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File: 1777d8ff5835ce9⋯.png (82.31 KB, 398x531, 398:531, 1777d8ff5835ce9e568fbc30ff….png)

186665 No.2167291

>>1879763 (Bread 2368)

In 1909, we lost everything.

My father caught on.

1st to the Bilderbergs,

then he caught on the NASA.

He demanded to know who the grey's were and why they were here.

They killed him.

I strategically staged my own death, allied with the one person in this world whom I knew was honorable enough to trust, and we began to build "The Plan."

Penance is coming.

Regardless of what you think, you are not yet awake.

You do not know how deep this goes.

If you knew, you could not sleep.

Many of you could never go on.

You need each other.

You need every ONE of you.

Learn to play nice with each other or be left behind.

If one stumbles, pick them up.

If one asks a question, give them the answer.

That is how we grow.

There's no more room in the plan for arrogance and self importance.

If you turn ONE away, you've hurt the plan.

If you hurt the plan, you'll be left behind.

We are watching.

We see it all.

There are no secrets.

You would never believe the files kept on everyone of you, for that matter, you'd never believe WHERE they are kept.

Prepare for the next phase.

Prepare each other.

You are one.




0716b0 No.2167302

Thank you baker!

186665 No.2167303

Never baked before, I'm trying

Summary – Big Pic – Bread#1

>>1882459 R post

>>1884858 , >>1888525 , >>1951104 That's how we lost it all in 1909.

>>1893634 JFK quote – how to stay in Love while dealing with your enemies

>>1887509 Q on JFK and JFK JR.

>>1887886 , >>1888195 Did Seals rescue "R" from ditched plane?

>>1900359 , >>2003414, >>2003614 "R" posts on the same night as (promised) Q&A ( >>1843122 )

>>1887270 "R" ready to come out?

>>1973688 , >>2004728 double-meanings re "every dog has its day"?

Did POTUS just confirm R?

>>1894992 , >>1894994

>>1933633 , >>1934590 , >>1943137

>>1897039 , >>1897180 Moar reasons why R post seems legit

>>1905056 Bike pics posted soon after R post also pointing to JFK JR. – >>1880528 , >>1880928

>>1904689 , >>1905738 , >>2003614 What does "R" stand for? – JFK JR. numerology

>>1906750 , >>1907045 Why so much push back whenever the R post is brought up?

>>1911210 Summary Commentary of R post

Reasons why JFK JR. had to "die"

>>1903897 , >>1904653 , >>1997638

Ways how he might have staged his death

>>1955332 , >>1954782 their dog, Friday, usually went with JFK JR., except on this day

>>1978913 Friday and the cat disappeared, although the regular caregiver tried to find them

>>1954685 , >>1954704 plane went missing at 8:39 pm, official search and rescue not before 4 am, found only 5 DAYS later, also inconsistencies in reports where bodies were found

>>1954762 , >>1954815 pics of the wreck seem to be taken in different locations

>>1887886 , >>1888195 was "R" really rescued by Navy Seals?

>>1954762 photo staged or taken from any Seals training session?

>>1955395 , >>1974423 , >>1974699 , >>2004744 many nice places all across Europe that the Kennedys either owned or had access to


>>1986445 “Wait until you see who’s been posting on here” (commentary)

>>2001980 Why on earth wouldn't he fake his death (commentary)

>>1992862 next week's news

>>1991135 , >>1998277 , >>2000546 older anon: voice on the vid that Q directed us to might be JFK JR.

>>2002234 , >>2001350 , >>2001966 , >>2002064 anons discuss possibility of JFK JR. being heard on new vid

>>2003913 , >>2004956 symbolism – more digging needed

Notables Bread #2

>>2039614 new R posts - follow ID 797b84 (10)

>>2040373 You guise need to wake up! You missed clues last bread.

>>2040390 New R last Q-Bread

>>2040740 (You) 10 total posts bread 2573

>>2047032 I saw on reddit something about sparrow and JFK Jr.→pointing to Rochelle Sparrow's book, "JFK is Still Alive"

>>2047656 Q trolled us when reporter faked his death after uncovering an assassination plot.

>>2047749 BOOM (sailing) - a spar along the bottom edge of a fore and aft rigged sail (think "White Squall")

>>2048248 What does LARK mean?

>>2050082 HeWhoWaits29.6…

>>2050218 “Trolling is fun.” - Q

>>2050722 SIG intercept - Missed - Enjoy the show

>>2064542 Grey(7,18,5,25)=5 5

>>2063737, >2064872 BO lays out the IP Hashes ← 3 IP hashes (so far)

>>2072141 anon likes compilation of posts from this bread, >>>>2060899 add this one

>>2074195, >>2072307 math and numerologisms

>>2061703, >>2075296, >>2075324, anons interested in link between Jr and life with cryptic >>1880528 post

>>2079603 Future Proves Past ? The trials and tribs of Jesus in Nazareth

Notables Bread #3

>>2120897 Helper anon pointing to last interview JFK JR. did with Katie Couric and last Q post

>>2121201 vid of last interview JFK JR. did with Katie Couric

>>2121012 Q drop from this vid: "Look here, look there"

>>2121161 relevant transcription of above vid

>>2123922 Short recap synopsis

>>2124237 Moar pic of JJ

>>2124512 JFK JR. predicted Trump's presidential run + coined the term "Winter White House" for Mar-a-Lago

>>2124147 Moar digging wanted

840e1e No.2167317

well done baker

f8750d No.2167325

File: 24614b7dbd46835⋯.jpg (163.99 KB, 1536x1038, 256:173, The_Vigil.jpg)

Thank you baker!

0716b0 No.2167336

File: 288cd34abcf7057⋯.jpeg (216.7 KB, 1324x687, 1324:687, 71CA9595-76E8-4ECF-B0E0-2….jpeg)

On the real estate front, there was also this one mentioned on the previous, private island property for sale, with pic of Honey Fritz parked at the dock:


5b3af0 No.2167354

File: 8a89dfe513f45f1⋯.jpg (36.2 KB, 480x360, 4:3, jfk.jpg)

Thanks Baker!

186665 No.2167367



>>2124079 777 in the Q's plan Vid

>>2124214 Rothschild numerology = P

>>2102389, >>2109658 (helper Anon?) Kill box R = "NO" post by Q

>>2098908 Anon finds new JFK Jr birth connections

>>2099537, >>2099928 WLQRS Hash IP R post

>>2106826, >>2109744, >>2109842, >>2110328 Ruby-Cute finds on Rally stranger's board

>>2107851, >>2102024, >>2105173, >>2108585, >>2108628, >>2111740, >>2112096, >>2116217, >>2116461, >>2116722, >>2116982, >>2117964, >>2118624, >>2118635, >>2118959, >>2123737, >>2123866, >>2124804, >>2124828 Mathfags keeps scoring connections and proofs with Q, Potus, R, and JFK jr

>>2110206 HOW to get to GENERAL BOARD

>>2110844, >>2111013 Unanswered "Rally Stranger" Question

>>2111271 Greys JFK connection

>>2112851, >>2112857, >>2112861 R post breakdown from Anon

>>2116555 Possible new R post? or Helper Anon, Happy 7.11

>>2117028 R=18 Q post

>>2119634, >>2119845, >>2120435 Happy Anons, Smooth sailing

>>2120788 Tesla's magical 9 explanation, numerology

>>2126615 Intuition Anon has theory, expanded thinking


>>2135627 Countdown to R post by Q

>>2137020, >>2133044, >>2138041 The rising son!!

>>2137502 Did Q tell us JFK JR lives?

>>2138012 Anon finds more interesting JFK assassin plots

>>2138235 No postmortem pics and burial in less than 24 hrs

>>2138261, >>2138412 Joe M's video link to JFK Jr?

>>2139478, >>2139533 RPM Fag on a roll again! Nice Math on HRC vid

>>2139782, >>2143487 JFK Jr IS 58 years old…and today, POTUS visits the Queen

>>2133813, >>2141639, >>2154443 Digs on JPB (JFK JR best friend)

>>2148874, >>2139928, >>2139914, >>2139896 New R posts on main board??

>>2148896, >>2149685 Schrödinger cat synchronicity!

>>2149920 Look for more direct confirmations. Q

>>2149851 One Cabal will eat the next:Chaos is not a pit. Chaos is a ladder.

>>2151410, >>2154163 SHEEP NO MORE post

>>2157241 WLQRS7S2 Original R post

>>2157073, >>2157671 'Pumpkin Key' for sale Key Largo, FL features a pic of the Kennedy yacht.

>>2156983 BO/BV IP hash history bread #2369 ID ebc00d requested

>>2157247 All "possible"R posts

>>2157376, >>2157440 BE STRONG AND RESOLUTE post

>>2157767,>>2158008 Today's possible R post

>>2158779, >>2158932 Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666

>>2159372 'Honey Fitz' buyer William Kallop Classmate JFK also connected to Trump (see bread #2)

>>2160403, >>2160633 (Off Topic) JA 17A graphic/ , post

>>2160820, >>2160786 I don't understand this post, nevertheless a notable?? Please verify

>>2162776 RR >>> John john?

>>2163358 Here is 1:1,681, WE DONT NEED Q TO POST


>>2163677 Trump trolling?

>>2164114 Queen to f3

>>2162776, >>2166089, >>2166681 R=J ROT= ROTATION

>>2166885, >>2166997, >>2167076 Churchill Chair

5b3af0 No.2167378

File: 393163f82e5da13⋯.jpg (10.04 KB, 255x191, 255:191, pinky.jpg)


5b3af0 No.2167402

Anniversary of JFK Jr's death?

July 16th 1999!!!!!!

Anniversary Tomorrow!!!!

186665 No.2167403

Where the HELL did ==BAKER== go without warning??

Was he pissed off?


>if you check my ID you will see i baked this bread

>i baked last bread

>i baked bread 2

>i DID NOT bake bread 1

>you're pissing me off

>might just say fuck it

This was my respons to him


>I'm sorry! I was not referring to you! I referred to the "shill" in the main research thread, I also think he is NOT a shill but an actor that led us here to begin with, this is why I put it like this; "Shill"

>Nor did I see you were the baker

>I was not attacking you in any way!

He misunderstood something and took off!! WTF


186665 No.2167427

Where the HELL did ==BAKER== go without warning??

Was he pissed off?


>if you check my ID you will see i baked this bread

>i baked last bread

>i baked bread 2

>i DID NOT bake bread 1

>you're pissing me off

>might just say fuck it

This was my response to him


>I'm sorry! I was not referring to you! I referred to the "shill" in the main research thread, I also think he is NOT a shill but an actor that led us here to begin with, this is why I put it like this; "Shill"

>Nor did I see you were the baker

>I was not attacking you in any way!

He misunderstood something and took off!! WTF?

186665 No.2167450


discard last post!

Accidental double post!



Dutch intuition fag here, I'm in different time zone , so I may not be there for next bread

Please start reaching for baker at 650th post!!

Collect notables to make it easier for bakers

186665 No.2167462


see notables below

Baking was late, never baked before!

Original Baker was absent and Notables came after your post

186665 No.2167537


Well, that was my first bake! Going to snooze soon, so won't be here for notable collecting or baking in the next 15 hrs


5b3af0 No.2167564


The video posted by anon is now been taken down!!!!

The video where he talks about the greys.

>>2167129 (REF)


186665 No.2167567

Forgot these


>>2162776, >>2166089, >>2166197, RR= John John Theories

>>2166211 Anon dig in AS THE WORLD TURNS

>>216482, >>2165136, >>2166355 Matrix Picture needs digging

>>2166481 BO confirms ID bdb123 has 1 post from that IP

>>2166198, >>2166394 Natural person related to Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666

5b3af0 No.2167594

Alice in Wonderland

A screenplay by

Aldous Huxley (oh shit didn't know that)

Aldous Huxley - Grey Eminence

840e1e No.2167610


im fine

Rlarp Baker here but mobile not laptop

and look :)

spawned a new baker

f8750d No.2167626


Did great thx

5b3af0 No.2167642

Oh my.

Aldous Huxely (Wrote Alice in Wonderland Screenplay) (Wrote Grey Eminence)

C.S. Lewis

J.F.Kennedy all died when?


840e1e No.2167644


im fine


site issues. this, is my second attempt at same post, fyi

Rlarp Baker

5b3af0 No.2167654

https ://www.amazon.com/Between-Heaven-Hell-Somewhere-Kennedy/dp/0877843899

e5d430 No.2167764


Amazing find!!

I was the one who posted the Grey Eminenece wiki link in the last bread after hearing JFKJr say it in regards to his father in his Larry King interview.

Any source on the time of death for those individuals?

a0a407 No.2167766


You could have warned us at least!

I never baked! Did it in a rush, had a better version, than my bread froze and so we have to do with this one.

Will copy all notables in the right way for the next bread if I'm here for that

5b3af0 No.2167805


Did Admiral Rogers start Star Seed?

Did JFK Jr. hatch the plan?

Who approached DJT to run for POTUS?

After seeing the stars line up on these finds….I'm certain we are going to find that JFK Jr. is going to be popping back into life at some point.

At this point, I'm looking back at the old stories of Elvis and Jim Morrison and starting to rethink some of these things.

They Grey's were not aliens. It was a reference to the secret society bastards

5b3af0 No.2167833

The letter Q is 17th letter

XVII in Roman Numerals = 17


VIXI in Latin means "I Lived"

a0a407 No.2167858

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Grey eminence video at 11:32

5b3af0 No.2167875

File: facf2c2d66fb891⋯.png (715.72 KB, 850x504, 425:252, Screenshot_2018-07-15 Nov ….png)



5b3af0 No.2167887


Where is Micheal J Burman now?

Larry King calls him "Master Mind"

a8d660 No.2167897

[italics]then he caught on the NASA.

He demanded to know who the grey's were and why they were here.

They killed him. [/italics]

There is a ton of alien research on the "Greys" and the shadow government. Majestic12 who were formed after the Roswell Incident under Truman. In fact, one of the recent JFK files had an obscure reference to Majic12. Same group. I found it after many nights of reading the release. Might be able to post it here if I can locate it again.

The alien/ufo disclosure theory is that JFK was going to offer disclosure and MJ12 killed him to keep him quiet. CIA under Bush was the hit squad.

a0a407 No.2167905


>The video posted by anon is now been taken down!!!!

>The video where he talks about the greys.

I still believe the "Greys"in the R post are about the grey aliens as mentioned here

>>2111271 Greys JFK connection

Link : https://burlingtonnews.net/greysagenda.html

Though yours is a good find!

a0a407 No.2167929


>then he caught on the NASA.

>He demanded to know who the grey's were and why they were here.

>They killed him.

Absolutely! But a lot of people are not ready to look at aliens and the deep rabbit hole that comes with it


a0a407 No.2167955


>The letter Q is 17th letter

>XVII in Roman Numerals = 17


>VIXI in Latin means "I Lived"

Nice find!! Pretty significant

5b3af0 No.2167960


The Grey Eminence as he mentioned in the interview.

The Grey Eminence is the "hidden agenda" cabal as mentioned in Aldus Huxley's book.

a0a407 No.2167980


Sorry not familiar with the book…Yet

However, if it's not about the grey aliens, there is always double meanings..

As JFK was certainly aware of it, as was Tesla

d522ba No.2167982


Thank You Baker!! Great Work!!

5b3af0 No.2167986

Holy Shit

Remember JFK jr. was expecting a son?

How old would he be today?

Take a look at this video of JFK jr's "nephew"


a8d660 No.2167988


The only other reference to "Grey" that has been in circulation since early Q days - and there was a separate board for was the POPE. There is a 'grey' pope. I have the dig on that. There were other anons working on the Grey Pope and on the Map around Christmas time. That ties into the secret societies Knights of Malta etc.

f9693e No.2167996

File: 2813073baeb8580⋯.jpeg (824.91 KB, 2528x3160, 4:5, BEAE1B7B-A127-4DE5-A899-4….jpeg)

I’m sorry.

Not sorry.

This seals it for me.


Picture POTUS & JFKJR holding a press conference in the near future. 11.11.18 is my guess based on the AC/DC proof.

POTUS fingers blocking numbers 2,3 &4.

1 and 5 = 6

2 fingers 3 fingers = 23

6/23 = R post 55 days after Q posts R = 18.


2f = bf = best friend

3f = cf = close friend

First letter

1) W

2) W

5) i

{A = 1, B = 2, C = 3 etc.}

W = 23

W = 23

i = 9

W+W+i = 55

5b3af0 No.2168008


That would fit with Aldus Huxley's quite nicely

e5d430 No.2168021


I'm reading a NYMag article that uses the spelling "Matt Berman" as the co-founder of George magazine. Not sure If Larry King and Wikipedia got his name wrong or the article did. But people who are quoted in the article refer to him as "Matt Berman".


Another interesting name pops up in this article too, "John Perry Barlow" (Q has mentioned him in the past) who apparently was a friend of Johns at a younger age. I would recommend everyone read this article, alot of little interesting things about John pop up here.

a0a407 No.2168025

File: f0999f0dc7c6825⋯.png (374.86 KB, 423x367, 423:367, Aldus Huxley.png)


>Aldus Huxley

51b567 No.2168026

File: be49fdc67bdb2b7⋯.jpg (118.7 KB, 900x571, 900:571, r.jpg)

This guy says HE is "R"> https://lensdump.com/i/8bF0gA

5b3af0 No.2168040



Boys….I think we've finally figure this scooby doo mystery out.

What do we win?

Too many coincidences too many too many

a8d660 No.2168051


I'm not certain if any of the dig was archived it was on /greatawakenings/

Here's some information


The Papal Bloodlines are very interesting.

The last Grey Pope mentioned which is hard to find in open source is Pepe Orsini. Rothchilds Tied in with these bloodlines.

Knights of Malta. This weblink is a wealth of information and ties into the early drops from Q.

Pepe Orsini

Pepe Orsini of the Roman Maximus Clan.

He is the Grey Pope and is the King of the Holy Roman Papal Bloodlines. Above the Rothschilds and Rockefellers but in line and of equal stature to the Breakspear, Aldobrandini, and other Papal Bloodlines…

Knight of Malta, Tom Cruise donates to the Optimum Population Trust of Manchester, England. He and his father are major depopulationists. Both are tied to the Papal bloodline Orsini family a most powerful family in complete control of the conspiracy. Pepe Orsini is the grey Pope working with his Black Pope in his Society Of Jesus.

The Orsini (Maximus/Orso) family are the Zoroastrianist shadow hierarchy of the Jesuit Order.

The "Illuminati" is only one of the six current heads that make up "the Beast" and there is a head to that beast… a woman who rides that beast, the evil Queen Hephzibah (the matriarch who is said to be the reincarnation of Semaramis).

5b3af0 No.2168054


What is the platform used here?

51b567 No.2168072



The guy has also been dropping proof he has the contents of the DNC server all over

5b3af0 No.2168073


Are you the guy that responded to my post with

Pepe Orsini

When I posted

Pepe = People missing the O & L?

5b3af0 No.2168078


How we find him?

a0a407 No.2168086




>Remember JFK jr. was expecting a son?

>How old would he be today?

>Take a look at this video of JFK jr's "nephew"

His nephew Jack Schlossberg is a giant Libtard!! Listen to the video and how he praises Obummer

51b567 No.2168091


perhaps try his twitter or Facebook? https://twitter.com/georgemnasif

840e1e No.2168096


in a subtle way i did. made a side board.

IRL im on the road a lot Clear Skies is also a page i created (side note)

again, great job dutch

97b53c No.2168103


Great find anon.

a0a407 No.2168105


That is a LARP

I can't think of anything else but someone trying to peddle on the Q & R boat, using the Q logo for the R

a8d660 No.2168108


Don't think so. My Pope research was Dec 2017. I have stayed off the Q research as it has become a shitstorm. And too much time to find 1 interesting drop. I wonder if they want the drops to "get lost in the noise" to be frank. But no not me that I can recall.

a0a407 No.2168119


We get "subtle" posts now from bakers??

As if our brains aren't fried enough!

51b567 No.2168123

maybe so, but he seems to have the contents of the DNC server, someone beyond my experience should dig further to find out, I think

a0a407 No.2168148


If you respond to someone, please tag his post by clicking the post nr. , It will automatically go in the reply section

a0a407 No.2168164


Here is a thread on HOW to post, respond and use the board.

Although it says: QBOARD QUESTIONS

It applies here too!



e5d430 No.2168171


This is off-topic. please keep this to the general board.

bd753f No.2168206

File: 1f0a6d0a453e9aa⋯.png (61.85 KB, 271x151, 271:151, JFKj.png)

File: c7b5cdc6e63247f⋯.jpg (14.49 KB, 255x248, 255:248, jr2.jpg)


It's a matter of looking at the photos and comparing.

Here's the story:

Was just cruising thru General and paused on a post that had a Van Halen reference with the two photos I originally posted in >>260009.

I looked at the photos and it occurred to me what was being presented- WHO the photos represented.

The Van Halen reference was to their album Panama (Panama Papers) and the song on that 1984 album, "JUMP" .

I posted back to the Anon and that began a banter back and forth which confirmed my initial thoughts.


Either you see it or you don't.

Do you recognize who is pictured in the 'morphed' photo?


("MAGA Trolling Intensifies")

This Anon posts these pictures frequently- 'trolling' 8ch. WHY?

This Anon has a message and virtually no one is seeing it!

[Could be wrong but I don't think so]

5b3af0 No.2168235

File: 9527d477dc37de5⋯.png (211.43 KB, 1098x479, 1098:479, Dudeontwitterwithmockingbi….png)


Well holy shitballs this dude has Mockingbird drop stuff and much much more

Hey John John! If you are watching the boards tonight.

Accept muh friend request. And get me a White House tour cause it's hard to get they say. Want to take muh kids to see it now that it's been exorcised.

Wow….what a day.

e5d430 No.2168237


And what exactly is everyone not seeing?

I'm guessing it's not the obvious that Stephen Miller = JFK Jr.

So what are we missing or not seeing?

bd753f No.2168250

b252d6 No.2168254



Anticipated. Flanked.

bd753f No.2168258

54c436 No.2168259


I had to delete it anon. Other fellow anons debunked/corrected me. I heard JFK JR wrong. He said “grey eminence,” not “grey evidence,” as I thought.

I would rather be right than deceitful. But trust me I was excited with the false possibility. Truth and light to all.

My allegiance is to the truth & light.

b252d6 No.2168275


Believe that when you have the current lineup. This is dated 2010 and there is thus no reason to trust it.

858d96 No.2168297



a0a407 No.2168298


I totally don't get this! Care to elaborate?

Don't BOOM your own post, though!

bd753f No.2168306

From Anne Couter's twatter 27 April 2016:

VIDEO Stephen Miller's AWESOME spc: You're @ to hear from "the man who's going to save the United States of America" https://bitly.com

Why would Coulter say that?

(not that Coulter is on the right side of anything, but that is a strong statement)

a0a407 No.2168308


Thank you! Needed moar time though, before everyone started posting ;)

54c436 No.2168313

bd753f No.2168340


Yeah- my bad. I 'Hid' that post I erroneously tagged. Meant to BOOM (You).

I don't wanna openly dox.


Then see my last post >>2168306

54c436 No.2168359


That USA FLAG on top… New flag IMO.

5b3af0 No.2168387


Went back to download the rest.

He has all the DNC shit!

But when I went back.

He blocked me from following!

Why? What I do wrong?

858d96 No.2168388


Correction anon: STAGED DEATH!


04ba55 No.2168405


Not seeing it at all, sorry. Not the same body frame and Miller does not look 58.

a0a407 No.2168406



Could you make a screen print or graphic with it?

858d96 No.2168430



a0a407 No.2168444



Already have pasted all notables correct in a word doc for next bread, so I got a solid bread for the next one

810af5 No.2168446

File: 7ddc34c1898c5ce⋯.jpg (105.65 KB, 1103x425, 1103:425, greyman.jpg)

File: 3d6b8ed429bef03⋯.jpg (43.02 KB, 512x429, 512:429, Aldous-Huxley-And-Lewis-Ca….jpg)



was just about to respond to that post. great finds, didn't know about these connections. pretty wild.



Huxley died in the late afternoon of 11/22/63 in LA, but had his wife inject him with LSD that morning. Pretty well-accepted that he "chose" the day of his death.

bd753f No.2168462


Wish I was that talented. Another Anon is more than welcome to do that tho.


You said so yourself in the 3rd line of your post, but if you've talked yourself out of it, then it is what it is.

I can tell you that, through the banter that continued after I had my epiphany, I have absolutely no doubt.

Anon also gave me the 'Panama' Van Halen Album which references "JUMP", the first track on that album. Get it?

Time will tell, I suppose.

[been wrong b/4 but this resonates with me- maybe because R and I are the same age- lived it]

a0a407 No.2168473


He probably takes all from wikileaks! He doesn't seem legit to me! Also uses someone else's name. He is also linked to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1OHyKaEKts

5b3af0 No.2168478

File: 0eb5ac5d611f70b⋯.jpg (90.71 KB, 1524x1020, 127:85, 37237300_10214818400748494….jpg)

File: adefbd1dde33e13⋯.jpg (86.46 KB, 1576x1013, 1576:1013, 37211079_10214818401428511….jpg)


Ok how about this stuff?

Is this guy R?

Shit from the DNC Server…….

5b3af0 No.2168489

File: a0dc84aaeeaa6d0⋯.jpg (252.17 KB, 1905x1023, 635:341, 37200793_10214818400628491….jpg)

File: a6b73a1b9ca9038⋯.jpg (268.24 KB, 1815x1022, 1815:1022, 37221784_10214818401148504….jpg)

File: 0eb5ac5d611f70b⋯.jpg (90.71 KB, 1524x1020, 127:85, 37237300_10214818400748494….jpg)


Skeptics are welcome BUT

Where is this guy getting this shit from?

f9693e No.2168499

File: b6d0882bb7ab737⋯.jpeg (825.74 KB, 1242x956, 621:478, E01BF62D-500A-424B-BFE5-1….jpeg)

File: 87c859bee5c6f08⋯.jpeg (158.49 KB, 1242x544, 621:272, CB3A12D1-FDE4-41B7-ABC4-2….jpeg)

The words on the graphic are designed to trip you up and convince you don’t immediately see the obvious.

It’s a rising Sun.

(M)ade this for you guys.

Who made it for us?

You know.

(K)eep rockin on!

Rock music?

Rising Sun.

R board is The House Of the rising Son

R board is The House Of JFKJR.

He’s here….with us.

M = 13

K = 11


Get this. I wrote the words “trip you up” before I did the M/K math and went and looked at Q:1311.

I was frozen for about 5 minutes. Stunned.


Something BIG is here.




It’s time.

a0a407 No.2168504


Maybe learn to do that first, as people are not able to understand it otherwise

Also links are relevant.

Maybe check the board I referred to for New Fags. There are a lot of tips there


a0a407 No.2168539


BOOM Anon!

Now I get it!!

Only the "Trip up"doesn't convince me! But that is just me maybe

a0a407 No.2168553



02392b No.2168554

Give us another Proof, JR. Something more blatant next, if we are to truly believe this and spread the good word with confidence.

I want to help every way I can, but it's getting hard to know where to go, or where to look. I feel urged to know exactly how I can help more around here

810af5 No.2168563

File: b8109ec933c1c9e⋯.jpeg (64.02 KB, 640x423, 640:423, johnkennedybarlow.jpeg)


>John Perry Barlow

from Bread #4 Notables

>>2133813, >>2141639, >>2154443 Digs on JPB (JFK JR best friend)

bd753f No.2168569


Still trying to wrap my head around the numerology… I'll get there!

Wanted to pint out tho, House of the Rising Sun was originally recorded by the Animals in 1964.

A new day is RISING!


810af5 No.2168579

a0a407 No.2168592


Will take it and change it for next bread, thanQ

f9693e No.2168593

File: 8d2303c4d875866⋯.jpeg (357.15 KB, 2528x2334, 1264:1167, CBE0C0E6-F9F6-47B4-8925-8….jpeg)

54c436 No.2168599



54c436 No.2168608


Haha… What’s up Q?

bd753f No.2168619


I appreciate the critique, Anon but you also should know that not all old dogs learn new tricks.

I also understand that this generation is visually oriented, however we all understand it is the CONTENT that matters.

I'll leave the fancy graphics to those who care about the package it comes in rather than the material itself.


f9693e No.2168620

File: 803fa86a3bcbb4e⋯.jpeg (55.06 KB, 597x354, 199:118, ED5735AB-0A97-4F9A-9EBD-F….jpeg)

04ba55 No.2168623

File: 13a2d34e45327e1⋯.jpg (15.59 KB, 255x211, 255:211, pepe glasses.jpg)


>You said so yourself in the 3rd line of your post, but if you've talked yourself out of it, then it is what it is.

Huh? I said Stephen Miller looks like JFK Jr?

When? Where?

a0a407 No.2168624

54c436 No.2168653

File: e35a611b8d4e86e⋯.jpeg (113.58 KB, 640x788, 160:197, 778A329E-16DA-410C-B4CB-4….jpeg)


If you smell what the rock is cookin..

0716b0 No.2168657


Civil peacetime flag.. according to


840e1e No.2168661

looking at end of last bread…

doesnt look like BO/BV have priority to ip gash R larp er posts, they are getting mad 502s and someone spammed the catalog hard earlier (baked tons of new threads) but still i dont think they want to R and Q

for now im going to decipher the last post no matter what. i believe it is lawfag to the high degree and its knowledge is valuable whiever posted it

also, logic hit me today

1) original R post

2) unhashed bike camping pic was very next bread

3) a few breads later is when BO/BV ip hash history

that means bike in the woods would have shown up in hash history

bd753f No.2168683

File: ccc00fa903e6e3f⋯.jpg (17.74 KB, 255x255, 1:1, WWG.jpg)


Been here since day 1.

Butthead, really?

858d96 No.2168695


Awesome. Now, go get some rest!

bd753f No.2168704


HERE ^^^

5b3af0 No.2168709


How old would JFK Jr. son be now?

54c436 No.2168719

File: 6866f66fe259b6d⋯.jpeg (284.32 KB, 640x853, 640:853, 6D466B9D-A4E7-4E6E-97D7-8….jpeg)


Noted anon. Cheers.

Truth & light to all who see this.

f9693e No.2168727


Yes, thank you

5152e6 No.2168736


I was checking out some of the code hidden in Harry Potter

Hogwarts express 5972 (this is in the early stages). I was shocked. This is exactly how I've seen for years things building up to. They plan to starve us. (EU has been destroying destroying the fishing habits around the EU, Monsanto and farming methods are destroying farmland, etc)


Thoughts please

6274b8 No.2168738


The 1st time that graphic was posted by a (1) post anon, there were no words on it but he left a message.. I was on the thread when it popped up…blew my mind for sure..watched the ID # for 2 days but never saw it come up again.

5b3af0 No.2168745


Why have we not figured out till just today.

The DAY BEFORE JFK's anniversary of his death in 1999!

That John Perry Barlow was JFK Jr. Buddy.

Who was John Barlow? I'm still not clear on that.

a0a407 No.2168749


I'm an old dog!

I did learn

Not good at graphics either, but maybe explain it clearly would help too.

ThanQ for participating and trying!

We all are researching and if one does find something,but does not know how to do screen prints, copy links or make graphics, you may want to elaborate very clear what you mean as an alternative


f9693e No.2168757


18, 19 maybe.


Could be a girl.

What made you say Son?


a0a407 No.2168758


DIG into it

bd582d No.2168760

Can someone here please tell me what date was R original post on 4chan?

I think 6/24 but not sure

Thanks in advance

858d96 No.2168766


God fingerprints….everywhere!!! LOVE IT!!!!

bd753f No.2168769


He and Carolyn never had any children despite John wanting to.

There is a rumor there was a 'love child' born in 1999, but there is no sauce, thereby only speculation.

5b3af0 No.2168777

>>2168757 No I could be mistaken. Did they know what they were having already?

You can unrub chin now.

I'm not a poser (so many are)

a0a407 No.2168787


>Can someone here please tell me what date was R original post on 4chan?

>I think 6/24 but not sure

>Thanks in advance

You must be new!

Please check Notables above in the bread

Also it was not 4chan but here on 8chan

It was 23/6/2018

f9693e No.2168791


She was pregnant when plane crash reported.

bd582d No.2168804


Yes I am new. Thank you kind sir. This is the best thread ever.

e5d430 No.2168816


If you listen to Stephen Miller talk you can tell it's not the same person.

bd753f No.2168817


Huh. How about that. ThanQ for trying?

Are we not all on the same team? A bit snarky for team play. But thanQ for trying to make a point.


f9693e No.2168822

File: 87c859bee5c6f08⋯.jpeg (158.49 KB, 1242x544, 621:272, ECCE45A5-3210-4EB1-996B-9….jpeg)

Um, Q team?

You flaming Trollfags.

a0a407 No.2168827


See notable!! BO confirmed IP hash

>>2166481 BO confirms ID bdb123 has 1 post from that IP

Bike picture has been also IP hashed, I remember.out this

See BO's comment in the notable link ab

bd753f No.2168848


So- are you speculating about a child of Jr's that was in the plane crash with them, in utero, that somehow survived and the parents did not?

Not following.

858d96 No.2168866


Yes and no….

Legal post from the other day he did give us the HASH IP

Bike in Woods he did not…said it was in the archives and it sounded like he couldn't get it…but I asked again anyways…doesn't make sense that they wouldn't be able to get?? But I'm not a computer techie….

f9693e No.2168879

File: bcba080bc2e4c35⋯.jpeg (335.44 KB, 2528x2334, 1264:1167, 73D30597-44CF-46DE-AC61-C….jpeg)

bd753f No.2168900


go fuk yourselves

f9693e No.2168921

File: 35119abf08402b6⋯.png (411.34 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 86737322-474A-4CB6-AA02-2D….png)

5b3af0 No.2168930

File: 6340fbc0d0372ad⋯.jpg (8.86 KB, 255x170, 3:2, sunnytrump.jpg)

I'd say we need more Anons on this search. But honestly. I'm fine with this being a sub board. Main board is sooo flooded with shills anymore you can't even think straight.

e5d430 No.2168931


This is the most damning piece of evidence I've seen regarding JPB>>2154443

some kind of shipment that didn't make it between Nicosia, Cyprus and Ankara, Turkey. All sealed up by the Hussein admin.

JPB had a "heart attack" in May 2015 and passed away in Feb 2018… 10 days after Q posted his name. what was Q trying to tell us about him?

6274b8 No.2168942


I would say because you're not reading our prior digs..We covered the origins of their friendship a few days ago… when a teen John Jr was sent to Barlow's ranch by his mother..

5b3af0 No.2168958


Well…I think a working theory henceforth would necessarily NOT have them in an airplane at the bottom of the sea.

I don't think retracing all of the optics of the day the plane went down, but I'm sure they had resources to pull it off. And the resources outside government to keep pulling it off.

858d96 No.2168962


Hey Anon….been watching for since last bread….it's okay if you feel strongly about the two pics….and I get what you're trying to say…

And of course, they may be others who don't "see it" and/or disagree….that's all.

Personally, I don't think it looks anything like JFK JR (just my take) but that isn't to say that you didn't get the pics from a "special helper anon"….

Here's another thought….maybe he sent the pics of the both of them to give you a "cue" that the two of them may be part of the Q team??

Just thinking out loud….

f9693e No.2168974

File: b6e3186059b9b9e⋯.jpeg (197.42 KB, 1242x711, 138:79, A2BD389F-9EA4-4067-A689-3….jpeg)


Try it some time. LOL!

0716b0 No.2168975

File: 2312cb40f1a7c3f⋯.jpeg (176.77 KB, 1600x1066, 800:533, DE606583-5A6D-4BBA-A5D1-2….jpeg)


One of those pics from the private island sale is intriguing…

858d96 No.2168998


I think what he's saying is that Carolyn was pregnant (which would definitely give them a good reason to change their lives since she hated the public glare) and since they "staged the crash" that would mean they'd have a child RIGHT NOW in the 18 1/2 year old range…

901a09 No.2169029

Q Research General Baker here, saw an anon calling for help in this thread (I'm also open to the R digging) hows every1 doing? Sry havn't had much time between baking to research deep into R, but I am intrigued. Did we need a new bread baked or anything? Willing to help


5b3af0 No.2169051

File: 62bda0ca205705f⋯.jpg (46.93 KB, 590x350, 59:35, Hitler-688870.jpg)

There is a connector between all of these people and I can't figure out what it is.

There is a missing link that connects





+ more names

I remember Q posted something about

FBI SIS and how it was never shut down…..

Is this the missing link?

We never investigated FBI SIS

858d96 No.2169054


I saw that when I went looking too….may be JFK JR in the white? Looks about right

5152e6 No.2169088

Personally I think the Greys would be Demons rather than Aliens >>2167905

858d96 No.2169095


Thanks Baker…fellow anon tried their first bake and did a pretty outstanding job….I think they took off for the next 1/2 day but will be back and have the last part of notables from prior bread ready to go when the new bread is done….

Don't know if you have the ability (maybe a BV too??) to hunt down a HASH IP in a bread that's already archived?? BO came in and told us he couldn't get it but maybe he was just busy???

IF you can do it, let me know and I'll give you the details…

Until then, jump in and IF you have time, browse through our notables…

5b3af0 No.2169103


Read the Author that JFK Jr. mentions in the Larry King interview first before bringing up aliens/demons again anon.

It was clearly neither. Although demonic in their intention is certain.

858d96 No.2169112


Right with you on that one anon.

5b3af0 No.2169116


Is that GEOTUS on the bow?

f9693e No.2169137


What were the civil war soldiers in the south called? The Greys

0716b0 No.2169138

File: 369e883556a74de⋯.jpeg (215.41 KB, 960x711, 320:237, 7B6FC5ED-4623-43A0-9346-A….jpeg)


If a boy, he would probably be about as old as the kid on the left in this Q crumb pic dropped, with what looks like home made Q shirts.

5b3af0 No.2169147



5b3af0 No.2169191


Re read prior bread please.

Amazing stuff found!

He mentions Grey Eminence in the Larry King interview. There can be no doubt he was talking about this.

It was a book written by


who also wrote



John F. Kennedy

C.S. Lewis

If you can't see that big as trail.

They you don't have eyes.

f9693e No.2169203

File: 59c5d5fa896845e⋯.jpeg (356.62 KB, 2528x2334, 1264:1167, 8ED635EF-3419-4EF8-95EE-C….jpeg)


19:19:19 = 57

901a09 No.2169227


No =/ no1 has that ability, BV/BO can only look at a hash IP 200 posts back, if a bread is already archived, i believe it's out of that scope. I went ahead and kneaded some dough for for breads 1-4. Honestly, I dont know enough of your research to grab notables for bread #5, but if one of you grabs them/nominates I can work them into the dough. I used the notables for 1-4 to work into a dough, and used phrases from the first R post to work in the opening



can do some tests with it on /comms/ if you anons want to see what it looks like

5b3af0 No.2169237

File: 7ce576d2f8135ac⋯.jpg (14.17 KB, 255x255, 1:1, bf2c7d6cd7c728059015673dcf….jpg)


Baker dear baker

Where did you get this photo?

e5d430 No.2169254


We don't really need a baker here. We needed more eyes on some new info that was dug up in #4. The GR board is a total mess and has completely shutoff any discussion about R.

858d96 No.2169260


Careful anon…last two sentences…


04ba55 No.2169266


Nice digits. Speaking of Huxley…


Aldous Huxley gave this speech to a Berkley audience, in which he admits that his novels such as "Brave New World" were not just fiction, but real blueprints for types of controlled and enslaved societies.

A shocking look at the results of the Fabian Society and the Cecil Rhodes Round Table efforts to resurrect the British empire, control of the United States, and dominate the planet. This is similar to the work of H. G. Wells, also a Fabian Society / Round Table insider, and his works of futurism which entail the enslavement of society. His works also were not entertainment or merely theoretical, as he points out in his book "The New World Order." Wells more or less defected and tried to warn the world. But his books meant to warn the ordinary person were mostly destroyed, and unavailable until recently (see PDFs below.

"There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution."

Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961

5b3af0 No.2169280



Elvis is still alive too isn't he.

Fucking new it.

901a09 No.2169288


sry there was an anon in general that was calling for a baker, figured I would try to help with what I can in that area. and yes I agree, general is cut off to R research, but I'm not (even tho I bake in general). I was just 'fancying' up the dough really, adding bolds, reds, formatting ect. wasn't changing anything. but will have to give me some time to catch up, there are A LOT of notables for me to dig through here

840e1e No.2169293



a0a407 No.2169320

File: e0fb9292796cfaa⋯.png (160.45 KB, 1284x204, 107:17, Bikepost.png)



>Bread 2369 has been archived, and is not >accessible by mod pages. Can't get post history >there.

>>1880528 Bike in the woods post

So once it is archived, you cannot get IP Hash anymore? is what you are saying?

That is a shame though, if so

Archive HTML post of bike (pic related)

840e1e No.2169337


i honestly know archive just dont know why they archived this batch there are older breads still on the catalog

if i was concernfag id think it fishy

im not im not gonna let it bother me

858d96 No.2169366


Oh well….going with my gut, I think it is an original R post…goes with his first….and then the legal one from 2 days ago….

Just my .02

The others I'm not sure about…just don't have the same "feel" to me….

a0a407 No.2169371




I did too in above post, however, I went to germanarchive and opened the bread from Bike post in the HTML version, and it seems not to be possible , probably because it is not a real time bread anymore at this point.

Waiting for BO to confirm though

5b3af0 No.2169375

File: ef18d05fa376173⋯.jpg (30.83 KB, 400x400, 1:1, etgohome.jpg)

WHAT did JFK find out about NASA?

Why was Lynn De Rothschild at NASA?

858d96 No.2169399


The notable collecting from last bread was AWESOME and through….I feel like some of the other breads missed some key stuff, but was moving fast….

Nothing wrong with "fancying up" the place…lol….as long as nothing gets deleted…

b62ea4 No.2169405

Several interesting and pertinent, exceedingly on point meanings around Grey.

GREY CHAMPION. 1997. JFK JR may have read this pivotal book: "The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy" by authors William Strauss and Neil Howe discusses how each crisis period or Fourth Turning, had its “Gray Champion.”

In 1997 this book showed through the cycles of history that the one elected in 2016 would be the Grey Champion and would be from the Boom generation. This person will guide us through great upheaval and crisis.

Obviously President Donald Trump is our Grey Champion through and through and awesome!

If JFK JR is part of the Q team he may also qualify. BOOM. Savior from the Boom generation.

The Fourth Turning is an amazing book that is a favorite of Steve Bannon. It has played a major role. It goes into great detail regarding the historical cycles and accurately prophesizes the issues driving society.

0716b0 No.2169411


Previous bread post. Honey Fitz at dock. Many pics

Here’re the details. Nice artwork in there. By Michael McCann.

'Pumpkin Key' for sale Key Largo, FL features a pic of the Kennedy yacht.


b62ea4 No.2169436

Another most pertinent to Q study of historical cycles:


From Apathy to Dependence to Slavery

In 1776, Representatives of the original thirteen colonies assembled and wrote the Declaration of Independence. With this document, our founding fathers proclaimed to the world that America was a democratic republic:

"We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Ironically, that same year Alexander Fraser Tytler, a European historian published The Decline and Fall of the Athenian Republic. In his publication, Tytler reported that from his research he had determined the following:

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising them the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over a loss of fiscal responsibility, always followed by a dictatorship. The average of the world's great civilizations before they decline has been 200 years. These nations have progressed in this sequence:

==From bondage to spiritual faith,

From spiritual faith to great courage,

From courage to liberty,

From liberty to abundance,

From abundance to selfishness,

From selfishness to complacency,

From complacency to apathy,

From apathy to dependency,

From dependency back again to bondage."==

5b3af0 No.2169439


Sorry I found it after I posted it.

That looks to me like DJT.

Profile is pretty much exact.

White Hat guy….well the description says it all.

He's "White Hat Guy"

a0a407 No.2169483

File: 91ea9a97ebe41d8⋯.png (31.02 KB, 399x160, 399:160, Learning.png)


Please collect notables

I need to sleep now for real , almost 5am here

I already collected some, just make sure to make notables around 650 posts!!

Tip for new fags , please use this (pic) related to highlight notable!!

Anything else you can



5b3af0 No.2169489

" We see it all. There are no secrets."

Ok, so they are watching me surf pron?

Well, how big brother of you. Little uncomfy with that part. I prefer to have some privacy. Especially in my special "me time".

52fa77 No.2169494

File: 7db980320132f9d⋯.png (240.38 KB, 500x499, 500:499, nightshiftbadgeshit55.png)


I know where I'll be at midnight…..

Hey crew.

Checking in.

Those who know, cannot sleep.

Those asleep cannot know.

The choice to know will be yours.

Let's find out, bitches.

5b3af0 No.2169497



a0a407 No.2169511


True , I've noticed that too

Must be GermanarchiveFag that select them for archiving and maybe had a reason to safe older posts in catalogue

901a09 No.2169532


there were some old breads that still had a few posts left to fill like 747/751 or so, and for some reason anons were filling them weeks after -> thus bumping them away from archiving. BO has been talking about that for a lil while, explains the random archive order

a0a407 No.2169535

File: 97c5ac38a522ff5⋯.jpg (272.34 KB, 1280x905, 256:181, 2018-07-12 16.26.36.jpg)


Good night to you, good morning to me!

Going to sleep now!

Collect notables while here

52fa77 No.2169539


Dude. I'm watching my back the next 24 hours.

Went into a coma same age Cobain died.

Looking over my shoulder on spoopy dates ever since. KEK



So the Cabal has likely always had eyes on me.

Done caring, right? Whatever.

However….my current mountain top neighbor is a retired NASA Boeing engineer in a multi million $ cabin.

It sucks because they're married into the fam.

So I can't be like….okay…old buddy…fess up, whatcha know?

Alas I cannot.

However, his wife seems to keep an especially close eye on me. Notes how 'sensitive' I am, and how I catch onto things in nature here faster than the locals even.

I have a tendency to make ppl like that look over their shoulders too. Payback is a bitch. >>2167996

These always make me smile!

858d96 No.2169540

So….check it out:



1, 2, 3, 4….18 (3X6) jv (J5?) Ri (I'm R)

Taking a stab at it…don't know if the dots at the beginning are part of the HASH or BO doing …. randomly (Like me…ha, ha)

Anyone else??

52fa77 No.2169585



I'll admit, interesting number workings happening there.

5b3af0 No.2169607

File: 93482505f23a485⋯.jpg (435.4 KB, 1600x1066, 800:533, mysterytrumpandwhitehatguy….jpg)

901a09 No.2169634

Welcome To R Research

In 1909, we lost everything. My father caught on.

You do not know how deep this goes. If you knew, you could not sleep.

You need each other.

You need every ONE of you.

Prepare for the next phase. Prepare each other.

You are one. And…



Notables Bread#1

>>1882459 R post

>>1884858 , >>1888525 , >>1951104 That's how we lost it all in 1909.

>>1893634 JFK quote – how to stay in Love while dealing with your enemies

>>1887509 Q on JFK and JFK JR.

and so forth for the notables, each separated by breaks.

dont mean to spam, but want to help kek

ba819d No.2169662

>>2168569 Anthony Bourdain, prior to taking his life, posted this song “House of the Rising Sun” in his last post.

901a09 No.2169751


well anyways, heres the updated dough for breads 1-4 if you care to use


still catching up on the notables, interdasting on the ROT 18 cypher, I've tried to steg Q's photos before, but I will try to ROT 18 the file names for the password for possible encrypted info. Lots of Q's pics have checksums that match the file names, (SHA256) is the most common one if i remember correctly, which normally indicates hidden info to have a checksum as a filename. but anywhoo, i dont want to slide anymore. will check back, godspeed

5b3af0 No.2169866

File: 4e35beb0241f979⋯.jpg (12.57 KB, 221x255, 13:15, Shadilay.jpg)

First comes Q

Then comes R

431f3f No.2170018

File: d13872304487fdf⋯.jpg (881.69 KB, 1116x652, 279:163, hammersmith.jpg)

Lurker here. I dig some digging.

Hammersmith Farm, Newport, RI.

Home of Hugh and Janet Auchincloss, who are Jackie Kennedy's step-father and mother. Hammersmith was known as the summer White House during the Kennedy Administration, as JFK, Jackie, and the kids often visited and stayed during the summer months. It was also the site of JFK and Jackie's wedding reception in 1953.

Following Hugh's death in 1976, investors purchased the property in 1977 and made it open to the public for tours and special events. Jackie's mother Janet continued to live in a smaller house on the estate until her death in 1989.

In 1997, Fruit of the Loom exec. Wm Farley bought the property. Just two years later, in November of 1999, the estate was purchased by Peter Kiernan III, a former Goldman Sachs partner.

Kiernan promptly closed Hammersmith Farm to the public and after extensive remodeling, turned the estate into a private home, ending all tours and public access.



Kiernan knew JFK Jr., and served on the board of the Robin Hood Foundation with him.


So why is this dig-worthy?

A NYT's article from 2012 reports Kiernan was WITH JFK Jr. on the day of the plane crash, July 16, 1999.

How curious/coincidental is it that 4 months after the plane crash, Kiernan purchases JFK Jr's mother's childhood home, ends 20 years of public tours and events, and fully renovates the place, bringing it lovingly back to its former glory? I find it curious that the Fruit of the Loom exec who Kiernan bought it from only held on to it for 2 years.

Also noteworthy, a quick look into the Robin Hood Foundation's current governance reveals some Deep State names: Bezos, and many mainstream media names.


There are no coincidences, right? In short, the guy who was with JFK Jr. on the date of the plane crash, just 4 months later purchases Jackie Kennedy's childhood home and closes it off from the public after 20 years of tours and public events.

431f3f No.2170083

File: 7e51aa48c97a5f1⋯.png (145.86 KB, 629x642, 629:642, Screen Shot 2018-07-15 at ….png)


Meant to add the link to the 2012 article. Sorry about that….


Note: friends with Harvey Weinstein

54c436 No.2170128

e5d430 No.2170188


been waiting for someone with time and motivation to do this. please let us know what comes of it.

58e96a No.2170208

>>2168237 JFK Jr. doesn't look anything like Stephen Miller. Doesn't even "frame up" or carry himself the same way. I DON'T see it.

e5d430 No.2170236


Exactly, if you listen to him talk it's nothing like him either. I'm not sure what that other anon saw there.

28e960 No.2170274

Vincent, meaning = "conquering"

Fusca, meaning = "dark"

"Conquering the darkness"


623897 No.2170315

File: 757965041bd8f5c⋯.jpg (15.51 KB, 300x300, 1:1, th-4.jpg)




why this shot? Who took this photo if this guy is such a patriot getting quoted in all kinds of articles…. how is there no social media trail? or Moar sauce on him?

54c436 No.2170331


Agreed anon.

58e96a No.2170393

>>2170315 This guy look absolutely nothing like JFK. I don't know why everyone is buying this.

I believe, but this ain't him. Looks like a quirky Jewish guy and nothing like I imagine JFK Jr. would look.

28e960 No.2170420

Gematria value of "vincentfusca" = 1197



May be nothing.

623897 No.2170469

File: d78172af3269132⋯.jpg (9.33 KB, 255x116, 255:116, 8e3a30b5de83f9528b5b3b6959….jpg)

File: d118fe853093983⋯.jpg (12.96 KB, 255x133, 255:133, 52b6f9eea3215eacf67984da57….jpg)

File: d590172348de120⋯.jpeg (9.75 KB, 222x300, 37:50, th.jpeg)


Check this smile anon.

Look alike hands.

Define Cover.

Disguise by make up?

19 years aging changes faces.

Energy stays the same.

Note all the Kennedy look alikes around him.

Including beautiful smile lady that has the EXACT same smile Caroline Besset (check previous threads for analysis)


Everything has meaning.


623897 No.2170480


^^ errgh if anyone is better at at embedding photos so they get larger, help an anon out :)

623897 No.2170528


I love this theory, but to be a good anon and look from all angles…the one thing I do see that is glaringly different is the placement of eyes…jfk jr eyes are farther apart… if this "Vincent Fusca" is R guy… that could be disguise or aging related…. all of these coincidences are incredible though!! SO many!!

a8d660 No.2170558

Too much pushing of this theory trying to get everyone to buy-in. State your case and move on. Doesn't looked like JFK to me and you will chew up this board posting and reposting the same photos.Tyring to sway opinion or distract? More stuff to dig on then getting for multiple threads on the same topic.

623897 No.2170565


alright anon point taken. Im just excited by the possibility.

28e960 No.2170924

Ruby Cute


Are you by (with) Q T(eam)

508037 No.2171109


Touche, Anon.


d50ced No.2171153


shadilay shadilar

d50ced No.2171171


based on the pic attached w bo post

one dot goes with the ip hash string

so instead of reading upper middle right in red the hash read to the left next to ID and number of posts. board owners n vols get to see additional

stuffs on teh mod screens

4283ad No.2171737


probably 18 or 19 yo. Today is the 19th anniversary of his death

4283ad No.2171740

Why do I get a (You)?

086f7d No.2171773


September 25, 1999

"John F. Kennedy Jr.’s will is a last testament of love to his family.

The document, filed yesterday in Manhattan Surrogate’s Court, gives all of his personal possessions to the children of his older sister, Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg.

That means Rose Kennedy Schlossberg, 11, Tatiana Kennedy Schlossberg, 9, and John B. Kennedy Schlossberg, 6, will inherit a large chunk of an estate worth up to $100 million.

The kids will get his TriBeCa apartment and his share of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis’ sprawling Martha’s Vineyard estate.

The will doesn’t list Kennedy’s belongings or state their worth, but the inheritance is also expected to include Kennedy’s clothing, furniture, and mementoes from his father, including a rocking chair, a “PT-109” tie clip, gold Cartier watch and a silver money clip.

The only personal item mentioned in the filing is a scrimshaw set – sailor’s carvings made from whales’ teeth – that also belonged to President Kennedy, who was assassinated three days before his son’s third birthday. Kennedy Jr. left it to his 6-year-old nephew."


027b96 No.2171794

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c394de No.2171898

File: b9669ac050b4adb⋯.png (53.94 KB, 350x247, 350:247, interesting.PNG)

Okay, checked out this bread, I'm intrigued.

I don't get these R posts, how do you know there is any validity to them?

For the possible multiple meaning in the Q posts using a ROT-18 cipher to get JJ from RR, I can see that being a possibility.

JFK Jr's wife & his sister-in-law were both on the plane, what is the theory on this? How did JFK Jr. convince his sister-in-law to give up her life as she knew it? What about the parents losing two children at once, weren't they angry, didn't they sue JFK's estate over negligence?

This on the Drudge Report on the eve of his death. The legacy of father & son & avenging them? Sly reference that JFK Jr. may be alive?

461879 No.2171949

File: 12063012e7b8a0f⋯.png (834.82 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-07-16-01-4….png)

File: 61d2c80b4ce657e⋯.png (800.64 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-07-16-01-4….png)

File: 3fc88481788494f⋯.png (543.14 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-07-16-01-4….png)


From the Artist's (Michael McCann) business page

Trump tower Chicago, Illinois

Interesting list of Projects

20770e No.2172437

Q=R in that Q is also JFKJR and R is also whoever Q was. This whole R thing was created to get the REAL autists excited and working together again. Idk about you but im comfy af in this bread anons. Feels like CBTS before Q blew up.

e8e8ec No.2172441




>founded by John F. Kennedy, Jr.


>Arabic word nasif meaning just or fair-minded

41ebb6 No.2172827

File: f93d1aedb4687f7⋯.jpg (773.24 KB, 2453x2081, 2453:2081, JFK-DemonCoffeeATWT.jpg)

Don't be such a pussy Anon

"Trolling is fun" <10,6,11,10,18

Look here or here or here?

>www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-pRgD3x56A @1.28 When they told their people what they did.

God bless all patriots



41ebb6 No.2172837

Hey if you don't want it I could find a good home for it >>2168359

41ebb6 No.2172856

Well they certainly achieved that MR ANON >>2169266

0716b0 No.2172872


He’s a terrific architectural artist, his watercolours are stunning.

928eaa No.2172880

File: 09de61efa16095e⋯.jpg (233.73 KB, 1080x1117, 1080:1117, Screenshot_20180716-083740….jpg)

The most compelling part of this theory is that John John didn't take Friday with him.

Then anons said no one knew what happened to Friday, but simple search provides:


So people did know what happened to Friday.

Oh and then they flew him to fucking Europe.

41ebb6 No.2173042

Why did they bump off CS Lewis? >>2169191

d45d5c No.2173161


Ruby was their Black cat, I believe I read.

We know the 'disguise guy' was holding a sign that said 'ruby' on the left side.

just throwing it out there.

d45d5c No.2173174


yes, what don't I know about CSL!? thought I was well versed on him.

f9693e No.2173197

File: 7d07de1f3f9b773⋯.jpeg (680.35 KB, 2528x3160, 4:5, 31655070-DA79-4079-B254-5….jpeg)


This anon may have unlocked a MOAB by suggesting the use of the ROT-18 cipher code.

I used the ROT-13 (letters) and applied it to

Where We Go One We Go All

Interesting that “Where” turns into Jurer (Jury) (Judge)

But let’s only apply the cipher to the word “We”

It becomes,

Where Jr Go One Jr Go All

We = Jr.

Link to cipher tool


f9693e No.2173321

File: ee8e961f63e28b5⋯.jpeg (52.22 KB, 597x359, 597:359, B219E573-D666-4A27-90DE-4….jpeg)


ROT-13 cipher simply put

W = J

You subtract 13 letters

W = 23 - 13 = 10

10 = J

E = 5 - 13 = - 8

Z(26) - 8 letters = 18(R)

We = Jr.

Where We(Jr) Go One We(Jr) Go All

f9693e No.2173408

File: a9b88ee08bebdb1⋯.jpeg (678.55 KB, 2528x3160, 4:5, 78FCEF52-F37A-40B5-96B7-3….jpeg)

Notice the only decipherable word in Q:362 is “Jr”

How did I get to Q:362?

Another anon mentioned JFK assassination was 3 days before Jr’s 3rd Birthday.

That made him 2 years 362 days old.

2 yrs. 362 = To 362 = To Q:362.

[Waves magic wand] We = Jr

f9693e No.2173428


How many indecipherable words past Jr in Q:362?


7/16/2018 = 19 years since plane crash “fake news.”

It makes you pause that this was unlocked today.

All I can say to that is WTF

858d96 No.2173527


Very interesting….hmmmm

858d96 No.2173535


Baker, looks good…thanks for helping to "fancy it up"….much appreciated!

858d96 No.2173576



That's crazy…but totally makes sense if he's some sort of COVER…and all the "connections" around him to boot…the fact that POTUS is referencing 1999, and "younger than" etc (from anon who listened to rally)…changing audience…freaky guy disappears…

Hopefully we'll find out soon how all the dots connect!

858d96 No.2173613


Like it!

Double meanings all around

f9693e No.2173658

File: 7fa9f7d3ebcc6e1⋯.jpeg (268.26 KB, 1242x1544, 621:772, 9D126010-5482-422C-9C6B-E….jpeg)

Dear Q,

Ya um, NO

858d96 No.2173660


Are you sure, only cuz I looked at the WLQRS one (that goes with the INITIAL post) which has one dot in front (like you said) with all the letters/numbers and it adds to 11 characters…

This one does too (adds to 11 characters) including 4 dots…so I guess my question is:

Do all HASH IP's total 11 characters?? Or do they vary???

Either way: 4 dots could be the 4 boom countdown leading to R OR 1 dot could represent the LAST BOOM…leading to R

Thanks for feedback anon!!

41ebb6 No.2173726

Well I always felt the chronicles of Narnia had a biblical+ message. Same with JRR Tolkien. "Where there's life there's hope"

Without these books I'd be dead. They gave me strength to survive as a kid.

My guess is that there's a little truth to the Magicians Nephew in a particular (think CERN). Or that the strong Christian message in the books was a problem for the Satanic filth. Sounds crazy huh? Any crazier than what's going on right now? >>2173174

858d96 No.2173762


Also anon, look through 5 breads of NOTABLES and you may, just may see exactly what many of us on here have embraced – JFK JR IS ALIVE.

TOO MANY COINCIDENCES (with a few Q drops included) along with many good digs…

Dive in. Your questions have been discussed and gone-over inside there…

41ebb6 No.2173777

I'll add

CS Lewis Chronicles of Narnia "The last Battle" is pretty much what's going on right now. For example the Dwarves who can't see the truth of Aslan's feast. >>2173726

858d96 No.2173830



Anon…love the dig on the graphic!! Is there any way you can choose a different font so easier to read??? I almost MISSED what you did there!!!



But needs to stand alone with the font changes (in my opinion!!)

858d96 No.2173844


Yes indeed…."every dog has its DAY" (as in FRIDAY)

a52e56 No.2173913


I have made several posts in regards to these hidden messages. I don't have the skills to put it together for others to see, but I can see it everywhere in As The Worlds Turns episodes and commercials viewing one second at a time with a magnifying glass. You get it! Please look further…..some really creepy stuff.

261783 No.2173985


Maybe he has at least two sons by now?

would they look more like the mother or the father? Or would one look more like the mother and one more like the father? bottomless speculation fodder.

It's not like someone will upload a family portrait here for us to make it easy for you. Now that would be a fun soft conversation starter for friends and family to engage in if someone staged such a thing even as an elaborate hoax or took a picture that seemed like an amazing coincidence.

There is an old saying. "at least it gets people talking about art"

Just speculating in my capacity as a lurker who would rather not have to work so hard to point out one of many possible obvious scenarios.

Do good actors need understudies to keep bad actors from getting the job? Is it possible multiple actors can play one character at different times and different productions?

I agree with the comment this is not worth researching any further here as it is a "ready made" for general consumption outside of this board. "look at what these crazy conspiracy people believe!" "but admittedly it is kind of freaky" "what if" etc.

623897 No.2174024


Could you link the sauce to the reference "younger than" and 1999? Was it a potus tweet? Thanks!

f9693e No.2174293

File: f0d6bd41678360d⋯.jpeg (1023.96 KB, 2528x3160, 4:5, 5626B60E-78C7-4200-B481-7….jpeg)

SA intercepts H missile fired at R


“Satellite SIGnal intercepted Hillary missile fired at JFKJR.”


f9693e No.2174309


No casualties

1c1c8a No.2174355

File: 044ea83d66b82fe⋯.jpg (32.57 KB, 890x526, 445:263, 044ea83d66b82feff5248ba6f1….jpg)


Katie Couric: "We have a clip from a show called Look Here, we're gonna look there, and then talk about it."

JFK Jr: "Sure."

(JFK Jr. turns and looks behind him)

Host: "If you were to have a son would you encourage a political career for him?"

JFK: "Yes, and I hope if I had a daughter I might encourage her to play some part. I don't think this should be confined to men only, and I would, definitely. I would hope he would grow up to be if not a politician, in the sense of devoting all of his time, I would hope that whatever he did do he would have some sense of responsibility for what went on."

858d96 No.2174362


It was from the RALLY VIDEO (posted multiple times in the breads) from Moon Township (I believe)…anon was reporting back what was SAID from POTUS while the WIG MAN was behind him…

623897 No.2174381


ok I missed that, thanQ!

41ebb6 No.2174588

I will try my best Anon good job for spotting this. >>2173913

f9693e No.2174655

File: dacce1d6f64bac5⋯.jpeg (302.79 KB, 1242x1720, 621:860, 9E9BAC3A-4EBB-4DA4-B409-6….jpeg)

JFKJR signed Q:383 with numbers.

12/19/17 to today 7/16/18 is 209 days.

209 minutes is the time 3:29

Day 329 of the year is 11/25, JFKJR Birthday

24 days before Q:383

Q:383 time stamp


15+18+24 = 57

JFKJR turned 57, 24 days before Q:383

858d96 No.2174663


Yes anon….thank you. We actually figured this out several days ago by a DROP (helper anon) in one of the former breads…which led to the video and what JFK responded….

Look in notable for the highlights, etc

Bottom Line: I believe it was the FIND on this THREAD where it was put together and funneled outward!!

858d96 No.2174685


Yes, I saw those in the prior bread and thought it was YOU who did the recent graphic and posted it…

1c1c8a No.2174872


Figured as much. I have been forced to lurk since I was banned during the over-zealous mod/shill period for "spamming." All I said was Prescott Bush (granddaddy whose wall street firm fianaced Fritz Thyssen, Hitler's money-man), H.W. (need I say more), W. (useful idiot to Deep State), Billy Bush (pussy grabbin' interview host), and Marvin Bush (Securacom/Stratesec i.e. 9/11 Twin Towers security) were behind it all!

Watch I get banned again lol

Anyway, I haven't kept as close of an eye to the boards (I know lurk moar)

Glad you all are digging :)

41ebb6 No.2174927

I could do with your previous observations. And yes just doing it creeped the hell out of me. A work colleague interrupted me and I hit the ceiling. It's some clever work. Completely evil. >>2173913

6274b8 No.2175140


Don't be such a dick! There's moar & moar to this. & it's damm creepy. We all know Q's As The World Turn post about Pres Kennedy's assignation but look @ the owner name on the YT channel that it comes from. I've been watching the vids made from there this morning …They look layered with other images & sounds..white hats or black hats ?.. As The World Turns led to the pic of BhO with the little blonde girl "Maggie" in Martha's Vineyard. Yes, stomping grounds of Kennedy's..(not implying anything about Kennedys just saying all this is connecting over many decades. "Maggie's" Grandmother wrote the As The World Turns soap opera & there you have a whole 'nother can of worms tied into pedo MKU Cult crap. Videos with with layering pics etc on that YT channel.. Anons working on another thread are few in # & have been given what looks to bee a big 'helper drop'… We all have to help each other "play nice or be left behind".. All I can do is say there is a band of anons who need more eyes & autist power with some decoding of tons of overwhelming code #s & vids. I do not have those skrills but my internal alarm is sounding off.

623897 No.2175205


no worries!

anon is just trolling, cuz fun :)

they are ADDING not detracting.

look to the last two lines, it ends positive

we gosta keep some humor in this crazyness! (imho)


6274b8 No.2175357


Font & color iare pretty damn "in your face" to me.

I hear you anon but anyone can post with positive sign off of God bless all patriots & WWG1WGA…

I'm not buying this as good..feels more like bad coming in the bread…discernment!

41ebb6 No.2175423


It is humor my friend. A little inside tease to a great man. Being Autistic means I'm not that funny but I do try.

41ebb6 No.2175480

I'll also add the graphic is serious. Sorry for the Font not the colour as it stands out against black.>>2175357

da451e No.2175524


Wouldn't this need to be about R/18/XVIII to be of any significance?

da451e No.2175561

So how many times do you guys think John John watched the Zapruder film while formulating his plan?

04ba55 No.2175653



Maybe Jr. = JFK JR? Could the R fags have been right?

6274b8 No.2175680


Wrong again! Not humorous & seriously what do you mean by "a little tease to a great man"? I don't know if you're autistic ..looks like you're trolling with evil shit? Done with this convo with you but I'm watching!

a1b405 No.2175742

File: a9291d7bba8733b⋯.png (5.44 MB, 2048x2732, 512:683, C28B1AFA-D813-4779-B59B-D4….png)


Does anyone know who these kids are? Looks like there might be two sets of twins here. JFK Jr and Caroline could have had a large family. I recall she was pregnant at the time of the crash. Oldest girl looks like her.

858d96 No.2175748


(Pssst….we think so :-) Welcome aboard!

f9693e No.2175830

File: 824728fbe2d20cb⋯.jpeg (178.72 KB, 597x938, 597:938, 95E861EF-4CAB-4D58-B5E4-8….jpeg)

File: cfa6eff66f364b5⋯.jpeg (586.42 KB, 1242x1561, 1242:1561, AF7D5ECB-602A-4F84-8991-0….jpeg)

File: 71efbe3361ae7ed⋯.jpeg (858.37 KB, 1242x1871, 1242:1871, B94624A8-7F9D-4A86-A48E-0….jpeg)

Watch me walk out on a limb here.

Possible major red pill.

People’s misunderstanding of prophetic words will cause people to attack this idea.

Was not expecting to go down this road.

Messiah = Annointed one/Military leader

“Cut off but not for himself” = faked death to start the plan to save humanity from vampires.

Confirm the covenant (plan) for 1 week (7 years).

Sounds like Q doesn’t it? Confirming the plan?

Q began in 2017 + 7 = 2024 or last year of DJT POTUS.

In the midst of confirming the covenant (plan), He shall Cause child sacrifice and burnt offering to CEASE. (Destroy Satanic psychopaths)

This is happening as we speak.

Mind blowing.

ROT-13 cipher

1999 - 62 weeks (years) = 1937

19 = 10 = J

37 = 10 = J

37 - 13 = 23

19+37 = 56

JFKJR was 56 the year DJT elected POTUS

56 - 13 = 43 - 13 = 30 - 13 = 17 = Q

Revelation 13:3 & 13:12

13:3 = 783 minutes


13:12 = 792 minutes


7+8+3 = 18 = R

7+9+2 = 18 = R


R = 18

18 - 13 = 5

RR = 55 = 5:5 = JFKJR

Do I post this Q?

Did Q ever mention ROT-Decoder?

Yes in Q:1428

f9693e No.2175959


Would explain why Trump invokes God so much.

Fasten your seatbelts everyone.


What did R say?

We aren’t awake yet.

None of us.

Hold on tight!

f9693e No.2175990

File: aed28e383acd35a⋯.jpeg (309.81 KB, 2528x2334, 1264:1167, EEADFC48-9E30-4AC2-BAF2-5….jpeg)

d522ba No.2176064


These are fair questions. My answer to this is that they knew they had to get away. The ladies have to be in on this.

The Question I have had since day 1 is, "WHEN did The Plan start??"

f9693e No.2176105

File: f107542dc433cef⋯.jpeg (148.1 KB, 1242x336, 207:56, FED43EBE-4D11-4BAE-B7A8-D….jpeg)

File: 4c9840dffa25551⋯.jpeg (260.52 KB, 1242x730, 621:365, A2D4C00D-9D89-435F-B76E-1….jpeg)

John Revelation

John the R


Start having toilet paper handy at all times.

The Storm is upon who?



261783 No.2176213


Can't make it any more obvious. Done here.

It's a self contained concept to my perception. A mysterious puzzle to baffle and stimulate the public's imagination not to be "officially" confirmed here. When someone who knows nothing about Q sends me a message to check this picture out for the crazy look-alike coincidences and to check out the mysterious man staring at the camera I will figure it's done it's intended work.

maybe I am wrong? Only the original uploader of the image knows.

858d96 No.2176243

File: 543a6e721d12f62⋯.png (33.22 KB, 599x367, 599:367, R THEY SERIOUS KILL BOXES.PNG)

Another tidbit (angle) on the R COUNTDOWN (which I elaborated on in an earlier bread) in the "R THEY SERIOUS" Q Drop.


The countdown, UNRAVELING the [ ] 's…in essence, being peeled away to REVEAL….


Ha, ha. I like it.

7827b9 No.2176270

Fair enough you humorless fucking twat. Took me fucking hours to do that creepy ass shit at the request of another Anon. It's 1AM and I'm so creeped out I cant sleep. I'll redo the graphic tomorrow as it does suck. But did I mention? Go fuck yourself >>2175680

858d96 No.2176282


BPMfag: Did you catch the HASH IP for the latest R post (legal one) dropped a few days ago??

.(…) 3x6jvRi

JV could equal John 5 (which is what you've uncovered in many of your graphics)

6274b8 No.2176333


Different ID #… WOW!

d15347 No.2176348


Relax anon. Blessings. Blessings blessings.

Don’t let the creepy Satan shit get inside ya!!! ThanQ for your service. o7

f9693e No.2176350



3x6 = 18

jv = John 5

Ri = 18 + 1 (i = Roman numeral 1)

Ri = 19 = Today - 19 years

858d96 No.2176366


No worries anon…we're all digging into WHAT interests us, and where we feel led to go…

Nothing wrong with that. I agree, not worth anyone's time to try and FORCE an angle, issue, belief, etc….

I mean, isn't THAT^^^ what we're fighting for?? FREEDOM?

I've said it once, worth saying again, "If I (or anyone else) isn't "FEELING IT" for a certain angle, how hard is it to "scroll on by"???

One of the MAIN BEEFS I have with the Main Board…too much "tearing down of fellow anons" simply because they themselves have a different perspective.

Anyways, off soap-box and onward…

858d96 No.2176396



f9693e No.2176415


Anyone have a screenshot of this latest R post??

858d96 No.2176519


Baker, just noticed the LEGAL R POST missing from NOTABLES from last bread...had to dig threw to find BO's post on HASH IP

BPMFag...the link above is to the MAIN BOARD (I guess where it was initially posted...going to find OUR anon's post - cut and paste - to get the link into OUR notables)

a1b405 No.2176521



See my post >>2175742

Picture is of a young Caroline. Not so sure someone didn't upload a pic of the family sans parents.

858d96 No.2176525


See post below yours


858d96 No.2176570



The link below is IMPORTANT for prior bread...an R POST copied from MAIN BOARD...



858d96 No.2176601


I saw when the photo was dropped (I think yesterday anon) by a one-poster??

I took a closer look and not seeing KENNEDY look but, again, just my take!

6274b8 No.2176615


There's fuckery afoot here since the post of >>2172827.. better take another look all anons.. & that creepy Saran shit? you're absolutely correct but the person you were talking to was the person who posted the creepy Satin shit in the 1st place so why would their own creation creep themselves out?… & they just changed their ID# with that last post to me..

5b3af0 No.2177186

R is behind Q


21ab8a No.2177289

File: 8a6490ef03ed1a6⋯.jpg (103.72 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, alice-in-wonderland.jpg)

File: be6f86b16666bbd⋯.jpg (37.33 KB, 780x438, 130:73, they-were-living-apart-151….jpg)

File: 1ff6aebe366a9d9⋯.jpg (39.06 KB, 768x384, 2:1, gettyimages-72465192-14986….jpg)

Would it be so crazy to thing Q and A are actually one: Ex. Q = A


A= Carolyn

R= ? (perhaps an experiment/test)

First time I saw Carolyn I thought about her resemblance to Alice in Wonderland….

I wonder what happened to her sister….I cannot remember her name…

d50ced No.2177311



ditto here

but anon pointed out to me above, it is in a notables bun above but the more its pointed out

perhaps even save the images and repost in this bread

this is baker

Rlarp Baker ;)

this is my main device. my laptop.

love you guys

no home

d50ced No.2177323

File: 34f4658301b2e2d⋯.png (181.74 KB, 1904x1118, 952:559, ClipboardImage.png)

IP HASH for recent R legal post

repost from bread 4

d50ced No.2177349

File: 711349e148bdcd0⋯.png (17.71 KB, 467x203, 467:203, ClipboardImage.png)


IP HASH zoom

f9693e No.2177366


Hmmmm, get read for my next proof.

It’s scary.

No exaggeration.

Trump schools general board.

It’s proves my ROT-13 post.

858d96 No.2177441


Thanks Baker…we got that (already commenting on the id) BUT, the actual R POST (by itself) is missing a SPACE and therefore, the link isn't live (red) and it's why I missed it…

Anyways, can you fix it?? It's right under the BE STRONG AND RESOLUTE post midway through the Bread #4 Notables…

Much thanks!!

858d96 No.2177447



f9693e No.2177474

File: 4c7eee79c0b6902⋯.jpeg (379.06 KB, 1242x993, 414:331, 3C49AE90-0E8C-4249-B1B5-B….jpeg)

File: 47460b6856b8d89⋯.jpeg (507.68 KB, 1242x1341, 138:149, 6C69D8E9-9099-4D25-91DD-E….jpeg)


Care to explain the scary timing of this?

I’ve been suspicious in the past that someone figured out how to read the future.

If not, this event that’s unfolding is divine in nature.

Maybe a bit of both.

POTUS Tweet yedterday 7/15/18, 23:05

“Our relationship with R has never been foolishness and stupidity and now the R Witch Hunt!”

ROT-13 code cipher

W - 13 letters = J

E - 13 letters = R

POTUS Tweet time stamp 23:05 pacific time.

23 = W

5 = E

ROT-13 cipher

We = Jr.

23:05 = 1385 minutes.


Read the first line.

Latest R post US History.




“When the river comes and all the cards are turned over, there will be no unbelievers.” - 2012

f9693e No.2177523

File: 988b1f4aeed7834⋯.jpeg (90.64 KB, 1221x1101, 407:367, 9B433A3E-A544-4426-A9A8-B….jpeg)

It’s no coincidence this song was written.

Future in the Past.

Listen to the words.



972ee9 No.2177549


I just heard house of the rising sun in the grocery store. hairs on end.

f9693e No.2177565

d50ced No.2177571


got it


needs a space in next notables


f9693e No.2177812

File: b232d6de47bfbfd⋯.jpeg (318.41 KB, 1242x953, 1242:953, 24C39CD9-0442-411A-A2CA-E….jpeg)

File: 6c9d80a6d0542f5⋯.jpeg (849.41 KB, 1242x1561, 1242:1561, 2E39D243-511E-40D4-B058-5….jpeg)

February 10 = 2/10

2/10 = 210

210 minutes = 3:30


JFKJR born on day 330 of 1960.

11:05 + 11:05 = 22:10 = 10:10 pm = J:J

22:10 = 1330 minutes = The one born on day 330

I’m starting to get spooked a little but some strange things happened to me starting in 2010 that no doubt prepared me for these days.

a1b405 No.2177853


Her sister’s name was Lauren Bessette. She was a twin of a third sister and had a substantial career in finance.

54c436 No.2177868


Trust me, no need for that. :)

d50ced No.2177981

File: fdf4646cc004b07⋯.png (658.88 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

hey butthead

saw this a couple of times on Q bread

thought it looked kinda numbersfaggy

you seen it?

858d96 No.2178166


WOWZA!!! Good one!!!

858d96 No.2178204


LOL…loving it!!!

And isn't that funny, 2010 was when I got the GREAT AWAKENING/WRECKING BALL words…the beginning of my journey…and NUMBERS were a HUGE PART OF IT!!!

Ha, ha

c84d11 No.2178367



f9693e No.2178369

File: 76633e3e378eaca⋯.jpeg (119.7 KB, 597x1144, 597:1144, 704BE524-37DA-4BC4-8D1E-6….jpeg)

File: ed308f1b6e3d8d9⋯.jpeg (937.64 KB, 1242x1066, 621:533, CB767020-D237-4101-AAE1-A….jpeg)


1111 = 4


Trump showing 4 fingers.

Line 4 from Q.

ROT-13 cipher

R = E

E = R

E = 5

Reason = 5:5 a son

ROT-13 cipher

We = Jr

Are = R


5:5 a son Jr, R will be here more.

Line 4 from anon.

RR problems.?

lol! Troll

See my AC/DC graphic. (Find it please)

Q tells anon WHEN raw vid HRC 5:5 will be released.

Related to these numbers.

Could be POTUS confirmation of that graphic.

I need to take a break.

Brain is smoking.

f9693e No.2178394


It’s happening.

Everything we imagined had to happen for this beast to go down.



f9693e No.2178530

File: 3177e379f51e05a⋯.jpeg (337.25 KB, 2528x2265, 2528:2265, 939F5FA9-2637-4D7D-BDA0-8….jpeg)

Let’s expand our thinking.


Brain still smoking.

RR = Rod Rosenstein (Lawyer).

ROT-13 cipher.

RR = EE = 55.

See where I’m going?

55 = JFKJR

Is RR a stand in actor for the behind the scenes, real deputy attorney general?

JFKJR passed the bar.

A lawyer.

Preparing for the last 19 years?

Can learn a lot in that time.

“You are watching a movie.” - Q

f9693e No.2178608

File: dcd42cde1b78efc⋯.jpeg (594.79 KB, 2528x3160, 4:5, B2954932-666F-4E28-AA0C-E….jpeg)

Please, everyone.

Be ready.

We’re still in the calm before the storm.

White Squall happens suddenly and unexpectedly.

Where Jr Go One Jr Go All.

And Where One Goes We All Go.


2435f8 No.2178681

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

JFK Speech and good music

54c436 No.2178971



You are my ally

I am Your ally

WE R each other’s ally

f9693e No.2178980

File: 59c41dddfe2ed01⋯.jpeg (304.92 KB, 2528x2499, 2528:2499, 8D92C5F8-5505-4CC5-A13B-E….jpeg)

Where does it end?

There’s probably 500 proofs we haven’t found.



ROT-13 cipher

W = J

S = F

You know the rest.

Q = 17

17 = 1/7 = AG


AG Jeff Sessions is between POTUS & JFKJR = JFKJR is the deputy AG.

RR is an actor.

98f0a2 No.2178997

File: dee7e235fece172⋯.png (670.65 KB, 838x398, 419:199, ClipboardImage.png)


There was a US Senate Hearing regarding Pumpkin Key in 1998

(S.2470) introduced by Senator Bob Graham and co-sponsored by Senator Connie Mack

Side note: Ocean Reef Club is one of the most exclusive private members club/gated community in the US and has it's own landing strip for jets.


f9693e No.2179104

File: a1fcbe1daf15bc5⋯.jpeg (503.54 KB, 1242x811, 1242:811, CA5FD7E0-17BA-4C69-A49E-6….jpeg)


Confirmed by POTUS.

Mind blowing sir.


I think I’m going to be sick.

f9693e No.2179283

File: 59655e5ca6e1afa⋯.jpeg (203.31 KB, 1242x833, 1242:833, F86064B4-0926-4FC9-BA06-6….jpeg)

File: 066bd16acee5d6e⋯.jpeg (503.62 KB, 1242x847, 1242:847, DF85DFFE-BC21-4A68-AFC6-B….jpeg)

File: faeea5b37bccead⋯.jpeg (906.99 KB, 1242x1985, 1242:1985, C4943176-4DBC-48D1-BA7C-A….jpeg)


SPOOKY indeed.





C = See

F= 6

B = 2

I = 9

See 629



Tweet Time stamp 22:37 = 1357 minutes


Confirm AC/DC proof 11.11

928eaa No.2179392

File: 84087df87c6a362⋯.jpg (40.79 KB, 641x530, 641:530, djn11vh08f611.jpg)

858d96 No.2179628



Here's the lyrics:

I said, oh, watching them fall

Never heard it all

One by one, thought I'd find the sun

Melting down

Soon I hit the ground

Up so fast

The future in the past

Oh, oh

The future's in the past, woo

Oh yeah, hey


Well, I was think in it's the real thing

Bucking like a mustang

We got everybody talkin'

Yeah, they talkin'

Well I got mine



I got a funky, funky feeling

Somewhere in the past

Still everyday believing

Oh, I'm believin'

Saving the best the best for last




Saving the best for last


Saving the best for last

Ya, ya ya ya ya

Ya, ya ya ya ya

Hey, hey hey

Hey, hey hey

Yeah, come on

Come on

Future's in the past

I'm gonna listen to the future, listen to the past

Life ain't 'bout no hurry

I'm gonna save the best for last

Come on, come on

The future's…

f9693e No.2179679

File: 8e8454705690605⋯.jpeg (134.64 KB, 597x1069, 597:1069, 92EA61DC-B12D-49C4-8296-7….jpeg)

File: 94eca4d0280bf7b⋯.jpeg (234.2 KB, 1242x674, 621:337, 68CE9FC4-5B87-4B81-AF1D-E….jpeg)

File: ced6d377e82c926⋯.png (2.69 MB, 2048x1694, 1024:847, E2394DB6-CEA8-41BA-86D4-07….png)


Every dog has It’s DAY

dog = 26

Q:26 (Graphic)


11:31 = 691

Q:691 (Graphic)

11:31 = 1131

Q:1131 (Graphic)

11.3 could also be 11:30 = Q:1130

See graphic (lol!)

f9693e No.2179704

File: ac4ccae99518163⋯.jpeg (789.13 KB, 2528x3160, 4:5, 346AD333-D3F0-4682-A39A-E….jpeg)

858d96 No.2179837


So…R U gonna apply?? (Couldn't resist!!!)

f9693e No.2179900


Ummmm, No

f9693e No.2179980

File: 5aa1a2c77e75d52⋯.jpeg (177.78 KB, 1242x511, 1242:511, B728497D-E4C4-486E-B05D-C….jpeg)

Q’s last post was on 07/04/18


[e] = R

18 = R

ROT-13 cipher

R = E

E = 5

RR = 55

18 could also mean 07/04 + 18 = 7/22

f9693e No.2180288

File: 0d6ee3f17dc5472⋯.jpeg (897.36 KB, 1242x1707, 414:569, 25490ED6-E202-47F7-A8D3-7….jpeg)

File: 1a094b4a1e382e9⋯.jpeg (262.36 KB, 1242x703, 1242:703, 0D2DCD27-2412-4B57-8945-8….jpeg)


Further thoughts.

ROT-13 cipher

White Squall

W = J

S = F

What about the rest?

K = 11

J = 10

R = 18

11/10/18 will be BIG

White Squall (See Graphic)






7b6a9f No.2180360


Anyone else notice the misuse of the apostrophe in Greys - Grey's. It is the possesive form.

f9693e No.2180377

File: ed0d1b7dc41ca8d⋯.jpeg (315.14 KB, 2528x2499, 2528:2499, E991DCCC-BCE4-437F-A9D3-9….jpeg)

858d96 No.2180564

Kind of strange to hear "forthcoming" (describing Lisa Page) via Matt Gaetz and the left's "new rising son" (describing the newly-elected socialist congresswoman from NY) from Martha MacCallum in the span of about 10 seconds…too funny.

a794f2 No.2180607

File: 2835e2b44de29e4⋯.jpg (81.33 KB, 1112x398, 556:199, 07-16-1999-20.39.jpg)

19 years ago, right this minute

f9693e No.2180799

File: b7efaa90d678396⋯.png (4.79 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 5292B9FE-F24C-4243-9FEA-42….png)

File: b3f923662c723cc⋯.jpeg (75.41 KB, 597x706, 597:706, F9C21080-5FEA-4D75-A6ED-5….jpeg)



Plane departed 10:05 eastern

Red_October = Pacific



R = e = 5.

RR = 55.

19:05 Military time.

19:05 = 1145 minutes.


Sparrow red

Sparrow = Lark = JFKJR Secret Service Name

Trust the plan?

858d96 No.2180808


Will go down (no pun intended) as the greatest disappearing act of all time.

Pass the popcorn.

f9693e No.2180837


The soldiers in the south were called the grays

Grey & Gray are the same.

It’s code for The Psychopath Vampires

f9693e No.2180848

File: ddac04805dde335⋯.jpeg (910.68 KB, 1242x1484, 621:742, 4C50C7FE-5C90-4891-B003-9….jpeg)

892f4f No.2181014

File: 1079e8abbe67b83⋯.png (159.87 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_2808.PNG)

c394de No.2181227

File: 6942d4c1875ba14⋯.png (19.22 KB, 453x335, 453:335, we the people.PNG)

Wow, this bread is hot.

Another interesting item is if,



What is normally We the People, Q posted with a comma in there. Jr, the People?

Curious, going to plug the post into a cipher to see if anything else stand out…

c394de No.2181271


also this Q post from April 19, date I believe of the battles of Lexington & Concord, The Shot Heard Around The World, has a direct tie with We = Jr & We comma the people, Jr, the people & it also has JFK in the post next line, hmmm.


Push to DIVIDE is strong.

Think pre vs post 2016 election.




We, the PEOPLE.



e640bb No.2181332

Sorry ANON I missed your reply. Yes the Graphic is dreadful I'll work on it today add something more and change the dreadful font. By the time I realised yesterday how dreadful it looked I was tired and went with it. >>2173830

394e36 No.2181758


the hands….

0716b0 No.2181797

File: 8e986794f25e19f⋯.jpeg (47.31 KB, 698x503, 698:503, C0AAB66A-9372-4D98-97F5-A….jpeg)

File: 52cb79b069d2ee0⋯.jpeg (108.79 KB, 620x621, 620:621, 421A6108-E4AC-47DF-8260-3….jpeg)

File: 3922d53f8f09016⋯.jpeg (90.2 KB, 623x462, 89:66, BAB6D803-BC35-4B0A-8D75-E….jpeg)

File: 32ea5c330ab2149⋯.jpeg (70.77 KB, 628x238, 314:119, DF6F663D-9F10-4A2B-B9CA-0….jpeg)

File: fe012e943afc842⋯.jpeg (177.1 KB, 633x689, 633:689, 3392C22B-B0DB-44ED-9BCC-7….jpeg)


Check out the RR’s in the qmapp

Some may be ROD, some may be JJ RR (ROT)?

Notice some of them are framed onece! Twice! And thrice times…

c84d11 No.2181861

File: 8c00aba84338673⋯.png (400.82 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180716-222327.png)

54c436 No.2181976

File: d0fd7153e5eef12⋯.jpeg (308.6 KB, 610x930, 61:93, B119E55D-82BB-4DDB-998A-4….jpeg)


Here you go anon..

f9693e No.2182281

File: c75ab17e192dca6⋯.jpeg (396.77 KB, 2528x2499, 2528:2499, C62057CB-D7F6-4B67-9A73-1….jpeg)

What if Russian collusion is code for R collusion?


That would mean the Dems are announcing to the world that JFKJR is colluding with DJT without knowing what they’re saying. And it’s secret code TRUE! LOL!

Did white hats feed them that Russian collusion accusation?



People, vampires following a script without knowing it.

54c436 No.2182333


Anon of the day ^

892f4f No.2182339

File: 37e4e60541b06a2⋯.png (1.18 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_2810.PNG)



892f4f No.2182411


ff to 5:55

til end is legalese

numbers, legal docs, lots





0d7bf9 No.2182718

To R,

Wherever you are, Heaven or Earth, May It Be the perfect sanctuary! Free from pain and suffering! Free to enjoy those you love ! You will always have my respect and admiration! As I have always prayed for your peace! You are a beacon of light for us all! We love you John!!!

0d7bf9 No.2182978


Love the fact he says we take the "Q"from you Larry. It was such a great video. Probably already posted, but this was the best breakdown I ever saw on "Grey emissaries!"

0d7bf9 No.2182995



Nothing like being tired, and leaving out your own link… re Grey emissaries

c84d11 No.2183254


I am going back through it slowly now for legals,good watch,great man.

df0463 No.2184145


im like 3rd time through

right now listening each time has been on the road

cant wait to listen and sauce at the same time

df0463 No.2184172

Common Law


dude's on soapbox right now

supports Q /ourguy/

good site, i just peeped it

free civics course

free const course

in the Free Courses page

common law/nat law


5b3af0 No.2184200

A dig on Aldous Huxley (author of Grey Eminence) Also author of screenplay adaption of Alice in Wonderland.

In 1945, Walt Disney signed Aldous Huxley to write a screenplay for "Alice and the Mysterious Mr. Carroll": a combination live-action and animated incorporation of "Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland" with the biography of Lewis Carroll (Charles Dodgson). Dodgson, a beleaguered Oxford lecturer known as the Dodo, has already written "Alice in Wonderland" under the name Lewis Carroll. He and Alice take refuge in Wonderland from Alice’s cruel governess and Dodgson’s Tory vice-chancellor. These villains, who disapprove of "nonsense books," must never learn that Dodgson and Carroll are the same person, lest Dodgson be barred from a coveted university librarianship. A series of fantastic adventures culminates with the resolution of the Carroll-Dodgson identity through a deus-ex-machina appearance by Queen Victoria. "It was so literary I could understand only every third word," Disney said of Huxley’s script, which he didn’t end up using for his adaptation of "Alice in Wonderland" (1951).

The name Dodgson has been mentioned by anons about a week ago. Wish I could find it again.

7827b9 No.2185112

File: 9856026d0375f11⋯.jpg (675.09 KB, 2319x2105, 2319:2105, DemonCoffeeATWT2.jpg)

0716b0 No.2186321

File: 2a16a7bfe2c58a4⋯.jpeg (762.51 KB, 1408x1724, 352:431, DAF99A5E-03FF-4A9E-A543-8….jpeg)

File: 82725f1b1c5f236⋯.jpeg (612.51 KB, 1464x1167, 488:389, 537A8A2B-3D7B-46D4-9DA0-9….jpeg)


[[[ ]]]

[[ ]]

[ ]

RR’s that are framed the same - may redefine what was previously thought/believed by general group?

What about # # framing? Not sure if relevant either.

2081d1 No.2186377

I didn't see anything about this posted, so here goes again - trying one more time. This Twitter account, Operation Mockingbird, has a LOT of interesting info. Seems to be a 'new' account, although it posts things from previous dates. Pic of JFKJr at header. It's important to look at ALL the tweets he has (not that many, actually) and the responses. Fwiw, I think Jr is still alive.


Lurking pays off, sometimes.

433cfb No.2186470

File: 0a75e8605e1a71d⋯.png (260.21 KB, 1228x479, 1228:479, Rlarp comes clean.png)

R-larp came clean it was a anon playing a joke.

0716b0 No.2186484


Yes, some interesting stuff. Didn’t realize Bush disappeared for 3 days that weekend.

That tweet reminded me of a media frenzy week a little while back wher Putin disappeared for and entire week, no one knew where he was either.

Secret meetings happen.

f9693e No.2186734


Meanwhile, in the House Of the rising Son there’s 100 proofs from POTUS and Q that R isn’t a LARP

“Trolling (anons) is fun.” - Q

We’ve all been trolled by PQR.

c84d11 No.2187056

File: eff879cab1700d4⋯.jpg (61.76 KB, 500x500, 1:1, john-f-kennedy-burial-site.jpg)

Still love this pic. Doesn't get more obvious than this..

4c2ed2 No.2187083

File: 3995632d0c848c0⋯.png (293.6 KB, 640x475, 128:95, 1506526594686.png)

f9693e No.2187239

File: a8d3a27c083f611⋯.jpeg (937.71 KB, 1242x2141, 1242:2141, F7EA3F9D-C1E5-48CC-AF31-F….jpeg)

Trolling is fun

7f741c No.2187331

File: 0a05a61d74ce74d⋯.jpg (13.88 KB, 656x154, 328:77, how-does-it-connect.jpg)


sure but what's the jr connection here?

actually don't even see a q connection, refresh my memory pls? for the record, i do know the record, just don't happen to remember any acdc suggestion in drops..

c84d11 No.2187362


Like a junkyard dog..

f9693e No.2187462

File: 0e277b96af3d6aa⋯.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1242x2135, 1242:2135, 9F4BEB54-CE7D-4C77-9B86-D….jpeg)

[Tips hat to the anon who provided ROT-13 tool]


f9693e No.2187482

File: d958586f652b699⋯.jpeg (127.18 KB, 750x900, 5:6, B2375D2C-F6C9-46DA-A370-4….jpeg)


You don’t see a Q post in the graphic that says






What question (request) was asked by anon?

What kind of guitar does Angus Young use?

What day was Mutt Lange born on?

The “when” was answered by Q in that drop.

f9693e No.2187522


Stage set?

Stage = Concert

Set = The songs played at a concert.

Google it.

MSM = Mainstream Music





Q answered anons request. Told anon WHEN video was coming using AC/DC.

Think about how many other crumbs are scattered all over 1,681 Q drops.

And anons are crying for Q to post again.

lol! Then what?

c84d11 No.2187581

11.11.18 is also the :

45th Sunday of the yeaR

Veterans Day (US)

Remembrance Day (UK)

c84d11 No.2188093

CUSIP numbers consist of nine characters (including letters and numbers). A CUSIP number identifies most financial instruments, including: stocks of all registered U.S. and Canadian companies, commercial paper, and U.S. government and municipal bonds.


DL: 9 digits

SSN: 9 digits

The United States is bankrupt and has been since 1933. The government has no gold or silver as required by the Constitution. The only asset left is the people. So how does the U.S. finance its daily operations?

Solution, collateralize the people for credit. How? By registering them in international commerce, and selling bonds on them. The people become the surety on the bonds, or the "pledge". The asset bonded (surety) is the labor of the people which is payable as some undetermined future date. Thus, the people become the "utility" for the "transmission" of energy. Result, a very sophisticated form of peonage or slavery and the Constitution does not apply because the government, on all levels, is thrown into international commerce, the law merchant, now known as the Uniform Commercial Code. [See Public Law 88-244 in which the U.S. Subscribed to private international law. See definition of "goods" under the Uniform Commercial Code; Section 2-105(1) and 9-105(1) in which animals, i.e. humans and their unborn offspring, become "goods" sellable in commerce!

When a baby is born in the United States, a birth certificate is registered with the Bureau of Vital Statistics in the State of birth. The key word here is "registered" as registered in international commerce. The baby becomes the surety, whose energy is due at some future date. When the birth certificate is registered in the U.S. Department of Commerce, the Department of Treasury issues a bond on the birth certificate ($1,000,000) and the bond is sold at some securities exchange and perhaps bought by the Federal Reserve Bank, which then uses it as collateral in order to issue Federal Reserve Notes or some other form of "debt obligation" (see 18 USC §411). The bond is then held in trust for the Federal Reserve at the Depository Trust Corp. At 55 Water Street, in New York City, about two blocks down the street from the Fed. It is a high rise office building and the sign out front reads "The Tower of Power".

e59fa2 No.2188141


thus we are owned.


time to escape the plantation.

442f14 No.2188181

File: 4c7eee79c0b6902⋯.jpeg (379.06 KB, 1242x993, 414:331, CEEB51A6-B6BA-4C3E-8738-A….jpeg)

POTUS told us 2 things (maybe more) in this tweet.

1) Russia Russia Russia is foolishness, stupidity, and a Witch Hunt.

2) Our relationship with R is not foolishness, stupidity, and what’s with the Witch Hunt?

POTUS has been screaming Witch Hunt for how long? lol!

(W)itch (H)unt?

ROT-13 code cipher

W - 13 letters = J

H - 13 letters = U

How do you spell the word “Jr.”??

442f14 No.2188241


There are 1,681 Q drops plus countless POTUS Tweets.

Can you imagine how much is in there in light of “Witch! Hunt!”?

df0463 No.2188366

File: 886cfa2f999b58a⋯.jpg (114.19 KB, 1920x993, 640:331, 1554ee70d9da35e99da0701770….jpg)

File: e3b689045499873⋯.jpg (93.89 KB, 1920x993, 640:331, 4786f3a3802d29c9d798df6c0d….jpg)

File: 7d591dce622fa89⋯.jpg (175.69 KB, 1920x993, 640:331, dc7048c90091c3c350dfc7bd8d….jpg)



at least using IP Hash as construct

doesnt matter

message is good

1st drop started this age

2nd series of drops gave new insight into Hong Kong photo

3rd drop is Legal R and is a tresure trove

c84d11 No.2188434

Website has lots…


1. The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation is a Holding Company that owns, controls and supports 6 primary wholly-owned Operating Subsidiaries that carry out their marching orders, insure the ever-increasing reach and control of the DTCC and insulate the DTCC from both public and private scrutiny.

2. The DTCC is effectively the single most powerful, Government protected and sanctioned, monopolistic Stock Market controller in the United States and most of the World .

3. These 6 DTCC subsidiaries are:

a. Depository Trust Company (DTC)

b. National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC)

c. Fixed Income Clearing Corporation (FICC)

d. DTCC Solutions, L.L.C.

e. DTCC-Deriv/SERV, L.L.C.

f. European Central Counter Party Limited Euro/CCP

4. Through this strategically linked set of wholly-owned subsidiaries, the DTCC controls virtually all United States and European Securities Trading in Corporate Stocks, Municipal Bonds, Derivatives, Government Securities and Residential Mortgage Backed Securities.

5. Based on its massive trading volumes, it can be said that the DTCC effectively controls the majority of all worldwide Securities Trading.

6. In June, 1980, the Securities & Exchange Commission determined that “Clearing Agencies… are essential to Congressional Policy to reduce the physical movement of Securities Certificates.”

7. Because Clearing Agencies use proprietary databases, the Public has no legal right to review or analyze the contents of these databases. Does this sound familiar with what we know about MERS?

8. Therefore, the Clearing Agency can operate in the black.

df0463 No.2188480

John Perry Barlow JFK connection made notables just now/recent breads on Q breads ← check the current bread and see notables

so yesteRday

but instead of screaming over at QQQ about RRR, how about we compile some good proofs or simply some typed or imaged collabs of ourR shit on this thread.

then we can have Butthead clean up the results into a nice proof or two and deliver that to the Q page

sound good Rlarpfags? ;)

Rlarp bakeR

df0463 No.2188531

File: f99a5d05da9d9f6⋯.png (187.58 KB, 322x527, 322:527, ClipboardImage.png)


learn our comms

here is an oldy but a goody from /pol/

df0463 No.2189314

File: e697106152a6e85⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

>>2133044 (orig)



no correlation but found a high res searching for something else

4bc2eb No.2189370


FWIW John Perry Barlow has connections to not only JFK Jr but also many online articles list him as a personal influence to Snowden and Assange. Here’s one article for example: https://thebitcoinnews.com/internet-pioneer-john-perry-barlow-who-influenced-assange-snowden-dead-at-70/

442f14 No.2189373

File: 451bc4bbe05e286⋯.jpeg (51.67 KB, 597x818, 597:818, BF673B52-F64D-44DE-8942-9….jpeg)

Hello world.

JFKJR has been in “jail” for…

7/16/1999 to 7/16/2018 = 19 years

AC/(DC) Jailbreak

Gonna make a (jailbreak)

And I'm looking towards the sky

I'm gonna make a (jailbreak)

Oh, how I wish that I could fly

All in the name of liberty

All in the name of liberty

Got to be free

Let me outta here

Sixteen years

Had more than I can take

16 years?

“Think mirror.” - Q










“Every dog has It’s DAY.” - Q





df0463 No.2189376

File: 2f8a30d6fc1fdf1⋯.png (5.65 MB, 4096x2304, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


actually this one a bit more interesting



(nice digits btw)

7b6a9f No.2189594

File: 749bf998d92b2de⋯.png (13.19 KB, 1021x148, 1021:148, ClipboardImage.png)


Just listened to the Ran Paul interview with Wolfe Blitzer. Towards the end of the interview, Ran was saying that for the past so many years, the government has been spying on ALL of us and storing all of the data in Utah.

Utah… What is the first thing you think of when you hear Utah?

The Mormons.

They are big into genealogy and more recently DNA.

Got a couple hours more to work, but definitely think this is worthy of a dig.

442f14 No.2189600

File: b6d21ac5decb586⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1751x2048, 1751:2048, C8B1C2D8-CE94-4693-BDDD-E0….png)







858d96 No.2190149


Good remake (fonts, explanation) anon!!


858d96 No.2190264


Definitely think the #FLY[RR]FLY# could have double meaning in terms of JFK JR…

The June 11th, 3:05:07 in terms of the last two lines could totally be connected to JFK JR…

The "plans" to assassinate him (which makes sense with the Q Drop on the SIG intercept and which specifically talks about the relationship with JFK JR) combined with the TRIPLE KILL BOXES (which are peeled away one day at a time - 3 days) and the #'s referencing the FLY word…



858d96 No.2190299



Saw it the first time you posted it anon…and went over (commented on the Bush info) and followed him….

Interesting about the "I was there. JK !"….even though he "clarified" I still think may be purposeful DISINFO….

858d96 No.2190327


Too bad you didn't read through ALL 5 BREADS…beginning to end…cuz you would have seen THIS was already "stated" and "debunked"….

442f14 No.2190478


RR = Rod Rosenstein




Rod Rosenstein is an actor.

Therefore who is really the Deputy Attorney


“You’re watching a movie.” - Q







448644 No.2190512


the bike camping pic

re read seasons

think april flowers may flowers…

always thought it was june swoon

can only find june bugs

858d96 No.2190646


We're "tracking"…just seeing your #FLYRRFLY# now (before I wrote my post below!!)

858d96 No.2190920

File: 68bf799b4a24bef⋯.png (23.07 KB, 440x493, 440:493, APRIL SHOWERS.PNG)


Hmmm….JUNE BUGS (wonder if we - white hats - eliminated some bugs)….and JULY FIREWORKS - we've been told by Q to expect them….and then:


National Son (Daughter) Day: August 11, 2018

Will August be the MONTH OF THE REVEAL??

df0463 No.2190991

File: fa7875442bfaa3b⋯.png (268.01 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

df0463 No.2191006


call to dig on John Perry and snowden/assange

call to gather JPB and Jr

call to Butthead (pic related)

d7e723 No.2191081


Utah = Huber

858d96 No.2191130



NSA huge facility….Romney…."catch and release" (Senator)…under POTUS "control"…

996887 No.2191171

File: c46561f2b929621⋯.jpg (242.56 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, the great awakening 2.jpg)


Looks like the image I used when I made my original dark to light meme several months ago.

Thats why I made the second one too, because of how closely the images resembled each other

7b6a9f No.2191517


Do I recall correctly that Utah was chosen for Huber to work from because they have some specific state laws that were advantageous to the Q mission?

a72698 No.2191582

442f14 No.2191604

File: 2fb19569fbd1101⋯.jpeg (333.29 KB, 2528x2499, 2528:2499, C1A9DAE7-170D-4C7F-BF0F-8….jpeg)

“Had a friend of mine on Murder…

When the judges gathered fall..”




A parade that will never be forgotten.” - Q













9dc725 No.2191835

File: 82d16da7489154f⋯.png (68.44 KB, 1014x354, 169:59, Q64.png)

File: 78e6d553ad3d9d1⋯.png (96.85 KB, 1021x361, 1021:361, CommentsReddit.png)

Dutch intuition fag here.

A bit off topic but….maybe not??

So Today the lights went out when Trump spoke, so now A redditor poster this post and my comment is at the bottom of the other picture!

I believe he is NOT coming back! What do you guys think?

9dc725 No.2191888



Beautiful!! Good find!!


9dc725 No.2191927


Wow!! Nice one!!



9dc725 No.2192096

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Related to my post here:


Dark to Light!!

This is the official White House video, at 3.56 the lights go out, at exactly 4:05 they go on again!

9dc725 No.2192127


Would have been nice to place the link of the post, that way we can find it at all times

9dc725 No.2192174


So what about the R from Rigged??

9dc725 No.2192331


Even if you "personally"think Greys are Demons, I wonder in what context you mean that. Th greys serve their reptilian/Draco masters. America wetn in business with the Greys, only to discover later how they betrayed them, the Cabal however likes them as they serve their agenda too.

We already have space mining. I'm 100% positive He speaks of the grey Aliens, simply because JFK was going to expose the whole thing and ten days later he was dead.

This is not some conspiracy and many people don't go down hat rabbit hole, but it's a deep rabbit hole and if you just google Grey Aliens and JFK you'll see how many stories there are about it. As for Grey eminence I "Personally" believe it has nothing to do with the grey's in the R post but merely a statement in the context of his interview. Also Jr knows fully well already about these things.

Double meanings is another one.

Another note: If you want to make a notable, make it red and bold, also provide the posts related to the notable. I mentioned it already in this thread, how to do this

442f14 No.2192337

File: d04d7820beb8a5a⋯.jpeg (333.8 KB, 2528x2499, 2528:2499, 56291036-334E-406A-931E-5….jpeg)

File: 2fb19569fbd1101⋯.jpeg (333.29 KB, 2528x2499, 2528:2499, 9EF92DE9-25A5-4FA7-9ED1-E….jpeg)

858d96 No.2192444


Definitely a sign for US not to panic given all the SHILLING FROM THE LEFT…and the fact that they WENT OUT at the exact time he's talking about the intel agencies…

And, too funny, but the HIGHLIGHTED BLACK MARKER is the CUE where the lights will go out (funny, MAIN board trying to figure out what it says)

He points and READS IT FIRST….and then, he reiterates it - modifying a little - and the lights go out….RIGHT ON CUE

Reading: "Once again, full faith and support for America's Intelligence Agencies" (POINTING RIGHT AT BLACK MARKER NOTES)

Reiteration: "I have a full faith (lights start dimming) in our intelligence agencies…whoops they just turned off the lights that must be the intelligence agencies"

Regarding whether he ever comes back….don't know….but if JFK JR were to step forward shortly and we see the dominos start to fall…then agreed, different phase of the operation and may not be needed…we already have HELPER ANONS which, many on the main board….still don't believe in!

9dc725 No.2192452


What makes you so sure??

Google Grey Aliens and JFK!

See for yourself!

9dc725 No.2192500


I didn't even noticed that Marker yet!

I just spend 30 or so hours, 8chan free, so I'm catching up with collecting notables and thought I post this here, for our math fags LOL

6274b8 No.2192679


Just getting on & catching up…R anon here since the beginning & have been watching lately (it was just getting too "far out man!" for me in this thread but that's me..no neg vibes to you anons just my feels so I shut my mouth & lurked.. This my friends, is for me, POTUS sending a loud & clear message that he has full faith in the research going on the entire board as part of his intel team & reading us ..He's got our backs & we have his.

I mean which POTUS in history would be so bold?

9dc725 No.2192683


-We have a quiet board here and chatting is still possible, however, this may change soon with more and more people, so these rules below apply now!!

Do NOT post questions or research until you checked the info in the notables, cause it’s useless explaining it all again, or posting same things over and over again.

Do NOT be rude to others, we all have shitty moments and recognize them, but we don’t troll people about it.

Do NOT spam post, collect your data and then post!

KNOW HOW to make something a notable and collect information with links, graphics or video attachments. (see below link for tips and tricks and testing your ability on that specific board designed to do so, by yours truly)

Here is the thread on HOW to post, respond and use the board.

Although it says: QBOARD QUESTIONS

And even though this board is much more civil.

It applies here too!


Link to "Pass the exam":


9dc725 No.2192721


In case I won't be here to bake the next bread

put this also in the


Under the R post, thank you Bakers

9dc725 No.2192764


I guess we all have those moments, I also think sometimes we can find something in every corner, if we search hard enough.

That's when I start collecting notables LOL, or catching up on other stuff.

I need a good 24hrs every time to come back! Also my time zone makes, that I do not catch a lot of people here, so then I catch up.

Once I interact though, it's sunny outside and spent a whole night here again!

Try to sleep on time today too, 2AM here, so totally failing again!

9dc725 No.2192884


That is not digging, that is repeating tabloids!We search for facts! And plausible theories that connect dots!

Sorry to put it this way, but this is why we are here, to find proof


You are right!

I mean, speculations from tabloids is not digging! It's aiming for speculation!

Got to mention this to new fags though!

I need to add this in the New Fag notable!

I'm going to sleep now and will prepare next bread in the morning or afternoon, when you guys are sleeping hehe

We need some board rules here, I've noticed

df0463 No.2193025




learn our comms

dont get butthurt. about anything. peeps are not always going to agree with your proofs and also may not communicate well enough to prevent a trigger/reaction ← these are the unintentional back and forths that eat up "bread"

442f14 No.2193208

File: cbeedb838814fa3⋯.jpeg (97.72 KB, 597x821, 597:821, F6AEBC91-67FC-4D7A-9E08-9….jpeg)




442f14 No.2193255


9+6+5 = 20

9+5+6 = 20

2020 vision

POTUS message to…

The House of the Rising Son

442f14 No.2193282

File: 9d27f24ed67eca6⋯.png (2.31 MB, 1383x2048, 1383:2048, ECC0F0B4-E857-44D6-A970-E5….png)

858d96 No.2193307

Sean Hannity:

"The Son Will Continue To Rise….Day by Day"

442f14 No.2193344




442f14 No.2193636

File: f58496a2e63b965⋯.jpeg (193.09 KB, 1200x798, 200:133, C010B5EF-30E1-47D7-A5DC-C….jpeg)



“We stand with you.” - Q:965

We = Jr


f9693e No.2193797

File: 3ab6282cca77ef0⋯.jpeg (696.83 KB, 1242x1471, 1242:1471, CC7B0884-3265-45D5-9C5B-7….jpeg)


SPOOKY on the time stamps.

Something BIG is happening.

Hang on tight.

9dc725 No.2193876


Thanks, will ad this to my New fag Notable post!

858d96 No.2194685

File: d51b3a87833b5bd⋯.png (192.67 KB, 1081x453, 1081:453, RIDDLE - JK.PNG)

(Anybody else see this lb on main board??) This was my response:


R U lost....or did SHE cause you to "hang among the trees" for awhile...until, the winding road could bring you back???

614e4d No.2195025


Take me Home…


2404b7 No.2195115

Interesting song lyrics from early 80s.. future proves past.

The Flame

On the edge of the city

In the dust of the daylight

There's a place

Where the truth cannot hide [An awakening]

There's no hell and no heaven

No sense in believing

All you have is your hope

And your pride [Grim / Patriots down and out]

Rusting iron, bricks and paper [Hollowed out cities / fiat currency]

Hold each other for shelter

So you sleep

And you call it home [Just surviving]

You may just hear [Crumbs emerge]

The sound of the calm

Before the storm [The calm before the storm]

In my heart of the country

Far away from the town

Working day after day

In the factories and mines [Middle America abandoned & sold out]

And your name is a number

And your color is black

It's the color of midnight

And coal [Treated like sheep / mass surveillance]

Well, the young men are restless [Anons]

And the old men are tired [Previous generations capitulated]

Always working for nothing

And being alone

You can feel the heat of the calm [Storm growing]

Before the storm

Well, you can move a mountain

And shut out the sky [HAARP etc]

You can put out the fire

But the flame won't die [The great awakening can't be silenced]

As the smoke settles slowly

And the crowd clears away

The shouting is over

They have nothing to say [They will not be able to walk down the street]

Nineteen voices of silence

Lying dead in the street

Nineteen voices are still now

Ten thousand will fight [Lights out / Martial Law / Patriots fight]

And you might know the voice of the calm [Q]

Before the storm

2404b7 No.2195207

File: ec401e053980848⋯.png (20.47 KB, 455x353, 455:353, [19].png)


Nineteen voices of silence

Lying dead in the street

858d96 No.2195373


Ha, ha…that explains that…

f9693e No.2195655

Here’s a jolt awake for us.

Penalty for treason is death.

Anyone accusing POTUS of treason for talking to Putin is threatening to kill him.

Still in fun time circus are we?

f9693e No.2195729

Dear PQR,

Care to tell us how you know what people are going to do before they do it?

Future in the Past

448644 No.2195856



top kek

f4b04b No.2196349

Looks like you guys missed the source of lines 2-6. go to 1:59 to 2:22 you will see. From 2014 this was mentioned in this red pill fav…

f4b04b No.2196369


144828 No.2196454

Yellow Rose

78f85b No.2196522

File: a004b8b0bc437ae⋯.jpg (185.54 KB, 1165x535, 233:107, SKID.jpg)

A useful tool for the chess brains. Qanon drop decode?

1cf504 No.2196662



You're correct – watching it now. What's up with this v2014 video matching lines 2-6?

YellowRoseforTexas Youtube channel.

"The Lie NASA Told - the IMminent Demise of the NWO."

68dd79 No.2196697

File: 37f152dfba9b2f7⋯.png (165.47 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, C5BFFD95-14DC-4D2B-B8D5-34….png)

File: ec83b88fe80839f⋯.png (306.65 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 0EA60610-C9BD-41AC-8130-49….png)

8c300c No.2196792


Don't know if mentioned yet, but I thought it

interesting that POTUS' tie is matching his message, too.

8c300c No.2196811


Ha, ha, ha – nobody following rules at main board

and you expect anyone to do it here?

But always good to HAVE rules, right?

:) :) :)

996887 No.2196826

Just in case you guys arent aware, we have an R posting on the main board right now.

BO did a hash check and looks like it may be legit


68dd79 No.2196840

File: 4adf7be45332ad4⋯.png (113.06 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 7A913FA1-C662-4077-B248-73….png)

File: 95c083a2d0afb78⋯.png (146.02 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 802B50B5-64F9-4AE3-BE4E-AC….png)

68dd79 No.2196854


it is what it is is my two cents

dont want to encourage larping behavior

dont want to ignore intuitive anons

8c300c No.2197117


yeah, would be good IF there is an official R, if he got his own trip or so

ELSE we're always going to be chasing after IP hashes





8c300c No.2197169



… so now in current main bread (#2770), there are at least 2 very obvious R larpers …

8c300c No.2197252


… count rising as we're speaking …

So, we're going to put them ALL into our notables as well?!

Please, no!!!

83d427 No.2197471


Most Excellent Solve to the Riddle!!!!

8c300c No.2197553

Okay, I have an R theory.

When Q had posted, in the immediate replies,' sometimes

there were helper anons providing the right answers almost instantly.

I noticed similar stuff going on with some of today's "R posts."

Despite some dissing and stuff,

there were also some serious responses giving good, solid info.

What if our "little" R Thread here

→ has fulfilled its purpose by making a lot of wind,

→ so R is now established in the minds of anons, and

→ R will keep posting without trips and big fanfare and stuff,

→ but his questions (and guidance through helpers) will keep

pointing the way?

Any fake R larpers and pranksters will be obvious because useless,

but the way Q+ team (incl. helpers) is going to be a bit more sublte now?

65190c No.2198104


so, on the comment, "to the moon and back", do you think the insinuation there is, "Alice"?

Jackie Gleason used to say that to his wife, Alice, when he got upset at her.

What is the connection, if any, to the post? https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2196090.html#2196632

c0c2bf No.2198342

File: 9e09de8c2f5c212⋯.png (29.13 KB, 705x296, 705:296, To the moon and back.PNG)

File: 3dc5f3588429863⋯.png (31.01 KB, 1159x243, 1159:243, R To the moon.PNG)

First time posting. I don't know how much info you need. https://www.savvymom.ca/article/why-say-love-you-to-the-moon-and-back/


f9693e No.2198452


ROT-13 code cipher

D = Q

f9693e No.2198472


To give R his own trip code would be to admit JFKJR is alive. lol.

1st R post?

“I faked my own death.”

f9693e No.2198552


If W H = J U

What you think about the R in Rigged?

We’re you trying to get me to think deeper? If so it worked.

There could be 30 hidden messages in this Tweet.

I won’t find them all. People probably already think I’m nuts finding the 5th grade level stuff.




41a077 No.2198580

There are multiple meanings to Q's codes >>2198452

f9693e No.2198599



And imagine, there 1,681 drops.

People need Q to post?

What if his next post is…




Heads explode?

41a077 No.2198721

The mind boggles as to the hidden secrets we've yet to uncover .

I don't get the




Sorry, would like to know though. I'm still on a mountainous learning curve


f9693e No.2198752

File: 9cdb42667fe77cd⋯.jpeg (119.91 KB, 597x821, 597:821, 2FABC3C2-5E05-4ACD-917B-B….jpeg)

File: 114f2cb6d0cc6d0⋯.jpeg (628.59 KB, 1242x1510, 621:755, 72003C37-C60D-498C-9DFF-1….jpeg)

On 7/16 I posted a Chickenfoot song.

Future in the Past.

@ 13:05 pacific time

20 minutes before that post, POTUS uses those exact words in a Tweet.

Anyone care to explain to me how that works?

I think we’ve grossly underestimated what Q meant when he said, “This is bigger than anyone can {possibly} imagine.” - Q:1658

Notice what he said above that?

“Is this normal?”

Is POTUS post 25 minutes BEFORE mine, normal?

I didn’t go to the Tweet then post.

I posted then “happened” to see the Tweet in my Twitter feed.

Is that normal?

I’m asking.

Was Q exaggerating when he said the full truth would put 99% of us in the hospital?

What is a white Squall?

Storm that no one on the ship sees coming.

Who’s on the ship?

All of us.

Was R exaggerating when he said we’re not awake yet?

f9693e No.2198791


People are crying for Q to post.

What if it’s something no one understands?

What if the next Q post can only be understood 55 days from now?

Will people’s heads explode?

The point is we have 1,681 Q posts and 90% of it hasn’t been decoded.

There’s enough puzzle there to keep us busy for months.

41a077 No.2198873


Lol yeah for sure

I got so many different puzzles swimming around in my head it will soon explode anyway. When this is over we'll all have Q Syndrome. We'll need something to fill the void.

Off to bed. It's late. God bless Patriot.

df0463 No.2198916

File: 1d1d8dd7d633080⋯.png (75.58 KB, 1920x993, 640:331, 7-18 early AM EST drop.png)





attached BO hash full size, BO hashed before 4th drop, ID same

df0463 No.2198944

File: d8b5e642dab9677⋯.png (183.57 KB, 394x341, 394:341, ClipboardImage.png)

>>2196987 (beavis n butthead sighting on Qbread)

df0463 No.2198993


96f66a <-- crums but typo? (Cnylitica)




f736cd <-- not relevant




dce5c5 No.2199087


Ive been thinking about that a lot anon,

Im the anon that heard "House of the Rising Sun" in the grocery store… so Hannity just said that too? I dunno an anon posted that last night but no sauce… BUT how DO coincidences work? The mysterious orchestration of the divine mathematical consciousness hive mind that is Us AND GOD all at once? All time is happening NOW? How am I (a nobody anon) involved in something so BIG?? How are (you)??

The other night, I had a dream that JFKjr was alive, (ill be brief… I know, I know dream interpretation, lol!) there was a UFO pew pewing the shit out of everybody at our office building, JR pushed me into a closet where I waited until it was over…afterwards some authorities came by to scan my pointer fingers (meaning: "the jupiter" or the ego self finger) and then put bandages on them signaling that I had been scanned. Jr came over with bandages on his pointer fingers too…I knew that he hadn't been "scanned" but was trying to get out of doing so by faking it….

ANYWAY! IRL later that day I was snoozing/meditating and heard a voice that said, "we will not have a galactic war" I interpreted that to mean….(man, crazy town I know) That BECAUSE (IF) JR faked his death the timeline that we are on now is going to be peaceful. The galactic war that we may have been heading towards and that JFK knew about is no longer, thanks to the efforts of the white hats and JR.

Side note but related, Project Looking Glass.

dig on it. if it is real, the future can be seen. Apparently it is in the hands of the white hats now. Though at one point it was not.

Whew, Ok. Thanks for reading anons. My friends IRL think I am loosing it. So glad to have you all to noodle on these weird times with.

694b4f No.2199588

File: a1de2eaef522cc0⋯.jpg (52.27 KB, 635x356, 635:356, Youngstown Rally.jpg)

Posting this here, too. Was searching through the videos of Trump's rally in PA to watch and see if at any time the people we believe to be Carolyn and JFK Jr. gave each other a knowing glance. But instead found this, the two of them sitting right next to each other at the Youngstown Rally. Several times throughout his speech he talks directly to them both. https://youtu.be/EF34XeNdvic

5b3af0 No.2199971

File: 46c96c83fc78665⋯.jpeg (169.65 KB, 1600x1066, 800:533, mysterytrumpandwhitehatgu….jpeg)



And 10 percent of that decoded

Was decoded very wrongly

5b3af0 No.2199984


Q is in front of R

5b3af0 No.2200061


confirmation bias -the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one's existing beliefs or theories, our own worst enemy

Enemy will exploit this tendency in ourselves

763bb8 No.2200116

File: 12bb2f9dc28d1f9⋯.png (505.05 KB, 1177x682, 107:62, MAP-to-the-ROOT-of-all-EVI….PNG)


The Truth is in Racine, Wisconsin.

Look at the members of the Majestic 12.

Look at the ancient formations and civilizations.

Look at the missions to Antarctica.

The real Pilgrims and secret societies were based in Racine and Wisconsin.

It is a global coalition between many groups and false religions to control the history, present and future of the world.

UN Agenda 21 is only part of their plan based on the Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan's Ability).

Racine is the Root and Model for Global Criminal Corruption and the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G AI and Community Policing.

Why did Trump make a deal with Foxes and Cons?

Follow the MAP.

He knows who We are.

He knows what We stand for.

This is The Parousia.

807d20 No.2200228


I KEEP SEEING YOU WITHOUT SAUCE….. YOU SAID WATCH THE WATER….PLEASE EXPLAIN MORE….I know your not a bot please elaborate. I need some links to read into

0716b0 No.2200324

File: 7c2ebd51d3528f3⋯.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1536x1965, 512:655, A0A08F5F-4FEA-4BBD-99F2-0….jpeg)


Took another look at Pumpkin Key, via Google Earth.

An interesting sight indeed… adding to the real estate dig..kind of looks like a subltle, or not so subtle, security perimeter line

a52e56 No.2200593


Anons….Q keeps saying "You have more that you know. Wake up! I keep posting because I know what I'm seeing. I'm not crazy. Videos that Q has posted have layers of images underneath. Need techies to work on it though as I don't have the skills. Example (www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ) at 2:03 there is an owl and trees in upper right corner. As The World Turns and commercials have a lot of hidden images.

448644 No.2200708


this is your journey

enjoy it

rabbits dont and wont always go down the same hole

but keep being part of the whole


R not alone



442f14 No.2200715

File: f69341aeaee599a⋯.jpeg (1.49 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, F21B5CB1-6B6F-412F-8ECA-9….jpeg)

Coincidence I’m sure

a52e56 No.2200729


Watching this video that Q provided starting at 1:34 to 1:42 for some reason I have a feeling the numbers being displayed may lead somewhere. I'm not an autist or #'s gal but maybe…..(www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ) Oh, and at 2:03 check out the owl and trees on left wall. Images layered in all the videos.

a52e56 No.2200804


Thank you. I don't want to annoy Anons either. I'm not enjoying what I am finding. It's just that I don't want something important that is so obvious to me to get missed. I suppose I have posted enough regarding this creepy stuff that I'll just keep to myself for now.

858d96 No.2200913


AND/OR NASA….which of course is in the initial R post….

858d96 No.2200960


I agree…."love you to the moon and back" and NASA were the 2 references that came to my mind immediately!!

858d96 No.2201075


These "feel" legit to me…other anons??

Also, any "decode" on the HASH IP?? BPMFag??

c84d11 No.2201200

What if Q was training wheels? No one on these boards hasn't felt or seen synchronicity/coicidence here or from another's post. But what if a hive mind creates higher frequency of synchronicity not just individually, but to the larger goal? Not with fear/negative energy of each other like the first R post suggests. Even R posting is happening organically so we learn to discern the right energy/message by trusting ourselves in what we see and how we react to it. I can't see what's coming, but whatever this energy is, we need it, and I think we're being taught how to recognize, use, and create it. Anyway, may the KEK be thick..

442f14 No.2201210

File: 0727ba7ef04f500⋯.jpeg (471.41 KB, 1242x1454, 621:727, 94B329C0-66B4-4136-9FAA-D….jpeg)

Remember when Q said W was a typo?

I think he fibbed. (28)

ROT-13 code cipher

W = J

Little White Lie


Sammy Hagar

Same guy who sings Future in the Past

780814 No.2201296

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is where my head went…

bbac91 No.2201317


I like it anon, I also like your digits.


c84d11 No.2201426


And if that's true Q telling is to pray is more important than we realize. Focused positive thought on an idea or goal collectively "charges" the energy to bring about more synchronicity to manifest the idea or goal into reality. Whoa.

442f14 No.2201453

File: b766d31941f3aeb⋯.jpeg (22.4 KB, 284x177, 284:177, 240280E4-FDD3-4A0B-AF68-4….jpeg)

I think “We landed on the moon” could be symbolic communications for something else.

I say that semi-sarcastically.

There’s a picture story on the moon.





Makes sense to me.

Makes no sense to me.

Rev. 13

Makes sense to me.

Makes no sense to me.

Toilet paper nearby?


6274b8 No.2201513


I feel ya anon..I used to work this thread since the beginning..I've become silent because this thread has gotten lost in the hippy weeds looking for words in songs & crap etc. I mean hearing a song in the grocery store & now I see an order # for Carl's Jr with a 55…sad!..If there's not a vid dropped about JFK jr, I don't think anyone's gonna look up at all the other things around them.. I'm not tech savvy either..like you, I see & read things but can't apply my intuition to prove anything but ask for help or point in a direction.. nobody wants to help here with that because it doesn't have a damn R in it…Gonna find me another thread to work digs on ..worked on the Epstein Island pedo dig & our meme went to twat so I know my "gut" feelings are over the target..a downer to work pedo crap but it's all gonna end up there for all to see anyway…it gets too close to me, my experiences & sleepless nights…you can't erase that shit out of your mind once you see it..

You may never see this if you've already left this thread.

Just gonna leave this right here in case you come back..somebody's in your corner anon & I hear you

bbac91 No.2201592


I hear ya anon and Im the hippy who heard the song… small coincidence I KNOW! but I got chills all over my body. It is only my experience. and it DOES seem crazy. I totally agree. But look at this world we are living in right now, if you are here, than you see how fugged it all is. Satan worshipers in our government, eating pineal glands??????? That, if you are digging in those threads, you know is real. So WHAT is the balance to that reality? Positivity and Prayer. Synchronicity a la Carl Jung is an interesting foray into how WE are all connected (WWG1WGA) so, I thought it relevant. What is reality after all?


agreed anon. Praying, holding good thoughts. What else can we do?

e59fa2 No.2201595


we went to the moon. what they won't tell you is they found ruins up there.

what they really won't tell you is those ruins are not alien in origin.

what they really really won't tell you is we have been to the moon before.

e59fa2 No.2201635


boulders. *wink*

442f14 No.2201736

File: 10395173ee8ed9b⋯.jpeg (324.11 KB, 1233x865, 1233:865, E7DC8002-52D4-4DCE-A6F0-8….jpeg)


Because “This is bigger than you can imagine” hasn’t sunk in for you yet.


Open your eyes.

It’s following you everywhere.

It’s following everyone everywhere.

“Signs and wonders will follow you” sound familiar?

When the river comes and all the cards are turned over, there will be no unbelievers.

Eyes closed can’t see.

The proof is everywhere around you.

c84d11 No.2202079


I think we are already doing it. Stay together. Stay positive. Let your instincts and synchronicity guide you. I know what we are doing here is right. This thread CANNOT die. It's kills me were divided right now on the boards between Q and R, but I know that will change we just have to be patient.

e59fa2 No.2202115


this thread won't. it's refreshing and it's shill free.

49bbb9 No.2202130


you don't have to make some weird ass drawing the angle come and literally interprets the vision after lol

And I heard a man's voice between the banks of Ulai, which called, and said, Gabriel, make this man to understand the vision.

17 So he came near where I stood: and when he came, I was afraid, and fell upon my face: but he said unto me, Understand, O son of man: for at the time of the end shall be the vision.

18 Now as he was speaking with me, I was in a deep sleep on my face toward the ground: but he touched me, and set me upright.

19 And he said, Behold, I will make thee know what shall be in the last end of the indignation: for at the time appointed the end shall be.

20 The ram which thou sawest having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia.

21 And the rough goat is the king of Grecia: and the great horn that is between his eyes is the first king.

22 Now that being broken, whereas four stood up for it, four kingdoms shall stand up out of the nation, but not in his power.

23 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.

24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.

25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

26 And the vision of the evening and the morning which was told is true: wherefore shut thou up the vision; for it shall be for many days.

27 And I Daniel fainted, and was sick certain days; afterward I rose up, and did the king's business; and I was astonished at the vision, but none understood it.

a52e56 No.2202508


Here's another obvious hidden image (www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ) at 2:03 an owl ad trees on wall behind podium.

442f14 No.2202571

File: d75b6670d56f398⋯.jpeg (354.81 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, F016C723-FBE5-41AA-B681-E….jpeg)



442f14 No.2202603



What drawing?

And I couldn’t understand the rest of what you said.


Could you be more clear please?

6274b8 No.2202780


You've got me all wrong anon but that ok, I' forgive you assuming you know me & my spiritual heart …You, my friend, are preaching to the choir! I have dug here from the beginning & in notables of other breads. So yeah, my eyes, my spiritual heart are open & i'm a child of GOD..

6274b8 No.2202841


That was posted to me & I replied to that anon..

I second your thoughts on their post.

Thank you sincerely, thank you

858d96 No.2202965


This is a good synopsis on some of what we've found here…


df0463 No.2203523

You would never believe the files kept on everyone of you, for that matter, you'd never believe WHERE they are kept





The Cloud

speaking of modern terms of DATA and applying it to Biblical or Other ancient texts (in a future proves past sorta way)

6274b8 No.2203615


For me, my christian faith, when I first read that from the R post, I whispered this is from the bible…GOD knows everything, every tear, every scar, every hair on our head. HE knows all.. I see The Golden Rule in the R post too.. different wording but still it's there.. just my opinion..

858d96 No.2203931


I read it as "on everyone of YOU" (as in) all the posters in 8chan/board…didn't read it as EVERYBODY…difference, in my opinion…

And I'm guessing if THAT'S ^^^ the case, then most likely "files" on us and at Q Team's fingertips…so, WH?

032f95 No.2204310

No, more like a low IQ larp >>2201075

538c16 No.2204384

So I read the notables about 3 times today. I gave it thought when I was splitting wood and stuff today. It all kinda clicked in my head I guess. So this is what it looks like to me.

We are looking at a handoff from Q to R. What gets me is why the heck not do it all formally. Well that makes sense when you really think about it. Q mentioned in #749 (qanon.pub) "The end won't be for everyone." This really made me think. Actually 749 is one of my favorite quotes. What I think is happening here is a hand-off and a filtering process.

So the first filter is normie/Q is real. The next filter is Q is real/Rlarp is real. Not everyone is going to come from the Q board to the Rlarp board. They just won't be able to cross the chasm that "The Greys" represent. Most everyone I know is in the first Normie camp… All others are in the Q camp… No exceptions other than my wife. So we are being filtered/Distilled here. Thats my theory. I think we may be looking at something that may even be fracturing into multiple paths all coming from Q. Could be there are more paths that I missed because I was filtered from those paths. The one that jumps to the forefront of my mind is "Ra Anon".

Anyway, what do you guys think? Does this seem likely at all? Are we looking at "level 3" of unbelievable shit that if you really look at it and give it thought that all of a sudden it makes perfect sense? The end won't be for everyone… That choice, to know, will be yours.

31de4b No.2204513


it's a fine theory, Anon, and I could agree except for this one thing: if true, what happens to WWG1WGA?

df0463 No.2204652

File: 708471742821c98⋯.png (17.8 KB, 444x386, 222:193, ClipboardImage.png)


related searches

'8chan IP Hash'

'IP hashing as security method'

spitballing from here

this needs to be learned

but it can only be learned

not asked

once we all can get past a novice level of understanding we can figure out what to do next

Q - same IP hash no matter when or where. he did drop a cumb. (pic related) - his IP hash is the same no mater what

R - different IP Hash every time

just gonna leave it at this point for now

im still on my own journey through this

538c16 No.2204712


Yeah… I puzzled on that as well. Not an easy answer but It still fits with the "filter" idea… So lets think of this like a ship at sea. Right now just about everyone is in the far bottom of the ship sitting on bilge stones in the dark with no idea where they are going or what will happen when we get there. Hell, most don't even KNOW they are on a ship. The Qanon followers are up in the engine room. They are aware of the ship and that it is going somewhere cool and that we have a new captain and a new crew. This seems to be a next-level type thing. Now we are going up on the deck so we can see where we are going (mention of The Greys and probably other aliens). See, if you start talking to the people in the bilge about this stuff, they just laugh at you… If you talk to Q followers some laugh and some ponder… but here it is more common talk… Plato's parable of the cave is another parallel except there are multiple levels to the cave-of-ignorance. I hope that makes a bit of sense.

538c16 No.2204735


accidental submit there: In the end, the ship is going to the same place and everyone is on the journey but not all KNOW about it and we are welcome to know about any and all parts that we are comfortable with as we are comfortable with it. WWG1WGA (even if we don't know it…)

268697 No.2204800


The one thing that I wonder about is: if this is real, JFK Jr is alive - how would this change things for everyone? What would happen IF people found this out to be true, and hearing that his plane 'didn't go down by accident'. He must've known there was a hit coming, and who would have been behind it.

538c16 No.2204851


Well, Like some other anon mentioned here. He is not the bad guy and he knows what is going on… thats about all you need to know. They are going to be gunning for him. How the hell to protect yourself? EASY.. be dead. Best defense ever. These people are stupid right? So fake it all and get them to buy into it. I mean, there was some Rockefeller who was "eaten by cannibals" at some point in the 70s right? What a crock of shit that is. Dude was just disappearing to reappear somewhere else as someone else at a later date is all. If you have the right connections with the US Marshals you can quite literally make someone up, or make someone disappear. Its called the Witness Protection Program… No reason they couldn't just use a tool like this to be 10 different people and stay under the radar.

858d96 No.2205038

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Well, well, well…so just read about the MILITARY PARADE DATE being changed from the 11th to the 10th….

IMMEDIATELY went to do a search "Kennedy November 10" and what do you think I found:


President Elect John F. Kennedy’s first press conference since his election in Hyannis Port, Mass.

"I've sent a message to Khrushchev and the Council of Ministers of the USSR in Moscow: "I'm most appreciative of your courtesy in sending me a message of congratulation. The achievement of a just and lasting peace will remain a fundamental goal of this nation and a major task of its President. I'm most pleased to have your good wishes at this time. - John. F. Kennedy."

Now I have the following announcement to make: I've asked Mr. Allen Dulles to stay on as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and he has acceded to that request. He's served every President since Wilson in a variety of capacities and is familiar with military direction in this post. I've asked Mr. Hoover to stay on as Director of the FBI, and he's accepted. His record of service is almost as long - stretching back I believe as far as President Hoover - and the non partisan nature of this post is well established.''

858d96 No.2205195


Agree with some of this BUT R is actually posting on the MAIN BOARD…which, I would have thought he would post HERE considering we're already OPEN to this GIANT RED PILL and we've collected some pretty interesting evidence HERE…on this thread…

That's one thing that is THROWING ME a bit…

71e150 No.2205202

File: f1007117f98cd77⋯.jpeg (582.76 KB, 1242x1346, 621:673, B953BA0B-1B9B-459B-86F4-9….jpeg)

File: f65d02d1bdd38d8⋯.jpeg (739.83 KB, 1242x1679, 54:73, 2CDCF1A2-DD72-47BC-A947-D….jpeg)


Not sure if this is the intent of Q but when you apply the ROT-13 code cipher (-13 letters) to WHERE, the word becomes JURER.




71e150 No.2205228

bdcbac No.2205302


Dutch Intuition fag here! I am SO GLAD someone has the same thoughts as I do!

My whole body feels it IS exactly like what you describe!

ce5f6d No.2205436


I'm not sure to what degree Q team knows, but the end game is certainly not going to be for everyone. This all leads up to Nibiru, which also ties into the Grey's.

7b6a9f No.2205441

Eye the Spy says that R Anon is FAKE.


7b6a9f No.2205505


What about Ra Anon? Can you expand my thinking on this?

df0463 No.2205516

500 post call for notables

if anyone wants organised methods go for it

-however you see it

-id like to propose that everyone intersted compile their notables (and assume that R stuffs will already be compiled)

im here to bake

Rlarp Baker

unless you want it Dutch

df0463 No.2205545


>everyone intersted compile their notables

make a post on Your notables for Bread 5

give it a tag, a name, a title

if i get a lot from this, i plan on making each of your compiled posts as notables on 6

notables in essence are bookmarks of highlights from last bread so…


df0463 No.2205561


is that the blood one?

i think that would be Rh anon if so.. not sure but pretty sure if your talking about the blood one and not Sangs Toofy either, who is another

7b6a9f No.2205585



Are we talking timetravel? interdimensional? seers?

I am obsessed with the answer to this….

582176 No.2205594


Project Looking Glass

858d96 No.2205632


How would he KNOW considering only about 10 individuals are in the TOTAL KNOW (PIC)…

He's even told us his "job" was just a coder…so yeah, I saw him say this several weeks ago (when it first broke) and I decided to RESEARCH IT myself…too, too many COINCIDENCES (and even DIRECT TIES TO Q DROPS)

bdcbac No.2205658


What has Harry Potter to do with this thread??


I'm sorry but I see a load of derailing in this bread. It's obvious we have a lot of newfags here, no problem, but there will be rules in the next bread. Cause this is chasing the autists away, we can't have all this blatant speculation and random researches displayed here. It's a matter of time for the board will be invaded by Q followers as Q is probably gone! So this HAS GOT to change.

There will be a note in the next bread for all newfags that entered 8chan since this thread (and the previous 4!

Kind regards ==BAKER==

7b6a9f No.2205699


I had read somewhere that project looking glass technology stopped working after 12/21/2012…

bdcbac No.2205704


Actually, here is the note already:



: If you are participating on 8chan (research thread) for the first time in THIS specific R thread. (5 breads, so far) YOU ARE A NEW FAG.

It’s heaven here compared to Q thread. But, it is also losing it’s real spice of research, meaning: “some” new fags post a lot in one bread without saying much that contributes to finding proof or it takes too many posts to do so. That was possible here but now it’s dominating the bread and chasing away the autists! (It’s boring and losing its purpose for them and rightly so)

If we get a Q board invasion (due to lack of Q posts), they won’t all be kind and understanding (heavy understatement), most are seasoned researchers and can be very direct and rude or it’s downright shills. We have a relative quiet board here, and a minimal form of chatting is still possible, however, this may soon change this is why I made this post.

So these RULES below APPLY from NOW!! (Bread #6)

1.Do NOT post questions or research until you checked the info in the notables, cause it’s useless explaining it all again, or posting same things over and over again.

2. Do NOT be rude to others, we all have shitty moments/moods sometimes and recognize them, but we don’t troll people about it. Address it, but don’t all jump on it..

dont get butthurt. about anything. peeps are not always going to agree with your proofs and also may not communicate well enough to prevent a trigger/reaction ← these are the unintentional back and forths that eat up "bread" (=sliding)

3.Do NOT spam post, collect your data and then post with source, or by other means!

4.Digging means researching to find proof, connect the dots coming from Q & R posts.

5.We puzzle, calculate, connect dots combining Q posts and R posts, that is where research begins usually.

We need connections that makes proof or at least connected enough for potential proof!



2.Aimless posting is useless here (=sliding). and ruines the bread, so keep random speculations and gossip on the subject away from here. It makes the Autist run away, and we need them most of all!

Learn to be an autist! (= genius, smart, skilled in certain decodings , research or subjects, think: Bible fag, Math fag, plane fag, lawyer fag, etc etc)

3. Contributing with research to digs from autists is therefore great to be occupied with,.(= the HIVE mind.

4 Research on your own is awesome, BUT:

We all can find a “familiar” face or body and speculate who it MAY be in every picture or, turn a word upside down in every interview and post about it, that is not enough to get proof and is aimless posting, so make sure you made the connection related to an R or Q post in the first place, or an already ongoing research subject, but we need more to get proof, so dig deeper.

5. Posting lengthy texts from Internet is useless, either quote a little piece and post link if it’s interesting enough we can all find it for ourselves! A screenprint is also useful sometimes.

6. KNOW HOW to make something a notable and collect information with links, graphics or video attachments, something to make your point clear. If you want to collect notables for bakers, make sure to have the posts and tekst as seen in notables, it saves bakers a lot of time and helps for everyone.

7. Here is a thread on HOW to post and use the board, you can also test it there !

Although it says: QBOARD QUESTIONS

It applies here too! Even though this board is (still) very civil that may change soon.

Link to “Pass the exam”: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1254488.html


bdcbac No.2205811


It's Dutch intuition fag and although we do not Doxx here with sir, but anon….also I have no penis hehe

bdcbac No.2205868


You are posting an awful lot of speculation posts, though and we need to minimize the speculation in order to get research done, it does not help with so many opinion posts.

Not attacking here, but I see people leave because of this. And we need good researchers.

Please think about this too

7b6a9f No.2205880

File: e467d6457116694⋯.png (48.52 KB, 878x244, 439:122, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 666b49c3cdfff1e⋯.png (5.24 KB, 264x100, 66:25, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b09f92d0ae7c1eb⋯.png (86.68 KB, 1430x479, 1430:479, ClipboardImage.png)


Ok… this intrigues me…

I will give it a shot…


Who is HE?

Foxes and Cons

more later…

bdcbac No.2205903



We can use the help here!

2ebb28 No.2205952

File: ccaadec4585b5e6⋯.jpeg (125.48 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Ra.jpeg)


>Could be there are more paths that I missed because I was filtered from those paths. The one that jumps to the forefront of my mind is "Ra Anon".

We all have a path, Anon.

My path has crossed with a handful of Anons.

I'm flattered what you've considered.

However… I do not work in MILINT.

To claim this, would immediately disgrace me with the White Hats.

How many LARPS pretend to be "insiders" with information regarding Q?

I made the mistake of calling myself an "insider" at the very beginning of this journey.

I don't work in any 3-letter agency.

I am an insider in my own realms.

Not Q's realm.

We work in symbiosis however.

>The Light will reveal those on the team, and those pretending to be.

I saw an equation that initially needed to be balanced.

Ghosts can still balance equations…

By the way, the Thoth AMA?

With Dr. Strange avatarfagging?

It's not me.

It's a psyop created to cause confusion and discredit me.

>Imitation is the highest form of flattery.

I appreciate that the BO / BV locked it.

IP hashes, private comm's and intercepted chatter can confirm it wasn't me.

When the House of Cards falls… people will be left confused and shattered.

The world will need time to heal.

We all have a purpose here.

YOU were chosen as a support network.

YOU were chosen for a reason.

>There are no coincidences.

>You are watching a movie.

>It's not about me, it's about YOU.

>Time reveals all…

bdcbac No.2206133



Thank you both, Dutch Anon here, had my first successful bake! Well, Almost, in my defence, there was no time to finish baking in time, but got the gist of it now.

ThanQ Q baker for the help. If you want to go through research here, no worries, we are here too to bake. Trying to apply some rules in now, as there are many newfags and they need some guidance, see my post here for newfags, to be added in each bread now


Also, I'm in a different time zone so will be here to bake also when you guys can't. Got to sleep now, pulled an all nighter again!

ba819d No.2206143

File: 8b579d7bf9197cf⋯.jpeg (211.44 KB, 736x747, 736:747, 371DD94D-DB60-4F9B-8026-7….jpeg)

Anybody catch the pic trending on Reddit of JFK Jr, 1963, sitting in the co-pilot seat of Marine One?

bdcbac No.2206188



Awesome Thanks!

79a63e No.2206287


notable af

q proof marine 1 that ish

photos on marine one forthcoming

Q+A forthcoming

best proof of all is to see how long its been in net net…

79a63e No.2206307


… alas its been a publicly avail pic for a bit it seems

still totally cool!! just not good for my proof

bdcbac No.2206325



Added some additional information and a message for you, cause do you post it with the ////pause\\\\ in the end?

Also, why not post the whole R post at the top? or was this just an example?

bdcbac No.2206346



Hang on, we had this post in the first bread already and it wasn't a notable , we also had the information. Why is it a notable??

bdcbac No.2206368



Please newfags, I refer to this post for every newfag


bdcbac No.2206397


It's still early to bake, but definitely good to collect notables, I got tips from Q baker (see post below)

But if I go to sleep now, it's probably baking time when I wake up

ThankQ Anon

858d96 No.2206461



(Someone on the main board just asking about what the "forthcoming" meant and another asking about the Q&A)

Q (17) + A (1) = 18

FORTHCOMING from our research in the first bread (I think)…article about JFK JR published recently and title had FORTHCOMING in it…

858d96 No.2206476


I don't remember seeing this in the first bread…if I did, I missed it cuz we were digging up tons of stuff pretty fast

bdcbac No.2206541



Research "the dark side of the moon"

The moon is a place that houses many Aliens embassy's , including earth human embassy. The reason humans stopped go to the moon is because they were surprised by this whole happening and chased away. However, due to the deal with the greys they got their own embassy.

Nobody can access other beings' territory

It's neutral ground for several different species.

You wouldn't believe probably we already have space mining going on. JFK learned the truth and was killed 10 days later, as he wanted the world to know this.

The Nazi's where the first to have their space crafts, reverse engineered , they even have a base on the moon in the form of a svastika.

There is a lot of research on this subject online and pictures too.

So, if you go dive in that rabbit hole, be ready to have full blown panic attacks as I go 10 years ago by the sheer shock of all the proof I found, original documents are online too about all this. And many whistleblowers coming out the past years about the advanced tech the deep state has, but now there is an alliance working together for humanity, and this is where Trump comes in.

It's too much to just explain here. Search online, start with the Nazi's and the Vril society and his connections to the nordics (A race of beings called like that and looking like humans) and climb from there.

You'll get to the phoenix ufo's that appeared above the White house during Eisenhower's time and the Alien at the white house. (pictures online)

JFK knew what was going on!

bdcbac No.2206692


Howcome we are getting back to the same discussions over and over, is nobody ready the notables??

bdcbac No.2206710


Howcome we are getting back to the same discussions over and over, is nobody reading the notables??


bdcbac No.2206757


I don't believe in the Niburu story, as Sitchin himself was Cabal.

The Aliens though, there is so much proof and research and documents on that, its more than enough evidence

bdcbac No.2206889


Please don't put your email in the post, it's not safe!

bdcbac No.2206985


That is not a IP hash in the Q posts, it's the ID number and his Trip code, need BO for IP hashes

858d96 No.2207051


I've been here since the beginning and have read everything…

Like I said, I don't remember the pic (of him in the cockpit)….that doesn't make me someone who isn't reading the notables…

I've good about doing that before I ever post…

Chill anon. One of the reasons I come to this thread (and contribute as much as I do) is because it's COMFY and devoid of CONTROL…

THAT^^^ will always be a MAJOR TURN-OFF for me….so please, don't try and CONTROL ME where I decide to turn my attention…

JUST SCROLL BY if it doesn't "float your boat"….

4d4e3b No.2207165


"Aliens" don't exist.

f9693e No.2207401

File: aefd0499fd993b1⋯.jpeg (724.98 KB, 2528x3160, 4:5, 240C966E-704A-43FF-B6E8-9….jpeg)

Aww PQR.

This one was gooood.


KINGS……of the Trollfags.

They trolled us huge on this one.


The word WHERE is meant to be focused on which seals the trollfest in CONCRETE.

Gulliblefags aren’t we?

Speculating on WHERE all of our SHIT is recorded.


The word WHEN after plugged into the ROT-13 code cipher becomes JURER. LMAO!

How would Scooby Doo pronounce JUNIOR


“Think SC…?”

Think Scooby Doo

“Every dog has It’s DAY.” - Q:1649



Further proof in the numbersfag corner.

JFKJR’s 58th Birthday falls on day 329 this year.


1440 minutes is one day

1649 - 1440 = 209

209 minutes = The time 3:29





538c16 No.2207464


We are already converts… He would be preaching to the choir. Thats all it is my anon.

f9693e No.2207511

File: c4dc605d373eb67⋯.jpeg (526.55 KB, 2528x3160, 4:5, C34A514A-B008-495B-B323-0….jpeg)



Where We Go One We Go All


“Jurer?” Jr?! Tb Bar Jr?! Tb Nyy?

There’s a sentence here, haha!

Maybe someone can figure it out.

My guess is someone is yelling at him about the Bar exam he took 3 times to pass.

All I can say is Think SCooby Doo.

Trollllled againnnnn


538c16 No.2207547


>When the House of Cards falls… people will be left confused and shattered.

What can we do to help people? How should I prepare for that time? I feel like I can only do very minimal stuff at this point. It all seems so overwhelming. Nice to talk with ya Ra! "My friend my ally my children of light". I always liked that. I should put it on my quote wall.

f9693e No.2207568

File: f9e6d0951642c2e⋯.jpeg (519.39 KB, 2347x4096, 2347:4096, 36EAEDB5-2436-42C2-8092-D….jpeg)



Apply ROT-13


Apply ROT47



YES, 5:5

ROT-13 Converter link


4417bd No.2207570


02392b No.2207605

Thank you for the response R

f9693e No.2207634

File: 86d2c0dcddef877⋯.jpeg (49.95 KB, 597x332, 597:332, 28958591-A24D-4515-BA19-B….jpeg)

I’m smiling.

But it’s a scared kind of smiling.



bd6e95 No.2207635

R posted several times? I only see 1 time.

df0463 No.2207692



not for a while still like a while like almost a full day more prob

f9693e No.2207756


Dear PQR,

We’re sick of the horrible shit.

Let’s have the GOOD stuff!!

It’s time!!

ac6ef6 No.2207759

blacklistanon has posted again



e99acc No.2207798


As I passed by the door posts were at trips.


Couldn't pass the door.

Here I am.

About to read through what I've missed today. We won't let it die. It's bigger than a letter.

e99acc No.2207822


I do hope they share all the stuff they know about us that we don't.

My dad was adopted under spoopy circumstances, and odd/fucked up/messed up/amazingly good things have followed me and even in basic training I had an officer spoop up on me in the galley once, recognized me from CHILDHOOD on a base?!!

No, nothing shocks me anymore. But yeah, I'd be very pleased if they let us know more about ourselves. And the why. And the endgame.

e99acc No.2207852


What if they want to find those who will go ALL the way?

Everyone else, if we're correct, still serves such a huge purpose and so on. That won't change regardless. I believe that. We're driven. However, maybe to help THEM handle certain things, some of us are being picked out or lured in?

That, or it was just a very cool message, that sounded with us greatly. I just don't think that's the case personally. I'm open.

e99acc No.2207886


I think it could bring the world together, Anon.

That's scary too, though.

582176 No.2207979


nah, now is scary: Stay Brave -Q

the Future is GLORIOUS!!!

f9693e No.2207981


Q + R are very real.

But they’re trolling us big time.


Look at my post above about the word WHERE in Rs first post on 6/23. LOL!

Where We Go One We Go All


Where We Go One We Go All

bdcbac No.2208008


You are kidding right??

You really think we are the only one in the universe??? WOW

bdcbac No.2208042


It's not about control, it's about organizing, as soon all newfags continue posting random stuff or eat up the bread with too much nonsense, autists run away, and I understand them, because there is no proper research going on. When it involves more and more people, it needs rules, simple as that, I scroll by more posts than those that are interesting, that means, this thread is not efficient.

Remember the first months of Q ? If you were there, you know how it was focussed until the past two months…if we already start of like this, it has no long life! and it becomes a chat thread more than what we started this for in the first place.

e99acc No.2208045


No one needs to convince me, Anon.

I am just saying that I am not to the point that I'd give anyone hell over it.

I've been in this from day one, since the moment that post appeared.

And I took shit for it, gladly.

I think it's going to be important. I'm starting to think that Q really did make way for R. And maybe Q will come back after more figure that out? Just speculating.

I'm buzzed, as well.

I may not be a numbers cruncher, but I've paid my dues here. And even then, anyone even looking in here gets a nod from me.


WWG1WGA, no one left behind even if we gotta tug them up by the bootstraps. That I can do!

582176 No.2208054


just a reminder…you are chatting rn


bdcbac No.2208123


No, I'm Baker of this bread and respond for this thread purpose, which is different!

bdcbac No.2208144


Ok, let's collect notables, I'll bake as soon it's at 700, got the dough ready

582176 No.2208176

errrr dont let the baking of bread get to yer head.

I do thank you for your service.

I also have been here since the beginning and watched your dutchintutive posts accumulate and fill space and conversate (when ya say your gonna go to bed) Agree with above anon and dont like controlling rules onto my particular brand of autism. I do agree that we need to have some kind of structure… though when "this is bigger than you can imagine" is a part of the oG drop, a LOT is umbrella'd under that statement. Not everyone is a numberfag. Number one rule, be nice. agreed. <3

bdcbac No.2208257


>Ha, ha, ha – nobody following rules at main board

>and you expect anyone to do it here?

Well, that's all fine, but I see people walking away here that are very useful, what remains than is people that like speculating and chatting. Fine by me. I'll stay till bread 6, if it is still like this, I'm going too! Don't see the point of it to stay. At least on the Q board , where I was from day 1 28th of october, there was some serious collective hive mind, which made it grow and spread like crazy. That doesn't happen here, because people are confused for not having trip codes in the R post (comms have changed) and secondly the speculations and weird connections I see dominating here by mainly newfags is not going to help the cause. They jump in, don't even know how to respond by not tagging the post they respond to, not including links or clear explanations. It's frustrating. So I guess I'm out if it continues! No worries! It just wasn't meant to be, then

e99acc No.2208286


That and those of us who've been here since one bread lasted what…almost a month?

I'm not going to bantz. I do keep my post numbers down, however, as I pop in maybe once a day.

Though I'll remember to go through and tag/reply to everything at once as to be polite and save valuable bread. Because it is very much appreciated. Aspie, I hate change. Dun kick me out, boss! (jk jk, needed a laugh)

Also, noticing that not everyone mentioning Jr is getting ripped a new one tonight. Progress?

582176 No.2208288

There's no more room in the plan for arrogance and self importance. >>2208257


bdcbac No.2208289


Who said everyone needs to be a number fag??

read my post below and maybe you understand. If you have been on the Q board from the beginning, you may understand what I mean. It's not to attack or offend. I can always walk away myself, like a few others did. There is a huge difference with bread one and two, with this particular bread. It's not being a baker I say all this. There are no rules at all… and it's visible.

bdcbac No.2208303


Exactly!! But it seems rampant now!

f9693e No.2208435

File: fb3ae7616397b61⋯.jpeg (399.72 KB, 2528x2499, 2528:2499, 9D417034-BEAE-4BBD-BFAE-6….jpeg)

2cb341 No.2208465


I quickly peeked in here a couple hours earlier

when that whole new load of rules just had been posted,

and I was like OHHH NOOOOO!!!

Rules don't work!

Sensitive people get intimidated by them,

and the rest just ignore them.

So there you go.

I see the need to guide newfags.

But if anyone wants to serve in that field,

guide them one by one (and others will read it, too).

Don't heap a pile of rules on them.

With regard to the question where this board is going,

have you noticed that R never posts in here?

This board serves its purposes by highlighting, collecting,

and offering a platform for discussing anything JFK JR.

But obviously, R doesn't want this to be "his" special platform.

Seems he wants to stay with the crowd at the main board.

So, lets not make too much of this SIDE board.

It's NICE when people can find a voice here who

wouldn't dare yet to post on the main board.

And it's also NICE if some people want to help

newfags gently one by one.

And it's NICE to have this place to compile R specific digging.

But, please, no more than that.

582176 No.2208480


well said anon. ThanQ

780814 No.2208532

File: c9489e5a913f52d⋯.jpg (243.57 KB, 487x740, 487:740, dream_vy3crxhbnuh.jpg)

File: f2d888eace0e32a⋯.jpg (250.92 KB, 735x490, 3:2, dream_8us1zcslmf1.jpg)

File: 8d45ad2b56b873d⋯.jpg (253.63 KB, 735x489, 245:163, dream_cmx0oosovpo.jpg)

File: 8a2d930c32d015d⋯.jpg (244.75 KB, 490x735, 2:3, dream_g2fhd7cygcq.jpg)


(of which I am one, chillax.)

f9693e No.2208599

File: 92b819380a56e1b⋯.jpeg (354.46 KB, 1242x805, 54:35, 11ABAADB-BA1A-4462-8B02-A….jpeg)








2ebb28 No.2209048

File: eaed6dc044b8a10⋯.jpg (19.02 KB, 205x246, 5:6, e10fe823eefd3809b6b863ec8a….jpg)


>Nice to talk with ya Ra! "My friend my ally my children of light". I always liked that. I should put it on my quote wall.

I was warned to drop the "children of light" thing. At second glance, it sounds cultist and it was never my intention. However, it is very true in a literal sense… considering quantum waves create subatomic particles, so whether we like it or not we're all children of Light. - Kek

Anyone who stands in the Light, is an ally of mine my friend.

>What can we do to help people? How should I prepare for that time? I feel like I can only do very minimal stuff at this point. It all seems so overwhelming.

Sometimes its amazing how much we can accomplish with those closest in our lives when we simply listen to them.

One of the hardest lessons I had to learn!

>Knowledge speaks, Wisdom listens.

Sometimes its best to let people come to their own conclusions in life.

When you see distress or confusion in others, be the voice of stillness and reason.

Be the autists we know you are, be the guiding Light.

By sharing positivity and Light with those you love and care for, you'd be surprised how much you can change.

The Red Pill must be taken by individuals based on their own Free Will.

It cannot be forced on a soul.

Let people take their time coming to conclusions.

Take this from me… the pendulum swing of Time and Energy is REAL.

The highest of the highs will generally lead to the lowest of the lows.

It's about finding balance in the center.

Don't ever feel powerless.

>Individually, we are one drop.

>Together, we are an ocean.

YOU are part of something bigger than most can imagine.

Being a superhero doesn't mean you have to save the world alone.

It takes a team.

You're all superheros to me… you just don't know it yet.

e0da52 No.2209272


holy fuck!

14877d No.2209526

File: e4f9ad5486c8007⋯.png (703.08 KB, 1198x669, 1198:669, UTF.png)

Did anyone else notice the UTF after the "Q"?

UTF - Unicode Transformation Format and Universal Coded Character Set

Unicode defines two mapping methods: the Unicode Transformation Format (UTF) encodings, and the Universal Coded Character Set (UCS) encodings. An encoding maps (possibly a subset of) the range of Unicode code points to sequences of values in some fixed-size range, termed code values. All UTF encodings map all code points (except surrogates) to a unique sequence of bytes.[48] The numbers in the names of the encodings indicate the number of bits per code value (for UTF encodings) or the number of bytes per code value (for UCS encodings). UTF-8 and UTF-16 are probably the most commonly used encodings. UCS-2 is an obsolete subset of UTF-16; UCS-4 and UTF-32 are functionally equivalent.

UTF encodings include:

UTF-1, a retired predecessor of UTF-8, maximizes compatibility with ISO 2022, no longer part of The Unicode Standard;

UTF-7, a 7-bit encoding sometimes used in e-mail, often considered obsolete (not part of The Unicode Standard, but only documented as an informational RFC, i.e., not on the Internet Standards Track either);

UTF-8, an 8-bit variable-width encoding which maximizes compatibility with ASCII;

UTF-EBCDIC, an 8-bit variable-width encoding similar to UTF-8, but designed for compatibility with EBCDIC (not part of The Unicode Standard);

UTF-16, a 16-bit, variable-width encoding;

UTF-32, a 32-bit, fixed-width encoding.


e59fa2 No.2209565

that's a C…not a Q.

it says Ruby and then Cute

04ba55 No.2210151


Beautiful work, Anon.

6274b8 No.2210194


Question…who put you in charge? Your bossiness of your new "rules" are part of the reason we leave. We've gone to other threads but because most of us have been on the R thread since the beginning & made loaves of great bread, we come back to what feels like "home" but now it seems there's a "popular lunch table" mentality forming here & you're sitting in the head chair…Used to be back in the beginning, no one took control of the thread & all were equal in voice… it was always "comfy". Now if anything is posted that the popular table doesn't feel of importance…pffft! it's ignored.

6274b8 No.2210219


Agree with you totally!

6274b8 No.2210228


Feel the same anon

04ba55 No.2210384

File: 67404bc74b0db94⋯.jpg (44.51 KB, 500x502, 250:251, Exactry.jpg)


>have you noticed that R never posts in here?

Yes, indeed I have.

>But obviously, R doesn't want this to be "his" special platform.

>Seems he wants to stay with the crowd at the main board.

>So, lets not make too much of this SIDE board.

Exactly. And I don't get the sense he wants or needs a special "fan" club. R has posted for us, not we for him.

>Rules don't work!

KEK and AMEN. This reminded me of a formula a family therapist once told me in regard to rules:

Rules Without Relationships Spell Rebellion

This is an online anonymous forum where Free Speech reigns. By the mere fact we are "anonymous," we cannot presume to have an authentic and committed relationship with each other. Sure, there are certain anons with whom we feel an affinity, with whom we resonate and even recognize by their syntax and sentiments. But that does not mean we have a true enough of a relationship with each other to agree upon, much less uphold, "rules".

>It's NICE when people can find a voice here who wouldn't dare yet to post on the main board.

>And it's also NICE if some people want to help newfags gently one by one.

>And it's NICE to have this place to compile R specific digging.

>But, please, no more than that.

Exactly. People ARE generally nicer (and better behaved) when you don't try to impose rules.

04ba55 No.2210562

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I can feel your frustration, anon. And I actually am pretty sure I recognize you from way back in the early days.

If I am correct, you have always strived to be trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.

To these virtues I would also add "very well organized."

(Kek, I have always pictured you as a very effective and scrupulous accountant or administrator.)

Don't leave us, anon. You have too much too offer. Just bend a little and go with the flow. And your ideas are actually not bad – it's just the way they're worded.

Instead of "rules," call them suggestions. Rephrase to make more palatable. Change negative statements like "Do NOT" to "Please do" or "You might try".

Lastly, anon. The times they are a changin. I think old fags like you and I need to reflect where and how our time and energies are best directed toward The Great Awakening.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo (YOU)

807d20 No.2210616


I have seen these posts before. On Qresearch, other message boards- I am very intrigued about this since I am not that far from there and possibly looking to move up that way to get out of Shitcago area.

He mentions 5G technology- I need to hear moar from this guy on what all of that means. There is not much but crumbs are everywhere if you search.

I found this article to be interesting since FOXCONN will be in the area of Racine. If you know more please let me know!!


b252d6 No.2210717


Dear Biblefag.

If that blue isn't actually in the ocean, then you are adding to scripture. Don't do that.

What's next … interpreting the unopened scrolls? You are of the sort who can believe things. Not everyone can. Seriously. But be like Thomas who, recognizing that Jesus did not want his disciples stumbling blindly along on guesswork, asked for AND RECEIVED proof. So did Joshua (foggy on the name) who asked for proof of Gods' direction vs Satans' and was given it in the tale of the sheep pelt and whether the dew was on top or the bottom of it in the morning.

God does not mind giving sincere people proof. But He doesn't want you inventing it.

a7200e No.2210769

File: 5e14fe36e16ef75⋯.png (59.61 KB, 640x470, 64:47, POTUS 24 1808 JUN 2018 TWI….png)

File: 42e5c3b0fe19b70⋯.png (56.82 KB, 640x470, 64:47, POTUS 18 1225 JUL 2018 TWI….png)

Reference 6/23/18, 22:00:11 R post & https//qanon.pub

Has been noted that 24 June POTUS message indicates our ARE / our R. 18 Jul POTUS message reads similar except our OUR instead of our ARE / our R.

Exact time difference between 24 Jun & 18 Jun message = 23 days, 18 hours, 17 minutes.

Referenced R post happened on 23rd day (of June), matching total-days difference between these two POTUS messages.

Ref. R post 6/23/18: 23rd day - 6 (Jun) = 17/18 or 17:18

"In 1909, we lost everything." Why 1909? JFK JR related. JFK JR deceased 1999. Difference of 9 on decade scale w/ total diff. ~90yrs. Might be relevant.

R post: "1st to the Bilderbergs, then he caught on the NASA. He demanded to know who the greys were and why they were here."

Q1529 (video). "Obama speech given at the Bil(b)erberg Group"

Others noted misspelling of Bilderberg too, w/ d reversed to b.

(Q1529 timestamp 6/17/18 11:39:03. Of note is that 6(June)+17=23, possible call-back to 23 days noted already. 39 is also of note since it is supposed to comprise the number of innermost Bilderberg Group members.)

Exact time difference between Q1529 post and referenced R post is 6 days, 10 hrs, 21 min, 08 sec. Numerological tally is 6+1+3+8=18/9

Q782 w/ timestamp 19:53:19. There are reports that first Bilderberg Group meeting (non public) happened in 1953, not 1954. Reference timestamp of 19:[53].



High speculation but choice of "BIG!" might also (double meaning) indicate Bilderberg (B-G), where I of B-G calls back to iridium, hinting at space theme.

"On A Pale Horse" (William Milton Cooper) extracts:

pg. 92 "The most powerful secret organization in the world is the Bilderberg Group, organized in 1952 & named after the hotel where its first meeting took place in 1954."

pg 200 "President Truman had been keeping our allies, including the Soviet Union, informed of the developing alien problem. This had been done in case the aliens turned out to be a threat to the human race. Plans were formulated to defend the earth in case of invasion. Great difficulty was encountered in maintaining international secrecy. It was decided that an outside group was necessary to coordinate and control international efforts to hide the secret from the normal scrutiny of governments by the press. The result was the formation of a secret ruling body which became known as the Bilderberg Group."

Relation to Q1529: Bilderberg is misspelled. (Side note: Berg is shorthand for iceberg. Possible reference to 1909 follow-on Titanic disaster.) Extract redundant (i.e. binary) BER of BilBERberg = Bilberg. Anagram of Bilberg = Rigel B / binary star system. (Some say Rigel B system is origin of a category of grey aliens.)

b252d6 No.2210849


The records are likely kept in the data center in Saudi Arabia that Don was shown on his first trip.

You know, the place with the orb (which I suspect is a means of identification. His signature was being signed by the others present. Considering who they were, he has Q clearance there, too.)

f9fdde No.2210873

i thought this post signed "R" was shown to be fake when the anon showed his post having the (you) tag on it.

930736 No.2210889


Was not definitive, anon. The person who posted the (you) pic didn't have the same IP/ID hash (that bo & bv can see). Was perhaps photoshopped. But definitely not definitive proof of that anon posting as "R".

1061f9 No.2210918

shills posting these JFKjr larp posts. Hopefully people will look into the crash and realize it was deepstate who killed him, flying with a broken leg, pentagon taking over the press briefings, and delaying the search and rescue for 15 hours. all the bs that went on

582176 No.2210925


nice finds! now those are some numbers/coincedences that make some sense to this mind! thanQ!!

f9693e No.2211039


Invent this.

Revelation 8:1

7th seal opened

Silence in Heaven about the space of half an hour.


I’ll wait

858d96 No.2211157


All good except for one problem…I WAS COMMENTING AND EXPANDING ON A JFK JR PHOTO! I wasn't "merely chit-chatting"….

Bottom Line: Worry about YOURSELF ANON…I can't stand CONTROL….none of us here are being PAID to do the research…remember that…organizing is AWESOME…trying to control conversations…IS NOT.

Again, I've been here since the first bread…contributed to many of the notables…so please….CHILL.

f9693e No.2211302

File: 3aac736ab415001⋯.jpeg (734.86 KB, 1242x1850, 621:925, E23E7122-380A-4889-8154-4….jpeg)

Many of you could not go on.


You need every ONE of you.

ROT-13 cipher code

ONE becomes BAR


You need every BAR of you.



[…..] = Target

And target doesn’t necessarily mean kill.

f9693e No.2211334





5:5 (Loud and Clear, 1 of probably 66 meanings)


Now what?

Some things you don’t say out loud.

Can’t even recognize Kindergarten animal pictures let alone the significance of it.

Sorry, it’s irritating at times.

What people are stupid?


How many coincidences?

1000 isn’t enough.


858d96 No.2211431


(Pssst….look in the mirror…the only one I see trying to CONTROL…and using "baker" status to do it….PLEASE regulate yourself and everything else will be just hunkie-dorie…if you must leave to do it, then alrightee….we'll be fine in here!!)

858d96 No.2211444



Well said anon! High-five!!!

858d96 No.2211456


Beautiful….(except I'm PINK BOW ANON!!) LOL

858d96 No.2211496


Never by me anon….you're always WELCOME at my table!!!


(I love seeing all the angles that anons take in the dig…never ceases to amaze me….no one is "in control" here….I think you can see that by all the responses to the "rules"….stay with US!! ;-)

f9693e No.2211512

File: 140fa22c1acf2ed⋯.jpeg (640.62 KB, 1242x1455, 414:485, D41AC122-E3F7-405B-BA96-3….jpeg)

File: bd812baaafc41bc⋯.jpeg (871.41 KB, 1242x1637, 1242:1637, E7AE185F-DF1A-496B-955C-3….jpeg)

File: 2deedf1133bdfc8⋯.jpeg (579.3 KB, 1242x1412, 621:706, 9C6F9D08-99EB-4D99-9542-6….jpeg)

Here have a red pill.

Revelation 12:17

Who has the testimony of Jesus Christ?


Notice it says (See testis) at the bottom of the word etymology?



Ya, that’s right.

What witness would be found in testicles?


Now read Revelation 12 in its entirety.

(Screen shot shows 18 at bottom)


R = 18 = 666 = 13:1

(Verse 18 was removed from chapter 12 and placed at 13:1*


bd4a68 No.2211572

Might be reading to much into this but this was tweeted - “.. There are many answers, some easy and some hard, to these problems…but they can ALL be solved!” It’s the second half of a tweet speaking to many problems outlined. Is he speaking to us through this? All the puzzles on here can be solved, some are easier than others but they can be solved.

f9693e No.2211615


Technology allowed them to look.

Look for what?

Did they find?


What is it you think is really unfolding right now?

Testimony = Witness = DNA

What/Who is “Two witnesses” ?

Day 222 of the year leaves 143 days left in the year.


How about To, Too, Two

A = 1, B = 2, C = 3 etc.

To + Too + Two = 143

“How many coincidences will it take before it becomes mathematically impossible.” - Q


[Who] was the target of that message?


f9693e No.2211643


‪ALL = NYY = 64 =‬

‪Everyone is Israel‬

A = 1, B = 2, C = 3 etc.




NYY = 64





f9693e No.2211648


ROT-13 code cipher



f9693e No.2211683

File: 90770b09584bfd9⋯.jpeg (488.6 KB, 1242x927, 138:103, 760BFDAE-4B7A-454D-B391-A….jpeg)

1000 coincidences enough?

ICE = 17


582176 No.2211688



this is in some holy grail, priory of sion territory?

582176 No.2211719

File: 9d293807b6d2e87⋯.jpg (82.74 KB, 640x400, 8:5, 735146_288466671275948_211….jpg)

‪>Everyone is Israel‬

Is RA El


Everyone is Ra= sun God. Child of LIGHT.

Everyone is EL

(((they))) inverted the wisdom of y(our) DNA.


We are literally coded by the Divine.

79a63e No.2211738



as soon as i saw the rules post i thought 'newfag'

but i feel it

Q board is rough to manuever on

looking for Q lite, fewer calories

6274b8 No.2211779


Oh no, that's an oldfag that made those rules


6274b8 No.2211900


Very well put diplomatic anon. Btw, that image you posted has pedo symbols all over it.. Enlarge & look @ the swirls…not suggesting anything about you anon. I worked in that pedo thread & now see so much I never noticed before.. I'm hyperaware anon I suppose..

b7d989 No.2211921

What makes a good movie?

A shocking twist.

You’re going to need toilet paper.

Keep it by you at all times.

It’s happening.


b7d989 No.2211936

File: b2e6b5112378487⋯.jpeg (324.1 KB, 2528x2334, 1264:1167, 6C099CFD-BB87-4DE5-9002-C….jpeg)

b252d6 No.2211940


When plugged in as ROT47,

RWH becomes CH9 … the emergency channel on CB radio.

b7d989 No.2211962


Make sure not to explain to everyone the significance of what RWH is.

If I had to guess “R Witch Hunt?”


582176 No.2211971


sometimes a spiral is just a spiral. people use random signs to "copyright" memes

>lets not go crazy ok?

^quote from qresearch last night when someone was posting a pic of a kid and a mom kissing and freaking out with cries of pedo!!… kids touch thier moms, without a thought of sexuality, thats love. not everyone is a pedo.

I agree this info is hard on the mind…keep it stable anon. We have each other.

>lets not go crazy ok?


b7d989 No.2212067

File: 5d9d2294ed70dd3⋯.jpeg (683.63 KB, 1242x1674, 23:31, 5DF1875D-8ACF-4427-9466-3….jpeg)


“I’ve always liked John Cusak’s acting.”- Sarcasm Digest‬

Hmmm, first guess.



b7d989 No.2212075


Q = 17 = 1/7 = AG

“Hello John.”


6274b8 No.2212149


I saw that post last night & totally agreed that it was normal & innocent.

if you had my back you would NOT tell me "let's not go crazy ok?" DAMN! Come with me to the pedo crap & dig & see if you lean back on that statement so casually. I said I'm hyper sensitive..

ea67b4 No.2212185


Considering "

You would never believe the files kept on everyone of you, for that matter, you'd never believe WHERE they are kept."

DNA makes perfect sense.

b7d989 No.2212193

File: b607dd6fc390b15⋯.jpeg (546.73 KB, 1242x1580, 621:790, 28267787-FAA0-4B0C-9CA3-4….jpeg)

File: 087bf587725d22b⋯.jpeg (789.61 KB, 1242x1849, 1242:1849, EBEBD7C8-65CD-4BA9-A41A-D….jpeg)

“Remember when you “accidentally” signed a drop W? That was cool.” - CF

4 Double yous


Cubs win!!! Cubs win!!


582176 No.2212243

File: 6501411c56d1658⋯.jpg (276.08 KB, 1200x943, 1200:943, xunderneath-saint-peters-b….jpg)


my love anon! not meant to be condisending!!

I just mean, if I can try to explain, cuz it gets so convoluted…and that was (their) whole mission.

Truth has been inverted. What is good ie spirals, pentegons (sacred geometry in general), numbers, letters, showing love thru touch et al. the stole from us.

I have most defnitely looked into the pedo crap, enough that I do not want to look anymore because said statement is meant for me as well. I have jumped to many a conclusion after pizzagate and had to rethink my own mind so many times. and I feel myself to be a pretty balanced person.

A spiral is the phi ratio.

the underground vaults of the Vatican (evil shit down there) the KEY

our entire human history, library of knowledge, supposedly the library of alexandria (that wasn't actually burnt but they lied to steal the stuffs), possible star gates all locked up behind the alphabet and the phi sign.

They use the spiral to make us think its evil when it is divine see >>2211719

Vatican vault

pic related

b252d6 No.2212276


It has been sitting, mostly unread, on my desk. I got diverted into reading "The Road to Serfdom" through the winter during the odd moments at work (arrive early, actual work to be done arrives late) and had set 4th Turning aside. Time to take it off the un-read stack (6 titles, at present) and renew my education.

Thanks for the reminder. BTW, if you haven't read "The Road to Serfdom" (Hayek), take this as a recommendation.

ea67b4 No.2212412

Our life story files are inside our DNA aka "Genetic Memory" aka "Book of Life"



6274b8 No.2212551


I hear you anon… they use the spirals & other innocent images to peddle children by their secret code of stolen images. How would we know we were wearing, buying, using these things because we are not them..we are not evil…that's why I made sure diplomatic anon understood I was not pointing an accusing finger at them.. Btw anon, I enlarged the pic we're speaking of & chased an easy trail..you should take a look if you've worked the pedo threads you'll see many of their image codes.. DDG dreamstime images & ding, ding, ding! They've taken everything good & innocent & flipped it to hide their evil but no more… Until we're aware of their "in your face surface schemes", we'll never get to to any underground vaults to find the rest of the story..Little red pills to swallow without water..I can't imagine one trying to swallow one as large as you show in your work here.. Most would prolly dp the "see no evil, hear no evil" thing in order to avoid the reality of horrors..

Much love to you anon, glad we had this convo but gotta go take a walk after remembering..

Those who know cannot sleep

79a63e No.2212628


i love all you R page fags no homo

slow moving bread

chat numbers go up

numbersfag is on the germatria n rot

nobody interested in Cambridge Cnalytica R decode or typo ?

legal R post is a big one to digest

i dont see any look into the new R drops

c84d11 No.2212865

File: 4610bac90e2a130⋯.jpg (10.67 KB, 320x240, 4:3, dtcc_logo_2193.jpg)


Check #4 notables on legal R post. I started some digging on common law vs. UCC. Getting nudges in William Cooper vid linked in this bread too. Lots of legal digs he already did. We need digs on DTCC and Cede and Co. Pic related. 3 6's around the eye and all that…Whole world "owned" by one company. Its essentially a legaleased front for the FED. These losers have really twisted the law to whatever end they want and use our "consent" in CUSIP crap. Also bitcoin/blockchain and gold have something to do with this just haven't connected. Aside from gold BARS I think gold and andrenochrome have a big connection but might be out of scope for digs

b252d6 No.2212985


"Penance is coming."

By whom? In what form?

It appears that we are waiting for GHW Bush to die before revealing the rest of the Kennedy assassination papers.


Poppy wants to be buried next to an old buddy instead of in Texas.

Has anyone looked into why? The first guess would be that the buddy is an old homosexual love … else, why not next to Laura?

Is it affinity for the buddy or is there some problem with Laura that causes him not to want to spend eternity next to her?

What are the circumstances behind the death of their child?

My first guesses are rarely correct. So what is lying beneath that surface?

If GHWB was implicated in Dallas, why are we showing him such deference? What else did he do that would earn him a "pass" on prosecution for murder?

What could be big enough to warrant the forgiveness of murder?

b252d6 No.2213158


If you want to find fault, you will.

I note that you didn't question the decision to use ROT47.

Anyone interested in knowing what the significance of RWH was would have clicked to see what I was responding to. We're all autists here, right?

Good. Now go research why I might have chosen to use ROT47.

b7d989 No.2213174


My bad


b7d989 No.2213218


RWH becomes #(W


Not sure how you got CH9

a6eb8f No.2213244


Kids used in the Montauk chair experiments reported going through a spiral portal. Trying to figure out the reason for spirals about 3 years ago before I knew it was a pedo symbol. I figured it must show up in pop culture somewhere and thought of NIN Downward Spiral album. It was recorded in the house where the Manson family murdered Sharon Tate, studio called LePig. Seemed significant. Going through info about the songs, i saw March of the Pigs. I had just learned that pigs have a spiral penis - gross, yes, and very strange. So March of the Pigs looked like a good song to start with examining. MotP is recorded at 269 bpm - strange and has a weird time signature as well.

First word in the Bible with a gematria of 269 is Jordan - as in the Jordan River. I don’t think I had ever seen before that it runs from Mount Hermon (where the watchers descended) to the Dead Sea (loc of Sodom and Gomorrah). There are likely a lot more reasons they use a spiral but this whole set of facts seemed creepily consistent.

They also had pairs of beds/platforms around the chair in a circle. Maybe additional tortures to feed energy to the one in the center chair? The Tomb of Osiris is a similar layout 6 spoke and center platform. It is believe to be a resurrection chamber. Maybe for the 8th that is of the 7 from Revelation. Put the 7 in place and fire it up and all the crazy goes to the one in the center. But for both of these, they really, really look to me like a cross-section of some kind of turbine. In these cases though it’s definitely not clean energy by any means.

So I don’t think spirals are, in and of themselves, bad but I do think there must be some very evil ideas, principles of physics/metaphysics that are best represented by a spiral or do, in some cases, actually take a spiral form.

b7d989 No.2213265

File: d02c7542b9ea2a0⋯.jpeg (75.88 KB, 512x384, 4:3, 231F416A-FAB7-4880-9C67-7….jpeg)


Unless I’m being trolled right now.

CH9 = WGN = W = “KB fires to AR, CW!! CW!!!

My brain hurts WD.

Hmmm, WD?

It’s a trollfest!!


b7d989 No.2213282

File: 163fb4ad743c119⋯.jpeg (102.7 KB, 512x384, 4:3, 4F538C30-3326-4C46-8BF3-3….jpeg)


Sorry, wrong photo

0d7bf9 No.2213297

File: aadd1add0ba87cd⋯.jpg (333.52 KB, 2896x2896, 1:1, 20180719_171153.jpg)

Decided to dig a little on GN when I couldn't get a full background verification, age etcetera. Doesn't look like G N & J r have a lobe match look here look there look everywhere it's always fun to dig.

0716b0 No.2213552

File: 2e4b81bea366504⋯.jpeg (97.68 KB, 750x621, 250:207, DAF8F35A-D7BB-4E69-BC4B-9….jpeg)


7b6a9f No.2213754


Anon, you are saying Laura.. do you mean Barbara?

7b6a9f No.2213765


Unfortunately we are NOT all autists. Some of us are here just to keep in the know for our mission that is coming down the pike.

You autists amaze me and frankly, sometimes go over my head.

7b6a9f No.2213789


In sacred geometry, the spiral is the pattern of life (growth) based on the fibonacci sequence. It makes perfect sense that ((they)) would hijack that symbol to flip it to evil.

07a40c No.2213866


Trump Has Had Biggest DOW Gain In A US President’s First 30 Days Since 1909


e59fa2 No.2213904


dubs check out.

c84d11 No.2214015

File: 4610bac90e2a130⋯.jpg (10.67 KB, 320x240, 4:3, dtcc_logo_2193.jpg)

File: 1ef2b14b547bfeb⋯.jpg (88.73 KB, 426x417, 142:139, nypost-dow_plunges_666_poi….jpg)


Yeah and the 666 Dow drop was a threat. Look at company logo. They own IT ALL. Pics related.

858d96 No.2214142


NICE!! (Didn't think that guy was legit but yeah, the ears have it! ha!)

df0463 No.2214146

File: b9c91776a8530cd⋯.png (409.95 KB, 480x640, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

df0463 No.2214153

File: d3d2ad4bb0370fb⋯.png (153.75 KB, 927x520, 927:520, 123.47.png)


patriots are in control

7b6a9f No.2214200


Great dig, but I see Ruby Cute

858d96 No.2214205


Hmmm…published in March 2000!!! 8 months after JFK JR "crash"….I thought there was an anon (in earlier bread) that said there were NO SUBSEQUENT issues after his "death"….basically highlighting that most magazines are ready several issue out and since there'd been no issues after his "death", this showed a PURPOSEFUL plan….

c84d11 No.2214245


Kek!, nice. And comforting.

cb8127 No.2214267

Your dad held my hands in ND. I wrote and asked him to come. Great man!!

7b6a9f No.2214295


who is GN?

83d427 No.2214419


George M Nasif he has a twitter acct not sure what other Social Media.

b7d989 No.2214645

File: 686cc00d367e898⋯.png (754.32 KB, 597x821, 597:821, 2B3EF7E7-B7A9-475D-AD71-77….png)

I’m convinced.

Frozen in time.

Random motel.

3 days later.

12:40 = 760

25 minutes after POTUS Tweet I post Future in the past song, then find Trump Tweet.

Anyone feeling me?

Bigger than we can imagine?

Or BIGGER than we can imagine.

Remember you’re not alone.

It’s spooky to me too.

Photos 7/19/2018.

Moments ago.


2e4c59 No.2214672

File: 6ffa34fedb98944⋯.jpeg (88.58 KB, 500x548, 125:137, 97ED27DB-9F72-4447-9187-5….jpeg)

Keep it going Anons


Thank you

ddb9d5 No.2214702



Q!UW.yye1fxo27 Jan 2018 - 10:09:33 AM


The clock is ticking.

How's Russia?

[Mr. Contractor]

Freedom of the Press.

John Perry Barlow.


SecureDrop [Whistleblowers]?

SecureDrop>Clowns In America.



a6eb8f No.2215055

Soccer Ball Putin Gave Trump is a Telstar Mechta. It has an NFC chip - so did the Telstar 18 ball. Article say that Mechta means “ambition” though often it is translated as “dream.”

Comey tweets a piece of a James Madison quote about “ambition counteracting ambition.” Larger quote has two ‘reflections’ right after that part.- it’s from The Federalist Papers No. 51 and speaks largely about seperation of powers in govt.

Telstar is also a series of satellites (US/ British/French). Lots of firsts.

Mechta is name of Russian satellite Luna 1 - renamed after a malfunction put it as first man-made object in heliocentric orbit.

As for the soccer balls there was a Telstar 18 with the chip followed by the Telstar Mechta. They are still making the Telstar satellites with two to be launched soon - the 18V and the 19V. The V stands for vantage.

The 19V is to be launched by Space X on July 22, 2018. The 18V is to be launched by SpaceX on August 17, 2018.

Got to wonder if Comey was saying they need an Ambition/Mechta to counter whatever the WC ball represents. Makes me thing the soccer ball, names and numbers, represents some sort of other communication setup.

Odd that 19V will be launched first -corresponds to the Mechta ball. 19 is S - soccer? Then 18V will be launched in August, corresponding to R?

Could all be a coincidence but ambition, reflections, telstar, mechta, 18, 19 in such tight proximity was interesting - and the Federalist posted an article on Comey just yesterday.

e78302 No.2215092

I have two theories to pass along to anyone listening.

I believe Q is not JFK JR. but Caroline his wife. R is John

Also the man called Vincent Fusca who many believe is Kennedy in disguise. The name Vincent means "Conqueror". Fusca in Latin means "The Dark". So Vincent Fusca = "Conqueror of the Dark"

Vincent Fusca lives in Pittsburg and his wife's name is Catherine Fusca. The nickname of Catherine is "Kate". The name on the Coke bottle that Peter Stoupe had in his hearing that the cameraman kept framing in his shot.

6274b8 No.2215142


Yes! Thank you anon…I've never believed that any one symbol is evil but I do believe they do as you say, they hijack what will give them "cover" to do their evil deeds…No matter if this is "R"…. it's all going to tie together in the end…a big map of atrocities..

0d7bf9 No.2215192

Only 3 colors matter to a Patriot!

Red White & Blue

We love you walk away movement!


0d7bf9 No.2215206

File: 8f22e1151335c54⋯.mp4 (570.59 KB, 720x540, 4:3, VideoMeme21040219072018.mp4)

Welcome Patriots

0a9ffb No.2215243



a6eb8f No.2215261

Q dropped a “d” a couple of times but when asked, would reply with “D” aka a Capital D or a Big D.

big D is the nickname for Dallas. JKF was assassinated in Dallas.

Another famous Dallas is the USS Dallas - the Los Angeles class nuclear sub from the Hunt For Red October. It had vertical launch capabilities as well as a special ops swimmer delivery vehicle.

USSDallas is currently decomissioned in the Puget Sound in Washington State. Lots of oddball things going on in that area. That’s also Pacific Theatre so fairly near some other Q-related news events.

I hadn’t seen anyone connect the Big D Q would use with the USS Dallas but we have had a lot of HFRO, subs and puget sound talk. Also the first article on the recent ‘meteor’ they were looking for said it was the Hunt For the Remains of an Object. A lot like HFRO.

Not sure how it applies but with all the HFRO talk, it seems the USS Dallas would be significant sooner or later. And now with more emphasis on JFK, Dallas seems more of a clue than ever.

e78302 No.2215299

Kennedy had his leg in a cast. Impossible to fly his plane since you need both feet to control the rudders. John was overly cautious and thorough. He would not have risked his life flying.

I believe it was Navy Seals (Paratroupers) who took his plane up then parachuted out before the plane blew up. Q said: Seals are wonderful creatures. They work fast at capturing their Prey. PRAY. Silence is golden.

0a9ffb No.2215330

File: 5435329deea569b⋯.jpeg (219.04 KB, 1242x1674, 23:31, 4124DC55-D15F-4784-B0C6-4….jpeg)


POTUS tells us who Q is in this post.

Apply ROT-13 formula (-13 letters) to the first 5 letters that stand out to you.

Say the first 2 letters then pronounce the last 3 letters as 1 word.

Have toilet paper near by when it hits you.

This is MUCH BIGGER than we can imagine.

832fd6 No.2215454


Elaborate. I am not good with codes. Just say the name.

0a9ffb No.2215477

File: 3c5491ac61bceba⋯.jpeg (111.9 KB, 1242x887, 1242:887, C588C6B5-DB8E-4D40-8C4A-8….jpeg)


Follow instructions in my last post above yours.

Q is also another anon but I’ll let you figure that one out. Clue:WD

0a9ffb No.2215495


WDFNT becomes JQSAG when you apply the ROT-13 code.


This is….

I don’t even have words anymore.

14877d No.2215588


Can you please explain…


832fd6 No.2215618


I'm not following, and not very bright. It's ok though. Q can remain anonymous. I'm just a forgotten patriot, following the plan and hoping.

0a9ffb No.2215652


Say out loud the individual letters JQ and pronounce as 1 word SAG until it hits you.

0a9ffb No.2215674


SAG = ?

Screen Actors Guild


6c0159 No.2215721

14877d No.2215736





Surface Action Group. "Helpers"


0a9ffb No.2215741

File: d7e5185f679bf00⋯.jpeg (57.93 KB, 333x500, 333:500, 94B93409-FD4F-45FF-9EDF-C….jpeg)

0a9ffb No.2215750


Also Screen Actors Guild.

Wild ride coming.

Hang on!!

6274b8 No.2215780


Shut The Front Door!

a6eb8f No.2215788

Another thing I’ve never seen confirmed is the meaning of Iron Eagle.

The wikipedia production notes contain the following: According to writer/director Sidney J. Furie, the film's working title was Junior Eagle. The script was turned down by every studio before it was picked up by Joe Wizan, former head of 20th Century Fox. Wizan then handed the script to producer Ron Samuels, who likened it to the old John Wayne westerns.[2] Although their F-16s are featured in the movie poster, the United States Air Force has a long-standing policy about not cooperating on any film involving the theft of an aircraft. Consequently, the filmmakers turned to the Israeli Air Force for the necessary aerial sequences. The filming in Israel took six weeks, with the flight sequences choreographed by Jim Gavin, whose earlier works include Blue Thunder.[2]

The aircraft used for both the American and the "Bilyan" air forces were Israeli jets: single-seat F-16As, two-seat F-16Bs, and F-21/C-2 Kfirs simulating MiG-23s (the latter painted with imaginary national markings).[3] The F-16s were given American national roundels and tail codes that only superficially resembled actual USAF markings, but retained their Israeli desert camouflage, a paint scheme that has never been used on USAF F-16s. The cockpit displays depicted in the film were all simulated, and did not bear any resemblance to an early model F-16's actual instrumentation (with the exception of the heads-up display, which was somewhat accurate). Additionally, the "Hades" bomb employed by Doug against the Bilyan airfield was a fictional weapon, though its effects were similar to real-life napalm.

Not sure if its the point Q was making but it’s a scary thought that a third party could simulate a battle between two other nations complete with fairly accurate fighters and such. You could put on quite an ‘air show” with that sort of ability. It would make for convincing TV if you wanted to force a war between folks that fly F16s and folks that fly Migs (or the current equivalents.)

It would be handy for Trump and Putin to have some sort of direct communications setup in the unlikely event something like that took place. You’d want to be able to verify what really happened. It should be secure and look it too. Maybe something like a special phone - maybe in red. Best to have it out of reach so lines can’t be cut too. Right now it sounds like it’s largely fiber optic.

And again it seems to circle back to Kennedy.

832fd6 No.2215790


Meh. Like I said. Q can remain anonymous. I wouldn't need toilet paper, even if I did believe it was him. I personally doubt it. But what do I know?

14877d No.2215855



Is it going to be a "lazy river" ride or the log flume? Not complaining per se… but this ground level stuff is boring AF. The timeline has been very slow.

5b3af0 No.2215863


What the hell connection does Cussac and DJT have? If any?

How'd he get pics from AF1?

How'd he get tweets ahead of time?

How could he…or anyone else really pull this shit off?

Why would he give himself away?

He sure doesn't have the level of security he would need to pull this off does he?

6274b8 No.2215883


But he's been associated with the "other side" the black hats…Are you sure? I'm not good at this but that's what I scribbled out too..but what do I know. You're the expert!

916328 No.2215886

I Am JFK Jr https://www.virgilfilms.com/2016/06/29/i-am-jfk-jr-press-release/

0d7bf9 No.2215896

File: ba821f3547ec21e⋯.jpg (302.81 KB, 651x764, 651:764, Screenshot_20180719-221534….jpg)

File: 7f6fed090a7cdde⋯.jpg (259.51 KB, 846x982, 423:491, Screenshot_20180719-220927….jpg)

JQ Sag= John Cusack movie star?

Why, does it keep coming up? What am I missing? Why this guy in the photo? Sorry if it's just not sinking in.

14877d No.2215912



I had chills and was excited for like 24 hours finding the info that lead us to this thread. So much left to do. Nothing really surprises me… yet. That did … but we are back at the same place… "when will the public find out"? Thats the part that drives me crazy.

5b3af0 No.2215913


Also, I don't think this actually makes sense.

It does not fit logic

There is no means (money, resources, security)

There is no motive (why would he be so willing to bring on such a massive undertaking?)

Applying any logic to the John Cussac theory. It just doesn't hold water unless there are connections yet uncovered.

JFK Jr. - That shoe fits.

832fd6 No.2215930


The answers to those questions make it unlikely that John is Q. Not to mention Cusack isn't a big fan of Trump. But in all of this intrigue and muddy waters, with all of the chaos, plus Trumps unlimited, unlikely friends, Q could be anyone. Not believing it is Cusack however. Not important.

5b3af0 No.2215970

File: 32c5ef7d5c19966⋯.jpg (159.31 KB, 634x878, 317:439, bobbieshoes.jpg)

Look at JFK Jr.'s buddy list

I AM JFK JR. features interviews with John F. Kennedy Jr.’s friends ranging from the famous, like Robert De Niro and Cindy Crawford, to the controversial, like Mike Tyson and Larry Flynt; from media stars like Christiane Amanpour, Chris Cuomo, Paul Begala and Ann Coulter, to close friends like Grateful Dead songwriter John Perry Barlow, Sasha Chermayeff, Richard Wiese, Chris Oberbeck, Brian Steel, John Hare, New York restaurateur Richie Notar, John’s former assistant Rosemarie Terenzio, and colleagues at John’s pioneering George magazine, Gary Ginsberg and Matt Berman.

0a9ffb No.2215972

0a9ffb No.2215984


Now, lol!

bac933 No.2215999

File: 80cc6fc0d27054e⋯.png (124.31 KB, 280x427, 40:61, grey.png)

File: 3fa1d8d88763f95⋯.jpg (5.04 KB, 352x280, 44:35, time.jpg)

File: 5823fb10afb4307⋯.jpg (3.75 KB, 280x280, 1:1, silver.jpg)

File: 93d8e299f601760⋯.jpg (15.55 KB, 373x280, 373:280, ontheground.jpg)

File: 18283d1cbeda602⋯.png (565.89 KB, 1366x592, 683:296, greydiscs.png)

" He demanded to know who the grey's were and why they were here "



We have seen the Greys -

This photo is REAL - NO joke - Upstate NY

1 Grey in a group of 5 - all seen and photographed

LEGIT open contact - NOT MILAB's - NON HUMAN - bilocating

Highly advanced IR, UV & conscious tech

Videos - photos - bio material - C based lifeform

8/8 ongoing

Pass the ball - who to trust ?

We trust the plan - plz advise



5b3af0 No.2216006


That's not how a ROT cipher is applied

That is how confirmation bias is applied.

I recall this was discussed in breads last year. So it's not BOOM material, just more…hmmm….nahhh materials.

Again, Q needs to be someone with ACCESS TO POTUS. There's no way they get this out in sync so fast otherwise.

Anyone seen Cusac on AF1? Or even in the same side of the country?

0a9ffb No.2216016


How long will it take you to believe “You are watching a movie?”

This that was just a wasted post by Q?

It’s a GIANT clue it’s him on top of the fact are all the characters in a movie good guys?


0a9ffb No.2216033


How long did it take you to get this reply? I’ll wait while you check the time stamp 👆🏽


0a9ffb No.2216057


Expand your thinking.

You don’t believe it is what makes it beautiful.


5b3af0 No.2216058


Ok, let's got with your assumptions.

They live in, XYZ

How are they privy to the plans of POTUS

How are they in since with POTUS actions?

832fd6 No.2216065


No need to convince me. I see Cusack a lot the at cubs games, and have even talked to him. That doesn't mean he isn't Q. That doesn't mean he is Q. Not relevant. I still have a hard time believing it, but I'm rarely right about anything.

916328 No.2216108

stacey cusack I AM JFK JR

5b3af0 No.2216110


2mins 2 seconds 2:2

It took you 2 minutes and 2 seconds to make a reply.

5b3af0 No.2216173


So Potus is working with Cusack to overthrow the evil bastards that run our globe?

Shit. I knew it all along.

Working the boards all this time?

What connection if any did Cusack have with DJT? Any? He's also a cubs fan. Yet another character flaw.

415252 No.2216197


Good thought process

14877d No.2216214


You can always tell "the helpers"… you can feel it.

5b3af0 No.2216236



5b3af0 No.2216251

Now we need a new baker for board.

And let's figure out who P is next.

R= JFK Jr. (sorry cussak find another way to promo your movie)

Q = Potus

P = ?

6274b8 No.2216281


I need 2 Advil & a shot of whiskey …

14877d No.2216295


Also I would assume there is an "S", no?

8dbd8d No.2216313

File: 120b2376c7a7ab8⋯.png (368.29 KB, 608x397, 608:397, LFN1.png)

641a97 No.2216386


if post fills up peep the side board for new link if you cant find R6

i'll bump the side board right now so its up near top of catalog

dutch, ill bake unless you want it

still seein whats up with notables

14877d No.2216417



Yeah, whoever is spewing that cusack nonsense is clearly up to no good.

0a9ffb No.2216570


Huge Cubs fan myself.

0a9ffb No.2216623

File: b7f4a73c04694ec⋯.jpeg (375.12 KB, 2528x2334, 1264:1167, 345A5D5B-423B-46BA-99AF-C….jpeg)

ea67b4 No.2216711


Same conclusion (eye) came to earlier:


Plus consider his sign:


14877d No.2216852




If the cabal wanted you dead… wouldnt you get some work on your nose? Fuck yeah, I would… could be reaching but with what we know… nothing is a reach.

641a97 No.2216877

FResh BRead






641a97 No.2216885


0a9ffb No.2216948

File: a367316ba5e032c⋯.jpeg (700.72 KB, 1242x1030, 621:515, 5480ECF1-F982-43DE-9266-1….jpeg)



To the moon Alice.

858d96 No.2217014

An anon on the main board posted this:

Kansas to Bream on Fox 8:35 pm PDT

"The president has been very resolute"

RESOLUTE…the desk…

a52e56 No.2217239


Looks the same to me too! He has a YT channel with Christian music since 12/2017.

df0463 No.2217305

im not sure if i like the welcome to R Research…

im gald i didnt leave it in red, i changed it from bold to black, i didnt notice the add to pastebin

1-5 netter layout

welcome to R Research, theres nothing wrong with it, but this is an off topic Q thread

already caught some flak for it

all good but R1 was made for /our/fags by an anon

it has grown to bread 6

no need to get fancy ;)

df0463 No.2217548


df0463 No.2217558

File: d7c6104b92d07de⋯.png (174.63 KB, 481x273, 37:21, phil turd.png)

fill bread

df0463 No.2217568

File: 1777d8ff5835ce9⋯.png (82.31 KB, 398x531, 398:531, Cover.png)

File: 48390ac9984f330⋯.jpg (249.33 KB, 1514x939, 1514:939, 2102971.jpg)

shit posting is fun when new breads done

df0463 No.2217570


poop post

df0463 No.2217574


stale bread gives me the poops

df0463 No.2217585

File: b21202dc7380324⋯.png (77.99 KB, 200x217, 200:217, ClipboardImage.png)

df0463 No.2217591

File: 2608f237883cfea⋯.jpeg (669.16 KB, 2528x3160, 4:5, bun 2.jpeg)

df0463 No.2217593

File: 1ef8c3a321cbed2⋯.png (1006.55 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, JP Kennedy Jr USSR.png)

415252 No.2217594


Yes, I think u r onto it. The GOD of man. Our DNA is the information. They have it all. I have the feeling right now that this isn't a bad thing. But - as things have gone, it will still have to be presented; if it is necessary.

df0463 No.2217597

File: 8a42197ad8aaf3c⋯.png (237.3 KB, 702x354, 117:59, fad68522bb6833de445d773021….png)

df0463 No.2217721

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


bump bump

df0463 No.2217738

File: 845ac768d02e32e⋯.png (207.16 KB, 406x387, 406:387, ClipboardImage.png)

▶Anonymous (You) 07/19/18 (Thu) 20:47:39 641a97 (3) No.2216877

FResh BRead

>>2216485 (You)

>>2216485 (You)


>>2216485 (You)


▶Anonymous (You) 07/19/18 (Thu) 20:48:12 641a97 (3) No.2216885

so we are shitposting



df0463 No.2217748







f9f448 No.2217768

File: 061ec2434ac3bb8⋯.jpg (7.96 KB, 192x255, 64:85, f3c8f89c25e04a8881dd2646d8….jpg)

f9f448 No.2217773

File: 2a6b2d942eb6c4c⋯.jpg (24.07 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 0b68895b56a5d2cb81b37da609….jpg)

f9f448 No.2217774

File: 55f3348837c593d⋯.jpg (12.67 KB, 255x186, 85:62, c371d229fdb891de4914aa9afa….jpg)

f9f448 No.2217783

File: e36199ffd279361⋯.jpg (21.72 KB, 221x255, 13:15, eeecd5e30e9f01552e219b7eb3….jpg)

df0463 No.2217789

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f9f448 No.2217794

File: 5137ec922f3879f⋯.jpg (50.29 KB, 750x714, 125:119, Dg8xK3DW0AAFQw1.jpg)

f9f448 No.2217800

File: cdc94d6fc2e35b2⋯.jpg (11.36 KB, 190x255, 38:51, f5fdef72f60b8b332214268841….jpg)


df0463 No.2217801

File: 4cf48c9769f19ab⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 2300x1198, 1150:599, orinal B.jpg)

f9f448 No.2217805

File: 7f3625877fef6d5⋯.jpg (16.63 KB, 217x255, 217:255, c3434f609f5e56b939b4806c20….jpg)


f9f448 No.2217807

File: 0cfe3d9e45499cf⋯.jpg (61.99 KB, 637x824, 637:824, 96a7a6ed982b8f6798bfd2c58f….jpg)


df0463 No.2217809

File: 9d8a6cd66338b21⋯.jpg (485.57 KB, 767x953, 767:953, R 3.jpg)

df0463 No.2217815

File: 845e2203718cf27⋯.png (453.6 KB, 556x461, 556:461, R5.png)

f9f448 No.2217816

File: 9682d2990e1b098⋯.jpg (22.21 KB, 255x220, 51:44, 2122bfa5795815793e272ddb14….jpg)

df0463 No.2217822

File: 4a9739e2f124f4a⋯.jpeg (770.81 KB, 2528x3160, 4:5, bun 1.jpeg)

f9f448 No.2217823

File: d4b26f0e07fa2db⋯.png (615.14 KB, 596x709, 596:709, Screen Shot 2018-04-01 at ….png)

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