9a6670 No.2216485
Welcome To R Research
>>1879763 (Bread 2368)
In 1909, we lost everything.
My father caught on.
1st to the Bilderbergs,
then he caught on the NASA.
He demanded to know who the grey's were and why they were here.
They killed him.
I strategically staged my own death, allied with the one person in this world whom I knew was honorable enough to trust, and we began to build "The Plan."
Penance is coming.
Regardless of what you think, you are not yet awake.
You do not know how deep this goes.
If you knew, you could not sleep.
Many of you could never go on.
You need each other.
You need every ONE of you.
Learn to play nice with each other or be left behind.
If one stumbles, pick them up.
If one asks a question, give them the answer.
That is how we grow.
There's no more room in the plan for arrogance and self importance.
If you turn ONE away, you've hurt the plan.
If you hurt the plan, you'll be left behind.
We are watching.
We see it all.
There are no secrets.
You would never believe the files kept on everyone of you, for that matter, you'd never believe WHERE they are kept.
Prepare for the next phase.
Prepare each other.
You are one.
9a6670 No.2216531
Original R
WLQRS7S2 aka wlqrs aka qrs
>>1879763 Qbread #2368
Next R
IP Hash ianDuKUD aka duk
Qbread #2697
Qbread #2607
Qbread #2591
hong kong pic/@snowden
Qbread #2573
Qbread #2556
Qbread #2555
9a6670 No.2216549
Next R
R legal post
9a6670 No.2216604
Next R
Yg/857lG (capital i or lower case l)
9a6670 No.2216658
hash history
ORiginal, R Legal, BB crumbs
9a6670 No.2216665
Hash History
Hong Kong Helper
9a6670 No.2216699
Notables Bread#1
>>1882459 R post
>>1884858 , >>1888525 , >>1951104 That's how we lost it all in 1909.
>>1893634 JFK quote – how to stay in Love while dealing with your enemies
>>1887509 Q on JFK and JFK JR.
>>1887886 , >>1888195 Did Seals rescue "R" from ditched plane?
>>1900359 , >>2003414, >>2003614 "R" posts on the same night as (promised) Q&A ( >>1843122 )
>>1887270 "R" ready to come out?
>>1973688 , >>2004728 double-meanings re "every dog has its day"?
>Did POTUS just confirm R?
>>1894992 , >>1894994
>>1933633 , >>1934590 , >>1943137
>>1897039 , >>1897180 Moar reasons why R post seems legit
>>1905056 Bike pics posted soon after R post also pointing to JFK JR. – >>1880528 , >>1880928
>>1904689 , >>1905738 , >>2003614 What does "R" stand for? – JFK JR. numerology
>>1906750 , >>1907045 Why so much push back whenever the R post is brought up?
>>1911210 Summary Commentary of R post
>Reasons why JFK JR. had to "die"
>>1903897 , >>1904653 , >>1997638
>Ways how he might have staged his death
>>1955332 , >>1954782 their dog, Friday, usually went with JFK JR., except on this day
>>1978913 Friday and the cat disappeared, although the regular caregiver tried to find them
>>1954685 , >>1954704 plane went missing at 8:39 pm, official search and rescue not before 4 am, found only 5 DAYS later, also inconsistencies in reports where bodies were found
>>1954762 , >>1954815 pics of the wreck seem to be taken in different locations
>>1887886 , >>1888195 was "R" really rescued by Navy Seals?
>>1954762 photo staged or taken from any Seals training session?
>>1955395 , >>1974423 , >>1974699 , >>2004744 many nice places all across Europe that the Kennedys either owned or had access to
>>1986445 “Wait until you see who’s been posting on here” (commentary)
>>2001980 Why on earth wouldn't he fake his death (commentary)
>>1992862 next week's news
>>1991135 , >>1998277 , >>2000546 older anon: voice on the vid that Q directed us to might be JFK JR.
>>2002234 , >>2001350 , >>2001966 , >>2002064 anons discuss possibility of JFK JR. being heard on new vid
>>2003913 , >>2004956 symbolism – more digging needed
Notables Bread #2
>>2039614 new R posts - follow ID 797b84 (10)
>>2040373 You guise need to wake up! You missed clues last bread.
>>2040390 New R last Q-Bread
>>2040740 you 10 total posts bread 2573
>>2047032 I saw on reddit something about sparrow and JFK Jr.→pointing to Rochelle Sparrow's book, "JFK is Still Alive"
>>2047656 Q trolled us when reporter faked his death after uncovering an assassination plot.
>>2047749 BOOM (sailing) - a spar along the bottom edge of a fore and aft rigged sail (think "White Squall")
>>2048248 What does LARK mean?
>>2050082 HeWhoWaits29.6…
>>2050218 “Trolling is fun.” - Q
>>2050722 SIG intercept - Missed - Enjoy the show
>>2064542 Grey(7,18,5,25)=5 5
>>2063737, >2064872 BO lays out the IP Hashes ← 3 IP hashes (so far)
>>2072141 anon likes compilation of posts from this bread, >>>>2060899 add this one
>>2074195, >>2072307 math and numerologisms
>>2061703, >>2075296, >>2075324, anons interested in link between Jr and life with cryptic >>1880528 post
>>2079603 Future Proves Past ? The trials and tribs of Jesus in Nazareth
9a6670 No.2216701
Notables Bread #3
>>2120897 Helper anon pointing to last interview JFK JR. did with Katie Couric and last Q post
>>2121201 vid of last interview JFK JR. did with Katie Couric
>>2121012 Q drop from this vid: "Look here, look there"
>>2121161 relevant transcription of above vid
>>2123922 Short recap synopsis
>>2124237 Moar pic of JJ
>>2124512 JFK JR. predicted Trump's presidential run + coined the term "Winter White House" for Mar-a-Lago
>>2124147 Moar digging wanted
>>2124079 777 in the Q's plan Vid
>>2124214 Rothschild numerology = P
>>2102389, >>2109658 (helper Anon?) Kill box R = "NO" post by Q
>>2098908 Anon finds new JFK Jr birth connections
>>2099537, >>2099928 WLQRS Hash IP R post
>>2106826, >>2109744, >>2109842, >>2110328 Ruby-Cute finds on Rally stranger's board
>>2107851, >>2102024, >>2105173, >>2108585, >>2108628, >>2111740, >>2112096, >>2116217, >>2116461, >>2116722, >>2116982, >>2117964, >>2118624, >>2118635, >>2118959, >>2123737, >>2123866, >>2124804, >>2124828 Mathfags keeps scoring connections and proofs with Q, Potus, R, and JFK jr
>>2110206 HOW to get to GENERAL BOARD
>>2110844, >>2111013 Unanswered "Rally Stranger" Question
>>2111271 Greys JFK connection
>>2112851, >>2112857, >>2112861 R post breakdown from Anon
>>2116555 Possible new R post? or Helper Anon, Happy 7.11
>>2117028 R=18 Q post
>>2119634, >>2119845, >>2120435 Happy Anons, Smooth sailing
>>2120788 Tesla's magical 9 explanation, numerology
>>2126615 Intuition Anon has theory, expanded thinking
Notables Bread #4
>>2135627 Countdown to R post by Q
>>2137020, >>2133044, >>2138041 The rising son!!
>>2137502 Did Q tell us JFK JR lives?
>>2138012 Anon finds more interesting JFK assassin plots
>>2138235 No postmortem pics and burial in less than 24 hrs
>>2138261, >>2138412 Joe M's video link to JFK Jr?
>>2139478, >>2139533 RPM Fag on a roll again! Nice Math on HRC vid
>>2139782, >>2143487 JFK Jr IS 58 years old…and today, POTUS visits the Queen
>>2133813, >>2141639, >>2154443 Digs on JPB (JFK JR best friend)
>>2148874, >>2139928, >>2139914, >>2139896 New R posts on main board??
>>2148896, >>2149685 Schrödinger cat synchronicity!
>>2149920 Look for more direct confirmations. Q
>>2149851 One Cabal will eat the next:Chaos is not a pit. Chaos is a ladder.
>>2151410, >>2154163 SHEEP NO MORE post
>>2157241 WLQRS7S2 Original R post
>>2157073, >>2157671 'Pumpkin Key' for sale Key Largo, FL features a pic of the Kennedy yacht.
>>2156983 BO/BV IP hash history bread #2369 ID ebc00d requested
>>2157247 All "possible"R posts
>>2157376, >>2157440 BE STRONG AND RESOLUTE post
>>2157767,>>2158008 Today's possible R post
>>2158779, >>2158932 Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666
>>2159372 'Honey Fitz' buyer William Kallop Classmate JFK also connected to Trump (see bread #2)
>>2160403, >>2160633 (Off Topic) JA 17A graphic/ , post
>>2160820, >>2160786 I don't understand this post, nevertheless a notable?? Please verify
>>2162776 RR >>> John john?
>>2163358 Here is 1:1,681, WE DONT NEED Q TO POST
>>2163677 Trump trolling?
>>2164114 Queen to f3
>>2162776, >>2166089, >>2166681 R=J ROT= ROTATION
>>2166885, >>2166997, >>2167076 Churchill Chair
>>2162776, >>2166089, >>2166197, RR= John John Theories
>>2166211 Anon dig in AS THE WORLD TURNS
>>2165136, >>2166355 Matrix Picture needs digging
>>2166481 BO confirms ID bdb123 has 1 post from that IP
>>2166198, >>2166394 Natural person related to Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666
777049 No.2216772
you're all a disgrace to /qresearch/
c37202 No.2216801
Why are there files on everyone still? Shouldn’t our individual rights to privacy be honored as part of the plan? I do not give consent for this. I do not trust anyone who feels they need to know my every move. If you are who you say you are, I think privacy was always a big deal to you too.
9a6670 No.2216841
Notables #5
>>2167858 Grey eminence vid at 11:32
>>2168563 John Perry Barlow
>>2169607, >>2178997 Mar A Lago digs
>>2177474, >>2178369, >>2187239 numbersfag
>>2181861 declaration of interdependence
>>2188093, >>2188434 CUSIP, DTCC
>>2196522 chessfag Q drop SCID re missing D
9a6670 No.2216847
6 breads and going bitch
go back to your board of shitposts and porn
9a6670 No.2216864
a71fa5 No.2217252
fuck off you unworthy intelligence-ridden snake.
"LEFT" us? WTF Q is no more?
Fuck it, thanks to IP tracking we have eyes on R
5ec821 No.2217456
The man looking at the camera looks a LOT like John Perry Barlow. Cut his hair, shave the beard, add glasses and a suit and you’d have someone that looks just about like this guy.
Lots of Barlow info in Q posts back from last Feb. - he “died” Feb 7, 2018.
He worked with Snowden and Assange. There are lots of articles about him and why he called Snowden the worst Housewarming gift ever.
On a side note, there was a push on the last board (#5) that R is John Cusack. Seems very weak to me, however, Cusack does sit on the board of the Freedom of the Press Foundation that Snowden was the head of. They cut off Wikileaks tax-deductible funding after wikileaks released the DNC/HRC/Podesta items.
So, the Cusack thing is very slightly related to these topics but that just makes it more distracting.
fb766b No.2217542
fill old bread first
you dont want multiple breaDS on the top of the catalog
5ec821 No.2217791
Ok, thanks for the heads up. It wouldn’t let me reply back in #3 and i thought 5 was already full.
Can you help with a different thing? I saw a ref to GSP - greenville/spartanburg airport in a video of R #1 or #2 and can’t find it now. Post number was blurry but I think started 203…
Unirock did a debunk video of a defango sloothing of pic metadata from a Q pic post. Think it was in the AFI pic. The metadata showed gps coordinates near GSP in SC. And he found the house on Google maps.
I think the metadata was left there to troll them - which is why I sometimes watch if they are super excited. I looked out of curiousity and according to the GIS data, the house next door is owned by the Sect of Veteran Affairs which seems odd. And its in Gowdy’s district. Wonder if that’s were Snowden was hanging out, right by GSP where he just caught a flight to DC.
That would be an amusing future proves past/ trolling combo. But, I don’t know how to link that up with the question from several breads ago (esp when i can’t find it). I could see the trolling but not the significance until the Snowden flight was mentioned.
fb766b No.2217834
well done
welcome to R6 Rlarps
74bd8c No.2217857
Rules (the word) may not work. But responsibility is another matter. If we are to stay the course we must dispense with the chit chat to keep the pace, y/n? anyway, I don't for one minute consider this Q-lite. Have a great nite all.
5ec821 No.2217995
>>2217791 should have checked before - the acting Sec of Veteran Affairs is Peter O’Rourke.
he began in the Dept of Vet Affairs as the Ex Dir for Accountability and Whistleblower Protection.
fb766b No.2218114
>>2213552 (lb)
notable from previous bread
didnt see it until i saw it on YT
i didnt notice before Vinnie was lost on 18th 3 times mentions greys 1 time until Cordicon pointed it out <-- good dig Cordicon
2b42ac No.2218170
I know the graph is in lb notable, but vid and article should be too
582fbb No.2218224
fb766b No.2218316
R not there yet
looks like Vinnie and Cereal Killer R a package deal
i have eyes on teeth (top left)
you two R not there yet ?
fb766b No.2218327
ok got eyes on Vinnie see the pin above cheeks
2b42ac No.2218350
Thx anon. This article is screaming at us. Bottom of article, "Good Luck President Trump: The Movement Will Go On."
f121e8 No.2218384
John Cusack is a member of the Democrat Socialist of America. He is a has been and total cuck. No way he has the complexity to be involved in this. He's a soy boy from the 80s
fb766b No.2218412
ok last one and now im compiling offline from here on but this pic relevant because its no CKwaldo and its full pan shot
fb766b No.2218435
hes there i see him ←
do you see a glimpse of his bald dome?
2b42ac No.2218437
Need better pics, but could he be wearing his dad's reading glasses?
0ffe05 No.2218541
Hey anons. This is in response to the “legal” Rpost. I am still foggy as to how we know these posts are the same person as he has no trip and different ID’s here but I’m going with it for this post. Apologies if the legal one is not the real guy.
Sarah Westall Interview
Matrix Solutions
SO this guy is “Prime Minister David Williams” and he has full diplomatic immunity from all laws everywhere. Just like an ambassador… Essentially he has returned to a system of Self Determination and he claims anyone can do it. Think about it. No taxes. Never be arrested. Never be searched etc. Its pretty wild. Anyway, he talks about A LOT of the stuff that “R” talks about. In particular the Admiralty law stuff and the contract law stuff. I seriously have considered pursuing it. It is right along the same lines as Land Patents and Alloidial Title ownership as well. I really think there is something to all this and I highly encourage you to all look into it. I think R is talking about the exact same stuff which would be AWESOME. The Sarah Westall interviews are REALLY worth your time if you are interested in the legal post he made. Let me know what you think.
f121e8 No.2218682
Definately not the same glasses, one is circular the other is not. JFK's nose rest is much thicker.
2b42ac No.2218754
Fair enuff was just stabbing in the dark, it's late. Listening to vids now
5b5a81 No.2218919
66b24e No.2219205
#46th President 4+6= 10, 1+0= 1, Also Q+ reference.
73bdab No.2219918
Are we looking for the where's Waldo Fusco guy? Honestly I can't see anything and when I try and find the image to get a clear shot I can't find it either. I'm unsure why I can usually find immediately. Failing the clean this one up. Could you point me in the direction? Thanks
e16af6 No.2219996
>>2202571 R#5
Excellent video. Thx for sharing. Great to see it's gotten almost 42k views in 2 days. Promising. Whoever made it, great work, please keep it up.
Just had a lightbulb flash when I saw the GEORGE magazine cover with narrator discussing how the name of the mag could have been a veiled reference to Poppy Bush.
See center photo taken in 1993. That's George Wallace on the right.
Also, "Dear Sen. Biden, You are a traitor ..." "John F. Kennedy Jr."
Anyone else notice the underlining and the ellipse?
Anyone else we know that's been using similar formatting & syntax?
Video mentions this document comes from the FBI files.
Can we get our hands on the original doc?
Seems a rather huge find, also considering the Q1 + Q2.
73bdab No.2220007
Okay got the cleaner image. Have a few more questions, please don't strangle me… On this one is that the lady who looks like Carolyn with the Trump necklace from earlier digs?
73bdab No.2220020
Because she seems to be looking at least two individuals, but I don't know who they are or would be, or maybe my line of sight is off… we have to remember it, it's entirely possible that they would have grandchildren with them.
73bdab No.2220077
And aren't these the additional people I compiled from board one and two digs re looked like relatives?
73bdab No.2220090
Was this the heads-top you were talking about?
73bdab No.2220117
Is this the guy you were speaking about, or where is Waldo=VF/VC
73bdab No.2220123
Personally the fact all these guys have the same smile kind of creeps me out…
73bdab No.2220133
Have a great day everyone, see you on the next R bored, fingers crossed.
73bdab No.2220176
It's strange how this guy in the middle is so creepy looking, bc he sticks out without a smile?
fa17e7 No.2220329
that's jared fogel…early release.
73bdab No.2220335
Rodger, it's easy to see the shit is hitting the fan! Russia Summit, midterm elections, full-scale attack on POTUS... It is absolutely no wonder Q does not have the time to check in. However if POTUS needs us, I'm sure we'll get a Q + post from him! Be well sir.
707951 No.2220539
Your obviously supposed to notice him. Is he really there or was he shopped in on purpose?.
Whoever uploaded the original image did so for a reason beyond stopping you from going down the Snowden tangent. I believe this high rez image is for 'normie' consumption. clickbait. A game to make you question things. Women eat this stuff up. They love family portraits.
Real or not is irrelevant. It is designed to stimulate asking questions like "who" then "what if" then "why" then "who"again. Try showing it high rez to your spouce / girlfriend etc. Watch how fast they work. Again you don't even have to believe it's real. Can a painting hanging on a wall make you ask questions or stimulate a narrative in your imagination although you know it is an illusion?
Another wasted morning!
e16af6 No.2220544
They do bear a resemblance. And that person staring directly at the camera with his little smirk is the most interesting man in the crowd imo.
That said, a point of clarification: Barlow had back issues the last 20 years of his life. Multiple surgeries, walked with a hunch, then was confined to a wheelchair and bed the last couple years. This all can be confirmed from his twatter feed and various other public mentions & videos of him pre/post passing.
Now, Barlow was known as a prankster par excellence, so is it possible that he faked his death and is actually in that photo? Absolutely a possibility, given that we're open to such matters here. Still would suggest that you research the above for yourself before proceeding further down this path. John Barlow did appear to be in a lot of pain for a long time. And most likely, was on a ton of pain meds, meaning opioids.
>however, Cusack does sit on the board of the Freedom of the Press Foundation that Snowden was the head of. They cut off Wikileaks tax-deductible funding after wikileaks released the DNC/HRC/Podesta items.
>So, the Cusack thing is very slightly related to these topics but that just makes it more distracting.
Agree. Do have a strong hunch that the JFK Jr. angle & the Snowden/Assange angle are somehow related though.
If so, the connection point is the only man we know of on Earth that knew all 3 men --> [John Perry Barlow].
And Barlow was also connected with Cusack through FotPF, so if Cusack is more deeply involved than we realize atm, seems logical that we may discover that through a deeper investigation into Barlow.
Have to say, this ROT-13 decode did tickle the almonds.
>>2215330 >>2215477 >>2215721 >>2215750 R#5
Remember "The LINK."? If I'm not mistaken, no one's figured out who [2] [3] [4] is yet or even what "The LINK" is.
Doesn't seem like anyone over there even cares, but that's a different story for another time.
btw, there are 16 mentions of "Barlow" in the Q crumbs. "JFK" has 22. All worth a re-read, imo.
66b24e No.2220561
That creepy guy was shopped in… SO OBVIOUS. This pic was from helpers.
95ecc5 No.2220629
nose not the same
eyebrows not the same
teeth not the same
I think we may be pinching off a loaf here.
Confirmation bias. Causes you to see what you want to see. Beware aware of that.
95ecc5 No.2220661
The Cusack ROT-13 cipher is a fallacy
It's not true Rot-13 combined with mnemonics
Follows no logic.
Logic is our friend
b38a2d No.2220683
I don't see it. No even any forehead wrinkles on guy at rally.
e16af6 No.2220686
would personally call that a smirk, but charm's always in the eye of the beholder.
here's a question : how many of those men in the photo have had cosmetic dental surgery you think?
kek. if so, that dude's aged a ton in the joint. he should have got on those weights.
>Can a painting hanging on a wall make you ask questions or stimulate a narrative in your imagination although you know it is an illusion?
great point. that's what all good art does, no matter the medium.
far more interested in wondering the why of this photo than playing "Who's on First".
glad others here R feeling the same so we can turn up the volume on this show another notch.
10722a No.2220726
I’m not overly familiar with Barlow so more research is definitely in order - he appears to be a big topic. Mainly know of him from listening to Adam Curry and John C. Dvorak talk about him on No Agenda. JCD knew him well. Sounds like a very interesting person. They also discuss the FOTPF/Snowden/Assange but I think its from between the first mentions of Barlow on Q and his death and I haven’t located the clips yet. They may be in 2017 when FOTPF announced the cut with Wikileaks timeframe. I knew Barlow’s from Q and it caught my ear especially since it sounded like there was a known threat against him in the Q posts.
I know Barlow tweeted a lot about his health and thought his doctors were harming him. Also, there are several references that his death was reported prematurely earlier - in 2015 I think.
If he got away from whatever was attacking him, he may have gotten quite a bit better physically. Still these rallies last a long time, he made his appearance and then went to sit down perhaps? I imagine avoiding assassination is tiring - best way to get people to stop trying to kill you is to make them think they already have.
10722a No.2220826
I didn’t notice the men when i watched it at the time - other than that HUGE guy next to Vincent. Later the business with the van pic was everywhere.
I did, however, notice the woman and the sequin Trump portrait on her shirt. Made my husband come look. That’s some serious bedazzler dedication. I seem to remember seeing if it was for sale at the time - wondering if she made it. The hat she has on is fully blinged as well. So, yes, you are definitely supposed to notice these people.
There are several people that move around a lot during the speech. Gotta rewatch today and see if there are camera cuts or if they just move on camera and how.
The JFK Jr / Vincent guy got a bit of press including a video with his Trumpmobile (the white van). he says “i was thinking, the Pope has a Pope-mobile, so Trump should have a Trump-mobile” POTUS has The Beast (limo) already.
The popemobile keeps the pope from getting shot but puts him in full view of the crowds. There some sort of message in that statement.
e16af6 No.2221041
Personally could care less if Cusack angle is dropped entirely - find that dude srsly annoying.
But do agree that
>Logic is our friend
but still don't understand yet how the tweet cipher decode is "a fallacy" & "Follows no logic." as you note.
It is true that anons have been analyzing the CAPS in POTUS' tweets for many months now.
WDFNT - CAPS in tweet = true.
JQSAG - ROT-13 decode of those CAPS in tweet = true.
JQSAG - sounds similar to John Cusack phonetically = true.
SAG - acronym for Screen Actors Guild of which J. Cusack is a member = true.
Q#770 - Cusack is mentioned twice = true.
>Freedom of the press. John Barlow/Snowden/assange/John Cusack/Daniel Ellsberg/Glenn Greenwald/Laura Poitras
>Snowden/Cusack. Things that can and cannot be said
Where does this string stop following logic? Please elaborate.
56ecde No.2221055
Thanks for the breakdown man, been following since the start but the last 30 gave me schedule change so I can be more productive. Just want to get it right, thanks for the help , N take it easy
f6c4f4 No.2221065
March 14
127 days ago
SAG = sac & Screen Actors Guild
Oh there WILL be confirmation.
Remember when Q “accidentally” signed W on April 5?
What’s the date on that 8-0 W?
Keep toilet paper handy at all times.
f6c4f4 No.2221073
f6c4f4 No.2221100
Notice W becomes J
M = 13
If I’m wrong, signs and wonders won’t follow you.
10722a No.2221147
Also, don‘t think Cusack is R. He’s one of the loudest screamers against Trump. But for some reason there are several anons that want to draw attention to Cusack in a big way. The pics that were posted seem like they are trying to make a connection between him and the guy I think may be Barllow - mostly with how his face is shown - multiple shots of him eyes up and hair straight back, big forehead.
So maybe partly disinfo but really to get people to dig more into what he’s about. How else would you get people to check him out?
he says he met JPB at a Peter Gabrial concert. PG sings “in your eyes” from Say Anything. I got the impression their friendship soured.
I’m thinking the rest of the Freedom of the Press Foundation board may make for interesting digging as well.
56ecde No.2221188
Oh I get their photoshopped, my questions were how come I see about nine-others photoshopped, first glance. Also is there a double meaning to who the individuals are that have been added? Were either 3D or 5D we're playing now right? Thanks for the info
6547bd No.2221199
Guys, here's a video where they interview the 'Trump van' guy. It's NOT JFK Jr …. I'm willing to listen/learn for the rest about 'R' but we should stop trying to connect this guy to JFK Jr:
71cb66 No.2221235
November 22nd 1963 was a…FRIDAY
f6c4f4 No.2221370
And he signed that post right in our faces.
Signed W on the day Cubs beat M(13) 8-0.
ROT-13 W -13 = J
ROT-5, 8 = 3 = C
Time stam 21:26:36
3. 8. 9
3 = C
8 = H
9 = i
April 5, 8-0 W
1034 minutes = 17:14
17:14 = 5:14 = 314 minutes
See “hunch Cusack Breitbart” post dated 3/14 above.
e16af6 No.2221407
Did not know about the 2015 fake death notice. That throws a whole nother layer into the story. wow.
>If he got away from whatever was attacking him, he may have gotten quite a bit better physically.
Like the meds? For sure. Found it strangely ironic that a man who dealt acid & blow for a living at one point would spend the last years of his life hooked on Big Pharma.
If you can find that No Agenda link, please post. Sounds interdasting.
With knowing what we know about Barlow so far, agree that no possibility should be left behind.
And all the stories around him seem to be very entertaining at the very least.
Far more than the lawyers & bureaucrats that dominate the discourse elsewhere imo.
f6c4f4 No.2221414
Q+ = R = JFKJR
Q = JC
No one said R is J QSAG
193414 No.2221425
Agreed of course there is confirmation bias. Hence the reason somebody uploaded the high rez with the message it was not Snowden when people were convinced of that for over a week. On the other hand not much of disuse if he looked the same. Do we assume every picture of Vincent is the same person/actor?
Real Fake or imagined. It's a self contained work of art for public consumption even if it is nothing but a giant coincidence. If you got MSN to mock it as a ridiculous example of what people believe it still stimulates questions in peoples mind of "why"?
Women see this picture differently then men and pick out different things and have different suggestions.
Let the "normies" work on it! hoax within a hoax is good enough. They will eat this stuff up. It's gold!
Mystery man staring at the camera is still an unknown? That is definitely in the picture for a reason.
6547bd No.2221440
Its not him:
f6c4f4 No.2221464
Thank you for charting that out.
No numb in this road.
f6c4f4 No.2221475
*No bump in this road👆🏽
e16af6 No.2221567
Also think atm Cusack is a bit player in larger story & that any possible POTUS reference to him is likely pointing to Q#770 - FPF. And maybe this too:
>Snowden/Cusack. Things that can and cannot be said
"Say Anything"?
Greenwald & Poitras - can of worms waiting to be opened. Revealing article on Laura.
Let’s start with FPF board member and documentary darling, Laura Poitras. She grew up in a privileged household outside of Boston and when I say privileged I mean that her parents once donated twenty million dollars to M.I.T.’s McGovern Institute for Brain Research back in 2008, so yeah, I mean that kind of privileged.
In 1996, she graduated from the New School for Public Engagement in New York, the same year that George Soros launched the Soros Documentary Fund. Six years later, the Soros Documentary Fund was integrated into Sundance’s programs and became known as the Sundance Institute’s Documentary Film Program. The Open Society Foundation donated five million dollars to Sundance’s documentary program in 2009 and 2014 and Poitras went on to receive some of that funding for her documentaries.
In 2002, Laura Poitras established her own film company, Praxis Films, Inc. and received funding that same year from the Robert and Joyce Menschel Foundation. Not familiar with the Menschels? Robert was the Senior Director of Goldman Sachs, the same investment firm that you might remember as an all-time favorite of Hillary Clinton’s.
0a17b8 No.2221759
Of course it's not. That's most likely the whole point of that character. Not being him.
6eaf13 No.2221864
Now that's CRAZY…18th street…on 6/6
6eaf13 No.2221884
And "getting turned around"….aka "coming back from the dead"…LOL
6547bd No.2221905
Wait, what? So some OTHER random Trump fan is important to this …. how/why?
5d9561 No.2221986
I'm in such a DAMN FINE mood today.
Wanted to share that. Pass it on. What comes after Q…..wouldn't that be some shit?
It'd be more than worth taking a little crap, which in the end is no big deal.
Bahh the bike post. Still spoops me. Also, last night (and some today) there was talk of this subject and it wasn't hammered off as quickly. Kind of encouraging. I never post about it there, I'll answer a question but otherwise nah. Been sending anyone bugging the board for info on it here though, as we got the goods.
Peace, love, Anons.
6eaf13 No.2222023
That's a good find…the inaugural issue is a convo with Wallace….big time message….
And yes the Q1 &/+ Q2…very interesting
6eaf13 No.2222059
Children - possible….grandchildren - not possible
Oldest child would only be @ 18 1/2…IF rumor of her being pregnant at time of "crash" is correct…
6eaf13 No.2222245
If you input DFN into the cipher = QSA
Technically, W and T is correct. Whenever anons uses the "caps" it's because they are used "incorrectly"…starting a sentence is CORRECT….
Just my 02
e1da92 No.2222291
Being left behind is counter-intuitive.
Negates the WWG1WGA slogan.
What is the context of being "left behind"?
I would prefer to stay behind, to help any individuals left behind.
(Someone has to stay, if there is even a glimmer of hope)
I'm inconsequential, a piriah, so it wouldn't matter.
685696 No.2222292
“Very good H(u). So cute. Go have fun!”
Have fun doing what?
Telling you all Q is J QSAG
685696 No.2222548
“Trolling is fun.” - WP(Q)
My goal is 800788 coincidences.
c572af No.2222820
Trips and Quads to confirm!
Was this the source, or yet another one?
c572af No.2222836
ThanQ! Great perseverance! :)
2b42ac No.2223000
I listened to the videos in this strategically placed post. I think this needs to be seen by everyone. They are long, but they are at the heart of what the legal R post is about. The man in these videos educated himself on the corrupt system and stepped out from under the dragons wing. They are presented well in that the interviewer is asking practical questions as an uninformed person would be. This is ONE of the ways the GREAT AWAKENING will occur. PLEASE WATCH!!
Baker, I know this doesn't check normal notable boxes. Actually, this needs to be at the top of the bread to help people digest and understand what R posts are about. People have questions and may not or will understand some legal lingo. These videos HELP ALOT!
35a037 No.2223116
My apologies if this was already brought up, although I didn’t see it in prior stuff.
Good ol’ National Enquirer last week, à la Men In Black style reporting, with an illogical story of rush and incomplete autopsy to cover up a ‘mob hit’. (Eyes roll)
Smh, families of mob hit victims do tend to cooperate with law enforcement investigations, and want retribution.. not sweep it under the rug.
But the timing of the article is interesting.. bringing increased attention and awakening people’s awareness to Jr.
0ffe05 No.2223405
Thanks for the listen Anon… and nice trips of Truth.. Yeah I have been learning about this stuff for about a year and it is a really big deal. It may be one of the biggest of deals IMO. There is more like this… A LOT more. I will go dig for it since there is some interest. I considered buying this man's info (which is quite pricey) simply to learn but not being a person of pit-bull personality nor a strong public speaker I felt I would get slaughtered trying to stand up to a judge doing this for myself alone. I don't want to spend the rest of my life in a court room. That said, this stuff is powerful and real. It IS at the heart of the R Legal post and needs to be worked on by some anons with far larger brains than mine. I am a great big picture guy but crap with the details. There is another lady who did a huge long video series on this stuff as well whos name I forgot but I have the link saved somewhere. I will find it. Also, There is yet another side of all this that is related to property ownership that I have found a little while back. Deep stuff related to Alloidial titles and Land patents. Lots of people have tried to free their land from the county land ownership system and taxes and code enforcement (i am one of them) with no luck. It would be colossally powerful tool in the hands of every American if they would just reach out and take it. Again, I can't do it alone. Where We Go 1, We Go All my friends. Good luck and KEK be with you.
1d744a No.2223409
Thank you "little one"
Could it be that Q is now R, because his security clearance has been extended up an alphabet letter?
e66c0d No.2223554
PrayingMedic saying R is a LARP!?!?! Why!?!? I didn't want to wake up to this… :/
0ffe05 No.2223569
Another by David Williams:
Land Patents/Alloidial Title:
Ok, now read this article and look at generally what it is talking about.
The COLOR of title. Now go read R's legal post and see what it is talking about.
This is the process more or less that most of these guys selling a service are going to do. This is more or less what I know at this point. Lots of people offering to set up land patents for $500 and such the above is the process though. Again, if you do it you will spend your days in court defending it to judges and tax collectors who, most likely, don't give a shit so tread carefully… That said, if this actually works out and becomes common knowledge, we may be free of things like zoning and taxes and other control systems. It would be AMAZING.
2b42ac No.2223618
Nice! This is what's important in R's posts. We need to take this line by line in both posts, but particularly in the legal post. Maybe link the post under each crumb.. I think you are right though anon,we aren't Autist, but (You) found this stuff on your own. I think that's how people are going to learn about this. We can keep chasing crumbs and ghosts, but so many answers are already right in front of us. LARP be damned, the message is what matters.
2b42ac No.2223627
a1bc5d No.2223793
i've been following along from the first R post and hesitant to post as i don't want to get in the way of the great work from anons.
i'm obsessed with googling the Q tripcodes and number sequences i find in the Q posts and seeing what books & videos come up.
when i saw post #2157137 regarding "pumpkin key" private island for sale in the keys, i remembered a number sequence that was linked to a book "Where We Go One, We Go All". it was part of a 3 book series about a couple leaving their life behind starting over sailing in the caribbean, with mentions of the keys.
not sure of any connection, just thought it was interesting since the private island "pumpkin key" has a photo of the kennedy "honey fitz" docked and the number sequence lead me to the book WWG1WGA a series of books about a couple sailing in the keys.
35a037 No.2223884
Free of zoning and taxes? This doesn’t make sense to me, how would you see that work?
So, without zoning, what stops my next door neighbor from putting in some sort of industrial noise tar making machinery, or fish processing plant in the middle of a residential neighbourhood? Without regulations what is in place to keep the air breathable, and fish scavengers from roaming the properties?
Without taxes, who pays for all the roads to be paved, bridges to be built, garbage to be collected, snow to be cleared, etc? And, who’s paying for all that military that’s going to protect that freedom?
For the sake of civil order, some zoning and taxes are needed. If your definition of freedom is to renege on responsibility of collective collaboration and agreement of village management for the community, nothing today is stopping you from chucking it all to become free and going to live in an off-grid region of the world. Pay no taxes, but you’ll have no roads, no water treatment, no sewage, no garbage collection, and so on.
The system can always be changed, and certainly room for improvement and accountability, but what it’s changed to will still involve some form of collective agreements and pooling of resources for the best of all in a community from village town halls to mega cities.
0ffe05 No.2224018
…but wait there is more! These are all the links I have collected on this topic over the last year or so since I have been working on it. I have NOT been through all of this but it is all connected to the R-type legal stuff.
The important stuff here is the White Papers under the guise of “Who do you think you are”, “Where do you think you are”, etc. Hard hitting stuff in a very well-laid out fashion.
How to avoid social security numbers
How you are probably not a US Citizen.
The ride never ends
Information about Birth Certificates.
My anons, this is depressing stuff when you really get into it and start to understand the depth and breadth of what it all means. It was hard for me to take it all in and, in many ways I rejected it as beyond my ability to do anything about. When I first went through this stuff it really was a downer. I had never felt so destroyed and used as when the magnitude of all this finally sunk into my brain. Take your time with all this and do other positive stuff in the interim. DO NOT do what I did and sit in a small dark room on rainy day after rainy day and pour over this stuff for 14 hours a day straight for like 2 weeks. It will take a toll on you if you do that. It sure did to me. Do other positive stuff and take this in small chunks interspersed with good things. Anyway, good luck and happy digging. I really REALY hope this is where this is all going. If this stuff is what R is going on about then, my anons, we are in for a VERY bright future indeed. These are the chains that bind us all and if we can find the key to breaking them then we will be more free that we can imagine. Think of a life where taxes are not legal without your consent (sales and tariff). Think of a world where hard gold and silver are currency. Think of a world of patented land ownership where NO ONE can violate your right to build or support yourself on your own land. No building codes no zoning, no bullshit government agents fining you for a million dollars because some endangered salamander went belly up in your cattle water tank. This is the type of freedoms we could not even fully grasp at this point. KEK be with you all on this journey.
0ffe05 No.2224104
It would work the same way it worked in 1890… or 1790. You use a couple methods. First, before you start up a colossal pig farm that would destroy the property values of your neighbors you talk with them about it as a community and neighbors should instead of resorting to a heavy-handed one-size fits all government to instill "rule". Next, if you REALLY don't want to have a pig farm next door then simply live in town. Towns are places where people come together and agree to a set of more restrictive rules so they can live in a certain style then elect people to manage that system when established. I believe those rules in towns and cities will still exist. Rural areas though will be much less restrictive. For instance I own hundreds of acres of land in a moderately remote area and it is not legal for me to build a 300 sq foot dry cabin on it to camp in in the summer because of zoning (though I can start a pig farm if I can get past the environmental rules.)
As for many of the things you mention… Do we need them? Do we really need a military the size of the one we have now? Perhaps a small professional national guard backed up by a colossal pile of volunteers (minutemen) standing at the ready would be enough to keep the US homeland safe from invasion from foreign powers… or do you like to have a world-spanning empire emptying your wallet every day?
If one wants top end services the simply move to a city. Again, cities won't change much from my understanding. Its the rural areas that will change. Again, this is a TINY part of all this stuff. Its a lot and it is not easy to digest. I would gladly dodge potholes in the road for the rest of my life to never have to pay income taxes again… Hell, I have to do that now, might as well do it with money in my pocket. See government is not efficient… Never will be never has been. It needs to be as small as possible and as constrained as possible. I hope that helps. Truly I don't know the answers but those are my thoughts. My guess is smarter people than I have looked a lot deeper into all this. My guess woudl be look at the 1800's and see how it was done. That is likely what the answer would be.
685696 No.2224405
Doesn’t understand the comms.
We have 50 proofs in 6 loafs.
Has he seen them?
I only listen to Total Eclipse and War Drummer (SerialBrain2 narrator).
35a037 No.2224444
Interesting find. All three out in May of this year too.
What happens in Key West, stays in Key a West.
e66c0d No.2224522
I mean, I'm not sure. I know he's been following for a long time and is accepted by the community. I'm not saying he's the end all be all. He has dreams that help him to translate and help with info. I was just shocked to see him not pick up on R.
I believe in R, either way, the concept allows us to DIG! which is the most important lesson from Q. Learn to dig and dig together!
Love you guys!
685696 No.2224552
Ever show you any PROOFS?
Why I stopped watching.
I can read the Q posts myself.
Total Eclipse
War Drummer
6eaf13 No.2224611
Just his opinion….I was also there during 5th Ave Anon drop (and on the side thread for several months)…and the information we found based on the few drops was LEGIT and in-line with everything we've been discovering on the main board…
PRAYING MEDIC is not an inside INTEL guy…for him to make sure a "blanket-statement" is, in my opinion, ill-advised.
During the 5th Avenue Anon drop, as I was sticking up for J.K. on the MAIN BOARD (basically saying Ivanka is a smart cookie and knows how to make a good choice) 2 pics were posted in RESPONSE to my comment (see graphic)…one, according to TinEye is found, the other is not. (The one that is NOT isn't a good "photo op" pic and as such, I believe it was from SOMEONE who was there…close-by…tied to JK)
So what does it mean? I think it was an endorsement of what I was saying and supporting the fact it was JK who was posting….
Praying Medic must of missed that one.
35a037 No.2224644
Alright, I read a couple of outtakes of google books..a lot of sex in there. Were these written by the Glenn Brunet , ex cop, that went to prison for underage sex? He’s out now? Had them published all at the same time? Captitalizing on the Q WWGOWGA slogan?
What I read wasn’t overly fascinating or well written.. just oversexed really… lol
6eaf13 No.2224693
What about the "Alice's Bloody Adventures in Wonderland" that also comes up in the Google search…
That's the one that caught my eye…twisted tale where the white rabbit kills her SISTER AND CAT…
6786c6 No.2224750
Barlow’s memoirs were published in June - posthumously. Could be an interesting source. Whether he’s the guy in the pic, he’s often mention by Q and thread that ties a lot of these characters together.
73c10f No.2224946
wow i just found these books too. they are FULL of CONNECTIONS
First graph of the first book introduces "G" a "seventh son" and "chosen one"
also another connection. G's dad is named Ruby. The sign Fusca holds at the youngstown rally has Ruby handwritten on it
there is so much more in all three books. the main characters are in hiding and sail through, where? THE FLORIDA KEYS, KEY LARGO
c572af No.2224971
ThanQ for perspective!
73c10f No.2224986
the writing is just fucking awful
872ea4 No.2225005
872ea4 No.2225047
missed it, what makes this guy's opinion more valuable than anyone else's?
9c0024 No.2225377
Anon on the board said his name is Vincent Fusca. Could be nothing
61dacb No.2225409
POTUS tell us who Q is in this Tweet.
We’ll all wait white you figure it out.
a1bc5d No.2225446
could it be possible that john's best friend anthony radziwill faked his death to be with him and is maybe part of the team if we believe john to be alive and part of "the plan"?
it's odd how anthony hid his cancer for 10 years and then died shortly after the plane crash.
e51359 No.2225523
how come this guy's pic comes up in search of Vincent?
is this guy in hat at trump rally?
a1bc5d No.2225685
it's hard to tell without a better photo of our rally lurker, but it appears they may have the same ridge on their ear lobes
73c10f No.2225693
Because that is the name he is using.
Vincent means "to conquer"
Fusca means "dark"
Seems appropriate
Search for the news articles he is mentioned in while out supporting trump with his trump mobile. Read carefully the exact words he uses
Watch him at the youngstown rally, directly behind trump, dropping a clue on a women for trump sign. Watch his company interact with him
61dacb No.2225737
POTUS sent {are} board a message.
The veteran guys send their LOVE.
ROT-13 code cipher.
How many coincidences?
Nevada, the City of odds R getting higher and higher.
61dacb No.2225764
Ignore the arrows on this one.
66b24e No.2225919
Def looks like him. Someone (helper) released this photo. That dude was shopped in. The shadowing and seat-alignment does not match up. This was on purpose.
8ebee9 No.2225991
>anthony radziwill
Minor nose work father time and you got a possible match. Too many coincidences. This was a loud message. real or staged. You guys are good!
fedbe8 No.2226130
[Arose] by any other name would smell as sweet.
Genesis 1:3
fedbe8 No.2226156
Digging on
on qresearch has yielded significant useful info.
98b8a2 No.2226209
The cast so far. update
fedbe8 No.2226248
I did a quick search and did not find that George Wallace interview (yet), but I did find a link to an alleged interview with JFK, Jr., himself:
https:// www.givemeliberty.50megs.com/Kennedy%20Jr.htm
JFK Jr.'s Interview About The New World Order In George Magazine
"The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists." J. Edgar Hoover
It would appear that JFK Jr. knew exactly who killed his father and his brother, and was prepared to expose them in his magazine.
Rumors abound that he was preparing to run for the 2000 Presidential election under an independant label. All of this and the fact that he would have been a formidable thorn in the side of the power elites, just as his father was, makes his strange death among the annals of the Kennedys that much more suspicious. Eye witness accounts of fire balls over the ocean the night that his plane went down, and the inconsistency of the reported "facts" by the major media outlets all conspire to make this interview below seem typical Kennedy family assassination conspiracy material.
[This is an interview with John F. Kennedy Jr. from the magazine "George" Oct98, Vol. 3 Issue 10, p136, Editor's note]
The host of a PBS public-affairs show and author of Empower the People: A 7-Step. Plan to Overthrow the Conspiracy That Is Stealing Your Money and Freedom plans his revolution from the Oval Office.
Because I would focus Americans on making the right choices between knowledge and ignorance, freedom and slavery, Americanism and conspiracy, good and evil.
First, I would repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, which created what l believe is the privately owned central bank of the United States government and which confiscates the incomes of Americans and gradually transfers them into the accounts of the ruling class. I would replace the Fed with a model based on the only state-owned banking system, the Bank of North Dakota, because it creates wealth for the people.
Second, I would reduce the reach of the Fed's collection agency, the IRS, by assigning it the task of managing a state-run national sales tax.
Third, I would make sure every home in America has a computer, so that every child has a future-and every adult an information technology skill and a job.
My late angel-mother, Elizabeth Sanford, and my late mentor, Dr. H. Naylor Fitzhugh.
Being honest and candid.
Everything, because private behavior has public consequences, especially for the first role model.
Moral rot and the Year 2000 Problem (Y2K), the computer glitch that will erupt as of January 1, 2000, with bankruptcies, bank failures, unemployment, a worldwide recession, and societal havoc.
A dangerous, nuclear-armed Russia that is economically and politically unstable.
I would write a song called "We Didn't All Come Over on the Same Ship, but We're All in the Same Boat."
"President Tony Brown Overthrows the Ruling-Class Conspiracy."
Nonviolent, first-time offenders who are serving a mandatory 15-yearto- life sentence for selling crack cocaine.
Voodoo deficit surpluses and government accounting that steals the money and freedom of Americans.
A phallic symbol of Bill Clinton in Freemason regalia, a picture of the gold that used to be in Fort Knox, and a mummified grand dragon of the Ku Klux Klan.
A deadly serpent named Illuminati to warn the people of the perils engulfing the nation.
By reading William Jefferson Clinton's Bill of Impeachment.
The next choice of the money lords. He or she will be picked by the same people who selected George Bush and Bill Clinton.
8ebee9 No.2226280
artifact on smiley guy's chin removed
Getting crowded at this party.
379b6f No.2226314
On July 16, 1999, John F. Kennedy, Jr.; his wife, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy; and her sister, Lauren Bessette, die when the single-engine plane that Kennedy was piloting crashes into the Atlantic Ocean near Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr., was born on November 25, 1960, just a few weeks after his father and namesake was elected the 35th president of the United States. On his third birthday, “John-John” attended the funeral of his assassinated father and was photographed saluting his father’s coffin in a famous and searing image. Along with his sister, Caroline, he was raised in Manhattan by his mother, Jacqueline. After graduating from Brown University and a very brief acting stint, he attended New York University Law School. He passed the bar on his third try and worked in New York as an assistant district attorney, winning all six of his cases. In 1995, he founded the political magazine George, which grew to have a circulation of more than 400,000. Unlike many others in his famous family, he never sought public office himself.
Always in the media spotlight, he was celebrated for the good looks that he inherited from his parents. In 1988, he was named the “Sexiest Man Alive” by People magazine. He was linked romantically with several celebrities, including the actress Daryl Hannah, whom he dated for five years. In September 1996, he married girlfriend Carolyn Bessette, a fashion publicist. The two shared an apartment in New York City, where Kennedy was often seen inline skating in public. Known for his adventurous nature, he nonetheless took pains to separate himself from the more self-destructive behavior of some of the other men in the Kennedy clan.
On July 16, 1999, however, with about 300 hours of flying experience, Kennedy took off from Essex County airport in New Jersey and flew his single-engine plane into a hazy, moonless night. He had turned down an offer by one of his flight instructors to accompany him, saying he “wanted to do it alone.” To reach his destination of Martha’s Vineyard, he would have to fly 200 miles–the final phase over a dark, hazy ocean–and inexperienced pilots can lose sight of the horizon under such conditions. Unable to see shore lights or other landmarks, Kennedy would have to depend on his instruments, but he had not qualified for a license to fly with instruments only. In addition, he was recovering from a broken ankle, which might have affected his ability to pilot his plane.
At Martha’s Vineyard, Kennedy was to drop off his sister-in-law Lauren Bessette, one of his two passengers. From there, Kennedy and his wife, Carolyn, were to fly on to the Kennedy compound on Cape Cod’s Hyannis Port for the marriage of Rory Kennedy, the youngest child of the late Robert F. Kennedy. The Piper Saratoga aircraft never made it to Martha’s Vineyard. Radar data examined later showed the plane plummeting from 2,200 feet to 1,100 feet in a span of 14 seconds, a rate far beyond the aircraft’s safe maximum. It then disappeared from the radar screen.
Kennedy’s plane was reported missing by friends and family members, and an intensive rescue operation was launched by the Coast Guard, the navy, the air force, and civilians. After two days of searching, the thousands of people involved gave up hope of finding survivors and turned their efforts to recovering the wreckage of the aircraft and the bodies. Americans mourned the loss of the “crown prince” of one of the country’s most admired families, a sadness that was especially poignant given the relentless string of tragedies that have haunted the Kennedy family over the years.
On July 21, navy divers recovered the bodies of JFK Jr., his wife, and sister-in-law from the wreckage of the plane, which was lying under 116 feet of water about eight miles off the Vineyard’s shores. The next day, the cremated remains of the three were buried at sea during a ceremony on the USS Briscoe, a navy destroyer. A private mass for JFK Jr. and Carolyn was held on July 23 at the Church of St. Thomas More in Manhattan, where the late Jackie Kennedy Onassis worshipped. President Bill Clinton and his wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton, were among the 300 invited guests. The Kennedy family’s surviving patriarch, Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts, delivered a moving eulogy: “From the first day of his life, John seemed to belong not only to our family, but to the American family. He had a legacy, and he learned to treasure it. He was part of a legend, and he learned to live with it.”
Investigators studying the wreckage of the Piper Saratoga found no problems with its mechanical or navigational systems. In their final report released in 2000, the National Transportation Safety Board concluded that the crash was caused by an inexperienced pilot who became disoriented in the dark and lost control.
379b6f No.2226371
e66c0d No.2226430
He has spent so much time to learn and decode for himself etc. I thought that with his spiritual guidance etc he would have been able to pick up on this.
Logically there are two parts to this!
1) R is legit, we dig, we bake, we continue in the right path.
2) R is fake, we dig, we bake, we have info that is archived
Either way, it's a win win unless we are meant to continue putting old Q post etc which seems to be the job of main board since nothing new from "Q".
It's ok man, chill out. Just do your thing, stop acting like a "newfag". Go where you feel like you are helpful or are interested in. Please don't cuck yourself, my bro!
61dacb No.2226468
[Raises eyebrows up and down]
6fd96b No.2226526
61dacb No.2226541
“Feels like someone cracked the seventh seal.” - Van Hagar, Balance
61dacb No.2226551
7th month day 777
I’m in a cold sweat
61dacb No.2226565
We already know who Q is.
The whole world is watching your board.
Happy Hunting.
61dacb No.2226580
“Because replacing psychopath vampires with new psychopath vampires would be trendy.” - Witty Two Year
95ecc5 No.2226594
>>2226314 Pardon me sir. This is actually my board. Please move along, there is nothing for you to see here. Thank you.
95ecc5 No.2226629
At one point he was saying Q was larp as well as I recall. So don't get wrapped around the axle with this guy.
e66c0d No.2226647
Anons please help me with this 1776 reference. Ty!
379b6f No.2226677
95ecc5 No.2226682
That's how Logical Fallacies work
To solve a mystery. You should first seek to overcome Cognitive Bias.
Then employ the steps of logic in solving a mystery.
It's a lot of hard work, be patient, and give yourself lots of quiet time.
You'll find if you can focus and cut out all the noise and distractions you can make more sense. Also, don't forget plenty of rest.
Sounds silly, but if you really want to solve a mystery. Do it by the book and you'll save yourself a lot of wasted time and energy.
Good Luck!
b52d9b No.2226683
Me Too… For not wanting to look dumb or like a NewFag…..
I have refrained from asking the same question!
I have thought through possibilites for a few hours but am not getting it.
379b6f No.2226688
post with your trip next post
98b8a2 No.2226722
The lady doth protest too much, methinks
379b6f No.2226738
have you ever read ANY crumbs?
379b6f No.2226833
I'd make /rresearch/ for you faggots, but then I'd be the BO of it, which I don't want to be
so I honestly suggest you stop shitting up the board and go make it
fb766b No.2226949
its a thread fucktard. it gets a thread. it doesnt get a fucking board. fuck goy, where you born yesterday? /pol/ is a board, shit was threads nigga threads, no fuckin boards. GTFO with your boards faggot.
7b9c42 No.2226997
I knew a bunch of muh jew half pol faggots are the Rfaggots
6fd96b No.2227042
this is /qresearch/ bitch it's a board for following q why don't you take your shit over to /pol/ or are you too afraid of the massive shit they'd take on your shitty LARP
fb766b No.2227113
you make no sense. this thread is to try and keep the Rlarpfags off the Q thread.
you dont get any (You)'s
and you see that green arrow next to your Anonymous, thats a filter button.
and this is a slowww moving bread
with smart autists
that come here because the main board has haters and chatters like you guys
others may engage
autists will just filter and stay comfy
in our slow moving bread
6fd96b No.2227218
>talks about greys
>calls himself an autist
GTFO you're nothing but an Rtard. This board is for Q not for you jacking off to your "slow moving" LARPS.
fb766b No.2227226
the closest thing (((they))) came to q research is once a POTUS tweet gets noted by another anon is (((them))) searching for the correct spelling
e51359 No.2227327
BREAKING: More Shocking Evidence Reveals Obama Ordered Illegal Trump Spying As Early As 2015
More evidence uncovered that shows that Obama team illegally spied on the Trump team as early as 2015.
As we reported previously, in early June the US Senate released over 500 pages of information related to the Spygate scandal. Hidden in the information were unredacted Strzok – Page texts that show the FBI initiated actions to insert multiple spies in the Trump campaign in December 2015.
Also, according to far left LA Times, Comey stated in March of 2017 under oath that the FBI investigation into the Trump – Russia scandal started in July 2016. But Comey appears to have lied about this.
A text message released by the US Senate showed words that were redacted when the FBI released the same texts long ago. The texts show evidence of collusion and wrongdoing by Obama’s FBI.
e51359 No.2227341
Additional information provides support that Obama spied on citizen Trump as early as 2015. It was reported in government records that Obama’s spy, Stefan Halper, was awarded a contract in September of 2015.
However a review of Guccifer 2.0’s hack of the DNC shows that there was no reason for the Obama administration to spy on Trump. According to the files released by Guccifer 2.0, the list of items in the report put together by the DNC to attack Trump do not include a single mention of Trump and Russia.
Obama’s DNC created a report on candidate Trump with points to attack Trump on that omitted any mention of Russia. This report was prepared by the time the campaign for President started and was released by Guccifer 2.0 in June of 2016.
The problem with Comey lying about the start date of the Trump counterintelligence campaign before Congress is that it is against the law.
1aaa9d No.2227493
I'm going to work on this in the coming days. I spent the day today paying the heating bill (splitting stacking firewood). So I should have more free time. I need to go back through all of the PMDW (Prime Minister David Williams) Stuff and get it back in my head then try to tie it to the R stuff. There is a lot of heavy information in it and I am not adept at such things so I will likely be slow but I feel it is important.
6eaf13 No.2227602
So I just posted this on the MAIN BOARD:
And actually got a response from X! (Confirmed my decode)
But what's INTERESTING is it has a DOUBLE-MEANING and was pointing to JFK JR (that's what got me digging) but I didn't want to share it on the main board. (Got enough push-back from highlighting it was from X!) And decided to come here to post it, and saw that you had also brought it over!
So, here's the R ANGLE:
The LAST Q POST (which we all know on this thread) corresponds to JFK JR's LAST INTERVIEW with Katie Couric mentioning the "there, [here], there" reference.
Notice the KILL BOX in X's post:' [Arose]
If you put [JFK JR ] in the KILL BOX - what happens?
[AROSE] = Who "rose" as in "rose from the dead"?? (In the X post, NAME is highlighted by italics)!!
Remember, JFK was ALSO tied to the [here] kill box by another one of Q's drops (see graphic) referencing the CIA (see graphic)
So back to the X post:
Who would "smell as sweet" as JFK - one of the greatest President's our country has ever had?? HIS SON (of course!!)
And remember, DISINFORMATION IS REAL is at the top of the Q drop that X uses in their post!!
Next, I searched WP (Washington Post) with the words Washington Post FLOWER (a rose by any other name = flower) and 'July 20 2018 and lo and behold THE SUN/SON FLOWER video!!! (see graphic)
Notice the reference to "mourning doves" and what they represent -- bringing life, hope, renewal and peace. Also, notice WP's new slogan: Democracy Dies in Darkness!
And look at the Genesis 1:3 "LET THERE BE LIGHT" reference in the X Post!!
Also, remember that "August Sun/Son" follows July Fireworks and that AUGUST 11TH IS NATIONAL SON DAY!!!
And one tidbit, notice the JFK behind the DIG 4...LOL...
A lot to ponder....
953acf No.2227726
i've been digging this too .. here's what i have so far
DIG WP (washingon post) JFK LAD (LAD is an airport in Angola.. also called February 4th)
i searched washington post february 4th jfk and came up with this article which talks about a secret taping system that jfk had implemented in the oval..
i also found this video from abc talking about it that mentions a recorded call between then VP LBJ and ted sorenson.. LBJ says "you know, they forced me. this javits group forced me to give a commitment to take up civil rights in '60 .. that's the worst mistake we ever made because it killed all the other programs"
around 4 min mark
JCC stands for a lot of shit.. most commonly jewish community center but also JAVITS CONVENTION CENTER
i'm starting to dig on jacob javits now
also checked the Q clock for february 4th and the only day that lines up is april 5th..
could 5:5 raw video be disinformation? maybe it's not a video but a recorded call?? maybe jfk talking about the cia?? therefore legitimizing potus's deep state claims??
idk idk
i haven't figured out the lax part but maybe arose by any other name might be a hint that these airport codes stand for something else? not sure
what do you guys think? obviously can't take this to the main board bc it's a shill fest in there
e66c0d No.2227777
That's super good digs and findings. Deff on to something!!!
a62d0d No.2227796
interviewee is Tony Brown, not JFK Jr.
interesting interview & issue. note the NAME in top right corner of cover.
4f0a16 No.2227821
Nice anon!
aaaaaand the Katie Curic interview had a rose in the bottom corner !
fedbe8 No.2227824
Well done, Patriot.
Deeper than you can imagine.
Signal trumps noise.
Bravo! It takes courage to keep digging despite the very nasty attacks. Hold on to God and your intuition, kudos!
4f0a16 No.2227850
those numbers are purdy as a rose!
6eaf13 No.2227897
That's good…the JFK LAD also stuck out to me and I did the "search" but nothing came up…
Who would name their airport FEBRUARY 4TH?? How weird is that??
The taping system…that's a FIND!!! Wouldn't those tapes be part of the Kennedy library and under control of the family (I would think??)
And yes, where does Javits lead???
6eaf13 No.2227940
6eaf13 No.2227957
Well look at that:
The Conspiracy Issue: WITH X!!!
6eaf13 No.2227967
That's CRAZY GOOD!! (Forgot about it from prior bread!!)
6eaf13 No.2227993
Thanks! Side-board…much better! LOL
35a037 No.2227998
Lad: meaning younger one, an old Irish way to refer to he who is of the younger age.
6eaf13 No.2228027
953acf No.2228056
wellll if jfk jr. is alive… who knows what he could release!
and so far javits isn't leading anywhere.. yet..
although i do know now that his wife had an affair with geraldo rivera LOL
side board is SO much better.. we're actually able to communicate like real humans without nonsense and fuckery!
4dfd04 No.2228065
I took your advice.
“Why does it always rain on me? Is it because I lied when I was 17?
“You’re watching a movie.” - Q
Movie, Say Anything
What is J QSAG holding in the air?
In Your Eyes by Peter Gabriel is playing on the Boombox.
Q:954 March 17 is day 76 of the year.
Listen to this song by Peter Gabriel.
Wait for it to hit you.
953acf No.2228066
you know what's strange? a search for washington post and lad came up with TWO articles that mentioned shakespeare.. though i do believe that's a coincidence.. hmm
a1bc5d No.2228162
"I get so tired of working so hard for our survival,
I look to the time with you to keep me awake and alive"
bf39a7 No.2228176
Saw a Cordicon video a few minutes ago. Someone from Pittsburgh said That they know Vincent Fusca he is not John John. There is a picture with a man standing just behind Carolyns left hand.
bf39a7 No.2228194
I can't remember where I got this particular picture. But this is the one I snipped the smaller picture from.
155b82 No.2228199
I haven't been involved in any other side areas on this board, really. Pretty fucking annoying to see bastards in the other bread trying to get this shit shut down completely because it's going to be 'used by MSM' blahhhhhh.
I cannot see how it hurts.
There are threads on this board with FAR less convincing evidence that stay up and multiple black dick is better threads today.
This is getting ridiculous.
I think we're in a pause for a reason. Because the thick egos around here are fucking disgusting. Time to get humble. We are under attack. This is bullshit. But whatever. I don't even respond to this stuff over there. Last night…it was discussed and not totally shot down. WTF?
4f0a16 No.2228203
and all my instincts…they return…. and
ThE GRAND FACADE so soon will burn!!
good song!
155b82 No.2228243
So are you screaming to get every other thread kicked off, too? How about the sun one? Seriously, what the fuck is your deal? Bug off. Adults are talking.
2b42ac No.2228306
I'll be going through your earlier post today with the new David Williams vids, thanks again anon. Yesterdays post vids were really informative and approachable for anyone looking. This info will be really important going forward. I really want to do a by the line of R legal. It's been laid out in a way to slowly open people's eyes. I think if we can keep assembling it properly and point people to all this open source they will dig and educate themselves more.
35a037 No.2228316
Go back through some of the previous breads, he’s among the notables, but not solid.
Similar ears, similar smile, family traits, but the eyes are different, more like JP Kennedy Jr.
65bb2e No.2228335
Core 1.
Reactor 13.
Rod 5.
Atomic bomb incoming.
Red pill.
Will not be easy to swallow.
God is love and love doesn’t keep a record of wrongs that others do.
The Rod of God
fb766b No.2228354
this is a broken link
has been since bread 2 when we were digging on vinnie back then
fb766b No.2228362
this guy and his trump mobile are a dead end but
3 articles
this video
and a pittsburg vinnie that looks nothing like him that doesnt need doxxing
i hope that i have that radio silent on the internet even if i have a trump van
so nothing spoopy
just bag and tag
fb766b No.2228375
i mean, we can run his plates, but meh
65bb2e No.2228469
Speaking of license plates.
fb766b No.2228473
hey now were getting somewhere
i found vinnie. wanna hear him speak? he is on after the 2:22 mark
65bb2e No.2228483
Link doesn’t work
1aaa9d No.2228494
Yeah well I am really glad you liked it. I had shelved it as every person I ever mentioned it to looked at me like I lost my mind. I can add A LOT to a line-by-line of this by the way. I will get started to night and will try to post it tomorrow. Keep your eyes peeled for it. I have a lot of this stuff stashed including a bunch of information about the FED being a private company and such. If you can make one of those big graphic things perhaps that would be awesome as well? Anyway, glad to have some interest in this. Its the real deal and could change a lot of lives if we can get traction with it.
fb766b No.2228496
its not a video embed thats a photo
the link is/was some sorta bitly
heres full
2b42ac No.2228537
Can't say it better than this..
This is the kind of stuff that needs to be a the top of breads for OUR/R research. Damn. WE, THE PEOPLE.
4f0a16 No.2228554
may be beating a dead horse here, anons but that guy and the guy behind POTUS at the rally does not look the same to me. (its that beaming smile) Could it be that all this goose chase to find this guy thats not the guy and that that is a disguise? anyway. Ill drop it now til more solid crumbs…thanks for the link!
2b42ac No.2228630
Well every other person who read it wasn't woke! The Great Awakening isn't going to happen overnight.This break that's coming, the moment we've been waiting for to open the eyes of millions of Americans, will be the revealing of the treacherous deep state Obama/Hillary run that was attempted on this nation. Oh it's being handled all right, but Americans, and the world for that matter, will be devastated when they see how they have been led astray. But when the healing begins, people will want answers and all of Q,R, open source, organized and presentable information will help inform and empower us again. People seeing the board even now will see it's not about them, but (You), me, all of US. WE, THE PEOPLE.
fb766b No.2228830
Anonymous 07/20/18 (Fri) 23:11:14 316fd5 (1) No.2228642
Thank you R thank you Kansas
Coms good - We hear you
God Bless patroits
fb90b8 No.2228859
73bdab No.2229015
May I tell you a story, from a different perspective? We've looked at a lot of people connected to John Kennedy jr. . Perhaps we haven't looked at the most important one and how simple averting death may have been!
Maurice Templeton was Jackie Kennedy onassis's long-term boyfriend they had an incredible joyful relationship!
John Kennedy jr. Has said his fatherly advice / business advice was a great source of benefit to him.
After Jackie death in fact he spent I unique amount of quality time grieving with Maurice who was also devastated. He loved Jackie's kids as if they were his own and he loved her grandchildren as if they were his own too!
In fact I'm providing pictures of Maurice holding little Jack during the groomsmen photographs at John Jr's. wedding.
I'm also providing pictures of Maurice private yacht the 75 foot Hatteras named
RELEMAR… the yacht was always docked in Martha's Vineyards or New York Harbor. Most of the time it's spent in Martha's Vineyards.
There was very little that Maurice wouldn't do for John and vice versa.
Can someone explain to me why it would not have been a simple accomplishment to leave in the Saratoga with three parachutes…
Have the RELEMAR at a specific lat long, with it's tender in the water. Drop down low below radar parachuting out at some point near a designated lat long.
Allowing the plane to crash into the water, while being picked up by his beloved father figures yacht???
Maybe this concept has been brought up before and I've just missed it. But I kept feeling I was missing something and I haven't seen anything about it. They're needed to be a Simple Plan, not a rescue. And the one person that would take his safety and a secret to the Grave would have been Maurice!
0ffe05 No.2229042
This is as far as I got. I don't want to clog up the bread with a gigantic post so I stuck the file here. It is an RTF text file and my answers are in bold. I will update more tomorrow. Also these sites seem to be talking about this IN DEPTH and would be good places for answers.
73bdab No.2229061
Perhaps the reason these two are photoshopped in to the Trump rally photo. Is to lead us in the direction of the possibility that Maurice Templeton and his yacht, was indeed our beloved John staging?
bf39a7 No.2229112
Didn't know who James Gunn was referring to when he mentioned von spears.
Found his dogs twitter account. I read that pedo's send long url links in twitter for videos.
73bdab No.2229138
Now staying on track with my theory. Let's look at the proximity, it's pretty amazing really.
X marks the spot roughly of the plane entering the water. And everything else has been circled for your evaluation…
a1bc5d No.2229202
could cell phone lady be Kerry Kennedy Cuomo with lots of makeup on?
73bdab No.2229277
Okay now I almost feel bad, the Photoshop guy in the center of this picture I said was creepy. Looks a lot like Joe Kennedy to me now, gulp
f26386 No.2229293
I like PrayingMedic for his up-front, down-to-earth approach. But in this case –
well, he might not even KNOW about our discussion thread here, but just look at
hashtags and be acting out of concern for "protecting Status Quo."
Look at his thread from 05/03 – https://twitter.com/prayingmedic/status/992055701135544323
→ Going by the Keirsey personality charting system, PrayingMedic considers himself
a "Guardian", while he assumes that most Q followers are "Idealists."
>7) The idealist tends to find fulfillment in searching for wisdom, harmony, peace, love,
>truth and justice. They tend to be emotionally driven and they tend to trust their instincts.
>13) Guardians value something else. Guardians value laws, protocols, traditions,
>societal norms & institutions. We especially value government. We know its
>intended purpose is to keep us safe and sane.
>14) Guardians need to know that society isn't on the verge of collapse.
>We see it as our personal responsibility to maintain order …
I studied Keirsey years ago, and I know that in this system I'm definitely an Idealist.
And I think it's also easy to spot the Guardians around this board. :)
And while I like PrayingMedic a lot (and am also convinced that all the personality
types are needed for society to work), I think in this case he was just way more
concerned with someone "not toeing the line" than finding truth…
f26386 No.2229320
Yes, that's what I thought from the start,
that a lot of people in this group looked related.
73bdab No.2229332
Trolling for fun.
Though the Kennedys loved all dogs in all shapes and sizes. Before Friday came along John's best friend was a gorgeous German Shepherd as well as Jackie's. To have a little fun I decided to Twitter troll Friday the dog accounts. Man what good looking animals
73bdab No.2229434
Thin gold bands on adjacent fingers where Carolyn's thing.
73bdab No.2229440
Yeah I see what would appear to be Carolyn and her sister age appropriate and drop-ins of seven other Kennedys hey, at least that I've spotted so far LOL
73bdab No.2229464
When you have an inner circle that consists of Donald Trump, Maurice Templeton, your mother's two closest confidants her secretary and Butler both of over 30 years. And a shit ton of money there's not much you can't do!
1d0ddf No.2229553
New to 8ch.
First post attempt.
Test, test, test
a62d0d No.2229684
>>2227602 Arose
>>2227726 a rose
>>2227821 rose
Rose Kennedy was the matriarch of the Kennedy family, husband of Joe. JFK Jr.'s grandmother. here's them in Palm Beach.
>>2225614 PB
>interviewee is Tony Brown, not JFK Jr. interview in JFK Jr.'s mag, GEORGE, Oct 98, the Conspiracy Issue.
a62d0d No.2229850
you may have just found anon's Angola connection with Maurice Tempelsman.
seems like a charming fella. Jackie's final handler?
The Israeli-American diamond cartels involved in Congo are seeking to displace the diamond interests in Angola run by Israel-American Lev Leviev and Maurice Tempelsman, top-level partners of the Angolan state diamond companies.
e66c0d No.2229864
Really nice follow up and perspective! It all makes more sense now. I appreciate that anon, hope fully it will help anyone else with these types of concerns. Much luv bro!
We are on the right path GETS!
4ba469 No.2230134
Peter Gabriel was also in the band GENESIS
at the 1:3 mark of the song the lyrics say "to keep in silence I resigned"
Noting the X post saying Genesis 1:3…dual meaning?? SON GRAB YOUR THINGS I'VE COME TO TAKE YOU HOME!!!!!!
fb7c12 No.2230384
I'm 100% open to this whole R/JFK, jr. thing BUT (I'm sure I'll be accused of shilling for this but so be it) If R is John Jr who presumably will be the one the take the rest of this ship down, also know that in Revelations the Anti Christ is one who dies, then rises from death and the entire world stands in awe & worships him. Sounds an awful lot like what would happen if this is true..I sure hope I'm wrong. Would shatter my hopes & dreams for our future
73bdab No.2230396
One other thought I had, the cast issue is still bothering me.
Every report I look at about him leaving says he still had the cast on his lower leg it had just been slightly reduced in size.
I guess my question is what would being underwater for 3 to 5 days do to a cast of that size. There was not 1 visible on the alleged underwater pics that I could see.
I just don't know if saltwater could have eroded one in that period Of time?
So I think that could possibly assist in ruling out a hundred percent those photos we didn't buy any way
fb7c12 No.2230431
Discernment in all matters is absolutely necessary
73bdab No.2230625
The ditch of the plane would have been so much easier, if u realize all eyes. Family, PRESS, you name it were on Rory that weekend…
fb766b No.2230650
i'll pull some old Q breads. an anon was trolling using a Joe K pic
dont get to add this one to the list of "Everyone looks like someone or has a twin"
509e86 No.2230782
follow-up. And to see if it draws some more fire again. roughed in glasses for comparison.
a62d0d No.2230787
posted more research on KeyPoint in the general so as not to muddy the waters here. excellent dig, could be something big.
>>2230445 #2812
>>2226878 #2807
ff1f6f No.2230897
This is well put, Anon.
f26386 No.2230964
Don't worry, not too many accusations flying around here. :)
And I do understand what you are talking about.
It's quite an complexe issue, involving
→ the attempt to accurately understand Scripture (not just guessing) and
→ trying to change the future before it has happened.
In a very real sense, this is exactly what the cabal's been trying to do,
attempting to control and depopulate the nations so that the
deplorables will never become a threat to their well-being, wealth, and power.
And because they are a truly godless breed, they want to play gods themselves.
They don't trust in a Good Heavenly Father
and so they act from their orphan spirits,
thus actually destroying what they've been trying to protect.
So, same with us? Are we saying that because DJT might be the one
initiating the 7 years of peace, and JFK JR. the one raising from death –
and because we don't want that part of Scripture to happen
(even though we might still be mis-interpreting),
now WE try to act pre-emptively?
Or would we have enough faith in a GOOD God that things will
work out okay if we TRUST Him?
That's what the word "faith" actually means, "to trust."
In the end it's all about trusting a GOOD Heavenly Father and
learning to depend on Him – or trusting ourselves.
I'm just reading some books by Wm. Paul Young,
and they are really helpful in dealing with these very personal questions
of our relationship with God.
And I know they might be to controversial for some. :)
So, another book that I'm reading right now (very slowly) is
"HaShamayim 1A: Angels, Heavenly Structures and the Sons of God" –
which is basically saying the same as Wm. Paul Young,
just in a totally different way.
But, boy, do I wish I had known these truths already years ago!
So, agreeing with you – discernment is a must. But most of all,
we must discern ourselves and we just CAN'T do that on our own.
A functional relationship with God is key.
3e4449 No.2231034
After reading this interview, the big picture seems to be making more sense. Jr KNEW who killed his father, I'm sure of that now. He and Trump were long time friends. Jr knew he couldn't run and get anywhere under the current 'hold' the Deep State had over everything, so together, they devised a PLAN. Trump would run, knowing what Jr knew about the Deep State (and what Trump himself probably knew) and the plan was hatched. Trump 'enlisted' the help of those he knew he could trust, who understood where and how the problems were (with regard to all things Asia). (Good read: The Field of Fight. Pieces of the plan are revealed there, if you read this book.) My guess is, things must first come to a 'head' with the Deep State (not all players are in the US, so it won't be so quick and easy to put them down). Things in DC are definitely heating up, THEY are panicking, and in their panic, somebody is gonna make a BIG mistake soon. The PLAN is real, and I think Jr is just 'waiting in the wings' for a re-appearance. Only time will tell.
ff1f6f No.2231050
What if Trump fakes his
own assassination, and Pence takes over and
chooses Vincent Fusca as his VP?
72063c No.2231079
Oh, I don't think that's gonna happen. At this point, what would anybody have to gain with Pence in charge? The guy is a fool; I know, because he's from MY state. Not at all impressed. I think Trump is doing everything he can to avoid being assassinated right now. Still not feeling that the SS guy's death was 'an accident'. And, what did they do with that hang glider with Greenpeace? Anything? Funny, haven't seen anything about this guy.
a62d0d No.2231135
PG was in Genesis AND
>Cusack says he met JPB at a Peter Gabriel concert. PG sings “in your eyes” from Say Anything.
Could "1:3" refer to "The LINK" with [JPB] being [1]?
Could Say Anything refer to this crumb?
79250d No.2231155
imo i think he looks like Christopher Kennedy Lawford (a bit younger, so son???) can't sauce any pictures of his kids right now though or maybe Mark Shriver - digging on the twins too - strong genes in this family
ff1f6f No.2231204
Vincent Fusca wears a Black Fedora hat…
JFK was rumored to have KILLED
the Fedora and other hat industries because
he did not wear one during his inauguration.
"It's widely accepted that President John F. Kennedy singlehandedly killed the hat industry by declining to wear one during his 1961 inauguration. "
"Now only two kinds of folk wear hats as a matter of course. There are those over 70 who find it hard to break a habit drummed in since childhood. They are the people who were shocked to the core when President Kennedy went bareheaded at his inauguration, ushering in a brave new hatless era. Jacqueline Kennedy's pillbox was probably the last hat to be universally accepted as fashionable."
a62d0d No.2231241
>Things that can and cannot be said
e4b510 No.2231250
This is all wonderland bullshit that goes no where.
155b82 No.2231300
The initial purpose was VALID, at least for kicks. Much of the bullshit on this board is useless garbage. So why pick this out?
Also, I'm a disabled Veteran not a paid shill.
Not everyone on this thread is fucking with the other main thread, so that bullshit lie can stop too.
Yes, we are under attack.
Q said to expect more communication from others….fucking IDIOTS need to learn to read.
Do I believe in it? Eh, I dunno. Is it going to destroy Q? Omg fuck off with that shit.
Those who scream the loudest look like fucking pussy ass pansies just trying to be assholes. Notice a core group of ppl were in here then suddenly tons showed spamming shit?
News flash.
The main mood of THIS thread, is supporting one another, not attacking each other for no damn reason. Yeah Chan talk is great and all, but to accuse this thread of being a danger to the Q board? Fuck off. Kindly, please fuck off. I am not paid by anyone, but illegals are. Thanks for nothing, assholes. Paid shill…wtf.
JFK and JFK Jr are probably in heaven laughing at the desperation to get all these threads deleted. Kiss. My. White. Ass.
155b82 No.2231309
Sorry all that cursing wasn't for you. Just very frustrated. But idgaf. I'm going outside. Something ppl in the other thread need to fuckin' do once in a while.
79250d No.2231359
i'm just do a bit of recreational digging anon - its a chill saturday - sometimes i need a break from more serious digging and I'm with anon ID:155b82 - do i "believe" all of this? - meh, idk….maybe….but it kills the time and is interesting enough to keep me engaged. frustration understood, but relax a bit and enjoy the show
e4b510 No.2231370
Gee, shills aren't in this thread. I wonder why.
Wouldn't it be nice for them if boomers and newfags chose to do their research here, under the Rflag since the bread is so much more comfy. Wouldn't it be nice for them to reduce the number of Qresearchers and instead turn them into Rresearchers. Ranon would grow as a movement.
Realize that the same people who created this thread are the ones who are shitting up the other one. All for a purpose.
155b82 No.2231445
It's not about that for me.
Ever think they're doing this shit to make it look absolutely fucknuts?
Again, not saying I believe it and the photo digs proved a dead end.
I'm not one of the ppl pushing every little thing, nor shitting the bread over there. I rarely post more than 2 in a bread WHEN I even do.
I don't like what I'm seeing at all.
Mainly, I don't like seeing Anons fight. Nor, do I appreciate being called a damn paid shill. I served my nation. I got shit back for it but this chance. So I'm looking into everything, ya know?
This isn't going to become Rresearch…
Q is the deal.
Q is the plan.
However, someone started it. That's all I have to say about it. Have a nice day.
Sincerely, actual Anon Autist with more reason to be here than ANY of you can ever imagine. (this board, not this thread, and I will NOT be called a shill for being curious.)
And yes, shills ARE IN THIS BREAD.
Learn. To. Read.
Holy fucking hell.
Yeah don't insult my intelligence.
All for a PURPOSE, THINK. Jesus. Yeah, someone wants this to look ridiculous. Congrats to whoever tried, they won.
And that's okay. I'm just saying, don't act like everyone in here is a cunt. Most, weren't even fucking HERE for the first message.
So seriously, what the fuck ever.
I have some of the lowest fucking post counts on this entire board in threads. I don't shit in them. Fuck off. Fear monger lmfao. WOW. Msm will get mad wah wah they'll talk about Rtards wah wah. Just stop. It's fucking pathetic.
155b82 No.2231453
And by post on the other thread, I literally mean just normally. I rarely even fuckn' post in here cause of this bullshit.
I was there for the first post.
I'm out for a while.
This turned into a shit show and a mockery of the message, larp or not, because you fucks can't get along for shit. Attack each other over a fucking post…wow.
ed7d00 No.2231467
Thanks anon. Will go through it all tonight as well.
2ab947 No.2231468
You're new to Q aren't you? You found out about it through outside sources, correct? Could you learn to trust anons that R is literal garbage and a distraction? It is designed to eat up the BOARD and slide threads. Notice the Q posts are no longer linked in the Qresearch thread? This is due to sliding the board.
e4b510 No.2231470
Does acual autist remember ETS? Does actual autist make the connection that ETS shills moved on to R? Since Q called out ETS as a clown, can actual autist conclude there are clown motivations at play here?
b10d58 No.2231604
What do you think? Music, Format, Messaage, Timeframe.
e4b510 No.2231625
I think it's gay as fuck and leads no where
379b6f No.2231756
A bunch of pathetic boomer shills
379b6f No.2231759
JFK jr is dead dumbass
you shills are laughably ridiculous
go thing you're seen as the faggot shills you are
65bb2e No.2231786
This is WAY BIGGER than we imagined.
ff1f6f No.2231795
Technical Panel on the Earth Satellite Program (TPESP)
e4b510 No.2231807
That post means absolutely nothing. You clowns are wonderlanding—posting so much nonsense that it disarms normies and makes them try to find meaning where there is none.
b0c1ef No.2231824
i dont see you
i just filtered you
ff1f6f No.2231825
b0c1ef No.2231846
U would be suprised who at other end of anon posts
in anon threads
in uncontrollable environment
controlled only by filter button
ff1f6f No.2231850
Q uses the sig AS THE WORLD TURNS
in regard to the emergence of
TPESP and the mentioning of "guided missiles".
The document offered mentions neither
defensive or offensive "guided missiles".
Was that part of the reason JFK got killed?
Was he against putting guided missiles
into space orbiting the planet?
Was the DeepState able to accomplish this
in secret now that JFK was out of the way?
28db67 No.2232079
Snowden, Barlow, FPF & SecureDrop
>bullshit that goes no where
news to me. do agree that it's a
boy, do i have an idea:
if you think "JFK Jr. is Alive" is such a bullshit show, how about proving it batshit crazy with some sauce on how the Clinton's and/or Bush's were behind the murders?
dare you to bring it
6eaf13 No.2232082
Have you tested it out?? Did you post this on the main board? I know anons were going after the James Gunn pretty strongly…
65bb2e No.2232093
You see the solution to 2+2 immediately.
.12611776296 x 666
Because you don’t immediately see the answer to
the above means there’s no solution? Means nothing?
Can you solve this: OBBZ OBM
How about 8NA 834?
Warning: You should keep TP within reach at all times.
6eaf13 No.2232153
Well now…isn't THIS^^^ interesting…LOL…
This little guy looks awfully FAMILIAR to me…check it out anons!!!
Strong suggestion to FOLLOW…I just did!!!
6ee75f No.2232164
Something is on target!
65bb2e No.2232177
Solve this:
This is the kindergarten shit
But without the formula it means nothing, I understand. We learn from each other’s digs.
Who has a name that sounds like the solution to the above “code” WDFNT and is also a member of SAG?
Trying to help you.
I had help.
Someone mentiined ROT-13 code cipher engine and the flood gates opened.
How many Q posts and POTUS tweets are there?
P.S. Did War Drummer Faint?
777049 No.2232183
>Something is on target!
you sound like an idiot
its "over the target"
but you wouldn't know boomer newfag would you?
go spread your larp bullshit on twatter
e4b510 No.2232213
How was your meeting?
Now you're on that cerealbrain2/cicada shit. Us poor anons are just not SMART ENOUGH to understand your LARP. Too bad these ETS LARPS never provide ANYTHING but the same amount of speculation that a normie could. This thread is full of shit.
c20633 No.2232249
so…. Q… now R…. then S… Can't wait for T…
6ee75f No.2232252
Shit like this since yesterday.
On target. High Rez photo uploaded to our attention for a reason. Source of photo? Who?
"Look there, or [here], or there, truth is behind you."
dd139c No.2232278
It was Israel so…
65bb2e No.2232294
Do you know who’s watching these boards?
Q told us.
Who’s watching?
Could EVERYONE include POTUS, Q, R, X, heads of state, the pope?
In light of your tantrum,
The WORLD is watching = ?
dd139c No.2232314
well…if we r wrong who cares….but if we are right….we win either way.
fb766b No.2232340
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.![](//img.youtube.com/vi/PWh_7NatQnU/0.jpg)
can't even get the generation right
this is officially a music friendly thread. let drown out the noise with tunes…
78f3a2 No.2232362
in regards to middle bread. Social Security card. Birth Certificate. I learned of this about a year or two ago.
Is it possible to remove ones self from the system? Is this advisable or will it just put a target on anyone that does this?
e4b510 No.2232365
>>2232314 You are wrong and bullshit RLARP is being pushed to normies on fakebook so they have something to follow instead of Q. Just a matter of time until we see R stickers. That's BULLSHIT because R has NO PROOFS and NO VALID RESEARCH and IS A CLOWN OPERATED Q SUBSTITUTE
dd139c No.2232371
The anti-christ is probably already here and originates from UN
dd139c No.2232393
calm down k? how do you know 100%?
in my opinion Q is definitely military personnel no doubt…however, why can't a non-military person be part of Q? Q said 3 were not military…
Q = Alice and I firmly believe Alice in Wonderland was JFK Jr.
fb766b No.2232400
if there are R stickers we are all fukked
calm down man
its a quiet thread
this is circumstantial at best
the peeps claiming otherwise like on YT, well if they make a bigger splash than Qanon, like you are fearing, think logically, what would that entail? compare it to the 10 months of Qanon…
and all of a sudden in your head there are R stickers everywhere?
687fb5 No.2232418
ha ha
nice [shot]
generation Xanon
e4b510 No.2232434
It's cryptic bullshit designed to make you afraid to make you a better follower
Alice = HRC Wonderland = SA. You haven't read crumbs and that is why you Rtards need to get your own board.
>it's a quiet thread
I keep hearing that. Imagine this scenario. Normie A discovers Q. Normie A decides to listen to patriotsoapbox and gets led to /qresearch/ . Normie A looks at Qresearch General. Normie A sees nothing but porn and shilling. Normie A, having no idea what a LARP is, decides to check out the Rresearch thread instead. Normie A feels super comfy and decides to research/follow R.
65bb2e No.2232443
“R = 18” - Q
“…what are the missing letters?” - Q
There are probably 50 coincidence proofs in 6 loaves of bread maybe more. I lost count.
Have you seen them all?
50 Bullseyes = LARP?
Define LARP.
Live action roll player.
You can’t even comprehend what LARP is and you are telling us fresh gourmet bread is stale?
WTF do you think Q means by “You are watching a movie?” HaHa!
The live action roll players are EVERYWHERE but words on a page tricked you into believing LARP = BAD.
Good movie?
Great actors?
Good guy?
Bad guy?
How do you know who’s a sheep in wolves clothing?
“We aren’t awake yet.” - R
The truth will make you keel over puking, curled up in the corner weeping. You have no clue how BIG this is.
Google it
If you don’t solve it that’s a good thing. Some shit you DONT WANT TO KNOW.
The world is watching.
a8ae50 No.2232449
Homie you can keep it as a "maybe" in the background of your mind but whyyyyy would you believe that
dd139c No.2232458
well.. you either believe it or you don't sunshine. I would like to believe John is alive and will be our next POTUS…
go ahead call me a conspiracy theorist I get it all the time anyway.
687fb5 No.2232473
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.![](//img.youtube.com/vi/AbGJeXShopk/0.jpg)
use that green arrow next to their name
filter by ID
it hilarious
BReead moves slow here in R
you'll never see that poster postin again
have some
dd139c No.2232475
I would love to tell, but I cant…(((you))) have to dig on your own…he will find you (as in Q)…..then maybe show (((you)))
73bdab No.2232495
I'm right there with you brother. Rather be a believer! It would definitely be an incredible day…
dd139c No.2232498
I'm sorry for wasting the bread…I nvr filter anyone…I am done saying what I needed to say after this (had to say sorry usually I nvr waste the bread)
65bb2e No.2232503
Someone posted a screenshot of the R post on 6/24/18 showing a time stamp 9:14:55 at around 5:20 pm my time, pacific time ON 6/23/18.
That’s a 16 hour difference.
The time stamp was planned.
What news was recorded on 9/14/1955?
Music is one of the keys to solving these 1,681 puzzles Q left us. Enough to keep us busy for…forever?
e4b510 No.2232533
Q never said "What are the missing letters". "R=18" was a reference to Barack Obama, whose C_A codename was Renegade. You're so full of shit. 50 proofs? I haven't seen shit for proof.
It's very bad, and contrary to Q's mission.
>The truth will make you keel over puking, curled up in the corner weeping. You have no clue how BIG this is.
Google it
If you don’t solve it that’s a good thing. Some shit you DONT WANT TO KNOW.
GTFO with your cicada bullshit. THERE'S NOTHING THERE. NEVER IS. SAME OLD SCRIPT. The ONLY good drops come from Q. Fuck you for taking newfags away from that.
e4b510 No.2232539
Music isn't key to Q. Lisa Mei is disinfo.
a26bf6 No.2232548
i guess they’ll always prefer to 🤔 to know every[thing]
73bdab No.2232558
It seems simple to me.
If you went to such extremes for self-preservation and privacy. Then the reason to become public is a matter of National survival. If R exist and is being revealed, he is POTUS Back-up Plan.
Lock up Hillary and Obama, you have mass Riot and Mayhem from the left. Unless you have the ultimate voice of reason and Hope to the left. JFK jr. His ultimate desire was not a left or a right. It was his belief the country should be run by the values of the Constitution, by the people for the people. All sides Win!
The same job Trump is doing, without obstruction.
Shill's gonna be shills,
They are weak and Afraid! They're losing their stronghold…
0ffe05 No.2232574
Here is a ROT(anything) decoder. I do not understand what we are supposed to be decoding though to get this horrible information. I have seen some shit and am on a search for truth. What do I decode?
65bb2e No.2232601
Hey loud mouth.
The world is watching.
We’re waiting for you to solve this Kindergarten puzzle by POTUS.
Can Kindergartners help solve Q and POTUS or is it just for veteran 8chanfags like yourself?
Your authority to tell us we’re wrong comes from what expertise?
What if there are 20 hidden messages in 1 Q post?
Lone Ranger gonna solve them all?
What’s 1,681 x 20?
How does a kindergartner solve 2+2 if KNGNER
Has no clue what the + sign means?
a26bf6 No.2232621
newfags go to Q page, anon gets mad
newfags come to here now, Q page gets quieter, anon gets mad
on and on a non anon
73bdab No.2232627
Here's the thing, as I see it. How has the deep State always ruled.
Go to war to control, beheadings in American streets, control control control. They are losing, desperate to frighten.
I have no doubt it is bad, reality sucks with what they have done.
Americans that stick together are on the course of survival.
God will prevail!
65bb2e No.2232640
You don’t want to know.
My point was 8chanGodFags have no idea the depth of what’s in these messages.
“The choice to know will be yours”
DOES NOT mean “have to know” or even “want” to know.
Was Q exaggerating?
One truth could shut us down mentally in an instant.
“Be careful what you ask for” was not a vain statement.
73bdab No.2232646
It is the people who would be quieted, by the emergence of R.
But it would be the last strand of control lost by the Deep state. It is why they wanted him dead.
They have to destroy the concept of R and the concept of Hope.
Fuck the Shills…
687fb5 No.2232651
watch out he might get you with his
gayyyyy seal
73bdab No.2232670
As long as we draw breath there is hope.
To know the atrocities is only insurmountable, if you lose breath and Hope!
Just my take on it brother.
65bb2e No.2232683
Burning up 10 loaves of bread per day cannot = Quieter
1,681 Q posts loaded with hidden messages that generalfags have no clue are there. They need Q to post = Impatience = lash out.
I’ve done it myself before. Gotten impatient. Said stupid shit.
Generalfags can’t even decode the fact we’re ALL on the same ship. Expand your thinking on that. They are trying to throw us off the ship. lol!
We all fall down
We all learn
73bdab No.2232689
Funny shit, I love the smell of desperation in the afternoon… Preach on
73bdab No.2232701
6eaf13 No.2232729
Welcome…first timer….LOL
Funny how your CLOCK (time) aligns with this Q drop….PERFECTLY!
Q&A: Q (17) + A (1) = R
65bb2e No.2232738
So “R = 18” posted exactly 55 days before R posted the same day POTUS misspelled our w/ are is 2 gigantic coincidences not mentioning the other 48 coincidences?
Please….give us the number of coincidences that will make it mathematically impossible R is not JFKJR.
50 not good enough?
Define tunnel vision.
fb766b No.2232779
what's really going to blow theire mind is that one of them created the very first R thread
bread #2371 post >>1882473
it wasnt me, although i baked 2-4
65bb2e No.2232785
18 = Not a clue?
I noticed you decoded the R but not the 18. Why?
Time stamp significant?
What if Q really meant 81 = R?
You know, think mirror?
Hmm, 81 days = 1944 hours.
18 = 666
Another layer
8:1 = Silence 29.6
R = E = 5
RR = 5:5
You have more than you know = Q nicely telling us we don’t know shit.
65bb2e No.2232859
Disinformation is necessary.
To test and see if we’ll spread horrible info about someone even though we didn’t witness it with our own 2 eyes?
I failed that test.
It’s happening = This is BIGGER than you can imagine.
And he gathered them together in a place that is called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.
Where is that?
What does Armageddon mean when you break the word down?
The days the prophets spoke of are NOW.
It’s happening.
e4b510 No.2232883
Let me guess, cerealbrain…you're going to tell me I need a mathematics degree to understand what you're talking about
You're going to say that R can't be proved to non-autists.
Think Mirror
If Q meant 81 = R
The R would Mirror too
Becoming ya in russian.
What is the significance of ya?
"think mirror" mirror it again
ayyyyy LMAO
Clowns, you can change your tactics, but we see your shitty LARP. Divide, they try, fail they will. FUCK ALL LARPS AND NAMEFAGS. FUCK SPLITTING OFF RESEARCH THREADS IN THE CATALOG. WE ONLY FOLLOW Q HERE, ONLY Q HAS BEEN PROVEN
0ffe05 No.2232885
So there is nothing to decode since that decode is trivial and automated. Got it. The R-legal post is what I am interested in honestly. I have been digging on this stuff for about a decade now. The FED was my first real redpill. That is what caught my attention here with all this R stuff. The 1909 date. See I had come to the conclusion that it all fell apart around 1913 with the FED at the root but it would make sense that stuff was happening a few years before that time. Like is shown in these posts there are so many things that changed in that time and the FED is just a little bit of it.
The David Williams videos I posted above (ctrl F it) are right in line with all this stuff and that guy is the real deal my anon. Also, the https://www.nativeborncitizen.com/ and https://www.expose1933.com stuff is very powerful and all linked up to these posts.
Now could R be fake and pushing the above information essentially using Q's silence as a way to get a toe in the door with anons? Certainly possible. So if thats the case, then where is the harm in it? THE MESSAGE is sound on the R Legal post front in my eyes and therefore worth the dig. I never had much luck with the Q posts as other smart anons were usually ahead of my ideas so I mostly just went along for the ride supporting where I can.
This legal stuff though, Wowzers! Imagine the possible future if we can get all that nonsense cleared away?! Hell, even if Q is sitting back laughing at this thread, the message is still sound. That is whats important. I wish I could contribute more to all this but I am one anon.
As for all the anger and vitriol here… For the Q people who hate this thread… No one is making you be here? The "noobs being distracted" argument is just silly. That is part of being a noob here and part of the journey in this place. I was drug off into the weeds sooooo many times since Haloween night 2017… I would be sad to have missed those experiences. I learned A LOT and don't regret a single red herring.
We all know Q is the real deal here…. But before you call R a larp. Remember November my friends when there was only a tiny band of us Anons trying to post Q's messages and getting laughed out of the room? Remember those days? I sure as hell do. It reminds me a LOT of right now on this thread. The message is what is important. Red herrings are not NEARLY as damaging as some make them out to be. I learn WAY more by failure than being spoon fed into success. It is certainly more messy but it is REAL knowledge. Anyway, I hope we can all catch R's message of "Learn to play nice with eachother or be left behind"…
We are all here to MAGA. We are all here to beat the Cabal. We are all here to return to sound currency and a legal system that is not shit. We are all here fighting to be free and to know the truth. THAT IS THE FIGHT!
I will leave all the anons here with this message and I hope you all take it to heart. I try to live my life by these ideals and more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrYl76Yx6BY
e4b510 No.2232900
Someone said 1909 once so you're going to put all your time and resources into one anonymous post, when Q is in the thread right next to you? There's nothing to dig. You guys have come up with nothing. November is nothing like what's happening here. Your "R" hasn't even posted in weeks, meanwhile, shills are all focused on the Q research bread and don't give a shit about you
6eaf13 No.2233006
65bb2e No.2233013
We all know “Do it Q” = Release the horrible video.
What if there’s a video of one us doing something horrible?
R post #1
What is it you’re really asking for?
Justice right?
Think about that carefully.
Define hypocrisy.
Remember the Apple reflection in Q post?
What did God mean when he said you’ll die if you eat from the tree of the knowledge of HOOD and EVIL?
Where We Go One We Go ALL.
This one crumb made me SICK!!
Be careful what we ask for?
Damn right be carful.
“Why are you calling me good. There are none good but God.” - Jesus
6eaf13 No.2233032
Good observation!! Never even thought of that angle before…hmmmm
e4b510 No.2233043
That's not a crumb you fucking rtard
DOITQ =/= releasethevideo
Go make your own board, and stop shitting this one up with your EyeTheSpy replacement LARP
f26386 No.2233068
> I do not understand what we are supposed to be decoding though to get this horrible information.
Don't worry. Sounds like the crazy "decodes" of SerialBrain2. People on reddit didn't get it either…
ThanQ for the refreshing perspective and recap!
fb766b No.2233071
dont worry autists
it was spoopy to them back when it very first appeared as well.
forest through the trees. what does all this have in common?
one photo in high res?
im still on the hunt for this hi res original.
i know the bread number but im not gonna do all the work for (((you)))
u dig?
73bdab No.2233080
I tried not to weigh in on >>2232213this. Made it 45 minutes! Re military
Anon's. Clearly the most important Anons. 10 post today between two boards all attacking them and questioning them.
So I'm weighing in, with my Truth,
"Keywords" " my truths!"
Jesus was just a mortal man. What made him worthy of our worship, was his unmoving, undying Faith within his own belief in God and the need to spread his word!
Most likely why he was feared tortured and killed.
The reason our military is a threat to the Deep State and the clowns.
Are military, may be mortal men. But they're unwavering, willingness to die, (just as Jesus did), for their belief in this country and the right to Freedom!
Is the undoing of the deep state…
I'm not military, I probably could have said this better, hopefully some will get my point.
I have ultimate faith in God, great faith in our military, no faith in church, the path to God is not inside a building, it is inside your heart and head…
Talk to him often!
Not all; but many churches just scare people up, to shake them down much like the Deep state has done for years, for control.
God bless our military God bless our country God bless POTUS
fb766b No.2233083
it was spoopy to them back when it very first appeared as well.
correct pic here
correct reference here
this is original post or one of the first few posts
(from the time of the convention) ←hint
e4b510 No.2233110
Wonderlanding, filling up bread with nonsense until newfags start looking for meaning in thing that mean nothing.
Ranon is a replacement LARP for ETS.
65bb2e No.2233114
From Paul the Apostle
1 Cor 15:21,22
[Where] We Go One We Go ALL
Heaven and Hell
“The mountain of cutting self”
65bb2e No.2233172
They have proof of ALL of us on video
1 Corinthians 15:22
Undeniable proof?
Where We Go One We Go All = Release the evidence on one video = Release the evidence on them ALL.
“We have it ALL” = ?
65bb2e No.2233198
e4b510 No.2233216
Wonderlanding. Nonsensical bullshit that no one believes. FUCK THE LARPS AND FUCK RANON, WHO IS FAKE AND HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH QANON
4dfd04 No.2233503
Water records everything.
When you piss where does it go?
What’s recorded on it?
6eaf13 No.2233534
Okay…gonna spell this out ONCE:
Let me boil the MATH down for you:
Multiple Devices = MORE THAN ONE (2+)
Trip Works = ON ONE (1)
(Sorry to my fellow Q, R, X, BLACKLIST anon followers…had to nip this in the bud. Any more shilling gets an automatic BLOCK from me - here on out. Don't time for this "un-expanded" thinking!)
6eaf13 No.2233549
e4b510 No.2233576
Q was talking about when he got locked out of halfchan. Every anon here "uses devices without a trip" Asking questions about this LARP must = shilling because you guys have no indication that "R" isn't some anon fking with you. Or that this isn't just the ETS clown op under a different name (which is what it is–that's why fuckbook pushes it through nasif.) You guys are propagating disinfo from 8ch with this R shit.
73bdab No.2233584
Loud and clear
06f5f6 No.2233597
It should encourage any anon lurking or posting substance here that the thugs came out today. Whether a paid psyop or a miserable person frothing at the mouth to feed off of you emotionally. That's all they are, and ever will be. READ this anons post. He is saying what you are all feeling. Don't stop looking at the substance of the legal post. This is HOW we are SLAVES. No COWARDS post will ever change that.
4dfd04 No.2233609
Solibury Hill by Peter Gabriel
…Came in close, I heard a voice
Standing, stretching every nerve
Had to listen, had no choice
I did not believe the information
Just had to trust imagination
My heart going boom, boom, boom
"Son", he said, "grab your things, I've come to take you home"
And, Where We Go One We Go All.
Rejoice, for the time the prophets spoke of is now.
351 = 12/17
Testimony = Evidence
351 - 222 + 6 = 135 =‘The Rod of God
The eagle has landed
73bdab No.2233616
a26bf6 No.2233625
the declaration of interdependence no moar
e4b510 No.2233627
No anon is posting substance here. This is just a wonderlanding psyop, the son of ETS and Tucson.
73bdab No.2233655
And just like that, you prove his point! Hilarious/ pathetic last ditch efforts, going nowhere!
73bdab No.2233679
Thank You, for the mighty efforts and the hand!
73bdab No.2233722
Here I would say,
Tunnel vision = fear!
Funny shit
fb7c12 No.2233760
Thank you for your awesome response!!! You're so right & I couldn't agree more :)
e2576a No.2233775
Who in their right mind believes JFK jr is alive and a Q??
e66c0d No.2233936
Dear faggots,
Look, don't try posting here as if you're on the Q train for real, ok pussies? You're not suppose to create more division, hate, and retardation etc but it seems that your fucking pee-brain doesn't understand that.
One of the major and if not, the major point for Q's mission was to get us to dig and archive information. This information can be referenced at anytime. You nignogs understand?
What fucks do you give what the fuck this thread is doing? Who give a shit what is being posted on facebook, concernfag.
The entire point is for people to collect and share data. End of discussion. Go do something positive instead of post shit tier banter and memes, fucking cucks.
There is literally nothing wrong with digging and trying to make connections. If you don't believe guess what, you don't have to do so.
I don't care you're here talking shit, just don't act like you're really down for the Q movement because you're not when you act that way.
Man up!
e4b510 No.2234036
You space like a faggot. Q called out these R fuckers as clowns when their last operation failed (ETS). By calling out this LARP, we are doing something positive. We're stopping the divisionfag clowns from splitting off a thread in the catalog and turning "Ranon" into a clone of Qanon so MSM can smear us with it just like they have done with Tucson (calling them "Q believers") Calling yourself a true Q follower because you post in the RLARP thread, where they say that R is the second coming of Q and all Q signs pointed to R, is antithetical.
4dfd04 No.2234057
Great post.
This is what one person’s thought can trigger.
Think play on words.
Trust = Faith
Names have meaning.
Trust Sessions
Faith sessions
Trust Wray
Faith Wray of light
Trust Kansas
Faith/Kansas- Carry on my Wayward Son = Song about faith.
Trust Horowitz
Faith Horowitz - Bible, Whore had faith
Trust Huber
Faith Huber - ROT-13 HUBER becomes UHORE
You faith hore you.
Bible has 66 books
66 x Q = 1122
Did JFK sacrifice himself because of something he knew would alter history.
4dfd04 No.2234087
Was he going to expose certain things it was not time for?
Was his desire to reveal without a plan going destroy the whole earth? Change everything?
Bigger than we can imagine?
6eaf13 No.2234113
1ST: Look at the JFK JR pic with his plane. Notice the NUMBER and WHO it is dedicated to! (see graphic)
Now, look at Q Drop Number 529 POSTED on January 13th:
"HELLO GEORGE" (Magazine Reference)
"MSM Coming - BIG WAY" (Major News Headed Our Way)
Now at this moment, I REMEMBERED, JANUARY 13th was the HAWAII MISSILE LAUNCH!!!
Imagine my surprise, when ANOTHER Q DROP talks specifically about the 7/10 "airplane disasters" = HITS! (see graphic)
2ND: Regarding this last drop, READ IT AS IT PERTAINS TO JFK JR, line-by-line:
*Targeted Hit
*To Take JFK JR Out of Power (Senate Race)
*Plane - rerouted
*Plane - returns (somewhere else)
*Running - In Hiding for the Past 19 Years
*Public Awakening - The Storm/DJT
*Message - Gaining Traction
*Good-bye Jack (JFK) - Time for Justice
(Need to go back and RE-READ all the January 13th Q Drops with this LENS on!!! CRAZY!!!)
Just a tad-bit COINCIDENTAL for my taste!!!
6eaf13 No.2234134
Thanks Anon! Agree. Watched the video which gave me the IDEA to go look up JFK JR's "tail-number" and alas, what I stumbled on….just posted!!!!
e66c0d No.2234186
"Q called out these R fuckers as clowns…"
Link me
"By calling this a LARP"
If it is a LARP when what's the problem with digging? If you believe it's because it will discredit the Q movement then you're fucked! If you have, if we have, nothing to hide, then there should be no problem.
Don't give me the MSM bullshit because that is a moot point. People will only come where once things makes sense in general. When they do that, they have to dig though 10 months of Q.
The concept of the masses exploring these areas in general is a form a red-pill.
You keep saying Q says this and Q says that, nigga WE ARE Q….
People who follow Q and understand the message would be open to information.
"Be careful who you follow" doesn't mean to not investigate and gather information. Nobody is telling anyone to believe in R. Some do and are spending time trying to bake etc.
If that is wrong then you are either a shill or a closet shill
Don't worry what people say about R, just look at information gathered.
Since Q left, yea I can imagine people feel scared, alone, whatever. Some people my say all this shit to make them selves and other feel ok, that's part of the process homie! We are not robots, we are humans at the end of the day.
Stick to what's being baked and don't let YOUR emotions be dictated because of OTHERS. I know that sounds hypocritical but I needed to engage with the same "language" as autist.
Then you're doing all of this for nothing, just sit back and relax! Let people uncover and discover! We can't do that if we just don't question everything.
much love
4dfd04 No.2234197
This is a FKN HUGE NOTABLE!!!!!
Great DIG!!!
cdb87b No.2234225
You can't be serious?
For a sanity check, go on a public street or area wherever you are and ask people at random of they know about 8chan and/or know about Q.
I think you will get your answer real fast.
It is irrational to take a figure of speech and turn into an absolute proof - in you mind.
Try the simple test the try to reconcile the actual evidence you will personally witness.
Bo you seriously think the Pope is lurking on 8chan?
Test it on the normies and see if they recognize the brave anonymous keyboard warrior are actively saving the world with their posts and discussions.
Don;t take my word for it - test it.
A little common sense in a predictor of what I expect you will discover.
e66c0d No.2234235
Bravo Anon!!!!!!!!!
e4b510 No.2234294
ETS got called out as a clown op that failed by Q in post 1489.
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: b3cfa0 No.1725084 📁
Jun 12 2018 23:41:17 (EST)
MSM attacks.
[Round 2]
MOSSAD attempts failed.
Clown attempts failed.
Expect bigger push.
FBI (4) open investigations.
8ch risk (DDOS_+_inject).
FEAR [re: Twitter throttling & shadowban (coded #Qanon)
FEAR [re: 4ch mods + remove/replace - controlled]
FEAR [re: Reddit mods + remove/replace - controlled]
FEAR [re: MSM conspiracy push 1 - controlled]
FEAR [re: FB remove/replace - controlled]
Quiet attempts to shut down will become public & loud.
Strength TOGETHER (primary purpose).
They are losing control.
"FB remove/replace" FB is removing Q positive accounts and replacing them with R positive accounts (i.e., Nasif). Normies are getting redpilled on fake LARP anons. VERY BAD.
Good digs should go into Q research general where all can see them. Together, we are stronger. Splitting research so social media can push Ranon instead of Qanon is clown m.o.
"PEOPLE SLEEPING ATTACH TO OPINION/PERSONALITY/GROUP THINK." It's the creation of a "personality" that this thread revolves around that's the dangerous part. It's a known shill tactic to crowd confirm people into group think, and I see that happening here with the limited digs and high number of nonsense posts.
"Clown attempts failed.
Expect bigger push."
Q posted this right after he called out ETS as fake (you can look it up). Soon after, "R" appeared and ETS/Wonderland shills stopped bumping their thread and proceeded to bump this thread in the exact same manner.
Please see
6eaf13 No.2234317
YOU get filtered. Enough of your arguing.
6eaf13 No.2234338
This anon^^^ gave a hint about it being near the time of the convention…AND…something about seeing his bald dome?? (When we KNOW there is a WIG on the original guy)….
Just throwing it out there…stood out to me!
6eaf13 No.2234349
4dfd04 No.2234356
Common sense knows I meant everyone big.
Meaning they see the stupid comments psychopaths make.
A kindergartner wouldn’t have thought every single human being on the face of the earth is watching 8chan.
Did you figure out R “FILES” and what it’s telling you yet, or are you to busy not understanding what I’m saying and writing about for everyone to see?
Everyone = ?
0ffe05 No.2234550
Never found anyone in the real world who has the vaguest idea who Q is… I wear a Q shirt around pretty often and never had a comment on it. Not even a glance. We are still a small tight group Which is good and bad.
509e86 No.2234551
Nice Dig! lets see if attracts even more fire!
Out of control here!
e66c0d No.2234613
>June 12 [1489]
>R didn't show up till June 23
How could they remove Q positive with R if it didn't exist OMEGALUL
>Good digs should go into Q research…
Have you seen the attitude towards R? It's considered a LARP….We're doing our own thing here. The main board can use what they like.
>Ranon push
The black out from Q not being here and the concept of R is being used to sooth people. Either way, getting red-pilled on R which is attached to Q is fine. They find R on Qresearch so I'm sure they will take the time to look at the volume of Q vs R. I see the point you're trying to make but it really has no effect in the grand scheme of things. How this 1 thead is making this much noise, should be noted!
The clowns who took the opportunity to make R the next big thing has nothing to do with real R digging. They know if they try to hype it up, the main board would reject it, common, that's EZ PZ to see!
I don't think Q said anything about R being fake and I hope to rest my case about that.
a92cea No.2234629
6 minutes in, Larry calls George pub "cute"
John said his mother would have found it more than "cute."
0ffe05 No.2234639
Thanks Anon. I will finish and update my line-by-line today to the best of my ability. Make one of your own if you like. My ideas certainly are not always correct. Hell I am usually wrong tbh. I still feel that the R-Legal post is a major part of all this and a part that many will not really understand. It takes a LOT of time to understand that stuff and it is emotionally/mentally damaging to do so. What it means, if correct, is dark indeed. I hope to see the end of it. Not only for myself but for my family and friends. Hell, even for the haters here. NO ONE deserves to be trapped in such a system, not even a rat I don't like deserves that. WWG1WGA
8d510b No.2234704
JFK's Bday is 5/29/1917
e4b510 No.2234715
Wonderlanding–filling the thread with useless leads and insisting there's a meaning, causing newfags to search for meaning in nonsense
Ranon+co are run by clowns (former ETS)
Clowns are the enemy of Q
Rclowns will use the normies following them to spread disinfo and bait&switch people away from Q. We can see that happening in this thread ("Q is now R"!) Lies are NEVER positive to our TRUTH movement. So fuck yousss
0ffe05 No.2234734
Not sure why this is huge?
Here are all the crash reports from the NTSB. I think this is the stuff from the crash. https://dms.ntsb.gov/pubdms/search/hitlist.cfm?docketID=14597&StartRow=91&EndRow=103&CurrentPage=7&order=1&sort=0&TXTSEARCHT=
a92cea No.2234748
here's a hint. stop being an asshat.
concernfags are shills.
e66c0d No.2234759
Intel was dropped, idc about who. There are 6 bread. Nothing you can do if wonderlandfags come to shit stir. deal with it. Info if being coupled and archived. Newfags have it rough but this isn't Disneyland…
e4b510 No.2234802
The entire 6 breads are wonderlandfags. Minimal digs on jfkjr that could have been put in qresearch if Rtards hadn't sullied the word with namefagging. Nothing good. Nothing you can't dig on qresearch just as well. Goosechasing and division.
6eaf13 No.2234822
No lie…I was here explaining my find to my Hubby and literally told him:
And then I see this!! LOL
2b42ac No.2234836
Good posts today anon. I'll be working on what I've read so far and the 1933 link is a GOLDMINE of R legal related info. I'm sure the other is too. Don't let the bastards grind you down. I can remember another time in human history where a couple of AVERAGE Americans got together and stopped listening to garbage and TRUSTED OURSELVES. That turned out pretty well. We just have to get it back.
Reminds me of a quote concerning today's typical crap. "We have nothing to fear but FEAR itself… Many here are learning that now..
6eaf13 No.2234837
TOO FUNNY!!!! Love it!!!!
(Nothing like seeing "some" eat their words!)
f26386 No.2234847
Okay, I have a really serious question for you.
I would almost guess you've been posting as lawfag before, right?
Anyhow, I would gage you as a very thoughtful person.
So, regardless of the R question, when I go to the Catalog,
or the Index for that matter, because the Catalog is a complete mess now,
I keep having the impression that the QResearch Board is being let go
on purpose.
I mean, just a few weeks ago, there was this major upgrade so that
this board would be able to handle anything being thrown at it,
And look at all the new threads being created each day AND STAYING!!!
It's not the six(!) R post threads that are causing slides;
it's the other stuff jamming this board, and who knows what BUGS messing
with the Catalog.
But not only that – even the QMap PDF has not been edited since 06/26/18,
even though the last Q drop was on 07/04/18.
This is what really makes me think that this board might being let go down on
purpose – and that it is NOT the fault of this thread here.
Sorry, I never got into the ETS stuff, nor FE or whatever. So I cannot say
whether or not there are any similarities. But I also consider it strange
what's happening to this board right now. And I cannot imagine that it
could not be fixed if those in charge actually wanted to.
So, what do you think about that? I won't be around for a couple
hours, but I would appreciate if you'd move this question to the back burner
for a little bit in order to ponder the pros and cons, and then let me know
when it's done. Thanks!
0ffe05 No.2234882
Yeah, the 1933 site is new to me. I found it by accident looking for other stuff for ya yesterday so thank YOU for the inspiration. I love some tinfoil hat as well as real stuff so I will be looking through it for a while. Someone put one hell of a lot of work into that site as well as the native born citizen one. Anyway, Stayin' strong is EASY. I have a lot that is worth fighting for. Its that simple. I have A LOT that I will defend and work to improve. Its not even work to me. When it comes to this stuff I am tireless.
6eaf13 No.2234948
When you say, "Not sure why this is huge?"….You're kidding, right?
Don't know how much CLEARER it can be…if you've been here since DAY 1…AND READ ALL THE DIGS…(and finds)….no WAY it's just COINCIDENTAL….
If you haven't gone through every bread, I suggest you do it….ALL OF IT…combined…IS BEYOND doubt!!
0ffe05 No.2235024
This whole place is essentially a disorganized chaotic information filtering system. People will come and go and those who do the back end work will tire and others will replace them. My guess is at least some of them simply took a break in this lul in the Q posts. Took the boat to the lake with the fam right? Who knows?
Naw man… I don't get it. I don't know. Some stuff that is obvious to people flies right by me. Not personal nor a critique by any means but its not clicking in my head. Numbers line up but its not like its his plane? so some company has a plane with a tail-number that matches someones birthday? I could probably find the same match with my birthday/initials somewhere. Its owned by some rando-company and was issued in 2006? I don't know. Don't base your confidence in that idea on my understanding as, like I said, sometimes I am an idiot and don't understand stuff that is plain as day to most.
6eaf13 No.2235062
Did you miss it? IT WAS HIS PLANE! HIS FIRST ONE….WITH TAIL NUMBER N529JK and dedicated to his father…whose birthday was 5/29!!!
Too funny.
cdb87b No.2235087
This is truly pathetic.
Let me highlight your inflated sense of self-worth
This board was created by Q, for HIS purpose, it is not just another chan for everyone's personal interests and agenda.
There are unlimited boards that can cater to every whim and idea, but unless there is a critical mass, it is just "howling at the moon"
It may feel good emotional, but otherwise pointless
I am treating "Q" broadly as the team of the inner circle of military and military intelligence plus Trump himself
They are the actual Q Team, but as with sports teams, the fans feel like the are part of the "extended team" as fans and supporters
Before I begin - this poster may have had good intentions, but is unable to communicate that effectively
If it is a LARP when what's the problem with digging,,.
(i.e. even if this is a distraction from the investigation of Q & Trump's Plan, lets all cater to someone else's priorities)
People will only come where once things makes sense in general…..
(i.e. I believe the entire world of normies will come here, once they recognize how special and important we are)
nigga WE ARE Q………
( i.e. taking a figure of speech "we are all in this together, we all either win or we all lose". That turns into "we are all the same as (equal to) Q, ergo we can modify and control the Plan as we collectively see filt.
If that is wrong then you are either a shill or a closet shill
(if you don't agree with me you are the enemy)
Don't worry what people say about R, just look at information gathered…….
(Ignore everyone, just else do what I say)
yea I can imagine people feel scared, alone, whatever.
(emotionally healthy people don't react this way. Those that do probably need counseling or a "safe space". Brave warriors don't react this way )
but I needed to engage with the same "language" as autist……..
(I need to be around people like me, since it is uncomfortable to deal with normies)
If you TRUST THE PLAN,,,,Then you're doing all of this for nothing
(Mission change; screw the Plan, but lets dig on some other topics I think are more interesting)
Let people uncover and discover
(Nothing was ever stopping them, but most only focused on topics that amused them. Q's Plan is too restrictive and confining)
We can't do that if we just don't question everything. …..QUESTION EVERYTHING!
(I am not even sure if my mother loves me, and I don't trust ANYONE. They are all liars,trying to deceive me)
Summary: My expectations for this board are low. I think Q chose this forum as one aspect of a giant "wake up call".
He/they have a spectacular plan that they are following and it is working
We represented a group Q determined were intellectually curious, open to discussion of "uncommon" ideas, open to "conspiracy theories" as possibly true
Iconoclasts all, with a demonstrated collective ability to solve complex puzzles (e.g.Shia Lebeouf), with a diversity of skills (planefags, militaryfags, politicalfags, etc)
A receptive audience that would add some personal insight and persuasion skills to "outsiders" (a la the Shia Lebeouf saga talked about "outside" the chans)
Make no mistake - It is Q/Trump's Plan, not ours. They are implementing it on a precise but unimaginable scale - with or with out us
cdb87b No.2235095
Part 2
We are "invited guests", given glimpses of information they already have, and actions they will be taking, and some idea of the sequence/timing.
The restrictions on revealing national secrets requires the cryptic puzzle approach since they can't come right out and say it (hence the value of the "right kind of audience')
The "research" and "digging" is for our benefit - not his They have already done their home work. It is time for us do do ours.
Since he cant cover all the relevant aspects of all the elements, it requires us to engage in some "independent study" to fill in the background history and significance.
If we don't do our "homework", the tutor/teacher doesn't care - it is our loss not his
He has a bigger job to do than hold our hands every day.
He has no obligation to continue here and may decide it isn't worth the bother - we lose, Q keeps going without us
He surely doesn't need "followers" or attention or ego stroking or group hugs.
His job does not require us, the chans, or popular approval.
He is clearly military or military-minded. Soldiers don't get to decide on the battle plan - they trust their leaders, and follow orders.
That only works if the leaders are proven trustworthy - After 200+ years it still works pretty well based on the limited number of deserters and turncoats.
No civilian organization within government works quite like that, and most don't instill any "trust".
I am not telling anyone what to do - the choice is always yours. I don't care
I would encourage you to re-consider why we are on this specific board, and why Q moved off other boards and left them behind
Active like equal members of a civil society. Avoid acting like a bunch of immature, unruly brats, who think everyone is dumber than them
Stop being the recluses that live in a cave with other recluses.
Stop believing in Indigo children - it is just another politically correct term for people that aren't "fully functional"
They aren't "bad" - just limited in certain areas
For a intellectually honest portrayal, watch Rainman or even Forest Gump.
They are treated with respect (by most) despite their "limitations"
Lastly, lose the bad habit of blaming ALL the members of ANY group for the bad actions of the few.
Next time, put your own ethnicity in that place - will you accept responsibility and complicity for actions of a small part of your group?
That is a Marxist trick to divide and conqueror - We all have ethnic, religious, spiritual, racial identities.
Do we hate all Germans and Japanese after WWII.
Why not?
Finally - there has never been a "group" that had total global or even continental domination (before the Roman empire and their counterparts on other continents).
That changed in 1945, but we didn't take over and rule the world when we easily could.
No "empire" ever did that. They got beaten or weaken themselves into oblivion
Think about why.
0ffe05 No.2235126
Ohh it was his FIRST plane ha ha… I thought you were saying it was the one he crashed in! Thats cool. A nice tribute to his father.
5c9c38 No.2235161
Hi anons first time checking out Rbread some good work going on. A couple of points I was thinking of digging on but Im not sure where to start.
1.What is the legal standing if someone faked their death?(apart from it would be insurance fraud if policys were cashed)
2.Were any insurance payouts made regards JFKjr (if not good chance hes not dead?)
6eaf13 No.2235178
Interesting….JFK JR's Plane is registered to SKYDOGS LLC…
(There's the DOG again!!!)
(Pssst…reminder to jump over and follow FRIDAY THE DOG - see graphic - we're up to 6 followers…lol…got it from an anon on this thread!)
0ffe05 No.2235255
Thats a damn good question actually. I don't have a clue how to get that info honestly. Also, to prove that it was legitimate would be very tough as, just like the death, powerful people with high level access could simply fake.
Proving him as alive or dead is second in my mind to the message being presented in these posts. Hell, even if it is fake it got some people looking into stuff that is nearly impossible to get people to even consider without an eye-roll. (The Legal post). Also tread carefully with the insurance dig.. So I am not an expert but there is some way that people can purchase life insurance with a company they own as part of their compensation. This life insurance is a COMPANY EXPENSE and therefore, TAX DEDUCTIBLE. So lets say you are rich as fuck and have a company that make s10 million a year in profit… Buy $2million a year in life insurance with the principals paid in full up front with a company you control and write it off as an expense. Now here is the trick… Borrow against the principal value of that life insurance (2 million in this case) from a bank who will take the life insurance as collateral. Borrowed funds are TAX FREE. You just dodged all income taxes on 2 milllion dollars of income and got the 2 million bucks in your pocket for some paperwork, interest and such. For someone with 20k that is just silly as the fees will kill you but for the big boys… Well Its like a Roth IRA with no limit and no rules. Anyway my point in this whole thing is that Life Insurance can be VERY COMPLEX and can have a lot of facets. You may find policies and information that may look like he died but, in reality, it was just something like the above example.
Are life insurance payouts publicly accessible info?
73bdab No.2235269
Our own "D.B. Cooper…
As comfortable paragliding, as he was skydiving!
Minus the paragliding broken leg LOL
0ffe05 No.2235341
Registration Type: Corporation
Owner: Skydogs Llc
Address: Fairfax, VA 22032
United States
VIrginia Secretary of the State Corporation search
Thats the company… That state does not seem to show the owners.
5c9c38 No.2235357
Its probably impossible to get info like that without help plus just realised it would be trying to prove a negative near impossible just a thought.
a1bc5d No.2235432
AWESOME find!!!
"how many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible?"
cdb87b No.2235445
And he apparently has no idea how insurance works.
Cartoon version
Term vs Whole life
Nothing to borrow on term and whole life limited to a portion off what you have pained in
Why don't you learn a little common stuff before declaring is interesting.
My dog leaves interesting stuff in the yard so it doesn't stink up the house.
Wise dog - learn from him
9c8f8e No.2235490
You fucking retards realise that even though you have "R discussion" here, it's still located on 8ch.net/ Q RESEARCH YOU DUMB FUCKS
e66c0d No.2235615
Attack dis dik shills!
Look at this audio comparison of "Q saves the world" and JFK jr
a15c0e No.2235739
And according to Wiki:
Solsbury Hill, in England, is one of several possible locations of the Battle of Badon.
And the Battle of Badon is chiefly known today for the supposed involvement of King Arthur.
fb766b No.2235766
you must be new here
what was before Q research?
where did it come from?
was it a thread or a board?
what was the name of the board?
6eaf13 No.2235784
THIS IS EXHIBIT ONE on what the "close-minded" MAIN BOARD IS MISSING…
This anon had an EXCELLENT DIG (piggy-backing on my dig from an X cryptic post) in terms of SHINING LIGHT on the COMPANIES that are CONTRACTED TO DO BACKGROUND SEARCHES FOR THE FED GOVERNMENT….
You would think THAT^^^^would make Notables (for further digs)…BUT NOPE.
Looks like RANDOM ANONS (and their "takes") are what the "rule the day" and EVERYONE SUFFERS because of it!!!
6d4e84 No.2235808
Newfag here, but have been researching for a while.
The R legal post is for sure an interesting read, and goes hand
in hand with what ive been reseaching for the last 2 years.
This is my Breakdown of the post part 1…
<Federal Reserve Act
<Federal Reserve Inc.
<A Private Company?
<Shareholders = ?
<IS THIS Constitutional?
<What is your recourse?
<What is a Federal Reserve Note?
<Define NOTE
The United States of America had been without a central bank since the charter of the Second Bank of the United States had expired in 1836.
The Federal Reserve Act was passed because public confidence in the US banking system was extremely low due to the collapse of small banks during periods of depression in which many Americans had lost their homes, businesses and life savings. There was no central bank and Wilson decided to take action to centralize the system, control American monetary policy and restore the confidence of Americans in banks. The law became commonly referred to as the Currency Bill.
^ What they dont tell you is the reason the first and second bank of the united states and all lesser banks were unstable. They left out the government interferance as to the limits of money they could hold, lend, etc.. causing bank runs and subsequent instability.
Chart 1 reveals the linear connection between the Rothschilds and the Bank of England, and the London banking houses which ultimately control the Federal Reserve Banks through their stockholdings of bank stock and their subsidiary firms in New York. The two principal Rothschild representatives in New York, J. P. Morgan Co., and Kuhn,Loeb & Co. were the firms which set up the Jekyll Island Conference at which the Federal Reserve Act was drafted, who directed the subsequent successful campaign to have the plan enacted into law by Congress, and who purchased the controlling amounts of stock in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in 1914. These firms had their principal officers appointed to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and the Federal Advisory Council in 1914. In 1914 a few families (blood or business related) owning controlling stock in existing banks (such as in New York City) caused those banks to purchase controlling shares in the Federal Reserve regional banks. Examination of the charts and text in the House Banking Committee Staff Report of August, 1976 and the current stockholders list of the 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks show this same family control.
a62d0d No.2235917
nice links! did not know that about the new plane. interdasting. wonder when it was established a plane could be operated by remote control?
great find, thx.
there were crash docs released (& redacted) in 2013 during Hussein's regime. odd.
worth it to dig deeper into the files for clues?
6d4e84 No.2235941
As you can see the Fed res. shareholders are other banks, in turn it
all leads back to rothschild and the bank of england.
The J. Henry Schroder Banking Company chart encompasses the entire history of the twentieth century, embracing as it does the program (Belgium Relief Commission) which provisioned Germany from 1915-1918 and dissuaded Germany from seeking peace in 1916; financing Hitler in 1933 so as to make a Second World War possible; backing the Presidential campaign of Herbert Hoover ; and even at the present time, having two of its major executives of its subsidiary firm, Bechtel Corporation serving as Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State in the Reagan Administration.
The head of the Bank of England since 1973, Sir Gordon Richardson, Governor of the Bank of England (controlled by the House of Rothschild) was chairman of J. Henry Schroder Wagg and Company of London from 1963-72, and director of J. Henry Schroder,New York and Schroder Banking Corporation,New York,as well as Lloyd's Bank of London, and Rolls Royce. He maintains a residence on Sutton Place in New York City, and as head of "The London Connection," can be said to be the single most influential banker in the world.
6eaf13 No.2235964
Amazing….and all the "players" are still going strong….today!
6d4e84 No.2236002
this rabbit hole had some big names tying in to the government and corporate
The Fed reserve act IS unconstitutional because ONLY congress has the power to coin money.
Congress created the Federal Reserve, yet it had no constitutional authority to do so. We forget that those powers not explicitly granted to Congress by the Constitution are inherently denied to Congress and thus the authority to establish a central bank never was given. = ILLEGAL.
Every Dollar in exsistance is Debt to the fed.
If you have the only dollar in the world, and loan me the dollar
with interest. I have to borrow another dollar to pay back my debt…
the cycle becomes an endless loop of borrowing to pay back.
We are debt slaves, in perpetuity.
A recourse is a legal agreement which gives the lender the right to pledged collateral in the event that the borrower is unable to satisfy the debt obligation. Recourse refers to the legal right to collect.
so in this situation the only one that benefits from recourse is the
lender. if not payed their "Debt" they will collect "take possesion
of pledged "collateral"
Federal Reserve Notes, also United States banknotes or U.S. banknotes, are the banknotes currently used in the United States of America. Denominated in United States dollars, Federal Reserve Notes are printed by the United States Bureau of Engraving and Printing on paper made by Crane & Co. of Dalton, Massachusetts. Federal Reserve Notes are the only type of U.S. banknote currently produced.[1] Federal Reserve Notes are authorized by Section 16 of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913[2] and are issued to the Federal Reserve Banks at the discretion of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.[3] The notes are then put into circulation by the Federal Reserve Banks,[4] at which point they become liabilities of the Federal Reserve Banks[5] and obligations of the United States.[3]
Notice the last line… obligations of the United States. Yup that's
right 'debt', your obligation to pay back.
Federal Reserve Notes are legal tender, with the words "this note is legal tender for all debts, public and private" printed on each note.[6] They have replaced United States Notes, which were once issued by the Treasury Department. Federal Reserve Notes are backed by the assets of the Federal Reserve Banks, which serve as collateral under Section 16.[7] These assets are generally Treasury securities which have been purchased by the Federal Reserve through its Federal Open Market Committee in a process called debt monetizing.
First line is the kicker… gotta make sure you know what your monopoly
money is used for, since its not a hard asset. Which leads us to "backed assets of the fed reserve. Now i gotta ask WHAT ASSETS DO THEY HAVE?. if they make the money that we use what is it that they use to "purchase treasury securities"?
"Color of law" refers to an appearance of legal power to act that may operate in violation of law. For example, if a police officer acts with the "color of law" authority to arrest someone, the arrest, if it is made without probable cause, may actually be in violation of law.
OK so Color of something is to "Do without true Authority".
so COLORABLE MONEY > COLORABLE COURTS…both are used but have no Authority, Value, Substance, etc.. and are illegal.
Anyway this is the first part of his post… am currently working on
the rest.
6eaf13 No.2236008
This really makes me mad because a few (on the MAIN THREAD) are "blocking" LEGIT CLUES AND SUBSEQUENT DIGS which LITERALLY IMPACT OUR NATIONAL SECURITY!!!
Wouldn't it have been AWESOME, to have MORE EYES on it – digging – shining a light…and maybe, just maybe, MAKING A DIFFERENCE!
Signed: Me
65bb2e No.2236065
We have more than 50 proofs.
I’m guessing though.
Lost count.
But you know I think you might be on to something.
I’m suddenly craving 13 ROTten apples.
bf39a7 No.2236080
I checked out the first one on the twitter feed. It wasn't much, at least that I could tell. I was not about to check out more. If I had been on twitter, I would have forwarded it to DHS or FBI. I will never get a twitter account. But I will read them on my computer.
4f0a16 No.2236155
beautifully said anon. TY
cdb87b No.2236161
It is only unconstitutional if the US Supreme Court adjudicates that it is.
Get off your ass, files a suit before the Supreme Court, present your evidence and report back when they decide
6d4e84 No.2236245
the simple fact that they never did that is my point.
these are events passed fag, history if you will..
you obviously need to take your head out your ass and READ that they never had a leg to stand on and assumption that they could do is not permission.. in the end we were played, plain and simple..
and how about you do that since you dont have time to research fuckin faggot. get to work or get the fuck out!
have a nice night.
6eaf13 No.2236311
Hey….I've noticed your few posts are very condescending…big time.
Many of us have been here since the start and WE don't condone or appreciate your negativity….goes against the very premise of this thread…
If you choose neither, consider yourself FILTERED.
e66c0d No.2236570
Very good and kind anons here! I love you guys!
fb766b No.2236744
tagged and bagged anon!
welcome back to research!
i have to say, with a boom, im not too sure ive seen FED shareholders compiled
please continue dig
filter [faggots]
fb766b No.2236796
Blessed is the Baker, in the meme of peace and love, shepherds the weak through the valley of the dankess. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost notables.
fb766b No.2236842
my apologies anon, i read your first post >>2235808 wrong, like you were inspired to research again, my bad, please feel free to drop anything and everything FED here,
tag it and bag it
2b42ac No.2237117
66b24e No.2237409
Worked fine for me.
Published July 18th ←— 2016
Event held at convention center called "The Q" ←—– how many times before….
95ecc5 No.2237448
Main thread is fucked for real research anymore. Way to many shills, porn, and sliders.
Absolutely nothing gets research there anymore. Nothing. Side board is just find for getting shit done.
0ffe05 No.2237456
oohhh I know I know!
Started as posts on 4ch but not for long. Came to 8ch and ended up in CBTS. Matlock happened which was fun and cbts drama happened. There was a VERY brief foray into "The Storm" in which Q exited saying "We didn't like what we were seeing there" A bit more drama and some request by Q for Codemonkey to make him a board. Codemonkey said make your own fucking board as thats how we do it here at 8ch (super balsy move… what a stud) and Q made Qresearch that anyone can post in as well as that other one that only he posted in who's name I forgot. Lastly came patriots fight or something like that which is just a flag. Anywayyyyyy ha ha That is the short history of Q for ya Anon. -Cheers!
95ecc5 No.2237491
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.![](//img.youtube.com/vi/NzlG28B-R8Y/0.jpg)
Imagine if you will…..
95ecc5 No.2237529
Logic challenge
IF JFK Jr. is behind this
HOW does he work with Potus?
HOW do they connect and it stays secret?
How do they coordinate comms and actions?
This deserves some good deductive reasoning.
0ffe05 No.2237593
Damn good summary self proclaimed anon newfag. Been on this since '07 and I agree point for point.
This is completely unique information from my digging… I have never seen the like. Excellent work. Keep it up please… Imagine a world where we could be rid of this nightmarish bullshit and control. I encourage you to watch Prime Minister David Williams's videos above in this thread along with nativeborncitizen and expose1933. They are long but they are almost exactly along the lines of this Rlegal post. I'm fighting to beat the bank and to end the corporate UNITED STATES.
2b42ac No.2237601
Idk. I go off "The Start" Q post. If he's dead, POTUS knows why or he's planned this from Jrs. death. If he's alive. Good. We need him to, and maybe he isn't in comms but behind scenes. I can't think of a good enough reason for Q to post that and it not be a connection somehow.
cdb87b No.2237620
And once each of them became over run with shit posters - he left and went to a better environment.
I think have exhausted the chans are a reliable environment. I don't blame him - I would too
cdb87b No.2237630
74bd8c No.2238061
[Arose] by any other name would smell as sweet.
Genesis 1:3
–typed in 'White Paper' jfk for –WP— and got this
Cuba: White Paper, April 1961
Preferred Citation: Arthur M. Schlesinger Personal Papers. White House Files. Subject File, 1961-1964. Cuba: White Paper, April 1961. AMSPP-WH06-009. John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum Series Description: Correspondence, memoranda, and reports collected by and/or generated by Arthur Schlesinger while he was Special Assistant to President Kennedy. They relate to foreign policy and American culture and the arts. Researchers should use the White House Subject File and the White House Classified Subject File in conjunction with one another.
0ffe05 No.2238080
So what do we do? For the first time in my life I am not the lone madman in the world looking at this problem… How on earth do we manage to end the bankruptcy of the entire United States. Restore the Constitution, reinstate a different legal system, overthrow the most powerful richest men on earth and save humanity? Seems like a big job.
The biggest problem is people can't wrap their minds around it. It is just too big. I have always been a strategic thinker and one who sees the forest but can't find a tree. We will never redpill the masses with this legal and banking stuff. Not in my lifetime anyway. I don't think I have ever convinced even one person close to me that it is real let alone actionable.
I would do what ever it takes that is in my power to fix all this but I don't know where to start? What is our first step? Are we already much of the way through the process? Is this actually what Trump/Q/R(if real) is doing? It certainly would Make America Great Again if this is how far things would be going. What do you guys think? Any lawfags here? It seems to me like this is something that needs to be brought up in front of the Supreme Court or Congress to actually change. Congress is a hot mess and from my understanding of history has always been; probably by design. "Write your CONgressmen" is synonymous with putting a note in a bottle and throwing it in the ocean… It matters not at all. It seems like a constitutional issue that needs to be brought up to the Supreme Court. That body would have the firepower to wield the Constitution like a flaming sword of liberty and strike down this nonsense once and for all… But what would be the test case?
Does one of us go drive circles around a police station over the speed limit with no plates until we are pulled over then argue that the entire court is null and void because it is a Colorable court under an illegal corporate government that we never agreed to under a UCC contract? I don't even know what that means to be honest. I would do that shit but I would get laughed out of court and sent to jail and fined and I know it. See We can't fight this system inside the system but there is no way to get directly to the Supreme Court which is where it would have to go for there to be success since they pick their own cases. I have never in my life felt more like a very small fish in a very huge ocean than I do right now.
That brings me back to Prime Minister David Williams. He was also a tiny fish and he fought the biggest sharks ever and won. The problem is he won ONLY FOR HIMSELF. Sadly it is probably the most selfish thing imaginable that he did. Not saying he was wrong though. What do you guys think? What is the road to walk. I will gladly walk it alone or with anons but I just simply don't know where to go or what to do. KEK be with you all.
6d4e84 No.2238187
My fellow anon i am on the same path you are. i can still remember the day i realized what we really are. I am currently working on the next part of the post. Will post what i have soon. once finished with all, will detail personal exp.
2b42ac No.2238228
Man I wish you'd save these posts for day shift Kek. Good stuff anon,thanks again. Good KEK tonight though hard to stop reading bread. Well I think that's why we are here tbh. It's gonna take time. There's a reason people haven't done it before for the reasons you've written and that, really, we don't know any other way. We were born into slavery. But what all of Q's research and us being here has taught us how to work together and get the message out. David did do this alone. And you are right. Until a large portion of people understand this fully and want to do something it won't go. I know that's why Q wants us all together. This kind of move has do be done as one. We will get there. As one. We go all.
6d4e84 No.2238309
You and your reply are correct, its almost impossible to address this to normies cause its so far fetched sounding. there was a bullshit movement about TDA accounts.. they were just over the mark. the people were only interested in getting the money out not trying to make real change… im slowly working on a good angle to wake people up. any ideas welcome.
fb766b No.2238368
>>2116231 (pb)
>>2120001 (pb)
i just went through breads 766-775
this hi res was never dropped.
spoopy af imho
f26386 No.2238369
Just a P.S. to my impression that the QResearch Board is being let go
on purpose:
Found this in the Notables of the Main Board the other day -->
>>2231741 Q’s goal is to create a crowd-sourced parallel construction for the general public to see and understand.
6d4e84 No.2238425
Part2 of my R Legal post breakdown.
<United States Declares BANKRUPTCY
<United States Inc.
<A Private Company?
<Shareholders =?
<US BANKRUPTCY Still In Receivership?
<Emergency Banking Act March 9 1933
<House Joint Resolution 192 73rd Congress June 5 1933
<1938 Supreme Court - Erie Railroad v Tompkins
<Why is this relevant?
On March 9, 1933, House Joint Resolution No. 192-10 by the 73rd Congress, was voted into law, which is the Emergency Banking Act. This Act declared the Treasury of the United States, ‘Bankrupt’, which is an impossible feat since the U. S. Treasury was secretly closed by the Congress twelve years earlier in 1921. The Emergency Banking Act succeeded in abrogating America’s gold standard and hypothecated all property found within the United States to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank.
All Sovereign American Citizens residing within the Republic of States suddenly and falsely were expatriated from their Sovereign American status without their knowledge or consent and their labor, souls, children, property, sweat equity and credit became the financial collateral for the public debt, which had then been converted into a Public Trust, which had been scripted after the ancient Roman Trusts.
“Script” money or [negotiable debt instruments] was issued by a private corporation, which is owned by a group of Sabbatean European Jewish Bankers and which is known to everybody as: “The Federal Reserve System.”
yup, claimed we were broke, then took all our stuff. Sounds like their M.O.
In 1863, Lincoln instituted martial law. He ordered that the states (people) either conscript troops and provide money in support of the North or be recognized as an enemy of the nation. This martial law Act of Congress is still in effect today – what it means is that the President has dictatorial authority to do anything that can be done by the government in accord with the Constitution of the United States of America. This is the foundation of Presidential Executive Orders.
The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 created a private corporation (hereinafter “Corp. U.S.”) owned and operated by the actual government for the purpose of carrying out the business needs of the government under martial law. This was done under the constitutional authority for Congress to pass any law within the ten mile square of Washington, District of Columbia.
6d4e84 No.2238426
If we are the shareholders in this corporation, which has clearly bankrupted itself and us in the process, then we must have the right, under corporate law, even international law, to fire them all, never mind elections. If we are not shareholders and are instead sovereign citizens of our own states, are we obligated to follow any of the laws created by this corporation, nor the body of international law that it follows, outside of the 10 square mile area it has jurisdiction over; nor any of the international ‘treaties’ it purports to sign on our behalf? As sovereign citizens of our states, can we file suit against this corporation, which has illegally usurped the organic Constitution of the United States?
Now for the final blow, the bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES as so declared in 1933 with House Joint Resolution 192, also known as HJR 192. In HJR 192, congress outlawed the demand for payment of debts in gold or any particular form. In fact what this did was to place a secret lien against ALL property in America as collateral to the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK.This was done without the full knowledge and consent of the American people. As bad as that sounds, the positive side is that the passage of HJR 192 changed the staus of Americans to CREDITORS in the bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES CORPORATE GOVERNMENT. Since gold or any particular form of payment was now illegal, how would Americans pay their debts? Simple, with the credit owed to Americans for the mortgaging of all of their property and the property of future generations.
I'm not all too sure if the US is still in receivership… but just the definition
is interesting. The enactment of a receivership allows a chance to review a failing company's practices. The receiver will work to restructure the company, manage the assets and obligations, and bring the company into a period of recovery. Under the authority of the receiver, certain assets may be liquidated. The goal of receivership is to protect threatened property and assets during legal proceedings and to return the company to a profitable state, thereby avoiding bankruptcy.
Relevance of Erie Railroad v Tompkins.
There is no federal general common law. Congress has no power to declare substantive rules of common law applicable in a State whether they be local in their nature or "general," whether they be commercial law or a part of the law of torts. And no clause in the Constitution purports to confer such a power upon the federal courts. Except in matters governed by the Federal Constitution or by Acts of Congress, the law to be applied in any case is the law of the State. And whether the law of the State shall be declared by its legislature in a statute or by its highest court in a decision is not a matter of federal concern. P. 304 U. S. 78.
this is a carbon copy of the move pulled in the Cestui Que Vie act of 1666
referenced by R later in his post i will touch on that more when i get to part 5.
2b42ac No.2238470
I think visibility/education is the best thing forward now. You and above are right though, people's brains shut down when you tell them they are legally dead bonds. I think something approachable and distilled will help. But really I think time is what we need to allow this to get into people's minds.
fb766b No.2238481
this friday the dog
i swear its Qs owl the eye but IDK its late
0ffe05 No.2238485
Yeah I looked into the TDA account thing a bit. What I think happened with that (speculating here) is that they simply found a bug and exploited it. SImple as that. They found a way to toss their bills into the colossal shitstorm that is all bills running through the FED and always getting paid. Theirs got paid as well since they were tiny in comparison and then the door was closed. Definitely not real change. I never followed it up because I don't want a billion fake bullshit dollars in a shitty horrible world were everyone else suffers… Whats the point? Who cares if I am rich if everyone else is in hell. There is no point to that. They can keep their fake shitty money I want freedom for my self, my family and everyone else while I am at it. Fuck the money, with freedom money is EASYYY.
0ffe05 No.2238558
NOTABLE (idk how to make it red)
God tier history lesson here. I was very much aware of the Presidential Execuitive Orders and the bankruptcy situation but you really fleshed it out. I have never met another person who has the vaguest clue about any of this stuff… I don't understand how DC allows all this to happen though? Something about it being a city-state free unto itself like the City of London within the City of London? That part has never clicked in my head sadly.
2b42ac No.2238575
Like this anon no spaces between letters and numbers on both sides
0ffe05 No.2238631
Well… SO we have found the Lawfag we have been looking for. Keep going… Don't stop whatever you do. Take you time with this. I will compile it into a bit of a document and will put it on Anonfile at the very least. I would like to do more with what is in this bread though. Something easily spreadable…. I'm going to go spray down a huge hornets nest in a bush in my yard so if I don't die in the process I will be right back.
6d4e84 No.2238642
I went into it in depth… followed the rabbit hold pretty far and have some real conclusions on the matter… i did some crazy stuff… most got reversed.. but i had succcess. also as for finding a back door, incorrect it only works with your personal credentials…. it HAS to be your name and SSN#…like a debit or credit card… if character or # item is off it rejects the transaction.. i have proven this. i have also followed the cusip #s attached to us all. we are all heavily invested in the stock market…. mining, precious metals, nuclear power, etc.. we are traded on fidelity "my hardest claim because they have changed their website since i discovered this" My wife and i checked the back of SScard with fidelity and some bonds came up…. strange stuff, all worth 30 billion or more. the real weird part was one bond was issued 01/01/0001 and matured when i turned a year and a half "to make sure i'm profitable" for $0. that same day a new bond issued for 30 billion and so on it went , buy… mature… cashout. and im sure that the profits went straight to my account at the fed reserve for my strawman. PS since we are not the beneficiary of the account we have no claim to it. THINK WAR.. we die they collect.
6d4e84 No.2238776
I Dig for my Children… No one should ever be a slave..willing or unknowing. If i would have known this before hand, i wouldn't have had kids. Not the way it panned out so now i am behind anything that will set us free "All of US" (Even the Libtards and Shills). Love thy Haters as Ye Love thy Self!
e4b510 No.2238846
6d4e84 No.2238859
This is a first.
0ffe05 No.2238868
Ok I woke up a friend and she said she can make me a nice big pretty poster in one giant image with all this. We will dive into it tomorrow. That may be a really good way to make this all easy and clean for people to understand.
Yeah man…. Everything is fake. Awesome work though. You should go into depth more about this stuff. We will make a big poster sized image of it all and post it here for distro. Just explain what you did and why and what the result is and how it relates to all this stuff. This is actually a super-good way to get the normies honestly… Tell them they have a bank account with 100billion dollars in it if they want it they can just do x, y, z and go get it. That will get some attention for sure.
6d4e84 No.2238872
Hey R…… Are we getting warm yet???
0ffe05 No.2238877
Its the crooked eyeball picture guy is all. Look at the ID.
6d4e84 No.2238886
I'm cool with it, still plugging away on my next section of the post.
yeah just wanted to see if he was gonna try and wear the mask lol
8ebee9 No.2238894
Nice to dream but R was a LARP
now get back to digging
0ffe05 No.2238903
Aww shit sorry ha ha…. Well, The memes are pretty funny actually. The Turd-hoe one is out-mazing.
Same. My son is on the way. I would love for him to grow up in a world where he doesn't have to get a social security number like a fucking slave…
0ffe05 No.2238912
I wish I was that good at Photoshop. Sadly MsPaint is pretty much my limit.
e4b510 No.2238919
Needed a SEC TEST.
Carole here.
The shit you're saying about my cousin pisses me right off
8ebee9 No.2238922
nah mate screen captured on the day
you must have missed this post
f26386 No.2238948
Yeah, right, photoshopped – the (You) anyway.
Because BO showed us the IP hashes involved.
The anon saying he did it had different IP hash.
The IP hash of the R post was used only ONCE.
So, who is the larper? Right, the photoshop anon trying to discredit.
b38a2d No.2238965
I love you Anon. You are my kind of human.
0ffe05 No.2238967
Someone mentioned it a while back. Meh… Its cool either way honestly. I fucking love this subject. It is way more interesting than most of the "Trust Sessions" garbage on the Q threads. Like I said earlier in my first posts in this bread, I learned more from the red herrings doing all this than I ever did from the actual spoon-fed answers. What would really bake your noodle would be if all this stuff actually changed and you meant it as a joke. That would be WAY better than JFKjr faking his death and the story being true. Your ass would be out there on Oprah… "Yeah I started all that meaning for it to be real… but you have to trick people blah blah". The real proof on these topics is not the R posts or some silly unverified fuzzy photo of a dog of course.
The real proof is in the form of people like Prime Mininster David Williams and others like the TDA account guy here, though he is unverified. In the end I hope we, as a nation end the FED. That would be a world changing event in and of itself. Getting rid of the income tax and getting some sweet sweet UFO disclosure would just be icing on the cake for me. If you faked it all, Thanks bro, I learned a lot from the people here and am looking forward to learning quite a bit more.
f26386 No.2238982
Well said, anon! :)
0ffe05 No.2238983
Yeah I try to be a good person… I guess I never have to worry about the Illuminati cloning me in some lab… Can't have good people around right? Well, my anons, I am going to get to bed here but it has been a blast and I look forward to tomorrow. I will be here for sure! Way better than the shitted up Q boards at this point. I am dying to see 6d4e84 's continuation of that explanation of this whole thing then make a poster of it all.
6d4e84 No.2239094
Part3 of my R legal post breakdown.
>Common Law
>Equity Law
>Admiralty Law
>Statutory Jurisdiction?
>Statutory Jurisdiction Definition in Blacks Law Dictionary?
>Why Not?
Constitution - a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed.
synonyms: charter, social code, law
Word for thought "acknowledged"
Common Law - the part of English law that is derived from custom and judicial precedent rather than statutes. Often contrasted with statutory law.
the body of English law as adopted and modified separately by the different states of the US and by the federal government.
AKA the Law of the Land… or Natural Law (God's Law)
Equity Law - a venerable group of rights and procedures to provide fairness, unhampered by the narrow strictures of the old common law or other technical requirements of the law. In essence courts do the fair thing by court orders such as correction of property lines, taking possession of assets, imposing a lien, dividing assets, or injunctive relief (ordering a person to do something) to prevent irreparable damage. The rules of equity arose in England where the strict limitations of common law would not solve all problems, so the King set up courts of chancery (equity) to provide remedies through the royal power. Most eastern states had courts of equity or chancery separate from courts of law, and others had parallel systems of law and equity with different procedural rules. Now most states combine law and equity and treat both under "one cause of action."
Deals with the disputes that common law doesn't address
Admiralty Law - Admiralty law or maritime law is a body of law that governs nautical issues and private maritime disputes. Admiralty law consists of both domestic law on maritime activities, and private international law governing the relationships between private parties operating or using ocean-going ships. While each legal jurisdiction usually has its own legislation governing maritime matters, the international nature of the topic and the need for uniformity has, since 1900, led to considerable international maritime law developments, including numerous multilateral treaties.[1]
Matters dealt by admiralty law include marine commerce, marine navigation, salvage, maritime pollution, seafarers’ rights, and the carriage by sea of both passengers and goods. Admiralty law also covers land-based commercial activities that are maritime in character, such as marine insurance. Some lawyers prefer to reserve the term “admiralty law” for “wet law” (e.g. salvage, collisions, ship arrest, towage, liens, & limitation), and use “maritime law” only for “dry law” (e.g. carriage of goods & people, marine insurance, and the MLC).[2]
Admiralty law may be distinguished from the Law of the Sea, which is a body of public international law dealing with navigational rights, mineral rights, jurisdiction over coastal waters, and the maritime relationships between nations. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea has been adopted by 167 countries[3] and the European Union, and disputes are resolved at the ITLOS tribunal in Hamburg.
Ever been to a court room? Ever notice their flag is differnt… yellow tassels?
yup thats what we are subjected to Admiralty/Maritime law.
And NO Statutory Juridiction isn't a 'thing'… no concrete definition anywhere.
Only ones recognized are:
4 types of Jurisdiction
Exclusive jurisdiction - Only federal courts have authority to hear , state courts cannot.
Concurrent Jurisdiction - Federal or state courts could hear.
Original Jurisdiction - Court is the first one to hear case.
Appelate Jurisdiction - Court can only hear a case on appeal.
e4b510 No.2239114
Carole here.
Who are you talking to?
Is that your law professor?
65bb2e No.2239764
News unlocks MAP
Weird news.
Only several days after his death was reported.
Journalist holds press conference announcing he faked his death.
Assassination plot uncovered.
This happened on 5/30.
Notice the shirt of the journalist?
It says “Journey”
What letter is the squiggly line connected to?
Album: E5C4P3
Notice in the title they use numbers 543 for letters in the word [ESCAPE].
Q:543 shows a little girl behind AC.
Third single, Journey Escape is Open Arms/Little Girl.
Think mirror.
543 = 345
Don’t Stop Believing
Was JFKJR a journalist?
Seals are wonderful creatures…
Time stamp 5:30:58
5:30 = 330 minutes = Day 330 is 11/25/60 or JFKJR born 17 days after JFK elected in 1960.
:58 = on day 330 of 2018 JFKJR will be 58
713 + 330 = 1043
1043 minutes = 17:23
17:23 = 5:23 pm
5 full months + 23 days = 6/23, 55 Days after Q posted “R = 18”
Journey Escape was released 18 years to the day before JFKJR escaped in the early morning of July 17, 1999.
Journey Escape was released July 17, 1981.
e66c0d No.2239766
Either pulling out all the stops or could be legit. How did you get the S.S? The guy who made the thread just posted it as a meme? Things don't happen for no reason…regardless of IP hash or not. Things are not linear like that.
Post sauce please
65bb2e No.2239786
QR code messages.
What we see in the box is hiding way more information than we see with our eyes.
Q posts are deeply coded messages.
6c93fb No.2239926
Any ideas on "left behind"?
Sounds like the Baptist pretrib rapture, which i dont agree with. The saints will be present during the great trib
Revelation 2 (KJV)
8 And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write; These things saith the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive;9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.10 Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ((( ye shall have tribulation ten days))): be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.
a62d0d No.2239969
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.![](https://i1.ytimg.com/vi/U9w2EX8JBQo/mqdefault.jpg)
Have you watched Ring of Power? 5 hours long, but srsly good history lesson on the city-states of DC, London & Vatican City.
Don't be fooled by the amateurish nature of it, low-tech filmmaking with high-octane info.
Film might be uploaded somewhere cut into parts, but here's full version.
Please keep up your postings. Great stuff. Refreshing to read this info for once without the angle of trying to game the system for personal gain.
Don't forget, POTUS may have the ability to appoint 4-6 of the Board of Govs of the Fed.
If we can begin to compile this material now in a digestible way that is educational in focus, then over some time, more & more people will have eyes on these appointments and how important they are and, more importantly, WHY they are important.
Knowing what we know about how it really works, dismantling this monetary slavery system is going to need time to do properly, else the entire society gets thrown into uncontrollable chaos (their goal).
(think of the beta tests that were done in Iceland, Cyprus & India and how they were done without warning to snap the masses into a collective reptilian brain mode)
Education is the first step, if not the most important. This is where we anons come in & do what we know how to do better than anyone.
Eye of Providence, baby. As below, so above. WWG1WGA
9babba No.2240085
When they start screaming LARP it is to try to throw us off track. Makes me more convinced we're on to something.
The people I've started telling about Q I thought would come to the board. They haven't. Some of us our researchers and will dig and dig for the truth. Others won't. So no longer worried about that. And if I was i'd be more concerned about all the porn they'd see.
Given up listening to anyone who tells me which direction to look into or research and agree we need to QUESTION EVERY SINGLE THING.
Q left us on Independence Day. That was for a reason, but he left us with that last post which lead to R.
R has brought to light all the points I had always hoped Q would eventually flush out.
Isn't it time we knew about the greys, how we're been traded since birth, the FED, US Bankruptcy, Debt Slavery and Constitutional Law?
It's actually way past time we all woke up to all that.
Anons search for truth. Wherever that leads and we don't stop until we find it.
So thank you shills you just made many of us dig a little deeper today.
b52d9b No.2240089
Great Dig Anon, but….
Review!! You have transposed your facts in reference to the Q posts!
Q 543= "The Great Awakening"
Q 345= Girl Behind Anderson Cooper….
Don't mean to be a CorrectionFag but in my review of your post,
I found the mistake…..
Notice I said "mistake" Love your Work Anon!!!
5f438a No.2240354
Anons, I've been recently seeing this R thread, the pushback is more because, for most people, and yes, I mean most anons and normies grasping the Q movement, it would discredit all they've gathered, basically decimating the movement because most people find it difficult to change their minds, or have a really open one, and the media would only make fun and discredit ALL. I like to keep an open mind, and find what you have here interesting but I wouldn't push this so hard because, as you can tell, most people won't follow (although some of the pushback might be because you are on point, who really knows). Try to make the best sense of this info, connect enough dots and keep a strong theory, so that if this is the real deal, you can explain it the best way possible, but don't count on people following in masse, at least not now.
Something that most of you might not follow, is just an idea that passed thru my mind that I'd like to share because I found it interesting, maybe just a coincidence, is that between the "new age" culture, the ones that explore consciousness, different vibrations, dimentions, timelines angels, aliens, etc. and that aren't really following the Q movement, talking about the time we got to reach Christ Consciousness (13,000 yrs, compared to 100,000+ yrs that they say civilizations usually have) before blowing us up thanks to the "lucifer experiment" or "experience" that came from Mars thousands of years ago when they blew themselves up (to then blow up Atlantis with an experiment done in what now is the Bermuda triangle, and is the same not-human cabal we have today, literally bodies without spirit, without love); Drunvalo Melchizedek mentioned recently that in reality we didn't make it, we blowed us up again, or the cabal did, so we got help and the timeline had to be fixed in 1999 so we could make it (it can be a confirmation bias, heard it in the aniversary of JFK Jr's death, or "death", Kek!). I won't expect you to follow this, I know how it sounds for most people here, like I mentioned, just an idea that I found interesting to keep in mind if some anons would like to go around it, for me doesn't hurt to keep it in my mind, I don't mean to slide.
Gonna be following also here, don't feel bad because you're being ostracized from Qresearch, try to understand them. And keep up the good work. God bless.
a62d0d No.2240436
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.![](https://i1.ytimg.com/vi/tjmT5Eip6ho/mqdefault.jpg)
Question : What do the JFK Jr. crash on 07/17/99 & the Egypt Air 990 crash on 10/31/99 have in common?
Answers in video – The Assassination of JFK Junior - Murder by Manchurian Candidate 9/11 (10:00)
Interesting article, thx. Lots of nuggets to chew on here.
>Especially noteworthy also is the fact that Catherine Crier of FOX-TV reported on The Crier Report that Kennedy had been set to meet with high-ranking Israeli and Mossad officials in his ongoing pursuit of further information for his ongoing expose of the Rabin assassination. George magazine had ALREADY published a 13 page article on the conspiracy behind RABIN'S murder involving Israeli Secret service (Shabak).
Hmmm…could this mean Maurice Tempelsman had something to do with this?
>>2229850 >Templesman0-wikispooks.png
>THE BIG POINT The one TREMENDOUSLY important fact is that Kennedy radioed the Martha's Vineyard airport at 9:39 PM;
numberfags, note the time
>indicating his position, location and trajectory; indicating a smooth flight in every imaginable sense of the word; indicating a calm, collected and completely "in control" state of mind on his part and complete command of his craft.
>SECONDS LATER, according to radar returns this craft was plunging toward the ocean LIKE A ROCK; at the rate of 100 ft. per second. Again, this radio call was made AFTER the time investigators are now claiming Kennedy's flight was in serious trouble… according to their conveniently and "recently discovered" phony radar evidence.
moar digging needed? see >>2234734 crash reports from NTSB
>This particular Piper Saratoga was in excellent condition and outfitted with the very latest in hi-tech equipment, including auto-pilot and automatic electronic emergency tracking systems. The plane has been described as literally able to fly itself.
uh-hunh, see >>2235917 remote control question
>WCVB-TV says Kennedy got his pilot's license last year after undergoing training at Flight Safety International, a respected pilots' school in Florida.
Is this the same Flight Safety International that trained the 9/11 "hijackers"?
"Newspaper reports following 9-11 showed a dozen of the hijackers carried Florida drivers licenses, lived in Florida and trained at the Flight Safety International located in Vero Beach, Florida."
>White House Chief of Staff John Podesta telephoned President Clinton this morning at Camp David with news of the missing plane.
enough said for now.
fb766b No.2240523
george magazine… investigative journalism
fb766b No.2240618
Jesus Christ ← the original (or at least testament 2) morning son
sun rises ← brings heat
son rises ← brings heat
this page will get heat because it started with a claim that JFK jr faked his own death
but it still gets much less heat than the Q page and in reality this is a quiet place for autists to work
as i type this is do have soapbox on my boob tube - a YT texter just asked 'who is R'
with that i say to you
you Rlarp Faggots
RLB aka Rlarp Baker
fedbe8 No.2240632
Look at Q's last post. 4th of July.
Has stayed there for a long time.
Attention lingering on it because last post, long time.
Disinformation is real.
Disinformation is necessary.
Ex: US ML NG (1) False SA True
Why was this necessary?
What questions were asked re: SA prior to SA events?
Why is this relevant?
Think mirror.
Look there, or [here], or there, truth is behind you.
Q is pointing to the first time he posted something that did not 'pan out' as we expected, but was true mirrored (in Saudi Arabia) and he typed many times would come true in USA.
Before Q's last post many were screaming about the pictures and getting mad at Q.
Then the line
Look there, or [here], or there, truth is behind you.
Exact words of JFK JR interview with Katie Couric when JFK turns behind to look at JFK and says he hopes his son will have "some sense of responsibility for what went on."
And then Q links to JFK reading the Declaration of Independence.
And Q had said "Q&A" forthcoming.
Q has been loaded every which way with JFK and JFK JR pointers.
This fact is indisputable.
a20437 No.2240696
R is watching // SEC TEST this morning
Q + 1 = R = JFK Jr
We trust the plan
tell us MORE about the GREYS plz !
fb766b No.2240733
some of my notes from yesterday
fedbe8 No.2240744
Wonder if Q Team is so disgusted by the devolution and chaos on breads that they have decided to pause or stop or create a more secure communication venue elsewhere?
It seemed Q was in high spirits, almost jovial, and on the cusp of coming out to the public more, and then everything stopped. Weird.
The WWG1WGA spirit and the admonition to stay together and not become divided has been lost on ppl.
Likewise R's spirit of inclusion and helping each other has encountered unwarranted ferocious opposition and hatred.
Considering all the times Q posted about supporting one another, this is a monumental failure of readers.
Hard to watch this fundamental concept ignored and violated. Is this partly why Q quit posting?
Cannot imagine President Trump giving up on Q's mission.
5f438a No.2240746
Yeah, the more I dig into what you are doing here, the more I notice this. One "funny" thing, this thread caught my attention because I wanted to look for >>2224444 this post because of digits (first time I felt that "need") while lurking in the General, BC I didn't found it there, I got here because ("just because") but didn't really know what this was about yet. For a thread with so little input it really has a lot of gets. ;)
fb766b No.2240777
today's shite
d45bbd No.2240794
a20437 No.2240815
2nd time this morning
Good morning R
d45bbd No.2240831
Good work, patriot.
Future proves past.
"George" points to another
Who is George Nasif?
Elevate your thinking.
Waiting in the [Wings]
fedbe8 No.2240832
We need a way to verify if any R posts are from the original black and white Trump & JFK JR poster. Otherwise we are subject to all sorts of crazies and clowns who impersonate R.
The real R needs a tripcode.
Only Q can tell us if there IS a real R.
fb766b No.2240842
also yesterday was muh clock but no Q :( so IDK
fb766b No.2240862
if you look closer, no one is really following R,
only the R legal post, the rest of these 6 pages dont ahve anything to do with any of the posts
a20437 No.2240876
A1 Tried By Fire
A2 You Are My Life
A3 Don't Let The Devil
A4 Not So Long Ago
A5 Reason To Carry On
B1 Elevator Operator
B2 What's The Matter
B3 If It Weren't For The Lord
B4 Rest
B5 Face To Face
fb766b No.2240881
oh i see
my bad
if you see something that you would like to dig on go dig it
can you dig it?
fb766b No.2240898
>>2240862 responded to the wrong link >2240842
i see now what you were saying >>2240832
>>2240881 ;)
fb766b No.2240926
oh wow
>>2224444 ← shit
ok im starting to mass post, my apologies, just waking up
you guys have a good day, im drowning out the page
someone is calling you autists on this page to dig
happy hunting!
a20437 No.2241077
That's CBK !
The ears, nose and smile R identical !!!
Expand your thinking
687fb5 No.2241084
they posted pics yesterday on Q page with deleted reddit pages and laughed
thats smug
thats not my frens
thats not my Q movement
kinda hope Q has moved on to a phase that is above and beyond qresearch (love my autist frens) that was just mean to laugh and mick at deleted reddit [it was very few] and for real im infinite chan and qresearch for life, this /8chan/ is my home
9c0024 No.2241096
Excellent post on the fed reserve.
Thankq anon.
b38a2d No.2241135
And Q post #529 referencing George - Hello!!
df0f0e No.2241255
UMMM hello folks, just checked out George M Nastif's twitter and this is his image. get digging!
fb766b No.2241270
notice (27) next to ID:
lern our comms fren
a20437 No.2241280
BOOM !!!!
The NEXT phase has started
Q + 1 = R = JFK Jr.
6ee75f No.2241287
>>2226280 was where angry fag came in followed by concern fag.
5c9c38 No.2241299
He was also connected to Steve Jackson Games ie. Illuminati Card game .
4fa727 No.2241335
carefool who /you/ follow
follow all leads
full spectrum
half truths
even fake posts need extensive research if (((they))) /our/ gonna succeed as real
687fb5 No.2241358
i guess that
no outside comms
thing is so yesterday
if R is trendy i think i may just wait for S to hit the fanpage
a62d0d No.2241363
don't have the codec and couldn't find it on HT, so if anyone could upload a .mpg, would appreciate. might be a good one to archive asap anyhow.
Note the misspelling.
>Published July 18th ←— 2016
Two days after the 17th anniversary of the >>2227995
>"Plane crash 1999"
Vinnie sure does seem to be surrounded with a lot of Qoincidences.
155b82 No.2241387
It's impossible to ignore that JFK Jr was a huge catalyst for this movement, for Trump certainly. I too find it funny that even mentioning that video or Q CRUMB invites such an attitude. However, this is often the case when someone is asked to think rather than be told.
Q wants us to think for ourselves.
R is NOT Q. Kinda haven't seen anyone here say that either, unless I missed it. So I dunno where that line that's screamed a million times a day comes from.
Hilarious that Q got quiet after Anons shat all over such a cool crumb. Whether this pans out or not, what a journey. Just wanted to say that, as I've been involved from the first message as it posted, and I remember the FEELING that night.
fb90b8 No.2241392
fb90b8 No.2241419
752c9f No.2241464
Excellent work, Anon.
I hope and pray so hard that JFK, Jr. is alive. OMG, my family and I were utterly crushed when we thought he perished.
God, in Heaven, let it be true. Please let JFK, Jr., Carolyn, and Lauren be alive and well.
Oh, P.S. Why do I always, always get chills (as in "sign from God") whenever I think about this glorious possibility and/or type about it?
I think we are in for a truly glorious 2018, and I love it.
777049 No.2241536
just going to leave this here
you're all a bunch of newfag shills
gtfo Rfaggots and go back to wherever you came from before you starting shitting up the board
try harder Rshills
752c9f No.2241537
Anons, the quote in this image looks like it was contrived to convince us that JFK, Carolyn, and Lauren died.
". . . But when their bags washed ashore, all hope was lost."
WTF? How unlikely is it that their bags would have washed ashore? VERY. Their bags would have sunk. Their bags would have taken on water and sunk to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.
Think about how less-informed we all were back in 1999, in the absence of widespread Internet use.
This little quote was inserted in news stories to brainwash us into thinking that the threesome died. We all were so caught up in our collective grief that we did not consider how implausible it was that "their bags washed ashore," rather than sunk like rocks.
We were brainwashed, but if it was for this reason, for President Trump and the White Hats and JFK, Jr. to take down the Cabal, then I'm perfectly okay with it.
But now I want the truth. I want the truth and justice.
Maybe that parade on November 11, 2018, is for JFK, Jr. . . . . .
777049 No.2241546
pic1 undoubtly proves you are all stupid fucking Rfaggot shills
and Rlarp is a faggot larp who can't even hid how much of a newfaggot shill the larp is
777049 No.2241554
link the the actually post so you newfaggots can see for your dumbass selves: >>2241427
you stupid faggots
752c9f No.2241602
Excellent side-by-side of Carolyn Bissette Kennedy and that Trump fan at the Youngstown, OH rally. Excellent.
The nose, the smile, the curvature of the mouth. . . I am convinced by the nose, smile, and by the lines made by her cheeks when she smiles. I'm convinced that is Carolyn Bisette Kennedy, and the age seems right, too.
Goosebumps here, Anons. Goosebumps and prayers.
Thank you for the grab. The nose is the proof, but the other facial features match, too.
fb766b No.2241643
from last Q bread
752c9f No.2241665
Ooops, I didn't mean to mis-spell the name "Bessette." Auto-correct error.
a20437 No.2241682
Q post
Silence is golden
Games R FUN !
fb766b No.2241694
and hashed by BO
larp better noob
it is what it is
autists like to dig
faggots like to post
(You) suck at real life, makes sense that you suck at Rlarp fagging
i wouldnt know, i cant see you
0ffe05 No.2241705
DOnt know who this guy is but thats a cool R logo
fb766b No.2241730
df0f0e No.2241743
fb766b No.2241746
f26386 No.2241760
0ffe05 No.2241768
I have not watched Ring of Power but I will check it out today or tomorrow. Looks like PBS blocked that link for copywrite reasons as well just FYI. Yeah I was wondering about Potus FED appointments. heh, I wish he would put Ron Paul as chairman to shut it down ha ha. Agree totally with your beta test idea as well. Definitely a thing. Anyway take care anon! Will be back this afternoon.
Can't wait for 6d4e84's next edition
65bb2e No.2241803
Thank you for correcting that it was like 3 am when my son and I were digging it. lol!
65bb2e No.2241855
Dear Tyrantfag,
Aren’t we free to be RLarpfaggots?
df0f0e No.2241908
Hey we need to dig deeper into George Nasif people. just did a little digging on his twatter these are some things that stood out.
1) joined October 2017
2) I could be wrong about this but he only started posting on July 10, 2018
3) Claims not to be Q or JFKJr but also claims to have some servers
4) I couldn't access his FB page but an article about him mentions his FB posts on July 4
5) Has his full name and pic of his passport on twatter
6) Nasif means Judge in arabic
there is sauce here, we just need more eyes looking.
65bb2e No.2241943
Q already told us R is legit.
This is just from 3 Q crumbs.
There are 1,681 drops.
fb766b No.2241985
updated Dough
same dough first ingredient as original R page
updated bottom/end of most recent dough which was cut short in last dough >>2216864
fb766b No.2241988
fb766b No.2242032
we have your ip hash history
we have your ip hash history
for the Qresearch BOARD
which spans all THREADS
01af43 No.2242045
Perma chills all day today anon. Something BIG is coming.
fb766b No.2242086
and we're not gonna go hash every fucking R
you just ended up being a funny tool
learn our comms larp faggots
6eaf13 No.2242101
9a4ff8 No.2242130
DJT says 529 on July 11 twat
b34552 No.2242149
J Q's Attorney General
df0f0e No.2242187
Ok, dude claims to have the server. How'd he get it? Why would he advertise it on twatter? If he does have it why hasn't he suicided himself yet? Why did R point us in his direction? Is he just an RLARp? He has so much legal intel on both FB and the twat I can't even wrap my mind around it.
6eaf13 No.2242192
Love this!! That meme on the far left is CLASSIC!! I actually BUCKED the City of El Paso in this exact scenario…driving through with out of state plates…total SCAM/TARGETING and outlined my case (they basically had NO WAY TO CHALLENGE the issue UNLESS you appeared in Court so I had to do it by calls/emails, etc)…I told them: NO ONE FROM OUT OF STATE is going to come back to this City and appear in court for a traffic ticket - which of course is EXACTLY what the scam entailed…
I went to the mayor's office and POINT-BLANK told them it was a SCAM to target Out of State individuals, etc…
If they had continued to fight me, I told them POINT BLANK I'd be in courts SUING THEIR COLLECTIVE (you know what)….
Suffice to say, a judge looked at my bulleted letter/email and it was dropped!
El Paso…imagine that…Sanctuary City Ground Zero…gotta earn some money…somehow!
6eaf13 No.2242233
I don't understand? I posted the FUZZY ONE and someone dropped a merged HI REZ/LEFT SIDE with my FUZZY ONE/RIGHT SIDE…
Then another anon started asking WHO dropped it…I think they were a ONE POST anon….
That got us thinking how THEY could possibly have such a HIGH REZ from a video SCREEN SAVE (which is how the FUZZY ONE was made)….
So, what are you saying is different from above???
5cabfe No.2242254
Noticed this last night in main bread.
Call signs interesting, planefag who originally posted thought they originated near a place called assassination ridge.
65bb2e No.2242338
“Waiting in the [Wings].” - R
Paul McCartney and Wings
Band on the Run
Man We<(ROT-13. = Jr) Was Lonely
766f7c No.2242370
couldn't find anything in the notables regarding this, so forgive me if it's already been discussed. in post #2170469 there was a photo pointing out the 5 stars and 5 points on our "mystery rally man".
someone in the "Qanon Follow The White Rabbit" group commented "Eisenhower would be the last 5 star General… making the president the 5th star. so who's pin would that be?"
6eaf13 No.2242397
You're looking at a different account anon!!
Look at my screen save: Twat is FRIDAYTHEDOG (vs. your FRIDAY)…
65bb2e No.2242400
And 5:29 = 329 minutes.
In a common year (Not leap year), day 329 of the year is 11/25, JFKJR’s birthday.
“The more coincidences there are, the less likely it’s true.” - Sarcastic Kindergartner
a20437 No.2242407
BOOM ~~~ !!!
Stuck inside these four walls
Sent inside forever
Never seeing no one nice again,
Like you, mama
You, mama…
5e62bd No.2242408
fb766b No.2242415
was noting
if you knew why you had to do Fridaythedog1
because of this one
which happened to be spoopy
fb766b No.2242444
your post (on R bread 3 i believe)
is about a conversation (or prior occurence nonetheless)
i cannot find this prior occurence
hence, your post about a first appearance is currently the first appearance (not the second)
if you can help, would be greatly appreciated
just to reiterate,
your post about a prior post, i cannot find this prior post
your convo, your transpire, on R3 and continued on R4, is currently the first occurrence (not second occurrence as is mentioned here[there])
fb766b No.2242454
nice digits by the way
digits all over this BRead
777049 No.2242464
kys Rshill
not when you say shit like: "Q already told us R is legit."
you Rshills are a threat to /qresearch/
I think the BO will see you as such soon
777049 No.2242470
65bb2e No.2242474
Decode this.
We'll wait.
Say Anything.
PG on the hill?
In You’re Eyes we’re hella dumb.
65bb2e No.2242547
All of a sudden something happens and you begin scrambling to find every R post.
65bb2e No.2242563
Awesome start numbering all of the drops.
Drop #1
Some things you don’t want to know.
6eaf13 No.2242599
Can you show the actual post please??
And just an FYI/FAVOR to all: If anyone sees an R post (on Main Bread) can you do a screen save and bring it here to give us a head's up??
Would be totally helpful!!!
6d4e84 No.2242616
Part 4 of my R legal post breakdown.
<Birth Certificate = ALL CAPs
<Social Security Card = ALL CAPs
<Drivers License = ALL CAPs
<Are YOU a Living Soul or a Person>CORPORATION?
<Blacks Law Dictionary 6th edition
A "person(s)" name in all CAPS denotes a legal fiction..
The significance of this is that an ENTITY is a PERSON, you dont need
to be alive to be a person, just have to have the ability to operate in COMMERCE or the ability to sue or be sued.
Legal person refers to a non-human entity that is treated as a person for limited legal purposes–corporations, for example. Legal persons can sue and be sued, own property, and enter into contracts. In most countries, legal persons cannot vote, marry, or hold public office.
All examples of your ALL CAPS self are designed to show your registration within
the system, and that you are obligated to follow the RULES.
Look at what you have with this on it. You must pay for everything linked to that
name. Driving, Paying bills, Contracts, Gov. benefits, Court Docs. etc…
It's the only way they can force the real you to comply with the system.
To them we are not a living soul… or even human for that matter
human being - If you go to the current black’s law’s dictionary, you will not find the definition of human being. You can use old legal dictionary and find out that the definition is a “monster.” There are legal books that said the legal system is adapting the new definition of “human being” so the “monster” definition won’t be accepted. The way you going to find the legal definition of “human being” is the US Code. The US Code defines it as an infant for anything but a legal entity. 1 USC Section 1 is defined CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA, v. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE defines any legal entity other than human being. In 1 USC Section 8, it defines a human being as an infant.
Definition of “HUMAN BEING” that recognizes all lower or inferior people to be “animals” and “property” and signifies all such inferior people with an ALL-UPPER-CASE name.
Person - Black's Law Dictionary 6th Edition, pg. 791, defines 'person' as follows: "In general usage, a human being (i.e. natural person), though by statute term may include labor organizations, partnerships, associations, corporations, legal representatives, trustees, trustees in bankruptcy, or receivers."
People - The word “people” may have various significations according to the connection in which it is used. When we speak of the rights of the people, or of the government of the people by law, or of the people as a non-political aggregate, we mean all the inhabitants of the state or nation, without distinction as to sex, age, or otherwise. But when reference is made to the people as the repository of sovereignty, or as the source of governmental power, or to popular government. we are in fact speaking of that selected and limited class of citizens to whom the constitution accords the elective franchise and the right of participation in the offices of government.
Citizen - In general, A member of a free city or jural society, (civitas.) possessing all the rights and privileges which can be enjoyed by any "person" under its constitution and government, and subject to the corresponding "duties".
Monster - A prodigious birth; a human birth or offspring not having the shape of mankind, which cannot be heir to any land, albeit it be brought forth in marriage. Bract fol. 5; Co. Litt. 7, 8; 2 Bl. Comm. 246. ~Black's Law Dict. 2nd edition.
fb90b8 No.2242657
July the month the world learns the truth?
a167a6 No.2242676
The above is a link to the banned film "The Magnitsky Act: Behind the Scenes," a documentary film by Andrei Nekrasov that exposes Bill Browder, grandson of Earl Browder (who was a Soviet agent and leader of the Communist party). The documentary is terrific, especially after about a half hour, when the filmmaker begins to understand the lies and corruption of Bill Browder, who appears on film, lying in the open. It's virtually impossible to download this film online as it's banned in Europe and the US, so you may want to check it out while it's still available.
a20437 No.2242678
>Anonymous 07/22/18 (Sun) 03:21:45 e4b510 (27) No.2238846>>2238859
Anonymous 07/22/18 (Sun) 03:21:45 e4b510 (27) No.2238846>>2238859
07/22/18 (Sun) 10:58:13 d45bbd (2) No.2240831>>2240870 >>2241692 >>2241743 >>2242032 >>2242063 >>2242086 >>2242470
Good work, patriot.
Future proves past.
"George" points to another
Who is George Nasif?
Elevate your thinking.
Waiting in the [Wings]
07/22/18 (Sun) 10:51:39 d45bbd (2) No.2240794>>2240815 >>2242470
65bb2e No.2242693
R posted here.
f26386 No.2242701
And before anons start crying for the IP hashes –
our baker already has them →
a20437 No.2242736
(3) R posts here today - compiled above
Following closely
f26386 No.2242757
Yes, right, and all of them fake.
If you're not a shill yourself, just have a look at the
screenshots by our baker – >>2242032
6eaf13 No.2242769
Anons…do you get it? He's using the "George" (in quotes - referencing HIMSELF – like I had indicated in the post he's responding to) in a 3rd person format, telling us basically, "George 1 is pointing to George 2" – LOOK AT THIS OTHER GEORGE TOO!
a20437 No.2242777
f26386 No.2242799
Now look at the nice digits you got yourself. :)
Now tell the others who still believe the fake stuff.
Signing out.
a20437 No.2242801
New vid from Mile High about the Youngstown Rally
817cfd No.2242852
George Nasif
bba099 No.2242925
Lurking since 10/2017 so forgive my 1st post. Identified more people at the Trump rally pic #2217801 in bread 5. To the right of the blond woman with pearls (Kerry Cuomo?) next to her is a thinner Seth Rich or his doppelganger. His smile, hair line, eyes, ears look the same as his suit pic. The bearded pic has his wide open smile not showing bottom teeth although this is a heavier Seth.
Right below Kerry/Seth are Kerry's 3 daughters Mariah, Cara and Michaela (no order) two are holding a red, pink sign, the third has white shire and her hands up in the air. Its clear all three are related. Kerry in Trump rally pic and the pic with her daughters looks different. Kerry/daughter pic has thin lips while blond lady has had enhamcements.
In the first row to left of trump, the gentleman in green jacket/white hat could be Maurice Templesman, Jackie's long-time companion.
On the upper left side picture with Caroline in sequenced hat/shirt is a young man below her left arm with red hat/glasses, could be her son, they have the same pointed nose structure,
Thank you Anons for the phenomenal research…what a wonderful MAGA history lesson for us all!
3f5c56 No.2242962
Getting connection refused, haven't been to ATS in years.
6eaf13 No.2242985
Thanks….total GOD THING on my part as well (knowing how to decode numbers)….been doing it for several years now…
HE (literally) led me to decode the whole MCMASTER'S FATHER'S MURDER from the cryptic message that (((they))) left on the board…regarding PLANT/WAR and being propped up in the chair…(this was during the Syrian raid time-frame) and most anons were 'FREAKING OUT' while (((they))) were posting…
Anyways, in the garage and GOD spoke to my spirit…see if the cryptic message was on the SAME DATE as his "death"….sure enough…it was…just hours after he "died"….
All of this to say, GOD is helping me in these "puzzles" decodes….and I'm LOVING IT!!!!
817cfd No.2242987
me too, worked a few minutes ago
6eaf13 No.2242999
817cfd No.2243033
try this one https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1211700/pg1
a435d5 No.2243037
That usually means we are on the right trail. Was this an older post that might have an archive or was this a more recent posting?
817cfd No.2243054
got it here https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/9107it/q_529_hello_george/
a435d5 No.2243072
ATS apparently does not support secure connections (should tell you enough about the site). You need to take the 's' out of "https" for it to work.
817cfd No.2243116
at ATS click "His profile" takes you to GN's facebook
9c0024 No.2243194
Wonderful work anon
bba099 No.2243287
Thank you, Anon, I appreciate the compliment
8d510b No.2243300
More than likely CO departures listed are from Aspen-Pitkin County/Sardy field.
Departure chart:
8d510b No.2243338
My apologies for last post showing only a thumb pic. Departure file attached.
65bb2e No.2243362
Does a
Beatle - {Journey Album cover Beetle ship escaping a bubble}
Wings? - Paul McCartney and Wings {Song Band on the Run}
Another George
George Harrison (Beatle)
65bb2e No.2243372
Notice R said waiting in the Wings?
Let it sink in.
d45bbd No.2243385
fb90b8 No.2243412
SEC TEST before the crumb?
6eaf13 No.2243433
Hi R…just got to the bottom to see this…totally confused by the HASH IP stuff that's been posted (sorry, not techie)…
Some of those posts don't sound like YOU…your response to my dig sounds like you!!
Is there a way that "clowns" have photoshopped?? Any input??
Signed Me…
fedbe8 No.2243469
Wow and Holy Moly! Thank you for posting this.
6eaf13 No.2243536
I just used the link….clicked on the first one this reddit user provided…the one posting on the 4TH OF JULY…and what's totally STRANGE is they have the EXACT SAME Q DROP 529 IN THERE?? ON JULY 4TH??
Seems like a DOUBLE-CONFIRMATION on that particular drop…I guess I'm wondering WHAT they were seeing in it at the time of posting???
I made the PLAN CONNECTION, etc…
Not a reddit user…can someone else take a look/ask why it was inserted on July 4th???
65bb2e No.2243544
And the Angels Of Heaven said, “Where we Go One We Go All.”
6eaf13 No.2243561
I'm confused…why are you associating HASH IP OUiMa/rW with R??
I don't see any posts indicating that's him…so why the association???
46f6fd No.2243593
You can't be really serious, can you?
Nothing R said is any of valuable information, not even a crumb or a drop. Sorry, R is not legit. As much as you want to believe it.
Now… what I think:
R is distraction or shill tactics to get the movement divided. Since Q didn't post, it would look like the best opportunity for the cabal to do this now. And you anons who support this R, you all fell for it.
Have fun.
6d4e84 No.2243598
part 5 of th R legal post breakdown
<Birth Certificate Applications Started WHEN?
<Social Security Registration Started WHEN?
<Birth Certificate # = CUSIP
<Cestui Que Vie Trust
<Cannon Law
<Blacks Law Dictionary 6th Edition
<Are YOU the Trustee or the Beneficiary?
<Who Created The Debt? The Bond?
-Birth Certificates-
In 1632, Virginia’s General Assembly passed a law that required all ministers to keep track of christenings, marriages and burials, but the practice died almost immediately because it was so foreign to church officials. Massachusetts passed a 1639 law requiring towns to do the same thing, but records remained patchy and inaccurate.
Part of the reason was the messy process of childbirth itself: Women birthed children at home or in friends’ houses, and many did not survive infancy or childhood. If a child did not live to be baptized, was enslaved or moved from place to place, its birth might not be recorded at all—or its memory might live on only in a family Bible or its mother’s memory.
It took a world war to finally give birth certificates the push they needed to become universal. During World War II, defense-related plants began to hire in unprecedented numbers—but by law, they could only hire American citizens. This created a crisis for the estimated 43 million native-born Americans—nearly one third of the country—who couldn’t prove when—and where—they were born. At the time, the article estimated, 200,000 people were born every year without getting a birth certificate.
-Social Security-
On January 17, 1935, President Franklin D. Roosevelt sent a message to Congress asking for "social security" legislation. The same day, Senator Robert Wagner of New York and Representative David Lewis of Maryland introduced bills reflecting the administration’s views. The resulting Senate and House bills encountered opposition from those who considered it a governmental invasion of the private sphere and from those who sought exemption from payroll taxes for employers who adopted government-approved pension plans. Eventually the bill passed both houses, and on August 15, 1935, President Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act into law.
Birth Certificate # = CUSIP
Truth both BC and SS are Registered with CUSIP#'s upon issue.
CUSIP is an acronym that refers to Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures and the nine-digit, alphanumeric CUSIP numbers that are used to identify securities, including municipal bonds. A CUSIP number, similar to a serial number, is assigned to each maturity of a municipal security issue.
Cestui Que Vie act of 1666
London 1666, during the black plague and great fires of London, Parliament enacted an act behind closed doors, called Cestui Que Vie Act 1666.
The act being debated was to subrogate the rights of men and women, meaning all men and women were declared dead, lost at sea/beyond the sea. (back then operating in Admiralty law, the law of the sea, so lost at sea). Legally, we are considered to be a fiction, a concept or idea expressed as a name, a symbol. That legal person has no consciousness; it is a juristic person, ENS LEGIS, a name/word written on a piece of paper. This traces back to 1666, London is an IndependentCityState, just like Vatican is an IndependentCityState, just like WashingtonDC is an Independent City State.
When London burned, the subrogation of men’s and women’s rights occurred. The responsible act passed… CQV act 1666 meant all men and women of UK were declared dead and lost beyond the seas. The state took everybody and everybody’s property into trust. The state takes control until a living man or woman comes back and claims their titles by proving they are alive and claims for damages can be made.
This is why you always need representation when involved in legal matters, because you’re dead.
6d4e84 No.2243600
Cestui Que Vie Trust
A Cestui Que VieTrust, also known later as a “Fide Commissary Trust” and later again as a “Foreign Situs trust” and also known as a form of “Secret Trust”is a fictional concept being a Temporary Testamentary Trust, first created during the reign of Henry VIII of England through the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1540 and updated by Charles II through the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666 wherein an Estate may be effected for the Benefit of one or more Persons presumed lost or abandoned at “sea” and therefore assumed/presumed “dead” after seven (7) years. Additional presumptions by which such a Trust may be formed were added in later statutes to include bankrupts, minors, incompetents, mortgages and private companies.
The original purpose and function of a Cestui Que (Vie) Trust was to form a temporary Estate for the benefit of another because some event, state of affairs or condition prevented them from claiming their status as living, competent and present before a competent authority. Therefore, any claims, history, statutes or arguments that deviate in terms of the origin and function of a Cestui Que (Vie) Trust as pronounced by these canons is false and automatically null and void. A Cestui Que (Vie) Trust may only exist for seventy (70) years being the traditional accepted “life” expectancy of the estate.
A Beneficiary under Estate may be either a Beneficiary or a Cestui Que (Vie) Trust. When a Beneficiary loses directbenefit of any Property of the higher Estate placed in Cestui Que (Vie) Trust on their behalf, they do not “own” the Cestui Que (Vie) Trust and are only the beneficiary of what the Trustees of the Cestui Que (Vie) Trust choose to provide them.
The Trust Corpus created by a Cestui Que (Vie) is also known as the Estate from two Latin words e+statuo literallymeaning “by virtue of decree, statute or judgment”. However, as the Estate is held in a Temporary not permanentTrust, the (Corporate) Person as Beneficiary is entitled only to equitable title and the use of the Property, rather than legal title and therefore ownership of the Property. Only the Corporation, also known as Body Corporate, Estate andTrust Corpus of a Cestui Que (Vie) Trust possesses valid legal personality.
The Property of any Estate created through a Temporary (Testamentary) Trust may be regarded as under “Cestui Que Use” by the Corporate Person, even if another name or description is used to define the type of trust or use. Therefore “Cestui Que Use is not a Person but a Right and therefore a form of “property“.
In 1534, prior to the 1st Cestui Que Vie Act (1540), Henry VIII declared the first Cestui Que Vie type estate with the Act of Supremecy which created the Crown Estate. In 1604, seventy (70) years later, James I of England modified the estate as the Crown Union (Union of Crowns). By the 18th Century, the Crown was viewed as a company. However by the start of the 19th Century around 1814 onwards upon the bankruptcy of the company (1814/15) , it became the fully private Crown Corporation controlled by European private banker families.
Canon Law - A body of ecclesiastical jurisprudence which, in countries where the Roman Catholic church is established, is composed of maxims and rules drawn from patristic sources, ordinances and decrees of general councils, and the decretals and bulls of the popes. In England, according to Blackstone, there is a kind of national canon law, composed of legatine and provincial constitutions enacted in England prior to the reformation, and adapted to the exigencies of the English church and kingdom. 1 Bl. Comm. S2. The canon law consists partly of certain rules taken out of the Scripture, partly of the writings of the ancient fathers of the church, partly of the ordinances of general and provincial councils, and partly of the decrees of the pope* in former ages; and it is contained in two principal parts.
-We are only the Trustee-
When assets are placed into a trust, the property is no longer owned by an individual or organization. The trust, a legal entity, is the owner, but the trust is managed for those who will benefit from it, the beneficiaries. Trusts are generally set up as part of the estate planning process, with the proceeds going to beneficiaries when the trust owner dies. Parents may set up a trust to care for a child with a severe physical disability. The trust involves both a beneficiary and one or more trustees.
Who created the bonds/debt is a little muddy on my dig so im gonna skip that at
the moment please forgive.
as for the the creditors it has several contexts… one is in breakdown part2
the other i got this… A revocable living trust, on the other hand, does not protect your assets from your creditors. … Due to these terms, the trust creator maintains ownership of his assets. Therefore, a creditor could force the owner of a revocable living trust to terminate the trust and surrender the assets.
d45bbd No.2243660
a435d5 No.2243822
6eaf13 No.2243828
That's a stringer….where's the PLANE FAGS…pronto…LOL
70164e No.2243842
Fascinating site!
6eaf13 No.2243847
(pssst….we will…don't let the door hit ya on the way out…LOL)
a97237 No.2243860
6eaf13 No.2243879
df0f0e No.2243889
I agree, lots of pizza references and what's this about emotional currency? Founded in 1994. That is pretty early in the web game
638dac No.2243903
Love your here, whats up?
0865e1 No.2243922
All links are from past breads.
If you want to know why Israel comes last, this would be a good place to start your digs in what regards that question.
TL;DR (too long, dind't read, for you newfags):
Israel is a genocidal ever expanding nuclear rogue state that is the biggest haven for pedos and biggest hub for human and organ trafficking in the world right now, and supports ISIS using US tax payer money to do so.
Israel is the HQ of the cabal.
>>2172714 – Jews control the media; not all jews are bad, but the good ones need to speak out against jewish interest groups because those are used to subvert.
>>2172724 – Jewish supremacists have controled the central bank cartel racket since its inception with the establishment of the Bank of England
>>2172730 – The EU was always a jewish supremacist project and being a jew can also mean being racially a jew (doesn’t mean all racial jews are jews in the religious sense)
>>2172735 – Jewish supremacist subversion is the biggest threat to the West and the US today
>>2172744 – The dangers of jewish supremcism and the use of the “anti-semitic” trick to silence legitimate criticism made on Israel and jewish subversion
>>2172755 – Jewish supremacists are the biggest financiers and initiators of anti-2nd amend movements in the US
>>2172762 – The “progressive” political ideology was created and pushed by jewish supremacists
>>2172773 – More info on the origins and main initiators of the “progressive” political ideology
>>2172781 – Antifa is a communist “progressive” para-military arm of the democratic party
>>2172787 – Antifa connections to ISIS and NAMBLA, Antifa in the 30’s Germany
>>2172798 – Neocons are communist Trotskyites
>>2172807 – Jews kickstarted and dominated the slave trade in the US and used Hollywood to pin slavery on the Whites, jews control Hollywood
>>2172850 – More on the jewish initiated slave trade in the US
>>2172863 – Jewish interest groups connection to online censorship
>>2172867 – Jewish hatred of Christians and the dangers of circumcision
>>2172874 – More info on the jewish promoted male genital mutilation (circumcision)
>>2172895 – The term “judeo-Christian” is an oxymoron and an attempt at manipulating Christians
>>2172898 – More on jewish hatred of Christ and Christians and the use of pilpul to deflect that well documented fact
>>2172899 – The jewish talmud promotes pedophilia
>>2172902 – The jewish ritual murder of goyim (non-jew) children is an well documented historical fact
>>2172907 – The foundation myth of the West and our role as anons in the storm
>>2172916 – Jewish hatred of goyim, especially White goyim (loxism)
>>2172925 – Judaism is based on jewish supremacism ( (((God’s chosen mindset))) )
>>2172938 – More on judaism being based on jewish supremacism
>>2172951 – More on judaism being based on jewish supremacism
>>2172964 – Communism was created, financed and spread by jews
>>2172968 – General George S. Patton was killed for speaking out against jewish supremacism
>>2172976 – Israel supports ISIS
>>2172982 – Israel supports ISIS wants wants the Syrian civil war to keep going and Obama gave 38 billion dollars to Israel, Hillary has jewish roots, Obama claims to be practically a liberal jew
>>2172994 – Sayanim, the non-Israeli jewish Mossad colaborators
>>2173007 – Israel is the biggest pedo haven in the world right now
>>2173016 – Israel is the biggest hub for human and organ trafficking in the world today
>>2173026 – David Cole, a jewish historian exposes some of the lies of the official version of the holocaust
>>2173036 – David Irving, historian, exposes some of the lies of the Nuremberg Trials
>>2173039 – Anonymous documentary creator exposes many of the lies pertaining to the fraudulent official version of the holocaust and Nuremberg Trials
>>2173046 – Jordan Peterson is a long-con man who is also a globalist and zionist gate-keeper
>>2173053 – Porn is a jewish weapon against the goyim (non-jews)
>>2173065 – Hilter fought the same enemires we are fighting now
>>2173075 – More proof that Hilter fought the same enemires we are fighting now
>>2173086 – Meme regarding Israel supporting ISIS, normie friendly
>>2172775 – Christians get threatened with stoning for preaching Christ in Israel
>>2173146 – Was Hitler a puppet? Probably not
>>2173382 – Was Hitler a puppet? Probably not part 2
>>2173386 – Was Hitler a puppet? Probably not part 3
>>2173481 – JDIF and the Hasbara jewish shills
>>2173492 – Charlie Hebdo censors those that speak about jews
>>2175209 – Digs on Israel illegal nukes and the Samson Option (reminder that once Iran get de-nuked, then Israel won’t have any excuse to keep their illegal nukes)
To all the kike shills on Hasbara duty, read the first post, it literally says: “Reminder that the problem is not jews per-se, it is unchecked jewish supremacism and subversion.”
>And remember to cry more at all times :)
And listen to this anon advice:
65bb2e No.2243975
Apple App Store
The terms puke then faint come to mind.
3f1f57 No.2243992
If legit, R has been targeted by a spadeload of b.s.
Why is there no compilation for R posts?
65bb2e No.2244012
No words needed
5c9c38 No.2244021
Cessna 182Q Qpost 182=
Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: AJWt5SQs No.150406974 📁
Nov 21 2017 21:19:27 (EST)
Anonymous ID: WGF9EL8f No.150404273 📁
Nov 21 2017 20:55:41 (EST)
>Act II, Scene IV
The same scene in Macbeth talks about a falcon flying freely before being ambushed by an owl. It is noted that the owl does not normally hunt the falcon. The scene continues to talk about many odd happenings and a darkness on the horizon for humanity. It is noted that even the horses are rebelling and turning upon one another (specifically eating eachother).
Is it possible that the Clintons have turned on the Rothschilds? The flyeaglefly may even be a veiled threat directed towards the Clintons, a 'We know' type thing.
What does the "Owl" represent to certain cults?
df0f0e No.2244040
Great work anon!
3f1f57 No.2244042
Don't forget the dough, baker.
t. nigger
3f1f57 No.2244046
fug, wrong thread. nvm
256645 No.2244050
a. not outside comms.
b. we were told to expect more direct communications, what the very DAY I think.
Also, please (others) stop saying Q has validated R. As far as I know, he has not. He's TROLLED us over R, for sure. Hang onto that, but let's not represent this as something it's not. Kind of mindblown…..kill ourselves, and number one enemy of Q….I doubt it.
That's just fucking fear mongering.
Have a lovely Sunday everyone. My clock is on triple 3's as I hit reply, so good vibes to you all.
d45bbd No.2244058
Autist are doing well with the photograph decode.
Comms good.
Need side-by-side graphics.
[1] edited individual identified.
Can you find the others?
Elevated thinking.
7f5882 No.2244066
The details of the plane crash in light of recent news are very interesting. My thoughts are in ( )
9:33 :00 - JFK Plane heading NE begins decent from cruising altitude of 5,500 ft.
9:38:00 - At 3000 ft, the plane begins a 15 degree turn due east about 14 miles from destination.
9:38:20 - Decent stops and levels off at 2,200 feet without notifying the tower. It is against FAA regulations to fly below 2,500 feet without notifying the tower. (Did JFK drop to 2200 feet to allow the women to jump out to waiting Navy Seals below?)
9:38:50 JFK returns the plane to 2,500 and holds steady for final approach to the tower.
9:39:00 JFK contacts the tower about his approach. (After contacting the tower, does JFK then Jump out of the plane to the waiting Seals and Women below?)
9:40:15 The plane begins a nose dive falling 2500 ft in 45 sec at 200 mph.
With the possibility of a staged plane crash, the details in this documentary are VERY interesting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrlGg1YSn4Y
65bb2e No.2244092
182 = Tunguska Event.
Day 182 of 1908 was June 30.
To this day they “wonder” what exploded over that territory.
Exactly 144 days later (12x12), the moon was under Virgo’s feet and Venus was at her side.
See Revelation 12:1
1261 = Trump
1776 =
296 = Revelation 8:1
6eaf13 No.2244098
Okay…but maybe words are needed!
Is this the ORIGINAL flight path from back then??
Or CURRENT flight path of the CURRENT SKYDOG LLC owners?????
6eaf13 No.2244131
And so strange Q is responding to an "anon" who is talking about treachery….just thinking about those JFK JR photos with the Clintons in the kitchen…
6eaf13 No.2244174
65bb2e No.2244188
Coincidence #lostCount
65bb2e No.2244193
On July 20?
Doing the math?
5c9c38 No.2244208
Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: abced6 No.38366 📁
Dec 5 2017 15:49:09 (EST)
6eaf13 No.2244226
3f1f57 No.2244228
Where is this picture from? It's remarkably high res
65bb2e No.2244241
July 17, ????
5c9c38 No.2244267
the lady on far left both hands up Mrs JFKjr ?
6eaf13 No.2244292
So the current "owner"….wonder if we could do any EXPERIMENT (if R'S WILLING???)
R, you said to ELEVATE our thinking, right?Any way to take N529JK out for a SPIN on a PRE-DETERMINED flight path???
I know, asking FOR THE MOON, but worth a try?? After all, Q said, 'WE FORGOT HOW TO PLAY" and now it's getting REALLY INTERESTING and I wanna PLAY!!!
b5e6f8 No.2244322
Lurked here today instead of posting but will give this little coincidence I came across. I went to YT to see if George M Nasif has a channel…yes with only 26 subscribers & like 6 vids but the thing I thought "Hmmmm" about was that the channel was started November 25 2017 …maybe nothing, maybe something but Joe M "helped" on his YT channel with vid "Q The Plan To Save The World" & that's where I heard JFK jr's voice in bread #2 or maybe #1…I still believe it's JFK jr's voice of narrator in that Q posted vid.. I remember what his voice sounded like ..same age anon here.
65bb2e No.2244369
April 29, 2018
R = 18
Photo taken of JFKJR plane.
April 29, 2018
55 days later R post #1
65bb2e No.2244387
How does a smashed to smitherines plane in a wreck have a current owner?
Doing the math?
a435d5 No.2244391
In bread #4 they matched her up and it looks very similar, but hard to confirm with the hat here >>2129503
I think that's the one who R is referring to when he says we identified one of the people in the crowd.
b5e6f8 No.2244402
5c9c38 No.2244411
Elevate could mean the people with both hands elevated?
a20437 No.2244412
2nd pic of JFK JR w his plane 2- yrs ago
Is that the same plane ??
a20437 No.2244415
2nd pic 20 years ago —- typo apologies
6eaf13 No.2244427
Re-read breads…
THIS PLANE WAS HIS FIRST ONE…tail number in honor of JFK….
Scroll above to find the post…
a62d0d No.2244428
have some ideas but choosing not to engage further until IP hash history issue is clarified.
tasty ID though whoever it is
a20437 No.2244434
JFK Jr and CBK in their new plane
65bb2e No.2244451
Photo taken 4/29/17
Q, R = 18 posted 4/29/18 + 55 Days = 6/23/18
a20437 No.2244467
JFK Jrs 1st plane up for sale
65bb2e No.2244472
Explain what you mean in full please.
1st one = WHAT?!
Second one crashed? Ummmmm
638dac No.2244481
Going in Circles, or a Q unfinished? What year is this flight path record from?
449511 No.2244487
Halfway there.
a20437 No.2244492
JFK Jr's FIRST plane was SOLD at auction and still exists today
IT WAS NOT the plane that crashed
65bb2e No.2244515
>JFK Jrs 1st plane up for sale
Thank you
a435d5 No.2244519
Could that raw vid Q talked about have anything to do with HRCs "attempted" assassination of JFK Jr family?
65bb2e No.2244525
Um, care to explain “2 years ago”
a20437 No.2244549
typo - 20 yrs ago LOOK
65bb2e No.2244550
Show one horrible video that implicates someone, SHOW ALL VIDEOS THAT IMPLICATE US.
“We have it ALL.” - Q
ALL = ??
6eaf13 No.2244551
Working theory: DEC 5TH represents the issuance of his pilots license in NYC.
Trying to find the date…any other anons wanna help HUNT IT DOWN??
a435d5 No.2244559
The Cessna up for grabs is painted red, white and blue and registered N529JK — in honor of President Kennedy's May 29 birthday.
It has recently undergone a "major engine upgrade" and is ready to fly, according to Leland's.
Bidding will begin online at lelands.com on Nov. 10 and conclude on Dec. 2.
Leland's spokesman Marty Appel said the plane's owner did not want to be identified — but insisted the auction was not trying to cash in on tragedy.
6eaf13 No.2244580
687fb5 No.2244590
thats in bread 5 or up above
find it with the reincarnate posts
hold on…
a62d0d No.2244609
Don't mean to be a ninny, but the year photo was taken was 2017, not 2018.
1 year anniversary Q drop still quite interesting.
Any idea which post Q replied to there >>1242608 ?
Here's a fun one that may or may not mean nothing:
Add up the 1st 4 digits of the serial # of the plane.
Now add up the last 4 digits.
687fb5 No.2244635
does Rlarp mean
kennedy offspring
hes pointing to smiley
b7522a No.2244730
Excellent post anon… God-tier work. Good job my friend. This is VERY telling… This is the same lady for sure and she is DEAD or "dead" Good grief, we live in the best timeline EVAR.
b7522a No.2244747
6eaf13 No.2244754
Don't know how to get back to the Breads on April 29th…which would contain the post that Q was responding to!!!
638dac No.2244787
JFK was also a pilot for a moment in time along with his brother Joe.
Early letter about Joe from JFK
Here Kennedy’s instructor has recorded JFK’s flights, which Kennedy then certifies with his signature (“John F. Kennedy – Lt., U.S.N.R.”). Student pilot Kennedy has also filled out, in print, that section at the front of the logbook entitled “Identification” and sub-titled, “In Case of Serious Accident Please Notify.” This information – that Joseph P. Kennedy at Somerset Importers on Madison Avenue in New York City, and Mrs. Joseph P. Kennedy in Hyannis Port - be notified in case of an airplane crash, would prove prescient, but ironic: they would receive word, soon enough, that a son perished in the air, but it would not be Jack. In August of that year, news would come to Hyannis Port of the death of Joe Kennedy, Jr., over Europe - and later still, in 1948, of daughter Kathleen, in an airplane crash in France. What must have seemed to Jack Kennedy in his life, a veritable curse, would continue after his death: his only son and namesake, John F. Kennedy Jr., would die in 1999, when a small plane he was piloting crashed into the sea.
5c9c38 No.2244855
can you get the flight history for Dec 5 ?
b7522a No.2244860
I am replying to every single one of these so that newcomers can follow easily what is going on here. This is Newlawfag anon's answsers to R's LEGAL post. This whole thing is a baker notable and can use nearly infinite digging by anons, especially those versed in law. A primer on this stuff can be had by searching in this thread (Ctrl F) for Prime Minister David Williams's videos by Sarah Westall. Please check them out if you are a layman-tier anon on the law front as it will REALLY give you an idea of what the fuck is going on and were we may be taking all of this… My anons.. ITS FUCKING AWESOME. Native born citizen site as well as expose 1933 site listed here will give you more info if you are new. As I said, 6d4e84 We will start making a poster with all your extremely fine work here so that it is more easily distributed. KEK be with us all my friends WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL!! We will do our best to get the poster done tonight and will post it here! Cheers!
a20437 No.2244871
Directly NEXT to the VOTE FOR RICK shirt (mouth open laughing, long dark hair, clapping hands)
2f6c2f No.2244882
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EF34XeNdvic … 32:12 … am I the only one seeing Jr doing "J-F-K" throughout the air ? The "F" is missing its "pole" but J and K are obvious
8c1892 No.2244903
In studying the side-by-sides for CB-K here:
-skin is noticeably darker; hispanic-mediterranean-looking, whereas Carolyn was quite fair om other/orig photo here as well as in MOST pics on other sources. Only found one other tanned pic.
-hand/ fingers: hand appears same size; fingers taper, and especially the pointed shape of thumb seems to match
-Orig pic: Caro has a long, rectangular face; cheeks don't protrude in spite of big smile; in recent pic, her cheeks do protrude and are more noticeable. This is consistent with aging.
-chin and width of chin seems to match
-width of upper jaw seems to match
-cheeks match
-teeth seem to match
-smile revealing lower dentition matches
-ski-jump Nixon-like nose seems to match
the BRIDGE of the nose does NOT seem to match
-in the original Carolyn pic, the bridge is wider/thicker than the new Caro.
-orig pic of her nose shows a straight run, from bridge to midline and continues to slight knobby protuberance of cartilage at the end;
-new Carolyn has narrower, thinner bridge, and an indentation in upper area (plastic surgery?)
-tip of nose in new pic is slightly indented; not so in most orig Caro pics, but did see faint indication in one pic available online. Needs further comparison w/ an old close-up.
-Hair appears straight and somewhat fine, from what's visible by her right ear; and brown, which may be dyed. Note brown roots of orig. Carolyn pic.
-Holds head very slightly to one side; side varies
-Body weight appears the same! LOL
-Carolyn was the queen of chic, elegance, simplicity, and good taste. The new–or disguised–Caro is quite the opposite: gaudy, noticeable.
-Seems like a generally and genuinely happy person in both pics.
What say all of you out there?
fb1def No.2244924
>John F. Kennedy, Jr., began his flight training in 1982. By September 1988, he had flown with six different instructors and logged 47 hours. Of those hours, 46 of them were dual instruction; one hour was solo. There were no more entries in his logbook from September 1988 until late 1997.
>Beginning in December 1997, Kennedy obtained training toward his private pilot certificate from Flight Safety International (FSI) in Vero Beach, Fla. By April 1998, he had flown about 53 additional hours, 43 of which were with an instructor aboard. According to the NTSB, the instructor who prepared Kennedy for his private checkride stated he had “very good” skills for his level of experience.
>Kennedy earned his private pilot certificate in April 1998. He did not have an instrument rating. He received a complex airplane endorsement in the accident airplane in May 1999, shortly after buying it. He held a second-class FAA medical certificate issued on December 27, 1997. It had no limitations.
Looks like he had experience throughout his adult life but only got his private pilots license in April 1998.
Can't get an exact date but I bet it is April 29th.
5c9c38 No.2244928
wOW its there 5;5
7bddfc No.2244952
I have heard this before about the all caps and I get it, but I have my original birth certificate and social security card and it's not all caps.
a435d5 No.2245032
he's definitely communicating something to someone because it looks like he's waiting for a response at one point.
Also hard to tell exactly what he motioning because he either does it twice or is communicating to messages.
638dac No.2245057
On the day of the accident a co pilot who flew with John prior because of his sprained ankle injury said this:
The CFI stated that the pilot had the ability to fly the airplane without a visible horizon but may have had difficulty performing additional tasks under such conditions. He also stated that the pilot was not ready for an instrument evaluation as of July 1, 1999, and needed additional training. The CFI was not aware of the pilot conducting any flight in the accident airplane without an instructor on board. He also stated that he would not have felt comfortable with the accident pilot conducting night flight operations on a route similar to the one flown on, and in weather conditions similar to those that existed on, the night of the accident. The CFI further stated that he had talked to the pilot on the day of the accident and offered to fly with him on the accident flight. He stated that the accident pilot replied that “he wanted to do it alone.”
5e62bd No.2245095
638dac No.2245114
5c9c38 No.2245115
The photo >>2244058 must be a different rally different clothes and people any one know?
7f5882 No.2245154
Our two friends are the only two with glitter on their clothing. Dressed together, came together?
e66c0d No.2245175
Elaborate please?!
8986fa No.2245178
About a min before, POTUS says NAFTER instead of NAFTA ;)
65bb2e No.2245184
“View from 40,000 is classified.” -Q
d5d507 No.2245295
image searched and got this:
5e62bd No.2245334
I'd double down that bet.
>Kennedy obtained training toward his private pilot certificate from Flight Safety International (FSI) in Vero Beach, Fla.
What a coincidence.
>Newspaper reports following 9-11 showed a dozen of the hijackers carried Florida drivers licenses, lived in Florida and trained at the Flight Safety International located in Vero Beach, Florida
Care to share a link to your copypasta? Not in the article above. Curious if the "CFI" has a name.
f90c99 No.2245392
I think this is excellent too anon. Don't think we should duplicate with what we have too. This gets the message across for R legal.
Can you possibly put this as a banner for next breads as a READ THIS FIRST to get anons started off?
Good visibility here today.
5e62bd No.2245423
>According to the NTSB, the instructor who endorsed Kennedy’s logbook for complex airplanes reported the Saratoga’s autopilot “turned to a heading other than the one selected” on one or two occasions. The behavior “required the autopilot to be disengaged and then reengaged.
>The instructor stated “it seemed as if the autopilot had independently changed from one navigation mode to another.
>He also stated that he did not feel that the problem was significant because it only happened once or twice.”
6eaf13 No.2245478
Do we know what JFK's SS name was during his Presidency??
It's like Q is equating either IRON EAGLE or Eagle Lion 18 to R…
6eaf13 No.2245497
BINGO^^^ literally thinking that I was taking a break…when and/or where did it FLY on Dec 5th of LAST YEAR??? And were there any additional FLIGHTS BEFOREHAND???
6eaf13 No.2245559
Wig guy??? I'm not seeing it and I have it frozen…can you do a screen save and circle it cuz again, I don't see it!!
638dac No.2245573
Anonymous 04/29/18 (Sun) 23:27:24bf8521 (4) No.1242642
Q are we on track at all with the full map by using mirror + markers to line up drops with same timestamp/context? Much appreciated. Lot of frustrated autists working hard on it.
Is there an Anon looking for this thread for past Q drops and Anon Responses?
6eaf13 No.2245580
Disregard…seeing it now…with his hand…thought it was a sign cuz of the pole comment!
638dac No.2245644
Sorry here's the link:
638dac No.2245674
Here's your thread for all the posts 1243608
https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/1242486.html#1242608
66b24e No.2245701
529 Plane # and tribute to Senior from Jr
a435d5 No.2245703
are any of the images on these old breads archived anywhere?
I tried following that chain of posts and alot of them referred to proofs that were in images that are no longer accessible.
65bb2e No.2245715
I’m sure it’s a coincidence the squiggly line is connecting to the R on his shirt.
Note: it was 3 in the morning and I was delirious.
I got the 543 and 345 Q posts backwards.
But if this isn’t a BOOM nothing is.
6eaf13 No.2245722
6eaf13 No.2245731
66b24e No.2245738
Mode S: adds up to 18
5e62bd No.2245740
Vincent & "Carolyn" were in the audience for two separate rallies - Youngstown OH & Moon Township PA.
65bb2e No.2245752
The Storm approaches.
Don’t be tricked into calling evil good and good evil.
Justice = Show one, show all
Love = Where We Go One We Go All
b5e6f8 No.2245755
R Bread is blowing up on Twot! Today's info & moat was posted @ Liz These People Are Sick (Liz Crokin) 45 min ago! Pics of digs & Fusco et al
5f438a No.2245756
638dac No.2245797
Are you looking for images Q posted along with his response's to Anon's or crumb's he dropped?
a435d5 No.2245834
Just wondering if there was any archive for those breads from earlier this year that included images that were posted in them.
6eaf13 No.2245837
I missed this^^^^^ Very Big…in prior breads, I find HUGE CONNECTIONS to the YT channels for 2 separate videos which only had ONE IDENTIFIER in their profiles (Creation Date) and they BOTH connected to KENNEDY…
SO YES, the fact that the CREATION DATE corresponds to JFK JR's B-DAY….is HUGE!
5c9c38 No.2245844
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.![](//img.youtube.com/vi/w-iHu4siGbU/0.jpg)
anyone there look like Elvis top row?
9c0024 No.2245883
5c9c38 No.2245912
Think ive been over doing it lately ? my disernment gland is wonky
b42bd3 No.2245957
How did these 2 get the very top spot to stand at the rally. They straddle POTUS.
5e62bd No.2245961
Thanks. Strange, very detailed timeline but no mention of John calling the tower at 21:39.
Author is using the accident report as sole reference. Wonder if they would have made the same assumption about the "graveyard spiral" knowing that additional fact?
>one TREMENDOUSLY important fact is that Kennedy radioed the Martha's Vineyard airport at 9:39 PM;
5c9c38 No.2245986
around 2:25 in vid compare with the guy near top right of photos with white beard.
202736 No.2246060
where is this area on the map?
5e62bd No.2246121
Nice proof, anon.
Thanks for the archive grab.
66b24e No.2246193
Woman at the top looking in the other direction is def someone of importance. The woman at the bottom looks like Lauren Bassette when you look at the eye-separation.
46a4d9 No.2246212
shit internet
be patient
side board if nec
a6237e No.2246475
How many coincidences before it is statistically impossible? This is truly amazing work.
95ecc5 No.2246521
My gut tells me George Nasif does not want to be dug into.
Gut tells me George Nasif probably lebanese or Pakistani tech geek who has a copy of the server? Just puting George Nasif's photo against the backdrop of the server rack on his facebook.
There's a hint here, we are not getting.
Someone is screaming look here look here look here.
bba099 No.2246537
95ecc5 No.2246550
But if R really wanted us to look into George Nasif. He should have photo shopped some boobs on him.
He'd have been tracked down and vetted thoroughly by now.
95ecc5 No.2246571
I told you guys Elvis was in on this shit too!
And he was supposed to send me a photo.
Sure as shit didn't follow up on that now either.
Elvis went underground long time ago. Went out to testify against the "Dixie Mafia" and some shit about protecting kids as the story goes I recall. Dope, kids, witness protection, and FBI SES.
We need to look into that FBI SES drop that Q mentioned long ago.
cdb87b No.2246616
You might update you faulty biography.
Joe Kennedy Sr didn't go broke in 1909 and his son John (JFK was born in 1917.
Hard to imagine this presumably written by JFK Jr or he wouldn't have made such a pathetic error on his own family history.
Surprise none of the other fan bois have notice, but they probably wouldn't care.
It would be cognitive dissonance to the little fantasy.
This is why people laugh at lots of the "theories". If they begin with such faulty foundations, it casts doubt on the entire topic.
Too late to fix the careless misinformation, so I guess we will continue to see people adding to the misinformation.
Fruit of the Poisoned Tree is an appropriate analogy. Sorry, but deductive logic just works that way. and has its own systems of "proofs"
see Philosophy 101 or Introduction to Deductive Logic 101
95ecc5 No.2246656
Dear Dumbass,
He's not saying "we" as in my family. He's saying "WE" as in the United States lost everything.
6d4e84 No.2246669
part6 of the R legal post breakdown.
<Uniform Commercial Code
<UCC = Private International Law?
<If UCC Private WHO OWNS?
<1938 Supreme Court - Erie Railroad v Tompkins
What is the UCC?
The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) is a standardized set of business laws that regulate financial contracts. The Uniform Commercial Code UCC has been fully adopted by most states in the U.S. The code itself has nine separate articles. Each article deals with separate aspects of banking and loans. The UCC better enabled lenders to loan money secured by the borrower's personal property.
The policies instituted under the UCC are largely focused on the activities of small businesses and entrepreneurs. Part of the intent is to clear up confusion over how each state might separately regulate such operations. The code imposes standards for processing checks and other types of commercial paper. Often the Uniform Commercial Code is applied to property secured by a bank where the title is held until the borrower pays off the balance of the financing.
Companies that conduct business transactions outside of their home state must comply with the UCC. This includes leasing equipment, selling goods, borrowing money, and establishing contracts. The code also covers warehouse receipts, bulk sales, bills of lading, and investment securities.
The UCC was not established through Congress. It was created by "private organizations" that include the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws and the American Law Institute. Article 1 of the code establishes definitions and certain parameters for how the UCC is to be applied.
UCC Private International Law
Article l(1)(b) of the Sales Convention relies on the rules of private
international law of the potential forum in an attempt to extend its scope
of application. The United States (along with several other countries)
ratified the Convention subject to a reservation to Article l(l)(b), adopting
the position that the Sales Convention applies only if both contracting
parties have their places of business in countries that ratified the
Convention. The unsettled and unpredictable status of private international
law prompted this limitation. Private international law rules of a
non-signatory nation cannot lead to application of the Sales Convention
when a United States citizen is a party to a transnational contract with a
citizen from a non-signatory nation.3 Under United States law, therefore,
either the Uniform Commercial Code ("U.C.C."), or the relevant
foreign commercial law apply in a sales context, unless both contracting
parties are from Convention states.
Who owns the private UCC?
Answers are unclear as to who owns it but this is the info on who created it.
The UCC originally was created by two national nongovernmental legal organizations: the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL) and the American Law Institute (ALI).
See Part2 for the info collected on Erie Railroad v Tompkins, has already been
d45bbd No.2246817
Anons missing important proofs.
Side-by-side graphics are necessary.
Father, mother, daughter.
b5e6f8 No.2246854
Daughter nickname Ruby Cute?
6d4e84 No.2246856
hey R i've spent lots of time working on the legal stuff and picked up a lot of info, GOOD info. But how can we use this to OUR advantage? i have been trying how to compile it into a power play…
any help is appreciated.
cdb87b No.2246891
OK Smartass - What ALL did WE lose in 1909.
(This should be good. Watch what pathetic answer he gives)
35a037 No.2246906
Similar smile?
Two front teeth nearly identical…
6eaf13 No.2246924
That would have to be with Carolyn's side (since we couldn't do a side-by-side with THEIR daughter, if they have one)??
So, we need to get photos of Carolyn's parents and her surviving sister? (At least as far as the official story goes) to match the "then and now"??
Just thinking out loud anons…who's the graphic anon??? I'll go look for pics…
6eaf13 No.2246935
Is that Carolyn's mom??
35a037 No.2246989
The younger version is from what I could find.