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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, bake.jpg)

844156  No.3096146

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of violence only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of violence in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 09.19.18

>>3095226 rt >>3094846 ———----------——– 412,000 now.

>>3095105 rt >>3094804 ———----------——– False, moon landings are real.

>>3094565 ———-----------------------------——– Tracking 330,000 IPs which is causing extreme lag.

>>3094453 rt >>3093917 ———----------——– [RR] stand down due to K conf.

>>3094236 rt >>3093831 ———----------——– No. Highest classification. Consider the vastness of space

>>3093898 rt >>3093795 ———----------——– Yes

>>3093821 ———-----------------------------——– /CM/ pls divert more resources/bandwidth into board

>>3093784 rt >>3093306 ———----------——– None are protected. None are safe

>>3093508 rt >>3093293 ———----------——– In the end, all will be right

>>3093430 rt >>3093289 ———----------——– Billionaire(s) 187

>>3093270 ———-----------------------------——– Q&A

>>3093117 ———-----------------------------——– PANIC IN UK, DC, UK, DC

>>3093024 ———-----------------------------——– Castle lock

>>>/patriotsfight/266 —————–—————- Think of context ( Cap: >>3092071 )

>>>/patriotsfight/265 —————–—————- Got popcorn? ( Cap: >>3091915 )

>>>/patriotsfight/264 —————–—————- How about a nice game of chess? ( Cap: >>3091799 )

Tuesday 09.18.18

>>>/patriotsfight/263 —————–—————- Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein. ( Cap: >>3082716 )

>>>/patriotsfight/262 —————–—————- Truth to Power. Listen carefully. ( Cap: >>3079711, >>3079717 )

>>>/patriotsfight/261 —————–—————- WE SEE YOU. ( Cap: >>3078445 )

>>>/patriotsfight/260 —————–—————- GAME OVER. ( Cap: >>3078334 )

>>>/patriotsfight/259 —————–—————- DS PANIC IS REAL. ( Cap: >>3076552 )

Monday 09.17.18

Compiled here: >>3093355

Sunday 09.16.18

Compiled here: >>3065797

Saturday 09.15.18

Compiled here: >>3065785

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

Post last edited at

844156  No.3096209


are not endorsements


>>2954845, >>2955152 #DeclassifyFISA <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes

>>3054499 TMZ article/FEMA director backs POTUS statement that fewer died in PR than reports


>>3093821 Q to CodeMonkey: Pls divert more resources/bandwidth into board

>>3087072 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 (SPREAD IT)

>>3023169, >>3001747 BO/BV announces >>>/patriotsawoken/ as our SFW sister board

>>2993403, >>3079699 The OFFICIAL replacement for /r/greatawakening on VOAT (spread for the normies): https://voat.co/v/theawakening

>>2999802 Message from CM : New posting servers to help alleviate peak-time lag


(Notables collection suspended during Q&A)


(Notables collection suspended during Q&A)


(Notables collection suspended during Q&A)


(Notables collection suspended during Q&A)

Previously Collected Notables

>>3092936 #3913

>>3090643 #3910, >>3091410 #3911, >>3092198 #3912

>>3088304 #3907, >>3089080 #3908, >>3089872 #3909

>>3085991 #3904, >>3086738 #3905, >>3087511 #3906

>>3083603 #3901, >>3084424 #3902, >>3085186 #3903

>>3081251 #3898, >>3082043 #3899, >>3082805 #3900

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

Post last edited at

844156  No.3096252

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread —————- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 – META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 – QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 – New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 – Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>32223 –— Qs Chess Game

>>618758 –– Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>2518070 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #2

>>2399939 – Clockwork Qrange #3 & >>2021597 – Clockwork Qrange #2

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2878373 - Clockwork Qrange #4

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#47 >>>/comms/2450, >>3085316

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

844156  No.3096316

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.I.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!wrwxWYqZ!WfGoNq-17boQe67aLUN7EIPFqMr5hO6fq8F_SfwMCVc

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/387618488/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-I?secret_password=RqBLVofdGM5XUJfyYpNL

MEDIAFIRE: http://www.mediafire.com/file/hpm6xvwc5x0gi02/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.I.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

30 >>3038264 ; 29 >>2946736 ; 28 >>2732413 ; Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ———- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3032592

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

How To Bake: Video Tutorial >>3018667

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

102e1f  No.3096362

top kek

844156  No.3096364



34f5ee  No.3096365

File: 5d4f33e7ff909e2⋯.png (1013.08 KB, 962x805, 962:805, hpning.png)

File: fcc84ddb4349d26⋯.jpg (2.71 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, outyougo.jpg)

File: e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png)

Jesus Christ, may Your Will be done

May The Storm cleanse the land of that vile corruption

The evil of which the normie consciousness

Is scarcely prepared to countenance.

Guide is to wisdom Lord, and watch over us

In all we do.


762dfe  No.3096366

File: caceeede3f009ba⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, rememberthisday.png)

File: 4dc892d393eacc4⋯.png (3.76 MB, 1553x1000, 1553:1000, world_change.PNG)

File: 4e052664dd3a3de⋯.png (620.63 KB, 596x447, 4:3, complete.PNG)

File: 4b82887c601eb39⋯.png (732.16 KB, 677x448, 677:448, constitution.PNG)

File: 4f801317e45b6ea⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1138x988, 569:494, notalone.PNG)

2144cc  No.3096367


Nobody can be free until the government is out of kids' education. I can't believe I have point out something so obvious.

0da5be  No.3096368

Did anyone notice that Qmap was down for maintenance just before the Q&A?

6a30d0  No.3096369

File: eeff546c6e9a0d6⋯.png (631.77 KB, 2170x2234, 1085:1117, Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at ….png)

File: 014b080fb319297⋯.png (906.94 KB, 1828x2516, 457:629, Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at ….png)

File: 037bf575c2d2967⋯.png (333.22 KB, 1132x1056, 283:264, Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at ….png)

File: abdad99f1f544e8⋯.png (368.4 KB, 1142x1146, 571:573, Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at ….png)


You've given us the Answer to who/what is out there and if they are friend or foe.

You also asked us "How far is the closest star?"

How can we know that unless someone tells us the truth?

614816  No.3096370




Have we already colonized other planets? Is it true that there is a breakaway civilization? Will anti-gravity and zero point energy ever be released to the public?

3dfe1c  No.3096371

Devin Nunes on Hannity now.

84d85a  No.3096372


1beee8  No.3096373

the world IS watching holy shit

8bce5c  No.3096374

Since we will now have a Space Force at the Pentagon, well have to make a new wing, will we not? Should but a raised section above the middle pentagon common area for the Space force.

ab0a22  No.3096375

File: b4ff4bfbc3f5fdb⋯.png (42.87 KB, 308x345, 308:345, ClipboardImage.png)



looks like you saw my post last bread BO, good shit

thanks BO (pic related)

hope normalcy comes back soon

c633ca  No.3096376

Will media collusion be punished in all of this?

c11252  No.3096377

File: b43dd142be17a42⋯.png (1.5 MB, 919x931, 919:931, ALurk.png)


Now let's see if Q comes back……

c62173  No.3096379


We would like to meet you. Hookups are best. Our men have puny peepees.

- Earth Girls

2b9f3a  No.3096380

File: 6619e35ca0002bf⋯.png (418.42 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180919-212706.png)

File: 519d407455dc164⋯.png (311.3 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180919-212252.png)

File: 8af6359e1040e44⋯.png (205.88 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180919-212737.png)

File: 68103ac673b3821⋯.png (145.82 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180919-213507.png)


507a20  No.3096382

File: 5910db93691b273⋯.jpg (11.1 KB, 350x494, 175:247, download.jpg)

File: 0bf20c18ea76268⋯.jpg (18.29 KB, 384x384, 1:1, download (1).jpg)

File: 9455f88d6606eb0⋯.jpg (103.32 KB, 1200x799, 1200:799, download (4).jpg)

R.I.P. Liuteneant Colonel Royston Edward Potter


He was a patriot of the highest caliber.

3d3daa  No.3096383

And just like that. When the truly unstable people didn't have their extreme beliefs confirmed, they continued in disbelief unable to change at all.

And these are the people that consider themselves "awake". Can you imagine if the entire truth of what has actually been going on was spilled? If it doesn't suit the individuals narrative they don't want to know apparently?

a9640a  No.3096384

Given the lack of scalability of the board to handle this kind of traffic, consider tiered boards modeled on the English football system: premier league for highest ranking anons, champions league for 2nd tier anons, and so on— and everyday based on activity/quality, certain anons are demoted/promoted. Spitballing.

d78f78  No.3096385

Will White people ever have a homeland anywhere in the world?

34f5ee  No.3096386

File: 2b5f0d9595b8d9c⋯.png (309.56 KB, 1001x976, 1001:976, KITTY.png)

File: 6ce951fef74b2a1⋯.jpg (1.72 MB, 940x6768, 5:36, fakies.jpg)

File: 12840829953b475⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ghoulzofpower.png)

9add40  No.3096387

▶Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/19/18 (Wed) 18:39:44 87bb67 (1) No.3093024 LAST BREAD!

Castle LOCK.


A bold proclamation, Q-Team.

5046a0  No.3096388

File: 2396e6c878fc655⋯.png (17.5 KB, 722x118, 361:59, ag_redact.PNG)

This headline is contradicting itself, I dont get it. Maybe fake news just cant think clear anymore.

9ec9b7  No.3096389


Is the recently dropped report on fukushima 100 correct?

I knew it was bs ON DAY ONE.

Will BN be exposed for what he has done??

Will the Israeli people know the truth about BN?

8af658  No.3096391


Since we’re on the topic of cosmic brethren. David Wilcock, Michael Salla, Sather how much truth to disinfo are they putting out.

13ce80  No.3096392


Q, can you provide us with a small list of educational resources from the past? Perhaps a list of books or podcasts where the authors were much closer to the mark than they were ever given credit for?

5ece58  No.3096393

Q is Vince McMahon a patriot?

f9b4e6  No.3096394


Aliens = fallen angels/demonic spirits/giants?

89adb3  No.3096395






e2b044  No.3096396

File: abed39cbe6f3e76⋯.jpg (925.41 KB, 3002x1501, 2:1, PATRIOTSPROTECTPATRIOTS.jpg)

f1e14b  No.3096397

File: 0def79ca34d53d6⋯.jpg (103.17 KB, 710x533, 710:533, HP - Copy.jpg)

bf550f  No.3096398


Q, what's the next step for Iran?

ccb1a0  No.3096399

File: abe64b1a68255d1⋯.png (13.48 KB, 712x103, 712:103, 6IMYfUK.png)

Did NSA work with JA to stop the release of his DMS?

Spiked mempool to prevent immutability?

To give time for Q and The Plan?


Total destruction vs 60/40 controlled demo?

081739  No.3096400

File: ba79b0ea8ac3340⋯.jpg (226.25 KB, 953x960, 953:960, JFK_11-11-63.jpg)



Will there be payback and will we see it?

eac9ca  No.3096401

Is there a plan for the Bush family?

34f5ee  No.3096402

File: 658210cceb898a7⋯.jpg (222.6 KB, 650x433, 650:433, storchedearth.jpg)

File: 50c033190396761⋯.jpg (58.92 KB, 546x378, 13:9, strorchjustice.jpg)

File: 3091c0b36f26dbc⋯.png (531.86 KB, 907x629, 907:629, JusticeHorowitz.png)

File: 48c9d90b4bb76f6⋯.png (663.25 KB, 1020x633, 340:211, BorkNot.png)

File: ddb44fb0c1afe6a⋯.jpg (615.87 KB, 775x999, 775:999, MAGALuther.jpg)

bb2131  No.3096403






Explain why theres no radiation damage on the film!

Explain how all the pictures were in focus in the first place!

Explain how a 4kb powered computer cpuld stream 256k video from the fucking moon!

Q if you just turn out to be just another banker trick i swear to Christ…

9fb5ce  No.3096404

>>3095756 (lb)

Prayer = focused consciousness = bending reality. There is no spoon.

0d56d4  No.3096405


do a deep dig on protons and that there are trillions of paired quarks in there zipping around and colliding and changing to gluons. Very like the atoms in the sun

9d0edf  No.3096406

I've always wondered why people equate non-human life forms as some denial of God. There's absolutely nothing in Jewish/Christian scripture that suggests humankind is the only sentient species created by God.

093db3  No.3096407

Q, Are we living on a Globe or Disc?

2f82de  No.3096408

File: b7344db1b910cbe⋯.jpg (54.24 KB, 800x450, 16:9, AliensQ.jpg)

ab0a22  No.3096409



c44169  No.3096410

File: b14feea924cb7b5⋯.jpg (35.78 KB, 1125x251, 1125:251, ScreenCap_007.jpg)


Well done BO, you're a hero !

417 UID's last bread.

3ac655  No.3096411

File: e7fbd7a25f352ce⋯.png (3.14 MB, 2100x1275, 28:17, TBIB.png)

6e0877  No.3096412

File: 5c8aa83cf192ab2⋯.jpg (61.84 KB, 650x365, 130:73, test.jpg)

d2509d  No.3096413


How best to check load capacity of site:

1. Q&A

2. Aliens are real

3. Watch what happens.

4. Track IP's

5. Now see what infrastructure is needed to handle load.

Disinfo is necessary!


God Wins

f850de  No.3096414

Q & A = Over — Boy that was just brutal!!!!

f9b4e6  No.3096415


Is Michelle Obama a dude?

920c0d  No.3096416

File: 62e7efd10462376⋯.jpg (156.71 KB, 1200x960, 5:4, 62e7efd10462376b17163c7075….jpg)


RR senate conf vote 94-6.

The senators voting against Rosenstein’s confirmation Tuesday were all Democrats: Cory Booker (N.J.), Kirsten Gillibrand (N.Y.), Kamala D. Harris (Calif.), Catherine Cortez Masto (Nev.), Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) and Richard Blumenthal (Conn.).

What does it mean?

e36e1b  No.3096417


Does The Plan include an opportunity for us all to understand what we really are and why we are on earth?

2144cc  No.3096418


When will you and POTUS get the government out of education? It is self-evident that such a system is anathema to a free country.

f5e740  No.3096419




Mutiny by Federal Govt.

noon gmt 9-19-2018>>3095969

f21428  No.3096420

File: b1165133c9aad00⋯.jpg (448.58 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, IMG_670.jpg)


522631  No.3096421

nuke/emp strike averted in Seattle - November 2017?

a9640a  No.3096423


It should read will deliver redacted docs to President to make sense

6e2b9c  No.3096424


What caused him to pass away?

0265e1  No.3096425

This has never felt more like a conspiracy board than it does lately.


8aff7d  No.3096426

File: 57823398d147fca⋯.png (198.58 KB, 617x397, 617:397, shillact.png)

File: 376ab9b8911a0c0⋯.jpg (63.57 KB, 715x468, 55:36, shillfaggots.jpg)

File: 3ae037cc5aa93db⋯.jpg (106.72 KB, 480x540, 8:9, shillsarefucked3.jpg)


Fuck off weak jew. Q is doing God's work and you are going to get RAPED by us.

eac9ca  No.3096428

Was Bitcoin created by the NSA?

810122  No.3096429

File: b4bc0865f8a8f03⋯.png (216.29 KB, 479x560, 479:560, 16e5d4b1-d878-49d5-be1b-7f….png)

File: 0495f2151c63e97⋯.png (590.38 KB, 496x560, 31:35, 76066b8e-73fb-44ad-823a-87….png)

Thanks BO, its been wild

f5caae  No.3096430


If N is not New or Nazi,

What is NWO?

2199b1  No.3096431


i will believe anything

if you show me proof

unless Q goes full david wilcox

then this is the great deception

0e3eab  No.3096433

Q, is Supreme Leader Snoke really Darth Plagueis?

4c170f  No.3096434

Will local transportation authorities that are run by county governments be cleaned up?

787cc0  No.3096435

Those already calling Q out after having seen him state

a) Pentagon strike was a plane (yes - not a direct in depth answer, but clear enough, although I have my own questions as well)

b) outcry against moonlanding/shape of the earth, etc…

5-10% are lost forever - nowhere did Q state/clarify/confirm that all of that 5-10% are lefties/dems/normies/(((them)))

some of that 5-10% will be our fellow anons/truthers. Some people refuse to acknowledge the truth no matter the evidence and facts presented and no matter the presenter.

Food for thought.

b4fe46  No.3096436

>>3094236 (pb)

Highest classification = Almighty God

34f5ee  No.3096437

File: 023b653f2b1d73c⋯.gif (7.45 MB, 354x370, 177:185, kisspleasebiden.gif)

File: ca53bade3adef7f⋯.png (757.74 KB, 1111x695, 1111:695, letmego3.png)

File: 5934c94362d1f9b⋯.jpg (443.54 KB, 1111x682, 101:62, biden1.jpg)

File: d2509561dccd03e⋯.png (241.91 KB, 409x465, 409:465, BIDEN.png)

File: 479e51ac479f14d⋯.png (171.45 KB, 480x272, 30:17, bidenintouch.png)

BIDEN 2020

Push it guys. We need to get him into the public eye where he belongs!

6b82c2  No.3096438

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hannity Live Huge Announcement

b0f0ee  No.3096439

Once FB, twat, Goog and others ban QAnons… this is where everyone will come for informations. Over 410,000 IPs, If Q&A is a test, and failed, what will happen when they all come.

1232db  No.3096440


His responses on this topic do seem contradictory.

8932cd  No.3096441

File: 93eb0f7df6f2692⋯.png (168.17 KB, 1395x687, 465:229, cam.PNG)


Is this Hussein's couch friend?

Cyrus Amir-Mokri

14975e  No.3096442

File: c06b8058154293c⋯.png (27.9 KB, 1270x191, 1270:191, qqnaeducationqyuestion.PNG)

578a35  No.3096443

File: 404e75aae3c90ee⋯.png (81.38 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, C2AAE066-80E5-44BE-82EC-CB….png)

File: 5eb3e0fff51588e⋯.jpeg (460.99 KB, 640x823, 640:823, 8AA837B4-08C9-42AC-9467-F….jpeg)

File: b0c6d175b50be30⋯.jpeg (266.36 KB, 400x454, 200:227, C5913F0E-381D-44ED-803D-A….jpeg)

88aeac  No.3096444

test post attempt 77

cd8e41  No.3096446


‘Rules for thee, not for me’ Democrats pick & choose sex assault abusers to believe

959a5c  No.3096447


I missed the Q&Q and thought I would throw this out here. I know You won't probably see it but it means a lot to our world.

What is the truth about the geo-engineering that is going on?

Who controls it? What is it and What will it do to us, our land, our food, the rest of all living beings?

dcc5d8  No.3096448

File: ce7fd9a26c999e8⋯.jpg (8.5 KB, 157x180, 157:180, kool.jpg)

MSM Says,

Drink it up Buttercup.

5614b8  No.3096449

so POTUS makes a direct order and cabinet members basically just say "No" and they don't get in shit. Interesting. So you now basically have a ton of active Presidents all presiding at once? How does this all work? Does any other country on Earth work this way?

042218  No.3096450

>>3096051 (pb)

>>3095976 (pb)

Of course we would ask about ETs. Any viable path forward must be based on the TRUTH.

A small subset of mankind has access to existential information upon which the good guys build meaningful lives and the bad guys feather their nests. Meanwhile we're stuck working on a bunch of obsolete, meaningless bullshit while footing the bill for advanced technology that we don't get to use or build.

It looks like we need to appeal to a higher authority to end the deception and manipulation.

507a20  No.3096451




ab0a22  No.3096452


gtfo kike

FEtards btfo

b2dc76  No.3096453

File: 2c3201b7aa11526⋯.jpeg (19.14 KB, 207x243, 23:27, PeacePepe.jpeg)



3190dc  No.3096454

Q really drew out ASHTAR COMMAND as a shill. Didn't they?

9928e9  No.3096455

Ques: Where does Nunes broadcast from? What's with the tractors?

c6e82c  No.3096456

File: bf35ecd0563ced0⋯.png (474.68 KB, 927x454, 927:454, 5i's.png)

28e718  No.3096457


This is true.

12b0c6  No.3096458

File: c5799865242aea0⋯.jpeg (8.13 KB, 255x183, 85:61, ab632c1c5337f6e2fe42d2571….jpeg)


4259d8  No.3096459

Q, who is the best public source for information on extraterrestrials?

a2b1d4  No.3096460

Welcome to the Internet’s newest UFO chat room!

c31ced  No.3096461

Why is Q purposely discrediting himself?

He should know better by now that confirming official positions re 9/11, space, etc to a crowd like this is insane.

09a617  No.3096462

What the fuck is going on

d2509d  No.3096463


Please give an indication when diggers can get back to posting


28ccd7  No.3096464


How did they get through the Ionsphere?

Where did all the heat go?

How do you steer the rocket using propellant in a vacuum?

Q fucked up on this one.

8da0c9  No.3096465

File: 9ac513f7ebb2f06⋯.jpg (33.64 KB, 342x400, 171:200, 2eojg4m.jpg)

thanks Q

741acf  No.3096466

Nunes on Hannity

People saying the docs should not be released are involved or covering for the agencies involved

f81ed7  No.3096467

bb056d  No.3096468

Hi Q

Is Q&A to test capacity?

34f5ee  No.3096470

File: dda56c8539f31ef⋯.png (312.36 KB, 1001x976, 1001:976, kittensandpuppies.png)

0d56d4  No.3096471



4c170f  No.3096472


I agree, anon

c591cc  No.3096473

Q, it appears that the challenger didn't really blow up with the people on it. All but one 'appear' to have been found & working. This info. doesn't give me confidence in much I hear from NASA. WHat would your explanation be? THank you for all you & your team are doing!! You are all bathed in prayer!

f485f5  No.3096474

Anons Q&A questions need to be very specific.

If a question is a partial Yes or No we get a straight answer of Yes or No -

Q Uses Logic

87b560  No.3096475

Q, Is there a connection to "aliens" and the obvious very advanced culture in the distant past on earth?

Also do the cabal have the ancient books/relics/tech that were left all over the world at ancient sites?

i.e. Osirus/Gilgamesh bodies and tombs

bda26e  No.3096476


kek, and the autism finally shines through the storm clouds?

4e7697  No.3096478

File: 5dc9ef31afb111a⋯.gif (1.52 MB, 284x405, 284:405, tumblr_o90nk5uQZx1r9jswyo1….gif)

Thanks to the BO. Bewb gif for you.

adc40c  No.3096479

>>3096413 System Test (explained)

NOTABLE and very well written

5046a0  No.3096480


Moon landings are real, said nothing about the videos.

637cfa  No.3096481


this doesnt mean aliens are not real you goofy fuck

093db3  No.3096482


Yes, this Q!

959a5c  No.3096483


and of course I meant Q&A

89a175  No.3096484

Q are the trumpets and booms related to our

"Programs exist that are outside of public domain."?

e97404  No.3096485

Q, please, does (NWO) N=Noble or Nuclear? Does P=Ptah? Thank you!

dad79f  No.3096486

File: f67eb9816b03224⋯.png (432.86 KB, 480x720, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)




Over the past few decades, you have watched your lives held seemingly in limbo, as those who work for the Light sought how best to restore the right and natural order of this realm. A plan exists to restore the old ways of Lemuria and make rubble of the tyranny employed by the cabal that has kept you enslaved for millennia. It is to merge all of you into the greater community of Love, Light and mutual caring! It is destined to bring you closer to understanding the glorious realm of your desire, to helping others and to attaining the joy of inner achievements. To that end, you are to expand in consciousness and grow in grace. Hosanna in the highest!!!

Today, we brought you another message about what is developing on your world. You are on the verge of things that, on one level, are deeply longed for but that, on another, will be truly shocking to many. Rejoice in the knowledge that the grand plan of Heaven is unfolding around you! Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

31f651  No.3096488


Yes… Q has said things like this before. You are correct.

9f52bc  No.3096489

Q, what's the real reason you wanted us all here tonight? That was a quick QA session. Something big is coming?

13e1fb  No.3096490


How long will the martial law last?

507a20  No.3096491



ceae8d  No.3096492


Humans ARE the aliens.

88aeac  No.3096493

can't believe I can post again

51d8a5  No.3096494

File: 8c71d20478945da⋯.jpg (30.79 KB, 361x480, 361:480, Micheal Obama rough day.jpg)

File: e645182bcd24d2e⋯.jpg (346.58 KB, 2400x3000, 4:5, BHO_Michael_obama-family-i….jpg)


You still on the fence anon?

11cada  No.3096495

Q & A was traffic test. Why do you think Q answered the Alien & Moon Landing questions the way he did? What better way to generate maximum traffic in shortest possible time span?

0da5be  No.3096496

Twas the night before the postponed Public Alert…

47824a  No.3096497

Q, are there american citizens who are classified as "aliens"?

2199b1  No.3096498

Q never said the word aliens


he did mention space tho

9ef07c  No.3096499

File: 3d4fe2f773d333b⋯.jpg (2.15 MB, 4032x2528, 126:79, 56828144bcd4a518fccd6176f9….jpg)

File: 0836881166c6f0a⋯.png (209.56 KB, 961x328, 961:328, 0836881166c6f0a350711c3ad3….png)

File: d098560b6ef72f6⋯.jpg (2.3 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, 2ccd219ff4e9a2fef0999c352d….jpg)

File: 88b9847f0789059⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 2208x3928, 276:491, 14ce8276dece402a4b034486bc….jpg)

Anons who weren't here earlier missed a good show:

Anon1 posts Emmy

Anon2 reposts next bread with "Who's following who?"

Anon3 demands proof

Anon1 delivers in spectacular fashion.

8bfd9d  No.3096500

We aren't alone, but space is vast; the Abyss?

09c216  No.3096501

File: 708cb2369ef0465⋯.jpg (318.92 KB, 1800x1200, 3:2, bakery-fire.jpg)

File: 93288f6c43bf1f7⋯.jpg (34.37 KB, 729x299, 729:299, trumppost-0views.JPG)


it was fun tho thanks Q.

did anyone see the pic had 0 views?

efb477  No.3096502


Thank you BO for finally getting a grip on this. Hope Q comes back now. Good lesson learned for future reference

a1865d  No.3096503


Yes. During for me.

39064e  No.3096504


That’s a good question. I’d also like to know the agenda of Podesta/Delonge/TTSA

d5f39c  No.3096505

Q, spiritual ramifications of aliens?

You've quoted scripture in the past and make reference to God often.

Is our faith in vain? Do aliens revere deity?

7501f8  No.3096506

@British_Fight and @TPRParty have both disappeared from Twatter

bda26e  No.3096507



fe45e1  No.3096508


Maybe not. Session recused and can't release it. Gives it to POTUS who can release it unredacted. By pass RR altogether.

ebb123  No.3096509

File: 20c71be044b01e2⋯.jpg (356.39 KB, 1000x1214, 500:607, 36355107.jpg)

2144cc  No.3096510


Please understand that socialists (before they were called socialists) conquered us when they brought the public schools from Prussia in 1850. We must eradicate all government influence on our children's education.

58d348  No.3096511


4096b9  No.3096512

File: 8b4ef33281b1b1e⋯.jpg (193.55 KB, 1070x718, 535:359, hemayhavetoson.JPG)

Ain't no maybe..

37d1b8  No.3096513

File: bc9a06752512675⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 239x320, 239:320, popcorn.gif)


pretty much yep

a2b1d4  No.3096515


Are you really going to keep trying to sell this bullshit? LOL

Enjoy the (((u)))


09a617  No.3096516


God is real. What do you think?

d14cc6  No.3096517

Q just turned this place into the biggest black hat honeypot ever known with:


>Tracking 330,000

>412,000 now.

They even got 82,000 bonus IPs with the shill 2nd wave. Q knows who has been naughty or nice.

5614b8  No.3096518


He also said he doesn't understand why nothing has been released yet.

b299e9  No.3096519


It means he is corrupt. The negative votes were just for shoe. All the worst scum.

e13ddc  No.3096520


Their viewers nearly doubled since 2 days ago. 111k peak that I saw. Around 106k now.

70b48c  No.3096521


Are the Nazis still under Antarctica or are they further in?

f9b4e6  No.3096522


Did you know Trump was chosen by God as a vessel?

Born 700 days before Israel was a nation again.

Was 70 years old, 7 months old, and 7 days old on the first day of presidency.

Won by a difference of 77 electoral votes.

All facts and can be easily verified.

6ec9d2  No.3096523



ce9ab8  No.3096524


ewwwwwwwwwww red hot red hot oohhhh too the top you are red hot

2c7d81  No.3096525



7b18d0  No.3096526


"PLAYBOOK" used in Hannity's opening statements

3ac655  No.3096527


We See You.

31f651  No.3096528

>>3096159 lb

>>3096242 lb

>>3096271 lb

Sessions acts like he can't release, brings unredacted copy to POTUS' desk to show him why, POTUS sees fuckery "for first time"… SHOCKED he is, JUST SHOCKED at the fuckery… used Obama's EO to release it since the classification is to hide crimes and Obama's EO says that don't fly.

eac9ca  No.3096529

Is there a plan for the people at the very top of the food chain? Will the Rothschilds go down as part of all of this?

90ebe6  No.3096530

File: c0b32b796d92f02⋯.gif (695.32 KB, 239x180, 239:180, 1412115156658-2.gif)

Thank you baker(s), BO.

That must have been brutal!

GIF bewbs for you.

c11252  No.3096531

File: 1249a7f12c1245a⋯.jpg (15.6 KB, 255x211, 255:211, A Q Eyes.jpg)


I think it would have gone better had we not had 3 breads baked. BO was Ebaking like a mad man for a while. Wonder who made the others?

198f5e  No.3096532

File: ae4211b79b5670f⋯.jpg (199.69 KB, 1088x729, 1088:729, ae8eb99a99c9df01503a8fd626….jpg)

3d3daa  No.3096533


I agree anon. But a lot of what the unstable people are believing already are things they have no proof of, they are seeking proofs. Expecting to get that confirmation from someone like Q. When they don't hear what they want to they automatically denounce it as false information and continue on their quest to justify something they've come up with without PROOF.

91b094  No.3096534


he didn't say apollo

he didn't even say people landed on the moon…

relax. theres a reason for everything, dipshit.

9928e9  No.3096535

Time to dig on #2210

f81ed7  No.3096536


All anons are equal by some are more equal than others.

79b3f1  No.3096537


>Explain how a 4kb powered computer cpuld stream 256k video from the fucking moon!

You're a obviously a moron who doesn't understand how radio works.

4263c5  No.3096538

Is Voat (v/pizzagate) and its citizen investigative work being watched by the Patriots/White Hats?

When its time to take down Hollywood pedophile rings (Spielberg, Schneider, etc), will citizen investigators looking into these cases be contacted to see if they want to take part in the arrests? If so, I’m ready and willing in regards to the O’Rourke and Barsi cases.

f21428  No.3096539

File: 6a5433690d372f0⋯.jpg (609.53 KB, 900x1600, 9:16, IMG_690.jpg)

bb6b25  No.3096540

File: 86d2a29b51197d7⋯.png (172.26 KB, 500x361, 500:361, ClipboardImage.png)

Q has left the board. he is currently being yelled at by POTUS, Maddog, and Kelly for disclosing the existence of aliums. he'll be back when he's done his timeout.

but just in case, Q. Is there a new ETA for Seth Rich justice? JA in the news recently.

8aff7d  No.3096541


>Highest classification = Almighty God

Q fella does love quoting from the Christian bible and from Christ.

We are not alone. Salvation and Hope/Love/Faith is REAL.

b50dd2  No.3096542


TY BO Baker.. No Homo, Luv you.

f789ca  No.3096543

File: 6c8b114a8904eb8⋯.jpg (47.16 KB, 922x519, 922:519, 6c8b114a8904eb83958f30acf2….jpg)


Sorta feels that way to me as well. But aliens may be real. We're aliens to all the other aliens.

25758b  No.3096544


Q, you are stating as a fact that a Boeing 757-223 aircraft hit the Pentagon on 9/11/2001?

604342  No.3096546

Should we be worried about 2020 election?

Is the Fed Reserve in the crosshairs?

Will we see hilldog be charged or will she take easy way out?

Thanks for everything!

63db3b  No.3096547


Great point!

23321e  No.3096548

File: 4efac98310fbcaa⋯.jpg (35.61 KB, 537x290, 537:290, complying.JPG)



FFS anons (redditfugees), DO SOME DIGGING ON SHIT, don't just scream about it. This is a freakin' research board.


de708e  No.3096549


he never said not demons dumbass.. the gods came from the heavens.. as did satan

47433e  No.3096550


Is Nibiru really near our sun?

a76872  No.3096552


re_read that post. did it NOT say disinfo is necessary?

8da0c9  No.3096553

File: ebcc3c891502b7f⋯.jpg (11.09 KB, 400x200, 2:1, graduated-gradient-rainbow….jpg)

love the playbook Q

4c5eac  No.3096554

File: 36f1d1f288813f4⋯.jpg (50.26 KB, 665x835, 133:167, Pepe_Gary.jpg)


If you are still here,

Thank you. I have been with you since first drop, and its been a wild ride. Thank you for all you guys are doing. I know you are all in harms way. May God bless all of you for helping us get rid of the vermin in DC and around the world. May God bless POTUS and his family.

637cfa  No.3096555


also "are" not "were" meaning present tense

also yea the footage is fake does not mean we didnt land on the moon

88aeac  No.3096556

File: 59bebc598b4fa29⋯.png (776.49 KB, 845x701, 845:701, Baker Girl 01.png)

0dfd20  No.3096557


it was 3 seperate IDs that had pics.

dad79f  No.3096558



ce9ab8  No.3096559


momma momma we all crazy now>>3096499

9f52bc  No.3096560

Q, is SB2 a patriot?

762dfe  No.3096561

File: d666ca2c6ca0b5f⋯.jpg (238.95 KB, 1138x988, 569:494, notalone.jpg)



6e0877  No.3096563



didn't know my sauce frog meme was gonna be shoved at Q!

2199b1  No.3096564

god damn it i got baited again

d2509d  No.3096565


You need to learn to read, I didn't say that.

042218  No.3096566


You can't solve a problem with the same thinking that created it.

Question everything you know…we have been taught incorrect information to keep us in the dark.

51d8a5  No.3096567


This anon gets it.

I wouldn't be surprised if Q later told us that we have to disregard the answers from the Q&A

5a86f3  No.3096568

File: 91775d0fc8feb7a⋯.jpg (33.05 KB, 500x316, 125:79, 2i4xih~2.jpg)

File: 8497a2233579f5e⋯.jpg (55.72 KB, 500x586, 250:293, 2i7cta~2.jpg)

File: 33bfe18e0b2a85b⋯.jpg (58.91 KB, 480x479, 480:479, 2iajso~2.jpg)

547541  No.3096569


But if you ask him I’d God, he will show you the truth.

There is nothing hidden that will not be uncovered…

Ask and it will be given, seek and you will find.

c4f72a  No.3096570


go back and check the I.Ds

There were 2 different anons posting emmy pics.

1 with the phone on toilet

and a different one that put it in the toilet.

Check i.d.s

They are your friend.

e5ac55  No.3096571

POTUS will be on Hannity tomorrow at 9pm EST

2f6e2c  No.3096572

>>3095541 (LB)


>- We are not alone in the Universe and we have never been

>- There are many types of beings out there, human/non human, good/bad…

>- Earth was originally a human colony - Humans are everywhere in the Universe

>- Most extraterrestrials are good guys because the bad ones usually destroy themselves

>- Good guys form a Confederation/Federation with COSMIC UNIVERSAL LOVE as its bread and butter

>- The most prominent good aliens are humans from the Pleiades cluster with whom we share an ancestry

>- The most prominent bad aliens are greys and dracos that are slave masters to this world and support the Cabal

>- Since you are actually reading this because Q has confirmed this, this means the good guys are WINNING BIGLY and the TRUTH is coming to LIGHT



987f0c  No.3096573


Then get off your ass and take over the school districts. Run for the school board, take it over and then kick the teacher's union out, get rid of tenure and extraneous admin flunkies. Then change the curriculum.

49ec5e  No.3096574

ZERO chance a plane hit the Pentagon

ZERO chance the Apollo moon landings were real

I don't care what ANYONE says

THINK anons!

Dis-info is necessary!

Do you really think Q is going to tell us the

truth when the media is reading this board??

28ccd7  No.3096575


Enjoy your blissful ignorance.

c1b47f  No.3096576


Does "Watch CA" mean CA could go red?

2d0863  No.3096577

Q - Will you post video of No Name's execution?

Will we get 9-11 Truth, Arrests of Perpetrators, prosecutions of Bush & Cheney?

f45a72  No.3096578


What exactly is in Antarctica that draws the elites to visit there ?

Thank you, love you and love potus

1fcb4b  No.3096579



09a617  No.3096580

Bring back 400 UIDS or else

a2a7b1  No.3096582


How many of your answers so far contain disinformation?

0d56d4  No.3096583


That there may be life out in universe other than us does not negate a divine creator. Why would be so egocentric to think we were a divine creators only creation?

ac6563  No.3096584


It's sarcasm…….enjoy the show.

a2b1d4  No.3096585


She looks like she is pissed off and ready to kill!

Yeah, she’s fine too.

Love those square heads

c31ced  No.3096586

"disinformation is necessary" should NOT apply to Q&A.

Don't answer the question if it's going to be disinfo.

2873de  No.3096587



7501f8  No.3096588




9117b0  No.3096589


Right after eight more commercials for things you don't need. No thanks.

bde8e9  No.3096591


Thanks BO, you are Awesome!!!

e90a76  No.3096592

File: 4a308a556e99cd7⋯.jpg (46.61 KB, 530x650, 53:65, 34133875_178962906148681_8….jpg)

fb2ca6  No.3096593

File: fb66d59e3f898ba⋯.jpg (82.39 KB, 1300x1300, 1:1, 28001959-idea-light-bulb.jpg)

Just wondering what it is the battle plan? We meme them to death?? I think the Baker should be directing the Anons were to attack. Whenever there is breaking news we station our troops at CNN, NBC, MSNBC, BBC, ect. Plus other personal accounts. But we attack in force instead of at random. That way we can get all our memes to the top like and retweet everyone's stuff. We'd constantly be at the top. But as I suggested the Baker should direct the line of attack in the bread. The hashtag to attack etc. That way the lurker can attack as well. What say you all?

9dada6  No.3096594

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jam 4 Bread

This goes out to all of our xtra terrestrial friends with us

0da5be  No.3096595



e868ad  No.3096596

File: 091742a385917e2⋯.jpg (208.41 KB, 1258x799, 74:47, REMEMBER REMEMBER HORI GUY….jpg)

File: 7cf55505128dd80⋯.jpg (192.99 KB, 893x1600, 893:1600, SPYGATE TREASON 80.jpg)


Did the deep state attempt EMP DOOM when the national solar observatory as well as others around the world went offline/fbi raid et al.?

Did the National Bio Defense signing have anything to do with the next card that the deep state is going to play? Ebola planes/bio chaos?


093db3  No.3096597

Q, you use biblical verses at times. Are any Bible verses or books in the bible fake?

34f5ee  No.3096598

File: 1a5bc372df519e0⋯.png (255.83 KB, 640x360, 16:9, NUSCHJUS.png)

2199b1  No.3096599



i get panic attacks when people bring up the galatic federation of light shit

i think someone mkultrad me

9ec9b7  No.3096600

File: a565ecbabf4fc82⋯.jpg (17.88 KB, 219x255, 73:85, 5X5 JK.jpg)


Cacthing up…. TY BOSS

40acf9  No.3096602


Is the US GOVT in possession of alien spacecraft?

Do we currently have he ability to quickly travel to distant worlds?

Can we currently control gravity? Do we have anti-grav technology?

Were we externally evolved with genetic additions by aliens? Were we visited by aliens in the distant past?

9a2102  No.3096603

Hi Q,

There are so many incredible parallels between your posts and IRL, aside from the news.

Is this just confirmation bias, the result of data aggregation and processing, does information just tend to cluster au naturel or some combination of the above?

I have to know. Is the Universe made of memes?

f6644c  No.3096604


no Q posts in locked bread #3919: Q&A 5 Edition

just in case a check is/was needed

f850de  No.3096605

Q & A = Over — Boy that was just brutal!!!!

578a35  No.3096606

8369ba  No.3096607

I don't think this is Q… This is likely another hack that managed to take Q's password (again) and they are pushing things into the more absurd like confirming aliens not as a code for abused/experimented on people are instead actual creatures from another world…. nah, I don't buy it.

please link to this post when you get back Q to confirm this.

88aeac  No.3096608

File: 3a37c2b87b690ac⋯.gif (3.37 MB, 540x900, 3:5, Kate-Upton-Naked.gif)

822177  No.3096609


It couldn't be 100% silly.

5a2e5c  No.3096610

Trump on Hannity tomorrow night

a9640a  No.3096611

a76872  No.3096612


this was right before the CASTLE LOCK post that shifted the current.

Makes for 2 unforgettable events back to back.

b404f3  No.3096613

File: e64b5c6e922013f⋯.jpg (117.02 KB, 640x473, 640:473, 2hnjvx.jpg)

Q…you're a commander. Somebody's ass needs to be bolt upright at your desk for this board tonight.

This is a critical piece of infrastructure in one of the most important operations in human history and is was a total CLUSTERFUCK over a simple Q&A session.

Q+ needs to utter his famous catch phrase and tell some poor planner "You're fired". This is the second time this week that a simple bump in traffic has cause F-Troop Syndrome behind the scenes.

I know you got this…just needed to share from the trenches it'd be nice to have some confidence in our gear. Otherwise, squared away..kek

637cfa  No.3096614


not disinfo is info…? you re-read it lmao

11cada  No.3096615

Q & A was traffic test. Why do you think Q answered the Alien & Moon Landing questions the way he did? What better way to generate maximum traffic in shortest possible time span?

6087d6  No.3096616


Apollo real… bahwhwaaaa that is so fucking KEK. this whole Q & A been a JOKE

741acf  No.3096617

Hannity to be at Vegas rally tomorrow

POTUS will speak with him

Judge Jeanine / Sara / Greg Jarrett / to also be there

c6e82c  No.3096618


Thank you for clarifying.

If Q answers yes then I'll see you goyz at a FEMA camp cuz we've been had.

b4eac8  No.3096619

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

920c0d  No.3096621


I get RR is corrupt, but what's the significance of the conf vote?

9ef07c  No.3096622


I was the one who reposted the emmy and asked who's following who, so count out one ID.

6b82c2  No.3096623

Hannity's Huge Announcment…."Im In Vegas W/Potus Tomorrow"… uhhhh ok….man tv is tv…no matter who it is…sell yer next show….

ce9ab8  No.3096624


yes, no f way a 747 hit the gon… this has to remain hid for now.

37d1b8  No.3096625

thanks BO, you're kicking ass

3b1de5  No.3096626



5133d7  No.3096627

File: 2c8e493d99e9f63⋯.png (610.58 KB, 904x1024, 113:128, scrabble.png)


Consider the vastness of space.

af42e9  No.3096628

Q, what do you mean we are not alone in the universe? Intelligent life? Give us some crumbs to go on! This board is going wild!

aaa83b  No.3096629

Hannity Big Announcement:


6e0877  No.3096630


already the board is spawning crazy muh alien shit and muh moon landing slides.

and then there is the retard red text namefag…

it's like a hydra…

6e2b9c  No.3096631




e71453  No.3096632

KANSAS interview coming up on Ingraham.

1bcd66  No.3096633


What a creep!

He needs to get locked away!

dad79f  No.3096634

File: 550c64a18c575d7⋯.png (157.85 KB, 474x355, 474:355, ClipboardImage.png)




Selamat Ja! Many wonderful developments continue to unfold! The dark cabal remains as arrogant and uncompromising as ever. They are befuddled by your rapid upsurge in consciousness and the awakening of the general public. The Light quotient in your solar system is rising exponentially in ways they had not predicted or even thought possible. Their hold on society weakens every day as more people become aware of their unconscionable schemes. Long ago, the dark cabal lost the ability to fathom their forfeiture of power in controlling the narrative mindlessly adhered to by the masses. The cabal continues to believe, erroneously, that they will rise again, like the phoenix, from the ashes of their demise.

You exist in an expanding consciousness that wields its greater inherent flexibility to defeat the dark cabal and its arrogant and stubborn obstinacy. Our many allies have spent centuries quietly maneuvering themselves into the most advantageous positions of power around your world. For decades, they have been covertly planning their strategies to free humanity from debt slavery and restore Gaia to become a planet that flourishes in peace and liberty. We continue to ask for your patience. These stratagems cannot be rushed. It is vital for you to remember that you are dismantling a power structure that has reigned for over 13 millennia.

Our liaisons have given the cabal a number of specific ultimatums. You are to witness that these scenarios are carried out, and that the dark is finally to fail, using many of their own laws against them. Arrests of the cabal's upper echelon will require special handling. They cannot be carried out by degrees, but must be done in one fell swoop. When that moment comes, be ready to assist your family, friends and community, for their world is likely to be turned upside down and topsy-turvy. Once the momentum of your new consciousness arrives, it will shift everything in its path.

60242c  No.3096635

Thread locked on other bread…


Can you tell us what you can about the Illuminati playing cards?

2f6e2c  No.3096636

>>3095541 (LB)


>- We are not alone in the Universe and we have never been

>- There are many types of beings out there, human/non human, good/bad…

>- Earth was originally a human colony - Humans are everywhere in the Universe

>- Most extraterrestrials are good guys because the bad ones usually destroy themselves

>- Good guys form a Confederation/Federation with COSMIC UNIVERSAL LOVE as its bread and butter

>- The most prominent good aliens are humans from the Pleiades cluster with whom we share an ancestry

>- The most prominent bad aliens are greys and dracos that are slave masters to this world and support the Cabal

>- Since you are actually reading this because Q has confirmed this, this means the good guys are WINNING BIGLY and the TRUTH is coming to LIGHT



63ef91  No.3096637


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 98088e No.3094236 📁

Sep 19 2018 19:25:34 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 5948d8 No.3093831 📁

Sep 19 2018 19:10:44 (EST)


Are we alone ?

Roswell ?



Highest classification.

Consider the vastness of space.


He was asked if we were alone?

He said No

Aliens were assumed, not implied.

Jude 1:14 And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,

15 To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.

0265e1  No.3096638


Jared stole his keyboard again.

40f61b  No.3096639

File: b8fd6022f2ed020⋯.jpg (42.53 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ritualmurder.jpg)

3ac655  No.3096640

File: 8b8ed28c3a5fd45⋯.png (2.4 MB, 2100x1275, 28:17, THANKS!.png)

968dca  No.3096641

If your still asking if aliens are real your about 10 steps behind, wake up, the truth IS out there, stop looking for validation from a group of people who constantly reiterate disinformation is necessary, the element of doubt will prevail.

f5e740  No.3096642

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Mutiny by Federal Govt.

noon gmt 9-19-2018

2199b1  No.3096643


this is the right question

with the amount of Q bible quoting i dont know if Q is referring to space aliens

might be to higher dimensional life


angels and demons

whatever the hell they are

1beee8  No.3096644

a better question would be: have we made contact with ETs?

920c0d  No.3096645


Brilliant it is.

53a9d1  No.3096646

Got a 502 says catalog offline

507a20  No.3096647

File: bd4473f2802d319⋯.jpg (10.83 KB, 300x200, 3:2, download (5).jpg)

File: 9455f88d6606eb0⋯.jpg (103.32 KB, 1200x799, 1200:799, download (4).jpg)

File: ea3ef092178b742⋯.jpg (13.88 KB, 218x267, 218:267, field_mcconnell2.jpg)

File: 38938eea5430d13⋯.jpg (181.19 KB, 1306x733, 1306:733, 0954836c-d861-4de1-ab29-28….jpg)

R.I.P. Field McConnell


He was a patriot of the highest caliber.

55f7f4  No.3096648

File: ae3023c7a875da9⋯.png (770.73 KB, 780x520, 3:2, AEA75538-03CA-4F13-B37D-D9….png)

f21428  No.3096649

File: d87142176773b70⋯.jpg (389.04 KB, 1069x998, 1069:998, IMG_710.jpg)

92cd9f  No.3096650


Q ^This needs to be answered^.

Also any confirmation of Corey Goode ? (SSP/Alliance insider) - he Knows who the Q group is


a96c58  No.3096651

Putin backpedaling from his outrage Over down plane earlier this week.

Now. “Regrettable set of circumstances”

39dc0c  No.3096652

Dear Q,

Justice for Chandra Levy?

Help for California?

Godspeed Patriots, I pray for you daily. I want to bake you all a batch of cookies one day.

With love,


889e33  No.3096653

So was Q saying that Trudeau was involved in the murder of Barry and Honey Sherman?

09a617  No.3096654


40/60 kek

ebb123  No.3096655

File: 11b7b2bb81fac4f⋯.jpg (19.12 KB, 297x297, 1:1, ye502b1c97.jpg)

70b48c  No.3096656


Was the Jesus Story based on an un-earth being, of the E.T. variety?

Is Dante Santori legit?

58d348  No.3096657

File: 524be71dd6482d8⋯.png (1023.2 KB, 1281x546, 61:26, T1.png)

File: 839171dc64d2f32⋯.png (366.23 KB, 296x467, 296:467, T2.PNG)

File: 535ad97ccf1c47e⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1126x583, 1126:583, T3.PNG)


Must be great to be Q. He never has to explain himself or make excuses. You guys do it for him!!!

e7a467  No.3096658

Lmao, we went to the moon. Secret stuff, smh. Time to jump ship, rather than be pacified by Q. Luciferian doctrine going strong.

11cada  No.3096659

Q & A was network traffic & hardware load test. Why do you think Q answered the Alien & Moon Landing questions the way he did? What better way to generate maximum traffic in shortest possible time span?

987f0c  No.3096660


Keep bitterly clinging to your cargo cult.

Coast to Coast AM is thataway>>>>>>>>

Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Bye, Felicia.

7b8e97  No.3096661



How do the generational cabal members adopt their ideology/religion in such a way that they don't make verbal public slip ups or only very rarely? I know they get some indoc behind the scenes when they are kids but that isn't enough. Do they have something like dissociative identity disorder? How is this done undetected and not leaked?

e90a76  No.3096662


Will Assange testify before November?

c31ced  No.3096663

truth is a mirror.

therefore, when it comes to highly classified stuff like 9/11, space, moon, etc., Q will tow the official line as anything more would be a violation of classification.

therefore, no plane hit the pentagon, moon landings were fake, and space is not physically vast

6ec9d2  No.3096664

So anon's know how the whole alien thing works:

You don't travel across solar systems - that's dumb.

You ping other solar systems with multiple loads of stored DNA. The ones that are randomly lucky enough to make it without getting asteroided have the DNA recombinated in the new solar system.

All "aliens" here are actually, technically, locals.

844156  No.3096665




I feel your pain now when you guys bake with a full house, kek.

Anyone want to take the dough back and bake #3920? I already have the next bread up, and it looks like we are able to post a bit more quickly again, so you have time to prepare.

48be93  No.3096666


A Patriot? He turned on Q. I was following Potter until that.

22ef91  No.3096667

File: 6258431654c8ddf⋯.png (23.3 KB, 1254x400, 627:200, Screenshot_106.png)




(YOU) must all go back now.

91b094  No.3096668

File: 245665015727150⋯.png (102.37 KB, 595x761, 595:761, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a956d7bdf415a7⋯.png (196.85 KB, 592x764, 148:191, ClipboardImage.png)

Treatment Planning and Medication Monitoring Were Lacking for Children in Foster Care Receiving Psychotropic Medication


9c7754  No.3096669

So anyone want to speculate as to what kind of secret op Q was distracting the deep state from?

dd5ce7  No.3096670

Subpoena Christine Blasey Ford?

Force testimony?

Do you have all her records & comms?

8af658  No.3096671


To qualify this, just curious as I’ve watched a lot of their stuff. I’m a digger of many rabbit holes.

9f9a4d  No.3096672

File: 51c13314fceb800⋯.png (168.52 KB, 693x629, 693:629, JC.png)

James Comey reveals in a recent interview that for years he had been a communist. That means Obama had communist heads of the CIA and the FBI. Sounds like Mueller’s investigating the wrong President:

Maybe I say something weird but could RED CASTLE be Communist Comey ?

93d1d1  No.3096673


Can you confirm if the Freemasons/Knights Templar are directly responsible for the murder of JFK?

There is a Freemasonic history of Dealey Plaza, death in same manner as Hiram Abiff, time of day (sun at highest point - Horus - Masonic body of initiates), JFK ties to Catholic church (Pope persecution of the Templar - Friday the 13th)

40acf9  No.3096674


Is the US GOVT in possession of alien spacecraft?

Do we currently have he ability to quickly travel to distant worlds?

Have we ever landed on any other worlds aside from the earth and moon?

Can we currently control gravity? Do we have anti-grav technology?

Were we externally evolved with genetic additions by aliens? Were we visited by aliens in the distant past?

7b18d0  No.3096675


"THIS IS NOT A GAME" used by Hannity the monologue

2915a2  No.3096676


You just aren't that important.

87800c  No.3096677

File: 31afada69bc4918⋯.jpeg (117.34 KB, 765x541, 765:541, 3F1BD889-FA8A-4870-B3A6-6….jpeg)



Article 1, Section 8 of the US Constitution

specifically says that Congress is the only body that can "coin money and regulate the value thereof." The US Constitution has never been amended to allow anyone other than Congress to coin and regulate currency.


093db3  No.3096678

Was Nickola Tesla Satan?

49ec5e  No.3096679


THIS….and as usual Q really didn't answer anything

88aeac  No.3096680

File: e2512bad95e53e4⋯.jpg (71.73 KB, 590x350, 59:35, Nibiru-PlanetX-876591.jpg)


864459  No.3096681

Q Since the entire WW financial system is a scam that has left billions in poverty or as lifelong debt slaves are there any plans for a reset?

2199b1  No.3096682

is everything Q posts true without proof if Q says di info is necessary

ima go slap myself for being dumb again

637cfa  No.3096683


"disinfo is necessary" implies #2 is disinfo

a9640a  No.3096684

Hannity : playbook & this is not a game.

1b6e6e  No.3096685


2nd Thursday of this week is available

2c54a9  No.3096686

Kansas interview coming up on Ingraham.

3b6cd0  No.3096687

>>3094236 (PB)

From a plausible deniability standpoint, the original post asked two questions:

Are we alone?



Q just said "No". No to "Roswell?"

"Consider the vastness of space" could be that it precludes aliens, assuming sub-light travel speeds?

To me, it is still a non-answer. And, I bet the question was posed that way by the Q team to preserve the deniability, while still answering a question that would severely test the board's infrastructure the way it did.

9117b0  No.3096688

File: 4a39daf60f696ad⋯.jpg (183.57 KB, 719x1280, 719:1280, thumbnail_P_20180919_16225….jpg)


night anons

0a7cd0  No.3096689


showed Q and us what it would look like here during MOAB.

showed us how many anons are ready to react quickly. A huge number!

made anons post really interesting questions. Take a look later!

bb6b25  No.3096690

File: 3b2b0d143751646⋯.png (6.47 KB, 666x210, 111:35, ClipboardImage.png)


>Strength Test.

not the first time this tactic has been used. remember the speech way back. i think it was infront of marines with a badass F-35 behind the stage

6b4cd7  No.3096691

File: c9e413e8ece062b⋯.gif (2.72 MB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_8238.GIF)


We have not received a "TRUST PENCE". Why? Can we trust him?

f6644c  No.3096692

File: 3ec94c35417e40c⋯.png (520.92 KB, 489x584, 489:584, 1509922033300.png)


wonder what else happened at the same time WW

62a20c  No.3096693


alright patriots, the Q&A made me and others suspicious…

id like to ask for Q to provide HARD EVIDENCE that he is who he says he is. stand up for the truth and

thanQ patriots!

5acfae  No.3096694

Trying to post for past five breads, failure every time, yet shitty shills multi-post. Shills asking retarded questions just to fill the bread. Shills posting huge graphics with massive files. FFS.


You idiots keep concernfagging over sessions. Think it through. The report says that sessions wont declass. Why? Because the fucking traitors still in DOJ/FBI purple haired resistors will slow walk and take forever to declas. Sessions is skipping jat whole process by taking the heat on/off himself and handing control directly to POTUS.

What do you think POTUS will do when handed the declassified and unredacted documents? Maybe ask his lawyers what should be redacted and give what /our guys/ in congress are specifically asking for?

And for all that is holy in the world, stfu unless you actually have something to contribute and lurk moar.

3190dc  No.3096695


We know more than the government does?

Their secrets are only there to save face?

We have more than we know?

Why do governments hide things from us?

8355d3  No.3096696



I'm not seeing any military airplanes over the greater DC area. There's 1 Army Lakota Eurocopter patrolling a broad perimeter that goes up to Ft. Meade and down to Leonardtown. There's 1 civilian medevac chopper N522ME CENTER FOR EMERGENCY MEDICINE OF WESTERN PA

that flew Baltimore to DC to Anapolis to DC and is heading back to Balto.

I won't post images tonite.

I see a USMC Cessna maybe from TN now near Gainesville, descending, prob to land.

A C17 Globemaster looks like it took off from JBA about 5 20 min ago. (posting delayed)

I'm not watching civilian planes.



db38e5  No.3096697


987f0c  No.3096698

File: 74ca6f057059be6⋯.jpg (303.96 KB, 610x433, 610:433, HTNCkH7.jpg)

3d5958  No.3096700


FEMA - The real truth about it must be relayed. The PUSH that’s being made. The Bush family and 9/11 - people want Justice Transparency - will it really be given?

106c5d  No.3096701


this anon gets it.

Strength Test.

a2b1d4  No.3096702

IF…this turns out to be true, I’m sorry, that will be really fucked up!

It would have been one of, if not the biggest mistake that could be made.

Integrity would be blown for untold numbers.

It would be beyond stupid.

d2509d  No.3096703

File: 29842225aedf668⋯.png (109.42 KB, 671x419, 671:419, ClipboardImage.png)

9ef07c  No.3096704

File: 4e7dc05902b3dba⋯.jpg (101.04 KB, 442x600, 221:300, 149947.jpg)


Darwin's other little helper

4e7697  No.3096705

File: 8b01a41d3f5db7c⋯.png (200.75 KB, 400x232, 50:29, kung fu.png)

4eac7a  No.3096706

File: 2f257f3c2b934be⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1236x982, 618:491, laughhero.png)


Why was I abducted in 1992 via honey trap/mind control?

How does telepathy and/or mind control play into the narrative of modern events?


e5da1f  No.3096707

Is 8ch hosted on govt servers? If yes any guarantee site relinquished back to people once mission accomplished?

ce9ab8  No.3096708


there are good angels and bad angels . period

645461  No.3096709

so now I have to fucking believe in aliens

I just want to get Kav confirmed.

Fuck the vastness of space.

a1d61e  No.3096710

File: db5d36f54308af5⋯.png (97.58 KB, 1233x395, 1233:395, Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at ….png)

9ec9b7  No.3096711

File: 94b2f914da84687⋯.jpg (209.55 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 9-11neverforget.jpg)


Comparmentalized missle loaded into shipping container. Building was finishing construction ( how ironic) which allowed this to be placed on P property. No one suspected a thing even though pictures show several containers still intact after the explosion.

a76872  No.3096712


Did Q EVER say that "aliens" are real?


Having said that, could be humans all over the place, not so alien after all

5c3998  No.3096713

Q are archangels

507a20  No.3096714



Q is a LARP.


8e5c20  No.3096715



ab0a22  No.3096716


6e0877  No.3096717



and kinda obvious when certain things come up that there is huge confirmation bias both ways.

51d8a5  No.3096718

File: 59c828f8c28d731⋯.png (1.51 MB, 978x1148, 489:574, sauce-pepe.png)


Kek works in mysterious ways anon.


f3c4be  No.3096719

Q I'm praying for you and POTUS and the good Lord willing I'd love to meet some day !

dad79f  No.3096720

File: fc9e0fa1f62b696⋯.png (127.33 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)




7c0c19  No.3096721


So that screenshot was posted by Q team or Potus himself. Must have been taken immediately.

8509c3  No.3096722


trips confirm - stop testing idiot and just say what is on your mind

6087d6  No.3096723


Obviously a Flat surface and Space doesn't exist as such.. oh no.. but not according to all knowing Qtard.. this is fookery

92fd2e  No.3096724


Unless you are "highest classification", your info is suspect and that is being kind.

b10521  No.3096725

Trip code book lists relevant?


i.e. "The Spinning Magnet" (imminent pole shift)

40f61b  No.3096726

File: b728344b51c0b92⋯.jpg (15.94 KB, 620x465, 4:3, alphaomega.jpg)

How do we deactivate it?

84d85a  No.3096727


Well, adios!

ebb123  No.3096728

Can we get facebook.to lend us some servers?

c007e4  No.3096729

Q, is it still going to be 60/40?

Q, is Epstein’s island of Little St. James now in our possession and is it up to become possibly a Gitmo version 2?

Q, will the military tribunals be held in Kansas or Gitmo?

Q, did you expect this immense amount of a following when first we began?

Q, did the dem-wit’s move to delay K throw the timeline of plan off?

664425  No.3096730

Q, been trying to get wifeanon on the Q-Train but she needs a little convincing so how's about a shoutout? She's a vet - served 8 w/ USAF-SF. Did a tour in Qatar during the hunt for UBL. Her team was support for JSOC and secured UBL's body in the convoy back - she sat right next to the body of the most wanted man in the world at the time.

A shoutout from "Q" would be the icing on the cake.


78cb94  No.3096731


God bless you and the whole team, thank you.

What's up with Antarctica? What is hidden there? Why?

Thank you, we owe you a debt we can never repay.


844156  No.3096732


I spoke too soon. Still taking forever to post/do anything.

90ebe6  No.3096733

>>3094236 (pb) Q post

Not alone.

Illegal Aliens crossing over daily.

a55919  No.3096734

File: 482aa7e7fab2138⋯.png (743.4 KB, 1200x1017, 400:339, Hide.png)

547541  No.3096735


My theory, they have obviously not wanted us to know about life out there, maybe the moon landing is real but since they have tried to hide so much from us, the video is fake. Maybe there is stuff on the moon they didn’t want us to see. I think POTUS is probably the only President, other than maybe JFK, who has wanted the people to know the truth. The rest have done everything they can to keep us in the dark. Of course I could be wrong…

09a617  No.3096736


BO you get a free ass eating from me. Thanks for this.

5133d7  No.3096737


Thankfully the shills are as stupid as this guy, I almost thought we'll be fighting an uphill battle. Hey, if you are an actual anon, that's definately not the way you present information.

787cc0  No.3096738

File: a007b5935c5a356⋯.png (608.4 KB, 450x701, 450:701, ClipboardImage.png)



>Q ^This needs to be answered^.

>Also any confirmation of Corey Goode ? (SSP/Alliance insider) - he Knows who the Q group is


782983  No.3096739

Q—I’m getting nervous; is the red tsunami still happening in November?

9dada6  No.3096740

Anyone with half a brain

Can figure out the chances that there isn't life everywhere in the cosmos is an abject moron.

1 out of 8 planets around this 1 star has life.

Now crane your stupid head up at the night sky and start counting using those odds.

For Christians = you have to be an idiot to believe that the Creator of Cosmos stopped with us. Sorry…no expand your thinking.

He is bigger than any could have conceived.

He is the Creator. He creates. It's good.

a593ab  No.3096741



25758b  No.3096742


You are most welcome! I myself would love to see Q's reply!

0a7cd0  No.3096744

53a9d1  No.3096745


Q? I made a gift for the FLOTUS, but am afraid to mail it because I don’t want to be investigated for sending a gift, I made her a journal, with gold cover and rhinestones and beautiful digital pages that I designed. Think I should mail it?

Thank you sir

d1100f  No.3096746

File: f5985fafdcd81b1⋯.jpeg (48.19 KB, 646x381, 646:381, 3C1913F2-AD4E-4A8C-8D7E-4….jpeg)


It was hit by a Drone plan carrying a weapons load. I watched it many times. It looks like a small plane and the front just like this pic.>>3096443

f81ed7  No.3096747


>I don't care what ANYONE says

That's what aunt Tillie said all the time.

Didn't think flying faster than the speed of sound was possible 'cause how does a body measure something going so blamed fast?

Can't even believe much of what you see, she went on.

Eyes can play tricks on you, y'know.

7b18d0  No.3096748


Was the Q&A a capacity planning test to see where 8ch would break down in anticipation of a big event?

9874b0  No.3096749

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You broke the record Anon

8dae42  No.3096750

Q, what are the 3 biggest change the world is about to see ?

0dfd20  No.3096751

File: 59cb11e9c5fda82⋯.png (2.42 MB, 1920x1078, 960:539, Tesla Files S01E05 13.png)


Shit, even Tesla made contact over a century ago.

3ac655  No.3096752

File: 3dcf2257b20cdc7⋯.png (2.28 MB, 2100x1275, 28:17, MOAB INC.png)

2199b1  No.3096753

what if the Q A wasnt for us ?

49ec5e  No.3096754


Q just told you to kill yourself

RIP dumb fuck

f789ca  No.3096755

87b560  No.3096756

File: 88fc2f69799956c⋯.png (380.97 KB, 528x755, 528:755, Genius.png)

Q used the the moon answer to drive attention the board!

It's Habbening!!


0982cf  No.3096757


Agreed on all points and Q’s responses were oblique. The questions addressed were unspecific and invited the kind of responses they received.

As to your point about the rationality of expecting full disclosure: do me a favor! No way. And Q is not about to open the secret kimono here and now.

You are a real anon among the endless sea of newfags today.

341174  No.3096758


>night anons

Night Mr. Woods.

dcc5d8  No.3096759

File: 9a90749233f9c8d⋯.jpg (7.21 KB, 183x137, 183:137, kool3.jpg)

368d4b  No.3096760


Kavanaugh's accuser, Ford. Has she done this before? Written letters, made accusations.

07d47a  No.3096761


Night Anon

22ef91  No.3096762







46e87d  No.3096763

File: cd9cb79ee2f3a22⋯.jpg (20.42 KB, 277x350, 277:350, aorora_ryuugo_by_afdal12-d….jpg)

File: cb5841dd4c6103d⋯.jpg (51.76 KB, 403x539, 403:539, Abraxas.jpg)


Good Luck…

They won't speak of them either way.

People aren't ready to let go of their beliefs and think.

a67be1  No.3096764

File: 39ff0ccedae102a⋯.jpeg (51.38 KB, 382x512, 191:256, 56EE1B06-7719-4707-83A7-B….jpeg)

File: 580ff668a840367⋯.png (27.81 KB, 655x509, 655:509, AF40B503-35F3-4224-9D18-06….png)

The face when Q busts up your favorite conspiricy theory.


Dont worry cognitive dissonance will find a way to convince yourself it didnt happen.

In fact you will more than likely come to a place of being even more sure of your beliefs.

Until then have some bewbs they always make me feel better.

507a20  No.3096765



Q is a LARP.

CTA. >>3096574

2c7d81  No.3096766

File: 891c04fb1bde416⋯.jpg (107.97 KB, 441x570, 147:190, pepe mcthistle.jpg)


Good night EmmyAnon… have a great evening

1fcb4b  No.3096768


Much love emmyanon



b2dc76  No.3096769


I will take it if old Baker does not step back up. Kek, it was fun saying TYB to you.

2c54a9  No.3096770


The door to the Freedom of Awakening.

0265e1  No.3096771


Why would aliens only talk to the US government? Why not pick some random dude who's not a power hungry cunt to speak with first?

I feel like if we had contact, it'd be impossible to cover up. Then again most people are blind sheep.

e132e7  No.3096772


Wish he would've told us if his last name was actually Castro, kek.

b8639e  No.3096773



Kek, I was thinking the same thing. I saw "stream" in the comment and almost spit out my tea. Maybe it is tough for some to realize that not everything was done with digital before. Analog is still the bomb!

4c8ad4  No.3096774

Thanks for Q &A and everything else, Q

Are the Archons real? Are they the same entities as interdimensionals, or demons? Are the elite puppetmasters themselves puppets of these entities? Are they trying to build a means of summoning more?

(Suspect yes to all. Suspect Archons are living quantum information. Suspect AI Cults have something to do with this, and maybe CERN. But subject is too murky to know anything really.)

Are the gray aliens really humans from a super dystopian timeline?

9fb5ce  No.3096775


>That there may be life out in universe other than us does not negate a divine creator.

Wouldn't disagree, all things are possible.

Simply pointing out there is more than one possible purpose to the act of praying.

962397  No.3096776


When is JA coming onto stage?

When will normies know that SR leaked DNC info?

d03cc0  No.3096777


When the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet come they will boast of having extraterrestrial connections ,Christians that know the Bible and study prophecy expect this

John 5:43

“I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.

3bb352  No.3096778


But try to put Pandora in her box, or the Gene back into the bottle.

shit. I ain't laughing, no matter the reasoning behind the antics tonight. I have worked too hard as I am sure you have anon. In the meantime, we are now going to be a UFO board/aliens from Zeta Reticuli and anyone else is going to be a shill.

fuk me.

72a32b  No.3096779


night leo

1ab34b  No.3096780


LISTENING…go ahead…

6c8095  No.3096781


How much will be released publicly regarding child trafficking/sacrifice in the name of Satanic religious ideology?


08944b  No.3096782

If anyone here is not open to new information that, IF VETTED, goes completely against something you thought was dogmatically true, you should not be here.

d883a2  No.3096783

File: 77feb0030739487⋯.jpg (210.13 KB, 498x638, 249:319, 0b89de19d1eeb23b0470b3c7cd….jpg)

File: 77feb0030739487⋯.jpg (210.13 KB, 498x638, 249:319, 0b89de19d1eeb23b0470b3c7cd….jpg)


Have a good one Patriot !!!!!!!!!!!

70b48c  No.3096784


Was the Jesus Story based on an un-earth being, of the E.T. variety?

Is Dante Santori legit?

What's a solid source for "we're not alone" information?

2199b1  No.3096785


this we can just shoot the nephillim

47433e  No.3096786

Q and Board,

If the questions are not being answered with Truth and disinformation, whats the point in the Q&A? We wait a very long time for updates and it would not be fair to us, the people, for them to come here and give us false information. When he answers our questions (even alien ones) we EXPECT the truth.

9928e9  No.3096787



>>3096694 Sessions DECLAS refusal theory - hand control to POTUS


c44169  No.3096788



You did awesomely.

Hopefully when CM upgrades us it'll be much better. The lag and 502s are the only things that give us bake stress.

I can take it back, unless anyone else would like to.

d4c7fb  No.3096789

Thanks very much BO.

52fca0  No.3096790

King dueche clapper is about to go on CNN

35b88d  No.3096791

File: 597ed5df5073550⋯.jpg (37.39 KB, 562x600, 281:300, 597ed5df507355083c012303fe….jpg)

Damn newfags need to lurk instead of posting, it's like @Jack and robozuck just dumped a mixed-bowl of Twatter/FB into /qresearch/.

588576  No.3096792

File: 59cdeb2070e29a9⋯.jpg (134.14 KB, 2400x1200, 2:1, Sedition or.jpg)

198f5e  No.3096793

File: 88324aadf71cafb⋯.jpg (87.6 KB, 494x494, 1:1, iu (1).jpg)

File: 0a9211edfc7018b⋯.jpg (46.7 KB, 280x280, 1:1, dna-1.jpg)

fe45e1  No.3096794

Maybe not. Session recused and can't release it. Gives it to POTUS who can release it unredacted. By pass RR altogether.>>3096694


Exactly! Sessions is recused and can't release it but POTUS can and bypass RR and Dems.

e7a467  No.3096795

We came here for a specific reason-Q

It's because everyone here is stupid and gullible.

09a617  No.3096796


If what turns out to be true?

ca21e9  No.3096797

File: 6e00679027b8f3e⋯.jpg (492.45 KB, 1776x1332, 4:3, release_the_sessions.jpg)


Are there plans to disband the Dept of Education and stem the flow of snowflakes?

c31ced  No.3096798


Q is NOT highest level of classification.

perhaps publicly, but not in reality

ce8925  No.3096800

Q, who were all the good US Presidents?

What is the truth about Disney?

53a9d1  No.3096801

Q? I made

a gift for the FLOTUS, but am afraid to mail it …I made her a journal, with gold cover and rhinestones and beautiful digital pages that I designed. Think I should mail it?

Thank you sir

11a6e0  No.3096802

I love you Q! You've given me so much hope and confidence! Or, actually! Better yet! You've shown me to trust myself, and I've given myself more confidence, because I've actually started to shake off those shackles of false beliefs and believe that I can do the things Iet my mind to! That I'm intelligent! That I'm not weird or strange, just for doing things the way I do them! And that everyone's ideas should be respected (unless they infringe upon another person's free will). Thank you so much! ♥ I've become so much more loving! Not just to others, but to myself!

4a91d1  No.3096803


Anderson Cooper here,

Please tell you people I don't fake puddle depth.

Also, could we get weekly dik pics from Trump,

None of us really believe Stormy

69a2eb  No.3096804

Q also said UBL was killed in a raid while hussein in the office, idk

6e0877  No.3096805



guess I need new one!

but 5 months was a decent run.

a2b1d4  No.3096806


If what you say is true that would blow his credibility with untold numbers of people. I doubt he could do something that stupid. If it is true that raises troubling questions for me. And fuck you right out of the gate I’ve been here since FBI Anon

9058f2  No.3096807


When did he die?

3b1de5  No.3096808



70b48c  No.3096809



8811aa  No.3096810

Did GWB know the attack before hand?

8dae42  No.3096811

Q, are we going to have a direct confirmation from POTUS ?

9c7754  No.3096812


How does it feel to be among the little people

13ba08  No.3096813

Q will we find out who killed President Kennedy soon?

ce9ab8  No.3096814


there are good angels and bad angels . period>>3096741


b38d1e  No.3096815


Anyone that thinks we are alone in the universe is refusing to think for themselves or recognize that we are unable to find the end of life's existence with the most powerful technology available. It goes out eternally. Life in every part, no matter how inhospitable.

72a32b  No.3096816


thats a predator

96d83d  No.3096817

File: b848a46b5618b64⋯.png (1.79 MB, 2230x1463, 2230:1463, hillenkoetter.png)




No deals. You blind?


If you have to ask… David Wilcock, seriously?


Re-read drops.


Autists knew.




Q is not your personal teacher. Stop making demands and learn discernment.





The amount of retarded questions was mind-boggling, though. Whole OPS rooms must've been facepalming even if they planned for it. Better put a rush on those new servers as well.

Great job, godspeed.

507a20  No.3096818









1 hour and 37 mins remaining.

Stay tuned.




Ok…a reasonable anon would consider that if [Q TEAM] really worked for POTUS, they would look into my claims and at least be on their way here or alert the local authorities, right? That has not happened. Why? QTEAM is a LARP.

When the timer runs out and I am still here today, tomorrow and next week, you will have to realize Q is fake.

They “have it all”, right?


Grow up.

Q is fake.

Prove me wrong.

I am openly threating high level government officials close to POTUS, right?

Less than 10 people know, right?

Where are they?

Where are the cops?

Where is ANYBODY?




Still here.

This is fun!

Seriously, anons, you gotta try this.

You can threaten [Q TEAM] all you want.

They can't do anything.

[Reddit]: Done

[4chan]: pending

[8chan]: pending.

Enjoy the show.


New experiment:

Pay attention anons:








Stay tuned, anons.











Expect pain.


Shut the fuck up, kikehole.

Expect an update in 4 hours.

We will still be here.


[Q TEAM] is a fucking LARP.


Still here.


We threatened to rape and murder [Q TEAM] and kids but they did not respond.

How can we step things up a bit?








>"These people are stupid"

Yes they are, [Q TEAM].

This bread alone is probably enough to shut down the chans if Congress reads it.

We have an anon admitting to raping and murdering children and other anons asking to see pictures…FFS…The libs are gonna LOVE this. Alex Jones has NOTHING on the chans.

Tick tock.

Oh yea…where is [Q TEAM]?


This is fun.



22ef91  No.3096819

File: 64742ad60c5d7eb⋯.png (248.63 KB, 567x754, 567:754, Screenshot_176.png)

093db3  No.3096820


This is why Q needs to be more clear here. So people won't make these kind of broad jumps to their own conclusions.

d2509d  No.3096821

Q please post "END"

We have an influx of retards!

714e35  No.3096822


nice digits emmyFAG

5133d7  No.3096823


Sorry I get reactive when certain things are posted.

As far as the Cabal is concerned, this was a load test. Aliens are fake and totally not cloaked in the low earth orbit.

As far as the anons are concerned… we know.

a06aa3  No.3096824

File: ffe9c6ef5a4aca1⋯.jpeg (249.07 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 03A201D3-A913-4F4C-98BD-B….jpeg)

Q, what really happened to extortion 17? Was there a traitor? Or are those men really still alive?

9dd4db  No.3096825

Strength test + strengthen the narrative that Q is a Larp. More obvious a Larp= more MEDIA COVERAGE.


More eyes right after the emergency testing.


6ec9d2  No.3096826


Meme potential here…

8932cd  No.3096827

File: 323ef75ea91a355⋯.png (25.46 KB, 758x309, 758:309, observatory.PNG)


a32799  No.3096828

Dems are so used to using the FBI illegally that they are flummoxed when told no.

4b270d  No.3096829

File: f5ea8cd1a29f0a6⋯.jpg (13.75 KB, 400x489, 400:489, cross.jpg)

File: d6f896c7df224dd⋯.jpg (56.42 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, Puppy.jpg)

Just want to let Q team know they are loved and appreciated so very much.

Prayers for all of you (and your loved ones) every day. Ya'll take care of each other, this must be so hard. You're not alone.

88c11a  No.3096830


It's in our hands to make it happen now. Votes are protected. Reread crumbs much?

a2168b  No.3096831

File: 53f037e26824045⋯.jpg (96.75 KB, 1000x416, 125:52, IMG_0246.JPG)

Q - Favorite movie of all time?

3d3daa  No.3096833

Why is everyone trying to warp Q's answers to suit their own narratives unable to just accept them for what they are?

Not everything has to 100% fit into your system of beliefs.

Bordering on unhinged.

c12ce4  No.3096834

Do some of you not realize that even bacteria found on different planets is considered life? or even still that Q has said disinformation is necessary?! Has anyone been paying attention to anything?! Holy shit!

11cada  No.3096835

Q & A was network traffic & hardware load test. Why do you think Q answered the Alien & Moon Landing questions the way he did? What better way to generate maximum traffic in shortest possible time span?

ccbfee  No.3096836

File: e447d6a0efd60b9⋯.png (238.29 KB, 371x486, 371:486, 2018-09-19_21-57-47.png)

32a7a9  No.3096837


Night Ned

753f68  No.3096838


Antarctica, Rothschild Island?

09a617  No.3096839

First of all…..Fuck Billy Graham….and that other Olsteen bitch too.

55043f  No.3096840




What actually happened at this meeting?


7aa085  No.3096841

Will someone please discuss this with me? Is it real?


396f70  No.3096842

Dammit…that’s terrible news.

Such a great patriot.>>3096647

28ccd7  No.3096843

File: 0183bbc7fcf5f53⋯.png (776.21 KB, 620x446, 310:223, boomerlandings.png)

23321e  No.3096844


NOT notable. Just effing obvious and common sense, anon.

b2dc76  No.3096845


It took forever for my response to you post to go through and I put no pics….

7c52d4  No.3096846


he didn't say how big the plane was…. just said it was a plane… could have been small carrying bomb

2199b1  No.3096847



fuck you im just paranoid

200643  No.3096848

File: 50c4d584110318b⋯.png (575.42 KB, 774x655, 774:655, Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at ….png)

Child pornography reason behind Sunspot Observatory closure, according to court documents

A federal search warrant reveals that Sunspot Solar Observatory was shut down as FBI agents conducted computer forensic searches for child pornography.

The source of child pornography was traced to an IP address used at the observatory and a source within the building observed a computer with "not good" images on it, the warrant states.

An investigation by the FBI revealed that a janitor is the main suspect in the search, however he has not been charged with a crime even though his name in on the warrant.

The warrant states the suspect would use the observatory Wifi and a personal laptop to download the child pornography.


5acfae  No.3096849


Night james

Also stop famefagposting

Melt that down and turn it into a spittoon.

It'll be much more useful for its only worth.

89b1d2  No.3096850


you, fag, 5:5

844156  No.3096851


All yours NB. Dough is in the next bread. Thank you. I'll still be around if you need any help.

a44759  No.3096852

hey guys. this is somewhat notable…

earlier this summer I created several Q bumper stickers on zazzle.com and posted them for sale. I don't think anyone bought them, but today I got a notice that they are being removed from the site! you can see all my stickers here h ttps://www.zazzle.com/s/doitq, but they are now "No longer available" I think this is significant in that they received a request or order to remove all Q-related items from their site. The other Q t-shirt shown on this link: h ttps://www.zazzle.com/s/doitq is not mine, but it was removed also. They are getting ready to try to bury the Q momentum…

2144cc  No.3096853



Disinfo is intentionally and actively misleading.

637cfa  No.3096854

you goofy cunts, just cause the film of the moon landing is fake doesnt mean the landing never happened


"we are not alone" implies extra terrestrials, there are also plenty of humans in space

b01e42  No.3096855

File: 6ac2730122911f6⋯.png (139.53 KB, 408x320, 51:40, night night-pepe.png)


Good night fren.


d3bced  No.3096856

File: 3ea34a7391856df⋯.jpg (404.79 KB, 1036x1132, 259:283, jews.jpg)


3ac655  No.3096857

File: e36b8d8dabf3953⋯.png (2.27 MB, 2100x1275, 28:17, SCTR.png)

49ec5e  No.3096858


Thanks fren….I have never seen this board this "culty". Anons lost reading comprehension and

suddenly believed a tin can landed and blasted off

from the moon..embarassing

ef06c8  No.3096859


How many of "our" deaths have "they" been directly responsible for?


Is Tran safe? (the anon who shopped around the PeePee dossier)

774984  No.3096860


That emmy looks old and tarnished.

64a22d  No.3096861

File: 19a563b7ad5dc9f⋯.gif (145.47 KB, 240x160, 3:2, 9-11_Pentagon_ShoulderLaun….gif)

>>3093898 Q post pb

9/11 Pentagon hit by plane CONF

Pic posted by anon in pb with no sauce. If footage is authentic it looks like a shoulder launched guided missile fired from a nearby tree bank (across roadway) to me.

Missiles have fins. So, if fins are "wings" then yeah, Pentagon hit by a "plane". Again, if authentic.

5b89b1  No.3096862


I think we can trust Pence. I think he's out of the Q loop for plausible deniability or something.

62e5bf  No.3096863


This is it folks!!

> Session show the document directly to Trump.

> Trump is outrage at the Scale of the corruption and criminality.

> Trump and Session then agree to release the document to the public!

> Shit hit the fan!

This is a work!

998bb1  No.3096864

Hi Q, Are Soros, Rothschilds and their plague going to be wiped out?

0d56d4  No.3096865


That would confuse me if Sessions got approval from SCOTUS to unrecuse himself.

239424  No.3096866

Q is against 911 truth, who knew

probably anyone with a brain.

e8440c  No.3096867

??????Q: was Hillary In Wonderland (hung, waterboarded, fitted with kill switches) Catch and release - followed "We hear you Breathing>Hillary, Bill, Huma, Lyn, Podesta, Dopey Prince together?"

f789ca  No.3096868

File: 1dfec181f38f415⋯.png (553.8 KB, 829x869, 829:869, Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at ….png)

f81ed7  No.3096869


>Trying to post for past five breads, failure every time, yet shitty shills multi-post. Shills asking retarded questions just to fill the bread. Shills posting huge graphics with massive files. FFS.

You made your fucking blah blah blah point.

8811aa  No.3096870


9f9a4d  No.3096871


Good night EmmyAnon / PATRIOT Woods


042218  No.3096872



It would be MUCH harder to create a one-off then to create a scalable, infinite system.

We live in a fractal, holographic universe.

Rinse and repeat.

770d00  No.3096873


Don't worry, if they show up anons will just tell them "fuck off - we're full"

419527  No.3096874


If anyone needs a go fund it is /CM/ ..

More bandwidth more $. Nothing is free. I got $100 Where do I send it?

06a83e  No.3096875


“No Wray”

591e37  No.3096876



23321e  No.3096877



Not sure the reddit fags are ever going to be able to assimilate. Not an autist among the lot.

ceabc8  No.3096878

We good now??

I think Q gave up on the lag from everyone asking stupid questions we already know answers for. I was surprised about life in space though. >>3096309

That's why Q left. We need to watch TV. I won't but you all can.

62a20c  No.3096879




wow. keep it up, monkey+crew?

stresstesting? Q is supposed to be highest clearance dude. i think they should have resources to do some damn good tests, not run a Q&A "to strength test".



can Q provide hard evidence backing up the claims of who he is?


e36e1b  No.3096880


Does The Plan include an opportunity for us all to understand what we really are and why we are on earth?

11be94  No.3096881

File: fda98d54f91cbef⋯.jpg (31.71 KB, 556x501, 556:501, fda98d54f91cbeff72bbededa9….jpg)


… the fuck?

798b86  No.3096882


Archon Grid…real or fake news?

dad79f  No.3096883

File: dc23cd40126be51⋯.png (865.6 KB, 940x927, 940:927, ClipboardImage.png)



3b86d0  No.3096884


What makes you think they haven't contacted others? There's many who have said they've had contact but it goes in the "crazy" bin. You'd be surprised how many don't say a peep and also, there's a problem with remembering.

source - me.

6e0877  No.3096885


noobs and shills are not thinking at all.

my scroll finger is getting a blister.

b8639e  No.3096886


gtfo w/that type of thinking. We are all anons. No men, no women, no 'little' or 'big' people.

We are anons. We all bleed read. It is the great equalizer.

4fa5c9  No.3096887

More folks than us here, Anon.


ce9ab8  No.3096888


its show me time

042218  No.3096889



It would be MUCH harder to create a one-off than to create a scalable, infinite system.

We live in a fractal, holographic multiverse.

Rinse and repeat.

c007e4  No.3096890

Q, is Epstein’s island of Little St. James now in our possession and is it up to become possibly a Gitmo version 2?

4e7697  No.3096891

File: 43a783a558a073d⋯.png (110.95 KB, 323x297, 323:297, bingo.png)


>Exactly! Sessions is recused and can't release it but POTUS can and bypass RR and Dems.

>Session recused and can't release it. Gives it to POTUS who can release it unredacted. By pass RR altogether.


af5d34  No.3096892


Hey newfag.. put (LB) after a post that is from ANOTHER FUCKN BREAD..

cbcea4  No.3096893


Nice background choice

c7cecf  No.3096894


I think the chemtrails are used to disperse aluminium oxide so that when they start the fires, no one can put it out.

Aluminium oxides make the fire burn extremely hot. Makes it nearly impossible to fight as it will spread more quickly with a flash.


I think its a revelation



I thought weve been under martial law seen ww2

58d348  No.3096895

File: 524be71dd6482d8⋯.png (1023.2 KB, 1281x546, 61:26, T1.png)

File: 839171dc64d2f32⋯.png (366.23 KB, 296x467, 296:467, T2.PNG)


Good to see everyone in here isn't brain dead

6b68d4  No.3096896

File: 9fa6afa774be6b4⋯.gif (88.53 KB, 170x198, 85:99, bewbies.gif)


Hannity is Q


a96c58  No.3096897

File: 3be8f9b79d4be6c⋯.jpeg (783.45 KB, 2224x1636, 556:409, DA298F8B-83B9-4565-B28B-A….jpeg)

Supposedly high school yearbook before Dr. Ford’s people deleted everything.

1e6919  No.3096898

File: 6f565bfd665db80⋯.png (127.09 KB, 655x731, 655:731, fig 1.png)

File: d99cce2d2d22f61⋯.png (495.83 KB, 652x942, 326:471, fig 2.png)

File: c04c224dd37d7f3⋯.png (290.67 KB, 647x894, 647:894, FIG 3.png)

File: 518ee99c2c9cf7c⋯.png (201.98 KB, 652x917, 652:917, fig 4.png)

File: c62ab7e9e3dd333⋯.png (326.69 KB, 645x823, 645:823, fig 5.png)






Well, lets keep on dropping them!


Requesting all available Anons to help me retweet this one for maximum penetration:













no homo


Well, lets keep on dropping them!


Requesting all available Anons to help me retweet this one for maximum penetration:













no homo

d883a2  No.3096899



92fd2e  No.3096900


And your evidence is ….. tick tock, tick tock.

3bb352  No.3096901


No…but the damage done to this board and what we do [as you will see] is irreversible.

12b0c6  No.3096902

File: 011b73e3643adee⋯.jpg (29.7 KB, 279x402, 93:134, movieposter.jpg)

Fuckin Normies….

Fuckin FLIES….

b4bdef  No.3096903

File: 66891e131a86c1a⋯.png (702.24 KB, 750x420, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

198f5e  No.3096904


Noticed that

0a7cd0  No.3096905


Night Patriot!

Thank you for being here!


2199b1  No.3096906


biggest non answers ever

are we alone could mean 100000 different things

pls no galatic federation Q

9d8393  No.3096907

File: 581030fe011e981⋯.png (242.51 KB, 480x480, 1:1, emmypepe.png)


goodnight fren

507a20  No.3096908

Spoiler alert:

Potter ain't dead.

See how easy it is to be duped?

956eb1  No.3096909

Q, how is @Snowden doing?

6ffe52  No.3096910

Q Team:

My sources are advising Christine Blasey Ford is CIA.. specialist in childhood sexuality .. key player in early childhood recruitment / asset identification .. Daddy is also .. Red Coats, Inc.. Admiral, Inc…. paymaster for clandestine operators.

Can you confirm without compromising legally?

7c0c19  No.3096911

File: ff05bc5b076fad7⋯.jpeg (82.1 KB, 1125x533, 1125:533, 8D7EDC0E-205B-428B-B1CB-0….jpeg)


>>3096159 (last)

Exactly. See

>>3096133 (last)

578a35  No.3096912

File: 53ff93e44bdce65⋯.png (264.75 KB, 1136x640, 71:40, 5C143FB2-943A-4646-A0AA-1C….png)

File: f91437fa10a0571⋯.jpeg (255.17 KB, 640x657, 640:657, 5D35042C-10E6-4C06-A8DA-B….jpeg)

File: 2887dea74d8dfb7⋯.jpeg (72.84 KB, 1136x640, 71:40, 47563076-FF2C-4D2D-923F-8….jpeg)

File: 21d2f6c89296d32⋯.png (581.6 KB, 1136x640, 71:40, 6CAB010D-2A90-4F75-A2E9-96….png)


I have seen both angles from the entrance and it looks moar like Tomahawk to me, then there are the phone calls

8dae42  No.3096913

Q, why is hillary called Alice ?

a06aa3  No.3096914

File: e7f29177ddd7f5c⋯.jpeg (483.21 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, D4B8B71F-419B-47C2-B411-C….jpeg)


>q's favorite movie?

Top Kek

91b094  No.3096915

File: c7853e934289739⋯.jpg (86.01 KB, 800x530, 80:53, c7853e9342897390ec190583c7….jpg)

goodnight anon

cb08b4  No.3096916

File: c9dd5be13d281bc⋯.jpg (242.09 KB, 678x381, 226:127, clues.jpg)

69aac1  No.3096917


I'm learning toward a LARP now at this point. That or this was a tactic to see how much BS we would believe or a disinformation tactic to get more people involved.

Alien existence raises too many theological contradictions and impossibilities, and I'll be damned if I believe in aliens over God.

d54733  No.3096918


celebrites-they deal with the same Q&A bullshit as us. KEK! night anon

72b953  No.3096919


We're all MK ultrad anon.

eb3f63  No.3096920



87b560  No.3096921

File: 05bf3f46c5f4959⋯.png (369.26 KB, 788x558, 394:279, Power of KEK.png)

645461  No.3096922

so now I have to fucking believe in aliens

I just want to get Kav confirmed.

3585c3  No.3096923

File: 7b53847a172daec⋯.jpg (232.74 KB, 1024x986, 512:493, space_niggers.jpg)

08944b  No.3096924

If anyone here is not open to new information that, IF VETTED, goes completely against something you thought was dogmatically true, you should not be here.

c1b47f  No.3096925


Night, JW. See you soon, bro.

31f651  No.3096926


Sometimes I think the lack of clarity and resulting controversy, rumors, arguing, chatter are what needs to gradually and more naturally cause this awakening to spread without being a hammer interruption to the planet all at once.

7e091d  No.3096927


Looks old. And who can believe someone who has paint pinned?

a2b1d4  No.3096928

bb6b25  No.3096929



i dont think it is anon. it was dropped with nothing but…"archive this anons" and no context or explanation. Payseur is a big name but i think the manner in which it was rolled out on the board indicates its a LARP. The FB page is gone so no way to verify anything. Its not the first Paysuer LARP we've seen either.

b4eac8  No.3096930

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c6e82c  No.3096931

File: d311de91db49b95⋯.png (359.13 KB, 640x436, 160:109, ClipboardImage.png)

37170b  No.3096932


bingo. fucking bullshit, use your fucking heads. The grass wasn't even scraped in front of the pentagon, the footage was completely wiped, and the hole was a fucking circle, with no wings or plane debris anywhere. wake up.

39064e  No.3096933


But why would they have to close the observatory for more than a week for this? And why would they need to close the post office as well? Still smells fishy to me

d5fb05  No.3096934


that's the fear and control of religions/belief systems - believe this 100% or you're doomed

c44169  No.3096935



I'll bake the one after next then and take it from here.

Bless ye, BO.

Enjoy your drink.


11cada  No.3096936

Q & A was network traffic & hardware load test. Why do you think Q answered the Alien & Moon Landing questions the way he did? What better way to generate maximum traffic in shortest possible time span?

e65d19  No.3096937

Can we PLEASE see some media figures outed and arrested/shamed???

4e2615  No.3096938


Don't be an idiot asshole!

We know that Trudeau is the Sinclair bloodline.

So if he is indeed related somehow to Castro

Then Castro would also be of the Sinclair bloodline.

We have known this for many months

And nobody has taken the trouble to dig Castro's past

To find out if he is a Sinclair or not.

c31ced  No.3096939

prior to Trump, too many people were WOKE.

perhaps this is all just an elaborate way to put us back to sleep.

f81ed7  No.3096940


oldfags do it occasionally too, divider.

52fca0  No.3096941

James clapper looks terrified on cnn

507a20  No.3096942

6ffe52  No.3096943

Q Team:

My sources are advising Christine Blasey Ford is CIA.. specialist in childhood sexuality .. key player in early childhood recruitment / asset identification .. Daddy is also .. Red Coats, Inc.. Admiral, Inc…. paymaster for clandestine operators.

Can you confirm without compromising legally?

1beee8  No.3096944

click. BYE.

click. BYE.

c007e4  No.3096945

Q, is it still going to be 40/60 public/private in revelations?

3a91a9  No.3096946


Q are we out of the fed soon

2144cc  No.3096947


Would more independent thought help neutralize the MSM?

ebb123  No.3096948

Are we back to normal now?

d4c7fb  No.3096949


Yeah, I caught that too.

28ccd7  No.3096950


And fake and gay moon landings, too.

741acf  No.3096951


I can find nothing to substantiate this

Not on Sara's twitter feed

Not with DDG

Not doing a twitter search regarding Sessions

b50dd2  No.3096952

Q. I believe that God is Real and his Son Died for our sins. Is this correct???

ab0a22  No.3096953



Child pornography reason behind Sunspot Observatory closure, according to court documents

A federal search warrant reveals that Sunspot Solar Observatory was shut down as FBI agents conducted computer forensic searches for child pornography.

The source of child pornography was traced to an IP address used at the observatory and a source within the building observed a computer with "not good" images on it, the warrant states.

An investigation by the FBI revealed that a janitor is the main suspect in the search, however he has not been charged with a crime even though his name in on the warrant.

The warrant states the suspect would use the observatory Wifi and a personal laptop to download the child pornography.

A limited number of people have access to the observatory from dusk until dawn, which helped narrow their search.

The observatory in the mountains of southern New Mexico had been closed since Sept. 6 because of an undisclosed security concern, but reopened on Monday.



6ec9d2  No.3096954


kek'd uncontrollably.

88178b  No.3096955

To those who believe Q, an anonymous poster on the internet, is real (I am one of them, believer)…

And he has stated that they are taking down the largest worldwide criminal conspiracy that encompasses the entire globe.

And you haven’t prepared?

Because Q says “your safe”?

If so, then you do not believe the sentences before that.

Read…. https://archive.is/pjOQk

This is my only post.

1e6919  No.3096956

File: a602feb45093478⋯.png (165.74 KB, 654x825, 218:275, FIGA4 1.png)

File: 99e95dee861cbdf⋯.png (310.56 KB, 645x794, 645:794, FIGA4 2.png)

File: 30bc0c76747d568⋯.png (409.61 KB, 641x853, 641:853, FIGA4 3.png)

File: e3a69281a713b79⋯.png (556.26 KB, 647x1079, 647:1079, FIGA4 4.png)

File: e16fa57f6dcfc6a⋯.png (417.98 KB, 644x1013, 644:1013, FIGA4 5.png)




Well, lets keep on dropping them!


Requesting all available Anons to help me retweet this one for maximum penetration:













no homo

49ec5e  No.3096957


Which flavor Hot Pocket is the best?



d1100f  No.3096958


As you can see I’m no plan fag but that’s what I think hit the Pentagon. Was not a large plan because I done think you can get a 747 30 feet from the ground flying straight into that building. You would clear line of sight for miles otherwise the angle would be like a nose dive. Smaller plan that is fast and can maneuver without a pilot.

70b48c  No.3096959


So an attack by a plane via a tomahawk?

22ef91  No.3096960

File: 5467f6b81ea46a1⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1290x1004, 645:502, Screenshot_107.png)


Is Sunspot affiliated with the Vatican?

The Vatican has observatories.

3455ba  No.3096961


Tomahawk is very slow.

a3e6b0  No.3096962

Been here since wizards and warlocks and collapsing mountains on half chan. I understand disinfo is necessary, Q. But disinfo about ayyy lmaos and 9 /11 w/o sauce is too much.

Dueces patriots.

6e8f2a  No.3096963

I take it the comm test didn't fair too well. Better make those upgrades and fast. Shit bout to get crazy.

72b953  No.3096964


I mailed her a bday card. She probably receives gifts daily, so why would you be worried?

6b82c2  No.3096965

File: c15eb7bd07cc47a⋯.png (775.58 KB, 1062x881, 1062:881, X-37_a.png)

Q 2210-2114 Check Mate, Panic…

..then does Q &A.


Dont take eye off the ball….

e2b044  No.3096966

File: 4fcbd19cd255ac1⋯.jpg (171.65 KB, 700x700, 1:1, amazing.jpg)

What a movement <3

507a20  No.3096967

5133d7  No.3096968


>Alien existence raises too many theological contradictions and impossibilities, and I'll be damned if I believe in aliens over God.


How many planets are there in the solar system?

How many planets are around other stars?

Truth is always logical.

4a91d1  No.3096969

File: f1f87c913d3c734⋯.jpg (269.98 KB, 1078x579, 1078:579, ask.jpg)

4e5288  No.3096970

Will Space Force hopefuls have a higher standing if they have been on board with you since the beginning? *Asking for a friend*

4fa5c9  No.3096971


Non_Q Post of the evening! KEK!

a55919  No.3096972

Trans-national secret space force Antarctica

d7c5b5  No.3096974


All of the above

e3ab23  No.3096976

File: 87ee5105b689270⋯.png (125.33 KB, 1236x444, 103:37, Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at ….png)

"YOU have the power"


If any anons need a little motivational boost, read this article. It attempts to paint Q as a conspiracy, but actually comes across as praising the success of the anons in spreading news extremely quickly and broadly.

35b88d  No.3096977

File: 34db504cdb7dfa4⋯.gif (1.16 MB, 500x272, 125:68, 34db504cdb7dfa492b4595b5a0….gif)


Upwards of 400 UIDs per bread. 90% shitposting.

d03cc0  No.3096978


they keep using that excuse it might even get them into Fort Knox to check the Gold reserves one day

1fcb4b  No.3096979


I think there is some truth to this.

A child porn network being dismantled.

bcbfc1  No.3096980

File: 06cefb528febd6e⋯.png (203.59 KB, 557x564, 557:564, 1_12_orig.png)

File: ba3b6754b462376⋯.jpg (13.87 KB, 640x363, 640:363, billy meier ufo_aliens con….jpg)

File: a1088da61940d8f⋯.jpg (13.37 KB, 319x245, 319:245, df87c653f14818f9cdedd4155e….jpg)

ET's exist bromegos.

Billy Meier is the real deal. Case closed.

af5d34  No.3096981


That day, there at teh pentagon they had a pair of wheels/landing gear bottoms. I remember that from footage that day.

a67be1  No.3096982

File: 189cf65a4310d42⋯.jpeg (25.16 KB, 480x480, 1:1, C2367C6C-B1AB-4C14-BD5F-7….jpeg)


With some abraxas in there.

Good job angel.

Gettin closer

34f5ee  No.3096983

File: f294a27eef549c8⋯.png (532.34 KB, 907x629, 907:629, ig.png)

a8538f  No.3096984

Hey Q

Anything factual on this website http://www.serpo.org?

They claim there was an expedition to an alien planet during Reagan's administration>>3096750


1b6e6e  No.3096985


huge announcement? live from vegas tomorrow and interview with POTUS….womp womp

7aa085  No.3096986


Thanks, it seems real. idk

507a20  No.3096987

b14b68  No.3096988

File: 1ef269aed950a31⋯.png (88.51 KB, 303x166, 303:166, ClipboardImage.png)

12d34e  No.3096989


Why can't aliens and God coexist?

3bb352  No.3096990


do your fukn' homework faggot or gtfo. Q ain't your mommy.

a1d61e  No.3096991


Goodnight anon.

Tweet to us!!!

ab7c7e  No.3096992


A lot of Anons got all worked up thinking Q confirmed the existence of real Aliens, he did not…

… What he said [in the context of Roswell] was no we are not alone.

Roswell was a Cabal event. It is well known that they have been developing anti-gravity "UFOs" for decades.

They have also been genetically modifying humans [both an extension of Nazi research from the 40s] to be the fake "aliens" (along with some Demon hosts.

These will converge in the fake alien invasion. I suspect this is what Flynn was referring to when he said they can "take us out with the snap of a finger".

Bottom line is Q did not confirm real Aliens. Look at post #376


How far away is the closest star?

What do you think?


(in other words, No real Aliens from another world).

8da0c9  No.3096993

File: 2681d9bfd77e358⋯.jpg (11.79 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 194e6fedd9d4d447bbbf4a75c5….jpg)

998bb1  No.3096994

Hi Q, Are Soros, Rothschilds and their plague going to be wiped out?

959a5c  No.3096996

7c00a6  No.3096997



If an Anon is married to a "theory" then he's a closet liberal

This is about finding and exposing truth and not propping up your pet theory (which by the way may have been disinformation from the start as an orchestrated CIA psyop)

fb2ca6  No.3096998

Q, are we all programmed? The moon landing footage looks fake as fuck. So the media releases bullshit to fuck will our brains and single out descenters. Where's the footage of the plane hitting the Pentagon?

84701e  No.3096999

File: f8c477e135e0564⋯.jpg (370.74 KB, 1600x800, 2:1, IMG_20180828_230308.jpg)

Q, indictments to include HRC?

14975e  No.3097000

Lionel has an Emmy


8e5c20  No.3097001


kek absolutley

bb6b25  No.3097002

File: 46c4fe50b40933e⋯.png (854.16 KB, 1434x896, 717:448, ClipboardImage.png)


define normal anon.

a76872  No.3097003


KEK, don't presume to know what I think. Generalizations can lead you astray. Just ask instead.

db2b6a  No.3097004


Since it looks like you believe in God and he created the Universe perhaps he created other beings? How does that negate your beliefs?

c007e4  No.3097005

Q, has George H W Bush been arrested? Is he even in the indictments?

d3bced  No.3097006

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


← watch (starts about 1:40 in)

fd2ec6  No.3097007

Dem calls for House uprising if Kavanaugh confirmed without hearing from Ford

A House Democrat called on his colleagues Wednesday to "rise up" if Republican senators push forward with Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation without hearing from his sexual assault accuser, Christine Blasey Ford.

"For the men and women of the House of Representatives, we must rise up in disgust and anger and make certain that our voice is clear," Rep. John Garamendi, D-Calif., said during an interview with CNN. "Get the facts out. Give this woman the benefit of the doubt. Don't treat her as so many women have been treated time after time in courtroom after courtroom."

Only the Senate has advise and consent responsibilities under the Constitution, rendering the House powerless to express any concerns over nominees named by the president for certain administration positions.

Instead, Garamendi suggested that he and other House lawmakers march over to the Senate because Kavanaugh's nomination was a "defining moment in the #MeToo movement."


2144cc  No.3097008


Does POTUS know that we were conquered in 1850 when a congressman brought the public school system from Prussia?

28ccd7  No.3097009



ccbfee  No.3097010

File: 5ccaea259d4c00b⋯.png (1.07 MB, 940x620, 47:31, 2018-09-19_22-21-12.png)

042218  No.3097011

File: d90f837b495f744⋯.gif (815.46 KB, 528x555, 176:185, pjpepe.gif)

What a night!


d883a2  No.3097012

File: 3b781bc38adb80f⋯.jpg (28.81 KB, 747x515, 747:515, 3b781bc38adb80f31dfb409c5c….jpg)

File: acbf5cec47c738f⋯.jpg (220.67 KB, 771x768, 257:256, 3b52cb8fb4753f11043f12dec5….jpg)

File: 8ffefa57f962611⋯.png (216.16 KB, 1351x1376, 1351:1376, 3d252b7fab1b07514f357ad0db….png)



36ac4e  No.3097013



This is like Obamas birth certificate.

Fake as fuck

b2dc76  No.3097014


Go ahead Baker, I was only stepping up if you did not want it back, honestly it is getting late for this Rockin it WorkFag.

6b68d4  No.3097015

File: 7faba29b213f72d⋯.jpg (815.01 KB, 1651x2200, 1651:2200, jesusandalostlamb.jpg)



Praying for discernment daily

Nice digits btw.

9ef07c  No.3097016

File: 6ce23e7174707de⋯.png (1.13 MB, 673x749, 673:749, 6ce23e7174707de687ea2e816c….png)

Bakers need a Q&A Baker veteran badge.

35c278  No.3097017

File: 54e69e9ab89bdc9⋯.jpeg (347.48 KB, 581x882, 83:126, 34B15195-0E23-4C29-B036-B….jpeg)

[Gay] test dev 1 . Q

5a2e5c  No.3097018


I refer to weaponized autism often but never jokingly.

72a32b  No.3097019

Q just pulled a psyop on us for a load test

what a time to be alive

2199b1  No.3097020

File: 9e201c789f650ab⋯.jpg (18.31 KB, 153x255, 3:5, 12f08ccf004481f2161931d41b….jpg)


im not leaving but god fucking damn it Q

im crazy as it is

88178b  No.3097021


The janitor is a Chinese national. Take it for what you will. Out.

19d907  No.3097022



Are Grey aliens real… and do they have every American under cloaked drone surveillance.

Are the Greys under control of The Greens.

I already know the answer to this… I just want to see if you will lie to The People.

a06aa3  No.3097023

File: 2a1aa11cd2d9f04⋯.jpeg (763.83 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 6D3EDFC7-EBF1-4589-BEC8-3….jpeg)


nothing q said about the moon makes me think those NASA films are real

it does confirm we can and have been traveling to the moon

q- who has been to the moon?

8369ba  No.3097024

File: 7d7475f8ffa9561⋯.jpg (91.66 KB, 951x555, 317:185, Dolphins (3).jpg)

File: bf5408c50882577⋯.jpg (103.34 KB, 1200x509, 1200:509, Dolphins (1).jpg)

File: b0242ee2bf5818d⋯.jpg (76.66 KB, 670x935, 134:187, Dolphins (2).jpg)

File: 857b15247e7690a⋯.png (367.93 KB, 572x461, 572:461, Dolphin Dox.png)

ok I get it


as I have been decoding.. this is to magnet anon's away from porn for a clean sweep.

622865  No.3097025


Well done emmy anon. salute

3d3daa  No.3097026


Yeah it could mean 100000 different things, so why not just take what was said as just that?

Why do certain anons immediately have to jump to justifying their own bullshit narrative and denounce what was said as some form of disinformation in a massive panic of posts?

If anything it gauges what level of detachment of reality some anons have managed to achieve.

198f5e  No.3097027

File: d5dea68686b5fe9⋯.jpg (147.93 KB, 640x640, 1:1, iu.jpg)

3ac655  No.3097028

af5d34  No.3097029


That day, there at teh pentagon they had a pair of wheels/landing gear bottoms. I remember that from footage that day.


NOPE. Not divider, calling you out for not being mindful of phonefaggers. It sucks.

46e87d  No.3097030

Q can you share the picture of the A-3 Skywarrior painted in United Airlines colors? Appears to have vanished from the internet.

22ef91  No.3097031

0a0bf8  No.3097032


>Now I have to believe in fallen angels and demons

fixed it for you.

“Read the bible, God wins!”

a2b1d4  No.3097033


Nothing like a good shit huh leafy

74c24a  No.3097034

File: eb0f3ccb87c518e⋯.jpg (38.14 KB, 1078x341, 98:31, Screenshot_20180919-180827….jpg)


When all of this is said & done, will all the countries become/remain sovereign?

… or for better or for worse, will the world become under 1 rule of law (NWO)?

fb41c7  No.3097035


Night, James

51d8a5  No.3097036

File: 9dc0437df38a919⋯.jpg (23.64 KB, 249x255, 83:85, Reptilian has to go back.jpg)


23321e  No.3097037


I love how far we've come since last year in terms of the Plan, but I sure do miss the old board environment. Real autists, real digging.

9ec9b7  No.3097038


Agree anon. Totally doable without the blackhawk or evacuation. Part of the cover story.

a9640a  No.3097039


I hope Q is not “saving Israel for last” in order to whitewash 9/11 and support future Iran military action.

53bdab  No.3097040

File: 7cc0b451ef6b34c⋯.jpg (104.21 KB, 1080x1211, 1080:1211, TrumpSaidHisPhoneWuzTapped.jpg)


Q, Are there age limits for joining the NSA ?

ebb123  No.3097041

File: 490c66ee63a93c9⋯.jpeg (196.64 KB, 1440x1857, 480:619, 1537410203.jpeg)

42073b  No.3097042

File: 34af1df8c33c42f⋯.jpeg (27.86 KB, 474x394, 237:197, newfag.jpeg)

sent this to a fren today.

he redpilled a normie co-worker and is showing him the ropes in here.

welcome newfag.

6b4cd7  No.3097043

File: 9d7343df2d39924⋯.jpg (81.4 KB, 570x855, 2:3, IMG_5343.JPG)

File: 18743fbb23c5ec1⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, IMG_5344.PNG)

Mrs Kavenaugh trolled the press today when they showed up at the house… passed out cupcakes!! /our girl/

41d75d  No.3097044

File: 9c0427782976727⋯.jpg (1.97 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, home.jpg)

Give me a ring if you need an Earth Ambassador.

2c54a9  No.3097045

Kansas on Ingraham Angle RN

0d1111  No.3097046

Q I hope this is true that things are being fixed because a lot of shit will hit the fan patriots are done with them!

f789ca  No.3097047

File: ea8efe030b506b1⋯.png (32.54 KB, 581x127, 581:127, Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at ….png)

Good Night!! Thanks for the KeKs!!

Who is "Lionel"??

3caef5  No.3097048



645461  No.3097049


Future Q deletions

Any bets on which of these responses Q will delete by the end of the week?

I think the Roswell one gets deleted.

b4eac8  No.3097050

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


cc376b  No.3097051



Holy shit Q you told THEM!!!

6ffe52  No.3097052


Q Team:

Confirm True Creator and the rest are false gods? El-Elyon, Marduk, Enki, etc.. the whole Evite/Jebusite issue…

Will this force dogmatic religions to come to senses?

0da5be  No.3097053


yes!!- saw that while waiting a refresh which of course happened as I tried a snag- board is too squirrelly - I'm too slow

ab7c7e  No.3097055


Alpha Centauri

Star system

Alpha Centauri is the star system closest to the Solar System, being 4.37 light-years from the Sun. It consists of three stars: Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B, which form the binary star Alpha.

ie: NO Real [aliens] just fake Cabal aliens.

66e377  No.3097056

Grab a basketball and squeeze it with both hands. Feel its hardness? That's pressure. Now watch any SPACESUIT in action. What tech is NASA using to make a SPACESUIT IN A VACUUM WITH PRESSURE DENSITY -10.7 NOT look like an inflated basketball?

Either our physics is covering up space travel's relaxed conditions or NASA can use physics defying gravity to defy basic vacuum physics. Ask a vacuum tech about vacuum defying tech and theyll tell you nothing can escape the force of a vacuum.

The amount of questions that can be answered straightforwardly makes it difficult for myself and others to accept Space Travel & Moon Landings.

If we did go to moon then it's exciting that Space isn't a vacuum afterall

6087d6  No.3097057

File: b2434889a385c50⋯.jpg (6.17 KB, 257x167, 257:167, e9095d066e46da6d50ec5700a3….jpg)





ff8c6d  No.3097058

File: 6d6daa97d8758df⋯.jpg (75.5 KB, 640x705, 128:141, creep3.jpg)

32a112  No.3097059

When this is all done, will you all explain all that’s gone down? A book? A series of posts? Or will you just fade away and let it be ambiguous?

c6e82c  No.3097060

File: 1d55375930eca8a⋯.png (236.63 KB, 550x375, 22:15, ClipboardImage.png)

34f5ee  No.3097061

File: 8aed4e045292e44⋯.png (2.34 MB, 1395x858, 465:286, KekUnbound.png)


Personally, I am inclined to think they do.

9ef07c  No.3097062

File: 6e3552c27f1ed00⋯.jpg (74.58 KB, 640x705, 128:141, 6e3552c27f1ed0037b8664ce52….jpg)

AFLB finally got that reassignment surgery.

11cada  No.3097063

Q & A was network traffic & hardware load test. Why do you think Q answered the Alien & Moon Landing questions the way he did? What better way to generate maximum traffic in shortest possible time span?

12b0c6  No.3097064

kansas is killing it right now

74c24a  No.3097065


Pentagon post

4d5f6e  No.3097066

File: 82fc0254d57a6b4⋯.png (501.66 KB, 697x677, 697:677, unknown.png)

File: 929e313a33d898d⋯.png (1008.32 KB, 628x689, 628:689, invitation-to-feinsteins-e….PNG)

The Coven

637cfa  No.3097067

File: fb8356f32a55509⋯.png (570.2 KB, 780x585, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

technically a plane…….

dd5ce7  No.3097068


Maybe there will be an old fashioned melee in the House. And the fucktards will all kill each other. Problem solved.

b4bdef  No.3097069

37170b  No.3097070


look again fuck. Where are the fucking WINGS OF THE PLANE?? Or the holes in the shape of a wing? Use your fucking head.

ab0a22  No.3097071


no shit

4f66c1  No.3097072


I believe Q on this. But anyway, that's not a Tomahawk attack. Tomahawks air burst over a target… not designed to plow into a target. Even if it did it wouldn't have had enough energy to go that deep into the building

5c3998  No.3097073

Q didn’t say there were aliens, he just said we’re not alone. Book of Enoch tells us they are demons. (Fallen angels)

a32799  No.3097074

Plan B…have retiring Republican US Representative read classified documents in question into the record.

3190dc  No.3097075


Do they work for us or not?

3585c3  No.3097076

File: 024af056f56b53c⋯.jpg (128.61 KB, 621x960, 207:320, 1535709647467.jpg)


Here you cia faggot

2fa106  No.3097077


The universe is not under any obligation to make sense to your feeble mongoloid pea-brain, faggot.

a9640a  No.3097078


Fbi sticks CP on computers as a convenient distraction or leverage to use with the accused. See paddock brothers.

c44169  No.3097079


Understood anon, thanks. I won't be far behind you. Thanks for all your support, really. Wew.


c007e4  No.3097080

Q, is TG, Trey Gowdy, a patriot?

c7cecf  No.3097081

Believe in yourself and question everything

3fa6b2  No.3097082


Either you are shilling for them or you didn't check the link.

28ccd7  No.3097083


Obama's B-cert is real!

Easter Bunny is real!

Santa Claus is real!

Plane hit pentagon is real.

Moon Landing is Real.

Pay attention, anon.

2144cc  No.3097084


Why are we not running the government out of the education business? You realize this is the whole problem we are trying to fix here, right?

1f2328  No.3097085

Q, Whats the deal with Insignia Gate? Does the Five Star Trust really exist???

3d5958  No.3097086


You are correct. Logic is key. This is a spiritual war unfolding. There’s far more going on than you know. Without full transparency people are following blindly. The truths to a good portion is out there; not to the full extent unfortunately. Be observant, be very observant to see. “If you look right also look left, and when your told to look left don’t exclude the right.” Sorry to be so cryptic. There’s a reason. God bless us all

5a2e5c  No.3097087


It's a LARP…until suddenly it isn't.

b4eac8  No.3097088


What about Neil Keenan

5614b8  No.3097089

is everyone going to vegas suddenly or something? wtf

ab0a22  No.3097091



only the BO can delete Q's posts here newfaggots

11cada  No.3097092

Q & A was network traffic & hardware load test. Why do you think Q answered the Alien & Moon Landing questions the way he did? What better way to generate maximum traffic in shortest possible time span?

b70902  No.3097093


Space is big…

What'd ya expect??

578a35  No.3097095

File: 475725743497cc1⋯.jpeg (127.36 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 05CFA48E-4E91-4EE1-A16E-9….jpeg)

File: ec1e1005dad6b48⋯.jpeg (20.97 KB, 255x161, 255:161, 9E49737C-4E1F-4EB6-B793-9….jpeg)

File: 6ff1a8581879714⋯.jpeg (12.21 KB, 165x138, 55:46, 61432DFF-4A16-4E51-8D9E-F….jpeg)

File: c35fbf0d723f654⋯.jpeg (23.02 KB, 201x255, 67:85, 40574E78-E4D5-4948-A2DE-7….jpeg)


KEK or no sauce to make us realize we already have it all! KEK

a1d61e  No.3097096


Do some research and get caught up. There are thousands that have been contacted.

419527  No.3097097


Do you think 8chan ever expected the magnitude of this? NO.. The Overload is nothing new… WHAT can be done to fix it? $ for more bandwidth OR you all click on every fucking add 20x a day..

33e55f  No.3097098


Watched "The Onion Field Killers" recently. Who would have thought you'd turn out smart and Danson insane?

b38d1e  No.3097099


Yeah, well they don't evacuate entire towns over some asshole downloading CP.

You are correct, gay as fuck.

BS story if I ever heard one. Case closed.

6c8e75  No.3097100

File: 5bf3a3c22c9c108⋯.jpeg (65.76 KB, 668x381, 668:381, pentagon ...plane.jpeg)

cce35e  No.3097101


What impact had DNC voter fraud have on previous election cycles? I’ve always felt that conservative though was a lot more prominant than polls or election results suggest? How far have we come to ridding the country of voter fraud?

God bless Q+


49ef0d  No.3097102

File: 8e4e6b76334d152⋯.jpg (21.44 KB, 630x559, 630:559, 2truths.jpg)


Wow, and this is why I haven't had an intelligent conversation with a biblefag in over 25 years.

"God" creates huge universe but only for one little small species on a single planet that doesn't make up .00000000001% of the entire universe.

Such narcissistic thinking and an insult to their "all powerful God" no less.

a12b61  No.3097103


I've seen talk of impeaching/firing RR over this slow walk, so it may have other intended implications. Long optics game

a3e6b0  No.3097104


My feels exactly

239424  No.3097105


Q = fraud

it was all for a larp, and tomorrow it will still be all for a larp

Just get rid of Q imho, at least with just George W Bush and Fox news sucking his dick all day they weren't pretending at the time they were fighting the deep state like they are now

0d56d4  No.3097106


actually the Roswell post mostly was about statistical probability.

0e1db0  No.3097107


At the end of all this

will you just disappear?

or give us a heads up and a goodbye?


c44169  No.3097108

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

774984  No.3097109


Pic fits. Could that armament be considered a plane?

ab0a22  No.3097110


thats pasta you dumb faggot

e3ab23  No.3097111


This has already been answered by Q. Yes, Gowdy is a patriot.

959a5c  No.3097113


This is choice. KEK!

19d907  No.3097114


They are both real

e755ee  No.3097115

Q, how corrupt/to what degree compromised, are the various Orthodox Churches? (Bart/Kirill/Etc).

1ab34b  No.3097116


May our USA LEOs practice legal work soon. Enough is enough.

5e0c15  No.3097117


I won't debate it here but i'm not buying it.. and if he knows the faith he quotes all the time 'he' should know better as well. That one post will lead many to lose faith and i'm baffled at it.. Since Trump is Christian and those posting as Q quote Biblical Scripture I think it's fair to remind them of what the Bible says as far as deception and that we will see all kinds of signs and whatnot and the Apostle writing to us with the guidance of the Holy Spirit warned us 'do not believe it!' I always joke with God reminding him He could land aliens in my front yard and I would know demons are tricking me.. and if you're Christian this is what you're called and warned of to believe as well.. the vastness of space isn't there to hold alien life, it is there to remind us of the vastness and greatness of God compared to us.. God is infinite in comparison.. the vastness of space lifts us out of this world reminding us that God is just that.. vast in comparison.. So to me, and those who should believe similarly.. if 'aliens' are ever 'discovered'.. we're not to believe it.. we're to see it as deception because if we choose to believe it we reject Who God is and Who He told us He is and what we are to believe about Him.. and this is the aim and intent of the deception. I personally believe the world will discover such things.. but we must remember what those 'things' are and remember what we were warned of to do.. hold fast to faith and never waver because it's a test of faith. So for Q who posts as a Christian to say we're not alone.. utterly irresponsible and scandalous to the Faith he quotes and to those who believe in It. For me it completely calls credibility into question because it's the one thing that should always be firmly believed if you claim to have God with you.. that there is but one God and we know His Word and what is not in It.. what he posted tonight is contrary to Scripture and thus must be rejected.

I'm upset and angry more than anything because I know well the forces of deception that seek our loss of faith.. I've seen them work in the lives of people and i've seen people lose faith and thus God. They will tell 99% truth to gain your trust and then drop that 1% lie that causes the loss of your soul.. that is the demonic in action. I realize there are different beliefs around us and even here.. but as I said above.. don't quote me the Bible and then not believe in all of it yourself.. that is nothing short of demonic and even if it costs the loss of one single soul.. it was worth everything he not have posted it. We truly are at war here and it's much larger than anyone realizes..

4259d8  No.3097118


Russia-> Shot

China-> Shot

S.A. ->Shot, beheaded, dragged through the streets

I think we should go with S.A.'s version until people learn that law and order is back in session.

c04c10  No.3097119

>>3096989 God is Real! the aliens are DEMONS! (fallen angles)

e6939d  No.3097120


*False: moon landings


*False moon landings


Come on, Q. Typos are okay. smoetimes I make typos.

See? Look I just did one tight there. And I did one again just now.

Anyway, WWG1WGA


>How far away is the closest star?

Are we counting those heavenly bodies that have fallen? Aren't they among us already?

Where did Q say who/what is out there?


How vast is it, really? Is there no firmament? Should we pick and choose which scriptures to believe?

69aac1  No.3097121



It's not an easy question to answer. You have to get into deep theological discussion pertaining to the role of salvation, the uniqueness of Jesus Christ as both man and God incarnate, God creating man in his own image and likeness, etc. If aliens have rational thought then they have the ability to sin against God. If none of them have ever sinned then they should be dwelling with God like the angels. If they have sinned then they are in need of salvation but Jesus would not be their savior because he was incarnate of the human race.

43bb76  No.3097122

File: 58bf55d8b993cd2⋯.jpg (26.44 KB, 200x255, 40:51, IMG_5479.JPG)

File: 74b555555d7e579⋯.gif (4.66 KB, 185x162, 185:162, IMG_7751.GIF)


Shit I missed it again!

I thought I would be early for the night shift so I wouldn't miss something. My shit is out of wack, I guess a year without sleep will do that.

Ok, night shift Anon reporting for duty


af5d34  No.3097124


I am telling you point blank, that day I saw them on the footage. I am not a “fuck” for mearly stating that. If you want plane parts.. I am sure next time they will fill a room full of them and when the bomb, dew, or whatever the fuck happens.. they will show all the pieces of the plane they planted and all you parts nancies will be totally happy.

I know it is hard to read emotion over digital.. but I was mearly stating a fact.

bcbfc1  No.3097125

File: 06cefb528febd6e⋯.png (203.59 KB, 557x564, 557:564, 1_12_orig.png)


Notice the vantage point of this image. The image was not taken from the ground…. There are three ships in this moment. Get it ?

Billy Meier's ET friends usually fly in groups of three. one manned ship and two drones so to speak.

5b2f79  No.3097126

Plane = hypersonic glider?

522631  No.3097127



Still havent learned what you win an Emmy for.

bb6b25  No.3097128

File: 3475f3495a630d7⋯.png (371.07 KB, 390x422, 195:211, ClipboardImage.png)


go back to paytriots soapbox faggot. we dont serve your kind here.

637cfa  No.3097129


hholy kek fukn rekt

844156  No.3097130

Fresh Bread

Last ebake from me for now, previous baker will resume.


Refresh the page if it's still locked for you.

f3c056  No.3097131


This wasn't a Q&A session anons.

This was a test the server and gauge response session.

31cb20  No.3097132

File: 41a79519f978029⋯.jpg (6.92 KB, 299x199, 299:199, swe4.jpg)

89e4dc  No.3097133


To your third question, the rocket does not "push" on anything. It is propelled by the principle of conservation of momentum. (Newton was not quite right with F=ma, actually it's F=dp/dt where p=mv is momentum, and a rocket's mass changes so F=ma + v dm/dt, the second term is the one that explains rocket propulsion and Newton left it out.)

4e7697  No.3097134


Where's the shroom?

c633ca  No.3097135



a67a8d  No.3097136



I like the way you think.

0d56d4  No.3097137


Expand your thinking. Re think star.

cc376b  No.3097138

Awe man. I wish I could ask you all my questions.

Not the right time. Maybe in time.

7ddf89  No.3097139

File: 541345deee4ce2c⋯.png (116.86 KB, 383x493, 383:493, Rob O'Rourke.png)

Texas has a some dumb ass Irish swamp creature trying to pass himself off as Mexican to secure the Democrat vote.

So sick of this shit. Said so on twatter and had my account immediately suspended. He even looks like one of the Kennedy clan.

abbe5a  No.3097140


Why would you fake the video if you actually landed on the Moon? Doesn't jive

51d8a5  No.3097141

File: f81ec1f64c2c89c⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1250x921, 1250:921, MOABooty2.png)


Must mean something big is about to drop…

I swear I linked >>3097036 to: >>3096826

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