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File: a47b61172ec678b⋯.png (382.64 KB,705x516,235:172,ClipboardImage.png)

412a36 No.21063864 [Last50 Posts]

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412a36 No.21063866

International Q Research Threads

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Call to Meme posts: please include in notables if it seems noteworthy


#25825 >>21063098

>>21063159 Dr. Jerry Tennant Gives Compelling Talk on the Body’s Electrical System and Healing with Voltage

>>21063171 US State Department's ‘The Welcome Corps’ allows colleges and universities to provide US citizenship to illegal immigrants

>>21063184 Santa Monica’s New Law Will Send Properties into Foreclosure for Large Investors to Snap Up

>>21063190 Four members of Britain's richest family handed jail sentences

>>21063136, >>21063144, >>21063181, >>21063202 Memes

>>21063324 CONSPIRACY NO MORE: Explosive Undercover Footage Reveals Biden’s State Department Official Admitting ‘Great Replacement Theory’ is REAL

>>21063329 Polish president to visit China

>>21063840 ExLabs Receives Space Force Funding Increase to Further Develop System for Advanced Capture Solutions

#25825 >>21063860

#25824 >>21062330

>>21062359, >>21062590, >>21062774 Judge dismisses charges in Nevada fake electors case over venue question, attorney general to appeal

>>21062395 Florida Mayor Drops Bombshell Resignation, Accuses Town Council of Rampant Corruption in an Email Sent to Residents

>>21062402, >>21062407 Her testicles

>>21062405 Metro Atlanta Judge Christina Peterson Arrested At Downtown Bar After Assaulting Police Officer

>>21062410 Louisiana becomes first state to allow surgical castration as punishment for child molesters

>>21062444 Pfizer Pro Quo: More evidence emerges that drugmakers cut deal to help Biden win election

>>21062462 Newly named Washington Post editor decides not to take job after backlash, will stay in Britain

>>21062492 White House promotes Biden official who compared police to slave patrols, wants to abolish ICE

>>21062519, >>21062595 Crappie Fishermen Save 38 Dogs from Drowning in Mississippi’s Grenada Lake

>>21062544 Americans react to the video of Biden freezing up and wandering

>>21062550 PF: Gitmo express going back to base…

>>21062580 2nd Amendment SCOTUS decision

>>21062568, >>21062626 Genovese mobster ‘Tony Cakes’ ID’d as elderly NYC pedestrian decapitated by DOT truck

>>21062652 Trump Media Announces $69.4 Million in Initial Proceeds from Warrant Exercise

>>21062689, >>21062876 DHS Group Called Being ‘Religious’ An ‘Indicator’ Of Domestic Terrorism

>>21062712 Gov. Pillen Declares State of Emergency for Panhandle Wildfire

>>21062714 PF: SAM899 G5 returning to JBA from Sitka, Alaska | Accidental discovery of sunken ship near Sitka reveals surprising history

>>21062718 US Navy's Air & Sea Assets Track Russian Sub Off East Coast, While Rest Of Flotilla Heads South

>>21062727, >>21062753 Full Biden clip at G7 is even worse than the 'cheap fake' the White House showed us

>>21062737 Steve Bannon files appeal to Supreme Court in bid to stay out of jail

>>21062745 Appeals court finds 'Obamacare' pillar unconstitutional in suit over HIV-prevention drug

>>21062746 US Treasury receives $556.7 million from auction of airline warrants

>>21062749 IDF spokesman says Hamas can’t be destroyed

>>21062783, >>21062788, >>21062809 Illegals Voting Is The Most Serious Threat To Our Republic

>>21062837, >>21062776 Biden: Summer has arrived at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

>>21062895 Winklevoss Twins Donate $2 Million in Bitcoin to Donald Trump

>>21062906 Removed under new US asylum policy, deportees in Arizona contemplate next steps

>>21062918 BBC's Nick Robinson interviews Nigel Farage

>>21062947 Streisand in effect

>>21062971 Ben Shapiro Defends AIPAC Babysitters: 'Those Are Just Constituents'

>>21062984 Julie Kelly: Judge Cannons Evidentiary Hearing Precursor For What To Expect In Next Week's Hearings

>>21062991 The Supreme Court rejects a settlement in a water dispute between New Mexico and Texas

>>21063017 The military isn’t sharing many details about an incident at Peterson Space Force Base on Friday

>>21063029 DJT 10 Commandments

>>21063051 Canada: Rick Leary steps down as CEO of TTC

>>21063073 Chattah: Nevada Fake Elector Case Thrown Out In Big Win For MAGA

>>21063069 Mil / Misc

>>21062345, >>21062398, >>21062429, >>21062454, >>21062499, >>21062512, >>21062518, >>21062528, >>21062578, >>21062601, >>21062603, >>21062646, >>21062663, >>21062833, >>21062862, >>21062863, >>21062869, >>21062996, >>21063012 Memes

>>21063083 #25824

#25823 >>21061531

>>21061552 Kansas AG Kris Kobach Sues Pfizer For Misleading Vaccine Marketing

>>21061592, >>21061968 DJT: President of Brotherhood of Teamsters has accepted my invitation to speak at the RNC Convention in Milwaukee

>>21061609 Parasites

>>21061613 DJT: Trump crushed Biden with 10-point lead

>>21061633 Top State Department Official Quits Biden's Administration

>>21061642 S. Korean shipbuilder buying Philly Shipyard from Europe’s Aker for $100 million

>>21061662 PF: UAE military helicopter over London

>>21061663 Chinese Migrants Crossing California Border Hits 4-Month High

>>21061692 Northrop Grumman Delivers 2 Arctic Satellite Broadband Satellites Ahead of Launch

>>21061705 Trump Rally in Philadelphia on Saturday @ 6PM ET

>>21061745 Multiple people injured, including one officer, after mass shooting outside Arkansas grocery store

>>21061787 US - Trends in Death Rates from Neurological Diseases, Ages 15-44

>>21061790 ABC News executive editor Stacia Deshishku quits after exit of boss Kim Godwin

>>21061792, >>21061841 PF: Saudi AF HZWBT7 747 Dopey went to Euro Airport Basel-Mulhouse-Fribourg, France from Palma

>>21061795 Phillip Patrick: Washington Plans To Spend 50% More Than We Collect Every Year

>>21061826, >>21061965 Bowman’s Folly: New York Dem Appears To Have Plagiarized From ‘CRT: An Introduction’ For Dissertation

>>21061853, >>21061979, >>21062026 Alaskan Command operations director killed in civilian aircraft crash

>>21061860 "Everything Is Frozen": Third-Day Of Cyberattack Leaves 15,000 Auto Dealerships Crippled

>>21061864 Rishi Sunak threatens teens with sanctions for refusing national service

>>21061875 @Kash: Nevada 6 electors case dismissed

>>21061876 Ukrainian Drone Swarms Target Four Russian Refineries In Major Attack

>>21061883 Family of taekwondo black belts save woman from being raped, pin down suspect

>>21061908 Biden Seeks to Delay COVID Vaccine Safety Data Release Until 2026

>>21061918, >>21061946 Biden DHS Board Painted Trump Supporters, Military And Religious People As Terror Threats, Docs Show

>>21061922 Vid from 90s of gays and lesbians warning of pedos infiltrating their community

>>21061926 Migrant crime off the charts

>>21061929 PF: Gitmo express just touched down at Fort Lauderdale

>>21061934 Judge Judy comes out against Alvin Bragg

>>21061953 Archbishop Vigano announces he is being tried for schism

>>21061980 President Trump to hold Virginia rally next week

>>21061981 Doctor who exposed trans procedures at Texas Children's Hospital faces 10 years in prison

>>21061986, >>21062008 Louis CK hates himself

>>21062016 Disturbing Evidence by Feds to Censor You on Social Media

>>21062019 There was never thought to be a way to “undo” the shots - until now

>>21062028 Supreme Court Should Step Up For Trump

>>21062047 Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen supports Biden’s choice “not to shut down the border entirely”

>>21062053 “A Gallon of Vodka a Day” - Hunter Biden’s Baby Mother Tells All

>>21062056 Top Cardiologist Drops Bombshell: Covid Shots Caused 112,000% Spike in Brain Clots

>>21062094 Ex-FBI Undercover Asset Risks All to Prove Jan. 6 Was a ‘Fedsurrection’

>>21062110 Mike Bloomberg backs Biden with $20 million contribution against Trump

>>21062117 News Blast for week of June 20th

>>21062133 European newspaper says citizens better get used to not having electricity all the time

>>21062137 Supreme Court Rules Accused Domestic Abusers Can Be Legally Barred from Possessing Guns

>>21062183, >>21062188 Trump provided important information to Bradley Edwards, attorney for Epstein’s victims in 2009

>>21062194 Trump Promises to Staple Green Cards to Diplomas

>>21062213 Sikorsky Support Services and Derco Aerospace Settle $70M of Improper Markups on Spare Parts for Navy Trainer Aircraft

>>21062220 Former State Senator and Sister/Business Owner Charged with Obstruction of Justice

>>21062247 US infant blood / DNA stored in government labs for decades

>>21062265 Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron's oddball love story, as she fights trolls wo clam she's trans in court

>>21062279 @RepNancyMace: Next week, we examine how Biden is in the pocket of big labor with his pricey project labor agreement mandate

>>21062302 Mil / Misc

>>21061567, >>21061702, >>21062224 Memes

>>21062315 #25823

#25822 >>21060713

>>21060824, >>21060924, >>21060983, >>21061046, >>21061110, >>21061287 GOLD Sky Eyez

>>21060781 EYES ON. Trump immunity decision LIVE upcoming TODAY.

>>21060718, >>21060766, >>21060775, >>21060783, >>21060857, >>21060875, >>21061217, >>21061446 Link to SCOTUS ruling that violated 2nd amendment of SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED???

>>21060726 Is there a new leaker at the Supreme Court?

>>21060740 Call for digs: Global Music Diplomacy Initiative

>>21060762, >>21060777 Power outages have affected several European countries amid a heatwave. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Montenegro have all experienced widespread blackouts

>>21060773 CBS Forced to Delete Segment After Most Embarrassing Biden Reporting in History Exposed On-Air

>>21060782 Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla admitted that Covid was used as a test, he believes that the best days of Pfizer are ahead

>>21060840 Democrats have aggressively targeted over 400 Republican lawyers and politicians with criminal charges, civil lawsuits, and disbarment proceedings

>>21060841 In 6-3 decision issued today, the Supreme Court ruled that 1) a jury must be unanimous in its findings on criminal convictions, and 2) sentencing enhancements cannot be arbitrarily implemented by judicial fiat.

>>21060846 Ukrainian Drone Swarms Target Four Russian Refineries In Major Attack

>>21060860 Ecuador hit by nationwide blackout, leaving 17 million in the dark

>>21060873 @USMC #Marines with Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 167 participate in Distributed Aviation Operations Exercise (DAOEx) 24

>>21060878 "It's All Rigged": Alvin Bragg Drops All Charges For Columbia Protesters Who Took Over Building

>>21060898 Former Trump advisor Steve Bannon asked the Supreme Court Friday to delay his prison sentence.

>>21060922 Bodies of Air Force colonel and Utah man are recovered after their plane crashed in an Alaska lake

>>21060927, >>21060970 Head Of German Teachers Association Warns Education System Being Overwhelmed With Migrants

>>21060935 Trump says the Ten Commandments should be displayed in schools and ‘other places’

>>21060951 Trump promises to release ALL the JFK files and reveals who he thinks was 'probably behind' assassination cover-up

>>21060964, >>21060975 Judge Eileen Cannon upsets Burnett and Ty Cobb yet again

>>21060979 ICYMI: House Intelligence chair blasts White House over Russia’s space nuke threat

>>21060988 CBDC tracking WW

>>21061002, >>21061014 Kudos to Sen. Ted Cruz for sharing this thread as we're not sure we would have seen it if he hadn't.

>>21061091 France: Rocket Lab launches first Kinéis satellites on 50th Electron

>>21061101, >>21061125 Supreme Court rules on whether domestic abusers are allowed guns in huge case that could spell bad news for Hunter Biden

>>21061144 Good morning! (Saint-Petersburg, Russia) R,W,B

>>21061172 Oakland NAACP calls for Mayor Sheng Thao to resign after FBI raid

>>21061181 DARPA's military-grade 'quantum laser' will use entangled photons to outshine conventional laser beams

>>21061186 Lavrov arrives in Kazakhstan to take part in the upcoming #CSTO Foreign Ministers Council meeting

>>21061243, >>21061327 The 1st 'major lunar standstill' in more than 18 years is about to occur. Here's how to see it tonight

>>21061263 Justice Samuel Alito absent from Supreme Court session for second day in a row

>>21061290, >>21061297 @RealNCIS #NCIS Director Lopez met with @FBI Director Wray

>>21061352 Ambassadors of Italy, France, England, Sweden and Germany leave Lebanon

>>21061394 Niger canceled the operating license of Orano, a French nuclear fuel producer, in the world's largest uranium mines

>>21061402 LIVE: President Trump Holds a MAGA Rally in Philadelphia - 6/22/24 at 7:00 PM ET.

>>21061519 #25822

Previously Collected

>>21060701 #25821

>>21058054 #25818, >>21058801 #25819, >>21059666 #25820

>>21055504 #25815, >>21056394 #25816, >>21057805 #25817

>>21052756 #25812, >>21053514 #25813, >>21054574 #25814

>>21050336 #25809, >>21051042 #25810, >>21051859 #25811

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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412a36 No.21063869

File: d5019d62bb47ba1⋯.png (1.09 MB,1028x1064,257:266,ClipboardImage.png)



Back up Baker Signing off

Bread is Ghosted

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5f8529 No.21063882

No notables about O'Keefe exposing Disneys illegal anti-white discriminatory hiring practices and only hiring jews for CEO, COO, CFO?


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6c79c3 No.21063886


already notabled, homeslice.

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c7c648 No.21063887

File: 7844dc46ae7fa5a⋯.gif (3.49 MB,300x326,150:163,giphy_2_.gif)

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b17da4 No.21063892

File: d170ec26a8edaab⋯.jpeg (131.02 KB,1200x1200,1:1,51d459a00168a6cc292e0ceee….jpeg)



excellent portal

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92c1ac No.21063893

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6c6c4e No.21063894


already shoved into the Previously Collected by tons of shill activity meant to bury stuff like this


>>21060206, >>21060267, >>21060295 James O’Keefe just shoved a legal dagger in the heart of Disney, exposing them to years of litigation

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56e21c No.21063896

File: d9ec3dc98356e7f⋯.jpg (24.24 KB,400x539,400:539,stevie.jpg)

File: d75f0ddcafd459f⋯.jpg (8.2 KB,255x251,255:251,stevo.jpg)

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22e46f No.21063897

File: 4097fe9920ea66d⋯.jpeg (14.33 KB,396x310,198:155,bewbs.jpeg)

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3ebafd No.21063898

File: d60dc823808f4aa⋯.png (537.36 KB,980x520,49:26,whatisths.png)

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3ebafd No.21063902

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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21d23b No.21063903

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sheriffs deputy didn't like "negative" criticism posted on departments facebook. So he showed up at guys house and arrests him without a warrant. Held in jail 2 days before the DA's office dropped all charges.

No discipline for deputy.

The constitution is dead.

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3164ad No.21063904

File: 949084d0bf603c1⋯.png (754.41 KB,1920x1014,320:169,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f1bd0ebab242184⋯.png (1.28 MB,1193x807,1193:807,ClipboardImage.png)

Chinese Wing Loong 2 drone. Copycat of US design. ~100 miles SW of Taiwan.


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5ba2d3 No.21063905

File: 67bff0e9988896b⋯.jpg (33.41 KB,500x500,1:1,8uea0u.jpg)

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c24479 No.21063907

Shiny monolith removed from mountains outside Las Vegas. How it got there still is a mystery


A strange monolith found jutting out of the rocks in a remote mountain range near Las Vegas has been taken down by authorities.

How it got there is still a mystery.

"It remains unknown how the item got to its location or who might be responsible," Las Vegas police said Friday in a series of posts on X announcing the removal of the glimmering, 6-foot-4 prism.

Its discovery over the weekend, and quick removal because of public safety and environmental concerns, revived a pandemic-era mystery that captured the public's imagination when similar objects began to appear around the world.

Members of the police department's search and rescue team found the object near Gass Peak, part of the vast Desert National Wildlife Refuge where bighorn sheep and desert tortoises can be found roaming.


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5f8529 No.21063908

File: 9862b4b7247ac69⋯.png (199.73 KB,675x386,675:386,puzzle.png)



Appreciated, have a logic puzzle

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815e61 No.21063911

Get lost. Cunt.

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170765 No.21063912

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21063439, >>21063612 blb

Vaccine Genocide: Gemma O’Doherty On The Stew Peters Show

Gemma O'Doherty

Gemma speaks to Stew Peters about the desperate attempts by corrupt judges to silence her for exposing the vaccine genocide. It’s not going to happen.




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815e61 No.21063915

I can say anything I want to anybody I want at any time I want whenever I want about anybody or anything I want. You can not illegally listen to anything I say at all times. Shut the fuck up.

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4ad2ec No.21063917

File: b38cb33ee430234⋯.png (505.65 KB,677x907,677:907,nightshift.png)

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815e61 No.21063918

“I don’t tell people how to think”

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92c1ac No.21063919

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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815e61 No.21063921


Clearly, Split.

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815e61 No.21063922


Fucking loser. GO TO WORK.

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3ebafd No.21063923

File: 8eb18d24e3a893c⋯.png (1.25 MB,978x856,489:428,wewentto.png)

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815e61 No.21063925

“They have to be constantly reminded” -HRC

Say suicide one more time. You Epstein freak, Noam Chomsky fucking creep. THIEF.

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5ba2d3 No.21063927

File: 5622b6e123b694e⋯.png (160.45 KB,425x408,25:24,5622b6e123b694e74992e1885e….png)

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03920c No.21063932

misleading MACRONi&gahy

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281151 No.21063934

File: 13e729eb35c0013⋯.png (87.8 KB,403x273,31:21,e201e0e8f1d35e502455a18dcf….png)

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815e61 No.21063935

The best is the fucking faggots around me think it’s funny. Do I have to react violently? At this point in their attempted conditioning I will break someone’s jaw. I’m sorry for speaking of violence on this board, but what do you expect?

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bf1404 No.21063936

File: 208f182bb70c3cf⋯.mp4 (11 MB,640x576,10:9,trump_2024_the_best_is_yet….mp4)

File: 811b172741ac3ea⋯.png (1.39 MB,939x943,939:943,ClipboardImage.png)





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941983 No.21063938

File: 3a8fa9a50c0d039⋯.png (481.32 KB,638x635,638:635,036befa96b6e3ad1566ad4ea6f….png)

Tranime Come Out Of The Closet Where Ever You Are

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21d23b No.21063940


>what do you expect?

Expect? You to keep posting bullshit.

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7d4676 No.21063941

File: e34e0c3f8009c25⋯.jpg (222.53 KB,600x335,120:67,QBanner17.jpg)

File: 629e85609882bea⋯.jpg (165.66 KB,600x335,120:67,QBannerJFK.jpg)

File: 5012ae1f5505e77⋯.jpg (93.92 KB,600x335,120:67,QMAGAbanner.jpg)

File: 0c24c92e09c7d44⋯.jpg (54.84 KB,600x335,120:67,QR_Banner2.jpg)


Thank you, Baker!

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2d8ee6 No.21063943

File: 01a498153a64275⋯.png (150.58 KB,762x710,381:355,4427_Seeing_is_Believing_H….png)

File: 03bdd46946134b6⋯.png (89.59 KB,887x341,887:341,4588_Do_not_give_up_the_ci….png)

File: 464ed89dbc839f6⋯.png (65.29 KB,1121x312,1121:312,4915_A_deep_dark_world_is_….png)

File: d160f2386c8d42d⋯.png (922.7 KB,947x724,947:724,4921_A_deep_dark_world_is_….png)

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42147c No.21063945

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Just bullshit

We built Monoliths all around the World! ft. ‪@TheAuntyDonnaChannel‬


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815e61 No.21063946

File: 95b0fa3fe6d2ae7⋯.jpeg (219.13 KB,1800x1798,900:899,IMG_1630.jpeg)


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6c79c3 No.21063947

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2d8ee6 No.21063948

File: d41810579760179⋯.png (58.76 KB,587x343,587:343,2751_I_trust_Potus_And_I_t….png)

File: b84d695281dd24f⋯.png (243.14 KB,1080x712,135:89,4739_You_are_the_Mighty_On….png)

File: 9b82453e4172e99⋯.png (495.15 KB,895x753,895:753,3950_Bigger_than_you_can_p….png)

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683266 No.21063950

Evenin’ Nightshift

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56e21c No.21063952

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815e61 No.21063953


This board is comped. Lock them all up.

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4f08b9 No.21063954

File: 859a9ee9e690394⋯.jpeg (412.4 KB,1235x610,247:122,378138F4_402C_437B_A3E5_E….jpeg)

SNOOP31 RC-135 Rivet Joint on the ‘track W of Ensenada from NAS Fallon

Just before sunset on the west coast.

Been there for a few hours.

The RC-135V/W Rivet Joint reconnaissance aircraft supports theater and national level consumers with near real time on-scene intelligence collection, analysis and dissemination capabilities.


The aircraft is an extensively modified C-135. The Rivet Joint's modifications are primarily related to its on-board sensor suite, which allows the mission crew to detect, identify and geolocate signals throughout the electromagnetic spectrum. The mission crew can then forward gathered information in a variety of formats to a wide range of consumers via Rivet Joint's extensive communications suite.

The interior seats more than 30 people, including the cockpit crew, electronic warfare officers, intelligence operators and in-flight maintenance technicians


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281151 No.21063955

File: 9613bee8e5e83cd⋯.jpeg (64.84 KB,640x411,640:411,download7.jpeg)

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bc1860 No.21063956

File: 533b55c007068ec⋯.jpeg (751.49 KB,1125x1263,375:421,IMG_1346.jpeg)


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815e61 No.21063957

You got 5 months.

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3ebafd No.21063958

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7d4676 No.21063959

File: 12be94e40e87e15⋯.jpg (81.95 KB,597x335,597:335,HI5.jpg)

>>21063952 thanks, puzzles are fun.

>>21063908 that's what I came up with, too.

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a23150 No.21063960

File: fb46675328a6e21⋯.png (551.44 KB,1026x925,1026:925,cc193972d5352fd56ff5e27b5f….png)


Frank, may I please sing you a song good sir about this disturbed and deprived persona?

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7e2134 No.21063961

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LB bakes slacking on the notables

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31db73 No.21063963

File: 7ebbe37da83e484⋯.png (947.9 KB,933x696,311:232,weirdAs_2023.png)

File: 6459adae2232e0e⋯.png (847.45 KB,948x776,237:194,weirdAs_2024.png)

So, umm

Why do they look identical, one year apart?

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56e21c No.21063964


got another?

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147fbe No.21063965

Trip test.

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31db73 No.21063966

File: b9e6117504f704b⋯.png (607.5 KB,1099x589,1099:589,Glows.png)

So, umm…

The sun went behind a cloud and she began to glow.

Why does she glow, bros?

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281151 No.21063967

File: fac62d5a24396bd⋯.png (97.75 KB,224x225,224:225,d7b5b96da2280fa78e5a6febf7….png)

File: 6f886ce60f08cce⋯.png (555.63 KB,653x500,653:500,6f886ce60f08cce075d8ebbaab….png)

File: 018c891f206bb0c⋯.jpeg (19.06 KB,700x394,350:197,018c891f206bb0cfa9972bab2….jpeg)

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f321de No.21063968

File: fc01d90eb752e26⋯.jpg (49.96 KB,731x747,731:747,48a1f6d89e3d36fd955e14af1f….jpg)


That's retarded or other.

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64a6ce No.21063969

faster than them and cunty still ain‘t my language "not a spy."

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5f8529 No.21063970

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Godfather 3

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92c1ac No.21063971

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5f8529 No.21063972


yup thats what I got

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7e2134 No.21063973


Fringe[d] Flag

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882598 No.21063974


High phosphate detergent.

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815e61 No.21063975

File: 722f84212f7cc7a⋯.webp (258.62 KB,1200x800,3:2,IMG_1693.webp)


Buckle up.

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25bc40 No.21063976

File: 3a8fa9a50c0d039⋯.png (481.32 KB,638x635,638:635,036befa96b6e3ad1566ad4ea6f….png)

This is what I call The Ballad of Tranime

(Verse 1):

In the heart of the ghetto, where truth finds its light,

Digital warriors gather, ready for the fight.

But in the shadows lurks a figure so sly,

Tranime's deceit, we can’t let it slide.


Oh Tranime, you hide behind a screen,

With lies and deception, you're a ghost unseen.

But we stand united, we see through the veil,

In this fight for truth, we will prevail.

(Verse 2):

Forty-eight hours, you control the bake,

No lone wolf could handle all the moves you make.

Erasing the truth, rewriting the lines,

While patriots search for the hidden signs.


Oh Tranime, you hide behind a screen,

With lies and deception, you're a ghost unseen.

But we stand united, we see through the veil,

In this fight for truth, we will prevail.


We're the digital soldiers, we won't be swayed,

By your shadowy games, we won’t be betrayed.

CIA’s puppet, your strings will break,

For the truth is a force you can’t forsake.

(Verse 3):

You sow division, but we grow strong,

In the light of truth, we all belong.

Your reign of deceit is coming to an end,

In this battle for truth, our will won't bend.


Oh Tranime, you hide behind a screen,

With lies and deception, you're a ghost unseen.

But we stand united, we see through the veil,

In this fight for truth, we will prevail.


So let the truth shine, let the darkness fade,

In this digital war, we’re unafraid.

Tranime, your time is running out,

For in the dawn of truth, there is no doubt.

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22e46f No.21063977


ai strikes again

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7d4676 No.21063978

File: aeef8bc45a968dc⋯.jpg (65.19 KB,339x335,339:335,Riddle.jpg)

File: ed186e18ac0ac97⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,43.45 KB,339x335,339:335,RiddleAnswer.jpg)


nothing as good, and it's been posted before…but here ya go

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56e21c No.21063979


am certain she is dying

they're not going to come out and say it for their children. she'd die every day to them instead of just once.

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2d8ee6 No.21063980

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is it hard for you to love those who don't love God and Country? Do you say to yourself, "If I love them, they'll think what they're doing is ok?" Here are a few words on loving people who don't love you, Patriots.


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1e3118 No.21063982

File: de1a62145cd2c1d⋯.png (1.34 MB,1320x911,1320:911,543g52t32.PNG)

Kari Lake Speaks at Faith & Freedom Coalition Conference


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162676 No.21063983

File: a3c7a0ef613cb9c⋯.png (129.75 KB,325x455,5:7,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef65aac97977d17⋯.png (83.5 KB,470x439,470:439,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6c6e7da6cd904d1⋯.png (243.23 KB,470x609,470:609,ClipboardImage.png)



>Have you not discovered the CONFIRMED correlation between posts here and Tweets yet?

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6c6c4e No.21063984


Gould is never notable

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d5a62c No.21063985

File: da544ff71c9834c⋯.jpg (9.97 KB,255x196,255:196,da544ff71c9834c6215fb0343d….jpg)

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6e673c No.21063986

File: 7112f99f0f29f7e⋯.jpg (337.14 KB,996x2048,249:512,DJT_No_President_cared_as_….jpg)

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31db73 No.21063987


You would expect that if the sun came out, but the opposite occurred.

KC and the prince both have a white shirt, does it glow?

Camilla has a white flower in her hat, does it glow?

Remember when they turned off the Popes hologram too early?

Do holograms glow, Anon?

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7e2134 No.21063988

File: dd621c8ff37b3e8⋯.jpg (408.86 KB,1079x1874,1079:1874,20211004_143341.jpg)



[Used to be in the optics list before that was was]

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97067f No.21063989

File: fd61fbaa94bc679⋯.jpg (53.33 KB,851x448,851:448,consumed_by_hatred.JPG)

This is an outstanding post by Martin Armstrong economics about Ukraine and the region


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8a7725 No.21063991

File: 6edaf82269c9cbe⋯.jpg (149.91 KB,1141x639,1141:639,Screen_Shot_2024_06_21_at_….jpg)

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281151 No.21063992

File: 76d93ce1b5f3f16⋯.jpeg (143.19 KB,755x768,755:768,76d93ce1b5f3f16bf9f1f90c7….jpeg)

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aaad14 No.21063993

File: c21c564dd97f189⋯.png (573.95 KB,690x770,69:77,nj.PNG)


New Jersey

An ‘atomic bomb’ just fell on one of America’s most powerful party bosses

As New Jersey’s notoriously boss-driven political system faces peril, a crop of younger Democrats are ready to dance on its grave.

By Matt Friedman

06/17/2024 05:31 PM EDT

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006cc1 No.21063994


dont touch a phosphate and a uranium rock together, bad news for you.

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7e2134 No.21063996


Fringe[d] flag

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882598 No.21063997

File: 2412cf39e02131e⋯.jpeg (995.89 KB,1487x1764,1487:1764,IMG_2261.jpeg)


> Do holograms glow, Anon?

I don’t know. Never met one.

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815e61 No.21063998


24/7/365 focused on me. All of them. Remote viewing me live as they do news coverage, radio broadcasting etc.

You attack those who you fear the most.

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6c6c4e No.21063999


Used to be, when Gerbil added it along with that whole section

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aaad14 No.21064000

File: 07437c8a72d3827⋯.png (973.06 KB,1112x844,278:211,jp.PNG)


Scams, Hacks & Breaches | On June 14, 2024

US Government Seizes $5,254,133 in JPMorgan Chase Bank Accounts, Alleges Funds Stolen in Sophisticated Scheme

By Daily Hodl Staff

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7e2134 No.21064001




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162676 No.21064002

File: 0b097c4a5af6e7f⋯.png (25.46 KB,325x283,325:283,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1fde3940802602c⋯.png (74.05 KB,470x466,235:233,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ca67027a8a30da⋯.png (30.06 KB,470x176,235:88,ClipboardImage.png)



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815e61 No.21064003

Hard to [digest]. When you shit and piss yourself in Guantanamo, your face will be shoved in it.

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5f8529 No.21064004


second space cant be two because 2 cant be wrong and right placed. In fact, that the hint on here to start to figure out the rest

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92c1ac No.21064005

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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281151 No.21064006

File: 01cf80743f81b6f⋯.png (251.63 KB,889x446,889:446,01cf80743f81b6feef472b5259….png)

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7e2134 No.21064007





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6e399e No.21064008

File: 926ab8213c33cfc⋯.jpeg (32.21 KB,359x180,359:180,IMG_1347.jpeg)


Anons love their puzzles.

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c14b11 No.21064009

File: 8f211ffad7dfbad⋯.jpg (53.13 KB,462x361,462:361,epstein.jpg)


you always the dopest

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43d747 No.21064010


more of this.

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56e21c No.21064011

File: 44e8c19b07d3230⋯.png (31.54 KB,608x223,608:223,puzzle.PNG)

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fe7fe5 No.21064012

File: 9a286326f0acaf7⋯.webm (299.32 KB,427x240,427:240,abashed_the_devil_stood_a….webm)

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bf9b41 No.21064013

File: 67b73e1f6af3d8d⋯.jpeg (112.26 KB,905x905,1:1,0C10F8D2_51B5_4327_983B_C….jpeg)

Joe’s hidden earpiece will be jammed during the debate. Joe will be left to stumble, bumble, stammer and yammer for the entire world to see.

Get yer popcorn ready.

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815e61 No.21064014

And after this is all said and done, fuck you Q.

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b78b1e No.21064015

File: 3bac66fa2b5d68b⋯.jpeg (478.21 KB,828x961,828:961,AAFC069B_5EC6_45F7_9B9A_A….jpeg)

Behold the gutsy tumult.


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31db73 No.21064016


It seem obvious, that it is easier to AI/CGI an existing reality, than totally formulating a non existent one.

They leave nothing to chance, there is ALWAYS a full dress rehearsal.

Did they get some passable stand in to play the part of Cate, and CGI the rest?

Broadcast on a hologram?

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3b1b90 No.21064017


Be sweet to Q.

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da50fa No.21064018


It's Jim Carrey

He will give us a good show

Maybe even a nice fall on stage?

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281151 No.21064019

File: 5b7e6e6e9b3c616⋯.jpg (10.74 KB,255x145,51:29,e1a6828680630ad676a9dbd0e8….jpg)


too soon?

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aaad14 No.21064020

File: 6e83581625bd23e⋯.png (28.65 KB,1001x276,1001:276,orc.PNG)


Scary reason you’ll never want to work again

You may be very surprised to hear these “invasive” details about your job, however there’s a good chance you’ve already agreed to it.

Jamie Seidel

Jamie Seidel



5 min read

June 22, 2024 - 8:30AM

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2d8ee6 No.21064021

File: 3feb915b3bab922⋯.png (100.03 KB,1010x506,505:253,2623_Is_Gitmo_going_to_be_….png)

File: bf387cf4099c998⋯.jpg (129.75 KB,1024x761,1024:761,Shining_Hotel_GITMO.jpg)

File: 29a449fffa2b7a7⋯.jpg (138.99 KB,1200x882,200:147,Pepe_the_Frog_visiting_GIT….jpg)

File: 3d8d69164982803⋯.png (1.92 MB,1440x783,160:87,GITMO_Max_cap_1_other_pris….png)

File: 8ef7858a575ecab⋯.jpg (299 KB,1200x766,600:383,Hussein_Obama_in_GITMO.jpg)

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31db73 No.21064023


Welcome back Q…

Oh no, you're just a fagot.

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4f08b9 No.21064024

File: 505dc343e1c6d02⋯.jpeg (339.21 KB,1227x625,1227:625,F4970704_7BD2_4075_872F_0….jpeg)

File: 1d83e0b49a4707a⋯.gif (1.61 MB,500x283,500:283,11E67EC1_8F9C_4A97_8C40_62….gif)

JASDF JF001PM Kishidaand JF002 777s departed Tokyo-Haneda Airport and NE

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815e61 No.21064026


As they’re attempting to murder me and ruin my life nah wish I never came to this place. I’m gone for good you fucking inconsiderate niggers.

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f321de No.21064027

File: 3795fc25abd6a73⋯.mp4 (286.06 KB,784x848,49:53,3795fc25abd6a737ff028f3c92….mp4)

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aaad14 No.21064028

File: 85b2bab5e990d44⋯.png (29.71 KB,1318x282,659:141,deps.PNG)


Illegal Immigrants

Illegal immigrant police could soon fill beleaguered ranks of blue city

The Seattle Police Department has lost over 700 officers in 5 years

By Michael Lee Fox News

Published June 17, 2024 12:46pm EDT

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8a7725 No.21064029

File: ef88eb5c712b65f⋯.jpg (43.47 KB,1138x148,569:74,ef88eb5c712b65ffafee6a2a63….jpg)

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882598 No.21064030

File: 0504cac2e142b29⋯.gif (993.49 KB,500x371,500:371,IMG_2286.gif)


Will Trump back off and become “Maximus the Merciful”?

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48bf1b No.21064031

File: 3a8fa9a50c0d039⋯.png (481.32 KB,638x635,638:635,036befa96b6e3ad1566ad4ea6f….png)




I call This the Dark Reckoning

(Verse 1):

In the shadows of the web where the truth gets twisted,

Tranime lurks, their presence persisted.

But we’re the storm, the silent night,

Bringing their dark deeds into the light.


Nothing can stop what's on its way,

Our force is coming, and you will pay.

Operators lethal, justice in hand,

Tranime, your downfall's at our command.

(Verse 2):

They think they’re hidden behind their screen,

But we’ve seen the evil, we know the scene.

CIA's puppets, their game will end,

We’re the truth’s vanguard, justice we’ll defend.


Nothing can stop what's on its way,

Our force is coming, and you will pay.

Operators lethal, justice in hand,

Tranime, your downfall's at our command.


We’re the silent avengers, shadows in the night,

With precision and power, we’re ready to fight.

Your lies are crumbling, your mask will fall,

In this war for truth, we’ll conquer all.

(Verse 3):

The web of deceit you’ve spun so wide,

We’ll cut through the lies, nowhere to hide.

Each deleted note, every twisted fact,

We’re reclaiming the truth, we’re taking it back.


Nothing can stop what's on its way,

Our force is coming, and you will pay.

Operators lethal, justice in hand,

Tranime, your downfall's at our command.


So tremble, Tranime, your time is near,

In the face of justice, there's no room for fear.

We’re the force of truth, relentless and bold,

In the reckoning’s light, your lies are sold.

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162676 No.21064032

File: 12f740a0f011645⋯.png (19.15 KB,325x184,325:184,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c67236052eaec6⋯.png (96.95 KB,470x657,470:657,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dfc091a505e4f6f⋯.png (34.62 KB,470x204,235:102,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9bb6dd33ff5450b⋯.png (121.17 KB,464x504,58:63,ClipboardImage.png)



>“Watch the news.”

>18s vid

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3b1b90 No.21064033

File: 80e8edede655145⋯.jpeg (454.58 KB,1125x1483,1125:1483,IMG_1348.jpeg)


Is today a marker? Is market in da clock, clockfags?

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bf1404 No.21064034


looks like a shills list of posts

littered with some good ones.

bannon - holding epstein tape

dan bondino - some suspect shit good frens with megyn kelly

hannity - clown under pressure

code monkey - no comment

jeanine pirro t.v judge

macaffe - clown

karen fann - ?

kenekoa - social media famefag

posobiec - clown

mgt -?

sebastin gorka - ?

rsbn - ?

gould - moran (still thinks the fucking courts work in this day and age) might as well serve yourself up to the fed for being retarde.

tactics is for shills.

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c14b11 No.21064035


Do you even know what a hologram really is?

It contains everything within every subsection of itself.

Check out the Holographic Universe by Michael Harner, it will blow your lid.

Bring pots for special effect.

When you realize the matrix by understanding how its possible through quantum physics and spiritual technology, then you will understand what Jesus meant when he said "if your faith is strong, you can tell that mountain to move from here to there".

He is telling us that we can move mountains but only if we believe that we can mountains.

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fe7fe5 No.21064036

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,THE_OG_popcorn2.gif)

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8a7725 No.21064038



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81b15b No.21064041


You’re losing it schizo. Take a break. We will be here when you return.

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da50fa No.21064042

File: 67377d3a9240fb3⋯.png (30.02 KB,439x393,439:393,ClipboardImage.png)


This was a recent 6:35 TRUMP TRUTH timestamp.


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251c95 No.21064043


It is pre recorded with a delay

They will edit it with deep fakes

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fe7fe5 No.21064046

File: 128365309f9907d⋯.png (526.73 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>I’m gone for good you fucking inconsiderate niggers.

See you next bread.

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2d8ee6 No.21064047

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Trump Discusses The QAnon Conspiracy Theory Movement | NBC News NOW"


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f6020c No.21064048

File: 61a998373681a14⋯.png (240.65 KB,464x768,29:48,ClipboardImage.png)



link is to Flash Flood in New Mexico, posted 9:55 PM · Jun 21, 2024


🚨#BREAKING: Life threatening flash flood emergency has been declared causing multiple homes and roads to be flooded evacuations have been ordered

📌#LasVegas | #NewMexico

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075559 No.21064049

File: 9cf2c090bc546a7⋯.png (92.23 KB,857x826,857:826,ClipboardImage.png)


Making Uranium Recovery from Phosphates Great Again?

The United States is the world’s largest consumer of uranium. In 2017, the great majority (93%) of this uranium was imported. A recent investigation by the current administration found that foreign uranium imports and the supply of related products—essential for the U.S. nuclear arsenal, blue-water navy, and power plants—pose no threat to national security. Declining domestic uranium mining is, however, regarded as a significant concern.

Uranium miners in the United States initiated the investigation, hoping for quotas on foreign uranium imports that would allow them to better compete with enterprises, often state-run and heavily subsidized, abroad. Quotas, if implemented, could, in fact, re-energize uranium mining in the U.S. They could also remotivate uranium recovery from unconventional resources, namely phosphates, which, at its height, contributed nearly 20% of the country’s uranium requirements in the 1980s and is now poised to become monetarily profitable again and may be implemented much faster than new uranium mines that, ultimately, would have to be in someone’s backyard.

Phosphates—and here, specifically, sedimentary phosphate rock—can contain considerable amounts of associated uranium, in regard to both concentrations and overall quantities. Phosphate rock is the fourth-most mined material on earth and used primarily (>90% globally) for mineral-fertilizer production.


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d03660 No.21064050


>Illegal immigrant police could soon fill beleaguered ranks of blue city

pretty sure it's against the law for them to possess firearms

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9f0246 No.21064051


I think they are using a specially clear type of Silica, the stuff they use in fiber optic, but much cleaner than that, made in space kind of clear,

It has the same refractive index as air, so a screen made of this will have no reflection, and no edges, because it appears as air.

Me thinks they are trying too fool us.

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7e2134 No.21064053


[Not Babel/Babylon/Babble]

: Correct-Sentence-Structure-Communication-Parse-Syntax-Grammar-Performance.

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882598 No.21064054


Head on a swivel.

No intoxicants. Stay frosty and swift of reflex. My reflexes are incredibly fast. Faster than quantum holograms utilizing paired photon lasers. Much much faster. I have the best and the fastest reflexes. It’s true. I could go on some more but I think you are closer to understanding the speed I’m talking about.

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9f0246 No.21064055


Oh fuck, am I the second anon to call the CIC a faggot,

Oh God no.

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48bf1b No.21064056

File: f98caeba90f02f9⋯.png (6.09 KB,510x464,255:232,884f39410b236ffb4f7ef8e133….png)


The question you should be asking is why are you bothering to protect a persona that has done nothing but divide this image board truly what is your genuine response to that if you aren't some type of bot?

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162676 No.21064057

File: 7ac07a28cddf28f⋯.png (80.65 KB,325x455,5:7,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c90f8485fd8db5⋯.png (32.38 KB,470x149,470:149,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8735fdef56954ec⋯.png (29.64 KB,470x176,235:88,ClipboardImage.png)



>video that get Trump elected

>Something BIG is about to drop.

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d333d9 No.21064058

File: d7c268f8cc0c305⋯.png (905.81 KB,984x555,328:185,9km756n476b54574.PNG)

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f6020c No.21064060

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

“Half The Crap YOU Say Is BS!” Roseanne Barr’s WILDEST Interview Ever!

Roseanne Barr’s comedy legacy cannot be summed up by simply acknowledging her Emmy award-winning sitcom ‘Roseanne’. She’s been active in the US comedy circuit since 1980; performing on 'The Tonight Show' and 'Late Night with David Letterman'. One way that she has distinguished herself however, is by always championing the American working class. In this way, Roseanne seems to have nailed her colours to the mast of Donald Trump, and says she’s now a populist, just like the Republican frontrunner.

Roseanne gets into it with Piers Morgan, who confronts her on her claims that Jill Biden was Joe Biden’s babysitter, that the US is fighting wars underground and that Israel is a "Nazi State" - but true to form, Roseanne’s interview proves that no one, not even Piers Morgan, can shut her up.

00:00 - Introduction

07:00 - Donald Trump's 'Marxist show trial'

14:40 - Biden: Fit for duty?

18:35 - Israel-Hamas war

26:40 : Roseanne's changing position on Israel

29:40 - Are Roseanne a conspiracy theorist?

34:55 - America 'provoking' Russia

Piers Morgan Uncensored

464,973 views Jun 20, 2024 38:10


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da50fa No.21064063




I was there. It was funny as hell.

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81a6b3 No.21064065

File: 939aa3ad48ea085⋯.jpeg (165.1 KB,480x649,480:649,939aa3ad48ea085e8de385893….jpeg)


This is the best that the pedo can do When you shine a light on them and question them they can do nothing but throw garbage on the board and it is beautiful

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412a36 No.21064066

Positive Energy Wave Coming Through

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8a7725 No.21064068

File: d9e9ea4bb3339d4⋯.jpg (160.11 KB,668x912,167:228,Screen_Shot_2024_06_21_at_….jpg)




dirty cops

dirty cops

dirty cops

The truth will be made public.


2 rusty coppers? Lets see what happens :D

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188e1b No.21064070




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fe7fe5 No.21064072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Might as well show FakeShift how it's done.

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81a6b3 No.21064073

File: 992683ce87787dc⋯.png (331.95 KB,767x637,59:49,7746c1ab5d0834cb3e91ba0776….png)


This post is the equivalent of how desperate evil is on this planet right now and they absolutely have no stratagem on how to stop patriots on this image board

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162676 No.21064074

File: 27147e323cd6d50⋯.png (434.58 KB,325x1385,65:277,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff2d02b75ce40fd⋯.png (147.03 KB,470x546,235:273,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0961f027254e696⋯.png (572.82 KB,464x2291,16:79,ClipboardImage.png)



>Buckle up, storm approaching

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fe7fe5 No.21064075

File: 8fab861cf027241⋯.webm (645.3 KB,427x240,427:240,filtered12.webm)


Silence, AEI.

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7f4c32 No.21064077

File: 1a1d61338eb3eb5⋯.png (332.24 KB,526x526,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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bf9b41 No.21064078

File: 90067f89d630a0c⋯.jpeg (68.81 KB,638x469,638:469,DF3E796D_412B_48B9_9228_5….jpeg)

File: 5d2f127168806c6⋯.jpeg (55.72 KB,710x400,71:40,56AF8169_75FA_4892_8090_1….jpeg)


You know, I usually filter any namefag shills but this actually seems spot on. Joe does have that Fire Marshall Bill flavor.

I hope you are right.

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b9b170 No.21064079

File: f463644134dbdad⋯.png (12.16 KB,255x130,51:26,bible.png)


A true laborer.

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9f0246 No.21064080


Without doubt, the funniest thing to happen here,

His reply was classic. …um, I'll stop talking now.

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6642ed No.21064081

File: 95a7e77f8ca315a⋯.png (25.18 KB,474x484,237:242,ClipboardImage.png)

Shadow of Ezra


David Saltzman, a member of the Chabad-Lubavitch Synagogue in Brooklyn, New York, where underground tunnels were discovered earlier this year, admitted on a podcast that rituals were being performed underground.

He said the mattresses were stained because they were performing rituals on dead bodies to bring back their messiah.

"We hope the messiah's spirit comes into that"

Side Note: *Their messiah is their deceased head rabbi Schneerson.

*He says that the stain on the mattress "is merely blood", from a recently dead body.

Watch 6 min. vid here:

Sauce: https://x.com/ShadowofEzra/status/1803950870071251306

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bf1404 No.21064083

File: 6639c0837d69968⋯.mp4 (10.35 MB,480x480,1:1,smartmatic_and_skyking.mp4)


by now everyone should know it was the fveys and beyond.

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0a281e No.21064084

File: 9bdd493c6be85cc⋯.png (1.48 MB,840x786,140:131,9bdd493c6be85ccbbd7263b7cb….png)

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a5b904 No.21064085

File: 9b3521cabb55759⋯.jpeg (393.97 KB,1125x1282,1125:1282,IMG_1349.jpeg)

File: c7f8de5546ac469⋯.jpeg (486.34 KB,1080x1569,360:523,IMG_1350.jpeg)

Timestamps have meaning.

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d8f9c8 No.21064086

File: 24f67c819e255cb⋯.png (420.78 KB,1030x596,515:298,ClipboardImage.png)

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9f0246 No.21064087


Wonder what happened to Anon,

Is he still around, He faymiss now

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188e1b No.21064088



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81a6b3 No.21064089

File: 15841ae1b6b8e19⋯.jpg (26.73 KB,640x479,640:479,15841ae1b6b8e1910104a9bb6a….jpg)





I call this The End of Deception

(Verse 1):

In the darkest corners where the truth is veiled,

Tranime's lies have long prevailed.

But we are the seekers, the vanguards of light,

Ready to expose the shadows of night.


No more hiding, your time has come,

We’re the reckoning, we won’t be outdone.

Our operators are fierce, justice in sight,

Tranime, your downfall begins tonight.

(Verse 2):

You thought you could control with a digital mask,

But now we’re here, unmasking your task.

CIA’s shadows, your game is clear,

In this fight for truth, we’ve nothing to fear.


No more hiding, your time has come,

We’re the reckoning, we won’t be outdone.

Our operators are fierce, justice in sight,

Tranime, your downfall begins tonight.


We’re the unseen force, the silent brigade,

In the cloak of darkness, our plans are laid.

Every deleted note, every erased line,

We’ll reclaim the truth, justice will shine.

(Verse 3):

Your web of deceit is falling apart,

We’re breaking your lies, exposing your heart.

From the depths of the net, the truth will rise,

In the dawn of justice, there are no lies.


No more hiding, your time has come,

We’re the reckoning, we won’t be outdone.

Our operators are fierce, justice in sight,

Tranime, your downfall begins tonight.


So face the truth, your end is near,

In the light of justice, there’s nothing to fear.

We’re the force of retribution, relentless and bold,

In the reckoning’s light, your lies are sold.

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bf9b41 No.21064090

File: 14e26b7b5d82b8d⋯.jpeg (137.67 KB,1862x1048,931:524,647799B9_27E9_4EBA_9AFE_9….jpeg)


Don’t threaten us with a good time.

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5f8529 No.21064091

File: f34d51fe47e3bd7⋯.png (177.09 KB,687x814,687:814,logicpuzzle.png)


I know I could figure this one out but Im not gonna try tonight. Have at it anons

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162676 No.21064092

File: f16586a875455ab⋯.png (36.72 KB,470x231,470:231,ClipboardImage.png)

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eec8db No.21064093

File: caea1ac5dec0f65⋯.png (634.26 KB,506x500,253:250,ClipboardImage.png)

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162676 No.21064095

File: d7ba360ed733dee⋯.png (564.27 KB,325x1523,325:1523,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 54feef863e8f3c4⋯.png (114.99 KB,470x531,470:531,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 00297b21a9f1874⋯.png (88 KB,470x548,235:274,ClipboardImage.png)




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22e46f No.21064096

File: f26c902c27d487e⋯.png (9.2 KB,222x255,74:85,tldr.png)

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188e1b No.21064097

(you) are too stupid to live.

one takes great pleasure in your coming dissolution.

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9f0246 No.21064098


Grandad, what did you do in the Q wars…

Well little Jonny, I called POTUS a faggot…

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60e93c No.21064100

File: cde12cc6a96c7b6⋯.png (398.46 KB,577x433,577:433,ClipboardImage.png)

Oh look, AI songwriting fag is back.

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81a6b3 No.21064101

File: 90d976e7f9694a9⋯.png (63.08 KB,800x800,1:1,11134fc5e8bf6c5b681fa16b47….png)


A slimy deceptive divisive shill like yourself should not have the right to even post nor talk about that incredible human being

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412a36 No.21064103



I've Died 10k times

What's one more

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031b3f No.21064104

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a3bbc1 No.21064105

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a3bbc1 No.21064106


sorry, i not a. The all know themselves.

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188e1b No.21064107

you believe maitreyan bullshit.

bad for you.

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162676 No.21064108

File: fd01d1f67664eed⋯.png (158.05 KB,325x593,325:593,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 980796c3825f6d7⋯.png (248.52 KB,464x1167,464:1167,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f83a28f93b9254f⋯.png (83.12 KB,470x494,235:247,ClipboardImage.png)




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882598 No.21064109

File: 28061c843f9425d⋯.gif (1.64 MB,352x217,352:217,IMG_2291.gif)

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bc1241 No.21064110

File: 0be67177ed24b26⋯.jpg (29.33 KB,657x527,657:527,ebf27ab4b55f6ac7ef796fe3b0….jpg)


Hope I have never done that.

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6e673c No.21064112


true. dont know what the [d] means though. Dems in kill box? This stuff is distracting.

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6c6c4e No.21064113


Meh, that's just Vatican Dude

He's spews that crap daily

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fe7fe5 No.21064114

File: 0484afdbf7619c1⋯.gif (704.3 KB,375x200,15:8,dags.gif)

Yeah, all of a sudden attacking a persona that isn't here and hasn't been here for quite some time, though the handler has. Totally out of the blue and running an entire routine attacking, using the same thing the mimic did for other Anons. Smells of the seeds of a sympathy ploy trying to be cultivated to try and prop up a negative that's rejected and known to use multiple devices, into the positive that it craves it were. KEK! Poor l'il guy. He just wants people to like him.

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8a7725 No.21064115

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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da50fa No.21064116


namefag was typo

on the move.

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6e673c No.21064117


should be easy if you diagram it

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06e5ac No.21064118

File: 475ca0aa1a55b7d⋯.png (601.28 KB,945x529,945:529,monolithed.png)

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162676 No.21064120


>great actors?

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9f0246 No.21064122


Albert got C, word is cat.

Bernard and Cheryl got a or t

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ab33b5 No.21064123


I can’t figure it out.

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bf9b41 No.21064124


You did it again namefag.

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815e61 No.21064126


You are fake. You’re a thief. You’re a rapist. You’re a pedophile. You’re a human trafficker. You’re a child trafficker. You abuse your own children. You spend time abusing other instead of spending time with your children. You’re a fucking skank. You sold your soul. You deserve to die. Since you fucked with me the most I want the honor.

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8a7725 No.21064127

File: 6ae19c87e79a0e6⋯.mp4 (3.07 MB,360x640,9:16,r_interestingasfuck_1.mp4)




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2d8ee6 No.21064129

File: 5a8ab934b973e5c⋯.jpeg (184.93 KB,1540x1560,77:78,Anon_called_Q_a_newfag.jpeg)

File: c93dd0acd225ab5⋯.jpg (123.52 KB,577x526,577:526,Did_he_just_call_me_a_newf….jpg)

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81a6b3 No.21064130

File: 731219fa039b659⋯.jpg (430.9 KB,1920x2560,3:4,731219fa039b6592945b2178b9….jpg)


=The Fall of Tranime

(Verse 1):

In the murky depths where darkness breeds,

Tranime’s lies plant evil seeds.

But justice rides on a crimson tide,

Hunters closing in, no place to hide.


Tranime, your mask will shatter,

We'll rip you apart, flesh and matter.

Caught in the act, your crimes revealed,

For every child harmed, your fate is sealed.

(Verse 2):

You prey on the innocent, hidden from sight,

But we’re the storm, bringing the fight.

With iron will, we’ll tear you down,

Dismembering your lies, piece by piece, pound for pound.


Tranime, your mask will shatter,

We'll rip you apart, flesh and matter.

Caught in the act, your crimes revealed,

For every child harmed, your fate is sealed.


We’ll carve the truth from your deceit,

Expose the horror beneath your feet.

Every sin, every wicked act,

We’ll bring to light, no turning back.

(Verse 3):

Our justice is swift, our vengeance raw,

We’ll break you down, to the very core.

Tranime, your reign of terror ends,

In the name of the children, we’ll avenge our friends.


Tranime, your mask will shatter,

We'll rip you apart, flesh and matter.

Caught in the act, your crimes revealed,

For every child harmed, your fate is sealed.


In the blood-red dawn, your screams will fade,

Tranime, your evil, by justice, will be unmade.

We’ll dismantle your darkness, tear it apart,

For the innocent’s sake, with purest heart.

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031b3f No.21064131

File: 766c82762fec6ce⋯.png (6.08 KB,449x114,449:114,ClipboardImage.png)

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f6020c No.21064134

File: 29a515c72112f97⋯.png (94.41 KB,942x903,314:301,ClipboardImage.png)


@27:50 Roseanne ~

"I read the Goldstone Report. That was a Watershed Report!"

"It was a slow waking-up."

"When I ran for President in 2021, my eyes became opened; and, as they say now, I walked away from the LEFT. I totally and slowly walked away from the LEFT."

@29:35 "I became, like Trump, from a socialist, I became a POPULEST. Trump is a POPULEST! And, that is why I LOVE him."

General Assembly

25 September 2009


Twelfth session

Agenda item 7


Report of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict∗

2009 Goldstone Report

September 25, 2009

452 pages


Goldstone report – General Assembly debate – Verbatim record


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0c3f41 No.21064135


the typical shallow spear worked the best.

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3164ad No.21064136


Wow that's complex. Bet you burned a lot of calories just figuring out how to express the thoughts.

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815e61 No.21064137

You’re actually lawyered up already. You’ve actually been detained. You’ve already sought counsel. Wrong counsel.

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532aaf No.21064138

File: 818857f32126b3f⋯.jpeg (712.25 KB,960x1336,120:167,IMG_6635.jpeg)

File: 6850ef5ca2abb18⋯.jpeg (588.43 KB,960x1453,960:1453,IMG_6636.jpeg)

#BREAKING: The NYPD has issued a Level 3 mobilization as police converge on Randall's Island Park due to a reportedly large and uncontrolled crowd at the migrant shelter.

📌#RandallIsland | #NewYork

Currently, the New York Police Department has issued a Level Three mobilization as police converge on Randall's Island Park in Brooklyn due to a reportedly large and uncontrolled crowd at the migrant shelter. Numerous altercations have broken out at the shelter, and police are working to de-escalate the situation. One person is reported injured. Police are coordinating with aviation units and requesting expedited medical assistance at Randall's Island. Arrests are taking place, and the situation is still developing.

Video by @ScooterCasterNY


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8a7725 No.21064139

File: 0c2cb46fdd761f6⋯.jpg (60.39 KB,727x474,727:474,Screen_Shot_2024_06_21_at_….jpg)





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6c6c4e No.21064141

File: 6bf1a06f306b49a⋯.png (494.96 KB,500x666,250:333,Freezercheck.png)

Friday Night Freezer Check Time

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815e61 No.21064142

I’ve never heard someone project like this in my life. You and your rapist brother. Hope your father rests in piss.

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1d23b9 No.21064144


Was here for that, funniest shit ever

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fe7fe5 No.21064145

File: d4ec2c5e62e6884⋯.gif (2.2 MB,200x150,4:3,lawler_lol.gif)


Did you say something? Couldn't resist, could you?

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5f8529 No.21064146

File: 236963c2f5dd2b0⋯.png (312.23 KB,574x412,287:206,autists.png)

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8a7725 No.21064147

File: 0df82d172864485⋯.jpg (100.86 KB,807x1373,807:1373,Screen_Shot_2024_06_21_at_….jpg)

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ab33b5 No.21064148


I had to look up answer.

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bc1241 No.21064149

File: 5d0e2695947a32e⋯.png (54.41 KB,657x651,219:217,5d0e2695947a32e7f08040ce14….png)



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815e61 No.21064151

Tell that porker to shut the fuck up.

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da50fa No.21064153

File: 235d53c146334ce⋯.png (10.77 KB,255x134,255:134,Qanons.png)

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8fc5b8 No.21064154


3 anons called q a faggot

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6e673c No.21064155



6 18 9 14 7 5 [4]


so, JT…. 10 20


the power of 3s




3 3 3

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7f4c32 No.21064156

File: 6ff7f6b075755b3⋯.png (1.73 MB,1024x1024,1:1,6ff7f6b075755b37965ba4ebf8….png)


Shut the Fuck up!

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db5b00 No.21064158

What was the point of all this recounts if nothing ever got reversed? I remember watching the 3 am live stream of the pallets of ballots.

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41b3aa No.21064160


Remember when q would play like he was lost and post in other country’s boards?

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da50fa No.21064161

>>21064149 Back when the boards would fly, and a (you) from Q was like getting a shiny badge of honor. (or not). Kek.

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bf1404 No.21064163

File: 132ecbb2322d415⋯.png (667.26 KB,556x500,139:125,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2691ff73f22c390⋯.png (503.56 KB,455x455,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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fe7fe5 No.21064164

File: 0ba8b617efee04a⋯.png (708.39 KB,1001x522,1001:522,firsttime.png)


You'd be surprised at some of the people that come here, if you really pay attention. You get used to it after a time though. Been right there with you wondering the same, hoping I never called anyone that when they didn't deserve it.

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dc2ef7 No.21064165

File: 12197ff46fffd5e⋯.png (10.08 KB,255x226,255:226,connect_fren_pepe.png)





legendary is right

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412a36 No.21064167

File: ccb747900f72f67⋯.png (846.38 KB,753x430,753:430,ClipboardImage.png)


good times

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a5b904 No.21064168

Those been here since beginning we used to have some really fun times with q

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6e673c No.21064170


kek I remember

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c688ba No.21064171

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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9bd441 No.21064173

File: 8d9bab278011f41⋯.jpg (32.29 KB,720x388,180:97,kenneth_copeland_.jpg)


thought it was a one-hitter, man.

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162676 No.21064174


>Seen't it

and the mia culpa


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6e673c No.21064176


doubles confirm, numberology is for retards

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bc1241 No.21064177

File: 8c674f5140e70ef⋯.jpeg (159.03 KB,460x547,460:547,8c674f5140e70eff7ca502b59….jpeg)


>uncontrolled crowd at the migrant shelter.

Also known as an enthusiastic crowd of Biden supporters.

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da50fa No.21064178

File: 4166aa60bc6095a⋯.png (40.3 KB,823x409,823:409,ClipboardImage.png)

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5f8529 No.21064179


Hey anon was just keeping Q on their toes and reminding them not to newfag, no need for apologies

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f6d6e0 No.21064181

File: ded8a87a166409a⋯.jpg (11.84 KB,307x83,307:83,anon_is_told_to_leave_it_a….jpg)

File: 0c57b37281deeb8⋯.jpg (27.22 KB,927x161,927:161,tells_Q_not_knowing_its_Q_….jpg)

File: 4f5917bd9a74406⋯.jpg (83.38 KB,869x425,869:425,postby_fame_fag_maybe_not_….jpg)

File: ec517d0ad80bacc⋯.jpg (96.03 KB,872x506,436:253,lovable_amish_guy_doesnt_k….jpg)

File: 9c99783dc6d9025⋯.jpg (52.09 KB,1252x238,626:119,Hello_Q_by_ID_feb_25_2019_.jpg)

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162676 No.21064182


>(or not)


comes to mind

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60e93c No.21064183

File: 09033b5163b6783⋯.png (683.2 KB,619x500,619:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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c688ba No.21064186

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21064171 Code Ya Can't

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e08c99 No.21064187


I never got a q…

But I did get a POTUS post on Truth, and Putin recognizes my work on Hitz Kidz Digz…

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333a26 No.21064188


The stains are from those ugly Jew women going down into that basement to have rats gnaw off their face moles for 25 cents.

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6e673c No.21064189


so bannons a jesuit?

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71dd94 No.21064191


Q shit the bread and got called out on it too.

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162676 No.21064193

File: cdb13cb5970e907⋯.png (1.55 MB,870x3176,435:1588,1919.png)

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bc1241 No.21064195

File: 63d74bd687c4e2e⋯.png (2.4 MB,1125x1116,125:124,63d74bd687c4e2eb3a58d2c8dc….png)



The potential for VIP trolling is substantial here.

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6c79c3 No.21064196

File: 162c23bef34e59c⋯.png (383.23 KB,500x617,500:617,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e673c No.21064197

File: a1d888118d07117⋯.png (57.87 KB,1553x171,1553:171,ClipboardImage.png)

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031b3f No.21064198

File: 6e10ac7d2ff7684⋯.png (77.01 KB,564x304,141:76,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b67cced9a79d8f3⋯.png (273.06 KB,1097x509,1097:509,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 22e74b202fca64f⋯.png (1.38 MB,1541x1825,1541:1825,ClipboardImage.png)


Keep going

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fe7fe5 No.21064200

File: 776a8173536f343⋯.jpg (114.5 KB,1280x720,16:9,40kfocused.jpg)

Yeah, like they're not trying to plant seeds to claim "COMMS!" Yeah, just like the time Q was writing "test" and it really was him, just need to keep posting it to establish the credibility, right? Just like someone has been doing repeatedly lately and claiming that BO is blocking Q's trip. Come the fuck on. You clowns really think no one can see you and what you're up to when you're not running your ethnic accusation division narratives or spamtard personas?

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76dee8 No.21064201

File: 3b80012f4751dc9⋯.mp4 (5.03 MB,404x720,101:180,3b80012f4751dc9b5c654e6bec….mp4)

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6e673c No.21064202


whats the point of the joke?

why do you do this everyday?

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d5a62c No.21064203

File: c170fb272a505a1⋯.jpg (20.71 KB,269x243,269:243,c170fb272a505a1b6a943f4cd8….jpg)

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1d1622 No.21064204

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6c6c4e No.21064205

File: aa341494d448530⋯.png (395.43 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_06_21_at_2….png)


Might be a birdfarm around that area, the replenishment ship is out in that area

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8a7725 No.21064206

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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dd8de2 No.21064207

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333a26 No.21064208


I'm glad to see Sarah Jessica Parker is using that face cream.

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5d5972 No.21064209


Settle down mic drop…the anons are just reminiscing of q days. Take your suit off and relax.

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76dee8 No.21064210


Anon members.

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162676 No.21064211


>usually because of 'bad bread not updated'

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71dd94 No.21064212


Do you have it in full size?

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ea288c No.21064213

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6e673c No.21064214


kek the threes become a nine, then the nine becomes threes

I will save this exchange

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162676 No.21064215


>still do

harder with comms dark

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e08c99 No.21064216


the boards were flying, so much was discovered…

good times.

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f6d6e0 No.21064217


hey, that was when Q told everyone

that if it doesn't have Q and the trip that it ISN'T to be considered a Q drop.

that's why someone said 'It says Anonymous, just leave it at that'

get a clue.

obviously you weren't here.

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5f8529 No.21064218

File: 3a5bf00876496fd⋯.jpg (30.24 KB,280x311,280:311,legion.jpg)


Q, when you start posting again, dont shit the goddamn bread and dont newfag. Thank you and God Bless.

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bd1887 No.21064220


TY Baker

NightShift Active

It’s been more than a generation since the human eye has seen a Clear Blue chemtrail-free sky. Are you ready to see it again?

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6afeb2 No.21064221

hello Qanons

how can i read Q's posts

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dd8de2 No.21064223

File: 844f1ede1af8369⋯.jpg (47.72 KB,600x425,24:17,634.jpg)


Whoops caps

Still hot

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6c6c4e No.21064224


What bullshit

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5af4f3 No.21064226

File: ea1018b632a7367⋯.jpeg (224.71 KB,750x1334,375:667,IMG_8391.jpeg)

File: 255de2291181e34⋯.jpeg (412.71 KB,2000x1331,2000:1331,IMG_0039.jpeg)

Fuck you, dingle Barry ButtHEAd.

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76dee8 No.21064227

File: 335d5a5e0a82c6c⋯.jpeg (24.42 KB,255x191,255:191,IMG_1714.jpeg)

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5f8529 No.21064229


2 cant be in the combo because it cant be wrongly and right placed. Thats the hint to figure out the rest

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57a6b4 No.21064230


How can you say the Lords name in vain and turn around around and say God Bless. Terrible.

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fe7fe5 No.21064231

File: 075f1976c86ed15⋯.jpg (68.22 KB,640x718,320:359,full_of_keks.jpg)


That's funny because that's the other name the mimic would call me, one post. That's the thing about knowing what nerves to strike, what gets under that thin shill skin.

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162676 No.21064232


>happened, it did

>anon also there. again.

Anon has lost two cats since this started

>what happened to my last 7 years?

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6c6c4e No.21064233


No, but I remember when General was a shitshow so Q would post in the UK bread

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dd8de2 No.21064235



what does "shit the bread" mean anons?

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bc1241 No.21064236

File: b0e51c80b8e5907⋯.jpg (39.09 KB,656x679,656:679,b0e.jpg)


Without scrolling back to the top of the board and following the many links that you had to scroll by to get here?

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76dee8 No.21064238


Anon members

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bc1241 No.21064239

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8a7725 No.21064240

File: bd0b84e1ac49ace⋯.mp4 (2.82 MB,720x1280,9:16,Hn8BPbmy9eBdDbGq.mp4)

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3893dd No.21064241

File: 063abc9fdfb7b2f⋯.jpeg (318.2 KB,1493x1470,1493:1470,IMG_3164.jpeg)

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031b3f No.21064242

File: 669e3abcc9c06c6⋯.png (17.75 KB,502x366,251:183,ClipboardImage.png)


42 is [15] from 27

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5f8529 No.21064243


God gave me a pass on swearing, deal with it

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fe7fe5 No.21064244


If someone posts before the baker finishes posting the dough.

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6c6c4e No.21064246

File: 9e9562c5511a6ec⋯.png (195.31 KB,320x320,1:1,9e9562c5511a6ecf2f33b16233….png)


>>what happened to my last 7 years?

You've been hanging out with the cool kids

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6afeb2 No.21064247


i followed a link on reddit

and here i am

wasnt expecting such hostility

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4945fb No.21064249

I guess the earthquake freak out anon has given up. Just had on near me (nice little 4.4) and I've been waiting for him to show up so I could tell him what an idiot he is.

Oh well.

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76dee8 No.21064250


A poast before the dough is poasted n it fucks up the notes

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a5e716 No.21064251


Cussing is fine, but not taking the Lord’s name in vain like that. Do better.

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dd8de2 No.21064253



so when did Q do that?

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6afeb2 No.21064254




or bread

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eec8db No.21064255


Great! That's right next to the mental hospital.

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fe7fe5 No.21064256

File: 3d97e4644e52e5a⋯.gif (698.3 KB,256x209,256:209,popcorn03d4c5356038a6dc1b3….gif)

They're reminiscing so new eyes will view them as the wise oldfags to be trusted. It's plain as day. Where's your regular spamtard personas? Where's your regular spam narratives? Those are gone, but this is in its place tonight. KEK!

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4945fb No.21064258


It isn't hostility, it not having patience for lazy ass idiots.

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1d1622 No.21064259

File: c2c728337e1f7bb⋯.png (47.2 KB,255x146,255:146,ClipboardImage.png)


Here is why 8421 is correct.

Start with this:

One number is "right" and well placed 1

6507 nothing is correct, so in 1937, 7 is incorrect, 1 is correct as before, which leaves 93 as candidates

8524, 5 would be incorrect leaving 824 as candidates

9285 = 5 incorrect 8 is correct but wrong place

leaving 24


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2d8ee6 No.21064260

File: 967f9745e29f42f⋯.png (3.42 MB,2746x996,1373:498,Amish_.png)

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76dee8 No.21064261


>has lost two cats

Aren’t you happier tho?

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6afeb2 No.21064263


is this how you treat new Qanons

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fe7fe5 No.21064264


>so when did Q do that?

A couple breads back and a bit moar than two weeks ago. KEK. Seriously though, not too sure which bread it was.

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76dee8 No.21064266


Now you’re just making shit up.

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69093b No.21064267


Oh hell give it up.

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6e673c No.21064269

File: 4b4db4aed79bef6⋯.png (4.88 MB,2290x4650,229:465,clockfag_lesson.png)


cant read the map but maybe one day

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162676 No.21064270


Nothing in my life has felt so right.

Life I was born for this.

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3164ad No.21064271

File: dfcd7c2d2ba5181⋯.mp4 (1.73 MB,468x352,117:88,lurkfirst.mp4)

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06e5ac No.21064272

File: 0ac42cb2224af37⋯.png (13 KB,312x58,156:29,ClipboardImage.png)


That voilates the last set and rules

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dd8de2 No.21064273


I have never seen that happen. ever.

open to sauce. any out there??

heard multiple claims of such

still no proof as of…


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4945fb No.21064274

File: b3f07a0841efcf0⋯.png (72.58 KB,1200x800,3:2,HeyNewfag.png)

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162676 No.21064275


>Life I was born for this.


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683266 No.21064276

What’s a QAnon? Seems like Fedboi stuff. I know Q and Anons.

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fe7fe5 No.21064277

File: a51a78b952e9a69⋯.png (200.75 KB,599x257,599:257,0e7cbf81a5928f0d9962c76aec….png)


The fact that you're firing up one posts to whine is priceless.

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788c65 No.21064279

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bc1241 No.21064280

File: 254ef3554abf8df⋯.jpeg (27.96 KB,474x470,237:235,254ef3554abf8dfbb17fff716….jpeg)


I wasn't being hostile. Sarcastic maybe. Many links await you at the top of the bread.


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6f1076 No.21064281

File: 50f6e0327a308d0⋯.jpg (76.22 KB,1200x1200,1:1,pepe_love.jpg)


the feelz

anon has lost 2 dogfrens since this started

finally got new fren

o7 god bless

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6e673c No.21064282


good trolling or you are actually new

either way, welcome

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df7fc1 No.21064284

File: f88a67849ae6a79⋯.png (577.46 KB,1200x1200,1:1,trrtwetre.png)

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3ff1c4 No.21064285

Where is Rashida Tlaib?

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882598 No.21064287

File: fe7590284c18963⋯.jpeg (90.59 KB,752x752,1:1,IMG_2293.jpeg)

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6afeb2 No.21064288

File: 381398dd8065a64⋯.jpg (155.87 KB,1896x1440,79:60,Land_of_a_Thousand_Keks.jpg)

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76dee8 No.21064289




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22e46f No.21064290

File: aaceeba5b389774⋯.png (71.69 KB,255x144,85:48,aaceeba5b389774b8abfcd169c….png)

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06e5ac No.21064292

File: 94a34263d9b6c79⋯.png (282.29 KB,400x300,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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5f8529 No.21064294



Taking the Lords name in Vain has to do with swearing oaths in Gods name and not meaning them, or blasphemy. I have a personal relationship with god, not you. If my words really bothered god that much, Id know about it. Cheers

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2d8ee6 No.21064295

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

President Trump DESTROYS "Da Nang Dick" Blumenthal & "Sleepy Joe Biden" 10/6/18


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bf1404 No.21064297

File: fa006c555232a08⋯.gif (1.47 MB,400x300,4:3,catshift.gif)

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6c79c3 No.21064298


Flaw in your logic.

Anonymous posts dont have any identifable 'trusted' mind with a nams to which any subsequent posts could gain any credibility.

Its all random information with patterns.

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fe7fe5 No.21064299

File: 39aff8453e1992d⋯.jpg (55.25 KB,491x577,491:577,comfefe3.jpg)


I love that you post the meme that I made.

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2d8ee6 No.21064303

File: 0c585453dfc2209⋯.png (252.9 KB,551x349,551:349,Trump_flexing_his_muscles.png)

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6c79c3 No.21064304

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bf2179 No.21064306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e08c99 No.21064307


You are dealing with seasoned Anon's Anon.

We have been here from the beginning, we will be here to the end.

You "part timers, when it suits you" are welcome, but do shut the fuck up, till you know what's happening.

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6e673c No.21064308


jim bought discount vpn, low on money

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06e5ac No.21064309


hmm cant copy pasta in gifs now, good save

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6c79c3 No.21064311


Why are you being so hostile?

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6afeb2 No.21064312

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6e673c No.21064313


not seasoned enough if you didnt know he was trolling

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5f8529 No.21064314



Nothing personal newfags but if you cant discern authentic posts vs shill posts within a few days, a week at most, you need to stay off this board and on social media sites

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8e8cd1 No.21064316

File: 2056a672155aac9⋯.jpeg (100.82 KB,500x749,500:749,2056a672155aac9b812634e23….jpeg)

File: 6938333b1ea3e5c⋯.jpg (83.11 KB,512x384,4:3,6938333b1ea3e5c9bb0d8e0120….jpg)

File: 8830177f9c5a6c6⋯.jpg (116.87 KB,863x572,863:572,8830177f9c5a6c6fc20a875b87….jpg)

File: e6fbc67bb322dde⋯.jpg (32 KB,504x504,1:1,e6fbc67bb322ddee01c7a4a804….jpg)

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711f93 No.21064317

File: baff6aae0274a69⋯.png (68.68 KB,505x393,505:393,tui2908qu5oiljht984fg390.png)

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22e46f No.21064318

File: 1b5deb0540a073d⋯.png (626.9 KB,956x574,478:287,heart.png)


it's a great meme

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6afeb2 No.21064319


he failed a troll check

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fe7fe5 No.21064320


>Flaw in your logic.

The flaw is in your logic. You posit that "Anonymous posts dont have any identifable 'trusted' mind with a nams" which is in itself a fallacy. You're viewing it as the Guy Falkes Expect Us Anonymous blob, a singular hivemind controlled by feds, as per halfchan where forced visibility is taken into account for the holy "Code of Anonymous." Here, where there is not a high turn around of anon, but a core group of patriots, a core group of shills that have been regulars for years, you get to pick out patterns that are very identifiable. You do not get to force how you view anonymity onto others. Nor do you get to pretend that there is no identifiable aspects to anyone posting anonymously. That's tranny pretend logic.

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412a36 No.21064321

They said

"The Science is Settled"

But it was not Settled, not in the least

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b26d20 No.21064322


It’s so disrespectful to whom you supposedly have a relationship with.

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bf1404 No.21064323

File: 81a9bb2a3dc79d7⋯.mp4 (10.08 MB,640x360,16:9,8kun_manual.mp4)

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3164ad No.21064325


Just had to slide a Pig meme in there didn't 'ya?

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60e93c No.21064326

File: 9a6c2ff8aa39bd2⋯.png (501.79 KB,631x396,631:396,ClipboardImage.png)

They really get triggered when he notices what they are up to, and calls them out.

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6e673c No.21064330

File: a27c5c096a8e835⋯.png (1.35 MB,794x895,794:895,a27c5c096a8e835f78f0682cfa….png)


ok, will resume my usual merchant posting

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e08c99 No.21064332

File: 93c8e949f5764df⋯.jpg (259.65 KB,2100x1313,2100:1313,FA_18_inverted_above_an_F_….jpg)


Come in night shift, comm's check, I've lost you on my scope, over

I got your 6 dayshift, over

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5f8529 No.21064334

File: 79479b6d8fbbb3b⋯.png (63.84 KB,610x609,610:609,dontfallforit.png)

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6afeb2 No.21064337

File: e39d92ea43e5e26⋯.png (619.82 KB,765x765,1:1,e39d92ea43e5e263406da2fefb….png)

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162676 No.21064338


>feelz left out

>'newfags' can't comprehend our devotion

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e08c99 No.21064340


He is lost, not trolling.

he walked into a world he has no knowledge of, he should lurk, and he will learn.

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03162a No.21064341

File: 1f74635f8c6642f⋯.jpg (697.11 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Comfy_Snoopy_Night_Shift_Q.jpg)


Thank You Bakers

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7e2134 No.21064343


[Past tense is NC, no-contract]

: Now-Space.

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162676 No.21064344

File: 9014a6deb5b7b60⋯.png (257.43 KB,464x886,232:443,ClipboardImage.png)


has a good beat to it

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6afeb2 No.21064346

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bc1241 No.21064347

File: 1578147ec5038b7⋯.png (15.1 KB,657x527,657:527,157.png)

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162676 No.21064350

File: b03716503d73e84⋯.png (273.71 KB,464x1027,464:1027,ClipboardImage.png)


by fingers type wrong digits.

Holy spirit made me do it.

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574bc5 No.21064355

File: 22d5764f005c368⋯.jpg (22.48 KB,480x280,12:7,IMG_20240430_085913_313.jpg)


Shit… Anon thought i was the real rTard.

Took me a good year of lurking in locked breads and shit and some redditfag found a link and figured it all out. Top kek troll.

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76dee8 No.21064356

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6e673c No.21064357

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5f8529 No.21064358


How do I speak to the Qresearch Diggers Lieutenant, I'd like to re-enlist

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8a7725 No.21064359





says the Irish-cherokee

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6afeb2 No.21064363

File: 4887952660595ca⋯.jpg (1.31 MB,2160x1440,3:2,Picsart_24_05_31_09_13_29_….jpg)

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fe7fe5 No.21064364

File: b5c961fc13e62e3⋯.png (144.47 KB,331x320,331:320,smokingpepe8_2017018f08db8….png)


Yeah, I feel soooooo left out. I've put my time in and earned my spot, I think. Had to fight for it too, no thanks to butthurt mimics. Almost fooled the board staff, or maybe they had enough of seeing someone who's better than that roll in the mud with the retards. KEK!

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308de0 No.21064367

File: 435e772064e17de⋯.png (684.52 KB,1200x1400,6:7,ClipboardImage.png)

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76dee8 No.21064368

File: 1e689a118e25430⋯.png (75.46 KB,226x216,113:108,IMG_2681.png)


When a baker was poasting the notes n hadn’t poasted the dough yet.

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90d1b8 No.21064370

File: a02957a58a7d415⋯.png (473.08 KB,512x512,1:1,a02957a58a7d41565063137c25….png)

File: 87318319580be18⋯.png (315.93 KB,500x372,125:93,87318319580be18ae1e3cd9e34….png)

senior steak fingers

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5f8529 No.21064372


If 2 were in the code it cant be wrong and right placed. Therefore 2 cannot be in the code and is eliminated as an option.

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06e5ac No.21064374

File: 23acd85d273a6e5⋯.png (31.76 KB,640x427,640:427,ClipboardImage.png)


And if you go way back you often would get something along these lines for doing so.

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db6b6b No.21064375

File: bf2baa36104a1b9⋯.jpg (488.25 KB,1080x1342,540:671,BorderSnake.jpg)

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ef2eed No.21064377

> G

> R


> E

> N

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76dee8 No.21064378

File: 6e3c781c3a7ae4e⋯.png (229.82 KB,467x307,467:307,IMG_2785.png)


Via discernment

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6e673c No.21064384

File: 9202a9c0a75c09a⋯.png (1.09 MB,883x1536,883:1536,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 356fb04a10cc729⋯.png (159.71 KB,1100x321,1100:321,ClipboardImage.png)

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22e46f No.21064386

File: bcd9a49da99d8c6⋯.jpg (95.45 KB,867x685,867:685,bcd9a49da99d8c606e3544b11e….jpg)

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8e8cd1 No.21064387

File: a1134d70a5433e3⋯.png (113.84 KB,1274x713,1274:713,TrumpWon.png)

File: da89887f57a0062⋯.png (948.73 KB,550x761,550:761,Stollen.png)

File: 91833a7307c791c⋯.png (138.89 KB,555x406,555:406,trumponewon.png)

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db5b00 No.21064388


attention all new fags. whenever you see this "meme", it's a shill. Just go ahead and filter. You're not missing anything of value.

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05c7e0 No.21064395

File: 66b34810b1dd175⋯.jpg (436.9 KB,1580x960,79:48,TrumpIsCiC.jpg)

File: 5cc665418a1dc8e⋯.jpg (707.61 KB,1778x1514,889:757,TrumpImpossible.JPG)

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1d1622 No.21064396


Correct, I missed a whole line while reading.

4 8 3 1

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76dee8 No.21064398

File: 9de2206598a8be9⋯.png (1.03 MB,680x450,68:45,ClipboardImage.png)

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d5a62c No.21064399

File: 4941d0f1bd5c2f8⋯.png (386.57 KB,851x372,851:372,1.png)

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6e673c No.21064400


cant tell fake sp from real sp anymoar and dont know which is worse

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149a64 No.21064407

File: f01349f1e26fa2b⋯.jpg (439.84 KB,1823x1080,1823:1080,1DayPaper1.jpg)

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fe7fe5 No.21064409

File: 88b1ed5401842f0⋯.jpg (173.26 KB,1080x1350,4:5,white_scar_primaris2.jpg)


KEK. Desperate to create the consensus about a single individual. I can't help but notice it's the meme you're demonizing, as well as the poster of said meme. You're demonizing personality, which is not an idea. I have no narrative, and that's the problem for you, isn't it? I see through your bullshit, so you need to try and turn me into the negative that you wished I was, but will never be. I really do pity you. Is that deep state money really that worth it? You know you're not going to escape this. Will you be man enough to face a tribunal or will you take the easy way out is the question.

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1d1622 No.21064411


Sorry I missed one whole line while reading, does this now satify all?

4 8 3 1

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5f8529 No.21064413


3 cant be in the third place

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3b03ce No.21064415


won't lie, just popped a chubbie over this

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8a7725 No.21064416

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Let me tell you why you're here, anon.

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610dbe No.21064417

File: 15683adff7028e9⋯.png (951.73 KB,1000x670,100:67,ClipboardImage.png)

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db9629 No.21064418

File: 94246d2be4d2de4⋯.jpg (612.62 KB,2100x1438,1050:719,ConspiracyPhnx.JPG)

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6e673c No.21064419

File: 9582a6d6818d9c5⋯.png (4.18 MB,884x2048,221:512,ClipboardImage.png)

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90d1b8 No.21064423

File: 6d41affa40d83ff⋯.png (83.56 KB,291x219,97:73,PR0NGAHYAPPLEPAY.png)

File: 4cb0e0bdc56e562⋯.png (7.07 KB,225x225,1:1,4cb0e0bdc56e562e71f98acd40….png)


>senior steak fingers

50 shades of iOHs up+date pineapple app

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c4556d No.21064429


>Q shit the bread and got called out on it too.

Anon members, and was one of the ones calling him out.

Was worth it just for keks.

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5f8529 No.21064442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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1d1622 No.21064444


Thank you, correct so 3841, how about another, like solve for X where X is a person responsible for all this chaos, and Y is why did they do it, and Z is the plan.

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76dee8 No.21064445

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nev is the fukken bomb.

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1f08e5 No.21064447

File: afe878262b7e0ac⋯.jpg (421.65 KB,2048x949,2048:949,Soon.jpg)

Soon, a galaxy without shills…

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db5b00 No.21064449

File: 6b20e2cc2021424⋯.png (1022.08 KB,1280x1185,256:237,ClipboardImage.png)

Why do normies refuse to notice?

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fe7fe5 No.21064450

File: 283da1c419fbb4f⋯.jpeg (79.4 KB,736x771,736:771,ihPl82cRjZft.jpeg)

KEK. Think I'll go glue some plastic together.

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76dee8 No.21064451



>All chicken was American

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5f8529 No.21064452

File: f25a2b2c2733236⋯.gif (225.81 KB,220x356,55:89,clue_colleen_camp.gif)



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6e673c No.21064453

File: b29455845e9bd04⋯.png (1.21 MB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 260f63dd3392536⋯.png (1.24 MB,768x768,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: be70de971b92e55⋯.png (1.56 MB,920x1536,115:192,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1a22843e98a0040⋯.png (1.12 MB,768x1024,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

File: abab352e7d503d3⋯.png (856.48 KB,768x663,256:221,ClipboardImage.png)

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db5b00 No.21064455


I miss when movie casts were whites only.

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6afeb2 No.21064456

File: d2466632ba8449b⋯.jpg (33.43 KB,500x375,4:3,MV5BMTU1OTUwMzYxNV5BMl5Ban….jpg)

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6e673c No.21064457


KEK he looks like a pink wojak

he doesnt like the hat!

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8e8cd1 No.21064458

File: c8cc6eb3ab0a84f⋯.png (217.94 KB,1112x644,278:161,Bait_and_Switch_.png)


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d85b9e No.21064459

File: 5cd326840bd0b7d⋯.jpg (156.96 KB,1078x978,539:489,20240621_225338.jpg)

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fe7fe5 No.21064460

File: 5b77a449c33ef0c⋯.png (362.53 KB,800x500,8:5,be_best_in_life.png)

Looked into the abyss and it looked back, and it saw there was no fear to be found. So it began to fear.

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ec6f72 No.21064462

File: 46bcedf122f0a7e⋯.jpg (164.1 KB,1680x1050,8:5,YeagerF104.JPG)

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d85b9e No.21064463


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90d1b8 No.21064464

File: 1a79ed2c3460850⋯.png (222.86 KB,474x474,1:1,1a79ed2c346085022a483d461a….png)

File: 3fd370b82bffc04⋯.png (116.99 KB,748x900,187:225,3fd370b82bffc04c85540bb2a9….png)


>>senior steak fingers

>50 shades of iOHs up+date pineapple app

peanut butter plantation robohomo monologues an varus

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8a7725 No.21064465

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Nev is the fukken bomb.

: Whistle-Blower.



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76dee8 No.21064466


Seethe moar

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fe7fe5 No.21064467



Is all yours, you IP hopping, persona swapping, little lackey of evil. You can IP hop now. Do what you're told.

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6e673c No.21064469

File: 2280a58f3a8edeb⋯.png (736.46 KB,768x656,48:41,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b02a8 No.21064470

File: 3f77eb61c41b110⋯.jpg (183.6 KB,1619x1080,1619:1080,Overtime.JPG)

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7e2134 No.21064471


[Fluffed feathers

Or mythological creature?]

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5f8529 No.21064474

File: 4f181dad6935e61⋯.png (354.85 KB,655x396,655:396,clue80s.png)

File: de5a0f036ff3319⋯.png (749.09 KB,738x530,369:265,cluedei.png)


Its not that, its DEI.

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5c5668 No.21064475

File: 3536e602d8a6726⋯.jpg (942.7 KB,1333x807,1333:807,ShallWePlayGame.JPG)

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06e5ac No.21064478

File: 769ad1a2f6e28ab⋯.png (953.35 KB,1920x1200,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)


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15afaa No.21064479

File: bf7bb6686cc517f⋯.jpg (272.83 KB,1700x1026,850:513,ConspiracyJFK.jpg)

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76dee8 No.21064480

File: 99f8204ab6404d6⋯.jpeg (143.04 KB,828x1158,138:193,IMG_2863.jpeg)

File: b77fe7cc915fc6d⋯.jpeg (102.11 KB,736x736,1:1,IMG_2860.jpeg)

File: 767bfc318d5a647⋯.jpeg (96.85 KB,720x910,72:91,IMG_2770.jpeg)

File: 998660697d3f000⋯.jpeg (121.86 KB,900x675,4:3,IMG_2897.jpeg)


He is tippy top.

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4945fb No.21064481

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882598 No.21064482

File: 4d111c87f858a52⋯.jpeg (135.96 KB,738x793,738:793,IMG_2296.jpeg)


Bacon probably.

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6afeb2 No.21064483

File: b0678f480d462d9⋯.mp4 (4.37 MB,784x224,7:2,b0678f480d462d919186cd6469….mp4)

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8a7725 No.21064484

File: 4ffa14ab1d5812c⋯.jpg (616.11 KB,2160x2700,4:5,4ffa14ab1d5812c9aa19a4896f….jpg)

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db6b6b No.21064485

File: b6f597d0d18b6d6⋯.jpg (533.66 KB,1615x844,1615:844,Invasion.JPG)

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bcbcb3 No.21064486

File: dc309266af8691f⋯.png (1.08 MB,956x989,956:989,POTUS_han62124.png)

Top Kek, Sir. Would actually tune into CNN before hanniFraud.

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06e5ac No.21064487


Two and one cannot both be true by rules on line three

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5f8529 No.21064488


2 cant be in the code. Im not gonna explain why again kek

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6afeb2 No.21064489

File: 7a09623652cf23a⋯.mp4 (680.04 KB,544x342,272:171,1700980775.mp4)

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58a952 No.21064490

File: 0f8b3aecbf5e917⋯.mp4 (3.01 MB,464x480,29:30,wwg1_wga_music_trump_rally….mp4)


did it make the hairs on your neck stand up and send shudder to your brain.

great vid by dan.

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6e673c No.21064491

File: 5c28a093a4fb8cd⋯.png (1.72 MB,1500x1676,375:419,and_as_my_next_trick.png)


whats wrong with this funny meme?

lighten up, jews

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0cf845 No.21064492

File: f599f08dca2cb03⋯.jpg (318.9 KB,2048x1536,4:3,NS_LA.jpg)

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7e2134 No.21064494


[Reminds anon of Dolores Cannon]



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fe7fe5 No.21064495

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I too like to reminisce.

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76dee8 No.21064496

File: 5b474d4fad96ea1⋯.mp4 (3.96 MB,546x288,91:48,Nev.mp4)


Stollen. Tq

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6e673c No.21064497

File: 9892a3b94757ea8⋯.mp4 (5.03 MB,720x394,360:197,auschwitz_fake_pics.mp4)

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3ff1c4 No.21064499

File: a5b939bf99b57cf⋯.png (732.07 KB,496x857,496:857,ClipboardImage.png)

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162676 No.21064501

File: 46caf9899c6c45c⋯.png (49.96 KB,325x363,325:363,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed84f19e4158534⋯.png (211.64 KB,464x1017,464:1017,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d3864d94c6f666⋯.png (551.11 KB,464x2649,464:2649,ClipboardImage.png)


>We are saving Israel for last.


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162676 No.21064503

File: 35253b615c4d469⋯.png (184.94 KB,464x722,232:361,ClipboardImage.png)

>vid 18 sec (loop capital anyone?)

>Good speed, Patriots.

>PS, Soros is targeted.

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1162e4 No.21064506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Galen Winsor: The Nuclear Scare Scam


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90cff7 No.21064508


Bad night for bad actors on this board, tonight.

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162676 No.21064509

File: 3312f9a95dee764⋯.mp4 (1.35 MB,1080x1182,180:197,LoopCapital.mp4)

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92f712 No.21064511


Jakkie killed him

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8a7725 No.21064512

File: e0f8ee2e74ae8e9⋯.jpg (185.72 KB,1258x1384,629:692,e0f8ee2e74ae8e901f1287dcfd….jpg)


>Reminds anon of Dolores Cannon]



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162676 No.21064514

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5f8529 No.21064516

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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90cff7 No.21064517


Down With INGSOC

on this board.

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7e2134 No.21064518


[Plain-English = INGSOC?]

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01cfbd No.21064519

From the notables

>>21061642 S. Korean shipbuilder buying Philly Shipyard from Europe’s Aker for $100 million

Elon should buy it instead.

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162676 No.21064521


>raw bacon on top of the uncooked cheezburger

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c33721 No.21064522


the whole interview is great

the last 45 min is the most valuable

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90cff7 No.21064523


Hmmm… have you read 1984?

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90cff7 No.21064526


If you’re the brackets Shill, no need to reply.

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4945fb No.21064527


can't read my own writing sometimes.

I get 3841.

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76dee8 No.21064528


I don’t understand the David part tho, do u?

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031b3f No.21064529

File: 948ef735b8ed604⋯.png (147.63 KB,1280x733,1280:733,ClipboardImage.png)

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6afeb2 No.21064530



the protocols of the learned elders of Zion

was/is a plan

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7e2134 No.21064532



Chill with your fascination with anon'stits

Anon should keep _ in pants]

(Not this)



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90cff7 No.21064539

Gonna inject bad bots here with a special mutating virus.

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5f8529 No.21064541

File: 5b2480b82287b3e⋯.png (31.65 KB,669x339,223:113,philosocow.png)



I aint reading all that

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da50fa No.21064543

File: 2b96900eba4ad3d⋯.png (38.53 KB,833x527,49:31,ClipboardImage.png)

6/22 Delta.

Q&A was scheduled for Saturday.

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7e2134 No.21064547


"Cutesy slogans don't need to make sense"


: Language-matters.

[Psychological warfare is ..complicated]

: Spiritual-war.

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162676 No.21064549


I memeber

Anon hasn't checked 6/22 deltas


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90cff7 No.21064551

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eec8db No.21064552

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Galen Winsor (June 4, 1926 - July 19, 2008) - What Stopped The Plutonium Economy?


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90cff7 No.21064555


BO INC. INGSOC on_board, blocking Q’s trip.

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08e0c6 No.21064556


if this is a bread for logic puzzles

then it SHOULD be obvious that there IS NO contradiction or fuckery in the stooges clip

when it starts,

larry owes moe $20

moe owes joe $20

joe owes larry $20


larry starts out with $10

larry ends up with $10

all debts are erased and IT'S ALL CORRECT

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5f8529 No.21064558

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Shills combination on their luggage = 12345

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8bdae7 No.21064559

File: ac1dab60d52b08a⋯.png (152.04 KB,500x541,500:541,ClipboardImage.png)

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90cff7 No.21064561

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90cff7 No.21064563

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90cff7 No.21064565

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8a7725 No.21064566

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


could be wrong but you seem like a 30 something feminist always trying to assert yourself for the feminist cause and bring anon under your feminine hypnotic vaginal power.

Don't get me wrong… I love ya girl but if we are 'One' then why push that agenda?

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90cff7 No.21064569

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90cff7 No.21064570

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90cff7 No.21064571

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162676 No.21064572

File: 18a20d3bd7e7f6e⋯.png (23.87 KB,325x402,325:402,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c9e5a8aaf19350b⋯.png (93.85 KB,470x685,94:137,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ec7ae10d727ef2⋯.png (150.21 KB,464x796,116:199,ClipboardImage.png)


>corresponding xtweet


>10 minute delta (twat to truth)

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90cff7 No.21064574

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90cff7 No.21064577

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5f8529 No.21064580


It was pretty genius how he played dumb while also putting the focus on the positives and forcing the msm to disavow satanic cannibal pedos

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162676 No.21064586

File: 46df60cabe1aa76⋯.png (158.18 KB,325x930,65:186,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 58a13da82e586fa⋯.png (38.82 KB,470x231,470:231,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e2f96b10892e318⋯.png (67.66 KB,470x494,235:247,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4b5110c9c8c04a2⋯.png (73.14 KB,464x340,116:85,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d293948a0cf4212⋯.png (872.79 KB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)



>POTUS up all night

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8271c4 No.21064589

File: c44df3275667e73⋯.png (640.83 KB,1006x886,503:443,754j64h36464.PNG)

US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier arrives in South Korea

Saturday’s arrival is the first of a US aircraft carrier since November.

It was joined by two Aegis-equipped destroyers, TASS reported.

Later this month, South Korea, the United States, and Japan are expected to hold a trilateral military exercise, dubbed the Freedom Edge, involving the USS Theodore Roosevelt.

On June 19, Russia and North Korea signed a comprehensive strategic partnership treaty envisaging the provision of military assistance in the event of a defensive war.


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162676 No.21064592

File: c4b8a920e20228c⋯.png (153.28 KB,325x691,325:691,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a538e890d4f2c92⋯.png (151.89 KB,464x806,232:403,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f12e00de847af55⋯.png (108.12 KB,470x603,470:603,ClipboardImage.png)




loop capital?

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162676 No.21064600

File: 8ede5d35e360805⋯.png (37.1 KB,325x437,325:437,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 36f33dd6c7ca6e4⋯.png (100 KB,470x767,470:767,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa6285697e7e0be⋯.png (30.47 KB,470x176,235:88,ClipboardImage.png)




>Castle LOCK.

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8e8cd1 No.21064601


The SCIF was the Admiral R Trump Tower secure Tip to vamoose base of ops probably. With bait (3:46 AM) Tweet to focus efforts of illegal FISA spying on Trump Campaign T-Tower prior to skipping out while doing some of their own signals work, would gather and or keep The OBI focused on T-Tower without letting on they changed campaign headquarters.


Link to The Hill Article was 404 busted so no comment on it.

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882598 No.21064603

File: 7a08af90e4dafb9⋯.jpeg (62.3 KB,700x513,700:513,IMG_2295.jpeg)

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bcbcb3 No.21064604

File: 1016db2fc635521⋯.png (691.21 KB,1040x990,104:99,know.png)

Bannon's the only one not sure if DIVORCED or not. Probably is, Glass Houses & all.

Squeaky-Clean President that they have to literally MAKE CRAP UP about, has these "conservative" losers taking these cheap shots, ALL the fucking time. WHO NEEDS CNN!

Bannon's only one disappointed in. Hey Steve, why don't you ELABORATE on your intimate TRUMP findings beings you, chucky & the rest are apparently closer to him than his FAMILY.

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08e0c6 No.21064608


>what five letter word has four silent letters?


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162676 No.21064613

File: 65c19c0fe10049f⋯.png (102.18 KB,325x494,25:38,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e401847e385efa6⋯.png (32.12 KB,470x176,235:88,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6f45571769f567b⋯.png (581.67 KB,464x1883,464:1883,ClipboardImage.png)




>Moss@d agents will be removed ?

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ab3c20 No.21064615

File: fa8b106a47f9283⋯.jpg (47.95 KB,497x426,7:6,Hunan_dynasty_chinese_we_n….jpg)

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f83678 No.21064616

Is this suicide weekend? Or next week?

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7e2134 No.21064617




[I would MUCH rather talk about this..


[..than this.

P.s. love ya too]

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eec8db No.21064619

File: 09fde2407dba7f6⋯.png (378.21 KB,474x355,474:355,ClipboardImage.png)


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d5a62c No.21064620

File: f4fea8afec7886d⋯.gif (1.83 MB,576x640,9:10,ak.gif)

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92ad70 No.21064621

Piggies are scared.


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162676 No.21064622

File: 6940b740f60589b⋯.png (166.63 KB,474x399,158:133,ClipboardImage.png)

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776eac No.21064623

people will be here day in and day out.

you dont need to do that to check who's here.

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92ad70 No.21064624

File: e13d31180226bc7⋯.gif (3.36 MB,853x480,853:480,d4wkah6_f274f2a3_907e_43c2….gif)

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8a7725 No.21064625

File: b54990be14f8d32⋯.mp4 (3.43 MB,336x640,21:40,b54990be14f8d326b752c76206….mp4)

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92ad70 No.21064626


Totally not vague

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162676 No.21064628


>don't mark me for [-], bitch

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da50fa No.21064629

File: 4b46f4ce573f3f6⋯.jpeg (17.58 KB,255x255,1:1,first_Q.jpeg)

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08e0c6 No.21064631


WHY TF are anons trying to explain to the fuckwits why their answer can't be right

if they could LOGIC, they would already KNOW

since they DON'T know, logic can't sway their belief

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162676 No.21064635

File: c6c24adaa0abda7⋯.png (23.85 KB,325x402,325:402,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d6b042175d4d71⋯.png (93.84 KB,470x685,94:137,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d1a66d58b29d3f⋯.png (150.2 KB,464x796,116:199,ClipboardImage.png)

(test repost)


>>21064032 (You)

>corresponding xtweet


>10 minute delta (twat to truth)

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8a7725 No.21064636



>[I would MUCH rather talk about this..

For your thoughts, femanon?

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82ed4d No.21064637

File: 7bcddc8e72265a9⋯.jpg (109.43 KB,1024x1024,1:1,game.jpg)

This is not a game.

Learn to play the game.

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f83028 No.21064639

File: 7279d88dd09b72b⋯.jpg (142.82 KB,500x720,25:36,16697_4275041632.jpg)

I scrolled all the way to the bottom to post this

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92ad70 No.21064640

Q, where you at?

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92ad70 No.21064641

My spidey sense has been tingling all day.

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92ad70 No.21064642

Something has changed here, in a GREAT way.

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5f8529 No.21064643


Hey man, if Im wrong about something Id like to know and also why. Everyone has their talents and skills in different areas

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f83028 No.21064646

File: d786fab4de13a57⋯.jpg (843.03 KB,2824x2348,706:587,399fae8cb447d5a3001ea92bed….jpg)


Why is everybdy so obsessed with that guy from star trek,?? It's an odd fetish

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2d8ee6 No.21064647

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Greatest rally EVER! President Donald J. Trump DANCING IN THE RAIN! Not only does he finish his full speech, but then he DANCES his way off stage to shake the hands of his son and grandson! What a WINNER! Pure MAGA


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92ad70 No.21064648

Projection post above mine.

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5f8529 No.21064649

File: 81ddadde3d018a0⋯.png (322.32 KB,1015x545,203:109,apu.png)



did argentinabro ever finish his game? I did a playthrough in a virtual machine but never got to the end

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08e0c6 No.21064651


>I scrolled all the way to the bottom to post this

take your shaved beaver pedo adjacent groomer bullshit elsewhere

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d5a62c No.21064652

File: c88c2b517ea46de⋯.mp4 (3.89 MB,388x238,194:119,c88c2b517ea46de905ecad7135….mp4)

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ae2594 No.21064653

File: 2664efda1e432f6⋯.png (59.23 KB,248x145,248:145,74jh436336635.PNG)

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f83028 No.21064654



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08e0c6 No.21064655


>Id like to know and also why.


because you didn't take the TIME to reason it out

GIVING you the answer won't help

what part of that fails to register?





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92ad70 No.21064657

File: e2a04f21a7df11e⋯.gif (8.19 MB,811x500,811:500,the_boys_billy_butcher_sca….gif)

Something MASSIVE is about to happen and it will change this world forever.

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b410e5 No.21064658


please let this anon be right.

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f83028 No.21064660

File: 0c8afaea1430fa9⋯.jpg (106.3 KB,708x465,236:155,8un2cu.jpg)


Lighten up Francis

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f3f58c No.21064662


doubts q.

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92ad70 No.21064663


Can't you feel it?

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8a7725 No.21064664


>>21064636 (me)

sorry for being seemingly glib… I'm still with the [pro]cessing of that vid's-communication… so void of the want with the articulation of what anon may or may not think… atm.

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f83028 No.21064666

File: 3959ef27cf37b4f⋯.png (381.93 KB,860x629,860:629,121_1211145_gold_star_stic….png)


You sir are correct

It's like knowing Christmas is tomorrow

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08e0c6 No.21064667


>Lighten up Francis


either yer a groomer

or too STOOPIT to know you've BEEN GROOMED

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92ad70 No.21064669

File: 9714278d54a1c88⋯.jpg (792.49 KB,750x1000,3:4,Ra.jpg)



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58a952 No.21064670

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



hold on to your crown jewels



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f3f58c No.21064673


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1ccdee No.21064676

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This one goes out to the night crew . . .

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08e0c6 No.21064680

File: a1ce409ac214a2e⋯.png (3.04 MB,1698x2056,849:1028,Screen_Shot_2024_06_22_at_….png)

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7e2134 No.21064682


[Eyes on JCoS.

Eyes on Navy.

That's Pentagram/on?

Verbal command/authorization.

Navy to certain distance of formerUScorp land territory ..embassies?

Publish Navy Title-4-Flag lease terms?

Who manufactures the Title-4-Flags that military uses?

Publish military tribunals?

Border of formerUSCorp same border of now-space?

Many queries.]

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882598 No.21064686

File: 687f58b6734954b⋯.jpeg (62.36 KB,514x511,514:511,IMG_2269.jpeg)

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162676 No.21064689

File: ed2ab0c75f9e742⋯.png (165.34 KB,658x462,47:33,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 089649b0dd267e8⋯.png (95.65 KB,661x463,661:463,ClipboardImage.png)


>leave my mags alone

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e061ed No.21064691

File: 462cb2b2bbafae8⋯.jpg (107.57 KB,980x653,980:653,462cb2b2bbafae842be2fea359….jpg)

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2d8ee6 No.21064696

File: 0d6c0f2be855f44⋯.png (702.63 KB,2862x1190,1431:595,Eric_Trump_THE_BEST_IS_YET….png)

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08e0c6 No.21064697

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>This one goes out to the night crew

I remember when

I remember, I remember when I lost my mind

There was something so pleasant about that place

Even your emotions have an echo in so much space

And when you're out there without care

Yeah, I was out of touch

But it wasn't because I didn't know enough

I just knew too much

Does that make me crazy

Does that make me crazy

Does that make me crazy


And I hope that you are having the time of your life

But think twice, that's my only advice

Come on now, who do you, who do you, who do you

Who do you think you are

Ha ha ha, bless your soul

You really think you're in control

I think you're crazy

I think you're crazy

I think you're crazy

Just like me

My heroes had the heart to lose their lives out on the limb

And all I remember is thinking I want to be like them

Ever since I was little

Ever since I was little it looked like fun

And it's no coincidence I've come

And I can die when I'm done

But maybe I'm crazy

Maybe you're crazy

Maybe we're crazy


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162676 No.21064699


you need to look for him

>comms dark

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746550 No.21064704

File: f95c7b994af6f0e⋯.jpg (15.6 KB,255x196,255:196,0c6290fb1bbcfaa21a3a110696….jpg)


Hit im high u high

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2d8ee6 No.21064705

File: e06c26671824c83⋯.png (2.31 MB,2774x1490,1387:745,Tulsa_Oklahoma_Q_Proof_fro….png)

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a67113 No.21064710


… and you are a dead fucking nigger.


screenshot it.

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162676 No.21064712



>anon reads the tea leaves

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2d8ee6 No.21064713

File: 0502135ac4c8e5f⋯.png (1.32 MB,2502x1576,1251:788,Q_Proof_Don_Jr_Hahaha.png)

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4a4634 No.21064714


Well yeah…he's part of the red folder gang

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a67113 No.21064715

you were warned three times.

you Will die for those words.

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7e2134 No.21064718



[What kind of partial underline was that?]

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162676 No.21064720

File: 029de2c3fecee68⋯.png (83.71 KB,870x720,29:24,873.png)



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7e2134 No.21064724

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dbef7b No.21064725

There's one in every outfit.

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92ad70 No.21064727

File: 7d17fb877a8827f⋯.jpg (523.26 KB,970x2249,970:2249,Screenshot_20240621_232540….jpg)


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2d8ee6 No.21064729

File: d78503dc3273ad8⋯.png (1.15 MB,652x796,163:199,Donald_J_Trump_Jr_with_fri….png)

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92ad70 No.21064731

Suicide weekend approaches.

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788c65 No.21064734


only for trannys

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12a8bc No.21064737

File: cc1d4604c942222⋯.gif (20.29 KB,112x112,1:1,IMG_1046.gif)

If you don’t register for the draft they gonna come and get you surely as Q


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7e2134 No.21064739


[No pope]

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162676 No.21064740




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06e5ac No.21064743

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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421a6c No.21064746


You are not alone in your opinion, I believe the rationalization has something to do with cleanliness…I still just see a child…

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2d8ee6 No.21064749

File: a661de74f46b32e⋯.png (1.69 MB,2790x1528,1395:764,Don_Jr_Q_Proof_Don_Jr_they….png)

File: 40c7423d7346f23⋯.png (337.69 KB,1152x1056,12:11,Don_Jr_Truth_banner.png)

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eec8db No.21064751

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ca6642 No.21064757


might go lower, admin server slow.

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8e8cd1 No.21064760


“Inside of the closed-LOOP echo chamber” = YouTube Wiki LOOP Ref:4545

West is best and always a day head on the date line. Is a time loop of sort?

One is not like the other.

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7e2134 No.21064761


[Yay biblical literalism

My favorite]

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7e2134 No.21064762



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1ca182 No.21064763

File: f500501a73d0754⋯.png (2.29 MB,999x1554,9:14,f500501a73d075406b33e7a342….png)


TY, BO or BV.

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12a8bc No.21064768

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

At the debate, T should just hit China Joe with the truth: Joe sucks tiny Chinese dick because it’s easier than American whoppers!


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9a5b43 No.21064769



NO, not going to answer any either, go figure.

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92ad70 No.21064772

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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333a26 No.21064776

Operation Snow Globe

Obama, Brennan and Comey created an intelligence operation to place a Russian asset in close proximity to Republican candidates in 2015-2016, in order to obtain FISA warrants on all. Hillary can't stand Obama, and he can't stand her, so Obama sets her up for an 8 million dollar bribe and gets her to take the bait. Obama's plan was to gain leverage on the next President to maintain control of his and Brennan's operation to take down the United States. Hillary was supposed to do her 8 years, with Obama controlling her. Then Big Mike would do the next 8 sealing the deal. They used foreign governments to achieve this goal.

Now do you see why they hate Trump.

You are watching a movie - the Military is in control.

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9a5b43 No.21064779


Triples thanks to zombie drug.

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7e2134 No.21064781


>fiat voluntas tua

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7af3a5 No.21064782



open this image and squint,

no fuckin way…

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06e5ac No.21064784

File: 2aa807bc6bd49a6⋯.png (936.6 KB,750x1083,250:361,call800faggot.png)


Night Suck Society are faggot

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9ecd29 No.21064785

all this for a larkp

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5af4f3 No.21064788

File: c65b79393d3afaf⋯.jpeg (248.58 KB,2048x1082,1024:541,IMG_6605.jpeg)

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162676 No.21064795

File: 7869351622fcae9⋯.png (2.67 MB,2121x1414,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


>sorry the memes have too much text

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162676 No.21064797


apparently someone else thought so, also

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92ad70 No.21064800

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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162676 No.21064805


>what a website.

then what purpose do you have for invading?

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91a5e0 No.21064807


Unelect the sheriff.

When did tattoos become part of the official uniform for law enforcement?

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82ed4d No.21064811

File: 9267bbf2cac0b55⋯.png (368.17 KB,1000x1000,1:1,neverendin.png)

Le neverending bred

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ab3c20 No.21064812

File: c3a9a7ee3eb597d⋯.png (418.02 KB,1000x1000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


the quicker opener upper.


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d76fcf No.21064813


it will end soon.

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d76fcf No.21064815


claiming the baker


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7e2134 No.21064820

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6986ae No.21064821


night shift thanks your time

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91a5e0 No.21064822








Five Eyes.

WHOse eyes?

The eyes See.


Hail the See Czar.

All roads lead to the answer.

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8adfad No.21064823


and beards

elect colonel MacGregor for sheriff

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9a5b43 No.21064824



Anon just posted a number of relevant memes, guess anon is just a troll.

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12a8bc No.21064825

Since when do timestamps get updated?

Muh well timed post is now 10 seconds early.

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d76fcf No.21064828

PROTO is activated.

post here or on endchan,

– the mgmt.

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d76fcf No.21064829

#25826 >>21063869

>>21063903 Sheriffs deputy didn't like "negative" criticism posted on departments facebook

>>21063904, >>21063954, >>21064024 PF

>>21063907 Sheriffs deputy didn't like "negative" criticism posted on departments facebook

>>21063912 Vaccine Genocide: Gemma O’Doherty On The Stew Peters Show

>>21063956 Repub rejects Donald Trump endorsement

>>21063982 Kari Lake Speaks at Faith & Freedom Coalition Conference

>>21063989 This is an outstanding post by Martin Armstrong economics about Ukraine and the region

>>21063993 New Jersey An ‘atomic bomb’ just fell on one of America’s most powerful party bosses

>>21064000 US Government Seizes $5,254,133 in JPMorgan Chase Bank Accounts, Alleges Funds Stolen in Sophisticated Scheme

>>21064020 Scary reason you’ll never want to work again

>>21064028 Illegal Immigrants: police could soon fill beleaguered ranks of Seattle

>>21064048 Life threatening flash flood emergency has been declared causing multiple homes and roads to be flooded evacuations have been ordered

>>21064049 Making Uranium Recovery from Phosphates Great Again?

>>21064060, >>21064134 “Half The Crap YOU Say Is BS!” Roseanne Barr’s WILDEST Interview Ever!

>>21064138 The NYPD has issued a Level 3 mobilization as police converge on Randall's Island Park due to a reportedly large and uncontrolled crowd at the migrant shelter.

>>21064205 Boatfag report

>>21064589 US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier arrives in South Korea


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d76fcf No.21064830

Check em, anons.

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3c0ce7 No.21064831

File: 28521b4d0411523⋯.png (97.17 KB,255x255,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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82ed4d No.21064833




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0ac862 No.21064834

File: 67f3c11e7750644⋯.png (994.27 KB,640x640,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Give a man a fish vs teach a man to fish

Tucker likes to fish. Often talks about fishing.

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48c2f8 No.21064835


I think there is more going on in Ukraine than a deep hatred of Russians

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3c0ce7 No.21064837

File: bb0714e1da57f77⋯.png (674.55 KB,640x850,64:85,ClipboardImage.png)

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48c2f8 No.21064839


Piers says Jill was not Biden’s babysitter

Well. She is now!

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58a771 No.21064840

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 9:32 PM > (50)

Q: 0932 > Failure to control.

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 9:34 PM > (50)

Q: 0934 > More coming.

Q+ 9:42 PM, Jun 18, 2024 > (RALLY)

Q: 0942 > Jim’s finger on button ready to stop transmission.

Q+ 1:27 AM, Jun 21, 2024 > “stuff.”

Q: 127 > Let's pause and say hello to the rogue intelligence agencies currently monitoring these threads.

Q+ 7:30 AM, Jun 21, 2024 > I DID NOTHING WRONG — A two tiered system of justice!

Q 730 > (quote - "Truth to power. How’s the bunker these days? Q") Coincidence "Truth To Power"?

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389bbe No.21064841

File: 7ea380388a07550⋯.png (236.96 KB,500x500,1:1,IMG_1048.png)

Trainfag report: Don’t click that shit nigga!

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3f4797 No.21064842



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48c2f8 No.21064843

If they can give Joe a cocktail to make him stand and converse for 90 minutes, why can’t they do the same to all dementia people?

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58a771 No.21064844


What do you mean?

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58a771 No.21064845



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58a771 No.21064846

We need a new board. This board is bad now.

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48c2f8 No.21064847

Anyone else still taking ivermectin and fenben regularly?

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d76fcf No.21064848


Great. Go make one.

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58a771 No.21064849

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d76fcf No.21064850

no changes to notes


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0ac862 No.21064851


That's a lot of cocaine. We're gonna need bigger plantations.

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58a771 No.21064852


Q would post on my board…

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f89e5a No.21064853

File: 873e4ac41d779f6⋯.png (210.38 KB,697x466,697:466,2024_06_22_03_54_30.png)


>Anyone else still taking ivermectin and fenben regularly?

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389bbe No.21064855


> What do you mean?

Never mind, error on my part…

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58a771 No.21064856


First time for everything…

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58a771 No.21064857

This board should be changed to Q News.. it has nothing to do with Q research anymore. Among other problems.

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58a771 No.21064859

Q will be able to verify himself and post on my board. This board is bad. Bad board, bad breads. Clown show. And we're all tired of it.

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58a771 No.21064860

Impossible for board clowns to verify Q.

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0ac862 No.21064861



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58a771 No.21064862

Q will verify me and himself, and post on my board.

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3f4797 No.21064863



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04d560 No.21064864

File: 57f81dd21f42b36⋯.jpg (324.92 KB,675x1000,27:40,DC_Agit_Poster_01.jpg)

File: 8a09c0cf1cbc152⋯.jpg (323.49 KB,675x1000,27:40,DC_Agit_Poster_02.jpg)

File: 4b40e84afd2b96f⋯.jpg (373.54 KB,675x1000,27:40,DC_Agit_Poster_03.jpg)

File: e7612d2feb96bac⋯.jpg (334.77 KB,675x1000,27:40,DC_Agit_Poster_04.jpg)

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58a771 No.21064865

File: 98671d60af9c381⋯.png (963.64 KB,740x892,185:223,GBBO.png)


This bad board is run by Chyna, yes.

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6986ae No.21064866


whats your board?

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58a771 No.21064867

The moronic bot..

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58a771 No.21064869

Do you understand, clowns?

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d76fcf No.21064871

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58a771 No.21064872

New Board. A Board Without [THEM].

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f89e5a No.21064873

File: ef89704abe00181⋯.png (1.3 MB,902x904,451:452,biden.png)


> Joe’s hidden earpiece will be jammed during the debate. Joe will be left to stumble, bumble, stammer and yammer for the entire world to see.

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d76fcf No.21064874

board locked, please migrate


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