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a9f070 No.21080161 [Last50 Posts]

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a9f070 No.21080165

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a9f070 No.21080167


#25841 >>21079395

>>21079417, >>21079682, >>21079981, >>21080039 Reports that Russia has downed an American surveillance drone over Black Sea near Crimea

>>21079429, >>21079805 Alex Jones Responds To Reports of Infowars Imminent Closure

>>21079447 Invention Secrecy Act

>>21079479 WEF: 2023 Food Pyramid

>>21079509, >>21079668 CNN Could Be Forced To Pay $1 Billion From Defamation Suit

>>21079521 Jennifer Garner bangs drums draped in a Palestinian keffiyeh

>>21079542 @NavalInstitute: USS Theodore Roosevelt in South Korea Ahead of Transit to Middle East, North Korea Condemns Visit

>>21079697, >>21079707 PF: RCAF CFC1 Challenger 600 Trudope departed Trois Riviers Airport to Vancouver Intl

>>21079712 DJT Truths letter from Congressman Ronny Jackson demanding Biden take a drug test

>>21079726, >>21079793 Bowman and AoC have been going viral after this image exposing the true size of their New York rally leaked

>>21079740 The US Supreme Court to extend Donald Trump’s Presidential immunity case into July

>>21079765 Biden DOJ Official Lied Under Oath About Previous Arrest For Stabbing Her Then-Husband

>>21079772 @GenFlynn: And we don’t want them to know what is being planned 😎

>>21079796 These are the "asylum seekers" Biden is allowing to pour into our country

>>21079800 Emergency officials are on high alert as a Minnesota dam is in imminent danger of critical failure

>>21079802 Hedge Funds Cut Mexican Peso Bets in One of the Biggest Retreats on Record

>>21079814 Five U.S. states are now sueing Pfizer for lying about the safety and efficacy of Covid vaccines

>>21079821 From FLA courthouse: Gag order hearing just ended - will have details shortly

>>21079833, >>21079860 Attorney General Andrew Bailey: Missouri has a huge problem with New York right now

>>21079838 Karoline Leavitt: But don't you dare repeat their own words… or they will cut off your microphone!

>>21079842 Jack Smith is seeking to impose a gag order on Trump in the “documents” case in South Florida

>>21079862, >>21079905 California Reveals All Job Gains In 2023 Were Fake

>>21079882 Donald Trump to visit New Orleans on Monday to raise cash for his presidential campaign

>>21079911, >>21079941, >>21080025 Biden’s radical judicial nominee just got busted lying under oath, Sen. Kennedy brought damning receipts

>>21079969, >>21080053, >>21080028, >>21080100 Julian Assange to plead guilty for plea deal with the U.S. DoJ / Qproof June ETA

>>21080111 DJT Truths the Babylon Bee Biden Debate Joke

>>21080141 Mil / Misc. decodes

>>21079484, >>21079490, >>21079492, >>21079653, >>21079728, >>21079771, >>21079880 Memes

>>21080158 #25841

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a9f070 No.21080168

#25840 >>21078593

>>21078607 Boeing May Evade Criminal Charges Over 2018, 2019 Crashes as Biden’s DOJ Claims Prosecuting the Company is Legally Risky

>>21078661 Scotland: Huge explosion and plumes of toxic gas over Glasgow as a battery recycling factory burns out of control

>>21078678 Benny Johnson interview with Trump Press Sec after CNN incident

>>21078689, >>21078859, >>21078938, >>21079120, >>21079171 Planefag

>>21078725, >>21078762 Uri Geller: Aliens built the Jerusalem Temple, may help Israel during war

>>21078753 Ursula Von Der Leyen's father pardoned Nazi mass murderer

>>21078773 Live: Rapidan Dam in Minnesota in 'imminent failure condition' after recent flooding

>>21078776 Supreme Court rejects challenge to Connecticut law that eliminated religious vaccination exemption

>>21078782 @NavalInstitute: USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: June 24, 2024

>>21078789 John Brennan and James Clapper effectively argue here that January 6 should have ended the First Amendment

>>21078790 Senator Warren: Democrats Want ‘A Pathway To Citizenship’ For All Illegal Aliens

>>21078801 Fauci still has a taxpayer-funded security detail after leaving his $480K-a-year government job

>>21078812 Chemicals From East Palestine Train Disaster Spread To 16 States and Likely Canada

>>21078815 NSA chief joins OpenAI board and then acquires a company specializing in “shared control” of other people’s devices

>>21078826 Human trafficking action week: 219 criminals arrested and 1,374 victims identified

>>21078841 Larger US Deficits Pave the Way for Even More Treasury Bills

>>21078842 Angry masked men prowling the streets looking for Jews in LA

>>21078854 Major Study Confirms Covid Shots Cause Brain Damage

>>21078904 DJT: Drug test for Crooked Joe Biden!

>>21078939 Taylor Swift is a Mobster

>>21078942, >>21078963 They Are Using Lab-Grown Human Brains That They Have Enslaved Called “Organoids” To Run Computers

>>21078973 Not a cheap fake

>>21078979 Utah residents believed they were looking for woman during manhunt for trans killer after reports identified him as 'Mia'

>>21078983 Missouri V Biden: They Want the Deleted Emails

>>21078991 @TomFitton: Supreme Court Should STEP UP For Trump!

>>21078995 @DanScavino: DJT to Deliver Remarks on Joe Biden's Incompetent Presidency in CHESAPEAKE, VA on June 28th

>>21079001 House Judiciary Committee assures that the company censored 43 books at the request of the Biden administration

>>21079010, >>21079079 Maricopa County temp worker arrested for theft at election center

>>21079019 Gates Foundation caught paying UW Madison prof to up-armor viruses to attack humans

>>21079024 Trump Preps For Debate Against Biden By Going to Nursing Home And Arguing With Dementia Patients

>>21079031 (Turley) The Land that Law Forgot: The Supreme Court and the New York Legal Wasteland

>>21079040, >>21079049 Catherine Herridge drops her first story as independent journalist

>>21079085 Illegal migrants lured Jocelyn Nungaray, 12, under bridge, assaulted her for 2 hours before killing her

>>21079090, >>21079109, >>21079119, >>21079137, >>21079156, >>21079172, >>21079186, >>21079205, >>21079223 The Olori Sisterhood

>>21079101 Michigan Supreme Court to decide on Jocelyn Benson’s restrictions for poll watchers

>>21079132, >>21079189 el oh el

>>21079259 Welfare Offices Providing Voter Registration Forms To Illegals Without Proof Of Citizenship

>>21079260 Princess Anne rushed to hospital after ‘incident’ on home estate

>>21079317 Hunter Biden Requests New Gun Trial After Jury Returns Guilty Verdict

>>21079338 Adjusted for inflation, net worth up 0.7% through Biden’s first 3 years, was up 16% through Trump’s first 3 years

>>21079375 Dali cargo ship leaves Baltimore nearly 3 months after Francis Scott Key bridge collapse

>>21079367 Mil / Misc. decodes

>>21078606, >>21078806, >>21078813, >>21078890, >>21078940, >>21079009, >>21079035, >>21079095, >>21079361, >>21079363 Memes

>>21079380 #25840

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a9f070 No.21080171

#25839 >>21077632

>>21077703, >>21077733, >>21077960, >>21078225 Planefag'd

>>21077634, >>21077638, >>21077659, >>21077678 Warroom Meme Stuff

>>21077700 Alvin Bragg Agrees To Partially Lift Gag Order, Allowing Trump To Insult Stormy Daniels, Michael Cohen at Looming Debate Against Biden For The Keks!

>>21077710 @MCoEFortMoore At night, by torchlight, we honor legacy and join the future fight. 🔥

>>21077756 Very strong mag. 6.3 Earthquake - 51 km NNE of Port-Olry, Vanuatu

>>21077782 UBS Picks Beijing Over Citadel Securities for Credit Suisse Unit

>>21077790 With the eyes of the world watching before the big night, CNN cuts off the mic and interview for the Trump Campaign Press Secy

>>21077796 Ben Swann Presents Evidence that the US Participated in Israel’s Botched Hostage Rescue

>>21077799 Former CIA Agent Phil Giraldo Exposes Israel’s Control Over America

>>21077802 Democrats Shut Down Investigation into Maine’s Surging Excess Deaths

>>21077804 G. Edward Griffin Reveals the Dirty Secret Behind Agenda 21 in Two Minutes

>>21077805, >>21077881, >>21077924, >>21078077, >>21078235 NASA

>>21077812 @AirForce_DW Public access to the Air Force Memorial will be closed on July 4. This is an active construction site


>>21077844 @usairforce USAF ✈️ + @SpaceForceDoD 🚀 = Dream Team 📡 🌎 🛰️

>>21077848 Debate Bingo Card Get em while they hawt!

>>21077878 Ultra Safe Nuclear is developing Pylon — a 1-megawatt, 10-ton-class microreactor that can generate electrical and thermal power on earth and in space! 

>>21077892, >>21077873, >>21077883 20 Minutes with Neil Oliver Banned by Google

>>21077897 LIVE: Blinken delivers remarks on the 2024 Trafficking in Persons Report

>>21077913 America, If You’re Unsure If The 2020 Election Was Stolen Here’s Your Answer

>>21077930 Nvidia's stock set to enter correction territory as chip-sector selloff sustains

>>21077936 @RepLuna We will hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in inherent contempt of Congress

>>21077978 Russian invaders’ space communications center was hit in Crimea

>>21078005, >>21078216 Almost Half of U.S. Electric Car Owners Regret Purchase

>>21078041 @surflant Blue-Green Team 🔵🟢💪🤝

>>21078056 Black Voters in Milwaukee Have ‘Serious and Lingering Doubts About Biden’

>>21078094 Jones underscores importance of US, Australian alliance at Australian Space Summit

>>21078142 Teamsters Union has agreed to speak at the RNC, a feat no other Republican nominee has accomplished

>>21078151 Inside the Chinese-funded and staffed marijuana farms springing up across the U.S

>>21078168 @KariLake will be in Prescott to rally in support of her friend @EliCrane_CEO

>>21078194 Perhaps the biggest setback to the first Trump administration was not anything inherently flawed in Republican President Donald Trump’s leadership but the sheer bulk of disloyal individuals embedded…

>>21078200, >>21078145 2 Killed in Fire at U.S.-Sanctioned Moscow Electronics Research Building

>>21078256 Kansas Files Explosive Lawsuit Accusing Pfizer of Misleading the Public on Covid-Vaccine Risks

>>21078107 Fmr U.S. Ambassador David M. Friedman Demands Americans be Imprisoned for 'Antisemitism'

>>21078310 Disney-themed café in the heart of Hollywood is forced to close after 78 years

>>21078344 Schumann Check

>>21078383 Jewish voters overwhelmingly prefer Biden as US Democratic nominee, poll finds

>>21077984, >>21078386 MP4 Trump Campaign Slams CNN for Cutting Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt’s Microphone Off Mid-Interview

>>21078392 Chuck Pushing the Abortion Sacrifice agenda


>>21078468 Docs show Biden’s DHS intel group used Jan. 6 & the Mar-a-Lago raid to justify expanding surveillance of political dissent.

>>21078513 Former North Dakota state Sen. Ray Holmberg will plead guilty to traveling to the Czech Republic to have sex with children.

>>21078515 1 police officer killed, another seriously injured in a crash involving Hungarian PM Orban's motorcade in Stuttgart, Germany

>>21078544 Maine Independent Commission Withholds Important Drug Information on Mass Murderer Robert Card

>>21078549 Joe Biden could be criminally prosecuted for the m*rder of nursing student Laken Riley if the Supreme Court does not rule there is presidential immunity

>>21077632, >>21077653, >>21077704, >>21077705, >>21077717, >>21077735, >>21077774, >>21077819, >>21077848, >>21077893, >>21078008, >>21078028, >>21078051, >>21078082, >>21078120, >>21078140, >>21078167, >>21078174 , >>21078176, >>21078205, >>21078229, >>21078248, >>21078251, >>21078261, >>21078268, >>21078274, >>21078338, >>21078361, >>21078387, >>21078397, >>21078398, >>21078428, >>21078463, >>21078560 MEMES

>>21078572 #25839

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a9f070 No.21080175

#25838 >>21076136

>>21077379, >>21077432 PlaneFaggin’: Europe/Med-EU FM Meeting, FM BAERbock to Tel Aviv, Rzeszow stop and drops

>>21076154 Saudi Prince al-Waleed bin Talal announced his unwavering support for 'Jewish nation': Report

>>21076163 Analyst: YouTube TV Sees First-Ever Subscriber Loss as Churn Hits Pricey Live TV Streaming

>>21076164 North Sioux City Train Bridge has Collapsed due to flooding

>>21076165 Trump Visits Famous Philly Cheesesteak Restaurant Before Philadelphia Campaign Rally

>>21076168 TOM LEONARD: Was one man's twisted obsession with a blonde student waitress the REAL REASON her three housemates were slaughtered in the dead of night?

>>21076302 Over 20 counties in northwest Iowa face record flooding levels


>>21076401 TRUMP or BIDEN? (Bronx Interviews)

>>21076448 Biden is giving China 'absolutely everything' it wants: Peter Schweizer

>>21076489 @EricTrump: Whether it's on China, the Middle East, the economy, or ANYTHING ELSE — the American people KNOW Crooked Joe Biden's eye is not on the ball

>>21076507 Paul Sperry: On stage, Trump ought to ask Biden directly about his role in the secret Jan. 5, 2017 supposedly "by the book" meeting about Trump and the bogus Hillary dossier

>>21076524 Mil reports

>>21076612, >>21076629 Memorable memes

>>21076613 @MarioNawfal on Apple & FB partnership possibility

>>21076620 Falcon 9 delivers 20 @Starlink satellites to orbit from California

Ghost grab

>>21076732, >>21076739, >>21076783 Is CANCER parasites?

>>21076740 The latest “point-in-time” study finds that the number of homeless Chicagoans jumped by 200% over a yearlong period beginning in early 2023.

>>21077087 Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg has surprised the public by announcing that he will hand over the throne to his son after 24 years on the throne.

>>21077332 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/24/2024

>>21077346 Lockbit 3.0 Claims Attack on Federal Reserve

>>21077392 Terrorist attacks in southern Russia: What we know so far

>>21077424 @I_Corps Better than Fiji 😉💧

>>21077445 Nearly $109 million in deposits held for fintech Yotta’s customers vanished in Synapse collapse, bank says

>>21077469 According to estimates from Quiver, Pelosi has made over $17 million this year off of her reported portfolio

>>21077471 NASA

>>21077478 Supreme Court agrees to hear a case challenging a Tennessee law that could determine whether states can restrict gender-affirming care for minors

>>21077481 At least 16 dead in a fire at a lithium battery factory in South Korea

>>21077525 Army and National Guard accused of abandoning 24-year-old soldier with “debilitating heart condition” that internal memo “linked” to COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.

>>21077561 Von der Leyen must go – EU state leader

>>21077582 PATEL EXCLUSIVE: Speaker Paul Ryan and His Team Rigged Our Russiagate Investigation Before He Started It

>>21077614 EU reveals timeline for tapping Russian assets

>>21077625 #25838

Previously Collected

>>21075506 #25836

>>21071174 #25833, >>21071860 #25834, >>21076494 #25835

>>21068545 #25830, >>21069324 #25831, >>21070215 #25832

>>21065686 #25827, >>21066663 #25828, >>21067636 #25829

>>21063083 #25824, >>21063860 #25825, >>21064829 #25826

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

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Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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a9f070 No.21080187

File: 36e46acad64eb0a⋯.gif (997.49 KB,425x259,425:259,36e46acad64eb0a11eb4641829….gif)



>can continue or defer

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add5fa No.21080198

File: c24ee25a4de5b02⋯.jpeg (135.78 KB,930x1024,465:512,C2864485_06DF_4830_B568_A….jpeg)

oh no….

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b0dfb1 No.21080201




Digits relevant

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c9c6ab No.21080203

File: 15eb558078767e3⋯.png (512.33 KB,3546x2364,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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d663ab No.21080204

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d2dd5c No.21080205

File: 92f7ceff85be0fc⋯.jpeg (7.68 KB,228x176,57:44,mPYxMG7x1qBK.jpeg)

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5107ee No.21080206

File: 9ec6cccfe01cadd⋯.png (621.98 KB,960x661,960:661,Screenshot_2024_06_24_at_1….png)

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cf8bf4 No.21080207

File: 947fe81430dd7f7⋯.jpg (30.98 KB,352x454,176:227,Julian_being_arrested_in_L….jpg)

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897fdd No.21080208

File: 3dc30286c0798b6⋯.png (1.09 MB,978x688,489:344,police.png)

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5107ee No.21080209

File: 734ede9c9da9d58⋯.png (412.55 KB,646x485,646:485,Screenshot_2024_06_24_at_1….png)

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580af7 No.21080210

File: f68b1c259c72f4e⋯.jpg (38.36 KB,658x631,658:631,assange_home.jpg)

File: 22e706a049d9887⋯.jpg (8.56 KB,183x255,61:85,Uncle_John_assange.jpg)



God Bless JA

God Bless JT

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a05955 No.21080211

File: 9789a2dab940179⋯.png (373.65 KB,781x686,781:686,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d201d0b376a1ee⋯.png (157.56 KB,303x550,303:550,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ae7ded29cf59706⋯.png (73.42 KB,1023x469,1023:469,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 992a3d57caf4a7d⋯.png (101.36 KB,320x226,160:113,ClipboardImage.png)


Anon post 16:19:37 EST

Trump Post 19:03:07 EST

TIME DELTA = 2 hours, 43 minutes

Maybe nothing.

Maybe not

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1ccaa6 No.21080212

File: 7451057f2d7e8fb⋯.png (1.02 MB,2200x1467,2200:1467,ClipboardImage.png)

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330696 No.21080213

File: fb9fd46e20a8de2⋯.png (778.79 KB,740x775,148:155,ClipboardImage.png)

I got you on my mind, rabbi

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811924 No.21080214

File: 18c901d22804fb7⋯.jpeg (502.68 KB,693x648,77:72,032C2DA1_02BA_4142_9852_B….jpeg)

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c2efd7 No.21080215

File: df3900a201171aa⋯.webm (2.92 MB,720x486,40:27,night_shift_8kun.webm)

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cf8bf4 No.21080216


has he gotten like Gandolf?


so will he do some interviews?

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897fdd No.21080217

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5107ee No.21080218

File: c139a03b9f68696⋯.png (368.51 KB,648x417,216:139,Screenshot_2024_06_24_at_1….png)

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9f080e No.21080219

File: 42454f03ec91ba0⋯.jpg (142.06 KB,866x1390,433:695,greece_out_actress_pamela_….jpg)

File: eb20c7200e72b60⋯.jpg (72.66 KB,468x475,468:475,article_1315004_0B52C50100….jpg)

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504999 No.21080220

File: bfaffcdc88c013d⋯.jpg (35.82 KB,414x412,207:206,tbgbgbtbtb.jpg)

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562d5d No.21080221

File: d0ef89c5eb07b50⋯.png (102.85 KB,522x494,261:247,ClipboardImage.png)

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53b909 No.21080222

File: 85d724419c97b35⋯.jpg (109.75 KB,759x475,759:475,85d724419c97b35a3482b37692….jpg)

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d2dd5c No.21080223

File: 2e0f43b086148b9⋯.jpg (160.44 KB,1024x768,4:3,5a7edf19c2877724f074792818….jpg)

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580af7 No.21080224

File: a4d42ccf78d54e0⋯.png (160.37 KB,445x706,445:706,ClipboardImage.png)

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b2c212 No.21080226

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is the next setup?

Trying to go after the whole family?

The guy is a big "L"

Looks like a revenge tactic?

I'm finding alot of german scientist am I suppose to?

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6e2086 No.21080227

Oh Chat GPT you so crazy

was there really an Egyptian frog god Kek?


Yes, there was an Egyptian frog god named Kek (also spelled Kuk or Keku). Kek is part of the Ogdoad, a group of eight primordial deities worshipped in ancient Hermopolis. The Ogdoad represented the chaotic forces that existed before the creation of the world. Each deity in the Ogdoad had a male and female counterpart.

Kek (Kuk) is the deification of the concept of primordial darkness or the absence of light. He is often depicted as a frog or a man with the head of a frog, while his female counterpart, Keket (Kauket), is depicted as a snake or a woman with the head of a snake. The symbolism of the frog was associated with the watery chaos and the beginning of creation, as frogs are creatures that inhabit both water and land.

The worship of Kek was part of the broader religious and mythological framework in ancient Egypt, where various aspects of the natural and supernatural world were personified as gods and goddesses.

Can you show me a picture of Kek?


I can describe typical depictions of Kek, but I can't directly show images. Kek is traditionally depicted in ancient Egyptian art as a frog-headed man or simply as a frog. These images can be found in various ancient texts and temple reliefs.

For specific images, I recommend looking up "Kek Egyptian god" in online image databases or visiting resources like museum collections or academic websites dedicated to Egyptology. These sources will have accurate depictions based on historical artifacts and scholarly research.

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05b542 No.21080228

File: 07c20e853663b81⋯.png (2.5 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Julian_Assange_as_Hulk.png)

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580af7 No.21080229

File: f7dd4f9780ad307⋯.jpg (16.24 KB,255x186,85:62,assange_pam.jpg)

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cf8bf4 No.21080230


That looks like a frame from an Alka-Seltzer commerical

maybe the Dems gonna need some medicating.

"We shouldn't have tried to steal

the whole thing . . . "

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8f96b2 No.21080231

BREAKING: President Biden has been hospitalized. Initial reports are that he was speaking with his staff when his “speech became blurry” and he “slumped over.”

More to come when known.

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897fdd No.21080232

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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330696 No.21080233

File: 1cba1df40059893⋯.png (333.5 KB,884x724,221:181,ClipboardImage.png)

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4c54ce No.21080234

>>21080138 (lb)


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b2c212 No.21080235


too bad they were masks.

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0d0e68 No.21080236

Assange was charged by criminal information — ……— with conspiracy

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5dc050 No.21080237

File: 054d19ec367806a⋯.png (27.38 KB,474x254,237:127,ClipboardImage.png)


FIJI Water - Owned by the Jewish Resnicks.

Stewart Allen Resnick is an American billionaire businessman. In 2018, Resnick and his wife Lynda Resnick were the wealthiest farmers in the United States.

The Resnicks also own the POM Pomegranate Juice co.

They are known for siphoning an outsize portion of California water, squeezing out other farmers.

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330696 No.21080238

File: ccc54a6a2c22440⋯.png (290.7 KB,710x710,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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b0dfb1 No.21080239


Link to your source.

Don't say you heard it from someone who heard it. Post the digital link.

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bb8a42 No.21080240

File: 5b8d371ee1fea5d⋯.jpg (137.01 KB,1120x630,16:9,uncletrump.jpg)

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f0903f No.21080241

>>21079170 (lb)

Does a bad (unconstitutional) law allow evil to prosper?

Does a just law allow good to prosper?

Is the word of God, "The whole of the law"?

Is "The whole of the law" = The word of God?

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594422 No.21080242

File: 503132973e87f83⋯.png (464.36 KB,1219x680,1219:680,JULIAN_ASSANGE.png)

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bb8a42 No.21080243

File: e26344ebf5c54bf⋯.mp4 (7.7 MB,640x360,16:9,assange.mp4)

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fb0f21 No.21080244


The Wonderful company


Teleflora was not delivering flowers


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811924 No.21080245

File: d15bdba0c063ce8⋯.png (39.68 KB,920x765,184:153,08310F2A_6C3B_4706_AB50_6D….png)


No sauce statement

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c9c6ab No.21080246

File: fa972de4c1fc837⋯.png (105.2 KB,1000x563,1000:563,ClipboardImage.png)

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4c54ce No.21080247

File: 2806db33268821d⋯.webp (12.57 KB,474x266,237:133,th.webp)

What a way to maintain a narrative thread…

Surfacing after so much time

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416273 No.21080248

Test Sleepy Joe b4 and after debate..

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5107ee No.21080249


didn't pam try to kill him with poisoned food during one of her visits?

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e02c41 No.21080250



Says 5 States but only talks about Kansas

very odd

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bb8a42 No.21080251

File: eb32ed4533a6497⋯.mp4 (3.86 MB,640x360,16:9,6fugr.mp4)

Trump is Patton

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3c22cb No.21080252

Sleepy Joe needs a couple 8 balls.

I'd like to be him and Hunters drug dealer.

You would be a millionaire.

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0d0e68 No.21080253

File: d28a22781f7ed33⋯.jpg (3.27 MB,4032x3024,4:3,20240624_062507.jpg)

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9f080e No.21080254

File: c25b9e6fa4cc108⋯.png (577.73 KB,640x4704,20:147,229_13_.png)


know the stringers by the numbers noice.803 11 12 26

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e6c7f4 No.21080255

File: 024017ab08cd86d⋯.png (1.02 MB,1078x718,539:359,024017ab08cd86dc689b0f6dc9….png)

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811924 No.21080256

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8f96b2 No.21080257


Press is being briefed. Anticipate postings 8:00 news. They’re calling it a ‘mixup of medications’.

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5b4f61 No.21080259

File: e26344ebf5c54bf⋯.mp4 (7.7 MB,640x360,16:9,assange.mp4)


Conspiracy to reveal criminal conspiracies?


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cf8bf4 No.21080260


unless you have sauce you should never post something like this.

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d2dd5c No.21080261

File: d58a527d0ef5f27⋯.png (69.12 KB,1300x1353,1300:1353,diogenes_pepe.png)

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b0dfb1 No.21080262


Answer my question.

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51552b No.21080263

File: e23709c3328783b⋯.jpeg (222.04 KB,586x763,586:763,IMG_2397.jpeg)


Watch the Water! Follow the Pen…


Phi Gamma Delta


(common use / limited use)

Phi Gamma Delta's Coat of Arms

Founded May 1, 1848; 176 years ago

Jefferson College in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania

Type Social

Affiliation NIC

Status Active

Scope International

Motto Φιλότης Γλυκυτάτη Δυναστεία

(Friendship, the sweetest influence.)[1]

Colors Royal purple and White

Symbol The Recognition Device


Flower Purple Clematis

Chapters 139, 13 colonies

Members 211,000+ lifetime

Nickname Fiji, Phi Gam

Headquarters 1201 Red Mile Rd

P.O. Box 4599

Lexington, Kentucky 40504

United States

Website phigam.org

Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity house at University of California, Berkeley

Alpha Omega Chapter house at Ohio University.

Phi Gamma Delta (ΦΓΔ), commonly known as Fiji, is a social fraternity with 139 active chapters and 13 colonies across the United States and Canada.[2] It was founded at Jefferson College, Pennsylvania, in 1848.


Vice President Mike Pence was in a fraternity at Hanover College in Indiana.

He once infuriated fellow fraternity brothers when he led an inquiring college administrator to where they were hiding kegs in their house.

The story was a part of a large Atlantic profile on Pence.

A college friend of Vice President Mike Pence told The Atlantic that Pence once infuriated his fraternity brothers when he showed a top college administrator where they were hiding kegs in their house.

Dan Murphy, Pence's fraternity brother at Hanover College's chapter of Phi Gamma Delta, told the publication as a part of a lengthy profile on Pence of the time he revealed the kegs to top university brass. Hanover College, a small school in Indiana, had a no-alcohol policy.

Murphy, who now teaches history at the school, said the fraternity had "everything from the sort of evangelical-Christian crowd to some fairly hard-core drug users."

Pence was friendly with with everyone and was elected president of the fraternity when he was a sophomore.

That same year, their fraternity house was "perpetually" on probation, as The Atlantic's McKay Coppins wrote. Fraternity brothers were trying to re-create scenes from "Animal House," which had just come out that year.

"The Phi Gams devised elaborate schemes to smuggle booze into the house, complete with a network of campus lookouts," Coppins wrote. "Pence was not a particularly hard partier, but he gamely presided over these efforts, and when things went sideways he was often called upon to smooth things over with the adults. One night, during a rowdy party, Pence and his fraternity brothers got word that an associate dean was on his way to the house. They scrambled to hide the kegs and plastic cups, and then Pence met the administrator at the door."

That administrator told Pence, according to Murphy's retelling, that, "We know you've got a keg."

When such incidents happened previously, one of the fraternity brothers would typically take the fall and claim that all of the booze was his, which would prevent the fraternity as a whole from facing discipline.

But this time, Pence decided to take a different approach. He just led the college dean straight to the kegs.

And he said they belonged to the fraternity. Phi Gamma Delta was severely punished as a result.

"They really raked us over the coals," Murphy said. "The whole house was locked down."

While some of Pence's fraternity brothers were "furious" over the incident, as Coppins wrote, the future governor and vice president "managed to stay on good terms with the administration."

That relationship helped Pence receive a job offer in the school's admissions office upon graduating in 1981.

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cf8bf4 No.21080264


there is nothing in the press.

you are making this up.

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8f96b2 No.21080265


Less than ten minutes until media posts. Press being briefed.

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330696 No.21080266

File: 287baca93cbc064⋯.png (290.8 KB,684x384,57:32,ClipboardImage.png)

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64831f No.21080267


and Hulk…..



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b0dfb1 No.21080268


Post sauce

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8f96b2 No.21080269


Press release incoming.

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e02c41 No.21080270



Answer the mans question

>Don't say you heard it from someone who heard it. Post the digital link.

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b0dfb1 No.21080271


Post sauce

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6de7e4 No.21080272


Dafaq is dis?

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5dc050 No.21080273

File: 35eae4b04898a53⋯.png (39.7 KB,474x541,474:541,ClipboardImage.png)


Another Cabal Jewish Owned evil corporation.

How come no White Christians own ANY of these Multi-Centi-$$$BILLION Dollar death dealing global corporations who commit egregious Crimes Against Humanity?



State Street?

Federal Reserve?




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e6c7f4 No.21080274

File: d622c9e2f6637b8⋯.jpg (242.03 KB,1011x1349,1011:1349,storm.jpg)






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d2dd5c No.21080275

File: 21c0de63255826a⋯.png (2.6 MB,1024x1024,1:1,21c0de63255826a05d10ba12d0….png)


Is that you, Baxter?

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ae3264 No.21080276


Can confirm. Nurse here and we are getting ready to make a tik tok dance around the president.

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cf8bf4 No.21080277


post when you have sauce. you've posted in too rapid fire succession for this to be real.

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4fde73 No.21080279

File: 5a4472bd7f06b25⋯.png (539.78 KB,1648x1000,206:125,5a4472bd7f06b25d4c36fc4ff1….png)

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746ef3 No.21080280

File: 504cc2fb5347c8a⋯.png (1.03 MB,960x640,3:2,Screenshot_2024_06_24_at_1….png)

>>21080035 /PB


ulian Assange has reached a plea deal with the U.S., allowing him to go free

The WikiLeaks founder has been held in a prison outside London for the last five years and fought extradition to the United States. He is expected to return to Australia…

'Their Humiliation Ritual' Can only last so long…


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078158 No.21080281


Better question is why is it palestinians don't seem capable of having any kind of business?

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bb8a42 No.21080282


WWE rap battle

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b0dfb1 No.21080283


Ip hopping

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7a8061 No.21080284

File: a6b4d0e45d97d15⋯.jpeg (362.02 KB,2048x1536,4:3,IMG_6726.jpeg)

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e8cbfc No.21080285

File: de867073890fef5⋯.png (179.44 KB,1293x406,1293:406,ClipboardImage.png)

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811924 No.21080286

File: b6e7d0b1fca05ba⋯.jpeg (26.13 KB,245x255,49:51,5BEED98F_C5E5_4F7C_A182_2….jpeg)


and you’re on a public image board with the “scoop”

Ok breh

Clocks ticking

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078158 No.21080287


Do any anons around tonight still have the old "Sauce It Or Shut It" memes?

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6e2086 No.21080288

File: 5018348b7afb78b⋯.png (1.67 MB,1024x1024,1:1,5018348b7afb78b391e560ce63….png)

File: ce04a1ccd0d45ae⋯.mp4 (3.68 MB,1024x1024,1:1,open_his_mouth_and_shout_R….mp4)

File: 0b63116a733d121⋯.mp4 (1.37 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Raising_his_spear_shouting….mp4)

File: d59fd85328322c4⋯.png (96.64 KB,1002x281,1002:281,Screenshot_2024_06_24_1925….png)

I made this for Anon earlier it didn;t come out Great, I tried something else but it said NOOOO

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580af7 No.21080289


I will cap this…just in case


True if BIG

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4e4188 No.21080290

File: 125e85d9fb8bd21⋯.png (1.03 MB,877x844,877:844,AOC_HumpTrumpPillow.png)

>>21080021 lb


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e6c7f4 No.21080292

File: b7000d760ca0243⋯.png (424 KB,605x405,121:81,2e16d0ba_fill_735x490.png)

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6e2086 No.21080293


>>21080246For the research

What texts mention KEK?


Kek, as part of the Ogdoad, is primarily mentioned in texts and inscriptions associated with the cosmology of Hermopolis. The main sources that refer to Kek and the other deities of the Ogdoad include:

The Pyramid Texts: These are among the oldest religious texts in ancient Egypt, inscribed on the walls of pyramids. They contain spells and hymns that mention various gods, including those of the Ogdoad.

The Coffin Texts: These texts are a collection of funerary spells written on coffins during the Middle Kingdom. They often elaborate on cosmological themes and include references to the Ogdoad.

The Book of the Dead: This famous collection of spells intended to assist the deceased in the afterlife also contains references to the primeval gods, including those of the Ogdoad.

Temple Inscriptions and Reliefs: Temples dedicated to Thoth in Hermopolis and other locations have inscriptions and reliefs that depict and mention the Ogdoad, including Kek.

These texts and inscriptions provide insights into the role and symbolism of Kek within the ancient Egyptian cosmological framework.

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51552b No.21080294

File: a71aa15ad9a2a5a⋯.jpeg (1.08 MB,1167x1595,1167:1595,IMG_0584.jpeg)

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504999 No.21080295

File: 23b3c2a62aabf7e⋯.jpg (89.9 KB,547x484,547:484,ybobybiybybybyb.jpg)

Jake Tapper Bigly mad


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b75bbc No.21080296

File: bf8f4ef52275ab3⋯.png (792.08 KB,1255x588,1255:588,jjjww1.PNG)

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078158 No.21080297


Nope, that was from one of the "operators" the come by to "test" anons for "on-boarding"

So kind of deadline they are under, absolutely desperate to get control of QR, or spam it to death if they can't

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330696 No.21080299

File: ecefc82623206f5⋯.png (626.82 KB,704x471,704:471,sauce.png)

File: 53c3b0d1a4d9b4e⋯.png (633.42 KB,833x500,833:500,sauce3.png)

File: 3c810de1b001b54⋯.jpg (198.59 KB,400x540,20:27,sauce4.jpg)

File: f646d77f466d907⋯.jpg (96.98 KB,621x453,207:151,saucer.jpg)

File: 9c654fccf68cdb2⋯.jpg (89.1 KB,988x586,494:293,saucer2.jpg)

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e8cbfc No.21080300



Defending the ship

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5dc050 No.21080301

File: fcc259179495874⋯.png (6.77 KB,474x175,474:175,ClipboardImage.png)



The Resnicks were also known for monopolizing the pure fresh Water in Fiji to bottle it for their own massive profit, diverting the clean water away from the Fijians.

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4fde73 No.21080302

File: dcd5d191354799d⋯.png (657.51 KB,1214x1390,607:695,Screenshot_2024_06_24_at_7….png)




Julian Assange plans to plead guilty to conspiracy charges in a deal allowing his freedom after five years in a UK prison.

Assange will appear in U.S. court in Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands, at 9 a.m. on Wednesday (7 p.m. ET Tuesday).

Saipan is a U.S. territory in the Pacific Ocean, near Guam.

He will be sentenced immediately to time served and should be free by tomorrow night to fly to Australia.

Assange's WikiLeaks published one of the largest leaks of classified U.S. documents in history.

He stated: "I look forward to reuniting with my family and rebuilding my life."

Source: NBC News

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5b4f61 No.21080303

File: fefd1e32c30907b⋯.jpg (39.32 KB,636x477,4:3,fake_tapper.JPG)

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6e2086 No.21080305

File: 7d1ce67b0560834⋯.png (513.87 KB,516x919,516:919,Screenshot_2023_10_29_at_1….png)

File: 3295288908f272f⋯.png (485.95 KB,516x919,516:919,Screenshot_2023_10_29_at_1….png)

File: d851431fe53b203⋯.png (503.4 KB,516x919,516:919,Screenshot_2023_10_29_at_1….png)

File: ccaac6eebc0f69f⋯.png (524.4 KB,516x919,516:919,Screenshot_2023_10_29_at_1….png)

File: 1afe05271bae1a8⋯.png (486.77 KB,516x919,516:919,Screenshot_2023_10_29_at_1….png)

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562d5d No.21080306


Kamala in Phoenix.

Should we pay attention to USSS activity there?

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9f080e No.21080307

File: 00663a058a9575e⋯.png (66.93 KB,640x874,320:437,347_2_.png)

File: c448d47b7f65772⋯.jpeg (287.95 KB,2048x1152,16:9,GQ3PLzIXAAEaQxX.jpeg)

File: 95d7cd9d357d5d1⋯.jpeg (314.01 KB,2047x1365,2047:1365,GQ3PKcXWwAA9g_8.jpeg)

File: c78190090e23af3⋯.png (339.05 KB,640x2984,80:373,1547_2_.png)

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8ba90d No.21080309

File: e9aa731dab2aed6⋯.png (381.26 KB,605x731,605:731,ClipboardImage.png)



Watching the Waters Edition


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ab4dd1 No.21080310

File: f3a2335c47d4c25⋯.png (228.87 KB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20240624_195944.png)


Sauce….I need sauce

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1ccaa6 No.21080311

File: b0172e2ab7c4380⋯.png (2.92 MB,2403x1951,2403:1951,ClipboardImage.png)

JA on the clock.

What a coincidence.

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e6c7f4 No.21080313

File: 1f7fd9c0a92fa91⋯.webp (19.04 KB,510x680,3:4,1f7fd9c0a92fa917e3a8e707e….webp)

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96cfc8 No.21080314

File: 942ad6f23cab105⋯.png (178.54 KB,577x433,577:433,ClipboardImage.png)

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cf8bf4 No.21080315

File: 316ad357ab9f39a⋯.jpg (112.38 KB,925x576,925:576,Schumerlook_at_it_chuck_ca….jpg)

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bb8a42 No.21080316


he says "Jeffrey Epstein"

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8ba90d No.21080318

File: c7cbe32a7d30c5d⋯.png (114.15 KB,564x658,6:7,ClipboardImage.png)




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332ee1 No.21080319

File: 67bdf7361d9a273⋯.png (1.29 MB,1438x831,1438:831,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21079772 lb


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af5b5c No.21080320

File: 24890f815fcce57⋯.mp4 (7.82 MB,720x720,1:1,K1GzV_WSsmpR7u3q.mp4)



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e02c41 No.21080321


If NBC News is the Source

Why not post the Link to the Source?

Saying NBC news is the source doesn't make it legit

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078158 No.21080322


I think better call would be monitor traffic around JBA for those VIP flights. Watch mostly for Lloyd Austin but keep eye out for JCS heading in

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8f96b2 No.21080324

Secret Service has called a Lid.

Press has been ordered not to make posts as per brief.

Doesn’t look good.

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8ba90d No.21080328

File: e96e4e3f6053ad9⋯.png (301.62 KB,603x520,603:520,ClipboardImage.png)


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b0dfb1 No.21080329


40 dates and one lines up with one of the plethora of JA Q drops?

The clock is kinda stupid.

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4fde73 No.21080330

File: a7f411e3671f8bb⋯.png (957.84 KB,1160x1392,5:6,Screenshot_2024_06_24_at_8….png)



WikiLeaks reports Julian Assange has been released from prison and has left the UK.

This follows his recent plea deal with U.S. authorities, admitting to conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense information.

The deal ends Assange's long extradition battle.

His release and departure likely signal his return to Australia, though his exact destination is unconfirmed.

==Sources: WikiLeaks,


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215942 No.21080331


less than a hundred peeps

glug glug glug

the democrat battleship just sunk!

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562d5d No.21080332

File: 31e13e0d640bce1⋯.png (594.32 KB,603x680,603:680,ClipboardImage.png)

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4e4188 No.21080333


Flood is coming.

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580af7 No.21080334


plane fags at the ready?

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330696 No.21080335

File: 8149b593d44e635⋯.png (55.15 KB,195x213,65:71,ClipboardImage.png)

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b0dfb1 No.21080336


Still no sauce.

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897fdd No.21080337

File: d4bda1854977bc0⋯.gif (2.57 MB,550x382,275:191,blink.gif)

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e02c41 No.21080338

File: adf073d40333a09⋯.png (34.42 KB,551x536,551:536,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e2086 No.21080339

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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078158 No.21080341

File: e280adc2d0ea9a3⋯.jpg (125.33 KB,800x778,400:389,e280adc2d0ea9a3e06eac737ae….jpg)


I still have this one, was hoping for one of the ones with Chef Ramsey

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4fde73 No.21080343

File: 08422e4442bfbc9⋯.png (596.46 KB,800x438,400:219,08422e4442bfbc92cd6658966c….png)

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c9c6ab No.21080344

File: 9e5d56af2cb9e4f⋯.mp4 (2.56 MB,480x480,1:1,zCYlMF1ED0U2H_sl.mp4)


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: d15fcf No.179595 📁

Jan 27 2018 12:43:56 (EST)

Anonymous ID: e1be55 No.179419 📁

Jan 27 2018 12:29:02 (EST)

JA posted this vid earlier today. It's JB at a CFR event. https://twitter.📁 com/JulianAssange/status/957212097984819200



What a coincidence.


redirects to:


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8f96b2 No.21080346

Everybody are on their phones with their editors.

Looking like they can’t hold back the dam of information soon.

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b0dfb1 No.21080349


Still no sauce.

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bb8a42 No.21080350

File: 5d6e6c683a522bf⋯.png (253.45 KB,300x400,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


>WikiLeaks reports Julian Assange has been released from prison and has left the UK.

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7e7634 No.21080352



>unelected tranny bullshit an queer fillur

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8ba90d No.21080353

File: ebb7829a395b2c2⋯.png (368.83 KB,522x707,522:707,ClipboardImage.png)

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ae3264 No.21080355

Has the Russian warships left Cuba yet?

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811924 No.21080358

File: a108529fe8060ae⋯.jpeg (573.31 KB,1206x610,603:305,A8F8D702_1825_4794_A45F_8….jpeg)

>>21078938 pb

AF2 C32A Kneepads to Los Angeles Intl from Phoenix Intl

She ain’t deviating

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504999 No.21080359

File: c7956d63f9a770f⋯.webp (125.43 KB,640x621,640:621,284966.webp)

Comfy can't last forever

Muh night shift reddit space spammer is back

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4fde73 No.21080362

File: a590f11bfa9917c⋯.png (1.51 MB,1025x1361,1025:1361,a590f11bfa9917cc27d385f597….png)

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6e2086 No.21080363

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tripps = Dripps KEK. looks like the dam is already useless and the river is just gonna pass it and take it down.


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e6c7f4 No.21080364

File: 73f7c4cbce5fa54⋯.jpg (287.34 KB,1199x872,11:8,73f7c4cbce5fa542f06f763861….jpg)

File: a2520d057423efe⋯.jpg (55.56 KB,474x474,1:1,a2520d057423efe4f213759ef0….jpg)

File: c2bbd5ff8b0f85a⋯.jpg (229.7 KB,1010x976,505:488,c2bbd5ff8b0f85a25002011442….jpg)


Trump's handywork

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51552b No.21080365

File: e23709c3328783b⋯.jpeg (222.04 KB,586x763,586:763,IMG_2397.jpeg)

File: 9dd55936bba3ebf⋯.jpeg (25.33 KB,200x326,100:163,IMG_2398.jpeg)

File: 3d146d2ab3d21fe⋯.png (70.55 KB,2000x1000,2:1,IMG_2399.png)

File: 16e29b22ea4853a⋯.png (127.64 KB,246x406,123:203,IMG_2400.png)

File: 782f37a5d5d7710⋯.jpeg (22.65 KB,225x225,1:1,IMG_2401.jpeg)


Double MEANINGS exist.


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330696 No.21080366

File: be911e6938942c7⋯.png (1000.22 KB,820x780,41:39,ClipboardImage.png)

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580af7 No.21080368

File: 7f6fa9508437c34⋯.jpg (101.55 KB,767x767,1:1,7f6fa9508437c344019871f44d….jpg)


If you loved us, you would let us break the story.

Give us some sauce.

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8f96b2 No.21080369


They aren’t allowing anyone to post on official platforms. Give it time. This won’t, or can’t, be held for too long. The orders are legally enforceable.

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ae3264 No.21080372


This is America

Don't catch you slippin' now

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9f080e No.21080373

File: f05ced07bc3cbea⋯.jpg (146.12 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_24_20_0….jpg)

File: f1f95a60da17234⋯.png (82.23 KB,640x898,320:449,718_5_.png)


lazy fucker, really don't get why omit the timestamp

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6e2086 No.21080374


Nice Rainbow @ :23-24 Pride Certified

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4fde73 No.21080376

File: 10bb22ea767fe55⋯.mp4 (1.54 MB,720x720,1:1,10bb22ea767fe558108d68e28d….mp4)


>Trump's handywork

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b0dfb1 No.21080377


Post post your source.

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5dc050 No.21080378

File: 72c785c1d5d668e⋯.png (20.9 KB,448x280,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)


Anon had been thinking that when the White Hats, Q, Pres. Trump do the Mass Arrests, Prosecution for Treason, Mass Murder, Sedition etc.

and all the Power Players are EXECUTED…..

Imagine if the Entire Power Structure in every Branch of our ZOG Gov't, and in every Industry are Cleared of the Cabal criminals….

with not a single Israel First / Jews First Cabalist in power.

The power to Create $Money goes back to our US Treasury as per the Constitution, and EVERY Position of Power were replaced by Christians: White, Asian, Black, Patriot Atheists, just imagine what our lives will be like…..

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1823a5 No.21080379

File: e63a68bd5c957a0⋯.png (20.15 KB,481x433,481:433,ClipboardImage.png)


That anon needs to use it correctly. Not the lazy way.

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cf8bf4 No.21080381


LARP: live action role play

you can't have sauce when the stories phake and gahey

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2f3eae No.21080382


still in protective custody in Cuba

now they got all kinda reasons to panic

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36ec54 No.21080383

Julian please do an AMA

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ea8265 No.21080384


Trump’s VP choice.


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440d25 No.21080386

File: bd24f5ace42d66b⋯.jpeg (644.17 KB,1170x1133,1170:1133,A4B0DE2C_1045_4E46_8940_4….jpeg)

WATCH: Julian Assange boarding a plane after his release from prison


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51552b No.21080387

File: 41435686c7dff3f⋯.jpeg (15.77 KB,300x168,25:14,IMG_0133.jpeg)

File: 57a12496e12edc9⋯.jpeg (761.53 KB,1427x1262,1427:1262,IMG_0170.jpeg)

File: b8f059440f47b61⋯.jpeg (1.9 MB,1366x1716,683:858,IMG_0239.jpeg)

File: 130f09061964cae⋯.jpeg (1.34 MB,1313x1875,1313:1875,IMG_5337.jpeg)

File: e6a6d2449ac916c⋯.jpeg (461.01 KB,750x993,250:331,IMG_5082.jpeg)


They never thought she’d lose!

Now they all lose!

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d41967 No.21080388


The good news, according to Juan Browne, is that if it does completely fail then there is only about a two foot rise in water level expected downstream. So apparently not that much water is impounded behind this particular dam.

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1ccaa6 No.21080389


What's the correct way?

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8f96b2 No.21080390


Stand by. Every single press badge here is scrambling to be first. It’s a matter of time. Even I can’t post on official platforms without facing problems.

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ae3264 No.21080391

File: faf6c6c540b3280⋯.png (47.88 KB,908x321,908:321,ClipboardImage.png)


The elected officials couldn't come up with a decision and I'm certain the feds made the decision impossible to make.

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4fde73 No.21080392

File: 9d5edfcc4925000⋯.jpg (125.02 KB,1078x882,11:9,9d5edfcc492500023c6e7b749a….jpg)

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21b032 No.21080393

File: a942abcab0053da⋯.jpg (23.47 KB,255x175,51:35,fc6de50f770a6b9927801f9461….jpg)

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078158 No.21080394

File: 3bd5f5e59e8efd0⋯.png (94.06 KB,545x451,545:451,3bd5f5e59e8efd064d7ef3b3ec….png)


Imagine the groups of unemployed shills traveling together for protection, huddling in alleys at night

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69c263 No.21080395

File: cc76e9fc60f145d⋯.png (32.35 KB,465x640,93:128,b7849f9e950b5541b4fb361f6e….png)

File: caabbb99f6f4201⋯.png (874.39 KB,662x429,662:429,1554993626682.png)

File: b6f67721f22a0f3⋯.jpg (61.07 KB,548x864,137:216,FAwBKui.jpg)

File: b9232bc35923859⋯.jpg (166.69 KB,1288x794,644:397,1610151656821.jpg)


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6e2086 No.21080396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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7ae89f No.21080397

File: fc846d1693bc9cf⋯.jpg (80.8 KB,622x621,622:621,ticktockdiner3_NS.jpg)

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ae3264 No.21080398


Hope he's as safe as jeff epstein.

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4fde73 No.21080399



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d41967 No.21080400


>Even I can’t post on official platforms without facing problems.

But you CAN post here?


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cf8bf4 No.21080401



I didn't expect to see that!

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c9c6ab No.21080402

File: cdcacdd53453352⋯.mp4 (375.96 KB,640x360,16:9,Julian_Assange_Plane_Freed….mp4)


Looking strong and healthy.



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811924 No.21080403


No tail #

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e8cbfc No.21080404

File: 245cfc906c4a561⋯.png (20.7 KB,519x364,519:364,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 27714f4a315f466⋯.png (22.36 KB,519x330,173:110,ClipboardImage.png)


Today delta

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8ba90d No.21080405



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332ee1 No.21080406

File: 57d9ed033d2d913⋯.png (591.73 KB,497x640,497:640,ClipboardImage.png)

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51552b No.21080407


Trips O’Truth

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d2dd5c No.21080408

KEK. He's trying to copy everything. Every new change, he copies. Poor little bugger.

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a19577 No.21080409

File: 1a446a302ed83d5⋯.jpg (764.41 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240624_170608….jpg)

File: 344e545a891eefa⋯.jpg (828.05 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240624_170643….jpg)

File: 6ba7dc4a49a962a⋯.jpg (801.19 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240624_170821….jpg)

File: 26d1e9b92db8c4b⋯.jpg (759.33 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240624_171112….jpg)

File: f01657e62c1aab9⋯.jpg (7.18 KB,253x200,253:200,Z_54_.jpg)



Bohemian Grove is na>>21080253

med for the Northern California Bohemian Club. It was formed by newspapermen, artists, actors and musicians in San Francisco in 1872. They were a group of guys with a different perspective than most, who liked flaunting it in each other's company. In September 1892, the club held their annual midsummer encampment in this part of the woods, perhaps a spiritual, forest frolic precursor to Burning Man

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580af7 No.21080411


just post a pic from your post.

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ab4dd1 No.21080412

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Remember it's the square hole

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e02c41 No.21080413



Wheels Up

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bb8a42 No.21080415

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Julian Assange boarding a plane after his release from prison



where's he gonna go?

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db6645 No.21080416

File: fc33a821f9252b9⋯.jpg (42.96 KB,754x487,754:487,fthttthdsr.jpg)

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e8cbfc No.21080417

File: b383ca74d42cb2e⋯.png (176.89 KB,297x535,297:535,b383ca74d42cb2e3829f48d8b2….png)

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746ef3 No.21080418


>Power Players are EXECUTED

Honestly NOT gonna happen, circle jerk freak!

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215942 No.21080419

File: 105d6d8ddc765bf⋯.png (1.26 MB,460x258,230:129,ClipboardImage.png)



typical r r n headline with dancing nurses thrown in for shits and giggles

oddly it is ighly plausible due to o'biden's current location. camp david.

i'd bet that the coctails they are feeding him have backfired miserably! it wouldn't surprise me if they killed him several times while trying to perfect the coctails needed to keep him fluent for a thirty minute period! sorry, purely speculation on muh part! i'd add that this would be an answer to prayer & fasting if true!

in the meme time… (You) know what to do!

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e02c41 No.21080420


JA on the move

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0aa839 No.21080422



SR connect to DNC.



Why did the D’s push legal rep on family?



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c2efd7 No.21080423

File: 072e4b49dafb9c6⋯.png (417.15 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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eea6f8 No.21080424

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d2dd5c No.21080425

File: f8a42320fcf535c⋯.jpg (64.57 KB,526x398,263:199,8eb15b6aad848b60291b8d3216….jpg)

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a9f070 No.21080427

NOTES @ 225

#25842 >>21080187

>>21080243 Anthem of this Bread

>>21080295 Jake Tapper angrily demanding CNN cut off live coverage of Trump being greeted by Cubans in a Miami restaurant

>>21080311 Julian Assange on the Clock

>>21080330 WikiLeaks reports Julian Assange has been released from prison and has left the UK

>>21080358 PF: AF2 C32A Kneepads to Los Angeles Intl from Phoenix Intl

>>21080363 Flooding causes partial failure of Minnesota dam

>>21080386, >>21080402 Julian Assange boarding a plane after his release from prison

>>21080205, >>21080206, >>21080218, >>21080242, >>21080315 Memes


Mil decodes:

>>21080318, >>21080373 @3d_Marine_Div: Artillery Relocation Training Program 24.1

>>21080328 @1st_Marine_Div: Honing our skills

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cf8bf4 No.21080428

News flash Joe Biden is on the plane with Julian!

guys guys guys. I can't post becuase I'll be put in feral prison.

but I'm a nurse on Julian's plane and

Joe Bidan is on the plane trying to sniff julian or do a forehead bump. The pope is there too and is terrified!

guys guys guys

it'll be in the press in less than a half an hour.

all the reporters have their crayons out.

end fake news report

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4fde73 No.21080430

File: 41920d8c04563a3⋯.png (2.03 MB,1280x720,16:9,f6f30d77519a0812e0961a05b9….png)

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69c263 No.21080431

File: 514edff765e293e⋯.jpg (206.85 KB,1326x813,442:271,2.jpg)

File: 6a4861258a35781⋯.jpg (132.96 KB,1325x842,1325:842,1610151689105.jpg)

File: 514edff765e293e⋯.jpg (206.85 KB,1326x813,442:271,1610151733542.jpg)

File: 75c0284272d1df0⋯.jpg (70.79 KB,574x500,287:250,nexttime.jpg)

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e8cbfc No.21080432


why press brief if they aren't ready? Did he collapse in public or in front of the press corp?

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bb8a42 No.21080433

File: d24554a9788a4d6⋯.png (108.4 KB,225x300,3:4,beaverehud.png)

last step, is that tp off his shoe?


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811924 No.21080434

File: 678b55def978568⋯.jpeg (62.46 KB,720x717,240:239,DB89825A_5D00_4E23_96DE_8….jpeg)


If it can be tracked

Doubt they’d let us see that worth a shot if tail visible in the clip

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21b032 No.21080435

File: 07c00739acedf42⋯.png (2.91 MB,2560x1753,2560:1753,ClipboardImage.png)

Planefags Scramble!

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330696 No.21080436

File: 8b0a63a8bdf8660⋯.png (431.46 KB,682x731,682:731,ClipboardImage.png)

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3192ff No.21080437

File: 312cfec278bd7c0⋯.jpeg (69.55 KB,996x506,498:253,IMG_1808.jpeg)

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ae3264 No.21080438


They have a minimum of 4 biden actors.

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e30b33 No.21080439

File: 5a7a8a3296684ef⋯.png (36.87 KB,663x233,663:233,ClipboardImage.png)



remind anon what to do with 1 minute delta.

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332ee1 No.21080441

File: beca5b8a76201d1⋯.png (6.18 KB,350x89,350:89,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 245cfc906c4a561⋯.png (20.7 KB,519x364,519:364,ClipboardImage.png)



Soon general.

183 in Ordinal= 1+8= 9 with 3 left or 93 -Cult 93 that is

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8f96b2 No.21080442


This site is unofficial.

A lot of us here use it for back channel communications. No photos or data-sensitive posts can be made on Camp grounds over official platforms.

Security issues.

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5dc050 No.21080445


If shown to be true, Why wouldn't they hide it since the Deep State has moar than one "Bidan" actor.

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1823a5 No.21080446

File: c062c1fa4caee79⋯.png (92.96 KB,450x824,225:412,ClipboardImage.png)



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63380d No.21080447

File: e6711dbbd5c58cb⋯.png (1.4 MB,1376x1232,86:77,Screenshot_2024_06_24_at_5….png)



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53b909 No.21080448

File: c73c1eac26ca991⋯.png (917.21 KB,989x587,989:587,c73c1eac26ca991688fba7f027….png)

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bb8a42 No.21080449

File: ccad1d5abd831aa⋯.png (475.56 KB,930x620,3:2,evergreen.png)


like anyone cares where Assange is

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4c54ce No.21080451


Always some fucking symbolism.

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b8c761 No.21080453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anons be Like…

Bring it Bitch…


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60dc30 No.21080454


It's to distract you from Lockbit.

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746ef3 No.21080455


(you) are high functioning neurotic

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e8cbfc No.21080458




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811924 No.21080459

File: 023604de629966f⋯.jpeg (573.58 KB,762x710,381:355,A52D330A_D051_45EA_82E9_C….jpeg)

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23febc No.21080461

File: c9517020039ab20⋯.mp4 (1003.42 KB,1280x720,16:9,ALX_on_X_BREAKING_WikiLeak….mp4)

BREAKING: WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange boards a plane after being released from prison


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7e7634 No.21080462



no time for that

bruce jenner is doxin teen goy

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bfac3c No.21080463

File: 3b4ea426e1ba4b1⋯.jpeg (685.67 KB,1284x1347,428:449,IMG_8193.jpeg)

Not being a black pill, but something seems odd.

Did he sign a NDA to go free?

Did they cover up Seth Rich forever?


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cf8bf4 No.21080464

plane fags why aren't you on this?

Julian's plane is making Q's over Puget Sound.

the pope's wheel chair keeps roiling around like a marble on a tilt board.

Joe Biden is trying to sniff people.

Julian says he just wants to see Ketron Island for himself and maybe take in the view of the orcas

end fake news report

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c2efd7 No.21080465

File: f854c05bfd959ac⋯.png (1.19 MB,944x709,944:709,ClipboardImage.png)



you post here without source you will get stomped on by anons.

journalist are the lowest form of human even below politicians.

>A lot of us here use it for back channel communications

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7135f2 No.21080466

File: a7a209766186e74⋯.mp4 (2.91 MB,640x360,16:9,assangesethrich2.mp4)

>>21080187 lb

>>21080028 lb

q proof notable

>>21080199 lb

>>21080160 lb

>>21079969 lb

>>21080053 lb

>>21080028 lb

>>21080100 lb

>>21080137 lb

>>21080119 lb

>>21080098 lb

>>21080060 lb

>>21080058 lb

>>21080057 lb

>>21079969 lb

>>21080021 lb

Bun on Assange Plea deal announced this evening.

vid rel

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6e2086 No.21080467


It doesnt sound too bad I guess, I like the optimism. Water is insanely powerful, I hope the people down river will be safe. Except the illegals sleeping under a bridge or something. Sorry Jesus

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d2dd5c No.21080468

File: e64f657752c306c⋯.jpg (95.38 KB,792x706,396:353,3d801597837a5a5eff45d9c5d1….jpg)

They're throwing as much bullshit at the board tonight as they can. KEK!

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bb8a42 No.21080469

File: dd1ab40ac467dc6⋯.png (3.35 MB,3000x2323,3000:2323,ClipboardImage.png)


I'm interested.

Do you have it in a dossier?

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a24aa2 No.21080470


Doctors don't know much but they do know drugs, especially Ronny.

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63380d No.21080471


>feral prison


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8a177a No.21080472

File: cff106ca4940450⋯.png (2.7 MB,800x1702,400:851,cff106ca49404502ee922365b2….png)

WikiLeaks needs to unleash the Floodgates all the files that Haven't been released yet The world needs some Truth

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8f96b2 No.21080474


You joke, but we all here have been discussing that exact scenario. They’ve caught wind that someone is posting here.

Even CNN is starting to argue that this information isn’t protected under the order. I can’t wait to see the order lifted.

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1823a5 No.21080475


So basically how I figured out how to use the q-clock is the following:

- find the current date( 6/24/2024 on :51)

- draw a [15] minute delta around the clock( :06, :21, and :36)

- read all the drops on those lines and count all the [markers]. Single letters in [ ], numbers in [ ] and any timestamps in [ ]. So far all the double letters in [ ] has not proved of any use for that, but have pointed to names in the news.

- after counting all the [markers], I take note the amount of each. If there is an odd amount of [4]s and [d]s for example, that would mean going back [4] from the [15] daily delta. Ann even amount would mean going ahead [4] of the daily delta.

- look at the timestamp of tweets and truths from various accounts and see what is mentioned in the tweets and truths

I have been doing this for quite awhile, yet received little understanding. I don't want to FameFag or become a Paytriot.

There is too many variables to use the Q-Clock as a predictive tool, which normies tend to want. All it can do is help confirm the drops after the news becomes public. I did not create the clock, but I did notice it first being posted on 8chan in February of 2018.

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e6c7f4 No.21080476

File: 9e814877c4e3ae7⋯.jpg (58.73 KB,530x471,530:471,c44b9381a21bd4ad139aba1a28….jpg)


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a57ddc No.21080477

based af, had to share it.

Are We Pricing in a Trump Prison Stay?

Dr. Fly Tue Jun 4, 2024

I know so many of you republitards have hope for the judicial system and that Trump will be ‘vindicated’ and he’s not going to jail. But that’s where you’re wrong and that’s why you’re weak. Hope equals weakness. If you want something, you have to go out and get it. No one is going to give it to you out of the kindness of their hearts. Trump is heading to jail for the remainder of his life and you’ll just vote even harder next time to make sure it never happens again.

I don’t think we’re truly appreciating the spectacle of Trump and how this portends to the end of America as we know it. Gone are the days when America was a benign clepto corporate hegemony ruled by a select few for the benefit of the “elite.” Now we are a highly intrusive, highly tyrannical, highly criminal element in government hiding behind the guise of equality and feminism to soften the veneer of their evil. They want your guns and then they’re going to shoot you with them.

That said, have markets truly priced this in yet? Let’s say Trump gets 500 years in prison and the RNC decides to ignore the voters and appoint Haley as the candidate by default. Would you be surprised if that happened?

See the problem most people have with the govt isn’t because “the elites” are hogging resources and wealth all to themselves. The issue most people have is they suck at what they do. It’s like managing money for people. If I managed your money for 20 years and did a fantastic job and then all of a sudden lost you 50% inside a few years, you’d be pissed and likely want a new manager. The same logic applies here: the conservative right is being taxed, but not represented. Sound familiar? I think it should.

All we want is to be left the fuck alone and for the nation to flourish in peace and magnanimity. We do not want white people erased from the face of the planet and would prefer if our children weren’t targeted with gay propaganda? Is that too much to ask? Oh, and if you could, try to avoid entangling our men in your fucking wars in the Middle East or wherever you deem it necessary to defend the wonderful grift called “democracy”, which is, as you can plainly see now, a highly flawed and absurd form of government that produces nothing but division and status quo.

The reason why America sucks now is because it is a democracy. Let that sink in for a moment and think about pricing that in to equities as we near Trump’s sentencing.


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a19577 No.21080478

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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330696 No.21080479

File: 688b32d949aa4aa⋯.png (127.14 KB,427x231,61:33,ClipboardImage.png)

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8ba90d No.21080480

File: 4da7113d48d9155⋯.png (499.1 KB,704x618,352:309,ClipboardImage.png)


Hella Monday Confirmed

#Oaths #Lore

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ff0c62 No.21080481

Assange back in the news, buckle up faggots and glowniggers.

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51552b No.21080483

File: 6d10901d88c276b⋯.jpeg (22.11 KB,204x119,12:7,IMG_2402.jpeg)

File: fa3415bec7ddcf2⋯.jpeg (1.09 MB,2160x1324,540:331,IMG_2403.jpeg)

File: 97351a60eca8591⋯.jpeg (209.87 KB,806x1024,403:512,IMG_1497.jpeg)

File: 41ec25824f9fc61⋯.jpeg (593.58 KB,1170x1470,39:49,IMG_6961.jpeg)


The People’s General

Allegiance is to CHINA

解放軍之怒 - Traditional Chinese spelling

Shall we play a game?



BTW on a funny Note….

Joseph Flynn gave His Brother The Title

“The People’s General” in a letter to the Judge!

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cf8bf4 No.21080484


dude, I put a disclosure that it is 'fake news' so

it's called




I'm very happy for Julian!

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d5f31a No.21080485

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4fde73 No.21080487

File: 56971b2de92c2de⋯.jpeg (13.73 KB,255x233,255:233,56971b2de92c2de8b86801045….jpeg)


>Not being a black pill, but something seems odd.

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21b032 No.21080488


Well time's up bubba.

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7e7634 No.21080489

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

persnicketies pernicious hobbit take out available

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0aa839 No.21080490



Apr 20, 2018 1:43:14 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5a1150 No. 1116248

Answer Q re: SR.



http:// www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/04/20/democratic-party-files-federal-lawsuit-alleging-conspiracy-by-trump-campaign-russia-wikileaks-to-disrupt-2016-presidential-election.html



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ae3264 No.21080491


Nurse here. Biden is fine. It was a migraine. Sending him home now. Nobody will ever know about this except QanonResearch.

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4e4188 No.21080492

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078158 No.21080494

File: b686643f81e81c7⋯.png (503.27 KB,1920x968,240:121,Screenshot_2024_06_24_at_1….png)

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53b909 No.21080495


>something seems odd

compared to the normalcy of every other day?

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7e7634 No.21080496


act lik a teen goy an git bruce to doxx juw

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7135f2 No.21080497



dude's probably not speaking of journalists?!

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a57ddc No.21080498

>>21079969, >>21080053, >>21080028, >>21080100 pb

>Julian Assange to plead guilty for plea deal with the U.S. DoJ / Qproof June ETA

Is this going to be the real JA or some standin double

the ukniggers killed the fucker

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386931 No.21080499

File: 04fccacf76abca1⋯.png (545.77 KB,700x466,350:233,ClipboardImage.png)

Assange To Be Freed: DoJ Agrees 'Time Served' Plea Deal With WikiLeaks Founder

In a shocking turn of events, Julian Assange will plead guilty to leaking US national security secrets and return to his native Australia, under a deal with Biden's DoJ that ends a nearly 15-year battle nightmare for the WikiLeaks founder.

After spending more than a decade holed up and imprisoned in London - mainly to avoid being sent to the US - Assange, 52, is expected to be sentenced to time served (62 months in a Belmarsh prison - a high security facility in South-East London) during a court appearance Wednesday in Saipan, in the US Northern Mariana Islands, avoiding a potentially lengthy sentence in an American prison.

Prosecutors had been in talks with Assange to resolve the 2019 case, The Wall Street Journal reported in March, with one sticking point being Assange’s desire to never set foot in the United States.

To enter a felony plea, defendants generally have to show up in person in court.

Assange’s team had floated the possibility of pleading guilty to a misdemeanor, the Journal reported, which would mean Assange could enter the plea remotely.

The Justice Department and Assange’s legal team reached a compromise under which Assange wouldn’t have to travel to suburban Virginia, where the original case is filed, and prosecutors could still get a felony plea, the people said.

As The FT reports, the agreement aims to resolve what has been a remarkable stand-off between the DoJ and Assange, who has become one of the world’s most controversial advocates for government transparency and whose legal troubles have spanned multiple countries.

The plea deal also offers a neat solution to what was becoming an increasing political headache for the U.S. government.

Earlier this year, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said he hoped the U.S. could find a way to conclude the case against Assange, and lawmakers there passed a motion calling for Assange to be allowed to return to his native home. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has also weighed in, saying that the British courts should not extradite Assange to the U.S. In February, the United Nations special rapporteur on torture, Alice Jill Edwards, said Assange shouldn’t be extradited to the U.S. to face trial, saying he suffered from “depressive disorder” and was at risk of being placed in solitary confinement.

Finally, while this is excellent news for Assange and his family - and journalistic freedom everywhere - we can't help but wonder if this outstanding result would have occurred were it not for Biden heading into the first debate with Trump with his poll numbers in the toilet…

Who cares! They are; and Julian is free…


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6df4cc No.21080500

File: c04af6a099a2133⋯.jpg (54.79 KB,656x467,656:467,c04af6a099a2133c0ee558b4da….jpg)

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8f96b2 No.21080501


He apparently slumped over forward in his seat and fell out in front of his staff. I believe Press Sec was there. Mostly staffers and wait staff.

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330696 No.21080502


how can he plead guilty without appearing in the court?

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e6c7f4 No.21080504

File: bfb5946929ce96e⋯.png (516.28 KB,540x528,45:44,tc.png)

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e8cbfc No.21080505


then why press brief?

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cf8bf4 No.21080506


how could he be held in prison all those years without any real charges?

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7a8061 No.21080507

File: 41184b31eb5692a⋯.jpeg (218.78 KB,2048x836,512:209,IMG_6728.jpeg)

File: 4f27bec4aa3b70d⋯.jpeg (598.78 KB,1575x2100,3:4,IMG_9413.jpeg)

File: 255de2291181e34⋯.jpeg (412.71 KB,2000x1331,2000:1331,IMG_0039.jpeg)


>>Clown Access DOA.


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7e7634 No.21080508


yur MAGA is fake anyur not even juwish

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078158 No.21080509

File: 05a47f7e7553c6b⋯.png (45.34 KB,548x544,137:136,05a47f7e7553c6bce71ea9236e….png)

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7aa7e1 No.21080511

File: 5e5c9bc62c575b7⋯.png (397.77 KB,1080x722,540:361,media_GQsHl9VXgAAob_E.png)

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c97810 No.21080512


that's normal

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4fde73 No.21080513

File: d205cbfbc5d26fc⋯.jpeg (10.65 KB,234x255,78:85,37ff1aea54655e56726cf1d19….jpeg)

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8ba90d No.21080514

File: c579cf8865fbf8e⋯.gif (2.69 MB,500x288,125:72,SadBillCosby.gif)

File: 99e933605345b04⋯.png (149.57 KB,822x490,411:245,ShillLevel.png)

File: dceb7c806ae41b2⋯.jpg (13.78 KB,120x90,4:3,shillsGrease.jpg)

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6e2086 No.21080516

File: 510553bb8181c5d⋯.jpg (286.89 KB,4500x3000,3:2,8635682_3217734103.jpg)

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bb8a42 No.21080517

File: 1e693cf86e3a532⋯.png (34.04 KB,137x130,137:130,ClipboardImage.png)

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ba4c40 No.21080518


Aren't they both also really tall?

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53b909 No.21080519


did he have to get vaccinated to get on board first or something?

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a19577 No.21080521

File: 49d42e7a9225cc1⋯.jpg (6.64 KB,172x293,172:293,9k_62_.jpg)

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e6c7f4 No.21080522

File: cb401475efd04de⋯.png (350.21 KB,501x891,167:297,dark2light.png)


How long before he is at MAL?

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8f96b2 No.21080523


Can’t confirm but it surely seems very possible.

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6e2086 No.21080524

File: 5ddb57eb12c8e54⋯.png (751.6 KB,1615x742,1615:742,Screenshot_2024_06_24_2025….png)

File: 60d152a6e7a6227⋯.png (689.77 KB,904x749,904:749,Screenshot_2024_06_24_1721….png)


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386931 No.21080525

Ukraine’s Zelensky Orders Purge of Department of State Protection After Members Arrested for Alleged Assassination Plots

As the war situation gets more difficult by the day, and against the background of his expired Presidential mandate in May, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has his reasons to be worried about being driven out of power the hard way.

To prevent this outcome, the embattled leader is ordering a complete purge of the Department of State Protection, after members were arrested on suspicion of plotting assassinations.

Reuters reported:

“President Volodymyr Zelensky told the new chief of Ukraine’s state guard service to clear its ranks of people discrediting it after two of its officers were accused of plotting to assassinate senior officials.

The state security service (SBU) said last month that it had caught two guard service colonels accused of cooperating with Russia to plot the assassination of Zelensky and other officials, including military intelligence chief Kyrylo Budanov.

The guard service provides security for various government officials.”

When introducing the new head of the Department Colonel Oleksiy Morozov, Zelensky said his main task was ‘to ensure that only those who see their future tied with Ukraine join the agency’.

These were his first comments since the agents were arrested.

“‘And, of course, the agency must be cleared of anyone who chooses not Ukraine for themselves or discredits the state guard service’, he said on Telegram.”


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1ccaa6 No.21080527


>The clock is ticking.

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d41967 No.21080528


Of course let's not kid ourselves. Anon remembers a news story locally, within the last year, where a woman was swept to her death in her car by less than two feet of fast moving water.

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330696 No.21080529

File: 54850c2f34b9e08⋯.png (376.32 KB,750x737,750:737,ClipboardImage.png)


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24f766 No.21080530

File: a80ed1e3ec59a9f⋯.jpg (110.8 KB,1334x747,1334:747,DAVE.JPG)

File: f133701b06850e1⋯.mp4 (4.13 MB,854x480,427:240,Dave_The_Whole_Truth_1993_….mp4)


Close enough…

What if I was to tell you…Do not be surprised at the debate if Joe suffers an event…

They need to get rid of them…It reminds me of a movie called "DAVE"…

We are watching a REAL version of DAVE! (the movie)

Just waiting for these moments!

https://youtube.com/watch?v=xTdNSA_CWvc (you're Fired)

https://youtube.com/watch?v=pOgf3IaWlgU (The Truth)

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c2efd7 No.21080531

File: 9608781ac74d79f⋯.png (835.92 KB,768x484,192:121,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21080390 ←this

>>21080346 ←this



he is talking about a press release.

anons are not a bunch of cats to be herded.

do not need their fucking handouts and bait after decades of fuckery.

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e7f2ca No.21080532

File: 1d98ede0fa0cad6⋯.jpg (405.97 KB,1080x1192,135:149,20210728_184352.jpg)

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cf8bf4 No.21080533


no other source for him being freed is there?

maybe someone had an old video of him boarding a plane and posted it just to screw with people?

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bb8a42 No.21080534


>Zelensky told the new chief of Ukraine’s state guard service to clear its ranks of people discrediting it after two of its officers were accused of plotting to assassinate senior officials.

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d2dd5c No.21080535

File: 802299de2b6d4ce⋯.webm (545.51 KB,427x240,427:240,dindu_nuffin.webm)

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811924 No.21080536


Going to the court in Guam

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330696 No.21080537

File: 5cd58278f411bd4⋯.png (1.15 MB,1242x1449,6:7,ClipboardImage.png)

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7135f2 No.21080538

File: aa20127f7688e8c⋯.png (1.49 MB,1058x1000,529:500,eyeofprovidencepepe.png)


One way to back out of the debate.

Solves problems for the Dems

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53b909 No.21080539


is why anon makes keks until proof

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4fde73 No.21080540

File: 895854c5313d13c⋯.png (860.76 KB,1098x770,549:385,11fe603a3dad37b982b15b7042….png)

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a57ddc No.21080541

File: 45de61d45cc928f⋯.jpg (64.86 KB,750x725,30:29,trump_balloons_boobies.jpg)


Same time from Manic Monday (1986) to now


Twelfth Street Rag by Pee Wee Hunt (1948) to when Manic Monday was released

Can you believe that

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386931 No.21080542


Now the US targets children just like Israel does!

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b0dfb1 No.21080543



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e02c41 No.21080544


What did the Baker Know?

& when did he know it?

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215942 No.21080545


that is not JA

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1811ae No.21080546

File: 103890c25ac6192⋯.gif (3.9 MB,400x372,100:93,12a.gif)

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8f96b2 No.21080547


The problem isn’t that we are competing to be first. It’s that we aren’t allowed to post on platforms that use mass data collection until they deem the info green.

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7135f2 No.21080548


I thought they'd be happy

shows what I know.

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21b032 No.21080549

File: 11c6fedc0c1c730⋯.jpg (10.83 KB,255x175,51:35,e5b5aba292ce7163f52bfba9ec….jpg)

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4fde73 No.21080550


best shill i've seen all night.. well done

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078158 No.21080551


Same idiot that reported USS Eisenhower had been hit by houthi missiles

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13fe2f No.21080552

File: 3ecd32ea4874182⋯.png (1.15 MB,975x549,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)

Last Update June 24, 2024 06:41pm ET1/3

Prosecutors state their case in Trump classified documents case in Florida

Former President Trump’s legal team is back in court Monday after a hearing in which both sides argued the legality of Special Counsel Jack Smith's appointment in the classified document case against the former president. Proceedings continued well into Monday afternoon with a potential gag order against Trump.

Covered by: Anders Hagstrom, Jamie Joseph, Julia Johnson and Fox News Staff


• U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon admonished a federal prosecutor Monday afternoon over his tone and lack of decorum inside her courtroom.

• Trump's team argued earlier in the day Monday that Special Counsel Jack Smith's appointment was improper and the case should be thrown out.

• Prosecutors are also seeking to impose a limited gag order on Trump. The former president's lawyers say such a move would violate his first amendment rights

Judge Cannon rebukes DOJ prosecutor over tone and calls for decorum

The prosecution is seeking restrictions on Trump's speech.

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon of the Southern District of Florida admonished Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecutor David Harbach during a hearing on Monday on potentially modifying former President Trump's release conditions to include a restriction on his speech.

A seemingly annoyed Cannon told Harbach at the day's second hearing that one of his colleagues with the prosecution could take over if he was not able to adjust his tone or act within the decorum of the court.

Her rebuke came as Harbach argued that the informal gag order was necessary ahead of the trial as Trump's claims relating to the 2022 raid of his Mar-a-Lago property have the potential to endanger law enforcement officers. He provided examples of actions from supporters of Trump after statements the former president made publicly, including an attack in Cleveland, Ohio after the search warrant was first executed.Harbach claimed that Trump should be prevented from making statements that are specific or imminent to the case.

As part of his argument, theprosecutor noted several FBI agents involved in the raid had their names made public. When Cannon asked who made those names public, he would not say, but claimed the prosecution was aware. The judge was seemingly irritated by the response, and questioned why the prosecution wouldn't come forward with that information, allowing for the person who released the names to be prosecuted.

Trump defense attorney Todd Blanche also argued during the hearing, pushing back on the request. He claimed the requested speech limitation is too vague, also saying Trump's statements are obviously attacks against President Biden and not law enforcement officials.

Second day of Florida hearing wraps in classified documents case

The second day of hearings on motions from both the defense and prosecution in former President Trump's classified documents case in Florida ended Monday evening shortly after 5:30 p.m…


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386931 No.21080553

Temp. Worker for Maricopa County Elections Arrested for Stealing “Security Fob and Keys” From MCTEC Tabulation Center

Ringfield was seen on surveillance camera footage taking the missing item from a desk around 5 p.m. Thursday, according to court documents.

“On the desk there was a red scrunchy wrist lanyard with a security fob and keys attached,” the probable cause statement for Ringfield’s arrest says. “Walter stops at the desk, grabs the lanyard with security fob and continues walking. Walter then puts the security fob and lanyard into the right pocket of his shorts.”


Detectives served a search warrant at Ringfield’s Phoenix home Friday and found the security fob inside a bedroom dresser and the wrist lanyard in his car, according to the arrest report.


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e8cbfc No.21080554

File: 3d8c54fb8f9ef0a⋯.png (36.64 KB,1293x258,431:86,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e854ac6fdce1eca⋯.png (26 KB,958x233,958:233,ClipboardImage.png)


I always thought it was for Joe or Hunter

>>21080004 pb

>>21080177 pb

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7135f2 No.21080555


could be him after ten years in jail


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c97810 No.21080556


Engineer here, it was just a lose wire, all good now.

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76b07f No.21080557

Now that assange plead guilty they can go after everyone

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93d6d2 No.21080558

File: 03122121e156a94⋯.mp4 (259.63 KB,480x270,16:9,Julian_Assange_boards_flig….mp4)

See new posts









Julian Assange boards flight at London Stansted Airport at 5PM (BST) Monday June 24th. This is for everyone who worked for his freedom: thank you.


8:03 PM · Jun 24, 2024


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1ccaa6 No.21080559

File: b2e765e4682f33c⋯.jpg (159.68 KB,1280x866,640:433,b2e765e4682f33cd504c81421b….jpg)

Can you smell the panic?

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cf8bf4 No.21080560


I think we got snookered.

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9f080e No.21080561

File: ed2163361fae314⋯.png (253.13 KB,640x2410,64:241,1013_3_.png)

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d2dd5c No.21080562

File: aedd33289d6523d⋯.webm (398.19 KB,427x240,427:240,booo3.webm)

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c97810 No.21080563


loose, sorry grammarcat

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7ce7ff No.21080564


Get the man a computer!

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e02c41 No.21080565



Wikileaks says it's him

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2f3eae No.21080566

File: 4683dbc9a1eb625⋯.png (90.37 KB,339x221,339:221,Trumpcard.png)

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7135f2 No.21080567


seems normal

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cf8bf4 No.21080568


by 'we' I only mean those of us who were so hopped up on the good news of Julian to be released that we imagined that the British would have already released him.

It's not really like them to do that so . . .

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13fe2f No.21080569

File: 7e2989cec74ee96⋯.png (799.81 KB,975x549,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)



Two issues were considered during the day's hearings: Special Counsel Jack Smith's funding for the case and its legality and a potential added provision to Trump's release conditions to limit some of his speech regarding the raid of his Mar-a-Lago estate.

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon questioned Department of Justice prosecutor James Pearce about his argument that there are indefinite appropriations legally made available to the special counsel. Cannon prodded him over the "limitless appropriations,"to which he provided several examples of similar instances in the U.S. Code. Pearce also noted that eight other special counsels were funded in the same manner, potentially hinting that her ruling could have far-reaching implications in other matters.

Later in the day, the court heard arguments both for and against what amounts to an informal and limited gag order on Trump as a modification to his release conditions.

DOJ prosecutor David Harbach was rebuked by Cannon for his tone, and warned to act within the court's decorum. He argued that the speech restriction on Trump was necessary because of the connection between the former president's statements and the actions of some supporters. He also claimed that the names of FBI agents involved in the Mar-a-Lago raid had been made public, putting them in danger.

Court resumes Tuesday morning with a sealed hearing at 11 a.m. and an open hearing at 1 p.m.

Second hearing in Trump's classified documents case begins

The second hearing in former President Donald Trump's classified documents case began Monday afternoon and will focus on a request from Smith's team to U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon of the Southern District of Florida to alter Trump's release conditions.

The prosecution aims to impose speech restrictions on the former president following his remarks regarding the FBI's raid on his Mar-a-Lago property. Trump's description of the raid, including statements suggesting the FBI was "locked and loaded and ready to take me out," led Smith's counsel to allege it could put law enforcement in danger.

U.S. Special Counsel Jack Smith is in attendance at the courthouse in Florida for the Monday hearing into motions regarding his appointment to former President Trump's classified documents case.

Monday's first hearing ended around 11:45 a.m. and featured an appearance from Smith and arguments from former President Trump's defense attorney Emil Bove.

The court considered a motion from Trump's defense team to dismiss the classified documents case entirely due to what they claimed is "unlawful funding" of the appointed special counsel. Bove contended that the funds utilized by Smith's team lack statutory authorization, presenting a separation of powers concern due to the special counsel's purported ability to access an unlimited budget for prosecuting Trump.

Prosecutors push for limited gag order on Trump in documents caseFormer Deputy Assistant Attorney General Tom Dupree says the FBI released a statement saying that the language used in the search warrant for former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago property in 2022 was standard protocol, Fox News' Jeff Paul reported Monday.


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a9f070 No.21080570

NOTES @ 325

#25842 >>21080187

>>21080243 Anthem of this Bread

>>21080295 Jake Tapper angrily demanding CNN cut off live coverage of Trump being greeted by Cubans in a Miami restaurant

>>21080311 Julian Assange on the Clock

>>21080330 WikiLeaks reports Julian Assange has been released from prison and has left the UK

>>21080358 PF: AF2 C32A Kneepads to Los Angeles Intl from Phoenix Intl

>>21080363 Flooding causes partial failure of Minnesota dam

>>21080386, >>21080402, >>21080558 Julian Assange boarding a plane after his release from prison (destination unconfirmed)

>>21080447 GOP Rep. Jackson: Biden Team ‘Probably Experimenting’ with Dosing at Camp David to Treat President’s Cognition

>>21080466 Julian Assange comments on Seth Rich

>>21080499 Assange To Be Freed: DoJ Agrees 'Time Served' Plea Deal With WikiLeaks Founder

>>21080552 Prosecutors state their case in Trump classified documents case in Florida

>>21080553 Temp. Worker for Maricopa County Elections Arrested for Stealing “Security Fob and Keys” From MCTEC Tabulation Center

>>21080205, >>21080206, >>21080218, >>21080242, >>21080315 Memes


Mil / Misc. decodes:

>>21080318, >>21080373 @3d_Marine_Div: Artillery Relocation Training Program 24.1

>>21080328 @1st_Marine_Div: Honing our skills

>>21080439 il Donaldo Trumpo: DRUG TEST TRIPPY JOE!!!

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d2dd5c No.21080571

File: aedd33289d6523d⋯.webm (398.19 KB,427x240,427:240,booo3.webm)

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504999 No.21080572

File: faec1160ad4a4d2⋯.jpg (72.67 KB,400x560,5:7,285605.jpg)

Change my mind

Ds freed the godfather of pizzagate pre-election to prevent Trump getting to much votes

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21b032 No.21080573

File: 7b62699b635a8c0⋯.jpg (13.17 KB,213x255,71:85,07643ba0a296a8e8964063aae7….jpg)

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078158 No.21080574

File: 2fa8abfc29778e3⋯.png (724.47 KB,1333x997,1333:997,2fa8abfc29778e3a509e789419….png)


> we aren’t allowed to post on platforms that use mass data collection


seems I recall that flavor of shade being thrown before

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a57ddc No.21080575

File: 7eeac0d3ac03593⋯.gif (2.38 MB,480x270,16:9,bullshit.gif)


>Not being a black pill, but


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386931 No.21080576

File: 66ef282c674d13a⋯.png (255.9 KB,536x246,268:123,ClipboardImage.png)

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6de7e4 No.21080577


Watch the water…

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7aa7e1 No.21080578

File: 9513420b03ff595⋯.png (421.48 KB,590x260,59:26,ClipboardImage.png)


That´s fake news.

They are here.

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1ccaa6 No.21080579


You're retarded and can't see a Q proof staring you in the face.

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a05955 No.21080580

File: a3e0ce5a30f2185⋯.png (31.22 KB,539x233,539:233,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 38cbbf48a5dc6f9⋯.png (29.36 KB,313x252,313:252,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 39c90c10cd187e3⋯.png (84.19 KB,868x464,217:116,ClipboardImage.png)





34 7 4 27

27 4 7 43

2747 43


Anyone seen Bush Jnr lately?

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e7f2ca No.21080581

File: f26a9333dbd3b0a⋯.jpg (366.54 KB,1070x916,535:458,20200425_175913.jpg)

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386931 No.21080582

Four Other States to Launch Massive Lawsuits Against Pfizer, Accusing the Pharma Giant of Deceiving the Public About COVID Vaccine Safety and Efficacy

The complaint, lodged today in Thomas County District Court, accuses Pfizer of misleading Kansans about the vaccines’ risks, including potential harm to pregnant women and the risk of myocarditis. The suit further alleges that Pfizer falsely claimed its vaccine was effective against COVID variants, despite evidence to the contrary.

The State of Kansas outlines several specific allegations in its lawsuit:

1. Pfizer misled the public that it had a “safe and effective” COVID-19 vaccine.

2. Pfizer said its COVID-19 vaccine was safe even though it knew its COVID-19 vaccine was connected to serious adverse events, including myocarditis and pericarditis, failed pregnancies, and deaths. Pfizer concealed this critical safety information from the public.

3. Pfizer said its COVID-19 vaccine was effective even though it knew its COVID19 vaccine waned over time and did not protect against COVID-19 variants. Pfizer concealed this critical effectiveness information from the public.

4. Pfizer said its COVID-19 vaccine would prevent transmission of COVID-19 even though it knew it never studied the effect of its vaccine on transmission of COVID-19.

5. To keep the public from learning the truth, Pfizer worked to censor speech on social media that questioned Pfizer’s claims about its COVID-19 vaccine.

6. Pfizer’s misrepresentations of a “safe and effective” vaccine resulted in record company revenue of approximately $75 billion from COVID-19 vaccine sales in just two years.

7. Pfizer’s actions and statements relating to its COVID-19 vaccine violated previous consent judgments with the State of Kansas.

8. Pfizer’s actions and statements relating to its COVID-19 vaccine violated the Kansas Consumer Protection Act, K.S.A. 50-623 et seq., regardless of whether any individual consumer ultimately received Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.

9. Pfizer must be held accountable for falsely representing the benefits of its COVID19 vaccine while concealing and suppressing the truth about its vaccine’s safety risks, waning effectiveness, and inability to prevent transmission.


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690913 No.21080583

File: 5555655713ea42d⋯.jpg (246.35 KB,645x557,645:557,Kamala_Jussie_tweets.jpg)


Prez Kamala in 3,2,1

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e8cbfc No.21080584


>Change my mind

Retardation is not reversable

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c2efd7 No.21080585

File: 882a60f3d4266b7⋯.png (647.63 KB,1226x689,1226:689,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c8d80a13cb1623f⋯.png (67.43 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)


who is we?

other than Q who uses a trip code

no other anonymous poster stands a chance here to change the narrative.

Even djt does not post directly here, all his comms come through social media and truth social.

All we do here is expose the media lies and find the truth.

The media is the enemy of the people…

Anon digs memes and prays.

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e30b33 No.21080586

File: a58a69957310f05⋯.png (18.48 KB,325x184,325:184,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d62a3032912820d⋯.png (217.14 KB,1286x714,643:357,2020cap.png)



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6e2086 No.21080587

File: 8361e309a9ce54b⋯.gif (6.21 MB,260x260,1:1,nightshiftkek.gif)



For Night Shift

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8f96b2 No.21080588



Press pool can’t post without authorization. Legal issues notwithstanding.

We’re being told to anticipate a private briefing soon. A couple of helicopters have come and went in the last five minutes. We’re as curious as you.

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8ccc25 No.21080589



> 15-year

Slowest plan ever.

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e26200 No.21080590

File: 8097621d8c26a84⋯.mp4 (1.59 MB,460x460,1:1,vibes.mp4)

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d2dd5c No.21080591


Think I'll filter that ID of yours, AEI.

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13fe2f No.21080592

File: 13dc2d9545072f4⋯.png (1.04 MB,975x549,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)



"Very similar, if not identical language appeared in the search warrant that the FBI executed when they looked into President Biden's home in Delaware," Dupree said on America Reports. "So I do not think it is accurate to suggest that the FBI came to Mar a Lago with the intent to assassinate President Trump. I don't think that is accurate."

Trump previously said in a fundraising email that the FBI "came locked and loaded and ready to take me out," which prosecutors cite as potentially causing harm to law enforcement personnel.

The second part of the hearing is scheduled to begin Monday afternoon, which will pertain to Jack Smith's counsel seeking a modification of the terms on Trump's release to include speech restrictions.

Trump speech restriction in classified documents case would join two existing gag orders

An informal gag order being considered during a second Monday hearing in the classified documents case against former President Trump would join several other such restrictions in his separate criminal cases if implemented.

The hearing, beginning at 3:00 p.m., will feature arguments into whether Trump's conditions of release should be modified and expanded to some of his speech. Special Counsel Jack Smith's team made the motion to prevent the former president from making remarks about the FBI's raid at his Mar-a-Lago property, specifically regarding the authorized use of force.

The prosecution has pointed to language claiming the FBI agents were "locked and loaded and ready to take me out," suggesting the potential of it to endanger law enforcement officers. They have noted that the authorized use of force is routine and is the same that was authorized for a similar seizure of classified documents at President Biden's home.

If U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon for the Southern District of Florida were to rule in favor of Smith's team and implement such a restriction as part of Trump's release conditions, the former president would be under some level of speech limitation in all of his four criminal cases.

Trump faces a formal gag order in his Manhattan trial, wherein he was found guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records last month. This gag order remains in place ahead of his sentencing next month. Additionally, a formal gag order was imposed on Trump last year in his federal election interference case, handed down by Judge Tanya Chutkan. The order restricts Trump from publicly commenting on and targeting prosecutors, court employees, or any potential witnesses.

In his Georgia election interference case, Trump does not have a formal gag order. He is prevented from communicating with any witnesses or co-defendants about the case as outlined in his bond agreement. He is also restricted from making any direct or indirect threats against co-defendants, witnesses, the community, or victims, which extends to his social media.


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7aa7e1 No.21080593


Sashimi time!

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e7f2ca No.21080594

File: b5e7cadd06b0de0⋯.png (242.67 KB,539x507,539:507,1717706226071359.png)

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562d5d No.21080595

File: 42b38b07aae1d68⋯.png (211.5 KB,456x492,38:41,ClipboardImage.png)

Stella Assange #FreeAssangeNOW


Julian is free!!!!

Words cannot express our immense gratitude to YOU- yes YOU, who have all mobilised for years and years to make this come true. THANK YOU. tHANK YOU. THANK YOU.



for more info soon…


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23febc No.21080596


Trips confirm.

Also onions.

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690913 No.21080597


Why are we not suing the politicians for being so stupid as to believe the snake oil salesmen?

it was their policies. Now they try to pass the blame to the 'advice we received at the time'.


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ba4c40 No.21080598



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226d3e No.21080599

File: fd1298540890f3b⋯.png (441 KB,460x412,115:103,ClipboardImage.png)

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8f96b2 No.21080600


I just heard that joke. Is that you, CJ?

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038f44 No.21080601



JA released. How long till he drops what he knows?

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690913 No.21080602


IF TRUE (big IF)

Could be an experimental dose in prep for the debates.

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6e2086 No.21080603

File: 56768bde4e19920⋯.gif (5.71 MB,260x470,26:47,dayshiftkek.gif)

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504999 No.21080604

File: 5209633ae9ac17e⋯.png (552.43 KB,1197x598,1197:598,5209633ae9ac17ec4b90f9556e….png)


Patriots in control would freed Assange after the election

Clear signal of DS panicking tho

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078158 No.21080605


The politicians and Media were the same way with the "experts said" and "scientists said" but never once did any other names come out but Fauci and Birx. That tells me the "experts" didn't exist

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8a177a No.21080606


Soon ETA when it will do the most Good

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51552b No.21080607

File: 892c8267002aa8d⋯.mp4 (2.42 MB,RPReplay_Final1719270498.mp4)

File: ce7e6194390cbe0⋯.jpeg (126.52 KB,858x843,286:281,IMG_2369.jpeg)

File: 30b045705bc3e68⋯.jpeg (743.95 KB,1249x1082,1249:1082,IMG_2367.jpeg)

File: b869c347187fb54⋯.jpeg (34.37 KB,183x276,61:92,IMG_2326.jpeg)

File: bf0b1032cc532d3⋯.png (41.23 KB,1376x410,688:205,4954.png)




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4fde73 No.21080608

File: c39b8442bdd631b⋯.mp4 (6.05 MB,1280x720,16:9,c39b8442bdd631bc904b13d31e….mp4)


call me crazy but i don't doubt this very moment was part of the plan. kamala looked at her as if to say "how could you betray me by asking that?" and the lady looked back as if to say "it was either you or me"

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13fe2f No.21080609

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Col. MacGregor: WarRoom Battleground: The Lies Of Think Tanks, Pentagon, And The Deep State-6/21/2024



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226d3e No.21080610

File: 419b5b670f8c68b⋯.png (105.29 KB,460x564,115:141,ClipboardImage.png)

GERMANY: Woman Convicted Of “Offending” Migrant Gang Rapists Receives Longer Prison Sentence Than The Rapists


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d2dd5c No.21080611

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1ccaa6 No.21080612

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21b032 No.21080613


The minute he releases what he knows he will be killed.

The only reason he is alive is the dead man's switch.

You will find out what he knows when he eventually dies of natural causes.

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51552b No.21080614

File: 1b7b26946867259⋯.png (171.3 KB,1376x1694,688:847,4957.png)

File: 5d200d460647688⋯.png (57.63 KB,898x586,449:293,791_2.png)

File: 5501b4f3295c9ca⋯.png (46.94 KB,1376x454,688:227,4956.png)


Wrong Q Drops! Haha 😂

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63380d No.21080615


they are joined at the hip with Big Pharma.

"Ask your doctor if ____is right for you!"

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8ccc25 No.21080616




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690913 No.21080617


it reads that he's been in Mariana for some time.

When did the exit him from the UK

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e02c41 No.21080618


Financial Lawsuits isn't enough

Deferred Prosecution is not enough

Someone, Many Someone's Need to go to Jail for a LONG -LONG- time

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cf8bf4 No.21080619


Al Jazerra is reporting that Wikileaks says Julian is free and that Julian was released and boarded a plane!

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215942 No.21080620

File: 98beb5ea5058d4a⋯.png (560.81 KB,625x626,625:626,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 90124327e35cc96⋯.png (1.23 MB,1936x2532,484:633,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e658e684edfe793⋯.png (2.13 MB,304x207,304:207,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f0823cd06d0cce4⋯.png (13.81 KB,290x174,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)


>One way to back out of the debate.

that was muh first thot on the latest manic monday BS!

somebody is sitting back with their feet on the desk just roaring in laughter. they are prolly laughing sooo hard they shit themselves!

throw in the fake JA and wow are they laughin up a storm!

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7aa7e1 No.21080621

File: 9373dbe6c0560f6⋯.jpg (108.76 KB,803x900,803:900,media_GQHzGdXXAAATHkV.jpg)

File: e33cde66b628a8b⋯.png (527.25 KB,655x398,655:398,ClipboardImage.png)

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7135f2 No.21080622


maybe biden did it for left wing votes?

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93d6d2 No.21080623

World Economic Forum


What to Expect from Future Growth with @sam_vadas (@CNBCi), @falibrahim (@MEPSaudi), @adam_tooze, Bonnie Chan Yiting (@HKEXGroup), @AminaJMohammed (@UN) #AMNC24

Started 11 minutes ago


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1823a5 No.21080624

File: 5039243ec95ed82⋯.png (165.07 KB,801x429,267:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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746ef3 No.21080625


me thinks Julian is not FREE at all…there is no forgiveness in the DEMONcrats who wat to rule the World. He and his family will most likely go into hiding - Julian has WAY more info then WE know, or even THEY know.

I pray for Julian and his family, and they get enough peace to reunite. If I had money, I would send it all to him to get to safety. I doubt this is over.

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e30b33 No.21080626

File: b18bc897459a2ab⋯.png (102.41 KB,325x529,325:529,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 200be86fb049694⋯.png (759.17 KB,1294x1930,647:965,2032cap.png)



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131006 No.21080627

File: 7d7a9e041817985⋯.mp4 (6.92 MB,360x638,180:319,wat.mp4)

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690913 No.21080628

File: 6f184df82968414⋯.png (3.17 MB,2160x2700,4:5,Fucking_Clockfags_Pepe.png)

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8ccc25 No.21080629



15 year Assange narrative. This reality is obnoxiously slow.

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dc32b1 No.21080630

File: 198ff67b4a34be3⋯.png (1.31 MB,1075x821,1075:821,ClipboardImage.png)



plus the julian assange stuff of course.

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131006 No.21080631

File: 18ab11102f43e46⋯.png (450.58 KB,460x460,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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e02c41 No.21080632


Pfizer will sell of assets

Pay their CEO's $75 Billion Bonus

& Declare Bankruptcy

The good news?

Pfizer going Bankrupt will be an eye opener for Many

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434978 No.21080633

File: f501b3eb678e778⋯.png (58.96 KB,255x191,255:191,IMG_2261.png)

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c27f68 No.21080634



how did he get there and whose custody is he in?

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2ad833 No.21080635

where is the list of qanon acronyms


HRC = Hillary Rodham-Clinton

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8ba90d No.21080636

File: 9ea8c4432eae70c⋯.png (640.84 KB,620x412,155:103,ClipboardImage.png)

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690913 No.21080637


hey Q. Where's the Live Op pics, man?

2018 Q was way cooler than 2024 Q.

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690913 No.21080639


It came


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96cfc8 No.21080640

File: dfd035de4ff5d79⋯.png (680.92 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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c2efd7 No.21080641

File: be7e3ab2fa2cb0f⋯.png (2.23 MB,1221x955,1221:955,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 06648ef48125f61⋯.png (326.5 KB,786x634,393:317,ClipboardImage.png)


they might free him to distract from the elections and the news cycle on both sides of the water.

crumbs for bums.

the question is how does it help the shitshow that is coming for them.

The media have lost control of the narrative everywhere.

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690913 No.21080642


why no red text?

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b75bbc No.21080643

Headed to Greenland

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b0dfb1 No.21080644


How might you know that

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0dc56b No.21080645

File: bb6917fc2197cec⋯.jpg (96.53 KB,668x374,334:187,thathuge.jpg)

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288232 No.21080646


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2f3eae No.21080647

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8ce190 No.21080648

File: ed82d4ae29a4c84⋯.jpeg (388.99 KB,1509x2061,503:687,IMG_0212.jpeg)


>other than Q who uses a trip code

read the second item down,posted by ron

jim has posted as Q, jim stole the Q tripcode

*screenshot this

>this post will get deleted

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9fe3b4 No.21080649

File: 433e764e9ccce2e⋯.mp4 (13.23 MB,640x360,16:9,ThisVid_1_.mp4)

File: f6562722360cc0b⋯.png (726.2 KB,1024x587,1024:587,lookshand.png)

File: 71dcf599b626773⋯.png (888.21 KB,1019x569,1019:569,lookshandsome.png)

Whenever watch VID (5:48), guy catches eye (no homo) every time. Looks very…. tall! Could be a movie star or something.

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690913 No.21080650


It's a dam shame, the state of things.

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6e2086 No.21080651


Classic Anons, What movie is this from?

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2ad833 No.21080652

File: 3e16e5667ff68a5⋯.gif (153 KB,1353x1066,33:26,cantkillmybaby.gif)


where is it

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d2dd5c No.21080653

File: eabde7d623f4843⋯.jpg (38.32 KB,512x512,1:1,rg4.jpg)


Enough of your fake and gay.

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13fe2f No.21080654

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Steve Bannon Calls Out CNN's Lack of News Sense And Total Bias Prior To First Presidential DebateReally good analysis



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e7f2ca No.21080655

File: 4a99c1881f23f37⋯.png (235.13 KB,715x741,55:57,1717849382359724.png)


>2018 Q was way cooler than 2024 Q.

Can confirm

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386931 No.21080656

File: 3577b886518cd4e⋯.png (11.05 KB,153x148,153:148,ClipboardImage.png)

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8a92ea No.21080657

File: 320150c3d77a07d⋯.png (100.89 KB,700x500,7:5,ClipboardImage.png)


I bet someone is big mad tonight.

Assuming the witch is still alive.

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690913 No.21080658


>Pride Certified

If people are not happy about all that water, they're homo phobes.

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a19577 No.21080659

File: 4ca2a774ab979cb⋯.jpg (296.32 KB,800x1008,50:63,Peter_I_I_Moor_v1_b_.jpg)

File: 71ca380b985549d⋯.jpg (6.8 KB,213x237,71:79,images_305_.jpg)

File: 6af5538212781ba⋯.jpg (758.91 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240624_174607….jpg)

File: 773655fb1c119a8⋯.jpg (9.36 KB,208x242,104:121,images_304_.jpg)

File: 13ec416c3142538⋯.jpg (6.87 KB,273x185,273:185,images_306_.jpg)


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288232 No.21080660


so ready

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66f63f No.21080661

File: 171e4ed1d4abaf1⋯.png (855.81 KB,859x782,859:782,5b42354353253.PNG)

Kenya troops leave Nairobi to start mission in gang-hit Haiti

Some 400 members of Rapid Deployment Unit, General Service Unit, Administration Police, and Kenya Police are flying to the Caribbean country and will be joined later by 600 more officers.

The group comprises elite officers from the Rapid Deployment Unit, General Service Unit, Administration Police, and Kenya Police.

President William Ruto bid a ceremonial goodbye to the officers on Monday and handed them a Kenyan national flag.

"Your presence in Haiti will bring hope and relief to communities torn apart by violence and ravaged by disorder," he said, adding that the rest of the force will join their colleagues "soon".


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b0dfb1 No.21080662

Even if the JA who walked onto the plane was an actor, kt doesn't mean the court filing wasn't real.

JA is always under threat of 187, it would make sense there is a body double.

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215942 No.21080663


>Someone, Many Someone's Need to go to Jail for a LONG -LONG- time

and every cure in their collection needs to be released, every cure!

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21b032 No.21080664


That was bullshit Q. The one that was Ron or Babyfist fuxin with the trips.

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690913 No.21080665


He looks well.

What a day!

I'm concernfagging tho.

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746ef3 No.21080666


Greenland Holidays and Festivals


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d2dd5c No.21080667

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good night tonight.

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2faf95 No.21080668

File: 32ce3318966808f⋯.png (521.11 KB,660x5484,55:457,1591.png)

2 days ahead of schedule.

JA in the news

It has begun anons

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690913 No.21080669


post of pics of your tits instead while we wait,.

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386931 No.21080670

File: 77ba3e19c27c91c⋯.png (491.84 KB,650x529,650:529,ClipboardImage.png)

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13fe2f No.21080671

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kash Patel: Speaker Paul Ryan and His Team Rigged Our Russiagate Investigation Before He Started It



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f5edc6 No.21080672


>How come no White Christians own ANY of these Multi-Centi-$$$BILLION Dollar death dealing global corporations who commit egregious Crimes Against Humanity?

We know this, the bigger question is why hasn't anything been done about with all the evidence that we provided?

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504999 No.21080673

File: 99b88048dd36faa⋯.jpg (119.9 KB,1000x1000,1:1,ygvygk.jpg)

muh ID got trips 9's

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4fedca No.21080674



>unelected tranny bullshit an queer fillur

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690913 No.21080675


no hand rails needed, Joe.

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078158 No.21080676


Have you not heard of "lobbyists?"

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690913 No.21080677



Flynn is a larp.

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53b909 No.21080678

File: f29036e3c6300fe⋯.mp4 (3.24 MB,480x608,15:19,f29036e3c6300fe435ddbde750….mp4)

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386931 No.21080679


gay as fuck

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811924 No.21080680



And how long has he been in Marianas?

None of that footage claimed to be today

Just released today

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d2dd5c No.21080681


Smell of failfag

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e2cfc2 No.21080682


Maybe the server was part of the plea deal

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61c8e2 No.21080683


You answered your own question.

Because they are Christians.

Real Christians don't try to destroy other people.

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690913 No.21080684

File: f044e60f4185d40⋯.jpg (227.15 KB,1862x1048,931:524,Pete_Buttigieg_Eager_For_C….jpg)


uh oh, here comes Pete

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53b909 No.21080685


>cut the line

>approximately 10.8 million doses of Pfizer, Moderna and Novavax COVID-19 vaccines held domestically in the federal inventory have been disposed of or are awaiting disposal due to expiry


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51552b No.21080686


Michael Flynn Jr. talking crap on #eXtwitter


Makes statements then says… I don’t know.

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a19577 No.21080687

File: a34b0859de3638c⋯.jpg (7.61 KB,186x270,31:45,images_307_.jpg)

File: 57c4c498aeec0e8⋯.jpg (5.84 KB,246x205,6:5,images_308_.jpg)


Russian Empire–United States relations

Article Talk




Relations between the Russian Empire and the United States predate the American Revolution, when the Russians began trading with the Thirteen Colonies in violation of the British Navigation Acts. The Russian government officially recognized the United States in 1803, and the two countries established diplomatic relations in 1809.[1] From the 18th century until 1917, the United States and Russia maintained mostly cordial relations, with occasional cultural and commercial exchanges. Russia remained neutral during the American Civil War, and sold Alaska to the United States in 1867.

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05b542 No.21080688

File: cf3a328b67c7d9d⋯.png (671.39 KB,886x553,886:553,5b4cc9a9d7497fed80932572e9….png)

File: 9a0af880d1a2cc6⋯.jpeg (513.78 KB,1813x1815,1813:1815,9a0af880d1a2cc66a426887b7….jpeg)

File: f6a03b7b2902b7f⋯.png (437.26 KB,752x822,376:411,50447b706a3527f81d304e8340….png)

File: 254872489e0336c⋯.mp4 (10.76 MB,406x720,203:360,254872489e0336c403a882d10a….mp4)

File: efd957af00ab9c3⋯.jpg (59.35 KB,540x960,9:16,b2ap3_large_JFK_Jr_on_Wash….jpg)


Why didn't you post the real Mt R. pic?

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690913 No.21080689


About time they brought in the top tier shill shitposters.

We deserve the best.

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386931 No.21080690


Why tf are you allowed to bake?

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b7791f No.21080691

File: 4f7465e3d7bde16⋯.jpg (58.96 KB,300x300,1:1,4f7465e3d7bde161a74cbd1283….jpg)

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7aa7e1 No.21080692

File: bdc553636891ad0⋯.png (237.53 KB,401x520,401:520,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf749615b184ebb⋯.jpg (50.23 KB,640x468,160:117,bb058c820e246f523cd2f66441….jpg)

File: 2a8f269aa7b1dd0⋯.png (523.39 KB,630x426,105:71,ClipboardImage.png)


Jesuits in America

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1c75b1 No.21080693

File: 2610ba06be37802⋯.jpg (6.82 KB,266x189,38:27,JA.jpg)

It was Julian Assange in a mask playing Joe Biden…. they have just killed off the Joe Biden

character out of the movie, so Julian is now free to go home and live happily ever after!

S|cooby doo ending

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c2efd7 No.21080694

File: a585ad02596122c⋯.png (308.14 KB,445x448,445:448,ClipboardImage.png)


wasn't parler nuked?

bongino lost a shit ton of money and is now sucking up to megyn kelly and grifting..

there has been a lot of fuckery in the kitchen but whether q code was compromised.

anons remain.

it is too late, we are trained and now work independently against the deep state.

and have djt leading from the front with farage on the other side of the water.

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6e2086 No.21080695

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




>they're homo phobes.

And Hydro Phobes

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05b542 No.21080696

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Sam Kinison


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cf8bf4 No.21080697


posting satire is allowed.

Why do you call me a shill?

It's a play on the poster who claimed Biden went to the hospital.

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b0dfb1 No.21080698


Terrible lie.

A. Admits to risking other people's health by not getting the jab.

B. Relies on false claim of a shortage of the jabs, there were millions and millions of doses.

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491d4c No.21080699



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e02c41 No.21080700


The Commander is responsible for the Actions of his Underlings

The Captain should go down with the ship

Nuremberg II

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ea8265 No.21080701


Shut up old man Jenkins.

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1823a5 No.21080702


Smooth brains can't read it.

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2cc8eb No.21080703

There will be no election

The truth will come out and the last 3.5 years will be scraped.

Trump will be handed four fresh years

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51552b No.21080704


Oops my bad…That was Boone Cutler

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d2dd5c No.21080705

File: 92c4251515b9e85⋯.webm (338.55 KB,427x240,427:240,nope.webm)

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e7f2ca No.21080706

File: 398d80da0c97f48⋯.jpg (43.72 KB,631x960,631:960,398d80da0c97f48434d1c72584….jpg)

File: 896340097790046⋯.gif (1.67 MB,640x446,320:223,1624530392620.gif)

File: e6119e28e604fe5⋯.jpg (207.29 KB,620x922,310:461,1_Wyn72bnW9fscQQK4I_IP2A_j….jpg)


More believable than 9-11 story

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690913 No.21080707

File: 11fca538d84cc3b⋯.png (221.75 KB,271x722,271:722,Zelensky_All_Alone_NATO_Al….png)


very good, carry on.

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b0dfb1 No.21080708

File: 0103342cfbccbc7⋯.png (343.13 KB,584x427,584:427,ClipboardImage.png)

Actions speak louder than words.

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330696 No.21080709

File: 08e235733d3589d⋯.png (468.35 KB,1057x738,1057:738,ClipboardImage.png)


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93d6d2 No.21080710

File: c257f7076ea8973⋯.png (581.11 KB,735x767,735:767,brawndo.png)

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05b542 No.21080711

File: 254872489e0336c⋯.mp4 (10.76 MB,406x720,203:360,254872489e0336c403a882d10a….mp4)


>Why didn't you post the real Mt R. pic?


This one, with someone on top of George.

Don't think that's typically allowed.

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4712dc No.21080712

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Night Owl News Archives - 6/24/2024



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690913 No.21080713


the danger is he's heading to US jurisdiction.

Who can trust the Government?

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7aa7e1 No.21080714

File: bd8e227cc99d4aa⋯.png (125.54 KB,319x317,319:317,gggGGG.png)


Alwaleed is that you?


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215942 No.21080715

File: 153e68975c813be⋯.png (6.4 KB,240x240,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>We deserve the best.

or at least better than these made in chyna tools n fools!

seriously cuz these buffoons are not ebben guud!

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63380d No.21080716

File: a8afadc36e9d7d6⋯.png (41 KB,804x310,402:155,Screenshot_2024_06_24_at_6….png)

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ec9e71 No.21080717

File: e9e44b8981be93c⋯.jpeg (869.7 KB,1290x2343,430:781,IMG_0788.jpeg)

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e30b33 No.21080718

File: fab58fa66d1fe0b⋯.png (18.66 KB,325x184,325:184,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bb1b577cbe87524⋯.png (710.65 KB,1298x1618,649:809,2040cap.png)





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d41967 No.21080719


Browsed his twitter a little bit.

All posts begin with update.

Every. Single. One.

English as a second language is glaringly obvious.

Reed his feed. Pro Russian propaganda. Despite the NATO past service in his description in his profile. Not adding up.

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ea8265 No.21080720


He’s gonna jump out the plane over the Indian Ocean with all the money.

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3dfe99 No.21080721

File: 935d8ecaab6e85c⋯.jpg (13.81 KB,255x173,255:173,809bb61c05160660ce102603d7….jpg)

onion soup for Night Shift

whew, lads

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690913 No.21080722

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534c30 No.21080723


Real Joe was executed years ago

Get ready for Act III with a twist ending

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330696 No.21080724

File: cc4b25b60263e0d⋯.png (296.69 KB,739x749,739:749,ClipboardImage.png)

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811924 No.21080725


Certainly don’t

It’s quite unfathomable he just walks on time served

This smells bad

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1ccaa6 No.21080726

File: 29ffac8c21cb68f⋯.png (5.92 MB,3806x4003,3806:4003,ClipboardImage.png)


>JA on the clock.

>What a coincidence.


JA in the news?

It's almost July.


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288232 No.21080727



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57e98e No.21080728

Leftards can't rally.

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63380d No.21080729

all this for a larkp

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243ffc No.21080730


backroom deals

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24f766 No.21080731

File: caedfe15e127ee4⋯.jpg (36.78 KB,365x575,73:115,06_26_24_JA_is_free.JPG)

Did someone("Q") say two days ahead of schedule…hmmm…seems like right on schedule!!!

JA is FREE!!!!

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51552b No.21080732

File: 620d2c1b8921fb5⋯.png (2.81 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_9296.png)

File: 7d42db4ecdcaa4f⋯.png (294.16 KB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_9295.png)

Misspellings matter! 😂😂


I know what I'll be wearing on the day we take back the White House


Before they are realeased to the public,


Chip in and claim this EXCLUSIVE piece of history NOW!



Donald J. Trump

45th President of the United States

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827732 No.21080733



> Jake Tapper Bigly mad

Why is double tapping 911 Jake Tapper even allowed to voice his opinion. Remember, He said they warned and moved G0 workers from the Liberty Plaza on 911 to another location due to an imminent partial collapse but that was a lie. I asked everyone in that building and no one was warned. Double down, double tapping, Jake Tapper.

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d021fc No.21080734

File: 96784dca0608096⋯.png (772.56 KB,738x868,369:434,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6b777daa571e68c⋯.png (170.52 KB,1048x378,524:189,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 30bce685b3fc27e⋯.png (267.03 KB,400x397,400:397,Julian_Assange_kjhg.png)

File: bc6179aa8fad6ef⋯.png (742.41 KB,680x665,136:133,Julian_Assange_3bb.png)



Is this real?



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d021fc No.21080735

>>21080311 Julian Assange on the Clock

>>21080330 WikiLeaks reports Julian Assange has been released from prison and has left the UK


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690913 No.21080736



I got chills, they're multiplying…

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3ee162 No.21080737


intriguing dude explicating on Q. New one on me. Any mo sauce?

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c83f2e No.21080738


Sounds amazing.

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7aa7e1 No.21080739

File: aa04c8f99ded914⋯.png (174.62 KB,600x662,300:331,aa0.png)

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811924 No.21080740


Yeah mebby but until…..

I rule nothing out

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562d5d No.21080741

File: cec276f9f161e60⋯.jpg (14.48 KB,255x215,51:43,527075d7ce2e0bd3b11b76e1ea….jpg)

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93d6d2 No.21080742

File: de5e528804306f8⋯.jpg (120.13 KB,636x900,53:75,Free_Assange.jpg)

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e8cbfc No.21080743

File: b22de2f8be449c5⋯.png (188.65 KB,525x765,35:51,ClipboardImage.png)

File: da381fc92c9410d⋯.png (516.72 KB,519x3760,519:3760,ClipboardImage.png)

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cf8bf4 No.21080744

lockbit hacked the federal reserve clepto-banks?

via drudge


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d021fc No.21080745



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72a3c7 No.21080746

File: 5a113832ab305e4⋯.jpeg (7.4 KB,255x149,255:149,5a113832ab305e4ec80698392….jpeg)

File: 6c507e7f56629bd⋯.jpg (217.57 KB,1024x1019,1024:1019,de4aa2b.jpg)

File: c6c96afab662b98⋯.mp4 (4.54 MB,640x360,16:9,Julian_Assange_Speaks_in_2….mp4)

File: 0014ff8eaf3066b⋯.png (707.63 KB,885x516,295:172,Russia_didnt_hack_the_DNC.png)

Julian Assange Speaks in 2016 on Seth Rich's Murder

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330696 No.21080747

File: be5929cdeadee95⋯.png (551.03 KB,797x803,797:803,ClipboardImage.png)

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215942 No.21080748

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Alex Jones wins again!

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288232 No.21080749


what if its a secret truth?

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7135f2 No.21080750


TUESDAY WELD, the witch?

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57e98e No.21080751

California is comparatively deserted these days. It feels quieter, almost like the 1970s.

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3ce40a No.21080752

File: a74a1f2d5bba701⋯.jpg (362.28 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240624_180422….jpg)

File: 73d21e006afacdd⋯.jpg (12.29 KB,225x225,1:1,2Q_42_.jpg)

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93d6d2 No.21080753

File: 97296f9573af6b6⋯.jpg (91.12 KB,960x720,4:3,clam.jpg)

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78ee69 No.21080754

File: 59e3dce2aba7758⋯.png (561.74 KB,746x499,746:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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cf8bf4 No.21080755

Q should post about now what with Julian being or having been released.

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13fe2f No.21080756

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rep. Bob Good Exposes Voting Irregularities In Lynchburg, VAThere's a lot of irregularities in this voting, done by the guy Trump backed, which I'm sure Trump didn't know much about him.



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690913 No.21080757


that mouth must be great at other stuff. Because the shit that comes out stinks.

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21b032 No.21080758


Congress did not take the jab.

Whitehouse staffers did not take the jab.

Fauci did not take the jab.

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ab9a63 No.21080759


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504999 No.21080760

File: 8059fc24dfb49d6⋯.jpg (219.88 KB,2048x1002,1024:501,8059fc24dfb49d68c8b2d67991….jpg)

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a9f070 No.21080761


what is SR again?

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330696 No.21080762

File: 13762979b00dad9⋯.png (255.77 KB,1046x444,523:222,ClipboardImage.png)

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a9f070 No.21080763


oh nvm seth rich.

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386931 No.21080764

File: 555f3a301a5e72c⋯.png (45.12 KB,366x152,183:76,ClipboardImage.png)

Julian Assange on his way to Australia

Julian Assange is a free man and is on his way home to Australia.


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1823a5 No.21080765


Seth Rich

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8023c0 No.21080766





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63380d No.21080767


he needs protection from the podesta/killary team.

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288232 No.21080768

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53b909 No.21080769

File: dba1625ac16c316⋯.jpeg (142.58 KB,1061x740,1061:740,dba1625ac16c316ccd49ad22c….jpeg)

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e02c41 No.21080770

File: 23b2120161d38e5⋯.png (2.63 KB,172x96,43:24,ClipboardImage.png)

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3ce40a No.21080771


So, he's dead?

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b0dfb1 No.21080772

File: efeaca86a6d3fc9⋯.png (305.17 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

"You may have the site, but we have the source"

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288232 No.21080773

we knew you can thurthtrththyuth it Jiloian

see numbers can set you free!

Fus Ro Da

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5dd695 No.21080774

File: ec5ebed2af2834f⋯.jpeg (175.9 KB,929x480,929:480,IMG_0822.jpeg)

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e8cbfc No.21080775

File: 0d213aaa4ab86a8⋯.png (62.11 KB,519x1108,519:1108,ClipboardImage.png)


>now what

if Q posted about JA / June 6 years ago what make you think Q hasn't already posted about "now what"?

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cf8bf4 No.21080776


don't we all!

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cfdb49 No.21080777


Hi QANON. Glad you are back ❤️

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827732 No.21080778


He didn't conspire, he told the news that others gave him. He didn't go anywhere to get the news. We have today's condition and situation, worldwide, because no one tells the truth anymore. His big crime is supposedly the Apache attack that also got a BBC reporter? You mean the same BBC agency that reported building 7 collapsing on 911 20 minutes too early? That BBC? Could they have conspired with the enemy? Knowingly.

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288232 No.21080779

safe travels with the winds

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1c75b1 No.21080780

File: 080443692866753⋯.png (37.46 KB,366x152,183:76,ClipboardImage_2024_06_25T….png)


>Julian Assange on his way to Australia

He's almost home now

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57e98e No.21080781

If AOC wants a crowd and press, she needs to go topless. That's #winning.

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288232 No.21080782

happy birthday Jillianon

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2f3eae No.21080783

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a9f070 No.21080784

NOTES @ 535

#25842 >>21080187

>>21080243 Anthem of this Bread

>>21080295 Jake Tapper angrily demanding CNN cut off live coverage of Trump being greeted by Cubans in a Miami restaurant

>>21080330 WikiLeaks reports Julian Assange has been released from prison and has left the UK

>>21080358 PF: AF2 C32A Kneepads to Los Angeles Intl from Phoenix Intl

>>21080363 Flooding causes partial failure of Minnesota dam

>>21080386, >>21080402, >>21080403, >>21080766 Julian Assange boarding a plane after his release from prison (destination unconfirmed)

>>21080447 GOP Rep. Jackson: Biden Team ‘Probably Experimenting’ with Dosing at Camp David to Treat President’s Cognition

>>21080466 Julian Assange comments on Seth Rich

>>21080499, >>21080619, >>21080709, >>21080747 Assange To Be Freed: DoJ Agrees 'Time Served' Plea Deal With WikiLeaks Founder

>>21080552, >>21080569, >>21080592 Prosecutors state their case in Trump classified documents case in Florida

>>21080553 Temp. Worker for Maricopa County Elections Arrested for Stealing “Security Fob and Keys” From MCTEC Tabulation Center

>>21080582 Four Other States to Launch Massive Lawsuits Against Pfizer

>>21080595, >>21080558 Stella Assange: Julian is free!!!!

>>21080661 Kenya troops leave Nairobi to start mission in gang-hit Haiti

>>21080671 Kash Patel: Speaker Paul Ryan and His Team Rigged Our Russiagate Investigation Before He Started It

>>21080726, >>21080624 Julian Assange on the Clock

>>21080731 Upcoming Delta June 26: SR and JA in JUNE

>>21080756 Rep. Bob Good Exposes Voting Irregularities In Lynchburg, VA

>>21080205, >>21080206, >>21080218, >>21080242, >>21080315 Memes


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690913 No.21080785


C'mon man! It was a compliment and a shitpost at the same time.

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1ccaa6 No.21080786

File: 7648d805a0cd2ac⋯.png (188.55 KB,600x338,300:169,777.png)


tits or gtfo

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215942 No.21080787


>So, he's dead?

depends if he flys boeing!

that was not JA boarding that plane, just sayin is all!

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d021fc No.21080788

File: 81b15451c3788d0⋯.jpg (411.78 KB,1109x834,1109:834,clockfag.jpg)

File: 58b207bfad8e8e4⋯.jpg (162.1 KB,628x500,157:125,clockfag.jpg)




could almost believe there is a god

holy shit

sitting in shock

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288232 No.21080789

kekittles dont boil topless >>21080777

checkin it out

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ab9a63 No.21080790


Whete did these photo that Q posted come from?

The Obama pic looks unusual

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1713bf No.21080791

>>21079814 lb notes

how can no sauce make notables, homosapien baker?

where are the five states?

there is no mention of a single state in twat or court filing

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deb032 No.21080792


what about every childhood vaccine? no true placebos. no protection from transmission.

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746ef3 No.21080793

He's going to need ongoing, visible support….after a VERY much needed quiet time with his wife and family. Brilliant anon's here who can make like a greetings card site, we can sign and give a few words of continued support….sadly, this anon cannot

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288232 No.21080794

and i got 789

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6ff617 No.21080795

File: 95dde443ff3cf69⋯.png (404.69 KB,674x704,337:352,ClipboardImage.png)


Seth Rich larp.

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cf8bf4 No.21080796

File: 0581bc78e5815d5⋯.jpg (15.63 KB,255x255,1:1,pepe_in_class.jpg)


; >

I used to write a lot of stuff like that

Thank you!

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4616f9 No.21080797

File: 06d19f823e2a552⋯.jpeg (43.7 KB,425x266,425:266,IMG_0823.jpeg)


how come they don't fall off earth down under?

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746ef3 No.21080798


Dammit! All the Julianne Assange posts I tagged….for some fucking reason did NOT show??~!!

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e30b33 No.21080799

File: 18c612c3c2bfe4a⋯.png (392.71 KB,966x1132,483:566,ClipboardImage.png)


comms for anons?

not sharing sauce, yet

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2992d7 No.21080800

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Just the News, No Noise - Monday June 24, 2024


Streamed live 3 hours ago


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dc32b1 No.21080801

File: 1c4f20c4e0805a7⋯.jpg (17.26 KB,460x282,230:141,Squint_Chinaman.jpg)

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cf8bf4 No.21080802

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Land Down Under

Men at Work

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b0dfb1 No.21080803



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491d4c No.21080804


Dubs confirm. Thanks anon.

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d021fc No.21080805

File: d96b8b203fd4ff9⋯.png (852.49 KB,1445x774,1445:774,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fe3ec14fbe9e271⋯.png (1.27 MB,1598x995,1598:995,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 36bf61ce21294f1⋯.png (933.6 KB,1287x994,1287:994,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5039243ec95ed82⋯.png (165.07 KB,801x429,267:143,julian_assange_139d2769250….png)

File: b0172e2ab7c4380⋯.png (2.92 MB,2403x1951,2403:1951,julian_assange_6ae1e1a14.png)











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e5da44 No.21080806

File: d168a38d2dfcd64⋯.png (3.23 MB,1284x1932,107:161,angry_post.png)


Benny Johnson

stated on March 2, 2024 in a Facebook post:

President Joe Biden was “rushed to hospital unexpectedly.”


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d1e788 No.21080807

File: 5ae222141e7c33a⋯.png (438.62 KB,580x777,580:777,k_hunt.png)

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690913 No.21080808


Praise QANON amirite.

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93d6d2 No.21080809

File: 6c24d89fede3aba⋯.png (233.52 KB,920x900,46:45,human_freedom.png)

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aea21f No.21080810

File: 59598737220f649⋯.mp4 (7.44 MB,460x816,115:204,shapeshifter.mp4)

Shapeshifters aren't real they said.

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cf8bf4 No.21080811


Cant you Hear The Thunder!

Julian FREE!!!

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690913 No.21080812


those big ole milkies will go lower than you would like anon.

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24f766 No.21080813

File: 73ef6d4ce0b4654⋯.mp4 (352.74 KB,1280x720,16:9,Hold_Onna_Your_Ass_Fred.mp4)

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1ccaa6 No.21080814


open the image in a new tab and use the magnifying glass, or don't.

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51552b No.21080815


Christmas In July!

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4616f9 No.21080816


>‘mixup of medications’

Kameltoe switched out his dementia meds when Biden stepped out for a diaper change

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60dc30 No.21080817


weather control revenge from china.

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1713bf No.21080818

>>21079969 lb notes

it's a lot easier for (them) to kill assange after he is free to roam

would put over/under at 1.5 years

any bets?

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e6c7f4 No.21080819

File: 4a13342b752639d⋯.png (535.32 KB,928x533,928:533,Screenshot_2024_04_06_at_2….png)

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d021fc No.21080820

File: 571edc77b9ddf40⋯.jpg (18.27 KB,255x241,255:241,f9de634b80644601bc0da046eb….jpg)



im sick a dog, but can bake

Confirm Handoff

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288232 No.21080821

Firtst there is the wind and it is free and wild and only free as it is wild

Then there is a wall

Then there is a girl always behind the wall in a garden with no wind

and she hears the wind beat at the wall its not a girl it is simply a child it could be a boy!

the childing hears the wind hit the domed wall the sky shakes and the light bulb sun does not tell of the mess map of stars he could see but there is the wind so he it she that child it knows there is something outside and sometimes

just sometimes

despite the walls clear warning in being there

the child howls the wind.

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746ef3 No.21080822


God is in control, anon. NEVER forget that. This is a new beginning.

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13fe2f No.21080823

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Karoline Leavitt Gets Honest About The First Presidential Debate



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4616f9 No.21080824


Assange…they pushed his lawyer in front of a train to kill him

Assange will be a target now he is "free"

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1713bf No.21080826



didn't see that on the notable

oh, wait a tick! it wasn't on the notable

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1823a5 No.21080827

File: e08b9d0c3281148⋯.png (622.45 KB,1004x486,502:243,ClipboardImage.png)


Pick a number between :00 and :59. Re-read all drops in a [15] minute delta around the Q-Clock.

Don't try to figure anything out, just re-read the drops.

:00, :15, :30, and :45 would be an excellent one to start with.

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2992d7 No.21080828

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How President Reagan Revitalized Military Morale

Watch as K.T. McFarland, a former speechwriter and spokesperson at the Pentagon, shares her unique experiences working directly with President Ronald Reagan during his administration. Discover the behind-the-scenes story of the famous "Star Wars" speech, how President Reagan’s initiatives transformed the Pentagon, and how his actions rejuvenated the morale and pride of the U.S. military.

Reagan Foundation

Jun 24, 2024



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72a3c7 No.21080829

File: cc338e82856caa4⋯.mp4 (4.01 MB,480x480,1:1,v_Gx82nhvyK5hdm9.mp4)

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690913 No.21080830


Ya know, it's funny. When I made that meme of Dan and DJT is was sarcastic and ironic.

kinda like 5 years later and they're still at it, like hampsters in a wheel.

The moar you know.

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330696 No.21080831

File: 586badbb16f3b28⋯.png (954.11 KB,676x946,338:473,ClipboardImage.png)

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3e1616 No.21080832

File: 4d38ceb31d00995⋯.png (591.67 KB,602x517,602:517,tide.PNG)


Tucker Carlson


A good man, finally free. The tide is turning.


1:51 PM · Jun 24, 2024




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54ebfe No.21080833


There is no SkyDaddy

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9e7706 No.21080834


>how come they don't fall off earth down under?

They must be like Biden in having the ability to fall up stairs

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cf8bf4 No.21080835

File: c052c226ce2c7b3⋯.jpg (514.59 KB,963x2142,107:238,julian_being_arrested_in_L….jpg)

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d021fc No.21080836

File: 96eecf01213df9a⋯.png (165.24 KB,1149x340,1149:340,ClipboardImage.png)

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5dc050 No.21080837


Neither did the Pfizer employees and their families.

Congress members, their Staff, and families all were exempt.

Poison for thee,

but not for them.

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54ebfe No.21080838


what about his cat?

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d021fc No.21080839

File: dee40aa25a9aa25⋯.png (171.54 KB,1153x391,1153:391,ClipboardImage.png)

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288232 No.21080840

woven wishes come like fishes to the bait bateman to late for kate then.

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746ef3 No.21080841



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a9f070 No.21080842


top of next bread is almost over.

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d021fc No.21080843

File: 8dc67d28a83fa36⋯.png (142.09 KB,1142x387,1142:387,ClipboardImage.png)

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e7f2ca No.21080844

File: 89a73f64e5db36b⋯.jpg (365.18 KB,1052x1231,1052:1231,20210417_211403.jpg)



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0c01f9 No.21080845


Thinking Trump already pardoned him.

[They] think they'll be able to sink their teeth into him.

But they won't be able to touch him.

And while their seething about Assange being free… they won't see their own demise behind them.

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d47d68 No.21080846

File: 291b6816b2cca21⋯.png (527.9 KB,569x1087,569:1087,ClipboardImage.png)

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54ebfe No.21080847


the arrest was all theater

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e6c7f4 No.21080848

File: fa80b46666106b4⋯.png (922.84 KB,972x757,972:757,fa80b46666106b469a4712e8c7….png)


hey Biden meme team

these are all words

where is the memes at?

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e30b33 No.21080849

File: 191f1d90309bcf8⋯.png (290.93 KB,952x828,238:207,2044cape.png)


just for anons …maybe comms

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690913 No.21080850


Government goons.

Doing this to innocent people daily, no doubt.

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746ef3 No.21080851


He's Spirit Daddy, anon…sheesh

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288232 No.21080852

who do you thank? thank the quearants making the wishesh so genies can follow the stars to a point so much to do so little time what a good life line to hold to remember to copy you self over on .

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54ebfe No.21080853


take ur meds

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288232 No.21080854


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57e98e No.21080855


What really happened is somebody finally pulled Creepy Joe's finger. Was a real disaster. Camp. David closed for deep cleaning.

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d021fc No.21080856



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dc32b1 No.21080857

File: 5cd9f28b3f0bcc7⋯.png (359.54 KB,577x596,577:596,ClipboardImage.png)


Literal bitchface …

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2992d7 No.21080858

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Julian Assange to plead guilty to violating Espionage Act

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has agreed to plead guilty to one count of violating the Espionage Act. Assange is not expected to spend time incarcerated in the U.S. as he will be credited with time served in a U.K. prison. Charlie D'Agata has the latest.

CBS Evening News

Jun 24, 2024



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d021fc No.21080859

File: 7659b584aab34c0⋯.png (85.5 KB,850x375,34:15,ClipboardImage.png)

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811924 No.21080860

File: 3c6b3bb11bd205c⋯.jpeg (553.96 KB,1225x621,1225:621,719BBB37_B00F_4866_9C74_E….jpeg)


VJT199 Global 6000 London to Bangkok

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d1e788 No.21080861

File: 61e6468703c1886⋯.png (372.01 KB,580x864,145:216,maam.png)

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2f3eae No.21080862


theY nose

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078158 No.21080863


That's Ann Margret, likely Viva Las Vegas

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690913 No.21080864


"Action Figure"

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b0dfb1 No.21080865

General Flynn calls out "AIPAC HANDLERS"

General Mike Flynn / @GenFlynn

06/24/2024 18:09:51

Twitter: 1805362729445704188

₭₳₲ ĐⱤØ₲Ø / @KAGdrogo

06/23/2024 00:07:42

Twitter: 1804728009339109450

Just a reminder that only one foreign government has a baby sitter designated to each of our political representatives, overseeing every action they make.

Nearly 100% of our politicians have an ‘AIPAC Guy.’ This is called foreign interference in the United States political system. Every member of the House and Senate should be asked directly, “Do you have an AIPAC handler?”


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746ef3 No.21080866


lol Which ones? We got another fucking plnademic coming? Double up on my Ivermectin?

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cf8bf4 No.21080867

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b79ddd No.21080868


Suction Cups

Shitloads of them

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288232 No.21080869





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93d6d2 No.21080870

File: 4aa6c2a58f63076⋯.jpg (124.92 KB,538x720,269:360,anon_starter_kit.jpg)

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504999 No.21080871

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How far north did Neanderthals get?


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3e1616 No.21080872

File: 068a0d1bf8bcc4a⋯.png (79.05 KB,606x843,202:281,ez.PNG)



This Post was deleted by the Post author. Learn more

Ezra A. Cohen




Every time I make a post, you write the time. What gives?





🤔#Hmmm maybe this….👇👇👇


You reposted

Ezra A. Cohen


What is this?

12:10 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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e6c7f4 No.21080873

File: ddb41784be814fc⋯.jpg (218.94 KB,1200x800,3:2,jac.jpg)

File: c1021635943a188⋯.jpg (15.59 KB,497x280,71:40,jacat.jpg)

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e30b33 No.21080874


he has been all over comms recently

not highlighted, as it looked unrelated current events

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57e98e No.21080875


Who is Pepe, Alex?

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ec9e71 No.21080876

File: 5e2324c5dc46e28⋯.jpeg (90.01 KB,1200x549,400:183,IMG_0789.jpeg)

File: 1e56d0fdfacc585⋯.jpeg (576.24 KB,959x2082,959:2082,IMG_0790.jpeg)

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3e1616 No.21080877

File: d2719c56842b345⋯.png (261.45 KB,424x496,53:62,popcorn.PNG)

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d021fc No.21080878





Crowded House - Better Be Home Soon (Official Video)


Somewhere deep inside

Something's got a hold on you

And it's pushing me aside

See it stretch on forever

And I know I'm right

For the first time in my life

That's why I tell you

You'd better be home soon

Stripping back the coats

Of lies and deception

Back to nothingness

Like a week in the desert

And I know I'm right

For the first time in my life

That's why I tell you

You'd better be home soon

Don't say no

Don't say nothing's wrong

'Cause when you get back home

Maybe I'll be gone, oh

It would cause me pain

If we were to end it

But I could start again

You can depend on it

And I know I'm right

For the first time in my life

That's why I tell you

You'd better be home soon

Oh, that's why I tell you

You'd better be home soon

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386931 No.21080879


>Did he sign a NDA to go free?


Seems that way

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a9f070 No.21080880

NOTES @ 630

#25842 >>21080187

>>21080243 Anthem of this Bread

>>21080295 Refresher: Jake Tapper angrily demanded CNN cut off live coverage of Trump being greeted by Cubans in a Miami restaurant

>>21080330 WikiLeaks reports Julian Assange has been released from prison and has left the UK

>>21080358 PF: AF2 C32A Kneepads to Los Angeles Intl from Phoenix Intl

>>21080363 Flooding causes partial failure of Minnesota dam

>>21080386, >>21080402, >>21080403, >>21080766, >>21080860 Julian Assange boarding a plane after his release from prison

>>21080447 GOP Rep. Jackson: Biden Team ‘Probably Experimenting’ with Dosing at Camp David to Treat President’s Cognition

>>21080466 Julian Assange comments on Seth Rich

>>21080499, >>21080619, >>21080709, >>21080858 Assange To Be Freed: DoJ Agrees 'Time Served' Plea Deal With WikiLeaks Founder

>>21080552, >>21080569, >>21080592 Prosecutors state their case in Trump classified documents case in Florida

>>21080553 Temp. Worker for Maricopa County Elections Arrested for Stealing “Security Fob and Keys” From MCTEC Tabulation Center

>>21080582 Four Other States to Launch Massive Lawsuits Against Pfizer

>>21080595, >>21080558 Stella Assange: Julian is free!!!!

>>21080661 Kenyan troops leave Nairobi to start mission in gang-hit Haiti

>>21080671 Kash Patel: Speaker Paul Ryan and His Team Rigged Our Russiagate Investigation Before He Started It

>>21080726, >>21080624 Julian Assange on the Clock

>>21080731 Upcoming Delta June 26: SR and JA in JUNE

>>21080756 Rep. Bob Good Exposes Voting Irregularities In Lynchburg, VA

>>21080823 Karoline Leavitt Gets Honest About The First Presidential Debate

>>21080828 How President Reagan Revitalized Military Morale

>>21080832 @TuckerCarlson: A good man, finally free - the tide is turning

>>21080205, >>21080206, >>21080218, >>21080242, >>21080315 Memes


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ec9e71 No.21080881

File: 9fa7ce3d6529826⋯.jpeg (86.25 KB,620x413,620:413,IMG_0174.jpeg)

File: f32a61669f6d7f5⋯.png (2.23 MB,1024x1024,1:1,IMG_9727.png)

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d021fc No.21080882

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Crowded House - Better Be Home Soon (Official Video)


Somewhere deep inside

Something's got a hold on you

And it's pushing me aside

See it stretch on forever

And I know I'm right

For the first time in my life

That's why I tell you

You'd better be home soon

Stripping back the coats

Of lies and deception

Back to nothingness

Like a week in the desert

And I know I'm right

For the first time in my life

That's why I tell you

You'd better be home soon

Don't say no

Don't say nothing's wrong

'Cause when you get back home

Maybe I'll be gone, oh

It would cause me pain

If we were to end it

But I could start again

You can depend on it

And I know I'm right

For the first time in my life

That's why I tell you

You'd better be home soon

Oh, that's why I tell you

You'd better be home soon

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3d729f No.21080883

File: 9ec6cccfe01cadd⋯.png (621.98 KB,960x661,960:661,julian2.png)


>Cant you Hear The Thunder!

>Julian FREE!!!

Its why I came here years/aeons ago…

Things truly looking up if bigly.

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2f3eae No.21080884


bery noice bakerer

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3e1616 No.21080885

File: 1366c773453498c⋯.png (804.25 KB,590x851,590:851,nom.PNG)


AF Post


Trump campaign shuts down plot to send alternative delegates from Arizona to nominate General Flynn as VP for the upcoming GOP convention.

Patrick Byrne, a Flynn ally involved in the scheme, said that Trump was surrounding himself with “deep state nobodies” who are giving him bad advice.

Follow: @AFpost


12:31 PM · Jun 23, 2024




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6ff617 No.21080886


Actors gonna act.

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0dff95 No.21080887

reminder that pompeo and mcconnell didn't want assange free

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78ee69 No.21080888

File: 6f9f3fa2215be82⋯.png (470.94 KB,500x642,250:321,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 85f4c255e625193⋯.png (536.53 KB,600x499,600:499,ClipboardImage.png)



anon hopes he finds peace with his family and children.

but somehow anon thinks he is being used as media bait and distraction.

The elite are evil beyond many people imagination and can use good news as well as fear porn to distract.

What is the news they want to distract from?

What is due very soon on the horizon?

Anon never thinks in black and white options anymoar.

in fact this puts anon on a hyper alert as it is a tactic very seldom used to throw win crumbs out.

The Q drops can easily be targeted as false comms, even the two days ahead of schedule.

timing and events.

will give it 48 hours wait and see protocol.

The Current thing is a thing..

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7135f2 No.21080889

File: ce6ce6936c0ce57⋯.jpg (390.09 KB,1639x922,1639:922,Burisma_Timeline.jpg)

File: 9fa743e0822e200⋯.jpeg (126.38 KB,750x933,250:311,bidenburismabribery.jpeg)

File: 64a2d5a7772dd4a⋯.jpg (115.69 KB,684x446,342:223,bidenburismat.jpg)



Biden bragging about bribing Ukraine to dismiss the Prosecutor looking into his son - when Biden was the overseer of UKraine corruption.


Jan 27th 2018

And then posted by Q Team

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6e2086 No.21080890

File: ab97b9cf358822b⋯.mp4 (1.59 MB,1024x1024,1:1,raising_his_arms_casting_S….mp4)

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690913 No.21080891

File: 4cef18e0d35c831⋯.png (191.09 KB,577x433,577:433,Anthony_Albanese_Australia….png)

File: d1afbdb6f0b90c5⋯.jpg (98.32 KB,304x470,152:235,Anthony_Albanese_Cartman_R….jpg)

File: a356436ee368a60⋯.jpg (124.59 KB,586x773,586:773,Cryin_Chuck_Anthony_Albane….jpg)

File: e33149856d29d1c⋯.png (182.79 KB,666x375,222:125,Anthony_Albanese_Australia….png)


Will he be safe at home?

Albanese wants to ban zee memes.

He's a tyrant, but I guess he does as his US masters tell him. Never did a thing to help release but watch as all these deep state snakes try to take credit now.

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7aa7e1 No.21080892

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A beautiful day!

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cf8bf4 No.21080893

Q Research would be a welcoming place

if Julian needs to post some stuff

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d2dd5c No.21080894

File: 0fc2e0af2eb2502⋯.webm (2.42 MB,427x240,427:240,shall_not_pass.webm)

Bad day for any shills coming here today.

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3e1616 No.21080895

File: 2b6cc053bf40853⋯.png (326.16 KB,587x859,587:859,nev.PNG)




Never Forget: Julian Assange exposed Hillary Clinton, John Podesta & their associates involvement in sex crimes against children and their Satanic spirit cooking dinners AKA Pizzagate by releasing their e-mails via Wikileaks.👇🏻

Assange will go down as one of the biggest heroes in world history.

Praise Jesus for his newfound freedom and God bless him! 🙏🏻





Nov 3, 2016

The Podestas' "Spirit Cooking" dinner?

It's not what you think.

It's blood, sperm and breastmilk.

But mostly blood.



12:42 PM · Jun 24, 2024




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0c01f9 No.21080896

File: 1f3f90364f90144⋯.png (35.22 KB,594x383,594:383,image_2024_06_24_212348608.png)

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e2cfc2 No.21080897

File: 27970aae8639005⋯.png (107.07 KB,447x466,447:466,Screenshot_2024_06_24_at_0….png)



You missed the part where he blocked him

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429369 No.21080898


Ezra is a Flynntard which means he was working against President Trump.

QAnons are a special kind of retarded.

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2cc8eb No.21080899

It's only Monday

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d47d68 No.21080900

File: 09c9aaec786f822⋯.png (143.73 KB,299x423,299:423,ClipboardImage.png)


"National Weather Service" issued flash floods warnings for Los Angeles today. Zero clouds for the next week.

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93d6d2 No.21080901

File: 977d1f8c98aac7d⋯.jpg (638.81 KB,1920x1080,16:9,freedom.jpg)

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e30b33 No.21080902

File: 9deb45268e0878d⋯.png (59.4 KB,519x1107,173:369,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd2071a75112f8d⋯.png (31.63 KB,539x478,539:478,ClipboardImage.png)


Drop for June ETA of JA

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b0dfb1 No.21080903



And the WAPO wrote a really nasty false article (no surprise) disparaging me for this total rino AZGOP set up.I had zero to do with any of it, was not aware of any of it and frankly do not GAS nor even know any of these people, but that didn’t matter to the WAPO or the corrupt GOP thugs involved.

Trump needs to seriously consider firing everyone at the RNC immediately who may have been involved with this attack on his future nomination at the GOP convention. They, and many in the AZGOP hate him.

I swear, as bad as the DEMs are these days, the GOP is its own worst enemy.

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2f3eae No.21080904

File: 2e89095a188ec02⋯.gif (1.4 MB,245x320,49:64,LMAO.gif)


we gave it to em guud this morning

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243ffc No.21080905

File: b92d823378d02d6⋯.jpeg (78.71 KB,613x392,613:392,IMG_0825.jpeg)

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690913 No.21080906


how's the end to end encryption and the Op Sec on the kun?

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3e1616 No.21080907

File: 02fc3932e2bba30⋯.png (360.64 KB,589x529,589:529,4.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


UPDATE: Four Other States to Launch Massive Lawsuits Against Pfizer, Accusing the Pharma Giant of Deceiving the Public About COVID Vaccine Safety and Efficacy

READ: https://tgpne.ws/oXQ4mF


12:24 PM · Jun 24, 2024




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330696 No.21080908

File: 10645669a535e0e⋯.png (3.57 MB,2000x2195,400:439,ClipboardImage.png)

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15a386 No.21080909


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10f453 No.21080911


not possible Patrick. Trump tells us he will have only the best people this time. Like the person who came up with the Oprah green card program for foreign students graduating from US colleges.

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6ff617 No.21080912

File: 0c749931b16167b⋯.png (191.32 KB,316x319,316:319,ClipboardImage.png)

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078158 No.21080913


April 11, 2019

…But the person closest to Assange to comment on Embassy Cat, a member of his legal team, said Assange gave the cat to a family member after the Ecuadoran Embassy threatened to take the pet to a shelter.


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690913 No.21080914


Tuesday in Australia mate

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3e1616 No.21080915

File: d56818b250e069c⋯.png (23.77 KB,602x257,602:257,ty.PNG)


Catherine Herridge


At its core this investigation is about the sacred military pledge to leave no service member behind.


Senator Ron Johnson




Thank you Catherine Herridge for honestly reporting what most “journalists” refuse to even look at, much less report. x.com/c__herridge/st…

9:02 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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0c01f9 No.21080916

File: 2b2d9c5f84304ad⋯.png (471.12 KB,720x675,16:15,Capture.PNG)

Julian Assange: Isis and Clinton Foundation are both funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar


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cf8bf4 No.21080917


Jim, you around?

Jim W could answer that.

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d021fc No.21080918

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b0dfb1 No.21080919


>which means


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330696 No.21080920

File: 24db9108fe7f174⋯.png (452.54 KB,916x765,916:765,ClipboardImage.png)

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2992d7 No.21080921

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>CBS NEWS clip

follow-up posted 22-minuts ago

Jun 24, 2024

Julian Assange strikes plea deal with the U.S.

CBS Evening News

Jun 24, 2024



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e6c7f4 No.21080922



Assange the motivation for last nights projectile spam attack?

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492338 No.21080923

File: 87e37ff2c173918⋯.png (1.72 MB,2281x580,2281:580,ClipboardImage.png)


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386931 No.21080924


Cohenis a cabal family

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3e1616 No.21080925

File: 444234225cbdd2a⋯.png (131.29 KB,601x419,601:419,fed.PNG)




Lockbit group hacked 34 Terabytes of data from the federal reserve.

This will include information about Ukraine payouts

They said if a ransom isn’t paid they dump it.


10:51 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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690913 No.21080926

File: be3be6f872c9cdb⋯.jpg (144.32 KB,509x541,509:541,Mr_bean_Ginger_Mound_Mo.jpg)


Break out the Ginger Mound!

It's time to celebrate!

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827732 No.21080927

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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cf8bf4 No.21080928


everyone named Cohen is not cabal.

it's a very very common name

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e6c7f4 No.21080929

timing is everything

cue JA

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6ff617 No.21080930

File: 2fc02f43fc986aa⋯.png (157.42 KB,205x318,205:318,ClipboardImage.png)

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491d4c No.21080931


Sir John Sawers.

Gareth William's killer.

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e30b33 No.21080932


less then 10 you say?

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0c01f9 No.21080933

Secret World of US Election: Julian Assange talks to John Pilger (FULL INTERVIEW)


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ab4dd1 No.21080934

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Don't call us

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3e1616 No.21080935

File: 85b6e80ae53c724⋯.png (519.58 KB,593x503,593:503,fc.PNG)


RNC Research


Joe and Jill Biden have been using their Delaware house for fast cash - refinancing 20 times with loans totaling $4.2M since buying the $350k home 🤔

From dailymail.co.uk

6:31 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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5dd695 No.21080936


just a Cohencidence then?

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4c54ce No.21080937


A week of some kind eh

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386931 No.21080938


They got offered 50k, which they readily laughed at and told them to try harder and gave 48 hours.

That was about 10 hours ago

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e6c7f4 No.21080939

File: b7a65448ed36288⋯.png (518.38 KB,488x628,122:157,b7a65448ed3628800bd4dfce4a….png)

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d47d68 No.21080940

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Wait and see if he's even still alive. They may be covering fresh crimes.

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386931 No.21080941

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7135f2 No.21080942

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



The main thing is the truning point with the public. the masses.

Assange being released is a great thing.

If they wanted to kill him they'd have done it already.

He probably has a hell of a "deadman's switch"

Liberals try to say this vid is a satire.

Don't think so


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3e1616 No.21080943

File: a6685f509ad1dc7⋯.png (391.05 KB,589x854,589:854,wall.PNG)


Wall Street Apes


Few Know How Truly Evil Kamala Harris Is

“Kamala Harris — that famous moment where Tulsi called her out. She had innocent people on death row and wouldn't release the evidence, she was forced to”

“So you're talking about, like, truly vicious, sociopathic women who do have this tendency to, like, whenever they're in front of the camera, just be cackling laughing.

And I think there's, I'm sure you're right, — I also think there's something of, like, covering up for that or overcompensating with this, like, bubbly personality”

7:40 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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93d6d2 No.21080944

File: 355b3f95c8e6383⋯.png (5.34 KB,1066x373,1066:373,Pepe_Point.png)

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e6c7f4 No.21080945



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e30b33 No.21080946



>>21080291 (not the only one doing 'that')

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0c01f9 No.21080947

File: 7b3d6203a349e32⋯.jpg (45.71 KB,592x448,37:28,Co4ktjIUAAkv9RB.jpg)

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7aa7e1 No.21080948

File: 191e0def0fc253f⋯.png (483.75 KB,618x517,618:517,ClipboardImage.png)



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2f3eae No.21080949



anons are not keeping up with daily Q's

too buy with stupid decodes and ilpapi and other bullshit

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64831f No.21080950




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ac657c No.21080951


Board Owner will turn on Proto when Assange tries to post here

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811924 No.21080952

File: 847b975dd52db59⋯.jpeg (631.75 KB,1206x619,1206:619,85693393_56E7_4417_9587_1….jpeg)


There was a Qatar Military flight to Stockholm yesterday

Still there

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e6c7f4 No.21080953



always up

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690913 No.21080954

File: 41384efbc45de05⋯.png (1.9 MB,1623x1901,1623:1901,ClipboardImage.png)

It's not a done deal yet. And he's in a snake pit.

To finalize plea deal with US

WikiLeaks said that the international campaign to free Assange has created “the space for a long period of negotiations with the US Department of Justice, leading to a deal that has not yet been formally finalized.”

“As he returns to Australia, we thank all who stood by us, fought for us, and remained utterly committed in the fight for his freedom,” WikiLeaks wrote.


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7135f2 No.21080955


normal /s/

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3e1616 No.21080956

File: 5b8524cec4294fa⋯.png (19.73 KB,599x203,599:203,wat.PNG)


Emerald Robinson ✝️


Democrats are so eager to kill you that they’ll shut off the water to the fire department DURING A WILDFIRE and call it "water equity" while they send your children home from school early so that your entire family gets incinerated as the town burns to the ground.

5:49 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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57e98e No.21080957


Hunter is most concerned.

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cf8bf4 No.21080958

I wonder how Hillary is tonight?

Will she have good dreams or no?

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a9f070 No.21080959

Mil / Misc. decodes:

>>21080318, >>21080373 @3d_Marine_Div: Artillery Relocation Training Program 24.1

>>21080328 @1st_Marine_Div: Honing our skills

>>21080439 il Donaldo Trumpo: DRUG TEST TRIPPY JOE!!!


>>21080586 il Donaldo Trumpo: WHO DID THIS???

>>21080626 il Donaldo Trumpo: DON'T THREATEN ME WITH A GOOD TIME!!!

>>21080718, >>21080799, >>21080849 il Donaldo Trumpo: TOUGH IT IS, THEN!!!

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e30b33 No.21080960


either way, it is available for use by good operators, now.

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690913 No.21080961


Cashflow shortages?

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0c01f9 No.21080962


Good job anon.

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a9f070 No.21080963


#25842 >>21080187

>>21080243 Anthem of this Bread

>>21080295 Refresher: Jake Tapper angrily demanded CNN cut off live coverage of Trump being greeted by Cubans in a Miami restaurant

>>21080330 WikiLeaks reports Julian Assange has been released from prison and has left the UK

>>21080358 PF: AF2 C32A Kneepads to Los Angeles Intl from Phoenix Intl

>>21080363 Flooding causes partial failure of Minnesota dam

>>21080402, >>21080403, >>21080766, >>21080860 Julian Assange boarding a plane after his release from prison (destination unconfirmed)

>>21080447 GOP Rep. Jackson: Biden Team ‘Probably Experimenting’ with Dosing at Camp David to Treat President’s Cognition

>>21080466 Julian Assange comments on Seth Rich

>>21080499, >>21080619, >>21080709, >>21080858, >>21080921 DoJ Agrees 'Time Served' Plea Deal With WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange

>>21080552, >>21080569, >>21080592 Prosecutors state their case in Trump classified documents case in Florida

>>21080553 Temp. Worker for Maricopa County Elections Arrested for Stealing “Security Fob and Keys” From MCTEC Tabulation Center

>>21080582 Four Other States to Launch Massive Lawsuits Against Pfizer

>>21080595, >>21080558 Stella Assange: Julian is free!!!!

>>21080661 Kenyan troops leave Nairobi to start mission in gang-hit Haiti

>>21080671 Kash Patel: Speaker Paul Ryan and His Team Rigged Our Russiagate Investigation Before He Started It

>>21080726, >>21080624 Julian Assange on the Clock

>>21080731 Upcoming Delta June 26: SR and JA in JUNE

>>21080756 Rep. Bob Good Exposes Voting Irregularities In Lynchburg, VA

>>21080823 Karoline Leavitt Gets Honest About The First Presidential Debate

>>21080828 How President Reagan Revitalized Military Morale

>>21080832 @TuckerCarlson: A good man, finally free - the tide is turning

>>21080895 Never forget what Julian Assange exposed

>>21080902 Qproof: JA June ETA

>>21080916, >>21080952 (November 2016) Julian Assange: Isis and Clinton Foundation are both funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar

>>21080925 Lockbit group hacked 34 Terabytes of data from the federal reserve

>>21080935 Joe and Jill Biden have been using their Delaware house for fast cash

>>21080959 Mil / Misc. decodes

>>21080205, >>21080206, >>21080218, >>21080242, >>21080315 Memes


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948e0b No.21080964

File: 288afad974081c4⋯.png (464.49 KB,500x640,25:32,nh52j.png)

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6e2086 No.21080965

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Vivek Ramaswamy


It’s perfectly reasonable to require every high school senior to pass the same civics test & swear the same oath of allegiance to the U.S. that every immigrant is required to take before becoming a full citizen.


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3e1616 No.21080966

File: cdd9d40264ef7c8⋯.png (147.24 KB,587x532,587:532,luna.PNG)


Rep. Anna Paulina Luna


I sent out a Dear Colleague letter to @HouseGOP

. I will call up the vote to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in inherent contempt of Congress, and I am encouraging all my colleagues to vote for it. The DOJ is NOT above the law.



5:37 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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2f3eae No.21080967


oh yes and I notable each time but focus of anons discussion not there


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948e0b No.21080968

File: fd5853c8a0af9bd⋯.png (494.33 KB,883x500,883:500,ng56u8.png)

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15a386 No.21080970


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811924 No.21080972

File: 8f357292ce5f552⋯.jpeg (848.14 KB,3000x2106,500:351,2FD6D1BB_8A55_421F_B939_A….jpeg)


Always complaining and always ip hopping

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3e1616 No.21080973

File: c8221f71c88fbcd⋯.png (189.29 KB,597x847,597:847,ch.PNG)


Catherine Herridge


Overwhelmed and grateful to see our first project, “The Cost of Following Orders” trending on @X


Thank you for supporting independent investigative journalism.

Accountability matters for these soldiers and with your continued support they will get it. Already hearing from congressional committees with oversight.

An exclusive interview with Specialist Stancik’s mother will drop soon for subscribers!



Catherine Herridge




BREAKING: Army and National Guard accused of abandoning 24-year-old soldier with “debilitating heart condition” that internal memo “linked” to COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.

New military records confirm the soldier's heart injury was "In Line of Duty,” and details her account of

Show more

0:04 / 11:10

Rate proposed Community Notes

7:41 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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2992d7 No.21080977

File: 50500a721a645c0⋯.png (206.05 KB,1044x1125,116:125,ClipboardImage.png)


It has begun.

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64831f No.21080978

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3e1616 No.21080979

File: 4922854e855d5c8⋯.png (13.72 KB,592x155,592:155,alt.PNG)


Insider Paper


NEW: Saudi Arabia is moving away from the US dollar in the oil trade as it looks at alternative markets - Markets Insider

7:12 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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1ccaa6 No.21080980

File: dce4b2d1628a78c⋯.png (73.87 KB,519x1164,173:388,ClipboardImage.png)

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2cc8eb No.21080982

File: d59c0b296231d4e⋯.jpg (70.71 KB,479x605,479:605,bhgrefj.jpg)

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ac657c No.21080983


OSS did tripcode fuckery too

Anon remembers

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a9f070 No.21080984

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e6c7f4 No.21080985


so start the discussion

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078158 No.21080986


Assange posting here would make you shills go batshit

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0c01f9 No.21080989

File: 7fde16692df2800⋯.png (7.05 KB,608x86,304:43,image_2024_06_24_213424422.png)

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1713bf No.21080992

>>21080939 <---

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33554c No.21080994


Putin ?

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078158 No.21080995


Did you happen to catch where that Morrocan mility bird finally wnet? The one that overflew Corsica and was roughly 160

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e6c7f4 No.21080996

File: e8a645e623aeb05⋯.png (665.09 KB,800x733,800:733,panicat.png)

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7aa7e1 No.21080998

File: d3503ef31c24f5a⋯.jpg (1.29 MB,3000x4000,3:4,Fsl9hEVXgAIcpv4.jpg)

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b9c240 No.21081004


>Fus Ro Da

What mean?

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e6c7f4 No.21081006

File: b3f46d3026e1b71⋯.gif (3.07 MB,480x480,1:1,b3f46d3026e1b715c3f5492c8e….gif)

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d41967 No.21081007


>Assange posting here

would take some verification to validate

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13fe2f No.21081008

File: 2225c6bb691c4a4⋯.png (1.3 MB,1187x593,1187:593,ClipboardImage.png)


This is a warrior for America and TrumpQuite impressive!

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ed3842 No.21081010


(2 days ahead of schedule)

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60dc30 No.21081015

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Only the first time.

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504999 No.21081019

File: 2593894f2748850⋯.png (857.49 KB,1080x1080,1:1,2593894f274885061b4c7e03e4….png)

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b9c240 No.21081020


No more than 78

No fewer than 76

Was a mad house

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39a521 No.21081031


what is "it"?

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288232 No.21081033

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d2dd5c No.21081041


Can't say for sure what instigated their tantrum yesterday as nothing really seemed out of the ordinary, but that's a reasonably probable answer for it.

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d47d68 No.21081045


10 inch prick. Or 10" ruler, if you have to kiss his ass.

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811924 No.21081061

File: 8d31e7a302487ee⋯.jpeg (525.87 KB,1128x623,1128:623,E84AB350_4525_4938_BDC2_A….jpeg)

File: acec64823e90811⋯.jpeg (500.08 KB,1279x623,1279:623,420293A4_C490_405D_88ED_5….jpeg)


Tel Aviv then back to Rabat

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492338 No.21081067

File: 359ae8d4f622879⋯.png (293.41 KB,460x382,230:191,pepe292.PNG)

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