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File: a47b61172ec678b⋯.png (382.64 KB,705x516,235:172,ClipboardImage.png)

412a36 No.21063864 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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579 posts and 354 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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82ed4d No.21064811

File: 9267bbf2cac0b55⋯.png (368.17 KB,1000x1000,1:1,neverendin.png)

Le neverending bred

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ab3c20 No.21064812

File: c3a9a7ee3eb597d⋯.png (418.02 KB,1000x1000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


the quicker opener upper.


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d76fcf No.21064813


it will end soon.

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d76fcf No.21064815


claiming the baker


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7e2134 No.21064820

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6986ae No.21064821


night shift thanks your time

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91a5e0 No.21064822








Five Eyes.

WHOse eyes?

The eyes See.


Hail the See Czar.

All roads lead to the answer.

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8adfad No.21064823


and beards

elect colonel MacGregor for sheriff

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9a5b43 No.21064824



Anon just posted a number of relevant memes, guess anon is just a troll.

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12a8bc No.21064825

Since when do timestamps get updated?

Muh well timed post is now 10 seconds early.

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d76fcf No.21064828

PROTO is activated.

post here or on endchan,

– the mgmt.

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d76fcf No.21064829

#25826 >>21063869

>>21063903 Sheriffs deputy didn't like "negative" criticism posted on departments facebook

>>21063904, >>21063954, >>21064024 PF

>>21063907 Sheriffs deputy didn't like "negative" criticism posted on departments facebook

>>21063912 Vaccine Genocide: Gemma O’Doherty On The Stew Peters Show

>>21063956 Repub rejects Donald Trump endorsement

>>21063982 Kari Lake Speaks at Faith & Freedom Coalition Conference

>>21063989 This is an outstanding post by Martin Armstrong economics about Ukraine and the region

>>21063993 New Jersey An ‘atomic bomb’ just fell on one of America’s most powerful party bosses

>>21064000 US Government Seizes $5,254,133 in JPMorgan Chase Bank Accounts, Alleges Funds Stolen in Sophisticated Scheme

>>21064020 Scary reason you’ll never want to work again

>>21064028 Illegal Immigrants: police could soon fill beleaguered ranks of Seattle

>>21064048 Life threatening flash flood emergency has been declared causing multiple homes and roads to be flooded evacuations have been ordered

>>21064049 Making Uranium Recovery from Phosphates Great Again?

>>21064060, >>21064134 “Half The Crap YOU Say Is BS!” Roseanne Barr’s WILDEST Interview Ever!

>>21064138 The NYPD has issued a Level 3 mobilization as police converge on Randall's Island Park due to a reportedly large and uncontrolled crowd at the migrant shelter.

>>21064205 Boatfag report

>>21064589 US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier arrives in South Korea


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d76fcf No.21064830

Check em, anons.

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3c0ce7 No.21064831

File: 28521b4d0411523⋯.png (97.17 KB,255x255,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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82ed4d No.21064833




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0ac862 No.21064834

File: 67f3c11e7750644⋯.png (994.27 KB,640x640,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Give a man a fish vs teach a man to fish

Tucker likes to fish. Often talks about fishing.

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48c2f8 No.21064835


I think there is more going on in Ukraine than a deep hatred of Russians

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3c0ce7 No.21064837

File: bb0714e1da57f77⋯.png (674.55 KB,640x850,64:85,ClipboardImage.png)

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48c2f8 No.21064839


Piers says Jill was not Biden’s babysitter

Well. She is now!

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58a771 No.21064840

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 9:32 PM > (50)

Q: 0932 > Failure to control.

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 9:34 PM > (50)

Q: 0934 > More coming.

Q+ 9:42 PM, Jun 18, 2024 > (RALLY)

Q: 0942 > Jim’s finger on button ready to stop transmission.

Q+ 1:27 AM, Jun 21, 2024 > “stuff.”

Q: 127 > Let's pause and say hello to the rogue intelligence agencies currently monitoring these threads.

Q+ 7:30 AM, Jun 21, 2024 > I DID NOTHING WRONG — A two tiered system of justice!

Q 730 > (quote - "Truth to power. How’s the bunker these days? Q") Coincidence "Truth To Power"?

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389bbe No.21064841

File: 7ea380388a07550⋯.png (236.96 KB,500x500,1:1,IMG_1048.png)

Trainfag report: Don’t click that shit nigga!

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3f4797 No.21064842



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48c2f8 No.21064843

If they can give Joe a cocktail to make him stand and converse for 90 minutes, why can’t they do the same to all dementia people?

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58a771 No.21064844


What do you mean?

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58a771 No.21064845



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58a771 No.21064846

We need a new board. This board is bad now.

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48c2f8 No.21064847

Anyone else still taking ivermectin and fenben regularly?

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d76fcf No.21064848


Great. Go make one.

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58a771 No.21064849

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d76fcf No.21064850

no changes to notes


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0ac862 No.21064851


That's a lot of cocaine. We're gonna need bigger plantations.

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58a771 No.21064852


Q would post on my board…

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f89e5a No.21064853

File: 873e4ac41d779f6⋯.png (210.38 KB,697x466,697:466,2024_06_22_03_54_30.png)


>Anyone else still taking ivermectin and fenben regularly?

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389bbe No.21064855


> What do you mean?

Never mind, error on my part…

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58a771 No.21064856


First time for everything…

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58a771 No.21064857

This board should be changed to Q News.. it has nothing to do with Q research anymore. Among other problems.

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58a771 No.21064859

Q will be able to verify himself and post on my board. This board is bad. Bad board, bad breads. Clown show. And we're all tired of it.

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58a771 No.21064860

Impossible for board clowns to verify Q.

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0ac862 No.21064861



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58a771 No.21064862

Q will verify me and himself, and post on my board.

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3f4797 No.21064863



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04d560 No.21064864

File: 57f81dd21f42b36⋯.jpg (324.92 KB,675x1000,27:40,DC_Agit_Poster_01.jpg)

File: 8a09c0cf1cbc152⋯.jpg (323.49 KB,675x1000,27:40,DC_Agit_Poster_02.jpg)

File: 4b40e84afd2b96f⋯.jpg (373.54 KB,675x1000,27:40,DC_Agit_Poster_03.jpg)

File: e7612d2feb96bac⋯.jpg (334.77 KB,675x1000,27:40,DC_Agit_Poster_04.jpg)

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58a771 No.21064865

File: 98671d60af9c381⋯.png (963.64 KB,740x892,185:223,GBBO.png)


This bad board is run by Chyna, yes.

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6986ae No.21064866


whats your board?

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58a771 No.21064867

The moronic bot..

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58a771 No.21064869

Do you understand, clowns?

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d76fcf No.21064871

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58a771 No.21064872

New Board. A Board Without [THEM].

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f89e5a No.21064873

File: ef89704abe00181⋯.png (1.3 MB,902x904,451:452,biden.png)


> Joe’s hidden earpiece will be jammed during the debate. Joe will be left to stumble, bumble, stammer and yammer for the entire world to see.

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d76fcf No.21064874

board locked, please migrate


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