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File: 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, bake.png)

fd1857 No.2167808

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Integrity--for in Truth lies Victory.

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Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Q's Latest Posts

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Wednesday 07.04.18

>>2029255 --------------------------------------------------- Independence Celebration

Tuesday 07.03.18

>>2022737 rt >>2022584 --------------------------------- Who do you see?

>>2022584 —————————————————----------------------------- United 747 (Retired) Through Blinds at SFO Global First Lounge

>>2022398 rt >>2022233 --------------------------------- Trolling is Fun. Hussein/Trump interior = identical minus small changes.

>>2021248 rt >>2019981, >>2021248, >>2020544 Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?

>>2018075 ---------------------------------------------------- Divide they try. Fail they will.

>>2017327 rt >>2016766 ---------------------------------- WelcomeAboard.png (Picture from inside AF1)

>>2014318 ---------------------------------------------------- Add another to the list

>>2014158 rt >>2013625 --------------------------------- Matters of National Security

>>2012087 ---------------------------------------------------- The SWAMP is being DRAINED

>>2011888 rt >>2011499 ---------------------------------- Think NATIONAL SECURITY

>>2008390 ---------------------------------------------------- What happened to Stormy?

>>2008327 ---------------------------------------------------- Crumb #1238

>>2007973 rt >>2007869, >>2007911 ---------------- /patriotsfight/77

>>2007911 rt >>2007869 --------------------------------- The intelligence was passed through unofficial means

>>2007869 ---------------------------------------------------- We have the server

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095

Discussion and Refinement bread for Best Q Proofs >>1739215


Q's Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2117975, How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1838738, Freedom of Speech >>2064946 Useful Filters

fd1857 No.2167824


are not endorsements


>>2034376 The Declaration of Independence (dl your copy today!)

>>2089271 New chat bread to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion >>2089312


>>2167166 Clockfag Spidey Sense Tingling

>>2167167 Trump Putin Meeting @ 6am EDT

>>2167253 Gowdy rules out Rosenstein impeachment

>>2167316, >>2167338 Paul Coffey Connection

>>2167468 Comey Memo from Pat Kelley

>>2167498 Mueller reportedly set up an open channel with British Investigators

>>2167572 Thread on Brennan

>>2167739 Zuckerman Spaeker Dig Cont.

>>2167801 #2732


>>2166224, >>2166412, >>2166643 Calm Water at Helsinki Summit "Watch the Water"

>>2166304 Haiti: Prime Minister Lafontant Quits After Fuel-Price Protests

>>2166343 POTUS Schedule Update

>>2166361 Iran Deal Conspiracy Theory Narrative

>>2166405 WWG1WGA: The greatest communications event in history

>>2166449 Clockfag Update

>>2166253 Russian Ambassador to UN reads from "Alice in Wonderland"

>>2166397, >>2166650 Are Strzok's lawyers helping launder money?

>>2166798 23 human trafficking 'agents' nabbed by Thai police

>>2166992 #2731


>>2165454, >>2165836 Planefag Updates

>>2165500 Child Abuse in India

>>2165548 James Woods Trolling Tweets

>>2165550 HRC Speech, sooo Tired

>>2165554 This Piece Of Paper Was Robert Mueller’s Evidence Against Trump

>>2165588 James Woods Under Fire

>>2165606 Hussein in Kenya

>>2165652 Clockfag Update

>>2165659 President Trump 'Snubbed' By Prince Charles And Prince William

>>2165791 With Russian meddling back in the news, we wonder about closed SF consulate

>>2165860, >>2165887 FBI Veterans Blast Strzok

>>2165912 Body Language: Peter Strzok Congressional Hearing

>>2165969 California Democratic Party Snubs Feinstein, Endorses Rival

>>2166016 2 dead after plane crash near La Porte neighborhood

>>2166081 #2730


>>2164561, >>2164588, >>2164789, >>2165096, >>2165167, >>2165305 Planefag Updates

>>2164565 Randy Quaid is red pilling people

>>2164579 War Room Update (Call to Memers)

>>2164603 Carter Paige calls for release of FISA docs, mentions "Secrety Societies"

>>2164817 Manipulation of the Public/Corrupt News Media

>>2165000 Trump Calls Europe "Biggest Global Foe" But Tusk Says US, EU "Best Friends"

>>2164928, >>2165097 Three Officers Shot in Kansas City, Gunman at Large

>>2165095 Clockfag Update

>>2165107 Ex-CIA Whistleblower Kevin Shipp on Clinton Scandals

>>2165202 Q Sighting in Finland

>>2165346 #2729


>>2163827 Prior knowledge of 9/11 by 3-letter agencies

>>2163853 Clinton donor Nancy Riordan dig

>>2163862, >>2164060, >>2164148 Bus crash kills 3 in NM

>>2163977 Lara Prychodko Update

>>2164253, >>2164261 More Elon calling out Pedo Sauce

>>2164279 Planefag Updates

>>2164320 Iranian offical urges POTUS to not use Reserve

>>2164328 QAnon statement by caller on Nigel Farage's show while interviewing Steve Bannon

>>2163804, >>2164121 New POTUS Tweets

>>2164447 #2728

Previous Collected Notables

>>2147841 #2707, >>2148675 #2708, >>2149449 #2709,

>>2150275 #2710, >>2151020 #2711, >>2154808 #2712,

>>2152613 #2713, >>2154803 #2714, >>2154244 #2715,

>>2155003 #2716, >>2155755 #2717, >>2156552 #2718,

>>2157340 #2719, >>2158198 #2720, >>2158969 #2721,

>>2159748 #2722, >>2160526 #2723, >>2161368 #2724,

>>2162149 #2725, >>2162907 #2626, >>2163702 #2727,

>>2164447 #2728, >>2165346 #2729, >>2166081 #2730

>>2166992 #2731, >>2167801 #2732

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

fd1857 No.2167828

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Anon Research Tools

>>974637 How to archive a website offline

Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 – Q Proofs Thread - Proofs of Q's Validity

>>1254488 – QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 – Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1667382 — META

>>494745 — Quest for Searchability

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>870846 — The Letter Q

>>1606439 – Notable Resignations Thread

>>32223 —– Qs Chess Game

>>256741 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 — Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 — Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>957083 — No Name Research Thread

>>1579221 – Clockwork Qrange, >>2021597 Clockwork Qrange#2

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>1844122 – A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Project Thread: A huge choice of graphics and ideas for creating your own Q materials

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>2033995

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————————————————— >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————-—————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————– >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ———-——– >>>/comms/966

fd1857 No.2167829

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: https://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.5.0 [updated 6/25]) >>122807

* QAnonProofs.com

* Q Proofs https://www.qproofs.com/home.html

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

*Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Behold A Pale Horse: >>>/pdfs/6157

* Resignation Posts Search Tool: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon ——————— https://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

de2d00 No.2167835

File: 1341bccbf6cf795⋯.jpg (33.45 KB, 480x480, 1:1, FB_IMG_1531699941106.jpg)

095e34 No.2167836

File: 460db92abd8ca27⋯.jpg (130.74 KB, 489x533, 489:533, Freemasonry3.jpg)

fd1857 No.2167837



*Pavuk archive removed due to database taken down/removed

f4edc4 No.2167838

File: d86639b01015981⋯.jpeg (100.53 KB, 500x676, 125:169, download (1).jpeg)

File: cd446762b644857⋯.jpg (30.53 KB, 255x252, 85:84, 2e2js6.jpg)

File: 350b0ba14ca0c17⋯.jpg (23.7 KB, 255x252, 85:84, 3f956413cd459b643891a24101….jpg)

fd1857 No.2167848



*Pavuk archive removed due to database taken down

f4edc4 No.2167849

File: d86639b01015981⋯.jpeg (100.53 KB, 500x676, 125:169, download (1).jpeg)

File: a9e92c107f6ee08⋯.jpg (212.77 KB, 583x789, 583:789, 0e4a31421206422550be2d433f….jpg)

File: cd446762b644857⋯.jpg (30.53 KB, 255x252, 85:84, 2e2js6.jpg)

File: 350b0ba14ca0c17⋯.jpg (23.7 KB, 255x252, 85:84, 3f956413cd459b643891a24101….jpg)

de2d00 No.2167857

17 mins for Trump.

All that was needed.


It didnt let me add the text with the glitches.

84fdef No.2167868

File: dcd11fc1b690286⋯.jpg (49.15 KB, 588x960, 49:80, hangem.jpg)

>>2167613 (Last bread)

So, Mueller is now going to use information from a foreign spy agency to build a case involving a dossier produced using information from that same spy agency?

Have I got that correct?

It's now the foreign spies investigating themselves in an attempt to bring down the duly elected President of the United States?

What the fuck kind of world is this?

Time to pull the plug on herr Mueller and hang him for corruption/treason.

9dfaf9 No.2167880

File: 3a52f1e66b053a0⋯.jpg (107.53 KB, 1011x786, 337:262, 2.JPG)

File: 6d0cfa876dcbac7⋯.jpg (79.2 KB, 650x528, 325:264, 2a.JPG)

Tesla CEO Elon Musk Donates Nearly $40K to Republican PAC: Report


e54e31 No.2167884

File: 950c35be1cd098d⋯.jpg (64.06 KB, 499x499, 1:1, 950c35be1cd098dc30131f2e12….jpg)

ty baker.

84fdef No.2167885

File: f5da75534daa793⋯.png (207.32 KB, 474x332, 237:166, ClipboardImage.png)

Thank you Baker.

84b5c2 No.2167886

Thank you Baker.

куда мы идем, мы идем все

3e34fb No.2167888

>>2167859 (prev)


5a4af6 No.2167889


She doesn't like Trump, which makes him my new best friend.

a11498 No.2167890

there's some real fuckery going on → 502's and other shit.

are we under attack?

0ae592 No.2167891

>>2167802 (lb)

NOBODY should be feeling bad about their skin color right now. WWG1WGA and we are ALL beautiful in the sight of God. That's a FACT anon.

f4ab86 No.2167892

File: ed9afbd6409adda⋯.jpg (406.21 KB, 1346x1017, 1346:1017, 20180716.jpg)

File: df2d237cefc88e0⋯.jpg (2.97 MB, 2277x2765, 2277:2765, Timo_Soini_2015.JPG)

>>2165652 (pb)

>Why are trips allowed?

The Q clock sounds kind of relevant here…

>Note the jackets.

>Time of year.

The jackets were noted by the Finnish media:


It is currently the hottest time of the year in Finland + a remarkable heat wave. Melania must have been uncomfortable.

>Guardian of the Pope.


It has been reported that Mike Pompeo is going to have a personal meeting with the Finnish Foreign Minister, Timo Soini. Soini is a Catholic convert member of Opus Dei in a Protestant country where there are very few Catholics, the majority of whom come from immigrant origins.

Soini is also very interesting in his utter and total betrayal of his voting base. He used to be an outspoken fiery populist but suddenly became a compliant establishment lapdog.

Let me show you how bad it was:

Right after the latest election:

- The decades-lasting institution of a chairman and principal public face of the second largest party in the parliament.

- Receiver of a large number of personal votes.

(A cavalcade of broken election promises and falling poll numbers goes here.)


- Non-leadership member in a tiny splinter party from his original party, yet still the Foreign Minister.

- His new party has 1% popularity, no coherent political niche, and is expected to get zero seats in the parliament the next spring.

- Largely quiet, but denounces his old party and voters for racism and populism.

- Will never, ever be elected to the parliament again.

- May or may not have been promised a post as the ambassador to London.

I wonder what happened to Soini (blackmail?) and if Pompeo is going to talk about something other than ordinary foreign policy.

efd91e No.2167893

File: da6b14e77e5edff⋯.png (125.16 KB, 2023x605, 2023:605, 95FB0AF5-0E05-49AE-9E87-A7….png)

File: 6b10351a8df5794⋯.png (436.81 KB, 2003x1242, 2003:1242, 5E572613-ADA9-4FFC-ADCE-A4….png)

de09e4 No.2167894

File: 702503c850d87f2⋯.png (109.21 KB, 270x305, 54:61, hall monitor.png)


Puhlease. Many of us have been here for 9 months nearly 24/7 and have contributed a lot. It's Sunday night. Chill or go back to Reddit.

15aa30 No.2167898

>>2167775 (prev)

San Francisco, a literally shit hole thanks to fucking Democrats!

e78827 No.2167899

File: 16a0157ab3a05fa⋯.png (824.9 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Folks are coming

From near and far

To marvel at BAKER

You are our STAR!

0ae592 No.2167900

File: 832595a021246ad⋯.png (14.41 KB, 853x261, 853:261, ClipboardImage.png)


Looks like to me.

84b5c2 No.2167901


Yes, I'm phone fagging and I have to refresh the page everytime I want to post.

3e34fb No.2167902





You made me do it.

27751d No.2167903

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Interesting revelation from Bannon interview. Bannon had just one regret from his time working with Trump.

He said in order to be allowed to peacefully enter the White House, the Trump admin had to make a Faustian deal with the establishment to staff cabal members.

He said within the last couple of months, Trump has officially broken free of those people (assumed by firing, but perhaps also flipping), and has been able to do more for their war in the last couple months than the first year and a half.

Bannon expects Trump to be going into absolute lion mode soon.

a11498 No.2167904


POTUS gave lizardQueen 17 min.


9c3222 No.2167906

File: 09388b321a86842⋯.jpg (152.05 KB, 1000x469, 1000:469, newsom.jpg)

17abef No.2167907


Confirm, on my end, as well.

Slow and cuntish.

2681a8 No.2167908

0e668c No.2167909


404, 502 and 504 for me.


Try not to link off-bread without warning anon.

a11498 No.2167910


17 = Q

f67fef No.2167911

>>2167855 lb

Was it a coincidence that was Trump's last comment on Bannon? Bannon has repeatedly said they still communicate often

bdd88d No.2167912

File: 2b067736b3feade⋯.jpg (44.84 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 3089894df52f41f505457be89c….jpg)

de09e4 No.2167913


Yea, my bad on that.

2681a8 No.2167914




15aa30 No.2167915


I got those same two messages trying to post last bread!

a11498 No.2167916


Baker, plz note

27751d No.2167917

When Brexit happens, is the UK able to draft something new as the backbone of their nation? I would love to see something like our constitution over there, guaranteeing the right to free speech/protest and even to arms.

Is there a hunger for that in Britain?

c26b7c No.2167918

File: 4d360ec16cc8f74⋯.jpg (95.6 KB, 640x480, 4:3, IMG_54.jpg)


ac46f9 No.2167919

very interesting article re Stanley Kubrick that got my almonds activating

"Kubrick’s adaptation of the story of adultery and passion set in a spa resort, a suave and predatory man befriends a 10-year-old boy, using him to seduce the child’s married mother."


18edc2 No.2167920



Index only

Numerous 502

a043dd No.2167921

File: cf471b067828634⋯.png (219.23 KB, 1159x666, 1159:666, ClipboardImage.png)

He said "fluffers'

7fc52e No.2167922


Trump don't eat children!

3e34fb No.2167923


Bannon is some kind of force of nature.

a2d8e3 No.2167924


Old news. We already discussed it. When it 1st came out & twitter lost it's shit over it. (well, the left did anyway)

49ca76 No.2167925

File: fc65b52c8b91625⋯.png (674.93 KB, 1265x1198, 1265:1198, MsPointa-USA3.png)

File: a3acb2f684f7f84⋯.jpg (61.79 KB, 465x461, 465:461, FrogSkinColor.jpg)

4cd98e No.2167926

File: f1bb109157c84d5⋯.jpg (279.64 KB, 920x1318, 460:659, bad-ideas-04_18_14-920-17.jpg)

TY Baker

a2434b No.2167927

125406 No.2167928

Good work baker.

502's, flood detected and ALL FOR A LARP. Aye, right.

f67fef No.2167930


Bannon articulates what Trump discombobulates

18edc2 No.2167931

File: e08e4f299ad9411⋯.png (158.1 KB, 225x376, 225:376, IMG_3390.PNG)

File: f3bc78dfe33cbc7⋯.png (299.11 KB, 450x343, 450:343, IMG_3375.PNG)

File: ff351fc5d0ad863⋯.png (154.34 KB, 350x183, 350:183, IMG_3395.PNG)

File: 2f2d136e34e36fe⋯.png (760.36 KB, 828x408, 69:34, IMG_3387.PNG)

File: 4001a8058d2c276⋯.png (761.13 KB, 828x408, 69:34, IMG_3379.PNG)

e78827 No.2167932



The jackets are quite simple to explain

Melania looked out the window

They are all wearing jackets out there. We better put some on too.

And there you have it.

If the Finns are wearing jackets

So will FLOTUS and POTUS

a2d8e3 No.2167933


Fuck off

Stop acting like a dumb Cunt

8fd422 No.2167934




Aldus Huxley (wrote Grey Eminence) (wrote Alice in Wonderland)

69bf57 No.2167935

File: dd056a75f5d6d7a⋯.png (95.19 KB, 716x720, 179:180, Screenshot_16.png)

File: db486d1f8d05038⋯.png (63.63 KB, 1896x846, 316:141, Screenshot_263.png)


It's been a fucking battle

the last ten minutes or so,


Host site down, and could not view

or post for about ten minutes or so.

But, we are ANON!

We stay the course!

Eventually we will endure!

These attacks are done in anticipation of

Q posting.

They anticipated Yesterday (502's were worse!), but Q did not post…

so now they figure Q will post this evening timeframe; but if Q does…it probably won't be until early morning hours when CLOWNS are comfy in their fluffy beds!

Keep straight on the horizon! We will win in the end!



cf68f3 No.2167936

File: 18df1703250c349⋯.jpg (60.69 KB, 530x400, 53:40, d07397cc6c46a115e828698dfa….jpg)


Did someone say lion mode?

3737c3 No.2167937

File: cfed716ae7ed2aa⋯.png (1.11 MB, 730x1324, 365:662, Screenshot-2018-5-27 The D….png)

File: 274ebe63f9cba2d⋯.png (947.25 KB, 984x611, 984:611, 3_-.png)

File: 65b751d7f00da7f⋯.png (600.48 KB, 998x608, 499:304, 8_.png)

File: b17d331102c863b⋯.png (560.56 KB, 739x904, 739:904, Screenshot-2018-5-28 Marke….png)

File: ec067e252edf718⋯.png (51.79 KB, 630x235, 126:47, Screenshot_2018-06-29 WAS ….png)


That's actually me right there; the missus switched out my brown ale for sarsaparilla. I have a copy of this hanging above an in-use upright piano next to a rendering of Thomas Aquinas & St. Dominic.

top kek. john q. public. that's me.

a2434b No.2167938


no New bread loaded up w/o trouble.

a043dd No.2167939

File: 8c7e5fd93333214⋯.png (446.82 KB, 614x356, 307:178, ClipboardImage.png)

28b219 No.2167940

Q should post in the Bantz thread lulz

18edc2 No.2167942

File: 7c16524924b77ad⋯.png (381.4 KB, 583x335, 583:335, IMG_3389.PNG)

File: 473190eca5497e4⋯.png (804.58 KB, 778x501, 778:501, IMG_3367.PNG)

File: 720ac78a0cde996⋯.png (765.08 KB, 776x500, 194:125, IMG_3363.PNG)

File: 016b739e4e37090⋯.png (954.37 KB, 952x500, 238:125, IMG_3362.PNG)

File: 13b9e4a3e309388⋯.png (4.44 MB, 1280x1279, 1280:1279, IMG_3359.PNG)

3e34fb No.2167943


just read it.

a11498 No.2167944


Yep, only 37 UID's


a2d8e3 No.2167945


The anon you are replying to said the last PUBLIC comment

b226d9 No.2167946


If everything the UK does or concedes to (when dealing with our President) is to set the stage for their obvious disdain … or outrage … what is the point of helping them? Call them out on the spying and set the stage for them to grovel

fa7fc9 No.2167947


Q is with Trump on this trip... he is probably sleeping now - its 327am in Helsinki right now.

Could see something in a few hours...

b05535 No.2167948

Cankles is taaaaaa-riggered!!

She's shittin' in Chappaqua right now. (cue theme from 'Jaws')

Hillary Clinton

‏Verified account @HillaryClinton

Great World Cup. Question for President Trump as he meets Putin: Do you know which team you play for?

5:15 pm - 15 Jul 2018

aaeb50 No.2167949


Lurk WAY more.

22f8fb No.2167950

>>2167865 (pb)

Perhaps you saw the point or perhaps you are using sarcasm.

Numerous times Q has posted advising and directing to think logically. (Not horney)

Logical thought includes analyzing the patterns, directions of hr breads and acknowledgments when the breads are sinking rather than elevating.

It takes a Q to elevate the posts and direction.

a2d8e3 No.2167951


He knows his way around a Porn set I'm sure.

b226d9 No.2167952


I was thinking the same … he said these absences are necessary …

a043dd No.2167953

File: 8c7e5fd93333214⋯.png (446.82 KB, 614x356, 307:178, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9fd1f24f260d37f⋯.png (51.12 KB, 706x442, 353:221, ClipboardImage.png)

a11498 No.2167954


GOOD, but anons are unable to link to new bread . . .smthg's up

18edc2 No.2167956

File: baee03873915db4⋯.png (885.2 KB, 888x499, 888:499, IMG_3351.PNG)

File: 13b9e4a3e309388⋯.png (4.44 MB, 1280x1279, 1280:1279, IMG_3359.PNG)

File: 8c067a6eab33542⋯.png (757.61 KB, 776x500, 194:125, IMG_3364.PNG)

9d9d67 No.2167957

File: e9d87920de1007c⋯.jpg (86.42 KB, 900x506, 450:253, RR-[redacted]-2.jpg)

File: f8a4838be26682e⋯.jpg (120.79 KB, 617x506, 617:506, dept-of-just.jpg)

e02efe No.2167958

File: 8d3f649958db380⋯.png (21.83 KB, 1033x170, 1033:170, ClipboardImage.png)

File: feae9ad920c53ac⋯.png (34.73 KB, 1150x313, 1150:313, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1eb0ca279b9198b⋯.png (39.13 KB, 1163x343, 1163:343, ClipboardImage.png)

>>2167843 pb

I had that thought, but found no sauce. It's likely they crossed paths, though different majors. Comey wasn't Law until after W&M.

>>2167621 pb

Most of the sheets in that FBI Vault pdf I sauced have either "safe" or "file safe" or "bookshelf" written at the top, as if that's where the items were found in his office. It's my assumption, but what else could that mean?

9df37b No.2167959

File: 5b280e6a14c0546⋯.jpeg (365.34 KB, 799x1159, 799:1159, Screenshot_2018-07-15-20-….jpeg)

File: fa06336bdbba970⋯.jpeg (301.06 KB, 799x991, 799:991, Screenshot_2018-07-15-20-….jpeg)

b76a0d No.2167961

"July the world learns the truth."

>Checks Calendar



>Still obstruction/threats of impeachment to RR/moar muh russians indicted

still no truth. it's been a fun show, will hang in as long as it takes. can we get to the fucking truth already?

eb060f No.2167962

File: afb7f75170d08ca⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1000x612, 250:153, BeFunky-Collage.png)


The man who kicked Robert Mueller in the nuts -

You are “the minister” who refused to cooperate with the FBI because you suspected their agents on mission in Iceland were trying to frame Julian Assange. Do you confirm this?

Yes. What happened was that in June 2011, US authorities made some approaches to us indicating they had knowledge of hackers wanting to destroy software systems in Iceland. I was a minister at the time. They offered help. I was suspicious, well aware that a helping hand might easily become a manipulating hand!

Later in the summer, in August, they sent a planeload of FBI agents to Iceland seeking our cooperation in what I understood as an operation set up to frame Julian Assange and WikiLeaks.

Since they had not been authorised by the Icelandic authorities to carry out police work in Iceland and since a crack-down on WikiLeaks was not on my agenda, to say the least, I ordered that all cooperation with them be promptly terminated and I also made it clear that they should cease all activities in Iceland immediately. It was also made clear to them that they were to leave the country. They were unable to get permission to operate in Iceland as police agents, but I believe they went to other countries, at least to Denmark. I also made it clear at the time that if I had to take sides with either WikiLeaks or the FBI or CIA, I would have no difficulty in choosing: I would be on the side of WikiLeaks.


2f1b1c No.2167963

File: 30dcd349ffac010⋯.png (67.82 KB, 590x394, 295:197, ClipboardImage.png)

interdasting CDAN…

3e34fb No.2167964


sometimes anons be the last to know.

8f218c No.2167965


‘’’Baker’’’, in the ‘’’”Previous Collected Notables”’’’ section, could you correct >>2162907 #2626, to >>2162907 #2’’’7’’’26, please?

3737c3 No.2167966

File: 3d2ae65f8f99383⋯.png (265.1 KB, 1150x362, 575:181, Screenshot_2018-07-07 Q Re….png)

File: 69c146b4be6f532⋯.jpg (940.9 KB, 1178x2762, 589:1381, Screenshot-2018-5-29 duffr….jpg)

File: cd4cbd453c4542f⋯.png (923.95 KB, 836x1168, 209:292, Screenshot-2018-5-29 durer….png)

File: 0a3b84ffec71f90⋯.png (1.58 MB, 882x966, 21:23, Screenshot-2018-5-29 durer….png)

File: a6d7ffdf5717de9⋯.png (192.74 KB, 979x552, 979:552, 25eef4bec7ca0d5031ea5cd6e2….png)

a11498 No.2167967


you know nothing, newfag. stfu.

f4edc4 No.2167968

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

cc7f52 No.2167969

File: 47adfbc499f59c0⋯.png (30.01 KB, 889x358, 889:358, consortiumnews_com_2018_07….png)


983127 No.2167970

File: b82d157f45dcdf3⋯.png (60.49 KB, 510x332, 255:166, b82d157f45dcdf388632345f32….png)


Bitch be trippin

070392 No.2167971

File: 3aef03fc450c45d⋯.jpg (169.36 KB, 983x406, 983:406, Farah.jpg)

File: c7491a6cdd42148⋯.jpg (114.19 KB, 900x600, 3:2, Five Eyes.jpg)

File: f822d88a9b8279e⋯.jpg (217.98 KB, 574x950, 287:475, Flight 17.jpg)

18edc2 No.2167972

File: 12ceaa3694b93ca⋯.jpg (169.03 KB, 853x498, 853:498, IMG_3278.JPG)

File: 781b1df961580cd⋯.jpg (96.18 KB, 764x535, 764:535, IMG_3258.JPG)

File: 8f1c8661cbd9b49⋯.jpg (37.42 KB, 500x347, 500:347, IMG_3250.JPG)

File: 3e01a7676e74837⋯.jpg (51.92 KB, 311x295, 311:295, IMG_3256.JPG)

File: 5336449fa458e52⋯.jpg (139.42 KB, 700x499, 700:499, IMG_3237.JPG)

b9f76a No.2167973


Elon donates $40K more as an apology for the pedoguy comment.

8f218c No.2167974


Damn phonefagging.

eb060f No.2167975

File: 06be566a9b4c7cc⋯.png (164.81 KB, 422x266, 211:133, 6ada4ccfa7293080.png)


Q and Robert Mueller forced Julian Assange into a corner where he had to seek protection at the Equador embassy in London. Was it sufficiently investigated whether the FBI operations abroad were legal? The parliaments in Iceland and Denmark darkened the case complex very quickly. Is the Qanon project Q's revenge over being abused by the FBI?

Article most about Q:


And an appetizer to start digging :


fd1857 No.2167976


corrected, ty

27751d No.2167977

File: 8215b08dfbb72b2⋯.jpg (81.35 KB, 578x425, 34:25, tlion.jpg)


Sure did.

22f8fb No.2167978

Q Bee Doo… where are you?

Follow-ups completed.

Detail acknowledged.

Verification either way….


RED Red insecure

Coms not completr

4f17b6 No.2167979

File: fba0430d2bcc250⋯.jpg (11.32 KB, 396x385, 36:35, 1010 - aDW7N0x.jpg)

Arm yourselves frens, there's fuckery about.

c8170c No.2167981

File: af6152f200ab0a3⋯.png (425.07 KB, 520x520, 1:1, IMG_8190.PNG)

File: 6c6f6abb37d4bd9⋯.png (82.94 KB, 750x565, 150:113, IMG_8209.PNG)

Anons I need a bit of help for red pilling

I posted the attached meme which I got from here & it has exploded on Twitter….the only problem is that I'm getting push back from on a few saying that the photo is not Ambassador Stevens & that they believe the MAM that he died of smoke inhalation (this is a supposed Trump supporter who is really pushing that it is fake photo of Stevens). I gave the other photo attached which shows Stevens face & him being dragged & told them to compare the pants & shirt to that which was burned off him.

DO WE know where the original photo came from that is in the meme & do we have proof it was Ambassador Stevens? I'm asking bc this meme is getting major traction on Twitter & wake no people up…but I need proof to back it up to those who are questioning it.

I hope I haven't made a mistake by trusting a meme made here & sharing it. Please help!


ef1e9a No.2167983

This lady needs help. I think.


01319f No.2167984

File: 8da136f7e5a9cb7⋯.png (699.29 KB, 835x711, 835:711, IMG_0193.PNG)


only a state actor can do this on a cloudflare server…..

but it seems early, they big news comes tomorrow, why muck it up on a lazy sunday??

e7cafc No.2167985

File: a38dcf1baf8e4a4⋯.jpg (62.24 KB, 654x448, 327:224, lenovo.JPG)

Okay, so the .gov banned official use of Lenovo (Chinese co) computers in 2006. So, what did HRC and her gang of idiotic criminals do? They used Chinese made computers to open and sort all of the emails.

Traitorous and stupid as a bag of rocks.



6ccad0 No.2167987


What is going to happen on July 19?

Isn't he supposed to be on vacation?

Why now?

Vatican says the Cardinals will "elect" these positions.

Is this normal?

When are these positions elected and not appointed?


What's REALLY going on?



b4271c No.2167989


Looks like a corn fed viking country girl. Looks almost 6 foot. Prime breeding stock. Nothing wrong with that.

18edc2 No.2167990

File: fddb6b953c6afb5⋯.jpg (33.43 KB, 255x208, 255:208, IMG_3233.JPG)

File: 44be47d7405bb3f⋯.jpg (110.12 KB, 720x477, 80:53, IMG_3229.JPG)

File: 9918eb712512ae7⋯.jpg (91.91 KB, 649x578, 649:578, IMG_3223.JPG)

File: b0c06d3d24e8b42⋯.jpg (152.54 KB, 720x714, 120:119, IMG_3222.JPG)

File: 6ac750f5568a359⋯.jpg (78.05 KB, 649x578, 649:578, IMG_3215.JPG)

bf473c No.2167991

File: ed2789082fc1e86⋯.png (3.01 MB, 1742x1722, 871:861, Screen Shot 2018-07-15 at ….png)

File: 9629d94845d6dec⋯.png (894.29 KB, 1788x1612, 447:403, Screen Shot 2018-07-15 at ….png)


The meeting ran 47 minutes. 17 minutes longer than planned. Also reports that the Queen arrived 12 minutes early.

https:// www.kxii.com/content/news/Pres-Trump-Relations-with-May-strong-after-bombshell-interview-488099211.html

070392 No.2167992

File: 1f5c70d2582cf8d⋯.jpg (99.81 KB, 576x419, 576:419, 22 percent.jpg)

89543a No.2167993

File: 4e8ff366cce5fd8⋯.png (344.39 KB, 540x335, 108:67, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e0fdee54ca3f6c3⋯.png (74.73 KB, 737x864, 737:864, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2805cec22e687e9⋯.png (75.43 KB, 715x871, 55:67, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9f15b4eabfbb3c⋯.png (395.36 KB, 770x861, 110:123, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ac120cfb0d5d3fc⋯.png (568.55 KB, 742x859, 742:859, ClipboardImage.png)

Obama’s Web of Deceit!

Much More:


4455bc No.2167994

File: fa91d09cd23175b⋯.jpg (228.27 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, superpepe.jpg)

3737c3 No.2167995

File: 405c4ca14e31909⋯.png (313.47 KB, 547x458, 547:458, 569bf49b473608024604ad16a5….png)

File: 9515282afc2b74c⋯.png (2.37 MB, 1273x2131, 1273:2131, SeaWorld Pedo Map.png)

File: e48fc1266e75f8b⋯.png (307.89 KB, 950x609, 950:609, 10_.png)

File: 649407b39cd869c⋯.png (212.56 KB, 500x999, 500:999, a-lot-of-people-are-mad-th….png)

File: 634d0626bf527a8⋯.png (174.84 KB, 840x503, 840:503, 611f38d7a123ff807c41b01d08….png)

1a5afb No.2167997

File: 80aa094af35bb53⋯.png (200.87 KB, 580x540, 29:27, ClipboardImage.png)


You Guys seeing this?

British Fight dropping profiles of British Govt Pedos for Last Few Hours

c8170c No.2167998


Sorry for the spelling mistakes…my autocorrect has been majorly Fkn with me lately! Kek!

aaeb50 No.2167999




I do know you have nearly 10% of the posts on a new bread where each UID starts at zero, and counts posts, not viewers.

2f1b1c No.2168000

File: b9d91197b7f2c52⋯.jpg (67.82 KB, 700x484, 175:121, RODREDACT2.jpg)

4941e4 No.2168001

File: 5f8cccac03e0660⋯.png (979.91 KB, 800x533, 800:533, ClipboardImage.png)


>Book1 bookshelf thats where I

276d1a No.2168002


Baphot Square'n'Compass

Bliss G.O.D




O.D (overdose

0ae592 No.2168003


I couldn't agree moar anon. It's disgusting.

3a1932 No.2168004


Trump gave the Queen 17 minutes!!!

a11498 No.2168005


testing their weapons?

047fe4 No.2168006


NOATABULL oil rich goatfuckers with alien tech are creepy AF

343b48 No.2168007

File: 8e06c02cb6a762c⋯.jpg (54.46 KB, 470x595, 94:119, 8e06c02cb6a762c084996ff2fa….jpg)

>>2167592 (prev)

Ho-leee-fuck! Fucking savage man. He deserves it.


870704 No.2168009

The story called the party's over from the steadfast and loyal website is not a report. It is commentary. So easy to read headlines and ignore what's underneath.

737734 No.2168010

He is SO weird


27751d No.2168011



Whole interview really, but anon calling out a specific item of interest.

84fdef No.2168012


Good stuff, anon.


3e7956 No.2168013



She couldn't resist.

She had to call him out, directly, to the mat.

She should have just accepted her fate.

She should have remained silent, and faded into obscurity.

Will he reply?

How, or with what, when he does?

Enjoy the show

18edc2 No.2168014


Yours is best anon

Always liked it

Cover most except eyes

“_ _ _ “

070392 No.2168015

File: a8d463341dccd6c⋯.jpg (169.26 KB, 576x821, 576:821, Pedocracy_7.jpg)

File: 3a84a496cbe6482⋯.jpg (172.24 KB, 558x851, 558:851, Pedocracy_6.jpg)

File: d2d782beb48269e⋯.jpg (190.29 KB, 556x847, 556:847, Pedocracy_5.jpg)

File: bb43b8e718e6c04⋯.jpg (248.54 KB, 560x851, 560:851, Pedocracy_4.jpg)

File: e76004490ddca79⋯.jpg (177.77 KB, 508x762, 2:3, Pedocracy.jpg)


What does a bad pope do on vacation?


013e38 No.2168016


Siggy stabbed JA in the back.

b05535 No.2168017


(looks at watch)

"Latahhh Bitch!!"

0ea1d2 No.2168018

They found everyone they could that wanted to make a stand against the wholesale corruption in society and directed them here.

They discredited us through disinformation.

They put us under complete surveillance and began attacking us through all channels.

They proved how much power they have over everyone.

They have yet to prove they can use it responsibly.

Prove it Q.

da8aab No.2168019


Anon I remember seeing these pics back in 2011? when it happened. I think the pics are real and the memes are off of them.

e9df0e No.2168022

File: b892463e737bbae⋯.png (2.37 MB, 1474x885, 1474:885, 21441765392138698491866418….png)

e54e31 No.2168023

File: b0d0ce4365e5cc4⋯.gif (737.35 KB, 700x393, 700:393, b0d0ce4365e5cc417ea7c09f06….gif)

18edc2 No.2168024


Nice anon

013e38 No.2168027


They are jumping the gun. They've been in panic since early last week.

da8aab No.2168028


Very horrific, man's inhumanity to man - very unnatural, very evil.

89543a No.2168029

File: 798ae9ef8b0e6b9⋯.png (216.86 KB, 656x701, 656:701, ClipboardImage.png)

Biden: Trump’s Border Policies Make Me ‘Feel Ashamed’



a043dd No.2168031


earliest I could find


9dfaf9 No.2168032

File: 75f3dc0ecad57cb⋯.jpg (125.27 KB, 760x915, 152:183, 2.JPG)

File: 23cac8fc939c68e⋯.jpg (97.01 KB, 741x447, 247:149, 2a.JPG)

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey lost 200 000 followers in fake-user purge


b05535 No.2168033


POTUS should just reply…"clearly the WINNING TEAM."

18edc2 No.2168034

File: 7646f1d02b41ca9⋯.jpg (72.17 KB, 660x405, 44:27, IMG_3033.JPG)

File: 38701b9cfacb8b8⋯.jpg (92.34 KB, 693x500, 693:500, IMG_3018.JPG)

File: 00e32e5c8a0263f⋯.jpg (65.89 KB, 474x355, 474:355, IMG_3016.JPG)

File: 13de46cee5d2d4b⋯.jpg (92.9 KB, 693x500, 693:500, IMG_3009.JPG)

File: 1abc2a9506a3655⋯.jpg (59.27 KB, 583x335, 583:335, IMG_3017.JPG)

8e35cc No.2168035

File: 6d720fbebf6699d⋯.png (534.1 KB, 546x858, 7:11, 180715-193757-CDT-marksimo….png)

The President really won over the queen

f4edc4 No.2168036


Shut up retard.

Go to a cuckservatuve site and lose gracefully there.

The libs literally control your thoughts.

You should be embarrased.

e54e31 No.2168037

File: 2a0796bd9745d9e⋯.png (1.07 MB, 907x491, 907:491, patriots-no-skin-color-x1.png)

184bcd No.2168038


Go one step above Obama, anon. Valerie Jarrett. Try and go higher, if you must.

219a1b No.2168039


we are certain of the real story, unfortunately from the 1st pic pretty tough to convince the sheep. No doubt someone in Libya has video evidence.

870704 No.2168041


Fekkin' A!

9d9d67 No.2168042


worth pointing out - Lenovo was originally a division of IBMs.

the purchase/takeover was May, 2005 - same factory, same hardware, same almost everything, just a chinese ownership.

e78827 No.2168043

File: 9438963ffa3e58d⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1000x695, 200:139, ClipboardImage.png)


Just wanna have


aafbaf No.2168044


If I had a bitch, and some guy took her from me, I would not meet with him either.

Except for this #PedoGuy is pissed cus he cannot feast and fuck kids freely.


cf7e80 No.2168045


at least she called him PRESIDENT


b05535 No.2168046


"I gave you 17 minutes…don't say I never gave you anything."

9c3222 No.2168047

File: 06edadc8e674e65⋯.jpg (667.03 KB, 1200x700, 12:7, rr-problems3.jpg)

de09e4 No.2168048

File: 016cbeb7e04e199⋯.jpg (34.64 KB, 400x300, 4:3, pack of dogs.jpg)


Get 'em, lads!

f4edc4 No.2168049


So 10% of niggers are patriots.

90% are not.

Glad we cleared that up.

0ae592 No.2168050

File: 3e9926752551e0a⋯.png (1.43 MB, 963x615, 321:205, ClipboardImage.png)

When POTUS says a place is a hellhole, he's telling the truth. There are many hellholes out there.

2f1b1c No.2168052

File: 7ff07f4df01dee6⋯.jpg (371.83 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, pepemanyreee.jpg)


>Yours is best anon

Not exactly mine…teamKEK! :D

985807 No.2168053


How is the polls in Finland?

Something new?

18edc2 No.2168055

File: d258c86333f1620⋯.jpg (143.7 KB, 1058x923, 1058:923, IMG_3203.JPG)

File: 3fb69ea0529de84⋯.jpg (62.34 KB, 583x335, 583:335, IMG_3173.JPG)

File: 3201e2b552d34be⋯.jpg (65.97 KB, 583x335, 583:335, IMG_3172.JPG)

File: 47a81da3be5e641⋯.jpg (73.57 KB, 962x566, 481:283, IMG_3161.JPG)

File: 943cc3290001342⋯.jpg (81.13 KB, 962x566, 481:283, IMG_3159.JPG)

b05535 No.2168056


Top Kek!!

0ea1d2 No.2168057


Ad hominem.

Are you afraid of thinking logically?

Make your point if you have one.

2e6372 No.2168058

File: 6d5da404173b21a⋯.mp4 (1.95 MB, 324x640, 81:160, Strzok.mp4)

da8aab No.2168060

File: 26a5f498018082e⋯.png (222.63 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Actually this is the one I recall seeing.

360101 No.2168061

bunch of 502s, no Q for almost two weeks, and now we've created a "bantz thread"?

Have we ever been offered an explanation as to why we're trying to split things up?

Anyone that's been around these communities for long enough knows that each time any of them tried to fork groups or discussions so that the main discussion didn't become diluted by all the shilling knows that the method never stopped the shilling.

18edc2 No.2168062


Nice work anon

9d9d67 No.2168063


forgot link to story https://archive.is/bKvhx

it's the same thing with phones and stuff - all of the hardware/chips are built in the same neighborhood. (it's why foxconn moving to wisconsin is such a big deal)

22f8fb No.2168064

Which videos are most important….have highest priority to be the first?

Clarifications And Drops would help.

a043dd No.2168065

File: 8a3055227c71c7b⋯.png (84.13 KB, 465x314, 465:314, ClipboardImage.png)

6a6e14 No.2168066


If it is an attack then it's probably a test fire. One does not wait until the battle to test if one's weapons will work.

2f1b1c No.2168067

File: 28ddac45bf88109⋯.jpg (61.47 KB, 620x326, 310:163, hillEMAIL.jpg)

File: 63c6177378d17eb⋯.png (62.1 KB, 800x419, 800:419, hillarywhatdifference.png)

a2d8e3 No.2168068


FAGGGGOT you are not Q

Stop with that fuckery

dcaccf No.2168069



Wait for the dough to post. It's not hard to wait.

efd91e No.2168070

File: cf3063ea29bbfe6⋯.png (393.1 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 2B8709D5-7110-46CA-86BD-3F….png)



18edc2 No.2168071



We shell be seeing Lisa many times here

aaeb50 No.2168074


We'll see how this one ages, but great work anon!

0ae592 No.2168075

File: 30673c003f7b5e7⋯.png (690.79 KB, 800x532, 200:133, ClipboardImage.png)

Can you meme it and make 'em crazy… crazier?


49ca76 No.2168076


Yes. The IBM personnel who worked for the PC Division simply got transferred over to become employees of Lenovo. Don't ask me for sauce.

e54e31 No.2168077

File: 3ccb3e38511d70e⋯.png (308.46 KB, 893x427, 893:427, patriots-no-skin-color-x11.png)


Havent seen the #WalkAway movement? People are waking up by masses, all kinds of backgrounds

047fe4 No.2168079

File: 706cfe0000d5f53⋯.png (231.78 KB, 479x365, 479:365, Screen Shot 2018-06-07 at ….png)

842eeb No.2168080

File: 720c945218b561c⋯.png (179.91 KB, 506x400, 253:200, b609f3b7b49f9cc1d4e6a4271a….png)


(just 'cause it'll make liberals flip their lids)

22f8fb No.2168081

**Note the shared coms…

276d1a No.2168082

File: 3fb12d410dd2d2b⋯.jpg (157.67 KB, 693x520, 693:520, dream_c8usg6i1e0o.jpg)

File: 94f48da44f2bb33⋯.jpg (96.46 KB, 564x423, 4:3, dream_4kjxz0bq2cn.jpg)

File: e2ef0ece070b94d⋯.jpg (124.38 KB, 515x699, 515:699, dream_vhpyc8ft83u.jpg)

File: ddb05580d705a88⋯.jpg (131.92 KB, 537x672, 179:224, dream_nb6lszz5pur.jpg)

Ask Level: Don't.

9df37b No.2168083

File: 5ca224dc8057d9b⋯.jpeg (54.11 KB, 799x249, 799:249, Screenshot_2018-07-15-20-….jpeg)

File: 8c61a9ef03d118d⋯.jpeg (153 KB, 799x448, 799:448, Screenshot_2018-07-15-20-….jpeg)

eb060f No.2168084

Russia in NATO?

James A. Baker III

The Washington Quarterly

The MIT Press

Volume 25, Number 1, Winter 2002

pp. 95-103

In 1993 I proposed that NATO draw up a clear road map for expanding the alliance eastward to include not only the states of Central and Eastern Europe but also a democratic Russia. "Otherwise, the most successful alliance in history is destined to follow the threat that created it into the dustbin of history." 1 The alliance did, of course, expand eastward and survive. Today, following the admission of Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic, nine other countries either have asked for membership consideration or have signaled an interest. By engaging in air missions and peacekeeping operations in the Balkans, NATO has enlarged its military mission to include out-of-area operations in a region whose troubles did not directly threaten the members' security, but did threaten European stability. Now, with the invocation of the North Atlantic Treaty's mutual defense obligations under Article 5 in response to the September terrorist attacks on the United States, the alliance is serving a more important role in Western security than at any other time since the end of the Cold War.

Russia, however, still waits outside the door. The idea that Russia could even be eligible for membership has been met with opposition and indifference, mainly because Russia has never been ripe for membership–because it has embraced democracy and free markets only rhetorically, without creating the institutions or exercising the political will necessary to commit itself fully. Accordingly, unwilling to consider marriage, the West has offered cohabitation arrangements–first the Partnership for Peace, then the NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council–that have served useful functions without offering a satisfactory long-term solution. Then in 1997, over strong [End Page 95] Russian objections, NATO admitted three former allies of the Soviet Union, without making it clear that Russia, too, would be eligible for membership if it embraced democracy and free markets. Meanwhile, Russia's historic distrust of NATO and of the United States, which had dampened at the beginning of the 1990s, flared back alive when NATO, a defensive alliance, took up arms in an offensive action against Russia's Slavic kinsmen and political allies in the 1999 Kosovo conflict. When the fighting ended, 96 percent of Russians either agreed or totally agreed with the proposition that "NATO's bombing of Yugoslavia is a crime against humanity," and 77 percent either agreed or totally agreed that "[t]here is nothing stopping NATO from getting involved in Russia as it did in Yugoslavia." 2 Those propositions are wrong, of course, but the poll results demonstrated the depth of Russian public antipathy toward the intervention. As the old millennium ended and the new one began, the never-strong possibility of Russian membership in NATO appeared to be dead.

Times have changed. Both Russia and the United States have new presidents. Russian president Vladimir Putin revived the NATO issue in a news conference in July, shortly before he met with President George W. Bush. "Putin challenged the Western alliance to either enroll Russia or disband, calling NATO a Cold War relic that will only continue to sow the seeds of suspicion in Europe as long as it excludes its onetime archenemy." 3 Bush also reportedly had "asked advisers … about the wisdom of such an approach." The September 11 terrorist attacks on the United States are almost certain to accelerate discussion of the issue.

How Can Russia Join NATO?

The affirmative case for Russian eligibility for NATO membership is fairly straightforward and easy to make. The alliance has at least two implicit and at least five explicit criteria for admission. The first implicit requirement is that the candidate be a member of the Atlantic community–that is to say, the West. The second is that the candidate share important security concerns with the other members. Russia surely qualifies on both counts. Since the end of the Cold War, it has repeatedly declared its identification and wish to align with the West, a region that, for NATO's purposes, already extends eastward to Greece and Turkey. As… #paywall# https://muse.jhu.edu/article/36660/pdf

efd91e No.2168085

File: 41048e4d5b0dad7⋯.png (280.83 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, C0F0C00B-FEAD-4E3D-BA61-4B….png)

6ccad0 No.2168087



I am quite aware that I am not Q.

I write as I write.

If you don't like it you can piss off.

It's how I roll.

e7cafc No.2168088


Good point, anon. This deal was okayed by the Bush II admin in 2005.

69bf57 No.2168089

File: 9384cf9820db184⋯.png (1.4 MB, 928x629, 928:629, Screenshot_310.png)


Even if that is a "faked" photo…the reality still stands:

Christopher Stevens was raped and tortured by

terrorists that Obama administration just stood by and watched happen!

This is FACT!

I don't know about the cattle prod pic, but the rest is REAL!

Terrorists took plenty of photos and videos of the incident to show their power in the situation.

We had warning.

Obama could have sent

Jets and men into Benghazi BEFORE

the massacre!


I don't care if the cattle prod pic is fake!

It brings attention to what REALLY HAPPENED!



897de1 No.2168090


Obama got dinner? Does Califagster know that US Presidents get world-class dinner at the White House every fucking night? Whadda tool.

And the queen was graciously given some of our Presidents time, the Brit's fantasy figurehead 'gave' him nothing.

89543a No.2168092


Anon can you post the full thread into one post for the baker please

efd91e No.2168094

51993b No.2168095

File: 06affcf7a85e91e⋯.png (713.21 KB, 648x500, 162:125, h;jhlhlkh.png)

File: 508004590f78301⋯.png (436.01 KB, 666x500, 333:250, hlh;lh;lh'l'.png)

File: 3e1ccdd75dab4f7⋯.png (177.78 KB, 420x315, 4:3, hkjhjkh;jh;.png)

Macron is a lying manipulative dirtbag who tried to bribe Trump into staying in the Iran Deal. Sessions is causing severe damage by not arresting Strzok.

378256 No.2168097


Fake account look at the names.

2e6372 No.2168098


what was the disinformation?

17abef No.2168099




World Cup

Do you know which team you play for?

She still thinks it's a game!?

69bf57 No.2168100

File: 0914202e3112f58⋯.png (77.51 KB, 420x292, 105:73, Screenshot_62 - Copy - Cop….png)

070392 No.2168101

File: 483c24b467166a0⋯.jpg (129.89 KB, 737x549, 737:549, ICE 2008 to 2013 BHO.jpg)

File: dafd30591fd015d⋯.jpg (113.53 KB, 1056x816, 22:17, ugly web spiders.jpg)

File: 0d584c2205ac1d0⋯.jpg (334.41 KB, 1125x951, 375:317, Ben Netanyahu_2.jpg)

a043dd No.2168102

File: 8b9af71e5817786⋯.jpg (949.55 KB, 1831x1603, 1831:1603, JeffandRR.jpg)

067cf5 No.2168104

File: 3cd83e73ddef74e⋯.png (26.35 KB, 735x243, 245:81, Putin-evidence-U1.png)

This is interesting, and so nice to hear.

Putin to give Uranium One evidence.

Sounds like it's on then, …oh boy!!

7bb6be No.2168106

File: 1b8491b7f18094f⋯.mp4 (67.15 KB, 238x176, 119:88, (1) Stephen Vick-1.mp4)







This garbage was promoted as distraction for 15 years already, and they are still pulling the same shit and the under-informed are still falling for it.

Mueller was pushed into the top spot of the FBI 7 days before 9/11. LOGIC. The FBI didn't "miss the Intel" they were handling the alleged "hijackers" to create the LEGEND.

The belief in the boxcutter hijackings is so fully embedded into the group psyche it's a thought I lived in a cultrue where everyone literally believed in Santa Claus, But you have to expand your thinking and realize MUELLER IS A TOP 9/11 Perp. He's not giving out any real information. Did you see today in the Notables where an FBI agent stated no FBI agents he's ever worked with or for have the attitude of these assholes at the top. They were placed in that top position. by their fellow psychopaths.

This alleged Notable is a NOT NOTABLE. Not only because it's wrong and disinfo and spread by the alleged good source , "Mueller," [kek] But because it has nothing to do with present "Q" research.

6a6e14 No.2168107


Because Q research General is not meant as a chat room. But people (including us right now) are using it as one. So someone suggested setting up a IRC channel. This lead to lots of yelling. So BO made the cyclic thread for off topic discussion. Unfortunately, no one uses it.

dfd502 No.2168109

>>2168089 ←- can we do this

>>2168083 ←- to this bitch

extra vaptchas are kicking in btw

18edc2 No.2168110


That kitteh


5a4af6 No.2168111


If you've read it give it a review here


425669 No.2168112

File: 891c04fb1bde416⋯.jpg (107.97 KB, 441x570, 147:190, pepe mcthistle.jpg)

Good Evening Anons!

It's been a busy weekend with real life habbenings. Time for me to "dig". Anything special we are working on this fine evening?

aaeb50 No.2168113


Your game is repetitive and weak.

Who are you working for?

737734 No.2168114

What was served for dinner tho?


efd91e No.2168115

File: 38b2d8ced19f21f⋯.png (460.35 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, FF006314-3FD4-438F-8FC1-5F….png)

File: 0b899620a9f98ec⋯.png (518.16 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 5BA0010F-BE09-43E6-86CA-6E….png)

Whole thread

17abef No.2168117

File: 9025762f8c63e09⋯.jpg (38.77 KB, 657x527, 657:527, IMG_4073.JPG)


Bigly if true

84fdef No.2168118


Meh. Famefags get burnt and feign anger and innocence.

I don't trust any of those assholes.

5a4af6 No.2168120


If you've read it give it a review here


dfd502 No.2168121

>>2168089 ←- can we do this

>>2168083 ←- to this bitch

extra vaptchas are kicking in btw

de09e4 No.2168122

File: ab0eaa4cd37b6c6⋯.jpg (282.57 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, laughing dog 2.jpg)


7bb6be No.2168124

File: 88a378716a546fa⋯.jpg (58.06 KB, 559x443, 559:443, 7-69_landing-gear-tire_wes….jpg)


> it's a thought

"It's as though"

378256 No.2168125


this is the real account. You guys are falling for an imposter account.


a043dd No.2168126

File: d02999e08981d1d⋯.jpg (291.04 KB, 1421x1066, 1421:1066, 4.jpg)

f67fef No.2168127

File: dae1a2f8773c47c⋯.jpg (20.14 KB, 540x304, 135:76, shittingonbeach.jpg)

File: 2c82812b07c2f7f⋯.jpg (91.43 KB, 640x427, 640:427, india.jpg)


many "shitholes" too

e02efe No.2168128

File: 97125051c29d827⋯.png (131.62 KB, 346x582, 173:291, ClipboardImage.png)



Indeed…this is the real one.

bf0faf No.2168129



Confirmed FAKE

cf7e80 No.2168130


>British Fight dropping profiles of British Govt Pedos for Last Few Hours

need maor sauce for NOTABLE?

897de1 No.2168131


Fried chicken and watermelon, if she was a gracious host.

cc7f52 No.2168132

File: 3da1dc2e8ce4292⋯.png (343.01 KB, 409x335, 409:335, [R].png)

2f1b1c No.2168133

File: a952ef89f6fd493⋯.png (579.08 KB, 872x575, 872:575, ClipboardImage.png)

7822e4 No.2168134


There is nothing alien about this tech.

1259ef No.2168135

File: 4c25d10114f676d⋯.png (68.98 KB, 1163x514, 1163:514, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b60e843f4d95059⋯.png (5.14 KB, 93x22, 93:22, ClipboardImage.png)

File: db27bc855899980⋯.png (10 KB, 261x94, 261:94, ClipboardImage.png)

Posted a video from congress

Got flagged for copyright


Received 5:5 message.

Instagram Kill

de09e4 No.2168136


Somebody with Twatter account should tweet back "This is not a game."

bf0faf No.2168137


Real Stealth Jeff is @drawandstrike


fa7fc9 No.2168138

File: b62bd0ee897d27f⋯.jpg (12.13 MB, 5621x3376, 5621:3376, helsinki-presidental-palac….jpg)

President Trump and Vladimir Putin Will Meet at a Finnish Presidential Palace…

(HELSINKI) — Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin will meet Monday at Finnish presidential palace in Helsinki that overlooks the Baltic Sea — the same venue where two of their predecessors met in 1990.

Finnish President Sauli Niinisto’s office said the American and Russian leaders will hold their summit at the 19th-century Presidential Palace, located a stone’s throw away from the capital’s iconic waterfront Market Square.

Putin and Trump have met twice before on the sidelines of international meetings but the Helsinki summit will be their first official stand-alone meeting.

U.S. President George H.W. Bush and Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev held talks at the same venue in 1990.

To kick off the day, Trump and his wife, Melania, will join Niinisto and his wife, Jenni Haukio, for breakfast at Mantyniemi, another presidential residence in Helsinki where the couple lives most of the time. Niinisto also will hold a bilateral meeting with Putin.

29999f No.2168139

File: 8673221c257e0ad⋯.png (525.56 KB, 656x878, 328:439, Dr G re Gowdy 7-15-18.PNG)

File: 68c509eb99764f5⋯.png (61.03 KB, 579x565, 579:565, CBS 1 re Gowdy 7-15-18.PNG)

File: a5321799030bf17⋯.png (361.99 KB, 524x653, 524:653, CBS 2 re Gowdy 7-15-18.PNG)

Gowdy to Trump: Ask Putin where "we can pick up the 25 Russians" indicted in Mueller probe


I trust Dr G more than I trust Gowdy

In fact I don't think I trust Gowdy at all now

I have been neutral about him or even defended him in the past

That is, until this weekends comments by him

0ae592 No.2168140


Stealth Jeff is


AG Sessions

84fdef No.2168141


>2168089 ←- can we do this

>2168083 ←- to this bitch

Who's going to do the raping of the Hillslag?

I doubt even a goatfucker would rape her.

a2d8e3 No.2168142


Already was posted when it happened. Not Notable

18edc2 No.2168143



de09e4 No.2168144

File: 2c5b04bd2bdebae⋯.jpg (102.74 KB, 515x500, 103:100, goatfuckers?!?.jpg)

51993b No.2168145

File: 9c9f0d3bc1b4862⋯.png (516.68 KB, 750x500, 3:2, scumbag-liar-strzok.png)

File: a54d9bf94f75343⋯.png (544.24 KB, 500x623, 500:623, k;lh;lh;lkhlkh.png)

File: 763ad98a63cac6d⋯.png (222.52 KB, 448x330, 224:165, fuck-sessions.png)


Peter Strzok is a lying sleazebag who blackmailed and abused Lisa Page. Sessions should stop torturing Paul Manafort for a few minutes and arrest Strzok.

9c3222 No.2168146


Good catch. I was trying to find them on his feed.

a043dd No.2168149

File: 2b6422f2d4e1d36⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 2440x1627, 2440:1627, af1balls.jpg)


OMG I cant wait for these Russians to show up with representation…blaahahah

983127 No.2168150

File: 3ff5f1ff5e90b42⋯.jpg (13.82 KB, 255x254, 255:254, f92142a3e207c0fba4d3d091a7….jpg)


I'm ready

2ae2b2 No.2168151

File: 1749d8acdb72398⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1243x1303, 1243:1303, Speech draft.png)

This speech will end like this:

Q !UW.yye1fxo No.20

Jan 14 2018 00:17:29 (EST)













4, 10, 20

0ae592 No.2168152

>> 2168049


(((YOU))) get no (((YOU)))s

aaeb50 No.2168153



Your game is repetitive and weak.

So you get paid for this shit?

18edc2 No.2168155


Kekked hard

e9df0e No.2168156

File: 3a7b2dc7ddf6c1e⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1396x888, 349:222, 127805407104893333556.png)

15aa30 No.2168157


That disgusting, corrupt, feckless cunt has more nerve than sense!

951bf4 No.2168158


Here is the list of named pedos/CP from british fight

1, Martyn Locklin Labour party member and who knew Tony Blair on a personal level 5 counts of indecent assaults and 2 counts of rape

2. Adrian Cirket Labour Party Councillor & Trade Union official with GMB Union & School Governor Child pornography

3. Colin Inglis Labour Leader of Hull City Council & Chairman of the Humberside Police Authority Sex acts with a child

4. Keith Potts Labour Party Councillor and Chairman of the board of Primary School Governors Child Porn

5. Les Sheppard Labour Party Councillor Multiple sex attacks on children

6. Nelson Bland Labour Party Councillor Child pornography

7. Iestyn Tudor Davies Labour Party Councillor Sexually abusing a little girl.

8. John Friary Labour Councillor Attempted to solicit a child for sex online

9. Alan Prescot Labour Councillor Forced masturbation, masturbating infront of a child, chocking (assault) on a child, sexual assault, multiple sex attacks all on children

10. David Spooner Labour Councillor Masturbated in front of two 10 year old boys

11. Mark Burton Labour Party Councillor Downloading and distributing Thousands of images of children in bondage being abused & molestering a school girl

12. Darren Geoffrey Pedley Labour Councillor Downloading paedophile images of children

13. Stewart Brown Labour Lord Mayor Downloading child pornography material from the internet of a severe nature including a child in Bondage and Shackles

14. Liam Temple Labour Lord Mayor Offered a child money for sexual favours

15. Nicholas Green Labour Lord Mayor Multiple rapes of children

16. Sam Chaudry Lord Mayor Election Candidate for Labour Raping a child under 6 years old, Abuse of another child under 10 and the Rape of another child aged 8years old.

17. Manish Sood Labour Councillor for Leicester Explicit communications and offer of sex for money to a schoolgirl

18. Richard Harris Labour Council Candidate and Primary School Governor Offered children money to have sex with him.

19. John Johnson Ex Deputy Labour Party Lord Mayor hundreds of child rape, torture and beastiality images

20. Susan Smith Labour Party councillor Subjected a minor to a three week rape ordeal

21. Samuel Gamlin Labour Party Spin Doctor Distributing obscene films of children being violently raped and abused by adults.

22. Ian Rankin Labour Party super activist and Council Candidate Possession of extreme child rape videos

23. Graham Pearson Labour Party mayor Possession of child rape photographs.

24. Willie Smith Labour Party Leader for the Corby Council Downloaded images of children being raped on the internet.

25. John Murray Labour Lord Mayor Jailed for child rape.


9d9d67 No.2168159


wow. if i wasn't 93%, i'd reach out and ask for more info, but clearly, i need to wait.

51993b No.2168160

File: 0703efcf91ec34d⋯.png (303.69 KB, 440x333, 440:333, asdklhlkhfalh.png)

File: 6d8e125ce8cc66d⋯.png (295.67 KB, 471x379, 471:379, zorro-says-fuck-sessions.png)

897de1 No.2168161


Gowdy occaissionally talks a good game, but he never scores.

Odd, that.

951bf4 No.2168162

cont 2/2

26. Michael Tombs Labour Party Child Social Worker & Primary School Governor Downloading indecent images of children being raped over the internet

27. Graham White Woodside & Madeley Labour Parish Councillor Pornographic photographs of a child

28. Barry Dodson Rotherham East Labour Party councillor child rape offences

29. James Warmer Labour Party election candidate Two counts of outraging public decency and one count of sexual assault.

30. Paul Diggett Labour Councillor Download images of children being raped.

31. Peter McLaughlin Labour party chairman of Stanley Town Council Admitted raping a schoolboy

32. Malcolm Ford Jewish Labour Councillor & Head teacher for Skelmersdale/West Lancashire district council Raped a young girl repeatedly over 3 years

33. Dennis Blandford “Pete” Townshend from The Who Major UK Labour Party donor Accessed a website for child porn

34. Andrew Palmer Labour party election agent - Peterborough Twice spent time behind bars for possessing rape images of children.

35. Peter Prendiville Labour Westminster election candidate Admitted making and possessing rape images of children

36. Simon Carter Labour party councillor for Tottington ward on Bury council Making rape images of children

37. Terry Brookes Labour councillor for West Thurrock and South Stifford Possession of child rape images.

38. Richard Smith Labour councillor for Nelson’s Clover Hill ward on Pendle Council possession of child pornography

39. Tom O’Carroll Labour party member Former chairman of (PIE) Paedophile Information Exchange

40. David Fagan LABOUR party councillor for North Lanarkshire Council Possession of a hoard of child rape images. Member of the council’s Education and Social work committees.

41. Steven Bayes Labour Party city councillor for Orchard Park and Greenwood ward Making and hoarding rape images of children

42. Tom Neilson The Labour councillor for North West Leicestershire District Council Thousands of rape images of children and being a drug dealer – in his own ward.

43. Sean Morton Moray Labour councillor photographing and distributing rape images of children some with animals

44. Neil Taggart Leeds Labour lord Mayor 36,003 rape images and videos of children including 5,488 at category A Served as a Labour city councillor and chairman of West Yorkshire Police Authority.

45. Derrick Hemingsley Dudley Labour councillor 90 pornographic pictures of a child

46. Roger Spackman Exeter Labour City councillor Pornographic photographs of children. Had a 12-year career in Devon’s child protection services & secure care home.

47. Jonathon Phillips Labour Councillor Possession of child pornography

48. Phillip Lyon Labour senior clerk Indecent images of children

49. Toren Smith Labour Councillor Possessing indecent images of children

50. Michael Barnes Labour party Councillor Child Porn

51. Mark Tann Labour Party activist 24 counts of Indecency with a girl of 9 years old plus 2 counts of RAPE with a 4 year old girl.

52. Neil Redrup Labour party Councillor Act of gross indecency involving a child

53. Steve Wayne Carnell Labour party Councillor Child Porn

efd91e No.2168163


Exact same thing on @drawandstrike

a2d8e3 No.2168165


Just read the fucking threads.

Shills have been exhausting today.

No one is your summary servant

974c50 No.2168166

File: 78acbf6d94a2a88⋯.jpg (153.42 KB, 766x1024, 383:512, 78acbf6d94a2a88c9cda9a3645….jpg)

Reminder Trump (We have) has already won.

Enjoy the show.

Misinformation is necessary.

Congress is kabuki.

Spread the word.

We are only waiting on enough public support and awareness.


2f1b1c No.2168167

File: bb60b16054bbf93⋯.jpg (178.25 KB, 1476x777, 492:259, nasimtopkek.jpg)

662b4d No.2168168


dravvandstrike. Brilliant Inbred

a11498 No.2168169


agreed, anon.

"Fake" Gowdy is NOT helping POTUS with his grandstanding.

e54e31 No.2168170

File: 1b4c65503146ba9⋯.png (440.16 KB, 660x440, 3:2, sessions-trust.png)

84fdef No.2168172


>Gowdy to Trump: Ask Putin where "we can pick up the 25 Russians" indicted in Mueller probe

Gowdy spewing the leftard talking points to the letter.

Fuckwad Gowdy needs to swing.

983127 No.2168173



Do you even internet bro?

f1e1fd No.2168174


he's in it for the long game

15aa30 No.2168175


The fact that crooked whore has to write "President trump" is everything!

You ain't nobody's fucking President bitch! lmfao

Now go find yourself a red scarf and a fucking doorknob!

7c5510 No.2168176

File: 7701bf09010d9f8⋯.png (174.94 KB, 1174x924, 587:462, ClipboardImage.png)

Brennan and Clapper - the architects or at least the lead actors of the attempted coup against POTUS.

Brennan and Clapper should be investigated thoroughly by an unbiased agency (unlike the broken FBI/DOJ)

efd91e No.2168177


Stand correct sorry anons

7934bb No.2168178


The main thing I can tell is that is an attack on the Labour party.

8e35cc No.2168179

File: 4c882c9276f9192⋯.png (49.77 KB, 548x270, 274:135, 180715-195517-CDT-sebgorka….png)

Horry Shlit


0ea1d2 No.2168180

File: 18efa606edace88⋯.png (225.91 KB, 1260x942, 210:157, Screen Shot 2018-07-15 at ….png)


842eeb No.2168181

File: ac14c0e5a806872⋯.jpg (72.63 KB, 600x583, 600:583, pantysnifferp.jpg)


Reporting for duty

d6c498 No.2168182




"the handoff" pic… U1 info in plain site. On purpose…

anyone have that pic side by side of handoff?

a11498 No.2168183


Gowdy's a total fuck.

cf68f3 No.2168184

File: c2f846be111f4b1⋯.jpg (61.92 KB, 663x419, 663:419, f74c742f87c7fce2a7a36f4d78….jpg)

Thirsty shills are thirsty

983127 No.2168185


Sounds like he's being sarcastic

a043dd No.2168186

File: cc5d4ddffd75010⋯.png (395.86 KB, 608x345, 608:345, ClipboardImage.png)

a9a884 No.2168187


Nice violet tie Gowdy is wearing!!!

425669 No.2168188

yeah… just read that on Twatter… he threw it down!! lol so awesome

29999f No.2168189


Gowdy has never spoken to or met POTUS

951bf4 No.2168190


I know nothing on UK Politics. Texas Anon.

125406 No.2168192


I guess the Conservative list will be next as this is all Labour.

276d1a No.2168193


nnnnope. not seein' it.

96b7d9 No.2168194


Can't you guys do something about the social media websites shutting us down all the time.

I don't feel comfortable speaking out on those sites, I feel targeted.

The bots, the shills, the corrupt mods.

There's no legal levers to pull?

If not I understand.

What's the metric for 'enough public support'?

983127 No.2168195


The cunt sold it to them…..hang her

aaeb50 No.2168196


Sounds like an affirmation from here.

Stir confusion and disillusion.

$ per post or salary?

974c50 No.2168198



21e658 No.2168199

File: 3970cd84b268415⋯.png (287.82 KB, 599x460, 599:460, AQ6.PNG)



Trump Pulled Out Of The Paris Climate Accords, But The U.S. Is Spending Billions To Implement It

e54e31 No.2168200

File: 5d6d9cc217e9d2f⋯.png (129.81 KB, 500x384, 125:96, clapper-weax-meme-q1.png)

2ae2b2 No.2168201


This speech will be given by Trump after 9/11 reveal. Victims families will find out criminal traitor elements within our own gov had a hand in deaths of their family members.

cf68f3 No.2168202


>Gowdy has never spoken to or met POTUS

He should come here when POTUS posts ;p

49ca76 No.2168203

File: 3948621313ce09f⋯.png (176.98 KB, 588x643, 588:643, LePew.png)


Hiya Pep. Ignore mean anons, they are just mentally exhausted and it's quite understandable. Site is under heavy attack, shills have been on our case all day, nothing special to dig, just whatever catches your fancy. Hokay?

7b81e7 No.2168204


They say conservative drop next

aafbaf No.2168205

PSA Non-SenseOfHumorANONS…

Gowdy is TROLLING.


276d1a No.2168207


Question is… why spoof Stealth Jeff???

f1e1fd No.2168208


motorboat motorboat slow slow slow…

974c50 No.2168209


I'm just an anon patriot.

This is war. There are casualties in war, so

make new accounts.

Dont give up.

Spread the message IRL.

2b6f06 No.2168210


Gowdy is playing devils' advocate. If he's playing the role, it's probably necessary for the role he's preparing for. Trust the plan, he's a patriot and he knows what he's doing.

f67fef No.2168211

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

yesterdayanother new Bannon interview with Christopher Hope,

"I talk to the guys in the white house every day"

a043dd No.2168212

File: 865804a32c94bdb⋯.png (385.65 KB, 481x439, 481:439, ClipboardImage.png)

e7cafc No.2168213

File: f4b784d3d3d9a9f⋯.jpg (28.47 KB, 658x220, 329:110, katica.JPG)


Here4's an interesting coincidence.

de09e4 No.2168214

File: bdb0a31849e5001⋯.jpg (57.12 KB, 500x356, 125:89, pepe slasher.jpg)

51993b No.2168215

File: fe66868fb92c34d⋯.png (356.38 KB, 669x499, 669:499, hjhl;hlkhk'h'h.png)

File: d82159de8ad3e7c⋯.png (487.4 KB, 761x500, 761:500, stop-torturing-manafort.png)

File: 3d0306b001edd31⋯.jpg (66.27 KB, 480x530, 48:53, 3d0306b001edd3198a7924613c….jpg)


Sessions is responsible for whatever happens to Paul Manafort.

0ae592 No.2168216


Yes.. sorry.

7c5510 No.2168217

File: 1d050bcb422369e⋯.png (136.04 KB, 1168x480, 73:30, ClipboardImage.png)


Brennan, so many unanswered questions about his loyalty to the USA.

a1a0b5 No.2168218

File: 8de6dc8b9d4d36c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 32.12 KB, 763x852, 763:852, FIRESIGN 1.jpg)

File: e48d36e17d910a3⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 47.51 KB, 764x916, 191:229, FIRESIGN 2.jpg)

File: 398eb5b46f327fb⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 53.76 KB, 763x854, 109:122, FIRESIGN 3.jpg)

File: 1f0045e6d3e04d1⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 51.05 KB, 770x916, 385:458, FIRESIGN 4.jpg)

File: 1177533f6f971b1⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 72.19 KB, 760x855, 8:9, FIRESIGN 5.jpg)

Q. Is this real, or fake?

29999f No.2168219


That is complete and total speculation

865a7b No.2168220

Behold the power of God in the Psalms!

The future proves the past.

Psalm 85:

Prayer for the Restoration of God’s Favor

A Psalm of the Sons of Korah.

85 Lord, thou wast favorable to thy land;

thou didst restore the fortunes of Jacob.

2 Thou didst forgive the iniquity of thy people;

thou didst pardon all their sin. Selah

3 Thou didst withdraw all thy wrath;

thou didst turn from thy hot anger.

4 Restore us again, O God of our salvation,

and put away thy indignation toward us!

5 Wilt thou be angry with us for ever?

Wilt thou prolong thy anger to all generations?

6 Wilt thou not revive us again,

that thy people may rejoice in thee?

7 Show us thy steadfast love, O Lord,

and grant us thy salvation.

8 Let me hear what God the Lord will speak,

for he will speak peace to his people,

to his saints, to those who turn to him in their hearts.

9 Surely his salvation is at hand for those who fear him,

that glory may dwell in our land.

10 Steadfast love and faithfulness will meet;

righteousness and peace will kiss each other.

11 Faithfulness will spring up from the ground,

and righteousness will look down from the sky.

12 Yea, the Lord will give what is good,

and our land will yield its increase.

13 Righteousness will go before him,

and make his footsteps a way.

f32aab No.2168221

3e34fb No.2168222

File: b43c4c0f7f39c44⋯.png (593.32 KB, 600x667, 600:667, Screen Shot 2018-07-15 at ….png)

omg is THIS all they've got?

067cf5 No.2168223



Question for Hillary:

Treason and Sedition much?

662b4d No.2168224

File: 89773308c5a691a⋯.jpg (34.09 KB, 480x264, 20:11, BUTCHY.jpg)

15aa30 No.2168225


Burned by Gorka!

Stupid bitch! lmao

951bf4 No.2168226


Starting at the bottom & working our way up. CONVICTED LABOUR drop (54 total) Tomorrow is the Tories. One to wet the appetite: 54 Michael Powell Tory Party General election candidate Child porn.

0eaad1 No.2168227


I think this was a veiled threat towards our POTUS. The bushes people, the clintons and obamas people have united to take down our POTUS. Notice how bill clinton, old bush, young bush and obama have been palling around in photos. Its a message and a dare at the same time I believe.

00f944 No.2168228


>Congress is kabuki.

You betcha

6a6e14 No.2168229


But wouldn't it be great if trump actually did this and Putin agreed? Imagine the look on Mueller's face. He does not have the evidence to secure a conviction; and everyone knows it. He thought that tossing a handful of candy to the MSM would be the end of it. Putin allowing these 12 Russians to stand trial would be the end of Mueller's case and his career.

a1a0b5 No.2168230

File: e1344c524c93fb0⋯.jpg (52.98 KB, 960x531, 320:177, FIRESIGN 6.jpg)

File: 1177533f6f971b1⋯.jpg (72.19 KB, 760x855, 8:9, FIRESIGN 5.jpg)

File: 1f0045e6d3e04d1⋯.jpg (51.05 KB, 770x916, 385:458, FIRESIGN 4.jpg)

File: 398eb5b46f327fb⋯.jpg (53.76 KB, 763x854, 109:122, FIRESIGN 3.jpg)

File: e48d36e17d910a3⋯.jpg (47.51 KB, 764x916, 191:229, FIRESIGN 2.jpg)

Q. Is this real, or fake?

96b7d9 No.2168231


Time to get creative I think.

Thanks anon.

9a40ec No.2168232


Trump visited a old woman at her nursing home for 17 minutes longer than was on the schedule.

276d1a No.2168233


From Real Stealth Jeff

e78827 No.2168234


They only shut down people who wact like assholes

Patriots do not like assholes

So fuckwits like you are way, way down on the priority list

If you use social media the way it is meant to be


And build yourself a following

By helping people understand complex situations

Then you will NOT get shut down

And you will get the message out much better

aa11bd No.2168236


I think we're going to need a penal colony. Maybe an island, with gators all around for all those cocksuckers.

81be54 No.2168238

a2d8e3 No.2168240


Who would think that? Are there people here who actually thought that?!

49ca76 No.2168241

File: 00fbdaf24855f50⋯.png (566.28 KB, 415x496, 415:496, NightComfy.png)


Kek kek kek lol

bf6d3d No.2168242


Sloppy says a lot of things. I've said my peace about the issue already.

The only thing SB related that really should be discussed here are the Breitbart articles that Q has referenced on 24 occasions.

Quite sure that will be ignored, and that's fine. That's what the filter button is for, right?

e78827 No.2168243


If you keep making new accounts

You will never build up a following

And all your efforts will be wasted

7c5510 No.2168244


Sour grapes much HRC? You lost and the adults are now in charge.

Running out of chardonnay?

1ee2ca No.2168245



aa11bd No.2168246


With jews you lose.

9d9d67 No.2168247

File: fb99e6ac3e1a14b⋯.jpg (452.34 KB, 750x1100, 15:22, kenya-reading.jpg)


things fall apart.

3e34fb No.2168248


fiction – imho

aaeb50 No.2168249



Carry on clown.

No more (You)'s for you.

a043dd No.2168251

File: 64df378a95114aa⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 2091x1539, 697:513, conserneddaddyQ.jpg)

974c50 No.2168252


Do you expect the swamp to fix itself?

Congress is the swamp.

Nunes, Goodlatte, Grassley + a few others can't bring it down themselves.

But they still serve a great purpose.

Making the public aware of the crooks.

Bringing forth some bombshells.

We should do the same.


Red pill every one and every where you can.


e54e31 No.2168253

File: cb8a5d4dd49a30b⋯.jpg (635.93 KB, 1141x1521, 1141:1521, very-comfy.jpg)

fab3f1 No.2168255

File: d783c9e87a4406c⋯.gif (2.17 MB, 500x500, 1:1, IMG_8128.GIF)

f32aab No.2168256



You can dig in high subject.


Take the truth out for normies.

d6c498 No.2168257


Can you hear Hussein breathing in Kenya? ;)

276d1a No.2168260

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


fd2b5e No.2168261

File: e9419efcee75cda⋯.jpg (60.71 KB, 503x284, 503:284, 5d36b0f137.jpg)

cf68f3 No.2168262

File: 2d2205f79a0fdc7⋯.jpg (239.82 KB, 1600x1059, 1600:1059, bce521b4d9d1b95cf65468b433….jpg)


So it only took 17 minutes for Trump to make the Queen irrelevant, symbolically?

…And Symbolism is a big deal to these satanists?

I need moar popcorn machines

951bf4 No.2168263



Here is what was just posted…

Labour convicted first, tories up next then lib dems and others. Will name those who escaped convictions from all parties (including many big fish) then it's the ones who are sitting MP's & Lord's currently & then Royals.

For those unhappy with the order of drops, we don't care!

a043dd No.2168264


make your own

095e34 No.2168265

2b6f06 No.2168266

File: a4d72630163b0f0⋯.png (13.5 KB, 465x271, 465:271, tg1.PNG)


Not speculation at all.

974c50 No.2168267


If you get banned, shadow banned, or blocked, you don't have much of a choice.

You can still do quite a bit of educating in the comment sections.

But you are right, TRY to build a following,

but if you get taken down, don't give up either.

b76a0d No.2168268

e54e31 No.2168269

File: fdf33087943f562⋯.png (78.87 KB, 492x405, 164:135, d-panic-ppe-comfy.png)

983127 No.2168270


Oh great….now the shills are going to try to scare us away with a barrage of boring baseball facts

efd91e No.2168271


b58efc No.2168272

File: 0f1acbfa89bf836⋯.jpeg (15.05 KB, 300x300, 1:1, D4D6698C-83D3-4597-993B-1….jpeg)

69fcb8 No.2168273

Hey Q, how about putting an intern on Berman in Andover. Dude is OBVIOUSLY being blackmailed by the Cabal.

a2d8e3 No.2168274



ea2643 No.2168276

File: bcce33995d790b4⋯.png (230.87 KB, 371x500, 371:500, [mirror].png)

File: 5c652c178a3fd39⋯.jpg (56.38 KB, 960x720, 4:3, Wilbur Wright.jpg)

Everything thats needed has been said in so many words:::





"Sacha Cohen" @ DRUDGE

Where can the artist breathe ?



@ [Left] 'eats its own'


"Game Over"

We will have Justice;

The 'Left' will not pre-scribe it;

The blind lady counts and is recalled by all; she's

fearless unshaken



It's already started;

plane has landed.

Did you enjoy the ride?

Do you only remember the in-flight movie?

A fellow passenger on a flight circa 2017 game me a level 10 sudoku puzzle;

I was most graceful when I solved it;

made the time fly-by.

Damned linguists ….

What will

you remember

or record?

… I'll remember that;

on an on-line forum




Was ReaL








49ca76 No.2168277

File: 19d033bf8e1f16a⋯.jpg (192.44 KB, 1026x673, 1026:673, Checked.jpg)


We'll ignore them and do what we always do

efd91e No.2168278


aa11bd No.2168279


This is the


Get it? LOL

9d9d67 No.2168280


what they won't tell you is that the umpire called the pitch as a strike against the batter.

e78827 No.2168281


Exactly Anon!

Q told us


Those fuckwits in the War Room

Who use violent language

Are our enemy

As much as the Dems

You wouldn't want to vote any of them into power

Q told us

Get Organized

The only way to do that

Is to be nice

To talk to your neighbors

And the people in your local area

To ask them lots of questions

To play the role of Lieutenant Colombo

And tell them you are worried about


That you can't quite figure out.

Nobody will hate you.

They will want to help you

So if you ask a question whose answer they don't know


How do you know Snopes is right?

Shouldn't you always get two independent sources

To check information?

And how do we know Snopes is independent?

Where do they get their money?

e70b08 No.2168282

File: 62adec6be1483ff⋯.jpg (148.32 KB, 626x576, 313:288, PeacePepeQek.jpg)


Hey Night Crew, how is everyone tonight?

bdd88d No.2168283

File: cd73b59b523137a⋯.jpg (199.53 KB, 646x558, 323:279, cd73b59b523137ac069929effe….jpg)

bf6d3d No.2168284

File: 656f0319fea3c2a⋯.png (142.36 KB, 364x479, 364:479, Q1001-penalcolony.png)


Here's one, complete with underground dungeon.

29999f No.2168285


You comment has zero merit and is akin to the ramblings of an ignorant child

Q stating Gowdy is a patriot does not make any of your SPECULATION accurate or factual

51993b No.2168286

File: be9ae0363abef24⋯.png (515.32 KB, 888x499, 888:499, lhkjha;ldhflah.png)

File: 3b214b5b3ea4771⋯.png (476.38 KB, 728x500, 182:125, al;jhlhlkh'd.png)

File: 6dc265607d33421⋯.png (452.39 KB, 572x500, 143:125, jhkljghakjlkjg.png)


Peter Strzok is a lying dirtbag who hates the united states.

9f08c2 No.2168287

File: 65b19368530cda1⋯.jpeg (248.31 KB, 1440x870, 48:29, 1531159870.jpeg)

a2d8e3 No.2168288


Manafort is a fucking idiot. I hope he fries. He's just mad he won't be able to get any Botox in the slammer

96b7d9 No.2168289


I've been shutdown for minor offenses.

I've seen people shut down just for having a Q avatar.

The other anon was right, it's war.

2f1b1c No.2168290

>>2168278 Jury Convicts Former CIA Officer of Espionage


f67fef No.2168291

File: 78cee9ecc27683b⋯.jpg (377.64 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, einstein.jpg)

Quantum Q Theory,

Q = mc2

6c8572 No.2168292


I bet you, if this was a female ambassador this happened to, everyone on the left would have lost their shit

bc07ae No.2168293

File: 8d232404263a140⋯.jpg (200.83 KB, 1194x1154, 597:577, Feel the Plan.jpg)

a043dd No.2168294


took me a minute…

e54e31 No.2168295

File: 945c28de87da62c⋯.png (163.79 KB, 421x387, 421:387, 945c28de87da62c9589cf7443c….png)

a2d8e3 No.2168296


Why the fuck are you spoiler tagging it? you fucking moron.

0e668c No.2168299


Board still under fire, getting all manner of error pages. Shills trying to distract as per usual but anons are doing good work.

a043dd No.2168300

File: 3d0a767f7e958d2⋯.jpg (110.27 KB, 311x395, 311:395, BonginoSays.jpg)

3737c3 No.2168301

File: 3e782a0947940d0⋯.jpg (217.69 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, YpzpTJr.jpg)

File: 0cffbd59f73b2d2⋯.png (952.68 KB, 1012x604, 253:151, 1479949190347.png)

File: 4cac945caf1c603⋯.jpg (311.86 KB, 1440x978, 240:163, Pedo redefined as Minor At….jpg)

File: 14ae3cb863d3f10⋯.png (117.4 KB, 610x536, 305:268, Third_Picture_A_Little_Gir….png)

File: eca5ce098d2b538⋯.png (724.9 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 1479802417748.png)

d6c498 No.2168302


I need a boom that will shock people. I am surrounded by yoga, organic cafes, pussy hats, etc… I cant just post memes or info. I will completely lose my entire audience and delete me. They are already suspicious from my "optics" posts

070392 No.2168303

File: f865f5a0aaad9a8⋯.jpg (133.42 KB, 840x988, 210:247, shut up bill.jpg)

File: e2222862028e990⋯.jpg (238.58 KB, 937x760, 937:760, Nun trafficking babies.jpg)

File: 9919dc305f67e5f⋯.jpg (381.36 KB, 1329x893, 1329:893, Tell the truth.jpg)

Shills in panic?

Respond to shills?

aa11bd No.2168304


I caught that too. Superb interview.

Nigel is a good host as well. I must listen to him more.

fd1857 No.2168305


this was in notables back in june when it happened, but if anons think its relevant again I can add

425669 No.2168307

File: 4f51eba75925d97⋯.jpg (119.23 KB, 441x570, 147:190, 4f51eba75925d9729f5bfacec9….jpg)


comfee.. and you?

3e34fb No.2168309


As they should.

cf68f3 No.2168310


Comfy. Bombard corroborated our consensus on Strozk. Slimey bald-faced liar. In it neck deep.

27751d No.2168311



Notable seconded. When’s that last time that happened?!

fd2b5e No.2168312

File: 2aa8d4c6fe5f583⋯.jpg (29.9 KB, 392x336, 7:6, a1ff1d6a48.jpg)

243eaf No.2168314



efd91e No.2168315


f7c5ee No.2168316

File: aabe853352ec689⋯.jpg (84.39 KB, 781x478, 781:478, 2byyl4 (2).jpg)

aa11bd No.2168317


You might become a republic the way things are going.

1ee2ca No.2168318

Anons should be safe from attacks for a while.

13 -1-19-1


b76a0d No.2168319

anyone catch what POTUS' advice was to May?

only guessing he told her to become the 51st state, but i'm stoned, not finding much on it but the day they had the press conf

a043dd No.2168320


shills or shrills

96b7d9 No.2168321


That's good advice anon, I'll incorporate it.

e02efe No.2168322

File: 16ce0524bee41c4⋯.png (494.79 KB, 695x888, 695:888, NightShiftPepe.png)

bdd88d No.2168323

File: 270c2f5b7a1e616⋯.jpg (188.26 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, 79050_v9_ba.jpg)

ba3d6b No.2168324

Did he just throw Ben Rhodes out from under the radsr to right down under the bus? Yes Obiwan…yes he did~


a4b571 No.2168325


Can verify this is true. One of them was my relative's spouse.

b9f76a No.2168326

a043dd No.2168327

File: 0db0fd2df5e9cb6⋯.jpg (130.5 KB, 1658x912, 829:456, HeKnowsEverything.jpg)

2f1b1c No.2168328

File: f7a5641484be2f9⋯.png (237.65 KB, 514x367, 514:367, HILLBILLCOMM.png)

File: 9f6235553cfd098⋯.jpg (46.29 KB, 422x496, 211:248, hillarytackle.jpg)

51993b No.2168329

File: a00dbb646d1dc46⋯.png (252.05 KB, 428x379, 428:379, lkhlkh'lhkl.png)

File: 908e4e439d3f7f3⋯.png (302.53 KB, 470x467, 470:467, khlkhlkhklh.png)

3737c3 No.2168330


Good call. I love me some ce-ment pond.

842eeb No.2168331

File: adf0edf7273db0b⋯.jpg (153.73 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 79832247c147bf143e84d69a88….jpg)


Comfy and heating up dinner. How are you?

070392 No.2168332

File: 43049a519b13e28⋯.jpg (102.54 KB, 620x372, 5:3, Conflicted much_3.jpg)

File: 0fd71f89f86e6df⋯.jpg (161.52 KB, 562x956, 281:478, SIS is good.jpg)

File: 9a2c2893786610e⋯.jpg (190.51 KB, 684x696, 57:58, Q drop 03092018.jpg)

See the shills?

Trying to connect Strzok and Sessions?

Respond to shills?

e54e31 No.2168334

File: 672a511cc9319ca⋯.png (34.06 KB, 620x515, 124:103, pepe-jazz-feel.png)

6a6e14 No.2168335



I saw this long ago and noticed the picture on the last page, claimed to be tech for projecting holograms into the sky, is actually an astronomical telescope. The orange lasers are create reference points to help correct for atmospheric distortion.

Came pic and more here,


3e34fb No.2168336

b58efc No.2168337

File: 9d595ab1013a488⋯.jpeg (13.01 KB, 282x141, 2:1, 54F92E20-F8EC-474D-8B1F-D….jpeg)




27751d No.2168338


He is. Although he kept shutting Bannon down when he got too conspiratorial.

9f08c2 No.2168341

File: 6e318861dc4289a⋯.jpeg (142.81 KB, 1440x960, 3:2, 1527038127.jpeg)

efd91e No.2168342


Another baker

84fdef No.2168343


>he's a patriot

There is absolutely zero proof of this from Q's posts or, more importantly, from Gowdy's own actions and rhetoric.

Gowdy is shit to me, until he proves otherwise.

i'm not a sheep.

6c8572 No.2168344


He's not very smart for an ex CIA Director. You'd think he'd keep his mouth shut knowing they have everything.

243eaf No.2168345

File: 1d85d3d8118397f⋯.jpg (58.13 KB, 634x356, 317:178, DgTW5GxU8AAokrN[1].jpg)

Hillary Clinton

‏Verified account @HillaryClinton

Great World Cup. Question for President Trump as he meets Putin: Do you know which team you play for?

070392 No.2168346

File: 43325d9d9ef527d⋯.jpg (256.69 KB, 794x792, 397:396, AJ Q drop_2.jpg)

File: a01be57973fc67a⋯.jpg (195.37 KB, 1019x552, 1019:552, Tony Podesta_2.jpg)

File: 68a7f70365a5338⋯.jpg (206.37 KB, 759x848, 759:848, Tony Podesta.jpg)

Peter going down?

Thank the shills for that info?

efd91e No.2168347


Here’s another baker

27751d No.2168348


Q did literally post “make no mistake, Gowdy is a patriot.”

2d48e3 No.2168349

So is Israel being saved for last because they are the ones who re-routed Hilarys crapper server and took all her emails?

Or did Iran do it?

2b6f06 No.2168350

File: 31d044adb6e1b38⋯.png (257.81 KB, 631x355, 631:355, Shillaber.png)


Nice ad hominem, faggot. you are speculating as well, or didn't you notice? The difference: Q says he's a patriot, and his actions have pushed the investigation into the email and other related scandals further than anyones' rhetoric, including your half assed shilling

bdd88d No.2168351

File: 77e09104f0c3f02⋯.jpg (296.6 KB, 1242x1027, 1242:1027, 77e09104f0c3f02337cc239a2c….jpg)

0eaad1 No.2168352

Wasn't there like a cicada 3301 line that said something like "2 voices will call out in silence that the whole world will hear"?. I cant find the actual quote now, but I remember it along those lines. Could it be Trump and Putin putting the smack down on the MF'ers?

a2d8e3 No.2168353

File: 9774ac8bfdbf6b2⋯.gif (482.7 KB, 500x200, 5:2, roses.gif)

f32aab No.2168354


Special Apple.

But my family can hear him.

Also my family can cut power of those shit flooders?! - Don't they????

f4ab86 No.2168355


The latest was from a few weeks or so ago and had Soini's new party the Blue Reform (which is called Blue Future in Finnish for some reason) drop to miserable 1.1%, which is less than "the other" category.

Trying to put it concisely, the Social Democrats are currently leading at over 20% with points gained from not being part of the current unpopular government. National Coalition is not far behind and also has a chance to get to form the next government. The reason the Social Democrats aren't doing better is that the chairman has no charisma.

Center, the prime minister's party and the biggest party in the last election, is the third, having dropped by a lot because of unpopular neoliberal non-centrist policies. Then go the Greens and after that the Finns, Soini's old party, which has been showing signs of recovery and is now at over 10% again outside of the government with real anti-immigration populists at the helm.

Summed together, the total popularity of the current solidly right-wing government coalition amounts to scarcely more than a third of the votes. This way the next government will be either much weaker or so entirely left-wing that it has never happened in Finland's history.

cf68f3 No.2168356


If this is disputed I am going to laugh like a motherfucker

0ea1d2 No.2168357

File: 4b47616207d3fd6⋯.gif (617.03 KB, 512x436, 128:109, fourth_turning.gif)

18edc2 No.2168358

File: 92ef8ae7ba92838⋯.jpg (122.83 KB, 500x707, 500:707, IMG_1354.JPG)

File: fa2f31865a50ecc⋯.jpg (68.42 KB, 501x500, 501:500, IMG_1332.JPG)

File: d16d07d7ea2de18⋯.jpg (95.42 KB, 714x483, 34:23, IMG_1353.JPG)

File: 5313926e0fab33d⋯.jpg (91.37 KB, 758x499, 758:499, IMG_1355.JPG)

File: ee0f2e8cf7f7f36⋯.jpg (129.26 KB, 1086x499, 1086:499, IMG_1364.JPG)

3737c3 No.2168360

File: d7ec4de69e9877e⋯.png (828.93 KB, 1294x920, 647:460, 5c14fce4a1f57cde6eea06d353….png)

File: 4cb7065a2be37c8⋯.png (419.07 KB, 500x687, 500:687, 9uzrUzp.png)

File: bc261d8a2b63458⋯.png (156.53 KB, 262x388, 131:194, Screenshot-2018-5ee-29 Art….png)

File: a6d7ffdf5717de9⋯.png (192.74 KB, 979x552, 979:552, 25eef4bec7ca0d5031ea5cd6e2….png)

File: c713bd167a6d3d8⋯.png (647.41 KB, 1140x748, 285:187, fffffff.png)

96b7d9 No.2168361

File: c86fd81d459928d⋯.png (29.61 KB, 557x649, 557:649, 1480069360692.png)


It wasn't Cicada, it was just a random anon on 4chan who made 'the prophecy'.

f7c5ee No.2168362

File: 820991d603ca90a⋯.jpg (92.94 KB, 729x488, 729:488, 2e0lp5 (2).jpg)

9d9d67 No.2168363


it was a fowl ball.

c2dca7 No.2168364


I hope it doesn't get to a point where people tune all of this out. That's a lot of names with many more to follow apparently. Could be the beginnings of a world wide awakening too!

3e34fb No.2168365

(7) #AboutStrzok #DevinStrzok is actually Devin Cartwright Strzok . His grandfather, General James Cartwright , was pardoned by Barrack Obama on his last day of office. Cartwright was accused of leaking info on #stuxnet .

a2d8e3 No.2168366


That's probably why there isn't female ones for shit places like that. I could be wrong.

aa11bd No.2168367



Did the offices move out of RTP?

243eaf No.2168368

(you) have made Q angry.

We are not worthy. He is not returning.

This is Hell.

2f1b1c No.2168370

f7c5ee No.2168371

File: f077213f193e680⋯.jpg (53.22 KB, 593x326, 593:326, 29p86v (2).jpg)

276d1a No.2168372

File: bee22058c717d91⋯.png (7.47 KB, 255x131, 255:131, 80c972275bfab51f2a25440d38….png)

Is anyone here a programmer who wants to factor RSA2048?

Shit's being done by hand.

f92e2b No.2168373


lmao priceless

51993b No.2168374

File: efde9cffb611761⋯.png (500.24 KB, 700x466, 350:233, klhajh;ah;jlh.png)

File: 7ebdbab5f37144c⋯.jpg (73.88 KB, 500x500, 1:1, klhlhlhjhlkhj.jpg)

File: a9c13f736701b63⋯.png (175.87 KB, 420x315, 4:3, scumbag-strzok.png)

Peter Strzok abused and blackmailed Lisa Page.

b76a0d No.2168375


nvm found this


6aba87 No.2168376

File: 917de5547339792⋯.png (13.37 KB, 455x261, 455:261, PatriotGowdy.PNG)

84fdef No.2168377

File: 1142864da055abc⋯.jpg (37.04 KB, 632x383, 632:383, guillo2.jpg)

f67fef No.2168378


the "two witnesses"

3e34fb No.2168379

File: 4daef6553727810⋯.png (290.24 KB, 687x739, 687:739, Screen Shot 2018-07-15 at ….png)


>General James Cartwright

aa11bd No.2168380


>They discredited us through disinformation.

Good one. Is this your best?

2f1b1c No.2168381

File: 7edf032fe5d82e7⋯.gif (176.59 KB, 240x239, 240:239, supertroopergif.gif)

3737c3 No.2168382


that's some limited hangout there.

no because Israel in fact the whole planet is run by the greatest murderers in human history.

think real Holocaust but directed against whites first and everyone else second.

not paying a parking ticket is the least of the problems.

a55774 No.2168383

File: db8c99a2c8cd1d9⋯.jpg (131.58 KB, 1086x684, 181:114, shipp.jpg)

Excellent summary of the massive CF criminal operation.

Nice shout out to the anons at about the 24:55 mark.

https:// youtu.be/rilN9M0oLhI

e54e31 No.2168384

File: df86d97c5717f68⋯.png (56.84 KB, 776x576, 97:72, may-justice-q1.png)

2b6f06 No.2168385

File: c1d2c5414fe7052⋯.png (651.36 KB, 940x652, 235:163, ClownsBeLike.png)


No one cares about your feelings here faggot. Go back to cuckbook.

070392 No.2168386

File: 2098d6904097938⋯.jpg (155.01 KB, 647x472, 647:472, Seth Rich Server.jpg)

File: 08a9c0008f7b932⋯.jpg (355.58 KB, 1554x1080, 259:180, Q drop 40483 total 5060 pe….jpg)

File: 6129f445f778120⋯.jpg (226.18 KB, 1000x675, 40:27, Manchurian Candidate.jpg)

File: f402392cb80c505⋯.jpg (227.25 KB, 792x843, 264:281, Donna Brazile.jpg)

File: 5065a0c2cffd6e3⋯.jpg (173.23 KB, 682x730, 341:365, careful who you follow.jpg)

c2dca7 No.2168389



I hope it doesn't get to a point where people tune all of this out. That's a lot of names with many more to follow apparently. Could be the beginnings of a world wide awakening too!

f5dbef No.2168390


All, Q is with Kansas who has been all across the world and then some…NK, Asia, Europe, Mexico, back to Helsinki…

Q doesn’t post outside USA.

He’ll be back.

3e34fb No.2168391


Peter Strzok's Father In Law.

Get with it, autists.

7bb6be No.2168392



He's calling their bluff. Sarcasm.

aa11bd No.2168393



Known issue with this software, and patched appropriately by now. That was really dumb, but if you're headed to the gallows, you're not thinking clearly.

84fdef No.2168394


The Big Unit.

e8e389 No.2168395


Q did say Gowdy was a patriot, but that doesn't make him our guy. He has shown himself to not supportive of our movement. IMO he bitch slapped Potus by saying Potus could fire RR with a tweet. He supports the Mueller investigations and again contradicted Potus by saying it is not a witch hunt.

Now he is going to block the effort to force RR to turn over the necessary docs. Can't wait for Gowdy to leave and I sure as hell don't want him in the DOJ.

2d48e3 No.2168396

Can confirm

Spouseanon works closely with Lenovo

Major pain in the ass bcs spouse has to wait for them to come here from China all the damn time >>2168076

08a9c8 No.2168397


That's my impression, the Question is, why is Gorka going after Gowdy,and hardcore?

27751d No.2168398

We need a Harvey Weinstein exposure in DC. One big name that everyone recognizes, but slimey enough that no one’s world is too shattered in the normiesphere. Ease the blow and prepare the masses to start hearing beloved politicians are also guilty. Tie it into MeToo for the lefties.

Everyone knows not have heroes in Hollywood anymore. We need something similar to pave that way for DC.

b76a0d No.2168399

watch out for Ronald Mcdonald

He kills more people than cigarettes.

Mc MotherFucker

b58efc No.2168400

File: d41d1adac621554⋯.jpeg (30.13 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 9AD3BD54-B594-42C5-AC1D-2….jpeg)

49ca76 No.2168401


No. They were off in separate buildings anyhow. And PC Divison also had folks located at other IBM labs. A few who had centrally located administrative jobs had to move to different offices. What happened after that I don't know.

a2d8e3 No.2168402


None of them are notable right now again. Maybe once the Chinese stuff gets the proof needed then it can be added with it. But right now nothing has changed.

985807 No.2168403


What a mess.

White Hats in Finland could to use the narrative of Sweden and win more % of Votes.

bdd88d No.2168404

File: 420fe3a9972e0ae⋯.jpg (18.2 KB, 255x184, 255:184, 3d2914752f21ff02bf961dc34a….jpg)


you'll be alright

read "self-reliance" by emerson

e78827 No.2168407

File: a931eb61e0d4d8e⋯.png (3.47 MB, 2048x1150, 1024:575, BuenosAires.png)


¡No seas tímidas!

ef154b No.2168408

Throw us a bone, Q.

c2dca7 No.2168409

tried posting a couple mins ago and got message 'flood detected" whats that all about?

951bf4 No.2168410


That was a huge dump of info. We know media will not touch the subject so it up to citizens to do it. Without turning into a "pizzagate" conspiracy.

18edc2 No.2168411



cf68f3 No.2168412


B-but you're supposed to dispoute it… S-so I can laugh.. You're so mean

kek ;)

6c8572 No.2168413


Trump is still on the road. He's taking a rather long visit abroad.

b76a0d No.2168414




9d9d67 No.2168415

File: d27946c26ab01f7⋯.jpg (24.01 KB, 810x182, 405:91, guccifer-address-book-cap.jpg)

regarding the guccifer 2.0 drop.

i want to make sure all of you anons know this.

the house address of the pizza-map-hanky property is listed in the DNC address book.

and guess what? this power couple lives right next door to maggie nix's parents in DC.

i've been saying this for the last six-seven months, and i'm sure that some of you have seen me post this before, but gosh darn it, i NEED to make sure everyone knows it.

b9f76a No.2168416

It feels like we're about to get some major news breaking very soon. It's in the air tonight.

Could just be a tsunami or superbolide though.

1eefe0 No.2168417

File: 437701bd270e60b⋯.png (1.03 MB, 879x669, 293:223, time_traveling_pooper_scoo….PNG)

Have the Vanderbilts developed a time machine?

Is this toddler Anderson Cooper and his and his brother appearing in a contrevertial California pilot program studying the benefits of "sex play" in young children?

f4edc4 No.2168418


Truth. No planes. No hijackings. Solves 911.


That homo started a movement. Will you be strong enough to kick their liberal bullshit out the door when they to subvert us? Thats how infiltration happens. With fags like you thinking we need to appeal to the left rather than staying unified and appeal to our interests. 90+% of trump's base is white.

Trump succeeded because he proved that it was not incompetense or corruption. He displayed how the left deliberately on purpose with malice of forethought want to destroy europe and america.


Diversity Sucks.

70e27e No.2168419


Attacks, continue.

They are upset the catalog

is back up and running.

This is them trying harder.

a2d8e3 No.2168420

File: 0570d97f9dcd254⋯.png (252.93 KB, 466x466, 1:1, 0570d97f9dcd254dd7f7fe43d2….png)


Hooray. Good for you. your opinions mean what to us here? State your opinion then move on. Doon't shit on other anons because they slap you in the face with proof. Dumb cunt

ef154b No.2168421


Bitch slapped? He confirmed for us. God damn, anon. Use your brain.

a043dd No.2168422

File: 714e968792164d8⋯.jpg (936.65 KB, 1185x1333, 1185:1333, Q Proofs.jpg)


This is all I need to believe, proof enough?

08a9c8 No.2168423


And what does Q say about Gorka? Zip?

72ab10 No.2168424

File: 5a9374e838e3b13⋯.png (709.11 KB, 1088x673, 1088:673, 2018-07-15_21-18-50.png)

File: 0d4e7073b6350ea⋯.png (474.17 KB, 564x375, 188:125, 2018-07-15_20-58-24.png)

File: 0804514f821b790⋯.png (494.1 KB, 565x408, 565:408, 2018-07-15_21-02-10.png)

Lissssssten to me, Mr. Pressssssident, for Isssssrael!

17abef No.2168425

File: c26675fbb55c7ba⋯.jpg (823.31 KB, 2048x1366, 1024:683, IMG_4090.JPG)

File: 0927aacb83647e6⋯.jpg (297.35 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, IMG_4091.JPG)

File: 84899f040ca8574⋯.jpg (230.24 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, IMG_4092.JPG)

File: 781436c773cbfcb⋯.png (5.88 MB, 2732x2048, 683:512, IMG_4094.PNG)

What the rest of the Royal Family were doing.

Pics related.


5c34b9 No.2168426

I don't know if it has been disscussed already, but if not did anyone notice during Redactenstien's testimony awhile back he mentioned that O'Callahan was the one really running the Mueller investigation ( or something close to that) ?

2f1b1c No.2168427

>>2168415 The house address of the pizza-map-hanky property is listed in the DNC address book.

baker notable

842eeb No.2168428


I'll take "Things Mattis's wife says" for $100, Alex.

3737c3 No.2168429


purgation is good and in some cases necessary

everyone has for the last 24 months been stripped of their attachments one by one…at least those who did not desert their post in November 2016 and go walk-about (St. Anthony of The Desert has much to say about this type, as does St. Teresa of Avila and it's not good).

e8d38a No.2168431

File: 6c951a8746c56e0⋯.jpg (12.64 KB, 184x184, 1:1, fd94499f476d1f70a62254c663….jpg)


irl or in real life

the lizard people keep showing up at my house asking for mice


c1885f No.2168432

File: 1541f2bbc8df398⋯.jpg (77.88 KB, 400x400, 1:1, yup-i-see-you-bro.jpg)

ef154b No.2168433


You're right. Q has never posted while GEOTUS is traveling.

29999f No.2168434



I, unlike you, stupid cunt that you are, am not speculating

Gowdy has never even met POTUS or spoken to him

Who told him the plan?

Who gave him his role to play?

Being a patriot does not automatically mean Gowdy is part of the plan or even knows what the plan is

a043dd No.2168435

File: d1e46ff0189e063⋯.jpg (18.02 KB, 247x255, 247:255, ass.jpg)


never gets old

aa11bd No.2168436


I was a contractor for the PC company around the time of 9/11, and the Thinkpad team was quite well regarded. I still have one around here.

2681a8 No.2168437


Not if you can't even post a proper size picture

89543a No.2168438

File: 3235ba2950e4ffd⋯.png (295.41 KB, 480x326, 240:163, ClipboardImage.png)

5f107d No.2168439



Q won't post before Putin meeting underway or over

f32aab No.2168440

File: 5313926e0fab33d⋯.jpg (91.37 KB, 758x499, 758:499, freedom kim.jpg)


I like this one.

e70b08 No.2168441

File: 0047366365ce914⋯.jpg (213.88 KB, 736x489, 736:489, Parrot3.jpg)


So kind of regular then? Well except the board under fire, but it pretty much has been for a couple of weeks, hasn't it? First the catalog, now this…


Good, settling in for the night at my trusty workstation, getting ready to do my regular time slot if needed.


I knew it!! His demeanor is just off. Wonder why Q-team once thought he was a cooperating witness?


I love the night shift the best!! About 1/2 the time I end up baking 1st thing in the morning while I drink my coffee. But this is where my people are at :)


Kek! That does not look very delicious


I don't get it, I guess I am a dumbass…(sucks to be me :)


I don't think people will be able to, imho

Posting the bird for no reason other than it was a gift and I love Parrots!!

dfd502 No.2168442



e8e389 No.2168443


He confirmed what for us anon?

c9e92e No.2168445

did Q get seth riched?

f5dbef No.2168447

Main thing isn’t Q posts but release of Huber indictments….the real stuff, not the hope stuff.

5c34b9 No.2168448


That would be "Semper Fi" because Matti is married to the Marine Corps.

820f47 No.2168449


R.I.P. Q. We hardly knew ye.

9d9d67 No.2168450


you know that's all i needed to make it worthwhile.

terrible baseball jokes =





ef154b No.2168451


Use your brain. POTUS could fire RR any time he wants to. He could fire Sessions. He could fire Mueller. He hasn't. Use your brain.

a2d8e3 No.2168452


Damn. I am the last person who takes any anon threads serious, more so ones from Canada…But given the date that was posted June 2016…That was before a lot of info went public…

Thanks for posting this! I almost forgot about it.

fc47e0 No.2168453


so the Queen took time of from this to have tea with our President?

wow! she must really respect him~

fd1857 No.2168454

500 posts notables update

>>2167903 Steve Bannon Interview with Nigel Farage

>>2167985, >>2168063 HRC Use of Lenovo Devices

>>2168083 HRC Tweet re: Trump/Putin

>>2168158, >>2168162, >>2168263 List of named pedos/CP from british fight

>>2168278, >>2168315 Another Look At Two Former CIA Officers Charge with Espionage

>>2168415 The house address of the pizza-map-hanky property is listed in the DNC address book

let me know if I missed any anons

cc7f52 No.2168455

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pothead Grossly Argues for LEGALIZED PROSTITUTION at townhall!

17abef No.2168456


True dat.

e8e389 No.2168457


Who is Gorka? Why would Q say anything about the hundreds of supporters Potus has?

883a13 No.2168458

File: dd9523f45e64f45⋯.jpg (50.55 KB, 540x546, 90:91, dd9523f45e64f45ee9ad22ee90….jpg)

64d30d No.2168459

Q: Think Logically

Anons: Thinking logically A, B, C, D, E, F…..X, Y, Z…. are seen.

Q: Things didn’t go as planned, Trust the plan…

Thinking logically, Q should provide accommodations for the changes in plan.

Lives are at stake, Q. You know who the individuals are.

e54e31 No.2168460

File: c6944d2553147eb⋯.png (827 KB, 898x572, 449:286, patriots-no-skin-colorpng.png)


It is what it is, feel free to deal with

70e27e No.2168461


Fucking looking!!

If you can give the address side by side

of Maggie nix parents that would help the



e047ea No.2168463



Hundreds of Pedos. Says he's going to drop labor first, then libs, conservative and for the finale the Saxe Coburg usuper 'royals"

cf68f3 No.2168464


>Concerning patriot Gowdy.

..nor is he necessarily supposed to be in on The Plan.

The fact that he is a patriot who does good work, stands on its own. This country needs more Men like Gowdy in the coming days. Honorable men being honorable for its own merit is still a thing.

a2d8e3 No.2168465


Is that a Haiku?

29999f No.2168467


At least Dr G has met and spoken to POTUS

Dr G worked directly for POTUS

Gowdy, meh, he does like his Sunday shows and the attention tho….

be6a41 No.2168468

This weekend, I stumbled across an interesting theory about the Russian collusion BS. What I heard seemed plausible, but it’s only a theory and I thought I would see if anons could find holes.

Basically, the theory goes that Russian collusion was originally set up by the HRC campaign and the Obama loyalists in the IC and DOJ. But the original target was not DJT, but instead it was Bernie Sanders. It was planned and built in the latter half of 2015 when Bernie was drawing big crowds, disrupting things, and was clearly gaining momentum. They chose Russia because of Bernie’s obvious ties and affinity and because they had concrete Russian dirt on Bernie, which the HRC campaign figured they could exploit if the Bernie train had become unstoppable. It was their nuclear option.

But by May, the HRC campaign had effectively vanquished the Sanders campaign through traditional trickery, and she was cruising to the nomination. At this point, the entire Bernie Sanders Russia Collusion plan and all its associated infrastructure was useless, so it was put on ice.

But there was Donald Trump, who HRC and her entire campaign assumed she would easily trounce. As the weeks ticked toward election, day Trump drew huge crowds and was showing undeniable strength in internal polling numbers. And more importantly, uncanny resilience to the usual trickery. The people were clearly getting behind DJT, and the HRC campaign was becoming increasingly worried, but by this point it was getting time critical and cooking up a new plausible attack line was impossible.

This was June 2016, and that’s when someone, most likely Podesta, decided to dust off, repurpose and repackage the Bernie Russia Collusion story. After all, it was already built. All they needed to do was change some of the basics, and replace some names and dates. The infrastructure was already there, a time was a major factor. And they didn’t have the goods on DJT that they had on Bernie, so they had to create something. That’s when Steele was hired to create something out of thin air, but something that would prove so repugnant to voters that the Trump campaign would implode.

But even then, they didn’t play the hand too aggressively because they still thought she would win handily…but mostly because the evidence for the dossier allegations were so incredibly thin, almost laughable. Of course, on November 9th they moved into overdrive crisis mode, the objective this time was not to win an election, but to overturn one. And that’s how the Trump Russia Collusion fraud was born.


883a13 No.2168469

Military Intell is supreme, but does not mean they can predict the future. try again

18edc2 No.2168470


History to remember…

89543a No.2168471

KEVIN SHIPP: "The Anon's are a wonderful bunch of people!"


f32aab No.2168472

File: 8c1b562eb169076⋯.jpeg (9.72 KB, 248x204, 62:51, suck dead cock.jpeg)

3e34fb No.2168474

4c4e2c No.2168475

File: e023402b7bbfe4e⋯.gif (1.95 MB, 280x170, 28:17, videotogif_2018.07.15_21.2….gif)

974c50 No.2168476



I argued but i was ALWAYS polite.

Even when THEY cursed at me and called me names.

It's war.

They are shutting us down for no reason other than being in opposition to their narrative.

it's information warfare.

it's pyschological warfare.

it's cyber warfare.

But it is war.

I'm not advocating violence, but persistence.

e8d38a No.2168477

File: 7d04cc9393392d8⋯.png (15.04 KB, 317x334, 317:334, clown.png)

File: 6863b7a8ddfe518⋯.png (7.05 KB, 777x138, 259:46, 124313143.png)


callahan ?

i dont know if hes a white hat or not

but he has ties to john mccain

as well as went to clownsville uni

O'Callaghan co-leads what the Anchorage Daily News calls "a cadre of high-powered operatives" described by John McCain's campaign as a "truth squad" to field questions about and push back on attacks against vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin.[7] (His two co-leaders are Karl Rove protegee Brian Jones and Washington lawyer Mark Paoletta.)

Paoletta, Jones, and O'Callaghan are "tasked specifically with responding to the sort of viral attacks that have been popping up about Palin’s background and record in Alaska…The public face for this pushback, though, will be woman Republican politicians, a 'truth squad' team designed to highlight attacks on Palin and draw sympathy to her side."[8] Paoletta and Jones are volunteers while O'Callaghan is on staff.[9]

doesnt mean hes dirty

but some suspicious ties

e8e389 No.2168479


And why do you think Potus has intentionally stayed away from it? Use your brain. Potus has said many times he does not want to interfere. Use your brain. What would (((they))) do if Potus were to fire RR? Use your brain. We know what they would do. Riot. That would be the end to the great awakening. Use your brain.

Since you are pro Gowdy, you must think the Mueller investigation is not a witch hunt also.

3ff145 No.2168480

File: 8412a11b1557fe0⋯.jpg (30.72 KB, 436x327, 4:3, captain-obvious-south-park.jpg)

81be54 No.2168481

297fe6 No.2168482

File: a366fbc31bd4d9b⋯.png (381.91 KB, 621x434, 621:434, strokerpeter.png)

e78827 No.2168483

File: 20488390e2e40fa⋯.png (40.08 KB, 156x208, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


“Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold

Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,

The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere the ceremony of innocence is lost

The best lack all conviction, while the worst are filled with passionate intensity.”

― W.B. Yeats

820f47 No.2168484

File: 0116c9f849e8258⋯.gif (10.39 MB, 864x359, 864:359, 1.gif)

47bb74 No.2168486



787454 No.2168487

File: cc4b4a51fe4a877⋯.jpg (42.92 KB, 635x437, 635:437, prep.jpg)

89543a No.2168488


Sorry misquote he said group not bunch

e02efe No.2168490

File: fc10184bea2dd71⋯.png (464.98 KB, 749x499, 749:499, ClipboardImage.png)

3e34fb No.2168491


Obama speaks in mysteries, too.

276d1a No.2168492

File: d2b1dbb72ddf8e1⋯.png (256.69 KB, 1249x642, 1249:642, 80c972275bfab51f2a25440d38….png)


fuck, you're right.

lemme refresh the page.

Everything bein' homogay.

4cd98e No.2168493

File: 815a8c4dfb352b0⋯.gif (428.21 KB, 500x300, 5:3, Safe Word.gif)

29999f No.2168494


The pro Gowdy shills need to get their stories together

Part of the plan

Not part of the plan

Playing a role

Doesn't have to have a role

9c3222 No.2168495

File: dd4831ac8b7a4b8⋯.jpg (339.85 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, POTUS-grabbing.jpg)

7df532 No.2168496


>President Trump has just personally intervened in the Mueller investigation and has ordered Rod Rosenstein be fired

you fucking moron

fd1857 No.2168497



sauce that his father-in-law is Cartwright?

e8e389 No.2168498


So you also believe Mueller's investigation is not a witch hunt?

9d9d67 No.2168500

File: 6a059d5aa5e84e7⋯.jpg (331.23 KB, 1313x1080, 1313:1080, alefantis-nixon-moss-mv-ha….jpg)


here's teh graphic which earned me a multiple month ban on 4ch.

3ff145 No.2168501


>>Why are trips allowed?

This was at a time that Hillary was traveling outside of the country; people were wondering how she could travel despite wearing a ankle bracelet.

e54e31 No.2168502

File: 2121202881bad70⋯.png (812.99 KB, 972x531, 108:59, coutry-back-potus-give.png)

e8d38a No.2168503


what about remote viewers

can they ?

2e6372 No.2168505

File: 408bad19639269a⋯.png (641.27 KB, 831x662, 831:662, Screen Shot 2018-07-15 at ….png)

Why isn't she in Kenya?


f4ab86 No.2168506


I think I'll add for clarity that the current government is Center + National Coalition + Blue Reform. There are many parties in the parliament and I didn't list all of them in the previous post.

If the Social Democrats win and the current government + the Finns is below 50%, the next government could be along the lines of Social Democrats + Left Union + the Greens + filler, which is highly left-wing. The chairman of the Social Democrats has refused to denounce the Finns very much, so it's possible that he could prefer them to Center and National Coalition in forming a majority government, though the liberal pro-immigration Greens could find it hard to accept being in the same government with the anti-immigration Finns.

aa11bd No.2168507


I know a scam artist named Cartwright…

2b6f06 No.2168508


His actions lead me to believe he is going through the motions to appear objective, and imo the comment about potus was strategic..

the mueller investigation HAS to be finished before disclosure of big things can really start because if it's not finished when disclosure begins, a case can be made that it's potus trying to derail the investigation into him, and cnn will put out articles about how potus is trying to throw the investigation. something like that would backfire, and it'd hurt — better to avoid.

01319f No.2168509


wrong, he posted multiple times while GEOTUS in Singapore for example ( among many other instances)

the correlation is, he (q)has never posted while Pompeo has been outta the country.

pompeo :=array [1…maxint] type "Q"

e8d38a No.2168510



i was mostly nice outside of john brennan and i got banned cuz some guy called me a russian bot and commented on 30 of my tweets

5c34b9 No.2168511


Q post 1439 mentioned him.

3737c3 No.2168512

File: b0a99f58d4fe962⋯.jpg (13.95 KB, 255x205, 51:41, PatriotsLookUp.jpg)

File: 9225fe30abec124⋯.jpg (886.21 KB, 2016x1512, 4:3, IMG_0213 (1).JPG)

File: 189d912988a0c04⋯.jpg (204.38 KB, 630x347, 630:347, Gallon-Greene-at-Guilford-….jpg)

File: f86af1cb36fbe64⋯.jpg (43.07 KB, 500x500, 1:1, tumblr_oyn9z8f1ls1tkqfkao1….jpg)

File: 37cfd0c16c3035e⋯.jpg (73.52 KB, 500x566, 250:283, 1ce1c396d8b500cf2f3a62c199….jpg)

787454 No.2168513

File: 6a90322caa50c1d⋯.jpg (100.46 KB, 856x500, 214:125, alldaylong.jpg)

84fdef No.2168514



When POTUS was in China (and possible North Korea), Q posted one of his blurry plane photos.

276d1a No.2168515

File: 7b0d6b4b55bf23b⋯.jpg (176.48 KB, 450x799, 450:799, dream_7buo2nccd62.jpg)

File: 9fd3961e5655ae5⋯.jpg (279.97 KB, 490x735, 2:3, dream_amtmz14vmlh.jpg)

File: 375de426be6fb4b⋯.jpg (175.53 KB, 537x672, 179:224, dream_d7po3th6w31.jpg)

File: f53f1b66c4da440⋯.jpg (293.02 KB, 737x488, 737:488, dream_4fztaiwaaup.jpg)


Also, my apologies for the poor quality.

I know (You) expect better of me.

Please accept these EZ Bake treats as my penance.

a2d8e3 No.2168516

File: 56f6d709047b8a2⋯.jpg (9.21 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 56f6d709047b8a2dd1487a377b….jpg)


Fuck off faggot. Literal faggot

de09e4 No.2168517


Plausible, yes.

e54e31 No.2168518

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Triggering of Shia | He Will Not Divide Us (internet history)

cc7f52 No.2168519

File: a969a1203d79340⋯.png (84.4 KB, 633x642, 211:214, twitter_com_Breaking911_st….png)


070392 No.2168520

File: 75526d596e1c66b⋯.jpg (124.49 KB, 669x604, 669:604, Things i trust more than C….jpg)

File: f7373106f91c1ca⋯.jpg (114.47 KB, 626x749, 626:749, Bruce Ohr.jpg)

File: 37825d2e8c0a61a⋯.jpg (183.65 KB, 1200x812, 300:203, Ugly web_4.jpg)

Gowdy is a Patriot.

What does a Patriot always do?

Can you trust Patriots?

883a13 No.2168521


they can question and waste all the time they want. I'm just trying to make it smoother for them.

999e4e No.2168522

File: 5ef14a003d6ce77⋯.mp4 (5.5 MB, 480x360, 4:3, cmonQ.mp4)

"come on Q"

fdf45b No.2168523

File: 6ab5ee53ce34fa1⋯.png (142.37 KB, 400x200, 2:1, 6839C688-F624-410F-AA60-2C….png)


I’m guessing Kabby Borders

And this is what got the Saudi interested.

84fdef No.2168524

File: 2c5ee721c8c433d⋯.jpg (53.29 KB, 400x600, 2:3, bieber1.jpg)


>This is all I need to believe, proof enough?

You're right.

How silly of me.

No more proof needed.

0e668c No.2168525


Hard to say. Could be CM messing around, tracing the causes to their source.

89543a No.2168526

File: 4a3024c27583876⋯.png (490.26 KB, 880x844, 220:211, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa75e747c3b5aed⋯.png (303.1 KB, 917x837, 917:837, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e44da6ab2e85ca2⋯.png (293.19 KB, 923x727, 923:727, ClipboardImage.png)

US Message To Assad: "We Will Pull Out Of Syria If Iran Withdraws"


2f1b1c No.2168527


>here's teh graphic which earned me a multiple month ban on 4ch.

There oughta be badge for that or somethin'. KEK!

29999f No.2168528



He's never met or spoken to POTUS

Who strategy?

His own?


5f107d No.2168529

File: b38381965e711db⋯.jpg (35.49 KB, 571x329, 571:329, Gowdy is a patriot.JPG)


Are you calling Q a shill?

2681a8 No.2168530

File: 130381305687fb1⋯.jpg (22.22 KB, 302x303, 302:303, you.jpg)

6a6e14 No.2168531


The work to frame Trump was in full swing in late 2015. And Bernie was only a credible threat to Hillary in the one or two months before the primaries. And Hillary's cronies ran the whole DNC. They would have never needed to frame him.

9d9d67 No.2168532




check that streetview. oh yeah, the blue just cuts out.


29999f No.2168533


No, but I will call you ignorant

e48ca6 No.2168534

File: da2f974c76c43b3⋯.jpg (205.33 KB, 1119x1079, 1119:1079, Kansas.jpg)

File: acc3ebb32244b4a⋯.png (1.95 MB, 3453x2642, 3453:2642, Q clock 7-15-18.png)

File: 96b20e4d746bbfd⋯.jpg (274.31 KB, 484x710, 242:355, Q#780.jpg)

from previously posted Q clock

"Trust Kansas"

Possible double meaning? Thoughts?

47bb74 No.2168535


Do you say the same thing when the Muh Dick guys posts for the umpteenth time in a bread?

b76a0d No.2168536


nice dig my nig

Baker notable?

2e6372 No.2168537


That would be huge.

974c50 No.2168538

f4edc4 No.2168540

There is no human race.

There is a human species.

We have sub species called races.

Your liberal virtue signalling about race is a leftist communist ideal.




Nobody of value is buying into your leftist garbage.

3303c1 No.2168541


Quit yellin at the movie and sit back, watch, and enjoy anon.

a2d8e3 No.2168542


How long have they been married? They already have 3 kids? God damn.

7bb6be No.2168543

File: 1f2dbef9febe7cc⋯.jpeg (122.65 KB, 1080x729, 40:27, winning.jpeg)


I feel good about the #walkaway project. Why project negativity ?- that's bigotry and division creating. There is no evidence it is there to subvert. [but keep your eyes open, for sure] Reality is: One Party is not a good thing going into the future. The Dems will die. Their party is finished. But there will be a new party created. Who knows what it will be. Keep your mind open. It's happened once before in American history. One Party = Totalitarianism. That will never be U.S.A.

f8e9d0 No.2168544



Nowhere did I ever read trust Gowdy - in fact there are zero references to trusting ANY current Representative or Senator - the entire congressional shitshow is just that - a shitshow. The real reason justice will need to be from .mil is that the legislative, judicial and even executive *DOJ,FBI) are comped. But this all has to be shown publicly

974c50 No.2168545

File: a3e9c1d587ca59c⋯.jpg (87.41 KB, 806x592, 403:296, a3e9c1d587ca59c8a3541d4a6a….jpg)

243eaf No.2168546

Fox' Carl Cameron= Cabal Mole

“The Trump team were colluding with the Russians in 2016 – and they are still colluding,” Cameron told Think Progress.

Whenever the President denies the entire idea of Russian interference in U.S. elections — and labels investigations into such interference a hoax or witch hunt, he is enabling the biggest cyberattack in U.S. history,” Cameron said.

4a8637 No.2168547


Are you aware that it's common practice to lace an otherwise truethful report with easily provable faggotry, so that if it's leaked it can be easily debunked (rendered as fiction by normies)? Be careful you don't fall for that.

I was unable to disprove the remainder, and found the results seemed to reflect the reality on the street rather than what the MSM would have had you believe.

While that graphic is BS as you say, Project Blue Beam was/is not entirely fictitious. I have no way of knowing is current status, but I believe it foolish to completely discount the possibility.

f7c5ee No.2168548

File: 81672dcf9ced921⋯.jpg (146.33 KB, 919x482, 919:482, 2e0z0a (2).jpg)

3ff145 No.2168549


UIDs are not measure on online population, only unique users that have posted so far.

47bb74 No.2168550


That's the same thinking that will eventually lead you to the gallows.

5f107d No.2168551

File: e7b2b70ee5e1ca4⋯.jpg (87.61 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, ows_147621583473866.jpg)


fuck off glowing fag shill

e78827 No.2168552


Arguing is NOT polite

And it is NOT the Socratic Method

That Q taught to us.

When they cursed at you

That was a sign that you are doing it wrong

You need to expand your thinking.

Yes, Q said this is war.

But Q also said that he and the Trump administration

Are fighting it for us

So that we do not have to.

Our job is different.

We must learn to play the game of politics

And teach others around us to play this game.

We must GET ORGANIZED in our local area

Because only in our own Congressional

Can we really impact Congress.

Only in our own state

Can we really impact the Senate.

The Senate and the Congress serve the people

So the people need to be vigilant

Choose the right people

And monitor everything that they do

Elbow the corporate lobbyists

Out of the corridors of power in DC

Because they did not elect these people


If you would read Sun Tzu

You would realize that the art of war

Is not to fight

Just win.

And the art of the deal by DJT

Shows that finding a win-win deal

Trumps a win-lose deal

7bb6be No.2168555


Not a match.

29999f No.2168556

File: 412fb54a24944f3⋯.png (98.09 KB, 658x893, 14:19, Replies to Dr G re Gowdy 7….PNG)


Seems many people don't trust Gowdy

f285b9 No.2168557

File: 433c1f07740a0f3⋯.png (9.9 KB, 255x146, 255:146, sniffy.png)

243eaf No.2168558


There is scientific proof that leftists are not the same species as us

b76a0d No.2168559

File: 950f8f9f309700e⋯.png (386.7 KB, 905x691, 905:691, ClipboardImage.png)

>San Fransico Mayor see's POO POO


e8d38a No.2168560



if you see a bunch of stuff about blblical prophecy or aliens in the news like in early april

you best be watching out for bluebeam

9d9d67 No.2168561

File: c6f6859b9389865⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 1508x4332, 377:1083, 55-vineyard-haven-rundown.jpg)


and here's my 55 harbor view rundown.

this is how i connect the emails to that address because, of course, the address itself is NOT noted in the email. it's "THE FIELD HOUSE".

check this and think it through.

84fdef No.2168562


I stand corrected.

But that doesn't change my mind about Gowdy.

I don't know if Q is posting real or disinformation at any given moment.

So, all I can go on is what I see Gowdy do and say on a daily basis.

All of Gowdy's actions and rhetoric, some of which you list, tell me that Gowdy is dirty.

3737c3 No.2168564


by Calvin Freiburger. Okay.

dfd502 No.2168565

Russia is important.

Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.

f285b9 No.2168566

File: 6df33e5d454aeee⋯.jpg (48.69 KB, 327x327, 1:1, Pocahontas.jpg)

f5dbef No.2168567


She’s really turned on!! Ha ha ha

47bb74 No.2168568


How does Mr. Ed say "Chelsea"?

89543a No.2168571

File: 00f456d4545f131⋯.png (257.14 KB, 682x318, 341:159, ClipboardImage.png)

17abef No.2168572

File: c096b43a2916bce⋯.jpg (187.13 KB, 959x583, 959:583, IMG_4072.JPG)


Kinda like this?

84fdef No.2168573

File: b275fb5a748bb20⋯.jpg (73.73 KB, 640x436, 160:109, mikeshogg.jpg)


Suck on Big Mike's cock.

158ad2 No.2168574


Bloodline. Heritage. The loyal ones.

23c91b No.2168575

File: 898bd08754f2ced⋯.jpg (497.51 KB, 864x864, 1:1, WWG1WGAWHEELS.jpg)

3e34fb No.2168576


none. disregard.

72ab10 No.2168577

File: 2063a969428678e⋯.png (148.4 KB, 599x743, 599:743, 2018-07-15_21-28-38.png)

c52c62 No.2168578

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

what do bill clinton, carroll quigley, and trump 45 have in common?

5f107d No.2168580


audience participation emotionally invests the viewer for maximum enjoyment

pass the popcorn anon. It's all good

47bb74 No.2168581


Wishful thinking gets you nowhere.

e54e31 No.2168582

File: a93f2c149277ce5⋯.png (312.77 KB, 462x300, 77:50, bingo-q1.png)

a2d8e3 No.2168583


One of the things that always bothered me about that picture is I'm sure that woman is pregnant.

If you have a regular fat gut, when you lay down, it's gonna spread, not if youre knocked up tho.

She looks 4 or 5 months along.

e8e389 No.2168584


The you believe Mueller is white hat. I do not. If RR black hat then Mueller black hat. Q has already told us RR is black hat. The only purpose for that investigation is to keep Potus under investigation until the midterms so Dems can take back the House and impeach Potus.

There is absolutely no reason whatsoever Gowdy should not want those docs turned over to the intel cmte's. Yet he is resisting and talking with RR behind the scenes. He insulted Potus by claiming Potus would be so unprofessional as to fire someone by a tweet. Fuck Gowdy.

999e4e No.2168585


SEOUL, July 16 (Yonhap) – North Korea plans to implement a general amnesty next month before celebrating its 70th founding anniversary on Sept. 9, Pyongyang's media said Monday.

The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said that amnesty will be granted to those who were convicted of crimes against the country and people on the occasion of the North's 70th founding anniversary.

The amnesty will take effect on Aug. 1, the report said, noting the cabinet and relevant organs will take practical measures to help the released people settle down to a normal working life.


e78827 No.2168586


Did you click on BuenosAires.png and see it in FULL DETAIL?

070392 No.2168587

File: 5bae511d10c760d⋯.jpg (220.63 KB, 1082x745, 1082:745, Good luck Pompeo 07152018_….jpg)

File: c4a300b0c72757e⋯.jpg (273.93 KB, 1007x751, 1007:751, Finland QAnon.jpg)

File: 3f48b2653ae81b4⋯.jpg (99.07 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Nas I can.jpg)



You 2 are doing it right, no cussing, respect.

Give respect to get respect.

Humbleness is a KEY greed and evil lack.

f8e9d0 No.2168588

File: 67ff8a6de74d82e⋯.jpg (51.66 KB, 600x450, 4:3, retard-cartman.jpg)

662b4d No.2168589

On August 22, 2017, Carl Cameron announced his retirement from Fox News Why would he retire at 55 ?

cf68f3 No.2168590


>The pro Gowdy shills need to get their stories together

I only said he's a patriot for his own reasons, and him not knowing the plan is not necessary for its success. Project much?


>So you also believe Mueller's investigation is not a witch hunt?

I believe we are watching a damn good movie, and all optics for public consumption are just that, and only that. We won't know the full scale of what's taken place until this is done and all the evidence comes to light.

dcaccf No.2168591


The set up is unmistakable. It's perfect.

That said,I'm not getting my hopes up any more. I've been burnt to many times by Q.

The IG report coming out was supposed to be yuge. And nothing happened.

e8e389 No.2168594


Fuck off faggot. GO stick your dick in your mum's asshole.

8dd95c No.2168595

File: eb447634fc8e62c⋯.jpg (41.35 KB, 324x393, 108:131, dog-and-pony-show.jpg)

fdf45b No.2168596

File: 8ef1ea22e83c88e⋯.png (2.65 MB, 1280x853, 1280:853, F23C682A-AE8B-45FB-BD50-A6….png)

bdd88d No.2168597

File: 57345e92e969371⋯.jpg (117.5 KB, 435x580, 3:4, 07abd01734fa4788c48545d8c7….jpg)

9d9d67 No.2168598





fwiw, i don't believe for a second that Hussein posted that list on his own. i take it as a signal.

e54e31 No.2168600

File: 984a45425043a90⋯.png (58.35 KB, 405x371, 405:371, pepe-book-bed-unity.png)


All people from all backgrounds on the same team to bring down the deep state brings unity, right?

99d54f No.2168601


Ahead of schedule and under budget.

ba3d6b No.2168602



883a13 No.2168603


Which one? you know there is multiple? and did you not read the words "clinton foundation and child crimes" ?

Umm read moar anon

bf5ecb No.2168604

File: 98ac9cb28309b09⋯.jpeg (49.34 KB, 736x497, 736:497, 5a625dedacb8b1f00a5a256f0….jpeg)

fd2b5e No.2168605

File: 0b38cdf3f49cd73⋯.jpg (22.71 KB, 392x279, 392:279, psychic-ability.jpg)

4c4e2c No.2168607

File: b459f0fd12cd781⋯.gif (2.37 MB, 314x156, 157:78, videotogif_2018.07.15_21.3….gif)

db5d0d No.2168609

File: fd37531094502c9⋯.gif (516.38 KB, 200x112, 25:14, 8FE9195F-9B34-4B47-BD65-17….gif)


We know, but please continue

1e4424 No.2168610


Yep lots of people are browsing this all day and not really posting much. Its hard to say what actual numbers are.

f32aab No.2168611

File: 64cc403971522b8⋯.jpg (97.84 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, small.jpg)


Even if disgusting, truth must be told and criminals exposed.


And you know little…..

e78827 No.2168612


Spirit Cooking is about a magic ritual

In which a woman is impregnated

So it seems likely

That an artist would choose a pregnant woman

For a display about Spirit Cooking

3e34fb No.2168613

File: 91214c485023246⋯.png (131.84 KB, 605x651, 605:651, Screen Shot 2018-07-15 at ….png)


Debunked, in fact.

d65523 No.2168614

File: 9398aafc7e221b5⋯.jpg (137.85 KB, 900x750, 6:5, Respect maga.jpg)

b9f76a No.2168615


Deep State hardest hit

974c50 No.2168616


Although i agree with almost everything you said,

I did nothing warranting my multiple bans and blocks other than not follow the narrative.

And you are assuming everyone i engaged was not a paid shill or bot, in which case they would curse and scream at me no matter what i said.

social media + public awareness, perception, and opinion is still vital.

Don't give up anons.

If you get banned or blocked, do not give up.

4a8637 No.2168617


Very much agreed. I have educated those close to me about bearing that in mind should such a scenario transpire.

Tough subject to broach with anyone who you do not have credibility with.

To much info, to fast for them to absorb if you are starting from scratch.

a2d8e3 No.2168618


Holy shit Tina Knowles looks like the cat lady. TOO MUCH plastic surgery. GROSS

e7cafc No.2168621

File: d8260f8829a70ea⋯.jpg (70.35 KB, 499x429, 499:429, happy-hour-20170719-109.jpg)

99d54f No.2168622

7bb6be No.2168625

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


guys retarded if he thinks he can get me to do anything. Also, He's trying to gaslight, claiming no good work goes on here.


ef154b No.2168626


He's hunting witches all right. Fucking moron.

ad351e No.2168627

File: 30a443d0923434d⋯.png (332.74 KB, 615x346, 615:346, ClipboardImage.png)


President Trump doesn't play for any team, citizen Hillary. He's the manager of America's Team. You? You're a target for "Team America."

f67fef No.2168628

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bannon interview with Hannity in London today

d65523 No.2168629

File: 9c58bbc85818d63⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 1200x1608, 50:67, The_Frog_with_the_Golden_H….jpg)

fd1857 No.2168630

>>2168613 thx for the follow up anon!

6a6e14 No.2168631


Q told us they are "dirty". That's not the same as "blackhat".

I think Trump has Mueller by the balls (Uranium One, etc) and is using him to ferret out the bad guys in the FBI/DOJ while keeping the Left lulled into complacency by giving them false hope.

I don't think it's Mueller's choice.

23c91b No.2168632


thats going to leave a mark

99d54f No.2168633


Prob to cover up getting her ass kicked.

985807 No.2168634


That seems the twilight zone.

it's better that take advantage Today for to win more %. it's good moment.

Good luck in that Tech city FinnishAnon.

fa7fc9 No.2168635

White House Announces Scheduled Time of Putin-Trump Helsinki Press Conference

WASHINGTON - US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin will start their face-to-face meeting during Monday's summit in Helsinki at 1:20 pm (10:20 GMT) local time and will continue talks for one and a half hours, according a schedule of events published by the White House.

The face-to-face meeting will end at 2:50 Helsinki time and the leaders will proceed to a working lunch. The two leaders' joint press conference will start at 16:50 local time.

The summit between Putin and Trump is expected to take place in the Finnish capital, having bilateral ties and various international issues the agenda. The summit will be the leaders' first full-fledged meeting since Trump took office in January 2017.

e8e389 No.2168636


True, we don't know the full scale, yet. However, Gowdy just effectively ended the leverage Congress had to force RR to turn over docs. Where does that leave us? With DOJ still corrupt and no way to force it without involving Potus.

276d1a No.2168637


really it depends on what they mean by "predict" though…

Suppose they're just retelling past events at a point in the timeline before it happened but after the teller experienced it.

3e34fb No.2168638


None. Debunked.

bc5463 No.2168639



067cf5 No.2168640

File: 56eb86605b15a3e⋯.png (211.8 KB, 450x450, 1:1, the-Clapper.png)

File: 1759711dbf408f2⋯.png (43.28 KB, 246x330, 41:55, clap cure.png)


The Clap. VD is nothing to clap about.

bdd88d No.2168641

File: 04c8a6557f1e508⋯.jpg (263.67 KB, 2250x1013, 2250:1013, 04c8a6557f1e508daeb24fe2bb….jpg)

3e34fb No.2168642


jes trine a keep it reel, anon.

7bb6be No.2168643


Reference was to this post ^^^

Not to the one who also answered it.

e54e31 No.2168644

File: c4c396abd7cf1e7⋯.png (801.85 KB, 922x662, 461:331, clapper-again.png)

fd2b5e No.2168645

File: ff40cae693a5136⋯.jpg (16.33 KB, 205x255, 41:51, Truth hurts.jpg)

974c50 No.2168646


all building up towards the


will be fun.

Hang in there guys.

: )

e7cafc No.2168647


Hopefully it was a gag or, at least, she was stopped before she pulled the trigger.

cf68f3 No.2168648


>and no way to force it without involving Potus.

"We may have to force this"


3f0436 No.2168649

File: ec40ab21426bfdb⋯.png (403.71 KB, 591x642, 197:214, Potus schedule quote.PNG)

Sorry if this has already posted.

d65523 No.2168650

File: 359ef6afdd2acbe⋯.jpg (62.53 KB, 600x450, 4:3, stand.jpg)

ef154b No.2168651


You're fucking retarded. One day you'll look back at this post and say, "I was so fucking retarded."

276d1a No.2168652

File: 7dded95502f67dd⋯.jpg (279.37 KB, 693x520, 693:520, dream_p8jorqpf716.jpg)

File: 2f987e9ebcd0d35⋯.jpg (254.22 KB, 473x732, 473:732, dream_gjm0bxj05v6.jpg)

File: 792b400f412950b⋯.jpg (233.77 KB, 537x672, 179:224, dream_fs8vpu4axj0.jpg)

File: 504196c5e6cc3e8⋯.jpg (196.07 KB, 505x713, 505:713, dream_vj9vgucjbhh.jpg)


3737c3 No.2168654


Khazar Khagnate.

Real Greater Israel (Khazar empire bridgehead) extends up through Turkey (which the sabbatean types own), takes in the entire Caucasus east towards the Aral, and north and west taking in the Ukraine and Crimea with mad designs on Kazan and so forth.

These are a Turkic people apparently. Not Semitic and NOT "white". They have however manged to buy 100% the US Senate and seems like every pol from South Carolina but then again fundies always did kiss Jewish ass.

f32aab No.2168655


Criminals eating babies, clones, satanist sacrifices, terrified kids for adrenaline, soul takers.

Evil on earth, antarctica, criminals oppening portals, atomic bombs, treaties with aliens, underground bases, BOOMS so on…..

b9f76a No.2168656


They needed to frame Trump because they were backing him with covert campaign assets for the nomination. It was a combined operation.

a2d8e3 No.2168658

File: 489a7b3053b4f80⋯.gif (1.59 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 489a7b3053b4f801741e9e2a0a….gif)


You said that they used a time machine you fucking retarded cunt!

hahahahaha Holy fucking delusional

fd1857 No.2168659


>>2167903 Steve Bannon Interview with Nigel Farage

>>2167985, >>2168063 HRC Use of Lenovo Devices

>>2168083 HRC Tweet re: Trump/Putin

>>2168158, >>2168162, >>2168263 List of named pedos/CP from british fight

>>2168278, >>2168315 Another Look at Two Former CIA Officers Charged with Espionage

>>2168415, >>2168500, >>2168561 The house address of the pizza-map-hanky property is listed in the DNC address book

>>2168526 US Message To Assad: "We Will Pull Out Of Syria If Iran Withdraws"

>>2168519, >>2168585 North Korea planning "General Amnesty"

fd1857 No.2168660


84fdef No.2168662

File: 308f5b1c2826417⋯.jpg (36.05 KB, 453x500, 453:500, guillo1.jpg)


>Representative or Senator - the entire congressional shitshow is just that - a shitshow.

I completely agree with this.

23c91b No.2168663


no shit, but ive seen some horrible gags, bad boyfriend

1e4424 No.2168664

File: 5835f5a48c80688⋯.jpg (39.92 KB, 544x394, 272:197, gonsdontkill8957993939i3i8….jpg)


Kek. I hope theres no 'after' pic for this.

dcaccf No.2168665


I read the whole damn thing. In fact I was here that night, reading the 40 pages at a time. I'm very aware of the multiple reports.

So where are the arrests of people that worked for the Clinton Foundation. I'm losing faith that she will ever get busted for anything shes done/

In fact, she's going to say she's running soom for the 2020 presidential election, that way the DOJ won't arrest her because it would look like the Trump used the DOJ to get rid of an opponent.

b930d3 No.2168666

File: a183e97fd9d6ef4⋯.png (323.65 KB, 2208x1242, 16:9, 03CD1764-3B4D-4008-9AA6-1E….png)

muh jews

pic related

e8e389 No.2168668


Don't argue over terms. RR is a black hat. Q linked him to LL and is keeping docs from Congress that shows his involvement with prior admin. That makes RR a black hat. Which makes Mueller black hat.

e8d38a No.2168670


would be nice if we could get a map of the way the world actually is run

who controls what and where

which countries are not actually "countries"

f32aab No.2168671

974c50 No.2168672

File: 8399611a0647507⋯.jpg (382.2 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 8399611a0647507d0bfcaafd38….jpg)

Have Faith In God

Have Faith In Good

9a9a44 No.2168673

Tweeters hit her with all the uranium 1 memes!

Hillary Clinton

‏Verified account @HillaryClinton

Great World Cup. Question for President Trump as he meets Putin: Do you know which team you play for?

5:15 PM - 15 Jul 2018

e02efe No.2168675


>But this is where my people are at :)

Agree…am definitely in my element here at night.

b36e30 No.2168676

File: 89a784ac9856ff0⋯.jpg (32.38 KB, 626x248, 313:124, AnonsGowdy.JPG)

c03a34 No.2168677

File: 70cc16e66370dad⋯.jpg (267.46 KB, 1377x809, 1377:809, steve the barbarian bannon….jpg)

883a13 No.2168678


40k + sealed indictments. This movie is NOT gonna run in YOUR timing.

7bb6be No.2168679


What make you think Gowdy is speaking with RR behind the scenes?

70e27e No.2168681


Strings are cut.


3e34fb No.2168685


pretty sure Trump doesn't play soccer, bitch.

a6b692 No.2168686

File: b17a4e29cb44f53⋯.jpg (502.09 KB, 1392x1600, 87:100, b17a4e29cb44f535bd7acccf77….jpg)

e54e31 No.2168687

File: 41252c06e2f8058⋯.png (1.02 MB, 912x684, 4:3, kag-2020-flag.png)

f79f96 No.2168688

File: 9ec5307e4f042ba⋯.jpg (296.04 KB, 540x494, 270:247, 1512512091011.jpg)


>Monday's summit in Helsinki at 1:20 pm (10:20 GMT)

06:20am Eastern Time

>The face-to-face meeting will end at 2:50

07:50am Eastern Time

>The two leaders' joint press conference will start at 16:50 local time.

09:50am Eastern Time

3e7956 No.2168689


over 6k replies on that post already.

anything now with just be lost

a2d8e3 No.2168690


No you're not. You know full well it has. fuck off

f32aab No.2168691



explain this

9d9d67 No.2168693


feels like major crisis has been averted?

what an odd breath of relief i feel?

2c6f1f No.2168694


"The Trumps spent nearly twice as long (45 minutes) with Her Majesty as they’d expected and said they got on famously."



f8e9d0 No.2168696


I said this because HOW MANY TIMES has Q said we CANNOT IMAGINE THE SIZE OF THIS?

What other reason to go to .mil than the major baranches of .gov are all comped at upper levels, and there is no way to get anything resembling fairness or justice?

29999f No.2168697


Because he said that he is

3737c3 No.2168698


Even the ones supposedly on our side are dirty and its being all covered up.

Their staffers arent worth a fuck either or they'd out them all.

All about the shekel.

da8aab No.2168699


He was also wrong about the alien agenda and admitted it. A patriot, but did make mistakes still.

e8e389 No.2168700


can't disprove anything I say yet calls me the retard. haha haha haha

Also proves you don't believe Q. See ya next bread.

f4edc4 No.2168701

e8e389 No.2168703


I guess you didn't bother to read the article.

974c50 No.2168705


It took her a little longer to get ==the message==

e02efe No.2168706

File: 5e47cfa35298954⋯.png (507.07 KB, 735x554, 735:554, ClipboardImage.png)

e7cafc No.2168707



Indeed. Either a gag by a patriot or live-fire training for the antifas. Lack of tats and cute butt would seem to make it the former.

ef154b No.2168708


Faggot you haven't proved anything to disprove. You act like this isn't a psyop. Go fuck yourself with your shill division tactics.

57009d No.2168710

File: 66f6dc9ba6a6efd⋯.png (2.63 MB, 2616x1788, 218:149, Screen Shot 2018-07-14 at ….png)

File: e20651abcdd8507⋯.png (475.88 KB, 2086x1180, 1043:590, Screen Shot 2018-07-14 at ….png)



Has anyone looked into Brandon Straka?

Who is this guy, his trade marked hashtag #WalkAway seems to get a lot of promotion on this board

a2d8e3 No.2168711



f057fc No.2168712

File: 07e1cd6349346e6⋯.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1168x860, 292:215, B5B4C2CF-E85F-43E2-85FE-6….jpeg)

dcaccf No.2168713


I'm still trusting the plan, I'm not shilling. Just having a case of the doubts lately.

If she runs for president, no one will arrest her.

01319f No.2168714


no one will beat his hi score. Based BREIVIK FTW!!!

69bf57 No.2168715


Watch Later List


Nighty Night!

b58efc No.2168717


3e34fb No.2168718


wow. way to flay him, jr.

a11498 No.2168720


Jr's trying to pass off a demon possessed shit as a valley girl?

e8d38a No.2168721

finally the shills grew balls and posted gore

took them 2 months

28b219 No.2168723

File: cd5c86c9e4be9bf⋯.jpg (33.01 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 5b2cdc7eac6b7ae637f72ee3f3….jpg)

one of those nights </3

please send prayers and good vibes anons ilu

cf68f3 No.2168724


>REKT by jr.

ef154b No.2168725


Nevermind that Q said disinfo is necessary. Now why would Q want the enemy to believe RR is a problem? His confirmation vote, maybe. Go fuck yourself.

0e668c No.2168726


They're both connected to U1.

3e34fb No.2168728



fd1857 No.2168729

File: 02db931e5cebfed⋯.jpg (47.81 KB, 960x594, 160:99, 02db931e5cebfed21a5b739ca0….jpg)

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

e8e389 No.2168730


Interesting thought. What is the ultimate question?

29999f No.2168731


You have no argument

I agree with the anon you are attacking as anon has solid points

You are an ignorant buffoon

84fdef No.2168732

f4edc4 No.2168733


The first President of this country and the General of the American Revolution wanted us to have NO PARTIES.

Geezus Christ you boomer fucks are worthless with your fucking Hitler Channel brainwashing. Just fucking leave here already.

f79f96 No.2168734


Calling him a clown for a reason..

1e4424 No.2168735


One of your friends at r9k?

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