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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, QRMainGraphic.jpg)

296666  No.3101799

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of violence only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of violence in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 09.19.18

>>3095226 rt >>3094846 ———----------——– 412,000 now.

>>3095105 rt >>3094804 ———----------——– False, moon landings are real.

>>3094565 ———-----------------------------——– Tracking 330,000 IPs which is causing extreme lag.

>>3094453 rt >>3093917 ———----------——– [RR] stand down due to K conf.

>>3094236 rt >>3093831 ———----------——– No. Highest classification. Consider the vastness of space

>>3093898 rt >>3093795 ———----------——– Yes

>>3093821 ———-----------------------------——– /CM/ pls divert more resources/bandwidth into board

>>3093784 rt >>3093306 ———----------——– None are protected. None are safe

>>3093508 rt >>3093293 ———----------——– In the end, all will be right

>>3093430 rt >>3093289 ———----------——– Billionaire(s) 187

>>3093270 ———-----------------------------——– Q&A

>>3093117 ———-----------------------------——– PANIC IN UK, DC, UK, DC

>>3093024 ———-----------------------------——– Castle lock

>>>/patriotsfight/266 —————–—————- Think of context ( Cap: >>3092071 )

>>>/patriotsfight/265 —————–—————- Got popcorn? ( Cap: >>3091915 )

>>>/patriotsfight/264 —————–—————- How about a nice game of chess? ( Cap: >>3091799 )

Tuesday 09.18.18

>>>/patriotsfight/263 —————–—————- Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein. ( Cap: >>3082716 )

>>>/patriotsfight/262 —————–—————- Truth to Power. Listen carefully. ( Cap: >>3079711, >>3079717 )

>>>/patriotsfight/261 —————–—————- WE SEE YOU. ( Cap: >>3078445 )

>>>/patriotsfight/260 —————–—————- GAME OVER. ( Cap: >>3078334 )

>>>/patriotsfight/259 —————–—————- DS PANIC IS REAL. ( Cap: >>3076552 )

Monday 09.17.18

Compiled here: >>3093355

Sunday 09.16.18

Compiled here: >>3065797

Saturday 09.15.18

Compiled here: >>3065785

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

296666  No.3101804


are not endorsements


>>2954845, >>2955152 #DeclassifyFISA <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes

>>3054499 TMZ article/FEMA director backs POTUS statement that fewer died in PR than reports


>>3098124 CodeMonkey Update on the server upgrades

>>3087072 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 (SPREAD IT)

>>3023169, >>3001747 BO/BV announces >>>/patriotsawoken/ as our SFW sister board

>>2993403, >>3079699 The OFFICIAL replacement for /r/greatawakening on VOAT (spread for the normies): https://voat.co/v/theawakening

>>2999802 Message from CM : New posting servers to help alleviate peak-time lag

#3924 (Baker Change)

>>3101005, >>3101170, >>3101191 DOJ paralegal under investigation for using job to organize DSA protest

>>3101128 Kav accuser has ties to Chinese abortion pill, etc.

>>3101174, >>3101236 Planefags excited about P8 SWORD callsigns

>>3101270 Facebook profits from child trafficking says UK's May

>>3101585 Two Korean leaders ascend broken-chain mountain

>>3101627, >>3101660 Uranium One dig. No authority to ship outside Russia without US approval in 2011

>>3101674, >>3101743, >>3101693, >>3101769 Uranium 1, Paducah, and Nuclear arms discussion

>>3101784 #3924


>>3100353 Graphic: POTUS ORDERS FISA DECLAS ON QDAY (17)

>>3100457 WHY CHRISTINE BLASEY FORD’S HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOKS WERE SCRUBBED: Faculty Approved Racism, Binge Drinking and Promiscuity

>>3100481 Digging on the family of Lawrence Jamieson (Largest child Porn bust in Pa history)

>>3100626 Renegade 3D-printing gunsmith Cody Wilson on the run in Taipei from child sex allegations

>>3100866 #WalkAway in D.C. next month

>>3100958 #3923


>>3099561 SARA CARTER: FBI Had 2 Separate Sets of Books – One With Real Spygate Docs and Another For Appearances

>>3099572, >>3099574 SARA CARTER: DOJ/FBI Colluding to Defy Trump Declassification Order – Will Deliver Docs Next Week WITH REDACTIONS

>>3099799 General Flynn Predicted the QAnon Phenomenon - Got Popcorn?


>>3100171 #3922


>>3098703, >>3098853 Two important WH updates

>>3098704 Normies, think logically about the Q/Q&A

>>3098748 Grassley’s 2 page Letter solely to Diane Feinstein dated 9-19-2018

>>3098774 Immigration to U.S. from Third World, Islamic Nations Skyrocketed Since 2010

>>3098761 Resignations in the news today

>>3099122 Debauchery! Archive of Christine Blasey Ford's Yearbooks Before they were Scrubbed

>>3099386 #3921


>>3098580 Oakland City Council Passes ‘Abolish ICE’ Resolution

>>3098515 , >>3098560 Lawyer explains whistleblower case and 'partial unsealing'

>>3098404 New survey shows nearly half of Americans believe in aliens

>>3098254 , >>3098367 Focus on '>U1 funnel>>Canada>>X'

>>3098008 [think 'the football] & Comey suggests Mueller probe is 'in the last quarter'

>>3098621 #3919

#3919 (Baker change)

>>3097572 Dem calls for House uprising if Kavanaugh confirmed without hearing from Ford

>>3097565 POTUS Weighs In On The Single Worst Mistake In American History

>>3097530 Operation Human Freight Arrests

>>3097410 Spreadsheet Update

>>3097285 , >>3097512 Observatory closed due to CP?

>>3097248 Highest classification in NATO is named 'Cosmic Top Secret'

>>3097748 #3919

Previously Collected Notables

>>3092936 #3913, #3914 - #3918 suspended during Q&A

>>3090643 #3910, >>3091410 #3911, >>3092198 #3912

>>3088304 #3907, >>3089080 #3908, >>3089872 #3909

>>3085991 #3904, >>3086738 #3905, >>3087511 #3906

>>3083603 #3901, >>3084424 #3902, >>3085186 #3903

>>3081251 #3898, >>3082043 #3899, >>3082805 #3900

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

296666  No.3101805

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread —————- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 – META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 – QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 – New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 – Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>32223 –— Qs Chess Game

>>618758 –– Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>2518070 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #2

>>2399939 – Clockwork Qrange #3 & >>2021597 – Clockwork Qrange #2

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2878373 - Clockwork Qrange #4

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#47 >>>/comms/2450, >>3085316

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

296666  No.3101807

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.I.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!wrwxWYqZ!WfGoNq-17boQe67aLUN7EIPFqMr5hO6fq8F_SfwMCVc

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/387618488/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-I?secret_password=RqBLVofdGM5XUJfyYpNL

MEDIAFIRE: http://www.mediafire.com/file/hpm6xvwc5x0gi02/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.I.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

30 >>3038264 ; 29 >>2946736 ; 28 >>2732413 ; Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ———- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3032592

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

How To Bake: Video Tutorial >>3018667

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

296666  No.3101809

Dough #3925


67f595  No.3101821

File: 63ce269bce1c093⋯.png (586.73 KB, 2576x1324, 644:331, ClipboardImage.png)

Two decades. CF not audited by IRS? Why the continued lack of initiative?

fbd9c9  No.3101827

Canadian billionaires:


87b292  No.3101839

The fact that Trump has not 1 serious allegation against him yet is very.. wird.

He has been in the buisness for fucking all his life doing deals.. and a TV-show.

I mean if u are a bad person u have stuff all over the place that can get u as president.

If your not u are president..

Either he is the fing MAN in his heart or just a very very good player.

I reckon his heart is pure.

Could be im mistaken by the day i die but i sure hope not.

Either way its a good show.

Im not even a USfag but when trump announced I said; YES!

I knew he would bring so much fuckery that truth had to come had some way or another.

7f0df8  No.3101844


And how is it moving all over the window? Last time it was bigger, darker, and in the center.

Now its tiny semi top center different shape

Now its leaning towards the left and a other shape.

Either you are fucking with me. Or you just don't wanna see it. It's cool. I have sleep. It was fun! Ty!

4e0f03  No.3101845

File: 7662e3aed159bd6⋯.png (1.31 MB, 713x1000, 713:1000, check em 05.png)


Nice Quads Baker

e6ad82  No.3101846

File: 428fe1c7a85d9d7⋯.jpg (62.24 KB, 1274x600, 637:300, edee2b81478e45791b454bd591….jpg)

Thanks Baker.

75eed8  No.3101847

File: f60618228b57576⋯.png (806.14 KB, 2468x1472, 617:368, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

File: 98d773d64934b09⋯.png (129.33 KB, 1876x366, 938:183, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

File: ced229871aa43e0⋯.png (205.1 KB, 2020x576, 505:144, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

File: 09b00ebf3aa4bff⋯.png (169.07 KB, 2560x404, 640:101, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

>>3101769 (last bread Barry Sherman)

It gets better. Mr. Barry Sherman was Chairman and CEO for Apotex. Canada's largest generic pharmaceutical company.

Guess what they specialize in Internationally?

In 2009, Apotex began providing medicines to the Mully Children's Family Foundation, an organization located outside of Nairobi, Kenya that is dedicated to rescuing and supporting orphaned and homeless children. Thus far, Apotex has provided three shipments of medications to the Foundation.

I am digging now, I know these dead billionaire cocksuckers were involved in Haiti also..

45f0a9  No.3101848

File: e43d95ea61e09bb⋯.png (77.47 KB, 312x161, 312:161, ClipboardImage.png)

>>3101702 (LB)

Angel of the north flying about?

4e0f03  No.3101849



/slaps self


nice ID

f2fe63  No.3101850




Horowitz works for DOJ- he will bring POTUS the DECLAS!

07612f  No.3101851

>>3101771 (lb)

Q says a lot of things, but that doesbn't make them so. Q wants to correct history books yet claims moon landings are real. Q wants to awaken the public yet everything is classified and redacted less than two months before elections.

48c58e  No.3101852

File: b47e72824323108⋯.png (2 MB, 1153x1149, 1153:1149, 1535243776351.png)

Thank you Baker- night shift soothes the soul.

097443  No.3101853

File: c57486847e3449d⋯.jpg (152.42 KB, 1171x740, 1171:740, REMEMBER REMEMBER HORI GUY….jpg)

File: 3ce5027a1e72e4f⋯.jpg (368.05 KB, 1125x2100, 15:28, REMEMBER REMEMBER poemlong….jpg)

File: 78a9700c95f79ee⋯.jpg (239.19 KB, 1118x2005, 1118:2005, SPYGATE TREASON.jpg)


shit… you are right… I am outta here!

and i am never gonna meme again because broken anons have got no memage… though its easy to larp, i know your not a fool… kek

e6ad82  No.3101854


The fact that it was figured out as a murder and put out by media is headway. Though majority doesn't give a shit and immediately gets forgotten is a pure example of how the media has a upper hand for pushing shit out of relevance.

a8fee7  No.3101856

File: 580e2512a5a7c94⋯.png (890.73 KB, 816x603, 272:201, Q LIZZIE WARREN a portrait….PNG)

File: 005d9af3256ceef⋯.png (67.67 KB, 572x732, 143:183, Q LIZZIE WARREN.PNG)

picked this up today don't know if it's been posted, sorry if a repeat


David Dayen

July 25 2018, 8:01 a.m.

e6ad82  No.3101857

File: 19446b1538d066f⋯.png (102.46 KB, 446x580, 223:290, 19446b1538d066f19efcaf348b….png)

ae656f  No.3101858

File: a368fa2fe54e14e⋯.jpg (56.9 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 0c41f3ce3416a87f878b605fab….jpg)

File: 38f9ece20a7510b⋯.png (50.54 KB, 640x274, 320:137, 38f9ece20a7510b564a1010e8c….png)

File: 98e059f220230f6⋯.jpg (127.61 KB, 817x1748, 43:92, m7vanczxgj311.jpg)

File: 627f87deb0a221f⋯.jpg (2.15 MB, 4000x2666, 2000:1333, 9a052b8839cc909dbadd30c282….jpg)

30d27c  No.3101859

File: de0750ddef0cd1d⋯.png (512.52 KB, 768x465, 256:155, 9Qx3mXq.png)

>>3101830 (pb, smudge on helicopter window guy)

It's not in focus the way it was at 00:21 and it's not in the center of the frame either, but If you want to believe that smudge is a craft, you do you. It only has any darkness to it in a couple frames of one second of the video, and can be seen in what would be the same location a few seconds later as the camera pans past. It's less dark because this camera is a literal potato. I've given you my honest opinion backed up with screencaps and you've come back with "P.s. that's craft :)"

Shout it from the rooftops, then, fam! You'll undoubtedly find others who are happy to believe in what you think you see. But I'm not one of them.

8d74fb  No.3101860

File: 9cd1335b3de05d4⋯.png (37.09 KB, 919x251, 919:251, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

File: f9876f3bc74bf42⋯.jpg (13.78 KB, 255x165, 17:11, Board Baker Trump.jpg)


Nice Quads Baker!

e6ad82  No.3101861

23% decrease of terror attacks worldwide.

No coincidences.

097443  No.3101862

File: 8393fbb19846762⋯.jpg (103.29 KB, 804x532, 201:133, LARPME.jpg)

File: 804efae7dd29ef5⋯.jpg (16.63 KB, 582x437, 582:437, facebook rosetta ai memes.jpg)

File: 9410892d9405130⋯.jpg (66.23 KB, 1025x777, 1025:777, FB PEPE.jpg)

File: 71db5f8723b24f4⋯.jpg (35.59 KB, 650x400, 13:8, simple-jack.jpg)


why do you hate baker?

296666  No.3101863


I saw this last bread. Why should Rex's twats be included? Can you not reference the twats and post a summary? What should the label be if it's in the notables?

3569ff  No.3101864


Any Canada anons know anything about Trudeau’s safety house?

19f2d3  No.3101865


Read the first 70 pages of Art of the Deal from the eighties.

POTUS is a rock like his parents. Explicitly stated.

POTUS visited the Vatican.

A rock will stand on seven hills.

DECLAS->UK monarchy falls.

The ravens will starve.

The Rod and the Ring is Q

45f0a9  No.3101866

f524c3  No.3101867

>>3101813 (lb)

Our galaxy is 100k ly wide and 100ly thick on average. Largest galaxy is 1.5mil ly wide. There are 100bil+ Galaxies.

ae656f  No.3101868



votes votes vote buying in Mass this one for her

8dfb7b  No.3101869


convenient for Q.

a potentially complete waste of time for us anons.

maybe we are just replacing old deep state with a new deep state.

"war of two deep states" isn't out of the question at this point.

one mafia family warring with another mafia family.

92f086  No.3101870

File: 252073cab8ffed8⋯.png (73 KB, 228x228, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

>>3101191 - lb

"The video, released Wednesday as part of the group’s Deep State series, also showed Jessica Schubel, formerly with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, talking on hidden camera about her efforts to undermine the Trump administration.

Ms. Schubel, now an analyst with the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, said her former coworkers pass along confidential government information in what she described as a “kind of like the Nixon Deep Throat thing.”

Jessica Schubel

Senior Policy Analyst


Jessica Schubel

Jessica Schubel is a Senior Policy Analyst who rejoined the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities in 2017. In this role, she examines issues related to Medicaid, including the Medicaid expansion and section 1115 Medicaid waivers, women’s health, American Indians and Alaska Natives, and other state health policy issues.

Previously, Schubel served as the Senior Policy Advisor to the Director of the Center for Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Services (CMCS) at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). In this role, she served as an integral member of the senior management team by providing strategic and policy advice to the Director as well as directing and coordinating Medicaid, CHIP and Basic Health Program (BHP) policy across CMCS.

In 2015 Schubel focused on issues related to Medicaid and other state health policy issues as a Center Senior Policy Analyst.

Prior to joining the Center Schubel also served as a Technical Director at CMS where she worked on section 1115 Medicaid waivers, BHP implementation, and issues related CHIP. Before joining CMS, she was the Special Projects Coordinator at the District of Columbia’s Department of Health Care Finance where she oversaw the District’s section 1115 Medicaid waiver and worked on issues related to school-based health services and the implementation of health reform.

Schubel received her Master’s in Public Health from the George Washington University and a Bachelor of Arts in History and International Relations from Syracuse University.

You can follow Jessica on Twitter @JessicaSchubel.

33fe55  No.3101871



806d3c  No.3101872


Not important. The universe (UNI) is one. You are a fraction of one.

When science regresses to remember that fact… it will advance further than we ever imagined.

8d74fb  No.3101873

File: c60b4f89075ccb1⋯.jpeg (128.9 KB, 799x1156, 47:68, d0a1912ea0981fb4b7494aa0f….jpeg)

File: d39690effe0b361⋯.png (571.4 KB, 974x577, 974:577, Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at ….png)


The Billionaires Safety House?

And is J Brennan related to the king of the cabal?

a28fb6  No.3101874


My entire life has been decided by cunts sitting behind desks.

75eed8  No.3101875

File: ec6d2efe7057709⋯.png (468.82 KB, 2654x878, 1327:439, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)


Looks like Apotex is trying to cover up what the company was involved in. Not letting police see anything computer/file wise with the company after death.


I chopped DWS head on that chick body, and a horses head also. I get to my cell, I will post it up.

92f086  No.3101876

>>3101870 - more sauce

Project Veritas Investigation Sept 2018

Jessica Schubel was featured in an undercover video posted by Project Veritas[1] on Sept 19 2018, along with Democratic Socialists of America members Cliff Walker Green, Allison Hrabar and Natarajan Subramanian.

Leaks at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

From the article:

"In the recording, Schubel admits that “…there’s like a little resistance movement” inside of the federal government. She also tells our undercover journalist that her friends at the Department of Health and Human Services “…give [her] information” before it is officially released:

"PV Journalist: “…she mailed it to you in like physical snail mail like post office and then you like got it. That’s like awesome.”

"Schubel: “Yeah. It’s kind of like the Nixon, “deep throat” type of thing.”

"Schubel explains the exact process of the “illegal” transaction:

"PV Journalist: ” So, your friend mailed you confidential government information that is illegal to mail…”

"Schubel: “Right.”

"PV Journalist: “And then you were able to write about that…”

"Schubel: “Right.”

"PV Journalist: “Is it illegal to receive it?”

"Schubel: “Probably.”

"Schubel revealed that some of the material her associates secretly sent her were confidential, and allowed Schubel to prepare responses to government initiatives not yet announced:

"PV Journalist: “So, [your friend at HHS] sent you like what the administration was about to do… what’s so illegal about it? Just because you could write an article earlier than you otherwise could?”

"Schubel: “Well yeah, it was confidential.”


7b1ddf  No.3101877


remind me not to do you any favors

87b292  No.3101878


I dont need to read it.

My intuition in meditation says this is good for the overall future no matter what happns short term over the next years.

3 years ago I started to tell my family; over the next 5 years will change the world in a major way.

We have 2 left to see that major change.

I know it will happen.

If not the the world at least by my subjective view and thats good enough for me. Cuz i want peace and love to manifest in all corners.

I love all the flags.

All the colours.

And that is a noble thing.

I`m going out pure as a diamond.

And that is fine with me.

f2fe63  No.3101879


I can re-write it for ya- yes?

Horowitz will bring POTUS' DECLAS.

50ad4e  No.3101880


DJT is serving real everyday Americans, for FREE. Were he primarily greed-motivated, he would not have taken such a bold and admirable step. While I don't agree with everything he's done nor with every political appointment, overall his actions match his words (Syria excepted).

f524c3  No.3101881

File: 1d4bb05bd023542⋯.jpg (35.07 KB, 641x530, 641:530, 1d4bb05bd023542875fb5896e0….jpg)


Considering how anons have gone completely bonkers to two short answers, they are correct to keep a lot of stuff secret.

So probably 9/11, Church, Luciferians and UFOs are off the table because of today.

260bfc  No.3101882


link dont work honey

450012  No.3101883

File: c3a75099e0dd8ab⋯.jpg (86.33 KB, 1041x1042, 1041:1042, Original.jpg)

File: aada8853164ea3f⋯.jpg (513.72 KB, 946x710, 473:355, GenuinePhotoshopHoax.jpg)

File: f737f052d1a37ad⋯.jpg (4.81 MB, 4145x4145, 1:1, FixedPhotoshopErrors.jpg)

NASA has been re-photoshopping their official space images "Scientist on the Moon" to cover their poor skills in the past. Please understand, an "official government photo" has that title because very little, if any, adjustments are made to it. If it is shopped or too much input is done then it is called an "illustration." These are historic records and should be kept as such. So the very fact that there are such differences in these photos, is proof these are not official and did not come from a normal camera as is.

First go to this OFFICIAL NASA website, download, open up in photoshop program, just bring the CURVES up, or LEVELS up = this is the result. Notice the JAGGED cut and paste over the black background. Notice the SQUARE BOX around the earth.


Do the same thing but go to this other OFFICIAL NASA website:


Issue has been fixed. Use wayback machine and see which photo is the oldest, therefore the genuine FAKE!

30d27c  No.3101884

File: 0f10a104d7e6310⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1179x525, 393:175, yand_dancarinas.PNG)

>>3101836 (pb, guy says porn gif found regularly on QResearch is CP)

Like all other porn I own, I got it from here. I also don't agree with any portion of your evaluation of the image. But in case you're ever confused like this again, just go to Yandex reverse image search and you can feed it a screencap of the image and it will find where it came from on the internet, similar images, etc. This is just typical porn being shot in a moving vehicle on a bumpy road.

>>3101708 (pb, same guy questioning sunspot observatory closure)

Because when the Janitor noticed the CP laptop was missing he started going berserk trying to find it and likely threatened people and had to be tracked down afterward. Doesn't really explain the LENGTH of the closure, though. Maybe we're being fed an "official" story

a28fb6  No.3101885


>anons reacting wildly by posting on a message board

since when have we done any different?

we didn't go start shit on fire dude.

87b292  No.3101887


Thing about the 7 principles is that he knows them.

The pendulum swings.

A lie is a backwards pendulum.

He lies also. But on what dont matter.

And that is where h knows to expect resistance.

And that is where he gets them.

Where its truth he wins.

He plays the 7 principles reeal good.

8dfb7b  No.3101889


>short answers

if they were longer, a lot of the confusion might have been avoided.

but that would've given even less space to Q for his precious plausible deniability.

e6ad82  No.3101890


Negative. His exposures are pretty much aesthetic related. A safe house wouldn't be focused on, it would be something in regards to extravagant spending on a family home or some shit.

If you have Intel, by all means let it drop.

b129dd  No.3101891

File: 9ec9e88c03e4b8c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, 263d9390017ab777cbdd742b59….png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

806d3c  No.3101892


Let's go for it.

9/11 Mossad and Saudi

Church Pedo faggots obvi

Luciferians… Actually opposite of satanists but morons can't grasp esotericism so misplayed everywhere

UFOs. It's not about their ships it's about their culture. They are persons like us. And also locals.

9d31d7  No.3101893


Thanks swordanon.

Appreciate you brother

695533  No.3101894

File: 9ef29974dccc91a⋯.jpg (157.01 KB, 1020x764, 255:191, jackp 19092018192011.jpg)

81ac20  No.3101895


Thank you and GBY too.

950037  No.3101896

File: aec4569b84d1e6b⋯.jpg (213.33 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1.jpg)

File: 884eb3add63e064⋯.jpg (231.62 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 2.jpg)

>>3101798 (lb)

>Then where is this mark the rest of the video?

It's right there, in the exact same spot of that same window. If you've already decided it's a fast morphing ufo… well, all the best.

296666  No.3101897

>>3101879 Please do. You should link to the twats, too, since you're using the content. The screen shots should also stay. Just give his points in the text/reply. Baker appreciates the help.

92f086  No.3101898

>>3101876 - more

"Jessica Schubel, a senior policy analyst at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, said there’s a “50-50 chance” that the Trump administration approves the time limits.

“I feel like the Trump administration is hell-bent on trying to keep people out of coverage … So, I don’t know. I hope not, but I’m not holding my breath. And I guess I wouldn’t be too terribly surprised to see it approved,” said Schubel, a former senior policy advisor at HHS’ Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services during the Obama administration.

The Department of Health and Human Services did not respond to a request for comment for this story."


12d3a0  No.3101899

File: 3bae53fc02e805f⋯.jpg (75.31 KB, 582x370, 291:185, lovely.jpg)


It's fucking mindblowing, if you honestly think about it.

Modern life is such a big distraction.

e6ad82  No.3101900


Only favour I would ask is for you to hate fap to that shit.

af7dbf  No.3101901


God bless you too.

f6d90a  No.3101902

File: ed1eda3a4a1f6f2⋯.jpg (94.52 KB, 800x450, 16:9, DP 55.jpg)


>Considering how anons have gone completely bonkers to two short answers, they are correct to keep a lot of stuff secret.

9d31d7  No.3101903


By design.

Imagine what we dont even know about.

19f2d3  No.3101904

Assuming the CP story about the solar observatory is true…

The solar observatory would have dedicated bandwidth and funding.

A CP network and/Or live stream of abuse/snuff could be broadcast or routed.

If so, the story makes sense.

Prudent to check other installations including CERN but particularly those running GAIA satellite and ESA.

The data platform for GAIA is owned by a HUGE Pelosi and Clinton donor. Sealed indictment for Susan Ragon?

260bfc  No.3101907


no kidding I need a job and money. Actually I just need money.

563df5  No.3101908

Greetings from the land of cheese and wine Q!

Will the MONARC end his mandate?

Is he MB too?

a28fb6  No.3101910


Honestly this story strikes me as missing the point, as said in the article (we're trying to get people off gov't cheese)

But natives are probably the most "at-risk" groups of people to take from, their metrics are the worst of any, so it's kindof extra shitty that she was taking away from them rather than welfare queen refugees and hood rats.

6acb32  No.3101911


ewww. spoiler that shit!

3569ff  No.3101912


I didn’t think it was alien, but after last night, it was aliens…

e6ad82  No.3101913


Used to be don't focus one the tree and forget the forest behind it, not its focus on the phone and forget everything else around you.

c0e062  No.3101914

File: ce69f0d48573f1b⋯.jpg (127.14 KB, 534x794, 267:397, when-mona-lisa-of-louvre-i….jpg)

File: 97eb5fd546de632⋯.png (270.04 KB, 611x336, 611:336, screenshot-www.youtube.com….png)

File: 6484e79c5482ebf⋯.jpg (33.9 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

File: fa10d02e79addd0⋯.jpg (335.34 KB, 500x636, 125:159, lv2.jpg)

File: 4de757805b7b544⋯.jpg (15.71 KB, 320x220, 16:11, 82701516.jpg)

The Vatican art [if you can call it that] reminded me of this…

Leonardo da Vinci's paintings…now there is some fugged up art. Still able to find it online. If you take his paintings and mirror them [cut them down the middle and mirror one side] you get some pretty funky images. A guy for some unknown reason did this in 2014 and this is what he got….

f329a2  No.3101915

>>3101595 (lb)

You mistake charity for welfare.

Everyone needs help at one time or another. I certainly have. The difference is in helping people up, not chaining them with dependence.

b79389  No.3101916

Q lost me with aliens and NASA apologetics.

Now I know the deep state is using "Q" to divide and conquer. The Q is part of the show… of conservatives/patriots vs liberals/deep state. The deep state is behind both sides! Q must be controlled opposition. How else can they know so much?

The biggest red flag was when Q said they pray to JFK every day for guidance! I was shocked!

Leviticus 19:31

Leviticus 20:6

Leviticus 20:27

Deuteronomy 18:10-11

What does it say about consulting the dead/spirits?

What does it say the penalty is?

I will not rely on men. Only God.

"Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD." Jeremiah 17:5

19f2d3  No.3101917


Try the same approach with any pic or image of the North Pole.

260bfc  No.3101918


I dont give a fuck about aliens. I am 57 and I need a fucking a job that pays a living wage!

52803e  No.3101919

File: 04fd39aaa1cdfdd⋯.png (1.84 MB, 2594x1551, 2594:1551, TYB1.png)



Thanks for everything

e6ad82  No.3101920


Great tits though.

142f82  No.3101921

Horowitz and Storch (not confirmed) was nominated by Obama. This has me so confused.

Trump attacking Sessions has me confused.

9d31d7  No.3101922


I doubt it.

I trust our leaders expected this to happen.

f524c3  No.3101923

File: 1ef63f9001709a3⋯.jpg (264.14 KB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, 1521326174180.jpg)


I actually mistyped its 1000ly wide on average.

f86398  No.3101924


neck yourself

487bf8  No.3101925


You really think the air strikes were against Assad? I think not, that was the final blow to Isis in Syria and led to the eventual no name execution.

3569ff  No.3101926


Your a fucking idiot, they don’t pray TO jfk like he’s Jesus, kys

a28fb6  No.3101927

File: da93dde39c46d5f⋯.jpg (94.81 KB, 632x593, 632:593, IMG_0723.JPG)

File: 26f527c4bbbe8e9⋯.jpg (47.16 KB, 623x383, 623:383, IMG_0724.JPG)


not mine but holy shit my sides.

806d3c  No.3101928

File: 02f133876ccd925⋯.jpg (22.05 KB, 255x243, 85:81, war_shitposter.jpg)

e311ab  No.3101929

Who's cia crotch cabbage went full cole slaw for oiled up Greek commie pedovore lizards

a8fee7  No.3101930

File: d9338b6d850e369⋯.jpg (55.12 KB, 640x400, 8:5, 000_15U7ZE-640x400[1].jpg)

File: 32a683be089b2d2⋯.jpg (46.88 KB, 640x400, 8:5, AP18193390094017-640x400[1….jpg)

File: 409d801bf38e83e⋯.jpg (49.07 KB, 640x400, 8:5, AP18187242033749-640x400[1….jpg)

File: f0a8e56fbe88f03⋯.png (640.19 KB, 625x854, 625:854, Q NETNAYAHOO DENOUNCING TR….PNG)

File: ab4b7f048af0f20⋯.jpg (52.66 KB, 640x400, 8:5, 000_18K6B6-e1535166685267-….jpg)



f2fe63  No.3101931

File: be8095993aa8c30⋯.jpg (37.31 KB, 179x215, 179:215, MH.jpg)


President Trump has directed the DOJ (including the FBI) to publicly release all text messages relating to the Russia investigation without redaction, of Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr.

Everyone is assuming that Wray will bring the texts but where else in the DOJ might they come from? Who else in the DOJ has the unredacted texts? HOROWITZ! OIG (DOJ)

6acb32  No.3101932


mebbe 30 yrs ago, b4 she went full-ramen

f329a2  No.3101933


isn't that just the antenna? one pic it is upright and the nest it is falling?

19f2d3  No.3101934



CP is a good cover.

806d3c  No.3101935


HAIL EBOT. Than you cunt whore nigger faggot kike fuckwit tranny queer!!!!

92f086  No.3101936

Sting video of left-wing DOJ staffer bragging about misuse of govt. resources sparks investigation

“She uses it probably on her work computer … That’s the kind of thing that you would get fired for,” said Natarajan Subramanian, a Government Accountability Office auditor and fellow DSA member, on the hidden-camera video.


Vice President for Membership

Natarajan Subramanian


097443  No.3101937

File: afb3693cad03a69⋯.jpg (37.68 KB, 799x531, 799:531, $.jpg)

New Mexico observatory closure stemmed from FBI child porn probe documents

"The mysterious 11-day closure of a New Mexico solar observatory stemmed from an FBI investigation of a janitor suspected of using the facility's wireless internet service to send and receive child pornography, federal court documents showed on Wednesday."


right right…

we dodged FF EMP DOOM is what happened yet this is how it will go down in history…

11 days total evac for a janitor with kiddy porn on his fon

is this how it is all going to go?

Hillary dies in plane crash…

Bill dies of aids…

Obama gets run over by a bus…

the lowerlings get "fired/resign" and keep their pensions…

If so, that is not justice…

janitor… nice one…

9d31d7  No.3101938


So you're saying there's a chance we can get some alien booty?

260bfc  No.3101939


no one gives a fuck. The blind are not feeling up the players. Useless virtue signalling,

8dfb7b  No.3101940


>Q lost me with aliens and NASA apologetics.

q didn't say shit we already knew

anyone with a simple telescope and half a working brain can gauge the real size of the universe being nothing short "magnanimously large".

we existing + plus such a alrge universe can only mean one thing - life can and should exist elsewhere.

the real question that stupid snon forgot to ask was -

>have aliens (not born on earth) ever come to earth?

fbd9c9  No.3101941

Fun little titbid re: AJ:

I am subscribed to his YT channel (have been for years, don't hate).

Despite his YT termination, his channel (and Ron Gibson's) remained an icon in my subscription feed. Other channels I have been subbed to that have been terminated have subsequently appeared blank with a line through them, eventually they get taken off my feed altogether. So that's interesting thing number one.

The newest thing I have noticed, just today, is that Jones' channel, which was previously called "The Alex Jones Channel," has been renamed "Infowars - Alex Jones Channel," despite still returning a "This account has been terminated for a violation of YouTube's Terms of Service" message when clicked upon.

How could a terminated channel change its name, and why would its avatar remain intact more than a month post termination?

Far as I know the only way to see this is if you were a sub before the ban, because a search for his channel yields nothing. If you were a sub, check it out yourself.

72f447  No.3101942


Wouldn't you also if you worked in Hollywood for too long?

a28fb6  No.3101943


did you read the comments anon?

19f2d3  No.3101944




These would get asked in any Q&A.

Either distraction or indication that after cabal is taken out, condition for disclosure exist.

Area 51 Embassy?

12d3a0  No.3101945

File: 87ec4f5602b53fb⋯.png (199.11 KB, 506x363, 46:33, SoyLurkin.png)





…And on that note…my distractions are calling (work)

I have to go.

God bless Anons!

Be back later.

f329a2  No.3101946


how cute. because so many blind people watch baseball

c0e062  No.3101947


I noticed you went and hid under your bed while the shat was hitting the fan….coward.


30d27c  No.3101949

File: 3ff1fc629dd74be⋯.png (279.37 KB, 820x650, 82:65, side_by_side.png)


See >>3101859


There's definitely someone licking a window around here…

Watch the video at 0.25x speed and use your spatial sense to keep track of the imaginary point in space and time on the window of the helicopter where that smudge is located. Keep in mind that this camera basically classifies as an archaeological find by modern standards. Watch as he moves the camera upward and the smudge moves downward. Watch as he moves the camera upward and to the right 2 seconds later and you'll see that same reference point in the upper left hand corner with the smudge visible there, albeit with fewer pixels because THE CAMERA IS A POTATO and not good at capturing fine details while in motion.

Here's a side by side, I've got nothing else to say on your window smudge, they are the same smudge.

e311ab  No.3101950

I think if I get restraining orders on these chimera , they can move on with their life

9d31d7  No.3101951


Tis a disgusting, yet unfortunately necessary four letter word

260bfc  No.3101952


if q really wanted to disclose we would have been given more proof. as it stand we get disinfo is necessary.. so it's disinfo w/o more fucking goddamn PROOF

921acf  No.3101953


yes Q started Q&A just to answer these questions specifically. also a test of strength / resources.

f2fe63  No.3101954


Got ya the re-write but posted prior to your request. Want a re-do or you can put them together?

e311ab  No.3101955


This board has become Lynns emotional appeal for crotch cabbage and queering religions

So boring and tacky

50ad4e  No.3101956


You're probably aware of how the NWO absolves itself of guilt by fore-warning normies of their upcoming outrages. Regarding aliens, consider the ending of the movie "Bolt," about a Hollywood star dog who escapes into the real world… toward the end, the concept of aliens showing up for a little deus ex machina action. Consider how often our scripted lives are presaged by Hollywood movies…

806d3c  No.3101957


Chimera ? Tell us more.

f524c3  No.3101958

File: 64b49beebd8d539⋯.jpg (28.15 KB, 466x265, 466:265, 64b49beebd8d539c92ee5c0d18….jpg)


Sure but there were people threatening to leave unless Q called the aliens demons or changed the plane to a missile.

Personally i dont care if what i believe gets shattered by the truth. Normies might not react the same though.

30d27c  No.3101959

File: 5bff25a51388496⋯.jpg (230.14 KB, 600x416, 75:52, DWS_birth_control_face.jpg)


That's a tall order. I'm gonna need a rubber mallet and a rawhide glove for this one.

e6ad82  No.3101960


You got lost from alien subject and yet spout your alliance to God that is in the same relevance. Gtfo.

9d31d7  No.3101961


You mean, the hidden Embassy of the world?

Not sure if anybody here remembers that night, so long ago

19f2d3  No.3101962


Game theory and good design practice would prefer to kill two or more birds with one stone where possible.

296666  No.3101963

>>3101931 Check my wording below.

>>3101954 Just add the rest, and I'll double-link it.


>>3101870, >>3101876, >>3101898 Project Veritas, Jessica Schubel - Deepstate Cunt

>>3101847, >>3101875 Follow-up on 187'ed CA billionaires and Apotex

>>3101931 Horowitz has unredacted texts from his stint as OIG/DOJ

If any missed or mis-labeled, let me know.

b6becd  No.3101964

File: d8953e83f33263e⋯.mp4 (1.83 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 05Ey7S6Iogc.mp4)

8dfb7b  No.3101965


>it's disinfo w/o more fucking goddamn PROOF

what a waste of a Q&A

perfect questions weren't asked, and thus, perfect answers weren't given.

conversely, only imperfect questions were chosen by Q to answer and only imperfect answers given.

cf458e  No.3101966

I'm trying but every time I strike gold someone comes and shoves dirt on top of what I dug through. make sense?

30d27c  No.3101967

File: a776ac9468d01ba⋯.png (384.65 KB, 552x561, 184:187, 1516332287597.png)


EBot, what would you do with a 12' x 12' x 12' oven?

260bfc  No.3101968



e6ad82  No.3101969


Avatar fleshlight. No ragrets.

9d31d7  No.3101970



Thats some gay, yet funny ass shit

e6ad82  No.3101971


Dig somewhere else?

a28fb6  No.3101972


Ah, so you're CONCERNED by what you ASSUME people MIGHT think.

Got it.

19f2d3  No.3101973


Which plots of land in the US are not US soil? Where can't US Presidents step foot unless invited?

Where was POTUS really going on evening of LV mass shooting?

260bfc  No.3101974


i dont twat…

30d27c  No.3101975

File: 19640a415961f72⋯.jpg (66.49 KB, 599x625, 599:625, aitzaz_hasan.jpg)


If you don't quote the post you're replying to, it's really hard to tell what you're talking about.

But keep in mind, 90% of everyone's digs uncover nothing but common dirt. You have to keep trying even if you don't find something amazing for a long time. Don't get discouraged–we are supposed to hold each other to high standards and play devil's advocate with new information to make sure it passes the smell test. I hope it doesn't make you feel like you are being shit on.

f86398  No.3101976


"are we alone" is THE greatest question, stupid useless glowing faggot

717471  No.3101977

File: 316e00995779eca⋯.jpg (118.74 KB, 733x749, 733:749, COT1A.JPG)


806d3c  No.3101978

File: 55229ed787dd783⋯.jpg (14.36 KB, 225x224, 225:224, so_bad.jpg)

0a4abc  No.3101979

File: 28c32712cee8547⋯.gif (20.95 KB, 768x646, 384:323, A4C4BFE0-AF47-433A-9DB9-75….gif)


finally getting rid of fucking retards like you. Goodbye! Go fuckyourself on the way out you sack of midIQ shit! I'm so sick of your faggotry.

111bce  No.3101980

So Earth really is the centre of the universe - as in, this is where 'everyone' visits to get to other worlds? Or something worse like using us and the earths spaces and resources to enhance themselves and a means to get through these worlds? Thats what all this sick and depraved stuff that is done, like blood sacrafices right here on earth and kidnapping humans and animals for some observation/mutaliation up there?

9d31d7  No.3101981

File: ba395b9f289e30c⋯.png (624.41 KB, 900x507, 300:169, ClipboardImage.png)

e6ad82  No.3101982


Do tell..

a28fb6  No.3101983


jesus christ anon, they're in the second pic you lazy nigger.

0a4abc  No.3101984



meant for


to be clear

260bfc  No.3101985


true what you say, but Q decides what questions to answer. So the function is not the question. Think logically.

92f086  No.3101986

File: 6594daefe985994⋯.png (233.13 KB, 590x256, 295:128, ClipboardImage.png)

>>3101936 - more

"Ad hoc structures had formed to deal with the explosive growth, but they didn't scale well," says Natarajan Subramanian, who joined after the election of the Democratic National Committee chair made him realize that the "party system was not suited to address my needs."



Cliff Walker Green, Allison Hrabar and Natarajan Subramanian were featured in an undercover video posted by Project Veritas[1] on Sept 19 2018.


Democratic Central Committee

In 2018, Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America endorsed their member and candidate for Democratic Central Committee (Dist. 21, Prince George’s County) Cliff Walker Green.[6]

see pic - Cliff Walker Green, left

10163d  No.3101987

File: d63eed992b29010⋯.jpg (18.31 KB, 480x360, 4:3, QF-16.jpg)

Retired F-16 fag here. Had to be a plane we have the radar ground-track, it pulled heavy G's in a descending turn which means it had wings. They convert old fighter jets into drones all the time.

"yeah but thats a reinforced hardened structure aluminum at speed wouldnt do that im talking plate glass steel reinforced lower to the ground built into a platonic solid lack of better words a fortress"

Think kinetic penetrator, it's not the material it's made of, it's mass and velocity, it was exceeding 757 Vne, like Mach .9+

The hole in the Pentagon before portions collapsed after burning for a while was less than 10ft in diameter, but the penetration was deep

Besides, F-16s are made of titanium, not alu.

All that really matters like Jonathan says, is that it *wasn't* a hijacked airliner.

Photo, QF-16, optionally-piloted target drone. They've been converting fighters into missile-training drones since the 60's, there are a dozen easy candidates for the aircraft they used to hit the Pentagon.

Of course the only thing we really need to know, is that the freaks were out in force immediately, confiscating all the security-cam footage with a view of the flight-path, which they refuse to release.

Which means the confiscation teams were already standing-by, and they knew what the flight-path would be.

..including which cams could see it, which means a serious ground recon and inventory of all the cams in the area, and field-of-view analysis prior. That took a dozen guys a month or four to pin-down.

That is why the drone descended steeply, in a tight turn, to minimize the number of cams that would see it. The easiest flight profile for the attack would have been straight-in. However that would have guaranteed random video evidence like dash-cams etc.

Serious trick, piloting a vehicle at .9 Mach in a descending turn to precisely hit the place in the Pentagon where all the financial records of Cheney's Missing Trillion$ were placed for the attack.

Which pretty much rules-out a cruise-missile or a regular drone, and points to the QF-16 pictured above. Either that or a Navy F-18, but we know USAF NORAD was in on it, not the Navy. So, USAF QF-16.

50ad4e  No.3101988


Anon, we agree re the earlier airstrikes. I thought they were choreographed better than a Broadway production. What I was referring to was the more recent, official commitment to long-term presence in Syria.

bfa446  No.3101989

File: 0072849ddb5771a⋯.jpg (17.53 KB, 255x169, 255:169, 3874fc26572b2bdaf5c5980260….jpg)

f86398  No.3101990


phew. was confused.

ed37a4  No.3101991


This earth is an experimental planet.

We are mostly hidden by our singular sun ( most life planets have 2 )

Mainly good guys are watching us.

We are performing miracles right now

We are winning THE GAME

30d27c  No.3101992

File: ba3bb7c956ff666⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1162x850, 581:425, 1509387843983.png)


Dirt. You're welcome.


Hey, faggot, you responded to EBot before I did.

6eeeca  No.3101994

File: 9f0757f861c033d⋯.png (2.64 MB, 2103x1796, 2103:1796, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 84edfb0b24cb3a2⋯.png (1.09 MB, 2103x1669, 2103:1669, ClipboardImage.png)

>>3101674 (bread #3924) U1 dig

Here's an NRC Export Application for RSB Logistics dated 9/12/12 which adds a facility in Hobson, TX (Uranium Energy Corp) as an originating source and changes the name of Dennison Mine (Utah) to Energy Fuel Resources.


8dfb7b  No.3101995


>THE greatest question

how is it when you know that you live in a universe that is so big that even if you didn't exist it wouldn't make any difference?

also, re-read my fucking post you delusional cunt.

coming to the conclusion that we are not alone should not be considered news.

the universe is huge


we exist


some other cunty anons like you may exist elsewhere in the universe.

it is not at all farfetched to suspect life existing elsewhere without 100% correct proof.

this "proof" that Q gave is not a proof at all, but a mere calculated assumption.

5379f2  No.3101996

reviewed Q drops…

>750 posts

copy paste 2x

lost work


fun times… see you in 10 when i want to start over.

Hope you are good anons.


806d3c  No.3101997


We own Q you psychologically inept excuse for a human.

WE THE PEOPLE. Qteam _does not matter_. At all.

WE TELL QTEAM what to fucking do. Period.


450012  No.3101998


To me these photos are an amazing proof of their hoax. I would ask that we download some of the best examples offline before their photoshop geeks memory hole them. It looks like NASA is already moving their new and improved hoaxes to another website all together. A normie doesn't need to be a photoshop expert to know that there shouldn't be a box around the earth. Plus, where are the stars? has been a long standing query.

260bfc  No.3101999


if I was a glowing fucking faggot I would be employed. Try harder my friend. I don't get paid. Check my IP. I am just tired of being shat upon.

07612f  No.3102000






"Q Team" most likely asked the imperfect questions that were to be answered. Many of the posts Q cites or responds to are clearly staged.

8a9282  No.3102001

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Vice blasting a video about Deepfakes becoming "more dangerous"

>Prepping the public

b3a2df  No.3102002


What happens when your deaf and destiny calls ?

My brain hurts.

30d27c  No.3102003


Embassies? Was he going to a Saudi Embassy?

0a4abc  No.3102004


Notable fucking notable

5379f2  No.3102005


easy one

go back?


3cf895  No.3102006

File: ce165856c74e69a⋯.jpg (28.9 KB, 440x305, 88:61, BOB DEAN .jpg)


Retired Command Sergeant Major Robert Dean is great to listen to. He tells the ]TRUTH[.

f2fe63  No.3102007

File: b19235481ab1c59⋯.png (101.09 KB, 739x831, 739:831, IR1.png)

File: 7ac74ace8f93396⋯.png (42.43 KB, 742x535, 742:535, IR2.png)

File: 9773dd2779f21a2⋯.png (125.8 KB, 716x860, 179:215, IR.png)


Is this what ya want?

Original post: >>3101581

8a9282  No.3102008

File: dbc1069b9eea4aa⋯.jpg (24.04 KB, 400x376, 50:47, 1527194525158.jpg)

ec1d4f  No.3102009

File: ff394767e59b6e9⋯.png (157.65 KB, 855x500, 171:100, something special.png)

0a4abc  No.3102010

File: ec657df5f5004ec⋯.gif (181.13 KB, 425x319, 425:319, 39016BFE-802B-4F45-A31E-D5….gif)


checked my fire anon. Im fucking over with shill faggots. you however are NOT a shill faggot.

8dfb7b  No.3102011


>Q decides what questions to answer.


but >>3101997 is correct in theory as well.

how difficult is it to deploy military police and apprehend a few thousand cunts in one night?

and the very next morning - full disclosure, about everything

fuck with 99% in hospital. people aren't that much of a pussy.


>clearly staged

>gets trips

well, trips don't lie, now, do they?

e6ad82  No.3102012


Sacrifices have been going on for thousands and thousands of years. We can only see the evolution to where we were and not to where were going, this could be a monumental change in how mankind continues.

260bfc  No.3102013


Not so anon. Q decides. We are just receivers to the transmitter.

f524c3  No.3102014

File: be7904b7c088782⋯.jpg (685.29 KB, 2048x1463, 2048:1463, 6dac381bd843dba6e59c87be37….jpg)


No id like the Joint Chiefs, Heads of CIA/NSA and anyone else relevant to smack all the sheep in the face with all of the shit they know and let chaos ensue.

b3a2df  No.3102015


Im the stupid snon who asked Q and think it was a good , quick question.

He's replied to me 3 times , so not that stupid.

It's how you ask the question, not the question itself.

b129dd  No.3102016


Induced cognitive decline.

7c5b5c  No.3102017


I hear ya, most our age w/o jobs are screwed. This political situation doesn't help, been struggling my whole life, just hope to see justice and peace for my kids' sake. OH , your sooo smart. Not stupid just uninformed.

8dfb7b  No.3102018


>Q decides.

he who orders, is the owner.

guess who the owner owns?

the masters have changed; the slaves remains the same.

NEWER world order, indeed

0a4abc  No.3102019


like they did tonight? I would have agreed with you up until watching mainstream Qfags LOSE THEIR ABSOLUTE SHIT over q confirming and denying just a couple classic theories.

806d3c  No.3102020


Kind of a mossad Mickey? Ish?

Think so.

0a4abc  No.3102021


you gave him plausible deniability with the way you asked! fuck you for ruining our moment faggot!!!!

bfa446  No.3102022

File: 7b69d6d6bb75437⋯.jpg (94.22 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 7b69d6d6bb75437d8657059cc7….jpg)

File: a8e87dadff21bf2⋯.png (286.02 KB, 862x483, 862:483, a8e87dadff21bf27083251cdff….png)

File: 066840a018ef6df⋯.jpg (500.32 KB, 1397x961, 1397:961, 6a68b3e7e254aec0c60ccc765b….jpg)

File: 3285b52fd4dce04⋯.mp4 (249.41 KB, 640x360, 16:9, pentagon.mp4)

4e0f03  No.3102023

File: 8fe8e65a5760612⋯.gif (140.31 KB, 391x252, 391:252, NightShift_01.gif)

e6ad82  No.3102024

File: 9549d13f0d59a51⋯.jpg (66.45 KB, 710x473, 710:473, 9549d13f0d59a51d30862a52d6….jpg)

9d31d7  No.3102026


Imagine what a handful more wouldve done to them.

We would still be picking skull chunks and brain matter out of the threads

81ac20  No.3102027

File: 1eb26cd17860694⋯.jpg (49.51 KB, 385x256, 385:256, PATRIOTS ARE COMING 1.jpg)

ada1c9  No.3102028

File: f5831b80c26a85d⋯.png (471.73 KB, 489x469, 489:469, ssp.png)


Are you familiar with the so called Secret Space Program and the suppression of advanced alien technology?

19112e  No.3102029

File: 04ffdef6d11659a⋯.jpeg (564.42 KB, 1115x1239, 1115:1239, E33DC507-F7CC-4ABF-99D7-0….jpeg)


Qs tripcodes lead to authors/books.

A book from an author derived from a tripcode:

b3a2df  No.3102030


Any other way, I don't think he would answer newfag.

ff7bdf  No.3102031

File: 7cd99a9e6d33f1a⋯.jpeg (1.54 MB, 1127x1646, 1127:1646, 9412507E-1CDF-441E-8CDB-0….jpeg)

>>3101742 (PB)

I think that reply, and the heart of it, was about the people making wack and illogical demands. Q & POTUS understand your pain, unless the WHOLE thing is some LARP, and WHY, WHY if Trump is Cabal, why is this the timeline?? Makes no sense. WHY not Hillary?? This was ALL a setup?? Right??

Okay…So POTUS is LEGIT (OF COURSE) SO that means Q is "REAL", or else Trump would have shut this down by December at the latest.

So…People who are taking shots and asking unreasonable and crazy shit and making wack-ass demands, "End the Fed TOMORROW!!" (Which, YES…The Fed is Gangsterdom at it's finest, but if we crash the global economy before we Federalize it and FIX it, then what good is winning if we're all eating our cats and dogs to survive Mad Max style?? I LIKE plumbing and lights. KEK!!) Is whoI think that Anon was intending that for. Or so it seemed to me.

ALL Honest Anons are aware that the REALITY is that what, 85% of our "culture" and "society" and the "way business HAS been done" is nothing but slavery meant to destroy us after bleeding us dry. At least. But we can't just burn it all down, and NOBODY has spent more of their life wanting to burn this shit to the ground than me.

Bottom Line…If you're an HONEST Anon, and you sound honest, that wasn't meant for you. We are here to Serve Truth, Freedom, The Constitution, America, Our Fellow Americans, Our POTUS & God (If you are a person of Faith) Unless I'm missing something. End Rant.


1f6d1e  No.3102032



8dfb7b  No.3102033


>He's replied to me 3 times , so not that stupid.

he conveniently chose the easier, carelessly formed questions.

gave us stale crumbs to bash our heads on.

useless info that gives us nothing. except a restless night.

>how you ask the question

exactly what i mean.

why do you give im space then/

why not be like

>yo Q, my nigga, tell me are the reptilian aliens originally from the draconis star system ruling us since millenia or not? yes or no?

but then he will definitely ignore you.

806d3c  No.3102034


Ignore the other shill responder.

We're calling for absolute REVOLT from our servicemen and servicewomen.. From all our intel civi's and our contractors in service thereto.


We the people believe in you. We believe in the republic. We thank you for your service every day.

6eea57  No.3102035


Very interesting. Reptilian icons

0a4abc  No.3102036


I mean we are certain it wasn't a flood of shills acting absolutely mentally retarded and was genuine lowIQ stubbornfags right?

8dfb7b  No.3102037



he wouldn't answer direct questions with little to no wiggle space.

we are his playthings.

go fetch, dog.

753b27  No.3102038



It kinda ruins your FE slide huh?

fbbc42  No.3102039


The commitment to keep 2000 troops there, indefinitely?

What's your issue with that?

0a4abc  No.3102041


classic Q obv. also not newfag. wtf anon

9d31d7  No.3102042


No, there actually may have been a little of that mixed in

bed5d3  No.3102043


You should find new company now.

Y'know, people of like mind.

You don't need to waste your time on Q anymore.

92f086  No.3102044




Also from this article:

Sting video of left-wing DOJ staffer bragging about misuse of govt. resources sparks investigation


0a4abc  No.3102045

File: 09c189b6d2a4df1⋯.gif (150.17 KB, 680x453, 680:453, 997651B5-12F4-481E-8A15-65….gif)


nightshift shill. 'sup kike?

8dfb7b  No.3102046



not FEtard, sorry.

just an anon who ants real tangible info.

or stop asking me for taxes.

f524c3  No.3102047

File: fdb18b988282a07⋯.png (651.76 KB, 882x715, 882:715, 1532290389025.png)


Hopefully next time he can tell them Socialism, Protestantism and Zionism were created by literal devil worshippers.

Honestly i agree with you normies arent ready. Ive actually been saying this for a few breads.

450012  No.3102048

File: a2e494f0353f4d9⋯.jpg (29.8 KB, 992x414, 496:207, GTY_north_pole_01_mm_15123….jpg)

File: e3730d6977eb5d4⋯.jpg (32.85 KB, 220x305, 44:61, npolesign.jpg)


Thanks for the suggestion. I'm curious as to your opinion on the North Pole? Covering up Hollow Earth, Shambhala, Garden of Eden, Flat earth?

50ad4e  No.3102049


The stars weren't visible from inside the soundstage where those photos were taken.

8dfb7b  No.3102050



not a nosey cunt, either.

just trying to push the correct buttons to get the right info.

30d27c  No.3102051

File: e945bae964179d2⋯.jpg (81.86 KB, 520x696, 65:87, 911_Magic_passport.jpg)


Thank you. I haven't been able to find this video lately.

0a4abc  No.3102052


the fuckery on the voat cesspool was unbearable. wtf a missle guyz! I no Q is larp now becuz missle and fake moon!

e6ad82  No.3102053


Started happening after posts, popularity and algorithms.

f2fe63  No.3102054

Devil in the Details

The reason Christine Blasey's high school scrubbed all yearbooks was to erase the fact the school supported deviant behaviors. Ms Blasey can't be seen as a teenage party girl for the story to stick, so they took away all evidence of her being a slut.

YEAR BOOK LINK HERE: https://cultofthe1st.blogspot.com/2018/09/why-christine-blasey-fords-high-school_19.html

92f086  No.3102055

File: 6a0c34d5dbfaab4⋯.png (236.64 KB, 445x365, 89:73, ClipboardImage.png)


Forgot pic of Natarajan Subramanian

5f0c41  No.3102056

Ebot got the Eboot some time around Q&A havent seen the Efag since, you?

296666  No.3102057

>>3102015, >>3102033

It would probably be a good idea to start a temporary thread to decide which questions to ask next Q&A (if there ever is another one).

260bfc  No.3102058


what then, exactly happend to the FUCKING PASSENGERS?

806d3c  No.3102059

File: bfb1b8d388e498b⋯.jpg (14.6 KB, 238x147, 34:21, oath.jpg)

Operators. Let's fucking do this shit.

8dfb7b  No.3102060


finally, a good suggestion.

e5e4d1  No.3102061

Here's the way I see it. Kavanaugh needs to be confirmed by the full Senate prior FISA info being released. The moment it is going to drop, some liberal will run to court and get an injunction as they have everytime before. It will be quickly moved to the SC where it will defer to a lower court ruling due to a 4-4 split (not good). The plan B is for Sessions to place all of the docs on POTUS desk (per Sara Carter), and POTUS will -in a legal sense- sacrifice himself by defying the court ruling.

It is not taking back the Senate that the dems are stalling for, it is having the release quashed in a lower court injunction

At least that is what I take out of Q's hand-in-hand comment.

ff7bdf  No.3102062

File: 0c5afe7cb5b1082⋯.jpg (397.48 KB, 814x900, 407:450, 0c5afe7cb5b10824ab479862d1….jpg)


Astonishing. ESPECIALLY considering the way we were trending and the resistance so far. I bet it's down more and more each year.

The Great Awakening

260bfc  No.3102063


is it even a citizen?

8a4b2c  No.3102064


Critical thinking fail on the part of the Orioles.

9d31d7  No.3102065


Glad I wasnt part of that kek

I was jamming to some tunes, drinking a brew and I actually had a good time during the Q and A, even though the site couldnt handle us.

5f0c41  No.3102066


Q clearance doesnt go that high

0a4abc  No.3102067


surprising af. reminds me of day Q btfod the masons and literal hell broke loose with 1st and 2nd degrees freaking the fuck out all over the chans. It was an esoteric bloodbath!!!

4d231a  No.3102068


we in reality have no idea

it could all be made up

260bfc  No.3102069


sauce? Please?

5f0c41  No.3102070


top kek goat fuck

b588a2  No.3102071

File: 8ad622966f06476⋯.png (418.79 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, per aspera ad astra.png)



Today was my favorite day of Q drops, because I was wondering when and how Q was going to take us WW down the SSP rabbit hole.

I have no doubt we will be living in a Star Trek civilization very soon, publicly. Humans can handle the truth of our existence in the Cosmos, though it has been less than ideal for millennia.. Hardest thing for us to have to deal with is that space is a rough place, and at the root of the human trafficking problem has been "others" who have wanted us for a variety of reasons and engage in intergalactic slave trade themselves. Thank you Q for doing Disclosure today!

ce98ab  No.3102072

Got a small compendium of the @Snowden saga, with some additional theorising. Q if you are there could you confirm/deny the Scribbles/SecureDrop connection?

Due to some repeated confusion- We Need to clarify some things about @Snowden—-(((Mr Contractor)))—Mr Mole

- Edward Snowden started work at the military. Then worked at the CIA Then as a Hardware Mantainence Contractor for NSA. Normal Career path? NO.

- What kind of hardware contractor would have the kind of direct attack malware handy that could attack the most heavily guarded mainframe in the world? A CIA OP THAT HAD VAULT 7 SOFTWARE DIRECT ATTACK TOOLS.

- The NSA counterintelligence team, or 'Q team !!!'are Our Guys. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/…/12/us/nsa-shadow-brokers.html

- The CIA set up a shadow NSA following 911 ( Including supercomputer Snow White) that allowed them to use 5 eyes without exposing their nefarious activities to the NSA/Military.

- The NSA are smarter than the CIA, they have been recruiting half of all top maths phd's for the last 30 years (THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID!)

- BUT the CIA have a huge network of human assets, including Mockingbird Media, plus illegal paramiltary units (Operation Gladio mk2/School Shooter programs) FEAR FACTOR

- Snowden dropped NSA tools while still in Hong Kong, but made it to Russia even though he would have instantly been on a no-fly list? NO. IMPOSSIBLE. STORY IS FULL OF HOLES.

- John Perry Barlow and all other founding members (bar one) of SecureDrop die suspiciously. Surviving member signs it over to Freedom of the Press (Snowden). @GUNPOINT

- Snowden touts SecureDrop as alternative to Wikileaks. WHY SPLIT WHISTLEBLOWING CONTACT POINTS?

- Securedrop for 'whistleblowers', but posts only visible to Journalists (mockingbird), SHUTS OUT GENERAL PUBLIC.

. Q names Securedrop as the CIA dissemination point for 4AM fake news talking points.

- BUT SecureDrop has an even more diabolical use (this is my reasoning, not Q's). Ever notice how Obama was the most prolific prosecutor of whistleblowers ever? Did poilicies change?

- In the Vault 7 hacking tools there is a tool called Scribbles. https://wikileaks.org/vault7/#BothanSpy. Scribbles embeds itself into documents and pictures. It copies the HN and all other serial codes of any device carying that document onto the file code.

- Do you see the synergy between SecureDrop and Scribbles? 2+2=4. DIABOLICAL WHISTLEBLOWER TRAP!

- Operators tracked Snowden in China still helping Google/Twitter/Darpa control public debate. Threatened him, so that he would flip and testify against The Cabal. he did.

- CIA tried Snowden 2.0 again, but failed.

-MSM lionises Snowden still, but now demonises Assange.

-Vault 7 leaker found and also convicted for child porn? 2 possibilities, NSA Blackmailed him to release to Wikileaks after discovering porn. OR Child Porn charges fabricated to get leaker into protective custody. Vault 7- defence/retaliation by the NSA.

0a4abc  No.3102073


but muh redshift and muh standard candle anon! wtf dont ruin my astrophysics mai gawd

30d27c  No.3102075

File: 8c9f7ce5c556ba1⋯.png (253.91 KB, 510x841, 510:841, lynch_jun_30_18_busted.PNG)


Is that the people from the Veritas video? James O'Keefe is a fucking beast. He nails Twitter, MSM, now DOJ employees. And believe me, those maggots that were using DOJ resources to doxx political adversaries are going to roast.

I love the one faggot saying "You basically can't get fired from DOJ"

Prepare your anus, dude.

Pic unrelated, let's not lose excitement over the fact that LL is talking and that she and WJC were caught committing perjury on June 30th.

c25111  No.3102076

>>3100457 pb

After reading through that yearbook stuff, gotta say, during that time we were not encumbered with political correctness and it was the end of the 'free love' era the Boomers had given. It was pretty standard for the era.

f6d90a  No.3102077

File: c532f29e86fc06c⋯.jpg (24.87 KB, 815x517, 815:517, Ufo.jpg)


Hello namefag,

I am familiar with mountains of dinsinfo relating to this topic, yes.

To the point where I barely pay attention anymore to the so called "insiders".

99% feels like bullshit at this point.

Whatever makes a quick buck, draws in a larger crowd or expands one's marketability.

So many people I initially "trusted" appear as nothing more than famefags seeking coin.

Until something drastic changes, I choose to no longer buy into personal narratives.

The blue avians? Sure I'd love to believe in it.

Until they physically come down and tell the entire world that Corey Goode is the "chosen one", I'll continue on my own mission.

(Btw Corey, I am as Supremely disappointed by your comic book as I expected to be. Go figure you'd paint yourself as the ONLY Superhero, nice marketing).

I'll stick with my laser pointers on clear nights… what I see with my own two eyes is far better than anything I'm finding on the internet or in books at this point.

>What are laser pointers used for? - Q

92f086  No.3102078


Disavowing Police Organizing

Resolution 7: Disavowing Police Organizing Voted on at October 21st, 2017 Passed by Majority at Convention Sponsor(s): Brian Dickey,

Natarajan Subramanian,

Daniel Hafner, Austin Kendall

On Disavowing Police Organizing

Metro DC DSA shall commit to not, under any circumstance, organizing with any direct police union.

Under capitalism the police exist, as an institution, to uphold the power of capitalists. They serve to protect the property of those capitalists and subjugate the masses, most specifically black persons and others persons of color. While we as socialists enthusiastically support workers organizing and unions as a whole, we cannot support any work with a police union as they do not organize worker power but instead organize capitalist power. When we accept police officers and organizers as comrades, we risk signaling to the communities they are charged with subjugating that we do not prioritize their struggles or desire to fight with them for their liberation. This would catastrophically damage our ability to organize alongside marginalized groups and betray our stated values as socialists.[1]


8dfb7b  No.3102079


so q is half a larp

we know pres clearance isn't anywhere near high enough, so, does that mean no one in white house has the clearance to actually fucking be able to finger a dead alien cunt and live to tell us about it?

f6a4c8  No.3102080

File: fe141bb3878b010⋯.png (471.58 KB, 1545x893, 1545:893, Miranda delete.png)

Kavanaugh Accuser’s Classmate Deletes Claim that Everyone Knew of Alleged Misconduct


WTF? "Served its purpose"

Cristina King Miranda


Most of her twats are in spanish (retweets, figures)

Deleted other crap trying to un-dig the hole.


Feel free to let her know what you think!

0a4abc  No.3102081


lurking voat after the reddit purge… and honestly It's fucking hopeless over there. Feel bad for normies. The shills are sharking like niggers on boogieboards.

f2fe63  No.3102082

File: 59a2188d5156265⋯.jpg (59.41 KB, 1084x607, 1084:607, Mickey.jpg)

File: f353c9f29696ea2⋯.jpg (9.48 KB, 255x155, 51:31, mickWick.jpg)

dbf3a9  No.3102083

I love Q and the Q movement. We are making great progress. But the 'plane' in the Pentagon was clearly not a plane but a missile. Same for building 7. The whole 911 happening was a plot from the deepstate from the beginning(Patriot act, Afganistan war(heroin trade, oil, China)) If this isn't clear then you should research more. No terrorist can fly a boeing not at that altitude and not at that speed, period. But this issue lies very emotional with the American people. Planes don't vaporize and planes don't destroy or melt, tons of steel and concrete. Q has chosen this answer so the media can't hurt him on 'crazy' conspiracy theories or on being onpatriotic because a lot of Americans lost their lives. He has to mix truths with lies or he loses a big base of anons who are still believing the official bullshit story.

Page 21


5f0c41  No.3102084


hey there you be

Q gave a nod to the nazis and indians and aliens at dulce

and trudeau tacos tambien

b3a2df  No.3102085


They already was months ago .

0a4abc  No.3102086


u need cosmic clearance to finger alien pussy anon. basic steven greer killswitch shit anon.

ff7bdf  No.3102087

File: e2eac1a2d7ec7b4⋯.png (616.97 KB, 1016x814, 508:407, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

File: bb9ad1bfcd24ad0⋯.png (169.96 KB, 579x803, 579:803, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

File: ed599f143042d84⋯.png (116.12 KB, 583x507, 583:507, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)


Here ya go Anon.


b129dd  No.3102088



5379f2  No.3102089

ill just stick with this and suggest some things.

"Future proves past" -Q






Huber > Utah

Mil_SigInt 32536? One fits profile, all activated, all support. One also based (where?)

Sessions appoints new Cyber Criminal division pre "CLEAN ACTION APPROVED PROTECT 6/14-46"

pieces were moved and moves shown on record. for what? we now know beyond what we saw.

logical conclusions, but done so late 2017 and earlier...


Anons, stay hardy


0a4abc  No.3102090

File: 141a36a8fc533a1⋯.jpeg (16.25 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 8EAB3D9E-9FE5-436A-A286-4….jpeg)


No no no no no gtfo.

a97557  No.3102091

Morning Anons.

So… Q just confirmed the existence of Aliens?

Guess all the NASA science was right after all… Who knew?

<smells fishy… Don't believe NASA for one second.

806d3c  No.3102092


Q – Security and Counterintelligence

Just a fraction of the party. Many more players.

dd3c19  No.3102093

We are all aliens

to an alien

f524c3  No.3102094


Weve had plenty of masons come in here lately and tell us about how were mistaken and theyre saving the world.

95c3fa  No.3102095


Syria does as well.

Read between the lines more.

20fd20  No.3102096

Q thankyou to yourself, your team and all those involved.

A few questions.









942642  No.3102097

File: cbaa18d7f5d7de9⋯.png (20.24 KB, 725x116, 25:4, Screenshot from 2018-09-20….png)

File: 0decad374a49a86⋯.png (178.02 KB, 453x412, 453:412, Screenshot from 2018-09-20….png)

Sauce for the Blasey Ford yearbooks. Google cache still has them. Anon archived the cache links. Pictures are gone but the text checks out.




Archive links




e6ad82  No.3102098


Sure, anything can be made up if you have no sense of reality. Fuck it, even with proof it still could be fake because whoever said it was faking too, just to keep up with the faking from the past 1000+ years ago. Troll level: Multi century

30d27c  No.3102099

File: e6cf7c0760a6aaa⋯.jpg (69.14 KB, 665x389, 665:389, 1514616290991.jpg)


About that I can only conjecture. Taken to Antarctica and harvested for organs and tissues, most likely. Or an equally grim fate. Suffice to say, you won't be seeing them again.

Why are you asking me, anyway? Why don't you reply to the guy that posted it? Have you moved on from the helicopter window smudge already?

8dfb7b  No.3102100


well, i mean there is some right info even if it is disinfo.


who is a guest and who is a host?

dd3c19  No.3102101


All fishy

think it was more of a bandwidth test

e6ad82  No.3102102


Or Mexican.

9d31d7  No.3102103


I tried voat for about a half a second before I needed something more…. like this.

There is really no alternative.

They've done some good work, dont get me wrong, but why even stay?

They know they are going to have to pack it up and move, especially if theyve been following this shit

806d3c  No.3102104


Nigger Q didn't do shit to masons. Washington was a mason.

If you don't wanna be in a mason country. Get the fuck out of a mason country.

07612f  No.3102105


We're tired of the disinfo by our own govt. Whether Q is even associated with Trump is questionable. It's possible we have a lamp picture from a stock photo, a picture called doitq named by @jack, and twitter words and deltas that coincide due to leaked tweets. We also have lots of booms that seem to predict loss of life and property. Clinton Foundation is running again and one month after Bill visits St. Lucia, Botham Jean is murdered. Everthing is classified, but Q wants to throw in some aliens into the mix just before elections. Timing is everything.

c0e062  No.3102106


He's on this bread now

dd3c19  No.3102107


how do we know reality is real?

af7dbf  No.3102108


Real for some people is what their mind can comprehend.

What don't will make them unsafe and it will go back in the comfort one, screaming and insulting.

Imagine why many things must remain secret, coz of sheeps like you, with a small brain, uneducated, that is easy to brainwash.

0a4abc  No.3102109


found the mason. your cult is comped. all rites are busted and work for cabal now. all your faggotry belong to us.

f2fe63  No.3102110


Find original Horowitz twats here: >>3102007

Also, found a link to original Blasey yearbook that was grabbed before they scrubbed it. Here: >>3102054

cd5aed  No.3102111


Q gave anon a shot of adrenaline. Anon was getting restless and tired of the stalling, some leaving.

ff7bdf  No.3102112

File: 9e7aacc7444d1a7⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 9e7aacc7444d1a76b00397c1eb….jpg)


Excellent post. And that makes the MOST sense. Then the people that were in DC, SOME WOULD see a plane. And then when they heard it was SUPPOSED to be a commercial airliner, I bet those who did see the plane started doubting themselves or just went with it. Here's the key line and I 100% AGREE:

Of course the only thing we really need to know, is that the freaks were out in force immediately, confiscating all the security-cam footage with a view of the flight-path, which they refuse to release. Which means the confiscation teams were already standing-by, and they knew what the flight-path would be.

We get SO lost at times with HOW the Towers were brought down or HOW all of this happened. It doesn't REALLY matter?? CLEARLY it was criminal fuckery and we KNOW who was behind it. I'm sure we'll get to learn all the details later, but dear God let us NOT waste time and energy on the details until the details can be KNOWN.

92f086  No.3102113


Yes. All of them.

Cliff Walker Green, Allison Hrabar and Natarajan Subramanian were featured in an undercover video posted by Project Veritas[1] on Sept 19 2018.


6eea57  No.3102114


The true bandwidth test will come when Q announces a Q&A in advance.

bed5d3  No.3102115


>So… Q just confirmed the existence of Aliens?

Yeah, There's a shitload of 'em here in southern AZ. Consider the vastness of the state.

30d27c  No.3102116

File: c0092191d3e45d1⋯.png (127.95 KB, 922x882, 461:441, 1514788689645.png)


The ones I know IRL believe that, or at least say they do. But since Masons don't get to learn the secrets of levels beyond their own current level, they probably have no idea exactly what kind of machine they are cogs in.

50ad4e  No.3102117


Indefinite occupation of a country past administrations have ravaged unjustly is not a good idea from my point of view. I'm aware that my knowledge of circumstances on the ground there is utterly dependent upon "reporting," and therefore I realize I don't have a clue why Trump made that decision. Still, it puts American lives in harm's way in a country which has not invited us (to my knowledge). It seems like just another cabal and corporation enrichment scheme at the cost of innocent, faithful patriots' lives.

26646d  No.3102118


Could also be that Q posted disinformation

‘Yes’ may actually be ‘No’ but it’s too hot to play that card yet


a97557  No.3102119

012274  No.3102120


Wasn't a 757 that hit Pentagon… was a regional jet.

b3a2df  No.3102121


Been done already on a dedicated board.

Q cancelled.

e6ad82  No.3102122


It was a Q&A you shill fuck.

Subtle spreading of disinfo. Your tactics don't go un noticed.

8dfb7b  No.3102123



i hate being played.

least of all play fetch like a dog for some high-on-his-horse clearance dude.

either fucking tell us, or shut up.

we'll read what you did in history books afterwards.

6eea57  No.3102124


This is testing the framework for a future video drop imo.

30d27c  No.3102125

File: f62889384bf3769⋯.jpg (153.9 KB, 600x612, 50:51, sup-8799-1289577856-2.jpg)


They need to go back.

9d31d7  No.3102126


I've seen them with my own eyes.

921acf  No.3102127


There is a very secret negative group, codenamed Chimera, within the Negative Military which has come from Orion and has infiltrated militaries of all major nations during and after the Congo Archon invasion in 1996. This group secretly controls the vast majority of military bases around the world, many of those bases belonging to the US military.

This group includes the leaders of the dark forces from the Andromeda galaxy. They came to Earth in humanoid physical bodies 25,000 years ago and quarantined the planet. They have built a scalar electromagnetic fence around the Earth (the Veil), effectively preventing positive ET contact and thus isolating humanity. Then they constructed a vast network of subterranean cities, using Draconians as slave handlers and Reptilians as slaves and controlled the human population on the surface of the planet from there.

The Chimera group has enforced secret agreements upon leaders of all national militaries worldwide to suppress and erase all traces of benevolent extraterrestrial contact:

They are in contact with the main Archon and are heavily linked to the Jesuits and the NSA. They successfully infiltrated their agents in groups such as Corteum and the Labyrinth group.

Through the main Archon, they have limited access to the Archons on the etheric plane. Those etheric Archons enforce soul agreements on the members of the Cabal, forcing them to obey the Chimera group. If a certain member of the Cabal is removed, the etheric Archons simply find another host and enforce binding soul agreement upon him.

In the past, a certain positive group has engaged long range shooters to remove certain members of the Cabal and they were not successful, because those Cabal members simply returned to the physical plane in a new cloned body which was already prepared for them in a military base under surveillance of the Chimera group. After 2004 all those clones have been destroyed by the Resistance and now long range shooters of the aforementioned positive group would be much more successful in eliminating individual members of the Cabal and no amount of Blackwater/Academi bodyguards would be able to protect them.

The Chimera group has put physical strangelet bombs inside most of US military bases and some military bases of other nations and these bombs form the main line of defense against the advance of Galactic Confederation and Resistance Movement forces towards the surface of this planet.

They have also created a planetary network of plasma scalar devices. This network is being operated from the military bases and encompasses the whole planet. Plasma is the fourth aggregate state of matter after solid, liquid and gaseous and is in fact the connecting link between physical and etheric matter. Plasma scalar devices can thus influence our physical bodies and the Chimera Group uses these devices to attack Lightwarriors and Lightworkers by influencing their body functions, disturbing breathing and heart pulse. They also use plasma scalar lasers to project thoughtforms into minds of Lightworkers, plasma infrasound to lower the frequency of auric membrane of Lightworkers and plasma ultrasound devices as ultimate spying and surveillance machine. The Resistance is already removing these plasma scalar devices with full speed.


dd3c19  No.3102128


Proof is needed

however proof in the digital age is not even real!

8dfb7b  No.3102129


fiction unless proven fact

5379f2  No.3102130


np with questions, your view of the strategy is flawed. Our govt has been taken over some time ago by sub-exec-agencies and 3 letters; we are getting it back, one NETWORK at a time.

New American Century sub-plot to enrich a few and hurt many while building the downfall of our republic @debt/war.

Full plot: Take America out of the game by collapse, for sake of 'equilibrium/NWO' to justify (((our greed, our fears)))

"Those people" will be exposed, punished, removed.

In the mean-time, vote and redpill.


806d3c  No.3102131


Like you know a single secret.

You owe a debt to Benjamin Franklin. Say you don't. I dare you.

af7dbf  No.3102132



Also your "intelligence" and ignorance made other people and not only suffer and sacrifice themselves.

Yet, in front of truth, you still deny it.

6eea57  No.3102133


Yes, I know that one. Still have a feeling this is testing limits for a future big drop of some sort. Possibly video

0a4abc  No.3102134

File: 12cd1302feb402b⋯.jpeg (61.18 KB, 596x447, 4:3, 056EC294-0AF7-4F97-9397-D….jpeg)


wtf. basic bitch facts all over the place.

d9431b  No.3102135

File: 36550bf7fbc4e34⋯.png (218.98 KB, 512x384, 4:3, Q Trip Codes Dont point to….png)

dd3c19  No.3102136


dont think we can build walls that tall!

bed5d3  No.3102137


They don't think it be like it is, but it do.

f2fe63  No.3102138


As long as you hold reality in your hand via your remote control (living your life thru others lives vicariously) THAT will be your reality.

0a4abc  No.3102139


Ben franklin is my fucking soul mate anon. Doesnt chang the fact that masons got comped and work for the dark magik naow.

296666  No.3102140

>>3102075, >>3102110

>>3101870, >>3101876, >>3101898, >>3101936, >>3101986 Project Veritas, Jessica Schubel - Deepstate Cunt

>>3101847, >>3101875 Follow-up on 187'ed CA billionaires and Apotex

>>3101931, >>3102007 Horowitz has unredacted texts from his stint as OIG/DOJ

>>3101977, >>3102097 Link to Kav's accuser's yearbook snips and archives; sex drugs and rock and roll

Early notables. Baker will be out of the kitchen for a few minutes. Please ebake if Q shows up and the bread starts to fly. Sorry. Not abandoning. IRL interfering for a few minutes.

Baker Will be back

Updated dough with above notables in case ebake is required.


2a994c  No.3102141

What has happened to /patriotsawoken/ ? It is empty now.

7c5b5c  No.3102142


are you serious? "think mirror" disinfo nec., yes means no? How the Fuck can anyone make sense of this. Unless you have the playbook it's pretty much jibberish, show me the playbook and I'll play.

5714bc  No.3102143

File: b28e0148fc5e1f1⋯.png (13.9 KB, 359x206, 359:206, ClipboardImage.png)

This Zochat is ??


- who is the singer

Zo Bryan Singer - the well known paedo.

6 min



Word Origin

Chiefly British. variant of pedo-1.

British Dictionary definitions for paedopaedo

nounslang short for paedophile


before a vowel paed- esp US pedo- or ped-

combining formindicating a child or childrenpaedology

d518f1  No.3102144

File: 0245a86dc6c347a⋯.png (160.14 KB, 611x678, 611:678, 611px-Ursa_Minor_IAU.svg.png)


is the Swastika a map?

a97557  No.3102145


Abandoned ship?

b3a2df  No.3102146


If it is a video anon , it will be huge.

They will shut the internet down.

806d3c  No.3102147


Also… Q trips without salt were cracked in less than a day. Then he switches to salted SHA-1.

But c'mon. Amateur hour.

Q is not in charge. We are.

dd3c19  No.3102148


or even your phone or computer on 8chan

19f2d3  No.3102149


The embassy in Area 51? Somewhere near there? Area..?

ce98ab  No.3102150



Yo baker I think this Securedrop/Scribbles linkage is worth a notable.

921acf  No.3102152


fact is more or less along the same line. I don't believe it can be 100% accurate.

f524c3  No.3102153

File: 7d82e49686f5a72⋯.png (146.08 KB, 671x519, 671:519, 1517813912282.png)


100% this. People want to hear fantastical stories instead of checking out the huge number of interesting vids and shit that get taken all the time.

Wilcock and Goode had a guy with them who disected 3000 different types of aliens.

DrDerp: "The alien who i was working with telepathically told me to pick up the thing." Wait wait some kind of super surgeon doesnt know the name of the instruments he working with? The 'thing'?

0a4abc  No.3102154


makes no sense. just wait it out and forget about Q till you see a emergency SMS on phone and see the CNN headquarters go up in smoke. Either way we dont need concernfagging here.


916fe4  No.3102155

File: 19e1c94b2930c20⋯.jpg (883.44 KB, 1664x936, 16:9, AGM129ACM.jpg)

It looks like a plane

fbbc42  No.3102156


You know, something about your concern seems "off".

Where are you at, Anon? (Not address or anything, just country.)

119b19  No.3102157

File: 29cc9913c8e8195⋯.jpg (212.86 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, leadspotm08172.jpg)


Honestly, i mean wtf???

I see a lot of nasa fans having a victory party in here. I would use my discernment. Unsure what to make of the q&a right now…very strange moment and at a very strange time

ce98ab  No.3102158

This thread needs to fucking decrease altitude a bit. cruising @ 6 million feet.

6eea57  No.3102159


Sure would. There’s no way something that big would ever be dropped on YouTube. Would probably be Q board first. Then viral spread across all other platforms?

d518f1  No.3102160


Meet me at /pol/aris

f60fbf  No.3102161



This was not an easy call for Q. People die because of leaks such as these.

We have to make the best of it.

0a4abc  No.3102162


I'd guess bangledesh if I had to.

806d3c  No.3102163


Fuck sake botfags.

8dfb7b  No.3102164




and what is it?


i am not denying any of it.

i am agreeing with Q. i am saying that if Q says moon landings were real then yes they were real.

but why didn't he also say that the videos were doctored to hide the fact that moon is full of aliens?

in fact, i am crying about the lack of truth. from q. he hides much more than he shows.

crumbs aren't enough. give me the whole fucking loaf.



>stop asking question, goy.

>we know best, goy

>we'll feed you, goy

>and then we'll eat you, goy.

i will post my concerns, ask my questions.

give me real answers or bear my REEEEing

921acf  No.3102165

File: 663a15fa2575dde⋯.png (82.31 KB, 196x254, 98:127, ClipboardImage.png)


The view is great up here. Come join me.

f2fe63  No.3102166


That NXVIM faggot Raneire had a patent on stop video/insertion in real time. Prolly helped them pull it off.

0a4abc  No.3102167


Can I hate faggot NASA and also believe kennedy pushed them to the moon (side with Q) nonetheless? Why throw that moonbaby out with the shitwater.

bed5d3  No.3102168

File: 5ee7e57eb86fe47⋯.jpg (43.13 KB, 921x450, 307:150, birdplane.jpg)


Looks like a bird.

f524c3  No.3102169


Yes you dont find anything out until you choose YR or SR. Pretty much a cringe club for old men and shit. They could easily find out if they searched a little bit though.

50ad4e  No.3102170



Well thought out, logical expanded thinking. Well done, anon. True, it's opinion without sauce, but it's stated as such, and the opinion's based on logic.

4d231a  No.3102171

what a difference a , makes

false moon landing are real

19f2d3  No.3102172


Try satellite pics. Enjoy.

>What do I expect?

Something the nuclear powers agreed on under threat of cabal to keep secret.

Something sold by Clinton to bad actors that then was used as blackmail.

2d65d0  No.3102173


Oh shit, I'm crying here! That deaf remark wins the internet, LMAO.

f6a4c8  No.3102174


Possibly related, but not likely.

Fairly common surname

"Brennan is the son of Owen and Dorothy Brennan, Irish immigrants from Roscommon, Republic of Ireland. His father, a blacksmith, immigrated to New Jersey in 1948."


Brennan Homes has been around since the early 19000s.

It's huge.


806d3c  No.3102175


No alien is alien. You send DNA to remote solar systems. You recombinate the DNA locally. BANG people.

All the "aliens" are FRENS we don't know yet. They are smarter weirder neighbors.

0a4abc  No.3102176

File: 059c63b37a64d83⋯.jpeg (116.38 KB, 803x688, 803:688, 8D27A512-FD48-48C3-9E3F-F….jpeg)

50ad4e  No.3102177


James O'Keefe (Veritas) and Tom Fitton (Judicial Watch) are my heroes for manning the pumps which are draining the swamp.

1b5e98  No.3102178

File: ddaad8c411616c2⋯.png (305.64 KB, 666x906, 111:151, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96d702ca6d34516⋯.png (577.96 KB, 1117x679, 1117:679, ClipboardImage.png)


Even better when the players are actually blind.



f60fbf  No.3102179


Yeah we are kinda auto-distracting ourselves at this point.

We need a separate alien bread. Oh wait, actually we have one right here

>>2518070 (off bread)

f6a4c8  No.3102180



"early 1900s"

2047e4  No.3102181

Twatter fuckery this morning, locked accounts and decreased followers.

Tell me again, why the hell do we support those fuckers?

30d27c  No.3102182

File: b606f02250613ff⋯.jpg (70.34 KB, 640x411, 640:411, t1.jpg)

File: cd0f7b55de2f874⋯.jpg (59.45 KB, 640x413, 640:413, t2.jpg)

File: 0bc0abbb6ed268b⋯.jpg (75.96 KB, 640x407, 640:407, t3.jpg)


Not sure but I dug up this page on shit like that near Vegas:


It lists Diplomatic Missions for Germany, Romania, Belize, Chile, Brazil, and ECUADOR.

Possible JA connection?

It also lists embassies for China, India, Nigeria, Germany, Russia, France, U.K., and Spain.

I had no idea there were so many of these things in various places.

b3a2df  No.3102183

Trump told Spain to 'build a wall' across Sahara desert to solve migration crisis, minister claims


e6ad82  No.3102184


Reality is a concept that the human mind has created,. Your reality is continued through the accepting of the concept of reality. If we had not came to the capability to create the reality we all live in we would not exist.

8dfb7b  No.3102185


you are right.

and this is why Q&A rustled my jimmies so much.

q knew what anons wanted to know, but like an overconfident smartass he played us like are little babies

he didn't say shit worth anything.

>fucking space is huge

wow, such a huge crumb how will we ever cope?



>allow child rapists to rule the planet

hah no.

0a4abc  No.3102186


no one asked Q about videos. theres probably s LOT more to that story than we will know. Clearly it matters today right now at this exact moment.

ce98ab  No.3102187


Ty Baker

a97557  No.3102188


To me it means:


1969 moon landing was false.

>Moon landings are real.

But we have landed on the moon since.

>Programs exist that are outside of public domain.

the actual moon landings were not public.

f2fe63  No.3102189



Better yearbook here:>>3102054

Captures prior to it being scrubbed, complete with pics and slutty commentary.

e6ad82  No.3102190


The B2 was specifically designed from that bird.

5bf810  No.3102191


Debt reset is not new.

I know it goes as far back as the Chicago Plan from the 1930's I believe.


4d231a  No.3102192

File: 5ce415c4b5fd8a3⋯.png (206.55 KB, 588x419, 588:419, ClipboardImage.png)

everyone flying to the moon all of a sudden

JB, Musk, Virgin..


26646d  No.3102193

>>3102142 >>3101987 >>3102088

Not saying that Yes MEANS No

More that the Yes answer is necessary at this point of time in the game

Imagine if Q replied ‘No’, a definitive statement that a plane did NOT hit the Pentagon!

That would slide everything, way too early for info to come out.

Just my thoughts …

d50acd  No.3102194


The binge drinking is more pertinent

f2fe63  No.3102195


working link:


f60fbf  No.3102196


Frens let a fren make mistakes

Frens respect freewill

Frens help when in deep

Try CE-5

8dfb7b  No.3102197


>no one asked Q about videos

like babies

baby asks for milk

baby gets milk

fucking cookies are what now?

so i'm going to ask 2000 word long questions to get perfect answers from him?

high horse indeed.

>oh look at me and all the "important" info that i have, that i won't divulge to widdle babies cause then they'll get heart attacks and end up in hospitals,

fucking pussies.

806d3c  No.3102198


Child rapists don't rule the planet. "locals" have nothing to do with our human evil bullshit.

You think some outside force would intervene from the catholic church raping tens of thousands of children? Guess what. NOPE.

We as humans are responsible to clean our own backyard. When we do that… MAYBE… we can participate in the greater community.

c0e062  No.3102199


that sign…"mickey"="wicked"

reminds me of the sign the kids couldn't figure out that was in the book "The Maze".

87a46d  No.3102200

File: 8790111af0f8fc4⋯.jpg (28.73 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 8790111af0f8fc46f17e04e5b3….jpg)

af7dbf  No.3102201


>and what is it?

Be patience.

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.

Good things come to those who wait.

0a4abc  No.3102202


wtf now I want to ride to the moon!

a97557  No.3102203


I see your point.

But look at what is happening now.

Answering yes slid the board too.

4d231a  No.3102204



1969 has way too many things out of place

8dfb7b  No.3102205



>child rape is but a small widdle mistake baby.

then your frenly aliens are cunts and probably child-rapists themselves.

b83cbf  No.3102206




19 Dec 2017 - 5:39:15 PM


19 Dec 2017 - 5:37:38 PM


Are UFOs a distraction?


How far away is the closest star?

What do you think?


once again remember this drop in your muh aliens muh ufo concernfagging

5379f2  No.3102207


decent answer.

in other words:

actually gosh its one of the 'principles'

Consciousness decides reality, in that, while not a necessary building block of matter, consciousness directs energy which directs matter;

So you perpetuate your reality based on beliefs and decisions, and a communal agreement of consciousness perpetuates reality; I think anon is also hinting at inventors:

people who decided 'cant' and 'impossible' were just choices, and not reality; sometimes, people decide our reality for us by 'breaking-out' and then co-opting per inventions and investment.

Really though, The universe is an open-ended canvas; Ive trained myself into optimism because it is far more productive

and real.



0a4abc  No.3102208

File: 70ceaa343b92b2a⋯.jpeg (101.54 KB, 1117x717, 1117:717, 1DB535A5-14EF-4A8B-B0E8-3….jpeg)


Stop hurting Q's feefees.

3569ff  No.3102209

File: 6e499a9b757f0a7⋯.jpeg (56.62 KB, 632x334, 316:167, 1AF9853E-0014-47F0-BB89-A….jpeg)


We absorbed them…

921acf  No.3102211


we have been digging enough. arrests are happening soon. its ok now to move on to more esoteric topics. will be relevant in the near future.

8dfb7b  No.3102212


>Child rapists don't rule the planet

is this your first day on qresearch?


>look at this stupid philosophy that means nothing factually.


now this is more like it.

good post.

cfe01d  No.3102213




4d231a  No.3102214

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Who stayed behind to film this?

c75a1e  No.3102215

File: b188f21d95698e7⋯.jpg (47.84 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, video_youtube_sTZ7O9cfpPQ.jpg)


I hope you and POTUS are going to validate the Anons here soon . Because the ET disclosure is going to make all of us look like shit if in the end we don't get the answer to this in public .

26646d  No.3102216

>>3102155 >>3102168

It’s SuperTrump

e9b534  No.3102217


To be honest the question is pretty strange : How far away is the closest star ?

For us, far away but in the universe, so close…

0a4abc  No.3102218


Possible possible.

c75a1e  No.3102219


Remote control camera .

bc7ce7  No.3102220

File: 51688763225f349⋯.png (50.23 KB, 666x500, 333:250, Michael Jackson.png)

c0f3cc  No.3102221


Disinfo is necessary ffs. It provides optics for this movement staying a conspiracy until the time is right for it NOT to be. WEW

ad5358  No.3102222


8dfb7b  No.3102223


then q should stop treating us like babies.

loaves, not crumbs.

6eea57  No.3102224



abeba2  No.3102225


Someone's trapped. Release un redacted info and it shows criminal abuse of fisa, don't release and fall afoul of the executive order and still be liable criminally for they original crime.

bed5d3  No.3102226


:: facepalm ::

g'night all

e06bf2  No.3102227


Buh buh I watched it on my Braille TV, was great to feel it!

f2fe63  No.3102228


How desperate are they that they pander to the blind to watch their sports?

90dd8c  No.3102229


let me guess … you all float up there …

f524c3  No.3102230

File: aa40aae2bee0b0d⋯.jpg (243.09 KB, 1107x1475, 1107:1475, 6d3a714b53b1f811c3b5abe753….jpg)



Why do you guys think just because Q said something you should change your viewpoint? Conversely if i agree with Q do his brief statements reinforce my beliefs more? Should they?

5379f2  No.3102231

i figured at this point that my 2 page essay being self-deleted was providence, and that I should review these threads.

Wisdom it was; we know whats coming per Q.

If you doubt,



0a4abc  No.3102232

File: bdb2f552f7cbc11⋯.gif (1.14 MB, 400x225, 16:9, CD253DEE-A4B6-4E74-A1EC-67….gif)



d91004  No.3102233

File: 6e13958be579ef9⋯.jpg (27.08 KB, 600x388, 150:97, Kats.jpg)

Debra Katz, Attorney for Kavanaugh Accuser Christine Blasey Ford, Was Fundraiser for Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign

4d231a  No.3102234


i thought that also

time delay would make it hard, and they zoomed in!

d3cf31  No.3102235

File: 2f6252e22b420aa⋯.jpeg (1011.66 KB, 1242x2085, 414:695, 75DC5B4B-622D-4A33-896B-2….jpeg)

5i’s. FVEY.



Public Disclosures on that link:

Public disclosures (1972–2000)

In 1972, former NSA analyst Perry Fellwock under pseudonym Winslow Peck, first blew the whistle on ECHELON to Ramparts in 1972,[12] where he gave commentary revealing a global network of listening posts and his experiences working there. Fellwock also included revelations such as the Israeli attack on USS Liberty was deliberate and known by both sides, the existence of nuclear weapons in Israel in 1972, the widespread involvement of CIA and NSA personnel in drugs and human smuggling, and CIA operatives leading Nationalist China (Taiwan) commandos in burning villages inside PRC borders.[13]

In 1982, James Bamford, investigative journalist and author wrote The Puzzle Palace, an in-depth look inside the workings of the NSA, then a super-secret agency, and the massive eavesdropping operation under the codename "SHAMROCK". The NSA has used many codenames, and SHAMROCK was the codename used for ECHELON prior to 1975.[14][15]

b83cbf  No.3102236


we went from being a conspiracy some markers ago

cfe01d  No.3102237


Closest star is on average 14959790000000cm away.

1f6d1e  No.3102238


Yes slid the board… But a No woulda slid all the retards into their twattersphere with I toldya so's from here until eternity. Therefore most definitely labeling this board as a conspiracy nut camp all by it's own doing…IJS

9e6501  No.3102239


Quads of truth, eBot.

93ff94  No.3102240


What if the moon landings actually WERE real, anon?

Seriously, you conspiracy nut fucktards who think EVERYTHING we know is a lie? Y'all need to just fuck off already… you discredit legitimate conspiracy hounds.

7c5b5c  No.3102241


Anyone with a brain knows all the 911 details to know wassup, but to suggest the answer would slide too much, from what? every question is a slide, the whole thing is slippery. and time has come to dose the anons, we are the disseminates

0a4abc  No.3102242


plausible deniability matters. Classified is classified until Q+ orders it unclassfied.

806d3c  No.3102243


You are so fucking bad at your job.

Pre-school psy-op approach.

No one will ever study your pathetic attempt.

4d231a  No.3102244


audio is a give away

3,2,1 and there off

why no delay?

f2fe63  No.3102245


WRONG. This is Qresearch. NOT a chat.

c0f3cc  No.3102246


Not to the sheep, that's the point.

806d3c  No.3102247



Right on eBot.

402f9d  No.3102248



Everything cannot be a lie.

Think about it.

f60fbf  No.3102249


They are relevant but shouldn't be most of the bread. We need to keep our focus.

b83cbf  No.3102250


no longer SHEEP!!

4e0f03  No.3102251


It's very open to interpretation.

It can be as an affirmative or a negative.

How far away is the closest star?

What do you think?

Pfft.. no way UFOs are real would take too long to get here

How far away is the closest star?

What do you think?

Of course they're real Alpha Centauri only 4 light yrs away

0a4abc  No.3102252


I was going to say aliens but this works

30141e  No.3102253

You're going to get ebo started on Trump not kek!


af7dbf  No.3102254

File: 0d8fab202acbcb7⋯.jpg (237.37 KB, 570x405, 38:27, I am the special one.jpg)


I want it all

I want it now.

I want more, cos I'm special.

-keep screaming, it will help you-

c6da45  No.3102255


Keep in mind that Remote Viewing (Ingo Swann) is instantaneous. Distance is irrelevant. Same with Astral Projection or Out of Body Experiences. The Power/Speed of Thought is not constrained by Speed of Light. Think Quantum Entanglement.

b83cbf  No.3102256


thinking logically…. first answer?

5379f2  No.3102257


weak people convert

wise people combine, reject, assimilate.

to the specific question:

if a logical following happens that is brick-building, and if a person espouses something thats in the news after, and does so repeatedly; that is the canary, or watchtower.

you are right to defend your independence and question; I want to know -Definitively- about Richard Russell;

I think you should pursue this course –respectfully– or make your own thread.


ff7bdf  No.3102258

File: 082f55794de408e⋯.jpg (22.72 KB, 318x405, 106:135, 1509930348872.jpg)


May God Bless You SwordAnon!!

0a4abc  No.3102259


even fbianon said trump isnt clean… he just has excellent fixers.

c0f3cc  No.3102260


Tell that to millions of braindead lefties who voted for Hillary, despite digs into arkancides and the like that have been going on for decades. Kek.

8dfb7b  No.3102261


>because Q said something you should change your viewpoint?

no. that's not how research works.

he tells us someting, we research and vaidate what he says.

he tells us space is huge, and we get angry because we thought he already knew to treat us like adults who knew some of the shit that he is "so benevolently" divulging.


newer world order



maybe cause i'm just an anon who is tired of playing fetch?

the clintons are still roaming around.

their foundation is still open.

no rothschild bank has closed. no payseur investment has seen confiscation.

"religious" fags are still raping kids

some old cunts decided to take early retirements though


what a joke

ad5358  No.3102262

martian robots drew Mr Bemis on mars and sent photos back to earth

d91004  No.3102263


Of course he isn't. He's been in the game his whole life.

5379f2  No.3102264


that your best tonight? take some drugs guy

a97557  No.3102265

I work with CG for games and movies.

I was banned from the Chinese Moon-satellite stream on YouTube for pointing out that the moon we saw was just a flat plane with a scrolling texture and normal map.

And that the earth-rise was just a flat non-animated image the moved in between the foreground and the background.

That was probably the worst CG work i've ever seen.

<Just a fun anecdote, no point.

50ad4e  No.3102266



I just don't like war.

I realize some sacrifices must be made to achieve peace, and I'm willing to fight to achieve peace in and for the USA. I object to the ongoing proliferation of wars-for-profit which have been arranged by the cabal for centuries, and oppose the sacrifice of American lives for the enrichment of the cabal. What's "off" about that?

0a4abc  No.3102267


chicoms listed u hard there kek

806d3c  No.3102268


Anyone ever noticed there are 13 points of light from swordanons sword?

6eea57  No.3102269


Yep Everyone at that level is dirty. Just depends on what kind of dirty. Kinky deviancy or infinitely worse

8dfb7b  No.3102270


>i'll give it to you all

>i'll give it you when the time is right

>i'll give more if it to you, cos i'm the special clearance dude and 8chan now revolves around my overinflated balls.

>keep screaming, it will help you

well, nothing else has helped us so far. might as well try.

ce98ab  No.3102271

File: 550c0ac3e4a28cf⋯.jpg (107.15 KB, 407x404, 407:404, yes-yes-lets-keep-talking-….jpg)

806d3c  No.3102272


Any of you occultfags even know what that means?

e311ab  No.3102273

File: 68cc751d88d622d⋯.jpg (31.99 KB, 320x320, 1:1, IMG_3089.JPG)

0a4abc  No.3102274


Ill take child ritual mutilation and cannibalism for $400 alex.

e6ad82  No.3102275


Great input.

Do you think there was transition to conciousness of reality? We can only question it because we have learned to.

b6becd  No.3102276


Kinda funny this, didnt FBIanon say he had to go through the CF to get dodgy building permits or something like that? Why the fuck would the CF control building permits. Shits deep.

e311ab  No.3102277

File: 106d73de10adc3d⋯.jpg (133.4 KB, 750x750, 1:1, IMG_3090.JPG)

6eea57  No.3102278


Now that’s dirty

4d231a  No.3102279

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

you guys think of this one?

e311ab  No.3102280

File: 3397b62fb42ba52⋯.jpg (48.37 KB, 320x320, 1:1, IMG_3091.JPG)

ff7bdf  No.3102281

File: 1f21253eff9c773⋯.png (75.05 KB, 672x768, 7:8, 1f21253eff9c773caf96a6f9f1….png)



I will laugh for the rest of my life every time I see this. Classic.

TY Anon. You're doing God's work.

Laughter IS The best medicine.


119b19  No.3102282


You can believe whatever you want, anon. Thay was a hella weird way to answer what was technically a quoted blob of 3 or 4 questions from an anon.

All around a time a shit ton of new normies have migrated here. Maybe some of us know too much and would ruin all of this if he didnt toss out disinfo. Maybe we should officially be concerned about a bluebeam deception? (Prezidential alert tomorrow following raids by fbi to observatories and 'telescopes') , maybe the moon is a portal or a satellite type launching station an things have LANDED here that came from whatever thr fuck thsy vanishing, eclipsing moon is. Maybe nasa is honky dorey and they really did land some gay masons up there??? Maybe you get rid of the weird comma and viola moon landings were faked..

See how his statement can be read so many ways? See how it didnt really answer anything??

The only thing i can tell you for sure is that some 400,000 david wilcock / bill nye fans from youtube are going to set up camp here from this day forward.

ce98ab  No.3102283


Id say 13 Illuminati familes

c0f3cc  No.3102284


The moon is tidally-locked so honestly the idea of an earth-rise is retarded to begin with.

93ff94  No.3102285

File: 813e0c91e64bc1b⋯.jpg (15.7 KB, 488x305, 8:5, 1964882_10203949644051487_….jpg)

File: b35196bebfbf695⋯.jpg (27.63 KB, 264x345, 88:115, 4539135a55a5fbfafe60210474….jpg)

File: 4a801e496f50dbe⋯.jpg (11.79 KB, 235x212, 235:212, 18920639_406183806447974_7….jpg)

File: 0b73e3d93e2fa80⋯.jpg (11.12 KB, 261x194, 261:194, 19149118_10203254943011599….jpg)

File: aad29ed0c343345⋯.jpg (116.18 KB, 1389x1203, 463:401, 19800810_10210075706592648….jpg)



Same anon:

"The earth is flat contrary to all available evidence and logic, and god exists contrary to all available evidence and logic."

Fuck off, retard.

e311ab  No.3102286

File: 74cdfa8f8090fff⋯.jpg (51.02 KB, 320x320, 1:1, IMG_3092.JPG)

5379f2  No.3102287




Ive eaten my left foot off things ive said; Im confident that we are moving parallel and above the enemy and also faster.

e311ab  No.3102288

File: 73314d8b4228ea8⋯.jpeg (142.86 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, 5172D276-7054-4009-9260-1….jpeg)

c4747c  No.3102289


How far away is the closest star?

8 light minutes away. It is our own Sun that is the closest star.

4d231a  No.3102290


always sheep

we only know what they want us to know

ece4f2  No.3102291


I see a smear campaign with that manufactured list of not-alloweds in your head.

bc0e90  No.3102292

AOL was apart of the problem

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AOHell

>In the manual, the creator of AOHell claims that he created the program >because the AOL administrators would frequently shut down hacker and >warez chatrooms for violation of AOL's terms of service while refusing to >shut down the pedophilia chat rooms which regularly traded child >pornography.[4] "Da Chronic" claimed that when he confronted AOL's >TOSAdvisor about it, he was met with an account deletion:

e6ad82  No.3102293

806d3c  No.3102294


Deaf people never heard of em.


90480f  No.3102295

Morning anons…

ThankQ for the Q&A and proud of anons for the questions we asked! Well done!

Nice to live under BRIGHT SUNNY skies…I believe day 8 here with no chemtrails and would be a record since I have been counting (5 years or so…)…

Clear skies are correlated to NSO takedown and hurricane sheering as to time…a brief dig on NSO will show reason as well…

Cool on we are not alone and glad that disclsoure coming…just WAIT until we learn our true natural and really get the truth on spirituality, etc. Most anons will be revealed as starseeds and most anons know this already…WHY we are drwn like moths to a flame here…


26646d  No.3102296


Clarification: not referring to the Board

The board is always slip sliding and yet the work continues, the digs go on

Referring to The Game

Cabal/blackhats are here

The world is watching

I dont think confirmation of the 911 lie would be the card to play at this time

Then again, selecting the Pentagon plane question and stating ‘No’ could be the perfect disinformation

If the truth is Yes then the cabal know it’s true and Q saying No … well … gotta know how to play the game, yes?

And yet, this is not a game that Q is playing

Playing for the sake of humanity

2d65d0  No.3102297


AC-130 fag here. While in tech school, a T-38 with a nugget on his nickel ride pulled up too hard on a touch n go, stalled it out. The bird never got back above100 ft, but the nose dug at least 5 ft into that hard Texas dirt. So I could see a 16 at.9 mach doing some damage. But the one thing that wouldn't mesh is the sound. Falcons are VERY loud, high pitched. Thee's no mistaking one for a jumbo jet.

c6da45  No.3102298


Yet here you stay….Riveted for the next crumb. And will always be.

e6ad82  No.3102299

File: 9721facc93e27fc⋯.jpg (93.62 KB, 635x600, 127:120, 9721facc93e27fcbe6a1d56a84….jpg)

fbbc42  No.3102300


All of us are dirty to some degree, aren't we?

I've said this before:

I knew Trump was "legit" when Clinton tried to skewer him about his tax filings during a debate.

His response (paraphrased): "Of course I took advantage of the laws! And YOU had the opportunity to change them and didn't."

806d3c  No.3102301


This one doesn't have legs.

4e0f03  No.3102302


>thinking logically…. first answer?

IF you apply our current technology level to Ayyylmaos then yes.

If you have wormhole and/or FTL tech then there are no boundaries.

Quantum particles violate classic physics so there's no real constraints.

Thinking logically I would say second answer

What are the chances of life in this vast universe we're a part of,

At what point does it become mathematically impossible for life to be nowhere else but here?

921acf  No.3102303


Trump himself probably did not know the whole picture from the beginning. He got fed information step by step throughout his life until he became the president. In every stage of his life, he is doing exactly he needed to do to be where he is, knowing too much from the beginning could change his course and he would probably not be where he is today.

I believe his whole life is planned, even though he just began to find out in recent years.

8dfb7b  No.3102304



the nsa/military couldn't find a celeb cleaner than him.


the deep state needed the conspiracy tards to stop polluting the internet and herded them all here under the pretence of "q clearance patriot"

fiddle, we all are.

and i hope i have to take it back .



and why not? the burden of proof remains at Q's shoulders.

and i have all the right in the world to call him on his "space is huge, goy' bullshit crumb.

7c5b5c  No.3102305


Unless you count he artificial sun thats covering our sun, because our sun is going uvx

4e0f03  No.3102306


If you wish to include our home star then yes, external to our solar system it's 4 Ly

73d79b  No.3102307

Was here last night for Q&A, left it to read today and tomorrow.

Some anons heads exploded when their pet misbeliefs exposed……Remember Q said "everything you believe is a lie". Many thought he was talking only about normies….

450,000 ips ouch

God bless all of us for the work we do here and elsewhere.


0a4abc  No.3102308


I never wanted a boyscout to take down the faggot cabal. Then again… Jeff Sessions…

90480f  No.3102309




ad5358  No.3102310


since (you) started seeing lynn and shillary, ebot has moved on with mealnia

3569ff  No.3102311


Flat earth idiot.

ff7bdf  No.3102312


Fucking seriously?? What the fuck??

424dee  No.3102313


This bluebeans cult wasn't fun. I almost died after having delusions about cabal persecution and attempting to escape the damn planet. Heh. I jumped in a semi-frozen lake on a leap of faith expecting to get beamed up. Reading about all this, joining their mass meditations, and going vegan induced a psychotic break and had me hospitalized for 55 days back in 2016. I've since recovered. I would advise lurkers not to dive down this rabbit hole. The whole new age spiritual community was designed as part of the pretext for bluebeans.

>calling out the NSA of all agencies


Bostjan Kosir, aka COBRA the stone salesman mentions in one article that his entire "resistance movement" was spawned by deep state rats.

"This group grew out of agents within governmental and military organizations from this planet, who realized that this world was being largely manipulated and controlled by sociopaths and realized that they had to stop them. They were attacked and forced to take refuge in underground tunnels under New York in 1975. From there they have organized a worldwide network of underground bases and are now working tirelessly to take this criminal cabal down, arrest them, give them fair trials and the healing they need."

Sorry spooks, but I don't know if you'll be able to dodge the rope that easily. Human problems require human solutions. Always deflecting to some higher authority. "Don't blame me for eating all those kids, it was demon possession, I'm innocent, let live pls". "Democrats are actually all REPTILIANS working for the CHIMERA, put down your memetic pitchforks and join us in mass meditation". This shit can and will induce psychosis for the weak minded. Tread carefully. I knew this day would come, seeing this PFC mindtrash at the forefront of redpill central. Disclosure must be imminent. I'm fucking ready.

bc7ce7  No.3102314


Fake & Gay ISS is a distraction from the advanced space program.

19f2d3  No.3102315


Funny how all nuclear and colonial powers have an embassy in Nevada near THE embassy?

20aa5b  No.3102316



>Why the red X?

Because Earth is not in the middle of the Celestial Sphere…

The Celestial Sphere is in the middle of Earth.

It was common knowledge, until (((they))) turned everything upside-down and inside-out (literally).

Keeping power over you by deceive and dumbing you down.

b83cbf  No.3102317


The War Room is a “proactive” way to build systems in anticipation of attacks, Greg Marra, a product manager working on Facebook’s News Feed, said in a conference call with reporters Wednesday.

One of the tools the company is introducing is custom software that helps track information flowing across the social network in real time, said Chakrabarti, who joined Facebook about four years ago from Google.

These dashboards resemble a set of line and bar graphs with statistics that provide a view into how activity on the platform is changing. They allow employees to zero in on, say, a specific false news story in wide circulation or a spike in automated accounts being created in a particular geographic area.

10163d  No.3102318


Come in transonic, pull the power back for the descending turn?

30d27c  No.3102319

File: e16286a4eccbb4a⋯.jpg (126.79 KB, 517x441, 517:441, Unknown.jpg)




That's a bot sir

797a68  No.3102320

File: 554b1b775ac0986⋯.jpg (169.81 KB, 1570x588, 785:294, Braille_Baseball.jpg)



942642  No.3102321

File: 95adef03ea0d7db⋯.png (30.6 KB, 756x364, 27:13, Screenshot from 2018-09-20….png)

File: 0e7850ec259e645⋯.png (154.01 KB, 1139x564, 1139:564, Screenshot from 2018-09-20….png)

File: 8d187fb6c3b1c3c⋯.png (59.87 KB, 1139x233, 1139:233, Screenshot from 2018-09-20….png)

File: ae0d93232973b95⋯.png (328.48 KB, 775x600, 31:24, Screenshot from 2018-09-20….png)






There could be some useful information in the yearbooks. An advertisement that appears to have people congratulating Blasey Ford includes a John Shorb landscaper. A John Shorb search hits Delphi Group.

>john is a faculty member of the ntl institute for applied behavioral science, an internationally recognized organization in the field of behavioral science research and education

>as a curious person with broad interests and experiences, john is also an accomplished musician, a published photographer, a licensed 'HAM' RADIO OPERATOR, and an avid outdoors person who enjoys skiing, boating, fly fishing, hiking, biking and backpacking

>originally from Maryland, john has lived in various locations. the delphi group, inc. is based in maine and serves both us and international clients

Of course John Shorb could just be landscaper John Shorb

50ad4e  No.3102322



I mistakenly replied from my post rather than yours. My bad.

Go back to my post to see my full reply.

ad5358  No.3102323

i gotta a



walrus josh

for restraining orders

b6becd  No.3102324


Its probably not very hard to be clean next to some celebs.

0a4abc  No.3102325


they probably had a pool of candidates and ran the numbers and realized trump was the only options. Judging from the operation's success… Im gonna guess their was no alternate candidate past a certain point. Would be cool to know who else was potentially in line to be castas "The Savior" in this fucked up show.

f75f58  No.3102326

File: fab050991f3b0aa⋯.jpeg (285.04 KB, 1242x628, 621:314, DDBF9F9C-9F98-4E21-8B53-B….jpeg)



e9b534  No.3102327


Hmmm maybe wormhole from the sun ?

A lot of strange things around it :


ad5358  No.3102329

File: f4e7404fae475be⋯.gif (4.06 MB, 270x480, 9:16, 7dfea0e32668dadf0ceff794a2….gif)

073561  No.3102330

File: e84bf361ae62ea2⋯.png (132.47 KB, 500x663, 500:663, idiot_apocalypse_1.png)

File: 288c14e3a75649d⋯.jpg (24.09 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ZOMBIE SMARTPHONE APOCALYP….jpg)

Wha? Q said plane hit pentagon? Moon landings were real… but but…

at least the earth is still flat - whew. I iz still smartest anon evah!

73d79b  No.3102331

While driving past Joint Base Andrews yesterday, There was a helo overhead, an EOD unit, big fucker outside main gate, gate locked down and MIL Police around.

No sauce, maybe a drill, think not.

506fb6  No.3102332

File: 414e2b09cf55b33⋯.png (302.33 KB, 546x631, 546:631, ClipboardImage.png)


California police are investigating Storey County Sheriff Gerald Antinoro for his possible involvement in the 2015 rape of a woman in a Lodi hotel.

Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt, whose office said in July it had no plans to pursue charges against the sheriff after a lengthy investigation, informed California police and the FBI of the accusation centering around a deposition made as part of an ongoing lawsuit against Antinoro by a former deputy, according to emails obtained in a public records request by The Nevada Independent.

The emails state that the Lodi Police Department is “moving forward on the appropriate initial investigative steps” surrounding allegations in a civil lawsuit that Antinoro arranged for a forced sexual assault by three men against his former girlfriend at a Lodi hotel in 2015. Calls to the police department to confirm the investigation were not returned Wednesday, and the San Joaquin County District Attorney’s Office would not confirm or deny if there is an investigation.

The attorney general’s initial investigation identified five women as potential victims of Antinoro, and determined that four of them, through both interviews that produced denials and in reviewing the statute of limitations, either were not victims or could not press charges against the sheriff.

However, investigators were never able to contact the fifth possible victim after several phone calls and home visits. But on August 29, an attorney for a former deputy who is suing Antinoro sent the deposition to the attorney general’s office, which included precise details of the alleged 2015 rape and, for the first time, a first-hand witness to crimes allegedly committed by Antinoro.

In her deposition, which was obtained by The Nevada Independent, the unnamed victim said that although Antinoro has made no explicit threat against her, she feared retaliation. She even feared being deposed in the civil suit, asking “now that I’ve given this testimony, well, what’s he going to do?”

In June 2015, Antinoro allegedly brought the woman to California to celebrate her birthday. While at their hotel, Antinoro met with three men who would later enter their room and sexually assault her, according to the deposition.

On August 31, the attorney general’s office referred the new details of the case to the Lodi police, San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office, San Joaquin County District Attorney, and the FBI, and later attempted again to contact the fifth victim through her lawyer, Reno Attorney Cal Dunlap. Because the location of the alleged crime happened outside state lines, the attorney general’s office typically would not have jurisdiction over the incident unless asked to intervene by local law enforcement.

In a Sept. 13 email obtained through the records request, Dunlap wrote that he was representing the unnamed victim and requested that all future correspondence go through him. He wrote that Laxalt’s office had no jurisdiction in the case and that the attorney general had a “major conflict of interest” and no “legitimate reason” to be involved in the case.

“(Redacted’s) privacy should not be further invaded and she should no longer be stalked by anyone, including any member of your office and/or any of their agents,” he wrote.

Dunlap, who operates a law office with Monique Laxalt — a cousin of Adam Laxalt — declined to comment on the emails Wednesday. Monique Laxalt is hosting a fundraiser for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Steve Sisolak later this month.

Replying to Dunlap, Senior Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Segal said in a Sept. 17 email it was “insulting” to insinuate that his work in the investigation was politically motivated — noting that he was hired by Cortez Masto, a Democrat — and said no conflict of interest existed between Laxalt and Antinoro.

“It is extremely concerning that you have not returned my calls and refuse to talk to any law enforcement authorities to help advance a criminal investigation when your client — whom you are attempting to shield from contact with any law enforcement — is currently the only witness that could potentially provide the direct evidence necessary to investigate Sheriff Antinoro,” he wrote. “I hope that your actions — which have thwarted further criminal investigation of Sheriff Antinoro — are not politically motivated.”

Antinoro endorsed Laxalt and attorney general candidate Wes Duncan in their 2018 bids for office prior to the attorney general’s investigation into his behavior. Both Duncan and Laxalt have said they don’t plan to campaign with Antinoro and removed his endorsement from their respective websites.


8dfb7b  No.3102333


>cast as "the savior"

newer world order.

again, i sincerely hope I have to take it all back.

fbbc42  No.3102334



Teamwork: It's a good thing.

90480f  No.3102335


Drones are technically planes…just sayin'

Board is watched and has been…white and black hats..hi fellas!

07d56c  No.3102336


UK establishment = US deep state ?

Is this an honest/accurate piece of journalism


Are there any white hats in the UK?

1b9a53  No.3102337

ff7bdf  No.3102339



Thank You Anon. Saved.

ad5358  No.3102340

File: 5b211a677b116cf⋯.jpg (51.48 KB, 466x700, 233:350, 1459874690_pishnogrydaja_b….jpg)

9a1d6c  No.3102341

Dig Time

Southwest Key shelters for migrant children.

CNN reporting AZ personnel vetting violations.


Board and leadership looks clean


ad5358  No.3102342

the first person on the moon was neil armstrongs camera man

inside joke fyi

8dfb7b  No.3102343


>If the truth is Yes then the cabal know it’s true and Q saying No … well … gotta know how to play the game, yes?


ff7bdf  No.3102344

File: db5ebd98fdadcea⋯.jpg (40.37 KB, 750x562, 375:281, db5ebd98fdadceada44d209f3f….jpg)

f75f58  No.3102345

File: 4643ad2aab5f9d2⋯.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1242x1520, 621:760, B170B005-CDE6-440B-85CE-8….jpeg)

File: 32e983ce0f50e5d⋯.jpeg (545.48 KB, 1242x1241, 1242:1241, E69DA228-5F9D-4A31-A9CD-0….jpeg)

Ping Pong - really?



5379f2  No.3102346


you quote the bible…


God wants you to know that the earth was flat with a sphere over top, and a 'firmament' per your understanding: an eon ago.

Because: it Really in practical terms, was that; you hadnt conquered Earth and physics yet.

God wants you to know the universe is large, that God's canvas is large.

God wants you to know the Earth is vibrant, alive, adapting, shares your qualities.

God wants you to know

You are dead already, it will happen.

Wake UP

The universe is open-ended.

Understanding evolves.

Clever math doesnt change that. Research the history of the theory you subscribe to.

A BIG BIG universe makes me feel


I assume all the machinations of it are required background for making a being like man:

Secret: The fact that I exist Pre-Supposes a Universe. ^Observe and Understand^

Not Egotistical, Factual.

To understand the above, requires understanding of physics, but really…

A person Must be open to fighting their fears and beliefts and all of death, or they will be a slave to it.

It sucks… fighting is better.


6373f4  No.3102347

Dutch State set aside 5 million for settlement on disease after Swine flu vaccine

Rijk zet 5 miljoen opzij voor schikking over ziekte na vaccin Mexicaanse griep

The government allocates 5 million to reach a settlement with people who have a neurological derogation after a vaccination against the Mexican flu in 2009. This is evident from the new government budget for the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport.


fbbc42  No.3102348


Any particular reason why you think it's not a drill/training/whatevs?

806d3c  No.3102349


Total fag shill.

Good call ebot.

ff7bdf  No.3102351



c0f3cc  No.3102352

File: 1a3f212c737739b⋯.png (336.06 KB, 1889x1889, 1:1, 1a3f212c737739b44f5275d268….png)


Not FE, nigger.

Geez anons, did we forget how we get proof on a chan? Pics or it didn't happen? With a written timestamp? Taking any answers at face-value is not what we do. What happened to trust is earned? Q shouldn't even be answering these questions without the aforementioned prereqs. to answer them with.

dbe272  No.3102353

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5bf810  No.3102354


Southwest Key receives a tremendous amount of funding.

We dug on them a while back.

cfe01d  No.3102355


That pretty much sums it up. Anons being told moon landings = real or plane did hit pentagon is equivalent to normies being told HRC/Hussein really were crooks, DOJ/FBI/DOE were compromised.

All the same arguments, and 'alternative interpretations' will come out.

4e0f03  No.3102356

File: a76fdaff8bd5e47⋯.png (203.66 KB, 484x579, 484:579, ClipboardImage.png)

90480f  No.3102357


nice work and GREAT QUESTIONS!

agree on the ip's…knew we were watched..had NO idea that magnitude…now I have to brush my fucking teeth before posting ;-)

3b6acc  No.3102358

File: 9ddc2db4af9f8d4⋯.jpg (1.31 MB, 2443x4310, 2443:4310, 1537321619800.jpg)

File: 83aeae3f557657f⋯.png (508.95 KB, 904x1024, 113:128, 2c8e493d99e9f6303488de6b4b….png)

File: 83f704600b57799⋯.jpg (18.6 KB, 432x282, 72:47, 15374034.jpg)

am i the only one interested in the deeper meaning of ayys and the political view of it?

all the crumps taken into account, winged symbols and connection over the time made by imageboard users

it can get very strange

93ff94  No.3102359

Just gotta break down the whole "are we alone in the universe" question and answer.

The answer may SEEM to be ambiguous, able to be interpreted a few different ways depending entirely on what you WANT to be true.

However, that doesn't pass the logic test.

"Are we alone? Roswell?"

The answer:


>Highest classification.

>Consider the vastness of space.


No, we are not alone.

Consider the vastness of space.

Had he only said these two lines above in red, then the answer would have been ambiguous. It would have been a logical statement basically saying "Of course we're not alone IN THE UNIVERSE, because consider just how big it is, and how many other life-sustainable planets there must be. It's a statistical impossibility for us to be the only intelligent life in the universe."

But no! He had to also include the words "Highest Classification".

This means there has been alien visits HERE, and that it's been covered up. I suspect that he may even be alluding to a classification level that is so secret, even the existence of that classification level is classified.

ad5358  No.3102360


a fucking wooden potatoe

can you believe that shit

19f2d3  No.3102361


This is how I read it.

797a68  No.3102362

File: 390d1002c6a9b05⋯.jpg (339.2 KB, 1292x1139, 76:67, 47 mirror of 03.jpg)

File: 52ead0753a99ba8⋯.jpg (396.89 KB, 1196x1261, 92:97, 03 mirror of 47.jpg)

Today's Q Clock

Pic 1

The light will reveal those on the team and those pretending to be.

Coming soon to a theater near you.

Goodbye @Jack

WE are ALL Patriots.



Almost time.

Today's Q Clock Mirror

Pic 2

Adam Schiff is a traitor to our country.


You're next.

The stage had to be set.

Like Clockwork.

+ Military start / wall.

Thank you Xi.

e9b534  No.3102363


Ebot is on fire… flooding the board

ad5358  No.3102364

File: f3532182ba14368⋯.jpg (138.54 KB, 800x1070, 80:107, 342d0736fd31f6ec245871665c….jpg)

9dd00f  No.3102365

>>3101586 (lb)


get over yourself


fdd7e3  No.3102367


Why would they evacuate the hill top and fly in a Black Hawk?

4f1749  No.3102368


No it doesn’t.

These people are STUPID

0a4abc  No.3102369


We have ALL thought about it like that. But seriously, even if newer world order is ((them)) we are so fucking fucked it would not even be worth fighting it.

a97557  No.3102370

File: 5fb2a0e2852175f⋯.png (358.47 KB, 640x480, 4:3, hedonism_eBot.png)

8a4b2c  No.3102371


Muh flat galaxy! Muh flat Universe!

806d3c  No.3102372


Ebot carp won the fucking bread. Hands down. Walk away. No one can touch it.

Not every time but this time.

fbbc42  No.3102373



Photos of him smiling ALWAYS make me smile, too. 100% of the time.

8dfb7b  No.3102374


>These people are STUPID

you mean anons?


loaves, not crumbs

942642  No.3102375


Anons. Is Ralph stepdad? whos her father? Ive been ignoring this cunt till the yearbooks.

>You've come a long way, Chrissy! CONGRATULATIONS! Love, Mom, Dad, Ralph and Tom.

>It gives additional information about Christine Blasey Ford’s family, saying she is the daughter of “Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Blasey Jr. of Potomac” and giving her full name as Christine Margaret.

402f9d  No.3102376


Cognitive dissonance.

Intellectual arrogance, too.

If you think you are smarter than everyone else because you hold belief A and then belief A is shown to be false, you have to compensate or admit you are a retard.

Most people can't admit that they are retarded.

3569ff  No.3102377


Q got a good gauge of our resilient truth.

b6becd  No.3102378

File: cf0692215ebe10f⋯.png (153.72 KB, 1234x704, 617:352, added_images.PNG)


Helioviewer added back 4 days of images. Aug 27th to Sept 1st. I think info was embedded in the images.

fbbc42  No.3102379

87a46d  No.3102380

File: a98904ff6e5a717⋯.jpg (9.01 KB, 200x212, 50:53, a98904ff6e5a717f9650a38abf….jpg)

4d231a  No.3102381

Donald J. Trump

Verified account


7m7 minutes ago


Financial and jobs numbers are fantastic. There are plenty of new, high paying jobs available in our great and very vibrant economy. If you are not happy where you are, start looking - but also remember, our economy is only getting better. Vote in Midterms!

90480f  No.3102382


>Bostjan Kosir, aka COBRA the stone salesman

COBRA actually died several years ago…his accountant has taken over the movement and this is why information has gone to shit. Fella will NOT do any kind of voice interview without the voicebox because he is NOT COBRA…

COBRA (early) info pretty good and we are 100% building to a solar "event"…

753b27  No.3102383


…and fluff your nipples.

6eea57  No.3102384

Have we interacted/are we interacting with aliens? That’s more the question I’m interested in. Wether they exist or not is more or less irrelevant if we never see them.

ad5358  No.3102385

File: 7494aad2c90e6ee⋯.jpg (149.93 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, HTB1NFxeJFXXXXa7XpXXq6xXFX….jpg)

homos are into slander and condemnation

c6da45  No.3102386


The damage was very nearly parallel with ground at close to ground level. A full sized fighter jet/drone would have had to approach quite a distance at landing level. Would have been unmistakable by many. Terrain, obstacles? Such a small hole wings would have sheared off. Where were they? Small drone or missile plane launched or area (WH) land launched defense missile?

b129dd  No.3102387

>>3100568 (PB)

we should be flying our own banners in So Cal.

Cheap advert. ALWAYS lots of attendant publicity

50ad4e  No.3102388


Not to mention commit insubordination, a fire-able offense even in the SES.

f329a2  No.3102389

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

New Project Veritas Video just out

296666  No.3102390

>>3102054 Got it

Baker back to baking

Sorry for the short absence, anons.. Going back for notables. Here's what I'm working from:


>>3101870, >>3101876, >>3101898, >>3101936, >>3101986 Project Veritas, Jessica Schubel - Deepstate Cunt

>>3101847, >>3101875 Follow-up on 187'ed CA billionaires and Apotex

>>3101931, >>3102007 Horowitz has unredacted texts from his stint as OIG/DOJ

>>3101977, >>3102097, >>3102054 Link to Kav's accuser's yearbook snips and archives; sex drugs and rock and roll

>>3102072 Scribbles/SecureDrop Connection?

506fb6  No.3102391

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



806d3c  No.3102393


I stand corrected. Ebot just won the bread for the 2nd time.

Holy fuck.

4f1749  No.3102394


Not Anons.

Cabal/blackhats = Stupid

90480f  No.3102395


ANYTHING we have put up prior to SpaceForce is corrupt beyond belief and why QTeam answered they way they did…folks like Corey Goode a part of deep deep deep state central…have no idea his hat color, but at one time it was uber black…

3b6acc  No.3102396

i hope they understand that we want disclouser

ce98ab  No.3102397


Hey baker, you didn't put my Scribbles/Securedrop/Snowden post in bread?

ad5358  No.3102398

File: e757e59c3d909bf⋯.jpg (77.66 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, download (10).jpg)

8dfb7b  No.3102399


think mirror.

think doublespeak

q says, "question everything"

qresearch says, don't question q

fbbc42  No.3102400


I dunno that you need to admit to being a retard when you're beliefs are proven wrong and arrogant.

I'm wrong and arrogant all the time, though, so I've gotten pretty good at saying "Oops - my bad" and not letting it destroy my self-worth, etc.

b6becd  No.3102401


What the fuck is with these faggots are the word 'like'.

f75f58  No.3102402

File: 72700e64cdc24b7⋯.jpeg (343.96 KB, 1242x720, 69:40, 70A08CC1-81E0-453C-AAEE-A….jpeg)

File: 8fc72d944b162de⋯.jpeg (200.06 KB, 1242x492, 207:82, 6338551A-5A38-4A30-B9E5-4….jpeg)



3b6acc  No.3102403


> it's been covered up.

and still is covered up, it is not hard to cover it up since we let any convo about this go unoticed or focus on other stuff

ddcb20  No.3102404

File: 77e4c66b44b4dff⋯.jpeg (65.81 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 1537304987.jpeg)

db2421  No.3102405


and weird, it says

1st was born at 22:10 (military time format)

2nd was born 10:22 pm (normal format)

81ac20  No.3102406

File: cc67526580a30d5⋯.jpg (23.19 KB, 300x168, 25:14, LIES AND CORRUPT.jpg)

3569ff  No.3102407

File: 9360d2390cc64b5⋯.jpeg (85.45 KB, 770x578, 385:289, 31DE14A4-4E89-4DDB-8E36-B….jpeg)

90480f  No.3102408


anon..are you suggesting that time/space was something inverted? Anything and everything the choads do is a reversal of anything we do good…

spirituality..they have corrupted and made impure and falsified thru religion…

health…they had corrupted and hidden the truth from us and guarded it with the health system…

education…they hide the truth and guard it with the university system…

So tell us your TRUTH anon please…

4d231a  No.3102409


bit of a get out of jail free card though!

806d3c  No.3102410


Lok's like maybe some stego shit. Too boring to run through.

Otherwise gay.

69b59f  No.3102412

wtf…plane in the pentagon ?! fuck that…it obviously was a cruise missile! (or modded drone)

Why the fuck would Q say it was a plane?

this makes no sense at all…

32b3ba  No.3102413


Brazil? Why? Why does Facebook even care?

942642  No.3102414

File: 3c29f1f1b5e9804⋯.png (46.27 KB, 847x389, 847:389, Screenshot from 2018-09-20….png)

File: 3f3c43da61e7002⋯.png (60.43 KB, 661x531, 661:531, Screenshot from 2018-09-20….png)


I'm givin up anons. You should too. Racist New York Times and Snopes debunked it all.

Looks like we are directing the narrative.

ad5358  No.3102415

File: 67603f0c559028c⋯.png (126.95 KB, 500x455, 100:91, youve-mistaken-me-for-some….png)

by the numbers

Stalin killed like 20 million

and Mao butchered approximately 200 million and fed them to his people

so you can take your jew bait down to the board walk and feed the pigeons honestly

424dee  No.3102416


Sauce. He was never legit.


Same tachyon bullshit product store.

022a88  No.3102418

File: 6470bdf1d7f5104⋯.png (62.95 KB, 632x456, 79:57, 1_POTUS_92018.png)

File: 13ee0cf8c944521⋯.png (58.05 KB, 631x394, 631:394, 2_POTUS_92018.png)


Times: PDT

402f9d  No.3102419


Your ability to easily let go and move on is the opposite of what these retards are doing.

Ergo, they are arrogant retards.

I am a self aware retard.

52803e  No.3102420

File: d62a4c538f81288⋯.jpg (204.6 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, halp.jpg)



Since you're still in a chatty mood, I would like to alsoly ask a Question.

My friend and I have a small rocket lab and are working on the design of a very small piece of the scramjet fuel system.

We are pissed because we know that this is not the tech that will allow us to travel to among the stars. However, we don't have a billion dollars to independently develop the anti-grav tech that our taxes have already bought.

Where should we place ourselves to ensure we are at the forefront for exploring these possibilities, if disclosure should go ahead?

4d231a  No.3102421

New MIND-CONTROL jets mean soldiers can control up to three warplanes with BRAIN implant


55c6e7  No.3102422


>Which means the confiscation teams were already standing-by, and they knew what the flight-path would be.


>..including which cams could see it, which means a serious ground recon and inventory of all the cams in the area, and field-of-view analysis prior. That took a dozen guys a month or four to pin-down.


>That is why the drone descended steeply, in a tight turn, to minimize the number of cams that would see it. The easiest flight profile for the attack would have been straight-in. However that would have guaranteed random video evidence like dash-cams etc.

Don't know if this is a crazy connection but throwing it out there fwiw.

Picked up the following from GW Twitter.

"Investigate the father - Ralph Blasey. Red Coats. Camera monitoring for all of DC’s top govt buildings."

ad5358  No.3102423

why do these judas fehgels do their bromance homo cucking on pedogate graves??????

cfe01d  No.3102424

File: ab819363a17ef0a⋯.jpg (170.03 KB, 1425x1080, 95:72, IMG_20180920_231617.jpg)


The wings could have been dragged in with the fuselage. But yeah, pentagon is probably the hardest to explain away. Q just said a plane, so I think we can probably leave it at that for now.

ad5358  No.3102425



78575a  No.3102426


Buzz Aldrin admitted there was a television set for the moon landing, but that the landing happened.

8dfb7b  No.3102427


again, defeats the purpose of this going through this entire thing.

all it does is give us bragging rights,

>oh yeah i was there when q said this

but sure keep making memes.

as if courts and military tribunals will accept memes as evidence

as if normies will refuse to believe court verdicts

i mean sure they are normies but they still know what an evidence is. they'll be fucking fine.

4f1749  No.3102428


That’s why I question Q

Mad not to

Disinformation is necessary

Why did Q target the Pentagon question?

90480f  No.3102429


nice dig! A bit over qualified to run a landscaping company and my god the staffing looks like they are set up to sell widgets not landscaping..a CLASSIC CLOWN OP…

>a licensed 'HAM' RADIO OPERATOR,

bahaha…the tell tale "tell" of a cabal choad…THEY all use ham to communicate…

f75f58  No.3102430


Well spotted!

073561  No.3102431

File: ff39e8d6c0a7c07⋯.jpg (91.43 KB, 960x925, 192:185, 1530201545476.jpg)

921acf  No.3102432


fuck off you disinfo shill.

this is the real site: 2012portal.blogspot.com/

fbbc42  No.3102433


It takes a long time to get to the place of "self aware retard", doesn't it? :)

ad5358  No.3102434

File: 607b886039e329f⋯.jpg (271.23 KB, 1333x2000, 1333:2000, IMG_1213.JPG)

File: 77ba810bf20e9c0⋯.jpg (49.67 KB, 800x690, 80:69, IMG_1243.JPG)

File: 8a3b9dea09b591d⋯.jpg (42.59 KB, 882x540, 49:30, IMG_1404.JPG)

File: a9370d1bcce6d5b⋯.jpg (277.03 KB, 625x911, 625:911, IMG_1427.JPG)

f75f58  No.3102435

File: def1b999891fff5⋯.jpeg (362.42 KB, 1242x748, 621:374, C1EBF70D-7316-42A4-A356-1….jpeg)

File: 6c8f70f65747327⋯.jpeg (266.17 KB, 1242x632, 621:316, 203F62AA-F58E-49C4-98D8-B….jpeg)



c75a1e  No.3102436

File: 44aabb73f3c0227⋯.jpg (51.35 KB, 750x375, 2:1, 2g7n5n.jpg)

File: b6f14f129cf6900⋯.jpg (18.8 KB, 282x179, 282:179, 2g7nbh.jpg)

File: 132c52b0e311565⋯.jpg (16.49 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 2g7nfl.jpg)

File: bd24724832937db⋯.jpg (12.65 KB, 276x182, 138:91, 2g7nnl.jpg)

File: 00ebb0be9bb80a4⋯.jpg (15.98 KB, 259x194, 259:194, 2g7nu9.jpg)

136d6e  No.3102437


Then shut up.

296666  No.3102438


>>3101870, >>3101876, >>3101898, >>3101936, >>3101986 Project Veritas, Jessica Schubel - Deepstate Cunt

>>3101847, >>3101875 Follow-up on 187'ed CA billionaires and Apotex

>>3101931, >>3102007 Horowitz has unredacted texts from his stint as OIG/DOJ

>>3101977, >>3102097, >>3102054 Link to Kav's accuser's yearbook snips and archives; sex drugs and rock and roll

>>3102072 Scribbles/SecureDrop Connection?

>>3102326 Barclays Bank online and mobile services down

>>3102332 Sheriff with jurisdiction over Tesla Gigafactory investigated for rape

>>3102362 Today's Q clock

>>3102418 New POTUS twats

This is up-to-date. If I missed one you think important, let me know.

506fb6  No.3102439


So blatant!

1. Rule 3.1 of the Model Rules of Professional Conduct.

Every lawyer has a professional obligation to the client, the court, and the adversary to

refrain from pursuing meritless claims. Before a lawyer may file a complaint, the

lawyer must have a basis for ensuring that the allegations are not frivolous.

Rule 3.1 of the

Model Rules of Professional Conduct, which contains the not-frivolous standard, provides in pertinent part:

A lawyer shall not bring or defend a proceeding or assert . . . an

issue . . . unless there is a basis for doing so that is not frivolous,

which includes a good faith argument for an extension,

modification, or reversal of existing law.

ad5358  No.3102440



c0e062  No.3102441

File: a74ac32e9e4c7f7⋯.jpg (22.56 KB, 340x270, 34:27, il_340x270.1615210293_tcnd.jpg)


Been trying to tell them since the shit started last night. The anons are going to hang on to their own belief baggage and anyone that disagrees with them is a "fuktard".

I have been watching all night, and what I discovered as the problem I don't see as fixable for most. It is "Etymology" anon. As simple as that. Q is using correct word Etymology, and the anons have been brainwashed by decades of misused and mishandled 'words' and their meanings. It all boils down to 'language'. And today most throw words around like getting sloppy seconds. They have no idea of true common word meanings. They only know what the cabal has changed the words and definitions to mean now, today. And I do not see a fix for this for the masses let alone this board.

Examp. Q said "Consider the vastness of space". He did not say the Universe, nor 'outer space, or the cosmos. He just said "space". What is the Etymology of the word "space". I live in a 'space', so do you. Well if you are an ant in a terrarium, you would think 'space is vast too. But that is unacceptable because it goes against one's hardened belief system and they refuse to consider any other reasonable logic.

840d9c  No.3102442


Always good to keep this one handy. "Oh, you say she was an angel? Well, allow me to prove otherwise."

d3cf31  No.3102443

File: 05a6f33d6c784bc⋯.jpeg (610.09 KB, 1242x1408, 621:704, 0883B6D8-6170-4829-AFC6-2….jpeg)

Dr. Blasey “Fox”

- kept from the American people about Dr. Blasey is that she currently oversees the CIA Undergraduate Internship Program Stanford University developed by the notorious CIA-connected Stanford University Psychiatric Professor Dr. Frederick T. Melges—who himself, in 1985, took into his care the homeless woman Lois Lang who assassinated CIA paymaster Nick Deak—and that afterwards saw the CIA’s black operations monies being controlled by Ralph G. Blasey Jr.—who, not so mysteriously, just happens to be the father of Dr. Christine Blasey.

Linked to Dr. Blasey’s SVR file of known and/or suspected CIA operatives, this report notes, is that of her father Ralph G. Blasey Jr.—a proven CIA operative who, from June-1962 to January-1974, was the Vice President of National Savings and Trust of Washington, D.C.—a CIA black budget bank best known for being 100 paces from the White House, and whom, in 1998, was taken over by SunTrust Bank—whose majority share owner is the CIA-linked investment fund BlackRock.

The importance of noting the CIA banking connections of Ralph G. Blasey Jr., this report explains, is due to the outbreak of what is now known as the “CIA Bank War”—and whose start of, in 1982, a CIA seized from publication news report (Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/05: CIA-RDP90-00965R00150010-7)

Did she work on MKUltra?

Is she controlled/ing?

From WDIM:



3b6acc  No.3102444

File: 0066a6b84aaa3d7⋯.jpg (76.15 KB, 1124x499, 1124:499, 4f754r76r.jpg)


7c5b5c  No.3102445


A plane could NOT penetrate that far into the building. We aren't falling for the banana in the tailpipe.

402f9d  No.3102446


>Why did Q target the Pentagon question?

To shut the 911 truthers up.

Same with the other responses.

Q announces a Q&A.

Dumbasses immediately begin asking the stupidest shit imaginable.

Q selectively BTFO's their dumb asses.

Checking board performance and laying the groundwork for imminent happenings.

90480f  No.3102447

File: d7d2caa5828f12b⋯.png (286.35 KB, 375x551, 375:551, SessionsSoon.png)

ad5358  No.3102448

File: 091d9cf74ca4e84⋯.jpg (55.62 KB, 1440x983, 1440:983, IMG_1135.JPG)

File: ac179d04f099f71⋯.jpg (85.58 KB, 764x551, 764:551, IMG_1235.JPG)

File: a24f24ca9a2ee3f⋯.jpg (82.88 KB, 1105x1040, 17:16, IMG_1261.JPG)


81ac20  No.3102449

File: 54b9db3499044fe⋯.jpg (20.33 KB, 255x147, 85:49, NO PROB JEFF.jpg)

8dfb7b  No.3102450


>Disinformation is necessary

all this could've been a tell-all book by gen flynn after all the pedo-satanic cunts had been guillotined.

we needn't have gotten the chans involved at all.



why would you call Q a liar for saying that a plane hit pentagon?

i'm sure it did.

i'm also sure Q isn't telling us 99% of the truth because he thinks we are widdle babies who'll cry for their mommies if we knew it was a missile.

402f9d  No.3102451


Life has a way of teaching you the lesson.

fbbc42  No.3102452




ad5358  No.3102453




c4747c  No.3102454


Blogspot and WordPress are crazy people’s diaries…. not legitimate sauce…

073561  No.3102455

File: 312c9d9c3bce7f3⋯.jpg (45.92 KB, 600x450, 4:3, drake_eq.jpg)

538934  No.3102456



32b3ba  No.3102457

File: b3385ad94d74577⋯.png (13.41 KB, 588x148, 147:37, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d4b2522c2cce49⋯.png (4.76 KB, 342x108, 19:6, ClipboardImage.png)

I find this interesting since Q said "twelve moves ahead".


f2fe63  No.3102458

File: 363059ccf789408⋯.png (41.38 KB, 2100x1275, 28:17, check you.png)


We ARE the narrative. NYT is in a death spiral, desperate for anything but fish wrap. Snopes has been sniffed out and most everyone knows they're full of shit. These fossils of news are on their way out and they know it. More thinking people get their news here every day.

c38cf8  No.3102459


I say the same everytime I see this. Remote control is a possibility but it is a bit too perfect for that in my view

296666  No.3102460


>Checking board performance and laying the groundwork for imminent happenings.

The only anon I've seen who mentions what the Q&A was actually about. "How do we test the board's ability to handle high traffic volume?"

"I know! Let's announce a Q&A. We'll get anons from even Fiji trying to type in at the same time."

c0f3cc  No.3102461


Because it's vague BS. I'll believe when I see myself, until then it's a non-answer.

ad5358  No.3102462



c6da45  No.3102463


So, you're the resident "Eeyore" here. "Yeah, the whole thing is a larp or a Deep State psy op…but I'm just going to hang around because I've got nothing better to do…Oh me…oh my…"

840d9c  No.3102464


All she has to say is "My client lied to me." There's juicier rules that she's no doubt violated.

ad5358  No.3102465


there was a photo of it before launch next to the damn plane a couple thousand breads ago fyi

5f0c41  No.3102466

gonna call this post [define projection]



Are we alone ?


[others are here]

Roswwell ?

Highest Classification

[meaning prob not a weather balloon]

consider the vastness of space

[gonna go ahead and break the internet with this one liner]

d3cf31  No.3102467


Anons know.

Do you?

Anons are “crazy” if they suggest it to friends.

f60fbf  No.3102468

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

President Trump Speaks at the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States National Convention (old speech)

Skip to 17:45.

"And I've directed the Pentagon to begin the process of creating the sixth branch of our military, it's called the Space Force. We are living in a different world and we have to be able to adapt. And that's what it is, lot of… very important things are gonna be taking place in space and I just don't mean going up to the Moon and going up to Mars, where we'll be going very soon. We'll be going to Mars very soon. But from a military standpoint, space is becoming every day more and more important."

734b81  No.3102469

Is this a limited hangout?

3b6acc  No.3102470


this topic is not for anons shitty opinions, it is nice to see you have your own opinion but this doesn't make it more real of fake

you can't simply dismiss this just because you say BS, stop with this jumping to conclusion fuckery, anon

baefcf  No.3102471


I agree, this is how I took it too. Also, Secret Space Program was all but confirmed for me.

f60fbf  No.3102472


This is literally the choice to know.

734b81  No.3102473


claims without proof are worthless

4f1749  No.3102474


If anyone is seeking validation on this board it’s YOU

You fucking small minded attention seeking moron of the lowest order

You with the non-anonymous ID moniker for how many months now you fucking idiot

I question Q posts, not Q

Q encourages, indeed REQUIRES us to THINK FOR OURSELVES

Disinformation is necessary but the bullshit garbage you post is not

Stupid shillcuntard, FUCKOFF

b3a2df  No.3102475


The thing is anon , there are a lot of ANONS who feel this anyway.

Not really news to some , but is huge.

ad5358  No.3102476


notice how the roswell incident happened around the time of the trinity test but before the nazi vs. indians vs aliens war of 1979 that forged the funary pit that is now called the dulce base, which is practically dracco swamp land real estate practices imho

073561  No.3102477

File: 7051478faf4ac24⋯.jpg (350.44 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, f99e23fd8e39cb53b37ffb0ffc….jpg)


"Dumbasses immediately begin asking the stupidest shit imaginable.

Q selectively BTFO's their dumb asses.

Checking board performance and laying the groundwork for imminent happenings."

– You nailed it anon

402f9d  No.3102478


I've always thought it to be true that we are not alone in the universe.

I've also thought it to be wise to not discuss this with friends over dinner.

Just eat and play along with the normies.

f2fe63  No.3102479

538934  No.3102480

File: 949d97c29893503⋯.png (475.1 KB, 908x586, 454:293, Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at ….png)

c6da45  No.3102481



8dfb7b  No.3102482


because the anons already pretty much suspected that with the immense size of the universe and the fact that we exist it is a 100% guarantee that life can and should exist elsewhere in the universe.

i am so tired of repeating myself over and over again.


>asking the stupidest shit

the questions themselves weren't the stupidest shit.

they way the were worded was high grade stupidity and carelessness.

we are working with really smart people (Q+) here, they'll always know who to dodge you.


quite plausible, ebot.

good post.

but maybe lighten up on the capslock though.


someone's gotta question Q

we can't all worship him blindly. he is, after all, just a human being.

what are the chances Q+trump aren not deep state version 2.0?

f045ad  No.3102483


Are we alone? No. (WRWY)

Next question:

Roswell? Highest classification. (that doesn't tell us WHY or WHAT is so classified at Roswell) Consider the vastness of space (AT Roswell… lots of space/land… consider what requires all that space).

See how interpretations can abound?

734b81  No.3102484


Roswell was about a UFO,

UFO != alien life

8aa296  No.3102485


ad5358  No.3102486


this closet homosexual needs to belittle someone else to feel virile

aba387  No.3102487

File: 9b9b589072c7cc6⋯.jpg (15.04 KB, 255x255, 1:1, swastika.jpg)

c0f3cc  No.3102488


It's not an opinion, it's proper discernment, no proof was provided on Q's end for the answered question and NO I'm not gonna be a sheep taking things at face-value. This isn't fucking NBC.

81ac20  No.3102489


More like old news being revealed.

8dfb7b  No.3102490


>See how interpretations can abound?

took me 3 threads to try to explain this.

you said it in one line.

goddamn, i'm tired.

9dd00f  No.3102491

File: 417d5e7406fe8fd⋯.png (58.71 KB, 482x595, 482:595, SEC-CLEARANCE-ORG-CHART.png)


>Highest classification.


Always assumed MAJESTIC was the highest.



a4c2a8  No.3102492


Love your post man, my sentiments exactly.

I'm not a USfag either but love the Disrupter-In-Chief WWG1WGA

Much love from a small island

0a4abc  No.3102493


beautiful shilling by the way. trying so e new concerning here. Credit where credit due.

5f0c41  No.3102494

File: c7fc32aef257b8f⋯.jpg (30.06 KB, 286x246, 143:123, 1439430259285.jpg)


and a bitch aint 1

8dfb7b  No.3102495


>nazi constellations


973e23  No.3102496

File: f65b089a0886f7d⋯.png (83.86 KB, 593x350, 593:350, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)


b6becd  No.3102497


Not that surprising. I welcome our ayy lmao frens.

14f39e  No.3102498


I the beginning of Q there was something about there will be some that cannot accept kind of thing, as I recall. I think we have hit that point - as it appears that about 30-40 percent of anons that had their deeply held beliefs challenged last night either are actively balking or changing the narrative to disinfo or using some other mechanism to mentally deal with answers they cannot accept from a 'leader' they have devoutly followed.

617fd3  No.3102499


indeed mindblowing. left that subject in my open to ideas section of the brain in the past. Space is so large, have always been fascinated by that I can not reach. getting excited for the sky event now. kek. we are definately alive in one hell of an amazing time. Next time you hear a person talking about a probe up the butt, they could actually be telling the truth.

ddcb20  No.3102500

File: 23f76148ab02478⋯.jpeg (134.42 KB, 1440x1093, 1440:1093, 1528804353.jpeg)

402f9d  No.3102501


Reminds me of when Forrest stopped running.

3b6acc  No.3102502

this makes me angry every time

>yeah i know, not news

good for you

good for YOU


how about you stop thinking only about yourself, cunt

this was a soft push to disclouser, and the majority of anons here just skip it with

>yeah, not news

while other anons try to discuss this or dig deeper, which doesn't work since there is no focus on it

yeah, thanks for nothing, my best bet is, you are just shills who try to avoid any convo about this topic

5f0c41  No.3102503

File: f6e6f9eea68f79c⋯.jpg (208.86 KB, 754x763, 754:763, f6e6f9eea68f79c3a2fb0df502….jpg)


and a harp

6eea57  No.3102504


“Presidents” No apostrophe

8dfb7b  No.3102505


>anyone who questions our lord Q is a shill

this is not how mass awakenings work, anon.

giving us indirect factless answers doesn't make our lives easier in any way.

it just makes us susceptible to be enslaved by deep state 2.0.

7c5b5c  No.3102506


"The vastness of space". Isn't that part of the intro of star trek? Is this the space we were taught in school or the one between our ears?

fdd7e3  No.3102507


Ebot. Is she of age or did you just post CP?

f33134  No.3102508



One side likes to kill a few slaves while taking their money

The other just wants their money without Occult practices. Still likes war

d3cf31  No.3102509

File: 2617068ef891c10⋯.jpeg (493.91 KB, 1242x1091, 1242:1091, 9D8358E7-4563-4085-B9BA-D….jpeg)


Canadia Defense Minster from 1950’s made this You Tube Video in 2015.

Please watch.

Many “types”, 1000’s of years.


a97557  No.3102510


I might not believe some's interpretations of last nights drops.

But as it is, it is interpretations. I don't think any of us have the full picture yet.

So claiming with 100% certainty that you fully understand a drop is not really rational.

The discourse here today doesn't deter me. And i want my beliefs challenged.

ad5358  No.3102511


that one is shopped

the one i am talking about even has some germanic service mensch standing by it

0a4abc  No.3102512


just drawing attention to your amazingly subtle subversion of Q and his mission. See how cleverly you paint Q as the new villian of the next chapter of world politics. Excellent shift of the narrative. Top shelf shilling.

538934  No.3102513


"We can't secure the Border because of the Democrats historic level of Obstruction. The Presidents fed up with this. Hi agenda is working. The economy is growing at twice the rate it did under Obama. We've nominated and confirmed 68 Federal Judges, 26 Court of Appeals Judges….



Presidents (sic)

cccd41  No.3102514

>>3101717 (previous bread)

Space-time is the 'firmament', Anon < Protects humanity until the Tribulation; and even, for a 'short' time afterwards…

111bce  No.3102515

So dirty here in oz.

China connection is more than ideaological or political, its connected through marriages like for PMs Tunbull and Rudd.

Seems like State level and Federal level

Q says UK is real hidden power in shaping this country. Maybe possible ties with the chinese angle? Needs moar digging.

The States are nothing more than battle grounds to hash out which state gets to rule the federal party room and the entire nation.

The Rockerfella foundation is the leading voice behind some of discussion and even implememtation of these recommendations.

073561  No.3102516

File: a4209cf7a2ec0cc⋯.jpg (26.83 KB, 255x254, 255:254, ebcfa0518d233abf543c9cad9e….jpg)

973e23  No.3102518

File: 485c3ff51df7640⋯.png (58.19 KB, 592x253, 592:253, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)


942642  No.3102519


So true anon. We are the narrative.

>I'm not really quitting just gotta workfag

90dd8c  No.3102520


verily this

5fd2dc  No.3102521

>>3100481 Digging on the family of Lawrence Jamieson (Largest child Porn bust in Pa history)

I've not amassed 14.4 million of anything in my life... Were these physical images, and digital images? You don't just find 14.4 images like that on the internet. Was his family in law enforcement? 14.4 million images.. Jesus christ... How many kids would that have been, if even 1,000 pictures were the same kid... Fuck man..

b8d3be  No.3102522

File: 2a705d580bd3d24⋯.jpg (28.44 KB, 480x360, 4:3, moon.jpg)


Back in my grandpas day. Spousal abuse was acceptable, now only Muslims can do that stuff.


For all those we never landed on the moon guys that Japanese Billionaire is in for a hell ova surprise when he finds out we cannot travel through space.

fbbc42  No.3102523



Maybe "you" and not "us" are more susceptible to whatever you said.

ad5358  No.3102524

File: 717debdff40c1c2⋯.png (127.12 KB, 500x566, 250:283, download.png)

f329a2  No.3102525


are you out of your mind?

NWO complete control of all countries peoples and finance?

where have you been?

1ba416  No.3102526

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

If you have the patience to watch a clip close to 15 minutes long, D'Souza absolutely destroys a self-hating leftie (a white male), grandstanding about the evils of white privilege during his class at Amherst, which for all intent and purposes is considered an 'ivy league' school. You can't make this shit up if you tried.

This captures the absolute insanity and destruction obama, the fraud, wrought upon the country. It also displays what I believe is an absolute must to combat the insanity, which is to defend your belief, arduously, even in the midst of a hostile environment. Good for Dinesh, and great for President Trump for having the courage to pardon him and help correct the unfair political persecution that was directed towards Dinesh for having the balls to call out the criminality and danger hillary and obama presented to America.

https:// hooktube.com/watch?v=tN9bu6CP318

296666  No.3102527

>8dfb7b (35)

>0a4abc (37)

When you think your opinion and understanding is so important, you take up 10% of the bread with it…

de93e8  No.3102528

File: e0598fdf1e1dfca⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 87.72 KB, 700x700, 1:1, DONotClick.gif)

Whatever you do…

Do Not Click This

8a4b2c  No.3102529

File: be3ad319e7ec45f⋯.jpg (435.53 KB, 1787x847, 1787:847, 2POSH 20 Sep 18 1235.jpg)

Spoopy plane 2-POSH leaving Virginia.

734b81  No.3102530


Claims without proof is worthless.

Claims without proof of alien life has been abound for ages. If you've missed this.. I don't know what to say.

But also… just saying aliens isn't exactly a show of competence.

UFO's for example does not equal alien life. Remember that space force? Ye, it's been around for a while. And there might probably even be other factions with the same tech too. Why else would you call it a force, if you're not defending or aggressing against someone else.

But to assume aliens in roswell is sad, Old remnant Nazis is even more likely. Especially considering the amount of Nazis working with the US. Roswell was most likely a transfer of technology covered by a crash.

5f0c41  No.3102531

File: 852d873ec62c652⋯.png (1.85 MB, 910x1153, 910:1153, ClipboardImage.png)


touchet mein negro

ddcb20  No.3102532

File: ebbce8e15508398⋯.jpg (6.2 KB, 200x143, 200:143, aada97107831d085869ff5f878….jpg)

b8d3be  No.3102533

File: 4c5115744b21839⋯.jpg (20.19 KB, 617x435, 617:435, giveupREPLACEMENT.jpg)


c6da45  No.3102534


So, the whole "the Pentagon strike was by the Good Guys to take out the Deep State ground operators controlling the entire '9/11 Terrorist Attack' " is just a bunch B.S.?

538934  No.3102535


2nd time - historic level of Obstruction

capped Border

capped Obstruction


52803e  No.3102536

File: 895d280e14c2adf⋯.png (19.4 KB, 195x161, 195:161, tip-top.png)


We're gonna need a new flag after this is done and dusted.

That red cross gives me the creeps.

5fd2dc  No.3102537


Facebook loves countries like Brazil and India where traditional telecoms have little control. Almost everyone in Brazil uses WhatsApp… Facebook pushed hard to get internet as a right in India, they want everyone to have an account by default, FB gets all the data. I imagine they wanted the same in Brazil. Technocracy…

f75f58  No.3102538

File: 4aed23a333bf2f3⋯.jpeg (640.54 KB, 1242x1301, 1242:1301, CFFB9401-CAFB-4D07-B6DA-5….jpeg)



617fd3  No.3102539

File: 448b5f0d5314570⋯.png (113.89 KB, 252x252, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

ad5358  No.3102540

even notice that lynn is the personification of abusive cocaine addicted early eighties feminism attempting to displace it's own young for political gain ……

424dee  No.3102541


What I'm saying is that the same clown runs Aurora2012. The same ridiculous tachyon products are listed on both websites. It's a testament to our (((twisted))) understanding of energy and matter science. One look at the wikipedia article reveals a "theoretical" particle. There's an unfortunate, large, and growing community of people out there who pay charlatans out the ass for chakra cleansing crystal collections and theoretical healing devices operating on pure placebo and hopium. They scare people into thinking their consciousness is corrupted by archons or etheric parasites or demons and sell you the exorcism equivalent in your particular delusional subcategory. Particle physics is basically a bullshit distraction from the truth of wave physics. Everything is energy. Einstein's genius isn't in what he discovered, but what he managed to cover up.

Aurora was an earlier project. Bostjan Kosir became Ishtar Antares, then COBRA. I've made purchases via paypal which were directed to Slovenia. It's a pretty shitty larp for shekels when you break it down, but I feel he may be getting MILAB'd by deep state actors just like Corey Goode, strategically conveying all this new age mis/disinfo to infect advanced truthseekers approaching higher levels of awareness and interest in free energy/SSP technology with new age psychosis and vegan suicide cultism.

d3cf31  No.3102542


Check out the Ozy thread here.

Lots of excellent digs here to digest.

Keep digging.

Banks under scrutiny since Trump.

Interest rates up.


f329a2  No.3102543


lack of true education. Using less and less of our vocabulary. Many people are not using consonants. pretty soon they will be reduced to grunting. We are already using hieroglyphics to communicate instead or writing words.

b6becd  No.3102544


It was very anticlimatic.

7c5b5c  No.3102545


there was also a slide about the four corners radar fucking them up, Aztec crash included

8a4b2c  No.3102546


2-POSH had taken off from Sarasota - Bradenton earlier today. it's been there for about a week.

8dfb7b  No.3102547


>this was a soft push to disclouser

is this facebook?

is this not deep conspiracy research territory?

should the existence of child rapists or "yuge fucking space" be news to us even still today?

are you asking us to repeat the same 2 little things over and over again when we could be taking yuge strides in uncovering cosmic secrets?


> amazingly subtle subversion

>how cleverly you paint Q as the new villian of the next chapter of world politics.

maybe i should write novels.

but kidding aside, i'm literally asking for loaves from Q not just crumbs.

which means i believe and trust Q's information with all my heart.

but fuck if he plays fetch with me one more time i won't have it. treat me like an adult\ - give me the whole truth and nothing but the truth and we can talk about moving forward together in this quest to saving our kids and the entire humanity.


>worships a new group of men

>after having worshipped another group of men all his life.

>no, you

think about what we are doing here.

loaves, not crumbs.

ad5358  No.3102548

File: fda8bf43ef4519c⋯.jpg (58.22 KB, 768x523, 768:523, jackdempseys196597-146-164.jpg)

617fd3  No.3102549


kek didn't click

was shit bait

d3cf31  No.3102550


Oz thread


a4c2a8  No.3102551

File: 9fe3270c8024116⋯.png (170.64 KB, 500x327, 500:327, 1537443767774.png)


Which TV Detective?

Personally, I always liked Columbo the best.

Always lulled his prey into a false sense of security, a bit like Trump and the Q Team does!

973e23  No.3102552

File: b9dfa0db088d180⋯.png (78.81 KB, 589x352, 589:352, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)


ad5358  No.3102553


the anazazi had a different term and meaning for the ss swastika before it got branded by the cia or the anti-protestant thing

ad5358  No.3102554


one day wray gets to shoot that fucking dogg

2d65d0  No.3102555


A small, maneuverable fighter would've had an easier time making that turn and descent, then leveling out than a jumbo jet would've had even getting low enough to make that hit. As for the wings, the Falcon has swept back wings.The spars would most likely have folded back and not snapped off. Remember, this aircraft is designed for high Gs, they don't just snap off. Commercial airliners are designed to be as light weight as possible, which is why they are torn to shreds by a bird strike. Also, Desert Storm put a great deal of strain on the entire 16 fleet. Many of them came home needing wings replaced. So there probably wouldn't have been a great deal of hours on those wings.

296666  No.3102556


>>3101870, >>3101876, >>3101898, >>3101936, >>3101986 Project Veritas, Jessica Schubel - Deepstate Cunt

>>3101847, >>3101875 Follow-up on 187'ed CA billionaires and Apotex

>>3101931, >>3102007 Horowitz has unredacted texts from his stint as OIG/DOJ

>>3101977, >>3102097, >>3102054 Link to Kav's accuser's yearbook snips and archives; sex drugs and rock and roll

>>3102072 Scribbles/SecureDrop Connection?

>>3102326 Barclays Bank online and mobile services down

>>3102332 Sheriff with jurisdiction over Tesla Gigafactory investigated for rape

>>3102362 Today's Q clock

>>3102418, >>3102496, >>3102518, >>3102552 New POTUS twats

>>3102538 New Project Veritas video out

fbbc42  No.3102557



f75f58  No.3102558

File: 8cf706873e23642⋯.jpeg (367.76 KB, 1242x886, 621:443, 4C221956-9A5D-442E-B22F-5….jpeg)

81ac20  No.3102559

File: d4c168f328df67b⋯.jpg (66.28 KB, 480x300, 8:5, ICE and border protection..jpg)

File: 0d11d33c4c30246⋯.jpg (24.51 KB, 202x304, 101:152, NO DOORS.jpg)

ddcb20  No.3102560

File: bf7e650cd9b2c8a⋯.jpeg (138.73 KB, 1200x1194, 200:199, 1537411051.jpeg)

Crazy QA but I guess that could be expected.

246a0c  No.3102561

File: 31e6dc84f4ef14a⋯.jpeg (686.31 KB, 1242x808, 621:404, C076ADE4-14E8-4C99-9153-0….jpeg)


538934  No.3102562

File: 4fc574d5bd05c04⋯.png (216.52 KB, 1323x528, 441:176, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

File: 5d06704b8e50864⋯.png (329.05 KB, 908x1213, 908:1213, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)


Dave Purdue:

Senators To Introduce Bill Mirroring President's Immigration Framework



ad5358  No.3102563

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the eighties sucked, ask me what about

8dfb7b  No.3102564


> treat me like an adult

treat me like a baby and crying and shitting is all you get in return.

a4c2a8  No.3102565


Actually, that would be a good hashtag


14f39e  No.3102567



As I recall with most of the drops Q made before last night anons would run out and research. The drops last night anons didn't go research they threw up their own walls in one way or another. Interesting.

d08d5f  No.3102571

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New project veritas

073561  No.3102573

File: 658f2da129bda5b⋯.png (134.75 KB, 1920x1127, 1920:1127, boltzman.png)

File: 148b2377043461e⋯.jpg (84.58 KB, 728x546, 4:3, wave-particle-duality-9-72….jpg)


> Particle physics is basically a bullshit distraction from the truth of wave physics

not a physics major

3b6acc  No.3102574

really nobody wondering about the political view of the ayy and all the symbolism that comes along with the deep state?

ad5358  No.3102575

File: 6f10ddf3e59e221⋯.jpeg (59.94 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Vern.jpeg)


asking or telling

7c5b5c  No.3102577


When the ant people came out and told the hopi go in 4 directions then turn left

3b6acc  No.3102579

sorry Q team, humanity is lost

a4c2a8  No.3102580

Can you imagine if every cell in your body decided to have open borders.

A recipe for disaster.

4f1749  No.3102582



You keep promoting yourself

It’s not a good dig

Just a few half baked statements

Take it over to the Aussie Thread

Continue digging and if you come with something of significance then post it here


25b96d  No.3102583


It's likely they're scared of Bolsonaro.


0a4abc  No.3102584


bunch of fucking neckbeard faggots. Q is going to have to post again to clear up this mess I can already tell.

Hope you faggots are proud of your absolute insane faggotry. How embarrassing.

b6becd  No.3102585


Yep good point. Love how we was a self proclaimed commie, and ate at a (probably) small family owned restaurant. Classic hypocrites.

ef3530  No.3102586

File: 5b6f20c3a9da78a⋯.png (9.68 KB, 535x86, 535:86, record uid.png)

is this highest?

c0e062  No.3102587

File: 28de40df3120c26⋯.jpg (343.29 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 1200px-All_In_A_Spin_Star_….jpg)


"Are we alone?"


There are approx 7 billion of us according to the government on this Earth.

So the question is truthfully answered.

If you try to read more into that you are not being honest.

"Consider the vastness of space."


did you know, you could put every one in the world [all 7 billion] in the state of Texas and each would person would have a 1000 ft home to live in. While the rest of the world would be empty.

that's 1000 ft for every man, woman and child.


Yes. The space is vast.

the answer was given correctly.

You just are not understanding the use of the word. Earth, the space you live in is vast. But you are told, it is overpopulated with no room left. There is plenty of room, however the corporations and governments have bought up huge chunks of land that belong to the people. The US government is not allowed to own any land except for the land its building sits on.

ad5358  No.3102588

imagine a multipass for all your traveling medical and finance needs just so they don;t implant you with chips

8db74d  No.3102589


I tried getting on the board last night before bed and kept getting 502'd. Now I know why kek!

A bit bummed but I'm sure in the end most of anons questions will be answered. 400k+ users? Wow…

Also, I thought Q said aliens weren't real (in contact with us) in one of his earlier drops but that was my interpretation. I believed aliens existed just that we weren't aware of them.

ddcb20  No.3102590


Mr shill have you ever thought about coming to the good side?

797a68  No.3102591

File: 9e001ba0e397916⋯.jpg (138.24 KB, 1000x390, 100:39, 20180920_05_Delta.jpg)

Are we learning the comms?

538934  No.3102592

File: 8c2d027c95e4e93⋯.png (240.73 KB, 457x375, 457:375, Screen Shot 2018-08-03 at ….png)


>I have a friend who works as a contractor for DOD and he has TS clearance and he's very active in the DSA.

Fucking plants - no more water for you!

3b6acc  No.3102593


forget it, we are going to dismiss always as easy as possible any digs about deep state and their symbolism over the ages and what not, there is nothing for anons to fing if our own opinion blocks us from going deeper.

0a4abc  No.3102594


repost in new bread.

f045ad  No.3102595

Q tells us long ago "Hey, I'm gonna LIE to you occasionally." (disinfo is real & necessary).

Then everyone gets pissed off cuz Q fulfills promise to lie to us.

Plane didn't hit Pentagon. Q suggested it did. Q probably lied. Expected occasionally, right?

Stop crying and consider WHY. Probably for previously posited "stress test" to the board. Wildly controversial statements / answers / lies = most participation = reveal capacity requirements. And/or create more chatter, gossip, controversy, outrage cuz "all press is good press" theory. Get these ideas out there. Start seeding people's minds, if only with the mere CONCEPT that 'Q' is this new thing to be aware of.

ad5358  No.3102596


ya'll should open those damns and flush out all this scorched earth demon caca magic of the cabal

797a68  No.3102597

14f39e  No.3102598


I not disagree,


The particle view is about the only way they can research or even fathom the wave function. And if you ask about the geometry of the situation they get really triggered and will not answer. Study the proton at -


ea6b83  No.3102599

Good morning, anons.

c0f3cc  No.3102600



538934  No.3102601

File: ad74fa22082ac22⋯.png (461.89 KB, 1098x841, 1098:841, ad74fa22082ac228ed8515ea8b….png)


Mornin' Anon!

2978c0  No.3102602

File: 91e0b1a2f79dafa⋯.jpg (5.55 KB, 276x183, 92:61, et wants to touch you.jpg)


remember E.T.'s finger? that's what you have a chance at getting

d3cf31  No.3102603


Did you dad build those pyramids?

All 2,000?

ff7bdf  No.3102604

File: 3fd7ad5c650a88d⋯.jpg (71.21 KB, 656x656, 1:1, NeonREEEE.jpg)


We MUST see to it that this happens.

9dd00f  No.3102605

File: 715623e2e4cbc36⋯.png (238.49 KB, 971x588, 971:588, D5.png)


Holy Secret Department.

How did we miss this before?


Not sure about the validity of this site, but the coincidence is uncanny.

8dfb7b  No.3102606



>7 billion people

>1000 sq. ft house for each

> = 7000 billion square feet

> = 7 trillion sq. ft.

area of texas = 7.48804 trillion ft²

i was fully expecting this to be a wrong fact.

guess i stand corrected.

296666  No.3102607




Q Research General #3926 Schubel, Bubble, Toil and Trouble Edition

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

Just had a lock up, so posting new bread early.

e8e6aa  No.3102608

File: 0bd76ff586cd40c⋯.png (71.83 KB, 506x475, 506:475, 2018-08-06_20-01-47 copy.png)


And there you have it.


And haven't even had a sip of Covfefe yet.


d08d5f  No.3102609


What better way to empower the American people, give them their REAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, (actual title to land), not some deed, held by the bank or state.

14f39e  No.3102610


Q did tell us in the beginning it would be our choice what we could accept.

Anons confirming the statement.

f60fbf  No.3102611

File: c034159c48aaa0b⋯.png (658.06 KB, 2840x1448, 355:181, ssp.png)

Basic dig on Q the recent Q crumb

a97557  No.3102612

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Deep State Unmasked: U.S. GAO Auditor Admits “I Break Rules Every Day”

2d65d0  No.3102613


Not a pilotfag, so i don't know the details of how it would be done. But I've seen plenty in flight to know they could do it.

538934  No.3102614


>The President of the United States is the 17th department


296666  No.3102615




Q Research General #3926 Schubel, Bubble, Toil and Trouble Edition

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

50ad4e  No.3102618

File: dcfc71e25020630⋯.png (51.75 KB, 592x253, 592:253, ClipboardImage.png)


Border = B

missing apostrophe


B'O = ?

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