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File: 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, bake.png)

32e7c2 No.2165349

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Integrity--for in Truth lies Victory.

Please Read Our Designated Disclaimer https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html





Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095 SEE FOR YOURSELF

Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>1739215

100+ Q Proof Graphics download qproofs.com

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Q's Latest Posts

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Wednesday 07.04.18

>>2029255 --------------------------------------------------- Independence Celebration

Tuesday 07.03.18

>>2022737 rt >>2022584 --------------------------------- Who do you see?

>>2022584 —————————————————----------------------------- United 747 (Retired) Through Blinds at SFO Global First Lounge

>>2022398 rt >>2022233 --------------------------------- Trolling is Fun. Hussein/Trump interior = identical minus small changes.

>>2021248 rt >>2019981, >>2021248, >>2020544 Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?

>>2018075 ---------------------------------------------------- Divide they try. Fail they will.

>>2017327 rt >>2016766 ---------------------------------- WelcomeAboard.png (Picture from inside AF1)

>>2014318 ---------------------------------------------------- Add another to the list

>>2014158 rt >>2013625 --------------------------------- Matters of National Security

>>2012087 ---------------------------------------------------- The SWAMP is being DRAINED

>>2011888 rt >>2011499 ---------------------------------- Think NATIONAL SECURITY

>>2008390 ---------------------------------------------------- What happened to Stormy?

>>2008327 ---------------------------------------------------- Crumb #1238

>>2007973 rt >>2007869, >>2007911 ---------------- /patriotsfight/77

>>2007911 rt >>2007869 --------------------------------- The intelligence was passed through unofficial means

>>2007869 ---------------------------------------------------- We have the server

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095

Discussion and Refinement bread for Best Q Proofs >>1739215


Q's Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2117975, How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1838738, Freedom of Speech >>2064946 Useful Filters

32e7c2 No.2165354


are not endorsements


>>2034376 The Declaration of Independence (dl your copy today!)

>>1999458 A Few Things Have Become Evident

>>2089271 New chat bread to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion >>2089312


>>2164561, >>2164588, >>2164789, >>2165096, >>2165167, >>2165305 Planefag Updates

>>2164565 Randy Quaid is red pilling people

>>2164579 War Room Update (Call to Memers)

>>2164603 Carter Paige calls for release of FISA docs, mentions "Secrety Societies"

>>2164817 Manipulation of the Public/Corrupt News Media

>>2165000 Trump Calls Europe "Biggest Global Foe" But Tusk Says US, EU "Best Friends"

>>2164928, >>2165097 Three Officers Shot in Kansas City, Gunman at Large

>>2165095 Clockfag Update

>>2165107 Ex-CIA Whistleblower Kevin Shipp on Clinton Scandals

>>2165202 Q Sighting in Finland

>>2165346 #2729


>>2163827 Prior knowledge of 9/11 by 3-letter agencies

>>2163853 Clinton donor Nancy Riordan dig

>>2163862, >>2164060, >>2164148 Bus crash kills 3 in NM

>>2163977 Lara Prychodko Update

>>2164253, >>2164261 More Elon calling out Pedo Sauce

>>2164279 Planefag Updates

>>2164320 Iranian offical urges POTUS to not use Reserve

>>2164328 QAnon statement by caller on Nigel Farage's show while interviewing Steve Bannon

>>2163804, >>2164121 New POTUS Tweets

>>2164447 #2728


>>2163566 Link to 450 page Dig on Clinton Foundation by a Team of Anons

>>2163557 Ontario, Canada's new government is starting to clean up the Leftist mess

>>2163496 Mueller’s Latest Indictment Ignores Evidence In The Public Domain

>>2163187 Is Elon Really Calling out a Pedo?

>>2163096, >>2163403 Dig on Strzoks lawyers from Zuckerman Spaeder LLC

>>2163702 #2727


>>2162175 Incoming From War Room: Operation Swampmop, >>2162264, >>2160302, >>2162822

>>2162189 New Uniform Law appears to have passed against Human Trafficking, a business described as Modern-Day Slavery that has enslaved around 27 million people worldwide, >>2162441 Side-by-side fror NC anons (Uniform Act vs NC State Law re: Human Trafficking)

>>2162192 Sauce for Element Copper Claim, >>2161559

>>2162241 News from Iran

>>2162249 More Medevac Activity, >>2162250

>>2162323 True Witchhunt: The Coven Of The Black Cauldron, >>2162332, The Little Red Church and the Unitarian Churches, >>2162649

>>2162365 1 side of the Pyramid: Soros naturally involved in derailing Brexit

>>2162384 Former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp calls [HRC]'s involvement in U1 a "..crime for the history books"

>>2162419 Another small step into normalizing deviant behaviour: WHO recognises 'compulsive sexual behaviour' as mental disorder (gives 'plausible deniability' in court)

>>2162442 Syria vs. FSA/Rebels, near Israel Occupied Golan

>>2162471 German Foreign Minister warns Trump against "unilateral deals' with Russia ahead of talks with Putin

>>2162506 Watch The Water: GMR (Great Man-Made River) Water Supply Project

>>2162532 UK Voting intention polls after POTUS visit

>>2157554 MVM Dig, >>2162771

>>2162693 Planefag Update

>>2162700 County GOP is boosting "QAnon"

>>2162764 Delta Markers in Retweets? >>2162807

>>2162793 Reminder: JFK jr's called Democratic Nominee Joe Biden a traitor back in 1994, >>2162860 Sauce

>>2162905 Parks departement boss Palamar is a POS

>>2162907 #2726

>Uranium 1 Digs

>>2162461 Q Flashback: first posts back in October was to acknowledge that both RM and RR were implicated in U1

>>2162566 Sources on U1 Investigation (important in relation to RR, MUELLER), >>2162580 Rosatom, >>2162589 ARMZ Uranium Holding,

>>2162606 Energy Fuels, Concord Group & Arizona, >>2162625 Denison Mines

>>2162588 POTUS_Schedule posts: Resolute Reads. Real News President Trump doesn't want you to miss.

>>2162642 Watch The Water: Is Uranium mining near the Grand Canyone safe? The answer may be in the Water

>>2162681 Letter from Greg Jaczko to Senator Barosso regarding U1 --> ARMZ Uranium Transfer Deal

Previous Collected Notables

>>2147841 #2707, >>2148675 #2708, >>2149449 #2709,

>>2150275 #2710, >>2151020 #2711, >>2154808 #2712,

>>2152613 #2713, >>2154803 #2714, >>2154244 #2715,

>>2155003 #2716, >>2155755 #2717, >>2156552 #2718,

>>2157340 #2719, >>2158198 #2720, >>2158969 #2721,

>>2159748 #2722, >>2160526 #2723, >>2161368 #2724,

>>2162149 #2725, >>2162907 #2626, >>2163702 #2727,

>>2164447 #2728

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

32e7c2 No.2165355

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Anon Research Tools

>>974637 How to archive a website offline

Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 – Q Proofs Thread - Proofs of Q's Validity

>>1254488 – QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 – Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>143179 — META

>>494745 — Quest for Searchability

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>870846 — The Letter Q

>>1606439 – Notable Resignations Thread

>>32223 —– Qs Chess Game

>>256741 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 — Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 — Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>957083 — No Name Research Thread

>>1310117 – For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1579221 – Clockwork Qrange, >>2021597 Clockwork Qrange#2

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>1844122 – A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Project Thread: A huge choice of graphics and ideas for creating your own Q materials

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>2033995

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————————————————— >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————-—————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————– >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ———-——– >>>/comms/966

32e7c2 No.2165357

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: https://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.5.0 [updated 6/25]) >>122807

* QAnonProofs.com

* Q Proofs https://www.qproofs.com/home.html

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

*Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Behold A Pale Horse: >>>/pdfs/6157

* Resignation Posts Search Tool: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

25, >>1963080, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ------------------------ qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon --------------------- https://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

How to bake Q-bread >>1989536, Baking Tips >>1989634

32e7c2 No.2165364



fdf42b No.2165367

File: a9e7179ee80c0de⋯.jpg (740.66 KB, 1500x844, 375:211, 1023.jpg)

32e7c2 No.2165370

Baker Requesting Handoff

I have to run to the store anons

85e5a3 No.2165376

File: db75f4ca64edbec⋯.jpg (27.02 KB, 238x274, 119:137, 8ff8ec8b25e7d650085087e72a….jpg)


Cutting it a bit close eh baker?

7fd894 No.2165385

File: ffdfae452ce35a0⋯.png (30.9 KB, 448x286, 224:143, painpainpain.PNG)

0d4f19 No.2165387

File: fddee9486edfbee⋯.jpeg (141.39 KB, 634x595, 634:595, 7BCE592F-4A60-4DF1-859E-7….jpeg)

File: 384ce53a0a7ab5a⋯.jpeg (163.72 KB, 634x595, 634:595, 1A918DC1-AF05-473B-9835-2….jpeg)

File: 8ef1ea22e83c88e⋯.png (2.65 MB, 1280x853, 1280:853, 2C848378-AB55-4A79-AE42-26….png)

File: 6539f10b873a360⋯.png (56.79 KB, 255x220, 51:44, AA05C86F-030F-4E81-ABEA-B1….png)

885f02 No.2165394

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Do y'all see where this is going?

"False rumors go viral on WhatsApp in India and kill people"

Kidnapping of children and Organ harvesting 'HOAX'

'Everything encrypted on Whatsapp' 'nobody able to find out wher it's from'

(smells like honeypot to me)

And then Ms. Piggy from WaPo steps in..

'nothing to see here' 'no really'…

16e3e0 No.2165399


>>2164173, >>2164239, >>2164242, >>2164250, >>2164258

POTUS always uses PST time on twat. So 9:11 is correct.

And I can guarantee you it's a clear sign given in combination with 'FAKE NEWS'.

You know it's coming.

0d4f19 No.2165401

File: 1c1d947fa2792cb⋯.png (731.96 KB, 592x669, 592:669, 08D4B7EF-FDA2-4854-A861-6D….png)

File: 625e2606fdb4e8d⋯.png (2.61 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 3B1E9A0D-6E94-460F-827B-F7….png)

File: 5c4b16da4d01320⋯.jpeg (163.85 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 50700A77-137A-4B8D-A616-2….jpeg)

File: 40b24aba80345b9⋯.png (540.86 KB, 509x408, 509:408, AFFF3404-4BA5-4A35-91C3-7D….png)

fb601e No.2165407

In Twitter Meltdown, Elon Musk Calls Thai Cave Diver A Pedophile

What does a billionaire Silicon Valley liberal (or perhaps socialist, or maybe republican) do when his giant “Thai cave rescue” diversion from his auto company woes goes sideways and authorities tell him to back off?

Why handle rejection poorly and question the rescue chief's credibility, of course.

And what does said billionaire do when the Thai rescue chief tells him to "stick his submarine where it hurts" before being outed as a top donor to a GOP PAC?

Engage in a weird Twitter exchange with the Sierra Club about climate change to show the world you're an environmentalist, then call the Thai rescue chief a pedophile.



bc4a44 No.2165414

File: 556a930d44917eb⋯.png (509.47 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)

055b29 No.2165415

File: d31538c97903c23⋯.jpeg (378.13 KB, 1122x1086, 187:181, E90E3AC4-0568-4820-8BB5-2….jpeg)

ThanQ Baker

4e2c05 No.2165417


Thank you Baker.

And thanks for fixing my #2828 missing links.

b84b54 No.2165418

File: 70bd7151d56ae30⋯.png (379.08 KB, 1320x735, 88:49, hiddentyranny2.png)

Hidden Tyranny

Harold Wallace Rosenthal

pic related



ae2afe No.2165419

File: a579670c93c1343⋯.png (107.03 KB, 625x611, 625:611, ClipboardImage.png)

Posting again from end of prior bread…

32e7c2 No.2165420


no problem anon, you did a good job. Any chance you can take the ovens for a bake or two? I have to run to the store. BV is spotting

02eecf No.2165421

File: a4d1d3304e8ab7d⋯.jpg (215.69 KB, 900x695, 180:139, expand your thinking.jpg)

>>2165389 lb

>>2165389 lb

"Son" Worship couched in "SUN" Worship!

7ff05d No.2165422

File: c5b232369efce5c⋯.png (50.26 KB, 480x597, 160:199, Screenshot_2018-07-14-23-1….png)

File: f47f2e3b22ef184⋯.png (44.62 KB, 480x730, 48:73, Screenshot_2018-07-14-23-1….png)

Lisa Page may already have a book deal….payback is coming.


5e8c72 No.2165423

File: 609be1304044f78⋯.png (971.31 KB, 1160x1146, 580:573, ClipboardImage.png)

Hussein the conspirator in chief. He knew of the the attempts to rig the election. Only thing it was not a foreign actor, but Soros, Hussein and HRC with all their deep state allies (Clapper, Brennan, Lynch etc).

07c92c No.2165424


>I was in the Navy when it came out.

I always knew they'd come out of the closet one day.

4d52e9 No.2165425


that's a stretch

0d4f19 No.2165426

File: e0acf50e0f928b3⋯.png (368.96 KB, 474x284, 237:142, 6EF6B346-2170-4BDF-8CF2-25….png)

File: 213c65b8e9e994e⋯.jpeg (215.32 KB, 766x1024, 383:512, 7603A4B2-D176-4CE7-ABDA-4….jpeg)

File: f34a5caee0fe6f8⋯.jpeg (121.04 KB, 594x714, 99:119, 11EE05A7-CA15-41EC-BA9B-D….jpeg)

File: b82c036fdd1b0c1⋯.png (369.05 KB, 470x361, 470:361, 65F13FB5-BCB2-4F5C-83A2-21….png)

4624c1 No.2165427


think for yourself, anon. did that look like a cooperating witness? looks more like disinfo and lisa page is the cooperating witness.

5e8c72 No.2165428


Hell has no fury as a woman scored. If Strzok broke her heart, she will enact revenge only as a women can.

a17f06 No.2165429

File: 18165903cc5047f⋯.jpg (116.08 KB, 1024x808, 128:101, 1525210894292.jpg)

Anyone notice the where's your precious Q shilling has stopped? It's like they try one or two angles per week then start over on Monday with something else

3ed61f No.2165431

File: adccf35f7adae77⋯.png (378.37 KB, 514x673, 514:673, ClipboardImage.png)

>>2165375 lb

y'all some rude niggas.

<my kinda people. kek

b2b296 No.2165432

File: a07c765f854b9aa⋯.webm (6.86 MB, 320x240, 4:3, SUB(lemon)oilCXNTRXL.webm)


They are losing control.

80dae9 No.2165433


Did you see him last thread?

I think it was up to over 20 posts of JUST pictures like that. Pure Garbage. Thankfully no one engaged with it.

3bd3d0 No.2165434


Strzok brought up Mueller's potential lying/coverup

Weiner laptop

Ohr and Fusion GPS

He didn't have to bring any of that up.

1632cf No.2165435

Maybe Q is waiting for the MSM to ask "Who is Q", everything is set, stage prepped, dominos are beginning to fall. Watching the show and prepping the sleeping normies is all I can do.

fb601e No.2165436

File: 3304a0536fbac34⋯.png (317.51 KB, 764x593, 764:593, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 56ec122cce882a5⋯.png (38.87 KB, 744x462, 124:77, ClipboardImage.png)

New Photos Reveal That Israel Shot Down Russian UAV In Southern Syria (Photos)


363a2c No.2165437

File: 20fd41a55b0bd99⋯.jpg (47.08 KB, 386x256, 193:128, not just satanist assholes.jpg)

4e2c05 No.2165438


I can’t, I was out all week and now trying to catch up on homefagging chores. I’ll monitor for a few to see if any takers or maybe BV can. Push comes to shove, I could, but would rather not.

c93554 No.2165439

File: 5bff2b1cf19bff4⋯.jpg (13.24 KB, 300x360, 5:6, the-original-stretch-armst….jpg)

fdf42b No.2165440

File: cf9199e6ca633fc⋯.jpg (380.85 KB, 833x1254, 833:1254, 2310.jpg)

7ff05d No.2165442


Read the zero hedge article the GOP are excited.


07c92c No.2165443

Still one of the most red-pilling 4 min. videos ever!


b6af73 No.2165444

I was just thinking it would be a fun meme to see POTUS and Putin having a very friendly round of arm wrestling. Sitting on a couple of barrels in a pub or a smithy' forge or something kek.

00e648 No.2165445


Dig on Vernon 'Vern" Unsworth

9f55f8 No.2165446

SA - strings cut and playing along

NK - strings cut and playing along

Iran - strings cut, ?

EU - strings being cut and nuts being squeezed (NATO), ?

Russia - no strings to cut

Winning! The deep state will be left with only their own to fleece.

83cc9d No.2165447

File: 6c951a8746c56e0⋯.jpg (12.64 KB, 184x184, 1:1, fd94499f476d1f70a62254c663….jpg)

File: a85a2365706dd69⋯.jpg (10.75 KB, 236x255, 236:255, a3a991a7099163b9c94228e99a….jpg)

imagine your job being posting gay porn and filth on 8 chan

to prevent the american public from awakening to the slavery they are under

thats some low shit man

i would kill myself if i did that

do the right thing shills

btw get better bots

4d52e9 No.2165448


maybe. I ignore 98% of shills and posts I find to be questionable, so I think subconsciously I filtered

3d55cf No.2165449

File: eea0881c6f096cd⋯.jpg (37.38 KB, 500x387, 500:387, China stats cement consump….jpg)

File: e1eb0630beb147d⋯.jpg (122.23 KB, 563x556, 563:556, ICE 2011 to 2016.jpg)

File: 450db79f51d4851⋯.jpg (436.05 KB, 1063x945, 1063:945, True Pundit 07152018_1.jpg)

Catalog works nice.

>>2165368 last bread

Many snakes in that house.

rinos, dems, evil, traitors, murderers, thieves.

Get your hopes up, trap.

Parts are a movie, hopefully near the end,

but something tells me the beginning.

30+ years history a lie?

People freak?

Relearn ALL?

Mass confusion?

The storm?

32e7c2 No.2165450

Anons Baker has to go IRL Stuff Calling

please step up

8e57e2 No.2165451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Devin Nunes: "Trump Must Declassify"

0c29da No.2165452

File: f6790757d93b150⋯.png (243.39 KB, 498x282, 83:47, pepe-lisa.png)

07c92c No.2165453


(((They))) probably enjoy that miserable shit… Everything is an inversion with these people.

07aa01 No.2165454

File: cf02d985bb565a3⋯.jpg (110.09 KB, 581x1101, 581:1101, R7.jpg)

For those tracking the callsign HONOR85, no reg., flight(s) over western CONUS, learn about the E6B Mercury.

The Boeing E-6 Mercury (formerly E-6 Hermes) is an airborne command post and communications relay based on the Boeing 707-320. The original E-6A manufactured by Boeing's defense division entered service with the United States Navy in July 1989, replacing the EC-130Q. This platform, now modified to the E-6B standard, conveys instructions from the National Command Authority to fleet ballistic missile submarines (see communication with submarines), a mission known as TACAMO (TAke Charge And Move Out). The E-6B model deployed in October 1998 also has the ability to remotely control Minuteman ICBMs using the Airborne Launch Control System. The E-6B replaced Air Force EC-135Cs in the "Looking Glass" role, providing command and control of U.S. nuclear forces should ground-based control become inoperable.


Possibly returning from June-July RIMPAC exercises in Hawaii.

Planefags really appreciate your tracking it (them)! Fun, isn't it!?!?!!!

To learn more about planefagging >>1311848 Planefagging101

(Repost ICYMI LB).

981406 No.2165455

Good presentation from Kevin Shipp.

Not much new for anyone here, but great for red-pilling normies.


32e7c2 No.2165456


I have to go… could you help call for a new baker/ebake if necessary? sorry about this

c93554 No.2165457

a17f06 No.2165458

File: b9686f2c913ea0c⋯.jpg (147.24 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 1519026777989.jpg)


>IRL stuff

It's ok Baker someone will step up. I did a shitty ebake once and it will not he repeated.

5e8c72 No.2165459

How about this for a theory. RR makes a huge deal of the public announcement of the indictments on Friday.

He knows that next week there is a good chance there will be a vote to either impeach him or start impeachment proceedings.

Thus he has taken out insurance. If he is impeached, the MSM will cry foul saying it is obstruction of justice and the usual BS. They will claim the Republicans are protecting Russian by getting rid of RR.

RR and company are desperate and will stop at nothing to keep the false narrative alive. Expect more of this kind of legal moves from the RR team.

7dc7c1 No.2165460

In case you didn't know, the LAT is under new ownership. Perhaps getting back to real journalism.

LA Times protests judge’s order to change article

The Los Angeles Times is protesting a federal judge's order to remove information from an article the newspaper published on Saturday morning, according to the LA Times.

U.S. District Judge John F. Walter on Saturday ordered the Times to delete certain details from an article about a Glendale police detective accused of working with the Mexican Mafia.

The Times said they will contest this order, calling it an unusual violation of the First Amendment.

"We believe that once material is in the public record, it is proper and appropriate to publish it if it is newsworthy," Norman Pearlstine, executive editor of the Times, said.

The defendant, John Saro Balian, pleaded guilty on Thursday to lying about his involvement with organized crime, accepting bribes and obstructing justice, the Times reported.

The judge granted Balian, 45, a restraining order against the newspaper on Saturday, but the article had already gone to print.

The article in question details a plea agreement between Balian and prosecutors. Though the agreement was supposed to be sealed, it was accidentally made available publicly available.


be3f63 No.2165461


>NOPE. religious faggotry, and non-stop argument about who is right etc…has been shitting up the last breads, since I got on here this morning. QUARANETINE was designed to keep the discussion on the digs and not that asshattery. (((JIDF))) shills tried a new tactic today.

I believe Q asked us to pray many times.

593d90 No.2165462

File: 0d0fc29aa00cc84⋯.jpg (276.88 KB, 2048x1364, 512:341, kansas.jpg)

As much as he moves around, Kansas gets his own plane.

He landed in Finland.

fb601e No.2165463


I knew there was more to this cave story. The father of the Australian rescuer died also, after flashing the 666 hand gesture which was published in WW news.

07c92c No.2165464


That bird sounds awesome.

40b082 No.2165465

I guess on the 4th, we celebrated our independence from Q.

fb911b No.2165466

File: e5b50f6830b1b9c⋯.jpeg (37.45 KB, 642x361, 642:361, 23B2B3A6-5A03-4C6A-B810-0….jpeg)

File: 3730e001e421aef⋯.jpeg (66.19 KB, 600x260, 30:13, A8FEDD2D-0248-4AD2-AB6D-D….jpeg)

File: 2cd1f6394bb33b7⋯.jpeg (65.42 KB, 600x450, 4:3, D63DCA88-DC27-4AB6-ACF1-C….jpeg)

File: 609118be1bfdf77⋯.jpeg (21.56 KB, 236x252, 59:63, BF895AA8-C648-4899-8C9A-B….jpeg)

File: f2595a3f2a9f3d5⋯.jpeg (81.96 KB, 800x500, 8:5, AFE9FB9D-F3C5-4EDE-B8A9-B….jpeg)


Old stuff reinvented.

Strange how many Catholic Churches are next to Cresent Moon mosques. It’s almost like they have a relationship.

65cadc No.2165467

File: d9f83a0d74dc7db⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 31.39 KB, 458x460, 229:230, AS1.JPG)




02eecf No.2165468

File: b08455e9577dd73⋯.gif (135.29 KB, 554x400, 277:200, b08455e9577dd7319fde1ab0d1….gif)

1234567 confirmed

Swamp Foxes expose Swamp Rats


cb9f7e No.2165469

File: 516081c2c07b6d3⋯.png (96.76 KB, 435x403, 435:403, democrats.PNG)

4d52e9 No.2165470


that dude is top-shelf

da3d87 No.2165471

File: 2514c43e7fa42f7⋯.jpg (92.44 KB, 1280x780, 64:39, f1e07de9007ff5439b93943f85….jpg)

just found this photo taken during National Peace Officers' Memorial where NYPD Det. Familia was honored

call me a softy but this brought tears to my eyes

choose to follow these Patriots anywhere

a74f78 No.2165472

File: cfbacf7fb7c7ab2⋯.jpeg (305.06 KB, 1350x1800, 3:4, 79D0109A-11E7-4F9B-A70E-7….jpeg)

>>6155402 (lb)

>early morning anons are my fav (memed)

Me too

I also love meme anons, so thanks for that

Morning is the best

You can meme one without missing a whole bread

27e036 No.2165473

Who is Commerce Sec Wilbur Ross and why did DJT choose to appoint him? I’ve heard keep your enemy’s close theory. Bugging me for along time since Q leads to belief they are taking apart the triangle.

a3d73a No.2165474

File: 24bd253cdcf4a50⋯.png (305.61 KB, 480x478, 240:239, Screenshot_2018-07-15-13-1….png)

fb601e No.2165475

File: 0fd8793c4b97186⋯.png (41.76 KB, 545x818, 545:818, ClipboardImage.png)


Haiti: Prime Minister Lafontant Quits After Fuel-Price Protests

The resignation comes as the country struggles to recover from recent violence prompted by fuel-price hikes imposed as part of a deal with the International Monetary Fund.

Haiti's Prime Minister Jack Guy Lafontant has resigned ahead of a crucial vote of confidence in the Chamber of Deputies.


Haiti: IMF Insists On Fuel Hikes As Political Crisis Deepens

"I submitted my resignation to the president of the republic" who has "accepted my resignation," Lafontant said on Saturday in the lower house of Haiti's legislature.

Late Saturday, on his personal Twitter page, Lafontant posted: "I gave the president my resignation this morning before I went down to the House of Representatives. I was glad to serve my country. I'm here and I will be, to small and great, saying 'Haiti.'"


684b73 No.2165476

File: 9261391f8282ea2⋯.jpg (64.83 KB, 500x751, 500:751, 2e2bh5.jpg)

c93554 No.2165477


Agreed. More to it

80dae9 No.2165478


You could pretend to do it & kys anyway!

e5e212 No.2165479


I think you just invited a program to like your uid.

f47e80 No.2165481


The screencaps show the Zeynep Tufekci

column in the NYT about Elon Musk's Thai submarine proposal.






a17f06 No.2165482


My God that man can travel. All around the world then to Mexico then back to Finland…he's a healthy …husky…fellow

363a2c No.2165483

4b234f No.2165484


wise anon is wise

a74f78 No.2165485


>>2165402 (for you, flubbed the you)

a48441 No.2165486

File: d06289f1d1779cb⋯.jpg (209.59 KB, 520x693, 520:693, dream_zku1iuqctp0.jpg)

File: 01843dbec84c367⋯.jpg (264.02 KB, 537x671, 537:671, dream_fdog7d0i15a.jpg)

File: 134847a6461a236⋯.jpg (279.85 KB, 450x799, 450:799, dream_21fkiyvc39b.jpg)

File: 105de0f2eb79598⋯.jpg (157.95 KB, 540x498, 90:83, dream_255becj147r.jpg)

f47e80 No.2165488

File: f4449468c5b626b⋯.png (326.34 KB, 739x1486, 739:1486, Musk story 1 - 2018-07-15_….png)

File: 6a17f1d29b633f6⋯.png (110.51 KB, 689x813, 689:813, Musk story 2 - 2018-07-15_….png)

File: 1785ac1622a56c9⋯.png (129.07 KB, 675x389, 675:389, 2018-07-15_2-22-11.png)


Forgot the screencaps!

7ff05d No.2165490

File: 427fadca5f440ca⋯.png (38.3 KB, 480x549, 160:183, Screenshot_2018-07-14-01-3….png)

File: 0a22f2a2da5f43d⋯.png (46.76 KB, 480x578, 240:289, Screenshot_2018-07-13-10-3….png)

Strzok wants some Pakistani booty..

Gay dick.

4d52e9 No.2165491


not a chance anon Wilbur Ross is amazing

I listened to hours of his videos from Davos, and at least 8 interviews with newsies since then

no way would Trump have anything but top tier handle important issues.

less than top tier in key roles were only temporary, and for strategic reasons imo.

7dc7c1 No.2165492

Fox's Hannity, Carlson to get first interviews with Trump after Putin summit

Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson will each conduct separate interviews with Trump in Helsinki on Monday after Trump and Putin conclude their meeting. Both interviews will focus on "the summit along with other top news of the day," Fox News said in a statement.

Hannity will get the first exclusive with Trump following the summit, and their discussion will air on his show Monday night. The two men have golfed together and reportedly talk often, as much as several times a day, according to a May report.

Hannity, a staunch defender of Trump's, is reportedly one of a few dozen people who have access to Trump’s official phone line. According to New York magazine, the two speak on the phone almost every night after Hannity’s show.

Carlson's interview will air on his show Tuesday night, Fox News said.


f47e80 No.2165493

File: f4449468c5b626b⋯.png (326.34 KB, 739x1486, 739:1486, Musk story 1 - 2018-07-15_….png)

File: 6a17f1d29b633f6⋯.png (110.51 KB, 689x813, 689:813, Musk story 2 - 2018-07-15_….png)

File: b5df451b206dc76⋯.png (156.71 KB, 650x1050, 13:21, Musk story 3 - 2018-07-15_….png)


Dammit, got the third screencap wrong. Here's all three again

3ed61f No.2165494

File: d444dd37da4ec29⋯.jpg (58.07 KB, 551x558, 551:558, nasimchekd.jpg)


he's looking pretty rough.

83cc9d No.2165495


He is often called the "King of Bankruptcy" because of his record of buying bankrupt companies, primarily in the manufacturing and steel industries, and later selling them for a large profit after operations improve.

Rothschild Investments

In the late 1970s, Ross began his career at the New York City office of N M Rothschild & Sons, where he ran the bankruptcy-restructuring advisory practice.[9][13]

Representation of investors in casinos owned by Donald Trump

In the 1980s, Donald Trump was in financial trouble. His three casinos in Atlantic City were under foreclosure threat from lenders. Ross, who was then the senior managing director of Rothschild Inc., represented investors in the casino. Along with Carl Icahn, Ross convinced bondholders to strike a deal with Trump that allowed Trump to keep control of the casinos.

^ that is why

no idea if hes a white hat or not

bc4a44 No.2165496


Do you understand these women were molested as children - only reason they see themselves as sexual objects.

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, that means your promoting molestation ahole

5ed803 No.2165497

Anyone have the graphic of POTUS tweet side by side of only death of crash was who signed the birth certificate in Hawaii? ?

00e648 No.2165498



They don't talk about Thai fuck shacks for nothing. Western expats are always seen as suspicious.

fb601e No.2165499

File: 69fbdb7cb04984c⋯.png (1.14 MB, 931x523, 931:523, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a964764db715af8⋯.png (79.59 KB, 849x800, 849:800, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96e4a5ec190fba7⋯.png (20.79 KB, 823x252, 823:252, ClipboardImage.png)

Thousands protest Israel’s ‘racist’ nation-state law


0006e6 No.2165500

File: 5f14ca95ac2c70f⋯.png (264.28 KB, 864x1636, 216:409, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd3efa15bb40aed⋯.png (912.39 KB, 873x6485, 873:6485, ClipboardImage.png)

Suspected Child Traffickers Getting Lynched in India



A real life shill hired by the government was also lynched when villagers mistook him for a "child lifter". Highlighted in the second image.

85e5a3 No.2165502

File: 89d0df03a24e82a⋯.jpg (581.88 KB, 2796x1885, 2796:1885, afe60670cd601159e5b3c06a08….jpg)


You got it


761e01 No.2165503


Same as you, anon. That's EXACTLY what Q needs us to do - for now.


be3f63 No.2165504


>Do you understand these women were molested as children - only reason they see themselves as sexual objects.

Is that true?

80dae9 No.2165505


Well that is just silly.

Streisand effect is going to happen. What an idiot that guy is. The judge too. If it's already pubic info wtf? Unless the judge wanted the story to get more attention. I mean, they had to know that would happen

9daf64 No.2165506

Former Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta responded Friday to special counsel Robert Mueller's indictment of 12 Russian intelligence officials accused of hacking into computers owned by the Democratic Party and stealing Podesta’s emails.

“Donald Trump likes to describe this as a witch hunt," Podesta told ABC News. "Well, we just found some witches, and they were indicted."

“I think this is something that people knew that happened all along, that underlying all of this, crimes were committed, and that’s why the Mueller investigation has been so important and why it needs to be continued in an unfettered manner.”


bc032f No.2165507


God Bless Them.

75ea97 No.2165508


someone make a meme useing the pick from that media blitz video and use tommorows date and 4am talking points and colusion 12russians all the shit we know there gonna throw at us beat them to it call them out

83cc9d No.2165509


Ross was raised as a Democrat.He served under U.S. President Bill Clinton on the board of the U.S.–Russia Investment Fund. Later, under New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Ross served as the Mayor's privatization advisor.In January 1998 he put $2.25 million in seed money into the campaign of his then-wife, Betsy McCaughey Ross, who was seeking the Democratic nomination for Governor of New York.[36] Although he was an early supporter of Donald Trump's presidential campaign, Ross was previously a registered Democrat, served as an officer of the New York State Democratic Party, and held fundraisers for Democratic candidates at his apartment in New York City. Since at least 2011, Ross has been donating to Republican candidates and organizations. He became a registered Republican in November 2016.

Political views

On foreign trade, Ross has described himself as “pro-sensible trade” and said that the U.S. government "should provide access to our markets to those countries who play fair, play by the rules and give everybody a fair chance to compete. Those who do not should not get away with it – they should be punished."Initially in favor of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Ross has said that after examining the agreement, he found it was "not consistent with what was advertised."

In 2004, The Economist described Ross's views as protectionist. Germany's chancellor Angela Merkel has also voiced concerns during 2018 World Economic Forum in Davos over Ross and the Trump administration views as "not the proper answer". Ross, at the 2018 World Economic Forum, responded to concerns by noting that "There have always been trade wars. The difference now is U.S. troops are now coming to the ramparts."

this guy seems like a good asset to have honestly

pro america

anti globalism

7ff05d No.2165510

File: 2b3a9c6aca3fb06⋯.jpg (63.56 KB, 725x380, 145:76, main-qimg-9960a24b3e90bf8a….jpg)

File: e9717347fdb7cd2⋯.jpg (33.17 KB, 590x350, 59:35, the-queen-donald-trump-988….jpg)

File: d25f8ffaa37796c⋯.jpg (75.39 KB, 750x499, 750:499, 2dyhhq.jpg)

Trump treated the midget very well.

cdd88a No.2165511

File: c39b24260828d96⋯.png (107.5 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8chanPostDetectorOS.png)

fb601e No.2165512



The levels of child abuse in India are horrifying!


4d52e9 No.2165513


how the fuck do you know that?

stop with your pious know-it-all bullshit

00e648 No.2165514




The gag order was ostensibly for a "fair trial" but in actuality was to cover up Mason/OES fuckery. Two victims were in Rainbow Girls and/or Job's Daughters.

5708f6 No.2165515


I was mentioning to my SLC daughter yesterday, that I wouldn't want to be anywhere near that SLC Fed court building if Huber is working there.

593d90 No.2165516


He must fucking live on that plane. Jet lag doesn't even effect him.

80dae9 No.2165517


I had to laugh after I saw Sessions face. I love that man. There is something about him that is just mesmerizing. John Kelly is in my top 5 as well

e5e212 No.2165518


>Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson will each conduct separate interviews with Trump in Helsinki on Monday after Trump and Putin conclude their meeting. Both interviews will focus on "the summit along with other top news of the day," Fox News said in a statement.

Glorious! We get the 4am counter-memes pumping on our side.. Stormy seas won't mean shit :)

fdf42b No.2165520

File: 74a8eaf6d004af7⋯.jpg (908.93 KB, 1401x934, 3:2, 7883.jpg)

556fbe No.2165521



7ff05d No.2165522

File: 03cfd03c0766246⋯.jpg (25.23 KB, 369x260, 369:260, 2e0g25~2.jpg)

49e721 No.2165523

File: 2075bfcea2f852f⋯.jpg (182.41 KB, 642x900, 107:150, colbert-coat-of-arms.jpg)

>>2165283 LB


The Colbert family were a lower French nobility with Jean-Baptiste Colbert a Minister of Finance in France. Stephen Colbert is has been made the Crowned Jester in the United States and he is a major gatekeeper using comedy to distract from the serious issues and political corruption. Colbert is arrogant and evil. The news media even considers him to be a legitimate member of the news media.

The French House of Colbert use a serpent on their coat of arms and that is exactly the nature of Stephen Colbert. Colbert gets paid very well to consciously spread disinformation and lies backed up by comedy to distract society away from criminals that are attempting a full takeover of society. Jesters also operate as an online cult that cyber stalk people exposing criminals and they use mockery to do it.


00e648 No.2165524


>So Mr. President, how is your pillow?

>Sean, I've had the best sleep ever since getting MyPillow

fb601e No.2165525

File: 1987a1bb8364f05⋯.png (255.02 KB, 668x834, 334:417, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 882ec3d7e3bfcf6⋯.png (53.53 KB, 671x920, 671:920, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 75cd17ea4df12d6⋯.png (15.96 KB, 664x276, 166:69, ClipboardImage.png)

UK's Theresa May: Trump told me to 'sue the EU' over Brexit


9dec22 No.2165526


>Jew: That's racist

>Israel: b-but that's antisemitism…

>Jew: Why are you being racist?

>Israel: *spontaneously combusts*

Notable to me.

4e2c05 No.2165527


I'll go ahead and bake it, can you watch for notables while I get the dough and get setup?

11561f No.2165528


Use Promo Code "Q" for a discount.

7dc7c1 No.2165529

And then there's this…

Devin Nunes: Mueller indictment looks 'ridiculous' because it omitted Republicans targeted by Russia

During an interview Sunday on Fox News, Nunes accused the media of largely ignoring the findings of his committee's months-old report on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, which he asserted was more comprehensive than Mueller's indictment. However, he also claimed the redactions in his panel's report prevented the presentation of the full picture and urged President Trump to declassify it.

"This entire report that you have in front of you, all you had to do was get to page 4, and you only had to read chapter 2 and you would have had nearly everything that's in the indictment," Nunes said, referring to a copy of the report held by host Maria Bartiromo. "There's more in this report than what's in the indictment. And this is what's very frustrating."


61a94d No.2165531


May: Trump to me to grow a pair

1dbdfb No.2165532


Notice no comment from any Dems who were present…lol

5e8c72 No.2165533

File: 3bae01869846ae7⋯.png (841.02 KB, 808x588, 202:147, ClipboardImage.png)

Hillary begins speech: ‘I’m so tired, I can barely stand’

Hillary Clinton may have visions of 2020 — if she can just keep her eyes open.

The failed presidential candidate started her speech to the American Federation of Teachers union on Friday in a bizarre way: by telling everyone how tired she was.


593d90 No.2165534

File: 558db96405cb3d5⋯.jpg (298.16 KB, 2048x788, 512:197, fins.jpg)

The Fins don't look like they are protesting at all..

This is on his route from the airport.

07aa01 No.2165535

File: b2597e993c00e16⋯.jpg (85.06 KB, 559x434, 559:434, QProofFuddy.jpg)

File: 7209c64c859b061⋯.jpg (49.2 KB, 500x375, 4:3, RIPLorettaFuddy.jpg)

File: 12d64590d47d3b8⋯.jpg (123.79 KB, 638x569, 638:569, FuddyObamaBirthCert.jpg)

9daf64 No.2165536


from 2017 Daily Caller

Rep. Louie Gohmert, an outspoken House Republican from Texas, is calling for a congressional investigation of John Podesta’s role with Rusnano, a state-run company founded by Russian President Vladimir Putin

Podesta — Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign chairman and former President Bill Clinton’s White House chief of staff — first made contact with the Russian firm in 2011, when he joined the boards and executive committees of three related entities: Boston-based Joule Unlimited; Rotterdam-based Joule Global Holdings; Joule Global Stichting, the company’s controlling interest. All are high-tech renewable energy enterprises.

Three months after Podesta’s arrival, Joule Unlimited accepted a 1 billion ruble investment from Rusnano, amounting to $35 million in U.S. currency. The firm also awarded a Joule board seat in February 2012 to Anatoly Chubais, Rusnano’s CEO, who has been depicted as a corrupt figure.

After Podesta began working at the White House, his lawyer indicated in a Jan. 6, 2014 email that he had not yet finished the legal work on the private transfer of the stock to a family-owned entity called Leonido Holdings, LLC.

Chubais, Russia’s deputy prime minister in the 1990s, owed his personal fortunes to Bill Clinton, who embraced him as a “reformer” in former President Boris Yeltsin’s government. Clinton’s ally instead created a new generation of tycoons who today rule Russia.

Rusnano appears to have been a leader in the Russian investment move into the United States. Chubais created a Rusnano “investment fund” and set up a so-called “Russian Innovation Center” in tony Silicon Valley, according to the Neas lawsuit.

The company opened shop in Palo Alto called DJF Venture Fund, a venture capital fund advised the Russian company.

Rusnano targeted Boston where Joule’s U.S. operations were centered. In 2010, Chubais joined a Rusnano “road show” and gave a presentation at MIT. A Rusnano managing director also addressed the Harvard Faculty Club.

An Oct. 5, 2011 Rusnano PowerPoint presentation by Dmitry Akhanov, Rusnano USA president, promised American businessmen “cheap money.” Rusnano dangled $4.6 billion in government contributions and $5.7 billion in state guarantees.

Lucia Ziobro, the special agent in charge at the FBI’s Boston field office, issued

EXCLUSIVE: Podesta Was Board Member Of Firms Linked To Russian Investors

0323c0 No.2165537


You'd like that, homo.

5e8c72 No.2165539

File: a18d37b42f48139⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1090x766, 545:383, ClipboardImage.png)

bf016d No.2165540

File: 5367a7b0bfc607d⋯.jpg (546.01 KB, 1886x1889, 1886:1889, ja-wave.JPG)

7dc7c1 No.2165541

File: e56e38a7c351a48⋯.jpg (431.01 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Lindell-Trump-Pence.jpg)


>>Sean, I've had the best sleep ever since getting MyPillow

00e648 No.2165542


Royal order of Jesters are a Shriner's appendant body. All freemasons. They traffick and fuck kids.

ec13dd No.2165543

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



Drop tells future event, present confirms past.

The present doesnt tell you whats happening now, but what was told to you. Water and waves (Watch the Water) were started from ripples of past events.

A mirror shows "you" and what is behind you; past. The mirror and its beholder steadily become more like the image; more like Q and Q's image.

We become faster and better at understanding drops.

"Do reflections of images hurt NAT_SEC?"

It's not "[here]" or "[there]"

Current news is relevant but doesnt define "[Now]"

We were told months before.

And as we drive on in this boat:


The image in the horizon becomes clearer

Even as the 'destination' was pre-determined

The sailors and the paths taken aren't always known to the sailors.

Sometimes, not even to the Captain.


Take the time to understand and appreciate what has happened here.

And Respect it.

We see the Horizon and are almost to the lighthouse,

And then the shore.

40000ft view?

But we also fight in trenches, and in our daily lives.

Spiritually this is true, which is why people are good and mean one thing, but then do dangerous stupid things, as they are on the ground and lose -sight- of their once hill-top view.

The plane did land and some are woozy getting off. Many other battles await.

Marines do land at bases before they fight.

Same as on a ship going to shore…

Disinformation is cover…

If I give you a story, but then tell you to re-look THIS passage…

What have I given you? and did I ruin the story?

Did Q break the rules?

Are Questions statements?

Do We Not

Wrap Gifts?


Stay frosty.

_ X _

Marks … ….

9e3e8c No.2165544


There's a reason all those survivalist TV shows are popular, and there's a reason all the "prepper" groups are growing rapidly. People have been groomed for it over the years. Damn… even Minecraft is teaching kids how to start over, then there's PUBG, Fortnite etc.. I'm pretty sure the time for America's reboot/reset is coming soon. Relearn ALL? Seems about right. All it would take is for some freak to take the net or electrical grid down for all hell to break loose. This shit we talk about here everyday wouldn't even make it into the new history books.

11561f No.2165545

File: f78eb3ca3c1bc8f⋯.png (132.52 KB, 2150x270, 215:27, kuru.png)

483e3e No.2165546

File: 9c58bbc85818d63⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 1200x1608, 50:67, The_Frog_with_the_Golden_H….jpg)

639571 No.2165547

File: 9525f9cd2aab385⋯.jpeg (265.67 KB, 1004x761, 1004:761, qe_direct_lineage.jpeg)

File: 30b4915a14622a5⋯.jpg (387.76 KB, 486x487, 486:487, qe_in_the_killbox.jpg)

File: 3ace81a529ecc26⋯.jpg (127.22 KB, 970x430, 97:43, qe_-order_of_the_garter-fr….jpg)

File: 3a1def5c71e6712⋯.png (62.74 KB, 604x366, 302:183, queen_-_monarchs_seeking_s….png)

from some months ago, relevant these days

e499c4 No.2165548

File: afc382fe247ed6e⋯.png (27.04 KB, 616x357, 88:51, 19Vrh145026.png)

File: f0707b65aedf844⋯.png (824.11 KB, 613x778, 613:778, 20xfG145047.png)

JW is warming up.

80dae9 No.2165549

File: 3ae037cc5aa93db⋯.jpg (106.72 KB, 480x540, 8:9, 1494993079182.jpg)

5de226 No.2165550

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

@5:00 mark

Hillary begins speech: ‘I’m so tired, I can barely stand’

Hillary Clinton may have visions of 2020 — if she can just keep her eyes open.

The failed presidential candidate started her speech to the American Federation of Teachers union on Friday in a bizarre way: by telling everyone how tired she was.

9daf64 No.2165551


Rusnano was a special company formed by decree at the direction of Putin. A small group of Putin cronies called the “Kooperative Ozero” masterminded the takeover of big swaths of the Russian economy.

The Ozero group are eight men — including Putin — who owned expensive dachas on a lake outside of St. Petersburg. They now run state-owned banks, the news media and oil and gas companies.

“Chubais was in charge of the whole privatization process during the 1990’s under Yeltsin which was notoriously corrupt,” he told TheDCNF. “Billions of dollars in property changed hands under conditions that were unethical, illegal, criminal.

76a88e No.2165552


9:00 mark - he’s talking about Huber! We will see justice folks!

269b60 No.2165553

File: 36a5994ad54d056⋯.jpg (101.86 KB, 921x828, 307:276, 06.26.2018 20.19.12.jpg)

[RR] must either comply with all document demands or face impeachment.

2-way failure.

If he complies, he fails (self-implication)(known conflict).

If he failes to comply, he gets impeached (removed).

(has anyone mentioned the extra "e" in failes?)

fb601e No.2165554

File: 8e0414eda60ee9e⋯.png (667.59 KB, 655x907, 655:907, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 657730940e4d112⋯.png (36 KB, 649x906, 649:906, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 246e23c2cb6fd76⋯.png (19.64 KB, 666x567, 74:63, ClipboardImage.png)

This Piece Of Paper Was Robert Mueller’s Evidence Against Trump


4e2c05 No.2165555


See >>2165527

c2dcd7 No.2165556


Hold on… that was pulled from him, not volunteered, right?

7ff05d No.2165557

File: ef83a7493b3a5d6⋯.jpg (18.96 KB, 584x351, 584:351, downloadfile-6.jpg)

Trump is a living legend.

85e5a3 No.2165558

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Love to but I'm monitoring from mobile at my irl day job.

However I did check your history.


Enjoy your stay in the kitchen

Post last edited at

188f22 No.2165559

File: 5a3a8750c1349a6⋯.png (429.17 KB, 925x638, 925:638, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 872d7d6fcd68efe⋯.png (821.47 KB, 883x638, 883:638, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef51eafc9f228c0⋯.png (716.75 KB, 873x643, 873:643, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc48ee634fcb462⋯.png (933.59 KB, 896x641, 896:641, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 58bf4be9623a558⋯.png (792.78 KB, 830x644, 415:322, ClipboardImage.png)

God bless Ben Garrison!

b34fff No.2165560


every suit and hat she wears looks like they are only worn once - always perfect looking

5e8c72 No.2165561


These desperate and corrupt DOJ shill for HRC are supporting their narrative that DJT and the Republicans conspired with the Russians to throw the election. If they were objective and honest they would have brought general charges for election meddling with real evidence.

The BS they spouted on Friday will never be testing in a court of law.

RR and RM are still corrupting the DOJ and using extensive powers of the state to further their partisan loyalties.

0d12c4 No.2165562


Vern Unsworth - expert cave diver


ae2afe No.2165563


Extra e from Q

Didn't POTUS have the O?


e5e212 No.2165564



49e721 No.2165565

File: b2e50472fae28b0⋯.png (68.13 KB, 509x462, 509:462, 867Q.png)



188f22 No.2165566


we are watching history

truly HISTORIC history (kek)

76a88e No.2165567


Fluffers! Fucking a is James Woods witty. I really hope he comes to the post-victory anon celebration at one of trumps resorts.

bf016d No.2165568


In the documentary about Trump's plane Trump does a figure 8 flyby of his new golf course. I found that interesting.

e41cd2 No.2165569



c2c3b8 No.2165570

File: 195b1f19d53e27c⋯.jpg (181.48 KB, 925x709, 925:709, pizza eating stops.jpg)

3aad8b No.2165571


Holy fucking typos.

"Mueller was forced to detain(sic) how the prosecution…"

" Needless to say, it was a very thin reed…"

188f22 No.2165572


so is Tina Toon

not sure who she is IRL, but she's growing on me

80dae9 No.2165573


I have never, not once seen a source for that Hillary thing. I mean, I wouldn't doubt she said it, but Never, NOT ONCE Has someone shown actual proof of it. Only memes

07aa01 No.2165575

File: f2a26881ea347de⋯.jpg (164.36 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, WatchTheWater21.jpg)

File: 1cfb3131b26c299⋯.jpg (455.31 KB, 1193x796, 1193:796, GreatAwakeningDarkToLight1….jpg)

File: 7b821b617e05500⋯.jpg (258.76 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, AmericaRespectedAgain6.jpg)


Also: The water provides a reflected view.

Here's a lighthouse. Nice vantage point when you're in it. Nice beacon when you're not there yet.

a12e84 No.2165576

File: 6796271bc55a549⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1878x1626, 313:271, handoff.png)

POTUS received what looks like a covert hand-off.

Anyone know who the man is?

b34fff No.2165577

File: d0dd514a7e1dbe3⋯.png (542.76 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, re_read_crumb_4.png)

8a5004 No.2165578

>>2164789 lb

Honor85 may be a USN E-6B. Mode-S 924924 identifies it as tail 163918.

65cadc No.2165579



Q confirmed it was a miss-spelling do to a late night…… Missing letter is NOT A CRUMB!!

0821fa No.2165580

File: ec723b0546ae39b⋯.jpg (441.49 KB, 1981x2820, 1981:2820, show.jpg)

Just a thought

From the way i'm looking at the Q drops

It's Happening

Have the popcorn ready

Enjoy the show

fdf42b No.2165581

File: 4e4f373fe3ea214⋯.jpg (222.09 KB, 1024x728, 128:91, 4867.jpg)

b34fff No.2165582

File: 561085a20db2867⋯.png (302.84 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, hands_something_to_potus.png)

00e648 No.2165583


>expert at locating boys

363a2c No.2165585


Thank you BV, With all the other BV's and BO, it's amazing the level of dedication provided for the bakers and anon's.

3d55cf No.2165586

File: 8b129cde790cb6b⋯.jpg (173.49 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, Good luck Pompeo 07152018.jpg)

File: 28d4757e78e3e01⋯.jpg (343.27 KB, 992x757, 992:757, Two chains of command.jpg)

File: 00fd5ef17325da9⋯.jpg (226.82 KB, 945x1004, 945:1004, China 50 billion knockoff.jpg)


With the right stable genius (POTUS) and the

right support (anons), we can gradually

remove the slime attached to our little boat,

where we lived as free Americans and other

proud Countries, or thought we did. If this

wasn't real, imagine real.

4d52e9 No.2165587


why did Giuliani seem genuinely pleased to see Rosenstein at the whitehouse last week, if RR is truly a blackhat?

846626 No.2165588

File: 6451ee4b4400675⋯.png (94.69 KB, 408x313, 408:313, They are going after James….png)

File: d0ca656eefcd436⋯.jpg (97.68 KB, 634x581, 634:581, 4E46F1C500000578-0-image-a….jpg)

File: 59e2fbec2b6a620⋯.jpg (64.29 KB, 634x358, 317:179, 4E46F21000000578-0-image-a….jpg)

They are going after James Woods. His agent dumped him on the 4th of July. And Stormy's scumbag lawyer is threatening a host, of me too lawsuits against him.

Keep playing games and you will be next': Stormy Daniels' lawyer Michael Avenatti threatens to expose James Woods' '#MeToo issues' after a series of Twitter jabs

Avenatti and Woods had some choice words for one another over the weekend

'Oh, look. The real diapered, hot air balloon…' Woods tweeted about Avenatti

Woods shared a photo of Avenatti while he was protesting Trump in London

Avenatti then hit back: 'Keep playing games and you will be next. I promise'

The lawyer has become one of Trump's biggest critics since taking on Stormy Daniels' case in February

Stormy Daniels' lawyer, Michael Avenatti, has threatened to expose actor James Woods' '#MeToo issues' after a series of Twitter jabs.

Avenatti and Woods had some choice words for one another in a heated Twitter exchange Saturday morning.

'Oh, look. The real diapered, hot air balloon…' Woods tweeted about Avenatti.

Avenatti then hit back: 'Has Been Jimbo: You know what I love? Every time you pop off about me, one or two more women contact my ofc and describe your harassment/assault of them and #MeToo issues, seeking representation.'

'Keep playing games and you will be next. I promise,' Avenatti wrote.

Woods, who is known for his conservative views, was dropped by his long-time talent agent earlier this month.

His former agent, Ken Kaplan, said in an email at the time that his decision was motivated by a sense of patriotism inspired by Independence Day.

The brief note, titled 'Well…,' read: 'It's the 4th of July and I'm feeling patriotic. Don't want to represent you anymore. I mean I could go on a rant but you know what I'd say.'

Last October, the two-time Oscar nominee and three-time Emmy Award winner claimed that he has been 'blacklisted' by the liberal Hollywood elites, driving him to the brink of retirement from acting.

https:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5956245/Stormy-Daniels-lawyer-Michael-Avenatti-threatens-expose-James-Woods-MeToo-issues.html

1bd894 No.2165589



good read.

9daf64 No.2165590


Nunes also said that the latest Mueller indictments were very misleading, making it appear that only Democrats were targeted by 'russia'. Republicans were targeted also,

He also said that the indictments had nothing new in them. It was all is the report issued by his committee, except, redacted, courtesy of DOJ.

bb9f54 No.2165591


Damn, I wonder what it is

a12e84 No.2165592



88739d No.2165594



Last bread: Robert Frank Pence, United States Ambassador to Finland

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Pence

f88da0 No.2165595

File: 7d0cf05df8e7ee2⋯.png (852.16 KB, 1109x1109, 1:1, EM - Strings Cut.png)

Elon sending us a message?

bc4a44 No.2165596


Vicki Devil Worship - 1989 Oprah Winfrey Show Interview With A Jewish Woman

Well Worth Listening to

For some reason, it won't imbed - can someone else give it a try

c3895b No.2165597


Looks like US Ambassador to Finland, Robert Pence

80dae9 No.2165598


That was the 1st time I actually realized that the BC shit was probably real.

Just one more blatantly obvious thing they got away with.

4e2c05 No.2165599



5e8c72 No.2165600


Avenatti is the DNC enforcer using the courts and press instead of breaking legs.

Dirty mob lawyer who pays your fees?

85e5a3 No.2165601

File: 0f72d104546271e⋯.jpg (58.14 KB, 448x600, 56:75, 08aa7fbd62a061d2fec74a2c63….jpg)


Just returning the favor anon, as a baker myself I know that feel.

We work for you.


5c447a No.2165602


shit , you're right, just looked @ the next crumb. Thanks anon, (no extra E) carry on…


7dc7c1 No.2165603


I like Trump's plane colors for repainting AF1.

9181c7 No.2165604

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Ex messaged me last month after saying to me my life wasn't going anymore so she needs to move on and in days she's posting on social how she's in "love." She sends an email saying she's really proud I finally get a chance to see my son after parental alienation for 5 years. Why do cunts think they get to have their cake and eat it too? Only one person gets 2 scoops and that's GEOTUS! Kek, anyways, i just emailed her now saying thanks but I don't appreciate the lurkering and feeling entitled to be a part of my life somehow saying you'll root for my success. What fucking cunt does that? Especially after calling me a conspiracy theorist saying I sound crazy because her cow sister in-law voted Killary and can't stand Trump. Fucked a loser bartender while I upgraded to serving my country because fuck the noise. Lads, women are cunts. ALL of them with incredible skill at masking it. You aren't fully redpilled until you've put up with their shit.

Clip related. Let a vaginal bleeder try and sell me on (((marriage))) TO THE STATE.

1bd894 No.2165605


related to Mike?

32d227 No.2165606

File: fd5fe6475c5fe14⋯.png (720.04 KB, 830x670, 83:67, Screen Shot 2018-07-15 at ….png)

Barack Obama arrives in his father's native Kenya


486360 No.2165607

>>2164793 last

Impeach [RR], put in Francisco. Francisco demands a report from Marine Bob. The report is a fabrication, like everything else in the so-called investigation. Marine Bob gets terminated. Marine Bob gets indicted. Marine Bob goes to jail for his numerous multifarious B Bush Klintonista crimes.

Btw, Gowdy is not on the A-Team with Nunes, Goodlatte et al. Gowdy is on the Gowdy Team.

ddc162 No.2165608


RR not getting impeached. Leverage to force RR to comply removed.

405b96 No.2165609


some of the boy-children will never learn

5c447a No.2165610


couldn't tell whether an act, or sincere. Either way, looks like the decision is with {RR}, catch 22

4d52e9 No.2165611


isn't it out of a wikileaks drop in an email?

7fd894 No.2165612

File: 59fad3f1ec091c4⋯.png (12.9 KB, 855x75, 57:5, 2 60s.PNG)



f34f32 No.2165613

>>2165139 (pbs)

>what about canadians

>can we group them

KEK..fucking leafs can always be grouped




>The answer is simple, which Passport did he use in the Eighties to travel to Pakistan. Either Indonesian or British? U.S. forbid travel to Pakistan in the Eighties.


which passport did Obama use to travel to Pakistan as travel to Pakistan was BANNED in the 80s


>Q said they have it all.

A also said "trolling is fun"


>what happened to Strozk being a cooperating witness?


>certainly was not behaving like a cooperating witness when the cameras were rolling.


>is he playing a part now too?


>damn good actor if so because he sure as hell has me fooled.

Think MIRROR>..the boomers populating these breads now cannot THINK. Q said Peter was cooperating…but who did CONGRESS say was cooperating (Page).

NOW re-read the texts. Lisa is NOT an FBI employee, she was sent in to suss out PETER which she did.

a12e84 No.2165614


looks pretty small - probably a small thumb drive with the last few breads.

9daf64 No.2165615


1 hour ago · WEYMOUTH — A Weymouth police officer and an innocent bystander were shot and killed in Weymouth Sunday morning.Authorities say Weymouth police Officer Michael Chesna, 42, attempted to arrest a suspect, identified as Emanuel Lopes. Authorities say Lopes attacked Chesna with a stone, striking Chesna in the head before taking Chesna's firearm and shooting him in the head and …


Videos of police officer and bystander killed


Official Update: Police Officer, Bystander Shot And Killed In Weymouth


Official Update: Police Officer, Bystander Shot And Killed In Weymouth

cbslocal.com · 7 hr ago

Police officer killed, innocent bystander shot


Police officer killed, innocent bystander shot

YouTube · 9/4/2014 · 2.3K views

Innocent bystander killed in crash following police chase


Innocent bystander killed in crash following police chase

YouTube · 1/13/2014 · 321 views

See more videos of police officer and bystander killed


Police officer, bystander shot, killed in Weymouth …


WEYMOUTH, Mass. — A police officer and an innocent bystander were shot and killed in Weymouth Sunday morning. Witnesses at the scene said they heard gunshots sometime between 7 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. in the area of Burton Terrace.


Police Officer Sustains 'Life-Threatening' Shooting …

www.usnews.com › Civic › Best States › Massachusetts News

Jul 15, 2018 · WEYMOUTH, Mass. (AP) — A police officer in Massachusetts has been injured. Authorities say an on duty officer in Weymouth was shot several times Sunday morning and is in critical condition. State police detectives and prosecutors from the Norfolk District Attorney's Office say a shooting suspect …


Images of police officer and bystander killed


Image result for police officer and bystander killedImage result for police officer and bystander killedImage result for police officer and bystander killedImage result for police officer and bystander killed

See more images of police officer and bystander killed.

Weymouth police officer and bystander killed in shooting …


Police officer critically injured, bystander dead after shooting in Weymouth Police officer in Massachusetts killed while in foot chase with suspect Weymouth officer facing life Weymouth officer …


Police officer, bystander shot, killed in Weymouth …

www.masscops.com › … › Final Tour of Duty › Line of Duty Death News

Jul 15, 2018 · Police officer shot in Weymouth; situation described as 'critical' [IMG] 4 MIN


Weymouth police officer and bystander shot, killed …


Weymouth police officer Michael Chesna shot and killed Massachusetts police officer killed after attacked with rock, shot with own gun, officials say Police officer in Massachusetts shot to death during a foot chase Police officer in Massachusetts shot to death during a foot chase


Weymouth Police Officer Critically Injured in Shooting - NECN


6 hours ago · A Weymouth, Massachusetts police officer is in critical condition after being shot while on duty, authorities have confirmed to NBC10 Boston.


Pictured: Police officers and bystander killed in Belgium …


May 29, 2018 · The two female police officers and a civilian shot dead in an attack in the Belgian city of Liege have been named. Soraya Belkacemi, 53, and Lucille Garcia, 45, were killed when a prisoner on day leave from jail stole their handguns on Tuesday. The gunman also killed Cyril Vangriecken, a …




405b96 No.2165616


>>2164810 (lb)

Gowdy's right. There's nothing to impeach Rosenstein on yet. Now, if JA comes to America with evidence that it was NOT the Russians who hacked the DNC and gave the emails to WL, then Rosenstein and Mueller are both toast over the 12 fake indictments just named.

9181c7 No.2165617


Oh cool. More Gematria, scripted sports! YAY! Fuck outta here BHO.

ddc162 No.2165619


You're wrong. There is much to Impeach him with.

4b395c No.2165620

Anons, remember Q post 75? From November 4, 2017:

"By the time POTUS returns from his trip the world will be a different place."

Of course at the time, POTUS was in Asia and so we were all waiting for him to return to Washington from THAT trip, wrongly convinced that all hell would instantly break loose, martial law, unsealed indictments etc.

But if you think about it, pretty much every single fucking time that POTUS takes a trip, the world is a markedly different place by the time he gets back. Look at all the shit that is different, and will be different, by his return from Helsinki: NATO, Brexit/May, Putin, and obviously Strzok & Co back home…

Just wanted to point this out for those concernfags and Q-is-a-LARP shills who whine that nothing is happening (not that they'll listen, but still)

77cc63 No.2165621


If you go by the Brennan principle, well, Woods might have reason to be nervous.

fdf42b No.2165622

File: 354bcbf49421b81⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 673.12 KB, 1449x1231, 1449:1231, 7021.jpg)

803e2a No.2165623

LL ordered NYPD not to release 700k HRC emails and

life insurance folders

https ://usawatchdog.com/clinton-involved-in-biggest-treason-in-history-kevin-shipp/

00e648 No.2165624



>Let us consider the implications of this case. First, in staying Forrest’s injunction the circuit court effectively erases the longstanding principle of posse comitatus, which was to guarantee civilian policing within the United States and to keep the military off our streets. As we watch our domestic police departments deliberately transformed into military units by the same federal government that has fought tooth and nail to maintain the provisions of section 1021 of the NDAA, we must understand those provisions to be part of a pattern in which a de facto state of martial law has been gradually established around us. It is the federal government that is arming our police departments with assault rifles and mine-resistant ambush-protected (MRAP) vehicles. It is the federal government that is dressing our police officers in full body armor. And it is the federal government that is promulgating surveillance drones among our police departments. The same government that monitors our phone conversations, email and internet activity. The same government that orchestrated the simultaneous dismantling of Occupy encampments from New York to Oakland. The same government that hides in plain sight its utter supplication to Goldman Sachs and the fossil fuel industry. Taken together, these considerations leave us with no other conclusion than that, call them police or National Guard, a heavily armed host operates among us, watches us, ready to mobilize at the first sign of civil unrest, however constitutionally protected those first signs may be.

92f088 No.2165625

>>2165535 What is also interesting is that she was in the SUBUD cult. That is one weird rabbit hole. Basically, it is demonic. It awakens the "God" inside oneself. Has no God to worship, however. It is possible Obama is a member of that cult, as it is also one of the many cults that attends any church it pleases, just retranslating the various worshipped beings as all being the same "source."

ddc162 No.2165626


RR is not getting impeached now.

f34f32 No.2165627


>Kidnapping of children and Organ harvesting 'HOAX'

Sadly for Miss Piggy 150ish children were saved from human traffickers in India last week alone. Alert train passengers sent word and all children were saved.

5c447a No.2165628


Please expound. Saw TG's comments on that, honestly it only confused me

405b96 No.2165629


Wishing doesn't make it so, fren.

5e8c72 No.2165630


If I were in congress, I would demand a personal appearance by RM to explain exactly what his mandate is and what his plan is. I would demand weekly updates and hold him very accountable for every dollar spent.

We cannot have a secret police force acting without restraint.

e8e665 No.2165632


there where others involved in the logistics to get the info from SR to WL, CM and i believe KDC as well

fb911b No.2165633

File: 6dc630035df0ccf⋯.jpeg (44.14 KB, 722x960, 361:480, 965B7B18-456A-404B-A3C0-3….jpeg)

File: 01b0071180f5210⋯.jpeg (18.88 KB, 330x230, 33:23, 1AF24CEA-C9C1-47A1-BD21-7….jpeg)

File: cca469bd606bc16⋯.gif (7.87 KB, 311x145, 311:145, 857649B3-2DAF-4A4B-9EB6-93….gif)


Oh my. More crescent moons and suns.

f88da0 No.2165634


Can't blackmail somebody who isn't playing the game. Woods is happy trolling lefties on Twitter and defying Hollywood. He'll get his day in court like us when all evidence gets out to the public.

486360 No.2165635

File: 2dacacf7b2f36be⋯.jpg (55.53 KB, 411x251, 411:251, i will not be ignored.jpg)

d6d216 No.2165636


The bigger WTF to me is that Elon just called out the whole trapped in a cave thing as a bullshit story. He said the water was low and not flowing and the kids could have easily swam out. Wtf is going on here?

1f7d59 No.2165637


I almost asked you earlier if you baked as an anon sometimes <3

5ed803 No.2165638

Thank you 07aa01

ddc162 No.2165639


I don't have to wish fren. 8 Articles of Impeachment have already been drawn up.

83cc9d No.2165640

File: dcbc6ad5603d5ed⋯.jpg (14.62 KB, 255x172, 255:172, 23c0d4bb2f8f97385050114ecf….jpg)

f34f32 No.2165641


learn to crop your browser out.

899f63 No.2165642


c2dcd7 No.2165644


I guess it depends on who "these" are.

49e721 No.2165645

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





1bb99f No.2165646


Well, you shoulda given her it hard up the poop-shoot. You failed the shit test throughout your 18 years. Now go KYS and keep this shit off this board.

dcdddb No.2165647

File: c93f230af0a2622⋯.png (710.84 KB, 1200x533, 1200:533, ClipboardImage.png)

Ya'll is this real

I have the Server Donald. I have everything you need to bury the DNC forever. Come and get it. Russia was never involved. Obama was the culprit, along with the UK Mi5 and 6 who wired Trump Tower 5th and 26 floors. I have the documents from the UK and USA signed by Susan Rice

446a02 No.2165648

File: dcb7dbb7194f460⋯.png (986.09 KB, 1020x554, 510:277, cmwontsy.png)

File: 119168d7dcf64a8⋯.png (906.1 KB, 1021x556, 1021:556, Qething.png)

File: fcb1826fa352453⋯.jpg (203.23 KB, 1170x606, 195:101, Qhumatraf.jpg)

File: b995a3bb5630fcb⋯.png (639.29 KB, 990x559, 990:559, qspur.png)


Along with Q and who they are, perhaps Q is also trying to convey that DEMAND for anything resembling legitimate information is long overdue? Where is a mainstream source for people to be informed? (OANN is barely known.)

405b96 No.2165649


BO and BVs : Step the fuck up and stop this!!! We don't come here for porn.

1bd894 No.2165650


where is the Nov. 4th crumbs?

80dae9 No.2165651


I just check wikileaks again and I have yet to find it

303fb1 No.2165652

File: 8b16315a777300b⋯.jpg (398.76 KB, 1348x1252, 337:313, 20180715.jpg)

File: ed9afbd6409adda⋯.jpg (406.21 KB, 1346x1017, 1346:1017, 20180716.jpg)

File: e02939b66fdfa05⋯.png (358.56 KB, 832x832, 1:1, qclock_vanilla.png)

Clockfag Update

Re-read qrumbs.

Today's Q Clock

Pic 1

Tomorrow's Q Clock

Pic 2

Enjoy the show.

Clowns wear masks.

God Bless the United States of America.


Pic 3 - Clockfagging 101: Check out posts for yourselves.

Use qanon.pub and line 'em up! Locate the date you wish to inspect

and line up everything at the same minute on the clock.

dcdddb No.2165653


Sorry forgot to add person who tweeted

George M Nasif

‏ @GeorgeMNasif

d0365b No.2165654

File: 6bee180a2508367⋯.jpg (136.08 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, Stormin Norman.jpg)


> Kansas gets his own plane.

And a couple of SS newel posts. Dark glasses at sunset? These guys are almost a parody of professional security.

Both are right handed. Hand position is standardized to most efficiently sweep the coat tail clear as right hand goes to weapon. Left hand is then in position to acquire proper two handed hold quickly.

Dark bearded guy has unusually short trousers. More hardware?

IDK, seems we could afford a couple of veteran operators. Just wear the web gear and quit pretending.

bc4a44 No.2165655

File: ecb9b1e20602a91⋯.png (123.65 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3815b8e1231d1fa⋯.png (953.79 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)

5e8c72 No.2165656


I disagree. I would either impeach or at least censure him for at the very least incompetence and wasting federal resources. He has proved over and over he is not able to adequately supervise RM and manage the production of information to congress that he is legally obligated to do.

There is a lot evidence that he is not up to the job.

f88da0 No.2165657

acb851 No.2165658

File: 09580d8fef0976a⋯.png (65.68 KB, 1266x500, 633:250, Screenshot-2018-6-8 Q Rese….png)

fb601e No.2165659

File: 769b7b4ec4ce49a⋯.png (584.44 KB, 757x827, 757:827, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e1e250d8169a65⋯.png (37.08 KB, 744x493, 744:493, ClipboardImage.png)

President Trump 'Snubbed' By Prince Charles And Prince William


ddc162 No.2165660


Q said it best:

[RR] must either comply with all document demands or face impeachment.

2-way failure.

If he complies, he fails (self-implication)(known conflict).

If he failes to comply, he gets impeached (removed).

Why no DOJ texts disclosed to the public?

RR to LL "……………"

The only way he will turn over the docs is by threatening Impeachment. Gowdy just took that off the table. Now no leverage to force RR to turn over the requested docs.

486360 No.2165661

File: 79832247c147bf1⋯.jpg (155.86 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, stroker bunny.jpg)


Peter Stroker's bunny

6ac1fe No.2165662

File: 135fa85736cfd78⋯.png (20.78 KB, 700x700, 1:1, ackchyually.png)


>BO and BVs : Step the fuck up and stop this!!! We don't come here for porn.

ef4713 No.2165663

File: 50d33a7c271b62e⋯.jpg (3.1 MB, 2048x7167, 2048:7167, 174cdad321bfcb3c24168a49cb….jpg)

2 Weeks of an open borders policy later…

363a2c No.2165664

File: dedf01994d746d3⋯.jpg (130.45 KB, 846x564, 3:2, FOCUS.jpg)


Filter and move on. Filter+ if you have to.

80dae9 No.2165665


No it's fake as fuck. As was said in the last thread. And the thread before that. PAY ATTENTION

fb911b No.2165666

File: f9e7173eef334ee⋯.png (28.94 KB, 657x593, 657:593, C3C000BF-78A7-4007-8C63-28….png)


Now it’s getting weird… huh? More crescent moons.

bc4a44 No.2165667

File: b96f06a9f55eb30⋯.png (119.32 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)

0323c0 No.2165668


Q-level wit.

486360 No.2165669


The two moons of Venus.

10f7db No.2165670

File: 04128c6f2b34465⋯.jpeg (72.99 KB, 1440x960, 3:2, Avenatti.jpeg)


>Avenatti batter

80dae9 No.2165671

File: 63f7247eec1c0a6⋯.png (144.67 KB, 263x282, 263:282, 63f7247eec1c0a6252edeef794….png)

405b96 No.2165672

WTF kind of violent, abusive, rhetoric is this? Who fucking even thinks that way, let alone types it out?


682107 No.2165673


Alt+prt sc for selecting only your browser.

Paste in Irfanview, then use your mouse to select the desired crop for your image & use CTRL+Y to crop. Would help you to keep from accidentally doxxing yourself

d6d216 No.2165674


Wait is that a United plane? All the Q drops and people still believe Q isn't real? Pompeo might as well be holding a sign at this point!

c2c3b8 No.2165675

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b84b54 No.2165676

File: 68eec85dd1f921c⋯.png (259.8 KB, 1364x686, 682:343, hiddentyranny.png)

File: a00e557a34691d3⋯.png (309.94 KB, 1360x705, 272:141, hiddentyranny1.png)

File: 70bd7151d56ae30⋯.png (379.08 KB, 1320x735, 88:49, hiddentyranny2.png)

483e3e No.2165677


For (((them))) not us.

fc9584 No.2165678


Hahahahaha. You stick out NEWFAG.

Nobody is going to do shit about the porn. The more you yell about it, this, the more porn you shall see.

Welcome to freedom of speech. Get comfy or GTFO.



80dae9 No.2165679


He's an attention whore who posts the same shit every week. Fake. You know this though.

363a2c No.2165680

File: bbf68d5928114af⋯.jpg (73.41 KB, 534x378, 89:63, retard shill will suck dic….jpg)

405b96 No.2165681



That IS the TACIT APPROVAL they want.


684b73 No.2165682

Wictor is that you?

bc4a44 No.2165683

File: 3887cd754720759⋯.png (393.83 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)

682107 No.2165685


Leave declassification open then as the remaining option? If so, that makes sense

dcdddb No.2165686


Calm the fuck down anon. I missed last 2 breads, and have not had time to catch up.

0821fa No.2165687


Go on the Q drops board and you will see Nov 5 in the Nov 4th Q drop Look at Q time zone 00:31:00 EST while most of the Anons were still on Nov 4th time zone

188f22 No.2165688

File: 9cf0e9c7bd54bf9⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 580.29 KB, 636x540, 53:45, ClipboardImage.png)



no, just tits, ass, and pussy really

091516 No.2165689

File: 57e4f72f21c4d45⋯.png (349.96 KB, 506x339, 506:339, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 577426afea4cafb⋯.png (486.15 KB, 612x403, 612:403, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 288707b40bf424f⋯.png (540.02 KB, 637x358, 637:358, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d81e05a8209261⋯.png (363.49 KB, 428x405, 428:405, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5587c13c11637f6⋯.png (90.31 KB, 379x166, 379:166, ClipboardImage.png)

By now everyone recognizes the Vanderbilt underground swimming pool and the seeming connection to Podesta's torture pictures with the tile walls. Well, I just heard about another underground "pool" in a mansion in Toronto. It is located in the basement of Casa Loma castle. This castle has hidden rooms, secret passageways, and all sorts of other spoopy stuff. it was built about 20 years after Biltmore mansion, but the underground "pool" thing is very strange. Why would they do this? How many other elite mansions have these killrooms / pools from this era? Is this a common feature? Why do podesta's killroom pics have different patterns of tile? Take a look…

fdf42b No.2165690

File: 262d5e09e874ab3⋯.jpg (133.1 KB, 600x904, 75:113, 6631.jpg)

00e648 No.2165691


Maybe there was a sex ritual going on in the cave and one of the kids escaped?

405b96 No.2165692


Trashy trashy you. Good for nothing you. Trash




ddc162 No.2165693


Potus does not want to be forced to declas because of the optics.

14f517 No.2165694


or simply use the snipping tool.

"Windows key" > type "Snippet" > press Enter.

The you have full control over the part of the screen you want and you don't need to open it in image software.

83cc9d No.2165695


says he has sever

is on win 10


981b0c No.2165696

File: 0a22f2a2da5f43d⋯.jpg (46.76 KB, 480x578, 240:289, 0a22f2a2da5f43d656b86285dd….jpg)

f34f32 No.2165698


>I believe Q asked us to pray many times.

PRAY…there was nothing about shitting up the breads with endless religious argument. And SRSLY you think Q is a xian? KEK. Even my people use the word PRAY for setting intention…and you people made no bones about my people being "savages'. Take arguments to the specified argument thread. Thanks. That's why we needed quarantine…the endless arguments. (shitting up the breads).

00e648 No.2165699


>Well, you shoulda given her it hard up the poop-shoot.


363a2c No.2165700



Not when it becomes a room slide…. Yawn.

405b96 No.2165701


Aww. Feeling threatened cuz Mother told you to put your porn away, little bitty dicky you?

e4564f No.2165702

File: 4004891547b2d3d⋯.jpg (94.36 KB, 700x604, 175:151, 1 07 proof.jpg)

File: 3ccdc1fcfd00e8b⋯.png (428.73 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, flight activity 4.png)

File: b94c67c58babf3e⋯.png (426.13 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, jue 20th 1.png)

File: edeeb96a14a3207⋯.png (438.52 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, jue 20th 2.png)

File: 24ab75e42a333f0⋯.png (170.96 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, original post 2.png)

this tingled my almonds when i first saw anon proof 1:07 (pic related)

but the trail is meh

i would note that if June 20th is any significance to Q then attached is location of plane on june 20th Jordan, not MOAB Jordan, but some airport

and i dont even know if i got that right

happ hunting if interested

4b234f No.2165703


you, also, are not fooling anyone. i know you were thrown to the wolves because they could sense the board turning against them. i know you are not the exception, but the rule. i know the type of personality that self-selects to mod an internet forum. you all glow, every fucking one of you.

but you know that also, don't you? we were never the target

f90b81 No.2165704


Do not save as jpg in snippet if it is windows 8 or higher. It will save exif info.

786046 No.2165705


totally agree… we are fighting evil slave pedo'ed for their fun…

And some immature anons can't wake up and get their heads around the real battle…

No wonder we stand a good chance of loosing … Fucking dumb shallow humans dems that can't get awake

7dc7c1 No.2165706



27e036 No.2165707


This is why I am having trouble. How can you say your taking out Roth’s and have them as head of Commerce? Is it possible DJT got a bailout and is controlled by R’s ? This would put everything that’s going on in a much different light. Are we helping to take down two sides leaving R’s in total control. Iran and NK were the only countries left without central banks now were down to just 1. (Iran next-Q) I want to believe but we have all been abused for so long it’s hard to take things at face value. Why would that connection to POTUS be allowed. Bad optic at minimum.

f34f32 No.2165708


>It’s almost like they have a relationship.

take it to the quarantine thread.

80dae9 No.2165709

File: 733cfd650e574f9⋯.jpeg (79.42 KB, 922x1024, 461:512, 733cfd650e574f90af9a90fe1….jpeg)

e4564f No.2165710

File: e33af2a656419c6⋯.png (250.35 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, original post.png)

File: 1fa8e2f854d33e7⋯.png (294.82 KB, 700x507, 700:507, original.png)


looks like 2 pics missing

188f22 No.2165711

File: 114045dbb264923⋯.png (2.23 MB, 2908x2314, 1454:1157, U1sidebyside.png)



what truth am I afraid of again?

women are beautiful, THATS THE TRUTH

14f517 No.2165712


You can decide that yourself.

Just change save extension.

6ac1fe No.2165713


i recommend installing Screengrab! firefox extension

6ac1fe No.2165715


i recommend installing Screengrab! firefox extension

81df30 No.2165716


Stop trying to justify what you are doing.

188f22 No.2165717

File: 47b0c40dc01a5ed⋯.png (86.89 KB, 508x519, 508:519, snek2.png)


the snek can be used in many situations!

9e3e8c No.2165718


That HONOR85 was the first plane I actually took time to watch. Anon mentioned it was near Susanville a coupla breads ago… near where I live so I tried spotting it with binoculars but saw nothing. Anyways, thanks for the link to Planefagging 101, seems like fun.

486360 No.2165719


Can either of them shut up long enough to let Trump speak? Both are awful interviewers, unlike Breem and MacCallum, who are great.

9ce611 No.2165720

File: d5a95f80221ae5d⋯.jpg (117.35 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 2coe7s.jpg)


This ANON gets it.


show us your tits….ignore the shills…. or GTFO. Pick any 2 of 3

091516 No.2165721


Oh, and there's this…


8982c8 No.2165722

File: 6c7f8e44d2cdbd8⋯.png (229.95 KB, 292x389, 292:389, screenshot_157.png)

Dire consequences of climate change in France.

00e648 No.2165723


Casa Loma was built by this guy:


t. used to live near there

16bb11 No.2165724


I knew it was fucking a rebirth story. 13 people go into the underworld. One teacher and 12 disciples. Will they return? It is a Masonic psyop on a world stage. Fucking more faggotry for the masses.

363a2c No.2165725


Nope. No chance of losing, just mop up operation to come. All in time.

405b96 No.2165726


Theres a time and place, for sure. This is not it. NO AGE DISCLAIMER HERE.

BO and BVs need to STEP THE FUCK UP.

981b0c No.2165727

File: 7be1a1f6495bff8⋯.png (17.43 KB, 681x638, 681:638, 7be1a1f6495bff8549bbf2c3d4….png)

0ee437 No.2165728


she's got the George Soros bags going on

9dec22 No.2165729

File: adbd20b5df174e9⋯.jpg (55.3 KB, 640x705, 128:141, 1525984382595.jpg)


It's been great as a matter of fact, free-flow of information. Newfags are now learning how to fight shill tactics, instead of having somebody else decide what is acceptable for them. Their discernment is a bit shaky but their getting the hang of it. This is will lead to a smarter populace. You're welcome to be anon with us again any time, we can't take you seriously as is anymore though.

80dae9 No.2165730


Not anyone's problem but your own.


07aa01 No.2165731

File: fceb64b8e52aceb⋯.png (596.4 KB, 640x640, 1:1, PatrioticAmerican.png)

File: febe7e50fa64de3⋯.jpg (123.46 KB, 664x620, 166:155, 2ndAmendmentWomen.jpg)


You are divisionfagging. You have no idea how many of your "brothers" on here are of which gender and how many dedicated patriot anons you could have insulted. Probably 50%. Prejudice is when you attribute the characteristics of one person to an entire class of persons without knowing them.


486360 No.2165732


Who's this dude?

ef4713 No.2165733


You know nothing and it's sad.

32d227 No.2165734

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump interview


Indictment (activities during Obama admin)

RNC had better defenses against hacking (so he's been told)

Our "Foes": EU, Russia, China (they are our competitors)

Why EU? The EU is very difficult. In a trade sense, they've really taken advantage of us.

Reiterates being bewildered with the German pipeline deal w/Russia

682107 No.2165735


Why'd you click the spoiler then? Curb your own curiosity if the post isn't for you, and stop trying to curb free expression (for the record, I'm not here for porn either, yet i'm not against people posting wtf they want to post as long as it's legal)

83cc9d No.2165736



if true

you are already dead

who knows maybe etheres a roth civil war

wilbur seems to be pretty pro america tho

and anti tpp

id say dont worry about it but dig into him anyways

ce97ee No.2165737

File: 0e15b1ad387a310⋯.png (230.32 KB, 1600x568, 200:71, ClipboardImage.png)

6ac1fe No.2165738


cool i get to be a shill this thread

next thread i get to call you a shill

this is fun

f33043 No.2165739

Fucking idiots. Fell hard for the QLARP, didn't ya? At least this is a boomer containment board now. Stay here and never return to any other chan.


fb601e No.2165741


Most definitely fuckery afoot!

dcdddb No.2165742

Steve Herman

‏Verified account @W7VOA

1m1 minute ago

This just released to media by @WhiteHouse: At 1:20 PM on Monday here, @POTUS “has a 1:1 bilateral meeting with the President of the Russian Federation.”

405b96 No.2165743


Blah blah blah it wasn't spoilered. Trashy.

ef4713 No.2165744


You're conflating Abuse with Training like the newb you are.

6396cb No.2165745

File: 892b41c1d27dd0c⋯.jpg (138.27 KB, 1080x1622, 540:811, 1531646517161.jpg)

80dae9 No.2165746

File: 02a40fab472915a⋯.jpg (16.92 KB, 480x336, 10:7, 1503352008552.jpg)

fdf42b No.2165747

File: 9f098a6a59e0a0b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 410.91 KB, 1122x1000, 561:500, 4891.jpg)


ae57e3 No.2165748

File: 778dc143a06631c⋯.png (832.46 KB, 1248x1248, 1:1, 1-07-marker.png)


so the 1:07 marker got your almonds activated

can you dismiss the coincidence of

where that Q post sits on the Q clock?

593d90 No.2165749


No, That says "United States". It's another official government Boing 757.

682107 No.2165750

File: ee57c0f7dccdd9d⋯.png (142.14 KB, 1502x587, 1502:587, ClipboardImage.png)


Odd…looks spoilered to me

bc032f No.2165751

"I think the European Union is a foe," Trump says ahead of Putin meeting in Helsinki

Coming off a contentious NATO summit and a trip to the U.K. in which he seemed to undercut the government of America's closest ally, President Trump took aim at another Western institution just days before his high-stakes meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In an interview with "CBS Evening News" anchor Jeff Glor in Scotland on Saturday, President Trump named the European Union – comprising some of America's oldest allies – when asked to identify his "biggest foe globally right now."

"Well, I think we have a lot of foes. I think the European Union is a foe, what they do to us in trade. Now, you wouldn't think of the European Union, but they're a foe. Russia is foe in certain respects. China is a foe economically, certainly they are a foe. But that doesn't mean they are bad. It doesn't mean anything. It means that they are competitive," Mr. Trump said at his golf club in Turnberry, Scotland.


405b96 No.2165752


How does it feel to make minimum wage?

a5d11c No.2165753

File: 58f61208fdab12c⋯.jpg (13.15 KB, 289x292, 289:292, mein.jpg)

44572c No.2165754


Fucking crazy

00e648 No.2165755


>Okay boss, I tried my first shilling attempt, what other catchphrases should I use ?

bc4a44 No.2165756


Ok, will do

85e5a3 No.2165757

File: 4d6aa753cd99cce⋯.jpg (125.36 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1261-800x800.jpg)

File: d2075b97e2fdce3⋯.jpg (139.62 KB, 1079x390, 83:30, Screenshot_20180715-131343.jpg)

File: 260058b83a611a0⋯.jpg (171.81 KB, 1080x470, 108:47, Screenshot_20180715-131311.jpg)


Even without a massive jew nose I can smell the jidf on you

Look guys babys first troll

486360 No.2165758


But they werent "found." When their lawyers show up, Marine Bob will have another dozen pickles.

579d4d No.2165760

Well, folks it's time to pack up the popcorn, the party hats, and fold up the chairs. The Q party is over.

Q is gone. It's been 11 days. He's never coming back. He'll probably travel back with Putin.

e41cd2 No.2165761



188f22 No.2165762


should we get zuckerfuck over here and police?

the answer is NO by the way

405b96 No.2165763


Maybe since I called out the teenie bopper BVs they actually stepped up. Hooray. Trashy.

c007b9 No.2165765


There was definitely some nonsense going on with the entire debacle….

c93554 No.2165766

File: 517d1d99e8a5c1b⋯.jpeg (91.11 KB, 848x1020, 212:255, 1531685687.jpeg)

acb851 No.2165767


no paper, no fear.


981b0c No.2165768

File: 29d56cf7ae28df9⋯.jpg (21.06 KB, 488x349, 488:349, secondary-rainbow-clipart-….jpg)



e41cd2 No.2165769


you leave, and don't come back

483e3e No.2165770

File: f80c38fd1b376ff⋯.jpg (84.53 KB, 736x489, 736:489, FB.jpg)

14f517 No.2165771


Just like MK-Ultra is "training" and not abuse?

ef4713 No.2165772


Your target acquisition is terrible. When the lies of a clown supersede the Truth of a Patriot, we all know what team that puts you on.

803e2a No.2165773


If Mueller report is Fake

It raises questions on past Mueller Reports.

Are they Fake ?

ef4713 No.2165774

7dc7c1 No.2165775


Well said anon.

9dec22 No.2165776


Nah, I'm saying you coddled anons when they needed a trial by fire to grow. You weren't protecting anyone. Enjoy your last (You) from me.

6ac1fe No.2165777

show of hands:

everyone who doesn't reply to this is a shill

everyone who does is a faggot

405b96 No.2165778


You've learned nothing. Q's board is now just full of trash.

091516 No.2165779


Cover story for rescuing the elites that were trapped in the cave along with their victims during the ritual?

5c447a No.2165780


Um, BV can't spoiler a pic, the uploader/poster does. Stop the wishful thinking & get thicker skin, or learn to filter, hide post, mentally filter (read: IGNORE) & go about your day. Who's really the one that needs to grow up here, calling for mommy BO/BV?

0ee437 No.2165781


Mr. Woods will eat him alive~

188f22 No.2165782


I don't think its jidf

I think its an oldfag (NOT DEROGATORY TO OTHER OLDFAGS) that doesn't like pics of chicks

just going about it VERY loudly.. the filter is there for a reason

1bd894 No.2165783


crumbs regarding Alice & Wonderland, and how the world will be different before POTUS returns!

188f22 No.2165784

File: 72a6a990e0cf297⋯.png (584.82 KB, 1132x854, 566:427, pepeLiberalTears.png)

405b96 No.2165785


Do NOT command me to do a goddamn thing.

Garbage in garbage out.

YOU are garbage.

I am out.

761e01 No.2165786



Goddamned translation earpiece fools.


188f22 No.2165789


no actually I think the can go back after the post and spoil it, I know they can delete it

363a2c No.2165790

File: 6f787453843558e⋯.jpg (494 KB, 1499x1161, 1499:1161, HOLD THE LINE.jpg)

9daf64 No.2165791

With Russian meddling back in the news, we wonder about closed SF consulate


As President Trump sits down for his summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday, the fate of the Russian consulate in San Francisco that he closed nearly a year ago remains a mystery.

The Trump administration abruptly ordered the closure of the consulate on Green Street in Pacific Heights last August, after Putin ordered a reduction of American personnel at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow in response to sanctions imposed by Congress.

Soon, smoke was seen billowing from from the consulate’s chimney, prompting neighbors to speculate that the staff was busy destroying top-secret documents.

“For many decades, U.S. officials have been keenly aware that, because of the consulate’s proximity to Silicon Valley, educational institutions such as Stanford and (UC) Berkeley, and the large number of nearby defense contractors and researchers — including two Energy Department-affiliated nuclear weapons laboratories — Russia has used San Francisco as a focal point for espionage activity,” Zach Dorfman wrote in the December 2017 issue of Foreign Policy magazine.

the U.S. State Department confirms that it “is securing and maintaining” the Green Street property, as well as other closed Russian facilities.

“Those buildings that are owned by the Russians will continue to be owned by the Russians,” a statement said, “but they are no longer authorized for diplomatic or consular activities.”

4b234f No.2165792


trips force my hand

also faggotry

5e8c72 No.2165793

File: 67f9f7f2bbb22ec⋯.png (921.77 KB, 1152x788, 288:197, ClipboardImage.png)

ae2afe No.2165794


"What are they waiving a white flag?"




video cuts off. Wow!

899f63 No.2165795

Please, everyone, whatever you do, do NOT post pornographic photos of big titted Asian women. It will offend too many people here.

188f22 No.2165796



>the can

*they can

10f7db No.2165797

File: 28a49483fb41f01⋯.png (409.8 KB, 855x540, 19:12, illuminati_owls.png)

486360 No.2165798


Useful idiots die first.

846626 No.2165799

File: ab39fd5e29c4121⋯.png (976 KB, 837x822, 279:274, Elon calls diver a PEDO.png)

File: e4ca66d1770da22⋯.png (35.64 KB, 724x205, 724:205, Elon donates to republican….png)


He's been sending a few lately, KEK

The headline said Elon called the caver a PEDO, but cannot find any reference to it within story.

Elon Musk attacks hero British diver and questions if he was even part of Thai cave rescue in extraordinary rant after the caver dismissed the billionaire's plan saying he 'can stick his submarine where it hurts'

Elon Musk has launched a furious Twitter rant against a hero British caver

Vernon Unsworth helped to lead the operation to rescue the 12 trapped boys

Mr Unsworth had earlier said the Telsa CEO can 'stick his submarine where it hurts' and accused him of creating a PR stunt

https:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5955753/British-caver-helped-save-Thai-boys-says-Elon-Musk-stick-submarine-hurt.html

Elon Musk is unmasked as one of the largest donors to a PAC dedicated to keeping Republicans in control of the House

Annual fillings released by the Federal Election Commission this week show Musk was among the top 50 donors to the Protect The House PAC

The filings show that Musk donated $38,900 to the PAC in the second quarter

Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen donated $100,000 to the PAC while Houston Texans owner Bob McNair gave $371,500

Business Insider reported that the South African technology mogul is worth an estimated $20 billion

https:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5955255/New-FEC-filings-Elon-Musk-one-biggest-donors-Republicans.html

02dfc2 No.2165800

ce97ee No.2165801

The story of Elon Musk and the British Expat


f33043 No.2165802


I make way more than minimum wage. At least i can tell the difference between reality and a fucking LARP.

Who's been arrested so far? Who's been charged? What about Hillary, Huma, Pedosta, Comey, Rosenstein, Awan and Strozk? Fucking retard.

50899c No.2165803


Nothing sadder than name/famefagging. You ought to know better.

981b0c No.2165804

File: ef77a470258d327⋯.jpg (35.68 KB, 580x346, 290:173, ef77a470258d327c629e840855….jpg)

ef4713 No.2165805


Wrong again. We have a research space with an attack surface area far larger than any other board, with enemies greater than the rest. Yet on this board and this board alone literally every variety of clown fuckery is allowed to run free.

It's time you got over yourselves and thought about the mission not your corrupted social circle

80dae9 No.2165806


There's the "Q is a LARP" shill! Was getting worried for a second there. 0hour1 probably just woke up

c93554 No.2165807

File: 0c0032ca75cac8b⋯.jpeg (136.44 KB, 1410x1053, 470:351, 1531677306.jpeg)

7ff05d No.2165808

File: 192fd2a2712dc96⋯.png (68.84 KB, 480x689, 480:689, Screenshot_2018-07-13-13-1….png)

Mickey is the broke dick faggot not Trump.

f34f32 No.2165809


> I'm pretty sure the time for America's reboot/reset is coming soon.

soon. watch the water.

579d4d No.2165810


Avenatti just tried to blackmail Woods

5c447a No.2165811

File: dc8f2dc103731c9⋯.jpg (25.83 KB, 255x255, 1:1, topkeks.jpg)


chronic complainer, aka the board's savior


Sounds like censorship to me if such. potential CP, & GP spam, that get's deleted. Other than that, i doubt it. Defeats the purpose. BV is here, so ask BV

00e648 No.2165812


I keep thinking about this Doris Lessing story:



bc4a44 No.2165813


No, they're NOT all c****. And all men as not bastards, just the ones who are.

81df30 No.2165814


He's taken way too many punches to the head.

Who cares what this loser says or thinks?

091516 No.2165815

File: adeb76e54f013fa⋯.png (156.88 KB, 1129x467, 1129:467, ClipboardImage.png)

385054 No.2165816

Possibility Q does not have safe coms in Europe?

3ed61f No.2165817

File: 89986ed18e1bc9f⋯.jpg (316.52 KB, 980x551, 980:551, nasimseal.jpg)

4b234f No.2165818

File: e1305708b8dd2bb⋯.png (161.45 KB, 500x412, 125:103, e1305708b8dd2bb0f16bf098a5….png)

ddd1ab No.2165819

File: 92f7f4ad28fd3ce⋯.jpg (257.01 KB, 1540x460, 77:23, shm.jpg)

Another recent spike in Schumann resonances; not as drastic as former ones.

6ac1fe No.2165820


watch, i bet next week Avenatti himself gets swallowed by the #metoo bullshit

a12e84 No.2165821

be3f63 No.2165823


>NOW re-read the texts. Lisa is NOT an FBI employee, she was sent in to suss out PETER which she did.

Talk about a counter intelligence operation

bc4a44 No.2165824


For what age - children most likely!!!

6a9245 No.2165825


His face looks like it was made by a cobbler

272a00 No.2165826


Q post #4 was at 11:11


9964b1 No.2165828


Clowns control Europe. No safe comms in clown countries.

7ff05d No.2165829

File: 17524a7a57bfb1e⋯.gif (767.16 KB, 218x254, 109:127, 17524a7a57bfb1e65d9e28c6ca….gif)



61a94d No.2165830


perhaps that anon is one of the bastards.

981b0c No.2165831

File: c43c31de2b81465⋯.jpg (243.64 KB, 764x1000, 191:250, c43c31de2b81465bec7584dbd8….jpg)

213c36 No.2165832

File: 1b4a7bcba4ef6d0⋯.jpeg (497.54 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, image.jpeg)


Another way to interpret what Elon said, was that the bloke resides in Thailand because he has a penchant for 'exploring young caves.'

Hit me Smitty (drum roll)

ce97ee No.2165833

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kevin Shipp – Indictments Coming for Hillary and Co-conspirators

We'll see. But keep in mind, this did NOT come from Q.

f33043 No.2165834

>Not arrested: Hillary, Pedosta, Huma, Lynch, Rosenstein, Comey, Strozk, Awan.


Open your eyes Q is a LARP.

0ee437 No.2165835


This is part of the ritual at Tribal Council, because in this game, fire represents your life; when your fire's gone, so are you

5f30ff No.2165836

File: 4879f39e6a232f1⋯.png (988.41 KB, 1824x891, 608:297, ClipboardImage.png)


Had a Mercury on the east coast this morning (GOTOFMS) along with AF2 and a couple of Aerospace C37s.

00e648 No.2165837


Thanks Jim.

81df30 No.2165838


Could be.

7fd894 No.2165839

File: 21ae4307b116397⋯.png (24.83 KB, 975x125, 39:5, 1958.PNG)

3ed61f No.2165840

File: 86ed17712ccc5e3⋯.jpg (129.33 KB, 859x784, 859:784, trumpstop2.jpg)

fb911b No.2165841


Naw, it’s fun fucking with the shills. Things they don’t want you to know.

cb9f7e No.2165842


CIA assets are everywhere?

f34f32 No.2165843


ANNNN Woods said no moar. point taken? CDAN says yes. Although it's likely old shit .

ce97ee No.2165844


Jim? Sorry, wrong anon there dudette. KEK

92f088 No.2165845


When a child is adopted, they have an amended birth certificate to change the name and parents names. I think Obama cannot provide his real BC because he was adopted by the Indonesia stepfather.

3681d5 No.2165846


Ross helped save T’s business, but it was business - a deal that ultimately served both sides. Ross did what any high level investment banker might have done. It does not make POTUS eternally enslaved to Ross, NM Rothschild, or the Rs.

POTUS clearly rates Ross’ abilities and probably trusts him, at least to some extent. Any President needs high caliber cabinet members, which invariably means connected investment bankers and lawyers. The fact that Ross is still in position speaks volumes. Will he remain? That’s for POTUS to decide.

Our trust is solidly in POTUS. He’s no greenhorn and is a proven survivor. For as long as he can pursue his agenda and is protected, we should not worry excessively about issues and personnel we cannot influence. There is indeed a plan; and a safe pair of hands at the helm.

f33043 No.2165847


Am i wrong?

a3d73a No.2165848

File: 4b411530603bb5d⋯.png (466.01 KB, 476x702, 238:351, Screenshot_2018-07-15-15-2….png)

02eecf No.2165849

File: fe94bb99ac43b51⋯.jpg (237.05 KB, 573x829, 573:829, 7e969a5b94255110ae4c77b02a….jpg)

f88da0 No.2165850

9a4e7e No.2165851


This is the full story that Bill Still ran on yt.


Hillary is afraid of the gallows if Trump wins. She was interviewed by Matt Lauer and went off in a tirade of cursing. Hillary said: ” If that f – – – ing bastard wins, we all hang from nooses!” Camera’s were not allowed to film the massive meltdown. But the staffers couldn’t believe how horrible she was.

Remember the Sept. 7 Commander-in-Chief Forum where Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton appeared separately but back-to-back for 30 minutes each?

According to an email forwarded to us late last night, which originated from a Comcast email address, the technical crew for NBC which produced the event is now speaking out about what took place moments after Clinton walked off the set – a massive profanity-laced tirade aimed at NBC’s host, Matt Lauer.

It turned out that Clinton had been fed all the questions for approval in advance of the forum.

But then, after the approval, Matt Lauer had had a change of heart and he started his questioning with an unapproved line concerning Clinton’s use of an illegal private server for her sometimes classified, work-related emails.

According to a Comcast official (the parent company of NBC Universal) who apparently was quoting those on the set:

“When Matt posed the one legitimate question about the FBI investigation concerning her homemade server and the unsecured emails, we could see she was beginning to boil.”

According to an NBC Associate Producer of the Forum, as soon as Clinton got off the set, she exploded.

“Hillary proceeded to pick up a full glass of water and throw it at the face of her assistant, and the screaming started.”

“She was in a full meltdown and no one on her staff dared speak with her – she went kind of manic and didn’t have any control over herself at that point.”

“How these people work with this woman is amazing to me. She really didn’t seem to care who heard any of it.”

“You really had to see this to believe it. She came apart – literally unglued; she is the most foul-mouthed woman I’ve ever heard … and that voice at screech level … awful!”

“She screamed she’d get that f…..ing Lauer fired for this.”

Referring to Donald Trump, Clinton said:

“If that f – – – ing bastard wins, we all hang from nooses! Lauer’s finished…and if I lose it’s all on your heads for screwing this up.”

So, Crooked Hillary fears the gallows, eh? Interesting.

Her dozen or more aides were visibly disturbed and tried to calm her down when she started shaking uncontrollably, as she screamed to get an executive at Comcast the parent company of NBC Universal, on the phone. Then, two rather large aides grabbed her and helped her walk to her car.

Matt Lauer was massively criticized for the rest of the week on air by the Clinton campaign and the rest of the MSM as having conducted:

“an unfair and partisan attack on Clinton.”

According to the email, calls were made to the New York Times, the Washington Post, Huffington Post and Twitter executives with orders to crush Matt Lauer.

One staffer on the Clinton campaign told the NBC staff that they all fear Clinton’s wrath and uncontrollable outbursts, and one described Hillary as “an egotistical psychopath.”

Since Hillary does not allow any staff to have cell phones when she is in their presence, no footage is available.

Interim DNC chairman Donna Brazile, the first black woman to hold the position, was singled out by Hillary during the rant. She screamed at Donna:

“I’m so sick of your face. You stare at the wall like a brain dead buffalo, while letting that f – – – ing Lauer get away with this. What are you good for, really? Get the f – – – to work janitoring this mess – do I make myself clear?”

A female NBC executive said that Donna Brazile looked at Mrs. Clinton and never flinched, which seemed to enrage Hillary all the more. The executive continued:

“It was the most awful and terrible…and racist display – such a profane meltdown I have ever witnessed from anyone, and I will never forget it.

“That woman should never see the inside of the oval office I can tell you that. She was unhinged and just continued to verbally abuse everyone – she was out of control.”

Why did Lauer ask his rogue question? According to sources close to Lauer, because:

“… the American people deserve an answer from the former Secretary of State.”

81df30 No.2165852


I dont care where the info originates as long as it happens.

188f22 No.2165853

File: 88273c457b3b724⋯.jpg (106.49 KB, 586x767, 586:767, howdare2.jpg)



been waiting for this gif to be reposted

thanks anon, fukken saved!

85e5a3 No.2165854

File: 756b7fd537d76b0⋯.gif (865.08 KB, 500x281, 500:281, Lethal-Weapon-mel-gibson-3….gif)

File: 446c18f9d200d9d⋯.jpg (50.44 KB, 1080x529, 1080:529, Screenshot_20180715-132510.jpg)


I completly agree, anons need to harden the fuck up

Also coincidence?

bebc75 No.2165855

File: 11340de51ce5bbb⋯.jpg (574.47 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, 7812.jpg)

cb9f7e No.2165856

File: 99fed6a42bdf35e⋯.png (70.26 KB, 663x630, 221:210, EUtrash.PNG)

00e648 No.2165858

File: 302641579f63b6d⋯.png (17.15 KB, 633x235, 633:235, shills.PNG)

Of course, if she's over 18, it's LEGAL.

Age difference is irrelevant. I fell in love with a much younger woman but she was of legal age.

Underage is a whole other matter.

188f22 No.2165859

its incredible how the muh larp shills think they're shit is unique…

try harder faggots!

ae2afe No.2165860

File: a86ddfa9ceaf2b6⋯.png (469.03 KB, 751x720, 751:720, ClipboardImage.png)

I called this yesterday! Knew this was coming!!



188f22 No.2165861


damnit their

4c28f6 No.2165862


Interesting Theory Craft… The Question is when was PS "Out of Scope" on his polygraph and when did he start seeing LP? If he was out of scope and they needed info on his mindset,,should could have been sent in to find out. Nobody has put forth any info on a "Sex ridden love affair".. or pics of them in public. Using Govt. Devices could have been he doing… On purpose.

85f191 No.2165863


486360 No.2165864


When anybody I dont like says something like, "Good luck," I just say, Keep your luck, I dont want it. Or I say nothing.

80dae9 No.2165865


How does one attribute that to the upcoming week?

Because it sounds like an awesome fit, black out necessary, Shit is going down this week & after talking to Putin info is going to come to light.

ae027c No.2165866


That plane looks familiar >>2165710

7dc7c1 No.2165867

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Miracle Continues: 365 Days of 2ndVote GunCam Shows No Evidence of a Gun Committing a Crime

Can you believe it?

After 365 days of careful, around-the-clock scrutiny, our 2ndVote GunCam experiment has not produced any observable evidence that a watched gun will move, load, fire, or harm anyone on its own. See for yourself!


c93554 No.2165869

ef4713 No.2165871


Wow, someone used a picture I've used in the past!

That must mean some thing!

Muh investigation skills..

ce97ee No.2165872


And BV's need to be a little more "moderate", lest you look more like BVD's. KEK

d4263c No.2165873

File: 00bb6b6a76d62be⋯.jpg (427.51 KB, 2000x1391, 2000:1391, BathingBeauties.jpg)

Summer time

And bathing beauties

Like flowers

Brighten up the view

981b0c No.2165874

File: 57609e4e7196eeb⋯.jpg (319.15 KB, 1500x1078, 750:539, 57609e4e7196eeb961cdd10031….jpg)

fdf181 No.2165875

File: b6a92ba1351fc6b⋯.jpg (233.41 KB, 766x1024, 383:512, IMG_0787.JPG)


Well now, how 'bout DiggerFag.

586b28 No.2165876

File: 887b65c186a867a⋯.png (654.08 KB, 800x405, 160:81, san-francisco-poop-map.png)

File: ca51e51f72e27c8⋯.jpg (90.98 KB, 640x853, 640:853, SF shit.jpg)


Better of closed until SF cleaned up!


7fd894 No.2165877

File: 59fad3f1ec091c4⋯.png (12.9 KB, 855x75, 57:5, 2 60s.PNG)

File: 89e2abc9aa3b658⋯.png (25.79 KB, 975x125, 39:5, 5000.PNG)



"5,000 United States Marines land in the capital"


c1c3ae No.2165878


Survival of the Richest

The wealthy are plotting to leave us behind


"Being human is not about individual survival or escape. It’s a team sport. Whatever future humans have, it will be together."


bebc75 No.2165879

File: 297c659d42e012c⋯.jpg (941.18 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 6847.jpg)

6fad68 No.2165880

File: 1e0742e97fdd6d3⋯.png (192.98 KB, 587x538, 587:538, gftrrtcfgctr5.png)


And then there is this… I immediately thought of Plato's cave allegory. All very strange

1c7355 No.2165881

Anyone see the post on pol about George Soros foundation being hacked? Hack occurred in 2016 but it might provide more crumbs.



f88da0 No.2165882


Did not mean to snap like a valley girl. User error.

Qmap says 12:11, interdasting. Once we decipher the time stamps, I think they’ll be a confirmation mechanism that will help us with time zone issues.

Minutes and seconds can interchange, maybe it’s the POTUS (or + friends) minutes on twat line up with seconds on drops. Or something like that.

9964b1 No.2165883

File: c8b9f8d072567ad⋯.jpeg (155.25 KB, 960x748, 240:187, 123455.jpeg)


Follow the lead of POTUS, anons.

Crybabies can go back to rebbit.

355e67 No.2165884

File: 59b68807b2e6a58⋯.jpg (269.54 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, dream big.jpg)


That just makes me happy!

10f7db No.2165885

File: 1d3f7d6d3001d4f⋯.png (276.73 KB, 789x460, 789:460, aven.png)

486360 No.2165886


Dont listen to Gowdy. Nunes and Goodlatte are the A -Team, not Gowdy.


ae2afe No.2165887

File: 159f8c7607a74c3⋯.png (61.03 KB, 732x742, 366:371, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a540b20442a10c4⋯.png (77.04 KB, 746x904, 373:452, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e170090e8f77fe0⋯.png (15.69 KB, 560x271, 560:271, ClipboardImage.png)


Here's what's in the article:

f08d97 No.2165888


My balls starting to look like that. I'm actually kinda worried…

1dbdfb No.2165889


THIS…this is the Hillary video Q referred to. It covers EVERYTHING.

81df30 No.2165890


This particular BV outed him/herself.

Can fuck off for all I care.

80dae9 No.2165892

File: 28d37ce7600e468⋯.gif (1.97 MB, 260x173, 260:173, DontEverTalkToMeOrMySonAga….gif)

f34f32 No.2165893


>Talk about a counter intelligence operation

I've been trying to tell…just re-read the texts. She was the one starting shit and he was the one replying…she'd lure him to see if he'd go along and he did. every. single. time. There is zero hint of actual romance…luring….and on his part "what's in this for me"..but I don't think he plays on her team…so to speak. EPIC counter intelligence operation. We don't need him…we had HER all along…and Congress found her very forthcoming :D…KEK..with his shady background I've no doubt…and her "coming out of the homely closet" was quite interesting. Appear homely and hit on guy….draw him in…for the win.

486360 No.2165894


That's correct. And they are well-stated.

ae2afe No.2165895

File: 4f3027aae1ab951⋯.png (105.22 KB, 606x571, 606:571, ClipboardImage.png)


I posted last bread too…

9181c7 No.2165896


I told her I don't need her prayers or her luck. I didn't reply for a month and went for the jugular. "Maybe you could use that luck for your relationship built from beer pong. I really don't need you to cosign my fatherhood while you admittedly 'check up' on me to see if the grass IS greener like your stroked out mom." I'm so damn tired of falsehoods and basic bitches.

53e540 No.2165897


10f7db No.2165898


seems so, anon

>Find the loudest voices.


00e648 No.2165899


Metokur is named Jim.

486360 No.2165900


Q said they have everything already. I believe that.

1bd894 No.2165902

This guy gets it!


be3f63 No.2165903


>Mickey is the broke dick faggot not Trump.

Wow, lot of these celebs are going batshit nuts over Trump cracking down on border jumpers and stepping up border security. Especially over the underage children being detained and processed by Border Police separately from their parents. I don't see some of these people going nuts as pedos but they are still raging as if their precious source of life sustaining compound is being threatened and they are freaking out.

Is there something that is present in human beings, especially children that can be extracted, processed and used by other human beings to extend the laters life?

Reality is very much mirroring many sci fi content here, a la deathwalker.

586b28 No.2165904

File: 3418da8133221c0⋯.jpg (211.77 KB, 519x500, 519:500, Mickey-Rourke.jpg)


Well that didn't age well!

188f22 No.2165905


how are you doing today stephen miller?

389ccb No.2165906


>Nunes and Goodlatte are the A -Team

You forgot Jordan and Meadows.

ce97ee No.2165908


You know it's getting bad around here when you have to consider filtering the board volunteers.

df7ed2 No.2165909


#metoo was always meant to be a weapon.

80dae9 No.2165910

File: d2cb0a04b8c8868⋯.jpg (274.73 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1501890594047.jpg)


&'s don't lie. Shit.

ae2afe No.2165911

Guys - anyone having any peripheral problems?

First my keyboard goes out, using my laptop keyboard instead of a plug in.

Now I can't RMC!!! Anyone else experiancing this?

e5e212 No.2165912

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Hot off the presses: Strozk body language analysis.


ec13dd No.2165913

You either go to the river ((source))

or you share the water you have.

Dont let things get dry

Dont let the water get foul.

_ _

486360 No.2165914

File: 376ab9b8911a0c0⋯.jpg (63.57 KB, 715x468, 55:36, mandy i dotnthink qresearc….jpg)

ef4713 No.2165915


But you seriously have a hard on for me being a traitor don't you?

Who had to lie that much to you for you to believe them?

f90b81 No.2165916

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Bill Still

1bb99f No.2165917


I command you to touch your pepe, while looking at the grand gifts and homage to the bakers. YOU ARE COMMANDED!

bd26c7 No.2165918

File: f01216b8568bf2f⋯.jpg (248.3 KB, 636x804, 53:67, Absolutely Dare.jpg)

ab131e No.2165919


There was no travel ban to Pakistan in 1981, only an advisory.


80dae9 No.2165921


Ewww…Imagine all the Herpes & Gonorrhea tho

d246c6 No.2165922

File: 5ed657b07690878⋯.jpg (76.89 KB, 450x320, 45:32, neptunepool.jpg)


"Hearst Castle"

Underground [ish] pool was said to have been used by the servants there; so the Tour Guide claimed, saying the Hearst guests didn't like it. Beautiful Venetian tiles.


"The Neptune Pool patio features an ancient Roman temple front, transported wholesale from Europe and reconstructed at the site. "

Neptune Pool ; site "Hearst Castle"

was used by Hearst family after giving it to State of California - part of the arrangement.

Hearst = first king of Fake News.

Notice how there is no room to lounge around the edge which is the same design as evident at the VanderBilt pool Casa Loma castle pool.

81df30 No.2165923


Kek, yea!

3c575f No.2165924

File: e8bebe8b0e12070⋯.png (72.54 KB, 452x516, 113:129, Snek.png)

File: 34f7fd9210e152e⋯.png (102.16 KB, 268x271, 268:271, Screenshot_277.png)

File: 09f78324c31b0c2⋯.png (950.04 KB, 635x958, 635:958, Screenshot_276 - Copy.png)

File: 4cf0da5c738b9d0⋯.gif (1.95 MB, 600x669, 200:223, KEKIVM.gif)

File: 9bafdb61ce2de12⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1700x968, 425:242, Screenshot_275 - Copy (2).png)

f34f32 No.2165925

File: 6525d43e2fc3291⋯.jpg (29.18 KB, 414x480, 69:80, tits.jpg)


NO ONE ASKED YOU TO COME HERE. q knew what we were when HE DID..so STFU and GTFO if all you're going to do is complain. FB is calling.

981b0c No.2165926

File: 6408f467ead3945⋯.jpg (137.2 KB, 704x638, 32:29, 6408f467ead3945ab5e754e352….jpg)

9abf8f No.2165927




That’s why they introduced this I’m sure. https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/press/dem/releases/senators-introduce-bill-to-make-lynching-a-federal-crime

ec13dd No.2165928


Gowdy = Patriot.

Dont take my word for it; Qanon.pub

That said, He's principled but publicly not in the trenches.

a17f06 No.2165929


I starting to think aflb is a bot. No human could bleed out the vagina for 3 months and not die

32d227 No.2165931




My theory is that is why Matt Lauer was canned.

(they knew about the sexual impropriety and didn't care until Hillary lost her shit)

65cadc No.2165932

File: d548616a49b9517⋯.jpg (36.45 KB, 465x374, 465:374, MrBurns1.JPG)



Why does Mr.Burns look like a Rothschild…?

Oh wait Pure Evil got it ;)

bebc75 No.2165933

File: d6465c4a627267a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 130.24 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 2399.jpg)

be3f63 No.2165934

File: db0552e7f2a7b33⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1024x1024, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



Blow it out your ass

fdf181 No.2165936

File: 400690984ea2792⋯.png (227.19 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_0799.PNG)

File: cd4482be4756497⋯.png (188.32 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_0800.PNG)

Flynn Jr. wants to know where Pelosi is

an if she even cares about the poo not in loo.

Bonus normalization of pedos twat.

00e648 No.2165937

File: 8de5e90e63cf528⋯.png (503.16 KB, 622x393, 622:393, not a cuck, just larping a….PNG)

13bd73 No.2165938


So strange that they made the kids take off their pants supposedly to fit through a tight squeeze. The kids were small compared to the adults. That small amount of fabric would have made no difference in their ability to fit. If the adults could fit, clothed children could fit.

486360 No.2165939



Cant wait to see this asshole get it in the neck. It will happen, count on it.

4e2c05 No.2165940

Notables @ 500


>>2165454, >>2165836 Planefag Updates

>>2165500 Child Abuse in India

>>2165548 James Woods Trolling Tweets

>>2165550 HRC Speech, sooo Tired

>>2165554 This Piece Of Paper Was Robert Mueller’s Evidence Against Trump

>>2165588 James Woods Under Fire

>>2165606 Hussein in Kenya

>>2165652 Clockfag Update

>>2165659 President Trump 'Snubbed' By Prince Charles And Prince William

>>2165791 With Russian meddling back in the news, we wonder about closed SF consulate

>>2165860, >>2165887 FBI Veterans Blast Strzok

24c78b No.2165941


I hope you are right about Page, for her sake. I'm a bit more hesitant to give her hero status until we know more. At this point she is only a busted traitor that is cooperating for leniency.

188f22 No.2165943



85f191 No.2165944

File: 5e0b8fe86dcb55e⋯.jpg (746.17 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180715-163537….jpg)


No no no it's a message about a speech just posted….

13bd73 No.2165945


Burns is a saint compared to any Rothschild.

3681d5 No.2165946


Toilet paper for vagrants

7dc7c1 No.2165947

File: ab75d67410ca9a3⋯.jpg (44.7 KB, 696x394, 348:197, MAGA-helmet-696x394.jpg)

More Protective MAGA Helmets Now Available For Trump Supporters Brave Enough To Go Out In Public

U.S.—While President Trump’s official website has long sold Make America Great Again hats, a recent uptick in calls for public pushback against Trump supporters has led to the website replacing the hats with MAGA helmets for anyone brave enough to go out in public wearing them.

“Want to go to the store in your MAGA hat, but afraid of being assaulted, having water thrown on you, or getting smacked with a baseball bat?” Trump says in a promo video on the website. “The MAGA helmet is for you. I’ve gotta say, I’ve seen lots of tactical helmets in my day. This one’s the best. Tremendous stuff.”

The helmets are said to be “almost guaranteed” to protect any Trump supporter from mobs at the local Whole Foods market, Starbucks, or other place generally considered to be unsafe for conservatives. As a disclaimer on the website reads, “While no helmet can protect you from injuries 100%, wearing our MAGA helmet will greatly increase your chances of surviving a violent encounter.”


091516 No.2165948

File: aba30111f5327d1⋯.png (90.47 KB, 642x592, 321:296, ClipboardImage.png)


Could be why they were searching the jungle above ground for "entrances" from above so that they could possibly be airlifted out. How the fuck do they airlift someone from a cave? Side note, the quarantine from their parents due to "cave disease" sounds like a complete bullshit story to cover for some brainwashing.

a3d73a No.2165949

I've been wondering about that boat explosion in the Bahamas….

Avid Ballet Dancer Loses Legs in Bahamas Tour Boat Explosion

RUTLAND, Vt. (AP) — A woman who used to be an avid ballet dancer suffered serious injuries in a deadly Bahamas tour boat explosion and had her lower legs amputated.

Stephanie Schaffer, a 22-year-old student at Castleton University, was among nine people injured when the boat exploded Saturday , killing a Georgia woman.

Schaffer also suffered broken arms, a fractured spine and internal injuries, The Rutland Herald reported. Her mother suffered a fractured lower right leg, a shattered left ankle, a fractured wrist and broken ribs.

Cherokee County school officials say 39-year-old Maleka Jackson and her husband, Tiran, were among 10 people on the boat when it blew up about 9 a.m. Saturday.

News outlets report video filmed from a nearby boat showed tourists jumping into the water in an attempt to rescue passengers in the burning boat. The footage also showed thick, black smoke pouring into the sky and large flames shooting from the boat.

Jackson is the former president of the Mill Creek Middle School PTSA in Woodstock. According to a Facebook post, she and her husband were celebrating their 15th wedding anniversary.

Relatives and friends were trying to help Schaffer’s family through an online fundraising campaign that had raised $105,000 by Tuesday.

“Thank you to all of you who have followed and supported, the family is deeply humbled by all the love,” said a post on the page.

Authorities in the Bahamas are working to determine what caused the fire minutes into a day trip around the small islands near Great Exuma.

The U.S. Coast Guard airlifted four Americans to Florida for treatment while six people were treated in Nassau.



Cherokee County school officials said 39-year-old Maleka Jackson and her husband, Tiran, were among 10 people on the boat when it blew up about 9 a.m. Saturday off the coast of Exuma, which is 130 miles south of Nassau. The cause of the explosion remains under investigation.


00e648 No.2165950


Just after Trump won, right after Christmas, I shut down the HS girl that broke my heart so hard she ended up calling the cops. LOL

0d12c4 No.2165951


Families, cameras waves, smiiles… regular Trump rally

9d933d No.2165952

File: 271e365fdcfaf4c⋯.jpg (131.64 KB, 702x825, 234:275, j control everything even ….JPG)

File: b94a6da15935726⋯.jpeg (52.01 KB, 536x274, 268:137, j the goal of abolishing ….jpeg)

File: a00200a9e49865f⋯.jpg (85.74 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, j w o them there would hav….jpg)

joo knows the truth, why don't you?

e4564f No.2165953

File: 78e08d7a1334644⋯.png (277.42 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


iwas just about to post this

found this in bread #2370




ce97ee No.2165954


How about you try


before telling others to GTFO?


9964b1 No.2165955

File: 3cd41ef721f45e2⋯.jpg (115.13 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, kiakif.jpg)


It's a shame she'll be wearing a burqa soon.

586b28 No.2165956


Pedophilia is a obamanation!

32d227 No.2165957


kek, fake news

81df30 No.2165958


The thing is we don't really even know that she is a traitor. She could have been a double agent, as they say.

But, yea I'll wait for it all to come out.

3ed61f No.2165959

File: 3ad4a2b3632bec5⋯.png (5.47 KB, 129x141, 43:47, trumptroll.png)


I really have no idea…I just put the meme together for another anon. kek

b9775f No.2165960

File: ed20f3e03856cb1⋯.jpg (112.09 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, hearst_castle_indoor_pool_….jpg)

File: 943c42ac9c6e0ac⋯.jpg (258.05 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, the-roman-pool-at-hearst-c….jpg)


That view is one shallow alcove of the pool.

f34f32 No.2165961


prolly some newfag knows posting anti-pr0n only gets more pr0n..which means newfag wants more pr0n. KEK.

d9ac0c No.2165962

File: 8d21924660b0d1d⋯.jpeg (302.93 KB, 2528x2334, 1264:1167, 7DEC1666-7C05-4D81-98A8-4….jpeg)


We are Q.


Yours truly,


“Mom!!! Meatloaf!! Meatloaf Mom!!!” - Wedding Crashers

1cf072 No.2165963

File: e2d781451f4d5e0⋯.jpg (18.68 KB, 255x234, 85:78, d0ca656eefcd436157c22b71aa….jpg)

Well, Well.

Ladies & Gentlemen.

Right when the Lights went up & Aisle doors were opening for the Fans to exit the theater, a lamp hits the top of the mic.

The face we see back on stage.

James "FUCKING" Woods!


5de226 No.2165964


>the poo not in loo.

lmfao No, the poo is in Congress!

7dc7c1 No.2165965


Of course, but funny!

4c28f6 No.2165966


What timeframe was PS out of scope on his Counterintelligence scope polygraph.

If he was "out of Scope" but did not fail he would have been put under surveillance .. Enter Lisa Page…

a3d73a No.2165969

California Democratic Party Snubs Feinstein, Endorses Rival

The California Democratic Party snubbed U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein on Saturday by handing its official endorsement and a badly needed boost to state Sen. Kevin de Leon, her longshot Democratic challenger.

In backing de Leon, a majority of the party's 360-member executive board ignored Feinstein's calls to stay neutral in the race. Her allies had warned an endorsement would create an intraparty squabble that could detract from important down-ballot races.


32d227 No.2165970


& not a bad idea. I smell an opportunity!

f34f32 No.2165971


again, lrn2crop

find what you want, hit prt sc key top left. open paint. hit paste. crop out your fucking browser, save as, post for the win…cause right now all you are is newfag.

00e648 No.2165972

846626 No.2165973

9dec22 No.2165974

File: 388856dabb1b4b4⋯.jpg (231.22 KB, 828x830, 414:415, WWG1WGA.jpg)


Fungus really needs to reconcile his narcissism, this is indeed a research board but the thing is, it isn't an extension of his office and it doesn't start with him. Anons from all over come here, different opinions breed new ideas and information is available for those anons to seek some truth, if they decide to look which they should for their own sake. I gave Fungus that pic back when he was being less of a faggot, anons will grow and expand their thinking as they should.

80dae9 No.2165975

File: 6f766332e3fea5b⋯.jpg (39.21 KB, 550x550, 1:1, 6f766332e3fea5bca1ac6c1d0a….jpg)


Don't you have to go pretend you have a retarded brother? I don't think you said it enough before. Maybe if you keep crying about it, you really WILL get a retarded brother!!

e4564f No.2165976


june 20 is :15

june 23 is :18

anything for deltasfags?

clockfag just delta'd the :07 and the 6/12

10f7db No.2165978

File: 912ad95710d5b14⋯.png (759.71 KB, 868x498, 434:249, clueless.png)

7dc7c1 No.2165979


Go for it

00e648 No.2165980


>Side note, the quarantine from their parents due to "cave disease" sounds like a complete bullshit story to cover for some brainwashing.

Yeah, I thought that was strange too. They didn't go to the moon.

389ccb No.2165981


If your butthurt ego would drop the namefagging, you could be just another anon.

But you can't, so you won't. You're just another distraction now, too bad you refuse to see that.

Don't bother to reply, you're on automatic filter now. If you become an anon again, I'll see what you have to say.

0ee437 No.2165982


Wendy needs to sew their shadows back on

586b28 No.2165983


Sorry for the shit post, my bad.

61a94d No.2165984


The entire thai cave story is rife with bullshit.

f34f32 No.2165985


KEK…snubbed by poofs in fancy hats…awe.

846626 No.2165986




Linked wrong post. kek

ae2afe No.2165987

File: 07075d9539d1d48⋯.jpg (19.75 KB, 255x194, 255:194, 0d5b6174003b0522cd6aee67bc….jpg)



803e2a No.2165988

Twitter Suspends ‘Guccifer 2.0’ Account After Mueller Indictment

Twitter has suspended Guccifer 2.0, the account allegedly used by Russian military intelligence officials who were indicted Friday as part of the special counsel’s investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential campaign.

http ://dailycaller.com/2018/07/14/twitter-suspends-guccifer-account/

7fd894 No.2165989

File: 8e315cc600e6f40⋯.png (32.45 KB, 346x216, 173:108, justice.PNG)

c05887 No.2165990

File: 875a1306bd11707⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 466.87 KB, 639x900, 71:100, 81422a30b073855b19ae8dda6a….png)


What porn?

59f845 No.2165991

Just wanna throw it out there since im not seeing any new notables- Did the Anon speaking with Busta Rhymes come out of it safely??

Any news on that?

85f191 No.2165993

>>2165972 not sure, but is it a message re a possible FF or something to put us on notice. They have never posted anything like this

620f7f No.2165994

anons still debating over RR, congress, and documents. this isn't difficult to understand… the ongoing battle in congress over access to documents is THEATER. why is everyone stressed out over CONGRESS having access to documents and evidence that they will be able to LEAK and MISREPRESENT. WHY do anons want CONGRESS to have access to documents and evidence that IMPLICATE many of them? the only reason you would want this is if we didn't have HUBER…. and we DO.

so again… why is everyone shitting themselves over giving documents to a bunch of people who have NO PROSECUTORIAL POWER…. when we already know that the people with the POWER TO ACT on those documents/evidence HAVE THEM.

7dc7c1 No.2165995


Make sure it has a GoPro attachment…

1cf072 No.2165996




8500d3 No.2165997

File: dde833eb9852499⋯.png (57.25 KB, 760x639, 760:639, dde833eb9852499de3f360cb0d….png)


we also don't come here to be faggots but yet here you are

ae2afe No.2165998

File: 8d7476817cd4e83⋯.png (657.88 KB, 765x821, 765:821, ClipboardImage.png)

ae027c No.2165999


Holy Shit!

I've seen these group of statements before!

In the past week or so I KNOW i've read them on this board. I think they were all associated with a Potus Schedule Announcement, not positive.

5de226 No.2166000

Ivanka Trump’s Clothing Line Pulled From Yet Another Department Store

Hudson’s Bay’s decision should not come as a surprise to Canadians. According to the Guardian, an activist group called the “Peeved Beavers” have been leading demonstrations against the store over the past year. And, of course, it has also been faced with the ultimate kiss of death for any fashion line — poor brand performance


e4564f No.2166001





first one i see shill seal

lets see what other posts you got…


not too crabby

wont filter just yet

00e648 No.2166002


>In January 2016, Peter Strzok had an out of scope polygraph.


bebc75 No.2166003

File: 4d2e8f8a960ca20⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 2048x1285, 2048:1285, 7709.jpg)

c05887 No.2166004

File: 2b0b31fe30fdd67⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 25.09 KB, 330x479, 330:479, 2b0b31fe30fdd6789796220626….jpg)

File: 4667a536f274898⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 783.72 KB, 1573x1013, 1573:1013, e749a4932e46cc8e77c0b739a2….jpg)

File: be35c6b57ab3f8b⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 542.86 KB, 487x700, 487:700, b7ac3a626fa79cb047180c84fa….png)


>We don't come here for porn

Oh, and who is this "We" you mention? Is that your proper name? Because I KNOW you're not trying to speak for everyone, right?

4c28f6 No.2166006

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Peter Strzok was "Out of Scope" on his Counterintelligence Scope Polygraph in JANUARY of 2016… Enter.. Lisa Page

486360 No.2166008


People should mind their own religion. If you want to persuade somebody, live it. That's what Jesus did, that's what St. Paul said to do.

981b0c No.2166009

File: 5c65b2fa5fe6049⋯.jpg (30.82 KB, 366x650, 183:325, bronfman sis.jpg)



as much as was learned about golden triangle

on this board…not buying msm story.

3bd3d0 No.2166010


'We the People' 3 times…

There was a Q post…can't find it in spreadsheets now…many thought it was about starting a petition on 'we the people' petition site..

'We the People' 3 times in a row.

I know I saw that post.

07aa01 No.2166011

File: 6132b3083203407⋯.jpg (168.74 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, HillaryNoosesQuote1.jpg)

File: f2bc25ef1c3694f⋯.jpg (186.45 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, HillaryNoosesQuote2.jpg)

File: ed6ec9bee52e8b6⋯.jpg (191.28 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, HillaryNoosesQuote3.jpg)

File: a60609241ee662e⋯.jpg (150.32 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, HillaryNoosesQuote4.jpg)

File: dd77c5abbfc74f5⋯.jpg (130.33 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, HillaryNoosesQuote5.jpg)

85e5a3 No.2166012

File: b0decee44fac35e⋯.jpg (130.38 KB, 1000x1100, 10:11, lethal-weapon-4-martin-rig….jpg)


I dont care if it is him or not tbh. I just like making him squirm while hes fiending for a (you)

If he's just going to divisionfag and concerntoll the board theres no reason not to fuck with him every so often.

Wait my bad misgendered it for a sec.

d56bf9 No.2166013

File: 514c20f49eda547⋯.jpg (144.64 KB, 1024x585, 1024:585, 1-126-1024x585.jpg)

When looking at this and seeing how close the Syrian Army is to liberating this part of Syria (technically all of Syria is now liberated) anyone else think that little black patch of ISIS right near the border of Israel and once that is liberated.

"Q - We're Saving Israel For Last."

That springs to mind

d246c6 No.2166014

File: 9245a7f831ffc47⋯.jpeg (82.65 KB, 1020x732, 85:61, strkzlisa.jpeg)


If he's not on her team, does that mean "gay"

How could she lure him into an affair if he's gay.

Sounds like a cover story.

Quite a mystery. He's not normal. She's likely not hundred percent either.

3c575f No.2166015


Fungus is extremely to the point. Good man, but for moderating he was jumping overboard. Maybe Fungus needs his own board where extreme diggers can hangout, and anybody that comes in and starts fucking off or shit posting, they get banned. It would be a very small and focused group (positive), but lacking greater diversity of ideas (negative). Perhaps these two boards would work in tandem. Extreme Digger Board pops in here with newfags and shitposters to free up their writer's block?

a3d73a No.2166016

2 dead after plane crash near La Porte neighborhood

Two people were killed after a small plane crashed Sunday morning near a La Porte neighborhood.

An Experimental Kolb Twinstar III was heading into the north side of the La Porte Municipal Airport just before 10 a.m. when it went down about 300 yards from the end of the runway, according to the Federal Aviation Administration.

Officials didn't immediately say what caused the crash in a pipeline easement in the 11000 block of North Avenue H - but the plane was completely destroyed in the wreck.


07aa01 No.2166017

File: 19fdc1f62a289f3⋯.jpg (162.69 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, HillaryNoosesQuote6.jpg)

File: 649dfe235697d28⋯.jpg (146.6 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, HillaryNoosesQuote7.jpg)

File: 34744ac65181158⋯.jpg (214.73 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, HillaryNoosesQuote8.jpg)

File: 6acf7b860e8dd2e⋯.jpg (144.97 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, HillaryNoosesQuote9.jpg)

80dae9 No.2166018


Before I finish reading that, Which is true then? The meme that I've seen a billion times that says it was quoting an email from the DNC leaked emails(which by the way I've never found on Wikileaks)

Or this?

My point as of right now is that meme gets posted all over Twitter all the time & it has fake source info on it.

That gives us all a bad look.

(Not saying it was you that posted it obviously)

Ok, I'll go back to reading the rest

f34f32 No.2166019


THIS one always kills me..that and the gif with the jacket. KEK.

00e648 No.2166021


I thought Cleveland was supposed to go boom a few weeks ago?

803e2a No.2166022


guccifer 2 ? Jack is Gucifer 2 ?



4c28f6 No.2166023

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>2166006 Sorry This is the correct Vid

Peter Strzok was "Out of Scope" on his Counterintelligence Scope Polygraph in JANUARY of 2016… Enter.. Lisa Page

d56bf9 No.2166024



ef4713 No.2166025


BO lied to have me removed so the Clowns can flood the board with shit.

They wanted this to be a quiet take over.

I got loud.

Where's the ego? I'm just letting you all know what happened because board compromises have happened in the past.

f34f32 No.2166026


>People should mind their own religion.

exactly. not doing so only starts endless arguments. AHO!

81df30 No.2166027

Most of the anons know that any porn posted more than 5 minutes after a new bake is meant as a distratraction, and to trigger certain anons.

5ed803 No.2166028

Guise, I firmly believe the raw video may be the HRC exploding after the Matt Lauer famous interview….you can see her boiling while he asks her unscripted questions

486360 No.2166029


Cant wait to see the new generation of great French Painters, Authors and Composers. Haha

07aa01 No.2166030


No it was misquoted all over the net that it was an email to Donna Brazile but I researched it before making these memes and the sauce on the memes is the best I was able to find. If someone says it was an email, they will be proven wrong and embarrassed.



ae2afe No.2166031


I remember seeing that too! But can't find it now.

803e2a No.2166033


the laugh test


does not pass the laugh test


fdf181 No.2166034


Hmmm, she did text PS some hatefully crafted, anti-Tump slams.

Was deebly concerned about Trump winning.

Sleezy deal maker, IMO.

620f7f No.2166035

File: b4276b32999fa68⋯.png (338.27 KB, 694x495, 694:495, Screen Shot 2018-07-15 at ….png)


i guess things are calm in helsinki

188f22 No.2166036


kek JUST made that one, have the .png

see: >>2165924

d246c6 No.2166037


Right it is all the same depth for the whole pool. One of the reasons it was said no one used it.

f90b81 No.2166038

File: ad14ecd159524e9⋯.mp4 (10.81 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, LEAVE ME ALONE!.mp4)

a26563 No.2166039

File: 5510c1ad2ca7db6⋯.jpg (148.95 KB, 500x668, 125:167, 2e2hss.jpg)

File: 78acbf6d94a2a88⋯.jpg (153.42 KB, 766x1024, 383:512, DiKmjnCVQAAnzdr.jpg large.jpg)

Ready when Q are, patriots

ef4713 No.2166040


Trust me, if the team that David has couldn't get me to squirm you have no chance ; )

9dec22 No.2166041


It is what it is. Hate that phrase but it fits.


He/she/it has their own board and this is part of why it's divisionfagging here. The board failed to take off and fungus has been here ever since, accosting BO/BVs of being JIDF and everything else under the sun. We need to stick together, we're all heading to the same ending whether we like it or not.

9964b1 No.2166042



c1c3ae No.2166043

File: 6c1ed03c8e9cab0⋯.png (64.75 KB, 580x318, 290:159, ClipboardImage.png)

10f7db No.2166044

File: ed4d7f59dbfd463⋯.png (308.42 KB, 408x491, 408:491, stroker.png)

d246c6 No.2166045


Looks like those lamp posts could be used to hang things from?

8e57e2 No.2166046

File: 652e5c2fe1458c7⋯.png (200.41 KB, 1086x906, 181:151, www_fortheloveoffreedom_ne….png)



803e2a No.2166047



LL stopped NYPD before

Comey stopped NYPD

00e648 No.2166048




Nowhere in qanon.pub

213c36 No.2166049


It must have really torn agent Kaplan to quit representing Mr. Woods now that no fees are coming in (since Hollywood won't give him any more work).

Mr. Kaplan, do something truly patriotic and donate all earned fees to The Humane Society. Fucking prick. It's more likely he was told he would not be getting any more party invites until he let James go.

81df30 No.2166050


If the report about her melt down after the Lauer is true, it also shows that Donna Brazille has balls of fucking steel.

I am truly wondering about her now.

cb9f7e No.2166051

File: 4ed1fb0f71b8715⋯.jpg (93.12 KB, 851x1068, 851:1068, Antifungalsmom.jpg)

would nasty stinky refuges even want to fuck this stupid ass white bitch?

188f22 No.2166052


the ffffffffuck.. hilarious!

3c575f No.2166053


My Snek though! KEK!

188f22 No.2166054


love the snek!

556fbe No.2166055


Key phrases being removed? I remember it too.

3ed61f No.2166056

>>2165912 Body Language: Peter Strzok Congressional Hearing

baker notable

9964b1 No.2166057


Think low IQ individuals.

5ed803 No.2166058


Watch the water

486360 No.2166059


ICE should do round-ups at all these rallies. Check papers, take appropriate actions.


c1c3ae No.2166060


Strzoker Face


620f7f No.2166061


it's photoshopped

59f845 No.2166063


No updates from busta anon?

22d6c3 No.2166064

File: 2972545cb8f7512⋯.png (333.58 KB, 637x700, 91:100, Stealth Jeff re Page 7-15-….PNG)


bf98bf No.2166065

Starting to doubt this whole Mueller Is A White Hat theory. I think Q is likely real, but we are in the middle of some crazy psyop none of us are likely to ever understand. I think the majority of the information put out on here is likely misinformation, although the end result may wind up being the same (i.e. lock them all up).

ef4713 No.2166066


They accused me of all that and more.

The facts are clear: BO lied.

Then all communication channels were cut and the newly invited clowns dogpiled me on every post.

To the lurkers I'm talking too, we all know what happened.

3bd3d0 No.2166067



was it around the time Baruch was deleting posts and threads?

7fd894 No.2166068

File: 6942d4c1875ba14⋯.png (19.22 KB, 453x335, 453:335, we the people.PNG)


Don't know what's going on in this conversation, but there is a comma after we, which may be the reason you couldn't find it.

77af19 No.2166069

File: e217a5a3847cd48⋯.jpg (151.46 KB, 580x478, 290:239, akjshdkjashdkja.jpg)

That was a nice play

f34f32 No.2166070


>I knew it was fucking a rebirth story.

(don't tell them about the mystery in the cave…with neeked jeebus and a neeked young man…secret gospel of mark) (KEK)

NOPE it was a traditional team initiation thing common in the area where the kids run to the back of the cave, write their names on the wall and walk out. Why on earth would anyone go into a dead end cave to traffic kids, as for rebirthing rituals, usually shaman perform those, not soccer coaches.

OTOH western pedo men thrive in Thailand….which is likely what Elon was referring to. It's not a fucking secret.

brit divers who found the boys (and you can clearly see in the video that at the time they were found they were huddled on a rock shelf above the water) are world famous cave experts and do NOT live in Thailand. Take your thirst for perversion back to GLP, ATS, and deddit.

c8e1a0 No.2166071


I think you finally found Borat's brother, the one who he kept locked in the basement.

bebc75 No.2166072

File: 413255661ebb365⋯.jpg (628.25 KB, 1920x1047, 640:349, 6291.jpg)

80dae9 No.2166073


Ummm….Didn't you say this EXACTLY, word for word?

WTF. Are they just taking quotes from here??

ae027c No.2166074


Is this the view inside Epstein Island Temple?

586b28 No.2166075

File: cac85d6237b4c77⋯.jpg (139.63 KB, 736x916, 184:229, Yeah!.jpg)

File: 210e0ead723f84c⋯.png (1.12 MB, 691x800, 691:800, crime.png)



'Despicable' fraud costs NHS in England £1bn a year!


9964b1 No.2166076


POTUS helped the ruse by mocking her on twatter.

3bd3d0 No.2166077


I'm not crazy.

'We the People' 3 times in a row…

Damned if I can find it anywhere tho.

92f088 No.2166078


I've been inside that consulate. It's a beautiful building. It has a movie theatre downstairs.

ae2afe No.2166080

File: 71f76ac67af429f⋯.png (11.35 KB, 465x368, 465:368, ClipboardImage.png)



4e2c05 No.2166081



>>2165454, >>2165836 Planefag Updates

>>2165500 Child Abuse in India

>>2165548 James Woods Trolling Tweets

>>2165550 HRC Speech, sooo Tired

>>2165554 This Piece Of Paper Was Robert Mueller’s Evidence Against Trump

>>2165588 James Woods Under Fire

>>2165606 Hussein in Kenya

>>2165652 Clockfag Update

>>2165659 President Trump 'Snubbed' By Prince Charles And Prince William

>>2165791 With Russian meddling back in the news, we wonder about closed SF consulate

>>2165860, >>2165887 FBI Veterans Blast Strzok

>>2165912 Body Language: Peter Strzok Congressional Hearing

>>2165969 California Democratic Party Snubs Feinstein, Endorses Rival

>>2166016 2 dead after plane crash near La Porte neighborhood

d23c7b No.2166082


It's funny how all of these liberal elites can't take criticism at all without angry but Trump who has had about 2 years of it without losing his temper is the narcissist.

556fbe No.2166083


4x… 4 fingers?

80dae9 No.2166084

File: 723d52bf9bc8105⋯.png (28.18 KB, 200x202, 100:101, thumb_hey-girl-did-you-get….png)

9ce611 No.2166085


Godfather III

>>just when I thought I was out they pull me back in

82fe08 No.2166086


Def planned. Q said she was already cooperating in past post on list of "resigned/fired" list

f34f32 No.2166087


she's pretty

486360 No.2166088


The demoncrat Chief of Security of the Senate Intelligence Committee has been arrested, Harvey Jewstein, and the Nvxivm people. Backpage.com, and thousands of child molestors and traffickers, and who know how many illegal immigrants.

4e2c05 No.2166090


58f10b No.2166091

File: cd257a854e48f99⋯.jpg (260.56 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, CroatiaWithPutin.jpg)

It's the day before your big summit meeting with POTUS. So, how do you spend it? By partying with the Croatia Prime Hottie and her boys that's how!

ae57e3 No.2166092

File: e722f8ceba15c40⋯.png (34.22 KB, 911x512, 911:512, Q5-10-160252.png)

File: a697f676f7cbccd⋯.png (27.08 KB, 441x311, 441:311, ClipboardImage.png)




helps if you include the comma

d9ac0c No.2166093




R = 18

“It’s in the hole.” - Caddyshack

3bd3d0 No.2166095


holy shit thank you Anon…

Thought I was losing my mind.

486360 No.2166097


Because actors are SO well-informed, educated and generally intelligent.

3bd3d0 No.2166098


Thanks Anon…

00e648 No.2166099




That damn comma!

b9775f No.2166100




"Hearst Castle" in California

f90b81 No.2166101


I am still looking for that one of young Chelsea Clinton what looks to be holding her breath in front of Bill with the caption "It's okay, you can swallow. I'm not your real dad."

a17f06 No.2166102


You wrote.. who are you Anon

9964b1 No.2166103


Baker, please consider calm water photo in Helsinki.

f34f32 No.2166104


heya fungus, you're constantly telling us we don't know something…important. Now, we've all seen your (cough) "proofs" of how you protected us, and many many of us have suffered your unwarranted JIDF sponsored bans.

However, if you have other information, say, on who is running this op (for reals), then I'm listening. Otherwise, I've seen your shit…and you've got nothing but vague threats…either put up or shut up.

586b28 No.2166105


Hope you wiped your feet!

684b73 No.2166106


Right up until Page testified, Strzok was convinced she was his lover. He guessed wrong

272a00 No.2166108

File: 278d6b7655302f2⋯.png (63.56 KB, 1232x190, 616:95, Screen Shot 2018-07-15 at ….png)

File: 06fad411632dbef⋯.png (571.11 KB, 804x1937, 804:1937, Spinal_Tap_Christmas_Not_F….png)


maybe it has something to do with the actor doing to the voice over - Harry Shear.. and Rob Reiner and Spinal Tap

4e2c05 No.2166109


Post next Bread please.

4c28f6 No.2166110

File: fca5a91d41326e2⋯.png (466.23 KB, 1008x612, 28:17, OOS.png)

81df30 No.2166111


Thats just wrong, man.

ae2afe No.2166112


Yes, I searched for just "the people" and found it!

5e0f11 No.2166113


It's almost as if the machinations of the retaliation they are planning for each republican on the committee are running through his head as he sits there entertaining the crowd with his psychotic facial expressions…..

22d6c3 No.2166115



No one owes Fungus a thing or any consideration at all




f90b81 No.2166116


Most wrong meme I have ever seen and I NEED a copy of that GOLD.

684b73 No.2166117

File: ac5cf7193dd11bd⋯.jpg (229 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, Helsinki.jpg)

682107 No.2166118

File: 81f6cedcb0d0aad⋯.png (278.3 KB, 681x491, 681:491, ClipboardImage.png)









^^^these guys suck at searc, or are lying to start accusations

see >>2166080

blind fuckers

0b9048 No.2166120


>They accused me of all that and more.

>The facts are clear: BO lied.

You were perm-banning over dumb stuff is the common perception.

486360 No.2166121



Awan was arrested. Be a better idiot. Be the best idiot.

f34f32 No.2166122


>Fucking idiots. Fell hard for the QLARP, didn't ya?

maybe…and in time, without further Qfood, the boomers will return to their FB homes. But right now, it's still comfy in here, and will get even MOAR so when they're gone. So..patience. Or not.

bfec40 No.2166124

File: 3ca6d5e79b7f600⋯.png (1.06 MB, 800x800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

is it my imagination or is this a pedo symbol Richard Harris is wearing. He's the one whose father died

90a3c8 No.2166125



>EXCLUSIVE: Podesta Was Board Member Of Firms Linked To Russian Investors


>Rusnano was a special company formed by decree at the direction of Putin. A small group of Putin cronies called the “Kooperative Ozero” masterminded the takeover of big swaths of the Russian economy.


>The Ozero group are eight men — including Putin — who owned expensive dachas on a lake outside of St. Petersburg. They now run state-owned banks, the news media and oil and gas companies.

>“Chubais was in charge of the whole privatization process during the 1990’s under Yeltsin which was notoriously corrupt,” he told TheDCNF. “Billions of dollars in property changed hands under conditions that were unethical, illegal, criminal.

NOTABLES on Podesta with links to business with Russia

3c575f No.2166127

File: ace98ba0dc8d770⋯.png (889.32 KB, 988x702, 38:27, Screenshot_101.png)

3bd3d0 No.2166128


fuck you

486360 No.2166130


Soetero became and Indonesian citizen and never repatriated. He attended college as a foreign student. He was ineligible and a fake President. Muslim plant.

682107 No.2166131


Yeah yeah, re_read crumbs, & you won't have that problem

f34f32 No.2166132


I love this more each time I see it. Blatant disregard for America wearing that shirt. KEK. DAME MAS! POR FAVOR!

9964b1 No.2166133


Col. Mustard, in the library, with a candelabra?

5de226 No.2166134

File: c7af5b7e8dd4364⋯.png (41.13 KB, 1174x301, 1174:301, ClipboardImage.png)

04cef1 No.2166135

File: e7392b6d4e55ee3⋯.jpg (2.31 MB, 3844x7256, 961:1814, 16 YEAR PLAN TO DESTROY AM….jpg)

>>2164817 (lb)

Mapfag here. I saw your post while playing catchup anon. I'll dig over the next couple of days and get the map updated with this info and pass your digz on to GoogleDocsanon for his use. It's relaxing Sunday for me with a big work week coming up so I'm not doing much today. Amazingly helpful treasure trove in your post. Thank you.

868e37 No.2166137

File: 59f08b51de86e7b⋯.gif (9.91 KB, 600x180, 10:3, english-gematria.gif)




2 2 5 4 7 2 4 = 26


5 2 2 1 1 6 6 3 = 26

10 16

The cult is trying to make him the dark lord or something I think.

So yea this makes since he'd be pissed that the diver fucked up his ritual.

ef4713 No.2166138


Your assumption that the clowns bring anything of value to the board is wrong.

80dae9 No.2166139


The way I heard it, he implied that it WAS removed, but recently given back to him.

The person stated, you have security clearance right.(not exact)

But he answers: "Well, I do NOW." and then laughed.

To which the senator replied, "but you had it during the investigation though, correct?"

Strzok answered yes.

That jumped out at me big time.

92f088 No.2166140

>>2166124 Just an Inca style "P."

3c575f No.2166141


I think it's a logo for Peru, That's where he is at.

The Spiral is an ancient symbol that has a few different meanings, none of which has anything to do with pedophilia.

Path of the Creator.

Path of Migration.

Path of the Sun…and so forth.

3bd3d0 No.2166143



lick my fucking balls…

I left out the fucking comma…so eat a pile of my shit.

07aa01 No.2166144

File: 5832a71067fa8f3⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1265x1198, 1265:1198, MsPointa-USA.png)


>No one owes Fungus a thing or any consideration at all



556fbe No.2166145


My bad- didn't realize the comma was necessary to search. Feel dumb.

80a1b9 No.2166146

File: cd25e565f689097⋯.png (176.87 KB, 325x467, 325:467, Kolb Twinstar 2018-07-15_2….png)

File: 9bb4aac205e0c3a⋯.jpg (89.27 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 1st recon.jpg)


Kolb Twinstar III is a very small homebuild ultralight plane. This is most probably a non-spoopy event/crash.

5c534a No.2166147


CONFIRMED! They weren't invited.

3c575f No.2166148


Agree. Precisely. No nefarious pedo shit there.

7fd894 No.2166149

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You're welcome Anon.

f34f32 No.2166150


>hit is going down this week & after talking to Putin info is going to come to light.

There is a reason the dems went insane once they found out GEOTUS was meeting with Putin alone…wonder who the spy they were counting on to leak the meeting info is…because there has to be one…has to be otherwise…well common sense. Who is it?

684b73 No.2166151


Cultural appropriation then

a3d73a No.2166152

Just when I think (((they))) cant get any more ludicrous.

Hillary Clinton Says Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh Could Bring Back Slavery


92f088 No.2166153

>>2166105 It's all marble on the lobby floor.

ef4713 No.2166154


1200+ hashs of every spammer we had was used to narrow down the bans.

Again, the 'random banning' fake news in full.

5c447a No.2166157


Yeah yeah yeah, re_read crumbs, & you won't have that problem

486360 No.2166158


>A female NBC executive said that Donna Brazile looked at Mrs. Clinton and never flinched

When you have an 85 iq, it takes awhile for words to sink in.

188f22 No.2166159

File: 15a12cc45d370dc⋯.png (288.84 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)




I think its in relation to the Nazca lines

ae2afe No.2166160

File: 2316885024b2134⋯.png (31.1 KB, 302x889, 302:889, ClipboardImage.png)

10f7db No.2166161

File: 2fb34c37a1e18e5⋯.png (991.41 KB, 644x881, 644:881, borat.png)

f34f32 No.2166162


kek..newfag is new…doesn't realize cursor is tool of revelation :D

bebc75 No.2166163

File: 610e99ed959f08e⋯.jpg (47.71 KB, 500x334, 250:167, 5744.jpg)

c93554 No.2166164


Kek. Stupid 80s movie but I liked it

5ed803 No.2166165


Vince Foster…..she's scared

f90b81 No.2166166

File: 6d0ef8d499df4c7⋯.jpg (35.21 KB, 620x400, 31:20, b6dd9ef7f2dd0535ef8e3f3724….jpg)

df7ed2 No.2166168


Hey sweetie, it doesn't sound like you'll be any more likeable as a woman as you were as a man.

Maybe it's time to taking up streetwalking or something.

3c575f No.2166169


Could definitely be. Just a cultural symbol to pull

in tourism. Capitalism!

12d483 No.2166171

File: f993b0860847cd3⋯.jpg (46.7 KB, 474x329, 474:329, churchillclinton.jpg)


I wonder what is the symbolism of Churchill [ very masonic name; it is said ]

Churchill didn't really end the War and now Trump will finish it?

Some claim "Jefferson Clinton" is the bastard of Churchill ?

5c447a No.2166173


It happens, don't kick yourself. The more familiar you are w. the crumbs, less likely to lose anything

9964b1 No.2166174


I'm not your real dad. Now swallow.

f90b81 No.2166175

File: c967573d66d6062⋯.jpg (188.82 KB, 1400x1706, 700:853, ZEBHFVRC7CZIYR4QRWQMLASFTQ.jpg)

f34f32 No.2166176


>He's never coming back.

who cares if he does or not? He said we have it all, he also said INDEPENDENCE DAY..if he comes back, fine, if not, enjoy the show. Only those who are insecure and need constant handholding…worry about whether or not Q posts again.

486360 No.2166177


In a few years, you will see her aged out and you'll be almost horrified. Believe me, I've seen it a lot. A woman aged 35+, no thanks. Crazed and done.

1f5c54 No.2166178

File: f0df04ecc7d91d0⋯.jpg (179.85 KB, 615x764, 615:764, likeaboss.jpg)

ae2afe No.2166179

File: c85590cffa92fa3⋯.png (149.92 KB, 812x384, 203:96, ClipboardImage.png)

You need to look closer!!!

That was me that found it and me that said I couldn't find it earlier.

The key was the comma that we were not putting in the search.

I changed my search to just "the people" and found it.

3c575f No.2166181

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I liked the titts of that one stupid blond chick.

Duke duke duke

Duke of oil oil oil!

22d6c3 No.2166182

File: feccb80667efee9⋯.png (48.38 KB, 645x508, 645:508, Schwartz to Corn 7-15-18.PNG)

355e67 No.2166183

File: a43b77475d2b3e7⋯.png (16.69 KB, 224x255, 224:255, 5a9491fa07a6190b90573780be….png)


BOOM!~ Truth BOMB!

684b73 No.2166184


Webb Hubbell would be proud of her

486360 No.2166185



21dcce No.2166186

File: 83d6ede48cc597a⋯.png (882.89 KB, 1146x876, 191:146, ClipboardImage.png)

Terror Expert Compares Reaction of Trump's Russia Efforts to Obama's: ‘It's Glaring Hypocrisy’


0d12c4 No.2166187

5c447a No.2166188


The Q party is NEVER over, as long as we have 1.681 crumbs. You can leave if you want to though, no one except maybe your boss is keeping you here

486360 No.2166190


Lemmee guess: He's a lying deep state shillcrook.

f90b81 No.2166191

File: ef1444ca4863982⋯.jpg (47.46 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 2e13vv.jpg)

80dae9 No.2166194


It's been stated multiple times that they made Mr. Burns based off of Rothschild

3bd3d0 No.2166195


Good work…I was one that couldn't find it at first too…

Only thing these fucktards know how to say is 're-read the crumbs'.

684b73 No.2166196


Corned beef

586b28 No.2166199


Sounds cool though, I have Russian friends, friend who is an engineer educated for free in Russia on exchange program, my brother is MI, speaks russian and loves it there, I myself have high regard for Russia. Just pissed at what dems have done to SF!

f90b81 No.2166202

File: 8fb10b8f0399a8b⋯.jpg (77.68 KB, 500x671, 500:671, 2e1z5a.jpg)

9a4e7e No.2166203


My understanding is they were not invited, as this article grudgingly states…at the end.

50899c No.2166204


Wrong. It motivates many to dig harder and be more resolute.

Go away loser.

21dcce No.2166205

File: cefdf62f54a9c44⋯.png (600.84 KB, 1154x720, 577:360, ClipboardImage.png)

Guess that lyin' Chuck read the 4am talking points about trying to sabotage POTUS meeting with Putin.

486360 No.2166206


It's not underground and there's tons of room to lounge around.

f38b0c No.2166207



Where's the thread to discuss that 72 year old anti-jew guy who wanted to burn down the jews?

932d9e No.2166208


Homer Simpson looks like Jeff Zucker !!

2d7e62 No.2166209

File: a0816484a14c8ad⋯.jpg (75.69 KB, 496x516, 124:129, chariot.jpg)

92f088 No.2166210


>Just pissed at what dems have done to SF!

Me, too. Believe me.

5c1973 No.2166212



Top one is 757, other one is 737

4e2c05 No.2166213

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

27e036 No.2166214

File: 9eea9925bc9304e⋯.png (829.47 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 3E1AA69C-2CD4-49F3-9C09-36….png)

File: b1ca0e196ac4e56⋯.png (987.65 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 5D48E542-F590-4624-BA32-FA….png)


Q please help us to understand how Wilbur is no longer working for the Roth’s and he is ourguy. Seems to me like the plan, that none of us know but we are trusting in, is to instal a central bank of North Korea and central bank of Iran. This has been their long game forever. Concernfag or whtever are we not supposed to question this sort of shit here?

188f22 No.2166215



486360 No.2166216


Name just one thing he has accomplished. I wont wait, because there's NOTHING.

213c36 No.2166217


"I will not be ignored…Dan!"

5c534a No.2166218

File: 984040a190b7157⋯.jpg (19.56 KB, 255x255, 1:1, gotyourback.jpg)


who you calling faggot, faggot?

52fbab No.2166219

File: 0a7dca16425f59e⋯.png (131.36 KB, 873x495, 97:55, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5951659ddcd0c25⋯.png (190.22 KB, 921x735, 307:245, ClipboardImage.png)

Not sure if any other anons caught this but the GRU from Russia that meddled in US 2016 elections is the same organization accused in the poisoning in March 2018 (Britian). It is also responsible for other worldwide actions too in Crimea, Syria, and Ukraine.

https ://beta.theglobeandmail.com/world/article-investigation-into-poisoning-of-former-spy-turns-to-russian-agency/

684b73 No.2166221


Read up on the Presidio, Gorby and SF Dems

65eead No.2166223

File: 8c8ed92d59447d2⋯.jpg (66.68 KB, 308x308, 1:1, peter chan.jpg)

9a4e7e No.2166226


You mean 'aversion' or 'diversion'?

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