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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, bake.jpg)

40d289  No.3096378

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of violence only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of violence in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 09.19.18

>>3095226 rt >>3094846 ———----------——– 412,000 now.

>>3095105 rt >>3094804 ———----------——– False, moon landings are real.

>>3094565 ———-----------------------------——– Tracking 330,000 IPs which is causing extreme lag.

>>3094453 rt >>3093917 ———----------——– [RR] stand down due to K conf.

>>3094236 rt >>3093831 ———----------——– No. Highest classification. Consider the vastness of space

>>3093898 rt >>3093795 ———----------——– Yes

>>3093821 ———-----------------------------——– /CM/ pls divert more resources/bandwidth into board

>>3093784 rt >>3093306 ———----------——– None are protected. None are safe

>>3093508 rt >>3093293 ———----------——– In the end, all will be right

>>3093430 rt >>3093289 ———----------——– Billionaire(s) 187

>>3093270 ———-----------------------------——– Q&A

>>3093117 ———-----------------------------——– PANIC IN UK, DC, UK, DC

>>3093024 ———-----------------------------——– Castle lock

>>>/patriotsfight/266 —————–—————- Think of context ( Cap: >>3092071 )

>>>/patriotsfight/265 —————–—————- Got popcorn? ( Cap: >>3091915 )

>>>/patriotsfight/264 —————–—————- How about a nice game of chess? ( Cap: >>3091799 )

Tuesday 09.18.18

>>>/patriotsfight/263 —————–—————- Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein. ( Cap: >>3082716 )

>>>/patriotsfight/262 —————–—————- Truth to Power. Listen carefully. ( Cap: >>3079711, >>3079717 )

>>>/patriotsfight/261 —————–—————- WE SEE YOU. ( Cap: >>3078445 )

>>>/patriotsfight/260 —————–—————- GAME OVER. ( Cap: >>3078334 )

>>>/patriotsfight/259 —————–—————- DS PANIC IS REAL. ( Cap: >>3076552 )

Monday 09.17.18

Compiled here: >>3093355

Sunday 09.16.18

Compiled here: >>3065797

Saturday 09.15.18

Compiled here: >>3065785

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

Post last edited at

40d289  No.3096427


are not endorsements


>>2954845, >>2955152 #DeclassifyFISA <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes

>>3054499 TMZ article/FEMA director backs POTUS statement that fewer died in PR than reports


>>3093821 Q to CodeMonkey: Pls divert more resources/bandwidth into board

>>3087072 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 (SPREAD IT)

>>3023169, >>3001747 BO/BV announces >>>/patriotsawoken/ as our SFW sister board

>>2993403, >>3079699 The OFFICIAL replacement for /r/greatawakening on VOAT (spread for the normies): https://voat.co/v/theawakening

>>2999802 Message from CM : New posting servers to help alleviate peak-time lag


(Notables collection suspended during Q&A)


(Notables collection suspended during Q&A)


(Notables collection suspended during Q&A)


(Notables collection suspended during Q&A)


(Notables collection suspended during Q&A)

Previously Collected Notables

>>3092936 #3913

>>3090643 #3910, >>3091410 #3911, >>3092198 #3912

>>3088304 #3907, >>3089080 #3908, >>3089872 #3909

>>3085991 #3904, >>3086738 #3905, >>3087511 #3906

>>3083603 #3901, >>3084424 #3902, >>3085186 #3903

>>3081251 #3898, >>3082043 #3899, >>3082805 #3900

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

40d289  No.3096445

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread —————- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 – META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 – QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 – New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 – Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>32223 –— Qs Chess Game

>>618758 –– Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>2518070 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #2

>>2399939 – Clockwork Qrange #3 & >>2021597 – Clockwork Qrange #2

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2878373 - Clockwork Qrange #4

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#47 >>>/comms/2450, >>3085316

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

40d289  No.3096477

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.I.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!wrwxWYqZ!WfGoNq-17boQe67aLUN7EIPFqMr5hO6fq8F_SfwMCVc

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/387618488/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-I?secret_password=RqBLVofdGM5XUJfyYpNL

MEDIAFIRE: http://www.mediafire.com/file/hpm6xvwc5x0gi02/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.I.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

30 >>3038264 ; 29 >>2946736 ; 28 >>2732413 ; Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ———- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3032592

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

How To Bake: Video Tutorial >>3018667

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

40d289  No.3096545



9e8f5d  No.3097123

Q, is Q+ or Q staffer(s) of the CJCS (dark side)?

78e214  No.3097142

Is it just me who feels we're being fooled? If not fooled, maybe there's just a plan or agreement that we don't know. Maybe even a nefarious one.

Q saying that the pent was hit by a plane. Sure maybe there can be some double meaning behind that statement but why, at this time, 17 years later are we still lying, on purpose, about that event?

We will never FORGET

We will never FORGIVE



just let it go it what Q really is saying. Here is why:

9/11 was a much more complicated event then what we were told, on all levels of awareness. The MSM only told us about the hi-jackers, the controlled-non-msm "woke" media told us about the strange things that were never really explained. But the same media also never gave us a good explanation for anything, here I put topics such as nano-super-thermite/mate micro-nukes, lazerbeams from the sky and so on and so on. This was done to keep us thinking that something must be done, questions must be answered. But nothing was really done and the people who tried to do something were ignored and called crazy.. even by the non-msm "woke"-crew.

One of those who tried was Dr. Judy Wood. She even sued NIST for lying to the American people and government. The judge threw the case out because he didn't want to hear about aliens and faked moonlandings. Nothing that the case was about.

She tried but got nothing but a handful of supporters outside the courthouse, supporting her.

So why are people in power and media so actively trying stop real action? Why does even Q want us to forget?

The tech used for 9/11 is their tech, now Q's tech, illegally used by the criminal cabal. If they "TELL ALL ABOUT IT" you know.. the enemies can use it.

And damn… is this some cool tech. Literal alchemy and material control at a molecular and atomic level. Truly astonishing.

Remember all those spontaneous combustion's around the 2000's? … ye… It can be used as a weapon too… and to turn towers into dust.

Sadly it can pretty much fix our energy problems and medical problems as well.. But also destroy the planet.

Your choice…

I want to die


4ec7d6  No.3097143


It must be terribly disappointing to realize the level of stupidity here.

I too am embarrassed by the influx of retardation.


aef553  No.3097144

File: 5dd0ead17174e79⋯.png (234.56 KB, 693x629, 693:629, ClipboardImage.png)

James Comey reveals in a recent interview that for years he had been a COMMUNIST!


8f36f3  No.3097145

File: b2b3a80a11de42b⋯.png (134.4 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)



703e0a  No.3097146

File: 82fc0254d57a6b4⋯.png (501.66 KB, 697x677, 697:677, unknown.png)

File: 929e313a33d898d⋯.png (1008.32 KB, 628x689, 628:689, invitation-to-feinsteins-e….PNG)

Reposting my dig of "The Wing' - a self proclaimed coven of witches with ties to Hillary Clinton and Diane Feinstein

baf265  No.3097147

Q, what is witholding the Obama photo album from leaking ?

7ec0ae  No.3097148

Plane with three dea agents crashed today. Fuckery. Again.

66804a  No.3097149

Was the Q/A to stress test the board before FISA comes out sending many more this way?

4165ca  No.3097150

File: d0863110d348591⋯.png (119.13 KB, 359x520, 359:520, hpv.png)

620b34  No.3097151

File: 658210cceb898a7⋯.jpg (222.6 KB, 650x433, 650:433, storchedearth.jpg)

File: fcc84ddb4349d26⋯.jpg (2.71 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, outyougo.jpg)

File: e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png)

Jesus Christ, may the power of evil be overwhelmed;

May Your Light, expressed in the eyes and hopeful

Actions of all good people upon the earth, destroy evil,

And bring an epoch of new progress to the earth.


9944fd  No.3097152

File: 2c3201b7aa11526⋯.jpeg (19.14 KB, 207x243, 23:27, PeacePepe.jpeg)


One More Time


Also to the incoming favorite Baker <3

6d203e  No.3097154

inb4 stuckness -Thu 2018-09-20 02:30:48 GMT

5e8a2e  No.3097155

File: 17ee650ab0812c4⋯.jpeg (782.2 KB, 715x960, 143:192, 9233ED75-78FC-4E81-97A7-3….jpeg)

File: 6e12aec58fb473d⋯.jpeg (28.91 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 6D734246-AB33-4ACC-B17B-C….jpeg)

Thanks BO!

81915b  No.3097156

Child porn reason behind observatory closure? Lies

74ab9b  No.3097157

File: 46ac7de5e9bc020⋯.jpg (143.87 KB, 724x497, 724:497, 97344ab60f320fc6857ee5bda9….jpg)


Woa! ThanQs Baker & BO!

Was still tired after last night so I went to nap after work.

Looks like you guys had fun while I was away..

1294fc  No.3097158

File: 46c2e743d6bd6e8⋯.png (4.08 MB, 1066x1600, 533:800, TANKQ BAKER.png)

0bc61c  No.3097160

File: f743ae7e8172576⋯.jpg (59.92 KB, 640x640, 1:1, fhgN7j1.jpg)

Outstanding work Baker!

4d187c  No.3097161

I have a sneaking suspicion AFLB may not be a faggot.

Could be a really cute red head True-FemAnon

What say you Aflb.

93cdec  No.3097162


Maybe because (You) need to be intelligent first.

172e19  No.3097163

I’m so worn out by all this. I can only imagine how hard this is on those that know the truth already.

3bdf2b  No.3097164

File: 2ca61b0ce87eacd⋯.jpg (923.71 KB, 3002x1501, 2:1, StrengthTest.jpg)

File: 815c29273979ad5⋯.jpg (590.25 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, BattleGround_SenateSeats.jpg)

File: 9cad56f2a43f445⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 2048x1024, 2:1, BattleGround_HouseSeats.jpg)

58c75b  No.3097165


so who's baking?

or are you taking this shift BO?


15b299  No.3097166

#1 - Q(+) does not know the whole truth about everything

#2 - if he (they) did, and they revealed it, life as we know it would change. economies and countries would collapse. if we all knew the mystery(ies) of life, i don't know that the supply chains (as they currently are) would continue to function properly.

#3 - in this life, there doesn't seem to be an escape from the matrix/beast

#4 - i guess this just leaves us with, be the best you can be and be the change you want to see in the world

#5 - Q promises quick and easy solutions, truth; nothing worth it is easy

d451d1  No.3097167



Pentagon was hit by a plane, but damage pattern inconsistent with commercial widebody…penetration damage consistent with a shaped charge warhead, similar but bigger than AGM-65…weaponized cessna/learjet? Wings still missing from external damage marks. What are we missing? Was attack launched from a plane (missile)?



6667a5  No.3097168

An Anon said this in the last bread


A lot of Anons got all worked up thinking Q confirmed the existence of real Aliens, he did not…

… What he said [in the context of Roswell] was no we are not alone.

Roswell was a Cabal event. It is well known that they have been developing anti-gravity "UFOs" for decades.

They have also been genetically modifying humans [both an extension of Nazi research from the 40s] to be the fake "aliens" (along with some Demon hosts.

These will converge in the fake alien invasion. I suspect this is what Flynn was referring to when he said they can "take us out with the snap of a finger".

Bottom line is Q did not confirm real Aliens. Look at post #376


How far away is the closest star?

What do you think?


(in other words, No real Aliens from another world).


However Q may have been referring to evidence

That complex organic molecules

Like RNA, are being formed in space

In snowball comets circling a star

And that this may be the origin of organic life on earth

Which would mean that the same process is happening

On lots of other planets everywhere in the universe

0a60a5  No.3097169

There is no liberty as long as schools are influenced by government.

dfe6e3  No.3097170

File: 38b5296367c6b02⋯.png (327.84 KB, 528x400, 33:25, ClipboardImage.png)

7ec0ae  No.3097171


Thank you bo

5444b8  No.3097172

File: 36e06db92975be8⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1563x839, 1563:839, 1518495433588.png)

File: 9fcf842b4eaee79⋯.jpg (3.96 MB, 2337x4277, 2337:4277, 1527648762150.jpg)

File: caba36b16182f14⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1600x975, 64:39, 1486258872384.png)

2146ba  No.3097173



You just threw a lot of good patriots into total turmoil with this, including me. I don't know what to believe any more. Why did you quote the Bible in the past? Did you really not understand what this would do to people who trust you?

01d059  No.3097174


Pls. give us a Q&A over conf, if applicable, so we can stop sliding the bread with questions that have no chance to be answered.

296941  No.3097175

Q, alien life - extra dimensional, terrestrial, both… or something else?

a878d9  No.3097176

File: 2decdb36f93cc7a⋯.jpg (14.12 KB, 258x184, 129:92, 3stooges3.jpg)

thank you bakers!! each and every one!

bb765b  No.3097177

115717  No.3097178

File: 73018566c2ea20e⋯.png (333.06 KB, 802x412, 401:206, Screenshot_87 - Copy (2).png)

6a8075  No.3097179

File: fb8356f32a55509⋯.png (570.2 KB, 780x585, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

airplane (ârˈplānˌ)►

n. Any of various winged vehicles capable of flight, generally heavier than air and driven by jet engines or propellers.

technically a plane

0d112a  No.3097180

File: 5ea3931a43a6eff⋯.jpg (1.85 MB, 3002x1501, 2:1, 0f490642a585c6c2428bd3f56e….jpg)

57a2f7  No.3097181

>>3097117 (LB)

Did you ever stop to think the faith you've been lead to believe is what is keeping your eyes closed to reality and not being truly awakened?

4dd37a  No.3097182

Plane could be a hypersonic glider even. Would hit with quite a bit of force.

58c75b  No.3097183


an anon last bread said it was a CHINESE NATIONAL which would go along with theories it was a spy

but don't have sauce for that, digging

8a6c67  No.3097184


take a catnap

a0e510  No.3097185


Agree. I choose my mind(thought, rationale) over what ppl tell me(regardless of mage level - kek).

df0511  No.3097186

File: 2333e0f53055813⋯.jpg (110.4 KB, 508x591, 508:591, good-path-bad-path.jpg)

File: 6f7ee95f6972873⋯.jpg (167.89 KB, 779x751, 779:751, b41bc1504cf4b85da0e7489319….jpg)

508c47  No.3097187


Is the Mandela Effect real? A PsyOp? Are people losing their minds? Some compelling evidence to support the claims.


8d3124  No.3097188


Q Team:

Confirm True Creator and the rest are false gods? El-Elyon, Marduk, Enki, etc.. the whole Evite/Jebusite issue…

Will this force dogmatic religions to come to senses?

1914b2  No.3097189

File: 3b8e7ac09972ee6⋯.png (2.78 MB, 1023x1479, 341:493, ClipboardImage.png)

Reposting to reinforce the point. This time with gingers for attnz

Those already calling Q out after having seen him state

<a) Pentagon strike was a plane (yes - not a direct in depth answer, but clear enough, although I have my own questions as well)

<b) outcry against moonlanding/shape of the earth, etc…

>5-10% are lost forever

nowhere did Q state/clarify/confirm that all of that 5-10% are lefties/dems/normies/(((them)))

some of that 5-10% will be our fellow anons/truthers. Some people refuse to acknowledge the truth no matter the evidence and facts presented and no matter the presenter.

Food for thought.

afacf7  No.3097190

File: 6e9ec89357198f4⋯.png (53.11 KB, 1056x590, 528:295, Selection_400.png)

c611e1  No.3097191

File: c9828be61370973⋯.gif (4.09 MB, 400x400, 1:1, 4cogo7aq93n11.gif)


eb875b  No.3097192

>>3096952 last bread

No offense intended fren

But if you believe it’s not necessary to check if your convictions are real with Q.

Q is not God. But Q is on God’s team.

Yes it’s correc Jesus died for all of our sins.

Keep your faith and let no one steel it from you.

870bf5  No.3097193

Hey Q

Anything factual on this website http://www.serpo.org?

They claim there was an expedition to an alien planet during Reagan's administration

0bc61c  No.3097194

File: 5301af6788bf61f⋯.jpeg (294.23 KB, 1440x970, 144:97, 1537410547.jpeg)

f19786  No.3097195


What is the most effective thing in known existence that will heal my body?

Thank you,


f71aeb  No.3097196

the "No" responds to "Roswell"

If you are looking above for aliens you are conceiving the question wrong.

Look at the vastness of the universe, and your mind will be blown like Job's.

bdf8ee  No.3097197

File: 408a5ea7e2edd2d⋯.png (209.7 KB, 1162x884, 581:442, Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at ….png)

SC rescheduled her appearance on Hannity at the last minute due to a flight she needed to catch.

Sounds like something urgent.


620b34  No.3097198

File: 5d4f33e7ff909e2⋯.png (1013.08 KB, 962x805, 962:805, hpning.png)

File: 2b5f0d9595b8d9c⋯.png (309.56 KB, 1001x976, 1001:976, KITTY.png)

File: 6ce951fef74b2a1⋯.jpg (1.72 MB, 940x6768, 5:36, fakies.jpg)

File: ca61e7daedbcc5a⋯.png (292.39 KB, 609x698, 609:698, LOSER.png)

File: e586b9888818f05⋯.png (721.24 KB, 1024x759, 1024:759, BBOUSMOH.png)


98914d  No.3097199

Q wants to talk about the moon, will they ever talk about the physics behind all this deception, or is that a position they know will not be defensible? Physics doesn't lie. So, let's hear it Q!

ee499c  No.3097200

Q, late to the party. I'm sure of it. But was Hussein, legitimate President or not?

BTW, thank you for all, and BIG THANKS and LOVE for POTUS.

God bless.


acbfee  No.3097201

File: b9316d8f471ca0f⋯.png (853.49 KB, 1238x778, 619:389, Sep 19 would a democrat li….png)

4d3e27  No.3097202

File: 689dc3d6452893f⋯.jpeg (34.76 KB, 500x333, 500:333, 0F85F2CD-4BE7-4AB0-B1FA-F….jpeg)

3f160b  No.3097203


>#5 - Q promises quick and easy solutions …

false. Q has never offered anything but information.

8a06c5  No.3097204


You don't think fallen angels came from outer space? Where do you think they came from?

41537e  No.3097205


Stupid question. Hey, is my memory that fucked up? Yes. Your memory is fucked up. Next.

84032b  No.3097206

Q, is there any truth to the anon posting about the end of Skull and Bones?

1a2ad0  No.3097207

File: 313d846db770ad5⋯.png (66.99 KB, 770x1068, 385:534, 24f57b8029dca247f3e7aef72a….png)


Q, when can we expect shill organizations and compromised owners/mods/volunteers on 4chan and 8 chan to be cleaned up? These people need to be cleaned out trying to silence us, and harm anons. If this post gets dubs, pls reply.


160e07  No.3097208

Q, did something recently happen at the Federal Reserve like this past week?

8a8d7b  No.3097209



60ccb2  No.3097210



how can no name get a hero's funeral?

0e2afe  No.3097211

File: 96f2f7fac297bcd⋯.jpeg (330.2 KB, 793x549, 13:9, Screenshot_2018-09-19-22-….jpeg)

The moon is inside the firmament. So is the sun.

Vastness of space is God's Kingdom.

God's Kingdom is right above us. We can see an entry way here:

d89ec7  No.3097212


New flash: DOJ/FBI are executive branch agencies. They don't work for Congress. Maybe they should try holding their breath until RR agrees to meet.

5e8a2e  No.3097213

The only thing worse than being a concernfag is pandering to a concernfag

b38e14  No.3097214

HRC is there an actual [ ] video?

a5fb50  No.3097215


Are you the anon that made the post about the Prussian school system? Spot on.

Few read history these days. And, not surprisingly, the schools don't teach their own history.

baf265  No.3097216

As a depressive person, Q I hope you know what you are doing, I'm having a hard time and I know some people are much more worse than me, this cannot be good for our health, I hope you realize that.

8a6c67  No.3097218



ecd5c6  No.3097219

File: e2ebf04bd0144a4⋯.jpeg (30.32 KB, 375x414, 125:138, e2ebf04bd0144a447d468e518….jpeg)


You aren't cut out for this life partner.

This is the land of wolves now.

797645  No.3097220



OP's q was too vague.

What KIND of plane hit Pentagon?

It certainly was not a jumbo jet.

cdcb11  No.3097221


Anon, the bible has always said “aliens” are real. In Genesis fallen angels left their first estate and procreated with women producing the nephilim. The book of Enoch further elaborates on this, and is quoted in the book of Jude.

821d0f  No.3097222

File: 2c0dfb5d74090cd⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB, 2100x1575, 4:3, 6E02AFBD-8A5A-4E76-A49E-3….jpeg)

pic related

115717  No.3097223

File: 6258431654c8ddf⋯.png (23.3 KB, 1254x400, 627:200, Screenshot_106.png)


Q was gone a long time ago.

Q confirmed on post 5:5:5:5 that Q&A was over.


2ab78f  No.3097224


exactly, the ? was not if a 757 hit pentagon, could have been any size. like the photo.

and we are not alone could be anything.

2146ba  No.3097225


Come on, that's obviously not what he meant.

2d158a  No.3097226


It's okay. It takes time to reconcile. The Bible is no less pertinent and love, no less important.

d92f67  No.3097227

>>3097121 LB

The way God or the Divine Creator created us in "his own image" was by making us creators. That is my interpretation.

f10848  No.3097228

File: 2e20e37e11fe882⋯.jpg (509.92 KB, 1026x1378, 513:689, Screenshot_20180919-150304.jpg)

File: 289ecdf44905561⋯.png (178.01 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180919-150501.png)

File: 289ecdf44905561⋯.png (178.01 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180919-150501.png)

File: 229df97bd4c2151⋯.jpg (347.46 KB, 1049x1217, 1049:1217, Screenshot_20180919-150536.jpg)

Trump has treason on his mind this morning…..get em….. white house statements and briefings September 18, 2018 autists are good at reading between the lines

b772c4  No.3097229

A special place….

Bring back 'Alcatraz' just for Soros and make a move called

'No One Escapes'.

f68b48  No.3097230

File: cf6bc8b7a35ad7e⋯.jpg (639.28 KB, 2000x2667, 2000:2667, chromepain1.jpg)

File: 58a232985e41e6a⋯.jpg (961.5 KB, 2000x2667, 2000:2667, bluesteelpain.jpg)

File: fd779acd8540992⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 2000x2667, 2000:2667, crimsonpain.jpg)

More Pain

41537e  No.3097231

Asking Q some really stupid questions, anons.

2ec8b1  No.3097232

Subpoena Christine Blasey Ford?

Force testimony?

Do you have all her records & comms?

181ecb  No.3097233


>these mental gymnastics

what is a star? it's either the sun in another solar system or the light reflection off a planet from the sun in another solar system

earth can be a star from elsewhere in the galaxy, and if you don't classify that, our sun is a star at the very least

d5793b  No.3097234


Are Humans a Genetically Engineered creation of Extra Terrestrials?

8e9f14  No.3097235


That’s What I saw 2 years ago in Los Angeles.

dfe6e3  No.3097236

File: ee232329fd9d440⋯.jpg (372.3 KB, 1280x605, 256:121, this is bigger than anyone….jpg)

Looks like people are really having some trouble with that aliens answer.

It looks as if not only was the Q and A a test for the board, but a test for everyone here.

23b233  No.3097237


flying to vegas?

6e1ad3  No.3097238

File: 524be71dd6482d8⋯.png (1023.2 KB, 1281x546, 61:26, T1.png)

File: 839171dc64d2f32⋯.png (366.23 KB, 296x467, 296:467, T2.PNG)

File: 535ad97ccf1c47e⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1126x583, 1126:583, T3.PNG)

3f160b  No.3097239


>The only thing worse than being a concernfag is pandering to a concernfag

You concern concerns me.

24fa17  No.3097240


Hell's Bells!!!!!

Go to get a haircut and BOOM!!!!

How can one thank someone who has restored my faith!

Love u Q (no homo)

58c75b  No.3097241



SOME KIND OF PLANE (unclear, flying object of some kind) HIT THE PENTAGON

if you don't like what Q said, GTFO

4d3e27  No.3097242

File: 6acb8c782a9df07⋯.jpeg (442.64 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, B22E1B13-41E1-4B8E-A9B0-D….jpeg)

9ac2dd  No.3097243


Q didn’t say there are aliens, he just said we’ Not alone. Book of Enoch tells about fallen angels (demons) Anons are making assumptions.

755854  No.3097244



I think the walls of that building are so fortified that the general airframe turned to dust on impact, it has been documented - there is a video of a crash test airplane into a concrete wall.

Dust was all that remained.

(the holes were from engines would be my guess, or steel -not aluminum- parts)

Engineerfag, but not a forensic proof of shit. I did not witness that impact- I witnessed the second tower being hit by a plane with my naked eyes however.)

de40b1  No.3097245

Will laws be passed that require Journalist to be licensed as a profession after passing a national board exam and with a code of ethics and regulatory board similar to other professions?

a0e510  No.3097246


5:5, fag

93cdec  No.3097247


God and aliens exist… people are going to have to come to terms with it.

834fb0  No.3097248

File: 83aeae3f557657f⋯.png (508.95 KB, 904x1024, 113:128, 2c8e493d99e9f6303488de6b4b….png)

"Highest classification" in NATO is named "Cosmic Top Secret"


Convenient, huh? What a coinkydinks!

At this point you have to literally explain away the existence of extraterrestrials.

And it's really all in these 5 words - Consider the vastness of space.

Tight slumber and loneliness in the universe will come to you but only if you reply "sleep tight mental gymnast" to this post.

83ddec  No.3097249

File: 6ad646de531d23c⋯.jpg (143.92 KB, 1100x1062, 550:531, warrior angels.jpg)


Thank You!

You made me a better person. Everyday I try to be better than I was the day before. I can't wait for the world to KNOW YOU! And hear our TRUE story.

May the Goddess be with you always and protect you always!

Sending love, strength and fortitude. <3

2fe649  No.3097250

Q, are you Parker Kimbell?

I miss you bro.

49aaa0  No.3097251

>>3097076 (lb)

Daddy Trump

27560b  No.3097252


The Wing is where airmen drink where I live.


293764  No.3097253


PHYSICS force/mass/velocity is a crazy thing

8f0c22  No.3097254


As an israelianon who stands behind you, and the plan. I wanted to know, are you working with the israeli good guys? Will the israeli deep state be targeted in the end? Is bibi indeed a whitehat? The good israelis are waking up and trying to fight, but they forgot how to do it. We were let down by the system for very long.

God bless you q team. WWG1WGA WORLD WIDE!

f8bc98  No.3097255

Q, how long before we the people can know about life from elsewhere?

God bless you, Q team! Thank you so very much for everything you've done! <3 TRUST THE PLAN!

20e4c4  No.3097256

Well anons, Q used us again

Did you notice he seemed more concerned

with the traffic than actually answering any questions?

Think logically. Do you think Q is going to

admit that we didn't drive a dune buggy on

the moon? The media would have a field


Remember, dis-info is necessary.

Q turned this board into a

bunch of 14 yr old girls screaming "Muh aliens!"

Christ…the Soapbox nerds were pissing their

pants….just embarrassing

36a119  No.3097257


Last bread, faggot

58c75b  No.3097258


thats not Q dumbass newfag

df0511  No.3097259

File: 6208aa7e0e3b7d0⋯.jpg (76.61 KB, 494x374, 247:187, P1040957.jpg)

File: 9ba287e16de627b⋯.jpg (53.04 KB, 368x533, 368:533, P1040977.jpg)

ec0d33  No.3097260

>>3097083 (lb)

You forgot "A plane hit the Pentagon piloted by Muzzies"

e6af39  No.3097261

5e8a2e  No.3097262

9f7557  No.3097263

>>3096378 lb

I'm not sure if Jesus Christ actually existed let alone was God incarnate. Too many identical stories like Jesus before Jesus. The universe would be a much smaller place if only humans and a Christian God existed. Do you believe that the human race is only about 5000 years old?

a5bbde  No.3097264

File: c240850c69a2dc7⋯.png (2.63 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, c240850c69a2dc75121baa9d18….png)

216dce  No.3097265

File: 09c8e8f2cbe16a6⋯.png (687.61 KB, 1503x759, 501:253, 21396869321695348193262178….png)

Disinfo used 15x by Q.

Disinformation is real.

Disinformation is necessary.

Disinformation exists and is necessary.

Disinformation is real.

Distractions are necessary.

Disinformation and misdirection with Q is real. In other words Q is pointing over there but really the focus is here and only until you publicly get the news can you go back and understand.

Now do you understand why mirrors and disinformation is necessary?

Logical thinking.

Remember, disinformation is real.

baf265  No.3097266


It's prep for friday

3f160b  No.3097267


Hey shit head: WE… are the alien life form ;)

15b299  No.3097268


really? so he's not removing the cabal?

58c75b  No.3097269


stfu retard

a0e510  No.3097270

a94a8b  No.3097271

Q- you had said "you may have to force" the media to ask POTUS about Q. is that still part of the plan?

008200  No.3097272

File: e933c5d779a7683⋯.jpg (172.36 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 1507048026166.jpg)

>>3096458 (lb)

Yes it was, but we will get over it bro

dfe6e3  No.3097273


You said it well, anon

60ccb2  No.3097274


will RR House and IC get away with partial declas?

880518  No.3097275


Not anons. Reddit illegal aliens.

f99f7e  No.3097277


Call your congresspeople and demand declas.

84f1a8  No.3097278

File: 8b01a41d3f5db7c⋯.png (200.75 KB, 400x232, 50:29, kung fu.png)


>So why are people in power and media so actively trying stop real action? Why does even Q want us to forget?

There's a time for everything under the sun. Now's not the time.

27fc96  No.3097279

The Q/A is over, dumb fucking newfags.

443b7c  No.3097280

Nine Ways Trump Is Solving the Illegal-Migration Problem (Aided by Jeff Sessions)

President Donald Trump is angry at the deputy who has done the most to implement his campaign promise to end illegal immigration — Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Trump is angry largely because he feels Sessions allowed the Democrats to launch the Mueller investigation. Trump told TheHill.com:

I don’t have an attorney general. It’s very sad. I’m not happy at the border, I’m not happy with numerous things, not just this … everyone of my cabinet members is doing great. I just have one group that’s not been good. You know what that group is.

But Sessions’ “Department of Justice is absolutely critical to achieving Trump’s immigration agenda,” said Jessica Vaughan, policy director at the Center for Immigration Studies.

Elite Democrats portray themselves as nobly offering sanctuary to victims of foreign injustice while they also gain economically from cheap blue-collar workers, including waiters, fruit-pickers, gardeners and maids. Democrats also do gain politically whenever immigrants become voters and seek government aid in a high-immigration/low wage economy.

The business-first wing of the GOP loudly tells voters they oppose illegal migration, but they also quietly oppose any penalties for the Chamber of Commerce employers who invite and reward the migrating workers, consumers, and renters. Business lobbyists also demand more legal immigrants, and they persuade themselves and GOP politicians that foreign migrants who buy a house will vote Republican.


755854  No.3097281


The nearest star is our sun.

Second nearest is SATURN. (it's a dead one, but…)

And Aliens being real does NOT surprise 90% of the anons here… HEARING IT ADMITTED is what is surprising as fuck…

5ec731  No.3097282

You fucking piece of shit previous bread faggot…..KYS. NOW!>>3097162

5a5784  No.3097283


what is interesting is seeing Mars in the sky. Right now Mars is real close and big and they say that it's because of it's orbits. I don't know how much of that I buy.

d92f67  No.3097284


TOE will be the true MOAB

89e785  No.3097285

File: 1c66e13b7f91613⋯.png (591.63 KB, 751x635, 751:635, sunspot.png)

WTF: ITS TRUE! NM Obervatory closed due to CP

Wasnt there a Observatory worker or someone that came on here and said its closed due to a laptop filled with CP hooked up in the building??


9ac2dd  No.3097286


I forgive you.

8a6c67  No.3097287

gettin' comfy in here boys

b4ea80  No.3097288

File: 30cdcdeb42b74a2⋯.jpg (103.38 KB, 888x500, 222:125, QSpaceforcequote.jpg)

49aaa0  No.3097289


Jesus Christ Lynn I thought (hoped) you died.

Good to see you. Tea?

6e5cd8  No.3097291


Yep - looked like a bunch of monkeys trying to fuck a football…..

we've got questions with Awans, U1, Clinton Foundation, and of course the bulk of questions come from the whackos

I did see someone ask about Assange…. I am curious about that…..

But right now we are in a war with the left, and some of these crazies are out trying to catch butterflies in the middle of a fire fight

115717  No.3097292



8f36f3  No.3097293

File: dccbd5e6382c47b⋯.png (100.5 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)




6e1ad3  No.3097294



650f6c  No.3097295


Perhaps it's time to remove a few at the top of a body like the FCC.

Install "Our guys"

Then use it to crack down on the out of control media.

E.g. If a tv station, network, studio actively engages in sedition, hit them with a massive fine.

c8d8fe  No.3097296

File: 01f1f00c48079c9⋯.jpeg (150.4 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 5D6E032B-8FD3-475D-93B9-F….jpeg)


If you link to previous bread, MARK IT (last bread). How many times do we have to go over this? REEEEEEEE!!!!!

0bc61c  No.3097297

File: bf7e650cd9b2c8a⋯.jpeg (138.73 KB, 1200x1194, 200:199, 1537411051.jpeg)

25da03  No.3097298

Take the comma out and it's,

False moon landings are real.

Just sayin'.

2ab78f  No.3097299


exactly, and we could have went to the moon anytime. what the moon really is, we have not been told yet.

e6af39  No.3097300



4374d7  No.3097301

File: 1fb426482fd096c⋯.jpg (60.71 KB, 585x681, 195:227, testify.JPG)

60ccb2  No.3097302


when will the truth come out on Vegas attack?

5d272d  No.3097303

File: 06cefb528febd6e⋯.png (203.59 KB, 557x564, 557:564, 1_12_orig.png)

Notice the vantage point of this image. The image was not taken from the ground…. There are three ships in this moment. Get it ?

Billy Meier's ET friends usually fly in groups of three. one manned ship and two drones so to speak. The Drones are monitoring devices for protection.

2a1231  No.3097304

File: 3370c0d7051e4b8⋯.gif (1.71 MB, 450x252, 25:14, mass-effect-shepard-head-s….gif)

6c0063  No.3097305

>>3097140 lb

Because it wouldnt survive the radiation but the radio telescope in Parkes, Australia was the telescope relaying the transmission back to NASA. So if Australia was in on the larp then it could be faked.


dfe6e3  No.3097306


It will take time but they will get there.

384a24  No.3097307

File: 5edfcbe348ec008⋯.png (1.45 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, IMG_6999.PNG)

>>3097139 LB

I feel you, at least republicans gained another district. Ain't blue yet!


821d0f  No.3097308


c1de41  No.3097309

Dear Q,

Justice for Chandra Levy?

Help for California?

Godspeed Patriots, I pray for you daily. I want to bake you all a batch of cookies one day.

With love,


58c75b  No.3097310


do you really think you're not a fucking dumbass?


gtfo newfag

880518  No.3097311


Back to normal. Wonderful, fren! How I’ve missed the insults we normally trade back and forth!!!

fb5fa0  No.3097312

File: 6d388e29f081368⋯.gif (16.43 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 925094c0d81f8f5fc57d8bb079….gif)


Satan has caused you to believe the lie Anon. Everything is getting better, and WILL be better. Ideal.

Fear mongering at it's finest whether you men to or not.

1248da  No.3097314

File: eb5cadc1878eb81⋯.jpeg (122.17 KB, 644x720, 161:180, 17C38789-3EEB-45F1-8C43-E….jpeg)


That I one was already answered anon.

15b299  No.3097315


why does someone provide only partial truth (60/40)?


so they can manipulate you

full disclosure or gtfo

3f160b  No.3097316


>really? so he's not removing the cabal?

Are you seriously couching that as a "quick and easy solution"?

Do you know how many fucking people have died, just in this past year alone, for that so called "easy solution" you so glibly talk about?

You asshole. Fuck you.

8a2dcf  No.3097317



I know this guy is a tard but damnit the English centrist view of "Alien" names.

Suppose Aliens and strictly speaking here, completely biological aliens or semi-bio aliens had vocal cords.

Even if these Aliens did use speech as a way to communicate between each other, there are several reasons why it could be complete gibberish if not impossible to clearly hear for us.

1. They and their speech is adapted to their home planet conditions. - Atmosphere density and pressure which is Fg, due to planet mass and whatever else. On Earth whatever they tried to say would sound different to us and them.

2. Same for hearing, revert back to 1. Due to planetary differences which are statistically speaking highly likely, anything said by them in our atmo conditions would be probably incomprehensible to them.

3. Having said that, Aliens having names that are easily pronounced or Anglicized is highly unlikely. Unless they are cool with taking up American names. Fuck yeeeaa MERIKA.

We would really need a universal translator.

c6919f  No.3097318

Q… Music. Jim Morrison, The Beatles, Frank Zappa. Engineered for the masses?

df0511  No.3097319


Something about Mars…

ee499c  No.3097320


Greatest Q&A ever.

Your pic encapsulates how I feel.

49aaa0  No.3097321


When this is all over BO, we can trade nudes

0a08e0  No.3097322

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4ff116  No.3097323

EyeTheSpy hacked Q. Impressive.

e2b6e0  No.3097324

File: 57b8447d2f60ab7⋯.png (347.88 KB, 500x484, 125:121, coven.png)

a5fb50  No.3097325


I have an open mind about ETs. What bothers me is that, even though the government is currently in the hands of /our guys/, they continue to keep secrets from us. A secret space program? WTF?

Regardless of who is in power, they still see us as children.

2146ba  No.3097326


"Consider the vastness of space" makes it very clear what Q meant. I don't buy that he was referring to angels/demons at all. He was clearly referring to other species from other planets.

53caf0  No.3097327

Q, proton meets the schwarzchild condition?

5a5784  No.3097328

File: 4b5b9c081678eec⋯.png (7.63 KB, 402x519, 134:173, ClipboardImage.png)



d92f67  No.3097329


Dimensions - but Angles are not given the free will Man is.

93cdec  No.3097330



LMAO You are the lowest ranking Anon… congrats.

8a8d7b  No.3097331

File: 1b1188264ee1afd⋯.gif (249.58 KB, 1097x1385, 1097:1385, 1b1188264ee1afd5dc18080f3a….gif)

File: 0fc180be5778815⋯.jpg (11.16 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 0fc180be57788153d72da03142….jpg)

File: 2e11ecb88404077⋯.png (192.55 KB, 716x429, 716:429, 2e11ecb884040779a86e3216a1….png)



b4ea80  No.3097332


I would apologize but that's a legit lag post. Take it up with CM.

9f7557  No.3097333


meant for

>>3097121 lb

115717  No.3097334











14516b  No.3097335

BO next bread can you start adding notables…maybe from Q and A? seems the train has left the building

58c75b  No.3097336


trying to tell them to fuck off and gtfo

>I'm a big meany shilly blah blah blah

2fd58f  No.3097337

>>3093270 (pb)

Is the CIA or another American agency directly responsible, (trigger pullers and IED planters), for the deaths of American military personnel during military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan?

40d289  No.3097338


Dough handed back to NB ( >>3097177 ). Catalog had been shat up with question threads. Cleaned up now. I'm still available if you guys need me to prepare ebakes though. Just let me know.

4d6511  No.3097340

Finnaly discovered the true identity of Q..

Joe(I hunt deer)Rogan

15b299  No.3097341


a group that's been around for thousands of years and will supposedly be elimated within this presidency.

sounds kind of quick to me.

trust the plan.

sounds pretty easy to me too!

722910  No.3097342


"consider the vastness of space" God can and would create life on any of the trillions of other star systems "out there" Why is that so hard to believe? My God is everywhere and all powerful

254ca0  No.3097344

Specific questions answered, many things can be reconciled from these very specific questions that were picked from a seemingly random q&a session. distractions put to rest to free up focus.

Strength test added plus


847b9d  No.3097345

Does anyone know that if you ask the right question Q will answer whenever? Q has proven this with his posts. Q is here.

57c5bc  No.3097346




i know youre a fucktard shill but if Q goes full pledian

we are all fucked

717219  No.3097347


^^ bump

8419b5  No.3097348

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump says CBTS about 4 mins in this video

8827e0  No.3097349

File: 56556719f6d1e23⋯.png (747.7 KB, 932x1048, 233:262, weareone.png)

5a5784  No.3097350


It's the god of war…….

7180fd  No.3097351

File: 03dd15eed00dc89⋯.png (3.05 MB, 2100x1275, 28:17, NABOURD.png)

e6af39  No.3097352


CP was the excuse. Real reason was probably deep state comms (which could be hidden in CP)

eb875b  No.3097353


Matthew 8:26 (KJV) And he saith unto them,Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm.

Mark 9:19

He answereth him, and saith, O faithless generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you? bring him unto me.

e1b517  No.3097354

8f36f3  No.3097355

File: 60d53076ef63532⋯.png (906.07 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)






b5c6e0  No.3097356

File: 469a36f8633230f⋯.jpg (60.27 KB, 521x499, 521:499, 2ibm2m.jpg)


2ab78f  No.3097357


nice thought.

also when we went is not clear, and what the moon really is, still is not clear to nobody.

bb765b  No.3097358


Baker here, checking in. All good.

f19786  No.3097359


How old is the human race? Can you give a general history?

How old is the real oldest person on Earth?

Thank you,


115717  No.3097360


Can't prove it wasn't Q?

You are the dumbass, dumbass.

102ec3  No.3097361

File: 1ff4b1d2151dadb⋯.png (203.35 KB, 1074x579, 358:193, TheWing.png)


Looks like another feeder group.

a878d9  No.3097362

File: bf2b178ac4bab94⋯.png (117.17 KB, 525x396, 175:132, don'tletdoorhityou.PNG)

779f17  No.3097363


…that’s not Q. LURK MOAR.

7ec0ae  No.3097364


TOo few to warrant that arduous task.

821d0f  No.3097365

Look at how quick all these assholes are jumping in here to discredit Q and create doubt.

All for a LARP right?



3e5248  No.3097366



0a60a5  No.3097367

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


10/4. TY

Independent thought free of government agenda is key. 75% will discover that Logic, Grammar, and Effective Communication are the keys to a great education. Great scholar will start great schools and other learning systems when the government is out of their way and not competing with them. Here is the history of the public schools - the truth is different indeed.

03d18f  No.3097368

I never thought to ask Q

Did we land on Mars ?

Do we have Human slaves on Mars ?

e31240  No.3097369


Watch those announcing 2020 P running.

"You cannot attack a political opponent"

None are protected.

None are safe.


Guise… will be interesting to see which D's run for president in 2020. Will be those who are probably both high on the totem pole and with the most to hide.

5f1264  No.3097370

File: 5c8aa83cf192ab2⋯.jpg (61.84 KB, 650x365, 130:73, test.jpg)

81915b  No.3097371


I think its a pack of lies

6b6f85  No.3097373

So the left is going after Qanon merchandise online. Zazzle is taking down Qanon items citing the following reason:

Upon review of your product, your design contains content that is not permitted for sale on Zazzle’s marketplace. Specifically, products referencing the QAnon organization are not permitted for sale on Zazzle’s marketplace due to the ideological views towards inciting violence and posting personal and confidential information.

So anons that want to help report all Black Lives Matter shirts, Resistance Movement shirts, F Trump shirts etc on Zazzle please feel free. Those are the ones inciting violence so time to report them. Any other movements you can think of they may be selling please reply. Thanks.

df3cdf  No.3097374

File: 1781d88b487c2ca⋯.jpg (47.17 KB, 463x494, 463:494, 1781d88b487c2caf79762b8a91….jpg)


Probably 1/3rd of them are reddit the rest are twatter normies being retarded and asking nonsense because they were alerted by others. I know, I'm monitoring twatter right now and they're speed posting, they aren't even posting relevant shit.

ecc359  No.3097375

>>3097137 (last)

So the idea that in the vast mostly-emptiness of space, we're all clustered around a perfectly good star here, and why wouldn't other forms of life exist on other planets or elsewhere in the neighborhood.

4c0c60  No.3097376


False, moon landings are real.

Programs exist that are outside of public domain.


Of course we've been to the moon, just not in those Apollo tin cans. we have anti-gravitics, think vimanas and the Nazi Bell, then think 1000 years ahead of those.

b38e14  No.3097377

Q, Why was POTUS sooo emotional at the Shanksville ceremony? How did he react to the dossier submitted by Robert David Steel?

Penetration of the curtain wall at WTC 1 & 2: It's more complicated, yet less mysterious than CGI, and totally unrelated to any theory J Wood explains.

What chemicals burn in a flash in the presence of Qxygen?

928eb4  No.3097378

File: 072357c7be3f587⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 121.76 KB, 900x600, 3:2, Kennedy-63-limo.jpg)


Ok serious question then: how many people were there sitting in the Limo when JFK got shot?

880518  No.3097379


I nearly said Redditfugees, but you’re right. I was trying to be kind and encourage them to run off the bed, thinking that they’ve made a contribution.

a0e510  No.3097380


Damn, that was fast, Anon.

57a2f7  No.3097381



A test in beliefs.

How is Q saying something unfounded any different to half the things people have been lead to believe all their lives?

People need to come to terms with things are how they are, this world, right now is something you are living, breathing and expiriencing. Trying to justify it or understand it beyond a means you are capable of comprehending is a fools errand, and you are just setting yourself up for a huge disappointment.

614e39  No.3097382




Then use the link below to download our work!



Understand this is NOT a chat room, lurk for a few weeks MONTHS AT LEAST before posting and MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ OUR WORK, watch how the board operates, learn our comms, use discernment to evaluate who is friend or foe and learn how shills operate!



P.S. Anyone who has an issue with boobs needs to go learn the history of qresearch and what the legends who work here have done for YOU! These are adult women.

We hunt pedophiles. Illegal content is posted by bad actors board mods remove and block but some ip hop, this is a constant battle as the powers that be do not want the TRUTH getting out.


Attacks on this post demonstrate the above line!

997003  No.3097383

File: 891c04fb1bde416⋯.jpg (107.97 KB, 441x570, 147:190, pepe mcthistle.jpg)

McThistle out… Anons.

Mandatory OT again because some faggot decided they needed a to go on vacation.


8a06c5  No.3097384


You think God is doing nothing? not creating other beings?

df0511  No.3097385

Q has been trying to wean biblefags off trusting god over self for months now. Trust Yourself. God is good. Good is god. God is made in our own image. God is you. You are god.

755854  No.3097386


>Is bibi indeed a whitehat?

Seems to answer itself- ask yourself why the libs hate him so much…

Good luck israelanon. Your country is infested with Khazar mafia AshkeNAZI's identifying as Jews. You need some prayer alright.

I wish you well, you are a rarity…

93cdec  No.3097387


If you are stupid enough to choose the blue pill as a musician you get taught superficial things… You think the Masons are Good.. and they break you up in MKUltra pieces…. they torture you and SRA you and show you tons of things that then come out subliminally in your music and art.

5b553a  No.3097388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I will say it again.. Nothing is free.. We are at the end of set 1 of 4. I am just a simple lurker tending to my lurking.. /cm/ get it going! Plenty of people here will fund for more bandwidth….

58c75b  No.3097389


understood, gonna SBSfag

let this shitshow die down

this fucking idiot thinks this is Q: >>3097223

I'll shitpost too much


go back to reddit

ada2ca  No.3097390

File: 54311e8b8cf18d9⋯.jpg (985.42 KB, 1823x1025, 1823:1025, IMG_720.jpg)


340534  No.3097391

File: c1beb9a8cb536a6⋯.gif (179.14 KB, 252x168, 3:2, 9-11_Pentagon_ShoulderLaun….gif)

>>3093898 Q post prev Q&A

9/11 Pentagon hit by plane CONF

Pic posted by anon in pb. If footage is authentic it looks like a shoulder launched guided missile fired from a nearby tree bank (across roadway) to me. Too low too close to the other side of the tree bank to be otherwise - from this perspective and quality - unless there is a break in the tree line.

Missiles have fins. So, if fins are "wings" then yeah, Pentagon hit by a "plane". Again, if authentic.

5dd149  No.3097392

>>3096835 lb

Exactly. Even I can see this and I'm basically a lurkeranon. This is soon to be the only platform once conservatives are censored off all social media. It would be nice to know it can take the strain when the world arrives here.

008566  No.3097393



and we know how honest court docs are right?

54d75e  No.3097394

You draw more flies with honey than vinegar. Vague acknowledgement of not be alone is a whole lot of honey.

89e785  No.3097395

File: 6e2a4836e66e260⋯.png (285.91 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, sunspot 2.png)


3acf56  No.3097396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>3096961 (LB)

Tomahawks are slow? ‪F-18 follows Tomahawk Missile https://youtu.be/BGoJl8Lr46g ‬

4d6511  No.3097397


Yeah.. As a FEAnon… he made it more than clear in the context it was asked. I'm struggling with all this now and i been here from beginning

4165ca  No.3097398


watch youtube noob

8a06c5  No.3097399


night thistle, be well

834fb0  No.3097400



These memes will prevent memoryholing! Thanks anon!

84ac97  No.3097401



critical thinking.

Who is posting it, what does it say, why is it important?

Trump fires the losers. Who hasnt been fired. Comey was fired.

New Yorker is MSM bs

Importance? Normalizing socialism why painting Comey as a hero and a "supreme court consideration by Obama"

995867  No.3097402

Hey Q team. What’s going to happen with the leftist riots after the arrests begin? Will the national guard take a no nonsense approach? Can Trump deploy the Marines throughout DC?

83ddec  No.3097403

You can't discredit the truth.


Because WE have FELT IT our WHOLE lives. We just needed someone to remind US!!

2d158a  No.3097404


"You haven't really been hit yet compared to what's coming."

That one rang bells.

37f4b6  No.3097405

Middle of the night in the UK. Woke up to alien disclosure.


8a2a7a  No.3097406

>>3097204 Back in 1971, I knew nothing about "ufo" & "aliens", but, I was visited, many times, by the same 3 "beings" that wanted me to "go with them"…one tall one and the other 2 were shorter beings…the shorter beings were (learned later) "greys"…exactly like the pictures and depictions except their heads wern't "as" exaggerated as they are in the movies! They are Nephilim!

c611e1  No.3097407


Interesting thought. Secret messages hidden in CP. Then if the wrong person downloaded" or someone talked they could be arrested. The ultimate compromise!

71d252  No.3097408


I don't know who that creepy dude claiming to be Pleiadian is. But Q *is* full Pleiadian! His name is ORITQ!

6e010c  No.3097409


No shit. Fucking shills attacked us over it last bread.

Check the link, it's real.


Baker, Notable

b48671  No.3097410

Spreadsheet is updated to post >>3095226


Full sized images Q posts/responds to updated:


(nested) Screenshots (in EST) updated

By month-

Feb: https://postimg.cc/gallery/1yauk9hga/

Mar: https://postimg.cc/gallery/288psr0d6/

Apr: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2f58y6jyy/

May: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2se525yca/

Jun: https://postimg.cc/gallery/gqfcs7cq/

July: https://postimg.cc/gallery/10efwhs6y/

Aug: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2rc5iqf5m/

→ Sept: https://postimg.cc/gallery/fi9cz256/

All images in these galleries are permanent, do no expire, no account, no nothing to access them, and you can post

them anywhere, share them with link easily (or download)


FEB: https://anonfile.com/C8A8bah7be/Feb_18_rar

MAR: https://anonfile.com/x0Bcb4hbbb/Mar_18_rar

APR: https://anonfile.com/TeB0bch2b7/Apr_18_rar

MAY: https://anonfile.com/h1D0b2h6b2/May_2018_rar

JUN: https://anonfile.com/QcDfbeh5b7/June_18_rar

JULY: https://anonfile.com/2eE4bbh6b5/July_18_rar

AUG: https://anonfile.com/25F3b3h2b2/Aug_2018_rar

SEPT: will be created at the end of the month, will update board with link

RIGHT-CLICK, CHOOSE "SAVE AS" to download zip file

All articles Q posts/responds to are also being ARCHIVED due to high risk of editing/deletion to scrub evidence.

a14435  No.3097411


Yes, they are.

Ever read Enoch?

Think God gave humans free will but not angels?

This cries out for a "use logic."

25a096  No.3097412

>>3094806 lb

>Favorite/must read book? (Q?)

Probably … Art of the Deal :D

9f40bf  No.3097413

File: d9227e13047174e⋯.jpg (4.57 KB, 212x255, 212:255, 919213a182efd726affb5af19d….jpg)

>>3096083 pb

hi #metoo

Think Different. But not too different.

I was blocked from posting the whole time too.

What else could Q be misdirecting / lying about?

I can believe life on other planets, even ET here

But "plane hit the Pentagon" No way.

I could even believe secret space program, since obviously tower was dustified by advanced tech

9ac2dd  No.3097414

I consider angels/demons as another species. But that’s just my opinion. I respect the fact that you believe otherwise. Someday we will know for sure.>>3097326

bcc4b0  No.3097415

Despite what is said. Don’t buy into Aliens. Disinfo is necessary, and even more so when it comes to this subject. Keep this in mind as time passes. There’s a reason, a big reason this theme gets pushed often. Trust what I’m saying anons.

53dc0b  No.3097417

Missing Iowa children = DS supply chains cut?

Comey tweet related?

Post last edited at

453a4a  No.3097418

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4165ca  No.3097420

what's the plan?

6b6f85  No.3097421


Don't forget stickers too. Anything with their movement on it.

It's racist or offensive or violent etc for reason for reporting. Thanks anons!

717219  No.3097422



if it was CP at NM observatory… why install more antennas????

these fuks needed a story to get the ppl to stop looking into it.

I call BS.

c8d8fe  No.3097423


Bullshit! You obviously got to this bread by clicking on it. If it was lag you would have hit the “This thread has over 750 posts. You won’t be able to reply” wall.

Go the fuck back to reddit, newfag. Anons own their mistakes.

f11010  No.3097424

File: 6807aca78140920⋯.jpg (12.31 KB, 255x172, 255:172, WELOVEYOUXOXOPF.jpg)


nigh fren! WWG1WGA

409d84  No.3097425

To all those saying there was disinfo in this round of Q&As, remember that Q was tracking IPs and was most likely responding appropriately depending on who was asking the question.

104696  No.3097426

Q, what are the Sasquatch/Yeti etc seen on earth? Especially in National Parks ?

46efbe  No.3097427

Shills and noobs: please go back to voat and play with your toys… that was so embarrassing to watch

93cdec  No.3097428


Choosing either side is stupid AF..

just to be clear… Id rather be tortured then torture.

df0511  No.3097429


I feel like it's watching us…can't explain it.

995867  No.3097430

Hey Q team. What’s going to happen with the leftist riots after the arrests begin? Will the national guard take a no nonsense approach? Can Trump deploy the Marines throughout DC???

5a5784  No.3097431


>How old is the real oldest person on Earth?

that's pretty interesting… 250 years or so I've seen.

ada2ca  No.3097432

File: bc8fc3cc549085b⋯.jpg (752.85 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, IMG_730.jpg)

3f160b  No.3097433


Nice vector but fuck you, you're just making up shit now ;)

Unless you've got sauce for that statement of yours, of course.

620b34  No.3097434

File: 023b653f2b1d73c⋯.gif (7.45 MB, 354x370, 177:185, kisspleasebiden.gif)

File: ca53bade3adef7f⋯.png (757.74 KB, 1111x695, 1111:695, letmego3.png)

File: 5934c94362d1f9b⋯.jpg (443.54 KB, 1111x682, 101:62, biden1.jpg)

File: d2509561dccd03e⋯.png (241.91 KB, 409x465, 409:465, BIDEN.png)

File: 479e51ac479f14d⋯.png (171.45 KB, 480x272, 30:17, bidenintouch.png)

BIDEN 2020

It is time to restore honor and integrity to the White House!

5444b8  No.3097435

Q is unironically confirmed fake and gay now. aliums are fucking gay and bluepilled. their interdimensional, not extra terrestrial. they are closer to what we know as demons. this is super fucking dumb. NASA is fake and so is space as we know it.

>Q is unironically confirmed fake and gay now. aliums are fucking gay and bluepilled. their interdimensional, not extra terrestrial. they are closer to what we know as demons. this is super fucking dumb. NASA is fake and so is space as we know it.

Q is unironically confirmed fake and gay now. aliums are fucking gay and bluepilled. their interdimensional, not extra terrestrial. they are closer to what we know as demons. this is super fucking dumb. NASA is fake and so is space as we know it.

>Q is unironically confirmed fake and gay now. aliums are fucking gay and bluepilled. their interdimensional, not extra terrestrial. they are closer to what we know as demons. this is super fucking dumb. NASA is fake and so is space as we know it.

Q is unironically confirmed fake and gay now. aliums are fucking gay and bluepilled. their interdimensional, not extra terrestrial. they are closer to what we know as demons. this is super fucking dumb. NASA is fake and so is space as we know it.

>Q is unironically confirmed fake and gay now. aliums are fucking gay and bluepilled. their interdimensional, not extra terrestrial. they are closer to what we know as demons. this is super fucking dumb. NASA is fake and so is space as we know it.

Q is unironically confirmed fake and gay now. aliums are fucking gay and bluepilled. their interdimensional, not extra terrestrial. they are closer to what we know as demons. this is super fucking dumb. NASA is fake and so is space as we know it.

>Q is unironically confirmed fake and gay now. aliums are fucking gay and bluepilled. their interdimensional, not extra terrestrial. they are closer to what we know as demons. this is super fucking dumb. NASA is fake and so is space as we know it.

52bc9c  No.3097436


MAYBE alien disclosure. Maybe not. fuckin q

dfe6e3  No.3097437

File: 4a0c577bbe0270a⋯.png (2.69 MB, 1386x2048, 693:1024, ClipboardImage.png)


Probably for good reason

89e785  No.3097438

File: 16b230da5f53186⋯.jpg (281.24 KB, 1217x853, 1217:853, sunspot 3.jpg)

image macro on halfchan involving observatory, was he an insider??

fc632d  No.3097439


So just ask yourself, would you rather have a bad truth than a good lie? Be strong.

eb68e1  No.3097440

File: 7ffe5fd060ae22b⋯.png (46.45 KB, 425x617, 425:617, Ace of Pepe.png)

Supper's Ready!!!!!!!!!!!!

57c5bc  No.3097441


nothing will make me lose faith in god

but if this goes to vegan aliens i swear to god

when i die

i will haunt all of you

58c75b  No.3097442


49a39f  No.3097443

Q, doubt you're still around, but just in case, how true were the stories Phil Schneider told?

He seemed like a guy who would not lie, but the stories are too unbelievable even for me conspiracy brain to handle

e85a49  No.3097444



we don't send in black hawks for CP

269170  No.3097445

File: 93a9b990d1a1b57⋯.png (118.82 KB, 417x401, 417:401, troll_detected_by_hunter_f….png)

e7d9d8  No.3097446

File: 4b16426e0207830⋯.jpeg (69.61 KB, 457x664, 457:664, 1337148D-B9B8-40B9-8334-4….jpeg)

File: c0a796cb6cf0e12⋯.jpeg (213.27 KB, 1000x1387, 1000:1387, 9808140D-6DEF-47C0-9464-F….jpeg)


Can you tell us about this card game? Is this the good altering us, or is this the bad guys flaunting it at us?

0043c7  No.3097447


The Book of Enoch is not in the canon because it has known errors. The Bible is perfect. To include Enoch would be to include untruths.

e2b6e0  No.3097448


the tall one was in the middle.. the other ones the height of children

ada2ca  No.3097449

File: 8e4d44801c7ed0a⋯.jpg (399.79 KB, 1600x1014, 800:507, IMG_740.jpg)

f19786  No.3097450


Are there nanobots inside of me influencing behavior?

If so, how can I get them out?

Can we please hurry on some mass cures? I'm worried about my family and all other humans on the planet.

Thank you,


33fd7b  No.3097451

UFOs a Distraction




19 Dec 2017 - 5:39:15 PM


19 Dec 2017 - 5:37:38 PM


Are UFOs a distraction?


How far away is the closest star?

What do you think?


361740  No.3097452

File: 46c59989711930e⋯.png (65.99 KB, 894x331, 894:331, ClipboardImage.png)

231db3  No.3097453


To be fair all he said was the claim that the video was leaked onto the DARK WEB was fake.

There is no confirmation nor denial of the NY Detective's reactions / comments about videos found on Weiners Laptop in so far as I am aware.

Q said we control

I took that to mean they have/control the video sauce and it's not out there on the Dark Web,

82e83b  No.3097454

So moon landing real. Flat earth no?

d92f67  No.3097455



What is next? TOE?



bb765b  No.3097456


Do we have more sauce for this?

15b299  No.3097457


i can't believe any of those things.

these people are definitely going down, but who's to say it's also not a controlled demolition?

ecc359  No.3097458


Oh boy, I've tried to read theories of anti-gravity, and they were either vague and confusing (not like actual physics which can be hard to read but is not vague) or were just wrong.

116f41  No.3097459

Believe in yourself and question everything


Moon landing is real but it happened and was filmed on earth. Think, location named Moon not in outer space, possible digs… Moon township Pennsylvania. A lot of events there. Airplane crash killed 22. Us airways. Lot of presidential visits.

577c12  No.3097460

That Q&A was incredibly embarrassing. We get an opportunity, and people want Q to clear up every truther rabbit hole there is - questions on aliens, flat earth, hollow earth, time travel, JFK, 911, Sandy Hook, etc. Can't we have some small amount of decorum? Then… the leading questions… "have you stopped beating your wife?", "did you tape the NoName execution?", "when will we see the elite in cuffs and perp walked?" - c'mon fellow faggots! There is a critical path… and we need walk it, don't we?

We need RR gone… and the DS is fighting back big time. It seems the confirmation of K, the release of the documents promised, and the test of the EBS are all related and integral. I'm on the edge of my seat just trying to see my way through the current events!

I'd be asking - what can we do to help? Is there anything we could be doing more of… or doing better? I mean, I want answers too… but we want the Q Team to affirm or deny Corey and David?!? Wow! I don't care what name comes up, there is no way blanket approval or disapproval can be given like that.

Okay… I'm ranting. Maybe weekly we should logically come up with a list of "Questions for Q" - and periodically Q could answer a set (or not). Of course there are some answers that cannot be provided until The Plan runs it's course. We could mark them as NOTABLE and put them on a different board or something… and Q can address them at their leisure… ANYTHING other than what just happened would be preferable to the Q&A circus we just had.

If it was a test - congratulations… we failed bigly.

Just my 2 cents -

8f0c22  No.3097461


Also know that there are many good people here who are not sheep. I personally denounce any subversion that has ever been attempted by this country over the US. And to the other anons, To me jew = gentile. We are all people, and we are all patriots. Respect should be earned by merrit and merrit alone. God bless all of us anons and q team.

5444b8  No.3097462

File: d95f4bcebe7b428⋯.jpg (1.65 MB, 1931x1362, 1931:1362, 1516264147940.jpg)










777d56  No.3097463

File: 6fb82fe09394c14⋯.jpg (105.19 KB, 725x385, 145:77, Legion_of_BOOM_Quartet_WeA….jpg)

File: a0ba33282abbcbd⋯.jpg (166.83 KB, 870x487, 870:487, LoB_Pepe_SHOUT_AHhhhh_Alie….jpg)

File: 7a64242e16bafdb⋯.jpg (72.58 KB, 600x337, 600:337, LoB_Ringside_Interview_Ses….jpg)

File: 581c7aecc0c7474⋯.jpg (164.58 KB, 870x487, 870:487, LoB_Pepe_SHOUT_MoooooN.jpg)

File: 8eef7c117e93045⋯.jpg (74.11 KB, 600x337, 600:337, LoB_Ringside_Interview_Ses….jpg)

What'd I miss!?

26a0ec  No.3097464


Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups

don't assume he meant little green men

remember Good v Evil?

angels v demons?

All he said is we are not alone

if you believe in God- nothing new

df0511  No.3097465


When does Biden bite the bullet

93cdec  No.3097466


You about you stop being a stupid faggot and open any link in a new tab.

d30b9a  No.3097467


>A lot of Anons got all worked up thinking Q confirmed the existence of real Aliens, he did not…

>… What he said [in the context of Roswell] was no we are not alone.

A single celled organism would fit the definition of us not being alone (sauce: some of the posts on this board).

Open (not specific) questions leave much to interpretation.

8a2dcf  No.3097468


Thats it?

You didn't ask for any proof

Space buckaroos?

Super Coke - alien grade 100% legit xr-cocaine?

Not even for a quick ride aboard their alien spacecruiser?

This is why aliens dont visit us all. One visit and all peeps do is cry and shitpost about it.

Did you at least ask if they can make your dick bigger?

797645  No.3097469


That's how I read it. o.0

60ccb2  No.3097470


did our USMC make a move on Langley last fall?

453a4a  No.3097471


love the hair!

c77fdc  No.3097472

Anons think about it. Q only answered certain questions…most of which are considered "conspiracy theories". I can see the headlines now ha ha!!!

There were almost 500k UID's. You don't think this was a honeypot? Guess again.

Q, you are such genius's. I enjoyed tonights 'show'. Well played.

0c1a72  No.3097473

File: 898398018da9646⋯.png (452.9 KB, 484x530, 242:265, Your opinions....png)

If you are able to ignore the literally Thousands of photos/videos of flying discs/lights etc.

The paintings/frescos and ancient drawings ALL OVER the world depicting "flying machines" "skygods" etc.

All of the references advanced creatures in Am. Indian, Celtic, Christian, Indian religions etc.

All the of impossible to reproduce ancient structures in Balbeck, Egypt, South America, India etc.

Maybe YOU are the problem?

422a8b  No.3097474

File: 41fb3b04f537769⋯.png (642.98 KB, 420x560, 3:4, JesusSaves.png)


You sound like (((Them))), you should call yourself IamAnon.

58c75b  No.3097475


UFOs are just unidenitfied flying objects

aliens exist within our universe

115717  No.3097476

File: 978084a9e1ec851⋯.png (17.18 KB, 1479x154, 1479:154, Screenshot_108.png)


10 days Darkness?

Sept 7th - 17th?


57c5bc  No.3097477


lol if there are the fact that we are here means that we are all very strong willed people

27fc96  No.3097478


Give yourself a bleach enema, I hear that's all the rage these days. Jesus Christ.

07264c  No.3097479


oh thank you, that makes sense

49aaa0  No.3097480



2a1231  No.3097481

File: 91c8419cf0c3a12⋯.png (249.67 KB, 612x612, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

20e4c4  No.3097482




Perfect example

Butthurt newfags can't handle the truth

I never said Q didn't have a good reason

for what they did tonight but you little

girls have to cry when you don't hear exactly

what you want

Q could tell you the sky isn't blue and

you would post it on Facebook


0bc61c  No.3097483

File: 17d6dd0cf642a11⋯.jpeg (156.66 KB, 1440x1088, 45:34, 1524235180.jpeg)

41b52c  No.3097484



ba39e2  No.3097485


So is it reasonable to say that the “predators” q refers to are an alien race, making us their prey? Sheep etc…

So they thought they could take over the planet to consolidate us into human farms for their sustenance?

For fear of conspiracy label I understand we can’t discuss, however the pieces all fit with this scenario. The way they all support each other and the loyalty is almost indicative of something g separate from humanity

46da2b  No.3097486

File: 62e011c84c01d11⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, IMG_0326 - Copy.jpg)

Hello, Doctor Wrlight.

Howdy, Neighbor.

See you fags yesterday.

Time to Fly.

184067  No.3097487

File: 0012f149d14c8fa⋯.png (150.46 KB, 452x226, 2:1, ffd5f8f.PNG)


Let's say you're God, you make millions of Creations all over the Universe, would you make only 1 of those Creations able to sustain life? Beings of all shapes,sizes,colors and different attributes and abilities are out there and have been here among us for a long time. Think about it, it's fine, We Are Not Alone : )

53dc0b  No.3097488

Will we get cures?

Post last edited at

8d200e  No.3097489



U only need to understand the concept and think meta.

thats about it.

57a2f7  No.3097490


You don't have to lose faith in god.

But what if what you are being told is "god" was a misconception or misunderstanding of whoever coined the term "god" to begin with?

e7d9d8  No.3097491


*good guys alerting us

453a4a  No.3097492

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Justice - Let There Be Light - †

93cdec  No.3097493



How about*

6c0063  No.3097494


Would these court docs be public?

0023e8  No.3097495

File: 46affaa9531b8c8⋯.jpg (14.15 KB, 202x303, 2:3, samanthaguerry.jpg)

Guerry is the founder and director of the TurnFirst Foundation, a healthcare organization dedicated to providing information and support to patients newly diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, and the founder of Rose River Studio, where she designs silver jewelry and wearable art on commission.The right start can make a real difference in living with MS. . . . and that’s why we call ourselves TurnFirst. A 20-year veteran of MS—Samantha Guerry—founded TurnFirst to give newly diagnosed patients a trusted place to turn when they get the news. From her own experience and counseling others, she knows how important it is to get solid, unbiased, and hopeful information right from the start.

dfe6e3  No.3097497


Exactly anon.

Even us space fags might have some realizations to power through later.

8419b5  No.3097498

File: b92a64e88c73a4d⋯.png (826.52 KB, 500x9594, 250:4797, 0DBF7EBC-E2D9-4385-B05D-FD….png)

Q this legit intel?

d92f67  No.3097499


Please note:

It does not make a damn bit of difference if we were created here, evolved here, or were seeded here!

8f36f3  No.3097500



c4e25b  No.3097501

why highest classification → Project Mogul?

40d289  No.3097502


>this fucking idiot thinks this is Q: >>3097223

>Tripcode absent, not even faked.


98914d  No.3097503

Hey Q, ya kinda fucked up this whole "vote in November" shit with this moon stuff. Guess you thought your followers were dumber than you had anticipated. You've now propagated a lie you can't come back from. Let's let your silence be your ruin.

To the people, wake tf up. Time to prepare.

93cdec  No.3097504


No you are just a moron.

3fbd24  No.3097505

File: df8dbf1a435913e⋯.png (569.05 KB, 660x834, 110:139, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

think we scared Q away

6a8075  No.3097506

why are western cultures the only ones to have a visceral reaction to the obvious existance of extra terrestrials? western cultures are also the most brainwashed… correlation?

57c5bc  No.3097507


can 9mm hollow point kill aliens

2ab78f  No.3097508


yes, to jump too aliens from another place light years away is really jumping into projection.

f19786  No.3097509


What's in Antarctica? Space port? Ancient high tech pyramid maze?

Why the triangle? Why us?

Thank you,


4b555e  No.3097510


Yup, this one is my fav in your entire Qollection anon.

010c40  No.3097511


Don't forget Q chose which questions to answer… which is why we should define the motive based on Q's choices.

614e39  No.3097512

>>3097285 (Repost)

I posted this during the shit storm

Child Porn Investigation Caused Solar Observatory Closure - Court Docs

The FBI was investigating child pornography when it closed down the Sunspot Solar Observatory in New Mexico on September 6, Reuters reports, citing court documents. As the FBI remained tight-lipped about the situation, the incident caused many on social media to form conspiracy theories to explain the mystery behind the closure.

Reuters reports that a 39-page application for a search warrant finally solved the mystery, quelling the numerous conspiracy theories that have popped up on social media.

According to local news station KRQE, federal agents found child porn linked to an IP address at the Sunspot observatory in July. In August, they spoke to the chief observer at the facility, who said he found a laptop running in empty offices over the past months. He told the FBI that what he found on the computer was "not good" and that it looked like child pornography.

The times that the child porn was being sent out and received by the facility matched only one employee, a janitor who was hired about a year ago. After the janitor noticed his computer was missing he apparently became erratic. The director of the observatory said that he "feverishly started looking through the facility," and said that it was "only a matter of time before the facility got hit."

The janitor apparently conveyed that he "believed there was a serial killer in the area" who may enter the observatory and execute someone, according to the director.

Even local authorities were left grasping for straws during the roughly 10-day closure. "I think it's chicken sh*t the way the FBI handled it. I have a responsibility to protect my citizens," said the local sheriff, Otero County Sheriff Benny House, after it was announced that the observatory would be reopened on September 16. The post office on the compound and people living nearby who were also evacuated in early September were also allowed to return.

The Sheriff had been fighting for details since the beginning. His team was asked to help by the FBI but he gave up when they wouldn't give him any details as he had not perceived any threats himself. "There was a Blackhawk helicopter, a bunch of people around antennas and work crews on towers, but nobody would tell us anything,” he said at the time.

A private security company was also called in to do patrols in the area, but was also left out in the dark about the nature of the FBI investigation. The FBI repeatedly refused to answer questions from local authorities or reporters.

Speculation about the case grew so intense that the observatory felt the need to put the conspiracies to rest, saying "it definitely wasn't aliens."


269170  No.3097513




3bdf2b  No.3097514

File: 3c2c47de83e5537⋯.jpg (1.92 MB, 2950x1475, 2:1, comenow_wearejustgettingst….jpg)

53dc0b  No.3097515

Will we eventually get all the answers we seek?

Post last edited at

c17fb3  No.3097516


keep posting your email address and you may need a cure.

Many folks here.

b4ea80  No.3097517

File: f9e5e270779da7a⋯.jpg (91.62 KB, 596x335, 596:335, QSpaceforcequote2.jpg)

baf265  No.3097518

Q, pyramids, wat do ?

0bba72  No.3097519

File: 6f565bfd665db80⋯.png (127.09 KB, 655x731, 655:731, fig 1.png)

File: d99cce2d2d22f61⋯.png (495.83 KB, 652x942, 326:471, fig 2.png)

File: c04c224dd37d7f3⋯.png (290.67 KB, 647x894, 647:894, FIG 3.png)

File: 518ee99c2c9cf7c⋯.png (201.98 KB, 652x917, 652:917, fig 4.png)

File: c62ab7e9e3dd333⋯.png (326.69 KB, 645x823, 645:823, fig 5.png)




Well, lets keep on dropping them!


Requesting all available Anons to help me retweet this one for maximum penetration:













no homo

24a4fb  No.3097520

File: 4301f16188bf2ae⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1692x1692, 1:1, qclock_q djtqanda.png)

File: 6b4d182ad8ae78c⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1692x1692, 1:1, qclock_q djt46v2wcastlegrr….png)

Don't know if these ever posted (that was worst DOS attack here ever). Crashed out every time.

Thanks for the Q+A. On the clock.

8a2a7a  No.3097521


Interesting…the 2 shorter ones always stood together but not touching with the tall one standing exactly behind and in the middle…the 2 shorter ones would play cars (matchboxs) with me in the dirt and talk to me…the tall one never said anything and always just stood there

57c5bc  No.3097522

File: c1a1b43f3ae3206⋯.jpg (23.48 KB, 255x253, 255:253, 24130cb621aa177a8aaa25f008….jpg)


can 9mm hollow point kill "aliens"

asking for a friend

14516b  No.3097523


also noticed all answered were conspiracy theories

361740  No.3097524

File: 39c5790cfd1d6de⋯.png (142.65 KB, 393x364, 393:364, ! ! ! ! ! (You) 5;5___GM.png)


>Military planning at its finest.

834fb0  No.3097525


Nice. I knew "Q is mossad" shill was also the anti-wilcock spammer (him or his colleague were also FE shills). Two birds with one stone.

91e349  No.3097526


At this point, they're all shills, using it for a slide. Likewise the muh aliens, muh 9/11, muh moon landing gang.

fdefaf  No.3097527

Wow ~ just getting in to realize Q&A is on ~ travel US business next week ~ safe?

All the delays makin' me a little anxious ~ reminder to self ~ TRUST THE PLAN ~ keep FAITH ~ PRAY CONSTANTLY!

2ec8b1  No.3097528

The Q drops have to come to an end at some point. So, how will this be wrapped up? I think of 3 ways.

1) POTUS categorically confirms Q is real.

2) Q silently disappears with no new posts.

3) Q purposefully begins posting increasingly outrageous claims to wrap up and disguise the Q program as a LARP.

My bet is #3.

8d200e  No.3097529

JUST IN: Sen. Dianne Feinstein still refuses to show Judiciary committee chairman Chuck Grassley 'anonymous' letter from Kavanaugh accuser, even after she willingly revealed her name to the Washington Post

971411  No.3097530

File: 23d8561766b8635⋯.png (197 KB, 653x647, 653:647, WSP Johnson re Trafficking….PNG)

File: ee0dfd625275921⋯.png (298.66 KB, 882x582, 147:97, WSP Johnson re Trafficking….PNG)

File: c20835bf4c17007⋯.png (249.29 KB, 811x454, 811:454, WSP Johnson re Trafficking….PNG)

Operation Human Freight Arrests


cdcb11  No.3097531


I half wonder if Q did this to provide cover to discredit the whole op, as we move into a more open and public stage of the mission post-FISA/text declass

821d0f  No.3097532


11,12 maybe?

Crazy for having this shit on your computer!

46da2b  No.3097533


Being as its the end of days im gonna take out a fat mortgage, either I wont have to pay it, or Ill have 1000 years.

bb765b  No.3097534

Early notables

>>3097410 Spreadsheet Update

>>3097285 Observatory closed due to CP?

>>3097248 Highest classification in NATO is named 'Cosmic Top Secret'

5a90dc  No.3097535

Doxxed myself BO… so sorry to add to the load,

please delete pic?

on post 3096323 last bread #3917

008200  No.3097536

File: 2a8bb8a782c621e⋯.jpeg (9.43 KB, 225x225, 1:1, lcg4.jpeg)


TFW your humor goes over the head of the entire board for the third time in as many days.


416f52  No.3097537

File: a15cd517ca39a63⋯.png (4.74 MB, 3296x1104, 206:69, Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at ….png)


When you ask people like Q a question, you have to be very specific…. I've dealt with people like him before. Anon asked about a "plane" - Q said yes a plane. Q did not say how big the "plane" was…. but the anon did not ask that either… there are small planes out there.

83ddec  No.3097538

So this means that he posts disinformation (i.e. part truth, part falsehood), without indicating which is which.'

Q' is also anonymous, and can't be interviewed so that greater clarity can be gained.We also do not know who he or she is, or who they are.I'm truly not trying to say anything unkind here.

But the above factors show that this can not be considered a reliable source of information for any serious researcher.

Bill Ryan you fraud! Hahahahaha! Future proves past! Getting uncomfortable are you? You are going down for stealing all those peoples money and filling their minds with SHIT.

25da03  No.3097539

maybe the Q n A will resume with bandwith adjustment?

8a6c67  No.3097540


yall got some spoons

bef820  No.3097541


You're absolutely right.

41b52c  No.3097542


fuck yes, make her an example. kek

8a06c5  No.3097543


correct it time for alien digging

area 51


Dulce NM

let's get digging

93cdec  No.3097544


None of this universe is real… You can see it and touch it… but YOU are not real either.

036443  No.3097548


Muh Moon Fantasy

Damn you Q!

e7a2d6  No.3097549


now that's an interesting point. Moon as a location on earth, hmm… ok, I was thinking Q was hacked but perhaps he was just playing the pronoun game, - tho actually I think this was all a strength test as well as something WW being done that perhaps needed to suck up the anon's into not being involved in.

d54816  No.3097550

Kind of arrogant to think we're the only ones in the universe. I have no problem with it/them.

3a9b42  No.3097551

Q, have you seen the moon landing videos? They look super fake compared to modern sci-fi TV shows and movies. Or is it just a coincidence that they turned out that way?

851833  No.3097552

Have anons specifically and/or wholly been targeted from the Russian Witch Hunt (the DOJ's misuse and abuse of power)?

ee499c  No.3097553


Q had an objective thats for sure.

115717  No.3097555



Nothing says that Q can't post as Anon.

Anon namefagged at 5555.

Anon/Q said Q&A was over.




KYS, faggotssss.

dfe6e3  No.3097556


GREAT plan

318226  No.3097557



40d289  No.3097558


Do not doxx yourself. Leave the Name and Email fields blank. Posts edited for your security.

57c5bc  No.3097559


why would i care

the real god knows i believe in him anyways

49a39f  No.3097560


don't think the point of the Q&A was actually Q&A, anon. Stop being naive. It was to see how many people are here and testing if the board could handle it. Hence Q mentioning the number of IPs two separate times.

a878d9  No.3097561


prolly NCMEC connected, imo

453a4a  No.3097562

Bill Cooper – Behold A Pale Horse


63ed63  No.3097563

File: 3a21be2921d3a9b⋯.png (38.19 KB, 747x297, 83:33, ClipboardImage.png)

1914b2  No.3097564

File: 164fb032b850cc3⋯.png (109.51 KB, 258x245, 258:245, ClipboardImage.png)


good joke anon

614e39  No.3097565

File: 450f42630eb675a⋯.png (387.32 KB, 911x851, 911:851, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Weighs In On The Single Worst Mistake In American History

In a wide ranging interview with The Hill on Tuesday conducted in the Oval Office, President Trump was asked to give his take on the biggest mistake in American history.

Considering just how open-ended a question that is, it's perhaps surprising that he merely went back less than a couple decades into the Bush presidency, though Trump's base will certainly welcome it as it hearkens back to his "America First" foreign policy vision of the campaign trail.

“The worst single mistake ever made in the history of our country: going into the Middle East, by President Bush,” the president during his interview with Hill.TV.


e115e9  No.3097566

File: 0dd1abba5f9d9f5⋯.jpg (140.18 KB, 475x475, 1:1, damn.jpg)

a5fb50  No.3097567


Excellent video. I've been reading JT Gatto for years. Ergo, homeschooling.

2ab78f  No.3097568


do tell more

df3cdf  No.3097569


Self-destruction was always in the plan per crumbs but it's far too soon for all that.

df8515  No.3097570


Yep, Tommies are slow. Fly low and navigate with great accuracy.

49aaa0  No.3097571


You shitting out your opinion isn't "the truth" boo

971411  No.3097572

File: 8f9b8f17ab2c93e⋯.png (483.26 KB, 653x712, 653:712, Mitchell re Dem House Upri….PNG)

File: fd84b9eb897ba6e⋯.png (297.05 KB, 624x766, 312:383, WE 1 re Dem House Uprising….PNG)

File: 190656aebb0b078⋯.png (61.76 KB, 646x438, 323:219, WE 2 re Dem House Uprising….PNG)

Dem calls for House uprising if Kavanaugh confirmed without hearing from Ford


ecc359  No.3097573


I may look at it more than the 2 minutes I just spent there, but it's exactly what I mean by "vague and confusing"". "Understand the concept and think meta" um no, that's not physics and that doesn't tell me how to engineer something.

But if someone demonstrates working antigrav, that's a start and then we can work on the physics.

That link seems to be just a word soup.

184067  No.3097574


We're fighting evil, not aliens, now if the alien is evil….well

5a90dc  No.3097575


Doxxed myself BO… so sorry to add to the load, please delete pic?

on post 3096323 last bread #3917

4c0c60  No.3097576


that's because they don't want you to build one

0bba72  No.3097577

File: a602feb45093478⋯.png (165.74 KB, 654x825, 218:275, FIGA4 1.png)

File: 99e95dee861cbdf⋯.png (310.56 KB, 645x794, 645:794, FIGA4 2.png)

File: 30bc0c76747d568⋯.png (409.61 KB, 641x853, 641:853, FIGA4 3.png)

File: e3a69281a713b79⋯.png (556.26 KB, 647x1079, 647:1079, FIGA4 4.png)

File: e16fa57f6dcfc6a⋯.png (417.98 KB, 644x1013, 644:1013, FIGA4 5.png)




Well, lets keep on dropping them!


Requesting all available Anons to help me retweet this one for maximum penetration:













no homo

fc632d  No.3097578


got a link? that's an image for ants

e2b6e0  No.3097579


what did they say?

83e2d4  No.3097580


>i'm a sociopath

Cool, an ok thing to be when you're a homosexual or jewish i guess. Based !

8e01a0  No.3097581


Like making a wish with a genie, etc. Better be VERY specific…

471ba5  No.3097582


Grow the fuck up, partner. God is Alpha and Omega, created the entire fucking universe. Nothing about aliens would take away from that, or the Bible.

409023  No.3097583

Q….. I am gonna need a urinalysis after some of the answers from today…….


04e80e  No.3097584

That was THEE most embarrassing three ring shitshow I’ve ever witnessed, here.

Biggest collection of fucking mongoloids on the Internet.

Going back to halfchan. Sure, it’s comp’ed but at least it’s funny and not riddled with fucking retards asking the most homo questions imaginable.

Should have been harder on the normies in hindsight.

a64952  No.3097586



would love to see a little plane do that kind of damage..

shill. re-read your post, look at pictures.. shame on you

07f4d1  No.3097587

File: fef78542ec0b747⋯.jpg (26.54 KB, 640x853, 640:853, 14456FC.jpg)


We're all adults here. Enjoy the boobs.

93cdec  No.3097588


These are shills.

They are in for a rude awakening when they find out that there is something watching them from their wall two feet away.

15b299  No.3097589


We are witnessing the controlled demolition of (part of) the cabal.

Q is part of that plan.

He's told us as much, since the beginning.

These subversive, useful idiots (HRC, BUSH, etc) have fulfilled their purpose and are now receiving the boot to the face. They are surprised.

As Yuri B tells us, they are the first ones to be executed. And while I'll celebrate that, I am worried for what comes next.

Here's your source:

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3qkf3bajd4

58c75b  No.3097590


it was in the double bread that got locked

not even aware of the faggotry: >>3097555

good time for a graphic

3bdeac  No.3097591

Q… Antarctica? Why so many VIP visits including Kerry?

821d0f  No.3097592


Has it sprouted hair one yet?

Be careful you follow

2b1ed0  No.3097593

File: d6268984d7624d4⋯.mp4 (8.6 MB, 638x358, 319:179, joeDigenova.mp4)

'''earlier tonight on Hannity…"

6c0063  No.3097594

File: cf0692215ebe10f⋯.png (153.72 KB, 1234x704, 617:352, added_images.PNG)


Helioviewer has added back 4 days of images. I think 27th Aug to 1st Sept was missing if I remember right.


b772c4  No.3097595

File: 2e7a78d1fa3f89e⋯.jpg (38.5 KB, 523x523, 1:1, 12141530_10153061292126512….jpg)

9f40bf  No.3097596

File: dbc4805b1bc9a25⋯.jpg (166.45 KB, 918x1296, 17:24, kindofq.jpg)


Yes, once you catch 'em in a lie it all starts to sound fishy. I was wondering about the "eliminated from the planet" in the Plann video too.

It's good I found out now, before I did too much more 16 hour days.

what if I got all the bif charts printed out, got ready for red-pilling the neighborhood [Got leaflets , started getting involved with te Republican Party locally , worked for politicains. - Then I found out? That would be worse.

I thinking Q did this now, rather than later, for just this reason, so people like me could cut out now.

That was kind of "Q"

340534  No.3097597

File: 676abb0c43e6ef1⋯.jpg (32.22 KB, 512x288, 16:9, BC-DefinitionOfWingsIs.jpg)

84f1a8  No.3097599


>1) POTUS categorically confirms Q is real.

>2) Q silently disappears with no new posts.

>3) Q purposefully begins posting increasingly outrageous claims to wrap up and disguise the Q program as a LARP.

4) The pipeline stays open and Q doesn't dox themselves.

01d059  No.3097600


Hope we don't work together, anon. I'm off and somebody else has to run that shit. Kek!

57c5bc  No.3097601


nigger Q isnt a larp

if Q isnt what he says he is

hes nwo preparing us for the fake alien invasion

i dont really care either way

453a4a  No.3097602

File: 9f2639e2e09c7ff⋯.jpeg (63.97 KB, 736x745, 736:745, 42044887_2099056266978467….jpeg)

File: ed9f03a50872c52⋯.jpeg (41.96 KB, 750x742, 375:371, 42104313_470910660058239_….jpeg)

20e4c4  No.3097603


Anyone with a brain can see Q really

didn't answer any questions.

This was a test and you failed.

Just keep insulting me for explaining this,

it's a typical brainlet tactic

OMG! Q said aliens are real!!!!

5a6db2  No.3097604




>We're all adults here. Enjoy the boobs.


No eyebrows. Wtf

dfe6e3  No.3097605


Yeah, also look at the state of some of these anons right now.

Test the board and the anons on it to see what they can handle.

Besides, that Q and A was postponed from a couple months ago.

They already knew what questions we were going to ask as we made a thread for it

d92f67  No.3097606


I have been trying to figure that out myself. It would actually fit and explain a lot, and open a whole lot of new options and questions.

1c989d  No.3097607

File: 0b9f5cc04e7f8b8⋯.jpg (41.21 KB, 480x477, 160:159, 0b9f5cc04e7f8b85234f50c61f….jpg)

43816b  No.3097608


What is it that makes Chick-Fil-A sauce so damn good?

Why is [RR] in brackets and Mueller isn’t?

Love you Bro (yes homo)

293764  No.3097609


I'M sorry just trying to help, when things that big and going that fast hit a solid structure…crazy things happen

youtube F-4 vs Concrete

f7571b  No.3097610


Q also didn't clarify whether or not he meant a [missile from a] plane hit it…

2fe649  No.3097611

Q, does "Space Force" refer to telepathic communication?

Is there telepathic communication between Q&R?

Are you on the moon?

851833  No.3097612


*more specifically*

Have anons specifically and/or wholly been targeted from the Russian Witch Hunt (the DOJ's, FBI misuse and abuse of power)?

df8515  No.3097613


I don't recall Q saying aliens where here on earth. I think it was a reference to the probability of there being more 'life' out there.

41b52c  No.3097614


lol thanks

31ac96  No.3097615

>>3096917 last bread

Why the hell do people believe in EITHER / OR.

Such dualistic thinking.

It can be BOTH or a combination of many things.

Yes, there can be other beings AND God.

The Universe is a massive NEIGHBORHOOD and many, many countless varieties of beings,

physical and non-physical.

God created all.

1bccd9  No.3097616

Who knew that as soon as Q answered anything about aliens this whole board would be taken over by the space geek anons? Interesting topic, no doubt, but you'd think we could focus more on pressing earthly matters. 911 maybe, or JFK, or hell, maybe even this deep state coup against Trump. Nah. Aliens are more Important, and sure as shit we won't be off that topic for weeks. Bet the flat earth assholes are pissed. Fucking 50% of the anons on here bolted after Q said moon landings happened. Hilarious.

1c2765  No.3097617

File: abe64b1a68255d1⋯.png (13.48 KB, 712x103, 712:103, 6IMYfUK.png)

Did NSA work with JA to stop the release of his DMS?

Spiked mempool to prevent immutability?

To give time for Q and The Plan?


Total destruction vs 60/40 controlled demo?

880518  No.3097618


Israeli fren: there are many here who recognize the countless good people in your country and sane, humane Jews who live among us as our friends.

But your government is an abomination; and we will continue to stand up against the malignant influence of an anti-American, anti-liberty Jewish lobby in our homelands.

We NEED people like you to undo so much of what has gone horribly wrong since 1948.

All humans need to learn to live together, without division and strife. Past wrongs can never be redressed by more of the same.

ec0d33  No.3097619

>>3097267 See anon it has already started….[fuk]


b5c6e0  No.3097620



8f36f3  No.3097622

File: 46b84ecf827ac45⋯.png (132.73 KB, 270x360, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)








57a2f7  No.3097623


I think we all will anon.

What most anons need to understand is our present can't affect our past, but it can affect our future. What matters is now. Anons getting too caught up on justifying their own beliefs by any means necessary, even trying to warp perfecptions to fit their beliefs.

We just need acceptance that things are they way they are, and to move forward not backwards trying to justify each others belief systems, when you go down that road nothing but conflict ensues. As you can see by a mere 3 posts by Q.

Anon's need to open their eyes, we are divided even when we are united, Q just spelled that out for you plainly and simply.

d127c6  No.3097625


Q said 412,000 IPs. UIDs were, IIRC someone saw, 400-500. Not 500k UIDs.

f7571b  No.3097626


You already have everything you need to access the higher dimensions, anon.

63ed63  No.3097627

Is that representitive Gerrymandering?



df0fcf  No.3097628

Trust in the plan. Love and light to all.

What is the Event? - YouTube


633236  No.3097629

File: 3bc9fff953d26e3⋯.jpg (192.29 KB, 487x473, 487:473, 3bc9fff953d26e3e8d0fb93ee0….jpg)


Please Q, make this a little clearer

116f41  No.3097630

File: 504b6991a3bfeef⋯.jpeg (126.49 KB, 720x405, 16:9, 6EAAF2F8-7E81-4E74-902A-2….jpeg)

839148  No.3097632

File: d264ef0c6dada27⋯.jpg (62.83 KB, 1345x535, 269:107, I, pet goat II.jpg)

Some fucked up answers from Q that require greater explanation.


1) Q compromised (AGAIN)?

2) Q being cryptic

3) If info true. Deepstate could be behind many conspiracy theories… Why???? Many possibilities

4) Is Q part of it?

Image is a screen capture from a deep state (?) tease video on youtube from at least 2013.

Check the lighting and the name written on the wall

I'm not saying don't trust Q

I think autist's we need a plan B separate from Q. Just in case. We should not have all our eggs in one basket.

93cdec  No.3097633



I could give a fuck less if Q says that Aliens are real.

60ccb2  No.3097634


will there be beer at the parade?

0a60a5  No.3097635


That is the best choice right now. Private schools are infiltrated too like nobody's business. If you are not already, you will be ecstatic that you homeschooled your kids. Be careful with the materials you use. You are your kids' best teacher. Never forget that.

07c33d  No.3097636


He's mine bitch! :-P

57c5bc  No.3097637


lol please be this that sounds so funny

d451d1  No.3097638

File: 378ebf2f9d17778⋯.jpeg (6.31 KB, 252x200, 63:50, images (1).jpeg)


Not possible in this case. The airframe of a commercial aircraft is quite light and fragile per cubic foot. The engines on a 757/767 weigh about 2 tons each. You can't convince me that the airframe punched through that many walls, but the wings/tail/engines didn't make a dent. Look at the photos before the exterior collapsed.



2d158a  No.3097639

File: e21184d439b93a5⋯.png (35.87 KB, 590x236, 5:2, Flattard.png)

5e3105  No.3097640

2218: Resignations: Public Being Sheltered From the Full Extent of Their Crimes


Expose these fuckers, let examples be stated for the rest of the rats and the sheep that keep voting this shit in!

Also, their ill begotten millions should not be used to provide them and their families with a luxury life.

The only safe place they are supposed to seek shelter at is a federal prison FFS!

The publics "fragile feelings" can take it"!


Expose these fuckers, let examples be stated for the rest of the rats and the sheep that keep voting this shit in!

Also, their ill begotten millions should not be used to provide them and their families with a luxury life.

The only safe place they are supposed to seek shelter at is a federal prison FFS!

The publics "fragile feelings" can take it"!

Post last edited at

8a1dff  No.3097641

File: 1c2583c09af2c95⋯.jpg (51.82 KB, 712x485, 712:485, Q 376.JPG)

File: fe5c3f5ff47fb18⋯.jpg (50.17 KB, 541x303, 541:303, QR 3918 - DisInfo Q Test.JPG)

File: 66b815e4593469d⋯.jpg (52.04 KB, 615x410, 3:2, DnaW0c7U0AYJCzl.jpg)

File: 48aef3509462e10⋯.png (642.95 KB, 634x764, 317:382, RR_Ozzel_croaks-Q.png)

What do YOU think?

NO green little ET's. OK.

Let's keep our eyes on the ball.

Hi, John Brennan.

008200  No.3097642


Q&A is over, anon. that is a great question, though. I recall an astronaut visiting there and needing medical treatment. He said it was better than going to the moon.

0bc61c  No.3097643

File: 49b2d2d57a64640⋯.jpeg (141.76 KB, 1296x966, 216:161, 1532201231.jpeg)

f71db1  No.3097644

Q is "Magic Sword" the aliens who work alongside you

8a2dcf  No.3097645




>There were almost 500k UID's. You don't think this was a honeypot? Guess again.

What if this whole thing is a giant honeypot. Trying to round up all the autists around the Internets into one spot.

Yes, Internets.

You really think there is only one, completely unified and always consistent ?

5d272d  No.3097646

File: 5bf8cb347c21a46⋯.jpg (13.84 KB, 300x199, 300:199, jfjfjdkfgo[kerglk.jpg)

The Moon landings were explained in the Billy Meier UFO contact reports.. The First one was faked. All the rest were real except for Apollo 13.. There was no fire on board. Apollo landed long enough to drop off a fake Apollo 11 lander because they knew that someday. Other countries would go there too.. So. first one faked…13 was the cover up

847b9d  No.3097647

File: a59ab5d9fd75a11⋯.png (2.86 MB, 2000x1680, 25:21, douche.png)


Fuck thyself.

91e349  No.3097648



Not true. As of the 2010 census, Missouri had approx. 55,000 illegal aliens residing in the state.

Source: Pew Research Center


Graphic, showing detailed states based on Pew at this link:


e2b6e0  No.3097649


its from their instagram

8a6c67  No.3097650


i thought UID was only of posters, not viewers

58c75b  No.3097651

File: cdc3ecbac3e9213⋯.gif (840.92 KB, 450x450, 1:1, REEEEEEEEE2.gif)


>There were almost 500k UID's

read about: UID vs IP

20e4c4  No.3097652



Butthurt little pussies


0e2afe  No.3097653

File: 6a8fc6177a465d5⋯.jpeg (166.87 KB, 799x667, 799:667, Screenshot_2018-09-19-22-….jpeg)

It's just a fact guys, don't get all mad about it

c4e25b  No.3097654

almost half a million IPs, impressive.

/CM/ how can we discretely donate without giving away our info lol?

614e39  No.3097655

Comey Suggests Mueller Probe Is ‘In The Fourth Quarter’

Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s recent guilty plea suggests the Mueller probe “is in the fourth quarter,” former FBI Director James Comey said Wednesday.

“The way you normally do investigations is you work from the bottom up, and so they’re getting pretty high,” Comey said in an interview with St. Louis’ NPR affiliate.

“But again, the reason I’m hesitant to even say that is [because] Bob Mueller’s conducted his investigation like a pro – you know nothing about it except through his public filings, and that’s the way it’s supposed to be. And so I can’t say with certainty where he is.”

Comey added that there is an argument to be made “that the conviction — the plea and cooperation by Paul Manafort – may represent that we’re in the fourth quarter.”

Manafort pleaded guilty on Sept. 14 to conspiracy charges related to his work for the Ukrainian government several years before joining the Trump campaign. As part of the plea deal, Manafort agreed to cooperate with the special counsel’s office. (RELATED: Manafort Cooperating With Mueller After Plea Deal)

Manafort was scheduled to go to trial in Washington, D.C., in the case. He was convicted in federal court in Virginia on Aug. 21 on tax fraud and bank fraud charges related to his Ukraine work.

It is still unclear whether Manafort is providing information about the Trump campaign or about other matters.

The White House has said it is not concerned with Manafort’s plea agreement, saying that he has nothing damaging about Trump to offer prosecutors.

Comey, who was fired as FBI chief on May 9, 2017, oversaw the first 10 months of the FBI’s collusion investigation. Mueller took over that probe, and is reportedly also investigating whether President Donald Trump obstructed justice by firing Comey.


138bc8  No.3097656

Decided to take a nap, looks like I picked a good time! WoW! Obviously some hiding in the pushes ready to pounce.

025cd4  No.3097657

File: c9649de498d9370⋯.jpg (166.54 KB, 795x530, 3:2, CASARAMOS1.jpg)

File: 74815ce41d2eda4⋯.jpg (132.66 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ice.jpg)

Casa Ramos restaurants closed without explanation

Joanne Williams calls her son and daughter to tell them their plans to meet for dinner Wednesday evening at Casa Ramos on East Avenue were off, after finding a “closed temporarily” sign on the door following apparent raids earlier in the day.

Both Casa Ramos restaurants in Chico and 12 others in Northern California were closed Wednesday with no explanation to customers.

The Mexican restaurant has 14 Northern California locations. The two Chico locations are on Fair Street at East Park Avenue, and on East Avenue near The Esplanade. There are also Casa Ramos restaurants in Willows, Corning, Red Bluff and Redding. The chain is based in Yreka and stretches south to Sacramento.

A sign on the East Avenue restaurant’s door said “Closed Temporarily.” A signed on the Fair Street location just said “Closed” in English and Spanish.

The Redding Record Searchlight reported that a Department of Justice operation targeted the entire restaurant chain, but the local police department had no idea why, and the state DOJ didn’t return phone calls.


22d007  No.3097658

Just a stab in the dark but Q does ambassador Haley's statements against russia undermining nk sanctions possible have to do with u1 and the possibility that they were using nk as proxy to sell iran nuclear material, from the limited knowledge i have (thanks to msm) it was always that the nk's were using Pu for their nuclear ambitions and iran was U, if the later is the case who better to supply the iranians then another rougue regime, if so who is using the rus… sorry fell down a rabbit hole

83ddec  No.3097659

File: 7cb349d3f4dc44b⋯.png (227.6 KB, 1517x681, 1517:681, 20180919_205402.png)


Dude! I didn't write i. I'm calling this fraud fucked out.

Pic related

eb4d73  No.3097660


Honey mustard and BBQ combined kek.

001b0b  No.3097661

somebody unfolded a tesseract

e4f49d  No.3097662


Q's Q&A was simply to provide metrics for growing the board…unfortunately to also gage the increased level of infiltration by shills and clowns. Interesting none the less…

That's why he's Q and we're not.

443b7c  No.3097663


Jae Woodward has a video about it on the woodwardtv channel

83e2d4  No.3097664

the alien stuff was nothing, nothing revealed

Q did out themselves as a fraud though when he said a plane hit the pentagon

c516e0  No.3097665

File: f2fc001d66a0ef7⋯.jpeg (321.24 KB, 720x723, 240:241, moon_shadows.jpeg)

I go away for a minute and now Q is saying moon landings are real?

208c98  No.3097666

File: 164b92b65e7a210⋯.jpeg (562.88 KB, 1536x1557, 512:519, EBA91E79-CE9E-488D-B5EA-5….jpeg)

416f52  No.3097667


you never know what the combination was - building pre-wired with explosives…. plane wired with explosives…. clearly the fucking bumble bee plane didn't take out the pentagon…. but clearly it wasn't a huge fucking plane either.

e64248  No.3097668

Facebook building "war room" for election meddling?


7180fd  No.3097669


INTERDASTING 1913 reference. I would like to keep my hard earned money!

422a8b  No.3097670

File: e1a93e46514b967⋯.jpg (121.59 KB, 806x960, 403:480, BoomHeadshot.jpg)


Head shots are advisable.

31ac96  No.3097671


It's very clear. There are neighborhoods of beings in God's Universe.

What the heck is so confusing about that?

"I have many mansions"

0dee92  No.3097672

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


ya wanna hear something fucked up anon? very recently i remembered a ufo story about a guy in a nordic country that i had heard about as a kid, but couldnt remember much of it, just that the guy took pics and used a pyramid on his head/or climbed into, to communicate with aliens. then one night not long after i had remembered it, i was browsing some jootube lecture vids and stumbled upon imbed related and realized it was the billy meier story i was remembering. mind=blown

8d200e  No.3097673


Well if u dont want to read more than 2 minutes that prob why ur stuck if it dont fit ur..

So this guy had a look..


And built this. look at the end.

138bc8  No.3097674



a64952  No.3097675


oh god… low energy shill

8a8d7b  No.3097676



hidden asshole

9f40bf  No.3097677

File: 4bbe84f4ec83c3a⋯.jpg (29.67 KB, 325x312, 25:24, missilepointer.jpg)

58c75b  No.3097678

File: 527cad7b37c629b⋯.png (240.04 KB, 500x499, 500:499, nightshift3.png)


maybe moar

834fb0  No.3097679


This is one of the reasons they don't land.

If Earth Humans stopped being massive faggots positive extraterrestrials would land globally.

Many ETs are very hot girls so be smart. They can read your mind though so always try to clear it from trash.

8d3124  No.3097681


Notable.. not just for ginger..legs are a little skinny..

Notable because attention absolutely needed to what WWG1WGA means! The 5-10% are those that are truly negative.. and tied by that negetivity > consciousness cannot expand!


Some cannot go beyond a certain point.. but everything you have been taught as truth will be challenged! Christian evangelicals, Catholics, and Radical Islamists will have hardest time.. you are steeped in dogma.

There is a Creator.. the One.. and life is encoded in light.. the entire universe is designed to create life.. and have it grow and return to the Creator!

In everything you do.. service to self or service to others… this is Yehsua’s message.. let everything you do be in a spirit of love..

In this we are unified.. in this we are together and not separated by physical form.. in this we go together.. as One.. in the One.. the All.

Where We Go One.. We Go All > for the first time in thousands of years, we are responsible for our growth and development and success of 23 genome experiments.. we fight to throw off the enslavement it beings that use their high blood children to control us.. to divide us.. to keep us from unifying as a divine creation of the One!

We have never been alone.. it is time to grow up and join the 52 other races in our star cluster that are working with Patriots to bring the Light!

Understanding brings TRUTH

Truth being LIGHT

Light saves Humanity!

8a2dcf  No.3097682


That's how you spot ETs or newbie time travelers.

They didn't read their training materials for 2010 Earth.

7debdd  No.3097683


prolly to see what kind of load the board can take.

20e4c4  No.3097684

Careful there anon, thinking logically here

tonight will get you labeled as a shill

bb765b  No.3097685

Notes Update

Any missed?

>>3097572 Dem calls for House uprising if Kavanaugh confirmed without hearing from Ford

>>3097565 POTUS Weighs In On The Single Worst Mistake In American History

>>3097530 Operation Human Freight Arrests

>>3097410 Spreadsheet Update

>>3097285 , >>3097512 Observatory closed due to CP?

>>3097248 Highest classification in NATO is named 'Cosmic Top Secret'

11ad46  No.3097686


The fact that he said "the laptop was determined to be the possession of a janitor who worked at the facility and the news article says "An investigation by the FBI revealed that a janitor is the main suspect in the search." I would say he was an actual insider.


dfe6e3  No.3097687



Beautifully said.

I can hardly wait!

f017c3  No.3097688

WHY CHRISTINE BLASEY FORD’S HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOKS WERE SCRUBBED: Faculty Approved Racism, Binge Drinking and Promiscuity

This is an excellent read and very pic heavy for proof sauce. This person had the sense to check out the yearbook before it got scrubbed.

A couple snippets:


“Lastly one cannot fail to mention the climax of the junior social scene, the party. Striving to extend our educational experience beyond the confines of the classroom, we played such intellectually stimulating games as Quarters, Mexican Dice and everyone’s favorite, Pass-Out, which usually resulted from the aforementioned two.”

Also note that at the bottom of the caption above, the girls mention their male conquests with great pride:

“No longer confining ourselves to the walls of Landon and Prep, we plunged into the waters of St. John and Gonzaga with much success.”


“Beach week culminated the year for those of us lucky enough to go. With school and our minds in temporary recess, we were able to release all those troubling inhibitions of the past year. While dancing in the middle of coastal Highway, Ann [redacted last name] and friends picked up some men who passed out in their apartment…”

“Other seniors preferred to expand their horizons and date younger men, usually sophomores, who could bring the vitality and freshness of innocence to a relationship.”


In conclusion, please look again at the page above. In the final passage, the joy of passing out and forgetting everything you did the night before is praised:

“And there were always parties to celebrate any occasion. Although these parties are no doubt unforgettable, they are only a memory lapse for most, since loss of consciousness is often an integral part of the party scene.”

sauce: http://cultofthe1st.blogspot.com/2018/09/why-christine-blasey-fords-high-school_19.html

3ccb35  No.3097689

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bill Cooper debunks the apollo moon landings with NASA's own data

01078c  No.3097690



In the military, we always had our primary, secondary, alternate and tertiary. You do realize that if this primary plan fails, we probably go straight to a 2nd Amendment solution in some combination of UW/DA? I'm not advocating for it, I'm just afraid it'll escalate that fast.

I'm redpilling all that will listen with the stuff presented here, and they already think it's conspiracy bullshit. Video of HRC/HA cutting off a child's face, adrenochrome, trafficking, sacrifices, etc? They'll only believe it if the video is released. What's the status of frazzledrip?

And once the dust is settled, what safeguards are being put in place to ensure we, as a nation, never have to go through this again?


5d381c  No.3097691


One of the more intelligent questions posted.

I am leaning toward that being the case myself.

770347  No.3097692

Hi Q,

Is "My Experiences In The World War" by John J. Pershing, fake?

8a06c5  No.3097693

File: a60d91d62c8ac86⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1133x788, 1133:788, billy.png)

make vril girls great again

fc632d  No.3097694



is that even a word?

93cdec  No.3097695


Spoken like a true authoritarian.

c77fdc  No.3097696


I was watching as the bread was filling. I said "Almost 500"

At one point I saw 463k…so bite me Anon.

To quote the bitch.."At this point what difference does it make"

49aaa0  No.3097697


Payseur hmmm

384a24  No.3097698

File: 27b69f613dd4577⋯.jpg (30.93 KB, 255x182, 255:182, IMG_1800.JPG)

ee499c  No.3097699


Don't know if any of this shit is legit, but its interdasting as fuck. Fucking Saved. Thanks Anon.

57c5bc  No.3097700

anons prepare yourself for the possibility of Q self destructing and making all of us look stupid

i dont really give a fuck because everyone hates me anyways and i didnt really tell anyone about this

but if you made ridiculous claims make your peace

c8d8fe  No.3097701


Because unfortunately, phonefagging is my only option for the next 10 or so minutes. And getting thrown repeatedly into last breads and then getting 502d during the Q&A really pissed me off.

614e39  No.3097702

March For Our Lives Co-Founder Quits, Has Regrets About Things He Said

March For Our Lives co-founder Cameron Kasky told Fox News radio on Wednesday that he has left the organization that he helped create and that he has regrets about some of the things that he has said since he entered the public spotlight.

Kasky told Fox News Radio's Guy Benson and Marie Harf: "I'm very regretful of a lot of the mistakes that I've made along the way."

"One of the things I never really did was watch myself," Kasky said. "If I was on a screen I kind of tried to run away from it. I'm not entirely sure why. But, looking back on that it's like you said, you touched off on this very well in the intro, I'm not going to kick myself for it because I'm 17. Despite the fact that I thought I did at the time, I don't know everything."

Kasky admitted that when he attacked Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) during CNN's town hall event that it was his intent to "embarrass Rubio and that was my biggest flaw."

Kasky said he would redo the conversation that he had with Rubio and that he has plans to meet with him next month where he'll bring up how he spoke to him during the town hall event.

"This summer when March For Our Lives went on the summer tour that we embarked on I met that person in Texas whose got that semi-automatic weapon because that's how they like to protect their family," Kasky continued. "I met the 50-some-odd-percent of woman who are pro-life, even though I thought it was preposterous that a woman could be pro-life and not pro-choice at the time. I learned that a lot of our issues politically come from a lack of understanding of other perspectives and also the fact that so often young conservatives and young liberals will go into debate, like I said earlier, trying to beat the other one as opposed to come to an agreement."

Kasky noted that he left March for Our Lives because "they didn't really need my involvement and while I could have helped it wasn't crucial."

The activist added that he plans to start a new podcast called "Cameron Knows Nothing" where he will host discussions with people on both sides of the political spectrum on current political issues.


9f40bf  No.3097703

File: f55802dff0d329e⋯.jpg (33.16 KB, 299x480, 299:480, elvispointere.jpg)

aa182f  No.3097704

File: 96f66b35bcab33d⋯.jpg (182.4 KB, 700x467, 700:467, mirror frog.jpg)



453a4a  No.3097705

File: 2075794fb29bf45⋯.mp4 (3.2 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, trudeau eyebrows.mp4)

d5793b  No.3097706


Are Humans like the Hosts in WestWorld and Extra Terrestrials are the Humans that created the Hosts which really means we are really nothing more that the Playthings for Extra Terrestrials….

6b042a  No.3097707


At least the Boobs are worthy of a look! Contrary to many of the posts here tonight!

864854  No.3097708


Hillary card meme is wrong

>Deflect bad news away from Trump

>Switch to Hillary

>Use Hillary card when you lack any actual argument

Read that again. Then switch Hillary with Trump.

>Deflect bad news away from Hillary

>Switch to Trump

>Use Trump card when you lack any actual argument

6926d2  No.3097709


Q said a plane hit the Pentagon.

When a ranking member in a gang wants to 1ate7 someone

What do they put out?

A hit.

What is it called when strike a target?


How could a plane hit something without leaving any evidence it had been hit by a plane?

777d56  No.3097710

File: 11a9392bc96e62f⋯.png (36.86 KB, 650x299, 50:23, Screenshot-2018-6-7 Human ….png)

File: dd63d59bc438cee⋯.png (239.77 KB, 698x392, 349:196, Screenshot_2018-09-19 Spac….png)

File: 22b49204b601d50⋯.png (420.64 KB, 437x380, 23:20, Screenshot_2018-08-20 gold….png)


Space is Electromagnetic, as are we as human beings… The interpretations we have of God are very confused to say the least… It's not so much a being as it is an Energy… The Energy is what gives us life… Life exists in many places… It does mean that there was a being that made it… We personified "God" as the Supreme Being in the Heavens, but that ideology is actually based on sun-worship… However, the sun gets its energy from another source… When you understand why we were "God-fearing", you will only begin to understand the AWESOME POWER of the "Divine Creator"…

5f1264  No.3097711


Q never said it was a commercial plane.

single center fuselage engine would make that type of hole.


remote piloted F-16 as well.

847b9d  No.3097712


We have been fucked since birth.

04e80e  No.3097713


You were looking at her eyebrows?

Yeah. You be homo

4c0c60  No.3097714


Listen to William Cooper - Behold a pale horse- all about cities on the moon and project blue beam - they're both real

187334  No.3097715


agree but it was a hilarious shit show

a5333a  No.3097716

d127c6  No.3097717


That’s what I’m saying. 500k posters did not post in a bread with 751 posts. Q said 412k IPs.

8a6c67  No.3097718

not on purpose

93cdec  No.3097719


I'm not little… and definitely not a pussy. Big man talkin shit from a computer.

76e1df  No.3097720

Politico fear-mongering: What If Trump refuses to leave the White House…blah blah blah

I remember just a couple of years ago when a few right-wingers asked the same thing about Hussein and they were blasted as, “Conspiracy Theorists.” But now, MSM pushes the same narrative about POTUS and getting every Leftie’s panties in a bunch…but they won’t be labeled Conspiracy Theorists, right?


620b34  No.3097721

File: 68b86d6263c4801⋯.png (324.2 KB, 429x704, 39:64, presidential-touch.png)


I feel awful for this girl, as you can see how extremely uncomfortable she is. I hate to keep posting her, but the truth of what the culture of power really is needs to be exposed.

f7571b  No.3097722


In what way does quoting the bible discount aliens, anon?

Please, you're making less sense than you're accusing Q of.

834fb0  No.3097723

Q I hope you are allright and that the info drop was safe. Thanks for this long awaited disclosure.

0a60a5  No.3097724




Q meant to say, "False moon landings are real."

8a06c5  No.3097725


you think your anonymous, how cute anon

0043c7  No.3097726

Aliens you say?

God sent His only begotten Son, God incarnate, to save mankind and redeem creation. Does that redemption include life on other planets? Or would God have manifested Himself on those other planets, as well (in the manner of Aslan in Narnia)? Does “only begotten” mean “only physical representation”? Or is it more limited, referring only to the human species?

Another consideration: would an otherworldly, sentient, advanced life form sin and need redemption in the same way we do? Human life is in the blood (Leviticus 17:11). Where is the life of these hypothetical aliens? And what would have to be sacrificed to save them? Could the shedding of Jesus’ human blood save silicon-based glass creatures whose sin was melting and reforming themselves into unnatural shapes?

Another topic of discussion concerning the existence of aliens and Christianity is what it means to be made in the “image of God.” Since God has no physical body, we take this to mean a reflection of God’s non-physical aspects—rationality, morality, and sociability. Would aliens, if they exist, embody the same characteristics?

Another issue is the impact of young earth creationism on the discovery of alien life. It is conceivable, if highly unlikely, that the geological pyrotechnics that took place during the global flood could have spewed a bacteria- or lichen-tainted stone all the way to Mars where it found shelter in a misty canyon. But any life form more complicated or farther out would be much harder to harmonize with a literal reading of Genesis 1. Could demons have taken trees and shrubs and rodents and bugs to another planet with an environment similar to Earth’s? Possibly. But without the Spirit’s blessing of life, it’s unlikely any of it would have survived. Parallel creations? Maybe. The Bible does not mention them.

Considering what we know about space and life and the world as the Bible portrays it, we already have an explanation for so-called alien activity on Earth. Reports of “close encounters” describe the ethereal, transient, deceptive, and malevolent. Accounts also record that encounters with supposed aliens can be stopped by a real, authentic call to Jesus. Everything points to the activity of demons, not extraterrestrials. In fact, it is plausible that the “powerful delusion” spoken of in 2 Thessalonians 2:11 will involve an alien-abduction theory to explain away the rapture.

The “discovery” of alien life would have no effect on genuine Christianity. The Bible stands as written, no matter what secular theories are advanced or discoveries are claimed. The Bible says the earth and mankind are unique in God’s creation. God created the earth even before He created the sun, moon, or stars (Genesis 1). Yes, there are strange and inexplicable things that take place. There is no reason, though, to attribute these phenomena to aliens or UFOs. If there is a discernable cause to these events, it is spiritual or, more specifically, demonic in origin. In the final analysis, all conjecturing about what would happen to our faith if aliens were proved to be real falls under the category of “godless chatter” and “foolish and stupid arguments” that we are warned against (2 Timothy 2:16, 23).

8f36f3  No.3097727




f52b66  No.3097728

File: 5910db93691b273⋯.jpg (11.1 KB, 350x494, 175:247, download (3).jpg)

File: 0bf20c18ea76268⋯.jpg (18.29 KB, 384x384, 1:1, download (1).jpg)

File: 9455f88d6606eb0⋯.jpg (103.32 KB, 1200x799, 1200:799, download (4).jpg)

R.I.P. Royston Potter.

He was and always be a PATRIOT!

8a2dcf  No.3097729


>Many ETs are very hot girls so be smart. They can read your mind though so always try to clear it from trash.


No way.

Also, then where is all the hot alien pussy and ass at?

c77fdc  No.3097730


Yet you ignore the fact of the questions answered. So go REEEE elswhere


0dee92  No.3097731



art imitates life anon, welcome to a 100k foot view.

208afc  No.3097733


can a 'drone plane' be considered Q's 'plane'? I don't know. Just asking

31ac96  No.3097734



We went to moon, and there was shit happening up there,

so much of the footage couldn't be used.

Hollywood made up for it.

BOTH. Everything doesn't have to be EITHER THIS/OR THAT.

b772c4  No.3097735

File: f771d8bba6a12d4⋯.jpg (239.17 KB, 1015x521, 1015:521, Screen Shot 09-20-18 at 03….JPG)

[Treason May]

84d866  No.3097736

Are the visitors actively involved in our struggle or do they merely observe? Do they have a dog in this fight and is it winning?

9944fd  No.3097737


Top Kek!!

a5fb50  No.3097738


Thanks, anon. Once we clean out the Congress, C_A, FBI, DOJ, State, we need to push education hard.

ec0d33  No.3097739


Welcome to the new Alien Lights of the Federation Board anon. q/research was executed about three hours ago.


847b9d  No.3097740


Shouldn't you be descended Freddy?

58c75b  No.3097741

>muh moon landing

>muh FE

>muh newfaggotry

>muh last straw

>muh feelz

>all leave after midnight

>nightshift commences

5d381c  No.3097743


would be better with some volume

can't hear but about every hundredth word.

a5333a  No.3097744

File: 7df84d345eaa376⋯.jpg (1.38 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, image.jpg)


Good book

8c8839  No.3097745


Is the identity of the Bible’s AntiChrist known?

60ccb2  No.3097746


Have you talked to Bigfoot since last week?

cdcb11  No.3097747


The church of Ethiopia has it as canon.

The book of Jude quotes it.

2nd Peter refers to it.

What known errors? elaborate. It’s veracity was confirmed to me as I read it, in my Spirit. It is all about CHRIST!

bb765b  No.3097748


>>3097572 Dem calls for House uprising if Kavanaugh confirmed without hearing from Ford

>>3097565 POTUS Weighs In On The Single Worst Mistake In American History

>>3097530 Operation Human Freight Arrests

>>3097410 Spreadsheet Update

>>3097285 , >>3097512 Observatory closed due to CP?

>>3097248 Highest classification in NATO is named 'Cosmic Top Secret'

dfe6e3  No.3097749


Uhhh what?

Did Potter kick it?

ac87ce  No.3097750


Yup. IPs include lurkers.

293764  No.3097751


the metals turned into melted metal then burned it's way through like a tank round

ea29dd  No.3097752



Are abductions regulated by us or them?

Why return us back to our homes it's for nefarious purposes?

825bb6  No.3097753


Wrong. Angels are not corporeal beings. How the hell would they procreate without sexual organs or semen? The can merely "appear" as humans through the manipulation of light (as St. Thomas Aquinas explains).

25a096  No.3097754


Well, you've just proven the point. If anons can't handle truth, what makes you think the world can?

Think logically. Why must the two rule each other out? They don't. Expand your thinking.

340534  No.3097755

File: e721aacb31ba000⋯.jpg (36.34 KB, 600x420, 10:7, What-the-hell-kind-of-test….jpg)

a0e510  No.3097756


EFFEN SAVED. Super sketch, but hey, this is the chans.

Yep, thro that shiznitz in the dough

04b9be  No.3097757

What caused WTC 7 to fall? What was the target of the plane that went down in the field?

Q, demons and angels are a different life force. I believe they are around. Is that what you are referring to?

Will the truth about the Las Vegas shooting be told truthfully?

6a8075  No.3097758



a cruise misslle is a plane smarty pants

9ac2dd  No.3097759

All I know is, is that Q quotes the Bible and he is most definitely a Christian. As a Christian he knows what Enoch said about the fallen angels. He calls this the great awakening. I believe it’s more than waking everyone up to what the Evil cabal is doing. It’s to awaken people up to the fact that it is truly good v evil. God against Satan. The end is near. They are running out of time. Revelations has already started.

8e01a0  No.3097760


Looks like a girl that shouldn't be dressed that way got sucked in to Creepy Joes tentacles… My daughter wouldn't dress like that going anywhere, cept the beach or gymnastics, IJS

bcc4b0  No.3097761


Q never said aliens where here on earth. What I’m trying to convey is that it must be understood that life, similar to our own, doesn’t exist outside our planet. This is really important to understand. I’ll leave it at that.

614e39  No.3097762

File: 3f2614ef141a1c6⋯.png (8.38 KB, 563x154, 563:154, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3c4fa410faa9ea⋯.png (6.33 KB, 448x129, 448:129, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7fcecf8d51eab67⋯.png (37.34 KB, 524x124, 131:31, ClipboardImage.png)




We may have a bug. I posted the reposted observatory post but it doesn't have a (you)

614e39 (5)

60ccb2  No.3097763


Have you talked to Bigfoot since last week?

9ac2dd  No.3097764

All I know is, is th>>3097508

at Q quotes the Bible and he is most definitely a Christian. As a Christian he knows what Enoch said about the fallen angels. He calls this the great awakening. I believe it’s more than waking everyone up to what the Evil cabal is doing. It’s to awaken people up to the fact that it is truly good v evil. God against Satan. The end is near. They are running out of time. Revelations has already started.

56d537  No.3097765


>The World is Watching

0a3ab7  No.3097766


Notable.. not just for ginger..legs are a little skinny..

Notable because attention absolutely needed to what WWG1WGA means! The 5-10% are those that are truly negative.. and tied by that negetivity > consciousness cannot expand!


Some cannot go beyond a certain point.. but everything you have been taught as truth will be challenged! Christian evangelicals, Catholics, and Radical Islamists will have hardest time.. you are steeped in dogma.

There is a Creator.. the One.. and life is encoded in light.. the entire universe is designed to create life.. and have it grow and return to the Creator!

In everything you do.. service to self or service to others… this is Yehsua’s message.. let everything you do be in a spirit of love..

In this we are unified.. in this we are together and not separated by physical form.. in this we go together.. as One.. in the One.. the All.

Where We Go One.. We Go All > for the first time in thousands of years, we are responsible for our growth and development and success of 23 genome experiments.. we fight to throw off the enslavement it beings that use their high blood children to control us.. to divide us.. to keep us from unifying as a divine creation of the One!

We have never been alone.. it is time to grow up and join the 52 other races in our star cluster that are working with Patriots to bring the Light!

Understanding brings TRUTH

Truth being LIGHT

Light saves Humanity!

58c75b  No.3097767


because you're a fucking idiot

its like you asking why is something blue when its red

453a4a  No.3097770


read the title, fag

8a2dcf  No.3097771

File: 737af3903485cb8⋯.jpg (905.85 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, Storm.jpg)


Forgot to attach image.

I, ..i mean We need more specifics about these hot alien girls.

54560e  No.3097772


Restaurants owned and run by illegals?

15b299  No.3097773


Q is a couple different dudes being told what to write

a94a8b  No.3097774

File: 4914f2078c5c580⋯.jpg (1.48 MB, 3000x2000, 3:2, mark-warner-jeff-sessions.jpg)


fc632d  No.3097776

File: 44c726c5ad9f7ba⋯.jpg (28.33 KB, 340x270, 34:27, il_340x270.1591319928_m9xg.jpg)

01078c  No.3097777


The aliens are fallen angels.

38376d  No.3097779


Was James Comey's message from Mt. Rushmore a directive and/or a threat?

What was the translation of the message?


c516e0  No.3097781


So the moon was so real they had to fake all of the footage okay

847b9d  No.3097782

File: dd936b57ba3026e⋯.jpg (87.8 KB, 1495x497, 1495:497, 2000000.JPG)


Been telling y'all for awhile.

f52b66  No.3097783

File: 9455f88d6606eb0⋯.jpg (103.32 KB, 1200x799, 1200:799, download (4).jpg)

File: 5910db93691b273⋯.jpg (11.1 KB, 350x494, 175:247, download (3) - Copy.jpg)

File: 0bf20c18ea76268⋯.jpg (18.29 KB, 384x384, 1:1, download (1).jpg)

File: 38938eea5430d13⋯.jpg (181.19 KB, 1306x733, 1306:733, 0954836c-d861-4de1-ab29-28….jpg)

File: ea3ef092178b742⋯.jpg (13.88 KB, 218x267, 218:267, field_mcconnell2 (1) - Cop….jpg)

We lost 2 Patriots today, anons.

The war is REAL!

Put down the popcorn and pay respect to the fallen.


Godspeed, Patriot Anons.

116f41  No.3097785


Ha ha ha wow you are a comedian. I am lmfao. You do know where you are right now. Please tell me your not serious.

So the people who have been lieing to us, took out a book because it was not truthful. Hmmmmm does that seem logical to you.

They hate you and want you exterminated but they dont want you believing the lies, because they are worried about your soul.

Confusing logic you are using.

1980e6  No.3097786

Q, how many sets of classified documents are being withheld to protect the legacy of George Sr.?

3e5248  No.3097787

No aliens

620b34  No.3097788

File: 9d5e24ce426a5bc⋯.png (308.97 KB, 1001x976, 1001:976, DELITESALF.png)

File: 9f4df006554934b⋯.jpg (479.52 KB, 832x1024, 13:16, YOUFAIL.jpg)

File: 780d4f670e208f3⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, PodestaWTF.png)

File: 0f9be06a94e288b⋯.png (414.73 KB, 876x871, 876:871, FAKE&GAY.png)


Fake and stupid.

04b9be  No.3097789


What is going on down in Antarctica?

0dee92  No.3097790

File: 992ef0ce1c65416⋯.png (1006.06 KB, 620x703, 620:703, ClipboardImage.png)


why does your dog look like you beat him with that book?

340534  No.3097792

File: 822bc938e140780⋯.jpg (45.77 KB, 426x426, 1:1, HmmmIsThisATest.jpg)



0a60a5  No.3097794


Please post it. I did not find it on that channel.

37412b  No.3097796


sauce please

777d56  No.3097797


I feel like asking Q a question is like making a wish to a genie…

You have to be real careful about how you word things…

47524e  No.3097798

File: ddf45dca19523b6⋯.jpg (49.65 KB, 600x428, 150:107, 9-19-DNC.jpg)

File: 51719e833b642d9⋯.jpg (45.68 KB, 600x428, 150:107, 9-19-DNC2.jpg)

File: 3699c66564f94ba⋯.jpg (44.3 KB, 600x428, 150:107, 9-19-DNC3.jpg)

File: 235921c70d09d8b⋯.jpg (48.58 KB, 600x428, 150:107, 9-19-DNC4.jpg)

File: ebceee03faea8f7⋯.jpg (45.21 KB, 600x428, 150:107, 9-19-DNC5.jpg)

i felt it was time to give bernie a little attention….that poor spineless bastard…….

c4e25b  No.3097799


nobody is anonymous, we are just various levels of information. In any event, no concern on my anonymity, comment was out of respect for CM

c77fdc  No.3097800


KYS faggot

ec0d33  No.3097801


99.9% shit posting. The anons were getting 502's/Flooding.

60ccb2  No.3097802


Have you talked to Bigfoot since last week?

8e01a0  No.3097803


Roy, I give your story no quarter. Call Beanz, she thinks your pretty…

9ac2dd  No.3097804



ecb92d  No.3097805


I believe there were 6.

20e4c4  No.3097807


why are you even here, tough guy?

You add nothing to this board except

insulting anons who are explaining Q's

actions tonight.


Understand "big man"?

58c75b  No.3097808


quads confirm "aliens are fallen angels" is fake and gay as fuck

aa182f  No.3097809

File: 59784e57aa08bf0⋯.jpg (91.77 KB, 800x1265, 160:253, gf.jpg)

6a8075  No.3097810


>. What I’m trying to convey is that it must be understood that life, similar to our own, doesn’t exist outside our planet.

you cannot be this small minded

cdcb11  No.3097811


Not wrong. It’s right there in the bible. The sons of God. Michael Heiser will set you straight, go dig him.

d51be1  No.3097812

Fuggin memorable night on the board…JW flushes his emmy and newfags roach the Q&A with inane BS…Kek

8f0c22  No.3097813


This is my take on it:


No more lobbies of any kind. Just like there is a strong jewish lobby in the states, we have a strong pro globalist lobby via soros funded "new israel fund". The globalist lobbies are all tools for subversion utilized world wide. I really dont know much about the different jewish american lobbies and their exact structures, other than j street being soros - leftist and aipac being more conservative. But all this lobbying should be shut down. Countries should not allow all this puppeteering to take place.

God bless you anon and tganks for your response.

834fb0  No.3097814


This wonderful girl is not a Vril girl. Semjase is from Taygeta and Marija is from Zagreb. One girl channeled ET knowledge and the other learned it in school.

00e715  No.3097815


A million questions and he answers two that he KNOWS will light board on fire.


f19786  No.3097816


Is there an intergalactic war going on, and our planet being freed is a byproduct of a winning action of that war?

f1321a  No.3097817


Roy Potter died?!

14c4c4  No.3097818

What a strange evening. Not at all sure what to think about the questions Q chose to answer, the board would have been loaded after the simple Q&A announcement…after all the work trying to keep people on the hook, these answers may cause a few of my folks to hop off said hook and others to attempt to reinforce that they believe I am foolish. Not trying to be a concern fag, just saying. Odd.

971411  No.3097819

File: 59b5d7d99937ca7⋯.png (204.28 KB, 899x661, 899:661, PF198.PNG)


>Why is [RR] in brackets and Mueller isn’t?

PF 198

7d5b43  No.3097820

I should have asked if there is a REAL smart pill.

a94a8b  No.3097821

File: 9c5c385544afd97⋯.jpeg (24.56 KB, 640x420, 32:21, 85.jpeg)


847b9d  No.3097822


Hopefully they were natural causes.

84ac97  No.3097823

File: 9bb528d01ca336b⋯.png (129.85 KB, 650x538, 325:269, Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at ….png)

115717  No.3097824

File: 0242de321d934d1⋯.png (156.04 KB, 1516x1251, 1516:1251, Screenshot_106 - Copy.png)




Q told us Q&A was OVER, and Q quit posting.

Now where is your sauce that this Anon wasn't Q?

Just because there was not trip code?

Q can post as Anon if Q desires.

And posted at QUAD FIVES!

ea29dd  No.3097825


"… If it's for nefarious purposes?"

76e1df  No.3097826


Don’t presume to clarify Q’s words. Q is always on top while having sex…cuz Q NEVER fucks up! KEK

6ba272  No.3097827

Q, should we still be watching the water?

And is there something about Antartica we should know?!

d127c6  No.3097828


Thanks for playing shill. At least spread believable, or even possible, disinfo.

4d6511  No.3097829



Dolly had FUKKEN Braces

fdae4f  No.3097830

OMG. IT WASN'T JESUS! It was just Q. And you all asked about shit that has no bearing on the war! Wtf!?!!?! No wonder religion works. Thanks to the vague questions, y'all can waste time debating the meaning of "42" deep thought dropped on u, or refocus on the fucking shit going down now…

8b00dd  No.3097831

File: 19376590954ac17⋯.png (1.14 KB, 640x400, 8:5, norogan.png)



37412b  No.3097832


Sauce please.

df8515  No.3097833

Holy fug the posts tonight our off the rails. There are places out on the internet to discuss 9/11, aliens, canons of the bible, etc. Too many of you suffer from the same problems the Left has…and that is the inability to look at things that don't jive with your beliefs.

BTW…you beliefs are yours, not mine or anyone elses so stop shoving them at us. Please.

4ac51f  No.3097834


R.I.P. Field McConnell and Royston Potter.

We will never forget.

c516e0  No.3097835


Why does Q have to do a Q&A to see the IPs though

31ac96  No.3097836


Did you read my post? How do you show the public a moon landing with things flying around,

and also landing near a crater they were by?

Have you not looked into this?

436dae  No.3097837


Q never said the first one was real or only but they sure are now. Read between the lines.

5d381c  No.3097838


Told me last week that after all this Capernick bullshit, he threw all his Nikes in the Pacific Ocean.

779dca  No.3097839

File: b78fbbce20b6af0⋯.png (306.54 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


This is only a test

bb765b  No.3097840


6a8075  No.3097841


nah he answered beautifully, its anons that cant read is the problem

fd58dc  No.3097842

File: ca4b5805d59dda9⋯.png (111.36 KB, 1146x754, 573:377, Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at ….png)

File: 014b080fb319297⋯.png (906.94 KB, 1828x2516, 457:629, Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at ….png)

File: eeff546c6e9a0d6⋯.png (631.77 KB, 2170x2234, 1085:1117, Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at ….png)

File: abdad99f1f544e8⋯.png (368.4 KB, 1142x1146, 571:573, Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at ….png)

File: 037bf575c2d2967⋯.png (333.22 KB, 1132x1056, 283:264, Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at ….png)


There is no contradiction if you remove your preconceived interpretation of life as we hope it, Q's info fits together without compromise and affirms what has been stated for centuries.

Today Q did NOT say there are "aliens". He said we are not alone, highest classification.

Q also told us in past posts, what we have been told for centuries - but we haven't considered it to be literal and a physical threat to us.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

What if we are really in an epic battle with principalities and authorities in the heavenly realms (trans dimensional). What if there really is only one way to defeat them. Read all of Q's posts (sorry if you're late to the party, but you need to read all of the posts)

What makes us comfortable doesn't determine the truth. You can lead a man to the truth but you can't make him drink.

3acf56  No.3097843

File: 18527520c493ef2⋯.jpeg (244.33 KB, 640x792, 80:99, 7DC5D0F0-2636-4895-AFFD-0….jpeg)

File: ffee8d2340e0e3f⋯.jpeg (213.77 KB, 640x699, 640:699, A30F742A-6BFE-4821-B01F-6….jpeg)


Slow relative to? https://www.livescience.com/58603-how-tomahawk-missiles-work.html

208afc  No.3097845


potter had twat posts at around 7. so…. sauce…

969ec4  No.3097846

File: cb0c6c6803bb742⋯.png (287.35 KB, 792x605, 72:55, ClipboardImage.png)

Interdasting twat from POTUS on 9/20/13

nips for the trips on those digits tho…

847b9d  No.3097847


I wasn't able to ask, nor was Q able to answer.

8f36f3  No.3097848



025cd4  No.3097849


>a Department of Justice operation targeted the entire restaurant chain


>Restaurants owned and run by illegals?

Not sure, but all 14 restaurants closed from Sac to Yreka is significant.

008200  No.3097850


Q&A is over

1291f8  No.3097851


Will we get to know about ANTARTICA? The MOAB!

0f89ed  No.3097852

Aliens have to exist. Anons can’t think all of this just for us???

825bb6  No.3097853


I have to conclude that this was a test of some sort, most likely site/server test. I don't think Q, if he legitimately has the highest level security clearance, would answer a question of this magnitude without better detail. In fact, I don't think it responsible to answer that at all in this type of forum.

I also now think that a good majority of people in here would believe whatever the hell Q said, no matter how ridiculous. Vampires and werewolves next?

971411  No.3097854

File: 0c8176072347fba⋯.png (328.57 KB, 655x811, 655:811, POTUS Schedule 9-19-18 8 ….PNG)

fc4905  No.3097855



full of illegals

shit hole

4b555e  No.3097856

File: 16a07b53d6590c0⋯.jpg (59.53 KB, 696x720, 29:30, alien-thisiswhy.jpg)


Stop posting this shit without sauce faggot.

8e2bea  No.3097857

File: 4c2c711b6176222⋯.jpg (29.57 KB, 498x335, 498:335, kerry munster.jpg)

Kansas / Fox News just put Kerry in the kill box.

Pompeo: "Secretary Kerry can't seem to get off the stage, and [he] has to."


0043c7  No.3097859


I believe that the Bible is God Breathed. God in his Holiness preserved His word for us – cabal or no cabal.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 New International Version (NIV)

16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

3ccb35  No.3097860

Regarding ayyy lmao:

the choice to know will be yours, faggots. This is a worldwide hot topic, regular people in most "third world" countries and countries not considered "western" know the ayyys are real and have not had the american MSM ridiculing them over talking about it. If you think qresearch is dead because ayys are real, go ahead, this is your stop. Plenty of room for the people who will come and take your place

83ddec  No.3097861

Awe man. Q just opened a can of whoop ass.

THEY are going to shit all over themselves.

Watch the news about alien crap now. Lol! If they even dare.

0a60a5  No.3097862


How many posts do I have to show you where he admitted a typo?

7180fd  No.3097863

All Executive Departments need to go. Congress needs to actually write laws, not hand over authority to agencies to write policy. Local law enforcement will do its job. Currency is no longer required. its all 1's and 0's anyway. One office can be established to collect taxes from corporations, which will fund DOD and evenly pay out to the states. States can make their own laws. Live where you feel the least oppressed. All federal prisons will be at the burden of the state. All federal property will be auctioned off to WE The People.

617096  No.3097864


The only death I saw was his following… watch his latest video at the 11min mark.

93cdec  No.3097866



And you really are the lowest ranking Anon. UR just too stupid to realize it.

1e51da  No.3097867


Was Cohen actually the one being blackmailed?

58c75b  No.3097868


You're a gold star faggot

f1321a  No.3097869


Roy Potter died?!

ac87ce  No.3097870


Billionaire(s) 187.


Safety House Build.

U1 Funnel >> Canada >> X


5b553a  No.3097871

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

24a4fb  No.3097872

File: 24ddf1e585e8981⋯.png (99.06 KB, 595x630, 17:18, clockview.PNG)


Learn Chess.

Learn to ClockFag.

Get on the clock.


c9a17d  No.3097873

File: 5cb5a1b8e493e81⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1511x1085, 1511:1085, Proof-BitcoinPhoenix.png)

File: 3d8e6ad52717b5d⋯.png (2 MB, 1480x833, 1480:833, Proof-ReformationDay.png)

Someone asked about Bitcoin, NSA, FED, etc.


115717  No.3097874

File: 6cc9cfb1fe25562⋯.png (781.55 KB, 808x628, 202:157, ETI.png)



47524e  No.3097875

lovely quads! :)

and also, you are probably right ;)

00e715  No.3097876



4ec7d6  No.3097877


Your screencap is from I pet Goat.

What do you see in the name graffiti?

It's a school- PS ???

002025  No.3097878

cdcb11  No.3097879

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Michael Heiser, biblical scholar. good source for fallen angel/nephilim info (aliens)

5d381c  No.3097880


He doesn't. Q&A was likely to increase traffic to facilitate a stress test before the BIG fan starts flinging the feces.

bd4675  No.3097881

G…g…guys? Is it happening?

bc5287  No.3097882

File: ce2b0b8f2d46191⋯.jpg (240.72 KB, 720x540, 4:3, how-many-shils-and-disinfo….jpg)

6a13a2  No.3097883

Q Child sacrifice… 40 or 60%? Need to meme accordingly.

57c5bc  No.3097884


wtf they killed field mcconnell

really ?

d92f67  No.3097885

Because if Proton radius and energy fit the Schwartzchild Radius then the strong force is what… and it would define why we consider this 4D reality a physical exsistance.

f7571b  No.3097886


How exactly was that shilling?

54560e  No.3097887


Yep. Something going on. Hard to say what, though.

ec0d33  No.3097888

File: b58cb0db3291e53⋯.jpg (61.82 KB, 600x600, 1:1, the-sauce.jpg)


Then this anon wants to see your….

779f17  No.3097889


You don’t think there is a possibility all of those are very interconnected? Bible is key to this battle. Even if after all of this you still don’t believe, remember (((they))) are using it as a guide to try and bring about Armageddon.

847b9d  No.3097890


Mirror and answer.

116f41  No.3097891


The Catholics have it all figured out. Lmao

Good thing they were never lied to. Hold on i need to say a prayer to St. Thomas like the bible tells us to do. Pray to saints not to god. Love a religion that doesnt even follow the book it reads

2b1ed0  No.3097892


>The Bible is perfect. To include Enoch would be to include untruths.

make me a circular basin that is 10 units across and 30 units around and I'll buy into your bullshit

07264c  No.3097893

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



This astronomer has videos showing some structures and cities on the moon

0dee92  No.3097894

File: 669176553deb91d⋯.png (267.22 KB, 400x398, 200:199, ClipboardImage.png)

you were dropped on your head as a kid weren't you?

436dae  No.3097895


That idiot Potter is alive and well. He did a live Youtube earlier.

fd58dc  No.3097896

File: 3c8074d54083cb4⋯.png (147.68 KB, 1150x842, 575:421, Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at ….png)

File: e3569bc78713b38⋯.png (589.49 KB, 2304x2286, 128:127, Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at ….png)

025cd4  No.3097897


14 restaurants from Sac to Yreka

a5ad73  No.3097898

Q - Predictive Programming, what percentage is accurate?

2b7472  No.3097902


You biblefags are really fragile snowflakes. You are part of the first ones that gonna end up in the hospital when the truth is revealed.

3712e4  No.3097903

It's almost go-time fellows. They're going to use that emergency broadcast system to light some shit up. The secret space program and ET would not have been sprung unless disclosure is very, very near. You want to see the narrative fucking change, buckle your seat belts.

6ba272  No.3097904


then why is the bread still called Q & A you faggot

Q may not be posting anymore but we all still want answers! let us hope

8a06c5  No.3097905

File: 5b6f20c3a9da78a⋯.png (9.68 KB, 535x86, 535:86, record uid.png)

this platform is weak

9ac2dd  No.3097906

c516e0  No.3097907

>>3093270 lb

They're reptiles and hybrids right?

f4850a  No.3097908

What a shame the question answer opportunity was completely destroyed by bunch of morons

e85a49  No.3097910

well that was f'g useless.

hope Q got the info he wanted.

4d187c  No.3097912

File: 07b1fe304d2983c⋯.jpeg (115.85 KB, 585x336, 195:112, 0BF84A19-142C-4474-BFE8-6….jpeg)

File: 5826ce9fde39ea7⋯.png (478.96 KB, 466x466, 1:1, 66CA035B-F291-4825-BC09-88….png)

880518  No.3097913


Agree wholeheartedly. Lobby groups for foreign interests must be outlawed, or at the very least, be tightly regulated.

And transfer payments to foreign countries must be eliminated, except where there is demonstrable need and audited purposes.

df8515  No.3097914


That wasn't 'Q'

0f89ed  No.3097915


Aliens no problem

Plane = pentagram..I mean gon…Gonna need more than riddles to accept that one.

318226  No.3097916

File: 4123310215f45ff⋯.jpg (69.85 KB, 508x565, 508:565, Capture2.JPG)

File: 4123310215f45ff⋯.jpg (69.85 KB, 508x565, 508:565, Capture2.JPG)

bb765b  No.3097917

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

83ddec  No.3097918



Vlash. Their hybrids

Maitre. Their hybrids

Karistus. Their hybrids. (Good guys)

0a60a5  No.3097919


Sauce or fucking GTFO, faggot.

92bef1  No.3097920

Q, do you like muh memes? post one for a kek?

0dee92  No.3097921

8a06c5  No.3097923


your assumption is wrong, the board failed

8419b5  No.3097924


No Pete is good boy he kill possums and rats for me

269170  No.3097925


2010? that's really current

1914b2  No.3097929




excessive hubris and ego is a sin anon, get over yourself, the human species is not the only species in the universe - hell it's not even the only one on our own planet.

Neanderthals were actually very likely to have been more intelligent than we are even, if more prone to being a loner, thus their downfall.

Currently, acting like this, you are in the 5-10% lost.

5cee5a  No.3097930


A cruise missile is basically a small, pilotless airplane. Cruise missiles have an 8.5-foot (2.61-meter) wingspan, are powered by turbofan engines and can fly 500 to 1,000 miles (805 to 1,610 km) depending on the configuration.

A cruise missile's job in life is to deliver a 1,000-pound (450-kg) high-explosive bomb to a precise location – the target. The missile is destroyed when the bomb explodes. Since cruise missiles cost between $500,000 and $1,000,000 each, it's a fairly expensive way to deliver a 1,000-pound package.

The hallmark of a cruise missile is its incredible accuracy. A common statement made about the cruise missile is, "It can fly 1,000 miles and hit a target the size of a single-car garage." Cruise missiles are also very effective at evading detection by the enemy because they fly very low to the ground (out of the view of most radar systems).


880518  No.3097931


And (I should have added) outcomes.

d451d1  No.3097932


What is the FBIs role in the sun spot observatory takeover? White or black hats. Should we dig into it deeper?



5d381c  No.3097934


>then why is the bread still called Q & A you faggot

Calm down bro'. The baker isn't psychic, not a requirement.

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