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Welcome to AGDG, keep working on your game anon!
See also: /ideaguy/ | /vm/

File: d50962d216bdf86⋯.jpg (50.43 KB,480x360,4:3,sydney hunter.jpg)

97e080 No.28361 [Open thread]

Anybody here work with any kind of homebrew development? I've been looking at some homebrew toolchains and poking at a few sample programs for the NES, GameBoy, and GameBoy Advance (I've done a little bit of DS and 3Ds in the past) and it's pretty fun. It would be pretty cool to do some collaborative work with somebody on an open source NES or GameBoy game. You'd need some ASM and C experience (art and music would be good too, but I'm primarily looking for other programmers to work with; programmer art is fine with me).

Also, general homebrew discussion.

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97e080 No.28677

A few years ago, I made a puzzle game for the NES (it was a version of Mastermind) in assembly. It was definitely a new experience for me, but it was a lot of fun and very rewarding. Maybe some time I'll go and make a new, more complicated game in C.

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97e080 No.28712


Probably just a platformer to get into the swing of it. RPGs and puzzle games have way more balancing involved to make them fun. Platformers are far easier to make fun with less effort.

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97e080 No.28733


I've been programming a side scrolling platformer in C for the sega mega drive/genesis, it has worked out pretty well so far but I've had a few issues so I'm sort of taking a break while I figure out what to do to fix the issues.

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97e080 No.28734


Sounds interesting, can you post some links to the tools and documentation you're working with? I've wanted to learn to program the 6502 for a long time.

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603459 No.32323


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File: 1462762636689.gif (5.3 MB,320x240,4:3,parallax.gif)

b945de No.26681 [Open thread]

I took the trouble to compile Aseprite 1.6 and thought you guys might get some use out of it. I was the guy that compiled 1.1.1 awhile back. Haven't been on here much because I drifted back to 420chan after 8ch became a shit, but it was fun while it lasted. This is still the best agdg around.

Re: aesprite, as you may know it's basically the best sprite editor in existence. $15 unless you compile it yourself from their git. They update it a LOT and it's just been getting better and better lately. Many people now use this instead of Photoshop for sprite work, even people who've used PS for like 10 years. For a graphical rundown of features check out their site: http://www.aseprite.org Their Twitter also has a ton of inspirational pixel art (pic related). https://twitter.com/aseprite

Anyway. http://www.filedropper.com/aseprite16

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b945de No.28086


Well, it works man, thanks. But it's not 1.2 beta 3. It's actually 1.1.6

Did you upload the wrong file? Can you upload it again? Thanks!

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b945de No.28146

>420chan just better

Their css is nice, however I can't stand their fucking admin kirt. Bans anything he doesn't like. No thanks.

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b945de No.28174

Thank me later, faggots.


aseprite 1.1.9

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b945de No.28224


Forgot to thank you...

So thanks, negro!

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b945de No.28234


I respect you.

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File: 1448677901972.png (312.45 KB,506x662,253:331,Jse3FMv.png)

341403 No.24103 [Open thread]

Is there a resource for learning DirectX? I am looking to write simulations. I use Windows because of excel, matlab, etc. So DirectX is what I will be using. Any help?

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341403 No.24160

just use opengl and sfml

they work waaaaaaay better than directx, trust me

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341403 No.24170


for a hobbyist directx is very overkill. But if you insist rastertek is pretty good.


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341403 No.28206


>I use Wangblows bcaz raisins so DirectX is what I will be using.

Use OpenGL instead anon. Not only will it run fast on WangBlows but it will run [at all] on Linux and FagOS.


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File: 1453394521631.png (219.57 KB,507x513,169:171,blender.2.76.png)

1b326d No.24909 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Last thread was bump-locked. Starting a new thread because I'm a narcissist, but also trying to salvage anything worthwhile from the last thread into copypasta. :)

After getting frustrated at MudBox and listening to some feedback here, I've decided to try and learn from the ground up using Blender.

ITT: Beginning 3D in Blender

Specifically, I think I'm going to stick to this playlist and try to get 100% through it before moving on:



YouTube channels:

the d-dub show / ward7299


Blender Guru









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1b326d No.27732


I use this batch rename tool:


Pretty useful when you have a lot of things to rename, like objects, bones, vertex groups, etc. before porting the model to another software that uses different naming conventions, which normally would've taken you half an hour.

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1b326d No.27736


thanks for the great poster anon. any others?

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1b326d No.27888


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1b326d No.27961

File: b7c49a28cf78f55⋯.gif (6.83 MB,372x222,62:37,mKO8klk.gif)


>Not appreciating the essentiality of hotkeys

It's like you want to be unproductive and fail to meet all your deadlines or something.

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1b326d No.28197


This video isn't quite the holy grail I was hoping it would be. UV especially from Blender to Unreal has been quite tricky. In fact, Unreal as a whole has been a HUGE chunk to bite off, so much so that I'm considering just going back to Blender only, and maybe joining a team as an artist rather than a solo (no-game) dev.

I just saw that the BornCG series I was following is up to like video 72 now. I think I'm going to go back through them to catch myself back up.

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211ac2 No.25697 [Open thread]

Lets talk about going full solo in game development. Why do you think it's good? Why do you think it's bad?

I think it's the best option if you don't make games to make money. If you do it because you want to, because you like doing it, then it should be your work, from top to bottom. If more people work on one game then it looses character, but that might not even be considered bad since different games provide a variety of gameplay styles.

Would you agree that games are the highest form of art? They combine all other arts and add something that neither one has: interaction.You can't experience a game without interacting with it. So, if you're making games as a form of art, then it should be YOUR art, it should capture and embody your own personality.

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211ac2 No.28210

Making a game solo is good because you don't need to coordinate anything with anyone, so you can apply changes immediately. The downside is that you have to split your attention between several different tasks and if you get vision-tunneled on one specific aspect of a game, then it might be hard to get back into the other parts of the game.

For anything more complicated than a webgame, however, I think you need more than one person. Hell, even some of the DOS mods that I've worked on have had four people contributing resources to them. It's just easier when you have a specialist doing his own thing.

It's also easier to lose motivation when you're a solo dev, especially if you're strapped for cash or no one cares about your stuff. Having another person to motivate you and to talk with is useful.

Anyway, transmission over.

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211ac2 No.28235


Fuken saved

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211ac2 No.28268

File: 6dc3954c947c2fb⋯.png (1.62 KB,140x66,70:33,typical nodev.png)

I like it because I don't have anyone to get me to do actual work.

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211ac2 No.28828


>no space to separate () and {

Did you come here just to suffer?

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211ac2 No.28829

solo devving is alright for me, except for just one thing


holy fuck there is no amount of words and works to fully describe how much time and lifeforce must be sunk to put in more effective market connections. I already interned for social media marketing, and jumped between [complete boredom] to [just fuck my shit up] levels of time sinking. fuck marketing and fuck the lack of tools to help cover marketing.

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751db9 No.28109 [Open thread]

Im working on a RTS game, and i want to generate the map not based on a heightmap but on a map of tiles. The tilemap is just a 2x2 integer array that holds terrain IDs, they can represent water, shore, flatland, swamp, mountains and so on. Height and texture is dependent on the ID, not on a heightmap and blendmap as usual. Is this a shit idea? If yes, whats a better method to achieve RTS maps? The scale isn't a battlefield like AoE or Starcraft, but more on par with /gsg/ or Totalwar games, that's why the system seems to make sense to me.

Assuming there isn't a better method, how do i do proper terrain smoothing? I've got simple smoothing working, but corners are fucked, and after two hours of trying to develop an advanced algorithm my shit looks like pic related. I've tried to subdivide each tile into 9 zones, which each smooth out based on their 4 cornerpoints, with the middle zone not smoothing out at all. Turns out that this shit is hard to debug and im giving up by posting here.

Additionally, how do i get more than 4 textures on my terrain? All i find is using blendmaps, which don't go beyond that amount.

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751db9 No.28159


>Next on the list is entity mouse picking (figuring out which entity is clicked on). I think the best method is rendering all entities silhouettes onto a hidden FBO where they only have one flat color which is created from an id associated with the entity. When a click happens, you take the pixel that is clicked on and calculate the id from its color.

Color picking works really well, provided your drives etc. don't misbehave and give you a slightly different shade than you asked for. I've seen this on old systems, the solution was basically to space the colors apart as much as possible and then look for the closest one if there's no exact match. The technique is useful for 2D stuff too, like parts of the interface that might need to be irregular etc.

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751db9 No.28176

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751db9 No.28177

File: 2644607d89204f3⋯.webm (5.26 MB,1280x720,16:9,ray-sphere intersection.webm)


I can post the fragment shader if you want, it's just one gigantic quad with two polygons. It uses a normal map plus a distortion map that then distorts the refraction, the space under water, which is first seperately rendered onto an FBO. There is also a reflection, sperately rendered as well, that is blended with the refraction depending on viewing angle. Not as complicated to implement as it sounds though.


I've researched some more and got the impression that color picking is considered a "hack" and is needlessly dragging performance down, so i've gone with Ray intersection calculations now. Im too dumb and lazy to implement Ray-OBB intersection so right now the ray just intersects with invisible spheres around the entities. The big boys solution would apparently be using a physics engine like Bullet or Havoc for the ray tracing because it is assumed that you need one anyway for a AAA-game, but i don't think i'll need one so im going with the middle ground.

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751db9 No.28178


I don't need the code thanks. I'm more interested in the theory for educational purposes. I just need to know names of the specific techniques you've used and I can spend my time studying what they are. I not quite ready to make use of this knowledge into any of my work in the near future.

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751db9 No.28179

File: e9a36e39facd679⋯.png (482.09 KB,512x512,1:1,waterDUDV3.png)


Dont think i can give you the exact names. The multiple rendering of the scene per frame is done by rendering to FBOs, Frame buffer objects, and what you're trying to achieve for the refraction FBO is a fresnel effect using a DUDV map, which looks like a normal map with a yellow taint, pic related.

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cebe65 No.28158 [Open thread]

need maps for my gayme.

been making an fps using Unity

>inb4 its shit.

i'm doing it for fun, just to play with some friends.

the thing is, maps are really time consuming to make, i'm the only dev i and i want to play it before i die of old age.

so i thought of picking some up from HL2, but it imports without the textures.

can't find any free map available.

doesanyone know where i can find some ?.

not particularly looking for something fancy, just decent looking, half life 2/CS:GO would be fine.


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cebe65 No.28166

File: 994f0879d0ba9d3⋯.jpg (84.51 KB,500x313,500:313,3678653631_f1afbc071f[1].jpg)

I highly recommend using the Sauerbraten which is a 3D game engine with a superb multi-user map editor. It's possible to create a map in Sauerbraten and export the map to .obj format. Unity can import this data as a 3D model. Alternatively, you can try implementing your game based on the Sauerbraten engine.





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6a7b0c No.28137 [Open thread]

dead board

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6a7b0c No.28139

looks alive to me, also you spelt "bird" wrong

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6a7b0c No.28165

I like it, clueless 4cuck shitters come to this board instead of the /v/ thread when they hear about 8ch, and then leave when they think there's no devs in this site.

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e0604c No.28115 [Open thread]

Hi, not sure if this is worth an OP but couldn't find a fitting thread.

I work on a parkour game and currently I try to find a formular for running/jumping.

I came to the point where I have to decide how deep one can fall without taking damage. I chose to take the acceleration done in a vertical jump and interpret it as deceleration at landings.

The character can fall deeper than he can jump upwards. Because:

Right before jumping he knees with a 45 degrees angle of the thighs, which is a acceleration-path of 1/sqrt(2)'th of the leg lenght.

But at landing the character can do a roll which I interpret as 2/3th of the leg length for deceleration. This is longer than 1/sqrt(2)'th which means he is able to decelerate from ~11.1m/s to 0

This results in my case in ~7.2m depth for maximum depth.

What I want to know: Do you think this is somewhat realistic?

btw The character can run and sprint. In the picture it is f(x) and g(x). g(x) seems awfully long with the ~7.2 depth...

Sadly I need to do such stuff before working on the map or otherwise I dont know how high I can make walls etc.

If I find the help here useful I'll post the soccer stadion I have as a map wip atm. :3

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e0604c No.28128


> If you jumped straight down on to concrete from that distance, I doubt you'd be walking away from the impact.

Well didnt thought about hard/soft undergrounds. Will definitely put a note on this matter.


there will be a healing factor. Otherwise standing on something and permanently dying by jumping down because you are hurt is kind of stupid.

BTW I did not chose which engine I want to use at the end. Someone knows a simple 3d engine where I can do a tech demo for finding "good feeling" mechanics and share it with you guys?

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e0604c No.28130

Oh and what do you think?

I'm not sure if I want two walking speeds or a variable speed, like it was done in splinter cell. Might even be pretty comfy to only scroll up and one doesnt have to press anything else to run. just scroll down to stop.

On the con side it becomes harder to find out how fast one has to run to pass a pit. Many people might end up always running max speed to make sure.

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e0604c No.28132


>Someone knows a simple 3d engine where I can do a tech demo for finding "good feeling" mechanics and share it with you guys?

working in 3D alone is probably biting off more than a single developer can chew. otherwise, probably unity just for the large community and support you can get with it.


can't really help you here, this is all the game design part of being a game designer. this video is a good summary if you haven't already seen it.


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e0604c No.28135


Ill do that with unity then for this one. I do work alone atm but I plan to get some people involved once there is a bit more than a raw idea.

The video is a nice one. Ill do both cases, two speeds and many speeds and will look how it feels. The video states that Mario's physics might be done likely, spending months with working on this matter alone. Thats what I might do.

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e0604c No.28144


After making the Rolling-Ball tutorial game I came to the conclusion I should begin right off with chosing the engine I want to use at the end. I try to be somewhat open source if I dont fail fatally, so Unity is not my first choice...

I try Godot. It seems to be improved much after the last big updates. This will take a while.

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148681 No.26017 [Open thread]

A anthro VN.

I'm looking on forming a team to get this project of mine off the ground. The brief outline is done. The detailed outlines are not. We've already got a code person. Art will be acquired later. If you can write, have free time and are interested. We could use the help. The more the merrier.

Thank you.

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148681 No.27032

All the art looks pretty mediocre fam. The muzzles look seriously short, and not even in a qt kemono way. I could probably draw you better stuff myself.

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148681 No.27079


Idea guy: The Post

Either learn a craft, or accept you are expecting magic miracles to do your project for you.

It's about being competent, you need to know ins and outs of the various creative disciplines. Otherwise you are effectively just another fan of your own project.

It's painful to watch. Every kid being sold a pipedream over on Unreal Engine forums - the same old story.

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148681 No.27194

File: 1467853922218.gif (258.34 KB,500x500,1:1,1459993730110-4.gif)



That's an expensive fursuit, anon.

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148681 No.27195

File: 1467857428533.webm (222.93 KB,480x360,4:3,quark laugh.webm)

The retardation of furries never fails to surprise me.

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148681 No.28133

The VN demo is out.


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91caf4 No.15417 [Open thread]

Can we have a thread about the pros and cons of Construct 2?
How many of you can learn it by yourselves and how many need tutorials?
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91caf4 No.27780

One neat thing is that it supports peer-to-peer multiplayer over WebRTC with some hacked version of Peer.JS.

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91caf4 No.28082

Construct 2 is pretty legit. If anyone wants help working with it, or wants to make a project together, e-mail me.

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91caf4 No.28100


but what game to make?

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91caf4 No.28102

Clickteam Fusion > Construct tbh fam

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91caf4 No.28105


Why would you tell a lie like that?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ab7fc0 No.19302 [Open thread]

This is the most powerful motivation video that I saw, if this doesn't get you deving and learning, then nothing does.

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ab7fc0 No.27236


I find Phil Fish's story really inspiring. Pls no bully.

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ab7fc0 No.27270

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ab7fc0 No.28034

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Stefan Molyneux reading of MAGA Mindset is great

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ab7fc0 No.28036


If you aspire to be a thief and a crook, he's great to look up to.

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ab7fc0 No.28104


>letter is typical "hey should i do the thing" question

>"I have eight gorillion awards and fifteen books published already tho should i continue???"


Of course the guy should go for it -- he already has it. Where's the advice for people who constantly get shit on, who have bad jobs, who are actually in bad spots?

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f6a49d No.23116 [Open thread]

What are some good game engines and game dev tools for Linux?

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f6a49d No.27673

File: cf30e4c095c3904⋯.png (2.57 KB,499x316,499:316,huntshot.png)



Use curses library, or ANSI escape codes (those work in VT100 terminal), or even the terminfo library (tput program).

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f6a49d No.28023

File: e5875fa50932abc⋯.jpg (42 KB,960x309,320:103,1471650114106.jpg)



unity guy here, that's old as fuck

use this thread instead: https://forum.unity3d.com/threads/unity-on-linux-release-notes-and-known-issues.350256/

The last stable release will always be at the end of the thread, please report bugs, it really helps

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f6a49d No.28038


I recommend the Frogatto Engine which does all of that and is open source.

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f6a49d No.28080

File: 8d9afaf0f4f50db⋯.png (30.65 KB,512x512,1:1,love2d_flurry_icon_by_mdfa….png)

i use Love2D and Java with many game libraries, for art i use GIMP and sound effects bfxr online

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f6a49d No.28440


Godot is what you're looking for. Scenes are just trees of scenes in Godot. It's great, it's easy, and it does 3D games that don't look bad.

Blender has a game engine but it's so shitty that it's basically as bad as just using Windows + Unity.

Other tools:

LMMS, Musescore, Hydrogen Drum Machine, GIMP, Blender.


>Sublime, MilkyTracker, Audacity for sfx

What a terrible workflow. Audacity should be used to edit sounds, not create them. MilkyTracker is okay if you really must have accurate chiptune shit, but otherwise, it's a pain to use. Sublime is trash. If you're using it, you may as well be using Windows.

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File: 17c53976a532e19⋯.jpg (1.11 MB,3920x2204,980:551,DSC_0241.jpg)

119643 No.27997 [Open thread]

Pretend for a moment I know why you're frowning. Give me peace not. You have power, but do you have grace? Is it possible to improvise or will we die in the blink of an eye or two?

Can we pretend that airplanes don't fall, can we pretend to be nothing at all, can we hide and can we run or will we just get tossed about, like a rag or a bag of skin, in an emptiness that ignores us?

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119643 No.28046

Eyes without a face

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119643 No.28047

For no human grace

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119643 No.28048

Tua banda without cision

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119643 No.28056


The marching band refused to yield.

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16dc50 No.29168

File: 03c202d367f9b24⋯.png (241.4 KB,600x500,6:5,608.png)


>They think they're smart.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7603da No.23561 [Open thread]

Back in 2011, Ben Aksoy made a neat game called Ace of Spades, but sold it out to Fagex. Since Fagex deleted the source code to the original game, why don't we fix the source code and go from there?


Barring that, why not just remake the game from scratch?

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7603da No.27521


Mods have tons of disadvantages, especially questionable IP rights.

Voxel engines are absurdly easy to make.

Almost all of the work is the netcode.

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7603da No.27980

So here is the thing, all builds after the SMG update are not fun. All people want is the rifle, shovel, and pikeaxe updates source code.



>>23561 (OP)

These are all newest version, which is akin to CoD than classic Ace of Spades

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7603da No.28007


So fork it and write a version with the exact features you want.

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7603da No.28021


The voxel engine is not hard to develop in itself. What's hard is making an engine that's also extensible through mods and is also coherent with multiplayer aspects. I could write a Minecraft clone in a tiny portion of the time to took to write the real one. As soon as you ask me to implement a mod API and also networking, it would take a lot longer and a lot more effort to make it happen.

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7603da No.28026


it still exists tho

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