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File: 2b78f8339aee97e⋯.png (289.63 KB,1057x608,1057:608,1e9539dfa07b89fdc7a515c37d….png)

5c8624 No.21651127 [View All]

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d619c6 No.21651862

File: c9611c1054f1c5e⋯.png (570.4 KB,673x941,673:941,ClipboardImage.png)

Bill to Strengthen Secret Service Protection for Presidential Candidates Unanimously Passes Senate

A bill to strengthen U.S. Secret Service protection for presidential candidates unanimously passed in the Senate a week after a second assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.

The bill, H.R.9106, also known as the Enhanced Presidential Security Act of 2024, was introduced by Reps. Mike Lawler (R-NY) and Ritchie Torres (D-NY) on July 23, 2024, shortly after Thomas Matthew Crooks opened fire at Trump’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13.

This vote comes days after the House unanimously passed the bill in a 405-0 vote.


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b13a2b No.21651863

File: bf077b95b9b4705⋯.png (342.57 KB,1007x986,1007:986,Screenshot_20240923_121804.png)

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3c115f No.21651864

File: 8a823bd47e6778a⋯.png (24.72 KB,593x511,593:511,lost.PNG)




In honor of #LOST turning 20 yesterday,

Reply with your favorite scene from the show.


1:05 AM · Sep 23, 2024




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3a6a08 No.21651865

File: 848b05b827f439a⋯.png (516.6 KB,1080x745,216:149,Screenshot_20240925_031957.png)

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fdf620 No.21651866


Remember, I told you Foreign Exchange is how they do it, money laundering and swindle economies, remember Cantor Fitzgerald on 911. Short, stock, story: This is not a game. Game Stop.

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bc96ba No.21651867

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0c8827 No.21651868


What was really in the IVs that are administered to the people who were used and abused at the freak out parties of p diddy.

How many docs are out there administering IVs daily to the elite

We know Biden gets them

Does Pelosi , Schumer, Hillary, Bill?

Do they have docs on call like Micheal Jackson?

Are they eating. Dogs and cats and kids in their IVs?

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d536f7 No.21651869


your posts are insipid and so totally disgusting

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f2399c No.21651870


Sign up to be sacrificed by DNCCP

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fbc5a4 No.21651871

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fedc60 No.21651872

Imagine being a billionaire Cartel Del Shit Burrito del Idiot bean fuck, reading these words and think you will outlive the author of them.

That's even funnier, taco Boyz spic cocksuckers

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4da914 No.21651873

File: 7d0129bc843442e⋯.jpeg (109.1 KB,800x533,800:533,83D53B5A_D985_4AC1_8C14_E….jpeg)

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e0c503 No.21651874

Just how creepy is P Diddy singing the song, “Every Step You Take,” by Sting.


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02de54 No.21651875

File: a17d4d45b5a1e19⋯.jpg (126.03 KB,868x870,434:435,schiff_xdyydd.jpg)


Sniffing muh pigeons

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39cf67 No.21651876


Frogs are turning gay.

Still not "common" knowledge.

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59a3cf No.21651877

notables FINAL

#26516 >>21651131

>>21651133, >>21651225, >>21651365 Soros funded Haitian org filed several bogus charges against Trump and Vance in Springfield, Ohio

>>21651304 The lawyer for the Haitian group that filed criminal charges against Trump and Vance is a close friend of Kamala

>>21651142 Turkish President has once again compared Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu to Adolf Hitler @ UN General Assembly

>>21651149 FTX fraudster Caroline Ellison sentenced to 2 years in prison, ordered to forfeit $11 billion

>>21651147, >>21651156 Ryan Routh formally charged with attempting to assassinate Trump

>>21651165 Woman claims Sean 'Diddy' Combs and his head of security violently raped her after drugging her: lawsuit

>>21651171 Trump trolling Kamala over her lying about working at McDonalds

>>21651172 Fitness expert Jillian Michaels gets standing ovation in Congress for epic rant about America's chronic disease epidemic

>>21651177 In 2020, Crazy Days & Nights reported that Diddy beheaded a live goat in front of his guests on a yacht off the coast of France

>>21651192 Blinken ignored subpoena hearing on withdrawal from Afghanistan to attend the UN meeting instead

>>21651199 Former President Trump vows to expose and prosecute everyone involved in the alleged theft of the 2020 election

>>21651216 DoJ Searched For Anti-Haitian Incidents to Bolster Kamala’s Claims, Emails Show

>>21651223, >>21651251, >>21651398 Chemical train car leak near Cincinnati cont'd

>>21651236 Trump Dominating Sunbelt States Key To Harris Win: NYT Poll

>>21651258 School intimidating students to vote for Kamala without parental consent

>>21651267 John Solomon talking to Matt Gaetz about the 5 team trying to assassinate Trump

>>21651270 Trump will appoint a "Manufacturing Ambassador" that will travel the globe to bring businesses into the USA

>>21651273, >>21651368 Multi-day ICE operation on Nantucket Island captured four illegals for raping children and / or residents

>>21651283, >>21651499 Nancy & Paul Pelosi sold nearly $1 million of Visa, $V on July 1 - 3 months later, VISA is being sued

>>21651296 Ukraine President Zelensky Campaigns for Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania

>>21651298 Top Oncologist: Every new cancer patient is under 45, COVID vaccines induced turbo cancer tsunami coming for the young

>>21651301 New York City schools chancellor steps down amid federal bribery probe

>>21651310 Javier Milei's speech @ UN General Assembly

>>21651329 Arizona State audit confirms Trump is the duly elected President of the United States

>>21651338 El Salvador President Nayib Bukele's speech at the UN General Assembly

>>21651342, >>21651346 John Deere sent severe warning as it threatens to move production to Mexico after 187 years

>>21651362 Judge Eileen Cannon will be presiding over the case again would-be Trump assassin Ryan Routh

>>21651376 Who is the P Diddy of Nashville?

>>21651392 Measles “Outbreak” In Maine Was Vaccine-Induced All Along

>>21651399, >>21651781, >>21651595 ICYMI: Alex Soros announces his family's latest acquisition

>>21651424 Julian Assange will be in Strasbourg next week on October 1st

>>21651433 Fauci funded a $3.7 million project to poison puppies with experimental drugs, FOIA documents show – the project is still active

>>21651457 Silent majority: Most Americans, 58%, said they cannot express their private opinions publicly

>>21651472 Taylor Swift’s popularity plummets after Kamala endorsement

>>21651483 The Consumer Confidence Index plummeted 6.9 points in September to 98.7

>>21651562 The homelessness and drug problem is so bad in Minnesota that dogs are now now eating needles on the streets

>>21651565 Diddy’s Ex-Bodyguard Claims Disgraced Rapper Has Secret Tapes of Top Politicians at His ‘Freak Off’ Parties

>>21651580 Donald Trump Announces Plans to Deepen the Savannah Port in Georgia in Preparation for an Export Economic Boom

>>21651585 Congress is finally investigating ActBlue money laundering

>>21651587 Law Enforcement Group Backing Kamala Harris Exposed as a Sham (was created only a few months ago)

>>21651599 Kamala Harris Calls for Eliminating Filibuster to Codify Roe v. Wade

>>21651604 Federal Judge directs Colorado to release records that could show dead people registered to vote

>>21651610 JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon: All my super liberal friends now realize what a problem the current border is

>>21651615 Fairhope, AL is a small town of 20,000 residents - 1,000 Haitians are possibly "resettling" there

>>21651628 Massie: My amendment will require a report on the casualty and equipment losses for both sides involved in Ukraine

>>21651636, >>21651736 The abuse of local wildlife intensifies

>>21651649, >>21651669 City of Brunswick, Maine planning multi-million $ project to build brand new free apartments for illegals

>>21651653 Kamala Harris Using Soros-Funded Fake News Sites to Lie to Voters

>>21651665 Senator John Kennedy: Biden, Harris have zero foreign policy victories

>>21651680 Tucker Carlson w/ Alex Jones & Jack Posobiec: The Trump Bounty, Oprah & Diddy, and Why War Makes Kamala Happy

>>21651685 JimW: This is a prayer for Tuesday from the book titled Deliverance Prayers

>>21651686 Barack Obama’s Former Canadian Ambassador Reveals Undetectable Way To Steal The 2024 Election (UOCAVA)

>>21651690 CBS: "When we drove through those [Wisconsin] cornfields, just about every line had a Trump sign"

>>21651691, >>21651700 Kamala's response to skyrocketing cost of housing: "I can relate to renters because my mother was a renter"

>>21651706 Pennsylvania grocery store owner tells Trump his store made profit for 25yrs except for last 3 under Biden and Kamala

>>21651715 Senator Josh Hawley Blasts McKinsey’s CCP Ties, Rebukes Witness For Comparing Consulting Firms & Soybean Farmers

>>21651724 Judicial Watch: MASSIVE Update in Ashli Babbitt Wrongful Death Lawsuit

>>21651732, >>21651862 Senate Unanimously Passes Bill To Give Trump Equal Secret Service Protection To Biden

>>21651733, >>21651748 Hillary Clinton on what should be done to Trump supporters after the election: "We need to deprogram them"

>>21651738 Between 2021 and 2023, the Biden-Harris admin’s Department of Education spent over $244 million on DEI initiatives

>>21651740 FBI targets illegal game rooms, public corruption in 'sweeping operation' at multiple Houston locations

>>21651778 Sarco suicide pod is used for the first time as US woman, 64, uses the capsule to die in Swiss woodland

>>21651796 Charleroi, Pennsylvania has seen a 2,000% growth in its migrant population in the last two years

>>21651805 Bombshell transcripts: Trump urged use of troops to protect Capitol on Jan. 6

>>21651808 DOJ Says Letter by Ryan Routh Apologizing for Not Killing Trump and Offering Reward was Written Months Before Attempt

>>21651812 The United Nations just met in New York AND PASSED their ‘The Pact for the Future’

>>21651829 DJT: Cost of Kamala's inflation

>>21651841 Cardinal Dolan mocks Kamala Harris for refusing invitation to the Catholic Al Smith dinner

>>21651857 This lady was EVICTED from her home in Ohio so that Haitian Migrants could live there

>>21651162, >>21651191, >>21651222, >>21651314, >>21651378, >>21651406, >>21651725 Memes


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1bc5f8 No.21651878


Cabbages, piss, stale farts & baby oil

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d536f7 No.21651879


the fake news echos

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5669ce No.21651881


This is not just 5 years. Killing People and making killer and sterilization pathogens since 1978. He makes Mengele look like a choir boy. We only know a small layer of his evil.

Human-Animal Chimeras; Animal Torture; How to kill you slow enough to make millions off your life, fast enough to reduce the population.

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0c8827 No.21651882


Those Haitians are eating cats and dogs, but you’re lucky enough to have baby humans.

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f6222f No.21651884


How is adrenochrome administered?

Is it clear like liquid?

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246b4c No.21651886


Shes a meme in 3…2…1….

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f2399c No.21651887


11B is enough to have stayed solvent

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177907 No.21651890

File: 746a5250157c66a⋯.png (678.83 KB,1277x1522,1277:1522,IMG_1743.png)

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ed2fdb No.21651891

File: 2b5c3ced0dff1c2⋯.jpeg (106.75 KB,1080x1193,1080:1193,1583105397.jpeg)

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fedc60 No.21651892

File: 3e6ecc5af5725d0⋯.jpg (244.97 KB,984x757,984:757,1000001246.jpg)

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8c9aad No.21651894

File: 0b479dbfa7d6bd2⋯.gif (711.45 KB,245x245,1:1,tumblr_mrgq7xKzpS1rqx471o1….gif)


1 billion followers

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3c115f No.21651895

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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59a3cf No.21651896

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4da914 No.21651897

File: 7f8e9566c171ed8⋯.jpeg (413.2 KB,968x656,121:82,IMG_0368.jpeg)

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fdf620 No.21651899


He attempted to assassinate Trump after Night Shift went crazy about a post, that had this message:

# #

>Mike Rothschild

We have to find out if they were connected. The letter he had and the rest could be disinformation.

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3a6a08 No.21651900

File: 92f8ea264488af6⋯.png (364.37 KB,1080x1142,540:571,Screenshot_20240925_032236.png)

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fbc5a4 No.21651901

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8c9aad No.21651902

File: 2214a38bf70dc57⋯.gif (1.37 MB,500x281,500:281,eceec98119bb65ad042d102cb7….gif)

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f2399c No.21651904


Nothing to see here. Just some jewish banksters robbing other jewish banksters. Thanks, Rudi!

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f6222f No.21651905

What do we know about adrenochrome?

Was Diddy providing it?

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a0d7c1 No.21651906


coffee is made of a seed so it should not be eaten due to its natural defensive properties

salmon, farmed is poisonous and fished is filled with toxic metals

potatoes are nightshades to avoid in favor of Swedes / rutabaga

milk when pasteurized causes infertility / sterility due to 'lactose intolerance'

ham is filled with inflammatory omega 6 compared to beef

chicken is nutrient poor

cheese as a pasteurized milk product causes infertility/sterility

eggs should not be eaten due to its natural defensive properties i.e. the avidin causing digestion problems

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a0bce4 No.21651907

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c15d46 No.21651910

File: 628169b7b4cf95f⋯.jpg (263.3 KB,350x490,5:7,Point_Giorgia_Meloni_Italy….jpg)

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5669ce No.21651911


Adrenochrome is oxidized adrenaline. Human adrenaline generated by the fight, flight response. Terrorizing children is the way to produce a massive adrenaline response, Adrenochrome is harvested from their blood. While Epi-Pens oxidize, this is an artificial adrenaline and does not produce the same effects.

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fbc5a4 No.21651912

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f6222f No.21651914


Is it a liquid?

Do you snort it, smoke it, drink it?

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97f703 No.21651919

File: 3ce4eba73ddb77d⋯.png (759.99 KB,1018x661,1018:661,Screenshot_20240924_172703….png)

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0c8827 No.21651924

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27e588 No.21651925

File: 37d0b4584b0484e⋯.png (568.86 KB,406x554,203:277,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 97693dd69b9e43d⋯.png (836.99 KB,850x719,850:719,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b4b0fc75b7b9097⋯.png (121.07 KB,200x271,200:271,ClipboardImage.png)


>'… never hear them mention the group …'

Saint Simon protect us!

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8aef15 No.21651929

File: 3e2b045b2034019⋯.jpeg (48.99 KB,718x637,718:637,3e2b045b2034019d7b87916c5….jpeg)

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a8ea90 No.21651934


800 hundred million humans too.

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e6d5ee No.21651935


This sounds more like comms than reality. $100 million is a ton of money for any type of service, there has to be more to the story.

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8aef15 No.21651937

File: 9f13e5ef7bbb039⋯.jpg (125.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,9f13e5ef7bbb039dd97c10d075….jpg)

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39cf67 No.21651944


What's that lady?

You exist?

Sorry, been replaced.

Scamalal say do like she did and suck it!

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