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File: f1711524dc6d851⋯.jpg (8.71 KB, 255x143, 255:143, GENERAL.QresearchGeneral.jpg)

42e7c8 No.2040101

Welcome To Q Research General

Happy Independence Day!

Our time is fast approaching for the corruption sweep of the biblical proportions.

Keep in mind what to say to those who are confused around you. Do you best, to let them TRUST THE PLAN.





Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095 SEE FOR YOURSELF

Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>1739215

100+ Q Proof Graphics download qproofs.com

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Q's Latest Posts

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Wednesday 07.04.18

>>2029255 ————————————————— Independence Celebration

Tuesday 07.03.18

>>2022737 rt >>2022584 ——————————— Who do you see?

>>2022584 ————————————————— Plane Through Blinds (subject to change)

>>2022398 rt >>2022233 ——————————— Trolling is Fun. Hussein/Trump interior = identical minus small changes.

>>2021248 rt >>2019981, >>2021248, >>2020544 Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?

>>2018075 —————————————————- Divide they try. Fail they will.

>>2017327 rt >>2016766 ———————————- WelcomeAboard.png (Picture from inside AF1)

>>2014318 —————————————————- Add another to the list

>>2014158 rt >>2013625 ——————————— Matters of National Security

>>2012087 —————————————————- The SWAMP is being DRAINED

>>2011888 rt >>2011499 ———————————- Think NATIONAL SECURITY

>>2008390 —————————————————- What happened to Stormy?

>>2008327 —————————————————- Crumb #1238

>>2007973 rt >>2007869, >>2007911 —————- /patriotsfight/77

>>2007911 rt >>2007869 ——————————— The intelligence was passed through unofficial means

>>2007869 —————————————————- We have the server

Sunday 07.01.18

>>1992408 —————————————————- Thank you, Ben

>>1991829 —————————————————- There will be no civil war

>>1991107 —————————————————- Thank you USSS

>>1987414 —————————————————- https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/jul/1/us-really-did-have-manchurian-candidate-white-hous/

>>1986553 rt >>1986489 ——————————— Think stages. What role can MIL INTEL play? What role can NSA play? BANG!

>>1986443 rt >>1986153 ——————————— Ask yourself & the more you know

>>1986153 rt >>1986043 ——————————— Ask yourself - who is filing the indictments? Who has that kind of manpower?

>>1986043 —————————————————- Nothing being done?

>>1984605 —————————————————- Do you feel the emotion/anger this writer has? They are scared of you ( https://archive.is/yAyDg & https://archive.is/bKS9t )

>>1983801 rt >>1983724 ——————————— Make no mistake- Rep Gowdy is a Patriot

>>1983724 rt >>1983663 ——————————— Being on the list does not equate to receiving the nomination

>>1983678 rt >>1983633 ——————————— You save what you do need

>>1983636 —————————————————- What a coincidence

>>1983529 —————————————————- #GoodbyeDemocrats

>>1983481 —————————————————- Antifacist logos

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1957621 How To Quickly Spot A Clown ; >>1838738 Freedom of Speech

2ac422 No.2040130

File: 6e81bbbcb11b171⋯.png (73.77 KB, 600x600, 1:1, boG7vLEbFxNZN6DuafIuYhuvMo….png)


42e7c8 No.2040139


are not endorsements


>>2034376 The Declaration of Independence (dl your copy today!)

>>1964963 BO confirms: Link to QAnon.pub or QProofs.com, NOT HERE

>>1999458 A Few Things Have Become Evident


>>2040119 American Renaissance: Are the Kids Really Alt-Right? Punk band takedown falls flat.

>>2040110 U.S. Promises "Full Implementation" of UN Gun-control Agreement. Good luck with that.

>>2040066 Harley-Davidson CEO counter-signalling MAGA? Outsourcing ‘Reversible’ if "Fold" on Trade

>>2040055 Left eating its own: Seth Rogen Accuses @Kacl of Protecting ‘White Supreeemacists’

>>2040030 Fake news! Reuters attributed false statements to Netherlands Russian embassy

>>2040016 Pliz make it stahp. Mueller Probe Expands Despite Pleas To "Finish It The Hell Up"

>>2039930 Mom finds missing sex-trafficked daughter after seeing her assaulted on Facebook.

>>2039782 History books: SCOTUS's Janus ruling will end cash cow for liberal activists (vid)

>>2039760 ICE joins nationwide search for three accused kidnappers/rapists of two teen girls

>>2039756 "No door knobs:" Delhi mass hangings. CCTV footage backs suicide theory

>>2039754 Fox vid: Trump administration continues to dismantle ObamaCare. Good. Gut that shit.

>>2039621 Pompeo leaves for North Korea on a mission to show the deal with Kim Jong Un is real

>>2039602 Moar on HK pic, buildings changed since 2014

>>2039583, >>2039592 Left strategy: Lie harder. Trump to invade Venezuela now? Kek.

>>2039560 We are all anon, patriot workfags of all stripes: "As a former British Ambassador..."

>>2039548 Spitting in the wind: Mueller Taps More Prosecutors to Help With Growing Trump Probe

>>2039540, >>2039975 Battle for free speech in Europe continues. Pray for our Eurobrothers.

>>2039539 Surprise! Novichok poisonings: UK points the finger at (wait for it)... okay, Russia

>>2039536 Derangement intensifies: UK Secondary Schools Ban Skirts To "Accommodate" Trans Students

>>2039527, >>2039527 Assad trying to save Europe from syrians and save his country.

>>2039514 Uh oh. Action brewing? US Vows To Keep Gulf Waterway Open After Iran Threatens Blockade

>>2039513 Minister suggests Brexit ‘soap opera’ delaying response to child abuse report

>>2039495 Only the left/niggas (no offense blackfrens, chan culture) are allowed to be rayciss

>>2039485, >>2039634, >>2039688 Anons cut thru the concernfagging: YOU not Q are the important ones

>>2039479 Always under attack, always WINNING IT BACK: Anon summarizes history of Q re: shills

>>2039459 Canada: Welfare official charged after kids out abuse in foster care

>>2039456 Crazy-eyes "Sandy" Ocasio-Cortez steals more than coveted Dem seats. Too funny.

>>2039439, >>2039442 Kiwis rule Kim Dotcom can be extradited to U.S.. Supreme court next?

>>2039436 A visual representation of how our movement turns destruction into hope and keks.

>>2039428 Those that scream the loudest: Dems seek to one-up each other with Trump attacks

>>2039405 Based Italy rubbing off on Malta. Grounded a plane from some "sea rescue ngo"

>>2039410, >>2039413 North-African migrant stabs/kills Belgian boy for protecting waitress

>>2039389 Ireland: Questions for County Limerick's Tusla over child sex abuse allegations

>>2039384 RE: All Shooters Had Therapists, Anon digs pre-Columbine '98 shooter Kip Kinkand

>>2039380 Strzok’s Lawyer: Republicans Don't Want the Truth, Want to ‘Preen and Posture.’

>>2039379 Is our POTUS the Greatest Troll on Earth? Fun feels vid makes a good case.

>>2039377 Jim Hoft Twat on July 4th climber: Only a Dem would think she is asset to country

>>2039376 On the nature of bureaucratic tyranny: Letter From A Frustrated Parish Priest

>>2040132 #2574

>>2039337 #2572

>>2038542 #2571

>>2039283 #2569-70 links off bread

>>2038578 #2567-8 links off bread

>>2038551 #2565-6 links off bread

>>2038548 #2563-4 links off bread

Best Of Bread https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

42e7c8 No.2040143

War Room

WHO IS #QAnon TWEETSTORM ON NOW. FIRE THE CANNONS >>1960133 , >>1960135, >>1960203

#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Anon Research Tools

>>974637 How to archive a website offline

Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 -- Q Proofs Thread - Proofs of Q's Validity

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>143179 --- META

>>494745 --- Quest for Searchability

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>198093 --- Q Memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1286065 -- Find The Key Dig

>>1310117 -- For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1579221 -- Clockwork Qrange

>>1689200 -- Twitter watcher #3 (@BackChannel17, @TheRealCheshCat, @TrustfulAlice, @Hatterliveshere, @UK_Revolution17)

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>1844122 -- A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Project Thread: A huge choice of graphics and ideas for creating your own Q materials

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>2033995

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————————————————— >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————-—————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————– >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ———-——– >>>/comms/966

42e7c8 No.2040146

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: http://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.5.0 [updated 6/25]) >>122807

* QAnonProofs.com

* Q Proofs https://www.qproofs.com/home.html

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

*Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Behold A Pale Horse: >>>/pdfs/6157

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

25, >>1963080, 24 >>1745576, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist – main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon ——————— http://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

How to bake Q-bread >>1989536, Baking Tips >>1989634

42e7c8 No.2040165



dd2a7e No.2040166


Trump narrows SCOTUS choices down to these half-dozen judges


db244f No.2040169


Don't be a twatwaffle and fuck up the bread. Wait until baker has posted everything please.

a5f5e2 No.2040170

File: 20d7ad7b321ed58⋯.jpeg (170.4 KB, 1011x501, 337:167, 63BA0546-AE3A-45C6-8EAA-F….jpeg)

File: 6a17bbb39993a2e⋯.jpeg (70.12 KB, 473x473, 1:1, 59F37C64-ED23-4791-AC91-A….jpeg)

Ok Let’s get this Plan in Full Motion Q!!


Bring The Pain !!!!!!

016248 No.2040171

File: 9782df099b9c2a4⋯.jpg (978.82 KB, 1988x3056, 497:764, MOyD6oV.jpg)


57e93d No.2040172

File: f2e56a639d50ce0⋯.png (28.2 KB, 888x458, 444:229, cheryl.mills.diane.chelsea.png)

File: e4cf0d0aba7a820⋯.jpg (61.42 KB, 420x332, 105:83, FARMER.HAITI.jpg)

File: d93d4ecf55a24da⋯.jpg (30.39 KB, 260x408, 65:102, download.jpg)

File: 78f7e24a267efe8⋯.png (28.95 KB, 759x455, 759:455, jc.cc.FATMER.haiti.png)

File: e46ae7fede9cdcb⋯.png (39.24 KB, 902x502, 451:251, urgent.Q.chelsea.Justin.Co….png)

57e93d No.2040174

File: f943666a70103ec⋯.png (54.73 KB, 1234x580, 617:290, justin.cooper.png)

e2770e No.2040176

File: 5b7d1d8d8e5612e⋯.jpg (230.27 KB, 513x548, 513:548, Screen Shot 07-05-18 at 02….JPG)

File: aebd6f2b4726ea9⋯.jpg (471.07 KB, 1054x756, 527:378, Screen Shot 07-05-18 at 02….JPG)

File: 4111cfbbb9d6800⋯.jpg (478.71 KB, 1054x859, 1054:859, Screen Shot 07-05-18 at 02….JPG)

File: edf4fcbf6624293⋯.jpg (199.39 KB, 1032x368, 129:46, Screen Shot 07-05-18 at 02….JPG)

‘How’s independence working out?’ UK newspaper faces Twitter wrath over 4th of July article

Published time: 4 Jul, 2018 20:43

Edited time: 5 Jul, 2018 10:38



42e7c8 No.2040177

File: da81d7a9fd1c395⋯.jpg (39.94 KB, 587x438, 587:438, RemainClamTrustThePlan.JPG)

Baker Requesting Handoff

(and the arrest of shills who threaten bodily harm).

This note is already included in dough, Daybaker.

>>2040141 Get 'em Sessions: DNA testing being done on separated migrant children and parents

57e93d No.2040178

File: 75d35388f836b1f⋯.jpg (17.13 KB, 300x234, 50:39, core.jpg)

File: bb04a824675c256⋯.jpg (107.07 KB, 512x452, 128:113, gaddaffi.deripaska.jpg)

File: 28bf4493bdb1752⋯.jpg (41.66 KB, 480x320, 3:2, m.rich.jpg)

File: 4b1508353360da0⋯.jpg (28.91 KB, 460x312, 115:78, marc.rich.jpg)

File: 30a51325142f8fe⋯.jpg (19.25 KB, 640x344, 80:43, deripaska.munk.rothschild.jpg)

dd2a7e No.2040179


You see this post?


Means baker is finished, asshole.

So fuck off.

f1f257 No.2040180

Hunger Strike

Temple of the Dog

I don't mind stealin' bread from the mouths of decadence

But I can't feed on the powerless when my cup's already overfilled, yeah

But it's on the table, the fire's cookin'

And they're farmin' babies, while the slaves are all workin'

Blood is on the table and the mouths are all chokin'

But I'm goin' hungry, yeah

I don't mind stealin' bread from the mouths of decadence

But I can't feed on the powerless when my cup's already overfilled, uh huh

But it's on the table, the fire's cookin'

And they're farmin' babies, while the slaves are all workin'

And it's on the table, their mouths are all chokin'

But I'm goin' hungry (Goin' hungry)

57e93d No.2040181

File: 0e2ada50c7aa518⋯.jpg (286.61 KB, 1222x846, 13:9, 2days.late.jpg)

File: e50888f8a67e113⋯.jpg (247.32 KB, 1864x1312, 233:164, 322.jpg)

File: 9e579a31489f947⋯.jpg (10.81 KB, 300x200, 3:2, f.bridge.jpg)

File: 5308fa60fca87bb⋯.jpg (155.5 KB, 1662x1000, 831:500, barry.jpg)

File: fec267591ca77e3⋯.jpg (62.46 KB, 640x480, 4:3, fag.jpg)

81759d No.2040182

File: 1cee1a09a4b1365⋯.png (426.84 KB, 640x474, 320:237, ClipboardImage.png)

Unfortunately Every Investigative Trail Comes Back to the Dead End of FISA Abuse…


3a82b4 No.2040183

>>2039910 Am doubting some of the info being released in these CDAN blurbs. Like they are making the public aware of image/video faking capabilities as they fear the release of many real images of famous people doing dirty things, am thinking that some of the info released by CDAN is fake so that when other critical info becomes known, a segment of the public will say, " Oh, I've already found out that this crap is fake."

The claims about Heston for example. Several times a week he was raping teenage boys in a car, said CDAN. And then throwing them out on Mulholland Dr. with nothing but a tee. We would be talking about maybe 1,000 rapes during the time frame mentioned. People would have started asking questions long before. "Oh look, honey, another half naked boy, wassup?" And with something like that, a kid would indeed raise a major stink (some of them) with authorities, a stink that would be hard to make go away even with payoffs. The kicker: if that had happened to me as a 15-16 year old boy, nothing on earth would have stopped me from going back to that house (sooner or later) and blowing him away--or doing it at one of Heston's public appearances. 1,000 young men and not one of them has the mojo to do it? No way.

0bed5c No.2040184

File: f724c2d2f0a60ef⋯.mp4 (14.3 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, JFK JR comparisons with Ja….mp4)

Hello from the “R” research board. We could use the help of general research Anons to find audio of John Jr. saying the word, “January,” which the narrator of the “Q-Plan to Save the World” video says in a distinct way, as you’ll hear repeated at the end of this video that juxtaposes the anonymous narrator with JFK Jr. speaking with a similar cadence in 1999.

The original "R" post:


5034ec No.2040185



If disinfo is part of the deal, you realize that invalidates your entire lecture here.

Not saying your opinion is invalid, but you did not think through what you just wrote.

57e93d No.2040186

File: 71752ff1f3e40c6⋯.jpg (52.26 KB, 628x314, 2:1, bad.hygiene.jpg)

File: d4e90597cbc76e3⋯.png (120.87 KB, 673x468, 673:468, r.Brand.wmt.png)

File: 237525ce128c03a⋯.jpg (51.31 KB, 992x558, 16:9, wmt.jpg)

File: e66c18f735f08b3⋯.jpg (49.24 KB, 920x558, 460:279, VILLAREAL.jpg)

File: 6cea7ac92365e08⋯.jpg (46.53 KB, 570x353, 570:353, Jose.jpg)

where is jose?

5e188e No.2040187

File: cbb41350677098b⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20180705-081139.png)


305824 No.2040188

File: 9bdcfb292dd5dd8⋯.gif (104.26 KB, 480x480, 1:1, whenimhighonconspiracy.gif)


right on brother

15ff12 No.2040189

File: f93a7d3531c18ca⋯.jpg (192.03 KB, 1300x956, 325:239, ugly as fvck.jpg)

TY baker.

503bcd No.2040190

File: 84ffc95bedba203⋯.jpg (27.11 KB, 338x338, 1:1, 2dedow~3.jpg)

Reddit user's claim this guy is "Joel A Getz"

Only problem is their guy has hair and not bald on top.

80f2e4 No.2040191

File: 0047e05fa1b4ed4⋯.png (1.02 MB, 858x516, 143:86, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f8ad1cea0b88e40⋯.png (116.21 KB, 253x272, 253:272, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 81a2ddbf342aadf⋯.png (246.24 KB, 459x218, 459:218, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 99c7175db3c2c01⋯.png (137.05 KB, 318x156, 53:26, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ad0d566154d45b⋯.png (171.94 KB, 317x272, 317:272, ClipboardImage.png)

8bfe93 No.2040192


>Reddit user


15ff12 No.2040193

File: f15fa557347629c⋯.jpg (16.29 KB, 300x225, 4:3, baker girl2.jpg)


NO, NO, NIO!!!!!!!

dd2a7e No.2040194

I guess Netflix's dump on the market is hurting them bad.


Report: Netflix testing higher-priced subscription plan


db244f No.2040195


I wasn't talking to you asshole. I was talking to the faggot up top….you know…the one I gave a (you) to.

What a fucking dumbass…

57e93d No.2040197

File: be18b1c73c63bbc⋯.jpg (39.95 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, CAMBRIDGE.jpg)

File: 0bbc514029c69c8⋯.jpg (59.03 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Cambridge1.jpg)

File: 76a6b213399cfaa⋯.jpg (51.18 KB, 605x328, 605:328, BRIDGE.jpg)

File: ab2dcabc42335e0⋯.jpg (68.65 KB, 685x472, 685:472, dearlove.spygate.jpg)

File: dc2004f2906a94d⋯.jpg (171.65 KB, 560x336, 5:3, pattie.spygate.jpg)

7c65a6 No.2040198


8ch user 3 days ago guessed that also, ty reddit

dd51cf No.2040199


Yeah, 1st is not convincing, reeks of confirmation bias. Watch his vid from the phone, looks like POTUS points at the phone not the shirt.

Interesting that the lady "might" have taken a picture of him, but I'm sure they're curious as to what the hell the Q shirts are about and the breadth of its influence.

2nd tweet is a little more convincing, but we can't see what's on his shirt. Just that POTUS points and nods at someone. Was he nodding about "BEST PRESIDENT EVER?!??!" or a Q shirt?

I don't know, but requires too much speculation for me to find it as a "proof", much like the rest of the Q "proofs".


Glad someone gets it. At this point there are chips on the table. I hope whoever Q is, he understands there are real world effects that could be a detriment to the good fight.

7672c3 No.2040200

Q has posted filtered/ doctored informarion several times even going back to the Flynn piece months ago. Part of what we have to learn here ( with regular influx of new anons) is how to debunk ( and teach newfags).

The HK photo is edited, the apple/lamp/ashtray photo is edited and anons found out very quickly. The edited photos ALSO were edited strategically to give us more of the picture. (Two purposes served) Key with the HK/United drops are the image titles-they tell us what we need to know. Also tied in with the info is per the Thank You USSS photo, we know that though we follow official aircraft, the team uses chartered flights as well.

All good info and message received.

644130 No.2040201

File: d60b748d36c3fe6⋯.png (13.49 KB, 460x198, 230:99, Under Secretary of Defense….png)

After the 2008 election, Gates located Clapper and asked if he'd stay on as USDI. Gee, wonder where THAT might be? I have more coming on Gates, He's dirty af…


8bfe93 No.2040202


>ty reddit

why don't you go back there if you like censoring so much ?

15ff12 No.2040203


Sorry, baker for this.

This is for you. My bad.>>2040193

8123c2 No.2040204

Deadline for [RR] to turn over docs is today by end of business, right?

503bcd No.2040205

File: 23c3032b2212d6f⋯.jpg (32.9 KB, 480x374, 240:187, 2dg4wg~2.jpg)

File: ae183039f4b89c2⋯.png (19.96 KB, 371x280, 53:40, Screenshot_2018-07-05-04-5….png)

File: f0f03b0735794f0⋯.png (69.93 KB, 426x543, 142:181, Screenshot_2018-07-05-05-2….png)

File: 7c174f6079d7a67⋯.png (401.37 KB, 437x780, 437:780, 319ff1c28c0a2151e3dd4ef701….png)

The Fixer.

5034ec No.2040206


Agree 100%

Heston was an extremely controversial public figure for many many years, long after he quit acting.

If this kind of dirt was out there, some of those people would have become public antagonists.

dd2a7e No.2040207



My bad…still sipping on first cup of coffee.

15ff12 No.2040208

a4d06e No.2040209

File: 74c911db5357720⋯.png (149.5 KB, 700x1696, 175:424, full message 1 59 29 31.png)

Time Travelers Guide To QClock


4 Shared Timestamps 1 59 29 31

a46f14 No.2040210

File: 2f697982ddab539⋯.png (586.07 KB, 544x528, 34:33, 9dfeec0946fd4bb863c1cae866….png)

File: 73e1ff391f8c15d⋯.png (43.75 KB, 1782x581, 1782:581, QProofs - AF1 Photo Explai….PNG)





Man, the shills really did come out in full force, right? I think there's a notable here that needs to be brought back into the fold to help remind anons why the shills are losing their fucking minds. It's because:

1. The AF1 photos are originals

2. That means Q is working with POTUS

3. POTUS is trolling them because he can (and it's fun)

4. Anons get further confirmation like the reflected selfie posts



Also, TY Baker!!!

19a3ed No.2040211


the only guy who didn't get an immunity agreement.

1a00fb No.2040212

File: 3cd553189c43450⋯.jpg (218.49 KB, 636x942, 106:157, abuse.jpg)

>>2040175 (prev)

Attacks are getting more frequent



d77ffe No.2040213


Anon, was the last pic with the lamp posted from an iPhone?

f6b51b No.2040214

File: 405260b91daa7a9⋯.mp4 (1.52 MB, 360x640, 9:16, mllsbLpw7pwCvQ9v.mp4)

Oh so tolerant

e2770e No.2040215

File: 5008910703a0faa⋯.jpg (207.79 KB, 996x262, 498:131, Screen Shot 07-05-18 at 02….JPG)

EU lawmakers vote to reject controversial copyright law in current form

Published time: 5 Jul, 2018 11:10

Edited time: 5 Jul, 2018 11:16

European Parliament lawmakers have voted to reject a controversial copyright law in its current form, deciding to return to the issue in September, the BBC reported. The law would have put a greater responsibility on individual websites to check for copyright infringements. The web’s inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee and others had expressed concerns about the proposed rules, which they said threatened internet freedom. Julia Reda, a Pirate Party MEP, tweeted that “protests have worked,” adding that the European Parliament has sent the copyright law “back to the drawing board.”


15ff12 No.2040216

7c65a6 No.2040217


Yea I will tab right over and start censoring since I am active on reddit and have mod powers to bury posts, good thinking anon

58bd57 No.2040218

File: 7838939316d7cc0⋯.jpg (231.73 KB, 1149x842, 1149:842, IQ.jpg)


They are trying soooo hard. It's cute, really.

←—— That's the main problem.

15ff12 No.2040219


I smell you, Like I smell….Popcorn

503bcd No.2040220

File: 1f31964758256cd⋯.jpg (30.93 KB, 255x399, 85:133, 91502b1549bf817b7c668ad8fe….jpg)

Jr is getting him some prime boootaay!!!

Seriously Kimberly is a excellent choice for Don't Jr a very smart woman.

80f722 No.2040221

>>2040093 (previous bread)


Yep. Remember, POTUS returned to his row when he left as well. POTUS even walked through the row a bit. A double confirmation. Let me guess. No clownshill has ever dared to rebut this double confirmation. They can’t.

3e822d No.2040222


There's no reason to believe much of the CDAN stuff, just like anything else we see on the internet. If there's no way to independently verify it, it's no better than any rumor.

ee3f46 No.2040223


steady in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement


Semper Fidelis

see collected notables for all breads still on the board (6 weeks worth)


no group is trying to subvert this movement using subtle methods. And no group would cause vacuous notables to slide the real ones

a7ff09 No.2040225


I've also been here since beginning, but have several times stepped away for a bit.

There are lots of posts and things like the Q clock that I don't really understand, but I've accepted that some things are beyond by ken and skills. Still, most things I can understand and learn. I don't worry about change in communications. Agree with those that say Q posts are used for many objectives and audiences. Plus it is kind of like an algebra class. First day, teacher explains A, B, Y are substitutes for possible numbers. End of year, teacher writes a complex formula on board and says solve it for A.

We've learned, Q messages have moved to a different level.

a46f14 No.2040226


I went ahead and bought stock in Redenbacher's.

167d65 No.2040227

this article has some glaring comparisons

♦ Mueller spent 7.7 mil from 5/17-3/18 on a single subject, whereas DOJ spent 9 mil on the Countries business and broad range of prosecutions

♦ Mueller spent 7.7 mil on 17 attorney's results 5/17-3/18 whereas DOJ spent 9 mil on 93 prosecutors with a multitude of support staff

♦ Mueller spent 7.7 mil for 20 indictment whereas DOJ spent 9 mil for 40K sealed indictments and unknown number of unsealed

♦ Mueller is hiring more attorneys from DOJ and handing over his blunder of a case to them. (13 Russians) blunder blame could end up on the DOJ instead

http:// thehill.com/homenews/news/395565-mueller-hires-more-prosecutors-as-russia-probe-moves-forward-report

80f2e4 No.2040228

File: 58a23fc1b7fd61b⋯.png (176.15 KB, 317x242, 317:242, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a20c24cac8a818⋯.png (151.13 KB, 518x145, 518:145, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 03981af25d7aa40⋯.png (150.79 KB, 213x259, 213:259, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7e26c28f0ee0d47⋯.png (216.78 KB, 376x233, 376:233, ClipboardImage.png)

dd2a7e No.2040229


So news is a shill to you.

bccaa9 No.2040230


kek :)

Clowns losing their shit gives me much mirth. I've worked very hard to make sure their bag of tricks gets a lot of scrutiny :)

da5221 No.2040232


It's time to start fighting back. This kind of behavior is allowed to go on, and very few of the perps are actually arrested. Enough already!

503bcd No.2040234


Clinton's are tied to child trafficking in China.

efbe80 No.2040235

File: 41a3037c97a4c65⋯.gif (2.25 MB, 350x243, 350:243, WTF.gif)


By 11:11 we reach 750 notables per bread?

Is that the goal?

7c65a6 No.2040236


Right, bolshevik mocking birds are to blame. There are people who still think Trump paid hookers to piss on a bed that Renegade would be sleeping on. Morning rap stations are some of the most vile misinformed group on this planet. What do? 1st amendment, Ajit Pai threaten licenses? MockingBirds and their Fake News have been the culprit of violence since before the election, like when La Raza would attack rally goers in parking decks, sucker punch from behind, or hit with a bag of rocks

Speaking of MockingBirds Atlanta mockingbird -> https://www.wsbradio.com/evh/ -> going hard calling Pizzagate and Comet Ping Pong, RedHen eatery not pedophile fronts. This guy is the biggest sack of shit to hit the radio waves since Neil Bortz swearing Trump would never be President who now rides the coat-tails. Garbage

58bd57 No.2040237


"Muh Violence" Shill


5c42b3 No.2040238


Hey this clown is bald on top. He might be person of interest from Q's photo.

73c879 No.2040239


Daybaker here.

Can step in.

Please Confirm.

BO/BV, please vet IP hash for verification.

cb7db5 No.2040240


Thanks for posting the vid, anon.

I'm so banned from Twitter I couldn't even play it from the Zerohedge article

57e93d No.2040241

File: 422de9f7ccd05ad⋯.jpg (444.48 KB, 1243x1600, 1243:1600, j.Wayne.was.a.Fag.jpg)

File: 687565aa083f387⋯.jpg (12.19 KB, 480x360, 4:3, tiggered.jpg)

File: 522ad7f964ed7a6⋯.jpg (20.58 KB, 531x393, 177:131, true.jpg)

File: 588959ea1cb5854⋯.gif (2.11 MB, 400x225, 16:9, fag.gif)


john wayne was a fag too

most of the pedwood ppl are fags

all are deviants

f6b51b No.2040242


In court, I agree. Not physically dumbass.

58bd57 No.2040243


Muh Q is a LARP Shill


dd2a7e No.2040244


>BO/BV, please vet IP hash for verification.

Baker's Union action right there!

4ce13c No.2040245


The monarchy never surrendered. They still want the US back.

d42d00 No.2040246

I was in upstate NY this past weekend, near NXIVM, saw signs for towns of Half Moon and Colonie, Saratoga Springs, etc and noticed a couple of signs for Safe Haven on the streets, almost looking like street signs. Not an autist. It seems like very liberal towns and something about it just "activated my almonds". Maybe it will help. idk

3670a1 No.2040247

File: 3a5f80650236aae⋯.jpg (46.25 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, hicksjonesteethproof.jpg)

>>2040037 (pb)

>>2040106 (pb)

As far as :

"Stars talk against the Man so they get taken out"

The programmers WANT you to believe that. They think it's funny and will keep you shut up.

Most people prefer safely over freedom, no matter what you are told. It's been bred in, by rewarding those who go along and harming those who don't

Hicks - Jones was laughing in an off-the-cuff converstaion [on tape] where he speculated on the "death" of Hicks.

He smirks, barely suppressing the guffaws, while he says ," Do you think they gave him cancer [for his outspoken politics]?"

They layer it.

d03db7 No.2040248


Who pays the bill for all this Mueller crap? someone must approve the financial side of it all, who holds the purse?

58bd57 No.2040249


Muh retard shill


7fe13e No.2040250


This poster has a history of good bakes!

da5221 No.2040251


"Everyone's a shill" shill

Fuck off clown.

81759d No.2040252

File: d7fc7d5ae731972⋯.png (3.46 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Smart TVs are watching us now

How Smart TVs in Millions of U.S. Homes Track More Than What’s on Tonight," by N.Y. Times' Sapna Maheshwari: "[D]ata companies have harnessed new technology to immediately identify what people are watching on internet-connected TVs, then using that information to send targeted advertisements to other devices in their homes."

Why it matters: "Samba TV[, one of those data companies,] has even offered advertisers the ability to base their targeting on whether people watch conservative or liberal media outlets and which party’s presidential debate[s] they watched."

"Samba TV has struck deals with roughly a dozen TV brands — including Sony, Sharp, TCL and Philips — to place its software on certain sets."

"When people set up their TVs, a screen urges them to enable a service called Samba Interactive TV, saying it recommends shows and provides special offers 'by cleverly recognizing onscreen content.' But the screen, which contains the enable button, does not detail how much information Samba TV collects to make those recommendations."

"Samba TV … said at the end of 2016 that more than 90 percent of people opted in."

"Once enabled, Samba TV can track nearly everything that appears on the TV on a second-by-second basis, essentially reading pixels to identify network shows and ads, as well as programs on Netflix and HBO and even video games played on the TV."

66067e No.2040253

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This video is actually quite interesting. Starting @ 17:11, it's talking about mind control, a quite relevant topic on here.

9a2a0b No.2040254

File: bc9ef50c4de6bc3⋯.jpg (9.76 KB, 255x192, 85:64, 0371345bc245ab903d7cc56a04….jpg)



a46f14 No.2040255

File: 875b55b72f75d5e⋯.jpg (44.23 KB, 359x538, 359:538, 8b1bf575775350dba4b3ce08f0….jpg)


Did I call you a shill, or are you being a little sensitive? I linked to your post because it was up top to get visibility of the reminder that anons need regarding the AF1 photos. News links are awesome!


Hey, speaking of reminders, have you twatted your favorite list of WH Press Correspondents today? Copy/Paste format for easy distro. As Q says:

Trolling is FUN!!!!!!




















Who is "Q"? Ask Sarah Sanders.




















Who is "Q"? Ask Sarah Sanders.























Who is "Q"? Ask Sarah Sanders.


















Who is "Q"? Ask Sarah Sanders.

8bfe93 No.2040256


it's the muhjooo shill with a ginger fetish, he's quite known by now anyone not following the plan (the jonestown kool-aid plan) is a soros stooge according to him and his reddit circlejerk

>endoctrinated levels = over 9000

bccaa9 No.2040257


>By 11:11 we reach 750 notables per bread?

So you're saying we will achieve a perfect world by 11:11?

e7f9e5 No.2040258

File: 28a3f212d18877b⋯.png (291.31 KB, 407x461, 407:461, ClipboardImage.png)

Posted this on twatter on the 3rd, it went viral.

But yesterday the shills started hitting hard.

Not sure about it's authenticity, as there is no background info on the guy, but it sure did stir up a shit show with the shills.

da5221 No.2040259


Did I say physically? NO

It's time to insist that local law enforcement goes after these people.

a46f14 No.2040260


No, they are here posting links to news articles. Anon is good to go.

cd6c0b No.2040261

Anon posted earlier:


fc26c7 No.2040262


The big gaijin

503bcd No.2040263

File: ddbac56ab120e83⋯.jpg (70.05 KB, 634x636, 317:318, 4DF279AC00000578-5919363-i….jpg)

Trump Jr took his official girlfriend Kimberly Gilfoyle to the White House 4th of July celebrations.

Wish them all the best.

d03db7 No.2040264


fighting corrupt judiciary is dangerous and stupid.

cb7db5 No.2040265


We have a winner

58bd57 No.2040266


Muh "Let's go shoot em" Shill

fuck off CIA nigger.

81759d No.2040267


Sauce! Sorry.


a86849 No.2040268


So your saying lights on no one at home?

80f2e4 No.2040269

File: 4bda1d2c85cfa76⋯.png (956.95 KB, 714x532, 51:38, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f06d7a43e69cb4⋯.png (113.69 KB, 348x269, 348:269, ClipboardImage.png)

Are you ever going to restore this?


Seems like just another pipe dream to me.

40 some odd years and it's still setting in the weed row and you've never touched it. All talk, no action.

80f722 No.2040270


I didn’t think that any doubtfag would even attempt to throw shade here but I guess one of them had to and you drew the short stick. If there are any statisticianfags here, tell this Shill what the odds are that POTUS would have returned to the SAME ROW when exiting, this time even walking down it and shaking hands?

7c65a6 No.2040271







9dd4f8 No.2040272


nope not even close

016248 No.2040273

File: 5f81b77b97536b6⋯.jpg (113 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ElafIxT.jpg)



Monitoring handover, looks good!

f6b51b No.2040274

Does George Soros funding the "Proud Boys" to start a civil war?

f08495 No.2040275


really? y'all blind man! not the same shape of head

214cd7 No.2040276

so we're going to ignore the faked 'proof'? God this movement is fucking done. What a shitshow

58bd57 No.2040277


Whoops, coffee time.

e9d491 No.2040278

File: b94dc3641a47b54⋯.jpg (77.43 KB, 720x525, 48:35, 7b7f9a2424ea0976fffb423857….jpg)

File: 9c9de76fbe99972⋯.png (276.74 KB, 315x411, 105:137, 89436856846580964856843268.png)

File: fa89fd935f48b5c⋯.png (852.73 KB, 572x865, 572:865, 84586486580580465.png)

File: 7cadebb663a8b5b⋯.jpeg (40.53 KB, 480x730, 48:73, 7cadebb663a8b5b19cbe6855c….jpeg)

bccaa9 No.2040279


Daybaker? Right on! We get good bakes today!

57e93d No.2040280

File: 9a7333313bf6e31⋯.jpg (59.86 KB, 243x327, 81:109, get.in.bitch.jpg)

File: e63f1dca0ab1ccb⋯.jpg (60.89 KB, 854x480, 427:240, really.jpg)

File: 65560b53fb43f53⋯.png (207.62 KB, 500x281, 500:281, real.newz.png)

File: 9967984f52f3512⋯.jpg (39.44 KB, 454x245, 454:245, walnut.trigger.jpg)

File: 0faa7c7675958b8⋯.jpg (33.72 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, glow.jpg)

42b064 No.2040281

File: f1ea6b71261fa42⋯.png (720.13 KB, 670x647, 670:647, Bennett re Diversity 6-22-….PNG)

File: f21f96f5e341e06⋯.png (5.86 KB, 70x53, 70:53, seamines.png)

File: a230f547bd337fd⋯.jpg (64.58 KB, 600x600, 1:1, foldflag.jpg)

>>2040148 (lb)

>>2040158 (lb)


>>2039975 (lb)

Let us all pray the EU kicks the bucket soon and may reincarnate into something more humane and supportive of its native populations.


d77ffe No.2040282


Brundle Fly

8bfe93 No.2040283


Don't you understand that everything horrible in the world is funded by soros

antifas ? soros

fascism ? soros

immigrants ? soros

national socialism ? soros

The evil boogeyman

The ultimate strawman


78e3a8 No.2040284


I asked this morning. It was debunked last night.

b00684 No.2040285


The size of that list is absurd. Bullshit. A pic of my ass would be a notable.

87ec71 No.2040286

File: fb4e73a39494456⋯.jpg (4.92 KB, 240x195, 16:13, confusion3.jpg)

OMG has BO gotten in over his head? BO you fell for the baker/BV shill whiners

Leaf was the ONLY BV consistently weedingout SPAM and then providing full documentation of his action whenchallenged

yet you and the other BV's caved to the shill whiners - OK fine release the IP's i dont care about that

but blaming leaf for this was wrong - thenblaming leaf for name fagging when it was the only way to get his message out and defend himself - you dont post as anon do you? BV do not - if there is legit purpose to the name its accepted here

now we see massive nuh concern and nuh Q larp and muhQ maybe a larp but its ok slide and you screencap it?


now we have a baker with 40 notables?

BO come one get some cofeve on board and up your game

we cant have a weak link to cross the finish line

42e7c8 No.2040287

File: 5316b491c3db8a9⋯.jpg (30.05 KB, 611x314, 611:314, KeepClamAndCarryOn.JPG)


Handoff confirmed

Here's updated dough: https://pastebin.com/ye6tRWaQ

TY Daybaker, BO/BV.

Get fucked shills.

0145bf No.2040288

File: 4f703abc0971eb7⋯.jpg (16.22 KB, 360x264, 15:11, snake-in-grass.jpg)

Possible future MSM attack vectors from reading this morning's comments from our resident snakes in the grass e.g. #2572


>4c82dd etc.

anons. are racist/intolerant (reboot) - most likely to be timed coincident to Hussein's Kenya trip.

Trump wants to be monarch.


7672c3 No.2040289

File: a9ed1eea4d58441⋯.jpeg (453.92 KB, 1242x1537, 1242:1537, 169193B8-17EB-4AE6-A7F2-0….jpeg)

File: 0106244573de6cb⋯.jpeg (507.3 KB, 1242x1544, 621:772, CA577F18-CCB5-4755-A4C4-6….jpeg)

File: dc95287ce7773be⋯.jpeg (632.84 KB, 1242x1450, 621:725, 180376ED-B78B-4044-BEE9-A….jpeg)

File: 9563ba1e8b51cce⋯.jpeg (911.56 KB, 1242x1598, 621:799, DAAFD106-4EB2-4E2A-BC3E-0….jpeg)


No way for us to know. Not sure that matters. Most often the Qdrop photos were iphone files ( known by the digit grouping with the third section of digits beginning with a 4-iphone file naming convention). These photo drops were re-done as .png files. Days ago screen shots were posted showing Verizon wifi. Not these, though.

See these screen shots from the Qmapp site for a bigger picture of what we are to be understanding.

They are using photos to troll Bozo ( with his ashtray they call a mug holder) and most likely we have treats waiting for us in searching through old Bozo AF-1 photos of the magazine rack.

d6f8a0 No.2040290


I would think muh lawsuit would serve those two young men better.

00b308 No.2040291

To any genuine anons, especially new fags, out there doubting Q and this movement.


Our beloved POTUS would not let Q continue if he was a larp. I think he constantly calls out fake news and those who lie about him on a daily basis, but I could be wrong.

Do you really think if POTUS was not part of this, he would allow it to continue?

Do you really think those QAnons at the rally, with Q on their shirt, got on Fox News just for the hell of it?

Do you REALLY think POTUS would let someone use him like this?

Do you think the man Donald J Trump would allow a movement like this, that has gone WW, to go on in his name if it were in fact bullshit?

If nothing else believe in your President!

We know Q will be in here before too long dropping something that will shut down all concerfags and shills. He always does.

db244f No.2040292


Workfag here for backup if needed, Daybaker.

60a1b0 No.2040293

File: 419316e9b545161⋯.png (197.63 KB, 498x288, 83:48, bread-oven.png)

58bd57 No.2040294


That is correct. You can't have a violent protest unless you pay people to fight on both sides. There's too much flouride in the water for anyone to actually get that worked up organically.

8123c2 No.2040295


it's all done, so you can leave now

167d65 No.2040296


Mueller has an open checkbook through Congress.

When Q has mentioned 40k v he might have been talking about this 40k sealed indictments v. 20 indictments.

f6b51b No.2040297


Just asking since Soros was the funding source for the two opposing parties in the Ukraine where eventually they opened fire on each other.

e20f21 No.2040298

File: 264c18204303ccc⋯.png (1.03 MB, 582x785, 582:785, gimp-2.10_2018-07-04_09-42….png)

bccaa9 No.2040299

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



Mood music for the bake :D

Shadilay, patriots!

58bd57 No.2040300

File: 274bf52d587631d⋯.jpg (66.1 KB, 500x596, 125:149, funny.jpg)

9a2a0b No.2040301


The forehead gives it away and the nose. It's totally Shim! Perfect match. Dumb look and all. I bet manchelle is in up to herhis? gerry curls in the game.

ee7447 No.2040302




CDAN Post 1: Geffen and the Sick Shit He Did

Anons: Yay! CDAN just busted Geffen - he's going down finally!

CDAN Post 2: Heston Pumps and Dumps Twinks

Anons: No! Not Muh Chuck - he dindu nuffin. CDAN Fake & Gay!

7f2ef6 No.2040303

File: fda9f3cf1aa122f⋯.jpg (650.28 KB, 1559x1080, 1559:1080, ASK-the-Q.jpg)


Q is Q because Q wants people to "question" everything.

when the 'leaders' of MSM and social media dismiss or ignore the "Q movement", they are actively avoiding the Q, avoiding "the ultimate question."

clever wordplay to throw back in their face.


73c879 No.2040305

File: 9d24cb32a09988c⋯.jpeg (77.57 KB, 795x1024, 795:1024, 2e51f3b47feb4ed0e0775d2ac….jpeg)




Handoff Accepted

Glad to see we were on the same page with notables.

Good stuff.

Thank you for your work.

Have an excellent day, man.

87ec71 No.2040306






>>2039485, >>2039634, >>2039688 Anons cut thru the concernfagging: YOU not Q are the important ones

5034ec No.2040307



Where are you Jeff Sessions?

You have told the bad guys they can get away with anything.

1a00fb No.2040308

File: 33630c1675c4991⋯.jpg (19.99 KB, 350x373, 350:373, MO.jpg)


Closest I could find to the mouth shape

981597 No.2040309


new baker - nice. only one notable in last list.

9a2a0b No.2040310

File: 15630516b808b10⋯.gif (182.16 KB, 256x192, 4:3, 5fa22444cf.gif)


He really is a faggot ! KEK!!

b00684 No.2040311


A lot of bad people on both sides.

73c879 No.2040312


Sounds good, Workfag, thank you.

Will keep you posted if relief is needed.

80f2e4 No.2040313

File: cb34aedf693bdeb⋯.png (26.79 KB, 696x664, 87:83, ClipboardImage.png)


e20f21 No.2040314


Would never have happened if the kid also had a Trumpy Bear on the table.

b4b74c No.2040315

File: 4d6793c84d07a53⋯.png (301.52 KB, 861x552, 287:184, 4d6793c84d07a53a4b76d76307….png)


d03db7 No.2040316


So can Congress defund him?

214cd7 No.2040317


Yes do nothing at all, trust the plan. Pathetic.

294634 No.2040318


Those refugees won't go home.

Why should they?

Go home to work on building a war torn shitholes, or stay in comfort without having to work while sucking for free all essentials including free sex from white morons and teen rape victims.

The goatfuckers aren't going anywhere.

b00684 No.2040319

So is the consensus on the crossing the street pic Joel A. Getz?

513fcf No.2040320


This is a very strange type of demoralization shill.

80f2e4 No.2040321

File: ce927d9e1b2d012⋯.png (26.33 KB, 678x673, 678:673, ClipboardImage.png)


More MSM depression

15ff12 No.2040322

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10x to the anon that poste it. FQ all.

1a00fb No.2040323


Private sector took care of it for a change


Shortly thereafter Jimenez was fired from his job at San Antonio bar, Rumble, which confirmed his dismissal in several Facebook statements and a text exchange.

Hello friends,

It came to our attention earlier this evening that a part-time employee was captured on cell phone video assaulting another person at a local eatery. The assault took place, presumably, because this employee did not agree with the other individuals political stance.

We have since terminated this employee, as his actions go against everything that this establishment stands for.

Rumble has, and always will be, a bar that is as inclusive as any establishment could possibly be. THIS BAR IS A SAFE SPACE FOR EVERYONE! No matter your race, creed, ethnicity, sexual identity, and political stance, you are welcomed here!

We do not condone the actions or behavior that were displayed in the cell phone video, and we never will.

If you have any questions or concerns please message us privately. We support and appreciate your business.

503bcd No.2040324

File: a04283da19fc00c⋯.jpg (75.82 KB, 634x1109, 634:1109, 4DF27B2200000578-5919363-i….jpg)

Trump Jr better put a ring on it, Kimberly is first lady material.

87ec71 No.2040325


Cuz its another slide anon

how many versions of Q is a LARP are there?


they dont all call out directly but they are all SHILLS

Q is proven beyond doubt - ask every shill to explain SA and sealed indictments

6c9f4e No.2040326

File: 188c304c9313756⋯.png (38.77 KB, 143x106, 143:106, ClipboardImage.png)

Maybe Putin?

be177f No.2040327

File: 080b13945ec70c8⋯.png (148.8 KB, 1127x802, 1127:802, monopoly.PNG)

I was looking at this twat from yesterday and it seems to me that POTUS is sending more of a message than meets the eye. He uses the word Monopoly with OPEC, based on the Petro Dollar. He also uses the $ symbol referring to the cost of protection for the A-Rabs instead of saying money or Dollar.This to me is screaming Reset, especially if you've seen the Meme with new Dollars, 50 to 5 with their colors matching Monopoly Money saying they are laughing at you.. Don't have a copy of it but you should understand my meaning.

9d35be No.2040328


What's creepy is that there's still people who don't know this.

bccaa9 No.2040329


They match. They look like they go together kek.

167d65 No.2040330


yes they always have the power to vote on that

80f2e4 No.2040331

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a86849 No.2040332


This match is fine with me!, hope there's no psyops besides what looks like a great union?

cb7db5 No.2040333



Well..it's a better guess than Prince fucking William!

87ec71 No.2040334


shill slide

fuck off

57e93d No.2040335

File: 9fb31ecd4b62661⋯.png (54.4 KB, 820x287, 20:7, michaels.millions.png)

File: c9deac1e69ca35c⋯.jpg (28.99 KB, 474x631, 474:631, child.traffic.jpg)

File: c6c2428f0355feb⋯.jpg (45.75 KB, 512x335, 512:335, frens.jpg)

c708a9 No.2040336


She's been married how many times? I figure she is more of a tramp/golddigger.

3a82b4 No.2040337

>>2040302 Answer the points that were raised about the Heston story.

9a2a0b No.2040338


Don't fall in love too quick

58bd57 No.2040339

File: c3f19d56766ec4c⋯.jpg (120.79 KB, 665x627, 35:33, 40000.jpg)


Q said we hit 40,000 ft several months ago. I think he meant a certain level of understanding of geopolitics, since we were no where near 40,000 indictments at that point.

8bfe93 No.2040340


oh ok, then I understand your feeling I was there watching azov battalion..

thing is, you can't be racist here because SOROS pays you

you can't be antisemitist here because guess what…SOROS is paying you

You can't even be a nationalist (not a civic nat) because SOROS is funding nationalism

and antifas are a nuisance, but guess what…you can't fight back because SOROS is paying you

I'm not joking when I said soros is the ultimate strawman and the newest buzzword for them

a46f14 No.2040341

File: 72ddf3841fadb07⋯.png (423.83 KB, 1426x745, 1426:745, QProofs - They Have The Se….PNG)


It's authentic info. Here's the deal:

1. Discussion regarding legality of Awan being let go started a legal discussion among anons. The discussion lead to a Q response to one of the anons.

2. A picture was painted regarding how things progress from here, with repeated claims by anons (backing what Q has said) that they already HAVE the server.

3. Someone might be accidentally purposefully leaking some info that is trolling the ever living fuck out of the cabal.

4. Q posts the AF1 photos, and shit went nuclear.

Here are the posts regarding the legal stuff. It was a notable back then:



87ec71 No.2040342




503bcd No.2040343


100% agree, plus she likes guns and hunting.

9a2a0b No.2040344

I hope we have Trump's in the WH for the next 100 years seriously. If they all follow Big Daddy's way they will ! I would bet high on that .

571226 No.2040345

File: 4af038db934e973⋯.jpg (373.77 KB, 753x861, 251:287, #0.Chan Archive Service.jpg)

GermanArchiveAnon Update

Fellow Anons,

I added #2557 to #2573 to the folder and updated the checksums.



2557-2573.zip MD5: f0161884dfa36e86a78ffc9dd6ff75ab


2557-2573.html.zip MD5: 2a73456adb5ad481dd56b307ff4fcf1e

The archive now contains 2579 breads.


GermanArchiveAnon Out

87ec71 No.2040346


>no group is trying to subvert this movement using subtle methods. And no group would cause vacuous notables to slide the real ones


294634 No.2040347


She's one step down from a prostitute.

DJTJ is having some fun an trolling the leftards who hate Fox.

That's all this is.

167d65 No.2040348

>>2040339 I have thought the exact same until this article and knowing 40k sealed indictments exist. now I am reevaluating the meaning.

a99ecd No.2040349

This is getting out of hand

https://twitter. com/brxpug/status/1014417257945018368

58bd57 No.2040350


Calling out an obvious patriot just exposes you immediately. Doesn't Soros pay you to at least try?

da79cc No.2040351


prominent brow

Virgin walk

e7f9e5 No.2040352

I'm thinking Mueller probe is picking up U1 stuff and dirt on DC lobbyists…/ourguy

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is tapping additional Justice Department resources for help with new legal battles as his year-old investigation of Russian interference with the 2016 election continues to expand.

As Mueller pursues his probe, he’s making more use of career prosecutors from the offices of U.S. attorneys and from Justice Department headquarters, as well as FBI agents – a sign that he may be laying the groundwork to hand off parts of his investigation eventually, several current and former U.S. officials said.


87ec71 No.2040353




be177f No.2040354


Give the Clock Fags and number Fags a minute, they'll figure it out for you (and me).

bccaa9 No.2040355


>plus she likes guns and hunting.

Legit :) God bless and protect both of them.

7672c3 No.2040356

File: 3e9f7da6e927ca6⋯.jpeg (722.66 KB, 1242x1553, 1242:1553, 0474ABDC-2BD4-439E-9D50-6….jpeg)


Here is the lamp photo post shown as a .png file.

42e7c8 No.2040357


>Glad to see we were on the same page with notables.

Good to hear.

You have a great day too.

CB out

15ff12 No.2040358


I would love to see corset singing at his book while asking for money from people that had no justice in their life ad willing to pay for any shine …….

503bcd No.2040359

File: b4c3d6ca9715531⋯.jpg (79.81 KB, 475x636, 475:636, 2de5br~2.jpg)


You are jealous you turd pile.

73c879 No.2040360


Grüs Gott, Anon.

Danke schön.

I realize you don't celebrate our Independence Day, but I hope you had a good one regardless.

1a00fb No.2040361


Muller just wants a lot of his friends to be in on this tax payer windfall

66067e No.2040362

'Billionaire' Oil Tycoon Batista Gets 30 Years In Jail

One of Brazil's richest men, Eike Batista, has received a 30-year prison sentence for bribes given to the former governor of Rio de Janeiro, Sergio Cabral, Reuters reports, citing a federal court document. Cabral was also convicted.

The federal court found Batista - whose business was mainly in oil and metals - guilty of paying US$16.5 million to Cabral in exchange for winning state contracts, including one for the management of the legendary Maracana stadium in Rio and one for the construction of a US$3.7-billion port, Acu.

According to the prosecution, Batista paid a quarter of the bribe to Cabral in cash. The rest came in the form of Petrobras, Vale, and Ambev stock.

Batista, who was Brazil’s richest man just six years ago, with a net worth of US$30 billion, was an oil and mining bull whose unflagging certainty about oil, metals, and the Brazilian economy clashed with reality when the country plunged into its worst recession in history amid the oil price collapse and the latest metals price rout.

Batista, Reuters recalls, made a lot of expensive bets on offshore oil plays that did not work out as expected due to plummeting prices and operation Car Wash, the large-scale anti-corruption sweep of the government, which shook not just Petrobras but most major companies operating in the country.

Launched in 2014, Operation Car Wash has so far led to 150 arrests, lawsuits, and criminal proceedings. Petrobras was the company most heavily involved in the probe on allegations that high-ranking company officials—along with politicians—had received millions of dollars in illegal payment from other companies to secure contracts with the state oil giant.

Among the politicians involved in the scandal were former presidents Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousseff—who was impeached last year—and also current president Michel Temer.


631602 No.2040363

File: 4974b4a7a469893⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1182x2560, 591:1280, HK 1.png)

File: be2a4c3d5aa496b⋯.png (86.95 KB, 253x211, 253:211, HK Reflection.png)

Apologize if this has already been pointed out. May be nothing but I see a facial reflection in the HK pic.

db244f No.2040364


That's called a dynasty, and we don't do that in America. It would be no better than the Bush/Clinton Dynasty, and that's how we got into this mess in the first place. No thanks. If another Trump decides to run at some point, fine. Let them earn it.

57e93d No.2040365

File: b98eb06a4e39d74⋯.jpg (98.96 KB, 600x360, 5:3, kls.obongo.jpg)

File: 51cd29719f0ba83⋯.jpg (20.27 KB, 708x438, 118:73, kls.najib.jpg)

File: 02180f40ce007ca⋯.jpg (31.97 KB, 648x369, 72:41, najib.jpg)

File: 9fb31ecd4b62661⋯.png (54.4 KB, 820x287, 20:7, michaels.millions.png)

503bcd No.2040366


Photoshop illustrator.

5e188e No.2040368


He'd got his ass whooped for sure! MAGA!

87ec71 No.2040369





57e93d No.2040370

File: 3366d83a3d181d1⋯.jpg (23.89 KB, 648x369, 72:41, gs.jpg)

File: 89899023298a74e⋯.jpg (27.53 KB, 749x499, 749:499, gs1.jpg)

b6ed6e No.2040371


that isnt sky event, this is just fireworks susiciously shaped like a Q

503bcd No.2040372

File: 380f0b22a0dfc5f⋯.png (33.3 KB, 480x479, 480:479, Screenshot_2018-07-01-08-5….png)


It's this moron.

2244be No.2040373

File: 6a6835eb7a6d175⋯.png (173.22 KB, 445x592, 445:592, Screenshot_38.png)

File: db8207f258da0b9⋯.png (157.36 KB, 1781x358, 1781:358, Screenshot_39.png)

File: 04bfd280444a722⋯.png (626.93 KB, 936x688, 117:86, Screenshot_37.png)

File: 242225d61c3888e⋯.png (1.2 MB, 953x680, 953:680, @snowden Lindsay.png)

File: 1fff58bcd857dcb⋯.png (13.71 KB, 628x164, 157:41, R3 7-5.png)


You just missed R on the last bread.

You guise need to wake up! You missed clues last bread. Target in the pic in HK is not the man crossing the street but the woman on the right behind the cars. Lindsay Mills is @Snowden's gf. Pic looks like her.

I think Snowden is back in the US and in DC.

Check it out…pics related.

50c034 No.2040374

File: d79617390857dba⋯.jpg (175.81 KB, 524x594, 262:297, Twitter-Kino-Jimenez.jpg)

This shit pisses me off to no end! Sorry if previously posted.

Wish I was there. The kid would have his MAGA hat back.


Kino Jimenez


80f2e4 No.2040375

File: 0962b469db3a921⋯.png (16.86 KB, 672x287, 96:41, ClipboardImage.png)


Does not compute.

e7f9e5 No.2040376


If so, why did Trump meet with him, and why is Q pointing out his background (military) history?

78e25a No.2040377

File: c656ce4672de479⋯.png (250.35 KB, 1080x1639, 1080:1639, Screenshot_20180705-185537….png)


58bd57 No.2040378


An article that says Mueller hired more prosecutors? You know the sealed indictments are being handled by Huber, not Mueller.

d03db7 No.2040379


So when Gohmert, for example, writes a scathing report on Mueller, and then accuses RR of spying on him, he is paying them to do this? WTF?

1a00fb No.2040380

File: 3f86c9694c83c32⋯.jpg (169.18 KB, 1500x843, 500:281, connectivitysmart.jpg)


I pointed it out yesterday along with possible car. Thanks for bringing it back up. It's been bothering me more than the other items in the image.

7672c3 No.2040381


The anon was asking if they were posted from an iphone, thats all. There was another reply that explains.

8df98a No.2040382



hairline looks different

93156f No.2040383



Now that's interdasting. :D

57e93d No.2040384

File: 75d35388f836b1f⋯.jpg (17.13 KB, 300x234, 50:39, core.jpg)

File: 4b1508353360da0⋯.jpg (28.91 KB, 460x312, 115:78, marc.rich.jpg)

File: e1af44430209130⋯.jpg (37.43 KB, 758x397, 758:397, DIGITAL.TRAIL.jpg)

File: f28f6ee03866078⋯.jpg (127.12 KB, 1800x1196, 450:299, AZERBAIJAN.jpg)

File: 348040a067f3572⋯.jpg (12 KB, 252x184, 63:46, boi.luv.jpg)

46daef No.2040385


I remember his hearing, it was so weird. He talked like a robot, extremely coached on what to say. That or they were beaming the script right into his head.

58bd57 No.2040387



9dd4f8 No.2040388

File: a433ed494bf9377⋯.png (921.39 KB, 1366x588, 683:294, Screenshot_2018-06-28 Lisa….png)

File: a95610a30494fae⋯.jpg (59.88 KB, 656x800, 41:50, 65402319cf05309edab54c2fdd….jpg)

File: c3c63bf2b66a66c⋯.jpg (29.15 KB, 450x659, 450:659, 500full-donnie-darko-poste….jpg)

File: 6a3201bdbb93b30⋯.jpg (34.59 KB, 369x495, 41:55, easter1.jpg)

File: 12a764f57d33af7⋯.jpg (57.51 KB, 500x466, 250:233, UWe9YJv.jpg)




78e3a8 No.2040389


You cant see anything of that person.

7672c3 No.2040391


It was discussed in the same bread as the drop. You might want to go back (using the Qpost at top of bread to launch there) and cruise that bread seeing what you now see. :)

3f5cfd No.2040392



Guess you didn't like the one about George Soros sending Pam Anderson to JA to keep happy either.

5034ec No.2040393


She is an incredible patriot IRL. Puts her money into great causes.

8123c2 No.2040394


How old is Mr. Jiminez? This looks like an adult assaulting a minor to me.

8d7697 No.2040395


Can't wait to see this POS get his. Prison ain't fun for little bitches like this. Thinks he's so tough.

2b22e1 No.2040396

File: c132291e403ce7f⋯.jpg (44.41 KB, 720x960, 3:4, QC2.jpg)

New Embroidered Q Shirt

58bd57 No.2040398

File: 069a94781b5d816⋯.jpg (100.36 KB, 681x555, 227:185, CDAN.jpg)

0c9a60 No.2040399


Nope. It is Prince William heading to a pedo kindergarten.

Q, who is this!??? We have wasted enough time on it.

69a709 No.2040400

Muhfucker was fired from his job.


503bcd No.2040401

File: ece022c15d6d70d⋯.jpg (55.69 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 2de53n~2.jpg)

File: b6087797898e5ee⋯.jpg (54.88 KB, 580x587, 580:587, DhQJksYX0AAliiW.jpg)

87ec71 No.2040402

File: 681d23d97b9df0f⋯.jpg (7.22 KB, 225x225, 1:1, confusion2.jpg)



when A CLOWN calls out an anon for calling out shills



4a21c5 No.2040403

>>2039780 (pb)


Hey there CodeMonkey, What say you? Do you outright deny having participated in the above referenced alleged group activities?? Your words might help to quiet the growing angst.

9a93ca No.2040404

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


MSM brainwashing. Some libtards even go full libtard when on Holliday in Denmark.

8bfe93 No.2040405


see >>2040350 ? I'm not joking

>i'm so enlightened and I'm such an oldfag that I post facebook boomer memes and I insult anyone I don't like to be a SOROS stooge

That's fucking embarrassing if you ask me

bccaa9 No.2040406


Only if your ass was attached to BHO and the picture was taken from inside the jail cell….

e5415e No.2040407

1a00fb No.2040408


30 and yes it is assaulting a minor they kid isn't pressing charges though and the guy got canned from his job.

42b064 No.2040409

File: 3b909721640240f⋯.mp4 (4.97 MB, 256x144, 16:9, JULY 4th MESSAGE Sec Zinke….mp4)

47a252 No.2040410

File: 494cd2212ce9040⋯.png (32.96 KB, 93x125, 93:125, Screenshot PW.png)

File: 3a491d55a100cf6⋯.jpg (46.53 KB, 306x486, 17:27, P William.jpg)


Prince William wore a blue shirt and beige trousers

fdb5b6 No.2040411


Heard on the news this morning that he got fired from his job at a local bar. If they knew that much about him to know he got fired, they know enough to have the police arrest him for assaulting a minor and theft.

8df98a No.2040412


creepy pics

cb7db5 No.2040413


This kid tweeted that they decided not to press charges…

Many commies sticking up for the thug saying the kid deserved it for wearing a racist symbol and are talking about starting a gofundme for the POS

e9bc8c No.2040414


"muh violence" shill

b00684 No.2040415


The endless slide. FILTERED.

58bd57 No.2040416

File: 67a8080da59c0ef⋯.jpg (21.53 KB, 500x311, 500:311, sounds-good-to-55rnyo.jpg)


Nailed it, I believe. He's got the same sloped neanderthal forehead.

8123c2 No.2040417


His parent's should press charges. I would if it were my kid.

dd2a7e No.2040418


…and so do a million other people on this fucking planet.

66067e No.2040419

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

@00:24, PewDiePie said "together we can do it; together we are strong". Q reference?

959d16 No.2040420


Of course they're not going home by choice but this is not the point.

The sitution is changing drammatically in Syria and in Iran also. And 80% of the migrants stated they are from Syria, because that gave them a legit refugee status. So now Eastern Europe with Austria and Italy can (and I think will) change the narrative to let's ship them home. Because actually international EU law allowes to kick them out if their country is safe enough.

So it is not their choice to go. It will be our choice now.

78e25a No.2040422

File: 07e1b3621cdf928⋯.jpg (253.8 KB, 1269x1261, 1269:1261, IMG_20180705_191436.jpg)

87ec71 No.2040423


>growing angst.




57e93d No.2040424

File: 0e2ada50c7aa518⋯.jpg (286.61 KB, 1222x846, 13:9, 2days.late.jpg)

File: 1280c6cf1f86e18⋯.jpg (18.03 KB, 480x360, 4:3, chile.obongo.hotdog.jpg)

File: 64db1ea750d3869⋯.jpg (24.56 KB, 400x280, 10:7, chile.papa.f.jpg)

File: 4f8fcd57fea5a3c⋯.jpg (124.39 KB, 1024x614, 512:307, missing.jpg)

File: f11ae725c7fc7d1⋯.jpg (58.09 KB, 675x432, 25:16, xhile.arg.jpg)

8123c2 No.2040425



Woops replied to myself, kek.

167d65 No.2040426


you are missing my point(s) . with all of the ineffective Government waste and fraud, DOJ has spent nearly the same amount as Mueller and accomplished much more. Mueller is hunting 1 man whereas DOJ is hunting the criminals throughout our Country. the comparison is YUGE. because of that I'm pondering a 2nd meaning to 40k. cruising altitude just means we will stay at this targeted level until we go in for a landing. they might have had 40k in their sights at the time and the grand jury process was underway with all

9dd4f8 No.2040427


snot william

631602 No.2040428

Thanks, same here!

724739 No.2040429

File: 84824ca838dc7b1⋯.png (101.27 KB, 1375x578, 1375:578, Screen Shot 2018-07-05 at ….png)


RIP Chris.

47e3b6 No.2040430

File: 2f1f185a28a5aa1⋯.png (98.48 KB, 587x592, 587:592, 2f1f185a28a5aa198cd043b7be….png)

File: a2355990aab5528⋯.png (9.53 KB, 588x115, 588:115, a2355990aab552809547df3ffb….png)

ee7447 No.2040431


Address what? Subjective fanfic speculation? Enty may be comped, have disinfo, or is at or close to the truth. Since his identity is known by many in HW I'd say he has more skin in the game by putting this info out.

Only time will tell which of yesterday's blast is the truth. My main criticism is the double-standard and reluctance of some anons to accept that some of their heroes may turn out to be zeroes in the end.

a46f14 No.2040432

File: 29286e86e4e9bf4⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1920x3401, 1920:3401, Q - The North Korea Story ….png)


Yeah, Q's posts re: 40k ft view means that once you see the entirety of how EVERYTHING is connected, you are in "conspiracy" territory. Instead of hanging out there and giving anons crumbs while telling a master narrative, Q gives us crumbs that tie small details together from various chapters of the overall story. This accomplishes two things:

1. It allows anons to learn each story individually

2. Anons build proofs for each story

3. Once the public comes around on these stories individually (over time) the "book of proofs" can be compiled

4. Mass public awareness to the truth


Here's a NK summary. It reads like a chapter in a book. NK just being one part of this massive storyline that Q is giving us.

Another example is how Q is explaining HOW the cabal is being taken down. Take this conversation and add in the Breitbart news story about Huber and the 470:



If you read those posts linked, and then go read the Breitbart article, then it becomes EXCEEDINGLY clear that the person the wrote the Breitbart article is either:

1. EXTREMELY knowledgeable of procedures involving federally prosecuted crimes


2. Q may or may not have had something to do with the article's authorship

I can tell you this, the way they are going to have UCMJ coordinate with Federal Prosecutors is fucking brilliant.

1a00fb No.2040433


>Many commies sticking up for the thug


>sarissa ⌖⇣ @sarissaofficial 6h6 hours ago

>If anything happens to that man we're gonna start a gofundme and bail him tf out

bccaa9 No.2040434


If that were my kid.. That individual would be in a hospital and I would be lawyering up for the battery charge.

b00684 No.2040435



9d35be No.2040436


Agreed, I once wore black pants and I see pics of myself all over the internet.

294634 No.2040437


>We have wasted enough time on it.

That's the whole point.

Not worried about Awan getting off or Mueller hiring more scumbags to go after building, are we?

Time to wake up to the purpose of this board, anons.

b0152c No.2040438

File: 107d2c0606f20d6⋯.png (179.91 KB, 555x421, 555:421, JPBEQ123.png)

8df98a No.2040439


is that a watch or something else?

fdb5b6 No.2040440


Gotta love it when the entitlement crowd goes overseas and finds out they're not so entitled in any other country. I hope she likes her time in jail.

5e188e No.2040441

Q always says, Think Logically and We Have More… I'm with POTUS and Q. Trust the plan guys.

84c841 No.2040442


I worked with a guy once who knew the fag John Wayne used to poke. The fag was one of many whom John Wayne diddled, it was told to the guy I worked with. So I would not have a hard time believing JW was indeed a fag himself.

15ff12 No.2040443

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



this criminals???????????


Queen Elizabeth and 10 Missing Children Truth With Trishaly - clip








The order to arrest Queen Elizabeth was issued in 2013 by six judges of

the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels. After nearly a

year of litigation, Queen Elizabeth and her husband, Prince Phillip, were

found guilty in the disappearance of ten native children from the

Catholic-run Kamloops residential school in British Columbia. Grieving

parents haven’t seen their children since they left for a picnic with the

Royal couple on Oct. 10 1964.

60a1b0 No.2040444

File: a607532ffa81541⋯.png (308.96 KB, 668x339, 668:339, aclu-trump.png)

File: 041b504f0e025e6⋯.png (352.63 KB, 369x431, 369:431, trump-golf.png)

File: 3cfebf313518052⋯.png (428.94 KB, 450x424, 225:212, 6085 kalanianaole hw.png)

File: 252968308cb1d64⋯.png (543.17 KB, 749x468, 749:468, rosenstein-flags.png)

a few things I've accumulated

1. ACLU is soliciting money to fight Trump

(one of the ways of taking over a country is to take over its institutions, and it looks like the work is done here)

2-3. Trump pic and Rosenstein pic are from Vanity Fair articles

4.the address on Obama birth certificate; Ann was listed as not working; father was listed as a student

There is a house in this area that is uninhabitable, and JUST THE LAND is being sold for nearly a million dollars

So, this is no beach shack.

How could they afford this, especially when there were doctor bills???

There is a monument on this highway to the goddess of something, and a stairway to heaven that is now closed

4f30e9 No.2040445

File: c72aa8e947de01e⋯.png (93.03 KB, 585x482, 585:482, Opera Snapshot_2018-07-05_….png)

File: a5e5a0142b3f5b4⋯.png (79.67 KB, 629x599, 629:599, Opera Snapshot_2018-07-05_….png)

James Woods Agent dropped him on 4th… symbology? was he pushed by other cliants? Ken Kaplan…

7c3928 No.2040446


someone posted before the baker finished fag

0c9a60 No.2040447

57e93d No.2040448

File: 8120b63d771c481⋯.png (304.09 KB, 512x547, 512:547, 626.png)

File: e55f06205c5d8e5⋯.png (267.84 KB, 591x452, 591:452, number.frens.png)

File: d793ebcf1046734⋯.png (415.57 KB, 625x616, 625:616, frens.png)

cb7db5 No.2040449


Someone should start a gofundme for the kids MAGA hat and his super-sized root beer

I hope he makes 100k

15ff12 No.2040450



The order to arrest Queen Elizabeth was issued in 2013 by six judges of

the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels. After nearly a

year of litigation, Queen Elizabeth and her husband, Prince Phillip, were

found guilty in the disappearance of ten native children from the

Catholic-run Kamloops residential school in British Columbia. Grieving

parents haven’t seen their children since they left for a picnic with the

Royal couple on Oct. 10 1964.

7f2ef6 No.2040451


i spent a good amount of time trying to figure out the device mounted at the top of the windshield.

two questions i have.

1) if "real" surveillance, why not zoom in to clip the 'edge' details?

2) vehicle is clearly in the middle of the street - why is it blocking traffic?

b00684 No.2040452


This might have been the most eye opening of all of them

2244be No.2040453


Can you tell it's a woman with long hair over her shoulder?

1b5ec6 No.2040454

File: 750139a00203e88⋯.jpg (17.96 KB, 450x300, 3:2, GettyImages-931544896.jpg)



Assange and Soros….friends?

dd2a7e No.2040455

571226 No.2040456


Thank you. Hope you had a good one too. I (as germanfag) didn't celebrate it. But i posted the update from yesterday as

Happy 4th of July Edition ;)


78e3a8 No.2040457

File: 9475ebaee35f2d0⋯.jpg (9.74 KB, 255x151, 255:151, 00288afd0244977ffd6829c297….jpg)


That's it!

58bd57 No.2040458

Eh, could be. Mueller has a big job though - even though he's basically just investigating one man, it's takes a lot of work to prove a negative (the fact that Trump is completely innocent). It takes even more work when you need to have your perceived political enemies exonerate you.

5e188e No.2040459

I know this maybe off topic; but, I swear, I hope Mad Max goes down with everyone else involved in destroying our country!

58bd57 No.2040460


Eh, could be. Mueller has a big job though - even though he's basically just investigating one man, it's takes a lot of work to prove a negative (the fact that Trump is completely innocent). It takes even more work when you need to have your perceived political enemies exonerate you.

15ff12 No.2040461


truth cams out, reptilian choose to end, practice end of majesty

3938ed No.2040462


“If that fucking bastard [Donald Trump] wins, we all hang from nooses.”-HRC

What are we missing?

cb652d No.2040463

Why so much pointless news in the notables?

3f5cfd No.2040464


Gonna barf

57e93d No.2040465

File: 7ac78f42741af97⋯.jpg (26.5 KB, 634x414, 317:207, sec.comms.jpg)

File: f28f6ee03866078⋯.jpg (127.12 KB, 1800x1196, 450:299, AZERBAIJAN.jpg)

File: 348040a067f3572⋯.jpg (12 KB, 252x184, 63:46, boi.luv.jpg)

File: 4c253a46a95f85f⋯.jpg (119.16 KB, 1200x847, 1200:847, fagz.jpg)

File: 7d636efc27c572a⋯.jpg (47.91 KB, 1024x694, 512:347, Ukraine.jpg)

969f0a No.2040466

File: faa4a01aec21583⋯.jpg (226.27 KB, 500x500, 1:1, dwillcock.jpg)

15ff12 No.2040467

they already know when it is awakening

503bcd No.2040468

File: bea2be916365d5a⋯.png (313.14 KB, 684x697, 684:697, 42f3dd07bb17d71b8df78f1ce7….png)

dd2a7e No.2040469


Common law?


e7f9e5 No.2040470

File: df4c55491d8d3a4⋯.png (41.82 KB, 551x199, 551:199, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e5eacaf656e29b⋯.png (249.99 KB, 549x497, 549:497, SessionsNatSec.png)


What part of National Security do you not understand.

Remember in the hearings when they said they viewed the documents "in camera"?

What did Q link to?


d03db7 No.2040471


What are we missing?…

Perp walks

0c9a60 No.2040472


Can we change We Don't Say His Name to We Don't Post His Pic?

78e3a8 No.2040474


I wouldn't swear on it tbh.

58bd57 No.2040475


I always thought John Legend looked like a giant opossum.

980627 No.2040476

58bd57 No.2040477

File: 8a649c0c88f6f24⋯.jpg (35.33 KB, 550x350, 11:7, noname.jpg)

2244be No.2040478


I was here when it dropped. Mostly anons focused on the man crossing the street. Reading the clues from R points to the woman being the target and being picked up. Then reference UA 3902 with @ Snowden. That bread won't have anything useful as last bread.

Surprised more anons aren't caring about this.

7c3928 No.2040479



if its Prince Willy act like an autist and sace for us why he is walking alone, like completely solo, like just a normal guy, no diplomatic scurity

89f6cf No.2040480

File: 0417c29ad3acac0⋯.jpg (29.21 KB, 474x414, 79:69, th.jpg)

93156f No.2040481


Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

This is like… Roy Cohn 101…

3670a1 No.2040482

File: 34e6d220604093a⋯.jpg (150.33 KB, 1000x588, 250:147, strongwearetogether.jpg)


>The programmers WANT some subset of the population to believe that stars are whacked for politics. They think it's funny and that that knowledge will keep you shut up, going along and not freaking out. Whether they do it or not, it's to their benefit that seekers / truthers BELIEVE they do that.

Sorry for the typos. Trying to get this done and move on.

They promote the idea that stars would be whacked if they spoke out [which may be true? But is also very true for journalists, doctors, bankers, medical researchers, criminal conspiracy researchers and close associates of Hillary Clinton]

The idea that it's dangerous for stars to speak out provides cover for those still in the limelight who so have motive and excuse to keep their mouths shut.

"I can't do it because of my family and my own skin"

Yet soldiers sacrifice every day.

Infowars interview with Dr. Steve;

"Will the truth come out about 9/11 via Trump?"

to paraphrase ~" no because then TRUMP [Steve says] will have to explain why he was silent for so long"

What does this tell me?

There is so much deep guilt spread so far and wide they will do anything to avoid the inevitable.

Yes, and why didn't anyone talk up earlier?

They knew it would do no good?

So now, they excuse is used, "We didn't say it before now, so now we must stay quiet, still, to avoid embarrassment? When everyone else went along too? Then the world will know we've known for years and never said" Too embarrassing.

So Dr. Steve projects onto Trump the issues he himself faces, and uses it as a reason to continue to lie?

Imagine the pressure behind the scenes over all this? No wonder it's slow.

Perhaps that's why "Strong we are together" is so important?

And thoughts should be given for forgiveness and amnesty to those who were not central organizers [but who just went along?] to encourage the info to surface?


The quality of mercy [drops] as the gentle rain from heaven


Blesseth him that gives and him that takes.


But mercy is above [the] sceptered sway [of Kings power].

Enthronèd in the hearts of kings;


Though justice be thy plea, consider this:




The "Darth Vaders" of the group need to be finished off once and for all, though. There must be a nest of them . And they all must go. Sorry. I saw "Star Wars" If I'm wrong please let me know.

ebb575 No.2040483

File: 7e3ba2004c8b0ca⋯.jpeg (296.74 KB, 1242x479, 1242:479, ED803CE0-EC77-44B9-BDE9-D….jpeg)

980627 No.2040484


He looks like a giant Webster

78e3a8 No.2040485


What are you posting his ugly mug for?

ea7d94 No.2040486

File: 36a1db17f86397e⋯.jpg (108.49 KB, 450x488, 225:244, larp.jpg)


'''Some anons on this board are doing great work, no doubt.

Anons has been doing this long before Q arrived.'''

But if noone can debunk what in the CBTS_STREAM email then we have to consider Q is a larp.


Yee, I have heard it all..




Sowing doubt fag

"Attacks will intensify."

"The attacks will only get worse."

Remember, we are here for the truth, no matter where it takes us!

If we call everyone with conserns or legit doubt for shills and shit, what does that say about us?

Are we better than the liberals then? Calling everyone questioning them for racist and shit…

We must be better, we need to debunk doubt with facts!

Why is it important to know if Q is a larp or not?

If Q is a larp then this all is a fail, then there is no conection to POTUS.

Yes, we digg and find stuff, but what should we do with a giant pile of shit? Nothing, if we dont have POTUS.


The debunking of Q in the email from CBTS that i linked. It sounds posible, might be true.

40000 indictment, do we realy know this is not an effect of Trump's border control? Or something similar?

3000 CEO resignations, whats the normal? I just saw swedish Invar Kamprad from IKEA in the list, he was a good guy and died of old age.

DOJ and FBI, purge… What do we know? Trump want control over them or clean it up, but it might be for his own purpose, not for "the plan".

Q 1595 "July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH. Conspiracy no more."

Here Q leads us to belive shit will hit the fan, but I expect we only see Nunes getting some stuff from DOJ and it all will be a IG-repport result.

I dont expect the world will be informed.

If Q is a larp, they already know Jim Jordan and co is going to get something from DOJ, even I can guess that much.


Yes we might have a high IQ, but humans are eager to believe things that supports its beliefs.

We need to think, we need to expand out thinking about Q.

Q purpose

Whats the purpose with anons?

Who will benefit from anons work?

Why is growth of the movment so important?

What does Q need to do to show us he is not a larp?

Do something that is beyond no doubt a milestone in the "plan".

Or, get POTUS to recognize Q as legit.

My view on it:

Yes, there is something with the movement that is a threat to the elites, but without Q it would still be a treath to them.

No one more than me would like Q to be legit, but something stinks here.

I rather find out by me self if he is a larp than getting butthurt one year from now when someone debunk Q.

Q needs to deliver for real…

If Q IS a larp…

Then we should sit down and think about what we should do with this great movement.

Could we still get POTUS to support our cause?

What other players could support us?

Can we drive this in court ourself?

We should never give up even if Q is a larp.

2244be No.2040487


Did I say I was? Damn, I provide a good lead and anons just want to shit on it.

fdb5b6 No.2040488


Has this made it to



57e93d No.2040489

File: f5fe794af97380d⋯.jpg (329.71 KB, 600x714, 100:119, forward.together.jpg)

File: e5c4299528afe5b⋯.jpg (77.36 KB, 735x456, 245:152, hello.jpg)

File: 3c9545f536eed19⋯.jpg (232.02 KB, 1000x525, 40:21, yessss.jpg)

15ff12 No.2040490


It's not about "awakening" that someone constructed.

it's about houw much you will be awaken when the sh!t will start

0145bf No.2040491

>>2038917 #2572



ed9361 No.2040492

Question about Firefox, anons.

A few weeks and a billion general-threads ago, anons were complaining that they had allowed a Firefox update, and it somehow was blocking them from accessing Q posts–either this board, or Qanonmap, I don't remember.

So I haven't updated my Firefox since then, not a techfag and so I'm scared to mess shit up, since I'm on this board every day. Are any of you using updated Firefox? Can you comment?

ed5392 No.2040493

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Well said.

POTUS returns to VIPanon's position, stops, turns to face the main audience and camera with VIPanon on his immediate left. POTUS stands there for eight seconds! (From 1h12m40s)

bccaa9 No.2040494

Remember this, anons:

We were told by Q, months ago, that we will have to vet everything.

Because the level of corruption is so high, we could wake up tomorrow and find out that a voice we've trusted for years…

Could be comped.

Extreme Vetting. Even for "trusted sources"

36c71b No.2040495


Does Bush 41 speak German?

Just curious….anyone know?

42e7c8 No.2040496

This fucking guy amirite?


>muh 40 notables.

Numeric proof our movement is growing.

We're the morning news now, or didn't you notice?

You're not in my head, faggot.

We're in yours.

Cry moar.

Nose to the grindstone anons. They're pissing their pants.

7c3928 No.2040497


prob afraud of being called a shill baker cuz oh "muh notables" anon

40e833 No.2040498

File: 7114ff02618c1d1⋯.jpg (14.49 KB, 217x208, 217:208, wtf.jpg)

@ breakfast today, post coffee…

Q Team said 40k view

Q Team said anons have it all

Q Team said disinfo necessary

Q Team said trolling is fun

Q Team said they do the heavy lifting

Q Team said we are watching a movie (I like to think the movie setup is like MST3K and we are audience)

So if YOU were a cabalier and saw one of the personal pics in your phone posted here, and watched the anons dig on it - how would you feel? You would freak the fuck out and its the feelz that make people do dumb things.

Why wouldn't Q Team use the board to out or herd or demoralize the cabaliers?

How many others have been outed by anons with a single info drop already? (LB) Drudges owl symbol…

And now time to workfag…

1a00fb No.2040499


Same here I even cropped the device out and did a reverse image search but came up empty.

>1) if "real" surveillance, why not zoom in to clip the 'edge' details?

I'm sure there's more hd images. The images Q posts look like received images through the phone which always compresses the images.

>2) vehicle is clearly in the middle of the street - why is it blocking traffic?

Just your average day in Hong Kong. Kek.

8bfe93 No.2040500

File: 6645fb2e7cb1f7d⋯.jpg (26.38 KB, 810x456, 135:76, McCain John MGN.jpg)

File: b11f1caced5a06c⋯.jpg (31.33 KB, 290x368, 145:184, john-mcbrain-290x368.jpg)

File: d56cee482192c0a⋯.jpg (50.44 KB, 520x390, 4:3, 1510853389119.jpg)

File: 9269351cfa2b6a6⋯.jpg (25.83 KB, 258x402, 43:67, 1509494610556.jpg)

File: 811c2dc74d29d30⋯.jpg (20.85 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1522466232297.jpg)


where do you think you are?

1c23e8 No.2040501


This is how the left has always celebrated diversity.

58bd57 No.2040502

File: 6081c10731c18ee⋯.jpg (164.53 KB, 990x932, 495:466, slide.jpg)

4db95f No.2040503


red shoes, anyone?

f35dfb No.2040504


If no record was supposed to be retained of being there would be the best reason…

c708a9 No.2040505


Probably his native tongue.

8d7697 No.2040506


If he was a liberal he'd have already made 500k. I'd say it sounds like a great idea.

016248 No.2040507


Spear-shaker, it is known.

How much of You will you allow Yourself to See in that which you have deemed Other?

Where We Go One, We Go All, after all?

Food for Thot

47e3b6 No.2040508

The horrible truth of Q is that this war has been fought and mostly won.

Go get people in your community off drugs or something if you want to do more than argue with Shareblue one day.

In a few months don't help them off drugs.

9a2a0b No.2040509


Doing pretty good so far. I am sure they will earn it .

78e3a8 No.2040510


You took me up wrong. I said I wouldn't swear on it. I said nothing about you. If you feel you are onto something. Keep digging.

7fe13e No.2040511


Pewds is on board with Q.

0c9a60 No.2040512


Q is not-LARP until proven LARP. It's the American way.

a46f14 No.2040513


Just realized I said "two" things and posted a "few" things.

Need more coffee.

58bd57 No.2040514


Why not? Whenever possible, I go with an open-mouth pic if it's someone I despise.

82fb65 No.2040515

be177f No.2040516


He looks like that dead retard wheelchair pleb so based on that I don't think he's doing much speaking at all.

ed5392 No.2040517



POTUS returns to VIPanon's position, stops, turns to face the main audience and camera with VIPanon on his immediate left. POTUS stands there for eight seconds! (From 1h12m40s)

9a2a0b No.2040518


Jack is a douchebasket

57e93d No.2040519

File: 057df4b387de7c5⋯.png (68.54 KB, 793x425, 793:425, bush.germany.png)



da5221 No.2040520


This. There are far more proofs that he's legit than the other way around.

3f5cfd No.2040521


Is Q a LARP?

Since May 22 it is an academic question.

He is and his (imminent) predictions do not come true.

He isn't and happy days within a week or so.

Right now, his timeline is looking pretty good, and much better than the professional pundits who have been creaming themselves over the Mueller probe for the last year.

dd2a7e No.2040522

You can fiddle-fart-fuck around to long and lose EVERYTHING Q.

Get off your fucking ass and start making this shit real.

3be5bf No.2040523

Been on the road. What was the deal with the AF1 pic? Stock pic? Help an anon out.

87ec71 No.2040524


excellent post anon tx

e7f9e5 No.2040525

File: d43d4c85cb04222⋯.jpg (37.07 KB, 463x443, 463:443, RealLifeV.jpg)

Q is not a LARP faggots.

e9bc8c No.2040526


"muh LARP" shill

918626 No.2040527

File: e20b6cda4fab09a⋯.png (774.34 KB, 937x593, 937:593, Screen Shot 2018-07-05 at ….png)

Julian Assange is Soros shill… makes perfect sense now. There was the CDAN drop and I just found this from 2012.

>Living in an embassy is staged

>Wikileaks does the job of leading 'truth' seekers down a deceptive path. The documents are real but it's what they don't show us or tell us.

>Calling out QAnon

I had my doubts after the recent photos, but the idea that Soros used Wikileaks to discredit QAnon gives me faith.


0c9a60 No.2040528



7c65a6 No.2040529


was watching that we were at 193uids last bread, now 70 less, why such a boost for R? Did we miss something else?

36c71b No.2040530


Big confirmation would be if the belts were the same…

969f0a No.2040531


Just sittin here enjoyen my coffee read my morning bread and watching newfags rage and learn the infinity.

b00684 No.2040532


Fuck that guy

15ff12 No.2040533


You are 330 million people, imagine that, no one can save you all.

I've saw the end.

Fires from the sky.

You will run, and yet, I will go trough fires. with TRUTH, an african mode from wood, fool of jarr and tould me, go, no matter what, as long you keep this

finded - after some research - african god covenaugh, or how it is spelling …..africans made it by wood, in america, was only from gold. then….i saw from the sky, fire,trying to avoid the fire, avoid, avoid, then wake up

959d16 No.2040534


I updated it yesterday, stalled it for a long time for same reasons as you.

Works fine, I can see the board and Qanonmap. No problem.

7c3928 No.2040535

File: 671671fab6f05c1⋯.png (359.06 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, comms understood.png)

File: 6b3dca48d8f47f0⋯.jpg (536.31 KB, 1600x1059, 1600:1059, DSC_0180ycolor.JPG)

File: e4246b9d7a6e72c⋯.png (804.31 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, q drop - Copy.png)

File: dd44138cfad2301⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, SFALO WPkindergar 2.png)

File: e2fe668fe8df79c⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, SFALO WPkindergar.png)


ok now the WHY

PS - the WHEN is before 2017 - google streetview has changed

58bd57 No.2040536


Julian Assange working for Soros is even funnier than the "Q is a communist" thing you shills tried last month. Yall should angle for a job on the Daily Show.

7c65a6 No.2040537


Did not enough people tell you to fuck off yesterday? Even had some polite anons tell you to post some sources for the facts that David Brock whipped up

Fuck off from the rest of us that are not so polite

ba1198 No.2040538


My wife wears red shoes all the time with black clothing, just sayin…Now if Jr was wearing red shoes that would be interesting.

8d7697 No.2040539

Deep Thoughts… (Anyone remember SNL? Kek)

Reading all these CDAN's about what bitch slept with what ogre to get ahead in H-wood it made me wonder who certain people slept with to get ahead. Like Fergie? Where the fuck did she come from?

15ff12 No.2040540


Thos will be the end.

fires from the skies, soon!

6b4c38 No.2040541

File: 3a7e28ccf1b51f3⋯.png (592.7 KB, 799x632, 799:632, immigrantpepe.png)

3354b2 No.2040542

>>2040431 Heston is not my fucking hero. That is all a creation of your mind.

ed9361 No.2040543


TYVM anon

e20f21 No.2040544


Wikileaks used a Soros-funded attorney, and it has received Soros "donations" through an intermediary.

36c71b No.2040545


f6b51b No.2040546


That is a lot of posts you have there. Could you be the slide?

93156f No.2040547


Well, hold on now.

You know who else has removed money from Soros?

Jared Kushner working with the Trump family.

666 5thAveanon… 'member?

ed7639 No.2040548


Do you honestly think you are helping by typing something like this?

724739 No.2040549


Saw a teenager yesterday wearing a MAGA shirt. Walked over, shook his hand for his courage and pointed him to Q.

b6b7fb No.2040550

File: 47b64aec7ee19a0⋯.png (156.59 KB, 1020x393, 340:131, ClipboardImage.png)

For what it's worth

bccaa9 No.2040551


>Right now, his timeline is looking pretty good

Despite the shills' best efforts to try to convince us otherwise.

They really missed the boat.. My own estimate is that the window closed for them to stop this train right at the end of December/beginning of January.

They've been fighting an uphill battle ever since :D

016248 No.2040552

File: 467b4c5ed0672d6⋯.jpg (10.5 KB, 292x173, 292:173, images.jpg)



Learn to laugh and bathe in the flames ;)

1a00fb No.2040553

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The end is coming closer than you think. Watch the water.

7c6687 No.2040554


Be careful who you follow was Q's warning.

b87280 No.2040555



82fb65 No.2040556

where is the i didn't read anything you typed gif. I love that gif


93156f No.2040557

File: 9ddeae5340fd679⋯.jpg (224.49 KB, 490x735, 2:3, dream_xcvd67hq9ll.jpg)


Like this?

a86849 No.2040558


That's a cock sucker, as indicated by himself in reference to what the general populace of the people of America was in a TV interview!!go figure. what a POS he and his associates are.

8bfe93 No.2040559


immigration is a thing of the past

not happening pedro

4db95f No.2040561

File: e2ec304e15e5acd⋯.png (751.75 KB, 1057x936, 1057:936, da wae to knock u out.png)


been screaming this since 1 hour after it dropped.

1f2e56 No.2040562

File: 985a4bb1b82c03b⋯.png (282.13 KB, 500x602, 250:301, ClipboardImage.png)

ece7f4 No.2040563

File: 230a906939a2040⋯.png (1.02 MB, 775x632, 775:632, Screenshot_19.png)

>>2039611 last bread

This is

exactly what I thought of

when I

scrolled DOWN


saw the LOGO!

I didn't read the post

until after I thought that

that LOGO

looked like a fucking



e20f21 No.2040564


>PS - the WHEN is before 2017 - google streetview has changed


>ok now the WHY

Ties WJC, Apple server, to Snowden/CIA. clue is in the picture filename

d39267 No.2040565


dude if Assange is buddies with cabal it's a very freaking elaborate theater.. I get it he has globalist ideas but part of your politics is nature and nurture and he grew up with hippies on captain hook's freaking island

however Q hasn't commented on him being called a patriot/wh iirc

4dd7d4 No.2040566

File: 322da533fd216bb⋯.png (586.37 KB, 1566x1054, 783:527, fire-and-fury-wikileaks-q-….png)

File: 551411a390f2d8a⋯.png (347.01 KB, 1112x980, 278:245, assange-chess-match-proof.png)


possibly a top 5 stupid post of all time

try this on for size moran

57e93d No.2040567

File: c9a967c30713c2f⋯.jpg (394.17 KB, 1536x1148, 384:287, goldsmith.jewess.jpg)


assange has many curious relationships

jemimah goldsmith/khan and their history???

if he did not have serious protection…fish food

not easy to get sovereign to offer up their embassy this way

2730af No.2040568


I had probs after iphone 11.3 update. Everyone who updated was locked out of posting.

Someone fixed it….


016248 No.2040569

File: 1eb6e328fe5603a⋯.png (642.58 KB, 500x679, 500:679, ClipboardImage.png)



Won't you dance with me?

93156f No.2040570


Assange isn't American… Patriot doesn't really apply to him…

15ff12 No.2040571


Will not be any nuclear bomb, i want to specific that for sure, but it will be fire from the skies, falling non-stop - till I wake up -

e20f21 No.2040572




53d5b7 No.2040573


and the watch, I noticed the shiny watch

ed5392 No.2040574


Well said >No clownshill has ever dared to rebut this double confirmation. They can’t.


7c65a6 No.2040575

File: ecb0068a636206c⋯.jpg (35.72 KB, 254x212, 127:106, nightwatch.jpg)



>Archive Offline

93156f No.2040576



Walk with me.

15ff12 No.2040577


I have no reason to laugh.

Americans keep secret all shit…..

ea7d94 No.2040578


Atlest im not ignorant about it being maybe true. It helps noone if we say we have 150 IQ and get larped by the larp of larps.

No it does not help if it is not true.

Yes it helps if it true.

We need the truth now, not years from now. It would break the movement, but now we could take the truth and keep fighting.

918626 No.2040580

File: a5d0d3a542bf262⋯.jpeg (213.99 KB, 500x358, 250:179, saysomethingelsebitch.jpeg)


shut the fuck up. you have contributed a lot of nothing to this thread and it's obvious you are the slide. kys

2730af No.2040581


The Red Hen was a HUGE message.

(((they))) know this place has teeth.

7c6687 No.2040582


She has to be a great fuck, because she is ugly. Take all the makeup off and *puke*.

bccaa9 No.2040583


The effort, it appreciates.. But his brian is too small for this.

47e3b6 No.2040585

Some of you censor Soros' name. Silly.

I'm out here standing blackmailing Joe Biden. You really can come out now.

b87280 No.2040586


the victims should file assault and battery charges.

got the guy on vid, cops can find him if they try.

80f2e4 No.2040587

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Think about it.

I know you won't.

016248 No.2040588

File: 40816f6ac7304f5⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1024x1024, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



Though you never know all the steps, you must learn to join the Dance~

Can you hear the echo of future drums?

7c6687 No.2040589


Assange is in it for Assange.

Always has been.

167d65 No.2040590


POTUS called it the hen when he spoke about the treatment of Sarah. It perked my ears

da5221 No.2040591


He's already been found.


2244be No.2040592


I've been skeptical of R. But the clues in last bread are very compelling. He said the target was looking at the camera. Asked if @Snowden had landed yet. Pointed out UA 3902 flight from Greenville to Dulles. The girl in the pic has same color and length of hair as Snowden's gf. She is suppose to be in Russia with him, yet we have been led to believe he is in HK. Did they move him to the US and then pick her up and mover her later?

Think what you want about R, but the clues are worthy.

40e833 No.2040593

File: 89bd051945088ec⋯.png (75.41 KB, 633x599, 633:599, pedo inside.png)


keep this handy for future use anon…

2730af No.2040594

Daylight last 12.5 days on the moon.

969f0a No.2040595


Don't worry, she's screaming so loud for a reason. She'll be in cuffs before you know it.

73c879 No.2040596

File: 6ed075ae6b170c8⋯.png (79.75 KB, 586x343, 586:343, Screen Shot 2018-07-05 at ….png)


36c71b No.2040597


Just kinda sad….wonder what happened in his marriage? Anyone know?

bccaa9 No.2040598


>Patriot doesn't really apply to him…

Other countries can not have Patriots?

Tell me another one..

7c65a6 No.2040599

File: ab87db3d3b8449e⋯.png (114.98 KB, 675x534, 225:178, (you).png)


Not all messages are for anons either

91fe66 No.2040600

File: 0c7af50159d7836⋯.png (186 KB, 625x417, 625:417, CovfefeFeelz.png)

N e e d _more _ CovFeFe *

50c034 No.2040601

File: 01a0e2ce4373f42⋯.jpg (52.46 KB, 1080x565, 216:113, 1530757192043.jpg)

File: d162fa7eb784c79⋯.jpg (59.55 KB, 1242x552, 9:4, KinoJimenez.jpg)

File: 8e3f8de3d3aaf84⋯.jpg (70.14 KB, 640x762, 320:381, Maribel-Jimenez.jpg)




Better video: https://twitter.com/ColumbiaBugle/status/1014738318230089729>>2040374

The white guy on right is the one in the background of the video taking a video of Kino stealing hat and throwing a drink at the kids. He leaves with Kino and is in on this assault.

231ef7 No.2040602

File: 072bd40c39d27da⋯.jpg (41.08 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Huber time.jpg)

b87280 No.2040603


love DJT, but what you propose would be an American nightmare.


a5787b No.2040604


And fired



e872c2 No.2040605

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

JFK: A President Betrayed ..

"uncovers new evidence that reveals how JFK embarked on secret back channel peace efforts with Nikita Khrushchev and Fidel Castro and was determined to get out of Vietnam despite intense opposition inside his own government."

Sound familiar?

Trump back channel with NK, with us, with Russia? etc…

The plan is being instituted. Keep the faith Patriots.

47e3b6 No.2040606

File: 7b63c28edc2a3ee⋯.jpg (710.16 KB, 712x1006, 356:503, 1528785390817.jpg)

Let's move on to crucifying Kim Dotcom's creepy Asian wife buying ass for participating in this farce to the detriment of the American people and the world

dd2a7e No.2040607


Wonder how long before he finishes that.

ea7d94 No.2040608


You dont get it, Im with you, Im with the movement.

If Q is a larp it all fails for us.

They win.

15ff12 No.2040609


it's like they are the rullers.

hey chea, lie, poison, planned to kill - see rockefeller plan to reduce population - and they laugh, rape, drug, rape, abuse……… :) i put a smile icon…..but……


you stayed at home, while jfk was killed, while his brother was killed, when his son was killed, and come out, celebrate, when you have no idea what 4th of july is :) might be a coincidence……

1a00fb No.2040610


Trump replace the message on the Statue of Liberty with one that says Sorry We Are Full Now.

ca943d No.2040611

File: 12573a1bb21adba⋯.jpeg (265.39 KB, 750x765, 50:51, CCE98AF4-3705-416F-9274-F….jpeg)

Trying to figure out why sometimes he starts a thread and the second post is immediately after the first

And why he posts something like this and we all can see there will be a second post shortly after

bccaa9 No.2040612


>Time to wake up to the purpose of this board, anons.

Last bastion of free speech, so the rumor goes.. kek :)

7c3928 No.2040614




clues from R was closer to breads when it dropped? last bread had good digs on UA 3902 and @ snowden? ,sips covefefe, im interested,

im backtracking this trail

if possible, do you know of any along this topic that made notables from prior breads, for me to follow?

91fe66 No.2040616

File: 55ed6060ae03a6a⋯.jpg (78.24 KB, 605x495, 11:9, ArchiveOffline.jpg)



Q said archive offline.

Thank you GermanArchiveAnon.

294634 No.2040617


Gotta miles on that press who're.

Hope DJTJ is careful, and always wraps it before sticking it in that.

73c879 No.2040618

File: 5a748fb2226b641⋯.jpeg (75.42 KB, 616x462, 4:3, ohits4yew.jpeg)

<ID ea7d94

Thank <yew> for your solipsistic meandering.

Please daydream elsewhere.

58bd57 No.2040619


Aw… pretty kitty.

15ff12 No.2040620


last part, related with vice street interview

you are smaaaart!!!

5e188e No.2040621


Anon fingers crossed on that one. Q did say pay attention to the ones who are the loudest and that woman always has something to say. STFU already.

dd2a7e No.2040622


Gotta have time to create it.

7c65a6 No.2040623


Cancel the trip POTUS! Not because the blimp but because Khan is a massive piece of shit who is smiling as the men are killed and the women are raped in London

bccaa9 No.2040624



>You dont get it, Im with you, Im with the movement.

Then trust the plan. Now is not the time to have a faltering resolve.

I'll continue to roll with Patriots, thanks.

91fe66 No.2040625

File: fbf67ab2c8f3ef6⋯.jpg (101.02 KB, 808x467, 808:467, 2018-07-05 14:13:43Z.jpg)

PDT time captured

8 dots

3f5cfd No.2040626

File: 6fe85ae88e3d0e4⋯.png (214.47 KB, 1264x782, 632:391, Screen Shot 2018-07-05 at ….png)


Don't know a lot about him but he appears to have some standing.

The Official Facebook Page for Michael Moates. Michael is the Chief White House Correspondent for The Nation One News Foundation. Michael Moates is an Executive Director, Independent Journalist / Political Commentator, and activist.

47e3b6 No.2040627

Quads gets dump of Kim Dotcom fucking Defango

ede508 No.2040628


can you elaborate on how it was debunked?

60c5e1 No.2040629


Deltas as part of Q connection.

6d6c02 No.2040630

File: 1c904dbc6304636⋯.jpg (1.71 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 20180705_073415.jpg)

File: 1c904dbc6304636⋯.jpg (1.71 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 20180705_073415.jpg)


at the rally with Patriots

look at the book sum of all fears

dedicated to Roger's

47e3b6 No.2040631

Quints get the Weev prison rape attack raw CCTV

7f3d9d No.2040632

File: bb617ae5f8ae3ca⋯.jpg (21.11 KB, 494x484, 247:242, OMG-pepe.jpg)




It's fucking ridiculous!

57e93d No.2040633

File: d6d238548df08bb⋯.png (121.72 KB, 594x564, 99:94, doubleX.png)

File: 11e5849127ed664⋯.png (260.68 KB, 605x493, 605:493, BAD.Jacket.png)


actually it seems like an attempt to "bad jacket" Assange

coincidentally unable to respond

this is a projection technique

soros, deripaska, waldman are fully outed


discredit neutralized threat, cleverly channeling justified suspicion on themselves back onto to the guy with the evidence


3f5cfd No.2040634


If you need a hug and a pat on the hand, fine.

Q is looking really good right now.

d6f8a0 No.2040635


too short. wrong body shape.

2244be No.2040636


I don't pay much attention to notables. I don't believe so though. The clues from R were just last bread. 10 of them. You can search by ID 797.

I've never really paid much attention to R before, so not sure if he posted anytime between now and when those pics were dropped.

7c6687 No.2040637


Been hearing this shit for months.

Heard it when Obama was Pres.

Heard when Bush II was Pres.

Heard it when Clinton was Pres.

These fame whores all play the same tune.

I'll believe it when it actually happens.

Until then, take note, be watchful and carry right the fuck on.

73c879 No.2040638

File: c04db7bea3b5b1e⋯.png (79.8 KB, 592x348, 148:87, Screen Shot 2018-07-05 at ….png)


4db95f No.2040639

that struck me as odd last week.

think yer onto something good, anon


b87280 No.2040640


Time for Kino to see the inside of a jail cell for a few years.

47e3b6 No.2040641

File: 99e55564b86f46a⋯.jpeg (745.61 KB, 4032x2268, 16:9, IMG-20180621-WA0023.jpeg)

bccaa9 No.2040642


"The noblest if ideas have always been protected by warriors"

That would be a hell of a bread title.

e5415e No.2040643

File: eadeee9a61d7aec⋯.jpg (34.55 KB, 712x497, 712:497, nehkzkpszuhihchchsvu5b3e11….jpg)

Mother Teresa India charity 'sold babies'

A woman working at Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity in the eastern Indian state of Jharkhand has been arrested for allegedly selling a 14-day-old baby.

Two other women employees from the centre have been detained and are being questioned about other possible cases.

>"We have found out that some other babies have also been illegally sold from the centre," a police official told BBC Hindi's Niraj Sinha. "We have obtained the names of the mothers of these babies and are further investigating."


7c65a6 No.2040644


whew the left can't stop attacking kids, through violence or sex, most the time both

Way to go liberals. the DOTR draws closer

8d7697 No.2040645



e872c2 No.2040646


Turn your phone horizontal ffs!

58bd57 No.2040647


Good lord. This is QResearch, not "general conservative news." We all know how to read the news.

15ff12 No.2040648


when you were, smart ones, when bone had hand shake w/ bush?

where you were when bush said "we want peace for you" and supress laugh?????? you were all brainwashed, and now, refuse the reality, cos you know better??????

look, better that you knew, all this, it is your fault. you stayed at home, while crimilnals constructed a web to take you kids, your freedom, say thank you to Trump, coz w/o him, now you were a sclavagism state, under bush, rotsh , soros

73c879 No.2040649

File: e55dd23dbcf93d6⋯.png (38.85 KB, 585x182, 45:14, Screen Shot 2018-07-05 at ….png)


47e3b6 No.2040650


It's not trafficking child slaves if you call it adoption!

3f5cfd No.2040651


>Heard it when Obama was Pres.

>Heard when Bush II was Pres.

>Heard it when Clinton was Pres.

I didn't. Not this way, anyway.

93156f No.2040652


But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger

You'll learn things you never knew you never knew

Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon

Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned?

c540ae No.2040653


Fucking mother theresa, I always knew that bitch was a fake

78e3a8 No.2040654


i didn't to further than that. Sorry. I left it at that. You think is is legit?

fdb5b6 No.2040655


The only bias here seems to be yours. You don't want to believe, so you reject any and all evidence that is put in front of you. And yet, you still show up here to "participate". Around here, we call that shilling and shills are not well received.

571226 No.2040656



Yes. I know. What i am doing is quite paradox and actually the opposite of Qs order to >Archive Offline .

But it makes it easier for anons to archive QResearch offline because all breads are in one place to download.

7c6687 No.2040657

Meanwhile, back at the castle, GEOTUS is ramming immigration down the left's throat.

Landslide this fall.

84c841 No.2040658

File: 69939421219acc9⋯.png (98.78 KB, 201x306, 67:102, July 5 This.png)

bccaa9 No.2040659


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH POTUS just pulled a "Get off my lawn!" tweet! HAH!

7c3928 No.2040660

File: 0cab97d60cf3498⋯.jpg (333.47 KB, 1883x952, 269:136, q drop super 2.jpg)

need a ride to airport? flight UA 3902 eh?

15ff12 No.2040661


they killed entire kennedy under your nose, yet you don't see it

8d7697 No.2040662


Written by who?

f35dfb No.2040663

File: e401d6f1fe4c598⋯.jpg (104.27 KB, 650x740, 65:74, Illegal Aliens P.jpg)


right on!

cafca0 No.2040664


1945 was not the first time Earth witnessed the nuclear detonations of war.

118c7e No.2040665


8 + 5 dots over last 2 tweets = 13

OUT capped

13 (angry democrats) out?

89f6cf No.2040666


dont think its worth caring about anon

the shills sure liked talking about it tho

e7f9e5 No.2040667

File: 787d680d27bc776⋯.jpg (131.59 KB, 640x497, 640:497, Wendy.jpg)

Q is not a LARP faggots

a019a2 No.2040668

File: 6388355d1e0f91e⋯.png (18.94 KB, 543x285, 181:95, blind.png)

File: 4f984eb97b7737b⋯.png (98.87 KB, 425x556, 425:556, plantsneedh2o.png)

@ Baker

Not sure if caught, but NOTABLE

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson

da79cc No.2040669


no worries anon, the birds of war got to him before the frogs could. nasty little things but he was begging for it.

8d7697 No.2040670


This is gonna get memed to death. God I love him.

5b6255 No.2040671


Not sure I follow. I've said repeatedly last bread that many have argued, some sworn, that Q changed hands over time. I agree the SA drops, the Lord's Prayer being changed (and many others), were impressive and convincing. What I asked, perhaps in a roundabout way, was why post images over the 4th that only caused doubt and confusion to those wanting to help. All photos are originals. Until they're not. Then it becomes necessary disinfo instead. And I'm called a slide for asking! What is to be gained by this IF it's NOW on the up and up? Why not mobilize the growing movement in some way to help counter the fake news and radical agenda being pursued by the 'leaders' of the Democrat party?

016248 No.2040672

File: 48a4e9555cfdad1⋯.gif (1.34 MB, 500x706, 250:353, 2a7cb015470779f41ab622ca16….gif)


Now we're getting somewhere (but we never even left)

e5415e No.2040673

File: 55f77cc8d36bef7⋯.jpg (60.87 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 2dgd66.jpg)

b87280 No.2040674


and battery (the root beer came in contact w/ the kid and his friend)

a46f14 No.2040675


It's legit. It came out while Q was responding to a lawfag regarding Awan "bank" case and Awan potentially being used as a witness. It was in the same breads during the conversation were anons were painting a picture of how Huber is using the 470 to take down the cabal, which will lead to the UCMJ and tribunals.

The EO POTUS signed makes that coordination easier. >>2040341

167d65 No.2040676

>>2040665 13 Russia indictments are being sent out of Mueller investigation and into DOJ hands

ece7f4 No.2040679

File: 5c2d6b8d7c52917⋯.png (928.48 KB, 607x1016, 607:1016, Screenshot_20.png)

File: 76c9e6cf2df0825⋯.png (995.41 KB, 603x1017, 67:113, Screenshot_21.png)







7d9efc No.2040680

File: 34cbc8342d3c112⋯.jpg (138.1 KB, 960x720, 4:3, IMG_2099.JPG)

File: 16816a44e1af4e0⋯.jpg (116.33 KB, 888x499, 888:499, IMG_2109.JPG)

File: f00535e1adf1b2c⋯.jpg (307.32 KB, 1148x858, 574:429, IMG_2106.JPG)

File: eb0911e1c37e88b⋯.jpg (397.43 KB, 866x1278, 433:639, IMG_2104.JPG)

78e3a8 No.2040681

File: 787ce4ad9d9f907⋯.jpg (15.38 KB, 474x248, 237:124, 5d9a84ec3669c0f07c7b33ead7….jpg)

No tweet from barry yesterday on the 4th of July??? That says a lot!


93156f No.2040682


Well we're movin on up,

To the east side.

To a deluxe apartment in the sky.

Movin on up,

To the east side.

b87280 No.2040683


what's your point anon

19820d No.2040684

I will not call you an idiot, I will not say you're stupid, a shill, etc. Instead, I understand why you hold onto hope and lash out at those who question. I'm not here to mock you. I'm here to say all of you are NOT wrong. Your hearts are full of hope and love and you want things to change so deeply, you're willing to ignore waning signs all around you.

1.) If Trump has so much compassion for America and it's people, where was this Billionaire before his Presidency? Didn't see him doing much to help many, outside a newspaper clip here or there.

2.) How is our Military not comped? Every other organization was infiltrated but one? That's awfully convenient. Or "it was comped but Mathis and 5 other people were the only ones to know" …that's even more believable…6-10 people took down an entire deep rooted satanic network with unlimited resources and control through blackmail, money and other avenues of power.

3.) Every left and right puppet to play and act during debates and votes were comped. Either option meant you lost. Trump magically slid by. 2015 when he gained traction the cabal just put their feet up and said "meh, let's make things interesting this time around with so much at stake like WW3" come on.

4.) This has all become a local garbage pickup. What started at Rothschilds and Soros +++ ++ is now Hillary and Obama. Sorry guys, but Hillary and Obama are a waste of time. They are puppets. They will be replaced. You need to go after the puppet masters. And all I see is Soros investing more and more everywhere. Obama making books deals, netflix deals, editing county lines for voting. Truly sounds like a man scared shitless on his way to living in a Kenyan cave or GITMO.

5.) This board is comped. Don't believe me? What is 8chan? "The last beacon of free speech". All of a sudden anyone calling out a Jew is a shill. Not someone with a different opinion. Anyone with an opinion against the grain is automatically a shill. It's hypocritical to get mad at family, friends, strangers for not listening to your QAnon spiel - but then act EXACTLY like them when someone here tries telling you something different. More editing. "Last beacon of free speech" what happened to the nude pics thanking the bakers? Gone. Sounds like more censorship on a free speech board. And it just goes by unnoticed. So, 4 months ago, you could make an argument about Jews starting Hollywood, having a deceiving plan and getting people to dig. Now you're a shill and a divisionfag, don't dig on that shit, you'll find reasonable evidence they don't want you to. Don't post naked pics, God will hate you. God is love though but, God will hate you for it. It's also a sin. So no more nude pics either. What's next? Bans for…oh wait…

6.) Unity, not division. Q should take his/her/it's own advice here. Pushing out pics of stretched images and lying about them, then back tracking and using your always easy to use "misinfo" deal CAUSES DIVISION. So does promising events and drops of evidence and photos, etc that never come to fruition.

7.) You absolutely cannot show critical thinking human beings how they have been fucked their entire lives, their parents entire lives, their grandparents entire lives and just expect us to accept QAnon.

8.) Has Q ever attacked, asked you to dig, or given any drops on anyone Jewish? Other than Soros/Roth. This supposed swamp. Obama, Clinton, No Name, Comey….all I see are Americans and non-jews.

I don't hate all jews. I do think there's a sector of them, a very, very large, dominating sector of them that controls things. And Q hasn't brought this to light once. Quite the contrary. You can't mention anything Jewish here now without being treated like you posted a nude woman.

Obama AK47 pic, Hillary video, Cures, Cell phones and mind control, Q&A coming, AF1 pics of inside, in 30, 7 reports with big promises that are always to be continued….This will get pushed and pushed to November so you vote right.

All of a sudden we hate Alex Jones, Corsi, Big titty Beanz, Wiki, anyone we can say makes money off the movement is now comped…minus Hannity, cause he's on our side. He can cash in on booms and tick ticks as much as he wants.

God Bless. I hope one day we do find freedom. It's not on a board doing nothing. Country after country after country is rising up against it's tyrannical leaders. There's no reason Q wouldn't support us to go out and have peaceful protests around the country. How is that not the biggest, loudest way to be heard?

You're not meant to be heard though. You're meant to stay in this chat of 50 and stay out of the way.

pied piper


1. A person who offers others strong yet delusive enticements.

2. One, such as a leader, who makes irresponsible promises.

58bd57 No.2040685


Fuck Manafort. Boring.

bccaa9 No.2040686


Not even close to thinking about being a larp, actually.

Ask the pile of dead bodies that's been stacking up as a direct result of what's gone on.. Oh wait, you can't… They ded.

dd51cf No.2040687


So beautiful!

7fe13e No.2040688

File: c4ba0523ec01b0a⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1583x2710, 1583:2710, proofs.png)

a019a2 No.2040689


agreed but makes for good proofs

231ef7 No.2040690

File: 84526054c6d54db⋯.png (237.28 KB, 1182x772, 591:386, Screen Shot 2018-07-05 at ….png)

The Boss has the bit between his teeth!

016248 No.2040691


I think the right folks have gotten some food now, let's skedaddle before they sound the alarm on us before it's showtime ;)

5b8fe2 No.2040693


The whole cdan thing is a slide. I don't believe the guy who writes it ever reveals names (if he's smart, he doesn't). The names added to any drop are speculation by anyone. If someone here has evidence to support their claim beyond cdan clues, let's see it. This is not not proof of anything conclusive.

It's all about muddying the water and creating doubt.

15ff12 No.2040694


you call yourself patriots, huh?????????????nioce

all good then

questioning what you don't understand, but let it go, that is in ront of you.

k, q is a fkin larp, what about kennedy's that were killed under your surveilence???????? that was patriotism???? and you acuse now, someone that gives you more than you ever had, for cheating???????????? fact check, you had nothing, q came and fighted, you tards, he could be stayed at home and fk, yet he's out, showing pictures, and you call him a larp, cos that you are capable of doing, right??????

da06ce No.2040695

File: dd95f7cd9d13cc5⋯.png (19.39 KB, 562x327, 562:327, ru.PNG)


I notice he bravely targeted some little 16 year old kid.

58bd57 No.2040697


LdR is that you?

91fe66 No.2040698

>>2040562 Likely the same person. And the ever popular perp smirk, yes.

9a93ca No.2040699


Here is another interesting read, written in 1996, very relevant.

"To all my children - as the world turns"


5476a3 No.2040700

File: f6dfcfcd28a98ac⋯.gif (2.99 MB, 252x263, 252:263, ! ! SO MUCH TEXT.gif)

File: 117aa82fef36ad4⋯.png (22.13 KB, 295x89, 295:89, ! ! ! ! ! (You) 0;0.png)

e872c2 No.2040701

File: c4d2b86e782a8b6⋯.jpg (96.35 KB, 500x334, 250:167, get-off-my-lawn.jpg)


Great movie

ede508 No.2040702

File: 3f051774d25be08⋯.png (225.4 KB, 533x369, 13:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Pretty sure it's Tom Donilon who was working to extradite @snowden in 2013 from HK - former National Security Advisor to BO and is currently

Senior Director at the BlackRock.



7c6687 No.2040703



Who the fuck is Michael Moates and why the fuck would he know anything about this MAJOR development?

Discernment, anon. These fuckers are all in it for themselves.

Trust Q.

Trust the plan.

Do not trust ANY of these hangers on.

93b017 No.2040704

File: de61dbeec7430a1⋯.png (44.33 KB, 480x524, 120:131, Screenshot_2018-07-05-07-0….png)

File: 0949ed005872351⋯.png (24.21 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Screenshot_2018-07-05-06-5….png)

File: f3e7a0db1885999⋯.png (14.68 KB, 313x247, 313:247, Screenshot_2018-07-05-06-5….png)

57e93d No.2040705

File: cdcab7a59dac3bf⋯.jpg (23.02 KB, 407x305, 407:305, bergoglio.torture.rape.jpg)

File: 1093d0ec10232ff⋯.jpg (49.1 KB, 704x544, 22:17, chile.bergoglio.jpg)

File: 6500d60eb54f1e1⋯.jpg (59.27 KB, 611x308, 611:308, ho.babylon.jpg)

File: f11ae725c7fc7d1⋯.jpg (58.09 KB, 675x432, 25:16, xhile.arg.jpg)

File: 1280c6cf1f86e18⋯.jpg (18.03 KB, 480x360, 4:3, chile.obongo.hotdog.jpg)



f1f257 No.2040706

I was 3 and my brother was 4 when they raped him in foster care. I am a Christian and I believe in patience. I have turned my cheek for more times than 7 x 70 times and I am all out of patience. Fifty years have past and still no justice? I know this shit is not a conspiracy theory because I lived it. My brother was permanently damaged, physically and mentally, he eventually drank himself to death.

46745e No.2040707

File: 5a2ada5814ec302⋯.png (112.5 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c78aa00d1c0cdc⋯.png (111.32 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f0eae61d0853429⋯.png (118.75 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f6e656c3afca908⋯.png (115.71 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


this is one of the most ridiculous things I've seen on the internet


I haven't trusted the website really much after reading Ritual_signs in the link so I used croxyproxy to visit it.

The website is hosted by an unknown (at least to me unknown) hosting company in SanAntonio.

For future website's you believe to be not trustworthy, use croxyproxy:


Just paste the website you want to visit and press enter, it's simple.

9a93ca No.2040708

File: 78eeea37915cf85⋯.png (592.8 KB, 1169x900, 1169:900, as-world-turns.png)

cafca0 No.2040709


Been eyeball to eyeball with a Humpback. They know!

ea7d94 No.2040710


Fine, guess we all have to see if we get butthurt or not.

Faith is earned, but I gladly join the celebrations if it's all true.

93156f No.2040711

File: de63fc1f2ffdde3⋯.jpg (167.76 KB, 600x600, 1:1, dream_j77b9594kb7.jpg)

File: 1fc82b8bdb7766e⋯.jpg (229.16 KB, 600x600, 1:1, dream_5hustep2yep.jpg)

File: 1be004df0abf106⋯.jpg (120.29 KB, 600x600, 1:1, dream_2x90axvzmlz.jpg)

File: 6c431735b209681⋯.jpg (274.67 KB, 600x600, 1:1, dream_axffznv35bl.jpg)



I'll have Muh Eagle use FREEDOM BLAST.

It's stupid effective.

e581f9 No.2040712

File: 01051d0f5984f37⋯.png (80.12 KB, 720x912, 15:19, 20180705_092343.png)


bccaa9 No.2040713


Yea, that dude would get a baseball bat to the face if that was my kid..

Sorry, I don't do violence as a rule, but you do not attack a man's children and expect no response ;p

b87280 No.2040714


i'm surprised James had a libtard agent in the first place

e20f21 No.2040715


>"When people, with or without children, enter our Country, they must be told to leave"

Flag: missing "illegally"

6fde26 No.2040716


I thought about that yesterday and was going to look today as well. I kind of figured this would be the case. You check HRC or any of the others?

330bd8 No.2040717


8 Minute DELTA.

89f6cf No.2040718

note to david brock

Q is a larp is the worst slide ever

might wanna try more

"muh Q is a psyop to get you guys to do nothing and the sealed indictments are for you"

ed5392 No.2040719


Good points all

ca943d No.2040720

File: 3143cc6fdee4af7⋯.jpeg (255.74 KB, 750x728, 375:364, 3C00EA0D-A270-4958-A918-8….jpeg)

File: 2dfab1a8ae903a2⋯.jpeg (257.91 KB, 750x716, 375:358, AAFD8966-3B86-4F8A-B79C-7….jpeg)

File: 2fea709769c959a⋯.jpeg (99.11 KB, 750x357, 250:119, 152C80E5-0F80-4A7E-A6CD-5….jpeg)


And then he posts like a madman! Kek

fdb5b6 No.2040721


If you really believe Q is a LARP, and you aren't just some clown shill, then what are you still doing here?

b87280 No.2040722


what's BC got on his right wrist?

e581f9 No.2040723

And you know its going to be a good day when I had a Stephen Miller dream last night.

78e3a8 No.2040724


HRC did. Didn't check anyone else.

347336 No.2040725

Say your preyers, the AREPO man is comin'.

644130 No.2040726

File: eedc6be2e9a92ed⋯.png (25.05 KB, 422x514, 211:257, NEW ZEALAND.png)


HRC has a request to call Gates about New Zealand mil-mil relations.

19820d No.2040727


Yes, obviously a trillionaire wastes time here. That's what I mean. You guys have been so duped into thinking you're important.

Care to actually debate anything I wrote or just cower to the typical insults since you can't really argue with anything I said, LOGICALLY.

918626 No.2040728


relax, Hives. The Assange-Soros connection is starting to come to light. Calling that 'top 5' like a faggot doesn't deal with whether or not the information is true.

f6b51b No.2040729


Maybe if he hustled as much as he hates he would be a winner rather than a loser.

e7f9e5 No.2040730

File: f3602f45ff79494⋯.png (51.46 KB, 540x312, 45:26, ClipboardImage.png)


84c841 No.2040731

File: b6206e0938a38d1⋯.png (263.44 KB, 614x468, 307:234, July 5 get off my lawn.png)

2f2fb2 No.2040732


No sweetie, if it was I…me and my orangutang arms would have typed 'sweetie' my sweetie. Got a child to eat. Must go.

57e93d No.2040733

File: e50888f8a67e113⋯.jpg (247.32 KB, 1864x1312, 233:164, 322.jpg)

File: 5b24d12603aba31⋯.jpg (117.29 KB, 892x732, 223:183, ab.jpg)

File: fec267591ca77e3⋯.jpg (62.46 KB, 640x480, 4:3, fag.jpg)

File: 9e579a31489f947⋯.jpg (10.81 KB, 300x200, 3:2, f.bridge.jpg)

47e3b6 No.2040734

A dozen posts about Soros and Assange from CDAN

Some faggot at shareblue "CDAN IS A STHLIDE YOU GUYSTH"

296388 No.2040735


Wow, well said.

3fbb43 No.2040736


It is NOT William. I don't know why some Anons insist on continuing with this BS unless it's a purposeful Slide attempt. Head shape is Different, Hair is Different, Gait is Different, Willy walks with his shoulders slouched forward and is about 50 lbs lighter than guy in pic.

c540ae No.2040737


Did you know that some whales can live so long there is probably a whale out there that saw Blackbeard and still live?

ca943d No.2040738


That’s what I was thinking as well.

It dawned on me yesterday when he made a thread, which is rare for him.

Maybe it’s because posts to a thread don’t always notify subscribers.

Maybe other twatterfags have more insight on this they would like to share

6fde26 No.2040739



2244be No.2040741


it's not even who we are looking for in the pic.

3f5cfd No.2040742


>Who the fuck is Michael Moates and why the fuck would he know anything about this MAJOR development?

Micahel "The Fuck" Moates is a White House correspondent and talks to Sarah Sanders.

That's how the fuck he might have a little tiny notion as to what might be happening.

And it's worth pointing the fuck out to give you a fucking glimmer of hope that Q might be right.

It isn't just us.

But, hey, you have a point. If it doesn't come to be it doesn't come to be. Of course, if it doesn't come to be within the next few weeks, I'm going to start thinking that maybe Q is a LARP.

93b017 No.2040743

File: c0a6a837bd0ab93⋯.jpg (43.53 KB, 480x388, 120:97, 2cvign~2.jpg)

File: f216f8730dd37f8⋯.jpg (80.41 KB, 828x566, 414:283, f216f8730dd37f8297ed94aad6….jpg)

bccaa9 No.2040744


>Yes, obviously a trillionaire wastes time here

She was here in December. Probably not anymore at this point.

But if you think that then you are very, very naive.

Or a clown. Pick one.

b87280 No.2040745


no, someone should encourage him to press charges. for the sake of all the other patriots out there.

this needs to stop.

89f6cf No.2040746



you were saying

b2d286 No.2040747


I wonder this a lot. If they believe that Q is a larp then great, move on. Why the need to come here and convince everyone that they are right and q is a larp.

If Q is a fucking larp then I have enjoyed playing this game so leave me alone and let me fucking play!

ffb3f2 No.2040748


Kek anon….. I thought the Alt-right was fictitious.

296388 No.2040749

f6b51b No.2040750


Baiting the MSM with "Get off my lawn"

e7f9e5 No.2040751

File: ecf357996016f54⋯.png (243.87 KB, 920x339, 920:339, ClipboardImage.png)

0145bf No.2040752

File: 8b821e8998f67d4⋯.jpg (48.72 KB, 368x528, 23:33, Q1630-Freemasons.jpg)

>>2040133 #2572

>we used to be provided with actual information to dig on

Drop from 7 days ago.

Not actual enough for you?

Coulda fooled me.

e20f21 No.2040753


It kinda looks like John Kerry with a scalp wig, but the best fit is Justin Cooper, and the filename crumbs seems to confirm.

5e188e No.2040754

File: 1bd4f91d165fefa⋯.png (591.39 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20180705-092934.png)


15ff12 No.2040755


Next time, when you will make me so patriotic, with your -impasibility-I will bring MOAB, cos….guess what, when i start to fvck you, 100000000000 memes will not make like when I will start to say YOU, MOTHER FVCKER!!!!!!!!!!!

a46f14 No.2040756



Look for comms. Capital letters and too many ellipsis…….

60c5e1 No.2040757


Tom Clancy

dd2a7e No.2040758


1 minute delta there.

62684f No.2040759


Urgent Q


Question everything

5ca33b No.2040760

Yesterday when it was brought up that it might be Justin Cooper, all the shills unloaded Brocks porn pics on here

cafca0 No.2040761


You guys are trying way too hard.

da06ce No.2040762

File: 4b5a7a4675577c8⋯.png (55.58 KB, 1407x399, 67:19, Drudgeheadlinebitches.PNG)

Top of Drudge

0ca7bb No.2040763


McCain and Comey did. Obama hasn't posted since June 18th but we know he did that LA fundraiser thing last week.

e20f21 No.2040764

724739 No.2040765


Not looking for a fight, but don't you think if Q wanted to be in the MSM that DJT's team would have mentioned him, already?

Red Pilling is a process. Linking to a website of Q proofs or Q crumbs is not going to do much for the cause and it might actually hurt the momentum.

Perhaps we are better off raising issues of primary concern such as:

1. What was on Weiner's laptop?

2. When is the FBI going to look at the Weiner emails that were not directly addressed to HRC.

3. Why are their so many sealed documents in the Federal system.

4. Does DJT plan to declas DOJ docs?

5. etc.

Who is Q is irrelevant at this point in the plan.

9a2a0b No.2040766

File: 30c71149a2ff492⋯.jpeg (11.72 KB, 255x169, 255:169, d5fcafb586ad286fde124e81b….jpeg)


Keep him

7c6687 No.2040767


The game is afoot.

Things are going the right way.

Ascend to 40,000 ft and take a look around.

Hard to see the big picture when we are standing on the ground.

Peace out.

fb2aa3 No.2040768

File: a098554779389e4⋯.png (2.24 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, dddd668509033890e3a0cd0976….png)

Sooo….that's BHO in the middle of the road???

7c65a6 No.2040769


Will Congress do anything? We are deadlocked because of obstructionist democrats and the comped rhinos. Not shit is going to happen until shit hits the fan outside of closed hearings or public hearings when people are not under oath where they take advice from council to not answer or can't recall

Democrats=Flood country with invades to rape & pillage

There will not be any laws created, fuck sake Trump had to write an EO to put kids+parents together so they could be DNA tested, the democrats couldn't even vote for that even though their mockingbirds are STILL crying about it

63c77e No.2040771

chemtrails are back in full force… happy 5th America!

89f6cf No.2040772

File: 6777bb34b7ba180⋯.jpg (23.28 KB, 400x400, 1:1, DeK5X5cWsAA36Zm.jpg large.jpg)

File: e2fdc965ce507a0⋯.jpg (15.21 KB, 244x255, 244:255, cab31b91235ea50fb082f8c3c8….jpg)

e5415e No.2040773

File: dad2aa57e204c88⋯.jpg (16.8 KB, 255x231, 85:77, 2dgdj1.jpg)

File: 3e3a7c6bf916753⋯.jpg (15.4 KB, 172x225, 172:225, 2dgdlz.jpg)

File: 4156e6f21982845⋯.jpg (17.68 KB, 297x162, 11:6, 2dgdq1.jpg)

File: 8622d4219f45d6b⋯.jpg (91.25 KB, 821x499, 821:499, 2diuasdg[osi.jpg)

File: 70717642fcb6d2e⋯.jpg (21.85 KB, 255x183, 85:61, 2dgdsx.jpg)

19a3ed No.2040774

File: 4b3b3736788da1b⋯.jpg (227.89 KB, 1200x865, 240:173, Left Wing Air.jpg)

cd7dfd No.2040775


How many people have walked away

From the Democrat party

Because of this one incident?

Do not judge things before you have

All the facts.

58bd57 No.2040776

File: 3d88b21b2da9acb⋯.jpg (171.03 KB, 943x815, 943:815, patriots strong.jpg)


We've been united as fuck for a long time. All this chatter is just shills arguing with each other - pied piper shit. If an anon was really having doubts, you would be able to recognize their sincerity. I don't see any of that here. These shills are dumb and low-energy. No one's buying it.

da06ce No.2040777


That's a white dude

e20f21 No.2040778


>Sooo….that's BHO in the middle of the road???

No, it's Bill Cosby. Check the notables.

296388 No.2040779

7c65a6 No.2040780


adding you to my growing filter list because you are just here to slide and get 5 of your fuck buddies to reply guessing if it is Prince William, Corey Booker, or someone else. Fuck off

82fb65 No.2040781


Delta is [8], RIGHT?

QClock today is 6/5/18 [:??]

>QClock [+8] whats the pertinent Q posts on that new point?

ca943d No.2040782

File: 3998046c6425dcb⋯.jpeg (252.06 KB, 750x738, 125:123, 5B4E9714-F20E-419C-92CC-F….jpeg)


Just retweeted this one at 1031am est

bccaa9 No.2040783


Shadilay Ben!

89f6cf No.2040784

File: 0672dbf943b80bb⋯.jpg (35.18 KB, 1032x518, 516:259, Screen-Shot-2016-09-13-at-….jpg)


you have a point there

look at his eyes

theyre dead

ad66d5 No.2040785


Middle pic;

WTF is Marihuana?

98b8e8 No.2040786



>>2040321 the bullshit flag is on fire outside their building

81fb44 No.2040787


Peter Daglish?


232876 No.2040788

File: ce425c34297c269⋯.png (183.22 KB, 530x298, 265:149, ClipboardImage.png)


Robert Mueller incognito:

dd2a7e No.2040789


Mexican spelling of weed.

7c65a6 No.2040790


We all have concerned at one point in time, but for the past month or so it is only the shills arguing with each other. Spot on anon, they are probably only meant to keep newfags brought here away and confused or when CNN does their report to show their bots scrolling in the background. Trusting the Plan

7672c3 No.2040791


I'm about 10 minutes through it…

I want to preface this by saying…

I haven't been a church goer/religious person, in the traditional sense of the terms, in quite a long while.

However, the message, even with Jesus/Church/Bible removed, this is a VERY strong message.

Extremely well said and spoken, and oh so true.

Thanks for sharing it, anon.

Thank you.

84c841 No.2040792


Thoughts like chaining this mofo to the back of my truck and dragging him down the freeway would enter my mind if he had done this to my kid. Just sayin.

724739 No.2040793

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We are all the movement.


Pendulum's swing back and forth.

9a93ca No.2040794

File: d921038736d7d17⋯.png (357.49 KB, 470x477, 470:477, walk-away-q1.png)

9dd4f8 No.2040796


I hate the word "teen".

its one of their frankfort-school pedo-pop 60s words to help their culture of sexualizing children and remove the implied father and mother from the descriptor. tween is one step away from twink.

"Child attacked by adult for wearing maga hat."

that would be a normal headline

80f2e4 No.2040797


You're welcome.

It starts with


bccaa9 No.2040798


Word brother, I'd be swinging for the bleachers ;)

11b553 No.2040799

File: 2991832d6bd41e4⋯.png (637.42 KB, 989x557, 989:557, qanqeth.png)

File: 698de5ccefa14a5⋯.png (206.65 KB, 596x428, 149:107, vipan2.png)

File: 7f0f1bf3fb150a7⋯.png (491.22 KB, 924x467, 924:467, whoisq.png)


Very true. POTUS stood next to VIP Anon for quite a long time, too. Q has us questioning things, which is his purpose. The more Q awareness there is, the more people thinking on their own to draw their own informed conclusions is actually becoming a thing. Corrupt msm has had the stronghold for far too long.

1e3ac0 No.2040800

Excellent bread Baker!!


5b6255 No.2040801


Cheers anon. Thank you for understanding my post (in lb). It wasn't meant as a criticism or even a judgment, but many people have invested a lot of time and effort towards the GA, and yes, there will be consequences and ramifications felt in real life. For as Q himself has said: This isn't a game. Godspeed.

91fe66 No.2040802


I don't see it as opposite at all. By making zipped breads available, you are making it MUCH easier for anons to download and archive offline.

I do the same with the memes archive on Mega.

Thank you


Carry on. :-)

ece7f4 No.2040803


I don't know if I was too late

or if he always


his Instagram locked,


can't get into


Instagram Account.

b87280 No.2040804


anons a few days ago dated it to March 2014

9a93ca No.2040805

File: 79db42d87b5f6a8⋯.png (707.21 KB, 568x555, 568:555, rr-jim-jordan-msm.png)

7672c3 No.2040806



Too me ME, not enough (US).

THAT is what must change

fb2aa3 No.2040807

File: 7d222026b872726⋯.gif (1.13 MB, 400x560, 5:7, HODLERPEPE.gif)


Get some sleep you angry, clueless POS.

ce5a8f No.2040808

File: 5223a49ddf72ed6⋯.jpg (62.5 KB, 1024x819, 1024:819, Punisher_6.jpg)


>"Will the truth come out about 9/11 via Trump?"

>to paraphrase ~" no because then TRUMP [Steve says] will have to explain why he was silent for so long"

>What does this tell me?

>There is so much deep guilt spread so far and wide they will do anything to avoid the inevitable.

>Yes, and why didn't anyone talk up earlier?

>They knew it would do no good?

>So now, they excuse they used, "We didn't say it before now, so now we must stay quiet, still, to avoid embarrassment? When everyone else went along too? Then the world will know we've known for years and never said" Too embarrassing.

What a bunch of Fucking Coward!

This is why the "Plan" will fail. Those so call Guardian who watch in silence cowardly all kind of act of treason, and worst. They have great power and responsibility trusted on them by the state. Don't want to quote Spider man but… "With great power come great responsibility."

They failed us hard on 911 and other failed us even harder before. Fearing that the status quo would be better than exposing the truth. The more they cowardly accept the unacceptable the worst it become. It's a trap and they play right in it. And they are still in the same Cowardly mindset.

They are fucking coward! I will not be kissing theirs ass! A lot of men do dangerous work for an honest pay just to feed theirs family. Foundry men, ,metal worker etc.. We don't have anybody kissing our ass when we get hurt or worst. We just do it for an honest day pay. And when our boss tell us to do something stupid and dangerous we tell him to go fuck himself. Because if we don't someone will get hurt or even get killed.

So Fuck you all! Coward all of them for letting those in power get away with the unacceptable. They don't deserve our respect!

aa2663 No.2040809



ad66d5 No.2040810


So, Jesus is pronounced HEYsus and Marijuana is pronouced mariHUana?

That's just gay.

9bc4fd No.2040811


/Pol/ doxxed his ass, he's been fired, he's fucked now!

If that were me sitting there, he'd need a stretcher to be removed from that place!

57e93d No.2040812

File: a938124c325868d⋯.jpg (13.15 KB, 300x300, 1:1, conky.jpg)

File: 200f2a45a6d0157⋯.jpg (44.81 KB, 600x400, 3:2, i.conky.jpg)

conky for next leaf pm

ea7d94 No.2040814


Why dont you leave retarded liberals alone? Let them vote for Hillary in peace.

If you have an opinion you like to challange it openly, atlest me.

I dont say he is a larp, but I like to be proved wrong. I have doubt, I dont belive in faith, faith is for stupid people, facts are for smart people.

7c65a6 No.2040815


Giving it a shot, only a minute in and liking it, thanks for share but kind of left in dark before clicking it, usually skip youtubes with the bots that float around.

Clickbait me

07c682 No.2040816



Operation Unit Transportable

Orbiter Utilities Tray (NASA)


9c5a4e No.2040817

File: fb2073c90ef45c8⋯.jpeg (20.98 KB, 255x134, 255:134, 943ED7A5-D697-440E-A8DD-5….jpeg)

File: 7685439de6c371e⋯.jpeg (309.81 KB, 640x757, 640:757, A8BA463F-83EE-46A1-A69C-A….jpeg)

Heading to rally



Let loose the FROGS of war


19820d No.2040818


ZERO proof that was her. An Anonymous poster from 7 years ago was LDR.

Smh. Continue on. This is def not meant for me. Enjoy the illusions.

e7f9e5 No.2040819

File: 0bcd8c7f55d1834⋯.png (140.02 KB, 467x239, 467:239, ClipboardImage.png)

dd2a7e No.2040820



Yep, been that way for decades, only American English bastardized the pronunciation.

78e3a8 No.2040821


Ben is very clever with his drawings :)

e581f9 No.2040822

There's something in the air again Q! BIG BANGS coming our way. God Bless you guys!!

62684f No.2040823


I like it

296388 No.2040824

9a93ca No.2040825

File: 688dd12ff87766a⋯.png (114.93 KB, 499x418, 499:418, corruption-lookout-q1.png)

7c65a6 No.2040826


Here you go then you highiq smart anon


d8ca96 No.2040827

File: de61dbeec7430a1⋯.png (44.33 KB, 480x524, 120:131, Screenshot_2018-07-05-07-0….png)

File: f3e7a0db1885999⋯.png (14.68 KB, 313x247, 313:247, Screenshot_2018-07-05-06-5….png)

Fuzzy Reflection of 'Q' in the driver's seat in the Hong Kong pic.

62684f No.2040828


Why does she look like Melania. It's fucking creepy.

5b8fe2 No.2040829


If any really have doubts, they wouldn't still be hanging around this place.

19820d No.2040830


An Anonymous poster from 7 years ago that claims to be someone = they are 100 % that person.

How did you ever awaken with this style of believing whatever helps your personal beliefs?

f6b51b No.2040831

Anons I just read CDAN's "Blind Items Revealed #5"

Is it bad that I want to give Lindsay Lohan a Cleveland Steamer while I watch Mean Girls play in the background?

7f2ef6 No.2040832

File: b3f3d8deb06f4a0⋯.png (59.91 KB, 1057x338, 1057:338, ClipboardImage.png)

1f2e56 No.2040833


that's a sticker man, you can clearly see part of the rear view mirror. Nice try though.

dd2a7e No.2040834


another filtered fucking idiot.

e5415e No.2040835

File: 464f747e6d5596c⋯.jpg (48.59 KB, 500x481, 500:481, 2dgek3.jpg)

e872c2 No.2040836

File: 7b1c72633dc55ea⋯.png (260.49 KB, 400x289, 400:289, 3fb0185d15518e0dd27c12c200….png)

File: ce2e03c2d9056cc⋯.jpg (31.06 KB, 249x255, 83:85, patriot-definition1.jpg)

File: c4ab2167fe513d2⋯.jpg (47.39 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Hillary-Clintons-Server.jpg)

What's on that server?

We know.

Will the public know? Will they know exactly how sick and twisted their "leaders" were?

They will deny, but we the people will know the truth.

Once released, they will flee. Riots will be planned (SOROS), they will fail to change the narrative.

Let justice prevail and the nooses hang high!

da06ce No.2040837

So at the local 4th of July county park festival yesterday, I saw Hispanics all dressed in Red white and blue, I saw some wearing MEGA hats. I must say that I was fucking blown away. I think POTUS has way way more support than the fucking lairs claim. After seeing what I saw yesterday, I am convinced the polls are total bullshit.

62684f No.2040838


Must of order their clones or synthetics from the same place.

73c879 No.2040839

Notables Bun


>>2040166 SCOTUS picks short list

>>2040176 UK media taking heat for anti-4th of July article

>>2040182 On investigations and the dead end of FISA abuse

>>2040194 Netflix hurting; testing higher priced subscription plan

>>2040341 Summary of Awan situation, Q post timing, and the recent shill storm (commentary)

>>2040362 Billionaire oil tycoon Batista gets 30 years jailtime

>>2040535 Evidence of a change in GOOG Streetview re: recent Q photo drops

57e93d No.2040840

File: b7b14e0294b646b⋯.jpg (486.43 KB, 600x600, 1:1, LAWN.jpg)

get off my lawn


19820d No.2040841


I don't see many at all saying Q is a larp. Deceiving insider. Not larp.

3f5cfd No.2040842




But I don't think it's going to work this time.

84c3b2 No.2040843

File: d4c168f328df67b⋯.jpg (66.28 KB, 480x300, 8:5, ICE and border protection..jpg)

ea7d94 No.2040844


Now we are back at square one…


ad66d5 No.2040845

File: bd9f5a578cc1c5b⋯.png (57.54 KB, 750x751, 750:751, buildthatwall.png)


No it didn't.

MariJUANa is pronounced correctly.

Mexican Spanish is just very gay.

7f2ef6 No.2040846


average day - but isn't that pretty stupid surveillance?

hey, why is that car stopped in the middle of the road while i'm doing something super sketchy?

just seems - unprofessional, or "not the real purpose".

80f2e4 No.2040848


Very wise anon.

Thank you.

Aside: Please reconsider your believe in Jesus.

I would like to submit, only for consideration, that Christianity is the only belief system that I am aware of that offers life eternal in a place that someone would want to be, save Islam and 72 virgins. If I am wrong in my belief, the worst that has happened is I did not capitalize on several immoral acts on this earth and my material gains were limited. If I am right, and Jesus does exist and the Bible is correct, I will be spared the eternity in a place I would not want to be. Eternity is a long time, and outweighs, i my view, the loss of any material or pleasurable gain I'd get on earth.

6e2368 No.2040849


Q knew the shareblue clowns would be going full force on this board now at an attempt to derail, disprove Q and ultimately shut down this website. Why else would Q tell everyone to back everything up.

I think we are nearing the end, we have everything we need to know and then some which will become more clear later on. They are way too late to change the narrative around.

b87280 No.2040850


she died years ago, anon. she, herself, was not a baby seller. wtf is wrong w/ you?

39f352 No.2040853

File: 6950db12b2495d0⋯.jpeg (834.05 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, D9F35890-6F4B-4A51-AA7B-4….jpeg)


If Lobsters could speak some could tell you about the Pilgrims.

Claw from 53 pounder on the wall.

Research, do the math.

19820d No.2040854


It looks like a tall, balding, asian man. Just like it was a fucking asian 20-something year old in North Korea that everyone claimed was Prince Harry.

Both Princes have a thing for getting photo'd in asia.

e872c2 No.2040855

File: 56485182a5a028b⋯.png (891.16 KB, 1663x927, 1663:927, Science says liberals not….png)


Don't see this in notables?


07c682 No.2040856

File: 314051d45ecfe93⋯.jpg (64.15 KB, 666x500, 333:250, IMG_3862.JPG)

82780e No.2040857

If anyone is curious about mind control…

fascinating and shockingly easy?

Have lefties been got at?


dd2a7e No.2040858


Your a full on retard.

Go check for yourself and you'll see.

4587e5 No.2040859

File: 0b1112bee435d3b⋯.jpg (75.23 KB, 402x413, 402:413, farage - idgaf.jpg)


This. All of this shilling just water off a ducks back. We aren't going anywhere.. we have been here for months, how do you even think any of us will just to go "Oh yeah Q is a LARP"…

Sure you rustle a few newfag jimmies but the true anons are steadfast.

19820d No.2040860


Look at a clear sky when you have a rare day without them like us here. Sky doesn't look right even "clear". Has a milky film to it.

c540ae No.2040861


I haven't had any sleep in a while

7672c3 No.2040862

>>2040587 - Less ME, MOAR (((WE)))



I don't typically call for notables, but even after watching it, I'm still thinking about it.

ffbd6f No.2040863

>>yep i got attacked by the state for supporting trump had a state lic agency shut me down for no reason (put a hold on my lic) all because i support Potus and i am vocal about the voter fraud, i have done evreything they ask but refuse to do there job for me, started from scratch 8 years ago and now after 3 mo of not being able to operate I'm going to loose evreything, last november I got into Q and made my voice louder, robots attacked our Facebook page to where I had to shut it down,now I have lost all my friends, cops took my drivers lic, they stole my Q signs, my house is in forcloser, and I will now prob loose everything for my support, well its my fault for doing it I want a better America for all, but at this rate I will be dead before the public even knows that Q is real, so I guess you can add me to that list of patriots who got destroyed and all there possessions and hard worked destroyed over this revolution, I was fine before I started my support, our country IS being torn apart right now, and part of it is Q,s fault, I'm convinced i can't trust the crooked admin in charge, so if the plan is to get patriots to loose everything fighting for whats right, well that plan is working, I know Q is a insider, but now i feel like eating a bullet is the best way since this movement has destroyed everything, wife left, no friends, all the crime continues,poisen in the food still, no disclosers, I'm all in now, I have not been able to by food for a week but I am growing some, If Q reads this I hope he knows some of us are really dying trying to forward the movement, false info and hope and he will have blood on his hands,(not a game) >1999492

bccaa9 No.2040864


>Why dont you leave retarded liberals alone? Let them vote for Hillary in peace.

No. Complacency is what got us to this juncture in history.

>If you have an opinion you like to challange it openly, atlest me.

This is word salad

> I dont say he is a larp, but I like to be proved wrong. I have doubt, I dont belive in faith, faith is for stupid people, facts are for smart people

And evidence is what you should look at. There is a mountain of confirmed findings to peruse, on this board.

Go fucking peruse it so you don't continue to look like you're being willfully ignorant.

Willful ignorance is a clown tactic.

de69f8 No.2040865


Netflix Pricing? Not so notable..

e1d7e8 No.2040866

we are soooooo smart it hurts hug me anon. I never meant to hurt you I love you sooooo much. Q Q Q don't take a shit until Q says it's ok. I'll hold your hand. Can he shit now Q? This board is shit and we havent made any progress in 3 weeks because we are sooooooooooooooooooooooooo smart.

He's shitting Q. SHOULD I STOP HIM????? Q????????

b87280 No.2040867


can a MEME ANON plz turn this into a #walkaway meme? thx

58bd57 No.2040869

File: 983e4e844637364⋯.jpg (29.6 KB, 669x164, 669:164, light a fire.jpg)


Sure. You clowns must hate it when the DISINFO has this effect


Must make y'all feel really dumb.

ad66d5 No.2040870


I'm moar concerned about the massageparlor/sauna and the kindergarten sharing a wall.

b6ed6e No.2040871

File: 0ea9e3ad98bb3e1⋯.png (189.8 KB, 490x474, 245:237, lawnreeeeee.png)

19820d No.2040872


26 posts in one bread and you're bitching about shills. Classic qresearch user.

1896ae No.2040873


pay attention to this

dd2a7e No.2040874


A follow up on what happened after they did their little pedo movie.

d8ca96 No.2040875

File: ddbac56ab120e83⋯.jpg (70.05 KB, 634x636, 317:318, 4DF279AC00000578-5919363-i….jpg)

File: cd66b217e59b0a8⋯.jpg (29.28 KB, 252x263, 252:263, 2daet8.jpg)


Nigga you are jealous of Don Jr…. Fucker

b87280 No.2040876



e2d0b3 No.2040877

File: 74c7d419636bcb0⋯.jpg (18.92 KB, 217x272, 217:272, 01366228-a.jpg)

File: b8bf740ce813069⋯.png (325.89 KB, 593x470, 593:470, cf1740f3b4f578bf0c3673f161….png)

>>2039800 PB


That's because he's been HERE FOR AWHILE!!!

91fe66 No.2040878


"She" was a biological male.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

I read a ton of convincing sauce last year but don't have it at hand.

Maybe it will turn up again on web search.

I need more covfefe.

I don't want to chase that rabbit right now, got other things habbening, it would be a slide, and I don't want to slide.


e91085 No.2040879


It wasn’t called marijuana until prohibition, and that was so it would sound Mexican, learn history faggot

57e93d No.2040880

File: 151dcb99a9447ce⋯.jpg (14.44 KB, 300x199, 300:199, facts.jpg)

File: 1a9c8b845b95bc6⋯.jpg (117.17 KB, 468x490, 234:245, osama.ww.jpg)

58bd57 No.2040882

File: 42350de67ff5bac⋯.png (401.14 KB, 1206x700, 603:350, kimclown.png)


Make that 28 CIA nigger.

05ca56 No.2040883


Opinion farming here for shills is hilarious and sad and tragic at times but, to compare a #PCNP to patriots is lunacy of the highest order…

#PCNP=progressive communist nazi party and it aims to serve satan in all it does. "Kill, Steal, destory" is the mantel of demons and devils of this age.

2fe734 No.2040884

File: 5a5b703f1a6ece4⋯.png (6.79 KB, 255x196, 255:196, friendly pepe.png)

Morning brain fart.

If Mueller is really expanding the "Trump" probe, he might be /ourguy/ after all. No way the swamp gets drained without lots and lots of proof. Timing would be right.

131d21 No.2040885

Anyone know anything important about the Earthquake in England?

724739 No.2040886


"We have everything."

ad66d5 No.2040887

File: 969b4c0f11ae0be⋯.png (436.17 KB, 1600x1495, 320:299, reeecano.png)



But I'm the retard?!

You go check YOU'REself!


330bd8 No.2040888


Anons, look sharp. POTUS tweets need attention. Comms deciphered, clock and side by sides needed. Don't forget when posting POTUS tweets to include the date/timestamp.

bccaa9 No.2040889


>An Anonymous poster from 7 years ago that claims to be someone = they are 100 % that person.

She didn't tell us it was her. The NSA (Q) did. I was present for that.

>How did you ever awaken with this style of believing whatever helps your personal beliefs?

Nice projection, clown.. I work with evidence, not wishful hopes, like you.

47e3b6 No.2040890

Tell David "The Pedo" Brock that if I ever catch him out he's getting a Winnie Mandela Special

ece7f4 No.2040891

File: 6887fb713831754⋯.png (952.57 KB, 1051x590, 1051:590, Screenshot_24.png)

73c879 No.2040892


It is a bit fluffy.


That said, most of this bread was fluffy.

Here's hoping for something a bit more substantial later.

ff5634 No.2040893



80f2e4 No.2040894

Illegal Immigrant.

What is required to qualify for that term?


Against a law, code or statute currently enacted.

If we have an illegal immigration problem, why are the laws on the books not being enforced?

If we have terrible laws that do not define or punish improper immigration, we then do not have illegal immigrants.

If Judges do not enforce existing law. Impeach and or fire them.

If DA's are not charging them, Fire them.

If LEO's are not detaining them. Fire them.

At what point does simple logical proper action fail?

Why is this so damn hard to figure out??

dd2a7e No.2040896

55431d No.2040897

Q is using stock images as original? Does this mean unirock and ltv were right about Q? I don't feel so good.

f6b51b No.2040898

Blind Items Revealed #6

February 13, 2018

I think it is possible that I may have found a director who is even worse than the Oscar winning A+ list director that has been in this space frequently or even Woody Allen. The director of which I am speaking is an Oscar winner, but not for what you might think. It is shocking actually he does not have more Oscar wins.

I do hope this is in some small part due to his raping and abusing women throughout his career. Although the number of actresses he abused is in the dozens, I am going to focus on just a few of his more notorious crimes.

He raped three tweens during a casting process and gave the role to the tween he said was the one who was the best in bed. He later ordered her to sleep with the much much older foreign born co-star on the movie who would go on to have an A list career. That co-star injured her severely and production had to be stopped for a week to allow her to recover.

The director kept her around for a couple of years under the guise of getting her more roles, but the real reason was he could send her out to find other tweens and early teens to bring back to his place where he would get them drunk or slip them drugs and then rape them. He often filmed these rapes and would film the actress with the other tween and teen females.

In the movie for which he is most famous he had friends of one of his children come to the set with the child. All of the friends were probably no older than 7 or 8. He molested a dozen of them at least during the filming of the movie and filmed many of them. When he died there were hundreds of hours of footage which was some of the most extreme versions of child porn anywhere.

Stanley Kubrik/Peter Sellers

39f352 No.2040902

File: dd79b8858818546⋯.jpeg (154.37 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, A11EF0F8-8BD6-486F-BD3F-9….jpeg)

2fe734 No.2040903


Oh gag. Or not.

1) no legacies in the white house

2) no kimberly. just no.

81759d No.2040904


I don't know but I wish I had the 40,000 ft. view.

2f2fb2 No.2040905

File: ea69afc478f2870⋯.jpg (89.44 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2dgf4j.jpg)

167d65 No.2040907

>>2040875 anons mentioned her red shoes. Wifey said I'm stupid. Shoes match accessories. Then she told me she needs a new purse with a wink and smile. I told her to go to Goodwill them both!

981597 No.2040909

File: 1c698b8380bb47f⋯.png (182.98 KB, 372x305, 372:305, ClipboardImage.png)

Need a fly by to take it out, before landing.


e5415e No.2040910

File: 8dd10f6a8652bbd⋯.jpg (22.47 KB, 255x254, 255:254, pthshdsoi.jpg)


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 205f78 No.1694816 📁

Jun 10 2018 23:20:57 (EST)

Every single picture posted is ORIGINAL.

Pulled/Wiped or Taken.

Think about what that means.


ad66d5 No.2040911


>I filter and then give them a (ewe) anyway.

>I need to start filtering SILENTLY or kill myself.

Hi there, newfag. KYS.

e872c2 No.2040912


Don't see this in notables?


d8ca96 No.2040913

File: 2b905894b26061c⋯.png (112.84 KB, 500x610, 50:61, trying-thetide-pods-challe….png)

>>2040891 >(You)

fdb5b6 No.2040915


Damn son, are you working with a disability here? No wonder you're not convinced one way or the other. You head seems to be in a constant state of spin.

bff417 No.2040917



ece7f4 No.2040918


Junior got


big ass


d42d00 No.2040920


small pic is ben rhodes

3f5cfd No.2040921

File: a668e37ccd0d124⋯.png (848.16 KB, 943x614, 943:614, Screen Shot 2018-07-05 at ….png)

a3a1ef No.2040922

noname in syria ?

Lindsey Graham in syria ?

LG says US should stay in Syria ?

Why ?

ad66d5 No.2040923

5c42b3 No.2040924

File: 4eda7d480d4086a⋯.png (346.55 KB, 391x600, 391:600, artage-io-thumb-9119149da6….png)

Any luck finding out IDENT of this man?

f6b51b No.2040927

File: c6edf3ca3c841b0⋯.jpg (78.97 KB, 640x960, 2:3, yF3sxUf.jpg)

57e93d No.2040929

File: 9fb31ecd4b62661⋯.png (54.4 KB, 820x287, 20:7, michaels.millions.png)

File: 02180f40ce007ca⋯.jpg (31.97 KB, 648x369, 72:41, najib.jpg)

File: 51cd29719f0ba83⋯.jpg (20.27 KB, 708x438, 118:73, kls.najib.jpg)

File: 3366d83a3d181d1⋯.jpg (23.89 KB, 648x369, 72:41, gs.jpg)

File: c9deac1e69ca35c⋯.jpg (28.99 KB, 474x631, 474:631, child.traffic.jpg)

d8ca96 No.2040930



Jr has a big ass dick.

dd2a7e No.2040932


But correct, and yes, I agree it sounds gay.

78e3a8 No.2040933


I hope someone does something to wreck it

ede508 No.2040934

File: f36305c7fcfec79⋯.png (26.19 KB, 1147x208, 1147:208, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a220ec72016035⋯.png (43.54 KB, 1275x225, 17:3, ClipboardImage.png)


[15] minute delta - related to these Q posts?

Good[win] - is a Global 50 law firm and checkout what they focus on.

[win]/when - 1/7 aligns with tomorrow on the Q clock.

07c682 No.2040935

File: be3ab397ae035b8⋯.jpg (118.63 KB, 888x499, 888:499, IMG_3864.JPG)

2f2fb2 No.2040936


Or that I went to Yale and I am a member of Skull & bones…

b6b7fb No.2040938

File: 5b338c23a322eb8⋯.png (599.45 KB, 634x636, 317:318, ClipboardImage.png)

724739 No.2040939



Police record and Dox of asshole that assaulted teen wearing MAGA hat.

419945 No.2040940


funny the file size is the same as the old 3.5 floppy 1.44mb?

ae86c6 No.2040941

File: 330259ed82ed999⋯.jpg (267.03 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, goml.jpg)

fb2aa3 No.2040942

File: 143b07de81d896a⋯.jpg (114.27 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 698891_1.jpg)


There is NOOOO way that Mueller lets Trump remain president this entire time IF they had any dirt on him at all.

So I'm starting to think the longer this Muellwr SC goes on the deeper the trap is for the Dem perps.

The Flynn sentencing delays are a clue for sure.

Plus wouldn't it be completely wreckless of Mueller to let Trump run the country for this long IF he was a Russian puppet?

Clearly, he's NOT.

Sooo…the longer the SC goes on no longer bothers me.

232876 No.2040943


SR !!!

a5787b No.2040944


Drone anyone?

ad66d5 No.2040945


I never said it was incorrect.

KYS again.

033b91 No.2040946


They arrested the dude last night

Name is Kino Jimenez

ae86c6 No.2040947


yeah… typo… damnit

91fe66 No.2040950

File: 74815ce41d2eda4⋯.jpg (132.66 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReportIllegalAliens2.jpg)

File: 24333f0ddffd9db⋯.jpg (121.32 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DACAdeport1.jpg)

File: 9df2f42d6d8c968⋯.jpg (147.64 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DACAdeport2.jpg)

File: a72010fc3bde91e⋯.jpg (134.77 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DACAdeport3.jpg)

File: 66cd258593c0faf⋯.jpg (109.7 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DACAdeport4.jpg)

b87280 No.2040952


let's try it again and see what happens

a6e7e9 No.2040953


I would love to see the controls cut and watch it fly off to never never land.

fbba9e No.2040954

b87280 No.2040955

981597 No.2040956


foot fetish shills going to archive that one.

91fe66 No.2040957



May be we need a new word for it.

A word like trespass.


73c879 No.2040959






15ff12 No.2040961

Please tell me, Amerian patriots, where you were when JFK god killed?

But when Robert Knennedy??????

But whe JFK jr????????????

All in a weekend???????????

now you come and scream PATRIOTS.














Guess who is treasing America……

you only creates conflicts, that will induce at a larger conflict

but you lie……

you don't want calm, you want war…..against americans!!!

4f30e9 No.2040962

File: 6dd99f4f890c78e⋯.png (290.57 KB, 505x407, 505:407, Opera Snapshot_2018-07-05_….png)

Lock Kino up!

9fb4db No.2040963


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