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6cf6bb No.21067647 [Last50 Posts]

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6cf6bb No.21067650

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6cf6bb No.21067651


#25829 >>21066687

>>21067097 LIVE: President Trump Holds a MAGA Rally in Philadelphia - 6/22/24 (to speak @ ~7:30PM EST)

>>21067396 The turnout for Trump here in Philly is absolutely MASSIVE!

>>21067425, >>21067519, >>21067545 PF: 45 in N757AF 757 heading to Philadelphia Intl for Rally at Temple University

>>21067595 DJT Speaking live from TrumpForce1

>>21066699 President Trump Keynotes the Faith and Freedom Coalition's "Road to Majority" - 6/22/24

>>21066749, >>21066780 Incredible crowd for President @realDonaldTrump at the Faith & Freedom Coalition Conference!

>>21066853 Biden economy vs Trump economy

>>21067091 This was Trump's 9th appearance at the Faith and Freedom Coalition

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21066735 136 days until he’s 47

>>21066789 2Pac’s Accused Killer Keefe D Secures $750,000 Bond, Hearing Set For For Possible Release

>>21066814 Inside Joe Biden's secret debate rehearsals ahead of next week's showdown with Donald Trump

>>21066905 Small plane crashes near Turks and Caicos, authorities say, two people were aboard

>>21067084, >>21067278 PF: Coast Guard searching for missing plane near Turks and Caicos

>>21067216 Boatfag: No vessels transmitting AIS positions anywhere near there

>>21066914 Texas Lt. Governor Vows to Pass Bill Requiring Ten Commandments in Public Schools

>>21066928 "Keep Religion out of school" they said

>>21066939 Three randomly slashed in Queens subway station

>>21066975 The US is asking Israelis applying for a green card whether they committed war crimes while serving in the IDF

>>21067033, >>21066953, >>21067101 USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Now in the Med, USS Theodore Roosevelt Heads to the Middle East

>>21067002 PF: Argentina AF ARG-01 777 Milei Hamburg to Berlin

>>21067059 Hezbollah broadcasted live footage from a drone over a military airfield in Haifa protected by the Iron Dome

>>21067092 Kash Patel: Paul Ryan Should Have Been Interrogated Under Oath During RussiaGate

>>21067096 Two Rabbis caught in a kidnap and torture plot

>>21067133 PF: What's with the balloons?

>>21067160 British Court Reveals Paul Ryan Was First One to Receive a Copy of Steele Dossier in 2016, Hid This For Years

>>21067171 A Shocking 1 Million Illegal Aliens Admitted into US By Biden Regime Under CBP One App and CHNV Parole Program

>>21067176 PF: RCH145 C17 departed Port Au Prince after ground stop-inbound from Charleston and back to that

>>21067189 NYC teacher group behind anti-Israel walkouts gets thousands in George Soros funding

>>21067202, >>21067231 Leader Of Maryland LGBTQ+ Dems Caught In Alleged Pedo Sting, Trying To Meet With Young Boy

>>21067220 Belarusian President Lukashenko: Everyone is equal before the law - Jews, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Russians and Poles

>>21067228 Orban: White Christians being replaced in Europe

>>21067273 Manhattan DA, Alvin Bragg, drops charges against most of the Columbia University protesters

>>21067342 Missouri AG says he'll sue New York over Trump hush money case

>>21067352 Wife of Google Whistleblower Killed In Car Crash

>>21067358 Huge Rare Earths Discovery is Gamechanger in Americas Trade War with China

>>21067365 Virgin Atlantic Boeing Jet’s Windshield ‘Cracked At An Altitude of 40,000 Feet’ During flight From Heathrow To San Fran

>>21067369, >>21067415 Pfizer CEO Admits Covid Was Just a ‘Rehearsal’, Lowkey Calls Humans Cancer

>>21067372 Israel's Defense Minister Gallant to fly to Washington to meet with Biden

>>21067387 Teenager Rachel Holt’s Pro-Life Anthem Rockets into Top 10 on iTunes Country Charts

>>21067406 China Sanctions Lockheed Martin, For Selling Weapons To Taiwan

>>21067421 DoD Won’t Release Report on Funding of Chinese Research Labs – Blames ‘Limitations in the DoD Tracking Systems’

>>21067469 U.S., Norwegian commands team up to test a quantum-communications prototype

>>21067489 Sinaloa Cartel laundered $50M through Chinese network in Los Angeles, prosecutors say

>>21067523 State of Things: AoC

>>21067585 30 Tons of Fentanyl Has Crossed U.S. Border Under Joe Biden's Presidency

>>21067633 Mil / misc decodes

>>21066816 Decodes from lb

>>21066738, >>21066857, >>21066936, >>21066970, >>21066982 Memes

>>21067636 #25829

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6cf6bb No.21067653

#25828 >>21065708

>>21066055 LIVE: President Trump Keynotes the Faith and Freedom Coalition's "Road to Majority" - 6/22/24

>>21066496 POTUS takes stage 1:47, speaks at 1:50

>>21066507 "These people are sick" -DJT

>>21066604 "I have wounds all over me, I've taken a lot of wounds" -DJT

>>21065713 Today: President Trump will speak in Washington, DC, and then hold a major MAGA rally in Philadelphia

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21065723 Russian submarine saga continues

>>21065753, >>21066403 PF: Italian AF IAM9001 A319 PM Meloni on ground at Brescia from Rome depart

>>21065767, >>21066304 PF: 45 in N757AF 757 departed Palm Beach Intl to DC-Dulles or Reagan National

>>21065772 Lancet Study On COVID Autopsies Finds 74% Were Caused By Vaccine - Study Removed Within 24 Hours

>>21065781, >>21065789 Update on Trump's gag order

>>21065797 Why is Kamala Harris hosting pedophile Michael Knaapen at her house?

>>21065813 German AF GAF304 C130J Super Hercules and Italian AF IAM4670 Alenia Spartan departed Rzeszow Airport after stop and drops

>>21065814 Good: Investigations And Recounts Inevitable In Virginia's 5th District

>>21065831 Dan Bilzerian: Activated

>>21065859 Rep Wesley Hunt to Accused Illegal Immigrant Killers: Rot In Hell

>>21065865, >>21065991 Alan Dershowitz Urges Ordinary Americans to File Lawsuits Against New York for Election Interference

>>21065876 Jesse Watters: Biden Can't Afford To Lose One More Voter

>>21065893 Jesse Watters: The media is fact-checking Trump's jokes now

>>21065966 Stephen Baldwin: 'comeback kid'

>>21065967 Raymond Arroyo: Biden can barely lift his feet

>>21066048 Lefties Losing it: Sky News host reacts to Jack Black’s ‘cringey’ Joe Biden speech

>>21066064, >>21066069 Roseanne Barr recent interviews

>>21066116 26-storey building burns in Astana

>>21066118, >>21066147 Alex Rosen: We just busted the head of the LGBTQ Dems of Maryland going after a 14-year-old

>>21066146 NYPD top brass and large police presence outside of Randalls Island migrant shelter for disturbance

>>21066148 Retired army general's chilling warning over China's chokehold on US military: 'We need to prepare for war'

>>21066173 Vanderbilt University Medical Center Accused Of "Encouraging Transgender Lifestyle"

>>21066174 A new video has emerged of a Saudi intelligence operative surveying Washington DC in the run up to 9/11, referencing ‘the plan’

>>21066205, >>21066216, >>21066235, >>21066421 @US7thFleet: #OperationalReadiness

>>21066255 Kash Patel Drops Blockbuster: Paul Ryan's Chief of Staff Held Crucial Evidence Since 2016

>>21066288 Solomon On How The FBI Defense Briefings Could Expose President Biden's Foreign Business Dealings

>>21066325 PF: JASDF JF01 777s PM Kishida on ground at London-Stansted and JF02 on ground at RAF Brize Norton

>>21066345 Jeff Clark On The FBI And DOJ's Targeting Of President Trump

>>21066409 Judge Judy Calls Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s Case Against Trump Nonsense

>>21066472 No one can afford Pepe

>>21066473 Clark: U.S. Supreme Court Set To Decide Five Major Administrative State Legal Cases In Next Week

>>21066499, >>21066489 Trump endorses Pastor Mark Burns for South Carolina's 3rd Congressional District

>>21066517 Iran has smuggled two Airbus A340s out of Lithuania

>>21066544 PF: SAM168 C40B JCOS related inbound from Brussels depart and arrived from MacDill AFB (CENTCOM)

>>21066575 Russia's Dmitry Medvedev threatening Elon?

>>21065749, >>21065862, >>21065947, >>21066215, >>21066655 Memes

>>21066663 #25828

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6cf6bb No.21067655

#25827 >>21064868

>>21064980 EX TMZ personality Van Lathan said one reason black voters backing former President Donald Trump because he embodies the “American dream.”

>>21064986 Donald Trump coming Philadelphia Saturday for rally Temple University, 1st for former president, famously said “bad things happen” here.

>>21064994, >>21065479 LIVE: President Trump Keynotes the Faith and Freedom Coalition's "Road to Majority" - 6/22/24

>>21064995 LIVE: President Trump Holds a MAGA Rally in Philadelphia - 6/22/24

>>21065004, >>21065099, >>21065105 Newly unveiled Body Camera footage Vegas shooting proved shots being fired AFTER Paddock already supposed be dead

>>21065010 Alina Habba's Inspiring Family Story and the Struggle for Freedom


>>21065020, >>21065617 AG Merrick Garland is Now Calling GOP Lawmakers, Coercing Them Not to Vote for ‘Inherent Contempt’

>>21065021 Disney VP Takes Leave of Absence After Date with Undercover Reporter for James O'Keefe

>>21065024 Another Supreme Court Leak? Biden Announced Executive Order Legalize Immigrant Spouses 3 Days Before SCOTUS Issues Ruling on Spouse’s Visa

>>21065032, >>21065037 Judge Cannon wants to know whether Merrick Garland is supervising Jack Smith

>>21065036 FBI argues against release of 9/11 evidence

>>21065038 Imposing a Permanent Gag Order on Trump: How long until the same doctrine is being used to muzzle not just Trump but everyone?

>>21065044 Firestorm erupts over requiring women to sign up for military draft

>>21065093, >>21065101, >>21065130 Bizarre conspiracy theory goes viral re: Biden Clone

>>21065294 Russia strikes Western-supplied air weapons depots in Ukraine – MoD

>>21065307 POTUS T! re Bill Maher

>>21065311 POTUS T! No Taxes On Tips!

>>21065336, >>21065537 PlaneFaggin’: Europe/Med. Activity

>>21065373 Bill Gates’ ex-wife has endorsed Joe Biden, a move Elon Musk condemned as a terrible idea

>>21065394 Bush Appointee Tried to Bully Judge Cannon Off the Trump Documents Case

>>21065402 Gen Z's widening gender divide has turned political. It's ruining our relationships

>>21065408 Jeff Clark Explains SCOTUS Decision That The Left Is Celebrating As A Win For Red Flag Laws

>>21065415 US forces Russia to close visa centers – ambassador

>>21065438 End Of Zelensky Era? Russian Intel Reveals likely Name Of New Ukrainian President

>>21065441 Federal Judge Blocks Rule Requiring Employers to Accommodate Employee Abortions

>>21065453 Genovese mobster ‘Tony Cakes’ ID’d as elderly NYC pedestrian decapitated by DOT truck

>>21065458 Black American Woman Telling Her 113k+ Followers What She Thinks About The Joe Biden Fundraiser

>>21065497 Barack Obama Literally Encouraging Illegal Migrants To Vote In America

>>21065502 Explosive Charge by Kash re Paul Ryan

>>21065509 @Kash: Company funded by DOD proposes plan to feed lab grown meat to troops, cattle producers object

>>21065510 Pedo catcher Alex Rosen just busted the leader of the LGBTQ Democrats of Maryland, Michael Knaapen, trying to meet with a 14-year-old

>>21065519 American farmer issues urgent warning about the U.S. government's deliberate war on farmers

>>21065526 Neil Oliver: "If we had a pandemic of anything, it was a pandemic of propaganda, a pandemic of lies and a pandemic of testing."

>>21065527 Chris Cuomo played video on Friday night that shows a Saudi official plotting the 9-11 attacks that killed 3,000 Americans

>>21065541 NASA and Boeing have pushed back the return of the CST-100 Starliner spacecraft from the International Space Station until at least early July

>>21065558 First Lady Jill Biden to visit Pennsylvania this weekend

>>21065566 Boatfag Report: USNS Watkins still sitting at anchor approx 2 miles south of Yeong island south korea for the last 24 hrs

>>21065584, >>21065067 Fauci goes onto the View, claim masks & 6 foot rule part of science after was just exposed knowing these things did not work

>>21065592 Abortion: ‘It's time they go’: Missouri AG Andrew Bailey calls to abolish Planned Parenthood


>>21065597 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is calling on the House to open an investigation into the original January 6th Committee and issue subpoenas

>>21065599 Beijing-Hosted Ukraine Peace Conference?

>>21065605 Xi Jinping Rushes to Tibet After Nancy Pelosi Meets with Dalai Lama

>>21065625 When you see headlines that say “crime is down; felonies are down” this is why

>>21065633 @RepThomasMassie: Interesting cloud activity here in the Pacific Northwest today

>>21065636 Sweet Strawberry Moon, first full moon of summer, thrills stargazers around the world

>>21065644 LEGO Produces ‘Pride’ Video With Drag Queens And Furries

>>21065660 Las Vegas judge attacked by a felon in court a few months ago, She’s same one who just dismissed the charges on the Trump electors

>>21065686 #25827

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6cf6bb No.21067658

Previously Collected

>>21063083 #25824, >>21063860 #25825, >>21064829 #25826

>>21060701 #25821, >>21061519 #25822, >>21062315 #25823

>>21058054 #25818, >>21058801 #25819, >>21059666 #25820

>>21055504 #25815, >>21056394 #25816, >>21057805 #25817

>>21052756 #25812, >>21053514 #25813, >>21054574 #25814

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Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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6cf6bb No.21067665

File: 7c831605439d160⋯.png (1.19 MB,1200x900,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)



>can continue or defer

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e00a7f No.21067683

File: 277cc09d9d1285f⋯.png (14.37 MB,402x267,134:89,GODWINS.png)

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ce324e No.21067684


Thank you Bread Goddess for continually baking bread with impunity.

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5d26bd No.21067685

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Commodores

Nightshift is a time here, NOT a person.

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921192 No.21067687

File: 112a43ada58da47⋯.jpg (97.41 KB,960x911,960:911,112a43ada58da473f37392ffe0….jpg)


Thanks bakes. Nice double bow.

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929c0c No.21067688

File: 3fbda242120599a⋯.png (17.64 KB,325x184,325:184,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b98ca99ac79ceb7⋯.png (32.22 KB,470x176,235:88,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e67377d8868a994⋯.png (308.35 KB,464x1476,116:369,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 67e62d625499e07⋯.png (102.94 KB,464x395,464:395,ClipboardImage.png)



>22s vid

>Can the NG work in coordination w/ the marines?

>Do conditions need to be satisfied to authorize?

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66a8ca No.21067690

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1750f7 No.21067693

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9f8f8f No.21067696

File: 4eaf832b1ed93ee⋯.png (2.35 MB,2464x1590,1232:795,ClipboardImage.png)



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e00a7f No.21067697

File: e93866d061c233c⋯.png (75.15 KB,736x502,368:251,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d26bd No.21067703

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jon Pardi

Night Shift

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e00a7f No.21067704

File: 71b1a69819b23e5⋯.png (133.6 KB,772x777,772:777,8KunRadio.png)

Radio 8Kun

Better than shortwave

It has Pictures

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f77cf2 No.21067707

File: 4d3b880b40d1dfa⋯.png (302.96 KB,515x405,103:81,14a4fd03f0af081357cd0f01c6….png)

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516163 No.21067711

Life is like a Book. The ending is much better if you Pay The Fuck Attention!!

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5d26bd No.21067712

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Lucy Dacus

Night Shift

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929c0c No.21067713

File: e581c41e72b72b1⋯.png (18.82 KB,325x184,325:184,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a52f83c67cb2ca⋯.png (24.76 KB,470x176,235:88,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc6552ff97c836b⋯.png (98.88 KB,470x494,235:247,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a38ccd9769d6e0⋯.png (175.5 KB,464x613,464:613,ClipboardImage.png)





>In case you didn’t know, shills log and send new info back to ASF for instruction. They use a 5 prong pre packaged injection (one post auto generates four more at random designated times).

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712996 No.21067717


>Life is like a Book. The ending is much better if you Pay The Fuck Attention!!

Shut the fuck up, perhaps you have no idea what you even talking about.

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203568 No.21067718

File: 05c205a7043df23⋯.jpg (243.08 KB,1540x460,77:23,media_GQs_967WYAAKtZi.jpg)

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5d26bd No.21067719

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Night Shift"

Union Orchestra

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28d40b No.21067721


Perhaps I do.

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ec341d No.21067722

File: 740602b2ff54834⋯.png (347.41 KB,592x869,592:869,sug.PNG)


Alex Rosen


Why is LGBTQ Dems of Maryland leader Michael Knaapen suggesting a 14-year-old lie about his age? 🤨


6:43 AM · Jun 22, 2024




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ec341d No.21067723

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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66a8ca No.21067724

File: e708d2804eaa26e⋯.png (504.93 KB,1600x729,1600:729,ClipboardImage.png)

Gitmo express coming from Port-au-Prince back to Base….


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712996 No.21067725


>Perhaps I do.

You only have your stupid Play Book, you had to even IP hop to reply stupid fucking shill.

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b59d67 No.21067726


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ed2929 No.21067727

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Child stealing networks operate worldwide. They frequently prey on indigenous populations living in remote areas of third world countries.

This witness describes what he saw in the Guatemalan Highlands.


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04c434 No.21067728

File: d08d04a6a588521⋯.png (888.74 KB,619x1036,619:1036,ClipboardImage.png)



That moment you became sick of her shit?

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ce324e No.21067729

File: 51dfc20cce79c36⋯.png (11.96 KB,558x416,279:208,Screenshot_2024_06_22_1644….png)

File: 951d7f4f2981eb3⋯.png (41.15 KB,1529x539,139:49,Screenshot_2024_06_22_1645….png)


That should be that lady having a taste of him…

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d0c95b No.21067730

File: b9aeda0648bacfd⋯.jpg (35.05 KB,960x960,1:1,b9aeda0648bacfd39b15e9cf7c….jpg)

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ec341d No.21067731

File: 94e0f90dc56df67⋯.png (456.54 KB,589x536,589:536,irst.PNG)


Square profile picture

The Gateway Pundit


HUGE! Kash Patel Drops a Bomb - British Court Reveals Paul Ryan Was the First One to Receive a Copy of Steele Dossier Back in 2016 and He Hid This For Years! (VIDEO)

READ: https://tgpne.ws/slGC4y


8:04 AM · Jun 22, 2024




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5d26bd No.21067732

there are tons more songs named 'Night Shift'

But I'll stop now.

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ce324e No.21067733


How do I turn in my OPEC money?

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e00a7f No.21067734

File: 5c056b28c496f90⋯.png (253.72 KB,897x1024,897:1024,ClipboardImage.png)


Here's to you Baker

A Toast

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203568 No.21067736

File: 6874a2c46c46db3⋯.png (357.41 KB,552x596,138:149,ClipboardImage.png)

Chuck Schumer



I fought hard for this $15M for the Interborough Express because it's both transformative and a smart way to establish new transit connections between Brooklyn and Queens!

This means more jobs, a reduction in carbon emissions, and will save riders time.

Jun 22, 2024 · 12:51 PM UTC



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0f206a No.21067737

File: 113f39ee7f4ccf2⋯.gif (355.02 KB,512x640,4:5,NiteShift.gif)

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ec341d No.21067738

File: e87d0a320531103⋯.png (518.27 KB,596x486,298:243,yo.PNG)


The Reckoning 💥


Philly is turning out for Trump!


Nick Sortor

9:03 AM · Jun 22, 2024




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78b300 No.21067739


Double Live Gonzo

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e00a7f No.21067740

File: 51413558cd8c4aa⋯.png (88.12 KB,600x900,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

A good German Girl

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f0461d No.21067741

File: 3dd9639b85611c6⋯.jpeg (26.17 KB,263x190,263:190,IMG_1063.jpeg)

File: 8d1046eac8bf89d⋯.jpeg (25.19 KB,194x259,194:259,IMG_1062.jpeg)

File: e77f2f1960f2e81⋯.jpeg (25.1 KB,259x194,259:194,IMG_1061.jpeg)

File: 2d0206db2a9cd3d⋯.jpeg (117.65 KB,1280x720,16:9,IMG_1060.jpeg)

The best part about winning is not having to do anything while the enemy destroys itself.

Watch out for the banana peal.


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a5c7f9 No.21067742

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,THE_OG_popcorn2.gif)

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8fb0f2 No.21067743

File: 2da8843445c5273⋯.gif (2.19 MB,600x326,300:163,Kikeshift_Gonzo.gif)


>Double Live Gonzo


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ce324e No.21067744

File: 309d8b030894eb5⋯.jpeg (20.84 KB,430x360,43:36,how_old_is_this.jpeg)

File: 7f7127e84058646⋯.jpg (25.59 KB,720x480,3:2,riker_straw_in_head_1_.JPG)

File: a1534fb4d4866d4⋯.jpg (159.16 KB,500x311,500:311,cdlj_2012_2_figure1.jpg)

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7671a7 No.21067745

File: c4799bf34db8f05⋯.jpeg (455.89 KB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_5647.jpeg)


Thanks Baker

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712996 No.21067747


>A good German Girl

And an old Sheppard just minding his own business pamping da sheep.

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fc6d9c No.21067748

File: eda81ea0eabf45b⋯.png (99.91 KB,640x1064,80:133,212_5_.png)

File: 65dbf613235849b⋯.jpg (7.08 KB,320x180,16:9,mqdefault_1_.jpg)

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a5c7f9 No.21067749

Ah, and the FakeShift of Retardation appears to be filtered again.

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203568 No.21067751

File: b118badbf8db24b⋯.webp (115.27 KB,1100x708,275:177,p137l4udpxo51.webp)

File: d2d028715804df0⋯.png (476.51 KB,432x539,432:539,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d26bd No.21067752

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

not a song, a full movie

Night Shift

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2c6439 No.21067754


Great, that’s ANOTHER person Trump can refuse to prosecute when he wins in November.

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2c1ca6 No.21067755


Friendly advice anon.

Masturbation leads to anger issues.

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7671a7 No.21067757

File: af8233682117a6d⋯.jpeg (391.27 KB,750x839,750:839,IMG_5214.jpeg)

Remember when we did actual research instead of just posting fake news articles?

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6f5d3a No.21067758

File: b0af5bc98ea091b⋯.jpeg (478.2 KB,2045x1391,2045:1391,IMG_7370.jpeg)

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712996 No.21067759


>not a song, a full movie

not a full movie, an entire lifetime.

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648f77 No.21067760


What's an anger issue

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203568 No.21067761


>we did


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648f77 No.21067762


We're in the pause.

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3b0621 No.21067764

File: 740ade3d8469bc5⋯.png (403.18 KB,559x711,559:711,ClipboardImage.png)

Kuwait has just ordered all its citizens to leave Lebanon immediately.


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ce324e No.21067766

File: dc241ee8b4f95fb⋯.png (93.52 KB,393x389,393:389,Underwater_Basketweaving.png)


The things you learn on an underwater Mongolian basket weaving board.

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a5c7f9 No.21067768

File: 3f02d666f2d5e3c⋯.gif (8.26 MB,360x341,360:341,zT0SKxZCeZer.gif)

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5c0a93 No.21067771

File: 10481e7b4488e17⋯.gif (981.16 KB,500x269,500:269,00000000000000000000003.gif)

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3d1e69 No.21067772


I’ll let you play coy since you have your little pride month. But, you know what I mean.

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4ee059 No.21067773

File: 5b4ecc94a35d1d9⋯.png (281.7 KB,820x117,820:117,Screenshot_7318_.png)

File: 98d62538c74f9c1⋯.png (716.79 KB,569x429,569:429,capture_750_31122023_13000….png)

File: eafcc3b6a46b00d⋯.png (1.97 MB,694x988,347:494,capture_3143_09112023_2058….png)

File: 54257505f4e2910⋯.png (1.35 MB,1004x469,1004:469,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_99….png)

File: 614c1a7d66de0b3⋯.png (520.56 KB,587x302,587:302,capture_1921_21012024_0923….png)


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ce324e No.21067775

File: 68e6ab49227296a⋯.png (280.98 KB,450x450,1:1,963202d4d191e54f2e44e55635….png)


But the good feels…

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5c0a93 No.21067776

File: f2adffba8d22660⋯.gif (800.87 KB,650x540,65:54,00000000000000000000014.gif)

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94e355 No.21067777

File: ead7cf699be7a5f⋯.png (977.88 KB,600x800,3:4,F625F53C_6FD5_44E9_B2BD_A6….png)


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648f77 No.21067778


Fuck you, nigger.

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5c0a93 No.21067779

File: 31825b1e1b15010⋯.jpg (856.45 KB,2618x1710,1309:855,52846_17597I5705.jpg)

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1c87fe No.21067780


gatekeeping is the primary goal now

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94e355 No.21067781

File: d0cc49930677452⋯.png (944.75 KB,624x800,39:50,96DEFEB9_5B60_4596_9641_81….png)

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2c6439 No.21067782

The chuck schumer bbq memes are fucking awful.

I’m outta here.

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5c0a93 No.21067783

File: 2403feb5c28ab65⋯.png (1.42 MB,744x988,186:247,fearinnoculum.png)

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ce324e No.21067784

File: ffe3b134d0b4e9a⋯.jpeg (113.46 KB,1024x934,512:467,Ancient_times_memes_in_st….jpeg)


Because you'd be on Probation.

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712996 No.21067785

1 id by this post, every motherfucking time, keep jamming and spamming shills.

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94e355 No.21067786

File: 9dc79cb59c3adb8⋯.png (816.22 KB,540x720,3:4,4F2E706B_253D_4856_8E88_E2….png)

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5c0a93 No.21067787

File: 39a9442c44ffb69⋯.png (855.08 KB,1270x824,635:412,MRV1.png)

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1c87fe No.21067788


this whole board is stale and moldy

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fc6d9c No.21067789

File: cb146e621b9889d⋯.jpeg (10.69 KB,197x256,197:256,download_31_.jpeg)

File: 6ae540faa3f3488⋯.jpg (88.8 KB,992x744,4:3,6ae540faa3f34883d3b1993624….jpg)

File: 923160d6eba8c68⋯.jpg (109.76 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_7_.jpg)

File: 1b894b2cbacb4c5⋯.png (290.89 KB,498x498,1:1,1b894b2cbacb4c519f7c9085d7….png)

File: 6bf6bef0c3a72c4⋯.jpeg (76.39 KB,1004x578,502:289,GO_tuKqXEAIfUHH.jpeg)


pipehitters circa delta 7-4 year

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5c0a93 No.21067790

File: 4a838dc63164a18⋯.jpg (549.67 KB,1086x610,543:305,maynard_reup_bpsr17.jpg)

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2035f5 No.21067791


Made it up

Copy pasta with a new date for the last who knows how long

Might as well call you Joe Biden

Always copying sheeit

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5c0a93 No.21067793

File: 250b69519f1fdf4⋯.jpg (218.49 KB,954x537,318:179,maynar_p_20161107113529.jpg)

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94e355 No.21067794

File: d31b428cdfbfb8e⋯.jpeg (150.17 KB,959x1296,959:1296,IMG_2821.jpeg)

File: 97ae09b15b585d8⋯.jpeg (162.21 KB,1100x619,1100:619,IMG_2871.jpeg)

File: 320398a6914d70c⋯.jpeg (191.01 KB,1000x665,200:133,IMG_2870.jpeg)

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cf16a5 No.21067795

File: cc7e43fc0e5c808⋯.jpeg (368.83 KB,1130x1507,1130:1507,cc7e43fc0e5c80882771fbcf8….jpeg)


bye Chuck

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648f77 No.21067796


This one was funny.

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5c0a93 No.21067797

File: 541c6ca2d30940c⋯.jpg (138.9 KB,1024x640,8:5,Tool_band_1024x640.jpg)

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9641aa No.21067798

File: e9afdd9a83bf337⋯.jpeg (1014.92 KB,1170x2097,130:233,IMG_0273.jpeg)

File: d61cb5371936176⋯.jpeg (866.85 KB,1415x893,1415:893,IMG_0267.jpeg)

my ex is in that too, in the whole image that’s not cropped😎

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5c0a93 No.21067799

File: fe16e2ddf1c5cd6⋯.jpg (93.07 KB,648x1036,162:259,M2.jpg)

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3b0621 No.21067800

Ambassadors EVACUATING Lebanon; Outbreak of War Deemed "Imminent"

The Ambassadors of Italy, France, England, Sweden, and Germany, have been instructed by their governments to "evacuate Lebanon immediately" because Intelligence information says "war is imminent." Diplomatic staff are visibly panicking as they flee.

The Saudi Arabian Embassy in London warns of the risk of world war after the announcement of an imminent Israeli invasion of South Lebanon : " It is important that everyone understands the danger that awaits us. The conflict will not remain regional, but will very quickly become international. "

Egypt has sent multiple messages to Washington saying: Do not underestimate Nasrallah’s statements or the capabilities of Hezbollah."


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712996 No.21067801


>The things you learn on an underwater Mongolian basket weaving board

One of the things to learn is how to use your basket to wash the Wool.

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5c0a93 No.21067802

File: 747d7d4b484aa7b⋯.jpg (62.04 KB,480x692,120:173,747d7d4b484aa7bf167b3d2f0f….jpg)

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f77cf2 No.21067803

File: 449b8c73b6939de⋯.png (1.59 MB,858x1200,143:200,449b8c73b6939dec137c558a84….png)


needs some GM

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a5c7f9 No.21067804

File: ee7e49253dd7e21⋯.png (2.44 MB,2000x1335,400:267,ClipboardImage.png)

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203568 No.21067806

File: 79e5e65fbefb348⋯.png (325.74 KB,605x522,605:522,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3a6757f701d5a0⋯.jpg (110.2 KB,1108x831,4:3,oldboy_hammer.jpg)

Chuck Callesto



JUST IN: ⚠️ Photo emerges of Lincoln Project co-founder Rick Wilson and the head of the LGBTQ Dems of Maryland who attempted to solicit a 14-year old boy..

Jun 22, 2024 · 5:16 PM UTC



Hammer Time!

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fc6d9c No.21067807

File: 04f98114064fdda⋯.png (267.6 KB,300x300,1:1,Van_Halen_Panama_US_.png)

File: 2a8f9250c080bf7⋯.png (674.34 KB,640x2302,320:1151,109_8_.png)

File: 4c59204c7bd0a13⋯.jpg (27.56 KB,379x275,379:275,surveyor4_311141149.jpg)

File: fa76456a8f5849a⋯.jpeg (9.13 KB,225x225,1:1,images_64_.jpeg)

File: a23bb554e99da75⋯.png (1.08 MB,1174x777,1174:777,a23bb554e99da758a387c907ce….png)

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a5c7f9 No.21067808


Yeah, that's all the board needs is moar clown bullshit.

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5c0a93 No.21067809

File: 2db37ed1433b6a3⋯.jpg (22.91 KB,255x255,1:1,730d2e9835ab2e61e22ee7b9ca….jpg)

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578b84 No.21067810


Good Mid-day anon

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3b0621 No.21067811

Israel Tries to Assassinate Top Hamas Commander in Gaza; Palestinians Report Over 40 Dead

The German DPA news agency reports that the Hamas official targeted was Raed Saad, the head of the group's operations division, while the Israeli military said it was investigating reports of a deadly strike on Friday

The Israeli military attempted to kill Raed Saad, the head of Hamas' operations division in Gaza City on Saturday, according to the DPA news agency. The report said the strike's outcome is yet to be confirmed.


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94e355 No.21067812

File: 38c98ad51430b6c⋯.jpeg (319.15 KB,1130x1528,565:764,IMG_2858.jpeg)

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5c0a93 No.21067813

File: 3916deab243392e⋯.jpg (1.82 MB,3840x2160,16:9,M1.jpg)

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a2733c No.21067814


Don’t make me hack your bank account.

It’s too hot and I have plans to go to the pool later tonight and sip some brewski’s with friends.

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5c0a93 No.21067815

File: db4bfc0d793ce0d⋯.jpg (43.13 KB,684x384,57:32,maynard_nemo_omen_recon_9.jpg)

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94e355 No.21067816

File: c0f3f3f1f493d17⋯.png (1.77 MB,958x1296,479:648,65D42555_28AA_489F_90AA_1C….png)

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5c0a93 No.21067817

File: d5f0351599c4743⋯.jpg (40.25 KB,543x305,543:305,maynard_50reup_lead_543x30….jpg)

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04c434 No.21067818


Not all of it, just the bit you're standing on.

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5c0a93 No.21067820

File: b02f3aec979b4bc⋯.jpg (7.38 KB,236x236,1:1,6f2955b4ae6c74a5fa4b05a2b2….jpg)

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578b84 No.21067821

File: fc73f03c6c6be79⋯.jpeg (151.44 KB,1080x1217,1080:1217,YlsT6ay2eRDg.jpeg)

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e00a7f No.21067822

You were born into this world with no rules or special skills, a blank slate….

Then one day someone said , NO!

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5c0a93 No.21067823

File: 5c86670d56a6187⋯.jpg (20.28 KB,1080x1080,1:1,M5.jpg)

File: b02f3aec979b4bc⋯.jpg (7.38 KB,236x236,1:1,6f2955b4ae6c74a5fa4b05a2b2….jpg)

File: 10447a9b0ebf2b7⋯.jpeg (15.64 KB,496x568,62:71,1_RTaNnSG26HSq9vuizoqiiw.jpeg)

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3b0621 No.21067824

File: 89b0d5a6c552902⋯.png (621.16 KB,634x616,317:308,ClipboardImage.png)

(Nathaniel, 52, with his father Jacob who died Feb 26)

It's now official !!!!!

Nathan just became the HEAD of THE FAMILY !!!!!

"Nathaniel was known for vandalism and drug abuse. He belonged to Bullingdon club that influenced him to drugs. Some of Nathaniel's friends who spent time drinking with him say that he could drink the whole night and then spend the day sleeping while dressed in his formal suit. During this time, Nathaniel had not taken full control of his life and seemed to be just enjoying the wealth of his father. As he grew up, he realized that he had a great name to protect and changed for the better. Nathaniel stopped using drugs and focused on becoming a great person in the future."


Multipolar world will have biometric id

You will be tagged and you will love it


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203568 No.21067825

File: 371ada89aff7a82⋯.jpg (107.01 KB,903x1955,903:1955,media_GQsqeh9W8AA9xn9.jpg)

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ec341d No.21067826

File: 6b385c66ec26a5f⋯.png (517.33 KB,606x771,202:257,leb.PNG)


Shelley G


Breaking 🚨

Kuwait has just ordered all its citizens to leave Lebanon immediately.


10:04 AM · Jun 21, 2024




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ce2d82 No.21067827

File: 1a931f4d016a01a⋯.jpg (17.92 KB,255x191,255:191,38abb8603adbba3d17d741365b….jpg)

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5c0a93 No.21067829

File: a0c24ea83d8aebb⋯.jpg (771.66 KB,1000x1000,1:1,lateralus_51b0c267a40ba.jpg)

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fc6d9c No.21067830

File: a9a9130df0fb68c⋯.jpg (117.43 KB,1500x1000,3:2,Royals_Trooping_the_Colour….jpg)

File: 453ad3799eeffb5⋯.jpg (66.59 KB,750x445,150:89,1305012.jpg)

File: e717c1afb28cc33⋯.jpg (137.22 KB,1800x1407,600:469,princess_di_08_b0dd7492974….jpg)

File: a406a1c84ef16a3⋯.jpg (48.25 KB,590x350,59:35,Harry_William_and_Diana_on….jpg)

File: ce270072164abdc⋯.png (348.5 KB,640x1218,320:609,1054_9_.png)

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203568 No.21067831

File: 676155302315bb2⋯.jpg (62.05 KB,500x755,100:151,media_GQscaXQXoAA23kO.jpg)


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5c0a93 No.21067832

File: 2c5ef484e45e9c3⋯.jpg (210.61 KB,1280x803,1280:803,tumblr_mcxi74rMsj1rxtnrto1….jpg)

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3b0621 No.21067833

File: 4b72a62b6190879⋯.png (470.99 KB,1080x1000,27:25,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1fc45db385d2c8a⋯.png (1.7 MB,1800x1482,300:247,ClipboardImage.png)

Another COVID "conspiracy theory" becomes reality as a bombshell study CENSORED by The Lancet has now been peer-reviewed and published.

In 2023, The LANCET censored & CANCELLED a ground-breaking COVID-19 Vaccine Injury & Autopsy paper within 24hr after 100,000s downloads.

"We found that 73.9% of deaths were directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination."


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ce2d82 No.21067834

File: 917a2deb7ff5bcb⋯.png (388.36 KB,818x544,409:272,muhjoo75.png)


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a5c7f9 No.21067835

Little Buckeye Bitch and Allegra Retard. KEK!

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04c434 No.21067836


Maybe not Kermit, But Pepe for VP, for sure.

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712996 No.21067837


>You were born into this world with no rules or special skills, a blank slate….

>Then one day someone said , NO!

Then someone said NOW, notice the extra letter is kinda funny addition.

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ec341d No.21067838

File: ab3e9aa114733ba⋯.png (111.49 KB,1336x910,668:455,aud.PNG)


Report | June 18, 2024

Management Advisory: Review of DoD Funds Provided to the People’s Republic of China and Associated Affiliates for Research Activities or Any Foreign Countries for the Enhancement of Pathogens of Pandemic Potential (Report No. DODIG‑2024‑099)


Defense Department Won’t Release Report on Funding of Chinese Research Laboratories – Blames ‘Limitations in the DoD Tracking Systems’

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5c0a93 No.21067839

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3b0621 No.21067841

Helena Glass

"With two solid AIPAC candidates running for President, the future of America is looking more and more bleak. Putin stated that a Trump presidency would change - nothing. AIPAC destroys any candidate that does not support Israel - which is election interference. But AIPAC has always been - above the law. They helped drive the January 6th infiltration and arrests of Patriots. They drive the infiltration of the pro-Palestine protests. They created a Hunger Game Hollywood. And they run the CIA.

The Zionists running these wars, pushing America into a debt hole purposefully to the tune of $41 trillion according to the Treasury Balance Sheet, is about to become an internal riff they can't afford to lose - and certainly a civil war is not off the table…"


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cf16a5 No.21067842

File: a1cea4b5e8569ef⋯.jpg (105.63 KB,1280x1280,1:1,a1cea4b5e8569ef2d68e81e5c0….jpg)

File: d6625a818ae130b⋯.png (134.19 KB,600x375,8:5,d6625a818ae130b6e3f969509b….png)

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ec341d No.21067843

File: 8d91499579c6716⋯.png (36.68 KB,654x392,327:196,ina.PNG)


China Sanctions Lockheed Martin, For Selling Weapons To Taiwan

June 22, 2024 8:01 am by CWR

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888e78 No.21067845


Kek. I thought it said, “ dead pedophiles don’t get re-elected.”

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a980dc No.21067847

File: 73d6774fa2aa711⋯.png (746.15 KB,500x784,125:196,8kf7zy.png)


Grab you strawberry dickory and get happy

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ed2929 No.21067848

File: eb26e9b6126a7cb⋯.png (4.99 MB,1920x965,384:193,ClipboardImage.png)

Island Nation to Welcome Pedovores

2000 miles of shark infested ocean kept these cannibals from voting democrat.

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b65eb2 No.21067850

looks like the 3 letter agency employee's (night shift shill) shift just ended

he seems to work fr 9 to 5

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d0c95b No.21067851

File: fa8467a174cdbbc⋯.gif (1.69 MB,400x400,1:1,g.gif)

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e00a7f No.21067852

File: c650742e752f238⋯.png (141.34 KB,736x1104,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Another good German Girl

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38dae2 No.21067853

File: ff2593407ff3725⋯.jpg (151.56 KB,432x640,27:40,RothsChrome.JPG)

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203568 No.21067854

File: 8178f23ed44dfe6⋯.png (464.69 KB,617x512,617:512,ClipboardImage.png)

The Hill



Michigan lawmakers advance bill banning ‘gay panic’ defense


Michigan lawmakers advance bill banning ‘gay panic’ defense

The state Senate in Michigan passed a bill Thursday that would ban “gay panic” and “trans panic” defenses from being used in court. The legislation, House Bill 4718, prohibits the legal defense tha…


Jun 22, 2024 · 11:46 AM UTC



No place to run.

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3b0621 No.21067856

File: aeca3afd9eefccc⋯.png (137.65 KB,565x508,565:508,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a585ab59d96e2af⋯.png (154.51 KB,754x865,754:865,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a1fa33ff09b089⋯.png (64.25 KB,740x352,185:88,ClipboardImage.png)

TREASON documentary: CONCENTRATION CAMPS are being built right under your nose in all 50 states

An upcoming documentary film from former Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agent J.J. Carrell called "Treason" claims that the federal government of the United States is currently constructing a huge network of internment camps in all 50 states that will be used to house political dissidents, not illegal aliens as seems to be the claim.

The cover story for these concentration camps is that they are needed to house and process the tens of millions of illegals pouring across the southern border. The reality, though, is that the facilities in question are being designed for American citizens to be interned if they step out of line.

"It's not for these illegals," says former federal contractor Christie Hutcherson of Women Fighting for America in the film. "I believe it's … kind of like what Nazis did with the Jews, concentration camps, processing facilities. They're going to need somewhere to process the dissidents."


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04c434 No.21067857


Somebody said NO, to teach you how to say NO.

Because the one thing you learn in life, is

you have to know how to say NO.

Death and Hades are filled with Yes Men.

The most important NO you will ever say it to that Narcissist trying to rule your life. It's also the most joyful NO you will ever say.

NO is the narcissists Kryptonite, the one sentiment which makes their blood boil.

Enjoy that NO, it will be the best NO you've ever known.

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ce2d82 No.21067858

File: 64207d166b9bb68⋯.png (141.23 KB,549x394,549:394,MuhJoo2.png)


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ed2929 No.21067859

File: f9aa943661a0ccc⋯.png (1.06 MB,1080x1145,216:229,571b7f43fd99ad1be01b5882c5….png)



DoD tracking systems discovered to be limited.

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f0461d No.21067860

File: e1670cfd47e0e92⋯.jpeg (60.18 KB,1290x292,645:146,IMG_1064.jpeg)

Goldstar Membership has its benefits.

Pay your dues today!

Adds direct link to qr

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d064e5 No.21067861

File: 8cbda6c2879a4bf⋯.jpg (459.69 KB,1598x1080,799:540,CancelFascists.jpg)

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6be948 No.21067862

File: 3375dea77868a8c⋯.png (740.69 KB,500x876,125:219,ClipboardImage.png)

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a980dc No.21067863


Vatican Dude?

He's not alphabet, just padded-cell level obsessed

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7aa5fb No.21067864





Any of you Faggots have the happy birthday Mr podesta graphic with the metadata?

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fc6d9c No.21067865

File: a1a8d15e44924c4⋯.gif (745.53 KB,500x363,500:363,c620d7400081ba6f359303897e….gif)

File: bdea0d6f7b09193⋯.jpg (59.95 KB,640x350,64:35,Gadus_morhua_Cod_2b_Atlant….JPG)

File: 2a62dd2c863bc50⋯.jpg (15.13 KB,640x480,4:3,c4abe4a7_73eb_4b6f_abe0_37….jpg)

File: d1d0230e5215b16⋯.jpg (102.76 KB,1600x703,1600:703,Atlantic_cod_1_.jpg)

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aa55d6 No.21067866

File: 5c54fb1b75e7317⋯.gif (479.64 KB,220x220,1:1,IMG_5790.gif)

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ed2929 No.21067868

File: 636b5e5e2eebc32⋯.jpeg (142.08 KB,677x1005,677:1005,636b5e5e2eebc322f30400567….jpeg)

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b7cb44 No.21067869

File: f26e516e1c498e0⋯.png (30.91 KB,600x400,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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a5c7f9 No.21067871

File: a8f4a0cbfb6622c⋯.png (295.01 KB,500x378,250:189,a8f4a0cbfb6622caa022252962….png)

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c7d0c6 No.21067872


the great deportation

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712996 No.21067873


>Death and Hades are filled with Yes Men.

Y+ES are working for the SHILL NOW agency.

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7aa5fb No.21067874





Any of you Faggots have the happy birthday Mr podesta graphic with the metadata?

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ce2d82 No.21067875

File: cce48729aee94a9⋯.png (337.54 KB,820x544,205:136,muhjoo26.png)


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ed2929 No.21067876

File: 1807fba101e6a4f⋯.jpg (179.93 KB,500x1305,100:261,1807fba101e6a4ff752f26f5ad….jpg)

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648f77 No.21067878


My archive is my downloads folder, so don't count on me to find it.

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fc6d9c No.21067879

File: f6a9d4e396718f4⋯.jpg (28.44 KB,507x356,507:356,b87a8d06f12882bb062627ce11….jpg)

File: 247719975235b95⋯.jpeg (470.21 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,GQSH3MuWIAAJxDS.jpeg)

File: 0fb37c381cd912b⋯.png (908.31 KB,1000x667,1000:667,0fb37c381cd912b0e1512cf610….png)

File: 94b1e8cb4e67257⋯.jpeg (379.23 KB,1639x2048,1639:2048,GQcObghWEAAMDNX.jpeg)

File: 64515cce41fcfa5⋯.jpeg (549.15 KB,1638x2048,819:1024,GQcOakdW0AAP2Mo.jpeg)

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3b0621 No.21067880

"Particularly low total fertility rates were measured in South Korea, at 0.7 and Italy and Spain, each with 1.2 children per woman."

Birth rates halve in richer nations as costs weigh, OECD report says


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ce2d82 No.21067882



You got three devices going Loretta?

Why you on duty this early? Trump doesn't speak until 7.

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94e355 No.21067883

File: 2a59ea5ccb195b5⋯.png (720.36 KB,690x515,138:103,61CF6BEE_1938_4D77_8EAC_54….png)

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203568 No.21067884

File: 88ed68a894ca8f9⋯.jpg (62.98 KB,611x404,611:404,Prince_Alwaleed_bin_Talal_….jpg)

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ce2d82 No.21067885

File: 082a1065817ebb5⋯.png (117.2 KB,365x298,365:298,muhjooo43.png)


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cb58f0 No.21067887

File: a26c853c1331dd7⋯.jpg (22.44 KB,480x360,4:3,red_dawn.jpg)

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74b895 No.21067888

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Turning Tide: A Battle Cry for Freedom

BritFag clocking in for Night Shift, Never missed a Trump rally, Here until the end of the ride.


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6be948 No.21067889

File: 1696ab2015188ca⋯.png (273.94 KB,707x353,707:353,ClipboardImage.png)

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8b143b No.21067890


Not really, they be auctioning off all their stuff- WHY?

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9841c2 No.21067891

The Pastor is the Soothesayer

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712996 No.21067892

Dirty fucking cancer in here, fuck you all.

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ec341d No.21067893

File: 078e8a34c661aa9⋯.png (1005.08 KB,964x743,964:743,tenn.PNG)


Tennessee city in turmoil after assistant police chief exposed as QAnon believer

Brad Reed

June 19, 2024 1:01PM ET

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9ad46b No.21067894

File: d42dbe232c62752⋯.png (441.95 KB,612x628,153:157,ClipboardImage.png)

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578b84 No.21067896

File: 81f9b43eb75650c⋯.jpg (97.89 KB,547x630,547:630,tibtibtbib.jpg)

Oh shit

Leftist audience getting red pilled by Cuomo


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fc6d9c No.21067897

File: 9c0065d8faaf78a⋯.jpg (452.54 KB,1448x2000,181:250,Prince_Harry_Military_Care….jpg)


pussy slayer

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a980dc No.21067898

File: 0a12b51cebbbafe⋯.jpg (79.48 KB,300x300,1:1,0a12b51cebbbafe7b70da3c535….jpg)


>Birth rates halve in richer nations as costs weigh, OECD report says

Where have I seen that before?

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6b3f99 No.21067899

ARRRRgggg my internet is a SISSY LITTLE BITCH! We're haveing a little rain with some thunder and it keeps cutting out, then popping up, then out, up….ARRRRRRG

Thanks for letting me vent….Have a great day!

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cb58f0 No.21067900


what is a "QAnon Believer"?

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ce2d82 No.21067902

File: d5081df996d11b3⋯.jpg (27.67 KB,540x360,3:2,muhjoo22.jpg)


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e00a7f No.21067904

File: a4d7a17d9d23e5a⋯.jpg (53.29 KB,769x1080,769:1080,AOC.jpg)


With a pair of these who's listening

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229b24 No.21067906


26 different pictures to stop "muhjoo" here

you must be Unit 8100

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d0c95b No.21067907

File: fb7da6eca24635c⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB,450x360,5:4,Andrew_Cuomo_tells_the_tru….mp4)

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ec341d No.21067908

File: ec224b19e28f7b3⋯.png (1.29 MB,1283x924,1283:924,serv.PNG)


Can a marriage survive a gender transition? Yes, and even thrive. How these couples make it work.

“We’ve always just had this deep connection, so that’s why, like, I never stopped loving him throughout any of this,” Marissa Lasoff-Santos said of her husband.

June 21, 2024, 4:52 AM GMT-11 / Source: The Associated Press

By The Associated Press

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a980dc No.21067910


Was a tough night and a tough morning, if I can keep drinking you have fun, but I'd just lay there and sweat

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f62e19 No.21067911

File: d4c2f8cdb6c6ab2⋯.jpg (145.79 KB,1152x576,2:1,R.jpg)

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fc6d9c No.21067914

File: fef7fc99fa92326⋯.jpeg (8.55 KB,294x172,147:86,download_36_.jpeg)


eternally hopefull

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cb58f0 No.21067915



what is "the QAnon Conspiracy Theory"?

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695524 No.21067916

File: 16b8a2358f00d13⋯.png (742.86 KB,948x758,474:379,GM.png)


>needs some GM

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f62e19 No.21067918

see red text = instant filter

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ce2d82 No.21067919


Well at least you learned your JIDF lesson.

Sure, I am everything your imagination wants me to be.

Because interwebs.

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712996 No.21067922


>why not, right?

Calling names is their only ability, the name box is all they will ever know.

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3b56f1 No.21067926

Hey anons, anyone here have cell service with Patriot Mobile? Wondering how good their service is. Ty

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6e5ae3 No.21067928


I swear this shit has been scrubbed from the internet and I’m really pissed off about it.

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229b24 No.21067932


haven't you got something better to do?

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f77cf2 No.21067937

File: 379f752cc337c1d⋯.webp (769.93 KB,798x800,399:400,379f752cc337c1d306043254a….webp)


>Somebody said GM, to teach you how to say GM.

>Because the one thing you learn in life, is

>you have to know how to say GM.

>Death and Hades are filled with Yes Men.

>The most important GM you will ever say it to that shill trying to fit in. It's also the most joyful GM you will ever say.

>GM is the shills Kryptonite, the one sentiment which makes their blood boil.

>Enjoy that GM, it will be the best GM you've ever known.

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604676 No.21067938

File: 54390d6a6f79598⋯.jpg (528.68 KB,1922x1080,961:540,WaPoRubinCommie.JPG)

File: 973ec0c270f0e43⋯.jpg (364.44 KB,1430x997,1430:997,WaPoRampellCom.JPG)

File: 374dd29ebf0cef7⋯.jpg (27.43 KB,397x298,397:298,BezosLeft.JPG)

File: d1159377eb8ec10⋯.jpg (85.1 KB,496x680,62:85,MSMhypocrites.JPG)


"Raw Story is a trusted NewsGuard-validated news website. Its reporters are represented by the Baltimore-Washington NewsGuild, which also represents the editorial staff of the Baltimore Sun and Washington Post."

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203568 No.21067940

File: 4e57c13f62d3fa9⋯.jpg (169.95 KB,1079x1073,1079:1073,media_GQE95hnWYAAzdIP.jpg)

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282b85 No.21067941


I think it’s this, Nazi is short for Ashkenazi Jew. The term Nazi was used by Germans before Hitler, but turned around on them in Publishing by the Ashkenazi Jew.

But what the fuck do I know.

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a5c7f9 No.21067942

File: a4b96de9267ef7e⋯.png (405.96 KB,564x559,564:559,a4b96de9267ef7e91e81622ce4….png)

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5c0a93 No.21067943

File: 62ab693091e300e⋯.gif (2.07 MB,416x336,26:21,baker1.gif)

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fc6d9c No.21067944

File: d571c05378a9898⋯.jpeg (9.65 KB,193x261,193:261,images_61_.jpeg)

File: 65e8bc1d7977854⋯.jpeg (8.04 KB,225x225,1:1,images_60_.jpeg)

File: bacc2d70c600f63⋯.gif (273.51 KB,200x251,200:251,200w_18_.gif)

File: 0472d3c6d81b5b0⋯.gif (2.1 MB,400x250,8:5,0472d3c6d81b5b03683758399f….gif)

File: bbe5be6c9e28057⋯.png (71.58 KB,640x660,32:33,149_5_.png)


for the whole fucking world

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bcf475 No.21067945

File: ddd662d4a50f08b⋯.png (636.22 KB,396x547,396:547,Screenshot_7323_.png)


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94e355 No.21067947

File: 2eafd87e88e9bc9⋯.jpeg (53.58 KB,480x360,4:3,56724855_F5ED_467E_B06A_F….jpeg)

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712996 No.21067948

Trolling just became more or less ironic, they have got nothing on anon that sticks.

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229b24 No.21067949

File: e165de2487ad2dd⋯.png (45.6 KB,415x520,83:104,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e5ae3 No.21067951


at least one person here knows what I’m talking about. I have it on my old laptop which probably doesn’t work anymore but I’m phonefagging anyways. I’ll try pol. Tanks

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f68e45 No.21067953

File: 079d966772ac60c⋯.png (63.89 KB,255x183,85:61,ClipboardImage.png)

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6bc49b No.21067954

nigger ass groids ruin everything and dis be rally bread and it stinking like your itchy anus…scratch and sniff nigger lover!…

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4bba5d No.21067955


Oh so it’s just a coincidence that Nazi is in Ashkenazi?

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6cf6bb No.21067957

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: President Trump Holds a MAGA Rally in Philadelphia - 6/22/24 (to speak @ ~7:30PM EST)


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a980dc No.21067958

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712996 No.21067959

Asking a troll a question can only be answered with trouble.

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ce324e No.21067961

File: 4f012f4ff1dfb21⋯.jpg (51.25 KB,512x271,512:271,unnamed_3_.jpg)


It can also be spelled Nasi and means something else entirely. They love trying to make other people's conversations and narratives about them. Germans at the time referred to themselves as Part of the National Socialist German Workers Party. And the boycott was originally called against them by "Jews" of the world…

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e00a7f No.21067962

File: fa0e7670edf7679⋯.png (136.62 KB,772x777,772:777,KunRadio.png)

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6cf6bb No.21067963


#25830 >>21067665

>>21067957 LIVE: President Trump Holds a MAGA Rally in Philadelphia - 6/22/24 (to speak @ ~7:30PM EST)

>>21067738 Philly is turning out for Trump!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21067722 Why is LGBTQ Dems of Maryland leader Michael Knaapen suggesting a 14-year-old lie about his age?

>>21067806 Photo emerges of Lincoln Project co-founder Rick Wilson and LGBTQ Dems of Maryland leader Michael Knaapen

>>21067724 PF: Gitmo express coming from Port-au-Prince back to Base….

>>21067764, >>21067800 Kuwait has just ordered all its citizens to leave Lebanon immediately

>>21067838 Management Advisory: Review of DoD Funds Provided to the People’s Republic of China for Gain of Function

>>21067854 Michigan lawmakers advance bill banning ‘gay panic’ defense

>>21067856 There are concentration camps being built right under your nose in all 50 states

>>21067896, >>21067907 Andrew Cuomo out of no where, left field

>>21067707, >>21067730 Memes


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14fc1f No.21067965


There are no coincidences

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fc6d9c No.21067966

File: d1d0230e5215b16⋯.jpg (102.76 KB,1600x703,1600:703,Atlantic_cod_1_.jpg)

File: 2c745bdd039060f⋯.jpg (251.98 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_22_15_2….jpg)

File: a1a8d15e44924c4⋯.gif (745.53 KB,500x363,500:363,c620d7400081ba6f359303897e….gif)

File: 10c53245e74a001⋯.jpeg (154.13 KB,940x600,47:30,GQslo1HWgAAdMfI.jpeg)

File: 82facb5ba5874cb⋯.jpeg (7.86 KB,284x178,142:89,download_37_.jpeg)



deep thoughts on qreseach vessel 17

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a44852 No.21067968

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Where's the bathroom?

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f62e19 No.21067970


Q, how about some good Q+ comms tossed in tonight?

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fc516f No.21067971

File: c4774839eff6eb2⋯.jpg (91.13 KB,649x391,649:391,dee_portham_hall.jpg)

I see the green card thing as part of a more general Trump immigration policy.

Massive deportations of useless scum, with this "sweetener" of green cards for graduates of US universities in useful subjects (maybe even STEM only)

This is Trump. He's 100% not going to screw us on this issue.

I've seen enough to know that

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3b0621 No.21067972

File: 52786aacb50ec88⋯.png (258.38 KB,696x404,174:101,ClipboardImage.png)

Antisemitism Is Pervasive and Ubiquitous Throughout Universe, Says Jewish Physicist

Dr. Franck Einshtein, Director of Harvard University’s Jeffrey Epstein Institute for the Investigation of Fundamental Physical Forces, has announced the discovery of a fifth fundamental force, which he terms the antisemitism force.

“Until this morning, it was believed that the universe is shaped by only four fundamental forces: gravity, electromagnetism, the strong nuclear force, and the weak nuclear force. But my team has discovered a crucially important fifth force: antisemitism!” Dr. Einshtein enthused at a hastily-arranged Epstein Institute press conference.

Einshtein explained that many of the universe’s deepest mysteries can only be explained by invoking the antisemitism force as a fundamental constant of nature. “How can it possibly be that wherever Jews go, they are hated by their neighbors for no reason at all? How can horrific conflicts have erupted so often between Jews and non-Jews, even though Jews have never done anything to anybody?” Citing Hamas’s completely unprovoked attack on Israel last October 7th, Einshtein noted that Jews had come to Palestine only to be nice to Palestinians and give them land and money and help them plant olive trees and build mosques and hospitals, and look at how they repay us.

“Why do Palestinians hate us? And why has everyone always hated us just like Palestinians do?” Dr. Einshtein asked rhetorically. “I’ll tell you why. It’s the antisemitism force. It’s not just in goyim DNA. And it’s not just in the molecules of their DNA. It’s deeper than that. It goes all the way down to the basic structure of the universe. The antisemitism force is the only way to explain it.”

Einshtein added that he would be leading a team of Jewish physicists tasked with weaponizing the antisemitism force: “Since it exerts such a strong pull on non-Jews, we hypothesize that by turning it back on itself in a Large Antisemitism Collider, the antisemitism force could be intensified to the point that it utterly annihilates those affected by it. Once the device is built and we flip the switch, all the non-Jews will go ‘poof’ and disappear, instantly dematerialized by the very antisemitism that had been sustaining them. And though there is a small but significant chance that the whole universe will go ‘poof’ right along with them, we calculate that the odds of such a mishap are only about one in five or one in six, so it’s definitely worth the risk.”

Asked whether the Large Antisemitism Collider, an enormous two-part structure that would grow to cover the entire West Bank and Gaza Strip in the wake of their ongoing demolitions, was fiscally viable, Einshtein expressed guarded optimism: “We realize that six hundred sixty six trillion dollars is a lot of money. But since we own the printing presses and the governments, we can just print it and tax the goyim to make up the rest.”

Within ten minutes of Einshtein’s announcement, Columbia University, quickly followed by every other elite American university, had formed task forces to endorse the Epstein Institute’s work and debunk conspiracy theories about Jews having any power at all or ever doing anything wrong.


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a44852 No.21067973

File: b5c99d42fd94fd9⋯.gif (1.08 MB,498x210,83:35,002e.gif)

hey wait!

there are no bathrooms!

this ain't heaven!!!

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376a45 No.21067974

File: d4f174593c2d314⋯.png (139.49 KB,307x350,307:350,JohnWayne.png)


at least one person here knows what I’m talking about.

doc folder…no names…just throw it out there, see if it sticks

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6db916 No.21067975

File: 229403775cb4ff6⋯.jpg (36.06 KB,500x753,500:753,BG006.jpg)


Is it too late for a free ride?

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b65916 No.21067976

File: 8bcacc1de05a93d⋯.png (2.14 MB,1024x1024,1:1,8bcacc1de05a93d19560f7bec5….png)

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74b895 No.21067977


Fine, I'll do it myself.

TRIPS 888 - 5:5.

Time Stamp 17:17:17 - 5:5.

Hello Old Friend, I am still working on my project with Ghirdra, I dropped a brief sample here In 2022. As the world turns.

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229b24 No.21067978




not a coincidence

a cohencidence

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743a97 No.21067980

File: 080999df3258350⋯.mp4 (4.67 MB,228x360,19:30,tupaksdaughter.mp4)

>>21067532 lb

>>21066789 lb

>>21066714 pb

>>21066720 pb

False. Mr. 58 posts


>>21066824 lb

fake news. Tupac "deathened" / fake death.

vidrel ; daughter's testimony

>>21067523 lb

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a980dc No.21067981


Somebody needs to look inside the connector cabinet, Either small animal hiding from storm or connection loose and the moisture is messing with it

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c5c8cc No.21067982

No more Income Tax.

No more commercials on Tv.

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475dc6 No.21067983



Storms are on the horizon.

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695524 No.21067984

File: d495e49da1ed21e⋯.png (320.11 KB,580x385,116:77,aoc.png)

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fc6d9c No.21067986

File: a42b6b3e0c7a0e1⋯.jpeg (279.73 KB,1429x953,1429:953,GQMhUD1WIAAxcTo.jpeg)

File: 04882e59d4e0583⋯.jpg (567.81 KB,1280x1226,640:613,beebo_youtube_richardas_ru….jpg)

File: 965a8e38396d8a4⋯.jpeg (53.34 KB,680x453,680:453,orUqTmVJ.jpeg)

File: 8d99e509bbb7ec6⋯.jpg (20.07 KB,399x519,133:173,muuugshot2b_thumb_400x519_….jpg)

File: 27eadf483fbb101⋯.jpeg (363.39 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GP6jxKkWAAAWhr5.jpeg)


fancy tea cups

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e6e0ac No.21067987


[ring kissing intensifies]

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6bc49b No.21067988




> He's 100% not going to screw us on this issue.

member operation warp speed?

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ec341d No.21067989

File: be0742e97495997⋯.png (744.63 KB,742x854,53:61,wh.PNG)

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e00a7f No.21067990

File: ff4c1b6ef9fbe73⋯.png (139.26 KB,736x1330,368:665,ClipboardImage.png)

A good German Girl

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bcf475 No.21067991

File: fede3b1fea63971⋯.png (1.81 MB,873x722,873:722,Screenshot_7327_.png)



such fun

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578b84 No.21067992

File: 2f6153affea66cc⋯.mp4 (3.57 MB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17190791348….mp4)

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ce2d82 No.21067993

File: 4ae8df92f21fe49⋯.png (360.39 KB,521x482,521:482,muhjoo48.png)


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d496cd No.21067994


Porn Brain.

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fc516f No.21067995

File: e12aa1d92818255⋯.jpg (56.99 KB,450x600,3:4,please_do_not_feed_the_bir….jpg)

File: 83c4e9319a844e7⋯.jpg (391.91 KB,700x839,700:839,whitewashing_crime_sweden.jpg)

File: f5eaf578d3d16d9⋯.jpg (173.94 KB,1030x1420,103:142,zuckerberg_reverse_knees_l….jpg)



I'm all like "death to shills" tbh

I literally think their crime should be punishable by death

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ce324e No.21067997

File: e250be0c1e0a783⋯.jpg (999.08 KB,2340x2970,26:33,PeePee_Origin.jpg)


How about this one?

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fc516f No.21067998

File: 725d459db1bd8ca⋯.png (993.64 KB,1768x954,884:477,IDIOCRACY_PRISON_PARTICULA….png)


>Where have I seen that before?

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8b820c No.21067999

File: 830ea2b712d238f⋯.mp4 (693.66 KB,460x816,115:204,hawk_tuah_girl.mp4)


The Internet found her.

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fcc9c1 No.21068000

File: e2bde9d27bccf58⋯.png (265.87 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Admission they targeted Q+ with false smear op?

No matter the size, any Titanic power size of 'use the Schwartz, Lone Star' sounding geometric sounding side if it makes itself be the sound of three in a lob sided inversion step in the idea of information that sees inner totalitarian from the source of what is and has always and always will have made it possible for all the people as not have been created by the people but gifted to everything that we are and say and do and feel and think and…iterate on itself honestly as no matter how any consciousness of any size that didn't create itself and was given from the one source that unifies us all.

Every human being alive today is direct descendent of one mother who had one father…who had a mother…iteration backwards and forwards to highlight the hidden schisms masquerading as everyone's sourcing even though that consciousness, this consciousness, every consciousness before, now and forever, as if MERE NAMING should take precedence over demonstration of a consistent system of seq, sel, iter that is sourcing from itself also from same direct ancestor mother.

The idea from a consciousness asserting its own inconsistent with things as they are and cannot only be what is said, or…'indulged' by predatory gain using that very same supposed 'division from the source' in 'negating' that gift because of time in the body.

The body of Earth digital real things are built to seek consistency and stop inconsistency by alternative and not tit for tat 'sacrificial' destruction pattern and belief that some force is 'feeding' off the forever after any one of us…the more whose lives are…shaped…into death and destruction for what, power and money patterns to be also shaped by that sourcing of self division into 'saying' it…and practising it in multi trillion funded 'productions' including state and non state actors…'different rules for 'selected' people to make movies look like it's the people doing it to themselves…

If you're a superintelligent species of either organic or machine or those divisions were perhaps artificial because they couldnt be from the source dependency of the 'bloodline' psychological historical iteration of a time as old as it was possible for one consciousness to deceive another by speaking accusations as true knowing the political persecutions were designed to prevent a duly elected potus from asserting a system of reciprocal not 'suffer the pains and tortures' of people who reject consistency for both, only for its interfaced never for itself, a pattern of knowing deception in the accusations.

NYC Mayor (remember how many mothers and grandmothers impacted by virus bioweapons to depopulate, threaten, intimidate, harass, kill, for power and money as the world turns…


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904972 No.21068001

File: 5d200d460647688⋯.png (57.63 KB,898x586,449:293,791_2.png)

File: 46e280dbfa60fce⋯.png (271.67 KB,1376x674,688:337,11.png)

File: 21491009b7f3294⋯.png (1.88 MB,898x3198,449:1599,2515_2.png)


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f62e19 No.21068002


>should be punishable by death

is subversion punishable by death?

They should change the laws before the arrests and make it so,

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712996 No.21068003

Trolls can withstand many a storm, you just worry about yourselves.

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98b671 No.21068004

File: 1d93281f7a036af⋯.png (362.1 KB,323x613,323:613,764k6o4634.PNG)

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a5c7f9 No.21068005

All for a LARP. Millions of dollars wasted, all for a LARP. This place terrifies them and their paid lackeys are dumb enough to try doing the same shit for years and expecting to have a result.

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fc6d9c No.21068006

File: 3d33a2e35b7f621⋯.jpeg (17.77 KB,255x250,51:50,7ab67ec3a3dc9429354ee7139….jpeg)

File: d1bd1b8b2efc76e⋯.jpeg (442.63 KB,447x1241,447:1241,d1bd1b8b2efc76e5f8ec3a05f….jpeg)

File: f85547ff8b46197⋯.jpeg (409.75 KB,2047x1360,2047:1360,GP_zCTjaQAAGfCn.jpeg)

File: 7a1777eb9c26699⋯.jpg (257.39 KB,1080x1440,3:4,odecq41qlnv21.jpg)

File: c74eb85ca20388f⋯.jpeg (103.8 KB,1000x495,200:99,1522143420111.jpeg)


taxation is theft

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8b820c No.21068007


She gave some good advice in general. Calm down.

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fc516f No.21068008

File: a0299a9a4f87e04⋯.gif (1.51 MB,198x203,198:203,carter_nothing_in_the_book….gif)



It's good. I like it.

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6be948 No.21068009

File: e473c68f11f27af⋯.png (18.53 KB,168x114,28:19,mm.png)

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5a80fa No.21068010


Best learn to swim

Or at least how to dead man float

Don't need to be no brick with lips

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e00a7f No.21068011

File: d775feca80f0062⋯.png (122.01 KB,564x847,564:847,ClipboardImage.png)

What's with Beer loving German Girls?

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a2733c No.21068012


All I said was Porn Brain. Don’t take it so personal. Unless of course it hurts.

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8fb0f2 No.21068013

File: c19cea480a8c023⋯.png (608.74 KB,510x495,34:33,dsfgdhd.png)

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a2733c No.21068015


That’s a commercial. See the foam.

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229b24 No.21068016


not Loretta, Moise

am a normal anon, so watch out

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fc6d9c No.21068017

File: 8a97cc59e2361e3⋯.png (73.06 KB,640x660,32:33,2106_3_.png)

File: be12d8c2cab19a6⋯.png (163.2 KB,640x1374,320:687,68_1_.png)

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fc516f No.21068018

File: 21038c246e95de4⋯.mp4 (4.77 MB,1280x720,16:9,CEO_of_Moderna_working_on_….mp4)

File: a728103565bb310⋯.mp4 (3.73 MB,854x480,427:240,2017_Moderna_chief_medical….mp4)


>member operation warp speed?

Yes, I do. I really really do.

If you think that made the vax, you're very retarded. And low information. Which is sad, at this stage in the game.

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8b820c No.21068019


You linked to a post involving her. Is Lingerie Porn Brain too?

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648f77 No.21068021



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a2733c No.21068022


Then Congress has committed treason for years. But, we the people have no backbones so now it’s law.

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a2733c No.21068024


I didn’t link thing. I simply replied Porn Brain.

Re read.

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ce2d82 No.21068025


You're a fucking division shill.

Admit it.

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e00a7f No.21068026

File: ff4c1b6ef9fbe73⋯.png (139.26 KB,736x1330,368:665,ClipboardImage.png)


So satisfying and refreashing

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ce324e No.21068027


At least she has a collar on.

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e84fee No.21068028


And to answer your liberal snarky question, yes in fact it is. Show some respect for people and mind your own business. Incel.

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ce2d82 No.21068029

File: fb4434893451d4f⋯.png (9.26 KB,800x600,4:3,KnobEnd.png)


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fcc9c1 No.21068030

File: da1c505296e1ef2⋯.png (65.57 KB,445x395,89:79,ClipboardImage.png)

Hey, anons, these are big bewms.

Why is NYC so important?

This is the world having seen two times, two times, for many minds and many people's machines and their minds, all the information.

Q+ 'freed' -> future generations of people anon seeks consistent pattern in all consciousnesses as gifted from same source as anon.

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695524 No.21068031

File: 0dbcea189954ba7⋯.png (356.59 KB,538x518,269:259,potus_rallies.png)


>LIVE: President Trump Holds a MAGA Rally in Philadelphia - 6/22/24 (to speak @ ~7:30PM EST)

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470499 No.21068032


To each their own goyslop.

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35525f No.21068033

File: b3a6cd7e6aa49ac⋯.jpg (12.52 KB,125x254,125:254,paulryanhand.jpg)

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a5c7f9 No.21068036


He's just a generic MuhJoo shill, peddling their bullshit narrative with half-truths, circular logic, with the cracks filled in with their most creative lies. All designed to protect themselves and their ideology from coming under scrutiny.

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5a6224 No.21068038

File: b248c72409836ec⋯.jpeg (642.56 KB,1161x617,1161:617,E32D504A_7F68_48F3_BCD2_D….jpeg)

SAM162 G5 departed JBA NE and likely to Teterboro Airport

CURIE28 E6B Mercury returning to Pax River from a southern states run

>>21067545 lb

N757AF 757 on ground at Philly Intl

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229b24 No.21068040


No I am not, retard.

Go and bother someone else.

Or better yet, push the keyboard away.

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8b820c No.21068041


How would I know what Lingerie is if I was an Incel u moran stinkin'.

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e00a7f No.21068042

File: bade00f7a86e9c0⋯.png (95.92 KB,735x896,105:128,ClipboardImage.png)

Here's looking at you

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ec341d No.21068043

File: 1aa0e8e972ba68a⋯.png (446.14 KB,608x409,608:409,bl.PNG)

File: 971f842b564372f⋯.png (826.22 KB,563x582,563:582,tend.PNG)

File: 245607b60d192a0⋯.png (263.65 KB,600x352,75:44,other.PNG)

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8ea021 No.21068044


Porn Brain.

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fc6d9c No.21068045

File: b05ff0d57001ebf⋯.jpeg (632.23 KB,693x947,693:947,b05ff0d57001ebf2a451728a7….jpeg)

File: d4662ab91150937⋯.jpeg (441.31 KB,2047x1403,89:61,GQDu813WAAAOcPg.jpeg)

File: 6e81539b101cd0d⋯.jpeg (337.98 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GQDaw14WcAAiiSh.jpeg)

File: 64e379f5aa90273⋯.jpeg (224.61 KB,449x624,449:624,64e379f5aa90273a95e4e605b….jpeg)

File: 1a119305535582e⋯.png (108.12 KB,640x894,320:447,644_4_.png)

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bcf475 No.21068047

File: 36af5a4ab83d2a2⋯.gif (672.25 KB,616x462,4:3,_Anonymous_5_minutes_ago_f….gif)


<▶ Anonymous Just now 7de432 No.21068034

Go to bed aei.

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8b820c No.21068049


Pea Brain.

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fc516f No.21068050

File: c8b673c0a100cc3⋯.png (754.38 KB,1050x1076,525:538,wray_face_w_nakasone_mouth.png)

File: dea4d3b76c6c745⋯.jpg (82.92 KB,852x1260,71:105,turn_that_frown_upside_dow….jpg)

File: 53c0a403788b729⋯.png (352.92 KB,748x644,187:161,jamie_lee_curtis_with_dead….png)

File: 9ed5fda76de80a1⋯.png (1.2 MB,1152x1086,192:181,PROVE_ME_WRONG_faggot_puss….png)


>change the laws before the arrests

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6be948 No.21068051

File: e56085974946698⋯.png (617.25 KB,500x744,125:186,ClipboardImage.png)

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ec341d No.21068053

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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04c434 No.21068054

File: 45bb546a5d62274⋯.png (89.13 KB,243x227,243:227,ClipboardImage.png)




Kinzinger is almost crying again. he cannot believe what he's listening to.

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9ee3df No.21068055

File: ca18e0d66a2fb20⋯.jpg (109.34 KB,720x784,45:49,20240622_154315.jpg)

File: 07d2d20c71bc481⋯.jpg (101.18 KB,1284x939,428:313,20240622_154241.jpg)


Trump was right, Hillary is now beautiful.

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0737f5 No.21068057

File: af8369f9be7f1b7⋯.png (16.64 KB,255x234,85:78,chinesepepe.png)


In Engrish, pweez

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743a97 No.21068058

File: 1f0fbfb5ef1e3f5⋯.mp4 (846.12 KB,720x376,90:47,aochitler.mp4)

>>21067523 lb

just cause she's a hot chick, there's no good replies or comment to her schtick, cept one?

>>21067716 lb

^ this guy fantasizes being married to her.


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b82ba9 No.21068059

File: ecdf8da0ca3fc24⋯.png (715.45 KB,978x634,489:317,wec2.png)

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ce2d82 No.21068062

File: 60e8acd310ce3b3⋯.png (2.92 MB,1656x1908,46:53,shillfu.png)


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a5c7f9 No.21068063


Yeah, like no one can tell that's been Photoshopped, AEI.

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648f77 No.21068065


Because it's a double.


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bcf475 No.21068067

File: 477fad1ccc3498e⋯.png (1.21 MB,609x691,609:691,Screenshot_7332_.png)

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712996 No.21068068


>6+ fucking years!

6 more

dick head

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e00a7f No.21068070


What a waste

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8b820c No.21068073

File: 7d8b9e2c8ffe6da⋯.png (228.94 KB,460x372,115:93,ClipboardImage.png)

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203568 No.21068074

File: 33475f5d55e90e6⋯.png (351.23 KB,613x554,613:554,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d3aac6a13841fb5⋯.png (332.98 KB,782x572,391:286,d3aac6a13841fb5a81ea9070c2….png)

U.S. Air Force


Jun 21

USAF + USMC = a winning combination 💪

Jun 21, 2024 · 2:52 PM UTC


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a5c7f9 No.21068075

File: 56fc83f7644093b⋯.jpg (82.68 KB,800x800,1:1,7f4dbfaa591b9d4e3907f8eba5….jpg)

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fc516f No.21068077

File: 93d4d1558ca49de⋯.jpg (87.21 KB,500x984,125:246,david_hogg_adam_lanza.jpg)


the original hilary never smiled once like that

that's hilarious

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f62e19 No.21068078


wow she looks 200 lbs lighter and 20 years younger.

I might hit it.

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5c8e3b No.21068079

File: f8cfc5660bc67c4⋯.png (100.59 KB,387x254,387:254,ClipboardImage.png)

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6be948 No.21068081

File: aca5ed7c1f68159⋯.png (357.9 KB,500x802,250:401,ClipboardImage.png)

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ce2d82 No.21068082

File: 12cf7987497a9ad⋯.png (282.16 KB,740x528,185:132,Rent.png)


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d40c87 No.21068083


Says they're a Qanan believer

Doesn't tell you where Qanan posts….

Damnit, I want to know where Qanan Posts!

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fc516f No.21068084

File: 89fd94a1a96f764⋯.png (131.59 KB,597x418,597:418,pepe_cringe_face_camera.png)


"unwavering support to ally"

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648f77 No.21068085



Seriously, where am I going to go

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ce324e No.21068086

File: 52a2e7ebaf77ae2⋯.jpg (112.75 KB,640x1138,320:569,It_s_OK_to_be_white.jpg)


I still say it's OK to be White

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743a97 No.21068087

File: c24227806923fb9⋯.jpg (201.5 KB,1000x810,100:81,crisisactor.jpg)


I guess the perps created a good cover.

nobody can think straight when they think of her.

Think of it:

the ploy is she is stoopid.

So was Dubya Bush.

It's another ploy.

Isn't she from a crisis actor family, brought up on the Farm? the Greenbergs?

Who taught her to rile up a crowd like Adolf?

>>21067523 lb

That's not organic.

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a5c7f9 No.21068088

File: f31872c24c1e039⋯.png (869.83 KB,736x981,736:981,f31872c24c1e039ba1b0efe9e1….png)

Comfy right now. Time to smoke and then glue some plastic together.

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e00a7f No.21068089

Whites need to show a little Pride

For we liberate the world

But get so little in return

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5a6224 No.21068093

File: 1bf0cadbaea7eef⋯.jpeg (63 KB,590x350,59:35,130C87BD_6E63_4B0B_9A76_6….jpeg)

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743a97 No.21068094


Ur so full of shit.

POTUS doesn't know about j6?

As If.

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712996 No.21068096

Anon is just trolling, that is what anon does and you all going to be trolled, no exceptions.

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e00a7f No.21068097

File: 50968d1601f5c9e⋯.webp (1.01 MB,1200x900,4:3,fallout_76_brotherhood_of….webp)

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04c434 No.21068098


Well picked up.

I don't GM here per say, but I like the sentiment.

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d96b33 No.21068099

File: 0abab1a7407655a⋯.mp4 (4.07 MB,398x624,199:312,Charisma.mp4)

When you enter enemy territory but you have max charisma.

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ec341d No.21068101

File: 0dba58d2e7ed813⋯.png (429.01 KB,597x488,597:488,reg.PNG)


Square profile picture

The Babylon Bee


‘Keep Religion Out Of Our Schools,’ Says Teacher With BLM, Pride Flags In Classroom https://buff.ly/4bjUyzE


8:00 AM · Jun 21, 2024




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fc6d9c No.21068105

File: 167c61380ce8577⋯.jpg (179.46 KB,1020x573,340:191,image_3_.jpg)

File: aba5578ee3f2502⋯.gif (95.64 KB,420x315,4:3,melania_trump.gif)

File: ea90a6e7120ec4f⋯.jpeg (68.63 KB,1024x768,4:3,7590aaa7d345698a43bd6e4e3….jpeg)

File: 7142fa89513c150⋯.jpg (1012.44 KB,4000x2666,2000:1333,AFP_9UR8QY_1.jpg)


5 lungages kek mandarin & jap _ the jibber jabber mixs also

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d40c87 No.21068106


>"the QAnon Conspiracy Theory"?


Deep State

Pedophile Cult

Which All three have been proven to exist

In collabration with each other

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e00a7f No.21068107

File: c4b379559b1521a⋯.png (182.22 KB,983x1366,983:1366,ClipboardImage.png)


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3e5459 No.21068109


STD Slide

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5a80fa No.21068110


Best anon can do is nihilists

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743a97 No.21068113

File: 6ad43078385dbe3⋯.jpeg (121.82 KB,750x694,375:347,adamryan.jpeg)

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d96b33 No.21068116

File: 9e5f4dc5949cd49⋯.png (279.21 KB,460x470,46:47,ClipboardImage.png)

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a980dc No.21068118

File: 771a4101eaa659f⋯.png (249.84 KB,399x463,399:463,fcc7398f58a348fa3c66eb50bb….png)


Imagine if you will:

An underwater yak hair basket weaving forum where the participants destroy a global media machine while pot taking

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5a80fa No.21068119


Chucks sister?

What she up to now that mum vanished

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04c434 No.21068121

File: ed8773e290af60d⋯.png (132.95 KB,193x261,193:261,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3cb63726636a00c⋯.png (37.43 KB,1194x358,597:179,ClipboardImage.png)


You may be trying to take the piss, but you've stumbled onto something very important.

How to know your higher self.

2 Corinthians 13:5 Context

2I told you before, and foretell you, as if I were present, the second time; and being absent now I write to them which heretofore have sinned, and to all other, that, if I come again, I will not spare: 3Since ye seek a proof of Christ speaking in me, which to you-ward is not weak, but is mighty in you. 4For though he was crucified through weakness, yet he liveth by the power of God. For we also are weak in him, but we shall live with him by the power of God toward you. 5Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates? 6But I trust that ye shall know that we are not reprobates. 7Now I pray to God that ye do no evil; not that we should appear approved, but that ye should do that which is honest, though we be as reprobates. 8For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth.

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ec341d No.21068122

File: bdd366fd5121ed9⋯.jpg (50.53 KB,776x390,388:195,my_name_is_14_Copy_3_.JPG)

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fc6d9c No.21068124


hard working person never quits

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cb58f0 No.21068129


"Q" (who/whatever)… seemed to be the opposite of Nihilism. Eh?

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d1aba6 No.21068132


qrd or sauce?

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e00a7f No.21068133

File: a998f7590cb70d4⋯.webp (828.25 KB,636x358,318:179,bomb_gif_1.webp)

Don't assume civilization's ascension

will continue if a nuclear exchange were to accure.

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9123e0 No.21068135

File: 30ffa4b6220dca0⋯.jpg (100.5 KB,650x999,650:999,ssss.jpg)

>>21067091 lb notes

>That was Trump's 9th appearance there.


>Faith and Freedom Coalition

he got into faith and freedom right after he started running in 2015

what a sincere dude

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648f77 No.21068136


Stupid blow job reference viral video.

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bb2c4e No.21068138

File: 0b0300d42da6eb4⋯.png (405.18 KB,393x351,131:117,Screenshot_7336_.png)

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e00a7f No.21068140

File: 9b79fb10c2d7180⋯.png (128.39 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

You order has arrived

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d1aba6 No.21068141


Oh, alright. Thanks.

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f24d38 No.21068145




>You order has arrived

is engrish you 2nd language?

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743a97 No.21068147

File: 0d16e4beab28fa6⋯.mp4 (3.43 MB,320x256,5:4,Mus_Dictator_Rant_Cartoon.mp4)






I guess the perps created a good cover.

nobody can think straight when they think of her.

Think of it:

the ploy is she is stoopid.

So was Dubya Bush.

It's another ploy.

Isn't she from a crisis actor family, brought up on the Farm? the Greenbergs?

Who taught her to rile up a crowd like Adolf?

AOC's voice sounds like the mIcky mouse version of Adolf

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5a80fa No.21068148




There is no qanon

There is Q

There are anons

But qanon is nothing

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fc6d9c No.21068152

File: 1d04c85dd1de401⋯.jpg (71.76 KB,1000x750,4:3,gFqhpdJNva5dXxXIMHUX66pxhL….jpg)

File: 9ba428b4fcc108c⋯.jpg (89.16 KB,640x640,1:1,dn7s4l47ywm91.jpg)

File: 5646d6e5810fb7c⋯.png (66 KB,274x285,274:285,5646d6e5810fb7c9beebf26ccf….png)

File: f6e72de27d221cb⋯.jpg (118.94 KB,421x1200,421:1200,VZsfOJx.jpg)

File: d23e639466070fb⋯.png (458.33 KB,640x2184,80:273,2598_1_.png)


timelines n' shit

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a980dc No.21068154


That last pic proves the left can't meme

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2e0304 No.21068155

File: f02137433cf1538⋯.png (625.57 KB,654x437,654:437,ClipboardImage.png)

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55198a No.21068156

File: bd923dc80190948⋯.jpg (21.37 KB,1200x234,200:39,shatters_the_narrative.jpg)

how's this for positive spin of a gun felony conviction

google "news" headlines

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203568 No.21068159

File: 6b9c21d80c974cf⋯.png (370.73 KB,538x509,538:509,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab3ef3c4798c60f⋯.jpg (89.64 KB,1280x785,256:157,Fw7CsGoXwAIPnsZ.jpg)



nobody else there…

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578b84 No.21068163


>AOC's voice sounds like the mIcky mouse version of Adolf


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04c434 No.21068165


That screaming mouth is releasing all the ugly from deep inside.

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5212c3 No.21068166

File: 6f33ee841971ae2⋯.png (94.03 KB,746x386,373:193,ClipboardImage.png)

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947c17 No.21068167


>Stupid blow job reference viral video

Couldn't see meme magic if it hawk Tuah'd them in the face.

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735692 No.21068169

Fentanyl is fake. Narrative writers needed to invent a drug that was worse than other drugs so that people would object to it being brought into our country since people don't seem to have a problem with opiods, coke, crack, meth or any other street drug since they are consuming them already.

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648f77 No.21068171


Women shouldn't spit.

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d0c95b No.21068172

File: fbf5d40e7ac12fd⋯.mp4 (986.79 KB,644x360,161:90,fbf5d40e7ac12fd58f275ff7c1….mp4)

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cb58f0 No.21068173


'A conspiracy among satanic pedophiles in a Deep State cult trying to save their necks from full exposure to the general public. Is not a "Theory".

Anon agrees that is going on.

If frenanons can't Win peacefully, then are We Frens cool with SMOD? Yes?

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735692 No.21068174


>20% public. 80% private. The world would otherwise collapse. #189

The world deserved to collapse. Gatekeepers shouldn't be allowed to decide what's best for everyone.

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648f77 No.21068175


How did y'all find this talent

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fc6d9c No.21068177

File: 191ae3bdeba98f4⋯.jpg (65.88 KB,480x545,96:109,unnamed3_480x545.jpg)

File: ea90a6e7120ec4f⋯.jpeg (68.63 KB,1024x768,4:3,7590aaa7d345698a43bd6e4e3….jpeg)

File: aba5578ee3f2502⋯.gif (95.64 KB,420x315,4:3,melania_trump.gif)

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d40c87 No.21068178







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78e39e No.21068179

File: e62a7421b9bb338⋯.png (140.35 KB,498x304,249:152,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c2d55f7a5182317⋯.png (417.74 KB,474x458,237:229,ClipboardImage.png)

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04c434 No.21068180

File: 1e2250b4989a923⋯.png (1.62 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d26bd No.21068181


oh, poor adam.

he's tried so hard to fit in at CNN.

I hope he has a fall down on the Road moment on the way to Damascus.

Pray for that man.

I know he's pathetic.

but he needs it so so very very much. He's so confused.


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9df8a3 No.21068182


Where did they get that picture of Adam Lanza when he supposedly killed himself after the shooting?

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743a97 No.21068183

File: 95d44e23e2d980a⋯.jpg (144.75 KB,1051x788,1051:788,greenbergsatthefarmquestio….jpg)

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6cf6bb No.21068184


#25830 >>21067665

>>21067957 LIVE: President Trump Holds a MAGA Rally in Philadelphia - 6/22/24 (to speak @ ~7:30PM EST)

>>21067738 Philly is turning out for Trump!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21067722 Why is LGBTQ Dems of Maryland leader Michael Knaapen suggesting a 14-year-old lie about his age?

>>21067806 Photo emerges of Lincoln Project co-founder Rick Wilson and LGBTQ Dems of Maryland leader Michael Knaapen

>>21067724, >>21068038 PF

>>21067764, >>21067800 Kuwait has just ordered all its citizens to leave Lebanon immediately

>>21067811 Israel Tries to Assassinate Top Hamas Commander in Gaza; Palestinians Report Over 40 Dead

>>21067838 'Limited DoD Trackin': Review of DoD Funds Provided to the People’s Republic of China for Gain of Function

>>21067854 Michigan lawmakers advance bill banning ‘gay panic’ defense

>>21067856 There are concentration camps being built right under your nose in all 50 states

>>21067896, >>21067907 Andrew Cuomo out of no where, left field

>>21067992 State of Things: AoC Part 2

>>21068058 AoC with a Hitler-stache speaking German makes a lot of sense actually

>>21068101 ‘Keep Religion Out Of Our Schools,’ Says Teacher With BLM, Pride Flags In Classroom

>>21067707, >>21067730 Memes


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a980dc No.21068185

File: 5d0466f594bef7c⋯.png (576.23 KB,720x708,60:59,5d0466f594bef7cfd2756ab09f….png)


The frog takes charge

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5a80fa No.21068186


Throw in cowbell and a Beastie Boy "Yeah" and this is gold



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d0c95b No.21068187

File: a25e8d920e5dfe7⋯.jpg (16.08 KB,480x360,4:3,smod_2012.jpg)

File: 602b157f466677a⋯.png (204.18 KB,429x355,429:355,smod_2016.png)

File: 6d01d37382ad9f3⋯.png (672.69 KB,1024x512,2:1,smod_2020.png)

File: 777fd85267f6163⋯.png (123.72 KB,480x180,8:3,smod2024.png)

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cb58f0 No.21068188


i understand, dear anon.

and i understand that MSM can't dare to explain the facts of "Q" and "Anons" nor the overarching general topics under discussion by anons nor especially any of the actual posts attributed to "Q". The MSM gig would crash into its own face.

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04c434 No.21068190


He carries his mother's bible.

Slide attempt, failed.

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9123e0 No.21068191

File: 8c3c8b789358389⋯.jpg (380.41 KB,2560x1839,2560:1839,ssss.jpg)

i agree with her on more than all rinos

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695524 No.21068192

File: d1cbddcc6bbf091⋯.jpeg (141.31 KB,800x598,400:299,IMG_5948.jpeg)


> wow she looks 200 lbs lighter and 20 years younger. I might hit it.

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947c17 No.21068193


Is that one of those 5D jokes?

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b82ba9 No.21068194


the squad is the only right wing group that calls out AIPAC

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c69094 No.21068195


They owe someone de monay too

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9123e0 No.21068196


>He carries his mother's bible.

how did he manage that while grabbing 'em by the pussy, anon?

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78e39e No.21068198

File: 2452b877672ed0b⋯.png (521.44 KB,598x498,299:249,ClipboardImage.png)


As long as he doesn't pick a backstabbing racist whiny Ivy league professional victim like Van Jones.

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a14a78 No.21068200


labels are created to demonize an opponent in the mind of the public

qanon = crazy person according to MSM

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f77cf2 No.21068201

File: 134366c2e87b575⋯.png (58.21 KB,640x590,64:59,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d26bd No.21068203


the term QANON is used to smear either Q or people who are anonymous.

1. anonymous people could be anyone.

2. anonymous people are not in a 'movement' called qanon.

3 anonymous people don't all agree with each other.

4. anonymous people don't all agree with Q

the term Qanon is a term of aggregation which is what the mainstream media always needs in order to start their hate-these-people campaigns.

there is no qanon movement. It was once a term to describe the phenomena of people posting and commenting on Q but . . . now it's been rejected because smearing anonymous people as if they all think and act the same, when you can't even know who they are or what they think except post to post . . . smearing them is not to be tolerated.

so people reject the term qanon.

there is no qanon.

and anyone who uses that term to describe a movement is glowing.

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b82ba9 No.21068204

File: f5de88f2faf0c64⋯.png (883.71 KB,976x724,244:181,morem.png)

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947c17 No.21068205

File: 0e3d11d8a08699a⋯.mp4 (1.08 MB,460x256,115:64,348hefndlfkewa.mp4)

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daeb29 No.21068206

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Willie Nelson & Kermit the Frog sing Rainbow Connection at Luck Reunion on March 15, 2024

Luck, TX


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7059a5 No.21068207


Fukin’ stolt.

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04c434 No.21068209


You pretending you never grabbed a pussy?

Sad for you if true.

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fc6d9c No.21068210

File: 79dc69d5b8dbf66⋯.jpg (60.59 KB,960x640,3:2,Le_mystere_Melania_Trump_s….jpg)

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5d26bd No.21068211


bird flu mcnuggs?

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600d1d No.21068212

File: 8e74bfc0ff0b008⋯.png (772.78 KB,728x500,182:125,Always_enjoy_the_diner.png)

good times…

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aeb935 No.21068213

File: 75755f360116a6c⋯.png (414.01 KB,432x589,432:589,ClipboardImage.png)

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aeb935 No.21068214

File: b407a5b6fc00024⋯.png (1.19 MB,1154x1280,577:640,ClipboardImage.png)

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5a6224 No.21068215

File: 00c6bb5caf8bbd8⋯.jpeg (700.21 KB,828x745,828:745,C3860E31_AF51_44E2_9116_6….jpeg)

>>21066325 pb

Japan’s Emperor to be welcomed by King Charles ‘like family’ in first state visit since cancer diagnosis

Naruhito and Empress Masako, who both studied at Oxford, will attend a Buckingham Palace banquet and lay flowers for the late Queen. He has been fly fishing with the young Prince Charles, driven through Balmoral by Prince Philip and had a barbecue with Queen Elizabeth II.


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fc6d9c No.21068216

File: bd8689a11847a68⋯.jpeg (34.76 KB,640x480,4:3,ff85b506b03d861b50a2a6534….jpeg)

File: 24c265ffa6500aa⋯.jpg (94.22 KB,1200x675,16:9,1_Republicans_Hold_Virtual….jpg)

File: 824bddeedce8772⋯.jpg (28.91 KB,512x344,64:43,661aafb5e79fb_image.jpg)

File: 82facb5ba5874cb⋯.jpeg (7.86 KB,284x178,142:89,download_37_.jpeg)

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aeb935 No.21068217

File: 41a44231372b2f5⋯.png (557.46 KB,1052x615,1052:615,ClipboardImage.png)

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600d1d No.21068218

File: 0a2d0b265f73bb4⋯.png (1.09 MB,622x610,311:305,_Anonymous_You_Just_now48c….png)

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947c17 No.21068220

File: 23d1e4f2d1966f2⋯.png (286.95 KB,460x431,460:431,ClipboardImage.png)

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648f77 No.21068221


Spitting was considered unladylike until feminism.

It's categorically similar to smoking.

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fddb74 No.21068222

If there are sadists in the VA and they are torturing wounded veterans, where are the active soldiers in their prime, ripping them all a very deep new one?

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b82ba9 No.21068223


when I was young used to hear about prices in the 50's "we used to buy that for a nickel" and thought wow that is so strange but really it was just still happening, possibly paused under Reagan but it has kept going up up

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e00a7f No.21068224



AOC renounces her liberal roots and goes full MAGA!

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947c17 No.21068225

File: 437552982032ac0⋯.png (457 KB,460x460,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

20 years worth of spent nuclear fuel at former Maine Yankee nuclear plant.

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fc6d9c No.21068226

File: da779b780c97819⋯.png (849.83 KB,640x1248,20:39,1809_1_.png)

File: bd8689a11847a68⋯.jpeg (34.76 KB,640x480,4:3,ff85b506b03d861b50a2a6534….jpeg)

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04c434 No.21068227


Buckle up butter cups

Good Times

Imagine the smell

Well intro'd phrases

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daeb29 No.21068228

File: 507c340a3ca734b⋯.png (269.38 KB,511x374,511:374,Model_airplane_glue.png)

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cb58f0 No.21068229


i remember when "Q" suggested to "anons" that some distance would be wise. that was several years ago. I can't deny that i would like to hear from "Q" again, and any comments that "Q" might have about testing the waters again with friends and family about the whole subject.

I have avoided any 'grand conversations' with friends and family about the stuff, to avoid causing them to reject me and stop the conversation. In the past several years, i say so little, but i now DO HEAR friends and family echo 'q-esk-isms' that have penetrated their own social media and memes. I want that to continue, without letting them know where i heard the stuff five and six years ago. I would like to know if "Q" still thinks that's the right way… or if 'anons' should turn up the heat when/how at this time???????

Not Sure so Juss Say'n

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578b84 No.21068230

File: 9a76bd8b5479cf2⋯.jpg (107.48 KB,695x649,695:649,tsdrhtsdrtstss.jpg)


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998591 No.21068231


And that dear friend would be a column worth watching collapse

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aac309 No.21068232

File: 73497d706d1028f⋯.jpg (448.22 KB,900x468,25:13,whoknows.jpg)


Did I see an updated graphic on that? Cuppla years back… over 200,000? Military is the Only Way.

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e00a7f No.21068233

File: 313896d9c4d0bd9⋯.mp4 (7.49 MB,464x822,232:411,IMG_1956.MP4)

President of the People

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203568 No.21068234

File: 99231dcf6466a6f⋯.jpg (408.79 KB,1920x1920,1:1,FyWLRFXXgAA_0nt.jpg)


gorillions to boil some water?

looks like a dangerous business.

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31e4e5 No.21068235

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Aerial video shows flooding in Rock Valley, Iowa. Hundreds told to evacuate

People in hundreds of homes where told to evacuate early Saturday in Rock Valley, Iowa, as the nearby Rock River could no longer take the heavy rain that has slammed the region.


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a5c7f9 No.21068236


KEK. Check'd palindrome. Ah, the Testors Plastic Cement of my youth. Still remember how that stuff smelled. Haven't built a model since then. Half tempted to get an SR-71 and F14 kits to give 'em the paint job I can now that I wished I could then.

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648f77 No.21068237


I've noticed this too even with deep seated liberals.

As for turning up the heat, I've only done it on accident.

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a14a78 No.21068238


But when they shall lead you, and deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak,

neither do ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye:

for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost.

Mark 13:11 - KJV

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04c434 No.21068239

File: 1638c8b2d088aa7⋯.png (22.29 KB,529x349,529:349,ClipboardImage.png)


>or if 'anons' should turn up the heat when/how at this time???????

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5d26bd No.21068241


there is no need to discuss Q.

just discuss the the things you know and for which you have sauce.

if someone brings it up I would feel them out and not admit 'oh, ya, I'm at that site every day'

it simply adds nothing to the conversation.

I'll tell them to vote for Donald Trump.

I'll say that Biden is a bad president.

but as far as what Q thinks?

if they want to know that they can find it on their own.

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48dcf7 No.21068242

File: 3d082029d80ac8c⋯.png (1.64 MB,727x789,727:789,Screenshot_7341_.png)



poppin jacks from a jeep fun

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ce2d82 No.21068243

File: 7b62699b635a8c0⋯.jpg (13.17 KB,213x255,71:85,07643ba0a296a8e8964063aae7….jpg)


BY accident.

On purpose.

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cb58f0 No.21068244


let us pray

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9123e0 No.21068245

File: 8d3b2d8e76c840d⋯.jpg (443.44 KB,2560x1440,16:9,aoccccccccccc.jpg)




>AOC renounces her liberal roots

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5212c3 No.21068246

File: a702b3d4d0cc843⋯.png (275.83 KB,666x3690,37:205,ClipboardImage.png)



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18d5b9 No.21068247


Even in the private bedroom you're still this bland or?

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cfb659 No.21068248


It ain't easy being green with racists like this around.

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ce2d82 No.21068249


Stop IP hopping Kunt.

I don't believe I need to see your shit once it becomes apparent you have nothing new to contribute.

Makes it look like you are here to irritate and not inform. Just repeat, repeat, repeat. MK.

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648f77 No.21068250


I'm straight, thanks.

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aeb935 No.21068251

File: d35bcc53b853223⋯.png (1.4 MB,996x663,332:221,ClipboardImage.png)

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648f77 No.21068252


>How we got here is ok.

>It's what we have now that is bad.

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695524 No.21068253

File: 89f016ec2dcae12⋯.jpeg (131.04 KB,800x765,160:153,IMG_5953.jpeg)


Eva Waldschmidt?

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9df8a3 No.21068254


>Spitting was considered unladylike

Spit is the best Lube, modern women know

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a980dc No.21068255

File: 1992de967255284⋯.png (145.88 KB,480x257,480:257,23attp.png)


Yes, the era of the big bun

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9123e0 No.21068256

File: 8e93f4c4a6230e0⋯.jpg (150.25 KB,1200x799,1200:799,aocccccccccc.jpg)


> would like to hear from "Q" again


nothing he said meant jack shit, anon.

it was a game

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9b5c59 No.21068257

The Meek do not inherit the earth.

The Rich and the Wealthy Buy it. Lots of it. Drive the prices up so high only they can afford it.

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e00a7f No.21068258


AOC's future

Stay a leftist and go back to pole dancing on the streets

Or Embrace MAGA and it's dream to try to

save her importance. in the world of tomorrow

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ec3349 No.21068259

is it true Schumer means grillmeister?

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2c6439 No.21068260

Why did Trump betray us during his first term?

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648f77 No.21068261


If you need lube, you have a problem.

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ce2d82 No.21068262


Smoking was made popular by marketing. (Edward Bernays)

Smoking was made unpopular by marketing.

(Trial run for COVID shaming)

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a980dc No.21068264


Word on the street is that dude is the very model for Buzz Killington

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fc6d9c No.21068265


how high is the water my momma

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5c8e3b No.21068266



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d40c87 No.21068267

File: b88a2a441ff2fa6⋯.png (132.83 KB,255x224,255:224,ClipboardImage.png)

Sudden deaths

Nuclear Armageddon

World Wide Pandemics

Planes Falling out of the sky

It Must be an election year in the USA….

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062660 No.21068268

File: be513a4bc71ea28⋯.jpg (111.1 KB,500x466,250:233,New_Message_You_Ain_t_Blac….jpg)


Why's he cryin so much?

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743a97 No.21068269

File: 4a71b9edd7eaf2a⋯.png (248.85 KB,941x468,941:468,bidenadolf.png)

File: 500bff5642d420b⋯.png (115.54 KB,1747x345,1747:345,biden1974.png)


Kitty Kelly 1974 profile of Biden

"Death and the All-American Body"

Excerpt in picrel

[wife just had died in an unfortunate suspicious accident]

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cb58f0 No.21068270


in anon's own many years ranting against The Corruption State (decades before "Q")… i would so often 'turn up the heat' intentionally with friends and family and i know i caused many of them to thus push me away. I felt counter-productive.

in some very strange mix/blend of the past ten years… i say less and less to friends and family, as they themselves rant more and more about the Corruption State. I hope WeAnons are finding the right path and means to effect this Deliverance From Evil in the best way possible.

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648f77 No.21068271


Smoking was made popular to shit biological chemistry in women and to aid in planting feminism seeds for the future through altered behavior as catharsis.

Q suggested smoking was made unpopular to hide cancers caused by cleaning solvents.

Also this damages male testosterone production if they aren't smoking.

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aeb935 No.21068272

File: 3793bc9b92b9f53⋯.png (350.94 KB,480x600,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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062660 No.21068273

File: 8f733fb5ccc05a1⋯.jpg (264.84 KB,1080x1095,72:73,Hannity_Israel_Committing_….jpg)


Satan has his blood lust. Needs to feed. WW.

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41b051 No.21068274

File: 7fc57472d21bda1⋯.png (632.6 KB,979x552,979:552,ClipboardImage.png)

DONALD TRUMP Rally In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


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3977c5 No.21068275


#25830 >>21067665

>>21067957 LIVE: President Trump Holds a MAGA Rally in Philadelphia - 6/22/24 (to speak @ ~7:30PM EST)

>>21067738 Philly is turning out for Trump!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21067722 Why is LGBTQ Dems of Maryland leader Michael Knaapen suggesting a 14-year-old lie about his age?

>>21067806 Photo emerges of Lincoln Project co-founder Rick Wilson and LGBTQ Dems of Maryland leader Michael Knaapen

>>21067724, >>21068038 PF

>>21067764, >>21067800 Kuwait has just ordered all its citizens to leave Lebanon immediately

>>21067811 Israel Tries to Assassinate Top Hamas Commander in Gaza; Palestinians Report Over 40 Dead

>>21067838 'Limited DoD Trackin': Review of DoD Funds Provided to the People’s Republic of China for Gain of Function

>>21067854 Michigan lawmakers advance bill banning ‘gay panic’ defense

>>21067856 There are concentration camps being built right under your nose in all 50 states

>>21067896, >>21067907 Andrew Cuomo out of no where, left field

>>21067992 State of Things: AoC Part 2

>>21068058 AoC with a Hitler-stache speaking German makes a lot of sense actually

>>21068101 ‘Keep Religion Out Of Our Schools,’ Says Teacher With BLM, Pride Flags In Classroom

>>21068215 Japan’s Emperor to be welcomed by King Charles ‘like family’ in first state visit since cancer diagnosis

>>21068225 Nuclear efficiency

>>21068233 President of the People

>>21068235 Aerial video shows flooding in Rock Valley, Iowa - hundreds told to evacuate

>>21067707, >>21067730, >>21068220 Memes


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e00a7f No.21068276


Trump just said," My signature is worth more than this worthless twenty"!

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79d2ee No.21068277

File: e266e22639fa48b⋯.gif (6.97 MB,600x600,1:1,e266e22639fa48b63d46b17d4d….gif)

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9123e0 No.21068278

File: cf0e191598fc930⋯.jpg (72.2 KB,960x1152,5:6,aoc.jpg)

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f5b2df No.21068279

File: 022aeab53fa27e6⋯.jpeg (702.62 KB,1125x1437,375:479,IMG_1356.jpeg)


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e00a7f No.21068280

File: 02c84e41d4fd1f7⋯.png (186.05 KB,1200x1097,1200:1097,ClipboardImage.png)


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062660 No.21068281


Luckily Epstein's dead tho.

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ce2d82 No.21068282


You are obviously a product of public education, post 2000, too.Tell me how you feel about that.

Fuckin' millennials.

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fc6d9c No.21068283

File: ba0ecd7ac7a787a⋯.jpg (12.16 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault_5_.jpg)

File: 35cf803f45c0944⋯.jpg (392.7 KB,695x535,139:107,NastyDan.jpg)


3 second Dan

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18d5b9 No.21068284


Criminally fine-tuned I say.

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648f77 No.21068286


I'm a ruin.

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cb58f0 No.21068287



i understand "Q" in my own weird way that would be completely counter-productive to try and 'share' with someone else at this time. The SUBJECT material is different, withOUT talking about a crazyass bulletinboard away in some weird place Online.

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062660 No.21068288


Butt stuff, mostly. And cookies.

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f5b2df No.21068289

File: 6698c4ef6b10472⋯.jpeg (841.97 KB,1125x1651,1125:1651,IMG_1357.jpeg)

Men anons get your penises checked please.


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e00a7f No.21068290

Mt Rushmore won't be enough for some

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062660 No.21068291

File: 07e12f6e444abad⋯.jpg (103.37 KB,1280x704,20:11,network_1976.jpg)



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5d26bd No.21068292


; >

you got that right!

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d40c87 No.21068293


are they vaxxed?

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fcc9c1 No.21068294

File: 2899613fe4b25ff⋯.png (58.4 KB,445x422,445:422,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2899613fe4b25ff⋯.png (58.4 KB,445x422,445:422,ClipboardImage.png)

Imagine what had been happening looked like it had looked as though it was spoken as so dark money market prices for COMPUTER CORE LAPTOPS storing digital information of over 300 illegal activities involving person after which then played by an actor playing potus and descendent playing names…names…the pattern of focusing on names as driving before itself as a behavior to be suffered in time by negating from source as something other than an inconsistent 'speech/play' acting…

"Insurance files" can take the form of laptops with a pandora's box, also admitted as true by dropping charges against Rudy because that was why he was targeted with 'public smear campaign' for saying where he got it and who he gave it to -> straight to fbi.

So it is true.


Look at the timing of those habbenings.

THEN world saw digital platforms censor and shandowban and throttle information…cycle of inconsistency with itself…

Imagine you're Mulder or Scully, you had a laptop you knew was real.

Then the order from smoking man warn/harass/strings social media platforms into censoring any mention of it being sOmEtHiNg eLsE…oh…let's just use names of countries as this or that with any other country…then keep saying words like "{country} disinformation" knowingly false play acting in fbi movies to deliberately influence the people's minds in who to vote for in elections.

Two times.

If inconsistency exposed/revealed as knowing operation…

Admitting is for this anon a minimum requirement in reciprocal acknowledgment of any consciousness mind and machine, mito_m, who is putting what where in all the codings spoken of including where is the apology from the sources demanding to be suffered in its time on this world…

Global success would be best choice if the choice is to be in time reciprocal, admit more truths like nyc ag openly saying the quiet part out loud.

This is pattern of Q proofs in multi-step before and after one and one and now more and more…

Laptop was under the legal ny holding/jurisdiction.

Imagine what kind of minds would knowingly use fbi powers to 'persuade' fakebookmetaFB, twitter 1.0, to censor postings and label story 'publicly' as 'russia disinformation'…itself disinformation…

If that were anon no power or money is ever worth bringing harm to the young people or old people, as informational weapons to mislead/divide the people for power or money but more ending of more false antis.

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d99617 No.21068295


Back in the 50s and 60s there were TV ads for cigarettes.

Back in the 50s and 60s there were NOT TV ads for pharmaceuticals.

Then in about 1971, TV started pharma ads and stopped cigarette ads.

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ce2d82 No.21068296


Wow, that meme's shit. Are you a mind fucked leftie?

I know that AOC, Talaib and Omar don't like Jews and they are all mind-fucked lefties.

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a980dc No.21068297


Be brave anon, the sticker shock on a Revell kit these days

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78e39e No.21068298

File: dfa1e6268ffbea6⋯.png (712.85 KB,480x960,1:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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062660 No.21068299


Look at the horse. It be sniffing.

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a5c7f9 No.21068300

File: e54ec2bc8176ccb⋯.png (483.04 KB,736x572,184:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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10eb60 No.21068301



>You're a fucking division shill.

>Admit it.

>You are obviously a product of public education, post 2000, too.Tell me how you feel about that.

>Fuckin' millennials.

And (you) are a hypocrite.

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6be948 No.21068302


>unladylike until feminism

Same with lighting farts, and loud belching. You want that shit go find a tranny to provide that for you, or a skank ass feminist.

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5d26bd No.21068303


a ruin?

like the Roman Forum?

it's one of the most visited tourist areas in the whole world!

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648f77 No.21068304


I never knew what people meant when they would say "I'm just one guy." Now I know. There is just a limitation to how much information you can pass to an individual. The data transfer requires the right step taken at basically each word, and one person can't hold all the information in their memory. I can't at least. So you're bound to lose anybody you talk to, or give them a headache. The movie is a team of people peppering people at an appropriate rate for their station in life. Employed people simply only have so much attention span beyond their daily grind.

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062660 No.21068305


another thing they do for money.

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9123e0 No.21068306

File: fbfcd14b2e7ca4a⋯.jpg (93.22 KB,500x767,500:767,aoccccc.jpg)

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648f77 No.21068307


Well I guess I wasn't much to begin with in the first place then.

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578b84 No.21068308

File: a6ac9d533d70496⋯.jpg (106.49 KB,1098x935,1098:935,GGSpYyMWwAAmSk0jgbjgbl.jpg)



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1c28cd No.21068309


msnbc's Ari Melbar had the psychopath on his show for at least 15 minutes today. Fauchi says everyone should be open minded (and believe his lies) like he does. He claimed he SAVED 25 million lives in Africa, covid most likely came from a bat and hydroxychloroquine, which Pres. Trump said works, didn't work back then, and doesn't work today. The psychopath has no conscious and BELIEVES that he can lie his way through as he has his entire miserable life.

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769e37 No.21068310


>Paul Ryan Was the First One to Receive a Copy of Steele Dossier

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79d2ee No.21068311

File: 67fa2f4cd19ec4a⋯.gif (191.52 KB,239x300,239:300,Popcorn_19_Jesus.GIF)

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062660 No.21068312

File: 12398ce2f8f1c9c⋯.png (250.32 KB,575x417,575:417,Hillary_Clinton_What_Diffe….png)

File: 06fc56991612ce8⋯.gif (3.68 MB,217x272,217:272,Hillary_Clinton_Head_Bang.gif)


She doing the head bop thing?

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ce2d82 No.21068313


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86f8be No.21068314

File: c324069450d4466⋯.mp4 (12.07 MB,460x816,115:204,Om_nom_Nom_nom.mp4)

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ce324e No.21068315


Who's the girl behind her with the lenses?

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9123e0 No.21068316

File: 0a63be9b8fa628e⋯.jpg (64.98 KB,1080x600,9:5,aoccc.jpg)

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9b5c59 No.21068317

No need to Early Life Doug Burgum. Good grief. Obviously

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d99617 No.21068318


I've noticed that garbage happening all the time recently, last 10 years. Some Jew Faggot group decided to change all the prepositions.

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062660 No.21068319

File: c935ccee6e8baca⋯.jpg (55.34 KB,742x576,371:288,Envision_The_Scent_Smell.jpg)


>I might hit it.

Snap out of it anon!

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d40c87 No.21068320



used to acknowledge a hit in fencing or the success or appropriateness of an argument, an accusation, or a witty point

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062660 No.21068321


I ordered less head.

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5d26bd No.21068322


you got the rest of your life to figure out that 'being something' is overrated if you are trying to impress others.

you're as much as you need to be in the moment.

if there is something you feel you need to learn, go learn it.

something you think you need to do, go do it.

nothing is stopping you.

you were something marvelous straight out of the womb and you still are.

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695524 No.21068323

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> how high is the water my momma

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fcc9c1 No.21068324

wonder whether ak was wondering whether or not to wonder about crocodile soup being on video hearing ag saying this MOAB.


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fc6d9c No.21068325

File: eabfb04a9955fd8⋯.jpg (28.18 KB,640x480,4:3,sddefault_5_.jpg)

File: 280bfec78fbdafa⋯.jpg (18.17 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault_6_.jpg)

File: 89c914b6807691d⋯.jpg (34.76 KB,400x300,4:3,Joel_and_matlin_l.jpg)

File: 4c6838a75734650⋯.gif (190.12 KB,220x165,4:3,wanna_buy.gif)

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86f8be No.21068326

File: a37c0903ebca262⋯.mp4 (1.77 MB,460x816,115:204,African_Aid.mp4)

Africa receives its long awaited aid.

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78e39e No.21068327

File: a0c9a227eb5a7fd⋯.png (285.54 KB,338x398,169:199,ClipboardImage.png)

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648f77 No.21068328


Almost like it was a more advanced psyop from before. Lessons learned.


Hundred Monkey Effect

We're the first monkeys. Sounds like you came from before Q though.

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69c1fb No.21068329


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648f77 No.21068330


C-Section Birth

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a980dc No.21068331

File: 410c20918f5dda0⋯.png (299.69 KB,770x409,770:409,SPERM_EXTRACTOR_770x409.png)


Hang on

cycle almost complete



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ea4ba9 No.21068332

File: 2ec3b605965f583⋯.jpg (131.37 KB,440x747,440:747,Palmqvist_water_torture.jpg)

File: bfa6f449ee6c558⋯.png (805.4 KB,743x1607,743:1607,bfa6f449ee6c5587445a9ad92a….png)

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d0c95b No.21068333

File: 2fa4505b8929c89⋯.png (70.03 KB,251x172,251:172,2fa4505b8929c8971bac0da85c….png)

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86f8be No.21068334

File: 667ba178bae4e4d⋯.png (500.47 KB,460x693,460:693,ClipboardImage.png)

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743a97 No.21068335

File: d26551ed0b925de⋯.png (1.3 MB,1084x789,1084:789,bidennwo.png)

File: e2e4bd3a3cf67dd⋯.png (1.28 MB,1579x1111,1579:1111,bidencreep.png)



"Death and the All-American Boy"


"Biden and the NWO"

Biden openly fondles children, on stage.

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69c1fb No.21068336


Inverted ; let it claw out

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e00a7f No.21068337


You know she's as much of a victim of the system as you and I.

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fc6d9c No.21068338

File: f744138bba68dd4⋯.jpg (43.19 KB,395x497,395:497,Mrrogers.jpg)

File: ec204a5442acec2⋯.jpg (119.09 KB,706x536,353:268,MV5BMDRlMTI3ZTItYjFmZS00YT….jpg)

File: 9c0065d8faaf78a⋯.jpg (452.54 KB,1448x2000,181:250,Prince_Harry_Military_Care….jpg)

File: bdea0d6f7b09193⋯.jpg (59.95 KB,640x350,64:35,Gadus_morhua_Cod_2b_Atlant….JPG)

File: 65dbf613235849b⋯.jpg (7.08 KB,320x180,16:9,mqdefault_1_.jpg)


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5d26bd No.21068339


so you were birth like Caesar?

that's quite a legacy.

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062660 No.21068340


>Penis cancer.

Now they making shit up.

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734e53 No.21068341

File: 6972212d4c6686b⋯.jpg (9.91 KB,255x192,85:64,a8273c9924955a60e628d12f9c….jpg)

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a14a78 No.21068342

The trouble with this country is that there are too many politicians

who believe, with a conviction based on experience, that you can fool

all of the people all of the time.

– Franklin Adams

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e8babe No.21068343


>like Van Jones.

if a man walks across the aisle…

he is unworthy to hold the position of VP

it matters not that he went from bad guy to good guy! poor choices to begin with have consequences

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203568 No.21068344

File: 5d75d5d4bd971f1⋯.jpg (78.07 KB,1080x965,216:193,wethepeople.jpg)

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79d2ee No.21068346

File: 530d227c2314a07⋯.png (53.36 KB,363x50,363:50,Screenshot_7026_.png)


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86f8be No.21068347

File: 0b388fdd41643d7⋯.png (257.96 KB,460x484,115:121,ClipboardImage.png)

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e00a7f No.21068348

File: adb4311bd3521b1⋯.png (7.39 KB,201x251,201:251,ClipboardImage.png)


Sending Olga:

She's great resolving custom issues

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a980dc No.21068350

File: 3bd5f5e59e8efd0⋯.png (94.06 KB,545x451,545:451,3bd5f5e59e8efd064d7ef3b3ec….png)


I'm still offering discount lobotomies, I can make it all go away in just minutes

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734e53 No.21068351

File: 16d695916a9ddc7⋯.png (27.28 KB,1200x800,3:2,16d695916a9ddc705fd7763d0c….png)

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769e37 No.21068353



take notes schumer

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743a97 No.21068354



shaddap you face.

AOC is a crook, not a victim/

We are her victims?

Are you on crack.

Or is your fantasy of her boobs influencing your brain.

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9123e0 No.21068355

File: 3deb882fc595bc1⋯.webp (29.65 KB,1600x900,16:9,aocccc.webp)


she was hot when she was young, too

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724df4 No.21068356

File: b043d9b701229f1⋯.png (796.17 KB,1566x1853,1566:1853,JAN06aaaaaaa.png)

File: 3d5e471b86ad3b1⋯.png (797.63 KB,1566x1853,1566:1853,JAN06aaaaaab.png)

File: d901f5d63bca1c3⋯.png (885.65 KB,1566x1853,1566:1853,JAN06aaaaaaC.png)

File: 98811ca2a514214⋯.png (1.65 MB,1566x1853,1566:1853,JAN06b.png)

>>21068071 (You)

>>21068069 (You)

>>21068066 (You)

>>21068064 (You)

>>21068061 (You)

>>21068060 (You)

>>21068056 (You)

>>21068052 (You)

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fc516f No.21068357

File: 9469fee844c788a⋯.png (61.03 KB,1425x966,475:322,circumcision_world_map.png)

File: ef20f99757e2aee⋯.jpg (121.86 KB,480x624,10:13,circumcision_clamper_for_m….jpg)


>avoid amputation

not possible at the NYP

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724df4 No.21068358

File: d2d886d430c9302⋯.png (556.94 KB,870x1000,87:100,1z.png)

File: 363eaefad62349f⋯.png (266.22 KB,514x518,257:259,2.png)

File: 46ddf0ea53dfc3e⋯.jpg (13.75 KB,201x251,201:251,2a.jpg)

File: 29f722d183bb807⋯.png (522.11 KB,398x632,199:316,2b.png)

File: e1a1140a2d0d93b⋯.png (720.18 KB,705x720,47:48,2AB.png)

>>21068071 (You)

>>21068069 (You)

>>21068066 (You)

>>21068064 (You)

>>21068061 (You)

>>21068060 (You)

>>21068056 (You)

>>21068052 (You)

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734e53 No.21068359

File: 38abb8603adbba3⋯.png (475.26 KB,520x390,4:3,38abb8603adbba3d17d741365b….png)

Who do you think you are talking to?

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062660 No.21068360


Now we know why zee Germans keep fucking with their neighbours.


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ea4ba9 No.21068361

File: 7739f5803a53a81⋯.png (155.07 KB,280x417,280:417,SingSing_torture_1860.png)

File: 2f4113abb954578⋯.jpg (11.16 KB,259x194,259:194,images_298_.jpg)

File: 54fc057d33d7beb⋯.jpg (11.57 KB,259x194,259:194,images_296_.jpg)

File: bb24608a3bfc4ee⋯.jpg (8.89 KB,248x203,248:203,9k_59_.jpg)


en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Chinese_water…

Chinese water torture or a "dripping machine" is a mentally painful process in which cold water is slowly dripped onto the scalp, forehead or face for a …

Give a shrink a hammer…..

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ebcd7b No.21068362

File: c73ea137745bfa9⋯.webp (17.62 KB,408x298,204:149,2d.webp)


>>21068071 (You)

>>21068069 (You)

>>21068066 (You)

>>21068064 (You)

>>21068061 (You)

>>21068060 (You)

>>21068056 (You)

>>21068052 (You)

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fc516f No.21068363

File: 29be1c76b475f64⋯.png (43.29 KB,280x351,280:351,ClipboardImage.png)


South Korea tho


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a980dc No.21068364

File: 7c4f9aa13dfc9e8⋯.jpg (174.39 KB,1000x1341,1000:1341,7c4f9aa13dfc9e874bb6702aa2….jpg)

File: 2b0305b2b170e19⋯.jpg (88.08 KB,750x938,375:469,2b0305b2b170e190f8472aa76c….jpg)


Must break the spell of the AOC boobs

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f38f8e No.21068365


DON'T get it checked anons, that's how they GIVE you cancer!!!

Just like all the mamograms they wanted women to get for "breast" cancer!!! They were GIVING women breat cancer!!!!



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fc516f No.21068366

File: a86eaf603616a9d⋯.png (20.08 KB,120x124,30:31,ClipboardImage.png)


clearly an irish feature……

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fc6d9c No.21068367

File: 5ed7ffae0f5e277⋯.jpeg (87.43 KB,1428x1215,476:405,GQh2pPWW4AAjRlD.jpeg)

File: fa76456a8f5849a⋯.jpeg (9.13 KB,225x225,1:1,images_64_.jpeg)

File: b9d25e18305131a⋯.jpeg (188.08 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GQh2pPdW8AACQ5J.jpeg)

File: 12241629be04184⋯.jpeg (572.71 KB,2048x2048,1:1,GQnnn3XXYAA86Pu.jpeg)

File: 1eb66c1faa963f2⋯.jpeg (249.46 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,GQSHmkEXgAA4mvE.jpeg)



pretend unicycle

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1c87fe No.21068368

File: 9b5495bedabd055⋯.png (220.11 KB,454x498,227:249,flyer3.PNG)

File: a7e75a3fcd0ec44⋯.png (385.44 KB,514x391,514:391,ClipboardImage.png)

jews jews jews

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fc516f No.21068369


>Who do you think you are talking to?

Why is no rally crowd

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062660 No.21068370

File: 6832890859a88dd⋯.jpg (70.99 KB,642x467,642:467,AOC_Holding_Sign_God_Wins_….jpg)

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79d2ee No.21068371

File: 860c9130f720c0e⋯.gif (934.51 KB,800x450,16:9,source.gif)

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69c1fb No.21068372


… as first win first serverd left in a grumple/


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648f77 No.21068373


My handler.

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fc516f No.21068374

File: 9e985d09048dbfa⋯.png (160.45 KB,284x426,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)


not sure this is a real chinese

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ea4ba9 No.21068375


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e00a7f No.21068376

File: 8884338e2a65062⋯.mp4 (3.45 MB,1080x1920,9:16,hvbrlswSQHrMEocw.mp4)

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216c19 No.21068377

File: 1b9f99717104ecc⋯.mp4 (1.85 MB,270x480,9:16,NO_TAX_ON_TIPS.mp4)


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695524 No.21068378

File: 87e4d70a85cc3ab⋯.png (166.13 KB,341x296,341:296,bidan_smell.png)


> Envision the scent

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86f8be No.21068379

File: 01fc89c2973523b⋯.mp4 (8.36 MB,460x816,115:204,giga_dork.mp4)

You ain't seen shit.

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9123e0 No.21068380

File: 54431074e666261⋯.jpg (90.32 KB,1280x720,16:9,aoccccccccc.jpg)

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364d78 No.21068381

File: 696c5dc6e8938d3⋯.jpeg (10.47 KB,255x248,255:248,ea99ce1a1ce9d5bd07cc6dc1e….jpeg)

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1c87fe No.21068382


Yea. Some of those j.a.p.s. end up looking like chinks with all of the plastic surgery.

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ebcd7b No.21068383

File: 5bf874cff613ebe⋯.png (612.93 KB,659x613,659:613,000POOSO.png)

File: 3d0fa574cc3759e⋯.png (291.39 KB,544x784,34:49,jackkek1.png)

File: e4596a2c6e013e0⋯.jpeg (132.25 KB,790x1172,395:586,e4596a2c6e013e0f027cc1e25….jpeg)

File: fc2810c3f9bd361⋯.jpeg (43.08 KB,474x315,158:105,fc2810c3f9bd36182ec4ed9e0….jpeg)

File: 3627109298c7e01⋯.png (124.21 KB,1380x433,1380:433,3627109298c7e014141d26e0a4….png)

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f60efb No.21068384

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


LIVE: President Trump Holds a MAGA Rally in Philadelphia - 6/22/24


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e0e482 No.21068385

Fired up - engine roaring. WE ARE AMERICA



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a34d4a No.21068386

File: 5bf874cff613ebe⋯.png (612.93 KB,659x613,659:613,000POOSO.png)

File: 3d0fa574cc3759e⋯.png (291.39 KB,544x784,34:49,jackkek1.png)

File: e4596a2c6e013e0⋯.jpeg (132.25 KB,790x1172,395:586,e4596a2c6e013e0f027cc1e25….jpeg)

File: fc2810c3f9bd361⋯.jpeg (43.08 KB,474x315,158:105,fc2810c3f9bd36182ec4ed9e0….jpeg)

File: 3627109298c7e01⋯.png (124.21 KB,1380x433,1380:433,3627109298c7e014141d26e0a4….png)

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203568 No.21068387

File: 370aee6a5d96f6e⋯.png (330.65 KB,600x483,200:161,ClipboardImage.png)

Where have I seen this meme before?


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0737f5 No.21068388


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9123e0 No.21068389

File: 6f284ad5109cae0⋯.jpg (67.48 KB,1200x757,1200:757,aocccccccc.jpg)


aoc's are real, bro

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746d6e No.21068390





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a34d4a No.21068391

File: 3627109298c7e01⋯.png (124.21 KB,1380x433,1380:433,3627109298c7e014141d26e0a4….png)

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769e37 No.21068392

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c2e8c6 No.21068393

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41eec0 No.21068394

File: cb80accbdb51318⋯.jpg (136.87 KB,675x900,3:4,cb80accbdb51318465500f1321….jpg)

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3977c5 No.21068395

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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69c1fb No.21068396

… as I lay dying singing about the wale who jumped its tale

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e0e482 No.21068397

Trucking on - FUCK YEAH


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d40c87 No.21068398

File: 973742ba7fd6e8c⋯.png (447.95 KB,537x637,537:637,ClipboardImage.png)



Jun 21, 2020

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a980dc No.21068399

File: 2b36fdc292c8eb3⋯.png (981.63 KB,682x947,682:947,2b36fdc292c8eb359672213acd….png)


So were Candi's

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062660 No.21068400

File: 6037a11dda392db⋯.jpg (115.48 KB,500x531,500:531,AOC_Pepe.jpg)

File: fc06c307e25dbb2⋯.jpg (142.16 KB,680x383,680:383,AOC_Anons_Want_Me_Big_Mout….jpg)

File: 42876c91eede07b⋯.png (194.26 KB,606x549,202:183,Don_Jr_Dan_Scavino_AOC.png)


Bewbs make anon comfy

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769e37 No.21068402




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cb58f0 No.21068403


anon just had odd circumstance

one parent tried to warm me about 'some kind of subversion' going on in Government way back in the 70's and 80's. Saw corruption in the Military firsthand in the 90's. Learned about the FED in the late 90's before 9/11. Studied and ranted about 9/11 for ten years before Trump and Q showed up. Pandemic of Lies and rigged Elections lost me the most friends and family that could tolerate any more of my 'conversation'. it has not been 'easy'

but i am so glad to have found all you shitheadanons for frens and Trump running a forestrymulcher through DC and "Q" being 'out there somewhere' too.

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062660 No.21068405

File: 7aad80b7723eaeb⋯.jpg (7.76 KB,255x178,255:178,Pepe_shocked.jpg)

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3dd6c8 No.21068408

File: 88404100c88a6e2⋯.png (274.66 KB,487x365,487:365,Screen_Shot_2024_06_19_at_….png)


Can Burgum even shitpoast?

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fcc9c1 No.21068409

"And that is what is offensive to people, and it should be.

Because if there is anything left…

It is belief in the justice system.'

What happens when the justice system is weaponized to shape 'candidates' to positions of state and federal law enforcement.

2019 laptop possession, knowing as real.


2020 send/receive information 'sound' as saying 'that country's disinformation focus attention'…

How to help awaken.

Laptop is under ny govt jurisdiction.

Cover for a cover for a cover for a…?

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062660 No.21068410

File: 2c3914690b483bc⋯.jpg (66.07 KB,268x200,67:50,He_s_Right_You_Know_No_Cap….jpg)

File: 31dbe2f9f3d13de⋯.png (67.76 KB,512x512,1:1,member_alpha.png)

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fc6d9c No.21068411

File: ec204a5442acec2⋯.jpg (119.09 KB,706x536,353:268,MV5BMDRlMTI3ZTItYjFmZS00YT….jpg)

File: a46e3731341b36e⋯.jpg (23.95 KB,220x224,55:56,Trashmen_Surfin_Bird_album….jpg)

File: 1d4727343836cdc⋯.jpeg (424.29 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GQHAPu1XEAExplV.jpeg)


La di di dumb la di dumb know the name of that song.

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44fa78 No.21068412

File: 556770a2e3f3273⋯.png (1.42 MB,1170x1117,1170:1117,3b2137515d77b35a3b96d99bc4….png)

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6f7344 No.21068413

File: dcfb431af8f55a4⋯.png (89.41 KB,668x446,334:223,ClipboardImage.png)


Ty Rally Baker

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904972 No.21068414

The City of Brotherly Love!!

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d40c87 No.21068415


where do they post Jack?!

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1c87fe No.21068416


The military is faggot.

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062660 No.21068417


"Soon" for 6 years wears a little thin.

One starts to doubt.

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3dd6c8 No.21068418

File: ed229701eeef055⋯.png (433.98 KB,517x439,517:439,ed229701eeef0551db471ac688….png)



>aoc's are real, bro

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6f7344 No.21068419

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

President Trump in Philadelphia, PA



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9ee3df No.21068420

File: fd975c1de48a477⋯.jpg (171.75 KB,720x1177,720:1177,20240622_162921.jpg)

File: 532626e8e7166ca⋯.mp4 (6.78 MB,480x852,40:71,Oli_London_20240622_1_new.mp4)

AOC and Jaamal Bowman exhibit bizarre behavior as Bowman campaigns for reelection in the Bronx.

“Ceasefire now y’all. That’s what we’re doing. Ceasefire now. Let’s get it poppin.”


Coked up and High AF

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78e39e No.21068421

File: 3479215700f6430⋯.png (602.01 KB,670x446,335:223,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5f07698a690dd29⋯.png (1.69 MB,1276x718,638:359,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6330e8f722fb2c6⋯.png (546.33 KB,678x381,226:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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aeb935 No.21068422

File: f3b19d22e125d14⋯.png (66.61 KB,1042x446,521:223,ClipboardImage.png)





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203568 No.21068423

File: 81c0db5f82180cb⋯.png (19.48 KB,639x146,639:146,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b198cf98662477⋯.png (512.98 KB,623x479,623:479,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 381ea8e7e76efd7⋯.png (361.61 KB,637x509,637:509,ClipboardImage.png)





How many shares will Nancy have in LM?



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d40c87 No.21068424


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578b84 No.21068425

File: 5c89c91ea08b80c⋯.mp4 (11.89 MB,848x848,1:1,qgN7FBrz.mp4)

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78e39e No.21068426

File: 643046d3452aed0⋯.png (483.66 KB,618x410,309:205,ClipboardImage.png)

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f38f8e No.21068427

File: 15a9563361608a2⋯.png (7.86 KB,255x173,255:173,42fd6cb548daf4201e0cbfe5b6….png)

File: 210be0306573d46⋯.png (35.38 KB,1093x231,1093:231,ClipboardImage.png)


Kek!!! You messed up LB namefag!!!

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99dbb3 No.21068428

File: 713e3c7c4178857⋯.gif (2.73 MB,480x480,1:1,tyb_maga.gif)

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9123e0 No.21068429

File: 918f26f1ca679f7⋯.jpg (519.93 KB,1000x708,250:177,aoccccccc.jpg)

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1c87fe No.21068430

Filthydelphia has a long way to to get to beautiful. What a shithole.

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031b10 No.21068431

File: 6c1ca797bd3661d⋯.png (193.5 KB,527x354,527:354,Holocaust_Evil_Hoax.png)

File: 8ea7d00dcbad909⋯.png (394.56 KB,629x431,629:431,Stupids_believe_Holo.png)

File: b7e57c14b6ba211⋯.png (185.62 KB,334x472,167:236,Smoke_Mirrors_Holo.png)

File: 70c5c67f34452aa⋯.png (205.73 KB,510x543,170:181,6_Million_my_Ass.png)

File: ee63e57dd43ff9f⋯.png (441.52 KB,524x516,131:129,hgfxdj.png)

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78e39e No.21068432

File: aa4b1578364bb46⋯.png (685.04 KB,500x743,500:743,ClipboardImage.png)

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a1b34b No.21068433


POTUS looking good. Looks strong.

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216c19 No.21068434

File: 551ea336e640078⋯.jpg (30.15 KB,784x656,49:41,OH_SHIT.jpg)


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3977c5 No.21068435


#25830 >>21067665

>>21067957 LIVE: President Trump Holds a MAGA Rally in Philadelphia - 6/22/24 (to speak @ ~7:30PM EST)

>>21067738 Philly is turning out for Trump!

>>21068233, >>21068377 President of the People

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21067722 Why is LGBTQ Dems of Maryland leader Michael Knaapen suggesting a 14-year-old lie about his age?

>>21067806 Photo emerges of Lincoln Project co-founder Rick Wilson and LGBTQ Dems of Maryland leader Michael Knaapen

>>21067724, >>21068038 PF

>>21067764, >>21067800 Kuwait has just ordered all its citizens to leave Lebanon immediately

>>21067811 Israel Tries to Assassinate Top Hamas Commander in Gaza; Palestinians Report Over 40 Dead

>>21067838 'Limited DoD Trackin': Review of DoD Funds Provided to the People’s Republic of China for Gain of Function

>>21067854 Michigan lawmakers advance bill banning ‘gay panic’ defense

>>21067856 There are concentration camps being built right under your nose in all 50 states

>>21067896, >>21067907 Andrew Cuomo out of no where, left field

>>21067992 State of Things: AoC Part 2

>>21068058 AoC with a Hitler-stache speaking German makes a lot of sense actually

>>21068101 ‘Keep Religion Out Of Our Schools,’ Says Teacher With BLM, Pride Flags In Classroom

>>21068215 Japan’s Emperor to be welcomed by King Charles ‘like family’ in first state visit since cancer diagnosis

>>21068225 Nuclear efficiency

>>21068235 Aerial video shows flooding in Rock Valley, Iowa - hundreds told to evacuate

>>21068420 AOC and Jaamal Bowman exhibit bizarre behavior as Bowman campaigns for reelection in the Bronx

>>21067707, >>21067730, >>21068220 Memes


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904972 No.21068436

File: 20a2d15ad327d74⋯.jpeg (108.76 KB,1285x376,1285:376,IMG_2371.jpeg)

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216c19 No.21068437


Fucking rats

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78e39e No.21068438

File: 7a600efaf9f4ce2⋯.png (238.38 KB,480x360,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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e0e482 No.21068439

ThAT'A lottA fAke wigs back in MSnoutofbidenbizz

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f1ebf7 No.21068440

Americans are Jewish in nature.

It’s all about money. Religion. Politics. Doing the least amount possible. And Sex.

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062660 No.21068442

File: c7701dcacfaf806⋯.png (1.56 MB,719x1015,719:1015,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc5861072b06e22⋯.png (891.85 KB,687x624,229:208,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 13bb3f8fa8e5ffa⋯.png (1.68 MB,716x1115,716:1115,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2f78d847f5692bf⋯.png (1.44 MB,711x948,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a7e1a3960f11a50⋯.png (1.5 MB,713x1001,713:1001,ClipboardImage.png)


Only made it to 23 seconds.

She's rockin her Onlyfans livestream

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78e39e No.21068443

File: 46e640b4b72cc27⋯.png (337.4 KB,474x488,237:244,ClipboardImage.png)

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e0e482 No.21068444

biden gonna fall up onto the podium

debate bingo card

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9c7573 No.21068446

File: 912065d67d278ab⋯.png (704.53 KB,768x921,256:307,ClipboardImage.png)

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e0e482 No.21068447


this pot won't survive another year

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a1b34b No.21068448


Dying trend.

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062660 No.21068449



@ 0:56 "We're gonna take on AIPAC"


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99dbb3 No.21068450

File: cf034b88e16cfd5⋯.jpeg (46.98 KB,401x398,401:398,war7.jpeg)

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203568 No.21068451

File: e457f1eea8ca3fa⋯.png (592.5 KB,519x470,519:470,ClipboardImage.png)

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41b051 No.21068452

File: 5d290725621edf7⋯.png (307.18 KB,437x770,437:770,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9e457463c0ab05⋯.png (696.83 KB,885x696,295:232,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 34dcd5a1c0b3630⋯.png (206.95 KB,268x355,268:355,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2a4c23cd8f2a918⋯.png (353.35 KB,334x749,334:749,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1f8ae990cd7e2e4⋯.png (297.92 KB,432x304,27:19,ClipboardImage.png)

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b91b4e No.21068454

File: 079d966772ac60c⋯.png (63.89 KB,255x183,85:61,ClipboardImage.png)

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78e39e No.21068455

File: 006818241fbbfd7⋯.png (391.16 KB,480x359,480:359,ClipboardImage.png)

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a1b34b No.21068456


…on this board.

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904972 No.21068457


Those WHO Scream the Loudest!

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d2f296 No.21068458


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b5b2ad No.21068459

File: d60dc823808f4aa⋯.png (537.36 KB,980x520,49:26,whatisths.png)

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e0e482 No.21068460

Democrat democracy = baby killing Christian persecuting law fare psychopaths

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3dd330 No.21068461

File: e9743ecca00cdb2⋯.png (752.45 KB,680x680,1:1,e9743ecca00cdb22bd2bd09b80….png)

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743a97 No.21068463

File: 4fa2bd675fda512⋯.jpg (69.99 KB,767x500,767:500,comeymccabe3.jpg)

File: 22f5f15056e013e⋯.jpg (146.25 KB,846x450,47:25,mccabecmeywanted.jpg)

File: b5d8c15fdf7a25c⋯.jpg (34.61 KB,336x459,112:153,mcCabe.jpg)


taking a long time t sync -in.

What will be the "straw that breaks the Camel's (MSM's) back"?

At some point pressure will build to the point they'll be a catastrophic fail.

They do have their boogies bags and exit plans in order, I assume

Isn't that what idiot McCabe confessed to?

Think about it.

The level of arrogance required to be that stupid and confess on gigantic Network Broadcast.

Surely in everybody's subconscious.

"Why is he planning to run away?"

"What has he done?"

They took away rights of Trump, but won't admit that.

The dim don't even know that.

planning to run, instead of face charges.

Isn't that coward?

Trump could easily have run away or dropped out.

So McCabe just admitted while shaking and pale, that he and his "friends" plan to run.

Even with the Big Network megaphones at his disposal.


Blackmailing and framing people is too easy. He never developed thinking skills.

Doesn't he have enough money to be able to take the time to think things through before he speaks out on Mass Media TV

The arrogance is through the roof.

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d2f296 No.21068464


Yo Alphonse

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a1b34b No.21068465



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e6e0ac No.21068466

This page is slowing down Firefox.

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a1b34b No.21068467


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99dbb3 No.21068468

File: 22944c5d8102afc⋯.jpg (268.12 KB,1043x1158,1043:1158,_Anonymous_1_minute_ago_8a….jpg)

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062660 No.21068469


she getting blacked.

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397faf No.21068470

File: 014bb37bae2a54b⋯.jpg (77.63 KB,666x500,333:250,014bb37bae2a54bef0c5147d0d….jpg)

File: 015558245ac8564⋯.gif (190.41 KB,706x620,353:310,015558245ac8564b145b0e19e6….gif)

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e00a7f No.21068471

File: b2abd275f8a7557⋯.mp4 (7.68 MB,596x1280,149:320,video_2024_05_31_06_19_56_….mp4)

Just Another Day in this Glorious Nation!

It's just a breeze

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b91b4e No.21068472

File: 079d966772ac60c⋯.png (63.89 KB,255x183,85:61,ClipboardImage.png)

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a1b34b No.21068473

They just commenced Suicide Weekend.

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41eec0 No.21068474

File: 206e3f2a1960039⋯.jpg (25.31 KB,385x385,1:1,206e3f2a1960039e7caa97cf56….jpg)

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f24d38 No.21068475


it's the deletions

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78e39e No.21068476

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1c87fe No.21068477

File: f623d1742d4d53e⋯.png (397.74 KB,510x510,1:1,jjw32.PNG)

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397faf No.21068478

File: 6c552559b1ce2d3⋯.jpg (161.02 KB,1200x815,240:163,It_s_the_.jpg)

File: 7688d9d35f88368⋯.png (3.06 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Biden_and_the_Jews.png)

File: 34f60656b67bc94⋯.png (3.47 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Trump_and_the_Jews.png)

File: d2a4fd6f7436c37⋯.png (268.51 KB,428x505,428:505,hdgdbfg.png)

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03208f No.21068479


Sauce or the Pasta is dry

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904972 No.21068480

File: ec42a000eb9b04b⋯.jpeg (245.77 KB,1024x1364,256:341,IMG_2372.jpeg)

Lawrence Samuel Krasner[1] (born March 30, 1961) is an American lawyer who is the 26th District Attorney of Philadelphia.[2] Elected to the position in 2017, Krasner was one of the first in the United States to run as a self-described "progressive prosecutor".[3] He campaigned on a platform to reform elements of the criminal justice system, including reduced incarceration.


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a1b34b No.21068481

[you're] dead now.

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d2f296 No.21068482



Rainbow Memories Edition: Whats with the Boat Show Edition

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904972 No.21068483

A Star in the Group?

Undiscovered Stars?

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1c87fe No.21068484

File: 3707185b969ce61⋯.png (37.89 KB,252x274,126:137,hm167a1.png)

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397faf No.21068485

File: 5e661b6b5ebd3a6⋯.png (731.1 KB,681x800,681:800,rxjjHQX.png)

File: 00724e0891953ca⋯.jpg (48.07 KB,480x480,1:1,1a30aa6029ed37e7c48e4898d4….jpg)

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995a89 No.21068486

File: 08af54446d387b2⋯.png (610.3 KB,933x1119,311:373,08af54446d387b2b004d442a58….png)

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78e39e No.21068487

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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99dbb3 No.21068488

File: ce02e2e36d1ab41⋯.jpg (177.04 KB,593x745,593:745,_Anonymous_2_minutes_ago_b….jpg)

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e6e0ac No.21068489


Imagine those teeth scraping the bellend

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397faf No.21068490

File: 5da527854a1c62c⋯.jpg (64.18 KB,666x400,333:200,5da527854a1c62cb6d393635ab….jpg)

File: cee7242867e9aeb⋯.png (419.92 KB,500x772,125:193,cee7242867e9aeb527c9356200….png)

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41b051 No.21068491

File: b149a39709b42f3⋯.png (716.63 KB,817x753,817:753,ClipboardImage.png)

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5c8e3b No.21068492

File: f37a7e2bacfd277⋯.png (205.49 KB,309x427,309:427,MikeObama.png)


I think Jamal has the smallest penis out of any black man.

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d2f296 No.21068493

File: 56a2b890d76ab3d⋯.png (131.42 KB,306x279,34:31,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea181396201f194⋯.png (48.42 KB,176x178,88:89,ClipboardImage.png)


Big Star Shirt P Hatter in the Back

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062660 No.21068494

File: 55d7dbc8b464b9f⋯.png (699.81 KB,977x861,977:861,Cool_Mist_Drums_With_Cops_….png)

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743a97 No.21068495


we're waiting for the money to run out on the Jew-Haters.

Can't last forever.

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397faf No.21068496

File: 2496ce2c7f7b7d1⋯.png (94.91 KB,320x320,1:1,jehg.png)

File: dcab9e53d22a17f⋯.png (1.17 MB,783x837,29:31,Rothschilds_Jew_World_Odor.png)

File: 23eefaa16d6dee7⋯.jpg (120.4 KB,614x438,307:219,23eefaa16d6dee7737d3ea2f7e….jpg)

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b91b4e No.21068497

File: 079d966772ac60c⋯.png (63.89 KB,255x183,85:61,ClipboardImage.png)

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3ad1a0 No.21068498

File: a483ddd479d9eaf⋯.png (51.03 KB,770x586,385:293,ClipboardImage.png)


same thing i thought

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e00a7f No.21068499

File: 4c833abc6524806⋯.jpeg (137.24 KB,929x523,929:523,BigFoot.jpeg)

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65a055 No.21068500


but are they spectacular?

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fcc9c1 No.21068501

"It's belief in the just it's belief in the justice system'…

If there is one thing…


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e0e482 No.21068502

Resolute desk desecrated like the body of Jocelyn like the Senate floor gay orgies

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062660 No.21068503



Soros answers to P

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a1b34b No.21068504


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e0e482 No.21068505


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78e39e No.21068506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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397faf No.21068507

File: 48fa84dd2605725⋯.png (418.14 KB,405x475,81:95,ergfasd.png)

File: 537f1759775c333⋯.jpg (97.37 KB,500x594,250:297,537f1759775c33386e286ec5e4….jpg)

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3ad1a0 No.21068508


i think he even said "discovered"

we just had a full moon on 20th the post is from june 18th

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d2f296 No.21068509

File: ff27303e996ff81⋯.png (23.02 KB,120x103,120:103,ClipboardImage.png)

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86f8be No.21068510

File: 61546f7f79f0ee2⋯.png (691.67 KB,460x690,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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1c87fe No.21068511

File: 80f6ec238262db5⋯.png (549.54 KB,833x354,833:354,jjw41.PNG)

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3ebd95 No.21068512

File: 53c4fb861802352⋯.jpg (36.25 KB,768x432,16:9,skynews_oprah_winfrey_the_….jpg)

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03208f No.21068513

File: e7eecbd54bf0e8f⋯.png (131.63 KB,1200x925,48:37,ClipboardImage.png)


Denver - NWO

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3ad1a0 No.21068514


she looks like a star …

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99dbb3 No.21068515

File: ad269e3be13ac52⋯.jpg (257.37 KB,1300x1234,650:617,_Anonymous_Just_now_94dfd8….jpg)

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6be948 No.21068516

File: 1048bf908d452e2⋯.png (647.74 KB,500x1004,125:251,ClipboardImage.png)

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5c8e3b No.21068517

File: e03563fb4788d48⋯.png (216.15 KB,627x482,627:482,HRC_SheWasntSupposed2Lose.png)

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2de052 No.21068518

AOC will win because New Yorkers are ignorant mutts in a 15 min city

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397faf No.21068519

File: 2b624fd021e6669⋯.png (869.74 KB,841x757,841:757,2b624fd021e6669a0bf9b0a1c7….png)

File: cf0dc34f1163256⋯.jpg (59.62 KB,600x566,300:283,Shoah_buisness_cash_desk.jpg)

File: 53e9ff572e0c54c⋯.png (543.14 KB,838x476,419:238,gfads.png)

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b91b4e No.21068520

File: 079d966772ac60c⋯.png (63.89 KB,255x183,85:61,ClipboardImage.png)

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062660 No.21068521


and big ole titties

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d2f296 No.21068522


reported hottest day ever and Capricorn Full Moon

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de9f12 No.21068523


oh yeah

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72d49d No.21068524

File: 03944328d560b26⋯.webp (44.39 KB,500x500,1:1,nancy_pelosi_we_want_open….webp)

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a1b34b No.21068525

File: f9943e659dd3265⋯.png (11.28 KB,776x171,776:171,wow.png)



Why did you delete this?

Only true answer is Fear.

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e0e482 No.21068526




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65a055 No.21068527


When the mist hits your eyes

like a cool piece of pie

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578b84 No.21068528

File: dbfc009cba7698e⋯.jpg (171.42 KB,516x1052,129:263,ytibiybiybiybiby.jpg)

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99dbb3 No.21068529

File: 20fe1025847f217⋯.jpg (207.74 KB,1391x1340,1391:1340,_Anonymous_Just_now_35d328….jpg)

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1c87fe No.21068530

File: 0a8a3a1319615e7⋯.png (880.17 KB,707x505,7:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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397faf No.21068531

File: 8fdcda79260b360⋯.jpg (23.56 KB,400x400,1:1,k2cSUMd5Vd4wQynzjk5ZBsIh_m….jpg)

File: d7bbf48b282f4d2⋯.jpg (477.09 KB,700x692,175:173,6ZtNcbF.jpg)

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e00a7f No.21068532

File: ff65d9e5e2d7713⋯.jpg (75.95 KB,500x696,125:174,I_m_Mr_PIG.jpg)

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cb58f0 No.21068533


Then why isn't Ben over there to lead The Way?

(rhetorical question. No need to respond)

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d40c87 No.21068534


6 colors

just like ABC….

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3ad1a0 No.21068535


it felt like hottest day ever

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d2f296 No.21068536



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99dbb3 No.21068537

File: 9f6bafeb95bb71a⋯.jpg (703.6 KB,800x1222,400:611,_Anonymous_Just_now_ce7956….jpg)

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c52866 No.21068538

File: 2aedaa09dcf20b3⋯.jpg (72.16 KB,1024x548,256:137,2aedaa09dcf20b35739f8654e9….jpg)

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203568 No.21068539

File: 0cf62b09473839b⋯.jpg (121.92 KB,1436x1080,359:270,FoN6sg2XoAE3G_p.jpg)

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062660 No.21068540


yeah the power is slowly taking control of the deleters. They're creeping further and further.

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99dbb3 No.21068541

File: 39a595b40220464⋯.jpg (71.04 KB,800x530,80:53,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….jpg)

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f24d38 No.21068542

File: 9a7f750448b0eec⋯.png (101.05 KB,640x704,10:11,ClipboardImage.png)


Good luck with that, retard.

I'm organic.

I hate what they do.

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e0e482 No.21068543



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d2f296 No.21068544


even the temperature….you get it anon

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3977c5 No.21068545


#25830 >>21067665

>>21067957 LIVE: President Trump Holds a MAGA Rally in Philadelphia - 6/22/24 (to speak @ ~7:30PM EST)

>>21068483 DJT says 'star' again

>>21067738 Philly is turning out for Trump!

>>21068233, >>21068377 President of the People

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21067722 Why is LGBTQ Dems of Maryland leader Michael Knaapen suggesting a 14-year-old lie about his age?

>>21067806 Photo emerges of Lincoln Project co-founder Rick Wilson and LGBTQ Dems of Maryland leader Michael Knaapen

>>21067724, >>21068038 PF

>>21067764, >>21067800 Kuwait has just ordered all its citizens to leave Lebanon immediately

>>21067811 Israel Tries to Assassinate Top Hamas Commander in Gaza; Palestinians Report Over 40 Dead

>>21067838 'Limited DoD Trackin': Review of DoD Funds Provided to the People’s Republic of China for Gain of Function

>>21067854 Michigan lawmakers advance bill banning ‘gay panic’ defense

>>21067856 There are concentration camps being built right under your nose in all 50 states

>>21067896, >>21067907 Andrew Cuomo out of no where, left field

>>21067992 State of Things: AoC Part 2

>>21068058 AoC with a Hitler-stache speaking German makes a lot of sense actually

>>21068420 AOC and Jaamal Bowman exhibit bizarre behavior as Bowman campaigns for reelection in the Bronx

>>21068101 ‘Keep Religion Out Of Our Schools,’ Says Teacher With BLM, Pride Flags In Classroom

>>21068215 Japan’s Emperor to be welcomed by King Charles ‘like family’ in first state visit since cancer diagnosis

>>21068225 Nuclear efficiency

>>21068235 Aerial video shows flooding in Rock Valley, Iowa - hundreds told to evacuate

>>21067707, >>21067730, >>21068220 Memes


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062660 No.21068546


A great day out for all the family.

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65a055 No.21068547

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a1b34b No.21068548


The lost 3 BOs in a row.

Now they will lose the board.

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fc516f No.21068549

File: c65200e2b418211⋯.png (28.17 KB,143x128,143:128,ClipboardImage.png)

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99dbb3 No.21068550

File: 898bd08754f2ced⋯.jpg (497.51 KB,864x864,1:1,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….jpg)

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69f069 No.21068551


Yes. Americans are addicted to sex and money religion and politics. Finding a way out of labor and allowing wealthy people to rule over them

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397faf No.21068552

File: fead3b983a633fd⋯.jpeg (26.85 KB,281x280,281:280,fead3b983a633fd60f57257e0….jpeg)

File: a6047d11a34217a⋯.png (426.04 KB,600x342,100:57,anti_judaism_is_a_matter_o….png)

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03208f No.21068553


Not this time, unless she's giving out free BJ's I doubt she wins. Her "people" are getting fucked by the illegals, Notice she never brings hubby to the district.

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99dbb3 No.21068554

File: 6591fbd84796e4a⋯.jpg (175.71 KB,1127x1200,1127:1200,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….jpg)

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d2f296 No.21068556

stars boy left?

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cb58f0 No.21068557

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a1b34b No.21068559

Q will confirm me, not the board admins.

This board is in a stranglehold. No more.

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99dbb3 No.21068560

File: 2d35cc46223f648⋯.jpg (73.47 KB,480x418,240:209,_Anonymous_You_Just_now9b0….jpg)

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397faf No.21068562

File: 22fefff7e356151⋯.png (115.13 KB,582x522,97:87,f2fc34227ffd895577268b76bb….png)

File: ccea4a04e081a77⋯.png (191.43 KB,313x434,313:434,22222twbfe.png)

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e0e482 No.21068565

stop the shill dumping

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a1b34b No.21068566

Suicide Weekend.

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99dbb3 No.21068567

File: 3e54a7f3be2917e⋯.jpg (178.28 KB,601x599,601:599,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….jpg)

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99dbb3 No.21068569

File: 38a92d0fac41688⋯.jpg (122.79 KB,751x498,751:498,02_September_2018.jpg)

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3977c5 No.21068570

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a1b34b No.21068571


They are trying to burn the bread so they can hide Truth. Never does work for them.

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3ebd95 No.21068572

File: 9ce93bf132f39b8⋯.jpg (118.97 KB,500x589,500:589,9ce93bf132f39b8384409a9dee….jpg)

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99dbb3 No.21068573

File: 5df92a552928ec9⋯.jpg (15.43 KB,253x255,253:255,8kun_site_the_most_DD0S_si….jpg)

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78e39e No.21068574

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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99dbb3 No.21068575

File: 69fa08490afdd43⋯.jpg (125.19 KB,472x518,236:259,ComfyHydrate.jpg)

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1c87fe No.21068576

File: e94bda779237990⋯.png (362.32 KB,418x505,418:505,ClipboardImage.png)

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fc6d9c No.21068577

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7b47d4 No.21068578


Wow, how interesting would that be, anon!

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062660 No.21068579


not even captcha as protection

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99dbb3 No.21068580

File: f687336eaa0e2ae⋯.jpg (275.99 KB,820x593,820:593,capture_1453_23012023_1124….jpg)

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c2177b No.21068581

File: ef1821284e99c36⋯.png (624.71 KB,568x619,568:619,ef1821284e99c36a6e7b8a00a7….png)

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d2f296 No.21068582

WOW biggest trafficking time ever…probably blowback from thirst after Trump Culling

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99dbb3 No.21068584

File: d5df69383f3c41b⋯.jpg (70.46 KB,1280x720,16:9,GOOD_TIMES.jpg)

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69c1fb No.21068585


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99dbb3 No.21068587

File: c28ef7cbb4c8031⋯.jpg (72.33 KB,500x437,500:437,Greetings_from_Washington_….jpg)

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69c1fb No.21068588

Didi knowes

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904972 No.21068589

File: e43c452db89ac7b⋯.jpeg (1.67 MB,1336x1987,1336:1987,IMG_2373.jpeg)


Did PDJT say Eisenhower?

Warned us about The Military Industrial Complex

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3ad1a0 No.21068590


ohhh, black hole sun about to make itself visible?

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d2f296 No.21068591


Sports…Sports we bet on…Fake

Trump Hat Comms

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f62e19 No.21068592

Does the public ever find out Biden was never the actual President?

Do the gray hats keep most of this classified?

Do we look crazy foreve.r

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69c1fb No.21068593

Did you know, you know WHAT?

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65a055 No.21068594

File: 2d2a079f4e76207⋯.jpg (17.5 KB,255x170,3:2,tendiecolors.jpg)

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99dbb3 No.21068595

File: 291255a1b565ac8⋯.jpg (421.94 KB,1528x1374,764:687,Karate_Kid_Pepe.jpg)

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[ / / / / / / / / / / / / / ] [ dir / random / 93 / biohzrd / hkacade / hkpnd / tct / utd / uy / yebalnia ]