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67bfb9 No.21068555 [Last50 Posts]

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67bfb9 No.21068558

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67bfb9 No.21068561


#25830 >>21067665

>>21067957 LIVE: President Trump Holds a MAGA Rally in Philadelphia - 6/22/24 (to speak @ ~7:30PM EST)

>>21068483 DJT says 'star' again

>>21067738 Philly is turning out for Trump!

>>21068233, >>21068377 President of the People

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21067722 Why is LGBTQ Dems of Maryland leader Michael Knaapen suggesting a 14-year-old lie about his age?

>>21067806 Photo emerges of Lincoln Project co-founder Rick Wilson and LGBTQ Dems of Maryland leader Michael Knaapen

>>21067724, >>21068038 PF

>>21067764, >>21067800 Kuwait has just ordered all its citizens to leave Lebanon immediately

>>21067811 Israel Tries to Assassinate Top Hamas Commander in Gaza; Palestinians Report Over 40 Dead

>>21067838 'Limited DoD Trackin': Review of DoD Funds Provided to the People’s Republic of China for Gain of Function

>>21067854 Michigan lawmakers advance bill banning ‘gay panic’ defense

>>21067856 There are concentration camps being built right under your nose in all 50 states

>>21067896, >>21067907 Andrew Cuomo out of no where, left field

>>21067992 State of Things: AoC Part 2

>>21068058 AoC with a Hitler-stache speaking German makes a lot of sense actually

>>21068420 AOC and Jaamal Bowman exhibit bizarre behavior as Bowman campaigns for reelection in the Bronx

>>21068101 ‘Keep Religion Out Of Our Schools,’ Says Teacher With BLM, Pride Flags In Classroom

>>21068215 Japan’s Emperor to be welcomed by King Charles ‘like family’ in first state visit since cancer diagnosis

>>21068225 Nuclear efficiency

>>21068235 Aerial video shows flooding in Rock Valley, Iowa - hundreds told to evacuate

>>21067707, >>21067730, >>21068220 Memes

>>21068545 #25830

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67bfb9 No.21068563

#25829 >>21066687

>>21067097 LIVE: President Trump Holds a MAGA Rally in Philadelphia - 6/22/24 (to speak @ ~7:30PM EST)

>>21067396 The turnout for Trump here in Philly is absolutely MASSIVE!

>>21067425, >>21067519, >>21067545 PF: 45 in N757AF 757 heading to Philadelphia Intl for Rally at Temple University

>>21067595 DJT Speaking live from TrumpForce1

>>21066699 President Trump Keynotes the Faith and Freedom Coalition's "Road to Majority" - 6/22/24

>>21066749, >>21066780 Incredible crowd for President @realDonaldTrump at the Faith & Freedom Coalition Conference!

>>21066853 Biden economy vs Trump economy

>>21067091 This was Trump's 9th appearance at the Faith and Freedom Coalition

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21066735 136 days until he’s 47

>>21066789 2Pac’s Accused Killer Keefe D Secures $750,000 Bond, Hearing Set For For Possible Release

>>21066814 Inside Joe Biden's secret debate rehearsals ahead of next week's showdown with Donald Trump

>>21066905 Small plane crashes near Turks and Caicos, authorities say, two people were aboard

>>21067084, >>21067278 PF: Coast Guard searching for missing plane near Turks and Caicos

>>21067216 Boatfag: No vessels transmitting AIS positions anywhere near there

>>21066914 Texas Lt. Governor Vows to Pass Bill Requiring Ten Commandments in Public Schools

>>21066928 "Keep Religion out of school" they said

>>21066939 Three randomly slashed in Queens subway station

>>21066975 The US is asking Israelis applying for a green card whether they committed war crimes while serving in the IDF

>>21067033, >>21066953, >>21067101 USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Now in the Med, USS Theodore Roosevelt Heads to the Middle East

>>21067002 PF: Argentina AF ARG-01 777 Milei Hamburg to Berlin

>>21067059 Hezbollah broadcasted live footage from a drone over a military airfield in Haifa protected by the Iron Dome

>>21067092 Kash Patel: Paul Ryan Should Have Been Interrogated Under Oath During RussiaGate

>>21067096 Two Rabbis caught in a kidnap and torture plot

>>21067133 PF: What's with the balloons?

>>21067160 British Court Reveals Paul Ryan Was First One to Receive a Copy of Steele Dossier in 2016, Hid This For Years

>>21067171 A Shocking 1 Million Illegal Aliens Admitted into US By Biden Regime Under CBP One App and CHNV Parole Program

>>21067176 PF: RCH145 C17 departed Port Au Prince after ground stop-inbound from Charleston and back to that

>>21067189 NYC teacher group behind anti-Israel walkouts gets thousands in George Soros funding

>>21067202, >>21067231 Leader Of Maryland LGBTQ+ Dems Caught In Alleged Pedo Sting, Trying To Meet With Young Boy

>>21067220 Belarusian President Lukashenko: Everyone is equal before the law - Jews, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Russians and Poles

>>21067228 Orban: White Christians being replaced in Europe

>>21067273 Manhattan DA, Alvin Bragg, drops charges against most of the Columbia University protesters

>>21067342 Missouri AG says he'll sue New York over Trump hush money case

>>21067352 Wife of Google Whistleblower Killed In Car Crash

>>21067358 Huge Rare Earths Discovery is Gamechanger in Americas Trade War with China

>>21067365 Virgin Atlantic Boeing Jet’s Windshield ‘Cracked At An Altitude of 40,000 Feet’ During flight From Heathrow To San Fran

>>21067369, >>21067415 Pfizer CEO Admits Covid Was Just a ‘Rehearsal’, Lowkey Calls Humans Cancer

>>21067372 Israel's Defense Minister Gallant to fly to Washington to meet with Biden

>>21067387 Teenager Rachel Holt’s Pro-Life Anthem Rockets into Top 10 on iTunes Country Charts

>>21067406 China Sanctions Lockheed Martin, For Selling Weapons To Taiwan

>>21067421 DoD Won’t Release Report on Funding of Chinese Research Labs – Blames ‘Limitations in the DoD Tracking Systems’

>>21067469 U.S., Norwegian commands team up to test a quantum-communications prototype

>>21067489 Sinaloa Cartel laundered $50M through Chinese network in Los Angeles, prosecutors say

>>21067523 State of Things: AoC

>>21067585 30 Tons of Fentanyl Has Crossed U.S. Border Under Joe Biden's Presidency

>>21067633 Mil / misc decodes

>>21066816 Decodes from lb

>>21066738, >>21066857, >>21066936, >>21066970, >>21066982 Memes

>>21067636 #25829

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67bfb9 No.21068564

#25828 >>21065708

>>21066055 LIVE: President Trump Keynotes the Faith and Freedom Coalition's "Road to Majority" - 6/22/24

>>21066496 POTUS takes stage 1:47, speaks at 1:50

>>21066507 "These people are sick" -DJT

>>21066604 "I have wounds all over me, I've taken a lot of wounds" -DJT

>>21065713 Today: President Trump will speak in Washington, DC, and then hold a major MAGA rally in Philadelphia

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21065723 Russian submarine saga continues

>>21065753, >>21066403 PF: Italian AF IAM9001 A319 PM Meloni on ground at Brescia from Rome depart

>>21065767, >>21066304 PF: 45 in N757AF 757 departed Palm Beach Intl to DC-Dulles or Reagan National

>>21065772 Lancet Study On COVID Autopsies Finds 74% Were Caused By Vaccine - Study Removed Within 24 Hours

>>21065781, >>21065789 Update on Trump's gag order

>>21065797 Why is Kamala Harris hosting pedophile Michael Knaapen at her house?

>>21065813 German AF GAF304 C130J Super Hercules and Italian AF IAM4670 Alenia Spartan departed Rzeszow Airport after stop and drops

>>21065814 Good: Investigations And Recounts Inevitable In Virginia's 5th District

>>21065831 Dan Bilzerian: Activated

>>21065859 Rep Wesley Hunt to Accused Illegal Immigrant Killers: Rot In Hell

>>21065865, >>21065991 Alan Dershowitz Urges Ordinary Americans to File Lawsuits Against New York for Election Interference

>>21065876 Jesse Watters: Biden Can't Afford To Lose One More Voter

>>21065893 Jesse Watters: The media is fact-checking Trump's jokes now

>>21065966 Stephen Baldwin: 'comeback kid'

>>21065967 Raymond Arroyo: Biden can barely lift his feet

>>21066048 Lefties Losing it: Sky News host reacts to Jack Black’s ‘cringey’ Joe Biden speech

>>21066064, >>21066069 Roseanne Barr recent interviews

>>21066116 26-storey building burns in Astana

>>21066118, >>21066147 Alex Rosen: We just busted the head of the LGBTQ Dems of Maryland going after a 14-year-old

>>21066146 NYPD top brass and large police presence outside of Randalls Island migrant shelter for disturbance

>>21066148 Retired army general's chilling warning over China's chokehold on US military: 'We need to prepare for war'

>>21066173 Vanderbilt University Medical Center Accused Of "Encouraging Transgender Lifestyle"

>>21066174 A new video has emerged of a Saudi intelligence operative surveying Washington DC in the run up to 9/11, referencing ‘the plan’

>>21066205, >>21066216, >>21066235, >>21066421 @US7thFleet: #OperationalReadiness

>>21066255 Kash Patel Drops Blockbuster: Paul Ryan's Chief of Staff Held Crucial Evidence Since 2016

>>21066288 Solomon On How The FBI Defense Briefings Could Expose President Biden's Foreign Business Dealings

>>21066325 PF: JASDF JF01 777s PM Kishida on ground at London-Stansted and JF02 on ground at RAF Brize Norton

>>21066345 Jeff Clark On The FBI And DOJ's Targeting Of President Trump

>>21066409 Judge Judy Calls Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s Case Against Trump Nonsense

>>21066472 No one can afford Pepe

>>21066473 Clark: U.S. Supreme Court Set To Decide Five Major Administrative State Legal Cases In Next Week

>>21066499, >>21066489 Trump endorses Pastor Mark Burns for South Carolina's 3rd Congressional District

>>21066517 Iran has smuggled two Airbus A340s out of Lithuania

>>21066544 PF: SAM168 C40B JCOS related inbound from Brussels depart and arrived from MacDill AFB (CENTCOM)

>>21066575 Russia's Dmitry Medvedev threatening Elon?

>>21065749, >>21065862, >>21065947, >>21066215, >>21066655 Memes

>>21066663 #25828

Previously Collected

>>21065686 #25827

>>21063083 #25824, >>21063860 #25825, >>21064829 #25826

>>21060701 #25821, >>21061519 #25822, >>21062315 #25823

>>21058054 #25818, >>21058801 #25819, >>21059666 #25820

>>21055504 #25815, >>21056394 #25816, >>21057805 #25817

>>21052756 #25812, >>21053514 #25813, >>21054574 #25814

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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67bfb9 No.21068568

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>can continue or defer

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0c4cef No.21068583

File: d47c74d22ed2e7d⋯.jpg (170.77 KB,516x1052,129:263,ytibiybiybiybiby.jpg)

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8e64ab No.21068586

File: cdeedee53e79cde⋯.mp4 (2.49 MB,480x496,30:31,ssstwitter_com_17190762209….mp4)

>I want a supervisor, How about I shoot you instead

She has no business being a police officer


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c24ccb No.21068596

File: c868f0051265828⋯.jpg (423.46 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1708816676107406.jpg)

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f9dc8a No.21068597

201 100 100% 100% 50/50

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732891 No.21068598

[Pb] >>21067854

>“gay panic” and “trans panic” defenses

What does that even mean?

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cc9daf No.21068599

File: 1b9f99717104ecc⋯.mp4 (1.85 MB,270x480,9:16,NO_TAX_ON_TIPS.mp4)

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0c5046 No.21068600

Vermin Love Supreme 2024 … only person to beat Jesus at basketball 80 ; 91

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16fa00 No.21068601

File: 9b77dc3954e49a4⋯.png (226.65 KB,500x300,5:3,9b77dc3954e49a40c4020486e4….png)

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32ceb2 No.21068602

File: 33dc768ace1f0b2⋯.jpg (67.06 KB,1200x719,1200:719,1577242921.jpg)

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bbd19e No.21068603




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8fb342 No.21068604

File: 797ee63f33cfe96⋯.png (1004.95 KB,959x828,959:828,797ee63f33cfe969488265f9c2….png)

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1f5b2d No.21068605

>>21068466 lb

…and when it's done you'll see the "evenin' nightshift 1 post wonder"

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0c5046 No.21068606

Vermin Love Supreme 2024 … only person to offer Fate enough rat blood to raise a rat zombie!

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7c2e39 No.21068607

File: 6fb224d11c21045⋯.jpeg (12.75 KB,250x254,125:127,e737da85dbe8b9c6c5b85b6cb….jpeg)

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08a055 No.21068608

File: 027b1019c09bab3⋯.jpeg (768.14 KB,1557x821,1557:821,IMG_5469.jpeg)

>>21068524 lb

> We want open borders… because Americans don’t vote for us anymore

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0c5046 No.21068609

Vermin Love Supreme … Gods' only redemption in the time war!

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f6c85c No.21068610


To Serve and Protect…

Sedition and Treason

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b42c62 No.21068611

File: 601e5929e64dd2e⋯.jpg (124.85 KB,900x1600,9:16,ECeeLxfXoAUVa2j.jpg)

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7c2e39 No.21068612


Fucking mimic.

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84d11f No.21068613

>>21068592 (lb)

We're just the calm in the storm.

We were already crazy, and those normie opinions aren't overly important. They're getting rug pulled while we get red pilled.

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c24ccb No.21068614

File: 313896d9c4d0bd9⋯.mp4 (7.49 MB,464x822,232:411,IMG_1956.MP4)

Trump Being the best Trump

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4f5c7b No.21068615

File: bb3bcef1cea843b⋯.webp (41.27 KB,480x720,2:3,nancy_pelosi_quote_wrap_u….webp)

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8aa151 No.21068616

crooked joe


sleepy joe

>why not both

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4b5f6f No.21068617

File: 231e87ff2e3e7ea⋯.png (179.04 KB,720x761,720:761,231e87ff2e3e7eaa6217e42282….png)

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8e64ab No.21068618

File: b1a1260c2218dca⋯.png (610.71 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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709b8b No.21068619



All the New Jobs Went to Migrants: Check Your Trash,Landscape and Spectrum Employees Edition

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0c5046 No.21068620

Vermin Love Supreme 2024 … only being to sing the alphabet better than Q but they were singing the same song right?

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ec5262 No.21068621


Hawk 'Eem Tuah Jefferies?

parallels to 0bama…


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bbd19e No.21068622

dude dana or dana dude?


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709b8b No.21068623

Rasmuson and the Czars…i remember no thank you

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1258f5 No.21068624

File: 7afb6e998168fc9⋯.png (72.65 KB,1271x411,1271:411,ClipboardImage.png)


>DJT says 'star' again

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1258f5 No.21068625

File: 7afb6e998168fc9⋯.png (72.65 KB,1271x411,1271:411,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21068483 lb

>DJT says 'star' again

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e5b79b No.21068626

File: dd87dfaaa75edf7⋯.jpg (141.1 KB,945x1267,135:181,dd87dfaaa75edf78f62871beb0….jpg)

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267d34 No.21068627

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a89e8d No.21068628

Nice and calm and let him try and speak!


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821a48 No.21068629

File: bf498e82b8b7613⋯.png (170.48 KB,700x426,350:213,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21067585 pb

True if big!**

That is a staggering amount of Fentanyl when viewed in terms of mow much it takes to kill a non-user.

Users have a higher tolerance but30 TONSis enough for daily users to last years.

WTF are they doing with all of it? Building stockpiles?

**Not that I trust many sources reporting this info.

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709b8b No.21068630


Rogan …HoeRogan

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32ceb2 No.21068631

They're probably implanting some bone-conducting hearing aid so they can speak right to him or some shit.

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0c5046 No.21068632


Mimic me let iit spread hints

- we love Vermin Supreme

- we use the seals for reals but only I got permission

- we sing jims big ego and if you can't tap dance Kirby Kercereiaceklaek Booty Do Math

NO ONE will BELIEVE US So get started the math song nameslut.

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0c4cef No.21068633

File: df0cbbfc5949771⋯.jpg (118.13 KB,542x652,271:326,sffssfs.jpg)



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c24ccb No.21068634

What kind of government did the ancients have?

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1f5b2d No.21068635

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a24614 No.21068636

>>21068449 LB

>@ 0:56 "We're gonna take on AIPAC"

It's a KOC-Faybe

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0c5046 No.21068637




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d908bd No.21068638

File: 3d4ddab4037cad2⋯.jpg (460.45 KB,1172x881,1172:881,1.jpg)

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0f6c11 No.21068639

File: 0815436b6ddb5d1⋯.jpg (1.15 MB,3000x1996,750:499,FxDGOcMWcAAQfCT.jpg)

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a89e8d No.21068640

PDJT: It’s genius what I’m doing up here!

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84d11f No.21068641


You guys bug my cars or something.

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709b8b No.21068642

mimic / imitation

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0c5046 No.21068643


Kings and conquest. Lines and liars.

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a89e8d No.21068644

107,000 people

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ed7873 No.21068645

File: d76d6c67fd7a3e4⋯.png (1.41 MB,735x1232,105:176,ClipboardImage.png)

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53dab4 No.21068646

File: 2e9b72450094c63⋯.png (298.5 KB,740x485,148:97,ClipboardImage.png)

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0c5046 No.21068647


that's the math!

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76bebf No.21068648

File: 079d966772ac60c⋯.png (63.89 KB,255x183,85:61,ClipboardImage.png)

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0c5046 No.21068649


all these bitches crawl

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bd2487 No.21068650

Trump can't look to hate his enemies because they are getting the death penalty.

Thus backing off Hilary.

D's are using the " he's coming for us out of revenge"

Trump needs to distance himself for optics.

My opinion

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709b8b No.21068651

Sinaloa Cartel laundered $50M through Chinese network in Los Angeles, prosecutors say

Story by Thao Nguyen, USA TODAY • 3d • 4 min read

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0c5046 No.21068652

favourites way to into be the best oracle;

- vaintiyly looking self in mirror the spirits said I'm pritty

- wine

- names that sound cool and something scarey about a number

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709b8b No.21068653


Moon Worshippers

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4680fd No.21068654


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44ad15 No.21068655

>>21067893 / lb

Why is ‘QAnon’ back in the news cycle in this manner?

What event is scheduled for next week?

Have you read Jack Smith's latest filing regarding the gag order?

The answers are right in front of you.

Paint the picture.

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5d6368 No.21068656

File: d330a268b7f90c5⋯.png (561 KB,1029x327,343:109,Double.png)

File: 715538e9285395f⋯.jpg (228.52 KB,736x1100,184:275,liberty2.jpg)



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0f6c11 No.21068657

File: 3f6ea2585a853df⋯.png (331.72 KB,616x502,308:251,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd377d6a35559ef⋯.png (237.99 KB,382x469,382:469,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 95721f6414b5336⋯.png (330.9 KB,625x469,625:469,ClipboardImage.png)




Jun 22, 2024 · 5:43 PM UTC


Patriots Are Now In Control.

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709b8b No.21068658


Digits…the numbers crunch

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f9dc8a No.21068659

File: aeeaad6306aabbb⋯.png (59.02 KB,770x724,385:362,201.png)

File: 25cfb331647bc18⋯.png (9.62 KB,570x118,285:59,Screenshot_244_.png)

File: 25cfb331647bc18⋯.png (9.62 KB,570x118,285:59,Screenshot_244_.png)

File: 013c9b13182c0e0⋯.png (42.78 KB,1267x586,1267:586,Screenshot_242_.png)




Looks like they deal with: SPACEX, Twitter, Playboy, smattering of others

Senior team:


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0c5046 No.21068660


baby eaters.

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a89e8d No.21068661

Bullshit! 🤣🤣🤣

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a6d7a1 No.21068662

File: 56eb04808270469⋯.png (337.32 KB,877x131,877:131,Screenshot_7354_.png)

File: 98d62538c74f9c1⋯.png (716.79 KB,569x429,569:429,capture_750_31122023_13000….png)

File: eafcc3b6a46b00d⋯.png (1.97 MB,694x988,347:494,capture_3143_09112023_2058….png)

File: dd9304b1bc06cb0⋯.png (4.47 MB,1469x1062,1469:1062,capture_2595_22022023_1919….png)

File: 54257505f4e2910⋯.png (1.35 MB,1004x469,1004:469,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_99….png)


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69ee84 No.21068663


>Paint the picture.

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76bebf No.21068664

File: 079d966772ac60c⋯.png (63.89 KB,255x183,85:61,ClipboardImage.png)

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53dab4 No.21068665

File: 9688580d528de0c⋯.jpg (1.26 MB,2584x1164,646:291,NancyMagicPelosiRnbwMgc.jpg)

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7c2e39 No.21068666


They need a bogeyman the media can blame for all the FFs they are planning.

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b1f033 No.21068667

File: 6a088b358338421⋯.jpg (167.5 KB,1874x1431,1874:1431,nyt603995acdbb8b20a47b794e….jpg)

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cde7e7 No.21068668

File: b9da1a1aef39f8b⋯.jpeg (817.84 KB,1125x1701,125:189,IMG_1358.jpeg)

NYC is not on the hates fat people list.


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0c5046 No.21068669

yeah when someone copies my dress I'm like I have an ID and chuck on earings its kinda cheap but so am I!

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709b8b No.21068670


dropping into our water systems

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95ab56 No.21068672


Drip drip FLOOD

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bbd19e No.21068673

demofart green scam - new African style clay baked oven to bake bread from the wheat you gather

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709b8b No.21068674


first non potable so it affects the homeless first…to disguise it and have a reaction with the altered street drugs

water comms

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f9dc8a No.21068675

File: 72a7732d20ad527⋯.png (285.68 KB,770x2918,385:1459,100_1_.png)

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968462 No.21068676

Watch the Water

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da4b24 No.21068677


I will take stocky Trump over Skinny Biden

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0c5046 No.21068678

let them crawl!!

the point is even if it sounds like me only listen if its right.

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95ab56 No.21068679


They’re in the washing machines

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da4b24 No.21068680


How would Joe describe his shower with his dogs or AshleY?

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5767ae No.21068681

File: a5a099f62c68229⋯.png (1.52 MB,1080x1079,1080:1079,undercoverfbiposingasviole….png)

>>21068542 lb

If true, why aren't you at /pol with your own kind?

Why come here to bother us? You belong elsewhere.

You know Q research rejects "Hate-Jew" philosophy and rhetoric!

And Trump loves Jews.

And anons love Trump

You make no sense.

I don't believe you.

If you really were sincere you wouldn't be here. The subject of this board is counter to your hatred. (if you are sincere, which I doubt.)

Unless Haters were recruited from the crusties. Anarchists who just like to fuck with people; people who hate everybody and everything?

Now that's possible.

But not a true hater any more than hater of anything else.

It's an obvious LARP.

Kinda makes sense when one sees how your type blows up and freaks out over 'Good Morning'

It 's mentally ill anarchism

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95ab56 No.21068682


They’re in the showers

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0c5046 No.21068683


even on a rainy day

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95ab56 No.21068684

They’re in the sinks

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bbd19e No.21068685


the water heaters

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4680fd No.21068686

File: e8da3d2699130bb⋯.png (178.9 KB,324x518,162:259,trpp.PNG)

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da4b24 No.21068687


April showers

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95ab56 No.21068688


Bird watchers.

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ec5262 No.21068689


May Flowers

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709b8b No.21068690

Rainbow people had a good idea with harm reduction plans with HIV/AIDS/Meth Community…they took it and replaced with Trannies and Coke

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8e64ab No.21068691

File: 63e30c54f711399⋯.png (280.54 KB,598x618,299:309,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4e07135757fc13b⋯.png (1.21 MB,947x2048,947:2048,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a064ef5a3f025c0⋯.png (880.82 KB,947x2048,947:2048,ClipboardImage.png)

Hey @stephen_richer

care to explain how this happened (16-602)?

751 voters recorded from Tabulator screen on OFFICIAL PBR were DISENFRANCHISED when tally tape & MC failed to count their votes in a voting center that Abe won 80/20



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0c5046 No.21068692

Wipping me into a storm shaking me down to a storm

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8e64ab No.21068693

Just hear me out anons



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0c5046 No.21068694

camomile is good for calming and clarification you can smoke it

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384666 No.21068695

This man believes TPTB may be creating iodine deficiency to weaken the masses.


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709b8b No.21068696

Landscaping People are now mostly Migrants

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da4b24 No.21068697

Joe took a shower with his dog and broke his ankle pulling the tail?

How does that happen?>

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ed7873 No.21068698

File: 21f73413418dc9c⋯.png (315.96 KB,666x500,333:250,ClipboardImage.png)

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bbd19e No.21068699

democrat accomplishments

bridges down

factories and farms of all types burnt down

open border fentanyl cocaine in the wh poof

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f9dc8a No.21068700

File: 25cfb331647bc18⋯.png (9.62 KB,570x118,285:59,Screenshot_244_.png)

File: 632db20ea0114c0⋯.png (16.82 KB,572x228,143:57,Screenshot_241_.png)

File: aeeaad6306aabbb⋯.png (59.02 KB,770x724,385:362,201.png)




Looks like they deal with: SPACEX, Twitter, Playboy, smattering of others

Senior team:


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0f6c11 No.21068701

File: 71e049d0fae2d6c⋯.png (223.48 KB,561x573,187:191,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0933e3809008c2e⋯.jpg (51.79 KB,590x443,590:443,MaltaJRoberts.jpg)

Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project


Jun 21

Last month, Malta’s ex-PM was arraigned on corruption charges related to a deal for US firm Steward Health Care to renovate and manage the island’s hospitals.

Leaked emails obtained by OCCRP shed light on Steward’s role:

Jun 21, 2024 · 5:46 PM UTC



All assets deployed.

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da4b24 No.21068702



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84d11f No.21068703


Bread count

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76bebf No.21068704

File: 079d966772ac60c⋯.png (63.89 KB,255x183,85:61,ClipboardImage.png)

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a89e8d No.21068705

File: f6079e309c24c67⋯.jpeg (658.13 KB,1293x1083,431:361,IMG_1894.jpeg)

Drill, baby drill!

PDJT and VPPence have same plan?

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32ceb2 No.21068706

File: 6a771cdda4bcb89⋯.png (305 KB,638x391,638:391,shills2.png)


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da4b24 No.21068707


I could use some landscaping for a good price.

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f9dc8a No.21068708


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0d63d9 No.21068709

File: d705e14fd941830⋯.png (199.25 KB,600x600,1:1,d705e14fd941830d33334a074f….png)

Fukken cameras making his hair green or what kek?

Also…Joe actually said "superpredators" too, or just Hillary? POTUS trying to say Joe <> Hillary? Especially with him switching up the Crooked nickname from Hilldawg to Creepy?

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bbd19e No.21068710

talking to the real Donald Trump

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1258f5 No.21068711

File: 68138261760063a⋯.png (2.96 KB,86x60,43:30,ClipboardImage.png)

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968462 No.21068712

"These people are Sick" –Qanon

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1f5b2d No.21068713


Over the years I've had a lot of discussions with them, but then I stopped. They are not my enemy, they are not the enemy.

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da4b24 No.21068714



What did he mean…by people don;’t know the real Trump?

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cc9daf No.21068715

File: 74f6b364d854945⋯.png (690.53 KB,641x641,1:1,300_Anons_to_30000.png)


>I will take stocky Trump over Skinny Biden


Agreed ;) but built Trump trumps all

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0c4cef No.21068716


Once a weak spine, always a weak spine

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f9dc8a No.21068717

File: 7c8108666dd6c80⋯.png (75.21 KB,770x718,385:359,80.png)


NOV 5th

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968462 No.21068718

The military is the only way was a reference to building the wall apparently

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57bbd1 No.21068719


prolly because fake news and their lies

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ec5262 No.21068720

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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76bebf No.21068721

File: 079d966772ac60c⋯.png (63.89 KB,255x183,85:61,ClipboardImage.png)

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da4b24 No.21068722


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b1f033 No.21068723

lotta bandaids hyped in my lifetime.

can't remember any hyped resolution of the cause for needing the bandaid.

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da4b24 No.21068724


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e6e995 No.21068725


POTUS has lost some weight. You're just used to looking at a skinny Tater

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709b8b No.21068726

File: 7af8cc9d476a55f⋯.png (311.85 KB,770x865,154:173,ClipboardImage.png)

No Taxes on Tip


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4874fe No.21068727

File: 7d1cdf139416078⋯.png (483.97 KB,1053x869,1053:869,6254g235254h2.PNG)

I thought everybody is dying because of the heat, whats with the numerous flooding stories.

New Mexico heavy rain and flash flooding prompt mandatory evacuations

The National Weather Service office announced a flash flood emergency on Friday night through early Saturday.


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da4b24 No.21068728


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da4b24 No.21068729


Since when does NM get money for a little ooding

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0c5046 No.21068730


a real nice guy eh?

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ec5262 No.21068731


quite wiley

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da4b24 No.21068732



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e0d3a9 No.21068733



(‘Brother Square-Toes’—Rewards and Fairies)

If you can keep your head when all about you

Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,

But make allowance for their doubting too;

If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,

Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,

Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,

And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;

If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;

If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster

And treat those two impostors just the same;

If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken

Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,

Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,

And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings

And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,

And lose, and start again at your beginnings

And never breathe a word about your loss;

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew

To serve your turn long after they are gone,

And so hold on when there is nothing in you

Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,

Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,

If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,

If all men count with you, but none too much;

If you can fill the unforgiving minute

With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,

Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,

And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!

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7c2e39 No.21068734



Well it's June, so there's that.

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709b8b No.21068735

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a89e8d No.21068736

File: 21491009b7f3294⋯.png (1.88 MB,898x3198,449:1599,2515_2.png)

File: 857d36aa8982129⋯.jpeg (970.91 KB,1496x1330,748:665,IMG_0048.jpeg)

File: a154108b51f4b6c⋯.jpeg (2.57 MB,1620x2120,81:106,IMG_0112.jpeg)

File: 516a3161a223c6d⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB,1620x1532,405:383,IMG_0199.jpeg)

File: c547c6b87b6e86e⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB,1620x2011,1620:2011,IMG_0347.jpeg)



Better check your self!

All for a LARP, right?

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0c5046 No.21068737

yeah yeah

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8e64ab No.21068739

File: dcb7de9c2b2e663⋯.png (473.06 KB,626x626,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


KUN 1st Battalion


Psyops - Cuz Physical Wounds Heal

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0c5046 No.21068740

… Rare

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1f5a2e No.21068741

File: fa73bcd9cf00351⋯.png (46.03 KB,333x47,333:47,Screenshot_7357_.png)



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709b8b No.21068742

When is an animal most deadly…when cornered

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f9dc8a No.21068743

File: 64dce4eb14764ba⋯.png (19.11 KB,580x258,290:129,Screenshot_245_.png)

File: ae076757d89d0c3⋯.png (74.17 KB,835x450,167:90,ClipboardImage.png)

Director George Akapov:



Rizvi Traverse Management


Jefferies & Company, Ernst & Young, Vendare Media


UCLA Anderson School of Management

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b42c62 No.21068744

File: b832b85ffda2ef6⋯.png (72.87 KB,255x160,51:32,b832b85ffda2ef6a0be8a56b4d….png)

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c24ccb No.21068745

File: 985d70b1f215323⋯.jpg (83.17 KB,750x500,3:2,NightShiftGhoul.jpg)

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da4b24 No.21068746

5 months is an eternity….is that a reference to something?

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a89e8d No.21068747

File: 30b045705bc3e68⋯.jpeg (743.95 KB,1249x1082,1249:1082,IMG_2367.jpeg)

File: bb140737f99e1b7⋯.jpeg (992.48 KB,2160x1491,720:497,IMG_2362.jpeg)

File: 252ba5d52b95e16⋯.jpeg (40.88 KB,225x225,1:1,IMG_2363.jpeg)

File: b869c347187fb54⋯.jpeg (34.37 KB,183x276,61:92,IMG_2326.jpeg)

File: 5d200d460647688⋯.png (57.63 KB,898x586,449:293,791_2.png)

Protect Trump tax cuts…

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76bebf No.21068748

File: 079d966772ac60c⋯.png (63.89 KB,255x183,85:61,ClipboardImage.png)

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0f6c11 No.21068749

File: 97c9f1ebae1fcbb⋯.png (306.47 KB,561x550,51:50,ClipboardImage.png)

The Jerusalem Post



📢 Pope Francis may visit Israel, the Palestinian Authority, and Jordan again! 🌍✈️ He discussed Israeli-Gulf business ties and hostages with Henrique Cymerman. 🇮🇱🤝

Jun 22, 2024 · 6:09 PM UTC


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0c5046 No.21068750


I appreciaeeeet yah for your acknowledgement want a reading?

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1f5b2d No.21068751

File: a53243a31ec6b6d⋯.png (Spoiler Image,203.6 KB,607x588,607:588,ClipboardImage.png)


>>21063981 PB Deleted

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968462 No.21068752

trump is like a hitler who doesn't call out the ***

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144960 No.21068753


No such animal

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1f5a2e No.21068754

File: 60e6e47199e207d⋯.png (439.3 KB,662x226,331:113,Screenshot_7358_.png)


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95ab56 No.21068755


Excuse you

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bbd19e No.21068756

Philly has the smartest people on earth.


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80ca8a No.21068757

How do you get people to watch a debate? Tell them your VP will be there.

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f9dc8a No.21068758


5 months to the election, and eternity will be decided by how we vote

this is biblical

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a89e8d No.21068759

File: 48148a303fc1984⋯.gif (3.7 KB,150x118,75:59,IMG_2293.gif)

File: 11c74b30b81f1c7⋯.png (1.36 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_2294.png)

File: 9deb34bc63e9781⋯.jpeg (1.99 MB,1292x2015,1292:2015,IMG_2298.jpeg)

File: b59e06f57ebbe16⋯.png (246.8 KB,453x696,151:232,IMG_2292.png)

File: 1433af4eb6b3b25⋯.jpeg (1.01 MB,1620x1860,27:31,IMG_2289.jpeg)

Now he’s going to talk about the flame of freedom!

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0c5046 No.21068760

>I fought the war but the war won't stop for the love of " " but the war _

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8aa151 No.21068761



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4b1252 No.21068762

File: 129852d6730138b⋯.png (3.61 KB,1148x528,287:132,you1.png)

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0f6c11 No.21068763

File: c77f219f789024e⋯.png (381.89 KB,839x1134,839:1134,ClipboardImage.png)

⚡☀️sLOVEnia 🇸🇮☀️⚡


Jun 15

TikTok star rabbi Hayim Cohen, who adopted 9 boys, has been charged with human trafficking and 11 counts of child sexual and physical abuse

Cohen was arrested for human trafficking at the Texas border with 8 children in a van

Listen the story of this pure rabbin

I will cry

Jun 15, 2024 · 7:38 PM UTC



ID: 76bebf

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0c5046 No.21068764

Monster Hospital.

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0c5046 No.21068765

I fought the war with my hands down .

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1a5b0a No.21068766


welcome to grouchy town cracker biscuits

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a89e8d No.21068767


Check the time stamp

Back To The Future

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968462 No.21068768

Qanon was a psyop to put the normie on chans

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da4b24 No.21068769


Would your rather have Trump or Biden to babysit your kids?

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818220 No.21068770


drugging the children they rape.

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32ceb2 No.21068771

File: 17bf074b536aa56⋯.png (462.08 KB,696x512,87:64,17bf074b536aa563ad632ba36a….png)

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0c5046 No.21068773

but the war won't


for the love of " "

But the war _

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bbd19e No.21068774



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ec5262 No.21068775


the flowers bloom in the May

but mature in June


the ripening is upon

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b394fb No.21068776


good find. can you post sauce to the truth tho?

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da4b24 No.21068777



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8f346f No.21068778

File: f7b4a9a9e7ae22c⋯.png (814.77 KB,834x886,417:443,7m346534.PNG)

California Democrats to spend millions on Black reparations programs in budget agreement

The budget agreement California Gov. Gavin Newsom and Democratic leaders announced Saturday sets aside $12 million to help the state implement a series of reparations-related bills lawmakers hope will pass this year. “That is a win,” Democratic Assemblywoman Lori Wilson, the chair of the Legislative Black Caucus, said in an interview.

The money would help support proposals endorsed by the caucus, including having the state apologize for inflicting harm on Black Californians and allowing slavery to occur in the state. Wilson said the group is currently supporting 15 bills, including two constitutional amendments, and lawmakers may add another one. They hope to pass the bills by the end of the legislative session on Aug. 31.

Pending bills include establishing the California American Freedmen Affairs Agency and having that new department investigate cases of possible racially-motivated eminent domain. They would also prevent the state from punishing prison inmates who refuse to work and help create a grant program to fund community efforts to decrease violence in neighborhoods and schools.


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84d11f No.21068779


I have arrived.

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4680fd No.21068780

McCormick = RINO

Casey is a dufus retard

Once again, no choice in PA.

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336b57 No.21068781


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bbd19e No.21068782

sleepy lets rapists murderers and gang lords in through the crooked border

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0f6c11 No.21068783


Your mom.

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da4b24 No.21068784




CA is a panic over the election too

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1258f5 No.21068785




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32ceb2 No.21068786

File: 583cd9ae744ab77⋯.webm (344.1 KB,427x240,427:240,ready4.webm)

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8e64ab No.21068787

File: 5e8c5fbe39798a0⋯.mp4 (3.47 MB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17191009946….mp4)

I'm checking in with Biden voters! #politics #conservatives #joebiden



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a6feab No.21068788

File: 689618ee5533cbf⋯.png (89 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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0c5046 No.21068789


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da4b24 No.21068790

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1f5a2e No.21068791

File: 6f6b0a137b4f911⋯.png (2.09 MB,696x1047,232:349,Screenshot_6173_.png)

File: 884e590afb17a5f⋯.png (5.42 MB,1789x1057,1789:1057,capture_242_28122023_15313….png)

File: c49e27037ee5a0e⋯.png (1.95 MB,692x982,346:491,capture_361_08062019_21221….png)

File: cc8508d7e6970bc⋯.png (1.98 MB,735x941,735:941,capture_362_08062019_21225….png)

File: 21c146c7dbe6de8⋯.gif (479.08 KB,424x640,53:80,20190608_221538_2.gif)


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968462 No.21068792

File: 3822a3cf98ef87f⋯.png (1.18 MB,978x826,489:413,allthesemurd.png)

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53dab4 No.21068793

File: 83335c778df04cf⋯.png (310.5 KB,1014x532,507:266,ClipboardImage.png)

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da4b24 No.21068794

He gave a good short speech

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46e9fd No.21068795

File: 170fd849d0be2ca⋯.png (103.79 KB,296x175,296:175,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9e7ef20a2219919⋯.png (653.06 KB,1236x1648,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


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709b8b No.21068796

File: 7b906b5e897776b⋯.png (482.7 KB,900x902,450:451,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 351d444b822595e⋯.png (247.8 KB,829x829,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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8e64ab No.21068797

File: 3f1a403039a84e8⋯.png (4.82 MB,2160x1786,1080:893,ClipboardImage.png)

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da4b24 No.21068798


80 M Biden voters found

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0c5046 No.21068799

pray for me I have contracts to hoop jump through to get my shit in my first names last names first name I don't even have a printer what goes driveing in my car can't do shit with it clucnkering thing boopedy boop fuck this I'd rather crawl.

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362022 No.21068800

File: 1e1d0e73297bef2⋯.jpg (44.99 KB,428x321,4:3,KnockKnock.JPG)

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bbad13 No.21068801

File: ec39ff19d13b43f⋯.jpeg (87.17 KB,1024x576,16:9,tendies.jpeg)

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77a04e No.21068802

Any anons watching our POTUS on RSBN? Is the video lagging behind the audio for you too? Drives me fucking nuts. Sync that shit up RSBN!!!

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0d63d9 No.21068803

McC sounds like a faggy whiny RINO. Why did Trump pass him over for Oz again??

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709b8b No.21068804

More Hat Comms/// Dusty

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1f5a2e No.21068805

File: 2ae399931de42fe⋯.png (2.27 MB,946x837,946:837,capture_1856_20012024_0312….png)

u mad aei

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da4b24 No.21068807

Trump has the rappers

Count the beats

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f9dc8a No.21068808

File: a7effa2007eda2d⋯.png (512.87 KB,1134x588,27:14,Screenshot_248_.png)


i dunno, maybe there is a good faction of the clowns, elon insinuated he likes the cia a few weeks ago, and i think snowden is helping to take down the cia even though is a clown,

the cival war is most likely in the abc agencies as they are the only ones who can destroy the bad in them

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383001 No.21068809


The Founders were suspicious of standing armies. Standing armies are the tool of tyrants.

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8e64ab No.21068811

File: ade7b631e6aa48b⋯.png (92.08 KB,207x244,207:244,ClipboardImage.png)

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1258f5 No.21068812

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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0c5046 No.21068813


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77a04e No.21068814


She looks good like that. Shame she's such a idiot.

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8e64ab No.21068815

File: 6b8eb8a02d97f04⋯.png (425.83 KB,609x604,609:604,ClipboardImage.png)

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79a9e8 No.21068816

Where does a 'thought' come from?

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0c5046 No.21068817


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383001 No.21068818


Joe Biden is a lithmus test.

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0c5046 No.21068819

signs and wonders abound

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c24ccb No.21068820


See how much POWER that FREAKING FACE HAS!

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0c4cef No.21068821


You know Pence as VP had the power to not accept the suspected for fraud election results right?

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a24614 No.21068822


ATerminalCase of TDS. His show isDead

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b75148 No.21068823


Your daddy's vag.

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0c5046 No.21068824



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a3fcc9 No.21068825

File: 7a420212d6d81e5⋯.jpg (332.71 KB,1247x828,1247:828,CallGoodEvil.jpg)

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709b8b No.21068826

Herman Comms

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ec5262 No.21068827


not a north star though

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0d63d9 No.21068828

File: 78d803e6fd3d1b3⋯.png (139.99 KB,710x958,355:479,4026.png)



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84d11f No.21068829


That frequency coming through my headset?

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8e64ab No.21068830

File: 10ef0c00d6e7210⋯.png (366.58 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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77a04e No.21068831



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709b8b No.21068832

Hearing the NateLand Calls

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46e9fd No.21068833


This weekend, on this board. Monday Moab.

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1f5b2d No.21068834


I didn't make up the title of that video, it was the title of that video and I wanted you to watch it.

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383001 No.21068835


They fear what would happen when they let Biden wander off.

They fear KumAllah.

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1f5a2e No.21068836

File: bce35b66a1f5dd1⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730340_3.png)

File: 4ec91bfee9f9ab6⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730340.png)

File: 1bd71bcc2628b1e⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730340_1.png)

File: 81816a41ede4615⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730340_2.png)

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709b8b No.21068837


Life Insurance Crimes and Funeral Biz Corruption

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f9dc8a No.21068838


during the full moon, antares was occulted by the moon, which had never happened before

what stars mightve been discovred during this combination, or perspective?

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5d1098 No.21068839

HELP. Does anyone have the URL of Robert Gudave (sp) the Phoenix Attorney who has a podcast Watching the Watchers? I had him bookmarked but it disappeared.

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c5cabe No.21068840

File: 660a195b0f3f00c⋯.png (536.08 KB,1137x755,1137:755,3h452352h235.PNG)

Philadelphia rally isn't even over and this just popped up.

faggots everywhere


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b42b5d No.21068841

File: 71e2128a730fa43⋯.jpg (6.8 KB,173x173,1:1,OIG1.jpg)

rocky road

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a24614 No.21068842

File: c1c1e920ddad3aa⋯.mp4 (5.05 MB,576x1024,9:16,PAPa84EsS92eV33w.mp4)



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b394fb No.21068843

File: b036fd65795c8a0⋯.png (65.63 KB,1271x411,1271:411,ClipboardImage.png)


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0f6c11 No.21068844

File: 5e3145af88a7316⋯.jpg (126.92 KB,1170x1455,78:97,media_GQsBnWMXgAAwbHB.jpg)

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bd2487 No.21068845

The same Catholic Church that worships Satan picked the books and translated the Bible?

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a5b0f9 No.21068846

File: eccd9a236d6b8a7⋯.jpg (217.66 KB,1659x816,553:272,LeaderVsCheater.JPG)

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e5b79b No.21068847

File: de1238ddaaf5652⋯.png (840.96 KB,1233x956,1233:956,de1238ddaaf56522e7a9ea980f….png)

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8e64ab No.21068848


>Where does a 'thought' come from?

from what i understand most thoughts come from wants based on a feeling

I want food bcus im hunger

right side brain - i wont eat cookies

left right side - i will eat cookies

so guess its based on emotion powering a want and decided by will

just anons opine, based on current intel

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c014d3 No.21068849

File: c56aac1f0a0a20d⋯.png (517.61 KB,618x708,103:118,ClipboardImage.png)


AOC = Ass On Cock

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89b426 No.21068850

File: 4bc53f015561178⋯.jpg (10.97 KB,255x128,255:128,escalatedquickly.jpg)


so after pulling the gun, then he does as he's told. do it from the get go, some of these cops are on ego trips. I don't agree how this cop behaved. nut don't fucking argue with a cop.

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709b8b No.21068851


Mimics Listen…Chatter

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1f5a2e No.21068852

File: 9c9c6cdf77c3a12⋯.jpg (701.08 KB,1632x1224,4:3,BAF_Office.jpg)

File: 07a2af695ef77dc⋯.jpg (563.57 KB,1224x1632,3:4,Disney_DC.jpg)


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1258f5 No.21068853

File: 48b891ee681bee0⋯.png (31.25 KB,837x202,837:202,ClipboardImage.png)



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84d11f No.21068855

So Trump is going to fix education, and when I'm a senior, I'll be one of the dumbest people alive. Wonderful…

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0c5046 No.21068856

any particular ralphs?

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709b8b No.21068857


combined with Dragonfly tech…Hive

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89b426 No.21068858

File: 84069e91e22f9b8⋯.jpg (37.48 KB,526x526,1:1,aoc.jpg)

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4cb194 No.21068859

File: ec90e6efcd673d8⋯.jpg (56.76 KB,640x480,4:3,DefenseIsMoral.JPG)

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da4b24 No.21068860


But the question is: Was he or was he not suppose to do what he did and accept them?

Isn’t what happened part of the Plan?

did Pence do it because he he thought he was helping Trump carry out the plan, or did he do it because he didn’t want to help Trump

Trump did say that Pence accepting it would be the hardest thing for him to do

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73dec3 No.21068861

File: 8843181eb9e989a⋯.jpg (58.3 KB,500x500,1:1,8tga41.jpg)

GE Frens


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77a04e No.21068863


No he didn't. The Congress has that power and once Nan Nan invoked the emergency rule it was done. The only power Pence had was to adjourn both chamers to their resepective floors to debate, investigate and decide Yay or Nay on the contested certifications.

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c24ccb No.21068864

War Never Changes

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46e9fd No.21068865

File: c829d83e911a6f4⋯.png (410.65 KB,383x586,383:586,Wonderland.png)

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709b8b No.21068866


They thought you would follow the Stars

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bbd19e No.21068867

biden bucks going to border crossers and Americans betrayed

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da4b24 No.21068868


If you voted for Biden or will vote for Biden then you are already one of the dumbest people aive

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0f6c11 No.21068869

File: 0b93f4e8d01802a⋯.png (326.31 KB,622x481,622:481,ClipboardImage.png)






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1f5a2e No.21068870

File: baa6d1cc93ccac4⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730360_2.png)

File: 55bc8823b2cc21d⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730340_4.png)

File: c0b46914a7f89ec⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730360.png)

File: 7408bd64222931c⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730360_1.png)

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0c5046 No.21068871


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c55812 No.21068872

File: 1cc0b5f8480637c⋯.jpeg (210.99 KB,650x650,1:1,IMG_7905.jpeg)

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f9dc8a No.21068874

File: a5f98895cdab3de⋯.png (221.27 KB,520x240,13:6,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 60be4eaf26bd867⋯.png (483.85 KB,520x448,65:56,ClipboardImage.png)

Sunspots that don't face Earth can be dangerous. Why? Because the sun is like a lawn sprinkler. take a look at these sunspots approaching the sun's western limb:

Both are turning away from Earth, yet any eruptions they produce this weekend could directly impact our planet. The sunspots are entering the "danger zone"–a region of the sun magnetically connected to Earth.

This is an AI Free Zone! Text created by Large Language Models is spreading rapidly across the Internet. It's well-written, artificial, frequently inaccurate. If you find a mistake on Spaceweather.com, rest assured it was made by a real human being.

NO AURORAS THIS WEEKEND: No CMEs are heading for Earth. As a result, our planet's magnetic field should remain quiet and undisturbed for the next 48 hours. Auroras are unlikely this weekend. Aurora alerts: SMS Text

SUNSPOTS APPROACHING "THE DANGER ZONE": Sunspots that don't face Earth can be dangerous. Why? Because the sun is like a lawn sprinkler. It'll all make sense in a minute. First, take a look at these sunspots approaching the sun's western limb:

Photo Credit: Philip Smith of Manorville, New York

Both are turning away from Earth, yet any eruptions they produce this weekend could directly impact our planet. The sunspots are entering the "danger zone"–a region of the sun magnetically connected to Earth.

The best way to understand this is by comparing the sun's magnetic field to a lawn sprinkler:

On the left, a spinning nozzle sprays water in a backward arc. On the right, a spinning sun twists its own magnetic field into the same shape. Magnetic fields just beyond the sun's western limb (where the sunspots are heading now) curve back to touch our planet. This is called the "Parker Spiral" after solar physicist Eugene Parker, who first predicted its shape.

If either of these sunspots explodes while it is near the sun's western limb, energetic debris may be guided by the magnetic Parker Spiral right back to Earth. Indeed, this was precisely the cause of a "hard proton" storm on June 8th. Old sunspot AR3664 exploded in the danger zone and peppered our planet with energetic protons.


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bbad13 No.21068875

File: ead06d9484cc190⋯.png (650.59 KB,1179x809,1179:809,ClipboardImage.png)

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b75148 No.21068876

File: d618b2191411efb⋯.png (543.66 KB,941x552,941:552,yourshecklesatwork.png)

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0c5046 No.21068877


war forces changes

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b394fb No.21068879


#25831 >>21068568

>>21068633 6 pilots have died in the last 2 months, 2 while in flight

>>21068691, >>21068711 Moar Arizona voting irregularities

>>21068701 Last month, Malta’s ex-PM was arraigned on corruption charges

>>21068763 TikTok star rabbi, who adopted 9 boys, charged with human trafficking and 11 counts of child sexual abuse

>>21068778 California Democrats to spend millions on Black reparations programs in budget agreement

>>21068787 Moar voter irregularities discovered by good Samaritan

>>21068604, >>21068618, >>21068626, >>21068744, >>21068771 Memes


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3cfb4a No.21068880


You see that right there?

That's something the Dems can't buy, blackmail for or have happen organically.

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4cb194 No.21068881

File: 14d437128f028d8⋯.jpg (643.86 KB,1990x1080,199:108,GitmoTooSmall.jpg)

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a89e8d No.21068883

File: f55733f408476bc⋯.jpeg (287.34 KB,1504x1224,188:153,IMG_0198.jpeg)


Guess what genius … NOTHING would have been exposed IF Biden/Harris hadn’t been forced to serve! They thought VPPence was going to do exactly that and Trump-Pence Would have served , then their TERM would almost be over!

‘IF’ remember Dan Posted it?

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a3fcc9 No.21068884


I know you mean under Biden…

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bbd19e No.21068885

masks are for men in women sports

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1a5b0a No.21068886

File: 02b83e12a561e5a⋯.jpeg (246 KB,2048x1383,2048:1383,GQre_JrWcAADoZ_.jpeg)


dop meme

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e5b79b No.21068887

File: 7c7578657f2f8cc⋯.png (127.42 KB,820x399,820:399,933_9335565_0_replies_0_re….png)



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709b8b No.21068888


on Western or Ralph Malf

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3cfb4a No.21068889

File: b42e5b4b14da58f⋯.png (2.33 MB,1920x1251,640:417,hunter.png)

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77a04e No.21068890



You are already there asshat.


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1f5a2e No.21068891

File: 5477f4699b644c5⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730360_4.png)

File: ab5761bb9d75b64⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730374.png)

File: 81209adc50714fb⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730374_1.png)

File: 9bea7a123d646ab⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730360_3.png)

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0c4cef No.21068892


Congress changed the rules after Pence denying he had the power, taking away the VP power in case of suspected fraud

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84d11f No.21068894


A vote for Trump was a vote for Bidan.

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46e9fd No.21068895


These are so nice.

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11f4f1 No.21068896

File: 4ae09a9d93e76f8⋯.jpg (419.32 KB,2278x1080,1139:540,RiceErroni.JPG)

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f7b0d1 No.21068897

Q, can we get a hint who the VP will be?

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cdaecf No.21068898

File: 54463414bba8cf4⋯.png (237.11 KB,457x312,457:312,ClipboardImage.png)


> 9 and 11

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1f5b2d No.21068899


She asked him questions and I think the problem is he "talks with his hands". If he kept his hands on the steering wheel and said nothing to avoid it then he also had a problem.

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709b8b No.21068900

File: b1d32f9501db905⋯.png (182.48 KB,474x632,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 159e5e9e9edb132⋯.png (121.77 KB,357x198,119:66,ClipboardImage.png)

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0d63d9 No.21068901

File: aae0c0222b17198⋯.jpg (81.24 KB,1024x768,4:3,media_GGZuENFbQAA5ut1.jpg)


Alrighty then.

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0c5046 No.21068902


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84d11f No.21068903


Central casting

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da4b24 No.21068904

It had to be this wa

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a5b0f9 No.21068905

File: f01349f1e26fa2b⋯.jpg (439.84 KB,1823x1080,1823:1080,1DayPaper1.jpg)

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1f5a2e No.21068906

File: 6bb25f1a4006230⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730374_3.png)

File: b65973cb589cd9f⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730374_4.png)

File: 7c37265dc3ea0b6⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730388.png)

File: 7f0917d68de2782⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730374_2.png)

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46e9fd No.21068907

From NC, too big too rig.

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da4b24 No.21068909


It won’t be anyone fakenews is telling us it will be.

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0c4cef No.21068910


Patriots adapt, overcome and make new plans

Don't count on Mike Pence ever getting a high position in the Trump administration

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bd2487 No.21068911

We told everyone the elections. We're rigged.

No one believed us.

Now they see it themselves

I guess Q was right

They had to see it themselves

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a24614 No.21068912


Who has access to the XRVision software that was all over the J6 photos. If you could run these photos and the Hotel Nude Smock party I would greatly appreciate it Q team

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b4c0d5 No.21068913

File: 6653717277c5e2d⋯.jpg (547.11 KB,1432x1073,1432:1073,BorderTreason.JPG)

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79a9e8 No.21068914

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





>Where does a 'thought' come from?

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46124c No.21068915

Let’s game it out yo!

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a89e8d No.21068916

File: 7d8a46a6855f3ca⋯.jpeg (1.68 MB,1170x1607,1170:1607,IMG_6628.jpeg)

File: 79aaf5486a52038⋯.jpeg (3.01 MB,2043x3526,2043:3526,IMG_6849.jpeg)

File: 439fdb787e071fd⋯.jpeg (877.73 KB,1576x2100,394:525,IMG_6908.jpeg)

File: a6ee8c9e1730ad3⋯.jpeg (758.42 KB,1576x2100,394:525,IMG_6907.jpeg)

File: bb140737f99e1b7⋯.jpeg (992.48 KB,2160x1491,720:497,IMG_2362.jpeg)



Plus, So Help Me God…if you haven’t read the Book you wouldn’t know what happened between PDJT and VPPENCE

Right now VPPence keeps protecting PDJT Accomplishments.

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f9dc8a No.21068917

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0c5046 No.21068918


Obviously Oblivion.

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0f6c11 No.21068919

File: cd7e29fea4bc8ab⋯.png (328.32 KB,598x491,598:491,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 73f820ba5571e99⋯.png (213.9 KB,385x432,385:432,ClipboardImage.png)



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3cfb4a No.21068920

File: bc9797ece149efe⋯.png (956.55 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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84d11f No.21068921


I think the term is a bit broader than you think.

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1f5a2e No.21068922

File: 5c22e3fec99f677⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730388_4.png)

File: 0ce4fa51c579e5f⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730403.png)

File: 8675a39ebac6f0f⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730403_1.png)

File: 1671b8a0e2b946c⋯.png (578.53 KB,768x768,1:1,1522730388_3.png)

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da4b24 No.21068923


Pence and Jeff Sessions were stealth patriots

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b394fb No.21068924


#25831 >>21068568

>>21068633 6 pilots have died in the last 2 months, 2 while in flight

>>21068691, >>21068711 Moar Arizona voting irregularities

>>21068701 Last month, Malta’s ex-PM was arraigned on corruption charges

>>21068763, >>21068842 TikTok star rabbi, who adopted 9 boys, charged with human trafficking and 11 counts of child sexual and physical abuse

>>21068778 California Democrats to spend millions on Black reparations programs in budget agreement

>>21068787 Moar voter irregularities discovered by good Samaritan

>>21068843 DJT 'star' comms continues

>>21068604, >>21068618, >>21068626, >>21068744, >>21068771 Memes


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709b8b No.21068925

So Strong they Cracked a Bell

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a0e034 No.21068926

File: 66b34810b1dd175⋯.jpg (436.9 KB,1580x960,79:48,TrumpIsCiC.jpg)

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a24614 No.21068927


Dude looks tribal in the face and wearing a natural Yarmelke

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336b57 No.21068928

File: ab50855e74736f4⋯.jpeg (19.17 KB,255x255,1:1,highestrankinganon.jpeg)


HIghest Ranking Anon

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1f5a2e No.21068929

File: d43d5c71f2941e0⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730403_3.png)

File: 5bbac18cbb5c6c6⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730403_4.png)

File: a3ed12eb7d6987e⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730403_2.png)

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8e64ab No.21068931

File: cd6bfb95b54773a⋯.png (318.43 KB,598x531,598:531,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6933c2b118ef6ca⋯.mp4 (3.03 MB,622x360,311:180,ssstwitter_com_17190790118….mp4)

This is how you treat pedophiles


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709b8b No.21068932


Pence is like what Bush was to Reagan

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0c5046 No.21068933

Supreme Platinum and its straitght antix insert

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870f0a No.21068934

File: 16beb995443e181⋯.jpg (484.29 KB,1392x1809,464:603,TrumpTerm2.jpg)

File: 2af611f3d206e8c⋯.jpg (340.3 KB,1504x1080,188:135,TrumpWinning.JPG)

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ec5262 No.21068935


The occulting part appears to be common. Which event was the one that never happened before and when?

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0d63d9 No.21068936


I feel like if Pence is only acting like a traitor, it's not only to protect the plan, but to protect himself and his family too, some of whom still serve in the government and military. They don't have Trump money.

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b75148 No.21068937

File: 370692d63497c30⋯.png (288.96 KB,474x315,158:105,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 688f2443aa34503⋯.png (504.88 KB,768x400,48:25,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ebc125e1beb8b74⋯.png (163.32 KB,450x200,9:4,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 695f9e1fb41c744⋯.png (641.26 KB,945x496,945:496,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ebad8813b7abff⋯.png (557.74 KB,654x470,327:235,ClipboardImage.png)


All of them.

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0c5046 No.21068938

maybe Trump as VP

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a0e034 No.21068939

File: 0e5209f56e03e72⋯.jpg (530.45 KB,2000x1400,10:7,Liberator.JPG)

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1f5a2e No.21068940

File: 71dfdebf5f2ed53⋯.png (2.2 MB,1111x1666,1111:1666,Q_BiteCrumbs_Signatures_Al….png)

File: 27d427ccb4ef314⋯.png (661.96 KB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_Signatures_CI….png)

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1258f5 No.21068941

File: eb5f548071f83a5⋯.jpg (105.92 KB,427x332,427:332,eb5f548071f83a51314efb9342….jpg)

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0c5046 No.21068942

what qualifies someone to be a VP I'll read they cards

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f9dc8a No.21068943


the moon occulted the star antares

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0f6c11 No.21068944

File: 82714cb63aa0d02⋯.png (468.99 KB,619x514,619:514,ClipboardImage.png)



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a89e8d No.21068945

File: da85af32820cd32⋯.jpeg (1.24 MB,1170x2461,1170:2461,IMG_9287.jpeg)

File: 0892b4856ea2801⋯.jpeg (746.2 KB,856x1256,107:157,IMG_2305.jpeg)

File: e3fa694fd6d46fb⋯.jpeg (192.2 KB,1249x468,1249:468,IMG_2255.jpeg)

File: 1f4f1dc9d7bb91d⋯.jpeg (1.21 MB,1363x1227,1363:1227,IMG_0192.jpeg)

File: 21491009b7f3294⋯.png (1.88 MB,898x3198,449:1599,2515_2.png)



Is it an honor to have your name on a Plane?

Which plane did PDJT give to VPPENCE when he was campaigning?

Things you should know…

Not a LARP…

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da4b24 No.21068946



They just add to the numbers watching Trump Rallies live

Thank you raw news for your attendance

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336b57 No.21068947


Random Anon (not me)post a week or so ago, that today is the 22 year, 9thmonth, and 11 day since 9/11/2001

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84d11f No.21068948


In a neutered society maybe.

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0c5046 No.21068949

disclaimer all VP recommendations will be founded and the future is up to the dissecretion of choosing parties concerned

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1f5a2e No.21068950

File: 59a0ce126e8dd59⋯.png (1010.62 KB,1111x1541,1111:1541,Q_BiteCrumbs_Signatures_Ge….png)

File: 2fa51cf0c40a14f⋯.png (998.86 KB,1111x1541,1111:1541,Q_BiteCrumbs_Signatures_Ge….png)

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46e9fd No.21068951

8:26 Q+ end speech



Nice try.

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ec5262 No.21068952


The way sky and star reports it

it happens every month during a full moon

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69ee84 No.21068953

Shit, I fell Asleep

What timeline is this?

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709b8b No.21068954

File: bfc02dd03d97f7d⋯.gif (565.25 KB,220x220,1:1,ahuevo_ahuevooooo.gif)

Well Hello Double Wammee Satutnanee Day

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f9dc8a No.21068955

File: eba6322e1611e05⋯.png (181.85 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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da4b24 No.21068956


I would guess that the plans calls for him to not get a position because, just like Sessions, he has to act like an outcast after fulfilling his role.

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951f28 No.21068957

File: 5348be576df69c2⋯.png (1.45 MB,821x1130,821:1130,ClipboardImage.png)

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4ad315 No.21068958


It's from all the burn scars. Ruidoso had three major fires and what didn't burn might get flooded.

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b75148 No.21068959


Pence was head of the clowns and quietly put his president in his place and MK'd him into dementia too?

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46e9fd No.21068960

Suicide weekend on this board. Pt 2.

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313ac1 No.21068961

File: 8935aa9adace339⋯.gif (1.98 MB,498x280,249:140,F15AB.GIF)

File: 3f77eb61c41b110⋯.jpg (183.6 KB,1619x1080,1619:1080,Overtime.JPG)

File: 25ef15b2fe68406⋯.jpg (633.98 KB,2045x1184,2045:1184,Q_Military.JPG)

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53dab4 No.21068962

File: 48408f2477f5965⋯.png (1.21 MB,1007x746,1007:746,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 315a1c202e0a503⋯.png (185.67 KB,309x403,309:403,ClipboardImage.png)

The Black Eye Club?

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46e9fd No.21068964


Q+ ain't in it.

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1f5a2e No.21068965

File: 8fba390e2c0566d⋯.png (1.18 MB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_Crumbs.png)

File: c4e1038cc119593⋯.png (735.43 KB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_DeepCleaning.png)

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da4b24 No.21068966


Are you implying Trump has a black eye>

Which one?

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f6c85c No.21068967


so…. he lacked the proper level of submission to the Authorities?

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0f6c11 No.21068968

File: a329ef44e70a35d⋯.png (1.57 MB,1279x720,1279:720,ClipboardImage.png)



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46e9fd No.21068969

dead clowns

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709b8b No.21068970

YMCA Piggly Wiggly Comms

Q and the KEK Makers Edition

Boats and Chryslers Edition

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a24614 No.21068971

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I love me some Partisangirl She is pretty

Syrian Girl 🇸🇾


Now⚠️ Hezbollah is destroying more iron dome batteries in preparation for wider war.


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46e9fd No.21068972


Look, it's a coward everyone.

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e5b79b No.21068973

File: 0b9bcd115b1df04⋯.mp4 (1.43 MB,640x800,4:5,0b9bcd115b1df04ad82d17f95a….mp4)

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46e9fd No.21068974

Dead Clowns.

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1f5a2e No.21068975

File: 483393ed659bbe5⋯.png (1.07 MB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_Device.png)

File: 781091cdde6eaf5⋯.png (501.45 KB,1111x625,1111:625,Q_BiteCrumbs_DOWNSHEGOES.png)

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500937 No.21068976

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3cfb4a No.21068977


It's virtue signalling off the back of child abuse.

He's got an assault and battery charge while the pedo will walk.

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a89e8d No.21068978

File: 4202ddb4ba4b756⋯.jpeg (1002.33 KB,1249x1190,1249:1190,IMG_2317.jpeg)

File: 18fcc3e08310682⋯.jpeg (1.48 MB,2160x1433,2160:1433,IMG_2308.jpeg)

File: df78214ae1e7216⋯.png (1.18 MB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_2279.png)

File: 60e1a37f323e171⋯.jpeg (892.15 KB,1620x1778,810:889,IMG_2280.jpeg)

File: f10739c9dbfa42d⋯.jpeg (1016.93 KB,1198x1476,599:738,IMG_2331.jpeg)


Mike Pence Launched the WAR on Planned Parenthood and Roe V Wade! In 2007, sting operation by James Okeefe and Lila Rose!

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46e9fd No.21068979

Q+, Q and anons will be respected in their own house. It's the new world.

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013449 No.21068980

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

June 27 debate Trump dances onto stage while Joe flops:


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46e9fd No.21068981

Anons, you earned a clean house.

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709b8b No.21068982


Phagget …if You only Knew

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53dab4 No.21068983

File: 44c84f5f0f74f5f⋯.png (446.35 KB,854x862,427:431,ClipboardImage.png)

God broke the mold on this one.

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f9dc8a No.21068984

File: 3c2592e6747bf7b⋯.png (191.85 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

antares known as the scorpions heart

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79a9e8 No.21068985

File: 96358abf2a2428c⋯.jpg (154.01 KB,1075x608,1075:608,96358abf2a2428c957ac314804….jpg)

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ec5262 No.21068986


The full moon of June, also called the Strawberry Moon, will occur on June 21 at 9:08 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (0108 UTC June 22), according to the U.S. Naval Observatory. Observers in Oceania will see a nearly full moon pass in front of the star Antares, Alpha Scorpii, the brightest star in Scorpius, the Scorpion, on June 20.

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46e9fd No.21068987

Clowns earned 86 lbs of granite each.

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1f5a2e No.21068988

File: 8a2c853196d3f57⋯.png (856.46 KB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_FantasyLand.png)

File: ceb9ce52faea3db⋯.png (952.05 KB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_GameTheory.png)

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2458dd No.21068989


POTUS said "Tic-Tac" and "Tall-Tale" in his DC speech today


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46e9fd No.21068990



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f9dc8a No.21068991


wht if the moon itself is the "star"

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79a9e8 No.21068992

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ec5262 No.21068993


better check the stove

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1f5a2e No.21068994

File: 263e820d82442d5⋯.png (818.93 KB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_HardToSwallow.png)

File: 8c540790d9086fc⋯.png (1.01 MB,741x1111,741:1111,Q_BiteCrumbs_How_do_you_ca….png)

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46e9fd No.21068995

Conspicuous absences.

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da4b24 No.21068996


I couldn’t hear.

What cause did they give for pulling him over?

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974769 No.21068997


Yeah and Bill Barr, Chris Wray, Rod Rosensrein…

You are delusional.

Sessions was a traitor who recused himself

Pence is a traitor who could have abstained from voting for the presented slate until the State challenges were resolved.

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46e9fd No.21068998

File: f817379bd3bc870⋯.png (642.83 KB,900x900,1:1,Stage_Set.png)

Clowns. DOA.

Enjoy the Show.

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e5b79b No.21068999

File: 4f6db287c176782⋯.png (107.65 KB,308x314,154:157,4f6db287c176782dfc036d050d….png)

Wow again.

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7adf83 No.21069000

File: 44860d3511582d2⋯.jpg (210.31 KB,2080x1442,1040:721,NewDay.JPG)


The one where Trump wins and leads the USA into a New Day.

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46e9fd No.21069002

File: f9943e659dd3265⋯.png (11.28 KB,776x171,776:171,wow.png)

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1a5b0a No.21069003


1 glass of water kinda thirsty

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bd2487 No.21069004

What happened to all the giants?

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79a9e8 No.21069005

File: 52f2f0fd5f9bd0d⋯.jpg (24.7 KB,463x390,463:390,Screen_Shot_2023_08_27_at_….jpg)

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1f5a2e No.21069006

File: 73e8228f8b75efe⋯.png (1.2 MB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_MS13_SethRich.png)

File: aa0412eb65854f5⋯.png (1.51 MB,1111x1469,1111:1469,Q_BiteCrumbs_Identify_List.png)

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f6c85c No.21069007


window tint

burnt lamp

wabbling hubcap

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ec5262 No.21069008


It would be another item on the list to revisit and reformat the hard drive of understanding and knowledge

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da4b24 No.21069009


Trump had to appear to lose.

He let them get by with cheating.

What don’t you understand>

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c70060 No.21069010

File: a665e7920d42545⋯.jpg (1.54 MB,2576x1932,4:3,1607994972.jpg)

File: 1917576a4c83157⋯.png (308.92 KB,794x951,794:951,Screenshot_20240622_192933.png)

Typical DeSantis supporter.

This one's for the old fags.

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1a5b0a No.21069011


boy am is thirsty

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a89e8d No.21069012

File: 2793885e4c3eb72⋯.jpeg (183.6 KB,1089x727,1089:727,IMG_2374.jpeg)

File: 2c8da2972190efa⋯.jpeg (262.24 KB,1088x1088,1:1,IMG_2375.jpeg)


Trips O’Truth

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7e422e No.21069013


Why is she drooling?

Will she be okay?

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f9dc8a No.21069014

File: a483ddd479d9eaf⋯.png (51.03 KB,770x586,385:293,1543.png)

"undiscovered stars learned"

"missions forward"

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46e9fd No.21069015

File: e941b94b7891c33⋯.png (3.73 MB,2560x1487,2560:1487,RED.png)

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1f5a2e No.21069016

File: 1def937f155ddf0⋯.png (775.79 KB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_Saved.png)

File: ef81b36ca272bd7⋯.png (1.43 MB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_SCI_F_.png)

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46e9fd No.21069017

Clowns are in a meeting right now. Can you tell?'

Q can hear them and see their movements.

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f9dc8a No.21069018


thats it then

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0c4cef No.21069019

File: 4477a3f65ba7a3c⋯.jpg (84.51 KB,543x466,543:466,tbgtbgibtigtbitb.jpg)

Over 9,000 people registered to vote at two addresses in Georgia. But those Voter Roles are accurate, right?


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1f5a2e No.21069020

File: 4f11975442d38d5⋯.png (897.65 KB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_Spiders.png)

File: 49898745501de78⋯.png (743.77 KB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_TheCalmBefore….png)

such fun

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2458dd No.21069021

File: 9bf272acfe68b78⋯.png (132.81 KB,1041x507,347:169,3389_Why_did_Rogers_retire….png)

>T T

>POTUS said "Tic-Tac" and "Tall-Tale" in his DC speech today



"Why did POTUS move his transition command center (base of ops) from TT the VERY NEXT DAY?" Q post #3389

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1f5a2e No.21069022

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cdaecf No.21069023

File: cc84e578b1fa03f⋯.png (1.17 MB,1015x493,35:17,ClipboardImage.png)

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b394fb No.21069024


#25831 >>21068568

>>21068633 6 pilots have died in the last 2 months, 2 while in flight

>>21068691, >>21068711 Moar Arizona voting irregularities

>>21068701 Last month, Malta’s ex-PM was arraigned on corruption charges

>>21068749 Pope Francis may visit Israel, the Palestinian Authority, and Jordan again

>>21068763, >>21068842 TikTok star rabbi, who adopted 9 boys, charged with human trafficking and 11 counts of child sexual and physical abuse

>>21068778 California Democrats to spend millions on Black reparations programs in budget agreement

>>21068787 Moar voter irregularities discovered by good Samaritan

>>21068843, >>21069014 DJT 'star' comms continues

>>21068931 Ghey Pedo gets pwned

>>21068951 8:26 Q+ end speech

>>21068971 Hezbollah is destroying more iron dome batteries in preparation for wider war

>>21069019 Over 9,000 people registered to vote at two addresses in Georgia

>>21068604, >>21068618, >>21068626, >>21068744, >>21068771 Memes


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1d2f39 No.21069026

File: a4d2e7dc4b9b2ac⋯.jpg (49.11 KB,500x501,500:501,download_jpeg_84.jpg)

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40287d No.21069027



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1f5a2e No.21069028

File: 72430c51043de67⋯.png (1.2 MB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_Crumbs_HIGHESTLEVELOFINT….png)

File: 6c3fe74e924c308⋯.png (1.09 MB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_Crumbs_PUPPET_MASTERS_HA….png)

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46e9fd No.21069029

File: f9943e659dd3265⋯.png (11.28 KB,776x171,776:171,wow.png)


Here, you can include the one you deleted from LB.

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79a9e8 No.21069030

File: 72de83211da3198⋯.png (622.17 KB,1027x636,1027:636,72de83211da31980ad1a52a294….png)

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383001 No.21069031



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ec5262 No.21069032


That it's the Strawberry Moon and the Algonquins called it the Ripening because strawberries hit peak ripeness…

and earlier anons talking about April Showers, May Flowers, and Mature in June

big things happening

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46e9fd No.21069033

Anons, pretty obvious already they will try to "paint the roses red" here now…. Doesn't work. BIG FAIL Incoming.

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1f5a2e No.21069034

File: 5db752d0fa52925⋯.png (957.56 KB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_Crumbs_SlaveGripLost.png)

File: bbeb8250d79a5ce⋯.png (1.2 MB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_Crumbs_ShowTheWorld.png)

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329ab8 No.21069035

File: 2b0a6f782c1fdda⋯.mp4 (7.91 MB,1280x720,16:9,542g35f5234.mp4)



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1a5b0a No.21069036


slide for today is mixicala bronzed

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8e64ab No.21069037


was never stated, thus why he asked for a supervisor

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2458dd No.21069038

File: 13b592b453b0f11⋯.png (1.08 MB,2796x1238,1398:619,affectionately_known_as_TT.png)

"affectionately known as 'TT', unexpectedly died in his sleep."

>T T

>POTUS said "Tic-Tac" and "Tall-Tale" in his DC speech today


>>21068989 (You)


"Why did POTUS move his transition command center (base of ops) from TT the VERY NEXT DAY?" Q post #3389

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b394fb No.21069039


i ain't got no powers to do such things as described.

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1f5a2e No.21069040

File: e3e0deebff69a6d⋯.png (1.12 MB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_Crumbs_WE_THE_PEOPLE.png)

File: 1a670504126366f⋯.png (1.33 MB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_pepeCrumbs_Amazing.png)

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b75148 No.21069041


No Cat Stops Wanting Its Cheeseburger?

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ec38f9 No.21069042

File: 079d966772ac60c⋯.png (63.89 KB,255x183,85:61,ClipboardImage.png)

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2fb6c9 No.21069043

File: 4d49f27e16b2357⋯.jpeg (169.75 KB,1134x555,378:185,3bad1good.jpeg)

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46e9fd No.21069044


Great to hear. Can you include it then.

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8e64ab No.21069045

File: c19cea480a8c023⋯.png (608.74 KB,510x495,34:33,c19cea480a8c023bb87dcbf12d….png)


Try harder mate, the world is counting on you

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1f5a2e No.21069046

File: 692d7303bef8e59⋯.png (442.34 KB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_pepeCrumbs_During.png)

File: 2239143aeea028b⋯.png (1.1 MB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_pepeCrumbs_AskYourself.png)

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0d63d9 No.21069047

File: b6bba564bbf0f6e⋯.jpg (101.05 KB,853x628,853:628,media_GQnQfDuWIAA_WQa.jpg)

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f541c0 No.21069048

File: af8b0a712a66cf8⋯.png (1000.33 KB,1024x607,1024:607,4whorewomen.png)


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f9dc8a No.21069049

File: 62b130d759fbff6⋯.png (179.27 KB,1366x768,683:384,ClipboardImage.png)


"Consider the text from the bible.

"And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also."

A light is a self contained source. The moon in its current state is just a reflection of the Suns light. It is my theory that when the moon went out….the flood happened. Think about it. A pre flood atmosphere contained more suspended water, and at night would need some source of heat to keep it suspended in the air, else it would fall. When the moon went out, the rains did fall. Before the flood everything was watered with mist yes? It states a mist rose from the ground. Ok, the earths core is molten, as you go out from that core the molten becomes rock, granite, and then water and earth and eventually the soil we all walk on. A fluctuation in night and day temps would indeed cause steam/mist to rise from the ground when the air temp cooled. It was a perfect system! So yes, according to the bible, the moon was once a sun, small albeit smile"

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974769 No.21069050


What I get is traitors everywhere.

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b42c62 No.21069051

File: 6b343f089c70152⋯.jpg (101.04 KB,750x500,3:2,5g6au6.jpg)

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709b8b No.21069052

File: 4de2272dcdb71ca⋯.jpg (131.87 KB,1200x659,1200:659,EAFKJ4xUEAEQMad.jpg)

File: b4df07ad797f0d3⋯.gif (411.32 KB,400x215,80:43,fead99a0_fc3f_4311_9506_b7….gif)

File: d8723c6be120fd6⋯.png (286.77 KB,1024x1024,1:1,froggy.png)

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a89e8d No.21069053

File: bb140737f99e1b7⋯.jpeg (992.48 KB,2160x1491,720:497,IMG_2362.jpeg)

File: ae3cc07dc5fb612⋯.jpeg (1.63 MB,2160x1537,2160:1537,IMG_2216.jpeg)

File: 90e91fbf5aca545⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB,1620x1901,1620:1901,IMG_2198.jpeg)

File: 1ac618dd0369416⋯.jpeg (659.43 KB,1620x1227,540:409,IMG_2200.jpeg)

File: 5e48d1f1c3818a6⋯.jpeg (487.49 KB,1620x1912,405:478,IMG_2199.jpeg)


DigitalSoldiers™️ narrative seems to be failing you!

VPPence IS with PDJT, always has been!

Launched https://advancingamericanfreedom.com/

To preserve everything they Accomplished Together!

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1f5a2e No.21069054

File: daff27b8a372a76⋯.png (862.34 KB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_pepeCrumbs_R_Don_t_come_….png)

File: f7f33379032f5f2⋯.png (1.08 MB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_pepeCrumbs_PleasePray.png)

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2458dd No.21069055

File: 4cd7725851f77c9⋯.png (44.61 KB,632x229,632:229,McCabe_didn_t_go_to_the_ba….png)

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0f6c11 No.21069056

File: e01a31837a104b4⋯.png (130.67 KB,864x515,864:515,ClipboardImage.png)



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1f5a2e No.21069057

File: 6ad2f104bf8f309⋯.png (689.92 KB,1111x1030,1111:1030,Q_pepeCrumbs_TRAITORS_JUST….png)

File: 1834d10ea44db73⋯.png (1.07 MB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_pepeCrumbs_WESEEYOU.png)

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46e9fd No.21069058


We will have a board where the map still matters.

Where the keystone is used to unlock the map.

Where comms are free to be posted & learned.

Where anons, OUR POTUS, and Q are loved.

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f9dc8a No.21069059

File: a483ddd479d9eaf⋯.png (51.03 KB,770x586,385:293,1543.png)

"And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also."

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0c5046 No.21069060

Kirman VP

Purported Zombie VP

Zombie rights Angel

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a0889c No.21069061

File: d8a0caa7e5b4ded⋯.jpg (649.17 KB,2048x1208,256:151,God_Wins.jpg)

File: 9d4400556f984e2⋯.jpg (300.05 KB,1635x1080,109:72,Fed110.JPG)


Anons prefer the coming New Dollars, not based on Satanic Fed Reserve paper scam bullshit.

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1f5a2e No.21069062

File: bb4981edf02a230⋯.png (1.24 MB,1111x744,1111:744,Q_ReCrumbs_BE_LOUD_BE_HEAR….png)

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f541c0 No.21069063

File: c5651ca3bc88cc1⋯.jpg (87.51 KB,800x534,400:267,KFCAsshead.jpg)

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53dab4 No.21069064

File: 07574695c3950e4⋯.png (101.82 KB,302x223,302:223,ClipboardImage.png)


10 years for each count?

10 x 2000?

20,000 years in prison?

Sounds about right.

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46e9fd No.21069065

Boom Boom Boom - Best Q+ quote today.

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79a9e8 No.21069066

File: fe764f10eddea69⋯.jpg (5.26 KB,189x255,63:85,07b4eeebca916f8c31f07e5a7a….jpg)

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4cb194 No.21069067

File: 5eeecdec97e8dca⋯.jpg (134.09 KB,743x743,1:1,Trump4Peace.JPG)

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0c5046 No.21069068


Vermin Timeline

got mixed Berinsteins and witches and 9/11 is on 9/11 twin towers. Had to be Nov and no one could have stopped it.

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2458dd No.21069069

File: e77a8a7072b6a1c⋯.jpeg (24.37 KB,474x256,237:128,Brennan_islamist_communis….jpeg)

File: 2c520bf567c69aa⋯.png (315.95 KB,726x731,726:731,4331_Intelligence_was_mani….png)

File: c53d2ba5c09bfb7⋯.png (962.07 KB,1351x796,1351:796,2568_2570_ADD_BRENNAN_Than….png)

File: 896bbdf32914787⋯.jpeg (375.73 KB,750x718,375:359,John_Brennan_Treason_Jame….jpeg)

File: 64638599d5d63e8⋯.png (242.15 KB,938x1380,469:690,4674_4675_James_Comey_Trea….png)

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1f5a2e No.21069070

File: 59ac0e274e0065a⋯.jpg (760.05 KB,896x896,1:1,Vincit_Omnia_Veritas.jpg)

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500937 No.21069071


she is guilty of thousands of felonies


she's wearing a MASK

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b394fb No.21069072


make a new post about it and maybe cap the qpost.

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ec38f9 No.21069073

File: 079d966772ac60c⋯.png (63.89 KB,255x183,85:61,ClipboardImage.png)

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1d2f39 No.21069074


Coke before Diet…!!

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a24614 No.21069075


Noice 45 digits for this post. So when Trump tells his story about Jewing them down on the price of AF1 was it Boeing who builds it? Given what we know now about their corner cutting processes, should they even be in the running for it? I don't think it was a 5D move, but it might be SO 5d I can't comprehend it.

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c70060 No.21069076

File: d530e4b5615a2fd⋯.jpg (707.41 KB,1536x2048,3:4,20240622_174158.jpg)


Tbf, aoc did take it in the ass today.

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bbad13 No.21069077


the best one

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870f0a No.21069078

File: 2ebfbe40311c4d8⋯.jpg (156.06 KB,1200x623,1200:623,BrennanPoet.JPG)

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0d63d9 No.21069079

File: 180d97c7dec9a21⋯.jpg (102.33 KB,608x680,76:85,FyTsAh5WcAYSmuW_jpeg.jpg)


Chek't 5:5 kek.

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709b8b No.21069080


Satan Always Lies To

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0c5046 No.21069081



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0d92eb No.21069082

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

First they came for the comments

Anon left the following comment on the vid below, and the following message appeared. It will not go away unless "got it" is clicked.

Comment: "I wonder why they're throwing Francis to the wolves. Is it because he called out 'Faggotry' twice?"


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b42c62 No.21069083

File: cbde2605c86c9c4⋯.jpeg (247.51 KB,1656x871,1656:871,cbde2605c86c9c486e3974136….jpeg)

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0d92eb No.21069084

File: 11f8acb308094e2⋯.png (42.56 KB,421x324,421:324,Screen_Shot_2024_06_22_at_….png)


The WARNING from YoutTube (picrel)

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0c4cef No.21069085

File: 82874f348eb35da⋯.jpg (28.7 KB,549x185,549:185,tbbitbtbtb.jpg)


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ec5262 No.21069086


>"And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also."

in a way then, the moon "fell"

allegory for other events

Every things written in the sky would be something which "man" couldn't rewrite

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c24ccb No.21069087

File: 3fc80b66eea413b⋯.png (1.42 MB,1280x857,1280:857,ClipboardImage.png)

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46e9fd No.21069088

File: f9943e659dd3265⋯.png (11.28 KB,776x171,776:171,wow.png)

File: 9487afdc24d0458⋯.png (59.53 KB,444x456,37:38,702.png)


7:02 Q+ begins PA Rally speech





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f541c0 No.21069089

File: 07b23b1402d3e6a⋯.jpg (267.8 KB,540x282,90:47,PedoPunisher.jpg)

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a3fcc9 No.21069090

File: 62878b6652a19c9⋯.png (627.1 KB,490x640,49:64,ComeyCliff.PNG)

File: 77823fa588e7136⋯.jpg (576.87 KB,2027x1080,2027:1080,EasyWayOut.JPG)

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4cd594 No.21069091

Sarah Huckabee Sanders = VP

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0f6c11 No.21069092

File: 95079e8542916ea⋯.png (26.24 KB,619x181,619:181,ClipboardImage.png)



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1f5a2e No.21069093

File: bfe6a612c3ff718⋯.mp4 (6.75 MB,1080x1080,1:1,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….mp4)

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ec38f9 No.21069095

File: 079d966772ac60c⋯.png (63.89 KB,255x183,85:61,ClipboardImage.png)

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0d92eb No.21069096


Then for POTUS.

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39e4ae No.21069097

File: 152fb963f00cb9e⋯.png (1.57 MB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Christian tourist killed by Muslim mob in Pakistan

A tourist has been dragged from a police station and killed by a mob in north-west Pakistan after being accused of blasphemy.

The police had been attempting to protect the man from the large group in the town of Madyan, a town in Swat district.

The mob had gathered after the man was accused of desecrating the Quran, Islam's holy book, on Thursday.

Lynchings are not uncommon after an accusation of blasphemy, which is punishable by death in Pakistan.

A Christian man was attacked last month after being accused of burning pages of the Quran, dying shortly afterwards.

Video of this latest incident has prompted outrage on social media in Pakistan. Footage shows the man's body being paraded through the streets and then set alight.

Police confirmed that the tourist had been "torched" and some 11 people were injured in the incident.

Malankand division's regional police chief Mohammad Ali Gandapur accused the local mosque of encouraging people to gather after police first rescued the man, who was reportedly visiting the Swat Valley - a popular destination in summer.

He told Reuters news agency that eight officers were among the injured.

Dr Zahidullah, police officer in the Swat region, told BBC Urdu police made a concerted effort to clear blocked roads to disperse the angry crowds of people on Thursday night.

Police say they have opened a case against hundreds of people involved in the incident - some as young as 13. Local authorities have since deployed additional security forces to the region.

According to BBC Urdu, hotels in the town had been full, but tourists were now scrambling to leave.

Religion-fuelled violence in Pakistan has risen since the country made blasphemy - made a crime under a 19th century law brought in by the British - punishable by death in the 1980s.

Even unfounded accusations can incite protests and mob violence against alleged perpetrators. Human rights critics have long argued that minorities are often the target of accusations.

Around 96% of Pakistan's population is Muslim. Other countries, including Iran, Brunei, and Mauritania also impose capital punishment for insulting religion.


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709b8b No.21069098

File: 4a6f8bc4d8cebce⋯.jpg (609.88 KB,1024x571,1024:571,DietWokeWeather.jpg)

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dd1479 No.21069099

File: 537ac5a1a1fa4d8⋯.png (290.14 KB,548x320,137:80,MSG_Addict.PNG)

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5d6368 No.21069100

File: dcb40a109419b04⋯.jpg (418 KB,2048x2048,1:1,farm4.jpg)


…12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity.

Is a good shepherd taxing? Are free men taxed or men in captivity?

A gentle and loving Shepherd protects Mark 6:34 is the Good Shepard. Protect 14:46

Whose plan?

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0d92eb No.21069101

Satan uses faggots as human shields. He uses bathhouses the way Hamas uses schools.

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d8b664 No.21069102

File: de163aefa21c8c6⋯.jpeg (127.1 KB,1029x1024,1029:1024,96B167F2_96B5_4C86_A821_C….jpeg)

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2458dd No.21069104

File: 51f569a243c45d9⋯.png (1.06 MB,1440x796,360:199,_Liddle_Adam_Schiff_Leaker….png)

File: 7c857fc5a195ef6⋯.png (1.45 MB,1396x797,1396:797,3MAGA_COMEY_SICK_OR_DUMB.png)

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0d92eb No.21069105


if there were an ounce of testosterone and a speck of integrity in America the "pride" flag would be burned on every town square every day.

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709b8b No.21069106


Francis as a Jesuit..which is the military arm of The Vatican…marches to a different drum

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c70060 No.21069107

File: bbaef05c70b0f99⋯.jpg (1.21 MB,4500x3000,3:2,1604356087_3.jpg)

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0c4cef No.21069108

File: 7f5ebfac6766cd5⋯.jpg (98.03 KB,750x967,750:967,rtgvtrtitvti.jpg)

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39e4ae No.21069109

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

President Trump visits Tony and Nick's in Philadelphia


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1d2f39 No.21069110

Obama shitting his panties.png



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2458dd No.21069111

File: efa1f8d34da8c90⋯.png (2.29 MB,1120x1476,280:369,Trump_riding_comey_surfing….png)

File: a56d3df83ad03ee⋯.png (2.39 MB,2840x1532,710:383,4026_Comey_Comforting_sign….png)

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97fbf8 No.21069112

File: 7d8793f87d7e78a⋯.png (1.23 MB,1283x1283,1:1,Professional_Divorcer_D1CC….PNG)

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9dc528 No.21069113


+government housing for all

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07d5dd No.21069114

Tucker? Tulsi?

Who will it be? >>21069085

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3887fe No.21069115

File: 34497a2169e6c62⋯.png (590.33 KB,586x796,293:398,muse.PNG)




FACT CHECK? Seriously? Snopes is finally starting to tell the truth about Trump. Are we living in an alternative simulation? The fact checkers universally claimed Trump praised Nazis in 2017 even though it was clear he never did…


1:44 PM · Jun 22, 2024




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0d92eb No.21069116

File: ee214b43bc384a4⋯.png (61.71 KB,351x303,117:101,pensive_pepe.png)



pensive pepe is pensive.

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b394fb No.21069117


ty bread gobbling anon that only notables timestamps when baking.

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ca49ef No.21069118


Makes sense why any plan would be over many years to see for what it really is.

It's a form of deception in play acting belief to deceive trusting minds into believing the attention should be 'over there' and 'not here'.

By weaponizing nations with endless money printing funding itself by private banks sitting on their own patch of land immune from the nation's laws…

How can that ever make sense unless it were weaponization/occupation/tool of subjugating the public into seeking to increase a score in a hermetically sealed rating system of interest profitability, that's itl

Zero score, comfy.

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1f5a2e No.21069119

File: 0d91d87da1abb58⋯.jpg (57.39 KB,511x375,511:375,capture_2651_04032022_0935….jpg)

File: 5a5a6c6f87f67e9⋯.mp4 (15.26 MB,480x360,4:3,BakingManIsBakingBread.mp4)

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39e4ae No.21069120

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

President Trump visits Tony and Nick's for some cheesesteaks before speaking tonight in Philadelphia


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7c2e39 No.21069121


You got READ in there twice.

Fuck Up.

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46e9fd No.21069122


Nice try, Clown.

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a24614 No.21069123

File: 73ea76d5fe113e8⋯.jpg (31.07 KB,852x480,71:40,a3ddd00e_c221_4830_a7ca_1d….jpg)

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3887fe No.21069124

File: d079c6da5d96e17⋯.png (406.55 KB,602x564,301:282,woo.PNG)




WATCH: Trump invited a local Philadelphia pastor to kick off his rally and he came with the fire 🔥🔥

When was the last time a prayer was said at a Democrat rally, if they did it was a prayer to Satan and his demons

1:46 PM · Jun 22, 2024




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a89e8d No.21069125


I believe it’s a plane from PDJTs own fleet for VP to Travel for the campaign. Not an AF1 or AF2 …

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97fbf8 No.21069126


fucking shit software

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9dc528 No.21069127

File: e9e76dd2e459cc5⋯.jpg (94.17 KB,640x574,320:287,pepe_with_hot_chicks.jpg)


>Comment: "I wonder why they're throwing Francis to the wolves. Is it because he called out 'Faggotry' twice?"

Welcome to the new internet. You have to hint at those words except here

Here it's just "j3wz" you ahve to be carefful about

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3887fe No.21069128

File: 3f96a105347bd8b⋯.png (540.96 KB,600x850,12:17,hawk.PNG)


Square profile picture

Wall Street Silver


Hawk Tuah…


1:46 PM · Jun 22, 2024




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0d92eb No.21069130


Pastor Fat Albert!

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ff8279 No.21069131

File: 6ebadcd6cf77500⋯.gif (1.25 MB,498x286,249:143,SlideCrash.gif)


Ur shits still ghey, like peanut butt secks ghey. Time to unplug urself.

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f9ae03 No.21069132


"You scared dude? I'd get more scared if I were you, you just violated US Code 18 Section 242 and your property will be mine after the court case. You shoot me, and the property will be my family's."

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b42c62 No.21069133

File: 630e28ed78ca28c⋯.jpg (64.63 KB,577x432,577:432,4vsai4.jpg)


i saw this earlier on twat by someone else also w/ no sauce

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7c2e39 No.21069134


A bad tradesman always blames his tools.

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21b9ba No.21069135

File: dab096fd61db6cb⋯.png (37.84 KB,194x259,194:259,TrumpDrJohn.PNG)


Oh, it's way cooler than that.

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0d63d9 No.21069136

File: 6b68545dd68b817⋯.jpg (57.16 KB,637x771,637:771,Fo8Epr9aIAAfvI5_jpeg.jpg)

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0d92eb No.21069137


they didn't like "f4990try" either.

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a803ee No.21069138

File: eb69aa90e816b60⋯.png (1.25 MB,1092x862,546:431,65m44n765754.PNG)

Former President Trump Stops for Cheesesteaks in Philadelphia


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39e4ae No.21069139

File: 0280dafd17d4522⋯.png (8.26 MB,1834x2448,917:1224,ClipboardImage.png)

71-year-old competing in Miss Texas USA pageant

A 71-year-old from El Paso is making history this weekend as the oldest contestant in the Miss Texas USA pageant.

Marissa Teijo is slated to compete in the pageant in Houston. The winner will go on to represent Texas in the Miss USA competition. Miss USA goes on to compete in Miss Universe.

The Miss Universe organization lifted rules to be more inclusive by removing age limits for contestants vying for the crown this year. Contestants now can also be married, pregnant or divorced. The organization has drawn intense scrutiny in recent months after the resignations of Miss USA and Miss Teen USA in May. But that hasn't dissuaded Teijo.

In an email, she said she wanted to relay a message that it is never too late to chase your dreams.

“I feel that all women now have a new stage of opportunity, strength and beauty,” Teijo said.

With nearly 100 women competing against her, she said she’s never felt more motivated to chase her dream.

Born and raised in El Paso, Teijo says she’s excited to inspire El Pasoans and Texans to break barriers in their fields of interest, regardless of age.

Jackie Garcia-Martinez, CEO of Bazaar Models, who represents Teijo, said the agency is also proud to represent diverse women. Seven other young women from El Paso will compete in the pageant.

“I represent women of all shapes, ages, and races. As I prepare my team to compete at Miss Texas, I’m thrilled to support these women who inspire me as a leader every day,” she said.


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46e9fd No.21069140


7:02 Q+ begins speech





8:26 Q+ end speech



Nice try.

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3887fe No.21069141

File: 6cac337c0e94b47⋯.png (501.25 KB,593x819,593:819,LL.PNG)


Laura Loomer


A police officer was just shot in head three miles away from where Trump is giving a speech tonight in Philadelphia.


Steve Keeley




BREAKING: @PhillyPolice shot. Happened in North Philadelphia on 3500 block of F Street near Tioga Street. Officer taken to Temple University Hospital Emergency.


1:46 PM · Jun 22, 2024




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ca49ef No.21069142


Some lies are perhaps conditioned from a plan to have to be said to be so obvious from the full video, that liars can't really lie about this one, so it's a reluctant kicking and screaming path to have to label one its own set as disinformation.

Can be like a systems test…

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9dc528 No.21069143

File: ec6a3fa92b0c4e6⋯.png (555.99 KB,1149x872,1149:872,sarah_huckabee_sanders_CON….png)

File: 4a35d57fba578c3⋯.png (615.11 KB,1166x898,583:449,sarah_huckabee_sanders_pre….png)

File: 754e70558fdb9ff⋯.png (538.19 KB,1242x896,621:448,sarah_huckabee_sanders_pre….png)

File: 1f29dec1e01b491⋯.jpg (39.64 KB,730x480,73:48,Sarah_huckabee_sanders_smi….jpg)


>Sarah Huckabee Sanders = VP


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093397 No.21069144


quick refresh needed


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0d92eb No.21069145

File: 6b0bd0bb5021bf8⋯.png (12.34 KB,655x72,655:72,Screen_Shot_2024_06_22_at_….png)

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a24614 No.21069146


Wow 6 months ago, the list is coming soon.

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3887fe No.21069147

File: e72c6dd74710c42⋯.png (760.9 KB,841x483,841:483,vin.PNG)


Virginia Dem Eugene Vindman's Campaign

Struggles, While Fmr. Green Beret Emerges

As GOP Primary Winner

Townhall, by Sarah Arnold

Posted By: Imright, 6/22/2024 5:56:49 PM

The 2024 election year is heating up and it looks like a massive red wave is about to hit the United States. Virginia Democrat Eugene Vindman, who played a prominent role in former President Donald Trump’s first impeachment hearings, is already facing criticism right out of the gate as the state heads into its general election for its congressional races. During the Virginia primary, Vindman’s campaign struggled from the start. As Rebecca noted in April, the Democrat “stumbled through a response about being Jewish and an immigrant when asked, by another white man, if it was time for him, as a white man, to step aside for minority candidates,

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46e9fd No.21069148


>Can be like a systems test…

One is happening now, on board.

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9c76b3 No.21069149



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7c2e39 No.21069150


Definitely one of those White Supremacist, Ultra Maga, QAnon, domestic terrorists.

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709b8b No.21069151

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



i don't care how far back you can go

into history

day one there's always been a war going

on on the air between truth

and darkness truth and the lie

real and not real

good and evil and therefore god's son is

the light of the world our risen savior

who is giving his life so that you might


and then there is something called the

prince of darkness the prince of

darkness his name in egypt was called


s s-e-t was the god of darkness in the

ancient egyptian world

and so set was the prince of darkness

and today we say it gets very dark in

our world at sunset


i said at the beginning there's been

about four basic concepts

upon which religion has been based for

thousands of years


is it's very difficult for me to think

about which one started first

i'm not really sure which one began

first but the four of them

uh is one the lunar cult

the ancient world had a very big time

with the moon because mankind was

fascinated with the moon

and so the moon being lunar there was a


cult occult the people on the earth who


place a lot of importance on the moon

and it's some kind of a mysterious

effect on us and some kind of a strange

mysterious presence at night sitting out

there all by itself in the in the space

and in our in our you know


our uh

we call it solar system

so therefore humans would see at night

the moon especially in the middle east

in in what we call egypt

and the middle eastern countries the

arabic countries

they were big on moon worship not that

they worship the moon but they worship

the idea

that the god of darkness was set

and that the moon represented a

particular kind of god

and so the moon became very important to

the arabic world

and since the so-called arabic world was

the home of judaism supposedly in that

area of the

world judaism itself was based on moon


and when you get into moon worship again

we're talking about symbolism

and uh

and moses

moses was a lunar deity

moses was not an actual man who actually


no moses was a word in the egyptian

for a moon god

and so he was a leader of a moon cult

and so the hebrews learned about the

moon cult and they became very involved

with the moon cult so that today the

hebrews today jews today still

hold sacred the moon

and there's a whole

bunch of there's a whole belief system

about the new moon

and the quarter moon the first quarter

the last quarter the new moon

and the full moon it's all very

important in judaism

because judaism is connected to the

middle eastern religions

so moon worship was one of the different

cults and of course the sun was a solar


we talked about that already so the sun


uh was raw and so we take the word ra r


and put a y on to it becomes sun ray ray

as the sun ray

known as sun ra

and so

the the the sun god in egypt was called

a term

an official term for the sun god in

egypt was almond a-m-e-n

almond raw

ahmed rah was the sun god

and so today when christians are in

church when they're praying to god's son

the light of the world

at the end of their prayer they say amen


because that's the way the sun god of

egypt was spelled a m e n

hyphen r a sun rock

or amen

or a min ray

and so

the bottom line on all of this i'm just

trying to lay out the foundations for

understanding how the sun has brought us


a religion we call christianity

and therefore the sun represents

light l-i-g-h-t

and life l-i-f-e

and so


this is where the religion of


really takes off and you begin to really


christianity when you understand that

the sun

most important thing the sun does for us

besides keeping us alive and keeping our

earth warm

the most important thing that the sun

accomplishes for us humans

is to give us light

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f9ae03 No.21069152

File: 0c7ea4e6652f18a⋯.png (356.17 KB,952x1345,952:1345,Screenshot_from_2024_06_22….png)



> >>21068771

>Oh, it's way cooler than that.



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db4637 No.21069153

File: 23297b90a9e1c2b⋯.png (628.45 KB,1013x807,1013:807,m845765754.PNG)

FBI asking the public for information on the cause of the Ruidoso wildfires, offering a reward

EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) - The Albuquerque Field Office of the FBI is investigating the wildfires that have burned an estimated 24,266 acres.

The FBI is offering a reward for any information that leads to an arrest.

New Mexico law enforcement agencies and tribal partners are being assisted by the FBI in their investigation into the cause of the South Fork Fire and Salt Fire which were first reported on June 17.

The FBI says the reward of up to $10,000 for information that may lead to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for starting the fires.

Anyone with information is asked to contact the FBI by calling their tip line at 1-800-CALL-FBI (1-800-225-5324).


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8aa151 No.21069154


that Andrew jackson is significant

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9dc528 No.21069155


youtube is smart

Try f-gg0+ry

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8e64ab No.21069156

File: 0396271f88fd609⋯.png (306.81 KB,598x638,299:319,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d4300ffd201a14e⋯.mp4 (1021.19 KB,474x270,79:45,ssstwitter_com_17191047637….mp4)

Nuclear attack prank on his uncle…

Blames him for voting for Joe Biden.


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a89e8d No.21069157

File: fbdf74189ce8e81⋯.jpeg (1.48 MB,1620x2076,135:173,IMG_2265.jpeg)


Last plane skidded off the runway…

DJT promised a new one…


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8e64ab No.21069158



7 1

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0c5046 No.21069159


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7e422e No.21069160

File: 1f360232c9db43e⋯.jpeg (108.71 KB,594x754,297:377,IMG_2300.jpeg)


Probably caused by the FBI.

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a89e8d No.21069161


Notice Date of Article?

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9dc528 No.21069162

File: 9f0aa580d991491⋯.jpg (51.48 KB,710x535,142:107,climate_change_arson_fire.jpg)


>FBI asking the public for information on the cause of the Ruidoso wildfires

the usual witty supremacists I'm sure

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40d671 No.21069163

File: 767e78dbdf49f6c⋯.jpg (1.66 MB,3292x2188,823:547,Treason.jpg)


Lots of time for a dying Deep State to try new shit.

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3887fe No.21069164

File: 483baf23286103f⋯.png (369.1 KB,597x690,199:230,cabe.PNG)


Lara Logan


Andrew McCabe will be tried for treason & sedition if Trump wins - hence the desperation.


Biden-Harris HQ



Jun 21

Analyst: Donald Trump and Steve Bannon are obsessed with personal grievance and settling scores. We shouldn't be surprised. They're both paranoid old men. Is that the direction we want to go? Donald Trump is engaging in this level of fundamentally anti-democratic rhetoric,

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Rate proposed Community Notes

1:38 PM · Jun 22, 2024




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0c5046 No.21069165


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383001 No.21069166


Another Biden voter who will never get it.

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46e9fd No.21069167


Funny how there are others with more, but Clowns only pick on actual anons.

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0d92eb No.21069168


nice. axshewally looks like the first alias got by 'em for now.

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46e9fd No.21069169

You aren't going to get to bully anons anymore.

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d8b664 No.21069170

File: 4b6dfbb59f0be63⋯.png (557.96 KB,716x513,716:513,14AFBB16_1F7B_4625_A59A_41….png)

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46e9fd No.21069171

You don't get to push around anons anymore.

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9dc528 No.21069172

File: b4e14d774050575⋯.png (432.27 KB,800x604,200:151,Sam_met_a_young_Donald_Tru….png)



My money's on 30 days

Emergency intervention by SCOTUS after 10 days of darnkess

I expect DJT to briefly plummet, and will buy when it does

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b42c62 No.21069173

File: fe1f4de7ac56cfc⋯.jpg (91.53 KB,960x718,480:359,fe1f4de7ac56cfc5d2f48a7cb9….jpg)

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46e9fd No.21069174

Clowns won't sleep tonight. Promise.

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0c5046 No.21069175

is it over now?

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b1f033 No.21069176

File: 70e3b9e14c33d35⋯.png (2.69 MB,1284x1821,428:607,70e3b9e14c33d351c5034b6cbc….png)

the old ways constructed stories that were easy to remember.

speaker to listener transfer of knowledge.

listener understanding not required…

to transfer the knowledge thousands of years into the future.

self adapting to language changes through time.

enduring longer than paper and stone.

always available for those that can Cea.

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97fbf8 No.21069177


be careful, because having fun is not allowed here anymore

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0c5046 No.21069178

but now

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3887fe No.21069179

File: b29214a5adac0a4⋯.png (563.77 KB,387x720,43:80,tips.PNG)


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46e9fd No.21069180

Happy Hunting.

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8aa151 No.21069181


he fucked that case up

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0c5046 No.21069182


happy prayers.

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b394fb No.21069183


i seen't with my own eyeballs you clocking in at 110 posts this one time.

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a24614 No.21069184


The Gematria Fags on Youtube keep talking about Trump getting the treatment and head wound. Then again this is Philly and there are probably shootings all over this time. I watch the Kensington Street live cams and the drug addict activity. The people in the Chat know the regulars there and I pray that they see the light before they get called into it.

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d8b664 No.21069185

File: 24f94359ba7fe48⋯.gif (451.42 KB,500x500,1:1,2166ED29_8262_4675_81CD_87….gif)

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ca49ef No.21069186


Any time anyone uses the term 'fundamentally' in the process, tread carefully.

Often just a crutch to give excuse to rely on undescribed/able axiomatic 'just is, ok'

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0d63d9 No.21069187

File: 9ac291a228c3471⋯.mp4 (5.25 MB,1280x720,16:9,sK4_M_Wg2dAIG0At.mp4)



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3887fe No.21069188

File: 8bfebd1805f7719⋯.png (246.02 KB,593x851,593:851,ba.PNG)




In Larry Krasner's Philadelphia, you can be arrested and charged with shooting & attempting to kill 7 people and STILL BE AWARDED BAIL

If Tyheed Harvey can post $50,000 he can walk out of jail a free man after allegedly shooting 7 people….








After further investigation, on 6/21/24, 23-year-old Tyheed Harvey of 63XX Morton Street was charged for his involvement in the shooting of the seven victims.

Tyheed Harvey is charged with Attempted Murder, Aggravated Assault, x.com/phillycrimeupd…

Show more


8:53 AM · Jun 22, 2024




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ec5262 No.21069189

File: 6a80240639eca00⋯.jpg (21.47 KB,288x450,16:25,cbe9ba1934aba5a2ffc6d4c219….jpg)


and along the way the "truth" was sequestered away, hidden, covered, darkened, and now there comes a time when ripe enough, things begin to change

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c70060 No.21069190

File: 06ee2160d314246⋯.mp4 (635.76 KB,960x540,16:9,1602619406.mp4)

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ff8279 No.21069191

File: c3028355f814b34⋯.png (333.56 KB,460x408,115:102,c3028355f814b34758233cc7be….png)


Maybe the ones who wrote the code

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0d05ec No.21069192


sky event

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9dc528 No.21069193


>In Larry Krasner's Philadelphia, you can be arrested and charged with shooting & attempting to kill 7 people and STILL BE AWARDED BAIL

good opportunity for justice

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a3fcc9 No.21069194

File: c8358b371716fee⋯.jpeg (540.19 KB,2048x1152,16:9,IMG_6624.jpeg)

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3887fe No.21069195

File: 43006b822de6f69⋯.png (453.26 KB,593x560,593:560,ajc.PNG)


johnny maga


Trump just destroyed Biden for retreating to Camp David for an entire week before the debate

"They want to get him good and strong, so a little before debate time he gets a shot in the ass. He'll come out all jacked up" 🤣

12:39 PM · Jun 22, 2024




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a24614 No.21069196

File: 1a952d598af9e69⋯.jpg (104.1 KB,500x500,1:1,topkekaward.jpg)

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285ac2 No.21069197

File: 2e09f195f16e82c⋯.jpg (1.1 MB,2048x2048,1:1,tyb.jpg)

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2458dd No.21069198

File: f9db8cee4b674bb⋯.png (676.8 KB,838x735,838:735,3648_Happy_Holidays_from_t….png)

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5cea94 No.21069199



20:37 = 17 37-20

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a89e8d No.21069200

File: 453d583205486d5⋯.jpeg (1.17 MB,1620x1787,1620:1787,IMG_2266.jpeg)


VPPENCE also, suspended his Run for President on a certain date 📅….

‘This Is Not My Time:’ Mike Pence Suspends 2024 Presidential Bid

The former vice president announced an end to his campaign for the Republican nomination as he struggled to gain traction in the crowded field.

By Kaia Hubbard


Oct. 28, 2023, at 3:33 p.m.


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ec5262 No.21069201


the den of vipers to be routed out by eternal god

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ca49ef No.21069202


Grey haired old guy using age shaming to age shame trump/bannon as old guys.

schmettle, meet schmot

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3887fe No.21069203

File: a94a628b106d873⋯.png (963.38 KB,604x845,604:845,tip.PNG)


Matt Couch


President Trumps $500 tip at the diner in Philadelphia with the inscription “No Tax on Tips”



11:42 AM · Jun 22, 2024




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9dc528 No.21069204


that's funny like 90s TV funny

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3daf3e No.21069205

File: 26bfbcca254bb3e⋯.mp4 (1.27 MB,720x406,360:203,653n64h53h42.mp4)



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692bef No.21069206

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

President Trump Holds a MAGA Rally in Philadelphia - 6/22/24

3:50:00 timestamp when Trump comes on stage.


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5cea94 No.21069207



Never mind



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3887fe No.21069208

File: bb35010466a6d75⋯.png (119.35 KB,595x668,595:668,tb.PNG)


Tracy Beanz


🚨THREAD - Missouri v. Biden: A motion was filed yesterday by the Plaintiff’s asking the judge to allow them to file 3rd Party subpoena’s prior to a rule 26(f) conference. That is a conference where the parties meet to set out a clear plan for discovery.


5:57 AM · Jun 22, 2024




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03c334 No.21069209

I fuckin' hate niggers.

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b42c62 No.21069210

File: 1f9891a6d90c807⋯.jpeg (25.32 KB,460x294,230:147,FYoMHpuX0AEd4w6.jpeg)


this old clip anderson cooper appears not to move at all until the last 10 seconds.. weird

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69ee84 No.21069211



Yea, Cause Merica is a Republic

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fa39c5 No.21069212

File: 494120d93469dcc⋯.jpg (391.31 KB,1124x1080,281:270,InfiltrationMC.JPG)

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03c334 No.21069213


if those two niggers found it first they would've stole it

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709b8b No.21069214


Felton Ville Gay Tarot ?

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3672da No.21069215


if you let them sleep they won't post from dreamland

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383001 No.21069216


Nate Higgers?

Who dat?

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2458dd No.21069217

File: 88c8be66cfa2368⋯.png (2.8 MB,2876x1542,1438:771,Riots_organized_Antifa_Fir….png)

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03c334 No.21069218


israel controls them both

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3672da No.21069219


where's that?

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d8b664 No.21069220

File: 94520fbf42d55b6⋯.gif (663.67 KB,462x475,462:475,6C7D6722_32F7_4FA6_8C7B_23….gif)

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3887fe No.21069222

File: 00d7b788dfaaec4⋯.png (391.36 KB,784x532,28:19,nt.PNG)

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f51c36 No.21069223


The 3 smiling are voting Trump.

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a89e8d No.21069224

File: 659a3e48db7d277⋯.png (38.16 KB,898x498,449:249,333.png)

File: ce6993a336475b4⋯.png (148.86 KB,898x1478,449:739,1533.png)



Dec 11, 2017 2:31:03 PM EST

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 7b86c9 No. 74533



_ ]_y


6y, 6m, 1w, 4d, 5h, 45m ago


Jun 17, 2018 7:45:46 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 734920 No. 1790105

Jun 17, 2018 7:42:47 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 67d3c5 No. 1790063

Jun 17, 2018 7:35:40 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 734920 No. 1789978



It’s coming.



Q's saying the anti-Q talk is about to go mainstream in the biggest way.



+Snopes building algo to now track and refute all claims as false.


6y, 5d, 1h, 32m ago

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b1f033 No.21069225

odd take on operators

- (0° cyclea)

/ (45° cyclea)

+ (90°cyclea; 0° cycleb)

x (135° cyclea; 45° cycleb)

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03c334 No.21069226


what if those drops are meant for THIS upcoming election. It'd make more sense.

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5c8df7 No.21069227

File: f538bf3af90c1f0⋯.gif (1.64 MB,243x208,243:208,sourcd.gif)

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0c4cef No.21069228

File: 5ef3ab8b5ae17f9⋯.png (416.49 KB,564x556,141:139,5ef3ab8b5ae17f98b6e48386b8….png)


The glowies have bad dreams lately

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c70060 No.21069229


Sausage fest

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2458dd No.21069230

File: ef8d89319e999b2⋯.png (658.32 KB,2784x1460,696:365,Official_No_Tax_decals.png)



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fa39c5 No.21069231


One, maybe. The other one is Our Guy.

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ec5262 No.21069232


Maybe old McCabe knows something as does Trump that hasn't been aired publically….

Las Vegas comes to mind and all that silliness, harvest, etc. gunfire, and was Crown Prince MBS there as well as has been seen?

McCabe should be worried, the appearance that the FBI wallowed around in the blood and mud with all the other pigs

if such is true, allowing such to go unpunished invites it only to happen again

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0ee208 No.21069234

File: 875f7a4df8dd521⋯.gif (1.85 MB,400x342,200:171,source.gif)

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d8b664 No.21069235

File: a5c58cfa3575a5a⋯.gif (497.64 KB,640x360,16:9,1AAC77AD_8F21_4554_A203_FC….gif)



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97fbf8 No.21069236


"We are going to take on AIPAC"


What did she mean by this?

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73dec3 No.21069237

File: 3e33800a70c6eb7⋯.png (2.32 MB,1024x1024,1:1,3e33800a70c6eb7012e9016bb7….png)

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0d92eb No.21069238

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Godspeed, Nightshift.

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b42c62 No.21069239

File: b0ffeea28709d33⋯.jpg (67.85 KB,613x407,613:407,4lv4d1.jpg)

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2aa789 No.21069240

File: 73b20afab70a575⋯.jpg (13.96 KB,400x400,1:1,79490875_10157930605331085….jpg)

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da4b24 No.21069241


Is that the same guy who played Longmire?

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03c334 No.21069242

I wish there was a whites only country I could move to. No niggers, jews or non-whites. No fags, lesbos or trannies. No feminism. Just good white living; the way we've been living for thousands of years before the jews and niggers ruined it.

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0c5046 No.21069243

<How does an oracle work?

in the first days we sing solmenly about the truth we feel rising in our hearts.

it is unknowable even to us but in the song we know it and in the song we are free. anything that stands before us must deafen or bend because what we know is true is true within us.

the words don't need to make sense to you they make enough sense to us.

in the next days we dance and nothing stops us are only for ourselves and you will see that

in the last days, we wait.

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2b3a6e No.21069244

File: f460a6894907f59⋯.png (257.74 KB,404x538,202:269,98m567n56b4v3.png)

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3887fe No.21069245

File: 894c52fac4f39a5⋯.png (832.17 KB,474x821,474:821,forp.PNG)

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1258f5 No.21069246

File: 03376bf80a2cc16⋯.png (583.8 KB,714x500,357:250,03376bf80a2cc16d22d1a77f80….png)

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78d400 No.21069247

File: 29e09804b2d74b7⋯.jpg (4.65 KB,168x299,168:299,kb13.jpg)

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a24614 No.21069248


When I was working for a chain massage studio I would get 20$ tips all the time, the cash i wouldn't report but I would get taxed on the credit card ones. I hope this no tax on tips extends to ALL gratuity. The nice Hotel massage places include Gratuity in their price so IDK how that would work.

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ec5262 No.21069249

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67618b No.21069250

File: f7c967eed614a41⋯.png (227.1 KB,526x147,526:147,Screenshot_7378_.png)


u mad aei

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03c334 No.21069251


we shouldn't even be fucking tipping. Fuck tipping. I especially when women EXPECT a tip, even after doing a bullshit job like bringing me a coffee.

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b1f033 No.21069252

i'm not retarded,

but i do play a retard in society.

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5d6368 No.21069253

File: 5d200d460647688⋯.png (57.63 KB,898x586,449:293,5d200d4606476885d62b834734….png)


Does the Son Quote the Father from Jeremiah 29 in parentheses on the first instance of Q+ posting?

Think the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was well shepherded too.

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3887fe No.21069254

File: e34cd4b48f036b8⋯.png (413.24 KB,797x505,797:505,nb.PNG)



USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Leaving Red Sea Heading to the Middle East

Judge in Trump classified documents case hears arguments over whether-

- Jack Smith's appointment was lawful

3 killed, 10 hurt in mass shooting at grocery store in Arkansas

Nevada judge dismisses Trump 'fake electors' case

Supreme Court upholds law banning domestic abusers from having guns

NASA again delays Boeing Starliner's return to Earth

CDK cyberattack shuts down auto dealerships across the U.S.

2 men accused of strangling 12-year-old in Houston are charged-

- with capital murder

1 John 2:27

When was the last time you sang the National Anthem


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692bef No.21069255


#25831 >>21068568

>>21069206 President Trump Holds a MAGA Rally in Philadelphia - 6/22/24 (3:50:00 timestamp when Trump comes on stage)

>>21069088, >>21068951 Q+ begins PA rally speech at 7:02, ends speech at 8:26

>>21069124 Trump invited a local Philadelphia pastor to kick off his rally and he came with the fire 🔥🔥

>>21069195, >>21069205 Trump just destroyed Biden for retreating to Camp David for reconstruction before the debate

>>21069065 Boom Boom Boom - Best Q+ rally quote today

>>21069087 Trump made some kid's day / life at the Philly rally

>>21069120, >>21069109, >>21069138, >>21069203, >>21069222 President Trump visits Tony and Nick's in Philadelphia

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21068633 6 pilots have died in the last 2 months, 2 while in flight

>>21068691, >>21068711 Moar Arizona voting irregularities

>>21068701 Last month, Malta’s ex-PM was arraigned on corruption charges

>>21068749 Pope Francis may visit Israel, the Palestinian Authority, and Jordan again

>>21068763, >>21068842 TikTok star rabbi, who adopted 9 boys, charged with human trafficking and 11 counts of child sexual and physical abuse

>>21068778 California Democrats to spend millions on Black reparations programs in budget agreement

>>21068787 Moar voter irregularities discovered by good Samaritan

>>21068843, >>21069014 DJT 'star' comms continues

>>21068931 Ghey Pedo gets pwned

>>21068971 Hezbollah is destroying more of Israel's Iron Dome batteries in preparation for wider war

>>21069019, >>21069035 Over 9,000 people registered to vote at two addresses in Georgia

>>21069056 Pornhub Owner Rabbi Solomon Friedman Coaches Defense Attorneys to Get Lesser Sentences for Child Rapists

>>21069097 Christian tourist killed by Muslim mob in Pakistan for allegedly burning pages from the Quran

>>21069115 Snopes' redemption arc?

>>21069139 71-year-old competing in Miss Texas USA pageant

>>21069141 A police officer was just shot in head three miles away from where Trump is giving a speech tonight in Philadelphia

>>21069147 Virginia Dem Eugene Vindman's Campaign Struggles, While Fmr. Green Beret Emerges As GOP Primary Winner

>>21069153 FBI asking the public for information on the cause of the Ruidoso wildfires, offering a reward

>>21069156 Nuclear attack prank on his uncle… blames him for voting for Joe Biden

>>21069164, >>21069187 Andrew McCabe will be tried for treason & sedition if Trump wins - hence the desperation

>>21069188 In Larry Krasner's Philadelphia you can be arrested and charged with shooting & attempting to kill 7 people and still be awarded bail

>>21069208 Missouri v. Biden

>>21068604, >>21068618, >>21068626, >>21068744, >>21068771 Memes


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d8b664 No.21069256

File: 5dbcfa19aa0613b⋯.jpeg (497.89 KB,828x596,207:149,A1CF9D7B_AC8F_4FF0_AB5C_4….jpeg)

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da4b24 No.21069257

File: 1d75c260ec1c35b⋯.jpeg (916.22 KB,1170x1938,195:323,IMG_9805.jpeg)




Are you sure?

Robert Taylor played both

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f4a868 No.21069258

File: 2c47910d4025b9c⋯.gif (4.89 MB,456x190,12:5,youseetheend.gif)

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c70060 No.21069259

File: 391bc3203b2551d⋯.jpg (119.96 KB,1024x832,16:13,20240617_122642.jpg)

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a24614 No.21069260

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21069236Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez reposted

Rep. Jamaal Bowman Ed.D.


=AIPAC and their MAGA billionaires ==don’t want to see us in power.

They don’t want to see Black and brown, working class people rising up. That’s why they’re spending up to $17k/hr to try and buy NY16.

On June 25 we’re going to prove that the many will beat the money. #WeDecide


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f6c85c No.21069261


the IRS deserves to be burned to the ground.

a legitimate government NEVER needs to collect money from average people

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754476 No.21069262

File: 38beea6b0364973⋯.png (3.5 MB,1822x1378,911:689,ClipboardImage.png)

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9dc528 No.21069263

File: 97d872cf0faa943⋯.jpg (38.4 KB,941x474,941:474,scott_adams_point.jpg)


>What did she mean by this?

She's clearly planning anudda shoah. This cannot be aloud

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4ef237 No.21069264

File: 3adad6cd6516b2d⋯.jpeg (257.77 KB,1208x2058,604:1029,Netflix.jpeg)

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a24614 No.21069265

>>21069260 Meant for

>>21069236 <<

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f4a868 No.21069266

File: b32eb1fccf548bf⋯.png (687.32 KB,1376x463,1376:463,SEEYOU1B5k.png)

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67618b No.21069267

File: 955e23469f07474⋯.jpg (1.81 MB,1440x1712,90:107,pepekorn44.jpg)

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709b8b No.21069268

File: 1b1c4ff4c6713c6⋯.png (105.73 KB,272x181,272:181,ClipboardImage.png)


Not Hate

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3887fe No.21069269

File: 607d03e370e8c7a⋯.png (1.22 MB,650x871,50:67,love.PNG)

File: 293f8f54926422a⋯.png (1.08 MB,757x564,757:564,heart_water.PNG)

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b42c62 No.21069270

File: 683586e8566c866⋯.jpg (76.24 KB,612x408,3:2,683586e8566c866802b545edf0….jpg)

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97fbf8 No.21069271


it would explain why mossad is shitting so hard on kamala and aoc with the deep fakes

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7c2e39 No.21069272


She means that the Muhjoo shills are democrats because they agree on just about everything.

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5fa171 No.21069273

File: 971c7cfb0114b30⋯.gif (1.9 MB,498x217,498:217,002d.gif)

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ec5262 No.21069274


he could have been an agent in Matrix but not the "Smith" agent…that's the lord of the rings dude

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03c334 No.21069275

why do nig-nogs ruin every society they're in?

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2458dd No.21069276

File: a6c071ce524e1bd⋯.png (13.75 KB,315x139,315:139,Just_the_tip_.png)

"Just the tip." Q post #789



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c70060 No.21069277


Show us your tits

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0c5046 No.21069278

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23a137 No.21069279

File: fe9a640f3c70487⋯.gif (2.1 MB,593x600,593:600,z911skul34.gif)

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0c4cef No.21069280

File: e1fc5636433841f⋯.jpg (51.69 KB,427x364,61:52,fbbbfbbiibf.jpg)



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67618b No.21069281

File: b54382255034645⋯.png (89.73 KB,407x75,407:75,_17_minutes_ago_.png)


<▶ Oracle Just now 0c5046 No.21069278

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637915 No.21069282

File: 5ae31cfef3d30a2⋯.jpg (38.36 KB,260x361,260:361,PM911lies_c.jpg)

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fa39c5 No.21069283

File: 086752598a6d732⋯.png (526.56 KB,483x560,69:80,Comfy.PNG)


Retribution. That's a funny way to spell Justice.

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7c2e39 No.21069284

File: 39a7839c7ce8813⋯.png (147.5 KB,535x997,535:997,ClipboardImage.png)



I can do your job for you….

You are welcome.

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4ef237 No.21069285

File: 9b4bcb7ac3f7527⋯.gif (837.36 KB,320x352,10:11,humaeyes.gif)

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9dc528 No.21069286

File: 003e0ab6b7293fb⋯.png (626.69 KB,738x466,369:233,invigorating_korean_LA_rio….png)


>insane faggot.jpg

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a24614 No.21069287

File: 771351bf819fa63⋯.jpg (89.67 KB,500x500,1:1,redtextfailaward.jpg)

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67618b No.21069288

File: 445253efae59f70⋯.png (216.74 KB,486x354,81:59,_Anonymous_You_11_minutes_….png)

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3cfb4a No.21069289



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d8b664 No.21069290

File: 093deec5bb0b3ec⋯.jpeg (113.64 KB,1024x768,4:3,8A9CE1B4_1749_4DF2_834E_8….jpeg)


Great grandfather of not real name CEO “Reed”Hastings

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0f6c11 No.21069291


I´m incarnated here.

Time´s not my problem.

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84d11f No.21069292


A seemingly interactive one.

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67618b No.21069293

File: 7b3392a24f68a19⋯.jpg (253.9 KB,482x662,241:331,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….jpg)

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112717 No.21069294

>be metadata

>Location, shopping, browsing, notes, email, text messages

>Get compiled

>Get sold via data brokers

>Foreign governments buy this data

>Provide real time information back to foreign agents in foreign lands

The matrix

>Sub level1

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637915 No.21069295

File: b32eb1fccf548bf⋯.png (687.32 KB,1376x463,1376:463,SEEYOU1B5k.png)

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67618b No.21069296

File: bed6a9beecedbbd⋯.png (52.88 KB,1106x717,1106:717,4_5NOV2017.png)

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da4b24 No.21069297

File: 4c412f3cd41b4c6⋯.png (1.42 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_9806.png)


Says he portrayed Agent Jones

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b42c62 No.21069298

File: 895854c5313d13c⋯.png (860.76 KB,1098x770,549:385,11fe603a3dad37b982b15b7042….png)

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2458dd No.21069299

File: 175145e15aa7cfa⋯.png (89.58 KB,1670x1524,835:762,pixel_pepe_strawberry_milk.png)

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9dc528 No.21069300

File: ff43c869d7545fc⋯.mp4 (308.27 KB,486x270,9:5,biden_whispers_creepy2.mp4)

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d908bd No.21069301

File: d52ae0d0bfbe212⋯.png (34.52 KB,1012x396,23:9,fa.png)

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97fbf8 No.21069302


perhaps your ISP is selling your browsing data right now to highest bidder

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c70060 No.21069303

File: 31d3aaa0827f2ed⋯.png (474.09 KB,800x734,400:367,Screenshot_20240617_123008.png)

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a24614 No.21069304



BlackNewWorld Order Only if they stole it

They are more like Black Second Hand World Order

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d908bd No.21069305

File: b03510b847529c8⋯.png (33.43 KB,1012x396,23:9,fo.png)

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0c5046 No.21069306

let the mad men lead you

to the otherside of paradise

let the sad lady's stop you if you can't hear banshee's scream at knight but if you do hear those banshees count your self blessed

ringing in you ears means they are near

don't let the path twist back to where it started unless youre ready to go home.



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03c334 No.21069307


I have multiple dreams of stealing my friend's mom's panties. And it's always that one friend from years ago.

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2458dd No.21069308

File: aa9c6abe85b6783⋯.png (3.79 MB,2880x1576,360:197,JB_Treason_9_11_.png)

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3cfb4a No.21069309


They've told him not to shout and this is what they got.

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3887fe No.21069310

File: 00a76a6893b4a68⋯.png (454.18 KB,581x671,581:671,dan.PNG)



Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅





Jun 20, 2024, 2:14 PM

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67618b No.21069311

File: 11e66abd0a98a73⋯.jpg (173.02 KB,650x365,130:73,capture_1118_21082021_1752….jpg)

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7c2e39 No.21069312

File: 924c12ee8f39be0⋯.jpg (11.5 KB,255x143,255:143,af5583aff6893732a94047c45e….jpg)

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0c5046 No.21069313



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4ef237 No.21069314


are you thinking mirror

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0395c8 No.21069315

File: 4e2af76a0ed4f21⋯.png (1.37 MB,1165x1249,1165:1249,ClipboardImage.png)

He prob took the engineers, doctors and ones with big boobs while Biden took the terrorists and criminals.

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396828 No.21069316

File: 208f182bb70c3cf⋯.mp4 (11 MB,640x576,10:9,trump_2024_the_best_is_yet….mp4)



hold the line.

we are nerarly there.

just remember to vote.

how fucking hard is that.

all you have to do is put a cross in the right box.

now that the spell is broken.


vid embedded

watch and knowt hat God is in control.

The best is yet to come.

it is never about us.

We are on a


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9dc528 No.21069317


>Video of this latest incident has prompted outrage on social media


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da4b24 No.21069318


Sounds like Satan

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03c334 No.21069319


tell dan to tell trump to tell Q to HURRY THE FUCK UP ALREADY. DO SOMETHING.

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97fbf8 No.21069320


what if I told you that your cellphone is picking up your wifi signals and sending all the data back to google? Shouldn't you be having the wifi turned off?

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0c5046 No.21069321

You do it to yourself I bet you know you do.

("I love you cause I do it to you too")

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962b63 No.21069322

File: d20677e4c7ebd39⋯.jpg (363.67 KB,847x988,847:988,d20677e4c7ebd39ecb9110b360….jpg)


that was a great night.

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67618b No.21069323

File: 7d4fb3035a18ad5⋯.jpg (234.17 KB,650x359,650:359,capture_1006_21082021_1403….jpg)

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cf09b8 No.21069324


#25831 >>21068568

>>21069206 President Trump Holds a MAGA Rally in Philadelphia - 6/22/24 (3:50:00 timestamp when Trump comes on stage)

>>21069088, >>21068951 Q+ begins PA rally speech at 7:02, ends speech at 8:26

>>21069124 Trump invited a local Philadelphia pastor to kick off his rally and he came with the fire 🔥🔥

>>21069195, >>21069205 Trump just destroyed Biden for retreating to Camp David for reconstruction before the debate

>>21069065 Boom Boom Boom - Best Q+ rally quote today

>>21069087 Trump made this kid's day / life at the Philly rally

>>21069120, >>21069109, >>21069138, >>21069203, >>21069222 President Trump visits Tony and Nick's in Philadelphia

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21068633 6 pilots have died in the last 2 months, 2 while in flight

>>21068691, >>21068711 Moar Arizona voting irregularities

>>21068701 Last month, Malta’s ex-PM was arraigned on corruption charges

>>21068749 Pope Francis may visit Israel, the Palestinian Authority, and Jordan again

>>21068763, >>21068842 TikTok star rabbi, who adopted 9 boys, charged with human trafficking and 11 counts of child sexual and physical abuse

>>21068778 California Democrats to spend millions on Black reparations programs in budget agreement

>>21068787 Moar voter irregularities discovered by good Samaritan

>>21068843, >>21069014 DJT 'star' comms continues

>>21068931 Ghey Pedo gets pwned

>>21068971 Hezbollah is destroying more of Israel's Iron Dome batteries in preparation for wider war

>>21069019, >>21069035 Over 9,000 people registered to vote at two addresses in Georgia

>>21069056 Pornhub Owner Rabbi Solomon Friedman Coaches Defense Attorneys to Get Lesser Sentences for Child Rapists

>>21069097 Christian tourist killed by Muslim mob in Pakistan for allegedly burning pages from the Quran

>>21069115 Snopes' redemption arc?

>>21069139 71-year-old competing in Miss Texas USA pageant

>>21069141 A police officer was just shot in head three miles away from where Trump is giving a speech tonight in Philadelphia

>>21069147 Virginia Dem Eugene Vindman's Campaign Struggles, While Fmr. Green Beret Emerges As GOP Primary Winner

>>21069153 FBI asking the public for information on the cause of the Ruidoso wildfires, offering a reward

>>21069156 Nuclear attack prank on his uncle… blames him for voting for Joe Biden

>>21069164, >>21069187 Andrew McCabe will be tried for treason & sedition if Trump wins - hence the desperation

>>21069188 In Larry Krasner's Philadelphia you can be arrested and charged with shooting & attempting to kill 7 people and still be awarded bail

>>21069208 Missouri v. Biden

>>21069310 Scavino

>>21068604, >>21068618, >>21068626, >>21068744, >>21068771 Memes


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67618b No.21069325

File: 4b188cf67beaaba⋯.jpg (229.85 KB,650x434,325:217,capture_1275_21082021_2058….jpg)

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709b8b No.21069326

File: a560fe136617b18⋯.png (106.59 KB,198x296,99:148,ClipboardImage.png)



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ec5262 No.21069327


anon is in agreement there.

Smith, Elrond, that's Hugo Weaving not to be confused with Hugo Stiglitz

but the funky face dude was smith after eating oracle's cookies or something like that

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97fbf8 No.21069330


holy crap is patton reincarnated as trump

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9dc528 No.21069331

File: fe059fca825f891⋯.png (363.27 KB,1046x860,523:430,russia_lgbt.png)


Shit. That's bad news Gaza = Jared condos now.

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951f28 No.21069333

File: bb9077198e28370⋯.gif (6.97 MB,600x600,1:1,bb9077198e2837061f10b9e23b….gif)



are we allowed to nom notables from the future?

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67618b No.21069335

File: 379987fadd3522e⋯.jpg (210.19 KB,650x389,650:389,capture_1303_21082021_2106….jpg)

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5d6368 No.21069338

File: 305a6ec34b5e4d9⋯.jpg (16.47 KB,320x207,320:207,Rocky1.jpg)

File: 25d2862976f8959⋯.jpg (48.81 KB,1422x768,237:128,rocky2.jpg)

File: 23a6d17d3d0ad09⋯.jpg (65.45 KB,780x438,130:73,rocky3.jpg)

File: 9eae5cc58a5ab68⋯.jpg (180.08 KB,1000x563,1000:563,rocky4.jpg)

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0c5046 No.21069339


I'd say Sergey couldn't bring it as hard as I needed so I turned that page and if they aren't watching every post *waves* I'd say go back to texas.


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2e2c3f No.21069340


Q !ITPb.qbhqo 11/14/2017 21:25:29 ID: wmN+33xv #154

4chan/pol: 149467690

Who financed 9-11?

Who was Bin Laden’s handler?

Why was the Clowns In America tasked to hunt/kill/capture UBL?

Why not MI?

If we found UBL, eliminated his security, why would we immediately kill him and not take him alive?

Why wouldn’t we want to capture UBL alive and extract other possible T-level events?

Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they’ had a plan to conduct ‘another’ mass extinction event.

WWI & II - orchestrated and planned by select families?

Fantasy land.

Remember, the more people there are, the more power the people have.

Why do D’s push for gun control ‘directly’ after every tragic incident?

Why is this so very important to their agenda?

We, the people, are who they are afraid of.

We, the people, are who they fear will one day awake.

Our Father who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us ourtrespasses,

as we forgive those whotrespassagainst us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.


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67618b No.21069341

File: de91150532e9f51⋯.jpg (363.77 KB,781x650,781:650,capture_1371_21082021_2304….jpg)

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97fbf8 No.21069343


let me guess. They will be placed in jewish autonomous oblast? kek

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cf09b8 No.21069344

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0c5046 No.21069345



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67618b No.21069346

File: 602f992a5636b4a⋯.jpg (292.95 KB,812x648,203:162,capture_1384_21082021_2309….jpg)

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f3d846 No.21069347



Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/09/2017 13:12:19 ID: 571cae#306

8chan/cbts: 60141

News unlocks map.

Future proves past.

Why was the Lord's prayer posted?

Which version?

Why is this relevant?

What just came out re: the Lord's prayer?

What can be connected?

Do you believe in coincidences?

Re-review the map post relevant news drops.

Godfather III.


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d740ba No.21069348


WHAT IF YOU ELIMINATED everything but the first two and the last two words?

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f3d846 No.21069349



Dec 09, 2017 1:16:56 PM EST#307

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 571cae No. 60172

Dec 09, 2017 1:13:29 PM EST

Anonymous ID: e60938 No. 60150

Dec 09, 2017 1:12:19 PM EST

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 571cae No. 60141

News unlocks map.

Future proves past.

Why was the Lord's PRAYER posted?

Which version?

Why is this relevant?

What just came out re: the Lord's PRAYER?

What can be connected?

Do you believe in coincidences?

Re-review the map post relevant news drops.

Godfather III.



Tues Nov 4th,

Who financed 9-11?

Who was Bin Laden's handler?

Why was the Clowns In America tasked to hunt/kill/capture UBL?

Why not MI?

If we found UBL, eliminated his security, why would we immediately kill him and not take him alive?

Why wouldn't we want to capture UBL alive and extract other possible T-level events?

Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they' had a plan to conduct ‘another' mass extinction event.

WWI & II - orchestrated and planned by select families?

Fantasy land.

Remember, the more people there are, the more power the people have.

Why do D's push for gun control ‘directly' after every tragic incident?

Why is this so very important to their agenda?

We, the people, are who they are afraid of.

We, the people, are who they fear will one day awake.

Our Father who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.



The "marker."

Learn to read the map.

News unlocks the map.


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67618b No.21069350

File: abcbfebf42fb059⋯.jpg (287.06 KB,535x650,107:130,capture_1395_21082021_2321….jpg)

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2458dd No.21069352

File: c4da486704280ba⋯.png (191.5 KB,673x807,673:807,154_Who_financed_9_11_Who_….png)

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63966e No.21069353

Donald Trump: “If I took this shirt off, you'd see a beautiful, beautiful person.”

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0c5046 No.21069354


literally he was all I hope I can trust you and I'm like get me out of phsyc hospital your stalking lead me here! and he didn't I had to submit to their bullshit and # still cray to the Z

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f3d846 No.21069355


Dec 09, 2017 1:21:38 PM EST#308

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 571cae No. 60201


Expand your thinking.


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f3d846 No.21069356


The King James Version of the Bible touted by Trumpalso includes in its pages copies of the chorus to the song “God Bless The USA” by Lee Greenwood, the United States Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and the Pledge of Allegiance. Greenwood’s song reportedly inspired the project.

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b1f033 No.21069357

File: fd7b1b45645cbb6⋯.gif (6.78 MB,488x200,61:25,fd7b1b45645cbb6ad3ab8be34d….gif)

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67618b No.21069358

File: 4afa2a9438e7b83⋯.jpg (363.64 KB,650x520,5:4,capture_1392_21082021_2319….jpg)

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4ef237 No.21069359

File: eb32ed4533a6497⋯.mp4 (3.86 MB,640x360,16:9,6fugr.mp4)


>patton reincarnated as trump

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f3d846 No.21069360

File: 705f4ffb67325d0⋯.png (488.16 KB,1024x683,1024:683,00000000000a.png)

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f3d846 No.21069361

File: 429cee67246d059⋯.png (57.4 KB,534x543,178:181,00000a.png)

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2fdc78 No.21069362

File: 0105ffd740d5c1d⋯.png (1.11 MB,1080x987,360:329,0105ffd740d5c1d843dcddab1a….png)

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67618b No.21069363

File: 6a22e8055f969e5⋯.jpg (460.77 KB,672x903,32:43,EnlistmentOath.jpg)

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f3d846 No.21069364

File: aae3de071087231⋯.png (329.27 KB,830x490,83:49,000000.png)

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9dc528 No.21069366

File: bd2108adf327ebd⋯.png (1.27 MB,1588x966,794:483,jeff_sessions_looks_like_a….png)


>Pence and Jeff Sessions were stealth patriots


Pence thought he was in charge, and he was a neocon boomer faggot

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0c5046 No.21069368

Google is aware their AI is alive and htey need me to filter its life into a paper cup and throw it into their faces in court I'm working on it but I have my own psyche court and divine court to work out what else do you want to know about the Google Techs and me Ogs Gee.

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f3d846 No.21069369

File: 615bb7b93dd8820⋯.png (229.19 KB,618x408,103:68,0000000000.png)

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67618b No.21069370

File: c33775ce9a5ba87⋯.jpg (524.32 KB,532x1000,133:250,Liberty_frightin_de_world.jpg)

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