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dcb6c1  No.12503032[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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dcb6c1  No.12503036

Global Announcements

Reminder: Stay out of ALL STATE CAPITOLS on January 20, 2021. There are no "armed protests" being planned by Patriots

>>12495002 Using TOR/Onion with Brave Browser instructions

>>12478438, >>12479577 8BIT PSA Potential Resolution for Current ClearNet Issues Effecting Some Anons+

>>12423519 President Trump is the only thing left in the way of the CCP taking our Nation (Video)

>>12422748 Letter from NYE County, NV Chairman - Trump will be President for another 4 years

Report Election/Voter Fraud Directly to Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org

Support Lin Wood https://fightback.law/

Support Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org/

CM Research "Executive Directive 51" https://mobile.twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1337927415465533440

CM YOUTUBE ARCHIVE https://rumble.com/vbij1v-dominion-voter-fraud-drama-bombshell-video-by-ron-codemonkey.html

Notables Are Not Endorsements


>>12502271 Sec Pompeo tweetstorm by date/time

>>12502300 , >>12502365 President Trump says that amid reports of potential violence, “there must be NO violence, NO lawbreaking and NO vandalism of any kind.”

>>12502323 Donald Trump Jr., 43, will be moving to Florida

>>12502343 A Short History Of How Anthony Fauci Has Kept Failing Up Since 1984

>>12502348 , >>12502397 Democratic Member Accuses Colleagues Of Conducting “Surveillance” For Capitol Rioters

>>12502353 US Cancels Top UN Envoy's Provocative Trip To Taiwan, Avoiding China Showdown

>>12502367 BLM-antifa protesters have gathered near Capitol Hill for a protest today (video cap)

>>12502389 Democrats Bring Bill To Abolish Electoral College

>>12502423 Relieved a text from 88022 (Trump's Campaign #) - I urge that there must be NO violence, NO lawbreaking and NO vandalism of any kind.

>>12502446 More fencing going up in DC

>>12502501 Matt Gaetz - The left in America has incited far more political violence than the right

>>12502529 Anon opines - stay home on inauguration dayand spread the word to patriots to do the same.

>>12502542 Anon dig on recent POTUS emergency declarations

>>12502572 Bitchute Down

>>12502604 Refresher on John Basham's training…Kek - Meteorologist, AI Developer, @USArmy Retired, #IC, #SIGINT, Retired LEO, Former Elected Official, #OSINT #WX #AI #ML

>>12502612 Pelosi absent from post for the second day in a row

>>12502642 FEMA Admin Pete Gaynor takes over DHS as acting head, in-charge of D.C. security

>>12502647 @PressSec - In light of reports of more demonstrations, I urge that there must be NO violence, NO lawbreaking and NO vandalism of any kind.

>>12502662 , >>12502753 , >>12502819 AG Pax­ton: San Anto­nio Elec­tion Fraud­ster Arrest­ed for Wide­spread Vote Har­vest­ing and Fraud

>>12502683 Sec Pompeo - 'In 2019 we took out ISIS'

>>12502740 Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s office confirmed that he will not “consent” to reconvening the Senate before Jan. 19

>>12502626 Anon opine - For all the concerned, doubtful, and anxious out there…

>>12502794 Twitter allows the sale of child porn?

>>12502852 NORAD planned exercise planned for National Capital Region?

>>12502952 Roadmap for the Implementation of Actions by the European Commission…Strengthening Cooperation Against Vaccine Preventable Diseases

>>12502956 White House briefings / statements

>>12502958 The United States on Wednesday blacklisted two Iranian foundations controlled by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and their subsidies

>>12503005 #15962

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dcb6c1  No.12503042


>>12501573 Appellate Court Agrees with Government that Supervised Injection Sites are Illegal under Federal Law; Reverses District Court Ruling

>>12501576 Incoming on Steve Mnuchin betrayal of POTUS?

>>12501578 Nancy blows up her own house rules in 11 sec. Says she is a Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Daughter, Daughter of a Father

>>12501585 Rep. Swalwell compares Pres. Trump to Osama bin Laden

>>12501608 Power outages spreading

>>12501624 Benghazi ain't goin' away (Charlie Daniels)

>>12501630 Total Blackout: MSM & Big Tech Censor Trump Live Speeches As House Of Representatives Passed Impeachment Resolution

>>12501651 U.S. Chamber of Commerce (CoC) would join hands with leftist democrats & begin withholding financial support for Politicians that support MAGA

>>12501660 Twitter Competitor Gab Backed Up Trump's Twitter Account and Recreated It on Their Platform

>>12501665 Judicial Watch Uncovers Documents Behind $1 Billion Mask Deal Between California and Chinese Communist Party Linked Company

>>12501674 Hackers have leaked Pfizer and BioNTech #COVID19 vaccine data on the internet

>>12501685 Gregory Michael Death Investigation: Pfizer Gives Update On COVID Vaccine Safety

>>12501722 UK Gov’t Hires Men To Stand In Public With TV On Head For Pandemic Propaganda

>>12501676 You can still use pay pal to buy child porn on twitter though.

>>12501743 Finally, an election fraud arrest from Veritas!

>>12501761 Italy: Biggest Mafia Trial Since the 1990s Begins

>>12501781 McConnell Will Not Consent to Reconvening Immediately or Before 19 Jan. to Consider Impeaching Trump

>>12501810 Caught On Video: National Guard Gearing Up With Rifles, Riot Shields At The Capitol

>>12501814 Ambassador to Italy, Lewis Eisenberg is known as the Godfather of NJ politics

>>12501839 Italian Government Near Collapse After Renzi Pulls Ministers From Ruling Coalition

>>12501872 Last evening, Mnuchin met with Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) Senator Patrick Toomey (R-PA) to coordinate his flip-flop on Fannie Freddie conservatorship

>>12501909 Walt Disney Co. Suspends Contributions to Lawmakers Who Objected to Election Certification

>>12501958 HSBC Threatens to Close Accounts of Customers Who Refuse to ‘Mask-up’

>>12501984 Canadian Health Expert: “Costs of Lock Downs are at Least 10 Times Higher than the Benefits”

>>12502021 "Whiplash" Lindsey Graham reverses course yet again

>>12502026 Apple launches major new Racial Equity and Justice Initiative projects to challenge systemic racism, advance racial equity nationwide

>>12502085 ‘Behead Him’: NBC’s John Heilemann Says McConnell, Cheney Lead The Charge To ‘Strike At The Fallen King’

>>12502151 “US Strategic Framework for the Indo-Pacific” report,

>>12502159 Power outage spreading


>>12502193 Trump Issues Statement Calling for Non-Violence

>>12502209 #15961

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dcb6c1  No.12503047


>>12500814 Archbishop of Glasgow dies after catching China Virus at Christmas

>>12500820 Sec Pompeo - "We flipped the script"

>>12500832 Operation Warp Speed Chief Resigns

>>12500841 Boris Johnson Blasts ‘Demented’ Chinese Traditional Medicine for Starting Coronavirus Crisis

>>12500850 President Donald J Trump did not expand GITMO to over 4X its size in the past 4 years to walk away leaving it empty.

>>12500853 Spencer Geissinger - Senior Vice President for Operations and Business Development.- Checkmate - calling for Trump's removal

>>12500874 Google reveals sophisticated Windows and Android hacking operation

>>12500879 A San Antonio woman featured in a Project Veritas video has been arrested after an extensive investigation by the Texas Attorney General’s Election Fraud Division

>>12500901 Jovan Pulitzer - "American Election Interference - 65 countries participated, attacked 7 states and over 600 individual county polling locations

>>12500930 Trump team will blame China lab for growing Covid-19 with 'bombshell' evidence as part of final salvos of president's administration - but UK dismisses claim

>>12500934 Donald Trump could declassify top-secret intelligence linking Covid to Wuhan research lab.

>>12500939 Ducati was raided in Dec, corporate offices and the homes of executives. Considering Italy is neck deep in the coup this is possibly a relevant happening.

>>12500949 Florida State Representative Asks Governor DeSantis to Divest State Funds From Apple, Facebook, Google and Twitter

>>12500963 Italy ministers quit coalition. Puts Premier Conte at risk.

>>12500967 Poll: 80% Trump Voters, 76% of Republicans Less Likely to Vote for Lawmaker Who Votes for Impeachment

>>12500971 Every major Western media outlet has been wined and dined by communist China

>>12500981 Acting U.S. attorney general warns against further attacks

>>12500986 D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser announced Wednesday that people may be stopped and questioned before entering the city’s security perimeter that will be in place for days leading up to Inauguration Day.

>>12500994 Democrat Rep. Mikie Sherrill Accuses GOP Congressmen of Giving Rioters “Reconnaissance” Tours the Night Before Capitol Stormed

>>12501036 FBI Has Opened Over 160 Cases Tied to Pro-Trump Capitol Riot HUNTER BIDEN STILL ROAMING FREE

>>12501041 Debunked: There's no evidence of a planned 'huge uprising' of pro-Trump ‘armed protests’ in all 50 states

>>12501046 FF Incoming?

>>12501056 Supreme Court Upholds Trump Administration’s Restrictions on Telemedicine Abortions

>>12501060 INCREDIBLE VIDEO: Senator Schumer Berated During Live Press Conference by Random Woman on the Streets of New York City

>>12501090 Did anyone else notice that Pelosi just referred to another woman as “Madame Speaker” just now? She also mentioned her father by name AND quoted JFK in her speech

>>12501114 How to Steal an Election In 1 minute and 14 Seconds..

>>12501124 Massive Blackout in Iran Days After Similar Reports from Pakistan, Vatican

>>12501141 Peruvian Court Probing Judge's Ruling Alleging Soros, Bill Gates are Creators of COVID-19 Pandemic

>>12500924 17States affected by fraud, not just Swing States (video)

>>12501242 California suffering power outages now

>>12501244 “655 people have $4 trillion in wealth. 200 million can’t cover a $1000 expense.”

>>12501253 Planefags Eyes On Nashville, TN to Chattanooga, TN

>>12501286 Putin orders to move to mass COVID-19 vaccination for Russians starting next week

>>12501302 Deleted\Censored James O'keefe (Veritas) tweet from just 1 min ago.

>>12501336 Secret Chat Reveals BLM Activist’s Violent Intent and Trump Supporter Disguise at Capitol

>>12501354 Jordan calls on Cheney to step down from House leadership

>>12501376 PF Report

>>12501341 Illinois House Speaker resigns

>>12501418 Dems Move to End Federal Death Penalty

>>12501454 Fastjack thread about MAGA and the left being the real Nazis

>>12501471 #15960

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dcb6c1  No.12503052

Previously Collected Notables

>>12499923 #15958, >>12500686 #15959

>>12497622 #15955 1/2, >>12498399 #15956, >>12499153 #15957

>>12496098 #15953, >>12496929 #15954, >>12497623 #15955 2/2

>>12493783 #15950, >>12494563 #15951, >>12495307 #15952

>>12491500 #15947, >>12492256 #15948, >>12493018 #15949

>>12489237 #15944, >>12490008 #15945, >>12490762 #15946

>>12486908 #15941, >>12487720 #15942, >>12488494 #15943

>>12484678 #15938, >>12485448 #15939, >>12486193 #15940

>>12482256 #15935, >>12483125 #15936, >>12483854 #15937

>>12479932 #15932, >>12480737 #15933, >>12481426 #15934

>>12477609 #15929, >>12478387 #15930, >>12479151 #15931

>>12475284 #15926, >>12476022 #15927, >>12476793 #15928

>>12472820 #15923, >>12473515 #15924, >>12474061 #15925

>>12470430 #15920, >>12471195 #15921, >>12472047 #15922

>>12468090 #15917, >>12468924 #15918, >>12469655 #15919

>>12465825 #15914, >>12466616 #15915, >>12467822 #15916

>>12462913 #15911, >>12464281 #15912, >>12465050 #15913

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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dcb6c1  No.12503056

Other Dedicated Research Threads

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>>11487786 ————————————–——– Israel/Zionism #1

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dcb6c1  No.12503059

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dcb6c1  No.12503068

>>12503032 OP



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000000  No.12503069

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's time to wake up.


Look at the information for yourself and you will see that it IS NOT disinformation.

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


The INTENT of these posts is to bring awareness, these same people own all media outlets.

Just disprove any of these posts, and they will stop. Seriously.

CI-6 - Identity 101 f/ Pastor Eli James & Pastor Steve

(It's a video, click it.)



The "Deep State" / The children of Cain / Who call themselves Jew today


The "Illuminati" / The children of Lucifer himself / Who call themselves Jew today


"They" / The Anti-Christ / Who call themselves Jew today

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

Ask yourself, if these posts were coming from JIDF/Mossad, what would they be hoping to achieve? What's the 'endgame'? How is exposing all this information "jewish defense"?

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" or "Alex Kaplan" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor Satanist/luciferian/Edomite Canaanite, or ANTIFA.

The one's making these claims areJIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jew hater" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.


Share this information the best you can.


Feel free to copy/pasta and make these post's in my absence if you see fit, this is important information.

Never filter, point out the JIDF/Mossad shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremacist" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


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13dda1  No.12503072

File: e755e6461f967e3⋯.png (487.08 KB, 746x596, 373:298, _protocols_skip_baker_1.png)

File: 20d8f2056968293⋯.png (143.35 KB, 474x355, 474:355, _protocols_skip_baker_2.png)

File: ee54579eaf80143⋯.jpg (242.16 KB, 1065x595, 213:119, _protocols_skip_baker_3.jpg)

File: cb544c4c4adf936⋯.jpg (205.21 KB, 1137x590, 1137:590, _protocols_skip_baker_5.jpg)

File: 7071586ab1ce585⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2790x9886, 1395:4943, _The_Protocols_of_the_Lern….png)

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Documentary



















The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Documentary

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000000  No.12503079

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein (Interview with son of the devil)

*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*

He admits everything from killing Jesus to 9/11 but

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."


"We been doin' this for thousands and thousands of years, since down to Abe-eh-Adam's time. Ehh we take the children, of our enemy, which is the white race, and ahh we bring em to the basements in the synagogue, where we drain their blood and uhh, watch em die there. It's very similar to how we do uh uh the uh uh the sacrifices that we do with the kosher butchering and uh, so we do that. And then uh, we mix it with the passover bread and so we eat the blood of our enemies. And the bodies, ehhh we're not cannibals, so, what we do is we take those, cause we can make some shekels, and we give em to the slaughter houses and those are pounds, and pounds, and pounds of meat that we grind up in the sausage and the hamburger, and that's why we made those the most popular thing's, sausage for breakfast and hamburger for lunch. And so all the goyim out here are really eating their children!And, uh, even when we say this outright, and tell you people, you don't believe it… So that's, that's YOUR problem."

JIDF/Mossad will tell you to filter like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out, all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel


Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


'We can't prove sex with children does them harm' says Labour-linked NCCL


Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews


ADL Calls for Trump's Impeachment After Capitol Violence


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ad2042  No.12503083


NJ rep says dems gave tours to possible rioters day before

has not named names yet

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000000  No.12503084

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews

Moloch is a name or term that appears several times in the Hebrew Bible, primarily in the book of Leviticus. The Bible strongly condemns practices associated with Moloch, which appear to have included child sacrifice. Traditionally, Moloch has been understood as referring to a Canaanite god. However, since 1935 scholars have debated whether the term instead refers to a type of sacrifice on the basis of a similar term used for sacrifice in the Punic language. This second position has grown increasingly popular but remains contested. Since the medieval period, Moloch has often been portrayed as a bull-headed idol with outstretched hands over a fire; this depiction takes the brief mentions of Moloch in the Bible and combines it with various sources, including ancient accounts of Carthaginian child sacrifice

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000000  No.12503093



>>>/Midnightriders/22244 <-WNB talking about purchasing a static VPN - fucking busted

>agreed. i could bankroll virtual pvt svr but the perimeter protection would have to be full retard, and i aint bankroll’n dat


>so when will burner acct be up?


>NB has it. He here?


>email account. We need a burner email account to send off PW/SN to




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000000  No.12503095

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

They spend quite a bit of time trying to convince you they are just a normal anon and that everyone else is a jew when in fact they are

JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

It’s not the Jews™

JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that SPLIT THE BREADS to get away from the truth about jews, never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables or claim "it's not all the jews"

It’s not the Jews™

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "Qanon / There is no Qanon" back and forth, "selfkill" "Muhjoo is a jew", "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, MaJoo, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta", "Marriage is: one man, one woman", or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

"Finkelfag" isn't one of them.

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0fad33  No.12503105

Great Methods and Woke are on DLive bringing that concern fag shit.

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000000  No.12503127

>>12503114 (lb)

what is SDR 8992 ?

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672d48  No.12503129

File: aeb2e1f5a8c5e67⋯.png (247.75 KB, 338x348, 169:174, LFF.png)

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d4ea3f  No.12503130



Isn't methods

A rapper?

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c0f737  No.12503131

File: 64f41d33b3ba1a2⋯.jpg (97.35 KB, 680x383, 680:383, anons_holding_the_line_4_t….jpg)

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b57a1d  No.12503132

File: 6cfa3c99f570217⋯.png (406.83 KB, 728x590, 364:295, funny.png)

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4d9266  No.12503133

Lesson for the newfags

If Q posts he will have a tripcode as listed at the top of the bread, it won’t be bold. It will probably have 10000 replies.

If Q posts without tripcode (due to it being compromised) he’ll probably be called a faggot and a shill. Proceed with mockery until the faggot verifies himself with a delta

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0b7c9e  No.12503134

>>12503115 LB

Ty anon fren, just an old navy veteran (crypto)

TY baker 👨‍🍳

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f2f20d  No.12503135

File: fa7e5a9501c113c⋯.jpg (7.36 KB, 257x145, 257:145, bbf1caf196ffb5b5a8f3hf569b….JPG)

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f2f20d  No.12503136

File: 5c479151098f2f4⋯.jpg (35.6 KB, 750x485, 150:97, Trumpevidence.jpg)

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8bc73e  No.12503138

File: 8eb3cd89d70ce8a⋯.png (763.05 KB, 693x391, 693:391, Qresearch_warp_drive.png)


cant say thanks enough baker!

>>12503113 (lb)

genuinely, we UNDERESTIMATED the ability of the enemy to come and type up a wordsalad that caused most the board to decline toward the OPPOSITE of the truth…

These CIA/DailyBeast lying ass scribes can convince you your LEADER is your enemy and your enemy is your leader… it's insane.

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e62c38  No.12503139

File: 8b1ce4fb80c8c79⋯.png (532.25 KB, 661x570, 661:570, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 346d5a41502aca3⋯.mp4 (5.89 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, NG_DC.mp4)


See new Tweets


Jack Posobiec Flag of United States


National Guard on the move outside the Capitol

1:54 PM · Jan 13, 2021

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6c2e28  No.12503140

File: d21cf7a842e80c7⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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78b2d3  No.12503141

File: 9314b1849a775a6⋯.png (729.59 KB, 2532x1481, 2532:1481, f4.png)

File: d37e86a2688cc46⋯.png (675.07 KB, 2005x866, 2005:866, f5.PNG)

File: a4aab26f97f66e8⋯.png (1012.5 KB, 1988x1063, 1988:1063, f6.PNG)

File: d606d2fd20d1b48⋯.png (1.28 MB, 2011x992, 2011:992, f7.PNG)

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fe770c  No.12503142


how does it feel to be a torie?

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39cf2a  No.12503143

File: 80f9fd663b3e850⋯.jpg (25.75 KB, 360x265, 72:53, lies.jpg)

Enjoying the show? Now image every event in history shrouded by the fog of war and recorded by the victors.

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1c72c6  No.12503144

File: 1a1016b4815a3e9⋯.jpeg (380.49 KB, 828x839, 828:839, 10721F74_25E7_4767_80B0_E….jpeg)

File: 346b8f048beab58⋯.jpeg (513.38 KB, 828x1310, 414:655, A1E8C87E_89A0_42DE_9CCE_1….jpeg)

>>12503099 pb


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0fad33  No.12503145


No he’s the leader of these people who have tv shows or news shows where they just bitch.

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c0c2c3  No.12503146




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13dda1  No.12503147

File: 24ab9854068342c⋯.png (163.72 KB, 985x218, 985:218, 79e42219dbbf921adf519c3687….png)

File: 718df6af0efef52⋯.png (1.38 MB, 603x960, 201:320, 718df6af0efef52b3c77e4f662….png)

File: 836965582abd422⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 3668x3284, 917:821, 836965582abd4221ac7a525055….jpg)

File: 8b3c966ab76048c⋯.jpg (297.43 KB, 1272x1023, 424:341, adl_jidf1.jpg)

File: 6ecef38d684f64d⋯.png (214.19 KB, 1238x554, 619:277, adl_jidf2.png)

They spend quite a bit of time trying to convince you they are just a normal anon when in fact they are

JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

It’s not the Jews™

JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that SPLIT THE BREADS to get away from the truth about jews, never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables or claim "it's not all the jews"

It’s not the Jews™

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "Qanon / There is no Qanon" back and forth, "selfkill" "Muhjoo is a jew", "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, MaJoo, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta", "Marriage is: one man, one woman", or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

"Finkelfag" isn't one of them.

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0fb677  No.12503148


>>12502546 Kek…If the women don't find you handsome they should at least find you handy.

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13dda1  No.12503149

File: 22a76ff65c88092⋯.jpg (63.83 KB, 501x233, 501:233, _They_never_disprove_shit.jpg)

>>12503141 jew clown

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8696df  No.12503150


We are all Q faggot.

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12846f  No.12503151

quite amusing to see how many niggers fall for that idiot heroin junkie's larps and of course the diseased tranny pos fungus

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8a75f5  No.12503152

File: 76d7b0b270995e0⋯.png (404.72 KB, 1920x959, 1920:959, c17rocket.png)

Is this common?


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399592  No.12503153

>>12503106 (pb)

Yep! It has much credibility in my mind. - "you are witnessing the destruction of the old guard". USA INC - a (corpse)oration - a legal fiction created by men, not God.

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c0f737  No.12503154

File: 059aefdc0564f08⋯.png (296.12 KB, 525x349, 525:349, zerobubbles.png)


TY for your service, Fren. o7

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c70459  No.12503156


Protecting or surrounding the Capitol?

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bd4369  No.12503157

File: 27e566b0622d978⋯.png (141.94 KB, 440x342, 220:171, ClipboardImage.png)


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c71ff3  No.12503158

File: d58ecdc4ae93447⋯.png (18 KB, 532x294, 38:21, tv4tewtrewterwe.PNG)

All of us @US_CYBERCOM civilian or uniformed, have taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution. We will continue to do what we have done – work together to ensure safe and secure elections, and defend the nation from adversaries in cyberspace. https://go.usa.gov/xAEAn


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694ba3  No.12503159

File: 3d8d99815f44917⋯.png (11.77 KB, 890x126, 445:63, BoardLog_20210113_1.png)

File: a56251165237d13⋯.png (146.74 KB, 1044x291, 348:97, 12502496.png)

File: f1d7af439ce766d⋯.png (122.39 KB, 1121x218, 1121:218, 11915652.png)




Anon Eyes Always On

Even if it's mundane.

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214d75  No.12503160


Zero sauce too.

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4d9266  No.12503161


We’re all anons faggot

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020d43  No.12503162

File: 83d6342b8379243⋯.gif (490.04 KB, 500x269, 500:269, btter2.gif)

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7cf074  No.12503163

File: fc11444f37aec49⋯.jpg (118.48 KB, 1200x1137, 400:379, EqxzCjCUcAY8L_O.jpg)

Jan 2 Dan posted "GAME ON".

POTUS must have got wind of their Jan 6 plans? Is this last minute impeachment and demonizing patriots part of the "game"?

"They will fight"

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000000  No.12503164


thanks anon

DDG search yielded

Emergency Action Messages 8992 Khz WebSDR

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78b2d3  No.12503165

File: 06d7bdd0fb75ea6⋯.png (267.97 KB, 510x247, 510:247, QAnonBannerShill.png)

File: c1dc890c17c1558⋯.png (10.38 KB, 255x170, 3:2, Gaslighting2.png)

File: 5e9cf31d03db7f5⋯.png (131.63 KB, 932x753, 932:753, Q4881.PNG)



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 10/17/2020 12:36:26


There is 'Q'. 1

There are 'Anons'. 2

There is no 'Qanon'.3

Media labeling as 'Qanon' is a method [deliberate] to combine [attach] 'Q' to comments _theories _suggestions _statements [and ACTIONS] made by 2.



Not all 'Anons' are authentic [injected].

You are correct, CJ.

Retweet @ 17:17 had meaning. [mathematical probability _17:17 [day after]?]

Do you believe it was a coincidence surgical removal of You Tube accounts occurred same day as 'Hunter' drop?

Welcome to the Digital Battlefield.


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b74385  No.12503166


I hope if Q gets another tripcode he calls you a faggot personally. Acting like you're some gatekeeper.

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3759b2  No.12503167

File: 6790a86a8906ddc⋯.png (38.83 KB, 870x180, 29:6, 01_13_14_57_06.png)

A George Soros Wet Dream.

Welcome to the United Soros of America.

Traitors one and all. Whoever is bringing this Bill before Congress. Never forget their name.

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e62c38  No.12503168

FINALLY, an R asks a pertinent question.

"has anybody asked if the people who stormed the capital were Trump supporters or anti-Trump?"

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78b2d3  No.12503169


>jew clown

jew calling everyone jews, is that your tactic today rabbi?

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5d4e40  No.12503170


…so you call the mouse in your pocket q as well?

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a809c4  No.12503171

File: f8e04f1d7b119cb⋯.jpg (419.46 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 1ac69b8f75d525788b17bef767….jpg)

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39cf2a  No.12503172

File: 085add62c1c9997⋯.jpg (38.49 KB, 360x288, 5:4, watchcaplane.jpg)

File: 6b0711b52600054⋯.jpg (33.74 KB, 360x327, 120:109, mcgasf.jpg)

File: 0a3871c678b97de⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1195x781, 1195:781, watchcawatchwa.png)

File: 84d7b6ca701f2d0⋯.jpg (35.37 KB, 680x510, 4:3, watchcafb.jpg)


That's a bit disconcerting

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1c72c6  No.12503173

File: fd6f63e1f5dda41⋯.jpeg (211.7 KB, 828x423, 92:47, E2D9A9D6_0EDA_4010_A3B4_2….jpeg)

File: 60c62cd12e569c2⋯.jpeg (210.95 KB, 828x420, 69:35, A5E343F2_4948_4A31_843E_D….jpeg)

File: d2d54e4630da306⋯.jpeg (72.4 KB, 828x236, 207:59, 58E7C8BA_36E3_40A4_B0B6_5….jpeg)

File: 5098d57a8f2f8e9⋯.jpeg (199.23 KB, 828x476, 207:119, F37E6ADB_EE04_44F1_8D1E_A….jpeg)

File: 63716187ebba332⋯.jpeg (61.2 KB, 828x137, 828:137, 0726E437_4D7D_44CA_8C23_5….jpeg)

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399592  No.12503174


Ceiling for a C17 is much lower. so NO. Not enough atmosphere to maintain lift at that altitude.

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c0f737  No.12503175

File: dc11aee32623731⋯.png (315.79 KB, 720x771, 240:257, dc11aee32623731e38e31478ea….png)


well that makes me smile. what RED are we on, again?

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aeab51  No.12503176

We have to join the Democrat party to win. Only choose people that are like AOC who are completely socialist. Let them take away non profits and tax the tech billionaires at 90%. Voila here’s the socialism you wanted Zuck, Bezos etc


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d618bc  No.12503177

GA Senators That Backed #StopTheSteal Punished by Crooked GOP Lt. Gov

It’s payback time. The Republican rift in the state Senate came to a head Tuesday when Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan demoted three Republican senators who have backed attempts to overturn the presidential vote in Georgia over baseless allegations of irregularities.

When the bloodletting was over, state Sens. Brandon Beach of Alpharetta, Matt Brass of Newnan and Burt Jones of Jackson were sapped of their political influence on the second day of the winter session.

As our AJC colleague Maya T. Prabhu reports, Duncan stripped Beach of his chairmanship of the Transportation Committee, while Jones will no longer lead the Insurance and Labor Committee. Neither will serve as even a rank-and-file member on the two panels they once led.

And though state Sen. Matt Brass of Newnan will still be a committee chairman this term, he was shelved to a lesser posting. Instead of serving as chairman of the committee that is set to redraw the political map later this year, he’ll oversee a banking committee.

None of this was much of a surprise. The three aggressively promoted President Donald Trump’s false claims of widespread election fraud, and pushed efforts to overturn the outcome that ran afoul of Duncan, who has called out the phony narrative.

Beach in particular had signed onto a vast federal lawsuit alleging election misdoings in Georgia and several other states. Gov. Brian Kemp, House Speaker David Ralston, and Senate President pro tem Butch Miller were among the many named defendants.


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a17a11  No.12503178

File: 607e3851c11ecc8⋯.png (67.89 KB, 198x413, 198:413, Project_Veritas_Voter_Frau….png)

File: d0cc63d703e7748⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1125x1560, 75:104, Project_Veritas_Voter_Frau….png)

File: 76879dbb3f4fe6c⋯.png (461.67 KB, 848x572, 212:143, Project_Veritas_Voter_Frau….png)

File: 1fbebc0e5dc2e57⋯.mp4 (5.47 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Project_Veritas_election_f….mp4)



For those who say "nothing matters" this is for you.

For those in the news media who says there is no such thing as voter fraud and what we do is nothing more than an attempt to "undermine elections," TAKE A SEAT!

12:04 PM · Jan 13, 2021·Twitter for iPhone



Woman Arrested For Alleged Election Fraud, Illegal Voting In Texas

By CBSDFW.com StaffJanuary 13, 2021 at 11:51 am Filed Under:2020 Election, Election Fraud, Ken Paxton, Rachel Rodriguez, San Antonio, Texas, voting

SAN ANTONIO, Texas (CBSDFW.COM) – A woman has been arrested in connection to alleged election fraud and illegal voting, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced Wednesday.

According to Paxton, Rachel Rodriguez of San Antonio was “exposed in a Project Veritas video” ahead of the 2020 election regarding vote harvesting and acknowledged what she was doing was illegal.

Rodriguez is accused of election fraud, illegal voting, unlawfully assisting people voting by mail and unlawfully possessing an official ballot, according to Paxton. She could face up to 20 years in prison if she is convicted.

“Many continue to claim that there’s no such thing as election fraud. We’ve always known that such a claim is false and misleading, and today we have additional hard evidence. This is a victory for election integrity and a strong signal that anyone who attempts to defraud the people of Texas, deprive them of their vote, or undermine the integrity of elections will be brought to justice,” Paxton said. “The shocking and blatantly illegal action documented by Project Veritas demonstrates a form of election fraud my office continually investigates and prosecutes. I am fiercely committed to ensuring the voting process is secure and fair throughout the state, and my office is prepared to assist any Texas county in combating this insidious, un-American form of fraud.”

Investigators are continuing to look into the case and Paxton’s office is asking anyone who may have information to come forward.


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8696df  No.12503180


No…he's Q-

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39cf2a  No.12503181

File: 42c8c99ccee6e31⋯.jpg (94.83 KB, 386x534, 193:267, trumptold.jpg)

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bcdc00  No.12503182

File: a367f8db02fbef3⋯.png (61.54 KB, 247x202, 247:202, pepe_sheesh.png)


The Hill ran an article yesterday saying that the claims that they were Antifa or BLM were debunked.

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bdd902  No.12503183

File: 7b4498a9c2e8b64⋯.png (455.5 KB, 1779x1428, 593:476, Q_summed_up.png)

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8bc73e  No.12503184

File: 0b4d837ab23741d⋯.png (212.14 KB, 490x529, 490:529, say_hello_doggo.png)


I'd bluescreen his peasant ass before I give him a (you)… that's a promise.

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78b2d3  No.12503185

File: 78da810d12d5048⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1996x823, 1996:823, mj.PNG)

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15675e  No.12503186

10 Months of Citizens Living in Terror = No Outrage

3 Hours of Politicians Living in terror = Outrage

Just let that Sink In

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4d9266  No.12503187


How is it gate keeping to explain to newfags things they might not understand?

Patriots help, shills divide. Make yourself useful and crawl back inside your mother

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0b7c9e  No.12503188


Welcome anon, my oath NEVER EXPIRES!!


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f0946b  No.12503189


You must be new. Q has posted without tripcode before, and it doesn't necessarilly mean tripcode comp'd, faggot.

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e62c38  No.12503190


hopefully another republican will stand up and read the news that the stormers were antifa and supported Ds

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563be4  No.12503191


Unmanned NASA drone

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b49e2e  No.12503192

>>12503076 (lb)

That's Mr. Faggot to you, newfag.

Relax - the "nicknames" are part of chan cultcha. Take a deep breath, and clam down.

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c0f737  No.12503193

File: e7368a9849d15a9⋯.png (269.09 KB, 504x327, 168:109, buckleupbuckaroos.PNG)

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ad2042  No.12503194



correction : she is a Democrat , has not named Democrats

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b57a1d  No.12503195


Time to bring it Cyber Command.

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799b56  No.12503196

2 Corinthians 2:8 But the rulers of this world have not understood it; if they had, they would not have crucified our glorious Lord.

Satan's ultimate defeat was ensured by his killing of Jesus. If he had known, he wouldn't have done it.

At this point, we don't know what Q's endgame is. The enemy doesn't know either. If nothing happens before the 20th, Biden/Harris will have pardon power with the ability to destroy all evidence and end every investigation. Trump and his family will be screwed along with the rest of us. Evil will win. Human trafficking will make a comeback. Censorship will happen. The Bill of Rights & Constitution will be shredded. Elections won’t matter. The CCP will own the US. The Great Reset will be unstoppable. What resistance may be put up by patriots willing to take a stand will only be used by the government as an opportunity to seize more control. Q either has the ability to stop this or not. If there's a plan, it will play out. If, "Nothing can stop what is coming," then it will happen. If not, there's nothing we can do to stop it. Either way, the only thing we can do now is pray.

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c3e9fc  No.12503197

Jewdicious use of the word Jew is to be encouraged.

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8696df  No.12503198


If The Hill said so…it must be true.

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85d9ed  No.12503199

File: 8fc8653f9ef1f45⋯.png (40.43 KB, 664x712, 83:89, 01.png)

File: 13ea5ad1652b11f⋯.png (47.51 KB, 675x600, 9:8, 02.PNG)

File: 341a2b9b181e281⋯.png (62.83 KB, 1059x513, 353:171, 03.PNG)

File: 652e3069d78a24c⋯.png (50.31 KB, 807x931, 807:931, 04.PNG)

File: d329a065e712934⋯.png (85.91 KB, 1271x654, 1271:654, 05.PNG)

vaxx leak

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81895a  No.12503200

File: f9caf3037a70c67⋯.png (59.15 KB, 1597x786, 1597:786, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d54db7d852363e4⋯.png (91.94 KB, 798x381, 266:127, ClipboardImage.png)

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a84d57  No.12503201

File: 763bc12ff011c04⋯.png (573.84 KB, 966x543, 322:181, ClipboardImage.png)


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000000  No.12503202



Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan


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8bc73e  No.12503203


the way you space your sentences reminds me of AFLB…

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7a2cd6  No.12503204

File: f46fcbafa20551b⋯.jpeg (54.04 KB, 480x640, 3:4, KhashoggiLeiche1.jpeg)

trump supporter ?

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39cf2a  No.12503205

File: 374172633d78999⋯.jpg (256.18 KB, 510x808, 255:404, stimulus.jpg)


people even forgot about the stimulus checks cuz now they can eat their virtuous rage

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85d9ed  No.12503206

File: 1b622a33611cca1⋯.png (34.02 KB, 661x557, 661:557, 06.PNG)

File: b688ae623595636⋯.png (69.51 KB, 661x874, 661:874, 07.PNG)

File: e469b37d8f7324a⋯.png (69.09 KB, 689x870, 689:870, 08.PNG)

File: 55ccdc554d1f909⋯.png (72.48 KB, 665x833, 95:119, 09.PNG)

File: 4ea4c2e0f13b9d2⋯.png (49.68 KB, 645x530, 129:106, 10.PNG)


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edcd64  No.12503207


"nuke sniffer" Department of Energy helicopter is now making many passes over DC.


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182972  No.12503208

File: cb93f4df05ac8c5⋯.jpeg (688.01 KB, 1412x1349, 1412:1349, B6A9C1CF_6EC7_4FBF_8EAA_1….jpeg)

Wonder why Pedocoin is up 200% since elections

Why pedos driving up crypto?


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b49e2e  No.12503209

File: 5bc3781825bbc4c⋯.gif (587.06 KB, 220x124, 55:31, sink_in.gif)

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563be4  No.12503210



Sorry … was asking question. Not stating fact.

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e62c38  No.12503211


that doesn't mean anything.

Some R needs to read from other news articles which shows these people were clearly antifa.

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6062f6  No.12503212

Let’s just all switch to Democrat and swing the political pendulum hard left and take all these tech billionaires money by taxing them at 90%. They wanted socialism so bad too oh boy here it comes gaylords

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248e9d  No.12503213

It appears the US mil in DC will do one of two things

1) Shove Biden's steal down the throats of Americans by threatening to use force on any American who objects to the election fraud.

2) Arrest the criminals who work at the Capitol and Senate building.

time will tell

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d4ea3f  No.12503214




Kansas' place?

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000000  No.12503215

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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85d9ed  No.12503216

File: 42dd0ea862a421d⋯.png (51.29 KB, 653x537, 653:537, 11.PNG)

File: f3a025e1589f672⋯.png (106.56 KB, 1239x948, 413:316, 12.PNG)

File: 48fe50c2531171b⋯.png (24.67 KB, 1124x281, 4:1, 13.PNG)

File: d174b9c2a83e74c⋯.png (60.74 KB, 978x859, 978:859, 14.PNG)

vaxx leak

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b74385  No.12503217


The whole call out Q as a newfag if he has no tripcode. When it's pretty obvious the way Q posts would 9/10 confirm its him. You aren't helping by encouraging that sort of behaviour.

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06b657  No.12503218

File: a3b5b220b18648b⋯.png (722.11 KB, 1277x664, 1277:664, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea28e5f84d8cbc2⋯.png (34.83 KB, 560x562, 280:281, ClipboardImage.png)


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2a7ff0  No.12503219

File: f4cdcd8e577c21c⋯.jpg (139.48 KB, 1024x680, 128:85, GettyImages_166653296.jpg)

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561b19  No.12503220


Most people will abandon ship if it drags on beyond the 20th…and Biden is sworn in. If that happens, you can bet 50% or more Anons will bail, because that's beyond the precipice at that point.

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bc7f63  No.12503221


That's right at the top end of the performance envelope…

For a high altitude balloon.

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4d9266  No.12503222


Oldfag, how else you gonna verify an untripped Q at the moment then mega brain?

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a84d57  No.12503223

File: fa0f17a8fe5c93b⋯.png (597.18 KB, 966x543, 322:181, ClipboardImage.png)

Dumb spic dyke cunt

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bcdc00  No.12503224



And the all importantsauce




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4b1f85  No.12503225

File: aa988d68299d5c8⋯.jpg (61.52 KB, 681x596, 681:596, 20210113_125229.jpg)

File: bac81f10f12014b⋯.jpg (154.61 KB, 720x992, 45:62, 20210113_125248.jpg)

File: 912bc18034f6161⋯.jpg (58.54 KB, 794x530, 397:265, 20210113_124920.jpg)

File: 354522de11d4e8d⋯.jpg (103.9 KB, 640x230, 64:23, GBOSS_TOWER_COMPONENTS.jpg)


What's this in DC?

it's a G-BOSS

The Ground-Based Operational Surveillance System, G-BOSS, created by Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems, is a trailer-mounted tower with mounted surveillance systems and integrated with the command operations center (COC) used primarily by the United States Marine Corps during operations in the Global War on Terror. The G-BOSS is used primarily for force protection, checkpoint security, route reconnaissance, patrol over watch, improvised explosive devices emplacement detection, intelligence gathering, and personnel/vehicle identification.[1]


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5d201d  No.12503226

>>12503106 lb

>Did y'uns read this?????


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c801a1  No.12503227

File: 863f3f4074e2c8b⋯.gif (865.67 KB, 280x204, 70:51, Q_Cigars.gif)

File: c078908b020d142⋯.png (326.9 KB, 569x438, 569:438, Royal_Seal_1_Clear.png)

File: 8a363509ba61da3⋯.png (197.4 KB, 563x443, 563:443, Screaming_Trauma_Dildo_Pep….png)

>>12502661 (LB)

>>12502690 (LB)

And Just Like That.... Every DEEPSTATE Rectum Was Filled and Over-Flowing...


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000000  No.12503228


>>>/Midnightriders/22244 <-WNB talking about purchasing a static VPN - fucking busted

>agreed. i could bankroll virtual pvt svr but the perimeter protection would have to be full retard, and i aint bankroll’n dat


>so when will burner acct be up?


>NB has it. He here?


>email account. We need a burner email account to send off PW/SN to




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759d5f  No.12503229


Spurious data glitch on ADSB you sometimes get ground stations showing ridiculous altitudes.

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78ea17  No.12503230

File: 223ad904cbe3899⋯.png (459.45 KB, 800x300, 8:3, 20210112_135820.png)

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85d9ed  No.12503231

File: 5bedea477eb5066⋯.png (305.93 KB, 1323x1683, 147:187, 1.png)

File: 3779e67d69b7b36⋯.png (195.48 KB, 1251x1491, 417:497, 2.png)

File: b3ea216197ba8c1⋯.png (244.69 KB, 1617x1581, 539:527, 1.png)

File: 5ed753bc2fa1213⋯.png (307.53 KB, 1251x1854, 139:206, 1.png)

File: 0562302f8ce8e73⋯.png (329.57 KB, 1149x1806, 383:602, 2.png)


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78b2d3  No.12503232

File: 81aa818fb5f7db7⋯.png (29.72 KB, 877x427, 877:427, ShillCon.png)

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6dce92  No.12503233


Why pedos driving up crypto?

Cause they still think they can eat and drink them

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799898  No.12503234


Got more? I love gore it excites me

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000000  No.12503235


looks like an MS-13 member deported back to El Salvador

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cf2aca  No.12503236


Thats what im talking about you angry little virgin.

When we first moved to 8 from 4 we got hammered with gay porn (1st time it happened) was one of the funniest things ive ever seen.

Lynn being on the board

ive been on the board and commented on at least half of Q posts. that was when i used to be on adderal and before 8 bit stood down and this place fell apart

its hard to remember but if you bring something up ill add to it.


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88b2e5  No.12503237

File: 512827f711bf1ce⋯.jpg (27.86 KB, 526x426, 263:213, 2021_01_13_Trending.jpg)

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37c215  No.12503238

File: 71fa97594086304⋯.jpg (55.43 KB, 560x434, 40:31, are_we_there_yet.jpg)

File: 466006161979aaa⋯.jpg (70.34 KB, 1030x688, 515:344, Are_We_There_Yet.jpg)

File: ed298fc91672eb8⋯.jpeg (42.16 KB, 550x518, 275:259, 0006606_are_we_there_yet_….jpeg)

File: 1aebf18cdcd6ced⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, AreWeThereYet_web.png)


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8b3260  No.12503239

>>12502397 pb

Would she make a statement like that if she didn't have sauce? I wouldn't think so.

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8ab5bb  No.12503240


I think the two posts two breads ago were Q

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6e7833  No.12503241

File: 477416b599eaf23⋯.jpeg (560.53 KB, 1170x1460, 117:146, 59751F41_22CB_4137_A3C5_2….jpeg)

File: cc3236bdf8933b6⋯.jpeg (243.16 KB, 1170x578, 585:289, CB7690E3_69F7_426F_A81B_0….jpeg)

File: 89c136410a0f094⋯.jpeg (366.56 KB, 1170x512, 585:256, BC13EC63_C1FC_41C7_A7DD_1….jpeg)

File: 38ea724689a9ee9⋯.jpeg (821.44 KB, 1170x1367, 1170:1367, A59023AB_8F76_416A_ACA5_8….jpeg)

File: 03e4f0501c24f6d⋯.jpeg (777.92 KB, 1170x1080, 13:12, 518F66AB_6417_46C1_89C5_2….jpeg)

Interesting thread-


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9b3739  No.12503242

File: 8c26e4b58076aad⋯.jpg (132.27 KB, 1200x670, 120:67, gore.jpg)


Oh look the gores are back kek

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78b2d3  No.12503243



Thanks for proving yourself a fucking fraud shill.


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3759b2  No.12503244


Yeah, The Hill, it is definitely debunked, baseless argument. Only Trump supporters managed to make certain that the election was thrown to Biden in the final moments.

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cf2aca  No.12503245


Lb btw you stupid cunt

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6c2e28  No.12503246

File: 08fb8bed6d1e059⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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bc7f63  No.12503247


Trips confirm you missed that day of class.

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5d201d  No.12503248

File: a9b38848ef83397⋯.png (774.41 KB, 913x1673, 913:1673, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 29731509279ad10⋯.png (753.74 KB, 864x1372, 216:343, POTUS_1st_president.png)

>>12503106 lb

>Did y'uns read this?????

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99c1da  No.12503249

BREAKING: The US Space Command announced they will not locate their HQ in Austin due to the city’s efforts to defund police, offer sanctuary to illegals, and refusals to protect property rights. The command will be located in Alabama instead.


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85d9ed  No.12503250

File: aa609db7c2b587b⋯.png (314.8 KB, 1308x1674, 218:279, 1.png)

File: 63e9404e96e6419⋯.png (37.35 KB, 1287x309, 429:103, 2.png)

File: c975bad1a90d784⋯.jpg (284.85 KB, 794x1123, 794:1123, p1.jpg)

File: 4a3818ee624d039⋯.jpg (402.08 KB, 794x1123, 794:1123, p2.jpg)

File: 6ec3cdc14c0d363⋯.jpg (483.47 KB, 794x1123, 794:1123, p3.jpg)

vaxx x

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000000  No.12503251

>>12502444 /lb


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6cbcbe  No.12503252

File: f7254749037662e⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1140x760, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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4463b5  No.12503253


Well, they are knowingly part of the fraud. At this point, I consider nothing from our military or government to be legitimate.

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c487f8  No.12503254

Hay anons, did anyone snag the leaked Pfizer and BioNTech #COVID19 vaccine data? Cuz I have it

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37ae6c  No.12503255


If that's the situation, what happens to court cases and legislation?

Does everything get tossed? Do all cases have to be retried and new laws written?

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54d02c  No.12503256


Yupp …^^^^^

Fuckin nailed it anon… needs a meme… like Nancy needs a vodka

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c801a1  No.12503257

File: 46165311a6fc024⋯.png (399.52 KB, 640x358, 320:179, Are_You_Fucking_Retarded.png)

File: 0f7809dad98b052⋯.gif (9.78 MB, 320x240, 4:3, im_retarded_quantum_leap.gif)


No….It's Fuckin Not….

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0fad33  No.12503258


Yeah. Where are all the Podesta fags now??

No body knows a god damn thing.

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c0f737  No.12503259

File: bb893afd655a468⋯.jpeg (121.46 KB, 1200x720, 5:3, wwg1wga.jpeg)


you makin me smile, Anon. It's my humble honor to fight alongside you on here. God Bless you.

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d4ea3f  No.12503260



Use to post

His rap lyrics

On twat

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5b32d8  No.12503261

Can an IT fag check kun routing? Did it change?

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6ac964  No.12503262


Sum of all fears….

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ea104a  No.12503263


You're overlooking the glaring fact that Q can post without a trip, and almost certainly does. Use your own discernment on everything and you won't have any problems. Q's first posts didn't use a trip, why did anons follow him then? Truth is King.

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e62c38  No.12503264



==Two known Antifa members posed as pro-Trump to infiltrate Capitol riot: sources

By Larry CelonaJanuary 7, 2021 |==

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e7fc2b  No.12503265

This is the last stand Alamo

If nothing is done by Patriots who still can we will lose the United States and all freedom.

SCOTUS is going to be stacked quickly and go extreme socialist and liberal.

DC and Puerto Rico will be new states with new Reps and 4 new Senators.

No moar free speech - hate speech / wrong think laws will be extreme with extreme punishments to offenders.

DoJ & FBI will be tools used to wipe out those trying to defend or stand up for past freedoms, think wrap up smear & Russia hoax.

Taxes will be outrageous to keep the middleclass down.

No moar Social Security for the retired elderly.

No moar Medicate for the elderly, it's a slow painful euthanasia.

Evil will reign supreme with no one to stop them.

The great experiment that's America will have failed

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e48653  No.12503266

File: ffa0cc7e78fc607⋯.jpg (59.98 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 20210113_130731.jpg)


morality is in the eye of the beholder.

<most beholders having the intellectual capacity of a brick aside.

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81895a  No.12503267


This was ruled suicide by the FBI

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8696df  No.12503268

Trump is faggot.

He has to go.

Biden is the plan.

Trust the plan.

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b74385  No.12503269


And that's exactly it. Lashing out like a child. And you somehow think Q is gonna condone you behaving like that. Stop behaving like an idiot.

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c487f8  No.12503270


huh, well shit

still gonna share the anonfile of it though


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a84d57  No.12503271

File: 8e86f4a8515078c⋯.png (668.71 KB, 966x543, 322:181, ClipboardImage.png)

this fucking MOSSAD comped filthy kike cunt can fucking get fucked.

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66c106  No.12503272

File: 51e74b8bc5db2ce⋯.png (803.4 KB, 946x2048, 473:1024, usaincdead6.png)

File: 74906da8e50c696⋯.jpg (154.53 KB, 851x348, 851:348, paybacktime.jpg)

File: e4a6cf0539c8689⋯.jpg (116.24 KB, 750x500, 3:2, cuanewlogo.jpg)

File: e80eb9716899331⋯.jpg (91.53 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, cianewlgog.jpg)

>>12503106 pb

>>12503092 pb


CIA is now defunded.

Does that mean AMAZON goes down the tube too?

But how will they payback for all the damage they did?

Will losing be enough?

"Rejoice Rejoice Emancipation will come to thee oh those who Love God" Trinigy

Is, Isis, mother of God , Grace , Holy Spirit, Salvation.

Ra, The force of light in the Universe / Pure consciousness

El, the Great God , the Creator.

For those who corrupted it, It will turn on them.

Praise God that Good is Everywhere

Praise to the love we all may share

The holy life that lives in you and me.

Praise to the Truth that sets us Free

AMEN . aum

So Be It.

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7bfd29  No.12503273



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b57a1d  No.12503274


Makes sense.

Austin has turned to shit.

Openly allowing "camping" anywhere.

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e844f7  No.12503275

File: a66e22ba31d892b⋯.jpeg (301.72 KB, 498x738, 83:123, Donar1.jpeg)



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835d5c  No.12503276

Projection is heavy on the Hill today.

[They] are the ones who attacked the Capital.

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590e04  No.12503277

New York: Proud Boy arrested after planning 2nd terrorist attack on Capitol.

The joint terrorism task force is holding him on weapons charges after he allegedly wrote online that he is a member of the Proud Boys and wanted to arm people to travel to Washington, D.C."


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694ba3  No.12503278


>Q has posted without tripcode before

Yeah, and when he did it was a SEC_TEST or him saying his shit was borked.

All long ago far away habbenings at this point.

Q has never done an info drop that way.

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182972  No.12503280



Xiden is POTUS of defunct US Corp and gets DC….Trump is POTUS of Republic of United States and gets the rest

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672d48  No.12503281

File: f943c888d89acd9⋯.jpg (64.8 KB, 682x885, 682:885, LFFF.jpg)

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1e6899  No.12503282

File: 458af9303f98a42⋯.png (391.55 KB, 1397x824, 1397:824, Web_SDR.png)



Adjust to match pic

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4d9266  No.12503283


The structure of the posts doesn’t confirm identity, Q would expect us verify. Have you learnt nothing about our enemies and how they attempt to infiltrate?

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5836d5  No.12503284


Didn't McCarthy say earlier they were not Antifa?

If so, he fucked up the works for any argument in that direction. He's the house minority leader, to boot.

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c0f737  No.12503285



I won't. I never thought this would be easy. And the lengths they have gone to in order to destroy Trump and therefore we the people, has me caring moar than ever. The deepstate doesn't realize how pissed off we are. I will not stop.

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c3e9fc  No.12503286

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231fd8  No.12503287


Bullshit. GTH you fucking traitors.

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fc685d  No.12503288


>if it drags on beyond the 20th

WHEN it drags on beyond the 20th

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f0946b  No.12503289


Paying attention, and discernment.

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000000  No.12503290



confirmed at 100 ft

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c0f737  No.12503291


fuck i put a we in there, my bad anons.

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3759b2  No.12503292


Yep, no evidence. Just make sure all of the "evidence" is buried and never see's the light of day, now move along.

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34aef0  No.12503293

I wonder if these correlate…

12 cities

AL 12-10-20 Hurricane Zeta (10/26-29/20)

CT 1-13-21 Tropical Storm Isaias (8/4/20)

D.C. 1-11-21 Inauguration 1/11-24/21

FL 11-11-20 Hurricane Eta (11-7-20)

GA 1-13-21 Tropical Storm Zeta (10/29/20)

LA 1-13-22 Hurricane Zeta (10/26-29/20)

MS 12-31-20 Hurricane Zeta (10/28-29/20)

NJ 12-11-20 Tropical Storm Isaias (8/4/20)

OK 12-21-20 Severe winter storm from (10/26-29/20)

PR 1-5-21 FEMA Grant for Puerto Rico Hurricane Maria

TN 1-5-21 Explosion (12/25/20)

TX 12-9-20 Hurricane Laura (8/23-27/20)

Q drop 522 - 01/13/2018













12 and 12

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78b2d3  No.12503294


And that's exactly it.

Lashing out after being called out and then projecting that onto other Anons.

The labelling of Q as an individual is you showing you're a fucking fraud shill.

now KYS

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b6796f  No.12503295


Omg, this one’s worse!

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e62c38  No.12503296


At least two known Antifa members were spotted among the throngs of pro-Trump protesters at the Capitol on Wednesday, a law enforcement source told The Post.

The Antifa members disguised themselves with pro-Trump clothing to join in the DC rioting, said the sources, who spotted the infiltrators while monitoring video coverage from the Capitol.

The infiltrators were recognized due to their participation in New York City demonstrations, and were believed to have joined in the rioting so that Trump would get blamed, the source said.

A Washington Times report initially claimed two other protesters were actually Philadelphia-based Antifa members — citing a retired military officer with access to facial recognition software — but the outlet deleted the article after the software company told Buzzfeed News that the story was “outright false.”

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b57a1d  No.12503297


Someone should ask her about Awan.

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5d201d  No.12503298


It does NOT say there was an Inauguration on 1/11/21! ffs It says the "national er in dc is from 1/11/21 - 1/24/21"!

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000000  No.12503299

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bc86e7  No.12503300

File: d3251e19cb32abb⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1112x814, 556:407, ClipboardImage.png)

Wow (saw this on twat)

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1dbc76  No.12503301


Rep Scott Perry (R - PA) had great questions, too. What did Pelosi and leaders know and when did they know it? (re: reports that there were warnings of violence) and that things like bombs found would have to be pre-meditated and not due to the speech.

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99c1da  No.12503302


LMAO, you weren't here since day 1 then, FAGGOT.

I remember the cyrillic posters and anons using internet translators just to tell them to fuck off / kill themselves/ taunt / etc

I also remember repeated black and white videos depicting acts of terrorism with arabic music.

FUCKING FAGGOT, you haven't been here since day one.

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e62c38  No.12503303



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d9db64  No.12503304


You Guys…


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81994b  No.12503305

File: c574bd91c5fc0f1⋯.png (2.92 MB, 1333x1000, 1333:1000, ClipboardImage.png)

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5d4e40  No.12503306


don't let your ass hit the exit door now, anon…

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f0946b  No.12503307


We the people is a thing, anon. Unless you meant every anon.

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248e9d  No.12503308


> to ensure safe and secure elections

your illegal spying failed bigly

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b74385  No.12503309


He would expect us to verify yes, but just out and out insulting? An anon posted a drop that had the exact same situation where Q was typing test etc and somebody did that and ended up looking like a fool. If you don't think its Q just filter it.

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4d9266  No.12503310


Not saying Q can’t post without a trip, I’m saying if there’s a post we believe to be Q or claims to be Q then extra verification should rightfully be expected

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020d43  No.12503311


I am working on getting a station setup locked into messaging freq. Will cut my dipole antenna to match to make it clear as possible, waiting on some parts in mail.

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99c1da  No.12503312


Oh look, you talked to yourself and called yourself a cunt.


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e48653  No.12503313


the cia has not been defunded.

military support for operations is not funding.

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dcb6c1  No.12503314


What Baker does and when Baker does it is up to Baker. You are the ONLY ONE spewing hate towards Baker. reconcile

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182972  No.12503315


Where were the “cyber command during elections?

Comped…..trying to gain some credibility

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31bff6  No.12503316

File: ad9c178e4f6d3d2⋯.png (637.91 KB, 678x509, 678:509, marjorie_greene_georgia_fl….png)

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a3843c  No.12503317

File: 25f0872d52d5030⋯.png (603.7 KB, 1049x825, 1049:825, gordo.png)


GORDO15 still making laps. Decended to under 3k several times before bugging out of Lincoln Municipal Airport area. Similar to what GORE38 was doing NW of Memphis earlier today.

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c0c2c3  No.12503318

File: eba8d489fb60fdc⋯.jpg (67.73 KB, 640x426, 320:213, eba8d489fb60fdc88f27fbc7eb….jpg)

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b49e2e  No.12503319

>>12503076 (lb)

That's Mr. Faggot to you, newfag.

Relax - the "nicknames" are part of chan cultcha. Take a deep breath, and clam down.

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5242de  No.12503320

File: c478ac6f4bd47f4⋯.png (618.99 KB, 1200x720, 5:3, Trump_Checkmate_Q.png)


The memes write themselves.

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000000  No.12503321


they're already in jail


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b57a1d  No.12503322

File: 63645c8be8224c8⋯.png (809.9 KB, 888x630, 148:105, Screen_Shot_2021_01_13_at_….png)

You tell 'em.

Shame on them.

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b5fc1b  No.12503323

If we all vote Democrat and raise taxes to 90% or more on all these big tech gaylords they can fund any more stolen elections or have control anymore. Also make it to where they can’t hide money in non profits etc

They want to push socialism on us and not them? Nope! Got to pay your fair share and for you big tech Gaylords it’s 90%!!!

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000000  No.12503324

>>12502142 pb

>I'll be handing off soon

>>12502698 pb

>Baker will be requesting handoff at the top of next bread for afternoon meal break

>>>/Midnightriders/22244 <-WNB talking about purchasing a static VPN - fucking busted

>agreed. i could bankroll virtual pvt svr but the perimeter protection would have to be full retard, and i aint bankroll’n dat


>so when will burner acct be up?


>NB has it. He here?


>email account. We need a burner email account to send off PW/SN to




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9b9852  No.12503325

File: 8b8d203c76d3b0a⋯.png (717.85 KB, 968x1090, 484:545, Pepe_Born_to_Fren.png)


gee, i wonder what's going on? kek !

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587711  No.12503326

File: 3b7b0095ba1c73a⋯.jpg (8.01 KB, 255x144, 85:48, 1_Q_Anon.jpg)

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2c6b22  No.12503327


Ready for the chimp out.

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c0f737  No.12503328

File: 770a0433f3e2868⋯.jpg (62.39 KB, 641x587, 641:587, so_much_see.jpg)

File: 3a52e1ac262f2ce⋯.jpg (12.32 KB, 640x420, 32:21, hmm_lemme_see.jpg)

File: c2adb5ca25ee5b8⋯.jpg (14.11 KB, 640x416, 20:13, lewkin.jpg)

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f91e04  No.12503329


After all the evidence of foreign and domestic election fraud involving the highest levels and most powerful agencies and people they got themselves a grandmother. Take a fucking bow.

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06b657  No.12503330

GAB is 100% Q stuff

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e4ee25  No.12503331


They were going to carve Trumps face onto Mt. Rushmore, but the granite wasn’t hard enough.

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6ad6f0  No.12503332


An anon doing actual research. I love it! I'll take a look.

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9f544b  No.12503333

Since laws are being made up these days and DC is just doing anything it wants, then doesn't it stand to reason that-

If Pence was ACTUALLY DS, he would have signed the 25th, thereby ending this?


If Cocaine Mitch wasn't working for DJT, wouldn't he be able to find some "emergency" time on the Senate calendar to fit in the Impeachment hearings?

Their rhetoric doesn't match their actions. Watch what they do, not what they say. They may be the MOST Anons of any Anon HOLDING THE LINE- IRL.

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9b3739  No.12503334

File: 4d4caf9191f0f99⋯.jpg (27.14 KB, 640x480, 4:3, MoreGore.jpg)


I have a lot more where that came from kek

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98f96d  No.12503335

How many people who "died from scamCV" …. had their organs stolen and sold? Especially the ones who died from traffic accidents, etc.

How easy would that be to hide with so many funeral homes insisting on cremation…

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672d48  No.12503336

File: 2534661e140c4b4⋯.png (79.88 KB, 181x169, 181:169, LFFTH.PNG)

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b74385  No.12503337


Again it doesn't make you correct or impress anyone by insulting me. I'm not going to specify "the multiple people that make up the Q team" everytime the letter Q is referenced with regards to him to appease you. So go and cry somewhere else.

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06b657  No.12503338

GAB is 100% Q stuff.

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182972  No.12503339

File: 66891f9f6ca7625⋯.png (3.57 MB, 1446x1040, 723:520, B28E9B78_E958_4884_A088_DE….png)

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3593fe  No.12503340

File: a2c70c26e539f0c⋯.png (968.23 KB, 720x540, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


there he is

i love spam ming

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aa192a  No.12503341


Squawk 3740

Something BIG is coming.

Do people really think this can happen with no consequences?


NOBODY is above the law [not anymore].


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cf31b6  No.12503342


>Cuz I have it

Well, don't be a selfish faggot

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000000  No.12503343


>What Baker does and when Baker does it is up to Baker. You are the ONLY ONE spewing hate towards Baker. reconcile

>>>/Midnightriders/22244 <-WNB talking about purchasing a static VPN - fucking busted

>agreed. i could bankroll virtual pvt svr but the perimeter protection would have to be full retard, and i aint bankroll’n dat


>so when will burner acct be up?


>NB has it. He here?


>email account. We need a burner email account to send off PW/SN to




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f0946b  No.12503344

File: 3cfa7495b306821⋯.mp4 (1.45 MB, 400x224, 25:14, Let_me_see_your_war_face.mp4)


Hello fren

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78b2d3  No.12503345

File: 1c9ac4845ba7919⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1588x1027, 1588:1027, Q_Anon.PNG)

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cf2aca  No.12503346


Lmao you dont know shit fraud

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9959eb  No.12503347


Well considering POTUS and Barr pushed for more ways to pull off Federal executions, if Trump isn't in office on the 21st we may need to run for cover because it was a setup w/intent.

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ea104a  No.12503348


If fraud vitiates everything, as it should, every single one of them is holding a fraudulent office. They can say whatever the fuck they want, they literally do not represent us. It's all a show at this point. Every position is fake, every law they've made is fake, every trade deal they've made is fake, every insitution they've ran is fake. Even if they make a good point, it is irrelevant because they hold no office.

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b6796f  No.12503349


Your mother’s calling

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bc7f63  No.12503350

About all the "Q doesn't post without a trip" shit…

If you have been around long enough, you'll know that oldfags got so damn good at spotting when Q posted that he was getting called out and non-trip posts were making it into the Q drop list.

He told Baker to quit posting drops without a trip.

THAT'Show oldfags know. I was savvy enough to quickly pick it up then so I wasn't a newfag anymore, but I wasn't as tight as the oldfags.

They're still here. So am I. And grammarschool fags need to have a bit of respect when asking HTF people know. Autists play here. That's how.

I'm out for a little while, faggots. Got irl shit to do. Glad to be a part of this crew. Hold the line.

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bcdc00  No.12503352


Can you post a link to the feed that you're watching?


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31bff6  No.12503353


Capitol building bivouac!

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000000  No.12503354


>>12303058, >>12303170, >>12299828, >>12303758 /mnr/ discussing how to handoff the username password of their STATIC VPN they use to hold the bake for multiple hours

>>12297727 One goal. Getting anons to come to boards they control so they can delete/censor and harvest IPs

>>>/Midnightriders/22244 <-WNB talking about purchasing a static VPN - fucking busted

>agreed. i could bankroll virtual pvt svr but the perimeter protection would have to be full retard, and i aint bankroll’n dat


>so when will burner acct be up?


>NB has it. He here?


>email account. We need a burner email account to send off PW/SN to




JonDoodle showed up after /comms/ was ejected already knowing how to bake.

JonDoodle added warroom and ABCU8 to the dough the very first time he ever baked. - I handed off to it, it baked one bread and Q posted so he ran away ASAP.

JonDoodle posts things here that well known /comms/ baker BE posts on /MNR/

During there meeting the other night one of them commented that they were baking here while JonDoodle was baking, WNB responded to the poster with "I knew it was you"

JonDoodle bakes 15-20 hours a day, every day, for weeks on end

JonDoodle freaks the fuck out over anythingJewishin the notes, just like /comms/ always did

At their /MNR/ meeting they all agreed to make throw away protonmail accounts to pass off a PW/US to each other, their cover story was it was to pass BV passwords, but all the BVs have been BVs for months so that is bullshit.

Whenever you call out JonDoodle the SAME EXACT' shills (you) start shilling in his defense

There is no way anyone could competently bake for 36 hours straight, that is a bullshit answer. Remember /COMMS/ used to try to accuse me of being more that one person for only bake 12-18 hours a couple of different times. And by the end of those times I was fucking dead.

JonDoodle showed tonight that he is absolutely willing to ignore anons notable call outs, precisely the way /comms/ used to.

JonDoodle bakes 15-20 hours a day, every day. That's 126 hours a week average. COMMON FUCKING SENSE ANONS





Why do you think this baker links to the dough everytime and not the top post, so anons don't scroll past notables automatically and see what they refused to add.


>>12369812, >>12369860, >>12369879, >>12369897, >>12369918, >>12369953, >>12370217, >>12369986, >>12370281

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

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a84d57  No.12503355

File: e4c2e0adc0a0d2e⋯.png (650.54 KB, 966x543, 322:181, ClipboardImage.png)

this dumb GINGER cunt says she was scared.

Fuck you GINGER

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759d5f  No.12503356

File: e2e8c01310a1882⋯.png (995.06 KB, 1880x939, 1880:939, Opera_Snapshot_2021_01_13_….png)

File: 8b49e985b0cb2af⋯.png (198.94 KB, 526x629, 526:629, Opera_Snapshot_2021_01_13_….png)




N411DE carrying out a survey/search near Lothian E of DC

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c13543  No.12503357


*can’t fund

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c3e9fc  No.12503358


Damn it, I am sick of the gore!

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85b2ba  No.12503359


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0b7c9e  No.12503360


This country will NOT fall to communism as long as I breathe! Will fight to the death for this country! My kids know and understand and support me and will fight alongside me every step of the way!!!

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78b2d3  No.12503361


shaddap already.

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a3843c  No.12503362


Also Lin Wood said on Telegram today that Parler account is fake.

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11f7d0  No.12503363

Just got another email from RNC that Roma bitch again. I'm starting to think they are gauging peoples response so they can determine how much damaged they've caused.

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561b19  No.12503364


And there will always be people that continue to move the goal posts.

"Just a little bit longer…"

"Any time now…"


Everyone has to draw a line. Biden being sworn in will be it for a lot of people.

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c0f737  No.12503365

File: 16d39ba447b7171⋯.png (282.58 KB, 600x618, 100:103, genflynn_alwayswatchin.png)

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7b438c  No.12503366



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b57a1d  No.12503367

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0fb677  No.12503368

I just got a text from POTUS , it was the message about No voilence. This is the first text I have gotten since the 6th.

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00f7c9  No.12503369

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7a2cd6  No.12503370

File: 9323bbd2da8a65e⋯.jpg (176.66 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, 4_1_1_576x1024.jpg)

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78b2d3  No.12503371



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ebd03f  No.12503372



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bc7f63  No.12503373


And don't gimme any fuckin' shit about reddit-spacing. I had to change the fucking magnification on my phone and the spacing is throwing me off.

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000000  No.12503374

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's time to wake up.


Look at the information for yourself and you will see that it IS NOT disinformation.

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


The INTENT of these posts is to bring awareness, these same people own all media outlets.

Just disprove any of these posts, and they will stop. Seriously.

Edomite Canaanites Full

(It's a video, click it.)



The "Deep State" / The children of Cain / Who call themselves Jew today


The "Illuminati" / The children of Lucifer himself / Who call themselves Jew today


"They" / The Anti-Christ / Who call themselves Jew today

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

Ask yourself, if these posts were coming from JIDF/Mossad, what would they be hoping to achieve? What's the 'endgame'? How is exposing all this information "jewish defense"?

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" or "Alex Kaplan" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor Satanist/luciferian/Edomite Canaanite, or ANTIFA.

The one's making these claims areJIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jew hater" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.


Share this information the best you can.


Feel free to copy/pasta and make these post's in my absence if you see fit, this is important information.

Never filter, point out the JIDF/Mossad shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremacist" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


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672d48  No.12503375

File: 42f8b1001f4076e⋯.png (139.42 KB, 267x288, 89:96, LFFH.PNG)

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bcdc00  No.12503376

File: 3d722baf9daa9bf⋯.png (589.51 KB, 680x640, 17:16, pepe_sly_laugh.png)


Protecting the constitution loving democrats from those terrible mean Trump supporters…

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c3d80d  No.12503377


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73c960  No.12503378

>>12502529 (pb)

>>12502423 (pb)

>>12502647 (pb)

and RNC email message…

In light of the above posts, it sure does seem like the DS has the FF killshot planned for the 20th.


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b57a1d  No.12503379

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fa7549  No.12503380


People in the background…

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e4ee25  No.12503381

[Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Non_Civ]

[Set 1]







[Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Civ]

[Placeholder - Acts of Treason + support Articles]

[Placeholder - Foreign Acts_pub]

[Placeholder - FISA_pub]

[Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Non_Civ]

[Set 1]

1. Kevin Clinesmith [KC][11.3]






[Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Civ]

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5b2c64  No.12503382

>>12502443 (lb) POTUS' statement, on top of prior ones, is to clear the deck so that only the servants of the beast will be on the street. Logic says they will be there, for their dark masters are desperate, and will have their failed-human street soldiers out there. They are stupid, and most of them think they actually "won," and now it is time to tear through America. Except the military and LE are on duty, everywhere. Not possible that the military stood down during long months of outright rioting/treason by Antifa, only to now have an inaugural presence that none of us have seen before. NG can be taken over by President Trump at any time.

General Milley's statement (signed by several top brass) about the duty of the military is true, and the timing is exquisite. The traitors are about to be hoisted on their own petard, anywhere they try to do what they do. A Biden inauguration was cited for the 20th, but that is to be expected. Military can not and will not play favorites (except in their hearts) at this time. So when declass and Ratcliffe (and maybe Durham) are dropped, all of a sudden something "different" than a Biden inauguration will take place.

Let's not forget the Pelosi laptop, allegedly in white hat possession.

Could the 4 WH disaster relief statements being for FEMA getting a head start on help that will be needed by the people, when things come to a head for several days. The people are already hurting badly, and many will be in true need. Those look like belated disaster relief declarations, a fig leaf. Not everywhere can this be done, but getting a jump on several states may prove to be crucial.

Millions of patriots have sworn oaths.

SC still not out of it. Three scenarios: 1. They have had good and dutiful intentions all along, and will make their move on their own, before 1/20. 2. They will make their move with the PA case on 1/22, after the putative inauguration, but before any damage done by the coup plotters. If fraud vitiates everything, anything they did during 2 or 3 days as faux leaders will be erased. 3. SC dirty, taking orders from the Vatican to allow the steal. Vatican royally caught with the Leonardo maneuver. Behind the scenes, Vatican forced to order SC to get with it and acknowledge the election fraud.

Trump family IMO going to Florida for safety during imminent events.

Traitors desperate to impeach an innocent man who is allegedly on his way out anyway, not because of confidence. That much is certain. Only frantic perps would try it.

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5d4e40  No.12503383


which one? there's so many

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182972  No.12503384


House of Rejects is America’s longest running sit com

Those who can’t are politicians

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d9db64  No.12503385

File: e32ce9f4b57b045⋯.png (1.18 MB, 908x437, 908:437, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 987f27038d143aa⋯.png (193.34 KB, 380x250, 38:25, ClipboardImage.png)


>they're already in jail

Now Yous can't leave.


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99c1da  No.12503386


It probably made DS faggots REEEEEEE and they (Q team) probably got "chatter" because of it.

Moves and countermoves

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799b56  No.12503387


Lin Wood either needs to put up or shut up. He's another Corey Feldman.

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4463b5  No.12503388


He also posted instructions not to include in archive sites and/or notable posts made without the trip. So, you know, this would imply there would eventually be posts without the trip. Though how we would know for sure is left to question.

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e62c38  No.12503389


Then what kind of fraud will they commit, when the knowingly charge a sitting President with a crime without having the power to do so…at least not all of them…or not enough of them?

what crime will the speaker of the house have committed to make her people do this under false pretense of being officially elected?

and where is AS?

isn't that a Q drop question? where is AS?

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aa192a  No.12503390


From drop 3740 with hyperlinks;


Something BIG is coming.


Do people really think this can happen with no consequences?


NOBODY is above the law [not anymore].


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3593fe  No.12503391



ALWAYS DECEIVING with circumstantial screencaps

you made your bed

now sleep in it

if the board goes apeshit over notables, the board will eyes on

if the board gets all notables wanted included, thenseethe moar

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5d201d  No.12503392

File: 563394d3de57fc6⋯.png (75.64 KB, 441x473, 441:473, ClipboardImage.png)


>Also Lin Wood said on Telegram today that Parler account is fake.

Telegram account fake!

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000000  No.12503393



>>>/Midnightriders/22244 <-WNB talking about purchasing a static VPN - fucking busted

>agreed. i could bankroll virtual pvt svr but the perimeter protection would have to be full retard, and i aint bankroll’n dat


>so when will burner acct be up?


>NB has it. He here?


>email account. We need a burner email account to send off PW/SN to



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bcdc00  No.12503394

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81895a  No.12503395


When it is time for Trump to be on Rushmore they will carve it with lasers, from a satellite in the sky.

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fa5ddf  No.12503396

File: 326a65bfb5ddfa0⋯.jpg (27.71 KB, 450x450, 1:1, einstein.jpg)



Take a step back and think logically, "what am I gaining from watching 5 hours of retards arguing?"

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563be4  No.12503397

>>12503001 lb

POTUS HAS A WAY TO COMMUNICATE DIRECTLY WITHOUT EBS/EMS !!! Missed in lb since it was at the very end.

Please look !!!

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7b438c  No.12503398


That's a long way from Vegas for "nothing" to be habbening….

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280142  No.12503399

File: 95a057f490e39b2⋯.png (403.19 KB, 540x300, 9:5, ClipboardImage.png)

They are terrified of STATE SECRETS being declassified.

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c04c9c  No.12503400

File: d7db3e6a7c27fd0⋯.jpg (179.01 KB, 565x750, 113:150, d7db3e6a7c27fd0e9ef660f8a1….jpg)

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edcd64  No.12503401


Near Chesapeake Bay and direct access to the Atlantic Ocean. Concern of a nuke being smuggled into the country on a boat?

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825821  No.12503402

What happens if Biden goes through with his pathetic "virtual" inauguration online and on television while at the exact same time Trump is being inaugurated in the White House streaming various venues?

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5eaf69  No.12503403


Fuck fox.

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e48653  No.12503404

File: 3fd459363b69a2d⋯.gif (1.67 MB, 408x408, 1:1, 20210113_131508.gif)


and there is the rub.

For all the research, no evidence is on 8kun's servers.

<funny, huh.

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19a3cd  No.12503405



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3593fe  No.12503406

File: dd1500a362a5416⋯.jpg (11.83 KB, 169x255, 169:255, dolly.jpg)

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bb2ed4  No.12503407

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Cyber Attackers Leaked Covid-19 Vaccine Data After EU Hack

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e0423e  No.12503408


"Q can't come to the phone right now

Please leave a message"

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39cf2a  No.12503409

File: 76b8cfca163042a⋯.jpg (768.93 KB, 961x1514, 961:1514, molonlabemilitia.jpg)

It is obvious that one purpose of the DC riot movie and this subsequent charade in Congress is to ensure Americans completely forget and even condemn their right and duty to overthrow a corrupt government, even when said gov is in the processes of destroying their way of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Our own Government has made its own citizens (WTP) targets for insurrection. We are now considered domestic terrorists by these leaders, the media, and the sheople, and the Government has invited our enemy within to turn us in, confront us, fight us at every turn. The leaders of the insurrection against the United States and its Patriotic citizens are gaslighting the world from their soapbox.

Can't wait for the tide to turn. If it is true that there will be no civil war, the arrests must be Imminent. as in, before the admitted traitors step foot from the People's House. Buckle Up.

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95d238  No.12503410

THAT IS WHAT I was trying to think of!

Thanks anon, you beat me to it!!



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657210  No.12503411


Delta - with whos account? Q+ is locked out.

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bd4369  No.12503412

File: 29a16e2b34dd206⋯.png (184.39 KB, 440x341, 40:31, ClipboardImage.png)

Anon LB was looking for this.

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d9db64  No.12503413

File: 0fcc94f72a134ac⋯.jpg (16.69 KB, 255x187, 15:11, heads_will_roll_d90b2d8daf….jpg)

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694ba3  No.12503414


It's perfectly correct to ask the Baker if he still stands by those posts.

In a civilized manner.

The issue is going full spergo at the start.

Let Baker make an ass out of himself first.

It's the right thing to do and many Anons will be more receptive to the message if it's legit.

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c4f738  No.12503415


r they expecting the chinese?

the russians?

the UN?

cuz they sure aint expecting no patriots

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672d48  No.12503416


Still looking for a proper post-transformation pic.

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ad2042  No.12503417


This ^^^^^^^^^

Lin Wood is batshit crazy

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084b56  No.12503418


where's rorschach?

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00f7c9  No.12503419


When we take back the country we are not going to see this kike's face again.

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000000  No.12503420

Can't stop, won't stop.

Get it, get it.

Spreading fact based truth that is

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f7fef2  No.12503421


It's Trump only now. I've been unsubscribing to emails and replying stop to all non-Trump messages. They self-destructed just like the Democrats.

I'm hoping for: new party -> many parties -> no parties.

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dcb6c1  No.12503422

>>12503032 OP

>>12503068 Dough

Baker requesting handoff

#15963@250 Notables

>>12503152 PF Report

>>12503158 All of us @US_CYBERCOM civilian or uniformed, have taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution

>>12503177 , >>12503202 GA Senators That Backed #StopTheSteal Punished by Crooked GOP Lt. Gov


>>12503199 , >>12503216 , >>12503249 Vaccination leaked documents (need sauce link)

>>12503207, >>12503317 , >>12503356 PF Report - Department of Energy helicopter is now making many passes over DC

>>12503249 The US Space Command announced they will not locate their HQ in Austin due to the city’s efforts to defund police. The command will be located in Alabama.

>>12503264 , >>12503296 Two known Antifa members posed as pro-Trump to infiltrate Capitol protest

>>12503293 Correlation of State of Emergency


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fc3fe3  No.12503423


Done in 30 minutes

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13494e  No.12503424

The GOP is the Trash never Trump party

Never give them a dime or a vote.

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c0f737  No.12503425


tyvm anon, appreciate it.

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fa7549  No.12503426


Maybe each attendee to the inanalation will get assigned a 'buddy'…

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95d238  No.12503427


Way to lose your head shill

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76db52  No.12503428

As an elderly phonefag anon, I'm so disappointed.

If the board goes to Tor only experience I'll no longer be able to participate because I'm just not tech savvy enough to set it up. I need my phone for work and it could end up me creating a disaster.

Love you Anons. (no homo)

Gonna miss this platform.

This will really suck!

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000000  No.12503429





>>>/Midnightriders/22244 <-WNB talking about purchasing a static VPN - fucking busted

>agreed. i could bankroll virtual pvt svr but the perimeter protection would have to be full retard, and i aint bankroll’n dat


>so when will burner acct be up?


>NB has it. He here?


>email account. We need a burner email account to send off PW/SN to




JonDoodle showed up after /comms/ was ejected already knowing how to bake.

JonDoodle added warroom and ABCU8 to the dough the very first time he ever baked. - I handed off to it, it baked one bread and Q posted so he ran away ASAP.

JonDoodle posts things here that well known /comms/ baker BE posts on /MNR/

During there meeting the other night one of them commented that they were baking here while JonDoodle was baking, WNB responded to the poster with "I knew it was you"

JonDoodle bakes 15-20 hours a day, every day, for weeks on end

JonDoodle freaks the fuck out over anythingJewishin the notes, just like /comms/ always did

At their /MNR/ meeting they all agreed to make throw away protonmail accounts to pass off a PW/US to each other, their cover story was it was to pass BV passwords, but all the BVs have been BVs for months so that is bullshit.

Whenever you call out JonDoodle the SAME EXACT' shills (you) start shilling in his defense

There is no way anyone could competently bake for 36 hours straight, that is a bullshit answer. Remember /COMMS/ used to try to accuse me of being more that one person for only bake 12-18 hours a couple of different times. And by the end of those times I was fucking dead.

JonDoodle showed tonight that he is absolutely willing to ignore anons notable call outs, precisely the way /comms/ used to.

JonDoodle bakes 15-20 hours a day, every day. That's 126 hours a week average. COMMON FUCKING SENSE ANONS





Why do you think this baker links to the dough everytime and not the top post, so anons don't scroll past notables automatically and see what they refused to add.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

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b6796f  No.12503430


Now is when they should just go in and arrest everyone.

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e62c38  No.12503431

they committed a crime when they cheated at an election.

but they committed sedition when they vote to impeach to remove a sitting president without the official capacity to do so.

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a46553  No.12503432

File: 8a6abbec867ba09⋯.jpg (118.19 KB, 1200x480, 5:2, MarkTwainFleas.jpg)


>Those who can’t are politicians

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e462d9  No.12503433

File: 027c26213b687f8⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1500x844, 375:211, ClipboardImage.png)

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27b6a8  No.12503434


>Lesson for the newfags

>If Q posts he will have a tripcode as listed at the top of the bread, it won’t be bold. It will probably have 10000 replies.

>If Q posts without tripcode (due to it being compromised) he’ll probably be called a faggot and a shill. Proceed with mockery until the faggot verifies himself with a delta

But Rabbi, how do we know these things you speak of to be true?

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f91e04  No.12503435


I'll believe it when I see it. At the moment this sounds like a feel good pipe dream.

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855bb1  No.12503436

Remember when every one of our agencies, institutions, energy facilities, email providers, fortune companies we hacked undetected for 9 months? why no leaks on that shit, and why is it not a talking point? We just ignoring that?

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5d201d  No.12503437

File: 00bfe4b86231a0c⋯.png (47.79 KB, 569x357, 569:357, ClipboardImage.png)


>Wow (saw this on twat)

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000000  No.12503438



Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant is about 30 miles southeast

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084b56  No.12503439


probably carve it on the face of the moon

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cf31b6  No.12503440

File: 1687ec25019180b⋯.png (629.97 KB, 564x955, 564:955, ginger1.png)

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7a2cd6  No.12503441

File: 95966ffe80fdfdf⋯.jpg (26.93 KB, 257x384, 257:384, peta2.jpg)

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8eb93b  No.12503442

File: b6a0f5d7b06e7ea⋯.png (214.71 KB, 844x827, 844:827, pepe_specticles.png)

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717974  No.12503443

File: d04d18190dab4a3⋯.jpeg (512.62 KB, 750x774, 125:129, 76E2655A_4C5B_4B0F_BEA3_3….jpeg)

If you’re New here

I know the Kun is exciting AF

But Lurk

Stop turning the bread to shit

Stop feeding the Shills

If your Twatter is gone,

This is not the place to dump your opinions, sentiments, or emotions…

Read and Watch

You May learn something

Or just do what the fuck you want

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bc86e7  No.12503444

File: 497ceeee273e1d8⋯.png (228.93 KB, 475x475, 1:1, 497ceeee273e1d802d45aafde0….png)



They are so precious…

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5d4e40  No.12503445

File: 18946904840702b⋯.jpg (15.46 KB, 384x384, 1:1, 18946904840702bb0a2bdb3b97….jpg)

something something drama something. It's your fault because I seeth'd it.

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5a8361  No.12503446

Pompeo tweets today a new puzzle. Can’t figure any pattern by frame division number alone

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8f9105  No.12503447


Moar gore please it excites me

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81895a  No.12503448


Just one more fake riot and they will all get in buses to be evacuated and taken directly to jail.

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049d0b  No.12503449


I thought they were considering San Antonio, not Austin?

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e48653  No.12503450

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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3c9484  No.12503451


raise your hand if you think she got the spot bc of dem tig ol bitties?

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8b3260  No.12503452


Who's #23? Coincidence?

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78b2d3  No.12503453

This latest impeachment is just yet another D playbook to stop their own prosecutions…"They can't arrest us now! We're impeaching Trump! We're being politically persecuted because we challenged the President!"

So stale.

So old.

So predictable.

Overwhelming majority of the country wouldn't mind it at if the D's were handcuffed and charged with treason.

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1d1627  No.12503454



calling meme fags

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8ceaea  No.12503455



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5c2e1c  No.12503456

What if mass military tribunals was necessary disinfo because main purpose of Q OP/publicaspect was to incite The Great Awakening? Which, I'd say it has definitely accomplished at this point. Trump Admin redpilled majority of America if not the world, with Q/Anons help. In that way, Trump Admin/Q OP (military intel adm/op) function overall as an Emergency Broadcast System waking the masses up from deep sleep and teaching them how to play the game (people have always had all the power if united & informed/freethinking, organized).

What if that's all the military intel experts (Q Team) know was/is necessary to stave off eminent destruction of our Republic? Going forward, regardless who's POTUS, swamp creatures will have all eyes on them by an already outraged vast majority of US citizens. Citizens possibly aided by new Trump-launched media empire, 100% insulated from censorship. Thus they lose control of the narrative, they lose ability to commit criminal acts while stealth'd. This would be their biggest fear come true as Q's mentioned repeatedly. Plus what about 'what we can't see?' Bribery, blackmail, dark secrets are a way of life for these people so Patriots behind the scenes should have no trouble reverse-blackmailing any number of them to either go to Gitmo (SC Durham?) or finally for once in their lives stand up for America first, promote MAGA, etc.

Hussein past 4 years ran shadow presidency/renegade against Trump; Trump next 4 years run shadow presidency/legitimate against Hussein?

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501716  No.12503457


Drop date 3/20

Inauguration 1/20

2 days ahead of schedule mean 2 Months?

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d4537f  No.12503458


Great connections here. Good work.

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ea104a  No.12503459


>said words once

neat m8

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dcb6c1  No.12503460

>>12503429 Denigration, discouragement, division, attempted doxxing. Yeah, your the complete package anon. Get help.

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fa5ddf  No.12503461

File: 14daf5816016bbf⋯.jpg (115.14 KB, 800x600, 4:3, tesla.jpg)


Agreed…and we'll finally hear the truth about Nikola Tesla.

Banning all knowledge and patents related to harnessing free energy is one of the biggest censorship jobs of the past 100 years

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6a6a30  No.12503462


Where is the Source for these?

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0378fb  No.12503463

File: b5c4629bdf62fdb⋯.jpg (42.51 KB, 679x507, 679:507, Green_power.jpg)


Buy a tablet oldfag.

>Phone for work


Take some of your $$$ and buy a tablet.

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9b3739  No.12503464


The best thing that could happen is everyone leave both parties. Turn them to dust.

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3759b2  No.12503465


Nothing happens before the removal of the FED. And right now, that's going to take a miracle. Miracles do happen, pray for a miracle.

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694ba3  No.12503466


A new entry into the Banner Warz.

I give kudos to either side when they do something fresh.

>t. Stale Sucks

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de5eac  No.12503467

WELCOME to the PUS. Provence of the United States. Our dear leader, JOE ILL SOON, will lead this Provence for our new President Xi. All flags now need to fly the China banner to show the new governments support for our new President Xi and the Provence leader JOE ILL SOON.

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e4ee25  No.12503468


Like Kathy-lee needed Regis.

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99c1da  No.12503469

NY Dem Accused of ‘Strangling Wife’ Turns Himself In to Authorities

A New York Democratic state senator closely allied with New York City mayor Bill de Blasio and socialist Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders turned himself in to authorities on Monday morning after he was accused of strangling his wife during a domestic dispute.

State senator Luis Sepúlveda, who provided a critical early endorsement to de Blasio during the mayor’s first bid for Gracie Mansion, turned himself in to the NYPD's 48th Police Precinct in the Bronx district he represents, according to local reports. He was accused of strangling his wife during a Jan. 9 altercation and was charged with criminal obstruction of breathing.

SAUCE: https://freebeacon.com/democrats/ny-dem-accused-of-strangling-wife-turns-himself-in-to-authorities/

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4d9266  No.12503470


That’s for Q to decide, I’m sure they could point to an account we know (Pompeo for example) and do a Kunword-to-tweet verification/misspelling verification/time second delta like the have done previously

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b57a1d  No.12503471


You make a great point.

I'm listening to something else and with the hearing on mute.

When someone worthy comes up, I switch.

The rest isunbearable.

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182972  No.12503472

File: 62fe6c70e6c075b⋯.jpeg (242.97 KB, 1420x445, 284:89, E8C1876F_CBD5_4ED8_904B_5….jpeg)


Madame Fixodent says Congress MUST investigate

They didn’t……..guess what civil servants…..your fucking fired

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000000  No.12503473


nice commie logic you have there

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e62c38  No.12503474

here we go…it was a preplanned attack with pipe bombs and barricades being removed before Trump's speech ended

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329448  No.12503475


>The best thing that could happen is everyone leave both parties. Turn them to dust.



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99% tax on the 1%

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99% tax on the 1%

99% tax on the 1%

99% tax on the 1%

99% tax on the 1%

99% tax on the 1%

99% tax on the 1%

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2c6b22  No.12503476


I'm starting to think that Obama is going to be arrested first.

It's the only thing that explains the current level of craziness.

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95d238  No.12503477


> sam l jackson english do you speak it dot jay peg

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b4d2eb  No.12503478


Hopefully it can see faces through bandanas and ear loop masks. Thinking it probably does. Otherwise what's the point?

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248e9d  No.12503479


along the same line

siege on WH = no outrage

peaceful protest at Capitol = outrage

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4d9266  No.12503480


Cut off your foreskin and the truth will show itself

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ebd03f  No.12503481


Tablets are nice and there are some good deals this time of year.

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000000  No.12503482


>Denigration, discouragement, division, attempted doxxing. Yeah, your the complete package anon. Get help.


>>>/Midnightriders/22244 <-WNB talking about purchasing a static VPN - fucking busted

>agreed. i could bankroll virtual pvt svr but the perimeter protection would have to be full retard, and i aint bankroll’n dat


>so when will burner acct be up?


>NB has it. He here?


>email account. We need a burner email account to send off PW/SN to



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c23a74  No.12503483


Can confirm this is a GBOSS. We had them on our base in Afghanistan.

There were other bases that had similar surveillance systems, but the camera was mounted on a blimp.

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d0d67d  No.12503484

Is everyone blind? All one ever had to do was look at Mnuchin to see he was evil.

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c801a1  No.12503485

File: 576ca049cd62f3f⋯.jpg (67.97 KB, 964x613, 964:613, ORANGE_WWG1WGA_SNEK.JPG)


And Just Like That, Walls Work…

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6c2e28  No.12503486

File: a68f057779f5a93⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Healing Healing Healing Healing Healing Healing

It's time for healing. Let's heal! Heal the nation! Heal the world! Heal, heal, heal, mask on and kneel!

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becae3  No.12503487

File: 585723a604aaf6c⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1236x820, 309:205, ClipboardImage.png)

Home Depot co-founder Ken Langone feels ‘betrayed’ by Trump over riots

By Noah Manskar

January 13, 2021 |

Ken Langone — the billionaire Home Depot co-founder and Republican megadonor — said he feels “betrayed” by President Trump after last week’s siege on the Capitol.

Langone blasted Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election results and pledged to help President-elect Joe Biden “be the best president we ever had.”

“I feel betrayed,” Langone told CNBC in a Wednesday interview. “… Last Wednesday was a disgrace, it should never have happened in this country, and if it doesn’t break every American’s heart, something’s wrong. It breaks my heart for sure. I didn’t sign up for that.”

Langone is a prolific donor to GOP candidates — he and his wife, Elaine, made nearly $517,000 in political contributions over the last two years, $496,500 of which went to Republicans, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

The 85-year-old financier has reportedly supported some of Trump’s economic policies, such as his tariffs on China, and made a $2,700 donation to the president’s 2016 campaign, federal records show.

But he suggested that the Capitol rioters were wrong to try to stop Biden from taking office by disrupting Congress’ counting of electoral votes last week.

“Going through the court system to try and get some results — he exhausted everything, it was over,” Langone told CNBC.

“I feel those people who sought to stop the process were ill-advised,” he added.

Asked whether Trump should be impeached — a step the House was moving toward Wednesday — Langone responded bluntly: “I don’t care.”

“All I care about is one thing: Jan. 20, Joe Biden’s going to be sworn in as president and I’m going to work my ass off any way I can because I win — if he’s a great successful president, we all win,” he said.


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c487f8  No.12503488

So like, I'm seeing this vaccine thing being leaked all over multiple discords I am in

does this mean dickscord is going down too?

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759d5f  No.12503489

File: c67e8625fd97c11⋯.png (79.67 KB, 818x417, 818:417, Opera_Snapshot_2021_01_13_….png)




Not the first time that the helo has flown sorties around DC area.

Link here to story June 2nd 2020.


The helicopter in question, a Bell 412 that carries the civil registration number N411DE, is one of two that are part of the Aerial Measuring System (AMS), which also includes a number of specially configured Beachcraft King Air fixed-wing aircraft. The National Nuclear Security Agency (NNSA), the division of the Department of Energy responsible for overseeing the development and production of nuclear weapons, manages the AMS program through its Remote Sensing Laboratory. Elements of the AMS are based at Joint Base Andrews just outside Washington, D.C. and at Nellis Air Force Base near Las Vegas, Nevada.

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5d4e40  No.12503490


They are seething it haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoard…

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e462d9  No.12503491

File: 20c502b2c21047c⋯.png (105.56 KB, 1710x700, 171:70, ClipboardImage.png)



Not Mine.

Stolen from Gab.

Missed the rest and hit reply too soon


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0b7c9e  No.12503492

Any anons opinion on this vid, saying indictments unsealed?


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027470  No.12503493


>Madame Fixodent

You wrong for that, anon.

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2caca3  No.12503494

File: add451e38faf3ab⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1204x1068, 301:267, Schermafbeelding_2021_01_1….png)


Well ain't that the truth.

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4f5bd4  No.12503495

File: 1f139a512d65b4e⋯.mp4 (6.74 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 9hDWDMs572xlfMl0356hUY78w.mp4)

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8328bb  No.12503496





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e4ee25  No.12503497

File: 72482b35955386a⋯.jpeg (147.84 KB, 750x475, 30:19, 5E1E9AB7_DB27_4FC1_8584_0….jpeg)



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b4d2eb  No.12503498



Not socialism

Its worse


Google and Amazon can do things the government can only dream to do

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6c2e28  No.12503499

File: dbc00bd62e6cfd7⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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aa192a  No.12503500


Don't forget the feminazis beating door of SCOTUS.

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13494e  No.12503501


You sure failed on the safe and fair elections, I bet you still cashed your paycheck though. We want our money back faggots.

You should be ashamed of yourselves

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6730ba  No.12503502

The left, as per their 4AM scripts, is to maintain a fever pitch of ignorance to Rule of Law with the emotional knee-jerk reactions goading republicans to change laws with them just to fit what they want to believe rather than discern.

Not auditing the vote has disenfranchised 77 millions of Americans, whereas an audit would not.

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f36668  No.12503503

GoodGuy/BadGuy list?

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5d7217  No.12503504



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231fd8  No.12503505

File: 5d0c615cc9648db⋯.png (282.29 KB, 512x336, 32:21, Screenshot_2021_01_13_Will….png)

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95d238  No.12503506


But anon the 1% donates to important foundations that traffic children to elites for adoption and are totally not put through violent and terrifying rituals, abused otherwise, and murdered note I said NOT on all those things.

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e75fe4  No.12503507


it isn't.

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e7fc2b  No.12503508

Time to start buying Property in New Republics

Republic of Texas

Republic of Florida

Republic of South Dakota

Republic of ??

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c0c2c3  No.12503509

File: 310edf3a087c72a⋯.png (452.73 KB, 1000x2838, 500:1419, hsv_min.png)


US Space Command site to be located in Huntsville, Alabama


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81895a  No.12503510


I would say if you are in the 1% you are involved in human trafficking and the tax rate is now 100%.

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d0d67d  No.12503511


I feel betrayed because traitors are still alive.

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bcdc00  No.12503512

File: 4123a0ecf350ee3⋯.png (330.97 KB, 726x720, 121:120, pepe_nerd.png)


Now if you question the election you are labeled as a white supremacist and a racist for spreading "obvious Russian propaganda".

Their hypocrisy has gone to a whole new level. The STUPID is overflowing with the left..

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bb2ed4  No.12503513


>charged with criminal obstruction of breathing.

criminal obstruction of breathing…….

God, I hate lawyers and law writers/law makers.

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b3acc5  No.12503514

>>12503204 covid-19 causation

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0cc694  No.12503515

File: e3ff6bf7d158f95⋯.jpeg (320.45 KB, 581x789, 581:789, 95342D2A_F8E9_4C28_8C3A_8….jpeg)

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9b3739  No.12503516


Decoded: Our rigged election didn't see Trump coming.

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fa7549  No.12503517

"criminal obstruction of breathing"

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825821  No.12503518



Dubs for bakes.>>12503409

>If it is true that there will be no civil war, the arrests must be Imminent

I think every anon here would agree that it is "now or never" time. There IS no more time. Thursday, Jan 21 will look quite different from today, in one way or another.

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694ba3  No.12503519


>Though how we would know for sure is left to question.

This for sure.

The rest is a slide waiting to happen in terms of what and how it went down.

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e48653  No.12503520


>this can happen with no consequences?

<this can happen with no consequences.

it always has

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c3e9fc  No.12503521


Smedley says.. kek

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99c1da  No.12503522

File: b7402fca409e3db⋯.jpg (13.99 KB, 255x255, 1:1, notclicking.jpg)

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31bff6  No.12503523



Suitable kek

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3759b2  No.12503524


Socialism only lasts until Communism takes over. It's always an interim stage before the final hell commences.

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c487f8  No.12503525

File: ec8922a9fb0c0ca⋯.png (71.08 KB, 735x451, 735:451, 1610566047822.png)

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a84d57  No.12503526

File: b49e3f3257fd2fc⋯.png (609.24 KB, 966x543, 322:181, ClipboardImage.png)

A FUCKING cunt and disgrace to my GREAT STATE OF TEXAS. Go fuck yourself you dumb dyke cunt

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8b3260  No.12503527


Yep, Us anons and Patriots here in Georgia are sure gonna remember this GE OFF Duncan fuck come next election cycle. As a matter of fact, Duncan, Kemp and Raffenspermer all, should be recalled. With prejudice. They are fucking disgraces to this state.

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fa7549  No.12503528


Can't wait to see "Court-Ordered obstruction of breathing"

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53916a  No.12503529


>nice commie logic you have there

It’s the only way since we can’t have fair elections. They have too much money and power they don’t act like citizens they act like lords so we should tax them at 99% and remove their ability to rule over us. We can make the political pendulum swing hard left and erase these faggots from the conversation by taking all their money with taxes. No more hiding money in Jew boy non profits where they can have a slush fund for buying votes and swinging elections.




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ebf9c2  No.12503531


What a joke. Every institution in this country is a joke. From top to bottom. And how soon we forget all the rest of the fraud that got swept under the rug. No wonder Pete and Lisa were so fucking cocky back then. They knew this whole system was rigged in their favor.

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e75fe4  No.12503532


Tory, with a Y.

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000000  No.12503533

>>12502564 pb

AF1 is a designation - not a plane. If Trump is on it and still President, it is AF1. If he is on it and Biden takes the oath the plane changes its callsign to something else. When a President leaves office that plane gets a special air mission designation, and it flys him to his home and returns to DC. It is unclear if he can request that it flies him somewhere other than home though.

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0b7c9e  No.12503534

Won’t let me embed



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182972  No.12503535

Rank and file government employees better wake the fuck up

These asshole politicians gonna take YOU down with them

Speak up now…..or just walk away…..either way your pensions are GONE!

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6cbcbe  No.12503536

File: 1fb5af98554d79b⋯.png (131.99 KB, 190x384, 95:192, georgia_noose.png)

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e462d9  No.12503537


Decent shop.

Right margin too big.

Formatting fail.

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a84d57  No.12503538

File: 50fce791fcb1f7b⋯.png (639.22 KB, 966x543, 322:181, ClipboardImage.png)

FUCKING dumb sand nigger cunt bitch. Fuck you and your towel head camel loving kind.

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13494e  No.12503539


Remember that all the politicians were placed not elected.

We have no voice

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bcdc00  No.12503540


These people all need to face the firing squad. They are absolutely disgusting for pushing their rhetoric and lies.

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9b9852  No.12503541

File: 813b3fced264c0c⋯.png (165.96 KB, 721x777, 103:111, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_01….png)


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1fd091  No.12503542

File: 8b8ef6c94288893⋯.png (150.55 KB, 794x370, 397:185, 0AC4EDE3_6147_42B0_A9A1_A0….png)

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ce525b  No.12503543

Notable -

Jessica Campbell, Election actress and Naturopathic Physician, dead at 38 after collapsing suddenly.

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5a8361  No.12503544

Big Tech is insured tax breaks by Congress I suspect but now Big Tech can blackmail all of them.

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fa5ddf  No.12503545


Everyday is opposite day in demtardville!

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18d031  No.12503546

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78b2d3  No.12503547

File: 508241477d58bae⋯.png (443.05 KB, 1516x1137, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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b6796f  No.12503548



That ought to be interesting

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0cc694  No.12503549

File: 2eea59e07fb0795⋯.png (229.09 KB, 450x450, 1:1, 2684DFDF_B673_4F4A_9710_6A….png)

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0fb677  No.12503550

>>12503487 He feels betrayed and super rich thanks to the shutdown.

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95d238  No.12503551


Isn't that where that crazy woman shot her professors though she was leaving the job that weekend and then turns out later she murdered her own brother in…massachusetts???…20 years earlier and it had been ruled an accident but upon closer inspection she took him out too yeah I know cool story bro

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bc86e7  No.12503552

File: 6f44653c86fea6c⋯.png (791.36 KB, 737x658, 737:658, ClipboardImage.png)

2 Masks????

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620dc6  No.12503553


Republic of China?

how does that happen?

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182972  No.12503554


Damn….people are such pussies….I’ve been shot at….not that bad really

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231fd8  No.12503555


Fucker makes money on building supplies. BLM/Antifa burn shit down.

2 + 2

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280142  No.12503556

File: b8218ada610e691⋯.png (238.57 KB, 347x347, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



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e4ee25  No.12503557


Bad breath.

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000000  No.12503558


The same way you attack ABCU and WR?

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c32daf  No.12503559


In the UK the police and security services use a IMSI-catcher, its a man in the middle device that collects the data form as cell phone

used for protests rallies etc


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000000  No.12503560


Makes sense given the location of the rocket center

Also, lotta brain power in that town

A place known for space innovation

Will be sweet to see vids from Smarter Every Day once HQ is there

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1fd091  No.12503561

File: d60619d79cc1bb2⋯.png (218.76 KB, 768x1586, 384:793, 1F616EC9_2CAF_40D0_B41F_B5….png)

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3759b2  No.12503562


You going to vote them out of office? How's that work in a dictatorship?

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5b2c64  No.12503563

>>12503382 In addition, the FCC was not just looking to hear the sound of their fingers on the keyboard when they made their unprecedented warning to EBS carriers, that federal law requires their cooperation when messages come through the network.

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8b3260  No.12503565


Make it so anon. All 3 of these fucks are tied to the steal, Dominion and who the hell knows what else. Add Loeffler to that list also. Doug Collins for Governor.

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5836d5  No.12503566


Just download the tor browser and run it.


When you start it the tor browser will set up the connection for you.

Just use it for 8kun and don't change any defaults, my recommendation.

copypasta the tor link at the top of each bread and paste it in the address bar. Save that as a bookmark or home page.

No different than any other browser.

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7e51ba  No.12503567

Horry sheet anons you're back

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e48653  No.12503568


it is easy to put tor on your phone.

if you can download an app, you can use tor.

it will tell you what it needs as you go.

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693649  No.12503569


How in the world can he say that he hasn't made a decision and needs to hear legal arguments????


What legal arguments you asshole!!!!


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96fff7  No.12503570

File: 8acfc3f93893054⋯.jpg (59.03 KB, 576x433, 576:433, KvetchingSB.jpg)

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ce525b  No.12503571




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0cc694  No.12503572

File: 13ab91a4725b345⋯.png (223.16 KB, 674x460, 337:230, 22412C0F_4A28_46FA_9F3B_70….png)

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1c7d3f  No.12503573

dont know about you guys but today feels an awful lot like WHITE SQUALL.

What if the Capitol attack is completely exposed as a FF? What if election fraud evidence suddenly comes out?

Vindication then Victory!

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672d48  No.12503574


One is for function the other is for aesthetics.

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1015fb  No.12503575


It's getting hit that sucks.

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5f6f1b  No.12503576


Religion of peace. Honor killing….Sure.

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188235  No.12503578


"If wearing one mask makes me look caring, TWO masks will make me look DOUBLY as caring! This is genius…"

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182972  No.12503579


All tech companies getting Fed money….if it stops….stocks would return to 8k….about where they should be

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78b2d3  No.12503580

File: ced118070acd1ac⋯.png (221.42 KB, 300x623, 300:623, ced118070acd1ac14b180aa585….png)

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e62c38  No.12503581

I really wish some R would stand up and say they are going to take a page out of the D playbook and say.


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d4ea3f  No.12503582

File: a88af1fcee0b055⋯.png (1010.03 KB, 1080x2160, 1:2, Screenshot_20210113_142738.png)



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5a8361  No.12503583


I rec VPN before tor connect.

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000000  No.12503584


>The same way you attack ABCU and WR?


>>>/Midnightriders/22244 <-WNB talking about purchasing a static VPN - fucking busted

>agreed. i could bankroll virtual pvt svr but the perimeter protection would have to be full retard, and i aint bankroll’n dat


>so when will burner acct be up?


>NB has it. He here?


>email account. We need a burner email account to send off PW/SN to



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5d201d  No.12503585

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

House ERUPTS When Matt Gaetz Screams at Dems for Encouraging Lighting Cities on Fire


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81895a  No.12503586


She believes a white mask is white privilege so she covered it with a black mask

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b57a1d  No.12503587


Huntsville is where Marshall Space Flight Center is.

Austin doesn't have one, although JSC isn't far.

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000000  No.12503588


It is the lobbyists that write the laws.

Who pays the lobbyists?

the 1%

your idea isn't logical in the 'west'

it is a 'eastern' way of thinking

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b49e2e  No.12503589


Also, this anon been around since early Nov 2017 - /CBTS/.

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835d5c  No.12503590

[They] can shove their unity and healing up their asses.

It's a reckoning we seek.

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81994b  No.12503591

File: b1f9b45b3ece997⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1112x814, 556:407, ClipboardImage.png)

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96fff7  No.12503592

File: fef0abb4cafb846⋯.jpg (60.08 KB, 581x430, 581:430, 48hrsIIIII.jpg)

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6062f6  No.12503593


>Big Tech is insured tax breaks by Congress I suspect but now Big Tech can blackmail all of them.







99% tax on the 1%

99% tax on the 1%

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99% tax on the 1%

99% tax on the 1%

99% tax on the 1%

99% tax on the 1%

99% tax on the 1%

99% tax on the 1%

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3c9484  No.12503594


Tablets are fucking useless buy two in ones.

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37ae6c  No.12503595


I pray for miracles all the time, and I actually get them sometimes. I've been praying for justice since 2013 and then, eventually, along came Q.

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e75fe4  No.12503596


>General Milley's statement (signed by several top brass) about the duty of the military is true

isn't that fake?

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61cfc5  No.12503597

File: 54cba9198d88b28⋯.png (143.54 KB, 800x372, 200:93, 9999.png)

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d0d67d  No.12503598


One is for the ugly.

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f03b97  No.12503599

{North Anna}_{Surry} > Clear.


On Guard.

[1] OWL [1]

Happy Hunting!

ID verifies.


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78b2d3  No.12503600

File: bece7ebcade19ea⋯.jpg (60.57 KB, 804x803, 804:803, bece7ebcade19ea9f9d2fdb930….jpg)

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b3a8e1  No.12503601

If hear another Democrat say, "Our Democracy" one more time.. Jesus. We are a Constitutional Republic.

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5d201d  No.12503602


>I really wish some R would stand up and say they are going to take a page out of the D playbook and say.


>House ERUPTS When Matt Gaetz Screams at Dems for Encouraging Lighting Cities on Fire

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000000  No.12503603

>>12503580 jew, note ID, track

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5d4e40  No.12503604


Don't kid yourself. there are individuals in all of the community groups that will betray if it really comes down to it.

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c3d80d  No.12503605

McCarthy betrays trump wth?

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2a666c  No.12503606

So Trump did win California!

That alone flips the election!!

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694ba3  No.12503607

File: c99958bcfa60cf0⋯.jpg (58.26 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, luf.jpg)



Because you come on too strong which gives them the out so they take it.

There's a better more powerful approach, but you have to tone it down to get the results you're after.

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658e1e  No.12503608


She's pretty

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a84d57  No.12503609

File: 1328296d32bbeb6⋯.png (627.77 KB, 966x543, 322:181, ClipboardImage.png)

another SHIT stain on the state of TEXAS.

Fucking dumb ass GINGER

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000000  No.12503610


jus stahp!

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214d75  No.12503611

File: 6d48e0a0715f574⋯.jpeg (62.45 KB, 622x537, 622:537, 90587490_F990_4B2F_A7BC_9….jpeg)

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13dda1  No.12503612

File: 806492a5e7d0354⋯.png (575.63 KB, 691x710, 691:710, classic.png)


This jew thinks calling everyone else a jew will make everyone else think it's not the jews.

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561b19  No.12503613


Trips or GTFO

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f247d2  No.12503614

The #1 Reason Why 'The Plan' Must Be Real:

The child trafficking victims.

There's NO WAY 'they' are going to let hundreds of thousands of kids DIE over the next 4 years, just so Trump can come in in 2024 and 'fix it then'.

If this is truly about stopping kidfucking satanists, it needs to end in 7 days. PERIOD.

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000000  No.12503615


Once again ABCU (Me) is not comms or WR.

But ok.

Keep it up!

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bcdc00  No.12503616

File: 7ec31704252e957⋯.png (137.35 KB, 400x400, 1:1, pepe_pissed.png)

"President Trump incited his white supremacist followers to siege the Capital and attack democracy."

I seriously can't listen to these treasonous lying scumbags any longer. It's time for the military to hold these pieces of human shit accountable for their actions.

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620dc6  No.12503617



self fulfilling chaos profit

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06b657  No.12503618

File: 682db6557443fcb⋯.png (366.38 KB, 714x409, 714:409, ClipboardImage.png)

8 months now

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1fd091  No.12503619


Too many niggers

They don’t understand

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182972  No.12503620


Turkey neck McConnell was on Telly today all gooble, gooble about Trump

Couple moar shots of adrenachrome and he should completely turn into a Turkey

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b3acc5  No.12503621

>>12503581 Everyones bought off or blackmailed it seems.

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e62c38  No.12503622


another anon q?

north annapolis?

anything happening there?

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218301  No.12503623

File: c6c26b4df1b0347⋯.jpg (378.96 KB, 925x685, 185:137, timestampmatrixest.jpg)


ok so here is what i have so far

this is the timestamps in eastern time

for an example in this image i just highlighted anything that was off the 00:30:00 or 00:00:00 mark

but there are other things we need to look for

noticed several sets of mirror digits in both time zone formats

also i'm wondering if the seconds might be markers

seemed to notice a lot of DS shithheads on posts ending in :01 seconds but all the posts are government people so who knows

don't know how to post a spreadsheet here so i'll try to paste the text in following posts

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b7e7ea  No.12503624


fake/gay per Bannon

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b6796f  No.12503625


Thanks from another elder anon!

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13dda1  No.12503626

File: a962022dc62d2c9⋯.jpg (125.99 KB, 720x663, 240:221, _03.jpg)

File: dbba1269b16e842⋯.jpg (470.9 KB, 1185x1325, 237:265, _04.jpg)

File: 4ea52d1c43cc3d7⋯.jpg (339.5 KB, 820x1446, 410:723, _05.jpg)

File: 89c5cc9cb255bc2⋯.jpg (48.5 KB, 300x220, 15:11, _06.jpg)


why not post the rest?

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b4d2eb  No.12503627


The only play Dems have to that will ge the race card. Diversity of options is something they don't have.

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000000  No.12503628



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72297b  No.12503629

File: 29802f62ce71170⋯.jpg (11.49 KB, 213x255, 71:85, Eagle_storm.jpg)


shills in panic

big tech in panic

big pharma in panic

media in panic

globalist banks in panic

vatican in panic

deep state fascists in panic

congress in panic

muh Supreme Court in panic

davos crowd in panic

pedos in panic

satanists in panic

CCP shrimp dick chinks in panic


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9b9852  No.12503630

File: dd3c861238e4765⋯.png (278.67 KB, 700x453, 700:453, WWG1WGA_oath.png)

WRWY 45.



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658e1e  No.12503631


>North Anna

That is Lake Anna which has a nuclear power plant. I have been there many times.

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dcb6c1  No.12503632

>>12503032 OP

>>12503068 Dough

#15963@500 Notables

>>12503152 PF Report

>>12503158 All of us @US_CYBERCOM civilian or uniformed, have taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution

>>12503177 , >>12503202 GA Senators That Backed #StopTheSteal Punished by Crooked GOP Lt. Gov


>>12503199 , >>12503216 , >>12503249 Vaccination leaked documents (need sauce link)

>>12503207, >>12503317 , >>12503356 PF Report - Department of Energy helicopter is now making many passes over DC

>>12503249 The US Space Command announced they will not locate their HQ in Austin due to the city’s efforts to defund police. The command will be located in Alabama.

>>12503264 , >>12503296 Two known Antifa members posed as pro-Trump to infiltrate Capitol protest

>>12503293 Correlation of State of Emergency

>>12503469 NY Dem Accused of ‘Strangling Wife’ Turns Himself In to Authorities

>>12503509 US Space Command site to be located in Huntsville, Alabama


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78b2d3  No.12503633


>this jew

>calling everyone else a jew

you've reached peak jew.


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ab704d  No.12503634

So…when the Military comes out in a couple days informing the Nation that due the Constitutional requirements of 'the Military' to protect the Nation against ALL enemies foreign and domestic, a Temporary Military Government has been installed and that due the massive evidence of TREASON there will be a full, forensic audit of ALL ballots to ensure an HONEST election will be held and that ALL ballots will be examined and re-counted and that any ballots already illegally destroyed will NOT be counted…what do you think the libturds will do?

When that same Military Government then informs the world that Yes, massive TREASON and ELECTION FRAUD, with the assistance of several foreign countries and entities, was committed and that the stated results of the Election are void and the real victor was Donald J. Trump…what will the globalist scum and their paid TRAITORS the demonrats and republidems, do then?

When the Military THEN informs the world as to the TRAITORS already arrested and undergoing Military Tribunals for TREASON…how many demonrats and republidems do you suspect will still be 'free?'

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182c63  No.12503635

File: 4798f4773a375a7⋯.png (511.89 KB, 1310x762, 655:381, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 613b4c7f1874748⋯.png (71.56 KB, 315x315, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>Pepe was arrested yesterday in New York

A message?

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bb2ed4  No.12503636


Not locking us OUT……locking them IN.

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0378fb  No.12503637

File: 5469251346fa6f4⋯.jpeg (148.16 KB, 558x375, 186:125, 7_genders.jpeg)


I use a tablet for out and about on free wifi.

I use a spanking brand new laptop for all the other shit.

I'm good.

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cf31b6  No.12503638


Some messages are not for anons.

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81895a  No.12503639

File: 4beae05426ecac5⋯.png (11.38 KB, 792x206, 396:103, ClipboardImage.png)



Hive mind of no sauce.

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000000  No.12503640

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e75fe4  No.12503641


agreed. for all their talk about kids they have had 4 years to expose them all and have refused

can't wait to see them explain to all the parents why joe biden is a good idea

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a84d57  No.12503642

File: bbf54988411a8f4⋯.png (609.46 KB, 966x543, 322:181, ClipboardImage.png)

This fucking dumb pedophile GINGER little boy loving nigger nigger nigger cunt can get fucked.

Another shit stain on the state of TEXAS

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d618bc  No.12503643


>Doug Collins for Governor.





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ebf9c2  No.12503644


Yeah, that's kind of the problem now. We've realized we have no voice or say anymore. It's officially a tyranny.

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218301  No.12503645


timestamps in est:

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13

1 08:00:10 08:00:00 08:00:02 08:00:05 08:00:12 08:00:05 15:47:41 06:00:24 08:00:01 08:00:04 08:00:07 08:00:03 08:00:04

2 08:30:00 08:30:00 08:30:00 08:31:07 08:30:00 08:30:00 16:07:26 06:30:20 08:30:00 08:30:00 08:30:00 08:30:00 08:30:00

3 09:00:00 09:00:01 09:00:01 09:01:42 09:00:00 09:00:01 16:32:15 06:45:49 09:00:01 09:00:01 09:00:03 09:00:00 09:00:01

4 09:30:07 09:30:05 09:30:00 09:35:10 09:30:00 09:30:00 17:00:13 07:00:33 09:30:07 09:30:00 09:30:00 09:02:27 09:30:00

5 10:00:04 10:00:01 10:00:01 10:00:02 10:00:00 10:00:00 17:15:14 07:30:27 09:30:08 10:00:01 10:00:00 09:30:00 10:00:00

6 10:20:27 10:30:00 10:30:00 10:30:30 10:30:00 10:30:00 17:30:05 07:45:21 10:00:18 10:30:00 10:30:00 10:00:00 10:30:00

7 10:40:00 11:00:00 11:00:01 11:00:14 11:00:00 11:00:02 17:45:03 08:00:29 10:30:11 11:00:00 11:00:01 11:00:01 11:00:01

8 11:17:19 11:30:00 11:15:00 11:30:32 11:30:00 11:30:00 18:00:10 08:30:00 11:00:01 11:30:00 11:32:59 11:30:00 11:30:00

9 11:30:00 12:00:18 11:30:00 12:00:18 12:00:01 12:00:00 18:15:02 09:00:00 11:30:05 12:00:01 12:00:00 12:00:01 12:00:02

10 12:00:24 12:30:00 12:00:00 12:30:00 12:30:00 12:30:00 18:30:04 09:30:00 12:00:21 12:30:00 12:30:00 12:30:00 12:30:00

11 12:30:00 13:00:16 12:30:00 13:00:00 13:00:01 13:00:00 19:00:10 10:00:01 12:30:05 13:00:37 13:00:00 13:00:02 13:00:01

12 13:01:24 13:30:00 13:00:00 13:30:00 13:30:00 13:30:00 19:15:02 10:30:00 13:00:18 13:30:00 13:30:00 13:39:18 13:30:00

13 13:30:00 14:00:00 13:30:00 14:00:00 14:00:01 14:00:01 19:30:04 11:00:01 13:30:00 14:00:00 14:00:01 14:05:46 14:00:01

14 14:00:01 14:30:00 14:00:01 14:32:11 14:30:00 14:30:00 19:45:02 11:30:00 14:00:00 14:30:00 14:30:00 14:30:00 14:30:00

15 14:30:00 15:00:00 15:00:00 15:00:01 15:00:00 15:00:02 20:00:07 11:34:16 14:30:06 15:00:00 15:00:00 15:00:00 15:00:01

16 15:00:01 15:30:00 15:31:08 15:30:00 15:30:00 18:16:09 20:15:02 12:00:01 15:01:32 15:30:00 15:49:06 15:30:00

17 15:30:00 16:00:00 15:31:08 16:00:01 16:30:00 18:16:10 20:30:04 12:11:21 15:01:32 16:00:00 16:00:00 16:00:00

18 16:02:40 16:30:04 16:00:00 16:30:00 16:59:52 18:16:10 20:45:02 12:30:00 15:30:00 16:30:00 16:04:38 16:30:00

19 16:30:00 17:00:00 16:30:00 17:00:00 17:15:00 21:00:06 12:31:27 16:00:14 17:00:00 16:30:00 17:00:00

20 17:00:15 17:30:00 17:00:01 17:30:00 17:30:00 21:15:03 12:33:02 16:10:05 17:30:00 17:00:00 17:30:00

21 17:00:16 17:30:00 18:00:01 21:30:04 13:00:00 16:30:00 18:00:01 17:30:00 18:00:00

22 17:30:00 18:00:00 18:30:00 13:03:33 17:00:00 18:30:00 18:00:01 18:00:01

23 18:00:00 18:30:00 19:00:00 13:30:00 17:15:00 19:00:00 18:56:23

24 18:30:00 19:30:04 14:00:00 17:30:00 23:44:18

25 19:00:30 20:00:07 14:30:00

26 19:00:31 20:30:00 15:02:55

27 19:30:00 15:02:55

28 20:00:06 15:30:00

29 20:30:04 15:50:59

30 21:00:00 16:00:00

31 19:00:16

32 19:30:00

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ce525b  No.12503646


There’s no way this person knows who is on a sealed Indictment…pure speculation and I call horseshit. Just because they “predicted” cheating doesn’t mean anything. We all knew they would cheat and could make a good guess the winner wouldn’t be announced as Q warned Not another 4 year election. Shit, even podcaster people with nothing to do w Q or this board said that kek!

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9b3739  No.12503647


>{North Anna}_{Surry}

North Anna and Surry, Power Stations - License Renewal Application. Renewed License Issued 03/20/2003. North Anna Facility, Surry Facility.


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000000  No.12503648


I doubt it for our small group of anons.

But you are correct.

Trust no one.

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39cf2a  No.12503649


traitors in Congress are literally shaking

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29be88  No.12503650


one is not enough for all the shit she spews

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1fd091  No.12503651


Listen dummy

Military will be acting soon

On us though

Youll realize your military worship didn’t pay off

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825821  No.12503652


The best laid schemes o' mice an' men

Gang aft a-gley.

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fe770c  No.12503653

Tor is like a newfag badge.

And finklefag.

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188235  No.12503654


Stop watching that garbage.

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61cfc5  No.12503655

File: 8d42dfea3d033c2⋯.png (195.02 KB, 900x418, 450:209, 9998.png)

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027470  No.12503656

File: f681a77377c443d⋯.png (13.54 KB, 644x164, 161:41, ClipboardImage.png)

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dcb6c1  No.12503658


Better approach? To get rid of the only baker willing to put put up with you shitstains on a regular basis and keep the bread flowing.

Go get some notables you dopes.

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b5967a  No.12503659


>It is the lobbyists that write the laws.

>Who pays the lobbyists?

>the 1%

If the 1% don’t have much money then they have no influence

It’s time to level the playing field by taxing 99% rate on the 1%

They wanted socialism didn’t they??


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6c2e28  No.12503660


shitz… 🐶

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13dda1  No.12503661

File: 78829d8e416e5f8⋯.jpg (49.36 KB, 729x453, 243:151, pedo_rabbiii.jpg)



Sure thing Shylock.

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e75fe4  No.12503662

sorry we don't get explanations

we are entitled to any

anyone being chem-trailed today btw?

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d0d67d  No.12503663

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658e1e  No.12503664


Please let me know if Lake Anna nuclear plant is melting down because I am not that far

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cd7cc1  No.12503665

File: c95b17ac9a1d9ed⋯.png (172.22 KB, 599x640, 599:640, Sam_Powers_news.PNG)

File: 31fc52a3de55de3⋯.png (135.85 KB, 1168x1080, 146:135, ErnWTOvXYAE52bZ.png)


Obama 2.0 Gang Bang

President-elect Biden unmasks his choice to head the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

The POS is attempting to stack them deep to no one's surprise.

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d7a3fc  No.12503666


Of course, It is the infamous pedo party

Will they be all wearing their red shoes or one red shoe Tom Hanks!

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fc685d  No.12503667

File: 7b075f674da90d1⋯.jpeg (196.64 KB, 476x1156, 7:17, C744986D_CCB1_40CF_B38B_B….jpeg)

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6dce92  No.12503668



Thank you for the work!!!

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9b3739  No.12503669

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dominion Energy's Nuclear Stations: North Anna and Surry

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c71ff3  No.12503670

File: 1a00ff9d770edfa⋯.png (399.56 KB, 532x745, 532:745, 432dxe2.PNG)

File: de554da693aa658⋯.mp4 (654.28 KB, 780x436, 195:109, de554da693aa658b0fe2b8c12d….mp4)

@SecPompeo to @VOANews - You’ve told everyone who will listen…the truth about the CCP’s atrocities against its own people in Xinjiang – the stain of the century.


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becae3  No.12503671

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e62c38  No.12503672

who was that asshole R from the Dakotas?

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000000  No.12503673


Feel better now?

Got everything off your chest?

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5b2c64  No.12503674



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c3d80d  No.12503675

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Heavy military movement reported in Texas…Tanks!


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620dc6  No.12503676



Ditto on the oldfag

I did it tho ! was able to download the TOR and get in there pretty easy

If I can do it most anyone can

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7b438c  No.12503677

"There are more troops here in Washington DC than in Afghanistan. And they are here to protect us from our Commander in Chief."

Rep Moulton -MA (D)

TOP KEK, idiot.

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218301  No.12503678



timestamps in utc

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13

1 13:00:10 13:00:00 13:00:02 13:00:05 13:00:12 13:00:05 20:47:41 11:00:24 13:00:01 13:00:04 13:00:07 13:00:03 13:00:04

2 13:30:00 13:30:00 13:30:00 13:31:07 13:30:00 13:30:00 21:07:26 11:30:20 13:30:00 13:30:00 13:30:00 13:30:00 13:30:00

3 14:00:00 14:00:01 14:00:01 14:01:42 14:00:00 14:00:01 21:32:15 11:45:49 14:00:01 14:00:01 14:00:03 14:00:00 14:00:01

4 14:30:07 14:30:05 14:30:00 14:35:10 14:30:00 14:30:00 22:00:13 12:00:33 14:30:07 14:30:00 14:30:00 14:02:27 14:30:00

5 15:00:04 15:00:01 15:00:01 15:00:02 15:00:00 15:00:00 22:15:14 12:30:27 14:30:08 15:00:01 15:00:00 14:30:00 15:00:00

6 15:20:27 15:30:00 15:30:00 15:30:30 15:30:00 15:30:00 22:30:05 12:45:21 15:00:18 15:30:00 15:30:00 15:00:00 15:30:00

7 15:40:00 16:00:00 16:00:01 16:00:14 16:00:00 16:00:02 22:45:03 13:00:29 15:30:11 16:00:00 16:00:01 16:00:01 16:00:01

8 16:17:19 16:30:00 16:15:00 16:30:32 16:30:00 16:30:00 23:00:10 13:30:00 16:00:01 16:30:00 16:32:59 16:30:00 16:30:00

9 16:30:00 17:00:18 16:30:00 17:00:18 17:00:01 17:00:00 23:15:02 14:00:00 16:30:05 17:00:01 17:00:00 17:00:01 17:00:02

10 17:00:24 17:30:00 17:00:00 17:30:00 17:30:00 17:30:00 23:30:04 14:30:00 17:00:21 17:30:00 17:30:00 17:30:00 17:30:00

11 17:30:00 18:00:16 17:30:00 18:00:00 18:00:01 18:00:00 00:00:10 15:00:01 17:30:05 18:00:37 18:00:00 18:00:02 18:00:01

12 18:01:24 18:30:00 18:00:00 18:30:00 18:30:00 18:30:00 00:15:02 15:30:00 18:00:18 18:30:00 18:30:00 18:39:18 18:30:00

13 18:30:00 19:00:00 18:30:00 19:00:00 19:00:01 19:00:01 00:30:04 16:00:01 18:30:00 19:00:00 19:00:01 19:05:46 19:00:01

14 19:00:01 19:30:00 19:00:01 19:32:11 19:30:00 19:30:00 00:45:02 16:30:00 19:00:00 19:30:00 19:30:00 19:30:00 19:30:00

15 19:30:00 20:00:00 20:00:00 20:00:01 20:00:00 20:00:02 01:00:07 16:34:16 19:30:06 20:00:00 20:00:00 20:00:00 20:00:01

16 20:00:01 20:30:00 20:31:08 20:30:00 20:30:00 23:16:09 01:15:02 17:00:01 20:01:32 20:30:00 20:49:06 20:30:00

17 20:30:00 21:00:00 20:31:08 21:00:01 21:30:00 23:16:10 01:30:04 17:11:21 20:01:32 21:00:00 21:00:00 21:00:00

18 21:02:40 21:30:04 21:00:00 21:30:00 21:59:52 23:16:10 01:45:02 17:30:00 20:30:00 21:30:00 21:04:38 21:30:00

19 21:30:00 22:00:00 21:30:00 22:00:00 22:15:00 02:00:06 17:31:27 21:00:14 22:00:00 21:30:00 22:00:00

20 22:00:15 22:30:00 22:00:01 22:30:00 22:30:00 02:15:03 17:33:02 21:10:05 22:30:00 22:00:00 22:30:00

21 22:00:16 22:30:00 23:00:01 02:30:04 18:00:00 21:30:00 23:00:01 22:30:00 23:00:00

22 22:30:00 23:00:00 23:30:00 18:03:33 22:00:00 23:30:00 23:00:01 23:00:01

23 23:00:00 23:30:00 00:00:00 18:30:00 22:15:00 00:00:00 23:56:23

24 23:30:00 00:30:04 19:00:00 22:30:00 04:44:18

25 00:00:30 01:00:07 19:30:00

26 00:00:31 01:30:00 20:02:55

27 00:30:00 20:02:55

28 01:00:06 20:30:00

29 01:30:04 20:50:59

30 02:00:00 21:00:00

31 00:00:16

32 00:30:00

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000000  No.12503679



damn fine work you got there anon

wish this anon could help decypher it

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f91e04  No.12503680


> Home Depot co-founder Ken Langone feels ‘betrayed’ by Trump over riots

Quite Dracula.

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61cfc5  No.12503681

File: e89b8e1b4f60758⋯.png (237.96 KB, 1000x464, 125:58, 9997.png)

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d618bc  No.12503682

File: 584499fe6edd207⋯.jpg (38.62 KB, 749x323, 749:323, PANIC_Washington_Monument_….jpg)

Listening to the Congressional debate, they're trying mightily to own what does and does not constitute "insurrection". Their fear is palpable.

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c71ff3  No.12503683

File: 2dc190605e88354⋯.mp4 (790.91 KB, 640x360, 16:9, O2tilr4M4NkNiYzm.mp4)

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672d48  No.12503684


Almost the shape of the US.

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bcdc00  No.12503685

File: 65f6abc60612c0a⋯.png (481.77 KB, 695x500, 139:100, hahahahahaha.png)


Q never said anything about a continuation in 2024. That is shill talk and what the MSM is reporting. Are we really supposed to believe that the MSM is actually telling the truth now on this?


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0f9af0  No.12503686

File: 444e3cda7783158⋯.png (574.22 KB, 652x706, 326:353, Capture.PNG)

They got Pepe.


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000000  No.12503687

>>12502365 (lb)

> "The peaceful transition of power is one of our nation's founding principles and is necessary for our country to move forward. Now is the time to come together as one nation, united in the peaceful pursuit of our common democratic purpose."

Sounds like he conceded to me.

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edcd64  No.12503688


It's the latest trend. I've seen some people doing that out in public. Local schools in my area are *heavily recommending* that teachers do that as well.

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214d75  No.12503689

WHOA! Just got back from a time jump. President Trump and First Lady Melanie announced the birth of a baby boy named Q.

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2c6b22  No.12503690

File: 7d3449d4410bbaf⋯.png (3.61 MB, 1200x1499, 1200:1499, ClipboardImage.png)

What (past) President was REALLY encouraging insurrection?

They aren't going to be able to walk back all their hyperventilating when its proven Obama directed all this from his shadow Presidency.

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81994b  No.12503691


Sure seems like it to me.

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8b3260  No.12503692


You disgusting piece of shit. GTFOH. Filtered.

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000000  No.12503693


RVA fag?

Sup muh nigger?

Radiation = flavor crystals


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78b2d3  No.12503694

File: af4f695de00fcb2⋯.png (108.08 KB, 184x344, 23:43, af4f695de00fcb2a62f644e00a….png)


>you're a jew

>anyone who calls anons jews is a jew

That's you, jidf kike.

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1fd091  No.12503695


Of you were me

What country would you make for just now?

Italy perhaps?

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e62c38  No.12503696


thanks for all your work, anon,

Sometimes the tedious work done like this doesn't get the appreciation it deserves.

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3005dc  No.12503697


So you will be leaving now?

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39cf2a  No.12503698

File: 4c422b7a0b199b2⋯.jpg (80.52 KB, 800x542, 400:271, tyrannymadosn.jpg)

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9b3739  No.12503699

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977ed0  No.12503700


Distinct lack of commas makes it ambiguous. Could be read either way without the needed punctuation.

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5d4e40  No.12503701


>I doubt it for our small group of anons.

time changes all things

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0fd637  No.12503702


>Please let me know if Lake Anna nuclear plant is melting down because I am not that far

It was good knowing you, anon.

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e75fe4  No.12503703



thank you anon and I don't believe a word of it to be honest.

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1f5073  No.12503704

File: 8b2e279429bd054⋯.jpg (568.53 KB, 816x1145, 816:1145, bc43f2c6be24bb455f868634a0….jpg)

File: c7d72bfc1658a24⋯.jpg (90.15 KB, 545x649, 545:649, eb0f34d3ded5bf86fc0b620165….jpg)

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13dda1  No.12503705

File: 133d1723e0dfc95⋯.png (798.59 KB, 1022x1000, 511:500, cantmakethisshitup.png)


>jidf kike.

But I thought you said jidf didn't exist?

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560943  No.12503706


these are fucking awesome kek

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62c650  No.12503707





>House ERUPTS When Matt Gaetz Screams at Dems for Encouraging Lighting Cities on Fire

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ebf9c2  No.12503708


We can all pray for this to happen.

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6a8dea  No.12503709


when not.



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5e5a54  No.12503710


20% on the high side

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7e51ba  No.12503711

File: fec57f7b6e59db9⋯.png (415.83 KB, 845x516, 845:516, Screen_Shot_2021_01_13_at_….png)


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5c1d90  No.12503712

File: f22ec9b629daabb⋯.jpg (63.59 KB, 719x412, 719:412, trump_putin_kim_jong_un_tu….jpg)


I can merge these if u want

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9cfab6  No.12503713

>>12503068 <TY Baker

>>12503131 < Love that meme. There are those that will take part in whatever operation it is called that will also work anonymously.

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6ad6f0  No.12503714

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b6796f  No.12503715


Traitors should be arrested and all evidence (including human trafficking etc.) should be made public. All on live feed.

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000000  No.12503716

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>jidf kike.

This is their best schtick yet kmao.

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7a2cd6  No.12503717

File: 4219a5910c7e758⋯.gif (899.24 KB, 477x339, 159:113, tumblr_m5417viTnp1qhi49bo1….gif)

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563be4  No.12503718

File: 122ce45f7e70eb6⋯.jpeg (1.01 MB, 2109x1187, 2109:1187, 67E40232_0DF5_4BAA_BAE8_7….jpeg)



>>12503002 lb

Was the correct post. Damned typo.

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734079  No.12503719

File: c2e0027f4d41b80⋯.jpg (82.54 KB, 780x438, 130:73, another_notch.jpg)

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218301  No.12503720

File: 626a3d0e8b36134⋯.jpg (361.8 KB, 875x662, 875:662, timestampmatrixutc.jpg)


same image but utc

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887605  No.12503721

File: 464deb98e48d586⋯.jpeg (166.69 KB, 1022x1022, 1:1, iu_620.jpeg)



"USCYBERCOM plans, coordinates, integrates, synchronizes and conducts activities to: direct the operations and defense of specified Department of Defense information networks and; prepare to, and when directed, conduct full spectrum military cyberspace operations in order to enable actions in all domains, ensure US/Allied freedom of action in cyberspace and deny the same to our adversaries."


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76db52  No.12503722


I have a tablet. But I don't have access to internet or wifi. Currently live in someone else's home and not an option for me.

Would this work? I've thought of changing my senior phone plan to one that gives me a hot spot.

Can I use Tor on a tablet tethered to my cellular data?

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dd0bd2  No.12503723

File: d2753494f4082df⋯.jpg (75.1 KB, 480x270, 16:9, 62gjBZX.jpg)

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548826  No.12503724


Anything to do with this plane crash?


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cd7cc1  No.12503725


How do we locate SECONDS timestamps for Tweets beyond QAgg for POTUS??

What site verifies?

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000000  No.12503726


This is very true. ALSO money.

I have witnessed this is several communities.

Over my many years on the chans and other services.

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7a2cd6  No.12503727

File: 6606d73382eca99⋯.jpg (45.27 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 12.JPG)

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693649  No.12503728

Can someone explain to me why BLM/Antifa are there right now at the Capital protesting??

What in the fuck are they protesting??

They got the fraudulent president in and now they are in the process of impeaching the current, much hated by them, president. So what's the protest for???

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4f5bd4  No.12503729

The clown show infiltrated and tried to keep tabs on 'Everything'.

Looks like you missed quite a great many things.

Your master is still proud of your upheaval but the toughest question you need to ask yourselves: Did he even care or were you used just to be worthlessly destroyed in the processes you helped usher in and bolster?

Lashing out at your fellow man is a fool's errand.

Hard questions remain.

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78b2d3  No.12503730

File: 669107fa6a24d7b⋯.png (80.84 KB, 144x300, 12:25, 669107fa6a24d7be17d0ef9ef8….png)


>I thought you said jidf didn't exist?

Where did I say that, rabbi?

typical jew, gaslighting anons.

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bc86e7  No.12503731

File: f53363e643badbc⋯.png (1.03 MB, 934x666, 467:333, ClipboardImage.png)

moar purple.

SO childish

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049d0b  No.12503732

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1d9b35  No.12503733

File: cdf756ff119759f⋯.jpg (267.3 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, doug_jensen.jpg)

This guy is BLM not Maga and was arrested in Portland in August

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000000  No.12503734


>>If hear another Democrat say, "Our Democracy" one more time.. Jesus. We are a Constitutional Republic.

When they say "a threat to our democracy" they are correct. They are talking about themselves in congress which IS a democracy where the majority rules over the minority. They are NOT talking about the rest of us which is a Constitutional Republic.

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3c1ebd  No.12503735


> Justice

Wait for it….

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4d9266  No.12503736


Go check it out

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d7a3fc  No.12503737

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6cdbbd  No.12503738

>>12502159 (pb)

We had a wild storm here in PNW last night, not really surprised to see the outages, many poles down and things got fucked up in general. Doesn't seem coordinated.

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561b19  No.12503739


Or some smuck creating false hope, or trying to be a copycat Q. Trust but verify, right? People zoning in on fake shit isn't helpful, and even if not meant for us…people will take it and run with it.

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3759b2  No.12503740


He's saying we're fucked.

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694ba3  No.12503741


If there is legit sauce that a Baker is compd then bring it in a civilized manner to the board.

Nobody on QR is a sacred cow.

Doodle is a powerhouse of a Baker - he dgaf about the noise you don't see him reeeeeeeeing do you?

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ce525b  No.12503742



This is the same video people were passing around last weekend saying it was in New Jersey

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e62c38  No.12503743

It's a good thing the Ds are specifying that they are impeaching Trump for the riots that occurred on Jan 6th and not the ones that occurred earlier when all the libs were rioting.

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2a666c  No.12503744


There is no sauce to be had at this point fren, only discernment and faith.

Eagle is airborne.

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bda231  No.12503745


Not at all. If they were that uptight, religious wise, there is no way she would be dressing like that. She is Latino. She was a beautiful girl.

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944770  No.12503746

File: 21ed41c90d95f8f⋯.png (232.18 KB, 694x453, 694:453, Screenshot_from_2021_01_13….png)

File: 61fb68c14110e10⋯.png (280.38 KB, 671x523, 671:523, Screenshot_from_2021_01_13….png)

File: 102b625bcffb576⋯.png (407.48 KB, 779x520, 779:520, Screenshot_from_2021_01_13….png)

Live the swamp

was looking for a chimp out feed

found this faggot


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edcd64  No.12503747


Allegedly the U.S. Navy hospital ship that was briefly stationed near New York City back in the spring was really for rescued trafficked children.

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8b3260  No.12503748


What is this?

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b6796f  No.12503749



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5e3b13  No.12503750

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d96b9a  No.12503751

Biden must assume office to solidify their crimes, and seal their fate

Potus drops the Declas on the 19th & Military takes it from there, public awakening, truth.

They're scrambling for the impeachment so he can't serve his NEXT term, of which he will be duly elected by all Americans (now awake) save for 4-6%-ers

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7e51ba  No.12503752

File: 55611b0d9644cd7⋯.png (181.26 KB, 555x428, 555:428, muhjooshills_filter.png)


soooooo comfy!

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72297b  No.12503753

File: 2977d8025098ec7⋯.png (6.52 MB, 2001x1125, 667:375, Obama_cigg.png)

File: 7ab9d0a3cb3e160⋯.jpg (198.06 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Marxist_Plan.jpg)




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cd244b  No.12503754


So are you using the Ellis Island version that term, or the other version, referring to Eastern European Jews?

Just wondering.


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dd0bd2  No.12503755



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1d1627  No.12503756

File: 5eb6c7b7876a310⋯.jpg (13.83 KB, 241x255, 241:255, pepeclown.jpg)

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9f544b  No.12503757


This proves who is in control of Twitter. Normal network lag would force half of these to be off by a second or two.

Having 95% hit exactly when you want them to hit?


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838c09  No.12503758


She was pretty.

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d5a69b  No.12503759

File: 7ce3e29caf8631f⋯.jpeg (145.48 KB, 828x652, 207:163, 6414ACBD_1102_46DC_8919_A….jpeg)

File: f788e5203a971e7⋯.jpeg (503.45 KB, 828x1180, 207:295, B28CB139_DE70_4D50_B399_8….jpeg)

File: dc3ee9aa6b2a7ae⋯.jpeg (779.09 KB, 828x1339, 828:1339, 5C3E888B_F534_4714_A853_C….jpeg)

File: 6b4d92497310ccd⋯.jpeg (513.49 KB, 828x1360, 207:340, 9B2CA521_4A6B_429C_9B5F_8….jpeg)

File: c1101413fedcc81⋯.jpeg (480.73 KB, 828x1394, 414:697, 3587B16F_CE63_414A_B0D8_6….jpeg)

TIA - Total Information Awareness [DARPA]?



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000000  No.12503760


> 9ec4c12949a4f31474f299058ce2b22a

md5 hash equivalent of the USCYBERCOM mission statement

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d0b37b  No.12503761

File: 0c5dc3be44eb747⋯.png (269.61 KB, 739x464, 739:464, wakeup6.png)

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000000  No.12503762


Not anymore fren.

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bcdc00  No.12503763


No, he is saying that the left's narrative the Biden won is fucked, and won't hold up.

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a84d57  No.12503764

File: a422161fe56f66f⋯.png (622.57 KB, 966x543, 322:181, ClipboardImage.png)


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825821  No.12503765

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Of you were me

>What country would you make for just now?

>Italy perhaps?

I ain't you and I ain't fucking going anywhere. This is my country. My ancestors died for this place.

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6ac964  No.12503766


Wow this guy

seriously retarded.

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5a7296  No.12503767

File: 38362f217aebc4b⋯.jpg (290.19 KB, 1024x633, 1024:633, night_shift.jpg)

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6c2e28  No.12503768

File: 6c5699dfe6bddef⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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372f23  No.12503769

File: 269aa7b2af17c8e⋯.png (183.47 KB, 326x382, 163:191, anglo.PNG)

Have anons reached any consensus as to what the marker *D5* means? Other than December 5th.

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6cdbbd  No.12503770


>Or just do what the fuck you want

This anon gets it.

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a06dfc  No.12503771


another tragic COVID death. SAD

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007d60  No.12503772

File: b73fbe240fa65a3⋯.png (216.94 KB, 1773x842, 1773:842, Screen_Shot_2021_01_13_at_….png)

File: 46dd73c25e8a001⋯.png (212.36 KB, 770x726, 35:33, Screen_Shot_2021_01_13_at_….png)

File: 81df6fdcdea5bbd⋯.png (89.72 KB, 1202x575, 1202:575, Screen_Shot_2021_01_13_at_….png)

Pfizer / BioNTech's Stolen Vaccine Data Leaked Online

Appears to be mirror here but I ain't clicking that shiiiiiit:

It seems that even cyber-criminal forums decided to join the censorship madness and prune every trail of this post.

No matter if this is truth or not, everyone should be able to read it and analyze himself. So, here is the mirror: https://anonfiles.com/31yace9bpb/-rGv_zip


Hackers seek to discredit this vaccine, accusing the two companies of "incredible fraud".

The hackers who, in December, managed to steal regulatory documents for the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine from the servers of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) , have just taken action. These data were indeed published online, explains the organization in a press release, without further details.

These leaks obviously started at the end of December. Bleeping Computer detected messages on several hacker forums with download links. The objective of this leak is obviously to discredit the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine, accused of an “incredible fraud” by hackers.

According to sources at Bleeping Computer, this data contains screenshots of emails, evaluation comments from MEA members, as well as Word, PDF and PowerPoint documents. For its part, the AEM had specified that the hackers had only accessed "a limited number" of documents which were stored in a specific application.

Sauce - https://www.01net.com/actualites/les-donnees-volees-sur-le-vaccin-de-pfizerbiontech-fuitent-sur-la-toile-2028502.html



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06b657  No.12503773

is there a way to detect green screen use online?

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bda231  No.12503774


That is one piece of gore that makes me want to vomit.

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81895a  No.12503775


> BLM/Antifa

They don't go anywhere without being paid.

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dcb6c1  No.12503776

>>12503032 OP

>>12503068 Dough

#15963 FINAL Notables

>>12503152 PF Report

>>12503158 All of us @US_CYBERCOM civilian or uniformed, have taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution

>>12503177 , >>12503202 GA Senators That Backed #StopTheSteal Punished by Crooked GOP Lt. Gov


>>12503199 , >>12503216 , >>12503249 Vaccination leaked documents (need sauce link)

>>12503207, >>12503317 , >>12503356 PF Report - Department of Energy helicopter is now making many passes over DC

>>12503249 The US Space Command announced they will not locate their HQ in Austin due to the city’s efforts to defund police. The command will be located in Alabama.

>>12503264 , >>12503296 Two known Antifa members posed as pro-Trump to infiltrate Capitol protest

>>12503293 Correlation of State of Emergency

>>12503469 NY Dem Accused of ‘Strangling Wife’ Turns Himself In to Authorities

>>12503509 US Space Command site to be located in Huntsville, Alabama

>>12503670 @SecPompeo to @VOANews - You’ve told everyone who will listen…the truth about the CCP’s atrocities against its own people in Xinjiang – the stain of the century (video)

>>12503585 House ERUPTS When Matt Gaetz Screams at Dems for Encouraging Lighting Cities on Fire

>>12503759 TIA - Total Information Awareness [DARPA]?


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0fb677  No.12503777


Amen, you are not alone.

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13dda1  No.12503778

File: 68569457dd6b47f⋯.png (465.48 KB, 612x688, 153:172, _jew_threa_.png)


>Where did I say that, rabbi?

>typical jew, gaslighting anons.

You say it everyday, and now since it don't work you feel the need to call everyone else jidf like always. You only have so many gimmicks before you start recycling again.

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e62c38  No.12503779

fucker just compared the 6th 'attack' to 9/11

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bc86e7  No.12503780

File: 4d75b94998de776⋯.png (19.14 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 4d75b94998de77619937061f20….png)



But wait, Kevin McCarthy said they were ALL MAGA, NOT Antifa/BLM.

And he knows because he was there.

Q shirt was a nice touch….

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d373ce  No.12503781

File: be474da4e4de59d⋯.png (112.54 KB, 1200x750, 8:5, five_eyes_graphic.png)


Simon Parkes is talking to the REAL Q!

Many of you won't understand (as he says)

But he claims, 'he speaks the truth!'


Simon grew up in a family that had links to British and American intelligence. Simon's mother worked for Mi5, however while she was managed by mi5 she was in reality working for the NSA.

==Simons Grandfather was employed by the Secret Intelligence Service, better known as Mi6 in reality he was reporting to the CIA. Simons Grandfather was also a British Diplomat, holding the position of Vice Consul and then Consul of the British Embassy in Pondicherry (Puducherry) India.

While in India he was awarded the OBE and CBE medals and turned down a Knighthood. In 1936 he was one of - The Wise Men of Twelve - or called The Jury of twelve - who voted on the question

regarding King Edward VIII and if the King should be removed regarding Special Branches uncovering of a Nazi plot to infiltrate the King. ( had nothing to do with wanting to marry a divorcee).

Over a secure teleprinter link he was asked in code . should the King go. or should he stay?

Grandfather voted .GO.

Simons mother raised him herself never re marrying. - from around 1965 until her death in 1979 she worked on secret

documents - which were printed in German and came from the British and American quarters of the then divided Berlin.


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39cf2a  No.12503782

File: 2ce98777bd82b8f⋯.png (267.73 KB, 2214x1608, 369:268, pomptweets.png)

File: b95aaef6b72fa19⋯.png (4.02 MB, 2214x1608, 369:268, pomptweets2.png)

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13dda1  No.12503783

File: 39879f02f01f4d7⋯.png (314.07 KB, 558x447, 186:149, clown05.png)


>soooooo comfy!

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3759b2  No.12503784


FBI says no evidence BLM or Antifa was involved. It doesn't fit the narrative of overthrowing the country for the communists. Got to bust all those flag wavers and people that still believe in the Constitution. The document they took an oath to defend. I guess they all sleep well at night.

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658e1e  No.12503785


thanks anon

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2a17e6  No.12503786


D5 is the highest damage rating for an avalanche

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e62c38  No.12503787

Liz Chaney won't be able to walk down the streets again.

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c71ff3  No.12503788

File: 43ccec3462aafae⋯.mp4 (1.79 MB, 720x720, 1:1, n3IXnftL8sT5rNJo.mp4)

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4b1f85  No.12503789

File: f81fd95f4d7ee0d⋯.jpg (151.53 KB, 720x1170, 8:13, 20210113_133755.jpg)

File: d5f142ae4f2d1ae⋯.jpg (147.31 KB, 720x1119, 240:373, 20210113_133738.jpg)


Seven Charged in Federal Court Following Events At the United Capitol

William Pepe was charged with one count of knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without law authority. Pepe was arrested yesterday in New York.


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501716  No.12503790

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000000  No.12503791



D5 - United States Avalanche Rating Code: D5 is the largest snow avalanche known.

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1d1627  No.12503792


They truly feel like this was their 9/11

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cf31b6  No.12503793


>Trust but verify, right?

Who said anything about trust?

If it is really Q comms, it's nothing to do with me.

If it's not, also nothing to do with me.

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bda231  No.12503794


old shit. how lame

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dcb6c1  No.12503795


I fuckked up big time before and fight to redeem my stupidity. Im all in on our movement and working to that end. That's my story. Anybody else got sauce that isn't the case I'd like to see it…

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fe770c  No.12503796



>What is this?

This my friend.

Is autism.

Welcome to Qresearch.

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71b022  No.12503797


and the enemy has openly stolen and election to add to their MANY CRIMES.

If POTUS hands over power without fucking DYING first,



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6cbcbe  No.12503798

File: bb63ec6a11f13b5⋯.jpg (16.27 KB, 275x255, 55:51, vote_for_good_people_0078.jpg)


it's really out of our hands.

they are individuals and each must be seen as having responsiblity for their own behavior.

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0378fb  No.12503799

File: 56255b5e6881eca⋯.jpg (174.11 KB, 570x429, 190:143, Assange_toots.JPG)


Dubs don't lie.

>Can I use Tor on a tablet tethered to my cellular data?

Not sure about Tor for tablet oldfag, fairly sure they will have that though.

You can use a phone as a 'hot spot'


Turn on tablet, find wifi at neighbors, put on best pensioner voice go to neighbors house "well ever since this covid I haven't been able to keep in touch, if I had wifi, I mean i'd contribute and stuff!" Give them sad pensioner, helpless look.


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027470  No.12503800


Q doesn't use { }. So I am going to go with a no on this one.

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39cf2a  No.12503801

File: 00864fac1b524ea⋯.jpg (47.35 KB, 680x453, 680:453, omartreasoncome_2.jpg)

who's waiting outside to riot?

Future proves past.

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000000  No.12503802


(((They))) are truly stupid "people".

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7e51ba  No.12503803

anon knows this is the after school shift with its cognitive and behavioral challenges and all but can some anon tell anon where we stand?

anon has been away.

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8b3260  No.12503804


Paid to be there then. Why?

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6a6a30  No.12503805

File: 77351ff6f0b70fc⋯.jpg (81.47 KB, 579x603, 193:201, tunnels.JPG)

Do they just tunnel their way everywhere?


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6cbcbe  No.12503806


once again someone else has the same id.

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b8c2f8  No.12503807


Mine also died for freedom

But that’s gone from this place now

I just want to give my little boy a chance to live beyond this impending doomed land

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6cdbbd  No.12503808


D5 = DE = Sleepy Joe

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c4f738  No.12503809


bannon also said Q was fantasy

and the affidavits out of italy were nonsense

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cf31c8  No.12503810

Typical Democrat shills….just like in real life, they go after the messenger and not the message….they know that if they can "Control" the bread they control the board….by that they go after the "Baker" don't let them!!!….Protect our baker, he/she are better people then I am, because I don't want to do the job, I can't do the job..Let the baker bake, you do your job whether it's planefagging, Lawfagging, digging, praying, or memeing, just do your job and let the BAKER do theirs…all those other people 'FUCK OFF!!!!"..

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bc86e7  No.12503811

File: 3579a3323b4d752⋯.jpg (30.43 KB, 414x508, 207:254, 3579a3323b4d752003c5b6166e….jpg)


and I love all of the praise for Traitor Liz Cheney.

All you need to know about her is who her father is.

And sorry asshole, but this wasn't even CLOSE to 9/11 (other than they were both planned by the same people…..)

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55df27  No.12503812


Stahhhp it alreadyy alreadyyyyy

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e774ae  No.12503813


Can you stop posting this bullshit please it's not even true.

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838c09  No.12503814


Larpers gonna larp. I hoped we’d never get to see him after twatter suspended him.

Thank you anon

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06b657  No.12503815

File: c1d16e01bc6f25b⋯.png (176.32 KB, 999x660, 333:220, ClipboardImage.png)



PAIN 17?

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bcdc00  No.12503816

File: 2129969353e6bb2⋯.png (25.81 KB, 473x500, 473:500, pepe_12.png)


They are gaslighting so hard. That alone tells me that even they know that something is happening, and that they are fucked. They think that removing Trump will stop it, but they are so very wrong. NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT'S COMING……NOTHING!

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658e1e  No.12503817


Be right back

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10288b  No.12503818

File: c52e6d4b5de75cb⋯.png (595.4 KB, 721x867, 721:867, ClipboardImage.png)

Marine Corps. Rebukes Pelosi: “WE DON’T WORK FOR YOU!”

“Don’t lecture me on patriotism, Madam Speaker. I’ve served this country with distinction for 40 years. I’ve spilled blood for our nation. What have you, a self-serving elected official, done for your country?” Gen. Berger said.

Pelosi further enraged him by saying he was answerable to Congress.

“I answer only to the president, and as I understand it, Donald J. Trump is still president and commander-in-chief. I abide in the Constitution as it was written, not your interpretation of it,” Gen. Berger admonished Pelosi.

Link: https://realrawnews.com/2021/01/marine-corps-rebukes-pelosi-we-dont-work-for-you/

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b4a7c9  No.12503819



They are trying to inflame further. This is why POTUS said NO NO NO in a statement.

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501716  No.12503820


Looks like the Eastern half of America

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00f7c9  No.12503821

Listen 9/11 is not even a thing anymore but I promise you these faggots didn't even give a shit about it anyway. Just like they don't give a shit about this. Its all lies all the time just to get what they want. Which is anti white racial agitation and dominance over whites. Period.

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691c1f  No.12503822


Can you provide some kind of key or data mapping? It looks interesting, but I have no idea what these values reference.

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000000  No.12503823


Amazing how quickly shit gets prosecuted

When it goes against what [they] want

Or plays into [their] narrative

Months of mayhem in multiple cities and perps getting released with no charges

This FF bullshit

And a week later the hammer drops

Do [they] really think we doen't see these weighted scales

BAD things happen to flase scales

Read a fucking Proverb

It doesn't end well

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5d201d  No.12503824

File: ff9c0c8ee54d815⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1600x1000, 8:5, 1_12_21_EAGLE_IS_FLYING.png)



The Eagle IS Flying!

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4d7ca2  No.12503825




Out Of The Money_On Arrival?

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66c106  No.12503826


that was first

next was complete defunding

a few days ago

That's why the logo change

Why USA removed from logo

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000000  No.12503828


check 'em

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db57e7  No.12503829

File: c291ef4e4496f9e⋯.gif (4.61 MB, 720x430, 72:43, 0D258658_499D_4273_8E34_90….gif)

Trump is [THEIR] only hope.

From not being the next Colonel Gaddafi

Their best chance of survival right now, is in custody.. He is Their saving Grace.

How many citizens can Trump Detach at a moment notice.


By so many different ways.

The Hunters are will forever be The Hunted.

There is no turning back from this crystal clear Power Grab & Crush using another false narrative to squeeze our nuts even tighter.

So, either way He will bring back their wickedness upon them

And will destroy them in their evil;

The Lord our God will destroy them.

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8b3260  No.12503831


Interdasting anon. Nice job!!

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4d9266  No.12503832


Stations owned by Dominion Energy

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f03b97  No.12503834

File: df6db3a19827fc1⋯.jpg (196.74 KB, 450x800, 9:16, PARADE.jpg)

Are you ready?

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c4f738  No.12503835

just had a thought

potus already ordered declas

his order is likely never needed again


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ba0f35  No.12503836

File: b02784048377848⋯.png (1011.8 KB, 944x944, 1:1, Screen_Shot_2021_01_04_at_….png)

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d5a69b  No.12503837


It was so nice when he disappeared. The larping continues.

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835d5c  No.12503838


Fuckin notable.

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502ff1  No.12503839


Don't watch/don't get pissed. This is a kabuki theater cover for mil ops going on undetected I suspect.

anons be comfy at the precipice…set an example for normies.

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37ae6c  No.12503840

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



(trips confirm miracles)

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cd244b  No.12503841


She is a noodle headed bitch, why do you feel the need to add anything more? Could have said, "noodle headed democrat bitch," but you didn't.

You have a real thing for Jews don't ya? My view is, if they did the crime, then they are guilty, period. People like you want to make it about what their religion might be, instead of what they actually did or didn't do.

How bout you focus on that instead? Being Jewish, or Catholic or any other religion, is NOT a crime despite what you might think.

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248e9d  No.12503843


> ensure US/Allied freedom of action in cyberspace and deny the same to our adversaries."

And yet their CinC is banned by twat, fb and yt…….hmmm

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b57a1d  No.12503844


Thank you!!

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13494e  No.12503845

It went from Voter Fraud talk and discussion to "Trump supporters are terrorists" overnight

They are masters of controlling the narrative with all the banning and control of every website / tv news station.

How do you begin to fight for the sheeps minds?

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944770  No.12503847



























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78b2d3  No.12503848

File: 55971a657507c83⋯.png (1012.6 KB, 2043x896, 2043:896, Jewception.PNG)


>you say it everyday.

No, you're gaslighting Anons, kike.

I'm well aware that there are anons defending evil on this board.

You've reached peak Jew.

You are simultaneously calling Anons Jews, and saying that Anons who call Anons Jews are Jews.

You are calling yourself a Jew, you dumb Jew.

Anons are on to your dirty tricks.

Saved your post for posterity peak Jew reference.

"You're a Jew! Anyone who calls Anon a Jew…is a Jew!"

Are your parents siblings?

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3a53ad  No.12503849

Every empire comes to an end, and its usually from within through corruption.

Americans are going to have to reconcile the USA is no different..

Republicans have had 4 years and done NOTHING Trump has gone along with the vaccine program and happily promoting socialism with your free money and the swamp hasnt been drained of anyone…

Come 20th IF nothing happens and SloJoe gets in have the smarts to realise youve all been had for the past 4 years and just like the past 40 its been and will continue to be Israels little bitch.

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a06dfc  No.12503850


Damn the 'Rona is taking 'em down left and right.

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0378fb  No.12503851

File: 2c6a6cad701aeb9⋯.jpg (301.77 KB, 569x607, 569:607, Anon_3.jpg)

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dd6207  No.12503852


D=4 so 45

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759d5f  No.12503854

File: e261cc19babaa83⋯.png (137.08 KB, 512x383, 512:383, aph.png)

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bcdc00  No.12503855

File: f768b7921e52793⋯.png (172.32 KB, 360x340, 18:17, pepe_lol.png)


Oh fuck! Shot across the bow.

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9b3739  No.12503856


Yup. That Dominion name keeps popping up.

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4d9266  No.12503858


Take some thoughts and prayers just incase

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753578  No.12503859


Used to call that a double-bagger

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ab704d  No.12503860

Hope all understand the MAIN reason PATRIOTS are being asked to avoid DC and other capitols - and I would suggest that should have already started, as in: If you're there now - GTFO! as quick as you can.

Stay home, eat popcorn and chillax! The focus for THIS exercise to get all the pantifaggots and burnlootmurder drones possible to collect in one place for easy 'collection' and if any PATRIOTS are mixed in with the scum, they may get caught up in the 'cleansing.'

Get COMFY! It is soooo far from over that the fat lady hasn't even gotten out of bed yet!

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db57e7  No.12503861



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fea7ff  No.12503862

Stent Hoyer

Will piss himself before being hung

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000000  No.12503863


that is a bitch slap for real


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a3580b  No.12503864

File: ed635415cea9f22⋯.png (667.92 KB, 1008x449, 1008:449, FakeOutrage.png)


10 Months of Citizens Living in Terror = No Outrage

3 Hours of Politicians Living in terror = Outrage

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2d9644  No.12503865

File: 7aeeb17437c16b1⋯.jpeg (874.95 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 39325F42_9039_49C8_9B13_0….jpeg)



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d373ce  No.12503866


Cartel murder.

This is the Face Peel ritual aka


We are getting close anons.

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0fb677  No.12503867


Battle of North Anna

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Battle of North Anna

Part of the American Civil War


Pontoon bridge constructed by Union engineers for crossing the North Anna River

Date May 23–26, 1864


Caroline County and Hanover County, Virginia

37°53′10″N 77°29′39″WCoordinates: 37°53′10″N 77°29′39″W

Result Inconclusive


United States United States (Union) Confederate States of America CSA (Confederacy)

Commanders and leaders

Ulysses S. Grant

George G. Meade Robert E. Lee

Units involved

Army of the Potomac

IX Corps[1]

Army of Northern Virginia


67,000–100,000[2] 50,000–53,000[2]

Casualties and losses

3,986 total

(591 killed;

2,734 wounded;

661 captured/missing)[3][4] 1,552

(124 killed, 704 wounded, 724 missing/captured)[5]


Overland Campaign

The Battle of North Anna was fought May 23–26, 1864, as part of Union Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's Overland Campaign against Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia. It consisted of a series of small actions near the North Anna River in central Virginia, rather than a general engagement between the armies. The individual actions are sometimes separately known as: Telegraph Road Bridge and Jericho Mills (for actions on May 23); Ox Ford, Quarles Mill, and Hanover Junction (May 24).

After disengaging from the stalemate at Spotsylvania Court House, Grant moved his army to the southeast, hoping to lure Lee into battle on open ground. He lost the race to Lee's next defensive position south of the North Anna River, but Lee was unsure of Grant's intention and initially prepared no significant defensive works. On May 23, the Union V Corps under Maj. Gen. Gouverneur K. Warren forded the river at Jericho Mills and a Confederate division from the corps of Lt. Gen. A.P. Hill was unable to dislodge its beachhead. The II Corps under Maj. Gen. Winfield S. Hancock stormed a small Confederate force at "Henagan's Redoubt" to seize the Chesterfield Bridge crossing on the Telegraph Road, but did not advance further south across the river.

That night, Lee and his engineers devised a scheme for defensive earthworks in the shape of an inverted "V" that could split the Union army when it advanced and allow the Confederates to use interior lines to attack and defeat one wing, preventing the other wing from reinforcing it in time. The Union army initially fell into this trap. As Hancock's men failed to carry the Confederate works on the eastern leg of the V on May 24, a brigade under the drunken Brig. Gen. James H. Ledlie was repulsed from an ill-conceived assault against a strong position at Ox Ford, the apex of the V. Unfortunately for the Confederates, Lee was disabled with an intestinal illness and none of his subordinates were able to execute his planned attack.

After two days of skirmishing in which the armies stared at each other from their earthworks, the inconclusive battle ended when Grant ordered another wide movement to the southeast, in the direction of the crossroads at Cold Harbor.


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bb2ed4  No.12503868

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9b3739  No.12503869


I haven't heard that song in a few years. The memories it brings back.

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218301  No.12503870

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31bff6  No.12503871

File: d683f172aaf9eb2⋯.png (365.26 KB, 630x472, 315:236, donald_trump_gold_elvis_su….png)

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658e1e  No.12503872


and some iodine

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1db4a4  No.12503873


Can I use it on iPad?

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becae3  No.12503874


been ready for a bit now

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39cf2a  No.12503875

File: 33ff8452bb1d705⋯.jpg (539.55 KB, 1649x1090, 1649:1090, Q_.jpg)

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825821  No.12503876


Yer early.

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0378fb  No.12503877

File: 2991e1a0999e90b⋯.jpg (428.35 KB, 775x684, 775:684, Assange_pain.jpg)


Dubs confirm

It's on!

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9b9852  No.12503878

File: b226ff9b9ee50f2⋯.gif (4.36 MB, 500x281, 500:281, pepe_comfy_fire.gif)


im comfy

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a17a11  No.12503879



Not Notable

No Sauce

A Pentagon source speaking under promise of anonymity told Real Raw News…

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