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File: d70ad4a7cbc9d59⋯.png (8.03 KB,407x202,407:202,d70ad4a7cbc9d594356e520add….png)

c8f38b No.20940004 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research Canada

The truths and ethics of the Western-Christian traditions, are infinitely precious, not only, as we believe, because they are true, but also because they provide the moral impulse which alone can lead to that peace, in the true meaning of the word, for which we all long. . . . There is little hope for democracy if the hearts of men and women in democratic societies cannot be touched by a call to something greater than themselves.

The countless who died during WWI, WWII, and the Korean War laid their lives for the red ensign, and not the current maple leaf which was implemented in 1967. Lets pay homage to our rich history, lets make Canada the True North Strong and Free Again.

There are many digs to be had based on the Canadian Swamp, involved in U1, SNC Lavalin, Ethics Violations by the Office of the Prime Minister, Huwaii, Oilsands, Human Trafficking. LETS FIGURE IT OUT AND DRAIN THE NORTHERN SWAMP!

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Bienvenue À Q Research Canada

Les vérités et l'éthique des traditions chrétiennes occidentales sont infiniment précieuses, non seulement, comme nous le crois, parce qu'elles sont vraies, mais aussi parce qu'elles fournissent l'impulsion morale qui seule peut conduire à cette paix, dans le vrai sens du mot, pour laquelle nous aspirons tous. . . . Il y a peu d'espoir pour la démocratie si le cœur des hommes et des femmes dans les sociétés démocratiques ne peut être touché par un appel à quelque chose de plus grand qu'eux-mêmes.

Les innombrables morts de la première, de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et de la guerre de Corée ont donné leur vie au red ensign, et non à la feuille d'érable actuelle qui a été mise en œuvre en 1967. Rendons hommage à notre riche histoire, rendons le Canada à nouveau fort et libre.

Il y a beaucoup de fouilles à faire sur la base du Marais Canadien, impliqué dans U1, SNC Lavalin, violations de L'éthique par le Bureau du Premier ministre, Huwaii, sables bitumineux, traite de personnes. PERMET DE COMPRENDRE ET DE DRAINER LE MARAIS DU NORD!

Nous tenons ces vérités pour évidentes: que tous les hommes sont créés égaux; qu'ils sont dotés par leur Créateur de certains droits inaliénables; que parmi ceux-ci se trouvent la vie, la liberté et la poursuite du bonheur.

Nous sommes des chercheurs qui traitent d'informations open source, d'arguments raisonnés et de mèmes humides. Nous nous battons uniquement dans le domaine des idées et des idées. Nous n'avons pas besoin ni n'approuvons le recours à la force dans notre travail ici.


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c8f38b No.20940008

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>>20886248 ——–——– Australia #36

>>20584322 ——–——– China #1

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>19988670 ——–——– Germany #106

>>20837582 ——–——– Japan #23

>>20584358 ——–——– Korea #1

>>16694250 ——–——– Nederland #10

>>17784579 ——–——– QAJF #1

>>20584333 ——–——– Russia #1

>>20584424 ——–——– Saudi Arabia #1

>>20771571 ——–——– Scotland #10

>>19636057 ——–——– South Africa #12

>>19804572 ——–——– UK #51

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c8f38b No.20940013

Useful Links

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DNS Entries: https://metrics.torproject.org/rs.html#search/as:48031

Whois free IP address lookup: https://www.whois.com/whois

Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Compress Video: https://video.online-convert.com/convert-to-mp4

Remove Image Background: https://www.remove.bg/

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c8f38b No.20940016

Notables are NOT Endorsements


>>20843481 Sabrina Maddeaux suspends Conservative nomination bid citing “corrupted process”

>>20843502 Conservatives grill Mark Carney about carbon tax amidst rumours of Liberal leadership bid

>>20843862 Bank of Canada runs $5.7 billion deficit, claims ‘generating profits’ are not the aim

>>20845356 Chair of Rockefeller International says Canada a leader in ‘breakdown nations

>>20847378 YouTubers Catch Hollywood Producer Herschel Weingrod in Predator Sting Involving Minor

>>20852130 B.C. MLA Under Fire For Saying “Motherhood Begins At Conception” (video)

>>20860975 Man Who Received First Ever Genetically-Engineered Pig Kidney Transplant Dies Nearly Two Months Later

>>20861797 Biological male charged with assaulting breastfeeding mother, referred to as 'she' in police report

>>20865616 Censorship in the Classroom? Teacher Allegedly Fired for Committing the Most Heinous Crime --- Encouraging His Students to Think Critically

>>20865691 Here Come the Lying AI Robots: Study Alerts That AI Systems Are Getting Adept at Deceiving Humans

>>20867359 Trudeau government has spent $10 million promoting DEI in the military as recruitment flounders

>>20870279 NATO's Newest Member Open To Hosting Nuclear Weapons

>>20871780 Manufacturing sales plummet across Canada

>>20876755, >>20891821, >>20895987 Slovakia Prime Minister Assassination Attempt

>>20878716 France Blames Deadly New Caledonia Uprising On TikTok, Russia, & Azerbaijan

>>20883270 Oil Tanker Struck By Missile Off Yemen Coast

>>20883272 Not Just The US: Global Debt-To-GDP Ratios Are Skyrocketing

>>20887507 Iranian President Raisi's Helicopter Goes Down In Remote Area, Rescuers Trying To Reach Site

>>20892230 After Sudden CEO Departure, Vanguard Taps Outsider From BlackRock

>>20892512 What does the Sovereignty Act mean for Alberta’s future? (video)

>>20894508 Iranian President Killed In Helicopter Crash Escalates Tensions In The Middle East (video)

>>20895932 ‘The Lion Is Back, Surfing on Socialist Tears’: Online and in the Streets of Spain, Support for Argentina’s Milei Is Growing

>>20896306 Vegans cancel Oshawa dog rescue bbq

>>20901719 Updated Media and Censorship Bun | Updated Protests Bun

>>20901723 Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Wokeism Bun

>>20904811 Canadians flee expensive cities for affordable living: Statistics Canada

>>20904828 Food Banks Canada gives the country a D- on its 2024 Poverty Report Card

>>20905697 Grocery inflation on the rise, but few Canadians participating in Loblaw boycott: poll

>>20909911 Aurora councillor disqualified from Conservative nomination race

>>20910005 Canada Border Services employees vote in favour of strike

>>20913355 Elon Warns AI Will "Do Everything Better Than You", Make Employment Obsolete

>>20923744 Initial Boeing Bun

>>20923769 Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One

>>20929334 Calls for Canada to list IRGC as terror group amplified in wake of president’s death

>>20938326 Neuralink Receives FDA Approval To Implant Brain Chip In Second Patient

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c8f38b No.20940019


>>20939812 Final China Bun

>>20939846 Final Climate Change Bun

>>20939848 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun

>>20939850 Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun

>>20939851 Final Government Bloat, Waste, and Abuse Bun

>>20939867 Final Globalist Moves Bun

>>20939870 Final Hamas and Israel Bun

>>20939874 Final Immigration Bun

>>20939877 Final Law and Disorder Bun

>>20939879 Final Media and Censorship Bun

>>20939882 Final Russia and Ukraine Bun Part Two

>>20939883 Final Trudeau Bun

>>20939888 Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun

>>20939891 Final Wokeism Bun

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c8f38b No.20940035

File: 78d56e5fa5977d5⋯.jpeg (37.6 KB,420x315,4:3,78d56e5fa5977d50c329b09cb….jpeg)



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0a783b No.20943308

File: fc496b1a9942853⋯.jpg (71.07 KB,800x420,40:21,Canadian_twins_Megan_and_N….jpg)

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0a783b No.20943329

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Dan Dicks reports from the 70th annual Bilderberg conference in Madrid Spain!

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0a783b No.20943449

File: 85a48fed8027353⋯.png (366.18 KB,960x720,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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May 30 - Israel Could be Destroyed



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592e7e No.20944310

File: ae8b3893ec4c66d⋯.png (79.62 KB,1453x447,1453:447,ClipboardImage.png)

🎶 drowning 🎶

Your soul does not go up or down. It stays with the body. Scripture (Rev 20:13) is clear on this… the sea gave up the dead, they are then judged, then the book of life check, if yes… heaven, if no… the lake of fire and brimstone.

Now lets look at what is really happening here, shall we? You are familiar with adrenochrome? You are familiar with how it is produced? That's right, now you understand sorta. But it's way worse, canada has become the new adrenochrome supplier to the world. Legally It is the terror one goes through that causes the body to produce adrenochrome. You are paralyzed and drowned. Your pituitary gland / pineal gland and blood are harvested and they are loaded with adrenochrome. You live the terror in your mind as you drown and die. MAID is run by and promoted by debil worshipping doctors (murder is a part of their religion, as is lies); but it's way worse… the hospitals and clinics performing this murder are well paid by the trudeau government. Just like hospitals and doctors made millions and billions from covid and remdesivir and respirators, it is the same here. Follow the money honey!

These people are evil AF Ponder That


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d69dc3 No.20945339

File: 07be4c38133f343⋯.png (915.39 KB,1050x674,525:337,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c5f7711e55dd397⋯.png (71.88 KB,615x632,615:632,ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk Slams Trump’s Rigged Show Trial, Says ‘Great Damage’ Done to America’s Legal System


Business mogul Elon Musk came out against the politically motivated Donald Trump show trial, saying it has done “great damage” to America’s legal system.

Trump was found guilty on all 34 charges of falsifying business records related to a hush-money payment made to adult porn star Stormy Daniels in what is widely regarded as a rigged process.

Musk appeared to agree with that assessment, tweeting out his condemnation of the verdict to his over 185 million followers on the X platform.

“The first felony conviction of a former US President wasn’t for the Iraq or Afghanistan wars, illegal CIA coups, drone striking weddings, or spying on Americans… It was because Trump misclassified a $130,000 payment for a porn star’s NDA,” wrote a user by the name Geiger Capital. Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20945360

File: 6a4218296be8176⋯.png (1.3 MB,938x934,469:467,ClipboardImage.png)

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JUST IN: Former Hillary 2016 Donor Shaun Maguire Explains Why He Contributed $300K To Trump After Today’s Jury Announcement — “My friends are gonna hate me — I’m willing to wade into this fire — Some of us need to be willing to”


Shortly after the announcement was made today that an NYC jury found President Trump guilty of 34 ridiculous charges, based on an unfair case heard in a courtroom led by a dirty, far-left judge and prosecuted by a Soros-funded NYC DA, President Trump’s donor campaign website crashed from an excessive amount of traffic.

In addition to everyday Americans racing to help fund President Trump’s re-election campaign, an unlikely donor also made a sizeable contribution to President Trump’s 2024 campaign following the announcement of the jury’s verdict.

Only moments after the 34 guilty charges were announced, Sequoia Capitol Partner Shaun Maguire made a $300,000 donation to Trump’s 2024 campaign. Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20945389

File: c8aa6c353b2207b⋯.png (77.58 KB,685x521,685:521,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb2fc479b754b3d⋯.png (549.55 KB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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Republican Lawmakers Release Statement Following Verdict in President Trump’s Manhattan Sham Trial


The political temperature in America has reached a boiling point following the controversial guilty verdict in the sham trial of President Donald Trump.

President Trump has been found guilty on all 34 counts of falsifying business records in connection to a hush-money payment made to adult porn star Stormy Daniels.

This verdict makes Trump the first former U.S. president to be convicted of a crime. The jury reached their decision after a five-week trial and two days of deliberation.

Donald Trump denounced the trial as a “disgrace” and “rigged,” claiming that a “conflicted” and “corrupt” judge presided over the proceedings. He has consistently maintained his innocence, declaring himself a “very innocent man,” and has announced plans to appeal the verdict.

In a united front, several Republican figures released strongly-worded comments to express their outrage and support for Trump. Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20945445

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

MUST WATCH: Megyn Kelly Goes NUCLEAR on Trump Verdict – Says Democrats ‘Will Rue The Day’ – Republicans Must Prosecute Biden, Obama and Clinton to ‘Save The Republic’ (VIDEO)


The days of Megyn Kelly’s feuds with Donald Trump are well and truly over.

In what has been widely denounced as a show trial, Trump was found guilty on Wednesday evening on all 34 charges of falsifying business records related to a hush-money payment made to adult porn star Stormy Daniels during the 2016 presidential election.

In an epic rant on her eponymous talk show, Kelly laid into the verdict and warned that Republicans must target Democrats such as Joe Biden, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in order to seek retribution. Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20945491

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BANANA REPUBLIC: Jury in Merchan’s Kangaroo Court Found Trump Guilty of 34 Felonies – But DID NOT SPECIFY What Crime Trump Committed – NO ONE KNOWS! (VIDEO)


The jury in corrupt Judge Juan Merchan’s kangaroo court found President Trump guilty of 34 felonies on Thursday afternoon. Each felony conviction could land President Trump in prison for four years.

Judge Merchan told jurors they did not have to agree on a crime. This is unheard of in US history. The jury only had to agree something bad happened. This, of course, is completely unconstitutional.

This was clearly the greatest travesty of justice in American history.

So now we have a convicted US President with 34 felony counts and NO ONE knows what crime President Trump committed! Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20945779

File: 4b1b638fd83bc56⋯.png (2.53 MB,2048x1152,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2cc885cc073b754⋯.png (981.91 KB,1380x832,345:208,ClipboardImage.png)

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Millions of Chickens Killed in 5-Alarm Fire at Farina Farms Inc. in Illinois, One of Nation’s Largest Free-Range Egg Facilities (VIDEO)


A massive fire broke out at Farina Farms Inc. in Marion County, Illinois, on Wednesday night, resulting in the deaths of millions of chickens.

The farm is one of the largest free-range egg facilities in the country.

The fire, which began around 6:30 p.m. along Highway 37, quickly escalated into a 5-alarm fire, requiring the intervention of at least 20 different fire departments from surrounding areas, according to WAND TV.

Described as “humongous” by Marion County Sheriff Kevin Cripps, the fire engulfed multiple buildings spanning 200-300 yards in length.

The smoke was so dense that it was visible on FOX 2’s Power Doppler radar, reaching altitudes between 13,000 and 15,000 feet and could be seen for miles around, WGN9 reported. Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20945884

File: aea0073dfb69ff5⋯.png (966.41 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

HAITI HELL: Unelected Transition Council Chooses THIRD Prime Minister in a Month, a UN Official Linked to the Clintons


The two Haitis seem to remain in a collision course.

In the first Haiti, the elegant political class in their salons keep making unelected political decisions about the future of the country, but these decisions don’t necessarily apply to the second Haiti, the real life one, in which the heavily armed rebel gangs have territorial domain over 80% of the capital Port-au-prince.

A clear image of just how dysfunctional the political situation in the Caribbean country has become can be gleaned by the fact that now, the unelected Transition Council has nominated the THIRD Prime Minister in just a month.

Yes, you read it right.

The latest choice, Prime Minister Garry Conille, has vowed ‘to seek unity’ in his first statement since selected to head the government.

Conille let us know who is pulling the strings: he thanked the ‘civil society groups’ (Globalist NGOs), political parties (Establishment) and members of the Haitian diaspora (Foreign Influences).

In fact, as a former UN official, he is as Globalist as one can be.

Associated Press reported: Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20945908

File: a7edc3cc6e107a1⋯.png (1.94 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Numbers At Giant Truck Lender BMO Show Worsening Credit Conditions


Further credit deterioration in trucking is evident in the quarterly earnings report of Canada’s BMO bank.

BMO, the former Bank of Montreal, is one of the largest lenders to the trucking industry. Its transportation unit, purchased from GE Capital in 2015, has a customer base believed to be in the tens of thousands. Roughly 90% of its transportation sector is reportedly truck financing.

Provisions for credit losses at BMO in the quarter ended April 30 climbed to CA$56 million (U.S. $41 million). That marks the seventh consecutive quarter in which that important benchmark figure has risen, and it is easily the highest figure in the history of the BMO data going back to 2015 when the bank bought the business from GE Capital. Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20945994

File: a6574060c0a9c77⋯.png (569.78 KB,603x372,201:124,ClipboardImage.png)

Chinese Battery Makers Back Out Of Germany Amidst Cooling EV Demand


With each day that goes by there is more and more news indicating the EV market is saturated. First it was manufacturers cutting back on EV investments, then a gradual shift back to hybrid vehicles - and now it's China pulling out of investments in Germany due to lack of demand.

Chinese electric vehicle battery producers are scaling back their expansion in Germany due to a drop in EV sales, according to Nikkei Asia.

SVOLT Energy Technology, a spin-off from Great Wall Motor, announced the suspension of its planned battery cell plant in Lauchhammer, Brandenburg, attributing the decision to a "new European strategy" and a major order cancellation, reportedly from BMW. Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20946033

File: dbdb66ee17b0b70⋯.png (713.63 KB,800x600,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Putin Expects NATO, And Possibly Poland In Particular, To Escalate The Proxy War In Ukraine


President Putin shared a lot of insight about the NATO-Russian proxy war in Ukraine during the press conference that he held during his latest trip to Uzbekistan. The first point of relevance that he made is that Zelensky is no longer regarded by Russia as Ukraine’s legitimate leader after his term expired. According to President Putin’s “tentative estimate” of this legal question, Rada Speaker Stefanchuk should now be seen as Zelensky’s legal successor.

The Russian leader also speculated that the only reason why the incumbent remains in power is for him to carry out scandalous moves like possibly lowing the draft age to 23 and even 18 years. In his words, “I believe that after this and other unpopular decisions are made, those who are acting today as representatives of executive government would be replaced with people who would not be responsible for the unpopular decisions made. These representatives will be simply replaced in a snap.”

Moving along, in response to a question about NATO chief Stoltenberg’s suggestion for members to let Ukraine use their arms to hit targets inside of Russia like the US just tacitly approved of Kiev doing, he reminded everyone that long-range precision strikes require space reconnaissance data. Since Ukraine lacks these capabilities, such strikes can only be carried out with NATO support, including through instructors inside Ukraine masquerading as mercenaries for plausible deniability purposes. Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20946084

File: 5e7e01b204de80a⋯.png (690.53 KB,700x467,700:467,ClipboardImage.png)

Biden Allows Ukraine To Use US Weapons To Attack Inside Russia In Highly Dangerous Escalatio


Given the last days of momentum and growing pressure coming from some NATO countries, this was perhaps inevitable: the United States has now greenlighted Ukraine's use of American-supplied weapons against Russian territory in a huge escalation which takes the world a big step closer to WW3 and nuclear-armed confrontation.

Politico is reporting Thursday afternoon, "The Biden administration has quietly given Ukraine permission to strike inside Russia — solely near the area of Kharkiv — using U.S.-provided weapons, two U.S. officials and two other people familiar with the move said Thursday, a major reversal that will help Ukraine to better defend its second-largest city." Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20946138

File: fc19f727e9777d7⋯.png (1.85 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7c5780a3b4d3407⋯.png (175.27 KB,500x567,500:567,ClipboardImage.png)

As King's Health Deteriorates, Who Will MbS Appoint As Crown Prince?


Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is close to becoming king as the health of his elderly father, King Salman, deteriorates; he was recently treated for a lung infection. While Mohammed bin Salman’s succession to the throne may seem inevitable and straightforward, he will face two challenging decisions: appointing a crown prince and designating a deputy crown prince.

When appointing a future crown prince, he theoretically needs to consult Saudi Arabia’s 1992 basic law of governance, which stipulates that rulers are drawn from the male descendants of Ibn Saud, with the “most upright among them” selected for the role. Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20946192

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ratio’d | Trudeau government to put 500,000 ILLEGALS on path to CITIZENSHIP?


Earlier this week a group of radical activists from the Migrant Rights Network urged the Trudeau government to grant amnesty to up to 500,000 illegal immigrants in Canada and put them on the path to citizenship. This follows reports from December that the government was planning to pursue a regularization plan for illegals. In 2021, a ministerial directive from Trudeau’s office to the Immigration minister directed that a similar plan be laid out.

Nobody wants this in Canada. There is no mandate for such an outrageous decision which would undermine Canada’s immigration system. But the truth is, Trudeau’s Liberal government doesn’t actually care what you think when it comes to immigration. They are ideologically committed to population growth by any means necessary.

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d69dc3 No.20946224

File: aa25d2da7892d06⋯.png (1.64 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

NDP, Green MPs and a Trudeau-appointed senator want to change voting age to 16


A Trudeau-appointed Senator, NDP, and Green Party MPs want Canadians to accept “the science” and allow 16-year-olds to vote federally.

The campaign’s stated goal to lower the voting age is to increase long-lasting participation and political engagement in society. Still, some critics say it’s a way for left-wing politicians to garner more votes as they continue to fall flat in the polls. Young people are more likely to vote left-wing.

Senator Marilou McPhedran, whom Trudeau appointed in 2016, tabled Bill S-201 in November 2021. The bill would lower the voting age from 18 to 16. It is in its second reading and was last discussed in the Senate on Tuesday.

McPhedran credits the youth movement, Vote 16, for leading her to table the bill to lower the voting age.

“We are welcoming world experts doing research for over a decade on the impact of lowering the voting age to 16. And here’s the synopsis. Nothing bad happens. Only good things happen to democracy in every country where there has been a lowering of the federal voting age to 16,” she said at a news conference with the group in Ottawa on Wednesday.

McPhedran noted that Austria lowered the voting age to 16 in 2007 and claimed that this change only brought good results.

“We’re talking about two million 16 and 17-year-olds in Canada, almost exactly at gender parity. And so what we’re talking about is an infusion of energy and vitality into our democracy in a way that will hopefully augment the accountability,” McPhedran said. “We have so much we still have to do, and we need everybody on board.” Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20946252

File: 9c81b7c6ae62d95⋯.png (1.6 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Canadian MPs want ‘ecocide’ perpetrators prosecuted by International Criminal Court


Several Canadian MPs want to see ‘ecocide’ acknowledged by the International Criminal Court as a crime for international prosecution.

The panel held a press conference in Ottawa on Thursday to discuss their support for mass environmental destruction, referred to as ecocide, to be added to the list of crimes that the ICC can prosecute.

Green Party Leader Elizabeth May, Liberal MP Patrick Weiler, and NDP MP Alexandre Boulerice were among the MPs who sat on the panel along with Mia Feldman, Ecocide Toronto’s outreach director and two other organization members.

“As we speak, Canada is burning,” said Feldman in her opening remarks. “We are only in May and climate exacerbated wildfires are already burning in several provinces.”

“It is clear that our current legislation is insufficient. It is clear that we need a law against ecocide.” she added.

“A majority of mass environmental destruction is greenlit by a few powerful individuals. Criminalizing ecocide would change the decision-making calculus for these individuals by holding them criminally liable.”

The ICC is currently responsible for prosecuting four crimes: genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and crimes of aggression. Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20946297

File: ec6e63a53278403⋯.png (1.46 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Vancouver synagogue attacked with “incendiary device”


The Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver reported an incendiary device was thrown at the front doors of a synagogue in Vancouver, B.C., making it the third attack on a Jewish school or place of worship in the past week.

At approximately 9:30 p.m. Thursday, an incendiary device was thrown at the front doors of Schara Tzedeck synagogue on Oak Street.

“Thankfully, no one was injured, and damage to the building was minor,” the group reported in a community update Thursday.

It said the Vancouver Police Department and the fire inspector conducted a “thorough” search of the building and declared it safe to reopen.

Rich Robertson, the director of research and advocacy at the Jewish advocacy organization B’nai Brith Canada, told True North in an interview that the attack was “horrifying” for Jewish people living in the area.

“This occurred as evening services were letting out, and there were worshipers in the vicinity of the shul. To have to feel unsafe when you’re attending your synagogue…it’s just honestly, it’s heartbreaking,” Robertson said. Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20946311

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Overnight shooting at Jewish school in Montreal


Montreal experienced another alarming incident of antisemitic violence, the fourth time a Jewish school has been targeted with gunfire since the October 7, 2023, Hamas terror attack against Israel. Residents are shaken and frustrated, calling out the lack of police presence and criticizing Mayor Plante's leadership. Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20946326

File: 85fdcf846ec4524⋯.png (3.14 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Trudeau government sold pandemic ventilators for scrap to 'understand recycling'


As first reported by Blacklock's Reporter, the documents made available through an access to information filing indicate the ventilators were recycled while the COVID-19 pandemic was still ongoing, and as the Trudeau Liberals were imposing harsh restrictions on the public under the guise of protecting a strained health-care system. Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20946346

File: aa996b817b9f61e⋯.png (2.07 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

126 B.C. children, youth died from fatal overdoses since 2019: report


Roughly three in five overdose fatalities were aged 17 or 18, while just over half were females. One researcher attributes the rising death toll to pandemic lockdown measures. Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20946389

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Ottawa cop accused of misconduct argues COVID-19 vaccines merit 'criminal negligence' investigation


During a disciplinary tribunal, Constable Helen Grus testified she believed there was criminal negligence surrounding the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines. Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20946417

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'Wildly emotional' NDP critic says climate crisis is 'not gender neutral'


'Climate emergencies are not gender neutral,' said NDP MP Laurel Collins. 'The degradation of ecosystems disproportionately impacts women and girls. And I am wildly emotional.' Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20946498

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Globalists gather in Geneva to plan new pandemic treaty


Ezra Levant reports from Switzerland, where unelected health bureaucrats are gathering at the United Nations to develop a new World Health Organization global pandemic treaty. Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20946897

File: 11f668b1a7f2660⋯.png (1.88 MB,1024x1016,128:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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May 31 - Trump Distracts from Imminent World War


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d69dc3 No.20947184

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Control freaks! Pickering City Council is stifling debate, discussion, and even press freedom. Why?


Members of the Durham Regional Police Service are now commonplace fixtures at council meetings, always on standby to remove or even criminally charge those who do not 'behave.' Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20947261

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Elderly woman trying to gift property forced to pay $40,000 capital gains tax


A 93-year-old woman trying to gift land to her kids has been hit with Trudeau’s new capital gains tax and fears she can’t afford to help her family anymore.

Elderly woman trying to gift property forced to pay $40,000 capital gains tax

“I’m on pension. How am I going to pay for that?” asked Liz Diachun from Ontario.

It’s a good question. According to Diachun, she was just trying to do something nice for her kids, sectioning off two lots so they could build their own homes.

However, she was informed by her lawyer that even though the lots were intended as gifts, they would need to be appraised for possible federal tax purposes.

It turns out that the values of the two lots, one appraised at $125,000 and the other at $145,000, were just high enough to fall under the Liberal government’s new capital gains tax inclusion rate of 66% for anything over $250,000.

And now, she has to pay $40,000 in capital gains if she wants to gift the land to her kids.

“I’m not one of the wealthy. I’m 93 years old,” Diachun told reporters. “Who is going to give me a mortgage? Who is going to give me a loan?” Continue…

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cd7052 No.20947615

Explosive findings have been revealed in a recent Philippine House of Representatives committee investigation into hundreds of thousands of excess deaths believed to be linked to the COVID-19 vaccines.


The committee heard that not only have there been hundreds of thousands of excess deaths since the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, but there has also been a decline of nearly one million births in the country.

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fea906 No.20948238

File: 357ad9bd6e9179f⋯.png (33.97 KB,206x113,206:113,ClipboardImage.png)

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15ba73 No.20950723

File: 2a21f9ed9472f6c⋯.png (964.99 KB,1200x1704,50:71,496.png)

Argentina files the world's first criminal charges against Pfizer for concealing known injuries caused by the Covid-19 vaccines.


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d69dc3 No.20950851

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

HUGE! NEW MOVIE EXPOSES OUR ENSLAVEMENT! - Why Everyone Needs To See Jones Plantation NOW!


Josh Sigurdson talks with Larken Rose and Amanda Rose about the film Jones Plantation which Larken wrote and Andrew Treglia directed.

The film is one of the most unorthodox films ever made. It's like a dystopian film similar to The Matrix and V For Vendetta, but instead of taking place in the future, it takes place in the 19th century while representing how people are being enslaved today.

This isn't your everyday plantation film. This film is meant to wake you up to the plantation you're living on. If you think you're free while you pay taxes, lose value to interest on the debt, get locked down and then get to vote for your own slave masters, then you're on Jones Plantation.

The concept of the film is something we haven't seen in Hollywood. It's an independent film that shakes the very foundation of independent film making in itself.

The hidden hand of statism disguised as a human comes to free the slaves on a plantation. The people on the plantation are free to leave but if they want safety and security, they can stay on the plantation. They will be paid for work but they will be up to their ears in debt. They can't be armed but select plantation security can be. Instead of a cross, they bow to a flag. They think they are free but they are not.

This is a concept that is clearly based on what we're living under today. The film may make you uncomfortable. You'll want too watch it more than once.

In this video Larken and Amanda Rose explain the process of the film, the reception and their experience making a film that is bound to be a cult classic in future years.







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d69dc3 No.20950912

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

War Is On The Agenda For Bilderberg 2024…


The agenda for the 2024 Bilderberg meeting has been released and it looks like war is heavily on their minds as the key topics for discussion this year are:

* State of AI

* AI Safety

* Changing Faces of Biology

* Climate

* Future of Warfare

* Geopolitical Landscape

* Europe’s Economic Challenges

* US Economic Challenges

* US Political Landscape

* Ukraine and the World

* Middle East

* China

* Russia

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with journalist and researcher Charlie Skelton about the 2024 agenda and who the major players are that will be implementing the agenda in the near future!

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d69dc3 No.20950940

File: 5400ef596a8f44d⋯.png (428.72 KB,2048x1152,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

After Losing $200M on Woke DEI-Fueled Games, Warner Bros. Launches New ‘Women And Non-Binary’ Leadership Program


Warner Bros. Games recently suffered a $200 million loss from its Suicide Squad game, which was drenched in woke diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Now, the company is doubling down on its woke commitment and has launched a new ‘Women and Non-Binary Leadership Program’ to ‘rehabilitate’ the male-dominated gaming industry.

Built In contributor Brigid Hogan shared the news following the program’s inaugural run. Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20950964

File: b6bd322cd507b4f⋯.png (3.85 MB,1712x1038,856:519,ClipboardImage.png)

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LAWFARE: George Soros’ Heir Alex Soros Urges Democrats to Consistently Call Trump as a “Convicted Felon at Every Opportunity”


It has always been about this. President Trump is up in the polls, and the Republican base is coalescing around him.

The globalist elites are in a panic. Trump is the greatest threat to their power over humanity in the civilized world. Something must be done.

On Thursday, President Trump became a political prisoner under the Biden regime.

Alex Soros, the son of the infamous leftist financier George Soros, has made an appeal to Democrats.

His directive? To relentlessly label former President Donald Trump as a “convicted felon” at every possible turn. Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20951002

File: 4b4b2ca241e4a50⋯.png (4.6 MB,2048x1365,2048:1365,ClipboardImage.png)

Scientists Announce ‘Ground-Breaking’ Cancer Vaccine — Uses Same Technology as Dodgy COVID Jabs


Scientists in the United Kingdom have announced a “ground-breaking” vaccine that they claim could save people from bowel cancer.

In a statement from the British National Health Service, the state-run healthcare system confirmed that thousands of cancer patients would be given “fast-tracked access to trials of personalised cancer vaccines.”

The statement read: Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20951022

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pandora’s Box Opened! Kash Patel Calls On GOP to Unleash Subpoenas on Judge Merchan’s Family and DA Bragg in Wake of Trump’s ‘Unconstitutional’ Verdict


In the wake of the unconstitutional verdict against former President Donald Trump, Kash Patel, a former Trump administration official, is urging Republican lawmakers to take a bold stand against perceived judicial and prosecutorial misconduct. Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20951083

File: 909dc4fd2d21ed2⋯.png (661.19 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

ZELENSKY’S PARANOIA: Ukraine’s President Is ‘Emotional and Nervous’, With ‘Deep Anxiety’ – Instructed Officials To Criticize Biden for Skipping Peace Summit in Switzerland


It turns out that the Joe Biden administration from hell has authorized the Ukrainians to use US-provided long-range missiles to hit ‘some’ targets inside Russia – reportedly in Belgorod, near the frontline of the Kharkov region.

This may or may not mend the relationship with president Volodymyr Zelensky, who has been saying to whomever listen that US-Ukraine relations have drifted farther apart than ever since the war started.

Besides that, the US is also close to signing a new bilateral security pact with Ukraine – expected to be signed on the sidelines of the G7 meeting in Italy next month.

Zelensky’s frustration with Joe Biden was displayed for the world to see this week, as he rebuked old Joe in ‘unusually blunt terms’.

The Ukrainian said that Biden attending a Democratic fundraiser rather than Ukraine’s peace summit on June 15-16 was ‘not a strong decision’. Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20951129

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Blinken To NATO Leaders: Ukraine Has 'Strong & Well-Lit Bridge To Membership'


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday addressed a meeting of NATO foreign and defense ministers in Prague. The meeting is being held in preparation for a bigger Washington summit set to take place in July. Blinken previewed that the later summit will bring Ukraine closer to NATO.

"At the summit we'll be taking concrete steps to bring Ukraine closer to NATO, and ensure that there's a bridge to membership - a bridge that's strong and well lit," he said in an address. Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20951146

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Desperate, Lying Biden May Abuse AI To Pull The Ultimate Race Hoax


Consider, if you will (even those who have been so conditioned by threat of defamation suit never to speak of it), the possibility that the Biden presidency was built upon a major deception: an intentionally stolen election that relied upon illegal ballot-harvesting, manipulation of voting machines and a hodgepodge of factors involving a vast network of intricate moving pieces, each knowing just a small part in the larger script so as to ensure plausible deniability. Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20951190

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

America's Dictator In Egypt Faces Dangerous Dilemma Over Rafah


The Egyptian populace's anger could soon boil over if the Abdel Fattah Al Sisi government doesn't form a tougher response to Israel's offensive in Rafah. Israeli forces now have direct control of the about nine-mile Gaza-Egypt border, and this led to a flare-up in tensions as on Monday a rare shootout between IDF and Egyptian border troops resulted in two Egyptian soldiers killed.

The 45-year long peace treaty between the two Mideast neighbors is under severe threat. This is not necessarily due to any willingness of President Sisi to start open hostilities with Israel, but more based on the reality and dynamics of the Islamic and ultra-conservative identity of the majority of the Egyptian population (the Arab North African country has 110+ million people).

There are widespread reports that the slain Egyptian border guards were not given a proper military funeral. Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20951216

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Russia, Ukraine Swap 150 POWs In First Exchange In Months


Zelensky and his Western backers, especially the US and UK, have long claimed that it's 'impossible' to sit down with Russia at the negotiating table. Zelensky even just six months into the war had vowed not to re-enter negotiations with Moscow until Putin is no longer in power.

But as if inadvertently illustrating that negotiations are actually very possible and within reach, Ukraine has announced a successful major prisoner swap, which is a first in nearly four months. Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20951252

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kim Jong Un Oversees Massive Missile Launch 'Preemptive Attack' Drills


A day after sending hundreds of feces and garbage-filled balloons into South Korea over the militarized border, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un oversaw a new military exercises showcasing the north's ability to mount "preemptive attacks".

North Korean media released several photos as well as footage of choreographed launches of at least eighteen short-range ballistic missiles from the Sunan area on Friday. Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20951294

File: 263f96302a96514⋯.png (421.58 KB,1080x720,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Houthis Report 16 Dead In Biggest Joint US-UK Airstrikes Since Gaza War Began


Early on Friday Yemen's Houthis announced what appears to be the biggest mass casualty attack by the Western coalition since Red Sea hostilities began in the wake of Oct.7.

The joint British-U.S. airstrikes happened Thursday, and killed at least 16 people and wounded 35 others, according to Houthis statement. "We confirm this brutal aggression against Yemen as punishment for its position in support of Gaza, in support of Israel to continue its crimes of genocide against the wounded, besieged and steadfast Gaza Strip," Houthi spokesman Mohammed Abdulsalam said.

The strikes primarily focused on the port city of Hodeida, and the Houthis say that all killed there were civilians. According to a Yemeni account: Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20951312

File: 8c42b0581ce34f0⋯.png (971.14 KB,820x512,205:128,ClipboardImage.png)

Time To Pay Satan: Canadian Asset Manager Blocks Cash Distributions On Private Credit Funds


Just one day after JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon said private credit could spark turmoil if when the opaque sector of financial markets weakens, warning that "there could be hell to pay," and adding that he has "seen a couple of these deals that were rated by a rating agency and, I have to confess, it shocked me what they got rated. So, it reminds me a little bit of mortgages", Satan has just sent his first invoice to the banking industry. Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20951367

File: 4d7a9a9b6666182⋯.png (221.01 KB,540x304,135:76,ClipboardImage.png)

First French troops on the way to Ukraine – MP


Kiev has already prepared the necessary paperwork for foreign instructors at its military sites

The first group of French military instructors are on their way to Ukraine, senior Ukrainian MP Aleksey Goncharenko said on Friday.

This comes just days after Ukraine’s top commander, Aleksandr Syrsky, announced that he had completed paperwork facilitating the presence of French personnel in the country.

“My sources informed me that the first group of French instructors is already on its way to Ukraine,” Goncharenko, a member of the Ukrainian parliament and delegate to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, wrote on X (formerly Twitter) on Friday evening. Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20951386

File: cbdf9b3410ad000⋯.png (4.01 MB,2048x1152,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Ottawa’s Hidden Agenda: Bill C-26 Aims for Secret Surveillance Backdoors


Canada’s Bill C-26, currently making its way through the country’s parliament, includes “secretive” provisions that can be used to break encryption, researchers are warning.

As far as its sponsors are concerned, Bill C-26 is cyber security legislation intended to amend the Telecommunications Act and other related acts.

But the way the Telecommunications Act will be amended is by allowing the government to force companies operating in that industry to include backdoors in networks protected by encryption, a pair of University of Toronto’s Citizen Lab researchers suggest. Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20951407

File: 75d5b0f5e88fa52⋯.png (132.05 KB,473x705,473:705,ClipboardImage.png)

Incredible scenes from lightning at the Volcán de Fuego in Guatemala

Keep always informed

Subscribe to @Intelsky 💫



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d69dc3 No.20951418

File: 0e5d41917313426⋯.png (1.72 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

B.C. serial killer Robert Pickton dies following prison attack


Serial killer Robert Pickton has died after several days on life support following an assault from another inmate while inside a maximum security prison.

Pickton, 74, died on Friday after being taken from a maximum security prison in Quebec where he was serving his sentence to a nearby hospital for treatment, Correctional Service Canada confirmed Friday afternoon.

He had been assaulted on May 19 by another inmate at Port-Cartier Institution.

Pickton had been serving an indeterminate sentence for six counts of second-degree murder that began on Dec. 11, 2007.Correctional Service Canada contacted the next of kin of Picktion’s registered victims as well as his own family.

“We are mindful that this offender’s case has had a devastating impact on communities in British Columbia and across the country, including Indigenous peoples, victims and their families. Our thoughts are with them,” reads a statement from the prison service.

Correctional Service Canada will be launching an investigation into the assault to find out the details surrounding the incident and see if policies and protocols were followed.

Pickton had been charged with murdering 26 women and would later claim his murder tally to be 49. He became eligible for day parole in February.

He often preyed on women who were prostitutes, drug abusers or homeless, inviting them to stay at his pig farm in Port Coquitlam, where he would later rape, torture, and kill them.

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d69dc3 No.20951455

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LAWTON: On C2C: Who really governs Canada?


In a new essay for C2C Journal, law professor Bruce Pardy argues that Canada is no longer governed by the rule of law, but by a managerial elite that controls various aspects of society. He joined True North’s Andrew Lawton to explain his perspective on this fundamental shift in governance and its implications for Canadian society. You can read the full essay here.

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d69dc3 No.20951484

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Liberal MP Mark Holland says families who take road trips are killing the planet


Liberal MP and Health Minister Mark Holland mocked Conservatives for fighting for families who can’t afford to take their kids on road trips, saying those trips cost “the future of the planet.”

Holland went on a rant during question period in the House of Commons Thursday after a Conservative MP asked the Liberals if they would vote to allow Canadians to save 35 cents per litre of gas by putting a freeze on the carbon tax for the summer. Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20951507

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LAWTON: What is the CBC trying to hide?


Despite fewer viewers, less ad revenue and more biased reporting, CBC gave its executives massive bonuses last year – courtesy of taxpayers. However, they’re not being transparent about these bonuses.

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation wants to know what the state broadcaster is trying to hide and is taking CBC to task. Alberta Director Kris Sims returns to The Andrew Lawton Show to give the low-down.

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d69dc3 No.20951538

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tam commits Canada to strengthening the World Health Organization's power


After hitting all of the social justice buzzwords, Chief Public Health Officer Theresa Tam says Canada will help decide on the next steps for the pandemic agreement and amendments to legally binding international health regulations. Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20951578

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'Left to die': B.C. woman flees Canada TWICE for adequate cancer care


Kristin Logan, a young veteran, mother, and wife, joins Rebel News to describe the shocking moments leading up to her decision to flee B.C.'s health-care system not once but twice to save her life. Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20951648

File: 6c89ce4643488bd⋯.png (433.26 KB,630x420,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9d1e999da2a97f5⋯.png (1.29 MB,1200x628,300:157,ClipboardImage.png)

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Brad Salzberg - Threats Against Trudeau Liberals Skyrocket


Liberal MP Dzerowicz took the vandalism of her office as a threat and contacted police. "Toronto will burn," is a threat, she said.

Liberal MP Pam Damoff continues to complain about being harassed by constituents. Three recent articles from Canada's National Post speak of a rapid rise in cases of Member of Parliament intimidation, particularly toward representatives from our current Liberal government.

Never does the press consider the reason: a visceral hatred of the Communist prime minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, matched only by the hatred felt for his faux father, Pierre Elliot Trudeau. Continue…''

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d69dc3 No.20951682

File: 725b3216762969a⋯.png (2.49 MB,2118x1082,1059:541,ClipboardImage.png)

Evil Providing The Path Of Least Resistance To The Weary


When you try to help a friend or family member who is depressed to the point of suicide, where as before you would have had help with suicide hotlines and support groups, now you have to contend with the medical establishment promoting the idea.

When promoted as a choice and way to gain "control" to those who are faced with great challenges ahead; it positions being murdered by a doctor as choice that is a path of least resistance.

They may call it MAID but it is murder. Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20951695

File: 91844ddd893870c⋯.png (898.71 KB,810x501,270:167,ClipboardImage.png)

Canada’s VA avoided Good Friday message to celebrate ‘all’ March holidays


Instead of mentioning Good Friday specifically, this year Veterans Affairs Canada issued a statement to service members that read, 'We want to wish Veterans, current members and their families a happy March holiday season! Continue…

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d69dc3 No.20951768

File: 3eb290e1ade28a5⋯.png (574.33 KB,810x500,81:50,ClipboardImage.png)

Jordan Peterson tears into Trudeau for backing gender ideology: ‘Worst medical scandal ever’


In a scathing post directed at the Canadian prime minister, the prominent psychologist said 'there is absolutely no excuse for what has been done on the ‘trans’ front. … In the same category as the medical ‘experiments’ under the Japanese and the Nazis in the 30s and 40s.' Continue…

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c8f38b No.20951770


I found charges immenent but nothing about any filed

Bombshell: Argentine Criminal Charges Imminent Against Pfizer: COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries/Deaths Covered Up—Courts Order Prosecution

Steven O'connor Attorney at Non-profit May. 31, 2024, 10:00 a.m.

Argentinian lawyer/study subject/activist Augusto Roux has a new job: criminally prosecuting Pfizer and others in the COVID-19 research ecosystem of Argentina for its actions relating to COVID-19 vaccine testing. By now, at least in the United States, we are used to creative attorneys trying different angles to get around PREP Act immunity, at least in the United States. These include alleging willful misconduct, as well as a recently filed breach of contract action at the state level. Other cases argue that PREP itself is unconstitutional, given the established common law right to meaningful redress for torts suffered. But these are all civil actions and PREP’s immunity from liability should in no way be seen to preclude criminal action; if a crazy pharmacist stabbed a customer in the eye during a PREP-covered vaccination, no one would argue that the police should not be called. In correspondence with TrialSite News from May 30, Augusto Roux offered some insights on how he ended up taking on this “Goliath” of the Pharma industry.

At the time in his mid-30s, Roux, from Buenos Aires epitomizes the health professionals. Not a drinker or smoker, Augusto Roux was a runner plus one to do regular weekly cross-fit regimens. Because of his mother’s lung condition (emphysema), Roux sought out the vaccine, thinking it was the right thing to do. Enter his signing up for participation in the Pfizer-BioNTech clinical trial early on at a major Buenos Aires trial site.

So, Roux like many others in the South American nation participated in the COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial, on August 21, 2020, receiving the BNT162b2 jab developed by the Pfizer-BioNTech partnership.

But soon thereafter, Roux started experiencing severe adverse effects which included pericarditis—ultimately a known risk linked to the mRNA jab.

What started as just localized pain at the injection site turned into swelling of the arm and then nausea, a challenging time to swallow, and an overall feeling of being perpetually hungover.

But the mounting side effects only worsened in the first week with a distorted sense of smell. Modifying his diet Roux noticed strange anomalies such as a whitish stool and abnormally dark urine. He found ways to deal with the situation while Roux attempted to initiate the safety reporting process.

He sought to complete the job receiving his second dose so as to complete the primary series on September 9. Yet that day on the way home his health declined, complaining of shortness of breath, chest pain and a chronic feeling of fatigue

With his condition worsening, Roux a couple days later at his home fell unconscious on the floor for around three hours. Eventually admitted to the Hospital Alemán from September 12 to 14 2020, interestingly, the hospital admission notes preclude fever and tachycardia with the staff pointing to COVID-19.

Based on all of the symptoms and diagnoses, it was most likely that the second jab in Roux induced pericarditis. With reports of high fever, breathlessness, tachycardia and chest pain, a related CT scan evidenced pericardial effusion, not linked to COVID-19 as he had tested negative nor the novel coronavirus.



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15ba73 No.20955464


johnny maga


Donald Trump has reached 1M followers on TikTok in under 10 hours

His first post has already received more likes than any post from @BidenHQ

in the 4 months they’ve been on the app

1:47 AM · Jun 2, 2024

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15ba73 No.20955644

10,000 human remains found on serial killer’s farm — and authorities are still identifying victims


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5d0ba6 No.20955774

File: e82d8223f695af6⋯.png (1.27 MB,1310x654,655:327,ClipboardImage.png)

Beijing-proxy Triad "purchased" Belize for human-smuggling into USA


Unheeded Warnings: The Bureau investigates Latin American smuggling routes used by Chinese state-sponsored mafias

Hong Kong was centre of a Chinese corruption network that bribed governments across the globe, even buying an entire Central American region, in order to traffic illegal immigrants into the United States in operations closely related to drug-smuggling and diaspora repression, American and Canadian intelligence from the 1990s indicates.

“Passports of Convenience,” a confidential, 65-page report filed from Canada’s Hong Kong Consulate in 1993, relied heavily on American intelligence, which warned "an underground community of smuggled aliens has been created in the United States which in many ways is subject to the control of Chinese criminal groups.”

The author Brian McAdam made a number of provocative findings regarding Beijing’s alliance with Triads in human smuggling and corruption going “sometimes to the highest level of some governments.” Continue…

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5d0ba6 No.20955792

File: 0a6ce763da9838a⋯.png (957.09 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Melinda Gates is Now Largest “Catholic” Donor to Pro-Abortion Causes


While Melinda Gates has discussed her Catholic upbringing, she seems to embrace the same cafeteria Catholic approach used by Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi to justify a myriad of horrid behaviors, including embracing, championing, and funding abortion. Continue…

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5d0ba6 No.20955828

File: da3f539e60dc6f3⋯.png (1.45 MB,1600x900,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Right-Wing EU Super Group? Hungary’s Orbán Urges Italy’s Meloni and France’s Le Pen To Form an Alliance


Conservative champion, Hungary’s PM Viktor Orbán, is a politician with very strong geopolitical views and a willingness to implement those views, even against fierce pressure.

On the one hand, we have his heroic anti-war stance as in Orbán’s Hungary ‘Redefining’ Relationship With NATO, Will Not Participate in Any Ukraine Operations.

On the other, we have a leader that is calling for the right to organize and seize power in the European Union, as in ‘The EU Leadership Has Got to Go’: Hungarian PM Orbán Kicks off Campaign for European Elections With a Call to ‘Occupy Brussels’.

So it stands to reason that Orbán would call for the union of two of the biggest conservative figures in the continent, Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and French RN party leader Marine Le Pen. Continue…

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5d0ba6 No.20955862

File: 3e101364a891e76⋯.png (218.55 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

DOWNGRADED: Macron Suffers MAJOR Political Blow as Standard & Poor’s Cut France’s Long-Term Sovereign Credit Rating From AA to AA−


While French President Emmanuel Macron struts around the world warmongering on Ukraine, or else fear-mongering about ‘climate change,’ the country he was supposed to take care of is falling apart.

A floundering economy, a chaotic society made worse by unchecked mass migration, and now, to top it all, Macron got a brutal wakeup call yesterday (May 31), as Standard & Poor’s cut its long-term sovereign credit rating from AA to AA−.

Coming on the eve of the European Elections that his party is projected to lose by a landslide, many see this as ‘probably his darkest day in office.’

Bloomberg reported: Continue…

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5d0ba6 No.20955905

File: 264ff3f2d10d15c⋯.png (2.18 MB,2048x1152,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

DEVELOPING: Alex Jones Claims Feds in the Process to Illegally Seize InfoWars Studios — “Feds Attempting To Shut Down Infowars Tonight!” (VIDEO)


Alex Jones, the host and founder of InfoWars, claims during a live emergency broadcast Saturday that the federal government is orchestrating a forceful takeover of his broadcasting studios.

According to Jones, federal agents could put locks on the doors and liquidate all broadcasting assets. Jones alleges that he even spent the night in his studio and has prepared to involve local law enforcement to prevent what he describes as an unlawful raid on his property. Continue…

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5d0ba6 No.20955946

File: e2d1a022eecc305⋯.png (1.42 MB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

King Charles Continues Trying To Evict His Brother Prince Andrew From 30-Room Royal Lodge – The Disgraced Duke of York Has No Money To Maintain the Property


Who would guess that the hardest part of being the King of Britain is dealing with your own family members?

Charles III waited 70 years to ascend to the throne. And when he did, he has had to deal nonstop with problems created by his own brother and his younger son. Continue…

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5d0ba6 No.20955994

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tim Pool Abruptly Ends Live Stream as Laura Loomer Calls for Treason Charges and Death Penalty for Democrats Accused of Coup Against Donald Trump


Tim Pool, host of the YouTube show Timcast IRL, abruptly ended his livestream on Friday, according to the website Anarchist Federation.

This unexpected termination occurred as Laura Loomer advocated for the execution of Democrats whom she accuses of orchestrating a coup against Trump following his conviction in a recent bogus hush money trial.

During the show, Loomer passionately voiced her frustrations with the political forces aligned against Trump, calling for stark actions against these “traitors.”

“Wake up. Stop being nice to these people,” Loomer said. “I don’t give a sh*t about these people, their livelihood, their well-being, the well-being of their families, their little kids. I don’t give a sh*t. And that’s the mentality that everybody needs to have now in this country, because it is war. It is war.” Continue…

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5d0ba6 No.20956080

File: be0fa8395d367b0⋯.png (1.12 MB,1080x720,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

State Supreme Courts Take Up COVID-19 Vaccine Cases


Two state supreme courts are considering whether workers who administered COVID-19 vaccines to minors without parental consent should be shielded by a federal law. Continue…

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5d0ba6 No.20956117

File: d9f785e397de848⋯.png (372.84 KB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Where Are The Largest Oil Reserves?


Russia has reportedly discovered colossal oil reserves in the British territory of Antarctica. According to documents presented to the UK House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee in early May, the discovery was made by Russian research vessels in the Weddell Sea, part of the Antarctic territory claimed by the UK. The reserves discovered are estimated to contain some 511 billion barrels of oil, around 10 times the production of the North Sea over the last 50 years. Continue…

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5d0ba6 No.20956149

File: e5cf76900967a40⋯.png (1.55 MB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e43032ac30c4281⋯.png (1.53 MB,900x900,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Israeli Forces Now Operating In Most Areas Of Rafah


On Friday, the Israeli military said it had expanded its operations to the central area of Rafah. Before the assault on the city, Rafah served as a refuge for over one million displaced Palestinians.

The Associated Press reports that the Israeli military confirmed its forces were now fighting throughout most of Rafah. President Joe Biden claimed that if Israel attacked the population centers in the city without a plan for the civilians living there, it would cross his "red line."

However, as Israeli troops continue to push into the city, killing hundreds in the process and forcing over one million to flee, Biden administration officials have asserted that Tel Aviv has not crossed the red line. After Israel used a US bomb to kill 45 people living in a tent camp in Rafah, White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said, "As a result of this strike on Sunday, I have no policy changes to speak to." Continue…

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5d0ba6 No.20956166

File: a7981143e387d84⋯.png (657.85 KB,765x571,765:571,ClipboardImage.png)

Is Ukraine Going Rogue Or Did It Attack Russia's Early Warning Systems With American Approval?


Russian-US relations deteriorated further than ever in late May as a result of three developments.

First, the US set the ball rolling by more openly allowing Ukraine to use its arms to strike targets inside of Russia, then Poland said that the US will hit all of Russia’s forces in the special operation zone if Moscow uses nukes, and finally, President Putin signaled that he expects NATO to majorly escalate the conflict by sometime this summer. All of this is bad enough, but it’s made even worse by what Ukraine just did. Continue…

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5d0ba6 No.20956223

File: 73b79d2e04f8056⋯.png (2.12 MB,1200x1391,1200:1391,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f940256e37f0d3⋯.png (106.92 KB,825x373,825:373,ClipboardImage.png)

These Are The World's Largest Armies In 2024


Despite being considered the biggest military force in the world, the United States doesn’t have the largest army in terms of personnel.

This graphic below, via Visual Capitalist's Bruno Venditti, shows the top 10 countries by military personnel as of May 2024, including active and reserve personnel, as well as paramilitary forces. It is based on estimates from GlobalFirepower.com. Continue…

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5d0ba6 No.20956263

File: 20bef8886fcbbbc⋯.png (247.5 KB,501x275,501:275,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 363e35216b81b35⋯.png (92.9 KB,800x401,800:401,ClipboardImage.png)

Alex Soros Gives Dems Propaganda Blueprint For "Convicted Felon" Trump Amid Party Infighting


With Democrats high-fiving over the 'historic' conviction of their chief political rival, a fight has broken out amongst party leaders over how to gloat over this obvious political lawfare which was allegedly coordinated with the Biden administration, and rife with conflicts of interest.

Even CNN senior legal analyst, Elie Honig, admitted that Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg (who reduced 60% of felonies to misdemeanors in 2023, yet elevated Trump's misdemeanors to a felony), wrote in NY Mag: "Here, prosecutors got their man, for now at least – but they also contorted the law in an unprecedented manner in their quest to snare their prey." Continue…

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5d0ba6 No.20956365

File: 96c53a0210a7f88⋯.png (1.4 MB,1080x720,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Elevated Risk Of Epilepsy, Appendicitis In Children After COVID-19 Vaccination: Study


Children who received the AstraZeneca or Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines faced an elevated risk of epilepsy and appendicitis, according to a new study.

Pfizer recipients were also more likely to suffer from demyelinating disease or heart inflammation, researchers found.

Dr. Julia Hippisley-Cox, a professor of clinical epidemiology at the University of Oxford’s Nuffield Department of Primary Health Care Sciences, and colleagues obtained data from a national database on COVID-19 vaccination, mortality, hospital admissions, and COVID-19 infections. They wanted to look at the link between COVID-19 vaccines from AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and Moderna with 12 outcomes, including the heart inflammation condition called myocarditis.

The population of nearly 5.2 million included 1.8 million children aged 5 to 11 and 3.3 million children aged 12 to 17.

The data examined were through Aug. 7, 2022. Continue…

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5d0ba6 No.20956406

File: 459038aa89c0df9⋯.png (393.13 KB,680x375,136:75,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 49220ac6c24a952⋯.png (58.96 KB,588x568,147:142,ClipboardImage.png)

Countdown To Boeing's Starliner Spacecraft Launch "Has Been Stopped"


The Boeing-Lockheed Martin joint venture United Launch Alliance wrote on X, "Hold. The countdown has been stopped. Safing of the Atlas V, Starliner and launch pad systems is underway."

"The launch of Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft has been delayed. Ground controllers called a hold with 3 minutes and 50 seconds left in the countdown. No reason for the delay was immediately given. There is another launch opportunity Sunday," Washington Post's Christian Davenport wrote in a blog update.

"How can Space X launch 5 of these per day yet NASA and Boeing can’t launch even one in a month??" one X user asked. Continue…

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5d0ba6 No.20956524

File: 9d91ecec42455a0⋯.png (719.09 KB,800x420,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Prominent Pro-Vaccine Doctor Blows Whistle: ‘Biggest Crime in History of Medicine’


Annette Bosworth, also known as “Dr. Boz,” has released an explosive video statement to warn the public about “the biggest crime in the history of medicine.”

In a major U-turn, a prominent pro-vaccine doctor has blown the whistle and raised the alarm about the deadly consequences of being injected with Covid mRNA shots.

Annette Bosworth, also known as “Dr. Boz,” has released an explosive video statement to warn the public about “the biggest crime in the history of medicine.”

In the bombshell live-streamed video, the pro-vaccine doctor expresses deep regret that she “had all of the people I love vaccinated.”

Dr. Boz highlights a study exposing the harm caused by Covid mRNA injections. Continue…

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5d0ba6 No.20956546

File: 8a98ce6441106b6⋯.png (1.79 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Recent US tariffs will impact Canada’s role in the critical mineral sector


The rush to dominate the critical mineral supply has hit a new vein with both the U.S. and Chinese governments making a flurry of announcements that could impact Canada’s future as a major supplier.

Key private and government movers in the arena have been busy in recent weeks as China plans to flood the market with critical minerals such as graphite to undercut attempts by competitors to bolster domestic production.

Earlier this week, Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland denounced Beijing’s “intentional, state-directed economic policy” to overproduce critical minerals as harmful.

“We cannot let Canadian industry be wiped out by Chinese oversupply and overcapacity,” said Freeland. Continue…

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5d0ba6 No.20956564

File: da674306fcaa10b⋯.png (1.43 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Private clinics reduced wait times in Saskatchewan by 47% between 2010 and 2014: study


A past Saskatchewan initiative to outsource publicly funded medical work to private clinics could serve as a lesson for other provinces, a study argues.

However, the risk is that lessons of an improved healthcare system will be forgotten only a decade after they were learned.

The research, released Thursday by the Fraser Institute, revisits the Saskatchewan Surgical Initiative ten years after it concluded. The initiative reduced median wait times from referral to treatment from 26.5 weeks in 2010 to 14.2 weeks in 2014, a reduction of 47%. By 2015, immediately after the initiative’s conclusion, the wait time fell further to 13.6 weeks, the lowest recorded by any province that year.

During the four years, the median medical wait time from when a patient was referred from their family doctor to a specialist fell to 14.2 weeks, resulting in Saskatchewan transitioning from having one of the longest wait times in the country to one of the shortest. Wait times across the country did not fall in other places during that time frame.

The Saskatchewan Surgical Initiative used private clinics to perform publicly-funded procedures, such as non-emergency but necessary surgical procedures like knee and hip replacements. Contracting publicly funded care to third parties helped expand the province’s surgical capacity.

There were many rules and regulations regarding this private contracting, such as the cost of services being equal to or less than what is offered by the publicly delivered health system. The initiative also included centralized pooling of surgical referrals and specific wait time targets and guarantees. Continue…

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5d0ba6 No.20956622

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LAWTON: Trudeau’s defence policy fails to impress Americans


The Liberal government’s new defence policy is being criticized by U.S. politicians as insufficient, with a letter from 23 U.S. senators urging Canada to meet the NATO benchmark of spending at least two percent of GDP on defence. Macdonald-Laurier Institute senior fellow Richard Shimooka joined True North’s Andrew Lawton to discuss the implications of this criticism and what it means for Canada’s role within NATO.

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5d0ba6 No.20956643

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WATCH: Melbourne Leftists LOSE IT at Billboard Chris and Avi Yemini


Avi joins anti-child mutilation activist Billboard Chris on the streets of Melbourne to ask the hard questions about 'gender-affirming' procedures on kids. Continue…

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5d0ba6 No.20956699

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We went to Geneva, Switzerland to bring you the other side of the WHO pandemic treaty protest


Rebel News is based in Geneva for two days to learn what, if any, counter-protest movement exists in Europe, and to see if we can learn more about the pandemic treaty that the World Health Organization is trying to hammer out. Continue…

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5d0ba6 No.20956791

File: 2dcc5503d365c4a⋯.png (15.08 MB,4096x2302,2048:1151,ClipboardImage.png)

LIVE UPDATES: Tommy Robinson's anti-totalitarian march and film premiere in London


Rebel News reporter Alexa Lavoie is on the ground in London, England covering former Rebel and current freedom fighter Tommy Robinson's rally against the two-tiered justice system in the UK. Continue…

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5d0ba6 No.20956873

File: 208183c96f7fe23⋯.png (2.13 MB,857x1142,857:1142,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 59a4b86bf67182b⋯.png (119.83 KB,480x268,120:67,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 079c2d4f46f7e57⋯.png (471.35 KB,1043x721,149:103,ClipboardImage.png)

June 2 - "Vaccine" Holocaust Strikes Home


Ottawa detective suspended for investigating babies who died from SIDS after mothers took the jab…


Standing up for freedom and family is bigoted, according to the assholes at the TORONTO RED STAR.


WATCH: A large memorial was captured today in the streets of Austria of those injured or killed by the COVID-19 vaccines



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1246f4 No.20956951

>>20951418 Linda wright or Nee pickton is working here.


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5d0ba6 No.20957089

File: c1869f07a2ad666⋯.png (278.9 KB,620x280,31:14,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 61e9965a5d069ab⋯.png (622.53 KB,1363x1003,1363:1003,ClipboardImage.png)

We see the sacrificed pawns and sly gambits but let’s find who’s moving the pieces . . .


The following featured item is a powerful and insightful look at the reality of our situation that will empower and liberate you if you apply its principles and refuse to be endlessly played by sly manipulative crooks and sociopaths.

The truth of the matter is that the global Freedom Movement, representing as it does a resurgent human community, has been winning important skirmishes, gaining expertise and power, growing in numbers and so forth and we need to build upon those positives and rightnesses.

The defamers and would-be enslavers of Man, the corrupt degenerate and vicious criminal “elite” have been operating like a parasitic infestation for generations, yet are suffering setbacks and they are afraid.

It is time to press forward and look deeper beyond their sacrificed pawns and sly gambits, seek out the player moving the pieces and remove them from the game. Continue,,,

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5d0ba6 No.20957173

File: d6e4f6b75b4fbbb⋯.png (1.18 MB,944x708,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Robert Pickton's siblings knew what serial killer was doing, lawsuits by victims' children allege


David Pickton and Linda Wright knew that Robert Pickton and others tortured and killed sex workers and other persons at the Pickton property,’ the lawsuits say

VANCOUVER — Four children of Vancouver’s missing women have filed lawsuits against serial killer Robert Pickton and two of his siblings over the loss of their mothers.

The civil suits filed Thursday also name as defendants the provincial justice ministry, the city of Vancouver, and five RCMP officers.

The lawsuits name Pickton’s brother, Dave Pickton, and sister, Linda Wright, because they were part owners in the family farm.

Article content

“David Pickton and Linda Wright knew that Robert Pickton and others tortured and killed sex workers and other persons at the Pickton property, and were aware that the actions and propensities of Robert Pickton represented a danger to persons attending the Pickton property,” the lawsuits say. Continue…

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5d0ba6 No.20957179


Robert Pickton


Early life and criminal history

Robert Pickton was born on October 24, 1949,[9] to Leonard Francis Pickton (1896–1977) and Louise Helene Arnal (1912–1979), a family of pig farmers in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, 27 kilometres (17 miles) east of Vancouver. Pickton's older sister, Linda Louise Wright, was sent off to live with relatives in Vancouver as their parents thought that the family pig farm would be an inappropriate setting to raise a young girl Continue…

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5d0ba6 No.20957258

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Has the Olena Zelenska Foundation Been Seizing and Selling Ukrainian Children to British, EU Pedophiles?


ER Editor: This tweet was just put out by white hat-affiliated X account, Shadow of Ezra on Friday, so we went looking —

The shoe seems ready to drop on this topic. A reminder that De Niro (we’re thinking ‘De Niro’) recently popped up to remind us of his own possible child-trafficking connections.

This Russian report below suggests an exhaustive level of knowledge and investigation, involving (at the receiving end) the British royals and many others beside. Likely, many of these people have been arrested already. Which sheds fresh light on why royals have just vanished and possibly why some of a large group of Conservative MPs won’t be standing at the July 4, 2024 elections. Speculation, merely.

French readers will be interested in the Neocon ‘philosopher’, Bernard-Henri Levy as an alleged client of this child trafficking ring. His name came up late last year in the following pieces: Continue…

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5d0ba6 No.20957336

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Huge anti-war rally in NATO member’s capital (VIDEOS)


Hungarians don’t want to “shed blood” for Ukraine, Prime Minister Viktor Orban told a large crowd in Budapest

Hundreds of thousands participated in a peace march in Hungary’s capital, Budapest on Saturday, denouncing the EU’s policy of escalating tensions with Russia. The event culminated with a speech by Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who accused Brussels of bringing Europe closer to a global conflict.

The demonstrators marched from the iconic Chain Bridge to Margaret Island on the Danube River.

Many carried flags, chanted pacifist slogans, and held signs reading “No war” and “Give us peace, Lord.”

“Never before have so many people lined up for peace. We are the biggest peace corps, the largest peacekeeping force in Europe,” the prime minister said, as quoted by Reuters. “Europe must be prevented from rushing into war, into its own destruction.” //Continue…''

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5d0ba6 No.20957401

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Holy SH*T! Canada to LOWER VOTING AGE to help Trudeau win? | Redacted with Clayton Morris


Is Canada trying to lower the voting age to 16 in order give Trudeau an election victory?

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5d0ba6 No.20958498

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

IWR News for May 31st - Is the WHO Pandemic Treaty Dead?


This week in news that mainstream media won’t report and our government doesn’t want you to hear:

Is the WHO Pandemic Treaty Dead?

Turd-nomics: Decades of ‘Stagflation’ Predicted for Canada

The Bill Justin Can’t Pay

2nd Annual Pride Flag Day School Walkout

Our First Viewer Poll: The Top 10 Threats to Canada

Proof of Media Colluding with Politicians

A Simple Screen Addiction Treatment for Your Kids

The Non-Study Study: Why Grocery Prices are So High

The True Severe Adverse Reaction Rate: Higher Than You Think

Special Report: ‘Unvaxxed’ Vaxxed Deaths

Shot to Death: 2 New Studies Showing Obscene Death Rates in the Vaxxed

Who is Funding the Gain of Function Avian Flu Virus Research?

Canadian Detective Accused of Misconduct for Finding the Truth

The Great Korean Poop War

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15ba73 No.20958563


NIH scientists made $710M in royalties from drug makers — a fact they tried to hide

By Social Links for Adam Andrzejewski

Published June 2, 2024, 12:08 p.m. ET

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15ba73 No.20959579

Dr. Fauci Testifies on U.S. Response to COVID-19 Pandemic


Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.


Only then, at the precipice, will people find the will to change [to participate].

We, the People, have been betrayed for a very long time.

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15ba73 No.20959581

Dr. Fauci Testifies on U.S. Response to COVID-19 Pandemic


Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.


Only then, at the precipice, will people find the will to change [to participate].

We, the People, have been betrayed for a very long time.

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15ba73 No.20959659

well the cartels have a new leader


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426220 No.20959746

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

EyesIsWatching #144 - Bird Flu Apocalypse, Coincitis & Microplastics, Trump-Biden Theatre


The Era Of Polycrisis

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30fef3 No.20959848

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dr. Fauci Caught in Scheme to Hide Emails from FOIA Requests — Hid Information on Source of COVID from the Wuhan Lab — Paid Off Doctor to Keep Silent with Millions in Funding and Grants


On January 31, 2020, Danish-born and British-educated scientist Kristian Andersen emailed Dr. Tony Fauci, saying the virus looked lab-made.

According to the email (emphasis added):

“[O]ne has to look really closely at all the sequences to see that some of the features (potentially) look engineered . . . . Eddie [Holmes], Bob [Garry], Mike [Ferguson] and myself all find the genome inconsistent with evolutionary theory.”

Then on February 4, 2020, after a call with Dr. Tony Fauci, British scientist Kristian Anderson wrote that the lab leak theory was a conspiracy theory.

Kristian Anderson, “The main crackpot theories going around at the moment related to this virus being somehow engineered… and that is demonstrably false.” Continue…

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30fef3 No.20959880

File: f2a5efc3b50b0af⋯.png (1.17 MB,1024x571,1024:571,ClipboardImage.png)

Zelensky Now Rails Against China for Skipping ‘His’ Upcoming Peace Summit in Switzerland, Calls It ‘A Tool for Russia’


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky had a ‘great’ idea – or so he thought: a peace summit in which only one of the warring parties is invited.

Pure genius, is it not? Not only that, but a peace summit that is designed to allow the losing side to dictate the terms of the peace settlement ahead.

It’s no wonder, therefore, that Zelensky’s ‘great’ idea is not shaping out quite like he expected.

The news are coming hard and fast: China will not attend, Brazil and South Africa will send lower level delegations, Saudi Arabia will also reportedly not participate and even old Joe Biden will skip the event for a celebrity fundraiser in Los Angeles. Continue…

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30fef3 No.20959971

File: e46edd3347370df⋯.png (841.35 KB,1021x575,1021:575,ClipboardImage.png)

A BILLION VOTERS HAVE SPOKEN! Indian PM Modi Scores a Gigantic Win in the World’s Largest Democratic Election Where Voter ID Is Required, and Will Serve Historic Third Term


The Indian Prime Minister who put a spacecraft on the moon and is leading a renaissance of Hindu nationalism has just won a major victory in a the world largest election decided by about a billion voters.

Narendra Modi, from BJP party, is predicted by all exit polls to win an unprecedented third term as leader of the world’s most populous country.

The Guardian reported: Continue…

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30fef3 No.20960054

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Oxford University: Myocarditis and Pericarditis Only Appear After COVID Vaccination, Not After COVID Infection


Researchers at Oxford University evaluated over one million English children aged 5 to 11 and adolescents aged 12 to 15 for incidents of myocarditis and pericarditis in relation to the COVID-19 infection and the COVID-19 vaccine.

According to the preprint, myocarditis and pericarditis only occur after vaccination and not after COVID-19 infection.

“Whilst rare, all myocarditis and pericarditis events during the study period occurred in vaccinated individuals,” the authors wrote.

The Epoch Times reports: Continue…

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30fef3 No.20960134

File: a41f9bd1e63313b⋯.png (1.71 MB,1600x900,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Peter Sweden: Shocking Truth About Malmö


The infamous Swedish city is ranked in the top 100 most dangerous cities in the world.

I have some news from Sweden that goes to show just how bad the situation actually is.

A new list from Numbeo has been ranking how safe and unsafe different cities in the world are.

The Swedish city of Malmö which has several no-go zones, is ranked as the number 76th most dangerous city in the entire world, listed right between Portland at number 75 and Tehran at number 77. Continue…

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30fef3 No.20960167

File: c9b47359ee80864⋯.png (1.94 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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Germany Naturalized Over 200,000 Immigrants In 2023


German government records have shown that the country naturalised over 200,000 immigrants in 2023 alone, which amounts to more than the entire population of more than half of its cities.

The statistics, released by the German Federal Statistical Office reveal that most of the immigrants came from Syria, with 75,485 receiving German citizenship in 2023.

Most of them arrived in the country in 2015 and 2016 when former Chancellor Angela Merkel opened the floodgates.

A further 10,735 German passports were handed to Turkish immigrants in 2023, with a further 10,710 Iraqi nationals becoming German citizens.

The overall number is the highest in a quarter of a century. There has been a more than 50 percent increase in Iraqis, Syrians, and Afghans becoming citizens compared to the previous year.

A statement from the right wing Alternative For Germany (AfD) Party noted that the amount of immigrants becoming citizens “is more people than the population of Potsdam, Saarbrücken or Leverkusen.” Continue…

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30fef3 No.20960250

File: d5d87e56ea48642⋯.png (1.61 MB,1280x854,640:427,ClipboardImage.png)

Macron Gathering European Coalition To Send Military Trainers To Ukraine


French President Emmanuel Macron is busy working behind the scenes on a controversial new initiative to assemble an army of troops from NATO countries to be sent to Ukraine.

For now, the plan is to send the Western soldiers in the capacity of trainers and military advisers for Ukraine's armed forces, with the training likely to take place in the West of the war-ravaged country, or at least far from the front lines. Continue…

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30fef3 No.20960407

File: 25e3082fb837f3f⋯.png (1.23 MB,1235x703,65:37,ClipboardImage.png)

James Lindsay: “We Stand in Front of the Global Headquarters of One of the Most Evil Organizations Ever To Curse This Planet…”


"Their ambition is to control the world with a global tyranny and a global religion called sustainability and inclusion." Continue…

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30fef3 No.20960437

File: e6bc2f7351eff93⋯.png (1.05 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Majority of Canadian auto buyers say they’re not considering EV purchase


More Canadians are abandoning the idea of ever owning an electric vehicle.

A study by J.D. Power has revealed a growing reluctance among Canadian consumers to embrace this automotive technology.

Despite the touted environmental benefits and the Liberal government’s spending, the study shows a complex picture of the Canadian EV market, with a slight majority of new-car buyers hesitant to make the switch from traditional combustion engines.

The findings come at a time when the automotive industry is at a crossroads, with significant investments being poured into the development of EVs and their supporting infrastructure.

A whopping 52% of potential buyers said they were “very unlikely” to consider an EV for their next vehicle purchase.

On the other hand, only 28.5% of potential buyers said they were willing to go electric, down from 34% two years ago. Continue…

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30fef3 No.20960467

File: d1856f8a2f9e4ec⋯.png (1.68 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

OP-ED: Majority of Canadians want carbon tax scrapped on farms


Canada is a big country filled with lots of opinions. It’s tough to talk about which hockey team you should cheer for without voices being raised, let alone getting into politics.

When a vast majority of Canadians think the same way on something, it’s a good idea for the government to stop and listen.

A new poll conducted by Leger shows that seven in 10 Canadians want farmers to get an exemption on the carbon tax for natural gas and propane.

That means members of Parliament need to listen to Canadians and pass Bill C-234, a proposed piece of legislation that gives farmers this exact exemption. Continue…

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30fef3 No.20960554

File: 6c908d4a6952a53⋯.png (1.9 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Winnipeg Pride parade blockaded by pro-Palestinian queer activists


Pride and Palestine demonstrators clashed on the streets of Winnipeg just one day into Pride month.

Winnipeg’s Pride parade was met with a blockade by self-identified queer pro-Palestinian activists who claimed there is “no pride in genocide.”

The activists, who said they disrupted the parade “in the traditions of Two-Spirit, queer and trans resistance,” made a series of demands to parade participants. Continue…

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30fef3 No.20960599

File: bac159c604940d0⋯.png (1 MB,810x500,81:50,ClipboardImage.png)

WHO director Tedros: ‘It’s time to be more aggressive in pushing back on anti-vaxxers’












WHO director Tedros: ‘It’s time to be more aggressive in pushing back on anti-vaxxers’

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of the Bill Gates-funded World Health Organization declared ‘we need to strategize to really push back’ against so-called ‘anti-vaxxers.’'''

The director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, declared “it’s time to be more aggressive in pushing back on anti-vaxxers.”

During a talk titled “Celebrating 50 years of immunization progress,” Ghebreyesus said: “You know the serious challenge that’s posed by anti-vaxxers, and I think we need to strategize to really push back because vaccines work, vaccines affect adults, and we have science, evidence on our side.” Continue…

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30fef3 No.20960694

File: 08d3408e7e44696⋯.png (675.22 KB,810x500,81:50,ClipboardImage.png)

‘So many have died’: Former Japanese minister apologizes for COVID jab-linked deaths


Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Japan's former minister for Internal Affairs and Communications, apologized to the public for injuries and deaths resulting from the nation's COVID shot rollout as well as the suppression of the antiviral drug ivermectin. Continue…

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30fef3 No.20960733

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NATO state sends air force pilot to Ukraine – media


The first Greek instructor has arrived to train Ukrainian Air Force personnel to operate F-16 warplanes, Defence-Point claims

Greece has sent its first instructor to Ukraine to train local pilots in the use of F-16 fighter jets, media outlet Defence-Point is claiming. The report also noted that Athens has acquired considerable experience over the years in the deployment of the US-made warplanes.

During a NATO summit in Lithuania last July, several member states, including Belgium, the UK, Denmark, the Netherlands, Canada, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Sweden, announced the creation of a F-16 coalition. The group vowed to deliver dozens of fighter jets to Ukraine and to provide appropriate training to its pilots.

Last August, Ukraine’s Vladimir Zelensky revealed that Greece had also joined the coalition, pledging to train Kiev’s pilots.

In its exclusive report on Saturday, Defence-Point alleged that a member of the Greek Air force had already arrived in Kiev. According to the media outlet, Greek pilots can impart a great deal of experience to their Ukrainian colleagues as they have for decades used F-16 warplanes in close air combat against neighboring Türkiye. Continue…

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30fef3 No.20960914

Kiev spy network busted in Crimea – FSB


Five suspects acted independently from each other to prepare an assassination attempt, the Russian agency has claimed Continue…

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30fef3 No.20961046

File: 564133f16a8d9dc⋯.png (1.16 MB,954x536,477:268,ClipboardImage.png)

Vancouver hospital plagued by "open drug market where people smoke fentanyl" patient reports


Vancouver's fentanyl-trafficking saturation bleeds into broader health care

Two months ago, nurses across British Columbia said that the provincial government had allowed addicts to openly smoke illicit drugs, such as fentanyl and meth, in hospital rooms to the detriment of frontline workers and other patients.

The province subsequently committed to banning the practice – but testimony from a recently hospitalized patient suggests that, at least in some hospitals, this crackdown may not have been serious.

Mark Budworth is a semi-retired Vancouverite in his early 60s who received a full ankle replacement at St. Paul’s Hospital, one of the province’s preeminent medical institutions, in mid-May. In a recent phone interview, he told Break The Needle that, during his four-day stay, he was exposed to illicit drug use that was tolerated by staff and made him feel unsafe. Continue…

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30fef3 No.20961390

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June 3 - Trump is Trojan Horse for Globalists


Soros Puppet, Commie Jew elected President of Mexico

Helena Glass- MEXICO Election Bought by CIA & Drug Cartel


Mexico shatters the solar panel ceiling - elects socialist Climate Cult woman as President - Sheinbaum (Shiny Tree)


Reader–"Astounding win at 60% vote in what is considered a Catholic Country. I understand that Jews represent 1% of the population in Mexico. Could one conclude that North America is Jewish-controlled, eh?



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c8f38b No.20962107


Stupid move Z, real stupid

Canada #42 >>18796435

Zelenskyy is a Dead Man Walking

Ian Muir 29 April 2023

As Zelenskyy continues to drive Ukraine further into complete destruction, it’s only a matter of time before he is either killed in the process of conflict or at the hands of his own people.

The constant flow of young Ukrainians being sent into an impossible and suicidal confrontation with Russian Forces is being seriously questioned among Ukrainians.

They are seeing the return from the Battlefields of tens of thousands of Bodybags and Coffins containing the remains of their loved ones. Fathers, husbands, and sons.

The next generation of Ukrainians won’t exist simply because it will be impossible for them to be born.

The US-sponsored proxy war with Russia which has been fermenting since around 2002, has manifested slowly into the most unbelievably wreckless dispatch of so many Ukrainians. Estimates of between 100,000 and 300,000 dead Servicemen and three times the amount of wounded. It’s almost impossible to get a fix on the exact numbers as they are constantly obscured by the Kiev regime.

Zelenskyy continues with his daily statements of inflammatory and deluded rhetoric. “Ukraine will win,” even though it’s blindingly obvious that Ukraine is outnumbered and outgunned by Russia and NATO isn’t coming to the fight. “We can’t win without Western Weapons,” he says, over a year into his ill-conceived “War Plan.”

But it is drawing to an end. Western enthusiasm for “Poor Ukraine,” is at the point of public, political, and diplomatic exhaustion. “The collective West,” has collectively had enough of Zelenskyy’s continuous demands and huge shopping lists.

“We can win if you give us this or that or the next thing,” has grown old and tiresome. It’s impossible for the Cocaine-fuelled Shrimp Zelenskyy and his crew of retarded Banderites not to see this.

The moment will come when Zelenskyy will have to leave the country or risk being captured or strung from a Lamppost in Kiev by his own people. If we in the West have had enough, the Ukrainian people must certainly have had enough. He has achieved nothing and lost everything.

Western Nations don’t want to be in conflict or at war with Russia. We are past that stage in our evolution, yet here we are. 2023 with a raging conflict bringing death and destruction to our doorstep. And not just any old death and destruction. This could easily go Nuclear. It wouldn’t take much as we’ve already reached so many danger points.

Sitting safely away some 7,000 miles to the West are those responsible for this whole disgusting enterprise. The US administration with its practically Mummified President, Joe Biden, and his Troupe of Neandertal warmongering Zombies. Nuland, Blinken, and numerous more like them. War Criminals, and not just for what they have brought about in Ukraine, but all around our World. The constant stream of conflicts of which Ukraine is simply another disposable country on the list.


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15ba73 No.20962325


Alexander Sheppard 🇺🇸



Tony Fauci was told on March 16, 2020, that Hydroxychloroquine was being used to effectively treat COVID-19 in China.

10:06 AM · Jun 3, 2024

Can't Have Emergency powers if there's a Treatment already on the Market

Fauci Knew but he wanted the $$$$$

Crimes Against Humanity?

Crimes Against Children?

Absolutely, 100%, Yes

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15ba73 No.20962477


Simon Ateba


BREAKING - MUST WATCH: This was perhaps the most EXPLOSIVE exchange today between Dr. Anthony Fauci and Congressman Rich McCormick (@RepMcCormick

), a medical doctor who treated patients during COVID but was censored for pointing out the science.

He told Fauci, "You said in an interview that you gave as part of an audiobook written by Michael Specter that you believed institutions should make it hard for people to live their lives so they'd feel pressured to get vaccinated." WATCH

Question: Someone said only politicians, only bloggers, only conspiracy theorists are disagreeing with you. I want to point out that I'm probably the only member of Congress that actually treated patients during the pandemic.

From the very beginning to the very end of the pandemic, during night shifts in the ER, thousands of patients during that time and in 2020 I was censored.

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c8f38b No.20962539


> for decades used F-16 warplanes in close air combat against neighboring Türkiye.

WFT? Never heard of this before

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15ba73 No.20962569




One of the many times that Fauci went on TV in 2020 to complain that Trump wasn’t issuing a nationwide stay at home order.

Fauci now denies ever doing this.

8:51 AM · Jun 3, 2024

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15ba73 No.20962620

File: 0aa5f2999b0a221⋯.png (69.76 KB,658x379,658:379,498.png)

Insider Paper

NEW: Damning new report found that the COVID-19 virus most likely leaked from a Chinese lab — and that the US bears responsibility for pumping tens of millions of dollars into high-risk research on extremely infectious viruses at a facility with weak safety protocols — The analysis by Alina Chan, a Harvard and MIT molecular biologist, was published as a New York Times guest essay, NY Post reports

Follow @insiderpaper


The Choice To Know Will Be Yours

The Choice To Know WAS Yours

And so many didn't even ask any Q uestion

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c8f38b No.20962651

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Don't forget this one:

Canada #42 >>18757856

Sudanese Militants Seize US-Funded BioLab in Khartoum Containing Dangerous Samples of Measles, Cholera, Other Pathogens

By Jim Hoft Apil 26, 2023

The World Health Organization warned of the potential of a “high risk” event after Sudanese militants seized control of dangerous bio lab in Khartoum as fighting continues in the capital city.

Dr. Fauci was behind funding of several international biolabs as NIAID Director from 1984 to 2022.

Natalie Winters at The War Room reported that the US is funding the biolabs in Sudan.

Sudan’s National Public Health Laboratory – whose recent seizure by militants has prompted warnings of causing a “huge biological risk” – received financial and personnel support from U.S. government bodies including the Department of Defense, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institutes of Health agency, War Room can reveal.

The stunning revelation follows Nima Saeed Abid, the World Health Organization (WHO) representative in Sudan, admitting the situation was “extremely dangerous” because “we have polio isolates in the lab, we have measles isolates in the lab, we have cholera isolates in the lab.” U.S. federal funding has directly supported research conducted by researchers from the high-risk laboratory into cholera.

“There is a huge biological risk associated with the occupation of the central public health lab in Khartoum by one of the fighting parties,” he added.

The lab, which is based in the country’s capital Khartoum, is a recipient of support from a variety U.S. government agencies including the Department of Defense (DOD), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC), and United States Agency for International Development (USAID). During Dr. Fauci’s tenure as a National Institutes of Health (NIH) agency leader, he also allocated funds to support research involving scientists from the controversial laboratory.


video from: https://youtu.be/FlravENMiqM

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15ba73 No.20962715


Study Links COVID-19 mRNA Shots, Not Infection to Heart Failure in Children. This MASSIVE study also shows no benefit in reduction of infection.

Key findings include:

All cases of myocarditis and pericarditis during the study period occurred in vaccinated individuals.

Most myocarditis and pericarditis cases were recorded after the first dose of the vaccine.

Hospitalizations related to COVID-19 were extremely rare among children and adolescents.

Over 50% of children who had myocarditis following the shot required hospitalization.


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30fef3 No.20962925

File: 3b384e07f33aee0⋯.png (3.88 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Freeland defends raising debt ceiling despite pushback from economists


Fraser Institute economists note Budget 2024 purported fairness as its aim, especially for younger generations. But saddling them with hundreds of billions in added debt is ‘unfair,’ contend the economists, calling it a ‘glaring contradiction.’ Continue…

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30fef3 No.20962938


Probably referring to Cyprus.

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15ba73 No.20962977


Another COVID ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Becomes True

It turns out the deaths from COVID vaccinated patients were actually labeled as unvaccinated.

“That’s why ‘unvaccinated’ deaths spiked immediately after the vaccine rollout,” explained Dr. Toby Rogers.

“That’s how they hid COVID vaccine deaths and kept the rollout going.”

Roger’s tweet mentioned a Substack post from Thursday titled “Where Are The Numbers” by Norman Fenton and Martin Neil.

These professors, in their own words, “challenge the global Covid-19 narrative, exposing the use and abuse of statistics.” That’s an eloquent way of saying the results were SKEWED to sell a narrative.

More Stories:

Dr. Peter McCullough Makes Chilling Bird Flu Prediction (https://t.co/sVjjAaBPCM)

New study finds MASSIVE increase in cardiopulmonary arrests in one of the most vaccinated counties in the United States. (https://t.co/8CkQH2eZ85)

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15ba73 No.20963101


Green Lives Matter


Wow. Fauci just got eviscerated over his compliance with the made-up 6-foot social distance rule that had zero science behind it. He just conceded the point that the six foot rule was debunked but he never told the American people the truth once he had found out. The conspiracy theorists were right this entire time.

"Do you think that a rule that 'sort of just appeared' is substantial justification for the regulations that we saw based on that six foot rule?

Once we realized that the virus was not spread by droplets did you feel an indication to go back to the CDC and base this on science?

This six foot rule crippled American businesses. It allowed students to stay at home and not learn. Americans suffered and that suffering continued because of the fracture of trust in American scientists continue to this day.

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15ba73 No.20963238


Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic



His agency funded this disgraced organization. Now, Dr. Fauci agrees with @COVIDSelect

that EcoHealth Alliance and its President, Dr. Peter Daszak, should never again receive a single cent from the U.S. taxpayer.

7:01 AM · Jun 3, 2024

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30fef3 No.20963917

File: a0d9b576f67d6a1⋯.png (3.92 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Independent publishers sign declaration opposing taxpayer bailouts of media


‘The broadly unpopular subsidy regime represents a challenge to our democratic process,’ reads the Ottawa Declaration. ‘The subsidy regime also creates an uneven playing field.’

Independent publishers and commentators object to subsidizing the media further, according to a new declaration.

“Our media companies will not accept the per employee subsidies currently on offer from government and industry,” said an Ottawa Declaration signed by nine publishers. Annual subsidies paid to cabinet-approved newsrooms are currently worth up to $29,750 per employee.

Holly Doan of Blacklock’s Reporter, Sam Cooper of The Bureau, Rudyard Griffiths of The Hub, Tara Henley of Lean Out, Candice Malcolm of True North, Substack commentator Paul Wells, Derek Fildebrandt of The Western Standard, Claire Lehmann of Quillette, and Columnist Andrew Coyne signed the petition.

None of the publishers previously solicited federal aid, confirmed Blacklock’s Reporter. The publication in an earlier February 19 submission to the Commons heritage committee opposed the ongoing $595 million bailout as wasteful, corrupting and futile.

“We encourage other digital news outlets to sign this Declaration and reject the payroll subsidies,” it said. “In trying to ‘save’ journalism, these subsidies damage the independence of the press, stifle much needed innovation and private investment and fail to rebuild readers, listeners and viewers’ trust in our industry.” Continue…

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53e453 No.20965968

File: 4650bc878c09d65⋯.png (694.11 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 69852caf2202c33⋯.png (712.19 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96271c8ff9b1602⋯.png (667.14 KB,768x516,64:43,ClipboardImage.png)

UKRAINE DARKNESS: Massive Russian Strikes to the Ukrainian Energy Infrastructure Lead to Power Shutdowns in Most of the Country


Since the beginning of the war, Russia has been systematically destroying the Ukrainian energy

In early May, Russian air strikes and missiles disrupted the thermal power plants in Ukraine to such a degree that it took the country to the brink in terms of power generation.

And now, roughly a month later, another large-scale, deadly wave of attacks is targeting the remainder of the energy infrastructure, notably attacking hydroelectric facilities.

This has led to Ukraine imposing emergency power shutdowns in all but three regions of the country.

Power grid operator Ukrenergo says the shutdowns are affecting both industrial and household consumers.

Associated Press reported: Continue…

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53e453 No.20966013

File: c630eaec23a04ad⋯.png (637.93 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f53892f1100f25⋯.png (493.04 KB,582x344,291:172,ClipboardImage.png)

American Army Vet Fighting as a Mercenary for Ukraine Extradited to US, Prosecuted for Murders in ‘a Three-State Crime Spree’


A US Army veteran who became a mercenary fighter has been charged with murder and fraud in a ‘three-state crime spree’ after being extradited from Ukraine by the FBI, according to federal prosecutors.

The New York Post reported: Continue…

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53e453 No.20966058

File: d7a5a0a8e24c840⋯.png (678.01 KB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4b1b804faf813d5⋯.png (94.01 KB,815x551,815:551,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c6fc1adceb6b56a⋯.png (1.68 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: Filthy Liars at New York Times FINALLY Come Clean – Publish Op-Ed Suggesting COVID Likely Came from Wuhan Lab and Fauci Funded It


That only took four years!

The filthy liars at The New York Times finally came clean and reported that the COVID virus that killed millions most likely came from the Wuhan lab.

Of course, this is something The Gateway Pundit has been reporting since 2020. In fact, The Gateway Pundit was the first news organization to reveal photos from inside the Wuhan laboratory of Chinese Doctor Shi Zhengli running coronavirus testing with mice.

This was after her research was banned in the US because it was too dangerous.

The Gateway Pundit reported this in April 2020: Continue…

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53e453 No.20966111

File: 6152846c05af202⋯.png (687.35 KB,800x432,50:27,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 18ba765912ff695⋯.png (207.74 KB,408x575,408:575,ClipboardImage.png)

Louisiana Passes Bill Ordering Surgical Castration of Convicted Pedophiles


The state of Louisiana will not be a good place to be a convicted pedophile.

On Monday, Republican lawmakers passed a bill that will allow judges to order the surgical castration of pedophiles found guilty of various sex crimes including rape, incest and molestation against any child younger than 13.

Several other states – including Florida and Texas – already allow the chemical castration of pedophiles in certain circumstances. However, Louisiana would be the first state to impose surgical castration instead.

“This is a consequence,” Republican state Sen. Valarie Hodges said during debates over the bill. “It’s a step over and beyond just going to jail and getting out.” Continue…

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53e453 No.20966165

File: 74b0399e6da8289⋯.png (840.99 KB,721x905,721:905,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 37dfc279bdc41e1⋯.png (256.84 KB,407x666,11:18,ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: UK’s Telegraph Comes Clean – Front Page Headline Reads “Covid Jabs May Be to Blame for Increase in Excess Deaths”


The fake news is finally coming clean.

The UK Telegraph published a report on its front page titled, “Covid vaccines may have helped fuel rise in excess deaths.”

Of course, The Gateway Pundit has been reporting on this since 2021. And we were censored and silenced by big Tech and smeared by the fake “fact-checkers” for daring to report this truth.

Via The Telegraph. Continue…

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53e453 No.20966268

File: bd6df8dc8b152bf⋯.png (871.05 KB,945x1006,945:1006,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 8d1fdceb3b5e1c2⋯.png (966.7 KB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

KILLER FAUCI: On March 16, 2020, Dr. Fauci Received Email Cheering Hydroxychloroquine Treatment of COVID in China – 4 Days Later He Publicly Rebuked President Trump at WH Presser For Suggesting It a Valid COVID Treatment


On March 16, 2020, Dr. Tony Fauci received an email reporting China’s success using hydroxychloroquine in treating the coronavirus.

Fauci received an email on March 16, 2020, cheering the use of hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 in China. Four days later, he chided Trump publicly for suggesting the same.

Dr. Fauci and the bipartisan establishment deliberately obstructed President Trump’s advocacy for hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), an affordable treatment option during the COVID-19 pandemic. They favored the much more expensive drug, Remdesivir, priced at $1,000 per dose compared to HCQ’s modest $0.70. Continue…

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53e453 No.20966374

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Unbelievable: Nebraska Sheriff Reports Woman Who Was Pronounced Dead Comes Back to Life at Funeral Home


A woman in Nebraska who was pronounced dead came back to life at a funeral home in Lincoln, Nebraska.

The 74-year-old woman was on hospice at the Mulberry Nursing Home in Waverly and was pronounced dead at 9:45 a.m. by nursing staff.

The woman’s body was then transported to Butherus Maser & Love Funeral Home in Lincoln.

Hours after she was pronounced dead, an employee of the funeral home noticed the woman was breathing as she placed the woman on a table in the mortuary. Continue…

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53e453 No.20966420

File: dc685d2762ac63b⋯.png (1.84 MB,1600x900,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2ad14675c20478⋯.png (194.43 KB,407x681,407:681,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 439378b02ef0864⋯.png (61.82 KB,616x598,308:299,ClipboardImage.png)

US Government Seizes Passport of Former US Marine and UN Inspector Scott Ritter — Blocks Him from Attending Event in Russia


Former US Marine Corps Intelligence Officer and UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter, who is critical of Biden’s foreign policy, has reportedly been barred from attending the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in Russia.

According to Russian news outlet TASS, Ritter was prevented from boarding a flight from New York to Istanbul, a layover on his way to Russia.

No further explanation was given. The only information provided was that this action was carried out on orders from the Department of State.

“I was boarding the flight. Three [police] officers pulled me aside. They took my passport. When asked why, they said ‘orders of the State Department.’ They had no further information for me,” Ritter told RT. “They pulled my bags off the plane, then escorted me out of the airport. They kept my passport.” Continue…

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53e453 No.20966473

File: b9a5cdc25f4a0da⋯.png (674.05 KB,695x502,695:502,ClipboardImage.png)

WW3 WATCH: Kremlin Warns U.S. of ‘Fatal Consequences’ as Biden Greenlights Missile Strikes on Russian Mainland


The Kremlin has warned the United States is facing potentially “fatal consequences” after the Biden regime greenlighted Ukrainian missile strikes on targets within the Russian mainland.

“I would like to warn American leaders against miscalculations that could have fatal consequences,” Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said, according to the Russian state news agency RIA. “For unknown reasons, they underestimate the seriousness of the rebuff they may receive.”

“I urge these figures (in the U.S.) … to spend some of their time, which they apparently spend on some kind of video games, judging by the lightness of their approach, on studying what was said in detail by Putin,” Ryabkov said, adding that Putin had given “a very significant warning and it must be taken with the utmost seriousness.” Continue…

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53e453 No.20966603

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

German Police Officer Rouven L. Who Was Stabbed by Islamic Assassin Dies in Hospital


The German policeman who was stabbed by an Islamic terrorist in Mannheim Friday has died from his wounds. The intended victim, leading German Islam critic Michael Stürzenberger, shared a GoFundMe for the officer’s family.

Police officer Rouven L. (29) died in hospital Sunday after being stabbed in the neck by Afghan assassin Sulaiman (25). He had been put into an artificial coma and received emergency surgery but was reported to be only kept alive because he was an organ donor. Continue…

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53e453 No.20966749

File: cd0521a3109b8a9⋯.png (502.22 KB,529x383,529:383,ClipboardImage.png)

JUST IN: Biden Regime Indicts Epoch Times Chief Financial Officer in Alleged $67 Million ‘Money Laundering’ Scheme


Damian Williams, the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York (SDNY) on Monday announced the unsealing of an indictment charging Weidong Guan, a/k/a “Bill Guan,” the Chief Financial Officer of conservative media company The Epoch Times with participating in a $67 million transnational money laundering scheme.

Bill Guan, 61, of Secaucus, New Jersey, is facing up to 80 years in prison.

He was charged with one count of conspiring to commit money laundering, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison, and two counts of bank fraud, each of which carries a maximum sentence of 30 years in prison.

Bill Guan was arrested on Sunday morning and appeared before a magistrate judge on Monday afternoon. Continue…

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53e453 No.20966786

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is the Earth Flat? Let’s Get Nuts


“Drive yourself insane tonight

It's not that far away and

I just filled up your tank earlier today”

-Alkaline Trio, ‘Mercy Me’

Being a masochist, I have subjected myself now to multiple debates in various fora regarding whether the Earth is a sphere or a plane, each somehow sillier than the last.


I would, I concede, be totally useless in flat Earth debate, as I barely got a C in astronomy in college, a course I signed up for on the assumption it would consist of star-gazing through telescopes, which I could do very well while high, only to realize too late to drop it that it involved math — and not regular math, but, like, super-complicated math.

But here’s my two cents on flat Earth anyway.

First, in matters involving potential mass deception on the part of the authorities, it’s important to ask the critical question, which is: cui bono?

Who benefits?

The premise of the flat Earth theory is that governments and scientific bodies have been lying to the people for hundreds of years about the true shape of things for some nefarious, unspecified reason.

The problem I see is that I can’t imagine what that purpose would be. Who would benefit and how from hoodwinking the planet about the Earth being a ball? Continue…

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53e453 No.20966831

File: 6c435b3eb3f3150⋯.png (576.16 KB,600x400,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef35af4d8c40099⋯.png (781.64 KB,968x1090,484:545,ClipboardImage.png)

Biden 'Not Ruling Out' Boots On The Ground If China Invades Taiwan


President Biden has affirmed he is 'not ruling out' boots on the ground in Taiwan, in the scenario of a future Chinese invasion. While this type of response is really nothing new when it comes to American politicians being asked hypothetical questions about the future of Taiwan, it does come at a tense moment when an anti-Beijing hawk, Lai Ching-te, has just ascended as Taiwan's new president.

In a fresh interview with Time magazine published Tuesday, Biden was asked what his response as Commander-in-Chief might be if China's PLA army were to attack the self-ruled island. "It would depend on the circumstances,” the president replied. "We’re continuing to supply capacity… And we’ve been in consultation with our allies in the region."

But that's when he explaining he's not "ruling out using US military force" on the ground. He also said there are other options on the table which he cannot disclose. He added: "You would then criticize me with good reason if I were to tell you." Continue…

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53e453 No.20966893

File: b7591dd8e90f3c3⋯.png (549.74 KB,640x400,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

Fires Rage In Northern Israel After Uptick In Hezbollah Attacks


Huge fires in Israel's Galilee region are once again raging out of control following stepped-up rocket and drone attacks by Hezbollah on northern Israel. Some reports are citing over 20 wildfires in various locations.

Israeli media has confirmed that "a large blaze is spreading in the Ramim Ridge area, near Kiryat Shmona, reportedly as a result of rocket impacts in the area over the past day." Homes in Kiryat Shmona have been destroyed and the fires are surrounding more communities. Continue…

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53e453 No.20966920

File: b5d95c4bc9a325e⋯.png (271.51 KB,600x400,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Netherlands Joins Denmark In Saying Ukraine Can Use F-16s To Strike Inside Russia


The Netherlands is the latest NATO country to announce that it backs allowing Ukraine to attack inside Russian territory using its weapons. More importantly, it has joined Denmark in saying it does not object to Kiev using F-16s to attack Russia.

"If you have the right to self-defense, there are no borders for the use of weapons. This is a general principle," Dutch Foreign Minister Hanke Bruins Slot said days ago. Kiev could receive its first F-16s in a matter of weeks. Continue…

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53e453 No.20966945

File: ac04369b8746fb4⋯.png (1.76 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

What Is The Real Purpose Of The Swiss "Peace" Conference For Ukraine?


Switzerland is hosting a “Summit on Peace in Ukraine ” on June 15-16 at the five-star Bürgenstock hotel above Lake Lucerne in central Switzerland. The Swiss government says they hope this will lay the groundwork for a peace process in Ukraine which has been embroiled in a bloody war with Russia for the past two years. However, that notion is fantasy given the fact that at least 80 countries from around the world are invited, yet Russia is not.

You might then ask, how can the west engage in serious peace discussions with Russia if they refuse to sit at the negotiating table with Russian representatives? Obviously they can't, but it's becoming clear that this is not the intent. Continue…

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53e453 No.20966990

File: c9be8422db00ad6⋯.png (115.98 KB,650x450,13:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c891c7569c40185⋯.png (385.65 KB,1024x685,1024:685,ClipboardImage.png)

Floating Russian Oil Base Shifts To New Location In Mediterranean Sea


In May, the Greek Navy began conducting war drills in the Laconian Gulf, about 110 miles southwest of Athens, to disrupt a 'floating oil base' used by Russian tankers for ship-to-ship transfers of crude oil and related products. Now, these tankers have migrated STS transfers to another part of the Mediterranean Sea.

Bloomberg reports tankers hauling Russia's Urals are conducting STS transfers near the city of Nador at the eastern end of Morocco's coast on the Mediterranean. This comes after the Greek Navy forced tankers out of the Laconian Gulf last month: Continue…

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53e453 No.20967030

File: 98917ea9c0cdd06⋯.png (1.28 MB,1280x822,640:411,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b08edfd9834c63b⋯.png (563.38 KB,585x1024,585:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

Italy Pipes Up Against NATO Escalation As Court Ruling Could Cut Off Russian Gas Sooner Than Expected


An opaque legal ruling could, in a roundabout way, soon halt all pipeline deliveries of Russian gas to Austria – and therefore Italy. Coupled with the ongoing disruptions in the Red Sea, the economic consequences for Europe’s second-largest industrial location could be dire.

In late May, an undisclosed European court handed down a ruling that in a roundabout way could force Austria’s main gas company OMV (Österreichische Mineralölverwaltung or Austrian Mineral Oil Administration) to stop paying for Russian gas.

Some background:

This all goes back to the West’s “freezing” of hundreds of billions of Russian foreign assets in 2022. In light of that move, Putin introduced the “gas for roubles” program so that payments and clearing on its gas exports would be under the control of the Russian Central Bank and therefore unable to be frozen or stolen by the West.

Many European countries/companies refused to comply and loudly complained that Putin was cutting off the gas.

Meanwhile, some countries and companies in central Europe were “allowed” by the EU to continue importing Russian gas due to difficulties in updating their legacy energy infrastructure or some other reason. So companies like Austria’s OMV agreed to pay in roubles and continue to import the Russian gas and often send it on to the countries that threw a fit over the gas for roubles program.

Now, here we are two years later, and it looks like OMV is going to be forced to stiff Gazprom on payments and redirect that money to European energy companies who refused to pay in roubles. What little details of the case that are known are this from Upstream: Continue…

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53e453 No.20967096

File: 6726d3d70b55050⋯.png (933.65 KB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

"I Was Offered Assisted Dying Over Cancer Treatment": Broken Canadian Healthcare System Is Killing Patients


Two years ago, over the Thanksgiving holiday, Allison Ducluzeau started to feel pain in her stomach. At first, she assumed she had eaten too much turkey, but the pain persisted. A couple of weeks later, she saw her family doctor who requested CT scans, although none were sorted. Soon after, as the agony worsened, her partner insisted she went to the emergency unit at their local hospital on Vancouver Island. Finally, doctors confirmed the couple’s worst fears: she was almost certainly suffering from advanced abdominal cancer.

Allison, then 56, later learned that she had stage 4 peritoneal carcinomatosis, an aggressive condition. By the time she saw a specialist early last year, he warned that she might only live a few months longer: chemotherapy tended to be ineffective for her cancer, buying a bit more time at best, and she was inoperable. Instead, she was told to go home, sort out her papers, and decide if she wanted medical assistance in dying.

Unsurprisingly, Allison was devastated. “I could barely breathe — I went in there hoping to come out with a treatment plan but was just told to get my will in order.” That night was the worst of her life as she broke the shattering news to her son and daughter at her home in Victoria. “I told them I might only live for another two months,” she recalled. “If I’d not had my children, I might have accepted MAID [medical assistance in dying] — but when I saw the effect on them, having just been through the deaths of my own parents, it made me dig really deep.”

So, determined to find help, she researched her condition, spoke to doctors as far away as Taiwan, flew to California for scans and eventually travelled to Baltimore for treatment. She had discovered that patients could be given debulking surgery to reduce their cancer, followed by targeted use of heated chemotherapy — yet back in Canada, she could not get even an initial telephone chat with a surgeon who performed such operations for two months. Aided by her tight circle of friends and relatives, she raised almost half the $200,000 cost for the operation by crowdfunding. By the time she managed to see an oncologist in her home province of British Columbia, she was already on the road to recovery.

Today, Allison is in remission. She lifts weights daily, and goes running and cycling. She recently married her partner on a beach in Hawaii in front of her children. But she remains infuriated that Canadian doctors offered to kill rather than treat her. “The way it was presented was shocking,” she told me. “I was disgusted to be offered MAID twice. Once I was even on the phone, when I was on my own having just come back from Baltimore. It left me sobbing.” Continue…

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53e453 No.20967166

File: a30c79208f3f1ee⋯.png (233.58 KB,417x732,139:244,ClipboardImage.png)

🌪🇨🇦 – A stunning tornado recorded in Alberta, Canada, on June 3, 2024, was part of a series of severe weather events that swept across the Prairies.

The tornado touched down near Edberg, a small community south of Camrose, about 125 kilometers southeast of Edmonton.

A tornado warning was issued shortly before 3:30 p.m. for a large area stretching from south and east of Edmonton to the Saskatchewan border.

Despite the severe weather, there were no reports of injuries or significant damage related to this tornado.

Keep always informed

Subscribe to @Intelsky 💫



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53e453 No.20967182

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Indian students in Brampton DEMAND work permit extensions at protest


Another protest staged by Indian international students demanding work permit extensions and permanent residency is underway in Canada. This time in Brampton, Ontario. Among other demands, these protesters are demanding a 5-year post graduate work permit for all international students.

These protests are spreading across Canada now that international students are supposed to return to their home countries but the protesters want to change the rules at the 11th hour so they can get permanent residency status in Canada.

Their tactic? It's simple. Play the victim card and use the empathy of Canadians to work against our own interests to benefit them.

When is enough going to be enough?

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53e453 No.20967241

File: 60037ce3b29e2fa⋯.png (1.38 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

New immigration pilot program to give automatic PR to caregivers upon arrival


Immigration Minister Marc Miller announced two pilot projects that would see people who come to Canada as caregivers automatically given permanent residency upon their arrival to Canada.

Miller announced the pilot projects on Monday, which are enhanced versions of two existing government programs that are slated to expire on June 17.

Anyone coming to take care of seniors, children or disabled people will be offered permanent residence upon their arrival into Canada under the new programs, which aim to expedite the journey newcomers settling in Canada.

Caregivers employed by organizations that provide part-time or temporary care for people recovering from an illness or injury will be qualified to enter the new programs.

According to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, over 15,000 caregivers will be admitted as permanent residents over the next two years. Continue…

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53e453 No.20967262

File: ec73ae96cdbe0aa⋯.png (1.8 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Liberals’ $530 million climate fund not enough to achieve targets says partner org


The $530 million announced by the Liberals to fight climate change is a mere 10% of what the partner organization claimed was needed to combat climate change.

Ottawa will provide over half a billion dollars through the Green Municipal Fund to help municipalities adapt to climate change, according to a press release issued by the Liberals on Monday.

Municipalities across Canada can apply to the Green Municipal Fund for up to $1 million for climate adaptation implementation projects and up to $70,000 for risk assessments and feasibility studies.

While municipalities can apply for funding, municipally owned corporations, organizations delivering municipal services, non-governmental organizations, not-for-profit organizations, research institutes like universities, and Indigenous communities are also eligible to apply. Continue…

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53e453 No.20967317

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

CRTC requires online streaming services to contribute 5% of revenue to domestic broadcasting system


Canada’s broadcasting regulator wants to force streaming giants to dedicate a portion of their profit to prop up struggling Canadian legacy media.

The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission announced it would require online streaming services like Netflix to contribute 5% of Canadian revenue to support Canada’s domestic broadcasting system.

The CRTC called the decision a “major step forward in the implementation of the Online Streaming Act” in a press release on Tuesday.

“Today’s decision will help ensure that online streaming services make meaningful contributions to Canadian and Indigenous content,” said CRTC chairperson and chief executive officer Vicky Eatrides.

“The CRTC will continue to move quickly, listen carefully, and take action as we implement the new legislation.”

The Online Steaming Act received Royal Assent on Apr. 27 and the CRTC was tasked with modernizing Canada’s broadcasting framework in relation to the new legislation. Continue…

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53e453 No.20967340

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Parliamentary Budget Officer says Liberals gagged him on carbon tax


The Liberals are keeping their analysis of the carbon tax’s economic impact under lock and key, as the Parliamentary Budget Officer confirmed on Monday that the feds had put him under a gag order.

Yves Giroux said while testifying before the House of Commons finance committee that the federal government has put a gag on him, preventing him from sharing an economic analysis of the carbon tax.

“The government has economic analysis on the impact of the carbon tax itself and the (Output-Based Pricing System). We’ve seen that, staff in my office, but we’ve been told explicitly not to disclose it and reference it,” said Giroux.

Giroux filed an access to information request with Environment and Climate Change Canada to determine the economic impacts of emissions reductions. The government published these data in late March or early April, according to Chris Matier, a director in the Parliamentary Budget Office. Continue…

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53e453 No.20967418

File: 504de108a8ee256⋯.png (1.52 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Critical mineral reserves present Canada with a half-a-trillion-dollar opportunity


Economists predict Canada could boost its GDP by over $500 billion if it digs into its critical mineral reserves.

In a new report, TD analysts say the country is on the brink of an economic windfall, poised to harness an abundant critical mineral wealth throughout Canada.

Critical minerals are essential for developing clean technologies, which are pivotal in reducing global greenhouse gas emissions. With rich reserves of these minerals, Canada could see at least $300 billion from just six cobalt, lithium, copper, graphite, nickel, and rare earths.

The report does not consider other sought-after critical minerals like silicon, platinum, aluminum and others, meaning the likely valuation of Canada’s supply is much larger than reported.

According to TD Canada economists Francis Fong, Likeleli Seitlheko, and Mekdes Gebreselassie, developing these resources can contribute over $500 billion to the nation’s GDP over the mines’ lifespan. Continue…

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53e453 No.20967467

File: 6ae04d7d129e30b⋯.png (1.86 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Elected officials “wittingly” assisted foreign state actors, notably China and India: report


A shocking new parliamentary report warned that some elected Canadian officials are knowingly assisting foreign state actors engaging in political interference, most notably working on behalf of China and India.

A report from the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians was tabled in the House of Commons on Monday. Despite the report being filled with redactions, it revealed that some elected officials are “wittingly” assisting foreign governments with meddling in Canadian politics.

The report said that the integrity of Canada’s parliamentary and democratic process, along with resulting public trust, has been undermined by the federal government. Continue…

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53e453 No.20967621

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Justice Minister Arif Virani's office vandalized by anti-Israel radicals


Sarah Stock reports from outside of Justice Minister Arif Virani's constituency office in Toronto, where anti-Israel vandals accused Virani and the Trudeau Liberals of "aiding and abetting" the killing of children in Gaza. Continue…

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53e453 No.20967669

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WHO adopts ratifying international law amendments as Tedros strategizes pushback on 'anti-vaxxers'


Strengthening the World Health Organization through ratified international law and a new pandemic treaty may have repercussions for those upholding bodily autonomy as the director general for global health declares strategies are needed to 'push back against anti-vaxxers.' Continue…

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53e453 No.20967706

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Freedom fighters protest globalism at the World Health Organization in Geneva


The WHO is 'trying to remove our capacity to be an adult who can decide for himself what is good and what is not," a protester told Ezra Levant. Continue…

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53e453 No.20967739

File: e002b73825d719e⋯.png (3.06 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f79c1ea008aafc⋯.png (2.55 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Department of National Defence to move 1,000 employees out of office due to safety concerns


'As a result of recent incidents where the safety of personnel was compromised, employees requested mitigating solutions to remedy ongoing incidents affecting staff,' stated the department. Continue…

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53e453 No.20967915

File: 39d8c70b622d668⋯.png (4.17 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Unnamed country behind breach of 19 B.C. civil servants' emails


A statement named Russia, Iran, North Korea and China as countries behind 'wide-ranging and long-term campaigns to compromise government and private sector computer systems.'

A cyberattack backed by an unnamed foreign government infiltrated nearly two dozen British Columbia government email inboxes, accessing sensitive personal information of 19 public servants, according to an official update on the investigation.

B.C. Solicitor General and Public Safety Minister Mike Farnworth provided an update on Monday, where he said a "very sophisticated" cyberattack did not target any members of the province's cabinet. He also did not reveal which ministries were compromised and did not say what country investigators believe is responsible for the attack, the Globe and Mail reports. Continue…

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53e453 No.20967948

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Supporters gather to fundraise grieving father's lawsuit against Pfizer and Health Canada after his teenage son died suddenly


In the small town of Creemore, Ontario, hundreds of supporters rallied behind Dan Hartman, the father of a healthy 17-year-old teen who took Pfizer’s novel COVID-19 mRNA shot to play his beloved sport of hockey – something he will never do again because he died a month after. Continue…

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53e453 No.20968016

File: 17e371c35f85185⋯.png (4.84 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Feds demand partial repayment of Arrivescam contracts in strongly worded letters


‘It has been 100 days since the Conservative Arrive-scam motion was passed to get money back from the fraudsters,’ said Conservative MP Kelly Block. Continue…

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53e453 No.20968107

File: bc3515c2fa2b7b7⋯.png (119.06 KB,451x314,451:314,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 1ba0130ec2241c8⋯.png (244.04 KB,750x375,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

June 4 - Paul Craig Roberts : "Dear American"


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53e453 No.20968126

File: ee779fd1b27a8e5⋯.png (943.59 KB,810x500,81:50,ClipboardImage.png)

Maxime Bernier chides Trudeau for shoving ‘this nonsense’ of ‘pride season’ ‘in our face’


Disgusted with the prime minister's promotion of all things LGBT, the People's Party of Canada leader said it is time for 'sane Canadians' to stand up and fight back.

Maxime Bernier, head of the People’s Party of Canada (PPC), blasted the federal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s promotion of “pride season,” saying Canadians “don’t care” about it and are sick and tired of having to face “this nonsense shoved in our face.”

“We don’t care,” Bernier commented in response to a “pride season” social media post from Trudeau’s office on June 1. Continue…

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53e453 No.20968190

File: 2bea2dc1b97760a⋯.png (383.49 KB,810x452,405:226,ClipboardImage.png)

Quebec’s first March for Life draws 1,500 Canadians in defense of the unborn


While the pro-lifers were met with a sizable counter demonstration from pro-abortion activists, Quebec Life Coalition president Georges Buscemi told LifeSiteNews that the event was a resounding success. Continue…

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53e453 No.20968208

File: c1534b8fcd1f286⋯.png (228.86 KB,810x524,405:262,ClipboardImage.png)

Trudeau minister makes video promoting abortion, calls pro-life MPs ‘disturbing’


Liberal Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Jonathan Wilkinson made a bizarre video posted to social media late last month in which he fawned over abortion and claimed laws that restrict the deadly practice are 'disturbing.' Continue…

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53e453 No.20968280

File: 65dcc59be77297c⋯.png (833.07 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

CBC promotes “Horny Newsletter” involving naked men for Pride month


CBC is promoting a “Horny Newsletter” created by Christopher Sherman who photographs naked men and “explores sexuality.”

On Tuesday and in alignment with Pride month, CBC promoted the newsletter on their Instagram and website, including featuring half-naked pictures of men who purportedly aim to break societal barriers around sex.

“Bare bottoms, exposed crotches, and words of sexual diversity can be found in the issues of Sherman’s Horny Newsletter,” CBC’s article reads.

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53e453 No.20968351

File: 88f879674547d1a⋯.png (1.38 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Liberals awarding massive contracts with ‘glaring disregard’, auditor general reports


Canada’s Auditor General has once again waved red flags regarding the federal Liberals’ contracting practices, particularly with those involving McKinsey & Company.

Liberals awarding massive contracts with ‘glaring disregard’, auditor general says

Following the tabling of three performance audits in the House of Commons, AG Karen Hogan told reporters the Liberals have shown a “glaring disregard” for contracting policies.

About 70% of their contracts with McKinsey & Company were non-competitive, with some appearing to be specifically designed for McKinsey to win.

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53e453 No.20968425

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watch: Elliot Page Narrates Nature Documentary on Gay and Transgender Animals


Transgender star Elliot Page, formerly actress Ellen Page, is narrating a new documentary about gay and transgender animals — the second gay-themed nature doc to come along in less than a year.

Second Nature explores what the filmmakers call the “the 1500+ animal species who engage in same-sex sexual behavior and parenting, change sex, form matriarchies, and more.” The documentary also “debunks harmful myths about sex and gender.”

The doc’s cast of talking-head scientists is comprised entirely of “female, BIPOC, queer, and immigrant,” according to the official site. Among the movie’s subjects is Dr. Joan Roughgarden, a transgender ecologist and evolutionary biologist.

The site includes a link to lesson plans aimed at school-age children, with a focus on something called “gender inclusive biology.” Continue…

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53e453 No.20968454

File: ccbe1dbf10e2325⋯.png (690.97 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Report: China and India Coopted Lawmakers for Their Benefit — and Trudeau Let It Happen


Canada’s National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP), an inter-party group of lawmakers tasked with investigating foreign influence over Canadian elections, issued a bombshell report on Monday that accused some members of Parliament of “wittingly assisting foreign state actors.” Continue…

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53e453 No.20968628

File: 916134dd500d53d⋯.png (508.42 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

China Spacecraft Lands on Far Side of Moon, Collects Samples to Compete with United States


A Chinese spacecraft landed on the far side of the moon over the weekend and collected samples in the Communist state’s effort to compete with the United States. Continue…

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53e453 No.20968673

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Collision at airshow leaves one pilot dead (VIDEOS)


An aviation event in Beja, Portugal, was canceled after an aerobatics display went awry

Two planes collided mid-air during the Beja Air Show in southern Portugal on Sunday, leaving one pilot dead and another injured.

The fatal accident occurred during a display by the Yaksars, a Portuguese-Spanish aerobatics team that flies the Yakovlev Yak-52, a Soviet-era trainer piston aircraft. Multiple videos of the crash were taken by spectators who’d gathered to watch the show.

Footage from the scene shows six Yak-52s flying in a tight diamond formation, with one of the planes falling out and lagging behind. The aircraft, which appeared to be emitting smoke from its engine, abruptly climbed and hit another before coming to a halt. Continue…

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53e453 No.20968814

File: 2729172897b9096⋯.png (995.44 KB,1000x500,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Hands Off Our Kids organizes Canada-wide 'walk-out' to protest raising Pride flag at schools


El-Cheikh said he received "a lot of feedback from our teams from coast to coast" and that many schools were aware of the protest and "are trying to pull a fast one and do the flag-raising ceremony on the 4th or the 5th [of June]."

June, which is widely described as “Pride month” or even the beginning of “Pride season” in Canada and internationally to celebrate LGBTQ+ ideology, is now a time for schools to hoist the “Pride flag” and insist that all students join in. The organizer of the Million Person March for parental rights has urged parents opposed to woke indoctrination in Canada’s school system to pull their children from school as many schools across the nation raise the Pride flag.

The month should be renamed as "My Child June," Kamel El-Cheikh told The Post Millennial in an exclusive interview.

His Canada-wide and all-faith group, Hands Off Our Kids, told parents opposed to the flag-raising to keep their children home from school on Monday, June 3. But El-Cheikh said he received “a lot of feedback from our teams from coast to coast” and that many schools were aware of the protest and “are trying to pull a fast one and do the flag-raising ceremony on the 4th or the 5th [of June].” Continue…

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53e453 No.20968847

File: de1f289cc830761⋯.png (977.61 KB,1200x714,200:119,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa5b153514abe59⋯.png (261.06 KB,640x342,320:171,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 07b68b920cdece1⋯.png (207.45 KB,640x332,160:83,ClipboardImage.png)

CMA president denies people with vax injury exist (Videos)


Canadian Medical Association president-elect Dr. Joss Reimer has claimed people who reported injury from the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines don’t really exist.

Ottawa as of January 2024 paid more than $11 million to families who suffered adverse reactions, including death, after taking a COVID-19 jab through the Vaccine Injury Support Program, and has budgeted $75 million more over the next five years.

One woman from Ontario, Kayla Pollock, 37, was rendered paraplegic after taking a Moderna COVID-19 mRNA booster shot. She is now suing the pharma giant $45 million.

Reimer, who is currently the chief medical officer for the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, created a presentation where she attempted to reason people who believe in vaccine injury have just seen too many pictures of vax-injured patients, not real people. Continue…

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53e453 No.20968965

File: b34c39858a12dc5⋯.png (1.43 MB,1200x674,600:337,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 10d6261cda62caf⋯.png (372.1 KB,440x330,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 628e78fa3103eac⋯.png (385.35 KB,440x330,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

UPDATED: Funding deal to keep STARS in the sky past 2034


Reach for the stars and shoot for the moon.

A long term funding agreement means the ubiquitous STARS air ambulance service will stay in the sky for at least the next 10 years.

Sporting a bright blue flight jumpsuit, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith announced the Alberta government will put up $15 million per year over the next ten years to ensure air ambulance service where its needed most — in rural and remote communities.

“This new agreement means Albertans can rely on another 10 years of the iconic, red helicopters with their highly skilled medical professionals responding to crises wherever they happen,” she said at a Calgary press conference in the STARS hanger. Continue…

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53e453 No.20969098

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Fight for Health Freedom Continues – #SolutionsWatch


After years of build-up and anticipation, the 77th World Health Assembly has come and gone. So, what did the would-be lords of global health gavel down on? And what does it mean for the future of the fight for health freedom? Joining us today to talk about these important issues is James Roguski.

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53e453 No.20969153

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Canada Under the WHO’s Health Care Dictatorship - Dr. Ben Turner


Just a few days ago, the WHO, the World Health Organization voted on the hundreds of amendments to the International Health Regulations. Amendments that will give them dictatorial power over all member countries to declare health emergencies internationally, and to demand that those countries adopt tyrannical health measures. Worst of all, the amendments define a ‘health emergency’ as whatever the Director of the WHO says it is.

While at the time of this recording the WHO amendments vote has not yet happened, I’m predicting that they will ram them through in one form or another.

Unfortunately, we here in Canada don’t have to wonder what that level of power to violate our rights would look like. We need only look at our own province of B.C.

B.C. where, in 2022, Bill 36 was passed as the Health Professions and Occupations Act. An Act which gives the government there dictatorial power over health care workers. Thousands of front line health care workers in B.C. lost their jobs over their refusal to take an experimental injection.

Last October, Bonnie Henry, the Public Health Officer of B.C. announced that those requirements are still in place. And the B.C. Health Care system is collapsing due to a shortage of workers. A shortage which the Health Officer’s mandates caused.

Dr. Ben Turner was a surgeon in B.C. He also holds a master’s degree in Health Care ethics and is the president of the Canadian Society for Science and Ethics in Medicine.

Ben contacted me recently in regards to a court decision handed down just a few weeks ago. A challenge brought before the courts in B.C. by workers who had been fired for refusing the vaccines.

They lost.

The court decided in favour of the government and upheld their vaccine mandates, even for those working from home.

This is what health care tyranny looks like. This is what the WHO wants the power to do to all of us.

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53e453 No.20969168

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Look Out Envy - It's Pride Season!


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b842da No.20971076

File: be304f5b0248211⋯.png (1.56 MB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

EU Farmers Protest Ahead of European Elections – Demonstrations Close France-Spain Border and Once Again Paralyze Brussels


In the last months, the European Farmers organized themselves to a historical degree, promoted an overwhelming season of protests and gained many concessions from both national governments and the European Union.

Now, as the old continent prepares itself for the EU elections, they have promoted another round of demonstrations that, while not as large as some of the previous efforts, are nevertheless a vivid reminder that the Union has to pay attention to the people who produce the food they eat.

To being with, yesterday (3), Spanish and French farmers blocked roads along their mutual border through the Pyrenees mountains.

They protested unfair competition from outside the European Union, places where the failed, crippling ‘green’ EU environmental policies do not apply.

Reuters reported: Continue…

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b842da No.20971105

File: d97a1b559e476e4⋯.png (3.25 MB,2048x1011,2048:1011,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2514b13de902f40⋯.png (1.89 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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Hunter Biden’s Infamous Laptop Enters Court as Evidence for Gun Charges Trial — FBI Agent Confirms its Authenticity


Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop, long dismissed by the liberal media as a product of Russian disinformation, has resurfaced as a key piece of evidence in a high-profile gun charges trial. The laptop, which contains a trove of incriminating emails and images, is now confirmed to be authentic by an FBI agent involved in the case. Continue…

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b842da No.20971138

File: 75000219d45431c⋯.png (569.35 KB,624x376,78:47,ClipboardImage.png)

File: df739707a2fb8c3⋯.png (87.49 KB,411x593,411:593,ClipboardImage.png)

DEVELOPING: Thousands of AT&T Customers Hit by Cellular Outage Nationwide – Some Unable to Make 911 Calls


Thousands of AT&T customers were hit by a cellular outage nationwide on Tuesday.

AT&T customers were able to complete calls between other AT&T customers however calls to other carriers such as Verizon were not going through.

“Unable to call Verizon wireless customers,” one AT&T customer said on DownDetector.

According to DownDetector, thousands of customers have been impacted by the outage.

911 calls were also disrupted according to alerts sent out in Camden County, Georgia and Scranton, Pennsylvania. Continue…

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b842da No.20971168

File: e54419cb5d58590⋯.png (427.62 KB,624x375,208:125,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1507431c0c1291a⋯.png (185.73 KB,408x567,136:189,ClipboardImage.png)

WORLD WAR III WATCH: NATO Drawing Up Plans to Deploy American Soldiers to the Front Line to Potentially Fight Russia in An All-Out War


The globalists in charge are interested in potentially expanding the already devastating Ukraine-Russia war beyond the borders of the respective two nations.

The Daily Mail reported Tuesday that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is preparing plans to deploy American forces to the frontlines on the European continent to potentially fight a war with Russia.

Such a dangerous move has the potential to put our men and women in direct harm’s way against a nation with the most nuclear weapons on Earth.

From the Daily Mail Mail: Continue…

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b842da No.20971208

File: 53318e50f4f8f40⋯.png (4.13 MB,1568x1045,1568:1045,ClipboardImage.png)

HERE WE GO… Democrat War Pig Proposes Automatic Registration for Wartime Draft


Democrat Representative Chrissy Houlahan is pushing a proposal that automatically registers men for the draft when they turn 18.

Rep. Chrissy Houlahan is a Democrat representing Pennsylvania’s 6th Congressional District.

Houlahan is a former Air Force officer.

Joe Biden and Democrats are itching for a war with nuclear Russia.

Last week Joe Biden gave Ukraine permission to carry out missile strikes inside Russia using US weapons.

Russian President Vladimir Putin responded to the move warning of the possibility of “full-scale Third World War” following the announcement.

Task and Purpose reported: Continue…

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b842da No.20971239

File: 1eada6ac0e8143d⋯.png (1014.69 KB,1024x577,1024:577,ClipboardImage.png)

After the Battle for the ‘Foreign Agents Law’, Georgian Government Pushes 19 Bills Against LGBT Movement, in a Move Sure To Reignite NGO Protests


We have been following the developments in Georgia, a former Soviet Republic with a non-Globalist government that is under great pressure from the west because of its ‘Foreign Agents’ law – but that has doubled down and will probably ignite a much greater world controversy with a legislation push against the LGBT movement.

First we noticed what was behind the physical confrontation in the Parliament: WATCH – Major Brawl Erupts in Georgian Parliament as Members Exchange Blows Over ‘Foreign Agents’ Bill.

Then it was immediately apparent that there was a COLOR REVOLUTION IN GEORGIA: Globalist NGOs Foment Mass Protest Against ‘Foreign Agent Bill’ That Would Mandate Disclosure of Funding Sources of These Same Organizations.

Once we understood that the legislation itself was NOT controversial – a rough equivalent to the US Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) – it became clearer who was behind the protests in Tblisi: Georgian Mass Protests – USAID and George Soros Are Pulling the Strings of Color Revolution. Continue…

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b842da No.20971282

File: 2c04234499f7f7b⋯.png (741.35 KB,1024x577,1024:577,ClipboardImage.png)

Serbian Populists Win Belgrade Elections AGAIN, to the Despair of the MSM and Globalists


All over the world, any government or leader that does not share the same Globalist principles to the letter is subjected to endless scrutiny, non-stop allegations, and harassment.

Take the Serbian populist government, for example.

After President Aleksandar Vucic’s party won the municipal election for Belgrade mayor in December, a season of protest was held, with the usual suspect Western NGOs and ‘Watchdogs’ denouncing irregularities.

Well, the elections for capital Belgrade were re-done, and AGAIN, the Government won, to the chagrin and revolt of the liberal Globalists in Serbia and abroad.

Serbia’s victory over the opposition happened in a vote for Belgrade city council and partial local elections across the country. Continue…

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b842da No.20971308

File: 305ffa9d1aea794⋯.png (368.32 KB,525x746,525:746,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 87aad48ae1e91cf⋯.png (248.17 KB,899x492,899:492,ClipboardImage.png)

Merchant Ship Off Saudi Coast Reports "Significant Explosion" A "Short Distance" From Port Side


UK Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) reports a commercial vessel experienced a "significant explosion … a short distance from the port side of the vessel." The incident occurred 50 nautical miles southwest of Al Shuqaiq, Saudi Arabia, in the southern Red Sea.

"On inspection, no damage was found, vessel and crew are reported safe and is continuing to its next port of call," UKMTO wrote in an advisory on X. Continue…

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b842da No.20971338

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Liftoff!": After A Series Of Delays, Crewed Boeing Starliner Finally Launches, Inbound To ISS


The Boeing CST-100 Starliner finally lifted off from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida and is en route to the International Space Station.

* * *

The third time may be the charm.

No one knows for sure, as the Boeing CST-100 Starliner launch was first scrubbed last month due to a leak, and the most recent attempt on Saturday was canceled because of a computer glitch.

May 6: Boeing's Day Just Got Worse: First Crewed Launch Of Starliner Spacecraft Scrubbed

May 27: Boeing's Starliner Crewed ISS Mission Will Still Launch Despite Helium Leak

June 1: Countdown To Boeing's Starliner Spacecraft Launch "Has Been Stopped"

Let's hope this time around, the Starliner, seven years behind schedule and more than a billion-dollar cost overrun, will experience no more technical mishaps on its long-delayed space taxi flight with the vehicle's first crewed mission from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, atop an Atlas V rocket from the Boeing-Lockheed Martin joint venture United Launch Alliance, to the International Space Station.

Two veteran astronauts - Sunita "Suni" Williams and Barry "Butch" Wilmore - will be inside the Starliner. Launch time from Kennedy Space Center is expected around 10:52 ET.

Meanwhile, all eyes are on Thursday's SpaceX's Starship Flight 4 test mission.

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b842da No.20971393

File: a42dfc2c85bb900⋯.png (215.81 KB,1274x713,1274:713,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2989d88d9c6d1a⋯.png (84.37 KB,1207x277,1207:277,ClipboardImage.png)

Bank of Canada Cuts Rates By 25bps As Expected, First G7 Central Bank To Launch Easing Cycle


As widely expected after significant dovish commentary in recent months, moments ago the Bank of Canada cut rates by 25bps from 5.00% to 4.75% as a majority of economists expected, and signaled that it is "reasonable to expect further cuts" if inflation eases.

The 25bps cut, which comes just under a year since its last 25bps rate hike in July 2023, means that Canada is the first G7-member central bank to launch an easing cycle. Continue…

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b842da No.20971474

File: 8c87f42c4b5a58c⋯.png (2.03 MB,1280x746,640:373,ClipboardImage.png)

File: af2589a01021b20⋯.png (597.97 KB,1280x834,640:417,ClipboardImage.png)

Ukraine Officers Say Recruits Arrive At Front Lines Pathetically Undertrained


In the latest harbinger of Ukraine's inevitable defeat, combat commanders say newly-mobilized soldiers are arriving at the front lines so poorly-trained and clueless that they can't even disassemble their weapons, according to the Washington Post.

One soldier described his basic training as "complete nonsense…everything is learned on the spot [at the front lines]." An officer who'd trained recruits said their rifle training was limited to just 20 rounds per soldier.

In most armies, that would barely be considered "familiarization fire." Consider that, as of 2018, the US Army's basic combat training called for shooting 600 rounds in a 92-hour curriculum. Rifle ammo isn't the only limiting factor: The Ukrainian officer also noted that that “there are no grenades for throwing in training centers, and there are no grenade launcher rounds in the training center.” Continue…

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b842da No.20971546

File: 05a3b993add4670⋯.png (1.19 MB,1040x700,52:35,ClipboardImage.png)

97 Countries Prepare To Attend BRICS 2024 in June in Russia


A total of 97 countries have confirmed their presence in the BRICS 2024 Games in June this month. The event will be hosted by Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Kazan region between June 12 to 24.

“97 countries had already confirmed their participation,” said Russia’s Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko. The minister added that the BRICS 2024 Games are an integral part of the development of the country. “The BRICS Games 2024, which were ordered to be organized following the decree of the Russian President Vladimir Putin, are an important part of our country’s chairmanship in this organization,” he said.

He added that all eyes will be on the BRICS Games in 2024. “The upcoming tournament must be organized at the highest possible level,” he said. The sporting event will host 20 different sports with 97 countries participating in Russia. Continue…

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b842da No.20971576

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Faulkner Show | The environmental case against mass immigration


Ontario is losing over 300 acres of farm land a day due reckless mass immigration policies. Canada’s farm land and forest are being bulldozed and paved to make way for Canada’s ever-increasing population. Once you build on farm land, it is gone forever and despite what you may think, Canada is not blessed with as much farm land as you might think.

Harrison Faulkner is joined by the president of Canadians for a Sustainable Society, John Meyer, to discuss the environmental case against mass immigration. Meyer is a economist and commentator as well as a passionate environmentalist who has written extensively about the environmental harms caused by uncontrolled population growth.

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b842da No.20971611

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Clean tech Crown corporation blasted for questionable payments, conflicts of interest


Millions in shady payments by a Crown corporation were scrutinized by the federal financial watchdog in a recent report.

The Crown corporation tasked with funding clean emission technology called Sustainable Development Technology Canada had distributed tens of millions of dollars to ineligible companies and businesses that had conflicts of interest with SDTC’s Board of Directors.

These findings come from a recently released report by the auditor general who found rampant misconduct and mismanagement at SDTC since 2017.

The report reaffirms many of the problems critics suspected SDTC would have. Continue…

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b842da No.20971655

File: 80668ae511faca5⋯.png (1.73 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Francois Legault calls for “significant reduction” in “explosive” immigration


Quebec’s social safety net will collapse if hyper-immigration levels aren’t restrained, Premier Francois Legault warns.

Legault said his province can no longer keep up with its social services as a result of the “explosion” of immigration it’s been faced with over the past several years.

While being interviewed on a 98.5 FM radio show, Legault said that Quebec had become strained by the number of migrants it has had to take in and that Montrealers were beginning to feel less safe as a rippling effect of the province’s mass influx of people.

Polls indicating that Montrealers were feeling less safe were partly in response to a supervised injection site operating near a local elementary school.

Legault responded by saying that people would be unhappy with the location of a supervised injection centre no matter where it was operating but that, “in the end, the problem is that there is an explosion in the number of homeless, of people with mental health problems.”

Many asylum seekers who come to Canada often wind up staying in homeless shelters because they have nowhere else to go, they account for about 30% of the occupancy at shelters in Toronto. Continue…

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b842da No.20971692

File: 1075af7cce7e8e9⋯.png (1.62 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Australia's eSafety boss sensationally drops action against Elon Musk's X


The decision to withdraw follows a dispute over global content removal authority after the Sydney church stabbing terror attack.

Australia's eSafety Commissioner has withdrawn legal action against Elon Musk’s social media platform, X, over its refusal to globally remove content related to the Sydney church stabbing.

The controversial eSafety office initiated proceedings in the Federal Court after X, formerly known as Twitter, resisted complying with a worldwide order to remove the attack-related content.

Initially, X Corp agreed to geoblock the content, limiting access within Australia, but argued that the government did not have the jurisdiction to enforce a global ban.

Although a court date had been set, eSafety commissioner Julia Inman Grant announced that the legal proceedings would be discontinued. Continue…

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b842da No.20971725

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

James Lindsay takes aim at United Nations at protest in Geneva


'Their ambition is to control the world with a global tyranny and a global religion called sustainability and inclusion,' said Mr. Lindsay.

On last night's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, American author James Lindsay joined the show to discuss what brought him all the way to Geneva, Switzerland to protest against the United Nations.

Protesters gathered outside the UN headquarters in opposition to a proposed pandemic treaty that could threaten the sovereignty of nation states. The agreement would ensure that countries' responses to the next "pandemic" are "strengthened and coordinated." Continue…

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b842da No.20971781

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WHO pandemic treaty 'clearly a tremendous threat': Bret Weinstein


After speaking at a protest against the World Health Organization's plan for a pandemic treaty, professor, author and podcast host Bret Weinstein tells Ezra Levant nations need to guard their sovereignty. Continue…

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57e658 No.20972747

SpaceX Starlink Mission

June 4, 2024

On Tuesday, June 4 at 7:16 p.m. ET, Falcon 9 launched 20 Starlink satellites, including 13 with Direct to Cell capabilities, to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida.

This was the 20th flight for the first stage booster supporting this mission, which previously launched CRS-22, Crew-3, Turksat 5B, Crew-4, CRS-25, Eutelsat HOTBIRD 13G, mPOWER-a, PSN SATRIA, Telkomsat Merah Putih 2, and now 11 Starlink missions.


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c8f38b No.20972918


How sexist and non-inclusive

The Draft should be gender neutral

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b842da No.20972960


Identifying as a women, opt out?

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b842da No.20973020

File: 53ea02e10b4a706⋯.png (1.01 MB,810x500,81:50,ClipboardImage.png)

File: efd0f94aaf56822⋯.png (85.49 KB,813x653,813:653,ClipboardImage.png)

Jordan Peterson calls out ‘pride’ month as a ‘celebration of casual hedonistic self-centered sex’


The well-known psychologist chastised Justin Trudeau and the Liberal government for the promotion of a 'season' that is anything but a celebration of love. Continue…

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b842da No.20973069

File: 90bf7193bd2d046⋯.png (937.41 KB,810x500,81:50,ClipboardImage.png)

Archbishop Viganò: Bergoglio’s goal is to normalize sodomy


'Bergoglio’s goal is to normalize sodomy and all sexual perversion (both among the laity and among the clergy), destroy the priesthood itself, and promote the synodal transition from the Mass to celebrations without a priest,' Viganò wrote on Tuesday. Continue…

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c8f38b No.20973098


Monkey Pox, Monkey Pox

Wherefore art Thou Monkey Pox?

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c8f38b No.20973113

Initial Bilderberg Bun

>>20943329 The “Official” BILDERBERG 2024 Agenda & Participants List revealed (video)

>>20950912 War Is On The Agenda For Bilderberg 2024 (video)

Initial Trump Trial Bun

>>20945339 Elon Musk Slams Trump’s Rigged Show Trial, Says ‘Great Damage’ Done to America’s Legal System

>>20945360 Former Hillary 2016 Donor Shaun Maguire Explains Why He Contributed $300K To Trump After Today’s Jury Announcement

>>20945389 Republican Lawmakers Release Statement Following Verdict in President Trump’s Manhattan Sham Trial

>>20945445 Megyn Kelly Goes NUCLEAR on Trump Verdict – Says Democrats ‘Will Rue The Day’ – Republicans Must Prosecute Biden, Obama and Clinton to ‘Save The Republic’

>>20945491 Jury in Merchan’s Kangaroo Court Found Trump Guilty of 34 Felonies – But DID NOT SPECIFY What Crime Trump Committed – NO ONE KNOWS!

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c8f38b No.20973115

Initial China Bun

>>20945994 Chinese Battery Makers Back Out Of Germany Amidst Cooling EV Demand

>>20955774 Beijing-proxy Triad "purchased" Belize for human-smuggling into USA

>>20956546 Recent US tariffs will impact Canada’s role in the critical mineral sector

>>20966831 Biden 'Not Ruling Out' Boots On The Ground If China Invades Taiwan

>>20967467, >>20968454 Elected officials “wittingly” assisted foreign state actors, notably China and India: report

>>20967915 Unnamed country behind breach of 19 B.C. civil servants' emails

>>20968628 China Spacecraft Lands on Far Side of Moon, Collects Samples to Compete with United States

Initial Climate Change Bun

>>20946252 Canadian MPs want ‘ecocide’ perpetrators prosecuted by International Criminal Court

>>20946417 'Wildly emotional' NDP critic says climate crisis is 'not gender neutral'

>>20951484 Liberal MP Mark Holland says families who take road trips are killing the planet

>>20960437 Majority of Canadian auto buyers say they’re not considering EV purchase

>>20960467 Majority of Canadians want carbon tax scrapped on farms

>>20967262 Liberals’ $530 million climate fund not enough to achieve targets says partner org

>>20967340 Parliamentary Budget Officer says Liberals gagged him on carbon tax

>>20971076 EU Farmers Protest Ahead of European Elections – Demonstrations Close France-Spain Border and Once Again Paralyze Brussels

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c8f38b No.20973122

Initial Covid and other Pestilence Bun

>>20946346 126 B.C. children, youth died from fatal overdoses since 2019: report

>>20951002 Scientists Announce ‘Ground-Breaking’ Cancer Vaccine — Uses Same Technology as Dodgy COVID Jabs

>>20951578 'Left to die': B.C. woman flees Canada TWICE for adequate cancer care (video)

>>20951682 Evil Providing The Path Of Least Resistance To The Weary

>>20966058 Filthy Liars at New York Times FINALLY Come Clean – Publish Op-Ed Suggesting COVID Likely Came from Wuhan Lab and Fauci Funded It

>>20967096 "I Was Offered Assisted Dying Over Cancer Treatment": Broken Canadian Healthcare System Is Killing Patients

>>20968016 Feds demand partial repayment of Arrivescam contracts in strongly worded letters

Initial Globalist Moves Bun

>>20946498 Globalists gather in Geneva to plan new pandemic treaty (video)

>>20951146 Desperate, Lying Biden May Abuse AI To Pull The Ultimate Race Hoax

>>20951538 Tam commits Canada to strengthening the World Health Organization's power

>>20956699 We went to Geneva, Switzerland to bring you the other side of the WHO pandemic treaty protest (video)

>>20960599 WHO director Tedros: ‘It’s time to be more aggressive in pushing back on anti-vaxxers’

>>20967669 WHO adopts ratifying international law amendments as Tedros strategizes pushback on 'anti-vaxxers'

>>20967706 Freedom fighters protest globalism at the World Health Organization in Geneva (video)

>>20971282 Serbian Populists Win Belgrade Elections AGAIN, to the Despair of the MSM and Globalists

>>20971725 James Lindsay takes aim at United Nations at protest in Geneva (video)

>>20971781 WHO pandemic treaty 'clearly a tremendous threat': Bret Weinstein (video)

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c8f38b No.20973124

Initial Government Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Bun

>>20946326 Trudeau government sold pandemic ventilators for scrap to 'understand recycling'

>>20947261 Elderly woman trying to gift property forced to pay $40,000 capital gains tax

>>20951695 Canada’s VA avoided Good Friday message to celebrate ‘all’ March holidays

>>20962925 America's Dictator In Egypt Faces Dangerous Dilemma Over Rafah

>>20968351 Liberals awarding massive contracts with ‘glaring disregard’, auditor general reports

>>20971611 Clean tech Crown corporation blasted for questionable payments, conflicts of interest

Initial Hamas and Israel Bun

>>20946297 Vancouver synagogue attacked with “incendiary device”

>>20946311 Overnight shooting at Jewish school in Montreal (video)

>>20951190 America's Dictator In Egypt Faces Dangerous Dilemma Over Rafah

>>20951294 Houthis Report 16 Dead In Biggest Joint US-UK Airstrikes Since Gaza War Began

>>20956149 Israeli Forces Now Operating In Most Areas Of Rafah

>>20960554 Winnipeg Pride parade blockaded by pro-Palestinian queer activists

>>20966893 Fires Rage In Northern Israel After Uptick In Hezbollah Attacks

>>20967621 Justice Minister Arif Virani's office vandalized by anti-Israel radicals (video)

>>20971308 Merchant Ship Off Saudi Coast Reports "Significant Explosion" A "Short Distance" From Port Side

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c8f38b No.20973126

Initial Immigration Bun

>>20946192 Ratio’d: Trudeau government to put 500,000 ILLEGALS on path to CITIZENSHIP? (video)

>>20960167 Germany Naturalized Over 200,000 Immigrants In 2023

>>20967182 Indian students in Brampton DEMAND work permit extensions at protest (video)

>>20967241 New immigration pilot program to give automatic PR to caregivers upon arrival

>>20971576 The Faulkner Show | The environmental case against mass immigration (video)

>>20971655 Francois Legault calls for “significant reduction” in “explosive” immigration

Initial Law and Disorder Bun

>>20951418, >>20957173 B.C. serial killer Robert Pickton dies following prison attack

>>20956791 Tommy Robinson's anti-totalitarian march and film premiere in London

>>20960134 Peter Sweden: Shocking Truth About Malmö

>>20966111 Louisiana Passes Bill Ordering Surgical Castration of Convicted Pedophiles

>>20966603 German Police Officer Rouven L. Who Was Stabbed by Islamic Assassin Dies in Hospital

>>20967739 Department of National Defence to move 1,000 employees out of office due to safety concerns

>>20971105 Hunter Biden’s Infamous Laptop Enters Court as Evidence for Gun Charges Trial — FBI Agent Confirms its Authenticity

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c8f38b No.20973131

Initial Media and Censorship Bun

>>20951386 Ottawa’s Hidden Agenda: Bill C-26 Aims for Secret Surveillance Backdoors

>>20951507 LAWTON: What is the CBC trying to hide? (video)

>>20956643 Melbourne Leftists LOSE IT at Billboard Chris and Avi Yemini (video)

>>20963917 Independent publishers sign declaration opposing taxpayer bailouts of media

>>20966749 Biden Regime Indicts Epoch Times Chief Financial Officer in Alleged $67 Million ‘Money Laundering’ Scheme

>>20967317 CRTC requires online streaming services to contribute 5% of revenue to domestic broadcasting system

>>20968280 CBC promotes “Horny Newsletter” involving naked men for Pride month

>>20971692 Australia's eSafety boss sensationally drops action against Elon Musk's X

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c8f38b No.20973132

Initial Russia and Ukraine Bun

>>20946033 Putin Expects NATO, And Possibly Poland In Particular, To Escalate The Proxy War In Ukraine

>>20946084 Biden Allows Ukraine To Use US Weapons To Attack Inside Russia In Highly Dangerous Escalation

>>20951083 Ukraine’s President Is ‘Emotional and Nervous’, With ‘Deep Anxiety’ – Instructed Officials To Criticize Biden for Skipping Peace Summit in Switzerland

>>20951129 Blinken To NATO Leaders: Ukraine Has 'Strong & Well-Lit Bridge To Membership'

>>20951216 Russia, Ukraine Swap 150 POWs In First Exchange In Months

>>20951367 First French troops on the way to Ukraine – MP

>>20956166 Is Ukraine Going Rogue Or Did It Attack Russia's Early Warning Systems With American Approval?

>>20957258 Has the Olena Zelenska Foundation Been Seizing and Selling Ukrainian Children to British, EU Pedophiles?

>>20957336 Huge anti-war rally in NATO member’s capital

>>20959880 Zelensky Now Rails Against China for Skipping ‘His’ Upcoming Peace Summit in Switzerland, Calls It ‘A Tool for Russia’

>>20960250 Macron Gathering European Coalition To Send Military Trainers To Ukraine

>>20965968 Massive Russian Strikes to the Ukrainian Energy Infrastructure Lead to Power Shutdowns in Most of the Country

>>20966013 American Army Vet Fighting as a Mercenary for Ukraine Extradited to US, Prosecuted for Murders in ‘a Three-State Crime Spree’

>>20966420 US Government Seizes Passport of Former US Marine and UN Inspector Scott Ritter — Blocks Him from Attending Event in Russia

>>20966473 WW3 WATCH: Kremlin Warns U.S. of ‘Fatal Consequences’ as Biden Greenlights Missile Strikes on Russian Mainland

>>20966920 Netherlands Joins Denmark In Saying Ukraine Can Use F-16s To Strike Inside Russia

>>20966945 What Is The Real Purpose Of The Swiss "Peace" Conference For Ukraine?

>>20966990 Floating Russian Oil Base Shifts To New Location In Mediterranean Sea

>>20967030 Italy Pipes Up Against NATO Escalation As Court Ruling Could Cut Off Russian Gas Sooner Than Expected

>>20971168 NATO Drawing Up Plans to Deploy American Soldiers to the Front Line to Potentially Fight Russia in An All-Out War

>>20971208 Democrat War Pig Proposes Automatic Registration for Wartime Draft

>>20971474 Ukraine Officers Say Recruits Arrive At Front Lines Pathetically Undertrained

>>20971546 97 Countries Prepare To Attend BRICS 2024 in June in Russia

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c8f38b No.20973140

Initial Trudeau Bun

>>20951768 Jordan Peterson tears into Trudeau for backing gender ideology: ‘Worst medical scandal ever’

>>20956622 LAWTON: Trudeau’s defence policy fails to impress Americans (video)

>>20968126 Maxime Bernier chides Trudeau for shoving ‘this nonsense’ of ‘pride season’ ‘in our face’

Initial Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun

>>20946389 Ottawa cop accused of misconduct argues COVID-19 vaccines merit 'criminal negligence' investigation (video)

>>20956365 Elevated Risk Of Epilepsy, Appendicitis In Children After COVID-19 Vaccination: Study

>>20960054 Oxford University: Myocarditis and Pericarditis Only Appear After COVID Vaccination, Not After COVID Infection

>>20960694 ‘So many have died’: Former Japanese minister apologizes for COVID jab-linked deaths

>>20966165 UK’s Telegraph Comes Clean – Front Page Headline Reads “Covid Jabs May Be to Blame for Increase in Excess Deaths”

>>20967948 Supporters gather to fundraise grieving father's lawsuit against Pfizer and Health Canada after his teenage son died suddenly (video)

>>20968847 CMA president denies people with vax injury exist

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c8f38b No.20973144

Intial Wokeism Bun

>>20950940 After Losing $200M on Woke DEI-Fueled Games, Warner Bros. Launches New ‘Women And Non-Binary’ Leadership Program

>>20955792 Melinda Gates is Now Largest “Catholic” Donor to Pro-Abortion Causes

>>20968190 Quebec’s first March for Life draws 1,500 Canadians in defense of the unborn

>>20968208 Trudeau minister makes video promoting abortion, calls pro-life MPs ‘disturbing’

>>20968814 Hands Off Our Kids organizes Canada-wide 'walk-out' to protest raising Pride flag at schools

>>20971239 After the Battle for the ‘Foreign Agents Law’, Georgian Government Pushes 19 Bills Against LGBT Movement, in a Move Sure To Reignite NGO Protests

>>20973020 Jordan Peterson calls out ‘pride’ month as a ‘celebration of casual hedonistic self-centered sex’

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c8f38b No.20973178

Notables are NOT Endorsements

coming up on 225


>>20944310 Paralyzed then drowned: Veteran exposes the terrifying method used to euthanize people in Canada

>>20945884 HAITI HELL: Unelected Transition Council Chooses THIRD Prime Minister in a Month, a UN Official Linked to the Clintons

>>20945779 Millions of Chickens Killed in 5-Alarm Fire at Farina Farms Inc. in Illinois, One of Nation’s Largest Free-Range Egg Facilities

>>20945908 Numbers At Giant Truck Lender BMO Show Worsening Credit Conditions

>>20946224 NDP, Green MPs and a Trudeau-appointed senator want to change voting age to 16

>>20951252 Kim Jong Un Oversees Massive Missile Launch 'Preemptive Attack' Drills

>>20951312 Time To Pay Satan: Canadian Asset Manager Blocks Cash Distributions On Private Credit Funds

>>20955828 Right-Wing EU Super Group? Hungary’s Orbán Urges Italy’s Meloni and France’s Le Pen To Form an Alliance

>>20955862 DOWNGRADED: Macron Suffers MAJOR Political Blow as Standard & Poor’s Cut France’s Long-Term Sovereign Credit Rating From AA to AA−

>>20955946 King Charles Continues Trying To Evict His Brother Prince Andrew From 30-Room Royal Lodge – The Disgraced Duke of York Has No Money To Maintain the Property

>>20956564 Private clinics reduced wait times in Saskatchewan by 47% between 2010 and 2014: study

>>20957089 We see the sacrificed pawns and sly gambits but let’s find who’s moving the pieces . . .

>>20959971 A BILLION VOTERS HAVE SPOKEN! Indian PM Modi Scores a Gigantic Win in the World’s Largest Democratic Election Where Voter ID Is Required, and Will Serve Historic Third Term

>>20967418 Critical mineral reserves present Canada with a half-a-trillion-dollar opportunity

>>20968965 Funding deal to keep STARS in the sky past 2034

>>20971393 Bank of Canada Cuts Rates By 25bps As Expected, First G7 Central Bank To Launch Easing Cycle

>>20973113 Initial Bilderberg Bun | Initial Trump Trial Bun

>>20973115 Initial China Bun | Initial Climate Change Bun

>>20973122 Initial Covid and other Pestilence Bun | Initial Globalist Moves Bun

>>20973124 Initial Government Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Bun | Initial Hamas and Israel Bun

>>20973126 Initial Immigration Bun | Initial Law and Disorder Bun

>>20973131 Initial Media and Censorship Bun

>>20973132 Initial Russia and Ukraine Bun

>>20973140 Initial Trudeau Bun | Initial Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun

>>20973144 Initial Wokeism Bun

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b842da No.20973657

File: 1eb863d233db8ea⋯.png (1.31 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

WEF brags that over $100 billion was taken via carbon taxes last year


The WEF has announced that $104 billion was syphoned out of the pockets of taxpayers globally via carbon taxes last year to pay for environmental schemes.

WEF brags that over $100 billion was taken via carbon taxes last year

In an article, the WEF brags that this is a new record and that carbon taxes and emissions trading systems now account for 24% of the world’s emissions, up from 7% in 2013.

“Carbon pricing can be one of the most powerful tools to help countries reduce emissions. That’s why it is good to see these instruments expand to new sectors, become more adaptable and complement other measures,” said World Bank managing director Axel van Trotsenburg.

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b842da No.20973767

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Interview 1884 – WHO Post-Mortem on CHD TV


via CHD.TV: The World Health Organization’s annual meeting has concluded — what were the main takeaways? Join today’s co-hosts of ‘Good Morning CHD’ as they recap the week of events and share their thoughts on the future of international public health. Don’t miss the critical conversation!

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b842da No.20974109

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.




There is a link below to the Veterans Today article covering this. They are usually sound in their coverage of any military news. However, the United States says this is not real. Main stream media says this is a hoax. I will leave you your research and determinations. In all things use your discernment.

Keep in mind there are video games, AI, CGI etc. that can be a part or all of the video.

I decided to put this out there because it has been reported on three to four unrelated sources, The Times of India and Veterans Today and others (links below). I cannot use anything the Western MSM says as verification of anything either good or bad. I have a bad feeling this is true story.

It us my belief that Aircraft Carriers are not the fortresses they once were and they can be attacked and overwhelmed by missiles just like we saw not long ago with the Israeli "Iron Dome." I will pray for peace not war.

Yemen’s military press release:

Yemen’s military spokesman says the country’s armed forces have targeted US aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower in the Red Sea in response to deadly overnight attacks by America on the Arab country.

“The missile force and the naval force of the Yemeni Armed Forces carried out a joint military operation targeting the American aircraft carrier ‘Eisenhower’ (CVN-69) in the Red Sea,” said Yahya Saree in a televised statement. Continue…

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b842da No.20974255

File: e4574a124e8cd2d⋯.png (1.58 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 76f7b87418f180e⋯.png (183.93 KB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Canadian Cancer Society apologizes for not calling cervix “front hole” in non-binary disclaimer


On a web page dedicated to cervical cancer, the Canadian Cancer Society is apologizing for referring to the cervix by its technical name rather than euphemisms such as “front hole.”

The agency also conceded that “men can have these body parts too.”

“Trans, non-binary and gender-diverse people face significant barriers to accessing healthcare and are less likely than cisgender people to be screened for cancer,” wrote the Canadian Cancer Society in a page on cervical cancer screening for LGBTQ people.

In a “words matter” section on the organization’s official website, the Canadian Cancer Society atoned for the fact that some non-binary and transgender people might find the term “cervix” offensive and preferred to use the term “front hole” to refer to female genitalia. Continue…

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b842da No.20974590

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ratio’d | Justin Trudeau vs. Pierre Poilievre: Who will Toronto residents vote for?


Pierre Poilievre is reaching his second full year as leader of the Conservative Party and opposition leader. If an election were held today, Poilievre’s Conservatives would have a majority government however the Tories have never traditionally done well in downtown Toronto.

Harrison Faulkner went down to Yonge-Dundas Square – which is soon to be erased and given an African tribal name – to ask Torontonians if an election were held today, who they would choose to lead Canada.

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b842da No.20974626

File: ce53ff13df507df⋯.png (1.52 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Trudeau’s Employment Minister pleads ignorance on mysterious texts concerning sketchy business dealings


Text messages between executives at a pandemic medical supplier, co-founded by Minister Randy Boissonnault, requested a $500,000 wire transfer to secure a large shipment of nitrile gloves. It mentioned a certain 'Randy' repeatedly in the exchange dated September 8, 2022—almost a year after Boissonnault joined the federal cabinet. Continue…

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b842da No.20974695

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Toronto police demand Google delete leaked diversity training video


David Menzies fills in as host of The Ezra Levant Show, where he looks at a new development on a 2023 story, with Toronto police demanding Google delete leaked footage of diversity training published by Rebel News.

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b842da No.20975030

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Calgary councillors call for investigation in Trudeau Liberals' meddling in rezoning bylaw process


Calgary councillor Dan McLean joins Rebel News reporter Adam Soos to discuss his and his colleagues' efforts to investigate potential meddling by the Trudeau Liberals in Calgary's rezoning bylaw process. Continue…

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57e658 No.20975140

File: 3524e3535859978⋯.png (317.04 KB,589x633,589:633,500.png)




Fauci testified the BOARD OF THE NIH approved the gain of function research not him.

He didn't mention his wife was on that board.

She is in charge of BIOETHICS.

8:50 AM · Jun 5, 2024

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b842da No.20975142

File: 5d2ac0fc321b7fc⋯.png (1.96 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

McKinsey received $200 million in federal contracts, auditors decry ‘favouritism’


On Tuesday, Canada’s auditor general documented ‘favouritism’ in awarding millions in federal contracts to McKinsey & Company, a firm formerly led by a friend of Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland. Continue…

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b842da No.20975178

File: e04bf2995fbe495⋯.png (605.18 KB,810x500,81:50,ClipboardImage.png)

EXCLUSIVE: Canadian military saw 800% spike in vaccine injuries following COVID jab rollout


According to Canadian Armed Forces documents shared with LifeSiteNews, vaccine injuries rose from 14 in 2020 to a whopping 128 in 2021, with the vast majority being attributed to Moderna's experimental COVID injection. Continue…

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b842da No.20975199

File: 6d0204fda4eff8b⋯.png (819.83 KB,805x500,161:100,ClipboardImage.png)

The Telegraph admits COVID shots may have helped cause over 3 million excess deaths


A BMJ study found that there have been over three million excess deaths in 47 countries from 2020 to 2022 and acknowledged that the COVID shots may have had ‘detrimental effects,’ the Telegraph reported. Continue…

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d43856 No.20976662

File: 3356c9245ac9adc⋯.png (1.12 MB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Mexico’s Leftist President-Elect Gathers Latin American Socialist Leaders, as Opposition Candidate Demands Recount, Another Mayor Is Killed, and the Panicked Market Melts


The Latin American leftist network of leaders is delighted by the victory of the ruling party’s candidate Claudia Sheinbaum in the ultra-violent Mexican elections that saw over 28 candidates killed during the election cycle.

But the market reacted in a panic, as the unrelenting violence keeps claiming the lives of political leaders, and the opposition demands a full recount of the problematic vote.

Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro, Colombia’s Gustavo Petro, Brazil’s Lula da Silva were quick to celebrate the victory, and the leftist goons of the ‘Puebla Group’ sent a delegation to meet with Mexico’s president-elect.

Present at the meeting were former presidents Alberto Fernández (Argentina) and Evo Morales (Bolivia), ahead of a large delegation of the group of ‘progressive leaders’ (a.k.a. socialist hacks).

Although dedicated leftist Sheinbaum celebrated that Mexico is a ‘democratic country with peaceful elections,’ there is now a request of recounting the votes by an opposition candidate, another mayor was assassinated, and the market is plunging out of distrust towards the new government.

Runner-up in Mexico’s presidential election, opposition candidate Xóchitl Gálvez announced that has filed a request to contest the election and demand a recount.

Gálvez wrote on X: Continue…

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d43856 No.20976687

File: ce745ba5aacaef0⋯.png (1.1 MB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Nasty Leftist Comedian Makes SICK Sexualized Joke About Conservative Activist’s Baby Son – Gets Punched, and Finds Out That ‘The World Is Not Twitter’


There’s a memorable quote by boxing legend Mike Tyson that says “Social media made y’all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.”

That’s exactly the case, as people breach the boundary of free speech and feel comfortable posting idiotic, offensive and even criminal things, thinking they are safe behind their screens.

Until, of course, they are not.

A wild video has surfaced showing an enraged Spanish father punching a comedian on stage for making a vile, unacceptable sexualized joke about his 3-month-old son on social media.

Little did leftist comedian Jaime Caravaca know that retribution was on its way.

In the middle of his set in Madrid on Monday night, the enraged dad, Alberto Pugilato, stormed the stage and punched him in the head.

New York Post reported: Continue…

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d43856 No.20976766

File: 743e988bafa0ef7⋯.png (1.63 MB,1080x606,180:101,ClipboardImage.png)

Here We Go: WHO Warns of New Bird Flu Strain Jumping to Humans Following Death of 59-Year-Old Man in Mexico


As we approach another election cycle, the World Health Organization (WHO) has once again issued a warning about a new strain of bird flu, H5N2, that has apparently jumped to humans.

The announcement comes following the death of a 59-year-old man in Mexico, who was reportedly infected with this strain. However, given the timing and the details surrounding this case, it’s hard not to question whether we’re dealing with another episode of fear-mongering or a genuine public health concern.

The WHO’s press release paints a grim picture: a man with multiple underlying health conditions, bedridden for weeks before developing acute symptoms, tragically succumbs to this new strain of bird flu. Yet, it also states that the risk to the general population is assessed as low. So why the dramatic announcement and the global alert? Continue…

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d43856 No.20976818

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Scarf Lady is Back: Deborah Birx Proposes Weekly Testing for Millions of U.S. Cows and Dairy Workers for ‘Asymptomatic’ Bird Flu (VIDEO)


The infamous ‘Scarf Lady,’ Dr. Deborah Birx, is back in the limelight with another outrageous proposal.

After leaving the White House for her disastrous COVID-19 policies, Dr. Deborah Birx was appointed as the Chief Executive Officer of Armata Pharmaceuticals on July 10, 2023. Before taking on her role at Armata, Dr. Birx served on the Board of Directors at Innoviva, another pharmaceutical company, from March 2021 to July 2023.

In a recent interview with CNN, Birx suggested a new target for her fear-mongering tactics: the U.S. dairy industry. Continue…

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d43856 No.20976878

File: 059aed3613f2245⋯.png (840.57 KB,1008x519,336:173,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86aab05586b61f8⋯.png (1.34 MB,1200x899,1200:899,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 946b5f8565f38c7⋯.png (500.09 KB,678x381,226:127,ClipboardImage.png)

Watch Live: Elon Musk's Starship Launches On Fourth Test Flight


One day after Boeing's long-delayed crewed Starliner space capsule launched from the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida, SpaceX is preparing for the fourth test flight of the massive Starship rocket.

Hours ago, SpaceX's Elon Musk posted on X that the launch time of Starship is slated for 0720 Texas time (0820 ET) at Starbase in Boca Chica, Texas. Continue…

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d43856 No.20976924

File: 3700de2593622ff⋯.png (176.5 KB,376x716,94:179,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a019779527a0ee2⋯.png (200.3 KB,400x225,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

US Ramps Up Rate Of Ukraine Arms Packages… What's Another $225 Million?


The United States is preparing to announce a new $225 million weapons package for Ukraine this week, coming two weeks after the last package, which was at $275 million and featured badly needed artillery rounds. And a few weeks prior to that, in early May, the US administration rolled out with $400 million in defense aid — thus it appears the White House is planning to apportion new packages about every two or three weeks, drawing from Biden's $60 billion in recently approved total funding for Ukraine.

Currently, Ukrainian soldiers are resorting to literally trying to find leftover, unexploded artillery shells scattered in the ground at prior battle sites. The Wall Street Journal recently underscored this severe lack of ammo along Ukraine's front lines in writing that "Kyiv’s ammunition shortage is so acute that a soldier who hunts for Russian shells—and makes his own bombs—has become an important supplier for some units." Continue…

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d43856 No.20976946

File: 471b51437a7bbbc⋯.png (1.62 MB,1200x1649,1200:1649,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 487a63b0ea3138c⋯.png (125.84 KB,826x341,826:341,ClipboardImage.png)

Birth-Rates Are Plunging In The World's Most Populous Countries


Birth rates are falling in the six most populated countries in the world, though at different speeds.

This graphic, via Visual Capitalist's Marcus Lu shows the annual births per 1,000 people in the world’s six largest countries by population. Continue…

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d43856 No.20976971

File: 7ef5a37752ef027⋯.png (1.25 MB,1198x546,599:273,ClipboardImage.png)

Sweden Introduces Draconian 'Security Zone' In Gang-Crime Hotspot, Indiscriminate Police Powers To Search Anyone


After a double homicide shooting earlier this week, Swedish residents in Norrköping's district of Hageby can be searched or have their vehicles searched without the need for reasonable suspicion Continue…

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d43856 No.20977039

File: b3a168808e32d17⋯.png (992.83 KB,1024x684,256:171,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 19de290d8d25693⋯.png (151.92 KB,373x572,373:572,ClipboardImage.png)

Israel Signs $3BN Deal With US For 25 F-35 Stealth Jets


"At time when some of our adversaries aim to undermine our ties with our greatest ally, we only further strengthen our alliance," Defense Minister Yoav Gallant announced Tuesday upon unveiling Israel's signing a new $3 billion deal with Lockheed Martin for 25 F-35 fighter jets.

"This sends a powerful message to our enemies across the region," he continued. This will add a third squadron of the advanced stealth fighters to the Israeli air force arsenal. Continue…

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d43856 No.20977115

File: 14a70711fb91f79⋯.png (1.1 MB,900x600,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 242a51d5cb64418⋯.png (344.44 KB,555x683,555:683,ClipboardImage.png)

Putin: We Could Supply Long-Range Missiles To Enemies Of West In Retaliation


Update(1932ET): Russian President Putin addressed the annual economic forum in St. Petersburg on Wednesday, where he took the opportunity to put the US and NATO on notice concerning Kiev being given the greenlight to use Western weapons to attack Russian territory (detailed below).

He suggested that he's mulling the option of providing adversaries of the West with Russian long-range missiles. Below is what he said: Continue…

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d43856 No.20977167

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LILLEY UNLEASHED: How many scandals can the Trudeau government have at once?


Sun political columnist Brian Lilley talks about the past and present scandals of the Liberal government of Justin Trudeau, how can the past-their-due-date mandate stay afloat?

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d43856 No.20977192

File: 8a356ab7e876ec0⋯.png (749.96 KB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

China pressuring Canadian media execs, journalists to manipulate news: NSICOP report


China was paying select Canadian media executives and journalists to act as conduits for its foreign election interference operations.

The media manipulation scheme was alleged in a section of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians report tabled in the House of Commons on Monday.

According to the redacted section, China’s regime was “interfering with Canadian media content via direct engagement with Canadian media executives and journalists.”

Specific examples included six sentences that were redacted. The report notes that the redacted portion described “examples of (China) paying to publish media articles without attribution, sponsoring media travel to the (People’s Republic of China), pressuring journalists to withdraw articles and creating false accounts on social media to spread disinformation.”

Concerns about Beijing’s control over certain media outlets have a long history in Canada. In 2021, Canadian Security Intelligence Service Director David Vigneault warned Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in a briefing memo that media influence operations had “become normalized,” especially with ethnic media outlets.

“In particular, PRC media influence activities in Canada have become normalized,” the memo stated. Continue…

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d43856 No.20977279

File: 2df2156c8cb310e⋯.png (1.09 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Canadians wide open to cyberattacks due to gov’s lack of action says Auditor General


As state and criminal actors increasingly resort to cyberattacks to confound Western allies, Canadians are wide open to malicious threats.

The Trudeau government needs more capacity and resources to prevent cybercrime as the increasing number of cyberattacks become more sophisticated, according to a report by the auditor general.

According to the report, the government has “breakdowns in response, coordination, enforcement, tracking, and analysis between and across the organizations responsible for protecting Canadians from cybercrime.”

Government agencies like the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Communications Security Establishment Canada, and the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission were found to be ill-equipped to effectively enforce laws intended to protect Canadians from cyberattacks

“In 2022, victims of fraud reported financial losses totalling $531 million to the Canadian Anti Fraud Centre. Three-quarters of these reports were cybercrime related,” reads the Auditor General’s report.

“The centre estimates that only 5% to 10% of cybercrimes are reported. Without prompt action, financial and personal information losses will only grow as the volume of cybercrime and attacks continues to increase.” Continue…

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d43856 No.20977332

File: 97fb5a1d96cf0b0⋯.png (3.48 MB,1908x1048,477:262,ClipboardImage.png)

Canada’s climate tyranny growing; America is not far behind


Oh, Canada. You’re in trouble.

And America is not far behind its northern neighbor in losing its freedom and becoming an effective dictatorship.

Climate change policies are the root cause of the transformation from a mostly free society to a less free, more tyrannical nation. The Canadian government, led by long-time Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, is climate fanatical and increasingly directing its citizens’ behavior in disturbing, ominous ways.

“There is no vaccine against a polluted planet,” said the prime minister back in late 2020 when he proposed raising the nation’s carbon tax. He also regularly refers to the “climate crisis” to explain his actions.

When the planet itself supposedly hangs in the balance, you can rationalize almost anything, no matter how silly, unscientific, or oppressive, starting with Mr. Trudeau’s false conflating of carbon with pollution, which is typical of the climate obsessives in America, too. The former is essential to life itself and inherent in Earth’s atmosphere, while the latter is a nuisance that has largely been solved as a practical matter in the U.S.

Carbon emissions from manmade sources are about 1/10,000th of the Earth’s atmosphere, and their increase has had no palpable or corresponding effect on global temperature. Yet that scientific fact and historical reality get lost in the pursuit of governmental power and societal control well underway in Canada and the U.S. Continue…

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b7211b No.20977350


What the hell is going on here??

Did Biden just sht himself on stage?!

Why was Joe Biden whisked out by Jill MID CEREMONY in Normandy, while Macron stayed back to greet troops?

Maybe he really DID sht himself. {again}

Holy crap.

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d43856 No.20977468

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Prince William Bestows Honorary Knighthood on Disney CEO Bob Iger


It is official. Disney CEO Bob Iger has been granted an honorary knighthood after an investiture ceremony Monday presided over by Prince William, the heir apparent to the British throne. Continue…

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1246f4 No.20979035

Us debt clock https://www.usdebtclock.org/current-rates.html

World debt clockshttps://www.usdebtclock.org/world-debt-clock.html

Canada's debt from the Canadian Taxpayers Federation https://www.debt.ca/debt-clock

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1e5a62 No.20983232


White Privileged Liberal Chelsea Handler Tells 50 Cent He Can't Vote For Trump Because He's Black

Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.


Only then, at the precipice, will people find the will to change [to participate].

We, the People, have been betrayed for a very long time.

This is what real Panic look like LOL

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b09a40 No.20983397

File: 58f5c24420ff808⋯.png (735.91 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Macron To Send Zelensky French Fourth Generation Mirage Fighter Jets That Ukraine Once Dismissed as Obsolete


While French President Emmanuel Macron’s constant warmongering is causing waves in the news cycles and generating considerable escalation, in itself it represents initiatives unlikely to have a meaningful effect on the battlefield.

Take, for instance, his intention to train a Ukrainian brigade of 4 thousand men in Ukraine. It will be welcome by Kiev, but he is putting French lives in the line for a result that does not move the needle.

The same goes for the fighter jets: France will now transfer an unknown number of Mirage 2000-5 fighter jets to Kiev – and will train Ukrainian pilots for that.

Great, right? Yes, but the mainstream media will not tell you, but these are the very same planes that Ukraine was dismissing – as lately as March 2024 – as aging and obsolete fourth generation aircraft.

But now, apparently the Mirage are back in line for combat. Continue…

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b70864 No.20983430

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Joe Rogan on the Lawfare Campaign Against Trump: ‘Scary How Many Democrats Are Willing to Allow This’ (VIDEO)


During a recent episode of his podcast, Joe Rogan was speaking to comedian Tony Hinchcliffe and remarked that the Democrat lawfare campaign against Trump is ‘scary’ in that so many Democrats are fine with it.

He correctly points out that Democrats are setting a precedent that they may soon regret. Continue…

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b70864 No.20983477

File: bad142c79b5509f⋯.png (382.52 KB,1024x546,512:273,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ee824a9187d890b⋯.png (1.44 MB,983x1200,983:1200,ClipboardImage.png)

DEVELOPING: SoCal Hit with Two Earthquakes Back-to-Back – 7 Quakes Strike Region in Six Days!


Two relatively minor quakes hit Southern California in Newport Beach Thursday evening.

The first quake, magnitude 3.6, hit 1 mile ENE of Newport Beach at 4:52 pm local time. A second quake, magnitude 3.4, hit 2 miles ENE of Newport Beach at 5:05 pm local time.

Shaking was felt in Orange County, parts of the Inland Empire and Los Angeles County. Continue…

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b70864 No.20983524

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Southwest Passengers ‘Crying and Screaming’ as Boeing Plane Forced to Make Emergency Landing After Tire Failure


A Southwest flight was forced to make an emergency landing on Monday after a tire blew out.

Passengers were ‘screaming and crying’ as the Boeing 737-700 made an emergency landing at Denver International Airport on Monday.

KDVR reported: Continue…

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b70864 No.20983562

File: eabdfadc114f1a7⋯.png (320 KB,598x356,299:178,ClipboardImage.png)

New, Highly Contagious Sexually Transmitted Infection Spreading Overseas Has Arrived on U.S. Soil


A new, highly contagious sexually transmitted infection that has been spreading throughout Europe and elsewhere has now arrived on U.S. soil.

As NBC News reported, a case report published Wednesday in JAMA Dermatology revealed that a man in his 30s from New York City contracted a nasty skin infection after weeks of travel. During his time away from home, he engaged in sexual intercourse with multiple men during trips to England, Greece, and California.

When he got back, he developed a rash on his genitals, buttocks, and limbs. Continue…

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b70864 No.20983663

File: fc1066165407d52⋯.png (888.08 KB,1024x543,1024:543,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c940d78ce2404ab⋯.png (1.28 MB,1024x729,1024:729,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6810cfa34c6a349⋯.png (1.22 MB,1024x673,1024:673,ClipboardImage.png)

HOT MIC: Biden Caught on Hot Mic Telling Macron His Team’s Plan to Get Him Out of D-Day Celebration Early (VIDEO)


Joe and Jill Biden arrived in Normandy on Thursday to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

Biden is spending 5 days in France, attending D-Day ceremonies in Normandy and visiting with French President Emmanuel Macron.

As usual, Joe Biden was a humiliation on the world stage. Continue…

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b70864 No.20983719

File: 75cebcf01f1219e⋯.png (256.77 KB,500x442,250:221,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb8fed3208f14c1⋯.png (340.21 KB,500x657,500:657,ClipboardImage.png)

UN and WEF Will Stop at Nothing to Crush Dissenters



You may recall us highlighting the new Slovakian PM Robert Fico. Here is a clip I shared with you soon after his appointment.

Slovak PM Fico no longer in life-threatening condition after being shot, minister says

Here’s how the Australian Government’s propaganda arm ABC news described him:

Riding that wave of public opinion, Fico has transformed from a pro-European Union interventionist to a fierce nationalist parroting Russian anti-western rhetoric.

Suddenly “nationalism” is bad. When it’s not to their liking, that is. The other word that’s been hijacked is “populist.” Isn’t democracy about the “popular vote?” I dunno, I’m just a hedge fund manager, so what do I know?

What else? Continue…

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b70864 No.20983773

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

German Defense Chief Calls For War Readiness By Decade's End


We recently outlined how conscription is coming back to Europe, amid breathless calls from NATO officials for Western publics to 'prepare' for the possibility of war with Russia.

While Germany abolished conscription in 2011, some Berlin officials are calling for the system to be gradually rebuilt, with leaders of the German Christian Democratic Party having recently brought up the idea of reintroducing compulsory military service.

On Wednesday German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius kept the ball rolling toward this end, saying during a session of parliament, "We must be ready for war by 2029." Continue…

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b70864 No.20983822

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Israeli Government Funded Covert Influence Campaign Targeting US Lawmakers: NYT


Israel's Ministry of Diaspora Affairs organized and paid for a digital campaign to influence US lawmakers, especially Democrats who are Black, The New York Times reported on Wednesday.

The ministry allotted $2 million to the operation in October and hired Stoic, a Tel Aviv-based political marketing firm, to carry it out. Stoic established fake news websites and hundreds of fake accounts on X, Instagram, and Facebook that posted pro-Israeli messages, trying to push lawmakers such as Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.), the House minority leader, Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-N.Y.), and Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.) to fund Israel's military and support its war efforts, the Times reported. Continue…

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b70864 No.20983853

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watch: Boeing 777 Engine Shoots Fireballs During Takeoff In Canada

Boeing planes are back in the news this week after a Paris-bound Air Canada flight with nearly 400 passengers experienced an "engine issue" shortly after taking off, according to CP24. The wide-body aircraft was forced to return to Toronto Pearson International Airport shortly after takeoff.

Video footage on X captured the dramatic moment when fireballs were seen shooting from the rear of one of the 777's engines during takeoff on Wednesday.

Air Canada confirmed the incident to CP24:

"After the aircraft landed, it was inspected by airport response vehicles as per normal operating processes, and it taxied to the gate on its own.

"The aircraft will be taken out of service for further evaluation by our maintenance and engineering professionals."

The incident comes after a series of mid-air mishaps, investigations, and endless crises for the American plane manufacturer.

Here's the latest: Continue…

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b70864 No.20983882

File: 521177a36ddb033⋯.png (1.68 MB,1280x731,1280:731,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 95130d4f254ce79⋯.png (139.32 KB,461x350,461:350,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e04f5169dd0504⋯.png (1.11 MB,900x600,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Russian Warships Steam For Caribbean As Ukraine Tensions Go Global


In a show of force perhaps prompted by President Biden's authorization of Ukrainian strikes inside Russia using US weapons, a group of Russian warships is en route to the Caribbean, a senior US official has told McClatchy and the Miami Herald. White House officials alerted members of Congress to the Russian move on Wednesday. Continue…

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b70864 No.20983896



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b70864 No.20983925

File: c344e9627b76193⋯.png (1.41 MB,1200x1665,80:111,ClipboardImage.png)

These Are All The Countries Offering Digital Nomad Visas


A digital nomad visa allows individuals to live and work remotely in a foreign country for an extended period, usually six months to a year. It’s often accessible to self-employed or remote workers employed by entities outside the host country.

This graphic, via Visual Capitalist's Bruno Venditti, shows the countries that offer digital nomad visas as of May 2024. Continue…

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b70864 No.20983979

File: 111fcd853cc7ca2⋯.png (1.93 MB,1200x1600,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

Who Rules The Waves? US & Chinese Fleets, By Tonnage


China’s third aircraft carrier recently began its sea trials, and there are reports that the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy already has more ships than the United States, just how do these superpower rivals stack up, ton for ton?

This graphic from Chris Dickert, via Visual Capitalist, looks at the Chinese and U.S. navies by tonnage using data from the International Institute for Security Studies. Continue…

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b70864 No.20984004

File: c43317402d88dce⋯.png (646 KB,800x600,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

The Estonian Prime Minister Redefined The West's Terms For Victory In Ukraine


Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas is considered one of the most hawkish anti-Russian figures in the West, yet it was none other than her who just redefined this bloc’s terms for victory in Ukraine. She recently told the BBC that “Victory in Ukraine is not just about territory. If Ukraine joins Nato, even without some territory, then that’s a victory because it will be placed under the Nato umbrella." This is a far cry from restoring Ukraine’s pre-2014 borders like the West hitherto claimed is its goal. Continue…

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b70864 No.20984030

File: 9988c0503e790b3⋯.png (585.55 KB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Malta Is The World's Best Destination For LGBTQ Travelers, Saudi Arabia Not So Much


In order to help LGBTQ+ tourists travel safely, the German portal Spartacus started publishing the Gay Travel Index in 2012. In the 2024 edition, the ranking compared 213 countries and territories based on the situation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer people in each location.

As Statista's Anna Fleck reports, according to the index, last year’s leading destination Malta is joined at the top by Spain, Canada, New Zealand and Portugal as the safest and most open places for LGBT+ travelers in 2024, with each of these five countries receiving 12 points. According to the report, Estonia made the greatest improvements in the past year, obtaining 6 points (in contrast to the previous index’s 2 points). This was thanks to the approval of the law in 2023 to legalize equal marriage. The first Latin American country to appear in the 2024 ranking is Uruguay, sharing the third position along with Denmark, Iceland, Germany and Norway, with 10 points each. Continue…

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b70864 No.20984037

File: b485e8c03b5b4f0⋯.png (371.13 KB,768x572,192:143,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 462ce9dd337ad88⋯.png (577.9 KB,768x492,64:41,ClipboardImage.png)

False Flag On The Horizon? The Strange Case Of The Destroyed Russian Nuclear Radar


If we accept the fundamental truth that Ukraine is nothing more than a proxy battleground between Russia and the west, then you might say WWIII has already begun. The powers-that-be have been content to keep the situation contained primarily to Ukraine so far, but a recent event suggests things are about to change. There’s something very strange happening on the nuclear front between NATO and Russia and I believe it might be time to consider the possibility that a false flag threat is in the works. Continue…

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b70864 No.20984067

File: 3a2bff67b9f7a79⋯.png (312.99 KB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Airline Industry Leaves COVID Turbulence Behind


Having left behind most Covid-related turbulences, the global airline industry emerged from the storm in 2023, returning to profitability after three years of deep losses. According to the estimate from the International Air Transport Association (IATA), commercial airlines ended 2023 with a net profit of $27.4 billion, up from a loss of $3.5 billion in 2022 and significantly higher than previously expected. Back in December, IATA had predicted 2023 profits to come in around $23 billion.

Speaking at the IATA's 80th Annual General Meeting in Dubai on Monday, IATA's Director General Willie Walsh hailed the industry's successful recovery from the pandemic, while also warning that the industry's profit margins remain "wafer thin." Continue…

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b70864 No.20984080

File: 3a2bff67b9f7a79⋯.png (312.99 KB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a67bfb9da8fbb0⋯.png (373.36 KB,540x304,135:76,ClipboardImage.png)

India the second-biggest foreign threat to Canada – report


Ottawa has put New Delhi on its “foreign interference” list along with Beijing and Moscow

India is the “second biggest foreign threat” to Canadian democracy after China, a high-level parliamentary panel has claimed. Russia, which had occupied the second position in a 2019 report, now occupies the third spot in the list.

The report was released by Canada’s National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP), comprising MPs and senators with top security clearances. The committee named two more Asian nations – Pakistan and Iran – that it claims threaten to undermine the country’s democracy.

The NSICOP explained that New Delhi has been moved to the top-three on the list as it had targeted “Canadian politicians, ethnic media and Indo-Canadian ethnocultural communities.” Continue…

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b70864 No.20984102

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Canada Compromised, CCP Influence Heading South into the U.S.


"Canada has become a CCP client state," argues popular Alberta podcaster Leighton Grey. He explains how the CCP has compromised the Canadian government and the past two elections, and details the danger posed to the USA.

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b70864 No.20984158

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

El Salvador’s Nayib Bukele Describes Satanic Gang Baby-Killing Rituals to Tucker Carlson


The president of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, described the dramatic crackdown on violent gangs in his country as a “spiritual war,” explaining to journalist Tucker Carlson this week that the largest gang, Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), has a long history of satanic activity.

Bukele sat down with Carlson for an interview published Wednesday night in the context of his second inauguration as president, which took place on June 1. Bukele won reelection with a resounding 85 percent of the vote in the national election in February, and his party won nearly every seat in the National Assembly, the federal legislature: Continue…

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b70864 No.20984169

File: bd7b7f6b40ae8e3⋯.png (4.21 MB,1920x1280,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Finland to receive first EU procured bird flu shots


The first batch of 640,000 doses of the adapted vaccine will be shipped as early as next week.

The EU’s health crisis authority will sign a contract with Seqirus next Tuesday to secure hundreds of thousands of doses of its H5N1 flu shot adapted to protect people against the latest deadly strain of bird flu — and first doses will head to Finland.

The Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA) will sign the joint procurement contract with Seqirus on behalf of 15 member countries, a senior Commission official with knowledge of the matter told POLITICO.

The first batch of vaccines will be immediately shipped to Finland, the official said, where workers in mink farms are considered at risk of contracting the virus from contaminated animals.

The contract is currently for 640,000 doses, with the possibility to buy up to 40 million doses over four years. Continue…

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b70864 No.20984371

File: 17382668de8a50f⋯.png (1.96 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Employers association files landmark UN complaint against feds for labour breaches


The Liberal government has found itself the subject of an international labour complaint for violating the rights of employers.

An employers’ association representing around half a million Canadian workers, mostly in unionized organizations and all regulated under the Canada Labour Code, lodged a formal complaint against the Liberals, claiming they are failing to uphold key labour conventions.

In a historic first, the Federally Regulated Employers – Transportation and Communication, or FETCO, has filed a formal complaint against the federal government with the International Labour Organization, a United Nations labour agency. Continue…

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b70864 No.20984394

File: a16937bcb614d08⋯.png (1.75 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Liberal MP under fire for flippant “boo hoo” comment on foreign interference


A Liberal MP’s flippant remarks during a committee meeting on foreign interference matters have caught the attention of media and critics alike.

Liberal MP Jennifer O’Connell justified her heckling during a committee hearing and subsequent dialogue where she said, “boo hoo, get over it.” The remarks came in response to a Conservative MP raising his concerns about the Liberal MP heckling her Conservative counterpart during his line of questioning when he asked the Liberals to release the names of elected members engaging in foreign interference. Continue…

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b70864 No.20984413

File: 710f7018dcc6251⋯.png (1.31 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 80afa5bb4371289⋯.png (117.89 KB,971x686,971:686,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f8273d2f03c8abe⋯.png (239.65 KB,608x642,304:321,ClipboardImage.png)

Feds admit they were never certain COVID-19 vaccines prevented transmission


Federal public health authorities didn’t know if COVID-19 vaccines would prevent transmission but they foisted sweeping vaccine mandates on Canadians anyway.

Despite repeated claims from the Liberals that unvaccinated Canadians were transmitting COVID-19 to vaccinated people, Canada’s health agency admitted it was never sure the shots would prevent the spread of the virus.

In response to an order paper question from Conservative MP Colin Carrie, the Public Health Agency of Canada wrote that suspected vaccines prevented transmission but wasn’t sure.

“In Dec. 2020, COVID-19 vaccine guidance from the National Advisory Committee on Immunization to PHAC and stakeholders emphasized uncertainty surrounding the ability of COVID-19 vaccines to prevent transmission and the need for ongoing monitoring,” said the reply, signed by Yasir Naqvi, the parliamentary secretary to the health minister. Continue…

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b70864 No.20984434

File: c8f1c4f1e926ca1⋯.png (1.64 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

NDP MPs want to frame Canadian oil and gas like the fight against tobacco


Nothing is off the table for the NDP as it prepares for a full-out crusade against the Canadian oil and gas industry in ongoing committee hearings.

NDP MPs told the media they are concocting a plan to hold not just “Big Oil and Gas” accountable for allegedly “burning the planet” but also the Conservative and Liberal parties for allowing it.

As they grill oil and gas executives in a House of Commons environment committee hearing, the NDP wants the world to compare oil and gas producers to the tobacco industry so they can ban them from advertising.

Laurel Collins, the NDP critic for the environment and climate change, and Charlie Angus the party’s natural resources critic said during a press conference that the hearing would be an opportunity to show Canadians how producing energy was “making people sick.”

“This is the Big Tobacco moment for oil and gas. We have to hold these companies accountable. They are not good corporate citizens. They are not attempting to reduce emissions, and they’re saying we will continue to make profits we will continue to burn your children’s future,” Angus said before entering the committee hearing. Continue…

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b70864 No.20984448

File: 6284b9ba6eb9695⋯.png (1013.77 KB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f0458a2e6b9858⋯.png (227.77 KB,610x748,305:374,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 30384d898b8fc98⋯.png (217.92 KB,611x747,611:747,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b21923f191469a1⋯.png (214.83 KB,611x727,611:727,ClipboardImage.png)

CBC Kids asks if commemorating D-Day is a “celebration of violence”


In the lead-up to the 80th anniversary of D-Day, CBC Kids asked viewers whether or not it’s important to commemorate such battles due to the violent nature of war.

“Is it important to commemorate battles like D-Day? Why or why not?” asked the CBC Kids website.

D-Day was the largest seaborne invasion in history and marked the turning point in the Allied forces defeating the Nazis in the Second World War. It took place June 6, 1944.

“It can be argued that commemorating military battles is celebrating and glorifying war,” reads CBC Kids’ website. “But it can also be seen as a moment of reflection on the importance of peace.”

“So what do you think? Is it important to remember and honour our military past? Or is it celebrating violence?”

The page then offers a text box for people to fill out their opinions on the subject.

The debate posed by the state-funded broadcaster was not well received, with many Canadians taking offence to the CBC’s framing of one of Canada’s greatest contributions on the world stage. Continue…

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b70864 No.20984471

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ratio’d | 80th Anniversary of D-Day – Lest we forget


Today marks the 80th anniversary of the most important days in Canadian history and world history, the D-Day invasion of Normandy. Over 14,000 Canadian soldiers took part in the invasion and Canadian troops were ordered to take Juno Beach.

The Canadian victory on D-Day was paid for with sacrifice of over 300 Canadian troops. The successful mission marked the beginning of the end of the Nazi regime.

For likely the last time, Canadian D-Day veterans gathered on Juno Beach today, standing shoulder to shoulder, to mark this special anniversary.

On this episode of Ratio’d, Harrison Faulkner plays prerecorded footage of two Canadian D-Day veterans to explain what that day was really like.

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c8f38b No.20984488

File: 9d2eb5cf233105f⋯.png (14.38 MB,4736x3383,4736:3383,Richard.png)


Saw that on General Research a few days ago

That is not USS Eisenhower, not even a Nimitz-class carrier

That is old footage of the USS Bonhomme Richard burning in California

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b70864 No.20984531

File: ca3abf1d8902910⋯.png (1.7 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Smith appoints scandal-plagued former Alberta premier to Invest Alberta board


Alberta Premier Danielle Smith has appointed Alison Redford to the board of the provincial investment attraction agency.

Redford was known for her short lived and scandal-ridden tenure as Alberta’s premier in the early 2010s.

Redford has been appointed to the board of directors of the Invest Alberta Corporation, which expedites business operations, fosters collaboration, and “goes the extra mile to ensure long-term success for businesses,” according to its website.

Redford resigned in March 2014 after three years as Alberta premier following a series of controversies. Continue…

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c8f38b No.20984558


>The Trudeau government needs more capacity and resources

Inflate problem, panic the people, put forth the solution of bigger government and greater surveillance state

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b70864 No.20984564

File: f7de18c4097db2c⋯.png (1.21 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5d275da307efc4c⋯.png (85.81 KB,977x613,977:613,ClipboardImage.png)

Premier Doug Ford shuffles cabinet, moves Stephen Lecce out of education ministry


Ontario Progressive Conservative Premier Doug Ford has rejigged his cabinet as the provincial legislature rises for its summer recess. Most notably, Ford swapped education minister Stephen Lecce’s and energy minister Todd Smith’s roles, renaming the latter portfolio to the minister of energy and electrification. Continue…

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b70864 No.20984653

File: f49d4a3535f75ff⋯.png (1.84 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd0f9fff19358fc⋯.png (778.54 KB,942x1036,471:518,ClipboardImage.png)

Elections BC tells students not to call Emergencies Act “unprecedented” in disinfo guide


Elections BC denies its new media and disinformation literacy guide for future voters in grades 9 to 12 violates the office’s nonpartisan mandate.

The provincial election office recently published a 51-page lesson plan authored by MediaSmarts, a non-profit charity that has received a significant amount of funding from the federal Liberals.

“Media Literacy for the 2024 Provincial General Election in British Columbia” has six different modules that touch on a variety of media literacy areas. Among them are identifying sources of information, election disinformation, digital political advertising and polarizing content.

Of concern was the guide’s reference to polarizing issues such as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s use of the Emergencies Act to clamp down on Freedom Convoy protesters in Feb. 2022.

In the “Methods of Polarization” module, students are asked to analyze the Politico headline “Canada invokes unprecedented emergency measures – and triggers a political firestorm” for polarization.

The Elections BC lesson plan instructs educators to explain to students “that it offends the value of freedom by describing the emergency measures as ‘unprecedented’” and to label the term as an example of hyperbole or extreme exaggeration.

Trudeau was the first prime minister to invoke the Emergencies Act since it was passed in 1988 to replace the War Measures Act, making its use literally unprecedented. Continue…

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b70864 No.20984679

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Alberta's Environment Minister condemns Ottawa's undemocratic 'gag order' on Canadian energy


Ethical Canadian energy producers could find themselves caught up in legal battles with environmental activists, having to prove they aren’t 'greenwashing' their industries with phony rhetoric. Continue…

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b70864 No.20984694

File: 38b83b28f6055ca⋯.png (2.42 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Ontario former health officer censored by CBC for critical COVID-19 opinion


The CBC ignored the former medical officer of health, giving only those who unquestionably aligned with government-imposed COVID-19 response plans a platform while ignoring any dissent. Continue…

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b70864 No.20984716

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kamloops band uses 'white supremacy' and secrecy to diffuse scrutiny over false 215 unmarked graves claim


Rebel News’ Drea Humphrey covers recent statements made by Tk'emlúps Te Secwépemc First Nation’s Chief Rosanne Casimir, who now says the investigation into the '215 anomalies' is top secret and called for allies to 'refute the very real harm caused by denialists.' Continue…

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b70864 No.20984754

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Exposed: Parliamentary report indicates China is funding Canadian media to amplify disinformation


A new national security report reveals Canadian media outlets aren't just taking money from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government, but also foreign governments like the People's Republic of China. Continue…

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b70864 No.20984797

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BC Coroner reports tragic surge in fatal overdoses, 182 in April alone


In the past eight years since the province declared the public health emergency, over 14,000 people in BC have died from toxic drugs, including 763 in the first third of 2024. Continue…

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b70864 No.20984822

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Chris Carbert, Anthony Olienick trial begins: RCMP witness admits he had no contact with defendants


Carbert and Olienick are the two remaining defendants of a group of men dubbed the Coutts Four, which previously included Chris Lysak and Jerry Morin, who were also accused of conspiring to murder law enforcement officers. Continue…

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b70864 No.20984889

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

DISTURBING: Health Canada did not conduct a risk-benefit analysis before authorizing COVID-19 vaccines for children


Exclusive government documents show that Health Canada’s expedited authorization of the novel mRNA COVID-19 vaccines for children came with all risks, and real-world data show no benefits. Continue…

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b70864 No.20984967

File: 895803bd62cf2cb⋯.png (1.27 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 69d1525152ad2f7⋯.png (1.68 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b7b69698ee2ceb4⋯.png (1.7 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f84a584c8054ca⋯.png (1.96 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Mastercard rolls out eye-scan payment pilot program in Europe


While Poland is the first European country to receive the pilot, Mastercard debuted the Biometric Checkout Program in Brazil in 2022. The technology, using a face or iris scan, will be available at five bookstores in the country. Continue…

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b70864 No.20985026

File: 825c929a74e0332⋯.png (2.26 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Google inks deal with organization to dish out $100M for Canadian news companies


The Canadian Journalism Collective, which is a federally incorporated non-profit created for this sole purpose, will be responsible for ensuring eligible news organizations receive their share of the funds. Continue…

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b70864 No.20985312

File: 2ab6d967d150e0b⋯.png (2.87 MB,1509x877,1509:877,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9074ccfa9ad839f⋯.png (486.99 KB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 73cea099e1b26b3⋯.png (2.95 MB,1767x1936,1767:1936,ClipboardImage.png)

File: db62d2fff880a0b⋯.png (459.89 KB,959x698,959:698,ClipboardImage.png)

June 7 - Tucker Carlson is False Opposition


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c8f38b No.20985338


Sounds like something Anti-Trust Laws were made for

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b70864 No.20985509

File: a81ceec1f4084cb⋯.png (305.99 KB,810x434,405:217,ClipboardImage.png)

Pro-LGBT group attempts to cancel massive Canadian Evangelical Christian event


A Regina-based LGBT group Queen City Pride has asked a stadium in the city to cancel an Evangelical Christian event called 'Come Together' over the organizing group's promotion of Biblical views on marriage and sexuality. Continue…

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b70864 No.20985578

File: bb707b109d2348e⋯.png (1.02 MB,810x500,81:50,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 44b22c5620ebd30⋯.png (1.78 MB,1131x1200,377:400,ClipboardImage.png)

Alberta town starts petition to remove rainbow crosswalks, ‘Pride’ flags from municipal property


The residents of Barrhead, Alberta are only the most recent to resist the LGBT agenda, as both an Ontario and Alberta town have refused to fly 'Pride' flags. Continue…

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b70864 No.20985602

File: 3c3d65e38d5d26c⋯.png (1.02 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Mexican officials deny bird flu death, patient died of kidney failure


Mexican officials are denying that the recent death of a 59-year-old man was due to a new bird flu strain despite reports from the MSM and WHO.

Mexican officials deny bird flu death, patient died of kidney failure

During a briefing, Mexican Health Secretary Jorge Alcocer denied the WHO’s claim that the 59-year-old chronically ill man with little contact with poultry died from a new highly transmissible strain of bird flu.

According to Alcocer, the Mexican man died from a combination of underlying conditions and severe illnesses culminating in “mainly kidney and respiratory failure”. Continue…

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b70864 No.20985691

File: a5eb229eb8811c4⋯.png (1.6 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Canada’s unemployment continues to rise alongside immigration and part-time work


Canada’s unemployment rate has once again risen, reaching 6.2% due to mass migration and the loss of well-paying full-time work.

Despite adding 27,000 jobs last month, Canada’s unemployment rose once again as immigration continues to significantly outpace job growth. And more importantly, all gains were made in part-time work, with the country losing 36,000 full-time jobs and gaining 62,000 part-time jobs.

According to Statistics Canada, roughly 1.4 million people were unemployed last month, an increase of 2.1% compared to April, adding that the unemployed are having “greater difficulties finding work” compared to before the COVID pandemic/lockdowns.

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b70864 No.20985785

File: 2d7629d2d4791b3⋯.png (1.18 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Meta removes anti-Pride child protection event on Instagram for supposedly “violating local law”


An advertisement for an event in Vancouver concerning youth participation in Pride has been removed from Instagram for violating local laws.

The event, Pushing Pride, organized at the Cowichan Community Centre on Vancouver Island, discussed the negative impacts of the recent LGBT movement on children’s safety, women’s rights, and gay individuals.

The event advertisement stated, “Pride began as a means to advocate for gay rights and acceptance. However, today, the parade, activism, symbols, flags, and messaging have increasingly focused on trans activism.”

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b70864 No.20986100

File: e15a87539fa3707⋯.png (1.68 MB,1456x693,208:99,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 89033ac9591e545⋯.png (750.58 KB,1396x1720,349:430,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d43daab1889de5⋯.png (1003.7 KB,1166x1326,583:663,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 52395d31c0babef⋯.png (841.2 KB,1045x491,1045:491,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e0aebba7388fa1⋯.png (999.91 KB,1456x512,91:32,ClipboardImage.png)

Three Canadians Doctors Died at Same Hospital in Ontario


All three were anesthesiologists in their 50s (a statistical impossibility)

Dr. Scott Morrison died May 22, 2024 at age 56

Dr. Robin Harwood died May 9, 2023 at age 55

Dr. Scott Wilson died March 28, 2023 at age 56

All three worked at the same Sault Area Hospital in Ontario, Canada. Continue…

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b70864 No.20986984

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Did Canada just AWAKEN to STOP Tyranny? | Redacted w Natali and Clayton Morris


Canadians have mounted a walkout to protest Pride Month in schools. Because why is Pride Month in schools? Canadian journalist David Krayden joins us to discuss this growing movement.

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b70864 No.20987006

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Did Canada just AWAKEN to STOP Tyranny? | Redacted w Natali and Clayton Morris


Canadians have mounted a walkout to protest Pride Month in schools. Because why is Pride Month in schools? Canadian journalist David Krayden joins us to discuss this growing movement.

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1a56a8 No.20988664

File: 1fe5555f6ea4584⋯.png (2.37 MB,1125x1125,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c0b6d5674c17d7⋯.png (2.99 MB,1350x1800,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa207c9911cb97e⋯.png (937.88 KB,1600x900,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a7623f6ff39ecd5⋯.png (623.05 KB,1179x730,1179:730,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2de7e4d9aa4a087⋯.png (914.17 KB,1317x814,1317:814,ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: Israeli Girl Noa Argamani Is RESCUED by IDF Soldiers in Gaza – Was Taken Hostage by Palestinian Barbarians at Nova Music Festival – Reunuites with Her Father! – 3 Other Hostages Also Rescued!



The IDF also rescued three other hostages on Satuday along with Argamani.

Noa Argamani (25), Almog Meir Jan (21), Andrey Kozlov (27), and Shlomi Ziv (40) were rescued in a special operation by the IDF on Saturday! Continue…

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1a56a8 No.20988741

File: 8552508c66fafe1⋯.png (3.33 MB,2048x1367,2048:1367,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 63c4ab3057ce67f⋯.pdf (343.66 KB,22_55908.pdf)

BREAKING: 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules mRNA COVID-19 Jab is NOT a Vaccine Under Traditional Medical Definitions


The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has delivered a seismic decision that could reshape public health policy across the nation.

In a contentious case involving the Health Freedom Defense Fund and other plaintiffs versus the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), the court has declared that mRNA COVID-19 injections do not qualify as vaccines under traditional medical definitions.

The case revolved around the LAUSD’s COVID-19 vaccination policy, which required all employees to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by a specified deadline.

The plaintiffs argued that the district’s vaccine mandate infringed upon their fundamental right to refuse medical treatment, as the mRNA injections do not prevent the transmission of COVID-19 but merely mitigate symptoms for the recipient.

The court’s opinion, penned by Circuit Judge R. Nelson and supported by Judge Collins, asserts that the mRNA shots, marketed as vaccines, do not effectively prevent the transmission of COVID-19 but merely reduce symptoms in those who contract the virus. This crucial distinction undermines the foundational premise of the vaccine mandates enforced by various governmental and educational institutions. Continue…

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1a56a8 No.20988771

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Intellectual Froglegs Releases His Latest Video Masterpiece: WAR


Intellectual Froglegs comes out with his latest video — WAR. Continue…

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1a56a8 No.20988841

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

MUST SEE: American College of Pediatricians Blasts All Major Medical Associations for Pushing Radical Gender Transition Agenda on Children


In a bold defiance of mainstream medical tyranny, the American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) has delivered a blistering condemnation of America’s leading medical institutions.

This coalition of healthcare professionals launched the “Doctors Protecting Children Declaration” on Thursday at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.

This declaration, which is spearheaded by Dr. Jill Simons, Executive Director of the American College of Pediatricians, is an urgent plea to halt the radical gender transition protocols being imposed on vulnerable children.

The coalition, which includes a diverse group of physicians, nurses, behavioral health clinicians, and scientists, has raised the alarm about the severe physical and mental health risks associated with so-called “gender-affirming” care.

“We have serious concerns about the physical and mental health effects of the current protocols promoted for the care of children and adolescents in the United States who express discomfort with their biological sex,” said Dr. Simons during the press conference. Continue…

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b09a40 No.20988897

File: 0c3d7b738a694f8⋯.png (437.32 KB,1600x900,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3796eb795b92335⋯.png (1018.86 KB,1600x900,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

WATCH: Putin Says There’s ‘No Need’ to Use Nuclear Weapons to Win the War in Ukraine


I remember fondly the time when we didn’t have credible everyday talk about nuclear strikes clogging the relentless news cycle.

A simpler time, when talk of nuclear confrontation seemed a long-lost relic from the faraway cold war years.

All that is gone, and every single day, it seems, we have to carefully study statements by power players rushing the Armageddon clock to the midnight strike.

Today (7), once again Russian President Vladimir Putin delved into the theme, saying that there is no need to use nuclear weapons to deliver victory for Moscow in Ukraine.

This was hailed in the MSM as ‘the strongest signal yet from the Kremlin chief that there will not be a nuclear strike’.

Reuters reported: Continue…

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ab6ac1 No.20988906

File: bd1854a3262539b⋯.png (603.48 KB,991x628,991:628,ClipboardImage.png)

Biden Has Delivered Millions in Taxpayer Money to … the TALIBAN!


A federal watchdog report reveals that after America had been at war with the Taliban for two decades, the Joe Biden administration now has delivered at least $11 million in U.S. taxpayer funds to the terrorists. Probably much more.

A Center Square report posted at Just the News explains much of the cash has been delivered through various aide groups that get federal tax dollars.

And, the report warns, “experts” suggest the actual total Biden has delivered to the Taliban could be much higher. Continue…

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ab6ac1 No.20988988

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Alex Jones to Sell Infowars, Liquidate Assets to Pay Sandy Hook Families $1.5 Billion Settlement – Alex Jones Provides Update (VIDEO)


Infowars founder Alex Jones agreed to liquidate his assets to pay the Sandy Hook families for something he said over a decade ago.

Alex Jones will reportedly sell Infowars and liquidate most of his assets to make a dent in the $1.5 billion settlement he was ordered to pay Sandy Hook families.

“Liquidation could mean that Austin, Texas-based Jones would have to sell most of his assets, including his company, but could keep his home and other belongings that are exempt from bankruptcy liquidation. Proceeds would go to his creditors, including the Sandy Hook families.” – CBS News reported.

Alex Jones provided a bankruptcy update on Friday evening: Continue…

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ab6ac1 No.20989025

File: 3b5d4bbb9f6e7a2⋯.png (1.9 MB,1212x796,303:199,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4cf2e538b9f0f51⋯.png (70.83 KB,408x553,408:553,ClipboardImage.png)

ELECTION INTERFERENCE: Google Censors PragerU App From Play Store For ‘Hate Speech’ Over Documentary Exposing Radical Islam


The far-left censors at Google have censored the PragerU app from the Play Store over claims that it promotes “hate speech.”

Posting on the X platform, PragerU shared a screenshot of a message sent to them from Google’s censorship team warning that its content was “asserting that a protected group is inhuman, inferior or worthy of being hated.”

“We don’t allow apps that promote violence, or incite hatred against individuals or groups based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, age, nationality, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or any other characteristic that is associated with systemic discrimination or marginalization,” the message read. Continue…

You can watch Dear Infidels: A Warning to America for free at the following link.


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ab6ac1 No.20989107

File: c16632da9ba6f05⋯.png (921.52 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Texas Man Hospitalized With Anthrax After Eating Contaminated Meat


A Texas man has been hospitalized with anthrax after eating contaminated lamb meat.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reported a rancher in Texas was hospitalized with Anthrax after eating a lamb that was infected with the bacteria.

After eating the infected lamb, the rancher started having a fever, leukocytosis, a black wound on his hand, blisters, and extreme edema.

The rancher was taken to a hospital where doctors ran tests and confirmed the man was infected with Bacillus anthracis, the bacteria that causes anthrax. Continue…

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ab6ac1 No.20989146

File: 1628897d6b1facc⋯.png (837.39 KB,1024x419,1024:419,ClipboardImage.png)

Israel-Hamas: An Information War


Liberal pro-Hamas protestors and supporters worldwide are flooding social media with disinformation to public and diplomatic opinion against Israel, cutting off international aid and ensuring Hamas’s survival.

The conflict between Israel and Hamas has transcended the Gaza combat zone, evolving into an information war. Key battles are now fought in digital and media landscapes, where the victor shapes public perception, influences international opinion, and gains political leverage. Both Israel and Hamas have heavily invested in disseminating their narratives through social media, traditional media, and diplomatic communications. Continue…

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ab6ac1 No.20989156

File: cd89ebcf68bcee0⋯.png (901.3 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

French Citizen Arrested in Moscow, Pleads Guilty To ‘Failing to Register as a Foreign Agent’ While Researching Russian Military


Against the background of the rapidly decaying Franco-Russian relations, and also after the greatly controversial approval by Georgia of the ‘Foreign Agents’ law, it arises that a French citizen, the researcher Laurent Vinatier, has been arrested in Russia under the equivalent law, what in the US would be the FARA legislation.

French researcher Laurent Vinatier has today (7) pleaded guilty in a Moscow court on Friday to a charge of ‘failing to register as a foreign agent’ while gathering information on the Russian military – which in the present situation of course has become a big deal. Continue…

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ab6ac1 No.20989184

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

“Enough Is Enough!” – Swiss Cardiologist Calls for the Abolishment of the WHO (Video)


Dr. Thomas Binder made headlines after he was forced into a psychiatric hospital after speaking out against the dangerous and unnecessary globalist COVID narrative. Dr. Binder MD studied medicine at the University of Zurich, received his doctorate in immunology and virology, specialized in internal medicine and cardiology, and has 35 years of clinical experience.

In February 2020, Thomas stood up for the return of real science, medicine and humanity. The result of his vocal opposition to the unscientific and irrational covid poilicies was to be arrested and referred for compulsory psyhiatric treatment.

Dr. Thomas Binder later told Dr. Drew last year that he was forcibly hospitalized – and required to take psychiatric medications – for speaking out against pandemic panic and the narrative surrounding COVID-19.

Recently, Dr. Binder called for the abolshment of the World Health Organization, after the botched and extremely dangerous actions and statements during the COVID pandemic. Continue…

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ab6ac1 No.20989203

File: 0d7484b48be1105⋯.png (3.81 MB,2048x1363,2048:1363,ClipboardImage.png)

Army Officer Experiences ‘Inexplicable’ Symptoms After Being Forced to Take the COVID-19 Shot, While the Department of Defense Continues to Evade Accountability


After the January 2023 rescission of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s August 2021 military vaccine mandate, service members are still suffering at the behest of its untested and unlawful implementation.

The Gateway Pundit spoke with Captain Rebecca Tummers, an officer set to leave the Army at the end of August after 10 years of service. At the height of the coronavirus pandemic, Capt. Tummers was one of thousands of service members reluctant to take the COVID-19 vaccine due to concerns about the expedited timeline to create, test, and manufacture the vaccine.

According to her, “This rush to failure attitude did not take adequate time to identify possible negative side effects to the vaccine, nor populations that may be at increased risk of negative side effects.”

After months of declining the shot, she was “told staunchly” that she would soon forfeit her ability to earn a high evaluation if she continued to refuse the shot. The Army also threatened to separate her from service.

As previously reported by The Gateway Pundit, many service members were coerced into receiving the shot. They were made to feel as though it were an obligation to progress, and even maintain their careers. Continue…

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ab6ac1 No.20989250

File: 826cdb2d5e06d81⋯.png (977.05 KB,1600x900,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 56a445a30fc07fc⋯.png (361.62 KB,612x748,9:11,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d4d562984d610bd⋯.png (106.43 KB,812x657,812:657,ClipboardImage.png)

Heavily Armed Federal Agents Show Up at Home of Texas Doctor After He Blew Whistle on Sex-Change Program at Texas Children’s Hospital, Serve Him Federal Indictment


Biden’s corrupt Justice Department indicted a Texas surgeon who blew the whistle on a sex-change program at the Texas Children’s Hospital.

In May 2023, Dr. Eithan Haim leaked the sex change documents to investigative reporter Christopher Rufo. Dr. Haim was careful not to disclose any patient information but the Biden DOJ indicted him on four felony counts related to HIPAA violations.

One day after Dr. Haim exposed the Texas Children’s Hospital, the Texas state legislature voted to ban transgender medical treatment and procedures on minors. Continue…

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ab6ac1 No.20989288

File: c1b50e428e6e3f9⋯.png (1.31 MB,1232x548,308:137,ClipboardImage.png)

Macron Faces Crushing Defeat In EU Elections


President Emmanuel Macron’s party will suffer a historic defeat in the European Union elections on Sunday, Hungarian news portal Origo writes. It is not hard to guess that after this huge defeat, he will take even more refuge in foreign policy. Having failed in his own country, he is trying to achieve unquantifiable and non-existent successes in the international world. Continue…

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ab6ac1 No.20989322

File: d7c10f643e458be⋯.png (332.51 KB,680x589,680:589,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 60a2c4837a74e12⋯.png (265.24 KB,680x400,17:10,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab73026e9c061da⋯.png (283.45 KB,680x384,85:48,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 22984e87b87e72a⋯.png (316.96 KB,680x389,680:389,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aec27edaf7cdab9⋯.png (299.23 KB,680x351,680:351,ClipboardImage.png)

The Military-Industrial Complex Is Killing Us All


We need to talk about what bombs do in war. Bombs shred flesh. Bombs shatter bones. Bombs dismember. Bombs cause brains, lungs, and other organs to shake so violently they bleed, rupture, and cease functioning. Bombs injure. Bombs kill. Bombs destroy.

Bombs also make people rich. Continue…

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ab6ac1 No.20989421

File: 5db845b77bd23dc⋯.png (179.37 KB,639x401,639:401,ClipboardImage.png)

File: faa0d27f41518b5⋯.png (556.33 KB,1280x1280,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Houthis Tout Radar-Evading 'Palestine' Missile That Resembles Iranian Hypersonic


Yemen's Houthis have for the first time announced a strike on Israel that was coordinated with allies in Iraq, namely the 'Islamic Resistance in Iraq' - an umbrella organization of Iran-linked Shia paramilitary groups.

The leader of Yemen’s Houthi militia, Abdul Malik Al-Houthi, announced Thursday, "Today at daybreak, our military forces commenced coordinated operations with the Islamic Resistance in Iraq by carrying out an important operation towards the port of Haifa." Continue…

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ab6ac1 No.20989431

File: 139983639e4644d⋯.png (1.87 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

World Naked Bike Day streaks through Toronto


Toronto will be partaking in the World Naked Bike Ride this Saturday as the event celebrates its 20th anniversary, leaving some bike rental companies worried about sanitation.

According to the World Naked Bike Ride website, the event is “a global protest against the over usage of oil and urban pollution, promoting greater cycling safety on our roads, and encouraging body freedom for everyone.”

The event originated in Vancouver in 2002 and now takes place in 80 cities across the world.

Organizers of the event recommend that those who are renting a bike for the event use a seat cover. Continue…

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ab6ac1 No.20989454

File: 69b3ad6c4479938⋯.png (1.59 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Diagolon founder Jeremy Mackenzie’s final charges have been stayed


Controversial podcaster Jeremy Mackenzie is free and clear after the final outstanding charges against him were stayed.

Charges against Mackenzie, a 14-year military veteran who served in Afghanistan, and his girlfriend Morgan Guptill, were stayed by a Nova Scotia judge who found that the 19 months between being charged and the end of the trial was an unreasonable length of time.

These were the last remaining criminal charges against Mackenzie after charges in Quebec and Saskatchewan and others in Nova Scotia were similarly stayed or dropped.

In the latest one, Mackenzie and Gultipp were charged with criminal harassment of Nova Scotia chief medical officer Dr. Robert Strang. They were arrested on the third day of protesting on a public street near his residence.

Each of the 23 charges thrown at Mackenzie across three separate provinces has been dropped, stayed, or resolved, including a series of firearms charges in Saskatchewan. Continue…

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ab6ac1 No.20989493

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WHO pandemic treaty 'compromises freedom': Dr. Jennifer Hibberd


'Talk with people in your local community … the language they use is very gentle, kind language … but if you just take that quiet time to read through it, you realize your freedom is being compromised,' says Dr. Jennifer Hibberd, one of the founding members of the Canadian COVID Care Alliance. Continue…

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ab6ac1 No.20989513

File: 4d597d516cf06b8⋯.png (1.64 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d09289f64bcc651⋯.png (1.65 MB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c6135da5f50f354⋯.png (1.92 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

WEF says governments syphoned $104 billion in carbon taxes last year


Parliamentarians learned earlier this year that Trudeau’s government paid the World Economic Forum $493,937 to write a favourable report on the carbon tax. Continue…

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ab6ac1 No.20989554

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

B.C. school district hosts Pride parade for children while keeping parents in the dark


Rebel News’ Drea Humphrey interviews a whistleblower teacher, concerned parent, and parental rights advisor, who are all disgusted by the district’s choice to push a Pride parade event that discriminated against children who didn’t participate. Continue…

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ab6ac1 No.20989839

File: df38a63bfac6dda⋯.png (1.43 MB,1296x730,648:365,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f99c979800c5fd7⋯.png (308.98 KB,617x741,617:741,ClipboardImage.png)

Rob Schneider Truth Comedy Act Cut Short At Hospital Fundraiser In Regina | What’s the Deal with Dying on Stage Suddenly!!! Amirite?


Legendary funnyman Rob Schneider was booed and yanked off stage during a recent gig for a hospital fundraiser in Regina, Canada.

The former cast member of SNL was invited to the celebratory gala, but the event quickly turned sideways when Schneider, an outspoken critic of the COVID-19 vaccines and woke ideology, made jokes that didn’t align with the Hospitals of Regina Foundation’s DIE mandate.

Somebody better prescribe these folx a transitioned sense of humor!

My insider hosers in the Great White North dish that the journeyman comedian made truth gags about the insane trans agenda and the equally bizarre COVID-19 vaccines before organizers pulled the plug.

My guess is that Rob didn’t know doctors have the power to MAID your ass up in Communist Canada. Hopefully he made it home safe.

Schneider, who has become an anti-woke folk hero over his based tweets and comedy, has seen a major resurgence in popularity since his initial international fame with the Deuce Bigelow franchise.

Although the quipster had vowed to avoid Canada after they celebrated a literal Nazi in Parliament—as reported by GWU! last fall—I for one am glad he made an exception and hope he continues knocking some sense into those Hoser Sheeple soon.

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ab6ac1 No.20989898

File: 31af9a42077e0fc⋯.png (907.25 KB,810x500,81:50,ClipboardImage.png)

Top Canadian university posts job listing that excludes white heterosexual men


The University of British Columbia says the new job is 'restricted to members of the following federally designated groups: people with disabilities, indigenous people, racialized people, women, and people from minoritized gender identity groups.' Continue…

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ab6ac1 No.20990190

File: 2c0aefe2726f0fc⋯.png (835.76 KB,810x500,81:50,ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: Veteran pro-lifer Linda Gibbons released from Toronto jail


A court date is scheduled for later this month after her second arrest in two weeks for silently protesting at an abortion clinic. Continue…

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ab6ac1 No.20990515

File: 455d02003fba766⋯.png (1.36 MB,1070x713,1070:713,ClipboardImage.png)

Austrian-Canadian Billionaire Accused of Sexual Assaults Dating Back to 1980s


Police have arrested a 91-year-old Austrian auto parts billionaire from Canada on sexual assault charges, and there is more than one accuser in the case.

According to Peel Regional Police, Frank Stronach was charged on Friday with five crimes, including rape, indecent assault on a woman, sexual assault, and forcible confinement, the Associated Press (AP) reported on Saturday. Continue…

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ab6ac1 No.20990984

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

UPDATED: Trudeau trashes Alberta govt as ‘ridiculous’ in surprise visit to Calgary



That’s how Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is describing Alberta’s attempts to circumvent his government’s attempts to directly fund municipalities with Bill 18.

In fact, he literally sputtered the word when he said procedural moves to legislate Ottawa out of the picture with the so-called Priorities Act were in bad faith, if not strictly illegal under the constitution.

“For the provinces to then say we have to legislate so the federal government never spends on municipalities again? That's ridiculous,” he stammered.

And though he admitted municipal governments are under provincial authority under the Constitution, he said denying the federal government the right to support municipalities was essentially unconstitutional. Without naming Alberta Premier Danielle Smith by name, he said “certain governments” want to siphon tax dollars from Ottawa without any of the accompanying accountability for how they’re spent.

He also said it was undermining his attempts to address the housing crisis.

“In Alberta, the provincial government has decided that not only do they not want to to the federal government to be investing in their municipalities, it should be illegal for the federal government to invest in their municipalities. It's not like they're planning on replacing that lost revenue from the federal government. That'd be an entirely different story. That's going in the wrong direction.”

Trudeau reportedly flew directly from D-Day ceremonies in Normandy, France to address the Canadian Municipalities Conference — one of the largest in the country — which he has done every year since 2015.

None of the 3,000 or so delegates even knew he was coming. Neither did media, which were only notified of his itinerary less than hour before he showed. Conference organizers said it was his decision to attend, not theirs.

Inside staff admitted all the hush-hush secrecy was due to concerns over protests. And indeed, there was a heavy police presence on Stephen Avenue outside the Telus convention centre before his motorcade arrived.

But it was mostly friendly territory for the PM at the conference, which was hosted by Calgary Mayor Jyoti Gondek and sponsored by labour groups including the Canadian Labour Congress, among others.

However, he was heckled and even booed at several points, when asked about the carbon tax and why he hasn’t visited the Peace River oil sands region.

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ab6ac1 No.20992304

File: d6454f53a9ab780⋯.png (1.01 MB,1200x679,1200:679,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dee6bbb9f0f0f45⋯.png (821.84 KB,640x751,640:751,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c52b6f4f5752e23⋯.png (759.92 KB,640x511,640:511,ClipboardImage.png)

Infant's remains found in remote Manitoba as RCMP searches for two missing females


The unidentified remains of an infant discovered on a rural Manitoba Interlake property are being investigated by RCMP.

In another case, to date seven people — male and female — have been arrested in connection with a woman left with “life-altering” injuries after being held against her will, beaten, and assaulted for days on a Manitoba First Nation.

And searches continue for the mysterious disappearance of a 29-year-old Winnipeg woman and a missing 13-year-old Portage la Prairie girl.

The infant’s remains were discovered in the rural municipality of Grahamdale, 200 km northwest of Winnipeg.

Gypsumville RCMP responded to a report of the remains at 7:30 p.m. Monday, RCMP said in a news release Friday.

Investigators launched an area search assisted by the RCMP major crime services, forensic identification services, police dog services, search and rescue, and a forensic anthropology team.

Meanwhile, RCMP continue to search for two more unidentified suspects in what is believed to have been a targeted attack on a 34-year-old woman found outside Kinosao Sipi Cree Nation. Continue…

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4f6f77 No.20993533

The real reason Boeing is in the news


In short, China wants Boeing out.In short, China wants Boeing out.

China’s new knock-off passenger jet is waiting for approval as a replacement for the Boeing 737, and the Biden administration is only too willing to help the Chinese by demonizing an American manufacturer, with national security implications. As major media report, “Boeing’s crisis may open a gap for Chinese jets to fly through.” With a Trump presidency, this would not have happened, and it’s another reason why the DNC and its China-first allies want Trump permanently sidelined.In short, China wants Boeing out.

China’s new knock-off passenger jet is waiting for approval as a replacement for the Boeing 737, and the Biden administration is only too willing to help the Chinese by demonizing an American manufacturer, with national security implications. As major media report, “Boeing’s crisis may open a gap for Chinese jets to fly through.” With a Trump presidency, this would not have happened, and it’s another reason why the DNC and its China-first allies want Trump permanently sidelined.

China’s new knock-off passenger jet is waiting for approval as a replacement for the Boeing 737, and the Biden administration is only too willing to help the Chinese by demonizing an American manufacturer, with national security implications. As major media report, “Boeing’s crisis may open a gap for Chinese jets to fly through.” With a Trump presidency, this would not have happened, and it’s another reason why the DNC and its China-first allies want Trump permanently sidelined. Continue…

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c2e507 No.20993759

File: 056e496114d27bb⋯.png (2.12 MB,1600x900,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 987e630acc4d209⋯.png (126.29 KB,640x344,80:43,ClipboardImage.png)

Law Professor Dr. Francis Boyle, Who Drafted the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act, Claims COVID-19 mRNA Injections are Weapons of Mass Destruction in New Affidavit


Dr. Francis Boyle, a Harvard-trained professor and the architect of the 1989 Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act, which was unanimously approved by both Houses of the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President George H.W. Bush, has issued an affidavit declaring COVID-19 mRNA vaccines as biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction, Dr. Joseph Sansone first reported. Continue…

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c2e507 No.20993771

File: e61a5ac76f3af35⋯.png (658.39 KB,1023x576,341:192,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 649fa71f5bfd951⋯.png (753.68 KB,1199x771,1199:771,ClipboardImage.png)

MADNESS: Germany Declines Taliban Offer to Repatriate Afghan Migrants Convicted of Heinous Crimes


The German government has declined an offer from the Taliban to repatriate Afghan migrants convicted of crimes on the grounds that it would indicate recognition of the Islamist regime.

The offer from the Taliban government follows the murder of a police officer by an Afghan national in a senseless knife attack in the southwest city of Manheim. Continue…

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c2e507 No.20993787

File: e56b555dae43bed⋯.png (2.08 MB,1600x900,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

WATCH: Argentina’s Javier Milei Vows To Replace Statism With Capitalism: ‘I Love Being the Mole Within the State. I Am the One Who Destroys the State From Within’


Argentine President Javier Milei continues to make waves wherever he goes, and is leading by example, putting his money where his mouth is.

It has just arisen that Argentina’s social security body accepted Milei’s request to give up his future retirement as former president, as the country’s legislation would award him.

Milei wrote: “I hereby express my unshakable decision not to exercise the right to privileged retirement conferred by the lifelong monthly benefits regime provided for in article one of Law No. 24,018.” Continue…

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c2e507 No.20993801

File: 6a70e73e8294509⋯.png (1.18 MB,1600x900,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

FDA Expands Approval for RSV Vaccine, Now Available for Adults Over 50


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently approved an expansion of a respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for use in at-risk adults over the age of 50.

Manufactured by British multinational pharmaceutical and biotechnology company GSK, this vaccine is the first to be approved for adults aged 50–59, targeting a virus known for causing severe respiratory issues, particularly in older adults and those with pre-existing health conditions. Continue…

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c2e507 No.20993854

File: 2bc579c3f5066b0⋯.png (738.46 KB,1169x596,1169:596,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c340950ee90829c⋯.png (306.77 KB,560x373,560:373,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a959cc429ed2df⋯.png (571.61 KB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Legendary Apollo 8 Astronaut William Anders Dies in Plane Crash at 90 (VIDEO)


Legendary Apollo 8 astronaut William Anders died in a plane crash northwest of Seattle on Friday.

He was 90 years old.

Bill Anders took the iconic “Earthrise” photo during his 1968 orbit around the moon.

A bystander got footage of Anders’ plane nose-diving between Orcas and Jones Islands.

According to reports, Anders was the only pilot on the plane at the time of the crash.

WATCH: Continue…

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c2e507 No.20993871

File: ac5033d8c842392⋯.png (231.73 KB,636x358,318:179,ClipboardImage.png)

Dire Warning From Economist Jim Rickards: ‘Are They Trying to Start a Nuclear War?’


Says Leo: Must-read article I hope everyone will share with their sleeping friends and family members; If our people knew how close we are to nuclear war they would be in the streets demanding peace talks now! Continue…

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c2e507 No.20993974

File: 254fa391293f81f⋯.png (258.46 KB,608x743,608:743,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f60165786ef84d0⋯.png (910.64 KB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 56c477a22242854⋯.png (38.93 KB,615x337,615:337,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 19d60722f182f95⋯.png (56.9 KB,612x412,153:103,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 51d91a4886995de⋯.png (92.47 KB,607x756,607:756,ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk Doubles Down Attacks on Serial Liar Fauci: “You’re All Beagles to me Anyway… Crimes Against Humanity”


Elon Musk has launched another fierce attack on Dr. Anthony Fauci, this time accusing him of committing “crimes against humanity” in a tweet posted on X Saturday.

Musk shared a tweet on Saturday featuring an image of Fauci likened to a mugshot with the caption, “You’re All Beagles to Me Anyway… Crimes Against Humanity.” Continue…

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c2e507 No.20994033

File: 53d059888bd207e⋯.png (241.64 KB,500x286,250:143,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f2a15d23b436076⋯.png (111.94 KB,433x325,433:325,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ba9017a1dad8b0⋯.png (502.68 KB,600x370,60:37,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b9bfbdc9c49582⋯.png (1.66 MB,1049x1880,1049:1880,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8ef291c6a0db88⋯.png (920.58 KB,1242x1909,54:83,ClipboardImage.png)

The Cold Wars (Almost) No One Wants


The Push For A New Cold War

As we mentioned in a post last week ("Stopping The Sleep Walk Into World War III"), Western leaders have been increasingly hawkish toward Russia. To the extent that there's been some pushback from the foreign policy establishment, it hasn't been against continuing a new cold war against Russia, but on fomenting one with China. Continue…

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c2e507 No.20994067

File: 881574faa16f84d⋯.png (329.3 KB,460x284,115:71,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 289cdcdf865570c⋯.png (277.41 KB,299x360,299:360,ClipboardImage.png)

From Bloody Biden Head To Code Pink 'War Criminal' Display, White House Protest Gets Heated


Update (2000ET): Thousands of demonstrators surrounded the White House on Saturday to protest President Joe Biden's response to Israel's military strikes on Gaza.

Chants of "Free Palestine!", "Genocide is our red line", and "Israel bombs, your taxes pay" could be heard from protesters - many of whom were bussed in from over two dozen cities.

Footage posted on X shows protesters getting rowdy as police attempted to make an arrest. As a crowd chants, "Let her go!" officers deployed pepper spray (at 17 seconds). Continue…

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c2e507 No.20994090

File: 770f09b54eb1309⋯.png (182.46 KB,455x633,455:633,ClipboardImage.png)

"Damage Control Underway": Cargo Ship Hit By Missile In Gulf Of Aden In Suspected Attack By Houthi Rebels


More than six months since the Biden administration launched Operation Prosperity Guardian to defend the critical maritime chokepoint Bab al-Mandab Strait from Iran-backed Houthis and ensure freedom of navigation in the Red Sea, we're witnessing yet another alarming development. Late Saturday, rebels targeted a Western-linked cargo ship with missiles. This underscores the ongoing threat to the shipping lane and the utter failure of Biden's disastrous foreign policies.

AP News cites a report from private security firm Ambrey, which said the Antigua and Barbuda-flagged cargo ship in the Gulf of Aden was struck by a missile on its forward station, sparking a fire. A second missile missed the vessel, and rebels "on board small boats in the vicinity opened fire on the ship during the incident," the security firm said, adding no crew on the vessel was hurt in the attack. Continue…

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c2e507 No.20994118

File: 84bc32c3a9c40e3⋯.png (336.71 KB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

The Global Gulf In Organ Donation Rates


Data from the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and Health Care (EDQM) shows that Spain came out on top for the highest rates of organ donors in 2022, with 47 deceased donors per million population, respectively. Continue…

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c2e507 No.20994147

File: 35034ff228c1125⋯.png (909.09 KB,1067x545,1067:545,ClipboardImage.png)

US Ambassador Slams Hungary For Relying On Russian Energy, But US Remains Huge Buyer Of Russian Uranium


Taking his cue from Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó’s recent visit to the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, U.S. Ambassador to Hungary David Pressman used the occasion to launch yet another attack on Hungary’s conservative government. Continue…

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c2e507 No.20994196

File: febae3cefa15966⋯.png (881.03 KB,800x600,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Next Month's NATO Summit Might See Most Members Joining The "Military Schengen"


NATO logistics chief Lt. Gen. Alexander Sollfrank is responsible for last November’s “military Schengen” proposal, which bore fruit in February after Germany, the Netherlands, and Poland – the last of which has comprehensively subordinated itself to Berlin – agreed to optimize their military logistics.

This is intended to streamline the dispatch of emergency American military forces to the Russian border via the Dutch port of Rotterdam and the next two countries’ rail systems in the event of a major crisis.

The Telegraph updated their audience about Sollfrank’s brainchild on Tuesday a little more than a month before the next NATO Summit in DC from 9-11 July in their article detailing how “Nato land corridors could rush US troops to front line in event of European war”.

It included a handy map showing the five corridors that are being relied on to this end, with the most prominent being the abovementioned Dutch-German-Polish one. Continue…

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c2e507 No.20994238

File: 57c69a0039a8388⋯.png (389.86 KB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

These Are The World's Biggest Mining Nations


China was the world’s biggest extractor of domestic materials in 2023, according to the UNEP’s Global Material Flows Database. The country extracted a total of 34.2 billion tonnes of materials, including biomass, fossil fuels, metal ores, and non-metallic minerals. This is more than four times the amount of either of the next two largest extractors: India (8.03 billion tonnes) and the United States (7.98 billion tonnes). India overtook the United States for the first time to become the second largest extractor of these materials in 2023.

As Statista's Anna Fleck shows in the chart below, when looking at the domestic extraction of materials per capita, then a very different picture emerges: Australia rises to the top, with 102 tonnes of materials extracted per capita followed by Canada with 67 tonnes per capita, and only then by China at 24 tonnes per capita in 2023. Continue…

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c2e507 No.20994251

File: cc3704cd54e2562⋯.png (1.09 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

As House debate begins, Liberals defend online harms bill as necessary to fight extremism


The debate surrounding the Liberals’ online hate law ranged from outright rejection of Bill C-63 to a desire to have the bill split into multiple parts.

Parliamentarians began debating Bill C-63, the Online Harms Act, on Friday. The Conservatives called the bill “irremediable,” while other parties wanted the bill reformed.

The Liberal justice minister, Arif Virani, said the bill was a “measured approach” to an “alarming spike in extremism” and a response to a growing number of Canadians who are “pleading for relief from online hate.”

He said the bill was essential to protecting potential victims, such as Amanda Todd, a 15-year-old British Columbia girl who killed herself after being a victim of cyberbullying.

“It enhances free expression by empowering all people to safely participate in online debate,” Virani said. He said the rise of extremism and hate crimes was evidence that “online dangers do not remain online,” and should therefore be regulated. Continue…

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c2e507 No.20994279

File: 631f2b1503ba2f3⋯.png (1.53 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Patty Hajdu claims common expression is “violent language”


Liberal MP Patty Hajdu attempted to have the Speaker force a Conservative MP to apologize after he used the common metaphor “ammunition” in reference to having a strong argument.

Hajdu claimed that the rhetorical phrase was “violent language” after Conservative MP Rick Perkins said, “Thanks for the ammunition” in the House of Commons

Perkins commented in response to the Liberal House Leader Steven Mackinnon evading questions regarding an ongoing ethics investigation.

Conservative MP Dane Lloyd was grilling Mackinnon about the “Other Randy” scandal. Continue…

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c2e507 No.20994602

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Conservative motion compelling CBC to show Oilers Stanley Cup playoff games fails


Canadian hockey fans might have to visit a sports bar or pay to watch the upcoming Stanley Cup playoffs featuring the Oilers thanks to the Liberals, NDP and Bloc Quebecois.

Conservative MP Rachael Thomas proposed a motion at a Canadian heritage committee meeting on Friday which would force the CBC to broadcast the final games of the Stanley Cup playoffs.

The Conservatives and one NDP MP, Niki Ashton, were the only ones to support calling on CBC to show the Edmonton Oilers play in the Stanley Cup Finals.

“The CBC chose not to broadcast the Edmonton Oilers game that sent them to the Stanley Cup Finals. The committee calls on the CBC to commit to broadcasting all Stanley Cup Final games and report this finding to the House. That is my motion that I wish to move on behalf of all Canadians so that they can watch the Stanley Cup,” said Thomas. Continue…

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7679cb No.20995647

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Castreau’s Cuban Canada, SHEINBAUM New Mexican Puppet and the Bird Flu Gonna Give It To Ya


Satan Klaus’ brand new World Order puppets, more schweet vaxxx karma, and reaching the half-century mark for Climate Armageddon.

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7679cb No.20995960

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

EyesIsWatching #145 - Excess Deaths, Hyperinflation, AI Hospitals, Climate Change Vaccines


Vindication is here. Mainstream media finally links excess deaths to COVID vaccines, putting Fauci in the hot seat. Hyperinflation looms as the WHO reports the first fatal bird flu case in Mexico. NATO troops surround Russia while Biden shits himself on camera, again. Trudeau spews hypocritical rhetoric, all while enforcing the depopulation agenda. With hyperinflation and societal implosion on the horizon, the elite tighten their grip through digital currencies and surveillance. Oh and make sure to get vaccinated against the weather. Welcome to the New World Order.

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7679cb No.20996242

File: 6ea2b1a239dbe35⋯.png (1.67 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Federal exec deletes hundreds of Arrivescam emails, blames ‘unfortunate computer error’


‘I needed to change my laptop because the battery in my current one is failing,’ testified Minh Doan, former chief information officer for the Canada Border Services Agency. ‘When transferring files from my old computer to my new one, files were corrupted and emails were lost.’ Continue…

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7679cb No.20996312

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Quebec launches helpline for politicians experiencing harassment


According to the CBC, almost 10% of Quebec politicians have left public life since 2021.

On Friday's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Ezra took a look at a recent story from the CBC about Quebec launching a helpline for politicians who feel they are suffering from harassment.

Hundreds of Quebec politicians have left public life since 2021, according to the CBC, leading to the creation of the hotline to connect them with psychological support.

While politicians complain of harassment, life is still tough for the non-political class. "Grocery shopping is more expensive than ever, the carbon tax means that gasoline and everything that uses gasoline is more expensive," said Ezra. "And then there's the non-financial stuff. Crime is nuts. Out of control immigration is stressing everything, from hospitals to traffic and housing."

"And then there's the cultural things, like the fact that Trudeau is in love with terrorists and those who support them, at least that's how it looks. And at the same time, he's pushing a culture of death on Canadians, both through assisted suicide and by legalizing hard drugs."

But politicians are definitely the people we should be working to protect, right?

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7679cb No.20997865

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LEAKED EMAIL: Scientist Working On Mysterious Brain Disease Was “CUT OFF” For “POLITICAL” Reasons!!!


A leading federal scientist claimed he wasn't allowed to keep investigating a mystery neurological illness that made hundreds of people sick in New Brunswick, according to a leaked email!

Dr. Michael Coulthart, who is the head of the Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Surveillance System, wrote last October that he had been "essentially cut off" from working on the file at the public health level for reasons he could "only discern to be political." He said he was worried there are more than 200 people experiencing unexplained neurological decline.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth continues his coverage of this mystery disease of a “mysterious origin” that continues to plague the people of New Brunswick!

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dfef04 No.20998672


That would only delete the emails stored on his laptop

Emails are stored & downloaded from a server

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7679cb No.20999337

File: 86829dcf1639899⋯.png (878.94 KB,1053x624,27:16,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9c5318db5761a9f⋯.png (63.45 KB,680x402,340:201,ClipboardImage.png)

Sacré Bleu! – Marine Le Pen Trounces Emanuel Macron EU Elections – Macron Calls for Snap Election Later This Month


Marine Le Pen’s far right party defeated Emanuel Macron’s EU Elections on Sunday.

Le Pen’s party is winning 32% of the vote.

The peasants revolted!

Via Sundance: Continue…

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7679cb No.20999386

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Democrat Gov. Whitmer Conveniently Loses Her Connection as CNN’s Dana Bash Asks Her About Hunter Biden’s Criminal Gun Trial (VIDEO)


Michigan’s Democrat Governor and Biden campaign co-chair Gretchen Whitmer appeared on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday to discuss the 2024 election.

Whitmer conveniently lost her connection as CNN’s Dana Bash asked her about Hunter Biden’s criminal gun trial. Continue…

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7679cb No.20999430

File: e4eabfdc29a3c82⋯.png (1.42 MB,1080x720,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Court Rules Meta Must Face Lawsuit Over Fraudulent Ads


Facebook parent company Meta must face a lawsuit over claims it breached its terms of service by soliciting fraudulent advertisements from Chinese companies, a federal appeals court has ruled. Continue…

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7679cb No.20999525

File: 40c8e81bf178206⋯.png (305.23 KB,677x379,677:379,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bec356017daec34⋯.png (115.72 KB,700x398,350:199,ClipboardImage.png)

Ukraine Claims First-Ever Fighter Jet Strike On Russian Territory


Ukraine is touting that it has launched a successful airstrike by fighter jet inside Russian territory, Sky News is reporting, which is a significant first of the conflict. An unidentified Ukrainian military source described to the UK outlet that an air-launched missile strike was conducted inside Russia's Belgorod region Sunday, hitting a "Russian command node".

Sky News raised the likelihood that a Western-supplied missile was used in the attack, highlighting that it comes soon after Western allies including the US greenlighted Kiev's use of NATO-supplied munitions to attack inside Russia. Continue…

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7679cb No.20999604

File: 8167f9f725261ec⋯.png (1.37 MB,1096x1420,274:355,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8f8d49709c4b8c⋯.png (2.08 MB,1280x960,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 11536b6222d1f7d⋯.png (2.58 MB,960x1280,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 99c84c77238a583⋯.png (1.34 MB,1280x577,1280:577,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f0bce2622616f5⋯.png (2.55 MB,960x1280,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

New Images Reveal Houthi Missile Damage To Oaktree's Previously-Owned Bulk Carrier


For the first time, shocking new images have surfaced on social media, revealing the extensive damage to the previously owned US bulk carrier "True Confidence." This vessel was engulfed in flames following a missile attack by Iranian-backed Houthis earlier this year.

On March 6, Houthis fired an anti-ship ballistic missile that hit the vessel. The US military's Central Command (Centcom) confirmed the attack, releasing two images of the heavily damaged bulker. Continue…

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7679cb No.20999654

File: 4bc40cd3dba0634⋯.png (3 MB,1200x1668,100:139,ClipboardImage.png)

These Are The 15 Most Valuable Bitcoin Addresses


A Bitcoin address is a unique identifier consisting of 26 to 62 alphanumeric characters used to receive bitcoins.

These addresses serve as the destination for transactions on the Bitcoin network, ensuring that funds are sent to the correct recipient.

This graphic, via Visual Capitalist's Marcus Lu, ranks the 15 most valuable Bitcoin addresses globally as of May 2024, based on BitInfoCharts’ Bitcoin Rich List. Continue…

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7679cb No.20999698

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Croo Resigns: Left-Wing Belgian Prime Minister Out Amidst Populist Revolt In Europe


'''Populism is back on the menu in Europe.

After a crushing defeat in France during Sunday's European elections, causing French President Emmanuel Macron to dissolve the French parliament and announce new elections in June and July, Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo has announced his resignation after a similar wave of populist / nationalist parties swept up votes in the bloc-wide election. Continue…

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7679cb No.20999783

File: 684bc0545994a33⋯.png (1.94 MB,1135x757,1135:757,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b073a530238faf⋯.png (1.39 MB,1135x757,1135:757,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bb7649dc7ddda09⋯.png (1.85 MB,1135x757,1135:757,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 98c5ba58bb40693⋯.png (229.77 KB,1135x757,1135:757,ClipboardImage.png)

With Two Regional Wars, Does Security In Indo-Pacific Hang In Balance?


When the White House released its second Indo-Pacific strategy in February 2022, senior officials said “no region will be more vital to the United States in the future and that American security and prosperity fundamentally depend on that of the Indo-Pacific.”

Two weeks later, Russia invaded Ukraine. Then, last October, Hamas attacked Israel. In late May, the United States and Germany allowed Ukraine to strike targets on Russian soil using weapons they supply. Anticipating the move from the United States and other NATO countries, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned that a third world war has “crept up unnoticed.”

The United States is simultaneously entangled in escalated conflicts in all three security fronts—Europe, the Middle East, and the Indo-Pacific—and the nexus of foreign adversaries—China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea—is coming together like never before. Continue…

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7679cb No.20999840

File: e86ce5ff6879106⋯.png (85.62 KB,514x410,257:205,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e4ab0850d89dfc⋯.png (50.22 KB,731x413,731:413,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 862ec503719eb23⋯.png (66.24 KB,733x422,733:422,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 211b46f192539c3⋯.png (1.74 MB,1280x670,128:67,ClipboardImage.png)

Bird Flu Triggers Supply Chain Snarls In Dairy Industry As "Farmers Increasingly Culled Cows"


The latest US Department of Agriculture data shows bird flu has infected at least 80 dairy herds across ten states. There are growing concerns about rising cow mortalities from the virus and the risk of farmers culling cows to stop the spread. This could ignite economic stress across the farm belt and unleash a supply shock. Continue…

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7679cb No.20999858

File: eed1087cd9e1644⋯.png (292.71 KB,540x304,135:76,ClipboardImage.png)

Von der Leyen vows to continue ‘pro-Ukraine’ policies


European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has announced that the bloc will continue on a “pro-Ukraine path,” after her centrist faction was projected to remain the largest group in the EU Parliament following bloc-wide elections. Right-wing parties, however, are predicted to inflict crushing defeats on the ruling coalitions in France and Germany. Continue…

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7679cb No.20999900

File: bab28013b1b2e96⋯.png (243.11 KB,540x304,135:76,ClipboardImage.png)

Western war hawks want Ukraine’s resources – Orban


Victory for Kiev would allow its foreign backers to exploit and take over its economy, the Hungarian PM has claimed

Western countries want Kiev to achieve victory in the conflict with Russia, because it would give them the opportunity to “acquire and divide” Ukraine’s wealth, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has warned. Continue…

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7679cb No.20999931

BREAKING WW3 Info News: Russian warships along with nuclear powered submarines have arrived in the port of Havana, Cuba

Russia will conduct heightened naval and air activity near the USA. These actions will culminate in a global Russian naval exercise this fall - US Official

Keep always informed

Subscribe to @Intelsky 💫



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7679cb No.21000023

File: 4f770e1111c8910⋯.png (3.84 MB,1536x1536,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

ISIS makes ‘lone wolves’ threat to Paris 2024 Olympics with chilling mock-up of Eiffel Tower being attacked by drone


Islamic terror outfit ISIS has threatened chilling attacks on the upcoming Paris Olympics in an appalling poster message.

The death cult posted a propaganda image showing one of its terrorists seemingly flying an “armed drone” to attack the iconic Eiffel Tower.

The poster, pushed by ISIS-linked social media channels, was captioned: “Lone wolves’ Olympics have begun with the Will of Allah.” Continue…

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7679cb No.21000128

File: f23a54ecc037c2e⋯.png (1.75 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Canada can save $32 billion by eliminating interprovincial trade barriers: report


Cutting red tape for trade across provinces could save taxpayers much-needed funding.

Canada stands to gain around $32 billion a year worth of savings by eliminating interprovincial trade barriers, according to a new report from the Fraser Institute.

The report, published on Thursday, said that interprovincial trade barriers add between 8% to 14.5% to the prices of goods and services in Canada and contribute to slower economic productivity growth.

“Barriers to trade and labour mobility also contribute to slower productivity growth from foregone economies of scale and scope (among other factors), which roughly doubled the overall cost of those barriers,” reads the report. Continue…

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7679cb No.21000217

File: 23891c7367a7404⋯.png (1.01 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bec3a557ba22f56⋯.png (566.9 KB,1200x710,120:71,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4dc6b2bd893ef40⋯.png (624.79 KB,728x410,364:205,ClipboardImage.png)

File: db9fce94a224b40⋯.png (475.44 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

June 10 - Populist EU Backlash May Derail War Plan


"H5N1": Canadian Food Inspection Agency still can't find valid evidence that Bird Flu exists



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7679cb No.21000251

File: cd29b9674c6eccc⋯.png (889.28 KB,805x494,805:494,ClipboardImage.png)

Pope Francis to meet with pro-abortion comedians Stephen Colbert, Whoopi Goldberg, Jimmy Fallon


The Vatican invited numerous pro-abortion and pro-LGBT ‘comedians’ to meet with Pope Francis on Friday, including Tig Notaro, a lesbian in a homosexual ‘marriage,’ and Jim Gaffigan, who took his children to a New York ‘pride parade,’ as well as Father James Martin. Continue…

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7679cb No.21000673

File: 63844de9dcad0da⋯.png (772.85 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

PHAC plans to stockpile bird flu vaccines


The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) says it is “proactively” speaking with vaccine manufacturers to get a hold of bird flu vaccines to prepare for the event of a global bird flu pandemic.

According to Health Canada’s website, Canada currently has no avian influenza vaccines, but this will likely change shortly.

Speaking to Global News, one PHAC official said, “The Public Health Agency of Canada has proactively met with pandemic influenza vaccine suppliers (e.g., GSK, Seqirus and Sanofi) with whom we have an agreement for domestic or off-shore vaccine manufacturing to discuss pandemic influenza vaccine preparedness activities in order to inform steps that could be taken against avian influenza.”

“These activities include obtaining an H5N1 candidate vaccine virus and the possibility of producing pre-pandemic vaccine if and when production capacity is freed up from producing the seasonal influenza vaccines.”

Health Canada has also already begun establishing measures and recommendations for possible outbreaks, mirroring many of the protocols seen during the COVID lockdowns.

These measures include self-isolation, active reporting to authorities, and contact tracing, whether for animal-to-human cases of infection or human-to-human.

They further state they are actively monitoring all possible outbreaks and cases within the country, both human and animal. Continue…

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7679cb No.21000774

File: 907413b016d08f4⋯.png (1.47 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ddd2bfa6c415ff5⋯.png (1.45 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Historic Toronto church containing Group of Seven artwork burns down


Police are investigating after a historic church in Toronto containing artwork by Canada’s famous Group of Seven was completely destroyed by a fire on Sunday.

St. Anne’s Anglican Church, in Toronto’s Little Portugal neighbourhood was constructed between 1907 and 1908.

The church was designated as a national historic site in 1996 and was given heritage protection by the City of Toronto that same year.

Toronto police arrived on the scene around 8am on Sunday morning and found the church “fully engulfed in flames.” No one was injured by the fire.

“The building is completely destroyed right now, as are all the artifacts inside,” Deputy Fire Chief Jim Jessop told reporters. Continue…

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c8f38b No.21000784


Don't forget the part about getting kicked out of Africa



Nigerien Prime Minister Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeine pulled no punches in explaining the country’s decision to expel U.S. forces: “The Americans stayed on our soil, doing nothing while the terrorists killed people and burned towns. It is not a sign of friendship to come on our soil but let the terrorists attack us.” He went on to single out what he saw as the “condescending tone and a lack of respect” shown by a high level U.S. delegation that visited the country in mid-March. According to Zeine, Nigerien officials were insulted not only by the tone of U.S. messaging but also by demands to limit security ties with Russia and threats to impose sanctions if Niger sold uranium to Iran.

Although self-serving in many ways, Zeine’s accusations reflect an already strained relationship between the United States and Niger. This was partly linked to Washington ending security assistance after the country’s July 2023 coup and the junta’s unwillingness to accede to regional and international demands to step down.Nonetheless the root causes of the U.S. failure in Niger run deeper. The end of the U.S. military presence in Niger is above all the result of political and social dynamics driven by the American and wider Western presence there.

This reflects a broader problem in developing security partnerships with politically fragile regimes. Large influxes of security assistance can inadvertently erode the legitimacy of local state authority, reinforcing favorable conditions for coup-making. Indeed, if U.S. authorities move forward with plans to substantially expand security relationships with coastal West African states, they may face similar results.

No Longer Welcome

On April 24, the State Department announced the final decision to withdrawal U.S. forces from Niger. According to a May 19 joint announcement made by the Defense Department and Nigerien Defense Ministry, U.S. troops will complete their pullout by Sept. 15. These forces, numbering just under 650 troops, will also hand over key installations, including an expensive drone base in the northern town of Agadez. This follows the Nigerien junta’s unilateral abrogation of a 2013 status of forces agreement that served as the legal basis for U.S. military activities in the country.

The move is both embarrassing for the United States and a minor strategic setback. Niger had, at least until the July 2023 coup against former President Mohamed Bazoum, served as America’s main regional intelligence hub. However, the move should not have come as a surprise. It follows the junta’s expulsion of the roughly 1,500 French forces deployed in the country to help fight jihadist groups, and Niamey’s very public rapprochement with Russia. In both respects, the junta has followed the examples of those in Burkina Faso and Mali, which both compelled French forces to leave, with Mali further expelling a major U.N. peacekeeping operation last year.

The arrival of Russian military personnel in Niger has fed a narrative emphasizing growing Russian regional influence. Washington will likely see this in Cold War terms as a Russian success, with the deployment of Russian soldiers or mercenaries to the same base hosting U.S. forces in Niamey viewed as an additional humiliation.



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c8f38b No.21000879


If bird flu is suddenly transmissible to humans then who did the Gain of Function research on it?

Since when is bird flu fatal?

How do they plan on testing to tell if it's bird flu, regular flu, or the mighty covid?

How much of taxpayer money per dose of the "free" vaccine?

What is the trigger point for the lockdowns that finish off the small businesses still reeling from the previous scamdemic?

Maybe if enough of the truth has gotten out about the clot shots they will just use these "vaccines" on the chickens themselves?

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7679cb No.21000998

File: db248c0a6d9b04c⋯.png (2.24 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Trudeau government purchases Ottawa building from PM's close friend


The property registered to 148-152 Sparks St., is partially owned by Tim Pitfield, a personal friend of the prime minister.

The Trudeau government has greenlit a decision by the National Capital Commission (NCC) to purchase a piece of real estate in downtown Ottawa that is owned partially by a friend of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

In May, the Privy Council Office published an order-in-council approving the NCC's plan to purchase the building which sits just blocks away from Parliament Hill.

The property registered to 148-152 Sparks St., is partially owned by Tim Pitfield, a personal friend of the prime minister.

The Prime Minister's Office deferred questions about the purchase to a spokesperson from Public Services and Procurement Canada. They claimed that Trudeau was not involved in the cabinet approval of the deal.

“This Order-in-Council was submitted to the Governor in Council via the Treasury Board process and was approved,” said PSPC spokesman Guillaume Bertrand in an emailed statement to CityNews. “An acquisition of this type requires Treasury Board approval only – it does not involve the approval of the Prime Minister or at a meeting of the full Cabinet.” Continue…

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7679cb No.21001084

File: 99c0e7df696f2ad⋯.png (310.12 KB,549x309,183:103,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f43465b0357e8dc⋯.png (408.66 KB,500x427,500:427,ClipboardImage.png)

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Ukraine: Has P.M. Trudeau Succumbed to Nazi Ideology?


Is The Liberal Party Supportive of Ukraine's Neo-Nazi Party Svoboda?

This report consists of three Parts:

1. Canada’s House of Commons gives standing ovation to a man introduced as a Ukrainian “war hero”, later to discover that he served in the Nazi 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS. Hindustan Times

2. Trudeau urged to Resign, Sky News

3. Is Trudeau Supportive of Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi Party Svoboda? Global Research


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7679cb No.21001276

File: 856cac997130028⋯.png (711.17 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 01afa5274a35c9d⋯.png (1.22 MB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 935e3999f403f1e⋯.png (1.62 MB,1200x802,600:401,ClipboardImage.png)

EXCLUSIVE: May Migrant Apprehensions Exceed 3,000 in U.S.-Canadian Border Sector — Another Biden Record


Swanton Sector Border Patrol agents arrested more than 3,000 migrants in May, setting a new record for the Canadian border sector. The arrests bring this fiscal year’s total to more than 10,000 — another sector record. Continue…

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7679cb No.21001407

File: 1c6bb94d25bb8c0⋯.png (593.26 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2154bc87a8e2e4c⋯.png (748.02 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Coast Guard: Canadian Freighter Evacuated After Taking on Water in Lake Superior


A 689-foot ship began taking on water after colliding with an underwater object in Lake Superior on Saturday, the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) said.

The massive freighter, known as the Michipicoten, was carrying taconite — a low-grade iron ore — about 35 miles southwest of Michigan’s Isle Royale when it hit the obstacle, Fox News reported.

The USCG received a report at around 6:53 a.m. local time, hearing that 22 people were on board. Half needed to be evacuated “for safety,” officials said in a press release. Continue…

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7679cb No.21001722

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ukraine is a ‘gold mine’ – US senator


Allowing a Russian victory in the conflict would deprive America of access to vast mineral resources, Lindsey Graham says

Washington “cannot afford” to allow Russia to achieve victory in the Ukraine conflict as this would mean losing direct access to vast mineral assets, US Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) has said.

In an interview with ‘Face the Nation’ on CBS on Sunday, Graham accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of being a “megalomaniac” who is attempting to “re-create the Russian Empire by force of arms,” starting with Ukraine. He further claimed that if Moscow wins the current conflict, it will then take over Ukraine’s wealth and share it with China. Graham described that prospect as “ridiculous,” suggesting it would be better if this “gold mine” were available to the US instead.

“They’re sitting on 10 to $12 trillion of critical minerals in Ukraine. They could be the richest country in all of Europe… If we help Ukraine now, they can become the best business partner we ever dreamed of, that $10 to $12 trillion of critical mineral assets could be used by Ukraine and the West, not given to Putin and China,” Graham stated. Continue…

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7679cb No.21001763

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Helicopter carrying African VP missing – government


Malawi has launched a search and rescue operation

A military aircraft carrying the vice president of Malawi has vanished from radar and failed to land at its destination, the government in Lilongwe said in a statement on Monday.

Saulos Klaus Chilima and nine others were on board a Malawi Defense Force helicopter that departed from the capital on Monday morning for the northern city of Mzuzu. The flight was supposed to last only 45 minutes, but the aircraft never landed.

“All efforts by aviation authorities to make contact with the aircraft since it went off the radar have failed thus far,” presidential spokeswoman Colleen Zamba said in a statement. Continue…

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7679cb No.21001827

File: 62ad445476b487f⋯.png (230.85 KB,540x304,135:76,ClipboardImage.png)

Ukrainian officials stole $490 million meant for military – MP


Criminal proceedings are underway in relation to dozens of cases of alleged embezzlement, according to politician Mikhail Bondar

Nearly $500 million given to Kiev for the construction of defensive fortifications to repel Russia’s advance has been embezzled or stolen, media reported on Sunday, citing Mikhail Bondar, a member of the Ukrainian parliament.

Ukrainian law enforcement authorities have launched around 30 criminal proceedings linked to the embezzlement of 20 billion hryvnias ($491 million), Bondar told lawmakers at a closed-door session of the parliamentary investigative commission on fortifications, according to multiple media reports. In the absence of defensive fortifications, Russian forces have made rapid advances in the country. Continue…

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7679cb No.21001878

File: d7994b1b61b6d06⋯.png (371.31 KB,540x304,135:76,ClipboardImage.png)

Ukrainian troops selling fuel on black market – media


In some cases, up to 50% of gasoline allocated by Kiev ends up in private hands, Strana.ua has reported

The Ukrainian military is plagued by rampant fuel theft, with the authorities in Kiev prosecuting corruption mostly among the lower ranks, the outlet Strana.ua reported on Sunday, citing sources.

The website’s sources in the military called it one of the “most acute” and pervasive problems in the army, with an unnamed company commander saying that fuel has become a sort of “currency” on the front line.

According to the officer, he was told shortly after his appointment that one of his duties was to keep an “emergency supply” of fuel for his superiors, a practice he claimed was extremely popular in other units. “If you refuse to drain fuel for your superiors, you will fall out of grace, with all the ensuing consequences. The worst thing is that in case of an inspection… you will be made a scapegoat,” the source said. Continue…

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7679cb No.21002400

File: d1dc1e7a2335458⋯.png (286.71 KB,540x304,135:76,ClipboardImage.png)

Explosion rocks Polish arms plant which supplies Ukraine – media


The blast and resulting fire reportedly killed one worker and injured two others at the Mesko factory’s rocket fuel center

One person has died and two others have been injured after an explosion and fire at an arms factory in Poland which produces ammunition for Ukraine, the outlet RMF24 reported on Monday.

The blast at the Mesko plant in the southeastern Polish city of Skarzysko Kamienna occurred at its rocket fuel center, the broadcaster said on its website, citing a company official.

According to the report, a 59-year-old worker was killed when an explosion occurred in a warehouse at the center. Two other employees survived, one of whom was hospitalized with non-life threatening injuries after inhaling smoke, local authorities said.

“We have an explosion at the rocket fuel center, which was put into operation a few years ago,” the plant’s president, Elzbieta Sreniawska, told RMF24.

The fire was put out and the cause of the incident is currently being investigated, the company added.

One person has died and two others have been injured after an explosion and fire at an arms factory in Poland which produces ammunition for Ukraine, the outlet RMF24 reported on Monday.

The blast at the Mesko plant in the southeastern Polish city of Skarzysko Kamienna occurred at its rocket fuel center, the broadcaster said on its website, citing a company official.

According to the report, a 59-year-old worker was killed when an explosion occurred in a warehouse at the center. Two other employees survived, one of whom was hospitalized with non-life threatening injuries after inhaling smoke, local authorities said.

“We have an explosion at the rocket fuel center, which was put into operation a few years ago,” the plant’s president, Elzbieta Sreniawska, told RMF24.

The fire was put out and the cause of the incident is currently being investigated, the company added.

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d9c834 No.21002603

File: 24573480089641a⋯.jpg (135.41 KB,905x1280,181:256,502.jpg)

When will it click in LOL


Elon Musk


If Apple integrates OpenAI at the OS level, then Apple devices will be banned at my companies. That is an unacceptable security violation.

Rate proposed Community Notes

Elon Musk


And visitors will have to check their Apple devices at the door, where they will be stored in a Faraday cage

9:37 AM · Jun 10, 2024

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20d14c No.21003018

File: 223ecc0e5485765⋯.png (496.48 KB,843x588,281:196,ClipboardImage.png)

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University of Calgary named world’s first United Nations University hub for water


The University of Calgary has become the world’s first United Nations University hub focused on water.

The hub is a partnership between the Calgary school and the United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health, which is a think tank based in Hamilton.

United Nations University, the academic arm of the United Nations, “has chosen the University of Calgary as the home of the world’s first UNU hub,” Ed McCauley, president of the University of Calgary, told those gathered Wednesday for a signing ceremony on campus.

Read more…. https://calgary.citynews.ca/2023/12/14/university-of-calgary-united-nations-water-hub/

Critical water supply alert

On Thursday, June 6, 2024, the City of Calgary reported a water main break along 16th Avenue N.W. that has impacted the city’s water supply. Supply levels have reached a critical state, affecting the city’s ability to provide water to communities and ensure adequate water supply is available to support emergency fire suppression.

Everyone must conserve water until further notice. Please see the UCalgary news bulletin for more information.


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c0087e No.21003123

File: 41e61ed2373b163⋯.png (169.47 KB,200x453,200:453,ClipboardImage.png)

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c8f38b No.21003285

Updated Trump Trial Bun

>>20945339 Elon Musk Slams Trump’s Rigged Show Trial, Says ‘Great Damage’ Done to America’s Legal System

>>20945360 Former Hillary 2016 Donor Shaun Maguire Explains Why He Contributed $300K To Trump After Today’s Jury Announcement

>>20945389 Republican Lawmakers Release Statement Following Verdict in President Trump’s Manhattan Sham Trial

>>20945445 Megyn Kelly Goes NUCLEAR on Trump Verdict – Says Democrats ‘Will Rue The Day’ – Republicans Must Prosecute Biden, Obama and Clinton to ‘Save The Republic’

>>20945491 Jury in Merchan’s Kangaroo Court Found Trump Guilty of 34 Felonies – But DID NOT SPECIFY What Crime Trump Committed – NO ONE KNOWS!

>>20983430 Joe Rogan on the Lawfare Campaign Against Trump: ‘Scary How Many Democrats Are Willing to Allow This’

Updated China Bun

>>20945994 Chinese Battery Makers Back Out Of Germany Amidst Cooling EV Demand

>>20955774 Beijing-proxy Triad "purchased" Belize for human-smuggling into USA

>>20956546 Recent US tariffs will impact Canada’s role in the critical mineral sector

>>20966831 Biden 'Not Ruling Out' Boots On The Ground If China Invades Taiwan

>>20967467, >>20968454 Elected officials “wittingly” assisted foreign state actors, notably China and India: report

>>20967915 Unnamed country behind breach of 19 B.C. civil servants' emails

>>20968628 China Spacecraft Lands on Far Side of Moon, Collects Samples to Compete with United States

>>20977192 China pressuring Canadian media execs, journalists to manipulate news: NSICOP report

>>20983979 Who Rules The Waves? US & Chinese Fleets, By Tonnage

>>20984102 Canada Compromised, CCP Influence Heading South into the U.S. (video)

>>20984394 Liberal MP under fire for flippant “boo hoo” comment on foreign interference

>>20984754 Exposed: Parliamentary report indicates China is funding Canadian media to amplify disinformation (video)

Updated Climate Change Bun

>>20946252 Canadian MPs want ‘ecocide’ perpetrators prosecuted by International Criminal Court

>>20946417 'Wildly emotional' NDP critic says climate crisis is 'not gender neutral'

>>20951484 Liberal MP Mark Holland says families who take road trips are killing the planet

>>20960437 Majority of Canadian auto buyers say they’re not considering EV purchase

>>20960467 Majority of Canadians want carbon tax scrapped on farms

>>20967262 Liberals’ $530 million climate fund not enough to achieve targets says partner org

>>20967340 Parliamentary Budget Officer says Liberals gagged him on carbon tax

>>20971076 EU Farmers Protest Ahead of European Elections – Demonstrations Close France-Spain Border and Once Again Paralyze Brussels

>>20973657, >>20989513 WEF brags that over $100 billion was taken via carbon taxes last year

>>20977332 Canada’s climate tyranny growing; America is not far behind

>>20984434 NDP MPs want to frame Canadian oil and gas like the fight against tobacco

>>20984679 Alberta's Environment Minister condemns Ottawa's undemocratic 'gag order' on Canadian energy

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c8f38b No.21003286

Updated Covid and other Pestilence Bun

>>20946346 126 B.C. children, youth died from fatal overdoses since 2019: report

>>20951002 Scientists Announce ‘Ground-Breaking’ Cancer Vaccine — Uses Same Technology as Dodgy COVID Jabs

>>20951578 'Left to die': B.C. woman flees Canada TWICE for adequate cancer care (video)

>>20951682 Evil Providing The Path Of Least Resistance To The Weary

>>20966058 Filthy Liars at New York Times FINALLY Come Clean – Publish Op-Ed Suggesting COVID Likely Came from Wuhan Lab and Fauci Funded It

>>20967096 "I Was Offered Assisted Dying Over Cancer Treatment": Broken Canadian Healthcare System Is Killing Patients

>>20968016 Feds demand partial repayment of Arrivescam contracts in strongly worded letters

>>20974626 Trudeau’s Employment Minister pleads ignorance on mysterious texts concerning sketchy business dealings

>>20975140 Fauci testified the BOARD OF THE NIH approved the gain of function research not him. He didn't mention his wife was on that board. She is in charge of BIOETHICS

>>20976766 Here We Go: WHO Warns of New Bird Flu Strain Jumping to Humans Following Death of 59-Year-Old Man in Mexico

>>20976818 Scarf Lady is Back: Deborah Birx Proposes Weekly Testing for Millions of U.S. Cows and Dairy Workers for ‘Asymptomatic’ Bird Flu

>>20983562 New, Highly Contagious Sexually Transmitted Infection Spreading Overseas Has Arrived on U.S. Soil

>>20984067 Airline Industry Leaves COVID Turbulence Behind

>>20984169 Finland to receive first EU procured bird flu shots

>>20984413 Feds admit they were never certain COVID-19 vaccines prevented transmission

>>20984797 BC Coroner reports tragic surge in fatal overdoses, 182 in April alone

>>20985602 Mexican officials deny bird flu death, patient died of kidney failure

>>20989184 Swiss Cardiologist Calls for the Abolishment of the WHO

>>20993801 FDA Expands Approval for RSV Vaccine, Now Available for Adults Over 50

>>20996242 Federal exec deletes hundreds of Arrivescam emails, blames ‘unfortunate computer error’

>>21000673 PHAC plans to stockpile bird flu vaccines

>>20997865 LEAKED EMAIL: Scientist Working On Mysterious Brain Disease Was “CUT OFF” For “POLITICAL” Reasons (video)

>>20999840 Bird Flu Triggers Supply Chain Snarls In Dairy Industry As "Farmers Increasingly Culled Cows"

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c8f38b No.21003287

Initial Globalist Moves Bun

>>20946498 Globalists gather in Geneva to plan new pandemic treaty (video)

>>20951146 Desperate, Lying Biden May Abuse AI To Pull The Ultimate Race Hoax

>>20951538 Tam commits Canada to strengthening the World Health Organization's power

>>20956699 We went to Geneva, Switzerland to bring you the other side of the WHO pandemic treaty protest (video)

>>20960599 WHO director Tedros: ‘It’s time to be more aggressive in pushing back on anti-vaxxers’

>>20967669 WHO adopts ratifying international law amendments as Tedros strategizes pushback on 'anti-vaxxers'

>>20967706 Freedom fighters protest globalism at the World Health Organization in Geneva (video)

>>20971282 Serbian Populists Win Belgrade Elections AGAIN, to the Despair of the MSM and Globalists

>>20971725 James Lindsay takes aim at United Nations at protest in Geneva (video)

>>20971781 WHO pandemic treaty 'clearly a tremendous threat': Bret Weinstein (video)

>>20975142 McKinsey received $200 million in federal contracts, auditors decry ‘favouritism’

>>20983719 UN and WEF Will Stop at Nothing to Crush Dissenters

>>20989493 WHO pandemic treaty 'compromises freedom': Dr. Jennifer Hibberd (video)

>>20999337 Sacré Bleu! – Marine Le Pen Trounces Emanuel Macron EU Elections – Macron Calls for Snap Election Later This Month

>>21003018 University of Calgary named world’s first United Nations University hub for water in 2023

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c8f38b No.21003288

Updated Government Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Bun

>>20946326 Trudeau government sold pandemic ventilators for scrap to 'understand recycling'

>>20947261 Elderly woman trying to gift property forced to pay $40,000 capital gains tax

>>20951695 Canada’s VA avoided Good Friday message to celebrate ‘all’ March holidays

>>20962925 America's Dictator In Egypt Faces Dangerous Dilemma Over Rafah

>>20968351 Liberals awarding massive contracts with ‘glaring disregard’, auditor general reports

>>20971611 Clean tech Crown corporation blasted for questionable payments, conflicts of interest

>>20975030 Calgary councillors call for investigation in Trudeau Liberals' meddling in rezoning bylaw process (video)

>>20977167 LILLEY UNLEASHED: How many scandals can the Trudeau government have at once? (video)

>>20977279 Canadians wide open to cyberattacks due to gov’s lack of action says Auditor General

>>20984371 Employers association files landmark UN complaint against feds for labour breaches

>>20984531 Smith appoints scandal-plagued former Alberta premier to Invest Alberta board

>>20996312 Quebec launches helpline for politicians experiencing harassment

>>21000998 Trudeau government purchases Ottawa building from PM's close friend

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c8f38b No.21003290

Updated Hamas and Israel Bun

>>20946297 Vancouver synagogue attacked with “incendiary device”

>>20946311 Overnight shooting at Jewish school in Montreal (video)

>>20951190 America's Dictator In Egypt Faces Dangerous Dilemma Over Rafah

>>20951294 Houthis Report 16 Dead In Biggest Joint US-UK Airstrikes Since Gaza War Began

>>20956149 Israeli Forces Now Operating In Most Areas Of Rafah

>>20960554 Winnipeg Pride parade blockaded by pro-Palestinian queer activists

>>20966893 Fires Rage In Northern Israel After Uptick In Hezbollah Attacks

>>20967621 Justice Minister Arif Virani's office vandalized by anti-Israel radicals (video)

>>20971308 Merchant Ship Off Saudi Coast Reports "Significant Explosion" A "Short Distance" From Port Side

>>20977039 Israel Signs $3BN Deal With US For 25 F-35 Stealth Jets

>>20983822 Israeli Government Funded Covert Influence Campaign Targeting US Lawmakers: NYT

>>20988664 Israeli Girl Noa Argamani Is RESCUED by IDF Soldiers in Gaza

>>20989146 Israel-Hamas: An Information War

>>20989421 Houthis Tout Radar-Evading 'Palestine' Missile That Resembles Iranian Hypersonic

>>20994067 From Bloody Biden Head To Code Pink 'War Criminal' Display, White House Protest Gets Heated

>>20994090 "Damage Control Underway": Cargo Ship Hit By Missile In Gulf Of Aden In Suspected Attack By Houthi Rebels

>>20999604 New Images Reveal Houthi Missile Damage To Oaktree's Previously-Owned Bulk Carrier

Updated Immigration Bun

>>20946192 Ratio’d: Trudeau government to put 500,000 ILLEGALS on path to CITIZENSHIP? (video)

>>20960167 Germany Naturalized Over 200,000 Immigrants In 2023

>>20967182 Indian students in Brampton DEMAND work permit extensions at protest (video)

>>20967241 New immigration pilot program to give automatic PR to caregivers upon arrival

>>20971576 The Faulkner Show | The environmental case against mass immigration (video)

>>20971655 Francois Legault calls for “significant reduction” in “explosive” immigration

>>20985691 Canada’s unemployment continues to rise alongside immigration and part-time work

>>21001276 May Migrant Apprehensions Exceed 3,000 in U.S.-Canadian Border Sector — Another Biden Record

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c8f38b No.21003292

Updated Law and Disorder Bun

>>20951418, >>20957173 B.C. serial killer Robert Pickton dies following prison attack

>>20956791 Tommy Robinson's anti-totalitarian march and film premiere in London

>>20960134 Peter Sweden: Shocking Truth About Malmö

>>20966111 Louisiana Passes Bill Ordering Surgical Castration of Convicted Pedophiles

>>20966603 German Police Officer Rouven L. Who Was Stabbed by Islamic Assassin Dies in Hospital

>>20967739 Department of National Defence to move 1,000 employees out of office due to safety concerns

>>20971105 Hunter Biden’s Infamous Laptop Enters Court as Evidence for Gun Charges Trial — FBI Agent Confirms its Authenticity

>>20976971 Sweden Introduces Draconian 'Security Zone' In Gang-Crime Hotspot, Indiscriminate Police Powers To Search Anyone

>>20984158 El Salvador’s Nayib Bukele Describes Satanic Gang Baby-Killing Rituals to Tucker Carlson

>>20984822 Chris Carbert, Anthony Olienick trial begins: RCMP witness admits he had no contact with defendants (video)

>>20989454 Diagolon founder Jeremy Mackenzie’s final charges have been stayed

>>20990190 Veteran pro-lifer Linda Gibbons released from Toronto jail

>>20993771 Germany Declines Taliban Offer to Repatriate Afghan Migrants Convicted of Heinous Crimes

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c8f38b No.21003293

Updated Media and Censorship Bun

>>20951386 Ottawa’s Hidden Agenda: Bill C-26 Aims for Secret Surveillance Backdoors

>>20951507 LAWTON: What is the CBC trying to hide? (video)

>>20956643 Melbourne Leftists LOSE IT at Billboard Chris and Avi Yemini (video)

>>20963917 Independent publishers sign declaration opposing taxpayer bailouts of media

>>20966749 Biden Regime Indicts Epoch Times Chief Financial Officer in Alleged $67 Million ‘Money Laundering’ Scheme

>>20967317 CRTC requires online streaming services to contribute 5% of revenue to domestic broadcasting system

>>20968280 CBC promotes “Horny Newsletter” involving naked men for Pride month

>>20971692 Australia's eSafety boss sensationally drops action against Elon Musk's X

>>20974695 Toronto police demand Google delete leaked diversity training video (video)

>>20984448 CBC Kids asks if commemorating D-Day is a “celebration of violence”

>>20984653 Elections BC tells students not to call Emergencies Act “unprecedented” in disinfo guide

>>20984694 Ontario former health officer censored by CBC for critical COVID-19 opinion

>>20985026 Google inks deal with organization to dish out $100M for Canadian news companies

>>20985509 Pro-LGBT group attempts to cancel massive Canadian Evangelical Christian event

>>20985785 Meta removes anti-Pride child protection event on Instagram for supposedly “violating local law”

>>20988988 Alex Jones to Sell Infowars, Liquidate Assets to Pay Sandy Hook Families $1.5 Billion Settlement

>>20989025 Google Censors PragerU App From Play Store For ‘Hate Speech’ Over Documentary Exposing Radical Islam

>>20989839 Rob Schneider Truth Comedy Act Cut Short At Hospital Fundraiser In Regina

>>20994251 As House debate begins, Liberals defend online harms bill as necessary to fight extremism

>>20994279 Patty Hajdu claims common expression is “violent language”

>>20994602 Conservative motion compelling CBC to show Oilers Stanley Cup playoff games fails

>>20999430 Court Rules Meta Must Face Lawsuit Over Fraudulent Ads

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c8f38b No.21003295

Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun

>>20946033 Putin Expects NATO, And Possibly Poland In Particular, To Escalate The Proxy War In Ukraine

>>20946084 Biden Allows Ukraine To Use US Weapons To Attack Inside Russia In Highly Dangerous Escalation

>>20951083 Ukraine’s President Is ‘Emotional and Nervous’, With ‘Deep Anxiety’ – Instructed Officials To Criticize Biden for Skipping Peace Summit in Switzerland

>>20951129 Blinken To NATO Leaders: Ukraine Has 'Strong & Well-Lit Bridge To Membership'

>>20951216 Russia, Ukraine Swap 150 POWs In First Exchange In Months

>>20951367 First French troops on the way to Ukraine – MP

>>20956166 Is Ukraine Going Rogue Or Did It Attack Russia's Early Warning Systems With American Approval?

>>20957258 Has the Olena Zelenska Foundation Been Seizing and Selling Ukrainian Children to British, EU Pedophiles?

>>20957336 Huge anti-war rally in NATO member’s capital

>>20959880 Zelensky Now Rails Against China for Skipping ‘His’ Upcoming Peace Summit in Switzerland, Calls It ‘A Tool for Russia’

>>20960250 Macron Gathering European Coalition To Send Military Trainers To Ukraine

>>20965968 Massive Russian Strikes to the Ukrainian Energy Infrastructure Lead to Power Shutdowns in Most of the Country

>>20966013 American Army Vet Fighting as a Mercenary for Ukraine Extradited to US, Prosecuted for Murders in ‘a Three-State Crime Spree’

>>20966420 US Government Seizes Passport of Former US Marine and UN Inspector Scott Ritter — Blocks Him from Attending Event in Russia

>>20966473 WW3 WATCH: Kremlin Warns U.S. of ‘Fatal Consequences’ as Biden Greenlights Missile Strikes on Russian Mainland

>>20966920 Netherlands Joins Denmark In Saying Ukraine Can Use F-16s To Strike Inside Russia

>>20966945 What Is The Real Purpose Of The Swiss "Peace" Conference For Ukraine?

>>20966990 Floating Russian Oil Base Shifts To New Location In Mediterranean Sea

>>20967030 Italy Pipes Up Against NATO Escalation As Court Ruling Could Cut Off Russian Gas Sooner Than Expected

>>20971168 NATO Drawing Up Plans to Deploy American Soldiers to the Front Line to Potentially Fight Russia in An All-Out War

>>20971208 Democrat War Pig Proposes Automatic Registration for Wartime Draft

>>20971474 Ukraine Officers Say Recruits Arrive At Front Lines Pathetically Undertrained

>>20971546 97 Countries Prepare To Attend BRICS 2024 in June in Russia

>>20976924 US Ramps Up Rate Of Ukraine Arms Packages… What's Another $225 Million?

>>20977115 Putin: We Could Supply Long-Range Missiles To Enemies Of West In Retaliation

>>20983397 Macron To Send Zelensky French Fourth Generation Mirage Fighter Jets That Ukraine Once Dismissed as Obsolete

>>20983882 Russian Warships Steam For Caribbean As Ukraine Tensions Go Global

>>20984004 The Estonian Prime Minister Redefined The West's Terms For Victory In Ukraine

>>20984037 False Flag On The Horizon? The Strange Case Of The Destroyed Russian Nuclear Radar

>>20988897 Putin Says There’s ‘No Need’ to Use Nuclear Weapons to Win the War in Ukraine

>>20989156 French Citizen Arrested in Moscow, Pleads Guilty To ‘Failing to Register as a Foreign Agent’ While Researching Russian Military

>>20994147 US Ambassador Slams Hungary For Relying On Russian Energy, But US Remains Huge Buyer Of Russian Uranium

>>20994196 Next Month's NATO Summit Might See Most Members Joining The "Military Schengen"

>>20999525 Ukraine Claims First-Ever Fighter Jet Strike On Russian Territory

>>20999858 Von der Leyen vows to continue ‘pro-Ukraine’ policies

>>20999900 Western war hawks want Ukraine’s resources – Orban

>>20999931 Russian warships along with nuclear powered submarines have arrived in the port of Havana, Cuba

>>21001722 Ukraine is a ‘gold mine’ – US senator

>>21001827 Ukrainian officials stole $490 million meant for military – MP

>>21001878 Ukrainian troops selling fuel on black market – media

>>21002400 Explosion rocks Polish arms plant which supplies Ukraine – media

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c8f38b No.21003297

Initial Trudeau Bun

>>20951768 Jordan Peterson tears into Trudeau for backing gender ideology: ‘Worst medical scandal ever’

>>20956622 LAWTON: Trudeau’s defence policy fails to impress Americans (video)

>>20968126 Maxime Bernier chides Trudeau for shoving ‘this nonsense’ of ‘pride season’ ‘in our face’

>>20990984 Trudeau trashes Alberta govt as ‘ridiculous’ in surprise visit to Calgary

Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun

>>20946389 Ottawa cop accused of misconduct argues COVID-19 vaccines merit 'criminal negligence' investigation (video)

>>20956365 Elevated Risk Of Epilepsy, Appendicitis In Children After COVID-19 Vaccination: Study

>>20960054 Oxford University: Myocarditis and Pericarditis Only Appear After COVID Vaccination, Not After COVID Infection

>>20960694 ‘So many have died’: Former Japanese minister apologizes for COVID jab-linked deaths

>>20966165 UK’s Telegraph Comes Clean – Front Page Headline Reads “Covid Jabs May Be to Blame for Increase in Excess Deaths”

>>20967948 Supporters gather to fundraise grieving father's lawsuit against Pfizer and Health Canada after his teenage son died suddenly (video)

>>20968847 CMA president denies people with vax injury exist

>>20975178 Canadian military saw 800% spike in vaccine injuries following COVID jab rollout

>>20975199 The Telegraph admits COVID shots may have helped cause over 3 million excess deaths

>>20984889 Health Canada did not conduct a risk-benefit analysis before authorizing COVID-19 vaccines for children (video)

>>20988741 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules mRNA COVID-19 Jab is NOT a Vaccine Under Traditional Medical Definitions (attached .pdf)

>>20989203 Army Officer Experiences ‘Inexplicable’ Symptoms After Being Forced to Take the COVID-19 Shot, While the Department of Defense Continues to Evade Accountability

>>20993759 Law Professor Dr. Francis Boyle, Who Drafted the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act, Claims COVID-19 mRNA Injections are Weapons of Mass Destruction in New Affidavit

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c8f38b No.21003298

Updated Wokeism Bun

>>20950940 After Losing $200M on Woke DEI-Fueled Games, Warner Bros. Launches New ‘Women And Non-Binary’ Leadership Program

>>20955792 Melinda Gates is Now Largest “Catholic” Donor to Pro-Abortion Causes

>>20968190 Quebec’s first March for Life draws 1,500 Canadians in defense of the unborn

>>20968208 Trudeau minister makes video promoting abortion, calls pro-life MPs ‘disturbing’

>>20968814 Hands Off Our Kids organizes Canada-wide 'walk-out' to protest raising Pride flag at schools

>>20971239 After the Battle for the ‘Foreign Agents Law’, Georgian Government Pushes 19 Bills Against LGBT Movement, in a Move Sure To Reignite NGO Protests

>>20973020 Jordan Peterson calls out ‘pride’ month as a ‘celebration of casual hedonistic self-centered sex’

>>20974255 Canadian Cancer Society apologizes for not calling cervix “front hole” in non-binary disclaimer

>>20986984 Did Canada just AWAKEN to STOP Tyranny? (video)

>>20989898 Top Canadian university posts job listing that excludes white heterosexual men

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c8f38b No.21003307

Notables are NOT Endorsements

coming up on 400


>>20944310 Paralyzed then drowned: Veteran exposes the terrifying method used to euthanize people in Canada

>>20945884 HAITI HELL: Unelected Transition Council Chooses THIRD Prime Minister in a Month, a UN Official Linked to the Clintons

>>20945779 Millions of Chickens Killed in 5-Alarm Fire at Farina Farms Inc. in Illinois, One of Nation’s Largest Free-Range Egg Facilities

>>20945908 Numbers At Giant Truck Lender BMO Show Worsening Credit Conditions

>>20946224 NDP, Green MPs and a Trudeau-appointed senator want to change voting age to 16

>>20951252 Kim Jong Un Oversees Massive Missile Launch 'Preemptive Attack' Drills

>>20951312 Time To Pay Satan: Canadian Asset Manager Blocks Cash Distributions On Private Credit Funds

>>20955828 Right-Wing EU Super Group? Hungary’s Orbán Urges Italy’s Meloni and France’s Le Pen To Form an Alliance

>>20955862 DOWNGRADED: Macron Suffers MAJOR Political Blow as Standard & Poor’s Cut France’s Long-Term Sovereign Credit Rating From AA to AA−

>>20955946 King Charles Continues Trying To Evict His Brother Prince Andrew From 30-Room Royal Lodge – The Disgraced Duke of York Has No Money To Maintain the Property

>>20956564 Private clinics reduced wait times in Saskatchewan by 47% between 2010 and 2014: study

>>20957089 We see the sacrificed pawns and sly gambits but let’s find who’s moving the pieces . . .

>>20959971 A BILLION VOTERS HAVE SPOKEN! Indian PM Modi Scores a Gigantic Win in the World’s Largest Democratic Election Where Voter ID Is Required, and Will Serve Historic Third Term

>>20967418 Critical mineral reserves present Canada with a half-a-trillion-dollar opportunity

>>20968965 Funding deal to keep STARS in the sky past 2034

>>20971393 Bank of Canada Cuts Rates By 25bps As Expected, First G7 Central Bank To Launch Easing Cycle

>>20973113 Initial Bilderberg Bun | Initial Trump Trial Bun

>>20973122 Initial Covid and other Pestilence Bun | Initial Globalist Moves Bun

>>20973126 Initial Immigration Bun | Initial Law and Disorder Bun

>>20973140 Initial Trudeau Bun | Initial Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun

>>20976662 Mexico’s Leftist President-Elect Gathers Latin American Socialist Leaders, as Opposition Candidate Demands Recount, Another Mayor Is Killed, and the Panicked Market Melts

>>20976687 Nasty Leftist Comedian Makes SICK Sexualized Joke About Conservative Activist’s Baby Son – Gets Punched, and Finds Out That ‘The World Is Not Twitter’

>>20983524 Southwest Passengers ‘Crying and Screaming’ as Boeing Plane Forced to Make Emergency Landing After Tire Failure (video)

>>20983853, >>20983896 Boeing 777 Engine Shoots Fireballs During Takeoff In Canada

>>20983925 These Are All The Countries Offering Digital Nomad Visas

>>20984471 Ratio’d: 80th Anniversary of D-Day – Lest we forget (video)

>>20984716 Kamloops band uses 'white supremacy' and secrecy to diffuse scrutiny over false 215 unmarked graves claim (video)

>>20985578 Alberta town starts petition to remove rainbow crosswalks, ‘Pride’ flags from municipal property

>>20988841 American College of Pediatricians Blasts All Major Medical Associations for Pushing Radical Gender Transition Agenda on Children

>>20989250 Heavily Armed Federal Agents Show Up at Home of Texas Doctor After He Blew Whistle on Sex-Change Program at Texas Children’s Hospital, Serve Him Federal Indictment

>>21000128 Canada can save $32 billion by eliminating interprovincial trade barriers: report

>>21000774 Historic Toronto church containing Group of Seven artwork burns down

>>21001763 Helicopter carrying African VP missing – government

>>21002603 If Apple integrates OpenAI at the OS level, then Apple devices will be banned at my companies. That is an unacceptable security violation.

>>21003285 Updated Trump Trial Bun | Updated China Bun | Updated Climate Change Bun

>>21003286 Updated Covid and other Pestilence Bun

>>21003287 Initial Globalist Moves Bun

>>21003288 Updated Government Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Bun

>>21003290 Updated Hamas and Israel Bun | Updated Immigration Bun

>>21003292 Updated Law and Disorder Bun

>>21003293 Updated Media and Censorship Bun

>>21003295 Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun

>>21003297 Initial Trudeau Bun | Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun

>>21003298 Updated Wokeism Bun

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1e5a62 No.21004929

File: 0895943ec535a96⋯.png (905.25 KB,1000x1280,25:32,509.png)

Chick-A-Boom . . Chick-A-Boom

(Don't Ya Jes Love It)



Elon on rolling out 🐥 Phones:

It’s not out of the question.


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442891 No.21005507

File: 1c640c811b3d553⋯.png (1.01 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)



Jurors on Tuesday returned a verdict in Hunter Biden’s criminal gun trial after three hours of deliberations.


Hunter Biden is facing 25 years in prison.

The AP reported: Continue…

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442891 No.21005607

File: 44eb1c4cc730846⋯.png (1.26 MB,1016x601,1016:601,ClipboardImage.png)

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Biden Scheduled to Speak at Anti-Gun Event Just Hours After Drug Addict Son Was Convicted of Federal Gun Charges


President Joe Biden is scheduled to speak at a pro-gun control event just hours after his son, Hunter Biden, was convicted on federal gun charges. Continue…

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f0bb8c No.21005696

File: e2eb31cb55f23a1⋯.png (445.01 KB,600x334,300:167,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0414436e2218a5e⋯.png (332.34 KB,600x340,30:17,ClipboardImage.png)

Huge victory for doctors fighting Biden censorship


'This landmark ruling will be cited nationwide for decades to come'

The right to free speech also applies to physicians in America.

That's the result of a recent decision by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in pending litigation.

"AAPS can now pursue its claim against censorship by the Biden administration," explained Jane Orient, M.D., the executive director for the Association of American Physicians & Surgeons.

The AAPS had sued three medical specialty boards after they threatened to take action against the board certifications of several physicians – solely for speaking out on medical controversies. Continue…

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f0bb8c No.21005718

File: 1037efcd7a69e47⋯.png (4.51 MB,2100x1306,1050:653,ClipboardImage.png)

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Musk Declares War on Apple: Threatens to Ban Devices Over “Creepy Spyware” AI Integration


Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, SpaceX, and X (formerly Twitter), has declared war on big tech Apple.

The tech mogul threatens to ban Apple devices across his companies unless Apple abandons its plans to integrate OpenAI’s woke ChatGPT technology into its operating system.

Apple announced on Monday that it would be integrating ChatGPT into iOS, iPadOS, and macOS. This integration would allow users to access ChatGPT’s capabilities, including image and document understanding, without needing to switch between tools. Siri, Apple’s virtual assistant, could also tap into ChatGPT’s intelligence when necessary. Continue…

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f0bb8c No.21005813

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

PURE EVIL: Ohio Woman Accused of Stabbing Mother and Her Three-Year-Old Boy to Death Smirks and Giggles as Charges Read in Court (VIDEO)


An Ohio woman accused of stabbing a beautiful three-year-old boy to death in a parking lot showed no signs of remorse as charges were read to her in court.

Bionca Ellis, 32, smirked and giggled as the judge read out the charges against her concerning the double stabbing of three-year-old Julian Wood and his mother who survived the attack.

As the judge deliberated on her bond, Julian’s father addressed the court. Continue…

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f0bb8c No.21005891

File: bfc98f9e57529b2⋯.png (1.12 MB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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IRELAND FOR THE IRISH: First Ever Candidate for the Irish Freedom Party Elected to Dublin Council


Like many European countries that are watching their cultures erased by mass immigration, the Irish people have had enough.

In May, thousands of citizens in Ireland took to the streets in a demonstration against unchecked mass migration.

On Monday, in a milestone in Irish politics, the first-ever candidate for the Irish Freedom Party (IFP), Glen Moore, was elected to the Dublin County Council. Continue…

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f0bb8c No.21005902

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WILD VIDEO: Rodeo Bull Jumps Out of Arena and into Crowd During Sold-Out Event – Then Goes on Violent Rampage Throughout the Grounds


A bizarre scene unfolded over the weekend in a small Oregon town during a bull-riding event that is sending shockwaves across America.

KOIN 6 News reported that a rodeo bull named Party Bus managed to leap out of the arena during the final event of the Sisters Rodeo Saturday night around 9:45 P.M., to the shock of the sold-out crowd of 5,600 people.

The beast struck a handful of fans in the stands before going on an angry rampage through the rodeo grounds and injuring more attendees. Continue…

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f0bb8c No.21005943

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Idaho Farmers Issue Stark Warning About Nationwide Consequences After State Government Issues Order to Shut Off Their Water Supply: “Farms and banks will fail!” [VIDEO]


Two Idaho farmers, in a desperate attempt to save their crops and those of their fellow farmers, have issued a frightening warning about how the Idaho government has shut off the water to a half million acres of farmland.

On Thursday, the East Idaho News reported that the Idaho Department of Water Resources Director Mathew Weaver issued a curtailment order that requires 6,400 junior groundwater rights holders who pump off the Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer to shut off their water. Continue…

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f0bb8c No.21006084

File: 8727e4e7260ff70⋯.png (83.01 KB,800x431,800:431,ClipboardImage.png)

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Global Food Prices Rise For Third Straight Month, Fueling Instability Risks In Developing World


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) reported that global food prices increased for the third consecutive month in May. This rise was driven by higher prices for cereals and dairy products, which outweighed declines in sugar and vegetable oil prices. The re-acceleration of food price growth should be a cause for concern among policymakers.

The FAO Food Price Index, which tracks the international prices of a basket of globally traded food, averaged 120.4 in May, marking a .9% increase from its revised April level. Despite this rise, the index is still 3% lower than a year ago and 24.9% below its peak in March 2022. However, the index has reserved some losses over the past several months and turned higher. Continue…

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f0bb8c No.21006116

File: dcd9cef309254f5⋯.png (1.56 MB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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DEVELOPING: Russia Reportedly Opens New Front in Ukraine’s Northern Sumy Oblast – Chechen Special Forces With Former Wagner PMC Fighters Involved in the Offensive (VIDEOS)


Russian Chechen leader Ramzam Kadyrov has announced that Spetsnaz special forces have opened a new front in the war in Ukraine, and conquered the border village of Ryzhevka, in the Sumy region.

The reports are that the Ukrainian defenders suffered significant losses and would be retreating.

Ryzhevka, located on the border with Russia’s Kursk region, would be the first loss in Ukraine’s Sumy region.

Russian Federation assault squads reportedly broke through the Ukrainian border, activating the long-awaited (and much dreaded by Ukrainians) Sumy offensive. Continue…

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f0bb8c No.21006169

File: eac1a6a2c1af525⋯.png (1.39 MB,1024x632,128:79,ClipboardImage.png)

Reality Check for ‘Queers for Palestine’ Delivered Directly From Palestinian Leaders-“Homosexuals Should Be Thrown Head First From The Rooftop Of The Tallest Building:”


Since the October 7 Hamas terrorist attacks against civilians, groups like “Gays for Palestine” and “Queers for Palestine” have become a vocal and visible part of pro-Hamas rallies on American college campuses and in protests in the streets of American cities.

Recently, “Queers for Palestine” blocked the exit to Disney World in Orlando, Florida, while chanting“Free, free Palestine!” and holding up banners.

And while these groups may passionately and enthusiastically yell anti-Semitic genocidal chats like “From the River to the Sea,” perhaps they should take a beat and really listen to what prominent Palestinian Islamic, political, and cultural figures really think about them.

MEMRI shared a collection of statements from Palestinian leaders, which state, in the strongest terms, that the Palestinian people “will not accept a single homosexual” on the land of Palestine and that homosexuals “should be thrown head first from the rooftop of the tallest building.”

MEMRI reports: Continue…

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f0bb8c No.21006221

File: c072464ba11d54c⋯.png (1.6 MB,1600x900,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6eb2c3334b90f79⋯.png (59.61 KB,474x291,158:97,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4212b865578d0f5⋯.png (1.57 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk Drops a Truth Bomb on the Leftwing Extinctionist Movement


The globalists had a difficult weekend. Far-right parties, also called centrists, were victorious in the EU elections on the continent in country after country.

The far left globalists saw their grip on power collapsing.

Reality got in the way. The far left today lives on fantasies and destruction of order not just in the United States but in Western Europe.

The people had enough. Continue…

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f0bb8c No.21006295

File: 8b18f5e95f4a18d⋯.png (315.39 KB,540x304,135:76,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a2cfc904a92da0⋯.png (160.99 KB,320x180,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

US changes rules on Ukrainian Neo Nazis using its weapons


The State Department has allowed members of the notorious Azov Brigade to use US-supplied weapons

The State Department has allowed the delivery of US weapons to Ukraine’s Azov Brigade, whose members have openly espoused ultranationalist and neo-Nazi views. The flow of arms had previously been restricted due to the unit’s ties to hateful ideology.

“After thorough review, Ukraine’s 12th Special Forces Azov Brigade passed Leahy vetting as carried out by the US Department of State,” the agency said in a statement to the Washington Post on Monday, referring to legislation that bans military aid to units that are implicated in human rights violations.

The State Department added that it found “no evidence” of such violations committed by Azov.

Ukrainian officials treated the lifting of the ban as “a top priority” during their lobbying efforts, the Post said. Continue…

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f0bb8c No.21006315

File: b520f0d753eff8c⋯.png (1.87 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Russian Su-34 Warplane Crashes in North Ossetia - Defense Ministry


MOSCOW (Sputnik) - A Su-34 aircraft crashed in Russia’s North Ossetia, preliminary, due to a technical malfunction, the crew did not survive, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Tuesday.

The aircraft fell in an uninhabited area but the crew did not survive, the ministry said, adding that the preliminary cause of the plane crash was a technical malfunction.

"In the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, a Su-34 aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces crashed in a mountainous area while performing a scheduled training flight," the ministry said.

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f0bb8c No.21006369

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Douglas Macgregor Exposes: "Russia Unveils New Hypersonic Missile, threaten to U.S & NATO"


In a riveting and alarming analysis, military analyst Douglas Macgregor delves into Russia's latest strategic development: the unveiling of a new hypersonic missile system. This advanced weaponry poses a significant threat not only to the U.S. but also to NATO allies, dramatically altering the landscape of global military power. Continue…

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f0bb8c No.21006377

File: aec8662694204d7⋯.png (1.26 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Western premiers furious over Trudeau’s $750M immigration pledge to Quebec


Western Canadian premiers are frustrated after Ottawa handed Quebec $750 million to deal with the immigration crisis while offering nothing to struggling Western provinces.

BC Premier David Eby and Alberta Premier Danielle Smith blasted the federal government at Canada’s Western Premiers Conference in the Yukon on Monday afternoon. Their comments came just hours after Ottawa inked a deal with Quebec to help pay for a surge in temporary immigrants to the province.

Eby said the funds are being given to Quebec at the expense of Western Canada, adding that he sensed frustration “around the table” when the new deal was raised. Continue…

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f0bb8c No.21006404

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ratio’d | Justin Trudeau is shielding TRAITORS inside parliament


Last week, a secret report from the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians was released and alleged that several MPs wittingly colluded with hostile foreign nations. One MP is alleged to have given top secret information to a known foreign intelligence officer. To date, the Trudeau government has gone out of its way to shield and protect the names of the alleged traitors from being released to the public.

Canadians are once again being kept in the dark over this major national security scandal. These MPs are accountable to Canadians, but it seems knowing whether or not they are actively committing treason against the country is not something we as Canadians are privy to.

The question that should be asked now is, why does Canada allow dual citizens to become MPs in the first place?

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f0bb8c No.21006439

File: 803ba7304c34e79⋯.png (1.59 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Conservatives want to call “other Randy” before ethics committee


The Conservatives hope to dispel doubts that the “other Randy” isn’t Employment Minister Randy Boissonnault by filing a motion to request his presence before a parliamentary committee.

Members of the committee may vote on the motion as early as Tuesday.

The “other Randy” scandal began after Boissonnault became embroiled in a conflict of interest investigation regarding text messages of alleged business dealings done while holding public office.

Boissonault claims that the “Randy” being referred to in the text messages wasn’t him and his appearance before the House ethics committee, scheduled for June 18, will either confirm these claims or reveal his defence to be false.

The text messages in question referred to someone named “Randy” receiving a wire transfer of around $500,000 to secure personal protective equipment from Global Health Imports in 2022.

Little is known about the identity of the “other Randy” so far, other than he was allegedly employed by Boissonault at the medical supply company he co-founded in 2020.

Boissonnault is now under investigation about his alleged continued involvement with the company since becoming a cabinet minister, if true, he would violate the Conflict of Interest Act. Continue…

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f0bb8c No.21006458

File: bc56c6063dd23e0⋯.png (1.74 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Canadian universities say foreign influence registry would hinder “academic freedom”


Canada’s top research universities are calling on the House of Commons to reconsider legislation that would force those representing a foreign government’s interests to register with the federal government.

U15 Canada, a group representing some of Canada’s largest research-focused institutions, submitted a brief to the House of Commons public safety and national security committee calling on it to amend the government’s foreign interference protection Bill C-70.

U15 Canada says that it is concerned with how the legislation would affect its relationships with research partners across the globe and how requirements could negatively impact academic freedom.

“While we applaud the Government of Canada’s efforts through Bill C-70 to further strengthen measures to protect against foreign interference…the current criteria for determining the obligation to register activities on the Foreign Interference Transparency Registry poses significant concerns for the research activities of our universities and for the Canadian academic community,” reads the brief.

It is well-documented that the People’s Republic of China has been exploiting research partnerships with universities in Western countries, includingCanada, to steal research for its own benefit.

A 2018 study from the Australian Strategic Policy Institute found that Canada ranks as the third highest ranking country in peer-reviewed research papers published in collaboration with China’s People’s Liberation Army – the Chinese military – behind just the United States and the United Kingdom. Continue…

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f0bb8c No.21006488

File: e1d91753b5629c6⋯.png (1.24 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Freeland says capital gains tax is “fair” way to fund Liberal spending


Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland wants Canadians to be grateful for the capital gains tax which she says will help the federal government pay for its extra spending in the latest budget. Freeland pointed out that the alternative to a tax hike was the government going further into debt.

Freeland introduced her plan to increase Canada’s capital gains inclusion rate on Monday.

She submitted her “Notice of Ways and Means Motion” outlining the details of the tax hike. MPs are expected to vote on the motion this week.

The capital gains tax hike will take effect on June 25 and will force Canadians who make more than $250,000 in capital gains in a year to pay two-thirds of that profit to the state instead of half. Continue…

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f0bb8c No.21006511

File: 5421fc442a276bb⋯.png (1.28 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Vancouver equity committee wants Mayor Ken Sim to account for his colonial family history


A Green Party Vancouver city councillor moved a motion that would require Mayor Ken Sim to acknowledge his family’s colonial and settler roots.

Except there’s one catch – Sim is a second-generation immigrant born to parents from Hong Kong.

According to the “anti-racism and decolonization education” motion before the Standing Committee on Policy and Strategic Priorities, Councillor Pete Fry wants to mandate anti-racism education for the city’s leadership.

Fry is the son of Vancouver Centre Liberal MP Hedy Fry.

“The City of Vancouver is open with its commitment to anti-racism, decolonization, reconciliation and dismantling white supremacy,” reads the motion.

According to Fry, the motion was presented by him in his role as the liaison for the Cultural Equity Advisory Committee. Continue…

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f0bb8c No.21006539

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jamil Jivani expresses disbelief after MPs refuse to condemn church burnings unanimously


A day after a historic church in Toronto burnt down, Conservative MP Jamil Jivani lambasted the NDP and Liberals for being unable to condemn church burnings unanimously in February.

During the standing committee on Justice and Human Rights on Islamophobia Monday, Jivani voiced his confusion about what he viewed as a lack of coverage and outrage from the political establishment over recent attacks on religious communities, particularly Christians in Canada.

“Since 2021, we’ve had over 100 Christian churches burned, vandalized or desecrated in Canada,” Jivani said. “When I see that, I see the lack of media coverage of those attacks on religious freedom, when I see that we cannot even in the House of Commons get every party to agree on condemning those attacks on religious freedom. I think to myself, ‘Yo, dawg, are we like in The Truman Show or something right now?’” Continue…

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f0bb8c No.21006652

File: ee1c1840fb12216⋯.png (1.11 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Former Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin announces retirement from Hong Kong’s highest court


The former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada Beverley McLachlin announced that she will be retiring from the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal upon reaching the legal age limit for a judge.

McLachlin said that she will retire once her second three-year term ends on July 29th 2024 and looks back on the court confident that it will be independent and uphold the rule of law.

“It has been a privilege serving the people of Hong Kong. I continue to have confidence in the members of the Court, their independence, and their determination to uphold the rule of law,” said McLachlin.

McLachlin’s tenure on Hong Kong’s Court of Final Appeal had been scrutinized for years for lending Canada’s reputation and credibility to China, which had undertaken an authoritarian takeover of Hong Kong just a couple of years after McLachlin’s appointment.

The Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal, which allows retired judges from foreign jurisdictions to sit on the bench as non-permanent judges, saw the former chief justice of New South Wales, Australia, James Spigelman, resign in 2020 after China enshrined their national security law. Continue…

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f0bb8c No.21006662

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A trip to Brampton, Ontario: Do international students have the ‘right’ to stay in Canada?


Many foreigners are studying in Canada with the purpose of obtaining postgraduate work permits and eventually permanent residency. Continue…

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f0bb8c No.21006682

File: 95a18aa04e0d2bd⋯.png (1.45 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 01a417cf249db79⋯.png (1.94 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Nova Scotia judge upholds medical privacy and bodily autonomy against employer demands


Judge Rickcola Brinton is trying to revive a complaint against the province's former top judge, alleging that judicial misconduct is responsible for the initial complaint being dismissed.

A provincial court judge in Nova Scotia wants her complaint against her former employer for requesting her COVID-19 vaccine status revived, citing inappropriate dismissal.

Judge Richcola Brinton originally filed a complaint against Judge Pamela Williams last June, alleging judicial misconduct and a violation of her rights as the courts demanded unequivocal adherence to COVID-19 vaccine status disclosure.

The complaint was initially dismissed by Chief Justice Michael J. Wood in the fall of 2023, prompting Brinton to file for a judicial review of the decision.

Brinton’s legal team stated that Brinton was not given the option to respond to the submissions used in Justice Woods’ decision and that the complaint was inappropriately dismissed, during court proceedings in Halifax last week.

Justice Christa Brothers, who is overseeing the judicial review in Halifax’s Supreme Court, reserved her decision until a later date. Continue…

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f0bb8c No.21006770

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trudeau sounds alarm over 'rise of populist right-wing forces'


'It is of concern to see political parties choosing to instrumentalize anger, fear, division, and anxiety. My approach has always been to respond to it, to understand it and to look to solve it,' he said. Continue…

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f0bb8c No.21006782

File: a427924dbae6e18⋯.png (1.92 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Small township defends itself against Pride enthusiasts


The township of Emo, Ont., faces the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal after the mayor and two councillors rejected a resolution to fly a pride flag in May 2020, leading to legal action from pride activists alleging that this decision was rooted in bigotry, homophobia and transphobia. Continue…

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f0bb8c No.21006802

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trudeau Liberals refuse to disclose media bailout recipients


With trust in media plummeting in among Canadians, is it any wonder why the Trudeau government is hiding the names of their media sugar babies? Continue…

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f0bb8c No.21006873

File: bcd129773be6473⋯.png (735.48 KB,1180x1342,590:671,ClipboardImage.png)

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June 11 - EU Orders More Fake "Vaccines" for Another Fake Pandemic


'''The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) in 2023 paid employees up to $1,000 per article to produce fake "news" stories published by Canadian newsrooms.



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f0bb8c No.21007028

File: 3eb290e1ade28a5⋯.png (574.33 KB,810x500,81:50,ClipboardImage.png)

Jordan Peterson blasts Online Harms Act as ‘the most authoritarian law conceivable’


The prominent psychologist implored Canadians to wake up: 'This is your federal Attorney General literally publicizing the fact that he wants to grant a new authority the power to arrest you' under suspicion that you may commit an undefinable 'hate crime.' Continue…

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f0bb8c No.21007037

File: ea90c34ffb8af45⋯.png (899.25 KB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

MPs call on foreign interference inquiry to investigate latest allegations


MPs across party lines voted unanimously on a motion to call on Justice Marie-Josée Hogue to investigate allegations that current and former parliamentarians have collaborated with hostile foreign governments.

The motion, which is non-binding, passed the House of Commons in a 322 to 0 vote Tuesday.

The Bloc Quebecois joined the Conservatives in calling on the existing commission probing foreign interference to be expanded to “allow it to investigate Canada’s federal democratic institutions,” including former and current MPs and senators. Continue…

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f0bb8c No.21007190

File: 4561931c295583c⋯.png (1.24 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Trans ambassador for UGG allegedly called little girls “kinky”

The popular shoe brand, UGG, is facing backlash after hiring a transgender ambassador who allegedly called little girls “kinky” in a Facebook post.

UGG hired the gender non-conforming individual named Alok Vaid-Menon for a Pride campaign supposedly aimed at creating authentic LGBT comfortable footwear.

“As a relentless advocate for LGBTQ+ culture and dismantling of traditional fashion norms, we couldn’t ask for a better creative partner that’s championing self-expression through fashion,” UGG’s website reads.

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f0bb8c No.21007351

File: 88f7896009cab35⋯.png (811.51 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a4b38b20da204d⋯.png (2.24 MB,1200x900,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49be2da578fa317⋯.png (762.75 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

New Zealand Reverses Left-Wing Plan to Tax Cow Burps, Farts


New Zealand is scrapping a scheme to price gas emissions from livestock — squelching a so-called burp and fart tax initiated under the previous left-wing government led by now departed authoritarian Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.

New legislation will be introduced to parliament this month by the ruling conservative coalition to remove the agriculture sector from a new emissions pricing plan, thus responding to farmer pressure that the plan would make their business unprofitable.

“The government is committed to meeting our climate change obligations without shutting down Kiwi farms,” said Agriculture Minister Todd McClay. Continue…

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f0bb8c No.21007813

File: 0f078dc11fca0b4⋯.png (1.42 MB,1586x752,793:376,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce095f1b05dc4e3⋯.png (2.4 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Dr Trozzi 2024 Summer Tour


Good day, folks!

I’m Lluvias Trozzi, Dr. Trozzi’s son. My dad is in the midst of a packing frenzy, so I’m stepping in to share some important news. He’s traveling across mid and western Canada, speaking at four events, and engaging in at least five Town Hall meetings. He will be passing through three provinces (Alberta, Manitoba, and British Columbia) so if there´s a venue near you, please come out and connect!

We’ve put together all the details of this exciting 30-day tour into one resource. Join him at an event near you and connect with like-minded individuals dedicated to freedom, ethics, justice, and the protection of our human rights.

To kick things off, here's a clip from the latest "Wins of the Week" Episode 24. At the end of this episode, Dr. Trozzi and Vaccine Choice Canada´s Ted Kunz announced the upcoming tour.

“Canada is now known as one of most corrupt and fallen nations in the world. Canada is also known for our exceptional resiliance and leadership in the current global struggle for human rights and freedom against tyrrants.

I am very excited to embark on this tour of central and western Canada. Much will be shared and learned. I hope you can join us and help engineer the Canadian path to freedom and prosperity!”

Dr. M Trozzi

Dr Trozzi 2024 Summer Tour Schedule Continue…

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f0bb8c No.21008004

File: f49fcde3416f7e6⋯.png (1.48 MB,1170x1094,585:547,ClipboardImage.png)

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Beijing supported Liberal candidate that echoed disinformation against Conservatives: Document Analysis


Key NSICOP allegation of foreign state supporting a witting politician apparently stems from defeat of MP Kenny Chiu and September 2021 CSIS brief

Ten days before Canada’s 2021 election, Justin Trudeau’s candidate in Richmond — former B.C. government staffer Parm Bains — was interviewed for Rise Media, a media platform with alleged ties to Chinese Communist Party foreign influence and intelligence arms.

The rookie Liberal was asked about the Foreign Influence Registry, a bill tabled that year by his opponent, Conservative MP Kenny Chiu.

“If you are elected as MP, will you support this bill?” a Chinese community activist asked Bains in a video segment for Rise Media.

“The simple answer is I’m not supporting that bill,” Bains answered. “I don’t believe that I can support any bill that is viewed as discriminatory against any community. A registry like this, to me looks like a very discriminatory policy.”

The same day, September 10, Bains got a front-page election ad from Rise Weekly and a glowing endorsement article inside the magazine.

Titled “Should Chinese people support him?” the piece urged citizens of Richmond — a riding of about 50 percent Chinese ethnic voters — to vote for Bains and Justin Trudeau on September 20th.

It argued that Trudeau “and Bains himself have promised to introduce legislation within 100 days of taking office to combat online violence, especially to severely punish online hate speech.”

Days later Chinese Canadians Goto Vote Association (CCGV), a group started by Rise Media journalists during the 2021 campaign, pounded the pavement for Bains as he stumped near Kenny Chiu’s constituency office alongside several of Beijing’s top proxies in British Columbia.

Social media videos showed Bains apparently echoing insinuations of racism against Conservative leader Erin O’Toole and Kenny Chiu that were proliferating during the campaign on China-linked media in Toronto and Vancouver.

It had all the appearances of a reciprocal relationship involving Chinese media and political foot soldiers guided and funded by the United Front Work Department, Beijing’s foreign-influence arm.

What’s the evidence of this? Continue…

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f0bb8c No.21008016

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Episode 460 – The Future of Food


We all know the problems of the modern factory farming system. But, as bad as things are, they’re about to get even worse. New technologies are coming online that threaten to upend our understanding of food altogether. Technologies that could, ultimately, begin altering the human species itself. This is The Future of Food on The Corbett Report. Continue…

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20d14c No.21008041

File: 1a3ff51705f8713⋯.png (686 KB,990x603,110:67,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc4ea1af3014e96⋯.png (667.37 KB,990x557,990:557,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 255759c7f04b599⋯.png (661.76 KB,990x557,990:557,ClipboardImage.png)

File: be0889fc4c5da15⋯.png (660.57 KB,990x557,990:557,ClipboardImage.png)

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20d14c No.21008047

File: 27d1b467e3471de⋯.png (673.68 KB,990x557,990:557,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7589975039807fb⋯.png (653.55 KB,990x557,990:557,ClipboardImage.png)

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20d14c No.21008051

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


'No list' of disloyal MPs in unredacted foreign interference report: May | Power & Politics

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20d14c No.21008131

File: bdfd6eebb0ffd79⋯.png (459.74 KB,1228x792,307:198,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8cc1658aca26af8⋯.png (34.01 KB,414x460,9:10,ClipboardImage.png)

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Elizabeth May

American-born Canadian politician


Elizabeth May Remembers Maurice Strong

Maurice was born in 1929 in the little town of Oak Lake, Manitoba, and grew up in the Prairies through the dirty thirties. I do not need to describe the hardships that his small and enduring family suffered at that time. He never got beyond high school, but a small scrap of paper came to him across the prairies, landed at his feet, and he read it. It was about the United Nations, and he decided, extraordinarily, that his path to be of service to the world would be to become a self-made millionaire and to put his talents to work for the world.


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20d14c No.21008173

File: c0e2c98c4f66cae⋯.png (831.27 KB,515x773,515:773,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 5898e6915cb1fd7⋯.png (34.4 KB,729x364,729:364,ClipboardImage.png)


> He never got beyond high school, but a small scrap of paper came to him across the prairies, landed at his feet, and he read it. It was about the United Nations,

Have you ever read a bigger load of horseshit in your life?

Why do Elizabeth May and Jagmeat have the highest security detail?

How Canada’s Maurice Strong launched the environmental world order


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f0bb8c No.21008276

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ukraine has a DARK secret and Ukrainian families are DEMANDING answers | Redacted w Clayton Morris


Ukrainian families are demanding answers from Zelensky's government about their dead family members. This is darker than we imagined.

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c8f38b No.21008299


Start not only saying it out loud, but actually begin planning for it

It's called "Independence"

Alberta, Manitoba, Sask, and likely Yukon if somebody just asks. BC might be willing if they are tired enough of Vancouver

Honesty, Ottawa is shutting you down while draining you dry

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20d14c No.21008331

File: 93f9171b5589f83⋯.png (14.88 KB,915x143,915:143,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 77fba105e6b87f5⋯.png (27.93 KB,881x402,881:402,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 32e063f6a1c69d4⋯.png (105.82 KB,1214x672,607:336,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 14ee1a93425db72⋯.png (215.38 KB,1308x824,327:206,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5cb94ca71e296d7⋯.png (51.08 KB,1491x730,1491:730,ClipboardImage.png)


Coordinated from Nebraska to shut down the KXL Pipeline.



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20d14c No.21008340

File: f0582ec51052899⋯.png (28.5 KB,323x323,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>'No list' of disloyal MPs in unredacted foreign interference report: May | Power & Politics

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20d14c No.21008434

File: 6f54d5e41f42583⋯.png (357.52 KB,460x618,230:309,ClipboardImage.png)

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f0bb8c No.21008446

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

An Injection of Truth with Mike Holmes


Standard Mountain Time to discuss the most recent information regarding the effects of the covid-19 mRNA vaccines on children and we are specifically targeting our Alberta Caucus to ban these vaccines from the schedule for children 17 and under. an All-Star line-up of specialized medical educators and speakers will be presenting, including Dr. David J. Speicher, Dr. Eric Payne, Dr. Chris Shoemaker, Dr. Byram Bridle, Dr. Jessica Rose, Dr. William Makis, Dr. Mark Trozzi, MLA Shane Getson, host Shaun Newman and many more. Continue…

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54c588 No.21016626

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hungary Fined €200 Million By EU For Not Allowing Migrant Invasion – PM Orban Slams ‘Financial Blackmail’


A European Union court has ordered Hungary to pay a fine of €200 million for refusing to adhere to the bloc’s rules imposing open borders on all its member states.

The ruling, which dates back to Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s refusal to implement a 2020 order from the European Court allow migrants to stay in Hungary indefinitely pending their asylum appeals, also states that Hungary must pay a daily fine of one million euros until it complies. Continue…

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54c588 No.21016748

File: 2dc57a88e1d7f98⋯.png (1.08 MB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d4605d31661a1ca⋯.png (171.68 KB,360x203,360:203,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d130696579df09d⋯.png (166.71 KB,360x203,360:203,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f8351e7f4137f12⋯.png (231.22 KB,360x254,180:127,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 98b0eee73961612⋯.png (164.19 KB,360x203,360:203,ClipboardImage.png)

MAKE EUROPE GREAT AGAIN: King Willem-Alexander to Convene Dutch Right-Wing Goverment as Geert Wilders Visits Brussels to Plan Saving the Continent


Dutch right-wing leader Geert Wilders has reached a deal with three other parties to form a right-wing government led by former Dutch spy chief Dick Schoof. While patriot Wilders agreed to step aside as Prime Minister for the sake of his country, his Freedom Party will get the most cabinet-level positions, including immigration and security.

After a half-year’s negotiations with the RINO People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD), conservative New Social Contract (NSC) and Farmer’s Citizen’s Movement BBB, Wilders’ Freedom Party (Partij voor Vrijheid PVV) has reached a deal that will allow patriots to resume control of their country and end the out-of-control mass immigration that has turned cities like Rotterdam into gang war zones.

Since he could not get the other parties to accept him as Prime Minister despite leading the strongest party in Holland, Wilders picked Dick Schoof, former National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism and former secretary-general at the Ministry of Justice and Security, as Prime Minister. Schoof is a former Social Democrat who became disillusioned with the Left – and left.

Dutch King Willem-Alexander is expected to soon appear on the palace stairs for the traditional photo with the Netherlands’ first patriotic right-wing cabinet. Continue…

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54c588 No.21016805

File: 9fc23b49cac0a8c⋯.png (267.17 KB,600x326,300:163,ClipboardImage.png)

Biden Arrives in Italy Looking Dazed and Confused… And Will Skip the G7 Dinner! (VIDEO)


Joe Biden and all of Hunter Biden’s adult children landed in Italy Wednesday evening ahead of the G7 Summit.

The Bidens are traveling to Italy on taxpayer dime while Americans struggle to make ends meet.

The Daily Mail reported: Continue…

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54c588 No.21016857

File: ec3a89ccf3b1489⋯.png (291.52 KB,600x337,600:337,ClipboardImage.png)

Report: Catholics in Mozambique Reveal Extent of Muslim Violence and Murders for Professing Their Christian Faith


Catholic parishioners in Mozambique recently shared their stories of the violence and murders that have been perpetrated against them by Muslims for daring to profess their Christian faith.

Catholics of Chipene in Nampulam, a province in northern Mozambique, told ACI Africa they spoke with a delegation of the Episcopal Conference of Mozambique (CEM) with disturbing details about how deadly the ongoing insurgency by militant Islamists in the region is for Christians.

They shared details of the murder of Sr. Maria De Coppi, an 84-year-old Italian Comboni missionary sister who served malnourished and orphaned children there almost 60 years after she was reportedly shot dead by insurgents who attacked the Comboni Mission of Chipene in Mozambique’s Nacala Diocese. Continue…

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54c588 No.21016883

File: 2c57fd6ad00656e⋯.png (1.72 MB,1536x1024,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

New Congressional Report Exposes Dr. Fauci’s Department for Concealing Plans to Engineer Mutant Monkeypox Virus, Risking Another Global Pandemic


A new congressional report has uncovered disturbing details about a research project conducted at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), led by Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Daily Mail reported.

The investigation, spanning over 18 months, revealed a pattern of obstruction and misinformation by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the NIH, and NIAID regarding the transfer of genes between different strains of the Monkeypox virus.

Here is the timeline of the investigation: Continue…

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54c588 No.21016919

File: eda1089ac30b429⋯.png (509.11 KB,600x400,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: Puerto Rico’s Election Commission Reviews Dominion’s Contract For Nov. Election After Hundreds of Discrepancies Reported In Primary Election, Including Machines Incorrectly Counting and Reversing Totals


Puerto Rico’s elections commission has announced that is will be reviewing its contract prior to the November 2024 election with Dominion Voting Systems after finding hundreds of discrepancies while using over 6,000 Dominion Voting machines during their heated primary elections. Continue…

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54c588 No.21016951

File: 66cfae1f60c60af⋯.png (284.51 KB,600x338,300:169,ClipboardImage.png)

ARE THEY HERE? Harvard Study Suggests UFOs May Belong to a ‘Stealth Civilization’ Living on Earth


Look up, there it is: a UFO.

Whatever your personal explanation for these objects or phenomena, there is absolutely no denying that people all over the world, from every culture, have observed them over the course of human history – and exponentially more now in our days, when everyone has a camera phone at all times.

UFOs are real: they are unidentified, they are flying, and they are most probably objects.

That is not to say that one of the two more common explanations has to be right – namely that they are either extraterrestrial ships coming from outer space, or else the whole thing is a mixture of hoaxes and optical illusions.

Now, a team of Harvard scientists has joined forces to make sure that all the different viable theories are considered for the UFO mystery.

The three Harvard scientists have a new research paper in which they estimate that there is a one in 10 chance that the true solution to the UFO mystery could be ‘cryptoterrestrial’ — meaning: they would belong to an advanced species hiding on Earth.

They would have been here all along.

Daily Mail reported: Continue…

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54c588 No.21016985

File: 6e624543ed0e331⋯.png (140.01 KB,500x370,50:37,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c999cf33018498⋯.png (518.71 KB,500x375,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Gov. DeSantis Declares Emergency As South Florida Swamped By Heavy Rains


A tropical disturbance has swamped South Florida with torrential downpours, flooding city streets and highways and sparking life-threatening conditions for millions of residents. The governor has declared an emergency over flooding concerns.

The National Hurricane Center has reported that an unorganized tropical system is sweeping across Florida from the Gulf of Mexico to the Atlantic. This storm coincided with the beginning of the 2024 Atlantic Hurricane season. Continue…

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54c588 No.21017021

File: d4dc176da4635d1⋯.png (153.38 KB,500x296,125:74,ClipboardImage.png)

Biden, Zelensky To Sign 10-Year 'Arm & Train' Defense Deal at G7


As they meet on the sidelines of the Group of Seven summit in Italy, President Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky are planning to sign a deal for long-term US military assistance for Ukraine.

The deal commits Washington to ten years of arming and training the Ukrainian military, and which bolsters the military-industrial complex toward producing more of its own needs for the nation's armed forces. However, given the pledge is an "executive agreement" and not a formal treaty, it can be undone by future American administrations. Continue…

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54c588 No.21017044

File: 3e020210247bf95⋯.png (88.37 KB,500x273,500:273,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 58fe7897bb6f327⋯.png (72.62 KB,500x274,250:137,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 33cd5ae41426f31⋯.png (58.02 KB,500x286,250:143,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96dca6cf3df934d⋯.png (224.21 KB,400x225,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk Says Shareholders Back His Pay Package & Texas Move


Tesla shares surged more than 7% in premarketing trading in New York after Elon Musk announced on X late Wednesday that both Tesla shareholder resolutions—one involving a 2018 pay package nixed by a Delaware judge earlier this year and another on moving the company's legal home from Deleware to Texas—passed by 'wide margins.'

Both Tesla shareholder resolutions are currently passing by wide margins!

♥️♥️ Thanks for your support!! ♥️♥️ pic.twitter.com/udf56VGQdo

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 13, 2024

The votes come ahead of Tesla's annual meeting on Thursday in Austin, Texas. Continue…

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54c588 No.21017058

File: 216ef0879a59ac8⋯.png (314.48 KB,500x301,500:301,ClipboardImage.png)

Fossil Fuels: The Best-Kept Secret In Our World Today


Apparently, you can litigate anything these days, and it’s gotten far more insidious than suing McDonald’s over hot coffee being, you know, hot. A new climate activist group called Our Children’s Trust is suing state and federal government agencies on behalf of individual children, claiming that fossil fuel regulators are negligently ruining their future.

That children should feel entitled to come of age under a specific set of favorable environmental and political circumstances — and to demand punishment for individuals they disagree with — isn’t just a testament to the egocentrism dominating the 21st Century. It also exposes our culture’s deeply warped understanding of climate science, which, surprisingly to many of us, actually shows global warming has no meaningful negative effects on our lives or our environment.

In fact, we have fossil fuels to thank for the twenty-first century for being the best time in human history to be alive. Unfortunately, it’s the best-kept secret in our world today. Continue…

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54c588 No.21017107

File: 06fd651a2a6d3ae⋯.png (591.08 KB,500x629,500:629,ClipboardImage.png)

Which European Nations Are Seeing The Most Emigration (& Where Are They Going?)


Immigration into the EU has been a hot topic since 2011. In fact, in several EU countries, immigrants make up nearly one-fifth of the population. But what of the EU’s emigration patterns?

Visual Capitalist's Pallavi Rao charts out the number of EU emigrants by their country of citizenship in 2022. Data for this visualization is sourced from Eurostat. Continue…

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54c588 No.21017134

File: d4e9fe71c88efc8⋯.png (595.01 KB,696x365,696:365,ClipboardImage.png)

Calgary council proposes permanent water use restrictions


While Calgary’s recent feeder main break has resulted in serious water restrictions for the past week 5, permanent restrictions for the city’s residents could be on the horizon.

Calgary’s city council is set to discuss amendments to the wastewater, stormwater, and water utility bylaws next week.

The proposed amendments include a watering schedule, allowing Calgarians to use sprinklers for just three hours a day, two days a week, between 8:00 pm and 10:00 am.

Currently, Calgary’s water restrictions start at voluntary water conservation before escalating to Stage 1-4 restriction levels. Stages are determined by risk of drought conditions. Stages 1-2 are normally implemented when it is “very dry” and Stages 3-4 when it is “extremely dry.”

Fines for violations during Stage 1 begin at $400, rising to $600 at Stage 2, $1,500 in Stage 3, and $3,000 in Stage 4.

If the changes are implemented, the voluntary water conservation phase will be replaced with the outdoor watering schedule, which will be permanently in effect. Continue…

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54c588 No.21017166

File: 7b26b40fcb097e6⋯.png (553.7 KB,696x365,696:365,ClipboardImage.png)

Marc Miller tells B.C. to take more asylum seekers if it wants federal dollars


If British Columbia and other Western provinces want a slice of the federal immigration funding pie, they need to take in even more asylum seekers.

That was the message from Immigration Minister Marc Miller after complaints from Western premiers, including B.C. Premier David Eby, about Ottawa committing $750 million for Quebec’s immigration pressures.

Miller says B.C. largely accepts immigrants on economic programs that contribute to the province’s economy.

“When you talk about volumes, it’s important to disaggregate it because not all of them are necessarily comparable. Let’s not confuse apples and oranges,” Miller said.

“We need provinces like British Columbia to step up when it comes to actually apportioning asylum seekers.”

Speaking from the Yukon on Monday afternoon, Eby said he sensed frustration “around the table” when Ottawa’s latest deal with Quebec was discussed. Continue…

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54c588 No.21017208

File: 2d9b4dfb9aa334b⋯.png (2.03 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Non-residents demand compensation for Pride flag rejection


The Ontario township of Emo, its mayor and two councillors find themselves before the province's Human Rights Tribunal in a contentious battle for shake-down compensation after the council members voted down pride proclamations in 2020.

Emo township, its mayor and two councillors (one former) had their second day of tribunal deliberations for rejecting a Pride declaration and flag flying in May 2020.

Activists from Borderland Pride are seeking shake-down compensation from the tiny township with a population of 1,400, whose standing was in question when it was discovered they do not reside in Emo, the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal (OHRT) heard today.

Yesterday, the OHRT heard from human rights lawyer Douglas Judson, who is a listed applicant in the human rights complaint, seeking $45,000 in hurt feelings damages — $15,000 from the township and $10,000 each from the mayor and two councillors.

Judson proclaimed failure to proclinate Pride resulted in hate against the LGBTQIA+ community. He gave a lengthy deliberation about conservative Christians imposing their views onto others while arguing access to a flagpole and forced affirmation of sexual tendencies is a human right.

Defendants Mayor McQuaker and councillor Toles, who are elected to represent their constituents, stated the community was not in favour of lengthy Pride proclamations that had subjective values and statements not shared by all community members.

The applicants appeared to struggle to establish strong standing in the case since none of them live in the Emo community, which begs the question: does the township have an obligation to offer services to non-residents under the Municipal Act? Continue…

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c8f38b No.21017212


Say it with me:


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c8f38b No.21017217


Roofing tar


some traditions are worth keeping

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54c588 No.21017228

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

VICTORY: Ontario Catholic school board upholds ban on flying LGBT ‘Pride’ flag


On Tuesday evening, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board voted 6-3 to shut down a motion allowing non-governmental flags such as the LGBT 'Pride' flag to be flown on school property. Continue…

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54c588 No.21017346

File: 29b4013a24f0d05⋯.png (753.42 KB,810x497,810:497,ClipboardImage.png)

‘Repugnant’: Josh Alexander’s lawyer blasts Catholic school board over secret expulsion decision


Josh Alexander's lawyer James Kitchen recently skewered the Renfrew County Catholic District School Board after it was revealed the board secretly denied his client's expulsion appeal by characterizing his Biblical beliefs on sexuality as 'unsafe.Continue…

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0ec519 No.21018415

This is from ABC news, not some blog post. Dominion machines and others DO HAVE major issues, and this is not some whacked out "conspiracy theory"!

>Voting machine contract under scrutiny following discrepancies in Puerto Rico's primaries



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0ec519 No.21018988

Top Analyst Exposes Cover-Up of Mass Deaths Among Vaxxed Children


A leading data analyst has raised the alarm after uncovering evidence exposing a major cover-up of mass deaths of children who received Covid mRNA shots.

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) analyst Albert Benavides has blown the whistle after realizing that U.S. government data massively underreports the number of children who died from the injections.

VAERS is the national vaccine safety monitoring system that accepts reports of adverse events after vaccination.

The system is controlled by Democrat President Joe Biden’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

VAERS allows doctors, nurses, healthcare providers, health officials, and vaccine manufacturers to report adverse events that occur following vaccination.

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0ec519 No.21019141

Explosive Report Reveals CIA Role in Creation of COVID Vaccines

Another ‘conspiracy theory’ comes true.

Moderna’s Covid vaccine was manufactured by a government contractor with close connections to the CIA, FDA and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, according to a bombshell report.

Moderna in 2021 hired and tasked a supposedly new pharmaceutical manufacturing company called National Resilience (Resilience) to make all of their Covid-19 mRNA vaccines.

The company apparently goes by several names, including Nanotherapeutics, Nanosphere Inc, Ology Bioservices, and Government Resilience Services, independent journalist Destiny Rezendes first reported last year.


Investors in Resilience included Google, Lux Capital, Magnetic Ventures and 8VC, and the COO of the company also served as a senior adviser to Pfizer, according to database website Crunchbase.

Rezendes revealed that board members and investors tied to those companies include Council on Foreign Relations members, a board member of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, CIA affiliates, Merrill Lynch, and the Rockefeller University.

Additionally, former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb served as a Resilience board member.

Rezendes revealed that board members and investors tied to those companies include Council on Foreign Relations members, a board member of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, CIA affiliates, Merrill Lynch, and the Rockefeller University.

Additionally, former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb served as a Resilience board member.

“Also, Nanosphere and Nanotherapeutics AKA Resilience has countless contracts with the government concerning Biological Warfare, and gene specific sensors wanted by the DoD,” Rezendes noted.


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54c588 No.21020286

File: 0d848274ef9f0ad⋯.png (486.88 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d5ba4fe49995b61⋯.png (1 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 975b323fc497ce0⋯.png (1.45 MB,960x1440,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4ba44f43c03000f⋯.png (495.63 KB,777x583,777:583,ClipboardImage.png)

June 13 - Is Ignoring the Danger the Best Strategy?


Media Infiltrated By "Foreign Actors" Says Foreign Interference Chairman



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54c588 No.21021716

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

EPIC! President Trump Releases New Video of Joe Biden’s Jewels of Wisdom Titled: “Timeless Quotes by Joe Biden”


President Trump released a hilarious new ad on Wednesday night titled “Timeless Quotes by Joe Biden.” Continue…

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54c588 No.21021879

File: 7959f09ad1887f7⋯.png (1.33 MB,1230x1536,205:256,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 425d3e92154f52c⋯.png (352.35 KB,600x289,600:289,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 548e27233d84d2b⋯.png (308.23 KB,600x338,300:169,ClipboardImage.png)

HILARIOUS: Commedian Ricky Gervais Trolls Hollywood Celebs and TDS Infected Leftists (VIDEO)


Ricky Gervais posted a video earlier this week, aimed at Hollywood leftists, satirically declaring from his bathtub that he will “leave the country” if America doesn’t vote the right way.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, Gervais destroyed Hollywood elites, while hosting the 2020 Golden Globes in Beverly Hills. Continue…

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54c588 No.21021916

File: 96b16df784404bf⋯.png (395.3 KB,500x288,125:72,ClipboardImage.png)

Counterfeit Titanium Found In Some Boeing And Airbus Jets


Boeing is no longer the pride of American aviation. The plane manufacturer is riddled with so many problems it's impossible to keep track. Yesterday, the FAA announced an investigation (yet another…) into a 737 Max 8 jet that encountered a dangerous mid-flight 'Dutch roll' several weeks ago. Now, a report from the New York Times reveals that some Boeing jets are built with 'counterfeit titanium.'

Some recently manufactured Boeing and Airbus jets have components made from titanium that was sold using fake documentation verifying the material's authenticity, according to a supplier for the plane makers, raising concerns about the structural integrity of those airliners.

The falsified documents are being investigated by Spirit AeroSystems, which supplies fuselages for Boeing and wings for Airbus, as well as the Federal Aviation Administration. The investigation comes after a parts supplier found small holes in the material from corrosion. -NYT

The report continued:

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54c588 No.21021942

File: 70004997934f2df⋯.png (63.07 KB,500x259,500:259,ClipboardImage.png)

US Navy Evacuates Injured Mariner From Houthi-Attacked Cargo Ship Set Ablaze By Missiles


Chaos in the Red Sea region continued into the latter part of the week, with the US military rescuing an injured civilian mariner from a cargo ship attacked by Iran-backed Houthi rebels. The situation underscores the ongoing disruption in the key maritime chokepoint as some have viewed the Biden administration's Operation Prosperity Guardian as a colossal failure.

Overnight, US Central Command (CENTCOM) released a statement about M/V Verbena — a Palauan-flagged, Ukrainian-owned, Polish-operated bulk cargo vessel — that was hit with two anti-ship cruise missiles, sparking a fire aboard the ship in the Gulf of Aden area. Continue…

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54c588 No.21021971

File: 731706cd482906a⋯.png (533.24 KB,500x651,500:651,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce446beadf77d2a⋯.png (41.08 KB,500x180,25:9,ClipboardImage.png)

What Is The Median Pay Of 'Magnificent Seven' Companies?


The Magnificent Seven are lifting the stock market to new highs, led by Nvidia, Microsoft, Apple, and Alphabet in particular.

In May alone, these tech giants added $1.4 trillion in market capitalization to the S&P 500 - surpassing the combined gains of 296 other stocks during the same period. Notably, Nvidia contributed to more than half of this rise. As tech stocks boom, many are offering robust salaries with substantial stock option plans.

This graphic, via Visual Capitalist's Niccolo Conte, shows the median pay of the Magnificent Seven companies in 2023, based on analysis from The Wall Street Journal and MyLogIQ. Continue…

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54c588 No.21022006

File: 9d1e3d6cda73df7⋯.png (199.69 KB,500x553,500:553,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 373c76c250baee5⋯.png (51.02 KB,500x310,50:31,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8eb3e4f06c7cb8⋯.png (75.17 KB,500x543,500:543,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a02a280fbf104b1⋯.png (50.22 KB,500x499,500:499,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9320ba4db773b8e⋯.png (128.19 KB,500x484,125:121,ClipboardImage.png)

Canada's Uranium Mining Boom Positions It To Overtake Kazakhstan As Top Producer


Canada was the world's top uranium producer for years until Kazakhstan dethroned it in 2009. Fast forward to 2022, and Canada held the second spot, pumping out 15% of the global supply. By 2023, Canada became the top uranium supplier to the US, delivering 27% of total deliveries. With uranium prices soaring in the last several years, primarily because of the 'Next AI Trade' theme (laid out for pro subs), Canada's uranium mining boom could lead it to reclaim the top spot.

A new report from Bloomberg highlights that Canada's Saskatchewan province is the epicenter of the country's uranium mining boom:

What Saskatchewan has, though, is uranium. Lots of uranium. The bedrock is so loaded with it that the area around just one stretch of the lake, it is believed, could generate enough nuclear energy to power more than 40 million homes for a quarter century. Continue…

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54c588 No.21022032

File: ba8424edd810a6e⋯.png (347.2 KB,500x632,125:158,ClipboardImage.png)

Which Countries Have Universal Health Coverage?


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Universal Health Coverage (UHC) means that everyone has access to a full range of health services - from emergency interventions to palliative care - without financial difficulty.

In this graphic, Visual Capitalist's Julia Wendling uses data from CEOWorld Magazine to visualize the countries that have UHC versus those that do not, along with how UHC coverage breaks down in terms of the global population. Continue…

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54c588 No.21022068

File: 69687f7f7b69e54⋯.png (312.98 KB,500x369,500:369,ClipboardImage.png)

Orban Got What He Wanted From NATO & Ensured Hungary's Objective National Interests


Wednesday’s meeting between Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg saw the two leaders reach an agreement on the bloc’s military aid to Ukraine. Hungary won’t oppose NATO’s decisions in this regard like it briefly did the EU’s in exchange for NATO not forcing Hungary to participate in a conventional intervention there, allow its territory to be used to facilitate that, and fund the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Simply put, they agreed to disagree and not interfere in the other’s affairs. Continue…

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54c588 No.21022087

File: 5760e5dfdeda3a9⋯.png (201.66 KB,500x281,500:281,ClipboardImage.png)

GOP Lawmakers Seek To Block US Funding For Rebuilding Gaza


Several initiatives were introduced for a vote in Congress on Wednesday meant to block the Biden administration from using taxpayer dollars for future Gaza reconstruction.

One key provision was introduced as an amendment to the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act. It was led by Republican Reps Brian Mast, Claudia Tenney, and Eli Crane - and was subsequently passed by a simple voice vote, though Democrats opposed the amendment. Continue…

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54c588 No.21022110

File: 5d47902e4511639⋯.png (256.09 KB,500x333,500:333,ClipboardImage.png)

China-Linked Cyber Campaign Infiltrated Dozens Of Western Governments: Dutch Intelligence


A China-linked cyber campaign that infiltrated a Dutch defense network last year is much larger than previously thought and has infiltrated tens of thousands of government and defense systems in Western nations, according to the Dutch government. Continue…

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54c588 No.21022136

File: 62b34f27c793429⋯.png (182.22 KB,400x225,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Watch: IDF Uses Medieval Catapult Weapon To Ignite Concealed Hezbollah Positions


Israeli soldiers have been filmed firing a trebuchet across the Lebanese border. A trebuchet was common in medieval and ancient times as a siege engine utilizing a long arm and leverage to launch projectiles. Though the footage of Israel Defense Forces (IDF) troops firing a flaming projectile over a large border wall at first appeared either a joke or PR stunt, the Israeli army on Thursday actually confirmed it was genuine.Continue…

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54c588 No.21022155

File: 1dd190d77735e64⋯.png (625.45 KB,ClipboardImage.png)

Disapproval looms over Trudeau, other leaders at high stakes G7 summit


As G7 leaders gather in Apulia, Italy, many leave behind declining approval ratings in their home countries for the brief reprieve of what’s expected to be a busy itinerary of international decision-making.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is among the most unpopular G7 leaders, scraping by with a 28% approval rating.

Meanwhile, French President Emmanuel Macron, who recently called a snap election due to the sweeping victory of right-wing parties during the European elections, has the lowest approval rating of all G7 leaders standing at a mere 24%. Macron is followed by U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak with 25%. As for U.S. President Joe Biden, his approval ratings recently hit an all-time low of 37%.

Throughout the duration of the summit, which is expected to last until Jun. 15, Trudeau will be flanked by his more popular and often adversarial colleagues. Italian Prime Minister and G7 host Giorgia Meloni enjoys a modest 42% approval rating, while Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has a 70% approval rating at home.

The summit kicked off on Thursday with the announcement of a $5 billion deal to seize Russian assets abroad for the Ukrainian war effort. It was Canada’s idea to appropriate Russian property in the first place, with Prime Minister Trudeau pitching the idea to his colleagues in February. Continue…

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54c588 No.21022163

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ratio’d | Exposing Canadian immigration consultants on TikTok


Canadian immigration agents are shamelessly exposing the loopholes and failures of Canada’s immigration system on TikTok. Whether it is securing work permits for illegals, converitng visitor visas into work permits or using loopholes to sponsor family members as “caregivers” into the country, Canada’s immigration system is clearly broken. Just spend a few minutes watching these shameless immigration consultants on social media to see what’s wrong with the current system.

On the latest episode of Ratio’d, Harrison Faulkner exposes some of Canada’s immigration consultants and reacts to their TikTok videos

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54c588 No.21022200

File: f7b0ccc821eab49⋯.png (590.41 KB,696x365,696:365,ClipboardImage.png)

Calls for intifada on Canadian streets discussed in U.S. Congress


Calls for intifada on Canadian streets by radical pro-Hamas protesters have put the U.S. Congress on alert.

U.S. Democrat Congressman Greg Landsman pointed to anti-Israel protesters in Canada as an example of the success of the Islamic Regime in Iran’s plan to control the way that Westerners view the conflict in the Middle East.

“Recently, Canadian protesters gathered and declared, ‘What happened on Oct. 7 was the beginning of the great intifada. It has spread in the minds of people of the free world. When you scream with a loud voice, ‘long live Oct. 7,’ you will understand that these people decided to end their miseries and this nightmare called Israel,’” Landsman said to Congress.

After Iran launched hundreds of drones and missiles at Israel, open support for terrorism became increasingly common in Canada. Continue…

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54c588 No.21022231

File: d5866e8bd091a66⋯.png (612.03 KB,696x365,696:365,ClipboardImage.png)

Liberals release secret carbon tax data following Conservative pressure


The Liberals released carbon tax data, previously kept secret, just moments before a motion compelling them to do so was to be debated in the House of Commons.

This disclosure follows intense pressure from the opposition Conservatives, who accused the government of withholding critical information about the tax and its effect on the Canadian economy. The Conservatives were set to introduce a motion Thursday morning, demanding that the House release a copy of the government’s economic analysis on the carbon tax no later than June 17.

Environment and Climate Change Canada, however, released the data just before the motion was to be debated.

“Just moments ago, Canadians discovered that Trudeau has been hiding the fact that the carbon tax will cost Canadians $30.5 billion by 2030. This works out to $1,824 per family in extra annual costs,” said the Conservative Party in a news release. Continue…

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54c588 No.21022256

File: 5115349d3679f47⋯.png (460.37 KB,696x365,696:365,ClipboardImage.png)

NDP MP billed taxpayers $17k for family vacation after “meeting with stakeholders”


NDP MP Niki Ashton came under fire for $17,000 in travel expenses billed to Canadian taxpayers, despite primarily working remotely.

According to parliamentary travel records, Ashton was only present in Ottawa for four days during the entire fall sitting in 2022.

When she did fly into Ottawa from Thompson, Man. on Dec. 21 of that year, the House of Commons had already closed its doors for the Christmas holidays.

Despite the closure, Ashton billed the House of Commons anyway, claiming the trip was for meeting “stakeholders.”

She also brought her husband and kids along for the trip.

The family then travelled from Ottawa to Quebec City on Christmas Day, again billing taxpayers for the trip as well as expenses made during their holiday sojourn. Continue…

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54c588 No.21023308

File: c7393ddfbb53350⋯.png (494.13 KB,696x365,696:365,ClipboardImage.png)

Digital rights group says porn age verification bill rushed without privacy protections


A Canadian digital rights group is warning that a bill preventing children from accessing adult content online is being rushed through without the necessary scrutiny MPs need to vote on it.

Open Media, which bills itself as a grassroots digital-focused organization, raised the alarm about Bill S-210 being fast-tracked through the committee without MPs hearing from non-government witnesses or receiving any amendments.

The group said it has heard rumblings that a vote could come as early as Friday, although an MP, speaking on background, told True North that it likely won’t happen until September.

Even so, Open Media says the bill’s swift passage through committee – it passed committee without amendment last week – warns that the debate surrounding the bill was “cut short.”

The bill, originally tabled by Liberal-appointed Sen. Julie Miville-Dechêne in the Senate, would force websites to verify the age of their users to block minors from being exposed to sexually explicit content online. However, some have raised privacy concerns about it. Continue…

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54c588 No.21023460

File: 0658745edf11ee0⋯.png (445.76 KB,781x900,781:900,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a869f37bd9bd86e⋯.png (468.48 KB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b8d0af78fbd6a6⋯.png (305.33 KB,678x381,226:127,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7078d89f4e01466⋯.png (829.14 KB,694x998,347:499,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea5f19b4e562d40⋯.png (728.45 KB,830x415,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

June 14 - Sleepwalking to the Apocalypse


'The Darkest Thing I've Seen' Dr. Gabor Maté on Western Countries Supporting Israel's Gaza Slaughter



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54c588 No.21025136

File: 5c4a3f905ec6b78⋯.png (967.46 KB,805x494,805:494,ClipboardImage.png)

Pope Francis tells prominent pro-abortion comedians that their jokes ‘make God smile’


On Friday morning, Pope Francis received around 100 comedians from 15 countries for a private audience, including Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, and Whoopi Goldberg, telling them that their jokes 'make God smile.' Continue…

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431ed4 No.21025454

File: 2fa0a480fe2ac43⋯.jpg (95.12 KB,744x752,93:94,orange_jeep.jpg)

Saw this today in Alberta. Got curious. Checked some alphabet character maps, looks like Punjabi. Went to https://www.lexilogos.com/keyboard/gurmukhi.htm and got to work.

Pretty sure it says "ਸ਼ਸਤਰਨ ਕੇ ਅਧੀਨ ਹੈ ਰਾਜ - The state is subject to the weapon". Sounds like a more poetic version of "Political power grows from the barrel of a gun.", from Mao Zedong. Integrating to Canada well? The arrogance is shocking, if my translation is correct.

I found it interesting that changing one dot can change the meaning pretty dramatically. For example,

"ਸ਼ਸਤਰਨ ਕੇ ਅਧੀਨ ਹੈ ਰਾਜ਼ - The secret is under the weapon"

(One dot different, bottom, far right)

Second opinions?

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1b881a No.21025864

File: c820361c912d91f⋯.png (430.67 KB,601x848,601:848,515.png)




Remember when President Trump banned Huawei from installing their cell phone networks in America b/c they’re a spying arm of the CCP?

This may surprise you, but even Joe Biden allowed those prohibitions to remain

Now we find out Huawei has been funding DC non-profits with connections to elite universities


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1b881a No.21026206


Wall Street Silver


Argentina's inflation rate (MoM) has now fallen 5 months in a row. Javier Milei was sworn in December 10, 2023 just 7 months ago.

Down from 25.5% to just 4.2%

How did Argentina's President Javier Milei do it?

Slashing government spending.


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1b881a No.21026246


Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes


Yes! You bet there is a Plan. @ajtata

Former Brig. General Tata, author of his new book The Phalanx Code & Double Crossfire confirms the plan is in place.

Rob Cunningham | KUWL.show


🎙️There Has Always Been a Plan.

Hear former U.S. Army General & Under Secretary of Defense Policy @ajtata confirm what every America can benefit from hearing.

I encourage all to listen to every single minute of this 32 minute interview.

This 3-part @X post includes:

9:03 AM · Jun 13, 2024

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8de187 No.21026564

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Update: Judge Dismisses Infowars Bankruptcy – Alex Jones Releases Statement After Victory in Court (VIDEO)


As reported earlier, a federal judge on Friday ordered the liquidation of Alex Jones’ personal assets.

Judge Christopher Lopez approved Alex Jones’ request to convert a Chapter 11 business reorganization bankruptcy to a Chapter 7 personal bankruptcy.

However, the judge on Friday afternoon dismissed the bankruptcy reorganization of Infowars and its parent company Free Speech Systems.

According to the AP, Alex Jones smiled after the judge tossed out his company bankruptcy. Jones is able to keep his company, his studio and all social media accounts… for now.

Legal experts say the Sandy Hook families could go back to the bankruptcy court and demand Alex Jones liquidate his company to pay off the Sandy Hook debt.

The AP reported: Continue…

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8de187 No.21026618

File: 424ae80db8c832c⋯.png (2.05 MB,1600x900,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 517f7e5a734ff7e⋯.png (304.68 KB,600x316,150:79,ClipboardImage.png)

File: add8ae954b65fa5⋯.png (1.6 MB,969x764,969:764,ClipboardImage.png)

GANG OF LOSERS: G7 Meeting Displays the Decadence of the Globalist World Order


The Group of Seven was created as an intergovernmental political and economic forum formed by the great western powers post WW2.

It consists of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. Lately, the European Union, as a “non-enumerated member”, has also become part of it – with not one, but two unelected members: the President of the European Commission and the President of the European Council.

But as the advent of a multipolar world unfolds, the 2024 G7 meeting in Italy has displayed for the world to see the sheer decadence of the Globalist world order as represented by the failing leaders present.Continue…

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8de187 No.21026730

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Vaccine-Injured Pharmacist Breaks Down Into Tears Testifying Before Ohio State Senate


This is absolutely heartbreaking.

“I was a father, a husband, a pharmacist, and a healthy person prior to being coerced into receiving the COVID vaccine … I would never have taken the vaccine voluntarily.”

Mike Yoha suffered from Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), a severe neurological disease associated with paralysis, after being coerced into taking the COVID shot. Continue…

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8de187 No.21026806

File: 2064043ca2368b6⋯.png (1.05 MB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef367b3877c7416⋯.png (1.08 MB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Kate Middleton Has a Princess Day at the Annual ‘Trooping the Colour’ Parade, in First Public Appearance Since Disclosing Her Fight Against Cancer


While filled with incredible privilege, the life of a real Princess of Wales is no fairy tale – but it has its days.

Her ‘spirited appearance’ at the annual Trooping the Colour parade in London today (15) marks the first time she was seen by the general public since revealing her cancer battle in March.

Her horse-drawn carriage ride was a welcome distraction from her late worry-filled life. Continue…

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8de187 No.21026924

File: 7826fa21c609f6e⋯.png (2.74 MB,1536x864,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: House of Representatives Passes Bill for Automatic Military Draft Registration of Young Men Between 18 and 26


The U.S. House of Representatives has passed an amendment as part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2025 on Friday.

The amendment H.R. 8070 will automatically register all draft-age male U.S. residents with the Selective Service System for a possible military draft, based on information from other Federal databases.

This new system of automatic draft registration would replace the existing system, in place since 1980, in which young men have the freedom to decide whether or not to sign up for the draft.

According to People’s World, the automatic draft registration proposal was initiated by the Selective Service System (SSS) as part of its annual budget request to Congress.

The Gateway Pundit reported that it was introduced by Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (D-Pa.). Houlahan is a former Air Force officer. It was endorsed by HASC Chair Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) and approved by a voice vote of the full committee without audible opposition.

The amended bill states: Continue…

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8de187 No.21026978

File: da84875dd6ff39f⋯.png (1.26 MB,1080x607,1080:607,ClipboardImage.png)

8-Year-Old Girl Dies on Skywest Flight After Suffering Medical Emergency from Missouri to Chicago


An eight-year-old girl named Sydney Weston lost her life aboard SkyWest Flight 5121 following a severe medical emergency, according to Daily Mail.

The flight had departed from Joplin, Missouri, on Thursday and was en route to Chicago. Approximately 45 minutes after takeoff, the flight was diverted to Peoria, Illinois.

According to officials, Sydney became ill and unresponsive mid-flight, prompting an emergency landing. “Her family immediately notified the flight personnel of her condition, and they began rapidly rendering aid,” stated the coroner.

Upon landing at General Wayne A. Downing Peoria International Airport, first responders found the girl unresponsive, without a pulse and not breathing.

Despite aggressive resuscitative efforts, Sydney was declared dead 2 hours after the flight at a local hospital. An autopsy is scheduled for Friday to determine the cause of death.

The Peoria County Coroner’s Office released the following statement: Continue…

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8de187 No.21027014

File: 1cef8b273109f0e⋯.png (379.32 KB,600x334,300:167,ClipboardImage.png)

FIREWORKS: Massive Brawl Breaks Out in Italy’s Parliament During Heated Debate (VIDEO)


In a dramatic turn of events on Wednesday, fireworks erupted, and a physical altercation ensued over a government proposal that sparked heated debate in Italy’s lower House.

The proposal, backed by Italy’s PM Giorgia Meloni and aimed at expanding Italy’s regional autonomy, has faced strong opposition from some far-left lawmakers who claim it will worsen the economic disparities between the northern and southern half of the country. Currently, five regions of the country’s 20 are granted autonomy, which in part reduces the tax revenue collected by the country’s centralized government in Rome.

The incident unfolded as 5-Star Movement lawmaker Leonardo Donno, a vocal critic of the proposed changes, attempted to hand an Italian flag to regional affairs minister Roberto Calderoli, who is a proponent for the expansion of regional autonomy. Continue…

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8de187 No.21027035

File: a253173d6ba76e3⋯.png (1.31 MB,1266x783,422:261,ClipboardImage.png)

CALLS FOR JUSTICE: Criminal Referral Requests Against Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, Rochelle Walensky, and Other Public Health Officials Have Been Submitted to District Attorneys in Louisiana


The Vires Law Group, in conjunction with the Edward L. Tarpley, Jr., APLC and bolstered by the support of the Former Feds Group Freedom Foundation, has announced the submission of criminal referral requests to the District Attorneys of nine Louisiana parishes.

The referrals call for the initiation of criminal investigations against Dr. Anthony Fauci, Deborah “Scarf Lady” Birx, Rochelle Walensky, Peter Daszak, and other public health officials for alleged crimes committed against Louisiana citizens preceding and during the COVID-19 pandemic.Continue…

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8de187 No.21027063

File: f5f65da3491d2da⋯.png (398.55 KB,500x313,500:313,ClipboardImage.png)

Beyond Bad: Fake Meat And Other 'Ultra Processed' Vegan Food Linked To Heart Disease, Early Death


New research suggests that ultra-processed vegan food can increase the risk of heart disease and early death, the NY Post reports, citing a new study published in The Lancet from the University of São Paulo and Imperial College London. Ultra-processed foods (UPFs) include packaged goods, drinks, cereals and ready-to-eat products that contain colors, emulsifiers, flavors and other additives - and are notoriously high in sugar, saturated fat, salt, while often being devoid of vitamins. Continue…

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8de187 No.21027111

File: c1310c59ab7b735⋯.png (436.96 KB,500x300,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

CDC: New COVID Variant KP.3 On The Rise Across The US


A newly discovered COVID-19 variant, KP.3, is rising to become the dominant strain of the virus across the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

KP.3 constitutes about 25 percent of all COVID-19 cases detected by the agency. It’s followed by the KP. 2 and LB. 1 variants, which make up about 22 percent and 14 percent of all cases, respectively, the data show.

The latest COVID-19 data were collected over a two-week period from May 26 to June 8. Some media outlets have referred to both the KP.2 and KP.3 variants as “FLiRT,” due to where spike proteins are located.

The Epoch Times contacted the CDC for comment on June 12. Continue…

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8de187 No.21027131

File: 8c0d04a957104b1⋯.png (269.82 KB,500x281,500:281,ClipboardImage.png)

German Politicians Fingered In Chinese "Cash For Permits" Corruption Scandal


The main suspect in an ongoing fraud investigation in Germany has incriminated several local politicians from the mainstream parties in the town of Düren, accusing key players in the district administration of taking bribes to approve bogus residence permits for wealthy Chinese nationals. Continue…

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8de187 No.21027141

File: 070ac2bfe585aae⋯.png (246.32 KB,500x264,125:66,ClipboardImage.png)

Southwest Boeing 737 Max Came Within 400 Feet From Crashing In Ocean Near Hawaii


Bloomberg has obtained an internal memo from Southwest Airlines that was recently distributed to pilots. The memo details a frightening incident in April when a Boeing 737 Max 8 nearly crashed into the ocean off the coast of Hawaii during an aborted landing.

The memo states Southwest Flight 2786 dropped at an abnormally high rate of more than 4,000 feet per minute before one of the pilots was able to sharply pull back on the yoke, sending the jet climbing at 8,500 feet per minute. The jet was 400 feet from hitting the ocean when the pilot recovered the aircraft. Continue…

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8de187 No.21027178

File: c751a17953acf1c⋯.png (325.55 KB,500x333,500:333,ClipboardImage.png)

FDA Changes Course, Advises Updated COVID-19 Vaccines Target KP.2 Strain


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on June 13 changed course and recommended COVID-19 manufacturers target the KP.2 virus strain in their next round of shots. Continue…

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8de187 No.21027199

File: 52480d60b3aba89⋯.png (405.17 KB,500x330,50:33,ClipboardImage.png)

NATO Expansion: A New Detailed Timeline


The official website of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization has since January of this year featured an entire page which seeks to "debunk" what it calls "Russian disinformation on NATO".

The series of "myths" that the official NATO page sets out to dispel in one section mocks the very term "NATO expansion"—strongly suggesting that it's so misleading, the words shouldn't even be used in conversation or in media reporting.

Here is what NATO claims as part of its 'debunking' and setting forth of 'facts'. Continue…

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8de187 No.21027240

File: cc58012e33fa470⋯.png (173.17 KB,500x329,500:329,ClipboardImage.png)

US Signs $23 Billion F-16 Deal With Turkey


The US has inked a $23 billion deal with Turkey for 40 F-16 warplanes. Washington promised to sell dozens of the advanced fighter jets to Ankara and upgrade scores of Turkish F-16s in exchange for Turkey approving Sweden’s NATO membership.

The AFP reported the deal was signed on Thursday. "The contract was signed and delegations from both sides are negotiating the details," Turkish defense ministry sources told the outlet. Continue…

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8de187 No.21027265

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Health Canada's 'Pandemic Instrument Team' gives an update on WHO pandemic negotiations


The Public Health Agency of Canada has an entire bureaucracy called the Pandemic Instrument Team dedicated to negotiations that will strengthen the World Health Organization mandate and orchestrate unified response plans. Continue…

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8de187 No.21027308

File: ddbf1b873bd7838⋯.png (1.02 MB,1200x740,60:37,ClipboardImage.png)

Calgary dad abandons appeal to prevent autistic daughter from pursuing MAiD


A Calgary man whose 27-year-old autistic daughter is seeking Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) has abandoned his desperate, ongoing legal pursuit to block the process.

An expedited appeal hearing is now scheduled for June 28.

He had earlier filed two separate appeals with the Alberta Court of Appeal to keep in place an injunction preventing his daughter (who is referred to as MV in court documents), from ending her life, which Court of King’s Bench Justice Colin Feasby lifted in a March 25 decision. Feasby had ordered a stay of his ruling in order to allow the father the appeals.

His lawyer, Sarah Miller, filed discontinuation notices for both appeals on June 6, the Calgary Sun reported. Redacted court documents were released by the Court of Appeal on Wednesday, containing a letter from Miller indicating she was discontinuing the appeals, as the daughter took certain actions. Continue…

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8de187 No.21027330

File: e63c7f3887e7f6a⋯.png (625.04 KB,696x365,696:365,ClipboardImage.png)

Meloni scraps “legal abortion” from G7 declaration to dismay of Trudeau, others


This year’s G7 declaration will not reference the guarantee of “safe and legal abortion” thanks to the intervention of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

Despite pressure from France, the United States and Canada, the Italian government wouldn’t budge on the issue during negotiations over the declaration’s final wording.

Instead, Meloni opted for the declaration to only reference “reproductive rights.”

The G7 meeting this year is being hosted in Apulia, Italy and was the first summit to host a pontiff. Pope Francis held bilateral meetings with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, among other world leaders, and chaired a session on the dangers of artificial intelligence.

True North contacted the Prime Minister’s Office for comment on the G7 declaration but did not receive a response. Continue…

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8de187 No.21027361

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

==LAWTON: New documentary exposes dark side of MAiD



A new documentary from Rebel News, “MAID: The Dark Side of Canadian Compassion,” delves into the disturbing paradox of a nation offering the choice to end life while often denying essential healthcare services. Documentary producers Sheila Gunn Reid joined True North’s Andrew Lawton to explain the complexities and ethical dilemmas surrounding Canada’s Medical Assistance in Dying program.

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8de187 No.21027406

LAWTON: Chrystia Freeland takes aim at Canadian doctors


Canadian doctors are expressing disappointment over Chrystia Freeland’s decision to go ahead with her controversial capital gains tax changes despite receiving numerous warnings that these measures would financially strain physicians and destabilize the healthcare system. Canadian Medical Association president Dr. Kathleen Ross joined True North’s Andrew Lawton to discuss.

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431ed4 No.21027843


So they played along with covid to keep those big paychecks, and now they're getting fucked anyway. No sympathy at all.

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c8f38b No.21027886


How sexist

Where's that "Diversity" and "Inclision

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c8f38b No.21027902

File: cf03ca194c67809⋯.png (599.37 KB,976x549,16:9,_118379347_f959b3bf_db0b_4….png)

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1b881a No.21028961


Riley Gaines reposted

Elon Musk


We should eliminate electronic voting machines. The risk of being hacked by humans or AI, while small, is still too high.


Robert F. Kennedy Jr


Puerto Rico’s primary elections just experienced hundreds of voting irregularities related to electronic voting machines, according to the Associated Press.

Luckily, there was a paper trail so the problem was identified and vote tallies corrected.

What happens in jurisdictions

2:58 AM · Jun 15, 2024

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8de187 No.21030301

File: 50259c77299d9ed⋯.png (617.23 KB,1200x659,1200:659,ClipboardImage.png)

State of local emergency declared in Calgary as city tackles water crisis


The City of Calgary has declared a State of Local Emergency in response to a water feeder main break that has impacted the city's water supply.

The declaration, made at 8 a.m. on Saturday, aims to ensure a swift and safe restoration of the water feeder main.

According to Calgary Mayor Jyoti Gondek, the decision was made to prepare for all eventualities and to demonstrate the city's commitment to addressing the critical water situation.

The Government of Alberta has endorsed the approach and offered its support.

A major water main break last week incured major water and traffic problems and now there's no end in sight to the end of restrictions — which puts the Calgary Stampede into play as it kicks off July 5.

"Following further investigation of our water feedermain, significant additional damage has been found and other sections of the pipe now also need to be repaired. This will result in a lengthier delay in returning Calgarians to normal water service than was anticipated, as with the extensive damage repairs are now estimated to take an additional three to five weeks to complete," said Calgary Emergency Management Agency Chief Sue Henry on Friday. Continue…

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8de187 No.21032043

File: deca13728e1d4de⋯.png (297.76 KB,583x390,583:390,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a083d016d273a4f⋯.png (484.12 KB,680x468,170:117,ClipboardImage.png)

Biden commits U.S. taxpayers to 10 years of ‘blank check’ funding of war in Ukraine: War’s ‘dark side’ includes organ harvesting and child sex trafficking


Biden commits U.S. taxpayers to 10 years of ‘blank check’ funding of war in Ukraine: War’s ‘dark side’ includes organ harvesting and child sex trafficking

Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Zelensky are planning to sign a deal for long-term US military assistance for Ukraine, a country whose government we now know is involved in the trafficking of children for sex and harvesting the organs of its own soldiers for profit. Continue…

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8de187 No.21032099

File: 5219101a7ac9e0e⋯.png (312.81 KB,600x400,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Massachusetts House Unanimously Passes Bill to Allow Women to Sell Their Babies to Highest Bidder


The bill passed under the guise of LGBTQ rights.

Under the state’s current laws, paid and traditional surrogacy is permitted — but for traditional surrogacy, the would-be “parents” must adopt the baby and, therefore, pass a background check. Additionally, at least one of the parents must be related to the infant.

Live Action explains: Continue…

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8de187 No.21032146

File: c23065a3556c8ff⋯.png (3.32 MB,1536x1002,256:167,ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk Calls For Ban on Fraud Enabling Voting Machines: ‘The Risk of Being Hacked is Still Too High’


Elon Musk has called for the scrapping of electronic voting machines, warning they are at high risk of being hacked and manipulated by bad actors.

Posting on the X platform, Musk responded to a post from independent presidential candidate, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who himself was weighing on the recent irregularities that took place during Puerto Rico’s primary elections.

Kennedy wrote: Continue…

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8de187 No.21032269

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0? After Russian Nuclear Sub ‘Kazan’ Arrives in Havana, US Navy Sends Fast Attack Submarine USS Helena to Guantanamo Bay in Show of Force (VIDEOS)


Not since the end of the Cold War has the situation of military vessels around the island of Cuba been this delicate.

A day after Russian stealth Nuclear submarine Kazan docked in the Havana port – for a ‘routine deployment’ – the United States responded by deploying a fast-attack nuclear submarine to Guantanamo Bay.

The USS Helena is tasked with this mission. Continue…

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8de187 No.21032327

File: 42abc40ca7913af⋯.png (407.62 KB,600x338,300:169,ClipboardImage.png)

File: db1f93593369673⋯.png (231.71 KB,1343x401,1343:401,ClipboardImage.png)

France’s Macron Blasted for His Failed Political Gamble as Le Pen’s RN Party Maintains Lead Ahead of Snap Elections – Far-Left Unites To Try To Keep Right Wing From Power


Unpopular French president Emmanuel Macron is on the ropes.

The Globalist poster boy, who likes to be pictured boxing against a punch bag, has been pummeled by his political opponents, and has now sent the MSM into a raging fit.

The outrage is in response to his dissolving of Parliament and calls for early snap elections after the anti-immigration National Rally (RN) of Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella won a resounding victory in European elections last Sunday.

According to the furious media, Macron has “bit more than he can chew,” and his gamble is “looking like a disaster.” He is guilty of “gambling with people’s lives” and is called a “destroyer of worlds,” as his “approval has fallen to its lowest since 2018.”

On Monday, the right-wing National Rally was forecast to win the snap election in France by TRIPLETING its seat numbers. As of now, the projections fall slightly short of an absolute majority.

The snap elections for the lower house of parliament are scheduled for June 30 and July 7.

Reuters reported: Continue…

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8de187 No.21032407

File: b4b8160f56286b1⋯.png (188.82 KB,600x400,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

American Heart Association Says Six in Ten Adults May Suffer from Heart Disease Over the Next 30 Years


The report cited several reasons for the predicted rise but did not mention COVID-19 vaccines.

The AHA reported on June 4, “The projected rise in heart disease and stroke – along with several key risk factors, including high blood pressure and obesity – is likely to triple related costs to $1.8 trillion by 2050, according to two American Heart Association presidential advisories published Tuesday in the AHA journal Circulation. One report looks at the projected increase in cardiovascular disease rates in the decades ahead, while the other projects their total related costs.”

“The landscape of cardiovascular disease in the U.S. is seeing the arrival of a near-perfect storm,” Dr. Dhruv S. Kazi, vice chair of the advisory writing group, said in a press release. Continue…

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8de187 No.21032465

File: 5ed3dd485a82b95⋯.png (405.77 KB,600x338,300:169,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 13bd9336eef3b21⋯.png (297.7 KB,420x600,7:10,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3740d3a539132ce⋯.png (482.75 KB,600x339,200:113,ClipboardImage.png)

MSM Tries To Put a Positive Spin on Ukraine’s Old Soldiers and the Social Chaos Caused by Forced Mobilization (VIDEOS)


As the geopolitical world moves towards the possibility of negotiations to end the war in Ukraine, the Mainstream Media doubles down on its mission to look with rosy-colored glasses on the dire situation the Kiev regime finds itself in.

To begin with, it’s necessary to whitewash the situation regarding the lack of troops and the fact that the average age of the defenders has reached the middle forties.

And they are facing the bigger and better equipped Russian Federation forces.

Ukraine is under constant pressure to forcibly conscript troops in the third year of the war and there are no volunteers anymore. Continue…

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8de187 No.21032508

File: 63c7c450e8c73ea⋯.png (433.52 KB,500x652,125:163,ClipboardImage.png)

China Trumps US As Most 'Diplomatic' Nation In The World…


Can you guess which country has the most embassies worldwide? It's not the United States (military bases are another story)…

According to the Global Diplomacy Index by the Lowy Institute, Visual Capitalist's Marcus Lu reports that China leads with 173 embassies around the world, eclipsing the U.S. (168) by just five more foreign posts.

Former colonial powers, France (158) and the UK (156) rank third and fourth respectively. Japan (152) rounds out the top five. Continue…

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8de187 No.21032614

File: 178ed7d050e23e1⋯.png (433.71 KB,500x710,50:71,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3fa72d689f6d790⋯.png (122.13 KB,500x368,125:92,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5306bd41ac54a51⋯.png (110.29 KB,500x270,50:27,ClipboardImage.png)

Crew Abandons Sinking Bulk Carrier In Red Sea After Kamikaze Drone Boat Attack


Turmoil in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden intensified this week as Iran-backed Houthi rebels launched a series of attacks on commercial vessels traversing the critical maritime chokepoint. In a bold new move, the rebels deployed a suicide drone boat that slammed into the stern of a bulk carrier, paralyzing the vessel and forcing the crew to abandon the ship.

The drone boat attack on commodity-hauling bulk carrier "Tutor" was first reported on Wednesday. By Friday, the crew of the vessel was "evacuated by military authorities," according to the British military's United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations.

UKMTO said, "The vessel has been abandoned and is drifting in the vicinity of the last reported position 14°20'00" N 041°56'00" E." Continue…

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8de187 No.21032716

File: 8f398618efcdc25⋯.png (657.75 KB,696x365,696:365,ClipboardImage.png)

OP-ED: Canada’s enduring D-Day legacy


Canadians recently commemorated the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings at Normandy. And while it remains a momentous event in Canadian history, understanding what Canada did to earn its place on the battlefield is equally important.

On June 6, 1944, the greatest military landing in history took place as the Allies launched a massive naval, air and land attack against Nazi Germany’s Atlantic Fortress. Comprising one-fifth of the entire force hitting the Normandy beaches that day were 30,000 Canadian soldiers, sailors and airmen. This was no token presence. The Canadians were there because their army, navy and air force were vital to achieving victory. And this was a truly remarkable achievement, considering the state of Canada’s military just five years earlier. Continue…

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8de187 No.21033387

File: 12c88282f51a8c4⋯.png (455.08 KB,800x469,800:469,ClipboardImage.png)

Their Strategy in the War on Food


n my previous two articles, we covered the global war on farmers and the culprits behind this agenda. Today, we will dive into the tactics these organizations use to foist their dystopian vision on the rest of us.

Perhaps you remember Event 201, the pandemic simulation run in late 2019 that served as a dress rehearsal for the 2020 Covid response. Such simulations have been used in the War on Food as well. Take, for example, the Food Chain Reaction Game, a 2015 wargame that simulated the time period from 2020 to 2030. Cargill and the other participants have removed the Food Chain Reaction Game data from their websites, but Cargill’s version was archived by independent researchers, so you can still see it here. https://archive.fo/RYn4U

In the simulation, the decade brought “two major food crises, with prices approaching 400 percent of the long term average; a raft of climate-related extreme weather events; governments toppling in Pakistan and Ukraine; and famine and refugee crises in Bangladesh, Myanmar, Chad and Sudan.” When the game ended, its organizers had imposed meat taxes in Europe, capped CO2 emissions, and instituted a global carbon tax. The time period of the Food Chain Reaction Game handily coincides with the 2020 Covid crisis and ends with the culmination of Agenda 2030. If you don’t think those dates are significant, you aren’t paying attention. Continue…

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8de187 No.21033445

File: c2ec5a3541b81be⋯.png (489.12 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Elliot Page Says Despite Feeling ‘Trans Rage’ and ‘Trans Anxiety,’ Being Transgender Is a ‘Richer’ Life Experience


Transgender actor Elliot Page, formerly actress Ellen Page, recently shared reasons that transgender people are “lucky” and says that since becoming a trans male, life has become a “richer” experience.

Page came out as transgender in 2020, and then underwent a double mastectomy in 2021 to live life fully as a male, and now says that the decision was the right one.

“I love being trans because I love trans people. I feel so lucky to have had this experience in my life, what it’s offered me and what it’s given me, how much it’s taught me, and the community it’s allowed me to connect to,” Page told Grammy winning singer Sam Smith on his podcast, The Pink House. Continue…

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8de187 No.21033661

File: 3749f4e85f439e0⋯.png (164.77 KB,540x304,135:76,ClipboardImage.png)

Twelve states refuse to sign Zelensky ‘peace conference’ declaration


The UAE, India, Saudi Arabia, and Brazil are among the countries that have not supported the Swiss summit’s final document

Twelve countries attending the Swiss-hosted Ukraine ‘peace conference’ have refused to sign the final communique. This is based on the list of countries that approved the document, RIA Novosti reported on Sunday.

According to the list, Armenia, Brazil, India, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and the UAE are among the states that did not sign the declaration, as well as four organizations, including the UN and OSCE. Meanwhile, 79 nations, including Hungary, Serbia, Argentina, Türkiye, and Georgia, as well as four international bodies, joined Ukraine in endorsing the document.

The final communique has not yet been made public, but according to Reuters, citing a June 13 draft, it places the blame for the “war against Ukraine” on Russia, accusing it of causing “large-scale human suffering and destruction” and “creating risks and crises with global repercussions.” Continue…

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8de187 No.21033709

File: 73101f87ecadaf4⋯.png (1.97 MB,1280x712,160:89,ClipboardImage.png)

'One Nation Under God Rally for Children': takes Parliament Hill as parents reject Pride in schools, boost religious unity


Parents came out Saturday to celebrate the success of the Canada-wide "walk-out" organized by the pro-family group Hands Off Our Kids.

The phrase "one nation under God" is found in the American pledge of allegiance spoke by school children and is now a rallying cry for Canadian parents and children who are weary of LGBTQ+ indoctrination in their schools. The symbol of this indoctrination is most visibly present in the raising of the Pride flag at schools.

Parents came out Saturday to celebrate the success of the Canada-wide "walk-out" organized by the pro-family group Hands Off Our Kids. The movement's leader, Kamel El-Cheikh, told The Post Millennial that 50 percent of students across Canada stayed out of school while the Pride flag was raised as they and their parents insisted that June should not be Pride month but "My Child June Month." Continue…

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8de187 No.21033773

File: 6cd8b61def62be8⋯.png (1.71 MB,1300x650,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9dfd11497af9d46⋯.png (488.64 KB,743x471,743:471,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5d8188f4d43bc6c⋯.png (920.16 KB,737x740,737:740,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e08745b0ef2621⋯.png (156.92 KB,360x360,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b4a67e00a1767ed⋯.png (126.07 KB,360x360,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

'Revolutionary youth summer program' to turn students into Gaza activists at McGill University


“We pledge to educate the youth of montreal and redefine McGill’s ‘elite’ (institutional) legacy by (transforming) its space into one of revolutionary education."

At McGill University, the Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR) group has announced that it will be making a "revolutionary youth summer program" at its Gaza encampment. It used men holding machine guns to advertise for the program.

In a post on social media, the group stated, “We pledge to educate the youth of Montreal and redefine McGill’s ‘elite’ [institutional] legacy by [transforming] its space into one of revolutionary education." Continue…

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fdc6b2 No.21034127

Cascadian Nation 2030

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1b881a No.21034676


Landmark Court Ruling Opens Door for LAWSUITS Against COVID “Vaccine” Manufacturers

The COVID “vaccines” aren’t vaccines after all, according to a ruling from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

Dr. David Martin says that this paves the way for sweeping lawsuits because the manufacturers “willfully misled the public.”

“The manufacturers willfully misled the public by calling them [COVID shots] a vaccine.” This is a violation of the Federal Trade Commission acts in the U.S. and the Deceptive Medical Practices Act internationally, he emphasized.

But the implications go even further. According to Dr. Martin, the decision also cracks the liability shields that have protected various entities involved in mandating and administrating the mRNA injections.

“What this also does is [it] starts to give us the cracks that we need to pierce the liability shields against vaccine manufacturers and against the individuals, employers, pharmacists, doctors, nurses, hospitals that actually injected people for the first time. We actually now have the ability to say that the 9th Circuit has held that Jacobson was misapplied, that this did not stop infection, did not stop transmission, and as such, the public was willfully misled, which is a crime.”

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8de187 No.21035630

File: 21550ec6e21fe58⋯.png (1.47 MB,1280x712,160:89,ClipboardImage.png)

Canadian doctors demand ability to offer child sex change services via video call


A new book detailing the procedure for youth telemedicine reveals that doctors believe they should be able to offer sex change services to minors virtually.

Some Canadian doctors want children to be able to access medical gender transition via video calls—and they don't even think those children should have to appear on camera to get it. A new book detailing the procedure for youth telemedicine reveals that doctors believe they should be able to offer sex change services to minors virtually, and that due to the potential for "distress" to those minors, they should not even have to show their faces on the video call.

While the scandal that is pediatric gender medicine falls out of favour across the Western world, physicians from the BC Children's Hospital in Vancouver are calling for easier access for kids to medically transition. Doctors argued that children should be able to obtain a medical transition without even appearing on camera to their healthcare team—claiming that could be "distressing" for the kids.

In a 2024 book on telemedicine for youth, physicians Carolina Silva and Brenden Hursh, of BC Children's Hospital, alongside researcher Smita Mukherjee, have said that there are too many barriers to Canadian children wanting medical transition, and that they should be able to do this via telehealth, "an easier, less costly way for trans youth access specialized care." Continue…

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d1c71f No.21037282

File: 046baf12f36dccc⋯.png (231.16 KB,600x338,300:169,ClipboardImage.png)

UK Conservatives ‘Facing Extinction’ in July General Election – Labour Leftists To Achieve Sweeping Majority, Can Undo BREXIT and Bring the Kingdom Back to EU


The UK seems to once again be trending in the opposite direction of the rest of Europe.

While in the middle of the 2010’s the old continent was heavily doubling down on Globalist, Brits voted in 2016 to leave the European Union, in a move that shocked the world and promised to give the Kingdom back its sovereignty.

Now, as the European states are being swept by a conservative-populist-nationalist right wing wave that is essentially anti-Globalist in nature, the UK is about to jump left – and possibly even with the Labour party getting a massive majority that will allow it to implement reforms that can potentially take the nation back into the EU fold.

Now, less than three weeks before the UK’s snap general election, ruling Conservatives have been crushed by the latest – and disastrous – opinion polls that arose over the weekend.

The three polls presented a grim picture for Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, suggesting he has little to no chance of turning the situation around before the vote on July 4.

One pollster goes as far as warning that Conservatives face ‘electoral extinction’ in the election.

Reuters reported: Continue…

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d1c71f No.21037366

File: ac06c8869ed5b0f⋯.png (400.42 KB,639x423,71:47,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a7da03802fa67fc⋯.png (463.62 KB,600x439,600:439,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e706cc3ba1d1a0⋯.png (474.41 KB,596x816,149:204,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed05864bba85ee8⋯.png (452.21 KB,601x839,601:839,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c6a34560c9f62e⋯.png (3.23 MB,1600x900,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Media Hypes Trump’s Age As He Turns 78 …Meanwhile Conspiracy That ‘Demential Joe’ Is A Clone Continues To Surface on Internet


Mockingbird media is still trying to pull the wool over our eyes and convince the public Joe Biden is competent and coherent while that Donald Trump is too old to be president.

Trump turned 78 on Friday, and the corporate press is hyping up his age, warning the 2024 GOP presidential nominee, like Biden who turned 81 in November, is losing his mental faculties with age.

“At 78, Trump too is showing signs of aging,” Agence France-Press reports. Continue…

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d1c71f No.21037447

File: ca1e4905ec5c8b8⋯.png (2.01 MB,1199x800,1199:800,ClipboardImage.png)

King Nigel I.: Farage Overtakes Rishi Sunak’s Tories in UK, Slams Globalist David Cameron, Announces “I Will Be Prime Minister 2029”


”Mr. Brexit“ and Trump-Bannon ally Nigel Farage is once again trouncing the British Conservative Party out of nowhere, overtaking the Tories just two weeks after throwing his hat in the ring for the July 4 elections. Tory hardliner Suella Braverman invited Farage to join the Conservative Party, while RINO Foreign Secretary David Cameron accused Farage of wanting to “destroy” the Conservatives. Continue…

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d1c71f No.21037518

File: 42801a6b71d48d9⋯.png (1.05 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

German Study: Vast Majority of People Will Grow Out of Transgenderism Within 5 Years


A massive, years-long study shows the overwhelming majority of young people who identify as transgender will grow out of the diagnosis within five years. Researchers, who tracked all children and young adults diagnosed with gender dysphoria over a nine-year period, found a similar supermajority of trans people suffered from at least one other psychological condition. Continue…

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d1c71f No.21037596

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Elon Musk Issues Urgent Warning to Humanity


Elon Musk has issued a stark warning about the future of humanity: “If there are no humans, there’s no humanity.” Speaking on the critical issue of declining birth rates, Musk insisted that we should be “very concerned” as these rates are “accelerating in most countries.” The implications, according to Musk, are dire.

But it’s what he said next that was very telling. Continue…

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2d0738 No.21037620


Praise be

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d1c71f No.21037655

File: 9474468937789b8⋯.png (98.59 KB,463x264,463:264,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 82fcc980451b9ca⋯.png (364.69 KB,547x881,547:881,ClipboardImage.png)

Over 12,000 Acres Near Los Angeles is on Fire — More Than 1,200 People Evacuated So Far (VIDEOS)


A massive wildfire just outside Los Angeles, California, has spread to 12,265 acres and was only two percent contained on Sunday afternoon.

The Post Fire is moving towards Hungry Valley Park, where California State Park Services have evacuated approximately 1,200 people. Continue…

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2d0738 No.21037667


im on it

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d1c71f No.21037829

File: 7711a621780868d⋯.png (298.81 KB,689x379,689:379,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 52fef5bc2b41c48⋯.png (1.29 MB,1023x535,1023:535,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a25ddefdc53204⋯.png (219.17 KB,680x567,680:567,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 74f20dd25192cb6⋯.png (719.62 KB,800x533,800:533,ClipboardImage.png)

At the Same Time Biden Lost US Airbases in Niger the former US Ally was Negotiating Sale of 300 Tons of Yellowcake Uranium with Iran


At the same time the Biden Administration managed to lose important US airbases paid for by US taxpayers in Niger, the former US ally was negotiating refined uranium deal with the Iranian regime.

Niger cemented an alliance with Iran with a secret yellowcake uranium deal in April.

This was around the same time Niger authorities decided to force US military personnel from the country. The US invested over $100 million in just one airbase in the country!

It is impossible to adequately explain how dangerous Joe Biden’s anti-American regime has been to global stability.

Our Gateway Pundit friend Banafsheh Zand reported at Iran International: Continue…

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d1c71f No.21038015

File: b248814431733af⋯.png (171.99 KB,500x300,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Vietnam Hit By Widespread Internet Disruption After Undersea Cables Fail


Vietnam News Agency reports three of Vietnam's five international undersea internet cables are down to start the week, sparking major internet outages. This is the country's second major outage in just over a year.

The Intra Asia (IA) cable had an incident on its S1 branch connecting to Singapore while problems on the Asia Pacific Gateway (APG) and the Asia-Africa-Europe-1 (AAE-1) have not been fixed yet.

The failure of the three cable systems has seriously affected the speed of Vietnam's international internet connections, with internet users having found it difficult to access websites and network services with servers abroad. -VNA

Vietnam is primarily connected to the world through five submarine fiber optic cables: APG, IA, AAE-1, Asia-America Gateway (AAG), and Southeast Asia-Middle East-Western Europe (SMW-3). Continue…

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d1c71f No.21038151

File: 4dcd8ea6768ea82⋯.png (451.5 KB,540x304,135:76,ClipboardImage.png)

NATO state’s president calls for break-up of Russia


Poland’s Andrzej Duda has suggested that different ethnic groups should revolt against the government

olish President Andrzej Duda has called for the “decolonization” of Russia, claiming that Russia's many ethnic minorities should form their own states.

Russia is one of the most diverse countries in the world and comprises over 190 ethnic groups that speak more than 270 languages and dialects, according to the government.

Speaking at the so-called “Peace for Ukraine” conference in Switzerland on Sunday, Duda described Russia as a “prison of nations.” The country is “home to almost 200 ethnic groups,” which “became the residents of Russia as a result of methods used in Ukraine today,” the Polish leader claimed, referring to the conflict between Moscow and Kiev.

“Russia remains the largest colonial empire in the world, which, unlike European powers, has never undergone the process of decolonization and has never been able to deal with demons of its past,” Duda stated. “As a member of the international community, we have to finally say – there is no [space] for colonialism in the modern world.” Continue…

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d1c71f No.21038196

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is Trudeau's BIGGEST scandal and could bring down Canadian government | Redacted News


Canada has a massive spy scandal on its hands

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d1c71f No.21038243

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pierre Poilievre Is Right People Are DONE With Canada


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d1c71f No.21038333

File: b4bb77e1d5f79ba⋯.png (2.17 MB,1456x983,1456:983,ClipboardImage.png)

A day in the life of the streets of Toronto (which is exactly like a day in the life of nearly every other city on the planet)


A "vaxxident"—a "fatal dump truck crash"—that DID make (local) news

I actually looked down at the accident from my office.

All lanes on the Gardiner Expressway and Don Valley Parkway (DVP) have reopened hours after they were shut down while police investigated a fatal crash involving three dump trucks.

One person, a 50-year-old, was killed in the crash that happened on the Gardiner between York Street and Spadina Avenue at around 2:17 Tuesday afternoon.

Toronto police say the man suffered an unknown medical emergency was driving red-and-white dump truck and struck a white sedan and then struck a silver dump truck [sic]. He was pronounced dead at the scene.


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c8f38b No.21038362


"B" List actress wanting attention

Do her friends realize she chose to be a White Male? Isn't the White Male the cause of all the World's problems. Surgically altered to become the Oppressor?

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d1c71f No.21038372

File: 0485ba70d31347f⋯.png (705.66 KB,696x365,696:365,ClipboardImage.png)

SHEPHERD: British Columbia protesters try to shut down We Unify conference


In a melange of pride flags, keffiyehs, and masks, a group of activists assembled in Victoria, B.C. last week to call for city council to kibosh an upcoming freedom-focused conference.

The activist contingent calling itself 1 Million Voices for Inclusion is trying to shut down the We Unify Reclaiming Canada conference, scheduled for June 21-23 at the Victoria Conference Centre.

The Victoria Conference Centre is a municipally-owned venue.

We Unify’s featured speakers include Freedom Convoy organizer Tamara Lich, Rebel News reporter Drea Humphrey, and former Newfoundland premier Brian Peckford.

We Unify describes itself as a volunteer-run grassroots movement to advance freedom and safeguard democracy, as well as champion fair elections, vibrant debate, accountable government, and a more inclusive society.

“We’re here to ask the City of Victoria to deny the Victoria Conference Centre to We Unify, who is having a lineup of flat-out, I mean, we’re talking about hate speech here,” protest organizer Martin Girard told True North, claiming that the speakers are going to violate the Criminal Code and the B.C. human rights code.

The protesters take particular umbrage with the appearance of conservative commentator Lauren Southern, Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms founder John Carpay, and United Arab Emirates-based rapper and social media influencer Zuby.

The Victoria Conference Centre has so far stood strong amidst the recent calls for cancellation. Continue…

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c8f38b No.21038399


VigilantFox is slacking on the vigilance

TGP posted on June 8th


>>20988741 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules mRNA COVID-19 Jab is NOT a Vaccine Under Traditional Medical Definitions (attached .pdf)

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d1c71f No.21038440

File: 845619bcb233fb3⋯.png (636.21 KB,696x365,696:365,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d75528711b269aa⋯.png (1.32 MB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 883ff44bc2d44d0⋯.png (1.39 MB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b02f823e1c07aea⋯.png (1.45 MB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

“It’s time to get loud:” Pro-life groups gear up for the battle of ideas


Armed with information, pro-life advocates in Ontario left an educational conference over the weekend with renewed determination and passion.

The Alliance for Life Ontario hosted its 34th annual conference Saturday in Mississauga, Ont. to rally local, provincial and national pro-life groups and equip them with new information for their fight against abortion and euthanasia.

“It’s time to get loud,” one pro-life activist told True North at the event.

AFLO featured author and researcher David Reardon, who discussed a recent study he conducted which found that 60% of Canadian women who have had abortions felt pressured into doing so. He said his findings challenge the narrative about abortions being a woman’s choice.

Another speaker informed attendees about censorship of their movement and how to use the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to fight back. Others focused on issues they had with euthanasia through Canada’s medical assistance in dying program. Continue…

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d1c71f No.21038527

File: 0f5ba7b6a1ca5b9⋯.png (409.17 KB,696x365,696:365,ClipboardImage.png)

Alberta challenges Liberals nature strategy, deeming it unconstitutional


Alberta has declared yet another one of the Liberals’ environmental initiatives unconstitutional.

In a statement released on June 14, Environment Minister Rebecca Schulz argued that the federal Liberals had no right to dictate the management of Alberta’s land or resources.

“Any plan for our province must reflect the social, economic, and environmental values of Albertans, not Ottawa; especially when Ottawa’s ultimate goal is to sterilize our land and resources, which hinders economic opportunity and resource development projects before they can even be proposed,” wrote Schulz.

The Liberals introduced the Nature Accountability Act in Parliament a day before Schulz’s statement. The bill provides steps to achieve Canada’s vision for 2050, including the 2030 nature strategy.

The strategy seeks to implement all 23 Kunming-Montréal Global Biodiversity Framework targets.

Some of the 23 targets include restoring 30% of all degraded ecosystems and conserving 30% of land, waters, and seas. Other targets include spending at least $200 billion annually on biodiversity and ensuring “gender equality and a gender-responsive approach for biodiversity action.” Continue…

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c8f38b No.21038611

File: b5781448d1e8cd7⋯.png (101.33 KB,600x490,60:49,electoral_map_trump_clinto….png)


"opinion polls"

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d1c71f No.21038660

File: a120d48d03c9b98⋯.png (4.48 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Steven Guilbeault says possible Trump re-election is 'very worrisome'


'… there are some things that Trump and his team have put out that are very worrisome from an environmental perspective,' said Guilbeault.

Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault worries that the prospect of former US President Donald Trump winning a second term is "very worrisome."

Guilbeault's comments came after he was asked about recently introduced legislation fighting biodiversity loss domestically. The Trudeau climate czar said that halting loss would take an international effort, noting though that he would be comfortable working with whoever wins the US presidency.

Guilbeault was asked, "Do you get worried about the possibility of Donald Trump returning to the White House and re-opening protected areas in the Arctic for more drilling?"

He responded by saying that the Liberals have shown that they can work with both Republicans and Democrats.

"That being said, there are some things that Trump and his team have put out that are very worrisome from an environmental perspective, whether it’s on climate or whether it’s on nature," he said.

"You would like to think that nature should be a nonpartisan issue. There’s nothing more conservative than conservation. The conservation movement was largely started by conservative people, so I’m hoping that can be the case in the U.S."

"I’m also hoping that can be the case in Canada as well. We’ve signed nature agreements with a provincial NDP government, a provincial Conservative government, and a Liberal government in the Yukon, even though they’re less entrenched into party positions. So, we’ve been able to work with different types of governments, provincial and territorial, on this," he said.

"I’m also confident, by the time COP16 comes in October, we’ll have a couple more nature agreements to show Canadians."

He says that draft regulations for an oil and gas emissions cap would be ready by the fall.

Guilbeault's concerns, though, are unfounded. Continue…

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c8f38b No.21038685


Call out the Armenians!

General Research #23284 >>18965745

Armenian Men Beat the Crap Out of Antifa and Far-Left Protestors Outside Glendale, CA School Board Meeting About Pride Events

by Cristina Laila Jun. 6, 2023

Armenian men beat the crap out of Antifa thugs and far-left protestors outside of a school board meeting in Glendale, California Tuesday evening.

Glendale has a large Armenian-Christian population and they are fed up with the LGBTQ/pride events taking place in elementary schools.

According to CBS News, 50 police officers were deployed to break up the massive brawl that erupted around 6 pm local time.

These Armenian dads have had enough!

Breaking: Armenian-American men fight against #Antifa & far-left protesters outside the Glendale (CA) school board meeting. Immigrant families have been furious that elementary schools are doing pride events. Antifa have gathered to oppose the parents. pic.twitter.com/1LCTeCgc32

— Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) June 7, 2023

Glendale police showed up and beat back the Armenians fighting against Antifa goons.


Breaking: Glendale (CA) Police beat back the Armenian-American men who want to fight #Antifa outside the school board meeting. The immigrant families oppose pride celebrations in schools. Antifa, communists & far-left protesters gathered to support that. pic.twitter.com/QTMmKeNR95

— Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) June 7, 2023

Of course the police rushed in to save the far-left protestors.


Glendale (CA) police rush in and save #Antifa & far-left protesters during a fight against Armenian-Americans outside a school board meeting. Many parents of immigrant background disapprove of the schools celebrating pride events. pic.twitter.com/i1L2P1aBxt

— Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) June 7, 2023


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d1c71f No.21038733

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We're in Federal Court fighting Trudeau's 'journalism licence'


Ezra Levant reports from the Federal Court in downtown Toronto, where Rebel News is taking on the Trudeau government over its attempts to enforce a journalism licence. Continue…

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d1c71f No.21038774

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Coutts Trial: Defence lawyer suggests female undercover RCMP officer was 'flirting' with her client


The Crown has invited two female RCMP undercover investigators who were deployed to the Coutts demonstration to testify as witnesses in the trial. Continue…

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d1c71f No.21038922

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Councillor Lisa Robinson continues to stand up to the woke, censorious thugs at Pickering City Council. And for taking a stand, it has cost her…


Lisa has literally paid a price for going against the grain, having three months of her salary docked due to politically incorrect thoughts. Continue…

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d1c71f No.21039032

File: e4a8ac3988bdffd⋯.png (3.47 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Quebec restaurant giving out free meals stops program out of fear of provincial language police


The restaurant owner says that someone complained to the language watchdog after social media posts were made in English by his Mama Khan restaurant.

A Montreal restaurant owner says he will stop his free meal initiative after a crackdown by the Quebec language police.

"It was very successful. We have given out over 712 free meals," Abdul Rashia Khan of the Mama Khan restaurant told Global News.

Khan said he has always had an interest in social work and that charity is a key part of the Pakistani restaurant he and his mother run.

The restaurant's owners say that they gave out free meals during the April 2023 ice storm, and even offered free meals during the power outage as part of his "pay it forward" program.

He says every time someone donates at least five dollars, free meal vouchers would go up on the wall for anyone to use.

The wall is now empty after he got a warning by the Office quebecois de la langue francaise, infamously dubbed the "language police."

"My reaction was kind of surprised that we were reported to the government saying that we are not bilingual," Khan said. Continue…

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d1c71f No.21039100

File: 3a4ada78ecdf0b1⋯.png (4.77 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Feds admit carbon tax costs billions a year, isn’t revenue neutral


Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault released data confirming the carbon tax is a net cost for the economy. The Department of Environment says the tax will cut economic production by up to $30 billion annually.

Federal data released Thursday contradicted the claim that the carbon tax is revenue neutral.

Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault released data confirming the carbon tax is a net cost for the economy, reported Blacklock’s Reporter.

“This analysis does not take into account the benefits of investing to fight climate change,” Guilbeault told reporters after the figures confirmed past Budget Office findings that the tax costs tens of billions a year.

The Department of Environment in Data Mart contends the carbon tax will cut economic production by some $20 to $30 billion annually. Continue…

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d1c71f No.21039160

File: 3fb75b4dbe588e1⋯.png (3.32 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 09b1ab7fdba60be⋯.png (123.97 KB,680x481,680:481,ClipboardImage.png)

Toronto International Film Festival issuing media accreditation on grounds of sexual and racial identity


'As @TIFF_NET fires staff and lurches toward bankruptcy, it’s announced stunning and brave new rules for how journalists cover TIFF films,' remarked Quiellete editor Jonathan Kay.

The world-famous Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) will mandate that a minimum portion of the journalists covering its events are minorities.

Quillette editor Jonathan Kay posted to X: “As @TIFF_NET fires staff and lurches toward bankruptcy, it’s announced stunning and brave new rules for how journalists cover TIFF films."

The post shares a screenshot from TIFF's website showing a notice.

"All individuals who apply to this year's Media Inclusion Initiative should NOT apply for general media accreditation. Those who meet the criteria and are accepted will be accredited accordingly," the notice begins. "We invite everyone to apply who fits any of the below criteria," before listing the following:

You identify as Black, Indigenous, and/or a person of colour

You identify as 2SLGBTQIA+

You identify as a woman, trans, non-binary and/or two-spirited

You have a disability

It invites "emerging journalists" who are not a member of accredited media at TIFF, as well as those who have not received the Media Inclusion Initiative stipend in the past. Continue…

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d1c71f No.21039284

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

==Trudeau's 'Climate Emergency' government blew $220K going to UN environment summit in Kenya in Feb''


Environment and Climate Change Canada, headed by Minister Steven Guilbeault, can't limit itself to one international climate party yearly. Continue…

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d1c71f No.21039329

File: 180f2531eba01b0⋯.png (3.83 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Saskatoon mayoral candidate to skip out on city's Pride events


'I’ve had a good conversation with them and I’ll be very respectful of the decision that they’ve made with respect to participation in the parade,' Gord Wyant said.

A candidate in Saskatoon's ongoing mayoral race will not attend the city's Pride events out of respect for the organizers' wishes.

Gord Wyant, a former Saskatchewan Party MLA, was barred along with all other party MLAs from Pride events in the province due to the party's backing of the Parents' Bill of Rights.

That law prevents children under 16 from changing their names or pronouns at school without first receiving consent by their parents. Continue…

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d1c71f No.21039441

File: d8d4c76fa09ed6c⋯.png (782.79 KB,805x495,161:99,ClipboardImage.png)

Pope Francis faces UN investigation over alleged illegal wiretappings in embezzlement scandal


Pope Francis faces a United Nations human rights investigation for allegedly authorizing illegal wiretaps on British financier Raffaele Mincione during a Vatican embezzlement trial involving the sale of luxury London real estate. Continue…

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d1c71f No.21039579

File: 6b60a0a2db53e5a⋯.png (503.87 KB,810x498,135:83,ClipboardImage.png)

400,000 more Canadians live in poverty now compared to 2020: gov’t report


A report by the federal government has found that '9.9 percent of Canadians, some four million people, live in poverty compared to 6.4 percent in 2020, the equivalent of approximately 400,000 more Canadians.' Continue…

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d1c71f No.21039654

File: a83d907fe39f560⋯.png (461.75 KB,800x500,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

EXCLUSIVE: Eyewitness claims Fr. Thomas Rosica spent 2 hours in homosexual bathhouse


Shane D'Costa told LifeSiteNews that he decided to wait for Thomas Rosica in the doorway of the establishment so that he couldn’t slip away unseen through the crowds attending the Dundas Street West festival that day.

An eyewitness has told LifeSiteNews that he saw Father Thomas Rosica enter a Toronto bathhouse last Sunday and leave two hours later.

Shane D’Costa, a former member of Toronto’s Newman Centre, says he recognized the former CEO of Salt and Light Catholic Media Foundation when he saw him on Dundas Street West on the afternoon of June 9, 2024. Wanting to speak to the Basilian priest, D’Costa followed him for “about two minutes” through the crowded street before seeing him disappear through the door of “Splash Steam and Sauna” at 1610 Dundas Street West. The younger man waited until the priest left the building two hours later and then confronted him.

D’Costa told LifeSiteNews that he decided to wait for Rosica in the doorway of the establishment so that he couldn’t slip away unseen through the crowds attending the Dundas Street West festival that day. D’Costa said he had never seen the place before, but while waiting it dawned on him that the place was a sauna for homosexual men. Continue…

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38b327 No.21040310


Jason Blair


BREAKING: Kansas Attorney General sues Pfizer for "misleading Kansans on COVID vaccine."

The announcement alleges Pfizer mislead Kansans on vaccine risks, such as with pregnant women and myocarditis, and that Pfizer claimed the vaccines protected against COVID variants when data showed differently. And additionally that Pfizer claimed their vaccines prevented COVID transmission, but the company later admitted they never did the proper studies to back up that claim, the statement says.

The release also alleges that "Pfizer coordinated with social media officials to censor speech critical of COVID-19 vaccines and declined to participate in the federal government’s vaccine development program, Operation Warp Speed, to avoid government oversight."

Kansas AG Kris Kobach said in the announcement, “Pfizer made multiple misleading statements to deceive the public about its vaccine at a time when Americans needed the truth."

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fefc6d No.21043224

File: 0c2b7482cc058d8⋯.png (1.59 MB,1536x1028,384:257,ClipboardImage.png)

Virgin Australia Boeing 737 Makes Emergency Landing in New Zealand After Engine Fire (VIDEO)


A Virgin Australia Boeing 737 was forced to make an emergency landing at New Zealand’s Invercargill Airport on Monday.

The Boeing 737-800, en route from Queenstown to Melbourne, was reportedly seen with fire spouting from one of its engines.

The Virgin Australia flight departed from Queenstown for Melbourne at 6pm, but was soon seen circling off the coast of Bluff, according to FlightRadar per 1 News.

Eyewitnesses on the ground reported loud noises emanating from the plane and flames visible from one of the engines. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21043295

File: a1c44e188d93f50⋯.png (666.37 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

UH-OH: Indian Astrologer Known as ‘The New Nostradamus’ Predicts That WW3 Will Begin TOMORROW


All of us have lived through enough hoaxes from alleged astrologers and visionaries and endless apocalyptical predictions – not to mention the Y2K scare and many psyops by globalists.

So here’s another potential one: Indian astrologer Kushal Kumar, known as the ‘New Nostradamus,’ has claimed World War III could begin on June 18, 2024. Yes, you read it right: tomorrow.

What makes this notable, apart from the usual pseudo-esoteric thrash content, is that there is indeed a heightened danger that the endless military escalations around the globe may lead to World War 3.

But tomorrow? Kumar says it’s the planetary alignments.

Daily Mail reported: Continue…

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fefc6d No.21043334

File: 5cba4c49db63bd2⋯.png (316.39 KB,500x388,125:97,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e86f9f8ccaacc4⋯.png (329.9 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0081c69a531925f⋯.png (248.69 KB,500x281,500:281,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ed5ac126365fdf⋯.png (411.09 KB,500x333,500:333,ClipboardImage.png)

Dramatic Footage Shows First Houthi Kamikaze Drone Boat Strike On Bulk Carrier


Unconfirmed footage has emerged on X showing what appears to be the commodity-hauling bulk carrier "Tutor" under attack by a drone boat, allegedly controlled remotely by Iran-backed Houthi rebels. If verified, this incident is the first known drone boat attack on a commercial vessel in the Red Sea since rebels began their attacks on the critical maritime chokepoint in late 2023.

"Footage shows what appears to be the first successful Houthi kamikaze USV strike on Greek-owned cargo ship Tutor while transiting the Red Sea on June 12," X user Clash Report wrote in the post.

Clash Report said, "The ship's guard were totally confused as to what they were observing" and "couldn't even react before it hit the ship." Continue…

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fefc6d No.21043459

File: 733f313a1c3aa99⋯.png (414.78 KB,500x323,500:323,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f04ecf1a8fc3b4⋯.png (722.44 KB,900x752,225:188,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c0f6b85c66bc616⋯.png (382.06 KB,500x373,500:373,ClipboardImage.png)

Live Fire Incident: Casualties Reported After North Korean Soldiers Cross Military Demarcation Line


Something big is happening on the heavily militarized Korean border, following several days of soaring tensions which has included North Korea flying hundreds of trash and feces-filled balloons into the south.

There are several reports of dozens of North Korean soldiers having briefly crossed the border, and soon retreating, after warning shots were fired by South Korean border troops, according to South Korea's Yonhap news agency.

Per Reuters, citing Yonhap at about 11:00am local time: "South Korea's military fired warning shots after North Korean soldiers crossed the Military Demarcation Line near the border, the Yonhap news agency reported on Tuesday citing the country's Joint Chiefs of Staff." Continue…

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fefc6d No.21043541

File: ac8e15891934695⋯.png (399.54 KB,500x535,100:107,ClipboardImage.png)

Australian Premier Creates Ministry In Charge Of 'Changing Men's Behavior'


The development of totalitarian governments always coincides with sweeping efforts to socially engineer the population to adhere to less rebellious behaviors. Specific groups that present a threat to the regime are usually identified and targeted with propaganda or indoctrination. In tandem, the rest of the population is also conditioned to fear those groups and treat them with suspicion. In this way the establishment elites mold the more submissive public into a shield that protects them from the revolutionaries that might dethrone them.

But what happens when the social engineers want to create tyranny on a global scale? The list of possible rebels grows exponentially larger and efforts to control them all or demonize them all become far more complex. How can the elites simplify their agenda and suppress the public with more efficiency?

The only answer is to attack and cripple the largest subset of the population that is most likely to give them problems in the future. Which monolithic group is more likely to fight back against the system? Obviously, the answer is masculine men. Therefore, this new global regime seeks to undermine and sabotage men, labeling masculinity an existential danger to society, like nuclear weapons or global warming. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21043580

File: 11c06ace0f1fd3c⋯.png (261.28 KB,500x281,500:281,ClipboardImage.png)

Israel's Arms Exports Hit Record Sales Amid Gaza War


Israel's defense ministry said in a statement on Monday that its arms exports for 2023 hit a record in sales, as Israel's war in Gaza enters its ninth month and as the country's military continues to be supplied with hundreds of millions of dollars in American weapons.

The report by the defense ministry said that the total exports of Israeli arms reached $13.1bn in 2022, an increase of $500m from the previous year and double the amount of exports from five years ago. More than a third of the sales comprised missiles, rockets and air-defense systems, with one of the biggest contracts of 2023 being with Germany, which signed a deal to purchase the Arrow 3 long-range air defense system for around $4bn. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21043682

File: 46d7c25bac5622e⋯.png (345.01 KB,540x304,135:76,ClipboardImage.png)

Russia supports North Korea against ‘treacherous’ West – Putin


Vladimir Putin is scheduled to visit Pyongyang for the first time since 2000

Russian President Vladimir Putin has thanked the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea for its friendship and support and pledged to assist Pyongyang in its own struggle for independence and identity.

Putin is scheduled to visit North Korea on Tuesday, for the first time since 2000. Ahead of his trip, the Russian president has written an article published by the leading DPRK daily, Rodong Sinmun.

“Russia has continuously supported and will support the DPRK and the heroic Korean people in their struggle against the treacherous, dangerous and aggressive enemy, in their fight for independence, identity and the right to freely choose their development path,” Putin wrote. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21043726

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ukraine must defeat Russia to join NATO – US


Washington is doing everything it can to help Kiev, the national security spokesman has said

In order to become a NATO member, Ukraine has to “win the war” with Russia first, White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told journalists at a press briefing on Monday.

US President Joe Biden believes NATO is in Ukraine’s future, but there are “a lot of things that have to be done” before it can join, Kirby said. When a journalist asked him to elaborate on the “vague conditions” and “unclear pathway” Kiev has been given, he claimed that Washington’s position is “absolutely clear.”

“First, they’ve got to win this war,” Kirby said.

“We’re doing everything we can to make sure they can do that. Then when the war’s over, no matter what it looks like, they’re still going to have a long border with Russia and a legitimate security threat,” he said. Washington will assist in building up Ukraine’s military industrial base, although “corruption is still a major concern,” Kirby added. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21043778

File: ce7f33c9406309d⋯.png (367.8 KB,540x304,135:76,ClipboardImage.png)

Ukraine on the brink of default – Reuters


Kiev has failed to strike a deal with its international bondholders, according to a report

The Ukrainian government announced on Monday it had failed to reach an agreement with a group of foreign bondholders that includes financial giants BlackRock and Pimco on restructuring Ukraine’s $20 billion in Eurobonds, according to a report by Reuters.

In February 2022, bondholders granted Ukraine a two-year debt freeze in view of the conflict with Russia. But that agreement ends in August, and bondholders are anxious for Kiev to begin paying interest on its debt again. Ukraine could end up in default if new debt relief is not arranged, which would damage the country’s credit rating and complicate its ability to borrow in the future.

Formal talks between Kiev and an ad-hoc creditor committee representing a fifth of the country’s $20 billion in outstanding Eurobonds have been underway for nearly two weeks. Ukraine is urging bondholders to accept a steep writedown of the value of the debt as is tries to meet IMF demands to restructure the bonds in order to retain access to international markets. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21043836

File: 445163d72eed1ef⋯.png (380.87 KB,540x304,135:76,ClipboardImage.png)

Public opinion must be controlled – France’s top general


The conflict with Russia proves that public opinion must be controlled, Army Chief of Staff Pierre Schill has said

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has shown that today’s warfare necessitates controlling public opinion by dictating what information is made available to people, the French Army’s chief of staff has stated.

Speaking in an interview posted on Sunday by Defense News, French Army General Pierre Schill said the conflict in Eastern Europe has “changed the dynamics of combat.” He added that in addition to key advances on the battlefield – such as more extensive use of drones and military adaptation of civilian technologies – the crisis has proven that the flow of information must be controlled “to influence both national and international public opinion.” Continue…

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fefc6d No.21043904

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Russia-Ukraine war may have killed 1M people. Why is there no real push for peace?


On Friday's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Ezra discussed recent developments in the Russia-Ukraine war, with competing proposals from both sides that would see a resolution to the conflict. Russian President Vladimir Putin has made an offer to end the war, but this is being depicted in the media as Putin seeking "capitulation" from Ukraine and not a negotiated peace deal. Meanwhile, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has proposed a 10-point deal which demands that Russia withdraw to pre-2014 borders — before it annexed Crimea.

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fefc6d No.21043960

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LGBTQ activists lose it over pro-freedom conference scheduled in Victoria


Local media outlets have been pushing fake news based on falsehoods told to them by sex activists who have vilified the pro-freedom event's speakers who have shed a light on the harmful sterilization and mutilation of kids suffering from gender dysphoria, including Rebel News' Drea Humphrey. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21044012

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Veterans speak out against DEI, Chinese influence and warn that Canada is at war


Veterans ask that they not be forgotten, but it has become far worse than that — they are being discarded. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21044165

File: 628f5054009646c⋯.png (4.52 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Trudeau government removes Armed Islamic Group from terrorist list


'There are no longer reasonable grounds for the entity to remain as a listed entity,' read the June 7 federal posting, which announced the delisting of the Al-Qaeda-affiliated terror group based in Algeria.

Federal Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc quietly removed the Armed Islamic Group (GIA) from Canada's official terrorism list.

The group, which has given material, logistic and financial support to the Taliban, remains a listed terror entity by the United Nations Security Council.

However, the men's drinking club, the Proud Boys, remains a banned terrorism group in Canada, alongside Al Shabaab, Boko Haram and the Japanese death cult Aum Shinrikio.

The GIA — based in Algeria and founded by fighters in the first Afghanistan war — has been guilty of targeting intellectuals and civilians.

Reviewed by the UN as recently as 2022, the GIA (from the French Groupe Islamic Arme) has been found to have participated in the "financing, planning, facilitating, preparing or perpetrating of acts or activities by, in conjunction with, under the name of, on behalf, or in support of,” “supplying, selling or transferring arms and related material to” or “otherwise supporting acts or activities of” Al-Qaeda.Continue…

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fefc6d No.21044231

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ratio’d | Canadians say NO to mass immigration


Harrison Faulkner went to Mississauga to ask Canadians what they think about mass immigration. The Trudeau government has forced record levels of immigration over the past 6 years and Canadians have had enough. Polling indicates that a majority of Canadians, including immigrants, want to see the government reduce immigration levels.

What did people in downtown Mississauga have to say?

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fefc6d No.21044274

File: 3ccc01ac8a7753d⋯.png (944.35 KB,800x420,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Immigration eclipses climate change as priority for Canadian voters


Immigration is top of mind for Canadian voters, eclipsing even climate change as one of the most pressing issues at the polls.

This is according to a national survey by Abacus Data, which conducted a poll in early June following the Bank of Canada’s interest rate cut, asking Canadians to rank their top social and economic issues.

According to the poll, immigration overtook climate change as the fifth top issue sometime in April, with 26% of Canadians polled ranked immigration as a key priority.

The top issue remains the rising cost of living with 73% of Canadians ranking it as their highest priority, followed by housing affordability at 47%, healthcare at 44% and the economy generally at 34%.

Abacus Data also found that the Conservative party has gained a substantial lead following the recent interest rate cut, leaving the Liberal party’s popularity dwindling to its lowest since 2015.

Federal vote intention for the Conservatives sits at 42% with the Liberals holding onto a meager 22%. Another 19% of Canadians said they would be voting for the NDP. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21044315

File: 24ef68eacbf78ad⋯.png (932.37 KB,800x420,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

RCMP surprised hate groups are “increasingly racially diverse”


The RCMP is surprised that hate groups in Canada are recruiting racialized people and becoming increasingly ethnically diverse.

In a report on hate crimes and incidents released this year, the RCMP noted about a notable shift in the racial diversity of individuals joining what it calls “hate groups.”

The RCMP defines a “hate group” as any organization or collection of individuals “whose goals and activities attack or vilify an entire group of people on the basis of colour, race, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or mental or physical disability.”

In its report, the RCMP blames the “rise of populist politics and the normalization of racist and incendiary political rhetoric” on the rise of said groups without pointing to specific examples.

The RCMP notes that while hate groups are still “overwhelmingly white and male” there’s been a recent shift in the demographic.

True North reached out to the RCMP for comment but did not receive a response. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21044365

File: b0cb8bc8114c655⋯.png (864.28 KB,800x420,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

UCP town hall speakers take aim at officials, politicians for pushing COVID vaccine


Doctors speaking at a United Conservative Party event purporting to expose COVID-19 vaccine harms say top health officials and politicians are now trying to pretend they never touted the safety of the jab.

A host of experts from the fields of children’s medicine, vaccinology, and emergency medicine criticised the global response to the pandemic at the UCP Calgary-Lougheed constituency association’s Injection of Truth town hall Monday night.

Many of the doctors have had their licences revoked for speaking out about the harms of the COVID jabs, but continue to criticise public health authorities for pushing the vaccines.

“Recently, they’re trying to pretend they never said these things,” paediatric neurologist Eric Payne said at the event. “The lies are coming down from the very top.”

Payne said he doesn’t know of a single healthy child that died from COVID-19 during the pandemic, despite government messaging warning kids that they would harm their grandparents if they didn’t get the shot.

He also took aim at Liberal MP Anthony Housefather for saying no vaccine safety data was missing as the federal government pushed the COVID jabs when testing had only been done for two months. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21044429

File: 5590ef7d38e2552⋯.png (783.39 KB,800x420,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Feds install 34 charging stations across territories – for seven EVs


The Trudeau government spent millions subsidizing the installation of 34 electric vehicle charging stations across Canada’s three territories, which will service the seven electric vehicles in the region.

“There are currently 34 public electric vehicle chargers in the territories to service the seven electric vehicles representing a ratio of less than one electric vehicle to charger,” wrote the Department of Natural Resources to the Senate national finance committee.

The federal government says the charging infrastructure will make it easier for people to transition to electric cars.

“This indicates the number of public chargers available have capacity to support electric vehicle adaptation for local travel,” the department wrote. “Furthermore chargers are found in the same areas as the battery electric vehicles except for Nunavut, where all the cars are plug-in hybrid cars.”

The Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program funded the initiative to deploy electric vehicle chargers and hydrogen refuelling stations across Canada.

The Department of Environment tallied up a bill of $680 million spent in government subsidies to introduce charging stations nationally in its 2023 Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21044481

File: 76927f22a3e851f⋯.png (721.87 KB,800x420,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Alberta bans cellphones & social media in K-12 classrooms starting Fall 2024


Alberta has banned students from using cellphones and social media in K-12 classrooms across the province but has left school boards with significant autonomy over implementing the policy.

The decision comes after a survey conducted by the Alberta government polling over 68,000 respondents who were primarily teachers and parents.

The social media and cellphone bans in Alberta schools will come into effect at the start of next school year on Sept. 1. The rules will be in place for all of Alberta’s K-12 public, separate, francophone, public charter, independent school authorities, and early childhood service operators.

Minister of Education Demetrios Nicolaides said at a press conference announcing the changes that this was the most responded to survey in the province’s history.

He said that 90% of respondents were concerned with school cellphone use. 85% believe cellphones hurt student achievement. 81% believe cellphones increase instances of bullying, and 60% of parents believe that cellphones negatively impact their child’s mental health.

“Of course, (cellphones) enrich our lives in a variety of different ways. However, they, of course, can also be a distraction and can limit a student from reaching their full potential,” said Nicolaides.

Paige MacPherson, Associate Director of Education Policy at the Fraser Institute told the Andrew Lawton Show that research on cellphone use in classrooms is very clear.

“In terms of academic outcomes, but also mental health or cyberbullying that goes on through the day at schools, it’s extremely distracting for kids. It impacts their ability to socialize face to face. It impacts their ability to not be distracted, to actually focus in class and academic achievement,” said MacPherson. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21044766

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June 18 - AI is Designed to Replace Humanity


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fefc6d No.21045030

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Naval vessels collide in disputed South China Sea


Beijing and Manila have traded blame over an incident that left at least one Philippine sailor severely injured

Washington backed the Philippine account of the collision. The Department of State called Beijing out over what it called “escalatory and irresponsible actions.” The Chinese vessel prevented “the Philippines from lawfully delivering humanitarian supplies to service members stationed at the BRP Sierra Madre,” it said.

The Chinese vessels’ “dangerous and deliberate use of water cannons, ramming, blocking maneuvers, and towing damaged Philippine vessels, endangered the lives of Philippine service members, is reckless, and threatens regional peace and stability,” the State Department added. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21045618

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WATCH: Trudeau repeats false claim about 'unmarked graves' at residential schools


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau misspoke when he said the discovery of "unmarked graves" across Canada has been an awakening for Canadians.

While these "unmarked graves" have not returned any bodies, Trudeau said they were an awakening to the truth.

“An awakening that called on us to do more to learn about the injustices of colonialism and support indigenous peoples in their healing journeys,” said Trudeau in a Monday speech at the National Indigenous History Month Reception in Ottawa. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21045887

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trudeau shouts 'Slava Ukrani' during Summit on Peace in Ukraine group photo with Zelensky


The phrase is translated as "Glory to Ukraine."

During the international "Summit on Peace in Ukraine" held over the weekend in Switzerland, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau often became the center of attention – for good or ill. During the peace summit group photo Sunday, Trudeau randomly yelled: “Slava Ukraini!"

The phrase is translated as “Glory to Ukraine” and caused many of the other participants at the summit to look quizzically over at Trudeau, while Zelensky gave a nod of approval.

Trudeau promised Saturday at the G7 summit to send more money and military equipment to Ukraine and to add Canada’s approval for another $5 billion loan, even as he apparently confused Ukraine with Russia, saying “Ukraine must be held to account” for the war.

The prime minister was asked about the festering report from the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians. Trudeau received an unredacted copy of the report, titled “Special Report on Foreign Interference in Canada’s Democratic Processes and Institutions” 12 weeks ago, but did not comment on its explosive contention that multiple Members of Parliament “wittingly” worked for foreign governments in return for favors.

Trudeau would not say if any Liberals were among those MPs when asked by reporters Saturday.

“The issue of foreign interference is one that this government has taken incredibly seriously since 2015. We brought in the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians over the objections of the Conservative Party and indeed, the strenuous resistance of the Harper government for years,”

When reminded that both the leader of the New Democrat Party and the Green Party – who have also read the unredacted report – have said that none of their members were named as spies in the document and asked if Liberal MPs were among the compromised, Trudeau would only say, “I will allow Mr. [Jagmeet] Singh and Ms.[Elizabeth] May to speak for themselves.” Continue…

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d40612 No.21046504


Pfizers Jab is Notavaxx

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c8f38b No.21046936

Initial Boeing Bun

>>20983524 Southwest Passengers ‘Crying and Screaming’ as Boeing Plane Forced to Make Emergency Landing After Tire Failure (video)

>>20983853, >>20983896 Boeing 777 Engine Shoots Fireballs During Takeoff In Canada

>>21021916 Counterfeit Titanium Found In Some Boeing And Airbus Jets

>>21027141 Southwest Boeing 737 Max Came Within 400 Feet From Crashing In Ocean Near Hawaii

>>21043224 Virgin Australia Boeing 737 Makes Emergency Landing in New Zealand After Engine Fire

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c8f38b No.21046937

Updated China Bun

>>20945994 Chinese Battery Makers Back Out Of Germany Amidst Cooling EV Demand

>>20955774 Beijing-proxy Triad "purchased" Belize for human-smuggling into USA

>>20956546 Recent US tariffs will impact Canada’s role in the critical mineral sector

>>20966831 Biden 'Not Ruling Out' Boots On The Ground If China Invades Taiwan

>>20967467, >>20968454 Elected officials “wittingly” assisted foreign state actors, notably China and India: report

>>20967915 Unnamed country behind breach of 19 B.C. civil servants' emails

>>20968628 China Spacecraft Lands on Far Side of Moon, Collects Samples to Compete with United States

>>20977192 China pressuring Canadian media execs, journalists to manipulate news: NSICOP report

>>20983979 Who Rules The Waves? US & Chinese Fleets, By Tonnage

>>20984102 Canada Compromised, CCP Influence Heading South into the U.S. (video)

>>20984394 Liberal MP under fire for flippant “boo hoo” comment on foreign interference

>>20984754 Exposed: Parliamentary report indicates China is funding Canadian media to amplify disinformation (video)

>>21007037 MPs call on foreign interference inquiry to investigate latest allegations

>>21008004 Beijing supported Liberal candidate that echoed disinformation against Conservatives: Document Analysis

>>21022110 China-Linked Cyber Campaign Infiltrated Dozens Of Western Governments: Dutch Intelligence

>>21032508 China Trumps US As Most 'Diplomatic' Nation In The World…

>>21045030 Naval vessels collide in disputed South China Sea

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c8f38b No.21046938

Updated Climate Change Bun

>>20946252 Canadian MPs want ‘ecocide’ perpetrators prosecuted by International Criminal Court

>>20946417 'Wildly emotional' NDP critic says climate crisis is 'not gender neutral'

>>20951484 Liberal MP Mark Holland says families who take road trips are killing the planet

>>20960437 Majority of Canadian auto buyers say they’re not considering EV purchase

>>20960467 Majority of Canadians want carbon tax scrapped on farms

>>20967262 Liberals’ $530 million climate fund not enough to achieve targets says partner org

>>20967340 Parliamentary Budget Officer says Liberals gagged him on carbon tax

>>20971076 EU Farmers Protest Ahead of European Elections – Demonstrations Close France-Spain Border and Once Again Paralyze Brussels

>>20973657, >>20989513 WEF brags that over $100 billion was taken via carbon taxes last year

>>20977332 Canada’s climate tyranny growing; America is not far behind

>>20984434 NDP MPs want to frame Canadian oil and gas like the fight against tobacco

>>20984679 Alberta's Environment Minister condemns Ottawa's undemocratic 'gag order' on Canadian energy

>>21006221 Elon Musk Drops a Truth Bomb on the Leftwing Extinctionist Movement

>>21007351 New Zealand Reverses Left-Wing Plan to Tax Cow Burps, Farts

>>21017058 Fossil Fuels: The Best-Kept Secret In Our World Today

>>21022006 Canada's Uranium Mining Boom Positions It To Overtake Kazakhstan As Top Producer

>>21022231 Liberals release secret carbon tax data following Conservative pressure

>>21027063 Beyond Bad: Fake Meat And Other 'Ultra Processed' Vegan Food Linked To Heart Disease, Early Death

>>21038527 Alberta challenges Liberals nature strategy, deeming it unconstitutional

>>21038660 Steven Guilbeault says possible Trump re-election is 'very worrisome'

>>21039100 Feds admit carbon tax costs billions a year, isn’t revenue neutral

>>21039284 Trudeau's 'Climate Emergency' government blew $220K going to UN environment summit in Kenya in Feb (video)

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c8f38b No.21046942

Updated Covid and other Pestilence Bun

>>20946346 126 B.C. children, youth died from fatal overdoses since 2019: report

>>20951002 Scientists Announce ‘Ground-Breaking’ Cancer Vaccine — Uses Same Technology as Dodgy COVID Jabs

>>20951578 'Left to die': B.C. woman flees Canada TWICE for adequate cancer care (video)

>>20951682 Evil Providing The Path Of Least Resistance To The Weary

>>20966058 Filthy Liars at New York Times FINALLY Come Clean – Publish Op-Ed Suggesting COVID Likely Came from Wuhan Lab and Fauci Funded It

>>20967096 "I Was Offered Assisted Dying Over Cancer Treatment": Broken Canadian Healthcare System Is Killing Patients

>>20968016 Feds demand partial repayment of Arrivescam contracts in strongly worded letters

>>20974626 Trudeau’s Employment Minister pleads ignorance on mysterious texts concerning sketchy business dealings

>>20975140 Fauci testified the BOARD OF THE NIH approved the gain of function research not him. He didn't mention his wife was on that board. She is in charge of BIOETHICS

>>20976766 Here We Go: WHO Warns of New Bird Flu Strain Jumping to Humans Following Death of 59-Year-Old Man in Mexico

>>20976818 Scarf Lady is Back: Deborah Birx Proposes Weekly Testing for Millions of U.S. Cows and Dairy Workers for ‘Asymptomatic’ Bird Flu

>>20983562 New, Highly Contagious Sexually Transmitted Infection Spreading Overseas Has Arrived on U.S. Soil

>>20984067 Airline Industry Leaves COVID Turbulence Behind

>>20984169 Finland to receive first EU procured bird flu shots

>>20984413 Feds admit they were never certain COVID-19 vaccines prevented transmission

>>20984797 BC Coroner reports tragic surge in fatal overdoses, 182 in April alone

>>20985602 Mexican officials deny bird flu death, patient died of kidney failure

>>20989184 Swiss Cardiologist Calls for the Abolishment of the WHO

>>20993801 FDA Expands Approval for RSV Vaccine, Now Available for Adults Over 50

>>20996242 Federal exec deletes hundreds of Arrivescam emails, blames ‘unfortunate computer error’

>>21000673 PHAC plans to stockpile bird flu vaccines

>>20997865 LEAKED EMAIL: Scientist Working On Mysterious Brain Disease Was “CUT OFF” For “POLITICAL” Reasons (video)

>>20999840 Bird Flu Triggers Supply Chain Snarls In Dairy Industry As "Farmers Increasingly Culled Cows"

>>21022032 Which Countries Have Universal Health Coverage?

>>21027035 Criminal Referral Requests Against Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, Rochelle Walensky, and Other Public Health Officials Have Been Submitted to District Attorneys in Louisiana

>>21027111 CDC: New COVID Variant KP.3 On The Rise Across The US

>>21027178 FDA Changes Course, Advises Updated COVID-19 Vaccines Target KP.2 Strain

>>21027361 LAWTON: New documentary exposes dark side of MAiD (video)

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c8f38b No.21046944

Initial Drag Queens and Transgender Bun

>>20951768 Jordan Peterson tears into Trudeau for backing gender ideology: ‘Worst medical scandal ever’

>>20988841 American College of Pediatricians Blasts All Major Medical Associations for Pushing Radical Gender Transition Agenda on Children

>>20989250 Heavily Armed Federal Agents Show Up at Home of Texas Doctor After He Blew Whistle on Sex-Change Program at Texas Children’s Hospital, Serve Him Federal Indictment

>>21035630 Canadian doctors demand ability to offer child sex change services via video call

>>21037518 German Study: Vast Majority of People Will Grow Out of Transgenderism Within 5 Years

>>21043960 LGBTQ activists lose it over pro-freedom conference scheduled in Victoria (video)

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c8f38b No.21046946

Updated Globalist Moves Bun

>>20946498 Globalists gather in Geneva to plan new pandemic treaty (video)

>>20951146 Desperate, Lying Biden May Abuse AI To Pull The Ultimate Race Hoax

>>20951538 Tam commits Canada to strengthening the World Health Organization's power

>>20956699 We went to Geneva, Switzerland to bring you the other side of the WHO pandemic treaty protest (video)

>>20960599 WHO director Tedros: ‘It’s time to be more aggressive in pushing back on anti-vaxxers’

>>20967669 WHO adopts ratifying international law amendments as Tedros strategizes pushback on 'anti-vaxxers'

>>20967706 Freedom fighters protest globalism at the World Health Organization in Geneva (video)

>>20971282 Serbian Populists Win Belgrade Elections AGAIN, to the Despair of the MSM and Globalists

>>20971725 James Lindsay takes aim at United Nations at protest in Geneva (video)

>>20971781 WHO pandemic treaty 'clearly a tremendous threat': Bret Weinstein (video)

>>20975142 McKinsey received $200 million in federal contracts, auditors decry ‘favouritism’

>>20983719 UN and WEF Will Stop at Nothing to Crush Dissenters

>>20989493 WHO pandemic treaty 'compromises freedom': Dr. Jennifer Hibberd (video)

>>20999337 Sacré Bleu! – Marine Le Pen Trounces Emanuel Macron EU Elections – Macron Calls for Snap Election Later This Month

>>21003018 University of Calgary named world’s first United Nations University hub for water in 2023

>>21006770 Trudeau sounds alarm over 'rise of populist right-wing forces'

>>21026618 GANG OF LOSERS: G7 Meeting Displays the Decadence of the Globalist World Order

>>21027265 Health Canada's 'Pandemic Instrument Team' gives an update on WHO pandemic negotiations (video)

>>21027330 Meloni scraps “legal abortion” from G7 declaration to dismay of Trudeau, others

>>21033387 Brownstone.org: Their Strategy in the War on Food

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c8f38b No.21046948

Updated Government Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Bun

>>20946326 Trudeau government sold pandemic ventilators for scrap to 'understand recycling'

>>20947261 Elderly woman trying to gift property forced to pay $40,000 capital gains tax

>>20951695 Canada’s VA avoided Good Friday message to celebrate ‘all’ March holidays

>>20962925 America's Dictator In Egypt Faces Dangerous Dilemma Over Rafah

>>20968351 Liberals awarding massive contracts with ‘glaring disregard’, auditor general reports

>>20971611 Clean tech Crown corporation blasted for questionable payments, conflicts of interest

>>20975030 Calgary councillors call for investigation in Trudeau Liberals' meddling in rezoning bylaw process (video)

>>20977167 LILLEY UNLEASHED: How many scandals can the Trudeau government have at once? (video)

>>20977279 Canadians wide open to cyberattacks due to gov’s lack of action says Auditor General

>>20984371 Employers association files landmark UN complaint against feds for labour breaches

>>20984531 Smith appoints scandal-plagued former Alberta premier to Invest Alberta board

>>20996312 Quebec launches helpline for politicians experiencing harassment

>>21000998 Trudeau government purchases Ottawa building from PM's close friend

>>21006488 Freeland says capital gains tax is “fair” way to fund Liberal spending

>>21017134 Calgary council proposes permanent water use restrictions

>>21018415 Voting machine contract under scrutiny following discrepancies in Puerto Rico's primaries

>>21022256 NDP MP billed taxpayers $17k for family vacation after “meeting with stakeholders”

>>21027406 LAWTON: Chrystia Freeland takes aim at Canadian doctors

>>21032146 Elon Musk Calls For Ban on Fraud Enabling Voting Machines: ‘The Risk of Being Hacked is Still Too High’

>>21039579 400,000 more Canadians live in poverty now compared to 2020: gov’t report

>>21044429 Feds install 34 charging stations across territories – for seven EVs

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c8f38b No.21046952

Updated Hamas and Israel Bun

>>20946297 Vancouver synagogue attacked with “incendiary device”

>>20946311 Overnight shooting at Jewish school in Montreal (video)

>>20951190 America's Dictator In Egypt Faces Dangerous Dilemma Over Rafah

>>20951294 Houthis Report 16 Dead In Biggest Joint US-UK Airstrikes Since Gaza War Began

>>20956149 Israeli Forces Now Operating In Most Areas Of Rafah

>>20960554 Winnipeg Pride parade blockaded by pro-Palestinian queer activists

>>20966893 Fires Rage In Northern Israel After Uptick In Hezbollah Attacks

>>20967621 Justice Minister Arif Virani's office vandalized by anti-Israel radicals (video)

>>20971308 Merchant Ship Off Saudi Coast Reports "Significant Explosion" A "Short Distance" From Port Side

>>20977039 Israel Signs $3BN Deal With US For 25 F-35 Stealth Jets

>>20983822 Israeli Government Funded Covert Influence Campaign Targeting US Lawmakers: NYT

>>20988664 Israeli Girl Noa Argamani Is RESCUED by IDF Soldiers in Gaza

>>20989146 Israel-Hamas: An Information War

>>20989421 Houthis Tout Radar-Evading 'Palestine' Missile That Resembles Iranian Hypersonic

>>20994067 From Bloody Biden Head To Code Pink 'War Criminal' Display, White House Protest Gets Heated

>>20994090 "Damage Control Underway": Cargo Ship Hit By Missile In Gulf Of Aden In Suspected Attack By Houthi Rebels

>>20999604 New Images Reveal Houthi Missile Damage To Oaktree's Previously-Owned Bulk Carrier

>>21006169 Reality Check for ‘Queers for Palestine’ Delivered Directly From Palestinian Leaders-“Homosexuals Should Be Thrown Head First From The Rooftop Of The Tallest Building:”

>>21021942 US Navy Evacuates Injured Mariner From Houthi-Attacked Cargo Ship Set Ablaze By Missiles

>>21022087 GOP Lawmakers Seek To Block US Funding For Rebuilding Gaza

>>21022136 IDF Uses Medieval Catapult Weapon To Ignite Concealed Hezbollah Positions

>>21022200 Calls for intifada on Canadian streets discussed in U.S. Congress

>>21032614 Crew Abandons Sinking Bulk Carrier In Red Sea After Kamikaze Drone Boat Attack

>>21033773 'Revolutionary youth summer program' to turn students into Gaza activists at McGill University

>>21043334 Dramatic Footage Shows First Houthi Kamikaze Drone Boat Strike On Bulk Carrier

>>21043580 Israel's Arms Exports Hit Record Sales Amid Gaza War

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c8f38b No.21046959

Updated Immigration Bun

>>20946192 Ratio’d: Trudeau government to put 500,000 ILLEGALS on path to CITIZENSHIP? (video)

>>20960167 Germany Naturalized Over 200,000 Immigrants In 2023

>>20967182 Indian students in Brampton DEMAND work permit extensions at protest (video)

>>20967241 New immigration pilot program to give automatic PR to caregivers upon arrival

>>20971576 The Faulkner Show | The environmental case against mass immigration (video)

>>20971655 Francois Legault calls for “significant reduction” in “explosive” immigration

>>20985691 Canada’s unemployment continues to rise alongside immigration and part-time work

>>21001276 May Migrant Apprehensions Exceed 3,000 in U.S.-Canadian Border Sector — Another Biden Record

>>21005891 IRELAND FOR THE IRISH: First Ever Candidate for the Irish Freedom Party Elected to Dublin Council

>>21006377 Western premiers furious over Trudeau’s $750M immigration pledge to Quebec

>>21006662 A trip to Brampton, Ontario: Do international students have the ‘right’ to stay in Canada? (video)

>>21017107 Which European Nations Are Seeing The Most Emigration (& Where Are They Going?)

>>21017166 Marc Miller tells B.C. to take more asylum seekers if it wants federal dollars

>>21022163 Ratio’d: Exposing Canadian immigration consultants on TikTok (video)

>>21044231 Ratio’d: Canadians say NO to mass immigration (video)

>>21044274 Immigration eclipses climate change as priority for Canadian voters

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c8f38b No.21046961

Updated Law and Disorder Bun

>>20951418, >>20957173 B.C. serial killer Robert Pickton dies following prison attack

>>20956791 Tommy Robinson's anti-totalitarian march and film premiere in London

>>20960134 Peter Sweden: Shocking Truth About Malmö

>>20966111 Louisiana Passes Bill Ordering Surgical Castration of Convicted Pedophiles

>>20966603 German Police Officer Rouven L. Who Was Stabbed by Islamic Assassin Dies in Hospital

>>20967739 Department of National Defence to move 1,000 employees out of office due to safety concerns

>>20971105 Hunter Biden’s Infamous Laptop Enters Court as Evidence for Gun Charges Trial — FBI Agent Confirms its Authenticity

>>20976971 Sweden Introduces Draconian 'Security Zone' In Gang-Crime Hotspot, Indiscriminate Police Powers To Search Anyone

>>20984158 El Salvador’s Nayib Bukele Describes Satanic Gang Baby-Killing Rituals to Tucker Carlson

>>20984822 Chris Carbert, Anthony Olienick trial begins: RCMP witness admits he had no contact with defendants (video)

>>20989454 Diagolon founder Jeremy Mackenzie’s final charges have been stayed

>>20990190 Veteran pro-lifer Linda Gibbons released from Toronto jail

>>20993771 Germany Declines Taliban Offer to Repatriate Afghan Migrants Convicted of Heinous Crimes

>>21038774 Coutts Trial: Defence lawyer suggests female undercover RCMP officer was 'flirting' with her client (video)

>>21044481 Alberta bans cellphones & social media in K-12 classrooms starting Fall 2024

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c8f38b No.21046964

Updated Media and Censorship Bun

>>20951386 Ottawa’s Hidden Agenda: Bill C-26 Aims for Secret Surveillance Backdoors

>>20951507 LAWTON: What is the CBC trying to hide? (video)

>>20956643 Melbourne Leftists LOSE IT at Billboard Chris and Avi Yemini (video)

>>20963917 Independent publishers sign declaration opposing taxpayer bailouts of media

>>20966749 Biden Regime Indicts Epoch Times Chief Financial Officer in Alleged $67 Million ‘Money Laundering’ Scheme

>>20967317 CRTC requires online streaming services to contribute 5% of revenue to domestic broadcasting system

>>20968280 CBC promotes “Horny Newsletter” involving naked men for Pride month

>>20971692 Australia's eSafety boss sensationally drops action against Elon Musk's X

>>20974695 Toronto police demand Google delete leaked diversity training video (video)

>>20984448 CBC Kids asks if commemorating D-Day is a “celebration of violence”

>>20984653 Elections BC tells students not to call Emergencies Act “unprecedented” in disinfo guide

>>20984694 Ontario former health officer censored by CBC for critical COVID-19 opinion

>>20985026 Google inks deal with organization to dish out $100M for Canadian news companies

>>20985509 Pro-LGBT group attempts to cancel massive Canadian Evangelical Christian event

>>20985785 Meta removes anti-Pride child protection event on Instagram for supposedly “violating local law”

>>20988988 Alex Jones to Sell Infowars, Liquidate Assets to Pay Sandy Hook Families $1.5 Billion Settlement

>>20989025 Google Censors PragerU App From Play Store For ‘Hate Speech’ Over Documentary Exposing Radical Islam

>>20989839 Rob Schneider Truth Comedy Act Cut Short At Hospital Fundraiser In Regina

>>20994251 As House debate begins, Liberals defend online harms bill as necessary to fight extremism

>>20994279 Patty Hajdu claims common expression is “violent language”

>>20994602 Conservative motion compelling CBC to show Oilers Stanley Cup playoff games fails

>>20999430 Court Rules Meta Must Face Lawsuit Over Fraudulent Ads

>>21005696 Huge victory for doctors fighting Biden censorship

>>21006802 Trudeau Liberals refuse to disclose media bailout recipients

>>21007028 Jordan Peterson blasts Online Harms Act as ‘the most authoritarian law conceivable’

>>21026564 Judge Dismisses Infowars Bankruptcy – Alex Jones Releases Statement After Victory in Court

>>21023308 Digital rights group says porn age verification bill rushed without privacy protections

>>21038733 We're in Federal Court fighting Trudeau's 'journalism licence' (video)

>>21039160 Toronto International Film Festival issuing media accreditation on grounds of sexual and racial identity

>>21043836 Public opinion must be controlled – France’s top general

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c8f38b No.21046968

Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One

>>20946033 Putin Expects NATO, And Possibly Poland In Particular, To Escalate The Proxy War In Ukraine

>>20946084 Biden Allows Ukraine To Use US Weapons To Attack Inside Russia In Highly Dangerous Escalation

>>20951083 Ukraine’s President Is ‘Emotional and Nervous’, With ‘Deep Anxiety’ – Instructed Officials To Criticize Biden for Skipping Peace Summit in Switzerland

>>20951129 Blinken To NATO Leaders: Ukraine Has 'Strong & Well-Lit Bridge To Membership'

>>20951216 Russia, Ukraine Swap 150 POWs In First Exchange In Months

>>20951367 First French troops on the way to Ukraine – MP

>>20956166 Is Ukraine Going Rogue Or Did It Attack Russia's Early Warning Systems With American Approval?

>>20957258 Has the Olena Zelenska Foundation Been Seizing and Selling Ukrainian Children to British, EU Pedophiles?

>>20957336 Huge anti-war rally in NATO member’s capital

>>20959880 Zelensky Now Rails Against China for Skipping ‘His’ Upcoming Peace Summit in Switzerland, Calls It ‘A Tool for Russia’

>>20960250 Macron Gathering European Coalition To Send Military Trainers To Ukraine

>>20965968 Massive Russian Strikes to the Ukrainian Energy Infrastructure Lead to Power Shutdowns in Most of the Country

>>20966013 American Army Vet Fighting as a Mercenary for Ukraine Extradited to US, Prosecuted for Murders in ‘a Three-State Crime Spree’

>>20966420 US Government Seizes Passport of Former US Marine and UN Inspector Scott Ritter — Blocks Him from Attending Event in Russia

>>20966473 WW3 WATCH: Kremlin Warns U.S. of ‘Fatal Consequences’ as Biden Greenlights Missile Strikes on Russian Mainland

>>20966920 Netherlands Joins Denmark In Saying Ukraine Can Use F-16s To Strike Inside Russia

>>20966945 What Is The Real Purpose Of The Swiss "Peace" Conference For Ukraine?

>>20966990 Floating Russian Oil Base Shifts To New Location In Mediterranean Sea

>>20967030 Italy Pipes Up Against NATO Escalation As Court Ruling Could Cut Off Russian Gas Sooner Than Expected

>>20971168 NATO Drawing Up Plans to Deploy American Soldiers to the Front Line to Potentially Fight Russia in An All-Out War

>>20971208 Democrat War Pig Proposes Automatic Registration for Wartime Draft

>>20971474 Ukraine Officers Say Recruits Arrive At Front Lines Pathetically Undertrained

>>20971546 97 Countries Prepare To Attend BRICS 2024 in June in Russia

>>20976924 US Ramps Up Rate Of Ukraine Arms Packages… What's Another $225 Million?

>>20977115 Putin: We Could Supply Long-Range Missiles To Enemies Of West In Retaliation

>>20983397 Macron To Send Zelensky French Fourth Generation Mirage Fighter Jets That Ukraine Once Dismissed as Obsolete

>>20983882 Russian Warships Steam For Caribbean As Ukraine Tensions Go Global

>>20984004 The Estonian Prime Minister Redefined The West's Terms For Victory In Ukraine

>>20984037 False Flag On The Horizon? The Strange Case Of The Destroyed Russian Nuclear Radar

>>20988897 Putin Says There’s ‘No Need’ to Use Nuclear Weapons to Win the War in Ukraine

>>20989156 French Citizen Arrested in Moscow, Pleads Guilty To ‘Failing to Register as a Foreign Agent’ While Researching Russian Military

>>20994147 US Ambassador Slams Hungary For Relying On Russian Energy, But US Remains Huge Buyer Of Russian Uranium

>>20994196 Next Month's NATO Summit Might See Most Members Joining The "Military Schengen"

>>20999525 Ukraine Claims First-Ever Fighter Jet Strike On Russian Territory

>>20999858 Von der Leyen vows to continue ‘pro-Ukraine’ policies

>>20999900 Western war hawks want Ukraine’s resources – Orban

>>20999931 Russian warships along with nuclear powered submarines have arrived in the port of Havana, Cuba

>>21001722 Ukraine is a ‘gold mine’ – US senator

>>21001827 Ukrainian officials stole $490 million meant for military – MP

>>21001878 Ukrainian troops selling fuel on black market – media

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c8f38b No.21046972

Russia and Ukraine Bun Part Two

>>21002400 Explosion rocks Polish arms plant which supplies Ukraine – media

>>21006116 Russia Reportedly Opens New Front in Ukraine’s Northern Sumy Oblast – Chechen Special Forces With Former Wagner PMC Fighters Involved in the Offensive

>>21006295 US changes rules on Ukrainian Neo Nazis using its weapons

>>21006315 Russian Su-34 Warplane Crashes in North Ossetia - Defense Ministry

>>21008276 Ukraine has a DARK secret and Ukrainian families are DEMANDING answers (video)

>>21022068 Orban Got What He Wanted From NATO & Ensured Hungary's Objective National Interests

>>21027199 NATO Expansion: A New Detailed Timeline

>>21032043 Biden commits U.S. taxpayers to 10 years of ‘blank check’ funding of war in Ukraine: War’s ‘dark side’ includes organ harvesting and child sex trafficking

>>21032269 Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0? After Russian Nuclear Sub ‘Kazan’ Arrives in Havana, US Navy Sends Fast Attack Submarine USS Helena to Guantanamo Bay in Show of Force

>>21032465 MSM Tries To Put a Positive Spin on Ukraine’s Old Soldiers and the Social Chaos Caused by Forced Mobilization

>>21033661 Twelve states refuse to sign Zelensky ‘peace conference’ declaration

>>21038151 NATO state’s president calls for break-up of Russia

>>21043682 Russia supports North Korea against ‘treacherous’ West – Putin

>>21043726 Ukraine must defeat Russia to join NATO – US

>>21043778 Ukraine on the brink of default – Reuters

>>21043904 The Russia-Ukraine war may have killed 1M people. Why is there no real push for peace? (video)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c8f38b No.21046975

Updated Trudeau Bun

>>20956622 LAWTON: Trudeau’s defence policy fails to impress Americans (video)

>>20968126 Maxime Bernier chides Trudeau for shoving ‘this nonsense’ of ‘pride season’ ‘in our face’

>>20990984 Trudeau trashes Alberta govt as ‘ridiculous’ in surprise visit to Calgary

>>21006404 Ratio’d: Justin Trudeau is shielding TRAITORS inside parliament (video)

>>21022155 Disapproval looms over Trudeau, other leaders at high stakes G7 summit

>>21045618 Trudeau repeats false claim about 'unmarked graves' at residential schools

>>21045887 Trudeau shouts 'Slava Ukrani' during Summit on Peace in Ukraine group photo with Zelensky

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c8f38b No.21046980

Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun

>>20946389 Ottawa cop accused of misconduct argues COVID-19 vaccines merit 'criminal negligence' investigation (video)

>>20956365 Elevated Risk Of Epilepsy, Appendicitis In Children After COVID-19 Vaccination: Study

>>20960054 Oxford University: Myocarditis and Pericarditis Only Appear After COVID Vaccination, Not After COVID Infection

>>20960694 ‘So many have died’: Former Japanese minister apologizes for COVID jab-linked deaths

>>20966165 UK’s Telegraph Comes Clean – Front Page Headline Reads “Covid Jabs May Be to Blame for Increase in Excess Deaths”

>>20967948 Supporters gather to fundraise grieving father's lawsuit against Pfizer and Health Canada after his teenage son died suddenly (video)

>>20968847 CMA president denies people with vax injury exist

>>20975178 Canadian military saw 800% spike in vaccine injuries following COVID jab rollout

>>20975199 The Telegraph admits COVID shots may have helped cause over 3 million excess deaths

>>20984889 Health Canada did not conduct a risk-benefit analysis before authorizing COVID-19 vaccines for children (video)

>>20988741 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules mRNA COVID-19 Jab is NOT a Vaccine Under Traditional Medical Definitions (attached .pdf)

>>20989203 Army Officer Experiences ‘Inexplicable’ Symptoms After Being Forced to Take the COVID-19 Shot, While the Department of Defense Continues to Evade Accountability

>>20993759 Law Professor Dr. Francis Boyle, Who Drafted the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act, Claims COVID-19 mRNA Injections are Weapons of Mass Destruction in New Affidavit

>>21006682 Nova Scotia judge upholds medical privacy and bodily autonomy against employer demands

>>21018988 Top Analyst Exposes Cover-Up of Mass Deaths Among Vaxxed Children

>>21019141 Explosive Report Reveals CIA Role in Creation of COVID Vaccines

>>21026730 Vaccine-Injured Pharmacist Breaks Down Into Tears Testifying Before Ohio State Senate

>>21032407 American Heart Association Says Six in Ten Adults May Suffer from Heart Disease Over the Next 30 Years

>>21040310 Kansas Attorney General sues Pfizer for "misleading Kansans on COVID vaccine."

>>21044365 UCP town hall speakers take aim at officials, politicians for pushing COVID vaccine

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c8f38b No.21046983

Updated Wokeism Bun

>>20950940 After Losing $200M on Woke DEI-Fueled Games, Warner Bros. Launches New ‘Women And Non-Binary’ Leadership Program

>>20955792 Melinda Gates is Now Largest “Catholic” Donor to Pro-Abortion Causes

>>20968190 Quebec’s first March for Life draws 1,500 Canadians in defense of the unborn

>>20968208 Trudeau minister makes video promoting abortion, calls pro-life MPs ‘disturbing’

>>20968814 Hands Off Our Kids organizes Canada-wide 'walk-out' to protest raising Pride flag at schools

>>20971239 After the Battle for the ‘Foreign Agents Law’, Georgian Government Pushes 19 Bills Against LGBT Movement, in a Move Sure To Reignite NGO Protests

>>20973020 Jordan Peterson calls out ‘pride’ month as a ‘celebration of casual hedonistic self-centered sex’

>>20974255 Canadian Cancer Society apologizes for not calling cervix “front hole” in non-binary disclaimer

>>20986984 Did Canada just AWAKEN to STOP Tyranny? (video)

>>20989898 Top Canadian university posts job listing that excludes white heterosexual men

>>21006511 Vancouver equity committee wants Mayor Ken Sim to account for his colonial family history

>>21006782, >>21017208 Small township defends itself against Pride enthusiasts

>>21017228 VICTORY: Ontario Catholic school board upholds ban on flying LGBT ‘Pride’ flag

>>21017346 ‘Repugnant’: Josh Alexander’s lawyer blasts Catholic school board over secret expulsion decision

>>21033709 'One Nation Under God Rally for Children': takes Parliament Hill as parents reject Pride in schools, boost religious unity

>>21038372 SHEPHERD: British Columbia protesters try to shut down We Unify conference

>>21038440 “It’s time to get loud:” Pro-life groups gear up for the battle of ideas

>>21038922 Councillor Lisa Robinson continues to stand up to the woke, censorious thugs at Pickering City Council (video)

>>21039032 Quebec restaurant giving out free meals stops program out of fear of provincial language police

>>21043541 Australian Premier Creates Ministry In Charge Of 'Changing Men's Behavior'

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c8f38b No.21047068

Notables are NOT Endorsements

coming up on 610


>>20944310 Paralyzed then drowned: Veteran exposes the terrifying method used to euthanize people in Canada

>>20945884 HAITI HELL: Unelected Transition Council Chooses THIRD Prime Minister in a Month, a UN Official Linked to the Clintons

>>20945779 Millions of Chickens Killed in 5-Alarm Fire at Farina Farms Inc. in Illinois, One of Nation’s Largest Free-Range Egg Facilities

>>20945908 Numbers At Giant Truck Lender BMO Show Worsening Credit Conditions

>>20946224 NDP, Green MPs and a Trudeau-appointed senator want to change voting age to 16

>>20951252 Kim Jong Un Oversees Massive Missile Launch 'Preemptive Attack' Drills

>>20951312 Time To Pay Satan: Canadian Asset Manager Blocks Cash Distributions On Private Credit Funds

>>20955828 Right-Wing EU Super Group? Hungary’s Orbán Urges Italy’s Meloni and France’s Le Pen To Form an Alliance

>>20955862 DOWNGRADED: Macron Suffers MAJOR Political Blow as Standard & Poor’s Cut France’s Long-Term Sovereign Credit Rating From AA to AA−

>>20955946 King Charles Continues Trying To Evict His Brother Prince Andrew From 30-Room Royal Lodge – The Disgraced Duke of York Has No Money To Maintain the Property

>>20956564 Private clinics reduced wait times in Saskatchewan by 47% between 2010 and 2014: study

>>20957089 We see the sacrificed pawns and sly gambits but let’s find who’s moving the pieces . . .

>>20959971 A BILLION VOTERS HAVE SPOKEN! Indian PM Modi Scores a Gigantic Win in the World’s Largest Democratic Election Where Voter ID Is Required, and Will Serve Historic Third Term

>>20967418 Critical mineral reserves present Canada with a half-a-trillion-dollar opportunity

>>20968965 Funding deal to keep STARS in the sky past 2034

>>20971393 Bank of Canada Cuts Rates By 25bps As Expected, First G7 Central Bank To Launch Easing Cycle

>>20973113 Initial Bilderberg Bun | Initial Trump Trial Bun

>>20973140 Initial Trudeau Bun | Initial Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun

>>20976662 Mexico’s Leftist President-Elect Gathers Latin American Socialist Leaders, as Opposition Candidate Demands Recount, Another Mayor Is Killed, and the Panicked Market Melts

>>20976687 Nasty Leftist Comedian Makes SICK Sexualized Joke About Conservative Activist’s Baby Son – Gets Punched, and Finds Out That ‘The World Is Not Twitter’

>>20983925 These Are All The Countries Offering Digital Nomad Visas

>>20984471 Ratio’d: 80th Anniversary of D-Day – Lest we forget (video)

>>20984716 Kamloops band uses 'white supremacy' and secrecy to diffuse scrutiny over false 215 unmarked graves claim (video)

>>20985578 Alberta town starts petition to remove rainbow crosswalks, ‘Pride’ flags from municipal property

>>21000128 Canada can save $32 billion by eliminating interprovincial trade barriers: report

>>21000774 Historic Toronto church containing Group of Seven artwork burns down

>>21001763 Helicopter carrying African VP missing – government

>>21002603 If Apple integrates OpenAI at the OS level, then Apple devices will be banned at my companies. That is an unacceptable security violation.

>>21003285 Updated Trump Trial Bun | Updated China Bun | Updated Climate Change Bun

>>21005607 Biden Scheduled to Speak at Anti-Gun Event Just Hours After Drug Addict Son Was Convicted of Federal Gun Charges

>>21006084 Global Food Prices Rise For Third Straight Month, Fueling Instability Risks In Developing World

>>21006439 Conservatives want to call “other Randy” before ethics committee

>>21016805 Biden Arrives in Italy Looking Dazed and Confused… And Will Skip the G7 Dinner

>>21043459 Live Fire Incident: Casualties Reported After North Korean Soldiers Cross Military Demarcation Line

>>21044012 Veterans speak out against DEI, Chinese influence and warn that Canada is at war (video)

>>21044165 Trudeau government removes Armed Islamic Group from terrorist list

>>21046936 Initial Boeing Bun

>>21046937 Updated China Bun

>>21046938 Updated Climate Change Bun

>>21046942 Updated Covid and other Pestilence Bun

>>21046944 Initial Drag Queens and Transgender Bun

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c8f38b No.21047073


>>21046946 Updated Globalist Moves Bun

>>21046948 Updated Government Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Bun

>>21046952 Updated Hamas and Israel Bun

>>21046959 Updated Immigration Bun

>>21046964 Updated Media and Censorship Bun

>>21046968 Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One

>>21046972 Russia and Ukraine Bun Part Two

>>21046975 Updated Trudeau Bun

>>21046980 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun

>>21046983 Updated Wokeism Bun

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

fefc6d No.21047780

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Old Clip of Chrystia Freeland Resurfaces


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fefc6d No.21050038

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fired For Exposing Trudeau's Corruption on YouTube


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fefc6d No.21050070

File: 5a6a25b3ae72879⋯.png (1.5 MB,1600x900,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Milei To Implement Hardcore Security Measures Inspired by El Salvador’s Bukele to Combat Criminal Gangs


With falling inflation and interest rates, Argentine President Javier Milei turns his attention away from the economy, and gets real on the fight against criminal gangs.

As his Security Minister visits El Salvador, we learn that Milei is considering emulating Nayib Bukele’s effective – if controversial – crackdown on violent crime.

Telegraph reported: Continue…

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fefc6d No.21050118

File: d907eb6b2660dff⋯.png (277.39 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5423209bb5e0e1e⋯.png (111.12 KB,481x679,481:679,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f8d1606a2d1f37f⋯.png (561.94 KB,680x454,340:227,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7cc80e04bd7f077⋯.png (658.44 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Outgoing Dutch PM Mark Rutte To Be the New NATO Secretary General, After Hungary and Slovakia Pledge Their Support


As we had anticipated back in February, the outgoing Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte is about to be anointed as the next NATO Secretary General, after the Norwegian Jens Stoltenberg.

Rutte is yet another failed Globalist leader, a staunch ally of Kiev and a critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Stoltenberg commented on the Dutch media NOS report.

Reuters reported: Continue…

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fefc6d No.21050161

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Climate Cultists Vandalize 3,500 Year-Old Rock Formations at Stonehenge to Battle Global Warning


Send them to Greenland for a winter without oil and gas.

Climate cultists spray painted the Stonehenge monuments with orange paint on Wednesday in their efforts to destroy Western civilization. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21050194

File: 2eb57d695b9cd23⋯.png (461.31 KB,750x420,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

ANOTHER ONE: EV Start-Up Fisker Files For Bankruptcy


Electric vehicle start-up Fisker filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on Monday after it suspended operations earlier this year.

Fisker’s stock plunged in March as investors worried about the company’s ability to survive amid a cash crunch. The auto company also said it would slash 15% of its workforce.

ABC News reported: Continue…

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fefc6d No.21050271

File: 1570bdc29d4ce4b⋯.png (1.15 MB,1531x861,1531:861,ClipboardImage.png)

Buffalo Bills Are Helping Create a New Gay Flag Football Team


The Buffalo Bills have announced they will sponsor a Buffalo chapter of the National Gay Flag Football League.

In an Instagram post, the Buffalo Bills wrote, “We’re proud to support the National Gay Flag Football League with a sponsorship to launch a league in Buffalo!”

In a press release, Buffalo Bills Vice President of Community Impact Michelle Roberts shared, “Through our sponsorship, we are looking forward to expanding the impact of the NGFFL in our community.”

NGFFL Commissioner Joel Horton also commented on the new addition and stated, “We are thrilled to bring inclusive flag football to Buffalo with the support of the Buffalo Bills.”

Horton continued, “Our mission is to unite the community through the spirit of competition while celebrating our diversity. By fostering an environment where everyone is welcome.”

The NGFFL has been active since 2002 and has over 4,000 players in 27 cities. Continue…

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249549 No.21050280

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fefc6d No.21050349

File: 3f44e7cf7fb6cc9⋯.png (510.17 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Globalist Ursula von der Leyen Struggles To Get Support for a Second Term as EU Commissioner, After Right Wing Populist Surge in European Elections Shifts the Geopolitical Forces


A political hurricane blew all over the old continent in the last European Elections.

The Globalist forces in most countries got crushed and lost significant political ground to conservative, populist, nationalist forces that emphasize national sovereignty and reject Brussels’ current policies such as the crippling ‘green new deal’, unchecked mass migration, military support for Ukraine, among others.

Nevertheless, the current President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, even though she presided over the veritable disaster that Europe has become, thinks she can get support to be appointed for a second term.

She may be right about that – but it’s certainly turning out be harder than she may have anticipated.

European Union leaders held a discussion on the bloc’s top jobs for the next five years, but left without agreement.

The decision is expected decision at a summit next week.Continue…

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fefc6d No.21050441

File: 2b3f7bf49c0c9c6⋯.png (257.79 KB,500x202,250:101,ClipboardImage.png)

How (And Why) Bird Flu Is About To Enter The "Mass Testing" Phase


Hello everyone and welcome to the latest edition of Bird Flu Digest, formerly known as OffGuardian…

The wall-to-wall coverage of Bird Flu is getting wallier-to-wallier with each passing week, to the point it’s almost hard to keep up with the waves of hot takes and chilling insights. But if you’re going to try, the best place to do it is right here, where I spend a good portion of my time reading very similar articles in very similar papers all about the danger of a pandemic they’re about to pretend is happening. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21050464

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Something has changed and Putin is preparing for FULL war with NATO" says EX-CIA Agent | Redacted


Ex-CIA Agent Larry Johnson joins Redacted live to talk about Victor Orban's latest NATO warning. He says NATO is preparing for full war with Russia and building three new NATO bases to strategically provide weapons into Ukraine. Serbia's leader Vucic says war with Russia is only 3 months away.

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fefc6d No.21050491

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

TRUDEAU'S TAX GRAB: cynical, unprepared and ill-timed: Gunter


The Sun's political columnist Lorne Gunter says Trudeau's capital gains tax increase is designed to make him popular with young voters.

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fefc6d No.21050513

File: 1e53ed03e2cfaa0⋯.png (1.31 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cac8d9caecfa793⋯.png (2.62 MB,1536x864,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Shannon Boschy: Fighting the Transgender Movement's War on Children and the Normalization of Pedophilia (Exclusive Interview)


Shannon Boschy, a father, became an activist after his child’s school supported a gender transition, and now aims to expose the perverse ideological subversion within the Canadian educational system and its undermining of traditional family values.

On June 13th, Shannon Boschy Douglas, an Ottawa father and vocal critic of the sexualization of children in education, shared his concerns during an interview with the RAIR Foundation. The setting was a scenic backdrop following a protest against the Ottawa Carleton District School Board’s policies on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI).

Boschy, who has traveled across Canada speaking alongside anti-gender ideology activists like BillBoard Chris, is deeply entrenched in the fight against what he describes as a “profoundly destructive” effort undermining traditional family values. His activism was triggered seven years ago when a school teacher supported his child’s gender transition. This move ultimately led to estrangement and medical procedures as soon as his child reached early adulthood. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21050533

File: 3b97e4d5be23cf2⋯.png (652.25 KB,810x501,270:167,ClipboardImage.png)

Late-term babies who survive abortions in Canada are still being left to die


It is a chilling thing to consider, but it is indisputably true: Every year in Canada, babies are born alive and left to die – and not a single political party is interested in speaking out for these children, or stopping this brutality. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21050579

File: 52293e6c0a8e77c⋯.png (350.79 KB,615x736,615:736,ClipboardImage.png)

WEF 'Young Global Leader', Ida Auken: "If you can get people to share a car, you can take out a lot of cars in the streets…


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fefc6d No.21050603

File: c882138fa9ca2c2⋯.png (2.64 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

War in Gaza blamed after young man sets himself on fire at Winnipeg mosque


The statement said that the Israel-Hamas war 'is impacting so many people beyond the boundaries of our community.'

A young man lit himself on fire inside of the Waverley Grand Mosque in Winnipeg on Saturday afternoon, taking his own life on the eve of Eid al-Adha, celebrated by Muslims across the world. The local Islamic association mentioned the war in Gaza and pointed to racism as a possible contributing factor.

The incident promoted the Manitoba Islamic Association Board to call for increased mental health support in the province. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21050648

B.C. court case for churches open during COVID lockdowns alleges religious bias and dishonesty from Bonnie Henry


A lawyer representing three Fraser Valley churches that received fines for holding services during COVID-19 restrictions argues the province's orders were discriminatory and showed an arrogant disregard of churches while granting synagogues exclusive accommodations. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21050663

File: e3b0887c4278622⋯.png (3.33 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Feds may oversee ‘costly’ automatic tax filing service for tax dodgers


Low-income Canadians could receive roughly $8.5 billion more in unclaimed benefits if the CRA implements an automatic filing service, says the Parliamentary Budget Officer. The tax agency met less than half of core performance indicators in the 2022/23 fiscal year. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21050678

File: 0f36916f8ed5dd1⋯.png (4.09 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Mayor Chow charging ahead with renaming of Dundas Square


The board overseeing the square estimates the total costs to be close to $1 million.

Toronto will move forward with plans to rename Yonge-Dundas Square following a heated meeting with Mayor Olivia Chow's executive committee.

Chow and her supporters voted unanimously to move forward with the proposal to erase the name of Henry Dundas, a Scottish politician and abolitionist who is alleged by some to have delayed abolition in the 18th century.

"This is a good news story. This is a good day," said Coun. Chris Moise.

The name will be changed to Sankofa Square, a Ghanaian word that has its own roots in slavery.

The word comes from the Twi language of the Akan people. Those who coined the term were active participants in the trans-Atlantic slave trade.

"The Akan-controlled Asante Empire, which held power at the height of the global slave trade in the 18th and 19th centuries, was, in fact, an indispensable supplier of Black slaves to British and Dutch traders," reports the National Post. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21050703

File: 56bf07306b15bef⋯.png (3.41 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Taxpayers on the hook for $223K in catering costs for Trudeau's Indo-Pacific trip


Meals featured an array of gourmet dishes including beef brisket with mashed parsley potatoes and truffle oil, pan-fried beef tenderloin with port wine sauce, braised lamb shanks with steamed broccoli and boiled baby potatoes, and baked cheesecake with pistachio brittle.

The Trudeau Liberals spent $223,000 on catering during their six-day Indo-Pacific trip in September.

The trip to Singapore and India cost close to $2 million in total.

The catering costs had previously been marked at $180,000, but a response to an order paper question in the House of Commons found that number was actually $223,000.

The final cost of the trip could still rise as records continue to be processed, reports the National Post.

The number of passengers traveling with Trudeau on a Royal Canadian Air Force CC-150 Polaris varied from 37 to 72 during different stages of the trip. One notable segment of the journey incurred a catering bill of $85,000. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21050722

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tommy Robinson is in Canada — come hear him speak!


I never thought it could happen: Tommy Robinson is in Canada for his first-ever tour, and you’re invited to meet the man who has been dubbed the enemy of the state! Continue…

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fefc6d No.21050736

File: 70ac9a9ecda3f44⋯.png (3.61 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Family of terminally ill Vancouver woman sues province, hospital operator over ‘assisted suicide’ policy


Gaye O'Neill claims Providence Health violated her 34-year-old daughter Samantha's Charter rights by denying her access to 'assisted suicide' due to the facility's Catholic values. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21050758

File: ef6dff512d4bd62⋯.png (1.97 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Trudeau government spent $4 million on advertising with CBC in 2023-24


The state broadcaster already receives $1.4 billion in annual direct subsidies from the federal government. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21050786

File: eda0ac42df0ccf3⋯.png (947.76 KB,800x420,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

40 Canadian professors sign letter calling for end of DEI in universities


Dozens of Canadian university professors have signed a letter to Parliament calling on the federal government to end mandated “diversity, equity and inclusion” initiatives in universities.

The Canadian government continues to mandate DEI quotas through its Canada Research Chairs program, a federal initiative intended for the recruitment and retainment of scholars at academic institutions.

In their letter, the 40 signatories highlighted several issues with DEI policies in universities.

“These policies disproportionately punish small institutions, are not supported by evidence, employ flawed metrics with no end goal, and are unpopular with the public who funds the research,” the professors wrote.

They believe the feds should be “abolishing DEI from the Tri-Council agencies.”

The federal “Tri-Council” is made up of Canada’s three federal research agencies, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

The letter’s authors provided several cases they see as evidence of DEI’s failures. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21050793

File: c623057f638a736⋯.png (670.48 KB,814x500,407:250,ClipboardImage.png)

Jordan Peterson calls abortion ‘hands down’ the biggest cause of death for children


The anti-woke Canadian psychologist made a strong pro-life statement in a rebuke to a U.S. congresswoman’s social media post saying gun violence is the main cause of child fatalities. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21051120

File: 697678041290baf⋯.png (476.71 KB,810x500,81:50,ClipboardImage.png)

Trudeau gov’t commits $110 million to fund DEI projects, consultants looking for ‘racism’


Woke diversity, equity, and inclusion mandates are driving the spending of taxpayer dollars by the federal government.

The Liberal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is looking to spend $110 million of taxpayer money to fund yet another project driven by woke so-called diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) mandates.

The money will be used to hire DEI consultants tasked with looking into a supposed problem of “racism” in Canada. The funding will be given to “hundreds” of different projects linked to a DEI agenda across the country, announced Minister of Diversity, Inclusion, and Persons with Disabilities Kamal Khera over a week ago.

According to Khera, the new DEI “strategy” called “Changing Systems, Transforming Lives: Canada’s Anti-Racism Strategy” incorporates the “voices and lived experiences of thousands of Canadians, and enhances our whole government approach to combating racism and discrimination in all its forms.” Continue…

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fefc6d No.21051134

File: 86a8318e1a8ada8⋯.png (1.01 MB,806x500,403:250,ClipboardImage.png)

German doctor sentenced to over 2 years in jail for issuing mask and COVID shot exemptions


67-year-old Dr. Bianca Witzschel was sentenced to two years and eight months in jail, banned for three years from working as a doctor, and fined €47,000 for writing exemptions to COVID shot and mask mandates in Germany. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21051217

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

‘He’s A Monster’: Diddy’s Decades Of Alleged Abuse Exposed | 60 Minutes Australia


The shocking abuse allegations levelled against billionaire rapper Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs.

► WATCH Full Episodes on 9NOW: https://9now.app.link/uNP4qBkmN6

Synopsis | Face The Music (2024)

He’s been known by many names over the years, from Puff Daddy to P Diddy, even Love. But now hip-hop megastar Sean Combs has to face the music of being called an accused rapist and sex trafficker. Much like Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire is at the centre of his very own #MeToo reckoning. Alleged victims say for three decades the rapper’s out of control debauchery meant they endured terrifying abuse. As Adam Hegarty reports, with graphic video now backing up their claims, many of them hope Sean Combs will soon be trading his obscene lifestyle for a jail cell.

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fefc6d No.21051241

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ottawa honors memory of Sikh activist designated as ‘terrorist’ by New Delhi


Canada has alleged Indian involvement in last year’s murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a Khalistan independence supporter

The Canadian Parliament’s House of Commons on Tuesday honored activist Hardeep Singh Nijjar with a moment of silence to mark the first anniversary of his death.

Nijjar, who was a prominent supporter of the Khalistan movement to create a separate nation-state for the Sikh ethnoreligious group, was gunned down by unidentified assailants in a Vancouver suburb last year.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau linked the murder to “agents” of the Indian government, triggering a huge diplomatic spat with New Delhi. India has repeatedly denied Ottawa’s claims and asked the country for proof to substantiate its accusations.

Notably, last month Canada arrested three Indian citizens in connection with the assassination. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21051309

File: 353feb975134fdb⋯.png (312.8 KB,540x304,135:76,ClipboardImage.png)

US-supplied F-16s to be stationed inside Ukraine – White House


Vladimir Zelensky and President Joe Biden had previously signed a bilateral security agreement on the fighter jets

F-16 warplanes transferred to Kiev by Washington will be stationed on Ukrainian territory, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan has announced in an interview with PBS news channel.

He revealed the plan after US President Joe Biden and Vladimir Zelensky signed a ten-year bilateral security agreement last week, under which Washington has pledged to continue backing Kiev in its conflict with Moscow.

Zelensky announced after the deal was signed that the US had promised to supply Ukraine not only with weapons, including Patriot air-defense systems, but also with “squadrons” of fighter jets comprising F-16s as well as other aircraft.

The US, Belgium, Denmark, Norway and the Netherlands, have pledged to provide Ukraine with up to 60 F-16 jets by the end of this year. Kiev has on several occasions suggested that the Western-supplied fighters could be stationed outside Ukraine, on the territories of neighboring NATO countries where they would be “safe.”

Sullivan, however, said the “plan is to put the F-16s in Ukraine,” adding that the bilateral security agreement signed by Biden and Zelensky had “reinforced this point.” Continue…

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fefc6d No.21052988

File: 5cb4852be674300⋯.png (944.38 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Regina doctor suspended and fined for prescribing Ivermectin


A Regina doctor will pay a fine and loss of practice during August for prescribing Ivermectin for COVID-19.

The Saskatchewan College of Physicians and Surgeons found that over two years, between April 2020 and March 2022, Tshipita Kabongo prescribed the drug as either a treatment or to prevent COVID-19 at the Integrated Wellness and Health Balance Centre in Regina.

In a decision June 7, Kabongo was found to have engaged in unprofessional conduct for defying the policy on alternative therapies. Here, patients have a right to make decisions about their health care but doctors who choose to use complementary or alternative therapies have to do so in a way that’s informed by medical evidence and science.

“It is unethical to engage in or to aid and abet in treatment which has no acceptable scientific basis, may be dangerous, may deceive the patient by giving false hope, or which may cause the patient to delay in seeking conventional care until his or her condition becomes irreversible,” according to the policy.

The college ruled one or more of the prescriptions Kabongo gave weren’t medically necessary, that he failed to recommend other evidence-informed treatment options, and that he didn’t properly document giving the prescriptions in medical records.

Kabongo's one month suspension starts August 1. He must have someone supervise him when he returns to practice and pay the $44,783.72 cost of the investigation and hearing against him.

Ivermectin treats parasites as an oral medicine and rosacea when applied to the skin.

In the fall of 2021, Health Canada and several medical groups in Saskatchewan publicly warned against the use of Ivermectin for COVID-19, especially the stronger veterinary doses. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21053292

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Health Canada delays information release on contaminated COVID-19 vaccine investigation


The agency tasked with drug regulation took a 195-day extension to an access to information request demanding the testing and quality control steps they took before importing contaminated AstraZeneca shots into the country, a manufacturer that has since pulled its product from the global market. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21053699

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Faulkner Show | Nationwide anti-mass immigration protests planned for Canada Day


Poll after poll shows Canadians have had enough of the Trudeau government’s mass immigration plan, but it doesn’t look like the government will be stopping any time soon. In fact, it was revealed today that Canada’s population reached 41 million people in the last quarter, almost exclusively driven by international migration. How can Canadians show their dissatisfaction with the government’s immigration plan?

On the latest episode of The Faulkner Show, Harrison sits down with Ethan Duggan, the leader of Take Back Canada, an organization that is planning to host nation-wide peaceful protests against mass immigration in Canada.

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cc6998 No.21053747


He's winning… "something changed"

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cc6998 No.21053754

How's my Feds doing tonight?

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4d1c46 No.21054683

United Conservatives Party - Live Event :

An Injection of Truth - Live in Calgary , Alberta CANADA.

June 17, 2024 - Dr.William Makis speech

A historic event held by the United Conservative Party in Calgary, Alberta, called “An Injection of Truth” on June 17, 2024.

20 minutes exposing the corruption of MIC in Canada.


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4d1c46 No.21054797

Many Israeli attendees at the festival were burned alive by Israeli helicopter fire, tanks, and drones during the attackunder the Hannibal Directive to kill those being taken captive by Hamas from the settlements (kibbutzim) and near the Gaza border.

Realizing the community note would be added regardless of the text accompanying the photo, X users began to use the photo to create memes.

One X user posted the photo with the text, “Elon Musk is not a pedophile.” The community note, “This was already debunked in November,” was immediately added. The post garnered more than four million impressions and almost 70,000 likes.

Sauce: https://www.theinteldrop.org/2024/06/19/memes-expose-jewish-controlled-elon-musk-catch-and-kill-twitter-a-paradise-for-crimes-against-humanity/

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4d1c46 No.21054847


‘I Will Endeavor to Stay Alive’: Elon Musk Reveals There Were Two Failed Assassination Attempts Against Him

By Ben Kew Jun. 19, 2024 7:00

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4d1c46 No.21054901

Here is a comprehensive dig and legal support on Kamala’s parents, birth, life and legal support why she is NOT a Natural Born Citizen.

Kamala Harris

Growing up in Canada until college


Reuters family history


Dad Order of Merit Jamaica


Newsweek not eligible


Donald J. Harris Stanford bio


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4d1c46 No.21054910



Kamala moved at 12 to Canada


McGill University Canada - mom mid 70’s


Kamala + friend Canada high school


Mom award late 1980’s Canada


Madison Wisconsin


Birth certificate

Pic related

Marriage Aug 2014 Doug Emhoff , Santa Barbara



Law of Nations



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fefc6d No.21055121


Awesome speech needs to be on prime time TV for the normies!!!

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fefc6d No.21055266

File: 494d9a616fea64c⋯.png (113 KB,300x207,100:69,ClipboardImage.png)

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EXCLUSIVE: Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Summoned to Vatican to be Excommunicated


Archbishop Carlo Vigano, a friend of the faithful and totally dedicated to the church and sharing Jesus Christ in all he does has been notified that he is being summoned to the Vatican.

Our friend, Archbishop Vigano has stood up against the destruction of the church, COVID mandates that crushed individual rights worldwide, and stolen elections. He has called out this Pope for his destructive actions against the church and others like China and the World Economic Forum. For this he is being excommunicated from the Hoy Catholic Church.

Here is the message moments ago from Archbishop Vigano’s Twitter page:

(art. 2 SST; can. 1364 CIC) Continue…

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fefc6d No.21055305

File: 975679ea9970f1f⋯.png (698.22 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

‘Gender-Affirming’ Treatment Gets Shattered by New Study


Stunning percentage of kids with transgender feelings ‘grow out of it’

Yet another study has confirmed the scientifically supportable but politically blasphemous belief that most children who report transgender feelings actually, if left alone, grow out of them.

The New York Post reports that confirmation comes from a “transgender expert.”

It reveals Riittakerttu Kaltiala, psychiatrist who presided over youth gender transition treatments for years, confirmed 80% of those children who question their gender “eventually accept their bodies if no medical interventions are carried out.”

Kaltiala is a leading scientist regarding pediatric gender medicine in Finland and operates at the country’s largest gender clinic.

In an interview with a publication, Helsingin Sanomal, she said 12 separate studies support that statement. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21055340

File: e71b0d0409193e5⋯.png (668.84 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Richest Family in the UK, the Billionaire Hindujas Stand Trial in Switzerland for Human Trafficking Charges


The Hinduja family, owners of the multinational conglomerate Hinduja Group, have topped the 2024 Sunday Times Rich List, becoming recognized as the richest family in the UK.

Originally from India, the Hinduja relocated their businesses to London back in 1979, steadily expanding its global presence until they became worth an estimated £37bn ($47bn).

Their business operations span 48 countries across various sectors: oil, chemicals, IT, cyber security, automotive, healthcare, trading, infrastructure, media, property, and power.

So it’s a bit surprising to find some senior members of the family involved in a scandal of alleged exploitation and human trafficking.

Four members of Hinduja family are on trial in Switzerland, amid allegations ‘they spent more money caring for their dog than their servants’.

BBC reported: Continue…

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fefc6d No.21055382

File: 4b4f605419917a3⋯.png (423.58 KB,600x309,200:103,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e0be5e0adef1d9⋯.png (740.29 KB,679x388,7:4,ClipboardImage.png)

Study: Global Warming is Causing Cognitive Decline in Lunatic Politicians Causing Them to Lose Power to ‘Dangerous’ Populists


Boy, these lunatics sure have gall.

A new “study” at 50 Science found that global warming is affecting the language complexity of the lunatic left, which in turn results in populists winning elections.

Apparently, global warming is causing the cognitive performance of the lunatic left to decline.


Via DiscloseTV:

The deranged left is known for their gaslighting and BS but they really outdid themselves here.

50 iScience reported: Continue…

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fefc6d No.21055397

File: 6586bbbdf6b8a13⋯.png (1.22 MB,768x576,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

HUNDREDS of Muslims Die During This Year’s Hajj Pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia Under Mysterious Circumstances


Hundreds of Muslims died during this year’s Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia under mysterious circumstances.

Nearly 2 million Muslims make the mandatory pilgrimage to Mecca every year.

At least 600 Muslims died during this year’s pilgrimage amid soaring temperatures. Temps reached 125 degrees Fahrenheit at the Grand Mosque in Mecca this week.

Saudi officials however are staying tight-lipped and refuse to disclose what led to the unusually high number of deaths.

In years past, Muslims have died at the Grand Mosque from stampedes and epidemics. Many are speculating the soaring temps led to the deaths during the five-day Hajj.

ABC News reported: Continue…

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fefc6d No.21055439

File: 75e4fca0d1cb4bb⋯.png (2.75 MB,1536x864,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

HISTORY MADE: Louisiana Becomes First State to Require the Ten Commandments be Displayed in ALL Public Classrooms – Radical Left Groups Vow Legal Brawl


Louisiana became the first state to require the Ten Commandments to be displayed in every public school classroom. But the battle has only begun.

As the Associated Press reported, H.B. 71, which was signed into law by GOP Governor Jeff Landry, mandates that a poster-sized display of the Ten Commandments in “large, easily readable font” be shown all public classrooms. This includes K-12 education and state-funded universities like LSU.

The displays will be paired with a four-paragraph “context statement” describing how the Ten Commandments “were a prominent part of American public education for almost three centuries” according to CBS News. They must be in place in classrooms by the start of 2025. The legislation further requires that the posters be paid for through donations, not state funds.

Legislators in other states, such as Texas, Utah, and Oklahoma, have proposed requiring legislation similar to Louisiana’s. But fear of lawsuits has prevented the measures from being implemented into state law.

The BBC notes that there have also been multiple legal battles over the years regarding the display of the Ten Commandments in public buildings, including schools, courthouses, and police stations.

H.B. 71 also authorizes the display of the Mayflower Compact, the Declaration of Independence, and the Northwest Ordinance in K-12 public schools. However, unlike the Ten Commandments, these are not required.

As expected, far-left opponents such as the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) have vowed to fight the law tooth and nail in court. The ACLU announced Wednesday they have partnered with the anti-religion groups Americans United for Separation of Church and State and the Freedom from Religion Foundation to file a lawsuit challenging the new Louisiana legislation. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21055487

File: aa71878ef9158b1⋯.png (369.95 KB,500x281,500:281,ClipboardImage.png)

Ukraine Drone Strikes Score Direct Hits On Two More Russian Oil Depots


An overnight Ukrainian cross-border drone attack impact several regions of Russia, resulting in the death of a civilian woman in the Krasnodar region, and setting several oil depots ablaze in other areas.

A Russian defense ministry statement Thursday described "terrorist attacks" which involved groups of unmanned aerial vehicles coming from Ukraine territory. Six drones were intercepted over the Republic of Adygea, three over Bryansk region, and three over the Krasnodar region, as well as some over Rostov, Belgorod, and Oryol.

Drone attacks reported on oil depots in Enem, Republic of Adygea, Russia, and Platonovka, Tambov Oblast, Russia. Both locations are about 420 kilometers from nearest Ukrainian-controlled territory. Ukraine is continuing its campaign to cripple Russia's oil supply infrastructure. pic.twitter.com/tUtHFm6OjN

— Euan MacDonald (@Euan_MacDonald) June 20, 2024 Continue…

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fefc6d No.21055511

File: cbb8035b60ab3cd⋯.png (153.89 KB,500x333,500:333,ClipboardImage.png)

Canada Is America's Least Helpful Ally


Canada’s defense minister Bill Blair has declared, by strangely including future spending on its arctic surveillance network, that “I believe it brings us inevitably to over 2 per cent of defence spending.” This is an old Canadian trick of appealing to American anxieties of missile attack, satisfying the Canadian public’s fantasies about an Arctic presence, and avoiding deploying anything larger than a brigade, anywhere, ever. The official NATO estimate of Canada’s defense effort is only 1.33% of GDP. Canada is currently the world’s ninth largest economy, and the most productive major manufacturer committed to unilateral disarmament. A combination of incipient anti-Americanism, which creeps in as early as grade school history education, coupled with a federal government focused narrowly on the material well-being of Canadians, disincentivizes political leadership from spending political capital on international relations. From the perspective of a Canadian, U.S. politics oscillates wildly from expensive international engagement to isolationist hostility against international norms and institutions. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21055578

File: 3804f8aeeb0100a⋯.png (600.75 KB,500x667,500:667,ClipboardImage.png)

"Taking Our Extra Time": Boeing Delays Starliner's Return To Earth Amid Thruster Issues


Boeing's Starliner spacecraft's return from the International Space Station to Earth will be delayed until mid-next week as NASA and astronauts troubleshoot helium leaks and try to figure out why some of the thrusters failed during the latest test flight.

At a press briefing on Tuesday, Steve Stich, NASA's commercial crew program manager, said Starliner would end its first crewed mission to the ISS no earlier than next Wednesday - or about three weeks after it first launched atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral, Florida.

"We want to give our teams a little bit more time to look at the data, do some analysis, and make sure we're really ready to come home," Stich said. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21055621

File: 8b451799a9ac09d⋯.png (1.01 MB,1000x667,1000:667,ClipboardImage.png)

DEVELOPING: Car dealerships across the US and Canada struck with massive computer system outage


A cyber incident at data provider CDK Global, whose software is used at 15,000 auto dealers, hampered operations Wednesday at US and Canada dealerships, the company said.

“We are actively investigating a cyber incident,” CDK spokesperson Lisa Finney said in a statement shared with CNN. “Out of an abundance of caution and concern for our customers, we have shut down most of our systems and are working diligently to get everything up and running as quickly as possible. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21055641

File: d3ee32fb46c94e8⋯.png (801.27 KB,800x420,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Liberals finally list Iran’s IRGC as a terrorist entity


Canada has finally listed Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization under Canada’s Criminal Code, six years after the House of Commons initially called for such a listing.

Media reports began to circulate that the Liberals would list the IRGC as an official terrorist group hours before the official announcement.

During the official announcement, Minister of Foreign Affairs Mélanie Joly warned Canadians in Iran to return to Canada immediately. She also said that anyone planning to go to Iran should not.

“With today’s decision, there’s a much higher risk of arbitrary detention for Canadians who go to Iran,” she said in French.

Public Safety Minister Dominic Leblanc said that Canada “has also designated the Islamic Republic of Iran as a regime that has engaged in terrorism and systematic or gross human rights violations.” Continue…

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fefc6d No.21055742

File: 0befafe62e00d21⋯.png (668.25 KB,800x420,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Toronto’s $126M French university has just one Ontario student enrolling this year


Toronto’s Université de l’Ontario français is continuing to struggle with low enrollment numbers – with just one Ontario student set to join this year.

The enrollment figures are grim for the French university, whose recent opening was made possible due to political pressure from Franco-Ontarians and progressive activists and $126 million of taxpayer money from the provincial and federal governments.

New data from the Ontario University’s Application Centre shows that just one Ontario student has accepted an offer to join the university’s four founding programs or its bachelor of business administration for the 2024-2025 academic year.

This marks a 75% decrease from the previous year when four Ontario students accepted offers to study in the flagship programs.

The university did see 113 applicants who are not from Ontario secondary schools accept offers, but even this number represents a decrease of 43% from the year prior, when 198 out-of-province students accepted offers.

The university’s bachelor of education degree, which was launched in Nov. 2022, was excluded from OUAC’s data. That program has shown to be more popular. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21055769

File: 4c869a9a5d63caa⋯.png (871.2 KB,800x420,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Can’t fight for unborn without fighting for free speech, pro-life activists argue


As several Ontario municipalities try to ban pro-life activists from showing images of fetuses on public streets, Ontario pro-life groups are making a push for their Charter rights to be upheld.

The practical ways pro-life activists can fight back against legal limits some municipalities are placing on their activism were a main topic of discussion at an educational conference in Mississauga, Ont. on Saturday.

The City of London passed a bylaw in 2022 which banned the distribution of leaflets with fetal imagery to residents of the city. The city is currently trying to ban all fetal imagery from being displayed on the streets.

Many activists view their ability to share these images as crucial to the conversation surrounding abortion.

“We need to be able to defend our voice to stand up and defend the right to freedom of expression so that we can share the pro-life message,” Blaise Alleyne from the Canadian Centre for Bio-ethical Reform, a national educational pro-life group, told True North.

Alleyne was one of the speakers at the conference. He discussed the barriers that the movement faces and how he thinks his fellow pro-life activists can “push back” both politically and legally.

“We need to defend (freedom of expression) from government censorship, discrimination against pro-lifers and unfair treatment, and unfortunately, in some cases, from pro-choice, violence, people who take it into their own hands, literally, to try and stop us from speaking,” he said. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21056483

File: adb924acbed749d⋯.png (1.02 MB,800x420,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

“Tree equity”: Ottawa wants race-based tree planting


The City of Ottawa hopes to dictate which neighbourhoods deserve more trees based on race and other identity factors, ensuring that even the urban forest canopy aligns with its diversity, equity, and inclusion priorities.

A report by Ottawa’s climate change and forestry officials is headed to City Council on Jun. 26. The report calls on the city to undertake a “tree equity analysis” across all urban areas to govern Ottawa’s tree planting strategy.

“The distribution of urban tree canopy is frequently associated with socio-economic factors, with lower canopy cover neighbourhoods often having a strong representation of equity-deserving communities,” the report reads.

“The City requires a methodology to identify areas of tree inequity and to prioritize tree planting in areas of the city that need it the most.”

The proposed methodology is called a “Tree Equity Score” and was established by the U.S. non-profit American Forests.

“The Tree Equity Score method uses tree canopy cover data in conjunction with socio-economic and health measures of inequity. This approach produces a score that will identify neighbourhood-level gaps in the urban forest,” the report reads. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21056506

File: 9e715fb6365dbe6⋯.png (833.34 KB,800x420,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

GTA bust leads to 295 charges and $2.5 million in drugs seized


York Regional Police made a major drug bust in the Greater Toronto Area, seizing around $2.5 million worth of drugs, 18 firearms, vehicles and cash as part of an investigation targeting a “large-scale” gun and drug trafficking network.

The investigation called “Project Lookout,” targeted the street gang known as the Haywan Gang, spanned across 14 months and led to charges being laid against 20 people.

“The arrest and seizures made during Project Lookout will save lives and make a significant impact in our community,” said Insp. Richard Gaudet during a news conference on Wednesday.

The joint forces operation to target the gang was formed in April of last year and involved investigators from York, Toronto, Peel, OPP, the Canada Border Services Agency and the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada.

“This street gang originated in the City of Toronto, but was now believed to be involved in the trafficking of firearms and drugs in the southern part of York Region,” said Gaudet.

“The team identified a sophisticated criminal network that trafficked large quantities of firearms and high quality cocaine across the GTA.” Continue…

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fefc6d No.21056537

File: 4435d582d625ac9⋯.png (924.44 KB,800x420,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Brampton city council shrugs off concerns over “gender inclusive” changerooms


Brampton, Ont. councillors shrugged off a concerned citizen’s issues with the building of several all-sex changrooms in the city’s recreation centres.

Beata Kostka, a mother and Brampton resident, helped to organize a delegation to a city council meeting in which she spoke about her experience of sexual harassment at one of the “universal” changerooms that had been built in recent years.

As part of an initiative to revitalize the city’s community centres, Brampton has been doing away with male-female changerooms at several of its swimming pools, with five of the city’s ten pools exclusively providing an all-sex changeroom.

Kostka told True North and Brampton city councillors that she took up this fight after her daughter was forced to see five men’s genitals in the pool changeroom, an experience she says was “shocking.”

Kostka says the rec centre’s manager told her there had been numerous similar complaints made.

Accompanied by a small group of individuals who shared her concerns, Kostka urged the city council to reverse course. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21056863

File: 1f056af256a50e0⋯.png (604.26 KB,800x420,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Majority of Canadians oppose costly election delay


Most Canadians oppose the government delaying the next federal election by a week. The delay would mean that 80 MPs would then qualify for taxpayer-funded pensions.

A Leger study commissioned by the Canadian Taxpayer Federation, a non-profit government watchdog, found that 63% of Canadians oppose the government delaying the election by an extra week for Diwali, a Hindu holiday.

The fixed general election date is set to Oct. 20, 2025, which happens to be the first day of the five to six-day celebration of the Hindu Festival of Light.

Critics of the motion, such as Franco Terrazzano, the federal director of the CTF, said the delay could cost Canadian taxpayers up to $120 million. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21056917

File: e06a271619cf23f⋯.png (788.68 KB,800x420,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

International student visa program on track to be reduced by half


Should Ottawa maintain its pace of international student visa approvals following the recent cut, it might surpass its goal to reduce the number of permits significantly.

The education recruitment company, ApplyBoard estimated based on data from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada that if the number of students who were approved in the first four months of 2o24 remains constant, then study permits would drop to 229,000.

That would make for a 48% decrease from last year when the federal government approved 436,678 study permits.

There has been mounting pressure on the Trudeau government to curb its explosive growth of temporary immigration, which many believe is affecting the housing crisis and the overall high cost of living.

The Trudeau government announced it would reduce temporary immigration in January, cutting the number of study permits by 35% when compared to 2023.

New restrictions were also placed on post-secondary education institutions, which were largely responsible for bringing in temporary foreign students as an immigration pathway for students, with the majority arriving from India.

However, the recent cap on international students has led to some pushback from postsecondary schools and provincial governments, including Colleges Ontario and B.C. Premier David Eby. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21057431

File: f48081ac1da92e9⋯.png (4.17 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Temporary residents now make up nearly 7% of Canada's total population


The population increased by nearly a quarter million during the first quarter of 2024, bringing Canada's total population to over 41 million.

Canada's population of temporary residents ballooned to 2.8 million in the first quarter of 2024 under the Liberals' immigration plan.

The number of temporary residents now makes up nearly 7% of Canada's total population, up from 3.5% from two years ago, Statistics Canada reported on Wednesday. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21057502

File: 985bea880086b81⋯.png (147.17 KB,473x367,473:367,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a187cb88599c18f⋯.png (91.3 KB,291x173,291:173,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3fe072f9b68860f⋯.png (3.18 MB,1600x834,800:417,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e2645f8584ba53b⋯.png (1.03 MB,1016x498,508:249,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0776e32b4fc4daf⋯.png (425.32 KB,1080x1433,1080:1433,ClipboardImage.png)

Jun 20 - A Cataclysm is the Goal


Canada's newly created Vaccine Injury Support Program's updated numbers show that it has now paid out over $14 million in compensation.



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fefc6d No.21058314

File: 79b4c9153e78e2e⋯.png (1010.6 KB,810x500,81:50,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a4bde9bfeaeb712⋯.png (189.33 KB,240x320,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96e093a653f234e⋯.png (181.74 KB,320x240,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Toronto hospital flies ‘pride’ flag behind Sacred Heart of Jesus statue in display called a ‘disgrace’


While the sight of the 'pride' flag is 'offensive' and represents 'sexual hedonism' to a concerned Catholic, St. Joseph's Health Centre said in a statement that it is 'working to improve the experiences of 2SLGBTQ+ people.' Continue…

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fefc6d No.21058433

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Alberta politician hosts sold-out conference on COVID jab harms with Drs. Trozzi, Bridle


The 'Injection of Truth' event organized by MLA Eric Bouchard included well-known speakers critical of COVID mandates, including Dr. Byram Bridle, Dr. William Makis, canceled doctor Mark Trozzi and pediatric neurologist Eric Payne. Continue…

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fefc6d No.21058645

File: 7e32de0a43eda68⋯.png (567.2 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Green New Flop: Canada Unlikely to Reach 100% Electric Vehicle Goal Due to Lack of Consumer Demand


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s goal of eliminating gas-powered cars in favor of 100 percent Electric Vehicles (EV) by 2035 is unlikely to happen due to a lack of consumer demand, auto executives say. Continue…

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2a69be No.21059653




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674d3b No.21060797

File: 306ec8455f71885⋯.png (762.32 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f25f111fe1417d4⋯.png (387.03 KB,680x357,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Will Launch Artificial Star into Earth’s Orbit, Costing $19.5 Million


NASA is planning to launch an artificial star into the Earth’s orbit.

According to Futurism, the artificial star will be about the size of a toaster and equipped with eight lasers.

The creation of the star is part of NASA’s $19.5 million space project called Landolt.

The Landolt project aims to help scientists accurately measure real stars in space and are hoping it will assist in studying dark energy. Continue…

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674d3b No.21060869

File: da7222d83b22e43⋯.png (598.56 KB,600x449,600:449,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 97f11aa2c85800e⋯.pdf (12.91 MB,dodig_2024_099_secured.pdf)

File: bb722583d766354⋯.png (1.31 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Defense Department Won’t Release Report on Funding of Chinese Research Laboratories – Blames ‘Limitations in the DoD Tracking Systems’


US taxpayers hand over nearly a trillion dollars to the Department of Defense every year.

In March the Defense Department laid out details of its $849.8 billion budget request, which is expected to fund operations during fiscal year 2025.

In November 2023 the Department of Defense announced the completion of a department-wide financial statement. Michael McCord, the DoD Under Secretary of Defense and Chief Financial Officer, announced at the time, “Auditing the Department’s $3.8 trillion in assets and $4.0 trillion in liabilities is a massive undertaking. But the improvements and changes we are making every day as a result of these audits positively affect every soldier, sailor, airman, marine, guardian, and DoD civilian.”

On Thursday The Department of Defense announced that they were having trouble finding out the exact extent of taxpayer dollars that are going to Chinese research laboratories – “The full extent of DoD funds provided to Chinese research laboratories for research related to enhancement of pathogens of pandemic potential is unknown.”

They can’t figure it out. Apparently, they have no idea how much money is going to Chinese biolabs!

Via Catturd2 Continue…

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674d3b No.21060972

File: 01150586eb831d6⋯.png (1.22 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Social Media Exposes Kids to Pressure, Pornography, and Predators: ‘We Better Do Something,’ Expert Warns


Did you know there are Big Tech employees (or former employees) that won’t let their kids use social media?

As technological insiders to how these platforms operate, some have gone as far as to say, “The foundation of what drives this industry is fundamentally against the safety of our children.” It’s not hard to see how social media may not be the best for the developing minds of children. Do we really think deeply about just how dangerous it actually is? Continue…

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674d3b No.21061111

File: 32dc3994327cade⋯.png (630.88 KB,624x368,39:23,ClipboardImage.png)

SICK: Pentagon Scheming to Force-Feed U.S. Troops “Experimental’” Lab-Grown Meat to Reduce Carbon Emissions – Military Veterans Respond


Joe Biden’s Pentagon has a plan to use our soldiers as guinea pigs to combat “climate change” to appease their globalist overlords.

The Washington Free Beacon broke an explosive story last week revealing that a Pentagon-funded company called BioMADE wants to reduce the Military’s carbon footprint by force-feeding active members “experimental” lab-grown meat with Biden regime’s full support.

The company has received over $500 million in funding from the Pentagon. Continue…

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674d3b No.21061226

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

CONSPIRACY NO MORE: Explosive Undercover Footage Reveals Biden’s State Department Official Admitting ‘Great Replacement Theory’ is REAL — Admits Deliberately Importing Criminals


A State Department official has been caught on camera admitting the truth behind the ‘Great Replacement Theory.’

This theory is often dismissed by the far-left as “one of the most dangerous white supremacist conspiracy theories out there.”

They argued that the “Great Replacement conspiracy theory is a white supremacist, xenophobic, and anti-immigrant concept that posits white people are being replaced by immigrants, Muslims, and other people of color in their so-called “home” countries.”

The footage, recorded by Project Veritas, exposes a chilling reality: the Biden regime is knowingly allowing criminals into the United States to change the country’s demographics. Continue…

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674d3b No.21061282

File: 90a3207af301e42⋯.png (56.24 KB,500x271,500:271,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 98b7ea3543bb823⋯.png (139.73 KB,500x305,100:61,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e84c8a1c27e2582⋯.png (130.96 KB,400x225,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Ukrainian Drone Swarms Target Four Russian Refineries In Major Attack


Brent crude futures were flat on Friday amid rising geopolitical tensions in Eastern Europe, which seems counterintuitive as escalating war risks could result in supply disruptions.

In the overnight hours, four refineries in southern Russia were targeted, with one facility damaged, in one of the largest drone swarm attacks since the war in Ukraine began, Bloomberg reports. Continue…

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674d3b No.21061329

File: 2e07633137fcead⋯.png (445.26 KB,500x281,500:281,ClipboardImage.png)

"Deal's Off", Canadian Officials Tell China


China’s recent attempt to secure a rare earth minerals stockpile ended in failure when a competitor stepped in to snag the deal…

Vital Metals, a mining firm based in Australia, announced Monday that minerals collected from its Saskatchewan-based Nechalacho Project will remain within Canadian borders.

“We were presented with a case of elevated interest for Canada,” Vital’s managing director Geordie Mark told The Northern Miner, later adding:

“This agreement highlights the strategic value and importance of the Nechalacho rare earths project and the prioritization of a rare earths value chain in Canada.”

According to Vital, the Nechalacho site in northern Canada could hold more than 200 million tons of rare earth elements (REEs), which are used in green energy production and weapons manufacturing. Right now, China dominates the industry despite its comparatively small natural stock, clinching 75% of the global market with only 35% of the global REE reserves. Continue…

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674d3b No.21061399

File: 6fdd39f379f45a3⋯.png (683.38 KB,1200x1400,6:7,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0450ac1a747094f⋯.png (735.23 KB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

The US Drops Out Of Global Competitiveness Top 10 For First Time Ever


Singapore, Switzerland and Denmark have been named the world’s most competitive economies in the 2024 World Competitiveness Ranking published by the International Institute for Management Development (IMD) on Tuesday. While Denmark dropped two spots after topping the list in 2022 and 2023, Singapore leapt from 4th place to number 1 thanks to very high scores in government and business efficiency. Continue…

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674d3b No.21061478

File: 2fe03b756eabf8e⋯.png (292.56 KB,500x333,500:333,ClipboardImage.png)

First-Of-Its-Kind Study Explains Why Some People Don't Get COVID-19


Researchers have discovered why some people remain uninfected by the COVID-19 virus—even after their nasal cavities are exposed to it.

According to a recent study, these people have faster and more subtle immune responses than those who develop symptomatic COVID-19.

“These findings shed new light on the crucial early events that either allow the virus to take hold or rapidly clear it before symptoms develop,” Dr. Marko Nikolić, senior author of the study and honorary consultant in respiratory medicine at the University College London, said in the press release. Continue…

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674d3b No.21061527

File: d394c2875ae3635⋯.png (352.18 KB,790x401,790:401,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd4fbe59ecbb974⋯.png (746.76 KB,790x527,790:527,ClipboardImage.png)

Russian Coal Ship Seized Passing North Korea


South Korea has intercepted a ship carrying Russian freight via North Korea to China, according to the South Korean government.

The 2,900-ton freighter was seized by the Seoul authorities on Thursday, somewhere in the Korea Strait between South Korea and Japan. The voyage may represent an attempt by the heavily sanctioned state to bypass limitations on its trade with other nations, which one expert told Newsweek will only continue following a meeting between Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un earlier this week.

According to Yonhap, a Seoul-based news agency, the ship was seized on suspicion of violating U.N. Security Council sanctions against North Korea, and is currently anchored at the port of Busan in the south of the country with the ten-person crew still onboard.

The ship was allegedly carrying iron ore and coal to China from Russia when it was seized, though the exact nationality of the boat remains unclear.

"In relation to the vessel's suspected violation of UNSC sanctions, relevant government agencies are taking necessary steps in line with the international and domestic laws," the South Korean Foreign Ministry told Yonhap, which was unable to confirm which sanctions the voyage allegedly contravened. Continue…

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674d3b No.21061591

File: 3aaab41ce1cbaae⋯.png (313.45 KB,549x309,183:103,ClipboardImage.png)

US 'incredibly' concerned by Vladimir Putin threat to send North Korea weapons


"It is incredibly concerning," State Department spokesman Matthew Miller told reporters, following Putin's remarks in Vietnam.

The United States expressed deep concern Thursday over Russian President Vladimir Putin's threat to supply North Korea with weapons, warning such a move could destabilize the Korean peninsula.

"It is incredibly concerning," State Department spokesman Matthew Miller told reporters, following Putin's remarks in Vietnam that he "does not rule out" shipments to Pyongyang.

“It would destabilize the Korean peninsula, potentially, depending on the type of weapons, and might violate UN Security Council resolutions that Russia itself has supported.”

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674d3b No.21061737

File: f9a25ffd0798a98⋯.png (1.24 MB,1000x667,1000:667,ClipboardImage.png)

North Korea military could soon join Russia’s Ukraine invasion


Troops from North Korea could join the invasion of Ukraine under a new pact with Russia, experts warned last night.

The chilling prospect of waves of Kim Jong Un’s military flooding into the battered nation emerged after the dictator signed a defence agreement with Vladimir Putin in Pyongyang yesterday.

The Russian president was on a two-day state visit to North Korea, where he was greeted enthusiastically by tens of thousands of well-wishers.

During events yesterday, the two despots embraced and – according to North Korea state media – shared ‘pent-up innermost thoughts’ as they were driven to the Kumsusan state guest house. Continue…

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674d3b No.21061784

The more they complain of famine, the more we will post THEIR OWN VIDEOS proving they are frauds

Deir El Balah market

June 20th 2024



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674d3b No.21061814

File: e48105c601313bd⋯.png (535.02 KB,1024x562,512:281,ClipboardImage.png)

Only Economic Freedom Pulls People Out of Poverty


The experience of poverty is debilitating and leaves deep scars. People who have experienced poverty are observed to have lasting health, educational, and psychological consequences. Prolonged spells below the poverty line are also associated with social isolation because, when in that situation, attempts to deal with the consequences of material privation necessitate a decline in community engagement. Moreover, the desperation that comes from being in poverty makes people more vulnerable to exploitation. This can include exploitative labour practices, human trafficking, and other forms of abuse. Children in impoverished environments are particularly at risk. Continue…

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674d3b No.21061868

🧐🤨 “Climate Lockdowns, Meaning If Whatever Number Exceeds Whatever Threshold They Can Lock You Down, Which Leads Us to 15-Minute Ghettos."


German Member of European Parliament, Christine Anderson




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674d3b No.21061897

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ratio’d | Large majority of Canadians want Justin Trudeau to RESIGN!


New polling from Ipsos Polling shows that 68% of Canadians now want Justin Trudeau to resign as prime minister. This figure also includes 33% of Liberal supporters. Day after day, both Trudeau and his cabinet ministers sound more and more defeated and to make matters worse, Trudeau’s once-loyal legacy media propagandists are fanning the speculation of his imminent departure.

Every interview that Trudeau gives to the legacy media he is peppered by questions about his potential resignation. With a less than 1% chance of winning the next election and basically no way back, why is Trudeau holding on?

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674d3b No.21061932

File: 7a77f4e80bdd2a4⋯.png (520.29 KB,800x420,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Trudeau government to make all Parliament Hill washrooms “gender-neutral”


As the House of Commons rises for the summer, the Trudeau government is scrapping all male and female washrooms on Parliament Hill and will replace them with “gender-neutral” washrooms.

Under Minister of Public Services Jean-Yves Duclos’ direction, Parliament Hill will renovate the approximately 200 washrooms in Centre Block and the new welcome-centre to be more “accessible” and “inclusive.”

This initiative is part of the multi-billion dollar Centre Block rehabilitation project to restore and modernize Canada’s historic Parliament building.

Duclos says that the purpose of eliminating sex-separated washrooms was to meet the expectations of Canadians and adapt to the needs of the future.

“It’s a very broad message of inclusion,” said Duclos.

In a comment to the CBC, Public Service Pride – a group representing LGBTQ public servants – praised the renovations by the government, saying that this is “exactly how it should be.” Continue…

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674d3b No.21061982

File: 35d14364650aac9⋯.png (701.37 KB,800x420,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

MP Jamil Jivani sponsors petition to halt gender-affirming procedures for minors


A rookie Conservative MP has sponsored a petition calling on the government to halt all gender reassignment surgery for minors and any gender-affirming care for those under 16 years old.

Petition e-5010, initiated by a Whitby, Ont. woman, has amassed over 1,100 signatures since it was posted June 12, sponsored by Durham MP Jamil Jivani.

“We are deeply troubled by the largely unrestricted social and medical options being presented to children struggling with gender ideation in Canada,” reads the petition.

Jivani has yet to discuss his sponsorship of the petition publicly, but a post to X from a supporter of the petition Tuesday received positive feedback.

Jivani has publicly backed petitions on parental rights, stopping DEI, affordability, and stopping car thefts in his Ontario riding.

The petition says that given the “discredited nature” of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health and the recent findings of the Cass Review in the United Kingdom, the House of Commons should “prioritize evidence-based practices and take decisive action to ensure the safety and well-being of all children and adolescents in Canada.” Continue…

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674d3b No.21062040

File: 52640af876dc53c⋯.png (3.86 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

$35k awarded to transgender woman after Ontario business could not accommodate waxing of male genitals


'They have given me, I believe, 30 days to pay,' said Carruthers in an interview with Rebel News.

When Jason Carruthers—the owner of a Windsor, Ontario waxing spa—could not find a way to accommodate a transgender woman's request to have her male genitals waxed, he had no idea that it could cost him tens of thousands of dollars.

But after a six-year-long battle, Carruthers has been ordered to pay a hefty sum to the anonymous claimant—$35,000 plus interest.

"They have given me, I believe, 30 days to pay," said Carruthers in an interview with Rebel News.

The claimant, identified only as AB, filed the complaint at the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario after she spoke to Carruthers over the phone in 2018. Carruthers explained to AB that that the female employee working that day was Muslim and refrains from physical contact with males beyond her family.

The decision against Carruthers claims that he had misgendered AB.

The small business owner told Rebel that the complainant changed her story by denying that she had ever asked for a Brazilian wax service and instead only wanted a leg waxing. Carruthers says that his business has always provided leg waxing services to trans clients, but that this was never part of her request. Continue…

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674d3b No.21062175

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ezra Levant debates former Toronto mayor John Tory over viral billboard truck


Ezra Levant defends free speech after critics branded a third-party ad played on the Rebel News billboard truck 'Islamophobic.' Continue…

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674d3b No.21062365

File: 34a194021417563⋯.png (902.67 KB,1000x469,1000:469,ClipboardImage.png)

Mission Creep: How the Police State Acclimates Us to Being Modern-Day Slaves


“In a fully developed bureaucracy there is nobody left with whom one can argue, to whom one can present grievances, on whom the pressures of power can be exerted. Bureaucracy is the form of government in which everybody is deprived of political freedom, of the power to act; for the rule by Nobody is not no-rule, and where all are equally powerless, we have a tyranny without a tyrant.” ― Hannah Arendt, On Violence

Like the proverbial boiling frogs, the government has been gradually acclimating us to the specter of a police state for years now: Militarized police. Riot squads. Camouflage gear. Black uniforms. Armored vehicles. Mass arrests. Pepper spray. Tear gas. Batons. Strip searches. Surveillance cameras. Kevlar vests. Drones. Lethal weapons. Less-than-lethal weapons unleashed with deadly force. Rubber bullets. Water cannons. Stun grenades. Arrests of journalists. Crowd control tactics. Intimidation tactics. Brutality.

This is how you prepare a populace to accept a police state willingly, even gratefully. Continue…

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674d3b No.21062421

File: 702a49f7c25c71c⋯.png (884.56 KB,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4fd1c5db5575dc8⋯.png (1.36 MB,ClipboardImage.png)

Canadian pro-lifer Linda Gibbons referred to mental health court for remaining silent during hearing


Instead of answering the questions put to her by the judge, pro-life hero Linda Gibbons remained silent to witness to the silence of the babies killed every day in Canada by abortion. Continue…

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674d3b No.21062490

File: ebfbd539a3c759e⋯.png (488.99 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

FAA Investigating After Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 Descent Triggers Alert


Southwest Airlines is being investigated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) after a Boeing 737 from the carrier triggered a low-altitude alert as it readied to land Wednesday at Oklahoma City.

An automated warning went off from the Minimum Safe Altitude Warning system at 12:05 a.m., prompting an air traffic controller to tell the flight they had descended to a low altitude, nine miles from the runway at Will Rogers World Airport in Oklahoma City, an FAA spokesperson said per an ABC News report.

Southwest Airlines Flight 4069 passed over Yukon High School, precipitously low at roughly 625 feet, and at one point had descended to roughly 525 feet, according to FlightRadar24. Continue…

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674d3b No.21062579

File: 1a000e4a76ed2f4⋯.png (476.45 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

MEGA! Hungary Channels Trump, Vows to ‘Make Europe Great Again’ with EU Presidency


The Hungarian government appears to have taken a cue from former President Donald Trump as it is set to take over the presidency of the Council of the European Union, vowing to “Make Europe Great Again”.

Budapest has unveiled its agenda as it prepares to take over the rotating presidency on July 1st until the end of the year. Alongside a seven-point policy programme, Hungary also revealed its logo for its presidency, which featured the Hungarian-invented Rubix cube as well as the Trump-inspired “Make Europe Great Again!”.

The choice of the slogan, an apparently conscious thumb in the eye of the failures of globalist policies favoured by elites in Brussels, is perhaps not surprising given that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has been Donald Trump’s closest ally and staunchest defender within the EU since 2016. Continue…

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674d3b No.21063236

File: d8fde4da8e6ab08⋯.png (385.27 KB,540x304,135:76,ClipboardImage.png)

Russia to upgrade nuclear weapons


Moscow considers its arsenal a key form of strategic deterrence to maintain the global balance of power, President Putin has said

Russia will upgrade its nuclear arsenal as it is a primary guarantor of national security, President Vladimir Putin revealed on Friday.

The comment comes amid growing tensions between Moscow and the West over the Ukraine conflict, as the US and its allies continue to arm Kiev while claiming not to be party to the conflict.

Putin has warned that Russia would use all means available to defend itself should the state's existence be at stake. Citing the need to send the West a message, the Kremlin last month ordered the military to carry out drills in deploying non-strategic nuclear weapons.

“We plan to further develop the nuclear triad as a guarantee of strategic deterrence and to preserve the balance of power in the world,” Putin said on Friday at a meeting of graduates from military institutions. Continue…

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c8f38b No.21063387



>>21007028 Jordan Peterson blasts Online Harms Act as ‘the most authoritarian law conceivable’

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c8f38b No.21064062

File: 99e0377d0593996⋯.png (511.3 KB,640x427,640:427,4xsg43.png)

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674d3b No.21064633

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

VPD Constable Frederike Buchmann Now Being Investigated Following PFT’s Viral Videos Of Misconduct!!


On Friday March 31st 2023 Dan Dicks and Chris Elston aka Billboard Chris went to a rally on the International Day Of Trans Visibly where Chris was violently attacked while the Vancouver Police Department stood by and did nothing while making the claim that Chris was the instigator because of the words on his sign.

It’s been over a year and the Police Complaint Commissioner has finally ordered an investigation into the police response by members of the VPD regarding this assault on Chris.

In this video Dan Dicks covers this latest development while also showing exactly why Constable Frederike Buchmann should no longer be on the force!

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39a323 No.21065929


PCR tests?

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49e78a No.21065987

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BREAKING: New Video Shows Saudi Official Plotting 9-11 Attacks in Washington DC Prior to the Massacre of 3,000 Americans – FBI Has Been Holding the Video for Over 20 Years (VIDEO)


Chris Cuomo played video on Friday night that shows a Saudi official plotting the 9-11 attacks that killed 3,000 Americans.

The video aired on News Nation and shows a Saudi official plotting the attack in Washington DC.

This is the first time The Gateway Pundit has seen this video. Continue……''

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49e78a No.21066007

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Maryland’s Democrat LGBTQ Diversity Council Chair Busted After Meeting Up With 14-Year-Old Decoy (VIDEO)


Alex Rosen, the founder of the Houston-based vigilante organization Predator Poachers, has uploaded a new video of Maryland’s Democrat LGBTQ Diversity Council Chair meeting up with a man he believed was 14 years old.

Rosen wrote on X, “We just busted the head of the LGBTQ Dems of Maryland going after a 14-year-old.” Continue…

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49e78a No.21066092

File: 3fa9b69ab5b8a2f⋯.png (1.15 MB,1152x891,128:99,ClipboardImage.png)

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Confirms He Has Not Attended Vatican ‘Schism’ Trial – Refutes Jesuit Magazine Pushing Fake News for Bergoglio Faction


Earlier this week The Gateway Pundit reported that Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano was summoned to the Vatican to be excommunicated by Red Pope Francis.

Archbishop Carlo Vigano, a friend of the faithful and totally dedicated to the Church and sharing the word of Jesus Christ, was notified that he is being summoned to the Vatican.

Vigano has been outspoken against the destruction of the Church, COVID mandates, and stolen elections. He has called out the current Pope for his destructive actions against the Church. He has warned about the World Economic Forum. For this, there are reports that he is being excommunicated from the Hoy Catholic Church.

On Friday Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano announced that he had not attended his Vatican ‘schism’ trial and he will not attend such a trial!

Lifesite News reported, via Midnight Rider.: Continue…

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49e78a No.21066188

File: 084852d244b4bbc⋯.png (618.11 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Biden’s Handwringing Over the Houthis is Going to Get U.S. Navy Sailors Killed


This week marks the eighth month of the U.S. Navy’s combat operations against Houthi forces in Yemen. That’s four times longer than the first Gulf War. While Navy sailors have remained vigilant, fighting their ships, and eliminating a portion of their adversary’s combat capability, the Houthis and their Iranian enablers remain entirely undeterred.

Commercial mariners have gotten the message. After more than 50 attacks on shipping in the waters off Yemen, which have killed three, the marine transportation industry has all but abandoned the Red Sea. This caused one Commanding Officer of the Navy ships in the region to call the strategic sea lane a “ghost town.” One must wonder why the U.S. has a Navy in the first place. Continue…

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49e78a No.21066263

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WATCH: James O’keefe chats with Walt Disney Company employees After OMG Exposes Disney’s Discriminatory Hiring Practices


O’Keefe Media Group founder James O’Keefe released a follow-up video on his latest undercover release on The Walt Disney Company’s discrimination against Whites and specifically White males in the company’s hiring process. Continue…

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49e78a No.21066341

File: 336dd6f68352d67⋯.png (1.47 MB,1536x921,512:307,ClipboardImage.png)

Arnold Schwarzenegger Joins Forces with Scandal-Plagued Democrat Operative John Podesta to Fight Climate Change (Video)


Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and John Podesta, who replaced John Kerry as the Senior Adviser to the President for International Climate Policy, have teamed up at the ‘Austrian World Summit’ in Vienna, Austria.

The duo is presenting a united front to discuss the supposed ‘essential political tools’ needed to tackle climate change, a topic that has been increasingly weaponized by globalist agendas.

Joe Biden has selected the former Clinton campaign manager, John Podesta, as White House senior advisor to the President for Clean Energy Innovation and Implementation.

Podesta will oversee the implementation of $370 billion worth of the climate change provisions included in the Democrats’ Inflation Reduction Act, which Biden signed in August.

The scandal-plagued Democrat operative will also “chair the President’s National Climate Task Force in support of this effort,” the White House said in a statement. Continue…

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49e78a No.21066385

File: 8b5bf8dc7e8a094⋯.png (191.8 KB,500x206,250:103,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f7ed4802f02c11b⋯.png (225.58 KB,500x368,125:92,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 799b85cbd919a18⋯.png (423.68 KB,500x374,250:187,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 75c377f6ca86d19⋯.png (348.28 KB,500x381,500:381,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 60ef4d0d31059c6⋯.png (267.24 KB,500x407,500:407,ClipboardImage.png)

Biden Allies Spend $10 Million To Learn How To Meme


Most of our readers know the left can't meme, as memes require an understanding of both universal human truths and a minimal grasp on humor. Continue…

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49e78a No.21066455

File: 66651a2eacdc2f0⋯.png (236.23 KB,500x308,125:77,ClipboardImage.png)

Canada Set To Follow US, EU Lead On Hiking Tariffs On Chinese-Made EVs


First it was the EU and the US, now it looks like Canada could be next to weigh tariffs on Chinese made electric vehicles.

Justin Trudeau's government is considering new tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles to align with US and EU actions, according to a new report this week by Bloomberg.

An announcement about public consultations on these tariffs is expected soon, despite the fact that no final decisions have been rendered, the report said, citing people familiar with the matter. Continue…

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49e78a No.21066520

File: 9b5232d8b0899fb⋯.png (465.36 KB,500x321,500:321,ClipboardImage.png)

Why Has China Purchased Farmland Near 19 Different Military Bases Inside The US?


The Chinese aren’t exactly being subtle about what they are trying to do. Today, they own more than 300,000 acres of farmland inside the United States, and they have been specifically targeting areas that are located near important military bases. As you will see below, the Chinese now own farmland very close to 19 different U.S. military bases. How in the world could our leaders have allowed this to happen? Foreign adversaries should not be allowed to purchase farmland at all, and yet somehow they have been able to acquire land that is ideal for spying on our military bases over and over again. Continue…

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49e78a No.21066546

File: 3c38c29939ee2ce⋯.png (440.73 KB,500x333,500:333,ClipboardImage.png)

'Total Lawlessness' & Looting Has Made Gaza Aid Delivery Nearly Impossible: UN Chief


"On the Gazan side of the Kerem Shalom Crossing, where over 1,000 trucks are awaiting collection and distribution… there are hundreds of aid pallets awaiting collection and distribution by the UN aid agencies," Maj. Gen. Ghassan Alian of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has announced.

For months, there have been two primary threats to aid convoys entering the Gaza Strip. First, on their way in, trucks carrying vital humanitarian supplies often come under attack by Israeli settlers. Second, once convoys are inside the Strip, they face the potential of being swarmed and coming under attack by desperate Palestinians who rip the supplies away before they arrive at intended drop-off points. Continue…

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49e78a No.21066578

File: 4d64fd09facdbf1⋯.png (233.64 KB,500x281,500:281,ClipboardImage.png)

Washington Approves Another $360 Million Arms Sale To Taiwan


The State Department said earlier this week that it has green-lit a $360 million arms sale to Taipei, including hundreds of armed drones, missile equipment, and other support material. China views Taiwan as part of its territory, and while it prefers to reclaim the de facto independent island peacefully, it has not ruled out using force if its "red lines" are crossed.

The latest sale comprises 291 Altius-600M systems, which are drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), armed with warheads. The State Department release notes 720 Switchblade drones, described as “extended-range loitering munitions,” are also included with the package. Continue…

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c8f38b No.21066761

Final Boeing Bun

>>20983524 Southwest Passengers ‘Crying and Screaming’ as Boeing Plane Forced to Make Emergency Landing After Tire Failure (video)

>>20983853, >>20983896 Boeing 777 Engine Shoots Fireballs During Takeoff In Canada

>>21021916 Counterfeit Titanium Found In Some Boeing And Airbus Jets

>>21027141 Southwest Boeing 737 Max Came Within 400 Feet From Crashing In Ocean Near Hawaii

>>21043224 Virgin Australia Boeing 737 Makes Emergency Landing in New Zealand After Engine Fire

>>21062490 FAA Investigating After Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 Descent Triggers Alert

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c8f38b No.21066764

Final China Bun

>>20945994 Chinese Battery Makers Back Out Of Germany Amidst Cooling EV Demand

>>20955774 Beijing-proxy Triad "purchased" Belize for human-smuggling into USA

>>20956546 Recent US tariffs will impact Canada’s role in the critical mineral sector

>>20966831 Biden 'Not Ruling Out' Boots On The Ground If China Invades Taiwan

>>20967467, >>20968454 Elected officials “wittingly” assisted foreign state actors, notably China and India: report

>>20967915 Unnamed country behind breach of 19 B.C. civil servants' emails

>>20968628 China Spacecraft Lands on Far Side of Moon, Collects Samples to Compete with United States

>>20977192 China pressuring Canadian media execs, journalists to manipulate news: NSICOP report

>>20983979 Who Rules The Waves? US & Chinese Fleets, By Tonnage

>>20984102 Canada Compromised, CCP Influence Heading South into the U.S. (video)

>>20984394 Liberal MP under fire for flippant “boo hoo” comment on foreign interference

>>20984754 Exposed: Parliamentary report indicates China is funding Canadian media to amplify disinformation (video)

>>21007037 MPs call on foreign interference inquiry to investigate latest allegations

>>21008004 Beijing supported Liberal candidate that echoed disinformation against Conservatives: Document Analysis

>>21022110 China-Linked Cyber Campaign Infiltrated Dozens Of Western Governments: Dutch Intelligence

>>21032508 China Trumps US As Most 'Diplomatic' Nation In The World…

>>21045030 Naval vessels collide in disputed South China Sea

>>21060869 Defense Department Won’t Release Report on Funding of Chinese Research Laboratories – Blames ‘Limitations in the DoD Tracking Systems’ (attached .pdf)

>>21061329 "Deal's Off", Canadian Officials Tell China

>>21066455 Canada Set To Follow US, EU Lead On Hiking Tariffs On Chinese-Made EVs

>>21066520 Why Has China Purchased Farmland Near 19 Different Military Bases Inside The US?

>>21066578 Washington Approves Another $360 Million Arms Sale To Taiwan

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c8f38b No.21066765

Final Climate Change Bun

>>20946252 Canadian MPs want ‘ecocide’ perpetrators prosecuted by International Criminal Court

>>20946417 'Wildly emotional' NDP critic says climate crisis is 'not gender neutral'

>>20951484 Liberal MP Mark Holland says families who take road trips are killing the planet

>>20960437 Majority of Canadian auto buyers say they’re not considering EV purchase

>>20960467 Majority of Canadians want carbon tax scrapped on farms

>>20967262 Liberals’ $530 million climate fund not enough to achieve targets says partner org

>>20967340 Parliamentary Budget Officer says Liberals gagged him on carbon tax

>>20971076 EU Farmers Protest Ahead of European Elections – Demonstrations Close France-Spain Border and Once Again Paralyze Brussels

>>20973657, >>20989513 WEF brags that over $100 billion was taken via carbon taxes last year

>>20977332 Canada’s climate tyranny growing; America is not far behind

>>20984434 NDP MPs want to frame Canadian oil and gas like the fight against tobacco

>>20984679 Alberta's Environment Minister condemns Ottawa's undemocratic 'gag order' on Canadian energy

>>21006221 Elon Musk Drops a Truth Bomb on the Leftwing Extinctionist Movement

>>21007351 New Zealand Reverses Left-Wing Plan to Tax Cow Burps, Farts

>>21017058 Fossil Fuels: The Best-Kept Secret In Our World Today

>>21022006 Canada's Uranium Mining Boom Positions It To Overtake Kazakhstan As Top Producer

>>21022231 Liberals release secret carbon tax data following Conservative pressure

>>21027063 Beyond Bad: Fake Meat And Other 'Ultra Processed' Vegan Food Linked To Heart Disease, Early Death

>>21038527 Alberta challenges Liberals nature strategy, deeming it unconstitutional

>>21038660 Steven Guilbeault says possible Trump re-election is 'very worrisome'

>>21039100 Feds admit carbon tax costs billions a year, isn’t revenue neutral

>>21039284 Trudeau's 'Climate Emergency' government blew $220K going to UN environment summit in Kenya in Feb (video)

>>21050161 Climate Cultists Vandalize 3,500 Year-Old Rock Formations at Stonehenge to Battle Global Warning

>>21050194 EV Start-Up Fisker Files For Bankruptcy

>>21055382 Study: Global Warming is Causing Cognitive Decline in Lunatic Politicians Causing Them to Lose Power to ‘Dangerous’ Populists

>>21058645 Green New Flop: Canada Unlikely to Reach 100% Electric Vehicle Goal Due to Lack of Consumer Demand

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c8f38b No.21066767

Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun

>>20946346 126 B.C. children, youth died from fatal overdoses since 2019: report

>>20951002 Scientists Announce ‘Ground-Breaking’ Cancer Vaccine — Uses Same Technology as Dodgy COVID Jabs

>>20951578 'Left to die': B.C. woman flees Canada TWICE for adequate cancer care (video)

>>20951682 Evil Providing The Path Of Least Resistance To The Weary

>>20966058 Filthy Liars at New York Times FINALLY Come Clean – Publish Op-Ed Suggesting COVID Likely Came from Wuhan Lab and Fauci Funded It

>>20967096 "I Was Offered Assisted Dying Over Cancer Treatment": Broken Canadian Healthcare System Is Killing Patients

>>20968016 Feds demand partial repayment of Arrivescam contracts in strongly worded letters

>>20974626 Trudeau’s Employment Minister pleads ignorance on mysterious texts concerning sketchy business dealings

>>20975140 Fauci testified the BOARD OF THE NIH approved the gain of function research not him. He didn't mention his wife was on that board. She is in charge of BIOETHICS

>>20976766 Here We Go: WHO Warns of New Bird Flu Strain Jumping to Humans Following Death of 59-Year-Old Man in Mexico

>>20976818 Scarf Lady is Back: Deborah Birx Proposes Weekly Testing for Millions of U.S. Cows and Dairy Workers for ‘Asymptomatic’ Bird Flu

>>20983562 New, Highly Contagious Sexually Transmitted Infection Spreading Overseas Has Arrived on U.S. Soil

>>20984067 Airline Industry Leaves COVID Turbulence Behind

>>20984169 Finland to receive first EU procured bird flu shots

>>20984413 Feds admit they were never certain COVID-19 vaccines prevented transmission

>>20984797 BC Coroner reports tragic surge in fatal overdoses, 182 in April alone

>>20985602 Mexican officials deny bird flu death, patient died of kidney failure

>>20989184 Swiss Cardiologist Calls for the Abolishment of the WHO

>>20993801 FDA Expands Approval for RSV Vaccine, Now Available for Adults Over 50

>>20996242 Federal exec deletes hundreds of Arrivescam emails, blames ‘unfortunate computer error’

>>21000673 PHAC plans to stockpile bird flu vaccines

>>20997865 LEAKED EMAIL: Scientist Working On Mysterious Brain Disease Was “CUT OFF” For “POLITICAL” Reasons (video)

>>20999840 Bird Flu Triggers Supply Chain Snarls In Dairy Industry As "Farmers Increasingly Culled Cows"

>>21022032 Which Countries Have Universal Health Coverage?

>>21027035 Criminal Referral Requests Against Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, Rochelle Walensky, and Other Public Health Officials Have Been Submitted to District Attorneys in Louisiana

>>21027111 CDC: New COVID Variant KP.3 On The Rise Across The US

>>21027178 FDA Changes Course, Advises Updated COVID-19 Vaccines Target KP.2 Strain

>>21027361 LAWTON: New documentary exposes dark side of MAiD (video)

>>21050441 How (And Why) Bird Flu Is About To Enter The "Mass Testing" Phase

>>21050603 B.C. court case for churches open during COVID lockdowns alleges religious bias and dishonesty from Bonnie Henry

>>21052988 Regina doctor suspended and fined for prescribing Ivermectin

>>21061478 First-Of-Its-Kind Study Explains Why Some People Don't Get COVID-19

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c8f38b No.21066770

Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun

>>20951768 Jordan Peterson tears into Trudeau for backing gender ideology: ‘Worst medical scandal ever’

>>20988841 American College of Pediatricians Blasts All Major Medical Associations for Pushing Radical Gender Transition Agenda on Children

>>20989250 Heavily Armed Federal Agents Show Up at Home of Texas Doctor After He Blew Whistle on Sex-Change Program at Texas Children’s Hospital, Serve Him Federal Indictment

>>21035630 Canadian doctors demand ability to offer child sex change services via video call

>>21037518 German Study: Vast Majority of People Will Grow Out of Transgenderism Within 5 Years

>>21043960 LGBTQ activists lose it over pro-freedom conference scheduled in Victoria (video)

>>21050513 Shannon Boschy: Fighting the Transgender Movement's War on Children and the Normalization of Pedophilia

>>21055305 ‘Gender-Affirming’ Treatment Gets Shattered by New Study

>>21056537 Brampton city council shrugs off concerns over “gender inclusive” changerooms

>>21061932 Trudeau government to make all Parliament Hill washrooms “gender-neutral”

>>21061982 MP Jamil Jivani sponsors petition to halt gender-affirming procedures for minors

>>21062040 $35k awarded to transgender woman after Ontario business could not accommodate waxing of male genitals

>>21066007 Maryland’s Democrat LGBTQ Diversity Council Chair Busted After Meeting Up With 14-Year-Old Decoy

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c8f38b No.21066773

Final Globalist Moves Bun

>>20946498 Globalists gather in Geneva to plan new pandemic treaty (video)

>>20951146 Desperate, Lying Biden May Abuse AI To Pull The Ultimate Race Hoax

>>20951538 Tam commits Canada to strengthening the World Health Organization's power

>>20956699 We went to Geneva, Switzerland to bring you the other side of the WHO pandemic treaty protest (video)

>>20960599 WHO director Tedros: ‘It’s time to be more aggressive in pushing back on anti-vaxxers’

>>20967669 WHO adopts ratifying international law amendments as Tedros strategizes pushback on 'anti-vaxxers'

>>20967706 Freedom fighters protest globalism at the World Health Organization in Geneva (video)

>>20971282 Serbian Populists Win Belgrade Elections AGAIN, to the Despair of the MSM and Globalists

>>20971725 James Lindsay takes aim at United Nations at protest in Geneva (video)

>>20971781 WHO pandemic treaty 'clearly a tremendous threat': Bret Weinstein (video)

>>20975142 McKinsey received $200 million in federal contracts, auditors decry ‘favouritism’

>>20983719 UN and WEF Will Stop at Nothing to Crush Dissenters

>>20989493 WHO pandemic treaty 'compromises freedom': Dr. Jennifer Hibberd (video)

>>20999337 Sacré Bleu! – Marine Le Pen Trounces Emanuel Macron EU Elections – Macron Calls for Snap Election Later This Month

>>21003018 University of Calgary named world’s first United Nations University hub for water in 2023

>>21006770 Trudeau sounds alarm over 'rise of populist right-wing forces'

>>21026618 GANG OF LOSERS: G7 Meeting Displays the Decadence of the Globalist World Order

>>21027265 Health Canada's 'Pandemic Instrument Team' gives an update on WHO pandemic negotiations (video)

>>21027330 Meloni scraps “legal abortion” from G7 declaration to dismay of Trudeau, others

>>21033387 Brownstone.org: Their Strategy in the War on Food

>>21050349 Globalist Ursula von der Leyen Struggles To Get Support for a Second Term as EU Commissioner, After Right Wing Populist Surge in European Elections Shifts the Geopolitical Forces

>>21050579 WEF 'Young Global Leader', Ida Auken: "If you can get people to share a car, you can take out a lot of cars in the streets

>>21061111 Pentagon Scheming to Force-Feed U.S. Troops “Experimental’” Lab-Grown Meat to Reduce Carbon Emissions – Military Veterans Respond

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c8f38b No.21066776

Final Government Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Bun

>>20946326 Trudeau government sold pandemic ventilators for scrap to 'understand recycling'

>>20947261 Elderly woman trying to gift property forced to pay $40,000 capital gains tax

>>20951695 Canada’s VA avoided Good Friday message to celebrate ‘all’ March holidays

>>20962925 America's Dictator In Egypt Faces Dangerous Dilemma Over Rafah

>>20968351 Liberals awarding massive contracts with ‘glaring disregard’, auditor general reports

>>20971611 Clean tech Crown corporation blasted for questionable payments, conflicts of interest

>>20975030 Calgary councillors call for investigation in Trudeau Liberals' meddling in rezoning bylaw process (video)

>>20977167 LILLEY UNLEASHED: How many scandals can the Trudeau government have at once? (video)

>>20977279 Canadians wide open to cyberattacks due to gov’s lack of action says Auditor General

>>20984371 Employers association files landmark UN complaint against feds for labour breaches

>>20984531 Smith appoints scandal-plagued former Alberta premier to Invest Alberta board

>>20996312 Quebec launches helpline for politicians experiencing harassment

>>21000998 Trudeau government purchases Ottawa building from PM's close friend

>>21006488 Freeland says capital gains tax is “fair” way to fund Liberal spending

>>21017134 Calgary council proposes permanent water use restrictions

>>21018415 Voting machine contract under scrutiny following discrepancies in Puerto Rico's primaries

>>21022256 NDP MP billed taxpayers $17k for family vacation after “meeting with stakeholders”

>>21027406 LAWTON: Chrystia Freeland takes aim at Canadian doctors

>>21032146 Elon Musk Calls For Ban on Fraud Enabling Voting Machines: ‘The Risk of Being Hacked is Still Too High’

>>21039579 400,000 more Canadians live in poverty now compared to 2020: gov’t report

>>21044429 Feds install 34 charging stations across territories – for seven EVs

>>21050663 Feds may oversee ‘costly’ automatic tax filing service for tax dodgers

>>21050703 Taxpayers on the hook for $223K in catering costs for Trudeau's Indo-Pacific trip

>>21050758 Trudeau government spent $4 million on advertising with CBC in 2023-24

>>21051120 Trudeau gov’t commits $110 million to fund DEI projects, consultants looking for ‘racism’

>>21055511 Canada Is America's Least Helpful Ally

>>21055742 Toronto’s $126M French university has just one Ontario student enrolling this year

>>21056863 Majority of Canadians oppose costly election delay

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c8f38b No.21066778

Final Hamas and Israel Bun

>>20946297 Vancouver synagogue attacked with “incendiary device”

>>20946311 Overnight shooting at Jewish school in Montreal (video)

>>20951190 America's Dictator In Egypt Faces Dangerous Dilemma Over Rafah

>>20951294 Houthis Report 16 Dead In Biggest Joint US-UK Airstrikes Since Gaza War Began

>>20956149 Israeli Forces Now Operating In Most Areas Of Rafah

>>20960554 Winnipeg Pride parade blockaded by pro-Palestinian queer activists

>>20966893 Fires Rage In Northern Israel After Uptick In Hezbollah Attacks

>>20967621 Justice Minister Arif Virani's office vandalized by anti-Israel radicals (video)

>>20971308 Merchant Ship Off Saudi Coast Reports "Significant Explosion" A "Short Distance" From Port Side

>>20977039 Israel Signs $3BN Deal With US For 25 F-35 Stealth Jets

>>20983822 Israeli Government Funded Covert Influence Campaign Targeting US Lawmakers: NYT

>>20988664 Israeli Girl Noa Argamani Is RESCUED by IDF Soldiers in Gaza

>>20989146 Israel-Hamas: An Information War

>>20989421 Houthis Tout Radar-Evading 'Palestine' Missile That Resembles Iranian Hypersonic

>>20994067 From Bloody Biden Head To Code Pink 'War Criminal' Display, White House Protest Gets Heated

>>20994090 "Damage Control Underway": Cargo Ship Hit By Missile In Gulf Of Aden In Suspected Attack By Houthi Rebels

>>20999604 New Images Reveal Houthi Missile Damage To Oaktree's Previously-Owned Bulk Carrier

>>21006169 Reality Check for ‘Queers for Palestine’ Delivered Directly From Palestinian Leaders-“Homosexuals Should Be Thrown Head First From The Rooftop Of The Tallest Building:”

>>21021942 US Navy Evacuates Injured Mariner From Houthi-Attacked Cargo Ship Set Ablaze By Missiles

>>21022087 GOP Lawmakers Seek To Block US Funding For Rebuilding Gaza

>>21022136 IDF Uses Medieval Catapult Weapon To Ignite Concealed Hezbollah Positions

>>21022200 Calls for intifada on Canadian streets discussed in U.S. Congress

>>21032614 Crew Abandons Sinking Bulk Carrier In Red Sea After Kamikaze Drone Boat Attack

>>21033773 'Revolutionary youth summer program' to turn students into Gaza activists at McGill University

>>21043334 Dramatic Footage Shows First Houthi Kamikaze Drone Boat Strike On Bulk Carrier

>>21043580 Israel's Arms Exports Hit Record Sales Amid Gaza War

>>21050603 War in Gaza blamed after young man sets himself on fire at Winnipeg mosque

>>21066188 Biden’s Handwringing Over the Houthis is Going to Get U.S. Navy Sailors Killed

>>21066546 'Total Lawlessness' & Looting Has Made Gaza Aid Delivery Nearly Impossible: UN Chief

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c8f38b No.21066781

Final Immigration Bun

>>20946192 Ratio’d: Trudeau government to put 500,000 ILLEGALS on path to CITIZENSHIP? (video)

>>20960167 Germany Naturalized Over 200,000 Immigrants In 2023

>>20967182 Indian students in Brampton DEMAND work permit extensions at protest (video)

>>20967241 New immigration pilot program to give automatic PR to caregivers upon arrival

>>20971576 The Faulkner Show | The environmental case against mass immigration (video)

>>20971655 Francois Legault calls for “significant reduction” in “explosive” immigration

>>20985691 Canada’s unemployment continues to rise alongside immigration and part-time work

>>21001276 May Migrant Apprehensions Exceed 3,000 in U.S.-Canadian Border Sector — Another Biden Record

>>21005891 IRELAND FOR THE IRISH: First Ever Candidate for the Irish Freedom Party Elected to Dublin Council

>>21006377 Western premiers furious over Trudeau’s $750M immigration pledge to Quebec

>>21006662 A trip to Brampton, Ontario: Do international students have the ‘right’ to stay in Canada? (video)

>>21017107 Which European Nations Are Seeing The Most Emigration (& Where Are They Going?)

>>21017166 Marc Miller tells B.C. to take more asylum seekers if it wants federal dollars

>>21022163 Ratio’d: Exposing Canadian immigration consultants on TikTok (video)

>>21044231 Ratio’d: Canadians say NO to mass immigration (video)

>>21044274 Immigration eclipses climate change as priority for Canadian voters

>>21056917 International student visa program on track to be reduced by half

>>21057431 Temporary residents now make up nearly 7% of Canada's total population

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c8f38b No.21066784

Final Law and Disorder Bun

>>20951418, >>20957173 B.C. serial killer Robert Pickton dies following prison attack

>>20956791 Tommy Robinson's anti-totalitarian march and film premiere in London

>>20960134 Peter Sweden: Shocking Truth About Malmö

>>20966111 Louisiana Passes Bill Ordering Surgical Castration of Convicted Pedophiles

>>20966603 German Police Officer Rouven L. Who Was Stabbed by Islamic Assassin Dies in Hospital

>>20967739 Department of National Defence to move 1,000 employees out of office due to safety concerns

>>20971105 Hunter Biden’s Infamous Laptop Enters Court as Evidence for Gun Charges Trial — FBI Agent Confirms its Authenticity

>>20976971 Sweden Introduces Draconian 'Security Zone' In Gang-Crime Hotspot, Indiscriminate Police Powers To Search Anyone

>>20984158 El Salvador’s Nayib Bukele Describes Satanic Gang Baby-Killing Rituals to Tucker Carlson

>>20984822 Chris Carbert, Anthony Olienick trial begins: RCMP witness admits he had no contact with defendants (video)

>>20989454 Diagolon founder Jeremy Mackenzie’s final charges have been stayed

>>20990190 Veteran pro-lifer Linda Gibbons released from Toronto jail

>>20993771 Germany Declines Taliban Offer to Repatriate Afghan Migrants Convicted of Heinous Crimes

>>21038774 Coutts Trial: Defence lawyer suggests female undercover RCMP officer was 'flirting' with her client (video)

>>21044481 Alberta bans cellphones & social media in K-12 classrooms starting Fall 2024

>>21050070 Milei To Implement Hardcore Security Measures Inspired by El Salvador’s Bukele to Combat Criminal Gangs

>>21050736 Family of terminally ill Vancouver woman sues province, hospital operator over ‘assisted suicide’ policy

>>21055769 Can’t fight for unborn without fighting for free speech, pro-life activists argue

>>21056506 GTA bust leads to 295 charges and $2.5 million in drugs seized

>>21062365 Mission Creep: How the Police State Acclimates Us to Being Modern-Day Slaves

>>21064633 VPD Constable Frederike Buchmann Now Being Investigated Following PFT’s Viral Videos Of Misconduct

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c8f38b No.21066787

Final Media and Censorship Bun

>>20951386 Ottawa’s Hidden Agenda: Bill C-26 Aims for Secret Surveillance Backdoors

>>20951507 LAWTON: What is the CBC trying to hide? (video)

>>20956643 Melbourne Leftists LOSE IT at Billboard Chris and Avi Yemini (video)

>>20963917 Independent publishers sign declaration opposing taxpayer bailouts of media

>>20966749 Biden Regime Indicts Epoch Times Chief Financial Officer in Alleged $67 Million ‘Money Laundering’ Scheme

>>20967317 CRTC requires online streaming services to contribute 5% of revenue to domestic broadcasting system

>>20968280 CBC promotes “Horny Newsletter” involving naked men for Pride month

>>20971692 Australia's eSafety boss sensationally drops action against Elon Musk's X

>>20974695 Toronto police demand Google delete leaked diversity training video (video)

>>20984448 CBC Kids asks if commemorating D-Day is a “celebration of violence”

>>20984653 Elections BC tells students not to call Emergencies Act “unprecedented” in disinfo guide

>>20984694 Ontario former health officer censored by CBC for critical COVID-19 opinion

>>20985026 Google inks deal with organization to dish out $100M for Canadian news companies

>>20985509 Pro-LGBT group attempts to cancel massive Canadian Evangelical Christian event

>>20985785 Meta removes anti-Pride child protection event on Instagram for supposedly “violating local law”

>>20988988 Alex Jones to Sell Infowars, Liquidate Assets to Pay Sandy Hook Families $1.5 Billion Settlement

>>20989025 Google Censors PragerU App From Play Store For ‘Hate Speech’ Over Documentary Exposing Radical Islam

>>20989839 Rob Schneider Truth Comedy Act Cut Short At Hospital Fundraiser In Regina

>>20994251 As House debate begins, Liberals defend online harms bill as necessary to fight extremism

>>20994279 Patty Hajdu claims common expression is “violent language”

>>20994602 Conservative motion compelling CBC to show Oilers Stanley Cup playoff games fails

>>20999430 Court Rules Meta Must Face Lawsuit Over Fraudulent Ads

>>21005696 Huge victory for doctors fighting Biden censorship

>>21006802 Trudeau Liberals refuse to disclose media bailout recipients

>>21007028 Jordan Peterson blasts Online Harms Act as ‘the most authoritarian law conceivable’

>>21026564 Judge Dismisses Infowars Bankruptcy – Alex Jones Releases Statement After Victory in Court

>>21023308 Digital rights group says porn age verification bill rushed without privacy protections

>>21038733 We're in Federal Court fighting Trudeau's 'journalism licence' (video)

>>21039160 Toronto International Film Festival issuing media accreditation on grounds of sexual and racial identity

>>21043836 Public opinion must be controlled – France’s top general

>>21066385 Biden Allies Spend $10 Million To Learn How To Meme

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c8f38b No.21066792

Final Russia and Ukraine Bun Part Two

>>21002400 Explosion rocks Polish arms plant which supplies Ukraine – media

>>21006116 Russia Reportedly Opens New Front in Ukraine’s Northern Sumy Oblast – Chechen Special Forces With Former Wagner PMC Fighters Involved in the Offensive

>>21006295 US changes rules on Ukrainian Neo Nazis using its weapons

>>21006315 Russian Su-34 Warplane Crashes in North Ossetia - Defense Ministry

>>21008276 Ukraine has a DARK secret and Ukrainian families are DEMANDING answers (video)

>>21022068 Orban Got What He Wanted From NATO & Ensured Hungary's Objective National Interests

>>21027199 NATO Expansion: A New Detailed Timeline

>>21032043 Biden commits U.S. taxpayers to 10 years of ‘blank check’ funding of war in Ukraine: War’s ‘dark side’ includes organ harvesting and child sex trafficking

>>21032269 Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0? After Russian Nuclear Sub ‘Kazan’ Arrives in Havana, US Navy Sends Fast Attack Submarine USS Helena to Guantanamo Bay in Show of Force

>>21032465 MSM Tries To Put a Positive Spin on Ukraine’s Old Soldiers and the Social Chaos Caused by Forced Mobilization

>>21033661 Twelve states refuse to sign Zelensky ‘peace conference’ declaration

>>21038151 NATO state’s president calls for break-up of Russia

>>21043682 Russia supports North Korea against ‘treacherous’ West – Putin

>>21043726 Ukraine must defeat Russia to join NATO – US

>>21043778 Ukraine on the brink of default – Reuters

>>21043904 The Russia-Ukraine war may have killed 1M people. Why is there no real push for peace? (video)

>>21050118 Outgoing Dutch PM Mark Rutte To Be the New NATO Secretary General, After Hungary and Slovakia Pledge Their Support

>>21051309 US-supplied F-16s to be stationed inside Ukraine – White House

>>21055487 Ukraine Drone Strikes Score Direct Hits On Two More Russian Oil Depots

>>21061527 Russian Coal Ship Seized Passing North Korea

>>21061591 US 'incredibly' concerned by Vladimir Putin threat to send North Korea weapons

>>21063236 Russia to upgrade nuclear weapons

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c8f38b No.21066794

Final Trudeau Bun

>>20956622 LAWTON: Trudeau’s defence policy fails to impress Americans (video)

>>20968126 Maxime Bernier chides Trudeau for shoving ‘this nonsense’ of ‘pride season’ ‘in our face’

>>20990984 Trudeau trashes Alberta govt as ‘ridiculous’ in surprise visit to Calgary

>>21006404 Ratio’d: Justin Trudeau is shielding TRAITORS inside parliament (video)

>>21022155 Disapproval looms over Trudeau, other leaders at high stakes G7 summit

>>21045618 Trudeau repeats false claim about 'unmarked graves' at residential schools

>>21045887 Trudeau shouts 'Slava Ukrani' during Summit on Peace in Ukraine group photo with Zelensky

>>21061897 Ratio’d: Large majority of Canadians want Justin Trudeau to RESIGN! (video)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c8f38b No.21066796

Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun

>>20946389 Ottawa cop accused of misconduct argues COVID-19 vaccines merit 'criminal negligence' investigation (video)

>>20956365 Elevated Risk Of Epilepsy, Appendicitis In Children After COVID-19 Vaccination: Study

>>20960054 Oxford University: Myocarditis and Pericarditis Only Appear After COVID Vaccination, Not After COVID Infection

>>20960694 ‘So many have died’: Former Japanese minister apologizes for COVID jab-linked deaths

>>20966165 UK’s Telegraph Comes Clean – Front Page Headline Reads “Covid Jabs May Be to Blame for Increase in Excess Deaths”

>>20967948 Supporters gather to fundraise grieving father's lawsuit against Pfizer and Health Canada after his teenage son died suddenly (video)

>>20968847 CMA president denies people with vax injury exist

>>20975178 Canadian military saw 800% spike in vaccine injuries following COVID jab rollout

>>20975199 The Telegraph admits COVID shots may have helped cause over 3 million excess deaths

>>20984889 Health Canada did not conduct a risk-benefit analysis before authorizing COVID-19 vaccines for children (video)

>>20988741 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules mRNA COVID-19 Jab is NOT a Vaccine Under Traditional Medical Definitions (attached .pdf)

>>20989203 Army Officer Experiences ‘Inexplicable’ Symptoms After Being Forced to Take the COVID-19 Shot, While the Department of Defense Continues to Evade Accountability

>>20993759 Law Professor Dr. Francis Boyle, Who Drafted the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act, Claims COVID-19 mRNA Injections are Weapons of Mass Destruction in New Affidavit

>>21006682 Nova Scotia judge upholds medical privacy and bodily autonomy against employer demands

>>21018988 Top Analyst Exposes Cover-Up of Mass Deaths Among Vaxxed Children

>>21019141 Explosive Report Reveals CIA Role in Creation of COVID Vaccines

>>21026730 Vaccine-Injured Pharmacist Breaks Down Into Tears Testifying Before Ohio State Senate

>>21032407 American Heart Association Says Six in Ten Adults May Suffer from Heart Disease Over the Next 30 Years

>>21040310 Kansas Attorney General sues Pfizer for "misleading Kansans on COVID vaccine."

>>21044365 UCP town hall speakers take aim at officials, politicians for pushing COVID vaccine

>>21053292 Health Canada delays information release on contaminated COVID-19 vaccine investigation (video)

>>21058433 Alberta politician hosts sold-out conference on COVID jab harms with Drs. Trozzi, Bridle (video)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c8f38b No.21066799

Final Wokeism Bun

>>20950940 After Losing $200M on Woke DEI-Fueled Games, Warner Bros. Launches New ‘Women And Non-Binary’ Leadership Program

>>20955792 Melinda Gates is Now Largest “Catholic” Donor to Pro-Abortion Causes

>>20968190 Quebec’s first March for Life draws 1,500 Canadians in defense of the unborn

>>20968208 Trudeau minister makes video promoting abortion, calls pro-life MPs ‘disturbing’

>>20968814 Hands Off Our Kids organizes Canada-wide 'walk-out' to protest raising Pride flag at schools

>>20971239 After the Battle for the ‘Foreign Agents Law’, Georgian Government Pushes 19 Bills Against LGBT Movement, in a Move Sure To Reignite NGO Protests

>>20973020 Jordan Peterson calls out ‘pride’ month as a ‘celebration of casual hedonistic self-centered sex’

>>20974255 Canadian Cancer Society apologizes for not calling cervix “front hole” in non-binary disclaimer

>>20986984 Did Canada just AWAKEN to STOP Tyranny? (video)

>>20989898 Top Canadian university posts job listing that excludes white heterosexual men

>>21006511 Vancouver equity committee wants Mayor Ken Sim to account for his colonial family history

>>21006782, >>21017208 Small township defends itself against Pride enthusiasts

>>21017228 VICTORY: Ontario Catholic school board upholds ban on flying LGBT ‘Pride’ flag

>>21017346 ‘Repugnant’: Josh Alexander’s lawyer blasts Catholic school board over secret expulsion decision

>>21033709 'One Nation Under God Rally for Children': takes Parliament Hill as parents reject Pride in schools, boost religious unity

>>21038372 SHEPHERD: British Columbia protesters try to shut down We Unify conference

>>21038440 “It’s time to get loud:” Pro-life groups gear up for the battle of ideas

>>21038922 Councillor Lisa Robinson continues to stand up to the woke, censorious thugs at Pickering City Council (video)

>>21039032 Quebec restaurant giving out free meals stops program out of fear of provincial language police

>>21043541 Australian Premier Creates Ministry In Charge Of 'Changing Men's Behavior'

>>21050678 Mayor Chow charging ahead with renaming of Dundas Square

>>21050786 40 Canadian professors sign letter calling for end of DEI in universities

>>21056483 “Tree equity”: Ottawa wants race-based tree planting

>>21058314 Toronto hospital flies ‘pride’ flag behind Sacred Heart of Jesus statue in display called a ‘disgrace’

>>21066263 James O’keefe chats with Walt Disney Company employees After OMG Exposes Disney’s Discriminatory Hiring Practices

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49e78a No.21066800

File: 92b8417b71e896e⋯.png (509.18 KB,500x658,250:329,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf76a7b2db4e854⋯.png (692.96 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Say Their Names: Young American Women Are Being Raped & Murdered By Illegal Aliens


Fox News' Bill Melugin shared with X users several headlines from this week alone that shows illegal aliens committing heinous acts of rape and murder against young American women.

On Thursday, Melugin said here are three headlines since the weekend: Continue…

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49e78a No.21066819

Canada preparing to evacuate its citizens from Lebanon over concerns of war


Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs informs Foreign Minister Israel Katz that Canada is preparing militarily to evacuate its 45,000 citizens from Lebanon.

Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mélanie Joly, informed Foreign Minister Israel Katz that Canada is preparing militarily to evacuate its 45,000 citizens from Lebanon due to its concern over a possible war, Channel 12 News reported on Friday. According to the report, Joly told Katz during the tense conversation that Canada has already sent military forces to the region to assist in the operation to evacuate Canadian citizens from Lebanon if a war breaks out. Continue…

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c8f38b No.21066894

File: 29e1cefeec2754e⋯.png (368.71 KB,493x408,29:24,4c717b2e6f3a71a5fa0f0b5504….png)

Fresh Bread



Q Research Canada #60: Kamloops "Anomalies" Edition

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