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File: 2b78f8339aee97e⋯.png (289.63 KB,1057x608,1057:608,1e9539dfa07b89fdc7a515c37d….png)

5c8624 No.21651127 [Last50 Posts]

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5c8624 No.21651128

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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!


#26515 >>21650342

>>21650352 - 3191 Capitol Hill Staffers’ Info Compromised After Using Gov’t Emails On Dating, Porn Sites

>>21650354, >>21650363, >>21650395, >>21650428, >>21650504, >>21650585, >>21650640 ME latest

>>21650358, >>21650591 Children as young at 8 are drugged and trafficked into the US by smugglers posing as their parents

>>21650367, >>21650473, >>21650474, >>21650614 Non-citizens added to states’ voter rolls = interference

>>21650373, >>21650387 USNS Big Horn Runs Aground. Navy does not have a replacement fleet oiler.

>>21650374, >>21650385 Oran Alexander Routh charged with possession of CP


>>21650389, >>21650401, >>21650415, >>21650681, >>21651110 "Haitian Bridge Alliance" has filed criminal charges against Donald Trump and J.D. Vance

>>21650396, >>21650446, >>21650524, >>21650589, >>21650601 NASA, Space Force Etc

>>21650410, >>21650797 Biden Can Barely Speak, Slurs His Words, Attacks Russia and Pushes for More War in Last UN Speech

>>21650424, >>21650618, >>21650620 Officials urge residents to leave the area of a chemical leak near Cincinnati

>>21650432, >>21650440, >>21650556 Florida Sex Trafficking Scandal Tries To Pull in Public Officials

>>21650437 WATCH Bloomberg Global Business Forum, World Bank, IMF forum

>>21650457, >>21650624, >>21650824 FCC just fast-tracked George Soros' purchase of 220+ radio stations before November's election

>>21650468, >>21650481, >>21650483, >>21650506 Ashton Kutcher, Diddy connection bun

>>21650494, >>21650564, >>21650679, >>21650715 Diddy’s trial would expose high-level officials and celebrities

>>21650495, >>21650502 20 AGs To Investigate Pediatrician Group For False Claims About Transitioning Children

>>21650499 POTUS - "It will be a renaissance It will be a golden period."

>>21650509 Illegal immigrant allegedly driving drunk, crashes car and kills police officer

>>21650540 TRUMP TRUTH - SWAMP THE VOTE https://swampthevoteusa.com/

>>21650565 JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon: "If you do not control the borders, you are going to destroy our country

>>21650588 Michigan: Illegal Pleads Guilty to Murdering Ruby Garcia Execution-Style

>>21650590, >>21650910, >>21650928 Biden Remarks & Swamp Happenings

>>21650602 Warren Jones Crazybull, 64, has been charged with threatening to kill Trump

>>21650633, >>21650678 Oran Routh, son of Ukrainian hero and Would-Be Assassin Ryan Routh, worked on the crew for Taylor Swift's tour

>>21650668 Brett Favre says he has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s

>>21650690, >>21650733 Sam Bankman-Fried and Diddy in same Jail - Caroline Ellison sentenced to two years

>>21650710 @charliekirk11 - CNN's Eva McKend just DEMOLISHED Kamala's "I'm tough on the border"

>>21650714, >>21650787 RYAN COMMS - They've raised the money needed to 'finish the job'

>>21650724, >>21650732, >>21650744 POTUS buys using CASH - BOUNTY Quicker Picker Upper

>>21650771, >>21650776, >>21650794, >>21650820, >>21650826, >>21650874, >>21650941, >>21650985 "Just Get a Reverse Mortgage to pay your skyrocketing property taxes."

>>21650828, >>21650835 barackobama It’s Banned Books Week, Join me in thanking our school and public librarians

>>21650869, >>21650897, >>21650919, >>21650940 DOJ Releases Routh $150K Trump Bounty Letter To Divert From $1M Iranian Bounty Before Butler (Slaughter Pen DIGG)

>>21650911 Alex Soros - Honored to host Governor @Tim_Walz at my home in New York City!

>>21650994 THIS ▷ This is The New Level Of Awakening ▷ The Great Awakening

>>21650366, >>21650383, >>21650527, >>21650553, >>21650583, >>21650759, >>21651089 MEMES

>>21651125 #26515

#26514 >>21649473

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21649544, >>21649593, >>21649995, >>21650268 RSBN Trump Delivers Remarks on the Tax Code and Manufacturing in Savannah, GA - 9/24/24

>>21649920 @DanScavino President Trump is 🛬 in the Great State of Georgia. #TRUMP2024

>>21649978, >>21649979, >>21649983, >>21649985, >>21649993 Opening Speakers at Trump Savannah Rally

>>21650017, >>21650021, >>21650022, >>21650025, >>21650031, >>21650036, >>21650044, >>21650059, >>21650062, >>21650071, >>21650098, >>21650107, >>21650125, >>21650149, >>21650180, >>21650189, >>21650214, >>21650239 POTUS Rally Quotes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21649528, >>21649702, >>21649712, >>21649801, >>21650185 Oran Alexander Routh son of would - be assassin #2 Ryan Routh arrested on child porn charges

>>21649529 Today in Q Post History we have 11 Deltas

>>21649556 Trump's Rescue Mission - Savng America is the film (you) need to see

>>21649567 Digital Soldiers - Join The Digital Battle: Information Warfare

>>21649572, >>21649582, >>21649674, >>21650119 Diddy bun

>>21649597 Kamala Harris Plotted to Stop Me Getting a Job, Kimberly Guilfoyle Says

>>21649609, >>21649637, >>21649708, >>21649751, >>21649752, >>21649872, >>21649936, >>21649938, >>21649944, >>21649965, >>21650039, >>21650081, >>21650160, >>21650161, >>21650199, >>21650242 NASA

>>21649638, >>21649641 Biden, Addressing U.N., Will Argue His Vision Has ‘Produced Results’

>>21649649 Johnny Cash will receive a statue in his honor in the United States capitol

>>21649675 Gunshots fired into Democrat party office in Arizona

>>21649692, >>21649864, >>21650114, >>21650124, >>21650127, >>21650130, >>21650328 Habbenings in and of the Swamp

>>21649709, >>21649976 Only 41 DAYS TO WINNING

>>21649732 Donald Trump on Apprentice - Trolling Former Employee of Diddy "he's a good guy, IS he a good guy?"

>>21649759 Papi Trumpo Kek CRY MORE, LIBS!!!

>>21649894 SEC Chair Gary Gensler testifies before the House Financial Services Committee

>>21649766, >>21649930 Krass keeps running the same unevolving poll. Collecting something else maybe?

>>21649966 David Joseph is stepping down as Chairman/CEO of Universal Music UK after nearly 17 years

>>21650076 QClock September 23, 2024 - Q PROOF - Got Popcorn

>>21650099 Potato delivers remarks at the Global Coalition to Address Synthetic Drug Threats

>>21650151, >>21650299 FCC just fast-tracked George Soros' purchase of 220+ radio stations before November's election

>>21650206 Fugitive Aspen investor Daniel Burrell was arrested on Nantucket Friday morning

>>21650208 UOCAVA opens the door to unlimited foreign voter voting

>>21650231 Missouri v. Biden Back to Trial Court, Govt. Wants to Wholesale Censor all Social Media Posts

>>21650234 Matt GAETZ is under investigation for ethics violations

>>21650241, >>21650254 Can A President Pardon Himself?

>>21650245, >>21650250 The UN Just Adopted the “Pact for the Future” Which Lays the Foundation for a New “Global Order”

>>21650266, >>21650310 Retired NY Judge kills self at home as FBI arrive to arrest him

>>21649546, >>21649589, >>21649630, >>21649766, >>21649832, >>21649836, >>21649849, >>21650032, >>21650043, >>21650298 MEMES

>>21650338 #26514

#26513 >>21648195

>>21648297 President Trump Helps Mom of Three Pay For Her Groceries

>>21648424 news feeds fer thought

>>21648497 Indiana judge rules prison must provide transgender surgery for inmate who killed baby

>>21648626 Traitor Shapiro - Visit highlights Pennsylvania’s manufacturing industry while Pennsylvania National Guard members train Ukrainian forces overseas

>>21648680 Florida Man Convicted of Sex Trafficking Nearly a Dozen Women and Girls

>>21648771 habennings for 9/24/2024

baker change

>>21648225, >>21648271, >>21648542, >>21648805, >>21649252, >>21649321 P Diddy Diggs

>>21648755 9:00 AM EDT 10th National Gun Violence Prevention Summit - Day 2

>>21648793 Olivia Nuzzi's 'wholesome' fling with ex-MSNBC star Keith Olbermann emerges amid RFK Jr. affair

>>21648800 LIVE: Top OceanGate official testifies at Titan submersible hearing

>>21648897, >>21648928, >>21648950, >>21648974, >>21648995, >>21649014, >>21649037, >>21649051 VP Harris, the Divine Nine, Links, Sigma Pi Phi, the Obamas and Much More

>>21648990, >>21649000, >>21649048, >>21649060, >>21649294 Ukraine’s Zelensky Used U.S. Military Assets To Campaign For Harris in Pennsylvania

>>21649041 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/24/2024

>>21649104 @zerohedge: NIGERIA RAISES KEY INTEREST RATE TO 27.25%

>>21649127 Q Research Notables #25: Our Time

>>21649202 EU accused of ‘blackmailing’ applicant state Georgia won’t be swayed by threats from Brussels about visa-free travel

>>21649206 10:00 AM EDT Team Trump Bus Tour in Wisconsin

>>21649247, >>21649251, >>21649255, >>21649260, >>21649262, >>21649379, >>21649382 Swamp Events Today

>>21649268 Sharyl Attkisson's interview with Trump 9/22/2024

>>21649271 UN General Assembly 2024 LIVE: Biden delivers remarks on Day 1

>>21649377, >>21649395 Bipartisan group of 4 House members advocating for constitutional amendment allowing for quick replacement of Congress members in event of mass-casualty attack

>>21648296, >>21649405 The FCC just fast-tracked George Soros' purchase of 220+ radio stations before November's election

>>21649451 Child following recommended vaccine schedule will receive up to 70 shots by the time they turn 18..these shots producing healthier kids?

>>21648609, >>21648635, >>21648780, >>21648802, >>21648808, >>21649050, >>21649105, >>21649162, >>21649237, >>21649276, >>21649282, >>21649331, >>21649335, >>21649346, >>21649432 Memes

>>21649463 #26513

Previously Collected

>>21647544 #26511, >>21648193 #26512

>>21645419 #26508, >>21645915 #26509, >>21646714 #26510

>>21642566 #26505, >>21643693 #26506, >>21644626 #26507

>>21640440 #26502, >>21641249 #26503, >>21641895 #26504

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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5c8624 No.21651131

File: 99614e221936f9e⋯.jpeg (572.13 KB,1230x1544,615:772,99614e221936f9efa15c7ee28….jpeg)

File: 0247d2f54cb510e⋯.png (641 KB,720x720,1:1,0247d2f54cb510e5610eb186d9….png)

Baker Seeking HandOff

next baker step up

TY Anons

Fresh Dough


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1cc139 No.21651133

File: f8915cd71c2d8b5⋯.jpeg (294.3 KB,1207x1451,1207:1451,IMG_3749.jpeg)

File: 557434d03f086f4⋯.jpeg (76.89 KB,500x333,500:333,IMG_3750.jpeg)

President Trump and his running mate, Ohio Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH), struck a major nerve with their comments earlier this month on the Haitian invasion of Springfield, Ohio. Now, one far-left non-profit group representing the Haitian community wants them prosecuted for exercising their First Amendment rights.

New 5 Cleveland reported Tuesday that the leader of the nonprofit Haitian Bridge Alliance filed several bogus charges against Trump and Vance in Springfield’s Clark County Municipal Court, for sharing stories about Haitian migrants in the town allegedly eating pets and wildlife, according to the law firm representing the group.

The Cleveland-based Chandra Law Firm, which is representing the non-profit, revealed that the group was able to press charges by utilizing a state statute that allows private citizens to “file an affidavit charging the offense committed.”


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bd953c No.21651138

File: fa78dfeab45be24⋯.png (2.72 MB,960x1280,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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e915c8 No.21651142

File: 3c6044a5f0fdc77⋯.png (60.05 KB,1508x359,1508:359,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b53a97c2a74456⋯.png (1.59 MB,1563x1905,521:635,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 31c2460a3ae28e8⋯.jpg (96.41 KB,416x416,1:1,80_s_Nerd_Comfy_Covfefe_Co….jpg)



Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has once again compared Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu to Adolf Hitler, while addressing the UN General Assembly on Tuesday.

Covfefe Time with frens.

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f353ea No.21651143

File: 2fc12b89e9eb9cb⋯.png (422.01 KB,380x602,190:301,ghouls.png)

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5497e4 No.21651144

File: 25480a61da010b0⋯.mp4 (169.24 KB,320x498,160:249,d088f3fbeaa07904.mp4)

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f88f4c No.21651146

File: 61be595a5af94dd⋯.png (670.46 KB,1920x3072,5:8,ClipboardImage.png)

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5205c3 No.21651147

File: f23eb1e621fcfe0⋯.png (37.51 KB,622x228,311:114,ClipboardImage.png)



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bd953c No.21651149

File: 29fdc5644cec42b⋯.png (356.83 KB,675x594,25:22,ClipboardImage.png)

Caroline Ellison, ex-girlfriend of FTX founder, sentenced to 24 months for fraud and ordered to forfeit $11 billion

No get-out-of-jail-free card for Ellison, who was the government's star witness against disgraced FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried.



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0b8cd3 No.21651152

File: b364bb23e9382b5⋯.gif (9.99 MB,540x570,18:19,gif.gif)

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5148aa No.21651153

File: 1f4036da8070e55⋯.jpeg (379.97 KB,1912x2765,1912:2765,NaS5WoSnYKsr.jpeg)

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e915c8 No.21651154


+ 10% for the big guy.

Who were their clients again?

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bd953c No.21651155



Benny Johnson


🚨BREAKING: Prosecutors have charged Ryan Routh with attempted assassination of Donald Trump

3:05 PM · Sep 24, 2024


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c15d46 No.21651156

File: fd88b4084087d46⋯.png (479.51 KB,626x763,626:763,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 42a71ba713037bd⋯.png (1.38 MB,900x900,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>Anons Disrupt Their Control



JUST IN -Ryan Routh formally charged with attempting to assassinate Trump - CNN

Sep 24, 2024, 5:03 PM


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59a3cf No.21651159


confirm handoff

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d5bf4e No.21651161

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bd953c No.21651162

File: bf16428680b6ef0⋯.png (1.39 MB,747x857,747:857,ClipboardImage.png)


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2ea682 No.21651163

File: 3da9a1236fe83c6⋯.png (46.9 KB,878x498,439:249,2212.png)

File: 97a9bc907e854d5⋯.png (109.61 KB,878x718,439:359,16.png)


Thank you, Baker!

The two closest delta drops for popcorn…

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67738d No.21651165

File: 8d168c2d337bcbd⋯.png (46.45 KB,734x238,367:119,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)

File: 77eebb2b8e733ae⋯.png (672.35 KB,768x571,768:571,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)

Hip hop mogul Sean “Diddy” Combs and his former bodyguard drugged, bound and violently raped a woman in 2001 — in a vicious attack he filmed and showed to friends, a bombshell new lawsuit claims.

Thalia Graves sobbed and said she is “happy” the hip-hop mogul is behind bars during a press conference Tuesday announcing the legal action.

“It’s a pain that goes to the very core of who you are, leaving emotional scars that may never fully heal,” Graves said through tears. “Some of the hardest parts of this pain are the shame and the guilt I have experienced that plays a negative part in my day-to-day ability to be able to function properly.”

In court papers filed Tuesday, Graves accused Combs and ex-security head Joseph Sherman of “mercilessly raping” her inside the Bad Boy Records studio in Manhattan.

The two men lured Graves, who was 25 at the time and dating one of Combs’ employees, into the studio where they gave her a drink “likely laced with a drug” that caused her to briefly lose consciousness, the lawsuit alleges.

Graves “awoke to find herself bound and restrained” before the duo “proceeded to brutally sexually abuse and violate” her, the court papers claim.

During the horrific incident, Sherman “forcefully slammed [Graves] onto a table, slapped her,” and roughly forced her to perform a sex act, the filing claims.

“Both men were undeterred by [Graves’] cries for help throughout the attack,” the suit charges.

Graves “never recovered” and her emotional wounds were reopened on Nov. 27, 2023, when she discovered her attackers made a video that they showed “to multiple men, seeking to publicly degrade and humiliate both [Graves] and her boyfriend,” the court documents claim.

She was so “distraught” over the discovery that she “sunk into a deep depression” and “considered ending her life” — not for the first time, the filing alleges.

Graves, who now lives in Texas, never reported the depraved attack to police out of fear that Combs would use his power as a hip-hop industry kingmaker to “ruin her life,” says the suit, filed in Manhattan federal court.


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5c8624 No.21651167

File: d9128a72ad70e84⋯.jpg (37.15 KB,450x522,25:29,d9128a72ad70e844208f35c5e4….jpg)


ConFirmed Anon

ty for step up

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d5bf4e No.21651168


He'll Squeal

I know the Squealers

And that Man…

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59a3cf No.21651170

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67738d No.21651171

File: ae133c0aebbad6b⋯.png (268.67 KB,598x660,299:330,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)

TRUMP: "I'm going to McDonald's and I'm gonna stand over the French fries because I wanna see what her job really wasn't like."

2:20 PM · Sep 24, 2024





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0fde70 No.21651172

File: 21b14cddeff04e5⋯.png (43.85 KB,711x239,711:239,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c14d35bf7441242⋯.png (343.38 KB,634x357,634:357,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a5feb8a93edd4e2⋯.png (154.59 KB,758x625,758:625,ClipboardImage.png)


Fitness expert Jillian Michaels gets standing ovation in Congress for epic rant about America's chronic disease epidemic- calling it 'an extinction level event'

Fitness and nutrition guru Jillian Michaels gave a speech before Congress about an epidemic of chronic diseases linked to obesity that is impacting multiple generations of Americans.

Her testimony, which earned a standing ovation from spectators and members of Congress, called out companies behind ultraprocessed foods (UPFs) for promoting harmful products that have spawned a tidal wave of long-lasting health effects and has triggered 'an extinction-level event.'

UPFs have infiltrated every grocery aisle nationwide, including cookies, chips, frozen dinners, salad dressings, bread, and cheese.

They’re often inexpensive and brightly packaged, making them appealing to shoppers on a budget.

But diets rich in UPFs have been linked to a laundry list of chronic illnesses, including heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, cancer, particularly breast and colorectal, digestive issues, and cognitive decline.

At a roundtable hosted by Republican Sen Ron Johnson, Michaels was among several guests who shared their views on what is driving an increase in chronic diseases across the US.

In 2020, approximately 71.5million Americans aged 50 and older had at least one chronic disease. By 2050, this number is projected to nearly double, increasing by more than 99 percent to reach 143million. Ms Michaels said: ‘I don't know about you, but I've watched my friends jabbing themselves every day with fertility drugs, praying for a pregnancy. My friends getting up at the crack of dawn to get radiated where the lump was found in their breast. My friends swallowing fistfuls of pills to manage their debilitating anxiety and depression.

‘If this current trend is allowed to persist, the stakes will be untenable. We are in the middle of an extinction-level event.’

Obesity, Ms Michaels said, is the ‘default human condition in the 21st century… by design,’ and is behind the tidal wave of chronic illness plaguing Americans.

Currently, more than 42 percent of Americans have obesity.

The epidemic is due to the historic cooperation of big pharma, food manufacturing giants, and industrial agriculture, which uses pesticides, herbicides, preservatives, and additives down the production line.

Together, Ms Michaels argued, the mega-entities have betrayed public trust by pushing products that have fed an epidemic of obesity and chronic diseases as a result.

She said: ‘It seemed unthinkable to question whether a corporation would poison us for profit [and] it was this betrayal of trust that allowed them to insidiously infiltrate every part of our lives.

‘These monster corporations have mastered the art of distorting the research, influencing the policy, buying the narrative, engineering the environment, and manipulating consumer behavior.’

UPFs undergo multiple stages of processing, which adds more synthetic ingredients that have little nutritional benefit and can harm the body.

They also contain more artificial ingredients like colorings and dyes, which have been linked to conditions like hyperactivity and cancer.

There is also evidence to show that eating large amounts of overly processed food can increase one’s risk of developing heart disease by 50 percent, according to a report in the British Medical Journal.

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f88f4c No.21651173



This is NEW info. He hadn't been charged for attempted assassination yet.

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0b8cd3 No.21651174

File: 2eaa8f278f588d8⋯.png (502.05 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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3c115f No.21651177

File: c834772ff0ed5b5⋯.png (395.82 KB,614x853,614:853,liz.PNG)




In 2020, Crazy Days & Nights reported that Diddy beheaded a live goat in front of his guests on a yacht off the coast of France.

It’s not just Haitians and members of gangs like MS13 who are engaging in Satanic rituals.

Diddy, Jay Z and their pals do as well. The sex trafficking is just one layer of the evil crimes these monsters are guilty of.

The deeper we go, the worse it gets.

Cannibalism, child sacrifice, adrenochrome, MKULTRA, human hunting parties and more.

Time to wake up!







I’ve been reporting for 8 years now that elites — Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, Jay Z, Lady Gaga and many more! —engage in Satanic ritual spirit cooking dinners.

We exposed this in Out of Shadows — watch for free here on X below!👇🏻

Pizzagate is and always was real — the x.com/crux41507251/s…

Show more

0:13 / 0:36

8:41 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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974671 No.21651178

File: 74f6b364d854945⋯.png (690.53 KB,641x641,1:1,300_Trump_anons_8kun.png)

>>21650565 pb

>JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon: "If you do not control the borders, you are going to destroy our country


so basically "Trump's been right for 9 years"

"they're not sending their best"

who'da thunk it

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cf4f5a No.21651179

File: 667c2569897355f⋯.jpg (42.95 KB,527x527,1:1,yqoa75.jpg)

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1a8b24 No.21651181

File: d14bef1c68476fb⋯.jpeg (48.34 KB,931x524,931:524,IMG_4020.jpeg)

FOX News breaking

Bret Baier calling Georgia for Harris.

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bd953c No.21651182

File: b677309e72aa517⋯.png (1.72 MB,960x1200,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk shows off black tie MAGA hat while meeting libertarian President of Argentina Javier Milei

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3c115f No.21651183

File: 96769101450cebe⋯.png (214.33 KB,595x673,595:673,cern.PNG)






Owen Gregorian




Media Preps Public to Expect Trump Win Followed by Mail-In Ballot Reversal. | The National Pulse

The Washington Post Editorial Board is priming readers to expect an apparent victory for Donald J. Trump on election night, being reversed by a flood of mail-in ballots, as in 2020.

Show more


9:04 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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2ea682 No.21651184

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Georgia Meloni gives brilliant speech on nationalism and patriotism.

She mentions and praises Elon as a champion of free speech.

Only slip us is calling Ukraine the underdog. Maybe no choice on that one.

13:17 min

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5497e4 No.21651185

File: 6937d38d20ede00⋯.jpg (36.95 KB,630x630,1:1,6937d38d20ede002f7f9320664….jpg)


Ah man Potus with with another top KEK.

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2388ae No.21651186


All by design.

Eat local, seasonal, from farms. If you must grocery store shop, shop the outer healthy perimeter. Get off meds. Exercise.

Do the opposite of what the “experts” say.


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967dc9 No.21651187



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8aef15 No.21651188

File: fba6e089b972866⋯.jpg (242.51 KB,500x711,500:711,fba6e089b972866b3e1fdcd190….jpg)

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5148aa No.21651189

File: 9f5ccb1c9cca0d0⋯.png (208.29 KB,640x360,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


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12231f No.21651190

Ryan Routh charged with attempted assassination of Trump, CNN reports

Sep 24th, 17:01:46

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -The man accused of staking out Donald Trump’s Florida golf course with a rifle was indicted on Tuesday on a charge of attempted assassination of a political candidate as prosecutors alleged he intended to kill the former U.S. president, CNN reported.

Ryan Routh, 58, was already facing two gun-related charges after authorities said he pointed a rifle through a fence at Trump’s golf club in West Palm Beach, Florida on Sept. 15 while the Republican presidential candidate was golfing there. He has been ordered to remain in jail to await trial.

Reuters was not immediately able to confirm the report.


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bd953c No.21651191

File: cb6e5e03cf53074⋯.png (909.09 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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3c115f No.21651192

File: 3e0a254afd7456d⋯.png (27.07 KB,592x323,592:323,will.PNG)


Wendy Patterson


Breaking News: Secretary General of the United States was subpoenaed to attend a hearing on the withdrawal from Afghanistan today and he ignored the subpoena choosing to attend the United Nations instead.

Peter Navarro did 4 months in Federal Prison for ignoring a Congressional subpoena and Steve Bannon is in prison right now for the same.

Will Congress hold Blinken in contempt of Congress?

4:44 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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e915c8 No.21651193

File: 715d6abadd06fcd⋯.png (1.35 MB,900x900,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


What a pathetic piece of crap.

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f2399c No.21651194

File: 248149d508230c8⋯.png (1.46 MB,1080x1067,1080:1067,ClipboardImage.png)

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67738d No.21651195

File: ca1049c496ca7de⋯.png (591.59 KB,780x438,130:73,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)


thanks baker

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ef68de No.21651196

This way? What does that mean?

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7a887d No.21651197


Kike sent all his country's gold to London.

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3c115f No.21651198

File: 7413192a81de080⋯.png (434.09 KB,520x367,520:367,op.PNG)

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bd953c No.21651199

File: cbac96eef1e556a⋯.png (455.87 KB,675x693,75:77,ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: Former President Trump vows to expose and prosecute everyone involved in the alleged theft of the 2020 election, including executives at Facebook and Google.


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38d332 No.21651200

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Protest in New York City, by communists, useful idiots, and terrorist operatives

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cf4f5a No.21651201

File: 8d4f2f6d98163ef⋯.jpg (41.25 KB,500x500,1:1,1715196764.jpg)


Who's she scamming on GoFundMe this week?

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974671 No.21651202

File: fa69b9678109d37⋯.png (451.54 KB,500x500,1:1,trump_lightning_point_says….png)


>TRUMP: "I'm going to McDonald's and I'm gonna stand over the French fries because I wanna see what her job really wasn't like."

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f6222f No.21651203


Dam. The polls showed she was slightly ahead but I didn't believe it.

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7a6a19 No.21651204

File: 4f1f0bd117c3d70⋯.png (651.96 KB,1145x643,1145:643,ClipboardImage.png)


reminds anon of dis guy

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1e7832 No.21651205

File: e1d3fbbbd40b041⋯.png (14.37 KB,512x288,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Bret you ignorant slut.

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fdf49f No.21651206

File: 45044e0f3a4f148⋯.gif (282.05 KB,190x190,1:1,savanachops.gif)

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4da914 No.21651207

File: 8f71349938bc472⋯.png (394.98 KB,516x374,258:187,0833A3D8_AA33_4851_8953_70….png)

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3c115f No.21651208

File: ec6e90c165f0573⋯.png (809.14 KB,821x626,821:626,ks.PNG)


Former New York Judge Kills Himself As

FBI Arrive to Arrest Him

Gateway Pundit, by Anthony Scott

Posted By: Imright, 9/24/2024 6:09:36 PM

A former prosecutor and judge in Orange County, New York, allegedly killed himself Tuesday afternoon as FBI agents arrived at his home to arrest him in connection to a corruption case. As FBI agents arrived at Stewart Rosenwasser’s home on Tuesday, the retired judge allegedly opened fire on agents before shooting himself in an apparent suicide. The New York Post reported that an indictment against Rosenwasser was handed down this week for allegedly accepting a $63,000 bribe from Mout’z Soudani, a victim in an embezzlement case Rosenweasser prosecuted in 2022.

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7a6a19 No.21651209

File: ab58b8fd7cdb80f⋯.jpg (55.68 KB,672x371,96:53,Trollingisfun.jpg)

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a729d4 No.21651210


>Will Congress hold Blinken in contempt of Congress?

Of course not. He's one of the Chosen Ones™.

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2ea682 No.21651211

File: c1dc73726542d9d⋯.png (44.68 KB,878x454,439:227,2458.png)

File: f267cd5a5fa5f16⋯.png (87.28 KB,878x718,439:359,2460.png)


Will shit hit the fan on Nov 7?

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bd953c No.21651212


>Breaking News: Secretary General of the United States was subpoenaed to attend a hearing on the withdrawal from Afghanistan today and he ignored the subpoena choosing to attend the United Nations instead.


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f353ea No.21651213

File: 258e8431338b0fd⋯.png (749.21 KB,816x617,816:617,thebadnewsbears_still_Copy.png)




panic continues

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e915c8 No.21651214


Milei is baaaaaad news

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1965b0 No.21651215

File: 23f91accb0cb04d⋯.jpg (66.92 KB,612x548,153:137,Patton_1943_Tunisia_Bir_Ma….jpg)

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3c115f No.21651216

File: 538f2544325ea22⋯.png (421.03 KB,864x506,432:253,ook.PNG)


DOJ Searched For Anti-Haitian Incidents

to Bolster Kamala’s Claims, Emails Show

Daily Wire, by Luke Rosiak

Posted By: Imright, 9/24/2024 6:07:24 PM

As Democrats worked to blame former President Donald Trump and Senator J.D. Vance for inciting hate crimes against Haitians, the Biden-Harris Department of Justice searched high and low for any evidence to support their accusations, emails obtained by The Daily Wire show. On September 13, Jomaica Sherman, a Lead Conciliation Specialist at the DOJ’s Community Relations Service (CRS), wrote to Rachel Roberts-Pickett, an official with Catholic Charities Dallas, that “my colleagues and I were tasked with researching information regarding the Haitian Community.” “Are you aware of any reports of hate crimes, hate incidents,

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fdf49f No.21651217





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ef68de No.21651218

Family? Please, no!

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d5bf4e No.21651219

File: 86a74fe834e85a6⋯.png (299.59 KB,400x447,400:447,ClipboardImage.png)

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974671 No.21651220

File: 85a7bd94e69017a⋯.jpg (120.86 KB,1080x1103,1080:1103,map_of_sex_offenders_in_is….jpg)


routh - sounds like "mouth"

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38d332 No.21651221

Terrorist at New York protest waving Hezbollah flag, and holding sign that says: "New York For Hezbollah".

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bd953c No.21651222

File: 84ba3844c6fa2ac⋯.png (1.7 MB,1013x762,1013:762,ClipboardImage.png)

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a9fb1e No.21651223

File: e7e71cc4922643b⋯.png (134.09 KB,630x748,315:374,Screen_Shot_2024_09_24_at_….png)

>>21650424, >>21650618, >>21650620 all pb notables

>Officials urge residents to leave the area of a chemical leak near Cincinnati

thought it "odd" that the previous baker repeatedly ignored post that proved they are LYING about the identity of the chemical leak

just like they lied about the leak in East Palestine, they're lying about this leak, calling it "styrene gas"

>a train car that had a valve open, releasing styrene gas.

styrene is NOT a gas it's a LIQUID

and a non-volatile one, at that

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c15d46 No.21651224

File: 2ee0a4e552bafb8⋯.mp4 (705.34 KB,270x480,9:16,0000000000000000.mp4)

File: 3720356f5c77577⋯.png (131.23 KB,850x563,850:563,Giorgia_Meloni_Cross_eyed.png)


>Georgia Meloni gives brilliant speech on nationalism and patriotism.

Georgia(sp?) gettin chummy with Elon.

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3c115f No.21651225

File: fdb3d9093e1f19e⋯.png (233.5 KB,589x854,589:854,np.PNG)


Patrick Howley


FACT. This "Haitian nonprofit" is funded by George Soros. Proof here: https://opensocietyfoundations.org/newsroom/open-society-announces-1-3-million-to-aid-haitian-and-black-asylum-seekers






JUST IN: Haitian nonprofit files criminal charges against Donald Trump, JD Vance for saying residents are eating pets


7:19 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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1a8b24 No.21651226

Do goats live very long without a head?

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89fd9a No.21651227


Says the guy with muh Hitler mustache.

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1965b0 No.21651228

File: b584f08e4656702⋯.png (250.01 KB,527x500,527:500,DOJ_Terms.png)

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ef68de No.21651229

Nothing i want from you.

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974671 No.21651230

File: c2a81b75197162a⋯.png (503.99 KB,647x499,647:499,AI_bishop_make_new_frens.png)


yay the expert has joined us

tell us your wisdom oh wise one

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e915c8 No.21651231


That whore did great speeches before becoming elected, then she turned inside out to reveal her pretty WEF feathers, and big round tittays.

Must be another election if she's making sense.

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2ea682 No.21651232


There's no need to display your ignorance here, its 8Kun, we can all see you glowing.

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3c115f No.21651233

File: 59ffa60715dc48b⋯.png (117.88 KB,593x788,593:788,aa.PNG)


Chief Nerd


“On May 5, 2023, the Maine CDC reported that a child had ‘tested positive’ for measles. News outlets immediately began fearmongering, hinting that the ‘outbreak’ was due to low vaccination rates.

ICAN, through its attorneys, requested relevant recordsand received them. Incredibly, they reveal that the positive measles test was ‘[c]onsistent with vaccine strain,’ which is apparently an ‘acceptable’ form of measles because, as the Maine CDC announced, the strain that the child tested positive for was not considered ‘an infectious strain of the virus,’ despite causing traditional symptoms of the disease.

Decidedly absent from Maine’s announcement was the fact that the child got measles as a result of the vaccine. Maine and the CDC simply hid this fact from the public.”


9:21 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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000000 No.21651234

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4875ec No.21651235

File: 277377c7f2bc103⋯.png (91.98 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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bd953c No.21651236

File: 91f4606f47e02b9⋯.png (485.34 KB,700x394,350:197,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce1a4404d599f19⋯.png (139.81 KB,500x387,500:387,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Dominating Sunbelt States Key To Harris Win: NYT Poll


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a729d4 No.21651237


>previous baker repeatedly ignored post

Happens all the time, Anon. Get used to it and poast again, hoping you don't get a Clown baker.

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9d7ce3 No.21651238

File: 280a2a0d50b18a6⋯.png (626.19 KB,532x469,76:67,ClipboardImage.png)

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1965b0 No.21651239

File: c9696de47bd988f⋯.jpg (172.33 KB,1284x1284,1:1,biden_hunter_doj.jpg)

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7a887d No.21651240


Public gallows all along the DC Mall. 1,000/day. Televised on PBS.

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2ea682 No.21651241


We need insiders. Deep Cover is a noble endeavor.

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f4b810 No.21651242

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7a6a19 No.21651243

File: 03a229464bea9a0⋯.jpg (60.39 KB,657x380,657:380,yodapanic.jpg)

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4da914 No.21651244

File: 6486580c5ecffbb⋯.jpeg (418.71 KB,914x706,457:353,IMG_0335.jpeg)

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e915c8 No.21651245

File: 190bd6aeb27d81d⋯.jpg (12.85 KB,255x217,255:217,American_Psycho_01.jpg)


We gonna see some 2 tier policing in the US of A?

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a9fb1e No.21651246


>Protest in New York City, by communists, useful idiots, and terrorist operatives


protesting israeli war crimes and genocide make people commies and terrorists…

neck yourself, ya filthy yid

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bd953c No.21651247

File: 910445d07e8d656⋯.png (943.29 KB,675x971,675:971,ClipboardImage.png)

File: db66b424f916668⋯.png (1.81 MB,955x1200,191:240,ClipboardImage.png)

Kanye says Diddy analized LeBron

Juanita Broaddrick



7:44 AM • Sep 24, 2024


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a729d4 No.21651248


Kek. Called it (pb).

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ebd141 No.21651249

File: a2026751fb2be2d⋯.png (542.57 KB,585x637,45:49,Screen_Shot_2024_08_13_at_….png)

Anon did some quick math on Jims costs for this place. Obviously we are way behind. He needs about $28 per hour for 24/7 to keep our home away from home. Put another way $667 per day every day.

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89fd9a No.21651250

File: 79654fb25c69469⋯.webp (67.91 KB,600x399,200:133,eyJpdSI6IjQzOGY4NTJlNWEyO….webp)

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974671 No.21651251


>This "Haitian nonprofit" is funded by George Soros


I hear what you're saying but there must be something else here:

The styrene gas disaster – lessons to learn and the way forward

A large amount of styrene gas was accidentally released from the LG Polymers India plant in Visakhapatnam, India, on 7 May 2020. The release resulted in 12 deaths and hundreds of injured persons in the nearby communities. This article reviews the potential causes and consequences of the accident on the people and the surrounding environment.


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967dc9 No.21651252


Cool. Will he do the same in 2028 when this one is stolen??

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e915c8 No.21651254


Have we followed the wives on this one?

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89fd9a No.21651255


God bless Israel.

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3c115f No.21651256

File: 906a2c61bd6520e⋯.png (1.17 MB,690x870,23:29,ag.PNG)

File: 5d1b5f413d44bcf⋯.png (480.52 KB,436x582,218:291,jo.PNG)

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38d332 No.21651257


Hezbollah is a designated terrorist organization. How much have you donated to them?

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bd953c No.21651258

File: 439c6f26f70dfd2⋯.png (428.27 KB,666x1056,111:176,ClipboardImage.png)

Black people will be “doomed” if Trump wins the election.

David J Harris Jr


WOW! School pulls girl out of class to register to v*te without parental consent and allegedly told her that Black people will be “doomed” if Trump wins the election.

The girl's mother WAS NOT having it.

2:00 PM • Sep 24, 2024


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03a4bf No.21651259

Only way to get in here is to allow cross browsing trackers?


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974671 No.21651260

File: f883be660b556d3⋯.png (627.86 KB,594x746,297:373,1st_day_of_school_in_russi….png)


>quick math

unless you're a math guy quick math is probably bad math

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1031ca No.21651261

File: 6ed3eaafc84e68d⋯.png (3.35 MB,2785x2575,557:515,ClipboardImage.png)

Thousands Of Capitol Hill Staffers’ Info Compromised After Using Gov’t Emails On Dating, Porn Sites

3191 on the clock

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967dc9 No.21651262


Only 98734577 more to go

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3c115f No.21651263

File: cde4bf4a65d39ee⋯.png (392.7 KB,435x614,435:614,guns.PNG)

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967dc9 No.21651264

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000000 No.21651265


>Secretary General of the United States

WTF is that?

I can eat it?

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974671 No.21651266

File: 85cbad6c820b76c⋯.png (263.12 KB,500x566,250:283,rambo_guy_alex_jones_shill.png)

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0b8cd3 No.21651267

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

repost, not included in last bread notables, any idea why?

HIGHLY NOTABLE - trusted source - john solomon, talking to matt gaetz about the 5 teams to assassinate djt

note: posted on the 19th sept, now the 24th. 5 days out of the news,

All are c.i.a controlled states, iran, ukraine, pakistan (victoria nuland). plus c.i.a fbi - that would be the 5 plus their mk ultra and brainwashed assets including the fake new media talking heads clowns. The farm is massive..


FIVE Known Assassination Teams Are Targeting President Trump!



63,715 views Premiered on 19 Sept 2024

A senior Homeland Security official told me there are at least FIVE known assassination teams in our country targeting President Trump!

Requests for President Trump to have additional security went UNANSWERED and some people were even taken off of his Secret Service detail!

It may be time to consider private augmentation of President Trump’s security team so we can keep him safe.

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ef68de No.21651268

File: 51c8954204e2d73⋯.jpg (815.11 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_153725….jpg)

File: 038fb3127d194f8⋯.jpg (641.68 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_154403….jpg)

File: e22d63ad8369614⋯.jpg (226.21 KB,3000x2000,3:2,thomas_matthew_crooks_2344….jpg)

File: a4d5e1f4782eba3⋯.jpeg (62.08 KB,653x1024,653:1024,ann_dunham_fccc757d_3f72_….jpeg)

File: 54d766274e7b88d⋯.jpg (617.32 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_125322….jpg)

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3c115f No.21651269

File: 37309c07aecfa1b⋯.png (24.54 KB,588x303,196:101,is.PNG)


Sean Parnell


Just insanely stupid. Republicans don't play to win.

If the situation were reversed, the Dems would not hesitate to get it done.


Election Wizard




LINCOLN, Neb. — Gov. Jim Pillen announces he won’t call a special session to change Nebraska’s electoral vote allocation, defying Trump.

6:45 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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bd953c No.21651270

File: 3dc93bd069ec1e4⋯.png (412.94 KB,675x662,675:662,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 392136cddbbf03c⋯.mp4 (1.79 MB,1280x720,16:9,Trump_is_appointing_a_Manf….mp4)

Trump is appointing a "Manfacturing Ambassador!" he is a brilliant business man.

Charlie Kirk


BREAKING: President Trump announces plans to appoint a “Manufacturing Ambassador” who will be tasked with traveling the globe and recruiting major manufacturers to move their production facilities to America.

11:00 AM • Sep 24, 2024


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5205c3 No.21651271

File: 5aeaa86d8bebeb9⋯.png (193.14 KB,300x300,1:1,5aeaa86d8bebeb9b8ec889a324….png)

File: cdfc6afd26d154e⋯.jpg (36.49 KB,500x335,100:67,cdfc6afd26d154e0e280250133….jpg)


big badda booms

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5c40dd No.21651272

File: 6233176c66ae43b⋯.mp4 (408.41 KB,480x480,1:1,6233176c66ae43b939ea300604….mp4)

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3c115f No.21651273

File: 65727b04cd17f1f⋯.png (553.14 KB,596x733,596:733,whin.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


Every. Single. Day.

When will this end?!?!

Border czar Kamala is putting our children’s safety at risk.


Bill Melugin




NEW: In a multi day operation on Nantucket Island, ICE’s Boston office announces they arrested four illegal aliens who are charged with raping or sexually assaulting Nantucket children or residents - all of whom were released from local custody despite the serious charges.


Show more





8:29 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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967dc9 No.21651274


So is majority of our government. Soooooo

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e915c8 No.21651275


If he cut out the spam before it attacked, that's be down to about tree fiddy per hour.

Quite manageable numbers.

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974671 No.21651276

File: 46caa226dd834b3⋯.png (299.68 KB,512x512,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



a berry jingle rhyme.

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5205c3 No.21651277


you and the timestamp fag should fuck

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fdf49f No.21651278

File: 278da250e9bc9b8⋯.png (416.12 KB,675x450,3:2,feldmanputz.png)


>Will Congress hold Blinken in contempt of Congress?


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000000 No.21651279


How many shekels is that?

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d5bf4e No.21651280


The Teachers think themselves the Parents of other people Children

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a8ea90 No.21651281

File: e3f6c48cdef5147⋯.png (1.81 MB,1468x678,734:339,ClipboardImage.png)

Lots of baby oil in Davy Jones bunker maties!

>USNS Big Horn Runs Aground. Navy does not have a replacement fleet oiler.

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ebd141 No.21651282


Well, i used a calculator so theres that, still just a quick check

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3c115f No.21651283

File: 0c8356fac0123a8⋯.png (123.91 KB,596x515,596:515,sold.PNG)




Nancy Pelosi sold nearly $1 million of Visa, $V on July 1.

The US Department of Justice has sued Visa today, accusing one of the world’s largest payment networks of antitrust violations that affect “the price of nearly everything”, nearly three months later.


9:40 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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03a4bf No.21651284


Black people are doomed no matter what.

Its nature.

Black people have spots to live and be happy but they keep going outside the safe zone.

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d536f7 No.21651285


there is something really wrong with you.

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4da914 No.21651286

File: 84a37553187ea26⋯.jpg (172.1 KB,1091x1280,1091:1280,Obama_s_04_Painting.JPG)


No, just these two Satanic fucks.

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bd953c No.21651287

File: 9ad933441852ebc⋯.png (462.44 KB,526x757,526:757,ClipboardImage.png)

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974671 No.21651288


what numbers did you put into this machine

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3c115f No.21651289

File: e74093f1a578a64⋯.png (409.91 KB,591x486,197:162,sam.PNG)




NEW: Sean ‘Diddy' Combs moved into same jail housing unit as Sam Bankman-Fried - WNBC


9:18 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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a9fb1e No.21651290


>I hear what you're saying but there must be something else here:

>The styrene gas disaster – lessons to learn and the way forward


i don't care HOW many illiterate idiots publish articles calling styrene a gas

you're arguing with a retired research chemist with fifty odd yrs of experience, INCLUDING working with STYRENE

it's not a gas

get it thru your thick head

the only "something else here" is the stupifying level of scientific illiteracy in the general media

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f353ea No.21651291



potentially notable

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d536f7 No.21651292


fake news

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1031ca No.21651293


does she have nice tits?

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f88f4c No.21651294


they only did it because DJT said he would temporarily cap credit card interest rates at 10%.

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89fd9a No.21651295



They had a spot at Rikers all set for Trump

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3c115f No.21651296

File: dc2a83d7e5fbf41⋯.png (748.59 KB,904x903,904:903,penn.PNG)


Ukraine President Zelensky Campaigns for

Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania

Conservative Treehouse, by Sundance

Original Article

Posted By: earlybird, 9/24/2024 6:05:05 PM

In a heavily coordinated and strategic political visit to Pennsylvania, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky was essentially campaigning for Kamala Harris and a continuation of the Biden foreign policy which provides billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to Ukraine. [AP Article Here] Any non-pretending political pundit can see the transparency of the Zelensky visit to an ammunition factory in Pennsylvania when timed in context against the 2024 presidential campaign, with an overlay of Zelensky’s comments about how a Trump-Vance victory would be detrimental to the interests of the Ukranian government.

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3c115f No.21651298

File: 519bd3dd6ff24a6⋯.png (325.35 KB,602x842,301:421,turb.PNG)


Square profile picture

Wall Street Silver


Nobody regrets having skipped the mRNA experimental drugs.

There are a lot of people that regret having taken them.

What will you do the next time Bill Gates tells you that you need to take the latest mRNA drug?


9:00 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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e915c8 No.21651299


I have some goats I can sell, Ackbar & Allah are producing milk also.

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f353ea No.21651300

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


interesting mentions of parasites, fasting in religious texts around the world.

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bd953c No.21651301

File: 8b4cc291e87fa79⋯.png (699.32 KB,768x402,128:67,ClipboardImage.png)

MOAR STEPPER DOWNERS: New York City schools chancellor steps down amid federal bribery probe

The chancellor's resignation also makes him the _fourth high-ranking official in Mayor Eric Adams' administration to resign__ amid a series of federal investigations. Health Commissioner Ashwin Vasan announced on Monday that he was resigning at the end of the…


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000000 No.21651302


Honest headline:

"Jew suck black dick in prison"

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967dc9 No.21651303


Wrong. He IS a democrat. That’s why he’s doing this

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3c115f No.21651304

File: e099fc26c24befe⋯.png (344.71 KB,600x773,600:773,ol.PNG)




Oh look - the lawyer for the Haitian group that filed criminal charges against Trump and Vance is a close friend of Kamala

Surprise surprise

The political weaponization of our justice system continues under these Marxists


Laura Loomer






🚨The lawyer hired by Haitian Bridge Alliance who filed criminal charges against President Trump and JD x.com/lauraloomer/st…

Show more





9:00 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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03a4bf No.21651305

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3c115f No.21651306

File: 8449b10748364a5⋯.png (493.44 KB,591x483,197:161,2.PNG)




JUST IN - Caroline Ellison sentenced to two years in prison for her role in FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried, crypto fraud — Axios


9:19 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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fedc60 No.21651307

Worn out and decrepit, kid peddlin commie slob

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1a8b24 No.21651308


By what mechanism do this vaxx caused “Turbo Cancer” disrupt cell cycle regulation?

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e915c8 No.21651309


Jailhouse Cock for all the homos?

Is that how it works on the inside?

No idea

I learned most about prison from the Blues Brothers. And Natural Born Killers.

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bd953c No.21651310

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





>Elon Musk shows off black tie MAGA hat while meeting libertarian President of Argentina Javier Milei

EPIC!!!- Milei 1ST speech in UN “We have seen how an organization that was born to defend human rights has been one of the main promoters of the systematic violation of freedom, such as with the global quarantines during the year 2020, which should be considered crimes of against humanity″.

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911580 No.21651311

File: 00e1f3e6ea46262⋯.png (170.94 KB,771x438,257:146,ClipboardImage.png)


good to have the sexy music dancy ones playing with Digits

Calling it Love

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9abc98 No.21651312

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Saw an anon post Molly Hatchet in a PB. Anon wanted to share this. Have a great night shift

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000000 No.21651313


Are they circumcised? So it's easier to make them believe they're special.

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01fdcd No.21651314

File: 57bc9162a5f559d⋯.png (1.06 MB,1094x910,547:455,aztec_far_right.png)

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fbc5a4 No.21651315

File: 7bf8c82132835e1⋯.png (8.83 KB,200x200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

las weaks juwish sewage TP$ reports used last weaks MACROni #whaaaa

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fedc60 No.21651316


4 eyed deepnerd fuck shrew

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bd953c No.21651317


>Oh look - the lawyer for the Haitian group that filed criminal charges against Trump and Vance is a close friend of Kamala


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e915c8 No.21651318


Looks like a tunnel dweller.

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a8ea90 No.21651319

File: cf4531b228bc366⋯.png (1.5 MB,1446x921,482:307,1ddb784e0338c9c8780b8d9b97….png)

Ice-T to Director on LnO: C'mon man, let's go - I gut niggers buyin' lap dances on my credit card"

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4da914 No.21651320

File: 488ba9d2a778b6f⋯.png (1.18 MB,894x740,447:370,81F59333_1CA8_4ABB_91CE_E7….png)

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fbc5a4 No.21651321

>>21644580 aRR rageaholics too

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0b7bd1 No.21651322

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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967dc9 No.21651323


Triplet dad??

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a8ea90 No.21651324

File: 4bc6c95590e7138⋯.png (94.25 KB,555x363,185:121,bfc7988c4413ca24491699b14b….png)



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f2399c No.21651325

File: f7d9bceb4a271b2⋯.png (130.2 KB,640x876,160:219,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1f004183e608deb⋯.png (273.22 KB,850x400,17:8,ClipboardImage.png)



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2cccf7 No.21651326

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1cc139 No.21651327

File: 3fb58c47c135fe2⋯.jpeg (483.21 KB,1686x1492,843:746,IMG_3751.jpeg)

The mainstream media keeps saying that the 2024 presidential election is over and that Trump has already lost to Willie Brown’s mistress, Kamala Harris.

So why is far-left billionaire George Soros trying to buy 220+ radio stations before the election, the Audacy radio network, reaching 165 million Americans?

And why is the Federal Communications Commission allowing him to do it, in an unprecedented move?


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974671 No.21651328


>“Manufacturing Ambassador” who will be tasked with traveling the globe and recruiting major manufacturers to move their production facilities to America

It's just great idea after great idea these days

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bd953c No.21651329

File: 4af5ee1f666cb61⋯.png (212.12 KB,598x718,299:359,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 76b77d4d572176f⋯.mp4 (1.1 MB,886x492,443:246,The_Arizona_Senate_AUDIT_2.mp4)

File: cfa025a11d06fc1⋯.mp4 (1.31 MB,886x524,443:262,The_Arizona_Senate_AUDIT_1.mp4)



And here it is,

The Arizona Senate AUDIT CONFIRMS BEYOND THE SHADOW OF A DOUBT Trump is the duly elected President of the United States.

Katie Hobbs and her co-conspirator Adrian Fontes inserted 74, 243 MAIL IN BALLOTS in the Nov 3, 2020 election that are TIED to individuals returned and cast with NO RECORD of ever being SENT OUT.

📝U.S. Congress certified a criminal enterprise on Jan 6. And they all know it,

8:33 AM · Sep 24, 2024


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e915c8 No.21651330

File: 4a3275835d0d675⋯.png (182.03 KB,320x220,16:11,ClipboardImage.png)


We're all special fren.

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38d332 No.21651331

File: 26811d2008aa0e0⋯.jpg (46.68 KB,500x494,250:247,ggdrttjfg.jpg)

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e237e9 No.21651332

File: 8bf8661b3b5afa7⋯.jpeg (370.24 KB,1125x1242,125:138,IMG_4314.jpeg)

File: 7a1016a53f5b525⋯.jpeg (908.46 KB,1125x932,1125:932,IMG_4315.jpeg)



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0ee82b No.21651333

File: 58790cf7281252d⋯.png (96.87 KB,1672x453,1672:453,ClipboardImage.png)

Picrel for Firefox and Waterfox users.

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8a9bb7 No.21651334

File: dc8937c45d17219⋯.png (595.69 KB,936x527,936:527,65423H532523.PNG)

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5205c3 No.21651335


the luck on her

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e237e9 No.21651336


Sounds like potus has a great speechwriter

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fbc5a4 No.21651337

File: 8f07a493969e5e2⋯.jpg (1.46 MB,3840x2160,16:9,Quotefancy_225322_3840x216….jpg)

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bd953c No.21651338

File: c7ffed646e44984⋯.png (368.78 KB,598x712,299:356,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d110f24d409e2e5⋯.mp4 (8.19 MB,640x360,16:9,El_Salvador_President_Nayi….mp4)



BREAKING: El Salvador President Nayib Bukele just gave a BRILLIANT speech at the UN, slamming Western nations that claim to stand for freedom while censoring, jailing, and shooting their political opponents

HINT: He's referring to Democrats in the United States

"We do not imprison our opposition. We do not censor opinions. We do not censor opinions from those who think differently."'

In El Salvador, we prioritize the safety of our honest citizens over the comfort of criminals."

3:02 PM · Sep 24, 2024


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4da914 No.21651339

File: 4b7477cae9cd153⋯.jpeg (84.81 KB,735x461,735:461,IMG_0336.jpeg)

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fedc60 No.21651340

Opioid slinging cartel shit monkey

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e915c8 No.21651341

File: e4fa220bc12396e⋯.jpg (180.15 KB,600x644,150:161,Joe_Biden_Jill_Behind_Mask.jpg)



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000000 No.21651342

Daily Mail Online

@MailOnline 1h

Iconic US manufacturer sent severe warning as it threatens to move production to Mexico after 187 years


Sep 24, 2024 · 8:46 PM UTC



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5c8624 No.21651343

File: 79908887e995173⋯.png (303.28 KB,504x297,56:33,sneakercon.png)

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18dd34 No.21651344

File: 431de88d3ff183e⋯.jpeg (225.65 KB,1284x1876,321:469,IMG_3623.jpeg)

Anons, you know that story that Trump said Xi told him when he asked do you have drug use and deaths in your country,Xi says". "No, no quick trials, death penalty".

Why did Trump say almost the exact same thing in 2012 on perverts stealing young children?18 years after he said Xi said it?

Are all his stories based on the past before he was president? Or just this one?

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fbc5a4 No.21651345

File: 3342bfdc93dbc8f⋯.jpg (340.62 KB,3840x2160,16:9,Quotefancy_6948373_3840x21….jpg)

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4e2972 No.21651346


187 kill comms

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7a887d No.21651347

File: e3f2d6bb62b15b9⋯.png (400.01 KB,507x655,507:655,chnd.png)

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fbc5a4 No.21651348

File: 0dc159e57bb5020⋯.jpg (134.53 KB,562x781,562:781,haroldkumar2_2_Copy.jpg)

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f88f4c No.21651349



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fedc60 No.21651350

Spiritually disfigured crap snacking wombat

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bd953c No.21651351

File: 72a0786a810e523⋯.png (413 KB,675x693,75:77,ClipboardImage.png)

Truth Justice ™


EVIDENCE OF CORRUPTION: Evidence of Obama, CIA Brennan, FBI Comey blackmailing Hillary Clinton with a bribe of $18 million dollars which she accepted. Garland and FBI Wray destroyed child porn evidence from Ukraine that was to be planted on Trump. Evidence Epstein was murdered.

12:07 PM • Sep 23, 2024


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967dc9 No.21651352


Good to know, got thrown out of every court. You can still cry about it tho

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18dd34 No.21651353


Sorry 5 years before Xi said it, duh

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74239a No.21651354


The man who handed Argentina's gold reserves to the Rothschild's in the UK

Netanyahu's Polish cousin

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e915c8 No.21651355


What time is Lavrov?

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fbc5a4 No.21651356

File: 380e7880514da26⋯.gif (Spoiler Image,1.09 MB,506x480,253:240,allgloroyHT.gif)

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5c8624 No.21651357

File: af1b405dec28715⋯.gif (418.11 KB,453x640,453:640,af1b405dec287150e756080f82….gif)

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fedc60 No.21651358

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Peckah chopping commie tinsel dick shit knuckle

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a8ea90 No.21651359

File: 74007c0cb3105cf⋯.gif (173.72 KB,466x480,233:240,344462.gif)

is smart enough to fully understand.

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974671 No.21651360


win10? win7?

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000000 No.21651361


>We're all special fren.

If we are all special, then no one is special. fren.

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bd953c No.21651362

File: f0194330d037896⋯.png (455.58 KB,598x667,26:29,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 473f0b6ae2f66dc⋯.png (330.4 KB,560x373,560:373,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fac20c196957180⋯.png (220.28 KB,360x360,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ad0ad384345388e⋯.png (296.11 KB,360x263,360:263,ClipboardImage.png)

🚨 BREAKING: Judge Eileen Cannon will be presiding over the case again would-be Trump assassin Ryan Routh. This is MASSIVE news! We might actually see justice here! Judge Cannon is the same judge who dropped the BS Jack Smith “classified documents” case against President Trump earlier this year.

Nick Sortor


🚨 #BREAKING: Judge Eileen Cannon will be presiding over the case again would-be Trump ass*ssin Ryan Routh

This is MASSIVE news! We might actually see justice here!

Judge Cannon is the same judge who dropped the BS Jack Smith “classified documents” case against President Trump earlier this year.





3:31 PM · Sep 24, 2024


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9abc98 No.21651363

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Don’t Misunderstand Me

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d050df No.21651364


"Mass Casualty"

Suicides ?

One can dream….good luck passing it you worthless pieces

of shit

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01fdcd No.21651365

File: 1d83cbd215d25e2⋯.jpg (28.95 KB,358x360,179:180,lawyer_fren.jpg)


This story doesn't make sense.

First of all, organizations don't file criminal charges, prosecutors do.

Secondly, there's no crime here. Free speech. All they did was repeat the reports from people in the area. If the org/prosecution is claiming it's slander/libel, they have to prove it isn't true. This means evidence would come out in court that it IS true.

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bd953c No.21651366

File: 42402999c66be60⋯.png (315.17 KB,768x403,768:403,ClipboardImage.png)

Election Expert: Early Mail-In Voting Data Shows 'Great News' for Trump & GOP

An election expert has revealed that data from early mail-in voting is signaling "great news" for President Donald Trump and other Republican candidates ahead of November.


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fbc5a4 No.21651367

File: fb6eb98c80b5d8b⋯.gif (373.37 KB,320x240,4:3,number_two_gif.gif)

File: 9f840de331ea89c⋯.jpg (649.41 KB,1420x1600,71:80,puk_puk_tom_bombadil01.jpg)

poo flingur still mad bout numbur 2 aftur billions squandurin gayfart polka to urotrash

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c15d46 No.21651368

File: f05385ebd99f1a3⋯.png (754.09 KB,833x686,17:14,ClipboardImage.png)


>Nantucket Island

Nantucket is an island about 30 miles south from Cape Cod. Together with the small islands of Tuckernuck and Muskeget, it constitutes the Town and County of Nantucket, a combined county/town government in the state of Massachusetts, USA.


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f88f4c No.21651369

File: 1ced23c00b1b10a⋯.png (149.44 KB,860x624,215:156,ClipboardImage.png)

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967dc9 No.21651370


Uses the word evidence 4 times….

Doesn’t show any evidence 🤷‍♂️

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03a4bf No.21651371


Do Haitians mean Americans now? I thought the Democrats were flying in third world black people that should never have rights in the uSA and be sent back where they came from ASAP. They should not be here. They should not have rights. They should not have lawyers.

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fedc60 No.21651372


There once was a man from Nantucket..

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74239a No.21651373

Biden to discuss missile strikes on Russia with Zelensky – White House

The Pentagon and the State Department reportedly disagree on the issue

Ukraine has expected the US to have given the permission by now, two Kiev officials told the Washington Post on Tuesday. According to the Post, the current US administration is divided on the issue, with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin opposed to changing the policy and Secretary of State Antony Blinken siding with Kiev.

According to the Post, Ukraine has already used US weapons in Russia’s Kursk Region “in ways that stretch the previous rules of engagement,” but the US military believes that when it comes to ATACMS, the purported benefits “are not compelling enough to outweigh the drawbacks.”

The outlet also revealed that Kiev “has long been dependent” on receiving target coordinates for US-provided weapons “from US military personnel on a base elsewhere in Europe.”


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4da914 No.21651374

File: a5378244de1beed⋯.png (491.09 KB,440x564,110:141,EC031004_BF1D_4842_AE3F_58….png)

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5c8624 No.21651375


ah the irony of a free country

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71d06a No.21651376

File: 3a9e840913fef77⋯.mp4 (10.01 MB,576x1024,9:16,v15044gf0000crpd1dvog65q9n….mp4)



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01fdcd No.21651377

File: 336233c9239ba48⋯.jpg (68.05 KB,526x526,1:1,comms.jpg)

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bd953c No.21651378

File: 5f5e0155839c77b⋯.png (551.21 KB,680x550,68:55,ClipboardImage.png)

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000000 No.21651379


>LIVE: Protest in New York City, by communists, useful idiots, and terrorist operatives

Americans you say?

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072c60 No.21651380

File: e28d17058634172⋯.jpeg (160 KB,1284x1242,214:207,IMG_3623.jpeg)



Anons, you know that story that Trump said Xi told him when he asked do you have drug use and deaths in your country,Xi says". "No, no quick trials, death penalty".

Why did Trump say almost the exact same thing in 2012 years before, on perverts stealing young children, Five years before he was President and when he said Xi said it?

Are all his stories based on the past before he was president? Or just this one?

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fedc60 No.21651381


Mk Hillbilly DeepDemon hooker

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bd953c No.21651382

File: 83a54831e7b7028⋯.png (371.19 KB,758x866,379:433,ClipboardImage.png)

Guess which judge gets to oversee the second Trump assassin's case…

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5148aa No.21651383

File: 33b868d06c82f5b⋯.png (651.96 KB,800x454,400:227,almost_there.png)

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409bf5 No.21651384

File: a20edf8f6525f2e⋯.jpg (111.21 KB,720x938,360:469,onenationudergod.jpg)

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e915c8 No.21651385




Here's when I get that issue of a tab hang on Opera Browser (Latest version + Win11) - only here on the kun.

1. Make post

2. As the post is sending, if I hover over another post link - there is a certain moment - right as my post would update the bread that the whole tab freezes and CPU goes to full power. Have to close tab to fix.

Lesson for me; Don't hover links while posting

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f6222f No.21651386

File: b138dcdfb406733⋯.png (229.18 KB,979x663,979:663,buy_vortweas.PNG)

Trump appears to hand voters cash during Pennsylvania grocery store visit

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f88f4c No.21651387


as long as it's non-violent and not inciting or incendiary, i'm all for it. wish our side did more of it.

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072c60 No.21651388


My guess,Time Traveler story is true

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974671 No.21651389


>Evidence Epstein was murdered.

shut up bannon clone. release the epstein tapes your clone has

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a8d012 No.21651390


Fukkin KeK!

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bd953c No.21651391

File: a9d8a080ec8c213⋯.png (488 KB,640x335,128:67,ClipboardImage.png)

Never Criticize Pooh Bear: Top Chinese Economist Disappears After Criticizing Dictator Xi Jinping

Economist Zhu Hengpeng of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences disappears after criticizing dictator Xi Jinping’s economic policies.


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c15d46 No.21651392

File: fe04da05ea4a4a7⋯.png (647.57 KB,1024x476,256:119,ClipboardImage.png)


>Maine CDC reported that a child had ‘tested positive’ for measles

Link to the article.

Measles “Outbreak” In Maine Was Vaccine-Induced All Along

September 24, 2024


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967dc9 No.21651393


Buying votes is highly illegal!!

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fedc60 No.21651394

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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1a0d3b No.21651395

File: c8434c690a926ed⋯.jpg (58.75 KB,511x429,511:429,FB_Life_log.jpg)


>including executives at Facebook

In other words…

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f2399c No.21651396

File: 0ce4c8224e2914f⋯.png (642.39 KB,960x600,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)


Live, from 3 feet under the basement. It's Barry Soetoro

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1a8b24 No.21651397

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2cccf7 No.21651398


So they're trying to kill the local community with stress?

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bd953c No.21651399

File: a0497d80e757274⋯.png (672.97 KB,675x647,675:647,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5302e3069d6739e⋯.png (1.39 MB,900x1200,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f24e9f043dfb9e⋯.png (2.02 MB,900x1200,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d69b845daa27856⋯.png (2.3 MB,1200x900,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Alex Soros announces his family's latest acquisition

Alex Soros


Honored to host Governor @Tim_Walz at my home in New York City!

12:31 PM • Sep 24, 2024


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71d06a No.21651400


Where are the bodies buried


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000000 No.21651401


It´s Hamas fault.

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74239a No.21651402

The Covenant Is Broken

11 This is the word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord: 2 “Listen to the terms of this covenant and tell them to the people of Judah and to those who live in Jerusalem. 3 Tell them that this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘Cursed is the one who does not obey the terms of this covenant— 4 the terms I commanded your ancestors when I brought them out of Egypt, out of the iron-smelting furnace.’ I said, ‘Obey me and do everything I command you, and you will be my people, and I will be your God. 5 Then I will fulfill the oath I swore to your ancestors, to give them a land flowing with milk and honey’—the land you possess today.”

I answered, “Amen, Lord.”

6 The Lord said to me, “Proclaim all these words in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem: ‘Listen to the terms of this covenant and follow them. 7 From the time I brought your ancestors up from Egypt until today, I warned them again and again, saying, “Obey me.” 8 But they did not listen or pay attention; instead, they followed the stubbornness of their evil hearts. So I brought on them all the curses of the covenant I had commanded them to follow but that they did not keep.’”

9 Then the Lord said to me, “There is a conspiracy among the people of Judah and those who live in Jerusalem. 10 They have returned to the sins of their ancestors, who refused to listen to my words. They have followed other gods to serve them.Both Israel and Judah have broken the covenant I made with their ancestors.11 Therefore this is what the Lord says: ‘I will bring on them a disaster they cannot escape. Although they cry out to me, I will not listen to them. 12 The towns of Judah and the people of Jerusalem will go and cry out to the gods to whom they burn incense, but they will not help them at all when disaster strikes. 13 You, Judah, have as many gods as you have towns; and the altars you have set up to burn incense to that shameful god Baal are as many as the streets of Jerusalem.’

14 “Do not pray for this people or offer any plea or petition for them, because I will not listen when they call to me in the time of their distress.

15 “What is my beloved doing in my temple

as she, with many others, works out her evil schemes?

Can consecrated meat avert your punishment?

When you engage in your wickedness,

then you rejoice.[a]”

16 The Lord called you a thriving olive tree

with fruit beautiful in form.

But with the roar of a mighty storm

he will set it on fire,

and its branches will be broken.

17 The Lord Almighty, who planted you, has decreed disaster for you, because the people of both Israel and Judah have done evil and aroused my anger by burning incense to Baal.

Jeremiah 11

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bc96ba No.21651403

File: ee12d25fc77e60f⋯.jpg (1.49 MB,4096x2731,4096:2731,ee12d25fc77e60f38ee6635f9f….jpg)


This could be fun.

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974671 No.21651404

File: dbcb50971229498⋯.jpg (44.03 KB,1024x576,16:9,ukraine_unfair.jpg)

File: da21af017abb3f7⋯.jpg (121.94 KB,1080x1057,1080:1057,ukraine_kursk_fuckup.jpg)

File: 60cd6d41d5effb1⋯.jpg (128.21 KB,500x704,125:176,ukraine_alex_jones_ducks_m….jpg)

File: 63601cc91af5475⋯.png (837.84 KB,800x800,1:1,traitors_ukraine.png)

File: b9bfb46de6feec6⋯.png (335.43 KB,578x484,289:242,traitors_for_ukraine_over_….png)


>Ukraine has expected the US to have given the permission by now,


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fedc60 No.21651405


Soroped Walzos

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e915c8 No.21651406

File: c286a668819f1fd⋯.png (752.29 KB,798x801,266:267,Obi_Wan_Shitposter_Star_Wa….png)


That's gold

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4da914 No.21651407

File: aff7005744fe84a⋯.png (449.34 KB,492x682,246:341,Big_Mike_Fully_Vaccinated_.PNG)


There once was a 1st lady from Harrow,

Who had a prick the size of a marrow.

While dancing along, singing a song,

She carried her balls in a barrow.

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bd953c No.21651408

File: 40a5a895e6bea41⋯.png (746.21 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have left America (and their successor) a fiscal nightmare

Our debt is set to top 100% of GDP for the first time in decades as prices remain sky high.


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574636 No.21651409

File: c6ab438cfcdedfb⋯.jpg (15.07 KB,191x255,191:255,a7b1eb27ba0319d2ced5eed7b5….jpg)


such big feet for such twiggy legs

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dbfeb8 No.21651410

File: 6e24150992c5d29⋯.jpg (314.77 KB,1740x1099,1740:1099,1644539256297.jpg)

File: 9e2a71ce67cd016⋯.jpg (458.38 KB,1824x1212,152:101,9e2a71ce67cd016d9112f7be82….jpg)

File: 5dffc64ed9e6704⋯.png (471.2 KB,490x842,245:421,58064786245ff0897cda02e929….png)

Prayer Time Soon

Get ready, it's going to be Biblical

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4e6389 No.21651411


And I will give to you all the kingdoms of the world if you only bow down in front of me

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33ecfb No.21651412

File: 9d4e3469eefeb70⋯.jpg (313.73 KB,1497x753,499:251,cominginforalandingt.jpg)

>>21650714 lb

look to be AI?

coms, i would guess.

>>21651111 lb

>>21651114 lb

>>21651102 lb

Aliens connect with Religion?

YEP. seems likely.

>>21651106 lb

looks like this photograph of Barr in the aircraft is edited. picrel

Never noticed that before.

open it in a photoshop or Gimp,

it's a composite.

If it was ever noticed before I never heard about it.

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bd953c No.21651413

File: a732fc910305cb8⋯.png (1.04 MB,1170x1385,234:277,ClipboardImage.png)

CNN fact checking Walz


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7a887d No.21651414

File: 208fe3cea0a2ca2⋯.png (545.85 KB,702x579,234:193,tic1.PNG)

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6a56a0 No.21651415

11:54 PM EDT

SpaceX is targeting Tuesday, September 24 for a Falcon 9 launch of 20 Starlink satellites, including 13 with Direct to Cell capabilities, to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 4 East (SLC-4E) at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California. Liftoff is targeted for 9:01 p.m. PT. If needed, an additional opportunity is also available on Wednesday, September 25 at 8:37 p.m. PT.




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9abc98 No.21651416

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Can any anons find one good man?

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e915c8 No.21651417


Looks real cozy

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bd953c No.21651418

File: b9ae4ea7e6db359⋯.png (4.72 MB,1600x1721,1600:1721,ClipboardImage.png)

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74239a No.21651419

File: f1c6f2bc72888b6⋯.png (488.61 KB,636x358,318:179,ClipboardImage.png)

Corrupt system

Anti-lockdown activist wins court case but forced to pay police lawyer fees

A prominent anti-lockdown activist fears she will be sent bankrupt after she won an unlawful arrest case against police, but was then made to cover the police legal bill of almost $250,000.

Monica Smit, founder of the anti-lockdown Reignite Democracy Australia group, told A Current Affair she had no money left after pursuing Victoria Police through the courts.

"You can't get blood out of a stone," she said.

Smit sued Victoria Police after she was arrested three times within three hours at an anti-lockdown rally in Melbourne in October 2020.

At the time, mask wearing was mandatory and gatherings above 10 people were banned.

Smit represented herself in court and a judge found that because of a legal technicality, two of the three arrests were unlawful.

"I was my lawyer, my star witness and I was defending claims against a whole team of lawyers," Smit said.

She was awarded $4000 compensation but then ordered to pay Victoria Police's legal bill of nearly $250,000 because Smit said she turned down a pre-trial offer to settle the case for $15,000.

Police misconduct lawyer Jeremy Smith, from Robinson Gill, said if a defendant in a proceeding made an offer to the plaintiff to settle, but the plaintiff proceeded with court action and they were awarded less at court, the judge had the power to order they pay the other side's legal costs.


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a0d7c1 No.21651420


I wonder if Jesus fasted for 40 days to try to rid himself of parasitic influence that wanted him to eat dirt / shit.

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fedc60 No.21651421

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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02de54 No.21651422

File: 02da85c36d6fd3b⋯.jpg (55.94 KB,468x600,39:50,02da85c36d6fd3b5141168ef3d….jpg)


Anon likes that based jew

He is not just based. He is fukken based

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967dc9 No.21651423


Lulz. Sue them again

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bd953c No.21651424

File: 588a5174f897079⋯.png (76.04 KB,675x664,675:664,ClipboardImage.png)

Stella Assange


IMPORTANT: Julian will be in Strasbourg next week on October 1st. It will be an exceptional break from his recovery as @COE invited Julian to provide testimony for the JUR Committee’s report into his case and its wider implications. Read the press release:




Julian Assange to Address Council of Europe Following Confirmation of his Status as a Political Prisoner

On October 1, Julian Assange will arrive in Strasbourg to give evidence before the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) which is scheduled to meet from 8.30am to 10am at the Palace of Europe.

This comes following the release of the PACE inquiry report into the Assange case, authored by Rapporteur Thórhildur Sunna Ævarsdóttir. The report focuses on the implications of his detention and its broader effects on human rights, in particular freedom of journalism. The report confirms that Assange qualifies as a political prisoner and calls on the UK conduct an independent review into whether he was exposed to inhuman or degrading treatment.

Sunna Ævarsdóttir serves as the General Rapporteur for Political Prisoners and is the Chair of the Sub-Committee on Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights within PACE's Legal Affairs Committee. She emphasises how Assange's case is a high profile example of transnational repression. The report discusses how governments employ both legal and extralegal measures to suppress dissent across borders, which poses significant threats to press freedom and human rights.

Julian Assange is still in recovery following his release from prison in June 2024. He is attending this session in person due to the exceptional nature of the invitation and to embrace the support received from PACE and its delegates over the past years. PACE has a mandate to safeguard human rights and has repeatedly called for Julian Assange’s release when he was in prison.

He will give testimony before the committee, which will also hear the findings that his imprisonment was politically motivated.

The hearing marks Assange's first official testimony on his case since before his imprisonment in 2019. His appearance before Europe's foremost human rights and treaty-setting body emphasises the broader implications of his case.


8:59 AM • Sep 24, 2024


1:49 PM • Sep 24, 2024


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d0f211 No.21651425


Did you clutch your pearls while you typed that?

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e915c8 No.21651426

File: 08294a2a58f6b2e⋯.mp4 (1.18 MB,320x568,40:71,Cop_wont_let_paramedic_hel….mp4)

File: 04955ddde5e5fa7⋯.mp4 (2.01 MB,396x646,198:323,Army_Australia.mp4)


never forget

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5c8624 No.21651427

File: 28d21233286cc13⋯.png (16.28 KB,918x202,459:101,ClipboardImage.png)


this previous baker did not ignore your post anon

I replied to you telling you you posted a meme at best

you have no link or no digging attached

baker is not a chemical engineer

or say that what you posted without a link is accurate?

maybe if it is under pressure stored in whatever it was in

it would speeeew out in slow motion aerated and gassy

wtf do I know.

I know a meme is not enough proof

all the time you spent complaining you could have dug deeper and presented a worthy notable post.

nothing odd about it


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a0d7c1 No.21651428

File: c9c8421df04eb5c⋯.jpg (103.4 KB,758x1500,379:750,71vBnDbmacL_AC_SL1500_4079….jpg)


I highly recommend Swedish Herb tincture by recipe of Maria Treben to rid fungal / candida (and parasitic) infections.

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74239a No.21651429

File: d4a55a880729007⋯.png (41.85 KB,683x254,683:254,ClipboardImage.png)


You ain't real bright

Rothschild Zionist stooge you dumb fuck.

He gave all Argentina's gold to the Rothschild's bank in the UK

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fedc60 No.21651430

Soulless and vapid DeepFuck traitor

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2ea682 No.21651431


Can you elaborate on your thinking?

Can you explain it using the map?

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f2399c No.21651432


All you have to do is get the mayor's accounting records to see how he is being paid off to hire foreigners instead of Americans. There's your case. It's in the taxes and government "stimulus" programs. Just like Commiefornia, ever since affirmative discrimination trashed the military in 1976.

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bd953c No.21651433

File: 37255e4b03f92b9⋯.png (598.64 KB,1080x1180,54:59,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a479bf21735145⋯.png (178.2 KB,680x383,680:383,ClipboardImage.png)

This is sickening. Fauci funded a $3.7 million project to poison puppies with experimental drugs, FOIA documents show – and the project is still active.


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fedc60 No.21651434

Rotten hearted Alphabet DeepDiaper fuckface

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03a4bf No.21651435


Ohio stockpiled the vax shipments. Didn’t release to the public. Still undergoing testing. Negative zero cold storage. Thanks Jim!

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bd953c No.21651436

File: 690eff963e2d696⋯.png (533.14 KB,609x410,609:410,ClipboardImage.png)

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fedc60 No.21651437

Duplicitous Marxist slut

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4da914 No.21651438

File: d56290b55a5d75d⋯.gif (2.43 MB,286x400,143:200,Pepe_Body_Art.GIF)

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0fde70 No.21651439

two day window - perhaps Nov 5th - 9th


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0b8cd3 No.21651440

File: e9b5f85365d2eaa⋯.gif (989.52 KB,400x389,400:389,a_wwg1_wga_lion.gif)

File: e79760ac9a1a7d5⋯.mp4 (2.3 MB,854x480,427:240,klaus_no_elections_needed.mp4)


If anons have not worked out what is going on at the moment.

Every country in the world at the moment in the world is a vassal state of the NWO.

There is a very thin veneer of normalcy left, the only crimes being prosecuted are those that threaten the power of the elites. real crime including murders, rape, pedophilia criminals are being let off or for optics sake shown to being tackled but what they are doing is just sweeping up anyone with information or evidence to destroy evidence or hold over others as a asset for the clowns.

We are in the end game.

The last nation in the world where the citizens still have free speech and the right to bear arms.

There may be no moar elections after this one in 2024, klaus schwab has his way.


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59a3cf No.21651441

notables @ 290 halfway collected

#26516 >>21651131

>>21651133, >>21651225, >>21651365 Soros funded Haitian org filed several bogus charges against Trump and Vance in Springfield, Ohio

>>21651142 Turkish President has once again compared Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu to Adolf Hitler @ UN General Assembly

>>21651149 FTX fraudster Caroline Ellison sentenced to 2 years in prison, ordered to forfeit $11 billion

>>21651147, >>21651156 Ryan Routh formally charged with attempting to assassinate Trump

>>21651165 Woman claims Sean 'Diddy' Combs and his head of security violently raped her after drugging her: lawsuit

>>21651171 Trump trolling Kamala over her lying about working at McDonalds

>>21651172 Fitness expert Jillian Michaels gets standing ovation in Congress for epic rant about America's chronic disease epidemic

>>21651177 In 2020, Crazy Days & Nights reported that Diddy beheaded a live goat in front of his guests on a yacht off the coast of France

>>21651192 Blinken ignored subpoena hearing on withdrawal from Afghanistan to attend the UN meeting instead

>>21651199 Former President Trump vows to expose and prosecute everyone involved in the alleged theft of the 2020 election

>>21651200 Protests in New York City, by communists, useful idiots, and terrorist operatives

>>21651216 DoJ Searched For Anti-Haitian Incidents to Bolster Kamala’s Claims, Emails Show

>>21651223, >>21651251, >>21651398 Chemical train car leak near Cincinnati cont'd

>>21651236 Trump Dominating Sunbelt States Key To Harris Win: NYT Poll

>>21651258 School intimidating students to vote for Kamala without parental consent

>>21651267 John Solomon talking to Matt Gaetz about the 5 team trying to assassinate Trump

>>21651270 Trump will appoint a "Manfacturing Ambassador" to bring manufacturing into the USA

>>21651162, >>21651191, >>21651222 Memes


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fedc60 No.21651442

Mean, slack minded shitbox junkie

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bd953c No.21651443

File: a0415063c66372e⋯.png (1.04 MB,752x959,752:959,ClipboardImage.png)

P. Diddy & Eminem


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f88f4c No.21651444


just posted that on FB for my commie friends to chew on

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02de54 No.21651445


Still Argentinian government gold

Just stored elsewhere and recognized so the country can do inflation battling currency leveraging

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fedc60 No.21651446

Soul killing opioid DeepDemon coward cunt

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7a887d No.21651447


some people never learn

jews→-bad news

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5c8624 No.21651448




new term

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fd0564 No.21651449


That girl won't last a week in jail.

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03a4bf No.21651450


I used to know an obey one.

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fbc5a4 No.21651451

File: 3d799fd5359a82d⋯.gif (731.79 KB,360x252,10:7,2btkrq.gif)

File: 16699b0fbed6478⋯.jpg (59.71 KB,750x754,375:377,16699b0fbed647854404d62c72….jpg)

File: 49b66371cd49722⋯.jpg (104.96 KB,681x900,227:300,277802850_5256016957796561….jpg)

File: dbe446c3ca9b5eb⋯.jpg (47.32 KB,778x960,389:480,279117237_314081127475197_….jpg)


>billions squandurin gayfart polka to urotrash

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4da914 No.21651452

File: ccce12784c8911d⋯.jpg (92.69 KB,643x800,643:800,Bingo_Card_2024.JPG)

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fedc60 No.21651453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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4e6389 No.21651454

File: b0ef2ec26467260⋯.png (212.21 KB,399x251,399:251,ClipboardImage.png)


‘What the hell is that'? Everyone was asking, ‘Who's the girl in the band'?

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f6222f No.21651455


All these "hard core" rappers and actors video taped sucking dick is going to be funny AF

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0fde70 No.21651456

File: 4d7070960d65587⋯.png (40.26 KB,673x770,673:770,ClipboardImage.png)

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bd953c No.21651457

File: 9780031ef6d0304⋯.png (988.65 KB,1890x819,30:13,ClipboardImage.png)

Most Americans, 58%, said they cannot express their private opinions publicly, and 61% admit to “self-silencing” their political views, according to a survey. At the same time, Americans publicly claim to have higher trust in our institutions than they do in private.

Nearly two-thirds of Americans conceal their political opinions on contentious issues in public, according to a new Populace Research/YouGov survey.

Most Americans, 58%, said they cannot express their private opinions publicly, and 61% admit to “self-silencing” their political views, according to the survey. At the same time, Americans publicly claim to have higher trust in our institutions than they do in private.

Only 36% of Democrats publicly said that they trust the government to tell the truth, but only 5% agreed with the statement in private, according to the survey. Similarly, 42% of Democrats publicly report that they trust the media to tell the truth, while just 9% reiterated this belief in private.

Skepticism is even more apparent among Republicans, with 14% publicly saying they trust the government to tell the truth while just 2% hold this belief privately, according to the study. At the same time, just 16% of Republicans publicly trust the media to tell the truth, while just 3% agreed with the statement in private.

Just 37% of Americans publicly believe that we live in a mostly fair society, while just 7% privately agree with the sentiment, according to the survey.

While polarization is at the forefront of many political conversations, the study reveals Americans privately agree on many issues.

The vast majority of Americans, 90%, are privately on the “same side” of roughly two-thirds of political issues ranging from abortion, school choice and legal immigration, according to the survey.

When it comes to defunding the police, 28% of Gen Z and 27% of Democrats publicly supported the movement, according to the survey. However, only 2% of Gen Z and 3% of Democrats privately support the same movement, which mirrors the 1% support among Boomers and Republicans.

The Populace Research/YouGov study surveyed 19,879 respondents from May 16 to June 24.


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fbc5a4 No.21651458

File: ab361da073b96bb⋯.jpg (2.07 MB,3840x2160,16:9,Quotefancy_225116_3840x216….jpg)

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fedc60 No.21651459

Morally bankrupt Satanic CEO fuck bunny

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fbc5a4 No.21651460

File: 9edbd3e7f76a430⋯.gif (1.56 MB,383x200,383:200,9edbd3e7f76a430659a9e8cfde….gif)


>Morally bankrupt Satanic CEO fuck bunny

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f2399c No.21651461


Now you owe me for your student loans.

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fedc60 No.21651462

Pizza Island hopping idiot cunt

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59096a No.21651463

File: 6d7be57242ee803⋯.jpeg (35.64 KB,217x255,217:255,IMG_7838.jpeg)


> Bret Baier calling Georgia for Harris.

6 weeks out this time.

Why bother having an election?

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a60b38 No.21651464

File: a820726420e0e2b⋯.jpeg (968.75 KB,1125x1886,1125:1886,IMG_4316.jpeg)

Let’s goooo Ladies!!!!!


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fbc5a4 No.21651465

File: 052c5c4c6d8dc49⋯.jpg (373.06 KB,3840x2160,16:9,Quotefancy_6896883_3840x21….jpg)

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4da914 No.21651466

File: 31f917d92e91ec2⋯.jpg (26.59 KB,233x266,233:266,Eww_Gums.jpg)

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f2399c No.21651467


Maybe Barry has a lot to hide in Ohio.

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c15d46 No.21651468

File: 2a3824baa1d67ea⋯.png (36.62 KB,614x228,307:114,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1edf6a8f9e1b2a5⋯.png (497.43 KB,960x640,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


ICYMI 🚨 Ryan Routh, who was charged with the attempted assassination of @realDonaldTrump at the Florida golf course, case has been assigned to Judge Aileen Cannon. (CNN)

Sep 24, 2024, 5:52 PM


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03a4bf No.21651469


Can you imagine being retarded?

Most Americans are.

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fedc60 No.21651470

Retarded fuck horse

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b6c638 No.21651471

File: 3e73d03328cc49f⋯.png (100.93 KB,209x241,209:241,ClipboardImage.png)


grandfather said she was most beautiful he'd ever seen

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bd953c No.21651472

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>sooooooooo gaayyyyyyyyyyy

Taylor Swift’s popularity plummets after Kamala endorsement

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43c41e No.21651473

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f4616d No.21651474


Sure. Don’t need a map tho. 8+ years and absolutely NOTHING HAS HAPPENED

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072c60 No.21651475


Yes, Yes, Yes. God Bless Aileen Cannon and protect her, her family and everyone around her.

Did they assign to her for revenge?

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b6c638 No.21651476


benny's not working for the russians is he?

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fedc60 No.21651477

Langley Lizard DeepDemon Child hunting fuck wad

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02de54 No.21651478

File: 0f4fb9205a22cb6⋯.jpg (74.62 KB,770x600,77:60,0f4fb9205a22cb63e543f9fc5e….jpg)


Demographic pandering vs Lets make USA great for all

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03a4bf No.21651479


Who? Some Hatian chick?

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d536f7 No.21651480

the breads seem chalk full of totally fake news and no one calls out for sauce anymore.

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b6c638 No.21651481


>+ 10% for the big guy.

satan comes to lie, steal and destroy

10% to the Big Guy….haha

where did satan get that idea from? loser

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f88f4c No.21651482

File: 7ff7e092e62c8f5⋯.png (4.15 MB,2256x1263,752:421,ClipboardImage.png)

These fucking people. Projecting again. Saying REPUBS are interfering with an election when THEY are sending ballots to foreigners who don't have to prove citizenship or a State affiliation. Not to mention the states that are allowing illegals to vote. If had The Football here right now, I'd press the red button.

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bd953c No.21651483

File: 822c8d9495b4d3e⋯.png (2 MB,1024x682,512:341,ClipboardImage.png)

US consumer confidence plunged in September by the most in three years as Americans continue to grapple with high prices and a shaky labor market.

The Consumer Confidence Index plummeted 6.9 points in September to 98.7 – the steepest drop since August 2021, according to data released Tuesday. The data came in well below economists’ expectations, according to a Bloomberg survey.

Consumers most often mentioned high prices and inflation as factors influencing their view of the economy, The Conference Board said.

US consumer confidence plunged in September by the most in three years as Americans are left frustrated by high prices. AP

Those between the ages of 35 and 54 and those making less than $50,000 annually showed the largest drops in confidence, according to The Conference Board.

While inflation appears to be cooling, prices are still up more than 16% over the past three years as the job market shows signs of weakness, Cody Moore, the head of growth strategies at Wealth E&P, said.

“This has left consumers worried, not only about rising costs but also about the stability of their jobs in combination with the unknown of the upcoming election,” Moore told The Post.

Dana Peterson, chief economist at The Conference Board, said the drop in consumer confidence was likely tied to the job market and “reactions to fewer hours, slower payroll increases, fewer job openings — even if the labor market remains quite healthy, with low unemployment, few layoffs and elevated wages.”

Just 30.9% of consumers said jobs were plentiful in September and 18.3% of consumers said jobs were hard to get. AP

Though the Federal Reserve cut interest rates by half a percentage point on Wednesday – at the top of economists’ expected range – consumers won’t reap the benefits immediately.

“Prices, particularly at the grocery [store] and for gas, continue to rise and interest rate cuts will take some time to filter down to credit card rates and mortgages,” SMI Group CEO Kenin Spivak told The Post.

A measure of consumer expectations for the next sixth months dropped by 4.6 points to 81.7 – hovering just above a reading less than 80, which typically indicates a recession, The Conference Board said.

A measure of present conditions tumbled 10.3 points to 124.3. Just 30.9% of consumers said jobs were plentiful in September – down from 32.7% in August and the longest streak of monthly declines since the 2008 financial crisis.

Stubbornly high prices at the grocery store and gas tanks have frustrated cash-strapped customers. AP

“Despite the recent interest rate cuts by the Fed, the stark reality is that 50% of Americans have not started repaying their student [loans], auto loans are at a 20 year high for delinquencies and Americans have $1.14 trillion of credit,” oXYGen Financial co-founder and business consultant Ted Jenkin told The Post.

Mahoney Asset Management CEO Ken Mahoney noted that basics like food, shelter, gas and electricity are much more expensive than they were a few years ago.

“It is possible the public is starting to see cracks in the job market and this report is signs of worse things to come,” Mahoney said. “But only time will tell when we get more data.”

“It typically takes 30 days before anybody will see the real effects of the interest-rate cut, so it’s not surprising that Americans aren’t overwhelmingly enthused since the Fed cut rates last week.”

The upcoming presidential election is also likely weighing on consumer confidence, analysts said. Christopher Sadowski

It often takes one month for consumers to feel relief on their credit card and auto loan rates, and up to 90 days for mortgages, analysts previously told The Post.

There was a “slight uptick” in the share of consumers who believe the economy is currently in a recession, Peterson said.



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6ff6be No.21651484

File: 3dc42e9aecfb155⋯.png (280.98 KB,320x320,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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de1b0b No.21651485

File: cccdb884213ca5f⋯.jpeg (1.34 MB,1125x2200,45:88,IMG_4317.jpeg)


Did you say that to him too?

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2cccf7 No.21651486

File: 0ad73241cd7b1d8⋯.png (115.82 KB,980x980,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba29b702f7879ba⋯.png (626.58 KB,1000x1286,500:643,ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone find it interesting that a human sperm looks like the central nervous system? So basically the sperm builds an exoskeleton around itself.

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fc69da No.21651487

File: 5fb337c94d7661f⋯.jpg (234.33 KB,1016x1010,508:505,Letitia_James_sadf.jpg)

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fedc60 No.21651488

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Come here to grow up and save the world, rock with best of the best

Come here to protect globalist pedophiles your gonna expire soon, gone.

Trap snapped shut by the period.

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fbc5a4 No.21651489

File: b30bfa1662e8402⋯.jpg (112.84 KB,598x775,598:775,malik_obama_tweet.jpg)

File: 2d11fd3a15a725a⋯.jpg (117.11 KB,1193x599,1193:599,QE4mrAp.jpg)

File: 00b5cc0e82cf612⋯.jpg (960.44 KB,3840x2160,16:9,Quotefancy_225212_3840x216….jpg)

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7e2228 No.21651490

File: c85524207c695a1⋯.jpeg (163.03 KB,1125x657,125:73,IMG_4043.jpeg)


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fc69da No.21651491



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f2399c No.21651492

File: 5d856019ec880b3⋯.png (6.36 MB,3840x2160,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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9361bf No.21651493

File: 7ca702a6e6246df⋯.gif (980.4 KB,375x290,75:58,7ca702a6e6246dfebc71b56907….gif)

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b6c638 No.21651494


idk but stats say most people are not retarded but are autistic

1 in 36 children in the U.S. have autism, up from the previous rate of 1 in 44.

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bd953c No.21651495

File: 86be35507d8a5eb⋯.png (15.58 MB,3933x3916,3933:3916,ClipboardImage.png)

3191 staffers have passwords leaked on dark web, compare drop #3191

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fedc60 No.21651496

Obfuscated and demented DeepDiaper ShitSalad

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f2399c No.21651497

File: c26398d8047d4d5⋯.png (307.21 KB,700x449,700:449,ClipboardImage.png)

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fbc5a4 No.21651498

File: 5b0b600da6758c2⋯.jpg (7.66 KB,224x224,1:1,oldROMESrevenge.jpg)

File: 5e454d2124934ea⋯.jpg (38.58 KB,600x600,1:1,poster_504x498_f8f8f8_pad_….jpg)

File: 2ea11cf0bf21d22⋯.jpg (1.26 MB,3840x2160,16:9,Quotefancy_225244_3840x216….jpg)

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bd953c No.21651499

File: 5f9ca8700a3f508⋯.png (341.46 KB,650x366,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)


>Nancy Pelosi sold nearly $1 million of Visa, $V on July 1.

What an Amazing Coincidence! Paul Pelosi Unloads $500k in Visa Stock Prior to Antitrust Lawsuit


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4875ec No.21651500

File: 9a03a0c4937bfcf⋯.png (87.48 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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072c60 No.21651501


Fascinating and probably true. Fame is a drug until its not

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726a67 No.21651502

File: 4f0c200ea2e2610⋯.mp4 (4.79 MB,720x1280,9:16,Oli_London_20240924_3_new.mp4)

Bill Gates attempts to appear down to earth as he gets a hot dog in New York whilst wearing an Agenda 2030 badge


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43c41e No.21651503


Kek, he said a vote for him and women won't be lonely anymore.

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254764 No.21651504


Says the ballot harvesting/stuffing mule.

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37e433 No.21651505

File: fdd969498e8c3a7⋯.png (1023.25 KB,888x500,222:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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c15d46 No.21651506

File: 6bd62a369273dc2⋯.png (252.79 KB,443x362,443:362,Dick_Hotdog.png)


>Bill Gates attempts to appear down to earth as he gets a hot dog

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4da914 No.21651507

File: b8588ff4a595b84⋯.png (501.43 KB,1200x785,240:157,IMG_0349.png)

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967dc9 No.21651508

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574636 No.21651509


molly hatchet always sucked always

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fbc5a4 No.21651510

File: 44a46d927168008⋯.jpg (2.26 MB,3840x2160,16:9,Quotefancy_225256_3840x216….jpg)

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bd953c No.21651511

File: 379a40457dee476⋯.png (1.3 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)




>Obfuscated and demented DeepDiaper ShitSalad

Kamala and Biden will only be Flip Flops seen on Etsy.

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fedc60 No.21651512

Deranged and depraved child molesting DeepCunt DumbFuck retard

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0c1de1 No.21651513


“Kamala Harris, for the people” from the jump.

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fbc5a4 No.21651514

File: 8910566eaeb6dd7⋯.jpg (753.24 KB,2000x1537,2000:1537,xW7_1aKCCta7CzYfYgUafQg_11….jpg)

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86f872 No.21651515

File: 15faeb07cb5cda5⋯.png (17.33 KB,555x221,555:221,ClipboardImage.png)

I don't believe polls are changing right now. I believe these fake pollsters are slowly adjusting their fake polls before election day rolls around so they are not charged with election rigging.

They will do it a little at a time before the cuttoff for polling happens. Slow at first so early voters cast their vote for Harris before they find out she has zero chance


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527acd No.21651516

File: 6c91905b11fd872⋯.png (375.37 KB,689x284,689:284,Screenshot_2024_09_24_1804….png)

Water molecules respond to emotions and form beautiful forms when influenced with love, peace and harmony and conversely become ugly in form when influenced with hate, anger and negativity. Being that humans are made up of approximately 70% water it would be wise to attempt to influence ones emotions to create a molecular formation of 70% of our bodies that is fundamentally beautiful by design. From there one can deal with any other health and mental issues having a very solid foundation. Just a thought i was having I'd like to share with other anons. Peace and Love to you all - God Bless and thank you Jesus!

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03a4bf No.21651517


He looks American even! I trust him!

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4da914 No.21651518

File: 26f59a3343338b3⋯.mp4 (9.4 MB,Barry_Obama_Dildo_Removal.mp4)

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0b8cd3 No.21651519

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Rachel Reeves gives a speech to the Labour Party conference – watch live


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fbc5a4 No.21651520

File: 212d7cdcaf6eb65⋯.png (1.21 MB,1550x950,31:19,_round_holes_Image19.png)

File: 133e3e6e4d336ad⋯.jpg (194.5 KB,640x800,4:5,mordor.jpg)

File: 1e9ae37b9618cdf⋯.jpg (200.67 KB,3840x2160,16:9,Quotefancy_6369818_3840x21….jpg)

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fedc60 No.21651521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a0d7c1 No.21651522

File: a05932c71578c91⋯.jpg (153.94 KB,921x1200,307:400,Fjj4Y3gXEAMUPhd_3841606582.jpg)


a genda 2030 i.e. 'one gender' by 2030

>>21650971 (pb)

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726a67 No.21651523


Bennys a faggot

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fbc5a4 No.21651524

File: 24b3e13aef55421⋯.png (71.36 KB,253x199,253:199,24b3e13aef554217d82bd97817….png)

File: 5e30498f990a861⋯.jpg (159.93 KB,600x859,600:859,277785475_5256014501130140….jpg)

File: dd33bee70dd4d94⋯.jpg (94.01 KB,797x988,797:988,278954379_1093603961497620….jpg)

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072c60 No.21651525


So Kamala paying rally goers over $750 weeks or months is vote buying. She must be spending 3x what Trump is spending. He actually doesn't have to pay rally attenders, never did. He was just helping people in the grocery story. Which one goes to court for it?

If think we know the BS DOJ's method.

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f6222f No.21651526

Research the Law of One.

(You), the children of The Law of One.

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846f02 No.21651527

File: fc2ba1c868a3d02⋯.jpg (77.62 KB,983x512,983:512,Screenshot_20240924_022854….jpg)


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16938a No.21651528

File: f5cbad085a740b4⋯.jpeg (718.07 KB,1125x1464,375:488,IMG_4319.jpeg)

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fbc5a4 No.21651530


>Morally bankrupt Satanic CEO fuck bunny

2 out of three genders are asshole

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fedc60 No.21651531

Remorse ridden and capitulated Mockingbird shit scribbler

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bd953c No.21651532

File: de5b1646dbffe5c⋯.png (28.5 KB,675x348,225:116,ClipboardImage.png)


>Bill Gates attempts to appear down to earth as he gets a hot dog in New York whilst wearing an Agenda 2030 badge

NOTABLE Faggotry


Let’s try this again.

Who are you voting for?


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bc96ba No.21651533

File: 4e5aebb45dbd493⋯.jpg (9.24 KB,195x259,195:259,ed1b2f6b823c956f0d639eb90a….jpg)


>Did they assign to her for revenge?


Keeping the judge under continued threat of assassination from crazy leftists could be punishment for tossing Trump's case.

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4875ec No.21651534

File: 8566e5229cce00b⋯.png (92.56 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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fbc5a4 No.21651535

File: 052c5c4c6d8dc49⋯.jpg (373.06 KB,3840x2160,16:9,Quotefancy_6896883_3840x21….jpg)

File: 564504b8dcfd215⋯.jpg (8.53 KB,300x168,25:14,RUMPrally.jpg)

File: 5cfab2022fddc3a⋯.jpg (245.98 KB,1395x1779,465:593,sgZ1cyY.jpg)

File: a82fb0d59e3a629⋯.jpg (36.94 KB,460x465,92:93,vke7dbwd1wja.jpg)

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fedc60 No.21651536


Commie fuck toilet

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072c60 No.21651537


Walz begging and they didn't show the sucking part

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5148aa No.21651538

File: 97d44acd2d4911a⋯.png (360.62 KB,800x698,400:349,97d44acd2d4911a2684da009a4….png)

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43c41e No.21651539

File: ab26738caa44acc⋯.png (267.48 KB,465x437,465:437,potus6253df234525ae.png)

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5c8624 No.21651540

File: 773023ee3eff3f4⋯.png (420.26 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d79807dfb7f2713⋯.png (430.14 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


become a small shelter

from the coming storm

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974671 No.21651541

File: 0d460ed9ad20d23⋯.png (541.53 KB,831x901,831:901,ClipboardImage.png)

You’re telling me the son of a psyop’ed MKUltra assassin who attempted to kill the opposition to the new world kiddie molesting globohomo Jew banker propaganda big tech-media order collected child porn? No way!

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fedc60 No.21651542


Commie cabin boyz

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bd953c No.21651543

File: cb5a0563da450de⋯.png (148.59 KB,1080x732,90:61,ClipboardImage.png)



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fbc5a4 No.21651544

File: fe4c90b3c397578⋯.jpg (213.84 KB,1067x1600,1067:1600,marie_claude_bourbonnais_t….jpg)


>fuck bunny

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974671 No.21651546

File: 354d83c0fe98482⋯.png (943.96 KB,942x1100,471:550,ClipboardImage.png)


>You’re telling me the son of a psyop’ed MKUltra assassin who attempted to kill the opposition to the new world kiddie molesting globohomo Jew banker propaganda big tech-media order collected child porn? No way!

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fedc60 No.21651547


DeepTrap DumbDiaper Diddlefuck

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f2399c No.21651549

File: 9569e8ed2b2d19a⋯.png (980.02 KB,750x989,750:989,ClipboardImage.png)


She's going to love being chattel property again.

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38d332 No.21651550

NYPD starting to lock people up; some protesters resisting arrest, fighting the police, and attempting to de-arrest their comrades.

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1a8b24 No.21651552


I will not kneel before Zod.

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f2399c No.21651553


AI of old kike

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fedc60 No.21651554




Stupid and ridiculous Commie shitty city ruckus

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bc96ba No.21651555

File: 6919f69c707beb1⋯.jpg (99.82 KB,662x653,662:653,6919f69c707beb17d38793e127….jpg)


He triggered the shit out of them with that protector remark.


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3c115f No.21651556

File: 1c4e26450c68faa⋯.png (349.32 KB,598x841,598:841,tb.PNG)


Tracy Beanz


🚨So, you remember that “measles” outbreak in Maine? Turns out it was vaccination that caused it. Wasn’t an “outbreak” at all. @ICANdecide

got documents that proved it. Read and share: https://icandecide.org/press-release/measles-outbreak-in-maine-was-vaccine-induced-all-along/


Last edited

6:56 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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4e6389 No.21651557


and evaporation?

how easily does styrene evaporate?

boiling and evaporation are not the same thing

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fbc5a4 No.21651558

File: e16ce32622f5c12⋯.jpg (155.8 KB,800x1200,2:3,fakemilf.jpg)


>>fuck bunny

milf rental

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4e6389 No.21651559


hair trigger

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974671 No.21651560


>i don't care HOW many illiterate idiots publish articles calling styrene a gas

>(because I read a wikipedia article and I know best now)

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d8a779 No.21651561

File: 45c2fd9caed8a5d⋯.png (59.69 KB,618x879,206:293,ClipboardImage.png)

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3c115f No.21651562

File: 8550ee872ca3d59⋯.png (725.94 KB,589x754,589:754,ne.PNG)


Graham Allen



The homelessness and drug problem is SO BAD in Minnesota that dogs are now eating NEEDLES on the streets…

We HAVE to keep Tim Walz as far from the White House as possible!!!



4:31 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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39cf67 No.21651563


Trump Bounty purchase.

Bounty commercial.

"Bounty, the quicker picker-uper."

Run, capture and face the consequences or save taxpayers dollars when found. Willing or unwillingly.

Suprised and couldn't run or save taxpayers dollars. Face the consequences.

Stand and face the consequences.

Defiant, fight and save taxpayers dollars or survive and face the consequences.

Save tax payers dollars before arrest.

"Big Club Elites and their minions." Pick one.

Is Las Vegas giving odds on names?

Hot action I bet. Pun intended.

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fbc5a4 No.21651564

File: f050be8da118e7f⋯.gif (2.27 MB,600x338,300:169,f050be8da118e7fc2560a47440….gif)

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0c8827 No.21651565

File: 379dc5715296de8⋯.jpeg (1.09 MB,1548x1620,43:45,IMG_1569.jpeg)

File: 8c6ad312b234b74⋯.jpeg (1.31 MB,1404x1620,13:15,IMG_1568.jpeg)

Where’s the medical people involved?


Combs’ staff would later clean to “mitigate room damage” and they wouldschedule IV delivery to help the victims “recover from the physical exertion and drug use” of the sometimes days-long Freak Offs, the indictment alleges

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974671 No.21651566


ssstwitter.com and then you can post thae video too

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3c115f No.21651567

File: 1b2510eb4f14a5b⋯.png (400.44 KB,597x761,597:761,s.PNG)




BREAKING: An organization called the Haitian Bridge Alliance has filed criminal charges against President Trump and JD Vance in Springfield, Ohio, claiming that they led an effort to "vilify and threaten the Haitian community in Springfield."

"Together, they spread and amplified the debunked claim that Haitian immigrants in Springfield are eating pets, including cats, dogs, and wildlife. The criminal charge asks the court to affirm probable cause that they committed multiple crimes and issue arrest warrants against Trump and Vance."

I thought this was a parody for a second, but it's real.


7:06 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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5c8624 No.21651568

File: 65b0807f5ac0397⋯.jpg (21.05 KB,276x182,138:91,maga.jpg)


meme of the bred


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967dc9 No.21651569


Why is he always weird??

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f2399c No.21651570


Kamela said during the debate that she & Mayorkas spent hundreds of billions in El Salvador and shipped us their criminals and lunatics.

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fbc5a4 No.21651571

File: 18165e001e24dff⋯.jpg (305.81 KB,3840x2160,16:9,Quotefancy_6809939_3840x21….jpg)

File: 6ee70215f43eb4e⋯.jpg (103.67 KB,780x438,130:73,sardonicaCANNED.jpg)

File: 42d8ecec35eb73f⋯.jpg (210.4 KB,800x1000,4:5,spaminspector.jpg)

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d5bf4e No.21651572

File: 6fbd0c8161a8e57⋯.png (1.56 MB,928x960,29:30,ClipboardImage.png)

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e915c8 No.21651573


What did wimmin do with the sand in their vaginas before Twitter/Z came along?

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f2399c No.21651574


It wasn't debunked, it was verified. And children

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0c8827 No.21651575


I can’t think of one decent person who would have an inkling of interest in a freak out.

What kind of people are this sick?

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29593b No.21651576


Right who says the left ain’t funny?

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c15d46 No.21651577

File: fabf24e3c2e828f⋯.png (302.85 KB,710x577,710:577,Pepe_Hand_On_Mouth.png)


FIB setting up the sibblins to be keepin the mouths shut?

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e915c8 No.21651578


has the same lame Tweet writer as Potato Joe.

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29593b No.21651579


He just is. Vote Harris for normal.

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3c115f No.21651580

File: eb4fe2ea7d996eb⋯.png (345.67 KB,587x856,587:856,de.PNG)

File: 26c62c2980103bb⋯.png (513.32 KB,602x402,301:201,rc.PNG)




This is HUGE‼️

Donald Trump Announces Plans to Deepen the Savannah Port in Georgia in Preparation for an Export Economic BOOM 💥

Trump will tap the Army Corps of Engineers to tackle this monumental project.

—— “we’re going to get it done very quickly.”

AGAIN, I can’t emphasize enough just how important those three SCOTUS ruling were when it comes to eliminating regulations, especially environmental…

A project like this would normally held up for 20+ years… now it can be approved in 30 days.

Trump has been setting the stage these last few years for a Trump economic and manufacturing BOOM… ⚡️

7:44 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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02de54 No.21651581

File: 14bb7f221d87508⋯.png (16.94 KB,500x524,125:131,66f2b86c4bf99.png)

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072c60 No.21651582


This Soros is probably the most retarded Soros in the Jewish Nazi line. George oozed the evil, junior oozes the retarded genes.

His money managers run things, he just pretends him and Huma have sex.

Huma is gross, so having sex with him/her would be confusing. How old is Huma, isn't she way past the time to have children,what kind of surrogate are they using?.

Kidnapped lightbearers of God probably. I hope the child bearer get saved before she or they are eliminated.

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5205c3 No.21651583



movement from assange

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43c41e No.21651584

File: 399e1adffc65933⋯.jpeg (11.88 KB,171x255,57:85,2903917da2ae1a6c2261cf7aa….jpeg)



17:45 = 19

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3c115f No.21651585

File: 3f6c98ac1f380b4⋯.png (163.44 KB,592x680,74:85,cong.PNG)




Congress is finally investigating ActBlue money laundering

Long overdue


Congressman Nick Langworthy



Sep 20

ActBlue has been funneling questionable donations into Democrat campaigns for far too long, raising serious concerns about fraud and illegal contributions — that’s why I launched a new investigation today alongside Chairman @RepJamesComer and @GOPOversight.

We can’t tolerate

Show more





7:37 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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f2399c No.21651586

File: 75c92a2a9e556a3⋯.png (161.78 KB,392x220,98:55,ClipboardImage.png)

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3c115f No.21651587

File: b0b66a5acb7d621⋯.png (369.34 KB,878x450,439:225,shan.PNG)


Law Enforcement Group Backing Kamala Harris

Exposed as a Sham

PJ Media, by Matt Margolis

Posted By: Dreadnought, 9/24/2024 5:59:44 PM

Did you hear the story about a national law enforcement organization that came out and endorsed Kamala Harris? The group, Police Leaders for Community Safety, made their endorsement Monday via press release. “This endorsement reflects Vice President Harris’ track record and unwavering commitment to public safety and the rule of law,” said Sue Riseling, Chair of Police Leaders for Community Safety. “As police leaders who have led law enforcement agencies and the major national law enforcement leadership groups, we know first-hand what it will take to make our communities safer – and that includes having Kamala Harris as our next President."

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2ea682 No.21651588


See, there it is, I knew you could glow harder than you were.

Thank you.

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d5bf4e No.21651589


Been to Haiti

After the quake


It's all true, everything you've heard, it's true

mind you it's a percentage of the population

But it is a major percentage of the population

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5c8624 No.21651590

File: 38709b04c4d9946⋯.png (418.05 KB,614x555,614:555,38709b04c4d9946386d3b61b9e….png)

File: 9ec6cccfe01cadd⋯.png (621.98 KB,960x661,960:661,9ec6cccfe01cadd8bf4551f4c3….png)

File: f501b3eb678e778⋯.png (58.96 KB,255x191,255:191,f501b3eb678e7781d3255b750e….png)


def notable

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bd953c No.21651592


>🚨So, you remember that “measles” outbreak in Maine? Turns out it was vaccination that caused it. Wasn’t an “outbreak” at all. @ICANdecide


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8c9aad No.21651593

File: f5aba30f5165d82⋯.jpg (6.93 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault_9_.jpg)

File: 9ae55c80c7b1f91⋯.jpg (1015.23 KB,1600x2087,1600:2087,17_.jpg)


history repeats itself. le bron

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967dc9 No.21651594


Yeah sure “investigating”. Just recycle the last strongly worded letter

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02de54 No.21651595

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The penthouse in the same building costs 250 million


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3c115f No.21651596

File: 673b6069ad7d6e8⋯.png (338.72 KB,588x729,196:243,reg.PNG)


Washingtons ghost


They pulled this lady’s daughter out of class to register to vote and started saying a bunch of anti Trump stuff. The mom was not happy

5:50 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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6c33b5 No.21651597


red hair almost red October

Ryan Routh is the dude walking in front of the NK "hotel" Q drop

haven't seen a close match yet

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5205c3 No.21651598

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3c115f No.21651599

File: 65a8c90053a4eb1⋯.png (370.74 KB,795x383,795:383,fill.PNG)


Kamala Harris Calls for Eliminating Filibuster

to Codify Roe v. Wade

National Review, by David Zimmerman

Posted By: Dreadnought, 9/24/2024 4:54:35 PM

Vice President Kamala Harris said Tuesday that she supports eliminating the Senate filibuster if that’s what it takes to secure abortion rights nationwide by codifying Roe v. Wade. Seeking to distinguish herself from former president Donald Trump on the abortion issue, Harris has been adamant about signing a bill enshrining women’s access to abortion into federal law. But under the existing filibuster rule, passing such a bill would require 60 votes in the Senate — an all but impossible hurdle to clear given the current composition of the upper chamber and the partisan divide amongst voters on the issue of abortion.

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e915c8 No.21651600

File: d4d225cf8e64e6d⋯.jpg (920.11 KB,1088x1451,1088:1451,Adam_Schiff_Pride_Parade_M….jpg)


Muh Secret Russian sauce.

Schiff still free? After all those lies?

Golly gee what a Justice system.

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5205c3 No.21651601

File: 492b4d3e63883f8⋯.jpg (67.81 KB,1074x857,1074:857,shill.JPG)

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fbc5a4 No.21651602

File: 3c64cf45477dd48⋯.jpg (56.03 KB,640x403,640:403,service_pnp_cph_3a00000_3a….jpg)

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c15d46 No.21651603

File: 8f77d533fff8393⋯.png (497.58 KB,1254x819,418:273,ClipboardImage.png)

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3c115f No.21651604

File: 8b2a545692849d0⋯.png (492.12 KB,591x527,591:527,regi.PNG)


Election Wizard


JUST IN: Federal Judge Philip Brimmer enters settlement order directing the Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold, who argued to keep Trump off the presidential ballot, to release records that could show dead people registered to vote.



5:38 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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5205c3 No.21651605

File: 342a95c9a447af8⋯.png (633.25 KB,506x608,253:304,sj.png)

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3c115f No.21651606

File: 4be73b14a5b0f40⋯.png (371.61 KB,945x817,945:817,rep.PNG)

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39cf67 No.21651607


Diddy has a list of such "folk."

There are people like that talked about on the daily here for the last 7 years.

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e915c8 No.21651608

File: d147b4fe3648f3d⋯.png (1.23 MB,1200x629,1200:629,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8c96972dae3d2a⋯.png (1.71 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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4da914 No.21651609

File: 631555b89a64529⋯.jpeg (634.22 KB,966x936,161:156,IMG_0352.jpeg)

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3c115f No.21651610

File: 982fa7e618c0e56⋯.png (323.53 KB,601x584,601:584,sl.PNG)


Elon Musk


Jamie Dimon is right






JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon: "If you do not control the borders, you are going to destroy our country… Now that they are sending migrants into New York… all my super liberal friends realize what a problem it is."

7:15 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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6c33b5 No.21651611


illegal making up their own rules yelling screaming bullying buying whoring witchcraft inducing violent aggressive politicking for certain

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9d7ce3 No.21651612

File: 85041869dd6c8bb⋯.png (642.69 KB,500x850,10:17,ClipboardImage.png)

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2cccf7 No.21651613

File: 07cd2bbb65d6f2e⋯.png (847.87 KB,474x711,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Autistic lesbians and psycho trannies run the world. It's basically the story of Carrie.

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1e7832 No.21651614


next the haitians will be injecting the dogs just to get a fix.

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3c115f No.21651615

File: d596967b1520aca⋯.png (417.76 KB,592x575,592:575,ew.PNG)


End Wokeness


Fairhope, AL is a small town of 20,000 residents. 1,000 Haitians are possibly "resettling" there.

A grieving mom spoke out yesterday.

Listen to her heartbreaking story:

7:09 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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fedc60 No.21651616

How many lineal feet of prison cockhammer had D DeepDiddy Dealt with ?

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e915c8 No.21651617


I would be doing it via a webcam and not be travelling to those European Values of the Reich.

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0fde70 No.21651618

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4c3333 No.21651619

File: ee065e820445fd4⋯.jpeg (236.01 KB,1284x956,321:239,IMG_3571.jpeg)


24 Sep, 2024 21:21

Biden to discuss missile strikes on Russia with Zelensky – White House

The Pentagon and the State Department reportedly disagree on the issue

(We are watching a movie, the final Act that determines if the world lives or dies)

Vladimir Zelensky is expected to bring up the issue of restrictions on long-range attacks into Russian territory when he meets with US President Joe Biden later this week, White House national security spokesman John Kirby has said.

Ukraine’s leader is scheduled tomeet with Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris on Thursday, after giving a speech at the UN General Assembly in New York.

“I’m sure the issue will come up,” Kirby told reporters on Tuesday, speaking on the sidelines of the UN session,adding that Biden “has not made a policy change” and is “still in the same place” on the issue of missiles.

Kiev hasbeen demandingthat the US and its allies lift all restrictions on the use of the weapons they have provided Ukraine, such as long-range ATACMS missiles, in order to strike deep inside Russia.The West has pointed to the limitations to argue that it is not directly involved in the conflict, while arming and supplying Ukraine.

Ukraine has expected the US to have given the permission by now, two Kiev officials told the Washington Post on Tuesday. According to the Post, the current US administration is divided on the issue, with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin opposed to changing the policy and Secretary of State Antony Blinken siding with Kiev.

According to the Post,Ukraine has already used US weapons in Russia’s Kursk Region “in ways that stretch the previous rules of engagement,” but the US military believes that when it comes to ATACMS, the purported benefits “are not compelling enough to outweigh the drawbacks.”

The outlet also revealed thatKiev “has long been dependent” on receiving target coordinates for US-provided weapons “from US military personnel on a base elsewhere in Europe.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin pointed out this very fact earlier this month, arguing that the issue here is not granting Ukraine permission,but getting the US and NATO “directly involved” in open war against Russia. This would “significantly change” the nature of the conflict and force Moscow to “make the appropriate decisions,” Putin said.

Meanwhile,the US intends to announce a $375 million batch of military aid to Ukraine, AP reported on Tuesday evening citing anonymous sources in Washington. The package would include missiles for HIMARS launchers, cluster bombs for Ukrainian fighter jets, armored vehicles, bridging equipment, anti-tank missiles and other ammunition, which will come out of the US military stockpiles. By thePentagon’s account, the US has provided Ukraine over $56 billionin direct military aid since February 2022.


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97f703 No.21651620

File: 9dc63b07588142e⋯.mp4 (77.57 KB,320x180,16:9,N1kZX6.mp4)


Is that the foot long?

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3c115f No.21651621

File: 1b6ee884fe88bbc⋯.png (399.09 KB,596x741,596:741,cr.PNG)


Collin Rugg


JUST IN: Legendary NFL Quarterback Brett Favre tells Congress he was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease, says "it’s too late for me."

The comment came during a congressional hearing on federal welfare reform.

"Sadly, I also lost an investment in a company that I believed was developing a breakthrough concussion drug I thought would help others," Favre said.

"I’m sure you’ll understand, while it’s too late for me because I’ve recently been diagnosed with Parkinson’s, this is also a cause dear to my heart."

4:31 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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4da914 No.21651622

File: d3be9e4439f5b96⋯.jpeg (159.04 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_0353.jpeg)


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8c9aad No.21651623

File: b85ffb383ccef19⋯.mp4 (1.7 MB,480x848,30:53,b85ffb383ccef1966599fa4524….mp4)

File: d04505692c7c417⋯.gif (5.78 MB,400x300,4:3,N062QF.gif)


grate hot dogs.totally safe & effective. free Palestine

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fc69da No.21651624

File: 0167c370947f1cb⋯.png (68.69 KB,714x574,51:41,vomit2.png)

im going to throw up

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5205c3 No.21651625

File: d4ef2d56334461f⋯.png (58.71 KB,597x254,597:254,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fe22c1e2c328c90⋯.jpg (55.98 KB,720x404,180:101,fe22c1e2c328c905e8672d9ead….jpg)


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4c3333 No.21651626

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f2399c No.21651627

File: 8a9e763a565ee6d⋯.png (964.05 KB,1240x794,620:397,ClipboardImage.png)


Much too little. Far too late.

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3c115f No.21651628

File: f3fa6fb5e4dda83⋯.png (24.02 KB,594x440,27:20,tm.PNG)


Thomas Massie


My amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act “requires a report on the casualty and equipment losses for both sides involved in the conflict in Ukraine.”

It’s in the House’s version of the NDAA and awaits review by the Senate.

More details:

Something went wrong. Try reloading.

4:13 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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4c3333 No.21651629


Love that

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530dcc No.21651630

File: c763d4b2a2b260c⋯.png (39.88 KB,544x566,272:283,larry.png)

dont worry be happy

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e915c8 No.21651631


Yet the Lying Fake News keeps on truckin.

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d619c6 No.21651632

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Secret Service Whistleblower Speaks Out

1 hour ago 7:06


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42e35b No.21651633


Kek. Diddy knows the squealers too.

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613601 No.21651634

File: f01d359d39562b4⋯.png (1.24 MB,2560x2560,1:1,We_Stand_Together_Q_Alt_Al….png)


Thank You Baker

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fedc60 No.21651635


Torn down like the site of fast food mass shooting.

The mere mention of the stupid, horrible and ridiculous cocksucking traitors will make people sick.

Gone, the entire agency.


Finding out clown fucks, it's over

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3c115f No.21651636

File: 3bacca5c18bbc36⋯.png (372.8 KB,598x852,299:426,pigg.PNG)


Wall Street Apes


It Keeps Happening

“So I witnessed a man eating a pigeon. It was the worst thing I've ever seen in 16 years of living in New York”

She goes on to vividly describe what she witnessed. I never saw any videos like this until Kamala Harris started mass importing illegal voters

1:52 PM · Sep 23, 2024




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e915c8 No.21651637

File: e7f0a90cee43f8f⋯.jpg (76.99 KB,423x258,141:86,Hunter_Biden_Pull_It_911.jpg)


If you pull it you get paid.

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39cf67 No.21651638


When will his NDA be revoked?

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4e6389 No.21651639



what did you do to get those cuffies Jimmy Dime?

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5669ce No.21651640


Does he really promise ?

Used to like some U2, until I understood this sanctemonius Satanist. Why wait just drive off like a lemming now, or the herd of swine so that the demon legion had a host.

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935ddb No.21651641

File: fc1f19d8fc53ce8⋯.jpg (104.55 KB,895x931,895:931,t3h54g235235.JPG)

Man Charged With Attempting To Assassinate Donald Trump At Florida Golf Club

Court records show the case has been assigned to Aileen Cannon, a Trump-appointed federal judge.

The attempted assassination indictment had been foreshadowed during a court hearing Monday in which prosecutors successfully argued for the 58-year-old Routh to remain behind bars as a flight risk and a threat to public safety.


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bc96ba No.21651642


Wedding cake is the most fattening food in the world.

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3c115f No.21651643

File: 1623b954bffc1f4⋯.png (371.55 KB,583x486,583:486,mess.PNG)


Citizen Free Press


Abbey Gate terror attack survivor has a message for Kamala.


Daily Caller

4:08 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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0b8cd3 No.21651644

File: 382dcee91b328dc⋯.png (553.08 KB,500x515,100:103,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fe7882bcceb66e4⋯.png (425.27 KB,600x500,6:5,ClipboardImage.png)


this woman speaks through her teeth with real hatred, she is talking about peoples taxes,

she thinks it is ok to take away the elderly heating allowances leading to death, which could have been spread over 5 years and everyone stood up and clapped.

there was a young man who stood up to protest and they dragged him out.

sick evil and selfish.

it is why anon has been saying stop paying taxes.

5000 moar tax revenue officers, 87, 000 in the usa.

hope anons understand what is happening.

whilst they all take bribes and pander to unions.

Always follow the money.

she is a idiot, the real person in charge of the u.k is the bank of England manager Andrew Bailey, the central bankster.

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4da914 No.21651645

File: 851221bd025e6b9⋯.jpeg (50.41 KB,1300x678,650:339,IMG_0354.jpeg)

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4c3333 No.21651646


Julian needs a lot of Security, Pompeo and his ilk are not satisfied. God protect Julian Assange and family.

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39cf67 No.21651647


Didn't he die of old age?

Isn't Dr. Jill pResident now?

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5205c3 No.21651648


no fucking shit…

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3c115f No.21651649

File: 59bcdde13b3bf87⋯.png (395.29 KB,602x835,602:835,mm.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


The city of Brunswick, Maine is planning a multi-million dollar project to build brand new apartments to give migrants free housing.

Meanwhile Americans can’t afford groceries and rent

Rate proposed Community Notes

4:13 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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000000 No.21651650

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


@RT_com 19m

Russian representatives have been barred from attending events commemorating the 80th anniversary of the Auschwitz-Birkenau liberation by Soviet soldiers.

The Auschwitz Museum argues that Russia's presence there would be seen as 'cynical.'

Sep 24, 2024 · 11:20 PM UTC



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e915c8 No.21651651


These are not good people.

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f628ec No.21651652

File: bf24b034e019b5a⋯.mp4 (3.34 MB,1280x720,16:9,73653h4334.mp4)



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3c115f No.21651653

File: 88ff2a3295c1f5a⋯.png (419.98 KB,900x520,45:26,rose.PNG)


ew: Kamala Harris Using Soros-Funded

Fake News Sites to Lie to Voters

Red State, by Bonchie

Posted By: Dreadnought, 9/24/2024 1:59:49 PM

Surprise, surprise, Kamala Harris is using a network of fake news sites to help prop up her campaign and mislead voters about her level of support. On Monday, the official "Kamala HQ" account posted a headline that read "Polish Pennsylvanians Endorse Kamala Harris Over Putin, Ukraine Concerns." The source was a supposed news outlet named "The Keystone Newsroom." What the Harris campaign was trying to do was clear. Local news outlets are typically more trusted than national outlets by the residents of a given state. By pushing a headline bragging about a major endorsement from "The Keystone Newsroom," an air of credibility is given to the claim.

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e915c8 No.21651654


The Jews say "thanks a bunch, now fuck you all to hell."

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5669ce No.21651655


Fucking Military is where ?

Willing participants in starting WWIII.

Rank and File, Time to just say "No"

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795e54 No.21651656



H.E.R. next to fall?

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bc96ba No.21651657


Take some oregano oil, anon.

It won't help, but it'll make you vow to NEVER do it again.

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4c3333 No.21651658


Australian leadership are Nazis and have been since before Covid. Leadership are from the genes of the real criminals shipped there

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97f703 No.21651659

File: 9ce721cab47b7aa⋯.png (1.1 MB,785x1130,157:226,Screenshot_20240924_164440….png)

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59a3cf No.21651660

notables @ 500

#26516 >>21651131

>>21651133, >>21651225, >>21651365 Soros funded Haitian org filed several bogus charges against Trump and Vance in Springfield, Ohio

>>21651304 The lawyer for the Haitian group that filed criminal charges against Trump and Vance is a close friend of Kamala

>>21651142 Turkish President has once again compared Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu to Adolf Hitler @ UN General Assembly

>>21651149 FTX fraudster Caroline Ellison sentenced to 2 years in prison, ordered to forfeit $11 billion

>>21651147, >>21651156 Ryan Routh formally charged with attempting to assassinate Trump

>>21651165 Woman claims Sean 'Diddy' Combs and his head of security violently raped her after drugging her: lawsuit

>>21651171 Trump trolling Kamala over her lying about working at McDonalds

>>21651172 Fitness expert Jillian Michaels gets standing ovation in Congress for epic rant about America's chronic disease epidemic

>>21651177 In 2020, Crazy Days & Nights reported that Diddy beheaded a live goat in front of his guests on a yacht off the coast of France

>>21651192 Blinken ignored subpoena hearing on withdrawal from Afghanistan to attend the UN meeting instead

>>21651199 Former President Trump vows to expose and prosecute everyone involved in the alleged theft of the 2020 election

>>21651200 Protests in New York City, by communists, useful idiots, and terrorist operatives

>>21651216 DoJ Searched For Anti-Haitian Incidents to Bolster Kamala’s Claims, Emails Show

>>21651223, >>21651251, >>21651398 Chemical train car leak near Cincinnati cont'd

>>21651236 Trump Dominating Sunbelt States Key To Harris Win: NYT Poll

>>21651258 School intimidating students to vote for Kamala without parental consent

>>21651267 John Solomon talking to Matt Gaetz about the 5 team trying to assassinate Trump

>>21651270 Trump will appoint a "Manufacturing Ambassador" that will travel the globe to bring businesses into the USA

>>21651273, >>21651368 Multi-day ICE operation on Nantucket Island captured four illegals for raping children and / or residents

>>21651283, >>21651499 Nancy & Paul Pelosi sold nearly $1 million of Visa, $V on July 1 - 3 months later, VISA is being sued

>>21651296 Ukraine President Zelensky Campaigns for Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania

>>21651298 Top Oncologist: Every new cancer patient is under 45, COVID vaccines induced turbo cancer tsunami coming for the young

>>21651301 New York City schools chancellor steps down amid federal bribery probe

>>21651310 Javier Milei's speech @ UN General Assembly

>>21651329 Arizona State audit confirms Trump is the duly elected President of the United States

>>21651338 El Salvador President Nayib Bukele's speech at the UN General Assembly

>>21651342, >>21651346 John Deere sent severe warning as it threatens to move production to Mexico after 187 years

>>21651362 Judge Eileen Cannon will be presiding over the case again would-be Trump assassin Ryan Routh

>>21651376 Who is the P Diddy of Nashville?

>>21651392 Measles “Outbreak” In Maine Was Vaccine-Induced All Along

>>21651399 ICYMI: Alex Soros announces his family's latest acquisition

>>21651424 Julian Assange will be in Strasbourg next week on October 1st

>>21651433 Fauci funded a $3.7 million project to poison puppies with experimental drugs, FOIA documents show – the project is still active

>>21651457 Silent majority: Most Americans, 58%, said they cannot express their private opinions publicly

>>21651472 Taylor Swift’s popularity plummets after Kamala endorsement

>>21651483 The Consumer Confidence Index plummeted 6.9 points in September to 98.7

>>21651562 The homelessness and drug problem is so bad in Minnesota that dogs are now now eating needles on the streets

>>21651565 Diddy’s Ex-Bodyguard Claims Disgraced Rapper Has Secret Tapes of Top Politicians at His ‘Freak Off’ Parties

>>21651580 Donald Trump Announces Plans to Deepen the Savannah Port in Georgia in Preparation for an Export Economic Boom

>>21651585 Congress is finally investigating ActBlue money laundering

>>21651587 Law Enforcement Group Backing Kamala Harris Exposed as a Sham

>>21651162, >>21651191, >>21651222, >>21651314, >>21651378, >>21651406 Memes


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f2399c No.21651661



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8c9aad No.21651662

File: 92b11ca77e3fab3⋯.jpg (263.47 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1665798599686_now_topstory….jpg)

File: 57a3ead9cc75faf⋯.jpg (118.33 KB,1140x760,3:2,sipa_48339432.jpg)

File: 9a77bfe3ac31742⋯.jpg (230.59 KB,1200x1200,1:1,5000.jpg)

File: 8ed4e748613f9ad⋯.png (433.17 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240924_194439.png)



CANADA bank is legit. 51 million cha-ching

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49d86a No.21651663

File: 3cb419bc943adf4⋯.gif (1.31 MB,640x387,640:387,20240924_194440.gif)

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3c115f No.21651664

File: 42748ea3884c1eb⋯.png (313.35 KB,594x679,594:679,ns.PNG)


Nick Sortor


🚨 #BREAKING: Oran Routh, the son of would-be Trump ass*ssin Ryan Routh, has just been arrested on federal child p*rn charges

Interesting timing!

The feds raided Oran’s residence on Saturday, and discovered “hundreds” of files with child p*rn, and they’re saying this is “unrelated” to their investigation into his father.

Didn’t something similar happen with the Las Vegas sh**ter’s family? 🤔




Last edited

4:11 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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d619c6 No.21651665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Senator John Kennedy

Biden, Harris have zero foreign policy victories

Biden's SS name should be "Weenie" and Harris's SS name should be "Weenie Junior".

2 hours ago 7:56


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fedc60 No.21651666

Cartel comped commie cop suicide circus

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4c3333 No.21651667


I agree, "Swedish Bitters" is the best, I used it for 17 years.

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e915c8 No.21651668


well you fucked that up pretty good.

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323089 No.21651669

File: a8cff18ceb6956f⋯.mp4 (4.54 MB,576x1024,9:16,7635642h64.mp4)



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fbc5a4 No.21651670

File: 160497fa357eb7c⋯.jpg (886.29 KB,913x1280,913:1280,SCIJB0572_74014_1542089198.jpg)

File: d460abae703a4fd⋯.jpg (17.82 KB,227x255,227:255,Sie_sind_nicht_schwul_sie_….jpg)

File: bbc2de8ff6f0f13⋯.jpg (14.61 KB,255x254,255:254,supremeBONGrip.jpg)

File: a82fb0d59e3a629⋯.jpg (36.94 KB,460x465,92:93,vke7dbwd1wja.jpg)

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3c115f No.21651671

File: 0c0a1f604a9dde0⋯.png (162.44 KB,599x752,599:752,ms.PNG)


Defiant L’s


Well, isn't that something.


4:15 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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7e7076 No.21651672

File: ce093d6e5e0b598⋯.png (945.8 KB,1024x768,4:3,6ab15e922f18a3f110ffffe9a3….png)

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83069a No.21651673



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f2399c No.21651674

File: 04b857ef2d893dd⋯.png (138.14 KB,277x350,277:350,ClipboardImage.png)

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d5bf4e No.21651675


the sins of the Father….

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c15d46 No.21651676

File: f269ac976ac2635⋯.png (3.81 MB,1500x1000,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f4bfe12ddc1608c⋯.png (318.97 KB,468x312,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


>So I witnessed a man eating a pigeon

It's kind of a thing, ya know …

How to Get Serious About Pigeon Hunting

Forget banging on barn walls or silos. Spinning-wind decoys, electronic pigeon calls, and specialized blinds can help you put a lot more birds in the bag.

Aug 08, 2024



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83069a No.21651677

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fedc60 No.21651678

Fraud Fibbie Prison RapeFest

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3c115f No.21651679

File: 424d5951341519a⋯.png (11.56 KB,578x153,34:9,ji.PNG)




JUST IN - Son of Ryan Routh, accused in Trump assassination attempt, arrested for possessing child pornography — ABC

4:08 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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d619c6 No.21651680

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tucker Carlson

Alex Jones & Jack Posobiec: The Trump Bounty, Oprah & Diddy, and Why War Makes Kamala Happy

2 hours ago 21:04


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967dc9 No.21651681


This was debunked

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f2399c No.21651682


Free castrations in prison!

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0c8827 No.21651683


Yes, I now that.

I was just wondering who could think that was a good time.

Locked up in a hotel for days with drugs and perverted sex .

Or go on a fishing trip ?

Or sit on the beach ?

Or even go to a casino where no one bothers you.

But an orgy.

I know…MK and grooming, but it sounds so miserable.

I guess, they are sick. If they are sick, is there a cure?

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5c8624 No.21651684


5 moves ahead always

Donald Trump Announces Plans to Deepen the Savannah Port in Georgia in Preparation for an Export Economic BOOM 💥

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3c115f No.21651685

File: caed27255e5b89b⋯.png (24.83 KB,595x271,595:271,jw.PNG)


James Watkins



This is a prayer for Tuesday from the book titled Deliverance Prayers.

Lord Jesus Christ, we beg Thee for the grace

to remain guarded beneath the protective mantle of Mary, surrounded by the holy briar from which was taken the Holy Crown of Thorns, and saturated with Thy Precious Blood in the power of the Holy Spirit, with your Guardian Angels, for the greater glory of the Father.


4:09 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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cc5a89 No.21651686

Canada #63 >>21649725

WOW! Barack Obama’s Former Canadian Ambassador Reveals Zoom Call With Hollywood Celebrities and Social Media Influencers To Discuss Undetectable Way To Steal The 2024 Election

by Patty McMurray Sep. 24, 2024

Democrats have devised a brilliant plan to steal our election in 2024—and it’s really quite simple.

By telegraphing to the American people that they believe the key to winning our elections is getting 9 million individuals to vote for Kamala Harris from a pool of 2.4 million eligible overseas voters in total (according to US government data), Democrats essentially remove the shock value when it’s announced they only achieved a percentage of their goal when it’s revealed they received millions of new overseas votes

For those determined to decide the outcome of our elections by using every possible loophole, like the United States FVAP website and the Democratic Party overseas registration website, VoteFromAbroad.org, where overseas voters can register to vote and request an absentee ballot at the same time, it would seem to an outsider a brilliant plan.

The problem is for those concerned about the legitimacy or security of our elections: the fact that none of the so-called “9 million voters” Democrats claim they are trying to recruit will have to prove their identity or even provide a legitimate address for their past or present residence in the United States, leaving America with another significantly flawed election outcome with no way to prove it once the votes are cast.

Last week, the Gateway Pundit published the first investigative piece in a series explaining how easily our elections can be stolen without a trace.

According to Heather Honey at Verity Vote, the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) is a Federal law passed in 1986.

UOCAVA requires that the states allow members of the US Armed Forces, their family members, and US citizens who reside outside of the US to register and vote absentee in elections for Federal offices in a standardized format.

After HAVA passed in 2002, there were numerous projects undertaken to test the viability of electronic voting for UOCAVA eligible voters. The 2004 Secure Electronic Registration and Voting Experiment (SERVE) project was intended to develop an Internet-based registration and voting system in 55 volunteer counties.

However, the SERVE project was canceled before it was deployed due to security concerns, including findings that the use of personal computers over the Internet could not be made secure enough for public elections.

Security professionals also pointed out that it was critical that the States, not FVAP or contractors, would have ultimate control of the servers used in any such system.

After the cancellation of the SERVE Project, FVAP developed and tested the Interim Voting Assistance System (IVAS), which was fielded in 2006. This system provided for electronic submission of ballot requests and delivery of blank ballots using a Department of Defense secure server.

Use of this system was restricted to voters enrolled in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS), which was the source for voter identification valida- tion. DEERS covers members of the military and their dependents. Only those whose identity and eligibility could be verified were given access to download a blank ballot from the secure server.

In 2009, Pew Trusts released a report in which they claimed that Military Voters were being denied their right to vote in 2008 due to voting impediments.

This report, which was funded by the JEHT Foundation, was used as justification by Chuck Schumer to advocate for electronic delivery of ballots to unverified non-military requestors claiming to be US citizens living overseas.

Advocacy for military voting access had wide support, and lobbying efforts described the bill as benefiting the military, but in reality, non-military overseas voters benefited most from the changes–a bait-and-switch.

The result of Pew’s reporting and Schumer’s advocacy was a revision to UOCAVA.

The MOVE Act further requires states to deliver the ballots by email and other electronic means to all who request them. It also enabled counties to use online communication, email correspondence, and websites for voting.



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4da914 No.21651687

File: 7b8077de2469ba2⋯.jpeg (117.13 KB,1500x971,1500:971,IMG_0355.jpeg)

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f88f4c No.21651688

File: 5737b2f55f314f7⋯.png (45.48 KB,666x375,222:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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974671 No.21651689

File: 5267cb2f4435e29⋯.mp4 (11.91 MB,1066x480,533:240,E_team_israeli_students_91….mp4)


name 1 thing that infowars ever brought to light that wasn't already common knowledge among those who pay attention

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bd953c No.21651690

File: 4d3d0e67b24b783⋯.png (611.47 KB,675x669,225:223,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 32e840f8518ba97⋯.mp4 (979.88 KB,1280x720,16:9,CBS_When_we_drove_through_….mp4)

Donald J. Trump Posts From His Truth Social


==CBS: "When we drove through those [Wisconsin] cornfields, just about every line had a Trump sign. Flags, everywhere, billboards everywhere, Trump campaign offices almost on every other block."

From Trump War Room @TrumpWarRoom:==

8:32 AM • Sep 24, 2024


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3c115f No.21651691

File: 5066d2472c56024⋯.png (208.9 KB,589x561,589:561,rent.PNG)



Greg Price


Kamala Harris was asked on NPR what she will do about the skyrocketing cost of housing in America (up 22.5% since she took office).

Her response: I can relate to renters because my mother was a renter.


Trump War Room

3:37 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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967dc9 No.21651692


Accountability isn’t a thing anymore

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f2399c No.21651693


Probably straight toxic ingredients including AIDS and the spikes cause immune system to attack itself VAIDS

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267b83 No.21651694

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"IF" Oct 1st is "IT" and EBS is sent by StarLink…

(We) don't need a "SIGN"



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e915c8 No.21651695

File: a6f46a292bdc4cc⋯.png (535.34 KB,1080x1185,72:79,Camel_Kamala_Harris.png)


She is quite un-meme-able due to her 1 trick pony skillset.

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0c8827 No.21651696


Jim Watkins


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974671 No.21651697



just call them invaders already

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97f703 No.21651698

File: 1d57c0fe42d69f7⋯.png (1.65 MB,819x1143,91:127,Screenshot_20240924_165024….png)


KEK, this more clear?

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3c115f No.21651699

File: a1bed356d99cabf⋯.png (378.15 KB,601x600,601:600,3.PNG)


johnny maga


Wow. A Pennsylvania grocery store owner told Trump that over the 25 years his family owned the store, they made profit every year except for the last 3 under Biden and Kamala.

Next time Kamala tells you the economy is doing good, remember this video.


Trump War Room

3:51 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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aa2d75 No.21651700

File: 981a4712f397a3a⋯.mp4 (836.01 KB,1280x720,16:9,7534h64h2j234.mp4)

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e915c8 No.21651701


Problem solved;Next!

Look at that leadership

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5205c3 No.21651702


hes news entertainment… controlled opposition

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6c33b5 No.21651703



simple, enact mass recall with immediate effect with overwhelming and superior numbers, don't forget to acknowledge the supporting self enriching traitorous businesses who prey on these practices

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3c115f No.21651704

File: 1458ff45922402b⋯.png (373.03 KB,589x590,589:590,lg.PNG)


Citizen Free Press


Stephen K. Bannon will walk out of political prison in 38 days.

'We are witnessing the last gasp of a dying regime.'


Grace Chong 🇺🇸

2:57 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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bd953c No.21651705

File: 903a12fc0694241⋯.png (660.79 KB,902x500,451:250,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 981a4712f397a3a⋯.mp4 (836.01 KB,1280x720,16:9,Kamala_Harris_was_asked_on….mp4)


>Kamala Harris was asked on NPR what she will do about the skyrocketing cost of housing in America (up 22.5% since she took office).


>Her response: I can relate to renters because my mother was a renter.


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3fe622 No.21651706

File: cea50429dbc119a⋯.mp4 (4.47 MB,1280x720,16:9,753j4653h464.mp4)



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f88f4c No.21651707


anon gets a mental workout to meme the comrade. it's healthy, eh?

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8c9aad No.21651708

File: 06fa7ad04d79665⋯.png (626.4 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240924_195015.png)



dumzass phucking crkeerz

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000000 No.21651709

BRIGHT MORNING COMET: The week has barely begun, and Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS (C/2023 A3) has already tripled in brightness. "The change of the comet compared to yesterday has been exponential," reports Frank A. Rodriguez, who saw the comet today just before sunrise over Gran Canaria island:



>a "SIGN"

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974671 No.21651710


>==CBS: "When we drove through those [Wisconsin] cornfields, just about every line had a Trump sign. Flags, everywhere, billboards everywhere, Trump campaign offices almost on every other block."

tons of fake "blue" states like this

many of them have 100% red state offices

but 100% blue federal

fake as fuck

it's all fake as fuck

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bd953c No.21651712

File: cea50429dbc119a⋯.mp4 (4.47 MB,1280x720,16:9,Wow_A_Pennsylvania_grocery….mp4)


>Wow. A Pennsylvania grocery store owner told Trump that over the 25 years his family owned the store, they made profit every year except for the last 3 under Biden and Kamala.


>Next time Kamala tells you the economy is doing good, remember this video.


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3c115f No.21651713

File: f6878d111517a5c⋯.png (1.6 MB,1113x837,371:279,co.PNG)

Satellite Phones ?

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de9dbe No.21651714

File: b4a8d70251b43a5⋯.jpeg (519.12 KB,1125x1657,1125:1657,IMG_4320.jpeg)


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d619c6 No.21651715

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Senator Josh Hawley

Hawley Blasts McKinsey’s CCP Ties, Rebukes Witness For ComparingConsulting Firms & Soybean Farmers

3 hours ago 8:46


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e915c8 No.21651716


Very nice

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3c115f No.21651717

File: b962987a5efae01⋯.png (19.43 KB,592x323,592:323,rt.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


Indiana Judge Rules Sicko Who Murdered His 11-Month-Old Stepdaughter Must Be Granted Transgender Surgery

Something went wrong. Try reloading.

3:19 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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5497e4 No.21651718

File: 605cdb789cc455d⋯.gif (2.21 MB,498x241,498:241,605cdb789cc455d588ba3c4b05….gif)

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000000 No.21651719


Option Sam Son

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bd953c No.21651720

File: 9ffd33eff3618e6⋯.png (606.28 KB,675x636,225:212,ClipboardImage.png)

Associated Fress


Major Traffic Reported In Dearborn, Michigan After IDF Issues Warning To Flee Hezbollah Strongholds

12:31 PM • Sep 24, 2024




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5c8624 No.21651721

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


'he was a little dog named Snuggles'

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de9dbe No.21651722



Oh this will fun to track

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3c115f No.21651723

File: a3df8196abb635d⋯.png (350.29 KB,594x486,11:9,ns.PNG)


John Solomon


Blinken no-shows House hearing with him a sole witness on Afghanistan withdraw, sends letter instead

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrives at the ParisLe Bourget Airport in Le Bourget, near Paris, on September 19, 2024. (Photo by Evelyn Hockstein / POOL / AFP) | (Photo by EVELYN HOCKSTEIN/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

From justthenews.com

2:35 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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d619c6 No.21651724

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Judicial Watch

MASSIVE Update in Ashli Babbitt Wrongful Death Lawsuit!

6 hours ago 5:48


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795e54 No.21651725

File: 50a569ca365595d⋯.png (636.77 KB,600x600,1:1,VITAMINDEFICIENCY.png)

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f2399c No.21651726

File: 2b006f6f184979e⋯.png (530.46 KB,540x702,10:13,ClipboardImage.png)

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d536f7 No.21651727


more fake news

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3c115f No.21651728

File: 46a863139afc348⋯.png (21.67 KB,600x236,150:59,so.PNG)


Candace Owens


What the federal government did to Alex Jones, is positively criminal.






JUST IN - Infowars to be liquidated and auctioned off in November, with U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Christopher Lopez stating he will approve the auctions — AP

12:37 PM · Sep 24, 2024




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e915c8 No.21651729

File: d0973493a844e09⋯.png (29.88 KB,403x111,403:111,ClipboardImage.png)



Gay and Fake faggit


and retarded

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39cf67 No.21651730


Is the teacher swinging her dress back and forth to see what color mkultra butterfly the mother might be programed as?

Parents might consider wiring their kids up for sound.

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cc5a89 No.21651731


Fress? Associated Fress?

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1bc5f8 No.21651732

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BREAKING NEWS: Senate Unanimously Passes Bill To Give Trump Equal Secret Service Protection To Biden


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3c115f No.21651733

File: 2cd6dda83c98041⋯.png (270.73 KB,592x537,592:537,dee.PNG)


End Wokeness


Hillary Clinton on what should be done to Trump supporters after the election:

"We need to deprogram them"

2:15 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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f2399c No.21651734


Those are Iranians. Same as San Diego.

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f88f4c No.21651735



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b28e86 No.21651736

File: 540a76d22a39fc1⋯.mp4 (9.15 MB,480x808,60:101,6j2335g4235g23.mp4)



NY update

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7c513c No.21651737

Do anons still believe Trump is POTUS?

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3c115f No.21651738

File: 51a30608cb372d8⋯.png (24.41 KB,594x338,297:169,or.PNG)


Oilfield Rando


Tell me more about how outrageous it would be to abolish the Department of Education






Between 2021 and 2023, the Biden-Harris administration’s Department of Education spent over $244 million on “diversity”, “equity”, and “inclusion” initiatives.

Here’s the full breakdown:


Show more

2:07 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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3a6a08 No.21651739

File: 5a4f4d24d029db3⋯.png (834.29 KB,1080x2218,540:1109,Screenshot_20240925_025604.png)

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38d332 No.21651740

File: abae87e8c39dc88⋯.jpg (30.68 KB,474x355,474:355,hhhdgtgggh.jpg)

HOUSTON, TX: "Members of local law enforcement agencies deployed alongside the FBI on Tuesday for what a spokesperson said was a "sweeping operation," connected to allegedly illegal gaming rooms and potentially corrupt officials. The spokesperson, citing the ongoing nature of the investigation, said they were unable to provide additional information.

"FBI Houston, alongside our partners from the Harris County Precinct 1 Constable’s Office, Harris County Fire Marshal’s Office, the U.S. Marshals Service, Houston Fire Department, Houston Police Department, and Harris County Sheriff’s Office, are conducting a sweeping court-authorized operation at multiple locations throughout the Houston area today," the FBI spokesperson said in a statement. "There is no threat to public safety, but law enforcement will be at these locations for several hours."


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e481db No.21651741

File: bc0e70ddd20dfe7⋯.jpg (63.98 KB,640x780,32:39,IfYaGotm.jpg)


for a 100M…that mean Lebron was catching?

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f2399c No.21651742


Prove it and win the internet

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4da914 No.21651743

File: 17cf5c722c6b640⋯.png (610.27 KB,800x642,400:321,55603072_2E15_4F4B_8549_C8….png)

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5669ce No.21651744


Foreign DNA, HIV1 protein and Spike proteins leads to the immune system degradation, existing small pockets of aberrant cells rapidly accelerate growth. Turbo Cancers

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bd953c No.21651745

File: d74f925e296cbaf⋯.png (712.11 KB,600x471,200:157,ClipboardImage.png)

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27e588 No.21651746

File: 7ff38daf5dda179⋯.png (401.02 KB,500x373,500:373,ClipboardImage.png)

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1bc5f8 No.21651747

File: 97c14ef1261b4e3⋯.png (134.9 KB,395x221,395:221,ClipboardImage.png)

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9bf3cd No.21651748

File: 774dca26ade7b94⋯.mp4 (742.75 KB,750x422,375:211,j6546h236643h.mp4)



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000000 No.21651749




Top Kek

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3c115f No.21651750

File: 4d750fe8d4055d8⋯.png (1.44 MB,865x861,865:861,ak.PNG)


Pepe Deluxe 🐸


I asked Grok to draw Karli Bonne with my description 😁



1:53 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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e76a07 No.21651751

>>21650565 pb

JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon: "If you do not control the borders, you are going to destroy our country

But that was the "The Plan" by your people, NCSWIC.

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f2399c No.21651752


Their track record is worse than the Fed

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3c115f No.21651753

File: 0bc2bca3b45aa6e⋯.png (1.72 MB,799x798,799:798,md.PNG)

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fedc60 No.21651754

Desperate and haggard DeepDemon DUMBWITCH

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3a6a08 No.21651756

File: 961950a563b793d⋯.png (456.06 KB,1080x989,1080:989,Screenshot_20240925_025945.png)

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8c9aad No.21651757

File: 3ae982acd03414b⋯.jpeg (38.38 KB,400x420,20:21,zWODF0i.jpeg)

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7e7076 No.21651758

File: 6953de1a8432c3d⋯.png (235.42 KB,591x431,591:431,655da3a2f64f9f9d.png)

File: 4b2a51903c2b798⋯.png (605.48 KB,800x593,800:593,696a48b70bc76582.png)

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9d7ce3 No.21651759

File: ecda6ea90dba5ff⋯.png (249.6 KB,380x581,380:581,Hoo_Ha.png)

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3c115f No.21651760

File: c80b80f7b17fdb0⋯.png (1.74 MB,1111x841,1111:841,9.PNG)

File: 8be5629182f8042⋯.png (1.81 MB,1233x877,1233:877,fs.PNG)

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4c3333 No.21651761


Well Fauci killed millions of people around the world knowingly, and he made millions off of it, for 5+ years

I'm not saying funding puppies deaths is not bad, disgusting and evil, but millions of people died WW because of him and others.100s of 1000 families are still mourning the loss of their loved ones, and this is just over a five year period.

If Fauci is NOT punished to the fullest extent of the law, it will make people believe God doesn't exist.God will never allow that.

And don't forget he has been funding the experimentation of dogs and animals since the early 80's, so he has spent 100s of millions, billions killing animals. (This even when scientists said they don't need animals in the testing)

The crimes of this Evil creature Fauci, when totaled up, will be more than Hannibal and all ancient evil warlords over centuries

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27e588 No.21651762

File: dbcebb055e50589⋯.png (6.05 MB,2000x1602,1000:801,ClipboardImage.png)


>the sperm builds an exoskeleton around itself.

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fedc60 No.21651763

Child mutilating commie fucktard

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f2399c No.21651764


She needs to be avenged

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3a6a08 No.21651765

File: db0f8be2591c2d1⋯.png (188.96 KB,1047x1077,349:359,Screenshot_20240925_030127.png)

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3c115f No.21651766

File: 7056432d4974478⋯.png (345.68 KB,590x602,295:301,fcc.PNG)


End Wokeness


The FCC just fast-tracked George Soros' purchase of 220+ radio stations before November's election.

The stations reach 165M Americans.

This has never been done before.

1:54 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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000000 No.21651767

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ebony and Ivory (1982) | Paul McCartney & Stevie Wonder

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ebd141 No.21651768


Will it be a PPV?

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e76a07 No.21651769


>>21650389, >>21650401, >>21650415, >>21650681, >>21651110 "Haitian Bridge Alliance" has filed criminal charges against Donald Trump and J.D. Vance

Then why try to arrest the only person who has fought human trafficking in your country, if you say that is what your agenda is? I bet this woman is guilty based solely upon her actions.

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4c3333 No.21651770


It's surprising to me that Fauci is not a target, for justice.

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982a1f No.21651771

Diddy like Weinstein would have had a 'life insurance' file.

Diddy had superiors, those calls/emails etc. were collected.

Everything going down now, is connected, one leads to another…

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3c115f No.21651772

File: b46b7196fdb6674⋯.png (386.21 KB,588x506,294:253,bo.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


WOW! Barack Obama’s Former Canadian Ambassador Reveals Zoom Call With Hollywood Celebrities and Social Media Influencers To Discuss Undetectable Way To Steal The 2024 Election

From thegatewaypundit.com

2:05 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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98bac2 No.21651773


It has only been around since the Carter administration

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357280 No.21651774

Q+/45/DJT actually said this while in the grocery store: "I'll be in the Oval Office, and I'll send out for popcorn."

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fedc60 No.21651775

DeepDiddler burn pile

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4c3333 No.21651776


I'm not wishing anything on anyone, but its strange no one seems to understand what Fauci has done

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f2399c No.21651777


That loves NY

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3c115f No.21651778

File: 79982561b338f41⋯.png (535.37 KB,599x507,599:507,pod.PNG)


Daily Mail US


Sarco suicide pod is used for the first time as US woman, 64, uses the capsule to die in Swiss woodland - prompting police to swoop and detain staff https://trib.al/fG0YUma


12:21 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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c15d46 No.21651779

File: d48ae339588f3d1⋯.png (370.07 KB,419x480,419:480,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b12238cca9fe8fc⋯.png (1.09 MB,1006x860,503:430,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cdfd0d4cee70bc1⋯.png (842.27 KB,740x556,185:139,ClipboardImage.png)



Gretchen Smith

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97f703 No.21651780

File: e5d198614e3e080⋯.gif (400.83 KB,250x247,250:247,tumblr_ly88miQzwR1rnnqsgo1….gif)

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730544 No.21651781

File: db7304b6f2c9b43⋯.png (94.2 KB,254x190,127:95,d69b845daa278562d744cbd7b3….png)

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39cf67 No.21651782

File: c5e2046180c4e67⋯.mp4 (6.56 MB,540x960,9:16,c5e2046180c4e67544dbb34082….mp4)


and you bring no video or link?

stop being usless.

i want some laughs.

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6c33b5 No.21651783


now get out of your house and give it up for the migrant who has taxpayer money

they smell, they steal, they blight it out but it's all worth the joy!

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bc96ba No.21651784

File: 068b3bd1c9ef232⋯.jpg (47.88 KB,600x620,30:31,068b3bd1c9ef232fab63f1265b….jpg)


>so I was going to get my hoo-ha laser'd…

The absolute state of NY

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3c115f No.21651785

File: 47d12580b84dbc7⋯.png (1.43 MB,756x868,27:31,fb.PNG)

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3a6a08 No.21651786

File: 234e095ea9e8ee1⋯.png (303.97 KB,1080x973,1080:973,Screenshot_20240925_030458.png)

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5205c3 No.21651787


My hoo ha?

Ya, class woman

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8c9aad No.21651788

File: 18817651dbfd787⋯.jpg (311.7 KB,800x366,400:183,dreamstime_s_119657119.jpg)

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fdf49f No.21651789

File: 923d047c959b69c⋯.jpg (33.77 KB,441x659,441:659,mariaorsic.jpg)

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1a8b24 No.21651790


Do Diddy have vids of Trump all lubed up with that lubricant? Shiny and bulbous. The most shinyest and bulbousiest without question…

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fedc60 No.21651791

DC DS DeepDiddler shit gobbling piece of shit traitor faggot cocksuckers

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a4ae0f No.21651792


Titty approved

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6c33b5 No.21651793


now that's a heinous white privy going on right thar

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3c115f No.21651794

File: 8295c96227fdee4⋯.png (378.16 KB,593x572,593:572,leg.PNG)



johnny maga


Unearthed video shows Kamala Harris voicing support for legalized prostitution in 2019.

This woman is the most degenerate, radical nominee we’ve ever had and it’s not particularly close.


Alex Thompson

1:35 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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dfc586 No.21651795

File: af6f57d580e8780⋯.jpg (176.5 KB,888x499,888:499,trump_harris.jpg)

What's your plan to reduce grocery prices?

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3c115f No.21651796

File: 1704ba5500d403d⋯.png (381.32 KB,591x857,591:857,gr.PNG)


Natalie Winters


Charleroi, Pennsylvania has seen a 2,000% growth in its migrant population in the last two years.

Overwhelmingly Haitian.

It’s also part of a county that went for Trump by over 22 points in 2020.


1:31 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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74239a No.21651797

File: 89aca89a473d395⋯.png (288.79 KB,876x520,219:130,ClipboardImage.png)

Assholes are ok just no beaver

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27e588 No.21651798


>Why is he always weird??

There's no such thing as bad publicity. The man is very good at publicity.

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fbc5a4 No.21651799

File: 7bf8c82132835e1⋯.png (8.83 KB,200x200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

taintid luub must follow MACROni in TP$ reports

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a0d7c1 No.21651800


i.e. 'the sarco is completed by the fag'


>>21650971 (pb)

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5c8624 No.21651801

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


'still haven't found it'


U2's label Island Records sued negativland following the release of the EP, claiming that the music and artwork constituted copyright infringement. Island Records also claimed that the single was an attempt to deliberately confuse U2 fans, then awaiting the impending release of Achtung Baby.

After U2 was withdrawn and deleted, it was replaced with the EP Guns.


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028689 No.21651802

File: ec1344d522b06a1⋯.png (10.98 KB,253x255,253:255,7a0002828afc98228d82e06081….png)

Guud evening frens

Are Anons winning tonight?

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5497e4 No.21651803

File: 5b8cef9dd7e6099⋯.jpg (10.94 KB,236x229,236:229,5b8cef9dd7e6099f3dded8813b….jpg)

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3c115f No.21651805

File: 3f905f399a0ceca⋯.png (426.15 KB,592x473,592:473,b.PNG)


John Solomon


Bombshell transcripts: Trump urged use of troops to protect Capitol on Jan. 6 , but was rebuffed

Capitol riot, Washington, D.C., Jan. 6, 2021 | Lev Radin/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images

From justthenews.com

1:27 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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3a6a08 No.21651806

File: 6915b90f0268c26⋯.png (444.67 KB,1080x1320,9:11,Screenshot_20240925_030751.png)

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e76a07 No.21651807

>>21649597 pb

Kamala Harris Plotted to Stop Me Getting a Job, Kimberly Guilfoyle Says

This is a Democrat cabal tactic, and why 911 happened in the first place, to kick out the Irish (white, conservatives, Christians, and Patriots) from finance. Blacklisted = No money, no influence, easy to get rid of, then kill.

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3c115f No.21651808

File: b909aaffe32aed1⋯.png (341.5 KB,594x528,9:8,ward.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


Oops! Deep State Gets Caught!… DOJ Says Letter Written by Would-Be Assassin Ryan Routh Apologizing for Not Killing Trump and Offering Reward was WRITTEN MONTHS BEFORE ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION!?

From thegatewaypundit.com

1:35 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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fedc60 No.21651809

Leather skinned lizard lady

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fdf49f No.21651810


HOOHAAA lasering…

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795e54 No.21651811


When will the media pick this up and run with it?

Who will make a stink about it?

Who will bring it into the LIGHT?


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3c115f No.21651812

File: 27803a36531497c⋯.png (367.17 KB,589x855,31:45,ny.PNG)


Wall Street Apes


For those who missed it. The United Nations just met in New York AND PASSED their ‘The Pact for the Future’

This is the rebranded failed WHO Pandemic Treaty. Without a single vote being cast by the American People, we are losing our sovereignty

‘The Pact for the Future’ paves the way for stronger global cooperation on issues like climate change, digital innovation, and peacekeeping. Your total enslavement during a proclaimed “medical or climate emergency” and “peacekeeping” to crush the dissenters

“All countries who are members of the United Nations or who are members of the World Health Organization, who they are discussing whether you give up national sovereignty in the case of whatever they deem is like a health emergency. If this does not scare you, I can't tell you that anything else that will.”

If you aren’t familiar with everything going on, this video will give you all the details you need to know

11:26 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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a0d7c1 No.21651813

File: 2c85755b3b67faa⋯.jpg (166.59 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_1612913075.jpg)

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59a3cf No.21651814

notables @ 650

#26516 >>21651131

>>21651133, >>21651225, >>21651365 Soros funded Haitian org filed several bogus charges against Trump and Vance in Springfield, Ohio

>>21651304 The lawyer for the Haitian group that filed criminal charges against Trump and Vance is a close friend of Kamala

>>21651142 Turkish President has once again compared Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu to Adolf Hitler @ UN General Assembly

>>21651149 FTX fraudster Caroline Ellison sentenced to 2 years in prison, ordered to forfeit $11 billion

>>21651147, >>21651156 Ryan Routh formally charged with attempting to assassinate Trump

>>21651165 Woman claims Sean 'Diddy' Combs and his head of security violently raped her after drugging her: lawsuit

>>21651171 Trump trolling Kamala over her lying about working at McDonalds

>>21651172 Fitness expert Jillian Michaels gets standing ovation in Congress for epic rant about America's chronic disease epidemic

>>21651177 In 2020, Crazy Days & Nights reported that Diddy beheaded a live goat in front of his guests on a yacht off the coast of France

>>21651192 Blinken ignored subpoena hearing on withdrawal from Afghanistan to attend the UN meeting instead

>>21651199 Former President Trump vows to expose and prosecute everyone involved in the alleged theft of the 2020 election

>>21651200 Protests in New York City, by communists, useful idiots, and terrorist operatives

>>21651216 DoJ Searched For Anti-Haitian Incidents to Bolster Kamala’s Claims, Emails Show

>>21651223, >>21651251, >>21651398 Chemical train car leak near Cincinnati cont'd

>>21651236 Trump Dominating Sunbelt States Key To Harris Win: NYT Poll

>>21651258 School intimidating students to vote for Kamala without parental consent

>>21651267 John Solomon talking to Matt Gaetz about the 5 team trying to assassinate Trump

>>21651270 Trump will appoint a "Manufacturing Ambassador" that will travel the globe to bring businesses into the USA

>>21651273, >>21651368 Multi-day ICE operation on Nantucket Island captured four illegals for raping children and / or residents

>>21651283, >>21651499 Nancy & Paul Pelosi sold nearly $1 million of Visa, $V on July 1 - 3 months later, VISA is being sued

>>21651296 Ukraine President Zelensky Campaigns for Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania

>>21651298 Top Oncologist: Every new cancer patient is under 45, COVID vaccines induced turbo cancer tsunami coming for the young

>>21651301 New York City schools chancellor steps down amid federal bribery probe

>>21651310 Javier Milei's speech @ UN General Assembly

>>21651329 Arizona State audit confirms Trump is the duly elected President of the United States

>>21651338 El Salvador President Nayib Bukele's speech at the UN General Assembly

>>21651342, >>21651346 John Deere sent severe warning as it threatens to move production to Mexico after 187 years

>>21651362 Judge Eileen Cannon will be presiding over the case again would-be Trump assassin Ryan Routh

>>21651376 Who is the P Diddy of Nashville?

>>21651392 Measles “Outbreak” In Maine Was Vaccine-Induced All Along

>>21651399, >>21651595, >>21651781 ICYMI: Alex Soros announces his family's latest acquisition

>>21651424 Julian Assange will be in Strasbourg next week on October 1st

>>21651433 Fauci funded a $3.7 million project to poison puppies with experimental drugs, FOIA documents show – the project is still active

>>21651457 Silent majority: Most Americans, 58%, said they cannot express their private opinions publicly

>>21651472 Taylor Swift’s popularity plummets after Kamala endorsement

>>21651483 The Consumer Confidence Index plummeted 6.9 points in September to 98.7

>>21651562 The homelessness and drug problem is so bad in Minnesota that dogs are now now eating needles on the streets

>>21651565 Diddy’s Ex-Bodyguard Claims Disgraced Rapper Has Secret Tapes of Top Politicians at His ‘Freak Off’ Parties

>>21651580 Donald Trump Announces Plans to Deepen the Savannah Port in Georgia in Preparation for an Export Economic Boom

>>21651585 Congress is finally investigating ActBlue money laundering

>>21651587 Law Enforcement Group Backing Kamala Harris Exposed as a Sham (was created only a few months ago)

>>21651599 Kamala Harris Calls for Eliminating Filibuster to Codify Roe v. Wade

>>21651604 Federal Judge directs Colorado to release records that could show dead people registered to vote

>>21651610 JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon: All my super liberal friends now realize what a problem the current border is

>>21651615 Fairhope, AL is a small town of 20,000 residents - 1,000 Haitians are possibly "resettling" there

>>21651636, >>21651736 The abuse of local wildlife intensifies

>>21651649, >>21651669 City of Brunswick, Maine planning multi-million $ project to build brand new free apartments for illegals

>>21651653 Kamala Harris Using Soros-Funded Fake News Sites to Lie to Voters

>>21651665 Senator John Kennedy: Biden, Harris have zero foreign policy victories

>>21651680 Tucker Carlson w/ Alex Jones & Jack Posobiec: The Trump Bounty, Oprah & Diddy, and Why War Makes Kamala Happy

>>21651685 JimW: This is a prayer for Tuesday from the book titled Deliverance Prayers

>>21651686 Barack Obama’s Former Canadian Ambassador Reveals Undetectable Way To Steal The 2024 Election (UOCAVA)

>>21651690 CBS: "When we drove through those [Wisconsin] cornfields, just about every line had a Trump sign"

>>21651691, >>21651700 Kamala's response to skyrocketing cost of housing: "I can relate to renters because my mother was a renter"

>>21651706 Pennsylvania grocery store owner tells Trump his store made profit for 25yrs except for last 3 under Biden and Kamala

>>21651715 Senator Josh Hawley Blasts McKinsey’s CCP Ties, Rebukes Witness For Comparing Consulting Firms & Soybean Farmers

>>21651724 Judicial Watch: MASSIVE Update in Ashli Babbitt Wrongful Death Lawsuit

>>21651732 Senate Unanimously Passes Bill To Give Trump Equal Secret Service Protection To Biden

>>21651733, >>21651748 Hillary Clinton on what should be done to Trump supporters after the election: "We need to deprogram them"

>>21651748 Between 2021 and 2023, the Biden-Harris admin’s Department of Education spent over $244 million on DEI initiatives

>>21651740 FBI targets illegal game rooms, public corruption in 'sweeping operation' at multiple Houston locations

>>21651778 Sarco suicide pod is used for the first time as US woman, 64, uses the capsule to die in Swiss woodland

>>21651796 Charleroi, Pennsylvania has seen a 2,000% growth in its migrant population in the last two years

>>21651162, >>21651191, >>21651222, >>21651314, >>21651378, >>21651406, >>21651725 Memes


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fedc60 No.21651815

DeepDemon DC DumbbFuck Diaper bag

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f2399c No.21651816

File: 7a089efccaa8b4d⋯.png (704.13 KB,750x747,250:249,ClipboardImage.png)


30 years of legal fees. Beat that, divorce lawyers!

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0b8cd3 No.21651817

File: 6229511647b1ad5⋯.png (597.48 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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f88f4c No.21651818


love her ta-ta's.

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bc96ba No.21651819

File: 4656fe176fa2ff7⋯.png (140.29 KB,360x361,360:361,4656fe176fa2ff79ff36b70d1e….png)


>HOOHAAA lasering…

Gonna go search help wanted ads now.

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3a6a08 No.21651820

File: f1ffdb114cecf92⋯.png (78.45 KB,1080x384,45:16,Screenshot_20240925_031020.png)

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177907 No.21651821

File: 967d85d4c1a62c0⋯.png (27.64 KB,125x122,125:122,IMG_1513.png)

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8c9aad No.21651822

File: 4dc041926d1a78b⋯.jpg (146.92 KB,620x710,62:71,coronavirus_800_012_1_.jpg)


24% you dumbass Qtards send money now. ps the board operations were free the first 7 years. hook line sinker.

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fedc60 No.21651823

Billionaire child molesters reduced to shit scribbling imbeciles

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6c33b5 No.21651824


Bucking for horse semen press secretion for malaBALAkumJAMram dancing singing politico

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795e54 No.21651825

File: 478f1673df9de3c⋯.png (379.84 KB,821x701,821:701,ClipboardImage.png)



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e76a07 No.21651826


The Great American Hope!

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0c8827 No.21651827

File: d6b196cfdd9097f⋯.png (208.57 KB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_1570.png)


just ordered some FREE SPEECH coffee from 8kun

Will let you know how it is.

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fdf49f No.21651828

File: 2b7d9fa749da300⋯.jpg (40.16 KB,1140x641,1140:641,silsbythumbsup.jpg)

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d619c6 No.21651829

File: 24718dbdbd8c7b0⋯.png (260.35 KB,733x542,733:542,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump


Sep 24, 2024, 8:09 PM


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a0d7c1 No.21651830


lower vaxxination rates in mechico?


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74239a No.21651831


Is down for me

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e76a07 No.21651832


>Says the guy with muh Hitler mustache.

Autist. Kek

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000000 No.21651833


Anne Frank did it!

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fedc60 No.21651834

Question, any stupid and horrible piece of shit Deepfucks commie traitor reading these words actually believe they will outlive the author of them?

If so, that's funny

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982a1f No.21651835

wonder if some of these local raids, like gambling, and such, will lead to seizure of local officials property, that may indict them on voting fraud, and the like, removing them from their seats, as corn is popped nationwide…

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267b83 No.21651836

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


(WE) are Everywhere…

(WE) are MANY…

Together (we) are STRONG…


ThankQ for ALL the TRAINING…

(WE) are READY…

Waiting for the "SIGN"


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2e4981 No.21651837



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3a6a08 No.21651838

File: 1cbd2515f2d34d1⋯.png (735.58 KB,1080x1314,60:73,Screenshot_20240925_031259.png)

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39cf67 No.21651839


Might be drugged.

Had vid couple breads back about Devil Weed or Devil something????

Grows wild in Northern South America.

Colombia and two border countries.

You stay alert and articulate.

You do ANYTHING the other person tells you to do.

Don't remember anything the next day.

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726a67 No.21651840

File: 04c3cb706e61d59⋯.mp4 (2.06 MB,720x1280,9:16,meme_bastard_20240923_1_ne….mp4)


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4da914 No.21651841

File: 34285c3b5303738⋯.jpeg (710.63 KB,1368x1428,114:119,IMG_0366.jpeg)

File: c6274a189275708⋯.mp4 (1.28 MB,640x360,16:9,kpXKuCstHhTgBhmH.mp4)


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97f703 No.21651842

File: 00b1915a345d3f2⋯.png (751.8 KB,972x544,243:136,Screenshot_20240924_171519….png)


Beware anon

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3a6a08 No.21651843

File: bf2f92f076d1eeb⋯.png (300.61 KB,1072x904,134:113,Screenshot_20240925_031638.png)

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6c33b5 No.21651844


thunder strike track fast

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3c115f No.21651845

File: d786363b4330f6f⋯.png (26.45 KB,593x284,593:284,bt.PNG)


Oilfield Rando


Gosh. One might say purposeful, concerted actions by institutions led us here. One might say there’s an agenda to make you “own nothing, and be happy”. One might be called paranoid for saying these things.


Square profile picture

CBS News




Built-to-rent communities a growing U.S. trend amid sky-high housing costs. https://cbsn.ws/3BjqsjG

12:56 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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8c9aad No.21651846

File: 9a87ee9afeb3250⋯.jpg (150.49 KB,906x1200,151:200,c36uyhsbaky71.jpg)

File: b275317ce26c856⋯.jpg (81.59 KB,533x800,533:800,beach_ivanka_jared_bgus_22….jpg)

File: 5d667afdb261311⋯.gif (361.24 KB,500x500,1:1,5d667afdb261311e058c840aee….gif)

File: be520f53ae3a01d⋯.gif (424.04 KB,220x143,20:13,dodgeball_ok.gif)

File: 8e515f07ed4dcfb⋯.jpg (36.79 KB,583x425,583:425,6b0fdd8179b2ce6d977d03b6f2….jpg)


glad at least 1 of you is listening.

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cc5a89 No.21651847


Made the men form clubs and bowling leagues and things that could get them away from the crazy chicks

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fbc5a4 No.21651848

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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726a67 No.21651849

File: 0a4fd1e7e4fce2a⋯.jpg (262.78 KB,1283x937,1283:937,20240819_054544.jpg)

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5beef4 No.21651850

File: f4cad0ef270153b⋯.png (153.82 KB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

CROYDON KEMP sent a message using the contact form at


Mossad ran 9/11 Arab "hijacker" terrorist operation

By Wayne Madsen

British intelligence reported in February 2002 that the Israeli Mossad ran

the Arab hijacker cells that were later blamed by the U.S. government's 9/11

Commission for carrying out the aerial attacks on the World Trade Center and

Pentagon. WMR has received details of the British intelligence report which

was suppressed by the government of then-Prime Minister Tony Blair.



After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the rise to power of the Taliban

in Afghanistan, Sharjah's ruler, Sultan bin Mohammed al-Qasimi, who survived

a palace coup attempt in 1987, opened his potentate to Russian businessmen

like Viktor Bout, as well as to financiers of radical Muslim groups,

including the Taliban and "Al Qaeda."

Moreover, this Israeli support for "Al Qaeda" was fully known to Saudi

intelligence, which approved of it in order to avoid compromising Riyadh. The

joint Israeli-Saudi support for "Al Qaeda" was well-known to the Sharjah and

Ras al Khaimah-based aviation network of the now-imprisoned Russian, Viktor

Bout, jailed in New York on terrorism charges. The presence of Bout in New

York, a hotbed of Israeli intelligence control of U.S. federal prosecutors,

judges, as well as the news media, is no accident: Bout knows enough about

the Mossad activities in Sharjah in support of the Taliban and Al Qaeda in

Afghanistan, where Bout also had aviation and logistics contracts, to expose

Mossad as the actual mastermind behind 9/11. Bout's aviation empire also

extended to Miami and Dallas, two areas that were nexuses for the Mossad

control operations for the "Al Qaeda" flight training operations of the Arab

cell members in the months prior to 9/11.

Bout's path also crossed with "Al Qaeda's" support network at the same bank

in Sharjah, HSBC. Mossad's phony Muslim Brotherhood members from Egypt and

Yemen controlled financing for "Al Qaeda" through the HSBC accounts in

Sharjah. Mossad's Dominik Suter also dealt with HSBC in the United States.

The FBI's chief counter-terrorism agent investigating Al Qaeda, John O'Neill,

became aware of the "unique" funding mechanisms for Al Qaeda. It was no

mistake that O'Neill was given the job as director of security for the World

Trade Center on the eve of the attack. O'Neill perished in the collapse of

the complex.Mossad uses a number of Jews born in Arab countries to masquerade

as Arabs. They often carry forged or stolen passports from Arab countries or

nations in Europe that have large Arab immigrant populations, particularly

Germany, France, Britain, Denmark, Sweden, and the Netherlands.

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1bc5f8 No.21651851

File: 0d10498b9ceb811⋯.png (108.16 KB,315x210,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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3c115f No.21651852

Did you know that Abramovich was the National witch for Ukraine?

Look it up

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99a81d No.21651853

File: 1e3f62d7e1ab624⋯.jpeg (352.71 KB,1125x1082,1125:1082,IMG_4321.jpeg)

File: 4b0f5d5337d1d65⋯.jpeg (1.58 MB,1125x1556,1125:1556,IMG_4322.jpeg)


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000000 No.21651854


I member the John Dee tractor that spewed water just as they shot at Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania.


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59a3cf No.21651855

notables @ 695

#26516 >>21651131

>>21651133, >>21651225, >>21651365 Soros funded Haitian org filed several bogus charges against Trump and Vance in Springfield, Ohio

>>21651304 The lawyer for the Haitian group that filed criminal charges against Trump and Vance is a close friend of Kamala

>>21651142 Turkish President has once again compared Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu to Adolf Hitler @ UN General Assembly

>>21651149 FTX fraudster Caroline Ellison sentenced to 2 years in prison, ordered to forfeit $11 billion

>>21651147, >>21651156 Ryan Routh formally charged with attempting to assassinate Trump

>>21651165 Woman claims Sean 'Diddy' Combs and his head of security violently raped her after drugging her: lawsuit

>>21651171 Trump trolling Kamala over her lying about working at McDonalds

>>21651172 Fitness expert Jillian Michaels gets standing ovation in Congress for epic rant about America's chronic disease epidemic

>>21651177 In 2020, Crazy Days & Nights reported that Diddy beheaded a live goat in front of his guests on a yacht off the coast of France

>>21651192 Blinken ignored subpoena hearing on withdrawal from Afghanistan to attend the UN meeting instead

>>21651199 Former President Trump vows to expose and prosecute everyone involved in the alleged theft of the 2020 election

>>21651216 DoJ Searched For Anti-Haitian Incidents to Bolster Kamala’s Claims, Emails Show

>>21651223, >>21651251, >>21651398 Chemical train car leak near Cincinnati cont'd

>>21651236 Trump Dominating Sunbelt States Key To Harris Win: NYT Poll

>>21651258 School intimidating students to vote for Kamala without parental consent

>>21651267 John Solomon talking to Matt Gaetz about the 5 team trying to assassinate Trump

>>21651270 Trump will appoint a "Manufacturing Ambassador" that will travel the globe to bring businesses into the USA

>>21651273, >>21651368 Multi-day ICE operation on Nantucket Island captured four illegals for raping children and / or residents

>>21651283, >>21651499 Nancy & Paul Pelosi sold nearly $1 million of Visa, $V on July 1 - 3 months later, VISA is being sued

>>21651296 Ukraine President Zelensky Campaigns for Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania

>>21651298 Top Oncologist: Every new cancer patient is under 45, COVID vaccines induced turbo cancer tsunami coming for the young

>>21651301 New York City schools chancellor steps down amid federal bribery probe

>>21651310 Javier Milei's speech @ UN General Assembly

>>21651329 Arizona State audit confirms Trump is the duly elected President of the United States

>>21651338 El Salvador President Nayib Bukele's speech at the UN General Assembly

>>21651342, >>21651346 John Deere sent severe warning as it threatens to move production to Mexico after 187 years

>>21651362 Judge Eileen Cannon will be presiding over the case again would-be Trump assassin Ryan Routh

>>21651376 Who is the P Diddy of Nashville?

>>21651392 Measles “Outbreak” In Maine Was Vaccine-Induced All Along

>>21651399, >>21651781, >>21651595 ICYMI: Alex Soros announces his family's latest acquisition

>>21651424 Julian Assange will be in Strasbourg next week on October 1st

>>21651433 Fauci funded a $3.7 million project to poison puppies with experimental drugs, FOIA documents show – the project is still active

>>21651457 Silent majority: Most Americans, 58%, said they cannot express their private opinions publicly

>>21651472 Taylor Swift’s popularity plummets after Kamala endorsement

>>21651483 The Consumer Confidence Index plummeted 6.9 points in September to 98.7

>>21651562 The homelessness and drug problem is so bad in Minnesota that dogs are now now eating needles on the streets

>>21651565 Diddy’s Ex-Bodyguard Claims Disgraced Rapper Has Secret Tapes of Top Politicians at His ‘Freak Off’ Parties

>>21651580 Donald Trump Announces Plans to Deepen the Savannah Port in Georgia in Preparation for an Export Economic Boom

>>21651585 Congress is finally investigating ActBlue money laundering

>>21651587 Law Enforcement Group Backing Kamala Harris Exposed as a Sham (was created only a few months ago)

>>21651599 Kamala Harris Calls for Eliminating Filibuster to Codify Roe v. Wade

>>21651604 Federal Judge directs Colorado to release records that could show dead people registered to vote

>>21651610 JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon: All my super liberal friends now realize what a problem the current border is

>>21651615 Fairhope, AL is a small town of 20,000 residents - 1,000 Haitians are possibly "resettling" there

>>21651628 Massie: My amendment will require a report on the casualty and equipment losses for both sides involved in Ukraine

>>21651636, >>21651736 The abuse of local wildlife intensifies

>>21651649, >>21651669 City of Brunswick, Maine planning multi-million $ project to build brand new free apartments for illegals

>>21651653 Kamala Harris Using Soros-Funded Fake News Sites to Lie to Voters

>>21651665 Senator John Kennedy: Biden, Harris have zero foreign policy victories

>>21651680 Tucker Carlson w/ Alex Jones & Jack Posobiec: The Trump Bounty, Oprah & Diddy, and Why War Makes Kamala Happy

>>21651685 JimW: This is a prayer for Tuesday from the book titled Deliverance Prayers

>>21651686 Barack Obama’s Former Canadian Ambassador Reveals Undetectable Way To Steal The 2024 Election (UOCAVA)

>>21651690 CBS: "When we drove through those [Wisconsin] cornfields, just about every line had a Trump sign"

>>21651691, >>21651700 Kamala's response to skyrocketing cost of housing: "I can relate to renters because my mother was a renter"

>>21651706 Pennsylvania grocery store owner tells Trump his store made profit for 25yrs except for last 3 under Biden and Kamala

>>21651715 Senator Josh Hawley Blasts McKinsey’s CCP Ties, Rebukes Witness For Comparing Consulting Firms & Soybean Farmers

>>21651724 Judicial Watch: MASSIVE Update in Ashli Babbitt Wrongful Death Lawsuit

>>21651732 Senate Unanimously Passes Bill To Give Trump Equal Secret Service Protection To Biden

>>21651733, >>21651748 Hillary Clinton on what should be done to Trump supporters after the election: "We need to deprogram them"

>>21651738 Between 2021 and 2023, the Biden-Harris admin’s Department of Education spent over $244 million on DEI initiatives

>>21651740 FBI targets illegal game rooms, public corruption in 'sweeping operation' at multiple Houston locations

>>21651778 Sarco suicide pod is used for the first time as US woman, 64, uses the capsule to die in Swiss woodland

>>21651796 Charleroi, Pennsylvania has seen a 2,000% growth in its migrant population in the last two years

>>21651805 Bombshell transcripts: Trump urged use of troops to protect Capitol on Jan. 6

>>21651808 DOJ Says Letter by Ryan Routh Apologizing for Not Killing Trump and Offering Reward was Written Months Before Attempt

>>21651812 The United Nations just met in New York AND PASSED their ‘The Pact for the Future’

>>21651829 DJT: Cost of Kamala's inflation

>>21651841 Cardinal Dolan mocks Kamala Harris for refusing invitation to the Catholic Al Smith dinner

>>21651162, >>21651191, >>21651222, >>21651314, >>21651378, >>21651406, >>21651725 Memes


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82f45e No.21651856

File: ac985aeb6132bf5⋯.mp4 (3.57 MB,406x720,203:360,My_Mother_Told_Me.mp4)

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3c115f No.21651857

File: 91ca5d12bff0f64⋯.png (315.76 KB,594x603,66:67,tw.PNG)


Marjorie Taylor Greene Press Release (Parody)


OMG 🚨 This lady was EVICTED from her home in Ohio so that Haitian Migrants could live there

Mainstream Media will NEVER show you this



Eric Abbenante

10:29 AM · Sep 23, 2024




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3a6a08 No.21651858

File: 2b4afa9d03c0dbe⋯.png (88.54 KB,1080x800,27:20,Screenshot_20240925_031849.png)

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74239a No.21651859

Iran’s president tells UN Israel’s ‘terrorism in Lebanon cannot go unanswered’

“Israel’s state terrorism in Lebanon cannot go unanswered,” Pezeshkian said. “Responsibility for all consequences will be borne by those governments who have thwarted all global efforts to end this horrific catastrophe.”

Pezeeshlian also accused Israel of committing genocide in Gaza, where he said it had been defeated, and of backing terrorist groups such as ISIS.

“It has witnessed how the regime carries out atrocities in Gaza, and how in 11 months it has murdered in cold blood over 41,000 innocent people, mostly women and children,” Pezeshkian said, citing unverified Hamas figures that make no differentiation between civilians and combatants.

“Its leaders label this genocide — the killing of children, war crimes and state terrorism — as legitimate self-defense. They label hospitals, kindergartens and schools as legitimate military targets. They label the freedom-loving and brave people around the world who protest against their genocide as antisemitic. They label oppressed people who have stood up against seven decades of occupation and humiliation as terrorists,” he went on.

“It is Israel that has assassinated our scientists, diplomats and even guests on our soil,” the Iranian president said, apparently referring to Haniyeh, who was assassinated while visiting Tehran for Pezeshkian’s inauguration. Pezeshkian claimed, without proof that Israel “supported — both covertly and overtly — terrorist groups like ISIS.”


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39cf67 No.21651860


Arrest all on Zoom call for conspiracy?

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6c33b5 No.21651861


Papal commie sympathizers not used to superior satanically divine (just like the emasculated white liberal pedo male) usurpers not give it up to the ruling elite

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d619c6 No.21651862

File: c9611c1054f1c5e⋯.png (570.4 KB,673x941,673:941,ClipboardImage.png)

Bill to Strengthen Secret Service Protection for Presidential Candidates Unanimously Passes Senate

A bill to strengthen U.S. Secret Service protection for presidential candidates unanimously passed in the Senate a week after a second assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.

The bill, H.R.9106, also known as the Enhanced Presidential Security Act of 2024, was introduced by Reps. Mike Lawler (R-NY) and Ritchie Torres (D-NY) on July 23, 2024, shortly after Thomas Matthew Crooks opened fire at Trump’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13.

This vote comes days after the House unanimously passed the bill in a 405-0 vote.


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b13a2b No.21651863

File: bf077b95b9b4705⋯.png (342.57 KB,1007x986,1007:986,Screenshot_20240923_121804.png)

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3c115f No.21651864

File: 8a823bd47e6778a⋯.png (24.72 KB,593x511,593:511,lost.PNG)




In honor of #LOST turning 20 yesterday,

Reply with your favorite scene from the show.


1:05 AM · Sep 23, 2024




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3a6a08 No.21651865

File: 848b05b827f439a⋯.png (516.6 KB,1080x745,216:149,Screenshot_20240925_031957.png)

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fdf620 No.21651866


Remember, I told you Foreign Exchange is how they do it, money laundering and swindle economies, remember Cantor Fitzgerald on 911. Short, stock, story: This is not a game. Game Stop.

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bc96ba No.21651867

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0c8827 No.21651868


What was really in the IVs that are administered to the people who were used and abused at the freak out parties of p diddy.

How many docs are out there administering IVs daily to the elite

We know Biden gets them

Does Pelosi , Schumer, Hillary, Bill?

Do they have docs on call like Micheal Jackson?

Are they eating. Dogs and cats and kids in their IVs?

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d536f7 No.21651869


your posts are insipid and so totally disgusting

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f2399c No.21651870


Sign up to be sacrificed by DNCCP

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fbc5a4 No.21651871

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fedc60 No.21651872

Imagine being a billionaire Cartel Del Shit Burrito del Idiot bean fuck, reading these words and think you will outlive the author of them.

That's even funnier, taco Boyz spic cocksuckers

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4da914 No.21651873

File: 7d0129bc843442e⋯.jpeg (109.1 KB,800x533,800:533,83D53B5A_D985_4AC1_8C14_E….jpeg)

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e0c503 No.21651874

Just how creepy is P Diddy singing the song, “Every Step You Take,” by Sting.


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02de54 No.21651875

File: a17d4d45b5a1e19⋯.jpg (126.03 KB,868x870,434:435,schiff_xdyydd.jpg)


Sniffing muh pigeons

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39cf67 No.21651876


Frogs are turning gay.

Still not "common" knowledge.

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59a3cf No.21651877

notables FINAL

#26516 >>21651131

>>21651133, >>21651225, >>21651365 Soros funded Haitian org filed several bogus charges against Trump and Vance in Springfield, Ohio

>>21651304 The lawyer for the Haitian group that filed criminal charges against Trump and Vance is a close friend of Kamala

>>21651142 Turkish President has once again compared Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu to Adolf Hitler @ UN General Assembly

>>21651149 FTX fraudster Caroline Ellison sentenced to 2 years in prison, ordered to forfeit $11 billion

>>21651147, >>21651156 Ryan Routh formally charged with attempting to assassinate Trump

>>21651165 Woman claims Sean 'Diddy' Combs and his head of security violently raped her after drugging her: lawsuit

>>21651171 Trump trolling Kamala over her lying about working at McDonalds

>>21651172 Fitness expert Jillian Michaels gets standing ovation in Congress for epic rant about America's chronic disease epidemic

>>21651177 In 2020, Crazy Days & Nights reported that Diddy beheaded a live goat in front of his guests on a yacht off the coast of France

>>21651192 Blinken ignored subpoena hearing on withdrawal from Afghanistan to attend the UN meeting instead

>>21651199 Former President Trump vows to expose and prosecute everyone involved in the alleged theft of the 2020 election

>>21651216 DoJ Searched For Anti-Haitian Incidents to Bolster Kamala’s Claims, Emails Show

>>21651223, >>21651251, >>21651398 Chemical train car leak near Cincinnati cont'd

>>21651236 Trump Dominating Sunbelt States Key To Harris Win: NYT Poll

>>21651258 School intimidating students to vote for Kamala without parental consent

>>21651267 John Solomon talking to Matt Gaetz about the 5 team trying to assassinate Trump

>>21651270 Trump will appoint a "Manufacturing Ambassador" that will travel the globe to bring businesses into the USA

>>21651273, >>21651368 Multi-day ICE operation on Nantucket Island captured four illegals for raping children and / or residents

>>21651283, >>21651499 Nancy & Paul Pelosi sold nearly $1 million of Visa, $V on July 1 - 3 months later, VISA is being sued

>>21651296 Ukraine President Zelensky Campaigns for Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania

>>21651298 Top Oncologist: Every new cancer patient is under 45, COVID vaccines induced turbo cancer tsunami coming for the young

>>21651301 New York City schools chancellor steps down amid federal bribery probe

>>21651310 Javier Milei's speech @ UN General Assembly

>>21651329 Arizona State audit confirms Trump is the duly elected President of the United States

>>21651338 El Salvador President Nayib Bukele's speech at the UN General Assembly

>>21651342, >>21651346 John Deere sent severe warning as it threatens to move production to Mexico after 187 years

>>21651362 Judge Eileen Cannon will be presiding over the case again would-be Trump assassin Ryan Routh

>>21651376 Who is the P Diddy of Nashville?

>>21651392 Measles “Outbreak” In Maine Was Vaccine-Induced All Along

>>21651399, >>21651781, >>21651595 ICYMI: Alex Soros announces his family's latest acquisition

>>21651424 Julian Assange will be in Strasbourg next week on October 1st

>>21651433 Fauci funded a $3.7 million project to poison puppies with experimental drugs, FOIA documents show – the project is still active

>>21651457 Silent majority: Most Americans, 58%, said they cannot express their private opinions publicly

>>21651472 Taylor Swift’s popularity plummets after Kamala endorsement

>>21651483 The Consumer Confidence Index plummeted 6.9 points in September to 98.7

>>21651562 The homelessness and drug problem is so bad in Minnesota that dogs are now now eating needles on the streets

>>21651565 Diddy’s Ex-Bodyguard Claims Disgraced Rapper Has Secret Tapes of Top Politicians at His ‘Freak Off’ Parties

>>21651580 Donald Trump Announces Plans to Deepen the Savannah Port in Georgia in Preparation for an Export Economic Boom

>>21651585 Congress is finally investigating ActBlue money laundering

>>21651587 Law Enforcement Group Backing Kamala Harris Exposed as a Sham (was created only a few months ago)

>>21651599 Kamala Harris Calls for Eliminating Filibuster to Codify Roe v. Wade

>>21651604 Federal Judge directs Colorado to release records that could show dead people registered to vote

>>21651610 JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon: All my super liberal friends now realize what a problem the current border is

>>21651615 Fairhope, AL is a small town of 20,000 residents - 1,000 Haitians are possibly "resettling" there

>>21651628 Massie: My amendment will require a report on the casualty and equipment losses for both sides involved in Ukraine

>>21651636, >>21651736 The abuse of local wildlife intensifies

>>21651649, >>21651669 City of Brunswick, Maine planning multi-million $ project to build brand new free apartments for illegals

>>21651653 Kamala Harris Using Soros-Funded Fake News Sites to Lie to Voters

>>21651665 Senator John Kennedy: Biden, Harris have zero foreign policy victories

>>21651680 Tucker Carlson w/ Alex Jones & Jack Posobiec: The Trump Bounty, Oprah & Diddy, and Why War Makes Kamala Happy

>>21651685 JimW: This is a prayer for Tuesday from the book titled Deliverance Prayers

>>21651686 Barack Obama’s Former Canadian Ambassador Reveals Undetectable Way To Steal The 2024 Election (UOCAVA)

>>21651690 CBS: "When we drove through those [Wisconsin] cornfields, just about every line had a Trump sign"

>>21651691, >>21651700 Kamala's response to skyrocketing cost of housing: "I can relate to renters because my mother was a renter"

>>21651706 Pennsylvania grocery store owner tells Trump his store made profit for 25yrs except for last 3 under Biden and Kamala

>>21651715 Senator Josh Hawley Blasts McKinsey’s CCP Ties, Rebukes Witness For Comparing Consulting Firms & Soybean Farmers

>>21651724 Judicial Watch: MASSIVE Update in Ashli Babbitt Wrongful Death Lawsuit

>>21651732, >>21651862 Senate Unanimously Passes Bill To Give Trump Equal Secret Service Protection To Biden

>>21651733, >>21651748 Hillary Clinton on what should be done to Trump supporters after the election: "We need to deprogram them"

>>21651738 Between 2021 and 2023, the Biden-Harris admin’s Department of Education spent over $244 million on DEI initiatives

>>21651740 FBI targets illegal game rooms, public corruption in 'sweeping operation' at multiple Houston locations

>>21651778 Sarco suicide pod is used for the first time as US woman, 64, uses the capsule to die in Swiss woodland

>>21651796 Charleroi, Pennsylvania has seen a 2,000% growth in its migrant population in the last two years

>>21651805 Bombshell transcripts: Trump urged use of troops to protect Capitol on Jan. 6

>>21651808 DOJ Says Letter by Ryan Routh Apologizing for Not Killing Trump and Offering Reward was Written Months Before Attempt

>>21651812 The United Nations just met in New York AND PASSED their ‘The Pact for the Future’

>>21651829 DJT: Cost of Kamala's inflation

>>21651841 Cardinal Dolan mocks Kamala Harris for refusing invitation to the Catholic Al Smith dinner

>>21651857 This lady was EVICTED from her home in Ohio so that Haitian Migrants could live there

>>21651162, >>21651191, >>21651222, >>21651314, >>21651378, >>21651406, >>21651725 Memes


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1bc5f8 No.21651878


Cabbages, piss, stale farts & baby oil

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d536f7 No.21651879


the fake news echos

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5669ce No.21651881


This is not just 5 years. Killing People and making killer and sterilization pathogens since 1978. He makes Mengele look like a choir boy. We only know a small layer of his evil.

Human-Animal Chimeras; Animal Torture; How to kill you slow enough to make millions off your life, fast enough to reduce the population.

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0c8827 No.21651882


Those Haitians are eating cats and dogs, but you’re lucky enough to have baby humans.

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f6222f No.21651884


How is adrenochrome administered?

Is it clear like liquid?

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246b4c No.21651886


Shes a meme in 3…2…1….

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f2399c No.21651887


11B is enough to have stayed solvent

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177907 No.21651890

File: 746a5250157c66a⋯.png (678.83 KB,1277x1522,1277:1522,IMG_1743.png)

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ed2fdb No.21651891

File: 2b5c3ced0dff1c2⋯.jpeg (106.75 KB,1080x1193,1080:1193,1583105397.jpeg)

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fedc60 No.21651892

File: 3e6ecc5af5725d0⋯.jpg (244.97 KB,984x757,984:757,1000001246.jpg)

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8c9aad No.21651894

File: 0b479dbfa7d6bd2⋯.gif (711.45 KB,245x245,1:1,tumblr_mrgq7xKzpS1rqx471o1….gif)


1 billion followers

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3c115f No.21651895

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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59a3cf No.21651896

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4da914 No.21651897

File: 7f8e9566c171ed8⋯.jpeg (413.2 KB,968x656,121:82,IMG_0368.jpeg)

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fdf620 No.21651899


He attempted to assassinate Trump after Night Shift went crazy about a post, that had this message:

# #

>Mike Rothschild

We have to find out if they were connected. The letter he had and the rest could be disinformation.

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3a6a08 No.21651900

File: 92f8ea264488af6⋯.png (364.37 KB,1080x1142,540:571,Screenshot_20240925_032236.png)

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fbc5a4 No.21651901

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8c9aad No.21651902

File: 2214a38bf70dc57⋯.gif (1.37 MB,500x281,500:281,eceec98119bb65ad042d102cb7….gif)

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f2399c No.21651904


Nothing to see here. Just some jewish banksters robbing other jewish banksters. Thanks, Rudi!

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f6222f No.21651905

What do we know about adrenochrome?

Was Diddy providing it?

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a0d7c1 No.21651906


coffee is made of a seed so it should not be eaten due to its natural defensive properties

salmon, farmed is poisonous and fished is filled with toxic metals

potatoes are nightshades to avoid in favor of Swedes / rutabaga

milk when pasteurized causes infertility / sterility due to 'lactose intolerance'

ham is filled with inflammatory omega 6 compared to beef

chicken is nutrient poor

cheese as a pasteurized milk product causes infertility/sterility

eggs should not be eaten due to its natural defensive properties i.e. the avidin causing digestion problems

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a0bce4 No.21651907

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c15d46 No.21651910

File: 628169b7b4cf95f⋯.jpg (263.3 KB,350x490,5:7,Point_Giorgia_Meloni_Italy….jpg)

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5669ce No.21651911


Adrenochrome is oxidized adrenaline. Human adrenaline generated by the fight, flight response. Terrorizing children is the way to produce a massive adrenaline response, Adrenochrome is harvested from their blood. While Epi-Pens oxidize, this is an artificial adrenaline and does not produce the same effects.

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fbc5a4 No.21651912

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f6222f No.21651914


Is it a liquid?

Do you snort it, smoke it, drink it?

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97f703 No.21651919

File: 3ce4eba73ddb77d⋯.png (759.99 KB,1018x661,1018:661,Screenshot_20240924_172703….png)

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0c8827 No.21651924

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27e588 No.21651925

File: 37d0b4584b0484e⋯.png (568.86 KB,406x554,203:277,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 97693dd69b9e43d⋯.png (836.99 KB,850x719,850:719,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b4b0fc75b7b9097⋯.png (121.07 KB,200x271,200:271,ClipboardImage.png)


>'… never hear them mention the group …'

Saint Simon protect us!

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8aef15 No.21651929

File: 3e2b045b2034019⋯.jpeg (48.99 KB,718x637,718:637,3e2b045b2034019d7b87916c5….jpeg)

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a8ea90 No.21651934


800 hundred million humans too.

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e6d5ee No.21651935


This sounds more like comms than reality. $100 million is a ton of money for any type of service, there has to be more to the story.

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8aef15 No.21651937

File: 9f13e5ef7bbb039⋯.jpg (125.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,9f13e5ef7bbb039dd97c10d075….jpg)

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39cf67 No.21651944


What's that lady?

You exist?

Sorry, been replaced.

Scamalal say do like she did and suck it!

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