277f07 No.12487208[Last 50 Posts]
Welcome to Q Research Balkan
Veliko Budjenje
"To su bični ljudi koji svaki dan prolaze pored vas. Ljudi koji vas ljubazno usluže. Vaši naj[m]iliji. To su tihi ljud[i] koji uredno odrade svoju svakodnevnicu, a onda pale svoje mobitele i kompijute[r]e pred večer kako bi bili digitalni ratnici."
Svijet će pamtiti i kroz ti[s]uć[e] godina
Ovdje pisite s[v]e sta mislite da je vazno u ovom digitalnom [r]atu u kojem je covjecanstvo dovedeno do samog rub[a] potpunog ropstva.
Svijetlost pobjedjuje. Imajte vjere. Borite se.
Istrazujte, savjetujte se, raspravljajte, trazite ono sta mediji sakrivaju, i to dijelite dalje. To je bit digitalnog rata. Dokazi zna[c]e sve. Dok[a]zi ruse propagandu koju nam svakodnevno serviraju preko tv ekrana. Budjenje na Balkanu tek pocinje. Mi smo medju prvima shvatili u kakvom [svijetu] i sistemu zivimo. Prosirimo istinu da i drugi progledaju.
svijet liježe otužan, boje otima danu, a jedno epsko ufanje tamne ere, bješe istina
Ako ovo citate, onda znajte da ste ovdje sa razlogom!
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Utorak 08.12.2020
>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)
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Novi ste? Koristite logiku prilikom ocjenjivanja drugih objava. Na nacin kako je objava napisana i u kojem smjeru vas moze odvesti. Logika uvijek pobjedjuje!
>>2322789 Kako na brz nacin prepoznati laznjaka
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277f07 No.12487250
Medjunarodne Q Research grupe
>>12076528————————————–——– Australia #12
>>12268046————————————–——– Balkan #3
>>11581748————————————–——– Brazil #1
>>12053898————————————–——– Canada #11
>>11250635————————————–——– China #1
>>8331823————————————–——– France #2
>>12145439————————————–——– Germany #73
>>10838222————————————–——– Italia #1
>>11487786————————————–——– Israel/Zionism #1
>>12219245————————————–——– Japan #1
>>9133907————————————–——– Mexico #1
>>10497699————————————–——– Nederland #5
>>10524823————————————–——– New Zealand #5
>>12173250————————————–——– Nordic #2
>>11937308————————————–——– Scotland #2
>>11550704————————————–——– South Africa #2
>>12196203————————————–——– UK #28
>>11306246————————————–——– Vatican #2
>>12228207————————————–——– Portugal #1
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277f07 No.12487272
Medjunarodne Q Research grupe
>>12076528 ————————————–——– Australia #12
>>12268046 ————————————–——– Balkan #3
>>11581748 ————————————–——– Brazil #1
>>12053898 ————————————–——– Canada #11
>>11250635 ————————————–——– China #1
>>8331823 ————————————–——– France #2
>>12145439 ————————————–——– Germany #73
>>10838222 ————————————–——– Italia #1
>>11487786 ————————————–——– Israel/Zionism #1
>>12219245 ————————————–——– Japan #1
>>9133907 ————————————–——– Mexico #1
>>10497699 ————————————–——– Nederland #5
>>10524823 ————————————–——– New Zealand #5
>>12173250 ————————————–——– Nordic #2
>>11937308 ————————————–——– Scotland #2
>>11550704 ————————————–——– South Africa #2
>>12196203 ————————————–——– UK #28
>>11306246 ————————————–——– Vatican #2
>>12228207 ————————————–——– Portugal #1
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277f07 No.12487293
Stvari koje vrijedi pogledati:
Pad Kabala(cijeli dokumentarac)
Out Of Shadows(sa prijevodom)
The Great Awakening: Bonfire Guy
Q - The Plan To Save The World
Plandemic - Indoctorination
Tipping Point video
Kanali koje vrijedi pratiti:
And We Know(YouTube/Rumble/BitChute)
X22 Report (YouTube/Rumble/BitChute)
Rudi W. Giuliani (YouTube)
Dan Bongino (YouTube)
Liberal Hivemind (YouTube)
Michael Jaco (YouTube)
Dr Charlie Ward Show (YouTube)
Quantum Truths JC Kay (YouTube)
Postoji jos mnogo njih, pogotovo onih sa malim brojem pratitelja. Potrazite ih.(rijeci pomocu kojih ce te ih lakse pronaci su: cue/redpill/q/wwg1wga/patriot/darktolight/biblical/whiterabbit/savethechildren/thegreatawakening)
Imajte na umu da bilo koji od ovih videa i bilo koji od ovih kanala moze biti izbrisan u bilo kojem trenutku jer duboka drzava ne bira sredstva kada je u pitanju sprecavanje sirenja istine.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Za pregled trece kartice "Q Research Balkan #3 2021 i konacni obracun dobra i zla" Kopirajte link ispod u vasu trazilicu:
Balkan #2
Balkan #1
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277f07 No.12487408
Biljeske za Q Research Balkan #3 2012 i konacni obracun dobra i zla
>>12271316 hr crveni kriz pod kritikama
>>12271433 >>12271475 Fred Matic o crvenom krizu
>>12279272 general Flynn o srpskoj umjesanosti u americke izbore
>>12279689 >>12279939 >>12279851 >>12279709 >>12279702 kompilacija tvitova Lin Wooda i anonovo misljenje
>>12281237 gledamo film
>>12285707 znaci mogu odvojiti oca od obitelji, prijatelje od prijatelja, ako oni utvrde da su opasni po njihovo zdravlje
>>12292551 >>12292556 De Blasio i maske sa pedofilskim simbolima
>>12296819 >>12296835 >>12296469 istraga o Ani Brnabic
>>12297624 Dešavanje, doktorica u Meksiku dobila upalu mozga nakon Pfizer cjepiva
>>12299309 Index.hr siri lazi i propagandu
>>12299515 Hrvatski crveni križ kao neproftina udruga i dalje nije dužan podnositi godišnja i financijska izvješća, a Državna revizija tamo je posljednji uviđaj napravila za 1998. i 1999
>>12299892 lazno izvjestavanje medija
>>12305752 Flynn potvrdio Q!
>>12306941 >>12307331 >>12307299 >>12307254 >>12307013 >>12306992 >>12306955 Lin Wood iznosi sokantne istine na twitteru
>>12307412 istrazujte o Lizard Squad
>>12310716 ako obratite paznju na Q mapu vidjeti ce te jednu nevjerovatnu stvar…
>>12312299 oni nagovaraju ljude da prime cjepivo!
>>12312824 Gulfske drzave dogovorile primirje nakon tri godine Katarske blokade. Kuvajt je objavio
>>12314148 sud u BiH i sudjenje za respiratore
>>12349605 cijela tri artikla koje je Ron objavio na jednom mjestu (MOAB1,2&3)
>>12350643 antifa prerusena u trumpove patriote upala u kaptol! Neredi!
>>12351412 Ljudi na smijesan nacin iznijeli svu istinu o koroni!!
>>12351616 >>12351685 ljudi upali u kongres(antifa&blm)
>>12353438 evo tko je upao u kongres
>>12354691 neka ovaj dan ostane upamcen. PATRIOTI U KONTROLI!!
>>12380746 predsjednik rh, zoran milanovic primio cjepivo
>>12381137 Lin Wood obrisan sa twittera
>>12381282 kongres je znao da antifa planira invaziju na kapitol
>>12382278 GAB sve popularniji jer ne cenzurira i dopusta slobodu govora
>>12404688 zanimljiva stvar sa Q mape
>>12405545 opet ce pokusati svrgnuti trumpa
>>12405745 uskoro cenzura i na WhatsAppu
>>12406298 >>12406671 sa twittera obrisani Sidney Powell, Ron(CodeMonkeyZ) i General Flynn
>>12406761 Obama je platio 400mil$ talijanskom proizvidjacu oruzja "Leonardo" da manipulira americkim izborima putem satelita
>>12428402 Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney(cijeli video)
>>12440928 >>12441138 >>12441197 >>12441294 Blackout u Vatikanu, Parizu, Pakistanu i Berlinu
>>12441414 RED 3 dekodiranje(Papa?)
>>12441603 Novozelandska centralna banka hakirana
>>12441794 Parler ce biti prisilno ugasen, prebacite se na GAB
>>12442188 profili koje vrijedi pratiti na GAB-u
>>12442474 video koji je objasnio sve!!
>>12444435 sokantne istine izlaze na vidjelo
>>12447322 US Space Command govori da pripremimo zalihe kokica!
>>12448202 duboka drzava svoj plan gura dalje
>>12448268 MSM u totalnoj panici. Ljudi se bude!
>>12448475 ZIMO, magazin nove tv koji iznosi laz za lazima
>>12448557 vlasnik Zimo-a i Nove tv je Slovenia Broadband
>>12448929 sa sudjena u Italiji…
>>12450521 BC Partners kontrolira sve glavne medije po Balkanu !!!!
>>12462803 Poljska ce tuziti Big Tech kompanije svaki put kad ogranice slobodu govora
>>12467453 Twitteru strmoglavo pada vrijednost otkad su uklonili Trumpa
>>12481169 onion link za pristup preko TOR-a
>>12482374 >>12482376 >>12483927 inicijativa o umjetnoj inteligenciji
>>12483760 Stole u totalnoj ofenzivi na Q, opet kilometarski članak bez glave i repa
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277f07 No.12487444
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b87759 No.12487820
Anoni, ona slika dokumenta gdje vojska potvrđuje Bidena koju sam stavio u prethodnom threadu - nitko živ nema nikakav link ni izvor odakle je taj dokument došao.
Link za sliku na glavnom threadu: >>12487513
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277f07 No.12487949
da je to bas tako…objavili bi oninto na sve moguce televizije. A ne na halfchan.
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277f07 No.12488125
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45174a No.12488381
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2d3c38 No.12488456
Red lines being drawn all over the place.
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b87759 No.12489366
Znači u ovom slučaju oni su praktički niko i ništa?
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9a75a6 No.12491539
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277f07 No.12495342
Evo..u ovom videu ti je objasnjena slika
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b87759 No.12497038
Teorija jednog anona (mene):
U vezi "the storm is upon us". Q nikad nije rekao tko će napisati taj tweet. Šta ako se desi sljedeće?
- Biden postaje predsjednikž
- Trump i Q započinju konkretnu akciju
- Biden je taj koji twita "the storm is upon us", jer zna da im slijedi kraj?
Dakle "us" nismo "mi" nego "njihovi" :)
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277f07 No.12497191
Hmmm… sumnjam. Mozda bude netko iz uzeg reda Bidena. Biden je zaglibio sa sinom u ukrainini kini. Mislim da nebi on to trebao eeci. Netko od white hatsa bi trebao.
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277f07 No.12497548
Idemo i mi u mainstream!!!
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277f07 No.12498056
Estonski premijer daje ostavku
London-based software firm Smartmatic and Estonian IT company Cybernetica worked to develop the electronic voting system used by the Estonian Electoral Commission. Michael Summers, commercial director ofSmartmatic, is confident that a similar system could be rolled out in the UK ahead of the 2020 general election."
Cybernetica is funded by DARPA
Moze li se naci utjecaj cybernetice na balkanu?
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f5765d No.12498920
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277f07 No.12499049
O 8kunu i anonima ce se pricati. Siguran sam. Kada sve ovo prodje.
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277f07 No.12499262
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277f07 No.12499293
Ako duboka drzava misli da cenzurom moze usutkati narod..onda se grdno vara. Pogledajte kako GAB postaje sve popularniji!
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277f07 No.12499391
A ovo?
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f5765d No.12499526
Ostavim to tu, nekako vidim poveznicu s HR…
Trenutno kopam nešto drugo pa se vratim na ovo.
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f5765d No.12499555
Ostavim i to tu, nek se nađe.
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f5765d No.12499709
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277f07 No.12499811
Jovan Hutton Pulitzer je objavio ovaj zapanjujuci artikl o umjesanosti drugih zemalja u americke izbore==
Ovaj PDF si svi skinite i spremite na vase mobitele ili racunala jer je vazno a ima se sta i prouciti.
Sada ostaje samo pitanje zasto nasi balkanski mediji nisu nikada spomenuli ni jedan dokaz o umjesanosti drugih zemalja u te izbore?
Je li mozda tako i sute o nasim vlastitim izborima?
Zasto nasi politicari ne daju podrsku trumpu u borbi za pravdu?
Jesu li nasi politicari stvarno nasi?
Jesu li nasi mediji stvarno nasi?
Za ciju dobrobit oni rade?
sloboda ce nastupiti kada maknemo de dvije karike duboke drzave. Korumpirane politicare i lazljive medije
Jezivo je kako mediji presucuju i iskrivljuju istinu.
Jesu li nasi politicari ucijenjeni?
Snimka ubijanja i silovanja djece?
Tko to posjeduje?
Tko je tim snimkama dosao u posjed?
Zasto duboka drzava panicari?
Dokazi za zlocine protiv djece ce probuditi sve!
spremite ovaj artikl i kontrirajte lazljivim medijima
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277f07 No.12500474
I just found out that Wikipedia updated the article about GAB. Last update was before 2hrs(prije 2 sata= before 2 hours/on croatian language, as i am from Cro). And after that, they protected the article from further updating because they are scared of possible vandalism. This text i ve put in red is telling us everything. Wikipedia is total lie and manipulation with informations and truths, and history also.
This is what Wiki says about GAB!! This is so sick:
Widely described as a haven for extremists including neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and the alt-right, it has attracted users and groups who have been banned from other social networks.
Sa ovim idem na general thread!
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b87759 No.12500635
Bolje i ona, čak je i nekim anonima u general threadu Lin Wood počeo ić na živce jer stalno govori "imam dokaze" a nikako da ih objavi
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815c2d No.12501204
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815c2d No.12512016
Novi x22report
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b97da4 No.12512389
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815c2d No.12513911
Vojnici se rasporedjuju po Washingtonu. Spavaju po podovima
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815c2d No.12513918
Strasno!! Bogate se na tudjoj nesreci.
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815c2d No.12515779
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815c2d No.12515783
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815c2d No.12515883
Papa Franjo i bivsi papa Benedikt XVI primili prve doze vakcina
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815c2d No.12515901
ja mislim da lin wood ide korak po korak ..kao da koristi neki odredjeni postotak koliko da podigne cijelu istinu na novi nivo. Moje misljenje. Bas kao sto Q budi ljude
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815c2d No.12515910
bacim se i ja na ovo
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815c2d No.12516233 
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815c2d No.12516766 
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Predsjednik Trump u obracanju naciji. Govori o cenzuriranju, rasporedu vojske po drzavi i Washingtonu. Govori da je dobio dojave od tajne sluzbe da ce se organizirati neredi po gradovima. Govori o prvom amandmanu i mirnoj tranziciji 20og.
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815c2d No.12516852 
With over 100 cybersecurity projects between them, the CyberSec4Europe consortium members cover a wide spectrum of cybersecurity issues: 14 key cybersecurity domain areas, 11 technology/applications elements and nine crucial vertical sectors.
Cybernetica je dio tog cybersec4europe
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815c2d No.12516895
Cyber Security Network of Competence Centres for Europe
CyberSec4Europe (a Horizon 2020 project) is a research-based consortium with 44 participants covering 21 EU Member States and Associated Countries. As pilot for a Cybersecurity Competence Network, it will test and demonstrate potential governance structures for the network of competence centres using the best practices examples from the expertise and experience of the participants, including concepts like CERN. CyberSec4Europe will support addressing key EU Directives and Regulations, such as GDPR, PSD2, eIDAS, and ePrivacy, and help to implement the EU Cybersecurity Act including, but not limited to supporting the development of the European skills-base, the certification framework and ENISA’s role. The 26 ECSO participants in CyberSec4Europe are active in all 6 ECSO Working Groups, including chairing many subgroups in cybersecurity certification, vertical sectors, and international cooperation, as well as having representatives on the ECSO Board of Directors and the Cybersecurity Public-Private Partnership Board.
CyberSec4Europe participants address 14 key cybersecurity domain areas, 11 technology/applications elements and nine crucial vertical sectors. With over 100 cybersecurity projects, CyberSec4Europe participants have been addressing a comprehensive set of issues across the cybersecurity domain. The project demonstration cases will address cybersecurity challenges within the vertical sectors of digital infrastructure, finance, government and smart cities, health and medicine and transportation. In addition to the demonstration of the governance structure and the operation of the network, CyberSec4Europe will develop a roadmap and recommendations for the implementation of the Network of Competence Centres using the practical experience gained in the project.
Project website: https://www.cybersec4europe.eu
Project start date: 01.02.2019
Project end date: 31.07.2022
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815c2d No.12516899
Cyber Security Network of Competence Centres for Europe
CyberSec4Europe (a Horizon 2020 project) is a research-based consortium with 44 participants covering 21 EU Member States and Associated Countries. As pilot for a Cybersecurity Competence Network, it will test and demonstrate potential governance structures for the network of competence centres using the best practices examples from the expertise and experience of the participants, including concepts like CERN. CyberSec4Europe will support addressing key EU Directives and Regulations, such as GDPR, PSD2, eIDAS, and ePrivacy, and help to implement the EU Cybersecurity Act including, but not limited to supporting the development of the European skills-base, the certification framework and ENISA’s role. The 26 ECSO participants in CyberSec4Europe are active in all 6 ECSO Working Groups, including chairing many subgroups in cybersecurity certification, vertical sectors, and international cooperation, as well as having representatives on the ECSO Board of Directors and the Cybersecurity Public-Private Partnership Board.
CyberSec4Europe participants address 14 key cybersecurity domain areas, 11 technology/applications elements and nine crucial vertical sectors. With over 100 cybersecurity projects, CyberSec4Europe participants have been addressing a comprehensive set of issues across the cybersecurity domain. The project demonstration cases will address cybersecurity challenges within the vertical sectors of digital infrastructure, finance, government and smart cities, health and medicine and transportation. In addition to the demonstration of the governance structure and the operation of the network, CyberSec4Europe will develop a roadmap and recommendations for the implementation of the Network of Competence Centres using the practical experience gained in the project.
Project website: https://www.cybersec4europe.eu
Project start date: 01.02.2019
Project end date: 31.07.2022
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815c2d No.12516902
Cyber Security Network of Competence Centres for Europe
CyberSec4Europe (a Horizon 2020 project) is a research-based consortium with 44 participants covering 21 EU Member States and Associated Countries. As pilot for a Cybersecurity Competence Network, it will test and demonstrate potential governance structures for the network of competence centres using the best practices examples from the expertise and experience of the participants, including concepts like CERN. CyberSec4Europe will support addressing key EU Directives and Regulations, such as GDPR, PSD2, eIDAS, and ePrivacy, and help to implement the EU Cybersecurity Act including, but not limited to supporting the development of the European skills-base, the certification framework and ENISA’s role. The 26 ECSO participants in CyberSec4Europe are active in all 6 ECSO Working Groups, including chairing many subgroups in cybersecurity certification, vertical sectors, and international cooperation, as well as having representatives on the ECSO Board of Directors and the Cybersecurity Public-Private Partnership Board.
CyberSec4Europe participants address 14 key cybersecurity domain areas, 11 technology/applications elements and nine crucial vertical sectors. With over 100 cybersecurity projects, CyberSec4Europe participants have been addressing a comprehensive set of issues across the cybersecurity domain. The project demonstration cases will address cybersecurity challenges within the vertical sectors of digital infrastructure, finance, government and smart cities, health and medicine and transportation. In addition to the demonstration of the governance structure and the operation of the network, CyberSec4Europe will develop a roadmap and recommendations for the implementation of the Network of Competence Centres using the practical experience gained in the project.
Project website: https://www.cybersec4europe.eu
Project start date: 01.02.2019
Project end date: 31.07.2022
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815c2d No.12516957
Tamara Tafrais the Permanent Representation of Croatia to the EU and Counsellor for Cyber Issues. She was Chair of the Horizontal Working Party on Cyber Issues during the recent Croatian Presidency.
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815c2d No.12516977
Hmmm…pogledajte sta mi je prvo izbacilo kada sam upisao na google tamara tafra.
Huawei i eu zajedno?
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815c2d No.12517018
Tamara Tafra, Counselor for Cyber Issues, Permanent Representation of Croatia to the EU
Since 2013 Tamara Tafra has been working for the Permanent Representation of Croatia to the EU, covering COEST, COSCE and CYBER. She is currently the Counsellor for Cyber Issues and will be Chair of the Horizontal Working Party on Cyber Issues.
She started her career as a diplomat in 2004 and, between 2006 and 2010, she worked at the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia to Switzerland and Liechtenstein. She was also actively involved in the accession negotiations of Croatia to the EU as a coordinator for the Economic criteria and EMU.
Along with a University degree in Economics from the Faculty of Economics and Business in Zagreb and a Master in European Studies from the Europa Kolleg in Hamburg, Tamara Tafra has undergone several professional programmes in the German Bundestag (IPS programme), a training for diplomats of the German Federal Foreign Office, as well as the UN Academy and the Diplomatic Academy in Zagreb.
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815c2d No.12517032
Cudno mi je to sto se kineska firma stavlja kao prva koja izbacuje ovaj artikl.
Jel vam sada mozda pada na pamrt kako se Huawei brzo probio na nase trziste? Sve one reklame po televiziji i internetu…
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815c2d No.12517343
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815c2d No.12517361
trump sprema jos pomilovanja, izvrsnih odredbi, deklasifikaciju o Ukrajini i postavljanje posebnih savjetnika.
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815c2d No.12517429
Jos jedan ljevicar koji je radio nerede u kongresu uhvacen. Radi se o registriranom demokratu i 34-ogodisnjem sinu suca iz NY
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815c2d No.12517466
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815c2d No.12517538
13 osoba preminulo nakon sto su primili vakcine protiv korone u Norveskoj==
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815c2d No.12517621
jos jedan artikl koji dokazuje da je Trump pobjedio
Volume Three of the Navarro Report
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815c2d No.12517760
Facebook i Twitter su kombinirano izgubili 51,2 milijarde dolara svoje vrijednosti kroz zadnja dva tjedna na burzi, nakon sto su bezobzirno obrisali Donalda Trumpa sa svojih platformi zbog antifinih i demokratski organiziranih nereda na zgradu kongresa
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fe801f No.12517879
Hej ekipa, "dešavanje-anon" ovdje.
Nakon današnje reinstalacije Windowsa i browsera, mogu na 8kun i bez VPN-a.
Možda je samo trebalo očistit kolače i cache od 8kuna? Uglavnom, radi.
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815c2d No.12517929
Ja upadam preko privatnog vpn-a. Tor imam kao back-up. Vise ni ne pokusavam da idem normalnom metodom. Aktualizaciju softvera sam blokirao kao i aktualizaciju svih aplikacija. Ostajem na ovakvom do iza 20og.
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815c2d No.12517943
Ljudi ovaj dokument je stvarno bombastican. Svakako malo povirite i pogledajte
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815c2d No.12517966
"Desavanje anon" . .da , mislim da smo svi shvatili da je jedna osoba ustrajna u takvom javljanju ovdje. Bravo za autenticnost a i objave su ugl za biljeski!
Goodspeed anon
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815c2d No.12519429
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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815c2d No.12519445
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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815c2d No.12520447
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
And We Know
Yt kanal opet uklonjen pa covjek krece iznova. Ovo je najnoviji video. Vrijedi pogledati.
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815c2d No.12520521 
Zanimljiva jedna usporedba.
Zasto je trump dobio dres sa brojem17? A ne sa 45?
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815c2d No.12520533 
20 000 vojnika u Washingtonu
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815c2d No.12520536 
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815c2d No.12520552 
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815c2d No.12520566 
When does the bird sing?
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815c2d No.12520577 
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815c2d No.12520589 
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815c2d No.12520599 
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815c2d No.12520609 
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815c2d No.12520619 
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815c2d No.12520656 
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815c2d No.12520909 
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7ea5e7 No.12522099
>kooky Qanon conspiracy people
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fe801f No.12530839
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30587f No.12531186
>>12520909 …Epstein is in ISRAEL? Saving the best for last:
Robert David Steele, former spy and Q fan with Martin Geddes, suggests everyone take advantage of the free website https://pedoempire.org. He did not plan it this way but it gives the President a final ace against the Invisible Enemy. Free education. #SavetheChidlren.
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f4c357 No.12531504
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f4c357 No.12531764
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f4c357 No.12531916
Ako je učinkovito zašto vrh kompanije daje "ostavku"?
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f4c357 No.12531936
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815c2d No.12532075
>>12530839 wow
>>12531186 wooow
>>12531764 I JOS VECI WOOOOW!!
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815c2d No.12532083
Ova tri idu u biljeske!
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f4c357 No.12532138
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815c2d No.12532144
Dodajmo i ovo…
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f4c357 No.12532159
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815c2d No.12532164
I kad netko kaze da se nista ne dogadja…
Plan ide punom brzinom…
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f4c357 No.12532181
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815c2d No.12532184
samo postaj…samo jako!!! Svi kriminalci dolje!!!
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815c2d No.12532247
Estonian government collapses over corruption investigation
Prime minister resigns after party named as suspect in inquiry into property project
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f4c357 No.12532271
Zanimljivo ministarstvo, ima veze s djecom…
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815c2d No.12532532
Vlada Kuvajta podnela je danas ostavku, posle čitavog niza sukoba sa poslanicima koji su dugo potresali tu zemlju sa najjačim parlamentom u Zalivu.
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f4c357 No.12532638
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815c2d No.12533032
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815c2d No.12533213
znaci..imamo rusenje vlada u nizozemskoj, italiji, estoniji, kuvajtu, slusam da se sprema promjena ustava u rusiji, da se spremaju novi izbori u njemackoj koji bi mogli donijenti i novog kancelara. Vojska se utaborila u Washingtonu bas pred inauguraciju a znamo da nam je Q davno rekao da je jedini nacin vojni nacin. Vidimo da je i u austriji nemirno.
Talijanska vlada pada a znamo da su u italiji pronadjeni dokazi kako su neki talijani vrsili prevaru na americkim izborima koristeci se satelitom.
Njemacka politicka scena uzburkana a znamo da su glasovi zavrsavali i u frankfurtu.
Nizozemska vlada cijela podnijela ostavku a znamo da se u nizozemskoj odvija mnogo stvari koje su vezane za vodstvo unije.
Estonska vlada je uzburkana nakon ostavke premijera a znamo da Cybernetica potjece iz te drzave i da je ta drzava medju prvima uvela internet glasovanje. A takodjer sudjeluju u organiziranju takvih izbora diljem svijeta.
Kuvajtska vlada pada bas nakon sto je, zahvaljujuci trumpu tamo proglasen mir sa susjednim zemljama.
Da, bas nista se ne dogadja i plan je propao i trump i patrioti vise nisu u kontroli ← ==mos mislit!
A nasi mediji i dalje pricaju samo o koroni!!
Bas se pitam koja ce vlada na balkanu puknuti prva.
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7bfc7e No.12533254
Samo bih zelio da to bude sto prije…
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7bfc7e No.12533483
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226602 No.12533495
Slika je s FB tako da nemam link, ali čisto radi reda da se podsjetimo:
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7bfc7e No.12533890
Jel to mozda sa dalmatinskiportal.info?
Vidim na vrhu screenshota…
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f4c357 No.12533926
Link: https://dalmatinskiportal.hr/hrvatska/matija-babic/25638
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7bfc7e No.12533948
Osnivač Indexa Matija Babić u nedjelju je objasnio svoju povezanost s Otvorenim društvom Georgea Sorosa, zbog koje su ga često po društvenim mrežama prozivali. Naime, komentirajući Indexov tekst naslovljen 'Zašto se desničari diljem svijeta panično boje Georgea Sorosa?' napisao je da je 1999. kupio prvi PC i inspiriran Feral Tribuneom pokrenuo dva web sitea: Izbori.net i Vlast.net. Uskoro je imao zanimljiv susret…
- Pred izbore su mi se javili Sorosevo Otvoreno društvo i US Aid treba li mi pomoći u troškovima. Dobio sam za mene tada ogromnih par tisuća maraka (kupio sam Yugo 45) i foto aparat. Nikad poslije nisam tražio ni dobio donaciju od Sorosa jer sam želio biti neovisan i poslovati umjesto parazitirati, ali ovu ću pomoć zauvijek pamtiti. Hvala velikom čovjeku Georgeu Sorosu, iako za mene ni ne zna.
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7bfc7e No.12533976
Bravo anoni…
ovo bi mozda moglo biti jako vazno. Matija je rekao da je dobio donacijunod otvorenog drustva 99e. I da poslije nikada ni kune jer je kao zelio biti neovisan.
Daljnje istrazivanje potrebno…
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7bfc7e No.12534024
jos smo u prvom threadu ustanovili da je GONG financiram jednim djelom od otvorenog drustva. Znaci politicka scena je pod utjecajem a treba nam dokaza da su i mediji. U proslom smo threadu ustanovili da je nova tv kao i portali povezani s tim tv kanalom u vlasnistvu stranih kompanija koje su dalje u vlasnistvu jedne velike investicijske firme koja se nalazi u americi.
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7bfc7e No.12534108
BiH je dokaz da stroge mjere nemaju nikakvog smisla
BROJEVI novozaraženih, hospitaliziranih i umrlih u BiH posljednjih tjedana padaju unatoč tome što se neke od epidemioloških restrikcija u toj susjednoj zemlji doimaju blagima.
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7bfc7e No.12534163
znaci u BiH..na podrucju gdje sam ja..niti tko nosi maske..kafici rade…kad su uzivo svirke bude sve prepuno…ljudi normalno rade…kazni za poslije 11 uvecer nema.. policiju te mjere koje stozer zagovara nebrigaju…niti vise tko prica o koroni niti koga briga.
Ljudi zive zivot..druze se..sve je normalno..
u BiH se dogadja ZIVOT
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7bfc7e No.12534251
Istrazujuci dalje o indexu i babicu..na kompas anona koji je maloprije objavio sliku. Naisao sam na jednu jako veliku stvar pa cu da je ovdje prenesem…
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7bfc7e No.12534345
Tko je zapravo Matija Babić i kojim interesima služi?
Članak na engleskom jeziku na wikipediji daje tek nešto više informacija o ovom agentu provokatoru nego što to zahtjeva minimum opće kulture poznavanja učmalog, jednoumnog medijskog establishmenta u Hrvatskoj pa tako navodi da se radi o vlasniku i glavnom uredniku portala Index.hr uz sramežljivi spomen o pravomoćnoj presudi za pranje 2 833 270 kuna zbog čega je osuđen na godinu dana zatvora koja je preinačena u dobrotvorni rad(!) 2015.-e godine zajedno sa izvjesnom Vanom Šalov Violić.
Uz pravomoćnu presudu, neosporno je samo jedno - radi se o iznimno nemoralnoj personi, osobi bez pravih uvjerenja, sociopatu, agentu vanjskog krupnog kapitala, prevarantu i pohlepniku, a samim time i ikoni, idolu i predmetu mokrih snova prosječnog hrvatskog ljevičara - korisnog idiota.
Svi koji su, makar jednom, prošli pogledom naslovnu stranicu Index.hr-a, a imaju u glavi zrno soli ili čak dva, mogu vrlo brzo detektirati diskurs i svjetonazor koji vlada u njihovom djeliću interneta pa tako između ostalih bljuvotina i provokatorskih članaka, forsiranja spolne i rodne ideologije, potkopavanja tradicionalnih vrijednosti i vrijeđanja nacionalnih osjećaja većine populacije, često možemo naletjeti na članke kopirane s Huffington posta, portala koji je poznat po ekstremno "liberalnim" idejama poput one kako je pedofilija seksualna orijentacija, a koji također predstavljaju pulene Georgea Sorosa, ali u SAD-u te nesumnjivo predstavljaju Indexov "novinarski" uzor. Posebna priča je kohorta slaboumnih trollova u komentarima koji te gadarije prihvaćaju bez trunke kritike i siju mržnju prema bilo kome tko se usudi drukčije razmišljati u tom krugu ljevičarskog samozadovoljavanja. Baš smiješno, ako mene pitate, jer se radi o ljudima koji najžešće proklamiraju "toleranciju". Licemjerni ljevičar - tko bi rekao? Klasičan primjer kognitivne disonance.
Inače, zašto spominjem Sorosa?
Već ste vjerojatno upoznati s njegovim likom i djelom, ali ako niste evo jedan članak koji će vam pomoći da otprilike steknete predodžbu o istom:
Ukratko, nije netko s kim bi se tek tako poistovjetili, zar ne?
E, pa vidite, takvo nešto uopće nije problem za našeg Matiju jer u postu na svom blogu naslovljenom "Povijest Indexa" (http://matijababic.bloger.index.hr/post/povijest-indexa/111039.aspx) , koji datira iz 01.02.2006. godine on otvoreno priznaje tko ga financira da radi na potkopavanju hrvatskog društva .(sl.1;sl.2)
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7bfc7e No.12534362
Matija Babić je ispod Sorosovih skuta dovoljno hrabar da se, bez ikakve sankcije ili moralne osude (koju tako rado voli dijeliti skupa s kompletnim impressumom indexa) otvoreno deklarira kao pedofil (sl.3).
Možda je i zato bio tako gorljiv zagovornik uvođenja "spolnog odgoja" u škole, iza kojeg stoji Aleksandar Štulhofer, suradnik Kinsey instituta i prijatelj Guntera Schmidta, "znanstvenika" s područja spolnosti koji je poznat po stajalištu da "Pedofiliju ne bi trebalo kategorizirati kao zlostavljanje djece i prijetnju da svi pedofilski čini budu zakonski kažnjivi se teško može smatrati civiliziranom… To predstavlja diskriminaciju i proganjanje jedne manjine".
Diskriminacija, manjine… Gdje smo li to već čuli? :)
Još jedna digresija…
Gospodin (HAHA) Štulhofer je također surađivao i s dr. Theodorom Sandfortom koji je uz pomoć izvjesnog Vernea Bollougha 90-ih u Nizozemskoj uređivao časopis "Paidike" koji je otvoreno promovirao, pogodite što?
Za gluplje od vas - pedofiliju, dakako.
U usporedbi s gore navedenim, njegovo pranje novca u vrijednosti od gotovo 3 milijuna kuna djeluje kao kanonizacija sveca Katoličke Crkve. Naime, od 2006.-e do 2009.-e godine, Matija Babić i Vana Šalov Violić su vabili hrpu studenata, nesumnjivo s FFZG-a (njih 133) u ime tvrtke "Prva stranica" da s njima potpišu fiktivni ugovor o suradnji kako bi im isplaćivali novac za tu "suradnju" te ga potom uzimali natrag uz studentsku proviziju od 5% čime su oštetili Republiku Hrvatsku za navedeni iznos.
No, pročitajte i sami:
Za kraj…
Matija Babić zasigurno predstavlja sve ono što je trulo u današnjem svijetu - licemjernog, pohlepnog oportunista željnog pažnje i talog s dna civilizacijskog lonca koji bi u neka druga i bolja vremena visio s prvog stabla.
Nekada su ljudi ovako niskih pobuda, prevrtljivci, izdajice, lažovi i lopovi barem bili prisiljeni skrivati svoje pravo lice, ali u invertiranom svijetu današnjice, svijetu izvrnutih vrijednosti ne samo da nisu predmet izolacije već u svoj svojoj otvorenoj izopačenosti predstavljaju nekakve uzore i truju umove i srca ljudi koji ih okružuju.
Jednog dana će se ljudi probuditi iz noćne more laži koje ih okružuju jer tako uvijek biva, a kada se to desi, jedina stvar koja će biti nemilosrdnija od njihove odmazde će biti Povijest.
Ne čitajte Index.hr!
LIKE&SHARE ako želite dalje širiti istinu!
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7bfc7e No.12534404
sav tekst sam screenao u slucaju da je nekom potrebno…
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7bfc7e No.12534420
Drugi dio screenova..
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7bfc7e No.12534467
Originalni link za ovu objavu sa fb:
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7bfc7e No.12534493
Originalne slike sa objave…
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7bfc7e No.12534537 
Komentar sa istog clanka na fb
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7bfc7e No.12534550 
Sada imamo sve ovdje..zaboravio sam arhivirati gornje slike…budem ih u drugacijem formatu ponovno objavio i arhivirao…
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f4c357 No.12534724
Sam sebi šamar opali…
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7bfc7e No.12534995
Sta mislis da nije bilo poruka u pozadini? Hoce reci sta su mu rekli da radi? Vazno je da je primio pare od tog zlocinca. I kada se taj soros jednom uhvati i ovaj mora odgovarati.. nema povratka…
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7bfc7e No.12535073
znaci vazan je izvor financiranja…
Isto kao sto je i biti ce vazno tko financira antifu i blm. I sve zlocinacke organizacije svijeta. Tako je vazno i tko financira medije..portale i sve one koji prenose informacije.
Ovdje imamo.babica koji je sam priznao da je otvoreno drustvo njemu dalo novac. Kada se sazna da je to drustvo financiralo medije i portale u svrhu promicanja propagande u svoju osobnu korist i korist odredjenih individualaca(poput danasnje korone), to drustvo ce pasti i biti proglaseno zlocinackom organizacijom koja je cinila zlocine protiv covjecnosti. I sta onda sa jednim indexom koji je financiran od strane tih ljudi? Hoce li nastvaiti kao da se to nikada nije desilo? Kada se pogledaju indexove objave dobije se dojam da slusa one velike medije topa CNN-a.
Toliko o tome da je babic "nastavio raditi ono sta radi".
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7bfc7e No.12535135 
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7bfc7e No.12535269
Lotsa falling apart going on:
Germany's Angela Merkel has said she will step down as chancellor in 2021, following recent election setbacks. "I will not be seeking any political post after my term ends," she told a news conference in Berlin. She also said she would not seek re-election as leader of the centre-right CDU party in December. She has held the post since 2000.
Dutch Rutte government resigns over child welfare fraud scandal.
Italy's former premier Matteo Renzi said on Wednesday he was pulling his party's ministers from the cabinet, effectively leaving the ruling coalition without a majority in parliament. His decision, announced at a news conference, throws Italy into political chaos….
Estonia’s president on Thursday tasked the leader of the main opposition party to form a new government, a day after Prime Minister Juri Ratas and his Cabinet stepped down in the wake of a corruption scandal in Ratas' ruling Center Party.
Kuwait government to resign within 24 hours.
Seen on Vox Day's blog, looking for sauce now…
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7bfc7e No.12535356
TAJNE UPLATE PRIJE IZBORA Matija Babić od Milana Bandića primio 489.000 kuna za PR
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7bfc7e No.12535593
Je li moguce da trump pise na twitteru kroz racun Kayleigh Mcenany?
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7bfc7e No.12535601
Je li moguce da trump pise na twitteru kroz racun Kayleigh Mcenany?>>12535593
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7bfc7e No.12535635
Zanimljivo razmisljanje…
Kina infiltrira kriminalce u ameriku preko granice sa meksikom…kroz kartele droga i trgovce ljudi.
"The Wall means more than you know".
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7bfc7e No.12535646
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7bfc7e No.12536010 
Pogledajte ovaj odvratni interviju…
Zapamtite imeĐIVO ĐUROVIĆ,Jer kada trump pobjedi ovakve ljude treba drzati odgovornima i suditi im za sirenje laznih vjesti. Ocito je da je covjek placen da ovo govori. Samo je pitanje tko mu je platio…
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7bfc7e No.12536030 
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7bfc7e No.12536257
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7bfc7e No.12536262
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226602 No.12536279
Kratki popis Imbecillexovih najjačih aduta:
- Matija Babić. Mastermind portala, nedavno izvalio komentar o spaljivanju crkvi te Isusa prozvao "židovskim zombijem"
- Petar Stošić. Antitrumpovski i antiruski podržavatelj "umjerenih" arapskih režima
- Gordan Duhaček. Gay i LGBT aktivist, većinom ga se može naći na takvim temama, na spaljivanje "gej lutke" izjavio "jednom kada Hrvata više ne bude"
- Neven Barković. Indexov "one man army" koji piše o svemu pomalo, sa žestokim kolumnama
- Nenad Jarić Dauenhauer. Okorjeli štovatelj znanosti, većinom se bavi "teoretičarima zavjere" kad je riječ o poimanju života i medicini
- Željko Porobija. Posljednje Indexovo pojačanje, žestoko udara po svim vjernicima u Hrvatskoj, većinom katolike
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7bfc7e No.12536297 
Djivo je i ovo re-tvitao…
Future marker!
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7bfc7e No.12536362 
Bilo bi dobro imati izvore tih izjava…bez njih kao da nemamo nista …
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7bfc7e No.12536461 
==djivo je ovako "proslavio" brisanje trumpa sa twittera"
Djivo..kakvu je stetu Trump nanio i kome? Vama kriminalcima koji vise ne mozete krasti i vladati onako kako ste vec generacijama krali i vladali? Tko te placa?
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7bfc7e No.12536564 
Djivo je rekao da je pokazivanje ljubavi prema svojoj zemlji tako sto zagrlis zastavu..jedan bizaran nacin pokazivanja ljubavi prema domovini.
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7bfc7e No.12536585 
Ovaj djivo je uzas od covjeka…
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7bfc7e No.12536609 
i takvog jednog idiota..rtl stavlja na televiziju da pljuje po americkom predsjedniku i milijunima ljudi koii su ga izabrali.
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226602 No.12536907
Zadnji odlomak:
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7bfc7e No.12537183
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7bfc7e No.12537256
Sijecam se kako su imocane napali kada su spalili istospolnu zajednicu za fasnik.
Znaci jeda Marina abramovic koze vrsiti odvratno duhovno kuhanje i to je umjetnost i sloboda izrazavanja a to sto su ikocani napravili je nesto kao nedopustivo i uvredljivo??? Mediji ne da su si uzeli za pravo izrazavati se kako zele vec su si uzeli za pravo i to da zabrane drugima reci sta zele te da zabrane drugacija misljenja od onih koje imaju oni. Zato i vidimo cenzuru i napade na drugacija misljenja.
Mi ovdje smo jos uvijek deklarirani kao teoreticari zavjera. Hehhh
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6d11f9 No.12537275
Smije li Biden postati predsjednik?
Ako postane istog sata može poništiti večinu Trumpovih izvršnih naredbi…
Po meni Biden nikako ne smije prisegnuti, ili ovo sve se mora desiti odmah nakon što potvrdi prijevaru…>>12497038
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7bfc7e No.12537561
Ja sve vise mislim da bi 20og moglo da se dogodi uhicenje. Odgoda proglasenja predsjednika…
Vojska je po washingtonu na sve strane. Znaci da nitko nece imati kontrolu nego vojska.
Sada imaj na umu da je trump bio pozvan da ide za predsjednika. Objaviti cu tu Q poruku ispod. Od strane koga? Pa vjerovatno od strane vojske. Vidjeli smo da vojska voli trumpa.
Znaci, kriminalci na jednom mjestu opkòljeni vojskom. Sta je za ocekivati da se dogodi?
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7bfc7e No.12537759
U ovoj Q poruci imas mnogo stvari koje su danas jako vazne.
Je li trump pozvan da se kandidira za predsjednika?
Od strane koga?
Zasto je ANTIFA-i dozvoljeno da djeluje?
Zasto se trump okruzuje sa visoko respektiranim generalima?
Zasto vojska igra tako vaznu ulogu?
Znaci sve ovo upucuje na samo jedno. Vojska ce pohvatati te kriminalce. I nitko nece loci da ih zaustavi. Tko moze da zaustavi vojsku amerike u washingtonu? Nekolicina antifinih huligana?
Biti ce zanimljivo pratiti vijesti ovih dana sta govore. Inauguracija je osigurana 100% . Antifina rulja obucena u trumpove boje nece moci ni blizu. Trump nece biti nazocan da ga se nebi ubilo. Veliki broj kriminalaca na istom mjestu. Vojska upada i hvata koga treba. Drzava ostaje bez predsjednika i vojska preuzima palicu.
Dalje, vidjeli smo da su americki sudovi korumpirani a kada vojska preuzme idu vojna sudjena. Trump ce biti cijelo vrijeme tiho tako da od njega ne treba ocekivati mnogo. On je svoje napravio sta je trebao. I kada vojska provede red i mir..pravi rezultati izbora se saznaju..trump ce biti prisegnut kao novi stari predsjednik.
Zar to ne zvuci kao najsavrseniji plan koji ste ikada culi?
I sta je jos bolje…Q nam je prije vise od 3 godine pisao porike koje ce na znacenju dobiti tek danas.
Fkn amazing!!
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7bfc7e No.12537818
Jos jedan podsjetnik da se ama bas "nista" ne dogadja. ;)
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226602 No.12537954
Ne želim biti doomer, ali koji je postupak ako se to ne desi? Ako inauguracija prođe bez problema?
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7bfc7e No.12538219
Ne moras biti doomer. Svi mi razmisljamo i postupamo po onome sta citamo. Mi kao obicni ljudi sada samo mozemo imati vjerenu vojsku da ce napraviti pravu stvar. Ako ne ispane tako..e nezz sta onda…stvarno.
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7bfc7e No.12538238
Al.po svemu ovome …dogadja se puno toga ovih dana. I sve vodi do toga da ce plan uspjeti!
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7bfc7e No.12538278
Nebo trenutno iznad Washingtona…
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7bfc7e No.12538301
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f4c357 No.12538325
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f4c357 No.12538348
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f4c357 No.12538467
Balkan thread je rame uz rame generalnom, koliko vidim zadnjih dana.
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f4c357 No.12538586
Ali s kvalitetnijim sadržajem jer nema plakanja, kukanja i ostalih nepotrebnih pizdarija.
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7bfc7e No.12538646
Pogledajte ovo…
Kash (Kashyap) Patel. Devin Nunes aide and now works at Pentagon. He is in that movie about how Devin and Kash discovered the crossfire hurricane scandal.
You can watch the documentary here: https://patpmovie.com/watch-now/
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7bfc7e No.12539021
All the FISA docs in one archive: https://anonfiles.com/t2scI99ep6/FISA_rar
Backup #2 https://theswissbay.ch/pdf/Politics/USA/FISA%20Abuse%20Investigation/
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f4c357 No.12539090
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c44978 No.12547243
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7bfc7e No.12547321
Zahuktava se dobro…
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7bfc7e No.12547325
jel itko ima pristup GAB-u? Meni ne radi.
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c44978 No.12547369
Danas prvi put da normalno radi, bar meni.
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8539da No.12547386
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7c7fc5 No.12547568
To je staro tri godine
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009b82 No.12547689
Al.dolazi u prvi plan kada se otkriju zlocini protiv covjecnosti..
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009b82 No.12547754
Banker and chairman of the Edmond de Rothschild holding company, Benjamin de Rothschild, has passed away at the age of 57, his family revealed to French media.
“Ariane de Rothschild and her daughters are deeply saddened to announce the death of husband and father, Benjamin de Rothschild, following a heart attack in the family home in Pregny (Switzerland) in the afternoon of January 15, 2021” the family said in a press release on Saturday.
⚫️🇫🇷DISPARITION - 22ème fortune de France, le Baron Benjamin de Rothschild a succombé hier à une crise cardiaque à l’âge de 57 ans (famille à l’AFP). pic.twitter.com/4xzP3xwyXS
— 🌐Le Globe (@LeGlobe_info) January 16, 2021
The Chateau de Pregny, sometimes called the Rothschild Castle, where the banker spent his last hours, is located near Lake Geneva. The estate has belonged to the family since the middle of the 19 century.
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009b82 No.12548149
DOD Chief of Staff Kash Patel Files $50M Defamation Suit Against CNN, Reporters
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009b82 No.12548154
kad ovo u americi prodje..medijima treba uskratiti bilo kakvu slobodu!
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7c7fc5 No.12548651
Bilježnik neka u finalnim bilješkama uključi sve o Indexu i Babiću, čisto da se ima ako zatreba u vremenima koja dolaze.
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a7a597 No.12549946
Obavezno. I trebamo sve te portale isto tako. Televizije takodjer!
Jer ne smijemo dopustiti da prodju nekaznjeno!
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a7a597 No.12550148
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
We've Got Marines Now
When active-duty marines are sent to DC for inauguration day, they aren't being sent in order to protect Biden and Congress from the "militia" and "Trump supporters."
The Democrats' trap was instantly turned against THEM.
This is GITMO 2.0. Why have tribunals down there with all of the logistical issues when you can have them RIGHT IN DC?
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a7a597 No.12550249
Jan. 15th = Friday - MAGA Promise day 1 - Friday the 15th is the date on the iPhone in the pic cap for #2099 about the EAS test - Threats at Google, VA supreme court, London Heathrow - First Round of Declass.
Jan. 15th + 7 = Jan. 22nd :stay at home< - [-7] - DR_noon_clear_sky^ - Safe comms_SAT-re_Bz985300^00
Jan. 15th = SHELDON ADELSON/Benjamin de Rothschild = JEWISH/ROTHSCHILD MAFIA = ++ = FRIDAY 15H QPOST 2099 TIME 1:56 = QPOST 156 = ++
Jan. 15th = SHELDON ADELSON/Benjamin de Rothschild = JEWISH/ROTHSCHILD MAFIA = ++ = FRIDAY 15H QPOST 2099 TIME 1:56 = QPOST 156 = ++
Jan. 15th = SHELDON ADELSON/Benjamin de Rothschild = JEWISH/ROTHSCHILD MAFIA = ++ = FRIDAY 15H QPOST 2099 TIME 1:56 = QPOST 156 = ++
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a7a597 No.12550265
Moze netko malo bolje pogledati ovo?
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a7a597 No.12550271
a i ova vijest je jako vazna. .
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a7a597 No.12550477
tolikono postenju pletera
ŠEF državne firme Pleter usluge koja je preuzela kuhanje na potresom pogođenom području, umirovljeni general Marijan Mareković, u imovinskoj je kartici prijavio stan u Maksimiru u Zagrebu od 84 kvadrata.
Vrijednost tog stana procijenio je na 1.5 milijuna kuna. Otkupio ga je od MORH-a po cijeni od samo 173.581,17 kuna.
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a7a597 No.12551772
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a7a597 No.12551783
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8d3644 No.12553252 
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8d3644 No.12553272 
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8d3644 No.12553314 
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8d3644 No.12553437 
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8d3644 No.12553457 
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8d3644 No.12553472 
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8d3644 No.12553487 
Izbori i korumpirani politicari u DC-u su samo pocetak.
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8d3644 No.12553772
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b855e6 No.12553950
Zanimljivi transkripti navodno Jučer preminulog Rotchilda iz 2011 godine.
Veoma zanimljivi odgovori, izvrsno štivo za laku noć?
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705b0c No.12565157
Telegram channels to subscribe to. Build a list.
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8d3644 No.12565656
Eto mu sad.
"Heart attacks can be deadly"
Teslini papiri su u dobrim rukama.
Samo je trebalo jedno 100 godina da ljudi shvate o cemu je govorio.
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8d3644 No.12565664
Mene zanima ima li njih na GAB-u?
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8d3644 No.12565677
a i mi smo shvatili da "isisavaju" energiju iz nas. Znaci da demoni postoje. Da opsjedaju ljude i da shumanova rezonanca znaci vise nego sto mislimo.
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8d3644 No.12565745
Svi zatvori u americi pod lockdownom
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8d3644 No.12565869 
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8d3644 No.12565879 
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8d3644 No.12565883 
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8d3644 No.12565888 
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8d3644 No.12565889 
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8d3644 No.12565982 
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8d3644 No.12566019
Prosvjed protivnika epidemioloških mjera u Beču: Desetak tisuća ljudi tražilo ostavku Vlade. Medijima, poručili su, ne vjeruju
Podaci o mrtvima su gluposti. Ne želim završiti kao u Kini gdje se ništa ne smije”, rekla je Gabi, stojeći pored natpisa „Vi ste bolest, mi smo lijek”.
Cijeli teksta na:
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1e14a5 No.12566132
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1e14a5 No.12566587
Da, ove stvari rješavamo prvo na duhovnoj razini.
Mislim da to kao čovječanstvo, svi zajedno, odrađujemo, a dobar dio smo odradili.
I sad najbolje dolazi…
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1e14a5 No.12566626
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8d3644 No.12566690
Tocno. Na pocetku nisam mislionda je to stvar i da je dio ovoga ali sam shvatio poslije da je stvarno tako. Sto se mene tice i shumanove rezonance i spiritualne bitke..mogu reci da sam jos novu u tome. Nekako sam sam sebi dao zadatak da se budim onako kako plan ide. I da svakako je vrijeme da takve stvari prodru na svijetlo dana jer plan je, bar po meni dosao u tu fazu. Kada se q mapa vise ne moze gledati samo kao neki dokazi o trumpu i vremenu objavljivanja i nekim dokazima da su q i trump povezani.
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8d3644 No.12566713
Taj dokument sa rotshildovim porukama je jako poucan u smislu toga da oni zapravo ne zele novac. Vec da zele energiju iz nas.
I sad…zamisli kroz sta trump prolazi da plan koze ici naprijed.
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8d3644 No.12566724
Ono gadno. Tek dolazi. Izbori su uvertira koje Q lagano dobija.
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8d3644 No.12566855
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8d3644 No.12566864
11.3 marker?
Moze li to biti to!??
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8d3644 No.12566907
I jel si stvarno svi oni poput sidney powell .lin wooda..rona..trumpa..flynna…otisli na telegram? Jer ne vidim ih na gabu?
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8d3644 No.12566952
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a333e9 No.12567326
Daje nam odgovore za koje izgleda nismo zainteresirani!
Gutam, a nisam došao ni do pola..
Dugo nisam ovaku uživao u nekom štivu!
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8d3644 No.12567796
Ljudi. Jesmo li danas dobili prvi marker 11.3
Pogledajte ovo…
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8d3644 No.12567803
Naljutilo me kada je rekao da su teslu i njegove izume morali maknuti! Dalje nisam citao. Budem veceras.
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8d3644 No.12567819
stavit cemo u biljeske.
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8d3644 No.12568756
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8d3644 No.12568766
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8d3644 No.12568845
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8d3644 No.12568919 
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
cemu ovo? Jel se ceka nekakvo ukljucenje live?
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8d3644 No.12569733
Declassified Documents Confirm More Bombshell Revelations About The Steele Dossier
The first batch of documents that President Trump ordered to be classified is already giving us a deeper dive into how corrupt the swamp really is.
According to transcripts, the FBI knew that Christopher Steele’s dossier was “all political” in the summer of 2016, yet they still pursued Trump anyway.
The infamous “Steele Dossier” was the document used by James Comey’s FBI to obtain a FISA warrant in order to spy on President Trump and his campaign.
Turns out the FBI knew it was garbage, yet they used it against Trump regardless.
“Summer 2016: The FBI handling agent knew “without a doubt” that Steele’s reporting was political. “It was completely obvious that this information intended to be used by one of the parties against the other,” twitter user TechnoFog pointed out.
Read the transcript below:
n another look at the transcripts, it appears that files were missing from the FISA application for Carter Page, yet it was still granted anyway:
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313270 No.12571304 
Problemi s internetom diljem svijeta.
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313270 No.12571312 
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313270 No.12571317 
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313270 No.12571323 
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313270 No.12571328 
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313270 No.12571343 
Marjorie je uklonjena sa twittera. Znaci osobe koje se bore za djecije zivote su prijetnja?
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313270 No.12571596 
Zanimljiva stranica za pracenje nestanka interneta…
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313270 No.12571599 
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313270 No.12571636 
Ova takodjer:
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5dc81e No.12571743
Ni ja danas nisam imao interneta na par minuta ovde u Nemačkoj, ni wifi a ni mobilni internet. Svašta
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313270 No.12571860
Ocito se spremaju na nesto
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313270 No.12571877
ja sam imao pristup samo ovoj str 8kun. Ali mi nije dalo da pisem…samo sam citao
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313270 No.12571898
znaci yt je bio pao kod mene…fb…gab…nisam mogao nista ni sa privatnim vpn-om ni sa firefoxom pa cak ni sa tor-om
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5dc81e No.12571901
Ja sam kupio radio stanicu za svaki slučaj, valjda će mi poslužiti u slučaju nekog većeg blackout-a.
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313270 No.12571929
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5dc81e No.12571968
Pa da, mislim toki voki ali tehnicki to je radio stanica. Skinuo sam i mapu svih repetitora tako da imam neki način da saznam šta se dešava ako sve padne.
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5dc81e No.12572014
Imam i offline Wikipediu, solarni punjač i zalihe hrane za oko 2 meseca. Mirnije spavam od kako sam to nabavio.
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313270 No.12572060
ebs bi trebao kao odnekud doci.
Dobro je sto mi je 8kun htjelo ucitati. Nadam se da cu moci i kroz iduci tjedan. Ovo mi je svakako glavni izvor vijesti.
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313270 No.12572083
sto se tice hrane…za nju se ne bojim…mogu i primit jos ljudi ako treba xD
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24eead No.12573784
Pa ti si se onda dobro pripremio. Bolje da imamo i da nam ne treba nego da nemamo a da nam treba. Ako ništa bar mirno spavam, pre sam bio pod stresom. Još samo da napravim neku investicija sa strane i ne brinem se više za ništa 😀
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861f84 No.12581102
Šta je ovo, jel se to Ben Garrison okrenuo protiv Trumpa? Ne vidim foru.
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313270 No.12581728
Moram priznati da ni ja bas ne shvacam. Jedino da je sarkazam?
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313270 No.12581732
aha…i jos sve domace!
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313270 No.12587568
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313270 No.12587579
dok ovo pisem mozda riskiram da i nas blokiraju…
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55a317 No.12589543
Jel jos itko ima problema sa GAB-om?
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724709 No.12603371
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ca8fd2 No.12606147
Oce 10 dana tame poceti sutra?
Ja osobno mislim da je to to.
Ulazimo u predsjedanje joea bidena…10 dana
Deset dana mraka.. i onda ide dark to light
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080fd5 No.12606174
Mislim da smo već u mraku neko vrime.
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ca8fd2 No.12606186
Ovo su poruke drugog najviseg vojnog casnika u oruzanim snagama amerike…
Prosudite sami za sebe…
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ca8fd2 No.12606203
Nekako mislim da nismo jos iskusili onu pravu bol i kusnju u vezi svega ovoga.
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ca8fd2 No.12606233
i sad lad pogledamo one Q poruke od prije 3 godina sve imaju smisla.
Znaci trump obrisan sa twittera i sada je trenutno tiho bez izjava.
Q je rekao da je jedini nacin vojni nacin i sada je DC prepun vojske..
Jednostavno nevjerojatno!!
Tim vise sto sam ovdje medju rijetkima koji sve prati uzivo….
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080fd5 No.12606613
Tu smo s razlogom.
Znamo da je put grbav i gadan, ali spremni smo na to.
Piše se povijest, a mi joj pridonosimo na svoj način.
Samo hrabro, znamo koji je krajnji ishod za čovječanstvo.
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ca8fd2 No.12606642
Provjereno na Novoj tv prije nekoliko dana.
Digli hajku kako se informacije ne bi trebale traziti po drustvemim mrezama vec bi se trebali slusati lijecnici i znanstvenici!
panika medju medijima u hrvatskoj!!
Ova odvratna voditeljica je cak i rekla da nije dobro slusati tamo neke "anonimne" osobe koje pricaju o nekim stvarima.
Jel su to spomenuli nas ovdje?
Znaci ova reportaza ide ovako… daj nadji neku budalu koja je nesto rekla i odna to razhlasi na sva zvona da ljudi ostanu "spavati" i da nastave slusati medije. Sve ovo radi tamo neke anonimne osobe koja prica gluposti? Znaci pronasli su tri zene. Stavili ih pred kamere..u udarni termin na televiziji i osudili slobodu govora po drustvenim mrezama pod krinkom "dezinformacije su opasne".
Nisu se nikada do sada ovako snazno borili protiv "anonimnih osoba sa drustvenih mreza". I nisu nikada do sad ovak uporno promovirali nesto kao "sigurno i ucinkovito".
Potpuna panika medju medijima. Ljudi su se poceli buditi a kada se ljudi poncu buditi tesko ih je ponovno staviti na spavanje.
Ova reportaza je potpuni promasaj i totalno amaterski. Ja sam ocekivao jaci napad od kriminalaca…a dobili smo samo ovo…
mainstream izvjestavanje se u zadnjih godinu dana, svelo sa kontroliranog laganja i zavodjenja ljudu u gorcevitu borbu protiv istine koja nadire sa svih strana.
Nikada kao do sada se nisu trudili da opovrgnu i oznace netocnim nesto sto se dijeli po internetu!
Gube kontrolu..i pticama na granama je jasno!!
Idemo dalje…
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ca8fd2 No.12606667
prelijepi hrabri svijet nam lezi na dohvat ruke!
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080fd5 No.12606821
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ca8fd2 No.12606823
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ca8fd2 No.12606847
Jel.to iz knjige ili filma?
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080fd5 No.12606915
Ali on voli miris napalma ;)
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ca8fd2 No.12606967
Izbacilo mi dva kong otok lubanja i apokalipsa danas xD
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ca8fd2 No.12607098
Court hearing for Ghislaine maxwell disrupted by 14,000 Qanon crazies
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ca8fd2 No.12607166
The FBI warns QAnon followers discussed plans to infiltrate the Presidential Inauguration by posing as National Guard. Yesterday, the Pentagon assessed there's no evidence of an "insider threat"
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ca8fd2 No.12607196
Kad smo vec kod ovoga…naci cu jedan clanak koji je nakon kapitola osvanuo i kod nas
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080fd5 No.12607267
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ca8fd2 No.12607269
Evo ga…napadaju i kod nas….
Angeli je već otprije postao zapažena ličnost u pokretu teorije zavjere QAnon, pojavljujući se na skupovima krajnje desnice u Arizoni.
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ca8fd2 No.12607289
Ima li ista sa general threada o ovome?
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ca8fd2 No.12607299
ili nesto na thousendeyesu?
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ca8fd2 No.12607332
Napadi napadi napadi…sa svih strana…
Ubrzo se saznalo kako je to Jake Agnelli, šaman QAnona i očito pristaša Donalda Trumpa.
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ca8fd2 No.12607359
ova dva artikla su sasvim dovoljna..ima in jos na desetke.. sve isto…
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080fd5 No.12607443
Zanimljivo je to šta preko Croma (googlea) neće, a preko Tora hoće.
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080fd5 No.12607464
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68d35e No.12607474
Eric Samson, South African #Jewish billionaire and philanthropist, has passed away at the age of 81.
Ode jos jedan…filantopist..
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68d35e No.12607483
meni se takve stvari dogadjaju stalno…
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68d35e No.12607497
Kad mi negdje zastane..mijenjam IP. i onda hoce…
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52e252 No.12607548
Ekipa, vezano za cijepljenje protiv kineskog virusa.
Kako čujem, jedna ugostiteljska firma na Jadranu uvodi uvjet da svi radnici moraju biti cijepljeni (kaže poznanica koja radi u njoj - nemam konkretnu potvrdu).
Ako ovdje ima koji JADRAnon koji je čuo za još neku firmu koja će to uvesti, slobodno neka javi.
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68d35e No.12607558
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68d35e No.12607573
blizu sam "jadrana".. ali nisam bas nacuo da se takvo nesto uvodi..bilo gdje…
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68d35e No.12607591
ali vrlo moguce..bit ce toga i vise..siguran sam.
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68d35e No.12607669
Vise nije dozvoljeno da se preispituje rwzim niti izvor i tocnost informacija. I Gateway Pundit je uklonjen!
Orwellian! Twitter Suspends Gateway Pundit Account for Violating “Civic Integrity” Rule — No Questioning of Election Results Allowed!
You are no longer allowed to question the regime.
Questioning the fraudulent election will no longer be tolerated.
So what if Pennsylvania had 205,000 more mail-in ballots than the number that were sent out?
You are not allowed to question the results.
So what if GOP poll workers were locked out of the counting rooms in Philadelphia, Detroit and Milwaukee?
You are not allowed to question the results.
So what if they were trucking trailers full of ballots from New York to Pennsylvania and into Wisconsin?
How dare you question this operation?
So what if they were rolling out suitcases of ballots in Atlanta and pulling in trucks in Atlanta and Detroit?
This is a common practice we are told.
So what if you could see tens of thousands of votes switch from Trump to Biden on national TV in real-time?
You saw nothing!
Dissent is not allowed.
You can no longer question the results.
Last week Twitter banned a tweet questioning fraud in the election.
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ca8fd2 No.12607762
Anons may want to see this….
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ca8fd2 No.12607785
ALERT! MEGA Obama Donor Arrested For Sexual Abuse With Underage Child
“She told me not to talk to certain people, she told me to go on the run at a certain point,” the detective quoted the boy as saying. “So, if I did testify I was told I wasn’t supposed to get my money. So that’s why I did not testify. And that’s why my attorney told me to go on the run.”
Myers wrote the boy’s lawyer gave him a “burner” phone and cash, and worked to hide him in a cabin in the mountains outside of Portland.
The story of Bean’s arrest comes a day after we reported that a group of Democratic lawmakers in California are proposing legislation that would further enable adult sexual predators to target children by saving them from having to register as sex offenders.
The California Globe noted further:
State Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) and Assemblywoman Susan Eggman (D-Stockton) introduced recent legislation “to end blatant discrimination against LGBT young people regarding California’s sex offender registry.”
However, under their bill, SB 145, the offenders would not have to automatically register as sex offenders if the offenders are within 10 years of age of the minor.
“Currently, for consensual yet illegal sexual relations between a teenager age 15 and over and a partner within 10 years of age, ‘sexual intercourse’ (i.e., vaginal intercourse) does not require the offender to go onto the sex offender registry; rather, the judge decides based on the facts of the case whether sex offender registration is warranted or unwarranted. By contrast, for other forms of intercourse — specifically, oral and anal intercourse — sex offender registration is mandated under all situations, with no judicial discretion,” said Wiener (and of course, that would be his name).
“This bill would authorize a person convicted of certain offenses involving minors to seek discretionary relief from the duty to register if the person is not more than 10 years older than the minor,” SB 145 states.
Within 10 years of the age of the minor.
So…a 20-year-old man/woman can sexually abuse a 10-year-old child and get away with it because…’blatant discrimination against LGBT young people….’
Are you starting to see a pattern here? Because we are.
Sexual deviancy, sex with children, molestation of children, sexual exploitation of children all seem to be Democrat traits.
These people are sick. There is no way we can ever let them be in charge again.
This article originally appeared at The National Sentinel and was republished with permission.
*Some edits have been made.
Let us know what you think in the comments below!
Sick of the censorship and election meddling?
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ca8fd2 No.12607813
Maxwell Court hearing
11,653 views•Streamed live 3 hours ago
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ca8fd2 No.12607947 
Sve objave Generala Hytena na telegramu.
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ca8fd2 No.12607958 
Sve objave Generala Hytena na telegramu…
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d5159a No.12608202
Neće ni meni kad probam da otvorim, neće ni sa VPN-om, jedino tor otvara. Inače da napomenem da danas od 16:00 uopšte nemam mreže na telefonu znaci uopšte a wifi u stanu dosta zeza, te ima te nema interneta. Nemacka, NRW.
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ca8fd2 No.12608683
Oho…jesi provjeravao jel svima oko tebe isto?
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ca8fd2 No.12608797
Upravo gledam…molim pogledajteni vi…
Internet blokade u Washingtonu i Kaiforniji se desavaju kao lude!!! Necjerovatno za gledati…
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ca8fd2 No.12608948 
Gina Haspel odstupila!!!
Director Gina Haspel has retired.
6:53 PM · Jan 19, 2021·Twitter Web App
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ca8fd2 No.12609058
What a coincidence.
GTMO845 takes off from Ft Lauderdale to Guantanamo Bay at the same time Haspel's exit is announced.
GTMO845 = 8+4+5 = 17
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d5159a No.12609565
Jesam, drugi imaju mrežu. Internet me cudi, uglavnom nikad nemam problema a sad dosta zeza.
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ca8fd2 No.12609760
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ca8fd2 No.12609767
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080fd5 No.12609808
Možda drugi nisu po 8kunu kao ti ;)
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e1d829 No.12609832
On point anon!!
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e1d829 No.12609841
nama je najteze..to sigurno!
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080fd5 No.12609970
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ca8fd2 No.12610915 
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d5159a No.12610924
Da, nisu sigurno. Pre dva dana sam iskljucio VPN i konj zaboravio da uključim opet, do tad mi je sav saobracaj išao kroz njega, može da bude da je do toga. Šta god da je u pitanju vrlo je interesantno. I dalje nemam mreže al wifi radi 😎
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ca8fd2 No.12610925 
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ca8fd2 No.12610939 
Infiltration from within xD
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ca8fd2 No.12610950 
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ca8fd2 No.12610961 
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ca8fd2 No.12610980 
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ca8fd2 No.12611000 
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ca8fd2 No.12611033 
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ca8fd2 No.12611083 
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ca8fd2 No.12611265
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080fd5 No.12611743
"…I go from this mayestic place with a loyal and joyful heart and optimistic spirit and a supreme confidence that for our country and for our children THE BEST IS YET TO COME…"
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080fd5 No.12612839
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080fd5 No.12612880
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553ef6 No.12612890
Sad ćemo saznati kako film završava, točnije, da li ga je bilo uopće.
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080fd5 No.12612993
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553ef6 No.12613038
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03552d No.12620588
Trump became a politician.
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ca8fd2 No.12622361
Prvi dio. Trilogija…
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ca8fd2 No.12622426
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ca8fd2 No.12622431
Ja mislim da ce biden prisegnuti.
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ca8fd2 No.12622444
nekako mi se cini pre lagano i pre ocito da se sve rijesi danas.
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ca8fd2 No.12622472
…i onda iducih 10ak dana…all hell on earth will be unlished…
Pratite kada se trump ukrca na af1
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724919 No.12622736
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Kratak video Vladimira Sheksa, prava realnost u politici sirom svijeta.
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724919 No.12623359
Usput zaboli me ljubavni misic za sve one koji su odjednom postali eksperti za takozvanu politiku, kako kod nas pa tako i u svijetu. Svi smo mi razdvojeni da se svadjamo jedni s drugima umjesto da se ujedinimo kao ljudi i da uzmemo stvar u svoje ruke. Svima je isto u cilju a glavni cilj je da se nesta uradi kako bi bilo bolje za zivjeti na NASEM planetu. Ljevo, desno ili centar uopce nije bitno. Svi zive u nekakvoj zabludi unatoc tome sto se ne moze dogoditi nikakva promjena bez prolivene ljudske krvi. Cijela povijest covijecanstva nam je krvava, zivimo u zemljama gdje se velicaju ubojice i kriminalci kao da su neki heroji iako su to obicni psihopati koji nemaju jedan od najljepsih osjecaja a taj osjecaj je empatija.
Sto se tice razdvajanja nacija sirom svijeta opisat cu samo jedan primjer…
BLM/antifa vs Trampovi pristase…
Dualitet (uz pomoc dualiteta i jesmo razdvojeni a zavadi pa vladaj je starinska taktika koju vecina ljudi nije niti svjesna), sta mislite o tome da su se pristase Trampa i pristase BLM/sntifa ujedinili i napali prave institucije koje im mazu oci kako ce biti bolje, iako je svakoga dana sve gore? Oba dvije strane zele isto, a to je revolucionarna promijena koja je moguca samo ako retardi sagledaju stvari onakve kakve jesu. imamo ove dvije strane koje se mrze i pokusavaju se infiltrirati jedni u druge kako bi jedni drugima izgledale lose ili jos gore nego sto jesu, dok u međuvremenu struktura moći koja se sastoji od nekoliko mega korporacija i političke elite, uz potpornu snagu zakona i sile, postaju jace i bogatije, dok mi mali ljudi sikaniramo jedni s druge i neprestano se savjadjamo oko gluposti. U stvarnosti su nas politicke stranke dovele do mjesta na kojem smo danas, sa zastrasujucim nizom nepravednih zakona i teskim ovlastima kaznenog progona te sirokim uplitanjem u nase vlastite zivote.
Vjeruju li BLM/antifa da ce Joe Biden donijeti revoluciju koju žele? Kamala Harris? Prodala kao napredni tuzitelj, a na kraju je zavrsila jednako lose kao i ostali. Bez obzira na to sto njih dvoje rade, ogromna represivna birokratska struktura sa sjedistem u DC-u ce i ostati, dok ce Biden, Harris i svi ostali koristiti za svoje osobno bogacenje, dok se za nas puke smrtnike neće puno promijeniti. Zvuci poznato, zar ne?
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724919 No.12623362
MAGA-ovcima se svidio Trump, zato jer je Trump pokusavao rastaviti neke od te ogromne, utjecajne i nepravedne, kako pokiticke, pa tako i one mnogo jace korporativne strukture (koja je doslovno izmaknula ljudima), ali kao sto mozemo vidjeti, vecina ostatka republikanske stranke nema interesa za to, baš kao i demokrati, njima je stalo samo do jedne stvari a ta stvar je da zadrze vlastito bogatstvo i svjetsku moc.
Ali sad kada Trumpa vise nema, ljudi iz MAGA-e ce imati iste prituzbe i htjet ce istu revoluciju. Dosta im je da njima vlada vlada koja nije u kontaktu s njihovim problemima. Nije li to slicno zaljenju BLMa/Antife?Mozda oboje grijese bas u tome sto podrzavaju Demokratsku odnosno Republikansku stranku, kada ti isti demokrati i republikanci i njihovi bogati mega korporativni prijatelji jedu kavijar i pijuckaju sampanjac dok se smiju iz dana u dan novonastalim sukobima izmedju ljudi koji su pristase jedne ili druge politickr strane.
Ako su u opsadi Kapitola postojali infiltrirani BLM/antifa, bez obzira zasto su uopce bili tamo, kako bi to na kraju zavrsilo kad su se obje strane osjecale osnazeno kao VECINA, iliti WE THE PEOPLE koja salje poruku elitnoj politickoj klasi? Politicari bi se momentalno savili u strahu u svojim bunkerima i tko zna kojim luksuznim skrovistima. Bez obzira na to tko je prvi razbio staklo i je li to bilo namjerno ili ne, invazija je rezultirala jasnom slikom linije razdvajanja izmedu nas /WE THE PEOPLE I stvarne crte razdvajanja, mocna elita protiv obicnih ljudi. Ne lijevo vs desno, ne bijelo protiv crno, ne liberalno protiv konzervativno, ne Demokratsko vs Republikansko. U tom kratkom trenutku politička je klasa bi definitivno shvatila koliko su mali, poput makovig zrna i malobrojni protiv cijelog Naroda (WE THE PEOPLE).
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724919 No.12623365
Svi ljudi koji se okupljaju kako bi im se suprotstavili, moraju ih uplasiti govno u njima da im se krv sledi u zilama. Cak me i ne bi iznenadilo to da su ove infiltracije izmedju skupina zapravo tajne vladine operacije koje su perfektno osmisljene kako bi nas drzale da se mrzimo medjusobno. Znamo da imaju posebne odijele za takve stvari a nazivaju se cointelpro agents iliti specijalizirani agenti za stvaranje starinske taktike tzv. zavadi pa vladaj. Mozda bi BLM/antifa i MAGA ljudi trebali poceti uvidjavati i prihvatiti perspektivu jedni drugih i razmisliti o pronalazenju zajednickog jezika kao MI LJUDI (WE THE PEOPLE).
Ovo je samo izrazavanje od mene kao od jednog obicnog Anona. Molim vas da, ako imate slobodnog vremena nadohvat ruke, prevedete i prosirite ovu poruku, ne samo ovdje na 8kun-u nego i na popularne mreze kao sto je fejkbook, twatter, komentarske sekcije u glavnim novinama vasih drzava itd itd itd.
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a08152 No.12624201
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a08152 No.12624216
danas pustamo vraga da udje u bijelu kucu…
Bit ce Biblijskih Razmjera….
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167e11 No.12625155
Ovaj ekstremno bitan trenutak je svima prešao preko glave. Gledao sam live kad je to rekao i nisam vjerovao svojim ušima, ali sam ubrzo povjerovao znajući da će svi slijepo povjerovati u ono rečeno na 1:13
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a08152 No.12626129
Nakon sto nastupi potpuni kaos…duboka drzava ce podivljati…
Tek cemo sada vidjeti tko su zapravo i sta su sve kadri uciniti…
ovdje ce napasti najzesce
Ali ovdie su i najprobudjeniji ljudi…
Bog nek im bude milostiv…jer od nas milost dobiti nece!
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a08152 No.12626356
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Trumpovo ukrcavanje na af1 live
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a08152 No.12626364
Lista kamera iz DC-a
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rxpGMlFNNA&feature=youtu.be (now listed "private")
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a08152 No.12626368
Lista kamera iz DC-a
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rxpGMlFNNA&feature=youtu.be (now listed "private")
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a08152 No.12629863
Vrhovni sud evakuiran…prijetnja bombom!
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a08152 No.12629888
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a08152 No.12629960
Velika eksplozijanu spanjolskoj u madridu
DEVELOPING: Large explosion reported in downtown Madrid, Spain; no word on a cause or extent of injuries
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a08152 No.12629978
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a08152 No.12630004
Istrenirani smo za ove dane!
Vjerujemo u plan!
Biblijskih razmjera!!
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a08152 No.12630020
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a08152 No.12630137
Pompeo tweeted this photo yesterday. Today he tweeted at 456am PST from his personal account.456am -> Q456.
I remember something in Q about "the graphic is the key". Is the file name to this graphic akeyto some locked file (Kappy, Wikileaks, etc.)
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a08152 No.12630542
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a08152 No.12631796
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b95440 No.12631974
Lady Gaga, Jenifer Lopez…
Ali sve u svemu izgleda više kao sprovod.
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a08152 No.12632413
Ja priznam da je tesko gledati!
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b95440 No.12632568
Pa sigurno da je, muka mi je malo trenutno.
Njih gledat.
I slušat.
Pedofile, kanibale, bolesnike…
Dvojnike, klonove…
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b95440 No.12632812
Ovom se opet potrošile baterije, ne može rečenicu sastavit…
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a08152 No.12632898
These are the days i ve been waiting for…
These are the days when its going to get really ugly!
And thats why we had Q for past 3 years…
It was a training!
They trained us to be ready when silent war surfaces!
And thanks to us.. cure will spready worldwide!
God bless you soldiers!
Every each of you here desreves a "medal of digital war soldier" when this all ends!!
Trust The Plan
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a08152 No.12632961
nemamo mi jos pojma koliko ce ova 8kun ploca biti vazna u buducnost..pojma nemamo da stvaramo nesto ogromno!
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b95440 No.12633259
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a08152 No.12633405
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a08152 No.12633997
Kamere u Washingtinu ne rade….koze li netko potvrditi?
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a08152 No.12634025
Koji tajming….
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a08152 No.12634705
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a08152 No.12634720
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a08152 No.12634728
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a08152 No.12634750 
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a08152 No.12634764 
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a08152 No.12634772 
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a08152 No.12636085
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a08152 No.12636093 
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a08152 No.12636171 
Sajt je prepun napadaca trenutno!
Nevidjeno do sada..
Trebamo se zapitati zasto ako su pobjedili?
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a08152 No.12637017 
Tokom inauguracije…krizevi okrenuti naopako…
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a08152 No.12637053 
Ljudi po americi dobijavu hitne poruke na mobitele…
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a08152 No.12637318
The AZ Maricopa County Board agreed to release the election evidence.an hour after the inauguration.
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a08152 No.12637329 
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a08152 No.12637551
Strange behavior for the AF1 (82-8000 call sign) returning from West Palm. DO they always turn on and off their transceivers?
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a08152 No.12637659
A Madrid and Spain Timeline
2001: Syctl, a Barcelona, Spain, based company providing many election products all over the world, including the U.S. was formed.
November 9 - 13, 2009: Hunter Biden Secret Service protected during a trip to Brussels, Belgium, and he also visited France and Spain.
May 5 - 8, 2010: Hunter Biden protected for a trip to Madrid, Spain; as well as Belgium and the United Kingdom.
2011: Obama contracted with SCYTL to count votes for the 2012 Presidential election. SCYTL's HQ is in Barcelona, Spain.
Late, 2011: Michelle Obama made an unscheduled visit to Barcelona for a "vacation", no press was allowed. This was after her husband had contracted with SCYTL to count votes for the 2012 Presidential election, a company headquartered in Barcelona, Spain. This is the same company which interfered with the 2020 election, giving Trump's votes to Biden.
July 9, 2016: Obama traveled to Spain, landing late in the evening on Saturday at Torrejon Air base in Madrid just after leaving the NATO Summit in Poland, where he met King Felipe VI.
Sunday, July 10, 2016: Obama again met with King Felipe VI at the Royal Palace in Madrid. During this visit, he talked about his first trip to Spain as a backpacker, before law school. He then visited Moncloa Palace, headquarters of the Spanish government, for a bilateral meeting. He then proceded to the Spanish Naval Base in Rota where there are U.S., Spanish, and NATO forces, with Commander Russel Caldwell giving the tour of the USS Ross, one of four guided-missile destroyers permanently based there.
January 15, 2021: Baron Benjamin de Rothschild, at 57, banker and Chairman of the Edmond de Rothschild holding company, dead, purportedly of a heart attack. A descendant of the French Rothschild banking family, he presided over the Edmond de Rothschild (EdR) finance empire. The group manages over $175 billion in assets, with interests from banks in France and Switzerland to restaurants and hotels. In August 2019, de Rothschild's family consolidated its French and Swiss banking operations and bought out the group's public shareholders. De Rothschild's wife, Ariane, is chairwoman of Edmond de Rothschild Suisse, while he was the majority owner and chairman. Through Edmond de Rothschild and its affiliates, the baron owns or co-owns vineyards in Argentina, New Zealand, South Africa, Spain and France. He lived in Geneva, Switzerland, of which he was a citizen.
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a08152 No.12637663
A Madrid and Spain Timeline
2001: Syctl, a Barcelona, Spain, based company providing many election products all over the world, including the U.S. was formed.
November 9 - 13, 2009: Hunter Biden Secret Service protected during a trip to Brussels, Belgium, and he also visited France and Spain.
May 5 - 8, 2010: Hunter Biden protected for a trip to Madrid, Spain; as well as Belgium and the United Kingdom.
2011: Obama contracted with SCYTL to count votes for the 2012 Presidential election. SCYTL's HQ is in Barcelona, Spain.
Late, 2011: Michelle Obama made an unscheduled visit to Barcelona for a "vacation", no press was allowed. This was after her husband had contracted with SCYTL to count votes for the 2012 Presidential election, a company headquartered in Barcelona, Spain. This is the same company which interfered with the 2020 election, giving Trump's votes to Biden.
July 9, 2016: Obama traveled to Spain, landing late in the evening on Saturday at Torrejon Air base in Madrid just after leaving the NATO Summit in Poland, where he met King Felipe VI.
Sunday, July 10, 2016: Obama again met with King Felipe VI at the Royal Palace in Madrid. During this visit, he talked about his first trip to Spain as a backpacker, before law school. He then visited Moncloa Palace, headquarters of the Spanish government, for a bilateral meeting. He then proceded to the Spanish Naval Base in Rota where there are U.S., Spanish, and NATO forces, with Commander Russel Caldwell giving the tour of the USS Ross, one of four guided-missile destroyers permanently based there.
January 15, 2021: Baron Benjamin de Rothschild, at 57, banker and Chairman of the Edmond de Rothschild holding company, dead, purportedly of a heart attack. A descendant of the French Rothschild banking family, he presided over the Edmond de Rothschild (EdR) finance empire. The group manages over $175 billion in assets, with interests from banks in France and Switzerland to restaurants and hotels. In August 2019, de Rothschild's family consolidated its French and Swiss banking operations and bought out the group's public shareholders. De Rothschild's wife, Ariane, is chairwoman of Edmond de Rothschild Suisse, while he was the majority owner and chairman. Through Edmond de Rothschild and its affiliates, the baron owns or co-owns vineyards in Argentina, New Zealand, South Africa, Spain and France. He lived in Geneva, Switzerland, of which he was a citizen.
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a08152 No.12637679 
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a08152 No.12637927 
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a08152 No.12637940 
Stotine vojnih aviona u zraku…
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a08152 No.12637948 
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a08152 No.12637966 
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a08152 No.12638295 
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a08152 No.12638320 
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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76c505 No.12639794 
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76c505 No.12639801 
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76c505 No.12639810 
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76c505 No.12639827 
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76c505 No.12639835 
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76c505 No.12639839 
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b8eddc No.12647416
Haha znači sinoć je neki jebivjetar od global modova sakrio sve threadove na Q Researchu jer je imao osobni sukob s board ownerom
Satima je čitav katalog bio prazan
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db74ac No.12647685
Meni blokirali ip
Jebeno je bilo sinoc…
Al unatoc tome na par sekundi su nicali novi threadovi sa porukama ohrabrenja…
Anoni su neizbjezni!
Pravda ce biti posluzena!
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db74ac No.12647699 
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db74ac No.12647705 
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db74ac No.12647711 
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1d36c7 No.12647718
MAGA= Make Albania Great Again
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cc844f No.12648882
Anoni, nešta mi se mota po glavi…
Šta ako ovo više nema veze s Trumpom?
Šta ako čak nema više veze ni s Q-om (ne javlja se već 44 dana)?
Šta ako su njih dvojica poslužili samo kao okidač?
Q je više puta rekao "imate i više nego što vam je potrebno".
Ne zaboravite - buđenje nije materijalni koncept i ne može biti zaustavljeno materijalnim sredstvima.
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db74ac No.12649100
Nismo vidjeli ni O od oluje
Ljudi moji ovo je tek pocetak…pocetak njihovog kraja…izdrzite jos malo…
Oluja ce biti biblijskih razmjera…
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db74ac No.12649108
ono sa bidenom i obrnutim krizevima je iz 2009
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db74ac No.12649114
tako da ne nasjedajte na lagane provokacije
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0a6c44 No.12650686
Slažem se s tim da je sve na nama, oduvik je i bilo.
Sve se svodi na izbor i slobodnu volju, a mi anoni smo toga svjesni.
Q nas je pripremio na ovo šta dolazi i sigurno je da neće biti lako jer se sve treba srušit do temelja.
Svatko od nas je bitan, mada nismo možda toga trenutno svjesni.
Ovaj pokret, buđenje ljudi, je nemoguće zaustavit.
Šta se tiče Trumpa ta priča je daleko od gotovog, ustvari tek sad počinje.
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0a6c44 No.12650808
Moment od 22:36, i panika 2 minute nakon toga.
I dalje gledamo film, da ne zaboravimo.
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0a6c44 No.12651653
Preporuka za pročitati, sažeto i jasno.
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0a6c44 No.12651711
I da, zanimljivo kad se u google upiše antifa.com izbaci whitehouse.gov
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0a6c44 No.12651863
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0a6c44 No.12652073
Desna strana mozga mi opet prevagnula…
Panama RolePlay…
Nalazimo se u igri.
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0a6c44 No.12652137
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245bf1 No.12652242
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Dennis Rodman u Malnarovoj noćnoj mori
ova emisija je unikat u svemiru
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0a6c44 No.12652365
Hahaha..he is gipsy and I dont believe he knows english…
Genijalac, gledala ga uredno i redovno.
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db74ac No.12652548
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db74ac No.12652571
jel moguce da je prenamjenio antifinu str u svoju slubenu bijele kuce?
To sam jucer gledao cijeli dan na general threadu.
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db74ac No.12652581
ocemo stavljati u biljeske?
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0a6c44 No.12652670
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0a6c44 No.12652846
Zanimljivo je, a poprilično i čudno.
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0a6c44 No.12652877
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0a6c44 No.12652983
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db74ac No.12653285
Pogledajte omjer lajkova i dislajkova…
Imajte na umu da yt vec preuredjuje te brojeve da izgledaju bolje za njih.
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db74ac No.12653307
upravo gledam malo po yt.
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db74ac No.12653318 
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db74ac No.12653334 
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db74ac No.12653347
I want you to pay attention on this…
Here is the link to the "source" of the text in the first picture:
OutlawJW posted this and it might be a very good intel. Why? Because when someone asked Q when the 10 days of darkness will start..Q answered "Shutdown"(Q drop 282). If we really witnessed the shutdown of corporate US then 10 days of darkness have started. The date of beginning is 19th. So we are already in 10 days of darkness.
Personally..i can feel it. There were many times when people shouted that 10d of darkness started but right now..in this current situation..i can feel it as real thing! Its very hard, but i expected it because there really is AN ACTIVE WAR ON OUR MIND!
With this info… move to the Q drop 88. There we have 10 days. Darkness.
In the same place we have SA(Saudi Arabia) at #1 , US is #2 , Asia is #3 and EU is #4 .
SA is already a done deal. Patriots have cut off the money to deep state. We are in the 2nd phase of the plan. And that is US. Q told us all..we just need to read the map!
Third pic is combo of Q drop 2431 and GenFlynn's msg on Telegram. Flynn posted a phrase of G. Washington engouraging his man to re-enlist in the army. In this Q drop we have "will you answer the call?".
Flynn asked on 19th all the brave patriots to stay in the fight one more month! Someone could find out whats the exact timestamp of Q's drop cause i have it on different time zone. I see that minutes are matching (:09).
The plan is in phase 2. Long road ahead. Hold the line patriots!
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db74ac No.12653355
I want you to pay attention on this…
Here is the link to the "source" of the text in the first picture:
OutlawJW posted this and it might be a very good intel. Why? Because when someone asked Q when the 10 days of darkness will start..Q answered "Shutdown"(Q drop 282). If we really witnessed the shutdown of corporate US then 10 days of darkness have started. The date of beginning is 19th. So we are already in 10 days of darkness.
Personally..i can feel it. There were many times when people shouted that 10d of darkness started but right now..in this current situation..i can feel it as real thing! Its very hard, but i expected it because there really is AN ACTIVE WAR ON OUR MIND!
With this info… move to the Q drop 88. There we have 10 days. Darkness.
In the same place we have SA(Saudi Arabia) at #1 , US is #2 , Asia is #3 and EU is #4 .
SA is already a done deal. Patriots have cut off the money to deep state. We are in the 2nd phase of the plan. And that is US. Q told us all..we just need to read the map!
Third pic is combo of Q drop 2431 and GenFlynn's msg on Telegram. Flynn posted a phrase of G. Washington engouraging his man to re-enlist in the army. In this Q drop we have "will you answer the call?".
Flynn asked on 19th all the brave patriots to stay in the fight one more month! Someone could find out whats the exact timestamp of Q's drop cause i have it on different time zone. I see that minutes are matching (:09).
The plan is in phase 2. Long road ahead. Hold the line patriots!
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db74ac No.12653367 
Stavit cemo. Da zapamtimo.
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db74ac No.12653436 
cujem sada na fake newsu da bi trump mozda mogao ostati i bez melanie xD
Pa koji su to kriminalci…
Onaj Einsteinov slogan treba preurediti u:
Samo dvije stvari nemaju granice. Svemir i laži mainstream medija. S tim da za Svemir nisam siguran!
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0a6c44 No.12653593
Ta domena je od 2002, a dok nije došao čuveni gdpr mogao si vidit tko je admin.
Možda nije ni bitno, ali…
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db74ac No.12654015
Sve se nesto vrti oko 2002..2003..2004…
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cc1d61 No.12654040
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db74ac No.12654241
Hahaha..o boze…vrati se sutra na isti link…pa usporedi jesu li ista uredjivali.
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db74ac No.12654255 
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db74ac No.12654267 
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db74ac No.12654277 
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db74ac No.12654286 
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db74ac No.12654755
South African government minister Jackson Mthembu dies of Covid-19
(CNN)South African President Cyril Ramaphosa announced Thursday that Minister in the Presidency Jackson Mthembu has died of Covid-19.
Mthembu was one of the government's key leaders in its response to the pandemic and the public face during many Covid-19 press briefings.
"It is with deep sorrow and shock that we announce that Minister in the Presidency Jackson Mthembu passed away earlier today from COVID-related complications. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family at this time of loss," President Ramaphosa tweeted.
"Minister Mthembu was an exemplary leader, an activist and life-long champion of freedom and democracy. He was a much-loved and greatly respected colleague and comrade, whose passing leaves our nation at a loss," Ramaphosa added. On January 11 Mthembu tweeted that he had contracted Covid-19.
In addition to extending the existing measures, Ramaphosa announced that 20 land borders will be closed until February 15.
Mthembu was an anti-apartheid activist who first became involved in politics in the 1970s.
He was harassed and intimidated by apartheid police and during the Bethal terrorism trial was charged with sabotage, treason and terrorism, but was acquitted, according to South African presidency website.
Under President Nelson Mandela, he was the ANC party spokesperson from 1995-1997 and again from 2009-2014.
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db74ac No.12654762 
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db74ac No.12654767 
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db74ac No.12654775 
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db74ac No.12654783 
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db74ac No.12654794 
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cc1d61 No.12655438
Ovaj film je u rangu Golog pištolja…
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cc1d61 No.12655785
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cc1d61 No.12656440
Bolnice su postale plesne dvorane, autobusi bolnice…
Damn…sve luđe i luđe
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cc1d61 No.12656487
Ugl. ne virujem više ničemu šta pročitam, odvažem sve, ali mi zanimljivo dokle ide ovo njihovo ludilo…
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cc1d61 No.12656561
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cc1d61 No.12656739
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760fb1 No.12657045
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db74ac No.12664701
Duboka drzava nikada aktivnija na 8kunu.
To bi nam svima trebalo biti dovoljno da znamo da plan ide kako treba.
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db74ac No.12664705
da..bas ce oni raditi vise primjeraka tih kodova..pa da ih netko mazne! Hhhh
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db74ac No.12664712
Ovo su oni trebali razvijati kroz iducih 10ak godina sigurno.
Q ih je natjerao da to urade odmah.
Zato i vidimo sta se dogadja.
Hvala Bogu!
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437162 No.12665225
Plenković kaže da će cijepljenje biti usporeno "jer nema dovoljno cjepiva".
- Samo dan nakon požara u tvornici cjepiva u Indiji
- Samo dva dana nakon što je Biden postao POTUS
Ako treba izvor, neka netko prošvrlja po našim portalima jer sam u žurbi, unaprijed hvala.
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db74ac No.12665382
Plenki je budala
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db74ac No.12665498
EU je zadnja na redu.
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db74ac No.12665947 
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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db74ac No.12665980
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db74ac No.12666003
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db74ac No.12666065 
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db74ac No.12666081 
Zasto sada jos jace napadaju Q ako su pobjedili i ako je sve ovo glupost?
Logicko razmisljanje uvijek pobjedjuje!
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db74ac No.12666089 
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db74ac No.12666111 
Ovo sto sam nasao je zanimljivo..potrebna lozinka…
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fc958f No.12667885
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fc958f No.12667992
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fc958f No.12668720
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db74ac No.12668963
E sada ovakve stvari treba sve pohvatati i objaviti…idemo mi sada na njih!!
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db74ac No.12668988
Pogledajte ovo ljudi…
Biden nema ni jednu izvrsnu odredbu u funckiji!
Iako su nam.mediji rekli da potpisuje dokumente!
Plan nikad nije bio bistriji i jaci!
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db74ac No.12669146
Pogledajte ovaj artikal…
I onda pogledajte ovo >>12668988
Zasto uredbe nisu aktivirane?
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db74ac No.12669193
Index je takodjer prenio da je Biden potpisao izvrsne uredbe…
Opet pogledajte ovo >>12668988
Hoce li factchekeri ovo proglasiti neutemeljenim i neistinitim?
Ohh daa..zaboravio sam…faktcekeri sluze samo sotonistima!
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db74ac No.12669204
Dva artikla opet dovoljno…gadi mi se vise citati..idem ma q mapu potraziti nesto o EO's
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fc958f No.12669228
Mirna kao nikad, sve me ovo zabavlja.
Šta mene zanima je :
1. Da li je klon (koji po redu)?
2. Da li je dvojnik (tko ga glumi, ima li ih više)?
3. Kombinacija (zavisi koji dan i aktivnost)?
4. Isprintan na kartonu (kao zadnja opcija taj dan)?
5. Nešto peto?
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fc958f No.12669251
Potpisao je zrak.
Nema ovlasti za išta potpisat.
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ddcac5 No.12669308
…3D projekcija? Kao i papa na balkonu xD
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ddcac5 No.12669326
Za ovaj lancer report vec odavno znamo da je bio lazan…
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ddcac5 No.12669404
Kako sada pokupiti biljeske…svako druga poruka je biljeska xD
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ddcac5 No.12669753
Upravo sam vidio da je potrebno tjedan dana da uredbe budu na onoj str. Vidjeti cemo sta ce biti iduci tjedan.
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ddcac5 No.12669756 
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fc958f No.12669784
Na ovoj stranici?
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ddcac5 No.12669843 
Ne vec onoj sto sam stavio u poruku u
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ddcac5 No.12669872 
The Standard Hotel Closing Its Sunset Strip Location On Friday
opened in 1999 with the financial support of Leonardo DiCaprio, Cameron Diaz, and Benicio del Toro, among others.
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fc958f No.12670013
Ovako se osjećam, točno ovako.
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fc958f No.12670076
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24bb48 No.12670120
>Zasto uredbe nisu aktivirane?
Pročitao sam negdje da se ne apdejtaju na toj stranici u realnom vremenu te da je potrebno nekoliko dana da dospiju ovdje.
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ddcac5 No.12670137
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ddcac5 No.12670157
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ddcac5 No.12670237 
Zasto je njemacka diplomacija ovo objavila????
ajmo svi sada na bidenove videe iz ovaljog ureda…sjecam se da je bila slika sa autom iza prozora…jel tamo parking?
Ako je ovo istina..onda je NEVJEROVATNO!
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ddcac5 No.12670299 
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ddcac5 No.12670308 
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ddcac5 No.12670316 
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ddcac5 No.12670966
prica da biden glumi u studiju je vjerovatno lazna
Sada sam se raspitao na general threadu.
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5bdad4 No.12671009
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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24bb48 No.12671333
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fc958f No.12671726
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fc958f No.12671781
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ddcac5 No.12671825
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ddcac5 No.12671832
dokaz da je snimano prije 20og
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ddcac5 No.12671921
Jeste skuzili kako nas duboka drzava sa balkana prati sta pisemo ovdje..pogledajte sta se nalazi na wikipediji o "qanonu" (da nadodam da qanon ne postoji)
Pisu da je pokret jak u njemackoj i nizozemskoj a i na balkanskom poluotoku.
Kolika je slucajnost da bas te tri zemlje spomenu u europi? Njemacka je na 74 threada..Nizozemci na 5 a mi smo blizu 5og.
Prate oni prate!
I bas su napisali "balkanski" bas kao i mi ovdje..a ne npr hrvatska ili srbija…
Nema slucajnosti!
Kada dodje vrijeme svaki pa i onaj najmanji kriminalac sa balkana ce zavrsiti na ovoj stranici na nasim threadovima!
Ljudi ce kroz godine i godine proucavati sve ovo!
Ovo ce biti vodic kroz sve!
Istina nece biti promjenjena niti obrisana!
Mi znamo! Znati ce svi!
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ddcac5 No.12671936 
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ddcac5 No.12671946 
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ddcac5 No.12671955 
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ddcac5 No.12671958 
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ddcac5 No.12671961 
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ddcac5 No.12671965 
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ddcac5 No.12671986 
^ovaj video toplo preporucam
Vrhunski odradjeno i prepuno informacija sa odlicnim razmisljanjem.
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eb6275 No.12678479
Neka mi netko objasni zašto ovo sranje nije krajnji gubitak vremena
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724919 No.12679049
Ne znam za tebe, ali ja vise manje posjecujem ovo mjesto 3 do 4 puta tjedno, da vidim ima li sto god dobrog za procitat. Kada se dohvatim nekakve teme, koja je obicno plasirana sa strane glavnih medija, onda sam ovdje da proucim tu temu i da sagleadm svaku perspektivu na tu temu, te da formiram svoje vlastito misljenje o tome sta bi moglo biti istinito ili lazno. Ako smo prisiljeni procitat misljenje samo od jedne strane, onda ne bismo bili u mogucnosti formirat nase vlastito misljenje.
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ddcac5 No.12679091
Ja sam zahvaljujuci ovome ovdje shvatio da 90% stvari koje cujemo na televiziji i portalima je lazno i izokrenuto..ili da se mnoge vazne stvari uopce ne izvjestavaju.
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ddcac5 No.12679099
veliko budjenje se dogadja!
To nitko ne moze opovrgnuti.
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ddcac5 No.12679104
a mediji?
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ddcac5 No.12679144
Evo zasto…
Jedna sprdancija je zavrsila kod faktografa..
I oni ovo proglasavaju netocnim🤣🤣
Oni gube kontrolu
Oni postaju sve ocajniji tim sto vise kontrole gube.
>>12678479 mislim da smo svi ovdje zbog iste stvari. I ovo je jedina str gdje se prava vijest moze saznati i razaznati u moru lazi i obmana.
Postoji i ovdje puno stvari koje su napisane pa se poslije ispostavilo netocno. Ali ovdje se razmislja logicki i zato se svaka vijest uzims sa rezervom. Ja sam ovo zamjenio televizijom i fejsom…ne gubim vrijeme..samo sam sat vremena rtl dnevnika zamjenio sa satom vremena vlastitog istrazivanja. Woke af!
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ddcac5 No.12679168
Novi x22report
Pogledajte broj pregleda 21og.
Veliko budjenje je sve jace. I biti ce jer ce se sada svaki bidenov potez prosiriti po svijrtu. Mediji nista nece moci sakriti.
Pogledajte ovu epizodu. General koje biden zeli u pentagonu je lopov.svr je receno. Pogledajte.
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5bdad4 No.12679392
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5dc81e No.12680360
Tako i ja, vesti više ni ne gledam a i kad gledam ništa im ne verujem. Na 8kun ulazim deset puta dnevno da vidim da li ima nešto novo, ovde se objavljuju samo važne stvari i to mi se svidja.
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a7fff9 No.12680503
I ovo je buducnost…
Treba djecu od malihnnogu uciti snalazenju na internetu..i tome da pravu istinu trwbaju sami traziti a ne da im se servira na televiziji.
Ja nisam davno probudjen. Bilo je to u 4om mjesecu prosle godine. I pamtim kakav sam bio i kako sam vjerovao u sve sta cujem.na televiziji. Sada je sve drugacije…puno drugacije..a sve zahvaljujuci Q i ovom 8kunu i anonima.
Jos se ceka vrijeme kada ce ljudi dolaziti ovdje u potrazi za istinom…prvo veliko uhapsenje…i onda ide BOOM!
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5cb7f7 No.12680872
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eb43cf No.12681082
Faktograf jest agencija terora, ali ipak mislim da je ta fotografija stara barem pet godina (mislim da se radilo o pratnji Kim Jong-una).
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