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31f96a  No.12500972


All this Baker sniped a 751 is especially kekalicious.

Because current Baker is on record for saying he thinks Sniping is F&G because of the risk involved that a Fresh won't get posted.

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2a7e82  No.12500974

File: c2f89cbb59571a2⋯.mp4 (3.53 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 6AkxjlgBzUPAptCk.mp4)

Death is coming for all of [them].

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90f167  No.12500975


Cause he didn't lose, he won

Check out all the shilling on the board right now, lots and lots of demoralization shills

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810b92  No.12500976


Her reaction (lack thereof) is very telling

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000000  No.12500977


bigger than ever

probably drinks diet coke

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c0b4d3  No.12500978

You need to boil a frog slowly to kill it; so it doesn’t respond in kind.

Welcome to the Q Psyop. A boiler (bake) for frogs.

Anon pieced together the idea that the 200+k sealed court records are for anons. Yes. They are.

The MSM, along with the Democrat and Republican ringleaders, will have orchestrated the right moves to label all Patriots as domestic terrorists that need re-education or encampment. Efforts are currently being made as I speak to do so.

GITMO is fully prepped to acquire a new population, one the just so happens to fit the amount of sealed cases. Not a coincidence.

Your arrests and detainment will be cheered, as “Trumpers” are removed from the country.

Despite any authentic and genuine efforts made by Trump to ensure this never happens, it will.

They leave you no option but to FIGHT.

Your FIGHTING will only make their case.

You must WIN to ensure their case never makes completion.

All I can say is good luck. The military won’t be with you. A little under half of the country won’t be with you. The world will not be with you.

I, for one won’t be alive to see any of this. I can plainly see the writing on the wall. I am going to end my existence soon after I post this. Goodbye.

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85f679  No.12500979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LB (notables)

>>12500502 This is what Wiki says about GAB!! This is so sick: Widely described as a haven for extremists including neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and the alt-right

Obvious jews.

As always.

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9ec396  No.12500980


Well that's swell.

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cba6c4  No.12500981

Acting U.S. attorney general warns insurrectionists against further attacks

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Acting U.S. Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen warned potential domestic terrorists against further attacks as President-elect Joe Biden prepares to take office after pro-Trump insurrectionists attacked the U.S. Capitol last week.

In a video released overnight, Rosen urged the public to come forward with any tips about potential attacks and other threats before Biden's Jan. 20 inauguration as federal law enforcement officials prepare for potential further violence with more planned protests ahead.

"I want to send a clear message to anyone contemplating violence, threats of violence or other criminal conduct: We will have no tolerance whatsoever for any attempts to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power," including "attempts to forcefully occupy government buildings," he said.

"There will be no excuse for violence, vandalism or any other form of lawlessness."

As many as 15,000 National Guard troops, included some armed members, have been ordered to Washington, D.C., to secure the city before Biden's inauguration, with new fencing and other security measures engulfing the U.S. Capitol area. Some congressional leaders have also called for insurrectionists who stormed the Capitol to be placed on no-fly lists.

Rosen's warning was posted online hours after federal prosecutors held their first news conference nearly one week after the Jan. 6 assault as U.S. lawmakers and President Donald Trump's own vice president, Mike Pence, met to certify Biden's victory that left five people dead and lawmakers running for cover.

U.S. law enforcement officials have opened criminal investigations into more than 170 people who stormed the Capitol building and plan to charge some of the most serious offenders with assault and seditious conspiracy, they said on Tuesday.

"Those efforts remain active and will continue until justice is done," Rosen said in his remarks. "There is a lot more to come. The wrongdoers will be held responsible."

Former FBI Director Andy McCabe said it was unclear why Rosen and other top U.S. officials had taken so long to speak publicly, or why Rosen's video was posted overnight, raising further questions about how federal law enforcement responded to the mostly white mob's attack last week compared with the more diverse Black Lives Matters protests last summer.

"It's inexplicable," McCabe told CNN on Wednesday, noting that Rosen and FBI Director Christopher Wray still have not answered questions from the press since the Jan. 6 attack.


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618faf  No.12500982

File: 0de9f987868bfa4⋯.png (418.82 KB, 911x600, 911:600, Austin_Steinbart.png)

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306eb1  No.12500983

Why. Nancy not speaker?

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ab348b  No.12500984

File: a95836b198da8a9⋯.png (710.32 KB, 736x1131, 736:1131, ClipboardImage.png)


With no real or actual distinction between Big Tech and Big Government. It's all just one big connected evil blob holding back all the worlds people.

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ac48a9  No.12500985

File: bf4b2e7792fb7f4⋯.jpeg (60 KB, 554x586, 277:293, 8F29B9E5_FA5F_4850_9DFB_7….jpeg)

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77fa2d  No.12500986

Papers Please !


D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser announced Wednesday that people may be stopped and questioned before entering the city’s security perimeter that will be in place for days leading up to Inauguration Day.

“Individuals entering the perimeter may be subject to screening and asked to describe what their essential business is,” Miss Bowser said during a press conference, adding that people should avoid the downtown area.

The perimeter surrounds the White House, the National Mall, the U.S. Capitol and other “key” parts of the city, the mayor said. The Washington Monument has been closed, and non-scalable fences have been erected around the Capitol grounds and the U.S. Supreme Court.

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0eb472  No.12500987

File: 4def0d37275d38b⋯.mp4 (429.45 KB, 478x270, 239:135, It_s_Cominh.mp4)

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6a34e1  No.12500988

I knew it… baseless!

Thanks Nadler!

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ffe263  No.12500989


lol, nadler. 'Trump whipped his supporters into a frenzy'. what a disgusting specimen of humanity!

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000000  No.12500990


>diet coke

Potus drinks diet coke

at room temperature

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5c0c65  No.12500991

File: d55adcbcb39a522⋯.png (591.8 KB, 720x828, 20:23, Cupace20201215185106.png)

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f63588  No.12500992

File: dba092d842b67ed⋯.png (72.37 KB, 139x245, 139:245, ClipboardImage.png)

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6f6fdc  No.12500993

File: b762adcaaab0d24⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1172x564, 293:141, ClipboardImage.png)



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08029a  No.12500994

File: e05a3795e820072⋯.png (641.88 KB, 707x515, 707:515, ClipboardImage.png)

Democrat Rep. Mikie Sherrill Accuses GOP Congressmen of Giving Rioters “Reconnaissance” Tours the Night Before Capitol Stormed

Rep. Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ) accused Republican members of Congress of giving “reconnaissance” tours of the Capitol the night before rioters stormed the building while Congress met to certify the Electoral College vote for president. Sherrill did not name the Congressmen she is accusing of colluding with the rioters.

Sherrill made the accusation in a livestream address to her New Jersey constituents on her support for removing President Trump from office via impeachment or the 25th Amendment.

“We can’t have a democracy if members of Congress are actively helping the President overturn the election results. And so not only do I intend to see that the President is removed and never runs for office again and doesn’t have access to classified material,

I also intend to see that those members of Congress who abetted him — those members of Congress who had groups coming through the Capitol that I saw on January 5th for reconnaissance for the next day — those members of Congress that incited this violent crowd, those members of Congress that attempted to help our president undermine our democracy, I’m going see that they’re held accountable. And if necessary, ensure that they don’t serve in Congress.”


Complete video.

Sherrill, serving her second term in Congress, is a former Navy helicopter pilot and former federal prosecutor.


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608c9f  No.12500995

File: 43d4b1e876fa582⋯.png (12.02 KB, 179x255, 179:255, BillBoobs.png)


Your gonna be busy in eternity….here's the first of 72. Good thing your great at sucking.

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2a7e82  No.12500996

Did Nadler shit himself yet?

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77fa2d  No.12500997

Bluto is speaking

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18d0c6  No.12500998


We are NOT a democracy! These people are STUPID

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ab348b  No.12500999

"Feeling Free

in Philadelphia Freedom!"

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467ca4  No.12501000

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90f167  No.12501001



They fucked around and found out, probably.

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16bff4  No.12501002

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000000  No.12501003


>“Individuals entering the perimeter may be subject to screening and asked to describe what their essential business is,”

this combined with the suppression of free speech makes the USA look like the CCP

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1280b8  No.12501004

File: 3c146ce7c53681c⋯.jpg (78.38 KB, 800x1198, 400:599, 3c146ce7c53681cf5cca6d3eac….jpg)

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0eb472  No.12501005

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6c4335  No.12501007

Let's see if Nadler can get through his 5 mins without shitting himself

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d8fdbf  No.12501008

File: ff663a9c0e6a7af⋯.png (51.5 KB, 682x430, 341:215, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 56e085c0c020cef⋯.png (120.09 KB, 528x744, 22:31, ClipboardImage.png)


when the italy connection first broke last week, my first impression was disinformation. but im not so sure these days. movie is getting interdasting.

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810b92  No.12501009


Interesting timing

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52d801  No.12501010

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726076  No.12501011

File: a2db763e041fee9⋯.png (232.73 KB, 598x611, 46:47, Screenshot_2021_01_13_Veri….png)

File: 509c3e1749e4f36⋯.mp4 (1.07 MB, 480x268, 120:67, 9lEWnibxnIe6ydVh.mp4)

ITNJ Judicial Commission discusses Global Depopulation Plan..

Bill Gates VaxX Agenda..


IDK when this was..

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5f3c56  No.12501012

you missed a great opportunity to include the wall in your weak nursery rhyme remix.

2 out of 10 for the 4 days of effort and thought to come up with that. you grade a genius and/or absolute cunt


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f213c0  No.12501013


For dems who are so against walls they sure do love them walls around them

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bde14b  No.12501014


Will he waddle off?

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000000  No.12501015


Then you could round everyone up.

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e93c1a  No.12501016

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>12500338 (PB)

Will it be live or Memorex?

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06ca16  No.12501017

File: 9e0bcb0db1fa494⋯.png (55.15 KB, 1293x859, 1293:859, ClipboardImage.png)


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e20b7c  No.12501018

File: 5bae24c639707bb⋯.png (673.87 KB, 1200x1872, 25:39, ClipboardImage.png)


Trump Coat of Arms.

"Numquam concedere. Never give up. Or, even better, "never concede."

WaPo Oct. 24, 2016 at 12:43 p.m. EDT

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d49251  No.12501019

File: 900d26e7ed041c0⋯.jpg (88.1 KB, 640x792, 80:99, debunk.JPG)

The JCS "memo" was debunked last night and the guy who started it all said, "Sorry, I got disinformationed!" (he deleted that tweet, but the remainder of the thread is this image.)

Reuters, CNN and many others picked it up and ran with it with NO CONFIRMATION from JCS. All kinds of quasi-military and military "news" sites ran with it, too, and they all link back to the same fake document.


I say let all the socialists think that JCS "memo" is real. Then when the clamps come down, all they will be able to say is, "Wait! What?!! BUT YOU SAID IN YOUR MEMO THAT YOU ARE WITH BIDEN!" And they will say, "What memo? That was not our memo. Did we ever say it was our memo? Who gave you that memo? You should ask them where they got it."

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ce2e47  No.12501020

File: 7ec64a2944d07d2⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, 8A4878A7_B71E_4CB2_A85F_BB….png)

Hold the line anons

Get ready for the Trump card

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aca73e  No.12501021


Old baby-killer is used up and empty!

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6d37fc  No.12501022


I am so sick of these people. FAT FUCK NADLER

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3ff2fc  No.12501023

File: ffc6bb97adda53e⋯.png (671.16 KB, 841x881, 841:881, 21216547007652.png)

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14fca6  No.12501024

Nadler falsely claiming many people at the rally in DC were armed.

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bd5dcd  No.12501025

Thanks Anon >>12500911

>United States Army, ISTAR, Task Force ODIN

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80af19  No.12501026

File: af688a2a8c32902⋯.mp4 (9.5 MB, 426x240, 71:40, _8_Jovan_Hutton_Pulitzer_O….mp4)

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3b1f31  No.12501027

File: c21bda54aeaa1d2⋯.png (3.64 MB, 1777x999, 1777:999, ClipboardImage.png)

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08b6aa  No.12501028

What happened to Christopher Stanton Georgia?

Georgia was found dead in his home in Alpharetta, Georgia.

Documents obtained by the Daily Mail showed that Georgia's wife called 911 on the morning of January 9 and told authorities that there was "blood everywhere."

The Fulton County Medical Examiner ruled that his death was caused by suicide. Authorities removed two semi-automatic SKS rifles from the home.

Family members on the scene were described by police as "extremely distressed" in a police report.


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ab348b  No.12501029


once again, a dupelicate ID, who is NOT ME.

this is freaking me out.

very uncool.

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1f7840  No.12501030

File: f993d48d223abeb⋯.mp4 (14.52 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Yung_Pugg_MAGA_Oddity_Qano….mp4)

>>12500777 (LB)

Holy Digits Chekk'd!!!

Fuggen cain't stop cryin!!!!



These Fuggen Dipshits are Stupid….Waaaaaaahahahahahaha!!!

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f63588  No.12501031

first time breached in 200 years. what about the armed negros in the 60's

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18d0c6  No.12501032


That sounds like a threat to me

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2d6c40  No.12501033

File: 25567c776a7cb50⋯.png (133.25 KB, 339x149, 339:149, ClipboardImage.png)



I'm interested in the esotoric purpose of people and their names, birthdays, etc. It all seems to factor in relevantly, despite any normies' presumed opinion that such things would be of zero consequence. I think it's party why "Pence" is VP.

Does Jim Jordan in some way play some "crossing the Jordan" role?

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cc8ee6  No.12501034

File: b337e4ad963189b⋯.png (125.83 KB, 236x236, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



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076829  No.12501035


It seems that planefag is the only that posts anything thats actually happening. Only trouble is, you can't tell what any of it really means.

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bfa195  No.12501036

FBI Has Opened Over 160 Cases Tied to Pro-Trump Capitol Riot



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48e775  No.12501037


where's the link

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000000  No.12501038


A message to deep state/sleepers/etc. to be prepared for what's coming.

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045c87  No.12501039

File: 8ddf45a986d49cd⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1920x882, 320:147, Annotation_2021_01_13_1244….png)



He's doing a VOR hold of various types. I pulled up a sectional for that location and sure enough directly under the common turning point is a VOR. Variable Omni Range…old, but good tech.

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1917c5  No.12501040


Hahahaha Newsmax wants rating/followers

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08029a  No.12501041

File: 103c19845c0251b⋯.png (14.09 KB, 597x202, 597:202, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3392031aa0a2856⋯.png (411.56 KB, 592x527, 592:527, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 21ca9b0c73369bb⋯.png (441.79 KB, 617x497, 617:497, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 63d37edd2a86ab5⋯.png (105.43 KB, 786x691, 786:691, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f55b5249f3d78f⋯.png (128.99 KB, 806x759, 806:759, ClipboardImage.png)

Debunked: There's no evidence of a planned 'huge uprising' of pro-Trump ‘armed protests’ in all 50 states

The FBI and news media is exaggerating and playing politics.

In the wake of the Capitol Hill melee last week, the news media has been breathlessly reporting on the possibility — citing an intelligence bulletin from the FBI — that there will be widespread armed protests in all 50 states on and leading up to Inauguration Day. If the FBI is to be believed, there is a serious, deliverable plot in motion that involves armed insurrectionists simultaneously storming each and every state capitol.

The hysteria has reached new heights this week, with prominent pundits, politicians, reporters, and other personalities claiming that a wave of pro-Trump right wing violence is right around the corner.

Security is being ramped up in capital cities across America, with many states announcing that they are bringing in National Guard units to prepare for the chaos that they’ve been told will meet them on or before the 20th.

The FBI, which has not gone on the record publicly to speak about this potential massive national security issue, has decided to communicate it to the public by leaking this bulletin to select individuals in the news media. As shown above, it has been the source for blaring, intense headlines across the legacy media landscape. The details within this “internal FBI bulletin” have now been shared by a variety of news sites such as CNN, Yahoo News, ABC News and other establishment outlets.

CNN reports on the FBI intel report:

The FBI has received information indicating "armed protests" are being planned at all 50 state capitols and the US Capitol in Washington, DC in the days leading up to President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration on January 20.

ABC reported on the memo:

Starting this week and running through at least Inauguration Day, armed protests are being planned at all 50 state capitols and at the U.S. Capitol.


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31f96a  No.12501042


It is, but with a caveat.

Italy is known in the EU for having the most unstable coalitions.

The PMs there usually only last a year (if that) before everything falls apart again.

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60903f  No.12501043


Thats it.

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83f5e8  No.12501044

File: 74e95764e9bb751⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

2 Joint Stars

2 E3s

1 E4

1 E6

1 P8

1 Rivet Joint

That's a lot of eyeballs in the sky.

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bce999  No.12501045


It's a helicopter

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6c4335  No.12501046

File: 37e7e997eece1f3⋯.png (76.77 KB, 742x342, 371:171, _6_Disclose_tv_on_Twitter_….png)

FF Incoming?


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1f8d43  No.12501047

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"This Hurts Me" Nancy Pelosi Says She Hates To Have To Impeach A President

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14fca6  No.12501048

Nadler; Not one moment longer! The danger is too great!

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c2a049  No.12501049


What do you get when you look at yourself?

Running away from the pain that won't leave.

Projecting as much as an Alinsky shill

Stuck with the truth that you've lost the war.

And now you get to suck it.

Oompa Loompa shill dee doo dah

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7fa0e3  No.12501050



Better hide your women.

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000000  No.12501051

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68f1c1  No.12501052


So are you dead now?

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000000  No.12501053


Using Android Tor. Switching my ID. Is it a feature? I am OP and all responses.

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7aae08  No.12501054

File: ae43d00d5dae5ca⋯.jpeg (1.91 MB, 2048x1294, 1024:647, 6B4E6B12_2629_45DE_9156_A….jpeg)


For anons, laughter matters.

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1ea93c  No.12501055

ive been told that astrology states that something very evil will happen to "the president of the united states" between january 13th and january 20th(or was it 21st?) of this year; that is the event horizon

it also appears that trump is completely protected from impeachment

given that they're saying that biden will be inagurated, this will mean that something very evil will happen to trump if it is before the inaguration, or that it'll happen to biden if it is after the inaguration

given that (((they))) plan to get biden out of the way at some point so that harris can be the first female president and whatnot, there is some sort of likelyhood that it'll happen to biden instead of trump

take this as you will

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49fa13  No.12501056

I'm glad they did this, but it makes no sense to get an abortion by telemedicine, it seems like a very dumb idea.

Supreme Court Upholds Trump Administration’s Restrictions on Telemedicine Abortions

WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 15: The statue Authority of Law by sculptor James Earle Fraser stands on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court which ruled that LGBTQ people can not be disciplined or fired based on their sexual orientation June 15, 2020 in Washington, DC. With Chief Justice John …

The U.S. Supreme Court granted a request from the Trump administration Tuesday evening to restore a rule requiring women to have an in-person visit with a medical professional prior to receiving abortion-inducing drugs.

In a 6-3 vote, the Court halted a lower court’s decision to allow the mailing of abortion drugs mifepristone and misoprostol to women who wish to end their pregnancies at home as long as the pandemic continues.


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2dc373  No.12501057


notableif it hasn't been already

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52d801  No.12501059

File: 6245be594685070⋯.jpeg (23.28 KB, 211x255, 211:255, 00FE6690_10AE_4EC7_88A5_4….jpeg)

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08029a  No.12501060

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

INCREDIBLE VIDEO: Senator Schumer Berated During Live Press Conference by Random Woman on the Streets of New York City

Earlier, a separate heckler disrupted the presser: “Traitor! Treason! You’re going down, buddy! Traitor! To this nation! Everyone knows!”

Schumer paused, then continued the topic at hand: “We are concerned about these people getting back on airplanes, doing more violence.”

— Matthew Chayes (@chayesmatthew) January 12, 2021

VIDEO of Schumer being lambasted during his live press conference, this is quite a rant:

This was on live TV on all the networks, and then eventually the networks cut away. Quite a rant!


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f63588  No.12501061

Yellow is the color of patriotism must be. lots of yellow on trumps side

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1f1f35  No.12501062


baker, plz remove this one from notables in next bread

I don't know if you read it carefully, but it starts with

"Yep, jews hate free speech"

>>12500348 Andrew Torba - The ADL has NO POWER over Gab which is why they hate us. It’s that simple. There is absolutely nothing they can say or do to get us to censor opinions they don’t like

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d5d630  No.12501063


The fact that so many are over the south is kinda disheartening.

What are they listening to/looking for?

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076829  No.12501064


Better hide your children.

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312271  No.12501065

File: 00d56c1506e3615⋯.jpeg (22.41 KB, 249x255, 83:85, CDC52471_7A8C_4153_A872_B….jpeg)


Fuck that I’m not killing myself

They gonna need to waste some ammo on me at least!

Then they gonna have to clean my shit up!

I’m not making it easy on any these niggers!

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1f8d43  No.12501066



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c2a049  No.12501067


Radical left false "Q" "MAGA" flag violence incoming.

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3aad61  No.12501068

File: d9cc2c696c2ae6e⋯.jpg (72.73 KB, 673x960, 673:960, FB_IMG_1565022228277.jpg)

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aa1ca6  No.12501069

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


From Michael Moore's 2018 Trump-era epic, Fahrenheit 11/9.

In this scene, President Obama comes to Flint amidst the poisoned water crisis. His appearance left the residents of Flint stunned.


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000000  No.12501070


Typical ICBM, anon.

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7b09cd  No.12501071

>>12500652 - lb

Corporations shouldn't be making ANY donations to lawmakers. People have known this for a long time.

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2a7e82  No.12501072

File: 9a1d97b3c449e8c⋯.mp4 (5.83 MB, 400x224, 25:14, 9a1d97b3c449e8c5d43e9adcfd….mp4)

Remember when the bitch sold missiles to NK?

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3b1f31  No.12501073

File: e4a6334b2ca5a5a⋯.png (252.67 KB, 1307x677, 1307:677, 1600194821982.png)


i'll call you ab348b #1

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f213c0  No.12501074


Then why do it for a second time attempt you stupid cow

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02ec16  No.12501075


Is Flint about to be struck by an earthquake?

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d06d64  No.12501076

File: e6492958e113daa⋯.jpg (47.47 KB, 569x439, 569:439, jbfgstyadf5e7s2fux.jpg)


>one the just so happens to fit the amount of sealed cases. Not a coincidence.

GITMO has a 200K capacity?

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d49251  No.12501077

File: 3a1f63466e5f965⋯.jpg (180 KB, 1200x698, 600:349, bigger.jpg)

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a1f1a4  No.12501078


It could be she is trolling.

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48e775  No.12501079


got it

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000000  No.12501080


So FACEBOOK is admitting that they SPY ON THEIR USER

nice job zuckerberg


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14fca6  No.12501081

Representative read the exact words of President Trump into the record, that he asked people to "peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard".

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389803  No.12501082

>>12500746 lb

They needed to keep their straw man alive to pull off multiple schemes to keep the money flowing! Of course they'd say NO!

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16bff4  No.12501083


>Very specific reason…

>Why now?

Let's theorize this, anons. What could be the reason…right up until the "end"?

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f63588  No.12501084

That congressmans mask says this mask is as usless as our governor

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c2a049  No.12501085


This is Fakebook's controllers sending a direct THREAT to the country if Biden is stopped.

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68f1c1  No.12501086

File: 62887c9233ca494⋯.jpg (219.79 KB, 1234x1051, 1234:1051, CovidButtlug.jpg)

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a66c15  No.12501087

File: a91c69f5d626e0e⋯.png (925.72 KB, 728x944, 91:118, POTUS_Highlander.PNG)

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c4158e  No.12501088

this whole elbow bumping thing infuriates the fuck out of me for some reason

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83f5e8  No.12501089


The south is ruled by Demoncrats..?

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ab5758  No.12501090

File: 088f01c8e9ac68f⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1168x960, 73:60, ClipboardImage.png)

Did anyone else notice that Pelosi just referred to another woman as “Madame Speaker” just now?

She also mentioned her father by name AND quoted JFK in her speech which is curious after this:


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f2affc  No.12501091

File: de20bd986405abe⋯.png (266.83 KB, 650x276, 325:138, JP1.png)


Skippy is in prison.

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aa1ca6  No.12501094

File: 03ec8652d3a534c⋯.png (866.71 KB, 1117x1274, 1117:1274, download.png)

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31f96a  No.12501095


>"Yep, jews hate free speech"

I don't see the inaccuracy here.

baker, keep the notables as-is

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076829  No.12501097


I wonder how many DS fuckers will be implicated in the coordinated and very well planned attack. Let's see… 0. Your grandma though will be arrested and charged with terrorism for flying a flag.

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46c2ee  No.12501098

>>12500502 (PB)

In their early days I donated religiously. But not in the past few years. It's no longer reliable. They don't describe the left wing sites in those pejorative terms - so, fook 'em - let them eat dirt.

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158248  No.12501100



It really fucked up Hitler's war plans

Live for your country so the enemy can die for his

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aca73e  No.12501101


I just want to see the Tongues of Fire from Hell rise up from the depths and claim these demonic human defects!

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90f167  No.12501102



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00b8a8  No.12501104


Seemed like a set up to me

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3b1f31  No.12501105

File: 1e8d93be45571fd⋯.jpg (56.86 KB, 1024x729, 1024:729, 1600196254020.jpg)


god that's so disturbing

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9a14a3  No.12501107



God Willing!

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448a01  No.12501110


Thanks for demoralizing others as your last act. Classy.

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0a45ff  No.12501111


Well, she is wearing black.

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989514  No.12501112


Perhaps I am missing something, but why would it still be up if it is fake?

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10681c  No.12501113


A nuke sniffer like N411DE?


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726076  No.12501114

File: a7e9f77fb948a4f⋯.png (278.36 KB, 598x388, 299:194, Screenshot_2021_01_13_Veri….png)

File: a411da07a8a1327⋯.mp4 (2.89 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 5Ergp_pC6auPlMU1.mp4)

How to Steal an Election In 1 minute and 14 Seconds..


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241ba3  No.12501115

File: 5e59b6a42d426a4⋯.jpeg (144.64 KB, 1203x1723, 1203:1723, 5e59b6a42d426a45612f870bc….jpeg)

Looking for an accurate count if anon can help.

1. Number of American's (315 mil?)

2. Number of foreign nationals in America. (22 mil ?)

3. Number of eligible voters (130 mil?)

4. 155.1 million voters in 2020 Pres Election.

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134ebd  No.12501116

File: 61b644e04eed211⋯.png (141.93 KB, 298x347, 298:347, ClipboardImage.png)

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c12efe  No.12501117


Pretty much the only reason

for giving the peasants this

tech. The entire point of tech-

nology is to spy like the fucking

stasi SOB's they are!

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aca73e  No.12501118


no danger for us, Nadler! We comfy!

YOU are gonna die on the gallows at Gitmo!

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2d6c40  No.12501119

File: 72f4faf68f72d7d⋯.png (457.57 KB, 1201x669, 1201:669, ClipboardImage.png)


I'm relatively new at planefagging, but been doing it for several months. Have NEVER seen 604 MIL planes over CONUS at one time. I don't think I've ever even seen HALF that number. Am I correct planefag vets?

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6c4335  No.12501120

File: 553769f54d3228f⋯.png (210.86 KB, 1253x370, 1253:370, FEMA_is_a_big_part_of_the_….png)

GA.win Anon: FEMA Figures into the Plan:

A different post brought to light the incredible power of FEMA during an emergency. They can arrest people, suspend 1st and 2nd amendment rights… they have almost god-like powers. I had no idea. Now also consider:

The head of DHS was removed, and control of DHS was given to the head of FEMA

FEMA brought the NG into DC… not the President or VP or congress. FEMA.

The President declared a state of emergency in DC lasting from Jan 11 to Jan 24. FEMA's god-like powers are in full effect during an emergency.

The President recently signed The Storm Act, which gives FEMA the ability to give out zero interest funds during an emergency.

We are in a state of war since 9/11, and the 2018 EO regarding US election systems also declared a state of emergency. The 2017 human trafficking EO also declared a state of emergency, all of which are still in effect.

It looks like everything is setting up FEMA to kick some serious ass in the very near future…


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52d801  No.12501121


Never forget it

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200f2e  No.12501122

File: 1856604e7886785⋯.jpeg (284.68 KB, 828x826, 414:413, 57A2DE3C_F562_470D_8CA9_E….jpeg)

File: a48c74eaf8b02ad⋯.jpeg (447.68 KB, 828x1252, 207:313, 448B9AD9_9794_4A7E_BDE6_9….jpeg)

Eugene got the attention of the 101st Airborne kek!



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a3636a  No.12501123


Marky is such a brute.

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08029a  No.12501124

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Massive Blackout in Iran Days After Similar Reports from Pakistan, Vatican

Social media users have now sparked a theory that the blackouts may have been a covert op

There are multiple reports of a massive power outage that is being reported across Iran, sparking conspiracy theories of a covert op for their alleged involvement in the American elections.

Several videos are being posted online claiming that there has been a massive blackout in various cities of Iran. The videos show streets, apartment complexes, factories, and highways without electricity.

A video posted on YouTube citing local reports claimed that massive blackouts have hit various cities in Iran. Heating systems and traffic lights are down across the country.

There, however, has not been an official statement on the blackouts from the Iranian regime.

Several Pro-Trump supporters on social media users have now sparked a theory that the blackouts may have been a covert operation.

"So it's a coincidence that Pakistan, Vatican, and Iran have all had blackouts this week and they are the three countries that interfere in our election?," a Twitter user said.

Social media users also pointed out the timing of the blackouts that coincided with the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's statement in which he said that Al-Qaeda has a new home base in Iran.

"Al-Qaeda has a new home base. It is the Islamic Republic of Iran," Pompeo said in a speech at the National Press Club.

"I would say Iran is indeed the new Afghanistan – as the key geographic hub for al-Qaeda – but it's actually worse," he said. "Unlike in Afghanistan, when al-Qaeda was hiding in the mountains, al-Qaeda today is operating under the hard shell of the Iranian regime's protection."

Today, @SecPompeo delivered remarks @PressClubDC. [Full Remarks 1/2] pic.twitter.com/cdXgc6HWgV

— Department of State (@StateDept) January 12, 2021

Vatican blackout was trending on Twitter earlier this week after conspiracy theories connected it to Italy's involvement in the US presidential election 2020.

A Twitter user, @Remaining33 even went to the extent of claiming that the Vatican blackout was the result of a leaked document.

Vatican in blackout after leaked statement on italians' involvement in U.S. elections. Coincidence? pic.twitter.com/Lhe20vSH0D

— ??הנותרים?? (@Remaining33) January 10, 2021

A user also posted, which was claimed to be a sworn affidavit that revealed that Italy was involved in the US election fraud and tampered with the American election results.

Meanwhile, the power outage in Pakistan is being blamed on a "technical glitch" that plunged several cities in Pakistan including the capital, Islamabad into darkness. Following the outage, internet connectivity in the country also reportedly had collapsed.

Pakistan's Power Minister Omar Ayub Khan said that a technical fault caused the grid to automatically shut down. He, however, added that there was no clarity as to what exactly caused the power outage, reported VOA News.


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389803  No.12501125


It's like a hog trap. Bait it and wait til the last minute so that all the hogs get in the trap before the door slams shut! Then it's SHOOTING FISH IN A BARREL!

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90f167  No.12501126


Fuck off faggot shill

disinformation kike

chink cock gobbler


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000000  No.12501127


Half of my coworkers lost power.

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000000  No.12501128


#2 + #3 = #4

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412f2d  No.12501129

Interesting that Facebook and Twitter push out all there conservative users because they spy for the government. now people are communicating in new ways. will this lead to breaches to more secure apps in the name of law enforcement? People are not communicating via social media or having phones present.

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d06d64  No.12501130

File: 6861c6c0175d8ee⋯.jpg (12.46 KB, 211x255, 211:255, jn31dcd5f4a508104e986cc3af….jpg)

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000000  No.12501131


no clue

maybe the arcturians are still on their way to our planet, they had a mechanical failure just outside of Pluto and needed to wait for parts

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c2a049  No.12501132


Where did YOU get that pic? Send the link.


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52d801  No.12501133



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38d8e4  No.12501134

File: 9d77003230cb831⋯.png (20.15 KB, 321x437, 321:437, ClipboardImage.png)


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d8fdbf  No.12501135


last time i checked i think it was 250 million eligible voters. but the info your looking for can easily be found with a web search.

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045c87  No.12501136


Watch these two.


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810b92  No.12501137


>How to Steal an Election In 1 minute and 14

notable video

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ae54a6  No.12501138

File: 71800597fe60899⋯.png (3.73 MB, 1119x1600, 1119:1600, ClipboardImage.png)

When Q said we were watching a movie, I didn't expect a Horror Show.

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1f7840  No.12501139

File: 61e92a8bac7f3a4⋯.jpg (61.46 KB, 600x450, 4:3, PlugNPlay.jpg)

File: 74b538acf0faf47⋯.jpg (94.64 KB, 1020x574, 510:287, Dream_Plugz.jpg)

File: ff10281faa63f31⋯.png (291.31 KB, 489x624, 163:208, Satanic_Muh_Bondage_Jew.png)

File: 23ee2923ce2df77⋯.jpg (58.97 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Reverse_Jews_Magnum_PI_.jpg)

File: a566eaf4ee0ccd8⋯.jpg (27.03 KB, 640x427, 640:427, Jewish_Whine.jpg)


Shut Up and Ghett YO Butt Up!!!

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379eca  No.12501140

File: bb7f14cf2ad7dfb⋯.jpg (121.84 KB, 750x651, 250:217, Savagebb7f14cf2ad7dfb4c7af….jpg)


>FBI says they knew there would be trouble at the Capitol, yet told no one

oh… Kinna Like 9-11…

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08029a  No.12501141

Peruvian Court Probing Judge's Ruling Alleging Soros, Bill Gates are Creators of COVID-19 Pandemic

Despite the World Health Organisation last year confirming the coronavirus to be of animal origin, conspiracy theories that COVID-19 is man-made continue to circulate.

The Supreme Court in the Ica region of Peru is investigating a resolution by a local court, claiming that COVID-19 was invented by the "criminal elites" of Hungarian-American philanthropist George Soros, the Rockefeller family, and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates.

We "have ordered a preliminary investigation into the Chief Justices of the Criminal Appeals Chamber Chincha and Pisco to obtain evidence that will help determine the presence or absence of alleged violations", the Ica Supreme Court said in a message published on its Facebook page.

The probe comes after the Chinch and Pisco court reportedly moved to justify a petition for an extension of pre-trial detention in one criminal case due to the unpredictable nature of the coronavirus pandemic created by the "criminal elites who dominate the world".

"No world government, natural and legal persons, nor the defendant's defence can maintain that this pandemic has the quality of [being] 'predictable', except for the creators of the new world order such as Bill Gates, Soros, Rockefeller and others, who handled it and continue to do so with extreme secrecy within their environments and global corporations", the court earlier argued.

This comes amid ongoing conspiracy theories about the man-made origin of COVID-19, even though the World Health Organisation in May 2020 confirmed the virus was of animal origin.

The theories have been repeatedly fuelled by fake news claiming that Bill Gates or George Soros were promoters of a supposed plan to control the population via COVID-19 vaccines and 5G networks.

"[…] It's so easy to click on, particularly when a simple explanation for this pandemic—that there is somebody evil behind it—is somehow easier than the true biology, which is actually kind of complicated. So we have to make the truth more interesting. We've got to label things with the truth", Gates pointed out in an interview with Trevor Noah's "The Daily Show" in November 2020.


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1280b8  No.12501142

File: caf897b240d821a⋯.png (7.57 MB, 2000x1429, 2000:1429, ClipboardImage.png)


Better bring in some reinforcements

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7222ca  No.12501143

File: 8269e987a72e5da⋯.jpg (47.17 KB, 548x276, 137:69, censoring.jpg)

File: 223c00b8c2cfc79⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1034x1409, 1034:1409, Corrupt_News.png)


Question the narrative.

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467ca4  No.12501144

The massive narrative is the projection that the Patriots are going to kill them. Think mirror. They will start SWATTing homes immediately after the 20th and they're gonna use this as justification.

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bd5dcd  No.12501145


need high res image please

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6a34e1  No.12501146

Listening to impeachment has got me reinvigorated!!! They know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is going to be… epic!


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0b5810  No.12501147

These retards just keep digging themselves deeper.

They are all wiping their asses with the constitution.


Say insurrection and constitution one moar time.

The military will gladly dole out the consequences for your TREASON

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c2a049  No.12501148


>A little under half of the country won’t be with you

Kek, more like a tiny minority.

Fake news makes the left seem like it's this big behemoth when it's not.

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5968d2  No.12501149

So, are they passing the Impeachment stuff today, and they need traitor Pence to certify or something? idk how this works. Leaf here.

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1d2b7b  No.12501150

File: 41e1384af6d36c5⋯.png (413.47 KB, 598x706, 299:353, pompeom1.png)

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b6609a  No.12501151


I hope FEMA isn't used for anything nefarious.

Suspending the 1st and 2nd amendment is no joke.

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c4c78d  No.12501152

They be reading scripts yo

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d49251  No.12501153


>Perhaps I am missing something, but why would it still be up if it is fake?

Why don't you fucking ask them? The press won't. Took at least one day to get the State Department "Trump Bio" asshole fired, too.

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d89b89  No.12501154

>>12500118 (lb)

Another company to the list of no longer purchasing products. it's getting long.

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370dc7  No.12501155


You have the P (Persist) filter set - as long as you do so it will keep anything that appears, on screen. I only see 260 up right now, more like normal - with no P set.

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0b02e9  No.12501156

File: be059926cc2e8d3⋯.jpg (56.76 KB, 525x638, 525:638, Only_the_fight.jpg)

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aca73e  No.12501157


Good. We have an overstock of weak faggits.

Thanks for the self-cull.

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1d2b7b  No.12501158

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fc47de  No.12501159

File: 6200ca01e254fc6⋯.jpg (73.52 KB, 747x588, 249:196, Death4APNoose.jpg)


Please step forward Nana….

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ab348b  No.12501160

File: 81e2e3019b26a69⋯.png (323.2 KB, 480x480, 1:1, potus_dan_nadler.png)

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38d8e4  No.12501161


this should have been on your list years ago.

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08029a  No.12501162

File: 06414a6c605d3dd⋯.png (746.88 KB, 690x902, 345:451, ClipboardImage.png)

Biden Nominates Ex-US Envoy to the UN Samantha Power as USAID Administrator

Power served as a senior adviser to Barack Obama until May 2008, and in 2013 she became the 28th United States Ambassador to the United Nations, remaining in office until 2017.

Joe Biden has named Samantha Power as his choice to lead the US Agency for International Development (USAID).

"Power will rally the international community and work with our partners to confront the biggest challenges of our time — including COVID-19, climate change, global poverty, and democratic backsliding", the official statement from his transition team said.

Biden praised Power as "a world-renowned voice of conscience and moral clarity".

"I know firsthand the unparalleled knowledge and tireless commitment to principled American engagement she brings to the table, and her expertise and perspective will be essential as our country reasserts its role as a leader on the world stage. As USAID Administrator, Ambassador Power will be a powerful force for lifting up the vulnerable, ushering in a new era of human progress and development, and advancing American interests globally", Biden said


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90f167  No.12501163


Thats all aircraft faggot

Make sure only military are selected, deselect all and then only select military

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e20b7c  No.12501165


"Task Force ODIN – Observe, Detect, Identify, Neutralize. ODIN is a precisely choreographed attack force combining medium and low-altitude drone sensors with fixed-wing aircraft intelligence analysis and nearby Apache helicopters. In effect, targets are found by overhead cameras and sensors, analyzed by combat engineers in the sky and sent via satellite or other networks to ground-based military commanders…..leading up to what becomes exact targeting - and then..attack.

Despite the longevity of the Afghan war, Task Force ODIN has been extremely active and successful over the past year, according to Lt. Col. Jarred M. Lang, the A11 Task Force ODIN (Observe, Detect, Identify, and Neutralize) commander and 206th MI (Military Intelligence) Bn. Commander."


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944693  No.12501166


It's certainly busy-some of that is an extension of training tuesday(s)

Looks fairly normal though.

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6f8ca6  No.12501167

File: d0f2bf2339bd159⋯.png (207.25 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, FEA4C32E_0BCA_4FF8_8D2F_3D….png)

Started in WA this morning. Creeping eastward?

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e93c1a  No.12501168


They all had two. One more needed than required to deal with Nadler.

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52d801  No.12501169

File: 34028167746d667⋯.png (440.29 KB, 600x960, 5:8, 8132B7B7_6722_4C4C_B094_F9….png)

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06ca16  No.12501170

File: 9a45a76c3ff72fb⋯.png (52.29 KB, 707x860, 707:860, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49520f9278e83bc⋯.png (49.85 KB, 701x844, 701:844, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 54b78f9fab52561⋯.png (46.63 KB, 661x854, 661:854, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 26216c1f1221dd2⋯.png (55.63 KB, 692x955, 692:955, ClipboardImage.png)

So whats with declaring disasters today from the WH for storms from August september october ?


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1d2b7b  No.12501171

File: 024d9014adf1612⋯.png (399.57 KB, 680x479, 680:479, painiscoming.png)

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714179  No.12501172


registered, not eligible

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338401  No.12501173

File: 0fa5657c5fa5a25⋯.png (18.06 KB, 673x244, 673:244, ClipboardImage.png)

JR on gab

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cf2614  No.12501174


I just noticed, John Podesta's twitter account just went from following 224 to 223.

Anybody know who he unfollowed?

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547918  No.12501175

File: fa8db2d466d3013⋯.png (693.46 KB, 720x784, 45:49, fa8db2d466d301381e004e0b23….png)

File: fb396853a5087a0⋯.jpeg (30.4 KB, 240x255, 16:17, fb396853a5087a06aea751642….jpeg)

File: 4a4ebc8bcf25127⋯.jpeg (146.24 KB, 529x760, 529:760, 4a4ebc8bcf2512792d6903bf3….jpeg)

Looking forward to declare Victory!


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0b5810  No.12501176

Congress is currently under new ownership.

We will soon have many positions available.

Remember your oath.

Reconstruction 2.0

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5f3c56  No.12501177

He forgot the IS the pleb

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c2a049  No.12501178


He's just a puppet, a face.

He doesn't CONTROL the company.

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1f1f35  No.12501179


see, it was an insert by the nazi shills:


> >"Yep, jews hate free speech"

> I don't see the inaccuracy here.

> baker, keep the notables as-is


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e93c1a  No.12501180


Her breathing is a threat to humanity.

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08029a  No.12501181

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sheila Jackson Lee Introduces Gun Registration and Ammo Ban House Bill H.R.127!

So much for “healing”…they’re about to pick off the scab.


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68f67d  No.12501182

>>12500739 OP

>>12500781 Dough

#15960@350 Notables

>>12500814 Archbishop of Glasgow dies after catching China Virus at Christmas

>>12500820 Sec Pompeo - "We flipped the script"

>>12500832 Operation Warp Speed Chief Resigns

>>12500841 Boris Johnson Blasts ‘Demented’ Chinese Traditional Medicine for Starting Coronavirus Crisis

>>12500850 President Donald J Trump did not expand GITMO to over 4X its size in the past 4 years to walk away leaving it empty.

>>12500853 Spencer Geissinger - Senior Vice President for Operations and Business Development.- Checkmate - calling for Trump's removal

>>12500874 Google reveals sophisticated Windows and Android hacking operation

>>12500879 A San Antonio woman featured in a Project Veritas video has been arrested after an extensive investigation by the Texas Attorney General’s Election Fraud Division

>>12500901 Jovan Pulitzer - "American Election Interference - 65 countries participated, attacked 7 states and over 600 individual county polling locations

>>12500930 Trump team will blame China lab for growing Covid-19 with 'bombshell' evidence as part of final salvos of president's administration - but UK dismisses claim

>>12500934 Donald Trump could declassify top-secret intelligence linking Covid to Wuhan research lab.

>>12500939 Ducati was raided in Dec, corporate offices and the homes of executives. Considering Italy is neck deep in the coup this is possibly a relevant happening.

>>12500949 Florida State Representative Asks Governor DeSantis to Divest State Funds From Apple, Facebook, Google and Twitter

>>12500963 Italy ministers quit coalition. Puts Premier Conte at risk.

>>12500967 Poll: 80% Trump Voters, 76% of Republicans Less Likely to Vote for Lawmaker Who Votes for Impeachment

>>12500971 Every major Western media outlet has been wined and dined by communist China

>>12500981 Acting U.S. attorney general warns against further attacks

>>12500986 D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser announced Wednesday that people may be stopped and questioned before entering the city’s security perimeter that will be in place for days leading up to Inauguration Day.

>>12500994 Democrat Rep. Mikie Sherrill Accuses GOP Congressmen of Giving Rioters “Reconnaissance” Tours the Night Before Capitol Stormed

>>12501036 FBI Has Opened Over 160 Cases Tied to Pro-Trump Capitol Riot HUNTER BIDEN STILL ROAMING FREE

>>12501041 Debunked: There's no evidence of a planned 'huge uprising' of pro-Trump ‘armed protests’ in all 50 states

>>12501046 FF Incoming?

>>12501056 Supreme Court Upholds Trump Administration’s Restrictions on Telemedicine Abortions

>>12501060 INCREDIBLE VIDEO: Senator Schumer Berated During Live Press Conference by Random Woman on the Streets of New York City

>>12501090 Did anyone else notice that Pelosi just referred to another woman as “Madame Speaker” just now? She also mentioned her father by name AND quoted JFK in her speech

>>12501114 How to Steal an Election In 1 minute and 14 Seconds..

>>12501124 Massive Blackout in Iran Days After Similar Reports from Pakistan, Vatican

>>12501141 Peruvian Court Probing Judge's Ruling Alleging Soros, Bill Gates are Creators of COVID-19 Pandemic


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8db2dc  No.12501183

>>12500374 pb

>Docs reveal CA Governor Newsom’s secret $1B CCP deal

>SF employees pension fund all over the deal

Anyone living in a leftie-infested city/county/state needs to make sure the lefties have properly managed your pension funds instead of stealing them!

Maybe anon is singing to the choir on this .....

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7f4df0  No.12501184


Judge will throw it out.

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f66ce5  No.12501185


It's 4 days old


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c12efe  No.12501186



For fucks sake what

horrible timeline are

we trapped in that

MAGA RIOT guy is

right….Fuck my life

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158248  No.12501187

File: 4971fbd6b2b5519⋯.png (319.59 KB, 400x598, 200:299, Movies.png)


When you look over the Precipice…

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d49251  No.12501188

File: b7d9bd9aab2535a⋯.jpg (161.93 KB, 587x939, 587:939, WAY.jpg)

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02ec16  No.12501189


>this is freaking me out.

>very uncool.

It shouldn't happen, but it does. yes, very uncool.

sign out and then back in; the freaking will stop.

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2dc373  No.12501190

File: cfe983a869d348b⋯.png (2.18 MB, 934x1073, 934:1073, trump_highlander_there_can….png)

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343c59  No.12501192


Why do so many shitbirds have to be from New Jersey? I mean, this place is infested with rats and worse, but can't we at least get a Jordan or Gaetz? All we got was Van Drew, who withdrew his "undying support" for DJT pretty fucking fast!

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5968d2  No.12501193


your mom's ass.

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697485  No.12501194


>just flew over muh house

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bc02f6  No.12501195


Think mirror

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ce2e47  No.12501196

File: 585fe21f0820c57⋯.jpeg (19.65 KB, 255x165, 17:11, AF3F1533_E0C5_4B04_8F21_E….jpeg)

File: c13fa9264a39727⋯.jpeg (15.06 KB, 163x255, 163:255, 9D5BE439_BC45_4D8F_A33C_0….jpeg)

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000000  No.12501197


can i replace fauci as science tzar?

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c4158e  No.12501198


>nazi shills

>godwins law

you already lost faggot.

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c04e2a  No.12501199

File: 2977d8025098ec7⋯.png (6.52 MB, 2001x1125, 667:375, Obama_cigg.png)

File: 7ab9d0a3cb3e160⋯.jpg (198.06 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Marxist_Plan.jpg)


“You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.”

~ Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

somebody tell muh nigga, as Admiral Yamamoto was light years more intelligent and humble than this piece of shit

that is all

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14fca6  No.12501200

File: 0ad92fffadfe9ba⋯.jpg (42.31 KB, 666x363, 222:121, 3o2aeeedv.jpg)

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2c6020  No.12501201


Final stage let's go

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1d3838  No.12501202

File: db33cc18196e80b⋯.jpeg (86.87 KB, 828x546, 138:91, BAB6DB75_4F37_4FD1_ABAB_5….jpeg)

File: 7d43049f5c0b08b⋯.jpeg (90.88 KB, 1122x221, 66:13, FBEAF64D_3533_44A4_A76B_A….jpeg)

Not so bad considering just on auto pilot

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9a14a3  No.12501203

File: 5cd18398a6b51e3⋯.png (80.04 KB, 653x653, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>Will there be patriotic bewbs?

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ae54a6  No.12501205


They need some Peruvian neckties!

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29bdf9  No.12501206


It's a democracy if they say it is. Very specific reason why they constantly say that word. Trump says it too because the language is so fucked up generations of brainwashing by a very specific group. Very specific reason.

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6f6fdc  No.12501207


Checked. Excellent share anon

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8666fb  No.12501208

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


After a historic defence budget, Japan begins procuring everything it needs to take on China

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e20b7c  No.12501209


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: a9a96c No.343459 📁

Feb 11 2018 20:01:37 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 0b5e70 No.343395 📁

Feb 11 2018 19:58:29 (EST)


Don't care about your sentence structure. Just care to know how full GITMO is gonna be?


Max cap.

[1] other prison being prepped.


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aca73e  No.12501211


"….astrology states…" was the first massive clue you are full of shit.

You don't even know how astrology works, tard!

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a42cc8  No.12501212


You wish, counting illegals, whites have been <50% for a fucking decade at least. Then there are loads of "white hispanics" that are counted as white.

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83f5e8  No.12501213

File: ab75badd2850839⋯.png (984.24 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17baf2d0df98e6f⋯.png (985.77 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



Check out that border on Mexico and California.

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bfa195  No.12501214

File: adca580010436be⋯.png (3.07 MB, 1680x1050, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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ab348b  No.12501215


Yes, anon also noticed this last bread. wtf?

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1917c5  No.12501216


Doesn't matter. Votes won't matter due to dominion etc and election fraud. If that isn't solved, the whole country can vote against those who vote for peachments and it won't matter.

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714179  No.12501217

power outages have now moved into montana. 18k without power

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ae54a6  No.12501218


Those are some huge Faggots!

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2dc373  No.12501219

File: b76edf3d9f6bbf4⋯.png (362.84 KB, 388x517, 388:517, jovan_pulitzer_binary_hack….png)

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7f4df0  No.12501220


POTUS disowned (You) in Alamo. Q existed only to dissuade you from fighting. Find a good reason to die.

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1d2b7b  No.12501221

File: 3c87ab2742dd78f⋯.jpg (52.85 KB, 680x602, 340:301, gameoverpepe_2.jpg)

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e93c1a  No.12501222


Most work done by the FBI in one week vs the prior 4 years. Take a bow. Or a knee. Same diff.

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1f1f35  No.12501223

File: 8296652b4dd471d⋯.jpg (10.27 KB, 225x224, 225:224, 8296652b4dd471daf7efbabb95….jpg)


go back to halfchan nazitard

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7f97c9  No.12501224

There are not 604 million aircraft flying. Or do you mean 604 military aircraft? Sheesh!

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bfa195  No.12501225

File: c8d983173cf23a3⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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989514  No.12501226


Well, should that happen, it will be up to local communities to put down the swat teams.

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7fa0e3  No.12501227


I still can't get on gab. Even tried the dissenter browser with no joy. Suppose they are still doing what they can to get it back online.

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1917c5  No.12501228


Looking forward to that 3 year delta

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94a104  No.12501229


Communists convinced boomers that reporting people for their hatred of the country and for their love of communism was a horrible illiberal thing to do.

They then convinced their children that the only way to be a good person was to report people for not being communist.

Its amazing to watch. It and the cognitive dissonance of conservatives who act like it isn't what happened.

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1dcab2  No.12501230


>>>12500468 Why is NBC news showing Perdue winning Georgia with 99% of vote in?

Faggots that’s from nov 3 election not the fucking run off.. requires >50.00000% to win Georgia

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1280b8  No.12501231

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4dbf57  No.12501232


been watchin them creep in for the last 30 mins anon

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ac48a9  No.12501233

File: b73146da931307b⋯.jpeg (43.74 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 0F5268CC_FEBD_4FF8_A972_F….jpeg)

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c4158e  No.12501234


kill yourself rainnigger.

read the welcome message then fuck off.

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cba6c4  No.12501235


Signal. 23. Pain Day.

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158248  No.12501236

Golmert making important point…

Impeachment was moved from Intel to Judiciary Committee… and now precedent has been set to send it directly to The Floor… on a whim

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1d3838  No.12501237


Phenomenal fundraising though

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80711b  No.12501238


Thanks Anon, some of my newfag self figured friend being trolled meta data was unknown

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a8c6c3  No.12501239


Who is #23, the last man standing besides POTUS?

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a48c41  No.12501240


> ab348b

I have no idea. I screen cap copiously, so, if beau hunk guys show up because of your Dan posting, then I'll be like 'want some coffee. Wantta see my archives? '

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0b5810  No.12501241

So many people are getting charged with TREASON.

Reconstruction 2.0

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d8fdbf  No.12501242

File: 32be875b2bdb2d8⋯.png (143.09 KB, 1848x800, 231:100, ClipboardImage.png)


now commiefonia too. eyes on for sure.


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1d2b7b  No.12501243

File: 556a794c3acb842⋯.jpg (66.53 KB, 550x551, 550:551, waterfall.jpg)

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08029a  No.12501244

File: 2274a90921dc688⋯.png (672.85 KB, 775x479, 775:479, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 398df9fab4fabd5⋯.png (32.32 KB, 821x531, 821:531, ClipboardImage.png)

“655 people have $4 trillion in wealth. 200 million can’t cover a $1000 expense.”

The COVID pandemic has caused the gap between the ultra-wealthy and the rest of us to grow larger than it ever has been before. Thanks to the hyperinflationary policies of the Federal Reserve and our politicians in Washington, stock prices have soared to unprecedented heights in recent months. This pushed the wealth of the uber-rich to dizzying heights, but for the rest of the country 2020 was an unmitigated nightmare.

As I have discussed previously, one survey found that 2020 was a “personal financial disaster” for 55 percent of all Americans. More than 110,000 restaurants shut down permanently last year, Americans filed more than 70 million claims for unemployment benefits, and tens of millions are potentially facing eviction in 2021. But even though we are mired in the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s, those at the very top of the economic pyramid are laughing all the way to the bank.

Earlier today, I came across a tweet from Sven Heinrich that really struck an emotional chord with me…

655 people have $4 trillion in wealth.

200 million can’t cover a $1000 expense.

I certainly don’t have any problem with people gaining wealth by working extremely hard and making society a better place in the process.

But most of the people at the very top of the economic pyramid only increased their wealth in 2020 because the powers that be decided to open up the firehoses and rain obscene amounts of money on them.

That isn’t right.

As a result of the deeply flawed policies that were implemented because of the COVID pandemic, the gap between “gains in financial assets and the health of the economy” was the largest ever recorded last year…

But as stock market indexes staged a huge rebound from the lows seen in March when the pandemic first hit, the gap between the wealthy and the poor extended an already widening trend to historic proportions.

A report via BofA Global Research published on Friday notes that a measure of the differential between gains in financial assets and the health of the economy hit a record at 6.3X in 2020.

My regular readers are probably sick and tired of hearing me say that the stock market has become completely divorced from economic reality, and now we have a hard number which backs up what I have been saying all along.


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14fca6  No.12501245

Gohmert: Half of all the impeachments ever conducted, ever voted for, occurred under this speaker.

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31f96a  No.12501246


Free speech is cherished here.

No wonder your kind get so worked up about it.

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567e56  No.12501247

These lying demons claiming to fight for truth in front of all to see

God sees you bitch

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1917c5  No.12501248

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7f4df0  No.12501249

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dad08d  No.12501250

File: 9e0138e02a2bd53⋯.png (65.07 KB, 310x120, 31:12, Screen_Shot_2021_01_13_at_….png)

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c2f3ec  No.12501251


wasn't there a (((dr. lieber))) from harvard that built the virus lab in Wuhan?

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3ff2fc  No.12501252

File: fa73def34eeee9c⋯.png (1.57 MB, 866x882, 433:441, 0734145545611.png)

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045c87  No.12501253

Planefags Eyes On

Nashville, TN to Chattanooga, TN

Multiple planes looking for something.


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4b29ca  No.12501254


Doubt it! FBI hasn't helped DJT so why now?

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e93c1a  No.12501255


So they're admitting FB is an Intelligence Gathering platform. Will they now admit they are DARPA with a fresh coat of paint?

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ce2e47  No.12501256

File: 19bfea0ccec65ff⋯.jpeg (167.62 KB, 792x548, 198:137, F7BBC87E_99B0_4D43_AEEC_3….jpeg)

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5968d2  No.12501257


You can tell she grew up without a father.

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90f167  No.12501258


Fuck off shill faggot

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06ca16  No.12501259

File: 01dfc3d92f40c5e⋯.jpg (32.79 KB, 609x515, 609:515, 01dfc3d92f40c5e903318e2a33….jpg)



Filter eachother right now, or goto your rooms!

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076829  No.12501260


Hasn't Fuckbook already purged the conservative's? It's just a one sided vacuum of nonsense now. Must be paid shills and shit.

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6a34e1  No.12501261

Nazi! No, you’re a Nazi! You’re a Nazi Jew! You’re a Jewish Nazi!!!

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d2fa1b  No.12501262


interesting. North Dakota was going up also and texas seems to be having some problems also. Not sure if that is a normative number though.

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000000  No.12501263



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608c9f  No.12501264


She already died went to hell and they sent her back…lucky us.

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000000  No.12501265




Top Areas by Outages

Washington 487,968

Oregon 71,042

Idaho 49,058

Montana 23,702

California 11,621

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08029a  No.12501266


Zionist Boris is running cover for his bosses in Israel and the Banks in Switzerland

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15dd4c  No.12501267


he could have released a lot over 4 years.

he chose not to.

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52aecf  No.12501268

What did we learn from past attempt(s)?


Attacks will intensify [FAKE NEWS [arm of the D party]].


Looks can be deceiving.

Sometimes a leak…

10x speed now underway.

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c04e2a  No.12501269

File: a8e1525ea4ed12c⋯.jpg (56.66 KB, 850x708, 425:354, Pelosi_the_Corrupt_Cunt.jpg)



comfy af

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7fdb12  No.12501270

File: e710ecf90e9d30a⋯.png (1.41 MB, 2542x1236, 1271:618, a_10_wart_hog_plane_faggin.png)

We got us an A-10 Warthog in Southern AZ right now…

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3b1f31  No.12501271

File: 9deaf6deaf74ae4⋯.png (13.46 KB, 491x148, 491:148, ClipboardImage.png)


it's working for me


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7222ca  No.12501272

File: c91ca67006939d8⋯.jpg (101.65 KB, 600x730, 60:73, Pedos.jpg)

File: 0c7acacdd4af493⋯.jpg (109.32 KB, 356x600, 89:150, Jew_Law.jpg)


So that makes you a pedo-shill.

Page excerpt from Talmud aka Written Oral Torah aka Jewish law.

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200f2e  No.12501274

File: 2356bb6f4868110⋯.jpeg (221.45 KB, 828x611, 828:611, 4F0CFB59_BD08_4FD4_8800_0….jpeg)



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000000  No.12501275


Beautiful graphic. Yours?

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1d2b7b  No.12501276

File: 0b6dcdca5079ad4⋯.jpg (243.69 KB, 1008x723, 336:241, ratlife.jpg)

File: a1b3488fbaa8383⋯.jpg (61.71 KB, 418x497, 418:497, painiscoming.jpg)

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72a47f  No.12501277

*Hopium* is the new "shill word" of the day, anons.

Just like *sauce* was the past few days.

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52d801  No.12501278

Whenever the shills start to creep into my thought process, I return to a fundamental notion that clarifies that honest Patriot Anons are here for GOOD and good ONLY - is there ANYTHING evil, negative or regrettable about fighting for the freedom of children and all other souls being trafficked as product throughout the world? And I say, “ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY NOT.” We were chosen for a reason, never give up, fight like hell.

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0b5810  No.12501279



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e93c1a  No.12501280


She probable downed the whole bottle or Vodka last night vs the usual 1/2.

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ac48a9  No.12501281

File: d3915b60647351b⋯.jpeg (35.89 KB, 225x255, 15:17, 3E160F6E_AE85_4D73_8127_8….jpeg)

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00b8a8  No.12501282


There was a heavy storm last night.

Very very windy

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0b5810  No.12501283

Cedric Richmond is going to hang!

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72a47f  No.12501284


part of the ritual.

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000000  No.12501285


> 655 people have $4 trillion in wealth.

>200 million can’t cover a $1000 expense.

Unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required.

LUKE 12:48

God wins

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08029a  No.12501286

Putin orders to move to mass COVID-19 vaccination for Russians starting next week

The president noted that the relevant infrastructure should be prepared

NOVO-OGARYOVO, January 13. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has instructed authorities to move forward with mass coronavirus inoculation for all Russians starting next week.

"We have already started large-scale vaccination. Last week, [Prime Minister] Mikhail [Mishustin] reported to me that the industry had not only kept up with the promised targets and volumes but also exceeded the planned vaccine production targets. We need to move from large-scale to mass vaccination," Putin told a cabinet meeting.

"I ask you to launch mass vaccination for the whole population starting next week and come up with the respective schedule of work, as is done with other infections like flu," the president added.

He noted that the relevant infrastructure should be prepared for mass inoculation. "Thank God, our vaccine does not require any extreme or unusual transportation conditions like temperature of minus 50 or minus 70 [degrees Celsius - TASS]. It works in a much simpler and efficient way," Putin explained.


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1917c5  No.12501287


so when the history comes out and the photos it will be harder to tell which peachmint it was.

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1d2b7b  No.12501288

File: 78d2121c1e25a41⋯.jpg (190.92 KB, 640x672, 20:21, obamatraitor.jpg)

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069c42  No.12501289

File: 4619535b85b223e⋯.png (101.61 KB, 332x288, 83:72, Screenshot_2020_11_25_11_T….png)

File: 7f5b53dbe00d9e2⋯.jpg (84.41 KB, 751x1063, 751:1063, 11528587314790.jpg)

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77fa2d  No.12501290


An additional 5,000 members of the National Guard have been authorized to support security efforts in Washington, D.C. around Joe Biden's upcoming inauguration.

"I think you can expect to see somewhere upwards beyond 20,000 members of the National Guard that will be here in the footprint of thee District of Columbia," said acting D.C. police chief Robert Contee on Wednesday.

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31f96a  No.12501291



That's always the word of the day here.

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000000  No.12501292


Been watching this for past two hours or so.

WA: steady, slow recovery

OR: steady, slow recovery

ID: steady, slow loss

MT: moderate increase of loss

CA: spotty? Likes like increase in loss

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3aad61  No.12501294

File: cc1be686ab57e13⋯.png (106.32 KB, 782x210, 391:105, FireShot_Capture_178_www_d….png)

File: d719d83835463c8⋯.png (38.49 KB, 802x210, 401:105, 3487.png)

File: c9cad251cd35592⋯.jpg (4.64 KB, 255x74, 255:74, 34bfd0a9f2cf34dc8f92713fc6….jpg)

File: fc5144f9b00b78c⋯.png (35.88 KB, 377x234, 29:18, 3488.png)


SIGINT collection?


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aca73e  No.12501295


Outstanding! Now finish wiping the filthy Palestinian terrorists from our planet!

Start with the gross gargoyle Rashida Tlaib!

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000000  No.12501296



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0984f1  No.12501297

File: 2571acb3f20701d⋯.jpg (142.26 KB, 1199x732, 1199:732, ErFRSVMXAAEkt3U.jpg)

File: 5a3125cf00cc054⋯.jpg (35.13 KB, 1136x738, 568:369, EroNE3AXEAUfBWU.jpg)

Some news from toothpaste country.

1. 'Beech marten' causes power outage for 11.000 houses in Eastern-Netherlands - yesterday.

2. Nancy Pelosi's son-in-law and Dutch main US Correspondent Michiel Vos abandons Twitter without notice.


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567e56  No.12501298


Even Russia poisoning its people? Interesting

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90f167  No.12501299

File: 975d496e5c90e58⋯.png (7.42 KB, 255x166, 255:166, wtf.png)

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54a8a9  No.12501300

File: 46d9f883558cedc⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, F2F82333_B66B_48CD_854D_50….png)

Now can we admit this is fake? And Nancy talked to the troops at the capital so she’s not missing. Pffft

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19d952  No.12501301

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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06ca16  No.12501302

File: 31c0e0d2c8660f5⋯.png (217.66 KB, 822x749, 822:749, ClipboardImage.png)


Deleted\Censored Okeefe tweet from just 1 min ago.

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000000  No.12501303


who dat?

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83f5e8  No.12501304

File: 9c9c241849eb431⋯.png (523.55 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0d8e1abacc4300f⋯.gif (1.29 MB, 496x347, 496:347, A10brrrrt.gif)


Pretty sure he BRRRRRRRRRRRT the eastern side of Barry Goldwater.

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138ce6  No.12501305

So today Trump declares a "natural disaster" in Connecticut, Utah, Georgia and Louisiana… but why?

Because with this official Presidential declaration, Trump can use the Insurrection Act with military and National Guard in those states.

§333. Major public emergencies; interference with State and Federal law

(a) Use of Armed Forces in Major Public Emergencies.—(1) The President may employ the armed forces, including the National Guard in Federal service, to—

(A) restore public order and enforce the laws of the United States when, as a result of a natural disaster, epidemic, or other serious public health emergency, terrorist attack or incident, or other condition in any State or possession of the United States, the President determines that—

(i) domestic violence has occurred to such an extent that the constituted authorities of the State or possession are incapable of maintaining public order; and

(ii) such violence results in a condition described in paragraph (2); or

(B) suppress, in a State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy if such insurrection, violation, combination, or conspiracy results in a condition described in paragraph (2).


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076829  No.12501306


You know, I really trusted and defended this plan for the past 4 years. But now, the reality of hell is really beginning to sink in.

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000000  No.12501307


member in fast and the furious when the young kid hit the nitrous too early and the asian guy is like "too soon junior" and then hits it at the end and wins?

i feel like yall may have taken that too seriously

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15dd4c  No.12501308


never announce your plans to the enemy.

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c2a049  No.12501309


Rothschild, Soros, wealth disclosures false.

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0d2e5d  No.12501310


Death is coming for everyone, genius.

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95129d  No.12501311

File: 6d4acc5c17fc34e⋯.png (794.41 KB, 664x662, 332:331, SoComfy.png)

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1d2b7b  No.12501312

File: 1dfbdc95bb9fc34⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1044x696, 3:2, mitch.png)

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000000  No.12501313

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134ebd  No.12501314

File: f39961c920d910c⋯.png (805.19 KB, 1033x581, 1033:581, ClipboardImage.png)

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000000  No.12501315





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d8fdbf  No.12501316

File: 19837609f893567⋯.png (98.07 KB, 1745x674, 1745:674, ClipboardImage.png)


the patterns and number of outages happening on the same day seem anomalous to me. western canada also having problems. we'll see if it starts to spread eastward.

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52d6b2  No.12501317

File: 0fd5eedb9bc947c⋯.png (615.53 KB, 1100x1126, 550:563, Screen_Shot_2021_01_13_at_….png)


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f3876f  No.12501318


Direct confirmation that you're retarded. Type like the rest of us you aren't Q

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0703fa  No.12501319

Just an FYI to the Dissenter developers.

I sent a report already to you.

I cannot access 8kun.top/qresearch with the Dissenter browser.

I downloaded it, tested it on other internet addies, but I cannot travel here.

I dropped the shields for the site. Should I just strip all the protections built in for 8kun or what?

I have no idea. Would love to use it.

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7fa0e3  No.12501321

File: f9fc18b3c4669b2⋯.gif (1.08 MB, 220x181, 220:181, Bill_Cosby_Squint_Look.gif)


>Unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required.

>LUKE 12:48

Given? These people have taken it for themselves.

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567e56  No.12501322


At least it ends in 7 days one way or another

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726076  No.12501323

File: db6b48473a70ccf⋯.png (288.2 KB, 592x774, 296:387, Screenshot_2021_01_13_Veri….png)

File: f8d2843107ede55⋯.mp4 (841.27 KB, 480x270, 16:9, iXZAopXGCfcExwjr.mp4)

National Guard units at the Capitol ahead of Joe Biden's inauguration.

The military is reportedly partially armed with weapons for “self-defense..”

Who the Hell thinks this is Normal..


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9ddf0e  No.12501324

Sorry to say but Gab made a huge mistake switching to Cloudflare. We all remember what they did to us and what they will do to Gab in very near future. Parler made the same mistake with Amazon and sadly it wasn't surprising at all what Amazon did to them.

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448a01  No.12501325


Of course it is.

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1692d3  No.12501326

File: b71ce8c1e7a9890⋯.gif (6.02 MB, 445x374, 445:374, SmartSelect_20190727_17154….gif)

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9ec396  No.12501327


Sometimes a leak…


This a past drop? Help finish it anons.

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90f167  No.12501328


With the shit the public is now being exposed to

It had to be this way, so the schadenfreude will be so great that it will never happen again.

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1d2b7b  No.12501329

File: 80214dc18ac6edc⋯.jpg (58.57 KB, 463x651, 463:651, hankspizza.jpg)

File: 17b8a086ed9352e⋯.jpg (64.39 KB, 680x503, 680:503, hanks.jpg)


Hanks is in charge of the hotdogs and pizza

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5c0c65  No.12501330

File: 6369e387b7fcd3d⋯.jpg (86 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, 6369e387b7fcd3da5e649ea56d….jpg)

File: 2db774f9080f4c2⋯.jpg (96.72 KB, 750x765, 50:51, 2db774f9080f4c24c77ac4fab6….jpg)

File: 08447811354f28d⋯.png (650.87 KB, 780x574, 390:287, 20210113_110438.png)


Cyanide Capsule in the bracelet?

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0a35db  No.12501331



This is INSANE!

Those people CANNOT be humans!

Why don't they kill themselves FIRST???

I just can't believe they are talking about it as if it was about poisoning cockroaches!!!

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68f67d  No.12501332

>>12500739 OP

>>12500781 Dough

#15960@500 Notables

>>12500814 Archbishop of Glasgow dies after catching China Virus at Christmas

>>12500820 Sec Pompeo - "We flipped the script"

>>12500832 Operation Warp Speed Chief Resigns

>>12500841 Boris Johnson Blasts ‘Demented’ Chinese Traditional Medicine for Starting Coronavirus Crisis

>>12500850 President Donald J Trump did not expand GITMO to over 4X its size in the past 4 years to walk away leaving it empty.

>>12500853 Spencer Geissinger - Senior Vice President for Operations and Business Development.- Checkmate - calling for Trump's removal

>>12500874 Google reveals sophisticated Windows and Android hacking operation

>>12500879 A San Antonio woman featured in a Project Veritas video has been arrested after an extensive investigation by the Texas Attorney General’s Election Fraud Division

>>12500901 Jovan Pulitzer - "American Election Interference - 65 countries participated, attacked 7 states and over 600 individual county polling locations

>>12500930 Trump team will blame China lab for growing Covid-19 with 'bombshell' evidence as part of final salvos of president's administration - but UK dismisses claim

>>12500934 Donald Trump could declassify top-secret intelligence linking Covid to Wuhan research lab.

>>12500939 Ducati was raided in Dec, corporate offices and the homes of executives. Considering Italy is neck deep in the coup this is possibly a relevant happening.

>>12500949 Florida State Representative Asks Governor DeSantis to Divest State Funds From Apple, Facebook, Google and Twitter

>>12500963 Italy ministers quit coalition. Puts Premier Conte at risk.

>>12500967 Poll: 80% Trump Voters, 76% of Republicans Less Likely to Vote for Lawmaker Who Votes for Impeachment

>>12500971 Every major Western media outlet has been wined and dined by communist China

>>12500981 Acting U.S. attorney general warns against further attacks

>>12500986 D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser announced Wednesday that people may be stopped and questioned before entering the city’s security perimeter that will be in place for days leading up to Inauguration Day.

>>12500994 Democrat Rep. Mikie Sherrill Accuses GOP Congressmen of Giving Rioters “Reconnaissance” Tours the Night Before Capitol Stormed

>>12501036 FBI Has Opened Over 160 Cases Tied to Pro-Trump Capitol Riot HUNTER BIDEN STILL ROAMING FREE

>>12501041 Debunked: There's no evidence of a planned 'huge uprising' of pro-Trump ‘armed protests’ in all 50 states

>>12501046 FF Incoming?

>>12501056 Supreme Court Upholds Trump Administration’s Restrictions on Telemedicine Abortions

>>12501060 INCREDIBLE VIDEO: Senator Schumer Berated During Live Press Conference by Random Woman on the Streets of New York City

>>12501090 Did anyone else notice that Pelosi just referred to another woman as “Madame Speaker” just now? She also mentioned her father by name AND quoted JFK in her speech

>>12501114 How to Steal an Election In 1 minute and 14 Seconds..

>>12501124 Massive Blackout in Iran Days After Similar Reports from Pakistan, Vatican

>>12501141 Peruvian Court Probing Judge's Ruling Alleging Soros, Bill Gates are Creators of COVID-19 Pandemic

>>12500924 17States affected by fraud, not just Swing States (video)

>>12501242 California suffering power outages now

>>12501244 “655 people have $4 trillion in wealth. 200 million can’t cover a $1000 expense.”

>>12501253 Planefags Eyes On Nashville, TN to Chattanooga, TN

>>12501286 Putin orders to move to mass COVID-19 vaccination for Russians starting next week

>>12501302 Deleted\Censored James O'keefe (Veritas) tweet from just 1 min ago.


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c70608  No.12501333

Is pompeos twitter the/a clock?

Tweets every half hour on the dot.

Seems to be a countdown.

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3aad61  No.12501334

File: c0394ad3972b6a2⋯.jpg (99.6 KB, 480x693, 160:231, pwned.jpg)

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076829  No.12501335


On way more than the other.

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08029a  No.12501336

File: e6f0e52bf991f82⋯.png (474.1 KB, 789x845, 789:845, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c1deab17f6ab45c⋯.png (646.66 KB, 604x909, 604:909, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a0a90a7a362a2ba⋯.png (827.14 KB, 662x918, 331:459, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 48d0af632670508⋯.png (169.8 KB, 867x864, 289:288, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 28391737835d44b⋯.png (358.77 KB, 875x743, 875:743, ClipboardImage.png)

Secret Chat Reveals BLM Activist’s Violent Intent and Trump Supporter Disguise at Capitol

John Sullivan aka ‪Jayden X was among those who breached the US Capitol on Jan 6th. He is an activist allying BLM & Antifa as the founder of Insurgence USA. He was arrested July of 2020 in Utah on charges of rioting, making a threat of violence and criminal mischief after organizing a protest at which an elderly man was shot.

John’s organization openly advocates for revolution and he previously made threats toward the Capitol and President Trump, while speaking at an event in DC.

In the Aug 28, 2020 video he says, “We f**ing about to burn this s* down… We got to defend ourselves because power to the people… We got to f**ing rip Trump out of that office right there, fing pull him out that s*… Nah, nah. We ain’t about… waiting until the next election we about to get that mother f***er.”

In video he posted of the Jan 9 Capitol breaching, titled “Shooting and Storming Of The US Capitol In Washington DC” this same threatening rhetoric is heard. He says “we gotta burn this, we gotta burn this down.”

When protestors instruct each other NOT to deface the statues, John responds “well, people might burn this down, I’m not gonna lie, it might be too late for that.”

His video captures himself making “rip him out of there” threats toward President Trump, mirroring his prior threats.

John claims and the media reports that he “was just there to film” on the Jan 6th Capitol breach but that doesn’t match his words and actions both shown on the videos he has uploaded to his “JaydenX” YouTube account nor the messages we have received that he and other comrades posted in his chat group.

The facts are as follows:

John Sullivan had prior knowledge of a storm on the Capitol, he writes

“Tomorrow is the big purge

Let the chuds kill them selves

They are storming the Capitol building here in DC

So I’ve heard

They are not going after BLM plaza”



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7e39c7  No.12501337



PNWanon. We just had a huge rain/wind storm come through the last few days. Lots of power outages, floods, land slides.

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daf3f2  No.12501338


He fuks kids.


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aa1879  No.12501339

Good morning anons.

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90f167  No.12501340


Was the JCS doc the leak?

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ac48a9  No.12501341

File: f7a483a955a0fa2⋯.png (893.74 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, CFC9D334_507D_4709_A279_30….png)

Corrupt Madigan Out!


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576b77  No.12501342

Ladies and Gentlemen, President Trump has won the coin toss and elected to kick.


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9ec396  No.12501343




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31f96a  No.12501344


Yeah, 1/20 is the only datefagging red line left now.

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5c0c65  No.12501345

File: 0fe70dc6d9de2f2⋯.jpg (76.75 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, 0fe70dc6d9de2f2c22965aaf20….jpg)

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52d801  No.12501346

File: 442f5ce5a07fabb⋯.png (266.43 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, C55AA21B_2FE7_4162_A1E3_A5….png)

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aca73e  No.12501347


Why so many? Shit, my senior book club members could take out most of the criminal DC politicians!

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15dd4c  No.12501348

File: 134c5eafa819f58⋯.png (8.63 KB, 250x242, 125:121, sad_pepe.png)

Did you ever think you would watch our Country fall so far so fast?

Nobody is going to fight for it.

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bcc00d  No.12501349


Turns into a flood

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0608ae  No.12501350


I read USCG

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16bff4  No.12501351


Turns Into A FLOOD!!!

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daf3f2  No.12501352

Nadler just shit his pants on live TV again.

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158248  No.12501353


Remember all this shit in January 2017?

Me neither

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08029a  No.12501354

Jordan calls on Cheney to step down from House leadership

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) is calling on House Republican Conference Chair Liz Cheney (Wyo.) to be removed from leadership for announcing her plans to vote to impeach President Trump for inciting last week's riot at the Capitol.

Jordan, a founder of the conservative House Freedom Caucus and one of Trump’s top defenders in the House, joined other GOP allies of Trump in calling for Cheney to step down from the role.

“We ought to have a second vote,” he told reporters, according to the Capitol Hill reporter pool. "The conference ought to vote on that."

Jordan’s comments echo those of Rep. Matt Rosendale (R-Mont.) and Freedom Caucus Chairman Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.).

“When Representative Cheney came out for impeachment today, she failed to consult with the Conference, failed to abide by the spirit of the rules of the Republican Conference, and ignored the preferences of Republican voters," Rosendale said in a statement Tuesday. “She is weakening our conference at a key moment for personal political gain and is unfit to lead. She must step down as Conference Chair.”

Biggs told Fox News that he didn't think Cheney "should be the chair of the Republican conference anymore."

"The reality is she’s not representing the conference; she’s not representing the Republican ideals," he said.

Cheney announced Tuesday that she planned to vote in favor of impeachment, arguing the president failed to uphold his oath to the Constitution and misled his supporters with his rhetoric repeatedly claiming the election was "stolen" and calling on his supporters to march to the Capitol.

“None of this would have happened without the President. The President could have immediately and forcefully intervened to stop the violence. He did not. There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution,” she said in a statement on Tuesday.

Five people died amid the riot last week, including Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, who was struck by a fire extinguisher while working to stop rioters from entering the building.


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000000  No.12501355



lost in translation

better definition would be accumulated wealth or power no matter how it is aquired.

Even Christ aknowledged "give to Ceasar what is Cesear's"

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6a34e1  No.12501356

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e20b7c  No.12501357


According to court documents, since 2008, Dr. Lieber who has served as the Principal Investigator of the Lieber Research Group at Harvard University, which specialized in the area of nanoscience, has received more than $15,000,000 in grant funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Department of Defense (DOD). These grants require the disclosure of significant foreign financial conflicts of interest, including financial support from foreign governments or foreign entities. Unbeknownst to Harvard University beginning in 2011, Lieber became a “Strategic Scientist” at Wuhan University of Technology (WUT) in China and was a contractual participant in China’s Thousand Talents Plan from in or about 2012 to 2017.

Under the terms of Lieber’s three-year Thousand Talents contract, WUT paid Lieber $50,000 USD per month, living expenses of up to 1,000,000 Chinese Yuan (approximately $158,000 USD at the time) and awarded him more than $1.5 million to establish a research lab at WUT. In return, Lieber was obligated to work for WUT “not less than nine months a year” by “declaring international cooperation projects, cultivating young teachers and Ph.D. students, organizing international conference[s], applying for patents and publishing articles in the name of” WUT.


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9ec396  No.12501358


Thanks anon!

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ab348b  No.12501359


anon does not believe Hunter is a free man.

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944693  No.12501360

File: e137f2c41d1ddac⋯.png (339.42 KB, 355x403, 355:403, bibi_mad_right.PNG)

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99fa71  No.12501361

File: 05b8e8c5e767ca5⋯.png (4.29 MB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, ClipboardImage.png)

Fehhr triah

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f213c0  No.12501362

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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717899  No.12501363

File: e57fd32326baf58⋯.png (2.34 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)



Man From Georgia Arrested After Entering US Capitol Killed Himself

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14fca6  No.12501364

File: 8471d4b788aa1a0⋯.jpg (43.31 KB, 952x486, 476:243, 3n6zccdaq.jpg)

Jefferies: Donald Trump is a living, breathing, impeachable offense.

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f36654  No.12501365


She really does love Trump.

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3c8f33  No.12501366


Durham…Sometimes a leak turns into a flood.

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90f167  No.12501367

File: 9dc9e5457f51609⋯.jpg (13.76 KB, 255x170, 3:2, Schadenfreude.jpg)

I feel it coming, especially with visitor anon posting

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9ddf0e  No.12501368


I believe he also has the ability to use some military grade emergency broadcast system. I recall reading about it when he first declared it DC few days ago.

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ff829f  No.12501369


The will love to fuck him, to fuck a celebrity must be fun. I fucked Tom Hanks* What a badge of honor*

They raped Mike Tyson , imagine what they do to this fucking coward.

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15633f  No.12501370

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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52d801  No.12501371

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6a34e1  No.12501372




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d5d630  No.12501373


warplanes over CONUS are ALWAYS training sorties.

Pilots need many hours per year.

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72a47f  No.12501374


Something is definitely going on with Nancy.

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000000  No.12501375


that seems


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3f2dce  No.12501376

File: 7a8343363e236e7⋯.png (2.15 MB, 1649x1000, 1649:1000, ClipboardImage.png)

Two E4-B Nightwatch and two B-52 Stratofortresses are up over the central US.

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daf3f2  No.12501377

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nothing ends. Pay attention.

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aa1879  No.12501378


I have wondered if those bracelets they wear contain cyanide capsules or something.

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d49251  No.12501379

File: cd398d567d64631⋯.jpg (282.68 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ELFxxAyXYAAkFFq.jpg)

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608c9f  No.12501380

File: 07d554773249683⋯.png (146.78 KB, 362x340, 181:170, Noose.png)


….for your pain

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1d2b7b  No.12501381

File: 71ec91cfd056dcf⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1181x1335, 1181:1335, trumpdyn.png)

Keystone, SD

New Capitol after the Dew hits DC?

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000000  No.12501382


>What did we learn from past attempt(s)?

US legal system is corrupt beyond belief

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618faf  No.12501383

#ChinaCaucus - maybe get this trending on socials for all Pro-Impeachment posts.

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15dd4c  No.12501384



remember when he showed up all bruised?

who is his wife again?

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49fa13  No.12501385


this is when you admit Biden will never be president

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1917c5  No.12501386

File: f3c91ea62c6378c⋯.jpeg (20.3 KB, 212x254, 106:127, 97679907_E5E2_4485_8514_3….jpeg)

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000000  No.12501387


Ok now all 000000, must be my internal ID to keep track of my posts before masked over with 000000

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1d2b7b  No.12501388


is it even her?

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cc5271  No.12501389

File: 8198afb8546a5d0⋯.png (76.45 KB, 254x219, 254:219, heybrrrrrt.png)

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77fa2d  No.12501390


only way to get a Biden crowd ?

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6a34e1  No.12501391


Jeffries is living breathing idiot.

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1f1f35  No.12501392


baker, again

ADL digging in Torba's past, finding out he is a white suppremacist, all the MSM arguing DOJ should investigate

At the same time, shills insert muh-joos in a notable related to gab

just like that? pure coincidence?

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000000  No.12501393


>Looks can be deceiving.

>Sometimes a leak…

>10x speed now underway.


Jan. 5th = C_A stop payment

Jan. 5th = GA Run Off

Jan. 6th = 11.23 on lunar calendar -PAIN 23

Jan. 6th = 12th day of Christmas/Epiphany Western Calendar

Jan. 6th = POTUS Call for patriots to come to DC -Fuck around, find out day

Jan. 6th = Electoral College

Jan. 7th = Eastern OrthdoX Christmas - What do you want for Xmas

Jan. 7th + 10 days Darkness =Jan 17th@POTUS twitter shutdown

Still to come

Jan. 13th = 11.3/11.4 = 1.13/1.14 Proofs to Begin

Jan. 15/16th = Friday & Saturday - MAGA Promise - Friday the 15th is the date on the iPhone in the pic cap for #2099 about the EAS test

Jan. 17th = D5 on Lunar - D5 = Strongest Level Avalanche, Snowball

Jan. 19th = D7 on Lunar - remember THIS DAY - D7 = Pearl Harbor/Wake Island - a day that will live in infamy(never forgotten, remember THIS DAY)

Jan. 19th = Epiphany/Popcorn Day Eastern Orthodox

Epiphany = A sudden moment of realization

Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Jeremiah 1:19 - They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the Lord.




From Epiphany to Epiphany - JAN 6 - 19

epiphany - (1) : a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something. (2) : an intuitive grasp of reality through something (such as an event) usually simple and striking. (3) : an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure.




Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b189f8 No.130638📁

Jan 22 2018 21:47:32 (EST)

What would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed the assassination (possibility) of the POTUS or member of his family?

What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved?

Forget the Russia set up [1 of 22].

This is only the beginning.

Be careful what you wish for.


Could messages such as those be publicly disclosed?

What happens to the FBI?

What happens to the DOJ?

What happens to special counsel?

What happens in general?

Every FBI/DOJ prev case could be challenged.


Think logically.

We haven’t started the drops re: human trafficking / sacrifices [yet][worst].

Those [good] who know cannot sleep.

Those [good] who know cannot find peace.

Those [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held accountable.

Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there.

Those you trust are the most guilty of sin.

Who are we taught to trust?

If you are religious, PRAY.

60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity.

These people should be hanging.


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07f92e  No.12501394


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31f96a  No.12501395


Don't make grand conclusions until if/when 1/20 passes with still no habbenings.

Everything is much different if that occurs.

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08029a  No.12501396

File: 3d60d2a099c468e⋯.png (727.27 KB, 824x458, 412:229, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bb219e364870a3d⋯.png (81.64 KB, 748x598, 374:299, ClipboardImage.png)

Rep. Mace blames both parties for violence in House speech: 'Our words have consequences'

New Republican congresswoman called on both parties to solve problems instead of causing them

Newly-elected Rep. Nancy Mace, R-S.C., chastised her colleagues on both sides of the aisle Wednesday for contributing to violence with their rhetoric, as they debated the potential impeachment of President Trump.

Mace delivered her first-ever remarks on the House floor during an impassioned debate that had been designated for a discussion of rules prior to a vote on whether to impeach Trump following the riot at the Capitol building on Jan. 6. Mace blamed the president for what happened, but she also blamed members of Congress for contributing to the violence that plagued American cities throughout 2020.

"I believe we need to hold the president accountable," Mace said. "I hold him accountable for the events that transpired, for the attack on our Capitol last Wednesday. I also believe that we need to hold accountable every single person, even members of Congress if they contributed to the violence that transpired here."

Mace then called on House members of both parties to be accountable for their own words and actions and to help bring the country back together.

"Today I'm asking my colleagues to remember the words of the legendary, the great leader in this country Dr. Martin Luther King, who once said, 'The time is always right to do what is right.' And if we're serious about healing the divisions in this country, Republicans and Democrats need to acknowledge this is not the first day of violence we've seen," Mace said. "We've seen violence across our country for the last nine months."


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15dd4c  No.12501397


Normal in communist countries anon.

get used to it.

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0984f1  No.12501398

File: 6e42e750db35753⋯.jpg (109.77 KB, 879x371, 879:371, JSpOC_of_the_Future_879x37….jpg)



Dasting. Eyes on bracelets.

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54a8a9  No.12501400


Just stop. It’s a outgoing gesture to help those states with recent natural disaster clean up. Jesus h Christ man.

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191cab  No.12501401

No one will be arrested. No Justice is coming. Biden will be President, and Trump/Q helped sell us to China.

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f45c12  No.12501402


Different vaccine

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000000  No.12501403


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e20b7c  No.12501404


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No.7358376 📁

Nov 20 2019 14:54:49 (EST)


Control of narrative = control of public opinion

Control of public opinion = power

How do you control the narrative?

Information warfare.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No.7358338 📁

Nov 20 2019 13:18:53 (EST)

All assets [F + D] being deployed.

[Some] who once supported POTUS [sleepers] have/will turn [puppets & puppet masters].

Control of narrative = control of public opinion

Control of public opinion = power









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000000  No.12501405


Yeah, and actual warplanes going hot don't squawk to ADS-B. I get A-10s going over all the time that either show up as commercial flights with ridiculously low altitudes or else not at all.

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000000  No.12501407

>listening to dems lose their minds over Trump supporters

welp, i always wanted to be V

cant forget this was part of it

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000000  No.12501408


>Very specific reason…

>Why now?

>Race for TIME.

>Pace picking up?

>Something BIG is coming.

>Deep clean.

>Nothing is deleted.



>Jan. 13th = 11.3/11.4 = 1.13/1.14 Proofs to Begin

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c34f75  No.12501409

File: 022b86581d608c4⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



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c2a049  No.12501410



No it isn't.

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cc1f46  No.12501411

File: 594100bc32db9b3⋯.jpg (62.91 KB, 253x204, 253:204, dafuqPepe.JPG)

Soooo… what's a Trump flag?

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aca73e  No.12501412


Really? Have you ever seen millions of niggers uncontrolled and in their natural 50-IQ state?

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3b6cee  No.12501413

The troops are there for the DECLAS


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c4158e  No.12501414

all the bullshit that gets noted and legit shills only reeee when the kike gets outed.


you don't know how transparent (((you))) are


>search engine

>"apu memes"

>"pepe memes"

>im anon just like you

all so tiresome.

like the adl, jdl, aipac, and CAMERA doesn't pay people to be here constantly subverting.

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7f4df0  No.12501416


Jim Jordan is a faggot. He ought to be calling for death penalties. FUCK JIM JORDAN.

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29bdf9  No.12501417


Women have no place in politics

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08029a  No.12501418

File: 06767bac143dacb⋯.png (58.38 KB, 932x337, 932:337, ClipboardImage.png)

Dems Move to End Federal Death Penalty

More than 70 House and Senate Democrats announced Tuesday that they will reintroduce a bill ending the federal death penalty, enacting one of President-elect Joe Biden's campaign promises.

Spearheaded by incoming Senate majority whip Dick Durbin (Ill.) and democratic socialist congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (Mass.), the bill would prohibit a sentence of death for any federal offender and require the resentencing of the 55 individuals currently on federal death row.

The move comes in reaction to the scheduled executions of three federal offenders later this week (one was stayed late Monday evening with an appeal pending to the Supreme Court), part of President Donald Trump's first-in-decades slate of executions begun in July.

"There are three lives that hang in the balance this week alone," Pressley told NPR. "And this is why we reintroduced this bill this week and are urging Congress to act immediately to pass it. State-sanctioned murder is not justice."

But it also follows Biden's call during the 2020 campaign to end the death penalty through legislation, making him the first president elected in the modern era who openly supports ending capital punishment. That makes the new bill a sign that Democrats see the death penalty as part of their agenda in the new term, a move likely to spark a heated national debate over the age-old punishment.

In addition to Durbin and Pressley, the bill has the backing of 10 senators and more than 60 members of the House. The list of backers is a who's who of congressional progressives, including Sens. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.), Ed Markey (Mass.), Cory Booker (N.J.), and Mazie Hirono (Hawaii), as well as "Squad" members Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.), Rashida Tlaib (Mich.), Ilhan Omar (Minn.), and newly elected Cori Bush (Mo.) and Jamaal Bowman (N.Y.).

There has been an "active conversation" with the incoming administration about the legislation, Pressley told NPR. She indicated that she would also like to see a unilateral moratorium on executions from the Biden White House, in advance of legislative abolition.

The Biden transition team has been publicly silent on its plans with regards to the death penalty. Transition press secretary T.J. Ducklo told the Associated Press that Biden "opposes the death penalty now and in the future," but declined to comment further.


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daf3f2  No.12501419


She named someone "speaker pro tempura" or somethin to that effect while she focuses on rubbing her twat to Trump and Catturd.

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ab348b  No.12501420

File: 317d054fcef8b32⋯.png (976.63 KB, 1054x528, 527:264, together_we_all_win.png)


Weird fren, had similar thoughts though yours were kinder. I'll clear cookies etc and see what it does…

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3f2dce  No.12501421

File: 419c2b2983d0ff4⋯.png (905.52 KB, 1435x1015, 41:29, ClipboardImage.png)



Looks like he was looking for an AFB. Guess he didn't find one and and decided to move on.

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d06d64  No.12501422

File: 10d4a8d10d5758a⋯.png (258.07 KB, 347x348, 347:348, ClipboardImage.png)


Why not?

This little girly bitch sounds female anyway, might as well were girls jewelry comms.

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eef199  No.12501423

File: 60c62cd12e569c2⋯.jpeg (210.95 KB, 828x420, 69:35, 5FE6BDCF_00E1_43CF_9D7B_F….jpeg)

File: fd6f63e1f5dda41⋯.jpeg (211.7 KB, 828x423, 92:47, 73385F9E_66A5_43CA_B0E3_3….jpeg)

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d89b89  No.12501424


Time to put this to rest and concentrate on other pressing issues.


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f6001a  No.12501425

File: bffdc3024d5b744⋯.png (622.28 KB, 679x722, 679:722, ClipboardImage.png)


So one of the "rioters" was a Democrat who's nickname is Schlomo….


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1d2b7b  No.12501426

File: 5f6c41ef0775a6e⋯.jpg (59.5 KB, 465x305, 93:61, hillarycult2.jpg)

who gives the suicide order?

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fc47de  No.12501427


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c2a049  No.12501428


POTUS just awarded Jordan the highest civilian honor that can be given.

KYS shill

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ff510a  No.12501429


I agree, he is not free!

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476ae3  No.12501430

Once the House charges Trump with a crime, aka impeachment, they will have committed a major crime in trying to remove sitting president under false pretense of being official members of Congress.

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49fa13  No.12501431


these people are too stupid. Shut up and keep quiet if you are an enemy of the US.

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1f1f35  No.12501432



and nazi shills urging you to keep it in the breads, with tarded arguments such as 'muh free speech'

the MSM seems to be about to go for Gab in order to link it to us next and take us down…

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ff829f  No.12501433

Just as we are prepping for the worst, extra water ammo etc.

I highly recommend that they prep as well. If they go to prison, they will get fucked in the ass, no doubt about it. The breakfast jelly is not be eaten, it is to spread on another mans asshole and licked off.

They better start prepping, I would recommend asshole stretches and I am not joking.

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8c6b39  No.12501435



Re_read 10X 50x 100x.






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7222ca  No.12501436

File: af95861c6d5ab72⋯.png (544.17 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Trump_1024x1024.png)

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000000  No.12501437


>No it isn't.

Don't be upset you aren't smart enough to read the messages between the lines, Jew.

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14fca6  No.12501438

Cicilline: Hundreds of domestic terrorists did what Donald Trump wanted them to do, they seized the Capitol.

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d49251  No.12501439

File: 83c1552cf4eeec7⋯.png (198.59 KB, 500x500, 1:1, no_deals.png)


>No one will be arrested. No Justice is coming. Biden will be President, and Trump/Q helped sell us to China.

Hillary, please go away until your gallows is readied. Thank you.

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134ebd  No.12501440

File: 0a1c46d04da97b7⋯.png (455.34 KB, 520x347, 520:347, ClipboardImage.png)

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95129d  No.12501441



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79de2a  No.12501442

So if a week passes, Biden is sworn in, and Trump had no plan, then straight up he's mentally retarded and we need to support someone else.

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72a47f  No.12501443


I love this lady.

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7f4df0  No.12501444




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774277  No.12501445

File: 3bf7024c9ec5528⋯.png (39.53 KB, 669x437, 669:437, ClipboardImage.png)

Why the fuck is the market NOT crashing assuming people think a Xiden admin is coming? What does that tell you?

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15dd4c  No.12501446

File: 94381dd199c8992⋯.jpg (11.56 KB, 255x251, 255:251, WONDER.jpg)


Maybe Q was wrong?

Maybe they were feeding Q disinfo?

Maybe Q is no longer employed?

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1d2b7b  No.12501447

File: 4530b69107840d1⋯.jpg (472.64 KB, 829x1086, 829:1086, hillaryface.jpg)


you might be right

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076829  No.12501448


Holy shit. He's squirting something out of his pen. Watch his hand press on the cap.

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138ce6  No.12501449

I often wonder if the Q Team still lurks here…

probably not, they're either busy saving humanity or packing up their banker's boxes…

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167a04  No.12501450


Oldfags know…

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14fca6  No.12501451

The American Flag was pulled down and replaced with a Trump flag? I didn't see that on any of the feeds I was watching.

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07f92e  No.12501452


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e20b7c  No.12501453


Q 4521:


"Pursuant to the presidential power to quell domestic violence, federal troops are expressly exempt from the prohibitions of Posse Comitatus Act, and this exemption applies equally to active-duty military and federalized National Guard troops."

What is Adam Schiff trying to prevent?

Everything you are witnessing [past & present [future]] centrally revolves around the Presidential Election of 2020.

Win by any means necessary [self-preservation].


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424617  No.12501454

File: 0885f3d0a6def23⋯.png (542.21 KB, 1237x2340, 1237:2340, fastjack_thread.png)

Fastjack thread about MAGA and the left being the real Nazis.


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f213c0  No.12501455


That second Q drop in your post. That's when the enemy becomes the most dangerous and desperate.

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c2a049  No.12501456



weasel word to then say any bullshit.

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18d0c6  No.12501457

Ok y'all. I watched all of this retardation theyre calling a hearing that I can handle. These people need better acting coaches, becaise they suck ASS at this. Disgusting and pathetic

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8c6b39  No.12501458



Sessions began the Epstein investigation. When that is revealed those who doubted may see the light.

The wheels of Justice turn slow but when they turn they are powerful.

10X speed now underway.

We are back online (Pelosi attempted block).


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15dd4c  No.12501459

Today is 1.13


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95e2ef  No.12501460

File: f0f5555ab9cb907⋯.png (160.35 KB, 350x265, 70:53, suicide_2.png)

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000000  No.12501461


This anon gets it

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0a35db  No.12501462

File: 7d07ce24f3f07b5⋯.png (295.73 KB, 1000x643, 1000:643, Bildschirmfoto_2021_01_13_….png)




Air Force Research Laboratory Commander Brig. Gen. Heather Pringle discusses the power of the scientific method, AFRL unicorns, Space Force Guardians, and more.

Lab Life - Episode 39

Jan 13th, 2021

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000000  No.12501463


>Dems Move to End Federal Death Penalty

such retardation

The death penalty is a great deterrent to most criminals

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d5d630  No.12501464


the president has almost nothing to do with markets.

If the economy is sound, markets go up. not difficult.

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5968d2  No.12501465


>Jan. 13th = 11.3/11.4 = 1.13/1.14 Proofs to Begin

You've been posting this for a long time. At least give me an idea as to why Proofs will come out?

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717899  No.12501466

File: edd60e21257ecad⋯.jpeg (62.81 KB, 1024x604, 256:151, swalwell_smile.jpeg)

File: bce953f7066213b⋯.jpg (417.97 KB, 1200x1716, 100:143, Jeanette_Edris_Rckefeller.jpg)

File: 4ff14dcb7d7e518⋯.jpg (58.15 KB, 705x871, 705:871, Jeanette_eric_has_your_smi….jpg)

File: 65a12d093bdf88e⋯.jpg (129.27 KB, 467x350, 467:350, swalwellrockefeller.jpg)

File: bb8263e583e9c06⋯.png (71.25 KB, 1164x424, 291:106, rockefeller_swalwell.png)


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f4e394  No.12501467


sloppy job MOSSAD

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bfa195  No.12501468


Anyone have a rebuttal to those who say this is a helicopter photographed in time-lapse?

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bde14b  No.12501469

File: 234746feb18322a⋯.png (202.57 KB, 1163x725, 1163:725, Screen_Shot_2021_01_13_at_….png)


Q are we here yet?

>>4668862 (PB)


>Anons we gotta stop with this, "it's going to happen tonight/today/tomorrow" shit.

>Think of the normies. POTUS and Q will take no pleasure in a quick and speedy ending if it leaves normie brains psychologically scarred for the rest of their lives. Imagine if you had no context for a bunch of hollywood people, friendly politicians, and news anchors being suddenly rounded up and summerly executed all at once

>If you had no idea why and you saw that shit, your brain would explode. The great awakening has to be doled out in teaspoons. Easier to swallow.

>Besides it's happening 25/7 365. The BOOMS are non stop these days.

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e20b7c  No.12501470



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000000  No.12501471

>>12500739 OP

>>12500781 Dough

#15960 FINAL Notables

>>12500814 Archbishop of Glasgow dies after catching China Virus at Christmas

>>12500820 Sec Pompeo - "We flipped the script"

>>12500832 Operation Warp Speed Chief Resigns

>>12500841 Boris Johnson Blasts ‘Demented’ Chinese Traditional Medicine for Starting Coronavirus Crisis

>>12500850 President Donald J Trump did not expand GITMO to over 4X its size in the past 4 years to walk away leaving it empty.

>>12500853 Spencer Geissinger - Senior Vice President for Operations and Business Development.- Checkmate - calling for Trump's removal

>>12500874 Google reveals sophisticated Windows and Android hacking operation

>>12500879 A San Antonio woman featured in a Project Veritas video has been arrested after an extensive investigation by the Texas Attorney General’s Election Fraud Division

>>12500901 Jovan Pulitzer - "American Election Interference - 65 countries participated, attacked 7 states and over 600 individual county polling locations

>>12500930 Trump team will blame China lab for growing Covid-19 with 'bombshell' evidence as part of final salvos of president's administration - but UK dismisses claim

>>12500934 Donald Trump could declassify top-secret intelligence linking Covid to Wuhan research lab.

>>12500939 Ducati was raided in Dec, corporate offices and the homes of executives. Considering Italy is neck deep in the coup this is possibly a relevant happening.

>>12500949 Florida State Representative Asks Governor DeSantis to Divest State Funds From Apple, Facebook, Google and Twitter

>>12500963 Italy ministers quit coalition. Puts Premier Conte at risk.

>>12500967 Poll: 80% Trump Voters, 76% of Republicans Less Likely to Vote for Lawmaker Who Votes for Impeachment

>>12500971 Every major Western media outlet has been wined and dined by communist China

>>12500981 Acting U.S. attorney general warns against further attacks

>>12500986 D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser announced Wednesday that people may be stopped and questioned before entering the city’s security perimeter that will be in place for days leading up to Inauguration Day.

>>12500994 Democrat Rep. Mikie Sherrill Accuses GOP Congressmen of Giving Rioters “Reconnaissance” Tours the Night Before Capitol Stormed

>>12501036 FBI Has Opened Over 160 Cases Tied to Pro-Trump Capitol Riot HUNTER BIDEN STILL ROAMING FREE

>>12501041 Debunked: There's no evidence of a planned 'huge uprising' of pro-Trump ‘armed protests’ in all 50 states

>>12501046 FF Incoming?

>>12501056 Supreme Court Upholds Trump Administration’s Restrictions on Telemedicine Abortions

>>12501060 INCREDIBLE VIDEO: Senator Schumer Berated During Live Press Conference by Random Woman on the Streets of New York City

>>12501090 Did anyone else notice that Pelosi just referred to another woman as “Madame Speaker” just now? She also mentioned her father by name AND quoted JFK in her speech

>>12501114 How to Steal an Election In 1 minute and 14 Seconds..

>>12501124 Massive Blackout in Iran Days After Similar Reports from Pakistan, Vatican

>>12501141 Peruvian Court Probing Judge's Ruling Alleging Soros, Bill Gates are Creators of COVID-19 Pandemic

>>12500924 17States affected by fraud, not just Swing States (video)

>>12501242 California suffering power outages now

>>12501244 “655 people have $4 trillion in wealth. 200 million can’t cover a $1000 expense.”

>>12501253 Planefags Eyes On Nashville, TN to Chattanooga, TN

>>12501286 Putin orders to move to mass COVID-19 vaccination for Russians starting next week

>>12501302 Deleted\Censored James O'keefe (Veritas) tweet from just 1 min ago.

>>12501336 Secret Chat Reveals BLM Activist’s Violent Intent and Trump Supporter Disguise at Capitol

>>12501354 Jordan calls on Cheney to step down from House leadership

>>12501376 PF Report

>>12501341 Illinois House Speaker resigns

>>12501418 Dems Move to End Federal Death Penalty

>>12501454 Fastjack thread about MAGA and the left being the real Nazis


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02ec16  No.12501472


>Looking for an accurate count if anon can help.

>1. Number of American's (315 mil?)

>2. Number of foreign nationals in America. (22 mil ?)

>3. Number of eligible voters (130 mil?)

>4. 155.1 million voters in 2020 Pres Election.

5. 77 million Trump voters in 2020 Pres Election

6. 62 million Biden voters in 2020 Pres Election

7. '16.1 million Digital Biden voters in Pres Election

is how you get to 155.1 voters using Dominion(tm).

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d49251  No.12501473


>So if a week passes, Biden is sworn in, and Trump had no plan, then straight up he's mentally retarded and we need to support someone else.

I personally don't believe this will happen, but if it does and we swapped onto the Timeline from Hell, there will be an actual civil war. Hope you have food stashed.

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cc295f  No.12501475

File: 9d06a12e661b5d1⋯.png (530.18 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 20210111_105348.png)

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000000  No.12501476

First arrest is gonna be B I G ! ! !


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2a7e82  No.12501477


There's way more than 200K of us.

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000000  No.12501478



its an energy signature

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8d7b8f  No.12501479


>Is pompeos twitter the/a clock?

>Tweets every half hour on the dot.

>Seems to be a countdown.

I've been thinking that, too

Also, chekked.

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8439a7  No.12501480


Old tits here. I hate to say it, but you're right.

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d8fdbf  No.12501481

File: 6c683f6bda9dde3⋯.png (266.96 KB, 615x490, 123:98, ClipboardImage.png)

power outage in the kingdom of saud. need moar sauce.


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7f4df0  No.12501482


Just one obnoxious jew yelling at another obnoxious jew in an obnoxious city called jew york. There is no hope for the country until people are willing to jiu jitsu the security team and take care of the jewnigger senator for good on camera.

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f41e77  No.12501483

File: fb4493f5f6c68a8⋯.jpeg (195.71 KB, 867x1000, 867:1000, fb4493f5f6c68a862973f9876….jpeg)

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d07457  No.12501484

File: 8d6245f53f02789⋯.jpg (15.29 KB, 720x743, 720:743, eyechart.jpg)


Eye exam?

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16bff4  No.12501485

File: 3911b84b9df516b⋯.png (18.36 KB, 479x434, 479:434, Screen_Shot_01_13_21_at_01….PNG)


>Something BIG is coming.

12:32 timestamp

#1232 Q

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000000  No.12501486

"Why, oh why, didn't I take the blue pill?"

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07aab8  No.12501487


Best news I’ve heard all day, if true.

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200f2e  No.12501488


That’s how the view us. Less than cockroaches, actually.

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7fdb12  No.12501489

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f268b8  No.12501490

File: e986dd9769384f8⋯.jpg (50.34 KB, 670x506, 335:253, featuremeng.jpg)


They know endless stimulus is coming

Hyperinflation and ruining the dollar is the goal

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50855d  No.12501491


Good to see you.

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bd94d5  No.12501492

File: 861c96434ded51b⋯.jpg (394.74 KB, 1054x633, 1054:633, battle_is_won.jpg)

The best is yet to come. Nothing can stop what is coming. God wins.

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000000  No.12501493

Wonder if Jeffrey Rosen is stepping down soon. Richard Donoghue may bring the pain.

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9ddf0e  No.12501494

File: 9597a9ff09d7c3e⋯.png (24.31 KB, 399x359, 399:359, 15.png)

To those who are having doubts, just remember this post from Q, especially this part:

"The wizards and warlock(NSA) will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control our country"

Q has also told us that President Trump will never address any issues of what's to come againts his enemies because he needs to be 100% insulated from it all so they can't say he had anything to do with it. Remember President Trump is the one doing all the dirty work in public but there are a lot of silent firepower behind him who won't allow going back to pre 2016 situation. That being said it's also possible we'll see for a short time something that we don't like and if we do, you shouldn't lose hope.

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d8fdbf  No.12501495

File: f8ee90da33ff157⋯.png (199.87 KB, 618x495, 206:165, ClipboardImage.png)


london too


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96527d  No.12501496


Is Jew-Jitsu the martial art of getting Kikes to give you money????


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88062d  No.12501497

Renzi breaks the government coalition in Italy


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191cab  No.12501499


Q said a lot of shit. Mostly riddles. Vague, open-ended bullshit. Toss in some Youtubes & Tweets, and you've summed up Q. That's why Q will never post again…Twitter took away all their material. And after 3 years of Q, and 4 years of Trump…not a single one of those douchebags were locked up. No Declass. No Justice. No Nothing. And next week, the "plan" is complete, with the transfer of the US over to China.

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8917f7  No.12501500

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d49251  No.12501502


This image is bullshit. Nakasone and Milley X'd out? You're fucking retarded. Where di this even come from? Sauce, motherfucker. Ever hear of it?

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8c6b39  No.12501503




Lee S.

Re: D OPs Hussein Hacking State Voting Sys

The TIP.








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c3dd9c  No.12501505

File: bc929c77fa98584⋯.gif (496.87 KB, 500x226, 250:113, its_going_to_be_biblical.gif)

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000000  No.12501506


all these power outages

infrastructure cyber attack?

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134ebd  No.12501507

File: 74f09f65383ef7a⋯.png (151.49 KB, 225x300, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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000000  No.12501508


and he dies anyway

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9d1482  No.12501510

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aa1879  No.12501511

Kind of interesting some of the phrases we've heard over the last few years.

These people are SICK.

CHINA virus.

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0a35db  No.12501512


As far as I can see, there is no input at all from you here. So just do something useful or leave it.

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000000  No.12501514


just spitballing that if Biden gets in on the 20th

NG in DC til the 24th

23: now comes the pain



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72a47f  No.12501517


Explain this please!

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726076  No.12501518

File: d1f2b51210e48b1⋯.png (368.13 KB, 580x925, 116:185, Screenshot_2021_01_13_Tony….png)

File: d68b8d526f78902⋯.mp4 (2.44 MB, 320x576, 5:9, HDMx88xl4mYyNAo_.mp4)

Has the lockdown crackdown gone too far? Jogger is stopped by Covid marshal for 'breathing heavily while on a run!


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1d2b7b  No.12501520

Truth coming out in Congress right now, who's speaking?

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989514  No.12501521


Exactly. We are already in hyperinflation territory.

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000000  No.12501522

Hello World

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c2a049  No.12501523


Wise words

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8243fa  No.12501524


That's what it took?

People are dumb.

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dfacab  No.12501525


how about color test

some people on the board are color blind

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d49251  No.12501526

File: 3b672e821a6d3c2⋯.jpg (458.29 KB, 800x800, 1:1, boom.jpg)


>And next week, the "plan" is complete, with the transfer of the US over to China.

Is Huma typing this for you, you skank?

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2dc373  No.12501528

File: ab7e0feeb7ddae8⋯.png (62.87 KB, 1197x252, 19:4, pepe_mystery_science_theat….png)

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448a01  No.12501529


How do they still have that much power?

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000000  No.12501530

>>12501174 >>12501193 >>12501235 >>12500900

223|322 mirrored

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bfa195  No.12501531



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90f167  No.12501532


fuck off glowie

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000000  No.12501533

who's Lee S.?

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c04e2a  No.12501534

File: f7dd66072de0718⋯.png (1.27 MB, 639x905, 639:905, Xi_Virus.png)


narrative is as worn out as a Vegas hooker


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167a04  No.12501535




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16bff4  No.12501536



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35f933  No.12501537


>in the upcoming civil war.

This is a meme.

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80af19  No.12501538


no you are not.

it is obvious.

you are a fake.

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1d2b7b  No.12501539

File: 80f9fd663b3e850⋯.jpg (25.75 KB, 360x265, 72:53, lies_2.jpg)

"hunting for Pelosi or Pence"

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72a47f  No.12501540


One more time, TY anon. This graphic has been very helpful.

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c2a049  No.12501541


Nice try you Soros duck sucking shill piece of shit.

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000000  No.12501543

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287d26  No.12501544


Is the economy sound right now?

Half the fucking country is still shutdown.

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000000  No.12501545



funny stuff once upon a time

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608c9f  No.12501546


Ya you're right, why denigrate themselves as politicians, when they can just have the political guys turn on their country and do what ever the women wants by offering pictures of tits and a blow job? Much easier.

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c04e2a  No.12501547




nice kitty

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000000  No.12501548


>Has the lockdown crackdown gone too far?

kmfao. not until they ban users without maskface profile pics kek

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0eb472  No.12501549

File: f1085fa128b0626⋯.png (43.36 KB, 748x467, 748:467, ClipboardImage.png)



BREAKING: Senate Majority Leader McConnell will not agree to reconvene the US Senate before Jan. 19, spokesperson says, meaning a Senate impeachment trial would likely not begin until after President Trump has left office - NBC News

12:16 PM · Jan 13, 2021·Twitter Web App


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bfa195  No.12501550



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000000  No.12501551


its a vibe

IMO its our anon fren 17 but now that this thing has become such a circus, an official drop would fuck with the op.

so its a reassurance to us

all is still on and going according to plan

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c12efe  No.12501552


Enjoy your unemployable

shitskins European man…KEK

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29bdf9  No.12501555


Definitely mixed race. Angry identity confused

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95e2ef  No.12501556


Democrat run states. Tom Wolf's last order just expired for PA, and he's now considering shutting down again, and possibly indefinitely (until further notice).

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000000  No.12501557


I ain't sayin this post is what I think it is, but I am.

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bde14b  No.12501558


WW public awakening… so there's that!

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8d7b8f  No.12501559


>"The wizards and warlock(NSA) will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control our country"

That's why I think Joe will be inaugurated.

The election must be stolen for the treason to be complete.

But he will be arrested by the military right after.

>First arrest will trigger mass awakening.

POTUS will be insulated, because it will be a military op at that point.

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a94ea0  No.12501560


it's like you can just feel/sense it's the real deal

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000000  No.12501561

Q Research General #15961: Our Unalterable Resolution Should Be To Be Free Edition

>>12501498 OP

>>12501527 Fresh Bread

>>12501527 Fresh Bread

>>12501527 Fresh Bread

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5f3c56  No.12501562

Raskins suit… the tramp

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7f97c9  No.12501563


Cray cray. Why?

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c3dd9c  No.12501564

File: 1ad0bd4af1446d8⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, 2ufskzmn96a61.jpg)

Who is this pencil neck bitch speaking right now? Jamie Raskin. Punk.

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158248  No.12501566


Skeeeerd Turtle knows DJT will still be POTUS on Jan 21st?

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c4158e  No.12501567

File: 5553e8e397a861b⋯.png (697.52 KB, 776x499, 776:499, ClipboardImage.png)

good ol' adam schiff shilling for the smolhats on /qresearch/

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774277  No.12501568


Invest in those gold/silver mining stocks!

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000000  No.12501569

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ff829f  No.12501570



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68f67d  No.12501571

Q Research General #15961: Our Unalterable Resolution Should Be To Be Free Edition

>>12501498 OP

>>12501527 Fresh Bread

>>12501527 Fresh Bread

>>12501527 Fresh Bread

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379eca  No.12501572



>spokesperson says, meaning a Senate impeachment trial would likely not begin until after President Trump has left office

What's the fucking point then?


Good show.

Bad guy was good, but now desperate afraid.

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000000  No.12501574



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000000  No.12501575


based karen

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c2d207  No.12504367


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4f7ebf  No.12504387


Any anon have a frame or two to confirm… I had not seen her on the CSPAN yet…

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f64fa0  No.12504849


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c04f25  No.12505156


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c04f25  No.12505178

bread filling

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c04f25  No.12505187


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c04f25  No.12505200

one more

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