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bfbdc7 No.21079382 [Last50 Posts]

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bfbdc7 No.21079385

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bfbdc7 No.21079386


#25840 >>21078593

>>21078607 Boeing May Evade Criminal Charges Over 2018, 2019 Crashes as Biden’s DOJ Claims Prosecuting the Company is Legally Risky

>>21078661 Scotland: Huge explosion and plumes of toxic gas over Glasgow as a battery recycling factory burns out of control

>>21078678 Benny Johnson interview with Trump Press Sec after CNN incident

>>21078689, >>21078859, >>21078938, >>21079120, >>21079171 Planefag

>>21078725, >>21078762 Uri Geller: Aliens built the Jerusalem Temple, may help Israel during war

>>21078753 Ursula Von Der Leyen's father pardoned Nazi mass murderer

>>21078773 Live: Rapidan Dam in Minnesota in 'imminent failure condition' after recent flooding

>>21078776 Supreme Court rejects challenge to Connecticut law that eliminated religious vaccination exemption

>>21078782 @NavalInstitute: USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: June 24, 2024

>>21078789 John Brennan and James Clapper effectively argue here that January 6 should have ended the First Amendment

>>21078790 Senator Warren: Democrats Want ‘A Pathway To Citizenship’ For All Illegal Aliens

>>21078801 Fauci still has a taxpayer-funded security detail after leaving his $480K-a-year government job

>>21078812 Chemicals From East Palestine Train Disaster Spread To 16 States and Likely Canada

>>21078815 NSA chief joins OpenAI board and then acquires a company specializing in “shared control” of other people’s devices

>>21078826 Human trafficking action week: 219 criminals arrested and 1,374 victims identified

>>21078841 Larger US Deficits Pave the Way for Even More Treasury Bills

>>21078842 Angry masked men prowling the streets looking for Jews in LA

>>21078854 Major Study Confirms Covid Shots Cause Brain Damage

>>21078904 DJT: Drug test for Crooked Joe Biden!

>>21078939 Taylor Swift is a Mobster

>>21078942, >>21078963 They Are Using Lab-Grown Human Brains That They Have Enslaved Called “Organoids” To Run Computers

>>21078973 Not a cheap fake

>>21078979 Utah residents believed they were looking for woman during manhunt for trans killer after reports identified him as 'Mia'

>>21078983 Missouri V Biden: They Want the Deleted Emails

>>21078991 @TomFitton: Supreme Court Should STEP UP For Trump!

>>21078995 @DanScavino: DJT to Deliver Remarks on Joe Biden's Incompetent Presidency in CHESAPEAKE, VA on June 28th

>>21079001 House Judiciary Committee assures that the company censored 43 books at the request of the Biden administration

>>21079010, >>21079079 Maricopa County temp worker arrested for theft at election center

>>21079019 Gates Foundation caught paying UW Madison prof to up-armor viruses to attack humans

>>21079024 Trump Preps For Debate Against Biden By Going to Nursing Home And Arguing With Dementia Patients

>>21079031 (Turley) The Land that Law Forgot: The Supreme Court and the New York Legal Wasteland

>>21079040, >>21079049 Catherine Herridge drops her first story as independent journalist

>>21079085 Illegal migrants lured Jocelyn Nungaray, 12, under bridge, assaulted her for 2 hours before killing her

>>21079090, >>21079109, >>21079119, >>21079137, >>21079156, >>21079172, >>21079186, >>21079205, >>21079223 The Olori Sisterhood

>>21079101 Michigan Supreme Court to decide on Jocelyn Benson’s restrictions for poll watchers

>>21079132, >>21079189 el oh el

>>21079259 Welfare Offices Providing Voter Registration Forms To Illegals Without Proof Of Citizenship

>>21079260 Princess Anne rushed to hospital after ‘incident’ on home estate

>>21079317 Hunter Biden Requests New Gun Trial After Jury Returns Guilty Verdict

>>21079338 Adjusted for inflation, net worth up 0.7% through Biden’s first 3 years, was up 16% through Trump’s first 3 years

>>21079375 Dali cargo ship leaves Baltimore nearly 3 months after Francis Scott Key bridge collapse

>>21079367 Mil / Misc. decodes

>>21078606, >>21078806, >>21078813, >>21078890, >>21078940, >>21079009, >>21079035, >>21079095, >>21079361, >>21079363 Memes

>>21079380 #25840

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bfbdc7 No.21079388

#25839 >>21077632

>>21077703, >>21077733, >>21077960, >>21078225 Planefag'd

>>21077634, >>21077638, >>21077659, >>21077678 Warroom Meme Stuff

>>21077700 Alvin Bragg Agrees To Partially Lift Gag Order, Allowing Trump To Insult Stormy Daniels, Michael Cohen at Looming Debate Against Biden For The Keks!

>>21077710 @MCoEFortMoore At night, by torchlight, we honor legacy and join the future fight. 🔥

>>21077756 Very strong mag. 6.3 Earthquake - 51 km NNE of Port-Olry, Vanuatu

>>21077782 UBS Picks Beijing Over Citadel Securities for Credit Suisse Unit

>>21077790 With the eyes of the world watching before the big night, CNN cuts off the mic and interview for the Trump Campaign Press Secy

>>21077796 Ben Swann Presents Evidence that the US Participated in Israel’s Botched Hostage Rescue

>>21077799 Former CIA Agent Phil Giraldo Exposes Israel’s Control Over America

>>21077802 Democrats Shut Down Investigation into Maine’s Surging Excess Deaths

>>21077804 G. Edward Griffin Reveals the Dirty Secret Behind Agenda 21 in Two Minutes

>>21077805, >>21077881, >>21077924, >>21078077, >>21078235 NASA

>>21077812 @AirForce_DW Public access to the Air Force Memorial will be closed on July 4. This is an active construction site


>>21077844 @usairforce USAF ✈️ + @SpaceForceDoD 🚀 = Dream Team 📡 🌎 🛰️

>>21077848 Debate Bingo Card Get em while they hawt!

>>21077878 Ultra Safe Nuclear is developing Pylon — a 1-megawatt, 10-ton-class microreactor that can generate electrical and thermal power on earth and in space! 

>>21077892, >>21077873, >>21077883 20 Minutes with Neil Oliver Banned by Google

>>21077897 LIVE: Blinken delivers remarks on the 2024 Trafficking in Persons Report

>>21077913 America, If You’re Unsure If The 2020 Election Was Stolen Here’s Your Answer

>>21077930 Nvidia's stock set to enter correction territory as chip-sector selloff sustains

>>21077936 @RepLuna We will hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in inherent contempt of Congress

>>21077978 Russian invaders’ space communications center was hit in Crimea

>>21078005, >>21078216 Almost Half of U.S. Electric Car Owners Regret Purchase

>>21078041 @surflant Blue-Green Team 🔵🟢💪🤝

>>21078056 Black Voters in Milwaukee Have ‘Serious and Lingering Doubts About Biden’

>>21078094 Jones underscores importance of US, Australian alliance at Australian Space Summit

>>21078142 Teamsters Union has agreed to speak at the RNC, a feat no other Republican nominee has accomplished

>>21078151 Inside the Chinese-funded and staffed marijuana farms springing up across the U.S

>>21078168 @KariLake will be in Prescott to rally in support of her friend @EliCrane_CEO

>>21078194 Perhaps the biggest setback to the first Trump administration was not anything inherently flawed in Republican President Donald Trump’s leadership but the sheer bulk of disloyal individuals embedded…

>>21078200, >>21078145 2 Killed in Fire at U.S.-Sanctioned Moscow Electronics Research Building

>>21078256 Kansas Files Explosive Lawsuit Accusing Pfizer of Misleading the Public on Covid-Vaccine Risks

>>21078107 Fmr U.S. Ambassador David M. Friedman Demands Americans be Imprisoned for 'Antisemitism'

>>21078310 Disney-themed café in the heart of Hollywood is forced to close after 78 years

>>21078344 Schumann Check

>>21078383 Jewish voters overwhelmingly prefer Biden as US Democratic nominee, poll finds

>>21077984, >>21078386 MP4 Trump Campaign Slams CNN for Cutting Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt’s Microphone Off Mid-Interview

>>21078392 Chuck Pushing the Abortion Sacrifice agenda


>>21078468 Docs show Biden’s DHS intel group used Jan. 6 & the Mar-a-Lago raid to justify expanding surveillance of political dissent.

>>21078513 Former North Dakota state Sen. Ray Holmberg will plead guilty to traveling to the Czech Republic to have sex with children.

>>21078515 1 police officer killed, another seriously injured in a crash involving Hungarian PM Orban's motorcade in Stuttgart, Germany

>>21078544 Maine Independent Commission Withholds Important Drug Information on Mass Murderer Robert Card

>>21078549 Joe Biden could be criminally prosecuted for the m*rder of nursing student Laken Riley if the Supreme Court does not rule there is presidential immunity

>>21077632, >>21077653, >>21077704, >>21077705, >>21077717, >>21077735, >>21077774, >>21077819, >>21077848, >>21077893, >>21078008, >>21078028, >>21078051, >>21078082, >>21078120, >>21078140, >>21078167, >>21078174 , >>21078176, >>21078205, >>21078229, >>21078248, >>21078251, >>21078261, >>21078268, >>21078274, >>21078338, >>21078361, >>21078387, >>21078397, >>21078398, >>21078428, >>21078463, >>21078560 MEMES

>>21078572 #25839

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bfbdc7 No.21079391

#25838 >>21076136

>>21077379, >>21077432 PlaneFaggin’: Europe/Med-EU FM Meeting, FM BAERbock to Tel Aviv, Rzeszow stop and drops

>>21076154 Saudi Prince al-Waleed bin Talal announced his unwavering support for 'Jewish nation': Report

>>21076163 Analyst: YouTube TV Sees First-Ever Subscriber Loss as Churn Hits Pricey Live TV Streaming

>>21076164 North Sioux City Train Bridge has Collapsed due to flooding

>>21076165 Trump Visits Famous Philly Cheesesteak Restaurant Before Philadelphia Campaign Rally

>>21076168 TOM LEONARD: Was one man's twisted obsession with a blonde student waitress the REAL REASON her three housemates were slaughtered in the dead of night?

>>21076302 Over 20 counties in northwest Iowa face record flooding levels


>>21076401 TRUMP or BIDEN? (Bronx Interviews)

>>21076448 Biden is giving China 'absolutely everything' it wants: Peter Schweizer

>>21076489 @EricTrump: Whether it's on China, the Middle East, the economy, or ANYTHING ELSE — the American people KNOW Crooked Joe Biden's eye is not on the ball

>>21076507 Paul Sperry: On stage, Trump ought to ask Biden directly about his role in the secret Jan. 5, 2017 supposedly "by the book" meeting about Trump and the bogus Hillary dossier

>>21076524 Mil reports

>>21076612, >>21076629 Memorable memes

>>21076613 @MarioNawfal on Apple & FB partnership possibility

>>21076620 Falcon 9 delivers 20 @Starlink satellites to orbit from California

Ghost grab

>>21076732, >>21076739, >>21076783 Is CANCER parasites?

>>21076740 The latest “point-in-time” study finds that the number of homeless Chicagoans jumped by 200% over a yearlong period beginning in early 2023.

>>21077087 Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg has surprised the public by announcing that he will hand over the throne to his son after 24 years on the throne.

>>21077332 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/24/2024

>>21077346 Lockbit 3.0 Claims Attack on Federal Reserve

>>21077392 Terrorist attacks in southern Russia: What we know so far

>>21077424 @I_Corps Better than Fiji 😉💧

>>21077445 Nearly $109 million in deposits held for fintech Yotta’s customers vanished in Synapse collapse, bank says

>>21077469 According to estimates from Quiver, Pelosi has made over $17 million this year off of her reported portfolio

>>21077471 NASA

>>21077478 Supreme Court agrees to hear a case challenging a Tennessee law that could determine whether states can restrict gender-affirming care for minors

>>21077481 At least 16 dead in a fire at a lithium battery factory in South Korea

>>21077525 Army and National Guard accused of abandoning 24-year-old soldier with “debilitating heart condition” that internal memo “linked” to COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.

>>21077561 Von der Leyen must go – EU state leader

>>21077582 PATEL EXCLUSIVE: Speaker Paul Ryan and His Team Rigged Our Russiagate Investigation Before He Started It

>>21077614 EU reveals timeline for tapping Russian assets

>>21077625 #25838

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bfbdc7 No.21079393


>>21075432, >>21075705, >>21075786, >>21075840 Planefaggin

>>21075437 Buildings burned, police attacked amid renewed unrest in New Caledonia

>>21075395 Biden will not be returning to the White House before the CNN presidential debate

>>21075430 This former CIA deputy director misinformed the public that Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation, and misled the nation about Trump’s alleged collusion with Russia.

>>21075576 US prosecutors recommend criminal charges against Boeing for violating settlement

>>21075611 Snopes Finally Corrects The Record On Notorious Trump Hoax — Seven Years Later For The Keks!

>>21075614 A record-breaking 18,644, were apprehended illegally entering the U.S. at the northern border in May

>>21075633 Watch live coverage as SpaceX launches a Falcon 9 rocket launch

>>21075819 re: KimDotcom/Russia/US Air Force Global Hawk

>>21075860, >>21075811, >>21075918, >>21075878, >>21075894, >>21075895, >>21075881 Border Gator Guards

>>21075919, >>21075624 Cathie Wood Endorses Trump Over Biden For 2024 Elections / il Donaldo

>>21075941 Pedo: deported from UK after ABC investigation

>>21075980 The making of a criminal … from a whistleblower

>>21076007, >>21076008 ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY IN PHILADELPHIA Jun 22, 7:00 pm EDT

>>21076055 Update: USCENTCOM

>>21076072 The Changing of the Guard scheduled for 24 June has been cancelled

>>21076115 #25837

Previously Collected

>>21075506 #25836

>>21071174 #25833, >>21071860 #25834, >>21076494 #25835

>>21068545 #25830, >>21069324 #25831, >>21070215 #25832

>>21065686 #25827, >>21066663 #25828, >>21067636 #25829

>>21063083 #25824, >>21063860 #25825, >>21064829 #25826

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

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Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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bfbdc7 No.21079395

File: d533d07731f1ee4⋯.png (587.3 KB,928x1270,464:635,ClipboardImage.png)



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3c5e44 No.21079402

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cfb980 No.21079404

File: 618de8ff4d56263⋯.jpg (76.94 KB,640x480,4:3,jbajgduiasfdaj.jpg)

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4ad265 No.21079407

File: 0d12885862cca39⋯.jpg (3.36 MB,4032x2268,16:9,20240623_173820.jpg)

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f555e6 No.21079409

File: 1e56a7521e128c3⋯.png (1.14 MB,662x666,331:333,1e56a7521e128c36c2fa3e4941….png)


looking good baker


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fdf033 No.21079414

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d17c1a No.21079415

File: c7e5edb0c250a23⋯.jpg (44.46 KB,750x563,750:563,topkek_.jpg)




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7de4e6 No.21079416

File: 7cdf210237efa5f⋯.png (96.78 KB,682x501,682:501,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05491dd1623cd28⋯.png (114.07 KB,682x591,682:591,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a8c0d03b40c8be⋯.png (95.79 KB,683x548,683:548,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump cabinet hopeful wants the 'Israel model' for US China policy

Robert O'Brien just put forward a template, but its a proven failure

Former Trump national security adviser Robert C. O’Brien’s monumental and much discussed new essay inForeign Affairs may be the closest thing we are likely to get to an intellectual foreign policy blueprint for a second Trump term.

Over the coming years, it may well serve as the foreign policy template for future Republican administrations. In the same way George F. Kennan’s ‘X’ article (published in Foreign Affairsin 1947) and Paul Wolfowitz’s Defense Planning Guidance of 1992, otherwise known as the Wolfowitz Doctrine, served (for better, or, in the latter’s case, most certainly worse) as templates in past eras, O’Brien’s essay will likely define the terms of the foreign policy debate for at least the reminder of the decade — if not beyond.

The article, in keeping with shifting geopolitical realities, is heavy on Asia, light on Europe. It is also reflective of the thinking of a certain brand of Republican foreign policy realist, exemplified by the likes of Elbridge Colby and O’Brien (both of whom are reported to be in the running for top national security positions in a second Trump term) for whom China looms large — indeed, as the peer competitor the U.S. must prepare to confront.

O’Brien writes that, in his view, “Congress should help build up the armed forces of Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam by extending to them the kinds of grants, loans, and weapons transfers that the United States has long offered Israel.”

Here, and without explicitly saying so, O’Brien seems to be referencing what in other contexts has been referred to as the “Israel model” of U.S. security assistance. The model is of course based on the way America’s security assistance to Israel functions: In the absence of any treaty obligation between the two nations, the U.S. provides Israel with generous grants, loan guarantees, military, economic and diplomatic support in return for (presumably, but in fact, hardly ever) cooperation and the furtherance of American national security objectives in the region.

Right now, even before the Oct. 7 attacks, that guarantee is in the order of $3.8 billion a year.

Recall that as the Ukrainian counteroffensive ground to a halt late last year there was a lot of talk in Washington about how to sustain assistance to Ukraine in the face of growing Republican opposition in the House. One way around the presumed opposition (opposition that never actually materialized in any meaningful way) was floated by Biden national security adviser Jake Sullivan: the Israel model.


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8b0332 No.21079417

File: f5787a5368c0212⋯.png (472.41 KB,747x712,747:712,ClipboardImage.png)

Reports of US drone downed over Black Sea


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2e6590 No.21079420

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



AwakenWthJP How to Protect Your Family During an Apocalyptic Election Year!


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1467e6 No.21079421




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df6950 No.21079422

File: d7c6747b28ac452⋯.jpg (153.46 KB,500x432,125:108,icu.jpg)



getting a glow tan

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f685f6 No.21079423

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c31288 No.21079424

File: 807eb1dfcaf38b5⋯.jpg (784.01 KB,972x2793,324:931,Screenshot_20240624_173045….jpg)

File: 1776339d7939b5d⋯.jpg (933.84 KB,1080x1718,540:859,Screenshot_20240624_172717….jpg)

File: 88bc0ec19a6c602⋯.jpg (760.87 KB,2048x1583,2048:1583,20240624_172655.jpg)

Join us for an unforgettable culinary journey featuring the vibrant flavors of Cajun cuisine at the Strike Hard Cafe! 🍤

🗓️ Date: July 26 ⏰ Time: 5:00 to 6:30 p.m.

Indulge in mouthwatering gumbo, spicy jambalaya, and more.



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fe15be No.21079425


>>21079418 lb

repost link


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df6950 No.21079427

File: c937aaecf56b779⋯.mp4 (305.4 KB,652x360,163:90,bidenabortion.mp4)

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3c5e44 No.21079428

File: cb7b6dfe3e27134⋯.png (2.54 MB,1130x1506,565:753,ClipboardImage.png)

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f6588c No.21079429

File: 166eb9149449353⋯.png (309.61 KB,601x353,601:353,ClipboardImage.png)

Alex Jones’ Infowars to be shut down, assets liquidated: bankruptcy trustee

By Associated Press

Published June 24, 2024, 2:17 p.m. ET



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2c88a8 No.21079431


Who’s that guy?

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f104cd No.21079432

File: c031f7fa9e48744⋯.png (339.14 KB,394x394,1:1,Looking_Ewww.png)


>Following A Dream

<Following A Dream

Lookin good mr. bakerman

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df6950 No.21079433

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c31288 No.21079435

File: 56e34605031a8c0⋯.png (85.26 KB,660x1032,55:86,3110.png)

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bfbdc7 No.21079436


repost fresh in this bread plz.

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f10098 No.21079437

File: f42b3b0115f5c94⋯.png (336.76 KB,401x560,401:560,Activated.png)



Wonder Bread Powers…Activated Edition

Suddenly in the Pipe 5x5

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3c5e44 No.21079439



where's are the plane fags when you need them?

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c6bf79 No.21079441

File: 7de98d58e34e9bc⋯.png (941.34 KB,970x725,194:145,joe_headroom.png)

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2c88a8 No.21079443


That was the talking point back in the Clinton days.

Abortion should be. ‘Rare and safe’

Since when should a ‘right’ be rare

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fdf033 No.21079445

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The owners of the major media companies don't just protect pedovores, they are the architects and operators of the mass mind control system, the social engineers, the mind poisoners.’’’

Many of our fellow citizens are so trapped in pseudo reality created by legacy media news and entertainment content they will never escape. We call the brainwashed “NPCs,” but they're victims of legacy media information poisoning.

We think we can watch legacy media news and entertainment content safely, that it won’t and hasn't hurt us… but it has. We've heard more lies about the world than we can remember. Those unremembered lies are the basis for important assumptions we make, about who is a friend and who's not, about what we do in our spare time and what we dream of for our children.

We've been exposed to hundreds of thousands subliminal images, subsonic induction, ultrasonic brain state modulation, images we’re not aware we even saw of sex hate death greed, all of which influence our behavior, creating a form of unrecognized PTSD, which victims often project outward as hate.

Legacy media has gradually, over decades reduced the common vocabulary and amplified the violence, venality, selfishness, greed and overt occultism in programming.

Hundreds of thousands of Americans suffer physical symptoms, increased blood pressure, respiration, perspiration and pulse – people shake, stutter at the mention of the name of a man they have never met. A man they know only from the thousands of negative stories about him in every media, every hour of every day on every conceivable media platform. The physical symptoms are a psychogenic illness produced nonstop adverse IO, cultist Information Operations, aka psyops.

By gradually reducing our vocabulary and simplifying discussions legacy media has gradually reduced our cognitive capacity and normalized bizarre fetishes and psychopathology; moral subversion is a recognized tactic of unrestricted war; lifetime exposure from infancy means that many of us are no longer able to understand what is happening to us.

Legacy media protects satanist pedophile occultists, ignores massive evidence, discredit and slanders honest researchers, elevates fake experts to debunk perverts like Epstein, and scandals like Pizzagate, the Presidio, Keating S&L perverts, and dozens of other similar scandals equally serious and always dismissed as "satanic panic" which is now the approved explanation for the McMartin preschool scandal in Los Angeles.

There, at McMartin the children described ritual abuse, but. as always. the the Daily Beast assures us is an hallucination



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f6588c No.21079447

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thread will link

Invention Secrecy Act




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3c5e44 No.21079451

File: 43fce02e7ddd5b3⋯.png (463.09 KB,564x683,564:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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f6588c No.21079453



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Invention Secrecy Act of 1951

United States Congress

Long title

An Act to provide for the withholding of certain patents that might be detrimental to the national security, and for other purposes

Citation 66 Stat. 3

Enacted February 1, 1952

Bill citation (Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 82–256, 66 Stat. 3, enacted February 1, 1952

United States patent law


American Inventors Protection ActBayh–Dole ActInvention Secrecy ActHatch-Waxman ActLeahy–Smith America Invents ActTitle 35 of the United States Code

Types of patent claims

Article of manufactureComposition of matterMachineMethod


Inter partes reviewMarkman hearingReexamination

Other topics

United States Patent and Trademark OfficePatent Trial and Appeal BoardExhaustionInfringementMisuseTerm of patentManual of Patent Examining Procedure (MPEP)HistoryBiological patentsSoftware patentsList of patent law cases


This article is part of a series on the

United States Code

United States Code

flag United States portal


The Invention Secrecy Act of 1951 (Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 82–256, 66 Stat. 3, enacted February 1, 1952, codified at 35 U.S.C. ch. 17) is a body of United States federal law designed to prevent disclosure of new inventions and technologies that, in the opinion of selected federal agencies, present an alleged threat to the economic stability or national security of the United States.

The Invention Secret Act allows the United States government to classify ideas and patents under "Secrecy Orders", which indefinitely restrict public knowledge of them.[1] The law applies to all inventions in the United States regardless of what the idea or invention is, if a patent is applied for or granted.[2]35 U.S.C. § 181 All patents filed within the United States are required to be reviewed, and thousands of ideas and inventions are manually reviewed every year.[2][3] Any Federal government agency with "classifying powers" may request any patent be restricted under the Invention Secrecy Act.[4]

Ideas restricted by the Invention Secrecy Act's Secrecy Orders can be prohibited from any public disclosure; sales to any party except the United States military industry or exports to other nations can be prohibited; and can even be sealed from the public as classified.[5][6][1] Any appeals are limited to the United States Federal agency that itself restricted the ideas.[5] The United States Patent and Trademark Office has investigated the possibility of restricting new technologies if those new ideas may be disruptive to existing industries.[7] The Invention Secrecy Act has been criticized for lack of oversight and impacts on future scientific research by inventors, industry, attorneys and academics.[1][5][7][8]

World War I and II background

The United States government has long sought to control the release of new technologies that might threaten the national defense and economic stability of the country. During World War I, Congress authorized the United States Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) to classify certain defense-related patents. This initial effort lasted only for the duration of that war but was reimposed in October 1941 in anticipation of the entry of the United States into World War II. Secrecy Orders were initially intended to remain effective for two years, beginning on July 1, 1940, but were later extended for the duration of the second World War.[9]

Through World War II alone, at least 11,000 inventions were reported for classification review by the United States Government, and other analysis found that in the WWII era at least 8,475 inventions were forcibly classified, accounting for 75% of all new inventions in that time period, where over 20,000 total patents were reviewed for possible restrictions.[7][6]

The final version of the 1917 WW1-era law ordered ideas should be restricted if:[10]

…detrimental to the public safety or defense, or may assist the enemy or endanger the successful prosecution of the war, [the Commissioner of Patents] may order that the invention be kept secret and withhold the grant of a patent until the end of the war. (Pub. L. 65-80, 1917)[10]

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ca9212 No.21079454

You motherfucking motherfucker cannot fuck your mother again cause she be death long ago thanks to your misfortune.

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f2ee5e No.21079455


Scrotables - are they endorsements?

>>21078939 Taylor Swift is a Mobster

Too much back door action by the naker.

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7e59c0 No.21079456

Russia summoning U.S. Ambassador and warning of retaliation


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4ad265 No.21079457


same one that comes out of malta?

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7e9721 No.21079459

When the hell does the "drips" turn into the promised flood for fuck sakes? I've been here 6 friggin years and it's the same stupid shit day in and day out.

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e98f7c No.21079460

File: 3ce01330b942f61⋯.jpg (195.41 KB,915x1024,915:1024,20240624_053023.jpg)

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d17c1a No.21079462

File: 53963e6869fc688⋯.png (656.72 KB,596x1068,149:267,Schitt_crosswalk_keks.png)

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f6588c No.21079463




Invention Secrecy Act of 1951

The Invention Secrecy Act of 1951 made such patent secrecy permanent, though the order to suppress any invention must be renewed each year, except during periods of declared war or national emergency.[11] Under this Act, defense agencies provide the patent office with a classified list of sensitive technologies in the form of the "Patent Security Category Review List" (PSCRL).[11] The decision to classify new inventions under this act is made by "defense agencies" as defined by the President,[11] These agencies include the Army, Navy, Air Force, National Security Agency, Department of Energy, Department of Homeland Security, NASA, but even the Justice Department has played this role.[3] If government officials determine the idea and invention can pose a threat, it can be restricted from the public with a Secrecy Order.[1] Any Federal government agency, not just those associated with the military and intelligence community, may request any patent be restricted under the Invention Secrecy Act if that agency itself has the power to classify data as restricted.[4]

A Secrecy Order bars the award of a patent, orders that the invention be kept secret, restricts the filing of foreign patents, and specifies procedures to prevent disclosure of ideas contained in the application.[5] By law, the government is only required to compensate the inventor of a restricted idea for 75% of its value as deemed by the agency restricting it, and the inventor must demonstrate they suffered damages.[12] However, inventors find it difficult if not impossible to prove suffered harm under the Invention Secrecy Act due to their inability to disclose the invention.[12] Disclosure of inventions or ideas restricted by a Secrecy Order can lead to arrest and imprisonment for up to two years in Federal prison.[3][12] If an inventor attempts to release the ideas in a foreign country without authorization, the invention and idea can be held as legally "abandoned."[12] In the 1958 court case Robinson vs United States, the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ruled inventors could not sue the government to appeal Secrecy Orders until the secrecy itself was rescinded, citing national security concerns; this standing held through at least 1963.[13]

Each year, tens of thousands of inventions and patent applications are reviewed by hand to decide if they should be allowed to be published or should be hidden from the public.[3] In the four-year window of 2013 to 2017, an average of 117 new inventions per year were restricted with Secrecy Orders.[5] In the same 2013-2017 period of time, an average of 25 Secrecy Orders were reportedly rescinded per year.[5] 5,792 unique patents were placed under Secrecy Orders in 2018.[10]

Through 2012-2020, the United States Patent Office began investigations into expanding application of the Invention Secret Act to have more consideration of economic impacts on American markets from new inventions, if those new ideas may be disruptive to existing industries.[7] Attempts through 2020 to expand the scope of the Invention Secrecy Act in Congress were unsuccessful, attributed to lobbying from groups such as the American Bar Association.[14]

Invention Secrecy Act screening process

The law applies to all inventions created in the United States, regardless of their nature or nationality of the creators, despite that the "vast majority" of inventions have no legal or financial stake from the government.[2] All patents filed within the United States are required to be screened for the Invention Secrecy Act.[2] Each year, tens of thousands of new inventions and patent applications are manually reviewed to decide if they should be hidden from the public.[3]

Inventions which received any government funding toward their research and development will be reviewed, beyond any military departments or intelligence agencies, by the segment of the United States government that had a funding and research stake in them.[2] The vast majority of patent applications, ideas and inventions have no government affiliation.[2] For those ideas and inventions from the general public, the Commissioner for Patents of the United States Patent and Trademark Office makes any initial decision whether or not the idea will endanger national security.[2]

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f2ee5e No.21079467


Shot 'em all down. FAFO doctrine in effect.

<Cluster bombing civilians.


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f6588c No.21079468





Once the application and screening process begins, there are three possible outcomes.[2] The first outcome is that the patent and an associated foreign patent filing license may simply be granted, and the Invention Secrecy Act would not bind or restrict that given idea.[2] The second option is that the government may simply do nothing, which allows the creators of the idea and invention to pursue it fully in United States and foreign markets.[2] In either of these first two scenarios, the government has a six-month window from the patent filing to take any or no action.[2]

The third and last option is that a Secrecy Order is compelled on the idea and invention.[2] The creators are then forbidden from sharing, disclosing, discussing, developing, selling or marketing the ideas within the United States or in foreign nations.[2]

Known public examples of restricted technologies

James Constant of California was restricted by Secrecy Order from 1969 to 1971 for his advancements in radar systems to track objects ranging from shipping containers to parts on an industrial assembly line, and later in 1982 was denied any damages by courts.[15] James Greer of Alabama was bound by a Secrecy Order from 2000 to 2008, for an invention that could have allowed development of "anti-stealth" tracking systems.[15] In 2002, inventor Robert Gold saw his idea for improvements in wireless communications restricted by a Secrecy Order.[15] Some inventors have resisted in public their Secrecy Orders: in 1978, the National Security Agency restricted an invention called the "Phasorphone", which allowed people to digitally alter and obfuscate their voices on telephone calls for privacy from government surveillance.[16] The Phasorphone inventors took their opposition to the media, and months later the NSA ultimately rescinded the order.[16]

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e98f7c No.21079471

File: 5f0ebf9efee4979⋯.jpg (785.07 KB,2048x2560,4:5,20240624_153128.jpg)

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f6588c No.21079473






Types of Secrecy Orders

Timeline of patents issued year over year.[17]

There are three known types of Secrecy Orders which can be enforced, referred to as Types I, II and III.[1] Violation of United States government Secrecy Orders to reveal your ideas may lead to arrest and imprisonment.[3]

The Secrecy Order notices will command inventors that:[12]

"the subject matter or any material information relevant to this application, including unpublished details of the invention, shall not be published or disclosed to any person not aware of the invention prior to the date of this order, including any employee of the principals."[12]

The three known types of Secrecy Orders are:

Type I Secrecy Orders, referred to as "Secrecy Order and Permit for Foreign Filing in Certain Countries", typically are used to restrict ideas or materials derived from government funding which may not be themselves secret or classified prior to receiving a Secrecy Order under the Invention Secrecy Act, but may be already under some manner of restrictions from either or both of Export Administration Regulations and International Traffic in Arms Regulations.[1]

Type II Secrecy Orders, also known as "Secrecy Order and Permit for Disclosing Classified Information", apply to ideas and inventions that may already be in part composed of classified concepts and technologies, or that can be, and that were submitted for patent review by Americans who already hold some manner of United States Department of Defense security agreements.[1] Types I and II, therefore, typically apply to ideas and concepts already within the United States government domain.[1]

Type III Secrecy Orders, called a "General Secrecy Order", are used as a "catch-all" to restrict any ideas, technologies or inventions that would not be covered by the government affiliation involved with Type I and Type II Secrecy Orders.[1] Type III Secrecy Orders would be used toward inventions by the general public.[1]

All "security review" files related to "the security review of patent applications, placing of applications under secrecy, modification of secrecy orders, and withdrawing of applications from secrecy" are required to be destroyed ten years after a Secrecy Order is rescinded.[18]

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dfdd12 No.21079474

it is interesting the titles of many films,

the sequence of their release,

and the year and month of release.

for instance, flatliners,

released september 29, 2017, seventh day of libra, scales,

grossed $16.9 million in the united states and canada,

and $28.1 million in other territories.

45 mil

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3e7530 No.21079476



Nothing can stop you from dropping a hot fresh loaf


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fea1d5 No.21079477


>where's are the plane fags when you need them?


>Reports of US drone downed over Black Sea

Can't find anything on the trackers.

Reports seem to be just this one twitter report.

Treating the report with skepticism.

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f6588c No.21079478







1971 declassified Category Review List

Derivative classification activity 1996–2011

A declassified document from January 1971, "PATENT SECURITY CATEGORY REVIEW LIST", lists the categories of all inventions that the United States Patent Office would refer to the Armed Services Patent Advisory Board for consideration of becoming classified under the Invention Secrecy Act.[21]

The high-level categories of inventions from 1971 which can be forcibly classified are listed as the following, and each section includes an expansive spectrum of topics beneath each:

Amplifiers, Recorders, Sensors and Electronic Tubes


Concealment, Communications, Countermeasures & Counter-countermeasures


Explosives & Inflammables

Explosive Actuating Methods & Means: Fuzes, igniton, Mine Sweeping & Torpedoes

Explosive Device Detection Methods & Means

Mapping, Charting & Geodesy



Military Photography

Missiles, Munitions and Explosive Devices

Navigation Equipment

Object Locating Methods & Means

Power Supply

Propulsion Systems, Propellants, & Fuels

Protective Measures


Unique Materials, Devices, or Performance Data and Characteristics


Weapons, Counter-weapons & Fire control

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d79bac No.21079479

File: 64766ac2a2e1bc5⋯.png (864.42 KB,768x717,256:239,64766ac2a2e1bc5796ef402122….png)

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e98f7c No.21079482

File: ce29d95c2bc57e4⋯.jpg (101.79 KB,1057x996,1057:996,20240623_145243.jpg)

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ca9212 No.21079483


>When the hell does the "drips" turn into the promised flood for fuck sakes? I've been here 6 friggin years and it's the same stupid shit day in and day out.

Drops of Zombie Drug made in the House Hold department of Walmart.

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3c5e44 No.21079484

File: f717e965fdc7f6b⋯.png (1.69 MB,1130x1528,565:764,ClipboardImage.png)

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4d25ee No.21079485




>Alex Jones’ Infowars to be shut down, assets liquidated: bankruptcy trustee


>By Associated Press


>Published June 24, 2024, 2:17 p.m. ET



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f2ee5e No.21079486


"Tranny fluid" is missing

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3c5e44 No.21079487

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e98f7c No.21079488

File: d025f24fe601705⋯.jpg (208.01 KB,1290x1530,43:51,20240623_071153.jpg)

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949bf8 No.21079489


>"Tranny fluid" is missing

Soy Milk is there at the top.

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3c5e44 No.21079490

File: a5078acae5d37a2⋯.png (148.15 KB,432x391,432:391,ClipboardImage.png)

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824cde No.21079491

File: 237c13f73ed261d⋯.png (978.74 KB,1054x690,527:345,ClipboardImage.png)

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e98f7c No.21079492

File: a10b5be5a4e49ed⋯.jpg (159.56 KB,1031x1142,1031:1142,20240624_053353.jpg)

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96d81e No.21079493

File: 154acba159dab7a⋯.jpg (46.38 KB,880x479,880:479,4n533j.jpg)


They're terrified of a lame duck Trump


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f2ee5e No.21079494

File: b2e2fc3eedb4529⋯.png (90.95 KB,273x351,7:9,Maddow.png)


All MSM can lie out the asshoe all day, every day.

Because it's the Government's lies, you see. PsyOp Approved for General Audiences.

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3c5e44 No.21079496

File: ea62cae3bae81e1⋯.png (613.27 KB,686x823,686:823,ClipboardImage.png)

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c0323d No.21079497

File: 9045f731e75c337⋯.png (26.34 KB,640x408,80:51,516_2_.png)

File: f132fd9ec150c35⋯.png (113.74 KB,640x946,320:473,146_2_.png)

File: 8d41bf715a72a7d⋯.png (1.16 MB,640x3154,320:1577,1954_4_.png)

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80a997 No.21079498

File: b7f25030ae29fef⋯.jpg (65.38 KB,888x494,444:247,gus5tsydsjd.jpg)

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f104cd No.21079499

File: aabffd250041c2d⋯.png (1.67 MB,1080x1134,20:21,KEK_Hottie.png)

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61920c No.21079500

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Michael Stanley

And the resonators


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96d81e No.21079501

File: d2cb8334b84fa51⋯.jpeg (186.73 KB,833x911,833:911,d2cb8334b84fa51fc764767f0….jpeg)

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0cc48e No.21079502

File: c8aa818d9f05174⋯.png (474.38 KB,626x721,626:721,hm258a.png)

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f2ee5e No.21079503


Something fake about that image.

Depth of Field lines seem off. Focussed all the way to the back wall, yet Joe and Homo are just in front and out of focus.

And Mike looks (almosty) ladylike.

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96d81e No.21079504

File: af1fb1b33b7658d⋯.png (738.99 KB,884x1161,884:1161,af1fb1b33b7658d15e936f1a22….png)

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13bce8 No.21079505

File: 5501b4f3295c9ca⋯.png (46.94 KB,1376x454,688:227,4956.png)

File: 5cbe4817ca4a0ba⋯.png (80.45 KB,1376x768,43:24,4955_2.png)

File: bf0b1032cc532d3⋯.png (41.23 KB,1376x410,688:205,4954.png)

File: 11c74b30b81f1c7⋯.png (1.36 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_2294.png)

File: b869c347187fb54⋯.jpeg (34.37 KB,183x276,61:92,IMG_2326.jpeg)

June 24

17 Q Posts

2nd Anniversary of Roe V Wade Being Overturned


Shall We Play A Game?



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f10098 No.21079506

File: 017ec702dcd5094⋯.png (1.37 MB,1235x751,1235:751,JumpShark.png)

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35df64 No.21079507

File: 352296525b8a640⋯.jpg (8.81 KB,268x188,67:47,baker_7.jpg)

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f6588c No.21079508

File: 33d172747ea90a3⋯.png (464.52 KB,560x680,14:17,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4461b41564fc9d4⋯.png (348.91 KB,644x627,644:627,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd7db04a09cc1b5⋯.png (53.98 KB,761x302,761:302,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4e771969a5d8d0e⋯.png (47.3 KB,772x345,772:345,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a2b7b339d23e74⋯.png (40.83 KB,682x461,682:461,ClipboardImage.png)

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f1a599 No.21079509

File: bb53eb1a12cd775⋯.png (303.02 KB,720x537,240:179,ClipboardImage.png)

CNN now facing a potential $1 billiondefamation lawsuitkek


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824cde No.21079510

File: 0c17a25913e22a6⋯.png (1.6 MB,2078x1027,2078:1027,ClipboardImage.png)


>where's are the plane fags when you need them?

Coverage anon, coverage.

ADS-B doesn't see much out over the Black Sea.


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f2ee5e No.21079511

File: 890caa26d064616⋯.png (8.49 MB,1599x2275,123:175,ClipboardImage.png)

C'mon guy!


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f555e6 No.21079512

File: b025e82dad87319⋯.png (85.23 KB,444x440,111:110,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c6484d76e70addb⋯.png (131.84 KB,444x353,444:353,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fbe439542f69480⋯.png (77.12 KB,444x294,74:49,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea2f0cacedf2eba⋯.png (10.82 KB,444x170,222:85,ClipboardImage.png)

couple 4 year deltas

Add Biden?

Memes are important.


They never thought she would lose.



We're in this together.




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f2ee5e No.21079513


I hope they type it on his record just like the headline.

Guy is a national Hero.

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ebad18 No.21079514

File: 16ecb7c031949d2⋯.jpeg (285.33 KB,1440x2048,45:64,B6B14B0A_E47A_4DA6_95FE_1….jpeg)


How did they know they were used?

Did Joe give ‘em the ol’ snifferoo????

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c0323d No.21079515

File: 636ad7fbf676f06⋯.jpg (232.5 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_24_17_4….jpg)

File: f154b3012e0e48c⋯.jpeg (485.58 KB,1711x2048,1711:2048,GQ3f5vwWoAA9LXY.jpeg)

File: afe50b306fe781d⋯.jpeg (478.08 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GQ3f7azW4AAnG87.jpeg)

File: b4ad04479069b87⋯.png (218.55 KB,640x1724,160:431,336_2_.png)

File: 30e387ce7924781⋯.png (40.89 KB,640x540,32:27,114_7_.png)

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f104cd No.21079516

File: ef1a9f20ae848d0⋯.png (489.24 KB,886x480,443:240,ClipboardImage.png)

It's ahunerd degrees outside rn.

No A/C.

Problem is that it's only gettin down to 78 tonite.

Chillin with you faggots makes it alright.

ain't so bad

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3c5e44 No.21079517

File: ef7e1dabf641e5c⋯.png (160.95 KB,434x237,434:237,ClipboardImage.png)

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9716f9 No.21079518

File: 5d36ff626db3f08⋯.png (1.86 MB,1218x1000,609:500,schumer_possibly_vindman_b….png)

File: 052ed58d74017f1⋯.png (349.24 KB,1268x1065,1268:1065,new_york_leaders_04202024.png)

File: f1a1b8f97581054⋯.png (145.91 KB,724x770,362:385,baltimore_city_council_dem….png)

File: 73428d564418139⋯.png (254.92 KB,800x1100,8:11,cali_dem_leaders_3.png)

File: 14595951ca4182c⋯.png (372.79 KB,800x1100,8:11,cali_dem_leaders_2.png)

schumer be like blah blah blah but can't grill a hamburger?

sheesh, how ignorant and stupid are Americans to vote for weak af leaders like schumer?


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f10098 No.21079519

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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824cde No.21079520


>ADS-B doesn't see much

Should say ADS-B Exchange Network doesn't.

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e98f7c No.21079521

File: 83128d74afa5ce4⋯.jpg (178.04 KB,720x1220,36:61,20240624_150117.jpg)

File: bd10d177be4cb22⋯.mp4 (3.77 MB,380x622,190:311,Oli_London_20240624_1_new.mp4)




Hollywood actress Jennifer Garner bangs drums draped in a Palestinian keffiyeh as she joins a drummer wearing a Palestine flag scarf.

A Palestinian flag is also seen attached to the railings behind her as she plays the drums.

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d79bac No.21079522

File: 5664195ee1d8567⋯.png (410.33 KB,975x563,975:563,5664195ee1d856787dbcd20e3f….png)

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f555e6 No.21079523

File: 9d1f5231ba67a3b⋯.png (7.2 KB,444x121,444:121,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8deaf014f57d371⋯.png (15.97 KB,444x238,222:119,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f3adcc39e0ae2ec⋯.png (6.41 KB,444x105,148:35,ClipboardImage.png)


3 deltas from 2022

Are you ready to serve your country again?

Remember your oath.


It had to be done this way.


Shall we play a game once more?


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4cb5a8 No.21079524

File: c13a272f31d1a89⋯.jpeg (87.44 KB,500x663,500:663,D161E76D_0ADE_40A5_BBB2_2….jpeg)


My stupid libtard aunt is a wicked Trump hater and she sent me this meme. How do I respond?? I need an answer quick, otherwise she fucking wins.

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2816d7 No.21079525


kek. its like he's channeling AJ and survival grifters

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f2ee5e No.21079526

File: 3418e735dcf3d75⋯.png (205.49 KB,382x438,191:219,Kamala_Harris_Joe_Biden_Sn….png)


Top kek

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f104cd No.21079527

File: 0e484e07f4dd84f⋯.jpg (22.5 KB,474x474,1:1,Dildo_Box_Industrial_Stren….jpg)


man, i hope that's tru

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9716f9 No.21079528

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ca9212 No.21079529

Double speak, my ass has two sides watching every shit post carefully being dumped next to nothing in this thread.

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4ad265 No.21079530


so what

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3c5e44 No.21079531

File: 94c005ee4740254⋯.png (859.39 KB,878x610,439:305,ClipboardImage.png)

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d17c1a No.21079532

File: 3cfeaa8b2573e86⋯.jpg (69.99 KB,500x518,250:259,this_again.jpg)


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3af65e No.21079533

File: 71617ad2c2f8737⋯.png (346.71 KB,500x562,250:281,71617ad2c2f8737be8f3a428f6….png)


Time for the "Madcow Defense"

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f10098 No.21079534

File: 82aa15615f3108a⋯.png (555.73 KB,865x564,865:564,ClipboardImage.png)

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61920c No.21079535

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Walk right in

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35fb3e No.21079536



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96d81e No.21079537

File: dd87dfaaa75edf7⋯.jpg (141.1 KB,945x1267,135:181,dd87dfaaa75edf78f62871beb0….jpg)


>My stupid libtard aunt is a wicked Trump hater and she sent me this meme. How do I respond??

Tell her we need a pic of her tits.

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f2ee5e No.21079538



Is this supposed to be a bad thing?

Is she against wholesale slaughter of civilians like any sane and rational and non-brainwashed person should?

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f104cd No.21079539

File: 9c6b5dd5d00364a⋯.jpg (9.52 KB,192x255,64:85,CNN_Anderson_Cooper_Eyes.jpg)


>CNN now facing a potential $1 billiondefamation lawsuit

Wood that put'em outa business?

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d17c1a No.21079540

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB,409x393,409:393,i_cant_belive_this.jpg)


That's an improvement.

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f6392d No.21079541

File: 865ed98493248db⋯.png (22.68 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21079413 lb

Guess how they produce that electricity for EV Charging Stations — by


like COAL and GAS

The EV Green SCAM

brought to you by Hussein, Solyndra and Elyon Musk.

Saw a video last week "debunking Elon Musk's claims" from Musk's interviews and TED talks:

the video actually did the math on many of Elon Musk's futuristic claims of "renewable energy" and other grand ideas like going to Mars.

For ex: There isn't enough Lithium in the ground to supply all the EVs that Musk is envisioning.

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c0323d No.21079542

File: 210fa29f880417f⋯.jpg (210.35 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_24_17_5….jpg)

File: cc97c029ca5cc51⋯.png (60.72 KB,640x612,160:153,415_1_.png)

File: 2b2a67fdd7fedb3⋯.jpeg (409.06 KB,2048x1463,2048:1463,GQ3VknqXgAE_jeC.jpeg)

File: 14dd7f2b7b03885⋯.png (532.08 KB,640x990,64:99,1615.png)

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f2ee5e No.21079543


F&G and the left can't meme.

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fff4f9 No.21079544

So Trump was convicted for a Hush Money violation and the judge who tried him made him Hush up about the trial. ?

The fuck?

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3c5e44 No.21079545

File: 3793bc9b92b9f53⋯.png (350.94 KB,480x600,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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f104cd No.21079546

File: 4c0f916fa48682c⋯.jpeg (77.53 KB,599x656,599:656,Ewww_Greta.jpeg)


wow. she got ugly quick.

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3c5e44 No.21079547

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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0cc48e No.21079548


a crypto jew propagandist

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13bce8 No.21079549

File: 8bdd1cdfb17e659⋯.png (1003.7 KB,898x3390,449:1695,3638.png)

File: 2154f6a9a09ccd8⋯.png (123.99 KB,898x1026,449:513,1855.png)

File: 1c85eaeb0c72abf⋯.png (224.05 KB,898x1868,449:934,2102.png)

File: 83e6b8a0871012f⋯.png (488.11 KB,898x1810,449:905,2089.png)


Excellent News!


Sep 06, 2018 7:08:46 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: c3b95b No. 2909418

Sep 06, 2018 6:22:54 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 23f371 No. 2908723


>There is a lot more to this than you realize.

>Think 'collective' attacks v. 'Q'

They 'attack' AJ to give him fake credibility amongst POTUS supporting Patriots, thus poisoning the water and directing narrative of the 'opposition' through a MOS supported asset aka AJ.

All team effort, coordinated 'collective' attacks with pawns and actors serving black hat agenda and attempting to control/divide the Patriots.

>Attacks will come from ALL sides.


Control & Divide.

Think Mueller.

Who is testifying before Mueller tomorrow?

Forensic data analysis on phone(s) and/or computers?

This is not about Guccifer 2.0.

What happens if Mueller 'proves' 'Free Speech Systems LLC' aka 'InfoWars' is linked to a Foreign Intel Agency or other Non_Domestic entity?

How can the 'LEFT' use that information to DIVIDE and CENSOR the RIGHT?

Why are AFFILIATES of InfoWars constantly attacking 'Q'?

Who is pulling the strings?

[ ]>>>[Free Speech Systems LLC]


5y, 9m, 2w, 3d, 22h, 43m ago

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33d915 No.21079550

I can't figure this one out.

Is he being publicly punished? or is he being publicly persecuted?

should I have put a comma in that sentence somewhere?

…and about the question marks, was using 2 of them improper?

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a4d31f No.21079551

File: 766356d857306c6⋯.png (1.34 MB,1439x783,1439:783,_austin_schumer_reclining_.png)

File: e5abea5d473b015⋯.png (1.02 MB,1440x600,12:5,_austin_schumer_.png)

File: a3e34ed35fbf5e2⋯.png (906.57 KB,1440x418,720:209,_austin_schumer_.png)

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f104cd No.21079552

File: c39f981fbbfb0e1⋯.jpg (57.05 KB,300x295,60:59,LOL_Guy.jpg)


Only funny cause whiskey. sry

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33d915 No.21079553

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96d81e No.21079554

File: 2bb849d43bb10af⋯.jpeg (110.17 KB,572x801,572:801,2bb849d43bb10af9b36b69a50….jpeg)

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3c5e44 No.21079555

File: 19d7f56d50f0df6⋯.png (1.17 MB,960x829,960:829,ClipboardImage.png)

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fc8497 No.21079556

Why are the jews obsessed with flooding Europe with africans, muslims and poos?

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f2ee5e No.21079557

File: a095a91c33cd529⋯.jpg (75.51 KB,474x474,1:1,Industrial_Strength_Dildos….jpg)

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f6392d No.21079558

File: 5e08812d232f46b⋯.png (20.28 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)


Summer Edition of the Woe-is-Me Shill

Always a "Personal" Issue to slide Anons. now with Memes!

Always ME, ME, ME.

My family, my problems, my health issues, ….

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fe15be No.21079559

File: cbcb22d6c1c9e98⋯.png (335.17 KB,325x1181,325:1181,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d52f7e60f55b5e⋯.png (89.61 KB,470x548,235:274,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ccafb6962a3bf55⋯.png (113.12 KB,470x651,470:651,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c2cae7886d3e6f9⋯.png (421.59 KB,800x571,800:571,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b529b4826416dbd⋯.png (627.8 KB,800x571,800:571,ClipboardImage.png)




>Everything stated has meaning.

>Find paper articles re: Freemasons.

>Welcome aboard

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c0323d No.21079560

File: cdb48cb655c196d⋯.jpg (194.77 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_24_17_5….jpg)

File: 89e621d4117859c⋯.jpg (243.74 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_24_17_5….jpg)

File: 740f0c4c311b9ec⋯.png (30.81 KB,640x452,160:113,301_4_.png)

File: ae32d10462af703⋯.jpeg (79.54 KB,612x816,3:4,GQ3Eq6eXsAAEcOJ.jpeg)

File: 9ecf448aa690bd6⋯.png (1.57 MB,640x3408,40:213,1501_3_.png)

doggo comms

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f2ee5e No.21079561


Gee they delete any old shit now. Mission creep is real.

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3c5e44 No.21079562

File: 93e7adce9879b58⋯.png (942.51 KB,903x780,301:260,ClipboardImage.png)

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f2ee5e No.21079563



This meme is true.

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908cc5 No.21079565

File: 8485b32323a414d⋯.png (109.49 KB,367x298,367:298,pepe_cereal.png)

Wait… that was green text. Did I reply to the wrong Anon last bread? Shit.

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3c5e44 No.21079566

File: 106a3128ce8c9e4⋯.png (325.36 KB,521x482,521:482,ClipboardImage.png)

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f2ee5e No.21079567


The Govt will give 'em another 2 Billion for the trouble. They're (MSM) useful to bad people

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cd323f No.21079568

File: bdfb7b403cd2ce8⋯.mp4 (3.2 MB,360x640,9:16,hanskimjewhater.mp4)

This is Hans Kim, this is Hans Kim, this is Hans Kim, This is Hans Kim That's his these song

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9716f9 No.21079569

File: a8704ff0c853642⋯.png (674.52 KB,1100x800,11:8,fisa_warrent_setup_example.png)

File: 5c7d1a3e07aa662⋯.png (399.86 KB,1100x800,11:8,clinesmith_Carter_Page_Fis….png)

File: de3627d478806a9⋯.jpg (961.65 KB,1534x2048,767:1024,Cathrine_Herridge_twt_0605….jpg)

File: 90626ed64cfbb7e⋯.png (950.47 KB,1223x800,1223:800,Herridge_FISA_Carter_4_tim….png)

File: b8ded01f44e89da⋯.png (692.01 KB,565x764,565:764,epoch_times_timeline_fisa_….png)

_ said class action lawsuit

Americans don't know the meaning of the letters of dei fisa ngo etc yet pay for them via taxes

most Americans don't know shit about lawsuits

most Americans don't research beyond school assignments

what are schools pushing these days is what kids are researching these days which is causing hate/confusion these days, no?

dang the moar i research the moar i understand how far we've traveled still so far to go

fortunately the missions/goals become clear thru the PAIN of overcoming ignorance

thank you Anons

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cd323f No.21079570

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There is a Good Jew Be Gone joke here @ 13.00


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f2ee5e No.21079571


Facts be damned!

It's ONLY about emotions and projecting your SJW status on to others that matters now.

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13bce8 No.21079572

File: a4f705bcbb748e3⋯.jpeg (1.26 MB,1335x1540,267:308,IMG_2396.jpeg)

File: 112ec91feb67ea3⋯.jpeg (456.58 KB,1315x740,263:148,IMG_2395.jpeg)

File: 9430302d73ea7a0⋯.png (2.75 MB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_2379.png)

File: 50b3a2b11585739⋯.png (374.82 KB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_2380.png)

File: 84a8a49f875a21e⋯.jpeg (1.66 MB,1313x1848,1313:1848,IMG_2382.jpeg)

June 6, 2022

2 year Delta


“We must work to advance the sanctity of life at every level, state and federal, though some in my party may disagree. The Supreme Court’s decision did not return the power to regulate abortion solely to the states — but also to the American people. While it is true the American people elect governors and legislators, they also elect congressmen, senators, and presidents. There is no reason for conservatives to abandon the fight for life at the federal level and focus exclusively on the states. We can and should do both.” -Mike Pence


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949bf8 No.21079573

File: 06bcc99700a2d35⋯.png (447.03 KB,649x384,649:384,ClipboardImage.png)

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f2ee5e No.21079574

File: 69971099d12bf77⋯.jpg (298.58 KB,783x818,783:818,Stormy_Daniels_Hush_Money_….jpg)


Land of the Free.

Home of the Brave.

They said.

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f2ee5e No.21079575


She's been chowing down on carbon, a lot.

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f6392d No.21079576

File: b55043a2c6d7251⋯.png (162.39 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you Baker

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e98f7c No.21079577

File: 5ca270e406b2c9f⋯.jpg (172.75 KB,720x1216,45:76,20240624_160009.jpg)

File: 69de42c4e6282e2⋯.mp4 (6.69 MB,720x1250,72:125,Paul_A_Szypula_20240624_2_….mp4)


Man makes violent video about k*lling people if Trump wins:

“If Donald Trump wins… you’re not going to want to be around for that fight I can f*cking promise you that. You’re not going to want your family to be around for that fight. Because people will die.”

@FBI investigate!

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f10098 No.21079578

File: e5faff781ac324d⋯.png (221.44 KB,643x680,643:680,Shills3.png)

File: b2f448ab18bd0c9⋯.png (69.56 KB,904x245,904:245,Jan11QCool.png)

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f104cd No.21079579

File: 7760322d0c485a4⋯.jpg (229.9 KB,917x883,917:883,Dildos_On_Bed.jpg)




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c0323d No.21079580

File: 2395ae2ab443737⋯.jpg (192.26 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_24_18_0….jpg)

File: 388feefcb0f2b40⋯.jpeg (169.97 KB,2047x1367,2047:1367,GQ1yp_AWEAAaAbX.jpeg)

File: 7209528469d884d⋯.jpeg (252.74 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GQ1yqBSWAAALhyO.jpeg)

File: 13da6547b32ddcb⋯.jpeg (256.96 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GQ1yqBEXMAAyOzr.jpeg)

File: 138671b6b40c290⋯.jpeg (380.52 KB,2048x1362,1024:681,GQ1yqECXAAExjjo.jpeg)

9:02 SEALS

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fe15be No.21079581

File: 2a39b6063f268af⋯.png (106.62 KB,325x382,325:382,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ee4814bcac6f6d2⋯.png (118.08 KB,470x630,47:63,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 579bd9f2fa35e5d⋯.png (71.52 KB,470x494,235:247,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c2b84151adad104⋯.png (58.09 KB,470x231,470:231,ClipboardImage.png)



Thank you for confirmation so that we may move fwd with established comms.


>Graphic form for each correlation a MUST.

>This will be the AUTH tool you use when all of this becomes public to provide friends, family, others.

>Do you think POTUS re-tweeted MAGA PILL for no reason?

We chose this BOARD for a very specific reason.

>We believe in you.

>21s vid

I’ve dumped some crumbs like this over the weekend which started the intense shilling. At this point we are far enough along you can paint the picture without risk of jeopardizing the operation.

shit creeps me out sometimes

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f2ee5e No.21079582

File: f8d723b04cccd85⋯.jpg (279.16 KB,1280x720,16:9,Mike_Pence_Not_My_Concern_….jpg)



Back when he was concerned.

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8fc5ea No.21079583


The US drones over Black Sea seem only to fly when UKR gonna attack and needs them to help guide them to RUS targets. How long did we think they’d put up wid ‘at?

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c41017 No.21079584


Sounds like he is x military and he has never seen victory in a war.

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f2ee5e No.21079585


Small penis problems.

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e98f7c No.21079586

File: 1a65421226c20bf⋯.jpg (148.41 KB,720x1056,15:22,20240624_160343.jpg)



Beta Male with soft voice and visible Matchbox car collection makes threats from inside his garage while his wife gets pounded by her boyfriend.

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c0323d No.21079587

File: 59831f53031936e⋯.jpg (224.11 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_24_18_0….jpg)

File: 87c326d341c72b7⋯.png (24.16 KB,640x408,80:51,401_8_.png)

File: bf02db40e348aef⋯.png (109.92 KB,640x946,320:473,1601_6_.png)

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9716f9 No.21079588


Donald Trump Jr.




Going live!

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96d81e No.21079589

File: cde4eee2714031a⋯.png (35.65 KB,113x162,113:162,Screen_Shot_2024_06_24_at_….png)

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f104cd No.21079590

File: 7378adfb2e5d4fc⋯.png (132.49 KB,358x232,179:116,ClipboardImage.png)


mouph open fir shir

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f2ee5e No.21079591


Putin's patience will run out. It's just that he knows the seriousness of the situation once he does.

NATO may not have a clue what's coming.

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1f854d No.21079592

File: b839f2ec88acc36⋯.png (531.03 KB,963x949,963:949,wef.png)

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1920ad No.21079593

*dunk on maple syrup*


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fe15be No.21079594

File: dfe20369a3b6fa9⋯.png (338.31 KB,1263x540,421:180,ClipboardImage.png)


>graphic version for nao

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1920ad No.21079595

Money can't buy skill but skill can always make money.

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d35a86 No.21079596

File: faeee4173c3c2c1⋯.png (100.82 KB,873x694,873:694,ClipboardImage.png)

File: df62121844e6e5c⋯.png (155.59 KB,519x1231,519:1231,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c1655ccef2645b1⋯.png (118.34 KB,519x1153,519:1153,ClipboardImage.png)


6:04 EST


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3af65e No.21079597


Why are incapable of recognizing who is really responsible?

Nevermind, Media Matters employees aren't hired for intelligence

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542013 No.21079599


those r beautiful

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fff4f9 No.21079600


Dubs. Chuds.

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c0323d No.21079601

File: 8e193828a05d78c⋯.png (117.11 KB,640x1092,160:273,1633_1_.png)

File: 406442d4ed6b5c5⋯.png (60.38 KB,640x612,160:153,3348.png)

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96d81e No.21079602


>When she says she likes to swallow, and you demand to watch.

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13bce8 No.21079603

File: e9cdd22e0eb8327⋯.jpeg (1.27 MB,1170x2157,390:719,IMG_9265.jpeg)

File: 64ea6bce6615b51⋯.jpeg (575.12 KB,1621x2048,1621:2048,IMG_2222.jpeg)

File: b91a7e17129e860⋯.png (2.46 MB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_2223.png)

File: 8b3e03792241dc0⋯.jpeg (712.41 KB,4800x2701,4800:2701,IMG_2208.jpeg)

File: 26e1f4e7923f770⋯.png (3.32 MB,1243x1774,1243:1774,IMG_1973.png)

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f6588c No.21079604

File: f03af186e1d8427⋯.png (213.53 KB,821x650,821:650,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2612c87735b7a6⋯.png (155.49 KB,758x469,758:469,ClipboardImage.png)




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824cde No.21079605

File: 6234947bd82f8ee⋯.png (2.54 MB,1957x1467,1957:1467,ClipboardImage.png)

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9716f9 No.21079606


>dubs digits

>but but but thas racist


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f104cd No.21079607

File: 5864b0a4146c704⋯.jpg (32.89 KB,585x346,585:346,Eeek_Dude.jpg)


>Man makes violent video about k*lling people if Trump wins:


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e05ec9 No.21079608

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

GOLD prices are rising. Is it KILLING the US Dollar ? : Geopolitical Case Study


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3455ae No.21079609

This has never been attempted.

Use of general public to counter the narrative [propaganda] push by controlled media.

Analysis [start-to-now] indicates situational awareness [decoupling of MSDNC control of information (channels 1-99)] of general public expanding at massive pace.

Attacks indicate [can be defined as] loss of generalized information control.

Need to expend ammunition [muster network to defend and coordinate attacks] to counter.

MIL-CIV Alliance.

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fd6ea4 No.21079610

File: 0a71498bfd46d77⋯.jpeg (25.07 KB,242x207,242:207,IMG_5807.jpeg)

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d17c1a No.21079611

File: f78e65ad0990ada⋯.png (340.52 KB,640x512,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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f2ee5e No.21079612


4 years too late

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f104cd No.21079613


who knows. kek

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fc8497 No.21079614


whenever you see those "memes" you reveal yourself. Filtered, shill. Owned.

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3e7530 No.21079615

File: 2deb80261d2e54a⋯.png (320.63 KB,628x628,1:1,2deb80261d2e54a5c8a1420d98….png)



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35fb3e No.21079616


That's a shitty meme, he's not behind a keyboard.

Please do better Anon.

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03bc54 No.21079617

File: 7f22356d3451856⋯.png (209.69 KB,436x251,436:251,ClipboardImage.png)

Media scum switch scripts every 4 years. Looks like the cult is trying to con the Trumpers into delusional Clinton 2016 false confidence.

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fb3f2b No.21079618

File: 0fc05ad19249584⋯.png (719.89 KB,407x593,407:593,uyeureyeryery.PNG)

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824cde No.21079619

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rapidan Dam "Imminent Failure" 24 June 2024 MN


455K subscribers


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1599d3 No.21079620

File: 71af4d07a5ae3e7⋯.jpg (17.44 KB,421x515,421:515,BG008.jpg)


from Olga with love Baker

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f2ee5e No.21079621


Just put his own words underneath. Kinda like Libs of tiktok.

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e00b86 No.21079622

File: 3f995489f9f35ed⋯.png (256.33 KB,480x450,16:15,3f995489f9f35edadd5c48e713….png)


And that folks is how you successfully shut down an op

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fc8497 No.21079623


hey, shill. Thanks for revealing yourself. Filtered and owned.

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ea81b2 No.21079624


u used wrong first pic i think. repost.

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9716f9 No.21079625

File: 574fb8a9931f4dc⋯.png (192.76 KB,900x547,900:547,Fate_Blender_12202023.png)

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5f277a No.21079626

democrats support both

women to be drafted and

free and readily available abortion

because, they must figure, once they are drafted

they'll want to have an abortion

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fc8497 No.21079627


>those r beautiful

thought I was gonna see some perfect Aryan tits. Instead I see planes.

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aca84d No.21079628



His tat reminds me of vid that comes around here from time to time.

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53824f No.21079629


I'm guessing the worst that could happen is this guy throws one of his matchbox cars at you and hits you in the head.

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f6588c No.21079630

File: bc5d5723ee0ea77⋯.png (356.8 KB,1309x677,1309:677,ClipboardImage.png)




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d35a86 No.21079631

File: 9474e552f808c4e⋯.png (220.38 KB,703x606,703:606,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 966073c8c59a157⋯.png (183.11 KB,519x2563,519:2563,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f629efe3c29dda8⋯.png (112.42 KB,519x1291,519:1291,ClipboardImage.png)


3:07 EST


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e59200 No.21079632


>Land of the Freemasons

>Home of officer safety aka cowardice


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ba03ce No.21079633


I was talking to a power company lineman a while back about our current state of affairs, much like this guy. He was a rough around the edges big blue collar guy who absolutely hated Trump. After about 10 minutes it became clear that he was a cable news junky who had the 180 take on just about everything. A total retard, but I wasn't going to tell him.

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ca9212 No.21079634

Motherfucking country run by motherfucking motherfucker and you all act like you have no clue, keep fooling anon.

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f2ee5e No.21079635


The sad part, nobody fought to save her.

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f10098 No.21079636

File: a52be30881904e6⋯.png (513.01 KB,2100x1500,7:5,SmedleyMueller.png)

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fe15be No.21079637

File: 4c1b34b8d0d4656⋯.png (19.19 KB,325x184,325:184,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bcefaf9a8f47404⋯.png (1.26 MB,1500x3000,1:2,1712cap.png)



>graphic version as requested

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13bce8 No.21079638

File: 857d36aa8982129⋯.jpeg (970.91 KB,1496x1330,748:665,IMG_0048.jpeg)

File: a154108b51f4b6c⋯.jpeg (2.57 MB,1620x2120,81:106,IMG_0112.jpeg)

File: c547c6b87b6e86e⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB,1620x2011,1620:2011,IMG_0347.jpeg)

File: b5278835e2814f3⋯.jpeg (1.8 MB,1620x2028,135:169,IMG_0348.jpeg)

File: 0f64059dd0dd912⋯.jpeg (706.52 KB,1293x1112,1293:1112,IMG_0400.jpeg)




Defunded PP in 2011

Obsessed with Defunding PP

Even knows where the babies Bodies are buried.

Save Babies Save America

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63769f No.21079639

File: 8bc6584fdbae39b⋯.gif (7.14 MB,500x333,500:333,8bc6584fdbae39b3677075c5f1….gif)

File: 5ef91e3927d73d8⋯.gif (6.34 MB,800x450,16:9,5ef91e3927d73d8e315b9c2ddb….gif)

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c0323d No.21079640

File: 241f2cca1bb8d32⋯.png (809.12 KB,1226x1024,613:512,Screenshot_2022_07_13_at_1….png)

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9716f9 No.21079641

File: 424cdae0d4d6c71⋯.png (253.5 KB,651x1135,651:1135,women_hamas_vote_elections….png)

File: f177a2a1b6f3338⋯.png (252.03 KB,653x1163,653:1163,hamas_vote_elections_04242….png)

File: 5e7dce1b546c5a7⋯.png (828.99 KB,1163x1070,1163:1070,status_of_women_in_gaza_04….png)

Ladies, don't vote yourselves into berkas


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3c5e44 No.21079642

File: c8f22c66611620f⋯.png (410.25 KB,612x599,612:599,ClipboardImage.png)

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f2ee5e No.21079643


It's easy to spot them. They normally out themselves with unsolicited statements parroted from the TV.

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e59200 No.21079644


All because of bullshit symbolism they think is God wanting them to wear those.

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96d81e No.21079645

File: dce50952eb2780e⋯.png (330.93 KB,734x575,734:575,physics_book.png)

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3e7530 No.21079646

File: 06d4ed97988be9b⋯.png (211.02 KB,425x408,25:24,06d4ed97988be9b5c827d3c687….png)


She's accurate.

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f6588c No.21079647

File: e0fca2ce41e1906⋯.png (326.38 KB,1326x682,663:341,ClipboardImage.png)




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f2ee5e No.21079648


This place is very far from "free speech" nigger.

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e59200 No.21079649


Kind of like the country.

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491fb4 No.21079650

File: ab37dbfed957ce0⋯.jpg (84.83 KB,1213x846,1213:846,CharlieChaplin_BoyfriendMe….jpg)

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3af65e No.21079651

File: bd58b96ccb3d804⋯.jpg (107.58 KB,793x810,793:810,bd58b96ccb3d80417b8449b2ec….jpg)


Considering the quality of the current shills, I have to wonder just how jacked up were the ones that got let go

Media Matters Lays Off A Dozen Staffers Following Federal Probe, Lawsuit By Elon Musk

Nicole Silverio May 23, 2024

Media Matters followed suit with several liberal outlets by laying off at least a dozen staffers following a federal probe and lawsuit by “X” chief executive officer Elon Musk.

Staffers, some of whom have been with Media Matters for years, took to social media announcing their sudden departure from the outlet. The layoffs followed federal probes filed by Republican Attorneys General Ken Paxton of Texas and Andrew Bailey of Missouri into the outlet for possible fraudulent activity by allegedly manipulating data on “X,” formerly known as Twitter.

Musk filed a defamation lawsuit against Media Matters in federal court in November, as the site has accused the outlet of “knowingly” manufacturing images showing advertisements from major corporations alongside posts made by white supremacists and neo-Nazis.

Bad News: I’ve been laid off from @mmfa, along with a dozen colleagues.

There’s a reason far-right billionaires attack Media Matters with armies of lawyers: They know how effective our work is, and it terrifies them (him).

— Kat Abu (@abughazalehkat) May 23, 2024

“After nearly four years of working at media matters, I got laid off,” another staffer named Beatrice said. “So if anyone is looking for researchers with video experience, drop a line.”

After nearly four years of working at media matters, I got laid off. So if anyone is looking for researchers with video experience, drop a line.

— Bee (@mount_bees) May 23, 2024

“Got laid off, lmk who wants research done,” researcher Brendan Karet said. “On the plus side, no more listening to the dumbest dogshit on earth everyday.”

Media Matters’ staffing purge is the latest in the liberal media bloodbath that has become prominent in recent years. NowThis laid off half of its editorial team in February as part of a “broader initiative to realign our resources and structure to ensure a long-term sustainable business in the evolving media landscape.” The Intercept laid off 15 staffers including its Editor-in-Chief Roger Hodge, on the same day.



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03bc54 No.21079652

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2f6d58 No.21079653

File: 9ae09dbefa4c005⋯.png (660.2 KB,800x493,800:493,c06b0041b93eec40bf50a5d21c….png)

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3e7530 No.21079654


That's a lie and you know it. P.S. you're over the 10% rule homo. Gobble less bread fag.

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f2ee5e No.21079655



No one said anything, as it was a silent film.

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c0323d No.21079656

File: be734023c5b9a7c⋯.jpg (23.52 KB,573x573,1:1,1mbcm8.jpg)

File: 406442d4ed6b5c5⋯.png (60.38 KB,640x612,160:153,3348.png)

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13bce8 No.21079657


PDJT Peace Through Strength

VPPence Peace Through Strength



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908cc5 No.21079658

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's a feminine looking sleeve. Smells like he may have dabbled with some DEI.

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824cde No.21079659

File: 80a3ff7756c1ab8⋯.png (1.21 MB,927x1269,103:141,ClipboardImage.png)


>After nearly four years of working at media matters, I got laid off.

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3c5e44 No.21079661

File: 23c4925843d9014⋯.png (620.21 KB,639x639,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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9716f9 No.21079662


i think men make women wear berkas using religion as an excuse to force them into obedience imo

Women of free Countries should appreciate their rights to dress slutty kek

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e98f7c No.21079663

File: 670abb9c8052626⋯.mp4 (2.05 MB,592x1280,37:80,Rapidsloth_20240624_3_new.mp4)

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fe15be No.21079664

File: dc0b21fa307bb7b⋯.png (30.36 KB,325x354,325:354,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f40f8d2182268a⋯.png (386.08 KB,1318x1198,659:599,1804cap.png)



>TRUTH belongs with te PEOPLE

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aca84d No.21079665


That's the one

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1f854d No.21079666

File: 06e8ad45caaacf1⋯.jpg (327.72 KB,1758x1826,879:913,july_4th_kamala_doug.jpg)

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847ac2 No.21079667

Ukrainian boobies are best boobies.

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90d42a No.21079668

File: e47f7cd7981ebc5⋯.png (24.67 KB,1300x103,1300:103,Screenshot_2024_06_24_at_1….png)

By Steven Richards

Published: June 23, 2024 10:14pm

CNN presidential debate moderator Jake Tapper’s show is at the center of a defamation suit brought by a consulting company which alleges that the network and one of its reporters lied about the company’s work.

The network’s defense: CNN did not intend to harm and its language was “opinion or ambiguous.”

Tapper is set to co-host the first presidential debate next Thursday which is being hosted by his network. The host has come under scrutiny from former President Donald Trump, who is set to participate in the debate, for his partiality— calling him “Fake [Jake] Tapper.”

But, as the well-known CNN personality gears up for that debate he also finds himself in the middle of a lawsuit against his employer by security consulting firm Nemex Enterprises and its owner Zachary Taylor, who worked to help evacuate Afghanis following the chaotic Taliban takeover of that country.

"Jake Tapper started his career working for a Democrat politician and he has never been able to shake the habit. Trying to run cover for Biden's disastrous pullout from Afghanistan, he and his CNN show slimed a hero who saved the lives of those Biden put in jeopardy. Now CNN is facing a billion dollar defamation suit at the same time Tapper will be moderating the presidential debate featuring the politician he lied for. Unreal," Dan Schneider, Vice President at conservative media watchdog Media Research Center, told Just the News in a statement. His organization reported that CNN has since deleted the TV segment under scrutiny from its website.

Earlier this month, a Florida Court of Appeals granted a win to Young and Nemex when it found there was “sufficient preliminary evidentiary showing of actual malice” in CNN’s coverage of their work in Afghanistan.

The court’s decision succinctly summarized the background of the case: “On November 11, 2021, CNN's ‘The Lead with Jake Tapper’ aired a video segment by reporter Alex Marquardt about Afghans attempting to flee the Taliban via private evacuation operators like Young. Over the next few days, Marquardt's reporting was republished on another CNN program, disseminated on Facebook and Twitter, and repackaged into a digital article on CNN's website.”

Young sued CNN for defamation and trade libel, arguing his reputation was damaged by the news station’s coverage. “Specifically, Young alleged CNN repeatedly accused him of operating in a ''black market" and mischaracterized his work as exploitative because he charged "exorbitant" fees Afghan citizens could not pay. Young claimed he was particularly harmed because he was the only private evacuator profiled in the reporting,” the decision reads.

The lawsuit showed internal communications from other CNN employees concerned that the story was “incomplete,” “a mess,” and not “fleshed out for digital.” Another criticism offered internally was that the “story is 80% emotion, 20% obscured fact,” according to the ruling.

CNN’s defended its publication of the article and TV segments by claiming in court papers that it “did not intend to harm,” that “its language was either opinion or ambiguous,” and “the internal communications were journalistic bravado that reflected a sincere belief in the reporting,” according to the appellate court's ruling.


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e59200 No.21079669


It's symbolism some thought was literal and those who know it's symbolism watch as people suffer and die over it.

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ca9212 No.21079670

Anon does not like any of this, never has. You all go and figure who the real bad player is and leave anon to be.

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824cde No.21079671

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a96e8a No.21079672

File: 3da69c24ad25b6f⋯.png (443.93 KB,1334x750,667:375,F574BE15_769E_4DBF_93F9_07….png)


Reaper gets harvested.

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c0323d No.21079673

File: 91737dd82d3d93c⋯.jpg (206.57 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_24_18_1….jpg)

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3af65e No.21079674

File: 262bd23c61d5d89⋯.png (99.09 KB,251x254,251:254,262bd23c61d5d896a3b429c4b7….png)

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ea1ce7 No.21079675

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c7ccbe No.21079676



Some of these guys have corporate training on sensitivity and shit that augments the tv narrative.

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1f854d No.21079677

File: 6486bae93d62ad9⋯.png (2.24 MB,1750x982,875:491,HAPPY4THOFJULY2019ANONSFIX….png)

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f104cd No.21079678

File: 412537d4ffb3b37⋯.jpg (109.07 KB,662x990,331:495,Ukraine_Hottie.jpg)


>Ukrainian boobies are best boobies.

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fd65e3 No.21079679


That would be YOUR PRESIDENT

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35fb3e No.21079680

File: 6d1f2f925579c6e⋯.png (13.44 KB,473x57,473:57,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c1ca1026007372b⋯.png (72.94 KB,447x979,447:979,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 627b88dad864bfc⋯.png (37.71 KB,447x459,149:153,ClipboardImage.png)

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c7ccbe No.21079681


Remember when the breads were full of these nightmarish digs and it was difficult to sleep

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8b0332 No.21079682

File: 404070ceb48ea7e⋯.png (500.98 KB,747x765,83:85,ClipboardImage.png)


There is multiple reports but I think they all go back to the same source have not figured out the origin yet. That particular account is one I have been watching for some time, they are usually accurate and claim to be with the Russian Mil although have only seen non definitive information to 100% back up that claim.

This is another claim in Lord Bebos post


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3c5e44 No.21079683

File: c31bb6ff6ac1587⋯.png (567.76 KB,1052x615,1052:615,ClipboardImage.png)

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35fb3e No.21079684

File: 871846f51315d73⋯.png (86.6 KB,598x950,299:475,ClipboardImage.png)

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824cde No.21079685

File: 0378d30d828dffc⋯.png (567.96 KB,609x1080,203:360,ClipboardImage.png)



One must always consider the source. Needs further verification imo.

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59477d No.21079686

File: 52359bbcae58833⋯.jpg (98.02 KB,736x792,92:99,f341b4997834c8e52a2b32e325….jpg)

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9716f9 No.21079687

File: 4b76744f1f80abd⋯.png (229.38 KB,800x722,400:361,Iron_Triangle_Book_Everett….png)

File: 48d465d21e14b37⋯.png (626.08 KB,900x499,900:499,terror_watchlist_encounter….png)

File: a5d50a32e990807⋯.png (899.92 KB,800x1100,8:11,vote_out_the_elite_2.png)

File: f99a79eb2761d8c⋯.png (618.67 KB,1049x586,1049:586,illigal_aliens_from_china_….png)

File: 2a06daf9eb41300⋯.png (186.67 KB,1200x765,80:51,illegal_aliens_count_04242….png)


if logic is used symbols are a weak excuse

many men are weak

'Freedom is a choice'


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13bce8 No.21079688

File: 9430302d73ea7a0⋯.png (2.75 MB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_2379.png)

File: 50b3a2b11585739⋯.png (374.82 KB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_2380.png)

File: a4f705bcbb748e3⋯.jpeg (1.26 MB,1335x1540,267:308,IMG_2396.jpeg)

File: bc6c1b2cfd57025⋯.jpeg (358.88 KB,1319x1696,1319:1696,IMG_2394.jpeg)

10 Q posts with beginning




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f2ee5e No.21079689

File: 9fc641adc8efb07⋯.jpg (760.82 KB,1080x1190,108:119,BBQ_Elites_Chef_Dead_Insta….jpg)



Does it come with cheese?

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ea81b2 No.21079690

NOTES @ 250


>>21079417 Reports that the Russian Airforce has downed an America surveillance drone over the Black Sea near Crimea

>>21079429 Alex Jones’ Infowars to be shut down, assets liquidated: bankruptcy trustee

>>21079447 Invention Secrecy Act

>>21079479 WEF: 2023 Food Pyramid

>>21079509 CNN Could Be Forced To Pay $1 Billion From Defamation Suit

>>21079521 Jennifer Garner bangs drums draped in a Palestinian keffiyeh

>>21079542 @NavalInstitute: USS Theodore Roosevelt in South Korea Ahead of Transit to Middle East, North Korea Condemns Visit

>>21079596 DJT: Don Purdy and Janice Fields are running for the RNC National Committee

>>21079484, >>21079490, >>21079492 Memes


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c0323d No.21079691

File: 8eb4a68d4f15e25⋯.jpg (196.51 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_24_18_2….jpg)

File: 5c16dd8d93acf69⋯.jpeg (299.83 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,GQnvwNsXsAADKsZ.jpeg)

File: 247febf9e36f906⋯.jpeg (291.07 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,GQnvx7OXQAAo59s.jpeg)

File: 89ef9d724aeaa94⋯.jpeg (304.63 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,GQnvx7YWMAAum4I.jpeg)

File: 7e744ddd3fa9fca⋯.jpeg (219.33 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,GQnvzL_XMAACGkP.jpeg)


good mood on SURFLANT

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e8dc28 No.21079692


>unelected tranny bullshit an queer fillur

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13bce8 No.21079693


88 MPH

Back To The Future

Shall We Play A Game?

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fe15be No.21079694

File: 7f7d6d84bf48276⋯.png (21.39 KB,325x241,325:241,ClipboardImage.png)

File: eccd186da3c15ae⋯.png (725.62 KB,1274x2618,91:187,1807cap.png)



>Amazing coincidence?

>Always close after crumb drops.

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908cc5 No.21079695

File: 803bbdb36854346⋯.gif (9.98 MB,462x496,231:248,803bbdb36854346b0f85e331a9….gif)

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ee5426 No.21079696


Quit encouraging her!

She might start an OnlyFans page…Yikes!

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1cea16 No.21079697

File: b01df69d1763c90⋯.jpeg (405.9 KB,706x771,706:771,77AF4D3E_B96D_41FE_AC71_3….jpeg)

RCAF CFC1 Challenger 600Trudopedeparted Trois Riviers Airport to Vancouver Intl

Canada to start 30-day consultation to impose surtax on Chinese electric vehicles


Greater Vancouver Area, British Columbia

10:00 a.m. The Prime Minister will make an oceans conservation announcement. The Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard, Diane Lebouthillier, will also be in attendance.


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f2ee5e No.21079698


meant for



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90d42a No.21079699


isn't he cia?

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f2ee5e No.21079700

File: 70756455c2e6945⋯.png (1.75 MB,1600x856,200:107,Obama_Trudeau_Black_Face_P….png)


this one loooooves the cock.

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3c5e44 No.21079701

File: 84e383327156fee⋯.png (497.57 KB,634x784,317:392,ClipboardImage.png)

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e59200 No.21079702

File: 9724edb5a919cfe⋯.png (14.8 KB,396x238,198:119,ClipboardImage.png)


>Alex Jones’ Infowars to be shut down, assets liquidated

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1920ad No.21079704


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24d270 No.21079705

Suicide weekend is going to be wild.

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c0323d No.21079706

File: 2996f65a95eab5c⋯.jpg (160.36 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_24_18_2….jpg)

File: ad88099efc7b536⋯.png (60.96 KB,640x564,160:141,603_11_.png)

File: 72977d5d209e3cb⋯.jpeg (24.86 KB,680x453,680:453,_rjE2eEX.jpeg)

File: 1f640e46cdfe745⋯.png (258.95 KB,640x1754,320:877,1803_7_.png)

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1cea16 No.21079707

File: 4c63e3d83d3a125⋯.jpeg (537.13 KB,1250x608,625:304,B9353FE7_3B52_42FE_8C1A_D….jpeg)


Let’s try that again

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f2ee5e No.21079708



it's a nice little lesson for anyone thinking they can go too far.

How many CIA agents have the CIA taken out over the years?

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908cc5 No.21079709

File: 2379e37aa920330⋯.png (85.01 KB,584x800,73:100,artbellpepe.png)


That doesn't seem right.

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ca9212 No.21079710

Let see how many times the night shift TV host can get to say motherfucker in his segment, they like to joke around a bit too obvious but it can actually make you kek if you catch that drift street!

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959b10 No.21079711

File: c61e4c0017ecf63⋯.png (290.6 KB,655x516,655:516,123sp.PNG)

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d35a86 No.21079712

File: db2ca41ad55a26a⋯.png (728.33 KB,722x1327,722:1327,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f32a03b8d666e3a⋯.png (380.81 KB,468x600,39:50,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7e4ef05b8184ec4⋯.png (202.9 KB,468x600,39:50,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 45815b2333c6d61⋯.png (361.76 KB,475x600,19:24,ClipboardImage.png)




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f0448c No.21079713

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


She Bangs the Drums


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3af65e No.21079714

File: 3af9a4e1e09e399⋯.png (1.09 MB,1024x1372,256:343,3af9a4e1e09e3997c40d0e5ba9….png)

File: 70b3a552a1ab527⋯.jpg (229.06 KB,1200x1800,2:3,70b3a552a1ab5277ea2e931e90….jpg)

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31817e No.21079715

File: 0a8903fe682b007⋯.png (418.75 KB,601x613,601:613,fu.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


Leftist London Mayor Sadiq Khan Bans City's Taxis From Displaying ENGLISH FLAGS During European Football Championships

READ: https://tgpne.ws/kbUaq8


9:44 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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f6392d No.21079716

File: 8791776265716f0⋯.png (17.27 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)


David Brock Far Left AIPAC Shill.

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1f854d No.21079717

File: 9c8ed7ad418dcc0⋯.jpg (59.56 KB,680x680,1:1,bbq_4th_inflation_biden.jpg)

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f6588c No.21079718

File: 889fd8bdec78f31⋯.png (1.07 MB,1312x782,656:391,ClipboardImage.png)

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3c5e44 No.21079719

File: 1d80d19644f8bb4⋯.png (211.2 KB,469x340,469:340,ClipboardImage.png)

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31817e No.21079720

File: a036d9d19cf6992⋯.png (24.84 KB,599x260,599:260,wp.PNG)


Wendy Patterson


Wait a minute. Wasn't a man thrown in prison for posting something similar about voting when Hillary Clinton was running for president?


Jack Poso 🇺🇸



Jun 23

BREAKING: Democrats are now running TV ads in PA telling Republicans that Trump doesn’t want them to vote early

4:33 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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5d2180 No.21079721

File: 86e7be67ef87f47⋯.jpg (114.29 KB,1024x341,1024:341,RNFetchBlobTmp_64lfzyegwjd….jpg)



Why are the talking heads still going on about hostages?

Are they that tarded that they spew that shit knowing there hasn't been any evidence of them still alive?

Like let's talk about our country (although some of them were American)..we got our own shit to deal with.

Have you noticed they are now mandating a draft (Selective Service) for not only our boys but now our girls too. Getting ready to send all our young males & FEMALES to war somewhere while our country is being invaded by a lethal fighting force?


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13bce8 No.21079722

File: 0db264828c25429⋯.png (81.05 KB,898x938,449:469,1871.png)



Aug 14, 2018 6:46:46 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 58bc71 No. 2601101

Ex 1.1



(Alt + US Media) (US Politicians)



Those who scream the loudest….

Find the connections.



Marching to the same beat?


Logical thinking.


5y, 10m, 1w, 2d, 23h, 42m ago

JohnBWells should be shutting down soon, too!

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e8dc28 No.21079723


>unelected tranny bullshit an queer fillur

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f2ee5e No.21079724

File: 5d4397ab6e9117f⋯.png (618.37 KB,1197x344,1197:344,Kvetching_Amp.png)


hard to know if funny, or ban-able.

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a83ff1 No.21079725

File: 75b9d37fae31b68⋯.png (2.29 MB,1267x1631,181:233,8CCA86A0_6084_4A68_8A85_DF….png)

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31817e No.21079726

File: aa55c849544697a⋯.png (864.95 KB,592x854,296:427,cw.PNG)


Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives


🔥🚨DEVELOPING: Rep Jamaal Bowman and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have been going viral after this image exposing the true size of their New York rally leaked. It appears that they couldn’t bring out the same crowd Donald Trump did when he went to the Bronx.


Clown World ™ 🤡

7:40 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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c0323d No.21079727

File: c60490139e19898⋯.jpg (222.53 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_24_18_2….jpg)

File: 00663a058a9575e⋯.png (66.93 KB,640x874,320:437,347_2_.png)

File: ae94c9b0bab904d⋯.jpeg (349.44 KB,2048x1152,16:9,GQ3PLNZWAAEIzd3.jpeg)

File: c78190090e23af3⋯.png (339.05 KB,640x2984,80:373,1547_2_.png)

File: c448d47b7f65772⋯.jpeg (287.95 KB,2048x1152,16:9,GQ3PLzIXAAEaQxX.jpeg)

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3c5e44 No.21079728

File: c295c2a4a898f22⋯.png (838.53 KB,815x785,163:157,ClipboardImage.png)

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fe15be No.21079729

File: b5b466fed8d906f⋯.png (423.96 KB,325x2138,325:2138,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d28dc4655dc47e4⋯.png (484.28 KB,806x2137,806:2137,1813cap.png)



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03bc54 No.21079730

File: 2b2bb2dbb495dbd⋯.png (418.64 KB,616x418,28:19,ClipboardImage.png)

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d35a86 No.21079731

File: 3babdb0022a8495⋯.png (26.75 KB,519x403,519:403,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 25255f298f18ecf⋯.png (29.52 KB,519x436,519:436,ClipboardImage.png)






bad link ^^^


bad link ^^^

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f2ee5e No.21079732

File: bc80eba2d96ad91⋯.jpg (49.59 KB,399x416,399:416,Jims_Anime_Pussies_From_Ja….jpg)


Oh good. My anime pussy is shipping.

Thanks Jim!

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31817e No.21079733

File: badd2841d082e38⋯.png (416.75 KB,609x776,609:776,cr.PNG)


Collin Rugg


CNN host Kasie 'Karen' Hunt, who is horrified that someone would criticize her colleague Jake Tapper, once celebrated after Senator Rand Paul was physically beaten.

Being mean to Jake Tapper: ❌

Breaking Rand Paul's ribs: ✅

Karen Hunt's moral compass is clearly broken as resurfaced footage shows her cutting her own self off when she started celebrating after Rand Paul was beaten by his neighbor.

"Details today on the incident that left Senator Rand Paul with six broken ribs. This might be one of my favorite stories, although…" she said before cutting herself off.

9:36 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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d35a86 No.21079734

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1cea16 No.21079735

File: 1b9a6a2957fbfb1⋯.jpeg (340.01 KB,765x581,765:581,0E96012B_1DDF_4F2B_8E0E_6….jpeg)

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a83ff1 No.21079736

File: d4f4df9274ede60⋯.png (360.02 KB,628x677,628:677,Gay_Barry.PNG)

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f6588c No.21079737

File: 52f1cb5a959d2ad⋯.png (313.74 KB,698x847,698:847,ClipboardImage.png)

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f54156 No.21079738

Here we go coomers


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3455ae No.21079739


Looks like they got the Homeless drug addict Vote in the bag

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31817e No.21079740

File: 64e87b44907b77a⋯.png (13.75 KB,597x178,597:178,sup.PNG)


Praying Medic


The US Supreme Court signaled it will extend its term into July as it finishes work on about a dozen cases, including Donald Trump’s Presidential immunity case.

8:02 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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3c5e44 No.21079741

File: cbed435c93272c5⋯.png (462.66 KB,826x771,826:771,ClipboardImage.png)

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c0323d No.21079742



toronto by election tonight 30 year liberal stronghold 20% wej voters are pissed major fooked

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f2ee5e No.21079743

File: d873b061ee006a7⋯.png (18.02 KB,624x136,78:17,Joe_Biden_Tweet_No_One_Is_….png)


post this to the story twitterfags

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824cde No.21079744


assuming a similar planet material density that would be like five times earth gravity?

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908cc5 No.21079745

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f54156 No.21079746

USA already bankrupt and fiercly hated around that world

see you in 50 years (perhaps)

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31817e No.21079747

File: 8446700f1a92000⋯.png (401.09 KB,604x479,604:479,mari.PNG)


John Solomon


Breaking: Maricopa County temp worker arrested for theft at election center

Maricopa County election ballot counting | Getty Images

From justthenews.com

8:11 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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a83ff1 No.21079748

File: 0e0bcde60e53e9f⋯.png (2.08 MB,976x1366,488:683,D2C1E00B_1289_4191_B2D3_53….PNG)

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31817e No.21079749

File: 5679ba8b8bc9bc4⋯.png (111.41 KB,599x465,599:465,ug.PNG)


Laura Loomer


President Trump is calling on @JoeBiden

to take a drug test before the first Presidential debate, and says he would also agree to take one.

Let’s find out what Joe Biden is being injected with.

The first Presidential debate is this Thursday.


9:03 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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f54156 No.21079750



learn how to cook

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d35a86 No.21079751

File: 95222d5ed252df9⋯.png (105.72 KB,708x1023,236:341,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ddcd4c7a154ffcc⋯.png (157.61 KB,483x703,483:703,ClipboardImage.png)

6:13 EST



6:13 EST


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1f854d No.21079752

File: d1b39f2ea5b6a21⋯.png (713.29 KB,680x680,1:1,crack_sabbath.png)

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3c5e44 No.21079753

File: e278620280b0b88⋯.png (184.37 KB,371x432,371:432,ClipboardImage.png)

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31817e No.21079754

File: f0586ae01306e71⋯.png (1.52 MB,866x864,433:432,cl.PNG)

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3af65e No.21079755


>but now our girls too

Aint "inclusion" awesome?

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ca9212 No.21079756

File: bb686dcd3915225⋯.png (7.75 KB,134x120,67:60,ClipboardImage.png)

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96d81e No.21079757

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>assuming a similar planet material density that would be like five times earth gravity?

Anon is brave enough to explore it.

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03bc54 No.21079758


They already reset the op with Steve Bannon.

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f2ee5e No.21079759

File: 1c5ed04fb85f4e4⋯.png (357.05 KB,836x158,418:79,ClipboardImage.png)


And when they lie you can show this fence is what they were expecting in crowd size.

Kinda wish I kept those caps I took yesterday of AOC thrusting her tits in my face as she gaped her mouth to tell me to vote for her mouth and tits.

And the big fat guy spoke gibberish.

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7cd2a6 No.21079760

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Alex Jones Responds To Reports of Infowars Imminent Closure


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e8dc28 No.21079761

File: 34b4fbdffdc9d33⋯.png (268.83 KB,474x265,474:265,34b4fbdffdc9d3378cf2710ea7….png)


>unelected tranny bullshit an queer fillur

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f6588c No.21079762


what is gravity

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2dae31 No.21079763


Half are family, the others are staffers. That is after offering free Meth.

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a83ff1 No.21079764

File: 6f9d1b67e736709⋯.jpg (165.26 KB,687x620,687:620,Hunter_Likes_Your_Post.jpg)

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31817e No.21079765

File: 6723f4e25696686⋯.png (401.26 KB,1054x844,527:422,hit.PNG)


Biden DOJ Official Hit with Criminal Referral,

Ethics Complaints and Bar Complaints For

Lying Under Oath About Previous Arrest

For Stabbing Her Then-Husband

Gateway Pundit, by Christina Laila

Posted By: Imright, 6/24/2024 3:05:08 PM

Biden DOJ official Kristen Clarke was hit with a DOJ criminal referral, ethics complaints, and bar complaints for lying under oath about a previous arrest which was expunged from her record. Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division Kristen Clarke in 2021 falsely testified to the Senate that she had never been arrested. Clarke was previously arrested for attacking her then-husband with a knife and slicing his finger to the bone, according to court documents obtained by The Daily Signal. Earlier this year Clarke admitted she lied during her Senate confirmation hearing.

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d79bac No.21079766

File: bfccf02e5d5288b⋯.mp4 (9.7 MB,480x270,16:9,There_will_be_measures_in_….mp4)

File: ad07a7737e8dca4⋯.png (449.96 KB,744x850,372:425,ClipboardImage.png)


#Nebenzia: The strike targeting civilians in #Sevastopol will not go unanswered.

❗️There will be measures in response.

👉The Russian Federation will continue to protect its people and its national security until no threat is posed by the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev that was bred, raised, and financed by the West.



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3af65e No.21079767


funny, in a "look what you did to the Pride Flag" kinda way

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2b3ccc No.21079768

File: f2a8371ca551629⋯.png (331.45 KB,1324x646,662:323,ClipboardImage.png)



For the debate Joe will be given a special IV cocktail of drugs including Desoxyn which is Methamphetamine.

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d35a86 No.21079769

File: 971075d26cd7935⋯.png (601.41 KB,798x607,798:607,ClipboardImage.png)



15:47 = 17

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824cde No.21079770


it's that shit got (you) glued to your seat right now

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a83ff1 No.21079771

File: de824aaa62b1cb1⋯.jpeg (163.43 KB,1130x887,1130:887,IMG_3015.jpeg)

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31817e No.21079772

File: fb3b7923c09f191⋯.png (649.64 KB,611x859,611:859,west.PNG)





Key West Jess



Jun 22

Love this





Jun 22

Replying to @realTT1776 @GenFlynn and @realDonaldTrump

This meme keeps on giving


General Mike Flynn


And we don’t want them to know what is being planned 😎

8:38 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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7cd2a6 No.21079773



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ca9212 No.21079774


that is so down to earth, grab the bull by the horns if you can without breaking your legs and neck.

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908cc5 No.21079775


>JWST has just detected carbon dioxide and methane in its atmosphere which can only be produced by living beings.

>which can only be produced by living beings.

Uh… that claim is not very science-ish.

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dd4218 No.21079776


Sound like Okeef needs to have a chat…

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cd323f No.21079777


Was it the black crackhead looking guy? Why would they show this white woman?

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d35a86 No.21079778


>what is gravity

something we will be taxed for using in the near future.

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5d2180 No.21079779

File: ab73188b667cc6b⋯.png (458.48 KB,762x722,381:361,ClipboardImage.png)

President Trump is a child traffickers worst nightmare.

[They] are terrified of him and know they can't touch a hair on his head.


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90d42a No.21079780

File: db4eae74aec68df⋯.png (1.19 MB,1024x759,1024:759,Screenshot_2024_06_24_at_1….png)

File: 1d710268b4ded65⋯.png (557.6 KB,783x918,29:34,Screenshot_2024_06_24_at_1….png)

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c0323d No.21079781

File: c448d47b7f65772⋯.jpeg (287.95 KB,2048x1152,16:9,GQ3PLzIXAAEaQxX.jpeg)

File: 95d7cd9d357d5d1⋯.jpeg (314.01 KB,2047x1365,2047:1365,GQ3PKcXWwAA9g_8.jpeg)

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3c5e44 No.21079782

File: 57a5aadad6c5415⋯.png (708.71 KB,680x607,680:607,ClipboardImage.png)

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f6588c No.21079783

File: 2c4b957202fa2f6⋯.png (379.34 KB,631x445,631:445,ClipboardImage.png)

AJ says its BS


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1cea16 No.21079784


Been bankrupted 4x already

thanks captain obvious

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f2ee5e No.21079785

File: b151b8cd482efef⋯.jpg (13.89 KB,255x201,85:67,Thats_Heavy_Doc.jpg)


The AYYYs will be saggy.

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f4a046 No.21079786

File: 7a2935b73a7774c⋯.png (13.17 KB,659x286,659:286,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ba89e08922bce7⋯.png (21.17 KB,874x311,874:311,ClipboardImage.png)

Let me know if you can tell when my ghostban was removed

I have 2 accounts. FTW!

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31817e No.21079787

File: 896b314679092c3⋯.png (219.13 KB,604x472,151:118,lisa.PNG)

File: 6a66df8af1dc28a⋯.png (469.22 KB,1175x865,235:173,gt.PNG)

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ca9212 No.21079788


>what is gravity

diamond casino.

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fd65e3 No.21079789


You spelled “deletes spam” wrong

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f2ee5e No.21079790


it's a good question with pots

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5f277a No.21079791


and yet everyone wants to move here.

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dd4218 No.21079792


Tell me you can’t see this whole thing as an op.

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3af65e No.21079793

File: cf5e97837c70885⋯.png (984.52 KB,719x960,719:960,e6e9fe1ce5a37556a48172e835….png)

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491fb4 No.21079794

File: eec3f80fbc8a079⋯.png (556.45 KB,536x735,536:735,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d2180 No.21079795

File: 17e372c4787f87f⋯.png (1.31 MB,924x693,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Fuck Tapper as much as the Podesta's


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31817e No.21079796

File: f2c67886b0f64f9⋯.png (334.19 KB,600x662,300:331,ep.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


Well who could've seen this coming?!

Through DNA evidence, authorities have been able to connect the illegal who r*ped and kiIIed Rachel Morin to an open case of a 9-year-old girl being assaulted in LA. He illegally entered our country in 2023 after kiIIing a woman in El Salvador.

These are the "asylum seekers" Biden is allowing to pour into our country.



9:31 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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3c5e44 No.21079797

File: 413d70597b9c963⋯.png (97.02 KB,255x252,85:84,ClipboardImage.png)

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35fb3e No.21079798

File: c3b20b6b6a42483⋯.png (29.66 KB,447x360,149:120,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2d238a9b18324f8⋯.png (98.62 KB,1206x211,1206:211,ClipboardImage.png)


613 is on the clock.

Admiral = military


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63769f No.21079799

File: 01878764fa70f73⋯.jpg (110.9 KB,828x676,207:169,1717948593140020.jpg)

Libtards posting about this on fagbook.

Of course it's bullshit and nobody but us is actually going to set the record straight. Here's an article addressing the issue if anyone is interested.

How ‘Project 2025’ became the Biden campaign’s favorite target

President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign is intensifying its attacks on Project 2025, the unofficial conservative umbrella group working to staff and prep Donald Trump’s potential upcoming administration.

Over the last several weeks, the Biden campaign and allies have begun frequently referencing the Heritage Foundation’s “Project 2025” by name in interviews and social media.

…Both the Trump campaign and the Heritage Foundation have stressed that they do not speak for each other. Democrats hope to tie them together in the public’s mind and leave it to Trump and other Republicans to untangle them.



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31817e No.21079800

File: 2aef16fb56fc9e1⋯.png (586.3 KB,599x851,599:851,crit.PNG)




🚨#BREAKING: Emergency officials are on high alert as a Minnesota dam is in imminent danger of critical failure

📌#Rapidan | #Minnesota

Currently, emergency officials and dam operators in Rapidan, Minnesota, are on high alert following recent heavy flooding of the Blue Earth River. The Rapidan Dam is at imminent risk of failure due to accumulating debris that has compromised its structure and eroded the surrounding earth. Officials say that everyone deemed to be in danger has already been notified, and many have evacuated. The dam, built between 1908 and 1910 for hydroelectric purposes, has not yet failed, but there are growing concerns that it may collapse at some point today. This situation is still developing.

8:36 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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f6392d No.21079801

File: d27efce0c1c834f⋯.png (15.08 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)


they'd have to take Bidan's test just before he steps onto the podium. Otherwise they could just inject him right before he goes live.

The debate is not live, and it's on a Delay.

Which means that if Pedo Joe freezes or babbles, the audience won't see that because the network will cut the feed.

Since it's not in person, maybe the REAL Donald Trump will appear, instead of the at least two Fake Donald Trumps.

Why did Pres. Trump agree to another unfair "debate" with another far Left "moderator"?

I want Tucker Carlson to be the Moderator.

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1cea16 No.21079802

File: faa1d57663fe127⋯.jpeg (745.09 KB,1224x687,408:229,C27A0CAC_B6BE_45D0_8714_1….jpeg)

File: 5d3303c3cb41ce8⋯.jpeg (91.96 KB,620x349,620:349,D5745562_A24F_423F_B6DF_4….jpeg)

Hedge Funds Cut Mexican Peso Bets in One of the Biggest Retreats on Record

Hedge funds slashed their bets on the Mexican peso in the aftermath of an election surprise that roiled markets and cast doubt on the outlook for what had been one of the world’s top currency trades. 

Leveraged funds cut their net long position by 56,709 contracts to 27,304 contracts,the third-biggest reduction since the Commodity Futures Trading Commission began compiling records in 2006.. Asset managers reduced their bullish wagers to 76,520 contracts, the lowest in about two years. The data, which captures the week through June 18, were released Monday.  The peso is down more than 6% against the US dollar since the June 2 vote, trailing all developing-nation peers over the period, though it has trimmed some of those losses recently. Traders fled the profitable carry trade — borrowing in lower-yielding currencies to buy the peso — amid mounting fears over the policies President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum’s government will pursue, including measures to overhaul the way federal judges are chosen. “This is a massive clean up” of long positions, said Benito Berber, chief Latin America economist at Natixis. “The potential negative impact of a judicial reform on the investment climate and the passage of additional anti-market reforms by a Morena-dominated Congress” are some of the risks, he said. 


(Totally not buying the “judicial reform threat” as the excuse hereprobably they finally looked and saw it was a fuggen crowded trade and likely to get smershed just cuz that-either way this is not a small change.

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3455ae No.21079803

File: c815093b7ce6205⋯.png (1.44 MB,825x765,55:51,ClipboardImage.png)

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2dae31 No.21079804


We have illegals both for and against this country invading. Fucking evil bastards want the US to become a battle ground. The stupid NPC's think it can't happen.

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cd323f No.21079805

File: 34fc4cbdcd4b8f9⋯.mp4 (5.16 MB,480x270,16:9,luQTm8_ffbE6IZ83.mp4)



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f6588c No.21079806

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

watch the water

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df6950 No.21079807


>Emergency officials are on high alert as a Minnesota dam is in imminent danger of critical failure

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31817e No.21079808

File: 926fff3c8f67961⋯.png (954.66 KB,828x480,69:40,rs.PNG)


Do You Feel a Draft?

Townhall.com, by Kurt Schlichter

Posted By: DW626, 6/24/2024 2:45:25 PM

We keep hearing rumblings from our garbage ruling class about how not enough of our citizens are signing up for their progressive army to fight climate change, transphobia, and, occasionally, in defense of the United States. But defending America’s borders is apparently racist, so we’re not going to do that. The problem is that the normal Americans who make up our military, or used to make up our military, are no longer making up our military. Veterans are nearly unanimous – vets are telling young people to stay the hell out of our broken military. It’s a disaster. It can’t win a war.

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53824f No.21079809

File: c64dde9b53d6843⋯.png (117.1 KB,766x500,383:250,ClipboardImage.png)

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df6950 No.21079810

>Veterans are nearly unanimous – vets are telling young people to stay the hell out of our broken military. It’s a disaster. It can’t win a war.


>Do You Feel a Draft?

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90d42a No.21079811

File: 734999d15bc6e71⋯.png (1.28 MB,918x918,1:1,Screenshot_2024_06_24_at_1….png)

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e05ec9 No.21079812

File: 20e414c11c868f7⋯.png (491.83 KB,1280x944,80:59,20e414c11c868f759c243d76b7….png)


So he cried for nothing?

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f2ee5e No.21079813


No sunshine.

THAT'S what your politicians WANT you to think.

Most of the rest of the world is moving on from the Unipolar/Vassal control to the Multipolar/Universal/equals of tomorrow.

The US thinks it's hotter shit than everyone else.

Wrong! It's the same temperature.

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31817e No.21079814

File: e60ec28b08d93c5⋯.png (251.12 KB,598x850,299:425,5.PNG)


Kyle Becker



FIVE U.S. states are now *SUING* @Pfizer

for LYING about the safety and efficacy of Cov*d vaccines.

"Pfizer misled the public that it had a “safe and effective” COV*D-19 vaccine."

"Pfizer said its COV*D-19 vacc*ne was safe even though it knew its COV*D-19 vaccine was connected to serious adverse events, including myocarditis and pericarditis, failed pregnancies, and deaths."

"Pfizer said its COV*D-19 vaccine was effective even though it knew its COV*D19 vaccine waned over time and did not protect against COV*D-19 variants. Pfizer concealed this critical effectiveness information from the public."

"Pfizer said its COV*D-19 vaccine would prevent transmission of COV*D-19 even though it knew it never studied the effect of its vaccine on transmission of COV*D-19."

This is a BIG Lawsuit.




9:16 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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8c3ca0 No.21079815

File: 1e01ddb9b930f68⋯.jpg (315.23 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1e01ddb9b930f68106f1b8d3d8….jpg)


The Democrat party is really 20-30 million people if an honest election was ran.

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57a6ef No.21079816

Freedom of religion

In the United States, freedom of religion is a constitutionally protected right provided in the religion clauses of the First Amendment.

Any laws other than God’s laws are null and void because it violates Freedom of Religion.

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03bc54 No.21079817

File: 98c65a3a0965dac⋯.png (105.24 KB,1894x426,947:213,ClipboardImage.png)


"Modern ScienceX"

This is 1 try from Yahoo, "More #rigged than Google" -ooOOooo

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1cea16 No.21079818

File: a08733863c4f94e⋯.gif (1.47 MB,320x213,320:213,5216C3B5_25AC_43AE_8059_48….gif)

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a83ff1 No.21079819

File: 0f4b8b8bc006c74⋯.jpeg (425.57 KB,1255x1673,1255:1673,IMG_3016.jpeg)

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d35a86 No.21079820

File: d2a9e334f5ac971⋯.png (775.35 KB,708x867,236:289,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9222a949c5f4379⋯.png (42.66 KB,519x676,519:676,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 135abf9ee0c8e17⋯.png (833.9 KB,519x2778,173:926,ClipboardImage.png)


Previews are over.

6:27 EST


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31817e No.21079821

File: 53a6c0c8a02d47d⋯.png (56.03 KB,596x800,149:200,la.PNG)


Julie Kelly 🇺🇸


From FLA courthouse: Gag order hearing just ended. Will have details shortly.

Overall, the bad behavior by Jack Smith's team continues. David Harbach, one of the lead prosecutors, almost got himself tossed out of court this afternoon.

After several minutes of Harbach's condescending toneuptalking and slowly speaking as if he were addressing a childJudge Cannon had had enough.

Cannon: "Mr. Harbach, I don't appreciate your tone. I expect decorum in my courtroom at all times. If you cannot [act appropriately], one of your colleagues can."

{Keep in mind there are no electronic devices allowed so I must rely on my scribbled notes but this is very close to what was said.)

He only got marginally better. At the end of his exchange with Cannon, he apologized to her. "I didn't mean to be unprofessional."

Ah but he did. He is not just demeaning to her, it's almost like he's tempting her to excuse him from the proceedings.

Keep in mind, during the last hearing, Cannon had to ask Harbach to "just calm down" as he was pounding on the podium and have a temper tantrum.

Aren't you all so glad we are paying these clowns?

9:45 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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3455ae No.21079823


Pfizer also Opted out of Op Warp Speed


All the Deaths & Injuries from the Notavaxx

Aren't on Trump

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31817e No.21079824

File: b56cec4916b8158⋯.png (160.44 KB,597x843,199:281,mil.PNG)


Unlimited L's


JUST IN: Judge sets bail at $10 million for one of the Venezuelan illegals accused of brutally r*ping and murdering 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray

Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, 26, appeared before a judge on Monday, who believes the man is a flight risk

Pena Ramos was wearing an ankle monitor provided by ICE at the time of the crime

Both Pena Ramos and 22-year-old Johan Jose Martinez Rangel are Venezuelan nationals in the U.S. illegally

They were initially arrested near El Paso by Border Patrol and released with a future court appearance order

Martinez is due in court on Tuesday


Court documents allege that the two men lured Jocelyn under a bridge, where she was tied up, had her pants taken off, and was strangled over a two-hour period

According to documents, the men found Jocelyn on Kuykendahl Road and asked her for directions

Investigators believe she sneaked out of her home around 10 p.m. on Sunday

7:44 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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90d42a No.21079825


wasn't bannon and epstein bff's?

both cia?

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5f277a No.21079826


it's even fewer.

they have the unions captive.

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a83ff1 No.21079827

File: 41b61c92340cd71⋯.jpeg (127.35 KB,800x786,400:393,The_Government_Vs_You.JPEG)

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6d468a No.21079828


>They Are Using Lab-Grown Human Brains That They Have Enslaved Called “Organoids” To Run Computers

Q is right.

These people are sick.

Are they even human?

Should we make them prove it if they claim to be?

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fe15be No.21079829

File: b72332fe4bd9fb4⋯.png (95.67 KB,1206x211,1206:211,ClipboardImage.png)


>thats heavy shit, man

you want update graphic?

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57a6ef No.21079830


>from our garbage ruling class

They prefer “lizard overlords”

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c6bf79 No.21079831

File: 21f067f3c3cf2d9⋯.png (783.07 KB,866x591,866:591,ClipboardImage.png)

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31817e No.21079832

File: 5e152e998f7d5d6⋯.png (311.71 KB,597x859,597:859,rem.PNG)




This is a reminder that Roe v Wade surrounded a lady named Norma McCorvey aka Jane Row who lied about being “gang-r*ped”.

After feeling deep remorse and regret, she got baptized and later revealed

• she was never r*ped.

• She never even had an Abortion.

• She brought her third child to term and that child was adopted.

The entire ruling of Roe v Wade was based on a lie…

The more you know…

Video 1


Video 2


7:26 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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31817e No.21079833

File: 8ae3ab6ae635754⋯.png (443.75 KB,598x461,598:461,ab.PNG)


Attorney General Andrew Bailey


Missouri has a huge problem with New York right now.

8:08 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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f2ee5e No.21079834


Worth watching

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a83ff1 No.21079835

File: 78f32c239449f1e⋯.jpeg (198.58 KB,597x800,597:800,2A6CB1CD_9A7A_4155_BD7D_5….JPEG)

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f97b6b No.21079836

File: 94d186df1ac8218⋯.jpg (161.07 KB,800x450,16:9,Cyrus_the_Great.jpg)

>>21079301 lb

no double standard

I defend Jews against the idiot haters.

Same with Trump haters.

I defend Trump

Same idiots who hate both

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f2ee5e No.21079837


I member.

Though at first I thought it was another suicide meme. kek

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31817e No.21079838

File: 00d5322e62d05bd⋯.png (497.18 KB,603x634,603:634,rip.PNG)


Karoline Leavitt


But don't you dare repeat their own words… or they will cut off your microphone!


Square profile picture

New York Post




CNN moderators for presidential debate have long history of blasting Trump — including with Hitler comparison https://trib.al/o6bdBh2


6:15 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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5f277a No.21079839


pb it next time

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2dae31 No.21079840


Remember, 'Q' said "No Deals". They know it and are in a full on panic. Wonder what happens when white hats override the network on Thursday. Should be fun times, or they arrest Trump while on National Television, Maybe Joe strokes out in public.

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59477d No.21079841


destroyed a country.

CNN helped do it too.

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31817e No.21079842

File: 789c6150a48de9e⋯.png (371.25 KB,597x625,597:625,eek.PNG)


johnny maga


BREAKING: Jack Smith is seeking to impose a gag order on Trump in the “documents” case in South Florida

This is in addition to the gag order imposed by Judge Merchan in New York

Yet another attempt to hinder Trump’s ability to campaign


Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸

8:05 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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3c5e44 No.21079843

File: d35bcc53b853223⋯.png (1.4 MB,996x663,332:221,ClipboardImage.png)

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df6950 No.21079844

File: 97db3e2ea4cf378⋯.png (622.54 KB,1856x1044,16:9,butterguo.png)

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d59afa No.21079845

You are watching a scripted WWE wrestling match on a grand scale, you just have to figure out what part is real and what is scripted also who are acting and who are not acting.

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35fb3e No.21079846


tried to, it wouldn't let me upload for some reason

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f2ee5e No.21079847

File: 71355f428411644⋯.jpg (94.36 KB,554x548,277:274,WTF_Is_This_WTF_Was_That.jpg)


Come again?

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31817e No.21079848

File: 05b43f5f6424f82⋯.png (371.55 KB,599x547,599:547,rev.PNG)


Square profile picture

The Gateway Pundit


White House Visitor Logs Reveal Maryland LGBTQ Leader Who Attempted To Meet With 14-Year-Old Decoy Reportedly Visited White House Three Times, Met With Biden Special Assistant

READ: https://tgpne.ws/Njictz


5:04 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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847ac2 No.21079849


Korean boobs

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ea1ce7 No.21079850

File: bc20d8468160513⋯.mp4 (4.35 MB,1272x720,53:30,CNN_host_Kasie_Karen_Hunt.mp4)



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3c5e44 No.21079851

File: 148a469a5fd7051⋯.png (1018.98 KB,960x537,320:179,ClipboardImage.png)

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542013 No.21079852

File: 9b0e268a91178aa⋯.png (654.35 KB,900x603,100:67,theywerepracticing.PNG)

They were practicing their wave tech few weeks ago?

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3e7530 No.21079853

File: 1d281335ce77e97⋯.jpg (43.15 KB,558x447,186:149,8ueab6.jpg)

You hear that, frens?

Exactly. Nothing. No smoking narcissist hall monitor. No Mr famefag Cat. They are destroyed.

Anons did that.

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23d4f6 No.21079854

File: df060750902e6be⋯.gif (266.78 KB,499x212,499:212,1510281505851.gif)

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1f854d No.21079855

File: 39daeee75ff9d27⋯.jpg (32.38 KB,474x410,237:205,declaration.jpg)

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31817e No.21079856

File: 945fa0017fde799⋯.png (251.51 KB,593x786,593:786,ac.PNG)




Brian Cates - Political Columnist & Pundit



Jun 23

How many people donating to Wendy Rogers' campaign for office since 2020 are aware she's funneled over $2.294 million to her own nephew, staunch Anti-Trumper Spence Rogers, who runs a political consulting business in Florida?

Is this not a massive conflict of interest?

How do

Show more

Brian Cates - Political Columnist & Pundit


According to Prof David Clements on Telegram, Stolen Valor candidate in Arizona's LD-7, Steve Slaton, is also using the services of Wendy Rogers' nephew, and has sent Go Right Strategies $25,712 of the $71,000 he's raised thus far in his campaign.


3:03 PM · Jun 23, 2024




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358091 No.21079857

File: f932dc08935b166⋯.jpg (15.1 KB,255x255,1:1,f932dc08935b166c101a00155e….jpg)

File: f14ff0af7b0705e⋯.png (499.24 KB,989x826,989:826,ClipboardImage.png)


HRC was hung from a rope on Anons BD.

It was a nice gift.

Time to show the world the truth.

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d59afa No.21079858


he came to Gen Flynn on Jam 6 I think it was, is Flynn his handler now?

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57a6ef No.21079859


Does anybody believe these lies?

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8fa7b9 No.21079860

File: c78a64bf7a781e0⋯.mp4 (3.94 MB,480x270,16:9,y534n56h2542354.mp4)




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f2ee5e No.21079861



These cunts are fucking our shit up. The world is going backward thanks to these cunts. WW is the same everywhere.

Killing for profit.

Instead of peaceful co-existence.

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31817e No.21079862

File: 7d57a82e86efcde⋯.png (123.46 KB,587x464,587:464,fake.PNG)




California Reveals All Job Gains In 2023 Were Fake

From zerohedge.com

3:15 PM · Jun 23, 2024




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5d2180 No.21079863

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Cry me a river you fat turd.

What did Bill Cooper think of him? Oh yeah TRAITOR!

Q told you about him, did you listen?

Do you think you honestly sneak into Bohemian Grove take vid/pics without [them] knowing? COME THE FUCK ON MAN.

He's always been a stooge, for a different county but American if that makes sense.

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f555e6 No.21079864


why we are here.


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1f854d No.21079865

File: 0efd48f8c5967e3⋯.jpg (176.88 KB,1074x800,537:400,joepedo_thread_biden.jpg)

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7cd2a6 No.21079866



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824cde No.21079867

File: 5b3b60a905382c3⋯.png (231.96 KB,760x826,380:413,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e7c159a4b9c7c6b⋯.png (261.98 KB,488x556,122:139,ClipboardImage.png)



>Michael Baxter

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1a786e No.21079868

File: 9ede8f7a6b9dc41⋯.jpg (112.05 KB,796x588,199:147,Q_Deals.jpg)


Well, Q was pretty direct about the Hillary No Deal.

However, who knows exactly which D's made those early deals.

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d59afa No.21079869

File: d5af2dc957cf6e3⋯.png (745.38 KB,608x714,304:357,white_male.PNG)


Did you forget the white male?

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ca9212 No.21079870


>You are watching a scripted WWE wrestling match on a grand scale, you just have to figure out what part is real and what is scripted also who are acting and who are not acting.

It all amounts to zero, a very big ZERO.

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1f0937 No.21079871

>nice bike,man

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57a6ef No.21079872


>scripted WWE

I bet Linda and Vince are writing the narratives. That’s why their so bad. Do attitude era narratives FFS.

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f2ee5e No.21079873

File: 664e269765d1a51⋯.png (21.44 KB,255x246,85:82,Pepe_Keks_Laughing.png)

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60454d No.21079874

Baby2baby. 0 diapers sold.

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53824f No.21079875


Tapper always looks constipated

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3af65e No.21079876

File: 304535626c77de8⋯.png (558.58 KB,756x500,189:125,AngryInch.png)


Have a (You) so desperately wanted

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90d42a No.21079877

File: d1a5c91ea1b81f1⋯.png (1.97 MB,1224x918,4:3,Screenshot_2024_06_24_at_1….png)

File: b7fece9ab9409d7⋯.png (2.68 MB,1633x918,1633:918,Screenshot_2024_06_24_at_1….png)

File: c57aade3a5b6147⋯.png (446.73 KB,700x420,5:3,Screenshot_2024_06_24_at_1….png)

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2b3ccc No.21079878

File: 730b434cc39f0ca⋯.png (178.79 KB,550x550,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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f2ee5e No.21079879

File: bce5ce77ede82a3⋯.jpg (37.4 KB,300x300,1:1,Bud_Light_Butt_Plug.jpg)

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3c5e44 No.21079880

File: 360170039d5480a⋯.png (1.06 MB,1536x1464,64:61,ClipboardImage.png)

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f10098 No.21079881

File: cfd3a63baa34f07⋯.png (327.81 KB,714x476,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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1cea16 No.21079882

File: 47b9143c103dc65⋯.jpeg (467.74 KB,1210x617,1210:617,ADBB4981_B671_46B7_A17B_E….jpeg)

File: b4ba46680ab2b1a⋯.jpeg (670.38 KB,818x626,409:313,D7F102A0_FA57_4008_95FD_F….jpeg)

45in N757AF 757 just landed at New Orleans Intl from Newark Intl depart

Donald Trump to visit New Orleans on Monday to raise cash for his presidential campaign


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807546 No.21079883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Are they even human?

>Should we make them prove it if they claim to be?

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57a6ef No.21079884


>What did Bill Cooper think of him?

Isaac says he was taking money from Epstein.

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a83ff1 No.21079885


Which Hilary?

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fd65e3 No.21079886


Tell that to the dead and raped you fucking hillbilly

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1f0937 No.21079887

File: 6ca27913e3a52cc⋯.png (9.14 KB,212x237,212:237,IMG_0312.png)

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3e7530 No.21079888

File: 5c4f6b5add21802⋯.png (317.63 KB,584x500,146:125,5c4f6b5add21802a6bc08d7a22….png)


Sorry. Real Anon comfy and here to stay.


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57a6ef No.21079889


Coincidence that everyone has to read it?

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3c5e44 No.21079890

File: 86143034fc189e2⋯.png (415.36 KB,563x778,563:778,ClipboardImage.png)

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4ad265 No.21079891


the cabbage stank, thunder thigh, pant suit wearin cunt

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cd323f No.21079892


Oh yes the ONE UNVERIFIED IMAGE of a guy in a mask saying he is Michael Tuffins saying RRN is fake.THAT ONE PICTURE OF A GUY IN A MASK!!!Believe it!!! Fuckin morons

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2dae31 No.21079893


Those that stayed are either following orders or are completely evil. My bet is completely evil. Congress is well past 70%; Based on who voted for Ukrainian $$$, 90% are compromised.

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1f854d No.21079894

File: 7110a1c80a7ffa5⋯.jpg (73.41 KB,680x680,1:1,biden_fireworks_akron.jpg)

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f2ee5e No.21079896

File: 04de705eb5dd71b⋯.png (1.69 MB,2880x1867,2880:1867,ClipboardImage.png)


What a show.

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ca9212 No.21079897

Justly fuck off.

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fe15be No.21079898

File: 6a44cfc29145d2c⋯.png (830.29 KB,1226x2137,1226:2137,1813cap.png)

File: a680933b3c10872⋯.png (30.54 KB,325x354,325:354,ClipboardImage.png)



anon added another post same timestamp w/ video

anon added clock-faggotry :-)

updated cap picrel

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cd323f No.21079899


Does it come in 100 mgs?

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f10098 No.21079900

File: 745f767d464a4b2⋯.jpg (86.91 KB,619x537,619:537,AlexJonesControlled.jpg)

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3e7530 No.21079901

File: b8b40e8609cf441⋯.jpg (9.94 KB,252x200,63:50,download_jpeg_6.jpg)


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e05ec9 No.21079902

File: 312cfa3605a71f0⋯.png (566.39 KB,564x564,1:1,312cfa3605a71f0728bd1fa26a….png)

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1f854d No.21079904

File: 89d52b1d3a6a9ba⋯.jpg (84.42 KB,1242x826,621:413,fireworks.jpg)

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90d42a No.21079905

File: 8aa8ad452425a77⋯.png (560.26 KB,574x540,287:270,Screenshot_2024_06_24_at_1….png)

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5d2180 No.21079906

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Isaac says he was taking money from Epstein.

Kappy knew before we did.

Here it from Bill himself, before he passed.



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f2ee5e No.21079907


he deserves it.

Strange how some deaths are markers but so many are just statistics.

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7cd2a6 No.21079908

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fe15be No.21079909


>work together


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d59afa No.21079910

File: 731a2f48231b29b⋯.jpg (38.69 KB,1200x712,150:89,as2qsaa.jpg)

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a31874 No.21079911

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Biden’s RADICAL judicial nominee just busted lying under oath—Sen. Kennedy brought damning receipts…

June 24, 2024 (12 hours ago)

Sometimes, you witness a takedown so epic that it leaves everyone watching in utter amazement. That’s exactly what happened to Joe Biden’s radical left-wing judicial nominee, Karla Campbell. She’s a harebrained left-wing attorney from Nashville and Biden’s Marxist pick for the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, and her judicial dreams might have just imploded. After being caught lying under oath, her hopes of becoming the left’s next activist judge may be over.

The controversy swirls around a radical left-wing extremist hate group known as “Workers’ Dignity,” which is known for advocating the abolition of all military and police forces. It turns out that Ms. Campbell had been a legal advisor for this unhinged group.When Senator Chuck Grassley questioned her, she flat-out lied, denying any involvement. Not the wisest move, because up next wasSenator John Kennedy, armed with irrefutable evidence proving her very close and cozy ties to the group. The look on her face was absolutely priceless.

Second video coming up after this with Hawley:

SenatorHawley also came after Biden’s nominee for lying under oathand also highlighted yet another serious blunder—a hefty donation she made to a hateful, violent far-left candidate.



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2e6590 No.21079912

File: 297cb24dff6827f⋯.png (23.1 KB,474x500,237:250,ClipboardImage.png)


What law?

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5d2180 No.21079913

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57a6ef No.21079914


>Are they even human?


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06dc0f No.21079915

File: abca90d61019716⋯.gif (4.94 MB,540x405,4:3,sherlock_gif.gif)

File: 0b4d1c83092da42⋯.mp4 (605.73 KB,480x480,1:1,ride_never_ends.mp4)

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824cde No.21079916


That's it. Ignore the other image. kek

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90d42a No.21079917

File: 1036fb1921f88f7⋯.png (223.74 KB,360x400,9:10,Screenshot_2024_06_24_at_0….png)

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af2336 No.21079918


Because people keep sourcing rando twat accounts and other unverifiable garbage.

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f6588c No.21079919


Nanosatellites are loosely defined as any satellite weighing less than 10 kilograms. CubeSats must also comply with a series of specific criteria that control factors such as their shape, size and weight.

CubeSats can come in various sizes, but they are all based on the standard CubeSat unit, namely a cube-shaped structure measuring 10x10x10 centimetres with a mass of somewhere between 1 and 1.33 kg. This unit is known as 1U.

After the first few years, this modular unit was multiplied and larger nanosatellites are now common (1.5U, 2U, 3U or 6U). Today, new configurations are under development.

Nanosatellite development based on CubeSat standards guarantees ongoing and relatively inexpensive access to space, as well as a wide range of launch and space rocket options.

CubeSat standardisation opens up the possibility of using commercial electronic parts and the choice of numerous technology suppliers, thereby considerably cutting the costs of CubeSat engineering and development projects in comparison with other types of satellites.



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ca9212 No.21079921

Two cents is so much more worth than one cent, double your money with a second honey.

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f10098 No.21079922

File: 3a5c14c77d892dd⋯.png (136.56 KB,464x396,116:99,real.png)

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8745af No.21079923

fagioli soup


gay wedding

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1f0937 No.21079924


>threats of a nipple

Some kids, man..

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f2ee5e No.21079925

File: 18b7e1833edda1d⋯.jpg (51.87 KB,474x500,237:250,Redacted_That_s_What_She_S….jpg)



A lot of people are exempt from the law. That is clear.

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2e6590 No.21079926


Its another real estate swindle.

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c0cc67 No.21079927

File: 49539dc22025f60⋯.png (446.91 KB,492x681,164:227,1.png)

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cd323f No.21079928


>That's it. Ignore the other image. kek

Oh the disclaimer? What does Satire mean? It doesn't mean FALSE

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ea81b2 No.21079929

NOTES @ 495


>>21079417, >>21079682 Reports that the Russian Airforce has downed an America surveillance drone over the Black Sea near Crimea

>>21079429, >>21079805 Alex Jones Responds To Reports of Infowars Imminent Closure

>>21079447 Invention Secrecy Act

>>21079479 WEF: 2023 Food Pyramid

>>21079509, >>21079668 CNN Could Be Forced To Pay $1 Billion From Defamation Suit

>>21079521 Jennifer Garner bangs drums draped in a Palestinian keffiyeh

>>21079542 @NavalInstitute: USS Theodore Roosevelt in South Korea Ahead of Transit to Middle East, North Korea Condemns Visit

>>21079697, >>21079707 PF: RCAF CFC1 Challenger 600 Trudope departed Trois Riviers Airport to Vancouver Intl

>>21079726, >>21079793 Bowman and AoC have been going viral after this image exposing the true size of their New York rally leaked

>>21079740 The US Supreme Court to extend Donald Trump’s Presidential immunity case into July

>>21079765 Biden DOJ Official Hit Lied Under Oath About Previous Arrest For Stabbing Her Then-Husband

>>21079772 @GenFlynn: And we don’t want them to know what is being planned 😎

>>21079796 These are the "asylum seekers" Biden is allowing to pour into our country

>>21079800 Emergency officials are on high alert as a Minnesota dam is in imminent danger of critical failure

>>21079802 Hedge Funds Cut Mexican Peso Bets in One of the Biggest Retreats on Record

>>21079814 Five U.S. states are now sueing Pfizer for lying about the safety and efficacy of Covid vaccines

>>21079821 Julie Kelly: From FLA courthouse: Gag order hearing just ended - will have details shortly

>>21079833, >>21079860 Attorney General Andrew Bailey: Missouri has a huge problem with New York right now

>>21079838 Karoline Leavitt: But don't you dare repeat their own words… or they will cut off your microphone!

>>21079842 Jack Smith is seeking to impose a gag order on Trump in the “documents” case in South Florida

>>21079862, >>21079905 California Reveals All Job Gains In 2023 Were Fake

>>21079882 Donald Trump to visit New Orleans on Monday to raise cash for his presidential campaign

>>21079484, >>21079490, >>21079492, >>21079653, >>21079728, >>21079771, >>21079880 Memes


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1f0937 No.21079930


Truth or propaganda?

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f8e9cb No.21079931


the daily BEAST666

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02a5f0 No.21079932

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3e7530 No.21079933

File: c70564ad681e8e7⋯.jpg (67.88 KB,602x500,301:250,8rswrz.jpg)


Nothing can stop a comfy Anon

Nothing can stop you from habbing a guud evening

God bless

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fe15be No.21079934

File: 64fab0586173a53⋯.png (143.16 KB,325x512,325:512,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e4ddc833124d737⋯.png (349.67 KB,1266x1017,422:339,1827cap.png)




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ca9212 No.21079935

This big guy is big in farting, he farts so hard it causes a BOOM sometimes, to shit he goes.

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f6392d No.21079936

File: 8b6a01e1c1c7179⋯.png (21.11 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)


Saul Alinsky Tactic 663 - False Conflation

Truth about the Jewish Cabal is not "hate".

So you're defending the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, Albert Bourla of Pfizer, George Soros, Stefan Bancel of Moderna, et al. because they're Jews.

Nobody is allowed to hate Jews for any reason, Cabal Jews who commit egregious crimes against Humanity because "Jews".

Typical False Conflation of the Khazarian Mafia Jews with Normie Jews, pretending "as if " when any Anon criticizes the criminality of the Cabal Jews, you pretend it's an attack on ALLLLLL Jews, while ignoring the mountain of evidence of the Jewish Cabal Crimes.

Morally corrupt idiot who hate Gentiles.

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f2ee5e No.21079937

File: 120ccd6663f9cee⋯.png (213.91 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

A notable lack of shills.

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90d42a No.21079938

File: 11ff592a4a21d29⋯.png (464.77 KB,720x405,16:9,Screenshot_2024_06_24_at_1….png)


you are the bestest baker

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1f854d No.21079939

File: 5f3a37d832e1155⋯.png (584.68 KB,1232x1200,77:75,fireworks_trump.png)

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1f0937 No.21079940

Still obsessed? Wash your body with a rag on a Fanta stick?

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a31874 No.21079941


The two videos combined with Kennedy & Hawley:

SenatorHawley also came after Biden’s nominee for lying under oathand also highlighted yet another serious blunder—a hefty donation she made to a hateful, violent far-left candidate.

Ms. Campbell admitted to donating $1,500 to a neighbor who has labeled all 52 Senate Republicans, including Tim Scott, as “Jim Crow Senators” and accused them of colluding with the devil. When pressed on why she supported such a luntaic, Ms. Campbell’s only excuse was that she was just trying to be “neighborly.”

The exchange between Hawley and Karla Campbell was so awkward that all she could do was close her eyes or look to her Democrat Senate buddies for help. Either way, she and everyone else knew her goose was cooked.


Now, the big question looms: will she be arrested and tossed into the gulag for lying under oath to the US Senate? We all know that if she were a Trump nominee, or one of us, we’d already be in handcuffs and getting fitted for our orange jumpsuits. When will these lying, radical left-wingers be held to the same standard? We staunchly believe that any attorney caught lying under oath, especially to the US Senate, should be made an example of and treated precisely as she would treat a witness who committed the same offense. In addition, her law license should be promptly revoked. Ms. Campbell epitomizes the extreme side of “judicial activism” and lawfare and has no place in any US courtroom—unless, of course, she’s there as a defendant.


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f2ee5e No.21079942

File: 455210c057c10df⋯.jpg (203.19 KB,1280x720,16:9,Say_Soon_One_More_Time.jpg)

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824cde No.21079943


It's ok anon. You are not alone in your stupidity here on this board. Many will rush to your defense. Doesn't make any of you right, of course, but at least there is some comfort in the shared delusion. Pretty comfy I'd say. So enjoy. But count me out. Rah Rah RRN is not for me.

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4ad265 No.21079944

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

i owe you ten

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c0cc67 No.21079945

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hey, learn how to clean a pool.

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9aade1 No.21079946

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q+ 3:42 PM, Jun 24, 2024 > TEST

Q: 342 > (quote - "Q? Welcome back.") End is near.

Q+ 6:04 PM, Jun 24, 2024 > THEY WILL NOT LET YOU DOWN!

Q: 604 > (pic - Q+ pen)

Q+ 6:07 PM, Jun 24, 2024 > GREAT MUST READ

Q: 607 > (quote - "Amazing coincidence? Always close after crumb drops. Q")

[Tweet] It signifies something VERY IMPORTANT.


Q+ 6:13 PM, Jun 24, 2024 > (documents)

Q: 613 > (link - website not found)

Q+ 6:13 PM, Jun 24, 2024 > “Screams before Silence” PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH!

Q: 613 > (link - website not found)

Q+ 6:27 PM, Jun 24, 2024 > WINS!

Q: 627 > What a coincidence.

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02a5f0 No.21079947

File: 225ada26cd24924⋯.png (123.83 KB,600x400,3:2,hurdur.png)



Division Shill Mad.

Poooor Division Shill.

Poor, Poor Division Shill.

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1f854d No.21079948

File: 2268dd0d6d9e358⋯.png (1.42 MB,1100x774,550:387,cat_fireworks.png)

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c6bf79 No.21079949

File: b22bb7bc95c2912⋯.mp4 (11.04 MB,1280x720,16:9,joe_headroom.mp4)

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02a5f0 No.21079950


Dunno which board you are looking at.

The one I'm in is full of them.

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1f0937 No.21079951


First step is stop spilling wine. You want coochie rash from bad PH?

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3c5e44 No.21079952

File: 951f7c678236769⋯.png (1.7 MB,2048x1949,2048:1949,ClipboardImage.png)

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908cc5 No.21079953

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3e7530 No.21079954

File: 5622b6e123b694e⋯.png (160.45 KB,425x408,25:24,5622b6e123b694e74992e1885e….png)


And not a single white cat with shades.

Anons winning.

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f2ee5e No.21079955


maybe I'm just extra comfy today.

Namefags got the filter, as is tradition.

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e05ec9 No.21079956

File: 512b986f90e3a19⋯.jpg (65.87 KB,750x500,3:2,FYb58hkXoAEjMx2.jpg)


We converted them?

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ca9212 No.21079957


>Hey, learn how to clean a pool.

There are 2 things besides the pool, reflex.

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02a5f0 No.21079958


Wow you are on here 24/7.

Are you on government assistance or something?

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1f0937 No.21079959


There is currently a lean on the zipper dongle.. it will work out for good probably.

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3169b9 No.21079961

File: 7dc3960cf6be889⋯.png (650.38 KB,915x1122,305:374,ClipboardImage.png)

I can't stop laughing at this meme Q+ retruthed, and at the fact Q+ retruthed it.

This might be the best shitpost yet.


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908cc5 No.21079962


Yet the failfag mimic still tries and fails.

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824cde No.21079963



Are you trying to conjure it?

Learn how to be a good sport.

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth!

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9aade1 No.21079964

Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.

The only game [they] won. Players got played.

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3e7530 No.21079965


You should Filter yourself for being a high post count glownigger.

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35fb3e No.21079966

File: 3e33800a70c6eb7⋯.png (2.32 MB,1024x1024,1:1,3e33800a70c6eb7012e9016bb7….png)

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74a3c6 No.21079967

File: 900f0c34ba0925d⋯.jpg (246.71 KB,896x1145,896:1145,01.jpg)

File: 7dbdf2ce76307aa⋯.jpg (293.76 KB,896x1145,896:1145,02.jpg)

File: 7131141338caf81⋯.jpg (238.54 KB,903x1137,301:379,03.jpg)

File: e47d42bab708f16⋯.jpg (81.02 KB,903x1137,301:379,04.jpg)

>>21079729 pg 3

"Dr. O'Connor, you are included in this letter to the President, and the entire Cabinet is copied,

because you all have an obligation, not only to President Biden, but to the Office of the President

and to the American people. The American people deserve transparency regarding the

President's mental as well as physical well-being and capabilities. To date, you and the entirety

of the President's Cabinet have failed in that responsibility."

feels like a 'they're getting cornered' moment

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90d42a No.21079968


i just don't want them to throw you in jail on july 11th, Donald

hope that not part of the plan

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ee5426 No.21079969

File: b945e4b2e771bfc⋯.png (1.59 MB,1206x1280,603:640,ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING🚨: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange plans to plead guilty as part of a plea deal with the U.S. Justice Department that will allow him to go free after spending five years in a British prison, according to court documents.

Assange was charged by criminal information — which typically signifies a plea deal — with conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense information, the court documents say.

U.S. charges against Assange stem from one of the largest publications of classified information in American history, which took place during the first term of Barack Obama's presidency. Starting in late 2009, according to the government, Assange conspired with Chelsea Manning, a military intelligence analyst, to disclose tens of thousands of activity reports about the war in Afghanistan, hundreds of thousands of reports about the war in Iraq, hundreds of thousands of State Department cables and assessment briefs of Guantanamo Bay detainees using his WikiLeaks website.

READ (https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/julian-assange-reached-plea-deal-us-allowing-go-free-rcna158695)

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1f854d No.21079970

File: b16aa5d4866dfa4⋯.png (352.45 KB,499x499,1:1,firew.png)

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4ad265 No.21079971


that was $250 back in the day

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2e6590 No.21079972

File: c88558abc774a68⋯.png (278.47 KB,480x360,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Which lies?

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fe15be No.21079973

File: ae020f61e92e5ce⋯.png (31.45 KB,325x357,325:357,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e99ca47facb3547⋯.png (781.55 KB,1500x3000,1:2,1832cap.png)




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f2ee5e No.21079974


clam yer tits ma'am.

I'm staying under the 10% threshold.

You should post more REEEE's about post counts.

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e98f7c No.21079975

File: a7c75932c0dcbd8⋯.jpg (260.31 KB,720x1203,240:401,20240624_171002.jpg)

File: 51ab77b6ab248b2⋯.jpg (402.82 KB,1152x2048,9:16,20240624_170917.jpg)


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1cea16 No.21079976

File: 5dbcfa19aa0613b⋯.jpeg (497.89 KB,828x596,207:149,B0FB254C_044D_40F6_890E_8….jpeg)

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1f854d No.21079977

File: 12dd3ef40f0cdb3⋯.jpg (254.56 KB,1600x900,16:9,usa_fireworks.jpg)

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3e7530 No.21079978

File: 543a1973986b845⋯.jpg (72.05 KB,628x397,628:397,8uea8j.jpg)


Anons have the best comfy good evenings.

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f6392d No.21079979


The not in person debate will be shown on a Delay, so if Potato goes zombie they can cut the feed before the public sees it.

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1a786e No.21079980

File: 449010d2622d707⋯.jpg (79.31 KB,485x594,485:594,GE_Tranimette.jpg)

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3c5e44 No.21079981

File: cdaacc459ea0304⋯.png (478.59 KB,749x752,749:752,ClipboardImage.png)


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1f0937 No.21079982

Works on the river? New locale? Don mattingly stripes and seashells?

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824cde No.21079983


she looks wasted on something

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ca9212 No.21079984


>Players got played.

Players got played, played got played too. Painful to even watch.

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423f20 No.21079985


that was a great night

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02a5f0 No.21079986


C'mon Anons.

It's only fifty (50) shitpoasts.

This guy is has to be legit!

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d35a86 No.21079987

File: d33cc847d581224⋯.png (12.12 KB,314x97,314:97,ClipboardImage.png)

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a068f0 No.21079988

File: d30261ba612a087⋯.png (2.17 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Welcome to Rusya, Blyat. 4th largest economy in all of Galactic Region.

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e05ec9 No.21079989

File: 3798c42291c3676⋯.jpg (86.22 KB,536x683,536:683,dtgjjtgtgc.jpg)


All slides are not equal

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f2ee5e No.21079990

File: 5753029b47f1319⋯.png (461.99 KB,986x628,493:314,WH_Cocaine_Baggie.png)


It's the WH specialty.

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ee5426 No.21079991

File: 218cab9163c2a58⋯.png (833.99 KB,1156x782,34:23,SunSetwithFren.png)


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3169b9 No.21079992

File: 7451cec700203a7⋯.jpg (75.48 KB,500x500,1:1,8uu3lx.jpg)


Hate is not truth about a jewish cabal.

You muhjoo morons keep committing the same fallacy over and over again: the fallacy of composition.

It doesn't how matter how many bad white people you reference, or how many bad black people you reference, or how many bad jews you reference, it will never be "the whites" nor "the blacks" nor "the jews".

The false conflation is from you Marxist idiots, CONFLATING THE INDIVIDUAL WITH THE GROUP.

Why can't you morons criticize INDIVIDUALS BY NAME WITHOUT REFERENCE to a group predicate?

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f10098 No.21079993

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


10 xs Pay Back to Shills..on the Listen..in a Militarized Zone…During WarTime..

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908cc5 No.21079994

File: 0bac3f10ab488e3⋯.jpg (368.53 KB,1198x1497,1198:1497,32360b6c1515ecb4aeb886de45….jpg)

No reason to interrupt them at the moment. They act like no one can see them.

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f8e9cb No.21079995

Q, please have Trump call Biden a "Potato" at the debate. Thank you.

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1f854d No.21079996

File: b10f7d81dd71364⋯.jpg (241.26 KB,1128x910,564:455,roe_v_wade_fireworks_clare….jpg)

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807546 No.21079997

File: 3fdb62409541041⋯.png (897.25 KB,874x599,874:599,ClipboardImage.png)

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3c5e44 No.21079998

File: f88af98b930bdd5⋯.png (484.58 KB,496x690,248:345,ClipboardImage.png)


morning, rabbi

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ca9212 No.21079999

Duck speak sounds like a lot of questions, no thanks.

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f2ee5e No.21080000


Judge me by my shitposts, not my count. Happened to arrive at start of bread. I'll be gone soon. Shit to do. Feel better?

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1bc40b No.21080001

File: bd81b004650aa3b⋯.jpg (22.72 KB,474x314,237:157,proxy_image_12_.jpg)

The Qing dynasty. (1644–1911) was founded by a northeast Asian people who called themselves Manchus. Their history, language, culture, and identity was distinct from the Chinese population, whom they conquered in 1644 when China was weakened by internal rebellions.

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5a1c0a No.21080002

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pretty sure this wins best meme of all time guys.

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ee5426 No.21080003

File: 20112981f9ea976⋯.png (5.18 MB,2550x3300,17:22,Famous_Monsters_of_DC_008.png)

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60454d No.21080004


Jan 27, 2018 2:31:04 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo

:HEART ATTACKs can be deadly.


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908cc5 No.21080005


What's an even dumber vegetable than the potato?

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3e7530 No.21080006

File: 66cac35a2e48006⋯.png (151.89 KB,500x500,1:1,66cac35a2e48006902726d8353….png)



Nothing can stop a comfy Tranimette from habbing a guud evening too.

God bless the GE Anons.

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1f854d No.21080007

File: 89323dadf1775f4⋯.mp4 (10.2 MB,1280x720,16:9,Massive_Illegal_Fireworks_….mp4)

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ee91de No.21080009

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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90d42a No.21080010


interested to see how many times they cut Trump's mic off

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cd323f No.21080011

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It is okay if RRN isn't for you. Q said the choice to know will be yours.. I am not stupid because I know what words mean and it leaves rom for the possibility to be true. and and the disclaimer protects them from legal trouble.

RRN isn't clickbait because there are no ads and live off of donations. Do some of the people who were supposedly executed there look like they used to? I would say no, but what di I know? Just words I guess


Satire [ sat-ahyuhr ]

Phonetic (Standard)



the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, to expose, denounce, or deride the folly or corruption of institutions, people, or social structures:

The success of the production stems from its balance of affectionate comedy and well-observed satire.

a work of art, literature, or entertainment in which the folly and corruption of human beings, institutions, or social structures are exposed, denounced, or ridiculed:

The skit offended only those who didn’t recognize it as a political satire.

Did you notice that all the novels on her bookshelf were satires?

Synonyms: travesty, parody, caricature, burlesque

a genre of literature, art, or entertainment comprising such works:

The eighteenth century is considered British literature’s golden age of satire.

Synonyms: travesty, parody, caricature, burlesque

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3c5e44 No.21080012

File: 688b32d949aa4aa⋯.png (127.14 KB,427x231,61:33,ClipboardImage.png)

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f2ee5e No.21080013

File: b6357a8d7348959⋯.png (798.13 KB,699x500,699:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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ee91de No.21080014


Rookie numbers

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1a786e No.21080016

File: 8869004fbb734c9⋯.png (2.67 KB,91x62,91:62,chk.png)



Seems like KEK is kinda cancelling each post out.

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1cea16 No.21080017

File: fb51c655dd113bc⋯.jpeg (527 KB,776x1048,97:131,19F8B9CD_2AF5_4D03_9C78_D….jpeg)

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f555e6 No.21080018


like saying 'clean up the 9/11 crime scene'

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cd323f No.21080019

File: ce04a1ccd0d45ae⋯.mp4 (3.68 MB,1024x1024,1:1,open_his_mouth_and_shout_R….mp4)

File: 0b63116a733d121⋯.mp4 (1.37 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Raising_his_spear_shouting….mp4)

File: 5018348b7afb78b⋯.png (1.67 MB,1024x1024,1:1,5018348b7afb78b391e560ce63….png)

For the Anon from LB or something, not as good as I hoped

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3af65e No.21080020

File: 54d074cc8dee49f⋯.png (119.77 KB,320x400,4:5,xhwdd.png)

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4cb5a8 No.21080021

File: 2e2a35983e31025⋯.jpeg (88.07 KB,900x723,300:241,81A0E1BF_8DA8_44CC_AFA2_5….jpeg)








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2b3ccc No.21080022


doesn't look so - but then it might come as an liquid for an injectable too.

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1f854d No.21080023

File: 82c973d25e44486⋯.jpg (199.37 KB,1512x1078,108:77,Fireworks_Outlet_Alabama_L….jpg)

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6e73dc No.21080024


>Dubs of truth

Our side has the ball.

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a31874 No.21080025

File: f1b9a2e21910be9⋯.png (176.07 KB,391x402,391:402,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d917f32d7b3741⋯.png (101.47 KB,260x322,130:161,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7fefef5605f0418⋯.png (235.48 KB,567x400,567:400,ClipboardImage.png)


Wow she lied to the Senate under oath at least 4x and still was covering up at the end, she's really starting to sweat and her eyes are going bulgy. She denied all connections to radical marxists, and said it was a neighborly thing to do to donate $1,500 to a Radical's campaign, she said she didn't agree with all her views.

This women is worse than must of the stupid idiots Joe sends there. She's sweating and freaking out and not even able to be honest in one question.

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1cea16 No.21080026

File: 051768c609992ec⋯.gif (605.57 KB,498x435,166:145,0DB05C6D_1FFB_4E19_88C2_40….gif)


Gotta get to over 300 for it ta count

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fe15be No.21080027

File: 1b4c9e1074ad248⋯.png (19.52 KB,325x184,325:184,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0779a13bf7e481b⋯.png (403.09 KB,1340x1018,670:509,2054cap.png)



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3169b9 No.21080028

File: d8c39a7a1899ee6⋯.png (69.33 KB,445x577,445:577,ClipboardImage.png)


Q1195 PROOF: June ETA

Do you believe in military precision?

Holy shit!

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02a5f0 No.21080029


Next is the crying is not an emergency meme right?

You already called me rabbi.

You are such a boring, sad, predictable little specimen.

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1f0937 No.21080030

>Runt fowl never ask questions while calling jubilee a heart attack.

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c0323d No.21080031

File: c220b998b135316⋯.png (274.16 KB,640x1082,320:541,2108_1_.png)

File: e8e39bd3a95666b⋯.jpg (27.46 KB,526x229,526:229,e8e39bd3a95666bc14191da97b….jpg)

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9aade1 No.21080032


We laugh at the calamities [they] volunteered to receive.

Q+ 7:03 PM, Jun 24, 2024 > Babylon B

Q: 703 > (prayer) - Secret Socities.

Goodbye, Evil Board Team.


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3c5e44 No.21080033

File: b78ad6653c92bfb⋯.gif (250.92 KB,374x210,187:105,lgbtq2.gif)

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60454d No.21080034



How’s Russia

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f2ee5e No.21080035



Not seeing story on RT

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2e6590 No.21080036


Say Rumplestiltskin! Rublestiltskin! Rubenweinstein! to derail Biden.

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3c5e44 No.21080037

File: 0e8e79e02070812⋯.png (366.5 KB,680x438,340:219,ClipboardImage.png)

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1cea16 No.21080038

File: 7c04659e2dd1347⋯.jpeg (380.96 KB,766x665,766:665,ECB4EE1C_A2B4_410A_BB0F_5….jpeg)




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8b0332 No.21080039

File: bc6ab3913c0d643⋯.png (475.86 KB,747x906,249:302,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6f7a12ec0da3afa⋯.png (426.06 KB,1232x771,1232:771,ClipboardImage.png)



Additional Reports

The first is some OsintDefender which references a post from telegram by Fightertbomber. The telegram post was translated with built translator.



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02a5f0 No.21080040


What exactly is he pleading guilty to?

That's what plea-deal means.

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ee91de No.21080041


soup kitchen in a prius is a whole nother story

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1920ad No.21080042


i forgot im surfing

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35fb3e No.21080043

File: d9a8108d64d0f7a⋯.png (53 KB,447x696,149:232,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c0cf8dc12529898⋯.png (340.07 KB,444x1416,37:118,ClipboardImage.png)


June ETA

On the clock

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5a1c0a No.21080044



Please God let this be true. Anon is in tears right now.

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908cc5 No.21080045

File: 2206f4f87fde434⋯.webm (341.39 KB,853x480,853:480,showtime.webm)

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1f854d No.21080046

File: 98ba19cd7fe4759⋯.mp4 (5.01 MB,1080x1066,540:533,trump_eagle_fireworks.mp4)


Can you imagine DC fireworks 2025? Crazy

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4cb5a8 No.21080047

File: 16d058136b31b20⋯.png (3.29 MB,1170x2532,195:422,B1BF772E_3776_476F_89EF_B1….png)




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9aade1 No.21080048

CLAS +relay Test4 Moab Monday Night. Anons.


(Q? Welcome back.) End is near.

We thank God for (you) daily.

Q+ 3:42 PM, Jun 24, 2024 > TEST

Q: 342 > (quote - "Q? Welcome back.") End is near.

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11e4b8 No.21080049


noice discovery u got there

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d4ffc4 No.21080050

Woot Woot!

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02a5f0 No.21080051


Did thet remove your intellect or did you arrive like this?

Never mind, I'm pretty sure I can guess.

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1a786e No.21080052


I was an OG RRN hater, but moar like a disliker in hindsight compared to the haterz today.

The stories always had that B movie dialog thing going on.

Baxter doesn't just tell you so-n-so got Gitmo'd, he even shares their reaction to the news.

C'mon man.

Anyway, I always read the caps when they come around as fanfic is always a guilty pleasure.

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3af65e No.21080053



NPR saying the same thing

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange strikes plea deal with the U.S.

Carrie Johnson June 24, 2024 7:05 PM ET

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has entered into a plea deal with the U.S. government, bringing an end to a years-long international saga over his handling of national security secrets.

Assange is preparing to plead guilty to a single count of conspiring to obtain and disclose information related to the national defense in a U.S. federal court in Saipan, in the Northern Mariana Islands, a U.S. commonwealth in the Pacific, this week, according to newly filed court papers.

Under the terms of the agreement, Assange faces a sentence of 62 months, equivalent to the time he has already served at Belmarsh Prison in the United Kingdom while fighting extradition to the United States. He is expected to be released and to return to his home country of Australia following the court proceeding later this week.

Australian leaders have been lobbying the Biden administration to drop the criminal case for years. President Biden confirmed at a news conference in April that American authorities had been “considering” such a move.

A federal grand jury in Virginia indicted Assange on espionage and computer misuse charges in 2019, in what the Justice Department described as one of the largest compromises of classified information in American history.

The indictment accused Assange of conspiring with then-military Private Chelsea Manning to obtain and then publish secret reports about the Afghanistan and Iraq wars and sensitive U.S. diplomatic cables. Prosecutors said Assange published those materials on his site Wikileaks without properly scrubbing them of sensitive information, putting informants and others at grave risk of harm.

“No responsible actor, journalist or otherwise, would purposefully publish the names of individuals he or she knew to be confidential human sources in a war zone, exposing them to the gravest of dangers,” said former Assistant Attorney General John Demers at the time of that indictment.

Manning was arrested in 2010 and served seven years in prison before President Barack Obama commuted her sentence.

Assange’s case attracted support from human rights and journalism groups including Amnesty International and the Committee to Protect Journalists, fearing the Espionage Act case against Assange could create precedent for charging journalists with national security crimes.



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e05ec9 No.21080054

File: b5a003c56daf3b8⋯.jpg (146.32 KB,1024x741,1024:741,tgbgbtgbbtgtgbui.jpg)


Art of the deal

Trump says after election no tax on tips. …congress makes a bill to drop tax on tips before the election

Trump says. "I will pardon Assange" after the election. ….DOJ agrees a deal with Assange before the election

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90d42a No.21080055

File: e7211bd4219c57a⋯.png (44.21 KB,479x381,479:381,Screenshot_2024_06_24_at_1….png)

File: 7bbec1a1454da29⋯.png (289.96 KB,591x410,591:410,Screenshot_2024_06_24_at_1….png)

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02a5f0 No.21080056


He's done 15 years in solitary so time-served then.

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8b0332 No.21080057

File: 2c711d87121867c⋯.png (452.15 KB,747x715,747:715,ClipboardImage.png)

Reported that Assange has struck a plea bargain with the US

The Founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange has reportedly reached a Plea Deal with the U.S. Department of Justice which will see him Plead Guilty to Violating the Espionage Act, and in Exchange he will be Released after already Serving an over 5-Year Sentence in a British Prison.


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f2ee5e No.21080058



Court documents revealing Assange's plea deal were filed Monday evening in the U.S. District Court for the Northern Mariana Islands, a U.S. territory in the Pacific Ocean. Assange was expected to make an appearance in that court and to be sentenced to 62 months, with credit for time served in British prison, meaning he would be free to return to Australia, where he was born.

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f1a599 No.21080060


BREAKING: WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange has just reached a plea deal

Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, has agreed to a plea deal with the Biden administration, which would allow him to avoid imprisonment in the United States. According to court documents, Assange has pleaded guilty to a felony charge related to his alleged role in one of the largest US government breaches of classified material.

Under the terms of the deal, the Justice Department will seek a 62-month sentence, which is equivalent to the time Assange has already served in a high-security prison in London while fighting extradition to the US. This means that Assange will be credited with the time he has already served and will be allowed to return to Australia, his native country.

Assange was being pursued by US authorities for publishing confidential military records supplied by former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning in 2010 and 2011. He was accused of goading Manning into obtaining thousands of pages of unfiltered US diplomatic cables that potentially endangered confidential sources, Iraq war-related significant activity reports, and information related to Guantanamo Bay detainees.

The plea deal must still be approved by a federal judge, but it marks a significant development in the years-long legal battle surrounding Assange’s extradition and prosecution.


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388c4a No.21080061

File: 9d9366791c8da9e⋯.png (130.23 KB,460x571,460:571,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2e006cc5b4bd445⋯.png (293.69 KB,429x547,429:547,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d33d599abe8a171⋯.png (200.21 KB,402x509,402:509,ClipboardImage.png)

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df6950 No.21080062


>Welcome to Rusya, Blyat. 4th largest economy in all of Galactic Region.

distant sound of phonk drifting

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3c5e44 No.21080063

File: 0a9b38787f1f17f⋯.png (293.92 KB,680x646,20:19,ClipboardImage.png)


your tears are delicious, rabbi

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f8e9cb No.21080064

File: c1e9688c674dbd1⋯.png (517.18 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Ex-White House doctor Ronny Jackson calls on Biden to take drug test before Trump debate.


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11e4b8 No.21080065

Mil / Misc decodes:

>>21079515 @USNavy: Photos of the Day

>>21079559, >>21079601 @USNavy: Welcome Aboard

>>21079560 @CoastGuardCAN: #StanleyCup Final. Game 7. It all comes down to this!

>>21079580 @HQ_AFMC: @usairforce in action!

>>21079581, >>21079664 il Donaldo Trumpo: I KNEW SHE WAS VOTING FOR ME!!!

>>21079587 @HQ_AFMC: #reoptimization

>>21079596 DJT: Don Purdy and Janice Fields are running for the RNC National Committee

>>21079631, >>21079712, >>21079731, >>21079694, >>21079729, >>21079798 DJT: Ronny Jackson

>>21079673 @USNationalGuard: NC Guard Unit Tests NextGen Squad Weapons

>>21079691 @surflant: Always Mission Ready

>>21079706 @DeptofDefense: .@USArmy Pfc. Emory Bennett volunteered to hold off the enemy so his company could retreat in Korea

>>21079727, >>21079769, >>21079781 @SurfaceWarriors: USS Germantown Conducts Joint Live-Fire Exercise with 15th MEU En Route to RIMPAC 2024

>>21079820, >>21079934 DJT: John McGuire Wins!

>>21079898 DJT: "Screams before Silence"

>>21079973 il Donaldo Trumpo: READY TO DEBATE!!!

>>21080027 il Donaldo Trumpo: YOUNG AND READY TO ROCK!!!

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d59afa No.21080066


that was strange AF

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358091 No.21080067

File: 0124646a57190f5⋯.png (20.46 KB,659x295,659:295,RRN3.png)

File: 7575b54fe1613ea⋯.png (69.86 KB,653x679,653:679,RRN2.png)


Just imagine….

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9aade1 No.21080068

Clowns.. did you receive [your] message? Y

End is near. (link - website not found) (link - website not found) “Screams before Silence”

Q+ 6:13 PM, Jun 24, 2024 > (documents)

Q: 613 > (link - website not found)

Q+ 6:13 PM, Jun 24, 2024 > “Screams before Silence”

Q: 613 > (link - website not found)

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f6392d No.21080069

File: 9f966a2569c357e⋯.png (35.61 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)


Saul Alinsky Tactic 306 - Accuse others of being what you are yourself.

I've never been mad. It's you who's been calling me names, getting arrogant, over many breads, including on other days.

I stand divided from ADL Shills like you.

I stand divided from the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Soros, Epstein, Weinstein, Blinken, Nuland, Schumer, Schiff, Mayorkas, Gates, Zuckerberg, Greenblatt, Shapiro, and the rest of the RICO Jewish Cabal who hate Americans and hate Christians.

You should ask for a $$$Shekel raise so you can learn to Meme.

Can't you access moar than the same 5 Ugly Jew Face memes that you've used for years?

Americans don't use the phrase "Hur, Dur."

and American Gentiles have no religious compunction against writing the word

Muh JEWs.

Your telltale marker: Ugly Jewish Faces.

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1cea16 No.21080070

File: 1b8bfe5ae6e6ba7⋯.png (273.07 KB,480x360,4:3,D5A1611C_8FDD_4934_918C_1D….png)


>dint kill his self

And that’s it he just walks out?

Moar to this

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02a5f0 No.21080071

File: fe1c9c75e4ac6be⋯.png (38.97 KB,980x780,49:39,wlb.png)

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c41017 No.21080072


Were the records he released of any value to anyone?

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f2ee5e No.21080073


Look at the damage to reputation this caused the West, by their own actions. Not only the original war crimes but the subsequent BS.

Start a process to find all responsible FOR ONCE and HOLD THEM TO ACCOUNT FOR ONCE.

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9aade1 No.21080074

Anons do you understand what is happening today, this Moab Monday? On this board.

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5d2180 No.21080075


They weren't supposed to be seen together there, AJ fucked up

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1c1757 No.21080076


Ronny Johnson

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3169b9 No.21080077


General Flynn endorsed Raiklin.

Main reason he's attacked by anti-Flynn troll 'Ariel'.

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2e6590 No.21080078

File: 6d2ca00e52e2956⋯.gif (78.13 KB,500x500,1:1,_1.gif)


NWO - No beer. No toys. No women.

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f2ee5e No.21080079

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9aade1 No.21080080

Clowns do you understand what is happening today, this MOAB MONDAY? ON THIS BOARD.

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1a786e No.21080081


Baxter needs to get us some news about the doubles they're using.

Tie up that big hole in the plotline.

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13bce8 No.21080082

File: 5fdb2d4768ead9c⋯.mp4 (2.18 MB,RPReplay_Final1719270498.mp4)


So Help Me God!

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908cc5 No.21080083

File: d7eadc138edab98⋯.png (384.78 KB,1000x500,2:1,oncesaw2.png)

KEK. It's like they don't know what to do.

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3c5e44 No.21080084

File: 09bd43145df58fe⋯.png (397.21 KB,396x632,99:158,ClipboardImage.png)

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3af65e No.21080085

>>21080053 (me)

it took two to write the article for CNN

Julian Assange agrees to plea deal with Biden administration that would allow him to avoid imprisonment in US

By Evan Perez and Devan Cole, CNN Updated 7:13 PM EDT, Mon June 24, 2024

CNN — WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has agreed to plead guilty to a felony charge related to his alleged role in one of the largest US government breaches of classified material, as part of a deal with the Justice Department that will allow him to avoid imprisonment in the United States, according to newly filed federal court documents.

Under the terms of the new agreement, Justice Department prosecutors will seek a 62-month sentence – which is equal to the amount of time Assange has served in a high-security prison in London while he fought extradition to the US. The plea deal would credit that time served, allowing Assange to immediately return to Australia, his native country.

The plea deal must still be approved by a federal judge.

Assange had faced 18 counts from a 2019 indictment for his alleged role in the breach that carried a max of up to 175 years in prison, though he was unlikely to be sentenced to that time in full.

Assange was being pursued by US authorities for publishing confidential military records supplied by former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning in 2010 and 2011.

US officials alleged that Assange goaded Manning into obtaining thousands of pages of unfiltered US diplomatic cables that potentially endangered confidential sources, Iraq war-related significant activity reports and information related to Guantanamo Bay detainees.

President Joe Biden in recent months has alluded to a possible deal pushed by Australian government officials to return Assange to Australia.


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60454d No.21080086


So the emails are real

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f555e6 No.21080087

File: 7ac9229085296ac⋯.jpeg (19.85 KB,255x216,85:72,7ac9229085296ac41c3ed2356….jpeg)


cat5 ordnance

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5d2180 No.21080088


>NWO - No beer. No toys. No women.


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f2ee5e No.21080089



Assume Fuckery afoot at all times.

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d59afa No.21080090


AJ Crazy day

GF It is a crazy day

AJ you scared?

AJ we're gonna live

GF what?

GF what?

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9aade1 No.21080091

Get in the game.

Anons are the LIGHT.


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60454d No.21080092


Fucking crybabies

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1cea16 No.21080093

File: 4497fd4e041d013⋯.jpeg (711.91 KB,3024x4032,3:4,A6D107BD_96B3_44BD_8E5C_6….jpeg)


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f1a599 No.21080094


hopefully seth rich's belated justice

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02a5f0 No.21080095

File: 11c6fedc0c1c730⋯.jpg (10.83 KB,255x175,51:35,e5b5aba292ce7163f52bfba9ec….jpg)


>Tactic 306


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f6392d No.21080096

File: 8308370f12f1620⋯.png (23.06 KB,350x423,350:423,ClipboardImage.png)

No such thing as a "JOO", only a pathetic Jewshill bot trying to hide its JEWISH Shame.

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9aade1 No.21080097


You're Fired.

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908cc5 No.21080098

File: 6d658099ad30844⋯.jpg (5.93 KB,255x143,255:143,wut13.jpg)

Assange plea deal?

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f97b6b No.21080099

File: 7b3e672eac07357⋯.jpg (512.9 KB,2324x1382,1162:691,777train.jpg)


Good News.

Bannon and Mike Davis promoted this idea.

Maybe more State AG will jump on board.

Toot Toot.

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c6bf79 No.21080100

File: a2a296dd4ee979f⋯.png (262.19 KB,695x933,695:933,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b95158c457abe1c⋯.png (170.09 KB,688x929,688:929,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0bb773118da3dcc⋯.png (145.72 KB,695x919,695:919,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e86bd04f2c07c6⋯.png (51.91 KB,683x860,683:860,ClipboardImage.png)



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f2ee5e No.21080101


EVERYTHING ever posted by Wikileaks was real. That was the problem.

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9aade1 No.21080102



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542013 No.21080103


Did you know that they castrate women to?

I did'nt realize this until I thought of asking the question.

I thought it was funny when you but a T to Iran instead of the I.



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90d42a No.21080104

File: 4d2ff6b1841303c⋯.png (642.26 KB,746x485,746:485,Screenshot_2024_06_24_at_1….png)

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b9dde3 No.21080105

File: 236784581fed676⋯.jpeg (162.4 KB,828x794,414:397,IMG_3632.jpeg)

File: d63a074f8dcdd52⋯.png (2.13 MB,828x1237,828:1237,IMG_3620.png)

NASA Pic of the day

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06dc0f No.21080106

File: 4aed96b43ef9151⋯.png (49.79 KB,150x150,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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388c4a No.21080107


Flynn setting up AJ and Trump.

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97ab55 No.21080108


so biden admin to claim credit

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f9d37e No.21080109

File: ef463d2af975a9f⋯.jpg (28.43 KB,450x312,75:52,stonehenge_bringing_stone_….jpg)

File: 30f1ea7450f4ad9⋯.jpg (248.71 KB,1200x807,400:269,stonehenge_1_by_Constable_….jpg)

File: f1587af1340f483⋯.jpg (97.78 KB,640x626,320:313,stonehenge_3_being_rebuilt….jpg)

File: 5be14ecac823e6e⋯.jpg (50.41 KB,635x349,635:349,stonehenge_2_1877_photo_of….jpg)

>>21078725, >>21078762 pb

>Uri Geller: Aliens built the Jerusalem Temple, may help Israel during war

Also says Stonehenge was built by aliens

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2e6590 No.21080110


There you have it. The United States is a "Dominion of the Commonwealth" again. Biden is its governor and you have no Constitution.

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fe15be No.21080111

File: ba01c58e64be117⋯.png (128.41 KB,325x561,325:561,ClipboardImage.png)

File: da6c604ee9774f8⋯.png (585.07 KB,1308x790,654:395,1903cap.png)




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02a5f0 No.21080112

>Americans don't use the phrase "Hur, Dur."

Brain damaged people do tho.

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5f277a No.21080113

File: da88ad080ff469b⋯.jpg (579.8 KB,963x2142,107:238,julian_being_arrested_in_L….jpg)

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60454d No.21080114

File: 2e128828c679855⋯.webp (337.11 KB,1500x1500,1:1,IMG_1706.webp)


He knew he was going to die

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3af65e No.21080115

File: bbc1d9718ea5cc4⋯.png (222.32 KB,540x389,540:389,bbc1d9718ea5cc4d85872059ba….png)

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c0323d No.21080116


seconds between


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f8e9cb No.21080117


I reject the false premise "because they present themselves as the know all & be all of everything you want to know". They don't. Everyone has an opinion. A good researcher is skeptical of everything and everyone. If you trust anyone with "everything you want to know" then you are not very bright.

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1cea16 No.21080118

File: 69c85e15884b6ca⋯.png (269.37 KB,450x450,1:1,17756C40_1C03_47C2_BA6C_14….png)



Gettin’ way desperate

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f555e6 No.21080119

File: dce19cfc4b81880⋯.png (21.58 KB,1046x162,523:81,ClipboardImage.png)



WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has agreed to plead guilty to a felony charge related to his alleged role in one of the largest US government breaches of classified material, as part of a deal with the Justice Department that will allow him to avoid imprisonment in the United States, according to newly filed federal court documents.

Under the terms of the new agreement, Justice Department prosecutors will seek a 62-month sentence – which is equal to the amount of time Assange has served in a high-security prison in London while he fought extradition to the US. The plea deal would credit that time served, allowing Assange to immediately return to Australia, his native country.

The plea deal must still be approved by a federal judge.

Assange had faced 18 counts from a 2019 indictment for his alleged role in the breach that carried a max of up to 175 years in prison, though he was unlikely to be sentenced to that time in full.

Assange was being pursued by US authorities for publishing confidential military records supplied by former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning in 2010 and 2011.

US officials alleged that Assange goaded Manning into obtaining thousands of pages of unfiltered US diplomatic cables that potentially endangered confidential sources, Iraq war-related significant activity reports and information related to Guantanamo Bay detainees.

President Joe Biden in recent months has alluded to a possible deal pushed by Australian government officials to return Assange to Australia.

FBI and Justice Department officials have opposed any deal that didn’t include a felony guilty plea by Assange, people briefed on the matter told CNN.


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3169b9 No.21080120


>Saul Alinsky Tactic 306 - Accuse others of being what you are yourself

Alinsky never wrote that in Rules for Radicals.

>I stand divided

No shit

Where is your outrage at the bad deeds done by non Jews?

When you accuse anon of projecting, you're in facr projecting your own projection, a projectionception where you're doing exactly what you're accusing "the jews" of doing, i.e. blanket condemnation of an entire people you have never met, based on group affiliation.

You're the one projecting.

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9aade1 No.21080121



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b720a5 No.21080122

File: d0fe0b1d8851d98⋯.png (309.08 KB,612x396,17:11,d0fe0b1d8851d98fe7c126bbce….png)

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f10098 No.21080123

File: de44129f3676d48⋯.png (912.51 KB,642x660,107:110,ClipboardImage.png)

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9aade1 No.21080124


Everyone is coming back HOME. Final Battle.

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1a786e No.21080125

File: 2218f75676a3e6a⋯.jpg (18.92 KB,550x274,275:137,DIHL.JPG)

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1f0937 No.21080126


>Sweaty pie requests

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c6bf79 No.21080127


You lack discernment.

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3169b9 No.21080128

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358091 No.21080129

File: 78818d431c7840a⋯.png (62.63 KB,920x848,115:106,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca36c67065e399c⋯.png (85.8 KB,421x844,421:844,ClipboardImage.png)

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d59afa No.21080130


@ 0:07 listen closely.

AJ says "we're gonna live".

As if he knows some are not going to live?

AJ seems scared and rattled.

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cd323f No.21080131


FUCK YEAH !!!I hope he has another cache of emails tucked away

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c41017 No.21080132

What's with the dragon on the Empire State Building?

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02a5f0 No.21080133


Jew is a race & religion

Joo is a squealing pig-like noise made by subversive, pretend-hatemongers who never solutions to offer and offer no evidence of a problem.

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dcbce1 No.21080134

File: 2bd5e6a5833ee9d⋯.png (370.63 KB,463x631,463:631,2024_06_24_19_26_56_Truth_….png)

File: b4dcc9999b321cc⋯.png (19.9 KB,444x233,444:233,ClipboardImage.png)

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943c68 No.21080135

File: f32fd03706f5211⋯.png (158.89 KB,391x382,391:382,f32fd03706f5211428d8dd8bea….png)

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f2ee5e No.21080136

File: a1d18f832811481⋯.png (1.63 MB,1566x1833,522:611,ClipboardImage.png)

Holocaust claim against Hungary heads to top US court

The nation’s highest court has agreed to intervene in a case over property confiscated from Jews during World War II


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f555e6 No.21080137

File: 1730735cb6d63ec⋯.png (910.97 KB,968x645,968:645,Screenshot_2024_06_24_at_1….png)



Julian Assange set to be released after reaching plea deal with US government

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange plans to plead guilty as part of a plea deal with the US Justice Department that which could see him walk free after five years in a British prison.

Assange was charged with conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense information, new court documents show.

The charges against him in the US stem from one of the largest publications of classified information in American history, which took place during the first term of Barack Obama’s presidency.


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d35a86 No.21080138

File: f77ddacfa636de2⋯.png (61.98 KB,519x1107,173:369,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d25f5d3a83fe12⋯.png (36.99 KB,539x478,539:478,ClipboardImage.png)

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9aade1 No.21080139

File: 4e49018d71bb63c⋯.png (1008.76 KB,1200x865,240:173,worth_remembering.png)


Wait until tonight. "Watch what happens."

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90d42a No.21080140

File: 4b44405a0e3b3e5⋯.png (382.38 KB,526x610,263:305,Screenshot_2024_06_24_at_1….png)

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11e4b8 No.21080141

Mil / Misc decodes:

>>21079515 @USNavy: Photos of the Day

>>21079559, >>21079601 @USNavy: Welcome Aboard

>>21079560 @CoastGuardCAN: #StanleyCup Final. Game 7. It all comes down to this!

>>21079580 @HQ_AFMC: @usairforce in action!

>>21079581, >>21079664 il Donaldo Trumpo: I KNEW SHE WAS VOTING FOR ME!!!

>>21079587 @HQ_AFMC: #reoptimization

>>21079596 DJT: Don Purdy and Janice Fields are running for the RNC National Committee

>>21079631, >>21079694, >>21079729, >>21079798 DJT: Ronny Jackson

>>21079673 @USNationalGuard: NC Guard Unit Tests NextGen Squad Weapons

>>21079691 @surflant: Always Mission Ready

>>21079706 @DeptofDefense: .@USArmy Pfc. Emory Bennett volunteered to hold off the enemy so his company could retreat in Korea

>>21079712, >>21079731, >>21079729, >>21079798 DJT Truths letter from Congressman Ronny Jackson demanding Biden take a drug test

>>21079727, >>21079769, >>21079781 @SurfaceWarriors: USS Germantown Conducts Joint Live-Fire Exercise with 15th MEU

>>21079820 DJT: John McGuire Wins!

>>21079898 DJT: "Screams before Silence"

>>21079973 il Donaldo Trumpo: READY TO DEBATE!!!

>>21080027 il Donaldo Trumpo: YOUNG AND READY TO ROCK!!!

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824cde No.21080142

In a world full of wokeness every unlawful transgression is a crime of passion.

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1a786e No.21080143


Welp, there's that yuge June ETA.

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11e4b8 No.21080144

==NOTES @ 700=


>>21079417, >>21079682, >>21079981, >>21080039 Reports that Russia has downed an American surveillance drone over Black Sea near Crimea

>>21079429, >>21079805 Alex Jones Responds To Reports of Infowars Imminent Closure

>>21079447 Invention Secrecy Act

>>21079479 WEF: 2023 Food Pyramid

>>21079509, >>21079668 CNN Could Be Forced To Pay $1 Billion From Defamation Suit

>>21079521 Jennifer Garner bangs drums draped in a Palestinian keffiyeh

>>21079542 @NavalInstitute: USS Theodore Roosevelt in South Korea Ahead of Transit to Middle East, North Korea Condemns Visit

>>21079697, >>21079707 PF: RCAF CFC1 Challenger 600 Trudope departed Trois Riviers Airport to Vancouver Intl

>>21079712 DJT Truths letter from Congressman Ronny Jackson demanding Biden take a drug test

>>21079726, >>21079793 Bowman and AoC have been going viral after this image exposing the true size of their New York rally leaked

>>21079740 The US Supreme Court to extend Donald Trump’s Presidential immunity case into July

>>21079765 Biden DOJ Official Lied Under Oath About Previous Arrest For Stabbing Her Then-Husband

>>21079772 @GenFlynn: And we don’t want them to know what is being planned 😎

>>21079796 These are the "asylum seekers" Biden is allowing to pour into our country

>>21079800 Emergency officials are on high alert as a Minnesota dam is in imminent danger of critical failure

>>21079802 Hedge Funds Cut Mexican Peso Bets in One of the Biggest Retreats on Record

>>21079814 Five U.S. states are now sueing Pfizer for lying about the safety and efficacy of Covid vaccines

>>21079821 From FLA courthouse: Gag order hearing just ended - will have details shortly

>>21079833, >>21079860 Attorney General Andrew Bailey: Missouri has a huge problem with New York right now

>>21079838 Karoline Leavitt: But don't you dare repeat their own words… or they will cut off your microphone!

>>21079842 Jack Smith is seeking to impose a gag order on Trump in the “documents” case in South Florida

>>21079862, >>21079905 California Reveals All Job Gains In 2023 Were Fake

>>21079882 Donald Trump to visit New Orleans on Monday to raise cash for his presidential campaign

>>21079911, >>21079941, >>21080025 Biden’s radical judicial nominee just got busted lying under oath, Sen. Kennedy brought damning receipts

>>21079969, >>21080053, >>21080028, >>21080100 Julian Assange to plead guilty for plea deal with the U.S. DoJ / Qproof June ETA

>>21079961, >>21080111 DJT Truths the Babylon Bee Biden Debate Joke

>>21080141 Mil / Misc decodes

>>21079484, >>21079490, >>21079492, >>21079653, >>21079728, >>21079771, >>21079880 Memes


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f555e6 No.21080145

File: 02db2344b85cea1⋯.jpeg (134.3 KB,828x459,92:51,02db2344b85cea1334a3e7cf5….jpeg)

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f6392d No.21080146

File: 9734e63d667255e⋯.png (20.18 KB,474x309,158:103,ClipboardImage.png)


Saul Alinsky Tactic 714 - Use a Beloved Figure to Inject your Poison and To Steal "credibility" by Association

Israeli Shill FingerPrint - Likes to Use Finger Pointing at You images.

or Pointing a Gun at you.

Inherently vicious.

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c6bf79 No.21080147

File: 08907fea23c103f⋯.jpg (19.94 KB,364x298,182:149,pepe_hands.jpg)


He's a fraud & a spook, whatcha expect…

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5f277a No.21080148

anon tactic 17

filter copiously the BS

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13bce8 No.21080149

File: b869c347187fb54⋯.jpeg (34.37 KB,183x276,61:92,IMG_2326.jpeg)

File: 7d8a46a6855f3ca⋯.jpeg (1.68 MB,1170x1607,1170:1607,IMG_6628.jpeg)

File: a6ee8c9e1730ad3⋯.jpeg (758.42 KB,1576x2100,394:525,IMG_6907.jpeg)

File: 439fdb787e071fd⋯.jpeg (877.73 KB,1576x2100,394:525,IMG_6908.jpeg)

File: 79aaf5486a52038⋯.jpeg (3.01 MB,2043x3526,2043:3526,IMG_6849.jpeg)


Are you listening NOW?

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1a786e No.21080150


One of the biggest Q proofs to date.

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f8e9cb No.21080151

File: 0ad80e97612e99f⋯.png (861.65 KB,1484x970,742:485,kek.png)

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f4e3a2 No.21080152

File: 0eeafecac30da91⋯.gif (2.29 MB,695x392,695:392,0eeafecac30da91f798d897813….gif)

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542013 No.21080153


Trump is also being hit but mostly baron.

Talking about the Trump coin which lead me to

a man that claims he has "proof" it was made by baron and him.

But.. there's a catch. Trump called him a lil spoiled brat or something and then the guy endorsed trump. Well he's connected to big pharma. He founded a company..not sure how, but he got ahold of a special "AID's" drug. course you know fousi or watever his name is had used it. But I also ran into many ppl especially the UNITED STATES CORPORATION AGENCY who is ran by a Chinese name. So many 1 ppl having so many board positions and running their own pharma company.

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4cb5a8 No.21080154

File: 6ac8ebda168745f⋯.jpeg (202.86 KB,952x873,952:873,1FB7E848_1E85_4D07_84B6_2….jpeg)


Img for next bread if you want it

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f9d37e No.21080155

File: a8ae9f77b3ffec6⋯.png (154.06 KB,400x400,1:1,larry_david_SNL_predators_….png)

>>21078383 pb

>Jewish voters overwhelmingly prefer Biden as US Democratic nominee, poll finds

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f2ee5e No.21080156


I didn't see any anons nominating those memes that made the Notables cut.

What's up with that?

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06dc0f No.21080157

File: 145dbb2a764ec8c⋯.png (563.35 KB,860x430,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 09ef4cf1e381ac1⋯.png (432.38 KB,458x525,458:525,ClipboardImage.png)


seems rather inorganic.

something smells of distraction.

maybe the election campaign is not going well and they need to shift the narrative.

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11e4b8 No.21080158



>>21079417, >>21079682, >>21079981, >>21080039 Reports that Russia has downed an American surveillance drone over Black Sea near Crimea

>>21079429, >>21079805 Alex Jones Responds To Reports of Infowars Imminent Closure

>>21079447 Invention Secrecy Act

>>21079479 WEF: 2023 Food Pyramid

>>21079509, >>21079668 CNN Could Be Forced To Pay $1 Billion From Defamation Suit

>>21079521 Jennifer Garner bangs drums draped in a Palestinian keffiyeh

>>21079542 @NavalInstitute: USS Theodore Roosevelt in South Korea Ahead of Transit to Middle East, North Korea Condemns Visit

>>21079697, >>21079707 PF: RCAF CFC1 Challenger 600 Trudope departed Trois Riviers Airport to Vancouver Intl

>>21079712 DJT Truths letter from Congressman Ronny Jackson demanding Biden take a drug test

>>21079726, >>21079793 Bowman and AoC have been going viral after this image exposing the true size of their New York rally leaked

>>21079740 The US Supreme Court to extend Donald Trump’s Presidential immunity case into July

>>21079765 Biden DOJ Official Lied Under Oath About Previous Arrest For Stabbing Her Then-Husband

>>21079772 @GenFlynn: And we don’t want them to know what is being planned 😎

>>21079796 These are the "asylum seekers" Biden is allowing to pour into our country

>>21079800 Emergency officials are on high alert as a Minnesota dam is in imminent danger of critical failure

>>21079802 Hedge Funds Cut Mexican Peso Bets in One of the Biggest Retreats on Record

>>21079814 Five U.S. states are now sueing Pfizer for lying about the safety and efficacy of Covid vaccines

>>21079821 From FLA courthouse: Gag order hearing just ended - will have details shortly

>>21079833, >>21079860 Attorney General Andrew Bailey: Missouri has a huge problem with New York right now

>>21079838 Karoline Leavitt: But don't you dare repeat their own words… or they will cut off your microphone!

>>21079842 Jack Smith is seeking to impose a gag order on Trump in the “documents” case in South Florida

>>21079862, >>21079905 California Reveals All Job Gains In 2023 Were Fake

>>21079882 Donald Trump to visit New Orleans on Monday to raise cash for his presidential campaign

>>21079911, >>21079941, >>21080025 Biden’s radical judicial nominee just got busted lying under oath, Sen. Kennedy brought damning receipts

>>21079969, >>21080053, >>21080028, >>21080100 Julian Assange to plead guilty for plea deal with the U.S. DoJ / Qproof June ETA

>>21080111 DJT Truths the Babylon Bee Biden Debate Joke

>>21080141 Mil / Misc. decodes

>>21079484, >>21079490, >>21079492, >>21079653, >>21079728, >>21079771, >>21079880 Memes


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1cea16 No.21080159

File: 9fde31a9141f503⋯.png (545.16 KB,1200x630,40:21,91FFBD06_F394_4C7D_B45D_D5….png)

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358091 No.21080160

File: 2b1667f72725468⋯.jpg (15.31 KB,255x224,255:224,assange2.jpg)

Thank you Q

What a great proof about JA in June.

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388c4a No.21080162

File: 175e3e77a6e9931⋯.png (365.04 KB,529x628,529:628,ClipboardImage.png)


Cry harder.

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f6392d No.21080163

File: 2791601b1c7a93e⋯.png (7.08 KB,200x200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


You just described yourself.

Kekkkity Kek

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3169b9 No.21080164


Majority of NY jewish voters voting Trump


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807546 No.21080166

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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60454d No.21080169


Wait until the pope dies/lands in the hospital in August

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5f277a No.21080170

File: 3eeb1475672d2d0⋯.jpg (261.04 KB,321x1123,321:1123,Julian_being_arrested_in_L….jpg)

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1f854d No.21080172

File: c3cc7aeae0ae3bc⋯.jpg (3.97 KB,255x212,255:212,trump_halloween_point.jpg)

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3169b9 No.21080173

File: 0275116231eb5a2⋯.jpeg (74.14 KB,500x533,500:533,download.jpeg)


Shill cringier.

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13bce8 No.21080174


Well then I guess the Q movement shouldn’t have posted all these posts with links!


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1920ad No.21080176

*broken sheesh*

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9aade1 No.21080177


Q+ Jun 14, 2024, 06:34 PM > Join me LIVE

Q: 0634 > :Heart attacks can be deadly.

Q+ (RT) Jun 16, 2024, 10:06 AM > Sloppy


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2e6590 No.21080178


Epstein took his money with him.

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f2ee5e No.21080179


Tunnel voting will be YUGE this year.

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06dc0f No.21080180

File: 8dcec3eafd92c40⋯.png (386.32 KB,557x420,557:420,ClipboardImage.png)


that same meeting is where patrick byrne is hanging around in the background.

it was before he attached himself to general flynn and sidney powell,

clown move.

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388c4a No.21080181

File: e021de4627b5acd⋯.png (265.68 KB,789x573,263:191,ClipboardImage.png)

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3af65e No.21080182


>Likes to Use Finger Pointing at You images

Done for still publicity shots and live during performances by generally the Lead Guitar of 1980s bands

You fail

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908cc5 No.21080183

File: 006da47e2949f7f⋯.jpeg (249.56 KB,2048x1389,2048:1389,HeIM9gBjiY1d.jpeg)


>something smells of distraction.

Nah, not distraction. Something else. Can't quite put my finger on it.

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8275ea No.21080184

Heard it here first, folks.

Biden debate not happening. They’re not achieving cognitive results required to “pass” him for debate.

Camp David has received multiple cognitive therapists labeled as “medical staff” on visitor logs.

We’re getting ready to be asked to leave. Huge announcement is coming what looks to be tonight or in the morning.

Apparently, he is currently unable to distinguish himself as President from Trump. It’s bad.

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9aade1 No.21080185


It's Biblical… MORON. YOU'RE FIRED!

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f9d37e No.21080186

File: 47f394a382db08b⋯.jpg (83.39 KB,712x678,356:339,uk_good_behavior_zone_lois….jpg)


>that was strange AF

It was jones trying reverse psychology.

jones & flynn are both shills.

jones was trying to imply there was animosity

he's crazy, so his shilling doesn't even work right

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3169b9 No.21080188



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b720a5 No.21080189

File: b19cce486f9da27⋯.jpg (6.34 KB,250x250,1:1,b19cce486f9da27e5f49894d90….jpg)

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11e4b8 No.21080190

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f8e9cb No.21080191


reads like pseudo-sactimonious holier than thou narcissism. Puts the "Not my Concern" into perspective.

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02a5f0 No.21080192

File: 11c6fedc0c1c730⋯.jpg (10.83 KB,255x175,51:35,e5b5aba292ce7163f52bfba9ec….jpg)


>Saul Alinsky Tactic 714

You do realize ALinskey did number any "tactics".

He was an utter cunt for all to see, so why don't you just quote him instead of making shit up.

It shows a certain state of mind when you can't take the most odious member of a population from base facts and feel the need to add lies to what is quite reprehensible on its own.

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13bce8 No.21080193

File: 490aaa530c6a84c⋯.gif (322.47 KB,425x550,17:22,IMG_0244.gif)


Back To The Future

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5f277a No.21080194


what if he does one of those Vulcan mind melds like he did with Francis?

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f2ee5e No.21080195


that sign is why we can't have nice things. Liberals.

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9aade1 No.21080196


Difference? CLEAN HOUSE.

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343eaa No.21080197

File: b19cce486f9da27⋯.jpg (6.34 KB,250x250,1:1,b19cce486f9da27e5f49894d90….jpg)

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1a786e No.21080199


Keep an eye out for it to go viral on X-Twitter.

Big test to see if SM Q has free reign to blast it.

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1cea16 No.21080200


Say hold the line next


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f9d37e No.21080202

File: 976c7e5ed004247⋯.gif (1.21 MB,480x287,480:287,trump_wrong.gif)


>Biden debate not happening

buy puts on your opinions

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