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File: 1454106182499.png (257.6 KB,549x349,549:349,unity.png)

d64753 No.25082

Can we get some kind of dumping ground for Unity packages for systems and code on the Asset Store? For those who aren't confident of spending dosh only to find out a promising package is either garbage or doesn't work for their projects like they intended.

Other engine packages/plugins welcome.

I used to have a torrent of packages, but they were for Unity4 and I can't find the link anymore. Will add if I can.

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d64753 No.27751

Anyone got ProTools like ProBuilder?

Unity is freaking crap to work on levels with without having to go to blender'3dsmax/maya

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d64753 No.27871

Anyone have VHS Pro?

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d64753 No.27964

File: 9683d566b824f57⋯.jpg (125.71 KB,1173x1171,1173:1171,bojack thumbs up.jpg)


Just found this board thanks to a link on /pol/. Never heard of Unity until now. Just downloaded the personal version and plan on doing a tutorial or two today. Thanks, OP.

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d64753 No.28370


anybody got the Shader Forge thingerydoo?

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d64753 No.28373


>Never heard of Unity until now.

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d64753 No.28374


The guy is a red pilled /pol/itical conspirator. He's not a turbonerd like the rest of us.

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