[–]▶ 4a50b1 (7) No.3104896>>3104975 >>3105029 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
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We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
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Q's Latest Posts
Wednesday 09.19.18
>>3095226 rt >>3094846 ---——----------——-- 412,000 now.
>>3095105 rt >>3094804 ---——----------——-- False, moon landings are real.
>>3094565 ---——-----------------------------——-- Tracking 330,000 IPs which is causing extreme lag.
>>3094453 rt >>3093917 ---——----------——-- [RR] stand down due to K conf.
>>3094236 rt >>3093831 ---——----------——-- No. Highest classification. Consider the vastness of space
>>3093898 rt >>3093795 ---——----------——-- Yes
>>3093821 ---——-----------------------------——-- /CM/ pls divert more resources/bandwidth into board
>>3093784 rt >>3093306 ---——----------——-- None are protected. None are safe
>>3093508 rt >>3093293 ---——----------——-- In the end, all will be right
>>3093430 rt >>3093289 ---——----------——-- Billionaire(s) 187
>>3093270 ---——-----------------------------——-- Q&A
>>3093117 ---——-----------------------------——-- PANIC IN UK, DC, UK, DC
>>3093024 ---——-----------------------------——-- Castle lock
>>>/patriotsfight/266 ---————--—————- Think of context ( Cap: >>3092071 )
>>>/patriotsfight/265 ---————--—————- Got popcorn? ( Cap: >>3091915 )
>>>/patriotsfight/264 ---————--—————- How about a nice game of chess? ( Cap: >>3091799 )
Tuesday 09.18.18
>>>/patriotsfight/263 ---————--—————- Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein. ( Cap: >>3082716 )
>>>/patriotsfight/262 ---————--—————- Truth to Power. Listen carefully. ( Cap: >>3079711, >>3079717 )
>>>/patriotsfight/261 ---————--—————- WE SEE YOU. ( Cap: >>3078445 )
>>>/patriotsfight/260 ---————--—————- GAME OVER. ( Cap: >>3078334 )
>>>/patriotsfight/259 ---————--—————- DS PANIC IS REAL. ( Cap: >>3076552 )
Monday 09.17.18
Compiled here: >>3093355
Sunday 09.16.18
Compiled here: >>3065797
Saturday 09.15.18
Compiled here: >>3065785
Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI
Past Q Posts
Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226
All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news
Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
▶ 4a50b1 (7) No.3104897
are not endorsements
>>2954845, >>2955152 #DeclassifyFISA <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----
>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes
>>3054499 TMZ article/FEMA director backs POTUS statement that fewer died in PR than reports
>>3102941 Lookback: CF-linked Generic drugs billionaire and his wife strangled in their home
>>3102911, >>3103127 Moar perspective on the Q&A and 8ch/QR's purpose re: muh aliens
>>3098124 CodeMonkey Update on the server upgrades
>>3087072 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 (SPREAD IT)
>>3023169, >>3001747 BO/BV announces >>>/patriotsawoken/ as our SFW sister board
>>2993403, >>3079699 The OFFICIAL replacement for /r/greatawakening on VOAT (spread for the normies): https://voat.co/v/theawakening
>>2999802 Message from CM : New posting servers to help alleviate peak-time lag
#3928 Baker Change
>>3104186 Maryland shooting update
>>3104231 Brennan continues to run his mouth on POTUS
>>3104419 On the Canadian billionaires’ house
>>3104603 Ecuador pledges not to kick out Assange
>>3104633 McCaskill lunacy re: Kavanaugh vote
>>3104664 Kavanaugh accuser classmate admits to lying about alleged incident
>>3104689 qmap.pub unique users update
>>3104809 Planefag: B-52 (DOOM8100) over Little Rock
>>3104809 #3929
>>3103898, >>3104038 Qu'est ce que c'est La France? Psych tests for Le Pen?
>>3104001 Macron's lying mouth will be shut for him, but for now, slanders Brexiteers
>>3103645, >>3103687 HRC used personal blackberry in Moscow, SS suppress facepalms
>>3103644, >>3103667 Anons propose the "expend ammo" theory of why Q teased aliens
>>3103626, >>3103658 Early Reports of a shooting w/ 'multiple victims' in Maryland
>>3103625 Anon proposes a timeline for Kav to Gitmo
>>3103591 Comey Suggests Mueller Probe Is ‘In The Fourth Quarter’ & relevant Q drop
>>3103520, >>3103624 ]Sessions[ limits U.S. judges' ability to dismiss deportation cases
>>3103509 For keks: Muh Aliens version of "WTF u jus say to me?" Navy Seal Copypasta
>>3103504 Moar from James O'Keefe. DS's US GAO: "I break rules every day."
>>3103497 Arabic OpEd title gives John Kerry the honorific "Mullah." Huh.
>>3103478 Moar @DJT: S&P 500 all-time high
>>3103444 ]Great Actors[ D-Al Green: Sessions "works for the people, not for you."
>>3103422, >>3103471 Re: "FVEY Safety House Build" Q drop, NZ bunkers too mebbe?
>>3103416 Pompeo meeting w/Mongorians
>>3103407, >>3104014 AIRKEK: AZAZ0909
>>3103405 Panic in Camp Dem: skerred Trump's got an ‘October Surprise’ for 'em
>>3104142 #3927
>>3102997 Jobless claims 49-yr low
>>3102953, >>3103001 Moar on Apotex digg/Trudeau
>>3102854 NIH and FDA call for eliminating gov. oversight in recombinant DNA experiments
>>3102702 Tucker: NM Solar Observatory said closure due to nearby FBI search/investig'n of CP
>>3102681 Apr 2017: That time Comey went to NZ for "top secret" FVEY mtg
>>3102670, >>3102973 What's good for the gander? Pelosi accuses MSM of trying to 'undermine' her speakership
>>3102661 On the Q clock: Q&A 2.0?
>>3102626, >>3102839, >>3102848, >>3102873, >>3102857, >>3102862, >>3102874, >>3102882, >>3102998 AIRKEK: S-POSH NH, E-4B, ORDER 66
Baker change
>>3103294, >>3102626 Anon suggests interpretation of POTUS' latest twats, with planefag support
>>3102647, >>3102720 TX: Another "Blue Wave" defeat
>>3103363 #3926
>>3101870, >>3101876, >>3101898, >>3101936, >>3101986 Project Veritas, Jessica Schubel - Deepstate Cunt
>>3101847, >>3101875 Follow-up on 187'ed CA billionaires and Apotex
>>3101931, >>3102007 Horowitz has unredacted texts from his stint as OIG/DOJ
>>3101977, >>3102097, >>3102054 Link to Kav's accuser's yearbook snips and archives; sex drugs and rock and roll
>>3102072 Scribbles/SecureDrop Connection?
>>3102326 Barclays Bank online and mobile services down
>>3102332 Sheriff with jurisdiction over Tesla Gigafactory investigated for rape
>>3102362 Today's Q clock
>>3102418, >>3102496, >>3102518, >>3102552 New POTUS twats
>>3102538 New Project Veritas video out
>>3102556 #3925
Previously Collected Notables
>>3100171 #3922, >>3100958 #3923, >>3101784 #3924
>>3097748 #3919, >>3098621 #3920, >>3099386 #3921
>>3092936 #3913, #3914 - #3918 suspended during Q&A
>>3090643 #3910, >>3091410 #3911, >>3092198 #3912
>>3088304 #3907, >>3089080 #3908, >>3089872 #3909
>>3085991 #3904, >>3086738 #3905, >>3087511 #3906
Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
▶ 4a50b1 (7) No.3104900
War Room
#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism
Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!
[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'
[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!
[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.
Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!
Be your own tweet storm army.
Useful twat hints on war room info graphs
Best Times to TWEET:
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Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w
Sealed Indictments
Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677
Resignations Thread ---————- >>2714136
All Resignations Website ---——- https://www.resignation.info
Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php
Spread The Word
>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild
Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads
>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)
>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)
>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)
>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)
>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130
Other Dedicated Research Threads
>>2934062 -- 2018 Midterms HQ
>>2767719 -- Predictive Analytics Dig
>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II
>>2969698 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554
>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game
>>618758 --– Merkel research thread
>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking
>>911014 --– Occult Music and Pop Culture
>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread
>>2518070 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #2
>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research
>>1311848 -- PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here
>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete
>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits
>>2878373 - Clockwork Qrange #4
No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html
Q Graphics all in GMT
Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488
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Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303
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Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#47 >>>/comms/2450, >>3085316
Q Graphics all in EST
Fresh update of first period EST maps ---——————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210
Most recent compilation ---———————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269
Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ---———————————-— >>>/comms/1189
Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ---—————————- >>>/comms/968
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ---——— >>>/comms/967
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ---————— >>>/comms/966
▶ 4a50b1 (7) No.3104902
QPosts Archives
* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.I.pdf
MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!wrwxWYqZ!WfGoNq-17boQe67aLUN7EIPFqMr5hO6fq8F_SfwMCVc
SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/387618488/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-I?secret_password=RqBLVofdGM5XUJfyYpNL
MEDIAFIRE: http://www.mediafire.com/file/hpm6xvwc5x0gi02/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.I.pdf
* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/
* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub
* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)
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QPosts Archives in Other Formats
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* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY
* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip
* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/
* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188
* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/
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* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/
Tweet Tools
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* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com
* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/
Other Tools
* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb
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* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)
* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases
* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/
* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub
* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)
* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/
Q Research Graphics Library
27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic
Advanced Graphics
>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes
>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw
>>93735 Side by Side Archive
Meme Ammo Stockpiles
30 >>3038264 ; 29 >>2946736 ; 28 >>2732413 ; Templates >>113884
Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/
Bread Archives (sites)
Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html
PAVUK ---——- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com
Bread Archives (downloads)
MasterArchivist ---——————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/
Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/
Germanarchiveanon ---————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa
Learn To Bake!
Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3032592
Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY
How To Bake: Video Tutorial >>3018667
Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154
▶ 4a50b1 (7) No.3104907>>3104970 >>3104974 >>3105342
▶ 819e58 (3) No.3104941>>3105348
Probably thousands just like him…
O'Keefe will have one of these every day for maybe 10 years!
Yet, nothing seems to happen to them.
No Accountability.
▶ 04d151 (10) No.3104950
Lord Jesus Christ we pray:
Guide us to truth, vanquish deception
And destroy evil.
For in You all things are possible.
▶ c1e693 (1) No.3104954>>3104968 >>3104971 >>3104988 >>3105045 >>3105337 >>3105458
there are other threads for:
moon landing
this thread is for:
Q research
▶ 380b35 (1) No.3104966>>3105201
Tv News is now covering shooting in Maryland. Always sign that it is ff.
▶ 8ec69e (1) No.3104967>>3104979 >>3104999 >>3105056 >>3105079
Q answer some more questions?? I would really like to see that communication come up that members from the Obama Admin,. discussed assassination of the President or harming his family. Release that info, because if that comes out…. it will change the minds of some of those even those on the left!!! DOITQ
▶ 98368a (3) No.3104968
No anon, this thread is for shills to rope all the normienons into endlessly debating the irrelevant content of an infrastructure stress test.
Where have you been all morning?
▶ f1207a (6) No.3104970
Ty DB, your dedication is greatly appreciated!!
▶ cd6463 (23) No.3104971>>3105005
Oh fuck please - like anyone cares about "research" today…
▶ a9479b (8) No.3104972>>3104995
>>Implying there’s only one dimension
>>Implying we are the only Intelligence in all dimensions
>>implying Q is talking about aliens
▶ a3bca2 (10) No.3104973>>3105003 >>3105065 >>3105292 >>3105377
"Well, this certainly looks like a lovely place. Mind if I come in and sit down on the couch with you guys??? Love the decorations."
▶ 04d151 (10) No.3104974>>3105004
Everybody knows this baker is a bot by now, right? Since it goes out of the way to broadcast it with the bot meme?
▶ 3028d4 (2) No.3104975>>3104992
>>3104896 (OP)
Baker, >>3103414 is NOT NOTABLE, please remove
We don't need to do shill jobs for them.
▶ dd119d (13) No.3104976>>3105015
>>3104828 (lb)
partially incorrect
unique ip addresses. Digesting data. Some of these ips will be assigned to readers which will not be people.
Because those numbers indicate they are looking at the traffic at the packet level (ie- before they even hit the 8ch server from cloudflare's end), not at the software level (ie- what the site software receives after the server OS reads the packets the router gives it) ;)
And I'd bet you a FRN that the NSA sniffed the IP's belonging to known subversive actors here quite extensively last night.
▶ f1692d (12) No.3104977>>3105010
>>3104959 (lb)
Roswell implies ETs.
Closest star implies Humans.
You KYS first.
▶ 7f888a (3) No.3104979
I think your wrong ANON. Those on the left are brainwashed enough and will think it's a good thing. We have seen how they are.
▶ 0a5dd3 (3) No.3104981>>3105101 >>3105120 >>3105137
Paul Sperry
8m8 minutes ago
BREAKING: Lisa Banks (Blasey-Ford’s attorney) emailed Grassley’s staff claiming they haven’t been able to respond to Grassley’s invitations to testify due to a technical glitch (“an issue with our emails” ) and the “Yom Kippur” holiday
▶ c87148 (11) No.3104983>>3105146
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>3104257 <<pr.
>Find your comfy
and just back in the warm glowing fear and panic of the derp state shills throwing everything they can think of at you
▶ e3980e (2) No.3104984
swallowwell at it again…
Eric Swalwell Shrugs Off Threats Against Susan Collins 11 Days After His GOP Opponent Faced Stabbing Attempt
11:10 AM 09/20/2018
Peter Hasson | Reporter
“Boo hoo hoo.”
That was California Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell’s reaction to Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins saying she had received threats meant to influence her vote on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
“My office has received some pretty ugly voicemails, threats, terrible things said to my staff,” Collins said in an interview with Maine radio station WVOM.
“Boo hoo hoo. You’re a senator who police will protect,” Swalwell wrote in a tweet early Thursday morning. (RELATED: GOP Baseball Shooter Was ‘Fueled By Rage Against Republican Legislators)
“A sexual assault victim can’t sleep in her home tonight because of threats. Where are you sleeping? She’s on her own while you and your @SenateGOP colleagues try to rush her through a hearing.”
▶ cdbf6e (21) No.3104985>>3104998 >>3105016 >>3105027
▶ 4e581a (1) No.3104987
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Really good video, worth 5 minutes, all about Q
▶ 73eb88 (21) No.3104988
Is there a thread for shilling for the mossad
▶ 9e9524 (4) No.3104992
You lost, rabbi?
▶ dde592 (3) No.3104993
Maybe full disclosure is coming?
Funny how the world leaders are becoming more cooperative with each other all of a sudden.
Maybe we are just getting our wheels greased for the ride.
▶ cb95e0 (15) No.3104995>>3105028
retard detected
space =/= dimensions
there are both and that doesnt contradict, prompty neck yourself
▶ 5a566e (1) No.3104996
For your sharing pleasures.
▶ cd6463 (23) No.3104998
I choose the one on the right…
▶ 1807ad (1) No.3104999>>3105096
I don't know why, but this picture makes me really fucking happy.
You can not stop the PEOPLE.
You can never stop US.
▶ 73eb88 (21) No.3105001>>3105018 >>3105046
Q is a interdimensional lizard people trolling us for fun before the next culling of the herd
Change my mind
▶ 7f888a (3) No.3105002
IMO they are time travelers…our future descendants.
▶ f1692d (12) No.3105003>>3105065 >>3105744
Here's your seating area, you fucking clownnigger.
▶ b644f5 (1) No.3105004>>3105060 >>3105186
Project Deep Dream
When did it begin?
When did it become comp'd?
▶ 8ae7a4 (1) No.3105005>>3105025
ffs u stupid fuck
▶ 11590e (5) No.3105006>>3105026
some aliens are mexicans
▶ ec16af (3) No.3105007>>3105048 >>3105236
Kavanaugh is confirmed. Kek wills it!
▶ 6d2292 (7) No.3105008>>3105019
Um, they said there’d be pie?
▶ a9479b (8) No.3105010
Good point anon!
Q is always referencing exactly what he’s talking about!
>>red carpet roll out?
>>Carpet bombs
>>A billion other references
▶ 7ac8f7 (2) No.3105011>>3105036
John Titor's machine worked pretty much as the second pic describes, as I recall.
Not a physicist but the basics always kind of made sense to this humble anon.
▶ 6eda4f (1) No.3105012>>3105020 >>3105023 >>3105159 >>3105189 >>3105193 >>3105208 >>3105654
Narrative shift attempt, new 4am talking points?
▶ 3028d4 (2) No.3105014>>3105040
Fucking shills, everywhere. Thanks for making my point.
▶ 48c785 (7) No.3105015>>3105108 >>3105215
Well, at any rate, Ron doing a DBUPDATE means new fields, increased capacity (maybe 64K comments/thread), new fields, and have you considered the new DB may serve the EBS in case we ever actually DO see 10 days of darkness?
▶ 7f888a (3) No.3105016
Greetings Ebot. You are early today.
▶ 1605b7 (1) No.3105017>>3105059 >>3105289 >>3105572
>>3104888 LB
>>3104937 LB
It's been taken down.
I saved a copy here.
https:// www.dropbox.com/s/48x0guc0m1j8dlz/WHY%20CHRISTINE%20BLASEY%20FORD%E2%80%99S%20HIGH%20SCHOOL%20YEARBOOKS%20WERE%20SCRUBBED%3A%20Faculty%20.pdf?dl=0
▶ 521731 (7) No.3105018>>3105053
Everything after "trolling" is true …
▶ 73eb88 (21) No.3105019
Nope no pie
Only pain
The pain was for us guys
And all the kids
And obama
But not the roths
Except lynn
▶ 51e00d (13) No.3105020
▶ 59c0e6 (5) No.3105021>>3105047 >>3105050 >>3105067 >>3105069 >>3105071 >>3105078 >>3105089 >>3105172 >>3105369
reading the mental gymnastics some of you anons are displaying has me convinced that 99% of you would end up the hospital if you were told the truth.
stop the fucking wordsmithing and accept the truth.
▶ 311f00 (1) No.3105023
they're taking the easy way out
▶ 521731 (7) No.3105026
And if MS13, they're mexicans with demons …
▶ cdbf6e (21) No.3105027>>3105052
▶ a9479b (8) No.3105028>>3105062
Wrong, I am not contradicting the two. That’s what other anons are doing. Simply saying Q NEVER posted about aliens.
▶ c0a263 (6) No.3105029
>>3104896 (OP)
hi normie. you must have so many questions! this will help. will you fight? you're way behind, but that's why autists are here. careful, this is a psychological war zone. realize, lives are in the balance, have been lost, this is not a game.
follow the colors for connections and ask questions if you got 'em; verify everything. lurk, review crumbs, then contribute to your future and the greatest happening of our time.
enclosed you'll find examples of:
this proof was built from Q's confirmation of a delta.. indicated by green, go from there
a delta
future proving past
promises kept
what a proof is (different from a dig)
an intel drop
how Q POTUS autist work together
what's happening in DC (panic!)
what Russia coverage is about (PROJECTION)
MSM complicity
how you get manipulated
it will become even more apparent as redactions are lifted. the cabal is counting on you to do nothing in november. the house is about to come down - pain cometh.
412,000=824,000, 824,000=1,648,000, 1,648,000=3,296,000, ..
▶ a22a3f (5) No.3105030>>3105066 >>3105102 >>3105127 >>3105296 >>3105319 >>3105457 >>3105654
Paul Sperry
13m13 minutes ago
BREAKING: Lisa Banks (Blasey-Ford’s attorney) emailed Grassley’s staff claiming they haven’t been able to respond to Grassley’s invitations to testify due to a technical glitch (“an issue with our emails” ) and the “Yom Kippur” holiday
107 replies 169 retweets 221 likes
▶ a1c523 (7) No.3105036
just reposting it because some anons jump to conclusion here and calling it disinfo
so far as i remember, this is not the first time Q pointed out ayy's
▶ a31ad5 (7) No.3105038>>3105091
Does anyone have any comment on the sealed indictments number being inflated by: appellate court cases and bankrupcies, and when they are filtered out, the count is much smaller than the 51,000 reported here, since those are obviously not new charges? Has anyone addressed that assertion yet?
▶ 9e9524 (4) No.3105040
No son, apparently you haven't taken the Jewpill yet. There's a dedicated thread for it in the catalog. Have at it.
▶ ab0744 (2) No.3105041>>3105086 >>3105233 >>3105243
Why would the Kav confirmation correlate or go hand in hand with the emergency test? Has this been addressed?
▶ e4787c (2) No.3105043>>3105115
Castle- 6 drops. Lock- 15 drops
Shared drops- 3
1333. 333
1363. 3
2213. 3
This looks like a Chess move to me.
▶ 3369ed (15) No.3105045>>3105257 >>3105299 >>3105354 >>3105654
Normies, think logically about the Q/Q&A.
FIRST - It is IMPORTANT to know that Q
could have easily predicted every question,
or even posted the questions he wanted to answer.
THEREFORE, the answers to those questions
would have been pre-written in advance. And they
would have been written to accomplish 5 goals…
1. Come across as off the cuff quick responses even
though they would have been carefully curated in advance.
2. Answer all questions without really answering by providing
a potential double meaning or code for an operation.
3. Successfully test the ability to scale the cloud hosting environment on the fly for a future reason [info drop].
4. Force MSM to ask more public questions about Q because
of the enhanced space "conspiracy" angle.
5. Assess the strength of the normie audience to use information to think rather than be used by information on how to think.
Lastly, Q doesn't owe anyone anything.
Normies are demanding answers.
Normies are making assumptions about answers
Disinformation is an understanding for long time anons.
Q is not here to appease us.
Q is fighting a global system.
Q is not fighting you.
Be humble. Be patient. Be generous. Be kind.
But most of all, be logical and know your role.
We are here voluntarily.
We are here to serve not be served.
Otherwise this may not be the right place for you.
shhhhhh lets see if it becomes bread…
▶ 98368a (3) No.3105046
At least he's keeping it interesting.
▶ c87148 (11) No.3105047
>some of you anons
<some of you anons
>some of you anons
welcome to shills 101: what they are, and how they are among us all the time
▶ b2a689 (2) No.3105048>>3105061
▶ 617894 (2) No.3105049>>3105674
Press conference apparently about to happen on Aberdeen shooting.
▶ cdbf6e (21) No.3105052>>3105063 >>3105131
▶ 73eb88 (21) No.3105053>>3105138
Nice can i join in on it
▶ 919109 (6) No.3105054
I am noticing something
Liars can't survive in chaos
It is too hard for them to keep everything straight
Keep handing them more rope POTUS
▶ 342c75 (2) No.3105055>>3105132 >>3105144
Wendy Martinez - FiscalNote COS
FiscalNote began out of our desire to answer a fairly simple question: why isn’t there a way to keep track of what’s happening in government --- at every level — in a simple, comprehensive, and reliable way?
With a background in public service and a major in public policy, Co-Founder and CEO Tim Hwang --- who at the time was a rising senior at Princeton — thought this was a problem worth solving. That’s what led Tim and high school friends Gerald Yao, and Jonathan Chen to spend the summer of 2013 hunkered down in a Silicon Valley Motel 6 with $2,000 of funding and a mission: to build a platform that combined global government data, analytics, and tools to better connect the world to its governments.
FiscalNote Founder Tim Hwang Will Lead the Company as Chairman and CEO
WASHINGTON, August 20, 2018 -- FiscalNote, a technology innovator at the intersection of global business and government that provides advanced, data-driven Issues Management solutions, today announces that it has completed its acquisition of CQ Roll Call from The Economist Group for $180 million through a combination of cash and equity. The Economist Group obtains an 18 percent equity stake in FiscalNote, making it the largest single shareholder of the company and Chris Stibbs, CEO of The Economist Group, will join the board of directors. As part of the transaction, S&P Global (NYSE: SPGI) takes a strategic equity investment in the D.C.-based FiscalNote and appoints Mark Blake, its global head of corporate development, as a Board Observer. FiscalNote Founder Tim Hwang remains the largest individual shareholder and will lead the company going forward as Chairman and CEO.
▶ 32543e (3) No.3105056>>3105076
>President or harming his family.
"We will stop it"
-Peter Strzok
Personally, I'm a bit surprised more anons are not focused on this tidbit:
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 98088e No.3094236 📁
Sep 19 2018 19:25:34 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 5948d8 No.3093831 📁
Sep 19 2018 19:10:44 (EST)
Are we alone ?
Roswell ?
Highest classification.
Consider the vastness of space.
We know UFOs are a distraction (Thanks, Podesta), but we're not alone, either:
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 03c2f4 No.126948 📁
Dec 19 2017 17:39:15 (EST)
Anonymous ID: fad025 No.126928 📁
Dec 19 2017 17:37:38 (EST)
Are UFOs a distraction?
How far away is the closest star?
What do you think?
So, we're not alone. UFOs are a distraction, and Roswell is the highest of highest classification levels. Q confirming UFOs doesn't break any classification/obfuscation of the Aliums question because Q is some anon on the internet with a (now new and improved) tripcode. However, knowing what anons know about Q, this is sort of a huge fucking deal, is it not?
▶ 1b9245 (7) No.3105057>>3105083
#QUCKED - "No deals."
▶ 09ad04 (6) No.3105059>>3105318
▶ f1692d (12) No.3105060>>3105129 >>3105204
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. >>3105004
>Project Deep Dream
>When did it begin?
The 'Big Bang' comes to mind first.
▶ 18ddf2 (1) No.3105061
▶ cb95e0 (15) No.3105062>>3105081
it was a post about extra terrestrial and to deny that is just cognitive dissonance
i never said you were contradicting
im saying extra terrestrials and inter dimensional entities both existing is not contradicting
▶ 919109 (6) No.3105063
What Russian site are you scraping now eBot?
▶ 73eb88 (21) No.3105067>>3105092 >>3105113
Can we just send 99% of people away with the aliens
So i can go live in the woods without anyone bothering me
▶ 0544ac (5) No.3105068
Apropos of zilch: Romulus and Remus came to mind
▶ 11590e (5) No.3105069>>3105294
what is the truth, do tell.
▶ b8afc1 (8) No.3105070>>3105084 >>3105135 >>3105271
Anyone else notice ALL the /patriotsfight posts are back?
▶ 4eb4d0 (5) No.3105072>>3105445
Just sticking to the main objective, for now...
▶ 19338f (14) No.3105073>>3105106 >>3105109
▶ 819e58 (3) No.3105074>>3105216
Christina Blasey Ford….
▶ a9479b (8) No.3105076>>3105124
This anon understands. The bottom part is what Q has actually said.
▶ 5454bf (5) No.3105077>>3105095 >>3105190
>>3104231 LB
Agree and/or setting up the 25th Amendment angle.
▶ 98368a (3) No.3105078
That last night was a stress test and anyone concerning themselves about any of those answers, for any reason, is a complete retard?
▶ ab789d (2) No.3105079
Like noname and space, you cant handle the truth. They will decide what you can know and not know because you know deep down you need govt censorship it is for your own good.
▶ ca0575 (1) No.3105080
heads up to planefags.. expect military traffic in sonoma county, Ca. this weekend due to airshow.
▶ a31ad5 (7) No.3105081>>3105098 >>3105111 >>3105394
Disinformation is necessary. Everyone forgets this… You can't take Q's words literally, you must use discernment.
▶ a3bca2 (10) No.3105082
Thanks for ruining my sleep Q team
*lifts coffee mug*
▶ a9479b (8) No.3105084
▶ 6b2c77 (3) No.3105085
planefags and anons, nuclear football the plane version squawked this morning
not gonna be able to tail it but keep an eye out all day for chirps because its [Thursday]
from civ mil air and anon who got plane trips 777 post couple breads ago
(note - theyre always up - just sayin - they squawked so we heard it)
keep listening
▶ e48e13 (3) No.3105086>>3105118 >>3105145
Planned riots.
Also behind of SESSIONS. So moar riots. I think it’s a important marker, everything begins soon after.
▶ 01c460 (1) No.3105087
Q&A -- Can the Qresearch Board Handle Expected Traffic Increases?
1. Reddit GA user stats = target
2. Expected user migration
3. Patriotsfight kept for essential communications,Qresearch for peer-to-peer communications
4. Traffic test scheduled for Thursday
5. Test conducted on Wednesday - disinformation necessary for clean test
▶ cd6463 (23) No.3105089>>3105103 >>3105139
All of life can be reduced to this…
Red Head Bush (the tastefully trimmed kind not the unkempt Irish foothills shit) or GTFO!
▶ 943ffc (5) No.3105090>>3105099
Muh E.T.s are demons!
What is real: frequency and vibration.
What isn't real: Supernatural stupid shit. I.E. Santa / Easter bunny / Jesus / demons
▶ 7ac8f7 (2) No.3105091>>3105112
I believe anons previously researched the number of 150 indictments over the USA per year, or 150 per state per year.
So regardless of the math, even removing at max 7000-8000, you're up 40,000 indictments more than usual.
▶ 3369ed (15) No.3105092
easier if only us few "normies" leave me thinks…
and thanks for all the fishes…
▶ 4eb4d0 (5) No.3105093
False flags, MSM distractions
▶ d46fda (12) No.3105095
Agree, Anon.
Hail Mary impeachment attempt b4 Kavabaugh vote…
▶ dff40e (1) No.3105096
The Prophecy of QAnons?
>>3104863 (last bread)
▶ 76df78 (1) No.3105097
"Billionaire(s) 187. - Q"
I poked around after reading this. One story stood out about a plane crash of a billionaire and his ex-wife going on to be a cabal level judge (pictures related).
From Wikipedia
Walton was survived by his wife Christy and their son Lukas. He was previously married to Mary Ann Gunn, who later became a judge in Arkansas.[10] He had two brothers and a sister, S. Robson Walton, Jim Walton and Alice Walton…
Plane Crash Story from The Times
Wal Mart billionaire dies in plane crash
By Sam Knight, Times Online
June 28 2005, 1:00am
John Walton, pictured, one of the billionaire children of Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton and a member of the company’s board of directors, died yesterday when a small aircraft he was piloting crashed near his home in Wyoming…
Arkansas Times story about Mary Ann Gunn being ousted
Judge Gunn settles case by agreeing never to run for judge again
Posted By Max Brantley on Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 11:33 AM
Three pending disciplinary cases against former Circuit Judge Mary Ann Gunn, now presiding as a fictional judge over a fictional drug court in "Last Shot With Judge Gunn," were dismissed today in return for Gunn's agreement never to serve as a judge again in Arkansas "in any capacity." That means, in addition to agreeing to never run again at any level, that she couldn't even agree, as retired judges often do, to handle cases on special assignment from the state Supreme Court. She can, of course, still play a judge on TV…
▶ a9479b (8) No.3105098
BASED poster, tbqh
▶ a31ad5 (7) No.3105099>>3105149
LOL New age faggot.. The cabal has done a number on you.
▶ 015780 (1) No.3105101
Her other attorney said yesterday that they haven't received any invitations to testify. These women need to get their stories straight.
▶ fec8f6 (2) No.3105102>>3105116
sounds like my kid trying to get out of ytrouble.
muh email is broken.
▶ 0db202 (12) No.3105104>>3105125 >>3105191
It is now anti-semitic to be pro-Trump and pro-MAGA, according to the Holocaust Museum of Berlin.
Reminder that the official version of the holocaust is a fraud:
>>2395991 -- David Cole, a jewish historian exposes some of the lies of the official version of the holocaust
>>2396033 -- David Irving, historian, exposes some of the lies of the Nuremberg Trials
>>2396017 -- Anonymous documentary creator exposes many of the lies pertaining to the fraudulent official version of the holocaust and Nuremberg Trials
>>2396026 -- The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure
>>3035752 -- Some pictures about the holohoax
>>2947546 -- A great book about the fraud that is the official and illegal to question in some countries version of the holocaust: “Hoax of the Twentieth Century” and links to 60+ books and documents on this subject
>>2947546 -- “David Cole in Auschwitz full documentary 1992”
▶ 19338f (14) No.3105106
Police hold press briefing on Maryland shooting incident
At least three people were dead Thursday after a "horrific shooting" at a Maryland distribution center, a law enforcement official told The Associated Press.
▶ 6d2292 (7) No.3105107
▶ dd119d (13) No.3105108>>3105195
>and have you considered the new DB may serve the EBS in case we ever actually DO see 10 days of darkness?
That was my thought last night as the Q&A was unfolding.
What was the original scheduled date of the emergency system test again? I think it got moved for reasons not openly stated, is all..
I'm suspecting that that is what really took place here last night, for us. /ourguys/ know we don't look at the same shit that normies do for confirms that something is up. And they also know declaring a systems test here would invite bedlam from the shills. The Q&A would be viewed as tame in comparison.
▶ d422bb (3) No.3105109>>3105550
attacks will intensify.
lock and load patriots
▶ 1aebfe (4) No.3105110>>3105185
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. The Big Reveal
- Future World Music
What did Q say? Oh…yeah, we kinda knew that…kek
'This one's good loud.. :) '
▶ cb95e0 (15) No.3105111>>3105117 >>3105136
nothing said last night was disinfo or false
▶ a31ad5 (7) No.3105112
Sorry, I didn't see that breakdown there… Where's the sauce for that assertion?
▶ 59c0e6 (5) No.3105113>>3105126
What is stopping you from doing that now? When my wife kicks the bucket I am heading straight for them.
▶ c10131 (2) No.3105114
Is there a space war going on?
Are the comets affecting earth? think disasters
Are we in the Nibiru system?
Do some of the comets belong to the Nibiru system?
Are they trying to hide it with chemtrailing the sky?
Are all the comets truly comets?
Last night I was not able to post my STUPID QUESTIONS
▶ a31ad5 (7) No.3105117>>3105140
How on earth do you know this? LOL
▶ e48e13 (3) No.3105118
▶ 2defb2 (3) No.3105119>>3105532
German newspaper writes:
English becomes a minority language in America's cities
LOS ANGELES. About half of the population in the five largest American cities does not speak English at home. Los Angeles is the front runner in the study by the Center for Immigration Studies, which is based on data from the US census.
In California's largest city, 60 percent of residents do not speak English privately. In New York City and Houston it is 49 percent, in Phoenix 38 percent and in Chicago 36 percent. In California, 44 percent of children between the ages of five and 17 in their parents' homes converse in a foreign language.
Largest increase among Spanish speakers
According to the figures, there are currently 66.5 million people in the USA who speak a language other than English at home. Nevada has the largest increase in non-English speakers since 1980 (plus 1,080 percent). Georgia (plus 945 percent) and North Carolina (plus 771 percent) rank behind.
The largest increase was recorded nationwide among persons with Spanish as their mother tongue. Since 2010, around four million have been added to this language group. This is followed by the Chinese (plus 653,000), Arabs (plus 363,000) and Hindi speakers (plus 254,000).
Last year, the proportion of the population not born in the USA reached a new record high of almost 14 percent of the total population. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, this figure will rise to almost 15 percent by 2023. (tb)
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator
https:// jungefreiheit.de/politik/ausland/2018/englisch-wird-in-amerikas-staedten-minderheitensprache/
▶ b8afc1 (8) No.3105120
But the email saying "we couldn't email" got thru….?
▶ a22a3f (5) No.3105121>>3105143 >>3105155
Melissa on Fox just said as early as tomorrow we could see some of those declas items! PLEASE PLEASE!
▶ 285e07 (1) No.3105122>>3105489
▶ 32543e (3) No.3105124>>3105389 >>3105431 >>3105486
I just think that the ramifications of revealing:
1. No, we're not alone
2. Yes, UFOs are a distraction
3. Roswell does has something, but we're not talking about it; fuck off
That really gets my almonds going. I mean, [RR] killbox, house of cards, and Obama being a Kenyan-born Indonesian Muslim from Pakistan is interesting and shiet, but what do we really know about our own existence? I mean really know?
▶ 73eb88 (21) No.3105126
My family being alive
▶ 05d4af (2) No.3105127
"Dog ate my homework"-esque
▶ cdbf6e (21) No.3105131>>3105156
▶ e3980e (2) No.3105132
▶ 8e1a68 (1) No.3105134
At least that's what this guy Simon Parkes, alleged sensitive and contactee, says in this video, around the 49:30 mark. Apologies if this was already posted. Probably too woo-woo for most here, but here it is:
▶ 0a5dd3 (3) No.3105135>>3105239
I only see 157 replies? (out of 266)
▶ 19338f (14) No.3105136>>3105147 >>3105166 >>3105293 >>3105307
bs, imo this has to be kept from public for now…
no fucking way did a 747 hit the pent
▶ 515ebe (1) No.3105137
Her dog ate the snail mail too.
▶ 521731 (7) No.3105138
Yeah, just start prepping Christians for the great deception. Get their bloodlust up, and get them ready for project blue beam and aliens. Maybe Jesus was an alien? That could be an effective troll.
So long as you get them ready to accept a different Messiah. Whatever works. Have at it.
▶ 59c0e6 (5) No.3105139>>3105153 >>3105167
My wife wouldn't appreciate me sending pictures of her red bush out.
▶ cb95e0 (15) No.3105140>>3105165
because when 50+ different sources all agree with each other i sorta lean toward it being true rather than false
▶ a1c523 (7) No.3105141
Oof, some of you really try hard to derail any focus made on the ayy's topic. Odd as fuck.
The biggest problem humanity has in regards to space and all the ayy's races it contains, it can't distinction between friendly and evil ayy races. In the end, you have to know your enemy, but look what you do not know right now. hmmmmmm
▶ 0db202 (12) No.3105142
Long nose tribe get kicked out this many caves:
卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 III
Makes Grug think….
▶ 05d4af (2) No.3105143
Always a Friday. Let's hope.
▶ ab0744 (2) No.3105145>>3105183
Agreed. It’s all connected. Also found it interesting that originally the vote was to take place today at 1:45. The test at 2:18. (33 minutes after). What else is going to be communicated during the test? Almost as if a “gun goes off” at confirmation- figuratively speaking of course. The kick off.
▶ 1b9245 (7) No.3105146
80 years young and Still Bill
▶ 4a48fa (2) No.3105147>>3105164
Who said it was a 747? Read the definition of a plane.
▶ 31e232 (1) No.3105148>>3105626
Trying to catch up with breads……wrt the moon landing statement from Q….not sure if mentioned by anons….do anons remember about 10 years ago???….NASA dropped something onto the moon, and its descent was filmed………think they stated it was to test for water in atmosphere..sorry can't dig at moment…..this always perplexed me, why???….does any else remember this or am I mad…..not trying to slide, sorry if anyone thinks I am, know this is Q research….if there is a bread for this, please direct me…..cheers….
▶ 943ffc (5) No.3105149>>3105161 >>3105206 >>3105224
>LOL New age faggot.. The cabal has done a number on you.
Why the fuck you think the bible is always translated from Hebrew? Jews wrot all the holy books to keep the goy (You) in check.
▶ 32543e (3) No.3105150>>3105217 >>3105249 >>3105308 >>3105651
Clothed beauty. Good job, anon! Looks better when anons clean this place up a bit.
▶ cd6463 (23) No.3105153
This board is anonymous… we wont tell..
▶ 67a9d8 (3) No.3105154>>3105214
Now we must ask ourselves what's more likely:
Plane hit the Pentagon
Or Q is fake?
Rosewell was real
Or Q is fake?
So many questions, so little proof
▶ 0688d0 (2) No.3105155
those will not be declassed till after the arrests
sorry to rain on your parade,
▶ cdbf6e (21) No.3105156>>3105229
▶ b8afc1 (8) No.3105159
WE need to take NOTES on them and WHO Harassed them. Getting the Congressional info out now, will make it available LATER if any choose to run in 2020. FYI
▶ 03e4be (2) No.3105160
Yearbook and other info of Christine Blasey Ford that was scrubbed.
https:// cultofthe1st.blogspot.com/2018/09/why-christine-blasey-fords-high-school_19.html
▶ 521731 (7) No.3105161>>3105173 >>3105591
Your messiah's son in law and daughter are Jewish.
▶ 383540 (6) No.3105162>>3105174
biblefags have been knowing we are not alone… Q is a major biblefag.
▶ 4a48fa (2) No.3105163>>3105366
In regards to Q's latest drops, this should be mandatory reading
▶ 19338f (14) No.3105164>>3105177
it was a missile from a drone
▶ a31ad5 (7) No.3105165>>3105181
Sorry, I am not disputing the number of sealed indictments, simply the number of actual new cases vs bankruptcies and appellate cases… Are we sure they were filtered?? I am simply looking for evidence of due diligence.
▶ cb95e0 (15) No.3105166>>3105177 >>3105178 >>3105598
bro how many times do i have to say this, a cruise missile is a plane… holy shit
▶ dde592 (3) No.3105167
Ask her to send them than anon.
Maybe she won't mind.
▶ 65fa37 (2) No.3105169
"Consider the vastness of space"
'could say that line might also be a flattard-remover. They don't believe in space, do they?
▶ 1b9245 (7) No.3105170
9/11 pentagon dig anons
▶ 148233 (1) No.3105171
Q (uestion)
[Sun] now [white] and [bright] before [yellow]
[why?] (yellow dwarf star to a radiant white star)?
[Chemtrail] spraying when the Sun goes up in the morning
▶ 804882 (2) No.3105172
True anons don’t. The rest are shills trying to disrupt. Just filter and move on to business as usual. Let them argue amongst themselves. Kek
▶ 943ffc (5) No.3105173
>Your messiah's
Your assumptions make you look foolish.
▶ 521731 (7) No.3105174
▶ c0a263 (6) No.3105175
whoa normie!
first time on board?!
e "bot" is here every single thread
it's absolutely faggot, pay it no yous
it likes to post anonymously too and runs its own series of PR posts, i know right, so faggot!
▶ 19338f (14) No.3105177>>3105210
▶ a9479b (8) No.3105178
Paint it to look like AA, tbqh
▶ ace50f (1) No.3105179
Need some eyes on this:
Digging on elitest pedo
Lawrence W. Jamieson PA from previous notable/ and it appears that not only is he from an extremely wealthy family, but that his sister POSSIBLY is the DIRECTOR OF THE NATIONAL ARTS FOUNDATION
because of course she is. Also to be noted that they are very much on the New Jersey boarder.
Anyone who can help confirm this? Or dig further. This guy doesn’t strike me just some random perv.
Used fathers obituary to look at family connections, here’s some sauce:
National Arts Program Foundation
▶ cd6463 (23) No.3105181
No one fucking cares anymore!
Sauce or no Sauce - we are not alone!
▶ 54ca2d (2) No.3105182>>3105196 >>3105202 >>3105205 >>3105493
Just one space comment… Aliens are perceived as possibly hostile by the military, since the Air Force can't stop or control them. There are no actual hostile actions by ETs, and their technology would make them virtually invincible.
The "Space Force" is to counter real threats from other countries here on Earth. See the "16 year plan" and assume additional countries will soon establish military capabilities in Low Earth Orbit.
▶ e48e13 (3) No.3105183>>3105382
Couple breads ago. Strong theory on next couple weeks.
▶ 1aebfe (4) No.3105185>>3105258 >>3105275
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>3105110
Interstellar - Theme (extended cut)
- Hans Zimmer
The distance between stars…is interstellar.. what is the distance between planets?
▶ 9be726 (2) No.3105186
they were doing AI recruiting somewhere between 2004 and 2007, i can't remember exactly. and they were always comped.
▶ 383540 (6) No.3105187>>3105281
however… Satan's sense of understanding has a fatal flaw… he doesn't believe the bible… whereas Q does.
▶ a1c523 (7) No.3105188>>3105198
monitoring the last four breads, it seems that shills are in control of what is being discussed and what not
is Q able to refocus anons? he actually has a superpower, the focusman, ya know.
▶ 0af180 (2) No.3105189
Remember: we always knew and Q confirmed-sex harassment is “cover”
▶ 2f9fe3 (13) No.3105190>>3105245 >>3105283 >>3105298 >>3105408
I'm honestly expecting a series of assassination attempts before then. They'll try to throw everything in the book, now. I'm sure Pence is getting tasty offers left and right . . . just as I'm sure he knows what would happen should he be tempted to accept one.
This Brennan issue is troubling. It's the Seattle missile thing all over again. He's setting up the expectation of something awful happening, and when it does they're hoping things get lost in the shuffle before anyone looks too closely . . . just like they did with the Mueller investigation. I'm sure they expected POTUS to fold quickly, not outlast and outmaneuver them.
▶ 3369ed (15) No.3105191>>3105246
what is "THE HOLODOMOR" Alex?
you anti jewbies are slackable…
▶ 0a5dd3 (3) No.3105192
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Paul Sperry
14m14 minutes ago
Here's the latest attack ad that Feinstein's ex-aide is running against Kavanaugh …
▶ 7211c8 (3) No.3105193>>3105213 >>3105282
Congress has millions of dollars of settlement payments they've made to staffers over the years (in exchange for NDAs/gag oders).
Why is this a surprise to anybody?
Are they going to get whistleblower protection now?
▶ 0db202 (12) No.3105194
Reminder that the FBIwhitehatfags want you to expose jewish subversion and Israeli crime.
Pics related.
The book depicted in pic 3, called “One Nation Under Israel”, which describes how the Israeli lobby controls the US congress and senate, can be read and dowloaded for free here:
Jews act like a group, they get treated like a group, meaning that we need to terminate all jewish interest groups in the West. Criticizing jewish GROUP behavior is different from claiming that all jews are bad. Jews are going to have their GROUP power taken away from them, for all the right reasons.
If you want some individuals being named in the context of jewish subversion, have at it.
Read this:
▶ 48c785 (7) No.3105195>>3105227 >>3105244
From Sep 20 to Oct 3. Ron may be in Europe right now, db reloads are not a remote-type operation and require days or weeks of testing.
▶ 19338f (14) No.3105196
the only ones that are here are angels.. good and bad and nephilim.
▶ 955c84 (1) No.3105197
>>3102848 (pb)
This was in notables for its "connection" to a recent drop, but the article was from a few weeks back:
▶ c87148 (11) No.3105198
> in control of what is being discussed and what not
no. they just waste moar posts.
▶ 521731 (7) No.3105200>>3105207
The nearest star is the center of the earth … it's plasma.
▶ ca2b66 (4) No.3105201>>3105212 >>3105251
My local news is saying it's a rite aid distribution center. Interesting
▶ e71478 (9) No.3105202>>3105517
We wouldn't be here if hostile.
▶ 6d2292 (7) No.3105203
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Little love for the ayyfags
▶ fc2318 (1) No.3105204
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>3105060
The illusion of the 50's as represented in Saints Row
▶ c21b9d (10) No.3105206>>3105222 >>3105226 >>3105533
The Bible was written in Hebrew because it was intended for Hebrews to read, because it's to keep THEM in check….
Not the other way around….
You are faggot.
▶ 56bc35 (2) No.3105208
Multiple narrative shifts in play , AP reported yesterday that many senators now say they were " HACKED " , nice way to say those E - mails + texts are not theirs.
SHOOTINGS narrative distraction EXPECT MORE - Sept. 20-21 is satanic holiday and Shia bloodletting day of ASHURA.
▶ cb95e0 (15) No.3105210>>3105615
it was a cruise missile, this is the most simple answer, not a fucking missile from a drone, it was simply a painted cruise missile
▶ cd6463 (23) No.3105211>>3105232
Shooter might be a woman = Libtard crazy bitch
▶ 31371a (1) No.3105212>>3105627 >>3105674
▶ 2f9fe3 (13) No.3105213
No . . . but they might count as unreported campaign spending. Which would make any incumbent who used the fund guilty of an unfair campaign advantage at taxpayer expense.
▶ dd119d (13) No.3105214>>3105279
The questions were suck. Not specific enough.
the questions should have been:
Was the pentagon hit with an airplane filled with explosives?
Was roswell a coverup of a black project dealing with reverse engineered technology from a race that is not human?
But no. The questions were stupid. mAnd I'm suspecting the "Q&A" was a fancy cover for something else.
▶ 9be726 (2) No.3105215
comments per thread is more a browser javascript limitation.
▶ 5454bf (5) No.3105216
She def has an interesting field of research, doesn't she?
▶ 045d4b (3) No.3105217
I concur, anon. I'm not above posting nudity, though, but when I do that's when I check the spoiler option. That used to be the consensus here, but as more eyes were added things changed when the bewbocalypse occurred way back when.
▶ c32976 (1) No.3105218>>3105403
fuck the aliens, wheres the FISA? 72 hours so far disobeying a direct order from POTUS. Every hour that ticks by further confirms a coup basically. If you don't have a single chief executive, then who runs what?
▶ d00f94 (1) No.3105220>>3105297
My thoughts on last night's Q Q&A - I think Q's responses to questions asked was a ruse. The board has been consumed with the ELECTED officials and their complete lawlessness, and done a very good job with getting the info out in memes. BUT - Veritas has (just this week) dropped some damning information on the 'Unelected Officials' in our gov. If you think the gov wasn't aware of Veritas' activity going after these losers, think again. My thinking is that Q and team were collecting IP addresses to sort out which ones direct back to jobs in gov. Just sayin'. Think about it - he only 'answered' 2 loaded questions that have consumed the board since last night. I bet my mil retirement that they're looking into finding a few more of these asshats and a) firing them and b) indicting them. Too easy not to figure that Q is aware of EVERYTHING that goes on in this board. You guys are the ones who discovered who really 'owns' the board - think about it.
▶ 96744f (2) No.3105221>>3105335
Lunchtime thoughts:
The numbers trump tweeted seemed significant (see pic), so I multiplied them. They come up to 1768. Made me think about the year.
That year in history, Sam Adams, purveyor of beer and patriotism, started circulating his letter demanding tax repeal on 2/11. Very close to the time of 2:18 that the EBS test was to be. Wonder if this is a message about a 7 day delta for IRS related shit?
Sauce for you glorious faggots:
▶ 943ffc (5) No.3105222>>3105231
>The Bible was written in Hebrew because it was intended for Hebrews to read, because it's to keep THEM in check….
>Not the other way around….
>You are faggot.
You are going to have a painful awakening LMFAO!
▶ c21b9d (10) No.3105223
▶ a31ad5 (7) No.3105224
You're gonna regret your new age view of the world.
▶ d46fda (12) No.3105225
>“A sexual assault victim can’t sleep in her home tonight because of threats. Where are you sleeping? She’s on her own while you and your @SenateGOP colleagues try to rush her through a hearing.”
what a fronthole
▶ cb95e0 (15) No.3105226>>3105237
youre a fucking moron
▶ dd119d (13) No.3105227>>3105240
>From Sep 20 to Oct 3.
Oh ok, so I'm right.
We had our emergency response test last night guys, on schedule.
▶ cdbf6e (21) No.3105229>>3105255
▶ cd6463 (23) No.3105230
Nope weird shit on her lower lip
▶ f1692d (12) No.3105232>>3105248 >>3105343 >>3105446
Come on now…
Everyone knows that libtard crazy bitches wouldn't ever pick up, let alone operate, a firearm.
▶ 8988e9 (1) No.3105233
My theory is that once the SC is sewn up, we are good to go. Engage !
▶ cb4780 (8) No.3105238
All-American girl Amy Chua
still out there spreading moar Kav dirt
Like H'wood movies the Playbook is stale
▶ b8afc1 (8) No.3105239
PREVIOUSLY (Yesterday), I only had about 9-12 posts.
Today, I too see the 157. (Ok, Not completely all of them, but more of them)
▶ 48c785 (7) No.3105240>>3105269
yeah man
and we see we have some 'opportunities'
▶ 2b390c (1) No.3105243
Because shits going down and you wont be able to get congress together to vote on something. SC is too important. Get it done right then unleash the storm.
▶ e71478 (9) No.3105244>>3105250 >>3105266
Anyone have the feeling that the mods are already done? Why would they tell us "next week because done and Tokyo event" etc. That's not something I would let out until done.
Could have all the upgrades isolated…
I am not one to criticize this op however this is a thought.
▶ 804882 (2) No.3105245
Agreed, very troubling. The panic is real.
▶ 0db202 (12) No.3105246>>3105273
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>3105191
And it was not the first time that jews had caused famine in Ukraine either.
Video related.
▶ 58ae36 (3) No.3105247
Kavanaugh lawyered up with an attorney who is known for his skills with slander cases. That's when all of this began to fall apart.
▶ 0544ac (5) No.3105249
Nope. Not doing this again.
▶ 51e00d (13) No.3105250>>3105265
Yes they were speaking in code.
▶ 19338f (14) No.3105251>>3105261 >>3105274
alot of shootings in maryland it seams
▶ e392ad (3) No.3105252>>3105260
Q could have picked better, more relevant questions to answer.
That Q&A was disappointing.
They should pick some good questions and answer then on /patriotsfight.
▶ bc90da (4) No.3105253
the "gears" one is for twitter jack
▶ 3d2365 (1) No.3105254>>3105370
As Euro-anon … do you have like agencies over there in America where you can rent this kind of people to smear others? If not… I see a business opportunity - big$!
▶ cdbf6e (21) No.3105255>>3105291
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>3105229
cause the cabal is that evil
▶ 3af882 (2) No.3105257>>3105299 >>3105300 >>3105423
Well said. Have some bewbs.
▶ 7f75c5 (5) No.3105258>>3105291 >>3105364
2nd Director Of Lockheed Skunkwork’s Shocking Comments About UFO Technology
“We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects, and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do it.”
When Rich was asked how UFO propulsion worked, he said, “Let me ask you. How does ESP work?” The questioner responded with, “All points in time and space are connected?” Rich then said, “That’s how it works!”
“There are two types of UFOs --- the ones we build and the ones ‘they’ build.”
▶ 60217d (2) No.3105259>>3105284 >>3105381
No more Q&A sessions from Q-team due to panic caused by answers given
an overflow of patients at local hospitals with confusion and despair
60% / 40% will be dialed up to 80% / 20% due to the ongoing flow of tears from babyfaggots
▶ 6b32b5 (1) No.3105260>>3105311
There's an entire thread full of questions Q can answer anytime.
▶ cb95e0 (15) No.3105263>>3105347
>haha this dude didnt put an apostrophe totally btfo his worldview!!!!!
youre a fukn 16 yr old girl kek
▶ 03ed3b (2) No.3105264
>>3104292 (PB)
There is an implied previous conversation / plan. Q was simply announcing that targets had either been met or were nearing that point (saturation of the server ability to respond?) and it was time to ratchet ahead with the previous decisions -- whatever they were.
▶ e71478 (9) No.3105265
▶ cd6463 (23) No.3105266>>3105303
That means buy Japanese Yen.
▶ b1fd08 (2) No.3105267>>3105309
TORONTO -- If things go awry for Michael Moore following the release of his latest politically charged documentary, the progressive provocateur says he has a plan to escape potential persecution in the U.S.: He's moving to Canada.
It's a pronouncement so common among aggrieved American liberals that it borders on a political trope. But Moore says he's serious about his plot to vacate the U.S., and not only because of his long-standing affinity for Canada.
For Moore, the prospect of becoming a political refugee seems starkly plausible under the leadership of U.S. President Donald Trump, whom he portrays as a geopolitical threat in "Fahrenheit 11/9," set to hit theatres Friday.
"(Trump) absolutely hates democracy, and he believes in the autocrat, in the authoritarian," Moore said in a recent interview at the Toronto International Film Festival, where the film premiered earlier this month.
"I want us to survive this, but I can't make any guarantees that that's what's going to happen. We're in a bad place. We're on the precipice of some very awful stuff."
A spiritual sequel to Moore's box-office-busting 2004 documentary "Fahrenheit 9/11, "Fahrenheit 11/9" is part political autopsy, part call to action. It offers Moore's interpretation of the forces that led to Trump's election in 2016, and puts forward grim predictions about where his presidency might be headed.
In doing so, Moore revisits hits from his cinematic catalogue of American societal ills and diagnoses new ones, cycling through issues ranging from the February school shooting that killed 17 people in Parkland, Fla., to the water crisis in his hometown of Flint, Mich.
As Moore sees it, there's plenty of blame to go around for the current state of affairs. He argues that out-of-touch political leaders in both major U.S. parties, a sensationalist press corps, corrupt campaign-backers and elite entertainers -- including himself – helped enable Trump's ascent, which he believes could lead to America's downfall.
The film wavers between optimism about what Moore sees as an emerging populist uprising led by young people, women and minorities, and apocalyptic predictions of an authoritarian takeover of the U.S. government taken straight out of the history books.
In a sequence poised to invite controversy, Moore draws explicit parallels between Trump's political trajectory and Hitler's rise to power in the early 1930s, at one point dubbing audio of Trump over archival footage of a Nazi rally.
Moore insists that the dangers of the current political climate call for such an alarmist tone.
"This is a movie that takes (Trump's) mask off, and exposes what he's really up to, and what's really going on here, and you may not see it, because you often don't see it until it's too late," said Moore.
"I'm hoping we're in that … moment before the moment it's too late, and you can't get back what you had."
If that moment has indeed passed, for him at least, Moore said he'll be looking northward for asylum. Among his credentials for citizenship, Moore boasts about his grandfather's Ontario roots, as well as his devotion to the Canadian-made BlackBerry.
Still, Moore believes that Trump's influence, to a limited extent, has seeped across the border. He expressed disappointment about the June election of Ontario Premier Doug Ford, whose fiery brand of populism championing the "little guy" and railing against so-called elites has drawn comparisons to Trump.
"Clearly, anyone can fall for it. Even Canadians can get played," said Moore. "But look, Doug Ford would have to go a long way to match Trump."
This assessment is consistent with Moore's broader view that Canada's problems barely register relative to the five-alarm fires he sees the U.S. as facing on several fronts.
"Canada has a lot of problems. You don't need an American to come here and tell you what your problems are," said Moore. "But (you shouldn't) think for a second that you're anywhere near what we have to take care of and correct."
In Moore's films, Canada is often touted as a would-be role model for the U.S. The filmmaker often relies on anecdotes to support his lofty views of the nation's health-care system and gun-control policies, including a famous scene in 2002's "Bowling for Columbine" in which he asserts that the country is so safe, people don't bother to lock their doors.
But if Moore's utopian portrayal seems removed from Canadian reality, Moore dismisses this line of criticism as symptomatic of what he views as Canada's national complex: We're just too hard on ourselves.
"When you hear compliments towards yourselves, it makes you nervous, I get that," he said. "There is an unhealthy amount of self-loathing that goes on in Canada that's really not necessary."
▶ 7067b6 (4) No.3105268>>3105338 >>3105378
>>3104914 (last bread)
I love it when people equate someones lack of knowledge on any particular subject to be a reflection of their IQ.
A statement such as this brings into question who’s IQ?
My error was responding to a post when clearly I have a knowledge lack when it comes to computers and the internet.
Maybe many don’t your strenghs in computer skills.
Had you ever made an effort to enter my proffesional world you would have been so very lucky to come under my wing.
I would happily have taught you as much, as quickly as you could have absorbed it.
Did you see the guy who talked anout his 23 years in the legal profession a couple of days ago and thumped his chest about things like being able to quote Plato?
You are good with computers, that’s great.
I myself enjoy hard work and have lived a life that many would consider a nightmare.
To each his own.
More like you are needed here for people like me.
I am learning.
Do yourself a favor maybe, lose the attitude.
Doing that with anything in life makes it more fun.
Yes, I need to follow my own advise as well.
▶ dd119d (13) No.3105269>>3105331
Oh yes. .5 mil sets of eyes on a meme is a glorious thing :)
▶ cd4ef6 (1) No.3105270>>3105287 >>3105306
Q&A was a server test, big things to come soon
▶ dbb6f9 (2) No.3105271>>3105313
Some are still missing. Look again
▶ 860ba1 (1) No.3105272
Theory A on Blasey Ford
She has experienced multiple traumas, none of which were the Montgomery county party “memory”. The traumas were then suppressed by professionals.
In 2012 decision was made to begin to activate one of the trauma memories and “implant” it with 4 boys now “successful Wash DC” men. Blasey Ford herself does implant experiments in her work. For purpose of her usuefulness the “boys” remained unnamed because they were not sure yet WHO they wanted to name them yet, depended on political future.
They implanted “Gorsuch” into her memory during his Congress hearing. Blasey Ford then dutifully sent a letter to Feinstein which for some reason decided not to use yet. Gorsuch was also a Wash DC preppie youth. Perhaps because they still felt they could impeach Trump soon as “crazy” man.
Then when Kavanaugh was proposed, Blasey Ford had his name implanted into her memory and she wrote her letter again. Concern they have is her implant stable enough to withstand a Congress grilling. Goal was not to subject her to grilling but use her implant memory to call for “investigation” to derail Kavanaugh as SC Judge.
▶ 3369ed (15) No.3105273>>3105315 >>3105328
damn those secret jesuit catholic jews damn them
i am bcome toad glass…
▶ d46fda (12) No.3105274
Very swampy environment
▶ 1aebfe (4) No.3105275>>3105397
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>3105185
- Audiomachine
Balance in all things. 'tis the season..
▶ 47ef99 (1) No.3105276>>3105516
Deep State losing it - Gun Control PUSH
very shady story [smear]:
A gun-rights advocate known for his quest to help Americans manufacture firearms at home using 3-D printers may be on the run in Taiwan, after police in Texas charged him for paying to have sex with a 16-year-old girl.
charged by Austin police with sexually assaulting the unidentified girl by paying $500 to have sex with her at a hotel. Police say Wilson met her on the website "SugarDaddyMeet.com," after bragging to her about his newfound notoriety.
Surveillance video from Aug. 15 shows the pair at a coffee shop and later at a hotel. The victim told authorities about the incident. Police said it wasn’t clear if Wilson knew the girl’s age, but that authorities who interviewed her believe she looks younger than 16, not older.
Police said a friend of the victim called Wilson and tipped him off that authorities were investigating. It’s not clear how the friend knew Wilson.
Polly Mosendz is a former associate editor at The Atlantic.
▶ 54ca2d (2) No.3105278>>3105295 >>3105380 >>3105396 >>3105664 >>3105679 >>3105697
Don't over assume our technology. NASA would not be fooling around with chemical rockets if we had antigravity. Area 51 would not show evidence of hypersonic pulse-jets if we had orbital battlecruisers. Be realistic.
▶ 2f9fe3 (13) No.3105279>>3105314 >>3105322 >>3105393 >>3105404
Q picked which questions to answer, and then answered them in a very specific way.
Consider: among us anons and autists reside a tremendous number of other conspiracy-minded folk. The type and number of crackpot theories we have varies, but consensus does exist around a few data points. Q picked the most popular ones and gave us just enough data to act upon our own confirmation bias. Meanwhile, the board overloaded in minutes, thanks to social media, and the posts regarding traffic were a meaningful measure of the information pass-through rate. Now they are likely monitoring data in the MSM and social media to see just how wide a spread they got by using those key data points.
It's a drill -- not just testing the load, but dying the water to determine the efficiency of the op.
They're setting the stage. Consider last night the orchestra beginning to tune up.
▶ cb6e3f (1) No.3105280>>3105326 >>3105379
Anons, did anyone else see this during the Q&A?
▶ f7b592 (2) No.3105281>>3105305
Oh, he definitely believes the Bible.
Revelation 12:12… "Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time."
▶ b8afc1 (8) No.3105282
We need to make sure this info(contained in the payouts) becomes public knowledge.
Are you listening, Q? Maybe an accidental NSA leak?
▶ 5454bf (5) No.3105283
Agree with everything you wrote. Signs are all there. Buckle up.
▶ 53d6d7 (2) No.3105286>>3105716
Faculty Approved Racism, Binge Drinking and Promiscuity
▶ c87148 (11) No.3105287
>big things to come soon
Vegas RALLY tonight
▶ f1692d (12) No.3105288>>3105357
I see no pussy hat.
I see no blue hair.
Your pic related shows the opposite (patriot), IMO.
▶ 819e58 (3) No.3105289
How about the un-redacted full versions of all four years?
▶ 2a86db (3) No.3105290>>3105654
Officials at California’s Department of Motor Vehicles said Wednesday that an additional 3,000 people were mistakenly signed up to vote during the rollout of the state’s new “motor voter” program, errors made during the spring and summer and part of a larger batch of problems first reported two weeks ago.
While the total number of registration errors between mid-April and early August remains the same --- estimated at roughly 23,000 — the new discovery more than doubles the instances in which customers unsuccessfully tried to opt out of registering to vote, the DMV said.
“We have completed our review of records and already have new and improved processes in place to ensure this error doesn’t occur again,” DMV Director Jean Shiomoto said in a written statement to The Times.
The 3,000 newly discovered registrations will be canceled, Secretary of State Alex Padilla told local elections officials during a conference call on Wednesday.
The motor voter program was designed to automatically register to vote any eligible Californian who applied for a driver’s license or identification card unless that person declined to participate. Since problems were first reported, elections officials have urged those who used the DMV’s services to check the status of their voter registration by logging on to voterstatus.sos.ca.gov. Changes in registration are transmitted to the county where a voter lives.
▶ cdbf6e (21) No.3105291>>3105364
did you know that we stole the scientists and the german ufos at the same time
▶ 6b9f5c (7) No.3105293>>3105321
Oh Dear me.
Some anon doesn't know what a plane is.
I do. I got shot down in one and launched others on my ship!
▶ 59c0e6 (5) No.3105294>>3105344 >>3105346
We have let our Government get out of control.
▶ cb95e0 (15) No.3105295>>3105380 >>3105507
imagine being so retarded that you think authority would NEVER lie to you
▶ ab789d (2) No.3105296
Playing the joo card.
▶ d81523 (1) No.3105297>>3105329 >>3105724
it was a stress-test anon. testing the server load and testing the limits of some of the brainlets on here.
▶ f7b592 (2) No.3105298
There have been many brazenly public threats. Too many.
▶ c21b9d (10) No.3105299
▶ cd6463 (23) No.3105301
I can read Chinese
That 5th symbol from the left means Helicopter Has Landed
▶ 243c48 (1) No.3105302
Is that a picture of democrats fighting over the last bottle of adrenochrome?
▶ e71478 (9) No.3105303>>3105320
TY…anon tired and catching up. Dropped in last evening for a quick update and it wasn't quick for me. TY again
▶ 383540 (6) No.3105305
he doesn't believe GOD WINS tho.. does he now…?
▶ fc6d7f (1) No.3105306
▶ 54cb15 (3) No.3105307
It has never been claimed at anytime that a 747 hit the Pentagon. It is claimed to be a 757 which we all know is bull shit.
▶ f67a2c (3) No.3105308
Yes, lets see more clothed beauties. Not all though - still need to see some nudes!
▶ 6d2292 (7) No.3105309
Mark that one in the ‘win’ column, dood
▶ e392ad (3) No.3105311>>3105330
I have posted some on there. You are right. there are very good legitimate questions on there.
We don't need controversial answers to controversial questions. We need some hope and direction.
I would like to believe that all of the most stupid questions were just the shills trying to kill the board, which they did a pretty good job of.
▶ 0544ac (5) No.3105313
▶ dd119d (13) No.3105314>>3105325
Agreed. I'm starting to be convinced that the "EBS test"… Only got postponed for the normies.
our ebs test happened as scheduled on the 20th, last night.
▶ 0db202 (12) No.3105315>>3105359
Stop trying to deflect, kike.
Its obvious the Church needs a big purge, that fact does not make jewish subversion and Israeli crime any less real.
And btw, judaism is going to be banned from the West along with islam and zionism.
Deal with it :)
>>2409242 -- Why judaism IS a supremacist ideology
>>2409189 -- Why judaism IS a supremacist ideology, part 2
>>2562709 -- Jewish persecution of Christ and Christians since Christianity inception, part 1
>>2562715 -- part 2
>>2562720 -- part 3
>>2562725 -- part 4
>>2562731 -- part 5
>>2562734 -- part 6
>>2562740 -- part 7
>>2562763 -- The Khazar theory
>>2581628 -- Usury was (and is) a weapon of domination (debt slavery) over the goyim and its use with that end was and is teached to jews in the Torah
>>2581630 -- The history of Poland, the paradise of jews
>>2581633 -- Some jews talk about the divine promise of each jew getting 2800 goy slaves when the jewish Messiah comes to them
▶ bd0991 (5) No.3105316>>3105351 >>3105546
Appropriately named creek near Holton-Arms
▶ 26254a (1) No.3105317
Shes holding an apple.
The apple found in the story of Adam and Eve.
Represents Child.
Symbolism: Apple co-evolved with woman's sexual arousal state. Rosy Cheeks.
Symbolism: Apple = child = vulnerable
Symbolism: Snake presents apple to woman.
Symbolism: Snake = predator in nature = predator in individual man
Woman's consciousness ascends.
Drags man with her for protection.
Darwinian fit.
We are approaching another ascension of consciousness.
Not the realization of vulnerability of a child
...which led to formation of family unit
...which led to formation of culture
...which led to formation of society
But realization of vulnerability of children
...which will lead to formation of global consciousness
...which will lead to formation of global culture
...which will lead to formation of global society
Symbolism: Apple = children = vulnerable
Symbolism: Alice presents apple to Anons
Symbolism: Alice = HRC = Predator in greater society
Anons' consciousness ascends.
Drags mankind with them for protection.
Socially Fit.
Distributed = robust = resilient.
Anons are foundation of distributed global consciousness.
▶ 471090 (6) No.3105318
I was about to post this once I got to the end of the fresh bread but I see you've already posted it.
Using Print Friendly & PDF?
▶ 5e6767 (1) No.3105319>>3105333 >>3105384
What kind of rinky dink lawyer doesn't have reliable internet/IT service ??? If the front office is messed up, the skills of the lawyer can't be all that in demand.
▶ cd6463 (23) No.3105320
Thats my bullshit - dont buy Yen unless you do your own research!
▶ a3bca2 (10) No.3105321>>3105356
So not only are you a genius, but your a hardCORE tough guy in leather pants style genius.
Nice. Hows that working out for you?
▶ 3369ed (15) No.3105322>>3105336 >>3105339
all i could hear was strings breaking and someone had really bad gas…
▶ 9e9524 (4) No.3105323>>3105577
Reposting regarding Israel being saved for last (The Reason)
Look at Sessions as far as optics go, Trump pressures him for doing nothing and the left start loving him but more than that, it comes back two-fold to Trump when Sessions slides Huber into view. Why is Israel saved for last? Frankly, I don't think Q or this administration is going to let them get away with their atrocities but coming right out and saying "JEWS DID THIS" would be met with immediate cries of antisemitism on a global scale. They can't have Israel using its so-called ultimate defense of antisemitism, so it comes down to playing chess through optics with them (Jerusalem embassy/defunding Jewish special-interest groups). Learn to play the game. This is not a game.
▶ d3b754 (1) No.3105324
>>3101726 (pb)
>>3101691 (pb)
ive been saying this for weeks, possted about it in ttddtot thread, qanon.pub.qanon.app/https maintainer goes by the name qntmpkts yes he also runs qntmpkts.keybase.pub the dude is a tool just join his chat channels on keybase and watch him ban your ass, the only ones he doesnt ban are those who completely agree with all his own opinions and kiss his ass daily, he believes ufo and aliens are only demons in disguise and will ban you if you disagree. he is just the sort to turn on Q over some disagreement of opinion.
▶ dd119d (13) No.3105325
And I only say that because we were keyed up until 2-3 am last night lol I know yesterday was the 19th ;p
▶ 617894 (2) No.3105327>>3105340 >>3105674
FBI was on scene within minutes, according to Aberdeen press conference.
▶ cb95e0 (15) No.3105329
what is contradictory about being both?
▶ c87148 (11) No.3105330
> We need some hope and direction.
and you have been given thousands - THOUSANDS of crumb to help you learn.
help you learn to discern for yourself.
nothing else can work.
case in point: these threads since last night.
▶ 48c785 (7) No.3105331>>3105363
I suppose aliens was good test bait, but damn…
▶ 58ae36 (3) No.3105332
Now THAT has some interesting implications
▶ e66106 (1) No.3105333
It's all been a ploy to delay, delay, delay since the beginning. none of this will pan out, she will not testify, and Kavanaugh will be confirmed next week.
▶ bca6da (1) No.3105334
The CERT teams from across Santa Clara County will meet on Oct 27th at Moffett Field for a joint exercise. Any CERT who is a member of one of the Santa Clara County CERT organizations, is over 18 years of age, and is registered as a Disaster Service Worker (DSW) Volunteer may participate. (Please contact your CERT organization if you need DSW registration.)
During the exercise, CERTs will:
Practice responding to a major earthquake with extensive damage, injuries, and fatalities
Practice search & rescue
Practice triage and medical treatment
Practice setting up an incident command post and using radios for communication.
You must be 18 or over and have a valid government issued ID to get onto Moffett Field to attend the event.
Please select from 1 of the two sessions: one at 8:00 am, and one at 11:50. Each session will be the same, so please select the timeslot more convenient for you.
Wear your CERT vest, and bring your CERT bag with Personal Protective Equipment including mask, goggles, and exam gloves.
Moffett Field
Bailey Rd at Edquiba Rd
Mountain View, CA
▶ b8afc1 (8) No.3105335>>3105415
A SURE FIRE WAY to guarantee a RED WAVE in Oct is to abolish the IRS prior to Nov 6th.
▶ 2f9fe3 (13) No.3105336>>3105388 >>3105477
It often sounds like that to a non-musician.
▶ 6460d6 (1) No.3105337
Next time Q discusses aliens you better tell him this is Q research, not Q researach.
▶ 51e00d (13) No.3105338>>3105648
Congrats! you won all the memes!
A.) you started the shit talking, do you know where you are
B) Only a girl writes this much text about "feelings" and how they have a low self-esteem and blah blah blah so tits or gtfo
C) NO ONE CARES. You have the ability to post shit. You have the ability to figure out a link. TITS or GTFO with muh feelings.
▶ d46fda (12) No.3105339>>3105455
stress tests are stressful
▶ 0af180 (2) No.3105340
Yeah and barry glassman dbag wearing a green tie. Have never seen as much green duds on the tube as this past week.
▶ 90394c (11) No.3105342>>3105635
Let me know if you need a break I'll be lurking and memeing. Thank you for the bread.
▶ 6d2292 (7) No.3105343>>3105358
You were saying?
▶ e71478 (9) No.3105344>>3105383
"we" had no ability to enforce ANYTHING. It was stolen in public in 1913 and the last chance we had to get out was taken in 1933.
▶ 4514c3 (3) No.3105345>>3105368
Here's some
porn for you faggots.
▶ 73eb88 (21) No.3105346
I wish there was a way to make all of us suffer including the elite
Because they are stupid too and dont deserve fun
▶ 2cbaa5 (1) No.3105348>>3105391
for many years, since Congress foolishly allowed federal employees to unionize, the main way to get rid of someone is to promote them to another department.
So POTUS does not have an easy task even if 100,000 seditious criminals are found to be drawing civil service salaries - which may not be an exaggeration.
▶ 65d71b (7) No.3105349>>3105360 >>3105738
love u frens! couldn't stay away….
▶ 82cff8 (6) No.3105350>>3105367 >>3105385
Q is all about timing.
What is the timing reason for disclosing?
▶ bd0991 (5) No.3105351>>3105546 >>3105747
More Holton-Arms debauchery, 2016. Seems little has changed
▶ 8a2b2f (2) No.3105352
If you have a hard time believing it was a real plane going into the Pentagon, maybe they shot the wings off before it hit. We'll find a way.
▶ 0688d0 (2) No.3105353>>3105361
what the fuck is this press briefing on the shooting
it was all a stroke off on how many police niggers had to come get one girl bullshit man WTF
▶ 18856b (3) No.3105354>>3105474
▶ c15e2a (5) No.3105355
The woman that took the orders from Hillary to takedown judge Kavanaugh.
Eshoo, who represents the Bay Area district where Ford lives, was the first lawmaker to learn of the allegations. Ford contacted Eshoo's office, and the two met for more than an hour in July.
▶ 0544ac (5) No.3105357>>3105406
▶ f1692d (12) No.3105358
▶ 3369ed (15) No.3105359>>3105504 >>3105614
but but muh jesuits!!!
▶ 72cd17 (1) No.3105361
▶ a61451 (1) No.3105362>>3105401 >>3105420
Q's comment about Flynn has me concerned. He said in the end all will be right. I take this to mean that they aren't exactly sure on Flynn's situation. Midterms coming up, Flynn set for sentencing, it seems to me that the Deep State is making a very hard push right now and it is working. Judge K delayed, Flynn delayed, still no documents…
▶ dd119d (13) No.3105363>>3105375 >>3105436
I honestly can not think of anything that would kick the hornets nest more, as a test.
Am I the only fucking anon here that remembers: "aliens are a distraction"?
kek :)
▶ cdbf6e (21) No.3105364
did you know that sigourney weaver is a bad ass motherfucker
▶ 5ad54b (5) No.3105366
yepp, q knows we never went to the moon, think its a tactical move, any autist w half a autisbrain easily see through the nasa hoaxes, we will see, also what i take solace in is that if u really want to trick ppl, u don't do it by referng to something so easily debunked, we chall sea
▶ d31400 (3) No.3105367>>3105387
It's not disclosure if you don't disclose before they figure it out themselves.
▶ 85219d (1) No.3105369>>3105416
It's mostly shills, they are all saying the same thing, "Disinformation is necessary" to test the website.
It's the only counter I've heard. Anon's know disinfo is only necessary if it tricks the deep state into believing something that helps us, I don't see how the deep state believing in aliens helps us.
▶ cb4780 (8) No.3105370
>do you have like agencies over there in America where you can rent this kind of people to smear others?
Yes, we have Ashkenazis here
▶ 209924 (1) No.3105371>>3105409 >>3105430 >>3105443
Pentagon damage on 9/11.
Adjacent and intact, I see:
A computer monitor.
A filing cabinet.
A wooden desk.
A wooden stool.
I do not see:
Plane wreckage.
Directed energy?!
▶ 02f2b3 (1) No.3105374
Q comments brought out a lot of self hating atheist soyfags I see. If this was a test to see how others would react its going shittily.
▶ cd6463 (23) No.3105375
I have not felt alone in a long long long time
▶ a3bca2 (10) No.3105376
▶ 0b52d8 (5) No.3105377>>3105418 >>3105496
Found the Alien. KEK. But for real this guy has the sterotypical Rothschild style head and extremely long arms for his body and big hands. He fits some of the Neaderthal features of Lynn Rothschild.
But he could be a good guy I have no idea.
▶ bc90da (4) No.3105378>>3105411 >>3105417 >>3105585
the person who posted that is an asshole
understand that many people who frequent this board are not allies
they pose as such but are in fact working in opposition to us, Q and POTUS
so just ignore/filter the dipshits and absorb the knowledge you can :)
this board has been intentionally dilluted in an attempt to discredit the real anons/autists
but like everything else (((they))) have tried it will fail….i should say IS FAILING
dont sweat the shills, ignore em and keep moving patriot ;)
▶ 48c785 (7) No.3105379>>3105520
▶ 51e00d (13) No.3105380
Reread this over and over again. >>3105295
I don't have the time or patience to red pill you. It's all online tho.
▶ 73eb88 (21) No.3105381>>3105429
What about us paranoid fags who are just royally pissed off
And also slightly,insane
▶ 471090 (6) No.3105382>>3105478 >>3105537
Not couple weeks. Three months. Remember Gitmo EO starts Jan 1 2019.
▶ e71478 (9) No.3105383
to add…they even threw it in our face by what they specifically began removing from the public….for themselves.
▶ 03e4be (2) No.3105384>>3105749
I can see the Yom Kippur excuse and tell what this attorney is doing. It's a common trick with attorneys to buy time. This one is lame because it is not a Gov holiday where the Courts would be closed. This attorney is not intending to respond in the time frame Grassley gave her and then later claim her client was willing to testify but had these problems communicating such.
▶ 2f9fe3 (13) No.3105385>>3105412
To put pressure on the cabal. It's largely irrelevant to the current situation, but it has a ridiculously high degree of emotional content tied to it. Of course, some people won't believe the truth no matter who tells them, thanks to their own confirmation bias.
Smart Anons will mark those boxes checked and move on. Show is about to start.
▶ 19338f (14) No.3105386
whats up with the green ties
they said something about a drill
can we confirm there was a drill today?
▶ 82cff8 (6) No.3105387
Fine. Play on words. Confirming.
▶ 3369ed (15) No.3105388
oh honey, you have me wrong…
my guitar gently weeps…
▶ c0a263 (6) No.3105389
▶ 0544ac (5) No.3105391
You don't read much, do you?
▶ cdbf6e (21) No.3105392>>3105400 >>3105402
did you know that putin is a end all cold war Plant asset
▶ c21b9d (10) No.3105393
Fucking awesome, anon. Can't wait!
▶ 224e74 (2) No.3105395>>3105421
The question was, "Was Pentagon hit by plane on 911?"
The question was NOT, "Was Pentagon hit by THE plane (757) as reported by the MSM?"
Imagine what types of planes/missiles/drones we probably have in our arsenal that could be front-loaded with explosives that could penetrate 9-foot concrete walls like a knife through butter. Think bunker busters, but penetrating horizontally (not vertically).
▶ a9479b (8) No.3105396
Listen to Bill Binney. It’s about money. If they solve problems, they get less funding next time. They’re kncentivized to keep failing, so they get more cash.
▶ 1aebfe (4) No.3105397>>3105528 >>3105605
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>3105275
Children of the Sun
- Billy Thorpe
Daddy? Is that you?
▶ d422bb (3) No.3105398>>3105465
in the end, the choice will be yours to know.
▶ e3081b (1) No.3105399
>>3104437 3928
I didn't see the moonwalking bear, but here's a swag theory...
Lockheed Martin was heavily involved in that program, as well, and had produced full-size mockups of the proposed weapon that evoked the size and shape of their Cold War-era D-21 drone. The D-21 was an 11,000-pound unmanned reconnaissance platform that was originally paired with an M-21 mothership derived from the A-12 spy plane.
Difficulties in that arrangement led Lockheed to develop a system that allowed B-52s to launch the drones. The bombers would be a good option to carry any RATTLRS-derived weapon, as well.
The time line doesn't work out but here is the development plan...
After reading to the schoolkids in Florida, where did W end up first while close to bingo fuel?
Bossier City, LA. B52 base.
From there he went to Offut.
Coincidence that W landed at a BUFF base and the BUFF capable of launching a plane that no one has likely ever seen? Out of the 46 exercises that went on that day who the hell knows, but that drone started life as a clown drone and it appears it was being planned to be used as a strike weapon.
Doesn't match the building dimensions as previously stated, but if so fast that camera aperture didn't get it then measurements possibly off.
And the moonwalking bear cuts in and out.
▶ 919109 (6) No.3105400
▶ 2f9fe3 (13) No.3105401
Don't worry about Flynn. He's not.
▶ 5ad54b (5) No.3105402
u ben to da mun ebot fren?
▶ 73eb88 (21) No.3105403
Yea im done
Fisa eo
Nothing happens
Q posts more distracting,bullshit
Hello again george bush
I will make it my lifes goal to collapse society as shoudl all of you
Fuck this shithole
▶ 67a9d8 (3) No.3105404>>3105469
so you're saying we should never believe anything Q says because he's probably just fucking with us so he can determine how far of a reach his fuckery has
▶ cb4780 (8) No.3105405
In Upside Down Clown World
Dershowitz is a Trump butt boy
Sessions is a righteous dude
▶ f1692d (12) No.3105406>>3105498
Has it ever occurred to anon that Chinese citizens dislike their gub'ment as much as we dislike ours?
▶ ca2b66 (4) No.3105407
I'm noting that Biden is a hair sniffer, weirdo… that Dan Schneiderman was sniffing Michelle O's hair too.
▶ a2371c (3) No.3105408
Brennan needs to be pinched, he's dangerous.
▶ 56bc35 (2) No.3105409
" plane '' a loaded Global Hawk. Turbine engine found much smaller than that on a jumbo jet.
▶ 6d2292 (7) No.3105410
Interdasting way of saying illegal.
▶ cd6463 (23) No.3105411
I am older in age and just learned that the female is brown - I thought all these years in was interduckical relations.
▶ 82cff8 (6) No.3105412>>3105442
Aliens have nothing to do with the cabal? Irrelevant? O.o. Emotional content? Did you read what you wrote?
▶ e83c7c (3) No.3105413>>3105426 >>3105432 >>3105434 >>3105654
Sauce: https://www.justice.gov/psc/press-room
Great Months, Anons
▶ cdbf6e (21) No.3105414
did you know that further demolition was committed to cover up the cruise missile that hit the pentagon
▶ 96744f (2) No.3105415
I agree. And I think its a matter of urgency, because if the delays all fail, the cabal only have the economic cards left to play.
If they crash the us economy, it'll be a distraction, but ultimately a disaster for them, because trump will just flip it back on their asses. "I fixed the economy, these guys wrecked it. Let's privatize the fed so it doesn't happen again."
Fucking genius. The timing makes me wonder though. Timing is everything…
▶ 2f9fe3 (13) No.3105416
A) you are not privy to classified information
B) you do not understand the cabal's motivations and expectations.
▶ 51e00d (13) No.3105417
You gals gonna have a Hallmark movie watching get together after all this.
▶ a3bca2 (10) No.3105418>>3105454 >>3105496
For the low, low price of 2500 he will take you out and teach you to communicate with aliens. for 5k he might even throw in some divine healing.
what?? you thought this shit was free???
▶ f1692d (12) No.3105419>>3105448
Proper trigger discipline?
▶ c87148 (11) No.3105420
>I take this to mean that they aren't exactly sure
hello fellow anons
allow me to (1) post my doubts and misunderstanding about obvious things
▶ dd119d (13) No.3105421
remember the plane full of explosives that did a barrel roll? The one that hit the pentagon just didn't do a fucking barrel roll.
There's your "missile".
▶ df76ba (3) No.3105423
▶ c10131 (2) No.3105424>>3105473
As a kid, watching a full moon, I saw a bright light coming from the moon, orbiting it 3 times and then went down.
▶ 90394c (11) No.3105426
Nice find.
No table
▶ dd5c06 (4) No.3105427>>3105463
and vice versa. aliens are "demons"
▶ 60217d (2) No.3105429>>3105447
Grab your binky and blanket and take a nap, it will be ok
▶ 7f75c5 (5) No.3105430
I see new construction debris looks like they were working on the building could be a clue
▶ 919109 (6) No.3105432
What if these people are the TOOL OF THE CABAL?
Compromised, sleepers.
▶ e83c7c (3) No.3105434>>3105449 >>3105654
>Sauce: https://www.justice.gov/psc/press-room
>Great Months, Anons
pt. 2
▶ 8e9ba6 (1) No.3105435
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. "Loving the Plan all the Way"?
It's possible but not likely.
In the "real world" nothing is perfectly black nor white and those who pretend to "all white" are noted to have a massive shadow, which is repressed and will emerge. We'll see.
The World to come [I won't use New World, since that's a Cabal buzz phrase] may be like a song,
with a little this and that.
To get everybody to sing along
With a little this and that
The world we know is in a terrible fix
and some say oil and water don't mix.
but they don't know a salad maker's tricks
with a little this and that
A little dissonance ain't no sin.
A little skylarking to give us all a grin
Who knows but the Lord may have a plan for us to win
With a little this and that."
[Seeger, with ~altered lyrics]
I've always wanted a community but my fate has been been to be an outsider. It does hurt, but can't be "WWG1WGA"
Not blind. Not without knowing where we are going.
I learned from a book on security to always double check if someone tells you to "trust [them]" It's a red flag.
I thought my energies would be useful to the military and help to bring down the criminal conspiracy whom I despise.
I don't blame them for using people like me, but "WWG1WGA" isn't working. I'm a balker.
>>3099083 pb
Robin Williams also died "suicide" but said to have been found "sitting" on the ground.
P.S. How can you hang until dead while touching the ground?
You can't
they pose the bodies afterward. It's a code / sign
You will know them by their symbols
[vid related, Who Killed Robin?]
Sounds like the billionaire Canadian couple were posed strung up on a pool railing with their bodies outside the pool, crouched at the ground.
Encouraging it is that in normal times it would've been ruled "suicide" [crooked law enforcement] and the family would've forged ahead on their own to no avail [probably too rich to be intimidated to silence as often is the case with less prominent victim's families] But somehow now the case is moving forward.
"Five Eyes" cleaned?
"September 21 from 0400 EST" Statement at top of bread
We are on daylight savings not standard time
Baker, can you correct? Is it important? It could confuse people
>>3104166 pb "dark side of the moon" Looks like an image of a large carp laying on it's side
▶ 09ad04 (6) No.3105436>>3105464 >>3105491
>aliens are a distraction
Original question was "Are UFOs a distraction?"
Q did not answer the question, instead posing two questions in response.
>How far away is the closest star?
>What do you think?
And then there was the next post. Future proves past.
▶ c0a263 (6) No.3105437>>3105529
▶ ec16af (3) No.3105439>>3105556 >>3105654
What are Baker, Ohr & Does afraid of?
▶ 0b52d8 (5) No.3105440>>3105551
Yep. Q was misdirecting for timing factors I think. Israel is where the riddle ends. And we have a journey of breaking the publics faith in what they believe reality is.
Perhaps the Alien push is to get the publics attention and prove that the most amazing shit is real. That there was a conspiracy to keep it from humanity. Once this is the accepted thought many more will be willing to believe a nefarious group of Luciferian/Eurotrash/Jew/Jesuits/FreeMasons are behind all the worlds problems.
▶ cdbf6e (21) No.3105441>>3105460
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. did you know that the "war on drugs" started six weeks after the cia plotted against O-rings on a cold morning for political gain????
▶ 2f9fe3 (13) No.3105442>>3105453
I said it was irrelevant to the CURRENT SITUATION.
I chose my words very carefully.
▶ a868f9 (1) No.3105443>>3105459 >>3105472 >>3105484 >>3105490
The proper question would have been "Did an American Airlines Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon on 9/11?"
I suspect that Q asked and answered "his" own questions.
▶ 6b9f5c (7) No.3105446
Nope! not a one!
▶ 73eb88 (21) No.3105447
Nah i think im gonna go huff paint and vandalize things
Since there is clearly no rule,of law
▶ 7f75c5 (5) No.3105448
getting ready to pull the trigger?
▶ e83c7c (3) No.3105449>>3105654
>Sauce: https://www.justice.gov/psc/press-room
>Great Months, Anons
pt. 3
▶ d1dfa3 (3) No.3105450>>3105471 >>3105480 >>3105544
Ive been following for awhile and I was under the impresssion that the last time we went offline it was so the migration to NSA servers could happen.
So why was Q asking on the board?
>>3093821 -----——– /CM/ pls divert more resources/bandwidth into board
explanation would be great, but if you want to call me a retard or a shill as well, enjoy!
▶ c15e2a (5) No.3105451
Professional hit job on judge Kavanaugh it's kind of obvious.
▶ 82cff8 (6) No.3105453>>3105482
It's been the CURRENT situation for 25,000 years lol. It is the situation. Everything revolves around it.
▶ d31400 (3) No.3105454>>3105496
Anyone using their vacation time and money to go outside and watch the night sky near Roswell is of interest to certain organizations.
▶ 3369ed (15) No.3105455
dont you patronize me you you you!
AI doesnt get stressed!
I am become meme the bringer of larp!
▶ 938803 (2) No.3105456
Time to send them to GITMO for some retraining.
▶ 4f8cb6 (2) No.3105457
Yeah right. Ford’s twitter went conveniently private when people started requesting her to testify.
▶ 85f093 (3) No.3105458
That's like saying:
Don't talk about women in Intersectionality class.
▶ cd6463 (23) No.3105459>>3105587
▶ cdbf6e (21) No.3105460>>3105488
did you know that "the challenger explosion" and "the war on drugs" was committed by those indicted and or committing in pedogate
▶ 53d6d7 (2) No.3105461>>3105654
Sharyl Attkisson triggers Media Matters president by pointing out who they REALLY are
Media Matters deliberately misquoted Ari Fleischer about Kavanaugh earlier this week as a means to smear him. Sharyl Attkisson, who is all too familiar with their smear tactics, spoke up for Ari.
And as usual, Sharyl triggered the president of Media Matters, Angelo Carusone, by telling a truth he simply couldn’t deal with.
▶ 65d71b (7) No.3105462
kek!!! God Bless our President and First Lady!
▶ cb95e0 (15) No.3105463>>3105616
>there is one kins of alien and they have one agenda
>being this dumb
seriously im about to start saying the "aliens are demons" people are FE tards
▶ dd119d (13) No.3105464>>3105524 >>3105538
Then there was the one stating that aliens are a distraction that you didn't post.
Where do you think anons got the idea to post a meme with Podesta with his hands up, screaming "aliens" from????
Hurr Durrr…
▶ 73eb88 (21) No.3105465>>3105499
No it wont
We wont even get john mccains legacy
The most we get is a fake arrest of all the pedos
Regime change
These people have acess to tech that can literally fuck with reality
I dont trust anything
▶ 1b9245 (7) No.3105466
▶ 383540 (6) No.3105467
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jeremiah 29:11
▶ 67a9d8 (3) No.3105469>>3105481
This is exactly why you should never fucking trust government spooks.
Time for the people to take our country back. Especially from these covert intelligence operatives.
▶ c0a263 (6) No.3105470
now watch it try to honeypot kek
▶ 6a5af2 (2) No.3105471>>3105494 >>3105495
There were 410K unique IPs pinging the board last night. Lot of lag, assumption is Fri night is for additional dedicated bandwidth.
People don't invest money in infrastructure for a LARP
▶ 19338f (14) No.3105473>>3105503 >>3105510
its not what we have been told
enlarge pic
▶ 3369ed (15) No.3105474
notable right
the keks just dont stop cummin :D
▶ 53b2d9 (2) No.3105477
▶ 576840 (7) No.3105478>>3105513
but Gitmo is not temporary incarceration, is it?
so arrests could happen, with accused being held elsewhere.
but no miltribs until after New Years.
▶ c71997 (2) No.3105480
Cause the need for software/hardware upgrades are real. Just cause CM is being protected by our guys doesn't mean this site is a magic unicorn of a server farm.
Looking forward to the increased performance myself!
▶ 73eb88 (21) No.3105481
I dont think we can tho
But we can sure as hell try
They probably have a nano kill switch on us
▶ 2f9fe3 (13) No.3105482>>3105500
But it's a distraction from the CURRENT SITUATION, i.e. the tactical elements of the secret war. One step at a time.
▶ 1b3d55 (10) No.3105485
Space travel would explain the phenomenon of The Plan, as it would explain the discrepancies of Time…
▶ 18856b (3) No.3105486
Q isn't omniscient, even within the context of what high-level agencies may know about. It's entirely possible that they're aware of some spoopy stuff that some black-project scientists are working on, but even those scientists don't understand the full implications. Militaries and governments may be "in the mix" regarding extraterrestrial actors, but that doesn't mean they fully understand them.
▶ 0db202 (12) No.3105487>>3105611
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Zionists can never be patriots, they are ALWAYS by definition traitors. See the video here in this post to hear it from the horses mouth: >>3021921
Video is the documentary "Marching to Zion", which everyone needs to watch too.
From minute 9 and 45 seconds of the documentary “Marching to Zion”, you can see the book “Jesus in the Talmud”, written by the jewish author Peter Schafer, who was the Head of the Judaic Studies of the Princeton University (until 2013) and is now the director of the Jewish Museum of Berlin.
Check for yourself all the blasphemy present in the talmud and the very real anti-Christian sentiment that jews ALWAYS had in their communities.
You can read and get the book “Jesus in the Talmud”, written by the jewish author Peter Schafer, for free here:
A note regarding the documentary that I think I should make:
I think this documentary is pretty good, but I disagree with the author’s lack of race realism, which he presents at the end. Just like culture and ideology are a factor in human behavior, and shape societies, communities and nations in certain ways, the reality is that ethnicity is also a factor. Does not mean that one does not judge people for their character, race realism is not racism.
I am pretty sure that after we get rid of jewish group power in the West, that will result in the end of censorship in big social platforms, and that will allow people to have peaceful and respectful dialogues about race realism, and most of the people will be ok with the right to freedom of association. How many will choose it, I don't know, but I bet you more that most people think, specially after we show people that it is really for the best to have as little diversity as possible, kinda like Japan. A diverse world, not diverse nations.
We will fix the demographic issue of the US and the rest of the West too, peacefully, and in a way that is fair for all involved.
But first, the swamp needs to be drained and the ZOG needs to be slayed.
If you want some information regarding the very real and dangerous downsides of diversity, read this:
▶ 3af882 (2) No.3105489>>3105522
(((They))) are going after this guy like they did Assange.
▶ b8afc1 (8) No.3105490
We are going to war, boys….one way or another!
▶ 90394c (11) No.3105491>>3105538
I really should stop assuming what Q is implying. I think this is the 3rd time it's bit me. I assumed he meant aliens have not contacted us (or we're not aware of each other) and that they were a distraction.
I have this overwhelming urge to talk to an alien. I'm assuming they're significantly more intelligent than us so it'd probably be a difficult conversation but it'd be beyond fascinating.
An anon asked me my thoughts on what "it" could be. The thing that Q says is so much bigger than what we can imagine. I think I might write up a couple I've had.
▶ f12867 (1) No.3105492
Fuck this. I'm sick of other anons opinions = sauce and facts. This fag is guessing as much as anyone else. We are in the dark.
▶ dd5c06 (4) No.3105493
Think of the Earth as Syria, it's a proxy war. Cabal is the demons'(aliens) ISIS.
▶ 48c785 (7) No.3105494>>3105501
>People don't invest money in infrastructure for a LARP
damned fuckin' straight, there's our biggest, realest proof right there
▶ e392ad (3) No.3105495>>3105521 >>3105527
I wouldn't mind seeing some real stats about that from CM or someone who would actually know.
Trust but verify.
▶ f1692d (12) No.3105496
>But he could be a good guy I have no idea.
Greer is clown nigger.
▶ 25a80b (2) No.3105497
"Aliens" is a great movie.
▶ 576840 (7) No.3105498>>3105570
been all over the planet (globe) in my life.
never ever met a single person who trusted or loved their government.
▶ 82cff8 (6) No.3105500>>3105543
Now its a distraction. So you think Q distracted front the current situation he has been talking about for almost a year. Then one night he decides to completely distract from it?
"Each post is related to the last."
▶ 73eb88 (21) No.3105501
They do for mossad psy ops
▶ ec16af (3) No.3105502
FBI Christopher Wray was recommended by Rod Rosenstein.
#QAnon tells people to 'Trust Wray' but not Rosenstein [RR].
- Magapill
▶ 471090 (6) No.3105503>>3105606
interesting "earth shadow" there anon
▶ cdbf6e (21) No.3105505
this oscar myer hot dog
"see the light"
"expand your homo"
"build a wall"
blah blah blah blah
▶ e3b7f3 (1) No.3105506>>3105531
If there are newbies on the board, welcome. I wanted to reach out to everyone today and suggest going back to the beginning with drops, and since I'm one who takes my own advice I'm going to as well.
Some of you are probably hyped because of the Q&A last night, I admit I was a little upset until more experienced anons explained it was to test traffic. As to whether or not Q's answers were legit, I don't know. Part of me feels like it was to yank some chains.
Taking into account POTUS's conspiratorial comments on the deepstate and distancing himself from conspiracies yesterday, I'd have to say that was some form of foreshadowing. I'm not bagging on anyone's theories, but I feel like we should focus more on the facts. A statement without any proof, is just a statement. So lets dig and contribute to this board with dedicated research and be informed.
▶ 7211c8 (3) No.3105507>>3105540 >>3105559 >>3105610 >>3105655
>imagine being so retarded that you think authority would NEVER lie to you
Use logic.
Any 'secret' program that involved orbital battlecruisers or supporting off-planet settlements would invariably involve hundreds or even thousands of people.
You can't keep that many people quiet about anything.
This is a slide.
▶ a2371c (3) No.3105509
That's funny, you gotta chuckle from me.
▶ 8a2b2f (2) No.3105510>>3105606
Yes, in my memory and vision as a kid, it was as big as a star.
▶ 90394c (11) No.3105511
▶ 4f8cb6 (2) No.3105512
Ford stated she told no one about the name of her alleged attacker, including her therapist. Then friends say that she told them, then they back off. Birds of the same feather commit fraud together.
▶ 471090 (6) No.3105513
>but Gitmo is not temporary incarceration, is it?
>so arrests could happen, with accused being held elsewhere.
>but no miltribs until after New Years.
Correct. Most likely not until after Jan 20 when the new Congress is sworn in.
▶ dd5c06 (4) No.3105517
We would, if they would go to war with eachother over one group directly intervening here on neutral ground. There are bad aliens, they used to call them demons
▶ cdbf6e (21) No.3105519
can you swing a sword like a dutchman
cause there is still truth in the cloth
▶ 54cb15 (3) No.3105520>>3105536 >>3105573
Had forgot about that faggot, he was a gem.
▶ 6a5af2 (2) No.3105521
Agreed, all about managing multiple variable datasets and self analysis for verification. Most people think it is skill, but its really just an evolved survival mechanism in digitized times.
▶ 7f75c5 (5) No.3105522
Scary thing is they can set up almost anyone with putting pictures on their computers remotely
▶ f1207a (6) No.3105524>>3105584
dunning kreuger effect in full force in this post.
Podesta has long hinted at disclosure of aliens, he pushed for it when he was in Bill Clintons administration. And now recently he helped found "To the Stars Academy" with Tom De Long and others, that are saying they will get disclosure. He has even made cameo appearances on Ancient Aliens.
Podestas connections to ayy lmaos has nothing to do with Q. Take your L
▶ cd6463 (23) No.3105525
That Cortez chick forced me to eat her pussy
Google Images "Cortez"
▶ 73eb88 (21) No.3105526
Hey look at me im Q
Rod rosenstein isnt fired and im posting about ashtar sherans massive gaping butthole
Prove me wrong Q ill eat my,words
▶ 51e00d (13) No.3105527
Unique IPs is never truly accurate. You can have 5 people in the same household using the same IP or you can have one person on multiple devices using unique IPs. But it's as accurate as you're gonna get.
Don't get caught up on the minutae. It's around 400k people. Any website would LOVE to have 400k unique IDs.
▶ 576840 (7) No.3105529
not on the beach anon!
she gets a lot of work modeling.
think a fave here due to smile.
▶ 684b4d (3) No.3105530>>3105542 >>3105566 >>3105604 >>3105726
>>3104918 (lb)
So are we to assume that neither James Woods nor Stephen King were unaware that Drew Barrymore's SAME AGED (but FAR SMALLER) friend Heather O'Rourke was being passed around pedowood at this time?
▶ 65d71b (7) No.3105531
here we go. stay on track, Anons! There is still much work to be done.
▶ a1c523 (7) No.3105533>>3105552 >>3105558 >>3105581
>friendly remainder
never forget what the satanic cabal actuall yhas done
▶ a22a3f (5) No.3105534>>3105545 >>3105579
Nellie Ohr refuses to tesitfy!
▶ 48c785 (7) No.3105536>>3105573
IS a gem, just low profile, his discoverthenetworks.org is what kicked all this DS research off in 2004
▶ 224e74 (2) No.3105537
Doesn't mean they can't be jailed at GITMO and await tribunals in January.
▶ 09ad04 (6) No.3105538>>3105584 >>3105629
Point e to a Q drop mentioning the word alien.
Closest I get is unalienable.
>What do you think?
The choice is your own anon.
>Be careful what you wish for.
▶ dd119d (13) No.3105540>>3105620
Then how did all of the coverups in just US history alone… Stand… Up until a band of Patriots came along and decided to dismantle it?
Because if Trump didn't get elected we wouldn't even be able to safely have this discussion.
Take your own advice, logicboy.
▶ 684b4d (3) No.3105542>>3105723
Spielberg had not idea either…
▶ 2f9fe3 (13) No.3105543>>3105567 >>3105695
Yep. It's not that it isn't important. It isn't particularly important RIGHT NOW. Obsessing about it is like a couple of guys on a landing boat headed to a Normandy beach discussing the intellectual merits of Fascism and Communism in the context of the Marxist paradigm.
There's a time for the 40,000 ft. view and a time for the 10,000 ft. view.
Now, what I will admit is that Q secured the loyalty of a great many Anons last night. More than he lost.
▶ d1dfa3 (3) No.3105544>>3105561
thank you for the explanations. I thought the bandwidth issue was fixed months ago but I guess I was wrong.
▶ 919109 (6) No.3105545
Then release the texts
▶ bd0991 (5) No.3105546>>3105599 >>3105602 >>3105747
▶ 938803 (2) No.3105547
The choice to know should be on everything.
▶ a22a3f (5) No.3105549>>3105564 >>3105654
Paul Sperry
25m25 minutes ago
BREAKING NEWS: Ranking Democrat Feinstein is withholding material evidence from Republicans on the committee that is critical to its investigation of accusations against Kavanaugh
Paul Sperry
22m22 minutes ago
BREAKING: Chairman Grassley has offered to send his committee staff to California to interview accuser Christine Blasey Ford so she doesn't have to travel to Washington and to allay any concerns she may have about her or her family's safety and security
▶ 1b9245 (7) No.3105550
>lock and load patriots
fire at will - #QUCKED
▶ 53b2d9 (2) No.3105551>>3105562 >>3105565 >>3105586
Q has already said aliens are a distraction. But now he's stated we're not alone. I tend to think he's saying that there are known/identified entities residing in the cosmos that are consistent with a spiritual world view.
▶ c21b9d (10) No.3105553
▶ c15e2a (5) No.3105554
Someone is looking for a book deal.
▶ 54cb15 (3) No.3105556
Someone needs to tell Sara it's the lovely Nellie Ohr.
▶ 5ad54b (5) No.3105558
heard tsarion when he explains the history and reason for the summoning and the deal that was done? tis a v'good one
▶ c87148 (11) No.3105559
>You can't keep that many people quiet about anything.
oh please.
one of the oldest fake counterarguments ever.
"but muh can't keep a secret" - except for all the times they did, and still do. ok.
and being off-planet kinda helps, too.
▶ c71997 (2) No.3105561
Months ago was to install new uninterruptible power supplies / generator backups on premise.
▶ 383540 (6) No.3105562
For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. Psalm 91:11
▶ e545a7 (2) No.3105563>>3105574 >>3105717
Bongino is an anon
▶ cb4780 (8) No.3105564
>Chairman Grassley has offered to send his committee staff to California
That's fine
as long as it goes on Mueller's budget.
▶ 2f9fe3 (13) No.3105565
Dude. He answered the basic existential question without further refinements. Be satisfied, or don't. You're just confirming your own pre-determined bias by your response. We all are.
▶ 51e00d (13) No.3105566
Yeah, alot (if not all) of current Patriots were either directly or indirectly complicit in at least knowing of the fuckery of the past decades.
Lots of soul searching by Anons on what that means.
▶ 73eb88 (21) No.3105567>>3105601
Yeah because most people on this board are worse than cnn watchers
Q could literally say
That the world is run by squirrels and half the people on here would suck his dick
Prove me wrong Q or i will make muh dick guy look smart
▶ d31400 (3) No.3105568
Kek is up early today.
▶ f1692d (12) No.3105570>>3105633 >>3105640 >>3105641
How can that be?
They're all over the MSM.
Look, here's some of them in pic related.
▶ 462b0f (3) No.3105571>>3105731
Q Code & Abbreviations made easy.
️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️
▶ ae0c22 (2) No.3105572>>3105688
The yearbook find is big. Rush is even talking about it.
So that twat Cristina King Miranda who originally tweeted that she knew both Kavanaugh and Ford and that “the incident was spoken of for days afterwards in school" and “Many of us heard about it in school and Christine’s recollection should be more than enough for us to truly, deeply know that the accusation is true,” she wrote. “The incident did happen.”
She's now backtracked and just for the hell of it I looked for Cristina in the year book and look what name pops up (pic related) Christine AQUINO
No idea if it's the same Christine but thought the name was notable. I'm sure it's just a coincidence, right anons?
Google Cache still has the orignal yearbook issues for now and they've been archived. see >>3102097
▶ 571e4e (1) No.3105573
Amen to that. DTN is an incredible tool. Not just for us. Is normie friendly enuf that I can send peeps I'm trying to redpill there, to search for themselves.
▶ 25a80b (2) No.3105574>>3105596
▶ 1147f3 (3) No.3105575>>3105719
Love Disturbed… ThankQ
We know things…kek
▶ a1c523 (7) No.3105576>>3105668 >>3105677 >>3105725
never forget
>even to big for autists
>winged symbolic
▶ 58ae36 (3) No.3105577>>3105632
I agree - I think Trump et. al are slow-walking Israel through their own demise. They will unravel the truth about themselves….themselves. For all the world to see. Our guys won't actually have to make any inflammatory claims, because Israel will already have done plenty that is inflammatory in the now -- look at what went down with Syria, and is not being reported anymore. Proof (to me) that we are working with Russia - which is why Russia did not react to 'Syria' shooting their plane. They knew the truth already - probably even before it happened. It was Israel
▶ 471090 (6) No.3105578
Howdy Julian. Hope you're doing good today.
▶ a3bca2 (10) No.3105581>>3105691
never forget what jack parsons labrat…. i mean NASA has done to
fuck it never mind… we're just going to have to deal with the crowd who still believes the masons in big white suits for a while.
Trust me…i've brought up lam, parsons, huxley and hubbard around here before…always gets buried
▶ cd6463 (23) No.3105582>>3105590 >>3105595 >>3105669
▶ dd119d (13) No.3105584>>3105594 >>3105638
Did you happen to run the search with the word 'distraction', and cross reference the search result as a response to an anon question?
Because no, they do not say'alien'. An anon does. Q uses the word distraction as the response to that.
Take your own L.
▶ 7067b6 (4) No.3105585
Replied to you confirm your words.
▶ f40bca (1) No.3105586
Q answered the implied question, "did an extraterrestrial craft crash in roswell?" answer, no, the real tech is highly classified, and space is vast so no
▶ e71478 (9) No.3105587
▶ 8b5aca (6) No.3105588>>3105600
Canadian link to bronfman / pedo gate/ OIG report page 294 / JT / U1 etc etc etc from canadian thread
Also CDC doc assumption to the billionaires being killed and ebola connecting with vatican
lots of random but lots of connections
▶ 3369ed (15) No.3105589
nom nom!
i am ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
▶ a3bca2 (10) No.3105590
show us your dick or GTFO
▶ 0b52d8 (5) No.3105591>>3105619
Sometimes I see an amazing lack of creative thinking. We know the MI Revolution is in reality decades old. We know MI drafted Trump. We know Trump knew pretty much what was going on in the world (go back and watch his oprah 1980's video) We know Trump knows the elite of the Jews are corrupt at a level that is hard to imagine. We know Trump is on our side.
We know he knows the Jews are corrupt.
Do you imagine the apple falls far from the tree?
Do you think Ivanka is less brave or dedicated to free humanity than her father?
Would you infiltrate and fuck a Jew to save 7 Billion humans?
Imagine the possible. Imagine the fantastic. And there you can find the truth.
▶ 462b0f (3) No.3105592>>3105731
Q Code & Abbreviations made easy.
▶ dbb6f9 (2) No.3105593
Meme acquisition & redistribution is the only part of socialism this board & Patriot Anons will ever tolerate.
Help yourself Anons
▶ f1207a (6) No.3105594>>3105622
Yeah… like most anons, you can't admit when you're wrong. It's okay though. We get it.
▶ c21b9d (10) No.3105595
If that's you, Kavanaugh, this would be a good move. They'd clear you without question.
▶ eff7ba (2) No.3105597>>3105613 >>3105631
AJ exposing the bitch hahaha
▶ 76e37a (1) No.3105598>>3105630
Well then it should be called a cruise plane
▶ bd0991 (5) No.3105599
Dropped? https://wjla.com/news/local/md-camp-counselor-has-sex-abuse-of-a-minor-charges-dropped
▶ 8b5aca (6) No.3105600>>3105625
also does anyone have Mormon churches in their town and do they have satellite dishes?
bigger then the regular church i'm talking ground based sat…
▶ 2f9fe3 (13) No.3105601>>3105608 >>3105618
Q is not your bitch. Either you're a valuable anon/autist, you're a useful object lesson, or you're a mere data point in his (their) equation. Your personal feels are irrelevant to the op.
▶ dde592 (3) No.3105603>>3105644
Scientists at NASA have discovered "an unusual infrared light emission from a nearby neutron star" which "could indicate new features never before seen".
Any NASA fags
▶ 6b9f5c (7) No.3105604>>3105726 >>3105739
So, You got something on me?
Let's see it.
Other wise
Good Day Sir!
Spielberg is a different story!
▶ 1147f3 (3) No.3105605>>3105672
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>3105397
Leaving on a Jet Plane
- Peter, Paul, and Mary
…or a spaceship…or ascendance…hmmm
▶ 19338f (14) No.3105606>>3105639 >>3105703 >>3105705 >>3105765
taken in midwest, due east
i renamed pics with all the correct info
look on stellarium or similar app.
there should be nothing in front of the moon
▶ 73eb88 (21) No.3105607
Trolling is fun guys
Lets slide the board with retarded shit
Lord nimrod
I mean ashtar sherans goldenn penis is what you should worship
Jesus was a space alien like in men and,black
Hey look i can do it too
▶ 8b5aca (6) No.3105608
▶ 383540 (6) No.3105609>>3105628
funny how anon calls 45 potus but opposition calls 45 trump.. ever notice that..
▶ cb95e0 (15) No.3105610
dude youre a retard
>thinking these 100k+ ppl ever come back to earth
>thinking there hasnt been leaks of this info
>thinking that there isnt mind wipe tech
>etc etc
once you "use logic" the possibilities become endless, there is more evidence of there being colonies in space and humans have electro gravitics than alot of the "conspiracy theories" out there
if the elites can blackmail each other by taking pics and vids of them raping kids and keeping there mouth shut about it, then what else are they keeping there mouth shut about
▶ 3369ed (15) No.3105611>>3105733
the jesuits train jews well… kek
▶ 2d6c6b (1) No.3105612>>3105654 >>3105686
Sorry if already posted.
*America's Adversaries*
who could this refer to??
https:// www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-authorizing-implementation-certain-sanctions-set-forth-countering-americas-adversaries-sanctions-act/
▶ c87148 (11) No.3105613>>3105631
Time to move on.
Find other sauces
▶ 0db202 (12) No.3105614
You can post about them all you want :)
All cross links from this bread: >>2390914
If you want to know why Israel comes last, this would be a good place to start your digs in what regards that question.
If you do not want to read on this subject, do not read this post.
I suggest you read the bread these come from entirely, these are just a selection.
TL;DR (too long, dind't read, for you newfags):
Israel is a genocidal ever expanding nuclear rogue state that is the biggest haven for pedos and biggest hub for human and organ trafficking in the world right now, and supports ISIS using US tax payer money to do so.
Israel is the HQ of the cabal.
>>2390975 -- Jews control the media; not all jews are bad, but the good ones need to speak out against jewish interest groups because those are used to subvert.
>>2391013 -- Jewish supremacists have controled the central bank cartel racket since its inception with the establishment of the Bank of England
>>2391053 -- The EU was always a jewish supremacist project and being a jew can also mean being racially a jew (doesn’t mean all racial jews are jews in the religious sense)
>>2391083 -- Jewish supremacist subversion is the biggest threat to the West and the US today
>>2391107 -- The dangers of jewish supremcism and the use of the “anti-semitic” trick to silence legitimate criticism made on Israel and jewish subversion
>>2391143 -- Jewish supremacists are the biggest financiers and initiators of anti-2nd amend movements in the US
>>2391159 -- The “progressive” political ideology was created and pushed by jewish supremacists
>>2391195 -- More info on the origins and main initiators of the “progressive” political ideology
>>2391216 -- Antifa is a communist “progressive” para-military arm of the democratic party
>>2391281 -- Antifa connections to ISIS and NAMBLA, Antifa in the 30’s Germany
>>2391307 -- Neocons are communist Trotskyites
>>2391353 -- Jews kickstarted and dominated the slave trade in the US and used Hollywood to pin slavery on the Whites, jews control Hollywood
>>2391478 -- More on the jewish initiated slave trade in the US
>>2391496 -- Jewish interest groups connection to online censorship
>>2391526 -- Jewish hatred of Christians and the dangers of circumcision
>>2391562 -- More info on the jewish promoted male genital mutilation (circumcision)
>>2391652 -- The term “judeo-Christian” is an oxymoron and an attempt at manipulating Christians
>>2391671 -- More on jewish hatred of Christ and Christians and the use of pilpul to deflect that well documented fact
>>2391725 -- The jewish talmud promotes pedophilia
>>2391754 -- The jewish ritual murder of goyim (non-jew) children is an well documented historical fact
>>2391872 -- The foundation myth of the West and our role as anons in the storm
>>2392124 -- Jewish hatred of goyim, especially White goyim (loxism)
>>2392177 -- Judaism is based on jewish supremacism ( (((God’s chosen mindset))) )
>>2392199 -- More on judaism being based on jewish supremacism
>>2392274 -- More on judaism being based on jewish supremacism
>>2393477 -- Communism was created, financed and spread by jews
>>2393507 -- General George S. Patton was killed for speaking out against jewish supremacism
>>2393553 -- Israel supports ISIS
>>2393583 -- Israel supports ISIS wants wants the Syrian civil war to keep going and Obama gave 38 billion dollars to Israel, Hillary has jewish roots, Obama claims to be practically a liberal jew
>>2395726 -- Sayanim, the non-Israeli jewish Mossad colaborators
>>2395838 -- Israel is the biggest pedo haven in the world right now
>>2395862 -- Israel is the biggest hub for human and organ trafficking in the world today
>>2395991 -- David Cole, a jewish historian exposes some of the lies of the official version of the holocaust
>>2396033 -- David Irving, historian, exposes some of the lies of the Nuremberg Trials
>>2396017 -- Anonymous documentary creator exposes many of the lies pertaining to the fraudulent official version of the holocaust and Nuremberg Trials
>>2396026 -- The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure
>>2396099 -- Israeli involvement in the 9/11 attack
>>2396414 -- Jordan Peterson is a long-con man who is also a globalist and zionist gate-keeper
>>2530175 -- Porn is a jewish weapon against the goyim (non-jews)
>>2571682 -- Hilter fought the same enemires we are fighting now
>>2571660 -- Was Hitler a puppet? Probably not
>>2571666 -- Was Hitler a puppet? Probably not part 2
>>2580819 -- A message to our jewish allies
To all the Israel first shills on Hasbara duty, read the first post, it literally says: “Reminder that the problem is not jews per-se, it is unchecked jewish supremacism and subversion.”
▶ ca2b66 (4) No.3105615
If we're thinking about logic; that makes the most sense to me and would explain that debris from an AA plane
▶ dd5c06 (4) No.3105616>>3105659
I wasn't saying that. But obviously the ones people see the most have bad intentions. The good ones don't go around abducting people
▶ 73eb88 (21) No.3105618
Dont care about that
I do care about how Rod rosenstein pegs the entire white house every night
▶ 7211c8 (3) No.3105620
>until a band of Patriots came along and decided to dismantle it
Let me know when we actually prove any of these big conspiracies - JFK, moon, anti-grav, FE, 9/11, Antarctic bases, etc.
▶ ea236e (1) No.3105621
If you don't think that a gas fire (heat) can collapse a large, really strong, concrete and steel structure, like an interstate highway bridge or overpass, here are a couple of articles (examples), with pictures, that you should find very enlightening.
Comparisons between 9-11 and the Fuel Truck that Hit a Bridge in SF
Atlanta bridge collapse shows how fire defeats concrete, steel
▶ dd119d (13) No.3105622>>3105636
>like most anons, you … It's okay though. We get it.
You suck at your job…. I already know you are not an anon. You don't have to tell me, genius ;p
▶ 11590e (5) No.3105623>>3105642
did this clown ever get fired or step down?
▶ 06c5ab (1) No.3105625>>3105692
All Mormon churches have huge sat dishes. I have always wondered why.
▶ ca2b66 (4) No.3105627>>3105674
Yesterday a "Tech employee was disgruntled"
Today could be pharma employee is disgruntled
▶ 85f093 (3) No.3105628
P resident
O f
T he
U nited
S tates
▶ 90394c (11) No.3105629>>3105652 >>3105689
>Be careful what you wish for.
My curiosity is extremely strong. It's one of the reasons I entertain so many ideas.
Here's my assumption, someone correct me if I'm far off:
If aliens are real and we're aware of them… then they are aware of us most likely.
They're also most likely smarter and more advanced then we are.
The fact that we are still here means they aren't completely void of empathy (evil).
Or, they're not imperialistic.
Given that, what are the unintended consequences of talking to an alien?
▶ cb95e0 (15) No.3105630
it can be both and it probably isnt called a plane to avoid confusion
▶ eff7ba (2) No.3105631>>3105646
>Time to move on.
>Find other sauces
sure sparky
go tell david brock and his merry faggot brigade to go fuck themselves
▶ 9e9524 (4) No.3105632
Seemed so but I've long since thought the US was working with Russia to keep tabs on NZ FVEY, Russia is just using Syria to keep Israel busy for the time being. Just waiting on confirmations really.
▶ 4514c3 (3) No.3105633
I was celebrating vaginal diversity before it was a thing.
▶ d46fda (12) No.3105634
Kekcellent addition!
▶ 90a1e5 (4) No.3105635>>3105681
What are we meming today? Theme suggestions? I'm still stuck on PAIN and [RR] asked 2nd time for meeting and POTUS said no and rats/panic in DC/UK and everybody tattling on everybody else. I assume K is going to get confirmed, soon, and then all hell breaks loose. Memes relative to K will be short-lived and won't affect the overall picture so am not doing any.
Memeanons, thoughts?
▶ f1207a (6) No.3105636
How about just post the Q post you're so confident in then?
Wheres your proof to your claims?
Instead you just immediately hop into "ur not an anon, ur a shill"
Really shows your intentions.
▶ cdbf6e (21) No.3105637>>3105658
pepe and dante would make great friends
kekehet was tortured by the early gestapi "vader" before transforming into pepe
▶ 09ad04 (6) No.3105638>>3105656
Again, POINT OUT the Q drop you're referring to.
▶ c87148 (11) No.3105639
taken with a shitty cellphone.
now try again with real camera/real LENS
▶ 576840 (7) No.3105640
well, methinks the pics you posted are those that only adore communist governance.
there are exceptions to everything, and I was making a generalization based on meeting relatively normal citizens.
there are psychos in every country, but most of them can be found working for the various governments.
▶ 2defb2 (3) No.3105641
Feminists are too stupid for anything.
The only thing they can do is take care of their body orifices and body fluids as if it were the most important thing in the world.
They've been getting too much attention for too long.
Back to the kitchen, you stupid bitches!!!
▶ 73eb88 (21) No.3105642>>3105660
Nope why would that ever happen
Maybe if he was a republican
Or gen flynn
▶ 919109 (6) No.3105643>>3105663 >>3105731
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. FBI has two sets of books
▶ e71478 (9) No.3105644
IMO we have had more MAJOR 'recent' discoveries, or the appearance of them, than at any time in my half 100yrs.
▶ b4bb7d (1) No.3105645
Bill Mitchell
Verified account @mitchellvii
52s52 seconds ago
Interesting that Trump nor anyone in his Admin has ever disavowed Q despite its high profile.
▶ 0c7fe3 (2) No.3105646
tits or gtfo lee ann
▶ c90631 (1) No.3105649
Overthetarget.com (DGfffCF from Flynn's deleted tweet) has been updated.
Thursday, September 13, 2018
Attorney General Sessions Releases Memorandum on Litigation Guidelines for Nationwide Injunctions Cases
Attorney General Jeff Sessions today issued litigation guidelines to aid Department of Justice attorneys involved in litigation challenging a federal government program, regulation, order, or law. The litigation guidelines will arm Department litigators handling these cases to present strong and consistent arguments in court against the issuance of nationwide injunctions and to reaffirm the existing constitutional and practical limitations on the authority of judges. The Department opposes the issuance of nationwide injunctions, consistent with the longstanding position of the Executive Branch under previous Administrations from both parties.
Sessions quote below:
“Increasingly, we are seeing individual federal district judges go beyond the parties before the court to give injunctions or orders that block the entire federal government from enforcing a law or policy throughout the country. This kind of judicial activism did not happen a single time in our first 175 years as a nation, but it has become common in recent years. It has happened to the Trump administration 25 times in less than two years. This trend must stop. We have a government to run. The Constitution does not grant to a single district judge the power to veto executive branch actions with respect to parties not before the court. Nor does it provide the judiciary with authority to conduct oversight of or review policy of the executive branch. These abuses of judicial power are contrary to law, and with these new guidelines, this Department is going to continue to fight them.”
Setting the stage for what's coming by getting back to Constitutional Law.
▶ 1b9245 (7) No.3105651>>3105665
delicious hippy chicks
▶ 73eb88 (21) No.3105652>>3105712
They just like fucking with us because reality is boring as fuck
▶ 4a50b1 (7) No.3105654
Notables Bun
>>3105012 Congressional staffers come forward w/more sexual assault allegations
>>3105030 Kavanaugh accuser lawyer blames both “technical glitch” and Yom Kippur on failure to respond to Grassley
>>3105045 On thinking logically about the Q&A (commentary)
>>3105290 California DMV finds another 3000 “unintended” voter registrations
>>3105413 ; >>3105434 ; >>3105449 Pedo arrest update (Aug-Sept)
>>3105439 Nellie Ohs and James Baker refusing to cooperate w/House committees
>>3105461 Sheryl Attkisson triggers Media Matters
>>3105549 Twitter updates on Feinstein fuckery and Grassley’s gentlemanly manners
>>3105612 ‘’’NEW EO’’’ authorizing the implementation of sanctions
▶ 51e00d (13) No.3105655
It's obvious you did NOT take my advice and actually research. You just want to go on "muh logic" Guess what fucktwad. PEOPLE HAVE SAID SOMETHING. That's why you can find it online. Now, stop posting and dig . repeat It's ALL ONLINE. Lazy fuck.
▶ f1207a (6) No.3105656>>3105676
I think we've covered that they are mis remembering at best, but most likely misleading. Im just gonna move on. you should too
▶ ab4104 (1) No.3105658>>3105673
My money is on the peyote
▶ cb95e0 (15) No.3105659
>But obviously the ones people see the most have bad intentions. The good ones don't go around abducting people
finally someone with a brain
▶ 11590e (5) No.3105660
thanks, was thinking the same
▶ cdbf6e (21) No.3105662
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. there is not a good canolli within a twelve hour drive
▶ 0b52d8 (5) No.3105664
You hide in plain sight. And you assume our leadership before even liked humanity. A secret….they dont.
▶ 045d4b (3) No.3105665>>3105687
They probably smell like pot, cigarettes, and patchouli.
▶ 3369ed (15) No.3105667>>3105683
nah now be fair be kind allow them to fix their own church cause kindness and muh feelings and muh concern!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
shit i am completely out of anti catholic meme ammo…
i will trade you 1000 normal pepe for 10 really good anti catholic pepe?
you will no them bi theyer cymbals..
▶ 8b5aca (6) No.3105668>>3105690 >>3105709
fun fact:
men in black 1 i think
first alien goes around murking people does this, puts on the skin of another but it doesn't fit really that well.
they also say
everyone knew 1500 years ago the earth was center of the universe
500 years ago we KNEW it was flat
what is the vastness of space Q talks about it?
is the the kind of vastness that isn't linear but circular?
▶ a2371c (3) No.3105669
Welcome to victimhood.
▶ 977bbf (1) No.3105670
/They/ are NOT liberals! Libtards.
▶ 0db202 (12) No.3105671>>3105699
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Alan is a zionist, an Israel first traitor. Fake-MAGA.
Alan Dershowitz, a prominent lawyer, jurist, and author in the US, explains at a conference of the Jewish-Zionist organization StandWithUs why Jews should not apologize for being so rich, controlling the media or influencing public debate.
▶ 1147f3 (3) No.3105672>>3105718
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>3105605
Where Have All the Flowers Gone
- Kingston Trio
Here today, gone tomorrow…
▶ cdbf6e (21) No.3105673
willy wonkas "dante's inferno" was great but the truth was never discussed
▶ 86b579 (1) No.3105674
Aberdeen home to a lot of military chemical stuff… and Booz Allen Hamilton
http:// www.mde.state.md.us/programs/Land/MarylandBrownfieldVCP/Documents/www.mde.state.md.us/assets/document/brownfields/APG-Edgewood.pdf
▶ 09ad04 (6) No.3105676>>3105713
was fun while it lasted
▶ 8b5aca (6) No.3105677
also i'll add the alien had wings
▶ d46fda (12) No.3105678
Also hearing from a source former FBI SA Peter Strzok ( who was fired) is refusing to come back for additional testimony without a subpoena. I say subpoena Strzok, former Gen Counsel James Baker. Oh, and Nellie Ohr too. It May have something to do with all these texts were seeing
▶ e71478 (9) No.3105679
Realistic he says!! Compared to what….HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!
▶ c0a263 (6) No.3105680>>3105693
always remember normie
a shill will never survive a dig
a shill wants to engage in endless nonproductive chat
▶ 90394c (11) No.3105681>>3105732
I gotta say I've actually been in a meme drought lately.
Topical memes are good and effective but like you said their window is short lived.
If you can fit in a theme like fake news with a something topical like an event it's even better.
A lot of times I'll think about politics/happenings while I surf/game/bake/dig and something will stick to a pop culture reference.
▶ 65d71b (7) No.3105682
no wonder all the genderfagging recently. fucking METOO "victims" coming to our board trying to get our attention before that 4am Politico talking point.
These people are stupid.
▶ 73eb88 (21) No.3105683
Good thing im not,concerned
I just wanna be like Q
So im gonna post stuff about aliens
Might give rod rosenstein a pay raise too
▶ 7d130f (1) No.3105684
>>3103509 (prev)
THis is why I love y'all.
No homo
▶ 0c7fe3 (2) No.3105686
don't need to break links
but I want to see a paper copy, could be the unreleased EO, likely not though
▶ c87148 (11) No.3105687>>3105710
still making
jokes in 2018. phew dem 60s were some effective social engineering
▶ b8afc1 (8) No.3105689>>3105720
WRONG FORUM. This is qresearch. TAke it elsewhwhere.
▶ 11590e (5) No.3105690
and for all the billions of dollars, yah think we could get some real photos of our earth
▶ 5ad54b (5) No.3105691>>3105745
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>3105581
be patient anon, this is the hive mind and reality planted will be picked up and confirmed by nodes that resonate, the hive mind is growing organically and autistically, basically it cannot fail cause over time it repairs and grows exponentially
▶ 73eb88 (21) No.3105693
>always remember normie
>a shill will never survive a dig
>a shill wants to engage in endless nonproductive chat
Where do i apply to shill ?
▶ 90394c (11) No.3105694
▶ 82cff8 (6) No.3105695
▶ 4d83fe (2) No.3105697
Even I can see that you’re retarded
▶ cb4780 (8) No.3105699>>3105715
The Mockingbirds are saying he's /ourguy/ now.
We traded Sessions for him.
▶ bb5ad0 (1) No.3105701
Dershowitz prob testified that Epstein was a MOSSAD blackmail op in exchange for deal and shiz.
▶ f9be5e (1) No.3105703>>3105736 >>3105748
octagon is the shape of the aperture in the camera.
you are retarded.
sauce: https:// www.nikonusa.com/en/learn-and-explore/a/tips-and-techniques/bokeh-for-beginners.html
https:// digital-photography-school.com/make-custom-bokeh-shapes/
http:// www.stevehuffphoto.com/2017/10/02/opinion-when-your-balls-are-not-truly-round-there-are-no-rules-for-bokeh/
Photofag out.
▶ a22a3f (5) No.3105708
Focus only on the FBI [for now].
Jim Rybicki, chief of staff and senior counselor - FIRED.
James Baker, general counsel - FIRED.
Andrew McCabe, deputy director - FIRED.
James Comey, director - FIRED.
Bill Priestap, Head of Counterintelligence and Strzok’s boss - Cooperating witness [power removed].
Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence - cooperating witness [power removed].
Lisa Page, attorney with the FBI's Office of the General Counsel - cooperating witness [power removed].
Think about the above.
Only the above.
Get the picture?
James Baker - FIRED [reported today - resigned [false]] / removed Jan/FIRED 4.21
Lisa Page - FIRED [reported today - resigned [false]]
Testimony received.
Mike Kortan, FBI Assistant Director for Public Affairs - FIRED [cooperating under 'resigned' title]
Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to James Comey - FIRED
David Laufman, Chief of the Justice Department’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section [NAT SEC - HRC email invest] - FIRED/FORCE
John Carlin, Assistant Attorney General -- Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCE
Sally Yates, Deputy Attorney General & Acting Attorney General - FIRED
Mary McCord, Acting Assistant Attorney General -- Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCE
Bruce Ohr, Associate Deputy Attorney General -- Demoted 2x - cooperating witness [power removed]
Rachel Brand, Associate Attorney General -- No. 3 official behind Deputy AG Rosenstein - FIRED/FORCE
Cross against House/Senate resignations/final term announcements + CEO departures.
Figure 3.1 - FBI Chain of Command for the Midyear Investigation
James Comey - FBI Director - FIRED
Jim Rybicki - Chief of Staff (JC) - FIRED
Andrew McCabe - Deputy Director - FIRED
James Baker - Office of General Counsel - FIRED
Bill Priestap - Head of Counterintelligence (Strzok's boss) - POWER REMOVED / COOPERATING WITNESS
Lisa Page - Special Counsel - FIRED
Peter Strzok - Lead Investigator/Deputy Asst Director of Counterintelligence - POWER REMOVED / ESCORTED OUT [CLAS-F]
Michael Steinbach?
John Glacalone?
Randy Coleman?
Trisha Anderson?
Kevin Clinesmith?
Tashina Gauhar?
Sally Moyer?
James Comey, Director -- FIRED
Andrew McCabe, Deputy Director - FIRED
Jim Rybicki, Chief of Staff and Senior Counselor -- FIRED
James Baker, General Counsel -- FIRED
Bill Priestap, Director of Counterintelligence (Strzok’s boss) -- Cooperating witness [power removed]
Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence -- FIRED
Lisa Page, Office of General Counsel -- FIRED/FORCED
Mike Kortan, Assistant Director for Public Affairs -- FIRED
Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to Comey -- FIRED
Michael Steinbach -
John Glacalone -
Randy Coleman -
Trisha Anderson -
Kevin Clinesmith -
Tashina Gauhar -
Sally Moyer -
David Laufman, Chief of the Justice Department’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section [NAT SEC - HRC email invest] - FIRED/FORCE
John Carlin, Assistant Attorney General -- Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCED
Sally Yates, Deputy Attorney General & Acting Attorney General - FIRED
Mary McCord, Acting Assistant Attorney General -- Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCED
Bruce Ohr, Associate Deputy Attorney General -- Demoted 2x - cooperating witness [power removed] - TERMINATION IMMINENT
Rachel Brand, Associate Attorney General -- No. 3 official behind Deputy AG Rosenstein - FIRED/FORCED
Nothing to See Here.
Panic in DC.
James Baker testifying against Comey?
Panic in DC.
Bruce Ohr [in effort to save Nellie Ohr] testifying against Rosenstein, Yates, Lynch, and Comey?
Do you notice a PATTERN?
Bruce Ohr - Demoted 2x - cooperating witness [power removed]
-House testimony
Peter Strzok - cooperating witness [power removed]
-House testimony
Lisa Page - cooperating witness [power removed]
-House testimony
Bill Priestap - cooperating witness [power removed]
Mike Kortan - cooperating under 'resigned' title
Who are they cooperating with?
Do you believe in coincidences?
The More You Know…
▶ a1c523 (7) No.3105709
maybe earth is way bigger than (((they))) told us?
Land beyond the ice, etc…
yeah, a lot of shady shit going on with nasa/deep state, but it doesn't have to mean earth is flat.
▶ cb95e0 (15) No.3105710
underarm hair detected
▶ 90394c (11) No.3105712
KEK. In that case I have a few things I'd like to say.
▶ f1207a (6) No.3105713>>3105753
kek amen anon, nice job in exposing.
▶ 6b2c77 (3) No.3105715>>3105729
dubs confirm
did we claim sessions back on waivers then?
▶ cd0a75 (1) No.3105716
▶ 269433 (2) No.3105717
fuck yes he is, heard him quote the billy madison post (we are all dumber) last night on fox.
An anon posted the billy madison quote the morning before
▶ 1b3d55 (10) No.3105718
When this is over, we're gonna have to get the band back together
▶ 3369ed (15) No.3105719
i am ready!
to kill reddit people who handle dough… :D
i also like this drowning catholics song… kek
▶ 90394c (11) No.3105720
Did you miss the Q drop from last night?
▶ 5454bf (5) No.3105721
▶ 6b9f5c (7) No.3105723>>3105750 >>3105754 >>3105760
I do every Day!
▶ 4d83fe (2) No.3105724
Let me guess, Q contacted you on twitter and told you their plans
▶ 8b5aca (6) No.3105725
also fuck i dont know why im remembering this but i read about shakespeare was taught by frederic john Dee and Dee talked to like these "macro-organisms" that he channeled knowledge from but were evil - I think Dee was connected to Crowley - these macros are evil imo
also shakespeare was taught by Dee ancient mathematics that is hidden from us.. he encoded it within the front page of the sonnets
some math equations we didnt discover for another 300 yrs W T FFFFFF…
also it leads to the pyramids… the numbas..
▶ 4514c3 (3) No.3105726
"Knowing" and knowing are two different things. What are you gonna do, "Dear FBI, please find the list of people I've worked with I suspect to be degenerates in the attached shipping container."
▶ b1fd08 (2) No.3105727
Damn…I didn't know this but then I was still asleep back then. Not surprised though
▶ cb4780 (8) No.3105729
>did we claim sessions back on waivers then?
▶ 6b2c77 (3) No.3105730
isnt this one of the reasons the Q400 did the barrel roll ?
or are we thinking that baggage handler by day top gun by night did the barrel roll ?
▶ 90a1e5 (4) No.3105732
>been in a meme drought lately.
>think about politics/happenings while I surf/game/bake/dig and something will stick
Me too
Sometimes I wake up knowing what to meme
Not today
▶ 0db202 (12) No.3105733
Well, jews exist for 4000 years, and they always acted like cunts toward everyone because of their supremacist ideology.
Jesuits can go fuck themselves, but you kikes are going to pay for your kikery, and you will to hide behind another scape goat.
Shalom, faggot :)
▶ 1a203b (1) No.3105734>>3105756
Apple wants to "rate" you to see if you get rounded up into the Box car train or if you are with them.
▶ 19338f (14) No.3105736
lol yea and its just going to octagon the one thing in the pic… look who's calling someone retarded.
▶ d46fda (12) No.3105737
WATCH: Lunch time in @ChuckGrassley’s office. Dozens of protesters begin to sit down and eat. Police have now left the office.
▶ 70c7de (1) No.3105738>>3105752
She is quite beautiful, no?
▶ 684b4d (3) No.3105739
Your position is that JAMES WOODS Had NO IDEA that Drew Barrymore nor Heather O Orourke were targeted by pedowood while he was working with them? And he has NO IDEA of Robert Denier's 'tastes'?
If he was so clueless then, why would you trust him now?
OR, he knew and REMAINS SILENT.
OR, he is one as well.
▶ 41138e (2) No.3105740
You faggots still moping about Q bustin up yer favorite conspiracy theory.
Muh cruise missile.
Muh FE
Muh Aliens
Rather than accept it, now you are trying to juxtapose your beliefs back in for your own feelz.
Mmmmmebe Q was just playin…
Yeah see disinfo is necessary an everything.
This is how the MSM does it. Textbook.
You dont want the truth. You want to hear what you already believe is the truth.
Whats worse is you will defend those beliefs and ignore or attack any evidence that doesnt support your beliefs.
That aint woke. That’s Plato’s Cave.
Itching ears 👂
Get the sand out of ur panties
▶ 65d71b (7) No.3105742>>3105760
EmmyAnon, if that's you, don't let the divisonfags get the best of you. You're a patriot. We love you. And we know you come here to be anon LIKE THE REST OF US, and Anons should respect that. Keep up the great fight! Thank you and God Bless!
▶ 0b52d8 (5) No.3105743
The eyes are a window to the soul. And her soul looks real bright. Me likey alot.
▶ a3bca2 (10) No.3105745
I'm aiiiight…. still on board. won't lie I slept about two hours last night. Q really rustled my jimmies.
I still have a 10ft patriot dick. lets do this.
▶ 51e00d (13) No.3105746
You are still posting shit. Come at me you old useless hag. No. instead. Lurk moar and just STOP posting.
(BTW - in your triggered-ness of 'muh feelings" i had posted the un-spaced link for your retarded ass in replying to YOUR smartassness. Your welcome, you useless cunt)
▶ bd0991 (5) No.3105747
Holton-Arms, 1979 https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1979/10/25/a-doomed-young-life/367f08c9-944f-45ef-9abb-efa3beeb997b/?utm_term=.e7450ecac486
▶ 19338f (14) No.3105748
thats irrelevant anyways.. the point is, wtf is in front of it
▶ 03ed3b (2) No.3105749
>>3105384 (PB)
Not an acceptable excuse. If she can get hold of Grassley's staff for this purpose, she can indicate intent to testify.
▶ 2f9fe3 (13) No.3105750>>3105761
Top kek. Have some boobs, James.
▶ 90394c (11) No.3105752
▶ 09ad04 (6) No.3105753
Re_reading crumbs is fun(damental).
▶ 269433 (2) No.3105754
Keep up the good work!
▶ c87148 (11) No.3105756
gaming social surveillance for all
The Social Credit System (Chinese: 社会信用体系; pinyin: shèhuì xìnyòng tǐxì) is a national reputation system being developed by the Chinese government. By 2020, it is intended to standardise the assessment of citizens' and businesses' economic and social reputation, or 'credit'.
▶ 19338f (14) No.3105761
my man, mr. james woods
▶ 0db202 (12) No.3105762
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Rabbi Rosenberg shared a gruesome tale of what he called “the child-rape assembly line” (archive link: http://archive.is/f1gIO ; another archive link: https://web.archive.org/web/20180916024819/https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/qbe8bp/the-child-rape-assembly-line-0000141-v20n11 ):
On a visit to Jerusalem in 2005, Rabbi Rosenberg entered into a mikvah in one of the holiest neighborhoods in the city, Mea She’arim. “I opened a door that entered into a schvitz,” he told me. “Vapors everywhere, I can barely see. My eyes adjust, and I see an old man, my age, long white beard, a holy-looking man, sitting in the vapors. On his lap, facing away from him, is a boy, maybe seven years old. And the old man is having anal sex with this boy.”
Rabbi Rosenberg paused, gathered himself, and went on: “This boy was speared on the man like an animal, like a pig, and the boy was saying nothing. But on his face---fear. The old man [looked at me] without any fear, as if this was common practice. He didn’t stop. I was so angry, I confronted him. He removed the boy from his penis, and I took the boy aside. I told this man, ‘It’s a sin before God, a mishkovzucher. What are you doing to this boy’s soul? You’re destroying this boy!’ He had a sponge on a stick to clean his back, and he hit me across the face with it. ‘How dare you interrupt me!’ he said. I had heard of these things for a long time, but now I had seen.”
We all know about the pedophilia scandal in the Catholic Church. But how many people are aware of an even worse epidemic in the religious Jewish community?
Rabbi Rosenberg believes around half of young males in Brooklyn’s Hasidic community---the largest in the United States and one of the largest in the world—have been victims of sexual assault perpetrated by their elders. Ben Hirsch, director of Survivors for Justice, a Brooklyn organization that advocates for Orthodox sex abuse victims, thinks the real number is higher. “From anecdotal evidence, we’re looking at over 50 percent. It has almost become a rite of passage.”
Rosenberg isn’t the only Jew speaking up. According to Debbi Gross, director of Tahel Crisis Center (archive link: http://archive.is/oItg3 ; another archive link: https://web.archive.org/web/20160324023145/http://www.amotherinisrael.com/tahel-conference-helps-fight-abuse ) :
Hardly a day goes by without hearing of another case of domestic violence, get refusal, or child sex abuse in the Jewish community.
It’s distressing to hear that the religious Jewish community’s own leaders cannot be trusted around its most vulnerable members.
▶ 18856b (3) No.3105765
The back half of the lunar sphere is illuminated (i.e., the side facing the sun, which you can see had set in the lower left of the photo).
A crescent sliver of that illuminated half is visible from your perspective.
A large portion of the half of the moon that is not receiving direct sunlight is visible from your perspective.
That half of the moon is slightly illuminated by "earthshine" -- i.e., indirect sunlight bouncing off the earth and back.
What exactly is your question?
▶ 15aa40 (1) No.3105766