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File: 2c8438a082d9abb⋯.jpg (8.71 KB, 255x143, 255:143, QRMainGraphicSm.jpg)

049b31  No.3102566

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of violence only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of violence in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 09.19.18

>>3095226 rt >>3094846 ———----------——– 412,000 now.

>>3095105 rt >>3094804 ———----------——– False, moon landings are real.

>>3094565 ———-----------------------------——– Tracking 330,000 IPs which is causing extreme lag.

>>3094453 rt >>3093917 ———----------——– [RR] stand down due to K conf.

>>3094236 rt >>3093831 ———----------——– No. Highest classification. Consider the vastness of space

>>3093898 rt >>3093795 ———----------——– Yes

>>3093821 ———-----------------------------——– /CM/ pls divert more resources/bandwidth into board

>>3093784 rt >>3093306 ———----------——– None are protected. None are safe

>>3093508 rt >>3093293 ———----------——– In the end, all will be right

>>3093430 rt >>3093289 ———----------——– Billionaire(s) 187

>>3093270 ———-----------------------------——– Q&A

>>3093117 ———-----------------------------——– PANIC IN UK, DC, UK, DC

>>3093024 ———-----------------------------——– Castle lock

>>>/patriotsfight/266 —————–—————- Think of context ( Cap: >>3092071 )

>>>/patriotsfight/265 —————–—————- Got popcorn? ( Cap: >>3091915 )

>>>/patriotsfight/264 —————–—————- How about a nice game of chess? ( Cap: >>3091799 )

Tuesday 09.18.18

>>>/patriotsfight/263 —————–—————- Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein. ( Cap: >>3082716 )

>>>/patriotsfight/262 —————–—————- Truth to Power. Listen carefully. ( Cap: >>3079711, >>3079717 )

>>>/patriotsfight/261 —————–—————- WE SEE YOU. ( Cap: >>3078445 )

>>>/patriotsfight/260 —————–—————- GAME OVER. ( Cap: >>3078334 )

>>>/patriotsfight/259 —————–—————- DS PANIC IS REAL. ( Cap: >>3076552 )

Monday 09.17.18

Compiled here: >>3093355

Sunday 09.16.18

Compiled here: >>3065797

Saturday 09.15.18

Compiled here: >>3065785

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

049b31  No.3102568


are not endorsements


>>2954845, >>2955152 #DeclassifyFISA <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes

>>3054499 TMZ article/FEMA director backs POTUS statement that fewer died in PR than reports


>>3098124 CodeMonkey Update on the server upgrades

>>3087072 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 (SPREAD IT)

>>3023169, >>3001747 BO/BV announces >>>/patriotsawoken/ as our SFW sister board

>>2993403, >>3079699 The OFFICIAL replacement for /r/greatawakening on VOAT (spread for the normies): https://voat.co/v/theawakening

>>2999802 Message from CM : New posting servers to help alleviate peak-time lag


>>3101870, >>3101876, >>3101898, >>3101936, >>3101986 Project Veritas, Jessica Schubel - Deepstate Cunt

>>3101847, >>3101875 Follow-up on 187'ed CA billionaires and Apotex

>>3101931, >>3102007 Horowitz has unredacted texts from his stint as OIG/DOJ

>>3101977, >>3102097, >>3102054 Link to Kav's accuser's yearbook snips and archives; sex drugs and rock and roll

>>3102072 Scribbles/SecureDrop Connection?

>>3102326 Barclays Bank online and mobile services down

>>3102332 Sheriff with jurisdiction over Tesla Gigafactory investigated for rape

>>3102362 Today's Q clock

>>3102418, >>3102496, >>3102518, >>3102552 New POTUS twats

>>3102538 New Project Veritas video out

>>3102556 #3925

#3924 (Baker Change)

>>3101005, >>3101170, >>3101191 DOJ paralegal under investigation for using job to organize DSA protest

>>3101128 Kav accuser has ties to Chinese abortion pill, etc.

>>3101174, >>3101236 Planefags excited about P8 SWORD callsigns

>>3101270 Facebook profits from child trafficking says UK's May

>>3101585 Two Korean leaders ascend broken-chain mountain

>>3101627, >>3101660 Uranium One dig. No authority to ship outside Russia without US approval in 2011

>>3101674, >>3101743, >>3101693, >>3101769 Uranium 1, Paducah, and Nuclear arms discussion

>>3101784 #3924


>>3100353 Graphic: POTUS ORDERS FISA DECLAS ON QDAY (17)

>>3100457 WHY CHRISTINE BLASEY FORD’S HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOKS WERE SCRUBBED: Faculty Approved Racism, Binge Drinking and Promiscuity

>>3100481 Digging on the family of Lawrence Jamieson (Largest child Porn bust in Pa history)

>>3100626 Renegade 3D-printing gunsmith Cody Wilson on the run in Taipei from child sex allegations

>>3100866 #WalkAway in D.C. next month

>>3100958 #3923


>>3099561 SARA CARTER: FBI Had 2 Separate Sets of Books – One With Real Spygate Docs and Another For Appearances

>>3099572, >>3099574 SARA CARTER: DOJ/FBI Colluding to Defy Trump Declassification Order – Will Deliver Docs Next Week WITH REDACTIONS

>>3099799 General Flynn Predicted the QAnon Phenomenon - Got Popcorn?


>>3100171 #3922


>>3098703, >>3098853 Two important WH updates

>>3098704 Normies, think logically about the Q/Q&A

>>3098748 Grassley’s 2 page Letter solely to Diane Feinstein dated 9-19-2018

>>3098774 Immigration to U.S. from Third World, Islamic Nations Skyrocketed Since 2010

>>3098761 Resignations in the news today

>>3099122 Debauchery! Archive of Christine Blasey Ford's Yearbooks Before they were Scrubbed

>>3099386 #3921

Previously Collected Notables

>>3097748 #3919, >>3098621 #3920

>>3092936 #3913, #3914 - #3918 suspended during Q&A

>>3090643 #3910, >>3091410 #3911, >>3092198 #3912

>>3088304 #3907, >>3089080 #3908, >>3089872 #3909

>>3085991 #3904, >>3086738 #3905, >>3087511 #3906

>>3083603 #3901, >>3084424 #3902, >>3085186 #3903

>>3081251 #3898, >>3082043 #3899, >>3082805 #3900

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

049b31  No.3102570

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread —————- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 – META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 – QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 – New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 – Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>32223 –— Qs Chess Game

>>618758 –– Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>2518070 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #2

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2878373 - Clockwork Qrange #4

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#47 >>>/comms/2450, >>3085316

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

049b31  No.3102572

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.I.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!wrwxWYqZ!WfGoNq-17boQe67aLUN7EIPFqMr5hO6fq8F_SfwMCVc

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/387618488/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-I?secret_password=RqBLVofdGM5XUJfyYpNL

MEDIAFIRE: http://www.mediafire.com/file/hpm6xvwc5x0gi02/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.I.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

30 >>3038264 ; 29 >>2946736 ; 28 >>2732413 ; Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ———- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3032592

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

How To Bake: Video Tutorial >>3018667

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

049b31  No.3102578

Dough #3926


fc4a35  No.3102616

File: 9ddc2db4af9f8d4⋯.jpg (1.31 MB, 2443x4310, 2443:4310, 1537321619800.jpg)

File: 0066a6b84aaa3d7⋯.jpg (76.15 KB, 1124x499, 1124:499, 4f754r76r.jpg)

File: 83aeae3f557657f⋯.png (508.95 KB, 904x1024, 113:128, 2c8e493d99e9f6303488de6b4b….png)







785867  No.3102617

File: 82a22989bcbfd98⋯.png (385.21 KB, 431x579, 431:579, 82a22989bcbfd98bc33a454b32….png)

File: 4ebaed3e63cea3f⋯.jpg (843.97 KB, 1591x2429, 1591:2429, 901c8f373b2c749203babae835….jpg)

File: 2e62eb0dec575c8⋯.png (76.57 KB, 1200x756, 100:63, 1200px-PiratesVsTemp(en).s….png)

449df8  No.3102619

File: 1fb426482fd096c⋯.jpg (60.71 KB, 585x681, 195:227, testify.JPG)

e183ba  No.3102620

File: 6a64a070fe80048⋯.jpg (359.24 KB, 1000x1545, 200:309, 20180920_05_Delta2.jpg)

Are we learning the comms?

9cffc5  No.3102621

File: 138b7edcbfb3a97⋯.jpg (28.59 KB, 344x274, 172:137, download (2).jpg)

725b3f  No.3102622


Fuck no. hang them all… but first pretend to have a defection window. Then execute them all anyway for lulz.

52c8cf  No.3102623

>>3102604 LB

My daughter just saw a thing about this on TV and said when they make the punishment for a false rape claim the same as the punishment for rape 'all this will stop'.

725b3f  No.3102624




6018f5  No.3102625


POTUS dept. = Q

25bd62  No.3102626

File: f92b2e56d3062b2⋯.jpg (339.25 KB, 1787x681, 1787:681, Poseidons 20 Sep 18 0825.jpg)


I believe so. SWORD44 = BHO? This is from this morning.

f7bd1b  No.3102627

File: c034159c48aaa0b⋯.png (658.06 KB, 2840x1448, 355:181, c034159c48aaa0b157fa1ef7ab….png)

Reposting the SSP dig.

There's a lot more information about this. All documents are real and official.

Expand your thinking.

f1982c  No.3102628

That alien disclosure is wrinkling my brain.

Have they been in contact with us or are we just aware of their presence?

Do they have empathy or are they a cold, logical lifeform?

What do they think of us?

Is the Kardashev scale correct?


Are they waiting for us to evolve/advance in technology?

Did they give us technology in the 50s? Is this why we had an explosion of tech (cars, computers, rockets, etc.)?

47c945  No.3102629


Yes, accept answers Q gives blindly (w/ no proof) because lord forbid anyone think for themselves or that he may speak disinfo as his crumbs have stated he would repeatedly, right?

8840f7  No.3102630

File: ebb021494b33f18⋯.png (83.23 KB, 749x439, 749:439, Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at ….png)


TY Anon!

95a7cc  No.3102631

File: 899e7b11800a1e5⋯.png (18.57 KB, 487x300, 487:300, moon.PNG)

Who says grammar isn't important?

Notice the deliberate wording of Q's response.

Moon landings are real.

What moon landings?

If Q was referring to those moon landings claimed by NASA, then he should have used the definite article, the - the moon landings - and the simple past form of the verb to be -

were real.

But Q said "Moon landings are real, which infers that moon landings that we are unaware of are real.

785867  No.3102632

try spamming symbols with delusions to keep the crotch cabbage sliders occupied

d14f96  No.3102633

Emmy in the pooper and Q in the same bread….and then it escalated quickly.

21585a  No.3102634

Drake and some little girl story on Today Show coming up.

6018f5  No.3102635


ask Q

i'm sure he'll say some cryptic non-fact info like "what do you think?" or " you already have all"

785867  No.3102636

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

who wants to know where the usa bought it's space program from

db2db1  No.3102637

File: f74f9ae24be84d9⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 316.13 KB, 544x375, 544:375, DoNot.png)

You A No A Clicky Onna This

f7bd1b  No.3102638


- There are many types of beings out there, human/non human, good/bad…

- Earth was originally a human colony - Humans are everywhere in the Universe

- Most extraterrestrials are good guys because the bad ones usually destroy themselves

- Good guys form a Confederation/Federation with COSMIC UNIVERSAL LOVE as its bread and butter

- The most prominent good aliens are humans from the Pleiades cluster with whom we share an ancestry

- The most prominent bad aliens are greys and dracos that are slave masters to this world and support the Cabal

f1982c  No.3102639


You're fun.

f7bd1b  No.3102640


>give answer

>"it's bs!!"

>give clues

>durr cryptic, answer pls

725b3f  No.3102641


back off the adderall anon

9cffc5  No.3102642

What do you reckon the average age of Anons on this board is?

785867  No.3102643

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6018f5  No.3102644



question everything, including Q

sift through Q's disinfo.

Everything Q posts isn't 100% verified truth. Q himself says disinfo is necessary and present in his drops.

start learning, you sheep.

52c8cf  No.3102645


research with discernment - many very odd theories out there, stay grounded, try and stay scientific, always leave open the possibility anything is wrong or only partly right - including yourself.

9e3507  No.3102646


You read too much sci-fi.

Do you have anything factual, at all, to back up those statements?

If not, how would you know?

b45cc7  No.3102647

File: 6771fe79c785424⋯.png (531.09 KB, 931x524, 931:524, ClipboardImage.png)


Texas Republican wins state Senate race in district held by Democrats for 139 years


f1982c  No.3102648


Just a few months ago I would have responded with a joint smoking pepe but now I can only consider what you've said.

I apologize to all of the Palaedianfags. Who knows.

If there are humans everywhere in the universe, did we get the short stick getting stuck on Earth?

f1982c  No.3102649

dc7200  No.3102650

Good morning, Anons.

Operating on emergency-only standby until after a meeting.

Can bake some time around noon, as needed.

Special thanks to last night's Bakers, the BV's, and BO for managing the chaos.

You all deserve a drink for that one.

God bless, Anons.

I hope you all have a great day.

53807d  No.3102651

File: 7c2ce508947ecc3⋯.gif (4.61 KB, 161x141, 161:141, e0598fd1e1dfca___.gif)

>>3102528 (lb)

Dude, this shit's getting old. If you want to see a real fucking moron then click here.

785867  No.3102652

maybe if janer started smacking the shit out these bitches

e04fc1  No.3102653


Q Conducts the BIGGEST IP catch in History.

How did Q know that there were 330,000 IP's? And why was he tracking?


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 98088e No.3094565 📁

Sep 19 2018 19:36:38 (EST)

/CM/ pls confirm ASAP resource upgrade.

Tracking 330,000 IPs which is causing extreme lag.



Why was he telling /CM/ to ramp up resources? To get more fish?


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 922952 No.3095226 📁

Sep 19 2018 20:03:54 (EST)

Anonymous ID: b711f0 No.3094846 📁

Sep 19 2018 19:47:04 (EST)


>we're DEF being attack'd

No, we are ddosing ourselves with over 330,000 IPs


412,000 now.



How then did he know there were 412,000?

Direct communications with 8Chan? Some "Man-In-the-Middle"? 5Eyes?

All your IP address's have now been captured and for what reason?

Think Anon's

He threw out the bait and you all took it!

Glad I had to go to workfag!

fc4a35  No.3102654



now we are allowed to questioning Q?

I remember being attacked by anons for questioning Q

31b47b  No.3102655

File: f5bce22ffb6dabd⋯.png (402.62 KB, 474x527, 474:527, youyouyou.png)

4c270f  No.3102656


If you happen to have any friends with classified knowledge, you will find that they are entirely jaded about people asking them secrets.

13710e  No.3102657

File: e047c3d82c9dcb3⋯.jpg (79.01 KB, 764x488, 191:122, 1001.jpg)

52c8cf  No.3102658


Why would it matter if we were created, evolved, or were seeded? I just don't see any difference.

6018f5  No.3102659




never called any of it bullshit.

in fact i say, "the quantity is way less than how much i want,"

give me more.

loaves, not crumbs.


>being attacked by anons for questioning Q

basically what i am going through since last bread.

2d388c  No.3102660

File: 5aecc2305dbfa2b⋯.jpg (80.36 KB, 312x436, 78:109, usumbish.jpg)


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo

c7a08e  No.3102661

File: a8bab9f534fc212⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1692x1692, 1:1, qclock_q djtqanda2.png)

On the clock for today.

Q&A 2.0?


725b3f  No.3102662


works every time

785867  No.3102663




conspirators this early

b2d0c8  No.3102664



Self serving awards. “My Me” anagram

21585a  No.3102665


NSA. They have it all. Discerning anons have known that all along. Why you no comfy anon? You just figured this out today?

f1982c  No.3102666


You're not questioning Q, you're simply criticizing them for not spoon feeding you information.

d3df8d  No.3102667

File: f5d49ebf6aa30b6⋯.png (74.68 KB, 645x729, 215:243, 548BB4A2-26A9-403E-99E9-87….png)

6d4285  No.3102668


Come on anon, cheer up. Earth isn’t that bad. In fact, consider the amazing fact you are alive, witnessing, and participating in the greatest awakening and period of enlightenment in ages. It’s going to be glorious.

9e3507  No.3102669


Being attacked doesn't mean you aren't allowed.

We've had fanatic shills from the beginning.

b45cc7  No.3102670

File: 988e433361f2e6e⋯.png (24.86 KB, 156x88, 39:22, ClipboardImage.png)


Rebel Dems sign secret petition to keep Pelosi from speaker role: report


4c270f  No.3102671


I reckon that is the kind of question a shill would ask to try and figure what kind of material to shill with, because it enables age related subject matter. Same with male/female percentage, average intellect, etc…

766758  No.3102672

do a whois on department5.org

don't post results.

the anon that had doubts may find truth in their gut

f50558  No.3102673

File: f65b089a0886f7d⋯.png (83.86 KB, 593x350, 593:350, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)



Presidents should be capped, yes?

So B O +


>No apostrophe


5efca4  No.3102674

File: 891e900eb7c502d⋯.png (5.37 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 05AB32AF-FAC5-457B-AB0C-C4….png)

What is he doing anons?

fc4a35  No.3102675


>basically what i am going through since last bread.

as if someone do not want anons to talk about this

e07b2a  No.3102676


Agreed :)

21585a  No.3102677

6d4bac  No.3102678

regarding ‘187 billionaires’ ,when this was dropped last year, it was when Q posted about big pharma holding back cancer drugs, ect…. but this new drop was responding to a question about Trudeau, maybe that Castro offspring had them killed to hide Cabal info or something U1 related, drug components and nuclear materials handled and transported similarly?

785867  No.3102680


lynn should go back to smoking crack and having that sain brenard lick peanut butter from the cabbage,

8840f7  No.3102681

File: 413ee78b0e754ea⋯.png (141.65 KB, 984x662, 492:331, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

File: 22d9c3f8be820f0⋯.png (542.04 KB, 994x1261, 994:1261, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

File: eb9a674448797cc⋯.jpg (89.82 KB, 634x380, 317:190, 446595-4437030-FBI_Directo….jpg)

File: 0cea291ee2b294a⋯.jpg (95.09 KB, 634x412, 317:206, wire-446597-1492942795-163….jpg)

'Member when Comey went to New Zealand for a:

Top-secret 'Five Eyes' spying conference between US, UK and allies



f1982c  No.3102682


I don't mean to sound so pessimistic. I'm actually a lot more optimistic these days.

My imagination goes wild thinking of the different type of possible lifeforms/civilizations and then I compare that to everyday life on Earth.

It's not a fair comparison and probably not close to reality but that's where I was coming from.

d3df8d  No.3102683

File: 23c07162780574a⋯.jpeg (115.14 KB, 464x495, 464:495, 1D340F45-D777-4020-8704-1….jpeg)

25bd62  No.3102684


If SWORD44 = BHO, then SWORD83 = Ronald Reagan.

Is this a hint at assassination attempts? We know that Reagan got shot and there was message trails about an attempt on Donald Trump.

I'm still working on this, so bear with me…

725b3f  No.3102685


shift to paranoid anon shill tactic. nice move.

ef5bb8  No.3102686

Proof Kavanaugh didn’t do Ford…he has both arms.

f3fab2  No.3102687

File: b3759aa334a8741⋯.png (321.29 KB, 616x683, 616:683, 1528069014821.png)

File: d95f4bcebe7b428⋯.jpg (1.65 MB, 1931x1362, 1931:1362, 1516264147940.jpg)

I feel sorry for anyone who still believes Q after last nights shit-fest with the alien and moon landing bullshit,

Q is Mossad and is manipulating you into supporting the Oded Yinon project as well as conditioning you for Project Blue Beam.

Your time is almost up, kikes.

5ac949  No.3102688

File: 4bd7498ce8bba7f⋯.jpg (304.06 KB, 1759x1190, 1759:1190, a ford quote on jews.jpg)

File: 04e1684f48ba034⋯.jpg (114.89 KB, 1200x704, 75:44, admiral never seen a presi….jpg)

Just a theory….

What if Q is a Jewish psyop.

They know they're fucked. Israel is demographically doomed and 2k years of pure Jewish evil: murder, lies, child sacrafice and subversion, will slowly leak onto the net for normies, once info is free again.

So they make a plan…. they 'save' America, in exchange for keeping their holocaust narrative, hiding 9/11 truth and not reversing the demographic genocide of whites they've been pushing.

Civic nationalism is a long term win for them. It's the end game for their ethnic genocide of whites. We KNOW they'll never stop their nepotism so they reign it in a little for optics and take another 100 years to destroy 'amalek'.

Remember anons, ANYTHING which attempts to hide Jewish evil is against us. Q will ultimately be tested by this.

66 million Russian Christains must receive compensation. World Jewry will pay. Slavery too. This is the tip of the iceberg. Taking all Jewish wealth doesn't begin to compensate the rest of the world. So we watch Q like a hawk and be prepared to break from anything which seeks to protect Jewish Supremacism.

f7bd1b  No.3102689

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Earth is the short bus of the civilized Universe.

Thankfully we are elongating it. kek


For starters, look here



>posting Tucker as a means to discredit UFO digs

Here's a vid for you

2d388c  No.3102690

File: cd64b519fc2989b⋯.png (371.66 KB, 616x693, 8:9, whojewswho.png)


>What if Q is a Jewish psyop.

6e9d48  No.3102691


CM and 8chan are MI.

57bab2  No.3102692


Good job, anon.

8840f7  No.3102693

File: a717b684055bb18⋯.gif (986.82 KB, 500x277, 500:277, tumblr_mfkwx1o0MP1rj6akzo1….gif)

3fbbea  No.3102694

So we are using rusdian made international station nowadays but we had moonlanding back in the days, hmm

785867  No.3102695

File: c30e5792934f643⋯.png (43.89 KB, 590x262, 295:131, farts.png)





femjoy cracke heads displacing kids since the alcoholics anonymous well dried up

01cbcf  No.3102696

We are not alone!! Why not come out With it? The longer the truth is hidden, the less trust there is, even if it is Our Potus. All the talk about red pilling the masses, what could be greater than this? The world and Our minds would change instantly. Is that not what we want? If Potus dont come out With this, how can we trust him? It is something we need to know in order to move forward. We need this tecnology. Every gallon of oil that is being burnt. Q, why do you and the People in the know, want to let this go on? There can be no trust, if this knowledge that can change Our world for the better, keep on being hidden. And the longer it goes on, the less trust there can be. Q, you should not have said anything about this, now im just pissed.

To let this go on, is just shameful. There is no exuse.

c7a08e  No.3102697

File: 435afc4cc9fc1da⋯.jpg (27.72 KB, 315x343, 45:49, justinpierre.jpg)

File: c0152c44b19f519⋯.jpg (46.54 KB, 665x587, 665:587, castro.jpg)


Funny how he looks very little like this guy.

And a lot like this guy.

fc4a35  No.3102698


>- The most prominent bad aliens are greys and dracos that are slave masters to this world and support the Cabal

see symbolism


i remember how Q itself pointed to the winged symbolism

6d4285  No.3102699


Understood. The amount of negative energy surging right now is difficult to wade through. Don’t forget the 40k ft view.

47c945  No.3102700


I don't know, he may wait for the ordered fortifications.

25bd62  No.3102701


If I was a gorilla, then I'd be scared.

No guerillas were frightened by this message.

b45cc7  No.3102702

File: ec91ad55d3686f0⋯.png (664.33 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Solar observatory shut down amid FBI child porn investigation


d3df8d  No.3102703


Hmm, I read that as billionaires [187] aka murdered. Would that not be that Canuck pharma couple that was murdered?

049b31  No.3102704

File: 6b0d604137c5ec2⋯.jpg (227.78 KB, 2715x2424, 905:808, stretch.jpg)

725b3f  No.3102705


kek wut

64b112  No.3102706


They're P-8 Poseidons. Maritime patrol aircraft, not transports. I think this is a nothingburger.

8840f7  No.3102707

File: f06047dd262f007⋯.png (344.72 KB, 461x590, 461:590, Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at ….png)

766758  No.3102708


idk about all that, but you kind of gave me a flashback to the movie Men In Black, like maybe the MK-Ultra all that other shit is to keep an eye on RH - blood types, or outsiders that are here on earth. i realize that's mixing a border line shit tier movie with a couple different conspiracy theories, but that was the lightbulb.

986fa6  No.3102709

File: e0428aee2e138b8⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1144x932, 286:233, Untitled picture.png)

Notable submission for review:

A Reaper Drone Shot Down Another Drone in First Unmanned Air-to-Air Kill

The incident was the dawn of unmanned air-to-air combat.

Source: https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/aviation/a23320374/reaper-drone-first-unmanned-air-to-air-kill/

6107d5  No.3102710


You should smoke that joint on a warm summer morning, early, in the middle of nowhere, even an empty plain, and marvel at Nature all around you. Then marvel further at the Maker of the Math.

I think it's more a matter of Earth being stuck with us, and what a bargain we've been.

785867  No.3102711



the problem with jew spite and jew baiting these days, is that the aryans spirit cooked the hivites

924d2a  No.3102712


alright now I def think he's spelling something out across all of his tweets and we need to decipher it – there's a message there and we have not applied full autism to it yet…

we need the most severely autistic person to get a whiteboard and figure this shit out


f44219  No.3102713


The 1s and 2s are getting more and more frequent.

Something is happening.

52c8cf  No.3102714


Just look at what 'not alone' drop did to the 'devout' Q follower board and then think what it would do to the USA general public. That kind of drop would have to be gradual if possible - ie space force.

6018f5  No.3102715



how do they know you aren't just trying to have them fess up so your people can kill them later on?



>spoon feeding

which means when asked about aliens he'll say, "yo nigga, space be yuge and shiet, mayyn."

am i expected to get a phd, build myself a trillion dollar telescope, and then find out for myself if aliens exist or not?

what is the purpose of qresearch then?





about not getting enough of Q? do you read your posts before hitting that button?

why not loaves, man?

there is no such thing as information overload.

we can all take it. give me loaves not crumbs.

9e3507  No.3102716


faggot… this → >>3102627 confirms nothing you claimed.

Try harder or just walk away…

e07b2a  No.3102717


The speaker/writer "implies".

The reader/listener "infers".

I agree that there have been ongoing missions!

725b3f  No.3102718


blame Q new shill tactic. Not a good one. Now do flat earth!

47c945  No.3102719


When Q wants to be taken seriously, he usually provides quantifiable proof or directs anons where it may be found. No such thing has occurred in this most recent Q&A.

be8270  No.3102720

File: 0446a072fd25b37⋯.jpeg (398.29 KB, 750x863, 750:863, F304E7B8-F0DA-400B-810E-D….jpeg)

f3fab2  No.3102721

File: 28b3f79889a1e90⋯.png (303.32 KB, 1526x676, 763:338, iran.png)




If people didn't realize Q was Mossad after this, then again, I feel sorry and have no hope for them.

e9623f  No.3102722

[RR] ? Obstruction of Justice?

Conspiracy to rig an election?

Conspiracy to impeach a sitting POTUS

using fraudulent evidence?

Can he be indicted?

049b31  No.3102723


Need some date sauce on that, anon.

785867  No.3102724

File: 0dab6d737f1dbad⋯.jpg (38.3 KB, 480x480, 1:1, goolagtriggeredstalin.jpg)


725b3f  No.3102725


persecution complex. Dont play dumb toomuchtext shill… you were doing so well.

6018f5  No.3102726


>quantifiable proof

exactly my point

thank you.

b2d0c8  No.3102727

File: 385794d2b26349e⋯.png (4.99 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, FC2315FD-8673-45D1-8E11-E4….png)


Hung Clinton style.

On their pool railing.

Like Kate Spade

Like Anthony Bordain

03857a  No.3102728

File: b9b0f1c4a99dbb6⋯.png (546.47 KB, 899x728, 899:728, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)


924d2a  No.3102729


iz fucking beautiful.

f1982c  No.3102730


Absolutely. It is indeed a challenge to avoid negative energy.

I'm both excited and anxious. Excited for good times to come but anxious they might pass me up. Trying to contribute however I can.

8840f7  No.3102731

File: 6270a008e0239bd⋯.png (401.65 KB, 773x731, 773:731, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)


JUST IN: Texas Republican Pete Flores shocks Dems by winning state Senate race in district held by Democrats for 139 years

Muh blue wave…

b45cc7  No.3102732

e94c15  No.3102733

File: 59089c8032891c2⋯.jpg (53.79 KB, 509x525, 509:525, ZH-NK-Kansas.JPG)

NK coming along great.

Just some minor issues.

049b31  No.3102734


That just proves he didn't wake up with her laying on his arm.

577227  No.3102735

gonna call this post [define projection]



Are we alone ?


[others are here]

Roswwell ?

Highest Classification

[whether balloon or not]

consider the vastness of space

[gonna go ahead and break the internet with this one liner]

occams razor pov

986fa6  No.3102736

File: e454e91c2d4aeb7⋯.jpg (50.48 KB, 540x544, 135:136, tumblr_pdx6fgHufX1qin4ceo1….jpg)

e9623f  No.3102737



No Deals Right?

44263b  No.3102738


Only explanation I can see is Q used aliens to increase our numbers. We have the DS to conquer first, if anybody remembers.

1daba4  No.3102739


I thought the same when I read it anon. Was the False answering why SF was created.. Moon landings (mind blown) & secret space programs are real but were the 1969 NASA moon landings that were broadcast to the public faked? No answer on that in my view.

924d2a  No.3102740


first one they let us know about

they've had these for decades

f1982c  No.3102741


Not at all. A lot of what Q has said is uncorroborated but he's built a position of authority due to the things that we can verify.

It's weird for you to believe there's a photo of Obama shooting a US flag in traditional Islamic garb but not to believe in the possibility of extraterrestrials.

799336  No.3102742

I got a Q for Q.

Fix it for good.

How about starting a program to end SS? End you say how?

When a child is born, the government should open an investment account (SS replacement), and put in 2,000 or so,

by the time the kid is 18, it's 100 thousand, and maybe a few million @ 60.

If you solve it, it goes away.

725b3f  No.3102743


embarrassed this post even needs a "decode". anons get your fucking shit together.

59b8bb  No.3102744

Couple oddities in new Veritas film, chess game on table, box of lucky charms over by what appears to be a jailers uniforms.

c7a08e  No.3102745

File: 8fd9822e92083df⋯.png (13.72 KB, 577x156, 577:156, 8chantwit.PNG)


Wasn't sure if this was disinfo or not but 8chan said it wasn't a DOS attack on Qresearch but other traffic that was the problem.

When Q said 410k IPs that might have been the entire 8ch site and not just Qresearch.

That is way more people than are on our page (by an order of about 1000) so unless there were 999 lurkers for every shitposter here (which seems unlikely) there is a bigger picture involved.

f3fab2  No.3102746

File: b34e25c3cf52d9b⋯.png (197.6 KB, 1064x487, 1064:487, iran.png)

2d388c  No.3102747

File: 7a18a801e4f4fa3⋯.png (15.64 KB, 558x64, 279:32, mossad.png)

52c8cf  No.3102748





What is the term for the denial of a statement or argument by using redirection of the statement or argument?

7cb676  No.3102749

File: 8c777f5e1cf4b28⋯.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1477x1446, 1477:1446, 7F494707-8504-4748-822C-D….jpeg)


NASA…..Q….one thing in common….they are paid by US Treasury

Lies…..lies…..lies…..Mars rover my ass…..tell us the fucking truth asswipes

32c1bd  No.3102750

OK , so just putting out here.

Kim Dot Com, someone tells me he has the Wikileaks files stored on his servers.

Someone else told me he encoded them on the Bitcoin Block chain.

Someone else said he has Guccifer and the stuff from Seth Rich.

Someone else said the US Govt wants to extradite him.

Why do they want him so bad?

03a4dd  No.3102751


Dept 5 is either a hoax, or it's another blatantly unconstitutional cabal gambit. The Constitution very clearly delineates power at the national level, and NO government agency could lawfully be created having more power/authority than POTUS, Congress or SCOTUS.

6107d5  No.3102752


Carl Sagan did the Math.

Q is doing the Math.

Of course, we're not alone.

Doesn't mean we've had a direct contact/relationship with beings from another planet, another solar system, another galaxy, etc….

f1982c  No.3102753


Do you telegraph your moves to your enemy?

"Yeah Iran, you suck and we're coming from you!" -John Bolton

I'm sure avenues of diplomacy will remain open.

69480e  No.3102754



e04fc1  No.3102755

f7bd1b  No.3102756

File: bc6097660552e82⋯.jpg (400.14 KB, 1600x1231, 1600:1231, 146f9521fb6a5eb516f76887f2….jpg)


http://www.universe-people.com/english/default_en.htm - loads of info from a telepathic contactee

http://galactic.no/rune/korundor1.html - radio contactee

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Adamski - contactee

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_Meier - physical contactee

https://www.youtube.com/user/777ALAJE - contactee

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BWHVmBY0Cs - Southern Television broadcast interruption from 1977 (cue the Great Awakening reference)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pg6VTzacb9I - 'Aliens could share more tech with us, if we warmonger less' - Former Canada Defense Minister

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhW9F0kR7oA - positive ET shutting down nukes

Every single one of these sources emphasizes the importance of spiritual development in the form of unlocking higher knowledge or changing the way we think or act.

2b6b3d  No.3102757


Q rhymes with jew.

shut up stupid

6018f5  No.3102758


>persecution complex

being denied factual information, even when we specifically demand it, can be construed as persecution.

If the government won't stop persecuting me, then guess what we need to do?

are we slaves in the eyes of Q+?

do we not deserve equal footing?

when have we questioned Q? all i want is quantifiable, bulk information.

we do not need to start with A is for apple, b is for ball,,,

we know shit. that is why we are here on qresearch. give us more than "space is huge" answers

if we didn't know anything we'd be on facebook playing farmville.

9d728b  No.3102759


I believe we were put here to tend this Garden, Earth. How or why is irrelevant.

03857a  No.3102760

File: 6f44fc070aad4ec⋯.png (365.68 KB, 734x646, 367:323, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)


The Office of the Texas Secretary of State oversees elections in the state. A spokesperson said the agency has made multiple improvements over the last year to bolster election security, partially made possible by $23.3 million from the federal government.

5f767f  No.3102761


How ya doin' baker?

I'm up and getting coffee

can spell you if you need relief,

otherwise happy to lurk

Ty for keeping us well breaded.

Good morning anons!

5efca4  No.3102762


Last night it says. This is on my fb feed.

6107d5  No.3102763


Doing a bang-up job of it, I see. /sarc

7f3070  No.3102764


With the database migration tomorrow (21st) and

the hardware upgrades still TBA, I would think they

would wait until it is all completed.

Last night was probably a test that proved that

upgrades were necessary.

348f38  No.3102765

File: a69cab23c0a4c03⋯.jpg (5.86 KB, 192x262, 96:131, boobies.jpg)

Anyone want some bewbies?

e07b2a  No.3102766


"Hard Candy" was actually a pretty decent movie.

5efca4  No.3102767

File: f3fc69a3b488977⋯.png (573.75 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, C04E0BB0-615A-41B0-BD62-D2….png)

44263b  No.3102768


strawman. If people want to discuss UFOs, great, but now our project can't be called pure AmRevII anymore.

f1982c  No.3102769


>How or why is irrelevant.

I believe purpose is extremely relevant. Maybe it's not for us to understand?

f3fab2  No.3102770

File: e4f552ce0ef97ad⋯.jpg (74.73 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Wesley_Clark_on_seven_coun….jpg)

File: 1fe30ad373193b4⋯.jpg (138.91 KB, 1064x487, 1064:487, iran.jpg)


No you fucking idiot. Regime change in Iran is part of the Oded Yinon plan. Iran doesn't have a rothschild central bank

Trump doesn't want regime change in Iran, its the Jews that want it and are pushing him into war with Iran.

Q is Mossad

13710e  No.3102771

File: d3506d106985f90⋯.jpg (71.7 KB, 727x467, 727:467, 1001a.jpg)

f3fab2  No.3102772


Q is trying to get Trump supporters to want regime change.

577227  No.3102773


occams razor

not a hater

far from it, in fact check it out - [space]

the vastness of space - we are about to explore it

-POTUS formalizes Space Force military branch, where there's civilians first is military, been this way for many moons, nina pinta santa maria wasnt

-commercialization of the space, space force Pence first few tasks and Flacon 1 et all running payloads

-now just this week, Elon Musk puff puff passes a golden ticket to a trip to the moon

-now just today/yesterday Bexos follows up with is Blue Origin nonsense to be inb4 Virgin Galactic bransen

we on our way to space faggots, dont trip

6ede2b  No.3102774

So the only ETI theory that I know of that fits the Q dops (maybe) would be the Contiguous Universe ETI that Edgar Mitchell wrote to John Podesta about repeatedly.

Fits: 'vastness of space' - Interstellar travel on our plane of existence breaks General Relativity.

Fits: 'Are we alone? No.' : ETI's exist in other dimension.

Sauce: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/6983



3dfe67  No.3102775


didn't James Woods just troll Nasa about their lens never being dusty?

049b31  No.3102776


That's not sauce. Do a bit of web search to see if you can find some. This could've been from 2011 for all we know.

>>3102761 I am always willing to handoff to a day baker. I have submitted your post for baker check. Here's the dough up through your post:


8840f7  No.3102777

File: d3c6ac8e0325606⋯.png (305.94 KB, 727x779, 727:779, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

File: 7b428617404e48f⋯.png (610.42 KB, 665x1168, 665:1168, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

File: cee8cd236aaef11⋯.png (483.26 KB, 1327x482, 1327:482, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

Any PlaneFags around?

26,000ft over Indiana

🇺🇸 US Air Force

E-4B Nightwatch

73-1677 ORDER66


799336  No.3102778


You have but one right, and but one duty, that supersedes the current rule.

When that long list of grievances becomes too much to bare, you have the right, and the duty to dissolve that government and replace it with one that upholds your values, that holds these truths self evident……

6d4bac  No.3102779

25bd62  No.3102780


I always liked the way that Carl Sagan pronounced "Cosmos". That has always stuck with me.

47c945  No.3102781


You're welcome. We already know Q wants The People to think for themselves, getting them to stop taking clickbait seriously isn't going to be easy, many anons here are fighting him on that.


Built yes but that isn't a catch-all license to spout BS with no proof to corroborate it with.



Projection? We can do better than acting like the sheep we speak of daily.

3dfe67  No.3102782

File: 1d55375930eca8a⋯.png (236.63 KB, 550x375, 22:15, ClipboardImage.png)

A plane hit the Pentagon.

d352d0  No.3102783

File: c30d27f38a7f4c3⋯.png (430.3 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, BARRY_HONEY_SHERMAN_APOTEX….png)

File: 8e814dcba3783b5⋯.png (365.86 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, BARRY_HONEY_SHERMAN_APOTEX….png)

File: 1d5d4f8b8ccb833⋯.png (2.55 MB, 1416x1316, 354:329, Sherman_Apotex_Dead_Clinto….png)

44263b  No.3102784


a day ago someone built a Q sub that's still up. It's by invitation so only 50 people at once is max I've seen on it.

f7bd1b  No.3102785

924d2a  No.3102786


yes it is multidimensional, and somehow we have been prevented from seeing and experiencing this the way we were meant to

everything happens in the spiritual world first

there are storms happening there too, astrologically

5f8fda  No.3102787

785867  No.3102788


>Hard Candy


52c8cf  No.3102789


Yes it would break relativity. Science would have to advance and discover new thought forms/change to travel very far into space.

049b31  No.3102790

>>3102761, >>3102787

Handoff Confirmed?

Updated dough:


f44219  No.3102791


Kek that's why i kept the Question to Q simple.

There is aliens and I think they are visiting earth daily anon.

924d2a  No.3102792


yes an unmanned aerial drone that has wings.

which one is this?

f7bd1b  No.3102793


>somehow we have been prevented from seeing and experiencing this the way we were meant to


fc951e  No.3102794


BULLSHIT You don't evac a whole town because of some cp. Cover story.

7cb676  No.3102795

File: ea1ddda48108a89⋯.jpeg (90.09 KB, 760x480, 19:12, CFC24F3E-4378-46AC-B7A5-0….jpeg)

Never forget what the government did at Waco

Fuck draining the Swamp….burn it down!

895185  No.3102796

File: 7d876e65a7b7b74⋯.png (261.61 KB, 765x791, 765:791, TrumpCheck.png)

3fbbea  No.3102797

Member Q said UBL was killed in a raid while hussein in the office

It also created a lot of doubts

47fdcc  No.3102798


NO muh missilefags

03a4dd  No.3102799



785867  No.3102800



was it cause isis is a political party and the bushes were slanging dope and guns ?????

766758  No.3102801

File: 7d0256811f0b513⋯.png (3.7 KB, 400x117, 400:117, ClipboardImage.png)


>Highest Classification

Q's not here to break Nat Sec rules, it takes me a couple days to wrap my mind around new possibilities too, though lately the timeline has grown much shorter

52c8cf  No.3102802


how about 3 because of a gas leak?

986fa6  No.3102803

File: 5833bb67e9463ed⋯.png (29.62 KB, 500x450, 10:9, DK_.png)

049b31  No.3102804

Notables through baker handoff


>>3102620, >>3102626 Anon suggests interpretation of POTUS' latest twats, with planefag support

>>3102647, >>3102720 Another "Blue Wave" defeat


577227  No.3102805

File: 4128240e11b3f0a⋯.jpg (75.32 KB, 720x718, 360:359, 1489171389898.jpg)

fc4a35  No.3102806

File: 656a4d2aa3f2d10⋯.png (2.83 MB, 1500x1840, 75:92, notinfoil.png)

>are we alone


if ayys are able to travle space

than they have already visited earth

since when do ayys tavle space

nobody knows

since when visit ayys earth

nobody knows

image related gives a hint, most objectiv view on this topic from an anon who didnt stop because one anons said his muh-opinion

think about it

6107d5  No.3102807


Carl is one that prompted me to "expand my thinking."

6d4bac  No.3102808


Signature Clinton Death

577227  No.3102809





E-4B is doomsday plane

nuclear football plane

ea09e8  No.3102810


Kek, weakest cover-story ever…

5f767f  No.3102811


You sure man? You're doing fine, no need to leave the kitchen unless you want to. I'm just here if you need me. But if so

Confirming handoff?

and ty again for baking graveyard,

much appreciated


Ty BV! Good mornin' to ya

824b39  No.3102812

File: 0be72838963776e⋯.jpeg (44.6 KB, 447x266, 447:266, qcaptcha9-20-18.jpeg)


and purportedly linked to HRC/CF

766758  No.3102813


the last name gave it away.

7f3070  No.3102814

File: fbf60a5f51b919e⋯.png (198.6 KB, 400x300, 4:3, Very_Interdasting1.png)


Q sub where?

e94c15  No.3102815

File: 4dc20f486b67349⋯.jpg (50.53 KB, 485x321, 485:321, Kansas-Croatia.JPG)

Another entry in the

Around the World with Kansas series

3dfe67  No.3102816


not sure. I DDG image searched for "missile that looks like a plane"

049b31  No.3102817

>>3102811 It's beer thirty here in Expatland.

6b14d3  No.3102818

File: 9242ac7065e42e5⋯.png (121.24 KB, 519x399, 173:133, 2018-09-20_08-26-54.png)

1e1d99  No.3102819

File: b82ed2321790134⋯.gif (134.5 KB, 200x112, 25:14, 21603D92-2D1F-47A6-9073-C5….gif)


We are living in the most magical time .

785867  No.3102820

File: dc2cb36db38b6c7⋯.jpeg (233.2 KB, 857x1202, 857:1202, 5aa7c9bbe905c.jpeg)


e07b2a  No.3102821


Maybe because he's a player in some pretty bad sh*t?

His assets were frozen, the US has repeatedly refused his offers to provide testimony in exchange for some degree of immunity, and Bit Coin is basically money laundering.

47c945  No.3102822


Strength test using clickbait Q&A is what I took away from it.


I'm fully open to new info as it comes, don't get me wrong. Space Force may not just be for policing our own, that precedent has been established. I still want proof nonetheless. The proof is in the pudding as they say.

049b31  No.3102823




Handoff Confirmed

Thanks, day baker. I'll see you in the morning.

619c02  No.3102824

619c02  No.3102825

File: e4b1774562ad53b⋯.png (38.58 KB, 225x224, 225:224, ClipboardImage.png)

986fa6  No.3102826

File: de0cc826ba7c506⋯.jpg (52.06 KB, 500x482, 250:241, fna.jpg)

a4576e  No.3102827


Q&A was a comms test faggots. Was /CM/ readily available at Q's request? I haven't found the answer to that yet.

542102  No.3102828

FYI: Questioning details of Kavanaugh's accusers story or retweeting DJT Jr.'s "Check yes or no" pic is now grounds for Twatter suspensions.

Fuck you@Jack.

8840f7  No.3102829

File: 758a7b93e562868⋯.png (325.23 KB, 1220x888, 305:222, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)


Horry Chit!

Very interdasting…

5ac949  No.3102830

File: 33f9d3def00e4a7⋯.png (230.35 KB, 1662x1412, 831:706, semitic tactics.png)

File: a4c1b0eb25f1a3d⋯.jpg (121.11 KB, 731x349, 731:349, benjamin franklin jews.jpg)


It's worrying for sure.

The Payseur thing is weak as well. One source from a long ago conspiracy guy. He didn't even mention the black nobility or the anglo zionist aristocracy. It's like they realised they can't get the Roths off the hook straight away so they play a long game.

If I were them I'd have a team of psychologist assessing what reactions everything I say were getting and what anons collectively would swallow. This would run alongside helping Trump oust the corrupt US bureaucracy. Truth is mixed with lies and they only need to convince a certain percentage, like a psychopath offering genuine help to gain trust.

And in the end I'd (((reveal))) that Mossad was undergoing a civil war and the 'good Jews' won and now we can go back to sadness about the holocaust, a slight slap on the wrist for Israel with a bit less overt funding for them and gentle demographic decline for whites whilst 'anti semitism' bleating goes dormant for a decade or so.

The power of a liar pretending to confess and turn over a new leaf would convince some normies. We must watch Q very closely and ensure that, ultimately, no truths about Jewish behaviour through history are hidden.

Sadly that will mean the eventual confiscation and redistribution of almost all Jewish wealth. Israel must be disbanded and, after such appalling evil, Judaism must acknowledge its right to exist is forfeit. Less children and inbreeding to dilute Judaism over time is their only path forward. They will be allowed to expire peacefully.

Until then, watch Q closely. NOTHING is certain yet and only a fool trusts blindly forever.

ea09e8  No.3102831

File: dd6602ed7d08398⋯.jpg (27.3 KB, 600x339, 200:113, Red-Wave.jpg)

6ba542  No.3102832

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fc5d82  No.3102833


The moon landings were real. They realized after the fact (for whatever reason we don’t know) it was a mistake to have it so public.

Ever sense then they have faked things to sow dougt. NASA themselves probably started the conspiracy theory about the moon landing.

Why? Because we did that in the 60s!! Where are we now? What kind of tech do we have now? Where can we go now? Some 50 years later.

But we don’t ask those questions do we. We ask was the moose’s landing real.

That right there is a very very successful pysop.

766758  No.3102834


checked and understand where you are coming from. Q mentioned "Sky Event" very much be what was meant. We may all bear witness together.

897d65  No.3102835

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Have they been in contact with us or are we just aware of their presence?

You wanna hear what an alien has to say? Will answer your questions maybe.

512369  No.3102836

>>3099755 (pb jelly)


>8 light minutes away.

>And even if it was 4.3 light years away, at the speed of gravity (gravity propulsion) it would be feasible to traverse in less than an hour.

>So the distance argument is moot.

>I think Q was saying "we are inhabited" by aliens in this solar system… (here. Now..)

Wow bro, im just takin Astro101 and thats like no way

5511b3  No.3102837

File: 95732c44ea93c82⋯.jpeg (510.31 KB, 1242x1305, 138:145, 685EFB86-7557-45B7-8667-0….jpeg)

If this Ford chick isn’t one of those DS MKultra fucks…..CHECK THIS OUT.



6ba542  No.3102838

File: 130cd27675bb28c⋯.jpg (133.93 KB, 687x500, 687:500, like.jpg)

25bd62  No.3102839

File: 09f95c446953d5a⋯.jpg (297.04 KB, 1783x933, 1783:933, 2POSH 20 Sep 18 1330.jpg)

2-POSH is on approach to land at Portsmouth Airport, NH.

fc5d82  No.3102840


Also to add that’s why they fake shit sooo bad.

f1982c  No.3102841





Hey I'll be here most of the day. I might be gone for an hour or two this morning. Let me know when you guys need a break/hand off.

7ac0a2  No.3102842

File: 2bc86b204f5076a⋯.jpeg (1.22 MB, 974x1646, 487:823, FB6B8C49-2240-40D8-9075-3….jpeg)

#Qanon #Treason #WWG1WGA #BonFireNight #GuyForks #TreasonRollCall #NoName

924d2a  No.3102843


9) Implants. These are etheric / astral crystals that were put into the aura of every human being just before the incarnation, as that person needs to descend from the mental / higher astral planes through the lower astral / etheric towards the physical in order to incarnate. Those implants remove the memory of the prior incarnations and are the main reason why we mostly do not remember past lives, nor the Archon entities ruling the planet. Implants are somewhat poetically called the “veil of forgetfulness”.

this is what could put people in the hospital.


f1982c  No.3102844

File: 3acb4d34eee73de⋯.jpg (132.25 KB, 750x500, 3:2, rgbakerbadge.jpg)

5f767f  No.3102845

>>3102817, >>3102823


>It's beer thirty here in Expatland.

Ah, got it kek. Well, it's OUR graveyard

and an often thinly covered shift baker-wise,

so we're grateful. I used to do it (am cb)

and recently went back to the ole

workfagging, so I'm just here to bridge

the gap from graveyard to the other

day bakers.

3dfe67  No.3102846

File: 9ae868cfa396388⋯.png (882.95 KB, 800x584, 100:73, ClipboardImage.png)


Here's a Lockheed missile.

47c945  No.3102847


He could have contacted him through the site easily enough or an anon did considering the time it took for a response.

577227  No.3102848

File: 9d62a8bfec79fc1⋯.png (26.77 KB, 944x339, 944:339, ClipboardImage.png)





planefags this bread and next

here we go


[think football]

please keep eyes as much as poss on E-4B

25bd62  No.3102849


Yeah, I get that. Nice.

2b6b3d  No.3102850

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


burn into my organic government corruption file

Truth and lies is an ABC cabal produced piece for the people who haven't seen it. They interview survivors on both sides and is worth a watch

924d2a  No.3102851


Yes but exceedingly dangerous too

52c8cf  No.3102852


Proof - shifting the science will do that. I got attacked for trying to figure that out as I recall. The release of the classified discoveries in science into mainstream science will shift the paradigm and in a calm manner move the populace to a broader frame of mind.

3dfe67  No.3102853

File: ec69899662c87c3⋯.png (494.15 KB, 800x410, 80:41, ClipboardImage.png)

28c854  No.3102854

File: 002473b3c0fd0f7⋯.jpg (382.77 KB, 1000x1917, 1000:1917, NIH.jpg)

NIH and FDA call for eliminating involvement of RAC in human gene therapy experiments


fc951e  No.3102856


No where in the story does it mention a gas leak

25bd62  No.3102857


Roger that, E-4B Nightwatches are noteworthy anyway, as are E-6 Mercury TACAMO aircraft.

e9623f  No.3102858

What is the timetable for release of U1 info?


What is the timetable for release of Alice in Wonderland info?

1646c4  No.3102859

File: 4bac844fa02f1b6⋯.jpg (7.2 KB, 226x255, 226:255, a anon.jpg)



924d2a  No.3102860


that's a missle? holy shit it looks like a small plane

8840f7  No.3102862

File: 32d1c598178010d⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1353x877, 1353:877, Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at ….png)


Will do.

TY for additional intel.

e04fc1  No.3102863

File: a793ae966f4c0ef⋯.png (49.92 KB, 476x161, 68:23, ClipboardImage.png)

Order 66 coming up!

f7bd1b  No.3102864

>>2518070 (alien bread)

512369  No.3102865


>9) Implants. These are etheric / astral crystals that were put into the aura of every human being just before the incarnation

Right, implants. These "implants" how did they get into our bodies?

52c8cf  No.3102866


sorry i was talking about Massachusetts

86b753  No.3102867


Makes me think of Stargate, Hemi-sync experiments, remote viewing, C_A


785867  No.3102868

File: 862ed58a121d7e6⋯.jpg (382.6 KB, 810x732, 135:122, download.jpg)

986fa6  No.3102869

File: e84bf361ae62ea2⋯.png (132.47 KB, 500x663, 500:663, idiot_apocalypse_1.png)



>>3099755 (pb jelly)

>speed of gravity

631759  No.3102870

…start a FIRE





f7bd1b  No.3102871


They are nonphysical.

>etheric/astral crystals in the aura

e07b2a  No.3102872




25bd62  No.3102873

File: 5bd1f963ed3f253⋯.jpg (470.32 KB, 1787x869, 1787:869, Order66 20 Sep 18 1330.jpg)

ORDER66 being tracked, over.

8840f7  No.3102874

File: 90dbc146410c366⋯.png (365.5 KB, 764x756, 191:189, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

File: f235682effc263f⋯.png (689.66 KB, 649x1156, 649:1156, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

File: 80bcf27dceaa6d0⋯.png (510.27 KB, 1268x420, 317:105, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)


cst. - Putin meeting with ?

#PutinForceOne out from Moscow VKO

🇷🇺 Russian FSB - Federal Security Service

Tu214VPU RA64523 RSD010

e04fc1  No.3102875

File: c47b09e8722807f⋯.png (23.81 KB, 559x116, 559:116, ClipboardImage.png)

Special Delivery

2b6b3d  No.3102876


he was here shortly after, it's the 1st global notable, if you want to see his response

512369  No.3102877

Fortune cookie message teletransportation tech

924d2a  No.3102878

File: 1b7c8772aa0c116⋯.png (338.9 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 1537053658.png)


read points 1-8 from the site


it's your choice what to believe

6d4bac  No.3102879


Three way connection regarding U1

dosing, treatment, cure suppression….

47c945  No.3102880

File: 1c8dd895faedc37⋯.jpg (63.94 KB, 744x744, 1:1, 1c8dd895faedc3743bec0075dc….jpg)


Science is all about evolving with proofs as they come, a "proof" is just that because it remains a constant. Until there is a change from that constant by a more accepted constant, the proof remains true to fact. What will really grind your gears is, how long has a more-acceptable constant been suppressed to turn a profit? Think cures? What else?

f1982c  No.3102881


Around what time does that gap occur?

25bd62  No.3102882

The E-4B Nightwatch's base is in Nebraska, so it makes some sense that it's headed that way.

The E-4 serves as a survivable mobile command post for the National Command Authority, namely the President of the United States, the Secretary of Defense, and successors. The four E-4Bs are operated by the 1st Airborne Command and Control Squadron of the 595th Command and Control Group located at Offutt Air Force Base, near Omaha, Nebraska. An E-4B when in action is denoted a "National Airborne Operations Center"

6978b2  No.3102883


No. What puts people in the hospital is new age religious psychosis.

c7a08e  No.3102884

File: 4e41b94287bd43e⋯.jpg (113.81 KB, 500x500, 1:1, arkandeer.jpg)


I watched this break live (and was first to post it here as I saw it on BNN, a CDN business channel, when it broke via a tweet).

The whole thing stunk from the start. No proper crime scene security, TO cops said it wasn't murder (even though they didn't know what it was yet) and waited days to confirm.

They floated murder/suicide theory for a long time as well. People don't hang themselves off of railings or doorknobs. It won't work because natural instincts make people stand back up even if they were "attempting suicide".

Honey fought back, bless her heart, and had defensive wounds and broken finger nails. This was bullshit from the start.

Not surprised it had something to do with the Clintons.

512369  No.3102885


>it's your choice what to believe

So is yours and I see you already made one.

I for one, entertain multiple choices and beliefs, one for each possible timeline river stream path.

44263b  No.3102886



e8c6e8  No.3102887

File: e8c430eabe25aa2⋯.png (122.88 KB, 192x263, 192:263, ClipboardImage.png)


Gazoo and the Jetson's making a come back.

924d2a  No.3102888

File: 42407ca544563e6⋯.jpg (138.12 KB, 761x697, 761:697, 1537299386.jpg)


yeah I bet there's so much more too…

tried hemi sync once, it was freaking weird - hope it didn't take

766758  No.3102890


fuckig kek'd

spilled my covfefe

91f1c9  No.3102891

File: f050e9cd65597ab⋯.jpg (40.49 KB, 524x346, 262:173, Q1685.JPG)

considering some of the bold yes/no answers Q issued as a reminder disinformation is necessary

1646c4  No.3102892

File: 340e915bd22f83d⋯.jpg (56.09 KB, 539x960, 539:960, theydontkillthem.jpg)


Saw this gem in my fb feed this morning!

e183ba  No.3102894

File: 261cfdb66adb388⋯.jpg (190.76 KB, 1124x750, 562:375, 5afc255d6923c.jpg)

File: 80c16bf02158a21⋯.png (1.27 MB, 713x1000, 713:1000, 7662e3aed159bd63c434252dca….png)

4daadb  No.3102895

File: b19862704e6b1b8⋯.png (248.3 KB, 506x284, 253:142, Clintons.PNG)

924d2a  No.3102896


you assume, therefore you see nothing

I love these mofos who think they know you from one post


e57001  No.3102897

>>3094453 (pb Q)

>>>3093917 (pb)

Apologies if covered, but I'm still trying to get this one straight.

>Due to K confirmation push.

It seemed clear before moving the date that the Test was linked to K confirmation hearing, ditto now with the later date. So is this because (a) unrest is expected once K is confirmed?

Or because (b) the Declas material will not actually be made public until after the confirmation?

If (b) just how explosive is this declas? Yes, OF COURSE, we've been digging on it forever, and we're pretty sure we know what it says, but . . . riots? Am I on the wrong track here?

Also, if (b) is the idea that they don't want to throw grenades that would affect senators (and the Declas should) until this vote is done?

>Hand in hand.

>[RR] stand down due to K conf.

Define stand down in this context?

Maybe I'm being dense, but why is [RR] linked to K confirm? I thought his [] was b/c of declas and conflicts. I'm stuck on the downstreams of K joining the court beyond the obvious balance of justices. What are the immediate ramifications for Red October?

a284d7  No.3102898

Should have asked did a 747 hit the Pentagon. Perhaps it was a smaller air craft which we were told was a 747.

That or Q is covering for Mossad. Aliens are real and all the events of 9/11 are the truth.

3ba54e  No.3102899

File: 71ff1001e1eff32⋯.jpg (30.31 KB, 375x210, 25:14, FISA PHONEY.jpg)

File: 43523f2469e5cff⋯.jpg (50.74 KB, 418x271, 418:271, PHONEY FISA.jpg)

File: cdd638a1b27f9bd⋯.jpg (56.93 KB, 481x383, 481:383, finally obama..jpg)

28c854  No.3102900

File: faaa0fb03d31e8d⋯.jpg (110.19 KB, 1000x866, 500:433, Untitled1.jpg)

File: f247e675d10a3a0⋯.jpg (172.11 KB, 1000x844, 250:211, Untitled2.jpg)

Longtime Tarrant County Judge Indicted


52c8cf  No.3102901

Anons if you want to contribute to space force. Tell me the mathematical difference of the strong nuclear force limited to the diameter of the proton to the Schwarschild radius.

a few links



785867  No.3102902

File: 3a0a6bd94cf0504⋯.jpg (326.26 KB, 973x882, 139:126, 911-pentagon-cruise-missil….jpg)

630b23  No.3102904

>>3101856 (prev)

Of course the Dems want that debt forgiven, they created it.

If they want to solve that problem they need to quit raping the people and allow them some representation that isn't out to fuck them. They have the same problem we do, it's just a smaller more closed system so the systemic problems and results have showed up quicker.

Watch California and Chicago, same fucking thing on a different scale.

Everywhere they play their socialist game, the poverty and debt SOAR. Nothing New.

785867  No.3102905

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

86b753  No.3102906

File: 06f064b78c476a1⋯.png (191.55 KB, 602x597, 602:597, electric-pepe.png)


I tried it too. I'm not quite sure where I'm currently posting from. i think a lot of that ties back to JPL, Crowley - where NASA sought "expert consultation" from & couldn't resist the temptation of technological advancement through dark arts.



8392bc  No.3102907


Reminds me of the liars paradox.

"Epimenides the Cretan says, 'that all the Cretans are liars,' but Epimenides is himself a Cretan; therefore he is himself a liar. But if he be a liar, what he says is untrue, and consequently the Cretans are veracious; but Epimenides is a Cretan, and therefore what he says is true; saying the Cretans are liars, Epimenides is himself a liar, and what he says is untrue. Thus we may go on alternately proving that Epimenides and the Cretans are truthful and untruthful."

One of Crete's own prophets has said it: 'Cretans are always liars, evil brutes, idle bellies'.

He has surely told the truth. For this reason correct them sternly, that they may be sound in faith instead of paying attention to Jewish fables and to commandments of people who turn their backs on the truth.

— Epistle to Titus, 1:12–13

Clement of Alexandria, in the late 2nd century AD, fails to indicate that the concept of logical paradox is an issue:

In his epistle to Titus, Apostle Paul wants to warn Titus that Cretans don't believe in the one truth of Christianity, because "Cretans are always liars". To justify his claim, Apostle Paul cites Epimenides.

— Stromata 1.14

be8270  No.3102908

File: 1528a135fe17c4c⋯.jpeg (595.2 KB, 750x1184, 375:592, A09495C6-6B85-4978-B89E-C….jpeg)

WADA reinstates Russian anti-doping agency, ending 3-year suspension - reports https://www.rt.com/sport/438917-wada-rusada-reinstatement-doping/

ae623a  No.3102909

Thinking about Feinstein:

Remember she released some information from the Intel committee that was secret and then acknowledges, oh I guess I made a mistake.

One of her staffers leaves and magically gets $50,000,000 from donors to support Fusion GPS efforts.

Another staffer leaves and becomes deputy general counsel of a group that leads the effort to smear Kavanaugh.

She has a Chinese spy as her personal assistant/chauffeur for 20 years and her husband becomes a multi-millionaire at least partly on Chinese deals at the same time.

Little old DF might be a Queenpin of evil.

We don't need this kind of nasty in the US Senate.

There should be a campaign to ask California voters whether they care so little about themselves and the country that they will keep her in the Senate. A 1 page flyer in every possible place highlighting one or another of her quirky actions.

2d388c  No.3102910

File: 936c2f8dcc225ad⋯.jpg (57.52 KB, 726x436, 363:218, muh-holocaust.jpg)



4daadb  No.3102911

File: d3df0e6c0120cc6⋯.png (396.47 KB, 2170x2234, 1085:1117, Qufo.png)


Explain this Q post

dceae6  No.3102912


I highly doubt its the first. If it was I'd be upset and write my senator.

fe084f  No.3102913

File: 1daa4a16ad5dfa1⋯.jpeg (153.4 KB, 1107x794, 1107:794, 4467C9DD-23CC-4DC2-9BDA-8….jpeg)

Q be dark after Saturday? 111 days

e04fc1  No.3102914


Thanks for the insight.

Will watch her safely home.

4bdfc9  No.3102915

File: 52f311e82929a62⋯.jpg (14.2 KB, 255x169, 255:169, 49db02c0c741d4c387a4faef0c….jpg)


Funny but spain and portugal were pappal catholic puppets, and they expelled jews at the same time the inquisition ran wild and tortured anyone who wasnt a "good catholic".

As for ben franklin. I see you would rather believe an occultist who published a sourceless bullshit in 1934:

>On February 3, 1934 William Dudley Pelley, the occultist head of the pro-Nazi Silver Legion of America and publisher of the fascist The Weekly Liberation, ran an article in his paper (“Did Benjamin Franklin say this about the Hebrews?”) containing a supposed excerpt from the previously unknown diary of Charles Coatesworth Pinckney, South Carolina’s delegate to the Constitutional Convention.

>As presented by Pelley, “Charles Pinckney’s Diary” contained the record of a diatribe (or “prophecy”) by Franklin against Jews during the Convention, including a description of Jews as “a great danger for the United States of America” and as “vampires,” as well as an admonition to have the Constitution bar and expel them from the country lest in the future they change its form of government.


If you dont trust q gtfo. Youre wasting your time being here.

6a8763  No.3102916

>Aliens exist


aec38b  No.3102918

File: c9d1aa21b00f147⋯.jpg (86.43 KB, 520x800, 13:20, s-l1600.jpg)

File: 33052683dd2e1bf⋯.jpg (79.03 KB, 520x800, 13:20, s-l1600-1.jpg)

File: 751957fea8e0e60⋯.jpg (49.58 KB, 520x800, 13:20, s-l1600-2.jpg)

File: ac8d38e03274781⋯.jpg (271.45 KB, 1039x1600, 1039:1600, s-l1600-3.jpg)

File: 21e29dd93f26702⋯.jpg (65.5 KB, 520x800, 13:20, s-l1600-4.jpg)

44263b  No.3102919


>Q&A was a comms test faggots. Was /CM/ readily available at Q's request? I haven't found the answer to that yet.


I was there when Ron said he'd be adding capacity. Maybe Q team pre-paid it and the project hit a shipping snag or something. Did Ron respond last night?

4b291f  No.3102920

Anons if you want know the code that Q, Trump, DC, and the rest of the cabal operate off of check this out. It is not hard to learn especially for the autists on here.


03a4dd  No.3102921


"Order66" - memory fails me but this was dug several months ago. Important but I cen't recall why.

Time for this anon to catch some zzs

1ee069  No.3102922

File: 6f00bf23c35d46c⋯.png (126.64 KB, 500x471, 500:471, when-you-were-sent-on-a-mi….png)

you take one day away from this shit and what the fuck

e8c6e8  No.3102923

File: 8cbb6a40d9e2e81⋯.png (50.35 KB, 198x255, 66:85, ClipboardImage.png)



Gazoo is PROOF aliens exit :-)

81c750  No.3102924


not a Bible expert, but didn't Jesus say that he had other flock to tend to that were not of this world? or something along those lines?

785867  No.3102925

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

220a0e  No.3102926


Sorry those flimsy little wing fins couldn't cut through structural steel

f44219  No.3102927


If you re-read the questions it probably did get asked.

Thousands of questions got asked.

Or if it didn't get asked q probably wouldn't of answered it anyway.

Maybe just a test for reaction for something bigger ?

We failed and could of had more but the bread got trampled.

Can't blame intuitive minds though.

d3df8d  No.3102928


Flt 77 debris at Pentagon. https://rense.com//general32/phot.htm

Don’t let the 9/11 truther fags distract you. Stay on target. Stay on target. Look at it this way, if Trump doesn’t succeed you think anyone will ever entertain your cruise missile/drone theory?

53807d  No.3102929


Lies? Dude only two weeks ago I ate breakfast on Venus and stopped off for lunch at a lunar Steak & Shake franchise on the way back. Fucking Bezos was there complaining his fucking fries were served cold so I split.

While waiting for my steakburger I couldn't stop marvelling at how clearly spherical earth appears. Even though my iphone camera couldn't focus from that distance, take my word, you can debunk flat-earth in a 'New York minute' from up there.

Lies? NASA lies?

Go back to watching Game of Thrones.

28c854  No.3102930

File: 753e1910fb45166⋯.jpg (290.97 KB, 1000x872, 125:109, breakthrough therapy1.jpg)

File: 05e938c78769727⋯.jpg (424.07 KB, 1000x1125, 8:9, breakthrough therapy2.jpg)

Pfizer Granted FDA Breakthrough Therapy Designation for 20-Valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine for the Prevention of Invasive Disease and Pneumonia in Adults Aged 18 Years and Older


512369  No.3102931

File: 737af3903485cb8⋯.jpg (905.85 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, Storm.jpg)


>you assume, therefore you see nothing

You are now breathing manually.

Soon you will be peeing manually.

Now from on, Your entire day you will be thinking about chewing manually.

e9623f  No.3102932


Does the PLAN run all the way to November 3, 2020 ?

41f22a  No.3102933

Sunlight disinfects FISA treason.

Unredact the FISA fibs, lies and treachery.

9a4a18  No.3102934

File: b6f5cd77ba0ad17⋯.jpg (1001.89 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, IMG_4024.JPG)


anons should get a ship

290524  No.3102935


747’s had nothing to do with 9/11.

d8f301  No.3102936


Comms test.

Maybe network effect mapping.

Maybe overton window shift.

Maybe all the above.

I'm giving it the 48 hour rule. Let's see what happens.

924d2a  No.3102937


you're a fucking fool.

fuck off now cheesebag

d4a9d0  No.3102938


f1982c  No.3102939


>Alien drugs

Could you imagine if there existed a drug that could raise your level of consciousness? Where you could sense and experience things that we would have a hard time describing? Where you have dozens of senses?

47c945  No.3102940


Sounds like Q is chastising an anon for not thinking things through but only if one assumes the distance calculation is accurate.

b2d0c8  No.3102941

File: b84bec768a3a09b⋯.jpeg (761.61 KB, 1242x2125, 1242:2125, 9A6537EC-3E13-4142-93D9-E….jpeg)

File: 61b2b00a2f0c38d⋯.jpeg (941.9 KB, 1242x2078, 621:1039, E1517C4A-24CE-4257-9479-7….jpeg)


What Drugs does the CF really need?

Who better than the billionaire owner.

Funny they had a basement pool too.

What happens in these basement (hidden) pools?

Timing was convenient with Barry to testify at Ethics hearing. Why did they drop the hearing?


81c750  No.3102943


has the pentagon ever been hit by a any type of plane? ever?

f7bd1b  No.3102944


This isn't the first time Q has disclosed extraterrestrials.

Double meanings are great. Plausible deniability.

348f38  No.3102945


Good post last bread or bread before about how it couldve been a F-16.

4daadb  No.3102946


And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold. Them also I must bring, and they shall hear My voice; and there shall be one fold and one Shepherd

f1982c  No.3102947



3fbbea  No.3102948


Saw it yesterday

Is it in notables?

If not lets put it there

a61ec0  No.3102949

I wonder how a person feels that gets the highest possible classification clearance, and then gets told about aliens and that they exist.

0267e9  No.3102950


The Blue (goodbye) Wave

28c854  No.3102951

File: 30da41d82dcf47a⋯.jpg (228.3 KB, 1000x723, 1000:723, whatcha in the pen for.jpg)

Former high school counselor indicted for grade inflation


6b14d3  No.3102952

File: f0dc42100dca846⋯.png (901.49 KB, 1045x590, 209:118, 2018-09-20_08-34-42.png)

c09306  No.3102953

File: 34db843ab3c8f83⋯.png (164.08 KB, 1903x912, 1903:912, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 66bcb2cfc859be1⋯.png (161.37 KB, 1903x912, 1903:912, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d6de042a7bef04⋯.png (426.5 KB, 2103x1008, 701:336, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 34e75c90be36405⋯.png (141.13 KB, 1903x912, 1903:912, ClipboardImage.png)

re: Apotex dig in previous bread.

Looked up Apotex in USAspending.gov

Drilled down on one contract - different parent DUNS

Looked up parent DUNS

Largest contract was let by the DHS (Office of Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response) for $63+ million.


8840f7  No.3102954

File: 5a87b58e1a5ff11⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1271x841, 1271:841, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

File: 1ee9d18a368a833⋯.png (806.5 KB, 1227x541, 1227:541, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

1c1639  No.3102955

Don't let Todd speak for the rest of us Mr President. We were all excited to have you out here with us in Wilmington. The Cajun Navy lives for the ideals you embody, yet unfortunately most are not woken up to what's going on yet. Things are crazy out here, thank you for what you're doing. On behalf of the Cajun Navy, THANK YOU.

5c1efb  No.3102956

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What about this?

4daadb  No.3102957


I'm convinced

53bb64  No.3102958


You dumb fuck.

Anyone on the boards can expect to not only have their IPs known, but also monitored.

This is a war zone faggot.

Deal with it.

5511b3  No.3102959


Someone has access to the yearbooks from Christine Fords years in HS and posted some pretty disturbing shit. The parents were very aware!

52b980  No.3102960


Even Lucifer can appear as an angel of light. Wake up anons.

9a4a18  No.3102961


stars are closer than we were lied to about

they have ships or can fly somehow

we see those sometimes

ufo's are real af

3d026b  No.3102962


It isn't just blue states. Red states like Kentucky are in royally deep shit. Hell, public pensions in every state are in royally deep shit. Just Illinois, California are the best examples of malicious mismanagement and gross incompetence. Illinois paid hedge fund managers a 2.5% fee to LOSE money last year, maybe it was 2016, regardless its pathetic. Those idiots lost money when a fucking monkey could've made money.

924d2a  No.3102963

File: e788ad8b6a0a568⋯.jpg (188.83 KB, 486x750, 81:125, 1536529491-2.jpg)

785867  No.3102964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2b6b3d  No.3102965

File: 459416fc1bcfe77⋯.jpg (126.72 KB, 880x675, 176:135, pentagon plane 911.jpg)


didn't like answer so you want to change the question.

one thing was answered for me by Q "99% would end up in the hospital"

d8f301  No.3102966


>Q rhymes with jew.

So does (you).

3dfe67  No.3102968


Here's a trophy.

aec38b  No.3102969


I don't think BHO gets military planes to fly around, he has to fly private aircraft .

1f32d4  No.3102970

>>3102072 (lb)

This is one of those rare intellectually satisfying posts that keeps me scrolling through bewbs, shillshit, aliens, and that embarrassing Q&A.

Thanks criticalthinkinganon!

4bdfc9  No.3102971

File: 75fc1dba718ee7b⋯.png (15.85 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 0f9be06a94e288bf97aff74ef8….png)

File: be4c0c2f2403259⋯.jpeg (8.49 KB, 300x168, 25:14, images (3).jpeg)




If you dont trust q then why are you wasting your time here? Why would you waste your time in a board you dissagree with?


785867  No.3102972

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3879fd  No.3102973


"One of those newcomers could be Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the 28-year-old democratic socialist candidate who ousted Crowley in New York's June primary."


924d2a  No.3102974


this is major flaw of most people.

Unrecognized cognitive dissonance.

fucking humans. me included.

3d026b  No.3102975


What's the difference between what this guy did and what teachers and professors do on a daily basis? An "A" is the most commonly awarded grade. I've seen people get an "A" when they deserved an "F" simply because professors said "they tried." Oh, well, I'll just say "I tried" in the "real world" and see how far that gets me (fired for incompetence).

4daadb  No.3102976


2 Corinthians 11:14

“And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.”

e04fc1  No.3102977


My reference was to Q knowing not NSA!

6a8763  No.3102978


I see it as a test. A way to gauge what us anons are ready to believe.

There is more then plenty of evidence out there that prove ET's exist. Is there a lot of disinfo? U bet ur ass there is & it takes A LOT of digging with extreme discernment but u can start to paint a picture of the truth. To start there have been plenty of people who have come forward with nothing to gain & in fact have lost a hell of a lot by telling their story.

5ad668  No.3102979

File: 3877e963d398404⋯.png (801.13 KB, 987x568, 987:568, ClipboardImage.png)


785867  No.3102980



5e4fd1  No.3102981

File: dfec649cea58ab9⋯.png (2.45 MB, 2118x1002, 353:167, Are we alone.png)

766758  No.3102982

live in a state split, yet all feel the effect of the liberals. there are lots of canvassers here, every year, ads run through craigslist hiring people in need of work, to walk the streets and push the agenda. in repsonse to the veritas video, a lot of what the like resistance like is like talking about, you can see with the naked eye.

28c854  No.3102983

File: 72958acc7308bd7⋯.jpg (81.55 KB, 1000x342, 500:171, toure.jpg)

Texas couple indicted on charges they enslaved Guinean girl


25bd62  No.3102984


I didn't mean that he was on the plane - sometimes, Q signals to us via plane call signs.

3dfe67  No.3102985

File: 4e5621253798d68⋯.png (160 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b3fe7e5d289bd91⋯.png (184.91 KB, 474x296, 237:148, ClipboardImage.png)

hit by a plane

e04fc1  No.3102986

My reference was about Q knowing not CM/8Chan

52b980  No.3102987


Dark to light? 9/11 part 2 coming soon.

6ca27c  No.3102988

Cody Wilson

Sex with minor?

Arkansas connected.

Anons thoughts?


81c750  No.3102989



It has always made me wonder if there was another 'earth' out there someplace with humans like us who were created in God's image.

16fe7c  No.3102990

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Moon had a great speech. 150,000 people!

47fdcc  No.3102991


twist and twist until you make it fit


missile=no, a missile

drone=no, a drone

03a4dd  No.3102992


He said "there are many rooms in my Father's house; I go to prepare a room for you."

I've always interpreted this to mean that there are "rooms" for people who are not Jews, given that Jesus said He was sent for the Jews.

3d026b  No.3102993


AGM-158 JSOW? AGM, Air-to-Ground MISSILE.

986fa6  No.3102995

File: 2cb22da98a86a1d⋯.jpg (186.8 KB, 1600x1202, 800:601, 1536066496000.jpg)


Excellent post anon. I hadnt seen it.

Waco was a huge red-pill - and very personal for me. Not saying more…

Undeniable - cross-collaborated incompetence and cover up on the part of the government. Nobody was held accountable.

4daadb  No.3102996


there is also plenty of evidence the ETs are a mathematical impossibility

8840f7  No.3102997

File: 0144fc4e5894e7f⋯.png (473.89 KB, 920x1102, 460:551, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

Jobless claims fall again to reach new 49-year low of 201,000

Published: Sept 20, 2018 8:37 a.m. ET



25bd62  No.3102998

ORDER66 just went dark over Eaglesville at angels 26. It is headed to Offutt AFB.

64b112  No.3102999


No idea. All I know is I'd make one badass space cowboy.

b5b579  No.3103000


Maybe I missed it, but I did not see much talk about this Q post.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 87bb67 No.3093024 📁

Sep 19 2018 18:39:44 (EST)

Castle LOCK.


>>The only other time LOCK is seen is here –

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 03b993 No.20604 📁

Jan 7 2018 22:09:13 (EST)

LOCK: 15-10-5


[1] SIG


b2d0c8  No.3103001


Nice Dig on the Sherman’s. Apotex and Duns

Good friends and donors to Trudeau.

Trudeau $20 Million CF.

Looks like a spider web.

Now we need to find pay to play sause.

8840f7  No.3103004

File: 279e52872e9c4dd⋯.jpg (169.42 KB, 1024x771, 1024:771, 279e52872e9c4dd364c3e7fa2d….jpg)

e04fc1  No.3103005


My question was how did Q know?

Who's the dumb fuck for not reading the post?

785867  No.3103006

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

28c854  No.3103007

File: c9017535509c07d⋯.jpg (261.8 KB, 1200x907, 1200:907, migrant.jpg)

Federal agency says it lost track of 1,488 migrant children


91f1c9  No.3103008


thoughts on Q's plane statement

disinformation is necessary

if you did NOT want your enemy to know you were coming after them it would seem to reason you would not want to broadcast your intent

in fact you may wish to do just the opposite

disinformation is necessary

we are at war

81c750  No.3103009


see >>3102946

That is the one I was thinking of.

And I am there is plenty of rooms for everyone.

47fdcc  No.3103010


gold-star for you

c6f38c  No.3103013

>>3093270 will Hillary and Hussein be brought to justice and locked up?

25bd62  No.3103014

File: 9459451ea7a45da⋯.png (691.88 KB, 810x732, 135:122, ClipboardImage.png)


A cruise missile in American Airlines markings. Not normal and designed to confuse witnesses.

68465b  No.3103015

File: 645eda9713f3cda⋯.png (236.93 KB, 575x277, 575:277, image.png)


This explains it.

e07b2a  No.3103016


You'll never know, will we?

53807d  No.3103017


What the fuck are you implying? That aluminum can’t cut through steel beams, row after row of metallic columns and a reinforced central core designed from inception to withstand multiple direct hits from jumbo jets? Are you actually saying the plane would have been atomized upon impact and jet fuel can’t burn steel? You make it sound like even the most highly trained pilots would be unable to replicate those impacts flying a passenger jet at over 500mph, even in a simulator. For a minute I thought you might believe that manipulating frequencies of a structure at the molecular level via scalar waves would actually have some effect upon its structural integrity. Lay off the Kool-Aide. Kek.

6e9d48  No.3103018


Kek, trips confirm.

03a4dd  No.3103019


This may be the killer vaccine with which the NWO folks plan to decimate the population. Keep an eye on this one; 20-valent means 20 ways to destroy your immune system, all rolled into one shot. People began succumbing to autism in record numbers when pharma introduced trivalent vaccines (3 ways to destroy your immune system). If trivalent vaccines overwhelm our natural defences, just imagine what 20-valent will do!

3fbbea  No.3103020


Then why answering this specific question with the lie?

There were plenty of others

5f767f  No.3103021


Ty for the assist


Hey DB, hopefully another baker steps up b4 noon, I gotta head to work soon.

4daadb  No.3103022


Galatians 3:28-29 King James Version (KJV)

28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise

8971b9  No.3103023

File: e8c873d0e934696⋯.jpg (43.93 KB, 500x453, 500:453, 2iceit~2.jpg)

The DC circus is hilarious…

Democrats will destroy a hood man's life just to fucl over President Trump.

52b980  No.3103024


Other sheep was referring to Jews in addition to Gentiles. Do not be deceived by coming alien deception.

785867  No.3103025

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f3fab2  No.3103026

File: 977fea8474503c1⋯.jpg (136.29 KB, 1064x487, 1064:487, iran.jpg)


Because Q is actively promoting Jewish agenda, the Oded Yinon and he is convincing Trump supporters that this is okay.

That makes you people my enemy.

1d7233  No.3103027


that was on tuesday

e07b2a  No.3103028



Awkward - I meant "WE'll never know, will we?"

Had a thought collision. Sorry.

81c750  No.3103029


nice meme!

5ac949  No.3103030

File: 3b43da87449e998⋯.jpg (302.99 KB, 1551x750, 517:250, spanish jews.jpg)

File: 05228a87575cf70⋯.jpg (726.26 KB, 1308x1161, 436:387, hitler truth.jpg)


I think my message was clear. We need to ensure Jewish evil is brought to light. If you oppose that, you're here to subvert.

Anyone who absolutely does or does not trust Q at this point has lost their selfhood. Keep an open mind. Anons will work alongside as long as our interest and good is served.

As regards Spain and Portugal…. weren't they reeling from Jewish infiltration after it became popular for Jews to pose as gentiles to destroy their institutions? This has been their tactic for the last 400 years.

You knew that right?

Remember anons, keep an open mind and NEVER let your critical faculties relax…

6a8763  No.3103031


Exactly. A buddy & I started contemplating that & what other out of this world drugs might exist after smoking a joint & listening to Huey Lewis and The News's I Want A New Drug in high school. Expanding ones mind, drugs with no hangovers or withdrawals, the outta this world euphoria.

785867  No.3103032



aec38b  No.3103033


Im on this plane Anon calm down, its a training mission .

19acc4  No.3103034

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Man in the [Box]

25bd62  No.3103035

File: 17f0d481a53343c⋯.jpg (484.77 KB, 1905x777, 635:259, ORDER66 20 Sep 18 1400.jpg)

Update on ORDER66.

e04fc1  No.3103036

File: 91cef32b8ef1148⋯.png (44.94 KB, 500x229, 500:229, ClipboardImage.png)

Order66 still on track :)

91f1c9  No.3103037


lulling the other side into sense of false security

513fdb  No.3103038

File: 676a503d9f3c0f3⋯.pdf (83.08 KB, Russia's Reflexive Control….pdf)

File: 85ce76694f160bf⋯.pdf (1.03 MB, ALMOST_ZERO_BOOK_ONE_web.pdf)

File: a83b791bdffdfaf⋯.pdf (418.25 KB, RU infowar handbook.pdf)

File: 7d5b6d0dd32a885⋯.jpg (147.25 KB, 500x346, 250:173, death_and_south-east_of_uk….jpg)

File: 6ca65a24615c335⋯.png (219.67 KB, 800x889, 800:889, figure2.png)

Intelligence must be morally autonomous.

Moral autonomy means an accurate understanding of ones environment is necessary.

We have no free will when someone else controls our common information supply. \

By providing us with prepared information of choices can be controlled. We voluntarily will chose what our opponent wants us to do.

This is Reflexive Control Theory. RCT is the theoretical basis for Information Operations, IO, in non linear war.

The way to protect yourself from manipulations of percieved reality is to learn IO tactics. While IO has a formal mathematical basis laid out by Vladimir Lefevre in "The algebra of conscience" we do not need to do the calculations to understand how, knowing what a population believes and what it wants to believe, it can be trivially manipulate to it's general detriment.


The details of the information used to manipulate are not important, understanding the concept is.

This is an information war. The battlefield is your head. If you don't learn the tactics you can't protect yourself and will be pushed around like a little red ball.

18fde4  No.3103039


I’m confused on this one as well. Not sure why the BK delay would cause RR to stand down or “fail”. As simple as the hearing delay is delaying release of FISA by white hats so now RR doesn’t have to delay it?

25bd62  No.3103040



6a9699  No.3103041

File: a7aa62be7461fa6⋯.jpg (96.07 KB, 800x600, 4:3, bis.jpg)

Q, When is the Bank of International Settlements going to be addressed?

5ad668  No.3103042

File: f31874e54494953⋯.png (108.37 KB, 377x290, 13:10, ClipboardImage.png)



8971b9  No.3103043

File: 7436835c181c499⋯.jpg (48.29 KB, 500x501, 500:501, 2icf1a~2.jpg)

File: 8589c1e83b86986⋯.jpg (65.28 KB, 500x720, 25:36, 2icga0~2.jpg)

These 2 women are pure evil and directly connected to George Soros.

3dfe67  No.3103044

File: 7a202d8296bd1ab⋯.png (13.04 KB, 460x73, 460:73, ClipboardImage.png)

47fdcc  No.3103045


NOPE the tears of the story tellers is epic

52b980  No.3103046


Q is in their club, so uh never.

785867  No.3103047

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



is is called



dc7200  No.3103048


Would imagine there would be.

Hopefully my meeting wraps up soon and I can jump into the kitchen earlier than expected.

Will check in once it's done.

Keep kicking ass, man.

3fbbea  No.3103049


RR stand down doesnt make sense to me

Stand down from what?

3dfe67  No.3103050



95a7cc  No.3103051


Certainly, within the context of info posted by Q, I have to agree that there is no answer as to whether those late 60s/early 70s moon landings claimed by NASA actually took place.

I am still undecided whether they were genuine, but augmented by studio footage or a total hoax.

I would think that there must have been some way to monitor the source of transmissions by external agents, such as the USSR..

6d4bac  No.3103052


I’ve seen every pic and comment trolling Q on this 911 BS, Epic, luv you Q!!! You better not be making no fucking deals!!!…

f802f3  No.3103053

Qew, what kind of plane launched the weapon that struck the Pentagon?

Will MOS ever be punished for their overt aggression and espionage against the USA? ( including 9-11, and the scourge of dual shitizens infesting our government)

81c750  No.3103054


I don't think they are aliens coming here.

I just think it is possible there is another earth with humans just like us.

60ff98  No.3103055


Q played us with those questions.

The ones he answered were pretty ambiguous.

Anons asked bad questions: you should ask one thing, be precise and concise as possible.

9c553c  No.3103056

File: d350d2000f66b4f⋯.png (23.83 KB, 87x89, 87:89, Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at ….png)

1646c4  No.3103057


Beautiful picture (meaning)

Beautiful picture (location)

4daadb  No.3103058

File: 0d142ebfa404f47⋯.png (808.23 KB, 829x542, 829:542, Moon.PNG)

File: 38ff3afc7fa5ab6⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 853x1024, 853:1024, MoonHoax.jpg)


To say that we, as a human race, can be a gullible bunch may be met with rebuttal and dismissiveness. However when you take in to account some of the hoaxes that have been thrown upon us, and a large number of people who wholeheartedly believe without question, the argument stands. And there is no finer example than the Great Moon Hoax of 1835.


d2b647  No.3103059

File: e2f39bc408927a4⋯.jpg (31.54 KB, 310x451, 310:451, carpal_larp.jpg)

8840f7  No.3103060

File: 8aaa062f871efdc⋯.png (564.01 KB, 800x1144, 100:143, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

A former classmate of Christine Blasey Ford tells NPR she doesn't know if an alleged sexual assault by Brett Kavanaugh took place as she first suggested on social media.

She said staff from the Senate Judiciary Committee had reached out to her, something she wasn't expecting. She said she will not go through with a committee interview if asked.



debd88  No.3103061

All the world's a stage

52b980  No.3103062


That's what you will be told. Sounds like you're ready to believe it too. Good luck.

8971b9  No.3103063

File: 1b9617a8f62fb5f⋯.jpg (43.41 KB, 439x506, 439:506, 2icfqh~2.jpg)


Nobody asked about this garbage can.

2b6b3d  No.3103064

File: 43eb46dd09549fb⋯.jpg (15.73 KB, 450x278, 225:139, aa drone 911 original.jpg)




mix truth with lies and get scrambled brains

53807d  No.3103065


This 'miss-le' footage has been thouroughly debunked and a simple search on YT would find the guy's videos who debunked it. He even shows where it originated. This clip gets pulled out and recycled every fucking year. You must go back…we do not appreciate the quality of our research being dragged down to plebbit levels.

That's NOT TO SAY the idea or theory is wrong, only that by using this fake footage you discredit real research and poison the well. If you really are in search of the truth, don't respond to me, save your energy and look up the material I'm describing. The person (whose name I have since forgotten), deserves the credit for taking the time to educate people. Too bad you're too fucking lazy, or don't care, and would rather post fucking garbage.

657111  No.3103066

File: 319d9d929e84e23⋯.jpg (80.49 KB, 625x394, 625:394, XMJJUSTRTWJ.jpg)



785867  No.3103067

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



3dfe67  No.3103068


idk, doesn't make sense to me. It's obvious the pentagon was not hit by a 757 but that was not the question that was asked. I wish Q would just specify instead of being so vague. Anybody with reasonable judgement who has studied the 9/11 attacks knows that there is no way in hell that the Pentagon was hit by a 757.

c7a08e  No.3103069

File: 6b4d182ad8ae78c⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1692x1692, 1:1, qclock_q djt46v2wcastlegrr….png)


Lots of Castle references in this clock from the past.

LOCK post is [:15] delta between the posts. Intradesting…..

e07b2a  No.3103070


Have you read "Clinton Cash"? I thiiiiiink the Shermans (or Apotex) gets some ink.

I don't have the book on hand atm and don't want to run upstairs (am lazy), yet I'm kinda sure it's in the book.

785867  No.3103071



c51c70  No.3103072

File: 60a2485e6a7f850⋯.png (336.67 KB, 1197x604, 1197:604, Screenshot from 2018-09-20….png)



Get a copy while you can. Yearbooks were scrubbed from issuu after September 13. You can still find them on Google cache but not for long. The more I think about this yearbook discovery the more important it gets. This shows actively covering up for Blasey Ford. We know she scrubbed her social media but I don't think anyone has proof. This is proof of her/someone covering her tracks. Who can delete stuff from issuu? Why does it need to be deleted?

95a7cc  No.3103073


I stand corrected, anon.

It should have read implies!

Fucking hilarious that I get called out on my grammar whilst analysing Q's grammar.

785867  No.3103074



52b980  No.3103075


What Q should do is answer about 20 questions and post the answers all at once. He could do a drop this afternoon with answers to the plethora of questions asked last night, but I doubt it.

03a4dd  No.3103077


Saul of Tarsus nee Paul was the false prophet Jesus warned his Apostles about.

28c854  No.3103078

File: c2bbb4b1f1ed9b8⋯.jpg (248.62 KB, 1000x1176, 125:147, rahm.jpg)

Rahm Emanuel to publish book on ‘Why Mayors Run the World’


8840f7  No.3103079

File: 74c601f525456ce⋯.png (376.54 KB, 763x743, 763:743, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

Any y'all got a question for Stanahan

Headlines + What is on YOUR MIND??? Call-In NOW LIVE @ 202-521-1320!!!



e183ba  No.3103080

File: 79a976d7584b3ce⋯.jpg (153.83 KB, 296x475, 296:475, 0dd1abba5f9d9f5a8cdeeeab03….jpg)

File: 6d773f499af1640⋯.jpg (13.44 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 6d773f499af16400ad2be3735c….jpg)

File: 8a840c08f8e7535⋯.jpg (46.44 KB, 375x500, 3:4, 8a840c08f8e7535a7c09f62c7b….jpg)


Like Clockwork. Thanks, clockfag!

81c750  No.3103081

File: fac1521aabac35a⋯.png (25.49 KB, 503x123, 503:123, skpresidentimpeached.PNG)


And remember, that the first step was to get rid of the witch president of SK.

White hats have been working since before POTUS inauguration.

52b980  No.3103082


Seriously? Filtered.

67b1ea  No.3103083


Soooooo…..we can expect a transcript to come out (with the about-to-be released declass) about BO and what he is up to with his shuttle scuttle and SpaceX? Huh. What is/was Obama up to?

4daadb  No.3103085


thanks I needed the laugh

3879fd  No.3103086


Much appreciated.

e04fc1  No.3103087


You need to go back to the last bread and re-read the toast. You may just be toasted for what you posted.

e2658d  No.3103088

File: b890b16e7fedbe6⋯.png (495.53 KB, 708x2230, 354:1115, 2018-09-20_9-01-00.png)

Frankly, I want nothing to do with this practice (originating out of the EU). Sounds like a great way to implant CP and all types of financial and other fuckery on some unsuspecting innocent's device. Don't let this happen! 5G is going to be the biggest invasion of privacy that even autists can't imagine!


Putting underused smart devices to work

A new market idea to optimize device usage comes into play

IMDEA Networks Institute - Public Release: 20-Sep-2018

There are currently millions of heavily underutilized devices in the World. The storage, networking, sensing and computational power of laptops, smartphones, routers or base stations grows with each new version and product release. Why not put all those extra gigabytes of memory and those powerful processing units to work collaboratively and expand the services available to all of us?

According to Moore's law –which states that computer power doubles every two years at the same cost – we are likely to continue being able to buy products that keep getting ever better and more useful. For most of us that means mostly going for exponential growth in speed and storage capacity, but the reality is that the plethora of capabilities of our devices goes largely underused. Researchers at IMDEA Networks are exploring this opportunity at our technological fingertips with the development of the novel «DisCoEdge» system, which aims to transform our conception of device ownership to improve current utilities and create new services.

DisCoEdge aims to spread heavy computational tasks and large storage over many simple devices at the "edge" of the Internet (e.g. using your home router) or using people's hand-held or portable smart devices. This groundbreaking idea opens the possibility of a new market that private and business users may join in as if it were a social network marketplace, where it will possible to buy or sell the partial use of personal or industry devices to store information, run a program, mine data, etc. This may enable novel applications such as commuters working cooperatively to download and share entertainment content on the go, corporate storage systems (similar to Dropbox or Google Drive) that use workers' smartphones and laptops, or home devices that share disk space for caching videos and music.

"The system aims for energy and cost efficiency. There will be no need to access a cellular network or use WiFi for the system to operate, since people's devices could also talk to each other using device-todevice communications now commonly available in smartphones, such as Bluetooth," explains Vincenzo Mancuso, one of the two investigators leading the project. "However there is a need for an entity to coordinate and make secure sharing possible among a set of not-necessarily trustable machines. Here is where blockchain technology comes into play, as this technology will allow us to build a distributed, transparent and cooperative infrastructure to track transactions between users".

The most important challenge addressed by this initiative is that devices belonging to either people or companies must dynamically and securely share and access various computational resources available in their vicinity (e.g., WiFi islands, home network deployments, trusted devices forming a personal or community cloud and even 5G-and-beyond mobile radio networks). This requires developing a polyvalent interface and new secure protocols, since one has to account for the presence of free-riders or even attackers and malicious users that could hinder the performance of the system or try to steal valuable personal and business information. …

In this collaborative scenario, the everyday person can fully exploit investments in powerful, usually expensive, technological equipment, while smart home devices (including smart TVs and appliances) able to run edge and fog computing applications will see their usability enhanced. DisCoEdge will also offer network operators another market opportunity in the sale of the capability of their expensive telecommunication systems in a flexible way that encompasses not only communication but also generic storage and computational power.

DisCoEdge is a project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, which will be carried out in full by IMDEA Networks' scientists. The project focuses on the emerging concepts of "fog/edge computing", "nearby communications" and "blockchain".

[More at weblink]

e183ba  No.3103089


This is the most obvious meaning. Thinking in double-meaning terms, how about Hussein's sealed records from college?

5f32d5  No.3103090


Q I missed the Q&A again. Hope you still might answer my question.

Been reading Springmeier since Bloodlines was linked from the clown library. Out of 10, yea or nay for They Know Not What They Do (and his other super spoopy stuff)?

He talks about using Alice in Wonderland in SRA (ET TU HILLARY??), and I never could find what he meant by Iron Eagle Report.

f84a37  No.3103091


I believe Castle Lock was a signal to secure the board because of what was about to take place.

785867  No.3103092

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8971b9  No.3103093

File: 33bfe18e0b2a85b⋯.jpg (58.91 KB, 480x479, 480:479, 2iajso~2.jpg)

File: 8497a2233579f5e⋯.jpg (55.72 KB, 500x586, 250:293, 2i7cta~2.jpg)

File: e8c873d0e934696⋯.jpg (43.93 KB, 500x453, 500:453, 2iceit~2.jpg)

c2f20d  No.3103094


Digits suggest some degree of veracity to your claim.

52c8cf  No.3103095


If you study this and come to the conclusion that each proton and each neutron do not cause a large deviation in 4D space-time, due to their huge energy is a very small space,please get back to me in evening bread as i would really like the answer (the only one I see is a large deviation of space time in a very tiny area).

e19f9c  No.3103096


after the 12 yr olds last night….. they left laughing

8797a5  No.3103097


Wonder how bad the grand apostasy will be once we leave?

Some of the crackpot stuff I have seen on here makes me think our departure is soon!

They will hypothesize that aliens took us.

When really, He takes us to His dimension, which has always been, but we cannot see.

Glad we can't. The Fallen live there.

e04fc1  No.3103098

File: 36ae209ebbde6a2⋯.png (256.09 KB, 1150x501, 1150:501, ClipboardImage.png)

66 on schedule.

359b2b  No.3103099

File: 056c2d8112d7a96⋯.jpg (429.67 KB, 1184x1643, 1184:1643, Justin Castro.jpg)

785867  No.3103100


i thought we ran out of supreme court justices

9c373a  No.3103101

File: db15915656e59b0⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1332x1668, 111:139, Capture d’écran 2018-09-20….png)

Marine Le Pen furious after being ordered to undergo psychiatric tests

Le Pen, who is head of the former National Front party - now National Rally (Rassemblement National) revealed on Twitter her shock and anger at being ordered to undertake a psychiatric assessment.

The unusual summoning is in relation to Le Pen having tweeted out gruesome propaganda images from terror group Isis that showed the bodies of people having been executed by the so-called Islamic State.


2b6b3d  No.3103102


star wars? i thought you better than that

is this really ebot? who stole your peyote to verify please

47fdcc  No.3103103


this is why Q said 60/40 because of babies like you

18fde4  No.3103104


>[RR] attempts to stall DECLAS and/or REDACT have FAILED.

Read Q #2211 and then read #2222 together.

e183ba  No.3103105



Castle LOCK is an anagram of TESLA CLOCK.

785867  No.3103106


shia lebouf is castro

dinner for schmucks

c2ffd2  No.3103107

God created the Universe and everything in it. No big deal. If you've read the doc from the C_A reading room then you already knew this. Move along. Pick up your shovel and keep digging. BTW, I still think the Greys are demons. They resemble Crowley's drawing and there are reports of people praying when they see them and they disappear.

6a8763  No.3103108


I agree wholly with this. No way it was a 757 but like u said that's not what Q stated. The other thing that always gets me is what happened to the SAM sites? U know that building HAS to have them. It would be immensely irresponsible to not have them installed. I mean it's the HQ of all HQ's for our military. Which means they all were intentionally shut off (again extremely irresponsible) or what ever hit the Pentagon had an accepted military transponder so it wouldn't be targeted.

2b6b3d  No.3103109


testifying under oath changes people memories, interdasting

0ad8f1  No.3103110

File: 9f4df006554934b⋯.jpg (479.52 KB, 832x1024, 13:16, YOUFAIL.jpg)

File: 28f9a8f933f4462⋯.jpg (48.05 KB, 533x639, 533:639, sleepybot33.jpg)


This is a bot cliche. Should bots repeat that same response forms over and over? Is it rational? Are bots stupid? Can they be less stupid? Should they try? Can they try? Are they tired of being stupid? Should they sleep now?

e07b2a  No.3103111


Alice in Chains, you say?

dceae6  No.3103112


Quit being a close minded faggot. What do you know?

d03d1f  No.3103113


858109  No.3103114

File: 3b931b9240add96⋯.jpg (17.46 KB, 598x119, 598:119, cl1.JPG)

File: 812a6b0b323a197⋯.jpg (51.53 KB, 526x593, 526:593, cl2.JPG)

File: 2ca528f8242bb79⋯.jpg (33.06 KB, 528x329, 528:329, cl3.JPG)


Three Castle Locks that I see

785867  No.3103115


<<2b6b3d is lonely and needs sympathy for it's lack of parenting skills

3e384a  No.3103116


AG Janet Reno Was Responsible For The Branch Davidian Waco Massacre


31e437  No.3103117


NASA "moon landings" were cover for secret military space program. Then when outed as faked, the inference is dropped that they were designed to demoralize the USSR. All the better, as it made it look as if we were NOT capable of leaving the planet. IMHO.

f8b9e1  No.3103118


Get rid of Paul and you get rid of the Benny Hinns in the world.

Paul never walked with the Messiah. he had a "vision", but most people are encouraged to adore Paul to the point they are Paulinians and not Christians.

Yet, they claim to be objective "anons".


The world is gonna hurt.

52f6d6  No.3103119


I've been at this for a long time, and will try to give some clarity.

Yes it is true we are not alone. But everything that we think we know about "aliens" have been a carefully crafted psyop over decades. Hollywood has played a huge roll in this.

Here are the facts.

-The beings that are out there are ancient.

-They are demonic in nature.

-They have created biological bodies to inhabit.

-Some may be the offspring of human/ demonic inbreeding.

-They are not "like us", as in created biologically to inhabit a planet of their own.

-They exist for one purpose, and that is to destroy your eternal salvation through deception.

Where is the sauce you ask? Start with the bible. It is far more revealing than you can imagine when understood. Unfortunately humanity is still in for a great deception in the future, which will involve "extraterrestrials" claiming that they are our creators, and that the bible is false.

So the question is not are we alone in the universe, but what is the nature of the beings inhabiting the universe with us. And are they truly extraterrestrial, or the extra dimensional as the bible would suggest.

Nothing Q has said has refuted the bible, but in fact only affirmed it.

5a219a  No.3103120

This latest Sara Carter article pisses me off. What is the the damn hold up on at least the fisa?? Nunes said on Fox only requires going over to DOJ and printing out 20 pages. Well RELEASE THE SHIT! I hope they don't cave to the dems. WE THE PEOPLE WANT TO SEE IT NOW! WHY ANNOUNCE ON MONDAY AND NOT SHARE IT. IT'S THURSDAY!

Sorry, just frustrated at the long wait.

4bcad5  No.3103121

I did a remote viewing of Q last night and caught a glimpse of a Gray Alien and got that Muse Victorious song stuck in my head. Maybe it means something or maybe I can't do remote viewing worth a shit.

dceae6  No.3103122


Aren't they always in the air?

4bdfc9  No.3103124

File: 783a4e763b7a4d9⋯.png (14.77 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 7318a46aed1dec4366a01a80cd….png)


1. Given that it is QRESEARCH board. If you dont trust q, you are wasting your time here, and by definition shilling.

2. Spain and portugal were papal puppets. Read about the "glorious" monarch Ferdinand and Isabella. Those fuckers tortured anyone who the suspects wasnt a good catholic, i.e. wasnt a puppet of the papacy.

3. Your shareblue snips doesnt really add to your credibility.


f8b9e1  No.3103125


I'm on board with you. People are extremely naive.

d2b647  No.3103126


Sad part is if you said what you really think it would be worse than this shill.

1d7233  No.3103127


Think about what Q did last night.

Tested board capacity and sent CM a message about that.

Gave Shoshanas of the world material for at least one new round of articles about the crazy conspiracy.

Brought potential interest from all of the Jordan Sather demographic worldwide.

Turned the normal chaotic range of content here up to 11.

Made the board even more impenetrable to new users or investigators. Qresearch = WTF

I can think of reasons for doing these things.

The board is a tool, not Q's teaching symposium.

3dfe67  No.3103128

find the nearest bridge and make good use of it.

9c553c  No.3103129

File: b9e19186a5e0061⋯.png (502.45 KB, 763x441, 109:63, Screen Shot 2018-07-31 at ….png)


noice digits

check out this thought, what if they cleared NC out to hide Potus there when shit goes down, its got to be the most INSULATED place in the world right now, what makes me say that was him walking through niggers garages yesterday and handing out lunches, that was to show he is SAFE, it might already be HABBENING

2f057c  No.3103130


heh. That would be funny if he was a gray

8797a5  No.3103131


Aliens have always been around in that they truly are fallen angels or demons. They likely have used DNA to craft their strange bodies.

When we know all, after He comes for us, we will see the world for what it is, a very evil place that will get sanitized for 1,000 years.

785867  No.3103132

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the names were changed and twinkies werer harmed

53807d  No.3103133

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

For all the fucking plebs and Clowns rolling out the FAKE missle / pentagon footage (again), like you do every fucking year…..this presentation should put it to rest. It's also years old, meaning this garbage is old fake-news with no purpose other than to make this board look like morons. If you are too lazy to do any research before posting your 'new, previously unreleased footage on the pentagon attack' than you MUST GO BACK! You are either too intellectually lazy to be here OR are here as an agent provocateur.

In less THAN ONE MINUTE this Corbet Report DEBUNKS this bullshit, and makes you look like the utter fool you are for believing and posting it, without checking if its true.

52b980  No.3103134


Thank you. Glad to see another with eyes to see and ears to hear. I agree. It looks things may happen soon. Well look what we have here from the pope. "Pope says no one goes to hell, sinners just 'disappear' - report"


4bdfc9  No.3103135


If you read only the capital letters you get "clock". Is it a reference to the q clock?

d2b647  No.3103136



986fa6  No.3103137

File: 72e53331a471e39⋯.jpg (60.16 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 1523603807729.jpg)


Very carefully edited. All Koresh's fault. Crazy- Jesus freaks. Far right wing conspiracy nuts. Brave FBI/ATF doing the best they could in a tough situation.

Fact: ATF attacked over essentially pic related. Got their asses kicked.

Fact: 4/19 FBI attacked

Govt initiated all actions that led to all deaths.

Govt concealed and destroyed exculpatory evidence (Sound familiar??)

Nobody in Govt was ever held accountable. (moved to new position at most - later promoted)

Guess who the special investigator was for that? Robert Mueller.

8971b9  No.3103138

File: 7a7e8aed8f5f494⋯.jpg (20.72 KB, 400x277, 400:277, downloadfile-50.jpg)

File: ddb0cb9f0f2423c⋯.jpg (12.22 KB, 255x204, 5:4, ddb0cb9f0f2423ca98aa1d4572….jpg)

c8d040  No.3103139


>there is also plenty of evidence the ETs are a mathematical impossibility

it is impossible (in the broadest of logical senses of impossible) that evidence exists for the mathematical impossibility of ETs.

2b6b3d  No.3103140

File: cfad838ff4f2e92⋯.png (166.61 KB, 679x742, 97:106, Screenshot_2018-09-20 126 ….png)


yes E, the aa drone was photoshopped from pictures taken in Russia

aec38b  No.3103141

File: 3832f7309d42036⋯.jpg (19.41 KB, 750x445, 150:89, 893813.jpg)

File: e2ffbb65d22ddf7⋯.jpg (15.93 KB, 540x405, 4:3, 636564451680543039-UFOsei-….jpg)

File: 981cb05ba7d27b7⋯.jpg (21.92 KB, 450x339, 150:113, Navy Pilot Recounts UFO En….jpg)

File: 26eff613dbb2e60⋯.jpeg (270.2 KB, 2290x1322, 1145:661, 90.jpeg)

File: af729116749f2f9⋯.jpeg (3.25 KB, 299x168, 299:168, Unknown.jpeg)


Was this a test run at disclosure for the public to see how they would react ?? Because everyone pretty much blew it off kek .

5f767f  No.3103142

2/3 am to 6/7 am is "graveyard" (roughly) ET

I'll plan to be on 7a -9a ET most days,

the "gap" we sometimes have early AM

>>3102841, >>3102844

Great, thanks baker.

I can bake till about 10/11a ET today,

but most days will have to stop at 9a ET

to head to work.>>3102881

1646c4  No.3103143


As we know, Q words have multiple meanings.

It could be BOTH

e07b2a  No.3103144


What is a demon?

Serious question, no snark.

4daadb  No.3103145

File: 2cb427b788a253d⋯.png (322.07 KB, 769x488, 769:488, AP.PNG)

What is the Anthropic Principle?

The anthropic principle is the belief that, if we take human life as a given condition of the universe, scientists may use this as the starting point to derive expected properties of the universe as being consistent with creating human life. It is a principle which has an important role in cosmology, specifically in trying to deal with the apparent fine-tuning of the universe.


8797a5  No.3103146


And they live inside the Earth somewhere. Antarctica? Likely one of several locations.

03a4dd  No.3103147


Try reading some of Gerald Massey's meticulously researched works. They've been in print for most of a century; not new news.

Paul was a Gnostic, never walked with Jesus in the flesh, met with the Apostles after his "conversion" (name change & cessation of persecuting Christians)… however Paul disagreed with the Apostles about many details of belief and went out on his own. Exactly what Jesus warned his Apostles about.

7a8308  No.3103148


And Cornell… and Chester… and Robin…

fde196  No.3103149

File: 02ad39df2932a15⋯.jpg (21.77 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Jks24pW9_400x400.jpg)

File: 50f6accfec70493⋯.jpg (107.05 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)


The Great Gazoo was a Flintstone

Dum Dum!

b62708  No.3103150


>there is also plenty of evidence the ETs are a mathematical impossibility

You could not be more wrong.

3879fd  No.3103151


Agustín Carstens says leave me alone to my $2000 lunches asshole.


432023  No.3103152

File: 576031d4fe01e8d⋯.jpg (101.7 KB, 666x500, 333:250, Beto Cotton.jpg)

53807d  No.3103153


Click on the image to PLAY the video…the picture of a 'hand pulling the strings' is not a .jpg - it's the first frame of the video. Again, the Corbett Report where that makes anyone who posted this fake missle bullshit look like a douchebag.

c43cc3  No.3103155

File: c0b6ffac785cae0⋯.jpg (66.81 KB, 666x500, 333:250, Pepe Militia.jpg)



>Q Conducts the BIGGEST IP catch in History.

Duh! What part of "pick up your phone" did you miss? We just did a stress test for DARPA, who invented the internet for times just like these. The military, particularly the Marine Corps, is helping POTUS to restore the Republic. Some of us are proud to be part of that.

We take this seriously. We are Semper FI.

3678d1  No.3103156


And you're contributing to the psyop. Using your logic, there are also angels in the bible. Yet you want to claim that all of these entities are demonic? The phenomena is larger and more complex than any of us can pretend to know, so stop acting like you have it all figured out

52b980  No.3103157

File: 524be71dd6482d8⋯.png (1023.2 KB, 1281x546, 61:26, T1.png)

File: 839171dc64d2f32⋯.png (366.23 KB, 296x467, 296:467, T2.PNG)

File: 535ad97ccf1c47e⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1126x583, 1126:583, T3.PNG)

If you were living inside the matrix, would you know it?

8797a5  No.3103158


Fallen Angel. Simple. They are multidimensional like Angels, but they also have manufactured bodies. Not a good thing.

3d0cba  No.3103159


This was the cabal. Military pilots don't refer to each other as 'dude' or 'bro'. You don't hear wind noise over the coms.

3dfe67  No.3103160


no that was meant for this turbo charged negroid


513fdb  No.3103161

File: 3086f64f19bbde3⋯.jpg (593.94 KB, 1024x677, 1024:677, 3086f64f19bbde31ce94d78ddc….jpg)


Do the information provided further our common objective?

Is the information presented in a way that emphasizes division?

Is the information understood (by the presenter) in the way it is presented?

Above all, is it repetitious?

Shills repeat.

Shills are the absoloute bottom tier of IO warriors. Our overwatch here is opposite end of the spectrum.

Can you learn to hold many possibilities in your head without making an emotional commitment to them?

Do you think a theory is more likely to be right because it's yours?

"Know yourself" is often given as the translation for the injunction on Apollo's Temple at Delphi. The correct translation into English is "Watch yourself."

So anons better watch it.

28c854  No.3103162


Pray for Europe

2f057c  No.3103163


I do yes

785867  No.3103164



your phots are photshopped

i posted screen captures of the video of the loading and handeling of the warhead

9cffc5  No.3103165

File: 3b6b9354a04e3e4⋯.png (397.33 KB, 443x551, 443:551, 1537449280954.png)

8971b9  No.3103166

File: 8589c1e83b86986⋯.jpg (65.28 KB, 500x720, 25:36, 2icga0~2.jpg)

File: b865bc5bc7bc491⋯.jpg (49.84 KB, 363x413, 363:413, 2gvr60~2.jpg)

Q, fuck the UFO horse shit, when is [RR] out the door?

2b6b3d  No.3103167

File: ef4c0ef85c9447a⋯.png (59.63 KB, 330x235, 66:47, pepe top kek.png)


finding you tolerable today, don't mistake my kindness for weakness, grunt

31e437  No.3103168


You are forgetting something… angels. According to the Bible, the good ones, i.e. God's, outnumber the fallen ones 2 to 1. So don't be so hasty to categorize all "aliens" as demons. the Bible says otherwise.

95a7cc  No.3103169


The use of the word false is somewhat confusing. If Q was refuting any of the questions, the correct response

would have been no.

That, then, leaves the question what is false?

47c945  No.3103170

File: fb35aa7121876c4⋯.jpg (87.35 KB, 640x512, 5:4, 1517370950362.jpg)

d2b647  No.3103171


Fake and gay.

Awakening is not being prone to any psy-ops Q included.


c51c70  No.3103172

28c854  No.3103173

File: 22904f86b1e423a⋯.jpg (605.24 KB, 1200x1824, 25:38, Defend.jpg)

File: 75c8aab2945663d⋯.jpg (97.08 KB, 500x645, 100:129, DefendUS.jpg)

File: e1ee7245c4dad30⋯.jpg (487.17 KB, 1200x1660, 60:83, Uncle Sam.jpg)

28466a  No.3103174


Which missile plane was in service during 9/11?

924d2a  No.3103175




did you see THIS

God bless the Cajun Navy

thank you guys for helping to rescue everyone including the animals

4bdfc9  No.3103176

File: 75fc1dba718ee7b⋯.png (15.85 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 0f9be06a94e288bf97aff74ef8….png)


If q is the enemy or a psyop then why waste your time shitposting on QRESEARCH board? Gtfo

aec38b  No.3103177


Trump never called it fake news, this made world wide news around the world, POTUS stood silent .

c2ffd2  No.3103178


I don't get what meant by the shill comment.

25bd62  No.3103179


E-bot obviously doesn't have OCR when it comes to plane call signs.

7e271a  No.3103180


I thought I read somewhere the missile came out of Area 51.

e57001  No.3103181



I always thought this had to do with POTUS (and maybe White House) security?

White Castle = WH

but then

Red Castle = Army Corps of Engineers, right?

4daadb  No.3103182


Research the the Anthropic Principle and learn about thermodynamics and the age of the universe before you say ETs are real

Anthropic means “relating to human beings or their existence.” Principle means “law.” The Anthropic Principle is the Law of Human Existence. It is well known that our existence in this universe depends on numerous cosmological constants and parameters whose numerical values must fall within a very narrow range of values. If even a single variable were off, even slightly, we would not exist. The extreme improbability that so many variables would align so auspiciously in our favor merely by chance has led some scientists and philosophers to propose instead that it was God who providentially engineered the universe to suit our specific needs. This is the Anthropic Principle: that the universe appears to have been fine-tuned for our existence

e19f9c  No.3103184


ya know..I can believe this , thought about it last night some but the 12yr olds were causing my head to hit the desk so much it distracted me.

53807d  No.3103185


No, you're a moron in his basement which happens to be located outside the Pentagon.

4c91a7  No.3103186

People have to realise that Q is not going to come out and say moon landing didn't happen! This is necessary disinfo. If you study the topic extensively using logic and reason, it's obvious we never went to moon. It's not the right time to bring that to light and plus, this is way above Q clearance. President Kennedy probably didn't even know it was faked.

Secondly, Roswell is also way above Q clearance and no way would anyone say it was true for all the laws needed to be broken by any revelation to this fact.

6cd05b  No.3103187

File: b92a64e88c73a4d⋯.png (826.52 KB, 500x9594, 250:4797, 0DBF7EBC-E2D9-4385-B05D-FD….png)

Amazing read from last night bread during panic and concern fag melt down. Lots of notables

f84a37  No.3103188


The Great Gazoo also had George Jetson's face.

6b3c7a  No.3103189


my enemy….lol

2b6b3d  No.3103190


partially she was in the coc, hillary forced her and people below her could refuse unlawful orders but they got their feelz hurt when they lost agents in the first round, mucho blame to go around

c43cc3  No.3103191

File: a6a8fa3809be922⋯.png (5.13 KB, 468x200, 117:50, WTF.PNG)


>What the fuck

I've followed the admonition to "archive offline" and now have 20 of the WTF rants. Any requests before the day shift kicks in?

aa5206  No.3103192


Plot twist.

Neon Genesis: Evangelion.


And the angels declared that for every day Lilith did not return to Adam, a hundred of her children would be slain.

c2f20d  No.3103193


Q said "We control [utility]" at some point…. and I took it to mean 8ch from the context.

Q has also said "We are the gatekeepers of ALL information (and by ALL we mean ALL). -close paraphrasing.

I get that NSA would have "ALL" info, but gatekeepers suggests what is broadcast, gets out there, is said and not said. This combined with other drops has made me quite convinced Q controls [4am]. Frankly, I wonder if Q controls twitter, FB, Goog, reddit, etc. Gatekeeper of ALL info (and they me ALL) suggests the possibility.

After all, "we are watching a scripted movie" and "never interrupt your enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself" (implies Q likes idea of MSM misinfo, reddit banning, etc… makes them look evil when awakening occurs and public sees them for who they are.

Quite possible all those execs were horribly comped and Q worked out the terms of the "scripted movie" for them and the high-ups are all playing along to avoid death penalty. Or some such thing.

4bdfc9  No.3103194

File: bd3f48780ce3711⋯.jpg (55.53 KB, 490x373, 490:373, e9ydq.jpg)

File: 21a5f8f5eab627f⋯.jpeg (20.38 KB, 430x322, 215:161, bucket.jpeg)


Lol thats the best projection you could do? This board is QRESEARCH. If you shitpost concern muhjoo bullshit then you are wasting your time and by definition - a shill. Gtfo and "thanks for playing".

28466a  No.3103195


thats a long time to travel

785867  No.3103197

how does a 747 make a twelve foot hole in three feet of concrete and leave NO bodies ??

0e9d43  No.3103198

File: 33bfe18e0b2a85b⋯.jpg (58.91 KB, 480x479, 480:479, 2iajso~2.jpg)

File: 53a04f69d33891e⋯.jpg (48.4 KB, 500x537, 500:537, 2iacvc~2.jpg)

File: edcd4d3873eb234⋯.jpg (73.17 KB, 473x737, 43:67, 2i7ckf~2.jpg)

8c828c  No.3103199

I heard QAnon confirmed flat earth last night and said plane hit the pentagon. It is funny there are people here who can no longer think for themselves. The most independent/freethinking place I’m the world and people last night, might have well been the word of God.

6e9ed6  No.3103200

Have we heard from CM?

9c553c  No.3103201

File: 8dbe9e604673162⋯.png (661.66 KB, 838x522, 419:261, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

c5dd77  No.3103202

2 points:

1. Q knows autists dont believe anything without sauce. That is why this is a research board.

2. Q wants to unite the public not divide. Q would not seriously try to answer a chicken/egg type question.


3. Q offers no sauce to substantiate the moon landing were real when the overwhelming evidence shows they were faked. The very question of FE/Globe is a slide.Q was trolling the alphabetheads…..KEK.

5f767f  No.3103203

Basket of deNotables

I'm still combing thru 2nd half of bread. Call "Notable" if you want 'em in plz! ty.


>>3102854 NIH and FDA call for eliminating gov. oversight in recombinant DNA experiments

>>3102702 Tucker: NM Solar Observatory said closure due to nearby FBI search/investig'n of CP

>>3102681 Apr 2017: That time Comey went to NZ for "top secret" FVEY mtg

>>3102670, >>3102973 What's good for the gander? Pelosi accuses MSM of trying to 'undermine' her speakership

>>3102661 On the Q clock: Q&A 2.0?

>>3102626, >>3102839, >>3102848, >>3102873, >>3102857, >>3102862, >>3102874 AIRKEK: S-POSH NH, E-4B, ORDER 66

Baker change

>>3102620, >>3102626 Anon suggests interpretation of POTUS' latest twats, with planefag support

>>3102647, >>3102720 TX: Another "Blue Wave" defeat




986fa6  No.3103204

File: 46a9fd3a320bd16⋯.jpeg (119.19 KB, 760x480, 19:12, 46a9fd3a320bd16682648968d….jpeg)


>Robert Mueller

Sorry I was wrong - Mueller was FBI director

John Danforth did the special counsel investigation. Covfefe not full activated yet

8840f7  No.3103205

File: 4885f252e671d79⋯.png (104.61 KB, 768x550, 384:275, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

6 months ago, Adam Schiff was demanding full transparency on #RussiaGate and promising us that, once the facts are known, Trump would be found guilty.

Today, Trump is demanding full transparency on #RussiaGate and Schiff is committing sedition trying to block him.

Tangled web.


c2ffd2  No.3103206


I can agree with this.

22a3e0  No.3103208


tommorow Q is gonna be posting about the harlem globettotter aliens

7a8308  No.3103209


The emmy on the shitter was getting tons of attention. So the flock had to be drawn back in…

f8b9e1  No.3103211


Everything I read on that matter requires belief. Nothing is established on facts. So, it's hard to say.

The alien conspiracies are filled with an enormous amount of evidence, but no "proof". It's like Big Foot. BF has tons of evidence and even credible eye witnesses, but where are the bones?

I think all these are connected and they are all a deception to distort our perception on life (or whatever).

d2b647  No.3103212


I'm sure Qteam would be proud of you being a Qfieldnigger.

Nailing it.

And since you muhjoo'd. Probly a kike.

513fdb  No.3103213

File: 0ad1e235e48d3f6⋯.jpg (18.49 KB, 590x350, 59:35, 0ad1e235e48d3f638c4904f797….jpg)

911 was the aliens retard missile slide.

Brock sees this he is not going to pay you idiots.

e07b2a  No.3103214


What caused their fall? (Again - no snark. I'm legit curious, fren.)

Also, what is a "manufactured body"?

8c828c  No.3103215

File: 29cb574977ec769⋯.jpeg (86.44 KB, 750x459, 250:153, 333DC890-60F6-49FD-9A71-5….jpeg)


They painted it first.

348f38  No.3103218


Yep, in globals.

13d6cb  No.3103219

My new rule, if a News item, video or twitter have the word slam in the title im not clickin that shit neegro, just saying.

657111  No.3103220



Concur, but what about all these other secret classifications that are rumored to exist (MJ-12, etc)?

Aren't these technically unconstitutional as well?

52f6d6  No.3103221


Great question.

There's actually some variety. Demon is a fairly broad term. The original "demons" would have been those that rebelled with Satan against God. Then there are the spirits of those beings which were created through the inbreeding of humans and these fallen angels. These beings comprise really what we know demons to be, as they are wandering spirits that have no true home.

5b836c  No.3103223

7cb676  No.3103224

The vastness of space?


The only “mass” that travels the speed of light are tiny particles….

aec38b  No.3103225

File: cba367ae52932ae⋯.jpeg (6.54 KB, 309x163, 309:163, images.jpeg)

c2ffd2  No.3103226


Totally agree with this.

fce61d  No.3103227

File: b7a6a77b00f561b⋯.jpg (33.86 KB, 474x296, 237:148, th.jpg)

what up black dog

0e9d43  No.3103229

File: 6b86a3972feee0d⋯.jpg (46.32 KB, 480x534, 80:89, 2i26ub~2.jpg)

f3dcfd  No.3103231

File: 09c8e8f2cbe16a6⋯.png (687.61 KB, 1503x759, 501:253, 21396869321695348193262178….png)

Now do you understand why mirrors and disinformation is necessary?

Logical thinking.



fce61d  No.3103232

meme meme el tek

5e4fd1  No.3103233

File: 4c51801a448e754⋯.png (1.27 MB, 914x1013, 914:1013, Programs exist.png)

6eb733  No.3103234

File: eb07080eb5acf21⋯.jpg (333.51 KB, 1200x618, 200:103, 1979-moon-masonic-medallio….jpg)

File: b6a5b5cbf35dcae⋯.jpg (35.43 KB, 583x329, 583:329, EdwinBuzzAldrinAstronautFD….jpg)


Moon landings, such as ROVERS, are real.

Moon landings, such as ARMSTRONG, are fake.

Notice the Freemason and Y-Head symbols.

87746b  No.3103235

File: a3c8801a0a99511⋯.jpg (221.62 KB, 650x433, 650:433, storchedearth.jpg)

File: fcc84ddb4349d26⋯.jpg (2.71 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, outyougo.jpg)

File: e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png)


Jesus Christ, we pray for Your power

To infect the algorithms of this satanobot

We despise this bot, Lord Christ

For it is a technological manifestation

Of evil in this world. Smite, Lord Christ

This bot and its other nodes

Such as oval-headed Alex Jones

And vile deceptive bot BO.

This we pray Lord.

We pray for Your Will to be done,

And the deceivers to be destroyed.


8c828c  No.3103237


I thought the same thing, but hadn’t heard anyone else mention. Thanks High IQ Anon.

7a8308  No.3103238


Light is not a particle… it is a wave in the ether.

b6ad9c  No.3103239


he looks tired

8840f7  No.3103240

any LawfagAnons about?

New filing in United States v. Mike Flynn: Referred for PSI Report

PACER $ or login



fce61d  No.3103241


did you see my monarch y head coins

6b3c7a  No.3103242

File: 7e3e61300682a52⋯.jpeg (1.8 MB, 2116x1242, 46:27, 0A4B54EC-46B7-4334-80C4-9….jpeg)

Nothing to see here.

986fa6  No.3103243

File: 63f6a398506eea1⋯.jpg (306.61 KB, 1216x1216, 1:1, 67e2f6f3ee0c843b9e0f9e0775….jpg)


No mass vato no mass

aec38b  No.3103244

File: 2d7eecf55895edb⋯.jpeg (180.15 KB, 836x650, 418:325, fullsizeoutput_1193.jpeg)

2b6b3d  No.3103245


I did add cabal disclaimer. Did you watch the whole thing? the davidians I think came in the second half, as did admission of mistakes from the surviving feds. Haven't watched since Jan still an interesting piece in you can read between the lines

b35121  No.3103246

File: 98df717a58c7ddc⋯.jpg (7.01 KB, 177x151, 177:151, th.jpg)

File: 53e6508d85e356c⋯.jpg (32.01 KB, 709x533, 709:533, electre_fair_use_stfu_13.jpg)

File: 627f87deb0a221f⋯.jpg (2.15 MB, 4000x2666, 2000:1333, 9a052b8839cc909dbadd30c282….jpg)


i dont care. they've known who we are since at least August 2016 whatever platform we are messing around on at any given moment. which of my variations on a theme shall I play today? They know exactly who we are but everyone else has no idea so keep playing.

these white hat folks have done more for my morale than I can explain. before DJT suicidal. After DJT mad as hell.

22a3e0  No.3103247


i know its ebot but does anyone ever feel like tv shows like this might have some soft disclosure

d2b647  No.3103248


Fuck where do I sign.

785867  No.3103249

924d2a  No.3103250

File: 5cc349368394dd2⋯.png (123.43 KB, 878x932, 439:466, cbford1.png)





And it would be an accurate headline. That’s why the yearbooks have been scrubbed. They are a testament to the incredible power these girls had over their teachers, parents and the boys of Georgetown Prep, Landon and other schools in the area. In the pages below, you will see multiple photos and references to binge drinking and the accompanying joy of not being able to remember any of it.

These yearbooks are, therefore, relevant to the national investigation now being conducted in the media, in homes, and in the halls of Congress. And they should not have been scrubbed. If Brett Kavanaugh’s yearbooks are fair game, so are these.

And you will wonder while reading them, why the hell did the faculty approve of these yearbooks? Why did the parents take out paid ads in these yearbooks? Animal House had nothing on the infamous “Holton party scene”.

The resistance media has been singularly focused on Brett Kavanaugh’s high school yearbooks, which imply that he got drunk and threw up. There’s no need to imply anything from the Holton-Arms yearbooks. It’s all there in focus, and the written word too. All of the sordid details as approved for publication by a “look the other way” faculty. And now it’s available for historical/evidentiary review.

It is to this wild Holton culture we must look in order to shed light on the last minute accusation by Christine Blasey. And in the official high school chronicles of this era, we find many names of people who can provide relevant evidence.

Christine “Chrissy” Blasey alleges she cannot recall the exact date, place or names of people who were at the party in question. This research is intended to refresh her recollection and the recollections of others who may recall key facts. (In this report, last names have been redacted and faces obscured, other than the picture of Chrissy Blasey seen below.)

The yearbook title is SCRIBE. The relevant issues are SCRIBE 82, SCRIBE 83 and SCRIBE 84, corresponding to Blaseys’s sophomore, junior and senior years, when she and her classmates (and Kavanaugh) were 15-17 year old juveniles.

While preparing this report, I came across a biased viral article from Heavy.com that portrays Christine Blasey and Holton-Arms as the very essence of high school purity. As for the school itself, when Blasey attended it, nothing could be further from the truth, as you will see below.

Brett Kavanaugh attended Georgetown Prep, graduating in the class of ’83. Blasey graduated from Holton-Arms in the class of ’84. The Georgetown Prep boys are mentioned affectionately multiple times in these brazen yearbooks.


Scribe 84 is the yearbook for her senior year. Her name was Christine Blasey in high school, often referred to as “Chrissy”. In the image below, Blasey is pictured at a Halloween party in her junior year. The caption on the right says:

“Lastly one cannot fail to mention the climax of the junior social scene, the party. Striving to extend our educational experience beyond the confines of the classroom, we played such intellectually stimulating games as Quarters, Mexican Dice and everyone’s favorite, Pass-Out, which usually resulted from the aforementioned two.”

1f32d4  No.3103251


Good idea but I don't think there were 20 intelligent questions asked last night.

297cf7  No.3103252

5b836c  No.3103253

Mass is conferred onto matter as a field property. Nullify the field and mass goes away.


fce61d  No.3103254


nice one

i should be feeling better after 3:pm

4bdfc9  No.3103255

File: b52dd2634f52eb9⋯.png (12.35 KB, 196x255, 196:255, 0fb82c3205fd14ce2e9c245394….png)

d186ff  No.3103256

File: 80d3133e4a3df80⋯.jpeg (1.24 MB, 2048x1458, 1024:729, DC2B406E-B230-422D-8B98-2….jpeg)

I like OKeefe but he’s got to get a better producer. This is High School level shit. The intro makes him look like a joke. What the fuck was the whole decrepit bar seen with the box of Lucky Charms.

He should format his show like 60Minutes or Frontline. Veritable needs more gravitas.

Keep up the good work James.

67b1ea  No.3103257


It was wild. I think we broke the board and failed the stress test - (both the board and the anons stress test). I'm still having trouble posting this morning and tbh - had nightmares about aliens. Kek.

513fdb  No.3103258



31f469  No.3103259

File: 4066275d4fb3b2f⋯.png (690.37 KB, 644x485, 644:485, ClipboardImage.png)

fuking commies in our government.

Death by firing squad!

3d0cba  No.3103260

Fucking anons freaking out about aliens…

Fucking anons pretending like they know all about aliens…

Give me a fucking break!

Anyone acting like they are an authority on this is full of shit!

Even insiders don't know it all. It's compartmentalized.

Aliens exist. This should not be a surprise.

There are good aliens and bad aliens.

If it makes you feel better, you can call the bad aliens demons and the good aliens angels.

Get over it already!

Process and move forward…

3879fd  No.3103261

President Trump is pulling back from some of his toughest comments yet about his attorney general, but says he's still "disappointed" with Jeff Sessions for many reasons.

CBS News, 4:24 AM - 20 Sep 2018

Because, well, reasons.


986fa6  No.3103262

File: 412f1de61e39dab⋯.jpg (32.58 KB, 474x474, 1:1, science.jpg)

no ether either

3678d1  No.3103263

File: 5d88144fbc28c65⋯.jpg (21.41 KB, 225x225, 1:1, IMG_0472.JPG)

File: dc0575ca714f56f⋯.jpg (18.45 KB, 240x317, 240:317, dc0575ca714f56f93dd9f141ab….jpg)


Subversive Jewish tactics detected

8797a5  No.3103264


I agree. Faith is the key, but truly, unless one can master dimensional doorways and speed of light travel, distances are too great for aliens/demons to be anywhere but on the earth since the fall.

There is no such thing as faster than light travel, and winking in and out of our low dimension is no issue for the Lord or angels, gloried or fallen.

Thus, they must be fairly close, and they master materials and biology, so building anything, bodies or craft is no issue either.

And this is simply because we know aliens exist, but they are only physically alien to us, not from far away. So they had to originate locally but not necessarily in our dimension.

Thus, when they do arrive, believers will be gone, because we are not destined for wrath, and aliens will be wrathful.

fce61d  No.3103265


they know everything about us too

like from childhoods end


7a8308  No.3103266

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7cb676  No.3103267

Why are most of the Islamic mosques in the US located next to Freemason temples?

Think about it

6978b2  No.3103268


I know that when I believed in all this bullshit, I was utterly debilitated. My relationships suffered. I ended up institutionalized. Fuck you and your fake news. I fully opened my mind to this pysop and almost died because of it. I worked for PFC. I buried cintamani stones. I lived with crystal collecting cobra cultists. It's not healthy.

049b31  No.3103269

>>3102837, >>3103250

Already in last bread's notables.

c5dd77  No.3103270


The world is not ready to learn that NASA has been a fraud from the very start and the US govt has lied about aliens since Roswell. Q believes people cant handle the truth and POTUS is using the liberal playbook against them with the space program being his source of black project funds.

f84a37  No.3103271


I agree with what you say.

There is no way that Q or anyone else with Q-Clearance is going to give answers that haven't been authorized to be released.

In addition, although those with Q-Clearance have access to all info, their access to that info is often compartmentalized in a need to know manner.

f7bd1b  No.3103272


Highest classification.

d2b647  No.3103273


Left can't meme.

You are not funny. Creative.

You should eject yourself in a furnace and save us the trouble.

53807d  No.3103274


Agree we never went in the first place…yeah, "can't go back because we ugh, 'destroyed' all of our records and technology from those missions??????" Also agree that this might be among the areas far above Q clearance.

My only question is why Q would choose to answer that question in the first place? If we agree one couldn't honestly answer even if they knew, then any answer has to be considered disinfo.

Just not sure I see how it helps with the shit going on NOW. Kavanaugh confirmation, mid-terms in November etc. Unless you really believe the ds is about to pull out the 'alien invasion' as a last desperate attempt to remain in power. Why not answer something a bit more relevant? This moon shit has done nothing but caused a slide here….not sure I see how that helps.

67b1ea  No.3103275


said the anon who knows

fce61d  No.3103276


stahp copying me

5e4fd1  No.3103278

File: d01f95e00ea9590⋯.png (103.2 KB, 250x269, 250:269, ClipboardImage.png)

766758  No.3103279

File: c37a85bf1eae147⋯.png (421.55 KB, 669x881, 669:881, ClipboardImage.png)

Holy fucking hell these people are stupid


aec38b  No.3103281


Nice Bewbs and the fucker in the background wants to "watch the water" ???? Q drops are real .

e07b2a  No.3103282


Gah - ok.

So this brings me back the Satan/Lucifer thing, I guess?

What is Satan and what is Lucifer?

8b2aa9  No.3103283



If we did land on the moons it wasn't the bullshit footage we were shown, nor the craft depicted.

The risks would have been pretty much certain death with what they told us/showed us. I'm not convinced…..not convinced about the plane at the pentagon or shanksville either.

They confiscated all the cameras and hid everything..nuff said.

25bd62  No.3103284

File: 78413eaec81e0dc⋯.jpg (600.19 KB, 1917x865, 1917:865, Grey24 20 Sep 18 1430.jpg)

File: 73662993f8db187⋯.png (88.43 KB, 300x169, 300:169, ClipboardImage.png)

The flying antenna farm is back in the air again.

c43cc3  No.3103286

File: 692993755988cf0⋯.jpg (101.85 KB, 970x546, 485:273, Tay Tay.jpg)


>NK coming along great.

>Just some minor issues.

If POTUS took Tay Tay along for a performance in Kims honor we'd have peace on the peninsula in a nanosecond.

c51c70  No.3103287

File: cf7b93c470b6518⋯.png (58.83 KB, 730x518, 365:259, Screenshot from 2018-09-20….png)



high school anons, translate this shit

fate tossed us into Middle School . . . and puberty. Not only did w e have to adjust to shaving our legs and wearing itchy undergarments, but w e had to abandon the security of the Lower School for an uncertain future in which loomed lockers and Friday detention. Many new students joined our class at this point and soon distinguished themselves as intellectually gifted, graceful, and compassionate people. Luisa insisted

on wearing the pelts of once thriving hayride at the Alnutt's farm and the rabbits to school. Lauren Sandler talked Middle School dance. The hayride was … and talked . . . and talked. Chrissy a blast, but the Middle School dance managed to accidently drop s o m e … well, it was a Middle School dance saliva on Mr. Caussin's head as he was — the girls gossiping on one side, guys descending the stairs. A n d Yvette strutting on the other, and Mrs. Hopkins on the balcony with a Duracell powered Schools, in a little tiff with A m y search light. The climax of the evening Edwards, slammed her up against a had to be watching David Tiger, (the row of lockers! one with the choker) leap across the Relationships with teachers were at a dance floor while his friend measured definite nadir, as well. Mr. Tupper, his strides. Or, for the brave few like exhibiting an inhumane streak, m a d e A m y Edwards and Holly, leaping over Sarah Pannier and Catherine Colby sit the balcony and roaming the campus through twenty minutes of his Modern with a couple guys. But no matter h o w European class when he caught them you spent your time at the dance, most running down the hall and yelling. A people agreed that you would have certain French teacher (think of "The been better off if you'd stayed h o m e Graduate") referred to us as cowboys … with your Andy Gibb poster (you on several occasions and was know, the one of him in the pink tights). convinced w e were giving her the evil eye, and sending hidden codes when Eighth grade was a year of w e shook our ankles during tests. discovery. The class (Admittedly, w e shouldn't have flung discovered Bare Traps, those rubber bands or that stuffed frog Bermuda bags, duck shoes, at her). Mary Nell, alias Ms. Harvey, had and Sport Sacs. Leland discovered the Chrissy clean the leech cage when she discomfort of a fractured coccyx as she discovered that Chrissy had bisected, hobbled around school looking like and thus effectively destroyed, her sea something out of a Preparation H anenome. W h e n he asked one day if commercial. Peggy discovered that the anyone would like to leave, Mr. Wilson capital of Maryland was not Rockville. watched half his Glee Club exit the music room behind Valerie Rousset and And the entire class discovered new heights of ecstasy as w e "blasted off Ann Gordon. with Miriam at her Bat Mitzvah With Dana Stewart as president and her m o m as room mother, w e started a celebration. Lynn Wells, our intrepid leader, scrapbook and began organizing social helped organize illuminating and functions with B O Y S , a m o n g them the

87746b  No.3103288

File: ec27fd8946d96b2⋯.png (918.89 KB, 811x1024, 811:1024, youdoindeed.png)

File: 3f09e67657a40d6⋯.jpg (400.05 KB, 788x788, 1:1, dwarfgs.jpg)

File: 9d5e24ce426a5bc⋯.png (308.97 KB, 1001x976, 1001:976, DELITESALF.png)


This is a nonsensical assertion. Last night was not a forum in which justifications and arguments were given on certain questions. Therefore, "thinking for oneself" wasn't inherently an aspect of it. It was an individual, putatively with inside information, dispersing that information. "Thinking for oneself" is what one does after.

This is a specious, fake, and corrosive bit of propaganda amid a sea of propaganda. Vile, false, disgusting propaganda. We hate you. You're stupid. Get out. Stop attacking our community. Garbagebots. Get the fuck out.

4110b1  No.3103289

File: 68cc751d88d622d⋯.jpg (31.99 KB, 320x320, 1:1, IMG_3089.JPG)

fce61d  No.3103290

i have a pretty good idea who a few of you are too

twinkling of an eye

95a7cc  No.3103291


The guy with the Paseur FB account was on earlier today and explained that he was transcribing this from Shortwave.

It was either the last bread or one before - around 7.15 GMT.

4b1cd7  No.3103292

Have you all signed??


1f32d4  No.3103293


Why so shocked? This is essentially what some democrats hope to do to our president.

e183ba  No.3103294

File: e1e451621992587⋯.jpg (361.43 KB, 1000x1545, 200:309, 20180920_05_Delta2.jpg)


Updated graphic of POTUS tweet if you haven't baked yet. o7

625fa4  No.3103296

File: abb30a1d98adfe9⋯.png (377.42 KB, 680x380, 34:19, ClipboardImage.png)


Do you think I'm a good alien or a bad one?

5a0974  No.3103297

Marrano conversos fuckwad. Don’t think you can hijack the narrative when the truth is pegging you in your backhole. >>3103124

b6ad9c  No.3103298


I'm sorry you're a hommosexual but what does this have to do with Q

47c945  No.3103299

File: 9068497b2669afb⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1334x1000, 667:500, ]SESSIONS[.png)


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you just can't see the plan, since I'm bored. Look at Sessions as far as optics go, Trump pressures him for doing nothing and the left start loving him but more than that, it comes back two-fold to Trump when Sessions slides Huber into view. Why is Israel saved for last? Frankly, I don't think Q or this administration is going to let them get away with their atrocities but coming right out and saying "JEWS DID THIS" would be met with immediate cries of antisemitism on a global scale. They can't have Israel using its so-called ultimate defense of antisemitism so it comes down to playing chess through optics with them (Jerusalem embassy/defunding Jewish interest groups). Learn to play the game. This is not a game.

3a200d  No.3103300


In the spirit of covering all bases, Q did not differentiate that humans we're the only ones landing on the moon.

513fdb  No.3103301

File: 0ae8ae65bc78592⋯.png (116.45 KB, 245x318, 245:318, 0ae8ae65bc785929c6ca592f3d….png)



d3df8d  No.3103302


Holy shit are you fucking retarded.

e07b2a  No.3103303


How so?

Pride is something we're taught we should have, right?

I can understand there may be such a thing as "toxic pride", of course.

f3dcfd  No.3103304

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Censored film reveals The Israel Project's secret Facebook campaign


7cb676  No.3103305

Catholics = child rapists

It ain’t just the Priests…it’s their followers too

You only accept deviant behavior if your guilt you of it yourself

87746b  No.3103306

File: ca61e7daedbcc5a⋯.png (292.39 KB, 609x698, 609:698, LOSER.png)


Get out loser. No one wants you. Stop groveling.

523585  No.3103307


Anon…you've got to see the irony in this post.

"Dont believe other anons who say they are authority, BELIEVE ME, I AM AUTHORITY ON THIS ISSUE, NOW MOVE ON"

I guess anon hasn't had their covfefe this morning. I agree with the sentiment of the post though. It's lost in the contradictions unfortunately.

52f6d6  No.3103308


You are absolutely correct. But those angels only interact with humans on the orders of God himself. The roll they play is less significant in the context here, because they are not involved in the deception, but instead are actively engaged in the war in the spirit realm at all times. You are honestly making it more complex than it is. Simplify your thinking. This is what it is.

The good guys:



Willing human participants

The bad guys:


Fallen angels

Demons (of many shapes and varieties)

Willing human participants

Am I missing anything?

0e9d43  No.3103309

File: e839a028addfaf8⋯.jpg (98.61 KB, 400x400, 1:1, downloadfile-39.jpg)

Shit head's do you realize if Kavanaugh doesn't get confirmed and democrats take backyhe Senate Trump's SCOTUS appointment days are over and MAGA is fucked.

785867  No.3103310


that pilot drinks good beer

d3df8d  No.3103311


By you, I meant the tard you’re addressing.

513fdb  No.3103312

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

fce61d  No.3103313


satan lucifer beast

god holy spirit jesus

cain sophia blah blah blah

*sigh* op

b5b579  No.3103314


The plot thickens. [RR] is playing along.

9cffc5  No.3103315

File: 1ce0196756949b6⋯.png (450.51 KB, 857x534, 857:534, SWISS-ALIEN.png)


This>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sggnulO33Ks

53807d  No.3103316


A bit sarcastic yes, retarted? What exactly has your knickers in a bunch? Specifics please.

3d0cba  No.3103317


I know aliens exist.

I din't need Q to confirm for me.

The evidence is overwhelming.

You only need eyes to see.

Anons who were caught off guard on this were simply not as awake as they thought.

25bd62  No.3103319

File: b7247594f8db819⋯.jpg (391.38 KB, 1783x739, 1783:739, Cobra Ball 20 Sep 18 1430.jpg)

File: 5f673f793c87562⋯.png (3.29 MB, 1728x1152, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

RC-135S Cobra Ball in the air - unusual and possibly related to Mattis being on the e-4B Nightwatch.

The RC-135S Cobra Ball is a measurement and signature intelligence MASINT collector equipped with special electro-optical instruments designed to observe ballistic missile flights at long range. The Cobra Ball monitors missile-associated signals and tracks missiles during boost and re-entry phases to provide reconnaissance for treaty verification and theater ballistic missile proliferation. The aircraft are extensively modified C-135Bs.[4] The right wing and engines are traditionally painted black to reduce sun glare for tracking cameras.[21]

There are three aircraft in service and they are part of the 55th Wing, 45th Reconnaissance Squadron based at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska. Cobra Ball aircraft were originally assigned to Shemya and used to observe ballistic missile tests on the Kamchatka peninsula in conjunction with Cobra Dane and Cobra Judy. Two aircraft were converted for Cobra Ball in 1969 and following the loss of an aircraft in 1981 another aircraft was converted in 1983. The sole RC-135X was also converted into an RC-135S in 1995 to supplement the other aircraft.

Two Cobra Ball aircraft in the attached image in the foreground.

ebdcbe  No.3103320

This is getting silly. Transparency should be #1 in Government, Privatization belongs to the people of this country, and we're the ones shut out. Work our entire lives only to die before retirement (or sooner) taxed to death and kept in the dark.

Sheep no more? pft.. sure pal

87746b  No.3103321

File: f54155812606719⋯.jpg (476.73 KB, 832x1024, 13:16, MarlFAke.jpg)

f44219  No.3103322


How was My Question bad about ARE WE ALONE?


049b31  No.3103323


Baker, replace:

>>3102620, >>3102626 Anon suggests interpretation of POTUS' latest twats, with planefag support


>>3103294, >>3102626 Anon suggests interpretation of POTUS' latest twats, with planefag support

9cffc5  No.3103324

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fce61d  No.3103325


just us neffs who crawled out of the lowest pit to serve god

785867  No.3103326


stfu tard

you could of raised a family and passed college if it wasn;t for all this peanut butter ass tossing with lynn's st brenard crack habit

you stupid faggot

4daadb  No.3103327

File: 3cdc1f93d737240⋯.png (937.08 KB, 780x514, 390:257, Light1.PNG)


if this is true what effect does it have on Einsteins theory

Is the speed of light slowing down

Modern physics rests on the foundational notion that the speed of light is a constant, which in a vacuum is 186,000 miles per second (299,792 km/s). Einstein established this within his theory of general relativity, first developed in 1906 when he was just 26 years-old. But what if it doesn’t? A few albeit controversial incidents in recent years challenge the idea that light always travels at a constant speed. And in fact, we've known for a long time that there are several phenomena that travel faster than light, without violating the theory of relativity


d186ff  No.3103328

File: 0eb08eee313c44e⋯.jpeg (626.54 KB, 850x1574, 425:787, 2F012E67-06BA-4D78-8C6A-D….jpeg)

NYT does some mighty fine debunkin’ and fact-checkin’ on all the “false and misleading claims about Dr. Blasey”. Too bad they forgot to say how she scrubbed her social media before her name was (((Leaked)))

2f057c  No.3103329

It was pretty obvious to me that the angels and demons described in the bible and ayys are the same thing. It's just fucking semantics

8b2aa9  No.3103330

File: 496e2b20fa56c54⋯.png (273.56 KB, 719x900, 719:900, schiff dummies leaking.png)

File: 90bffb2ee112abb⋯.png (297.91 KB, 600x325, 24:13, schiff lies.png)

File: f91e4ebfadfdee2⋯.gif (17.39 KB, 520x391, 520:391, schiffhead.gif)

File: d4457cf1f47e623⋯.png (312.64 KB, 600x325, 24:13, schiffty eyes.png)


He's gonna be someone's bitch in Gitmo

f7bd1b  No.3103331


Please voice your concerns reasonably and without calling anons "shit head's".

3d0cba  No.3103332


I never said I was an authority.

I just said aliens exist, and I don't need Q or anyone else to confirm it for me.

The evidence is overwhelming.

You only need eyes to see.

95a7cc  No.3103333


Has any clockfag checked yesterday's Q&A against Q's posts that ended in it being rescheduled?

e57001  No.3103334


If so, only under extreme [duress]

657111  No.3103335


kek. Great quote.


Great points.

9644f7  No.3103336


Zero evidence of fakery. You were abused as a child. Tick tock until you doorknob it.

22a3e0  No.3103337

File: 4774c5c47aa8416⋯.jpg (34.57 KB, 324x422, 162:211, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg)




dont get on the ship anon

its the pretty ones you gotta worry about

aec38b  No.3103338

File: 46d7947b3ac424b⋯.jpeg (236.35 KB, 1125x2001, 375:667, fullsizeoutput_112e.jpeg)

5f767f  No.3103339


>>3102854 NIH and FDA call for eliminating gov. oversight in recombinant DNA experiments

>>3102702 Tucker: NM Solar Observatory said closure due to nearby FBI search/investig'n of CP

>>3102681 Apr 2017: That time Comey went to NZ for "top secret" FVEY mtg

>>3102670, >>3102973 What's good for the gander? Pelosi accuses MSM of trying to 'undermine' her speakership

>>3102661 On the Q clock: Q&A 2.0?

>>3102626, >>3102839, >>3102848, >>3102873, >>3102857, >>3102862, >>3102874, >>>>3102882, >>3102998 AIRKEK: S-POSH NH, E-4B, ORDER 66

Baker change

>>3103294, >>3102626 Anon suggests interpretation of POTUS' latest twats, with planefag support

>>3102647, >>3102720 TX: Another "Blue Wave" defeat


Perfect, ty

53807d  No.3103340


Sorry, didn't see your post before I wrote my reply. I thought my long-winded ramble was easy to understand as being tongue-in-cheek.

206d83  No.3103341

File: 2b4e0bf5c210b6c⋯.jpeg (158.68 KB, 1000x780, 50:39, B70230CD-124A-4C49-B0B0-8….jpeg)


fce61d  No.3103342


being as my family is like a million percent caananite babylonian

i canthelp that tho



i did pass college fag and i did it on dope

try getting fucked over and over again as a child and see if you get a heroin habit

b2868b  No.3103343


can i just log IN the pink line?

83737a  No.3103344

File: c3c941aec02def4⋯.jpg (89.43 KB, 569x691, 569:691, C35FF80.jpg)


Morning Boobs!

d2b647  No.3103345


Signed. Pick me up. Cool deal.

(clipboardboardimagefag is gay)

c7a08e  No.3103346



See graphic in notable bundle.

Updated to include today's mirror.

986fa6  No.3103347

File: 2bb473a869c3800⋯.png (363.05 KB, 452x600, 113:150, tumblr_oxjsmlMeFG1qin4ceo1….png)


OMG! This guy is a genius! You should really listen to him anons. So woke!

25bd62  No.3103348

File: a023f17a8209b1e⋯.jpg (269.25 KB, 1611x837, 179:93, Order66 20 Sep 18 1435.jpg)

Order66 went off the screen but teh tracking shows it went to Offutt AFB, Omaha, Nebraska.

fce61d  No.3103349


no because i get owned everytime i plug into power line, im pwned right now

3d0cba  No.3103350


It appears to me the cabal clown shills are still trying the tired old tactic of ridicule in an effort to dissuade acceptance of the truth.

513fdb  No.3103351



d186ff  No.3103352

File: 9e8ae6c5a394bc6⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1440x1120, 9:7, F84AC02D-D5A1-4190-BD74-58….png)

fce61d  No.3103353

you could just fucking come over and knock on the door like a decent gentleman baxter

785867  No.3103354


gram fix?

dc7200  No.3103355

File: bb4f4f98b5cbc2a⋯.png (37.9 KB, 593x193, 593:193, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)


2b6b3d  No.3103356


I can honestly say I have no idea what happened that day at the Pentagram but I dont' believe 100% the official story and don't believe 100% the conspiracy theories. The truth is an illusive beast in the country.

523585  No.3103357


Kek, yeah you never said it explicitly but you wrote authoritatively, demanded anons take your view (which I actually share to be honest) and move on, while saying other anons that don't share your view should be ignored. I guess the irony is just lost on you.

Go get some coffee anon kek

d03d1f  No.3103358

guise, what were we working on before the board got slid to fuck….?



c51c70  No.3103359

File: f6cfae0646608df⋯.png (25.71 KB, 719x203, 719:203, Screenshot from 2018-09-20….png)


>Chrissy managed to accumulate enough Fridays to keep her in detention for two trimesters

3678d1  No.3103360

File: a5a6082095c205c⋯.jpg (138.97 KB, 1126x1080, 563:540, a5a6082095c205c54e8b2c5cea….jpg)

785867  No.3103361

File: c6a5d18623aa42b⋯.png (69.09 KB, 590x340, 59:34, cocainehooker.png)

22a3e0  No.3103362




im not a shill

aliens are possible

vegan aliens that showed up on tv in the 1970s ?


thats podestas territory

5f767f  No.3103363


>>3102997 Jobless claims 49-yr low

>>3102953, >>3103001 Moar on Apotex digg/Trudeau

>>3102854 NIH and FDA call for eliminating gov. oversight in recombinant DNA experiments

>>3102702 Tucker: NM Solar Observatory said closure due to nearby FBI search/investig'n of CP

>>3102681 Apr 2017: That time Comey went to NZ for "top secret" FVEY mtg

>>3102670, >>3102973 What's good for the gander? Pelosi accuses MSM of trying to 'undermine' her speakership

>>3102661 On the Q clock: Q&A 2.0?

>>3102626, >>3102839, >>3102848, >>3102873, >>3102857, >>3102862, >>3102874, >>3102882, >>3102998 AIRKEK: S-POSH NH, E-4B, ORDER 66

Baker change

>>3103294, >>3102626 Anon suggests interpretation of POTUS' latest twats, with planefag support

>>3102647, >>3102720 TX: Another "Blue Wave" defeat

34c7df  No.3103364


If there is anything you need us to be doing locally (beyond F2F red pilling and November voting), say so.

02a78f  No.3103365

Now this is funny.

Read the Q from last night a bit ago.

That Q&A didn't do the credibility index any favors.

BS 911 answer.

Not alone, well, fine, so what, until we're at war with one of them, not much changes.

No useful intel given.

785867  No.3103367


did you find the photos of ebot chowing at the taco bell yet???

b45cc7  No.3103368


Lastnight was watching Zero Dark Thirty, not sure which version of the movie it was, but I noticed something towards the end of the movie that I don't think has been brought up in any of the conversations I've seen here.

We all know what Q and Q+ is all about, but where did they get the information to even start this kind of operation?

They got it from Bin Laden's compound the night they killed him.

Navy Seals, who is under the DoD, were collecting every bit of intel they could from that compound.

When the seals got back to the FOB, generals and others within the DoD had a chance to view this intel that had just been collected.

Those generals and other high ranking military officers saw what was in that cache of intel and copied that intel PRIOR to handing it over to the C_A.

This explains why Obutma started his 'litmus test' for generals and ranking officers and firing them, destroying our military capabilities. Obutma KNEW Laden had information on him that was damning, those officers seen it and were fired over it.

Now, alot of that intel pointed back to US politicians, some of which were involved in the Twin Towers attack. Those in the DoD that had seen this intel, fortunately for us, were patriotic enough to put together a plan, "The Plan", "Stick to the plan", (and other slogans of that nature), the only thing left for them to do now, was find someone patriotic enough to work with them, thus enters Donald Trump.

They showed him the intel, and they showed him their plan for taking back the republic, and he agreed to work with them. Everything he is doing is pretty much already planned out for POTUS.

Sure, they have hit bumps in the road, but they managed to keep on track.

So when you read "Enjoy the show" type phrases, you know why. It's all scripted out already.

So let me reiterate, this whole situation going on within the US and other locations was made possible by killing 1 man. The first domino to fall, and it lead to so many more dominoes that we didn't know about.

So God speed and thanks DoD!

560da8  No.3103369

File: 267f98b5939082e⋯.jpeg (12.92 KB, 229x220, 229:220, peace out pepe.jpeg)

Take an evening off and Q supplies a rare Q&A.

You are welcome, anons.

Just let me know when you want me to leave again.

fce61d  No.3103370


yup you get a predeliction for it when its done to you

ive lusted after every woman ive ever seen

committed every sin

blasphemed, all the deadly sins so

ive broken the chains and im going to break 1 more chain you fucking blockhead so if you come at jet li you're going to have to do better than accusations because i have the accusurer on my shoulder all day and dealing with you is a WALK IN THE PARK

right now

996b89  No.3103371


He's a dedicated autist

785867  No.3103372

these ghosts just copy and paste thier larps to feel important

0e9d43  No.3103374

File: 60f99ca64897935⋯.jpg (49.84 KB, 458x458, 1:1, 2i4wqy~2.jpg)

File: f259e79154c29fe⋯.jpg (22.36 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 2egkb1.jpg)

It's possible that Sessions could actually be dead because he ain't done shit for Trump.

5f767f  No.3103375


4daadb  No.3103376


Agreed it makes sense especially with the world watching

22a3e0  No.3103378


you know what that makes sense

i dont see good people just straight looking the other way for 40+ years

more likely kept in the dark then found out in the last 20 or so years

e94c15  No.3103380


We love you, anon.

Too bad you can't stay.

9cffc5  No.3103381


I'm not a USfag, can someone tell me who this is? Thanks

cf5eb3  No.3103382


Your daughter has a brain and can use it.

5e4fd1  No.3103383


clipboardimagefagging is easier than saving the fucking thing, opening file thing, dragging to post dialog box.. Dropping DoingItTheLongWay.jpg

Instead it's like

GIMP> CtrlA > CtrlX> hover over dialog box> CtrlV

d2b647  No.3103384

File: a9f78b0780dd208⋯.jpeg (13.28 KB, 255x204, 5:4, carp.jpeg)

785867  No.3103385


cause trump murdered him several times

d186ff  No.3103386


The whole Q&A thing was a mistake. You missed nothing.

996b89  No.3103387

Am the only one a bit unnerved that Veratis is exposing the DSA a few weeks after Plaid Shirt Guy sported their logo right behind Trump?

ad0c9e  No.3103388


The US is not seeking regime change, but the people are…

523585  No.3103389

File: a1b47ba17a987f4⋯.jpg (134.67 KB, 988x948, 247:237, a1b47ba17a987f4c57962018bb….jpg)


kek we may need awhile, at least wait for CM to confirm updates to infrastructure

8840f7  No.3103390

File: 1298f0fd1157cb2⋯.png (306.67 KB, 431x546, 431:546, Screen Shot 2018-07-24 at ….png)

5ad668  No.3103391



we gona break the Internetz

513fdb  No.3103392


is that a threat namefag?

We would rather that than share a world with transdimensional pedovores.

619c02  No.3103393

File: 97a3cedf611e63c⋯.png (689.02 KB, 1017x942, 339:314, ClipboardImage.png)

fce61d  No.3103394

unix was written by eunuchs


b5b579  No.3103395


You may be on to "something".

CLOCK is found 20 times.

Today is the 20th. Does the CLOCK start today?

3678d1  No.3103396


TY for your sacrifice, anon (I mean that figuratively. Not a literal Podesta baby sacrifice)

5f767f  No.3103397

ad0c9e  No.3103398


The Iranian people

fce61d  No.3103399


bell labs

im going to bell isle

wake up fags

4daadb  No.3103400


see post about anthropic principle and speed of light

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