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File: 8c78b9a783720e0⋯.png (52.16 KB,250x140,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

a9f070 No.21080161 [View All]

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ac657c No.21080951


Board Owner will turn on Proto when Assange tries to post here

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811924 No.21080952

File: 847b975dd52db59⋯.jpeg (631.75 KB,1206x619,1206:619,85693393_56E7_4417_9587_1….jpeg)


There was a Qatar Military flight to Stockholm yesterday

Still there

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e6c7f4 No.21080953



always up

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690913 No.21080954

File: 41384efbc45de05⋯.png (1.9 MB,1623x1901,1623:1901,ClipboardImage.png)

It's not a done deal yet. And he's in a snake pit.

To finalize plea deal with US

WikiLeaks said that the international campaign to free Assange has created “the space for a long period of negotiations with the US Department of Justice, leading to a deal that has not yet been formally finalized.”

“As he returns to Australia, we thank all who stood by us, fought for us, and remained utterly committed in the fight for his freedom,” WikiLeaks wrote.


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7135f2 No.21080955


normal /s/

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3e1616 No.21080956

File: 5b8524cec4294fa⋯.png (19.73 KB,599x203,599:203,wat.PNG)


Emerald Robinson ✝️


Democrats are so eager to kill you that they’ll shut off the water to the fire department DURING A WILDFIRE and call it "water equity" while they send your children home from school early so that your entire family gets incinerated as the town burns to the ground.

5:49 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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57e98e No.21080957


Hunter is most concerned.

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cf8bf4 No.21080958

I wonder how Hillary is tonight?

Will she have good dreams or no?

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a9f070 No.21080959

Mil / Misc. decodes:

>>21080318, >>21080373 @3d_Marine_Div: Artillery Relocation Training Program 24.1

>>21080328 @1st_Marine_Div: Honing our skills

>>21080439 il Donaldo Trumpo: DRUG TEST TRIPPY JOE!!!


>>21080586 il Donaldo Trumpo: WHO DID THIS???

>>21080626 il Donaldo Trumpo: DON'T THREATEN ME WITH A GOOD TIME!!!

>>21080718, >>21080799, >>21080849 il Donaldo Trumpo: TOUGH IT IS, THEN!!!

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e30b33 No.21080960


either way, it is available for use by good operators, now.

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690913 No.21080961


Cashflow shortages?

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0c01f9 No.21080962


Good job anon.

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a9f070 No.21080963


#25842 >>21080187

>>21080243 Anthem of this Bread

>>21080295 Refresher: Jake Tapper angrily demanded CNN cut off live coverage of Trump being greeted by Cubans in a Miami restaurant

>>21080330 WikiLeaks reports Julian Assange has been released from prison and has left the UK

>>21080358 PF: AF2 C32A Kneepads to Los Angeles Intl from Phoenix Intl

>>21080363 Flooding causes partial failure of Minnesota dam

>>21080402, >>21080403, >>21080766, >>21080860 Julian Assange boarding a plane after his release from prison (destination unconfirmed)

>>21080447 GOP Rep. Jackson: Biden Team ‘Probably Experimenting’ with Dosing at Camp David to Treat President’s Cognition

>>21080466 Julian Assange comments on Seth Rich

>>21080499, >>21080619, >>21080709, >>21080858, >>21080921 DoJ Agrees 'Time Served' Plea Deal With WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange

>>21080552, >>21080569, >>21080592 Prosecutors state their case in Trump classified documents case in Florida

>>21080553 Temp. Worker for Maricopa County Elections Arrested for Stealing “Security Fob and Keys” From MCTEC Tabulation Center

>>21080582 Four Other States to Launch Massive Lawsuits Against Pfizer

>>21080595, >>21080558 Stella Assange: Julian is free!!!!

>>21080661 Kenyan troops leave Nairobi to start mission in gang-hit Haiti

>>21080671 Kash Patel: Speaker Paul Ryan and His Team Rigged Our Russiagate Investigation Before He Started It

>>21080726, >>21080624 Julian Assange on the Clock

>>21080731 Upcoming Delta June 26: SR and JA in JUNE

>>21080756 Rep. Bob Good Exposes Voting Irregularities In Lynchburg, VA

>>21080823 Karoline Leavitt Gets Honest About The First Presidential Debate

>>21080828 How President Reagan Revitalized Military Morale

>>21080832 @TuckerCarlson: A good man, finally free - the tide is turning

>>21080895 Never forget what Julian Assange exposed

>>21080902 Qproof: JA June ETA

>>21080916, >>21080952 (November 2016) Julian Assange: Isis and Clinton Foundation are both funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar

>>21080925 Lockbit group hacked 34 Terabytes of data from the federal reserve

>>21080935 Joe and Jill Biden have been using their Delaware house for fast cash

>>21080959 Mil / Misc. decodes

>>21080205, >>21080206, >>21080218, >>21080242, >>21080315 Memes


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948e0b No.21080964

File: 288afad974081c4⋯.png (464.49 KB,500x640,25:32,nh52j.png)

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6e2086 No.21080965

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Vivek Ramaswamy


It’s perfectly reasonable to require every high school senior to pass the same civics test & swear the same oath of allegiance to the U.S. that every immigrant is required to take before becoming a full citizen.


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3e1616 No.21080966

File: cdd9d40264ef7c8⋯.png (147.24 KB,587x532,587:532,luna.PNG)


Rep. Anna Paulina Luna


I sent out a Dear Colleague letter to @HouseGOP

. I will call up the vote to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in inherent contempt of Congress, and I am encouraging all my colleagues to vote for it. The DOJ is NOT above the law.



5:37 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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2f3eae No.21080967


oh yes and I notable each time but focus of anons discussion not there


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948e0b No.21080968

File: fd5853c8a0af9bd⋯.png (494.33 KB,883x500,883:500,ng56u8.png)

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15a386 No.21080970


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811924 No.21080972

File: 8f357292ce5f552⋯.jpeg (848.14 KB,3000x2106,500:351,2FD6D1BB_8A55_421F_B939_A….jpeg)


Always complaining and always ip hopping

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3e1616 No.21080973

File: c8221f71c88fbcd⋯.png (189.29 KB,597x847,597:847,ch.PNG)


Catherine Herridge


Overwhelmed and grateful to see our first project, “The Cost of Following Orders” trending on @X


Thank you for supporting independent investigative journalism.

Accountability matters for these soldiers and with your continued support they will get it. Already hearing from congressional committees with oversight.

An exclusive interview with Specialist Stancik’s mother will drop soon for subscribers!



Catherine Herridge




BREAKING: Army and National Guard accused of abandoning 24-year-old soldier with “debilitating heart condition” that internal memo “linked” to COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.

New military records confirm the soldier's heart injury was "In Line of Duty,” and details her account of

Show more

0:04 / 11:10

Rate proposed Community Notes

7:41 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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2992d7 No.21080977

File: 50500a721a645c0⋯.png (206.05 KB,1044x1125,116:125,ClipboardImage.png)


It has begun.

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64831f No.21080978

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3e1616 No.21080979

File: 4922854e855d5c8⋯.png (13.72 KB,592x155,592:155,alt.PNG)


Insider Paper


NEW: Saudi Arabia is moving away from the US dollar in the oil trade as it looks at alternative markets - Markets Insider

7:12 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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1ccaa6 No.21080980

File: dce4b2d1628a78c⋯.png (73.87 KB,519x1164,173:388,ClipboardImage.png)

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2cc8eb No.21080982

File: d59c0b296231d4e⋯.jpg (70.71 KB,479x605,479:605,bhgrefj.jpg)

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ac657c No.21080983


OSS did tripcode fuckery too

Anon remembers

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a9f070 No.21080984

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e6c7f4 No.21080985


so start the discussion

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078158 No.21080986


Assange posting here would make you shills go batshit

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0c01f9 No.21080989

File: 7fde16692df2800⋯.png (7.05 KB,608x86,304:43,image_2024_06_24_213424422.png)

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1713bf No.21080992

>>21080939 <---

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33554c No.21080994


Putin ?

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078158 No.21080995


Did you happen to catch where that Morrocan mility bird finally wnet? The one that overflew Corsica and was roughly 160

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e6c7f4 No.21080996

File: e8a645e623aeb05⋯.png (665.09 KB,800x733,800:733,panicat.png)

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7aa7e1 No.21080998

File: d3503ef31c24f5a⋯.jpg (1.29 MB,3000x4000,3:4,Fsl9hEVXgAIcpv4.jpg)

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b9c240 No.21081004


>Fus Ro Da

What mean?

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e6c7f4 No.21081006

File: b3f46d3026e1b71⋯.gif (3.07 MB,480x480,1:1,b3f46d3026e1b715c3f5492c8e….gif)

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d41967 No.21081007


>Assange posting here

would take some verification to validate

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13fe2f No.21081008

File: 2225c6bb691c4a4⋯.png (1.3 MB,1187x593,1187:593,ClipboardImage.png)


This is a warrior for America and TrumpQuite impressive!

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ed3842 No.21081010


(2 days ahead of schedule)

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60dc30 No.21081015

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Only the first time.

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504999 No.21081019

File: 2593894f2748850⋯.png (857.49 KB,1080x1080,1:1,2593894f274885061b4c7e03e4….png)

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b9c240 No.21081020


No more than 78

No fewer than 76

Was a mad house

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39a521 No.21081031


what is "it"?

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288232 No.21081033

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d2dd5c No.21081041


Can't say for sure what instigated their tantrum yesterday as nothing really seemed out of the ordinary, but that's a reasonably probable answer for it.

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d47d68 No.21081045


10 inch prick. Or 10" ruler, if you have to kiss his ass.

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811924 No.21081061

File: 8d31e7a302487ee⋯.jpeg (525.87 KB,1128x623,1128:623,E84AB350_4525_4938_BDC2_A….jpeg)

File: acec64823e90811⋯.jpeg (500.08 KB,1279x623,1279:623,420293A4_C490_405D_88ED_5….jpeg)


Tel Aviv then back to Rabat

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492338 No.21081067

File: 359ae8d4f622879⋯.png (293.41 KB,460x382,230:191,pepe292.PNG)

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