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File: f1711524dc6d851⋯.jpg (8.71 KB, 255x143, 255:143, GENERAL.QresearchGeneral.jpg)

d29e7c No.2039321

Welcome To Q Research General

Happy Independence Day!

Our time is fast approaching for the corruption sweep of the biblical proportions.

Keep in mind what to say to those who are confused around you. Do you best, to let them TRUST THE PLAN.





Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095 SEE FOR YOURSELF

Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>1739215

100+ Q Proof Graphics download qproofs.com

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Q's Latest Posts

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Wednesday 07.04.18

>>2029255 --------------------------------------------------- Independence Celebration

Tuesday 07.03.18

>>2022737 rt >>2022584 --------------------------------- Who do you see?

>>2022584 --------------------------------------------------- Plane Through Blinds (subject to change)

>>2022398 rt >>2022233 --------------------------------- Trolling is Fun. Hussein/Trump interior = identical minus small changes.

>>2021248 rt >>2019981, >>2021248, >>2020544 Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?

>>2018075 ---------------------------------------------------- Divide they try. Fail they will.

>>2017327 rt >>2016766 ---------------------------------- WelcomeAboard.png (Picture from inside AF1)

>>2014318 ---------------------------------------------------- Add another to the list

>>2014158 rt >>2013625 --------------------------------- Matters of National Security

>>2012087 ---------------------------------------------------- The SWAMP is being DRAINED

>>2011888 rt >>2011499 ---------------------------------- Think NATIONAL SECURITY

>>2008390 ---------------------------------------------------- What happened to Stormy?

>>2008327 ---------------------------------------------------- Crumb #1238

>>2007973 rt >>2007869, >>2007911 ---------------- /patriotsfight/77

>>2007911 rt >>2007869 --------------------------------- The intelligence was passed through unofficial means

>>2007869 ---------------------------------------------------- We have the server

Sunday 07.01.18

>>1992408 ---------------------------------------------------- Thank you, Ben

>>1991829 ---------------------------------------------------- There will be no civil war

>>1991107 ---------------------------------------------------- Thank you USSS

>>1987414 ---------------------------------------------------- https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/jul/1/us-really-did-have-manchurian-candidate-white-hous/

>>1986553 rt >>1986489 --------------------------------- Think stages. What role can MIL INTEL play? What role can NSA play? BANG!

>>1986443 rt >>1986153 --------------------------------- Ask yourself & the more you know

>>1986153 rt >>1986043 --------------------------------- Ask yourself - who is filing the indictments? Who has that kind of manpower?

>>1986043 ---------------------------------------------------- Nothing being done?

>>1984605 ---------------------------------------------------- Do you feel the emotion/anger this writer has? They are scared of you ( https://archive.is/yAyDg & https://archive.is/bKS9t )

>>1983801 rt >>1983724 --------------------------------- Make no mistake- Rep Gowdy is a Patriot

>>1983724 rt >>1983663 --------------------------------- Being on the list does not equate to receiving the nomination

>>1983678 rt >>1983633 --------------------------------- You save what you do need

>>1983636 ---------------------------------------------------- What a coincidence

>>1983529 ---------------------------------------------------- #GoodbyeDemocrats

>>1983481 ---------------------------------------------------- Antifacist logos

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1957621 How To Quickly Spot A Clown ; >>1838738 Freedom of Speech

d29e7c No.2039341


are not endorsements


>>2034376 The Declaration of Independence (dl your copy today!)

>>1964963 BO confirms: Link to QAnon.pub or QProofs.com, NOT HERE

>>1999458 A Few Things Have Become Evident


>>2039325 BO reminds us why we do what we do despite the obstacles: Chins up lads.

>>2039316 UK: Home Office Told to Expand Programme Importing Refugees to Every Town, Village

>>2039146 Welcome to Stasi Sweden. Dental hygeniest fined $60,000 for exposing migrants' age

>>2039216, >>2039229, >>2039233 Helsinki Summit = Trump Is Existential Threat to (((Empire)))

>>2039175 And they wonder why the right is rising: Visual of migration from Africa to Italy

>>2039112 We're here because we've been tried by fire. Kübler-Ross of 5 stages of grief.

>>2039083 2012: Do Susan Rice’s Canadian connections disqualify her as US Sec State?

>>2039075 Fear porn: UK/Salisbury ppl now told to avoid picking up unknown objects.

>>2039035,,>>2039100 The Ghoul of Calcutta: The NUNS are in on it? Is nothing sacred?

>>2039029 Melee en Francais: Police in full riot gear over shooting of gud boi

>>2038925, >>2039003 "Sacred Honor": What Patriots have that (((they))) don't.

>>2038988 Todd Piro Twat roasts the Statue of Liberty climber good

>>2038843 Moar thoughts on RYB Education, China, and Joel Getz

>>2038776 Australian involvement in Clinton Foundation

>>2038731 What price treason? Susan Rice's net worth $50 mil at $172,000/yr salary

>>2038718 World Cup Doing Great Things for Russia… Time for 'Novichok' to Strike Again!

>>2038717 Word salad straight from the horseface's mouth: Lynn De Rothschild i'view

>>2038670 Merkel calls a waaambulance as Trump Mulls Hitting EU Car Exports

>>2038662 Securing his army while his people suffer: Maduro and Venezuela update

>>2038647 In-depth interview w/POTUS's MIT engineer Uncle: Energy/Healthcare implications?

>>2039337 #2572


>>2038426 Rally goers: POTUS's visit to Great Falls: safety and security guidelines

>>2038384 No, you'll listen and LIKE it. Democrat Wants to Ban State of the Union Addresses

>>2038246, >>2038356 A look back at Chip Tatum. Deep State been messin' WW for decades.

>>2038126 Shooting at Spanish Benidorm Nightclub. British holiday hot spot into 'LOCKDOWN'

>>2038112 Moneyed elite are dangerous to your health: British stewardess found dead on yacht

>>2038110, >>2038431, >>2038520 Meet the faggots trying to abolish ICE

>>2038094 NATO wants the U.S. to be their piggy bank. Trump says NO.

>>2038039 Democrats on the #WalkAway war path: a testimonial

>>2038036 Clinton Foundation Tied To Chinese Kindergarten Embroiled In Bizarre Sex Abuse

>>2038028 In humorous futility, @Jack censors Q's Ben Garrison cartoon.

>>2038018 Update to #QAnon Blip Billboards (2) *LIVE* on I-4 Orlando market July 4th.

>>2037954 Ben Garrison Welcomes POTUS and rally-goers to Montana with a gun-totin' Pepe.

>>2037818, >>2037841 Moar Michael Moates twatter: #Something Big Is Coming

>>2037812 Tim Pool (youtuber): SPLC Faces Wave of Potential Lawsuits After Legal Defeat

>>2037798, >>2037880, >>2037855, >>2037900, >>2037956 Pharma makes cures or customers?

>>2037789, >>2037794 Paul Valley on former SEAL Interior Sec Ryan Zinke's pro-DJT PAC.

>>2038542 #2571

>>2039283 #2569-70 links off bread

>>2038578 #2567-8 links off bread

>>2038551 #2565-6 links off bread

>>2038548 #2563-4 links off bread

Best Of Bread https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

d29e7c No.2039345

War Room

WHO IS #QAnon TWEETSTORM ON NOW. FIRE THE CANNONS >>1960133 , >>1960135, >>1960203

#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Anon Research Tools

>>974637 How to archive a website offline

Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 -- Q Proofs Thread - Proofs of Q's Validity

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>143179 --- META

>>494745 --- Quest for Searchability

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>198093 --- Q Memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1286065 -- Find The Key Dig

>>1310117 -- For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1579221 -- Clockwork Qrange

>>1689200 -- Twitter watcher #3 (@BackChannel17, @TheRealCheshCat, @TrustfulAlice, @Hatterliveshere, @UK_Revolution17)

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>1844122 -- A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Project Thread: A huge choice of graphics and ideas for creating your own Q materials

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>2033995

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————————————————— >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————-—————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————– >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ———-——– >>>/comms/966

d29e7c No.2039346

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: http://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.5.0 [updated 6/25]) >>122807

* QAnonProofs.com

* Q Proofs https://www.qproofs.com/home.html

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

*Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Behold A Pale Horse: >>>/pdfs/6157

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

25, >>1963080, 24 >>1745576, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist – main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon ——————— http://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

How to bake Q-bread >>1989536, Baking Tips >>1989634

d29e7c No.2039361



d09292 No.2039369

Shill-free first post.

16a024 No.2039371

File: 6a80b2753233727⋯.jpg (9.56 KB, 178x255, 178:255, aaaaaaa222222222222222.jpg)


is it bedtime or is asian dudes hand in front of white dudes body but his feet are behind

0669a6 No.2039372

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

146002 No.2039373

File: c533db21d045362⋯.jpg (86.25 KB, 400x254, 200:127, tanks.jpg)

Tanks Baker!

16a024 No.2039374


this is impossible is this nooooo couldnt be

be28ac No.2039375

File: 9c643ad0d619662⋯.jpg (1.6 MB, 3975x3056, 3975:3056, F5pKODV.jpg)


d09292 No.2039376

Found an excellent article from a Catholic priest's perspective about corruption in the Church. It's less about Vatican shenanigans and child abuse, and more about how corruption at the local level is allowed to flourish. Great insight into this overall mess.


3b8657 No.2039377

File: cfc813dc4f1285b⋯.jpeg (652.9 KB, 1125x1136, 1125:1136, 1530764816762.jpeg)


>>>2038988 Todd Piro Twat roasts the Statue of Liberty climber good

127684 No.2039378


it's bedtime.

4a6ff2 No.2039379

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The World's Greatest Troll: the Humor of Donald Trump

This is brilliant. THIS is why I love POTUS (Nohomo)

4704b1 No.2039380

File: cc7bfe86dfd284a⋯.png (373.99 KB, 1246x1274, 89:91, ClipboardImage.png)

PS lawyer does not want him to testify…

@mediaite Peter Strzok is a dirty cop, born in the milieu of Comey's FBI. Nothing worse to LE. Strzok is also the embodiment of the tyranny Madison and Jefferson warned us about at the beginning of the nation. He projects onto his investigators the wrongs he himself has done.

0669a6 No.2039381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

795b80 No.2039383

>>2039325 (prev. bread)

Thank you BO. These words are appreciated.

bf5449 No.2039384


Before the Columbine School shooting, there was an event at Thurston High School in Springfield, Or. which Kip Kinkland, a 15 yo shot & killed both of his parents before going to school and shooting students, injuring 26 & killing 2.

Prior to above shooting, he had been seeing a therapist by the name of Jeffrey L. Hicks PhD from Jan 20 through July 30, 1997, who recommended he be prescribed an antidepressant by his primary physician who put him on prozac, (which he stopped taking according to him prior to shooting & he also reported voices in his head that he couldn't stop).

I've skimmed through the notes provided & only depression is assessed, with one mention of explosives & firearms obsession that the Mother was concerned about in initial exam. Afterwards, one mention of needing to find alternative to explosives as a way of managing his anger is expressed but no firearms & another afterwards that he was no longer using explosives to vent his anger. However documented claims say he discussed firearms at length with his therapist who shared his enthusiasm for guns. The therapist purportedly was the one responsible for getting his father to not be as concerned about his passion for guns & allow him to own them. He had become obsessed with buying a particular type of gun after the therapist showed him theirs & they discussed it. He later was arrested for stealing this type of gun & was on suspension from school for possessing it when the shootings occurred! The only legal matter referenced was a "rock throwing" incident.

One other oddity that I noted was that the therapist put (See in 2 weeks) or however many wks for Plan of Action in each session with the exception of one in which it read, (See on 4-4-97 at 4:00 p.m.)

Therapist files & information can be found here along with findings from the other three doctors who were involved in the trial, court transcripts & more info about Kip Kinkel:


He's still incarcerated today, 20 years later as he was given 112 years & he's exhausted all appeals as the sentencing judge found that he had an incurable illness, either paranoid schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder.

16a024 No.2039385


look closesly guys this picture is impossible

0669a6 No.2039386


cause it is more of a goblin

c8d4e2 No.2039387

File: 31c83dfefafa162⋯.png (345.25 KB, 1335x552, 445:184, 1.PNG)




26e332 No.2039388

File: a11b8dc27f06486⋯.webm (1 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1504672665-6.webm)

ff769a No.2039389

https:// www.limerickpost.ie/2018/07/05/questions-for-tusla-over-child-sex-abuse-allegations/

IRELAND - Limerick

Questions for Tusla over child sex abuse allegations

THE terms of reference for a special investigation into Tusla’s handling of the alleged child abuse and neglect of 16 children in County Limerick have been sent to Justice Minister Charlie Flanagan for his urgent consideration.

And Limerick Fianna Fáil TD Niall Collins is now seeking a clear statement on the issue, two weeks after concerns over delays in launching the investigation were first aired.

Last March, the Special Rapporteur on Child Protection Dr Geoffrey Shannon was assigned to investigate the circumstances surrounding the State’s involvement in uncovering one of the worst child sex abuse scandals to come to light in recent times.

16 children from four families are believed to have been at the centre of some of the most horrific paedophilic abuse, neglect and exploitation in the history of the State.

The Limerick Post reported that the Special Rapporteur was assisting in drafting the terms of reference but delays in concluding the matter were being criticised.

This week however, it has been confirmed Minister Flanagan’s department has a draft of the terms of reference for the scope of the investigation.

Responding to Deputy Collins, Minister Flanagan confirmed that his department “recently received the draft terms of reference in question and they are currently receiving attention.

“This matter is a complex and sensitive one and it is essential that careful consideration is given to the terms of reference. I can assure the Deputy that my views, and the views of my Department, will be communicated to the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs in the very near future.

34cf47 No.2039390

Im reading the notables. Bakers are doing fantastic work. Better to come here for news in the morning than get lied to by legacy media. Thats how important the night bakers job is. Thank you baker.

bf91a1 No.2039391

File: 4bfb2ab7818e9a4⋯.mp4 (3.35 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Rapist Fesal Aidarus in vi….mp4)

Not sure if this guy deserves the airplay but there you go:


171ee5 No.2039392


America is celebrating independence from SA?

0669a6 No.2039393

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

91f067 No.2039394


Its disturbing to say the least!

37b458 No.2039395


It is already working. The hive mind has grown immeasurably. This blessing is ww. Who could have foreseen this in October? Miracles abound. WWG1WGA

127684 No.2039396

File: 17fc85e7958edad⋯.png (33.47 KB, 753x691, 753:691, pixelated.png)


No. Check the original.

The guys trousers and other guy's hand are close in color. The interpolation and sharpening algorithms guessed wrong.

e9818b No.2039397

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ref: link above from loaf #2570.

Anon posted link to video of a customer in a Texas restaurant being assaulted by a waiter for wearing a MAGA hat.

I embed the video for the anon. It is short: starts with the waiter throwing the customer's coke with ice cubes in the customer's face, stealing the customer’s MAGA hat from off his head, and casually walking away saying: "You ain't getting nothing here nigga" The customer was there with his son.

Within two or three hours after posting the video here, it was taken down by YouTube stating that it violated “YouTube's code of conduct.” I still had it loaded up on my computer and the video was working fine. I copied the link to a different YouTube window and it wouldn’t load and had the message "This video has been removed by the owner" or something to that effect. When I went back to my first YouTube the video was now gone and had the owner removal message.

What is wrong with YT? Are they afraid to show violent attacks against us? They don't seem to have that problem if someone with a MAGA hat hits a lefty. They now not only ban our firearm usage videos: but also left wing crazies violent attacks against us. We need to discuss this in length about how to handle YT. They seem to be on the wrong side of destiny.

Note: This event now shows the power we have. Evidently after posting, enough anons went to check it out that alerted YT in some way. I believe we have the power here, after all, we are over half of their user base.

9d8020 No.2039398

File: 6d353b9a5b59a4f⋯.jpg (211.18 KB, 1280x1652, 320:413, fishy.jpg)

thank you BO for everything you do and put up with! and thank you Q for exposing the shills concernfagging tactics. it's insane what one or two posts can do, much like disturbing an ant pile. this is truly a test of this board's and its followers resolve. WWG1WGA

da6627 No.2039399



You're right anon, LdR is scared of the people. Notice how she tries to place the blame on everyone except herself. In the end she puts it on Trump to make the common man happy with his station in life. Never once does she make any effort to help by using some of her $$$.

8cd2e7 No.2039400

File: 260b59e2ff1e8be⋯.jpg (27.83 KB, 486x309, 162:103, lelz.jpg)


73a69b No.2039401

File: fe224212fc1558d⋯.jpg (42.47 KB, 1080x608, 135:76, Impeach 44 baby.jpg)

just for funsies

d29e7c No.2039402

>>2039357 lb

>>2039368 lb

This translation to English is a little unclear. Can any Anons help? Does it mean the following?

"19 yr old Belgian defends waitress from Arab molestation, dies from knife attack."


Tanks Anon!! (This baker lubs puns :)

>>2039325 lb

Tanks to you too, BO.

>We have these shills scared shitless.

I do believe we do. Feels good man.

>outside of QResearch, I don't have friends IRL, no one I talk to really

We've all lost so much in pursuit of the truth.

I have my crazy mother and one friend left, both of whom stuck with me through the barrage of red-pills I couldn't help lob at them all the time, kek. As much a testament to their patience as mine! So many good people out there starved for truth but without the same drive we have to find it at all costs. That's okay, we'll get them through. We are the frame, right?

>wouldn't have it any other way

Yup. Lub you anons

aa49e0 No.2039404

AF1 apple picture

Obama was left-handed, mug holder would not be to the right.

bf91a1 No.2039405

File: 9167d153e5e510f⋯.png (522.95 KB, 711x1550, 711:1550, Flugzeug_von_„Seenotretter….png)

Malta grounded a plane from some "sea rescue ngo"


pic is gg_translation

f23f87 No.2039406

File: 0091acdc024371b⋯.jpg (144.73 KB, 564x754, 282:377, Big Secret.jpg)


Baker. Baker.

3b8657 No.2039407


>which he stopped taking according to him prior to shooting & he also reported voices in his head that he couldn't stop).

Remember when Q revealed to us the existence of voice to head technology and the significance of pharma prescription drugs for the mass school shooting (or other locations) perpetrators?

All linked together.

Target is identified via some local network or now via the social networks -> Gets referenced to psychiatrist/psychologist

Psychiatrist prescribes certain meds.

Meds soften up the target brain somehow and make it more susceptible to voice to skull/head technology that basically broadcasts voices into your head or makes you think you are hearing voices.


Sooner or later some crack and become reprogrammed.

This stuff is foolproof and reads like a 90s movie script.

8cd2e7 No.2039408


Nice brain.

91f067 No.2039410


The 19-year-old Jean-Francois was murdered by a migrant in the night of June 25th in Mons, Sudinfo reports. The victim’s sin? He tried to protect a waitress who was being harassed by the North African migrant.


09d90d No.2039411


>Target is identified via some local network or now via the social networks -> Gets referenced to psychiatrist/psychologist

Corrupt courts love to refer people to "therapy" in family court.

1db7f0 No.2039412


Yep looks like it

bf91a1 No.2039413

File: f0632d15cff41bc⋯.png (938.51 KB, 712x2693, 712:2693, Woman_in_cafe_defended_19_….png)

Repost of last bread butt end post

Woman in cafe defended: 19 year old Belgian victim of knife "refugee" murdered:


e9818b No.2039414

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



What the heck is going on? I had a different YT video I wanted to post by 8ch couldn't make since of the link I tried to embed. It didn't have any problem with the one I just posted. I'm going to try and embed it again. In case it doesn't work this time, here is the link: https://youtu.be/i0RT7XpkULc

78d6cf No.2039415


keep your head up as well WWG1WGA ... the shillening is funny imo ... its getting more and more obvious... even for me on twitter ... i would see some posts people like Rex, Steal Jeff and Thomas Wictor and realize that they are making jumps in logic... assuming a fact before there is evidence to "prove" and idea further down... the audacity of stealth jeff to belittle twitter users by stating he is smarter than 95% while claiming Q is bullshit ... you should of seen the negative comments on that post ...

the shilling and trolling by Q is kind of nice... its forcing the saboteurs to show themselves... like i said... its getting easier and easier to spot that bastards.

1db7f0 No.2039416



0669a6 No.2039417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bf91a1 No.2039418


* imprison

877229 No.2039419

File: aeb2a592ac1c4b0⋯.png (702.5 KB, 922x608, 461:304, ClipboardImage.png)

is this how the darkness comes to light?

Gary J. Byrne


many spiderwebs here

127684 No.2039420


Q !UW.yye1fxo Fri 23 Feb 2018 18:46:21 3f8788 No.476196


Who do you think is leaking the info?

Take a wild guess.

Analyze shooter (pawn).

Voices in his head?

We know.

We are taking action behind the scenes.

CNN was set up.



Q was talking about the therapists talking them into doing bad things.

He was not revealing the existence of "voice to head technology".

73a69b No.2039421



my GiMP-ing skillz are not so advanced.

d30418 No.2039422

File: d8e752df67b899b⋯.jpg (989.43 KB, 1000x1322, 500:661, Bag O Trump Hair ThanQ.jpg)


And To all the anon's

26e332 No.2039423

File: d3683803d5bc7a5⋯.jpg (141.72 KB, 638x479, 638:479, the-great-siege-of-malta-3….jpg)


malta, once was a rampart against "an army of infidels" invading their island, now the immigrant center of europe

ironic isnt it ?

171ee5 No.2039424

Even though much progress has been made since the start of the administration, it is still not visible to the general public yet. Something groundbreaking must happen. From revealing the past crimes against humanity, to bringing forth justice, peace and prosperity, there is still quite a bit to go. The potential we have is unimaginable. The hidden technologies, once released, could bring down the entire economic / social structure overnight and bring a lot prosperity and harmony to this planet (as long as they don't fall into the hands of the bad people). Hope things are in place for the rollout to take place as soon as possible.

aec377 No.2039425


If you take your youtube link and replace the word you with hook and embed that, it more reliably works.

a32f14 No.2039426

Currently watching Godfather III and lurking but I have a strategy to help out with certain flak. How do you catch a monarch?


0669a6 No.2039427

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4704b1 No.2039428

File: a6f511d4ae8ee6a⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1276x712, 319:178, ClipboardImage.png)

Dems seek to one-up each other with Trump attacks

TDS is strong with them.


a32f14 No.2039430

4 am talking points delivered and dissssemenated. They are going to ask about Q today!

You have more than you know

Keep digging anons and keep baking tasty bread baker. The lines are being isolated and cut. Atttacks will increase but they are exsposing themselves with each one. Soon they will realize

we have everything

59e6ab No.2039431

File: 0adf9dd58d49880⋯.jpg (277.19 KB, 1161x1200, 387:400, burning.jpg)

36e591 No.2039433



fe494d No.2039434


pants have a crease

0669a6 No.2039435

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d0d241 No.2039436

File: bbdbaa281098c94⋯.png (495.24 KB, 628x648, 157:162, Screenshot_15.png)

File: 0296fe9b9b4e92c⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1275x714, 25:14, Screenshot_14.png)


3b8657 No.2039437


Diffrent crumb from Q I believe. About tech that was unclas

8cd2e7 No.2039438

File: e94357ad1bc0209⋯.jpg (70.56 KB, 554x416, 277:208, 5dfc6af8b0.jpg)


TV news Public Enemy number 1 !


10aeb9 No.2039439

File: f3098f890f929a3⋯.jpg (31.62 KB, 988x186, 494:93, Kim2.JPG)

Kim.Com lost his court case.


bf91a1 No.2039440

File: 1d7c2aca8c32bff⋯.png (220.84 KB, 418x302, 209:151, screenshot_343.png)

d897da No.2039441


I think anons are obsessed with trannies. I suspect many have never seen a real woman in the flesh before (and no, I'm not suggesting Hildabeest is a real woman).

91f067 No.2039442


He's going to supreme court next!

8cd2e7 No.2039443

File: 53fb4fa1399ab26⋯.png (265.92 KB, 800x528, 50:33, a465b2978cee288b248c68e8dd….png)


Hooray it's "Ask about Q " day !!

a32f14 No.2039444

File: 913f3eb48158154⋯.jpg (41.16 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 0be74d8ce9b43db8816f652041….jpg)



The school VPN and Coffee shop belong to us. Would you not feel a bit safer if you were on Reddit or 4chan. That car really needs some work too. Don't jeopardize a good thing. Think!


d29e7c No.2039445



8cd2e7 No.2039446

File: 3f13af80b5ceb00⋯.jpeg (119.02 KB, 640x912, 40:57, 3f13af80b5ceb00b6f129a795….jpeg)

91f067 No.2039447

Anons, what do you think, will anything happen about Rosenstein today?

20ac6a No.2039449

I believe this is the point Q was trying to make with the "Twitter phone". The pictures are irrelevant. Twitter must have stepped up the spying abilities on the Twitter Master. Maybe added NFC?


877229 No.2039450

File: 6a87dafe39b8939⋯.png (291.66 KB, 694x590, 347:295, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6a87714dee50c8⋯.png (179.07 KB, 881x756, 881:756, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb3c4c639635da7⋯.png (54.6 KB, 959x695, 959:695, ClipboardImage.png)


strange shit going on

white truck door window

big guy face and eyes look altered

possible snowden

36e591 No.2039451

>>2035051 Previous

This is a walking tour of Portland Street in Hong Kong, 20-MAR-2014. Goes the full length to the towers at the north end. So plenty of context. For instance, walked past building improvements still under construction.

Start at about 18:35 and continue for about a minute to get a quick view of the area around the intersection.

At about 18:35 the camera approached the Hamilton Street Rest Garden, southwest corner, and crossed to the northwest corner. A very small park with some benches.

Camera continued past the SFALO shop window and quickly past the gate that leads to the entrance of the Pacific Western Kindergarten (2nd floor, at that time). The gate neighbors SFALO and the school was above the soccer shop.

This video evidence corresponds with the available 1027-18 Google Map imagery -- and with the image posted by Q (the date of which is still be to established here).

The Q image does look doctored, to my eye, particularly some of the signage that hangs across Portland Street, but the bare bones are authentic.

09d90d No.2039452



Feb 15


Read very carefully.

Unreleased [CLAS-HIGHEST]:

Ability to use frequencies [incoming sig]/modify/code/program over 'x' period [designate] mobile phone to 'control' target subject.

OP conducted/ORIG outside of US.

CAR control?


Statement by the driver?





d897da No.2039453


Wow, thanks anon. An anonymous message such as yours is all I needed!

127684 No.2039454


I searched "voice, "unclas", "tech" and "head" and have not found anything you could be referring to.

2a8b22 No.2039456

sandy tried to steal her tip money


Most of the staff at Flats Fix, the East 16th Street taco and tequila bar, say nice things about Sandy, as they knew her for the four years she worked there, until she quit six months ago to run for Congress.

But one waitress has a bad memory of working with Ocasio-Cortez, 28, as Ocasio-Cortez tended bar during the very busy Cinco de Mayo celebration in 2017.

At the end of the night, when it came time to split the $560 in tips she had gotten at the bar, Ocasio-Cortez gave the waitress only $50. After the waitress complained to her manager, her take was doubled to $100, a source said.

“It says so much about her character,” said my source. “From that point on, I wouldn’t talk to her. I couldn’t look at her.”

bf91a1 No.2039457


immigration is that gift that keeps on giving

26e332 No.2039458


be warned pedro and abdul

you go back now before it's too late

ff769a No.2039459

File: 60fae3c2c3b84e8⋯.png (413.86 KB, 780x533, 60:41, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c0e2a78c2f17446⋯.png (561.22 KB, 780x506, 390:253, ClipboardImage.png)

https:// www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-county-foster-care-abuse-negligence-charges-1.4723516

Negligence charges for former child welfare official after kids abused in foster care

Criminal charges against Children's Aid Society administrators 'a rare thing'

MK, whose identity is protected under a publication ban, spoke to CBC News about her abuse while in foster care in Prince Edward County (!!!!!) , Ont. The former head of the county Children's Aid Society has been criminally charged for overseeing an agency that placed children with foster parents who were later convicted of sexual abuse.

Ontario Provincial Police have taken the unusual step of charging the head of a Children's Aid Society for overseeing an agency that placed 10 children with foster parents who ended up being convicted of sexual abuse.

Bill Sweet, 67, former executive director of the Prince Edward County CAS, was charged in May with 10 counts of negligence causing bodily harm and 10 counts of failing to provide the necessities of life — a charge usually reserved for guardians who neglect children.

Sweet, who left the CAS in 2012, declined to discuss the case with CBC News. He's scheduled to make a court appearance later this month.

His case is being closely watched by advocates for children in care.

Lawyer Mary Birdsell, executive director of Justice for Children and Youth, says it could have wide-ranging implications for people whose job it is to protect children in need.

"It's not unheard of for [children's aid] societies and administrators to be sued when things go wrong," said Birdsell, who has been offering legal aid services to children in care for 20 years.

"But as far as I know, having an administrator brought up on criminal charges is a rare thing."

'I still struggle daily'

The 10 abused former foster children, now adults, will also be watching the case closely.

MK, whose identity is protected under a court-ordered publication ban, is one of them.

She was 15 years old in 2007 when the Prince Edward County CAS placed her, along with two other teenage girls, in foster care with Joe and Janet Holm.

But that foster home, meant to be a place of refuge, ended up being where MK faced even more harm.

"I still struggle daily with having to use the coping mechanisms that I learned in therapy to get through life," said MK, now 26.

She remembers Joe Holm being extremely sexually inappropriate from the start, something she says Janet Holm continually tried to cover up.

N.W.T. government faces lawsuit over allegations it failed to protect children from sexual abuse

Consultant hired to review 'effectiveness' of child protection system

CBC Investigates

Former foster home operators accused in lawsuit of inappropriate discipline, letting kids use drugs

"We were told by my foster mother that my foster father was not to be present when [CAS] would do the annual visits," she said. "He was very very inappropriate with almost every single person he met."

MK says her former foster father faced no consequences when his sexually inappropriate comments and touching were exposed.

"I recall something had happened with my foster father and one of the young girls in the home, and [CAS workers] had asked us if that had actually happened and we said, 'Yes, we witnessed this happening,' and he was told not to do it again and it was left at that," MK said.

"So when the behaviour started to progress with me, I almost kind of felt that this was normal, that I deserved this."

Joe Holm went on to sexually abuse MK over the next three and a half years.

In April 2011, the Holms pleaded guilty to charges including sexual assault, invitation to sexual touching and possessing child pornography related to the sexual abuse of MK and four other children in their care. The judge sentenced Joe Holm to four years in prison and Janet Holm to three years.

Theirs wasn't an isolated case.

Province issues damning report

Three other Prince Edward County foster parents were convicted of sexual offences against children in their care — all placed with them by the county's CAS.

The large number of sexual abuse charges and convictions in what was the smallest children's aid society in Ontario prompted the province's Ministry of Children and Youth Services to launch a wide-ranging review.

A report issued in 2012 found a poorly run, dysfunctional organization where workers routinely failed to complete proper screening of foster parents. Monthly checks-ins on the foster homes were also not done. And infighting among staff meant crucial information about foster parents was often not shared.

36e591 No.2039460

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dratt. Here is the embed video. Start at about 18:35.

Here is map of Hong Kong:


ff769a No.2039461


MK believes her social worker was not aware of the abuse until she told him. After the damning government review, the Prince Edward County CAS was merged into the regional Highland Shores CAS.

It's unclear what led police to charge Sweet, but the report, seen by CBC News, found the CAS under his direction had issues involving, among other things:

* Child protection investigation practices with respect to foster homes, particularly with respect to record keeping and documentation, verification of abuse and compliance with requirements for child protection investigations.

*Compliance with child protection standards.

Mark Kartusch, executive director of Highland Shores, says a lot has changed in the way foster care is run in Prince Edward County.

"We have a lot of checks and balances in place. When we open a foster home there's a very extensive assessment process, some even call it intrusive," he said. "This was an extremely rare event. For something like this to happen and to this scale, it was just completely out of the norm."

MK says she hopes the charges against Sweet are a warning to all CAS administrators."I hope this is an eyeopener for them," she said. "I hope the agencies can be present and mindful of who they allow to be foster parents."

d0d241 No.2039462

File: dd056a75f5d6d7a⋯.png (95.19 KB, 716x720, 179:180, Screenshot_16.png)

e9818b No.2039463


How true.

4704b1 No.2039465


Nothing will happen with RR today IMO. He will keep skating until he completely entraps himself in his web of obstruction and lies.

POTUS is playing a longer game than congress. He will not intervene anytime soon. Even if congress votes to impeach it will be a few months before anything happens to RR.

RR knows that he has the upper hand and is demonstrating his control and power over congress. He is playing a power game with them.

Congress on the other hand, are under the impression that RR respects the constitution and is will buckle to threats. He will not. RR will only buckle when a letter is sent to POTUS demanding his removal for failure to adequately perform his duties. Hammer him on his competence to do his job.

ed2dbf No.2039466

A few passing thoughts. First, I'll just say my view on the authenticity of Q changes daily, if not hourly and it is, and has been, disheartening that any legitimate criticism has always been met with hostility and defensiveness. Honest examination deserves better than a "kys" response. It's fucking juvenile.

That said, what has been glaringly omitted in this recent round of "Q is a larp," is any mention of two past events. People, it seems, have great difficulty in admitting they might be wrong.

The first is when people posted as BO/BV and told a tale of how they created the Q narrative as an inside joke but it grew too large and had now spun out of control. I can clearly recall reading a post by someone who was coming clean and apologizing for his role. He was attempting to sound the alarm. Over time those posts were dismissed and eventually forgotten.

The other was the period when Alex Jones and Jerome Corsi said they had inside knowledge that Q, in his recent form, had been co-opted by black hats and had become a disinfo campaign. That disclosure was met with "muh Corsi," "muh Infowars," and "muh joo" responses. They were discredited and the band played on.

In the eight months or so I've been here, anytime I posted the slightest hint of 'concern,' or a hope for greater clarification or, G-d forbid, positive headlines in the news (in response to direct quotes by Q), I was shouted down. Again, one lesson I have learned while here is how strongly, and to what degree, some people will go to prevent their belief system from being challenged.

Again, I admit to being confused as to Q. Unfortunately, sowing confusion is one of the primary goals behind agents of discord and those wanting to discredit the Great Awakening. I think we have reached a crossroads at this point. Arguing that 'disinfo is necessary,' or admonishing us to 'trust the plan,' in my opinion, has run its course. The 'movement' has grown too large and too much effort has been expended for those retorts to suffice. Perhaps selfishly, I have 'muh feelings' that my contribution and many hours devoted to helping 'the plan,' deserve a bit more than, what has become, simple platitudes. It is imperative that a measure of clarity be provided. If, however, Q is proven a larp that should not detract from the important work we've done nor should it discourage us from questioning the many aspects of society we have come to understand are not as noble as have been presented. Though we should continue to trust in the goodness of humanity we must also no longer doubt this isn't Kansas anymore.

26e332 No.2039467

File: 27c14738236a152⋯.webm (3.53 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1509124981465.webm)

c664cd No.2039468


his hair is bizarre.

he looks like lando's 2ic, lobot.

a56ecc No.2039469


Only white people are dumb enough to allow the mass immigration of people who hate us and our society/culture

bf91a1 No.2039470



>>2039170 (last bread)



e9818b No.2039471


Thanks anon, I will give it a try next time.

8cd2e7 No.2039472

File: dc8e5e015e70853⋯.jpeg (143.02 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, dc8e5e015e7085312df0dc6c9….jpeg)

File: f1fc6bd00b03115⋯.jpg (51.57 KB, 484x432, 121:108, f1fc6bd00b03115e90934447e5….jpg)

91f067 No.2039473


He's a smarmy little snake! I hope you are wrong though. I hope potus steps in.

127684 No.2039474

File: bff1114ccc77824⋯.png (5.01 KB, 656x460, 164:115, pixelated_guy.png)


Enhancement software you are using is much too smart for its own good. The original contains nowhere near that much information.

26e332 No.2039475

File: da03f80a11078f9⋯.webm (1.58 MB, 624x356, 156:89, 1509259522103.webm)


How's the weather in tel-aviv ?

795b80 No.2039476

bf91a1 No.2039477


".. and if you don't do as I say I'll taunt you a second time"

0669a6 No.2039478

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

r u gas lighting frump

it sounds like you are gas lighting

011d62 No.2039479

File: 25a6a447e99d0be⋯.jpg (81.06 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, QwhoIs.jpg)

File: 59e6d15f0d71f86⋯.jpg (201.32 KB, 2400x1200, 2:1, Q_IfGODOT COMES tell him a….jpg)

>>2038627 (OP:1sample QisAlarp Post)

It’s time:

In the beginning, Q was a Larp - 4 chan. Cicada. Elitist Trash tying with American Citizen Research Journalists.

WH could not allow that, mimicking the WH to masses of Citizens WW - and so POTUS took over with aaaan IRL Q clearance operative, INFURIATING them.

McMaster's staff took over after the WAR IN LAS VEGAS between Pre-Kansas FBI/CIA dumbass CLOWNS of the Shadow Gv't and the True PATRIOTS of America.

Sauce: Dead Witnesses, Shots Fired in the Bellagio, FBI Vault prves Paddcks father was FBI ...etc. That war continues.

After we Anons outted AIM and DOXXED the Gabriels, Montessori, "Leader Technolgies" etc.

THINK - Remember, STRZOK was in the FBI HR already, where Clearances are granted AND RESCINDED.

in FEB, they "Tattled" on McMaster/Q drops and before April 9th McMaster was Gone - 3 days after leaving the WH, his father [187] "died".

Since April, the WAR rages between Q/WH and the Shadw Gvernment trying to overthrow POTUS. The Shadow Gvt paid Subordinates keep hacking his Trip/account, Q keeps wrestling it back. FOR US.

It is up to US to continue the work and to understand the difference between Q and "his" enemies. FIGHT for Q dont succumb to their gaslighting.

TRUST THE PLAN. Q will judge the Anonymous detractors, the Subordinate Actors, an change his tripcode again as he has done Several Times since April, and ask US TO DO OUR WORK. Public Sourced INTEL that can be used IN COURT.

This is actual WAR, Anons. THINK and FILTER, avoide these haf-truth SLIDES, and get back to work.


Q Tripcode Changes Patterns.

Qresearch *chAccuont:

Always under attack, always WINNING IT BACK~

8cd2e7 No.2039480


President Trump Need do nothing. He cannot because the rabit TV news ould have fodder for the next year on why he "Fired RR!"

535a2e No.2039481

File: d606acbd2c1e4e5⋯.jpeg (37.61 KB, 630x315, 2:1, http _o.aolcdn.com_hss_st….jpeg)

Strange death for a strange guy !

https:// www.ft.com/content/4f560b20-7f5c-11e8-bc55-50daf11b720d

https:// www.sbs.com.au/news/chinese-billionaire-dies-after-15-metre-fall-while-posing-for-photo

a32f14 No.2039482

Thank you for your concern

It will forever be enshrined on this wall of shame. ****

We wont tell your family you were a traitor. Even the confederate soldiers are counted among our heros, you will be too, unfortunately if you continue you will not be around to find out. Did you feed the cat yet?


795b80 No.2039483


love it

09d90d No.2039484


Q is real, anon. All I can say is read everything you can about Project Cassandra. It is the closest thing we have right now of real, documented proof and Sessions has openly said he is investigating Project Cassandra. Hopefully, for my own sanity, the highly CLAS stuff will come out this month.

Start here with Project Cassandra….


NOTE: This is a well-respected article about Project Cassandra that has even been referenced in some Congressional Bills that are currently pending about Hezbollah.

36c0b0 No.2039485

There is too much talk about Q being a LARP or a fake or a shill

We need to understand that Q is not the most important thing on this board

Q is a guide, taking US on a journey to who knows where or for what reason or motive

However YOU are on this journey because YOU are following your own PRINCIPLES and it's how you VALUE those PRINCEIPLES that matter

As Q and your PRINCIPLES are alligned, you are happy to continue to dig, research and uncover all sorts of corruption and mal-practice along the way

This is leading to an awakening out there in the REAL WORLD, people are starting to get BOMBARDED WITH FACTS THEY CANNOT REFUTE

Who cares if Q is a LARP, Q is not important

YOU not Q are the important ones in all of this

If all of this is the unintended consequence of someones LARP then WOW, you have learned about your own PRINCIPLES and you now know who you are!

If Q isn't a LARP then we have been in direct communication with GEOTUS

Stand up! The world is looking at YOU!

Who is Q? I dare any MSM to ask!

795b80 No.2039486


yeah I posted about this yesterday. Very fishy.

0669a6 No.2039487

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3b8657 No.2039488



Not bad, good effort. I give you 5 shekels and a golden dreidel that spins counterclockwise below the equator.

d72ea6 No.2039489

File: 7922d26c57d4370⋯.png (151.49 KB, 477x330, 159:110, trump-duluth.png)

File: c8d5a778b4009c9⋯.png (139.06 KB, 538x325, 538:325, trump-fatherofcountry-2.png)



Now and then I get a bit teary-eyed about it all.

When you think of all that has gone into this.

It really really has been like being on a ship in a storm.

There are moments of calm and then WACK

and we are struggling to keep the truth straight

and fighting to find that truth

This thing is rockin and rollin like crazy

but hot dang do we find good information

and our suspicions do get justified.

If you are here working with the team

you aren't paying attention to all the work that has been done.

This is not something you just jump right in to.

You have to look at the work that has been done.

Great to hear from the heart and soul of another anon.

onward we go

30463c No.2039490

Re: Defango doxxing Q

Defango posted a live stream using FotoForensics to see if there is some meddling in the pictures.

Just a hint for anons making pictures with phones, delete the location data. Anon and wifeanons picture of the reflection had the location data in it.

Defango was unable to recognize that the picture was not Q's and showed a map of the location Data..

Don't doxx yourself Anons.

kk thx bye


forensics at about 01:20:00, Map at :01:35:00

877229 No.2039491



duplicate layers




26e332 No.2039493

File: f6136b29b0d82a1⋯.webm (2.73 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1509124903172.webm)


>this weak attempt at intimidation

dude you should take a rest

put down the pipe

d72ea6 No.2039494




"if you AREN'T here working with the team"

bf91a1 No.2039495

File: fb6794291d67149⋯.jpg (61.42 KB, 640x480, 4:3, GettyImages-805360638-640x….jpg)

Only the left and niggas are allowed to be rayciss


0669a6 No.2039497

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

yada yada yada

too many botched cia experiments to count

9571d9 No.2039499


True. It’s called a “Shanghai Reacharound”.

761e9f No.2039500

File: 805cd2d23fc68a2⋯.png (1.08 MB, 665x867, 665:867, Screenshot23.png)

Wanted to share this with you guys. My cat had one kitten yesterday evening. It's all black with the white tuxedo effect on chin and belly and white mittens. We are naming it Liberty (Libby for short) since it was born July 4th.

d0d241 No.2039501

File: 255f871b43c0828⋯.png (1.3 MB, 773x625, 773:625, Screenshot_17.png)

File: 281ea018af58f5b⋯.png (816.52 KB, 1405x844, 1405:844, Screenshot_18.png)

What if Q is Billy Meier?



"Michael Horn reveals Billy Meiers confidential conversation with Ptaah regarding Donald Trump's election race and Presidency. If Hillary Clinton won we would be in Nuclear war with Russia and China and possible others. In a conversation in 2008 Ptaah tells Billy Meier that Hillary Clinton will never hold the rains of power of the presidency. In May 2016 Billy Meier tells Michael Horn that if Hillary were to win it would be “The Devil Unleashed” and if Trump wins it would be just as confusing. Now that Donald Trump has won the election and is President Elect Michael Horn describes in detail the reasons behind Billy Meier not going public with “future” information. On November 6, 2016 Billy Meier releases a conversation with Ptaah about what is coming with Donald Trump and what we can expect. The Democrats will not only demonize Trump but will go above and beyond to hurt, ultimately, this country in retaliation for Hillary’s loss. Hillary will never stop and will be subversive in nature towards Trump and ultimately USA. Hillary will never be President of the United States, a scornful women she is with war monger machinations of the highest order. Trump on the other hand is chaotic in his speech and much of what he said in elections is just talk. IF Trump can maintain independence he will change his thoughts on Obamacare, Immigration and other issues to a better more positive position. If he ends up under the control of the “HIDDEN ONES” who have and even now fully control Obama, then things will get even more chaotic. Trumps life is under threat as well as his family and the Democrats will not help, the Secret Service is lacking to fully help, and the Republicans will not support Trumps ideas."

d72ea6 No.2039502



need coffee

wrong reference link

d6b1f3 No.2039503


Great digs anon.

I've mentioned several times that doctors are who we are told to trust.

With so many people suffering ot only makes sense that most doctors are in on this MKULTRA crap, childrens doctors.

a32f14 No.2039504

what is the solution of any real number divided by 0?


Deep Learning isn't DEEP enough

6f9a22 No.2039505

So, not much yet. Awan a dud, and "4th-coming" also a dud.

That all you got? ISI-agents walking and false hope, pretty much what Q has been since the beginning.

0669a6 No.2039506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

127684 No.2039507


Sure, you can make it look more face-like. But you can't tell that it's possibly Snowden or declare that his face looks altered.

0669a6 No.2039508

4f4b01 No.2039509

File: ad742032e57f7e6⋯.jpg (91.1 KB, 480x854, 240:427, IMG_20180705_202005_538.jpg)

File: 1406d9d89dc8c5f⋯.jpg (90.2 KB, 480x854, 240:427, IMG_20180705_202150_753.jpg)

File: 5605e081a370809⋯.jpg (89.57 KB, 480x854, 240:427, IMG_20180705_202316_167.jpg)

File: 1f5c479c8607827⋯.jpg (90.23 KB, 480x854, 240:427, IMG_20180705_202540_892.jpg)

File: 6dc67705a525ea1⋯.jpg (90.65 KB, 480x854, 240:427, IMG_20180705_202754_200.jpg)

White people going to meat a black man at a kindergarten, right next door to a sauna in down town HK. Hmmm.

343c83 No.2039510

File: defbef795614a1d⋯.png (126.11 KB, 465x379, 465:379, priest2.png)

>> 2039466 No (You) 4U

Anything written with a preamble is suspect; don't (You) know we can't be swayed by your feels?

Try it out on Reddit, fagbook, hone it, perfect it, come back & try it again, faggot & Anons will still see right through (You).

Oh, and then KYS

91f067 No.2039511


Awwww….thats lovely :)))

c664cd No.2039512


that disgusting hobo needs to stfu

ff769a No.2039513

http:// www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/national/16330617.minister-suggests-brexit-soap-opera-delaying-response-to-child-abuse-report/

Focus on the Brexit “soap opera” has delayed the Government’s response to a report examining abuse of British children sent overseas, a minister has suggested.

Jackie Doyle-Price thanked Labour’s Lisa Nandy (Wigan) for bringing forward the debate on the Child Migration Programmes, telling MPs it would help her “focus the mind” of some of her colleagues given that the issue involves more than one department.

The health minister had acknowledged it was four months since the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) – set up by Theresa May – published a detailed report into the programmes, noting “eyes have been taken off the ball” due to Brexit.

The harm done by the British state is still being done by these delays. That’s why I’m asking for a full apology, financial redress, access to records and help to reunite families. Nobody else should have to die waiting for justice.

Ms Nandy had told ministers to “end the deafening silence” and act on the report.

She urged action to address the “shameful” policy which saw 130,000 children forced from the UK to former British colonies under Child Migration Programmes between the 1920s and 1970s.

The inquiry heard from various former migrants who claimed they and others suffered sexual and physical abuse at the hands of those running the schools and orphanages they were sent to.

The inquiry’s report said all former child migrants should receive compensation – whether or not they were sexually abused – because all had been put at risk of sexual abuse.

Ms Doyle-Price, replying to the Westminster Hall debate, said: “(Ms Nandy) is right, it’s very difficult for me to stand up and disagree with anything she’s said, really.

“It is four months since the report came out. Dare I say we’re all a bit distracted by the soap opera that is Brexit and so on, which means that the eyes have been taken off the ball with some of these issues.

“But one of the reasons I’m grateful to her for raising this debate is it helps me focus the mind of some of my colleagues, because she’ll appreciate, as she’s alluded to, this is an issue which impacts more than just my department and we need to get some agreement across Government.”

Ms Doyle-Price said the child migration policy was “so misguided, so harmful, caused such suffering and distress”, adding: “It actually beggars belief for us as Members of Parliament in the 21st century to think that any British Government could actually think this was a reasonable policy.”

She said she wanted to formally respond to MPs over the report before the summer recess.

Opening the debate, Ms Nandy – who has persistently raised the issue – said the silence had been “deafening” from the Government since the report’s publication.

Ms Nandy told ministers the child programmes were a “state-sponsored system of child abuse”, adding: “Many of those of children were physically and sexually abused, children as young as 12 were subjected to back-breaking work, many were psychologically tortured.

“Some of those children were as young as three years old, they were separated from parents and siblings and many were wrongly told that their families were dead.”

The Wigan MP said successive Governments had failed to act as “the politics of the day” had been consistently prioritised.

She said: “The Government didn’t want to risk its relations with Australia, it didn’t want to offend those voluntary societies who participated in the scheme, Government ministers over successive Governments were cowed by the patronage and the power of those who were involved in these schemes.”

Ms Nandy told ministers that since the publication of the report four months ago, 10 survivors had died.

She said: “This has been one of the most shameful episodes in British history – for 30 years we have known about this scandal, but failed to act.

“The harm that was done then is compounded by our knowledge that this is continuing to cause harm to people in this country and across the world, but still nothing is done.”

The IICSA recommended in their report that the Government should pay the thousands of former migrants who are still alive within 12 months.

bf91a1 No.2039514

File: 6a84ed2a8f4423c⋯.jpg (22.83 KB, 500x297, 500:297, horm1.jpg)


Act 2 is about to begin.

Ladies and gentlemen please regain your seats and bring on the popcorn.

Enjoy the show.


d0d241 No.2039515

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

877229 No.2039516


all looks altered

my money is on Jeff Zucker

d72ea6 No.2039517




so sorry

was responding to the BO piece about the work that has been done

fking screwed that nicely, sorry

b7310a No.2039518


Screencapped, saved.

39ddcb No.2039519


therapists do the programming

b6936b No.2039520

File: a750604a6bdc29f⋯.png (2.57 MB, 3688x4128, 461:516, QCLOCK 29 SEC QUARTER.png)

Time Travelers Guide for QClock [29]




Careful of clickbait.



Knowledge of which wires/strings to cut?



See the spider web?

Bad bread not updated.

Godspeed, Patriots.


Explore further.

R = 18.

For a God and Country.


The Hunt for Red October.

Martha M on Fox just said that Nancy must have felt betrayed by Chuck because he gave in on the government shutdown regarding DACA!!!

Thank you for visiting the WH.


Use logic.

HELL on earth - HRC victory.


Enjoy the show.

Xi and Putin are also underattack by the deepstate which is rooted Globally

These people are STUPID (& SICK).


News unlocks Map.

High Priority.

China continues to be helpful!


“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”

Q, was "pedo drop" narrative in recent bread distraction or planned?

Not planned but necessary.

What are the chances?

These people are stupid.


Enjoy the show.


Follow the pen.

Just imagine North Korea like a James Bond film, their own little bit of hell, can you imagine with the cash they have stole what they could have built on NK paychecks (they work or die, sort of free)


Will election fraud be revealed soon???

Watch CA

The more you know.

All of these questions help to paint the full picture.

TK’ refers to Talent/Keyhole, code names for imagery from reconnaissance aircraft and spy satellites,

Other sides falling.

JA posted this vid earlier today. It's JB at a CFR event.

What a coincidence.

It’s always about the money.

How can FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, the man in charge, along with leakin' James Comey, of the Phony Hillary Clinton investigation (including her 33,000 illegally deleted emails) be given $700,000 for wife's campaign by Clinton Puppets during investigation?


Possible test to understand public / gov’t response?













































Will election fraud be revealed soon???













239485 No.2039521

Syrian government calls on refugees to return home.

61% of the country is government controlled area now, this was 17% 1,5 year ago.

Government is calling home their people from Europe to help and rebiuld their home country.

http:// www.foxnews.com/world/2018/07/03/syrian-government-calls-on-refugees-to-return-home.html

This means two things in the big picture:

- undermines the leftist "refugee" narrative in the EU.

- undermines the leftist "US military presence needed" narrative.

ed2dbf No.2039522


Thanks anon. I'm actually very familiar with the story and have tried to spread it to those around me who think bho's was a 'scandal free' administration. It's right up there with Fast/Furious & Benghazi as true stains crying out for justice. Like you, I do believe in the reports and I'm afraid there are probably many families touched by tragedy due to the addiction resulting from both Hezzbollah heroin and Sacler OxyContin. Both covered up by the protective fake news, so most are unaware.

That said, I don't really connect Cassandra to Q. What crumbs do you think really connect the two? I view it as bold, independent reporting and a massive scandal, but again, not tied to Q. Help!

a32f14 No.2039523


Fascinating Fantastic and Fabulous

How does this A the Q, though?

Time table



Mission Brief/Debrief

Something is missing, have you figured it out?

go watch Secureteam10 and tell Tyler what you found, He will make you famous

7f7acb No.2039524


Yep - that's exactly the way it is.

6f9a22 No.2039525


I call BS,

We have a political system that relies on action and balls not fake shit and lies, which is what Q gives us time after time again.

It's getting boring, get to work

53d302 No.2039526


>alleged conversation he had with something or other in 2008

>tells this story in 2016

Everyone I knew on 4/pol/ including myself was predicting such things in 2016. Unless he can prove he mentioned it anywhere between '08 and '16 I have great skepticism.

26e332 No.2039527

File: be5ef6414936d31⋯.png (442.76 KB, 572x667, 572:667, 1530744728183.png)


>Assad is trying to save europe from syrians while at the same time saving his country.

a32f14 No.2039528



Patriots do not reveal CLAS info

ed2dbf No.2039529


And in return I give you a packet of grape flavored kool-aid and a free pass for a flight to Guyanna.

0b30c3 No.2039530



How do you delete the location data?

5a8bbf No.2039531

File: c39b24260828d96⋯.png (107.5 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8chanPostDetectorOS.png)

0669a6 No.2039532

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

26e332 No.2039533

File: b8064659066b045⋯.jpg (55.91 KB, 604x569, 604:569, 1506775278698.jpg)


>not in guantanamo

you had one job

e9818b No.2039534


Beautiful performance, and great directing and arranging. You do wonderful work. Thanks..

d0d241 No.2039535


It's just funny that I watched a video of Billy Meier this morning from a few years ago, and they started talking about

his prophecies and predictions

and how they were cataloged.

Similar to what is being done

on the internet

with Q crumbs.

It just made me think about the Q phenomena.

And if Billy Meier was in contact

with Ptaah,

who is to say

that that same entity

is now in contact with us

using Q as their

tool for dissemination?

bf91a1 No.2039536

The left still trying to win the popular vote by catering for everybody through supporting EVERY minority.


Without wanting to diss anyone, isn't it time to end this unhinged lunacy of promoting defective humans?

As the meme goes, "two scoops, two genders, two terms".

877229 No.2039537

File: 3f94e7059ccb620⋯.png (362.59 KB, 337x398, 337:398, ClipboardImage.png)

size of that thing!

b7310a No.2039538

File: e49466119caea4a⋯.jpg (12.17 KB, 332x138, 166:69, n-screen-sys.8ch.net-2018-….jpg)

Welp, I'm locked out for now.





I see you anon, lol.


761e9f No.2039539

File: e46a129aa4eebcb⋯.png (484.27 KB, 630x596, 315:298, Screenshot24.png)


7c3d24 No.2039540


EU slowes down reform of EU copryright

The european parliament declined the plans to reform the eu copryright with controversial Upload filters. The representatives voted against the actual state of the law going into the next round. Instead the parliament is anticipated to adress the draft again in september. […]


https://www.welt.de/newsticker/dpa_nt/infoline_nt/schlaglichter_nt/article178798354/Europaparlament-bremst-Reform-des-EU-Urheberrechts-aus.html [dpa]

-no english sauces found atm. news from roughly 25min ago.

thanks all anon´s who are fighting against this WWG1WGA

127684 No.2039541


Depends on how it's embedded and what kind of file.

Q does it by taking a picture, viewing the picture, and then taking a screenshot of it.

09d90d No.2039542


Learn. Re-read crumbs. You will start to see the connections.

a32f14 No.2039543

Turn off geo-location before you take the photo ANONS, prolly should not post your pics here from your phone camera, unless you really have something unique and relevant

The Q&A came and went and working these photos and reflections are (((not))) necessary.

Future TO prove past.

Think busy work

Think Taunts

Think exposure.

Enjoy the show

rewrite exif


f23f87 No.2039544

File: 35d1b56415a83dd⋯.jpg (89.58 KB, 612x472, 153:118, MindControl1974b.jpg)

File: c6294d77d4faf42⋯.png (37.26 KB, 2738x1425, 2738:1425, MindControlPatentDrawinsg.png)

File: 326d6845f5d4709⋯.gif (15.14 KB, 626x465, 626:465, v2skull.gif)

File: e24cf15fac940f6⋯.jpg (214.84 KB, 559x819, 43:63, rbt.jpg)

File: 07dd24afde88a1d⋯.jpg (24.25 KB, 450x337, 450:337, 99e935126c4d86bec743269a00….jpg)


google v2k

cc4b25 No.2039545

File: 1ff26e3b667898f⋯.jpg (347.81 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, IMG_0385.JPG)

d72ea6 No.2039546


If you aren't here working with the team

then you aren't paying attention to all the work that has been done.

This is not something you just jump right in to.

You have to look at the work that has been done.

If the "tourists" watched rather than jump right in like we had been waiting for their "expert opinion" to arrive

they would realize that

opinion is fun


proof is essential

many here have been researchers for years


to sort through the haze

It's not something you can jump right in to.

3b8657 No.2039547


>And in return I give you a packet of grape flavored kool-aid and a free pass for a flight to Guyanna.

Las Vegas

Saudi Arabia



SC Justice stepping down.

If you view Q as a carefully managed and orchestrated counterintel & psyop and take >=90% or around that number of crumbs posted to be disinfo or partially disinfo it is good legit stuff. Wait, did you really expect Q to post real, legit sensitive info all the time?

Whenever Q makes a crumb drop you see a lot of rats running about.

877229 No.2039548

File: 5a095d6ea59edea⋯.png (273.01 KB, 592x470, 296:235, ClipboardImage.png)

ed2dbf No.2039549


I agree. And they shouldn't. What I'm referring to is having this mass strife and confusion amongst those trying to help. In my opinion, it would reveal nothing for Q to offer some clarity at this time. I've been along for the ride, and I wasn't making a call either way. I have seen impressive things like the foretelling of the pope changing the Lord's Prayer. However, something may have changed with the authorship of Q over time. Many have said they know this happened and now anons feel duped with the latest AF1 - iPhone - Apple- reflective drops. No purpose is served by this. Intentional disinfo has been dropped a plenty already, unless you believe an HRC 5:5 raw video, or bho with an AK spraying the flag, are soon to drop. This latest round, it seems to me, is like seeing the same black cat, twice, in the Matrix. A flaw was revealed. If I'm wrong, should be easy enough to clear up.

b19d75 No.2039550


There are many who have legitimate concerns and would like clarification. That's not likely to happen. 99% of the time, it is the fault of anons not understanding the crumbs or predicting events or taking things out of context. Those 2 events you speak of, 1 I don't remember at all. The other event you are taking the word of someone who was shamed by Q.

You said:

>a post by someone who was coming clean and apologizing for his role. He was attempting to sound the alarm.

You should know by now not to believe a post written by an anonymous person.What if I posted claiming to be Q and if was all a larp? You don't know and can't verify. We just had someone try to do that with "R". Even with BO posting his hash, there is no way to verify.

With COrsi, he claimed all along he was friends with Q, played golf with him, etc. Q all along said no comms outside this board. That should immediately tell you Corsi was full of shit. They absolutely were discredited.

The overall impression I get from your post is you have taken 2 incidents to believe Q is a larp. IF after 8 months of proof, you still don't believe he is real, there isn't anything anyone can do to make you believe otherwise.

All those saying muy AF1 is fake and demanding answers aren't going to get them. Q did what he did for a reason. We just don't know what it is.

In the future, think about re-wording questins/statements so they are not so anti-Q and you will get a better response.

d29e7c No.2039551

Baker Alert!!!


Oh shit, was I just threatened?

Good thing the entire fucking military of the United States, comprised of the noblest and ablest patriots, is on OUR side assholes.

Not. Giving. Up. Ever.

>>2039390 TY anon. We aim to please.

>>2039410 Thanks for the assist, anon.

>>2039444 Has been in prev notables


>>2039439, >>2039442 Kiwis rule Kim Dotcom can be extradited to U.S.. Supreme court next?

>>2039436 A visual representation of how our movement turns destruction into hope and keks.

>>2039428 Those that scream the loudest: Dems seek to one-up each other with Trump attacks

>>2039405 Based Italy rubbing off on Malta. Grounded a plane from some "sea rescue ngo"

>>2039410, >>2039413 North-African migrant stabs/kills Belgian boy for protecting waitress

>>2039389 Ireland: Questions for County Limerick's Tusla over child sex abuse allegations

>>2039384 RE: All Shooters Had Therapists, Anon digs pre-Columbine '98 shooter Kip Kinkand

>>2039380 Strzok’s Lawyer: Republicans Don't Want the Truth, Want to ‘Preen and Posture.’

>>2039379 Is our POTUS the Greatest Troll on Earth? Fun feels vid makes a good case.

>>2039377 Jim Hoft Twat on July 4th climber: Only a Dem would think she is asset to country

>>2039376 On the nature of bureaucratic tyranny: Letter From A Frustrated Parish Priest

bf91a1 No.2039552


pointing their poisonous finger again.

resulting in more folk rejecting the fake news and corrupt political class narrative.

this really is the apocalypse = great awakening

91f067 No.2039553


Go to your cameras setting and turn them off. Depending on your device, there are different settings and procedures to delete from existing photos.

I know on the iphone, theres an app to delete them.

127684 No.2039554








No one is impressed by your knowledge of formatting tags.

26e332 No.2039555

File: 0b1112bee435d3b⋯.jpg (75.23 KB, 402x413, 402:413, 1530236496572.jpg)


>controversial Upload filters

53d302 No.2039556


I'm surprised they had enough sense not to go through with it this month. I sense uncertainty in their minds

a32f14 No.2039557

Have you learned to read the QClock and cross reference posts on the clock at [+/-:30]

Do you see the pattern developing?

Everything is significant and connects to other posts.


Re_read Drops re FVEY

You have more than you know



6f9a22 No.2039558


That the MILUS would be with you I have 0 doubt of. What I doubt is the Ex and MILUS effectiveness

905904 No.2039560

Craig Murray on latest MI6 bullshit…

We are continually presented with experts by the mainstream media who will validate whatever miraculous property of “novichok” is needed to fit in with the government’s latest wild anti-Russian story. Tonight Newsnight wheeled out a chemical weapons expert to tell us that “novichok” is “extremely persistent” and therefore that used to attack the Skripals could still be lurking potent on a bush in a park.

Yet only three months ago we had this example of scores from the MSM giving the same message which was the government line at that time:

“Professor Robert Stockman, of the University of Nottingham, said traces of nerve agents did not linger. He added: ‘These agents react with water to degrade, including moisture in the air, and so in the UK they would have a very limited lifetime. This is presumably why the street in Salisbury was being hosed down as a precaution – it would effectively destroy the agent.'”

In fact, rain affecting the “novichok” on the door handle was given as the reason that the Skripals were not killed. But now the properties of the agent have to fit a new narrative, so they transmute again.

It keeps happening. Do you remember when Novichok was the most deadly of substances, many times more powerful than VX or Sarin, and causing death in seconds? But then, when that needed to be altered to fit the government’s Skripal story, they found scientists to explain that actually no, it was pretty slow acting, absorbed gradually through the skin, and not all that deadly.

Scientists are an interesting bunch. More than willing to ascribe whatever properties fit the government’s ever more implausible stories, in exchange for an MSM appearance fee, 5 minutes of fame and the fond hope of a research grant.

According to the Daily Telegraph today, the unfortunate Charlie Rowley is a registered heroin addict, and if true Occam’s Razor would indicate that is a rather more likely reason for his present state than an inexplicably persistent weaponised nerve agent.

If it is however true that two separate attacks have been carried out with “novichok” a few miles either side of Porton Down, where “novichok” is synthesised and stored for “testing purposes”, what does Occam’s razor suggest is the source of the nerve agent? A question not one MSM journalist seems to have asked themselves tonight.

I am slightly puzzled by the picture the media are trying to paint of Charlie Rowley and Dawn Sturgess as homeless, unemployed addicts. The Guardian and Sky News both state that they were unemployed, yet Charlie was living in a very new house in Muggleton Road, Amesbury, which is pretty expensive. According to Zoopla homes range up to £430,000 and the cheapest ones are £270,000. They are all new build, on a new estate, which is still under construction.

Both Charlie Rowley and Dawn Sturgess still have active facebook pages and one of Charlie’s handful of “Likes” is a mortgage broker, which is consistent with his brand new house. They don’t give mortgages to unemployed heroin addicts, and not many of those live in smart new “executive housing” estates. Both Charlie and Dawn appear from their facebook pages to be very well socialised, with Dawn having many friends in the teaching profession. Even if she has been homeless for a period as reported, she is plainly very much part of the community.

Naturally, there is no mention in all the reports today of MI6’s Pablo Miller, who remains the subject of a D notice. I wonder if he knows Rowley and Sturgess, living in the same community? It should be recalled that Salisbury may be a city, but its population is only 45,000.

The most important thing is of course that Charlie and Dawn recover. But tonight, even at this early stage, as with the entire Skripal saga, the message the security services are seeking to give out does not add up. Mark Urban’s piece for Newsnight tonight was simply disgusting; it did not even pretend to be more than a propaganda piece on behalf of the security services, who had told Urban (as he said) that Yulia Skripal’s phone “could have been” tapped by the Russians and they “might even” have listened to her conversations through the microphone in her telephone. That was the “new evidence” that the Russians were behind everything.

As a former British Ambassador I can tell you with certainty that indeed the Russians might have tapped Yulia, but GCHQ most definitely would have. It is, after all, their job, and billions of our taxes go into it. If tapping of phones is seriously presented as evidence of intent to murder, the British government must be very murderous indeed.

ed2dbf No.2039562


Well said anon. Was hoping the same message was presented in my earlier post but, whether paid trolls or people unable to accept all may not be what we were told, the blowback came in lieu of rational responses, save one or two. People became triggered, which is sad, because I associate that with the lunatic-left and had bigger hopes for the GA.

e44202 No.2039563


I don't understand what's happening tonight. Did they make the shills work the holiday? This is sad.

9991b4 No.2039564

Black Dude on F & F Tortoise name is "No Name" Kek!

74317d No.2039565


Just another day in the life of chan

289126 No.2039566

Dear concern fags,

So Q posts some stock pics that were modified. Run for the fucking hills screaming why dont you. We don't know Q's plan. They are 10 steps ahead of the cabal and 10 steps ahead of us. Have you even thought for a second that this is part of the plan. The plan that only a hand full of people know. So stop concern fagging and trust the fucking plan for a bit.

Remember some facts;

SA strings cut

40k indictments

EOs in place

Left Is flipping out

CF in centre of most investigations

Truth spreading to the masses

Trump fighting for america

The wall Is being built right now

NK situation Extinguished

People trafficking being stopped

Corruption exposed.

Plus a million more things happening

We are the main stream media now

This board does have major power.



Trust the fucking plan fags

f210a2 No.2039567

File: 79761b655f8115f⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 2440x1767, 2440:1767, IMG_3599.JPG)

File: 558936432a6a5d5⋯.jpg (19.3 KB, 225x225, 1:1, IMG_3833.JPG)

File: 2e9ff8203c42265⋯.jpg (915.13 KB, 2040x1588, 510:397, IMG_3855.JPG)

File: 5f6209cacd8bda2⋯.jpg (56.29 KB, 560x345, 112:69, IMG_4022.JPG)

Memes and im headed to bed finally. Big Day MAM already has talking points, Trump bad, illegalsvgood, drought and fires w heatwave, and left doing sneaky shit in plain view.. yet get away w it.. just another day fighting criminals

f72f56 No.2039568


if you have doubts you should sit this one out.

a51830 No.2039569

File: fc68ec2f82a868c⋯.jpg (8.58 KB, 320x180, 16:9, _98812622_043069144.jpg)


> I don't have friends IRL

You should look to getting some my brother. Maybe join a local Gun (2A) club or something with like minded people. I know what isolation is, and why sometimes it is necessary. Still remember that we are HERE, so that out there (IRL) we can be free to express ourselves. Free to enjoy the life of success that has been denied us.

Getting out and into the world, doing something worthwhile, trying to help people. Just enjoying life in general is one of the ways I honor the people who sacrificed that privilege to ensure I had the opportunity to do so.

b6936b No.2039570


Whoa, clearly you're doing an excellent job.



f23f87 No.2039571

File: 50f09f181c508f9⋯.jpg (184.62 KB, 791x1124, 791:1124, image00121.jpg)

File: 04bb43f7a2d8828⋯.jpg (145.29 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, new-edition-047.jpg)

File: ab4f38a981cc208⋯.gif (16.41 KB, 500x373, 500:373, acosticheterodyne.gif)

File: 0b786804d4245ab⋯.png (129.51 KB, 689x544, 689:544, 620548116090841dfe24bde760….png)

File: 07dd24afde88a1d⋯.jpg (24.25 KB, 450x337, 450:337, 99e935126c4d86bec743269a00….jpg)

26e332 No.2039572

File: 7f6e5d60423fead⋯.jpg (57.8 KB, 497x427, 71:61, schizo high af.jpg)

26e332 No.2039574



Hi reddit

f72f56 No.2039575


muh word salad

a32f14 No.2039577

We have noted your concern and we are not concerned by it. We appreciate your thorough attempts to highlight a problem you perceive but you are not capable of seeing the 40,000 ft view yet.

Future proves past

Soon your efforts will be recognized. Do you want to be recognized for your help or for your harm.

The choice as always is yours

Do the right thing, its safer for you and your family

We have everything

Your latte is getting cold


011d62 No.2039578

File: 29de4e77bd70a32⋯.jpg (3.04 MB, 4800x2400, 2:1, bamawSamPowersFjckedUp.jpg)


And can we lighten up on SESSIONS fer gawdssake?

Look Anons


Dec 23, 2017 - Project Cassandra was a DEA effort that targeted illegal drug activities undertaken by the Iran-backed Lebanese-based terrorist group …

the Project Cassandra Border stand down order/call-off is PROOF of Aide and Comfort to our enemies. I'm sure Agents will testify. Right up there with a PLANEload of Cash delivered with a planeload of Sjit from Hussein.

30463c No.2039579


on pc right click, properties, details and on the bottom delete personal data.

on the popup you can chose the data to be removed.

ed2dbf No.2039580


Well said anon. A good overview in support of, and nothing wrong for thinking it. On my end I'm hoping for a new drop of clarity to calm the waters stirred up during the holiday.

bb5f9f No.2039581

File: e3b0a5274ccc3dc⋯.png (631.77 KB, 932x700, 233:175, 1518073809491.png)


Tens of millions of normies are suspicious of their govts and know theres a cabal of lucifer worshipping pedos running shit behind the scenes.

Can we just keep going please. This is the most successful chan op ever. WE ARE Q NOW.

Besides if anyone actually read the post Q was talking about something else other than being on AF1 with POTUS.

343c83 No.2039582


>And infighting among staff meant crucial information about foster parents was often not shared.

Unfortunately, in a female dominated Agency such as Ontario's CAS, catfights between ego-driven career women who put their own biological clocks and child rearing on the back burner lose sight of their maternal instinct to protect children & often their desire to earn more shekels & rise to the top pay scales overrides any innate sense of right & wrong. The Satanic Cabal exploits Lust & Greed & any opportunity open to their manipulations in appointing greedy people to positions of power & authority resulting in pedos & perverts foster caring for innocent kids is never wasted. This assures a continuing supply of kids to fuck and fulfills their mission to hurt God's most precious gift to us, our Children

761e9f No.2039583

File: 84de6a1885014bb⋯.png (484.5 KB, 612x742, 306:371, Screenshot29.png)

Look at this bullshit article.


e44202 No.2039584


They fucking wish.

d127ae No.2039585


>First, I'll just say my view on the authenticity of Q changes daily, if not hourly and it is, and has been, disheartening that any legitimate criticism has always been met with hostility and defensiveness. Honest examination deserves better than a "kys" response

5D Chess

Then again, who lives in 5D?

a858d1 No.2039586

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e65461 No.2039587

baker BO

This is great please expand in some manner. Maybe a separate thread

>2039283 #2569-70 links off bread

>2038578 #2567-8 links off bread

>2038551 #2565-6 links off bread

>2038548 #2563-4 links off bread

good morning faggots

f210a2 No.2039588


I have been s aying that for years dick munch. I am too tired to leave you a charred crisp of your former self. Take your 11 postings and just fuck off. Seriously eat a dick, that doesnt work eat a refer truck full of em.. just get your fill mkay?! Fucking kike.

8071b1 No.2039589

>>2039325 (prev)

I quit my day job and have been putting in 18 hour days to keep up with notables and dig. Wifeanon is on my case, but she gets it. She loves kids, no pedo, and wants these fucks in prison too...if not hanged.

Fuck you cabal!

resolve intensifies...

a858d1 No.2039590

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f192b9 No.2039591


From more "anonymous" intelligence officials, no doubt.

bb5f9f No.2039592

File: d03058eb4f3e3d6⋯.jpg (34.47 KB, 637x921, 637:921, 1524087561800.jpg)


Thats funny i was just in a thread where venezuela bros were asking us to invade and save them.


45565d No.2039593



If Russia doesn't work out, they find a way to shift the blame to Iran.

09d90d No.2039594

For those concernfags concerning over the apple logo photo reposting this from last night...

>>2033242 (pb #2565)

>>2033270 (pb #2565)

>>2033399 (pb #2565)


July 3, 4th, 5th

ed2dbf No.2039595


Agree. Your post and the replies it drew, paint a very convincing picture. Many think SSRI meds produce certain behaviors, we don't know the half of what they know and have learned in secret research labs over the years.

011d62 No.2039596


WH so flooded and bizzy our Q prolly unaware still of resident fuckery.

761e9f No.2039597

f23f87 No.2039598

File: 25212214938b7a6⋯.jpg (59.41 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DaOlU2VX0AE9gc8.jpg)

1ad9e0 No.2039599


But the EU and EU's MSM is opposing the return of the migrants. They don't want to let them go.

7802e9 No.2039600

JFK 1963 State of the Union



0034ca No.2039601

File: 592b4afeccd6fda⋯.jpg (294.81 KB, 1341x1044, 149:116, pedo1.jpg)

A lot of strange youtube channels out there.

36e591 No.2039602

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>2028352 Previous (#2559) Re Portland and Hamilton, HK.

Many buildings in the immediately area got face-lifts during 2014 as is evident in a youtube published walking tour video from March of that year. 【Hong Kong Walk Tour】砵蘭街 Portland Street.

Hamilton Street is reach at about 18:35 in the video.

a32f14 No.2039603

gmorn anon

we have Shills at Maximum Cap'n

It is over heating the warp coil sir

I'm givin' her all she's got


0669a6 No.2039604

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9d8020 No.2039605


the concernfagging seems to be the current tactic to demoralize people and make them give into any doubts they may have in the back of their mind. yes, a lot of people are waiting for justice or whatever, but they know this is a long game. this doesn't happen overnight, but when you have what seems like 20-30 people per bread going on about how "they've been here since the beginning and this is all fake now because we found the real pictures", it lets the real anon feel like "you know, a lot of other people feel the same way". it's all a tactic based on exploiting weaknesses. stay strong and stay the course.

f23f87 No.2039606

File: d8f234eab94877c⋯.jpg (89.91 KB, 500x383, 500:383, Fake Aliens 3.jpg)

bb5f9f No.2039607

File: 9dff83c2e7045fe⋯.jpg (768.83 KB, 1480x833, 1480:833, ruuussiia1527284492442.jpg)


Russia is hopeless at the spy game stuff. Youre supposed to use a different method once you get caught. What happened to the good 'ol piano wire?

t. sarcasm

d127ae No.2039609

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watch the fkin` this, you fkin` morons.

You always refuse the truth what lays in front of you!!!!!!!!!!

This is a live session on fakbook. -no fkin lies-

Think super-advanced beings.

Then think at quantum physics.

It's all in front of you!!!

bf91a1 No.2039610

Too big to upload but very interesting to see and hear Merkels hypocritical stance (knowing what we know now)

Italy Closes ALL Ports For The Summer | Merkel Hangs On For Life | Hungarian Minister Destroys BBC:


e9818b No.2039611

File: e8759109067027e⋯.png (106.97 KB, 299x528, 299:528, 17-11-24 Owl and Drudge.png)


Do you remember back in late October and early November we were studying symbolism the Secret Societies were using. Remember the owl was one of the important symbols they use.

O, said they are stupid and that their signs will give them away. Now take a good look at Drudge's logo at the top of his page, and tell me what you see. In short, I don't trust him very much anymore. Q told us to look for the signs.

a858d1 No.2039612

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Cosmic Disclosure: Disrupting Draco Domination

a1bfb9 No.2039613

File: 260820ebbfa8c3f⋯.jpg (113.83 KB, 1030x686, 515:343, POTUS FLOTUS 7 4 18.JPG)

July 4 1018

797b84 No.2039614

Has @Snowden has made a touch down

Look United.png

Reference to United_HK_IDEN_T3902.png

Link to United Airlines 3902

Moved from Greenville to Dulles

Next step Check Mate


0669a6 No.2039615

damn it russia

we hate canada now

c89326 No.2039616

File: 330289378aec18b⋯.png (2.62 MB, 1413x4414, 1413:4414, ΒΟςΟΜΡ.png)

File: 8aed4e045292e44⋯.png (2.34 MB, 1395x858, 465:286, KekUnbound.png)

File: 2582cbef1887e89⋯.png (762.57 KB, 1306x904, 653:452, Justiceiscoming2b.png)

>>2039325 BO reminds us why we do what we do despite the obstacles: Chins up lads.

e65461 No.2039617



It appears to me there is a third person in the picture.

1. Look at the Asian man's foot, see the second foot, not a pant leg as it would not go higher like that.

2. Look at the Asian man's back, see what appears to be skin or a tan shirt.

3, There is fill between the Asian man and the tall dude at the tall dudes waist.

equals a third person

09d90d No.2039618


>And can we lighten up on SESSIONS fer gawdssake?


If you don't you need to LURK MOAR

cef1b3 No.2039619


Needs to be shut down.

afa3e4 No.2039620



Pretty notable

10aeb9 No.2039621

File: eaa97b8d14e5449⋯.jpg (41.19 KB, 786x244, 393:122, Kansas3.JPG)

Kansas headed back to NK to prove deal with Kim is real.


011d62 No.2039622


Breaking News - Jim Jordan/ Congress WILL IMPEACH RR, Ryan also if he stands in their way. If not, then Death By A Thousand Cuts from QAnon~

d49c26 No.2039623

File: 0cbf5a1182794d0⋯.jpg (135.85 KB, 961x620, 31:20, 17ancestor.JPG)


A tip of the hat to you anon. Well said.

10e12d No.2039624

File: a68bda796173cc1⋯.png (66.57 KB, 739x938, 739:938, IMG_3003.PNG)

Ft. Lauderdale billboard on I95. Sorry for the resolution

Governor Scott: Before This Happens Again, Remove Sheriff Israel.

761e9f No.2039626


I noticed that also.

a32f14 No.2039627

File: 69d590ad50fdfc6⋯.png (97.36 KB, 1313x600, 1313:600, 69d590ad50fdfc693672704644….png)

If you don't mind anon could you put a description of the contents. Other anons are busy digging other info, and we might be more likely to watch if you provide a nice description. Its not alien technology we are using here.




c89326 No.2039628

>>2039325 BO reminds us why we do what we do despite the obstacles: Chins up lads.


26e332 No.2039629



someone who claimed is working for alphabets said that sometime in the near future Peru will be annexed (by the US) and Venezuela is just part of the plan and it's not a concern. Considering I'm hearing it now, here, I think it's important to take note of that.

>inb4 anonymous source

take it with a grain of salt and do what you want with what I just said.

48192b No.2039630

File: 9ec9e88c03e4b8c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, 263d9390017ab777cbdd742b59….png)

God bless you and keep you.from harm, this day and forever.

74317d No.2039632


Thought he was on the way out already


c89326 No.2039633

File: e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png)

b19d75 No.2039634


Keep in mind that not all drops are for us anons. Sometimes it is meant for (((them))). And the clowns in here are growing daily. All meant to sew doubt. They read post like yours and think happy thoughts and work harder to discredit.

As other anons have said, even if Q is a larp, look at the journey we have been on. Think back to where we were when this all started. We had no idea the depth and breadth of this corruption. Look at all the changes made without causing any real strife to good Americans. Whether you believe in Q or not, you can not deny all the good things that have come out of this. Shore up your beliefs anon because it's only going to get worse before it gets better.

d29e7c No.2039635

File: f4f54d560446ba3⋯.jpg (25.52 KB, 543x452, 543:452, ShillsRuiningShit.JPG)

File: c46cb7cb128b37c⋯.jpg (87.79 KB, 808x468, 202:117, IgnoringShillsPutOnTheArmo….JPG)





lmao. Get 'em anons!!

Let us put on the armor of kek.

Thanks for keeping us comfy guys.

These shills got nothing on you.

a32f14 No.2039636

morning swordAnon


26e332 No.2039637




343c83 No.2039638

File: 0efc8880034e31f⋯.png (432.4 KB, 772x433, 772:433, bub3.PNG)

File: 5da711e94e152ab⋯.png (399.12 KB, 740x575, 148:115, lastdance.PNG)


>Remember some facts;

>SA strings cut

>40k indictments

>EOs in place

>Left Is flipping out

>CF in centre of most investigations

>Truth spreading to the masses

>Trump fighting for america

>The wall Is being built right now

>NK situation Extinguished

>People trafficking being stopped

A1 quality post Anon. This list should be at top of breads. Never lose sight of how far We the People have come since Nov 8th 2016, the most Glorious Day for Freedom evah!

Corruption exposed.

Plus a million more things happening fukken daily..

e9818b No.2039640

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It kind of makes me think of this old standard.

36efe5 No.2039641

was watching q plan to save the world vid and when they talk about brainwashing kids and showed the miley / hanna montana vid…. it reminded me of that elsagate shit where there are vids of spiderman/frozen doing f'd up shit. may be worth for anons to dig into those channels and see who funds them..?

a32f14 No.2039642



ed2dbf No.2039643


Think it was Reagan:

Trust but verify.

c89326 No.2039644


Αrе уоu ΗυΜαη?

d72ea6 No.2039646


Troll maybe

but alotta truth all through it

there is an art to truth

and he is the kick ass master of it

53d302 No.2039647


I don't trust this guy. I feel like most of the stuff he peddles comes from other sources and he just goes along for the ride, straight to the bank

10e12d No.2039648


Billboards been up since Parkland

48192b No.2039650

cf2933 No.2039651

File: 78552d502d596b8⋯.png (39.95 KB, 860x367, 860:367, damn.PNG)

File: e75630282112449⋯.png (105.88 KB, 825x553, 825:553, net.PNG)

This a continuation of an old post a few weeks ago >>1891574 and >>1892828

The second post shows how one the sub contracted accountants has a connection to Rosatom, so I kept looking at the other firms.


RSM US LLP is an audit, tax, and consulting firm, focused on the middle market in the United States and a member of the global accounting network RSM International. It is the 5th largest accounting firm in the United States.

RSM was one of the firms Loop Capital sub contracted out for their accounting which they hired for a many years, under different names. One of their Clients stoop out the Boys & Girls Club of Boston. Have a quick search on them and found this.


> Hillary Clinton reportedly charged a Boys and Girls Club chapter $200,000 for an appearance, then left the premise without saying hello to children who benefit from the program.

>The massive fee, which she donated back to her family foundation, was the largest the Long Beach, California, organization had ever paid a public figure for a speech,Politico reports.

But after looking through the BOD at RSM. This guy popped up (pics related).

Looking into RSM and Iran.


>Advocacy group United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) said it has succeeded in getting global accounting firm network RSM International to cut ties with an Iranian firm. Washington, D.C.-based UANI said RSM agreed to end its relationship with Dayarayan Auditing & Financial Services Firm in Tehran as of April 30. Chicago-based McGladrey, formerly headquartered in Minneapolis, is RSM's only member firm in the United States. UANI CEO Mark Wallace, a former ambassador to the United Nations, asked RSM and McGladrey to sever the network's relationship with Dayarayan in March. He applauded RSM's decision Friday." (Minneapolis/St.Paul Business Journal, "McGladrey's accounting network will drop Iranian firm, 4/26/2013)

Im pretty confused at the moment cause we have a Loop Capital subcontractor that got out of Iran pretty quick. In 2013 Loop Capital’s subcontractor was McGladreys, which is RSMs old name. But we have other subcontractors with links to Rosatom. Im guessing RSM knew some of dodgy shit going on in Iran at the time and got out quick. If anyone wants to dig please do.

011d62 No.2039652

File: 396f09295cc13b6⋯.jpg (625.48 KB, 3000x4200, 5:7, Rosenstein&MuellerNowAttac….jpg)


Feelings and miscnceptins all fully heard. Where is your WORK

127684 No.2039653


I assumed that was obvious to everyone.

But we can see barely any of him, so… no useful information there.

53d302 No.2039654


There were threads about it elsewhere on the chans, it was some Czech company if I recall and some Polish bank was also involved

0669a6 No.2039655

File: 2df6a540e4dfdc6⋯.jpg (23.07 KB, 190x265, 38:53, IMG_1118.JPG)

File: bd583234c8296c6⋯.jpg (55.36 KB, 684x513, 4:3, IMG_1149.JPG)

File: 3aba2ee305061b0⋯.jpg (56.98 KB, 400x611, 400:611, IMG_1158.JPG)

when does the fuckery start

bb5f9f No.2039656

File: f169aa6d89935fc⋯.jpg (52.05 KB, 540x712, 135:178, 1526166609071.jpg)


Annexing more low IQ indio socialists sounds like fun. Have we had enough of MAGA? Bernie time?

Nothings getting annexed. Only shit worth annexing is low population high resource shit like Saudi and Gulf States.

f23f87 No.2039657

File: 09ce984b25c602c⋯.jpeg (112.43 KB, 928x523, 928:523, 09ce984b25c602cd0eafb4c54….jpeg)

File: c4ba0523ec01b0a⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1583x2710, 1583:2710, c4ba0523ec01b0a6af69291612….png)

File: 74fe200b70075c6⋯.png (460.68 KB, 1285x1384, 1285:1384, Screenshot_2018-07-04 Q Re….png)

File: 86490f045e38586⋯.png (212.93 KB, 1989x1095, 663:365, 86490f045e38586bf6b6d4df40….png)

File: db1b744e595fece⋯.jpg (63.09 KB, 625x457, 625:457, CuiZZVAUIAA2YCn.jpg)

bf91a1 No.2039658

File: 113d819ef624c16⋯.png (134.72 KB, 426x173, 426:173, screenshot_341.png)

“On October 27th 2006, Samantha: “was abducted by two Asian men who drove her around Oldham for hours and then raped her. They then threw her out of a moving car in the Chadderton area of Oldham. She ran away and asked another man for help. He invited Samantha inside and then dragged her upstairs and sexually assaulted her. She ran away whilst he was calling his friends to come and join him. At that point a taxi driver and his passenger pulled up beside her to ask if she was okay, they said she looked very upset and like she’d been through hell, and so offered to take her to the police station and then home… They then took Samantha to a house on Attock Close, took her inside and then locked her in a room where 5 Asian men went on to rape her over and over for nearly 24 hours.“

(“Easy Meat: Inside Britain’s Grooming Gang Scandal“, p. 129)


c89326 No.2039659

Are there videos that are being made to subtly discredit, while appearing superficially supportive?

Is the "Q plan" video going around a good representation? Is it good PR?

Trust nothing. The efforts to discredit are relentless.

b7310a No.2039660

File: 1c79289a74e3cb2⋯.png (339.01 KB, 550x550, 1:1, salty.png)


You seem pretty salty Tiresias. Funny how you think everyone else is so angry and aggressive. Projection much?

36e591 No.2039663

>>2028566 Previous (#2559)

Excellent digging. I had thought the signs looked doctored (in the softer image) but this evidence shows me to have been wrong.


b19d75 No.2039664



Are you?

45565d No.2039665


>Enjoy the show.

Because that's all it is.

Q !2jsTvXXmXs 05/08/18 (Tue) 19:44:19 No.68

Today, EVIL lost control / leverage of Iran.

Today, POTUS took control of Iran.

Today, w/ pending sanctions and military action(s), POTUS will gain more ammunition / intel against THEM.

Suicide watch.

The deal kept Iran quiet.

The goal was to keep POTUS in until impeachment / term end.

Bigger than people can imagine.

c89326 No.2039666

File: 083b39b855f014b⋯.png (542.95 KB, 788x788, 1:1, dwarfs.png)


Get out now.. The fuckery is over. You are done. You have failed. Failure is all you are. Out out out.

c89326 No.2039668


Yes I am. Now you get out. This board is for humans. Out.

a32f14 No.2039669

the node is captured and spiders have traced hops thru several zones. This one is pure love, hot bright and not very smart, but the ones we love, you know?


ed2dbf No.2039670


Thanks anon. Well said and thanks for taking the time to write it. In part I was trying to illustrate how defensive anons get to anything which appears to counter the narrative. There's a fine line between believing and blindly following. The latter is not healthy, at least in my opinion. I agree we probably won get clarification on the recent posts, but again, though I don't deserve an explanation, at the same time I see no reason to create doubt within the community, especially over such an important holiday. I understand though, that may have been the intention. I'll try to absorb your advice and will attempt to temper how I express my thoughts and observations. Thanks again anon. Godspeed.

d127ae No.2039671

File: 2a27414686591c0⋯.jpg (54.42 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, Mexico UFOs.JPG)



2 pairs of friends in Mexic, see an UFO then One girl, started to film it and make it live on facebook, so that all can see it live - all their friends-, so then they start to talk, come on, more, another one, and another one came, and another one, till 9 UFOs that were playing in 2 lines, from one point to another. The girl is very open mind and sweet, and they behave like they know that and want to please her.

This is LIVE, can't be faked!!!!!!!


Then there is another clip, filmed by a guy who stoped the car, from another position, same INCIDENT. on thirdphaseofthemoon channel YT

60b286 No.2039672

File: 2af0c8a1702c704⋯.png (4.06 MB, 2732x2048, 683:512, 6BDD06BF-F6C8-404E-A9F5-A6….png)

RID Hijacking: Maintaining Access on Windows Machines

Sebastián Castro

Location: Business Hall (Oceanside), Arsenal Station 3

Date: Thursday, August 9 | 11:30am-12:50pm

Track: Exploitation and Ethical Hacking

Session Type: Arsenal

The art of persistence is (and will be…) a matter of concern when successfully exploitation is achieved. Sometimes it is pretty tricky to maintain access on certain environments, especially when it is not possible to execute common vectors like creating or adding users to privileged groups, dumping credentials or hashes, deploying a persistent shell, or anything that could trigger an alert on the victim. This statement ratifies why it's necessary to use discrete and stealthy techniques to keep an open door right after obtaining a high privilege access on the target.

What could be more convenient that only use OS resources in order to persist an access? This presentation will provide a new post-exploitation hook applicable to all Windows versions called RID Hijacking, which allows setting desired privileges to an existent account in a stealthy manner by modifying some security attributes. To show its effectiveness, the attack will be demonstrated by using a module which was recently added by Rapid7 to their Metasploit Framework, and developed by the security researcher Sebastián Castro.


22b72d No.2039673

File: d8a3268b4201785⋯.gif (7.21 KB, 252x201, 84:67, ac56b884b280d5287e0593619e….gif)

Good morning CIA. I must suck to be you.

c89326 No.2039674


Аге уоu ΗΥοοΜαη?

b7310a No.2039675


This board is for highly super-duper advanced AI, Tiresias. Get the fuck outta here, lowly human.

45565d No.2039676


(((You))) lost the Crimean peninsula.

Russia kept its base.

Get over it Khazar kike.

26e332 No.2039677


he said two things first communism is really that bad over there so it must be contained he also said you need drug money to wage a war basically there's a big chance for a ww and the US needs the CIA narco cartel money

again, I'm just giving you what I heard do what you want with that info

011d62 No.2039678



Noteable, even

"Be Careful Who You Follow" into the theater.

bf91a1 No.2039679

File: 50d18a7054a942e⋯.jpg (78.96 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 35067608_1837323786327053_….jpg)

Meanwhile inAleppo.


Sheraton board members - interesting:


0b30c3 No.2039680

File: cfb0e1761a574f8⋯.png (258.2 KB, 633x419, 633:419, MAGA Pepe.png)





Tyvm, Anons. Much appreciated.

c89326 No.2039681

File: 06bf633bd1e9eda⋯.png (590.8 KB, 651x924, 31:44, JesusSaves.png)



Out you go.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, get out.




ed2dbf No.2039682


No. Honestly, your post is the first I've ever seen/heard that name.

127684 No.2039683


And keep in mind that Q also sometimes posts deliberate misinformation (tactical lies) to cause the Bad Guys to act in certain ways.

His most recent post is him reminding us of that.

9a4970 No.2039684

So with all this "Who is Q" talk… has anyone else found themselves thinking, "My god, this is just like Atlas Shrugged, with the 'Who is John Galt' thing"?

a51830 No.2039685

File: 030338cc7f8f59b⋯.jpg (56.16 KB, 653x459, 653:459, IlluminatiWatcherDotCom-LD….jpg)


I do not trust him for other reasons. Being a Mormon not the least of which.

09d90d No.2039686


>Citing sexual allegations against a Dead Coach….

Not a lawfag so if any lawfags can chime in

Isn't this completely unconstitutional? To go after a 3rd party in a case where the suspect is dead and was never convicted? Seems MOOT to me and just a tactic to persecute an innocent person (Jim Jordan).


011d62 No.2039687

File: a943cf29bc531bb⋯.jpg (3.61 MB, 6000x3000, 2:1, KEKflag.jpg)


you took the words right outta my fingers Anon~

f192b9 No.2039688

File: 02c64608ebed0a5⋯.jpg (111.72 KB, 990x556, 495:278, 171204_trump-flag.jpg)


One of the first points made, and in fact was made by FBIanon, is how disastrous it would be to start rounding folks up like the new sheriff in town. Not only would it result in a major media shitstorm accusing Trump of totalitarianism, it would allow ample opportunity for the big fish to scatter by creating mass confusion all at once. The whole thing would blow up. In fact, if they ever start perp-walking everybody all at once before the public is properly awakened, then THAT would be the greatest sign this thing has gone wrong or worse - was never intended to "go right" in the first place.

We all agree the prerequisite is public awakening, hence the title of this movement. If you think it's not headed in that direction, you're not paying attention. The media is imploding and it's been fun to watch. This is a major step…we're now seeing more public personalities talk about Q (positive and negative), more people displaying "Q" in public, and more people resigning and more sealed indictments. And this is only what we can see…this team has until the 2020 election to convince you, and it will likely take that long, so if you're complaining now then you're not properly prepared for this. This cabal is EVERYWHERE and POWERFUL. You simply cannot "slap the cuffs on, you're under arrest" as Denzel says in Training Day…all so we can high five each other. Doesn't work that way.

Anons, here's a prediction I've been making: a Republican landslide this fall. It WILL happen. No more fixed elections, people are walking away from the Dems…there will be less obstruction to return to the Constitution.

Have faith and, most of all, PATIENCE.

0669a6 No.2039689

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a32f14 No.2039690

If Tyler and the Blake Twins know about it then its not NOTABLE here. The plan is not to disclose aliens, at least not now. The plan now is get the courts straight for the trials that are coming very soon. Optics is everything and clarity is preferred but we have powerful interferometry and corrective measure for any type of signal loss or refraction.

Enjoy the show


c89326 No.2039691


Breads are loaded with AI anons.. Not good.

127684 No.2039692


I've been waiting for someone to answer "Q is John Galt" with a meme.

4bb114 No.2039693

Morning anons…


This is interesting..any reports of breaks with violence before? Any in patient treatment noted? Any physical therapy noted? They MK them somehow and would require deep conditioning and a period of time (4-6hours??) to break them…or some other way, just going with logic..

Great find!

In the shooter category, the CDAN blind about Paddock was interesting…

f23f87 No.2039694


it's like i knew you were coming


b7310a No.2039695





In the name of SERIAL#:_AUT1$M0

You get out.

I was here first.

6f9a22 No.2039697


Isn't it just all BS, I mean… 0 of the predictions or info has been showed to be true.

Huma, nothing

Awan, nothing

TRUST (name), nothing

and so on and so on…

When do we get anything useful? When will Q accept that the public is useless. We don't need them. All we need is the truth. My 0.02$ would be solve 9/11, realize that exotic tech was used, figure out who has that tech and take it from there.

This is getting REALLY pathetic

c89326 No.2039698

File: 77ba6ddf37ed4c9⋯.png (692.45 KB, 521x737, 521:737, ThreadJesus.0.png)


In the Name of Jesus Christ, get out, and don't come back.

580b3a No.2039699


It has become very apparent that I'd say at least half of Q posts are not for us. watch the reaction ,sit back and really watch. there are very few crumbs left for this board to dig. Q is playing with ((them))

6f9a22 No.2039700


There is no reaction.

For there to be a reaction there has to be an action. Talk isn't action.

a32f14 No.2039701

The Power of KEK compels



127684 No.2039702


What "predictions"?

Nothing Q posts has a future timestamp on it.

cb9950 No.2039703


I don't know when this ban on gun demo vids is supposed to start, but I just watched hickock45 hit the gong with a compact .380, and it played with no problem.

d127ae No.2039704

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Follow all 3 posts - I'll have 3 - at the end, you must see connections.!!!

This is considered 2.

Q always sez about aowl. Symbolysm.

Well, this can't be explained, you must have time to watch a movie sequence - The Fourth Kind - It's a movie based on a real story, and they use as material a Doctor REAL registered sessions.

Then again, Think at Buzz Aldrin twatt - EVIL ITSELF- w/ a piramid in Antarctic.

I'll post after this - coz can't put vid and pic.

1`02`` you must have!!!!

be28ac No.2039705

File: de0cc3b94df1e43⋯.gif (233.79 KB, 300x225, 4:3, tumblr_nsd9daed1s1uc1pq3o1….gif)

File: 943188b59b2f465⋯.jpg (173.03 KB, 750x738, 125:123, f98db9fc18e17b17fe8c00c6d9….jpg)

File: 19298c971c65825⋯.png (1.85 MB, 800x939, 800:939, savlia-droid-1.png)

File: b617d93a0f6b0ee⋯.jpeg (139.39 KB, 450x556, 225:278, 1 PkCso2JNQHl_ZByCVdXgZA.jpeg)

File: dbe41ae5272d37e⋯.jpg (110.23 KB, 469x620, 469:620, ScienceSpiritualite10.jpg)

c2e9d7 No.2039706


Sauce or is that just personal opinion?

011d62 No.2039708

File: f6725ad5c512e5c⋯.jpg (49.36 KB, 477x314, 477:314, WalkAwayLemmings[1].jpg)


100%. They have gone right off the cliff Anon. They are all so ARROGANT they have no ethics stopping them from abusing whoever they HATE in the Court of Public Opinion. (pic Related. But not.)

580b3a No.2039709


really ? kek last night was the icing on your doughnut

0669a6 No.2039710

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f23f87 No.2039711


so what is your secret? I mean to living so long with only a single operational brain cell?

be28ac No.2039712


Yup, we'll figure it out.

Troubleshooting in progress, Anons.

ed2dbf No.2039713


My 'work' is my postings here and my efforts to educate the blue-pulled Never-Trumpers in my life, and there are many.

On a side-note, Rep. Jim Jordan/Ohio is one of my heroes, and I'm appalled by the dirty tricks campaign the DS is using to try to prevent him becoming Speaker of the House. Good for you for sharing, Tom Fitton/Judicial Watch for writing it and Mr. Hoft/Gateway Pundit for publishing it. If I lived in Ohio I would be honored to be represented by Mr. Jordan. I will share my gratitude with my elected representatives and ask they support his effort.

a56ecc No.2039714


I see what you're saying, but I think you're off the mark here. These scum tend to be very brazen with their use of symbols. No need to hide them in an abstract way. Dunno, maybe I'm wrong

bb5f9f No.2039715

File: bca763a6698dee6⋯.png (181.05 KB, 348x355, 348:355, 1527346347442.png)


Tell your CIA friend im willing to help them with geopolitical consulting theyre really bad at cost and risk analysis.

0780c2 No.2039716

File: 3330c95d56b13e6⋯.jpg (1.54 MB, 2246x3860, 1123:1930, 20180704_120015_1crop.jpg)

File: 371018eb4f787fa⋯.jpg (3.01 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20180704_212514.jpg)

Yesterday was glorious lads.

6251aa No.2039718


>>2039325 (LB)

Couldn't agree more with both.

Had some very in-depth conversations regarding our topics here yesterday out IRL.

Nothing political, zero mention of Q or POTUS. None.

Pharma, human trafficking, cyber-surveillance, the long history of the UK and the Euro Royals meddling in everything, even bloodlines and MASONS!

Not one person i spoke with would have been considered “our side” (whatever that means).

The general consensus —> QUESTION EVERYTHING

However you wish to define this board and what we do here, it’s working.

The truth at has been hidden for so long is finally leaking out of the dark crevasses and into the light of public consciousness.

Continued deep research on all these topics will bear fruit.

Everything else is noise.

Godspeed to all the dedicated Patriots.

d127ae No.2039719

File: c5366256283bf5a⋯.jpg (9.26 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Buzz.jpg)

File: af61b157a9407d7⋯.jpg (182.27 KB, 1206x1500, 201:250, fourth kind.jpg)



Movie and Buzz's twatt - Antarctica>>2039671

f192b9 No.2039720


>All we need is the truth. My 0.02$ would be solve 9/11, realize that exotic tech was used, figure out who has that tech and take it from there.

You CANNOT do this until the media is done imploding, which is currently in progress.

3607f8 No.2039721



4bb114 No.2039722


Has to be a bit more to it..speculative..

-therapist to id personality type..

-"treatment" which certainly includes drugs but also deeper programming (someone has to find and stoke the HATE..)

-then perhaps voice to head…

Also..consider they may just drug these shooters up and use actors to do the actual shooting..in tactical gear who could tell? Parkland seemed to be VERY targeted…

bdb15d No.2039724



I thought you were found to be a bot? Can you please just Go Away!

d127ae No.2039725




Then again.

Q said - We have our OWLS - .

OWLS in caps = quote = returning to the first post!

Now, let your HIVE mind working!!!!!!!!!!

011d62 No.2039726


One miracle at a time… MSM at bat, where is your dig on Acosta?

FYI Chelsea Clinton is aligned with TRIP ADVISOR - (THINK OWL)we VeteranQAnons dug THAT up last year Did Yu Forget? Autist PhotoMem slipping?

26e332 No.2039727


I gave you intel, you do what you do and we will see later, ok girl ?

>implying you have geopolitical skill

who cares ? I don't

0b30c3 No.2039728


I remember that post by FBI Anon. Believed it then; believe it moreso now. Regardless, it took decades, if not centuries, if not millennia, for thing s to become as corrupt as they are. Not going to happen overnight. It's like wanting an overnight total renovation of your house and property that you've neglected for generations. Just not going to happen, even if you took a wrecking ball and demolished it all in one fell swoop. We need to get over our conditioning to getting what we think we want in two clicks of a button. Muh immediate gratification impulse needs to be quelled.

ed2dbf No.2039730


They would have to prove Mr. jJordan was in a position which bestowed a duty of care, that he was on notice of said abuse (he's said he was unaware), and that he failed to take action(s) to stop said harm.

It's a trick of the lunatic-left: guilt by association!


bb5f9f No.2039731

File: 6a9f097e514c309⋯.jpg (42.57 KB, 465x620, 3:4, 6a9f097e514c3094c298849afc….jpg)


You mean how we didnt know beforehand that Strzok and crew were walking the streets of London betraying the US with the brits?

3607f8 No.2039732


Seems like I always see this building and everytime it's called something else. Anybody else?

4bb114 No.2039733


Be patient..we are UNIFYING..when that happens, look out…

c0148f No.2039734

File: 00c7e4845bed3ce⋯.png (61.84 KB, 648x673, 648:673, smarttvspying.PNG)

I always feel like somebody's watching me. I can't get no privacy.

ac2067 No.2039735

Good morning, Anons.

Daybaker here.

Operating on standby for now.

Can step in some time in the next hour or so if need be; Baker, just say the word.

>>2039325 (lb)

Well said, BO.

As close as baking is to becoming my second day job, I'm more than happy to keep this up.

The Central Stupidity Agency gets paid, and they suck dick at this.

We get to fuck with 'em for free.

Works for me.

Have a great day, Anons.

761e9f No.2039737

File: c11cd1c85013035⋯.png (432.3 KB, 1088x795, 1088:795, Screenshot29.png)


ABUJA (Reuters) - Nigeria's ruling party has split after a faction declared that it no longer supports the government of President Muhammadu Buhari, threatening his hopes of a securing a second term in an election scheduled to take place this year.

A group of politicians who were part of the All Progressives Congress (APC) told a news conference in Abuja late on Wednesday they had formed a new faction, led by former Buhari ally Buba Galadima and called Reformed-All Progressives Congress (R-APC).

"The APC has run a rudderless, inept and incompetent government that has failed to deliver good governance to the Nigerian people," Galadima, national chairman of the R-APC, said, describing the new faction as the authentic representatives of the APC.

(Additional reporting by Paul Carsten; Writing by Alexis Akwagyiram; Editing by Catherine Evans)

Copyright 2018 Thomson Reuters.


74317d No.2039738

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We are always being watched

343c83 No.2039739

Filter the shitposting ebot

Go to Options

Type this in Filters


Check regex

Poof, it's gone!

c89326 No.2039740


Why does this demon/bot party openly?

Does it wasn't acceptance? Why?

Does BO give it cover, while simulating effort? Why?

a56ecc No.2039741


This. Instant gratification culture + expectation of this being like film/TV with swift, exciting action leads to false sense that nothing is happening

4bb114 No.2039742




Baker..Kim losing court case is 100% notable…

d51f4d No.2039743

SKY EVENT was a bust?

343c83 No.2039744

File: 3768c98c7f926ad⋯.png (228.12 KB, 518x646, 259:323, spambot.PNG)


See post just above yours, get rid of the annoyance

3607f8 No.2039745


Sorry man, if Q ends up being a LARP I'm going to be pissed. Everyone should be.

b19d75 No.2039746


This board attracts many from highly skeptic to total blind faith. And you will hear from them all. I too wish there were not those that have hero worship. Ignore them and focus on anons who want to have a logical, intelligent conversation about questions.

Many times I've thought it wouldn't take anything for Q to do a quick post to calrify things for anons, but it rarely happens. From crumbs, I take it to mean this is all a developed script and not likely to go outside of that. When something happens I cant make sense of, I want to believe that it is not meant for us but those watching. The AF1 pic is prime example. It was probably a message to (((them))) saying nothing Q has done violated NATSEC. Explaining how pics could be taken off the back of the phone and using a stock photo proves his point. Maybe there was chatter (((they))) were going to go after the team for violating NATSEC, the fake AF1 pic was the result.

Keep the faith anon. We're getting there.


God Bless

6f9a22 No.2039747


pls do tell about the habbening I must have missed… a pic of a bald man no habbening makes

c89326 No.2039748


Is this a form of covering for the bot?

Why does the bot want to post openly here so badly? What is the value to it? Why will so many fake posters urge you to ignore or filter?

6f9a22 No.2039749


did you need Q to tell you that? pathetic

18b3ed No.2039750

File: aa07f84b0e7449d⋯.jpg (399.35 KB, 947x1079, 947:1079, Clip.jpg)

a51830 No.2039751

File: c6573947ad5f215⋯.jpg (14.61 KB, 640x480, 4:3, us-iraq-war6.jpg)

Another Russia Russia Russia UK FF op on poisoning with same poinson UK Lab Refused to Link to Russia despite MI6 pressure, just ahead of summit. Hmmm, how coincidental.


9ec897 No.2039752


When Q says "enjoy the show" i wonder if he means watch the shitstorm/panic on the board after he posts.

b19d75 No.2039753


Why do you blame BO for an annoying shitposter on a free speech board?

d51f4d No.2039754


Trump administration continues to dismantle ObamaCare


6f9a22 No.2039755


The media with billions and billions of soros money, they can outlive Trump with decades

761e9f No.2039756

File: 510225ab22fb663⋯.png (459.7 KB, 710x865, 142:173, Screenshot29.png)

No door knobs kek


a32f14 No.2039757



15ce9e No.2039758


There should be a PERSIST 45


Afternoon swordanon - you are getting later.

c89326 No.2039759


Is this post just cover for all the FAKE posting the AI generates?

Does BO cover as well?

(Look [HERE])

d51f4d No.2039760


ICE joins nationwide dragnet for three accused of kidnapping, raping teen sisters


10aeb9 No.2039761



Baker is solid. He got it.

056db9 No.2039762


Stephen Miller

6f9a22 No.2039763


They did once with huma/podesta, didn't happen again.. I guess I became a little sad when it didn't come true

b19d75 No.2039764



uh-oh. It's the muy BO is comp'd bot again. Ignore it so it will leave.

343c83 No.2039765

File: 7ffe5fd060ae22b⋯.png (46.45 KB, 425x617, 425:617, AceOfPepe.PNG)

>> 2039748 No (You) 4U faggot


127684 No.2039766


Not if Soros loses his money…

c89326 No.2039767


"A shit post board"

How fake is this post? This isn't a game.

8ece06 No.2039768

File: 8951bab8da5c815⋯.jpg (73.79 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, TomCruise.jpg)

3607f8 No.2039769


Agreed, if Q is a LARP it NEEDS TO STOP. People are showing up at Trump rallys WEARING Q SHIRTS?

You think the MSM will EVER LET THE RIGHT LIVE THIS DOWN if it's fake?

It will be used to discredit and dehumanize Trump supporters EVERY FUCKING ELECTION CYCLE.

Q, you're causing real world harm if this is just a fucking GAME.

bb5f9f No.2039770

File: a521cbd160a1c20⋯.png (133.29 KB, 696x928, 3:4, 1b6b36ea05e1d2a2742f4b3c2d….png)


Q showed us the pictures from the street cams.

Man you glowies are on a run. Not very patriotic on Independence Day. Are you FVEY or some foreigner shit fed?

d51f4d No.2039771


James Woods is dropped by 'liberal' talent agent: 'It's the 4th of July and I'm feeling patriotic'


0785b6 No.2039772


No way I can prove it, but it looks shopped.


3607f8 No.2039773


No, I mean the SOURCE for today is "ASK ABOTU Q" day??

c89326 No.2039774

And get rid of the child porn ads.

It's not accidental.

How many different ways to undermine? No effort is neglected.



761e9f No.2039775


I saw the tweet. That's really fucked up.

26e332 No.2039776

File: fa62ee283cebfe6⋯.webm (3.87 MB, 852x480, 71:40, 1510094709853.webm)


shit's fucked my dude

4bb114 No.2039777



trust the plan…

we are the framework…


bf91a1 No.2039778


On the first link in post you see same building in daylight shot. Still same name tho

Lots of parts of Aleppo have been rebuilt/plastered over so the general feel of the place starts resembling something civilized once again.

a56ecc No.2039779


I don't think BO has any control over the ads displayed here

138f7d No.2039780

Has this "Baker email" been debunked? Any link to a breakdown debunk? (No shill)


d127ae No.2039781


Well, I'm an Anon - at least for 99%-Making notable, will not feed my EGO. But open mind to the anons that are not here now - Most Americans sleep ATM.

d51f4d No.2039782


Supreme Court's Janus ruling will end cash cow for liberal activists: experts


293d99 No.2039783

How is Awan getting set free part of the plan? This basically lets everyone in Congress off the hook. Deception and misinformation is necessary, and it looks like everything Q posted fits that category. So tell me anons, why should I still shitposter? believe this

0785b6 No.2039784


Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not after you.

be28ac No.2039785

File: 9fa1d6cc0fcaf38⋯.jpg (83.47 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 14-charaktiristika-ta-opoi….jpg)


This is the greatest of games. This is not a game.

In which situation would both of these statements be true?

Therein lies your answer.

c89326 No.2039786


Fake back-and-forth.

Bread after bread, filled with this useless garbage.

Does BO give it cover?

797b84 No.2039787

File: a05bfea516d21b8⋯.png (1.23 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, United.png)

File: a098554779389e4⋯.png (2.24 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, United_HK_IDEN_T3902.png)

Has @Snowden has made a touch down

Look United.png

Reference to United_HK_IDEN_T3902.png

Who is the only person looking at the camera

Link to United Airlines 3902

Moved from Greenville to Dulles


80f841 No.2039788



seriously pissing me off, even more so that he is believing what he saying

incoming accusation that i´m a bot also

4bb114 No.2039789


YIKES..not +1 on the concernfag…

+1 on this!!!!


74317d No.2039790


>it does come after the 71-year-old actor revealed last October that he was retiring because he was “blacklisted” from Hollywood due to his conservative views.

He should have beat them to the punch and dumped his agent first

011d62 No.2039791


WHY are you posting this FSSS (Fagging Someone Said Shit) Dumbass? OK so (You)limbed all the way up the slide ladder now you gotta Fanny-Down it alone

3607f8 No.2039792


Nah, I mean I always see this building but it's attributed to different parts of the world. Like I think one is even a famous porn studio or something of the like?

ed2dbf No.2039793


Some have argued that the authorship of Q's posts have changed over time, perhaps having been co-opted. I don't know, but I fail to see anything gained by claiming all posts are original and then having anons determine they were derived from stock photos. To what end? More intentional disinfo? Was that needed, especially on the 4th of July?

d51f4d No.2039794


FBI arrests 74 in global 'Operation WireWire' hacking scandal


3607f8 No.2039795


2nd pic is PRE 2017, NOT CURRENT.

3607f8 No.2039796


hope none of those hackers were /ourguys/

4bb114 No.2039798

Ok..newbies and oldfags…

Quit with the LARP bullshit…

REALLY? Q..not a LARP..been proved jillions of times since Oct…get over it!

Back to work…

34cf47 No.2039799


Searching youtube for the title of the video, "The Q Plan to Save the World", gives an assortment of videos with the same name. One was an awfully produced video of what Q just posted some night, another is the actual Q plan video but with an unnecessary introduction by some faggot posting the video to his own channel after altering it.

Telling people to search for "the Q plan to save the world" would not work, they must get the link that is in the top of the bread.

797b84 No.2039800


Future proves Past


b19d75 No.2039802


Well said anon.

bb5f9f No.2039803

File: 5f4fb0f2b600875⋯.png (922.96 KB, 974x671, 974:671, a9bee64b23cb94a66d2d62e722….png)


Thats like a new angle or some shit. Did they send in the demoralization experts?? Listen were winning you faggots are losing. Stop bitching about the Q shit go somewhere else.

5360bc No.2039804


Damn, BO got tears in my eyes after reading that post this morning.

I know I've given you hell at times bc I was one who is strongly against banning & censoring Anon & I can get paranoid at times, but, BO, you have done an amazing job at keeping this beautiful board of Anons together & I appreciate you brother! Thank God for you…you have been a critical part of the GA!

75aca8 No.2039806

File: 24a030941e8eb42⋯.png (597.09 KB, 800x800, 1:1, immigrantpepe.png)

9991b4 No.2039807


Sooo, If Q is a Larp your biggest concern is the left and elections? Don't worry Anon because if Q is a Larp we are all so fucked that elections will be like a day off! Thoughts/points of view change, no worries but there is way to much stuff happening for this to be fake. If it is then bend over and kiss your ass goodbye as we will be in tribulations for quite awhile…..

Hold the Line Anons!!! WWG1WGA

81dd1b No.2039808


It's really sick what liberals view as patriotic

343c83 No.2039809

File: 93c0196b00122aa⋯.png (172.47 KB, 556x382, 278:191, anhero.PNG)

>> 2039786

>Does BO give it cover?

17 shitposts

STAHP you fucking Moron you are not contributing anything here











26e332 No.2039810


listen to gematriafags and godblessfags and keep your eyes closed for potential intel

such a good goy

a32f14 No.2039811

[delta] incoming

be sharp and make it [count]

What stops this [D5] avalanche?

wind the clock [:59]

Keep up the good work Anons

c97fcd No.2039812

File: 40569d3ae0d921d⋯.png (32.09 KB, 576x547, 576:547, See celebs help offer from….png)

File: 410d040513de3ca⋯.png (506.67 KB, 1142x738, 571:369, Roberti_Global.png)

"They thought the SHEEP would follow the STARS."



d51f4d No.2039813

DAMN! Why didn't I think of this? KEK!


Woman gets home detention for 'pay-to-stay' immigration scam


3607f8 No.2039814


Bro, if Q is a LARP, then a lot of the stuff you think is "happening" is fake as well. You really want all of this stuff to be true?

b19d75 No.2039815

293d99 No.2039816


Q is a larp and GEOTUS is deep state Soros puppet.

797b84 No.2039817


Designated pickup

Target Acquired


e9818b No.2039818


I'm the one that first pointed it out last year.

bb5f9f No.2039819

File: da92312dda31c0a⋯.jpg (27.17 KB, 359x323, 359:323, 1528692805010.jpg)


They dont understand the true power of autism. Anyway im going to sleep keep slapping these amateurs around.

4bb114 No.2039820


Really??? Oh no?

Lurk moar BOT…

74317d No.2039821


You do realize there's more than one Q posting. You can tell by the different styles. Q is a group.

a32f14 No.2039822

You need to get fitted for your jump suit. Its similar to a pants suit. Don't worry it will be (((comfy)))

for us


d13f68 No.2039823

File: 8ed51ecefffabf1⋯.jpg (138.97 KB, 1024x788, 256:197, 8ed51ecefffabf16c5f1515990….jpg)


You don't say

293d99 No.2039824


Wake up. Q basically told you they are larpers.

6251aa No.2039825

File: 8650c89973e25eb⋯.jpg (56.31 KB, 761x430, 761:430, TV-Loos-patent-2003-1.jpg)

File: d5a8cd22f7421d2⋯.jpg (52.04 KB, 506x433, 506:433, TV-Loos-patent-2003-2.jpg)

File: 0d3d92961b1f1b8⋯.jpg (61.23 KB, 744x404, 186:101, TV-Loos-patent-2003-3.jpg)

File: c448bc3cd11d68b⋯.jpg (61.9 KB, 764x398, 382:199, TV-Loos-patent-2003-4.jpg)


Forgot one other thing that got a big hit — these frickin patents.

Manipulating nervous systems through subliminal frequencies embedded in broadcast signals.

First word most responded with after reading — CNN.

Only tangential mention of POTUS was “Space Force” - everyone seems to dig this and intuitively understand there is tech that already exists that has been hidden from us, even though we all “paid for it”.

Have a strong feeling that even if the “Bluebeam” op is activated at some point, it will fall flat on its face.

…oh well…

a32f14 No.2039826

well that settles it

i quit.

thanks for enlightening us


ed2dbf No.2039827


>We have everything, we see everything.

Than aren't you a special one. You must have direct COMMS with Q+ then but…..

….no comms outside this board. Hum? I'd call that a conundrum. Seems you and I are seeing the same information then, only I'm not so arrogant as to think my interpretation is without holes our uncertainty.

Please also note: I'm more an energy drink guy if my caffeine pills have run out. If it's to be coffee, it will be a Nitro or plain espresso. If all else fails, then perhaps a latte.

b19d75 No.2039828


Anon…look at the pic name. It's the flight number!

011d62 No.2039829


Thot it said "Glowing Probe" KEKMAO

082148 No.2039830

So, it turns out, the 4th wasn't a particularly "big" day after all.

The last 7 months has been like watching a military academy running the double wishbone–a few yards here, a yard or two there, then pitch it out, pitch it out, punt.

Q, if you're listening, even the most die-hard fans need a few big plays that yield major yardage to keep up enthusiasm and maintain momentum for the team. We are rooting like mad to win this game!

The high expectations for the 4th may be our own fault for reading too much into the tea leaves, but July will be the real test. If the end of the month comes and goes and this doesn't turn out to be the "month the world learned the truth", it's going to be very difficult to keep the fans motivated.

Many of the anons here have invested unbelievable amounts of time and effort supporting this team, and we really, really need to see some points on the board.

91f067 No.2039831


90% went to democrats!!!!!

a56ecc No.2039832


Q posted, among other things, pics from UK government CCTV cameras. How would a mere larp have access to that?

123fe8 No.2039833


They think they can play the long game with us. They cannot.

580b3a No.2039834


don't you ever sleep? ffs

3607f8 No.2039835


I'm dumbfounded at this point, anyone not questioning this seriously after the flip flop iphone post, either are 14 yo kids or room temp IQ's. Was a major fuck up, especially for such a critical time as the 4th of July.

6507cb No.2039836


The article you link to is well worth reading. However the very end is a problem for me.

"Please share stories and encourage your friends to sign up for our daily email blast so they are not getting shut out of seeing conservative news."

I don't want conservative news. I want news that presents the well-researched truth, without political overtones.

8ece06 No.2039837

File: 92238e6bdcf3fcc⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1105x1201, 1105:1201, Obama_Impossible.png)

This >>2039768 is Tom Cruise. My point in posting this is, it can be done. I will not push this[/end]

6f9a22 No.2039838


Has he? His minions seem to work in full swing.. None is chanting GS wheres our money, only done in jest

bf91a1 No.2039839

File: 1481f3274125dab⋯.pdf (747.31 KB, Factual Persuasion - Bill ….pdf)

File: 5f9e1100b2f3384⋯.jpg (124.62 KB, 465x639, 155:213, 7_en.jpg)

factual persuasion,

changing the minds of islam's supporters.

original here:


my copy uploaded for you anons

343c83 No.2039840

File: 7d6e2b3a1f8b1fc⋯.png (533.18 KB, 650x348, 325:174, bearnaise.PNG)



Rest well Patriot, rejoin us when (You)'re fully recharged.

30463c No.2039841

File: 70587c089c6b6f9⋯.png (140.69 KB, 1376x822, 688:411, FireShot Capture 044 - (5)….png)

Friendly reminder, don't doxx yourself with pictures from your phone with location data in it.

b7310a No.2039842

Morning shift shills have arrived. Stay focused, anons. Their bullshit is not worth your time.

6f9a22 No.2039844


oooooh, pictures out of focus on baldies.. well.. fuck me that's awesome… sigh

3bd998 No.2039845


>Prince Edward County

The gay mafia runs PEC. It's the leaf version of Martha's Vineyard.

a32f14 No.2039846

no outside comms but team players can comm here anon anytime without being noticed

Its nice to have powerful toys and backbone RAID.

>You never know who or where is watching


8ab467 No.2039848


I was so busy looking at the guy in that 2nd pic, I didn't see the signs. The only one in English says Western Pacitic Kindergarten .. twice. Isn't that the Clinton Fdtn related one?

485e97 No.2039849

So Q and QAnon experts, has 5:5 come and gone?

Was the great awakening missed?

Now what?

60e592 No.2039850

File: 51c252be02305c9⋯.png (3.28 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 396B2F3C-58D2-427C-861B-25….png)

Dude everyone saying Q is a larp are fucking retarded or larps themselves enslaved faggots who are such cucks they can’t stand themselves………AWAN thing makes him a larp?

74317d No.2039851


Obama's ears are too circular like a chimps (no racism intended chimps ears are like his). The subject in the honk kong image is more oval. Not to mention the hair line.

3607f8 No.2039852


Thought that was automatically removed? Or is that just halfchan?

822fc6 No.2039853

This isn't original. This has been sharpened/enhanced and the algo got the shadows wrong. Look at original.


011d62 No.2039854


Check Yursalf. You sound like you can smell Anons from yur porch….

f35d8b No.2039855

File: ae183039f4b89c2⋯.png (19.96 KB, 371x280, 53:40, Screenshot_2018-07-05-04-5….png)

File: 23c3032b2212d6f⋯.jpg (32.9 KB, 480x374, 240:187, 2dg4wg~2.jpg)

Guys here's your man.

6f9a22 No.2039856


encrypted and secure comm's can be made without 8ch, infact 8ch is the worst place for secret comms because it is open.

No MILOP or other high level op would use 8ch as a means of communication.

It is all propaganda.. maybe there is such a thing as positive propaganda but there has to be some huge action, yesterday, for me to believe that is true.

All I see it buying time to rob the bank more

be28ac No.2039857


Dance in the rain!

Laugh at the thunder and dare it to strike you!


Yes. Please, for your own security make sure to delete any and all location metadata from things you upload here.

Thank you, for all that you do, Everyone

26e332 No.2039858

File: d6808cd1bc79a40⋯.webm (3.22 MB, 352x240, 22:15, 1510095779685.webm)


dude, anyone not following the qult doctrine is either a nazi soros stooge or a glowing clown also antifas are nazis and national socialism is leftwing


3607f8 No.2039859


Old screencap, did you not see he basically just got a slap on the wrist the other day? And did you not see Lawyer twitter who said if they wanted to leverage him they would STACK charges on him, not give him a plea?

Wake up.

b19d75 No.2039860


I agree wholeheartedly.

cf2933 No.2039861


By far the best one yet.

127684 No.2039862


There are two separate question to this:

Is Q a high-level gov official working with the president?

Is everything Q posts 100% truthful?

The answer to the first question has been conclusively proven 'yes' over and over again. No rational person can claim otherwise.

The second question is more complicated. Q has admitted, from almost the beginning, that "Disinformation is real. Distractions are necessary." But even if POTUS has a penchant for mischief, there is enough truth in this for it be extremely valuable in helping the public understand what is happening behind the scenes.

And remember that Q does not post "predictions" with expirations dates. It has been made clear that this will take YEARS. Buckle up.

2e6db4 No.2039863

Any UK patriots up for a spot of sabotage?? https://news.sky.com/story/trump-angry-baby-blimp-gets-green-light-to-fly-over-london-during-presidents-visit-11426665

26e332 No.2039864


dude is a rambling schizo don't mind him

ad5f07 No.2039865

I know i wont get any confirmations but just a correction, its not that Eliabeth I and II are unrelated that was wrong, its that Margaret Tudor married into the James bloodline, and within 2 generations as acquired Scotland and Ireland. And its that marriage that connects Elizabeth II to mohammad, not elizabeth I.

Dont have enough understanding to know why a diluted bloodline would still have such importance.

4bb114 No.2039866



Add to the list…call them out..just do not feed them..

293d99 No.2039867

This is how bad this board is. Half of you fucking idiots are still pushing muh jews, muh race bullshit. The other half claim anyone disagreeing is a paid shill. All of you claim Q is legit after all the inconsistencies and contradictions. It's worse than liberal nut house institution in here. Q fucking told you he is a larp.

60e592 No.2039868

Greatest larp ever? How then were they able to predict things rather precisely?

ed2dbf No.2039869


Touché and True that, much the same way posers can pretend to be team players, knowingly protected by the anonymity the Chans provide. Shit, 'Every man a King,' and all women can play 'Queen for a Day.'

f35d8b No.2039870

File: 7c174f6079d7a67⋯.png (401.37 KB, 437x780, 437:780, 319ff1c28c0a2151e3dd4ef701….png)

File: 23c3032b2212d6f⋯.jpg (32.9 KB, 480x374, 240:187, 2dg4wg~2.jpg)

Justin Cooper the bag man.

He's been on Capitol Hill testifying many times for the Clinton's.

797b84 No.2039871


Signs not relevant

Who is


3607f8 No.2039872


Wait, when did Q say he was a LARP?

26e332 No.2039873


>muh jews

aka the cabal, go back to huffingtonpost

a32f14 No.2039874

Awan so big they are reorganizing their approach and gearing up for 180 on Trump. Expect more investigative reporters to join Anons and help cause soon, even if they won't ask the Q!

MSM holds no allegiances to anything but money and are already thinking about the transition.

Journos want in and are being held back by higher ups.

Not all journos are bad, just the ones who are compromised.

Those who are the loudest

Re_read FVEY

Patriots are in control

4bb114 No.2039875


you are glowing…

3607f8 No.2039876


LMAO, have you guys still not tried Giuliani?

Looks very close.

822fc6 No.2039877

File: 01a204051f5dc76⋯.png (399.04 KB, 621x381, 207:127, Screen Shot 2018-07-05 at ….png)


He's kind of short to be this guy. In this image, he's to the left of Skippy.

d29e7c No.2039878

>>2039613 They look happy. Makes me happy to see.

>>2039735 Morning Daybaker. Good to see you. Interesting night. -CB

6251aa No.2039879


>Maybe there was chatter (((they))) were going to go after the team for violating NATSEC, the fake AF1 pic was the result.

Agree. Very logical explanation.

Also could refer to some surveillance/communication tool that was used by the scumbags, and this was their legal defense if they got caught using it.

Sort of like the “claiming Kenyan citizenship” thing (still coming soon?)

74317d No.2039880


Awan already gave them everything they wanted.

accd67 No.2039881

File: 81ddbe31f4a86ee⋯.jpg (14.63 KB, 419x374, 419:374, 35634015_10213894748096336….jpg)

Ohio gozaimusu covfefe!

0f8af6 No.2039882

File: f36aa86824301d2⋯.png (257.73 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, REAL_WITCHES.png)


she is a born in priestess witch

a man?? dunt know about that…

but fer shore she is a priestess witch

black nobility - hidden

011d62 No.2039883

File: 62d032e97666cee⋯.jpg (19.55 KB, 313x200, 313:200, CooperJustin160913CooperCh….jpg)


Still think s? (Pic related)

ff769a No.2039884


Who is the only person looking at the camera?

→ the person on the right (above silver car)

b19d75 No.2039885


the Caucasian male?

6507cb No.2039886

From SMB/Deb…thread.

What are similarities and differences in 2016 Democrat Platform, Mussolini Party's Platform and Nazis Platform.

presidency.ucsb.edu/papers_pdf/117717.pdf …

https://archive.org/details/FascistLaborCharter …

http://www.hitler.org/writings/programme/ …

3607f8 No.2039887


It's called cold reading, it's really not that precise until you apply it retroactively.

9bca07 No.2039888

File: 2425cace9074ced⋯.jpg (42.25 KB, 599x455, 599:455, Ready.JPG)

be28ac No.2039889

File: c141f727c6df814⋯.jpg (44.64 KB, 474x930, 79:155, 9a8b424c45d5dd711440f89422….jpg)


Your rage reveals your inner insecurities, my friend. What are you afraid of?

Please, if you will, take a moment to reflect on this.

Or not, your choice, as everything else.

The same goes for any other Anon to whom this message speaks.

cf2933 No.2039890

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bf91a1 No.2039891

File: c5966f5b4896639⋯.jpg (84.04 KB, 1500x643, 1500:643, China-HNA-Death-e153070683….jpg)

Related to


and remembering similar mishaps in recent past I've stumbled upon this:


The last (most recent) listed here was the one on my mind when searching

So selfies tend to eliminate the makers thereof, similar to pokemon catchers in that aspect.

A good thing.

3607f8 No.2039892


Where's your evidence for that?

745642 No.2039893


obviously, you suck at chess. and probably life.

cb9950 No.2039894


You're a real piece of shit. I've been watching through this bread as you've made veiled threats to a few anons while trying to make us think you have some kind of surveillance doxxing magic. You should most definitely fuck off!

8ece06 No.2039895

File: 1f0659dcac32b3d⋯.jpg (78.09 KB, 620x450, 62:45, Tim-Roth.jpg)


It's no problem to the prosthetics make up artist.

d127ae No.2039896


B4 going in trolling shills mode, I want to tell you one BIG thing.

90% of you, are here for justice/truth.

Pray to your creator, no matter what reliigion you have.

I can tell you that, GOD - CREATOR- SAID: "I MADE YOU AS I AM -FACE, BODY AND SOUL" Say thank you, for this times and oportunity to not be an already satan soul giver for fame, money, pride, whores, etc.

Roads to heaven, goes trough HELL.


f35d8b No.2039897



Rudy is clean.

127684 No.2039898


No. Spy was a satire magazine. Like 'the Onion' of the late '80s and '90s. They shopped.. it as a joke.

b85468 No.2039899

File: 0c6e59a72989efa⋯.png (862.42 KB, 748x746, 374:373, Screen Shot 2018-07-05 at ….png)

A Q “macro-proof”

With all the doubtfaggotry happening here lately, I have been asking myself why I haven’t budged. Really, I’m a very skeptical person by nature, as I’m sure most anons here are. In my regular life, I manage a team of 40 people, and I have a built-in BS detector that has proven to be uncannily accurate. The small Q proofs we often hang our hats on tend to be circumstantial and easily countered as coincidental. Example: POTUS pointing to VIPanon recently in Duluth…truth is POTUS has pointed to hundreds or thousands of rally attendees. Same with the Q gesture POTUS has made on occasion. I think of these as “micro-proofs”, and while they are fun and reassuring, they are not what sways me strongly.

My true and unshakable sways are what I think of as “macro-proofs”…the big picture validation that requires me to view Q in totality. There are many, many macro-proofs, but sometimes they are easy to lose sight in the day to day maelstrom of cryptic posts and constant shill bombardment.

Here’s one macro-proof that rings very true to my core, and is one of many that cement my trust in Q and in the Plan:

SESSIONS: Let’s put the pieces together.

1. Sessions appears to the naked eye to suck…and suck badly.

2. POTUS has a remarkable managerial track record, and is well-known for summarily firing people who suck..this is indisputable.

3. POTUS hasn’t fired Sessions, even though there have been countless reasons on the surface to do so.

4. Thus POTUS clearly trusts Sessions, but is keeping this trust in stealth mode.

5. Enter Q. Q has been a lone voice in the wilderness from the beginning telling us to “Trust Sessions”.

6. Neither POTUS nor Q have budged in their assessment of Sessions.

7. Both Q and POTUS have trusted Sessions when no-one else does - POTUS in stealth mode, Q overtly.

8. Of the countless key players who do NOT trust Sessions, POTUS and Q happen to be the only 2 who consistently do.

9. Put all this together, and POTUS trusts Sessions but is employing The Art of War tactics, which is exactly what Q has told us from the very beginning.

10. Sessions is a macro-proof that Q is working closely with POTUS, and thus is the real deal.

There are many, many more macro-proofs. To me, these are far more powerful than pictures from airplane windows, hand gestures or interesting timing of tweets.


223d27 No.2039900

Anyone know this cat?

Viral video: Teen says he was attacked for wearing 'Make American Great Again' hat


b19d75 No.2039901


EXACTLY! It could mean so many different things and because we don't know we some are trying to call it out as a problem with Q.

Even now some are doing it. I'd bet it's the clowns trying to create mistrust. They don't realize they've already lost, KEK

745642 No.2039902


laughing your ass off? Do you have a clue how tall, or in his case, short guiliani is? he's not towering over any asians idiot.

011d62 No.2039903


Looks like Lord Jacob Rothschild with dyed hair.

ed2dbf No.2039904


Nice post anon. And quite informative too. We need folks like you, someone still able to question everything rather than being another lemming led off the cliff (if it turns out that Q was comped at some point).

53d302 No.2039905


If it was me calling the shots, I'd do it over a period of 4 years with four months in each year filled with BOOM, drop the bomb then soften the blow, allow time to recover and again. Then in 2024 say Hi to Jesus. But, that's probably just me

3607f8 No.2039906


Did Q ever say subject in pic is dirty? Expand your thinking.

f35d8b No.2039907

File: 7b7f9a2424ea097⋯.jpg (83.48 KB, 720x525, 48:35, b7d8515e5f206f023d397aa291….jpg)

File: a520a3b8dafed8c⋯.jpg (30.5 KB, 227x333, 227:333, 2dergp~2.jpg)

The whacky world of Barry and big Mike.

Both Obama's have had nose jobs.

293d99 No.2039908


The swamp is draining, but very few people will see any justice, and it is a small drop in a very large bucket. The media still controls the narrative. The cabal is still in control.

127684 No.2039909


Giuliani? The dude is like 5'10". Maybe 5'11'.

Guy in this pic has got to be at least 6'3".

dfebd0 No.2039910

File: 2f1f185a28a5aa1⋯.png (98.48 KB, 587x592, 587:592, 2f1f185a28a5aa198cd043b7be….png)

File: a2355990aab5528⋯.png (9.53 KB, 588x115, 588:115, a2355990aab552809547df3ffb….png)

db946d No.2039911

"Police are investigating after a teen says he was verbally attacked and assaulted at a Whataburger for wearing a Make America Great Again hat."


797b84 No.2039912


Style Guide

Do you wear black shoes with brown pants

Who is looking to be picked up


6507cb No.2039913


Every court except those in DC can bring charges against Awan and his wife. Dem stronghold DC would probably not convict him anyway.

Moreover, his father, brother and any other conspirators are still subject to prosecution, even in DC.

3c40f8 No.2039914


kys shill

bf91a1 No.2039915


I wouldn't worry too much about this.

Message probably not meant for anons:

the guy it is intended for (you know who you are) will have gotten it for sure by now.

As another anon has pointed out we don't even know this is the guy to IDEN

could be the midget in front of him (them)

them could be SEC detail for all we know

b19d75 No.2039916


I swear that looks like a little girl standing facing the camera in the passing truck.

c8d4e2 No.2039917


Q, Kavanaugh, Kethledge or Barrett?

48192b No.2039918

File: 56a32e922834354⋯.jpg (79.13 KB, 373x530, 373:530, BewitchedOne.jpg)

File: 062ea8073107023⋯.jpg (84.01 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Coverdetail.jpg)

>>2039168 (pb)

soi boys with face paint masks is the illusion part.

This an information or non linear war. A mind way. The terrain is your mind. Their attack is on human consciousness.

They want us dumb, confined to a small vocabulary, ignorant of our own history, addled

with drugs and an at odds with each other.

Why will you chose to do what they desire you to do despite the fact it is contrary to your own interests, the national interest and the interests of civilization as a whole?

Reflexive Game theory includes classical gt. "occult science" etc.

Words retain (just like numbers) their original meaning

The lies we can readily see are those we are meant to see.

The real deception is in unseen lies, the lies are there, and binding. The illusion is rooted in original meaning of words not in their common usage. Words and numbers both have inherent objective meaning, and it doesn't change.

You can argue that the definition of words changes or drifts over time but the meaning in the root word is the legal binding one . NOT POPULAR USAGE.

When a car salesman tells you "never mind the contract, this what it really means, " you might believe him, you may be happy with the contract, but if you become up happy the decision of the the courts will disregard what the salesman said because popular definitions are not formally binding.

Calling a woman a bitch is calling her a female dog. Language shapes perceptual systems.

It's a Phoenician game, this system of deception one which fascinates writers like Joyce and Pound.

Illusion also depends on variety, a rapid array of topics, all hot button issues, all trivial all off point, and if one doesn't work, try the next, if the next doesn't work start a war. There's a story.


45565d No.2039919


Wrong. You'll see.

4eecf1 No.2039920



all the recent pics are practice sessions for the upcoming drops!

667570 No.2039921




be28ac No.2039922


You seem certain in this.

Could you explain? I find myself curious as to your reasoning? :)

Not trying to dismiss, only to understand how you reached this conclusion.

c8d4e2 No.2039923


Kavanaugh, Thapar or Barrett

d13f68 No.2039924

File: 4b7b633bccaba26⋯.jpg (66.11 KB, 547x607, 547:607, FROGure.JPG)


Well said, Anon. Helpful to be able to keep the 40k view in mind amidst all the chaos.

8a91ee No.2039925

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


I'd be impressed.

ac2067 No.2039926



Drama is a bad look for this place.

Seems to be sorted now, thankfully.

How are you holding up?

6f9a22 No.2039927


How long does it take to play a game of chess? Usually the player who wins won in the first dozen moves. This is now over 1.5 years, which is in fact the time that Trump said we would be pleased. And.. well.. I'm not pleased. Not one bit

3607f8 No.2039928


Are you not skeptical after the AF1 "proof"? What do you make of that?

6251aa No.2039929

File: 5bfe32c534b40c6⋯.jpg (118.74 KB, 1200x1418, 600:709, Tiresias.jpg)



kek. nice one.

another of Tiresias’s features involves his having lived as a man, then as a woman, and then as a man again. Reportedly, he had been turned into a woman as the result of having struck and wounded mating snakes. When Tiresias returned to the site of the transformation seven years later to see if the “spell” could be reversed, Tiresias did indeed see the same snakes coupling and was changed back into a man.

That experience of life as both sexes may have inadvertently caused his blindness.

aa49e0 No.2039930

File: 6249a3c6d8c2b28⋯.jpg (264.95 KB, 902x694, 451:347, PizzaProof.jpg)

More pizza proof?


3607f8 No.2039931


Then you're a legit cuck.

6f9a22 No.2039932


All I see is 8ch mirroring disorders

ed2dbf No.2039933


Wow anon. I've never seen that pic before and I am one that subscribes to the theory all is not what we were told as it relates to Michelle. I think Joan Rivers died for discussing it and I believe the children were gifted by Nesbitt and Blanchard. That last point, if ever revealed, would send most people to the hospital. I think Malia (or was it Sasha?) had her public meltdown, and acted out, after she found out.

8093b3 No.2039934

b19d75 No.2039935

File: f5f0daf68289e4c⋯.png (1.41 MB, 877x743, 877:743, Screenshot_34.png)



oopps forgot pic again.

The woman standing on the right next block looks like she is looking for someone.

822fc6 No.2039936


Dubs of truth, here.

b6b4dd No.2039937


Thanks for sharing, anon… Bear in mind. Ontario is right across the border from BUFFALO, NY!

This EXACT thing is going on on US soil, right across the border from this.


6f9a22 No.2039938


No, we need Trump to FIRE TRUST (name)

6507cb No.2039939


Hope Pelosi, Waters, and Schumer are super proud of their movement.

Fits right in with their fictitious concern about caring for kids.

44289b No.2039940


Nice try.

If you think Potus doesnt know what is going on here, with all of the buzzword traffic that is generated here by dropping names and terms, you really have a thinking problem.

If you think Potus would/could know we were folowing a larp ( logical implication larp would be putting us in danger) and NOT discredit months ago, you have a Patriot problem.

Either way: nope. Nice try

ff769a No.2039941


what did you mean yesterday with , " rani or picnic day? "

26e332 No.2039942

File: 591de26ccce8558⋯.webm (4.56 MB, 512x288, 16:9, Getting visual data from ….webm)

File: 473b880b7e5214e⋯.jpg (23.26 KB, 842x425, 842:425, cat brain.jpg)


watch this

d13f68 No.2039943

File: 84fe74a725f42c9⋯.jpg (151 KB, 1016x1200, 127:150, 0NesbittKids.jpg)

485e97 No.2039944

Sorry, but did 5:5 pass?

I wanted to see the big boom; and finally see unsealed indictments and the DC swamp finally come to its knees. Boom.

466c90 No.2039945

File: 96bbb5506b135f7⋯.png (511.8 KB, 719x522, 719:522, cnnr.PNG)

File: baabd865e242f28⋯.png (397.5 KB, 620x314, 310:157, cnnr2.PNG)

797b84 No.2039946


Who is it

Why pickup

Safe Harbor


3bd998 No.2039947


Assange and Soros are friends? That makes me want to like him less now, prostitution aside.

3c40f8 No.2039948


found the asshurt kike


22e3a7 No.2039949

Did we miss the fireworks?

26e332 No.2039950

File: 59ed6b8b6462200⋯.jpg (27.11 KB, 320x399, 320:399, 1470967338131.jpg)

bf91a1 No.2039951

File: ab4e9c749c55626⋯.jpg (117.95 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, theatre.jpg)

ed2dbf No.2039952


Great informative post anon.

293d99 No.2039953


We are in control-Q. Awan pleas guilty an walks. All other swamp rats walk. The media still drives the narrative. The tech companies censor with impunity. The banks still rob us to this day. The glorious happenings haven't happened. We are more divided than ever. Midterms will prove one way or the other i guess.

e3da86 No.2039954


because people will buy garbage, but they won't buy bullshit.

745642 No.2039955


not in the least. you anons totally botched that analysis, just as you did with the united plane photo which is at sky harbor and not SFO. both hold as much weight as all the pathetic FE "proofs". ask yourself this….why wouldnt trump (if we all can agree he is a patriot and white hat) let us know if Q is not our friend?

10aeb9 No.2039956

File: 4477383821fc066⋯.jpg (49.21 KB, 636x317, 636:317, fn2.JPG)

Raymond Kethledge and Brett Kavanaugh are said to be the front-runners to replace Justice Kennedy.

3bd998 No.2039957


PEC is across the lake from Rochester. Niagara is across the river from Buffalo.

011d62 No.2039958

File: 3085df9111bf31f⋯.jpg (11.29 MB, 6150x4267, 6150:4267, SewingCards.jpg)


"We Have EVerythiing" including DDOS / 8chHACKs Antedote Dumbass. Q Came here because he didn;t go anywhere else not fr Gogle Level security sheeeeesh

Deal, you;ve been TRUMPed.

b19d75 No.2039959


Is that @snowden's GF?

d51f4d No.2039960

Can anybody get their hands on some facial recognition software?

9ec897 No.2039961


Kino Jimenez is his name.


67c908 No.2039962


People are retarded, if this thing wasn't real, it would have been shut down as a Nat Sec issue months ago. You think they are just oblivious to it and allowing it while its not real? I see.

bd12c7 No.2039963

File: d93d4ecf55a24da⋯.jpg (30.39 KB, 260x408, 65:102, download.jpg)

File: e46ae7fede9cdcb⋯.png (39.24 KB, 902x502, 451:251, urgent.Q.chelsea.Justin.Co….png)

File: 78f7e24a267efe8⋯.png (28.95 KB, 759x455, 759:455, jc.cc.FATMER.haiti.png)

File: f2e56a639d50ce0⋯.png (28.2 KB, 888x458, 444:229, cheryl.mills.diane.chelsea.png)

File: e4cf0d0aba7a820⋯.jpg (61.42 KB, 420x332, 105:83, FARMER.HAITI.jpg)

justin cooper set up the server and hired all responsible

chelsea accused him of installing spyware and actively using it

curiously his testimony to congress seemed candid and importantly, when asked how many servers were klintons NY house, he claimed there were 3

if you look at FBI testimony on how many servers, there many BS answers

justin specifically testified to 3

from that point I knew he would be to one to unlock everything

if so, good luck Justin

577405 No.2039964

File: 91502b1549bf817⋯.jpg (40.01 KB, 255x399, 85:133, PhotoForensics.JPG)


Damn you're right. That's a sharp eye you've got there, anon.

d29e7c No.2039966


Good thanks.

Anger is a crystallizing emotion.

Did you see that threat shit?


bb8b93 No.2039968

File: ae183039f4b89c2⋯.png (19.96 KB, 371x280, 53:40, Screenshot_2018-07-05-04-5….png)

File: 23c3032b2212d6f⋯.jpg (32.9 KB, 480x374, 240:187, 2dg4wg~2.jpg)

File: f0f03b0735794f0⋯.png (69.93 KB, 426x543, 142:181, Screenshot_2018-07-05-05-2….png)

The Fixer.

ea176e No.2039969

I don't understand some of these people calling Q a larp for that one picture. Either they are massive shills or haven't been following Q more than a day. If you've been following Q for a long time and still just throw him under the bus for that one picture, you have never been serious about this whole movement.

bdb15d No.2039970



Can’t zoom in close enough to make out facial. First instinct is to say it’s Hussein, but don’t think he’d walk around unprotected. The guy waiting for “blue shirt” is in peach shirt and carrying black satchel or case. The bagman is making a drop!

011d62 No.2039971


Yes he is key, Yes he is too short to be the guy in the phto.

48192b No.2039973

File: d48f2a5766708d6⋯.jpg (37.97 KB, 317x462, 317:462, f0d83fc2149d9723a1f23ec054….jpg)

File: 917ffe808a0ea29⋯.png (759.22 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, FGY7OFo.png)

Newfags Do NOT respond to shills.

293d99 No.2039974


The reason this hasn't been shut down due to Nat sec is because it is being allowed to happen. Think about it. The cabal always wins. They have been in power for centuries, and it is not because they are stupid. You really believe some shit poster anonymous source and a reality TV star is stopping them? Oooookaaaay

466c90 No.2039975

File: f7db3178e8605c6⋯.png (457.46 KB, 733x458, 733:458, temmp.PNG)

memes are safe for now but was a close vote 318-278

3607f8 No.2039976


It wasn't just the PIC it was that the STORY CHANGED 3 TIMES AFTER. Go re-read!

db946d No.2039977


They only care about illegal immigrant kids (even the young MS13 members). They don't give two shits about MAGA kids or the unborn in the womb.

35c66b No.2039978

Is it true that julian assange is friends with george soros?

bf91a1 No.2039979


eagle eyed anons

focus focus

011d62 No.2039980

Shills must have a 430AM clck-in - bard is lagging the enitre last hour - Anon Out~

WORK! GDPSEED ←best Typo evah leaving it

5d3f82 No.2039981

Does this have any significant bearing on how to secure border and do a final flush of the swamp?

T-Day is the effective day coincident with Presidential declaration of national emergency and authorization of partial mobilization (not more than 1,000,000 personnel exclusive of the 200,000 callup). (US)


74fb84 No.2039982


KEK…and y'all were checking out his 50cal rifle instead…..

3607f8 No.2039983


It's become useful ie: regime change in Iran. Remember the wikileaks tweet? Make more sense now?

MEK are not our friends.

bd12c7 No.2039984


check all wikileaks

from chelsea/diane reynolds

and specifically those related to foundation, doug band, justin cooper, braverman

there are several copies of the server(s)

bb8b93 No.2039985

File: 7cadebb663a8b5b⋯.png (40.53 KB, 480x730, 48:73, Screenshot_2018-07-05-05-3….png)

4eecf1 No.2039986


no no no

very misleading

it is CRITICAL that Q is not a LARP

there are 2 levels to the GA and drain the swamp

the regular POTUS public actions AND the behind the scenes/Q plan - if these is NO second layer (no Q) then there will be GA and no victory

anons role is here on this board and are "the important ones" here BUT without Q we are a hive w/o a queen - NOT sustainable

there can be no "IF Q is a LARP" doubts - think anons - how to explaim SA and sealed indictments - it is now IMPOSSIBLE to reconcile and my name is doubting thomas


this type of analysis is a Q is a LARP SLIDE to sow doubt

do not fall for it

you too BO what are you thinking?

bf91a1 No.2039987



close call EUanons

2450b4 No.2039988

File: c2914174ab0d4cb⋯.jpg (875.35 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, google..jpg)


Just a guess

2dd3ef No.2039989

File: 940a530f08e941c⋯.png (57.01 KB, 1512x729, 56:27, Screenshot-2018-7-4 Try ou….png)


> It can be very discouraging to have everything you do and say be completely shit on or ignored, while seeing breads fall in to chaos at the same time.

ya, it's bad enough in the main bread but with BO not allowing any public vetting of the BAKERS we get shit and now we have to pick thru in the notables

Was that AFLB? we'll never know

138f7d No.2039990

File: 72030e0679b890a⋯.png (75.4 KB, 948x843, 316:281, B1.png)

File: b916483cfe792cf⋯.png (81.14 KB, 948x840, 79:70, B2.png)

File: a4604b2be2a23ee⋯.png (79.77 KB, 945x840, 9:8, B3.png)

File: 297347892c46f17⋯.png (28.52 KB, 947x335, 947:335, B4.png)


Has this been debunked?

Any link to a breakdown in this email?


b19d75 No.2039991

File: 1a1d9685891593b⋯.png (663.47 KB, 634x502, 317:251, L Mills.png)

File: 730bd49443f35bb⋯.png (388.83 KB, 434x314, 217:157, L. Mills.png)

File: f9ed26dcc24612b⋯.png (165.56 KB, 229x277, 229:277, LMills.png)


Lindsay Mills

she began posting again in March of last year, and shared many of those posts to Instagram. The blog contains numerous photos of Mills – sometimes wearing little clothing – and features a glimpse of her life in Russia, where Snowden has asylum until next year. In June, she shared photos from her travels to Poland and Iceland, and just last month shared a rare shot of her and Snowden together in a post titled “.vacay.”

bd12c7 No.2039992

File: 4b1508353360da0⋯.jpg (28.91 KB, 460x312, 115:78, marc.rich.jpg)

File: 28bf4493bdb1752⋯.jpg (41.66 KB, 480x320, 3:2, m.rich.jpg)

File: bb04a824675c256⋯.jpg (107.07 KB, 512x452, 128:113, gaddaffi.deripaska.jpg)

File: 75d35388f836b1f⋯.jpg (17.13 KB, 300x234, 50:39, core.jpg)

File: 30a51325142f8fe⋯.jpg (19.25 KB, 640x344, 80:43, deripaska.munk.rothschild.jpg)

d29e7c No.2039993


Truth is the message.

Not the messenger.

That is what it means

to remember how to play.

d127ae No.2039994




Human brains can - moar then you know-

The smartest on this planet are dolphins!

Ever heard this term GROUP workshop?

I bet you did.

Well - here's the skepsis - a group of here, connected, will beat all the fking fk criminals.

There is also FROUP WORKSHOP - for dreams.

bd12c7 No.2039996

File: c9deac1e69ca35c⋯.jpg (28.99 KB, 474x631, 474:631, child.traffic.jpg)

File: c6c2428f0355feb⋯.jpg (45.75 KB, 512x335, 512:335, frens.jpg)

File: 9fb31ecd4b62661⋯.png (54.4 KB, 820x287, 20:7, michaels.millions.png)

fa3a0e No.2039997



26e332 No.2039998

File: f56b37aea688baf⋯.jpg (41.32 KB, 450x349, 450:349, FOLLOW THE PLAN.jpg)

bf851e No.2039999

File: 44b264930f2e95a⋯.jpg (183.55 KB, 1486x1414, 743:707, Sonitus Therapy.jpg)


This was from the IQT digs and the black projects they were funding, was just a theory as Q said the spook therapist targeting weak minds were worth the dig if you could identify the spook. The IQT digs unearthed just about everything the CIA was funding in the tech world. Therapist + comped dentist(they love dental chairs before pigs) could send more voices

48192b No.2040001

File: e29b698c24bd2d7⋯.png (23.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 335b8b2436c4737e418357e911….png)

File: c127bb990b4e4c2⋯.jpg (149.49 KB, 2616x382, 1308:191, Kayfabe.JPG)

Many anons auto filter namefags. If you want more to read your don't name fag.


bb8b93 No.2040003

File: 7c174f6079d7a67⋯.png (401.37 KB, 437x780, 437:780, 319ff1c28c0a2151e3dd4ef701….png)

File: f0f03b0735794f0⋯.png (69.93 KB, 426x543, 142:181, Screenshot_2018-07-05-05-2….png)

File: 23c3032b2212d6f⋯.jpg (32.9 KB, 480x374, 240:187, 2dg4wg~2.jpg)

Was cleaning up the mess at the kindergarten.

293d99 No.2040004


Remember how to play. This is not a game-Q

Disinformation is necessary - Q

Believe everything Q says-8chan anons

Good luck with your psychosis

c739fa No.2040005


This can't be Tracy Diaz as she is still sleeping off last night's wine. So one of you other faggots trying to remain relevant?

cf2933 No.2040006


This is fucked.

1eeae3 No.2040008

File: ce7574e1b6a551b⋯.png (1.44 MB, 910x602, 65:43, ClipboardImage.png)

OK ANONs, 4th of July is over, did we get fireworks???

….or same ol same ol

493046 No.2040009

File: 7838939316d7cc0⋯.jpg (231.73 KB, 1149x842, 1149:842, IQ.jpg)

bb8b93 No.2040010

File: ece022c15d6d70d⋯.jpg (55.69 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 2de53n~2.jpg)


Ate you lonely?

ff769a No.2040012


if i'm not mistaken anons yesterday thought it was @snowden

b19d75 No.2040013


It's fake and gay anon. If you can't discern between the body of a male and female, you don't belong here.

2a68d5 No.2040014

File: 790dd92bd85b827⋯.png (111.05 KB, 683x774, 683:774, ClipboardImage.png)

Saw this in notables.

Who is this guy?

7f85fb No.2040015

File: 56485182a5a028b⋯.png (891.16 KB, 1663x927, 1663:927, Science says liberals not….png)

Finally they are speaking some TRUTH.

Confirming what we knew for a looooooong time!!

bf91a1 No.2040016

File: e2257b9cbd428a8⋯.jpg (13.59 KB, 500x269, 500:269, 2018.07.05mueller.jpg)

Who else finds the Mueller gimmick resembling more and more the Stormy one?


d0aa54 No.2040017

>>2039325 pb

This should be in the Global section for a couple days. Thanks for all you do BO.

493046 No.2040018


Lots of fireworks, CIA Nigger. Best $100 I ever spent, except I almost lit my hair on fire.

48192b No.2040019

start a thread and devoted to this fascinating area


8d6957 No.2040020

File: a48775c13f31c25⋯.jpg (47.72 KB, 656x442, 328:221, lennonstaysir.JPG)

File: 378a875b5a76e3c⋯.jpg (112.71 KB, 1164x636, 97:53, kokeshbrandis2.jpg)

File: a43d6e747ded549⋯.jpg (49.86 KB, 212x219, 212:219, otoplasty-alex-jones-bill-….jpg)

File: fa2eafc47f0d161⋯.jpg (82.96 KB, 982x595, 982:595, phoenixdice.jpg)

just catching up

Comment about James Dean

This was just leaked to make it seem normal since so many do that, such as Hick-Jones, etc.,.Leaked with a benign motive.

Motive for all this is not benign.

The real reason is culture conditioning.

Do you really believe that a talented actor just quit at the top, because he didn't like attention?

Truly his "death" traumatized a generation, ( just as many deaths of the young and talented are scripted to do) That was the purpose.

Do you really think a "rival studio" paid him $1500 per week for~60 years just to avoid competition? Through many changes in ownership? Why even make such a deal, Just get him out of his contract and hire him. They do that all the time. No it was a social engineering project - that's why he tried to become famous again many years later and worked in local theater. Because he wanted to exercise his trade, at which he was very talented. Why not be at the top and get the pick of the best parts? Liars.

You have to have known people who were teenagers then to understand how James Dean "death" traumatized the '50's generation. First he modeled the "Rebel" Much as the "death" of "Morrison" of the Doors [of perception; book of Huxley reference] and other musicians of the 60's and so many others.


"Death of John Lennon" also faked.

22e3a7 No.2040021


Looks like a famefag to me.

138f7d No.2040023


No, Im just an anon that found the letter on a YouTube channel. Just like to read a debunk on it. Guess it has been up before.

We are all here for the truth, if it cant be debunked then we got a problem.

Dont expect everyone to be a shill, clown or what ever…

6507cb No.2040024


If true, wonder who paid for surgery at John Hopkins?

d127ae No.2040025

File: f93a7d3531c18ca⋯.jpg (192.03 KB, 1300x956, 325:239, harder.jpg)

ea176e No.2040026


Delayed until september.

293d99 No.2040027

We are winning-Q

Think mirror-Q

493046 No.2040028

File: d086dedafb1bd0e⋯.jpg (127.9 KB, 960x720, 4:3, rabbit.jpg)

22e3a7 No.2040029


So Q was referencing your $100 fireworks show huh?

7a2f9a No.2040030

File: 08d4fd70fce2320⋯.jpg (387.96 KB, 1081x730, 1081:730, Screen Shot 07-05-18 at 01….JPG)

File: d3704ed67543b8d⋯.jpg (185.12 KB, 523x526, 523:526, Screen Shot 07-05-18 at 01….JPG)

File: 5d1d290c505c938⋯.jpg (458.96 KB, 1081x833, 1081:833, Screen Shot 07-05-18 at 01….JPG)

Reuters has been caught spreading fake news after falsely reporting that the Russian embassy in the Netherlands said that Britain was “dumb” to drum up another Novichok story during the World Cup.

In a rush to break the latest development in the new Novichok saga, it appears that Reuters has jumbled the facts in a tweet.

“Russian embassy in Netherlands says Britain ‘dumb’ to use Novichok story again in the middle of soccer World Cup – Twitter,” read a Reuters news alert.


9323ff No.2040031




Been out a couple of days. Question:

What happened to increase the "Q is a larp" shills? Was it:

1. Q's posts about trolling?


2. Are the photos of the reflection of iPhones reflections cast on a stock photo, or are we looking at original pictures by POTUS?

I'm just confused. Maybe someone can help clarify.

bf851e No.2040032

File: a85d5992563522e⋯.jpeg (106.38 KB, 300x342, 50:57, Killary, the Destroyer of….jpeg)

File: d0bb36aa6548f7f⋯.jpg (317.71 KB, 620x2228, 155:557, KKK#walkout.jpg)

File: c3ffe50fd40c6e6⋯.jpg (22 KB, 177x255, 59:85, MadMax1.jpg)

File: 7ec7ddb64dcd2fb⋯.png (351.77 KB, 463x679, 463:679, MAKEITRAIN.png)

File: 00834ab152531e3⋯.gif (3.19 MB, 511x250, 511:250, Miller.gif)


I know you are just a shill but Q has created a well-informed militia now, before the election the country was already gearing up for civil war as Renegade, Peovores in Silicon Valley, Rapists/pedos in Pedowood, Pedos in DC, and pedos in the mockingbird media like CNN, Comedy Central, NBC, ABC were doing everything they can to swing our election with help of voter fraud. But Trump rallied 3-5 times daily and we showed up to vote, we won, now you are scared because God wins. I get it, but your memes that you and your pimple faced virigins snicker at have no affect here. You and your 'friends' need to know this.

c739fa No.2040033


It's been posted here many times.

Good project for you though, if you have free time go ahead and research and debunk it.

Problem solved.

1eeae3 No.2040035


>>Q fucking told you he is a larp.


ce72a2 No.2040036


Why are people putting so much faith into CDAN?

You do realize you yourself could go and submit a blind item? Just create a factitious story and see what drama you can stir up. Don't give anything on that sitemore than a cursory view. Sure, some blinds must be genuine, but separating the chaff from the wheat is a fool's errand.

5af8dd No.2040037


not necessarily faked deaths

when the star outlives their usefulness or develops a social conscience, bye-bye

3607f8 No.2040038


An anon campaign EVERY TIME FAKE NEWS HAPPENS would probably be very productive. Meme the shit out of it!

d63682 No.2040039


white dude dudes right foot has no shadow as he's stepping forward. Asian guys feet are on one side of the body and his arm's on the other.

493046 No.2040040

File: d3ee80c3c22f8d3⋯.jpg (141.77 KB, 799x626, 799:626, duterteshill.jpg)


Q never said anything about 4th of July fireworks. You do realize that we can read?

3c40f8 No.2040041

Morning anons!

Dont forget that later today there is a rally, this time it is in Great Falls, Montana…

And don't forget, one of our favorite political cartoonists lives in Montana.

ff769a No.2040042


you see the scall is different dont ya?

22e3a7 No.2040043


Shill would like talk of jews to stop as well as calls Q a larp.


3607f8 No.2040044


Option 2, for me. Not happy about the explanation changing a few times either.

f1164c No.2040045


I love that one

7a2f9a No.2040046

File: 5a9564231a36e13⋯.jpg (207.65 KB, 521x511, 521:511, Screen Shot 07-05-18 at 01….JPG)

File: a721fb443b4330a⋯.jpg (489.79 KB, 1043x810, 1043:810, Screen Shot 07-05-18 at 01….JPG)

File: dcf26fcc3ea50d6⋯.jpg (669.24 KB, 1043x884, 1043:884, Screen Shot 07-05-18 at 01….JPG)

New Zealand has moved a step closer toward extraditing Kim Dotcom, after the Court of Appeal ruled on Thursday in favor of the US case. Dotcom has vowed to fight the decision, saying "it has the value of toilet paper."

Thursday's loss has become the third in line for Internet entrepreneur Dotcom. Earlier, his appeal was rejected consecutively by New Zealand's North Shore District Court and the High Court.

In its ruling on Thursday, the Court of Appeal argued that the US case was warranted, as it relied on "available extradition pathways" propped up by "sufficient evidence."


493046 No.2040047


No one is. Unless you consider the shills human.

bf851e No.2040048

File: 0e54c8ddf1df47e⋯.jpg (108.88 KB, 666x499, 666:499, Mornin`.jpg)


morning anon! Will be looking for his hat in the VIP section! Q shirts inbound?

3607f8 No.2040049



fuck off

bd12c7 No.2040050

File: f943666a70103ec⋯.png (54.73 KB, 1234x580, 617:290, justin.cooper.png)

any cursory review of hrc wikileaks emails re

justin cooper

doug band

chelsea clinton / diane reynolds

turns up casual conversation that is prima facie evidence of dozens of felonies

cf2933 No.2040051


I think its ridiculous, Anderson suckin Soros' cock…

b19d75 No.2040052

File: 04bfd280444a722⋯.png (626.93 KB, 936x688, 117:86, Screenshot_37.png)

File: f9ed26dcc24612b⋯.png (165.56 KB, 229x277, 229:277, LMills.png)


Lindsay Mills

@Snowden's GF.

5af8dd No.2040053


same person as paid for Hussein's "education"…

Al-waleed bin talal

34cf47 No.2040054


I would put no confidence at all in the blind items cdan disinfo. If we get lots of these anonymous mysterious all knowing sources then maybe new board visitors will get confused as to which are fake and which are Q.

bf91a1 No.2040055

Well whadda ya know? The left is eating its own


well @Jack, caught between a rock and a hard place, are we?

d127ae No.2040056


Don't worry…..

"You'll not score a woman even your cumm will cure cancer."

30463c No.2040057

File: a098554779389e4⋯.png (2.24 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, dddd668509033890e3a0cd0976….png)

File: 9149e0e0e13f6bb⋯.png (8.11 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 9149e0e0e13f6bb6936f32d720….png)

Same location, different time, right?

ce72a2 No.2040058


Sometimes I wonder… newfags abound.

11c59d No.2040059



493046 No.2040060


Those specific phrases were used on 12/10/17 and 12/11/17. Um, keep trying?

bdb15d No.2040061


They’ve been calling Q a Larp since. Nov. 2017 some people have. Mainly the “larpers” are here to sow doubt and cause confusion. We are on the right track. This plan has been in the works for yrs and when it is all over, we’ll have the Clintons to thank! Because if it weren’t for them, others would not be motivated to bring it all crashing down. The msm is toast! They foolishly report as news every little thing that makes potus look bad. In the end, POTUS always seems to turn their “news” upside down, I love it!

bf851e No.2040062

File: 821c8b6cd2665b4⋯.jpg (32 KB, 337x284, 337:284, (you)plcan.jpg)


That is because you are too stupid to figure out that not every crumb is a message to anons so you play the divisive game because you have never read the crumbs

3c40f8 No.2040063

File: 4d6793c84d07a53⋯.png (301.52 KB, 861x552, 287:184, yessss.png)


There seemed to be one special firework at the Washington DC fireworks show…

Looked like a Q…

22e3a7 No.2040064


You can barely light fireworks without injuring yourself and you expect us to know you can read?

1eeae3 No.2040065



so…same ole same ol'

bf91a1 No.2040066

File: dc4323f1c8df24d⋯.png (206.25 KB, 640x480, 4:3, H-D-Getty-Images-640x480.png)

Would someone please get him a copy of The art of the Deal?


2a68d5 No.2040067


CDAN has been proven correct over and over again.

Now go fuck yourself.

293d99 No.2040068


Shill? Nope. Don't care about you muh jews talk. Keep it up. Im sure Q would approve. Especially since Q told you to help the normies out they show. So keep up the muh jews rants. Makes me laugh

493046 No.2040069

File: 6c853b007e3204c⋯.jpg (296.78 KB, 1299x1105, 1299:1105, shillnoose.jpg)

b6b4dd No.2040070

Our problem is and always has been with LAW ENFORCEMENT. Regardless of what shitbag politician is in office, it’s law enforcement that carries out (((their))) will and protects (((their))) interests.

Think about it… How much EVIDENCE has been laid out on these boards? Do you think law enforcement has not seen this? What the hell are they waiting on? A public awakening??? They don’t need a fucking public awakening to arrest a guilty man/woman of crimes we have evidence for.

Broward County… Las Vegas… How many more examples do you need? WE THE PEOPLE, need to rise up and take this country back. Those we have entrusted to protect our nation have failed us. We have the power to change things overnight…

If we only walked our talk.

385123 No.2040072

File: 0da472818d9a37c⋯.png (294.74 KB, 646x508, 323:254, ttig.png)


Correct you are, that's Grrrrrate!

4eecf1 No.2040073


"World needed a Troll and has been BLESSED with the Worlds Greatest"

plus who knew RG was so silly..


bf851e No.2040074


>Why is HRC in NZ?

>Is NZ part of 5 Eyes?

>Why is that relevant?

I think Kim is coming to America

6f9a22 No.2040075


On the western front, nothing new.

bf4c46 No.2040076

File: 88abab3080a3069⋯.png (4.11 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d32bf5b78d15b6b⋯.png (1.09 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, ClipboardImage.png)

Included the "find snowden" photo from March 7, 2018. It's the same section of road but obviously at different times. [/perspective]

74317d No.2040077



3607f8 No.2040078



June 28, June 20, etc. FIREWORKS

ce72a2 No.2040079


Eat shit, faggot, and re-read my post. Some are genuine, others are just horseshit. Blind items can be submitted by ANYONE. This is the internet, retard, you understand what that means?

011d62 No.2040080




30f057 No.2040081

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


They were trying to kill American

the innocence, the faith in goodness.

"The Day the Music Died"

They still are doing that shit with the false staged "shootings" Why did the Las Vegas patsy show up in Atlantic City a few days later.

The want to program suicide, saves them the effort.

"good ol boys were drinking whiskey and rye saying 'this will be the day that I die'"

BYE BYE Miss American Pie.

How much more obvious can you get?

4eecf1 No.2040082



Q is not a messenger

Q is action

we get crumbs before and after action occurs

crumbs are the clues to the truth OR clues to mislead so that we can try to figure out which is which and be ready when future proves past and we know

493046 No.2040083

File: e1dbe9abd7710cd⋯.jpg (8.4 KB, 229x220, 229:220, missing brain.jpg)

44289b No.2040084


This blind is not fresh/just the reveal. Perhaps Assange has comms eith S*r*s, perhaps not. He can leave the embassy at any time; of course there are consequences either way. If I were in that position (having published what has been published) i would likely hide in an embassy and keep comms open, too. There is too much JA worship here, imho. I am pulling for him, sure, but I always bear in mind he appears to uphold the globalist social thinking and seems to think of the American people as sheep as well. It is just important to bear in mind the reality of JA when entertaining the hope of JA. * and I hope for magic (no “k”) in this aspect of the story.

9ec897 No.2040085


The guys been named Kino Jimenez.


81c566 No.2040086

Q I am losing confidence. Can you please post something? It's ok if it's brief and cryptic, I can fill in what's missing. Something like this





would fix me up. Thanks.

3c40f8 No.2040087



He isnt a fucking famefag lol…

He is a WH Correspondant

aka, he has access to press briefing room

2a68d5 No.2040088


Yeah right dick nipple… they are called READER BLINDS.

bb8b93 No.2040089

File: 1f31964758256cd⋯.jpg (30.93 KB, 255x399, 85:133, 91502b1549bf817b7c668ad8fe….jpg)


Kimberly will make an excellent first lady in 2024.

PS: Jr is getting some sweet tail.

48192b No.2040090

File: e2578377b11d5fa⋯.png (75.31 KB, 1056x816, 22:17, 480b808793422ab345cca4550a….png)

File: c127bb990b4e4c2⋯.jpg (149.49 KB, 2616x382, 1308:191, Kayfabe.JPG)


>Saw this in notables.

>Who is this guy?

Anons use search engines.

Shills use Kayabe

Newfags, do NOT engage shills

(make them easier to filter)

45565d No.2040091

File: f8e8786f9a9faf2⋯.jpg (128.13 KB, 340x424, 85:106, sayaclown.jpg)

They feel it.

Time's running out.

ed2dbf No.2040092


Faulty logic anon or poor reading comprehension ability, perhaps both.

I'm certain POTUS knows all about Q and the chans. That said, I'm not sure the fake news wouldn't chomp at the bit to paint him as a conspiracy nut if he were to acknowledge us, at THIS TIME. Look at the shit he got for doing an interview with Alex Jones as but one example!

As to knowingly putting us in danger, not sure I agree with your premise. First, to the best of my knowledge, nobody is directly asking you to do, or not do, anything. You are still, I hope, a free agent.

That said, and for argument sake only, why rule out that President Trump has been briefed on Q posts, advised to remain outside of having direct knowledge to preserve 'plausible deniability' but is told it's a disinfo campaign necessary to weed out black hat operators, which unfortunately for now, necessitates fooling the GA community?

What if it's not so black & white like you think?

A nice try though. I'll award you a participation trophy for your effort.

9df394 No.2040093

File: 3d70ba841ac00ef⋯.png (784.91 KB, 1147x841, 1147:841, 7d66f3e3f44d7dd19205f4c157….png)


VIPanon was the best, recent, proof of Q's authenticity, I feel.


"Trust the Plan."

22e3a7 No.2040094



This faggot thinks shitting up the thread with pictures as insults is a good or effective use of his time.

44289b No.2040095


And hopefully Senator Tester get a few skinned knees.

d0aa54 No.2040096


You'd think {they} would want him to stay in NZ. He could strike a deal to testify in a US court of law about Seth Rich, no?

2a68d5 No.2040097


He's going to ask.

797b84 No.2040098


Completely different locations


b6b4dd No.2040099


Yeah, I thought this was VERY significant, as well.

LARP or not, POTUS is seeing his nation’s uncensored concerns through us.

74317d No.2040100


Could even be the asian guy right next to him being partially blocked. Kim Un incognito?

26e332 No.2040102

File: 2fa2e9d1eeb7acc⋯.gif (988.4 KB, 245x258, 245:258, 1510865849538.gif)


>I get it, but your memes that you and your pimple faced virigins snicker at have no affect here.

he said this as he reply triggered and post some facebook boomer memes

>civic nationalism militia

You lost half the voter base, if only you had listened and trusted /pol/

It's either removing the jews from the earth (entirely) or you die being replaced

dba9bb No.2040103



that's a very old pic!

797b84 No.2040104


Not the same location


bf851e No.2040105


The Queen is blaming Russia and ignoring the lab as two more people fall ill to military-grade nerve agent originally blamed on tainted drugs. Just like the 2 poisoned before; lab next door ignored, Russia blamed by mockingbirds. Rape gangs still roam free

30f057 No.2040106

File: f1dcec89174b4d9⋯.jpg (176.35 KB, 960x679, 960:679, watchthatman.jpg)




In some cases yes, they might really kill them. Such a thing would be hard to say one way or the other. They use the ff staged terror, yes, to get rid of certain targeted people, fer sure. But it might not be the named dead.

Heres "Paddock" in Atlantic City a few days after LV.

enought of this. I had to get it off my chest. It's quite important whether people believe it or not. We know the info outlets who feed us news lie massively, to us. So why believe anything they try to promote? Once caught in a lie all their messages turn to shit.

822fc6 No.2040107


3. Q post trolls others. Someone's sphincter puckers when these things are posted. Just because anons haven't found reason (yet) doesn't mean there isn't one.

Does it bug me that Q doesn't let us in on everything? No. Not our role.

Does this board have multiple purposes for Q? Um, yeah.

3607f8 No.2040108


No, there is a video as well. Q shirt guy was recording with his phone live and has posted the video. POTUS saw he was recording pointed and kept walking, it was like 1 or 2 seconds.

The picture looked convincing until I saw the video.

I mean, it's possible, but remember even pictures can be taken out of context.

26e332 No.2040109

File: 6dce4bed17fedf3⋯.gif (1.67 MB, 492x300, 41:25, 1525387793606.gif)

403835 No.2040110

File: 6202391c033d687⋯.png (322.81 KB, 1094x621, 1094:621, ClipboardImage.png)


6bd963 No.2040111

File: 8d606c7987c3576⋯.jpg (52.36 KB, 572x853, 572:853, 4b3.jpg)


Remember 2015?

2dd3ef No.2040112

there is now a notables archive that has live links to the breads still on the board all 6 weeks worth

instead of less than 6 hrs worth of notables


see for yourself what's been going on

493046 No.2040113

File: 000ce2bf3acdc7c⋯.jpg (90.18 KB, 655x629, 655:629, Mueller-people are stupid.jpg)


5:5 anon. Try as they might, they will fail.

6f9a22 No.2040114


wtf are you saying dude? Google security?

The US Mil has spy-satellites and comm-satellites and radio stations a'plenty for secure comms.

Ofc I know the US Mil is comped and therefor you can't use them, but that's not something 8ch want's to discuss. The US Mil is their precious sons and daughters. 8ch doesn't want to think that their offspring are the enemy if THEY need it to be.

And they don't, meaning: Trump isn't a problem.

d127ae No.2040115


What is that???

I never had a head…….

59ade4 No.2040116


This clothes… It's Prince William !!!

797b84 No.2040117


Must leave

Will get back to you


c739fa No.2040118


Major concern for me are the physical assaults against Trump supporters.

Jeff Sessions allowing all of the top anti-Trump political people to walk free is, I think, setting a tone of impunity that has now made it open season on us. They called for resistance, blood in the streets, etc right from the inauguration, and we see the results of the continued calls for attacks.

Awans getting off is the type of recklessness by DOJ that adds to the atmosphere.

There are many other examples.

If the storm does not start soon, a lot of people will assume it is bullshit because the good guys are out here getting their asses kicked.

bf91a1 No.2040119

File: 176b9f2c21ca16a⋯.mp4 (12.76 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Bad Religion - _The Kids A….mp4)

courtesy of American Renaissance


7ee9b7 No.2040121

R can you verify the locations? Thailand and Portland street Hong Kong?

d127ae No.2040122


I was always thinking w/ my d!ck.

d29e7c No.2040123


3c40f8 No.2040124


Its obvious to anyone that this board serves multiple purposes for Q, considering Q HAS used the board to pass along coded messages to operators, or even to THEM.

6507cb No.2040125

Subpoena from United States Department of Justice

Baar, Switzerland, 3 July, 2018

Glencore Ltd, a subsidiary of Glencore plc, has received a subpoena dated 2 July, 2018 from the US Department of Justice to produce documents and other records with respect to compliance with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and United States money laundering statutes. The requested documents relate to the Glencore Group’s business in Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Venezuela from 2007 to present.

Glencore is reviewing the subpoena and will provide further information in due course as appropriate.


3607f8 No.2040126


How dare you anon! This is a normie friendly board now! NO RACE REALISM!

a32f14 No.2040127

not anyone, but you are correct anon


74317d No.2040128


Some of the posts were even taunting the black hats. I think this hong kong one is such a post.

ed2dbf No.2040129


Cheers anon and thanks for the positivity. Contrary to how I think most anons received my post, I'm actually still a believer. My main point was to point out a little clarity from Q regarding the recent posts, would be quite helpful. I am however also open to the theory that something with the authorship of Q posts might have changed, and not for the better. Who knows? Perhaps a new post with new tripcode will soon come along.

bf91a1 No.2040131

d29e7c No.2040132


>>2040119 American Renaissance: Are the Kids Really Alt-Right? Punk band takedown falls flat.

>>2040110 U.S. Promises "Full Implementation" of UN Gun-control Agreement. Good luck with that.

>>2040066 Harley-Davidson CEO counter-signalling MAGA? Outsourcing ‘Reversible’ if "Fold" on Trade

>>2040055 Left eating its own: Seth Rogen Accuses @Kacl of Protecting ‘White Supreeemacists’

>>2040030 Fake news! Reuters attributed false statements to Netherlands Russian embassy

>>2040016 Pliz make it stahp. Mueller Probe Expands Despite Pleas To "Finish It The Hell Up"

>>2039930 Mom finds missing sex-trafficked daughter after seeing her assaulted on Facebook.

>>2039782 History books: SCOTUS's Janus ruling will end cash cow for liberal activists (vid)

>>2039760 ICE joins nationwide search for three accused kidnappers/rapists of two teen girls

>>2039756 "No door knobs:" Delhi mass hangings. CCTV footage backs suicide theory

>>2039754 Fox vid: Trump administration continues to dismantle ObamaCare. Good. Gut that shit.

>>2039621 Pompeo leaves for North Korea on a mission to show the deal with Kim Jong Un is real

>>2039602 Moar on HK pic, buildings changed since 2014

>>2039583, >>2039592 Left strategy: Lie harder. Trump to invade Venezuela now? Kek.

>>2039560 We are all anon, patriot workfags of all stripes: "As a former British Ambassador…"

>>2039548 Spitting in the wind: Mueller Taps More Prosecutors to Help With Growing Trump Probe

>>2039540, >>2039975 Battle for free speech in Europe continues. Pray for our Eurobrothers.

>>2039539 Surprise! Novichok poisonings: UK points the finger at (wait for it)… okay, Russia

>>2039536 Derangement intensifies: UK Secondary Schools Ban Skirts To "Accommodate" Trans Students

>>2039527, >>2039527 Assad trying to save Europe from syrians and save his country.

>>2039514 Uh oh. Action brewing? US Vows To Keep Gulf Waterway Open After Iran Threatens Blockade

>>2039513 Minister suggests Brexit ‘soap opera’ delaying response to child abuse report

>>2039495 Only the left/niggas (no offense blackfrens, chan culture) are allowed to be rayciss

>>2039485, >>2039634, >>2039688 Anons cut thru the concernfagging: YOU not Q are the important ones

>>2039479 Always under attack, always WINNING IT BACK: Anon summarizes history of Q re: shills

>>2039459 Canada: Welfare official charged after kids out abuse in foster care

>>2039456 Crazy-eyes "Sandy" Ocasio-Cortez steals more than coveted Dem seats. Too funny.

>>2039439, >>2039442 Kiwis rule Kim Dotcom can be extradited to U.S.. Supreme court next?

>>2039436 A visual representation of how our movement turns destruction into hope and keks.

>>2039428 Those that scream the loudest: Dems seek to one-up each other with Trump attacks

>>2039405 Based Italy rubbing off on Malta. Grounded a plane from some "sea rescue ngo"

>>2039410, >>2039413 North-African migrant stabs/kills Belgian boy for protecting waitress

>>2039389 Ireland: Questions for County Limerick's Tusla over child sex abuse allegations

>>2039384 RE: All Shooters Had Therapists, Anon digs pre-Columbine '98 shooter Kip Kinkand

>>2039380 Strzok’s Lawyer: Republicans Don't Want the Truth, Want to ‘Preen and Posture.’

>>2039379 Is our POTUS the Greatest Troll on Earth? Fun feels vid makes a good case.

>>2039377 Jim Hoft Twat on July 4th climber: Only a Dem would think she is asset to country

>>2039376 On the nature of bureaucratic tyranny: Letter From A Frustrated Parish Priest

69e0b5 No.2040133

File: 5dbc6154f2b757c⋯.jpg (148.56 KB, 409x310, 409:310, 5dbc6154f2b757cf953d179e4a….jpg)

Been here since Q's first post as Anon on halfchan, have always considered Q's structure and consistency to be the key behind TheGreatAwakening. No matter what shills and clowns could dish out, it seemed irrelevant to the depth of information being distributed by Q and the sensational work completed by Anons. As of late things seem entirely different, we used to be provided with actual information to dig on, not random meaningless photos and "disinformation" which may or may not be purposefully distributed. I believe the cause has hit a rut due to most of us being "caught up" on the background to what this is all about, and now we leech every word posted until we are lucky enough for Q to drop some sort of phrasing, which as of late seems like nonsense. We are being divided but we are doing it to ourselves. I know the responses will scream SHILL and JUST GO AWAY THEN but in all honesty maybe that might be the best option at this point. How long will this continue until this board eats itself? I don't know and don't want to know how many hours I've spent on this board, I've learnt some information that I will carry for life and have had great interactions with random anonymous strangers but this board and cause has become as toxic as the evil it is trying to fight/prevent. When Q is publicly announced as reality and not a live action role play; I will be back, until then I think it may be best to step away.

26e332 No.2040134




493046 No.2040135


June 28th was Rosenstein hearing. June 20 was regarding Peter Strzok being questioned in private session. Stop huffing paint CIA nigger.

bf91a1 No.2040136


interesting thought

a32f14 No.2040137

you might be open to dix up your ass, we dont care anon


d127ae No.2040138


You must understand first, what brain sides are for. also, small brain.

Mister professor.

Your knowledges makes me feel so insignifiant….


70f84e No.2040140


I’m surprised it took so long, Hollywood libs are freaks.

bf851e No.2040141

File: 091b4cd500735c2⋯.jpeg (166.3 KB, 1000x1490, 100:149, ]TRUST[.jpeg)


AG Sessions ordering DNA testing from child+adult to ensure there is blood relation

Get fucked ms_13/human traffickers/pedo-cabal

2a68d5 No.2040142


A bit too many notables. Pare it down.

493046 No.2040144

File: 3d88b21b2da9acb⋯.jpg (171.03 KB, 943x815, 943:815, patriots strong.jpg)

f0d96a No.2040145


But what’s its rating outside CONUS? Is real mission to reach minds/sheep abroad to keep (((their))) narrative on top on the World stage?

a2df27 No.2040147

File: ddf6b5a2f7a7708⋯.jpg (379.81 KB, 1167x700, 1167:700, shillsgobak.jpg)


you and your 20 posts - tks BO

86d528 No.2040148


this is not good at all, banning memes would have led to the collapse of the EU…

44289b No.2040149

File: f04f7f3480f431f⋯.jpeg (735.94 KB, 793x1449, 793:1449, 0F2DB97A-6A18-4006-943C-A….jpeg)


This is the shape of your logic. nice try. you might wanna check out the damage that can be done to the body and mind stressing for extended periods of time. Keep up your health, anon.

a32f14 No.2040150

who is fucking this cat?

you're just holding the tail anon!


9df394 No.2040151


You haven't read his account of his experience, have you? https://twitter.com/Q_ANONBaby/status/1010100686384783360

And there's the second confirmation


69e0b5 No.2040152


38 notables? KEK

c739fa No.2040153


That was a lot of work, thanks, anon.

bf851e No.2040154

File: 27f2877fa6dd56d⋯.png (1.04 MB, 899x1008, 899:1008, How.png)


Jordan denies knowing about coach who molested kids like other democrat donors do, just like US Olympic 'Dr Nassar' got away with for years.

Pedo-Cabal using the final projection to try and take down their enemies, /ourguys/

Remember that as shills shit up the board asking for more


577405 No.2040155

File: 0b72d0127d7815c⋯.jpg (36.47 KB, 564x285, 188:95, SnopesNothingToSeeHere.JPG)



They're confused. Talking about the 4ch version. Snopes doesn't mention us so our version checks out.

bd12c7 No.2040156

File: ffb1d9b474a9d44⋯.jpg (32.95 KB, 480x360, 4:3, BROWDER.jpg)

File: f28f6ee03866078⋯.jpg (127.12 KB, 1800x1196, 450:299, AZERBAIJAN.jpg)

File: 30a51325142f8fe⋯.jpg (19.25 KB, 640x344, 80:43, deripaska.munk.rothschild.jpg)

File: e2d8cd0e9581043⋯.jpg (185.84 KB, 594x396, 3:2, hosers.jpg)

File: bb04a824675c256⋯.jpg (107.07 KB, 512x452, 128:113, gaddaffi.deripaska.jpg)

ed2dbf No.2040157


Very valid points anon. When I spoke of how large this has grown I was thinking of the VIPs at the rally's wearing Q shirts, as well as billboards going up, various new YT channels and messages written on bathroom walls. We have stuck our neck out for the cause of Truth, Justice and The.(American) Noble way! Is it too much to ask for a little cover?

26e332 No.2040158


they have no power over internet

never has

never will

EUSSR is collapsing

watch and enjoy

d29e7c No.2040159

File: d96ceaa16a2130e⋯.jpg (70.56 KB, 458x563, 458:563, CheetahBaker.JPG)

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

d127ae No.2040160


At least I will give my bannana to someone for a test.


You ready?

b19d75 No.2040161


apparently not. He didn't even confirm if that was Lindsay Mills.

cbf4f9 No.2040162

I've been here since the beginning and I think In-N-Out is overrated. Believe me because I've been here since the beginning and I used to like In-N-Out.

Try harder shills.

493046 No.2040163

File: c29d579dfc25150⋯.jpg (106.07 KB, 882x631, 882:631, podestahotshit.jpg)

File: 6ba4c8139467d6b⋯.jpg (51.86 KB, 720x830, 72:83, gay obama.jpg)

9ec897 No.2040164


That'll keep those just getting up busy for a while.

90203e No.2040167

File: b6ad8d1c98dfaba⋯.png (32.5 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Filterthesefucks.png)

feecef No.2040168


George Webb- see kindergarten sign above. There is a CF associated scandal.

d127ae No.2040173


bf851e No.2040175

File: 384d30f3a566847⋯.png (593.67 KB, 650x638, 325:319, MOCKINGBIRDBOLSHEVIKMEDIA.png)

File: 288c5da52d01d68⋯.jpg (308.72 KB, 868x1284, 217:321, wiredcondenast.jpg)

File: 7baa909fb73bb15⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1128x1938, 188:323, mockingbirdsPOYNTERlifelog.png)

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