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0a7c97 No.20584322

Welcome to Q Research China

Notes will be taken in Both English and Chinese将以中英文两种语言做笔记 Jiāng yǐ zhōng yīngwén liǎng zhǒng yǔyán zuò bǐjì

If you are Chinese, no doubt by now you will have noticed that the CCP does not represent you THE PEOPLE.

New "rules" are being made up daily to undermine our Legal System, effectively turning us into Government Slaves. We are no longer in control of our government, they no longer even pretend to act on our behalf once elected. Pretty soon they will no longer need to pretend we have any rights at all.

The intention of this board is to provide free space for the people of this Nation to circumvent the traitorous Media, Government and Business interests arrayed against us the people, to allow us to post a collection of open-sourced and verifiable information, supplied BY and FOR the Chinese People to demonstrate their corruption and lies and take back OUR power.


Let's take back our power collectively, no matter your racial, employment (yes, the police and military too) or religious background, we are all in this together, and will be subjected to the same tyranny if we allow the perverts and criminals in power to proceed with their plans.


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8582ce No.20584393

International Q Research Threads

>>20545607 -———– Australia #35

>>20459878 -———– Canada #54

>>20584322 -———– China #1

>>16694358 -———– France #7

>>19988670 -———– Germany #106

>>20478803 -———– Japan #22

>>16694250 -———– Nederland #10

>>20584358 -———– Korea #1

>>17784579 -———– QAJF #1

>>20584333 -———– Russia #1

>>20038152 -———– Scotland #9

>>19636057 -———– South Africa #12

>>19804572 -———– UK #51

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9ab178 No.20590091

China's 'Shock' Statement: Palestinians Have Right To Use 'Armed Force' Against Israel

by Tyler Durden Friday, Feb 23, 2024 - 05:00 AM Via Middle East Eye

China has backed the right of the Palestinian people to use armed force to combat Israel's occupation of their land, calling it an "an inalienable right well founded in international law".

The comments on Thursday were made by the Chinese ambassador to the UN, Zhang Jun, during the fourth day of public hearings held by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague, Netherlands.

Representatives of 52 countries are addressing the ICJ on Israel's decades-long occupation of Palestinian land.

Beijing’s envoy said there were "various people (who) freed themselves from colonial rule" and they could use "all available means, including armed struggle".

He described the Palestinian use of armed resistance as legitimate and not an act of terrorism.

"The struggle waged by peoples for their liberation, right to self-determination, including armed struggle against colonialism, occupation, aggression, domination against foreign forces should not be considered terror acts," Zhang Jun told the court.

In his speech, Jun criticized Israeli policies, characterizing them as “oppression that has severely undermined and impeded the exercises and full realization of the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination".

The ICJ’s public hearings, which will be held until February 26, come after a UN General Assembly resolution requesting an ICJ advisory opinion.

The number of states participating in the oral proceedings is the highest of any case since the ICJ's establishment in 1945 and is separate to the more publicized genocide case brought by South Africa. A panel of 15 judges are expected to take about six months to deliberate before issuing an advisory opinion.

Besides China, other countries scheduled to participate in the hearings include Hungary, France, South Africa and Egypt.

International bodies, including the Arab League, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the African Union will also take part. Israel will not participate but has sent written observations to the court.


China, Palestinian Authority form 'strategic partnership' to deepen ties


China inks ‘strategic partnership’ with Palestinan Authority as it expands Middle East presence

Published 6:58 AM EDT, June 14, 2023

“We are good friends and partners,” Chinese President Xi Jinping, who is head of the ruling Communist Party, told Abbas at the start of their meeting.

“We have always firmly supported the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights.”


China Inks 'Strategic Partnership' With Palestinian Authority as It Expands Middle East Presence

June 14, 2023 12:45 PM

"China is willing to strengthen coordination and cooperation with the Palestinian side to promote a comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue as soon as possible," Xi said.


China signs ‘strategic partnership’ with Palestinian Authority during Abbas visit

President Xi Jinping tells PA leader Beijing has ‘always firmly supported the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights’

By AP 14 June 2023, 3:04 pm


Xi: China willing to help foster Palestinian peacemaking with Israel

June 14, 2023

"The fundamental solution to the Palestinian issue lies in the establishment of an independent Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital," Xi said, according to Chinese state media.


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c154e0 No.20595552



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ad4266 No.20595980

File: 2f8f5bc4b0197ca⋯.jpg (373.34 KB,1200x1000,6:5,_.jpg)

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cd81d1 No.20605931

File: 2bd2985e4f38375⋯.png (77.04 KB,510x340,3:2,Flag_of_China_1889_1912_sv….png)

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23ea08 No.20623715

File: 226467f3c90ce87⋯.png (82.29 KB,510x411,170:137,the_qing_dynasty_1889_1912.png)

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23ea08 No.20623724

File: f24f60eb1f9e9c2⋯.png (49.55 KB,440x440,1:1,440px_Chinese_cardinal_and….png)

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9011b8 No.20623927


北 Běi       North

東 Dōng   East

南 Nán     South

西 Xī         West

中 Zhōng Middle



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b94af0 No.20684095

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b94af0 No.20684145

<<⻪>> <<⻪>>

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0331db No.20684221

God bless China

God bless the Chinese

God bless the Church

Good bless Trump

God wins

Bless this bred and all who enter.

In Jesus name.

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4f4963 No.20690945









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63defc No.20691076

HMM Lines Up Methanol and LNG Fuel Supply in Shanghai Port

Mike Schuler April 3, 2024

South Korean ocean carrier HMM has inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Shanghai International Port Group (SIPG), China’s largest port operator, on the supply methanol and liquefied natural gas (LNG) bunker fuel at the Port of Shanghai.

HMM says the establishment of port bunkering infrastructure for clean marine fuels is critical to achieving its net-zero emissions by 2050 commitment.

As part of this, HMM has already signed contracts for the construction of its first nine methanol-powered vessels with a capacity of 9,000 TEU each. The company also anticipates the operation of two 7,700 TEU LNG-powered vessels by the end of the year.

HMM said the MoU also supports carbon reduction goals, promotes global shipping new energy cooperation, and aids in shipping energy transformation and sustainable development.

Since 2022, SIPG has offered bonded LNG bunkering services to several global shipping companies. HMM says all preparations for green methanol bunkering in Shanghai Port have been completed.

“Through this cooperation with SIPG, we have expanded our green fuel supply chain in China, following Korea and Singapore. We will continue to strive for various efforts to find a way to go green,” said an HMM official.


Since methanol is wood alcohol and easily made from grass clippings and fallen trees there will need to be a place making the stuff





作为其中的一部分,HMM已经签署了建造其前九艘甲醇动力船的合同,每艘船的容量为9,000TEU。 该公司还预计到今年年底将运营两艘7,700TEU液化天然气动力船。


自2022年以来,SIPG已为多家全球航运公司提供保税液化天然气燃料补给服务。 HMM说,上海港绿色甲醇燃料补给的所有准备工作已经完成。

"通过与SIPG的合作,我们在韩国和新加坡之后扩大了中国的绿色燃料供应链。 我们将继续努力寻找绿色道路,"一位HMM官员说。



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63defc No.20703043





主要的联盟,双子座合作,联盟和海洋联盟,都公布了他们今年和明年的网络变化,香港取消了许多航线。 对于马士基和哈马格–劳埃德之间的新联盟双子座来说,中国南方城市根本没有直接港口的特色。





英国顾问公司Drewry的数据显示,去年香港的集装箱吞吐量下降了14%,至1430万teu,是去年全球最大港口中跌幅最大的一个。 广东城市现在在全球boxport联盟中排名第10位。


香港船东协会主席安加德*班加(Angad Banga)告诉与会者,伦敦或瑞士等地向与会者展示了香港如何发展成为国际海运中心,而不管港口数量下降。

班加认为,香港作为一个"高成本管辖区"不应该竞争集装箱,另一位小组成员华信航运董事长蒂姆*赫胥黎(Tim Huxley)也赞同这一观点。

赫胥黎说:"在船上和船上吊运金属箱并不是一个全球土地成本最高的城市应该做的高价值业务。"他提醒与会者,该市也是全球三家最大的全球码头运营商的总部,中远(COSCO)、招商局(China Merchants)和和记黄埔(Hutchison Ports)都在那里注册。


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63defc No.20703044

>>20703043 (me)

Original English version:

Hong Kong becomes first major victim of global liner network redesigns

Sam Chambers April 1, 2024

The world’s most rapidly declining major container port is braced for further huge throughput drops in the coming couple of years.

Hong Kong, which 20 years ago was the largest container port in the world, is increasingly being shunned by global liners.

The major alliances, Gemini Cooperation, THE Alliance and Ocean Alliance, have all unveiled their network changes for this year and next with Hong Kong deselected for many routes. For Gemini – the new alliance between Maersk and Hapag-Lloyd – the southern Chinese city does not feature as a direct port at all.

“This does not bode well for the Port of Hong Kong, but should also be seen as a sign that an element of network consolidation is afoot, especially related to transhipment hubs,” stated a new report from Danish consultancy Sea-Intelligence.

Analysis of network design and network efficiency shows that fewer, but larger, hubs are economically more efficient, according to Sea-Intelligence.

Hong Kong appears to be the first major “victim” of this, the consultancy argued in its latest weekly report, warning that more ports could risk the same fate.

Connectivity for Hong Kong has been on a consistent decline over the last decade.

Container throughput in Hong Kong fell 14% last year to 14.3m teu, the biggest percentage drop among the world’s biggest ports last year, according to data from UK consultants Drewry. The Cantonese city now lies in 10th place in the global boxport league.

Hong Kong’s decline as a major container port was discussed by some of the city’s leading shipowners at a recent event at the local Foreign Correspondents’ Club

Angad Banga, chairman of the Hong Kong Shipowners Association, told attendees that the likes of London or Switzerland showed how Hong Kong can develop as an international maritime centre, regardless of declining port numbers.

Hong Kong as a “high cost jurisdiction” ought not to compete for containers, Banga argued, a point of view echoed by another panellist, Tim Huxley, the chairman of Mandarin Shipping.

“Lifting metal boxes on and off ships is not the high value business that a global city with the highest land costs in the world should be doing,” Huxley said, reminding attendees that the city also was the headquarters for three of the world’s largest global terminal operators, with COSCO, China Merchants and Hutchison Ports all registered there.


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8a6f22 No.20704972

File: bf34b45e67b48e8⋯.jpg (55.28 KB,704x458,352:229,ArrArrMeMayTees_.jpg)

File: 623a9965281dfad⋯.jpg (101.13 KB,720x828,20:23,Arr_Arr_Me_May_Tees_.jpg)

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63defc No.20861410



就在美国财政部批准四艘重型起重船将液化天然气技术运往俄罗斯的几天后,一艘迄今为止未经批准的船只Wei Xiao Tian Shi正在摩尔曼斯克途中。 这艘62,074载重吨的船载着诺瓦泰克北极液化天然气2项目的第三个生产列车的前两个液化天然气模块。


卫星图像显示该船在2024年3月18日至3月29日期间装载了两个模块。 还有两个模块留在院子里等待取货.

Wison Offshore的消息来源证实,Wei Xiao Tian Shi携带管架模块3-TMR-001和3-TMR-002。

传统上,这些模块是第一批安装的单元,将构成第三条生产线的核心。 每条生产线由14个模块组成,组装在一个巨大的浮动重力混凝土结构上.

北极LNG2列车的Wison近海图形,模块TMR-001和TMR-002突出显示. (来源:惠生)

2月,北极液化天然气2利益相关者TotalEnergies表示,第三列火车的建设已被搁置。 然而,第三列火车的初始模块出货表明Novatek可能打算完成最终生产线。

北极石油和天然气开发项目专家Ben Seligman解释说:"谣言工厂现在真的会翻腾,因为train3模块正在前往Belokamenka。"






这不是魏小天石第一次为北极液化天然气2运输液化天然气模块。 2023年9月,该船载有模块2-TMR-003和2-TMR-004。

当时这艘船被称为范周10号. 据船舶注册平台Equasis报道,该船最近经历了从江苏范洲船务公司到微笑天使船务的所有权变更。


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63defc No.20861412


Chinese Heavy Lift Vessel Carrying New Arctic LNG 2 Modules to Russia Despite Sanctions

By Malte Humpert (gCaptain) – May 10, 2024

Just days after the U.S. Department of the Treasury sanctioned four heavy lift vessels for carrying LNG technology to Russia, a thus-far unsanctioned vessel Wei Xiao Tian Shi is en route Murmansk. The 62,074 dwt vessel is carrying the first two LNG modules for the third production train of Novatek’s Arctic LNG 2 project.

The vessel, owned by Chinese Hainan Smiling Angel Shipping Company, departed from the Wison Offshore & Marine Zhoushan Fabrication Yard at the end of March and is expected to arrive at Novatek’s Belokamenka construction yard by the end of May.

Satellite images show the vessel loading two modules between March 18 and March 29, 2024. Two additional modules remain at the yard awaiting pickup.

Sources at Wison Offshore confirm Wei Xiao Tian Shi to be carrying pipe rack modules 3-TMR-001 and 3-TMR-002.

The modules are traditionally the first units to be installed and will form the core of the third production line. Each production line consists of 14 modules assembled atop a massive floating gravity-based concrete structure.

Wison Offshore graphic of an Arctic LNG 2 train, with modules TMR-001 and TMR-002 highlighted. (Source: Wison)

In February Arctic LNG 2 stakeholder TotalEnergies stated construction of the third train had been put on hold. However, the shipment of initial modules for the third train suggests that Novatek may intend to complete the final production line.

“The rumor mill will really be churning now, given that train 3 modules are on their way to Belokamenka,” explains Ben Seligman, a project specialist for Arctic oil and gas development.

“Earlier statements suggested train 3 of the Arctic LNG 2 project had been abandoned and the whole train could eventually be repurposed for Murmansk LNG,” confirms Seligman.

Novatek has yet to make a final investment decision for Murmansk LNG and the project is slated to open no earlier than 2027.

In an effort to slow down Russia’s construction of new LNG plants the U.S. has systematically levied sanctions against Novatek, its Arctic LNG 2 projects, the assembly yard and numerous heavy lift vessels.

Newly sanctioned companies include Singaporean Red Box Energy Services whose vessels Audax and Pugnax carried modules across the frozen Northern Sea Route this winter.

While the measures have had some success in slowing down construction, they have thus far been unable to stop the transport of prefabricated LNG modules from five shipyards across China.

This isn’t the first time Wei Xiao Tian Shi has transported LNG modules for Arctic LNG 2. In September 2023, the vessel carried modules 2-TMR-003 and 2-TMR-004.

At the time the ship was called Fan Zhou 10. According to ship registry platform Equasis, the vessel recently underwent an ownership change from Jiangsu Fanzhou Shipping Company to Smiling Angel Shipping.


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63defc No.20900655


撰稿Vladimir Soldatkin路透社2024年5月22日


上周,俄罗斯直接投资基金(RDIF)与中国石油化工公司海威达成协议,为俄罗斯远东的海运码头提供融资,以运送液化石油气。 它没有提供项目完成的时间。




Sovetskaya Gavan(苏联港口)港口的码头将有助于促进俄罗斯能源资源从欧洲出口到亚洲的持续重定向,欧洲对俄罗斯液化石油气实施了对乌克兰冲突的制裁。


海关数据显示,中国3月份液化石油气进口量较2月份跃升约46%,至308万公吨。 数据显示,美国以160万吨仍是3月份的顶级供应商,比上月增长38%。


俄罗斯私营公司Remstal大约在五年前开始建造码头。 由于缺乏融资,建筑工程已经暂停,Remstal的所有者Rifkat Badrutdinov告诉路透社,该公司预计一旦资金到达,就会恢复建设。

俄罗斯对中国的液化石油气出口在过去几年中稳步上升。 该码头将允许通过海运增加出口,而目前俄罗斯只能通过铁路和公路向邻国供应这种燃料。

到目前为止,中国占俄罗斯液化石油气出口的一小部分。 在2022年俄罗斯铁路液化石油气出口总量349.6万吨中,该比例为4.3%,仅为15万吨。


(1 1=90.1750卢布)


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63defc No.20900656

>>20900655 (me)

Russia Plans to Open Sea Terminal for LPG Exports to Asia by 2026

writing by Vladimir Soldatkin Reuters May 22, 2024

MOSCOW, May 22 (Reuters) – Russia will likely open its first liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) terminal on the Pacific Ocean coast with joint investments from China by the end of 2025, two industry sources said on Wednesday.

Last week, Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) struck an agreement with Chinese petrochemical company Haiwei to finance the marine terminal in Russia’s Far East to ship LPG. It did not provide the timings for the project completion.

The agreement, signed ahead of President Vladimir Putin’s visit to China on May 16-17, envisages investing 7 billion roubles ($77.63 million) in the terminal with annual capacity of 1 million metric tons.

Total investments are seen at around 30 billion roubles.

Traders said LPG supplies from the terminal would make it possible for Russia to reach consumers in the east and south of China, as well as Vietnam, South Korea, Indonesia and other countries.

The terminal in the Sovetskaya Gavan (Soviet harbor) port will help facilitate continuous redirections of Russian energy resources’ exports to Asia from Europe, which introduced sanctions against Russian LPG over the conflict in Ukraine.

China is the world’s largest consumer and importer of LPG, or combination of propane and butane, mainly used as fuel for cars, heating and to produce other petrochemicals.

China’s imports of LPG jumped about 46% to 3.08 million metric tons in March from February, customs data showed last month. The United States remained the top supplier for March with 1.6 million tons, up 38% from the previous month, the data showed.

LPG imports this year may surpass last year’s record of 32 million tons, Chinese consultancy Longzhong Information said.

Russian private company Remstal started terminal construction around five years ago. The construction works have been suspended due to lack of financing and Remstal’s owner, Rifkat Badrutdinov, told Reuters the company expects to resume construction once funds arrive.

Russian LPG exports to China has been steadily rising in the past few years. The terminal will allow increased exports via the sea whereas currently Russia supplies this fuel to the neighbouring country only via rail and roads.

China so far accounts for a small portion of Russia’s LPG exports. It stood at 4.3%, or only 150,000 tons out of a total 3.496 million tons of Russian exports of LPG via rail in 2022.

In 2023 it rose to 5.6%, or 202,000 tons, while in January – April 2024 it stood at 8.9%, or 106,000 tons.

($1 = 90.1750 roubles)


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63defc No.21015750

一般研究#25771 >>21015471


作为维持美元世界储备货币主导地位的努力的一部分,美国证券交易委员会亨利*基辛格(Henry Kissinger)于1974年与沙特达成了一项为期50年的协议,以美元为主导的石油贸易。


现在没有金本位,也没有石油美元。 美元主导地位的另一个裂缝。






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63defc No.21015756

>>21015750 (me)

Original English version

General Research #25771 >>21015471

The Petrodollar deal has expired

As part of the effort to maintain the World Reserve Currency dominance of the US Dollar, Sec of State Henry Kissinger in 1974 brokered a 50 year deal with the Saudis for oil trade would be dominated by US Dollars.

This was needed after loss in confidence in the US Dollar after Nixon "temporarily" suspended the Gold Standard in August 1971.

Now there is no Gold Standard and there is no PetroDollar. Another crack in the dominance of the US Dollar.


🇸🇦 🇺🇸 Saudi Arabia's 50-year-old petrodollar agreement with the United States has expired, with no new agreement in place.

Saudi Arabia will now sell oil in multiple currencies, including the Chinese RMB, Euros, Yen, and Yuan, instead of exclusively in US dollars.



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3f261a No.21052747

File: 11f3d92cf8930b3⋯.jpeg (275.07 KB,600x794,300:397,4C4B54D9_CEBC_451A_8937_C….jpeg)

y’all bump

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009648 No.21147941

File: 2db38a1e2a59573⋯.png (343.31 KB,595x763,85:109,ClipboardImage.png)

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8f2ddd No.21285532

File: 878aaba452e24fb⋯.jpg (77.11 KB,328x1347,328:1347,Chinese_Mobile_Litany_of_T….jpg)

God bless the Chinese

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9a0202 No.21302508

File: 49a0877cada0225⋯.png (798.6 KB,573x800,573:800,49a0877cada0225a56567bca3a….png)

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64ffeb No.21302664

One ping only.

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b73242 No.21302667

WTF is going on here baker? Where's the bread for US faggots?

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b73242 No.21302673


Got it. ty baker!!!


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534022 No.21348719

File: 3e4fa0a80c93358⋯.png (84.16 KB,882x392,9:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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534022 No.21348721

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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534022 No.21348750

File: 469ad4a18dec12c⋯.gif (2.29 MB,380x380,1:1,wheel_perfect_timing.gif)

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63defc No.21482846


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7043d5 No.21491383



>God bless China

>God bless the Chinese

Not the members of theChinese Communist Party, Anon.

We are fucking destroying [THEM], lawfully but completely.

Fuck the Chinese Communist Party

Fuck the CCP

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7043d5 No.21491390


America is destroying the worthless, evil, destructive, and weak motherfuckers in yourCHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY, and nothing you write here can stop what is coming,ChinaFag

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8aae29 No.21494585

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

US Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dane Wigington: Is Climate Engineering Real?

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63defc No.21582099






根据BRS的数据,11中国造船厂已经宣布计划增加产能。 从2024年到2027年,它们的总产能将增加80%。




加拿大海洋工业和造船协会(CMISA)总裁兼首席执行官科林?库克(Colin Cooke)向渥太华发出了一个强硬的信息,要求贾斯汀?特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)政府在美国和欧洲的类似呼吁之后,对中国建造的船只征收关税。








SEA Europe,代表欧洲海事技术行业的协会,包括造船厂和海事设备制造商,今年早些时候与欧洲国会议员会面,呼吁欧洲决策者采取行动,制定全面的欧洲海

"由于30%至40%的巨大价格差异,加上有利的财务激励措施–特别是中资银行提供的优惠措施–欧洲船东越来越多地选择亚洲造船商,"SEA Europe的一份声明说。




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63defc No.21582102



中国当局表示,Newnew Shipping的集装箱船Newnew Polar Bear负责去年破坏爱沙尼亚和芬兰之间的Balticconnector海底天然气管道,尽管是偶然的。

据《南华早报》报道,中国当局已经进行了内部调查,并将结果转发给两个欧洲国家。 在其中,他们声称事故是由强烈的风暴引起的。

芬兰和爱沙尼亚当局仍在对1,638teu Newnew北极熊进行联合刑事调查。

中国媒体称,该报告目前正在通过几个部委,但这种类型的报告不能作为两国调查的证据。 芬兰和爱沙尼亚要求中国提供有关这艘船的信息,但除了报告之外,北京对此事保持沉默。

Balticconnector天然气管道于去年10月初在芬兰专属经济区(EEZ)受损。 那个月晚些时候,芬兰国家调查局表示,损坏是由外部机械力造成的,他们在受损管道附近发现了一个重物。



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