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File: dc25943a1b27067⋯.png (375.72 KB,875x466,875:466,trump_never_surrender_text.png)

f15ebb No.21064854 [Last50 Posts]

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f15ebb No.21064858

International Q Research Threads

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Call to Meme posts: please include in notables if it seems noteworthy


#25826 >>21063869

>>21063903 Sheriffs deputy didn't like "negative" criticism posted on departments facebook

>>21063904, >>21063954, >>21064024 PF

>>21063907 Sheriffs deputy didn't like "negative" criticism posted on departments facebook

>>21063912 Vaccine Genocide: Gemma O’Doherty On The Stew Peters Show

>>21063956 Repub rejects Donald Trump endorsement

>>21063982 Kari Lake Speaks at Faith & Freedom Coalition Conference

>>21063989 This is an outstanding post by Martin Armstrong economics about Ukraine and the region

>>21063993 New Jersey An ‘atomic bomb’ just fell on one of America’s most powerful party bosses

>>21064000 US Government Seizes $5,254,133 in JPMorgan Chase Bank Accounts, Alleges Funds Stolen in Sophisticated Scheme

>>21064020 Scary reason you’ll never want to work again

>>21064028 Illegal Immigrants: police could soon fill beleaguered ranks of Seattle

>>21064048 Life threatening flash flood emergency has been declared causing multiple homes and roads to be flooded evacuations have been ordered

>>21064049 Making Uranium Recovery from Phosphates Great Again?

>>21064060, >>21064134 “Half The Crap YOU Say Is BS!” Roseanne Barr’s WILDEST Interview Ever!

>>21064138 The NYPD has issued a Level 3 mobilization as police converge on Randall's Island Park due to a reportedly large and uncontrolled crowd at the migrant shelter.

>>21064205 Boatfag

>>21064589 US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier arrives in South Korea


>>21064829 #25826

#25825 >>21063098

>>21063159 Dr. Jerry Tennant Gives Compelling Talk on the Body’s Electrical System and Healing with Voltage

>>21063171 US State Department's ‘The Welcome Corps’ allows colleges and universities to provide US citizenship to illegal immigrants

>>21063184 Santa Monica’s New Law Will Send Properties into Foreclosure for Large Investors to Snap Up

>>21063190 Four members of Britain's richest family handed jail sentences

>>21063136, >>21063144, >>21063181, >>21063202 Memes

>>21063324 CONSPIRACY NO MORE: Explosive Undercover Footage Reveals Biden’s State Department Official Admitting ‘Great Replacement Theory’ is REAL

>>21063329 Polish president to visit China

>>21063840 ExLabs Receives Space Force Funding Increase to Further Develop System for Advanced Capture Solutions

>>21063860 #25825

#25824 >>21062330

>>21062359, >>21062590, >>21062774 Judge dismisses charges in Nevada fake electors case over venue question, attorney general to appeal

>>21062395 Florida Mayor Drops Bombshell Resignation, Accuses Town Council of Rampant Corruption in an Email Sent to Residents

>>21062402, >>21062407 Her testicles

>>21062405 Metro Atlanta Judge Christina Peterson Arrested At Downtown Bar After Assaulting Police Officer

>>21062410 Louisiana becomes first state to allow surgical castration as punishment for child molesters

>>21062444 Pfizer Pro Quo: More evidence emerges that drugmakers cut deal to help Biden win election

>>21062462 Newly named Washington Post editor decides not to take job after backlash, will stay in Britain

>>21062492 White House promotes Biden official who compared police to slave patrols, wants to abolish ICE

>>21062519, >>21062595 Crappie Fishermen Save 38 Dogs from Drowning in Mississippi’s Grenada Lake

>>21062544 Americans react to the video of Biden freezing up and wandering

>>21062550 PF: Gitmo express going back to base…

>>21062580 2nd Amendment SCOTUS decision

>>21062568, >>21062626 Genovese mobster ‘Tony Cakes’ ID’d as elderly NYC pedestrian decapitated by DOT truck

>>21062652 Trump Media Announces $69.4 Million in Initial Proceeds from Warrant Exercise

>>21062689, >>21062876 DHS Group Called Being ‘Religious’ An ‘Indicator’ Of Domestic Terrorism

>>21062712 Gov. Pillen Declares State of Emergency for Panhandle Wildfire

>>21062714 PF: SAM899 G5 returning to JBA from Sitka, Alaska | Accidental discovery of sunken ship near Sitka reveals surprising history

>>21062718 US Navy's Air & Sea Assets Track Russian Sub Off East Coast, While Rest Of Flotilla Heads South

>>21062727, >>21062753 Full Biden clip at G7 is even worse than the 'cheap fake' the White House showed us

>>21062737 Steve Bannon files appeal to Supreme Court in bid to stay out of jail

>>21062745 Appeals court finds 'Obamacare' pillar unconstitutional in suit over HIV-prevention drug

>>21062746 US Treasury receives $556.7 million from auction of airline warrants

>>21062749 IDF spokesman says Hamas can’t be destroyed

>>21062783, >>21062788, >>21062809 Illegals Voting Is The Most Serious Threat To Our Republic

>>21062837, >>21062776 Biden: Summer has arrived at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

>>21062895 Winklevoss Twins Donate $2 Million in Bitcoin to Donald Trump

>>21062906 Removed under new US asylum policy, deportees in Arizona contemplate next steps

>>21062918 BBC's Nick Robinson interviews Nigel Farage

>>21062947 Streisand in effect

>>21062971 Ben Shapiro Defends AIPAC Babysitters: 'Those Are Just Constituents'

>>21062984 Julie Kelly: Judge Cannons Evidentiary Hearing Precursor For What To Expect In Next Week's Hearings

>>21062991 The Supreme Court rejects a settlement in a water dispute between New Mexico and Texas

>>21063017 The military isn’t sharing many details about an incident at Peterson Space Force Base on Friday

>>21063029 DJT 10 Commandments

>>21063051 Canada: Rick Leary steps down as CEO of TTC

>>21063073 Chattah: Nevada Fake Elector Case Thrown Out In Big Win For MAGA

>>21063069 Mil / Misc

>>21062345, >>21062398, >>21062429, >>21062454, >>21062499, >>21062512, >>21062518, >>21062528, >>21062578, >>21062601, >>21062603, >>21062646, >>21062663, >>21062833, >>21062862, >>21062863, >>21062869, >>21062996, >>21063012 Memes

>>21063083 #25824

#25823 >>21061531

>>21061552 Kansas AG Kris Kobach Sues Pfizer For Misleading Vaccine Marketing

>>21061592, >>21061968 DJT: President of Brotherhood of Teamsters has accepted my invitation to speak at the RNC Convention in Milwaukee

>>21061609 Parasites

>>21061613 DJT: Trump crushed Biden with 10-point lead

>>21061633 Top State Department Official Quits Biden's Administration

>>21061642 S. Korean shipbuilder buying Philly Shipyard from Europe’s Aker for $100 million

>>21061662 PF: UAE military helicopter over London

>>21061663 Chinese Migrants Crossing California Border Hits 4-Month High

>>21061692 Northrop Grumman Delivers 2 Arctic Satellite Broadband Satellites Ahead of Launch

>>21061705 Trump Rally in Philadelphia on Saturday @ 6PM ET

>>21061745 Multiple people injured, including one officer, after mass shooting outside Arkansas grocery store

>>21061787 US - Trends in Death Rates from Neurological Diseases, Ages 15-44

>>21061790 ABC News executive editor Stacia Deshishku quits after exit of boss Kim Godwin

>>21061792, >>21061841 PF: Saudi AF HZWBT7 747 Dopey went to Euro Airport Basel-Mulhouse-Fribourg, France from Palma

>>21061795 Phillip Patrick: Washington Plans To Spend 50% More Than We Collect Every Year

>>21061826, >>21061965 Bowman’s Folly: New York Dem Appears To Have Plagiarized From ‘CRT: An Introduction’ For Dissertation

>>21061853, >>21061979, >>21062026 Alaskan Command operations director killed in civilian aircraft crash

>>21061860 "Everything Is Frozen": Third-Day Of Cyberattack Leaves 15,000 Auto Dealerships Crippled

>>21061864 Rishi Sunak threatens teens with sanctions for refusing national service

>>21061875 @Kash: Nevada 6 electors case dismissed

>>21061876 Ukrainian Drone Swarms Target Four Russian Refineries In Major Attack

>>21061883 Family of taekwondo black belts save woman from being raped, pin down suspect

>>21061908 Biden Seeks to Delay COVID Vaccine Safety Data Release Until 2026

>>21061918, >>21061946 Biden DHS Board Painted Trump Supporters, Military And Religious People As Terror Threats, Docs Show

>>21061922 Vid from 90s of gays and lesbians warning of pedos infiltrating their community

>>21061926 Migrant crime off the charts

>>21061929 PF: Gitmo express just touched down at Fort Lauderdale

>>21061934 Judge Judy comes out against Alvin Bragg

>>21061953 Archbishop Vigano announces he is being tried for schism

>>21061980 President Trump to hold Virginia rally next week

>>21061981 Doctor who exposed trans procedures at Texas Children's Hospital faces 10 years in prison

>>21061986, >>21062008 Louis CK hates himself

>>21062016 Disturbing Evidence by Feds to Censor You on Social Media

>>21062019 There was never thought to be a way to “undo” the shots - until now

>>21062028 Supreme Court Should Step Up For Trump

>>21062047 Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen supports Biden’s choice “not to shut down the border entirely”

>>21062053 “A Gallon of Vodka a Day” - Hunter Biden’s Baby Mother Tells All

>>21062056 Top Cardiologist Drops Bombshell: Covid Shots Caused 112,000% Spike in Brain Clots

>>21062094 Ex-FBI Undercover Asset Risks All to Prove Jan. 6 Was a ‘Fedsurrection’

>>21062110 Mike Bloomberg backs Biden with $20 million contribution against Trump

>>21062117 News Blast for week of June 20th

>>21062133 European newspaper says citizens better get used to not having electricity all the time

>>21062137 Supreme Court Rules Accused Domestic Abusers Can Be Legally Barred from Possessing Guns

>>21062183, >>21062188 Trump provided important information to Bradley Edwards, attorney for Epstein’s victims in 2009

>>21062194 Trump Promises to Staple Green Cards to Diplomas

>>21062213 Sikorsky Support Services and Derco Aerospace Settle $70M of Improper Markups on Spare Parts for Navy Trainer Aircraft

>>21062220 Former State Senator and Sister/Business Owner Charged with Obstruction of Justice

>>21062247 US infant blood / DNA stored in government labs for decades

>>21062265 Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron's oddball love story, as she fights trolls wo clam she's trans in court

>>21062279 @RepNancyMace: Next week, we examine how Biden is in the pocket of big labor with his pricey project labor agreement mandate

>>21062302 Mil / Misc

>>21061567, >>21061702, >>21062224 Memes

>>21062315 #25823

Previously Collected

>>21060701 #25821, >>21061519 #25822

>>21058054 #25818, >>21058801 #25819, >>21059666 #25820

>>21055504 #25815, >>21056394 #25816, >>21057805 #25817

>>21052756 #25812, >>21053514 #25813, >>21054574 #25814

>>21050336 #25809, >>21051042 #25810, >>21051859 #25811

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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Post last edited at

f15ebb No.21064868

File: 7d87c7e038cc00c⋯.png (240.74 KB,437x348,437:348,shill_roundup.png)



TY anons for your contributions

have a great weekend,


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7d8d18 No.21064870

File: 5c41dafa460a6bc⋯.png (46.71 KB,866x461,866:461,search.png)

File: 51d911bd2d3c993⋯.png (145.27 KB,800x600,4:3,connect_fren_board_game.png)


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f15ebb No.21064875


Baker is OUT.

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df5edf No.21064876

File: e59274d791dcc82⋯.png (766.04 KB,540x720,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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0398fe No.21064877

File: cf42f479c9b9c0e⋯.jpeg (62.55 KB,541x1000,541:1000,IMG_1049.jpeg)

The three red lines (Chinese:條紅線, Simplified:条红线, Pinyin: sān tiáo hóng xiàn) are financial regulatory guidelines in China introduced in August 2020 relating to the ratio of debt to cash, equity and assets.[1] It was introduced to help rein in the highly indebted property-development sector in China, seen especially in large real estate concerns such as Evergrande, which faced a liquidity crisis in Q4 2021.[2]

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2eddc9 No.21064878


Trip test.

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0398fe No.21064879


Adding link:


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a27122 No.21064880

File: 5c28a093a4fb8cd⋯.png (1.72 MB,1500x1676,375:419,5c28a093a4fb8cd54d4f1ebe5e….png)

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a27122 No.21064881

File: 6b20e2cc2021424⋯.png (1022.08 KB,1280x1185,256:237,6b20e2cc2021424f85695779fc….png)

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a27122 No.21064882

File: be70de971b92e55⋯.png (1.56 MB,920x1536,115:192,be70de971b92e5592a8134b39a….png)

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a27122 No.21064883

File: 808ef83bacf8090⋯.png (544.81 KB,732x660,61:55,808ef83bacf809095071c2b078….png)

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df5edf No.21064884

File: aaef923fc99e572⋯.png (415.71 KB,568x568,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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6a1d62 No.21064885

BREAKING:Matt Drudge video surveillance surfaced of him inside his home just like judge Merchan it's what appears to be a lengthy surveillance operation.

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f8100e No.21064886

What will happen today?

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f8100e No.21064887

Anybody watching the country while the masses sleep?

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f8100e No.21064888

Out of Covfefe?

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f8100e No.21064890

It's about the break!

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4be6ce No.21064891


Just One More Rodeo

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4be6ce No.21064892


hot dogs so hot rite nao

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7ced79 No.21064894


The Sun will rise.

The Sun will set.

Soon™ will continue.

I'll go sell about 600 lbs of high grade scrap copper I've got in muh garage.

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f8100e No.21064895

File: f281037ecd57922⋯.png (409.79 KB,815x900,163:180,ClipboardImage.png)


I'd say it is time for PDJT and Melania to go back to the WH, today. Nothing new on Twitter/X.

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f8100e No.21064896


Rally at 9:00 am

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7530b2 No.21064897

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4be6ce No.21064898

File: b27493c695c44e9⋯.png (115.42 KB,268x257,268:257,ClipboardImage.png)


day fukked

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9929d5 No.21064899

File: 7692c2006380a04⋯.png (3.08 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_9796.png)


I can’t quit laughing!

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f8100e No.21064900

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f8100e No.21064903

File: 552aed88c4557be⋯.jpg (3.8 KB,276x183,92:61,one_penny.jpg)



>I'll go sell about 600 lbs of high grade scrap copper

That could make a pretty penny.

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4be6ce No.21064905


say the thing

do the thing

we are ready.

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7dfbce No.21064906

File: 8976ab9a22cbaea⋯.png (1.04 MB,1080x1139,1080:1139,Sgggg_1.png)


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f8100e No.21064907


I always think every Friday is going to be the Tweet.

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7ced79 No.21064909

File: 490d2ed66c3ca0e⋯.png (158.06 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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4be6ce No.21064910

>we have to be ready 4 it

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4be6ce No.21064911


>too quiet ?

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4be6ce No.21064912


he sees you.

he lovers you.

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4be6ce No.21064913



too many

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8c83b0 No.21064917


>we are ready.


>we have to be ready 4 it


For God and Country

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193735 No.21064919

File: 4de9261a9fc1056⋯.png (413.31 KB,618x554,309:277,ClipboardImage.png)


Election Interference.


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8c83b0 No.21064920


Who is he that you refer too?

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8c83b0 No.21064921


It has always been this way. Time to stop the music.

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4be6ce No.21064922



>so contra vertial

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7ced79 No.21064923

File: a82ecc1119cd57a⋯.png (63.07 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


I've been tripping over it for about four years.

Prices are up so now I can convert it into silver.

When the S/G ratio improves I'll convert into gold.

Alchemy is fun!

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4be6ce No.21064925


>shills may rise

>sills may fall


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76abae No.21064927

They sleep at dawn

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8c83b0 No.21064929


>When the S/G ratio improves I'll convert into gold.

Alchemy is fun, but God's Light makes gold literally look like dross in comparison and valueless. This is why I literally sold my future for it, that all might have it.

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8c83b0 No.21064933


Amen, you people are doing God's work and fostering his Kingdom come by ridding the world of evil.

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4be6ce No.21064934

>PEDOs are abhorrent

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00b40e No.21064936


Homo Africans

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7ced79 No.21064939


> God's Light makes gold literally look like dross in comparison and valueless.

Well, until then I'm taking care of me and mine. If God wants muh gold, he knows where it is and he can come get it.

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4be6ce No.21064943


tHings will happen/

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8c83b0 No.21064944


The best wine is saved for last.

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4be6ce No.21064945


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8c83b0 No.21064946


The best wine is saved for last.

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4be6ce No.21064951



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a9429b No.21064954

>>21062689 (pb)

>DHS Group Called Being ‘Religious’ An ‘Indicator’ Of Domestic Terrorism

it's true though, if you add the word muslim in there somewhere and that's how they operate, half-truths

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8c83b0 No.21064956


Because they do not get it, none of them.

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969ab5 No.21064958

File: a0fe7079d3f6e79⋯.jpeg (353.01 KB,1560x2205,104:147,IMG_2774.jpeg)

Who is this?

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969ab5 No.21064959

File: 3226289808aac6d⋯.jpeg (272.78 KB,1366x912,683:456,8F914512_E694_4575_9F25_0….JPEG)

File: 82b417854a29398⋯.jpg (737.38 KB,1960x1688,245:211,IMG_2204.jpg)

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4be6ce No.21064960




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969ab5 No.21064962

File: 2a2e44602fc817e⋯.jpeg (320.98 KB,912x1366,456:683,AD6F3821_3A07_446D_AA0C_3….jpeg)

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969ab5 No.21064963

File: d974e31952a4d48⋯.jpg (188.5 KB,560x826,40:59,Climate_Change_Global_Sea_….jpg)

File: 7e229667e19901a⋯.png (1.68 MB,2360x1640,59:41,Global_Sea_Level_Zero_Chan….PNG)

File: d581ba072a5df9a⋯.jpg (400.27 KB,1325x947,1325:947,Climate_Change_Global_Sea_….jpg)

File: 4d9d31358988cd4⋯.jpg (384.36 KB,924x775,924:775,Global_Sea_Level_Zero_Chan….jpg)

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969ab5 No.21064964

File: 8f2773e56871db1⋯.mp4 (1.1 MB,640x360,16:9,uWvp5Fv655SYN6ye.mp4)

File: d6d33398e6f7395⋯.mp4 (1.01 MB,576x1024,9:16,LW_i2o_kqQTkexc1.mp4)

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8c83b0 No.21064965

When you get things into perspective, the real problem of this world is that no one ever considers this moment as their last.

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890698 No.21064966

Eve = Evil

Led Zeppelin

Been dazed and confused for so long it's not true

Wanted a woman, never bargained for you

Lots of people talk and few of them know

Soul of a woman was created below, yeah

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029d0c No.21064967


Do you belong to the 100+ kids club?


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6ba594 No.21064968

Good Mornimg! Get in here!

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8c83b0 No.21064969


But they sure do act like it is.

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8c83b0 No.21064970


Deja Vue

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969ab5 No.21064972

File: ead7cf699be7a5f⋯.png (977.88 KB,600x800,3:4,F625F53C_6FD5_44E9_B2BD_A6….png)

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969ab5 No.21064974

File: d0cc49930677452⋯.png (944.75 KB,624x800,39:50,96DEFEB9_5B60_4596_9641_81….png)

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029d0c No.21064975

File: 05bbd6246ed87cc⋯.jpg (373.59 KB,1125x1178,1125:1178,american.jpg)

File: 09f160e1ad13844⋯.jpg (557.9 KB,774x1136,387:568,apu.jpg)


˙ʇsnɐɔoloɥ uɐɯɹǝƃ ǝɥʇ ɟɹɐʍp llıʍ ɐɔıɹǝɯɐ uı ʇsnɐɔoloɥ ǝɥʇ

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f03686 No.21064977

File: eb75f9b39b272c4⋯.jpg (182.64 KB,1560x720,13:6,New_ghost.jpg)

File: 2ad0e361b445a1f⋯.jpg (115.07 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Ghost_bake.jpg)


ThanQ Ghost Baker!

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f03686 No.21064978

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f03686 No.21064979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

GM, Guise.

Saturday is SRV Day!

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ee33e7 No.21064980

File: 6d965e44e735acf⋯.png (386.06 KB,768x631,768:631,Screenshot_2024_06_22_at_0….png)

Former TMZ personality Van Lathan on Friday said that one reason black voters are backing former President Donald Trump is because he embodies the “American dream.”

CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten on Monday said Trump is “careening towards a historic performance” among black voters as polls suggest President Joe Biden is hemorrhaging support among younger African Americans. Former CNN host Don Lemon on “The Don Lemon Show” said Trump represents what people “would like to say and like to have,” to which Lathan concurred, noting that “even some of the brothers that we see celebrating Trump” appreciate the former president for this reason.

“In a lot of ways, Donald Trump is, I should say for a lot of people, Donald Trump is the most crystal-clear example of the American dream,” Lathan said. “He is somebody who does whatever he wants, no matter who he hurts. He is somebody who says whatever he wants and he’s only stronger because of it. Like, there’s a freedom that some people aspire to in America, and it only comes with the ability to crush something.”

“A lot of people’s idea of the American dream isn’t us all doing well and having what we want; it’s dominance. It’s ‘we’re number one, we’re the best, we’re at the top of the food chain, we are sharks.’ And Donald Trump seems like an apex predator because he eats everything around him, even the people closest to him and no one calls him into question for it. And I think that’s what a lot of people want,” he added.

Lemon followed up by asking more specifically why black voters in particular are moving to Trump, with Lathan answering that the Democrats have not been “inspiring.”

“They don’t feel particularly inspired by Joe Biden,” he said. “They don’t see things changing in their neighborhoods, and the political promises they’re aware of from Joe Biden, they can see very obviously that they didn’t happen. And sometimes that runs at cross purposes with some of the other things the president has done, but if you say, ‘Hey, he didn’t give us voting rights,’ or ‘Hey, he didn’t give us police reform, that’s what he said he was going to do and it didn’t happen.’ Those are very big holes in what has happened in the last three years for Joe Biden.”

“When you’ve gotten all your social cues from different hip-hop artists [and] luminaries, those people are essentially capitalists that are waging their own PR wars and it’s hard to tell Donald Trump apart from them,” Lathan said. “I’ll just be honest with you, if you really look, it’s hard to tell Donald Trump from Jay-Z. That’s not saying that Jay-Z looks at the world like Donald Trump does. I’m not saying that at all. But what I’m saying is, you have a guy who is charismatic to the people that follow him, who acts in the interest of capitalism [and] making money, and who everybody else around him worships him and people look at it and go, ‘Well, that’s America. I want to be that guy.'”

CNN national politics correspondent Eva McKend recently claimed she can “say with certainty” that Democrats are “worried” about Trump gaining black voters.


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ee33e7 No.21064981

File: 6c0fb6aa458d940⋯.png (610.54 KB,908x698,454:349,Screenshot_2024_06_22_at_0….png)

File: fdd6d2d1662be31⋯.png (35.34 KB,498x247,498:247,Screenshot_2024_06_22_at_0….png)

President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) brainstormed about infiltrating local communities to spy on Americans, and suggested being “religious” or “in the military” was an “indicator of extremists and terrorism,” excerpts of documents obtained by America First Legal (AFL) purportedly show.

These excerpts, released Thursday by AFL, purport to show how in 2023, the DHS’s newly created “Homeland Intelligence Experts Group” looked for ways to expand their spying on American citizens, including by trying to “get into local communities in a non-threatening way” to get fellow Americans to tattle tale on their neighbors.

The committee, on which John Brennan and James Clapper — both notorious for their participation in the Russia-collusion hoax as well as for falsely claiming Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation — sat, also suggested religious Americans, members of the military, and Trump supporters were possible security threats, according to segments of the documents released by AFL.

“If you ask researchers to dive into indicators of extremists and terrorism, they might indicate being in the military or religious,” one segment states. “This being identified as an indicator suggests we should be more worried about these. We need the space to talk about it honestly.”

According to the released excerpts, the group appeared to acknowledge a “political advantage” to having the “political backdrop” be tied to Trump.

“There is a political backdrop to all of this. It seems that most of the Domestic Terrorism threat now comes from supporters of the former president,” the segment states. “It is not like you want a political advantage, but people have attacked the government and its institutions for the last six years.”

While the Biden administration agreed to disband the “Experts Group” in May after an AFL lawsuit, other federal agencies under Biden have ramped up their efforts to criminalize “opposition to the regime,” as my colleague Jordan Boyd pointed out.

The FBI has targeted Trump supporters under the auspices of fighting domestic terrorism, as a report from Newsweek explained in October, citing “a dozen current or former government officials who specialize in terrorism.”

Not only did the FBI expand its “anti-government or anti-authority violent extremists” (AGAAVE) classification to include the “furtherance of political and/or social agendas,” but it also created a new terrorism category, “AGAAVE-Other,” in October of 2022.

“[Y]es, in practical terms, it refers to MAGA, though the carefully constructed language is wholly nonpartisan,” an FBI officer told Newsweek.

This is a top-down ideology, exemplified by Biden himself espousing the baseless yet inflammatory claim that “MAGA Republicans are a threat to the very soul of this country.”

But the real threat is Democrats’ unabashed use of law enforcement agencies to target political dissidents. The FBI, for example, used a document from the left-wing extremist group, Southern Poverty Law Center, to target Catholics for beliefs like opposing abortion and holding orthodox views on sex. The FBI labeled these individuals as “racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists,” as reported by The Daily Signal.


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ee33e7 No.21064982

File: b0c3911eb33dc0a⋯.png (1.34 MB,1200x825,16:11,Screenshot_2024_06_22_at_0….png)

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9089dd No.21064983


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969ab5 No.21064985

File: bdadf0b0ff959e1⋯.jpeg (224.95 KB,968x930,484:465,IMG_2789.jpeg)

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ee33e7 No.21064986

File: 2a62bd809137849⋯.png (454.66 KB,927x776,927:776,Screenshot_2024_06_22_at_0….png)

File: 3f1f72ad5f6350c⋯.png (483.11 KB,687x553,687:553,Screenshot_2024_06_22_at_0….png)

Donald Trump is coming to Philadelphia Saturday for a rally at Temple University, a first for the former president who famously said “bad things happen” here.

The rally comes less than a week ahead of the first presidential debate of the 2024 election, which takes place Thursday in Atlanta. It will be the first time appearing on a debate stage since 2020 for both Trump and President Joe Biden, since Biden didn’t face a serious challenge during the Democratic primary and Trump skipped the debates held during the Republican primary.

Trump is likely the first Republican presidential candidate to hold a campaign rally on Temple’s campus, an area where he struggled to gain support during his previous two presidential runs. In 2020, Trump received just 5% of the vote in precincts within a half-mile radius of Temple University’s main campus, according to an Inquirer analysis of election data.

This isn’t Trump’s first visit to Philadelphia this election cycle. In February the former president made a brief appearance at Sneaker Con at the Philadelphia Convention Center, where he was booed while unveiling a pair of gold sneakers priced at $400. He also appeared at a beach rally in Wildwood, last month, where he falsely claimed there were riots at his alma mater the University of Pennsylvania and criticized Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner.

Trump’s rally is being held at The Liacouras Center on Temple’s campus in North Philadelphia.

The 10,206-seat venue, which opened in 1997, hosts Temple basketball games and other events. It was originally named “The Apollo of Temple” but was renamed in 2000 to honor Temple President Peter Liacouras prior to his retirement.

Doors are scheduled to open at 3 p.m., and Trump is expected to begin delivering his remarks at 7 p.m.

It’s unclear how long the rally will last. Last month in Wildwood, Trump was late to the stage and spoke for more than 90 minutes.


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7ced79 No.21064987

File: 05bbd6246ed87cc⋯.png (373.59 KB,1125x1178,1125:1178,ClipboardImage.png)


Substitute the words Israel/Israeli with Khazaria/NAZI.

Substitute the word occupied with infiltrated.

Then, it all makes sense.

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029d0c No.21064988


how come israel used to be such a nice place before the inbred europoids ruined it all with hate? the muslims and jews barely noticed eachother and enjoyed tasting each others olive oil and stuff

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969ab5 No.21064989

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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ee33e7 No.21064990

File: fc5612bcb15a1f4⋯.png (747.8 KB,696x464,3:2,Screenshot_2024_06_22_at_0….png)

File: 1c173f70797a076⋯.png (2.04 MB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot_2024_06_22_at_0….png)

File: 858ebbf8be5db8f⋯.png (271.03 KB,640x480,4:3,Screenshot_2024_06_22_at_0….png)


i am a temple graduate, so excited to see that President Trump will be holding a rally there

so, when i attended the university back in the 80's, the student body consisted of roughly 1/3 black, 1/3 jewish, and 1/3 working class whites

the university is located in north philadelphia, which is an impoverished and high crime area of the city, predominately african American

temple was known for its stellar basketball team back in the 80's

the temple football team has been notoriously awful, with exception in 2015, when temple beat penn state for the 1st time since 1941

look forward to watching Trump speak at the rally today and am interested in seeing the crowd demographics give the location

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969ab5 No.21064991

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7ced79 No.21064992

File: c25f459471060fd⋯.png (22.02 KB,220x330,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Jon Voight or some other actor in a mask.

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367b9b No.21064993

G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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91ddcd No.21064994

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: President Trump Keynotes the Faith and Freedom Coalition's "Road to Majority" - 6/22/24

President Donald J. Trump will return to Washington, D.C., on Saturday to headline the Faith and Freedom Coalition's "Road to Majority" conference.

Watch LIVE on Saturday, June 22, 2024, starting at 11:30 a.m. ET.


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91ddcd No.21064995

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: President Trump Holds a MAGA Rally in Philadelphia - 6/22/24

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks at a Rally in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, June 22, 2024, at 7:00 PM ET.

Watch LIVE on RSBN starting at 12:00 p.m. ET. Time is an estimate based on President Trump finishing an event in Washington, D.C.

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ca6204 No.21064996

File: 42452013b10033c⋯.png (1.02 MB,1085x1085,1:1,GMSunshine.png)



Rise & Shine

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7ced79 No.21064997



All the world is a stage.

To deceive the sheople.

Nations are owned and controlled to play their role when called upon.

This has been going on for many thousands of years.

Because it works.

Because it benefits the owners and controllers.

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fabce0 No.21064998


Nah Jon Voigt is a pretty good actor,

Not a piece of shit who makes sidemoney drugging teens and selling the alcohol, spreadibg negativity, promoting drugtrafe, but then speaking positively, just another Hellwood fraud from faggot ass builders and architevts, twosted fake poets, illiterate ass piece of ahit garbagemen covered in shit, or cunts who cant bake, sew, or play cards for shit

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ca4f80 No.21064999

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip

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ee33e7 No.21065000

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d5c843 No.21065001

File: 7af7fe1c0350b4f⋯.jpg (55.69 KB,640x300,32:15,StephenKing.jpg)

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ca6204 No.21065002

File: c52e3cddf4c780d⋯.jpg (220.36 KB,921x1280,921:1280,GMSaturday.jpg)


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029d0c No.21065003


Pretty much. You know the world is truly fucked when nazis and jews on 8kun get along better than normal people IRL.

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ca4f80 No.21065004

File: bc4be1edf029922⋯.png (414.95 KB,596x845,596:845,gl.PNG)


Green Lives Matter


Newly unveiled Body Camera footage of the Vegas shooting proved that shots were being fired AFTER Paddock was already supposed to be dead.

The same fed that was in charge after the extremely suspicious Hawaii fires was also there at the Vegas shooting.

What really happened in Vegas that night?

Imagine what was happening behind the scenes. There is so much we do not know.

-Important security footage has never been released.

-No motive was ever found from Paddock.

-The man who allegedly took down Paddock, Jesus Campos, immediately went onto the Ellen show to give his story as a handler sat next to him. He then fled the country, never to be seen again.

-The list of questionable happenings during that fateful evening is too many to count.

When will the government start telling the people the truth?


8:24 AM · Jun 21, 2024




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d5ffbc No.21065005

File: c19cea480a8c023⋯.png (608.74 KB,510x495,34:33,dsfgdhd.png)

File: e41c091682b8a05⋯.png (163.6 KB,515x261,515:261,ujrdstzd.png)

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208321 No.21065006

File: 919775f62642286⋯.jpg (624.97 KB,1085x1085,1:1,919775f6264228637f918e8de0….jpg)

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5360b7 No.21065007

File: 5430975b2ea7899⋯.jpg (24.59 KB,480x378,80:63,5430975b2ea7899ff9bdc2bb1e….jpg)

Are any anons watching the daily updates on YT re the situation in UKr?

If not then fwiw UKr are being driven back everyday. Russia used a 3000kg glide bomb today, big bang. Several power sub stations taken out today.

HOWEVER…much of the battle zone which is a HUGE front, has many towns/villages etc. All have massive "gaza" destruction. just empty concrete shells.

So the Q is "Where are all the people?" There is no mass migration of civillians fleeing. Did they already leave? Did the men all get killed & women & children vanish?

Where they ghost towns/cities anyhow? Did the residents move out years ago? Where did they go? Can't all have been trafficed, could they?

to put that in perspective 47 men were caught today trying to escape of to mudovia. Just 47.

Any anon got a theory?

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208321 No.21065008

File: f029ff2b1cfb1ee⋯.mp4 (6.68 MB,1088x1472,17:23,Pridemonth.mp4)

Oh shit!

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6d34fd No.21065009

File: 06b17f2bc594576⋯.jpg (108.22 KB,480x705,32:47,06b17f2bc594576baa7b695d11….jpg)

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ca4f80 No.21065010

File: ef8ddb60a3a1972⋯.png (1.4 MB,1092x842,546:421,fam.PNG)


Alina Habba's Inspiring Family Story and the Struggle for Freedom

Alina Habba is a lawyer working for Donald J. Trump

Justin Deschamps

Jun 21, 2024

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0c32f0 No.21065011


Squinting because masks like this are uncomfortable how they stick to the face around the eyes.

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208321 No.21065012

File: 1ad40bece7ccd04⋯.jpg (97.37 KB,758x1214,379:607,20240621_174648.jpg)

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ca4f80 No.21065013

File: 68ea5ee03a6fbc0⋯.png (21.61 KB,594x394,297:197,zon.PNG)


Rep. Jim Jordan



We knew that @Amazon

censored books because of pressure from the Biden @WhiteHouse


Now we know which books:

–Children’s Books

–Books for Parents

–Books critical of Big Pharma

🧵 Thread:

1:41 AM · Jun 21, 2024




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5360b7 No.21065014

File: 97a51f350553130⋯.jpg (7.63 KB,255x135,17:9,gaza_fakeBloodDrips.jpg)

File: ccfce0bef198590⋯.jpeg (187.2 KB,909x706,909:706,gaza_fakeDead.jpeg)


>The list of questionable happenings during that fateful evening is too many to count

Like the gun fire from different level from where "shooter" & guns found? Like the blind concierge that never saw gunman carry huge amount of guns up to his room? It was a FF hopefully will all come out sooner than later.

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eea23f No.21065015

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029d0c No.21065016

File: 823a0832b86baad⋯.jpg (57.04 KB,640x640,1:1,optimized.jpg)

You will join the globohomo.

You will own nothing.

You shall bear no children.

And you will be free.

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91ddcd No.21065017

File: d167ff9684f834a⋯.mp4 (563.88 KB,426x240,71:40,use_a_scarf.mp4)

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e9f706 No.21065018

It's time to break the silence about the child trafficking ring and witness disappearance strategy in the Pembina Valley, Manitoba, Canada.

This area is right on the border with North Dakota, U.S.A. There is a lot of child trafficking across the border in this region. Towns that look cute on the surface but the quaint veneer covers real hell.

People in this valley have lived in terror for a long time.

Witnesses are disappeared through a torture facility known as "Eden Mental Health Centre". Many survivors of cult rituals are processed through Eden for "re-education" and then dumped in the Pembina Valley and kept isolated to die slowly. The "mental health" system here has one purpose only: silence witnesses and keep the population in fear. https://edenhealthcare.ca/

The welfare system in the Pembina Valley is used to keep witnesses hidden. Most witnesses are kept heavily drugged by Eden so they may not even remember who they are. Welfare is used as a cult money laundering scam: the victims are required to give their welfare money to handlers as "rent"; loyal cult assets are given rent money as a reward for imprisoning survivors. These situations persist for years or even decades. It is unknown how many witnesses are being held against their will in the Pembina Valley - at least hundreds, possibly more.

The entire region is corrupt and run by cult members. It operates as a closed system. Impenetrable.

Immediate intervention is required to shut down this criminal gang.

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5360b7 No.21065019

File: 09732e878c2f2f5⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,353x210,353:210,Parkland_1.jpg)

File: c985a0a183bd475⋯.jpg (15.94 KB,380x304,5:4,parkland_2.jpg)

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ca4f80 No.21065020

File: 9da974a11921e6a⋯.png (1.38 MB,1080x842,540:421,v.PNG)


“This is the Definition of Corruption”

— AG Merrick Garland is Now Calling

GOP Lawmakers, Coercing Them Not to Vote

for ‘Inherent Contempt’

Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hoft

Posted By: Imright, 6/22/2024 6:30:07 AM

GOP Rep. Anna Paulina Luna said last week that she will bring force an inherent contempt vote to the House floor after the DOJ declined to prosecute US Attorney General Merrick Garland. “Under inherent contempt proceedings, the House or Senate has its Sergeant-At-Arms, or deputy, take a person into custody for proceedings to be held in Congress,” according to the National Constitution Center. The Justice Department won’t prosecute Merrick Garland for contempt of Congress over the Biden audio tapes. In a letter to House Speaker Mike Johnson on Friday, the department said, “The department has determined that the responses by Attorney General Garland to the subpoenas issued

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ca4f80 No.21065021

File: 575df9ae80c345b⋯.png (638.16 KB,842x734,421:367,loa.PNG)


Disney VP Takes Leave of Absence After

Date with Undercover Reporter for James O'Keefe

Hot Air, by John Sexton

Posted By: Dreadnought, 6/22/2024 1:23:13 AM

James O'Keefe released his latest undercover report yesterday, this one featuring a senior VP at Disney who spilled the beans on the company's DEI hiring practices. Michael Giordano went on a date arranged though an online service and got a lot more than he bargained for. His date was working for O'Keefe and prompted him with questions about what DEI looks like behind the scenes. Giordana said he'd personally applied for many jobs during his 11 years at the company and has seen more diverse candidates with less experience get the promotions. He says one of his friends in HR told him, "Look, nobody else is going to tell you this,

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e9f706 No.21065022


To get the investigation started, here is a partial list of known gang members who are participating in witness disappearance schemes:

-"Dr" Michael Dyck - former Medical Director, Eden Mental Health Centre

-"Dr" Matthew Toews – Medical Director, Eden Mental Health Centre

- Shelley Lange - social worker, Eden Mental Health

- Kristin Villanueva - bureaucrat, Eden Mental Health

- Catharine Farrell - nurse, Salem care home, Winkler MB

- Anita Gebler - Child and Family Services, Morden MB

- Janine Schellenberg - massage therapist, Morden MB

- Gwen MacDonald - former director of the board at Legion House (seniors housing in Morden MB)

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208321 No.21065023

File: 28791624dbcc0bb⋯.jpg (596.23 KB,1536x2048,3:4,20240615_154403.jpg)

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ca4f80 No.21065024

File: 6e3708dc5b43fd0⋯.png (542.21 KB,1018x749,1018:749,eak.PNG)


Another Supreme Court Leak? Biden Announced Executive Order to Legalize Immigrant Spouses 3 Days Before SCOTUS Issues Ruling on Spouse’s Visa

by Cristina Laila Jun. 21, 2024 4:20 pm

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ae8711 No.21065025

File: b590d186ed4524f⋯.png (568.16 KB,804x717,268:239,Sterbef_lle_in_Arbeitslage….png)

File: c68e96de0c1bb1a⋯.jpg (37.21 KB,375x225,5:3,u5EONf7.jpg)

File: 3b8f2b521604320⋯.jpeg (128.21 KB,600x400,3:2,EEiOpu1.jpeg)

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ca4f80 No.21065026

File: ebf6eaea2980b87⋯.png (405.5 KB,634x511,634:511,nice.PNG)


Look at what happened during the football match!

ROBINMG (https://t.me/robinmg?boost) 🚀

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eea23f No.21065027

File: ff2c87bc7767853⋯.jpg (182.18 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_22_06_5….jpg)

File: 5caacb597771018⋯.png (97.64 KB,640x1386,320:693,441_1_.png)

File: ab90b9b6dd1e346⋯.jpeg (75.68 KB,800x533,800:533,GQqjjXaXoAAUIB6.jpeg)

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1b8321 No.21065028


this is child porn

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7ced79 No.21065030



8Kun is part of the show too.

Funny thing is the NAZI Jews are the ones about to fucked in front of a carnival crowd.

George Carlin once said: "When you're born into this world, you're given a ticket to the freak show. If you're born in America you get a front row seat."

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1b8321 No.21065031


no one is vaccinated is how I'm reading the current news and courts.

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a78473 No.21065032

Judge Cannon wants to know whether Merrick Garland is supervising Jack Smith

The judge in Donald Trump’s classified documents case asked lawyers how much independence the special counsel has.


Under persistent questioning from U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon,the prosecutors declined to divulge detailsand seemed caught off-guard by the inquiries. At one point, Smith deputy James Pearce saidhe was “not authorized” to discuss the level of communicationthat occurred between the attorney general and the special counsel.

“I don’t want to make it seem like I’m hiding something,” Pearce then said.

The questioning came at the end of a five-hourhearing focused on a long-shot effort by Trump to have the charges against him thrown out. Smith has accused Trump of hoarding national secrets at his Mar-a-Lago estate after his presidency and obstructing the government’s efforts to retrieve them.

Trump contends that Smith’s appointment by Garland as special counsel in November 2022 isunconstitutional and that Smith lacked the legal authority to bring the case against the former president.

Though other courts have uniformly swept aside similar challenges to the validity of special counsel appointments,Cannon— a 2020 Trump appointee to the bench —scheduled lengthy oral arguments on the matter, a sign that she was taking it seriously. During Friday’s proceedings, she gave little indication of how she intends to rule.

The Justice Department typically appoints special counsels to oversee cases in which the department’s leadership may have a conflict of interest. Under DOJ regulations, special counsels report to the attorney general but have more independence than other federal prosecutors.

Trump has publicly claimed, without evidence, that Smith is essentially a pawn of President Joe Biden. But in court,his lawyersare making a contrary argument:that Smith’s independence means he’s operating beyond the limits of what DOJ employeesare permitted to do. Under the Constitution, only an officer appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate can wield the level of power that Smith has, Trump’s lawyers claim. For decades, special counsels have not been presidentially appointed or Senate-confirmed. (Politico is changing the term uses, which is Smith is not an official DOJ officer and cannot be appointed to special counsel, he is not a DOJ DAG—I think the term is)

In questioning prosecutors about Garland’s supervision, Cannon seemed to betrying to determine how much independent authority Smith has in practice.

Before the judge asked her questions, Trump attorney Emil Bove pointed out that Garland had said that he had “no coordination” with Smith on the other criminal case that Smith has brought against the former president: charges alleging Trump tried to overturn the 2020 election.

Smith’s team, led by Pearce, sharply rebutted arguments that Smith’s appointment was illegal and described Smith’s role as an uncontroversial exercise of Garland’s ability to organize the Justice Department as he sees fit. Pearce emphasized that Smith was “in compliance” with longstanding Justice Department rules and regulations regarding his appointment and his handling of the case…


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9446f1 No.21065033


jews were/are the Nazis

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ca4f80 No.21065034

File: e5048527bb250fb⋯.png (701.48 KB,691x544,691:544,ex.PNG)

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eea23f No.21065035

File: f9f0549df00b622⋯.jpg (161.6 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_22_06_5….jpg)

File: 5dd7f590d712f1e⋯.png (286.72 KB,640x1954,320:977,916_4_.png)

File: e69daf61a94c6bc⋯.png (128.78 KB,640x992,20:31,2116_1_.png)

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ca4f80 No.21065036

File: d94ad02e2e65177⋯.png (737.03 KB,813x759,271:253,bi.PNG)


FBI argues against release of 9/11 evidence

One video allegedly shows Saudi intelligence casing the Capitol

The families say the evidence proves Saudi Arabia was complicit

The FBI is arguing for the evidence to remain sealed

Joe Khalil

Updated: Jun 21, 2024 / 12:08 PM CDT

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a78473 No.21065037



The exchanges marked the beginning of a three-day stretch of intense hearings called by Cannonthat will continue Monday and Tuesday.

Monday’s hearing will focus on another aspect of Trump’s effort to invalidateSmith’s appointment — a claim that he is being improperly funded by an indefinite Justice Department budget line item.

The judge’s intense dive into an issue that has been brushed aside by most other courts has caused head-scratching in the legal community and drawn renewed criticism of her handling of the sensitive case. Adding to theunusual dynamic: Cannon permitted three outside experts — two in favor of Trump’s position and one in favor of Smith’s — to address the court for 30 minutes apiece, nearly unheard of in criminal matters. (The Supreme Court takes Amicus Briefs all the time, and these outside experts submitted Amicus

Briefs to the court. Politio intentionally misnames what is happening)

Cannon alarmed legal experts across the ideological spectrum in 2022 when she paused the Justice Department’s investigation of Trump’s retention of classified documents shortly after the FBI searched Mar-a-Lago. Her decision earned a sharp rebuke from a conservative panel of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, which permitted the probe to advance. The Supreme Court declined to take up Trump’s appeal.

After Smith charged Trump in June 2023, Cannon was randomly assigned to preside over the case.She has moved slowly on many pretrial matters, some of them routine, and shehas indefinitely postponed the trial date.(Politico once again fails to state the Gravity of charging a Former President. It’s not at all unusual to take this case slowly and carefully, especially when Cannon revealed Smith was hiding evidence to implicates him in crimes against Trump as a defendant. Plus they are trying to put him in jail as a Candidate running for President, this shouldn't even be happening. the FBI didn't charge HRC before the 2016 election, or even after her losing.)

Trump’s attorneys spent much of the day asserting that Smith’s operation should not be allowed to continue.Bove maintained that allowing the special counsel to remain in place amounted to a “shadow government.”

Cannon responded, “That sounds very ominous,” and asked what Bove meant.

Bove suggested it was a“risk we are running” by allowing an official not confirmed by the Senate to take the actions Smith is taking.(At least two other times the SC threw out charges against Republicans and sanctioned him for illegal actions, I’m surprised they didn’t take his attorney license away)

During the hearing, Cannon asked attorneys for each side — as well as the three outside experts she permitted to argue — their position on various federal statutes dealing with the Justice Department as well as the lengthy history of the use of special prosecutors and attorneys.

One key moment of that history is the famous Supreme Court ruling that ordered then-President Richard Nixon to hand over tapes to a special prosecutor investigating the Watergate burglary.Cannon wanted to know whether the portion of that ruling dealing with the special prosecutor applied to Smith’s appointment.

Attorneys for Smith said that ruling, and several others at the appeals court level, were binding precedent that validated Smith’s appointment. Trump’s team disagreed. (The whole Nixon impeachment was lead by corrupt judges and courts, so no it shouldn’t be “binding precedent)


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ca4f80 No.21065038

File: e4a5dccc4258c45⋯.png (542.66 KB,723x682,723:682,muzz.PNG)


Imposing a Permanent Gag Order on Trump:

How long until the same doctrine is being

used to muzzle not just Trump but everyone?

Front Page Magazine, by Daniel Greenfield

Posted By: OhioNick, 6/21/2024 11:49:31 PM

Gag orders, constitutionally dubious, are meant to protect the integrity of a judicial proceeding. However, even with the trial over, the gag orders imposed on former President Trump are not going away. DA Bragg’s office (which had just freed the antisemitic Columbia Hamas rioters) demanded a continuation of the gag order which prohibits him from commenting on the individuals involved in the trial. Since Trump is also running for president and Biden is spending $50 million to attack him over the various Democrat trials imposed on him, this effectively bans a presidential candidate from debating a campaign issue.

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eea23f No.21065039

File: 717c05d912e9fcd⋯.jpg (207.12 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_22_07_0….jpg)

File: 63419064d053fca⋯.jpeg (365.25 KB,2047x1365,2047:1365,GQo6FNiWcAEj5Dh.jpeg)

File: 26c2994ad8072de⋯.png (609.8 KB,640x4038,320:2019,71.png)

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969ab5 No.21065040

File: 1821b9b5d436148⋯.png (1.03 MB,640x640,1:1,51B3F0A8_E670_4F92_A069_20….png)

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029d0c No.21065041

File: f11b8cc0b6a094d⋯.png (339.47 KB,1200x1200,1:1,slavery.png)

Who enslaved the beaners?

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ca4f80 No.21065042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ca4f80 No.21065044

File: 05db9e17e19a612⋯.png (23.45 KB,1062x247,1062:247,fs.PNG)

File: 0675c5a731de432⋯.png (1.79 MB,899x900,899:900,kek.PNG)



Firestorm erupts over requiring women to sign up for military draft

by Alexander Bolton - 06/20/24 6:00 AM ET

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e9f706 No.21065045


>jews were/are the Nazis

Correct answer ✅


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eea23f No.21065046

File: 32796fa6aed1e0f⋯.jpg (214.76 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_22_07_0….jpg)

File: 54e6c7d15f4496b⋯.jpeg (460.54 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GQrDYtxXoAA7HoM.jpeg)

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7ced79 No.21065047

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c5d380 No.21065048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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eea23f No.21065049

File: 6e70f3c9255995a⋯.jpg (177.92 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_22_07_0….jpg)

File: d6cd1a9f2857e8d⋯.jpeg (56.61 KB,680x284,170:71,xue8J48h.jpeg)

File: 3e5c7eedfc43a17⋯.png (39.69 KB,640x496,40:31,860.png)

LCM 860

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7ced79 No.21065051


That's what i said.

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ccad8b No.21065052

File: 97740acf79019f7⋯.jpg (182.79 KB,1024x1024,1:1,F_O9zpcWYAApaSG.jpg)

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7ced79 No.21065053

File: f0fd90355866b9c⋯.png (26.26 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

It's been real and it's been fun but I gotta hit the rack.

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ca4f80 No.21065054

File: 2948c1e8a665609⋯.png (190.08 KB,358x744,179:372,hap.PNG)



That actually happened 👏👏👏


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eea23f No.21065055

File: 9f7f6ffb8eed88a⋯.jpg (168.94 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_22_07_1….jpg)

File: b147c7b41042efd⋯.png (35.47 KB,640x408,80:51,602_6_.png)

File: 4f632fe4c97f32f⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB,1575x1050,3:2,GQkeqAqW8AE6X6S.jpeg)

File: 479f22bc327ad39⋯.png (31.88 KB,640x408,80:51,1802_14_.png)

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c5d380 No.21065057

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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029d0c No.21065058

File: 922380b2aac64b5⋯.webm (917.4 KB,576x1024,9:16,orcs.webm)

Who do the orcs push for globohomo so much?

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6d34fd No.21065059


post a video you fuckwad

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eea23f No.21065060

File: da70ccade3d49a2⋯.jpg (178.57 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_21_18_0….jpg)

File: d9c253dbb2dd858⋯.png (340.43 KB,640x1218,320:609,1054_8_.png)

File: 247719975235b95⋯.jpeg (470.21 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,GQSH3MuWIAAJxDS.jpeg)

File: 1eb66c1faa963f2⋯.jpeg (249.46 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,GQSHmkEXgAA4mvE.jpeg)

File: 4ba5b4987a76f41⋯.jpeg (306.47 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,GQSHvi_XQAAKW9R.jpeg)

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87b634 No.21065061


Did they really do that? Fucking communists. Warmongering fucks need to rot in GITMO.

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029d0c No.21065062

File: 291e965f7c27dda⋯.jpg (48.41 KB,677x680,677:680,naturalselection.jpg)

Who is most adapted here? How does human natural selection work? Surely its not just about abortions, artificial insemination and hypergamy?

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e2c31e No.21065063

File: 790e5cd9dd492f3⋯.png (560.81 KB,702x468,3:2,2024_06_22_07_11_18.png)


>Firestorm erupts over requiring women to sign up for military draft

DemoKKKrats are like the bully in your grade school.

They keep pushing everyone around so they can get their way.

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5e3c25 No.21065064


Gutfeld has a 'regular' comedian who dresses up as Tater and goes out n about. Might be him playing.

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208321 No.21065065

File: 6ea10c22da1c0a5⋯.jpg (127.81 KB,853x1190,853:1190,20240616_221011.jpg)

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60b79a No.21065066

File: 482dd019a4c0336⋯.png (22.29 KB,548x271,548:271,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7c467948356b50f⋯.png (344.22 KB,548x994,274:497,ClipboardImage.png)

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969ab5 No.21065067

File: 9e16bca1595e174⋯.mp4 (10.96 MB,480x852,40:71,3nrJ9iWuzjHx8grU.mp4)

File: 4db2940c39c698c⋯.jpeg (877.61 KB,1273x1438,1273:1438,IMG_2811.jpeg)


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c5d380 No.21065069

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21064528 lb

>>21064465 lb

>I don’t understand the David part tho, do u?

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91ddcd No.21065070

File: b449adc0c209306⋯.png (45.82 KB,1080x539,1080:539,ClipboardImage.png)

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969ab5 No.21065071

File: de157f5625fa29e⋯.jpeg (334.48 KB,800x623,800:623,Greta_Thunberg_06_Will_Sh….JPEG)

File: 1f3e356709efc02⋯.jpg (2.26 MB,2886x3022,1443:1511,Greta_Thunberg_03_Collage_….jpg)

File: f37e398bbdbd3b3⋯.png (909.59 KB,718x758,359:379,Greta_Thunberg_11.PNG)

File: cc8698d340faa7d⋯.mp4 (8.15 MB,xgukNxm02Uuf1JzW.mp4)



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87b634 No.21065072


That's a well remembered and delivered timeline. o7

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029d0c No.21065073

So where are all the well regulated militias?

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6d34fd No.21065074

File: abf12bb9f30f9fb⋯.png (65.75 KB,447x889,447:889,ClipboardImage.png)

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969ab5 No.21065075

File: e7d41a635a7b672⋯.jpeg (234.91 KB,1286x945,1286:945,IMG_2813.jpeg)

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2c9a2e No.21065076

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9a9cd0 No.21065077


Kill yourself, you piece of shit, nazi cunt.

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60b79a No.21065078

File: 8fbc74a5b635e77⋯.png (388.73 KB,768x432,16:9,tafari.png)

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029d0c No.21065079

File: c3905ba37bd281d⋯.png (316.75 KB,2650x1752,1325:876,t.png)

Will the globohomo win with the HRT warfare methods?

Let the TroonWars 3 begin.

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e2c31e No.21065080

File: 21901b27ec34558⋯.png (1.3 MB,902x904,451:452,biden.png)

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e2c31e No.21065081

File: 64c21ec038a579b⋯.png (1.82 MB,804x1122,134:187,gm.png)

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60b79a No.21065082

File: 070ab9ebfd645c5⋯.png (1.82 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


it's just slow

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6d34fd No.21065083

File: e8759d2fe673144⋯.png (945.68 KB,560x784,5:7,e8759d2fe6731444481093d358….png)

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eea23f No.21065084

File: f6a9d4e396718f4⋯.jpg (28.44 KB,507x356,507:356,b87a8d06f12882bb062627ce11….jpg)

File: 4ba5b4987a76f41⋯.jpeg (306.47 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,GQSHvi_XQAAKW9R.jpeg)

File: d9c253dbb2dd858⋯.png (340.43 KB,640x1218,320:609,1054_8_.png)

File: 1eb66c1faa963f2⋯.jpeg (249.46 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,GQSHmkEXgAA4mvE.jpeg)

File: 247719975235b95⋯.jpeg (470.21 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,GQSH3MuWIAAJxDS.jpeg)


it is the morning

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60b79a No.21065085




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1b8321 No.21065086


time of day psyop is the new role call of the shills and mimics

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ffc590 No.21065087

File: 99e911910cb28fc⋯.jpeg (269.21 KB,1552x1784,194:223,IMG_3101.jpeg)

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029d0c No.21065088

why do they worship the homo so much?

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029d0c No.21065089


so many shills, extremists and crazy schizos. Yet this place seems for some reason the most peaceful place in the world to me kek

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c5d380 No.21065090

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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eea23f No.21065091

File: 05d3971062784f6⋯.jpg (177.07 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_22_07_5….jpg)

File: 86a235d3b487c0e⋯.png (60.21 KB,640x708,160:177,1049_4_.png)

File: 9d5cdcfa5a6e83f⋯.png (186.11 KB,640x1278,320:639,2249_1_.png)

File: 9dd03701fe68250⋯.png (386.23 KB,1288x621,56:27,b834d83b6ea5335a2c57625841….png)

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1b8321 No.21065092


maybe because you realize that all of that is just one process with many different threads and that it's a staged puppet show?

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969ab5 No.21065093

File: b35b99cde1b409a⋯.jpeg (890.49 KB,1302x1726,651:863,IMG_2815.jpeg)

File: b5809523f0568aa⋯.mp4 (7.64 MB,654x360,109:60,EfczzwWuYJUA1St6.mp4)








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969ab5 No.21065094

File: 896307fcb67aa71⋯.jpg (327.31 KB,729x842,729:842,Joe_Biden_Double_Struan_Ro….jpg)

File: 8095bae6972e994⋯.jpeg (341.81 KB,1366x1332,683:666,Joe_Bidens_Face_Melt.JPEG)

File: 7d76e099a7f0080⋯.jpg (84.65 KB,710x464,355:232,The_Joe_Bidens_2.JPG)

File: 236a5aaee284625⋯.jpg (164.6 KB,1089x1072,1089:1072,The_Joe_Bidens_3.JPG)

File: 0fe090a50ad8a79⋯.jpg (1.13 MB,2965x3153,2965:3153,The_Joe_Bidens_1.jpg)

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60b79a No.21065095

File: 00e38b9390d5de8⋯.png (2.75 MB,1920x1280,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

John Pelletier was named chief of the the Maui Police Department in 2021 after more than two decades working in Las Vegas. On Oct. 1, 2017, Pelletier was the incident commander covering the Strip when a gunman unleashed a hail of bullets on a country music festival, killing 58 people and injuring hundreds more.

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7c5ba7 No.21065096

File: 0612993889fc4e0⋯.png (980.81 KB,960x719,960:719,ClipboardImage.png)

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2c0da5 No.21065097

File: 080d51ce5050e2c⋯.gif (1.49 MB,339x195,113:65,5kuz99.gif)





>G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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eea23f No.21065098

File: a131250465c4eb2⋯.jpg (187.71 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_22_07_5….jpg)

File: ae7f722946c4bb1⋯.png (169.11 KB,640x1184,20:37,703_3_.png)

File: 21e6d7f7de2f90b⋯.png (359.64 KB,640x1544,80:193,1903_1_.png)

File: a1552e968e12f76⋯.png (37.89 KB,640x496,40:31,116_4_.png)


video 1:16

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60b79a No.21065099

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ellen sat down with Mandalay Bay security officer Jesus Campos and building engineer Stephen Schuck, who were the first people to encounter the assailant on the night of the mass shooting.

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029d0c No.21065100


its funny how the world works, isn't it.

This place is demonized as the worst place online.

There's no upvoting, no banning, everyone can be a bot, pure chaos, violence, gore and shit. Yet its so nice.

You know its true because its ironic.

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6d34fd No.21065101

File: 87ae1d1dfa5d7b1⋯.png (95.67 KB,373x262,373:262,ClipboardImage.png)

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eea23f No.21065102

File: 5685c13542dc398⋯.png (236.65 KB,640x2088,80:261,756_2_.png)


good morning Ralph.

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ffc590 No.21065103

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Music to start my morning, with gleeful anticipation of more pain coming for the dems.

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6d34fd No.21065104

File: 443f64fb39a73d2⋯.png (1003.35 KB,1133x629,1133:629,BidenMask.png)


Definitely not a mask

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60b79a No.21065105



Tomorrow, the first people to encounter the Las Vegas shooter are here – security guard Jesus Campos and building engineer Stephen Schuck.

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029d0c No.21065106

i bet that once reddit turns against the jews, they will start flocking to 8kun and 4chan. Like everyone else. And once again, anonymous objective posts will be all that matters. Back to 90s anarchy internet again.

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36be2d No.21065107

Tried posting this earlier.



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969ab5 No.21065108

File: b665e8294ccd1ac⋯.jpeg (191.76 KB,1130x1053,1130:1053,IMG_2819.jpeg)

File: cff5b03eaceb4ae⋯.jpeg (90.71 KB,1130x859,1130:859,IMG_2818.jpeg)

File: 8166226bf177440⋯.jpeg (174.9 KB,1130x904,5:4,IMG_2817.jpeg)

File: d574330477008c0⋯.jpeg (111.79 KB,636x636,1:1,IMG_2816.jpeg)

File: 83543b842a1d44f⋯.jpeg (195.22 KB,1130x1158,565:579,IMG_2814.jpeg)

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888bd9 No.21065109


I want it to pass. Demand "inclusion" get inclusion

Feminists wanted "equality" all these years, here's their equal chance to get thrown against bulkheads in heavy seas, fix tank tracks, do nice full pack marches for ten miles, enjoy the cuisine known as the MRE, and get blown to bits.

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60b79a No.21065110

File: 998169b861fdee3⋯.mp4 (1.22 MB,848x464,53:29,mellen.mp4)

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367b9b No.21065111


Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

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0ef860 No.21065113

File: 6b74935941bd7f3⋯.png (41.47 KB,268x188,67:47,ClipboardImage.png)

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1b8321 No.21065114


where have you been?

there are BV thta delete whatever they want just because they don't want to hear criticism.

the violence and bullying is out of control

and they often run psyops that promote demonism and depravity.

not fun at all.

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ffc590 No.21065115

File: 6f968ae76c84626⋯.webp (131.68 KB,1600x1056,50:33,IMG_3165.webp)


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888bd9 No.21065117

File: 05a47f7e7553c6b⋯.png (45.34 KB,548x544,137:136,05a47f7e7553c6bce71ea9236e….png)


I bet "but I needed the job" will be the most common excuse used by shills like you

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36be2d No.21065118

File: c3544be2dd140b1⋯.png (212.77 KB,706x1058,353:529,Screenshot_at_Jun_22_08_06….png)

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1b8321 No.21065119

'Anti - Hate - Group'


they are the embodiment of hateful bigotry.

anyone who they disagree with is labeled extremist and said to be worse than the worst.

they are a blueprint for hate.

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cbe63d No.21065120

What's another embarrasing thing about Biden that will likely have a last minute clown 4am talking point of labelling reality false and falsehoods as true, and squeeze in blaming conservatives and other non radical left Marxist Fascists?

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a78473 No.21065121

>>21063956 Repub rejects Donald Trump endorsementPN

Republican Rejects Donald Trump Endorsement: 'Didn't Want to Have It'

(MORE FAKE NEWSFirst of all, Trump didn't send out and announcement that he was supporting Hogan. Because saying “he’d like to see him win” is not an official endorsement, it's a comment.They made up this whole bullshit. Second, I wonder if Trump said this to hurt Hogan’s chances because he knows Logan hates him, look at Views below. I doubt seriously Trump would officially endorse Hogan. Trump usually makes a big deal on Endorsements and wouldn't give an endorsement that was not asked for. News Week is going to have to retract this article)

Jun 21, 2024 at 5:31 PM EDTBy James Bickerton

Views: Speaking to The Hill Maryland based Democratic strategist Len Foxwell said Trump's run for a second White House term could undermine Hogan's Senate campaign.

He said: "It more than anything is illustrative of the problem that is going to plague Gov. Hogan throughout this campaign, which is that no matter what he does or what he says to distance himself from Donald Trump, that is always going to be the canopy over which he runs this race." KEK!

Republican Senate candidate Larry Hogan has rejected an endorsement from Donald Trump, saying he has "no interest in it." The former Maryland governor, who is now running for a Senate seat in the state, made the comment in an interview with the WTOP radio station. A 22 second clip of this was shared on X by Nick Iannelli, a reporter at the network, on Thursday.

The Context: Trump became the Republican's presumptive 2024 presidential candidate in March 2024 after a string of primary victories, establishing himself as the party's de facto leader. However the former president remains a deeply divisive figure, though his net approval has risen from -22 in October 2023 to -14 in April 2024 according to polling by Civiqs.

What We Know: Asked whether he publicly rejects Trump's endorsement in the WTOP interview, Hogan replied: "Well I just said I didn't seek it, I didn't want to have it and I have no interest in it.

"It's not something we're going to be promoting that's for sure in a state Donald Trump lost by 33 points. It doesn't really carry a lot of voters over to our cause so I don't think we're going to have any interest in accepting it."

Trump endorsed Hogan's senate campaign during a June 13 appearance on Fox News, when he said:"I'd like to see him win. I think he has a good chance to win. I would like to see him win. And we've got to take the majority."(That’s not an endorsement it's a comment)

The former president made the move despite Hogan, who is widely regarded as a Republican moderate, declining to endorse Trump, with a spokesperson telling Fox News he "has been clear he is not supporting Donald Trump just as he didn't in 2016 and 2020."

Views: Speaking to The Hill Maryland based Democratic strategist Len Foxwell said Trump's run for a second White House term could undermine Hogan's Senate campaign.

He said: "It more than anything is illustrative of the problem that is going to plague Gov. Hogan throughout this campaign, which is that no matter what he does or what he says to distance himself from Donald Trump, that is always going to be the canopy over which he runs this race."


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cbe63d No.21065123


>just because they don't want to hear criticism

Is that what you're defining the board attacks and spam to be now?

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029d0c No.21065125


i d g a f lmao. eat my shit and drink my piss. seig heil, and fuck your mother you dumb nigger kek


not a shill u failfag. Everything you do in life is a failure.


>implying its possible to get banned here

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6d34fd No.21065126

File: 5eced33ad316fab⋯.png (390.64 KB,708x500,177:125,5eced33ad316fab24002237113….png)

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ccad8b No.21065128

File: 4836012b063b90b⋯.jpg (32.84 KB,612x408,3:2,8ufnlo.jpg)




GM is an unstoppable force and Anons are an immovable object


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cbe63d No.21065129


Muhjoos slandering millions of people they never met or know the names of love to pretend humanity is divided by bloodlines.

It's a projection of themselves and how they feel about everyone else who isn't of the muhjoo's self-image.

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969ab5 No.21065130

File: ee7ffe39c584319⋯.jpeg (751.09 KB,1319x2186,1319:2186,IMG_2820.jpeg)

File: a6d7598d3f02431⋯.mp4 (4.15 MB,480x852,40:71,jSYqpDgoQvtQe0NL.mp4)






Recently Images Of Joe Biden Have Been Going Viral, Many Questioning If He's Being Impersonated Using The CIA Mask Technology

This Is Documentation Showing The Changes Seen In Joe Biden

Not only does he look completely different, have changing earlobes, changing chins, changing skin textures, changing teeth, changing wrinkle lines, etc

But after 30 years it looks as though he's changed his signature

"Who changes their signature after 30 years?"


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ccad8b No.21065132

File: f4b5109e9424c21⋯.jpg (78.57 KB,400x560,5:7,f4b5109e9424c21c44512585e3….jpg)

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e9f706 No.21065133


>It's time to break the silence about the child trafficking ring and witness disappearance strategy

Survivors: SPEAK UP

It's time to break the silence and expose the crime rings.

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eea23f No.21065134

nobody told the shills after 7 years they still haven't figured it out. the board implodes if there is 1 bread without the word wej. kek

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60b79a No.21065135


>it only comes with the ability to crush something

"I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you."

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36d133 No.21065136

File: 74a6ba681aba310⋯.jpg (485.79 KB,760x1003,760:1003,74a6ba681aba310d7c25360b04….jpg)


He sniffs everyone like a dog at an ass factory.

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6d34fd No.21065137

File: 3be984253c42fd6⋯.png (50.06 KB,512x512,1:1,3be984253c42fd6b88a775f77b….png)


>Back to 90s anarchy internet again.

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888bd9 No.21065138


Have your fun, while you can

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9111c3 No.21065139

Good morning.

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969ab5 No.21065140

File: 647912ed4887bed⋯.jpeg (147.42 KB,997x507,997:507,Joe_Biden_s_Signature_01.JPEG)

File: cc3343d3314741d⋯.jpeg (86.17 KB,600x801,200:267,Joe_Biden_s_Signature_02.JPEG)

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e9f706 No.21065141


>Back to 90s anarchy internet again.

Looking forward to that.

It's been a long war.

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60b79a No.21065142

File: 861ee64fd1a35cd⋯.gif (688.49 KB,1024x512,2:1,Iridium_Coverage_Animation.gif)


Spare satellites are usually held in a 666 kilometres (414 mi) storage orbit. These can be boosted to the correct altitude and put into service in case of a satellite failure.

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6d34fd No.21065144

File: 51dfebd86443fd7⋯.webp (53.33 KB,857x1200,857:1200,51dfebd86443fd7eab54da57d….webp)

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2c9a2e No.21065145

File: 7b5276e9cd4bfea⋯.png (273.46 KB,500x507,500:507,ClipboardImage.png)

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029d0c No.21065146

File: c874ce3a612e04d⋯.jpg (34.12 KB,496x599,496:599,filthy_dumb_NEWFAG_SCUM.jpg)

>call non-shills shills

> be confident in absolute total fail like a literal faggot

>This is how i succeed in life! By diluting the word shill and calling everyone a shill nonstop with infinite verbiage and spam. My floods will prove everyone wrong! Checkmate niggers!

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969ab5 No.21065149

File: 6189c1421456f9c⋯.jpg (206.71 KB,800x450,16:9,Two_Weeks_19.jpg)

File: 7cc7dd797ca8dba⋯.jpeg (137.12 KB,800x551,800:551,Two_Weeks_20.JPEG)

File: 45f2fcc11ac4464⋯.jpg (206.58 KB,865x679,865:679,Two_Weeks_06.jpg)

File: 8ba3ffb037fe8e5⋯.jpg (224.19 KB,1121x1000,1121:1000,Two_Weeks_02.jpg)

File: 3d03ec375fba11c⋯.jpeg (478.39 KB,1215x1365,81:91,Two_Weeks_01.JPEG)


Two Weeks Coming Soon!

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1c9072 No.21065150

File: 0c5e9004111058a⋯.jpg (476.17 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,AP23031749341954.jpg)

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60b79a No.21065151

File: de626df90e8cf9a⋯.png (377.18 KB,600x464,75:58,ClipboardImage.png)


>chief Maui Vegas

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208321 No.21065153

File: 258f19061e36f8f⋯.jpg (133.3 KB,1080x1350,4:5,20240622_062132.jpg)

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6d34fd No.21065154


Good for you

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969ab5 No.21065155

File: 44bb56b45db0113⋯.jpg (104.83 KB,700x400,7:4,Two_Weeks_09_Coming_Soon.JPG)

File: 987f2c482fa86f2⋯.jpg (94.47 KB,503x445,503:445,Two_Weeks_17.jpg)

File: bafde1a9be4580a⋯.jpg (461.02 KB,907x570,907:570,Two_Weeks_22.jpg)

File: 5d1bfd2abaacdc1⋯.jpg (231.1 KB,507x520,39:40,Two_Weeks_16.jpg)

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3c93ce No.21065156

File: f5054729d3de10b⋯.mp4 (5.85 MB,1280x720,16:9,day_shift_2nd_tester.mp4)

File: 103f61058cfb634⋯.mp4 (2.51 MB,720x640,9:8,day_shift.mp4)

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60b79a No.21065157


>The Justice Department won’t prosecute Merrick Garland for contempt of Congress over the Biden audio tapes.

Sergeants-at-arms constitute the oldest royal bodyguard in England, dating from the time of King Richard I (around 1189) as a formed body.

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eea23f No.21065158

File: c872bbabe8530b1⋯.jpg (253.58 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_22_08_2….jpg)

File: d85b742871b47c1⋯.png (34.87 KB,640x452,160:113,226_5_.png)

File: 5fe8925983100ef⋯.jpeg (184.38 KB,1267x1487,1267:1487,GQoGmeNWgAAsHk8.jpeg)

BZ. any artfags around

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f51483 No.21065159


Greta's pussy is probably tight as fuck, due to the fetal alcohol syndrome effects that might it tight and uber squishy

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029d0c No.21065161

File: 122905ebc8a9972⋯.webm (3.17 MB,360x640,9:16,beanerbooba.webm)

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60b79a No.21065162

File: df0d00191688a79⋯.mp4 (3.47 MB,888x484,222:121,jira.mp4)

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9446f1 No.21065163


Jim's gonna lose his shit if he sees that

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f51483 No.21065164












fedshill tag team!

I betcha they form a long conga line to give each other a long slurpy rim job each day then go back for seconds

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eea23f No.21065166


400 posts to the 5's

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3003d8 No.21065167

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60b79a No.21065168

File: 7320d07659f0cdd⋯.mp4 (1.28 MB,1280x720,16:9,skippy.mp4)

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969ab5 No.21065169

File: 9a80eac7c3d2f71⋯.jpg (258.87 KB,1130x1524,565:762,AOC_Stupid_02.JPG)

File: 298c72dac98db52⋯.jpg (250.95 KB,1130x845,226:169,AOC_Stupid_01.JPG)

File: fb101563817e172⋯.jpg (208.14 KB,1088x1410,544:705,AOC_Gaffes.JPG)

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3003d8 No.21065170


jim watson, kek

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e9639a No.21065171

File: a1fde8b656bf36a⋯.png (229.55 KB,474x514,237:257,DC_vaults.PNG)


Why does this officially make Q Research the board of Milk and Honey?

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c5d380 No.21065172

File: 69b909896b78d11⋯.jpg (39.8 KB,675x270,5:2,Screen_Shot_2024_06_22_at_….jpg)

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eea23f No.21065174

File: 5630088398b2971⋯.png (41.81 KB,640x540,32:27,829.png)

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3003d8 No.21065176


and yet you are here every day gobbling bread!

hypocrite of the highest order

>useless fucking shill

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dc9757 No.21065177

File: 2e7125c107eb769⋯.jpg (26.16 KB,484x268,121:67,GM_Sat.jpg)


I was afear't I missed it today.

Peaks an hour or two later on the weekends which is nice.

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3003d8 No.21065178


hey parrotklitty,are you thinking of Greta's tight pussy? I bet you are

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029d0c No.21065179



How about you suck your own dick and piss in your mouth faggot nigger?



coom'd, kek'd and checkd


the failfags calling non-shills shills is the worst kind of cancer. He makes the real shills get away.

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6d34fd No.21065180

File: 5777783c4ab6ece⋯.jpg (14.87 KB,255x245,51:49,icecream.jpg)

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dc9757 No.21065183


>and she still isn't showing them

/ourtplant/ is such a tease

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60b79a No.21065184

File: 4c85e8e22d32399⋯.mp4 (2.37 MB,640x640,1:1,alitomolech.mp4)

shalom molech

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dc9757 No.21065185


kek yeah him the big cheese

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05b96b No.21065187


P for Poossy

[shitpost cocksuck]

foxtrot uniform charlie kilo (<YOU)


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dc9757 No.21065188

File: c8589f6b42408b8⋯.jpg (11.95 KB,351x197,351:197,GM_Q_Endorsed.jpg)

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05b96b No.21065190


GM icecreamtard

always choose the soy based ice cream

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029d0c No.21065191


>If i tell him i filtered him someone will care

I never really understood this "I filtered u hurr durr" posting. Who gives a fuck filter who the fuck you want I dont give a fuck??? LMAO Fuck your filter and fuck you

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eea23f No.21065192


™Qtard. stardate 1117.1777.2 moar weeks logbook

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ea5c78 No.21065193

File: 6382f9ed955a220⋯.png (182.25 KB,698x495,698:495,mccolloughbirdflu.png)

>>21063956 lb


need a second source

"Mass vaccination of birds and humans appears ill-advised with current products." - Dr. Peter McCullough

"Courageous Discourse" substack


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05b96b No.21065194


the big dick cheese

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2c0da5 No.21065195

File: 58cc82341c5757a⋯.png (142.47 KB,396x327,132:109,ralph3rdr.png)


>Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

noice trips! Yall gonna need to hold down the fort. Goin awol for a few.

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4e61b0 No.21065198


17 shill posts by the Parrot, so far

squawk squawk !

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6d34fd No.21065200


Is parakletos OSS's new identity?

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464b29 No.21065201


8 go sticks to the firewall

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4e61b0 No.21065203



19 now, 20 now, 21 coming up!

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dc9757 No.21065204

File: 1bfb44f09481401⋯.jpg (21.08 KB,466x263,466:263,GM_Crew.jpg)


Parakeet, you're always here in the morning so you're automatically a member of the crew by osmosis.

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4e61b0 No.21065205




who is shilling who?

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2c0da5 No.21065207

File: f9fd3b88562041b⋯.png (115.61 KB,552x494,276:247,Screenshot_from_2021_08_02….png)

File: b72081b31e1f237⋯.png (411.36 KB,1245x781,1245:781,killchain.png)

File: 9788fcbc2b6f058⋯.png (48.75 KB,479x601,479:601,q756_killchain.png)

File: 57625397a556122⋯.png (23.22 KB,461x266,461:266,q626_killchain.png)


>good morning Ralph.



>Yall gonna need to hold down the fort. Goin awol for a few.

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4e61b0 No.21065208


22 now!


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4e61b0 No.21065209



nice selfie btw

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4e61b0 No.21065210


kek, probably

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cbe63d No.21065211









Fun fact: Every muhjoo shill is of the same maternal bloodline as the Jews they ritualistically slander.

What they'rs claiming to be an observation external to themselvez, is in fact a projection of their own experience of self-alienation. They're 'seeing' what is in fact a reflection of their own internal divided psychological state of being unable to reconcile the totalitarian "final" thoughts of infinite omnipotence in their heads, with the tiny, corporeal, frail mortal being that is their body.

They're projecting that divided internal experience as if they were observing it as a description of a divided humanity.

Now it may be true that the muhjoo's universal slander when considering an individual jew may be true, the same way a person calling 100 people thieves may be wrong about 99 but right about 1 of them, and it may even be true that the 1 person is also projecting their own psychology and viewing others as divided because they're not of that person's self image.

But in that case there would be two projecting minds, not one. And two wrongs don't make a right. To slander the whole because of what a component did, is textbook projection founded on a logical flaw of "fallacy of composition".

Every single instance of muhjoo is the muhjoo mind communicating what is in fact their own divided psychology. It's a " here is how my mind is operating".

The reality is that every human being is an individual, with their own thoughts and beliefs and actions, where within every "group" they can conceivably define as separate from everyone else, there are agreements and disagreements, opposite beliefs, competition, both spiritual and economic, where there are always individuals within said groups who do not in fact have the thoughts or values that the muhjoo projected onto them.

Of course when presented with such reality as evidence refuting the muhjoo's doctrine, the muhjoo denies reality and says things like "this is jews playing both sides". Well by that logic every group "plays both sides" of every point of contention, for there is never 100% homogeneous conformity of thought in any group. Therefore whites and blacks and asians and browns all "play both sides" because there is not 100% conformity. Therefore if the muhjoo were told the muhjoo's self identified group is as bad as the Jews they're slandering, then the muhjoo cannot even point to themselves as disproof, for they too by their own pronouncements would be "playing both sides".

Consistency was never a virtue or even an aspect of the muhjoo logic.

The cringe aspect of Parakeet's posts, is that they're claiming to know that millions of people are allegedly projecting hate, yet that is also itself a projection of Parakeet, who is posting hate on almost a daily basis, claiming to be describing others when it was always Parakeet's projections, and has nothing to do with the millions of people who are not what or who Parakeet projects out of its own self-alienated state of being.

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dd8de4 No.21065212


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029d0c No.21065213

File: bd27b9b1fd77f0e⋯.png (1.48 MB,1080x1142,540:571,normal_westerner.png)


is it hatecrime if a parrot says it?

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baeb07 No.21065214



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dc9757 No.21065216

File: b88aa3cf6b868b2⋯.jpg (48.36 KB,487x489,487:489,Filtered_2.JPG)


>I'll say it since it's the true true

Astute anons know the anon receiving the filtered hurr durr won the argument.

It's a yuge board boomerang not so dirty secret.

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baeb07 No.21065217



parrot lives matter

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a5b60d No.21065218


Doesn’t Congress have to vote on changes to immigration laws? Being that they are laws.

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41864c No.21065220

File: 5a3a133329b7554⋯.jpg (36.91 KB,700x523,700:523,axNlbojK_700w_0.jpg)


The enemy be all like

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eea23f No.21065221

File: c872bbabe8530b1⋯.jpg (253.58 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_22_08_2….jpg)

File: facc0622c55399f⋯.jpg (200.73 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_22_08_4….jpg)


Sky _Tar _BZ

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2c9a2e No.21065222

File: 4c97ad0bc48b968⋯.png (195.2 KB,666x375,222:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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cbe63d No.21065223


It wasn't primarily for you, projecting muhjoo.

Anon doesnt care whether you read ir or not.

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dc9757 No.21065225


>for the millionth time

If you still memberberry the one who shall not be named's time here then you know.

He could never go moar than 4 posts before reminding the board of who he is.

Both he and Tranime are the most obvious is obvious anons of all time.

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a78473 No.21065226

File: 59e50f22c5cecaf⋯.png (447.08 KB,645x654,215:218,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21063989 This is an outstanding post by Martin Armstrong economics about Ukraine and the regionPNAnon is right

Blog NeoconsConsumed by HatredPosted Jun 21, 2024 By Martin Armstrong | UKRAINE

QUESTION: How can such hatred be passed down the generations for so long? I have never experienced a family grudge against another, so it is hard for me to understand. Besides, neither side is completely innocent for them to claim such an injustice. Far from it.

I have 2 high school friends that I graduated with that are State Reps in local districts and neither of them would be able to answer the question of why is no one interested in peace. Let alone investigate any of the Neocons.

Nonetheless, I do put questions and challenges out in the local political scene, like when the Covid mandates came out. But no one could give me a good answer. They just think my questions and protests are annoying.

ANSWER: That region retains hatred for generations. I believe it stems from the Eastern Rule of Law. In ancient Athens, if I killed someone in your family, you had the right of vengeance, and if you could not kill me, killing anyone else in my family, even the score. We saw a bit of that with the Hatfield vs. McCoys.

I was called by the old Yugoslavic government. They were talking about how their ethnic enemies had killed 600 of them and thrown them in a common grave. I thought I missed something in the news. When I asked when it was, they replied about 700 years ago.

As I have said, we had employees in Ukraine on both sides – Donestk and Kiev. When we had a conference in Greece, the one from Kiev would not take the shortest return flight because it connected in Moscow. You could NEVER bring a bottle of Russian Vodka to dinner in Kiev. That would be a huge insult. They insist that Kiev should now be spelled Kyiv because of their hatred of Russians

That is why the CIA protected Ukrainian Nazis who engaged in ethnic cleansing of Polish, Hungarians, Jews, and Russians.The Ukrainians were so evil they even horrified Germans. They cut babies out of a pregnant woman, put in a live cat, and stitched her up. All of these things are documented. Poland has come out and confirmed that Ukraine REFUSES to apologize for its “dark past” and the world is willing to go to nuclear war all for these people? When will the world wake up that the American Neocons are engaging in the same ethnic cleansing, for they claim roots in Ukraine and are persecuted by Russians? Naturally, some have not been indoctrinated, but you can have an intelligent conversation. But many were brainwashed with hatred just a Stalin taught kids that the State was your real parent and if your biological “caretakers” ever spoke against the State, they were to report them.

Even Zelensky, before becoming president, hid his Jewish background and joked about confiscating assets from Jews and Russians. This was the humor in Ukraine.

The hatred in that area runs very deep, and it has been taught for generations all because the borders have changed constantly. Talk to a 20-something Ukrainian, and they will tell you what the Russians did to them. It was a Bosnian Serb who, on June 28th, 1914, assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife that instigated World War I all because of this ethnic hatred that is passed from generation to generation as the borders have constantly changed…


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f5144e No.21065227

File: 9d6d2d884225a13⋯.png (81.65 KB,779x413,779:413,ClipboardImage.png)

TFW anonops blocks the name DONALDTRUMP

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0c32f0 No.21065228

why do people come here and blame the Jews for everything?

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60b79a No.21065229

File: ef41987558e2204⋯.mp4 (887.54 KB,480x852,40:71,podestasnake.mp4)

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dd8de4 No.21065230

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41864c No.21065231

File: 1c48cfa7a836ccd⋯.jpg (15.24 KB,172x255,172:255,1c48cfa7a836ccdfa74e251977….jpg)


>Parakeet's posts

It's the same retard that posted the John Wayne memes for years. Probably oss, vd, MAGA riotfag, others.

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7832ee No.21065233

“because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7‬:‭14‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Billions of Christians??

You people are truly stupid.

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7b9a1f No.21065234


I blame all literal religions.

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dc9757 No.21065236

File: 1329bd3623d730b⋯.png (850.75 KB,1600x1102,800:551,DrWheelslove.png)


Maybe Freddy, don't forget him.

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dd8de4 No.21065237

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cbe63d No.21065238


Why did you shrink the font size of the non Jew Islamic House of Saud?

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cbe63d No.21065240


Q drops dozens of non Jews.

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a78473 No.21065241

File: 9649de036aaf491⋯.png (826.51 KB,1110x1510,111:151,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a506ca9c223b53d⋯.png (362.73 KB,1185x407,1185:407,ClipboardImage.png)



World War I was rooted in deep hatred. The Ottoman Empire was declining, contributing to the political destabilization of the region. For, if you recall, the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in the siege of Viena in 1683 divided the region.

That was the first financial panic I discovered on that list, leading me to the Economic Confidence Model.

Austria-Hungary held Serbia responsible and instantly declared war on July 28th against all Serbs. Russia then mobilized and came to Serbia’s defense. By August 4th, Germany, Russia, France, and the United Kingdom were all drawn into the war by alliances just like NATO today. The Ottomans joined the fight in November 1914.

NATO should have been defunded and shut down in 1991. Its sole purpose was to defend Europe against Russian communism. When communism collapsed, so did the idea of expanding to defeat capitalism, as a good Marxist would advocate.


NATO has been fearful that the climate change agenda would strip money from it, and as I have said, internal documents have shown that it has sought to remain relative with a threat from Russia to invade Europe. Russia has no interest in conquering Europe. That was the days of Communism. Yet NATO has promoted war to keep its funding. Here are the Declassified Documents from the Clinton Administration. When communism fell in 1991, there were proposals that Russia join NATO. That is why there was a coup against Gorbachev by Russia’s Neocons, who saw it as surrendering to the West.

NOBODY in the media is interested in peace. All they do is promote war. This is NOT going to end well, and the West will find that the center of the world economy will be lost, and this time, it will migrate to China. This is NOT my personal opinion.

This is theforecast by the ONLY real AI computer with virtually a 50-year track record in geopoliticsthat has called all the elections and conflicts.The war would begin in 2014, and this war would start in Ukraine. I am 74. I get to leave this planet. So, I have nothing to gain or lose. My only regret is what I leave behind for my grandchildren because these evil people are consumed by their own hate and self-interest.

NATO will create World War III just like the alliances created in World War I. Nobody in the leadership role of any country dares even to question what is taking place. I guess we deserve what we get. It is just our time. No matter what I write or say, I cannot change our date with destiny.

War is created by the Elite – never the people.

Hopefully, in 2032, we will learn from these mistakes and change things for the better.

We will not change society until we witness how these Neocons destroy it.


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dd8de4 No.21065242

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41864c No.21065243


Pretty sure I was here before you, dingdong. Maybe not though. You are pretty emotionally invested.

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f5144e No.21065244


ikr, i have to go troll those low levels every once in a while.

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760403 No.21065245

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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029d0c No.21065246

File: 68eac4983c70828⋯.png (218.36 KB,596x708,149:177,gayto.png)


seems so. Like this is an anonymous board. You can't really ban or filter people. They just change ip and pretend like nothing happened. There are no identities or "shame tactics" like literally who cares who filters whom. As a matter of fact it might be a same person filtering himself for all you know lmao.

incognizant whore son bastards spamming inane inbred low IQ shit. Thank god abortions still exist.

Also nigel farage is based.

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283ec9 No.21065247

File: d7f55fed06ed304⋯.jpeg (126.3 KB,500x701,500:701,IMG_4236.jpeg)

File: 141a502c33759d4⋯.jpeg (90.72 KB,500x532,125:133,IMG_5778.jpeg)

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dd8de4 No.21065248

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cbe63d No.21065251


Races dont think.

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0c32f0 No.21065252

the people / bots in here blame the Jews so much it's starting to look like the classic "they want to tell you how to think"

Look here (jews)

Do not look here (* ***)

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f5144e No.21065253


>why do people come here and blame the Jews for everything?

uhm cuz its caturday?

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cbe63d No.21065255


Cant win without censprship complex censoring truth and spamming truth boards to divide anons.

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60b79a No.21065256

Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece?

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f5144e No.21065257


sure anon, what race do you want us to dig into






just let us know

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029d0c No.21065258


venting, trolling, provoking, psychological pleasure, shitposting, bored, there are tons of reasons. People come here and say literally anything. This board is like a random text generator on steroids.

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41864c No.21065259

File: b0e51c80b8e5907⋯.jpg (39.09 KB,656x679,656:679,b0e.jpg)


So, pretty much nailed that, eh? The shill of many faces.

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eea23f No.21065260

File: 1667dc2499513b5⋯.jpg (239.39 KB,1000x1333,1000:1333,Diamond_painting_Jesus_wit….jpg)


God bless you Swordy and all onboard.

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dc9757 No.21065261


Not the biggest fan of incessant point making, but props for continuing to cheapen the terms shill and filtered here on QResearch.

They've functionally had all meaning stripped completely out so no need to pile on in this manner tho.

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8de1d3 No.21065262


No such thing as a poor man with a farm anymore

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41864c No.21065264


It's easy actually. You use common sense and don't blame an entire group of unrelated people.

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3003d8 No.21065265



has reached official shill status after broachin' the 30 post level

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9667c9 No.21065266

“The Blob” and it’s Alphabet world minority of revolutionaries drags humanity to dissolution.

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dc9757 No.21065269


>replied to someone that got green'd

That sucks.

That was a good reply, but Parakeet got a get out of jail free card by getting green'd so fast like that.

Still, well played.

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e2c31e No.21065270

File: 2009e39283ac556⋯.png (1.51 MB,955x967,955:967,swordanon.png)


GM Swordanon

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029d0c No.21065271

File: 47da83981eaa7f1⋯.jpg (365.21 KB,1500x1559,1500:1559,61170624meme_jpeg.jpg)

when the failfags call you a shill and spam the "filtered you hurr durr".

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05b96b No.21065272

Parrot Klitty's mating call is:




repeated every bread, forever

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a8ff29 No.21065273

File: caea30e600178cf⋯.jpg (23.71 KB,403x408,403:408,dtgnggdgd.jpg)



Tyb and good morn swordy

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9667c9 No.21065275


You should nightshift.

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05b96b No.21065276


mu hurr durr gets the sneed n feed

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cbe63d No.21065277


Imagine having thoughts of wanting to eliminate 17 million people, and then projecting that thought onto those millions as if they are wanting control.


It's just a coincidence the muhjoo denies through omission the existence of millions of good jews, and commits the fallacy of composition by atriibuting what is true for one to be true for the whole.

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41864c No.21065278

File: 1f660a8dcc839a0⋯.jpg (50.2 KB,486x960,81:160,1f660a8dcc839a04808f9e86bf….jpg)


Maybe if your opinion wasn't spammed incessantly for the better part of a decade. But in the end probably not because it is stupid.


Mornin', Swordy.

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05b96b No.21065279



Parrot Klitoris has just announced THE FILTER

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0c32f0 No.21065280


Revelation 3:9

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

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df27a7 No.21065281

File: ba1c0ec03453550⋯.png (749.97 KB,1334x750,667:375,FCB95D85_D5E7_4ACC_A2F4_79….png)

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e2c31e No.21065283

File: 0285a72b490254e⋯.png (1.86 MB,800x1120,5:7,gm.png)

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05b96b No.21065285


you spelt arguing wrong

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05b96b No.21065286


37 Parrot Posts now

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029d0c No.21065287

File: 58b545a5d16e7d8⋯.jpg (84.73 KB,908x783,908:783,OR_ELSE.jpg)


a: Work from office

b: Or else

Picnick one.

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05b96b No.21065288

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41864c No.21065289


Nice image. I wonder what the rest of your hd looks like.

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60b79a No.21065290

File: 7ac4fd4010547d8⋯.png (913.33 KB,800x534,400:267,ClipboardImage.png)


your mind is a garden


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6d34fd No.21065291

File: 64a618568ede594⋯.jpg (100.94 KB,400x560,5:7,64a618568ede59463e64e60cd4….jpg)

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9667c9 No.21065292


Realistically, what utility is this? Worship at someone’s feet? Who needs that shit? “Get off’n my feet, go on now, git!”

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4e61b0 No.21065293


you spelt attributing wrong

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a78473 No.21065294

File: c0907615a09aef3⋯.png (208.46 KB,438x245,438:245,ClipboardImage.png)

22 Jun, 2024 12:29

Russia strikes Western-supplied air weapons depots in Ukraine – MoD

The attack came in response to Kiev’s attempts to damage the country’s energy infrastructure, the Defense Ministry has said

The Russian military hasconducted high-precision strikes on Ukrainian ammo warehouses, including those storing drones and air weapons supplied by the West, the Defense Ministry in Moscow has said.

In a statement on Saturday, the ministry said that it had carried out a group strike overnight using long-range air and sea-based weapons and drones on several types of targets. These includedUkrainian energy infrastructure facilitiessupporting Kiev’s defense industryas well as warehouses storing ammo and air weapons supplied to Ukraine by Western countries.

“The goals of the strike have been achieved. All designated targets have been hit,” officials have said.

The Defense Ministry stated that the latest attack came inresponse to “attempts by the Kiev regime to cause damage to Russian energy facilities.” Ukraine has for several month have been launching drone raids on Russian oil processing facilities, including those located far from the border.

Russia has been routinely targeting energy infrastructure in response to Kiev’s cross-border attacks, while insisting the strikes do not target civilians.

Ukrainian officials have acknowledged severe damage to the power grid, with the population being affected by rolling blackouts. A Financial Times report earlier this month claimed, citing sources, that theembattled country had lost over half of its power generation capacity.


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dc9757 No.21065295

File: 03b20525ef8705f⋯.jpg (54.16 KB,1269x224,1269:224,NoUreQNiggerHistory14.JPG)



Freddy, Necessary Evil one not Hotwheels, already learn't anons long ago about the ways of the IP Hop.

Seen't it lived it.

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ea5c78 No.21065297


only the paid shill do that.

they are less than and opposed to Q research.

They re here on purpose

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eea23f No.21065298

File: b8855a998bcdfb6⋯.jpg (46.22 KB,395x355,79:71,2cb685bc26b6dcc0a48674234d….jpg)



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0c32f0 No.21065299

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Worship at someone’s feet?

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41864c No.21065300

File: 5374cb4ac5496c6⋯.jpg (59.44 KB,768x894,128:149,5374cb4ac5496c68ae5cec3d53….jpg)


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4e61b0 No.21065301



fuck Dell, it is total shite

*was started by a jew btw

>Dellsteinberg Inc

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4e61b0 No.21065303


why is the earth flat?

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029d0c No.21065304


post dell leaks and shit co worker tits

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570c0a No.21065305

File: 4a5f5016e993e2d⋯.png (827.14 KB,1068x838,534:419,ImpeachmentJews.png)


Isn't it weird how the whole impeachment thing was about Trump's call to Zelensky, the Jew?

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f30cc4 No.21065306


So plumb lines will work

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41864c No.21065307

File: 81f5e964bf2c2e6⋯.png (375.79 KB,1079x1155,1079:1155,Screenshot_20240622_090622.png)



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208321 No.21065308

File: 12899ee275b9cda⋯.jpg (127.06 KB,959x1296,959:1296,20240622_062358.jpg)

The Faggot express

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f5144e No.21065309

File: d6bd861722a4d65⋯.png (1.24 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6403ba822bcbfb5⋯.png (8.29 MB,3736x2486,1868:1243,ClipboardImage.png)

All im saying is, we never see these 2 together

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ed705a No.21065310


this post @357


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41864c No.21065311

File: d8f083814a27c37⋯.png (185.82 KB,1080x419,1080:419,Screenshot_20240622_090754.png)




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baeb07 No.21065312

File: 6bdb434dd788dcc⋯.jpeg (56.8 KB,474x338,237:169,IMG_0745.jpeg)


very gay

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ea5c78 No.21065313

File: 98f2242c1fd60e1⋯.jpeg (140.7 KB,490x351,490:351,magacountry.jpeg)


Caturday is especially important for the pedo crooks to make-believe Q Research is Jew Hate.

They've put a ton of money into creating that impression.

Their lives could possibly depend on it?

Or Not?


Paid Shill / ie disinformation brigade outnumbers actual Q research anons

Notice they never do actual research? Nor add anything except hate.

Our numbers are bigger than theirs IRL

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464b29 No.21065314


Just the Tip


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baeb07 No.21065315


so nearly 100 posts pruned so far

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570c0a No.21065316


o7 = filtered.

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5f0565 No.21065317


No income taxes or I’m not voting.

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9667c9 No.21065318


Refraction usurped.

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eea23f No.21065319

File: 4c59204c7bd0a13⋯.jpg (27.56 KB,379x275,379:275,surveyor4_311141149.jpg)

File: fab7b818858a731⋯.jpg (31.89 KB,383x352,383:352,Groma_Land_Surveying.jpg)

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570c0a No.21065320

File: d2b89de0371281f⋯.jpg (47.18 KB,509x490,509:490,WOZIIII.jpg)

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baeb07 No.21065321


so he won't tax my foreskin?

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7c5ba7 No.21065322

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dc9757 No.21065323


This will only give Maher a ratings bump short term now.

But, PDJT knows that which means he wants it / doesn't mind that happening.

The Big Spoopy goes on.

Member, all those TRUST fags still look like niggers.

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41864c No.21065324

File: 459226eed9f3dbd⋯.jpg (17.15 KB,236x265,236:265,eada11e617c1b3885a005a2a14….jpg)

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208321 No.21065325




What kind homosexual shilling is this?

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baeb07 No.21065326


Parrot Klitty is going for 50 shill posts!

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eea23f No.21065327


only the smegma

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570c0a No.21065328

File: 0d81b47bc3d2e9c⋯.png (49.25 KB,258x181,258:181,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 87cf9788d8983ae⋯.jpg (76.4 KB,666x499,666:499,CryBabyKikes.jpg)

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39968b No.21065329



25 posts has need to be seen


>Astute anons

keep telling yourself that, kek

both are imbeciles

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baeb07 No.21065330


overt homosexual fuckery

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029d0c No.21065331

File: 5e0599f023a2885⋯.jpg (41.6 KB,720x844,180:211,booba.jpg)

File: a7340522eab4ca8⋯.jpg (158.86 KB,720x1148,180:287,self_destruction.jpg)

i hate the globo homo so much and I love cortez boobas.

My favorite big booty latina, the true WAP Queen of the congress.


state enforced de-circumcision when?

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60b79a No.21065332

File: 14520db9b590b19⋯.jpg (4.09 MB,4445x6667,4445:6667,RichardBranson_LinkaOdom_2.jpg)

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f51483 No.21065333


smegma tax!

unconstitutional I say!


make smegma great again

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570c0a No.21065334

File: 76c93ede46fa6fb⋯.png (61.73 KB,500x661,500:661,EvilNazis.png)

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dc9757 No.21065335

File: aaab8434250b774⋯.jpg (45.71 KB,500x375,4:3,fatcat.jpg)



That's a thing started across the street forever ago and brought here (just a minor part tho).

Figure out the history of shit before going off.

Because there's plenty to go off of in that realm don't wanna miss it.

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6a3e10 No.21065336

File: 59fe61ba52d51e4⋯.jpeg (895.32 KB,1342x613,1342:613,1311B6C6_1602_48C1_B0CD_3….jpeg)

File: 89b817f4b7360a0⋯.jpeg (587.61 KB,1237x613,1237:613,EDD4FFA6_8C5A_4E79_A202_1….jpeg)

File: ff2073604341658⋯.jpeg (431.5 KB,1187x611,1187:611,C67C453B_78B0_42CE_998F_D….jpeg)

File: 07fcdf7c6ae469f⋯.jpeg (598.34 KB,1214x619,1214:619,0F48A4F3_4939_42F7_A624_5….jpeg)

File: 4400f7bd7688e52⋯.jpeg (271.71 KB,910x386,455:193,69AF6E8A_8C00_4E1D_9839_0….jpeg)

PlaneFaggin’: Europe/Med. Activity

Argentina AF ARG-01 777President Mileiarrived at Hamburg from Madrid depart

Argentina's Milei to receive award in Hamburg, Germany

Right-wing populist Argentine President Javier Milei will receive a medal from the neoliberal Friedrich von Hayek Foundation. Left-wing groups plan to protest the event over his austerity measures.


Portugal AF AFP79 P3 Orion in Baltic Sea and ran up N

HKY761 C-130J Super Hercules W from Rzeszow Airport stop and drop of about 4h

German AF GAF304 C-130J Super Hercules heading to Rzeszow from Marseille depart

French AF CTM1080 A400m also to Rzeszow from Marseille

SPAR98 G5 departed Ramstein AFB WN to Brussels Intl

AE6821 P8 Poseidon out of the Black Sea and back to Sigonella AFB

India AF IFC0614 C17 departed Cairo As not WN

SPAR19 C40B departed Athens WN

Saudi AF HZWBT7Dopey’s 747still at Euro Airport, France from yesterday-Short ground stop at Mallorca prior from Riyadh

Have no idea if he’s on it cuz wasn’t there to see but I doubt it’s being borrowed.

>>21063329 pb

Polish AF PLF101 737President Dudaarrived at Beijing about 2h ago

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f51483 No.21065337


AOC probably gives good boob jobs

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570c0a No.21065338

File: 9787331d76b7c9f⋯.jpg (100.3 KB,463x530,463:530,BugsySiegelJewish.jpg)

File: 19112f49d3af053⋯.jpg (53.62 KB,546x569,546:569,ChabadBlackHats.JPG)

File: b17bfd6a7de9248⋯.jpg (446.32 KB,1598x900,799:450,ChabadCabal.jpg)

File: aae49c8373f6669⋯.jpg (19.22 KB,302x345,302:345,ChabadCabalCreep.JPG)

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6a3e10 No.21065339


Cap #4 is not active

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3c93ce No.21065340

File: b4c092c1130cdba⋯.png (405.86 KB,500x748,125:187,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 958942826f1250a⋯.png (572.19 KB,501x498,167:166,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9945902847e9634⋯.png (381.26 KB,500x563,500:563,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1912146036f6ba9⋯.png (588.24 KB,500x580,25:29,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6200863c263045⋯.png (592.45 KB,500x701,500:701,ClipboardImage.png)


gbnews are now attacking farage over ukraine.

they believe this maybe a chink in his armour.

what they do not understand is that the war in ukraine was started in 2014 and victoria nuland is front and centre, obama and biden were involved helped by the c.i.a, there was bio labs and clowns all over ukraine and the u.k and boris had a chance to end it earlier but stopped the peace talks.

time to attack the u.k media and the politician for lying and blaming nigel for not agreeing with the fake controlled media and especially ofcom shutting down speech will not help the truth from being shouted in their face.

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dc9757 No.21065341


>odds of Board War (1) poster not being an IP hopping pussy this late into the bread


But, you seem nice so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

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ea5c78 No.21065342

File: cdbe8d2e7cec46d⋯.jpg (105.63 KB,851x317,851:317,ghostridersarmy.jpg)

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39968b No.21065343


Planefaggin' is posting from a phone. Call it task saturation.

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c59d6f No.21065344


evidence continues to pile up that it is not the jews ;

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f51483 No.21065345



>not really kek

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4dd704 No.21065346

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> Just One More Rodeo


> Who is this?

The Rode Cone Rodeo Champ

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f5144e No.21065347

File: 48ad3b8452190b4⋯.png (159.03 KB,355x1032,355:1032,ClipboardImage.png)



NO TAXES ON TIPS = 2 5 2 4

HUBER FISA(S) [2-way street]


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570c0a No.21065348

File: 767084c961337f8⋯.png (49.9 KB,542x461,542:461,NotAllJewsAreGoodPeopleNul….png)


.02% of global population.

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b9a43d No.21065349

: Bring-Chief-forward.

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6a3e10 No.21065350

File: 388074561fb0c24⋯.jpeg (65.98 KB,640x640,1:1,F5056863_13EE_4E79_AE3E_F….jpeg)


Still waiting for examples of better work

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3003d8 No.21065351


Cap#5 Roger Over

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570c0a No.21065352

File: bf5851a8225f354⋯.png (44.3 KB,500x594,250:297,BellowsJewish.png)

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3003d8 No.21065353


Master Chief to Cortana


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9c8ff7 No.21065354


A friend of mine is bringing a Jewish friend to our 4th of July party this year. She seems like a nice person. I've met her a couple of times.

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60b79a No.21065355

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You see we've come to turn the world around

We're constructive, we're not destructive

No nuclear fission can stop this mission

So you can watch, but don't you try to catch it

'Cause it's gone clear like a rocket

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3003d8 No.21065356



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c59d6f No.21065357

F- Marry- Kill

GRETA– Boebert- AOC

Anal– BJ— Fjj

GRETA– Boebert- AOC

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f5144e No.21065358



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88edf6 No.21065359

File: 01bd731ba9cc943⋯.jpg (114.01 KB,1225x496,1225:496,QR_UK.jpg)


We are heading for a Labour Government, so we suffer for 4 years until 2029 when hopefully Farage and Reform win, and the US will hopefully get a Trump presidency. Anon will never vote for the Tories ever again after what they have done with the COVID lockdowns, out of control migration, It doesn't matter who gets in on July 4th, the UK is fucked either way.

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c59d6f No.21065360

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dc9757 No.21065361



That's the important part.

They're dtf in many such cases.

Think Laura Loomer at that one Chad conference back in the day for an example.

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2c0da5 No.21065362

File: 0699f0d07dd7f91⋯.png (200.08 KB,555x371,555:371,planZ1Apologies.png)

File: 68ff2557e089b43⋯.png (156.21 KB,830x634,415:317,iceStationZebraRussia1.png)

File: 73a73a5eaeb9074⋯.png (156.26 KB,1386x870,231:145,usstratcomApologizesPlanzP….png)

File: 0623af74c042b3e⋯.png (264.59 KB,478x577,478:577,usniPlanZIceStatinZebra.png)

File: d9569ebbbefc0d9⋯.png (888.28 KB,1366x768,683:384,putinRedFolderPlanZ.png)


>Sky _Tar _BZ


"Sailing under the arctic"

"under ice"


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3c93ce No.21065363

File: b36b5c234c2938c⋯.png (583.1 KB,660x440,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


sounds a little racist.


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570c0a No.21065364

File: f6c120513611f33⋯.jpg (49.43 KB,520x480,13:12,AdelsonAward.jpg)

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41864c No.21065365


President Trump can veto FISA reauth in 2026.

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029d0c No.21065366


imagine that smooth warm caress, that loving warm touch..hugging the entire shaft as you can feel the latina spit lubing it gently.

"I don't do deep throat, but i can kiss is lovingly" she says. As she gulps the whole thing down with one surprising throat jerk.

*gluck gluck gluck gluck* , you can't believe it. This congress woman swallows it like a sword, like a magician, you love her head as you jizz down her throat. She seems completely unfaced by the entire shaft being down her throat as you fill it with milk.

# It is the best day of your life. #

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719707 No.21065367

File: bbc0b34d0d62973⋯.png (836.39 KB,1080x1605,72:107,Wig.png)

File: 9e44882465facf6⋯.png (844.41 KB,1080x694,540:347,Screenshot_20240621_141032….png)

File: 8976ab9a22cbaea⋯.png (1.04 MB,1080x1139,1080:1139,Sgggg_1.png)

LOL the black African negroid ape woman wears a wig while playing basketball…CULTURE APPROPRIATION NUT JOB


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dc9757 No.21065368

File: 807941c45bce444⋯.png (39.88 KB,770x762,385:381,Q3387.png)


You bring up a solid point, BongAnon.

It's possible only Americans get the BOOM(x4) habbenings sometime in 2025.

The rest of you foreign niggas may have to wait awhile longer.

Not rooting for it just saying.

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9c8ff7 No.21065369

>>21065354 (me)

Added info.

I'm a bit worried though, because the neighborhood I live in is called Little Palestine.

I have no problem with the Jews or the Palestinians and would like to keep it that way.

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05b96b No.21065370


imagine the smell

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570c0a No.21065371

File: 123f2885e856ce2⋯.png (317.04 KB,439x603,439:603,NBASilverKike.png)


Weird how a Jew who never played basketball controls them all.

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39968b No.21065372


You are have become a board personality due to your posting style. Must always be recognized. Mile wide ego. No sauce for ADS-B. Lousy, low info caps. Posts low hanging fruit from an Obama phone paid for by taxing others. And you want examples of better work? Delusional. Start a go fund me. Get a job and a real computer. Slide into obscurity. That would be better work.

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a78473 No.21065373

File: 6e87b90b9b94e1e⋯.png (162.28 KB,438x245,438:245,ClipboardImage.png)

21 Jun, 2024 23:09

Gates may bring ‘downfall of western civilization’ – Musk

Bill Gates’ ex-wife has endorsed Joe Biden, a move Elon Musk condemned as a terrible idea

Billionaire tech entrepreneur Elon Musk has pushed back on Melinda French Gates’ endorsement of US President Joe Biden, suggesting it might be bad for the West.

The ex-wife of Microsoft mogul Bill Gates endorsed Biden on Thursday, presenting him as the candidate that cared about women. The incumbent Democrat is facing a rematch with his predecessor Donald Trump in November.

“I am once again asking for the scorned billionaire wife to Democrat activist pipeline to be studied,” conservative influencer Ashley St.Clair wrote on X (formerly Twitter) in response. “Melinda Gates is about to spend so much divorce money on getting Joe Biden elected.”

“Might be the downfall of western civilization,” replied Musk. He also agreed with St. Clair’s follow-up that “many villain arcs [are] being pursued under the guise of philanthropy.”

French Gates’ 2021 divorce left her with an estimated net worth of over $11 billion. She quickly pivoted from her foundation work to political activism on behalf of the Democrats.

The ruling party in Washington already has a prominent ex-wife of a tech mogul in a major supporting role, however. Laurene Powell Jobs, widow of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, used some of his inheritance to donate to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

The Emerson Collective, which she founded in 2004 to engage in educational philanthropy and social justice, expanded its portfolio to immigration advocacy during the Obama administration. Powell Jobs has since used it to buy The Atlantic magazine in 2017 and a stake in Axios.

Meanwhile, Musk’s politics shifted towards the Republicans after Biden came to the White House. The Tesla founder and SpaceX CEO ended up buying Twitter in 2022, after complaining about widespread censorship on the platform, and rebranding it as X.

He has stopped just short of endorsing Trump in the 2024 election, but endorsed a Republican victory as a way to preserve the US from collapsing.

“I voted 100% [Democrat] until a few years ago. Now, I think we need a red wave or America is toast,” Musk said in March.


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05b96b No.21065374


>foreign niggas


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c59d6f No.21065375


circus mgr.

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4e7f5c No.21065376

>>21062053 (pb)

A Gallon of Vodka a Day: Lunden Roberts/Hunter Biden

Patrick Bet David

This was not a good interview. No one had read the book bc her team wanted NDAs before letting them read it beforehand and PBD's guys said "Fuck it, we can wing this" and wow that sucked.

No mention of her working for Rosemont Senecca, coaching one of Hunter's daughters in private basketball lessons, etc. As far as insights into the Biden family, she had none to offer. Literally nothing she said was interesting. "I was mad at Hunter. I hated him. Navy is just like him. He told me he gave his coat to a homeless man, along with his wallet, phone, and keys which explains why he disappeared for three hours when we were supposedly having something of a date".

It was ridiculous and I'm pissed off with myself for listening to it.

And now that's off my chest.

Carry on.

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60b79a No.21065377


>scorned billionaire wife to Democrat activist pipeline

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a78473 No.21065378


NOTEAll the money given to Bidan's personal superPac, he gets to keep and use if not all drained by the election.

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570c0a No.21065379


ask her if she had a bat mitzvah.

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d90290 No.21065380

File: 43ea332318b2d13⋯.jpg (122.99 KB,820x1024,205:256,1574898612911m.jpg)


I just want her feet

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05b96b No.21065381


what is she has bunions or tinea?

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570c0a No.21065382


Question, how does $$$$ = votes?

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719707 No.21065383

File: bbc0b34d0d62973⋯.png (836.39 KB,1080x1605,72:107,Wig.png)

File: 04e331a5f8dcc06⋯.png (1001.5 KB,1019x1497,1019:1497,Oye_vey.png)

File: 9e44882465facf6⋯.png (844.41 KB,1080x694,540:347,Screenshot_20240621_141032….png)

File: 8976ab9a22cbaea⋯.png (1.04 MB,1080x1139,1080:1139,Sgggg_1.png)

LOL the black African negroid ape woman wears a wig while playing basketball…CULTURE APPROPRIATION NUT JOB


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dc9757 No.21065384


>Patrick Bet David

That dude's a phony phuck.

He runs one of those confidence scams just like sportsball handicappers and buy muh supplements salesmen do.

Looks good in those suits tho I'll give him that much.

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570c0a No.21065385

File: 38c2964155c555b⋯.png (83.76 KB,500x739,500:739,SMII.png)

File: 31987b639f146a8⋯.png (69.81 KB,500x668,125:167,SMIIII.png)

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029d0c No.21065386

File: 5acf665662e51f4⋯.jpg (312.79 KB,1080x1024,135:128,provo.jpg)


>divorce grape

>become important

Why do we care what this tranny thinks?


fucking hot ass bitch would impregnate 24/7. She is one of those rare good mutt specimens, like brittany venti. Here have a based nigel in return.

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c59d6f No.21065387


it's a question?

no survey takers?

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dc9757 No.21065388

File: 8fe3bb0cd588bf0⋯.webm (538.57 KB,720x738,40:41,AOC_Gum.webm)


>an acceptable midbread (1) post

She's such a cutie.

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3c93ce No.21065389

File: 70c31fdc0328602⋯.mp4 (1.06 MB,448x448,1:1,lone_soldier.mp4)

File: f7984f79f715f29⋯.mp4 (704.68 KB,640x360,16:9,fuck_you_klaus_schwab_davo….mp4)


farage will get a seat in the commons where he can speak freely without getting shut down and if needed can single handed if needed kick down their doors and control over the minds of the u.k masses like trump took over the RNC and turned it maga.

m.p's can say what the like there as they are protected like he was attacked by other m.ps and farage could not hold them accountable.

much bigger subject.

u.k anons have been here for years and understand the media better than most.

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570c0a No.21065390

File: 19a2f28c58d03ed⋯.mp4 (7.18 MB,720x1280,9:16,ChosenOnes.mp4)

Jews: Why does everyone hate us? Because they are jealous that we are smarter because we are more blessed by God.

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ca4f80 No.21065391

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Unlearn NEGATIVE HABITS and create POSITIVE HABITS (5 Negative Habits I gave up and you should too)

Tyler Todt

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baeb07 No.21065392



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f5144e No.21065393


Shall not discriminate on bases of religion

LAW SUIT IN 3..2..

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ca4f80 No.21065394

File: 3a182565f066e40⋯.png (585.36 KB,871x812,871:812,bush.PNG)


Saturday, June 22, 2024

16 hours ago

William Upton


Bush Appointee Tried to Bully Judge Cannon Off the Trump Documents Case.

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719707 No.21065395

File: 560cede0ae8e6da⋯.mp4 (346.55 KB,706x720,353:360,560cede0ae8e6da6dc2f61b3a7….mp4)

File: 04e331a5f8dcc06⋯.png (1001.5 KB,1019x1497,1019:1497,Oye_vey.png)

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570c0a No.21065396

File: 3be81b26b903a59⋯.jpg (56.85 KB,500x501,500:501,SGIV.jpg)


UK morons still live under a monarchy..

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570c0a No.21065397

File: c7ccfc6f515213b⋯.png (63.97 KB,507x493,507:493,DeSantisFlorida.png)

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42d40b No.21065398


The only booms there will be here…are when the US gets the shit nuked out of us.

There isn't going to be a happy ending to this whole ordeal.

The years of wasted opportunities and allowing shit to get this way…we're beyond the point of no return.

What we allow to happen, is exactly what we deserve.

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ea5c78 No.21065399

File: 20b36a468b53d4c⋯.jpg (702.95 KB,1200x1329,400:443,uyrexposeddude.jpg)


fuck off

go fuck yourself.


you talk too much

no one cares


ditto no one cares,



Wow. ur so authentic



Ur the GM Hater


Satanist. Can't stand other people to enjoy the new day

Fuck off Creep

Maybe look on the calendar.

Might be suicide weekend?


Jew Hater

yes, Jew Haters are GM haters.


friends with namefag "Paraclete" who people say is OSS

Figures. Already tagged as Tranny.


Ur a fuckn fraud. Go Back


Liar. As if you know what's in Trump's mind; fuckface.

notice uses the slur word against Black Americans.

So low class. Trying to appear to be a hillbilly, for cred among its handlers?


Accuses people of "IP hop" as I said "OSS"

No one cares about "IP" except for shill

Why would we?

They do the IP once they are banned.

That's why they accuse others of it

No one keeps track of you freaks, except to mass delete.


pretends to be the arbiter of what is cool




discouragement fag

Is that all you've got?


pretends when its filtered its won the argumentt.

NO, you need a little more than than.

You're like VietNam "Declare Victory" when all evidence shows otherwise.

says "Durr Durr" ? alot?

That's even below the illiterate.

How much to bet the dudes functionally illiterate?

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e2c31e No.21065400

File: b0dc3307dc81a9e⋯.png (136.44 KB,577x357,577:357,obamagay.png)

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029d0c No.21065401

File: 6044ca81533668d⋯.jpg (149.98 KB,1079x1309,1079:1309,rate_my_tato.jpg)


imagine those lips kissing the tip of your dick while you milk her face. "yes papi, yes i want it all mmmm" she says.

"white chicks never do this do they?" she says as she licks her lips and swallows it joyfully. "mm papi i love it so much"

Here. have a hot potato. (Top ranked potato on onlyfans).

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ca4f80 No.21065402

File: e3368297b455ff2⋯.png (25.68 KB,694x277,694:277,gen.PNG)


Gen Z's widening gender divide has turned

political. It's ruining our relationships.

USA Today, by Dace Potas

Posted By: NorthernDog, 6/22/2024 8:34:14 AM

Gen Z has a major problem. We are divided. Everyone knows we can be passionate about our politics, and that can lead to some differences. But what many may not realize is that Gen Z has a major division along gender lines that other generations don't seem to be dealing with. We differ so much that it's starting to be a problem with how we see each other. (Snip) Polling suggests that more than 70% of college Democrats wouldn’t go on a date with a Republican, whereas the opposite is just 31 percent. Thirty-seven percent of young Democrats wouldn’t even

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6a3e10 No.21065403

File: 1bf15bac5c1f828⋯.gif (2.22 MB,498x298,249:149,9205ED88_37AB_49F8_84DC_A7….gif)


Said the dbag who can’t hang or produce anything remotely similar.

Entirely your problem

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9c8ff7 No.21065404


Don't all Jewish girls have a bat mitzvah?

If she is openly Jewish, it seems like that might be a rude thing to ask her.

Like if she, knowing that I am a Christian, asked me if I was baptized.

Seems awkward to ask such things.

But maybe if it were to come up in conversation.

Actually, she did not tell me that she is Jewish. My friend said, while we were at a restaurant with about 12 other friends, "Jordan is our token Jewish friend." Which I thought was kind of an odd thing to say. We all just laughed and that was the end of it. Maybe it was a warning to us to not bash Jewish people in front of her. Not that any of us do that.

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88edf6 No.21065405


Note next (6) years. Would take us to 2025, So Q was telling us back in 2019 the US was going to suffer 4 years of Biden starting in 2021, I'm not sure the cost of allowing them to win is 'Strategic' but then again if we do see some accountability In 2025 I guess it would of been worth it, my only concern is if the Republicans do not have the house and senate then nothing will happen…

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f5144e No.21065406



the fuck is an orc?

and really why should i care?

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d706c8 No.21065407

the illuminati needs flat incomes for 30 years because declining incomes would be too conspicuous

the illuminati needs steady inflation to chip away at people's wealth

the illuminati needs foreign wars to require money to be printed to cause inflation

the illuminati needs a bullish stock market so they can accumulate wealth

the illuminati needs pre-planned stock market crashes to flush out the non-illuminati money in the market

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ca4f80 No.21065408

File: 9ec08a4eff707b2⋯.png (214.51 KB,385x420,11:12,sc.PNG)


Jeff Clark Explains SCOTUS Decision That The Left Is Celebrating As A Win For Red Flag Laws @ JeffClarkUS



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dc9757 No.21065409


Oh my.

I haven't seen't a triggered spergout like that in quite a while.

Well played.

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f5144e No.21065410


>They keep pushing everyone around so they can get their way.

broke the bullies nose in school. so lets play

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19f32d No.21065411

File: bbc0b34d0d62973⋯.png (836.39 KB,1080x1605,72:107,Wig.png)

Personal experiences can also offer insights into whether Angel Reese wears a wig. People who have observed her closely during games, practices, or public appearances may be able to provide firsthand accounts of her hair's appearance and texture. If there are consistent discrepancies or changes in her hair, it could suggest the presence of a wig.

Lastly, looking at examples of other athletes or celebrities who have been known to wear wigs can provide context. Many athletes, such as basketball player Elena Delle Donne or tennis player Serena Williams, have openly discussed their use of wigs for convenience and style. These examples highlight that wearing wigs is not uncommon in the sporting world, and it is a personal choice that should not be stigmatized.

In conclusion, while there have been rumors that Angel Reese wears a wig, it is important to rely on scientific evidence, personal experiences, and examples to determine the truth. Understanding the biology of hair growth, considering personal observations, and looking at other athletes who wear wigs can help shed light on this matter. Ultimately, it is up to Angel Reese to address these rumors and clarify her own personal choices regarding her hair.

LOL the black African negroid ape woman wears a wig while playing basketball…CULTURE APPROPRIATION NUT JOB


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d706c8 No.21065412


is brown for anus?

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dc9757 No.21065413

File: e5df3960d93eda7⋯.jpg (38.46 KB,446x328,223:164,NTTAWWT.JPG)


Some people are into that form of erotica I will grant you that much.

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ea5c78 No.21065414

File: 48a4e07a61b1de7⋯.png (279.68 KB,390x513,130:171,takethevax.png)


Pretends when its filtered its won the argument,

NO, you need a little more than that.


still chatty cathy?

Is that it? When's your clock-out time?

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a78473 No.21065415

22 Jun, 2024 08:13

US forces Russia to close visa centers – ambassador

The Americans are also trying to make Russia’s diplomats “hide behind embassy walls,” but this won’t happen, Anatoly Antonov has said

US authorities are closing both Russian visa center offices in the country and will deprive Russia’s diplomats of tax exemption, Moscow’s ambassador to Washington, Anatoly Antonov, has revealed.

The Russia Visa Application Center operates in Washington and New York, assisting those looking to get permits to travel to Russia with preparing the necessary papers and submitting them to the Russian consular offices.

"The Americans notified us that the visa center is closing,” Antonov told the journalists on Saturday. Themove by Washington creates a “serious extra burden for us given the fact that our consulate general offices in Houston and New York are drained of blood” due to expulsions of Russian diplomats from the US, he stressed.

The decision to revoke tax exemption status from Russian embassy workersis another “petty, nasty attack” by Washington, the ambassador said.The cards are common practice and handed out to diplomats in all countries, he explained.

US officials didn’t provide any reasoning for their actions, Antonov noted. As for a possible response by Moscow, he said that “there is no need to make any rash moves. We need to consider what the specific consequences of what we will have to do.”

According to the ambassador, the Americans “are trying to break [Russia], trying to change [its] foreign policy, trying to force our diplomats to hide behind the walls of the embassy, to stop communicating and working,” he said.

"This will not happen. Until the last diplomat, while we remain here, we will keep performing our duties,” the ambassador assured.

Relations between Moscow and Washington have steadily deteriorated over the past decade, with the administration of former US President Barack Obama shutting down several Russian consulates after accusing Moscow of “interference” in the 2016 presidential election. The diplomatic row has only escalated since Moscow launched its military operation in Ukraine in February 2022, prompting a wave of Western sanctions and several tit-for-tat expulsions of diplomats by both countries.

Last month, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov warned that Moscow may well downgrade its diplomatic ties with Washington if the West “continues on the path of escalation” in terms of supporting Ukraine or making hostile economic moves.


(Sundance is right, they are trying to keep all American’s locked up in the US)

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eea23f No.21065416

File: ff2c87bc7767853⋯.jpg (182.18 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_22_06_5….jpg)

File: 5caacb597771018⋯.png (97.64 KB,640x1386,320:693,441_1_.png)

File: ab90b9b6dd1e346⋯.jpeg (75.68 KB,800x533,800:533,GQqjjXaXoAAUIB6.jpeg)


what a strange bread. not even trying to blend in anymore.

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d706c8 No.21065417

was their a field you wanted to get into?

and then you broke into it and found out that the highest people were a certain type? lemme know

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dc9757 No.21065420


Q was rarely as explicit as he was in that post.

And even then he left plenty of fill in the blanks.

Still, he at least threw anons a bone with some rare datefag sauce.

That was nice TY Q.

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ea5c78 No.21065421

File: 13692538205705b⋯.png (572.67 KB,1200x762,200:127,ranieregeekynondescript.png)


You have Zero to negligible memes?

Is that right?

Is that you, Ranier?

Do they let you post from jail?

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1ecb62 No.21065422


you went full reeeeeeee!

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f5144e No.21065423




without stealing an AOC meme

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d706c8 No.21065424


does making Trans propaganda for kids count as an innovation?

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eea23f No.21065425

File: f86aa56e389bec9⋯.jpg (179.98 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_22_09_4….jpg)

File: dc47c64af80dc4c⋯.png (56.27 KB,640x612,160:153,902_12_.png)

File: ec03324bf3e40e6⋯.jpeg (697.29 KB,2048x1463,2048:1463,GQnXI2CW4AAr0a9.jpeg)

File: 9e98ba5e6b907f3⋯.jpeg (319.94 KB,2048x1152,16:9,GQnXJe5XMAAUIBU.jpeg)

File: dbfadb7f67cdf66⋯.jpeg (1017.87 KB,2048x1463,2048:1463,GQnXJ_wX0AAtt4l.jpeg)

Night Mode

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dc9757 No.21065426

File: 679cb78f0184357⋯.png (543.92 KB,604x453,4:3,AOC_TrackStar.png)


>DAY 0

kek is that a bad thing?

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ba26db No.21065427


haha parrot faggot

most of your jew hating posts are deleted

you are such a loser namefag spammer

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ca4f80 No.21065428

File: 7969b229eda68ce⋯.png (727.7 KB,715x556,715:556,dog.PNG)

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d90290 No.21065429

File: b43a9dc366e9b79⋯.png (3.07 MB,1773x2048,1773:2048,Memeto_1708998118575.png)


>full reeeeeeee!

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ba26db No.21065430


counts as a free noose on a tree branch

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e9433b No.21065431

File: 774c0688bc2b5be⋯.png (660.12 KB,758x844,379:422,ClipboardImage.png)

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eea23f No.21065432

File: ab40405ebaa8b7d⋯.jpg (187.71 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_22_09_4….jpg)

File: 02b83e12a561e5a⋯.jpeg (246 KB,2048x1383,2048:1383,GQre_JrWcAADoZ_.jpeg)

File: 74a818e5a120e39⋯.jpeg (423.36 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GQre_M4WoAArNjk.jpeg)

File: 27d52abd808a2f5⋯.jpeg (494.06 KB,2047x1528,2047:1528,GQre_LAXAAEqn5I.jpeg)

File: 693077b1d1fc05c⋯.jpeg (402.94 KB,2048x1201,2048:1201,GQre_LOXYAIfbKY.jpeg)

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60b79a No.21065433

I have light colored hair, light skin. The sun is a disaster for me. I can't take the sun.

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41ddc7 No.21065434

File: 0250bd25f35253f⋯.jpeg (42.62 KB,800x450,16:9,WoSzS39JJhUj.jpeg)

The alphabet clowns are banking hard on their acronym handshake this morning.

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ba26db No.21065435

File: e35d4458de4672d⋯.jpeg (30.07 KB,184x162,92:81,IMG_0390.jpeg)


never go full reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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029d0c No.21065436


"Vote for me and I'll clone sex slaves of myself for you all. Free sodomy and big booty WAP for everyone! Just bring the lube papi hehe!"

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aad2bc No.21065437

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a8ff29 No.21065438

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

End Of Zelensky Era? Russian Intel Reveals likely Name Of New Ukrainian President


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e9433b No.21065439

File: 530cf4ff605540e⋯.png (1.2 MB,687x687,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Odd comic

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ea5c78 No.21065440

File: 567111bbc5ab738⋯.jpg (712.71 KB,1073x1183,1073:1183,shillwanttogiveyouparacite….jpg)

Now it starts the CP

That's what happens when its outed/ losing the argument.

Also you'll notice SHILL never have decent unusual or noteworthy memes.

It's either they can't meme. Or their handlers fail to see the point and won't fund it.

It's enough for them just to disrupt.

They don't have to appear super-plausible.

Shill wanna give you parasites (is that why hes' called Paraclete?)

They love to show off their derangement.


1 . Think they are cool. No self-awareness

2. Told to act like idiots (cf AJ) by their handlers.

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ca4f80 No.21065441

File: 3b3288cd87d3fe7⋯.png (904.72 KB,883x869,883:869,ort.PNG)


Federal Judge Blocks Rule Requiring Employers to Accommodate Employee Abortions

‘The EEOC exceeded its statutory authority [and] unlawfully expropriated the authority of Congress,’ wrote U.S. District Judge David Joseph.

By Tom Ozimek




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930fa0 No.21065442

File: bbc0b34d0d62973⋯.png (836.39 KB,1080x1605,72:107,Wig.png)

File: 9e44882465facf6⋯.png (844.41 KB,1080x694,540:347,Screenshot_20240621_141032….png)

File: 8976ab9a22cbaea⋯.png (1.04 MB,1080x1139,1080:1139,Sgggg_1.png)

Personal experiences can also offer insights into whether Angel Reese wears a wig. People who have observed her closely during games, practices, or public appearances may be able to provide firsthand accounts of her hair's appearance and texture. If there are consistent discrepancies or changes in her hair, it could suggest the presence of a wig.

Lastly, looking at examples of other athletes or celebrities who have been known to wear wigs can provide context. Many athletes, such as basketball player Elena Delle Donne or tennis player Serena Williams, have openly discussed their use of wigs for convenience and style. These examples highlight that wearing wigs is not uncommon in the sporting world, and it is a personal choice that should not be stigmatized.

In conclusion, while there have been rumors that Angel Reese wears a wig, it is important to rely on scientific evidence, personal experiences, and examples to determine the truth. Understanding the biology of hair growth, considering personal observations, and looking at other athletes who wear wigs can help shed light on this matter. Ultimately, it is up to Angel Reese to address these rumors and clarify her own personal choices regarding her hair.

LOL the black African negroid ape woman wears a wig while playing basketball…CULTURE APPROPRIATION NUT JOB


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f5144e No.21065443

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60b79a No.21065444

File: 0f68ab468f18860⋯.mp4 (11.1 MB,854x480,427:240,leod.mp4)

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14ddb8 No.21065445

File: 0fdf705a77bc74f⋯.jpeg (112.62 KB,626x626,1:1,IMG_0740.jpeg)



why settle for AOC when the Age Of Sexbots is almost upon us?

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aad2bc No.21065446


your real daddy looks ugly

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aad2bc No.21065447


You both whores

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aad2bc No.21065448


Frat of keks

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eea23f No.21065449

File: 02b83e12a561e5a⋯.jpeg (246 KB,2048x1383,2048:1383,GQre_JrWcAADoZ_.jpeg)

File: 974e746ac2e087a⋯.png (65.7 KB,640x612,160:153,2533.png)



there's a smaller number on the piece of paper. 25 33 bottom middle under the paper

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029d0c No.21065450


Greetings fellow /x/ . Try one of these. It might help against the schits :

Chlorpromazine (Thorazine)

Fluphenazine (Prolixin)

Haloperidol (Haldol)

Perphenazine (Trilafon)

Thioridazine (Mellaril)

Thiothixene (Navane)

Trifluoperazine (Stelazine)

Aripiprazole (Abilify)

Aripiprazole lauroxil (Aristada)

Asenapine (Saphris)

Brexpiprazole (Rexulti)

Cariprazine (Vraylar)

Clozapine (Clozaril)

Iloperidone (Fanapt)

Lumateperonee (Caplyta)

Lurasidone (Latuda)

Olanzapine (Zyprexa)

Olanzapine/samidorphan (Lybalvi)

Paliperidone (Invega Sustenna)

Paliperidone palmitate (Invega Trinza)

Quetiapine (Seroquel)

Risperidone (Risperdal)

Ziprasidone (Geodon)

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aedef1 No.21065451

File: 090d8c76d5645e0⋯.jpeg (80.83 KB,786x634,393:317,090d8c76d5645e015971f4187….jpeg)

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6a3e10 No.21065452

File: a92cc774ecfc6d4⋯.jpeg (325.87 KB,766x666,383:333,944D4C28_FEA6_467E_A2F7_B….jpeg)


And likely decided upon during muh WEF special meeting in Riyadh

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ca4f80 No.21065453

File: b33bf4f60b8670f⋯.png (632.72 KB,591x545,591:545,cake.PNG)


New York Post


Genovese mobster ‘Tony Cakes’ ID’d as elderly NYC pedestrian decapitated by DOT truck https://trib.al/oN2g90i


10:11 AM · Jun 21, 2024




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029d0c No.21065454


because AOC porn pisses off the libshits more. praise kek.

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aad2bc No.21065455

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930fa0 No.21065456

File: cbe67074dc6d611⋯.png (1.03 MB,1080x1233,120:137,Fungus.png)



Bathhouse fungus is that you?

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a8ff29 No.21065457

File: 54406ccf1a0e4ac⋯.jpg (143.23 KB,500x986,250:493,4wgmjh.jpg)


>why settle for AOC when the Age Of Sexbots is almost upon us?

AOC is #ourhorse

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ca4f80 No.21065458

File: aa1342683517fd3⋯.png (446.66 KB,604x782,302:391,mill.PNG)


Wall Street Apes


Black American Woman Telling Her 113k+ Followers What She Thinks About The Joe Biden Fundraiser

“Y'all Jill Biden is a disgusting evil piece of cr*p. Just my opinion though. Now Joe Biden was at a fundraiser with Jimmy Kimmel and Barack Obama. And they was on the stage and when they got ready to leave the stage of course Joe Biden was standing there like a deer in the headlights knowing what they're doing. We used to that.

We used to him standing there like a deer in the headlights. But Barack Obama had to grab him and lead him off the stage. Y'all think I'm lying go and take a look at the go and take a look at the video.

Now we can't forget when they was in Italy with the G7 leaders that he wandered off and the prime minister had to go and get them and bring them back over there where everybody was at. We not gonna forget when the Easter bunny had to get him

But the reason I said Jill Biden is a disgusting piece of crap is because she knows that her husband is sick. She knows that her husband is mentally there.

I'm not saying that he was always mentally there. I'm not saying that. But right now she know this man is not mentally there and she's allowing these people to use him to keep whatever little power that she has, whatever little title she has as First Lady

She's willing to let them use this man because that's what the Democrat party is doing. The Democrat party is using Joe Biden because let me tell you something, if they cared about anything about Joe Biden, if they cared about this man or his health, they would even tell them, hey, Go home and rest. But instead of doing that, they're willing to use this man and that's what they're doing. And this is why I think Joe Biden is a evil, disgusting, lowlife piece of trash. Just my opinion.

We all have them. I mean, come on. And we know this man have Alzheimer's, uh, uh, dementia. And if y'all wanna know how I know, because my mother had first stage of Alzheimer's before she passed, and these are the same things that she was doing. That's how I know.

And if there's any nurses or doctors out there, y'all know it too. Y'all know this man have first stage of dementia, if not further longer than first stage. But this democrat party is willing to use this man, use this man just to keep power. And y'all think the Democrat Party care about anything. The Democrat Party don't care about nothing or no one, obviously, but to keep power

Nancy Pelosi about a 103. She's still up there trying to keep power. Chuck Schumer need to be gone. — But right now, I'm talking about the president of the United States of America

This man is sick. And his wife, the woman who's supposed to be protecting him, the woman who's supposed to be looking out for him and have his best interest at heart is allowing these people to use him just to keep whatever little power and title that she have. And y'all think I and wanna know why I'm saying she's a disgusting piece of cr*p

—Then you still have people out here talking about, well, Joe Biden, he's the best president. He's doing a good job. Doing a good job doing what?

Because he can't find himself off the stage. So when is he doing a good job? And I guess when he able to find himself off the stage, will I help? Y'all think that's a good job? I can't take these people serious.

This is why I don't take Biden supporters serious because these people are so filled with hate and anger against Trump that they're willing to put their money and their best behind a man that can't even find himself off stage. —This is disgusting. And y'all wanna tell me that Joe Biden on June 27th won't get up there and have an hour and a half debate with Donald Trump.

Y'all know god damn where he gonna be on so many energy drinks. He gonna be so hyped on energy drinks. That come on now. Let's not play like he ain't gonna be hyped on energy drinks or something. But these people are disgusting and would do anything to keep power.

It is what it is.”

0:43 / 3:29

2:59 PM · Jun 17, 2024




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aad2bc No.21065459


I was on the upon one you fuckin bastard

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41ddc7 No.21065460

File: 3a769f496172f0b⋯.webp (832.33 KB,3024x4032,3:4,9vuh3fuk918d1wash.webp)


>Now it starts the CP

They're not at that point yet. Suspect they're also not too keen on showing everyone just how scared they are, because when they feel they're losing on optics, that's when they roll it out. Their decisions to use it are rooted in the fear that results from their own incompetency.

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d106d9 No.21065461

File: 712bfcdb7cec500⋯.png (528.3 KB,600x338,300:169,ClipboardImage.png)


omen style.

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aad2bc No.21065462



it's your mom's boyfriend it's black

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eea23f No.21065463

File: 02b83e12a561e5a⋯.jpeg (246 KB,2048x1383,2048:1383,GQre_JrWcAADoZ_.jpeg)

File: 0d12e9f3b44974d⋯.jpg (180.72 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_22_09_5….jpg)

File: 974f00d6f5f100e⋯.png (42.88 KB,640x496,40:31,2103.png)

File: 265b83bed5e7fa6⋯.png (71.46 KB,640x708,160:177,150_8_.png)

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ca4f80 No.21065464

File: ac7e7546ed6c425⋯.png (990.93 KB,858x601,858:601,sp.PNG)


California Constitutional Amendment Sparks Debate Over Definition of Marriage

Kelly H by Kelly H

June 19, 2024

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ea5c78 No.21065465

File: 8a24b5876aa5e92⋯.jpg (132.35 KB,640x699,640:699,spacewalknotether.jpg)


try harder


You're losing steam;

like a Space Walker who forgot the tether.

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aad2bc No.21065466


The whores behind it

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724b5c No.21065467

File: df89f2fa38cf00a⋯.png (547.61 KB,633x637,633:637,Screenshot_2024_06_22_0755….png)

File: 4eef06db0b9489c⋯.webp (56.05 KB,1200x673,1200:673,Iowa_womens_basketball_ne….webp)


They always tell you.

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aad2bc No.21065468


Do I look the whores purple and vinus

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930fa0 No.21065469

File: 04e331a5f8dcc06⋯.png (1001.5 KB,1019x1497,1019:1497,Oye_vey.png)


Bathhouse fungus Barry don't be shy…

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aad2bc No.21065470


They are nothing but whores

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ea5c78 No.21065471



you must be imports from half chan.

Nothing new around calling out shills and marking all their idiocy for everyone to see.

Nothing new.

It's been full of garbage here for years.

Yes, the garbage gets called out.

Go back to POL/

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208321 No.21065472

File: 30c4c6be222ddc3⋯.jpg (52.2 KB,460x575,4:5,20240621_204024.jpg)


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88edf6 No.21065473

File: efa382baffb36e7⋯.png (1018.37 KB,570x954,95:159,lonely.png)


Finding a nice girl who has not been vaxxed is rare, anon will settle for the hologram…

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aad2bc No.21065474


okay pimpo

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f5144e No.21065475

File: 797ee63f33cfe96⋯.png (1004.95 KB,959x828,959:828,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea5c78 No.21065476


is that what you call yourself?

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aad2bc No.21065477

Yep you are right


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aad2bc No.21065478


Mind your business manures eater

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666b81 No.21065479

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

11:30 AM EDT

LIVE: President Trump Keynotes the Faith and Freedom Coalition's "Road to Majority" - 6/22/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network



1:30 PM EDT

Donald J. Trump, Keynote Speaker: 2024 Road to Majority Conference

Faith & Freedom Coalition



different RSBN link today

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029d0c No.21065480

File: ba393fc882cd44b⋯.jpg (84.06 KB,720x788,180:197,bio_logy_.jpg)


its almost as hard as making sense out of libshit biology

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41ddc7 No.21065481


>try harder

I'm not trying at all. When there's a mimic, most likely the handler of Tranimae, but very well could be that clown AEI as well, that attacked people for a year because they dared to have a personality and break your bullshit code that you try making everyone follow, and he's using it, not to mention VaticanClown does as well, that tells me everything I need to know about your little handshake. It gets filtered, on sight, every time. You want to use it, go right ahead, but I see it for what it was when it began immediately after the mimic gave up on his crusade and started running a false piety script, posting angel pepes with halos, the very thing that was supposedly forbidden to do with my favorite pepe to post, but alright for him and his retard comrades to do. Now tell me I wrote too much text.

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e1086d No.21065482

File: 52316f3d8ce2e1f⋯.png (121 KB,1052x807,1052:807,baker_reporting.png)


Baker Reporting For Duty

I have time to finish this loaf

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570c0a No.21065483

File: f746f94981d5aa7⋯.jpg (67.25 KB,500x719,500:719,PuppetMasters.jpg)


If these kikes were in charge back when Q was posting, they would have deleted Q's posts too.

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ea5c78 No.21065484


might have to join a "medical freedom" group? There's many woman there.

or move to Lancaster Pennsylvania?

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300fad No.21065485

File: 84c1406a07f083e⋯.jpeg (43.43 KB,255x244,255:244,IMG_7022.jpeg)

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208321 No.21065486

File: 6bb8efe96e37e2f⋯.jpg (77.33 KB,724x913,724:913,20240622_073902.jpg)

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aad2bc No.21065487


is that loop

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eea23f No.21065488

File: da70ccade3d49a2⋯.jpg (178.57 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_21_18_0….jpg)

File: f6a9d4e396718f4⋯.jpg (28.44 KB,507x356,507:356,b87a8d06f12882bb062627ce11….jpg)

File: d9c253dbb2dd858⋯.png (340.43 KB,640x1218,320:609,1054_8_.png)

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f5144e No.21065489

File: 827070eb5867429⋯.png (1.49 MB,864x999,32:37,ClipboardImage.png)



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aad2bc No.21065490


She looks highly lately i guess

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aad2bc No.21065491



you have the fake father i know the real

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f5144e No.21065492

File: 99251ef80abbb32⋯.png (1.56 MB,1024x984,128:123,ClipboardImage.png)

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9d9068 No.21065493


Kiss the what?

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ea5c78 No.21065494


why would I need to blend in?

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41ddc7 No.21065495

File: 6a771cdda4bcb89⋯.png (305 KB,638x391,638:391,shills2.png)

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f5144e No.21065496

File: a229844003eac4e⋯.png (296.8 KB,480x593,480:593,ClipboardImage.png)

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ca4f80 No.21065497

File: f4a7a2aa590bc8c⋯.png (132.78 KB,389x424,389:424,bm.PNG)


This Can’t Be Shared Enough. Barack Obama Literally Encouraging Illegal Migrants To Vote In America

🇺🇸Join👉 @SGTnewsNetwork

📎  Twitter (http://twitter.com/SGTnewsNetwork)  ▪️ Truth Social (https://truthsocial.com/@SGTnewsNetwork)

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aad2bc No.21065498


I see Sick people

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dc9757 No.21065499

File: 3780f5d04a5917f⋯.png (154.03 KB,332x263,332:263,YWSMT.png)


>Now tell me I wrote too much text.

I know how to exploit a loophole when I see one.

>t. Buttinski Anon

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cf9ab4 No.21065500

drive out,

the small and medium sized businesses.

what remains absorb and digest,

until can no longer be identified.

to be aware of something,


being able to identify a difference.

similarity, uniformity

mind becomes smooth, complacent

do not see nature

do not compare against nature

mind feeds society


taught, encouraged, shun'd, whispered?

spot the similarities

spot the differences

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34cee7 No.21065501

File: 7b4f51773febe6d⋯.png (1.54 MB,800x1098,400:549,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

June 22, 2024

Lynds Dark Nebula 1251

Stars are forming in Lynds Dark Nebula (LDN) 1251. About 1,000 light-years away and drifting above the plane of our Milky Way galaxy, LDN 1251 is also less appetizingly known as "The Rotten Fish Nebula." The dusty molecular cloud is part of a complex of dark nebulae mapped toward the Cepheus flare region. Across the spectrum, astronomical explorations of the obscuring interstellar clouds reveal energetic shocks and outflows associated with newborn stars, including the telltale reddish glow from scattered Herbig-Haro objects hiding in the image. Distant background galaxies also lurk in the scene, almost buried behind the dusty expanse. This alluring view spans over four full moons on the sky, or 35 light-years at the estimated distance of LDN 1251.


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ca4f80 No.21065502

File: b4600f3cc542a56⋯.png (709.28 KB,678x861,226:287,doss.PNG)


Steve Bannon




Explosive Charge by Kash re Paul Ryan

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aad2bc No.21065503


Because you are experiencing bitch nothing else

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14ddb8 No.21065504


"Evolution" is fake n gay, it's obvious the engineers who created organic life here tried many and varied species

Many humans are different in design and intelligence,some are clearly only one step up from monkeys

Earth is a giant petri dish that the engineers created eons ago

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dc9757 No.21065505


>ESL put down

Kinda guilty pleasure of mine moar please.

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162e08 No.21065506

File: 52ee8c7691f8cf3⋯.png (1.19 MB,1496x788,374:197,2941dc266f86a3d883f7ba7a9a….png)


mornin Swordy!

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aad2bc No.21065508


they have herpes

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ca4f80 No.21065509

File: c747041d8b6c943⋯.png (199.01 KB,587x574,587:574,be.PNG)



Kash Patel


Biden fired 7,000 members of our military for refusing to take the vax and let in over 12 million illegals- some who commit murder, rape, and vicious felonies on a weekly basis.

If thats not bad enough, he now wants to treat our men and women in uniform like farm animals and force feed them garbage:


My guess is @realDonaldTrump nukes this tax payer funded atrocity in week 1- VOTE


Company funded by DOD proposes plan to feed lab grown meat to troops, cattle producers object

The reason for this is to “reduce the CO2 footprint of food production,” BioMADE announced last month.

Jun 22, 2024, 12:19 AM

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4b4cd7 No.21065510

File: c556c307c9c2f2d⋯.png (776.58 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_thepeoplesvoice_t….png)

File: c51626e906c924f⋯.mp4 (2.16 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17190650707….mp4)

Major Democrat Busted in Elite Child Sex Sting

Michael Knaapen, the leader of the LGBTQ Democrats of Maryland, has been caught on video attempting to rape a teenage boy.

Pedo catcher Alex Rosen just busted the leader of the LGBTQ Democrats of Maryland, trying to meet with a 14-year-old

Allegedly, his name is Michael Knaapen, who is also a member of the Maryland Democratic Party Executive Committee.

As an active member of the LGBTQ Democrats of Maryland, Knaapen’s alleged actions have not only tarnished his own reputation but also cast a shadow over the organization as a whole. The implications of this revelation are far-reaching, sparking discussions about the need for stricter background checks and screening processes for those in leadership roles.

Alex Rosen, known for his work in exposing individuals who prey on minors, has once again demonstrated the importance of his efforts in safeguarding the well-being of young people. His dedication to pursuing justice and holding wrongdoers accountable has earned him respect and admiration from many in the community.

The fact that Knaapen was not only a leader within the LGBTQ Democrats of Maryland but also a member of the Maryland Democratic Party Executive Committee is particularly concerning. It raises questions about how someone in such influential positions could engage in such predatory behavior and highlights the need for increased transparency and oversight within political organizations.



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464b29 No.21065511


Doge will still go in

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aad2bc No.21065512


Shut up bitch zip it up and down

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d106d9 No.21065513

File: c8d196eb2bb8f1e⋯.png (458.54 KB,860x467,860:467,ClipboardImage.png)

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dc9757 No.21065514

File: 08dcafc130a2282⋯.jpg (44.62 KB,487x286,487:286,GM_Endorsed.jpg)

Got some quad 5's coming up in case anyone wants to grab another endorsement for GM.

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d706c8 No.21065515

File: 8ea322af46957d5⋯.png (980.43 KB,970x704,485:352,illegalmigrant.png)

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14ddb8 No.21065516


The retards don't know they are retards

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41ddc7 No.21065517

File: b5c961fc13e62e3⋯.png (144.47 KB,331x320,331:320,smokingpepe8_2017018f08db8….png)


Mornin', Swordy.

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c1f80d No.21065518


Come on DJT

Not just the tip

The whole enchilada

Hock Tooey

No more Federal Reserve, IRS

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ca4f80 No.21065519

File: 5a277a4694da63f⋯.png (374.84 KB,352x686,176:343,farm.PNG)


American farmer issues urgent warning about the U.S. government's deliberate war on farmers.

"This administration's agenda is to control the food and control the people."

"They're trying to kill off the American farmer… trying to regulate our land, take our land, take our water rights."

"It is time to wake up and start supporting your local farmers, and buy local."

Source (https://www.tiktok.com/@stephnash_nofarmsnofood)

For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia

And visit: https://wide-awake-media.com

Twitter (https://twitter.com/wideawake_media) | Rumble (https://rumble.com/c/WideAwakeMedia) | Gettr (https://gettr.com/user/wideawakemedia) | Truth Social (https://truthsocial.com/@WideAwakeMedia)

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aad2bc No.21065521


Do we say amen or what it's complex

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9c8ff7 No.21065522

File: 9ce93bf132f39b8⋯.png (118.97 KB,500x589,500:589,ClipboardImage.png)

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aad2bc No.21065523


she looks pretty unlike those whores with big name's

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14ddb8 No.21065524

File: ec7c46d0fdf9c21⋯.jpeg (60.38 KB,474x459,158:153,IMG_0767.jpeg)

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029d0c No.21065525

File: 8e6063e44bb9c75⋯.jpg (134.52 KB,1170x1162,585:581,its_time_for_my_treatment_….jpg)


"how do you like the evolution of these curves husband, you like it when I twerk and suck? hehe *licking lips* "

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ca4f80 No.21065526

File: 9031867a14a7f78⋯.png (304.4 KB,604x464,151:116,tc.PNG)


Tucker Carlson


Neil Oliver: Proud conspiracy theorist.

6:00 AM · Jun 20, 2024




"If we had a pandemic of anything, it was a pandemic of propaganda, a pandemic of lies and a pandemic of testing."

Neil Oliver: "I'm not persuaded that there ever was anything novel called 'Covid'. Covid came and influenza vanished. All the people that were traditionally in their tens or hundreds of thousands every winter [that] would die of the flu? Nobody's dying of flu. What, this is now 'Covid'? That's kind of convenient."

"What we ended up with was a pandemic of testing, with the misapplication of PCR tests that were never designed, according to their designer, to be used as diagnostic tools."

"They simply took an opportunity to do something that they were planning to do anyway, which was to use a pandemic to seize control of people's freedom, and their money—the biggest transfer of wealth in history. Job done. All of that was achieved."

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e9433b No.21065527

File: 1215e133b7af5aa⋯.png (451.9 KB,818x426,409:213,ClipboardImage.png)

File: db6a6d8e668983d⋯.png (515.56 KB,868x538,434:269,ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: New Video Shows Saudi Official Plotting 9-11 Attacks in Washington DC Prior to the Massacre of 3,000 Americans – FBI Has Been Holding the Video for Over 20 Years== (VIDEO)

Chris Cuomo played video on Friday night that shows a Saudi official plotting the 9-11 attacks that killed 3,000 Americans.

The video aired on News Nation and shows a Saudi official plotting the attack in Washington DC.

This is the first time The Gateway Pundit has seen this video.

Chris Cuomo: There’s a story that’s out right now that you have not been smothered with today. The more I think about it, it has been eating at me all day about how blanked up this is. We all remember 9/11. I guess we remember. Maybe we don’t? Maybe we don’t. Maybe time does heal all wounds unless you were directly affected, like the families who are forever scarred and the families of the first responders, etc.

By Jim Hoft Jun. 22, 2024 7:45 am


pic: Saudi national Omar al-Bayoumi recorded video in Washington over several days in 1999. The video raises new questions about Saudi Arabia’s role in 9-11.

vid only: https://rumble.com/v530avh-new-video-shows-saudi-officials-plotting-the-9-11-attacks-in-washington-dc.html

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6d34fd No.21065528

File: 90cac76f8dadd69⋯.jpg (78.01 KB,680x627,680:627,90cac76f8dadd6924f98d96cc8….jpg)

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969ab5 No.21065529

File: c0f3f3f1f493d17⋯.png (1.77 MB,958x1296,479:648,65D42555_28AA_489F_90AA_1C….png)


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aad2bc No.21065530

I'm going blend anyway


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aad2bc No.21065531


Let's gay's vs groomers


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9d9068 No.21065532


Did they give it to you?

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dc9757 No.21065533


>ok well fuck I'll do it I guess

That's the spirit, Baker.

Gung ho to grab the Kitchen types usually make shit breads.

Precipice Times call for blackpilled Bakers.

God speed Patriot.

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7feb44 No.21065534

File: 9edb9f0e7142e91⋯.jpeg (38.38 KB,474x379,474:379,IMG_0768.jpeg)

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41ddc7 No.21065535

File: 75c442b2a775d01⋯.gif (2.96 MB,498x280,249:140,926280642.gif)

Notice they have to take everything and put their acronym on it? Like a communist trying to replace the past with their version? Spam it repeatedly all day? It's a handshake as well as their latest attempt to try and annoy, but it's kind of falling flat and only seems to be the deep state losers assigned here trying to be agitants, and the gullible following their lead use it.

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aad2bc No.21065536


Gay's is groomer's after all

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6a3e10 No.21065537

File: aef8c736a8f950a⋯.jpeg (580.33 KB,1208x613,1208:613,BBA9A62F_FF17_4025_886F_9….jpeg)


Italian AF IAM9001 A319PM Melonideparted Rome WN

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1dc1a7 No.21065538


This is the host's send-off tour?

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60b79a No.21065539

<no self-awareness

>I have light colored hair, light skin. The sun is a disaster for me. I can't take the sun.

like vampires

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aad2bc No.21065540


Your mom's ones time that ugly bitch

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34cee7 No.21065541

File: 68a84efc09a09e7⋯.png (1.35 MB,1200x1051,1200:1051,ClipboardImage.png)

Starliner return delayed to July

June 21, 2024

NASA and Boeing have pushed back the return of the CST-100 Starliner spacecraft from the International Space Station until at least early July to continue studies of propulsion system problems.

In a statement issued late June 21, NASA announced it was no longer proceeding with plans announced three days earlier to have Starliner depart the station June 25, landing at White Sands, New Mexico early June 26, to complete the Crew Flight Test (CFT) mission with NASA astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams on board.

Unlike three previous delays, NASA did not disclose a new departure date for Starliner.

Instead, NASA stated only that it is “evaluating future return opportunities” for the spacecraft after a scheduled spacewalk July 2, the second of a pair of spacewalks planned at the ISS.

“We are taking our time and following our standard mission management team process,” Steve Stich, NASA commercial crew program manager, said in the statement.

“We are letting the data drive our decision making relative to managing the small helium system leaks and thruster performance we observed during rendezvous and docking.”

He added that NASA now planned to carry out an agency-level review of Starliner before its departure “given the duration of the mission.”

Starliner was scheduled to spend only eight days at the station but the latest delay means it will spend close to a month there.

At the June 18 briefing where NASA announced Starliner would return June 26, Stich and others sounded confident that the spacecraft would be ready to come back by then.

Testing confirmed that all but one reaction control system thruster was working well, and helium leaks in the propulsion system had diminished when checked during the thruster tests.

“We really like the opportunity on the 26th because it’s a great opportunity into the White Sands Space Harbor,” Stich said then, because the pre-dawn landing time meant that winds were likely to be benign.

In the statement, he said the extra time would allow for more data collection and work around the two spacewalks planned.

“We are strategically using the extra time to clear a path for some critical station activities while completing readiness for Butch and Suni’s return on Starliner and gaining valuable insight into the system upgrades we will want to make for post-certification missions.”

However, agency officials previously said they scheduled the spacewalks to avoid conflicts with potential Starliner departure dates.

Dana Weigel, NASA ISS program manager, said at the June 18 briefing that if the first of the two spacewalks, scheduled for June 24, was delayed, Starliner’s then-planned June 25 undocking would take precedence.

“We’ll make sure we work around the Starliner schedule.”

At the same briefing, though, officials emphasized they were not driven by schedule. “We have an opportunity to extend a little bit, and that really is an opportunity,”

Mark Nappi, Boeing vice president and commercial crew program manager, said then.

He noted that the eight-day stay originally planned was always intended to be a minimum that could be extended if needed to collect data, particularly since the service module that contains the propulsion system does not return to Earth at the end of the mission.

“This is an opportunity to fully understand the system’s performance without the pressure of schedule or time. We have the time,” he said. “We’ll let the data drive our decision-making.”

The NASA statement did not disclose long Starliner could stay at the station, only that the crew “is not pressed for time to leave the station since there are plenty of supplies in orbit” and there are no other missions scheduled to go to the station through mid-August.

Stich said at a briefing just after Starliner’s June 6 docking that the spacecraft could remain at the station for 45 days.

NASA did not give a specific date for the next opportunity for Starliner to return to Earth. However, at the June 18 briefing, Mike Lammers, a NASA flight director supporting the CFT mission, said landing opportunities were in a “every four day” pattern driven by the station’s orbit and the location of landing sites in the southwestern United States.

That would mean the next landing opportunity after the spacewalks would be around July 4.

Both at the June 18 briefing and in the latest statement, NASA emphasized that Starliner could return Wilmore and Williams now if an emergency required their immediate return.

“So far, we don’t see any scenario where Starliner is not going to be able to bring Butch and Suni home,” Stich said at the briefing.

“We’re just taking a little more extra time to resolve the data and also learn as much as we can while we have the service module in orbit.”


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41ddc7 No.21065542

The mimic is waiting hungrily to snipe the quads.

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ca4f80 No.21065543

File: 6859e448d7fd52d⋯.png (443.76 KB,586x703,586:703,bf.PNG)




To honour the first 6 year deltas, we're still here on the digital battlefield, we never left and never will, we are part of the plan and it's just the beginning of [their] end 🐸⚔️🐸

6:23 AM · Jun 21, 2024




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d706c8 No.21065544

File: 84a2ac6ef290ade⋯.png (1.17 MB,1032x1374,172:229,knaapen.png)


muh republican bigotry

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0b97fa No.21065545


TY for Kitty keks on caturday

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dc9757 No.21065546


Yeah, those ungameable quad 5's should be here any minute now give or take.

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9446f1 No.21065547

File: e944742c64d46be⋯.jpg (800.67 KB,1440x3040,9:19,Screenshot_20210712_044548….jpg)

it only been 30+ years

he's done more since then


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88da0f No.21065548

File: 924b8300e4f325c⋯.jpeg (81.16 KB,474x614,237:307,IMG_0769.jpeg)


Knight Industry Two Thousand

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88edf6 No.21065549

File: 5a162fd652330ff⋯.png (740.94 KB,572x705,572:705,hawk_tuah.png)

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ca4f80 No.21065550

File: 7531e4ff5f39d42⋯.png (1.06 MB,695x749,695:749,rem.PNG)

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ea5c78 No.21065551

File: ca18036841eae39⋯.jpg (704.37 KB,676x1000,169:250,aceofswords.jpg)


oh I guessed right,




Thank you Swordy and back at cha.

just thinking

How is it Democracy to be for Biden and Kamala, when more people want Trump?

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029d0c No.21065552

File: b4b2f363385f4f0⋯.webm (1.84 MB,1024x1024,1:1,libermuttia_NAFO.webm)


When we, the liberation squad storm in to take the quads.

The quad squad to the rescue!

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aad2bc No.21065553


Whatever it's shall we do one bing

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1dc1a7 No.21065554

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9446f1 No.21065555


weaken our military by all means possible

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41ddc7 No.21065556

File: 52d2e26f85d351a⋯.jpg (426.87 KB,1920x1080,16:9,40k_raven_guard_primaris2.jpg)

He's content to snipe the easy digits, I like to snipe moments in time that contain math.

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6a3e10 No.21065557

File: d1fa5ffd4dddb0d⋯.jpeg (505.68 KB,1049x597,1049:597,B8448503_0ED2_4FA1_A349_E….jpeg)

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666b81 No.21065558

First Lady Jill Biden to visit Pennsylvania this weekend

Jun 21, 2024

(WHTM) – First Lady Jill Biden will be visiting Pennsylvania this weekend and Monday with one event in the Midstate.

The Office of the First Lady says Dr. Biden will be attending political events in Lancaster and Pittsburgh on Sunday. The locations of the events were not yet disclosed.



EXCLUSIVE: Jill Biden to host White House Pride celebration

Event to take place on June 26

Jun 21, 2024

First lady Jill Biden will host the White House Pride Month celebration on June 26, according to a press release previewed by the Washington Blade.

The party on the South Lawn will also feature a performance by singer, songwriter, actress, and record producer Deborah Cox and musical selections by DJ Trifle.


President Joe Biden, First Lady Jill Biden coming to Raleigh next week

Jun 21, 2024

RALEIGH, N.C. (WNCN) — The President and the First Lady are expected to visit the Triangle again next week, according to the White House.

On Friday, June 28, President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden will be in Raleigh for a campaign event.


Bill Maher rallies behind Biden as viral clips mount: 'He's old, but he has never lost his mind'

'It can still do the job. He just can't run for it,' Maher said

June 22, 2024


Now an abortion rights advocate, woman raped by stepfather as a child will campaign with first lady

It's part of a 2024 election push around the anniversary of the fall of Roe v. Wade and the constitutional protections for abortion in that the landmark Supreme Court case.

Published 1 hour ago


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aad2bc No.21065559


Whore that love them

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ca4f80 No.21065560

File: cc09c406aab8625⋯.png (205.56 KB,382x498,191:249,remn.PNG)


“ It was never the best, but usually good enough to get the job done … “ 👍

Anyone remember Paint Shop Pro?

It was a good, reliable alternative to the Adobe software.

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ea5c78 No.21065561

File: 3228175bf2c60b2⋯.jpg (81.02 KB,736x535,736:535,demspyring.jpg)

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aad2bc No.21065562


Did you eat it or not say the truth

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dc9757 No.21065563

File: 8869004fbb734c9⋯.png (2.67 KB,91x62,91:62,chk.png)


Uh huh.

Shit like this is why these particular dijjies needed to be called out ahead of time.

Neutralization efforts succeeded.

Well played anons.

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41ddc7 No.21065564

And palindromes. Love seeing those. And wouldn't you know it, hit a 5 digit one.

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666b81 No.21065565

File: a2a601655aba6ce⋯.jpg (690.44 KB,1280x872,160:109,55.jpg)

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db3bf8 No.21065566

File: 4ad57910d4f42dc⋯.png (165.34 KB,1035x711,115:79,ClipboardImage.png)

USNS Watkins still sitting at anchor approx 2 miles south of Yeong island south korea for the last 24 hrs

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aad2bc No.21065567


You Mama lie to you remember that

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ca4f80 No.21065568

File: 61e82209765374e⋯.png (787.38 KB,721x843,721:843,I_O_chess_b.PNG)


Paint Shop Pro

still use it



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990a63 No.21065569

File: 1128b0548d07f76⋯.png (2.27 MB,1080x1844,270:461,Screenshot_20240622_090821….png)

File: 29f91a3307c1709⋯.png (2.38 MB,1080x1577,1080:1577,Screenshot_20240622_090915….png)



Angel Reeseanons would you hit it…..?

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aad2bc No.21065570


You shit bill ya'at'eeh and manures

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464b29 No.21065571


even doctorate holding people are retards that full bore 24/7

likelyl even more so than common level retards

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dc9757 No.21065572

>>21065566 USNS Watson Still Anchored in South Korea


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db3bf8 No.21065573


With a chevy maybe

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029d0c No.21065574

File: 70847d35c062b48⋯.jpg (131.45 KB,763x937,763:937,bleach_niga.jpg)


a: Bleachoncey

b: Alexandria WAP Cortez

Picknick one to impregnate.

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aad2bc No.21065575


She is wāste

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ea5c78 No.21065576

File: 1322d54c61c105c⋯.jpg (38.49 KB,480x360,4:3,eyeandpyrimid12959.jpg)



no I guessed correctly about you.


Where's your memes?

Oh that's right

"I work for the perps, the POOPS"

"So the one eye doesn't let me post memes

"We don't know how to;

For us it's all about scat"


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ba26db No.21065577

File: 8c38f8d8532c343⋯.jpeg (104.78 KB,1021x1024,1021:1024,IMG_0498.jpeg)


check 'em

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e2c31e No.21065578

File: ef19c7154cdc7fd⋯.png (162.51 KB,375x372,125:124,sure.png)


Bet Jill is behind more mischief than most people could imagine.

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aad2bc No.21065579


if she hozhǫ

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9c8ff7 No.21065580


wig or hair extensions? a weave, or whatever they call it?

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6a3e10 No.21065581

File: b971421d634a429⋯.png (139.39 KB,300x359,300:359,B752FDF5_FA44_4A52_AF92_70….png)

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dc9757 No.21065582


>obligatory reply

Follow the wives.

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aad2bc No.21065583


Speak an ingrish

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ca4f80 No.21065584

File: 87103b2ffa48997⋯.png (837.25 KB,789x584,789:584,dic.PNG)


Fauci still has the gall to go onto the View and claim that masks and the six foot rule were part of science even after he was just exposed for knowing these things did not work all along. The View then goes on to blame Trump for killing people by claiming that hydroxychloroquine worked which it did.

He thinks Trump missed an opportunity to bully people into wearing masks through his influence.

When will this guy stop lying because it never seems to cease?

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ba26db No.21065585


disgusting mutant

no way

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dc9757 No.21065586


The ESL Anons are bringing the heat today.

Quite feisty.

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41ddc7 No.21065587

File: dcd130c92b2b68f⋯.jpeg (31.16 KB,750x405,50:27,donecare3.jpeg)

Just realized too. They mimicked for a year, calling someone a narcissist all day every day during that year. Then when they gave up on their crusade calling someone that, the NPC personas pop up displaying that trait, like the "I I I me me me" one that makes demands of Q and is solely responsible for most everything in society according to him. Weird, huh?

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a3d28a No.21065588

File: 811a4f755877015⋯.jpg (185.65 KB,1080x616,135:77,IMG_20240616_114036.jpg)




You get what you pay for.

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aedef1 No.21065589

File: 2d5d3abbdaf78cd⋯.jpg (77.08 KB,527x680,31:40,2d5d3abbdaf78cd77d57163355….jpg)

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aad2bc No.21065590


you where lost forehead fuckin zombie

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0c32f0 No.21065591

"Joe's Shot"

Firing squads back now?

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ca4f80 No.21065592

File: e8f0b43bfdf0498⋯.png (658.91 KB,1022x591,1022:591,ag.PNG)



‘It's time they go’: Missouri AG Andrew Bailey calls to abolish Planned Parenthood

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9446f1 No.21065593

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aad2bc No.21065594


hope they have good food

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34cee7 No.21065595

File: 8400ab893ba2e9b⋯.png (1.74 MB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f71cb317c0325d⋯.png (3.04 MB,1200x4118,600:2059,ClipboardImage.png)


June 20, 2024

Virgin Galactic Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: SPCE) (“Virgin Galactic” or the “Company”) today announced a new contract with the International Institute for Astronautical Sciences (“IIAS”) to fly three research astronauts as part of a future crew aboard the Company’s Delta Class spaceship.

It will be the second research mission that IIAS has conducted with Virgin Galactic. It follows ‘Galactic 05’ in November 2023, which tested novel healthcare technologies and examined how fluids behaved in low gravity to help inform designs for future medical technologies and life-support systems. The mission is anticipated to take place within the first year of Delta commercial service, which remains on track to commence in 2026.

“We were thrilled with the results from our fluid cell experiment on ‘Galactic 05’, which demonstrated our ability to accurately predict the behavior of fluid in a container in a weightless environment. We’ll be expanding on that research for our next mission, and I’ll be working to demonstrate our ability to control the behavior of the liquid as well,” said astronaut and IIAS Director of Human Spaceflight Operations Kellie Gerardi. “The quality and repeatability of the microgravity environment provided by Virgin Galactic’s system is truly game-changing and the potential for a ‘fly, fix, fly’ approach opens the door to many exciting possibilities for IIAS to make discoveries that benefit future explorers.”

The IIAS astronaut crew expected to participate in the research mission includes:

· Kellie Gerardi, a bioastronautics researcher and IIAS Director of Human Spaceflight Operations from the U.S. Gerardi previously flew as a payload specialist on the ‘Galactic 05’ research mission.

· Dr. Shawna Pandya, a physician, aquanaut, bioastronautics researcher, and Director of IIAS’s Space Medicine Group, from Canada.

· Dr. Norah Patten, an aeronautical engineer and bioastronautics researcher from Ireland.

Full biographies are available for download here. More information on Virgin Galactic’s research capabilities here.

The mission is designed to enable IIAS to introduce new research while also expanding upon the results from ‘Galactic 05’, during which astronaut Kellie Gerardi was able to successfully validate a fluid behavior theory within the high-quality microgravity conditions available through Virgin Galactic’s unique flight system.

The IIAS crew plans to fly additional fluid cells, with payload enhancements including upgrades to camera quality and accelerometer measurements.

“We’re excited to continue our partnership with IIAS in an expanded capacity,” said Virgin Galactic Vice President of Government Affairs and Research Operations, Sirisha Bandla.

“Our suborbital science lab is revolutionizing the field of microgravity research by offering routine, reliable access to space – and it’s great to see institutions like IIAS begin to build iterative and innovative campaigns around suborbital space-based research.”

Virgin Galactic’s Delta Class spaceships can be configured to fly either six mission specialists, or four specialists and two additional payload racks, depending on customer needs.

More information will be shared regarding further mission specialists and payloads joining the IIAS crew on this spaceflight as the manifest expands.

Each Delta spaceship is currently estimated to be capable of flying up to eight space missions per month, which is twelve times the monthly capacity of the Company’s original spaceship, VSS Unity.

The new spaceship fleet is anticipated to dramatically increase repeatable and reliable access to the microgravity environment.


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9446f1 No.21065596

File: 2248ccd6d6b767b⋯.jpg (8.89 MB,4242x2828,3:2,Picsart_24_05_27_11_49_20_….jpg)

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f5144e No.21065597

File: 8874962ea3d039f⋯.png (480.68 KB,680x551,680:551,ClipboardImage.png)

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is calling on the House to open an investigation into the original January 6th Committee and issue subpoenas to Nancy Pelosi, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger and Adam Schiff.


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aad2bc No.21065598


do you regret of the shoots

i warning you bitches

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ca4f80 No.21065599

File: a8b8824953e6732⋯.png (29.43 KB,861x274,861:274,host.PNG)


Beijing-Hosted Ukraine Peace Conference? Why Not…

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Friday, Jun 21, 2024 - 01:40 PM

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464b29 No.21065600

File: 89e483c95130d19⋯.jpg (21.2 KB,474x316,3:2,OIP_12_.jpg)

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fb7854 No.21065601

File: c7a26ed60d8410d⋯.png (2.39 MB,1176x1069,1176:1069,Screen_Shot_2018_10_27_at_….png)

File: d40ef24712cf0a1⋯.png (2.39 MB,1176x1069,1176:1069,Screen_Shot_2018_10_27_at_….png)

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e9433b No.21065602

File: f05fa9d0473b5df⋯.png (294.94 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



>would you hit it…..?


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9446f1 No.21065603

File: bbd9710edc294c7⋯.jpg (1.16 MB,1440x3040,9:19,Screenshot_20240622_093039….jpg)

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6a3e10 No.21065604

File: 907d68d8399ec1f⋯.jpeg (629.58 KB,828x704,207:176,469FE427_DAD6_4FCA_ABFB_C….jpeg)


Just kill dis already

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ca4f80 No.21065605

File: 7bb9f2dae00f9b5⋯.png (736.36 KB,681x684,227:228,rush.PNG)


Xi Jinping Rushes to Tibet After Nancy Pelosi Meets with Dalai Lama




John Hayward21 Jun 2024

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029d0c No.21065606

File: 58731338002f685⋯.webm (3.9 MB,608x1080,76:135,kh.webm)

meanwhile in the ukraine

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14ddb8 No.21065607


I figure real Joe was executed by firing squad or a lethal injection (the shot)

Trump said it in the clear, if one cares to remember

Current year Joe is an actor used with CGI and highly advanced mask and voice tech that is not in the public domain

>multiple meanings etc

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aad2bc No.21065608


Shut up bitch

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41ddc7 No.21065609

File: ee1fe978e153875⋯.jpg (514.47 KB,894x1855,894:1855,dumfucks.jpg)

They tried turning Mr. Pig memes and WH40K memes gay. The people that are being described in this post are here. Imagine being a federal employee, with seemingly unlimited resources available at your disposal, and this is the kind of bullshit you try pulling on civilians.

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ca4f80 No.21065610

File: b4811a28d783f99⋯.png (213.96 KB,589x829,589:829,luna.PNG)


Rep. Anna Paulina Luna


BREAKING: Rep. Luna Condemns Garland for Acts of Corruption

Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna (FL-13) released the following statement after reports that Attorney General Merrick Garland is calling members of Congress and asking them to vote against her inherent contempt resolution:

“Attorney General Garland is now calling moderate Republicans, pushing them to vote against my inherent contempt resolution. This is the very definition of corruption. He believes he is above the law and can tell elected members of Congress what to do. My message to Garland is straightforward: release the tapes to Congress and let us listen to them,” said Congresswoman Luna.

“Why is Merrick Garland fighting so hard to keep these tapes hidden? What is on those tapes that is making him act in a criminal manner to protect Joe Biden? Any other American would be in jail for what he is doing. This blatant abuse of power must be stopped. The American people deserve integrity in our institutions, not political corruption.”


1:55 PM · Jun 21, 2024




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f5144e No.21065611

File: aac5a320b551cbc⋯.mp4 (5.5 MB,360x360,1:1,ssstwitter_com_17190667679….mp4)

Congressman Clay Higgins. All business, die-hard, tough Patriot.


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dc9757 No.21065612


>A decent sized pool party with no fat chicks

Hey, sign me up.

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3782d9 No.21065613

File: 9e82cef9ff8b7bc⋯.png (277.88 KB,798x698,399:349,wtfPepe.png)


>They tried turning Mr. Pig memes and WH40K memes gay



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0c32f0 No.21065614


current joe is defiantly not the same joe for sure. easily proven with side by sides.

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029d0c No.21065615


to all the millions that Died-by-Vaccine . Will they ever have justice?

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aad2bc No.21065616


You got that

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ca4f80 No.21065617

File: 173012290ef0555⋯.png (41.98 KB,590x612,295:306,dc.PNG)




Merrick Garland is apparently calling House RINOs asking them to vote No on inherent contempt

This scumbag is putting Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro in prison for not complying with subpoenas, but then he ignores subpoenas and calls Congress telling them not to hold him in contempt

This is the swamp

Any Republican voting against holding Merrick Garland in contempt will receive hell from GOP voters

Get ready


Chad Pergram




1) House sources are expecting Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) to force a vote to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in “inherent contempt” of Congress sometime in the middle of next week. Fox is told the vote likely comes Wednesday or Thursday.

What is “inherent contempt?”

Show more

12:04 PM · Jun 21, 2024




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dc9757 No.21065618


>how do you bring up RRN without saying RRN

Well played, anon.

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41ddc7 No.21065619


Yeah, tried, one post. Like you did now. You tried, but were unsuccessful.

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88edf6 No.21065620

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'I Came Here To Get Something Started!': Mark Robinson Goes Scorched Earth On Dems, Promotes Trump

Mark Robinson > Obama

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aad2bc No.21065621


Gay's is groomer's pedokeepers

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ea5c78 No.21065622

File: f9e5fd6ff56743e⋯.jpg (495.87 KB,778x1013,778:1013,cosmopolitanpepe.jpg)



like monkey's they just throw shit at their enemies.

haven't graduated to sword of logic / reason.



that would be you; Mr. 34 posts.

Can you type more than one sentence.

Or never learned?


Hi "Alex" ur such a fraud.

Love to see everyone with a brain leaving your audience , PIG.

The plastic surgery they did on you sure did backfire.

Can't always trust the science, nor the evil people.

so sad. so bad.


had to report a few CP.

So it wasn't a tsunami, But yeah it's there.

same ol stock photos too.

You know they have a bigger library?

I think a lot are working out of "AJ" 's studio. All he's got it to call the real researchers "crazy"

He can't beat us on actual evidence, logic and data,

So he throws the shit like the regular shill

All he's got.

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7feb44 No.21065623


>Will they ever have justice?

doubtful, highly doubtful

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aad2bc No.21065624


because the herpes of your ugly mom

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ca4f80 No.21065625

File: 8617cdce06e7bdc⋯.png (72.68 KB,591x608,591:608,down.PNG)

File: 61840223b2bed5f⋯.png (355.07 KB,583x468,583:468,his_eyes_uncovered.PNG)


Chef Andrew Gruel


When you see headlines that say “crime is down; felonies are down” this is why.


Chef Andrew Gruel




A homeless man brutally attacked an elderly couple at a McDonald’s in Boyle Heights. DA Gascon is downgrading the charges from a felony to a misdemeanor.

12:41 PM · Jun 21, 2024




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7feb44 No.21065626


I never peruse RRN,have no interest in it

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e1086d No.21065627

File: 217fea0ee2c7370⋯.png (2.18 MB,1024x1024,1:1,lonely_loner_pepe.png)

NOTE CK @670

Notify if anything missed


#25827 >>21064868

>>21064980 EX TMZ personality Van Lathan said one reason black voters backing former President Donald Trump because he embodies the “American dream.”

>>21064986 Donald Trump coming Philadelphia Saturday for rally Temple University, 1st for former president, famously said “bad things happen” here.

>>21064994, >>21065479 LIVE: President Trump Keynotes the Faith and Freedom Coalition's "Road to Majority" - 6/22/24

>>21064995 LIVE: President Trump Holds a MAGA Rally in Philadelphia - 6/22/24

>>21065004, >>21065099, >>21065105 Newly unveiled Body Camera footage Vegas shooting proved shots being fired AFTER Paddock already supposed be dead

>>21065010 Alina Habba's Inspiring Family Story and the Struggle for Freedom


>>21065020 AG Merrick Garland is Now Calling GOP Lawmakers, Coercing Them Not to Vote for ‘Inherent Contempt’

>>21065021 Disney VP Takes Leave of Absence After Date with Undercover Reporter for James O'Keefe

>>21065024 Another Supreme Court Leak? Biden Announced Executive Order Legalize Immigrant Spouses 3 Days Before SCOTUS Issues Ruling on Spouse’s Visa

>>21065032, >>21065037 Judge Cannon wants to know whether Merrick Garland is supervising Jack Smith

>>21065036 FBI argues against release of 9/11 evidence

>>21065038 Imposing a Permanent Gag Order on Trump: How long until the same doctrine is being used to muzzle not just Trump but everyone?

>>21065044 Firestorm erupts over requiring women to sign up for military draft

>>21065093, >>21065101, >>21065130 Bizarre conspiracy theory goes viral re: Biden Clone

>>21065294 Russia strikes Western-supplied air weapons depots in Ukraine – MoD

>>21065307 POTUS T! re Bill Maher

>>21065311 POTUS T! No Taxes On Tips!

>>21065336, >>21065537 PlaneFaggin’: Europe/Med. Activity

>>21065373 Bill Gates’ ex-wife has endorsed Joe Biden, a move Elon Musk condemned as a terrible idea

>>21065394 Bush Appointee Tried to Bully Judge Cannon Off the Trump Documents Case

>>21065402 Gen Z's widening gender divide has turned political. It's ruining our relationships

>>21065408 Jeff Clark Explains SCOTUS Decision That The Left Is Celebrating As A Win For Red Flag Laws

>>21065415 US forces Russia to close visa centers – ambassador

>>21065438 End Of Zelensky Era? Russian Intel Reveals likely Name Of New Ukrainian President

>>21065441 Federal Judge Blocks Rule Requiring Employers to Accommodate Employee Abortions

>>21065453 Genovese mobster ‘Tony Cakes’ ID’d as elderly NYC pedestrian decapitated by DOT truck

>>21065458 Black American Woman Telling Her 113k+ Followers What She Thinks About The Joe Biden Fundraiser

>>21065497 Barack Obama Literally Encouraging Illegal Migrants To Vote In America

>>21065502 Explosive Charge by Kash re Paul Ryan

>>21065509 @Kash: Company funded by DOD proposes plan to feed lab grown meat to troops, cattle producers object

>>21065510 Pedo catcher Alex Rosen just busted the leader of the LGBTQ Democrats of Maryland, Michael Knaapen, trying to meet with a 14-year-old

>>21065519 American farmer issues urgent warning about the U.S. government's deliberate war on farmers

>>21065526 Neil Oliver: "If we had a pandemic of anything, it was a pandemic of propaganda, a pandemic of lies and a pandemic of testing."

>>21065527 Chris Cuomo played video on Friday night that shows a Saudi official plotting the 9-11 attacks that killed 3,000 Americans

>>21065541 NASA and Boeing have pushed back the return of the CST-100 Starliner spacecraft from the International Space Station until at least early July

>>21065558 First Lady Jill Biden to visit Pennsylvania this weekend

>>21065566 Boatfag Report: USNS Watkins still sitting at anchor approx 2 miles south of Yeong island south korea for the last 24 hrs

>>21065584, >>21065067 Fauci goes onto the View, claim masks & 6 foot rule part of science after was just exposed knowing these things did not work

>>21065592 Abortion: ‘It's time they go’: Missouri AG Andrew Bailey calls to abolish Planned Parenthood


>>21065597 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is calling on the House to open an investigation into the original January 6th Committee and issue subpoenas

>>21065599 Beijing-Hosted Ukraine Peace Conference?

>>21065605 Xi Jinping Rushes to Tibet After Nancy Pelosi Meets with Dalai Lama


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0c32f0 No.21065628

Even 2000 years ago, they knew..

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but do lie — behold, I will make them to come and worship at thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

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6d34fd No.21065629

File: 03be627a6ce50f7⋯.png (408.67 KB,1246x291,1246:291,ClipboardImage.png)


they still try this everyday and it's so transparent

fucken morons

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3782d9 No.21065630

File: 8691cacb5af78aa⋯.png (21.26 KB,140x84,5:3,grammarKittyEyes.png)


Stop using apostrophes if you don't know what they mean… smh

>Gay is is groomer is pedokeepers

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029d0c No.21065631


I bet most of their deaths won't even be acknowledged.

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aad2bc No.21065632


You fat

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e9433b No.21065633

File: dfb4b42c4b8d845⋯.png (337.94 KB,660x578,330:289,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 618ab578d258145⋯.png (3.38 MB,2048x1536,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb8e646c6bbc6e4⋯.png (2.68 MB,2048x1410,1024:705,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d41de21db29bf70⋯.png (2.36 MB,2048x1094,1024:547,ClipboardImage.png)

File: da309f5e88aaaae⋯.png (1.8 MB,2048x528,128:33,ClipboardImage.png)


Interesting cloud activity here in the Pacific Northwest today.🤔

4:13 PM · Jun 21, 2024


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d77719 No.21065634

If they live the debil so much why don’t they KTS?

>Go sacrifice yourself, faggot.


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fb7854 No.21065635

File: bcfa579b359dabe⋯.png (2.17 MB,1841x962,1841:962,Screen_Shot_2024_06_22_at_….png)


>Luna Muna

Of course they added the gaybo - picrel

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34cee7 No.21065636

File: 680ab42bb0ef4a3⋯.png (211.25 KB,970x599,970:599,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b3f25b5058765e⋯.png (795.34 KB,970x616,485:308,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 00cc5ee3dbbbb99⋯.png (1.29 MB,970x1213,970:1213,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 29c0988ca94e9f4⋯.png (831.63 KB,970x647,970:647,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d4e818e2f35b926⋯.png (911.43 KB,970x628,485:314,ClipboardImage.png)

Sweet Strawberry Moon, first full moon of summer, thrills stargazers around the world

June 22, 2024

The first full day of summer 2024 ended with the ultimate cherry on top, or, in this case, a strawberry.

The Strawberry Moon of 2024, the full moon for the month of June, rose across the world just after sunset last night, delighting stargazers across the world.

The Strawberry full moon gets its name from the Algonquin tribe of the northwestern United States, according to Space.com's list of full moon designations, but has also been recognized by other names, such as the Rose moon, in Europe.

This year, the Strawberry Moon occurred one day after the June summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, marking the first day of summer, leading some to dub it the Strawberry Solstice Moon.

The moon officially reached full illumination last night at 9:08 p.m. EDT (0108 GMT on June 22), shining its face for skywatchers across the eastern U.S. and beyond as it climbed above the horizon westward.

Taking advantage of the warm weather and exceptional display from our nearest celestial neighbor, photographers around the globe grabbed their cameras and gazed toward the skies to some amazing results.



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aad2bc No.21065637


You fat too

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7feb44 No.21065638



what memes are those?

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d77719 No.21065639

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ca6204 No.21065640

File: 4cd7fda325c93df⋯.png (1.01 MB,834x1049,834:1049,Make_Everything_Tits_Again.png)

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3782d9 No.21065641


I know…

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dc9757 No.21065642


No pool party for ea5c78 then.

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aad2bc No.21065643


Gay's is groomers

that the tweet

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ca4f80 No.21065644

File: 1720239166b7aa8⋯.png (451.82 KB,588x823,588:823,lego.PNG)


LEGO Produces ‘Pride’ Video With Drag Queens And Furries

Steve Watson

22nd June 2024

One comment

Clearly aimed at children

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6a3e10 No.21065645

File: c49869d4dadcf46⋯.jpeg (200.07 KB,1080x1060,54:53,ECD339A0_2BAC_4EA7_BF57_1….jpeg)

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aad2bc No.21065646


Join cercus

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f5144e No.21065647

File: b163a49e684d02a⋯.mp4 (1.4 MB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17190671484….mp4)

Anons know what to do with this video



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464b29 No.21065648

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Right in the ass….

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0c32f0 No.21065649

File: 741d858960601ca⋯.png (738.27 KB,1342x747,1342:747,4cp.PNG)

File: d5d0d36df8969cb⋯.png (118.76 KB,1066x892,533:446,38_1_.png)

How many carriers in the Pacific now?

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dc9757 No.21065650


WH - White House

40K - Q's view

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ca79c0 No.21065652

File: 6138feb3648b492⋯.png (89.2 KB,521x530,521:530,BAKEK3.png)


>>21064813 it will end soon.

>>21064815 claiming the baker ANY NOTES AVAILABLE?


>>20936578 Where is Snowden? Where is the 8Kun server? Where are you?

>>20936583 "Might as well go sit in the CIA. Russia grounding our military planes in SYRIA. Autists need Red Bull?"

>>20936587, >>20936591 Bun of Dread inside a Bun of Dread inside a bun of Dread like in Russia

>>20936596 "Think Rogers T-TOWER meeting (right after SCIF set up in TOWER). Think POTUS campaign leaving T-TOWER (base of operations) THE VERY NEXT DAY."

>>20936597 You like coincidences and codes too!? Pray/Prey

>>20936598 Q Drop #4799 "When does a Church become a playground? When does a Church become a business? When does a Church become political? When does a Church become corrupt? When does a Church become willfully blind? When does a Church become controlled?"

>>20936605 "Alex Jones and Jerome Corsi tried to usupr Q" "The Info War against Q (Jones and Corsi)" "Alex Jones a Larp. Time to move on" "Misinformation attacks on Q to get worse (Jones, Corsi, Others)" Drops #1340, 1341, 1343 & 1366.

>>20936607 "FAKE PRO MAGA ATTACKING Q: Alex Jones, Jack Posobiec, Jerome Corsi, more…" "Alex Jones part of collective attacks on Q" "Jerome Corsi subpoened by Mueller: Infowars on Mossad payroll" Drops #2089, 2101 & 2102.

>>20936609 "Alex Jones and Associates trying to deceive and divide you" Drop #2123.

>>20936615 "Those you trust are the most guilty of sin." "Who are we taught to trust?" "If you are religious, PRAY. 60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity." "These people should be hanging." Drops # 586, 587, 107, 3799 and 3565 have a story to tell.

>>20936629 [STEVE BANNON] A Primer for NewFags

>>20936633 "Q Links to Pope's Tweet on Human Trafficking" https://twitter.com/Pontifex/status/1156165039545606144 "Godfather III" "It's going to be BIBLICAL." Q DROP #3565

>>20936641 IS DAN SCAVINO [DAN SCAVINO]? POTUS recently stated that he has learned a lot from Bad Past Advisors



>>20936648 This next piece is called ''HOLY FUCKING SHIT, WAIT, WHAT!?" Decode of Q drops #87, 88, 95, 4884 & 3565.

>>20936650 NIGHT SHIFT' Patriotic Litmus Test

>>20936654 The Supreme Court > Bohemian Grove > Knights of Malta > Who is Leonard Leo > Who is Harlan Crow? > Vatican.

>>20936655 Who is Leonard Leo? Who is Harlan Crow? Autists need Redbull?

>>20936656 The Truth per the Drops. Reminder: This is Q research and you are here because of Q.

>>20936657 George Soros in 2 Drops. That's called the 2 Drop checkmate. Checkmate.

>>20936658 "To those who are courageous enough to speak out - we stand with you!"

>>20936660 POTUS recites "The Snake" poem too many times to count yet big deep digging patriots fail to connect the snake poem to the snake/serpent Vatican drops?

>>20936661 "Patriot" per the drops.

Problem with the notes in this Bun?

Patriots Fight the Data



Anonymous 06/22/24 (Sat) 03:04:48 d76fcf (3) No.21064828

PROTO is activated.

post here or on endchan,

– the mgmt.



Check em, anons.

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f5144e No.21065653

File: 0f755dba6397991⋯.png (1.12 MB,1284x1253,1284:1253,ClipboardImage.png)

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3782d9 No.21065654



Is it illiterate hour on the Kun?

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ca6204 No.21065655

File: b473e72fbcd091f⋯.jpg (117.66 KB,1125x684,125:76,Happy_Saturday.jpg)

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969ab5 No.21065656

File: f67223b5e677b3a⋯.jpg (139.63 KB,1032x991,1032:991,IMG_1553.jpg)

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88da0f No.21065657


her mammaries are pure distraction

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d77719 No.21065658



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f5144e No.21065659


looks like shit, try again note taker

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ca4f80 No.21065660

File: e8581463770c1ec⋯.png (568.71 KB,792x582,132:97,nv.PNG)


Jack Poso 🇺🇸


Remember the Las Vegas judge who was attacked by a felon in court a few months ago?

She’s the same one who just dismissed the charges on the Trump electors

She’s had enough of the crap


Megh Updates 🚨™

1:19 AM · Jun 22, 2024




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dc9757 No.21065661


Threshold potential alarm has been set off.


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ca79c0 No.21065662


>>21064813 it will end soon.

>>21064815 claiming the baker ANY NOTES AVAILABLE?


NIGHT SHIFT' Patriotic Litmus Test

The following is a small list of the Times when most [FAKETRIOTS] had Nothing to say.

That TimeSteve Bannon:

1: Coached Jeffrey Epstein in exchange for Funding.


2: Received $1 million from the WE BUILD THE WALL fund/fraud where Steve and his 'Patriotic' associates took and stole million$ from real Patriots.

Bannon is considered the Ring leader of the WE BUILD THE WALL scam.

Bannon's trial is set for May, 2024.


3: Berated and Slandered POTUS in Wolff's book to which POTUS called Steve a "loser" who "beg's bad" and "cries like a dog".


That TimeAlex Jones and a Flynn Faggot named Ivan Raiklinsent not-so-veiled Death Threats directed at Donald J Trump/POTUS.


That TimeAlex Jones and General Flynnused POTUS' actions/inactions on JAN 06 to threaten and condemn POTUS for the "Capitol Riot" of [their] design.


That TimeAlex Jones and Candice Owensthreatened, berated and condemned POTUS for operation WARP SPEED.


That TimeArchbishop Carlo Maria Vigano and his minion Taylor Marshallissued Biblical Death Threats directed at POTUS because POTUS held a LGBTQ Gala at Mar a lago. "Worthy of Death".



https://youtu.be/AglQWAntgas < Taylor Marshall' youtube video link > NOW MARKED AS 'PRIVATE'.

That Time when it was learned through the Dominion/FOX Trial thatTucker Carlsoncalled POTUS a "Demonic Force", a "Destroyer" and that Tucker hates POTUS "Passionately".




Do you believe in Coincidences?

Is it a Coincidence that Bannon, Flynn, Vigano, Marshall are all Roman Catholic and that Candice Owens just converted to Catholicism?

Is it a Coincidence that Tucker Carlson asked his good friend Hunter Biden for a Letter to help his son, Buckley, get into Georgetown University?

Is it a Coincidence that Georgetown University is oldest Roman Catholic Jesuit university in the U.S.?

Is it a Coincidence that Tucker Carlson' Father-in-law was the Headmaster at Saint Andrews University and was suspended pending litigation concerning sexual abuse?

Is it a Coincidence that Fox News is Owned by Rupert Murdoch, Jewish yet a Roman Catholic Papal Knight?

Is it a Coincidence that Fox News is Owned by Rupert Murdoch, Jewish yet a Roman Catholic Papal Knight and yet Fox is completely dominated by Catholics?

How many Coincidences before all of this becomes a Mathematical Improbability?


How many Coincidences before all of this becomes a Mathematical Impossibility?


This Post is a Free service of NIGHT SHIFT.

NIGHT SHIFT… Defining and redefining Patriotism on QResearch since at least 2018.

The Few… The Proud… The Brave… Night Shift.



Anonymous 06/22/24 (Sat) 03:04:48 d76fcf (3) No.21064828

PROTO is activated.

post here or on endchan,

– the mgmt.



Check em, anons.



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ca6204 No.21065663


AOC Slogan is, Vote For Me

And I will milk my Tits

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88da0f No.21065664


y r u so consernnd abote spehling?

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ca79c0 No.21065665

File: 0dc1bb11379d1e0⋯.png (154.12 KB,725x530,145:106,BAKEK1.png)



>>21064813 it will end soon.

>>21064815 claiming the baker ANY NOTES AVAILABLE?


NIGHT SHIFT' Patriotic Litmus Test

The following is a small list of the Times when most [FAKETRIOTS] had Nothing to say.

That TimeSteve Bannon:

1: Coached Jeffrey Epstein in exchange for Funding.


2: Received $1 million from the WE BUILD THE WALL fund/fraud where Steve and his 'Patriotic' associates took and stole million$ from real Patriots.

Bannon is considered the Ring leader of the WE BUILD THE WALL scam.

Bannon's trial is set for May, 2024.


3: Berated and Slandered POTUS in Wolff's book to which POTUS called Steve a "loser" who "beg's bad" and "cries like a dog".


That TimeAlex Jones and a Flynn Faggot named Ivan Raiklinsent not-so-veiled Death Threats directed at Donald J Trump/POTUS.


That TimeAlex Jones and General Flynnused POTUS' actions/inactions on JAN 06 to threaten and condemn POTUS for the "Capitol Riot" of [their] design.


That TimeAlex Jones and Candice Owensthreatened, berated and condemned POTUS for operation WARP SPEED.


That TimeArchbishop Carlo Maria Vigano and his minion Taylor Marshallissued Biblical Death Threats directed at POTUS because POTUS held a LGBTQ Gala at Mar a lago. "Worthy of Death".



https://youtu.be/AglQWAntgas < Taylor Marshall' youtube video link > NOW MARKED AS 'PRIVATE'.

That Time when it was learned through the Dominion/FOX Trial thatTucker Carlsoncalled POTUS a "Demonic Force", a "Destroyer" and that Tucker hates POTUS "Passionately".




Do you believe in Coincidences?

Is it a Coincidence that Bannon, Flynn, Vigano, Marshall are all Roman Catholic and that Candice Owens just converted to Catholicism?

Is it a Coincidence that Tucker Carlson asked his good friend Hunter Biden for a Letter to help his son, Buckley, get into Georgetown University?

Is it a Coincidence that Georgetown University is oldest Roman Catholic Jesuit university in the U.S.?

Is it a Coincidence that Tucker Carlson' Father-in-law was the Headmaster at Saint Andrews University and was suspended pending litigation concerning sexual abuse?

Is it a Coincidence that Fox News is Owned by Rupert Murdoch, Jewish yet a Roman Catholic Papal Knight?

Is it a Coincidence that Fox News is Owned by Rupert Murdoch, Jewish yet a Roman Catholic Papal Knight and yet Fox is completely dominated by Catholics?

How many Coincidences before all of this becomes a Mathematical Improbability?


How many Coincidences before all of this becomes a Mathematical Impossibility?


This Post is a Free service of NIGHT SHIFT.

NIGHT SHIFT… Defining and redefining Patriotism on QResearch since at least 2018.

The Few… The Proud… The Brave… Night Shift.



Anonymous 06/22/24 (Sat) 03:04:48 d76fcf (3) No.21064828

PROTO is activated.

post here or on endchan,

– the mgmt.



Check em, anons.



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029d0c No.21065666

File: f7951dc0ad6a406⋯.jpg (46.63 KB,577x435,577:435,must_also.jpg)

Someone please edit this to:

Wherever i globo

i must also homo

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bde562 No.21065667


If you want something buried have this clown advocate it. Their playbook is old and tired.

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ba26db No.21065668



>milk her tits

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ca4f80 No.21065669

File: 5b2076ef2d43691⋯.png (23.21 KB,600x353,600:353,ap.PNG)


Elon Musk


It is really is


Joe Lonsdale




AP is quite literally a propaganda arm of the left at this point. Sad. x.com/oilfield_rando…

Rate proposed Community Notes

Rate proposed Community Notes

2:39 AM · Jun 22, 2024




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ea5c78 No.21065670

File: 3e2d4b9c518a975⋯.png (217.22 KB,1213x496,1213:496,lostinanungoldydin.png)


yes, Shill are pretty obvious.

Have been.

How do they get away with it?

So many of them they flood out the real.

Also its same reason why the crooks need MASS media

they need to flood-out anything else out but their own unified voice.

Some people are starting to get wise.

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464b29 No.21065671


"our democracy"


their mob rule

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3782d9 No.21065672

File: c57888e1abac6b6⋯.png (343.04 KB,400x479,400:479,ClipboardImage.png)


Why are you not?

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ca79c0 No.21065673

File: 51ca824ab56bfa0⋯.jpg (27.82 KB,325x240,65:48,240_F_649839776_mG5cF8EaKw….jpg)

Hello, everyone! Heard that you kids really like decodes of Q drops?

SNOWDEN initially wanted to be seen in CHINA


SNOWDEN ended up in RUSSIA


Mar 11, 2019 12:31:23 AM EDT Drop #3023

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5618056

Mar 11, 2019 12:27:15 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617930

Mar 11, 2019 12:19:05 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617724



Parades or Restraints?




Connect the dots?

@Snowden released code words (NSA_key(s)).

@Snowden travels toRUSSIA.

Shadow Brokers release actual code (NSA_key(s)).

Shadow Brokers ORIG inRUSSIA.

Can you make the connection why @Snowden went toRUSSIA?

Can you make the connection who provided the source code toSHADOW BROKERS?



Do 'Spooks' hide in the 'Shadows'?




Who was Agency DIR from 2012- 2016?



How did we know (prior to)?


Mar 20, 2019 2:24:35 PM EDT 3126

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b16726 No. 5792112

Did both of HUSSEIN's parents learn'RUSSIAN'?

Is'RUSSIAN'a common language to learn?

Think then.

Think now.

[Think Nellie Ohr]


The Cold War.







IP address Type Hosted by Location

IPv4 Hosted by SIA VEESP SIA VEESPRussian Federation


Location Saint Petersburg, St.-Petersburg,Russian Federation

AS AS43317


IPv4 Hosted by SIA VEESP SIA VEESPRussian Federation


Location Saint Petersburg, St.-Petersburg,Russian Federation

AS AS43317


IP address:

City: St Petersburg

Region name: Unknown

Country name: Russia

Life expectancy: 67.2

Avg income: 1,883 EUR

Timezone: undefined

Sub continent: Eastern Europe

Country code: RU

Geo-targeting: true

◉ Latitude: 59.8983

◎ Longitude: 30.2618

World currency: EUR

EU member: false

org: Veesp

isp: Veesp

Connection: undefined

Continent: Europe

Population: 146,934,000

IP range tracked: -

Surface area: 17,075,400 km sq.

GNP: 276,608 mln.

Demographic data: true

Ad (re)targeting: true

8kun.top Server IP

IP Tracker

https://www.ip-tracker.org › lookup › ip=8kun

Website 8kun.top that uses public IP Address is actually located in theRussian Federation(RU) on the Europe continent, as we have already seen …

Apr 27, 2018 11:57:57 PM EDT 1290

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218390

Apr 27, 2018 11:53:46 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 6a7ca4 No. 1218316

Apr 27, 2018 11:52:40 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218299

Peace on the Korean Peninsula isn’t big news?

Should we drop a #MOAB on that?

Timetables shift.

[Next Week].



Q. Normies only watch CNN. They don't even know ANY of this is happening.

We are too smug.


Hope not.

Might as well go sit in the CIA.

Russia grounding our military planes in SYRIA.

Military aircraft crashing in US.


Autists need Red Bull?


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ca6204 No.21065674


"My Tits always lead the way"!

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ca79c0 No.21065675

File: ac8565495291f05⋯.jpg (12.15 KB,236x323,236:323,3z7.jpg)

File: 6edc1b6e03616a7⋯.png (78.79 KB,586x614,293:307,4CHOOSEPAIN.png)


Jan 27, 2018 1:09:33 PM ESTQ drop #628

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 70


The clock is ticking.

How's Russia?

[Mr. Contractor]

Freedom of the Press.

John Perry Barlow.


SecureDrop [Whistleblowers]?

SecureDrop>CLOWNS In America.



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029d0c No.21065676


I would betray my race daily with her, unprotected and in the reproductive hole, (balls deep).

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ca79c0 No.21065677






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ca79c0 No.21065678


real close….

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dc9757 No.21065679


Vatty, why did you trigger the Bakeoff alarm?

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f5144e No.21065680

File: 1d08f792bc35906⋯.png (102.95 KB,497x365,497:365,ClipboardImage.png)


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969ab5 No.21065681

File: be7b9abd2fb9047⋯.jpeg (199.71 KB,800x800,1:1,A58830B4_7D50_400C_AEFC_4….jpeg)

File: 9f311401e29255f⋯.png (1.93 MB,1238x1199,1238:1199,Trump_They_Live_01.PNG)

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ea5c78 No.21065682

File: 1e1f6dedcc54347⋯.png (1.06 MB,1134x1090,567:545,blaseyford8.png)


Shill need to flood-out everything else, except for their own unified voice.

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88edf6 No.21065683


AOC to ATM in 30 seconds.

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ca4f80 No.21065684

File: 044d7d4453ac805⋯.png (71.28 KB,601x294,601:294,rp.PNG)


Rand Paul


The deadly consequences of the border crisis should be enough to disqualify Biden from consideration.


Sen. Rand Paul: This should be enough to 'disqualify' Biden from consideration | Fox News Video

Sen. Rand Paul. R-Ky., reacts to the deadly consequences of the border crisis and says fears of terrorism are a 'grave concern' on 'Hannity.

2:45 AM · Jun 22, 2024




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ca79c0 No.21065685

File: 9a4cf1e63225819⋯.png (1.66 MB,1920x1836,160:153,0qiggy2.png)

File: a325a8899e8fef7⋯.png (757.5 KB,798x880,399:440,c1.png)

File: 4ed2598683f16eb⋯.png (1.01 MB,1510x704,755:352,c2.png)

File: 0f76567d147b4c3⋯.png (1.82 MB,1840x1152,115:72,c3.png)

File: 7d2f31d8cdf7627⋯.png (727.02 KB,930x890,93:89,c3a.png)






[THEY] love [their] symbology and gang signs though!

Remember Hillary's [satanic] upside down cross?

thats the cross of St. Peter…

when Q lit up that image it was to draw a connection to the Vatican

yet since [anons] were [decoding] > SATAN!


remember when Tucker was good frens with Hunter Biden?

remember when Tucker asked Hunter to write a letter for his son, Buckley?

a letter to help Buckley get into Georgetown?

Georgetown - the nations oldest CATHOLIC and JESUIT learning institution?

did you know that TUCKER'S Father was the head of VOICE OF AMERICAN?

Do you know what VOICE OF AMERICA is?

Who runs it?


A higher loyalty?

[Their] History?

Surely you have dug in deeply?




































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e1086d No.21065686

File: 7283e185227e05a⋯.png (1.2 MB,1536x1530,256:255,dank_pepe.png)

FINAL @720


#25827 >>21064868

>>21064980 EX TMZ personality Van Lathan said one reason black voters backing former President Donald Trump because he embodies the “American dream.”

>>21064986 Donald Trump coming Philadelphia Saturday for rally Temple University, 1st for former president, famously said “bad things happen” here.

>>21064994, >>21065479 LIVE: President Trump Keynotes the Faith and Freedom Coalition's "Road to Majority" - 6/22/24

>>21064995 LIVE: President Trump Holds a MAGA Rally in Philadelphia - 6/22/24

>>21065004, >>21065099, >>21065105 Newly unveiled Body Camera footage Vegas shooting proved shots being fired AFTER Paddock already supposed be dead

>>21065010 Alina Habba's Inspiring Family Story and the Struggle for Freedom


>>21065020, >>21065617 AG Merrick Garland is Now Calling GOP Lawmakers, Coercing Them Not to Vote for ‘Inherent Contempt’

>>21065021 Disney VP Takes Leave of Absence After Date with Undercover Reporter for James O'Keefe

>>21065024 Another Supreme Court Leak? Biden Announced Executive Order Legalize Immigrant Spouses 3 Days Before SCOTUS Issues Ruling on Spouse’s Visa

>>21065032, >>21065037 Judge Cannon wants to know whether Merrick Garland is supervising Jack Smith

>>21065036 FBI argues against release of 9/11 evidence

>>21065038 Imposing a Permanent Gag Order on Trump: How long until the same doctrine is being used to muzzle not just Trump but everyone?

>>21065044 Firestorm erupts over requiring women to sign up for military draft

>>21065093, >>21065101, >>21065130 Bizarre conspiracy theory goes viral re: Biden Clone

>>21065294 Russia strikes Western-supplied air weapons depots in Ukraine – MoD

>>21065307 POTUS T! re Bill Maher

>>21065311 POTUS T! No Taxes On Tips!

>>21065336, >>21065537 PlaneFaggin’: Europe/Med. Activity

>>21065373 Bill Gates’ ex-wife has endorsed Joe Biden, a move Elon Musk condemned as a terrible idea

>>21065394 Bush Appointee Tried to Bully Judge Cannon Off the Trump Documents Case

>>21065402 Gen Z's widening gender divide has turned political. It's ruining our relationships

>>21065408 Jeff Clark Explains SCOTUS Decision That The Left Is Celebrating As A Win For Red Flag Laws

>>21065415 US forces Russia to close visa centers – ambassador

>>21065438 End Of Zelensky Era? Russian Intel Reveals likely Name Of New Ukrainian President

>>21065441 Federal Judge Blocks Rule Requiring Employers to Accommodate Employee Abortions

>>21065453 Genovese mobster ‘Tony Cakes’ ID’d as elderly NYC pedestrian decapitated by DOT truck

>>21065458 Black American Woman Telling Her 113k+ Followers What She Thinks About The Joe Biden Fundraiser

>>21065497 Barack Obama Literally Encouraging Illegal Migrants To Vote In America

>>21065502 Explosive Charge by Kash re Paul Ryan

>>21065509 @Kash: Company funded by DOD proposes plan to feed lab grown meat to troops, cattle producers object

>>21065510 Pedo catcher Alex Rosen just busted the leader of the LGBTQ Democrats of Maryland, Michael Knaapen, trying to meet with a 14-year-old

>>21065519 American farmer issues urgent warning about the U.S. government's deliberate war on farmers

>>21065526 Neil Oliver: "If we had a pandemic of anything, it was a pandemic of propaganda, a pandemic of lies and a pandemic of testing."

>>21065527 Chris Cuomo played video on Friday night that shows a Saudi official plotting the 9-11 attacks that killed 3,000 Americans

>>21065541 NASA and Boeing have pushed back the return of the CST-100 Starliner spacecraft from the International Space Station until at least early July

>>21065558 First Lady Jill Biden to visit Pennsylvania this weekend

>>21065566 Boatfag Report: USNS Watkins still sitting at anchor approx 2 miles south of Yeong island south korea for the last 24 hrs

>>21065584, >>21065067 Fauci goes onto the View, claim masks & 6 foot rule part of science after was just exposed knowing these things did not work

>>21065592 Abortion: ‘It's time they go’: Missouri AG Andrew Bailey calls to abolish Planned Parenthood


>>21065597 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is calling on the House to open an investigation into the original January 6th Committee and issue subpoenas

>>21065599 Beijing-Hosted Ukraine Peace Conference?

>>21065605 Xi Jinping Rushes to Tibet After Nancy Pelosi Meets with Dalai Lama

>>21065625 When you see headlines that say “crime is down; felonies are down” this is why

>>21065633 @RepThomasMassie: Interesting cloud activity here in the Pacific Northwest today

>>21065636 Sweet Strawberry Moon, first full moon of summer, thrills stargazers around the world

>>21065644 LEGO Produces ‘Pride’ Video With Drag Queens And Furries

>>21065660 Las Vegas judge attacked by a felon in court a few months ago, She’s same one who just dismissed the charges on the Trump electors


Baker must depart @ n/b dough

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ca79c0 No.21065688

File: ad4542832f57731⋯.jpg (115.27 KB,440x534,220:267,ad4542832f57731862ddfc5b8f….jpg)


I don't know….

but STEVE BANNON did not EPSTEIN himself!

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80a0f4 No.21065689

boeing was instrumental to 911.

boeing is intentionally committing suicide for two reasons:

1. to give their market share to china, and

2. to go out of business before justice can get to them

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ca6204 No.21065690


What's more important

My Vote or my Tits?

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029d0c No.21065691

File: 4e7f7099bd28cd0⋯.png (848.57 KB,1284x1296,107:108,the_GLHM.png)

>GLHM logic

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14ddb8 No.21065692


>reproductive hole

is that the bonus hole or front hole, these days I am confused

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0c32f0 No.21065693


Has Trump asked / demanded the client list to be released?

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6816e5 No.21065694

File: 31e805daee6c67b⋯.png (1.26 MB,1080x1490,108:149,Screenshot_20240614_071.png)




Dat ass is solid muscle.

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d77719 No.21065695

File: a8131cc4e132ef7⋯.png (1.04 MB,676x789,676:789,IMG_3335.png)

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ca79c0 No.21065696

File: 7d57b046f39ad0c⋯.gif (188.43 KB,158x156,79:78,00000HERRR.gif)


what hood you from homie?


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ca6204 No.21065698


A Solid Rump Roast

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ca79c0 No.21065699


yes but I like smart girls

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f5144e No.21065700

File: d42018bf53c3d38⋯.png (1.13 MB,1082x1082,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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14ddb8 No.21065701



every time

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969ab5 No.21065702

File: d31b428cdfbfb8e⋯.jpeg (150.17 KB,959x1296,959:1296,IMG_2821.jpeg)

File: 34bba55a97fb8f0⋯.png (1.6 MB,958x1296,479:648,24CCA733_178E_42E8_99F0_53….png)

File: c0f3f3f1f493d17⋯.png (1.77 MB,958x1296,479:648,65D42555_28AA_489F_90AA_1C….png)

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bde562 No.21065703

File: 9b8765dad87ede4⋯.jpeg (871.23 KB,1179x1171,1179:1171,FE9E020B_FD09_4D1F_A1DD_D….jpeg)


This guy liked it.

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ca79c0 No.21065704

just move to chicago or la

you wont want to invade


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1dc1a7 No.21065705


>Am I right, fellow goyim?

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2c9a2e No.21065706


Imagine being such a failure at your job that you have to go see a tranny therapist, and you still show up everyday to get your ass handed to you all over again. Talk about gluttons for punishment.

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f5144e No.21065707


relax marge, we all like your ass

now break out those bikini photos

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6816e5 No.21065709

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464b29 No.21065711


it's twue

it's twue

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