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File: bf0f5a1182b622e⋯.jpg (16.17 KB,300x168,25:14,download (12).jpg)

ca112c No.29236

So I spent the last week designing on paper a game that was wondering my mind for a while.

So I want to build a city building game. Pic related is one of my favorite games of all time and I would like to make something similar.

My question is... What engine should I use? I'm torn between Godot and Unity. Personally I am decently fluent in C#, while I know just a couple of swear words in Python, so probably Unity is better, but I like Godot for its better support of 2D and open source structure.

What do you guys say?

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3a39d9 No.29237

It really depends on what you want to do with your game when it's ready for release. Are you releasing FOSS or planning on making some cash? Note the licenses involved. And given how hard making a game can be, I suggest you make things easier on yourself by using the language and tools you know best. It's your first serious game project, right?

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ca112c No.29238

Yes it is my first serious project.

Honestly I highly doubt I can make something worth selling, so I'm 99% sure I'm going to release it freely.

And you're not wrong, probably going with Unity is the better choice.

Out of curiosity are there other engines worth looking into? I mean I know there are, but relative to what I said.

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b9d2b7 No.29241


there's unreal, which is open source and generally better, but requires a better PC which kind of kills the idea of simplistic city builders of old

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6e4513 No.29246


Unreal is not open source. Being able to see the source code doesn't always mean the project is open source.

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4e2ac0 No.29259

File: 1f03d5810446fc5⋯.jpg (620.69 KB,816x4088,102:511,Tencent.jpg)


Go Unity.


Fuck Unreal, it's owned by the Chinese, see attached.

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b0f317 No.29299

File: 044ef20ad8a9a2b⋯.jpg (711.86 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Pharaoh.jpg)


I'm highly interested in this, but first, what's the setting your aiming for? Renaissance, classical age? Modern Day? Industrial? Or is it just about making an economy game, mate?

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e7a1a2 No.29313



Does anyone know pipeline guides for soft sprite renders like these? Always liked those as opposed to the harsher looking ones. Adds to the sense of tranquility.

I know how to make 3D assets like that, never made sprites tho.

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3bfaee No.29323

you should look into godot to see if you like it, since it is more 2d centered and you already know C#, passing to C++ shouldn't be so hard (and it's faster with number procesing, which these games seem to use a lot)

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aa6e6d No.29375


If youre making your game in 2d then you'll want to use godot.

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2cfbca No.29382


You can still use Godot for 3D games. While GDScript is considered slow and writing all the logic using only GDScript is considered inefficient, there are ways to improve performance of the engine to deal with your game. The way I'm thinking about is to implement various performance critical routines and objects in C++ and then provide a GDScript interface to those objects. This means part of the game logic is written in performant C++ while the higher level logic is controlled with GDScript.

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13c84a No.29414




What advantages does godot have for 2d?

Im in a similar position to OP and finally decided it would be better to make my 2d game in unity

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73302f No.29436



Godot has any feature you would want in any 2d engine. I don't know how this compares with Unity.

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0a378b No.33932


Is that Caesar III? That's my favorite game also. Suggestion: Don't use a pre-made engine. It's 2D and mostly just placing pre-drawn tiles in fixed spots; the only "game move" logic needed would be for the people wandering around your town. Well, unless you're adding the military aspect to your new game; that could get interesting.

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9b628b No.33950


Why are you digging a 2 years old dead thread?

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a33149 No.34011

You can use C# as a scripting language in Godot, with Mono installed. There's literally no reason to use Unity, especially with former EA-kike John Riccitiello as its CEO.

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