l2c etc. is obvious.
Besides wanting to make a Kenshin game I don't know how much you've considered. I've thought of making a fighting game in the past and here are some of the considerations I've made.
The important things to consider for a fighting game is what do you want, the 100 hit marvel combos, the space controlling "next hit kills" kind, or the mid range 10 hit combo with some level of space control. I know when I thought of the game I wanted to make, it's going to be closer to my favorite fighting game, so studying how that game does things is a good place to start, and thinking about how your game would diverge from those would be the next thing to consider.
When it comes to the game itself, even if Kenshin would obviously destroy a lot of the other characters, you have to be able to balance them out so if someone wants to play as the little kid they have a fair chance against the dude wrapped up like a mummy.
Movesets have to be unique and iconic. Movement can also be unique(dash vs run, giving a "speed" character an airdash or double jump.Making a huge guy walk slower). However it also has to be set clearly so people know how movement works. Mixing Samurai Showdown, KoF, GG, and SF movement together would be terrible.
As for the programming, it's pretty basic to begin with, but gets harder as you get closer to completion, and it's not about programming at that point it's about fine tuning.
left and right are horizontal movement. That's pretty simple. Up jumps. once you have your jump feel set also very easy. Most jumps are parabolic. easy math. setting up bottons for however many attack buttons you want. lmhs? lmh lmh? whatever. getting those to work is easy. programming in frames, invuln, cancelability, hitboxes, knockback etc it all pretty easy and you gotta match that to your animations, and the control of the frames, knockback and cancelability is what allows for combos.
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