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Welcome to AGDG, keep working on your game anon!
See also: /ideaguy/ | /vm/

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b8c381 No.27895 [Open thread]

Am I the only one who finds videos/pictures of a game engine just starting out comfy as fuck? Or just examples of how to do stuff floating in space. Something about them motivates me to continue on my game.

Hell even things like janky-ass ports of games onto mobile platforms have a similar charm.

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f17f3d No.33801

File: 8831d16a76f66d5⋯.png (366.04 KB,750x749,750:749,yukari_boomer.png)



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1f9184 No.34014

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>nobody has posted this yet

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d9929e No.34083

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This looks interesting.

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33bf8b No.34208

File: 93010e0e9986caa⋯.jpg (86.29 KB,1024x768,4:3,thief dark project.jpg)

File: 5a2eccb73095b56⋯.jpg (58.05 KB,900x675,4:3,morrowind.jpg)

File: baef9dc483dfccd⋯.png (1.36 MB,1920x1080,16:9,forest_temple_entrance_hal….png)

File: aeeb3bc3b2437ca⋯.jpg (267.19 KB,1920x1080,16:9,deusex.jpg)

File: fbad37a81a13a55⋯.jpg (81.82 KB,1024x768,4:3,mgs1.jpg)


I just really like 90s game engines in general. Like, the first engines which had proper 3d and polys, but didn't have all the modern stuff like shaders, bump mapping, etc. Games had to compensate for the plain appearance by just being fun to play. All the graphical improvements apart from maybe lighting and shadows are just eyecandy which don't really improve the gameplay. I got nothing against the fancy new shit if it's available, but I wish they prioritized the gameplay a bit more.

Maybe I'm a huge autist or something but in older games also it's easier for me to mentally process what's going on. I play a modern game like Shogun 2 and there's fucking a million different shaders and animations playing at once. Fucks with my head.

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7720a5 No.34215


Isn't that something Notch is working on?

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File: bbb176c025f27ca⋯.jpg (604.88 KB,2500x1201,2500:1201,header-island-bats.jpg)

de0959 No.33261 [Open thread]


I don't mean stuff like areas lighting up when you throw an object against a wall, but somehow managing to replicate the feeling that humans with echolocation actually experience, is it feasible or is it impossible for non blind people?

Also some interesting blog on how echolocation works, it's a fiction blog mostly http://planetfuraha.blogspot.com/2012/07/echolocation-sound-choice.html?m=1

Not an actual dev by the way, thought this board might be a nice place for discussion.

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babfc1 No.33355


Short answer: yes it can.

I think it's pretty interesting idea - to make a game smh like daredevil. That a guy would lose its eyesight and have to learn to see with echolocation and tactile senses. And to the end of the have he become superhuman. It would be interesting for dude to be able to see through car and identify engine, but unable to see through glass because the room is soundproof.

But to actually implement it you need advanced 3d knowledge. And I barely can make some point and clicks with Godot.

P.S.: O.P. is ideaguy.

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575ed4 No.33374

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Also check out Scanner Sombre by Introversion. Apparently a good game that didn't sell too well.

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b06a1f No.33596

File: a594a2c015ef878⋯.gif (3.86 MB,751x514,751:514,diluvion.gif)

Have the character send out regular clicks to see where they're going, with the option of the player hold a button to make the clicks faster if they need more accuracy or a more solid image of a passageway

also during combat/risky places it speeds up but during attacks/dodges the clicks are paused for that brief moment due to the body focusing on other actions so you have to carefully time that tradeoff of attack but loss of sight briefly

Diluvion had a system that visually could be copied for that echolocation effect

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6e0edc No.33975


>is it impossible for non blind people?


The reason is that non-blind people literally have not formed the neural connections necessary for echolocation to be used. And the only way to form those connections is to force yourself to navigate by sound alone, which forces your brain to make those connections to better enhance your auditory senses to compensate for lack of sight.

The only way I can think of is to actually find someone who used to be blind, who has also developed a usable form of echolocation and interview them directly and ask of their ability to echolocate has diminished after being able to see.

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656026 No.34209

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What nigger, there are clickers designed for blind people to use to navigate.

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File: 1460880389828.jpg (157.78 KB,1600x900,16:9,le inquisitive negro face.jpg)

7113cf No.26420 [Open thread]

I am an artist; as my skills improve slowly-but-surely my attention turns towards game development. I would like to enlist a programmer to help make a simple game project a reality but there's a few caveats.

how much to pay/how often

I don't buy this "I'll pay you when/if my idea pans out" stuff that seldom works out for anyone but the idea guy, at least not as a defining feature of someone's working relationship to my project or heaven forbid future projects. I've saved up some money over the years and I'm willing to pay as much as I can for good work on a regular or "work-for-hire" basis, but admittedly I'm a man of limited means and what's taken me a lifetime to save wouldn't amount to much to a professional programmer.

How can I expect loyalty from a stranger when I couldn't offer them what they'd typically deserve? I'd appreciate any programmers to chime in on this. In lieu of substantial payment up front, what do you expect in return following the project's completion?

how to prevent myself from getting robbed

How do I protect myself from outright fraud? I could pay someone however much and find out only after it's well too late that he's written thousands of lines of junk code (if any at all) and made off with a good chunk of my savings for his trouble.

How do I enforce transparency? Is there any way to quickly check code to see that it matches how it's commented without having experience as-such, myself? I feel like programmers in a similar position have a big advantage here. Anyone can look at a picture and tell that something's not right. While the skills to make aesthetic and appealing artwork takes years to master-same as programming-aesthetics are a universal language and ugliness or wrongness in that regard is readily apparent to the layman. Conversely it takes far more experience to wade into a morass of esoteric code-language and find something amiss, and I fear without being able to do that I would potentially be risking losing everything to a disingenuous code monkey that may never have even known whaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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24f602 No.29795


Thanks for the videos, I'm definitely going to want to check those out. Not only for the content itself but they remind me of the fact that there's a huge legitimate indie game and media community out there and that it'd probably pay to get involved with them to some degree from the beginning.

As far as a demo goes, I don't think that's in the cards yet. I don't have the money to pay for a programmer (part of what the campaign is meant to address) and I'm far too busy working on animations and trying to figure that whole process out. I could have several proposed in-game animations and pieces of splash art ready to give people an idea of what to expect and what their money is helping work towards though and I believe that will be sufficient.

I'm a big fan of physical media as rewards and would like to frame my Patreon as a sort of slow-rolling kickstarter. Do you know of any good companies offhand that make limited run games, music CDs, print books etc.? Part of the dream is reliving that feeling of opening the box and seeing that instruction manual with all of the cool character art and story blurbs and having something I made on my shelf. Is it possible or even desirable to contact a mainstream publisher about this sort of thing? Where do I go or who do I talk to to get a real game made?

In any case, I would like to be able to keep close track of who's given what and I'm not sure how that's done. I've heard a lot of horror stories of hit-and-run patrons who "donate" in whatever amount, take all the content available to them and bail before they actually have to pay (well, not so much a horror story but one of a minor inconvenience, I guess). Say I send out art books or something like that to Patrons who've given $100 or more over time (after taxes and Patreon's fee that'd be about $70 in my pocket I believe). I imagine printing a book is hugely expensive (wouldn't be surprised if it cost at least $20 for an art book with 50 pages or so and that's not including at least $5 for shipping) and the last thing I want to do is give something like that away to a mooch that looks like he's been supporting me for months but reallyPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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fe2eb8 No.31484


The answer you're looking for is: don't hire, get hired.

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fcff95 No.33052

File: 36743f997483b8e⋯.jpg (118.34 KB,554x1006,277:503,knigt.jpg)

Don't mind me, just trying to make sure this thread lasts at least three more years

>tfw my art hasn't progressed worth a damn this entire time



>get hired

I don't think it's going to happen, I'm pretty much all-or-nothing "in" at this point. The lowest I could be brought is down to the level of some kid fresh out of college financially so I'm not worried about things not working out too much. Being a loser is my comfort zone, I want to make a genuinely good game and maybe make some money I can help my family and friends with but I'm trying to keep my expectations realistic-especially with how slow my artistic progress has been.

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0618f5 No.34204

File: fec870f62a22df7⋯.jpg (39.21 KB,735x960,49:64,Vampire Princess.jpg)

Annual and post-8ddit revival bump; I hope you guys are doing well. I don't think I've progressed a bit artistically since making this thread. wew!

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52dccc No.34205

File: ac298004f04bb2b⋯.png (96.78 KB,957x1404,319:468,NHK_v03c017p004.png)


Looks good

>I'm pretty much all-or-nothing "in" at this point

I know that feel. Such is the life of creatives. But I'd rather live modestly and leave a mark on the world than get rich working in an office cubicle. I feel like all that shit is talked up too much these days. There are other ways to live your life.

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File: 38bad1ded69b0a2⋯.jpg (22.6 KB,545x353,545:353,1469963304348.jpg)

62c6a4 No.27793 [Open thread]

What are some advanced books on writing a C++ game engine?

I'm looking for something like gameprogrammingpatterns dot com that actually walks you through making a full engine, the "right" way with best practices.

Not necessarily a 3D engine or with heavy physics, I'm mostly interested in the way it's structured, how it handles memory, best practices, scripting etc.

Bonus points if it uses C++11 or higher.

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38051f No.34081


So this is what the bookshelf of a nodev looks like.

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1ea551 No.34148

if you like the idea of making a game engine sure go for it, you'll learn a lot and if you manage something it will feel really rewarding.

Seems like you already know Casey. Most of the things you see in that stream is how actual engine programming looks like, so there's that. C is simply a better tool than modern c++ because it lets you manipulate memory as you please.

Whatever you do please don't try to do low level programming in modern c++, it's just not what it was made for.

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3a429a No.34190

File: ae862d78e22586a⋯.jpg (6.53 KB,253x199,253:199,ae862d78e22586ace72851d09e….jpg)


>apparently treating C++ like C#/Java is bad and using new/delete a lot is inefficient and dangerous

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3a429a No.34191


Like this anon says, only code an engine if you want to do it for fun. Coding your own engine is #1 cause of missing persons cases

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577fe1 No.34193

You're best off learning general programming best practices. Not making problems unnecessarily localized is yet another lesson.

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File: c50afc8a2b77277⋯.png (118.54 KB,247x304,13:16,ClipboardImage.png)

246269 No.30656 [Open thread]

Has anyone gone through this process, and how did you go about it and remain somewhat incognito? Can you pull off something like a writer's pseudonym, or will it always obviously run right back to you?

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4f7d77 No.32120


I've published a game on steam.

You don't need to disclose any information unless you want to give someone access to the steamworks account.

Actually in the agreement valve will not disclose your personal information. But yes you do need to disclose to them your full legal name because of money laundry laws.

However, if you have a partner you trust, you can use their name.

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377fa7 No.33893

File: 5476972436f0982⋯.gif (352.29 KB,256x256,1:1,hmmmmmm.gif)

I always considered the amount of marketing AAA titles use for such an inherently limited market to be ludicrous and would opt to minimize it when possible but this still leaves the first breakthrough when you get your brand recognition from a fairly popular game. This is also the moment you usually have no money to spare for

How do you get noticed on a low budget (assuming your small/middling game's decent on it's own)? I guess you can contact niche gaming communities + youtubers that then could promulgate it further but thats about it. Social media is only powerful if you already have a massive fallowing.

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7fd009 No.34135

File: 8712324b9f53e9b⋯.jpg (23.41 KB,392x395,392:395,5bb3425653d6764bd4984eeaa0….jpg)


>How do you get noticed on a low budget (assuming your small/middling game's decent on it's own)?

This thread is so fucking old I could very well be replying to myself. I have though long and hard about this. The answer is simple. Everything /v/ says to do in regards to public relations, do the opposite.

Shill like fucking crazy. Everywhere. Even on some shithole like NeoGaf, Reddit and cuckchan. That's what Notch did.

A less appealing avenue is to go to IRL events, but then you're getting really tied in with the game industry. There was a GDC talk about how these events basically give you no exposure but it gives you connections. In this industry connections seem to be more of a liability than anything, because the second you wrong think you're blacklisted.

There is also the theory of making such an offensive game the game journalists will kvetch loud over it, but I doubt this actually works. Hatred's trailer was so edgy, brutal and grotesque it essentially was more of the trailer doing a good job than the SJWs. By the time the journalists showed up the game was already picking up speed. If it worked you'd hear a lot more games succeeding this way. It'll just get you blacklisted and cripple your chances of exposure.

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c1ab45 No.34141

File: 7218003bfdad18f⋯.gif (877.44 KB,375x304,375:304,7218003bfdad18f07e96e02afd….gif)

Mine is already, unavoidably tied to me, so I guess I need to be somewhat careful not to be too controversial. The game itself is fairly tame, but it limits my ability to market it. Even the mere fact that I post about it on 8chan/8kun is somewhat risky.

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551a88 No.34188

File: a971b5613f8935e⋯.jpg (36.24 KB,850x400,17:8,a971b5613f8935ea61d4d9ebe4….jpg)

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File: c3491cecbeb4cfd⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,252.14 KB,750x1000,3:4,92199d4954912298849144ef5a….jpg)

bf843f No.29670 [Open thread]

A friend and i are working on a KND dating sim, right now we've no artfags at all it's just me and him and we're gonna make it in Ren'Py most likely

Could anyone possibly give me a simple "sprite" for lack of a better word of Numbuh 86 simply standing, with 3 different facial expressions, them being neutral, angry, and happy

If anyone is able to do it, could it please be in an Artstyle similar to pic related, what's a WEG without an attractive artstyle,right?

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1a47c2 No.32776


Unless you're posting on desuchan, then yes. Or at the very least sage it if your reply isn't in support of OP. Let bad threads die.

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2d8d45 No.33958


Add me on discord manic#4266

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b5fd8b No.34108

File: 8d4892349a7dcf1⋯.png (Spoiler Image,2.43 MB,1332x2004,111:167,473a9ba9a8808cec54f5630098….png)

>It's been 2 years


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2712a9 No.34109


tropic is that you?

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b5fd8b No.34110

File: 07c7025d6fcf9ed⋯.png (Spoiler Image,70.65 KB,290x516,145:258,Naughty_Schoolgirl_Kuki_pr….png)


N- No!

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File: 9a73c72c4dedec4⋯.gif (2.16 MB,503x373,503:373,running to adults 2.gif)

File: 02140bb81c03764⋯.png (4.15 KB,145x189,145:189,tropical cutie.png)

File: 6082091644da457⋯.gif (3.16 MB,503x373,503:373,6082091644da457a823f5e07df….gif)

File: f3bb08409cceecb⋯.png (2 MB,1962x4595,1962:4595,839513cc353328ba1ea6f2a05c….png)

f4e7cf No.31931 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Main development thread for Sim Loli

IRC channel: #simloli on irc.rizon.net - webclient link: https://qchat.rizon.net/?channels=simloli (but it's advisable to use your own client since the webclient isn't too great). Remember to wait for a while sine you won't get an instant response.

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36153f No.34380

If this thread is still around when dev possibly, maybe never, comes back.


Abandon thread, and maybe check out /hgg/ on the imageboard webring if you want to talk about this game.





Why are you still posting here? This thread could be nuked at any moment.

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f85220 No.34413

any new updates

or maybe infos where to follow development

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4fbae1 No.34414

still waiting

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7c859d No.34416

is this place still being used? I wish for a new version if possible. the gitgud zip file does not run..

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29bac5 No.34432

Eh, hey, I guess I should say happy new year to everyone, even though it's almost February 2025—whatever. Does anyone know if the game or the site is gonna get an update? Or maybe some info on the creator? I'm really curious about what other projects they worked on. It's… well, morbid curiosity, not gonna lie. But yeah, that’s it

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File: 16430537f5d2990⋯.png (92.95 KB,580x590,58:59,0.PNG)

File: ed45f1e425f7fd7⋯.jpg (128.5 KB,354x502,177:251,1505976273.jpg)

ccb6cb No.30078 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

After completing my dream marriage simulator, I realized I had a loooong way to go for modeling. I learned a great deal about do's and dont's, basic topology, and most importantly, rigging properly. I'll be posting progress in this thread about my journey to becoming a good 3D cartoon modeler so I may start my next VR project with my wife Shinobu. As well as posting tips and providing insight to help others achieve similar results. I will be starting with posts I did not log since 9/30/17.

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578d43 No.33984

This board suck so much

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177e19 No.34031

Hey Shinobu dev, what was that site that you used to find the voice actress. ;-; I want loli voices too

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4575a8 No.34045



Better brush up on your nip.

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d24617 No.34091


Dev, hope you will give a look at this suggestion.

Couse i'm looking at so much potential ti would be a shame if the project remain just "That".

Not that i dislike Shinobu, i also love that character so much but, there is no OTHER game whatsoever with such detailed anime Expressions , nor such fluid Movements or Options.

What i'm suggesting you is to use Shinobu Project as a "Base canvas".

keep doing this shinobu Projec alive t to get more attention, But then have a way to be able to Change the Title , the whole story and everything to something ELSE! Using Shinobu Project as a Prototipe of it , Nobody prevents you to keep the girl being a Vampire loli, nor to be blonde nor to have that watanabe akio Art-Style.

But really later add back the porn part, and modify the title , story , location, names , Hair colors, Dress Etc AND SELL IT THROUGH SOMETHING LIKE DLSITE, with The amount of Effects, expressions and everything even if this wasn't VR you would probably make something FAR better than CM3D serie.

Just Release that before they catch up to you , because you are basically Risking to lose millions for "keeping this project a Fanwork on somebody's else Creation" Pretty sure Nisio wouldn't give a crap, but you could deliver us the BEST VR Porn/All ages Vampire loli Dating Sim, whilst making so much money and making a Hit that not even KISS's CM3D serie could beat.

Please i beg you, turn this into something more.

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676343 No.34097

File: 71f81c41cf22a37⋯.mp4 (227.88 KB,1280x720,16:9,engrish.mp4)

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File: bf0f5a1182b622e⋯.jpg (16.17 KB,300x168,25:14,download (12).jpg)

ca112c No.29236 [Open thread]

So I spent the last week designing on paper a game that was wondering my mind for a while.

So I want to build a city building game. Pic related is one of my favorite games of all time and I would like to make something similar.

My question is... What engine should I use? I'm torn between Godot and Unity. Personally I am decently fluent in C#, while I know just a couple of swear words in Python, so probably Unity is better, but I like Godot for its better support of 2D and open source structure.

What do you guys say?

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13c84a No.29414




What advantages does godot have for 2d?

Im in a similar position to OP and finally decided it would be better to make my 2d game in unity

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73302f No.29436



Godot has any feature you would want in any 2d engine. I don't know how this compares with Unity.

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0a378b No.33932


Is that Caesar III? That's my favorite game also. Suggestion: Don't use a pre-made engine. It's 2D and mostly just placing pre-drawn tiles in fixed spots; the only "game move" logic needed would be for the people wandering around your town. Well, unless you're adding the military aspect to your new game; that could get interesting.

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9b628b No.33950


Why are you digging a 2 years old dead thread?

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a33149 No.34011

You can use C# as a scripting language in Godot, with Mono installed. There's literally no reason to use Unity, especially with former EA-kike John Riccitiello as its CEO.

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File: c49be582087b136⋯.png (150.31 KB,2557x1439,2557:1439,screenshot-new.png)

2e5102 No.32357 [Open thread]

I've been working on this sci-fi, Star Trek inspired, choose your own adventure style game. For the demo-build, there won't be any combat, but it's the first thing I plan to add. Basically, you're the captain and you need to make all the decisions.

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2e5102 No.32677

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2e5102 No.33903

I'm resurrecting this game with some changes.

Now, the game will be less story driven. Your ship and crew will still be randomly generated, but now the idea is that you and your crew have been transported, unwillingly, across space to a distant star (basically the premise of Star Trek: Voyager).

As a result, your ships computer has calculated some jumps to get you home. These jumps are shown on the star map. So from your current star, you can jump to one of several stars etc. You can see all the jumps that can be made ahead of time so you can plan your moves.

No one star is a "dead-end", every star leads to another one.

The player also has limited supplies, so trips to the different systems will yield different amounts of supplies. When the player is choosing a system they can see what the long-range scanners say in the way of supplies and danger.

Goal is to get to the home system

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2e5102 No.33912

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WIP of the star map.

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2e5102 No.33918

File: 58fc459029437a7⋯.gif (4.47 MB,640x360,16:9,Birunji Engine 6_13_2019 3….gif)

Here's some more of the star map. I'm randomly generating the background nebula, but concerned that it looks out of place with the pixelated view of everything else. This is still WIP, but basically what I'm after.

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2e5102 No.33986

I've made a new demo build. Would love to hear some nodev feedback. https://deckhead.itch.io/the-last-boundary

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File: 137d5b23d60d462⋯.jpg (116 KB,1279x704,1279:704,IMG_20190121_131049.jpg)

File: 0711407310bb8c7⋯.jpg (67.72 KB,1024x640,8:5,IMG_20190121_131014.jpg)

File: 27bca704d4a8c8f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,29.4 KB,1920x1280,3:2,IMG_20190121_130107.jpg)

88f4e8 No.33181 [Open thread]


I am a french artist and a semi-professional game coder. I love to draw gore stuff, science-fiction stuff, pretty close to the universe of Maurice Dantec (the writer of the Babylon A.D. or Babylon Babies), and I also have a vast array of fetish, most being related to bondage. I am also a libertarian, thinking there’s too much regulation applying to the regular citizen, and I am pretty excited by bitcoin and people like Cody Wilson.

As a programmer, I worked with Unity 3D and made an home-made virtual reality FPS on Google Cardboard. Unfortunately, I never finished the project at 100%, even they’re was numerous people asking me for more features (like multiplayer, level editor). But let’s be realist, I cannot invest a large part of my life in a quality project without a financial compensation.

My current project:

A virtual world, multiplayer, where the users can post picture and messages, can interact and fight in a very basic way. I started some proof of concept of the game (screen-captures related) The purpose is to create some kind of layer of abstraction a 3D world to protect free speech. An hybrid between the web site and video game.

Features of the game / the world:

Combat / special interaction turn-based to make something easy to code

Posting picture on the wall

Cyber coffee where you can chat between users

Example of interactions:

Using guns



Burning people alive


The game engine:

The game having some HTML feature, like embedding elements like Youtube / Twitter, torrent, bitcoins, I want to make it run on an HTML friendly environment.

I am experimented with Unity WebGL, but there’s a major problem to it : it doesn’t run on mobile and Linux.

I’ve also experimented the BabylonJS lib and the stuff looksPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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e263d7 No.33787

File: 4f3c407740b6b3a⋯.jpg (3.39 MB,4032x3024,4:3,20190516_184823.jpg)

File: 44726f4fbb911c2⋯.png (3.94 MB,2522x1476,1261:738,Screenshot 2019-05-16 at 1….png)


Thanks Anon,

User's interactions are on the pipeline, mostly gore and lewd stuff, but for the moment I am working on level design + creating items (you can see some on the current map), which will have obviously huge implication on the player interactions. Also be aware than the current item system allow you to erase post (the sponge item) or to upload images (upload the ring).

No problem for blank post, I can easily delete them, but it’s strange than drawing is not working. On what platform did you test it?

To have a better organization around Radichan.net a Discord is in preparation.

One last word, the level design have been constantly remade, there has been lot of post deletions. There will be one last post holocaust, but I can assure you than the next level design iteration will last.

To keep you waiting here are some new assets ideas:

-Dead anon represent all anon that did move for a certain period of time

-Weed bag stand for a torrent file of all post of the board



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5100aa No.33854

You need to spend way more effort into making this censor proof, or turn it wholly p2p.

This shit will be scrubbed from the face of this planet.

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e263d7 No.33877

File: 5b6c435b9fa5f0f⋯.png (1.02 MB,1280x702,640:351,Screenshot 2019-05-26 at 2….png)

OP here.

A quick update on my project:

-I added the ability to “correct a drawing” without having to restart all.

-I am back on the Snuffchan’s domain name. It’s an infamous name but at least people who like the site remember it and it suits well for my love of horror movies.

-I reactivated the ability to draw on posted pictures but I am suspecting the new code cause some lags.

For the future, I am less and less sure about doing user interactions. It’s would cause bugs and performance issues that I would not be able to handle.

I am now thinking about making a different format where users would host their own dungeon on the client side, with their own level design and hosted files, and would share their creations via the Peer to Peer network. There’s already some lib enabling peer to peer in the browser page.

This system would be a bit different from an imageboard logic, but I think it would be more easier to handle (less server side code) and still relevant.

The Dungeon: http://snuffchan.com/dungeon

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e263d7 No.33928

File: 1504c96807aec8b⋯.png (1.01 MB,1276x697,1276:697,Screenshot 2019-06-15 at 1….png)

File: b3b9f86d7701729⋯.png (1.18 MB,1280x696,160:87,Screenshot 2019-06-15 at 1….png)

Hi people!

A new version of my 3D Anon Imageboard is online!

-The UI has been improved.

-You can now reply to other post.

-You can navigate/share chan using just the URL.

-The map is currently the same for each level. But don’t worry, there will be some variants

-I reactivated the communication between players.

My future development will be about graphic, design and stories. I really like the idea of NPC showing you the way to some secret levels.

Have fun and play to the game here!


And remember, your body can die, but every piece of art you leave in the cyberspace is here forever ^^

As every time, critics are welcome.

You can follow me on twitter for updates, or just to DM me:


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e263d7 No.33983

Hi, friends, thanks a lot for your support.

For personal reasons, I am pausing my 3D Anonymous Imageboard project. It’s too much moderation and maintenance for a lone person and I will not be able to provide this amount of work during the following year. Lot of people were hyped by the project, so I published full the sources on Github: https://github.com/AlexKrunch/AnonIB-3D

It’s a pause, I will comeback with a new project (I think, in 1 year), with a minimal server side part + and the files being torrented to escape censorship.

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File: 790f052a520174e⋯.jpg (354.68 KB,2000x1000,2:1,H2x1_WiiUVC_HarvestMoon64.jpg)

475f65 No.33751 [Open thread]

How do you build Farming sim like Harvest Moon and Stardew Valley, but simplify it into text game?

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6b5cfb No.33759

Why though? Just git gud and learn to make a real game instead.

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46a75d No.33900


>Harvest Moon and Stardew Valley

>but simplify it into text

You literally get a Visual Novel

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77ae3f No.33925

rec me a text game i don't think i've finished one

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16bfd8 No.33929


Text as in Dwarf Fortress or as in Zork?

The former: Do the same as you'd do with any other game, but represent entities with ASCII-symbols instead of graphics. Probably both easier and more sensible for this type of thing.

The latter: Write general descriptions of rooms and associate certain states with certain words.

For example:

You're on a field. There's [$PLANT] growing here. It seems to be [$HEALTH_STATE]. It's [$HARVEST_TIMER]. Look into how Evennia represents rooms and stuff for an in-depth example.



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33c2d2 No.33951

I want to build a text-game but more closely related to a MUD. Basically I want to create something people will play so there's fun player interactions like in HellMOO. Can someone give me ideas in terms of gameplay and things this game would need to have to maintain a small but active playerbase?

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File: 12dd4b61baba863⋯.png (10.17 KB,538x404,269:202,SBK itch cover.png)

028489 No.33807 [Open thread]

gameplay footage (video quality isn't great): https://youtu.be/VSaCK0gzyOM

I've been working on this game for a few months now. It's more or less content-complete, but there are a lot of mechanics to iron out, assets to create and/or finalize, playtesting to be done, all that good stuff. You know what they say: the last 10% of the work is 90% of the development effort, right? I'll post the full version for free on itch.io when/if I ever finish it.

I'm making this in Game Maker Studio 1.4, and though I've started projects before, this is the closest I've gotten to a polished and finished game. I'm in charge of programming, design, writing, and art (though I don't really consider myself much of an artist) with a couple of friends on sound and music duty.

The gameplay and bosses take a fair bit of inspiration from the Mega Man Zero series, with quick attacks and tight platforming (I'm still working on making these areas smoother and more intuitive to play with). It's not very long, just three levels with a boss in each.

There's also, as shown in the video, some visual novel-esque dialog scenes between levels. I originally started this game for a yuri game jam so that's one big theme for the writing and characters, but if people just want to get into the action gameplay it's all 100% optional and skippable.

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65f416 No.33815

File: 7af841c0107329d⋯.mp4 (9.73 MB,1280x720,16:9,Nice.mp4)


>action platformer 


>I'll post the full version for free on itch.io when/if I ever finish it.

Looking forward to it anon.

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39e55d No.33852



you won't finish, as yuri games aren't real, check the threads on /v/ if you don't believe, there are typically only ever the same ten games posted i those threads, and of them I'd wager 90% don't even have girls holding hands

the idea of the yuri game is nothing more than a freudian fantasy held by individuals repressing homosexual thoughts

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ab9ff9 No.33855

Futa MC patch?

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c9a9b1 No.33867

File: 2d68987acb64796⋯.jpg (77.73 KB,536x400,67:50,hate.jpg)


>you won't finish

Not with that pessimistic attitude he wont.

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b8d728 No.33892


Looks nice and fluid, I'll be keeping an eye on this. The sound design is great too.

I think the dialogue could use some touching up, but that's probably a given. A thing I tend to notice about professional games compared to amateur games is that there's much less dialogue, but since you mentioned you wanted some adventure game elements to it, I guess you don't really have the choice of cutting that down. If nobody else brings it up, then that probably just comes down to my personal taste.

It's probably the standard for this board and amateur game makers in general, but I really don't like itch.io. They don't store dates for their releases anywhere, and whether old releases are stored or not seems to come down to developer preference.

This is definitely just personal taste, but I thought the boss death animation was kind of lame. I get that you're going for a rockman feel, but bosses exploding in white light feels utterly generic for action games these days. Maybe if it tripped over and fell on the bottom of its chin or something, that'd come off as being kind of cute. This would mean you have to animate a unique death animation for each and every stage boss though, so it might be better to keep it consistent after all.

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File: 195226d5c0f6c5b⋯.png (77.73 KB,932x524,233:131,nutt.png)

51a8db No.33019 [Open thread]

I've been doubling down on my own stab at the CoC-like ero VN/RPG genre but with richer sim aspects and 3D graphics. I'm thinking something like a lewd Animal Crossing. I'm still working on basic core features and polishing up my modeling skills, but I'm happy with progress so far and would like to make this a place to post regular updates.

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31259f No.33059


Interesting, am monitoring.

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715918 No.33349

ded gaem

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71821d No.33448


if you ever decide to abandon this, drop it somewhere that I can pick it up cause im a fucking degenerate.

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51a8db No.33826


I actually didn't abandon it, I just ended up getting a thread pinned on /fur/ I've been posting to which has been... interesting. Someone's losing their bananas because they think I'm making another Rack2 and going to blow my nonexistent patreonbux on luxury cars or something.

I am still working on this game, though.

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90b4f1 No.33846


Can I have one of your hypothetical luxury cars, anon? Pretty please?

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File: 740134f2c521728⋯.png (1.03 MB,1576x868,394:217,2019-04-23_11-27-02.png)

File: 1c195dd575d13b0⋯.png (1.2 MB,1752x820,438:205,2019-05-03_10-31-58.png)

f34768 No.33699 [Open thread]

Tunnel Vision

>A disorienting arcade style "shooter" where you need to make your shots count because you only get one and you control its trajectory the entire time. taking inspiration from movies like Wanted, and games like Superhot. The games main objective and goal is to reach the boss room at the end of the level and eliminate the target by avoiding collisions with anything that might stop your bullet.

>As you ascend the tower, each boss has a significantly larger floor plan, each floor is also randomly generated, making it that much more difficult to reach them. Currently we only have straight tiles to the boss, but are adding branching rooms to allow for full turns and dead ends.

Our 1st place winning submission for our colleges 48 gamejam made by 2 people.



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0ca2a1 No.33704

File: ce3cbee206fef3f⋯.jpg (88.96 KB,400x400,1:1,ce3cbee206fef3f6a4d7d71485….jpg)


>Posts Patreon

>Doesn't post game

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f34768 No.33706


>thinking i expect anyone to actually give me money

boy you got some big expectations for me because i'm full expecting that big 0, to stay 0.

that patreon was thrown together in like an hour. pretty much me just blowing it out my ass to get something up and visible for people to see and to tick off a goal on workboard which i'll prob be graded on for my workterm lol.


only one person has asked for it, a teachers like 7 year old child, who came along for the judging at the gamejam, loved that the dude explodes and asked if it was for sale.

I can throw together the gamejam submission and upload it somewhere but that's pretty much the entire game as of now.

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0ca2a1 No.33709


Yeah it's kind of an unwritten rule that you should post a demo if you want to beg for money. We're not Kickstarter.

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f34768 No.33816

File: eea191b42a018a4⋯.png (1.27 MB,1754x979,1754:979,2019-05-20_10-26-17.png)

The game now has a storefront, alongside updated logos and steam integration is coming along.

looking into how i can setup a small p2p lobby so multiple players can play together


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f34768 No.33817

as well, story wise from the visuals/gameplay what would be your interpretation of the story if there was one?

i have a couple idea's but seeing if theres a common trend to possibly roll with something similar

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