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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ze1c02b43c5fc1b06dad409388….jpg)

fdc850  No.3100193

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of violence only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of violence in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 09.19.18

>>3095226 rt >>3094846 ———----------——– 412,000 now.

>>3095105 rt >>3094804 ———----------——– False, moon landings are real.

>>3094565 ———-----------------------------——– Tracking 330,000 IPs which is causing extreme lag.

>>3094453 rt >>3093917 ———----------——– [RR] stand down due to K conf.

>>3094236 rt >>3093831 ———----------——– No. Highest classification. Consider the vastness of space

>>3093898 rt >>3093795 ———----------——– Yes

>>3093821 ———-----------------------------——– /CM/ pls divert more resources/bandwidth into board

>>3093784 rt >>3093306 ———----------——– None are protected. None are safe

>>3093508 rt >>3093293 ———----------——– In the end, all will be right

>>3093430 rt >>3093289 ———----------——– Billionaire(s) 187

>>3093270 ———-----------------------------——– Q&A

>>3093117 ———-----------------------------——– PANIC IN UK, DC, UK, DC

>>3093024 ———-----------------------------——– Castle lock

>>>/patriotsfight/266 —————–—————- Think of context ( Cap: >>3092071 )

>>>/patriotsfight/265 —————–—————- Got popcorn? ( Cap: >>3091915 )

>>>/patriotsfight/264 —————–—————- How about a nice game of chess? ( Cap: >>3091799 )

Tuesday 09.18.18

>>>/patriotsfight/263 —————–—————- Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein. ( Cap: >>3082716 )

>>>/patriotsfight/262 —————–—————- Truth to Power. Listen carefully. ( Cap: >>3079711, >>3079717 )

>>>/patriotsfight/261 —————–—————- WE SEE YOU. ( Cap: >>3078445 )

>>>/patriotsfight/260 —————–—————- GAME OVER. ( Cap: >>3078334 )

>>>/patriotsfight/259 —————–—————- DS PANIC IS REAL. ( Cap: >>3076552 )

Monday 09.17.18

Compiled here: >>3093355

Sunday 09.16.18

Compiled here: >>3065797

Saturday 09.15.18

Compiled here: >>3065785

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

fdc850  No.3100196


are not endorsements


>>2954845, >>2955152 #DeclassifyFISA <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes

>>3054499 TMZ article/FEMA director backs POTUS statement that fewer died in PR than reports


>>3098124 CodeMonkey Update on the server upgrades

>>3087072 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 (SPREAD IT)

>>3023169, >>3001747 BO/BV announces >>>/patriotsawoken/ as our SFW sister board

>>2993403, >>3079699 The OFFICIAL replacement for /r/greatawakening on VOAT (spread for the normies): https://voat.co/v/theawakening

>>2999802 Message from CM : New posting servers to help alleviate peak-time lag


>>3099561 SARA CARTER: FBI Had 2 Separate Sets of Books – One With Real Spygate Docs and Another For Appearances

>>3099572, >>3099574 SARA CARTER: DOJ/FBI Colluding to Defy Trump Declassification Order – Will Deliver Docs Next Week WITH REDACTIONS

>>3099799 General Flynn Predicted the QAnon Phenomenon - Got Popcorn?


>>3100171 #3922


>>3098703, >>3098853 Two important WH updates

>>3098704 Normies, think logically about the Q/Q&A

>>3098748 Grassley’s 2 page Letter solely to Diane Feinstein dated 9-19-2018

>>3098774 Immigration to U.S. from Third World, Islamic Nations Skyrocketed Since 2010

>>3098761 Resignations in the news today

>>3099122 Debauchery! Archive of Christine Blasey Ford's Yearbooks Before they were Scrubbed

>>3099386 #3921


>>3098580 Oakland City Council Passes ‘Abolish ICE’ Resolution

>>3098515 , >>3098560 Lawyer explains whistleblower case and 'partial unsealing'

>>3098404 New survey shows nearly half of Americans believe in aliens

>>3098254 , >>3098367 Focus on '>U1 funnel>>Canada>>X'

>>3098008 [think 'the football] & Comey suggests Mueller probe is 'in the last quarter'

>>3098621 #3919

#3919 (Baker change)

>>3097572 Dem calls for House uprising if Kavanaugh confirmed without hearing from Ford

>>3097565 POTUS Weighs In On The Single Worst Mistake In American History

>>3097530 Operation Human Freight Arrests

>>3097410 Spreadsheet Update

>>3097285 , >>3097512 Observatory closed due to CP?

>>3097248 Highest classification in NATO is named 'Cosmic Top Secret'

>>3097748 #3919

Previously Collected Notables

>>3092936 #3913, #3914 - #3918 suspended during Q&A

>>3090643 #3910, >>3091410 #3911, >>3092198 #3912

>>3088304 #3907, >>3089080 #3908, >>3089872 #3909

>>3085991 #3904, >>3086738 #3905, >>3087511 #3906

>>3083603 #3901, >>3084424 #3902, >>3085186 #3903

>>3081251 #3898, >>3082043 #3899, >>3082805 #3900

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

fdc850  No.3100202

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread —————- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 – META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 – QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 – New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 – Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>32223 –— Qs Chess Game

>>618758 –– Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>2518070 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #2

>>2399939 – Clockwork Qrange #3 & >>2021597 – Clockwork Qrange #2

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2878373 - Clockwork Qrange #4

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#47 >>>/comms/2450, >>3085316

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

fdc850  No.3100203

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.I.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!wrwxWYqZ!WfGoNq-17boQe67aLUN7EIPFqMr5hO6fq8F_SfwMCVc

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/387618488/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-I?secret_password=RqBLVofdGM5XUJfyYpNL

MEDIAFIRE: http://www.mediafire.com/file/hpm6xvwc5x0gi02/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.I.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

30 >>3038264 ; 29 >>2946736 ; 28 >>2732413 ; Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ———- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3032592

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

How To Bake: Video Tutorial >>3018667

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

fdc850  No.3100209



any bakers lurking? getting tired, good for another, not sure about 2

90e5d0  No.3100243

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"The fake Q movement says I'm this mossad agent and all this bullshit. I've never even been to Israel"

6f5eaf  No.3100245

File: e8f0e9a12585e34⋯.png (13.63 KB, 368x227, 368:227, Screenshot_2018-09-20 Q.png)

>Consider the Vastness of Space

>Do not force those not yet ready.

This could very well apply to many on the board as well. We're all in it together on this glorious blue-green rock.


c438c8  No.3100265

File: 2f5e3e04ff61d15⋯.jpg (269.32 KB, 1319x1015, 1319:1015, network tools on qmapdotpu….jpg)


Cool Tools on Qmap.pub

d1b598  No.3100267

>>3100183 go the fuck to bed then you know all the newbies and shills are everywhere today...... leaving pills is good for them. If you don't like the show change your fucking channel......faggot

5876f1  No.3100268


Will we get to meet the space visitors during trump's presidency?

Was Bob Lazar right about S4 and Groom Lake?

If we want to know about space visitors, who in the public has the most reliable info?

bd9b60  No.3100269

I believe that the reason Q finally dropped some info on the space programs and the existence of ETs is that a lot of people here are ready and the relevant information is about to come to light, through official public disclosure.

8d506e  No.3100271


#1: it does not have to be a jet airliner plane. Any 'plane' will do.

#2: stop giving jidf cunts ammo to control and divide anons.

#3: We are being handed DIRECT intel by folks in DC in the know. Patriots. Trust earned. You fuckers need to get a grip and wrap your head around it all, and think which weighs more. Your conjectures, or those whose friends and brothers in arms died in 9/11?

#4: Disinfo is also necessary. This Q&A from my perspective was a straight shot 100% with possible tangents down the road.

Q !UW.yye1fxo No.9

Jan 13 2018 22:18:18 (EST)



We are at WAR [@].



Do you TRUST the US Military?

Do you TRUST the Chain Of Command?










Let's review some shit:

Billionaire(s) 187.


Safety House Build.

U1 Funnel >> Canada >> X


Apparently trudeau is involved with killing off billionaire pawns and tying up loose ends. Little bitch has handlers who can provide the necessary means to do this + providing safe haven for terrorist/asset elements in his country (TREASON). Why are ISIS and muzzy elements being drawn into canada? He is also part of the uranium one network, selling off nukes and US sovereignty to highest bidder. pawn with brains and sense of a bird, perfect for a funnel.


In the end, all will be right.

Patriots protect Patriots.


Flynn is safe, all will be well. We are at war, and situation is dynamic. Distance yourself from movie like HW conditioned feelings and face reality. Patriots protect Patriots, all the way. No need to worry, fuck msm propaganda and provocations that lie.


Sexual misconduct is the 'public shelter' to accept resignation.

Watch those announcing 2020 P running.

"You cannot attack a political opponent"

None are protected.

None are safe.


These fuckers and traitors that are not running again or quitting are involved in even worse shit than just what they are being accused of publicly. Should be obvious.

They are being made to shut the fuck up and know their place - get the fuck out of the way. buried out of the political circles and no power for the rest of their lives under surveillance. who knows, some might have 'accidents'. No one gets away.




plane hit the pentagon. plane. of some kind. end of story.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 98088e No.3094236

Sep 19 2018 19:25:34 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 5948d8 No.3093831

Sep 19 2018 19:10:44 (EST)


Are we alone ?

Roswell ?



Highest classification.

Consider the vastness of space.


Anons noted that highest classification in NATO is COSMIC TOP SECRET (CTS). No coincidences. There ARE other intelligent/sentient being in the universe. There are 2 trillion galaxies in the universe, and it is EXPANDING and FORMING/DISINTEGRATING as we speak. Yes, we are not alone, 'aliens' be they according to our imagination or not, are real and are out there. Period.

Some say few are already on this earth - and that subconscious all seeing eye is the infection/possession. Your choice to believe that tidbit if you will.

Part 1/2

b6060f  No.3100272

File: c95b0a7b0c02b38⋯.jpg (174.51 KB, 1200x801, 400:267, c95b0a7b0c02b3861c0242faa1….jpg)

>>3100242 pb

Succinct as fuck, anon.

8d506e  No.3100273

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 98088e No.3094453 📁

Sep 19 2018 19:32:42 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 749576 No.3093917 📁

Sep 19 2018 19:13:38 (EST)

>>3093270 (lb)

Was moving the date back on POTUS FEMA "Presidential Alert" significant?


Due to K confirmation push.

Hand in hand.

[RR] stand down due to K conf.


Q confirms the FEMA test messages from POTUS rescheduling is due to K confirmations and RR standing down. Again, should be no surprises there. Fluid situation, stay on your toes.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 922952 No.3095105 📁

Sep 19 2018 19:58:13 (EST)

Anonymous ID: a16b71 No.3094804 📁

Sep 19 2018 19:45:34 (EST)


Did NASA fake the moon landings? Have we been to the moon since then? Are there secret space programs? Is this why the Space Force was created?


False, moon landings are real.

Programs exist that are outside of public domain.


Aka, we DID land on the moon in 1960s. Also, this does NOT mean the publicly proclaimed 'apollo program' was the actual effort. Think misdirection and actual vs publicly available info. NASA was/still is some of the most heavily guarded in terms of secrecy in the entire federal gov't structure (real information, not honey pots).

WE LANDED ON THE MOON, under various projects and efforts. Just not exactly as publicly advertised. Hence the confusion and potential for 'muh hoax'. anti-anything morons are being fed pig slops by controllers and love seeing what they want to see (excuse to bitch) vs what is actually true.

Same applies to UFO = most are terrestrial classified air/space craft operations by gov'ts and free individuals alike, REAL 'alien' issue is something else entirely I suspect.

Expand your thinking. Stop thinking in HW type of script. Life is not a fucking movie or a script. Truth is truth, and they don't want you anywhere near it. Most likely you will reject it even if you see it because you don't want to see it.

Lastly, Q confirms we had close to half a million unique IPs on this board from just those Q/A alone. We are reaching WORLD WIDE.

Hope no one has any confusions now.

Part 2/2 end.

2d2bab  No.3100274

Honestly, Q saying a plane hit the Pentagon ruins it for me. Calling BS on that one kek

379ddf  No.3100275

File: 84d5c8dd793cfc7⋯.png (586.83 KB, 2576x1324, 644:331, ClipboardImage.png)

054fde  No.3100276

File: 30cdcdeb42b74a2⋯.jpg (103.38 KB, 888x500, 222:125, QSpaceforcequote.jpg)

37b5cf  No.3100277



You are trying way too hard.

66a6c6  No.3100278

Anons gotta remember this is a chess match…Q and team make 1 move…declas fisa….msm tries to keep people preoccupied with kavanaugh conspiracy…while schumer and pelosi try and squash the fisa unclassification….they made their move and not a very good one at that….the october suprise/red october is right on schedule

Q broke the internet earlier…..cannot believe how bad the board was….normies suck

5c2ef4  No.3100279

>>3100258 (pb)

Given appropriate resources, I could manage the construction of a hardware/software industry that required no IT field at all. The way interfaces (hardware and software) are designed is ludicrous at best and criminal at worst.

11d9ea  No.3100280


My tripcode was hacked, and the Q&A comments posted earlier were from the hacker.

I'll be making a new tripcode and posting to /patriotsfight/.

8d506e  No.3100281


way too many normie niggers.

4c69a3  No.3100282

File: 0a8b27287704fae⋯.png (145.71 KB, 413x549, 413:549, FAA5A245-9467-4516-9797-33….png)

File: 6706f38ba3defdb⋯.png (1.29 MB, 960x1087, 960:1087, 3B955708-7FAD-4B80-AE5F-67….png)

File: 3ec917855c280fe⋯.jpeg (35.95 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 77EFDE24-93B5-4FFB-AADC-C….jpeg)

File: 019784a563c880a⋯.jpeg (383.22 KB, 750x935, 150:187, 659B6857-6712-4ACC-B5E4-7….jpeg)



I tell everybody all the time I like all bewbs.

Cant help it.

I just luvs /ourgirls/. Real and Right

Maybe some of the only great gals in this timeline.

I know the fellas appreciate it and fer real how often did Tits or GTFO really work?

Used to dig. But my niche now is atmosphere anon. Keepin NightCrewFags

Morale up is my thing.

It works I hope.

I shitpost, they dig.

Tell you what the legend grows.

DayCrew was hatin this morning.

Before jealousy, who can stand.

Kekkin It

02fd18  No.3100283


Put out a white paper.

3bf36d  No.3100284



Thanks Q!!

426a38  No.3100286

Q went full Neil deGrasse Tyson on us tonight. Muh particles and vast space.

6f5eaf  No.3100287

File: dfbc92894435faa⋯.jpg (127 KB, 319x480, 319:480, 1505753278405.jpg)


<not just posting to /patriotsfight/

883e99  No.3100288

Those of you comparing this shit to David Wilcox and Georgio from ancient aliens are falling right into their plan….

These people along with Greer were designed to redirect people’s attention toward conspiracy when the truth comes out. We just went through this with Alex Jones.

The control mechanism is extremely suffisticated and has been built up for decades with the goal of controlling all angles of information.

Why do you think we are here? Why do you think those people have all attacked Q at one point? Why did John Podesta make an appearance on ancient aliens?

All for a conspiracy? The war is for your mind. Get off your fucking knees humanity and learn

6b813e  No.3100290

File: a4ec7abdee965ab⋯.jpg (62.66 KB, 666x400, 333:200, b30gu81.jpg)

128b0b  No.3100291

File: 2a181c3434ecff0⋯.png (448.1 KB, 770x443, 770:443, chuck and nancy are we in ….png)

>>3100156 lb

379ddf  No.3100292


We are not alone, of course.

Think Creator.

Think Saints, Angels, Demons.

How could we be alone?

38dd58  No.3100293

File: 52c91f865c5d04a⋯.jpg (65.48 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Thank_You_Baker.jpg)

Thank You Baker!

ff74fb  No.3100294





Anyone familiar with Yuri Bezmenov?

Could this be what is happening?

Step Four: Destabilization - Unlike the period of "Crisis" the people (HRC, Obama, Bush, etc) who helped orchestrate the change are now no longer needed. The new overarching centralizes governmental model begins to take control. Leftist usurpers who initially thought they were going to be part of the new power structure begin to realize they were used and manipulated and they themselves become the new enemy. Because they have first hand knowledge of the agenda they are the primary target for elimination. They may be collected, imprisoned, or worse killed. There is no longer room for dissension. Dissent is only possible within the free system that has now been deconstructed. Therefore the leftist purpose is served once the destabilization is complete. Totalitarian Government takes control…

d460fc  No.3100295

What if Q is just shielding himself from future attacks ahead of the big event? May explain why he will bring up Hitler/nazis at seemingly random times as if he's trying to disassociate from them.

0a9349  No.3100296

File: 3b0ce3665b80c2f⋯.png (2.75 MB, 2732x2048, 683:512, 872C6C8B-FFE1-413A-A79C-3B….png)

>>3097962 (LB)

Shit is going to be like CENTENNIAL

22e406  No.3100297

File: 0a7ba7bfc92280b⋯.jpg (17.93 KB, 312x437, 312:437, 11391679_10206891525633475….jpg)

File: 4c5251004494729⋯.jpg (7.34 KB, 251x201, 251:201, sfgkghildty.jpg)

ET's Confirmed.

Billy Meier UFO case is the real deal.

I've read all of the Billy Meier "translated" contact reports. 668 of them. (many hundred haven't been translated yet)

Took me a year to get through all of them.

Any Questions ?

9aa272  No.3100298

>>3100086 lb

We have had a Secret Space Program for decades (Trillions missing from Pentagon).

There are many that say they were involved in trips to moon and that we have bases on Mars also.

Secret Space Program hasn't just been making circles around the moon all these decades.

426a38  No.3100299


Nice try guy. Everyone knows that's not the protocol.

379ddf  No.3100300

cb77b8  No.3100301


Who are the Karistus?

02fd18  No.3100302


Will wait for sauce.

b6ecc0  No.3100303

File: 8c53ea1ba9b0c92⋯.jpg (250.66 KB, 510x548, 255:274, gorilla_flippn_bird.jpg)


Let us help with that Q

549226  No.3100304

File: a2c078954535dcb⋯.jpg (359.58 KB, 971x627, 971:627, bill_swallow.jpg)


Well, let's think about this. He said yes to the question of "Did A PLANE hit the Pentagon".

He did not say that the plane that hit the Pentagon was AA Flight 77. It's possible it was a much smaller plane loaded with incendiaries or other substances.

c88f2a  No.3100305



>Honestly, Q saying a plane hit the Pentagon ruins it for me. Calling BS on that one kek

You sound like a shill kek

Fake AF kek

Many will be disappointed that truths don't match their version of reality kek

Grow up kek

b6060f  No.3100306

File: edf15f6c84f73be⋯.jpg (208.58 KB, 1024x741, 1024:741, edf15f6c84f73beacd95d7e4cf….jpg)


Think critically unless you're a last straw shill.

Do missiles have a "planing surface"?

5c2ef4  No.3100307


I'll do better than that. I'm not the only one working in this direction.

8d506e  No.3100308


Considering that apparently some of the highest bloodline members are being targeted?

No. I think Patriots are on target. There is a spiritual aspect to all this, and what Q team and POTUS is doing is directly againt [their] goals.

2c9668  No.3100309


2202e9  No.3100310

Prometheus is Lucifer. The plot of the movie is the Annunaki creation story.

They looked like us but were bigger and more advanced…made in their image..

We were made to be slaves / workers.

Truth doesnt mean a happy ending.

Jesus Christ… whoops too soon sorry.

51cdd5  No.3100311


I agree JA…

It’s all about perspective really.

Imagine you were born deaf and blind.

Seriously… really contemplate it for a moment.

Imagine how different the world would seem and how much harder it would be to learn or understand anything.

Is it possible that we are all deaf and blind in a metaphorical sense…


  “The Inhabitance of SPACE IN GENERAL


  This Work is Dedicated

  By a Humble Native of Flatland

  In the Hope that

  Even as he was Initiated into the Mysteries


  Having been previously conversant


  So the Citizens of that Celestial Region

  May aspire yet higher and higher

  To the Secrets of FOUR FIVE or EVEN SIX Dimensions

  Thereby contributing

  To the Enlargment of THE IMAGINATION

  And the possible Development

  Of that most and excellent Gift of MODESTY

  Among the Superior Races



5876f1  No.3100312


what is going on down in antarctica and when will the rest of the planet know?

ca8631  No.3100313


Makes sense

67e85a  No.3100314

>>3099441 (lb)

The fake ones. The tin foil hat crowd along with the MKUltra'ed freaks/SorosStooge/BrockBot/PodestaPedo/MossadMorons and assorted Alphabet polesmokers. They will not be missed. They are incapable of logical thought, push cabal bullshit, slide the breads and have been an overall detrimental distraction.

You will not be missed, either. Go back to your cave, troll.

549226  No.3100315

File: bd6285b47e7972a⋯.png (508.68 KB, 780x438, 130:73, ocasio_neigh.png)


BO please confirm or else please ban this retard

d734d1  No.3100316


No, the question was "Was the Pentagon hit by plane?"

There was no "A" Plane in the question.

37b5cf  No.3100317


It was hit by something that went through a shitload of walls. Look at the pictures. No plane did that.

22e406  No.3100318


They were never mentioned in the contact reports.

02fd18  No.3100319


Can you elaborate a little? Definitely sounds like you have an idea. Not sure how much you feel the need to protect.

484297  No.3100320

File: 99bbf52c0238a76⋯.png (40.68 KB, 892x600, 223:150, ClipboardImage.png)

f12b46  No.3100321

cb77b8  No.3100322


Who are the Vlash and Maitre?

549226  No.3100323

File: 84c22787f99c330⋯.jpg (84.17 KB, 760x570, 4:3, pepe_marshalls.jpg)


Oh, my bad. That doesn't change what I posted after that mistake, though.

bd9b60  No.3100324

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2cd886  No.3100325

>>3100227 (lb)

The whole thing is in relation to anon's question about the FEMA alert being pushed back. So really, three seemingly unrelated topics.

- FEMA alert

- [RR]

- K confirmation


70632f  No.3100326



4ab539  No.3100327


Possible. Hard to know, as we are anon. But just saying, if I had $5 for every time I have heard this, I would never have to work again.

b6060f  No.3100328

File: 7a7e8aed8f5f494⋯.jpg (20.72 KB, 400x277, 400:277, 7a7e8aed8f5f494c4e0b78fba8….jpg)


Don't be racist, anon. Their preferred pronoun is redditholes.

0df8a2  No.3100329

File: ce1cea2f7a447b3⋯.jpg (42.43 KB, 609x334, 609:334, boy cries wolf meme.jpg)

c8bde4  No.3100330

File: 49931365c8ca09d⋯.jpeg (104.64 KB, 750x442, 375:221, 7E2D76CB-C8F1-4FF0-9435-D….jpeg)

This explains a lot, JORDAN SATHER tweeting 4chan KEK! What a fag


70632f  No.3100331



354f6d  No.3100332



I saw this Joke coming

22e406  No.3100333


They also were never mentioned.

cb77b8  No.3100334


What Do you think is the most important message to share with us? From your reading.

549226  No.3100335


I agree. Airplanes are made out of thin aluminum sheeting over an aluminum or titanium skeleton. If it strikes masonry it will fucking melt. Plus the impact area has almost no damage where the wings of the 757 SHOULD have struck.

6f5eaf  No.3100337


I'd consider that it was brought up as a counter against some attempt at bluebeam or similar. It'd be logical if you'd intercepted chatter that they're actually setting up a bluebeam falseflag.

>Receive Bluebeam chatter hits

>Disclose some truth about ET

>if cabal actually tries to follow through, blast out a nah that's fake bluebeam aliums cabal production message

4e29b1  No.3100338

File: ab26635cb17b8fb⋯.png (42.1 KB, 906x387, 302:129, Capture.PNG)

agreed…………this is something huge…yet to come…..twiytc

78a650  No.3100339


Definitely spiritual. Spoopy, in fact

93b310  No.3100340


OK. Simple planetary observations are not your forte.

But thanks for baking…

No sarcasm.

If you ever want to learn more, check into sun's wobble, and how it matches the earth.

Amazing how easy it is to admit cabal controls so much, but when it comes to official science being still stuck on gravity as a plane (not to confuse with that missile=plane anon -kek) it somehow gets total acceptance without question.

Once you understand the scientific anomalies that are not explained about gravity, then you can open a few other doors of understanding. And i am not talking about FE crap, but with the cosmos. It all comes together, black holes and the science that "cannot be explained" by einstein mainstream physics. All you need to do is expand your thinking, most rules still apply…

Good luck getting mainstream science out of your head anon.

9aa272  No.3100341


A start could be Linda Moulton Howe who is a serious journalist who has been studying it for decades. YT

5bca55  No.3100342

>>3099122 (last)


Look at "Chrissy" in the first picture, with the other 2 girls' faces partially blacked out.

"Chrissy" is FUGLY. Brett would not want to be close to such an ugly girl. He probably told her to get lost, and she's been scarred by that all her life.

She lost some baby fat and learned how to look better in her adult pix. But back then, she just looked awful.

66a6c6  No.3100343

Next ?….where is JA….he has been quiet ever since his security guy got wacked and congress invited hin to testify….havent seen anything credible on him in a few weeks

3be740  No.3100344


Think how pants-shittingly scared you would be if you saw your face on that thing…

5876f1  No.3100345


the greek gods/elohim were real and they were depicted as human looking, because they were and created us in their image

read up zeus' flood, sounds a lot like yahweh doesn't it?

but read the epic of gilgamesh to find out who actually saved noah/ziusudra/duecalion/humans from the flood (hint, it wasn't yahweh)

af6d21  No.3100346

File: 7741e7fae0b20a5⋯.png (31.11 KB, 651x799, 651:799, 039764a1902750622e69a50a03….png)

>>3099713 (PB)

Confirmation is late this month right??

Thank You Baker!!!

ebd4cd  No.3100347

Is everyone ok with the NSA monitoring and traking everyone's IP address on here? I have believed Q from the beginning and I'm 100% for draining the swamp, but this is only ok if it is NEVER used with malintent. Is this how they get us to accept the surveillance state with open arms?

5c2ef4  No.3100348


Not interested in protecting anything. It isn't one idea. The idea is this: Given what we now know about computers, how should an entire ecosystem of computing systems be designed - hardware and software. Ignore ALL existing systems and design from scratch. Open source AND open specification with self-testing integrated; many implementations included. Without open specification and self-testing, any system can be corrupted by a sufficiently resourced adversary (cabal.)

It goes further but this isn't the place for more detail.

9dcd5e  No.3100349

File: 15fcf9ed3de79ed⋯.jpg (95.48 KB, 720x754, 360:377, 436431431y14y5451674516651….jpg)


Tell us about how the Saudis own the Federal Reserve and the Chinese own Hollywood, Alex.

Sayanim dont need to go to Israel.

ca8631  No.3100350

File: ed132a3edab024f⋯.jpeg (88.42 KB, 375x479, 375:479, Matthew11v29-30.jpeg)

5876f1  No.3100351


you're not Q, I want to know what Q says

4e29b1  No.3100352

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c438c8  No.3100353

File: 366f7d24bae0c76⋯.jpg (796.13 KB, 2655x1273, 2655:1273, POTUS DECLAS FISA 091718.jpg)




93b310  No.3100354


and sound of planes.

Holograms have great sound.

Heard at street level in person…

95e168  No.3100355



Hurricane Florence : NC ROFL

Rosenstein : Rosenboom

"K" = Kimbell.

Golden Bell.

Big things coming.

d7ea1a  No.3100356


maybe we haven't been pissing in the wind?

I think we may have converted the necessary amount of people to continue to the next phase.

128b0b  No.3100357


I would drop a deuce right where I sit kek

193447  No.3100358


Don't be fooled. Can you imagine what MSM would do to this movement if Q would say shit like aliens are reql and moonlandings are fake? Don't you realize how we all would be ridiculed? Think Posobiatch and AJ. This is not a fuckin game. If Q discloses ANYTHING of that magnitude it's 1) classified material which he didn't disclose in ANY way. He has dropped crumbs that we all put together with open source information. That is what it's all about. Not these fuckin Muh Moon/Aliens questions which are retarded anyway. It's good that he answered it the way he did because this are not important questions and i guess he tried to lay the fucks with their kiddy questions to fuckin rest. FOCUS ANONS.


cb77b8  No.3100359

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

22e406  No.3100360


We are all responsible for our own lives and what we do with it.

The same way Q says. Do your own research.

Trust yourself.

67e85a  No.3100361


Rosie O'Doughnut, is that you?

GTFO you fat pig.

31d9af  No.3100363

File: 7cac56235795d8e⋯.png (787.74 KB, 1259x709, 1259:709, Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at ….png)

fdc850  No.3100364


<gravity is a pressure

good luck figuring basic physics

5c2ef4  No.3100365


People exist who know this is not only possible, but exactly how to do it. I'm not going to be much more detailed about this until the dust settles more. After the cabal, the entire hardware/software industry needs to be replaced. It is compromised as fuck.

cb77b8  No.3100366


I appreciate your honesty and answers. Tyvm!

3be740  No.3100367


Yeah I totally want to have the aliens over. I bet they know how to party… Not the creepy greys but those fucking hot Nordic aliens from Pleiads or the inner earth babes… Dayam… Hope they don't look at me like some monkey in a zoo or whatever.

2cd886  No.3100368

File: 9aede10923c4e2b⋯.jpg (7.77 KB, 199x255, 199:255, 9aede10923c4e2bc415456da52….jpg)

37b5cf  No.3100369

A thought came to me. I will share it.

Maybe Q said the STUPID SHIT he said because he knew that it would start a healthy debate over these issues, and those that know what is up would then start to argue with the idiots that live in la-la land.

Each side of the moon landing, plane hit pentagon, etc., should collate data and prove their case.

Maybe that was the point of this exercise.

af6d21  No.3100370

File: af115c6b26c2b0d⋯.jpg (295.08 KB, 1200x1156, 300:289, af115c6b26c2b0da6aef85ab0f….jpg)


Watch this happen. It's the "RoseAnne on Ambien" moment for Q. Which is sorta funny, because the Left LOVES to use their pharma use and all sorts of excuses to blame THEIR behavior on outside influences.

I don't think so but…

039284  No.3100371

File: f745148096c855d⋯.jpg (116.32 KB, 960x960, 1:1, Little hello.jpg)

TY, Baker!

054fde  No.3100372

File: f9e5e270779da7a⋯.jpg (91.62 KB, 596x335, 596:335, QSpaceforcequote2.jpg)

93b310  No.3100373


I have a very interesting background.

And once you grasp the propagation I was hellbent on explaining the PRESSURE concept.

And yes. it is.

Love you (no homo) anyway.

6e86aa  No.3100374

why the fuck did Q have to say that.. Plane my ass. I don’t believe shit anymore

b9960b  No.3100375

File: 299f61ca64882a9⋯.jpeg (48.28 KB, 345x336, 115:112, 299f61ca64882a955f9e1ad4f….jpeg)

>John McCain died an American hero

4e29b1  No.3100376


Lots of paid full time shills have infiltrated this board and nudge it this way or that at various times…..no worries it will all shake out.

67e85a  No.3100377

File: c5b285417cf387e⋯.jpg (159.97 KB, 480x731, 480:731, 7026d7de4d3d8b9d29f6199c9c….jpg)

9dcd5e  No.3100379

File: b5cf199a59cf150⋯.png (585.48 KB, 1182x666, 197:111, ciavistspol325985209538532….png)


Chans have always been monitored and used as training grounds by all the worlds intel agencies.

Besides your fucking TV is listening to you these days. Who fucking cares?

e3251c  No.3100380

File: 0e20264e9909b9d⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1202x656, 601:328, patriots.png)

Patriots in bed tonight

549226  No.3100382

File: f07dd837f8bcf8c⋯.jpg (188.97 KB, 1024x707, 1024:707, TT_ManhattanNight.jpg)


Manhattan will never really be the same again.

e3251c  No.3100383

File: 806eec07cc80dd1⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1210x758, 605:379, therewas.png)

02fd18  No.3100384


Roger that. My curiosity is peaked and I will probably stew over this.

d734d1  No.3100385


He said it was hit BY PLANE…..not by A PLANE

e7f077  No.3100386

File: b6d2cffd3cb19e2⋯.png (412.82 KB, 669x397, 669:397, ClipboardImage.png)

MFW Fags ask Q space questions

b5d1fa  No.3100387

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is for all those anons who asked Q all those sad sack questions and argued over whether a Tomahawk CM was a plane or not…. Faggots just messed the bread so this is for you…..

4c69a3  No.3100388

973ebf  No.3100389

File: 3f9ad6cbb0b8b47⋯.png (91.63 KB, 265x240, 53:48, Patton.png)

Previous post by some Anon.

Was this the guy who took one for the team protecting POTUS in Scotland?

Posts kept saying RIP.

6f5eaf  No.3100390

File: 8142ca62f8ccac3⋯.jpg (317.98 KB, 2048x833, 2048:833, 1517693384901.jpg)



It's also a bit triggering that so many think it's limited to just a few species like greys and reptiles and pleadians.. Likely many more races in the neighborhood than we give them credit for… but picrelated for shits and grins.

e3251c  No.3100391

File: 34bd664e315de92⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1196x754, 46:29, MO.png)

>>New accuser comes forward…

128b0b  No.3100392

e3251c  No.3100393

File: 67896156fdc242a⋯.png (968.83 KB, 1114x838, 557:419, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

6e86aa  No.3100394


No, he answered a question with yes.

987741  No.3100395

Plane that hit the Pentagon = Drone

8ef481  No.3100396


im a little drunk but im just so happy there are other people who actually understand this is really about wwg1wga we need to slowly reach people and q understands this and we are actually gomna win oh thank God we are going to win

2c9668  No.3100397


I've posted this twice. Is this a relevant source?

9aa272  No.3100398


Also, more and more people are see them in the skies.

The governments can't hold back any longer -

A good example is the Phoenix Lights. Thousands of people saw triangle (large!!) space ships. Photos, videos, police, military, govern officials (major/governor) etc. witnessed it.

fdc850  No.3100399


hell of a lot of discussion about that at exopolitics

4d8c0a  No.3100400

Why is Evan McMullin so scared? Is his fear linked to something he did in Syria?

cb77b8  No.3100401


Alien Races Book

549226  No.3100402

File: d0af813f1130260⋯.png (81.47 KB, 378x357, 18:17, pepe_tears_laugh.png)

31629c  No.3100403

File: 7d98a6a0e14c18b⋯.jpg (95.87 KB, 1080x2021, 1080:2021, Screenshot_20180919-225359….jpg)

Fb fags. Seems like something fishy is going on. Try clicking on a friend's profile and it comes up blank? Anybody else having these issues?

039284  No.3100404

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

One of the best #Walkaway videos; great for sharing

296f3d  No.3100405

The Q&A is a hint of where to focus, things are going to move quickly after DECLAS. FISA=START

Foundation to structure (layers) (U1, Iran, trafficking, Haiti, ect)

FISA is gaining attention, public eye will be shown factual evidence to prevent and overturn election

With the public waking up, evidence of crimes introduced and ball rolling D5

Searching qmap.pub for "u1" brings some huge connections when re reading with current knowledge.


5c2ef4  No.3100406


It is a difficult nut to get your head around. I'm in a very unique position given my history (which I won't elaborate on.) If you're deep in the hardware/software/IT industries, it is difficult to unlearn everything. To get an idea of what is possible, you literally have to undo all of the assumptions in your head about how computers work and imagine what COULD be done. Once you do that, then start hammering it and optimizing the simplicity down over and over and over again. Once you've done this for a few years, you realize that it is actually not so difficult. The results will be … spectacular in ways that few in the computing industry can imagine. Computers are capable of a lot more than people think, and not in the ways we're told to think about computers.

6e86aa  No.3100407


Kek. My bad

36ff89  No.3100408

Back in 2004, Judicial Watch sued to get footage of the Pentagon. I was watching MSNBC when it was released. They played it at the top of the hour, but it was not the same clip that they showed from then on. The one they aired only once, appeared to be a drone hitting the building. It looked to have sharp, hard angles like an F-117, and was dark.

4e29b1  No.3100409

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

784097  No.3100410

File: 859ad44952b1efd⋯.png (659.25 KB, 600x394, 300:197, penta_plane.png)

Q you cheeky devil you.

d734d1  No.3100411

File: 1a95e85a958e033⋯.jpg (40.22 KB, 794x207, 794:207, question.jpg)


Read the damn question and quit being such a pussy.

973ebf  No.3100412

File: 0bf20c18ea76268⋯.jpg (18.29 KB, 384x384, 1:1, potter1.jpg)

File: 42f74e12a169b1d⋯.jpg (9.74 KB, 350x494, 175:247, potter2.jpg)

PB Anon posted these with RIP's.

Is this the asset that was lost protecting POTUS in Scotland?

(re-post with correct pics)

70632f  No.3100414

heard there are a lot of paid ufo/alien shills over the years keeping the public wondering which helped justify the 42 billion raised for NASA paid with taxes forced on american taxpayers support space. kind of an aj operation

549226  No.3100415

File: 5f589c13515184e⋯.jpg (39.15 KB, 591x576, 197:192, 1516379155591.jpg)


He's afraid he sucked Chuck Schumer's scrotum for nothing now that the house of cards is coming down. I mean that literally, btw.

2cd886  No.3100416

File: 5af4b775eecdb6c⋯.jpg (8.6 KB, 254x255, 254:255, jesuswtf.jpg)


Are you releasing classified info on here anon? Are you posting child porn? etc. No, not worried, it's called free speech. Give me that, or give me an eternity in the legal system (and hilarious publicity).

054fde  No.3100417

File: 7aa339f1902d390⋯.png (352.2 KB, 419x610, 419:610, stealmemecard.png)

4ab539  No.3100418


Did you really believe that they weren't tracking your IP? With the Internet being started by Darpa? Really?

484297  No.3100419


Hmmm…. I did find a bug

See for yourselves


5876f1  No.3100420


not ok, but what can we do?

you gonna build your own internet?

0cdab1  No.3100421

>>3100244 (lb)

Anon, if you have vid of Gillian Anderson getting doggied by aliens, you gotta drop it. For humanity, bro.

67e85a  No.3100423


Go back to Twatter, Rosie.

e3251c  No.3100424

File: 5f7d81bdcd9da54⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1004x1010, 502:505, pp.png)

Hmmmmm…Why Planned Parenthood spends so desperate?

95e168  No.3100425


The Devil wears DARPA.

4b8daa  No.3100426

So the board got lit up a few hours ago kek.

37b5cf  No.3100427

So basically, the Grey's are the jews of the alien world, is that right?

549226  No.3100428

File: 2e2828faa2aa50d⋯.png (661.06 KB, 800x806, 400:403, 1516324974222.png)


42 billion?

Son, about 11 Trillion Dollars is missing from the Pentagon over the last umpteen years.

4ab539  No.3100429


Nice, if true.

93b310  No.3100430


Got facebook?

0516e5  No.3100431

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Space travel explains time travel explains the "how" of The Plan

ff74fb  No.3100432


what's the point of making a new trip code if it can be hacked again?

5c2ef4  No.3100433


I think that anon is asking if everyone is OK with the NSA being able to track everyone here. He's asking if Q is a ruse to implement full digital surveillance state.

(IMO, if that's the case, then we're all fucked. I do not think that's the case. Just sayin'.)

fdc850  No.3100434


you have had an "o" in your email line for two breads now

just saying


I still want DECLAS

e3251c  No.3100435

File: 49d36d84a5d1593⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1796x1258, 898:629, cortez.png)

>>Socialist logic shutdown…

37b5cf  No.3100436


They cancelled my show!

3084bc  No.3100437

>>3099605 (lb)

It's part of the plan.

Watch how many swamp rats and their media shills are screaming for full declass vs partial 'just what benefits drumpf'

It also increases the narrative of comped agency heads as well as generates even more support for ]Sessions[ on the left.

Careful what you ask for...

95e168  No.3100438


"o" means revelation.

I am revelation.

d48a46  No.3100439

PF post 264

The Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.), Section 2

§ 2. Purpose and establishment of Offices of Inspector General; departments and agencies involved

In order to create independent and objective units—

(1) to conduct and supervise audits and investigations relating to the programs and operations of the establishments listed in section 12 (2);

(2) to provide leadership and coordination and recommend policies for activities designed

(A) to promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in the administration of, and

(B) to prevent and detect fraud and abuse in, such programs and operations; and

(3) to provide a means for keeping the head of the establishment and the Congress fully and currently informed about problems and deficiencies relating to the administration of such programs and operations and the necessity for and progress of corrective action;

there is established—

(A) in each of such establishments an office of Inspector General, subject to subparagraph (B); and

(B) in the establishment of the Department of the Treasury—

(i) an Office of Inspector General of the Department of the Treasury; and

(ii) an Office of Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration.


02fd18  No.3100441


Well, I might understand. I have an electrical engineering background working on weapon systems in the Navy. Have both Math and Comp Sci degrees too. My favorite language used to be Assembly. Pushing and popping out of the registers.

You really have my curiosity going. Unlearn and think of what they are capable of? Yep, I will be stewing over this tonight.

ca8631  No.3100443


that is a fake

67e85a  No.3100444


They aren't unrelated. Those who understand strategy, tactics and think logically understand what is going on.

cb77b8  No.3100445



Grey's is a blanketed term. Like pitbull.

There are many races of beings. Some grey in color are benevolent.

Solipsi Rae




cd6e48  No.3100446


Hell no.

ff74fb  No.3100447


ok, but hasn't he changed trip codes in the past because they were compromised?

bd9b60  No.3100448

Corey Goode: "I have been contacted by a number of people this evening about the most recent 'Q Drop'. Q just dropped the term 'Secret Space Program' for the first time. Are you ready for the Secret Space Program to go Main Stream? Standby, at the end of October, our movie, Above Majestic will debut globally bringing attention to the Secret Space Program topic and bring MILLIONS of new people to Ufology and all of our platforms. Now is a time to stand in our truth!"

9aa272  No.3100449


Then stay in the dark about it. Q will never recommend anyone.

I have studied it for 15 years.

Just look into who ever you want, your discernment will let you know.

0922fc  No.3100450


Yup. Libs screaming for declass, supporting Sessions, and then Boom. Trump gives 'em what they want, and they realize it's their death sentence.

Works for me. Kek.

c8bde4  No.3100451


Ty anon, you’re right, best response I’ve seen all day. Greatly appreciated WWG1WGA 🇺🇸

2ffc6f  No.3100452

>Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here.


cb77b8  No.3100453


The dick "grey's" on Earth are the Maitre.

67e85a  No.3100454


Have another UFO…err…doughnut, Rosie.

93b310  No.3100455

Q said "PRAY" often.

So many here are having a hard time accepting drops tonight.

Praying may be in order…

All for a rapture?


3084bc  No.3100456

File: 16c255291450abe⋯.png (392.8 KB, 634x423, 634:423, ClipboardImage.png)



No. You're clearly new here. You should go actually read the drops, not to mention do a bit of minimal digging into news releases, and etc. The identity of the man lost in Scotland (SS agent) is well known.

US Secret Service Special Agent Nole Remagen


Be better anon.

bab703  No.3100457

Kavanaugh's accuser exposed

Not sure if this has been shared on the boards yet (don't see it recent).

copies of yearbooks, etc…


af6d21  No.3100458

d7ea1a  No.3100459



549226  No.3100460

File: 1cb2b46904e3f7f⋯.gif (1.72 MB, 600x376, 75:47, str_react.gif)


Well, for starters, if we have to protect against a sufficient resourced adversary, then encryption based on solving discrete logarithms is no longer sufficient, because the adversary will ALWAYS have superior and irresistible capability to solve discrete logarithms.

EEE relies on the fact that solving discrete logarithms of sufficiently complex equations is too difficult. But the faster technology advances, the weaker current "solid" encryption standards becomes.

Do we eventually have to start using 32 million bit encryption to keep our shit secure? That adds a TON of overhead to every single transaction. It eventually becomes implausible to use it. What's the next solution going to be? I know a bit about encryption but not enough to guess what comes next.

5c2ef4  No.3100461


At the end of the day, it is all just transistors. Software people rarely understand that. There are a lot of categories for specialization within everything I've just mentioned. It is possible, for example, to build secure hardware out of insecure parts. That needs to be front-and-center in the design of any system that the user believes to be secure. There are ways to do secure communication that is actually secure, etc.

5876f1  No.3100462


only 15 years? I've "studied" for longer than that

My point is I want to see what info Q recommends

4ab539  No.3100463


Ah. I see. Yes, if true, we are all truly screwed. But no one lives forever. Why not go out in style?

fdc850  No.3100464

Notables so far, let me know if something was missed


>>3100353 Graphic: POTUS ORDERS FISA DECLAS ON QDAY (17)

>>3100457 WHY CHRISTINE BLASEY FORD’S HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOKS WERE SCRUBBED: Faculty Approved Racism, Binge Drinking and Promiscuity

484297  No.3100465


Not my point. I was just showing there was what appears to some kind of exploit/bug. I notified CM.

If the site was hacked this may have been an access point.

6b813e  No.3100466


this. notable.

37b5cf  No.3100467



How do I get to meet them?

934d27  No.3100468

File: 0a159c9dd96360b⋯.gif (534.82 KB, 640x636, 160:159, 0a159c9dd96360bcbbf80ea970….gif)

In case nobody has guessed such yet, the Q&A was likely BS in its entirety and only served as bait while the team monitored traffic/other analytics.


Okay with it? Of course not but how would you expect normies and autists to go about doing anything about it? Lemme just pull a Predator drone out of thin air and get right on that…

af6d21  No.3100469


I'll take it!! Lord take me Home!! I am Ready!! KEK!!

0dbded  No.3100470

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Remember The Name QAnon

c6dcda  No.3100471




2ed535  No.3100472

File: 89f07957c22ac95⋯.png (419.59 KB, 1353x606, 451:202, EGGS.PNG)

File: 93033af31a86316⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1362x601, 1362:601, EGGS2.PNG)

File: ff1105441b00c32⋯.png (356.55 KB, 1363x603, 1363:603, EGGS3.PNG)

File: ad5ab66e175f3f0⋯.png (231.59 KB, 1360x606, 680:303, EGGS4.PNG)

I didn't see this in the notables so I am going to submit it now. I know it's off topic but seems significant

https:// www.naturalblaze.com/2018/09/largest-egg-producers-caught-using-child-slaves.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+naturalblaze+%28Natural+Blaze%29

5790fc  No.3100473


Some folks who think they are awake, are going to have their worlds shattered when they find out that a lot of what they have believed is the opposite of what they have been told.

I believe planes hit the twin towers.

The steel was faulty, just like Q said that we have been receiving faulty steel from other nations, that why Trump cracked down on steel imports and is opening our steel mills back up.

The faulty steel is why the towers collapsed. And this is why Trump is on it, when it comes to the steel.

Some anons aren't going to like the Truth.

I want the Truth, even if it goes against what I believed. I'm tired of being in the dark, I want to come into the light.

02fd18  No.3100474


Would memory and the processor be removed or modified? Is analog back in the picture?

9dcd5e  No.3100475

File: e7f3257aa05c5a3⋯.gif (966.13 KB, 350x261, 350:261, 1535674468713.gif)


> kek

Pentagon: Sir we used the missing trillions to reverse engineer a crashed alien craft.

POTUS: Are we ready for mass production?

Pentagon: No Sir. But we have rebuilt half a landing gear.

cb77b8  No.3100476


First get to know who want to help you and who want you for lunch.

Google the Alien Races Book. And they contact whom they want. Do NOT go flagging down craft with a laser pointer. You might not like who shows up.

5876f1  No.3100477


Q's Q&A

You are not Q

there's loads of stuff about antarctica online, I want to see what Q says about it

6aa8bf  No.3100478

So Q and John Podesta are now on the same side regarding aliens. Cool. Maybe the theory that the anti-christ will bring all the satanic pedofiles to 'justice' before ushering in a false alien religion has something to it.

426a38  No.3100479

Speaking of aliens, I had this dream the other night that Trump ordered the military to perform fly overs with all of our secret aircrafts to show the American people what we have.

One flew over my area and looked just like the "typical" alien wedge/triangle with lights. The weird part was it made a lot of noise at low speed but when it flew much faster it was completely silent.

3be740  No.3100480


You guys would love the /vqc room here on 8ch

d639c1  No.3100481

Digging on the family of Lawrence Jamieson-

*Largest child Porn bust in Pa history with 14.4 million images.

“It contained "some of the most demented images imaginable of toddlers and infants being sexually assaulted by adult men and women, and in some cases, by animals," federal prosecutors said.”

“The details in this case are horrific. … He concocted and carried out a plan to sexually abuse a child within his care – someone he knew was susceptible to his influence."

As previous anon said “who is this guy REALLY?”

*SUPRISE he comes from $$$

“the scion of a respected Main Line family”

“Lawrence Jamieson is the son of a well-known family in Willistown, Pa. His father was Lawrence Jamieson, a former member of Downingtown Borough Council who worked as an insurance agent at Massachusetts Life Insurance Co. in Paoli, Pa., and died in 2010. Jamieson's mother Kathleen Casey Jamieson is the owner of Mock Fox Interiors, an interior design business in Haverford, Pa.”

Pics of the family home / business worth digging- help anyone?


Mothers business:


Fathers obit:



70632f  No.3100482


it's always a shell shuffle with money especially when they take it to thru the cleaners.

they get taxpayer money funding then donate campaign contributions of said money, get a tax write off …… which brings me full circle to my suspicion that they take advantage of all of the above to keep the aborted fetus supply going.

political contribution = fake

tax write off = taken

money stays with PP = true

549226  No.3100483

File: 6e432a875492a99⋯.jpg (55.66 KB, 454x564, 227:282, pepe_ancient_japan_samurai.jpg)

File: 9c0f890fc6ed724⋯.jpg (122.81 KB, 720x838, 360:419, pepe_blacksun88.jpg)

File: 4c00bca54786b81⋯.gif (342.41 KB, 666x386, 333:193, pepe_comfy_snow.gif)

File: ddc26310c70a17d⋯.png (413.65 KB, 627x533, 627:533, pepe_femme_front.png)

File: 4d3554fb1b0b5dc⋯.jpg (297.59 KB, 695x690, 139:138, pepe_george_sleeptime.jpg)


That's gonna cost you over 9000 original Pepes, Anon.

8d506e  No.3100484


>Some folks who think they are awake, are going to have their worlds shattered when they find out that a lot of what they have believed is the opposite of what they have been told.

This is important. Disinformation works from all angles. Appealing to what you want to believe is how [they] rule.

Purge any and all illusions from your thoughts and actions. See reality and be willing to acknowledge truth without being absorbed.

Truth is, and always will be. Your choice to know is yours alone - and it isn't always what you want/thought.

af6d21  No.3100485

File: 2f73e6a50c2bd68⋯.jpg (21.39 KB, 255x250, 51:50, 9dc02ad46fee5250f45a0ae3ab….jpg)


Pretty damn decent rap song. And I crush it at Karaoke. Wait!!

I have an idea. KEK!!


67e85a  No.3100486


They've monitored everything you've done on the internet since its inception. If you're that worried you better get rid of all your electronics.

5c2ef4  No.3100487


>Do we eventually have to start using 32 million bit encryption to keep our shit secure?

No. Don't use math. Use quantum noise. $0.50 worth of electronics parts gets you a quantum noise generator that you can easily use to generate arbitrarily large one-time pads. Use them between endpoints with intelligently designed hardware and nobody can decode anything without a copy of the pad before it is used. I'm sure the NSA guys just fell in love with me, but everything I've just said is public domain.

Forget about the dream of maximum security + maximum convenience. If it is worth protecting, it is worth physically delivering a one-time pad to each end-point. Cost of storage is near $0 now anyway, so cost isn't an issue.

31d9af  No.3100488



95e168  No.3100489


John Posdesta was framed by Assange the Corinthian.

8c4908  No.3100490


haha then GTFO of here. We dont need mental midgets like you clouding up the bread you fucking simpleton.

5876f1  No.3100491


>Do NOT go flagging down craft with a laser pointer. You might not like who shows up.

lol yeah, the police will knock at your door

0922fc  No.3100492



Except it appears to have happened it 2017, anon.


b8c37a  No.3100493


Kingdom of god is truly within each and every one of us. Love is everything.

484297  No.3100494



If the exploit got patched and secured such an attack wouldn't succeed again so a new trip would be necessary. To answer your question.

I'm highly skeptical of that posts legitimacy too.

93b310  No.3100495


If that is the truth, I would never set foot in any building more than 1 story tall.

Especially since I witnessed building 7 collapse under faulty steel with no impact, and seen the bursts of explosive charges blow out windows on floors below the collapse as it happened on all buildings.

That truth will be a shocker I agree!

a44903  No.3100496

File: 72adf3551222c0d⋯.png (1.1 MB, 911x619, 911:619, ClipboardImage.png)


so many anons need remedial Kings English. A [missile fired by a] plane hit the pentagon. As in the plane HIT its target. wake up concernfags.

cb77b8  No.3100497


Hahaha! Omg funny.

57c164  No.3100498


I read this as until K is confirmed RR won't get hacked.

Also, I suspect tonight was a test of server/bandwidth capacity and where it currently stands with demand. Once the big drop comes today's traffic will seem small in comparison.

0a9349  No.3100499

File: 7752e6a65786a63⋯.png (1.45 MB, 2732x2048, 683:512, D11356E2-EC40-43C3-AF5B-17….png)

File: 37a374ad4495312⋯.png (1.46 MB, 2732x2048, 683:512, 9703A713-BD0E-46E0-BF3E-45….png)

File: 02f2a1e8a9d92d0⋯.png (5.67 MB, 2732x2048, 683:512, 76EDCA95-9FA4-4793-8CB3-6C….png)

I am digging 2010 right now. trying to see what we forgot about. Look at this.

$100 counterfeit bill sceme ran out of NK

a59c54  No.3100500


You may be the only FBfag on here.

37b5cf  No.3100501


I'll check it out. Thanks.

I knew a guy that had some sort of device he built. I think he said it was an orgone? device. Anyway, he said that he pointed it at the full moon and all sorts of strange shit happened. I thought that the guy was a little nuts. Something like that?

e1797a  No.3100502

File: 8393fbb19846762⋯.jpg (103.29 KB, 804x532, 201:133, LARPME.jpg)

File: 9410892d9405130⋯.jpg (66.23 KB, 1025x777, 1025:777, FB PEPE.jpg)

File: 3ce5027a1e72e4f⋯.jpg (368.05 KB, 1125x2100, 15:28, REMEMBER REMEMBER poemlong….jpg)

5c2ef4  No.3100503


It is possible to make secure and convenient systems out of existing parts even though they're insecure. The hardware designs would have to change substantially, though, but the user wouldn't know the difference (just a box.) CPU and memory have worked the same way (with inconsequential optimizations) for decades. There is no indication that CPU or memory would change as a unit component other than optimizations (and the eventual removal of exploits.)

d7ea1a  No.3100504


red shift is a good place to peak behind the curtain

or the casimir effect

or the expanding expansion of the universe.

one doesn't have to know exactly what's going on to know something is off

cd6e48  No.3100505



Great article actually. Someone did some serious work.

45e0e9  No.3100506

File: c3f38bf1f38a93a⋯.jpg (736.27 KB, 1526x2169, 1526:2169, GustaveMoreauSalome.jpg)

OMG I missed Q&A being sad tonight.


What is one of the first good surprises America and the world will get to finally enjoy that has been suppressed?


22e406  No.3100507


If thats what you chose to believe then cool.

You surely wont burn in hell for it either way.

2ed535  No.3100508

File: 162a3a840c154fe⋯.png (391.21 KB, 1360x603, 1360:603, EGGS5.PNG)

File: 833efbbab8123d7⋯.png (119.82 KB, 1366x607, 1366:607, EGGS6.PNG)

File: 7284083227aba32⋯.png (23.37 KB, 1282x107, 1282:107, EGGS7.PNG)

File: 6c4553879879f21⋯.png (193.95 KB, 1305x388, 1305:388, VOATPIZZAGATEANON.png)


Saw this one the voat thread

chicken farms


829128  No.3100510

File: 14550c39d4fd00b⋯.png (31.37 KB, 627x291, 209:97, ClipboardImage.png)


1a017d  No.3100511

"Q" 50,000+ People Asking Information

CMKX/CMKM Diamonds Inc. was used in a "Government Sting"…..

The Government; SEC, FBI, CIA, DOJ USED "CMKM Diamonds Inc." (CMKX) As A "Government Stink" to bag all the "Dirty Wallstreet"……… Stock Fraud AKA: Naked Shorts ,Phantom Shares, "StockGate Conspiracy"

Money was collected for all of CMKX Shareholders in 2005 and placed in "Trust Accounts" from all The Bad Stock Brokers, Hedge Fund Agents, High-Powered Attorneys, Accountants, Transfer Agents, Major Banking Institutions, Brokerage Houses, and Clearing Firms. It occurred right under the noses of the SEC and NASD (now FINRA) that sold "Phantom Shares".

THEE…. "Robert A Maheu" (Howard Hughes' Right-Hand Man); Was Co-Chairman Of The Board Of Directors, Of CMKM Diamonds Inc. (Only During The "Government Sting" (about 9 months) In 2005.

The DOJ And The DTCC NEVER Released These Funds Designated To The Shareholders

~~~> DOJ = "President Obama's ILLEGAL Slush Fund"

~~~> Stolen Money Obama Used For "Tax Stimulus Checks" & To Support "Black Ops" Of "The Deep State"….. ILLEGAL

…. MAIN MEDIA NEWS; Only Short Negative Coverage To No Coverage At ALL………

…. RT NEWS Covered The Story A Few Times (more then American (Deep State) News Stations…..

QUESTION,,,,, Will The Shareholders Finally Be Paid The Funds That Where Collected And Put In A Trust Fund/s?

Do The Shareholders Have To Wait For The Revaluation Of the Dollar (Gold Backed)??

Does President Trump Know Of The CMXK Shareholder's Trust Fund/s


973ebf  No.3100512

Few breads ago there was a post by some Payseur guy, many Anons called for Notable but don't see it.

He said multiple times Harry Martin.

Ring any bells for anyone?

02fd18  No.3100513



I still can't find a link to the yearbook. That article doesn't have it either. If these are legit, this woman is toast.

5876f1  No.3100514


there's been a bunch of people shining green lasers at planes and helicopters, thinking they're making contact with ufos, but then the police visit them and tell them to stop blinding pilots

happened here a fair bit a few years ago

3084bc  No.3100515


>What is one of the first good surprises America and the world will get to finally enjoy that has been suppressed?

Now that's a question I'd really like to hear an answer to…

70632f  No.3100516



4101c3  No.3100518


Says the halfwit.

ec1e76  No.3100519


Potter hates Q. Nothing on his YT channel indicates he's dead.

0922fc  No.3100520


Austin Paysuer is a HS kid who shitposts on FB.

cb77b8  No.3100521


You betcha! <3


"I didn't come to bring peace, but a SWORD."

77f3d1  No.3100522


Personally, I enjoy shit-posting on an NSA-monitored message board. It's why I started posting, in fact

95e168  No.3100523


That the "ham radio" clues also tie into RC control of humans.



e1797a  No.3100524


How about the 50 to 500 trillion stolen from us over 150+/- years of financial slavery, I think we should start there…

6f5eaf  No.3100525

File: 0cd294bb1f9a304⋯.jpg (88.23 KB, 1024x904, 128:113, 0cd294bb1f9a30402cb812d0a4….jpg)


>that email

>Caps Letters Every Fuggin' Word

5876f1  No.3100526


based and redpilled

cb77b8  No.3100527


I was going to ask. Speaking from experience? XD

af6d21  No.3100528


I'm good.

973ebf  No.3100529


Ah- so all that rambling just clogged my brain cells then… greeeaat.

ca8631  No.3100530


Even then it was intentional, to show that there's no point in trying to hack his trip, because then he just changes it on the other board

2ed535  No.3100531

Oh-so you don't think that they may still use or do that anymore cuz they got caught once? 2 words Tyson Farms


3be740  No.3100532



insignia gate

829128  No.3100533

OMG, I MISSED freaking Q & A! waaaaa

Soooo bummed! :-/

e20544  No.3100534

Q can you confirm FBI list of people who are actively engaging in the protocols to make contact with ETI and the intended purpose of this list RE the Final False I&W?

8ef481  No.3100535


simplification has created a great meme

must steal

56caa8  No.3100536

File: 0862ec68c3daccc⋯.png (83.27 KB, 459x507, 153:169, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)



ties to this?

e1797a  No.3100537


so burn all the priests and churchs or no? kek

93b310  No.3100538


The expanding of the universe is never mentioned in mainstream science either in the respect of including Earth. Did you know there is no "fixed size" of earth. It changes yearly. Try to get that number as solid fact. That is why bridges fall, and roads crack. It's expanding.

The expansion is caused by gaining mass.

(and this is a contributor to more major storms, as the size of a planet has bearing on sizes of storms)

I am not sure if the cycles include a contracting phase or not, but we are expanding pretty good over the last few hundred years.

Good point!

549226  No.3100539

File: e15d706a987ef74⋯.png (5.13 MB, 1280x1976, 160:247, pepe_geisha_derp.png)


So the idea is that you generate a really complex volume of quantum noise and store it as data–then what? You attune Pad A and Pad B so they can talk to each other, and presumably that noise is used as the "key" to decrypt messages sent encrypted but otherwise "in the clear" between the two pads. It's more secure than public key EEE but couldn't an attacker with sufficient computational resources still crack the message with a brute-force attack if they intercept the encrypted message?

0922fc  No.3100540


Search FB for his name, he lives in TX. Didn't want to dox him so didn't post anything here. He's an odd one fo' suah.

8d506e  No.3100541


>A [missile fired by a] plane hit the pentagon.

Possible. What really matters is that we were sold out on 9/11 and it was all planned by domestic and foreign elements conspiring for a perception changing event.

Anons need to be careful here with (((shills))) going on overdrive to use this to try and drive wedge. Baiting you with 'discrepancies' like this one is how enemies divide and control.

Whether it was the plane itself (of some kind) or a weapon fired from a plane, the pentagon was hit. Period. Sold out.

22e406  No.3100542


You asked for the truth and now you wont accept it.

cb77b8  No.3100544


Orgone is a crystal. Keeps negative energy away. If I remember correctly.

02fd18  No.3100545


Cool. Bring back ferrite core :-) Just kidding of course. The MK 15 Mod 6 Phalanx used it believe it or not. May still. Pretty slick how everything stayed in memory despite a loss in power. With some of the various harddrives we have today, not sure it would be of any use anymore.

5876f1  No.3100546


nah, news articles about it, they don't mention that they're trying to contact UFOs, but I've seen enough ufo videos on YT of people doing exactly that with green lasers to figure this is probably why pilots were getting beamed

e1797a  No.3100547


what this means?

i am old stupid ancient anon… pity me

5790fc  No.3100548


Didn't they admit to blowing building 7? I thought they said they blew it for safety reasons? Maybe I'm remembering it wrong.

4ab539  No.3100549


"There are ways to do secure communication that is actually secure, etc."

Possibly, but as you said before, you would have to totally start from scratch. Hard to see that happening, but who knows?

Keep in mind, that many of the best and brightest have had these same thoughts over the years. The actual doing is always the problem.

4834e9  No.3100550


I only see Activate ]SESSIONS[ in Q2196

I think he is in process of Un-recusing soon!

cb77b8  No.3100551


Ya. Generally a terrible idea all around lol.

973ebf  No.3100552


Made Notables days ago.

22e406  No.3100553


In the Billy Meier contact reports he said that some crystals can harm you. Best not to guess.

0922fc  No.3100554



use a search engine anon. "insignia gate"

9d7935  No.3100555

Q's 20 Days of Silence Throws Off MSM




24 Jul 2018 - 9:51:59 AM

MSM "Conspiracy" Attack on QAnon



24 Jul 2018 - 9:50:26 AM





Now do you understand why mirrors and disinformation is necessary?

Logical thinking.



af6d21  No.3100556

File: 9b1d7b86c8ef516⋯.jpg (116.07 KB, 868x960, 217:240, IMG_0148.JPG)


Yeah…I agree. And those are my numbers as well. Overall…40-50 Trillion since fiat was introduced in 1972, and at least 100 Trillion overall.

Bastards. While we all starve and die without dental and healthcare as they fly over us in their jets. Soon.

9aa272  No.3100557


Resin, metals and crystals made into a shape.

ca8631  No.3100558


Kek I enjoyed

5c2ef4  No.3100559


There is no algorithm for quantum noise. No amount of computing power can decode it because there's no cyclic pattern. You can simply XOR the noise with the signal - incredibly simple implementation. NSA can't decode it. They'd have to get a copy of the pad before it is destroyed (before you use it) in order to decode a padded transmission, or they'd have to compromise the hardware being used at an endpoint so they can get at the data directly. (You can design the hardware such that there are no viable attack vectors, though.)

cb77b8  No.3100560


You bet.

66a6c6  No.3100561


Financial slavery has been around since the great flood….12000 years of oppression….since records have been kept by sumerians


The shit show was quite entertaining….just sat and wstch the boars slide with the stupidest posts ever….made us autists look real smart like

cd6e48  No.3100562


Annoying as fuck if true and would hamstring POTUS.

3be740  No.3100563


Q was right… YOu tell them the truth directly and they dont believe you. Its wild. The end won't be for everybody… As for me, I'm here until I get to fly one of those Vril UFO's with my mind and a hot Vril girl at my side.

84ce21  No.3100564

Glad everyone here is just so fucking sure about what he meant in those extremely bizarrely worded "replies"

I see a lot of arms going up in victory saying "we told you soooo faggotssss"

Bracing myself for the insane amount of gayness that is about to flood this place. A ton of homo's jumped right out of the bushes the minute he posted those "answers".

As for me, I'm not going to pretend that I understand the meaning of all of this right now. At the end of the day, the world is just as fucking confusing as it was when I woke up.

Another day in thunder dome.

fdc850  No.3100565

is there any anons who are usually here at ~3am EDT that would like to try baking?

we're in need of a graveyard baker

can spot, other anons can spot also

5876f1  No.3100566

Seems Q is busy

someone keep bringing up the antarctica questions in every Q&A until they get answered, and more info on space aliens would be interesting

ca8631  No.3100567


Maybe after SC is in place

36ff89  No.3100568

NBC Bay Area: Tomorrow a pilot will fly a banner over San Francisco in support of Blasey-Ford. There is currently over $250,000 in two different gofundme accounts.

fdc850  No.3100569

3d00c7  No.3100570


Rebirth is a fact. I won't bother boring Anons how I know. I see POTUS as a Jungian Archetype rather than just a mere rebirth.

484297  No.3100571


Didn't know i asked a question.

9aa272  No.3100572



Not true. Some may be more powerful than a person is ready for. But not harmful.

c00b0c  No.3100573


Billionaires could mean Barry and Honey Sherman who were murdered.They had ties to the Clinton Foundation.

cb77b8  No.3100574


I dunno. I don't mess with stuff like that. I don't wanna be contacting, bothering, drawing attention from anything out there lol.

5c2ef4  No.3100575


Funny you mention core memory - I almost built one just to see it work. :-)

70632f  No.3100576


HE'S AN ENEMY that son of a bitch infiltrated the Bundy ranch before they took them out. Placed himself as inside intel, befriended Clive(?) the gentleman that was shot and killed.

He also did security for hrc for a period of time but I've never liked him so I have no sauce just things i picked up just before he showed up here with goodman and beanz, corsi was a little later than royboy attempt to destroy

3084bc  No.3100577



I posted about that a couple times tonight.

5-10% lost forever does not 'just' mean those on the left.

many here won't be able to accept full truth either, and those that won't may surprise you.

cd6e48  No.3100578


This makes me beyond angry. So fuckin sick of the go fund me accts for criminals.

549226  No.3100579

File: cdeb316d90d28b5⋯.jpg (91.52 KB, 680x979, 680:979, pepe_wizard_data.jpg)


Yeah and that's how you end up with a very angry LEO visit and a felony conviction:


Sec. 39A. Aiming a laser pointer at an aircraft

(a) OFFENSE – Whoever knowingly aims the beam of a laser pointer at an aircraft in the special aircraft jurisdiction of the United States, or at the flight path of such an aircraft, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.

973ebf  No.3100580


ThanQ for that. Likely him praising himself before he gets deep-sixed, then. Got it.

93b310  No.3100581


Yes. but it was "pulled" (blown) at 4:20pm on the same day of the attack.

It takes WEEKS to prepare for implosion. Plus it would NEVER be done with any possibility of fire present. (explosives you know.)

it was pre-rigged. No possibility otherwise.

And with that fact, my observation is that flt93 was destined for it, not the capitol.

cb77b8  No.3100582


Perfect. Some one with more knowledge. Take it away!

e1797a  No.3100583

File: c3f7cec8190e498⋯.jpg (24.77 KB, 244x255, 244:255, 5dd722dd0ef3aae01ca04e6382….jpg)


are you spiritual white boy kek

give me sauce or give you death!

ae9fb6  No.3100584


orgone is "orgasmic energy"

an 'orgone accumulator" is what contains it - layers of insulators and conductors. i think fibreglass and steel wool work best.

3be740  No.3100585


In the catalog there is a thread alll about the insignia gate financial drops Its fucking awesome… TRILLION dollar transfers and infinite accounts owned by White Spiritual Boy all over the world… Money is fucking fake. They just make that shit up then make us work to borrow it from them while there are infinite accounts out there. Fucking fucked.

95e168  No.3100586



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.258 📁

Sep 17 2018 19:54:01 (EST)






45e0e9  No.3100587

File: 3e89e3fb2b9c005⋯.jpg (1.41 MB, 2282x2880, 1141:1440, proxy.duckduckgo.jpg)



What has been one piece of disinfo you have shared so far with us that you can reveal?

Also, pls help me understand the stringers.

THANK YOU SO MUCH SO FAR – I know it will never be enough…


5c2ef4  No.3100588


>The actual doing is always the problem.

With the cabal having control over NSA with the legal structure that has been in place, it was virtually impossible. However…let's see what happens. If Q delivers, it is a new ballgame.

8d506e  No.3100589


correct, we all knew. tying up loose ends.

older anons have to forgive this, but some of these normie niggers need a fucking spoon feeding.

Think. trust yourself. stay away from click bait opinions and articles.

use logic. not emotion.

af6d21  No.3100590

File: 354f1581cc99b12⋯.jpg (60.98 KB, 600x471, 200:157, 26unyj.jpg)


KEK!! This Anon says, "I agree JA."

LOL!! I love the boldness. Maybe??

9aa272  No.3100591


It is used to dissipate negative energy and even chemtrails.

I've never heard of it drawing ETs to them.

426a38  No.3100592

Important Anons

Need help digging. Have you guys heard about a supposed Illuminati insider with the handle "Hidden Hand"? Supposedly he did a Q&A on Above Top Secret forum in 2008. He uses A LOT of the same lingo as Q.

For example:

- Says for everyone to "Learn to Play the Game"

- Says to think of the world like a mirror

- Claims 11.11 is an awakening.

- Claims certain people are used to assist in the awakening.

- Quotes the bible in several cases.

HH says a lot of F'd up stuff about the cabal and theology, etc. Don't know what to make of it or why a lot of stuff overlaps with Q.

Sauce where you can read the full Q&A of all five sessions on the forum.

http://www. illuminati-news.com/00363.html

5876f1  No.3100593


I have one of these 'orgone' cones, worst $20 I ever spent

does fucking nothing

pretty sure it's a scam to fleece the gullible and the curious

68c120  No.3100594

Wow, the absolute state of shillery @ the moment Q goes an inch over 40k ft. No wonder it took him almost an entire year to touch those subjects.

If you are geniunely having second thoughts now, instead of just being a glowing clown, consider:

a)if there's any turning back now

b)if all of this is 'just a coincidence/conspiracy theory'

c)re-reading crumbs

d)the vastness of space


70632f  No.3100595


Fiat money

Fiat money is a currency without intrinsic value that has been established as money, often by government regulation. Fiat money does not have use value, and has value only because a government maintains its value, or because parties engaging in exchange agree on its value.

b5eb82  No.3100596

File: 0333eddfaa49384⋯.png (576.87 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, C0C4EB65-704E-4237-B3ED-AA….png)


Why did Obama drop a rod from god on China if he was in bed w the Chinese government?

Was it other actors within the US government who did it?

Was this Hillary sending China a message not to fuck up the economy in the lead up to the 2016 elections?

31d9af  No.3100597

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cb77b8  No.3100598


No. Anon is taking about some device their biddy built and crazy things happened when pointed st the moon. I dunno man. All I know is crystals are cool shit. And stones lol.

97c951  No.3100599

I’m 33 >>3100520

5876f1  No.3100600


wonder how many people from ATS and GLP got slapped with a fine lmao

3084bc  No.3100601

File: 2e98be369279ef9⋯.png (89.29 KB, 221x228, 221:228, ClipboardImage.png)

4c69a3  No.3100602


You bought an orgasmic energy cone.


Maybe your using it the wrong way.

4e29b1  No.3100603

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


d7ea1a  No.3100604


think mirror


you are watching a movie



how would you like to lose?

your choice.

cb77b8  No.3100607


I'm into plants. Lol. That's my thing.

b6060f  No.3100608



2ed535  No.3100609

I thought repeaters were a good thing

you know, I am on here every night since the board moved and this right here is why I don't post much on this shift.

The board used to be less dickish about info off topic and people who didn't post every night.


973ebf  No.3100610


I think most of the lost will be those who can't grasp our true origins.

I'm RH- and you wouldn't believe the stuff I've dug up on that over the years. I wanna know- even tho I know already. Third party validation would be nice tho! BRING IT!

e1797a  No.3100611

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



hear! hear!

my peoples need to know about future reparations!!!

"bust em wide open till white meat is showin and feed it to all of me peoples" kek

see all the money at the end of the video… yeah that part… i mean after we save the world and all…

897a52  No.3100612



da6504  No.3100613

File: b92a64e88c73a4d⋯.png (826.52 KB, 500x9594, 250:4797, b92a64e88c73a4d3811f3263ba….png)

You posted this?

4101c3  No.3100614


>Kingdom of god is truly within each and every one of us. Love is everything.

Yes, and we're here to grow a soul. Every thought, feeling, and action creates the energy, the chi, the prana, it's made of. The strength of our bodies, the vehicle, determines how strong an energy of that spirit it can hold.

The ability to transmute negative energy into positive energy is something that can be learned. People can develop the ability to strengthen the body, and then generate and store energy, but if spiritual development doesn't accompany it, a person can be destroyed by that energy.

36ff89  No.3100615


They all seem to use it, making me suspicious of who is really behind the company.

484297  No.3100616

File: 36fdfbfa15cc895⋯.png (256.38 KB, 501x268, 501:268, ClipboardImage.png)

File: db0f3456d8fd13a⋯.png (90.28 KB, 903x603, 301:201, ClipboardImage.png)

Orban's Moscow Visit A Middle Finger To EU After Last Week's Humiliation

The “salon des refusés” of political dissidents in the EU is getting bigger by the day. Less than a week after his government was condemned in a vote in the European parliament, Orban is in Moscow for talks about energy with Putin. His visit to Russia is the political equivalent of giving the EU the finger following last week’s humiliation.

Orban is not alone. In his battle with the EU over immigration and the rule of law, he is supported by Poland and the Czech Republic. Poland, which is also facing an Article 7 procedure against it by the European Commission, has vowed to protect Hungary, just as Hungary has vowed to protect Poland. So there is no way that the voting rights of either country can be removed, since the ultimate vote to do so requires unanimity. Orban also recently received the support of Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis and of the Italian Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini.

These politicians have voiced support for Orban's stance against immigration. But they also support his pragmatic approach to Russia. Salvini is a well-known critic of the Russia sanctions, and Italy has said they should end. Parts of the Austrian government agree, the Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl having recently had Putin as a personal guest of honor at her wedding, while the Vice-Chancellor, Heinz-Christian Strache, is well known for his pro-Russian and pro-Putin views. On the other hand, Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has reassured critics that Austria is rooted in the EU and shares its stance towards Russia.

The striking thing about Orban, and about his Central European allies (who incidentally include the Czech President Milos Zeman), is that they are from countries which, as Orban puts it, suffered greatly “under Russia” in the past. He is referring to the countries’ membership of the Warsaw Pact, and their subjection to communist rule, after World War II. In Hungary’s case, the suffering was especially violent because of the suppression of the 1956 revolution in Budapest by Soviet troops. Yet it is precisely these countries who today advocate a pragmatic relationship with Russia, while countries such as Britain, and even Germany, treat Russia as if it were still a communist dictatorship with the Cold War in full swing.

The irony is all the greater because Orban personally played a key role – but one which is often forgotten by historians – in bringing about the end of Soviet rule in Central Europe. His speech in Heroes’ Square in Budapest on June 16, 1989 on the occasion of the re-burial of the leader of the 1956 uprising, Imre Nagy, was the first time anyone in the Warsaw Pact had publicly called for the withdrawal of Soviet troops. The very making of this speech showed that the old taboos – and, with them, the power of the communist dictatorship – had collapsed. This was two months before the Hungarian government opened its border with Austria, allowing tens of thousands of East Germans to cross into West Germany, and five months before the Berlin wall came down. Orban’s contribution to the chain reaction which led to these later events was therefore decisive.


cb77b8  No.3100617


Right lol hahaha!

1a4352  No.3100618

File: 2fe30922bca1804⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1930x1298, 965:649, bnv.png)

af6d21  No.3100619

File: 3e60553a3ab9e64⋯.jpg (90.83 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 1aXlluY.jpg)


Have Anons looked at this??

b6ecc0  No.3100620


do we really have a choice anon…I mean

we have already lost our virginity so to speak.

No getting it back now.

No such thing as 90% virgin.


549226  No.3100621


So how many bits of quantum noise data would you need to make this encryption secure? Because to me it sounds like you're still encrypting your message using a (very, very large) encryption key. I don't see how Pad A transmits an encrypted message that Pad B is capable of decrypting, but a middle man attacker that intercepts the encrypted message is unable to descrypt it. It's just reversibly scrambled, albeit without a convenient pattern structure like you'd get using 256 bit, etc. What makes encryption more secure is a very large period of uniqueness before repetition occurs, which I guess you'd get if you used atmospheric noise as your key.

3084bc  No.3100622


Think of those that embrace not believing anything, faux autists - such as Royston Potter - that revel in their 'counter culture truther' misery.

Or those too attached to their own fitted tinfoil hat theories.

There's as many on the right as there is on the left.

c8bde4  No.3100623


Interdasting, I’m RH too, appears that many red pillers are

426a38  No.3100624


He also says to "trust yourself" and "shine your light into the darkness".

e1797a  No.3100625

File: 5ae79ba0aaf2863⋯.jpg (150.51 KB, 915x529, 915:529, eeny meeny part 3.jpg)

File: 63219edf0326a34⋯.png (793.96 KB, 1406x781, 1406:781, GOODFELLASANONQ.png)

File: 7dfece61b0bee0b⋯.jpg (216.02 KB, 1159x629, 1159:629, JS1.jpg)

File: a25f12fddbe06f4⋯.jpg (772.23 KB, 3678x1712, 1839:856, SJQX2.jpg)


besides saving the world and the money reparations et al… that is what i live for…

bab703  No.3100626

File: 065bb26251c6ad6⋯.jpg (113.26 KB, 573x760, 573:760, 1a.JPG)

File: 2a33d17a606e380⋯.jpg (162.09 KB, 641x915, 641:915, 2.JPG)

File: 41a5aa1198f64e8⋯.jpg (43.36 KB, 555x219, 185:73, 2a.JPG)

Renegade 3D-printing gunsmith Cody Wilson on the run in Taipei from child sex allegations


c7159e  No.3100627


Yup, no aliens. The vastness of space is GOD's creation, angels and demons exist we are not alone.

973ebf  No.3100628


I'm here every night too. Take some shit, leave some too. It's all good.


2fd132  No.3100629


If you are Austin Payseur, I also believe I have seen you post here often, no?

cb77b8  No.3100630

Oh and aliens. Hiding under my covers in a faraday cage covered in glass. With a plastic light saber.

d7ea1a  No.3100631


Q won't post now that I posted?

Did he whisper that to you?

That's a lot of power to give me, I'm not sure I want it.

549226  No.3100632

File: d0d63b2f78f116b⋯.jpg (26.76 KB, 512x422, 256:211, pepe_shrug.jpg)


For that matter, I wonder if a plane has ever crashed as a result of a laser pointer attack.

91b8a5  No.3100633

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ugh. It's not Mars it's the MOON. They are putting child sex slaves on the Moon! DreamWorks >>>>> Fishing for Souls!

484297  No.3100634

File: 72ec2627a457a9c⋯.png (734.12 KB, 638x477, 638:477, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba1cdd8b47c78ed⋯.png (419.8 KB, 532x431, 532:431, ClipboardImage.png)


Julianne Moore, Eva Longoria Release Video Thanking Brett Kavanaugh Accuser

Actresses Julianne Moore and Eva Longoria are among the celebrities and left-wing activists featured in a video montage, in which the women are seen thanking Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s assault accuser for coming forward with her allegation.

“We know how difficult it is to stand up to powerful people. We want to thank you for publicly sharing your story of sexual violence,” Grey’s Anatomy star Kelly McCreary says at the beginning of the two-minute video.

“The behavior you described was wrong and runs directly counter to upholding the law and promoting justice. He should not be confirmed,” say the women in the video, which also includes actresses America Ferrera, Gabrielle Union, and Amber Tamblyn.

“We can also imagine how shocking and overwhelming it must have been to have your truths shared on a national stage without your permission,” the women continue, reading a joint letter. “You should be the only decision-maker about how your story is shared, if ever.”

“We applaud your courage in coming forward for the public good, and we will be with you as you face the inevitable backlash,” the celebrity-studded video concludes. “Millions of us have your back. You and your testimony are credible. We believe you.”

Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford claimed that the judged attempting to sexually assault more than 30 years ago when they were both in high school. Ford has been invited to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday, but it appears that she will not show unless the

FBI undergoes an investigation into her allegations. The FBI has insisted that it has no interest or obligation to investigate Ford’s claims, as no federal crime has been alleged.

Judge Kavanaugh has repeatedly denied the allegation.

“If she shows up that would be wonderful if she doesn’t show up, that would be unfortunate,” President Donald Trump said of Ford Monday.


3d6579  No.3100635

File: 69f8b5a215cac64⋯.jpg (72.79 KB, 529x563, 529:563, 1537422314464.jpg)

e1797a  No.3100636


whoa droppin' bombs tonight are we?

51cdd5  No.3100637


All of us have a common anscestor…


(Not just life on earth)

4834e9  No.3100638


Not recused yet in this post!

95e168  No.3100639

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d8c124  No.3100641

File: e9cd06969b41881⋯.jpg (32.73 KB, 752x674, 376:337, e9cd06969b4188191bb6672143….jpg)


would look better and more like a side by side with a trumpeclipse or sometin instead of the masonic compass

4c69a3  No.3100642

File: f3d4f82d4cedd76⋯.jpeg (247.57 KB, 750x753, 250:251, C0901F91-2D3D-478A-93C9-E….jpeg)


Hell id be happy with 90% virgin.

Fug i’ll take 50%.

973ebf  No.3100643


See- that's the thing. What if you were both; angel and demon combo? You know, that whole Nephilim thang.

Could ya live with that?


4834e9  No.3100644

typo Not unrecused

91b8a5  No.3100645

File: d256c946ef5d663⋯.jpeg (508.92 KB, 799x1035, 799:1035, Screenshot_2018-09-20-02-….jpeg)


Cold Sex slaves on the Moon

45e0e9  No.3100646

File: 9e7aacc7444d1a7⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 9e7aacc7444d1a76b00397c1eb….jpg)


Just asking for a crump, anon. Be cool.

It is MY question and I trust Q with the answers. We're all in this together so I wouldn't expect to have anyone put into harms way. Are you being cool yet, anon? Are you?? Good.

WWG1WGA Forever

f6cc86  No.3100647

Let's make this bitch famous:


5c2ef4  No.3100648


One time pad - look it up. It is a bit-for-bit key. The pad needs to be as large as the data sent/received. Invented in the late 1880's as a character cypher.

Since you're coming at this thinking about encryption, you're thinking it is inconvenient. But the cost of storage is virtually free now. Reorient your priorities and consider what you value. If your data is worth anything, it is probably worth exchanging a physical key with the other endpoint to KNOW you cannot be surveilled.

d7ea1a  No.3100649


what, like a hissss?

b6060f  No.3100650

File: 5c843de1a641b41⋯.jpg (24.11 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 5c843de1a641b4140e6acb2002….jpg)

Moon landings are real

Reflectors are real

Observatories were closed due to CP

Think reflectors

Think CP

Think deep state messages embedded in CP

02fd18  No.3100651


This isn't going to end well.

cd6e48  No.3100652


"Trauma-informed"???? What in the ever living fuck is that?!

I hate these people. Demons on earth.

31d9af  No.3100653

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

484297  No.3100654


Went to a Rave once and there were lasers everywhere and people were crashing into each other all over the place. So i say yes to laser induced plane crashes!

9aa272  No.3100655


Grow up and put your toddler books away.

128b0b  No.3100656

File: b76b1acbb08c277⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1080x890, 108:89, how deep does child traffi….png)

3b6802  No.3100657


"Life here, began out there."

bab703  No.3100658

File: 0ac68007f7361ff⋯.jpg (72.78 KB, 614x857, 614:857, 1a.JPG)

File: 6d5e276641840dd⋯.jpg (84.46 KB, 606x583, 606:583, 2.JPG)

Swami Narayana Dharmavruthan arrested for child abuse


5876f1  No.3100660


as long as they're not yanking the controls left and right, I don't see why they would crash, the pilots probably just close their eyes for a while and wait for the idiots to give up

9d7935  No.3100661



Disinfo is necessary

Trust in yourselves, we are not sheep. The Q&A was a test that many failed ..

51cdd5  No.3100662




da229f  No.3100663


project bluebeam

god you fags are so gullible

934d27  No.3100664


>Inb4 4th reich

fdc850  No.3100665

hhhhmmmmmmmmm, interdasting, lends credence to the "the moon landings were only for show" ideas

Smith and Goode’s claims are supported by documentary evidence released by the National Reconnaissance Office concerning a secret military Astronaut corps trained for the Manned Orbiting Laboratory program.

From 1963 to 1969, 17 military astronauts were secretly trained together with those chosen for regular NASA missions, and were earmarked to join the classified USAF space program. Here is how PBS described what happened:

These men, 17 in all, were set to make history in space as the first military astronauts, performing covert reconnaissance from orbit. Yet while NASA’s astronauts were gracing magazine covers and signing autographs, the MOL teams were sworn to secrecy; most of the program’s details remain classified even today. And MOL was canceled in 1969, before any of its astronauts went into space.


973ebf  No.3100666

File: e05d7f3b8d94523⋯.jpg (43.43 KB, 750x500, 3:2, coy.jpg)


Saw someone post the coy pond pic LB. Did any of y'all make a meme with Anderson Pooper in the pond?

That'd be GREAT!

e1797a  No.3100667

File: 6942c10f0f2129c⋯.png (9.41 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 6176a3600d39cd163b0807fedc….png)


when i asked "are you spiritual white boy?" yet you keep on going with this I am like


3d6579  No.3100668

File: 5b552a1f720b6a3⋯.jpg (205.01 KB, 1242x1780, 621:890, 1537355216050.jpg)

a113f3  No.3100669

File: e62b884c1d7e985⋯.jpeg (43.46 KB, 620x440, 31:22, image.jpeg)

51cdd5  No.3100670


Has to be right?

93b310  No.3100671


98percent of our DNA is same as a chimp.

50 is the same as a banana.

Even plants share the basic structure.


Totally plausible. HIGHLY Likely.

Not possible to evolve like this here.

I will leave you with that and retreat to the bunker for the night…

Godspeed anons.

(what is the actual speed of God?! -kek)

1aee1b  No.3100672

Hi Q,

When is the tipping point?

c7159e  No.3100673


It's already obvious to me that's what it is.

38dd58  No.3100674

File: b1b3e4df34c7929⋯.jpg (162 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, Vontae-Davis.jpg)

File: 4d11911b02f6849⋯.png (1.32 MB, 852x910, 426:455, Vontae_Davis_Tweet.png)

30-Year-Old NFL Player Abruptly Retired In The Middle Of A Game This Weekend – So What Happens To His Contract And Money?

"When you add it all up, he's earned around $55 million in salary before taxes and fees."


"17 Years Later. 17 Years Stronger. We fight on and find the strength, the courage, the faith. #NeverForget"


Mr. Vontae Davis, actions indeed do speak louder than words. Your patriotic tweets will inspire others to rethink the NFL. God bless you and please stay safe. #WWG1WGA

fdc850  No.3100675

Notables so far, let me know if something was missed


>>3100353 Graphic: POTUS ORDERS FISA DECLAS ON QDAY (17)

>>3100457 WHY CHRISTINE BLASEY FORD’S HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOKS WERE SCRUBBED: Faculty Approved Racism, Binge Drinking and Promiscuity

>>3100481 Digging on the family of Lawrence Jamieson (Largest child Porn bust in Pa history)

>>3100626 Renegade 3D-printing gunsmith Cody Wilson on the run in Taipei from child sex allegations

still looking for backup

97c951  No.3100676

File: 5eb20ff4d07f4ea⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, image.jpg)


k nope not tx

34153c  No.3100677

File: d3f6b1a872b2a94⋯.jpg (227.51 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, heel-heal.jpg)

fight fight fight

56caa8  No.3100678



Q a long time ago told us to follow grassley. does anyone know why when you copy and paste the text from his letters the formatting comes out really weird? is it a code? https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/2018-09-19%20Grassley%20to%20Committee%20Minority%20-%20Ford%20Testimony.pdf

934d27  No.3100679



c77473  No.3100680

File: 2aa42b97de998a7⋯.jpg (400.72 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, suicide watch.jpg)

File: 55a2b409ba38b41⋯.jpg (50.26 KB, 600x452, 150:113, 9-19-EVIL.jpg)

File: 4a1db90ea85c393⋯.jpg (44.91 KB, 600x347, 600:347, 9-19-HYPOCRISY.jpg)

File: 8d6dbe0b71a916b⋯.jpg (47.51 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 9-19-THIS BITCH IS EVIL.jpg)

File: 4c1a7ad144f1b97⋯.jpg (335.98 KB, 1000x674, 500:337, 9-19-ZERO.jpg)

56caa8  No.3100681

File: be5faeb934047fd⋯.png (61.43 KB, 497x337, 497:337, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

36dfb5  No.3100682

File: 3bc3ea3727c34c7⋯.jpg (15.44 KB, 800x440, 20:11, 62_Naval_Galactic_Battle_G….jpg)

File: 268eaeb05887c51⋯.gif (24.68 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 200px-United_States_Space_….gif)

File: d27ffcd7c24599c⋯.jpg (15.72 KB, 241x209, 241:209, download (3).jpg)

File: 60ead90926e3c9b⋯.jpg (8.72 KB, 244x207, 244:207, download (4).jpg)

File: 94cf5bac58909c2⋯.jpg (6.34 KB, 277x182, 277:182, download (6).jpg)

Anons need to do more research.

02fd18  No.3100683



So can a bottle of vodka. Give me a 3 million dollar grant to research my hypothesis and I'll make the Independents front page.

2cd886  No.3100684


Yep. But make sure you keep it to yourself anon.

e1797a  No.3100685

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


please give skeptic overfuckfag a message for me…

66a6c6  No.3100686


Just the truth….sadly without the financial system we'd all turn into freeloadin libtards because no one would have motivation to do anything and as a society we probably wouldnt be where we are qithout motivation….bewbs works for me

784097  No.3100687


Kek, they really do just want a bunch of Godless commies walking around with no thought at all.

cd6e48  No.3100688


Agreed. A could've chosen many other questions to answer. He chose two that he knew would light Anons on fire. That was purposeful.

da6504  No.3100689

Bro….talk to us.

1c5bed  No.3100690

File: c9b4e0d1f49b142⋯.jpg (86.68 KB, 400x521, 400:521, 0000MAGAmadmaxineKEK.jpg)


As someone who'd been watching that program/group since 2011 and watched the downfall over….years, I am laughing so hard at this.

Thanks for posting.

Made my night. Ahahahaha.

Oooooooooh man that was very entertaining indeed.

b6ecc0  No.3100691


Wouldn't it be something…if all the 911 truth came out and the nation demanded the 'monument of monstrosity be torn down [it stands as a DS insult to the nation] and pushed to have the twin towers rebuilt?

now that would be an awesome day!

d7ea1a  No.3100693


They had one of our money printers!

I heard Libya had one too!

How the fuck does that happen?

Money Laundering???

45e0e9  No.3100694

File: 48f0b44f1267cf7⋯.jpg (37.23 KB, 450x338, 225:169, DmWSwjQU8AAH1_n.jpg)


Could you ever lovin' imagine spending the rest of your life with these nonsense people? All of them. Good gravy. This is the most obvious stalling for time imaginable. They know their paradigms fate is sealed. I'm going to go to bed happy we actually WON'T be suffering an entire LIFETIME with this noise. They hit peak cloying asinine bullshit 5 years ago and looks like they are going to make it worse for everyone for the next 5 weeks to 5 months. But by then the tide will have turned. Isn't that so sweet, anons? I find it rather jubilant personally.

97c951  No.3100695

cb77b8  No.3100696


What does it do? I have to admit I don't understand.

2312ce  No.3100697

File: 252c4494603b6cb⋯.jpg (20.71 KB, 320x240, 4:3, hot_dog.jpg)


dear dumb motherfucker,

your stupid as shit.

please. give up. atleast leave us alone.

nobody wants to hear your cryin' ass complain.

its not our fault your parents raised you a dumb ass.

It was Q. accept it. or get out.

973ebf  No.3100698


That is interesting. Wonder if there's a larger percentage of us here. They say we're a bit intuitive- more than most. Perhaps that helps with this crap we dig? Know POTUS is too. Good company. Good peeps.

90e5d0  No.3100700

File: 78f6d261b4fa2a4⋯.jpg (78.96 KB, 312x436, 78:109, dfggfdert.jpg)

File: 7cae2714f6c65a3⋯.jpg (78 KB, 310x436, 155:218, help.jpg)

File: eeb9b806237321a⋯.jpg (81.37 KB, 312x438, 52:73, idontsuckdingdongs.jpg)

File: 5aecc2305dbfa2b⋯.jpg (80.36 KB, 312x436, 78:109, usumbish.jpg)

da6504  No.3100701


Talk to us

56caa8  No.3100702

File: 1f472d492d52aeb⋯.png (141 KB, 354x624, 59:104, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

File: 3d08dee431f0e77⋯.png (106.97 KB, 287x550, 287:550, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

9aa272  No.3100703

File: 65d271b0fe3ac3a⋯.png (658.69 KB, 1333x707, 1333:707, Screen Shot 2018-09-11 at ….png)

File: 3439571cd9a9de7⋯.png (673.54 KB, 1363x702, 1363:702, Screen Shot 2018-09-11 at ….png)

File: 8d982fb93313151⋯.png (748.84 KB, 1392x718, 696:359, Screen Shot 2018-09-11 at ….png)

File: b65579e5278b146⋯.png (791.94 KB, 1384x713, 1384:713, Screen Shot 2018-09-11 at ….png)

57c164  No.3100704


Somebody did one already. Very Funny. Posted sometime today.

f54978  No.3100705

File: f6dfcfcd28a98ac⋯.gif (2.99 MB, 252x263, 252:263, f6dfcfcd28a98ac6b9065bd1bb….gif)

91b8a5  No.3100706

File: 76d6a4b9af1f63e⋯.jpeg (111.01 KB, 742x393, 742:393, Screenshot_2018-09-20-02-….jpeg)

File: e4fc2934a409608⋯.jpeg (287.8 KB, 799x853, 799:853, Screenshot_2018-09-20-02-….jpeg)


Not Aliens. That's why she went under hypnosis to change her memory from being raped by Bill Clinton on the moon to an Alien. Mind Control.

5790fc  No.3100707


You're right, it would take pre-planning.

Hmm so now I don't know.

But I do think the faulty steel was part of the whole thing, and had a lot to do with the 2 towers coming down. Did our own gov cause it all? Probably so. Probably so.

2fd132  No.3100708


Recognized the syntax in the Twat post right away. If that stuff you posted was the real deal, glad you're safe

8f991f  No.3100709

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little chimp pansy? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Chimps, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids in the Congo, and I have over 300 confirmed banana heists. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top monkey bar climber in the entire evolved ape armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another monkey wrench. I will wipe you the fuck out with ba-booms the likes of which has never been seen before in any of the King Kong remakes, mark my fucking Furious George words. You think you can get away with flinging that shit at me over the Intervines? Think again, Ape man. As we speak I am koko'ing to my secret network of howler monkeys in my cage and your monkey business is being imitated right fucking now so you better prepare for the storm, monkey boy. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your monkey tree. You're fucking bananas, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can fling poo at you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in ape-to-ape combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Planet of the Apes plot twists and I will use them to their full extent to wipe your miserable Ape ass off the evolutionary tree and back to the stone age. If only you could have known what unholy de-evolution your little "monkey" comment was about to rain down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking Curious George tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you damn dirty ape. I will Donkey Kong all over your face and you will drown in it. You're fucking screwed, VJ.

fdc850  No.3100710


>Anons need to do more research.

love this area of digging

but you need a yuge hillenkoetter pic

36dfb5  No.3100711

File: bd4ee9d77f6db27⋯.jpg (217.49 KB, 572x470, 286:235, post-2322-0-41835900-14481….jpg)

File: ed27d241f7e8d3a⋯.jpg (25.63 KB, 291x300, 97:100, s-l300 (1).jpg)

File: 810d06f7e9cd8f9⋯.jpg (24.92 KB, 300x289, 300:289, s-l300.jpg)

File: cd29b7ae850c75d⋯.jpg (127.67 KB, 1024x700, 256:175, Starships-menacing-Apollo-….jpg)

cb77b8  No.3100712

Why would it do crazy shit pointed at the moon? This is what I am not understanding.

3b6802  No.3100713


So Say We All.

By their very definition, God, Angles, Demons, are Extra Terrestrial. And I can not believe that God used all of his creative energy on this shit hole.

ba5ed7  No.3100714


god you shills are so unconvincing


97c951  No.3100715


On my Facebook

Someone else made SS I did post it a few breads ago

ca8631  No.3100716


crying eye in the pyramid?

70632f  No.3100717


omg when i was digging on dc paedophiles connection to global child trafficking ring, that popped up; aliens had a deal they wouldn't attack earth if earth kidnapped citizens, delivered them to base on the moon, one way bus tours …. hey it all sounds crazy the more truth we know so like they said in the movie 'Angels In The Outfield'


0922fc  No.3100719


wtf are you talking about in that?

36dfb5  No.3100720

File: 5669c4f3c70fb4f⋯.png (40.61 KB, 220x225, 44:45, 220px-Air_Force_Space_Comm….png)

File: 6ba0e65742db75b⋯.jpg (33.9 KB, 390x390, 1:1, c1z_lpEr_400x400.jpg)

File: d0ee94f0d817bb8⋯.jpg (106.15 KB, 600x656, 75:82, schriever_p3-600x656.jpg)

File: 1b095b4a03af8d6⋯.jpg (265.27 KB, 445x467, 445:467, schriever_stargate.jpg)

af6d21  No.3100721

File: 56d34ad1911ca98⋯.jpg (27.3 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 0fa9afcf891a8d54a91791d335….jpg)




0dbded  No.3100722


Anytime they have a test something happens we know this routine…

b6ecc0  No.3100723

File: 194ea5770b1238b⋯.png (570.04 KB, 970x636, 485:318, michete.png)


wrong meme anon.

It's a femfag.

549226  No.3100724

File: e6b1ee4ac3dc696⋯.jpg (128.88 KB, 892x767, 892:767, pepe_leaks.jpg)


>bit-for-bit key

In those terms I understand you. The key is the same bit length as or longer than the message itself, and made up of completely random data (noise), and the key is applied on top of the message as a cipher, scrambling it in such a way that there's no plausible or possible means of decoding it. The data has all been changed from its original form, following no pattern or algorithm or any other reversible or discernible process. Essentially, without the pad you have junk data that might as well be atmospheric noise, itself.

So here's a funny idea. If you have a pair of pads, A and B, and they each contain the same two chunks of quantum noise, C and D, then if A transmits using C and B transmits using D, can't you use the pads repeatedly and securely for as long as they both remain physically secure against attackers? I don't see how a quantum noise key would ever expire, since no one is ever going to crack the message without the noise keys located on those two pads.

31d9af  No.3100725

File: 2ea1e3233634579⋯.jpeg (32.33 KB, 950x450, 19:9, codename-solar-warden--th….jpeg)

File: 52fe8cd781f9810⋯.png (526.55 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Solar Warden Icon.png)

File: 72d641fe2e9bfc8⋯.png (1.8 MB, 2230x1463, 2230:1463, a5c018addbc63737c6436c0f29….png)

File: cf7d7280553fc54⋯.jpeg (103.7 KB, 960x640, 3:2, 42212367_707669566275103_….jpeg)

File: 99b8e794192079b⋯.jpeg (62.28 KB, 960x702, 160:117, 42098387_707669222941804_….jpeg)

0516e5  No.3100726

File: 434bc0e6dd4c8d6⋯.jpg (46.45 KB, 488x370, 244:185, P1010596.jpg)

File: 8fcbb935b2f06f9⋯.jpg (101.62 KB, 586x345, 586:345, Screen Shot 2018-08-19 at ….jpg)

e1797a  No.3100727


oh fucking please…

da6504  No.3100728


Is it real, all these fools are saying its a larp. BTW, Thank you for your service, eyes right salute MARINE!!!

c77473  No.3100729

File: 9e51e2aa2b82a70⋯.jpg (99.33 KB, 600x719, 600:719, 9-19-GODW.jpg)

File: 4111cefc1a2b49c⋯.jpg (78.56 KB, 600x720, 5:6, 9-19-VAIN.jpg)

File: 2f60c5dac17c09f⋯.jpg (51.96 KB, 600x543, 200:181, 9-19-SMITH.jpg)

File: f31cc8f16ec6fef⋯.jpg (54.66 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 9-19-CONFUSE.jpg)

File: 67fdcd85d8e869c⋯.jpg (68.92 KB, 600x609, 200:203, 9-19-DAD.jpg)

5790fc  No.3100730


I've decided to be completely open minded. I'm not going to discount anything. Hopefully the Truth is not too far off, from what I believe now. But if it is, then so be it. I want the Truth, and nothing but the Truth.

054fde  No.3100731

File: 9da195cc571467a⋯.jpg (70.22 KB, 900x450, 2:1, QSpaceforcequote3.jpg)

4d3c4c  No.3100732

File: cd194c4fddaa8fc⋯.jpeg (44.64 KB, 475x358, 475:358, cayce.jpeg)

I don't know what happens next but I know we are on a much better timeline than Cayce had to offer.

51cdd5  No.3100733


Not only exta terrestrial…

extra dimensional


It’s all about perspective really.

Imagine you were born deaf and blind.

Seriously… really contemplate it for a moment.

Imagine how different the world would seem and how much harder it would be to learn or understand anything.

Is it possible that we are all deaf and blind in a metaphorical sense…


  “The Inhabitance of SPACE IN GENERAL


  This Work is Dedicated

  By a Humble Native of Flatland

  In the Hope that

  Even as he was Initiated into the Mysteries


  Having been previously conversant


  So the Citizens of that Celestial Region

  May aspire yet higher and higher

  To the Secrets of FOUR FIVE or EVEN SIX Dimensions

  Thereby contributing

  To the Enlargment of THE IMAGINATION

  And the possible Development

  Of that most and excellent Gift of MODESTY

  Among the Superior Races



d7ea1a  No.3100734


weird, I was just thinking about that yesterday…

but you just reminded me of another science based redpill path - visible universe

and the answer to this question -

What is the center of the universe?

A lot of truth can be found by attempting to answer that question.

02fd18  No.3100735


Archived link


Anyone have an original source of the yearbook? Not having a lot of luck finding it. Looks legit though.

45e0e9  No.3100736

File: 3b3797bd7744fe5⋯.jpg (82.46 KB, 806x991, 806:991, proxy.duckduckgo-2 copy.jpg)

File: d046d35e9d783d4⋯.jpg (12.86 KB, 480x360, 4:3, proxy.duckduckgo-5 copy.jpg)


Please talk and share more. I'm hurting and I think many anons are and have been hurt in their own way. This is night shift so please feel free to expand, provide sauce. Whatever you have to strengthen our spirits/souls.

59f64c  No.3100737

File: b998919dd6e6ea4⋯.jpg (25.29 KB, 612x344, 153:86, Christine Blasey Ford.jpg)

File: 6df6bc7ffe111a5⋯.png (78.67 KB, 600x438, 100:73, CIA-ASSETS.png)

>>3100126 lb

>Do we have a confirmation on the yearbook yet? The scrubbed a lot of her history before this came out.

Assuming she had one in the first place

b60eab  No.3100738

File: 0048317f87f83ef⋯.png (31.38 KB, 639x217, 639:217, magicsword.png)

Nearly 6 million hits.

All for a Larp right?

4101c3  No.3100739


Women's authentic experiences, realities, lives are being co-opted in one-half of a cabal-created distorted dialectic spoken by misled, mind-fucked, or compromised women, that gives men an excuse and permission to deride and dismiss those realities.

2312ce  No.3100740

File: c874b61e31eab82⋯.jpg (36.47 KB, 320x320, 1:1, batgirl.jpg)

wtf is going on.

you don't want dick'n'peas?

fine. suit yourself.

59f64c  No.3100741

File: 0342075e5b502c6⋯.png (190.74 KB, 612x344, 153:86, Christine Blasey Ford.png)


Damn wrong first image

549226  No.3100742

File: d361ef400abbc56⋯.png (327.29 KB, 517x388, 517:388, TT_Skyline.png)


I've always hoped they would rebuild the towers. The "monument" they built is a testament to sorrow and loss, NOT the American defiance and the will to rebuild in the face of terrorism and tyranny.

Plus, those towers looked really great.

cb77b8  No.3100743

File: fe2507d1851f4a6⋯.png (93.37 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 20180920_003104.png)


Flip that air force command shit inn the middle around. You get….

97c951  No.3100744

File: 2bf038684f038d2⋯.jpeg (69.8 KB, 488x532, 122:133, 525F96D3-F1D4-4557-A782-B….jpeg)

File: ebfbd2907f5298d⋯.jpeg (319.66 KB, 2208x1242, 16:9, 6CB13A2A-7E50-4D05-A6BD-E….jpeg)


Just looking for work now, payseur is fake name. Today is dead dad’s bday and just trying to keep occupied. All I do is Q and shitpost twat/FB

af6d21  No.3100745

File: 199b796dd82a964⋯.png (919.76 KB, 942x802, 471:401, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)


Their end is near. Mid-Terms will be the end in almost every sense. They REALLY think a Blue Wave is coming, and when the absolute wipeout hits them, then what?? And who knows what other shots POTUS and team have for them from here on in??

Game is OVER.

cb77b8  No.3100746

File: 18a2c505a788310⋯.png (93.51 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 20180920_003226.png)

Do you see space craft yet?

5c2ef4  No.3100747


As long as you never use the same bits twice, there will never be a pattern. That's the idea. It literally is perfect security.

The caveat, of course, is you need full security on the generation and handling of the pads. So the generation should be done in a Faraday shield, the pads need to be handled securely (keep them on your person and exchange in person). The endpoint hardware has to be secure and the software on the endpoint hardware has to be secure. All of this isn't all that difficult if you start with all of this in mind.

Forget about doing this with any existing hardware or software platforms, though, because they're ALL compromised as fuck. Start by building your own hardware that is designed in such a way that the only attack is a DOS (which is un-preventable.) Once you have that, then build the software. Certainly not all that difficult given the prize for completion.

36dfb5  No.3100748


True, never noticed that before.

e68fba  No.3100749


Youtube is scrubing the flat earth researchers subscribers done today. Is it possible they had forth knowledge q was going to post such answers?

59f64c  No.3100750


Let's hope they keep believing those fake polls

054fde  No.3100751


No shit cause the symbolism MEANS SOMETHING.

Mug dig for symbolism but muh stop digging for what it means and WHY?

2fd132  No.3100752


Did not figure name was real

7c7f35  No.3100753

File: db789261a7bb7cd⋯.jpeg (154.6 KB, 499x333, 499:333, here-comes-the-sun-dawn-o….jpeg)

8d506e  No.3100754


women are prime targets. as are children. both are easily subverted.

93b310  No.3100755


And "antimatter" we can not perceive.

It is simply atoms that are made up where they are enveloped by the neutron instead of the electron (that makes it not have an electromagnetic signature).

Since we live in EM spectrum (electromag) all that we perceive is such, yet the majority of matter exists "inverted" and invisible to us.

What other dimensions are there all around us?

Can "they" see our dimension?

Spoopy shit indeed!

af6d21  No.3100756


FACT!! I've thought about that several times.

5876f1  No.3100757


maybe I should design a fake patch and get someone to make it

fdc850  No.3100758

File: 669275af09813b5⋯.png (38.26 KB, 770x199, 770:199, Q&A1.png)

File: 768f097839c242f⋯.png (6.15 KB, 395x96, 395:96, Q&A2.png)

same number of UIDs in the the 2nd and 3rd Q&A breads

e70f2a  No.3100759

File: a11cdbd374750c8⋯.jpg (61.38 KB, 443x720, 443:720, 930b0d51a5a01054348dc38826….jpg)

fdc850  No.3100761

File: 16ed405b85e4fda⋯.jpg (87.17 KB, 500x500, 1:1, FEfakeandgay.jpg)

cb77b8  No.3100762




Like the childeric bees. Symbolizes their craft.

96d86e  No.3100763

When are you filthy mother-scratchin cock suckers gonna start talking about the only mother-fucking thing that matters?

The public schools and government sticking it's fithy pecker in the damn education of young men and ladies has got to be gotten the fuck rid of. It's a mother-fucking artificial commie kraut construct.

I fought and suffered in WWII. I lost a brother. It was fuckin bullshit out there. Everyone had fucking Malaria. And we fuckin thought we were fighting for freedom. Come to find out were sheep being sent to the mother fucking slaughterhouse so some rich cock-sucking sumbitch fraudsters could dress like women and rape babies.

You mother fuckers need to fix this fuckin shit right now. Get rid of the fucking programming. Get rid of the mother fucking public schools and get the goddamn government out of the mother fuckin education business of the little ones. You filthy bastards.

e1797a  No.3100764

File: 35d50f894ea1fb8⋯.jpg (14.69 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 4bc5c911538bcae26496f0af5b….jpg)

File: 16fcd22a6543dd8⋯.png (10.77 KB, 255x241, 255:241, 6c66afdcaf3e4986cdf694682d….png)

File: d2044430bcd5987⋯.png (31.8 KB, 896x994, 64:71, PEPE BABY 2.png)

File: 8ebb90504f6cce9⋯.jpeg (40.38 KB, 600x600, 1:1, PEPE SUICIDAL.jpeg)

"Normies, think logically about the Q/Q&A.

FIRST - It is IMPORTANT to know that Q

could have easily predicted every question,

or even posted the questions he wanted to answer.

THEREFORE, the answers to those questions

would have been pre-written in advance. And they

would have been written to accomplish 5 goals…

1. Come across as off the cuff quick responses even

though they would have been carefully curated in advance.

2. Answer all questions without really answering by providing

a potential double meaning or code for an operation.

3. Successfully test the ability to scale the cloud hosting environment on the fly for a future reason [info drop].

4. Force MSM to ask more public questions about Q because

of the enhanced space "conspiracy" angle.

5. Assess the strength of the normie audience to use information to think rather than be used by information on how to think.

Lastly, Q doesn't owe anyone anything.

Normies are demanding answers.

Normies are making assumptions about answers

Disinformation is an understanding for long time anons.

Q is not here to appease us.

Q is fighting a global system.

Q is not fighting you.

Be humble. Be patient. Be generous. Be kind.

But most of all, be logical and know your role.

We are here voluntarily.

We are here to serve not be served.

Otherwise this may not be the right place for you."

I think I will post this at least once in every bread that I participate in from henceforth onward…

exactly because it does not represent me, it is a RANT and it most def. should not be in a bread…

2fd132  No.3100765


Sorry about your dad - tough day

51cdd5  No.3100766

Warrant: New Mexico Observatory Closure Linked to Child Porn

An observatory in the mountains of southern New Mexico that mysteriously closed earlier this month sparking popular rumors of alien visitor appears to be linked to a child pornography investigation.


476916  No.3100768




I used to be part of a tight-knit discussion group for people who had paranormal experiences. We discovered one day that everyone participating had Rh- blood. What are the statistical odds of that?

Meanwhile, the most deeply blue-pilled people in my family are all Rh positive.

There's definitely something to the Rh- theories.

735a26  No.3100769


Up is Spirit. Down is Animal.

It's just a pentagram. Air, Fire, Earth, Water, and Spirit.

Spirit is life, spontaneous. Animal is controlled, mechanical.

e9cb1a  No.3100770


There’s a limit of 750.

36dfb5  No.3100771


You can find them on official U.S Military websites with a little digging troll.

Or pick yourself up a copy of this book. All declassified FOIA


e1797a  No.3100772


nice cover story sauce

47e970  No.3100773

Ancient Egyptian Roots of the Principia Hermetica

I, King Pepi, am THOTH, the mightiest of the gods …

"Do You not know, Asclepius, that Egypt is an image of heaven, or, to speak more exactly, in Egypt all the operations of the powers which rule and work in heaven have been transferred to Earth below ?"Asclepius III, 24b

The religion of Ancient Egypt has been reconstructed by the Greeks (in the Hermetica), by the Abrahamic tradition (in their Scriptures) and by the Western Mystery Tradition (Hermeticism). But these reconstructions are flawed. The Hermetic teachings incorporate an un-Egyptian view on the mysteries (stressing the mind at the expense of the body). The protagonists of the revealed religions (Judaism, Christianity & Islam), as well as the initiators of Hermeticism, were unable to read the hieroglyphs, and if they did, only allegorical, explaining the obscure with more obscurity. Only the last two hundred years has a reliable historical reconstruction become available, offering a basic historical framework.

Not the Qabalah (Jewish or Christian), but the Ancient Egyptian Mystery Tradition (or Kemetism) is the backbone of the Western Tradition. Instead of Hermeticism, a return to Hermetism is envisaged. To approach Kemetism today, ten Hermetic principles are isolated. Each is associated with a fundamental teaching found in Egyptian texts. This exercise is possible because the Hermetica are rooted in the native Egyptian religion, albeit Hellenized. The authors were Egyptians still able to read the "words of the gods". In this way, the Western Tradition may finally stretch its roots in perennial soil, first in Alexandrian thought and from there in the native Egyptian tradition, its natural ally.


cb77b8  No.3100774

File: c4df09e3b72bfec⋯.jpg (22.62 KB, 310x162, 155:81, 20180920_003541.jpg)


Check this out

5c2ef4  No.3100775


and yet…there are usually 751…

549226  No.3100776

File: 23b710515d7c22f⋯.jpg (146.19 KB, 1200x713, 1200:713, happening_slowly.jpg)


Texans just flipped a senate seat that's been Blue for 136 years. I'm glad these people still believe in the Blue Wave \ Mueller Time \ 25th Amendment, because believing in these things keeps them from setting fire to trash cans and breaking the windows of local businesses.

If POTUS and his team are smart–and they fucking are–then the Storm will be over before Democucks even realize It's Happening.

See attached image. Last line is what I'm simmering for!

b4f4b0  No.3100777

File: e51c133fecd2d98⋯.jpg (99.31 KB, 1051x621, 1051:621, PIC 2.jpg)

File: de69fe877a245e3⋯.jpg (72.09 KB, 640x440, 16:11, Debauchery! Archive of Chr….jpg)

File: f7de42989df0946⋯.jpg (181.4 KB, 1280x862, 640:431, Matrix Mueller WHY?!.jpg)


I haven't been able to find anything yet on the yearbook other than the link posted a couple of breads ago.


Kek, your 3rd pic reminded me of my 3rd pic

31d9af  No.3100778

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

93b310  No.3100779


User limit vs. Post limit.

97c951  No.3100780

File: eaa21d4586b2b05⋯.png (169.86 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 93282BCF-91B4-4145-862B-D5….png)


Employer closed on Saturday, not lncel

f8b5b2  No.3100781


Still looking for relief? Just got on.

BO/BV check?

0922fc  No.3100782


That's # of posts in a bread, anon, not the # of UIDs.

2fd132  No.3100783


Rh- but never had a paranormal experience. So far

af6d21  No.3100784

File: 5d1265b691fe9c3⋯.jpg (91.21 KB, 517x322, 517:322, 41e0068cb6d7f12e9c4cd63ca2….jpg)


Someone the other day asked if there were any famous people on the board, and an an Anon claimed to be Vontae and that he quit to come fight with us full time or something to that effect. I have the clip somewhere.

Maybe. KEK!!

I gotta go follow him.

fdc850  No.3100785

File: de5f7314ff666c0⋯.png (13.32 KB, 599x314, 599:314, ClipboardImage.png)



this is last bread

4266e8  No.3100786


the original post was about uid count not post count.

c77473  No.3100787

File: 4a46d05ad69ed68⋯.jpg (34.75 KB, 600x494, 300:247, 9-19-ALL 4 A LARP ha.jpg)

File: 063c72a5f15af82⋯.jpg (47.76 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 9-19-FREE IRAN.jpg)

File: b2b044e63e7d564⋯.jpg (47.9 KB, 600x395, 120:79, 9-19-KENYAN.jpg)

File: 817cfd998816228⋯.jpg (82.9 KB, 600x1114, 300:557, 9-19-SADLY.jpg)

File: bfd7bb93f401cd8⋯.jpg (45.98 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 9-19-SPIDEY.jpg)

8c6ee4  No.3100788


This is a true story.

5876f1  No.3100789


it doesn't mean they're actually working with aliens, they just thought it would be cool to put on the patch

just cause the NRO has a patch with a giant space octopus doesn't mean there is really such a thing

480946  No.3100790

File: 96d4a1beec3f85b⋯.jpg (33.53 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1535255677537.jpg)

3127d6  No.3100791


57 varieties, Heinz

549226  No.3100792

File: b7f4a7fc45db084⋯.jpg (62.31 KB, 584x778, 292:389, backpanther.jpg)


Sorry, I meant House, not Senate. You only get 2 Senate seats per state.


fdc850  No.3100793


I can bake this bread

then hand off at the beginning of the next

just wouldn't be able to go much longer

thanks anon

97c951  No.3100794


Thanks anon

38e59c  No.3100795

File: c9dfa3efd4f29e8⋯.jpg (166.41 KB, 1200x960, 5:4, IMG_8954.JPG)

File: 483a74b69eab391⋯.png (981.38 KB, 1317x1705, 1317:1705, IMG_8952.PNG)

File: 0f44335827c45b7⋯.png (1 MB, 1311x1706, 1311:1706, IMG_8953.PNG)

I've been reading the "Bills" that congress has been working on and found this today actually. Anything with Shifty on it ima read. Kek! I was going through /PatriotsFIght/ and (pic 1) reminded me of this;

A bill he's had proposed and within in it he's discussing the Intelligence Community and congressional oversight over classified info and the declassification of said info. Quit interesting read;



4c69a3  No.3100796

File: 84c6745d76c7209⋯.png (304.57 KB, 955x530, 191:106, B802DFB9-0B21-4A19-8AC0-CA….png)

File: dac4b5d51a21e54⋯.png (2.85 MB, 1868x1240, 467:310, 4BE8F433-804F-47CC-A713-0F….png)

47e970  No.3100797

File: 6eaeeb401aa4890⋯.png (387.09 KB, 650x650, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Let's not forget Star Trek

afe948  No.3100798


Must be just you, mine's working properly.

Though I'll probably get reported for posting this shortly ↓


kek that was hilarious!

56caa8  No.3100799

File: 3954869a6c787cd⋯.mp4 (752.21 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, thhhhhh.mp4)


2312ce  No.3100801


gudshit anon.

nobody likes gettin' their wrist slapped. but ur correct.

0516e5  No.3100802

File: a50e830fddc1478⋯.jpg (127 KB, 592x600, 74:75, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….jpg)

Would be something if the RH- bloodline suggests an original colonization of Earth from another planet

fa5eb8  No.3100803

>sara carter says there's two "set's of books" at the FBI

>scott adams says we've been watching two different movies

just sayin.

ffbc06  No.3100804

File: e721aacb31ba000⋯.jpg (36.34 KB, 600x420, 10:7, What-the-hell-kind-of-test….jpg)


>>normie reading:

Did NASA fake the moon landings?, Have we been to the moon since then?

Q: False, <-- yes, they were faked [but] moon landings are real

^--- projection

Are there secret space programs?, Is this why the Space Force was created?

Q: Programs exist that are outside of public domain.

Anon reading:

>>3099562 lb

NASA - blah, blah, blah

False, moon landings are real."

Convert this to text comma delimited, .csv formatting and it has a true/false indicator in the first column, and a declarative statement in the second column.

Q is telling you he's lying before he says they are real.

36dfb5  No.3100805



What the hell are you doing on 8chan? I don't argue with brainwash victims, sorry.

97c951  No.3100806

File: 381b3ae8ca6deec⋯.jpeg (173.48 KB, 962x599, 962:599, 7F7AB556-EF81-43BD-8C29-A….jpeg)

File: ee2bc06b2dc752b⋯.jpeg (509.73 KB, 1436x1020, 359:255, 95E7B784-03D8-4A79-857D-F….jpeg)

File: 4ad62d93ff419db⋯.jpeg (86.76 KB, 660x495, 4:3, 0BDD5A63-AA6E-4686-BEFD-7….jpeg)


On a big symbol kick lately myself it’s so blatent

02fd18  No.3100807

File: 695c8046dcdaf32⋯.jpg (9.09 KB, 220x148, 55:37, 220px-Rhesus_Macaque_(Maca….jpg)


Rhesus monkeys do not have powers or majic ju-ju.

cb77b8  No.3100808


DNA was tampered with by E.T

e1797a  No.3100809

File: ad317c379a663b1⋯.png (26.43 KB, 255x242, 255:242, 8de507d05a6ba4e8cfefd909a1….png)


fucking dick is suggesting that Q placed the questions? and baker rolls this up in bread?

i am ready to fucking leave this place for good

c7159e  No.3100811


DNA tampering is in the Bible, that's how it happened. It's angelic DNA

93b310  No.3100812


Likely several versions to be honest…

8c4908  No.3100813


fucking working on it gramps. gonna fix this shit whatever it takes.

5c2ef4  No.3100814


>i am ready to fucking leave this place for good


2fd132  No.3100815


So what was all that stuff you posted? Just you putting it all together?

c77473  No.3100816

File: 5b9620a18de655d⋯.jpg (40.82 KB, 600x424, 75:53, 9-19-MSM.jpg)

File: 31c7dfe4aa3fbd2⋯.jpg (53.55 KB, 600x671, 600:671, 9-19-CREEP.jpg)

File: b614fa976ff22a4⋯.jpg (51.36 KB, 600x637, 600:637, 9-19-MEME.jpg)

File: f6596c56da925b3⋯.jpg (70.7 KB, 600x545, 120:109, 9-19-RIGHTlol.jpg)

File: ed359786e61e872⋯.jpg (45.05 KB, 600x418, 300:209, 9-19-TIRED.jpg)

a6669b  No.3100817


You’re could always whack off and throw crap at them if they do

3084bc  No.3100818


we're fine it's just a dumb question.

Disinfo is useless if you go about telling everyone something is disinfo.

cb77b8  No.3100819


For sure.

549226  No.3100820

File: cc63c0bdaa8c0bb⋯.jpg (249.44 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 1516349617954.jpg)


Trump's a lizard man. One of the good ones that come from the subterrane. They're on our side. Nothing to worry about, Human.


47e970  No.3100821

File: 22072c97416cc3c⋯.png (642.38 KB, 795x1000, 159:200, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cca6503ec36855f⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1024x1559, 1024:1559, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b37e31c85ff2345⋯.png (807.72 KB, 854x1280, 427:640, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e63acea063ca652⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1126x1700, 563:850, ClipboardImage.png)

Darkest ebony

36dfb5  No.3100822


Very similar logo to AFSPC. I highly doubt they based it off of a TV show either. . .

cb77b8  No.3100823


Trump is a Maitre hybrid.

fdc850  No.3100824


are you really still on this?

the baker I took the handoff from gave me notables so far, and I kept them

I told you I don't like deleting notables

see you tomorrow anon

af6d21  No.3100825

File: 08b7bc5846a247f⋯.png (1.07 MB, 657x822, 219:274, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)


I had 3 people tell me when they heard about him retiring at halftime, "Sounds like you." KEK!! Because…That's how you do it. You trust YOURSELF. Not your conditioning.

What if he stays for the rest of the game, while EVERYTHING inside of him says, "Stop. Stop RIGHT NOW." And then that voice, "You're in the NFL…Your teammates…Money…Fans will be mad…" ALL things that really don't matter in the long run, and then he gets REALLY hurt??

Our consciousnesses RARELY, and some suggest they never, yell at us.

Congratulations Vontae!!



a113f3  No.3100827

File: df20478ec9051ea⋯.jpg (27.3 KB, 600x338, 300:169, C5MvOjtWAAYZob1.jpg)

ffbc06  No.3100828

45e0e9  No.3100829

File: f8335ef9eaf3366⋯.jpg (120.21 KB, 2048x1025, 2048:1025, proxy.duckduckgo-5.jpg)


You are the fucking man, anon.

This is the single more concurrent issue we have that will still be vital and necessary after the cabal is deep sixed.

We have a world's garden to grow and anyone not helping will be much easier to spot and tag than the deep staters. I revel in the fact that we will sooner than later have our first generation completely free from the brutal soul-sucking unnecessary suffering that we all have encountered daily, hourly. This is not our best lives but we are on the best timeline…if that is even true. Did anyone ask Q?

Also, thank you for your service, patriot!

e1797a  No.3100830

File: 664e269765d1a51⋯.png (21.44 KB, 255x246, 85:82, 19ebcb9a76f8deb428e8bc25ce….png)


op sorry i am not a software person so i cant understand what yer sayin and such and the fucking iraq

c7159e  No.3100831


>Would be something if the RH- bloodline suggests an original colonization of Earth from another planet

Bible. Angels mixed with humans. The pure, original bloodline is RH- (my opinion). RH+ is angelic DNA.

That's what an RH- mother carrying an RH+ baby, the baby is attacked by the immune system of the mother.

973ebf  No.3100832


I'll bite, Austin.

What's the scopolamine for?

93b310  No.3100833


FYI: Human is the only species that have breasts even when not lactating…

THANKS GOD! We appreciate that modification very much!!!

fa5eb8  No.3100834


First I read it as:

<false-moon-landings are real.

But I could give a shit what anyone SAYS about aliens.

b4f4b0  No.3100835

File: d674d8d31f70255⋯.jpg (7.51 KB, 182x173, 182:173, pepe laughing.jpg)


Kek! Thanks anon, now I can wipe my screen clean of my drink.

f54978  No.3100836

cb77b8  No.3100837


Well SAID!!!

fdc850  No.3100838


thank you for your service

that's betsy job

f8b5b2  No.3100839



Gotcha, anon. Like yesterday, I may not be immediately to the new bread, but I'll be there in time to take the bake.

549226  No.3100840

File: ca47892b91463d1⋯.jpg (65.06 KB, 337x480, 337:480, 1516572259138.jpg)

File: 118291ed8fa59ca⋯.jpg (80.25 KB, 360x517, 360:517, 1516572517152.jpg)

File: f352a1d37114076⋯.jpg (50.79 KB, 445x520, 89:104, 1516594093043.jpg)


No. It's not angelic DNA. It's junk DNA designed to make us weak, sick, short-lived, spiritually helpless, and easy to control.

054fde  No.3100841

File: 1d92664c20510fc⋯.jpg (65.42 KB, 950x450, 19:9, SSPQuote.jpg)

cb77b8  No.3100842


I don't know. I have not met every being out there. I mean there are trillions of universes.

934d27  No.3100843


Not sure if kike or half-pilled boomer…

af6d21  No.3100845

File: 7210e5d83f81859⋯.png (221.05 KB, 474x281, 474:281, Screen Shot 2018-06-22 at ….png)


Working as fast as I can Anon!!

I agree!! Thank You for your Service. I was raised by your generation. Not too many left. I love your passion.


e1797a  No.3100846

File: 5538e316dcca62f⋯.jpg (20.42 KB, 255x253, 255:253, 16a479e522f44d8280eb4fec35….jpg)


i mean if once why not twice for good measure!?

"Normies, think logically about the Q/Q&A.

FIRST - It is IMPORTANT to know that Q

could have easily predicted every question,

or even posted the questions he wanted to answer.

THEREFORE, the answers to those questions

would have been pre-written in advance. And they

would have been written to accomplish 5 goals…

1. Come across as off the cuff quick responses even

though they would have been carefully curated in advance.

2. Answer all questions without really answering by providing

a potential double meaning or code for an operation.

3. Successfully test the ability to scale the cloud hosting environment on the fly for a future reason [info drop].

4. Force MSM to ask more public questions about Q because

of the enhanced space "conspiracy" angle.

5. Assess the strength of the normie audience to use information to think rather than be used by information on how to think.

Lastly, Q doesn't owe anyone anything.

Normies are demanding answers.

Normies are making assumptions about answers

Disinformation is an understanding for long time anons.

Q is not here to appease us.

Q is fighting a global system.

Q is not fighting you.

Be humble. Be patient. Be generous. Be kind.

But most of all, be logical and know your role.

We are here voluntarily.

We are here to serve not be served.

Otherwise this may not be the right place for you."

hell i think this is meme material…

0dbded  No.3100847

Maybe we are in Atlantis and on a planet run by aliens after we entered a black hole with cern in 2016?

476916  No.3100848


Biblical Fallen Angels, aliens, or genetic experiments from an ancient civilization. In any case, I believe the Book of Enoch is right about something race-mixing and producing hybrids.

93b310  No.3100849


I meant-

On this planet…

But if others are sporting juggs, I'm good with it…

b6060f  No.3100850

File: e5aea7bbb6cd063⋯.jpg (39.33 KB, 464x606, 232:303, 78e084b645f37cb17887573b2f….jpg)

Have theory, faggots:

There's a reason CP was listed as the reason for observatory closures.

Q posted moon landings were real

If moon landings real, then moon reflectors are real

Observatories, reflectors, CP, blackhawks, deep state comms being cut off.

Was deep state using moon reflectors as laser comms, and hiding transmissions in CP?

c7159e  No.3100851


Only 1 Universe anon. The multi-verse theory is junk, impossible to test,therefore not scientific at all.

44572e  No.3100852

File: 834f53ae0466d85⋯.jpg (24.66 KB, 425x351, 425:351, CartmanCop2.jpg)

Missed the Q&A because of work. Did only faggots ask stupid faggot questions that Q could not answer truthfully, or is this a f'ing FE board??? What good questions did he NOT answer??? Did anybody ask if they have the goods on FORD??? F'me…

973ebf  No.3100853

File: e472c5027d27a01⋯.jpg (169.09 KB, 592x600, 74:75, Ali-monk.jpg)


Nope. Got it backwards. Think about what you wrote. Doesn't make sense.

RH+ is a combo. It's original source PLUS something else.

RH- lacks the something else. Original source DNA.

Don't take the pic literally, but it's close.

1a017d  No.3100854

CMKX/CMKM Diamonds Inc. was used in a "Government Sting"…..

Question…. will the Shareholders finally be paid the funds that where collected and put in a trust fund/s?

Do the Shareholders have to wait for the revaluation of the dollar (Gold Backed)??

Does President Trump know of the CMXK Shareholder's Trust Fund/s


e1797a  No.3100855



054fde  No.3100856


>fought in WW2

Statistically near impossible that person would be on 8chan.

a526d3  No.3100857


>designed to make us weak, sick, short-lived…


>spiritually helpless, and easy to control.

No. That's just you.

You are fully capable of overcoming spiritual helplessness, and overcoming the other part is as simple as saying 'no'. That part is wholly up to you.

4d3c4c  No.3100858

Big questions.

Do we want to start tampering with and manipulating our DNA?

Questions too big to have most of the citizens asleep when they are decided.

60d08c  No.3100859

File: d4c6ce7a1f08a5d⋯.jpg (222.31 KB, 1086x782, 543:391, lookslikewefoundit.JPG)

Oh there it is..

cb77b8  No.3100860


LOL! Either tits are good! Whoo hoo for boobies!

2312ce  No.3100861

File: 1a9ab09507449ac⋯.jpg (22.57 KB, 300x300, 1:1, (oldlady.jpg)


is that a sandnigger?

af6d21  No.3100862


If he fought in WWII he would be "The Greatest Generation" Anon, who were the PARENTS of the boomers.

Heads up!!

4b8daa  No.3100864


Who passed then ?

545800  No.3100865


Vontae needs a ‘nike - stand for something’ meme badly.

9aa272  No.3100866

File: cc2bbd9ccc77c6b⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1177x624, 1177:624, Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at ….png)

File: 21c45c97557d8e6⋯.png (562.6 KB, 1424x670, 712:335, Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at ….png)

This is great - #WalkAway in D.C. next month.

They are going to March from the DNC to the Capital and other activities.

FB is really fucking with them. Suspended their FB for 30 days so they couldn't plan this.

It was put back up after great outrage by people who support the movement.


2fd132  No.3100867


Kinda makes sense. Most people instinctively avoid viewing CP, so transmissions wouldn't have to be that sophisticated to go undetected

cb77b8  No.3100869


I'm cool to agree to disagree. :)

1b38e5  No.3100870

File: dc7eac97fd37419⋯.jpg (69.76 KB, 500x629, 500:629, 2ibxlz.jpg)

af6d21  No.3100871



e1797a  No.3100872

File: 95ddd1a5a4f5780⋯.jpg (8.03 KB, 255x176, 255:176, 3b781bc38adb80f31dfb409c5c….jpg)

File: 3ddc1d75b7fbd02⋯.jpg (8.53 KB, 217x232, 217:232, images (5).jpg)

File: b1a8e8fc585aaea⋯.jpg (7.74 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images (17).jpg)

File: 32d6efe7733b0b3⋯.png (33.08 KB, 300x250, 6:5, OnNEs1jpnK-6.png)


oh i forgot this commentary following q and a made bread…

"Normies, think logically about the Q/Q&A.

FIRST - It is IMPORTANT to know that Q

could have easily predicted every question,

or even posted the questions he wanted to answer.

THEREFORE, the answers to those questions

would have been pre-written in advance. And they

would have been written to accomplish 5 goals…

1. Come across as off the cuff quick responses even

though they would have been carefully curated in advance.

2. Answer all questions without really answering by providing

a potential double meaning or code for an operation.

3. Successfully test the ability to scale the cloud hosting environment on the fly for a future reason [info drop].

4. Force MSM to ask more public questions about Q because

of the enhanced space "conspiracy" angle.

5. Assess the strength of the normie audience to use information to think rather than be used by information on how to think.

Lastly, Q doesn't owe anyone anything.

Normies are demanding answers.

Normies are making assumptions about answers

Disinformation is an understanding for long time anons.

Q is not here to appease us.

Q is fighting a global system.

Q is not fighting you.

Be humble. Be patient. Be generous. Be kind.

But most of all, be logical and know your role.

We are here voluntarily.

We are here to serve not be served.

Otherwise this may not be the right place for you."

its ok dude… i am crying with you…. its ok

0dbded  No.3100873


I heard (they) have their own internet lines!

5c2ef4  No.3100874


It would be possible to use the reflectors on the moon for comms. Annoying, but possible. However, would they not need the use of the telescope to do this? Wouldn't that totally fuck up the observatories' ability to do other things?

I think not. I think they were using the observatory as a comm endpoint or bridge and it has little to do with the telescope. I think it has more to do with being on high ground.

70632f  No.3100875

File: a39ac72b7a97770⋯.png (875 KB, 1096x705, 1096:705, stairs on antartica nov 13….PNG)

File: 89c1cde5fba52e3⋯.png (925.09 KB, 1205x694, 1205:694, stairs on antartica nov 13….PNG)

I FOUND STAIRS AT ANTARCTIC when surfing google maps


one set of coordinates zoomed view of the stairs carved into the ice


then zoomed out you can see other ‘man constructed shapes’ clear to see they could be underground or in this case, under ice tunnels

above coordinates will take you there

fa5eb8  No.3100876


We've had a bread for about 10 months of Q questions from the original Q&A announcement.

Well thought out questions.

But instead of answering those, they answer the predictable moronic pleb questions.

So I have no doubt the Q&A wasn't what it appeared to be.

549226  No.3100877

File: d8557233b2aeb11⋯.jpg (893.44 KB, 1500x2057, 1500:2057, christ_sometimes_love_must….jpg)

File: fb1b5da5d16c88d⋯.png (661.36 KB, 736x589, 736:589, kids_get_to_be_kids.png)


Thank you for fighting, regardless of the fact that it was all a sham. That does not destroy the bravery and valor of you and men like you. Even the ones that were scared.

But don't take the black pill. We had to unbury ourselves from a monumental amount of bullshit before we could even see a single ray of light to realize we were underneath something in the first place.

All things considered, I think you guys did great with what you had to face, and I think we are too. You are spot on that fixing education is near #1 importance. Kids in public schools today hate their lives and contemplate suicide in unimaginable numbers. They know down in their souls that it's WRONG.

They will grow up to be the most redpilled generation in history, and they will be fucking angry.

I think we will see Christ again. But that's just me.

2312ce  No.3100878

File: 0d14359f350cfe1⋯.jpg (33.16 KB, 385x456, 385:456, (you2.jpg)


i was the one who said 'your right'.

can i take that back? your annoying

76c90f  No.3100879


lol fuck Failnonymous, i'll never be a maskfag

fdc850  No.3100880



>>3100353 Graphic: POTUS ORDERS FISA DECLAS ON QDAY (17)

>>3100457 WHY CHRISTINE BLASEY FORD’S HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOKS WERE SCRUBBED: Faculty Approved Racism, Binge Drinking and Promiscuity

>>3100481 Digging on the family of Lawrence Jamieson (Largest child Porn bust in Pa history)

>>3100626 Renegade 3D-printing gunsmith Cody Wilson on the run in Taipei from child sex allegations

>>3100866 #WalkAway in D.C. next month


understood, thanks


it was a shitshow

so many bullshit and ridiculous questions asked

couldn't even post, took half the bread to make a post


I love the people who want to study a "multiverse" when we don't fully understand this one

973ebf  No.3100881


Enoch HAS to be correct! What else could explain the RH- and RH+ in the same specie?

f0be56  No.3100882


going to learn how to bake, great shift

ecfdeb  No.3100884



>Highest classification.

No reference to aliens. Just confirming we're not alone.

>Consider the vastness of space.

With 'condider' you can go both ways.


Anon: "Was the Pentagon hit by a plane on 911?"

Q: Yes.

Hit 'by' a plane can also mean that a plane hit it with a missile.

A better way to formulate the question would have been: "Did a plane crash into the Pentagon?"

Anons, learn HOW to ask questions and learn HOW to READ.

Language can be a bitch.

Expand your thinking.

934d27  No.3100885

4d3c4c  No.3100886


They are going to wake up.

a478f4  No.3100887

File: e980543dfcfb2cb⋯.jpg (1.15 MB, 2980x4118, 1490:2059, e98.jpg)

File: b7951f43a0490a4⋯.png (225.72 KB, 371x352, 371:352, Screenshot (6).png)

File: 38ea36fdf935bdc⋯.jpg (53.07 KB, 500x330, 50:33, IMG_6269.JPG)

Has anyone pointed this out yet?

c77473  No.3100888

File: 9e3bc0eff7751d6⋯.jpg (43.76 KB, 600x428, 150:107, 9-19-RETARD.jpg)

File: 781e72336e3b949⋯.jpg (41.22 KB, 600x428, 150:107, 9-19-CRAZY.jpg)

File: bd971dfd7530571⋯.jpg (495.54 KB, 960x566, 480:283, 9-19-GO(O)D WINS.jpg)

File: ac516290df62af2⋯.jpg (72.09 KB, 600x770, 60:77, 9-19-OPEN.jpg)

File: 42ce5cb4d57000a⋯.jpg (43.11 KB, 600x376, 75:47, 9-18-WORST.jpg)

0a653d  No.3100889



MY own opinion is this:

In the end, Q answered questions of their choosing; The questions themselves are immaterial.

The operation today was a success.

What operation, you say?

>>3095226 rt >>3094846 ——————-——– 412,000 now.

Back in roughly January, the estimates were 18k. Q mentioned the needed rate of growth of that metric.

half a mil = that metric was blown out of the water.


9a28aa  No.3100890


Audio file I got on a hangout then someone tells me it’s george Webb stuff on here? Thought it connected tbh

4c69a3  No.3100891

Nephilim blood is not the purest on the planet nor the most powerful.

There is another.

What is it?

Who has it.

Where did they get it.

e1797a  No.3100892


nope… on the internets shits sorta perm so yer fuct pussy

4d9308  No.3100893


36dfb5  No.3100894

File: 7b706b0c40bca15⋯.png (797.92 KB, 927x723, 309:241, dfvdf.png)

Space command photos/digging info can be found here:


And more through digging here:


b6060f  No.3100895


High ground is great for less light pollution. Wouldn't need main lens.

fdc850  No.3100896


its when I learned

I encourage you to try, always need bakers

thats why I learned

549226  No.3100897

File: b8e8e1bd3a77012⋯.jpg (58.11 KB, 474x641, 474:641, God_Wins.jpg)


>That's just you.

You have no good reason to presume that about me. I said their changes were DESIGNED to make us that way. It doesn't work on all of us. It just sets you up for failure. You can still succeed!

1c9349  No.3100898



fa5eb8  No.3100899


I think low-orbit miniature satellites have been rumored to do basically the same thing. My money is on those.

9a28aa  No.3100900



5c2ef4  No.3100901


>Wouldn't need main lens.

Exactly. I think the observatory/CP angle is a slide. They don't need either. But high ground would be useful as hell. Also, because they're on high ground, I can pretty much guarantee that every observatory has a radio tower and the clowns put their own relays on it.

45e0e9  No.3100902

File: 2390db46252f359⋯.jpg (51.63 KB, 500x313, 500:313, 2ho1o3.jpg)


This anon is one of us. I've been thinking about your school plans all day. I even had some decent prospects with interviews. I know I am just biding my time in this slave system but I would still like to be in the game when all of this goes down and seize all the opportunities to get education going in manner of actually good directions. Once the chains on the mind are released we are in for the real thing. What this fight has truly always been about. For our freedom and children's freedom to soar past all conceived potential. I love that old timer's grit too! Kek!

784097  No.3100903

Any lawfags around?


The Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982 is a United States federal law that makes it a federal crime for those with access to classified information, or those who systematically seek to identify and expose covert agents and have reason to believe that it will harm the foreign intelligence activities of the U.S., to intentionally reveal the identity of an agent whom one knows to be in or recently in certain covert roles with a U.S. intelligence agency, unless the United States has publicly acknowledged or revealed the relationship.

So the only thing POTUS will have to keep redacted is if theres any CIA niggers currently working overseas and are in the FISA docs? Surely Pompeo, Haspel and Wray have cleaned house so anyone in that category have been removed?

9a28aa  No.3100904



2fd132  No.3100905


I don't know anything about George Webb

would depend on the audio file I guess? There was plenty from drops in it though, and other research that's been done on this board

973ebf  No.3100906


I want one!

Did ya grab it?

93b310  No.3100907


Laser/radio LINE OF SIGHT?

Is this possible between observatories?

If so, they have the makings of a comms network

b5eb82  No.3100908

File: c3e0982f4d1eb1a⋯.jpeg (189.01 KB, 640x450, 64:45, 1B222312-6146-47B4-BA5B-D….jpeg)

Notice the date in Comey’s latest tweet?

It’s 2015

Obama was president

Comey saying that he was trying since 2015 to use the FBI to restore order to the US

If not a white hat, Comey is at least a grey hat

Gowdy said history will loom favorably upon Comey

I know disinfo is necessary and Comey and Q are playing a masterful chess match (same team?)

I hope anons can keep an open mind about him

b6060f  No.3100909

File: f5aaa3d92b9a79a⋯.jpg (318.87 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, 624d5ea6ece6ef92e1ef0016e6….jpg)


High IQ post

b4f4b0  No.3100910


I doubt that was the whole story, if even true at all. A lot of manpower went in to secure a large perimeter. Going as far as removing people out of the post office of that town. Why would you go to all the trouble to do that?

Haven't been able to find anything but the 'sauce' on halfchan and later snippets that repeat the same narrative that it was cp that was 23.5 hrs on the janitors laptop.

Something smells fishy here, I suspect there was more at play.

973ebf  No.3100911


If there's little to no curvature to the earth then, YES!

549226  No.3100912

File: 1c0246fdf77f13d⋯.png (253.4 KB, 421x418, 421:418, maitre.PNG)


I don't believe he's part Maitre. If anything, he's part Nordic or at least closely associating with them (could Melania be a Nordic?)

In either case I see no Maitre resemblance. How small of a hybridization are we talking here?

af6d21  No.3100914


I wish I had the skills!! I agree. I really think he may have been here.

0922fc  No.3100915



558,000 of the 16 million Americans who served in World War II were alive in 2017


Most surviving WWII vets are in their 80s-90s.

Approx. 44% of people in their 80s use internet.

Of those, only 17% approx use social media. (ie FB primarily)


And 8chan/4chan skews heavily to young(er) age groups.

So yeah, we've got a WWII larper

a526d3  No.3100916


Okay. It just seemed like a bit of projection. No offense intended.

I don't believe we were designed to be dumbed down. In fact, i don't believe we're dumbed down at all. The body isn't the extent of our abilities - in fact, it's a poor facsimile of our abilities in general.

Not made badly - or specifically to fall apart after time. There's no escaping that. It's just the natural way of earthly things.

The whole 'us' is much greater than that.

44572e  No.3100917

File: 4ab5a1dc91f7b28⋯.jpg (60.14 KB, 600x450, 4:3, the_fatrix_by_sweeetsp.jpg)


Carry on BAKER, I feel better:)

80d59d  No.3100918

The last few crumbs have certainly caught my fancy but perhaps we are misinterpreting them. Classified space programs have probably been going on ever since German technology was imported to the US after WW2. The 'aliens' we think of may be just fellow Earth dwellers who suffered prolonged exposure to cosmic conditions and fell ill. If there were actual extraterrestrial life forms why wouldn't they take over this planet and harvest its resources for one?

9a28aa  No.3100919


Was just typing it as I heard on shortwave

fa5eb8  No.3100920

File: 5072a669f3c5b3c⋯.gif (17.9 KB, 478x355, 478:355, geo1.gif)

alpha network of low orbit satalites

b6ecc0  No.3100921

File: c1ef1a6594ee62b⋯.png (779.84 KB, 1753x1239, 1753:1239, nfr-non-functional-cart-be….png)


If you were in the military, then you know before you can shoot the enemy, you need to first load your rifle.

[not being an ass anon but pic related]

9aa272  No.3100922


Florida Marque on YT has been doing a lot of videos on Antartica and Google,

finding all kinds of stuff!

Crystal mountains in different colors, pyramids, green forests, waterways, etc…..

e1797a  No.3100923


you act like Q and the plan need us and not vice versa…


2012 SMA + BHO + 2016 NDAA = all of this is to raise normie awareness so they do not burn the cities down once they see their hero's in chains and you think we did that with 911, moon landing and aliens huh?


973ebf  No.3100924

File: 929cc52c0e11d7e⋯.jpg (107.01 KB, 962x599, 962:599, GV box.jpg)


The rabbit suits are Alex Pedodesta art.

51cdd5  No.3100925

File: 824b5b67fe5c14a⋯.jpeg (38.82 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, 3390F56C-E82F-4BDF-A473-5….jpeg)

784097  No.3100926

File: cf0692215ebe10f⋯.png (153.72 KB, 1234x704, 617:352, added_images.PNG)


I find it interdasting that Helioviewer have added images back that were missing. Aug 27th to Sept 1st are back. Still missing a few days.

f79274  No.3100927


So good to wake up to a (You) from Q and the board actually working as it should.

Too many 502 Bad Gateways and a 3 minute lag between hitting enter and post appearing meant I just gave up posting or even trying to follow the bread.

2fd132  No.3100929


So it was live broadcast while you were typing it?

14beda  No.3100930


All alien on the inside. It's a real mind fuck. They are given alien DNA.

But, he gives many signs as to whom he is. They love their symbolism.

"They see more with their eyes than their minds, this is our struggle."

44572e  No.3100931

File: 65a701dc5b03220⋯.jpg (98.37 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, satanfell630.jpg)


Aliens are the Light Bearer's demons…

128b0b  No.3100932


Been watching some of his stuff.

Makes me wonder with all this winning if things like that are being revealed on purpose

af6d21  No.3100933

File: 010d04f85935ec1⋯.jpg (181.21 KB, 1804x2414, 902:1207, 20180618_062521.jpg)

File: fc017f42931cbae⋯.jpg (10.4 KB, 255x167, 255:167, be1dd5ab7f64cb2e34d3980f90….jpg)

File: 6cebf1cb5b517ef⋯.jpg (195.22 KB, 1050x699, 350:233, BeBest6.jpg)

File: 69de1c0937b57bd⋯.jpg (63.77 KB, 759x422, 759:422, BeBest12.jpg)


I'm honored and I am grateful to share this timeline with you. We're going to do this!!

And that Meme is TopKek!!

d828ce  No.3100934


So there's no innocent reason their faces should be the same as the head on the left in the Vanderbilts' art.

4b8daa  No.3100935


Which (you) was (you)

0922fc  No.3100936


Stop with the "helper" crap. That's just basic reasearch/digging. Lots of her publications are still available. It's her SM that was scrubbed.

4c69a3  No.3100937

File: 957767d5ae4c31f⋯.jpeg (273.76 KB, 750x963, 250:321, 4FBDBF5F-5C15-488C-966E-C….jpeg)


Not in the blood type anon.

But it is in the blood.

23 and me

What, who, are they looking for?

Revelations 12:17

0dbded  No.3100939

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Go to the 23:00 min

973ebf  No.3100940



as above/so below

If that's what you're saying- doesn't add up cuz there's such a disparity of samples.

Like the pic tho!

5ed1e8  No.3100941


this is from a two hour interview in full, if any of you would just listen to him you's realize that AJ's message is the same as Q's, many clues in this interview reveal AJ knows what's up, the shit is about to hit the fan, and he is working with Trump, watch the whole interview, there is much more to the role AJ is playing than most of you 'autists' realize, Q may have said AJ is Mossad, but so is Netanyahu, and Trump is working closely with him (and with Mossad), does anyone here really think Kushner isn't working with Mossad white hats? In this interview AJ is saying his mission is already completed, and can't be stopped, he desribes Trump as "next level, Moses", in interview he describes what Trump told him what the objectives of the mission are, and what he says they are is what Q says they are. Take the time to watch the press conference AJ had on Sept 8, he unloaded on the press with major redpilling all consistent with what Q has been unloading on 8chan, he said "just wait, in two weeks!" get this through your heads all you AJ haters, AJ is a trusted friend of Trump's and has been for a long time (like decades)

a478f4  No.3100942


exactly anon.

I wanted to point out the similarities

What does it mean?

0a653d  No.3100943


>you act like Q and the plan need us and not vice versa…

Q has stated more than once that they came here for a specific reason. Patriots need each other in these times; It's not an us and them thing.

What I am stating is that the Patriots are getting a better response than they planned for ;)

45e0e9  No.3100944

File: 8304e808256ea61⋯.gif (983.41 KB, 500x250, 2:1, proxy.duckduckgo-1.gif)

File: 2ed8b7a38e212e2⋯.jpg (10.09 KB, 250x250, 1:1, proxy.duckduckgo-3.jpg)


I heard we asked a lot of bad and badly worded questions. I also read that Q pulled a Hillary and had the questions in advance.

I think Q loves us just the way we are but we can do better next time!

6f711a  No.3100945


nah he's an Archangel

549226  No.3100946

File: a4f75fe7200edf8⋯.jpg (1.61 MB, 1600x1054, 800:527, ayers_rock_1496295421269.jpg)


None taken. I don't know, I just get the impression that long ago, someone came along and at the time we were pretty well-off, living more than 500 years and with greater-than-current capacities for physical and creative work, and then certain populations were modified to make them dumber, more violent, short-lived, superstitious, etc. And then those populations were used as slave labor AND as military fodder to subjugate or even wipe out the unmodified Humans and their works.

Ultimately it was a mining operation but also an effort to subjugate the planet so they could return here for resources when they needed to.

93b310  No.3100947


YHVH is a tetragrammaton for DNA.

The "creators name" in the bible.

Cannot be seen with the eye, but is in all things living. The breath of life. etc.etc.

All the bible says about "the creator" is correct if you plug in the term DNA

DNA was a term coined a few decades ago, so what did the ancients call it??


128b0b  No.3100948


We asked a range of questions.

Anybody who says otherwise is a faggot

e1797a  No.3100949

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

its that time again…

9a28aa  No.3100950



0f47dd  No.3100951

File: 070595159fb9c53⋯.jpg (64.55 KB, 404x304, 101:76, big-house-celebration_thum….jpg)


Thats like 4 of these. Think of the memes generation power. Doit!

14beda  No.3100952


Hahahahaha! Ya. And I'm Ishtar.

9a28aa  No.3100953



973ebf  No.3100954


They pervert everything. There's subtle differences. Dig on it. Tear it apart. Present it here. Know many that'd be interested in what you come up with.

a526d3  No.3100955


Not saying much.

There were probably 2-3 thousand questions asked before people realized Q was done.

There are bound to be a metric fuckton of shit questions.

80d59d  No.3100956


If there are any to begin with. Most 'aliens' I have seen in various photos look humanoid to me. Could it be that space is that harmful to humans? It's well known that muscle mass lessens and bones become brittle the longer you stay in space.

44572e  No.3100957

File: dd42c36fd91b68d⋯.jpg (203.74 KB, 660x396, 5:3, 18904_fantasy_jesus_vs_sat….jpg)

File: a5895dda3e19fad⋯.jpg (371.32 KB, 1018x800, 509:400, alien-skulls-and-demon-tat….jpg)

File: 61bc4b0ac5cb9bb⋯.png (360.89 KB, 590x391, 590:391, demon.png)

File: 261fe1d92141b68⋯.jpg (28.02 KB, 400x330, 40:33, dva4.jpg)

fdc850  No.3100958


>>3100353 Graphic: POTUS ORDERS FISA DECLAS ON QDAY (17)

>>3100457 WHY CHRISTINE BLASEY FORD’S HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOKS WERE SCRUBBED: Faculty Approved Racism, Binge Drinking and Promiscuity

>>3100481 Digging on the family of Lawrence Jamieson (Largest child Porn bust in Pa history)

>>3100626 Renegade 3D-printing gunsmith Cody Wilson on the run in Taipei from child sex allegations

>>3100866 #WalkAway in D.C. next month

66a9c5  No.3100959


Tonight we learned aliens exist

and they prefer to abduct homos

(easier to probe)

fa5eb8  No.3100961


Yeah, and ask any large group of people what secrets they want to know and somebody is bound to ask the questions that Q picked.

36d6a3  No.3100962

File: 60ff349491b83f8⋯.jpg (432.53 KB, 1008x1107, 112:123, QJumpsShark.jpg)

Aliens? Fake Moon Landings? Wow .. look at all the anons chasing the little red laser light! Shark Jump - bigtime!

76c90f  No.3100963

File: c9bf78ff9b4bc42⋯.png (208.1 KB, 376x313, 376:313, omnom.png)


Dinner time?

5c2ef4  No.3100964


>Is this possible between observatories?

Yes. You'd be surprised how far you can go between mountains with a parabolic dish and off-the-shelf radio hardware. Even relatively low power stuff. I think the record for standard WIFI hardware is something like 300 miles (with a 1M dish.) I suspect they had a repeater system in place and that was a node that probably went into Mexico (they're around 80-100 miles from the border.)

70632f  No.3100965



Dose: 1 daily for 21 stop for 7

Democrat use only

OR ??

0922fc  No.3100966



On the left is the Mary,the mother of Christ. On the right is the Satanic inversion of her, the evil mirror image. Evil seeks out what is good, pure, and inverts it, corrupts it. Institutions, symbols, whatever exists that's inspirational, evil seeks to taint it and acquire it to be put to its own purpose.

4b8daa  No.3100967


He didn't have my question in advance fag

9a28aa  No.3100968

ffa3b0  No.3100969

File: 81a6429179f06e8⋯.jpg (102.13 KB, 1000x550, 20:11, 67bs.jpg)

File: 63a020e780896c6⋯.jpg (70.65 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 67bt.jpg)



Q, you know what the anon meant by the question.

36dfb5  No.3100970


In the context of Roswell and Outer Space, it's pretty clear to anyone who doesn't have their head stuck in the sand, and not suffering from cognitive dissonance.

He then goes on to confirm secret space programs.

Pretty clear.

973ebf  No.3100971


Vast majority, imo.

It was embarrassing, honestly.

Ya can't fix stoopid.

af6d21  No.3100972

File: 509faf895d41a09⋯.jpg (43.76 KB, 467x464, 467:464, Chad-Stuff-17.jpg)


An almost 23 fold increase.


MAGA & HOOAH Indeed!!

44572e  No.3100973


Just demons to trick you away from Jesus…

fdc850  No.3100975


93b310  No.3100976

File: 3fb27a24f570c66⋯.jpg (16.48 KB, 500x312, 125:78, YAH.jpg)


(Pic related)

1b38e5  No.3100977


It's not about the masks, fuck the masks. Just signifies we anons HERE

f79274  No.3100978


>Which (you) was (you)

Not that it matters as we are all one, but I was pointing out to the baker that we were not under attack, but actually ddosing ourselves.

da6504  No.3100979


Was your post real or not?

4101c3  No.3100980


>Please talk and share more. I'm hurting and I think many anons are and have been hurt in their own way. This is night shift so please feel free to expand, provide sauce. Whatever you have to strengthen our spirits/souls.

Okay, I'll riff a bit, although maybe all I can share right now is coming from analyzing my own situation. I'm guessing I might be hurting as much as you. I think we've been set up to be separated from each other as a support network in all its permutations. There's an element of generic low-level, one-size-fits-all targeted individual to it. If you cling to ideas instead of people, you're vulnerable because you're not tending to your social connections enough, or you don't want to pull people into something that can mess with them, or who doesn't love ya, baby.

The relief I've been looking for is social contact, my situation has me literally isolated. I've put a lot of energy into trying to reconnect with people, I even put up an ad on Craigslist some time ago looking for someone to talk that special brand of sociopolitics we do here, but didn't trust the responses I got. Although I've never been majorly publicly political, I have family political baggage that only someone similar could relate to. I've bounced the idea around in my head of organizing a MeetUp group, although I wouldn't be able to attend myself for many months.

So, bottom line, I believe the pain for some subset of us comes from loneliness. There was a thread on GLP where some guy said, hey, guess what, I'm not depressed anymore because I got laid, it cured me. That's more up close and personal than I'm ready to go right now, I've become hyper-cautious about getting into another mismatch like my last one, I mean, I've come to see being on the same page about lifestyle/perspectives critical for survival, and when you know as much as we do, well….

I'm passing the talking stock to whoever has something to say.

51cdd5  No.3100982


Matter - Anti-matter

-1 0 1

A conceptual string theory

On this side:

Time is linear and space is 3D

On the other side:

Time is 3D and space is linear.

a perfect circle.

Expand your thinking read:

Adventures in flatland in a 2D universe.

a526d3  No.3100983


I've heard the theory before.

What seems more plausible to me is that we are here by choice. We made these bodies so we could exist down here. As far as the change in lifespan and health - the world changed - we didn't.

934d27  No.3100984

File: 66bbf3d546eae16⋯.png (1.31 MB, 751x959, 751:959, 66bbf3d546eae167e030d92c5a….png)


I could believe there are 1-2 here, drawn by social media or conspiracy stuff maybe but it is highly unlikely. There's a faggot who comes on here actively shilling for the privatization of schools completely and generally sliding bread. It's not hard to imagine how unsustainable that is, nevermind the vastly differing curriculum's across the nation depending on how much you pay for it. It's wrong on many levels but I do find myself agreeing with him that teacher's unions are a big part of the cancer killing education, the liberals behind them don't help either.

56caa8  No.3100986

File: ee5c69910ad24aa⋯.png (98.67 KB, 809x421, 809:421, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)



a122b7  No.3100987

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1b38e5  No.3100988



>It's not about the masks, fuck the masks. Just signifies we anons HERE


af6d21  No.3100989

File: f564151ea026e6d⋯.jpg (307.47 KB, 3264x1836, 16:9, 20180911_040621.jpg)



Exactly!! We are doing great. I wonder if we have numbers from any other point.

4c69a3  No.3100991


The tree of Life.

Excellent anon.

There’s more but another time perhaps.

The science in the Bible is nothing short of miraculous and impossible.

AthiestFags are truly missing it.

ecfdeb  No.3100992



It's part of our training.

Some people are stuck in their thinking.

Learn to formulate your questions.

Learn how to read the answers.

e1797a  No.3100994

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


3 am est

a122b7  No.3100996

0516e5  No.3100997

File: 550e3997622906a⋯.jpg (66.11 KB, 483x417, 161:139, fa91a479a27206cc42746f697a….jpg)

b6060f  No.3100998

Honeypot hooker.

c86f7f  No.3100999

File: 7adc8b4e52f6e13⋯.jpg (3.17 MB, 1800x3500, 18:35, Infograph-PaleHorse.jpg)

Check this graphic out anons, if you are interesting in Aliens and moon bases and stuff.

44572e  No.3101000


The Q team needs 8Chan to be mainstream and still retain its' effectiveness - just like the Presidential Alert System…

d53fcd  No.3101002


Q broke Q Research.

279b83  No.3101003


$21 trillion, at least.


4b8daa  No.3101004


Agreed also the Emmy anon got the board heated.

80d59d  No.3101006


What brand of Christianity is yours? I'm talking science and here you are coming at me with Satan and demons. FFS.

c86f7f  No.3101007

File: 7d876e65a7b7b74⋯.png (261.61 KB, 765x791, 765:791, TrumpCheck.png)

14beda  No.3101008



b6060f  No.3101009


forgot link to notable about Wilson

a122b7  No.3101010

File: 0ccde619e1532d1⋯.png (227.21 KB, 550x550, 1:1, 1toke.png)



a526d3  No.3101011



That was a good opening act.

4101c3  No.3101012


*stick, KEK!

a478f4  No.3101013


I dont think thats it. im really just concerned with the face of the man with the rabbit ears on the ladder and the guys with a similar face in rabbit costumes in podestas art

38e59c  No.3101014

File: 9fc18e69e1eaede⋯.gif (10.62 KB, 553x68, 553:68, IMG_8090.GIF)


That's not it here it is

f79274  No.3101015


Thankfully, CM has some new servers on the way to cope with the uptick in true patriot anons.

c77473  No.3101016

File: ed359786e61e872⋯.jpg (45.05 KB, 600x418, 300:209, 9-19-TIRED.jpg)

ha ha yes it made me smile to see that

still smiling and will continue to do so :)

it is to be expected the deeper/closer it gets

i am really enjoying this show play out….a magnificently masterminded plan


93b310  No.3101017

File: f64d1ee09d95f71⋯.jpg (72.64 KB, 600x400, 3:2, !Cheeksout.jpg)

9a28aa  No.3101018

973ebf  No.3101019


It's for digestive/motion sickness. Are you suggesting it has truth serum qualities? IN higher dosages?

e17e53  No.3101020

File: 971250faf7344aa⋯.jpg (14 KB, 228x327, 76:109, Seagal.jpg)

Do you believe in coincidences?

- We all know that Trump and Putin are working together to take down the Cabal WW

- Steven Seagal was recently appointed as Russian envoy to the US

- In Seagal’s movie Under Siege, he battles Black Hat operatives that have taken over a US Navy warship. Also in this movie are a submarine stolen from NK, a blonde stripper, and a nuclear missile fired at Honolulu.

- In Segal’s movie Hard to Kill, he battles a dirty US Senator from California and an entire dirty police department. Also in this movie his name is Mason Storm, the dirty Senator’s tag line is “you can take that to the bank” which is also a Pelosi line, and the girl parks her car on Clinton street and the camera makes a point to show the street sign.

- Both movies start with a cameo of George H. W. Bush.

- Just this week a sailor died during a mishap on the USS George H W Bush aircraft carrier




f8b5b2  No.3101021


I capped it, but even when I compressed it (still readable) it is too large to post here.

8bc182  No.3101022

emmy ratings down

nfl ratings down

Qresearch blows up

cool timeline

0a653d  No.3101023




I'm guessing their expectations were exceeded, because they did pointedly ask /CM/ for "moar bandwidth" on the software level, essentially :D

a526d3  No.3101024


Is that a layer of fur on her lower back?

b6060f  No.3101026



4101c3  No.3101027


>That's not it here it is

Wings are too big, it won't fit through the front hole.

56caa8  No.3101028


in 2011… right before she "remembered the kavanaugh incident"

a526d3  No.3101029

File: 121c94f012cb06d⋯.jpg (457.25 KB, 750x1008, 125:168, Sheh.jpg)


We mainstream now.

93b310  No.3101030


never looked above the jeans!

44572e  No.3101031


Military Industrial Complex

Medical Industrial Complex

Educational Industrial Complex

57c164  No.3101032


I did not, I was working and on phone… It was on one on the pre Q&A Posts, I'm checking #3910 backwards, maybe you can check #3907 upwards it's somewhere in there

14beda  No.3101033


Where do you get they are working together?

Honestly, it's laughable.

36dfb5  No.3101034


NOTABLE! Very good find Anon

56caa8  No.3101035

File: 95fbdc48e867118⋯.png (56.15 KB, 816x237, 272:79, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)


oops forgot pic

38e59c  No.3101036

File: b1c1010c6552055⋯.jpg (68.36 KB, 499x499, 1:1, IMG_4266.JPG)


Look at those digits

b6ecc0  No.3101037


The "elect lady" is Mary, mother of Jesus.

Christ on the cross put his mother in young John's charge. Jesus was the firstborn, and the responsibility of his mother's care [given she was a widow] would have fallen to him. Even on the cross, he was taking care of business. John took her into his home and there she lived until she died. The full story is in the gospel of John.

fdc850  No.3101038

3d00c7  No.3101039


Based Anon.

44572e  No.3101040


Fucking Syria

9a28aa  No.3101041


Demons are science

4d9308  No.3101042

https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Christine_Blasey Anons scroll through her publications at bottom of this link lots of studies about PTSD and more, seems like she's learned enough to be a great faker if testifying!

af6d21  No.3101043

File: f0fba788a6c0713⋯.jpg (406.3 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 20180613_001900.jpg)


Yes. The Greatest Generation EVER is on it's way UP. Barron being one of them. And my 4 children as well. These kids are HUNGRY. They're ready. Just wait until we can turn FULL FORCE to them and then they grow up. It's going to be something.

fa5eb8  No.3101044


bandwidth test only suggests one thing to me.

HUGE NEWS coming soon.

I'm also guessing it'll be connected to the emergency response test, witch is connected to Kavanaugh confirmation.

So next week I guess.

128b0b  No.3101045

File: ba11ecddcf550fd⋯.jpg (97.02 KB, 1050x500, 21:10, weaponized autism.jpg)


Fucking crazy deep, anon

c86f7f  No.3101046



is 7

Time's up.


011b1a  No.3101047

File: bb43e855c63c336⋯.jpg (338.21 KB, 1785x683, 1785:683, Grey01 20 Sep 18 0800.jpg)

File: 02e0bde51583c83⋯.jpg (135.98 KB, 566x558, 283:279, Red Arrow.jpg)


Greys, eh? Maybe this is a hint… Grey01 out of Corpus Christi… coincidence?

c7159e  No.3101049


There are tales that John actually got her a house with servants, she lived not with John…

2fd132  No.3101051


She 'remembered' it in 2012 because they were worried about Romney, and thought if elected he would appoint Kavanaugh. So she/they sat on it until now.

c7159e  No.3101052

b6ecc0  No.3101053


Why are people saying EBS next week?

It is scheduled for Oct. 3rd.

3d00c7  No.3101055


Jew pervert was fucking tweens in the Ukraine. Fuck him.

b6060f  No.3101056


Was fun to watch (also to get a (You) from James Woods)

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