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File: 1445090872191.jpeg (3.6 KB,136x150,68:75,linux.jpeg)

f6a49d No.23116

What are some good game engines and game dev tools for Linux?

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f6a49d No.23121

Godot for a full blown game IDE, libgdx for Java/SFML or SDL for C++ for nice game libraries.

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f6a49d No.23166

The Unity3D editor is now available on Linux if you like C#.

Otherwise as other anon said, Java/SFML or SDL.

Sublime for coding.

Krita for painting.

aseprite for pixel art.

Audacity for sfx.

Milkytracker for music tracking.

Blender for 3D.

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f6a49d No.23167


Gotta add Tiled to the list. It's an ice 2D tile-based map editor.

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f6a49d No.23196

Hey linux friendos, I found an experimental build for Unity.


I'm probably gonna try it tonight, I just wana try to port my models from Blender to Unity.

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f6a49d No.23202


Good mention, yes I forgot about that one.

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f6a49d No.23619


Jmonkey for full engine

FNA like xna

Unreal engine has a port

I think love 2d works also.

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f6a49d No.26398

Not OP, but are there any other suggestions?

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f6a49d No.26525


That works perfectly for me, except that you'll need to change SceneManager,LoadLevel() back to Application.LoadLevel()

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f6a49d No.26559

UE4 works pretty damned well on Linux, compilation was pretty painless with Epic's install scripts as wrll

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f6a49d No.26925

File: 1465050910899.png (103.25 KB,512x128,4:1,urho3d.png)

Urho3D is pretty nicely designed game engine.

Has pretty much everything you expect a game engine to have.

+ Open Source

+ Cross platform

+ Lua scripting

+ AngelScript

+ Can be extended with C++ easily

- Docs aren't really great

- Very small community


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f6a49d No.26926


>Milkytracker for music tracking.

there's also some more audio shit if a person cares about that


basically arrange music as sheet music with MIDI files from what I remember


'Free as in Free Beer and Freedom' clone of FL Studio, not much else to say here


'virtual guitar amplifier'

but working with Linux audio gave me stage 3 cancer

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f6a49d No.26999

I will give you a serious advice:

Either go for the well known engines




and use all the work other people already did with addons/plugins/mods. Pretty fast to start with, but later on you will miss control over your project

or go for some of the opensource/free software option and finish it yourself. Now people will usually advice for the well known



but I find out that sometimes it's good to look for less known engines, because they usually have better documentation and are less fucked up.

For example after trying to not go insane with bullet, newton, ode documentations, I discovered


for physics, that actually lets you do shit without getting in your way


this looks really nice if you want already made free software engine

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f6a49d No.27000


Ogre is also in a state of flux right now. 1.9 is considered stable and 2.1 is not, but they're switching everything over to DX11/GL3 and basically overhauling everything. None of the old samples work and the new ones just show off the new whizbang stuff (not including the tutorial ones which are super basic but that's the point). The devs are pretty smart though, so once it's finalized (maybe in like 3 years at minimum) it'll probably be cool again.

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f6a49d No.27001


nice trips answering to my trips

>Ogre is also in a state of flux right now

I believe you, I went for my own engine anyway since it was less hassle than trying to work with someone elses engine except for physics engine, because I don't hate myself, but there it is usually better to find smaller, newer projects than to try to force one of the well known projects into your codebase, because fuck that, seriously

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f6a49d No.27019


Love2D is also really fun to work with

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f6a49d No.27026



it's also worth noting that OpenMW switched from Ogre to OpenSceneGraph a while back: https://openmw.org/2015/ogre/

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f6a49d No.27057

File: 1466645635398.pdf (1.77 MB,Programming Linux Games (2….pdf)

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f6a49d No.27211




still early in developement, but i've been able to ditch the other editors except vim, ofc :^) in favor of it. fast C++ autocompletion and realtime syntax error detection through libclang.



simple to use and sophisticated. honest C++ multimedia library. easy to code in. fast.



solid, powerful rendering engine. mature.

bullet physics


atp pretty much unparalleled physics/simulation engine. scitech Academy Award winner. widely used in other platforms/frameworks. eg, Maya.



powerful, open source robotics simulator. also used by ROS, the Robot Operating System.


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f6a49d No.27290

Just use the X11 shared libraries, it's better that way.

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f6a49d No.27296


>Just lock your game down to a soon to be deprecated piece of software

Pls no

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f6a49d No.27400


Godot is probably the best bet. It's trying to compete with unity.

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f6a49d No.27508



A library for creating secure client/server network protocols over UDP

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f6a49d No.27514

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f6a49d No.27605

Pygame is decent if you want to program in Python.


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f6a49d No.27624


Panda3D is a good engine if you're into Python. It supports C++ too but it's not as seamless supposedly. Designed to work with Blender, which is Linux-friendly too.

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f6a49d No.27663

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Headcannon Engine (used in the upcoming Sonic Mania and vid related) works on linux, and you can make nice stuff with it. The problem is that the engine is closed source

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f6a49d No.27664

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

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f6a49d No.27666


Fuck off, Stallman.

Go and eat the shit on your toes

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f6a49d No.27673

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Use curses library, or ANSI escape codes (those work in VT100 terminal), or even the terminfo library (tput program).

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f6a49d No.28023

File: e5875fa50932abc⋯.jpg (42 KB,960x309,320:103,1471650114106.jpg)



unity guy here, that's old as fuck

use this thread instead: https://forum.unity3d.com/threads/unity-on-linux-release-notes-and-known-issues.350256/

The last stable release will always be at the end of the thread, please report bugs, it really helps

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f6a49d No.28038


I recommend the Frogatto Engine which does all of that and is open source.

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f6a49d No.28080

File: 8d9afaf0f4f50db⋯.png (30.65 KB,512x512,1:1,love2d_flurry_icon_by_mdfa….png)

i use Love2D and Java with many game libraries, for art i use GIMP and sound effects bfxr online

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f6a49d No.28440


Godot is what you're looking for. Scenes are just trees of scenes in Godot. It's great, it's easy, and it does 3D games that don't look bad.

Blender has a game engine but it's so shitty that it's basically as bad as just using Windows + Unity.

Other tools:

LMMS, Musescore, Hydrogen Drum Machine, GIMP, Blender.


>Sublime, MilkyTracker, Audacity for sfx

What a terrible workflow. Audacity should be used to edit sounds, not create them. MilkyTracker is okay if you really must have accurate chiptune shit, but otherwise, it's a pain to use. Sublime is trash. If you're using it, you may as well be using Windows.

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