>BoF 1 and 2 are tedious as hell. There's an encounter every 3 or 4 steps. Christ
I'm assuming you're not a big time RPG player. BoF's encounter rate is pretty mild for its era. Phantasy Star II would be the pinnacle of tediously high encounter rates, while I would consider games like Phantasy Star I, Star Ocean 2, and Shining the Holy Ark to have mildly high encounter rates (which is fine by me). By comparison, BoF is very very average, much less than those games. Nothing wrong with not liking that, everyone has their own tastes, but based on that there are some games on your list with encounter rates as high as BoF, Lufia II isn't one of them.
>I heard about that dungeon in Lufia 2. It's a roguelike inside of the game, right? You start without any equipment and move through the dungeon, but you get to keep some items
Yes, you start back at level 1 every time you enter the dungeon, and you have to level up and work with the items that the dungeon gives you. It's completely random every time. There are different strategies to use (do you go in with two characters that will develop into healers? Do you go for speed?) There's a lot of trial and error involved. The final boss of that dungeon is bullshit though (not for the reasons you're thinking), I won't spoil it, but don't feel bad if you save state at the bottom level to save yourself 15 hours of having to do it again, but don't save state throughout the dungeon, the fun comes the risk and reward the deeper you get in.
>Also, this might not be the right thread to ask, but do you have any recommendations apart from RPGs, for SNES?
The above poster has some good recs. Like he said, it depends how obscure you want to go, you know the classics DKC, SMW, Super Mario Kart, Super Metroid, etc. etc. - they're all fun and worth playing so, at least, go through them all first. After that there's ActRaiser, E.V.O. Search for Eden, Joe & Mac, Super Ghouls and Ghosts, the Bomberman games…these aren't very obscure, but they're all fun. How obscure do you want to go?
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