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91caf4 No.15417

Can we have a thread about the pros and cons of Construct 2?
How many of you can learn it by yourselves and how many need tutorials?
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91caf4 No.15421

I managed to finish a small 2d sidescroller with it for a csci class in about a week. I only read the beginning tutorial, then figured the rest out on my own.
It's great for rapid development and letting you focus on level design and the creative aspects of game dev, but I didn't dig far enough into it to really make anything too complex.
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91caf4 No.15456

I'd be interested in making a top-down view game with online support for it. It would beat working in game maker, but I want to know if I can custom code new events myself.
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91caf4 No.15459

I'd definitely use it for any default-type 2D game styles (e.g. twin-stick shooter, platformer) over using the 2D components of UE and even Unity.
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91caf4 No.15500

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91caf4 No.15868

Personally I do need tutorials for some more complex things, but a lot of things can be learned easily just by exploring and trying things out.

Personally I'm an artfag, so for me sometimes it's difficult to find out the "programmer" part where I need to use some commands and words from programming. That's when I look up tutorials or ask people.
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91caf4 No.15881

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Construct 2 is good for quickly making things. I was able to make a canabalt clone from scratch in around 2 days (most of the time spent was for the art).

Tutorials are a plenty and I recommend this for beginners. However, I haven't made anything complex for it yet.
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91caf4 No.15891

Great for projects, useful for prototyping. Sadly, the lack of an optional scripting language, only Windows support and the odd changes they keep making turned me off of it forever.

I was working on a project and updated to the version with tilemap options. They effectively got rid of instances! You have to have at least one instance of an object before it can be instantiated now! I have no clue why they pulled this shit and I dropped it pretty quick after that since I had so many entities I was working with. I figure the way around it would involve simply having a pause or disable state for every object, but I feared I would run into more bullshit especially if I updated again.
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91caf4 No.18063

How good is it? Does it allow exporting for both Android and iOS?

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91caf4 No.18064

I've been working in Construct 2 for a while now, and generally I like it, although it has some hiccups.


>I figure the way around it would involve simply having a pause or disable state for every object

Is there some reason you couldn't just make a spawn sheet?

My main issue was the whole "no changing the system image within an event" thing, combined with not being able to create instances out of families. Finally got around it by having an independent little event whenever I wanted to spawn anything, giving it a family ID, and then assigning values in a different event, but it's pretty kludgey. I'm worried it's not going to work out the next time I do something new in code.


Scirra says yes, although I've never tried it.

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91caf4 No.18331

Can you make puzzle games in it?

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91caf4 No.18351


You can make puzzle games in everything.

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91caf4 No.18382

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

most amazing engine I've ever used - has hiccups, sure, but was worth the business license cost (~$500)

also javascript for scripting is incredible

vid related: made in c2

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91caf4 No.18407

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By the way,

>Construct 2 r195


Have fun, and share so we can discuss with more people.

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91caf4 No.18431

Can you make a rpg strategy game?

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91caf4 No.18848

Never heard about it. Is it at least better than Game Maker?

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91caf4 No.20602

Bump for interest.

How many platforms does it support?

Can I code it in C/C++ as opposed to pseudo-code?

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91caf4 No.21028

So what can you make in this engine before it you hit it's limits?

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91caf4 No.22133


It's event-based like MMF2, but unlike it you can still code if you want, but only in Javascript.

I've made a somewhat big game on it. 50+ layouts, a LOT of sprites/images/backgrounds, a lot of sound, animations, etc. It was my first one so a lot of things are not optimized too.

I really like it and I've been using MMF2 and Clickteam tools long before it had come out so it's pretty much all I know how to use.

That being said, it has some big big problems. First of all, all it exports to natively is HTML5. Saying it exports to Android/iOS/Windows/Mac/Linux on their main page is pure bullshit. You have to rely on third-party exporters for that, and they mostly suck.

The devs are currently working on Construct 3 but no one knows what's going to change.

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91caf4 No.22253

How's the optimization for this engine? Is it far better than game maker 8.1 and Unity?

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91caf4 No.22278


It's great for HTML5 and that's it. All other options are shit.

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91caf4 No.22395

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91caf4 No.22433

Ok I got Construct 2 because of this thread. I ran through the tutorial pretty fast and it seems simple enough to make fun little dumb games on.

So just to fuck around I set it to play the OH BABY A TRIPLE kid when you get three kills. I added a few other sound files with no problems, but when I activate OH BABY A TRIPLE in the actual game it sounds like a very loud feedback loop from hell. The sound file is fine, it's in a .ogg like C2 likes. How do I fix this?

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91caf4 No.22444


Never mind, I'm retarded. When you set something to happen on a certain integer value, you have to make sure it only does it once.

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91caf4 No.22445


Oh, but if anyone knows how to manipulate Scroll To to increase the field of vision, that would be great.

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91caf4 No.22461


You mean the behavior? I wouldn't advise using it since there are no options, but what you actually want has nothing to do with it.

What you're looking for is "On start of layout -> System -> Set layout scale to 0.5" or any other number less than 1.

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91caf4 No.22464


Compare against a flag which you set to true once the sound plays a single time. You want to make sure that the event isn't continuously fired. You can reset the flag once the score changes again

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91caf4 No.22516

Question on this developer tool

I'm trying to make a boss entity spawn on either four corners of the map, fire a bullet, and then retreat back before moving to a different corner. I have it starting outside of the layout, and then

Set position to (random(0, 1710), random(0, 810))

But on start it just spawns randomly inside of the layout. Is there an easy way to set it to 0 OR 1710?

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91caf4 No.22716


Yes, use the | operator for that

As in

Set boss position to 0 | 1710

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91caf4 No.22717


Also random(0,10) would pick any number between 0 and 10 but you can also use random(10) and it would do the same.

You can also use choose(0,1710) and it will pick only one of these.

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91caf4 No.22722


So just to be clear

set boss_position:
x = 0 | 1710
y = 0 | 810

Will cause the boss to spawn randomly in the four corners of the layout?

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91caf4 No.22827


Yeah, it should.

Maybe you should also change the 1710 to LayoutWidth and the 810 to LayoutHeight.

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91caf4 No.27779

Just downloaded Construct 2. Seems really nice so far. I'm not hearing any overly bad things from anyone else. I'm a total newbie to it though. Still figuring out how to make the player character controlled with WASD.

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91caf4 No.27780

One neat thing is that it supports peer-to-peer multiplayer over WebRTC with some hacked version of Peer.JS.

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91caf4 No.28082

Construct 2 is pretty legit. If anyone wants help working with it, or wants to make a project together, e-mail me.

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91caf4 No.28100


but what game to make?

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91caf4 No.28102

Clickteam Fusion > Construct tbh fam

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91caf4 No.28105


Why would you tell a lie like that?

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