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File: c6bf03dd821e87e⋯.png (52.06 KB,250x140,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

f7d8e0 No.21080969 [Last50 Posts]

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f7d8e0 No.21080971

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f7d8e0 No.21080974


#25842 >>21080187

>>21080243 Anthem of this Bread

>>21080295 Refresher: Jake Tapper angrily demanded CNN cut off live coverage of Trump being greeted by Cubans in a Miami restaurant

>>21080330 WikiLeaks reports Julian Assange has been released from prison and has left the UK

>>21080358 PF: AF2 C32A Kneepads to Los Angeles Intl from Phoenix Intl

>>21080363 Flooding causes partial failure of Minnesota dam

>>21080402, >>21080403, >>21080766, >>21080860 Julian Assange boarding a plane after his release from prison (destination unconfirmed)

>>21080447 GOP Rep. Jackson: Biden Team ‘Probably Experimenting’ with Dosing at Camp David to Treat President’s Cognition

>>21080466 Julian Assange comments on Seth Rich

>>21080499, >>21080619, >>21080709, >>21080858, >>21080921 DoJ Agrees 'Time Served' Plea Deal With WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange

>>21080552, >>21080569, >>21080592 Prosecutors state their case in Trump classified documents case in Florida

>>21080553 Temp. Worker for Maricopa County Elections Arrested for Stealing “Security Fob and Keys” From MCTEC Tabulation Center

>>21080582 Four Other States to Launch Massive Lawsuits Against Pfizer

>>21080595, >>21080558 Stella Assange: Julian is free!!!!

>>21080661 Kenyan troops leave Nairobi to start mission in gang-hit Haiti

>>21080671 Kash Patel: Speaker Paul Ryan and His Team Rigged Our Russiagate Investigation Before He Started It

>>21080726, >>21080624 Julian Assange on the Clock

>>21080731 Upcoming Delta June 26: SR and JA in JUNE

>>21080756 Rep. Bob Good Exposes Voting Irregularities In Lynchburg, VA

>>21080823 Karoline Leavitt Gets Honest About The First Presidential Debate

>>21080828 How President Reagan Revitalized Military Morale

>>21080832 @TuckerCarlson: A good man, finally free - the tide is turning

>>21080895 Never forget what Julian Assange exposed

>>21080902 Qproof: JA June ETA

>>21080916, >>21080952 (November 2016) Julian Assange: Isis and Clinton Foundation are both funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar

>>21080925 Lockbit group hacked 34 Terabytes of data from the federal reserve

>>21080935 Joe and Jill Biden have been using their Delaware house for fast cash

>>21080959 Mil / Misc. decodes

>>21080205, >>21080206, >>21080218, >>21080242, >>21080315 Memes

>>21080963 #25842

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f7d8e0 No.21080975

#25841 >>21079395

>>21079417, >>21079682, >>21079981, >>21080039 Reports that Russia has downed an American surveillance drone over Black Sea near Crimea

>>21079429, >>21079805 Alex Jones Responds To Reports of Infowars Imminent Closure

>>21079447 Invention Secrecy Act

>>21079479 WEF: 2023 Food Pyramid

>>21079509, >>21079668 CNN Could Be Forced To Pay $1 Billion From Defamation Suit

>>21079521 Jennifer Garner bangs drums draped in a Palestinian keffiyeh

>>21079542 @NavalInstitute: USS Theodore Roosevelt in South Korea Ahead of Transit to Middle East, North Korea Condemns Visit

>>21079697, >>21079707 PF: RCAF CFC1 Challenger 600 Trudope departed Trois Riviers Airport to Vancouver Intl

>>21079712 DJT Truths letter from Congressman Ronny Jackson demanding Biden take a drug test

>>21079726, >>21079793 Bowman and AoC have been going viral after this image exposing the true size of their New York rally leaked

>>21079740 The US Supreme Court to extend Donald Trump’s Presidential immunity case into July

>>21079765 Biden DOJ Official Lied Under Oath About Previous Arrest For Stabbing Her Then-Husband

>>21079772 @GenFlynn: And we don’t want them to know what is being planned 😎

>>21079796 These are the "asylum seekers" Biden is allowing to pour into our country

>>21079800 Emergency officials are on high alert as a Minnesota dam is in imminent danger of critical failure

>>21079802 Hedge Funds Cut Mexican Peso Bets in One of the Biggest Retreats on Record

>>21079814 Five U.S. states are now sueing Pfizer for lying about the safety and efficacy of Covid vaccines

>>21079821 From FLA courthouse: Gag order hearing just ended - will have details shortly

>>21079833, >>21079860 Attorney General Andrew Bailey: Missouri has a huge problem with New York right now

>>21079838 Karoline Leavitt: But don't you dare repeat their own words… or they will cut off your microphone!

>>21079842 Jack Smith is seeking to impose a gag order on Trump in the “documents” case in South Florida

>>21079862, >>21079905 California Reveals All Job Gains In 2023 Were Fake

>>21079882 Donald Trump to visit New Orleans on Monday to raise cash for his presidential campaign

>>21079911, >>21079941, >>21080025 Biden’s radical judicial nominee just got busted lying under oath, Sen. Kennedy brought damning receipts

>>21079969, >>21080053, >>21080028, >>21080100 Julian Assange to plead guilty for plea deal with the U.S. DoJ / Qproof June ETA

>>21080111 DJT Truths the Babylon Bee Biden Debate Joke

>>21080141 Mil / Misc. decodes

>>21079484, >>21079490, >>21079492, >>21079653, >>21079728, >>21079771, >>21079880 Memes

>>21080158 #25841

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f7d8e0 No.21080976

#25840 >>21078593

>>21078607 Boeing May Evade Criminal Charges Over 2018, 2019 Crashes as Biden’s DOJ Claims Prosecuting the Company is Legally Risky

>>21078661 Scotland: Huge explosion and plumes of toxic gas over Glasgow as a battery recycling factory burns out of control

>>21078678 Benny Johnson interview with Trump Press Sec after CNN incident

>>21078689, >>21078859, >>21078938, >>21079120, >>21079171 Planefag

>>21078725, >>21078762 Uri Geller: Aliens built the Jerusalem Temple, may help Israel during war

>>21078753 Ursula Von Der Leyen's father pardoned Nazi mass murderer

>>21078773 Live: Rapidan Dam in Minnesota in 'imminent failure condition' after recent flooding

>>21078776 Supreme Court rejects challenge to Connecticut law that eliminated religious vaccination exemption

>>21078782 @NavalInstitute: USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: June 24, 2024

>>21078789 John Brennan and James Clapper effectively argue here that January 6 should have ended the First Amendment

>>21078790 Senator Warren: Democrats Want ‘A Pathway To Citizenship’ For All Illegal Aliens

>>21078801 Fauci still has a taxpayer-funded security detail after leaving his $480K-a-year government job

>>21078812 Chemicals From East Palestine Train Disaster Spread To 16 States and Likely Canada

>>21078815 NSA chief joins OpenAI board and then acquires a company specializing in “shared control” of other people’s devices

>>21078826 Human trafficking action week: 219 criminals arrested and 1,374 victims identified

>>21078841 Larger US Deficits Pave the Way for Even More Treasury Bills

>>21078842 Angry masked men prowling the streets looking for Jews in LA

>>21078854 Major Study Confirms Covid Shots Cause Brain Damage

>>21078904 DJT: Drug test for Crooked Joe Biden!

>>21078939 Taylor Swift is a Mobster

>>21078942, >>21078963 They Are Using Lab-Grown Human Brains That They Have Enslaved Called “Organoids” To Run Computers

>>21078973 Not a cheap fake

>>21078979 Utah residents believed they were looking for woman during manhunt for trans killer after reports identified him as 'Mia'

>>21078983 Missouri V Biden: They Want the Deleted Emails

>>21078991 @TomFitton: Supreme Court Should STEP UP For Trump!

>>21078995 @DanScavino: DJT to Deliver Remarks on Joe Biden's Incompetent Presidency in CHESAPEAKE, VA on June 28th

>>21079001 House Judiciary Committee assures that the company censored 43 books at the request of the Biden administration

>>21079010, >>21079079 Maricopa County temp worker arrested for theft at election center

>>21079019 Gates Foundation caught paying UW Madison prof to up-armor viruses to attack humans

>>21079024 Trump Preps For Debate Against Biden By Going to Nursing Home And Arguing With Dementia Patients

>>21079031 (Turley) The Land that Law Forgot: The Supreme Court and the New York Legal Wasteland

>>21079040, >>21079049 Catherine Herridge drops her first story as independent journalist

>>21079085 Illegal migrants lured Jocelyn Nungaray, 12, under bridge, assaulted her for 2 hours before killing her

>>21079090, >>21079109, >>21079119, >>21079137, >>21079156, >>21079172, >>21079186, >>21079205, >>21079223 The Olori Sisterhood

>>21079101 Michigan Supreme Court to decide on Jocelyn Benson’s restrictions for poll watchers

>>21079132, >>21079189 el oh el

>>21079259 Welfare Offices Providing Voter Registration Forms To Illegals Without Proof Of Citizenship

>>21079260 Princess Anne rushed to hospital after ‘incident’ on home estate

>>21079317 Hunter Biden Requests New Gun Trial After Jury Returns Guilty Verdict

>>21079338 Adjusted for inflation, net worth up 0.7% through Biden’s first 3 years, was up 16% through Trump’s first 3 years

>>21079375 Dali cargo ship leaves Baltimore nearly 3 months after Francis Scott Key bridge collapse

>>21079367 Mil / Misc. decodes

>>21078606, >>21078806, >>21078813, >>21078890, >>21078940, >>21079009, >>21079035, >>21079095, >>21079361, >>21079363 Memes

>>21079380 #25840

Previously Collected

>>21078572 #25839

>>21075506 #25836, >>21076115 #25837, >>21077625 #25838

>>21071174 #25833, >>21071860 #25834, >>21076494 #25835

>>21068545 #25830, >>21069324 #25831, >>21070215 #25832

>>21065686 #25827, >>21066663 #25828, >>21067636 #25829

>>21063083 #25824, >>21063860 #25825, >>21064829 #25826

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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f7d8e0 No.21080981

File: 6ac8ebda168745f⋯.png (202.86 KB,952x873,952:873,ClipboardImage.png)



>can continue or defer

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2a4d05 No.21080988

File: eb7f4112349f071⋯.jpg (337.79 KB,1200x1200,1:1,GQzw60xWYAAeahK.jpg)

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098f0f No.21080991

File: 176e899c205b76e⋯.png (344.22 KB,608x849,608:849,sir.PNG)




BREAKING: Surveillance footage in the Maricopa County election building captured an election worker stealing a security fob and access keys. All equipment in the building now have to be reprogrammed because the two simple items give access to the entire election system

Election officials told police, “the secure operation of the facility is greatly impeded until the reprogramming is complete.”

The security fobs are used to enter tablets used during the election and because the fob wasn't recovered by police from the suspect, all equipment including voting machines have to be reprogrammed which will cost over $20,000

Who knew all you needed to get into Maricopa's election system was a security fob. I thought voting machines were inaccessible by anyone from the outside. As always, Maricopa County and other Arizona counties lie for a living


6:24 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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a9c5a1 No.21080997


God bless Julian, Baker and all the anons that have persisted over the years. Your faith is strong!

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3b8eaf No.21080999


tyb, that image says it all

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098f0f No.21081000

File: 990e37d29424214⋯.png (421.32 KB,588x751,588:751,firm.PNG)


James O'Keefe


CONFRONTED: The Walt Disney Senior Vice President Michael Giordano is confronted by James O'Keefe and @OKeefeMedia

after uncovering @Disney

's discriminatory hiring practices. The situation intensified when one of our American Swiper’s confronts Giordano about having a "tickle" in his throat to avoid seeing her, while on a date with another American Swiper. Both journalists leave the scene as O'Keefe enters the stage to question Giordano.

Caught off guard, Giordano fled to his car with O'Keefe tailing him. The scene at Sunset Plaza didn't go unnoticed — Hollywood influencers @xhuddy

, Chiara Hovland, and Nick Higham, who witnessed the entire incident, praised OMG for "Saving the city" and pledged to check out O'Keefe Media Group.

6:31 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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24b7f9 No.21081001



>Hi, I am NIGHT SHIFT and I just made all this shit up like 5 minutes ago


>NIGHT SHIFTBun of Dread for 5/30/2024

Man this fuckingLOSER

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2a4d05 No.21081002


Seriously, what is up with Maricopa? It's plagued by criminals in the election system.

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ac85db No.21081005

File: a7d352d6eb1ed65⋯.jpg (153.58 KB,630x775,126:155,ninja_o_176318.jpg)

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db9efc No.21081012

File: 65ec87c8508da7b⋯.png (42.09 KB,597x388,597:388,image_2024_06_24_213649610.png)

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098f0f No.21081013

File: 2f51022819cee0f⋯.png (424.83 KB,601x506,601:506,boe.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


Two-Tier Justice: Boeing May Evade Criminal Charges Over 2018, 2019 Crashes as Biden's DOJ Claims Prosecuting the Company is Legally Risky

READ: https://tgpne.ws/VTcrmL


2:49 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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6697d8 No.21081014

File: 2e6d14964c9874b⋯.jpg (15.09 KB,255x223,255:223,2e6d14964c9874b7ab89713450….jpg)

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a1089b No.21081016

File: 525fd8e8a506d64⋯.jpg (46.39 KB,1106x661,1106:661,freedom_freedom_Aretha_Blu….jpg)

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66cfc5 No.21081017


you have my Bless B

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a39b16 No.21081021

File: f1082e4716bdc50⋯.png (1.79 MB,1080x1350,4:5,f1082e4716bdc502cc1aa0ee16….png)

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098f0f No.21081022

File: 51ba96aff755a3f⋯.png (317.39 KB,619x601,619:601,pm.PNG)




Praying Medic




Due to low success with intercepting drones and missiles by the Iron Dome when sent from Lebanon, Israel has alerted the US that it may use weapons never deployed before in the event of an all-out war with Hezbollah.

Praying Medic



From aa.com.tr

4:08 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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2788c1 No.21081023


No idea why [they] believe spamming works here.

Total LOSER!

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ff3a92 No.21081024

File: b6b32575d08c286⋯.jpg (253.09 KB,1166x1531,1166:1531,FqoHS0tWYAIkFsW.jpg)

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24b7f9 No.21081025

File: d702bc812cb326a⋯.webm (3.72 MB,540x960,9:16,1719265255969212.webm)

I like the other girl with the Pepe band girl better, but these are pretty hot

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de9b22 No.21081027

File: 9c571002b329b7f⋯.png (361.46 KB,800x530,80:53,lightning_sprite_Stephen_H….png)

File: 30bce685b3fc27e⋯.png (267.03 KB,400x397,400:397,Julian_Assange_kjhg.png)

File: bc6179aa8fad6ef⋯.png (742.41 KB,680x665,136:133,Julian_Assange_3bb.png)

File: 5039243ec95ed82⋯.png (165.07 KB,801x429,267:143,julian_assange_139d2769250….png)

File: b0172e2ab7c4380⋯.png (2.92 MB,2403x1951,2403:1951,julian_assange_6ae1e1a14.png)



Confirm Handoff

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0e33ee No.21081028

File: 6f7319e7d3603f7⋯.png (52.1 KB,255x170,3:2,IMG_2283.png)

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db9efc No.21081029

File: 3787e8f77c80c7d⋯.png (95.28 KB,320x247,320:247,pod.png)


Anons are well versed in this chapter.

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098f0f No.21081030

File: 41c83c6fc1b715c⋯.png (26.89 KB,605x284,605:284,pp.PNG)


Oilfield Rando


Planned Parenthood gets over half a billion a year from the American taxpayers while doing this. And there are still a ton of elected Republicans who won’t even support TRIMMING those funds. Amazing.


Square profile picture

The Associated Press




Planned Parenthood announces that it will spend $40 million ahead of November's election https://apnews.com/article/planned-parenthood-spending-45-million-2024-election-a6b9252fec64d1e051816ea173dab32f?utm_campaign=TrueAnthem&utm_medium=AP&utm_source=Twitter

4:09 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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66cfc5 No.21081034

File: 28d009216168d29⋯.png (1.8 MB,1068x766,534:383,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21074757 lb lb

:::::Community Note:::::


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e5c7ba No.21081035


dave douche.

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098f0f No.21081036

File: 3e101c972f8a80e⋯.png (522.17 KB,587x667,587:667,sup.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case on Tennessee’s ban on s*x change surgeries and cross-s*x hormones for minors.

This is huge. Their decision can set the precedent for every state which passed laws banning the medical transition of minors.



4:19 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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24b7f9 No.21081037

File: a7afa42b85e8506⋯.gif (615.5 KB,260x238,130:119,8uv9bv.gif)


Another Anon pointed out that they just EAT up bread to bury the news. I know the breds fly and I have to filter numerous spammers

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6cd9b0 No.21081038

File: 5b037f570a99ee2⋯.jpg (10.06 KB,191x275,191:275,5b037f570a99ee28fd73972276….jpg)

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53bed8 No.21081039

>>21080977 (lb)

Who is JC?

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c51cd6 No.21081043

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Reality Check Of Brexit | Raheem Kassam On Farage's Election Future Implications For The Globe. Ben Bergquam in the UK, this guy really gets around



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f7d8e0 No.21081044


offhand confirmed

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2788c1 No.21081046


James Comey

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098f0f No.21081047

File: 7e1bbfbba0cdc2e⋯.png (648.81 KB,596x843,596:843,mei.PNG)


Lisa Mei


Funny how we were told about this in October 2020.



Square profile picture

The Gateway Pundit




KASH PATEL EXCLUSIVE: Speaker Paul Ryan and His Team Rigged Our Russiagate Investigation Before He Started It

READ: https://tgpne.ws/8WHqjo


3:47 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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5a03f8 No.21081048

"it has begun."

give it to me slowly so i can understand

what is "it"?

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3e442c No.21081049

File: b30474f9ea31240⋯.jpg (186.39 KB,949x1081,949:1081,b30474f9ea31240be072f13d67….jpg)



well guess I just won 10 bux from a stupid fucker who doubted Trump and Q and the Plan

Told him Trump would have Assange free before Biden left office. BOOM

Knew this day was coming


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24b7f9 No.21081050

File: e842e89f19a00e9⋯.gif (625.89 KB,260x239,260:239,8uwniw.gif)

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a1089b No.21081052


sox change?

so children can't wear fresh sox?

why didn't you just type 'sex'?

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373ded No.21081053

File: b1a4f8a82eb5dae⋯.png (3.11 MB,1599x1715,1599:1715,ClipboardImage.png)

File: feb7094025667c0⋯.mp4 (1.09 MB,640x360,16:9,Julian_Assange_walks_free_….mp4)

Julian Assange walks free:

WikiLeaks founder 'boards plane out of UK' after agreeing plea deal on US spy charges - 12 years after fleeing into Ecuador embassy to avoid sex-crime quiz

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange (pictured, main, top-right and bottom-right) has flown out of the UK after he reached a plea deal with US prosecutors, 12 years after he fled to Ecuador's embassy to avoid a sex crime probe. U.S. prosecutors filed criminal paperwork against Assange, 52, that is typically a preliminary step before a plea deal. In the agreement, prosecutors will look for a 62-month sentence - the same amount of time Assange has served in a high-security prison in London while fighting extradition to the U.S.



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3de5ff No.21081055

File: c80b5d4a586066f⋯.jpg (83.32 KB,706x600,353:300,355926.jpg)

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de9b22 No.21081056

File: 492dc1594300ee7⋯.png (346.44 KB,680x440,17:11,will_smith_slaps_chris_roc….png)


Acknowledged with a backhander


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098f0f No.21081057

File: a9d06000bba8441⋯.png (15.57 KB,598x146,299:73,rem.PNG)


Jack Poso 🇺🇸


Daily reminder that Jake Tapper's top producer resigned after he was put under investigation by Fairfax County Child Exploitation Squad

3:55 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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c51cd6 No.21081059

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Paoletta: Justice Clarence Thomas Is Spearheading The Judicial Fight Against Administrative State



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3e442c No.21081060

File: 5f3a37d832e1155⋯.png (584.68 KB,1232x1200,77:75,5f3a37d832e11551f0b0709ad4….png)


the real fun

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66cfc5 No.21081063


you have my Cat's Grace B

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2788c1 No.21081064

File: 0c6ec01af963176⋯.png (15.08 KB,483x327,161:109,ClipboardImage.png)

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6697d8 No.21081066


fact it wasn't a punch tells the story

what kind of man goes up for a fucking slap

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db9efc No.21081069

File: 464f05733a7f22b⋯.png (816.39 KB,761x686,761:686,Capture.PNG)

File: cf9dd3b4ff8a8bf⋯.png (27.49 KB,604x322,302:161,image_2024_06_24_214326191.png)

Wikileaks: Mexican Drug Kingpin, El Chapo, Donated 15M to Clinton Foundation


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098f0f No.21081072

File: 80211c82ff1bc13⋯.png (19.89 KB,592x199,592:199,wd.PNG)


Emerald Robinson ✝️


What do you think is going to happen when millions of people around the world realize that Big Pharma and their own corrupt governments coerced them into taking drugs which PERMANENTLY altered their immune systems to produce toxic spike proteins?

3:49 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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4ab385 No.21081073

File: 17c4a81290fddfc⋯.png (1.62 MB,1080x720,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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53bed8 No.21081074


Ok makes sense. And 187 means?

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3de5ff No.21081077

File: 082dd068cc7a23d⋯.png (175.37 KB,717x617,717:617,082dd068cc7a23d47fb4a13d14….png)


Keeps posting same reddit spacing, and expects a different result

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098f0f No.21081078

File: 7feb393ff3ee408⋯.png (488.11 KB,612x775,612:775,nail.PNG)


🇺🇸 Pismo 🇺🇸


WOW! This lady absolutely nails it!

Must watch!


Roger Blood 🕶 𝕏

10:57 AM · Jun 22, 2024




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de9b22 No.21081079

File: 498b14b806e0094⋯.jpg (18.45 KB,225x255,15:17,fc0337f067049aeafa38ee29ee….jpg)

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098f0f No.21081082

File: 39f64472bdb0460⋯.png (119.99 KB,591x482,591:482,ok.PNG)


Chaos Coordinator


OK, so now it makes sense as to WHY the debate is being held there - INSURANCE CLAIM - that is why they are letting the EVENT happen. To bail themselves out. Who insures them? Time to ask @FBI

to look at communications they have -


3:46 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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de9b22 No.21081083


2 buffoon's

twas fake drama


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d5d4de No.21081085

File: 5010adc2d2a7e12⋯.jpg (41.03 KB,888x485,888:485,yuyfisdssdf.jpg)

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9fe3ff No.21081088

File: e48820ea4477aaf⋯.jpeg (320.01 KB,1024x1024,1:1,6B1E2A02_8C11_4091_A13C_D….jpeg)

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ff3a92 No.21081090

File: 86035d47b2c43e1⋯.jpg (518.45 KB,1536x2048,3:4,D2DxWSMWoAEIMAg.jpg)


I just told my mother and we both started crying. The hope for a better world has not died.

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3e442c No.21081091

File: ec4aed8ca76efb6⋯.jpeg (53.49 KB,960x946,480:473,ec4aed8ca76efb65b9e619002….jpeg)

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098f0f No.21081093

File: 9fa31463397ca31⋯.png (219.49 KB,605x820,121:164,ch.PNG)


Catherine Herridge


With the permission of @stancikkaroline

and her advocacy group @REALUSJAG

, we are exclusively publishing the Army Human Resources Command memo with redactions.

CONTEXT: Stancik who had pacemaker surgery earlier this month says she’s never had a positive test for COVID-19.

An Army spokesman disputed some circumstances surrounding Stancik’s release from active duty, also telling our team:

“‘Covid vaccine injured’ is a non-specific term with no objective tests or clinical parameters and cannot be medically diagnosed.”

Asked if they disputed the memo’s findings, the spokesman said, “The Army Human Resources Command October 2023 memorandum speaks for itself.”



3:07 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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373ded No.21081094

File: 73f325ab15eb0e1⋯.png (448.74 KB,802x697,802:697,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump 'narrows VP search to THREE candidates'

Donald Trump's list of potential running mates has been narrowed to just three.

North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) are the three remaining contenders after the former president's team said earlier this summer it was down to about seven candidates.

Trump said over the weekend that he had made up his mind about who he plans to add to his presidential ticket in November, but that no one else knows.

More than a dozen sources involved or with knowledge of the process confirmed to NBC News that the pick is either Burgum, Vance or Rubio.

But really, some claim it's down to Burgum and Vance and say that there are doubts over Rubio's enthusiasm for the job – and the issue of them both being Florida residents could pose issues with the 'inhabitant clause' in the 12th Amendment. …


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17aeb6 No.21081095


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102768 No.21081097

File: 2d2ec17cca74f06⋯.png (179.62 KB,1043x743,1043:743,Screenshot_20240623_091423….png)

File: 576f8383db8261e⋯.png (1.22 MB,1080x994,540:497,SSI_Disability_1.png)

File: 388d0f7dcd0334a⋯.png (716.24 KB,990x835,198:167,Scrvvh_1_.png)

File: 3ce01944d689ca1⋯.png (785.26 KB,1080x1003,1080:1003,Screenshot_20240624_073248….png)


Disabled is disabled so why the huge difference in payment amounts?


I want to tell you guys a HORROR story regarding Social Security SSI Disability Benefits.

I know a 65 year old man who was in an accident and hasn't worked in a longtime because he can't walk and one arm is partially disabled but I always see him trying to get around and participate in life as much as he can and I greatly respect him for his efforts.

The other day he explained to me that he was on SSI Disability and it is really hard to makes ends meet with the Bidenomics price increases but he manages to keep going on only $943 dollars a month for all his expenses.

To me the maximum amount of SSI Disability payments for a disabled elderly man only being $943 a month, makes no sense at all it'sCRUELTYno matter how you slice it.

I decided to give him $300 a month to help him out and also looked into other benefits he might be eligible for every month.

After contacting the 'Social Security office I was told if I give him $300 a month then $300 a month will be deducted from his SSI monthly payment and I said how can he possibly get ahead when he cannot have more than $943 a month and no more than $2,000 in total life savings or he will be kicked off the program.

Social Security workers they don't give two shits about anyone.

Where I live you can't even rent a closet for $943 a month so I'm wondering why are the the politicians in Washington DC doing this to America's elderly that are unfortunately disabled?

All that fucken taxpayer money going to non Americans in the Ukraine and all them asshole politicians in Washington DC can't even give America's disabled elderly a couple more hundred dollars a month at least…


Thank God all politicians are going to HELL.

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098f0f No.21081098

File: 3abc3e9a3e4c2db⋯.png (331.23 KB,596x564,149:141,gm.PNG)


James Watkins




3:13 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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c0ae58 No.21081099

Why was Jullian Assange released…and why now of all times…

Why hasn't Trump announced a V.P.???

Was he waiting for someone to be released???…could it be possible that JA will be V.P.???

Personally, I don't he would be qualified…unless there is something we don't know about J.A.

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24b7f9 No.21081101

File: ab97b9cf358822b⋯.mp4 (1.59 MB,1024x1024,1:1,raising_his_arms_casting_S….mp4)

File: b68b2535504fce8⋯.mp4 (3.34 MB,1024x1024,1:1,casting_chaos_spell_praise….mp4)

File: 0ab0deaf52cacaa⋯.png (1.54 MB,1024x1024,1:1,0ab0deaf52cacaa277bcd1e27a….png)

For an Anon earlier

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1df236 No.21081103

File: 663f340437894fc⋯.jpeg (88.82 KB,750x500,3:2,736BE67D_9B44_44D1_8787_3….jpeg)

File: caa0baae953965c⋯.jpeg (366.59 KB,778x1318,389:659,EE9F8242_C238_44E2_A4D8_5….jpeg)

File: 417e2f8ca675400⋯.png (1.02 MB,1080x1256,135:157,5874142C_B503_4C9F_A41D_01….png)

File: e5944d33b48efc1⋯.jpeg (52.95 KB,395x401,395:401,1C73C962_6A0E_4BE3_8A58_A….jpeg)

File: 47ee0eeac487932⋯.webp (78.25 KB,474x480,79:80,6FFECC4F_391C_42A1_9F30_2….webp)


TY Baker

NightShift Activated

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9fe3ff No.21081104

File: 7be6d9d97e97a2c⋯.gif (1.48 MB,320x180,16:9,BE9BA0BE_95B0_4A93_B39E_FD….gif)

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8a1adb No.21081105

File: d14f656e720a03b⋯.png (310.16 KB,563x317,563:317,ClipboardImage.png)


>First, General Flynn is 100% correct:

>• Our military abides by the US Constitution

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3d0b46 No.21081107



and JA sauce


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84a118 No.21081108


Don't get out much, huh?

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919d8c No.21081109

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Has probably already been posted (Saturday's speech), but for new eyes: Mark Robinson, who's running for N.C. Governor. Just love this guy (no homo).

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098f0f No.21081110

File: 0283b2ca25bae4b⋯.png (455.94 KB,585x532,585:532,mw.PNG)


Square profile picture

The Gateway Pundit


MAJOR WARNING: If Republicans Want to Win in 2024 We Have Less than Two Months to Clean Bloated Voter Rolls — August 7th Is Cut-Off Date

READ: https://tgpne.ws/dw5e6w


2:04 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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66cfc5 No.21081111

File: 924dcf52fef3254⋯.png (818.91 KB,2258x944,1129:472,ClipboardImage.png)

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2788c1 No.21081112

File: ce3a2a906b48145⋯.png (38.68 KB,865x306,865:306,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 566370964f7e60e⋯.png (22.45 KB,481x305,481:305,ClipboardImage.png)


Or [187] means [7] on the Q-Clock.


3x60=180, so the extra [7] is left.

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27ff97 No.21081113


Police Code 187 is 'murder'.

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3e442c No.21081115



timing is everything

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4ab385 No.21081116


you're a junkie man

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99bfd4 No.21081117

File: cd7c19924584477⋯.jpeg (321.97 KB,1129x1799,1129:1799,IMG_2634.jpeg)


You think the federal reserve ransom may have been Assanges freedom?

Something about ‘33’ terrabites?

Saw this post on X and thought it all might be together

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17aeb6 No.21081118


I think one of the qualifications to be VP is being a natural born US citizen. Pretty sure he's not even a citizen.

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24b7f9 No.21081119

File: c6e3360e3cb36d6⋯.mp4 (8.91 MB,638x902,29:41,wq0Fos5AqIm5220m.mp4)



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098f0f No.21081120

File: f058e6a3d0ed688⋯.png (534.67 KB,594x826,297:413,lisa.PNG)


Lisa Mei


He didn't leave Congress on his own terms either.









Jun 22

💣 💣💣💥💥

Kash Patel Drops a Bomb — British Court Reveals Paul Ryan Was the First One to Receive a Copy of Steele Dossier Back in 2016 and He Hid This For Years!

Steve Bannon:

Are you telling me and telling this audience in a British court filing that Steele filed under

Show more

1:25 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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3de5ff No.21081122

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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098f0f No.21081123



JUST IN: More than a third of Americans earning at least $250,000 annually say they are living paycheck to paycheck, per Bloomberg.

2:17 AM · Jun 24, 2024





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a6cd16 No.21081124

Evenin’ Nightshift

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822cf4 No.21081125


After hearing that Megyn Kelly is Nicole Brown Simpson, I can't not see it.

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3e442c No.21081127


kek Jim Watkins greats the day with a GM

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90c021 No.21081128

File: 50e855f17404bef⋯.mp4 (1.6 MB,492x270,82:45,french_toon.mp4)

File: b364bb23e9382b5⋯.gif (9.99 MB,540x570,18:19,gif.gif)

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ff7c7f No.21081130

File: 19ffffc47ab16f1⋯.jpg (143.24 KB,500x590,50:59,8t95vp.jpg)

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3149d0 No.21081131



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a39b16 No.21081132

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102768 No.21081133

File: 189eaaa57e8fef0⋯.png (774.78 KB,1080x1571,1080:1571,Screensh.png)

100% of the Q bread shitters are feds…. Compromised completely up s an understatement.

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1eab01 No.21081134

File: 1d4690aeb92070b⋯.png (146.5 KB,635x650,127:130,ClipboardImage.png)

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098f0f No.21081136

File: 17958cebb93c54c⋯.png (379.73 KB,588x707,84:101,rep.PNG)


Wall Street Apes


America, If You’re Unsure If The 2020 Election Was Stolen Here’s Your Answer

Alabama Attorney General is repeatedly questioned whether Joe Biden is the “duly elected and lawfully serving" President of the United States

He would not say it in on the record in testimony. Over and over he omitted “duly elected and lawfully serving". He would not say it. This video is very telling.

Rate proposed Community Notes

2:01 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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ff3a92 No.21081137

File: cc4d227dbca9e55⋯.png (392.68 KB,563x545,563:545,ClipboardImage.png)


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2722ee No.21081138


Using the word "s*x" in the same post that includes the word "children" is the equivalent of child pornography and it's banned on 8Kun, and in America by the Constitution.

Anyone who does this is responsible for children dying from photography.

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3e442c No.21081139

this just in…

Biden must have gotten back up

press doin lines waiting for updates

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2a4d05 No.21081141


>CNN's defense argues that the coverage was opinion, not factual news

Do you need any more proof that CNN, the "CableNews= Network", does not even consider themselves a news organization, but an 'opinion' source?

Remember when the legal defense for MSDNC Madcow argued in court that her show wasn't news but 'entertainment'?


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fa5c48 No.21081143

File: 98173ba910cce2e⋯.png (25.89 KB,104x110,52:55,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 851d99f79d0faab⋯.png (502.64 KB,724x792,181:198,ClipboardImage.png)


Moar fake bullshit.

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822cf4 No.21081144


Uncle John Trump's son or grandson?

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6cd9b0 No.21081145

File: c78b2ac0ec21c81⋯.png (157.89 KB,727x513,727:513,44594d9020390f4aa8da4267ea….png)

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d5ceb3 No.21081147

The Great Wizard Of Leaks - A Blockchain Fantasy-Action-Adventure Epic



"If the password is ever released ("Whatever happens, even if there's video; it was murder"), the files are encrypted via OpenSSL file encryption. "

The Great Wizard of Leaks had been exposing the corruption of the Kings and Rulers for a long time. But one day after exposing their treasonous actions in foreign lands, they decided that he had gone too far. As a result, The Great Wizard was forced to take refuge in a castle that the Kings and Rulers did not control. The Great Wizard resided here for five years and continued to cast spells that upset the people's tyrannic rulers.

However, on October 15th in the Current Year, the Rulers had had enough and decided to unplug the source of the Great Wizard's power (the Internet), thereby preventing him from interfering with their rigged election which favored the Great Witch of the West (aka: The Cunt). Despite this, The Cunt still lost to the Almighty Knight Sir Trumpador Maximus Decimus Meridius III, who claimed he had plans to bring peace to the Lands and "drain the swamp" that gave The Cunt and her cronies their power. Although sensible people were not all trusting of Trumpador, most of them realized that he still represented their best hope.

Things started looking better in the West, but there were still some problems.

Well known and generally despised Gargoyle $oros was trying to sow seeds of division amongst the people in order to regain control. He had managed to split the people of the land broadly into two opposing groups, The Left and The Right, exploiting their fears by exaggerating everything unkosher that Knight Sir Trumpador Maximus Decimus Meridius III had said. The Gargoyle even went so far as to fund civil rebellions, using the same techniques of subversion that were used in other lands to the East to overthrow Governments that the Gargoyle did not like. "Divide and conquer!" he had told The Cunt and her cronies. "It is far easier to conquer a land if the citizens are divided and cannot put up a unified resistance!"

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9fe3ff No.21081148

File: c96b2d63d741e3b⋯.png (165.74 KB,471x386,471:386,F34F5317_F865_42E0_9C68_AF….png)

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1eab01 No.21081149

File: 7be0c66c1fa79e0⋯.gif (3.43 MB,480x258,80:43,hattip.gif)

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098f0f No.21081150

File: a3bb542404033b0⋯.png (375.26 KB,598x474,299:237,cent.PNG)


John Solomon


CNN's Jake Tapper at center of defamation lawsuit as he prepares to host presidential debate

CNN's Jake Tapper | (Gary Miller/FilmMagic)

From justthenews.com

12:50 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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dd1cd2 No.21081151

File: 3de20e730689ce8⋯.jpg (10.19 KB,251x242,251:242,9_u0dsgCn.jpg)

I was impartial to Elon Musk, but now I think he's a massive faggot. I recently created a new twitter account so I could bathe in the seethe come Nov, only to find out that there's a limit on how many posts you can view per day.

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3e442c No.21081152

File: 1cda5ef00c3f123⋯.png (902.07 KB,763x738,763:738,1cda5ef00c3f123dfad561f20b….png)


anxious + crack = proper fucked

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ff7c7f No.21081153


Very clever meme with the scribble


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db9efc No.21081154

Why the DNC had Seth Rich murdered on 7/10/2016 and why wikileaks released the Podesta emails on 10/7/2016.

The DNC picked 7/10 because they were sending a message to all potential leakers.

From murder to election date

From and including: Sunday, July 10, 2016

To, but not including Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Result: 3 months, 29 days

"three months twenty nine days" in the English Reduction system equals 118

"Democratic National Committee" in the English Reduction system equals 118

The message is…


three months twenty nine days =118 election 11/8 (reduction)


Democratic National Committee =118 (reduction)

Julian Assange sent a message back…

WHY (murder date)

7+10+20+16 = 53

7+10+2+0+1+6 = 26

7+1+0+2+0+1+6 = 17

Matches (release date)

10+7+20+16 = 53

10+7+2+0+1+6 = 26

1+0+7+2+0+1+6 = 17


The October Surprise = 314 = PI

equals days from murder to email release..

2 months, 27 days=22/7 excluding the end date.

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d5ceb3 No.21081157



Meanwhile, The Great Wizard may have had his own woes. Since his source of mana (Internet) was cut, the people had not heard from him and his group of apprentice wizards (belonging to a noble order known as WizardLeaks). They had become seemingly incommunicado. Rumor has it that their order was infiltrated by treasonous goons working on behalf of The Cunt and the Gargoyle and it was entirely possible that the Great Wizard himself had been captured.

The King and his Alphabet Stooges may have been clever here though. Instead of letting the people know that the Great Wizard had been illegally abducted, they may have chopped previously unreleased interview footage to make it appear as though the Great Wizard was still alive and well. This is not confirmed, but the people have good reason to speculate.

The Great Wizard always knew that his capture was a possibility and thus dispersed gold to the people which could only be unlocked with a key that would automatically release if his Wizardly Magic was to cease.

On October 22nd in the Current Year, this may have occurred. The well-established MagiRealm known as Readit and the sensitive town of Twithurt were attacked and brought down while the keys were allegedly getting dispersed. Most mentions of the alleged keys on Readit and Twithurt were also removed.

Some citizens that frequented the horrible lair known as Forchan, believed to be the dwelling place of the notorious hacker known as Forchan, also reported that The King's Alphabet Stooges were even removing the alleged keys from there.

They started wondering where else The Great Wizard may have hidden the keys to this gold. A place where the Alphabet Stooges would have a hard time removing it.

After much thought, some citizens agreed that the most likely place was in a thing called the "Blockchain" that resided in the MagiRealm. This would be hard to for the Evil Alphabet Wizard's to censor as it is mostly controlled and determined by the people themselves.

The question is: Are you a bad enough dude to help rescue The Great Wizard?

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a1089b No.21081158


you are FOS

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de9b22 No.21081159

File: f9afc513e81ce48⋯.png (366.75 KB,1016x915,1016:915,ClipboardImage.png)



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c51cd6 No.21081161

File: a7c294ec7a9185c⋯.png (915.58 KB,1162x456,581:228,ClipboardImage.png)

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3e442c No.21081162


the panic is palpable

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ff3a92 No.21081164

File: 51d96adef508949⋯.png (203.11 KB,620x509,620:509,ClipboardImage.png)


Donald J. Trump Posts From His Truth Social



Donald Trump Truth Social 07:03 PM EST 06/24/24

Jun 25, 2024 · 12:46 AM UTC


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098f0f No.21081165

File: 833ea37167b3054⋯.png (34.63 KB,595x482,595:482,rs.PNG)


Rising serpent 🇺🇸


Finally one gay dude says what straight people always suspected but didn't know for sure.

This is an eye opening and depressing thread.

The LGBTQ movement is a front to normalize pedophilia and child predators.

And the politicians pushing it are traffickers too.


Chad Felix Greene 🇮🇱



Jun 22

Every man I had sex with when I was 14 knew I was 14 beforehand.

LGBTQ culture has no socially imposed boundaries on it. They don't police themselves. They are too consumed with protecting their political causes and shaming rightwing bigots.

Teen sex work is the norm in LGBTQ

Show more

8:14 AM · Jun 23, 2024




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c0ae58 No.21081167


unless we are referring to the NEW Presidency, maybe that doesn't apply to the original Constitution…you know before they fuck'd it all up.

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90c021 No.21081168

File: 5196c13d8f85b0e⋯.png (421.22 KB,718x655,718:655,ClipboardImage.png)

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2a4d05 No.21081171

File: ea2972a1a50b1a3⋯.png (378.01 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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d5ceb3 No.21081173


A completely fictional timeline of events follows below.

15 August : The great wizards lawyer Jon Jones dies in suspicious circumstances.


21 August : WizardLeaks tweets "Inquest rules that death of Julian Assange's lawyer, John Jones QC, was not 'suicide', opening door to law suits"



22 August (2:47 AM): Attempted break-in at The Great Wizard's embassy home; Ecuadoor questions Lundoon's 'inadequate response'


14 September : WizardLeaks publishes the full Medical and Psychological Records of the great wizard https://wikileaks.org/Medical-Reports.html

4 October : WizardLeaks announces "We hope to be publishing every week for the next 10 weeks. wikileaks10"


7 October: WizardLeaks leaks speculated Emily McCain abductor John Pedo-esta's first email batch

12 October: WizardLeaks announces on Twitter: now publishing on a schedule created by our new impact maximizing publishing algorithm the "Stochastic Terminator"

12 October: Mike Cernovich tweets about getting info that 33K deleted emails exist

15 October (morning): WizardLeaks releases The Cunt's Goldman Sachs transcripts.

15 October (Lunch): Noble-woman Pammy Anderson visits The Great Wizard


15 October: Cut off The Great Wizard's internet access 5:00 pm GMT


15 October: WizardLeaks chat goes silent and never comes back:


15 October At the exact same time this was taking place, Manning had a group of guys try to break her out prison. Read her statement and see how the dates and times match:



15/16 October (dawn): WizardLeaks DNS Server was suddenly pointed elsewhere (UNCONFIRMED)

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102768 No.21081174

File: eb0b82db7bc718b⋯.jpg (115.46 KB,500x727,500:727,IMG_20240624_070911.jpg)


Bread shitters federally try harder.

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3de5ff No.21081175

File: 1f3673aa84531dc⋯.png (353.23 KB,640x359,640:359,1f3673aa84531dc8aca04a19c0….png)

Bye bye walls of text. 2 clicks

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098f0f No.21081177

File: 299e55eeec699d7⋯.png (359.15 KB,590x531,10:9,elp.PNG)


Paul Joseph Watson


Billionaire Taylor Swift, whose career was launched with the help of her rich banker father, sung “fuck the patriarchy!” at at her concert, leaving some to wonder how it made dads who had spent exorbitant amounts on tickets for their daughters feel.

From modernity.news

11:38 PM · Jun 23, 2024




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1eab01 No.21081179

File: 96fd1177e993601⋯.webp (19.51 KB,492x598,246:299,pepe_sip3.webp)

Are you going to spam theological drivel interlaced with schizophrenic political diatribe or are you going to newsbot, VaticanClown? Seems you're slipping between personas and are unsure what device/vm you're on.

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2722ee No.21081180


You asked for the reason

That's the reason

You don't have to agree with it

But the ruling ideology always prevails

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c51cd6 No.21081183

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kelly: Judge Cannon Presses Special Counsel For Answers On Who Is Supervising Jack SmithLove Julie's report, she digs down and releases what she personally sees. She in court every day Judge Cannon holds a hearing



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2a4d05 No.21081184


There is no patriarchy.

BILLIONAIRE Taylor Swift is her own proof.

Find out who is writing her scripts.

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db9efc No.21081185

I guess we know why all the spam bots pounced this morning.

They knew Assange was released as well.

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de9b22 No.21081186


top kek



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a1089b No.21081187


interesting plot twist.

we'll never know.

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102768 No.21081188

File: 2d2ec17cca74f06⋯.png (179.62 KB,1043x743,1043:743,Screenshot_20240623_091423….png)

File: 388d0f7dcd0334a⋯.png (716.24 KB,990x835,198:167,Scrvvh_1_.png)


Disabled is disabled so why the huge difference in payment amounts?


I want to tell you guys a HORROR story regarding Social Security SSI Disability Benefits.

I know a 65 year old man who was in an accident and hasn't worked in a longtime because he can't walk and one arm is partially disabled but I always see him trying to get around and participate in life as much as he can and I greatly respect him for his efforts.

The other day he explained to me that he was on SSI Disability and it is really hard to makes ends meet with the Bidenomics price increases but he manages to keep going on only $943 dollars a month for all his expenses.

To me the maximum amount of SSI Disability payments for a disabled elderly man only being $943 a month, makes no sense at all it'sCRUELTYno matter how you slice it.

I decided to give him $300 a month to help him out and also looked into other benefits he might be eligible for every month.

After contacting the 'Social Security office I was told if I give him $300 a month then $300 a month will be deducted from his SSI monthly payment and I said how can he possibly get ahead when he cannot have more than $943 a month and no more than $2,000 in total life savings or he will be kicked off the program.

Social Security workers they don't give two shits about anyone.

Where I live you can't even rent a closet for $943 a month so I'm wondering why are the the politicians in Washington DC doing this to America's elderly that are unfortunately disabled?

All that fucken taxpayer money going to non Americans in the Ukraine and all them asshole politicians in Washington DC can't even give America's disabled elderly a couple more hundred dollars a month at least…


Thank God all politicians are going to HELL.

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098f0f No.21081189

File: 201755dd1bff65c⋯.png (359.66 KB,1039x507,1039:507,mask.PNG)


Masks are going from mandated to criminalized

in some states

Washington Post, by Fenit Nirappil

Posted By: sunset, 6/24/2024 2:30:26 PM

State legislators and law enforcement are reinstating dormant laws that criminalize mask-wearing to penalize pro-Palestinian protesters who conceal their faces, raising concerns among covid-cautious Americans. Republican lawmakers in North Carolina are poised to overturn Gov. Roy Cooper’s (D) recent veto of legislation to criminalize masking. New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) said earlier this month she supports legislative efforts to ban masks on the subway, citing an incident where masked protesters on a train shouted, “Raise your hands if you’re a Zionist. This is your chance to get out.” Student protesters in Ohio, Texas and Florida have been threatened with arrest for covering their faces.

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d5ceb3 No.21081190

File: 76d0536eea3aeae⋯.png (64.8 KB,1168x250,584:125,ClipboardImage.png)


16 October: Anon claims assange extradition is imminent (picrel)

16 October: Faux News claims that the great wizards arrest is imminent, later deletes video

16 October (between 11:00pm /11:30 pm GMT): WizardLeaks releases 3 Pre-Commitments (1: Kerry; 2: Ecuadoor; 3: UK FCO)




17 October (6:33 am GMT): “WizardLeaks announces that The Great Wizard's internet link has been intentionally severed by a state party” and that “We have activated the appropriate contingency plans”.


17 October (8:27 pm GMT): On a second tweet (almost 14 hours later) announces that “We can confirm Ecuadoor cut off The Great Wizard's internet access Saturday (15 october), 5pm GMT, shortly after publication of The Cunt's Goldman Sachs speechs.”


17 October: GUCCIFER_2 tweets: “i'm here and ready for new releases. already changed my location thanks @WizardLeaks for a good job!”


17 October: The castle guard tells a caller they can't comment if the Great Wizard is alive:

Recording 1 , Recording 2

18 October: A script was activated that made https://file.WizardLeaks.org/file publicly visible and set all the file date and time stamps to 01/01/1984

18 october: WizardLeaks announces that : “Multiple US sources tell us John Kerry asked Ecuadoor to stop The Great Wizard from publishing The Cunt docs during FARC peace negotiations”.(edited)


18 October: WizardLeaks announces “The John Kerry private meeting with Ecuadoor was made on the sidelines of the negotiations which took place principally on Sep 26 in Colombia.”


18 October: WizardLeaks announces that “A front has released through US Democratic media an elaborate story accusing The Great Wizard of paedophillia & taking US$1million from Russia” – publishes all docs about this case






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6697d8 No.21081191


fauci and media did most of the misleading


>Our product candidates may not work as intended, may cause undesirable side effects or may have other properties that could delay or prevent their regulatory approval, limit the commercial profile of an approved label, or result in significant negative consequences following marketing approval, if any

>use of our product candidates could be associated with side effects or adverse events which can vary in severity from minor reactions to death and in frequency from infrequent to prevalent

>even if we successfully advance one of our product candidates into and through clinical trials, such trials will likely only include a limited number of subjects and limited duration of exposure to our product candidates

>we cannot be assured that adverse effects of our product candidates will not be uncovered when a significantly larger number of patients are exposed

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02053e No.21081194

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

@1:35 -ish

AOC leg way up high

Would be a great

Pointer meme

Make leg extra long


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3e442c No.21081195


>The LGBTQ movement is a front to normalize pedophilia and child predators.

>And the politicians pushing it are traffickers too.

The LGBTQ movement is a front to normalize pedophilia and child predators.

And the politicians pushing it are traffickers too.

The child charities are a front to normalize pedophilia and child predators.

And the politicians pushing it are traffickers too.

The public school is a front to normalize pedophilia and child predators.

And the politicians pushing it are traffickers too.

The medical establishment is a front to normalize pedophilia and child predators.

And the politicians pushing it are traffickers too.

The assorted church is a front to normalize pedophilia and child predators.

And the politicians pushing it are traffickers too.

The video gaming is a front to normalize pedophilia and child predators.

And the politicians pushing it are traffickers too.

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1eab01 No.21081197


Call the National Enquirer, I couldn't care less what her and her stage prop boyfriend are up to.

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098f0f No.21081198

File: b57567538f24cb1⋯.png (916.33 KB,1163x858,1163:858,sig.PNG)


EXCLUSIVE: DOJ’s Kristen Clarke Hit

With Criminal Referral, Ethics Complaints

for ‘Perjury,’ ‘False Statements’

Daily Signal, by Mary Margaret Olohan

Posted By: Skinnydip, 6/24/2024 1:15:34 PM

The Justice Department’s Kristen Clarke, assistant attorney general for civil rights, will be hit with three ethics complaints and a criminal referral Monday, The Daily Signal has learned. “There is ample evidence to support this referral for false statements and perjury,” Mike Davis, founder and president of Article III Project, said in the criminal referral. Davis’ organization is focused on defending constitutionalist judges, opposing radical judicial nominees, and pushing back on “radical assaults on judicial independence” such as court-packing.

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de9b22 No.21081199


dats dat

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d5ceb3 No.21081201

File: 1f51ac9655de52c⋯.png (215 KB,1438x1125,1438:1125,ClipboardImage.png)


18 October: Ecuadoor admits to 'restricting' The Great Wizard communications over US election. (picrel)

19 October: Craig Murray posts on his blog that “went to see The Great Wizard for a whisky in the Ecuadoor Embassy” (….) “I left The Great Wizard after midnight. He is fit, well, sharp and in good spirits”.


20 October: Kryptome tweets “Wrong building for The Great Wizard's EC bolt hole. Orator perch still waving flag. 51°29'56.62" N 0°09'40.51" W” (since deleted)

20 October: WizardLeaks annouces “We have a suprise in store for @TimKaine and @DonnaBrazile.”


20 and 21 October: WizardLeaks tweets with many spelling mistakes – speculated “HELP HIM” code.


21 October: Dyn DDoS cyberattack disrupts access to wizardleaks, twitter, reddit, facebook and more



21 October: WizardLeaks tweets “The Great Wizard is still alive and WizardLeaks is still publishing. We ask supporters to stop taking down the US internet. You proved your point”.


21 October: WizardLeaks tweets: “The Warbama administration should not have attempted to misuse its instruments of state to stop criticism of its ruling party candidate”.


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46a3bb No.21081202





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828f57 No.21081203

File: c9e90bff0b6946f⋯.png (798.04 KB,710x834,355:417,how_AI_is_currently_going.png)

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3e442c No.21081204


she is not a billionaire

she is a shell corporation

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a47a96 No.21081205

File: e899edb2bae45c9⋯.jpg (8.68 KB,300x168,25:14,images_299_.jpg)

Begun, it has…


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2a4d05 No.21081206


front for pedophilia and depopulation.

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098f0f No.21081207

File: 5d651977c2f88c8⋯.png (35.05 KB,1258x275,1258:275,vo.PNG)


Anna Paulina Luna to force vote on Garland's

arrest this week after DOJ refuses criminal referral

Fox News, by Elizabeth Elkind

Posted By: cjjeepercreeper, 6/24/2024 12:02:44 PM

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, R-Fla., is planning to force a vote on directing the House Sergeant-at-Arms to arrest Attorney General Merrick Garland sometime this week. Luna is sending a letter around to fellow House Republicans on Monday arguing that the Department of Justice (DOJ) undermined Congress by refusing to act on the contempt resolution passed by the GOP majority earlier this month. "The only option to ensure compliance with our subpoena is to use our constitutional authority of inherent contempt," Luna said. "In the next few days, I will call up my resolution holding Attorney General Merrick Garland in inherent contempt of Congress, and I look forward to each of you voting

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a1089b No.21081209


your final conclusion about blame was the FOS part, anon

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373ded No.21081210

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

AP Explains Julian Assange freed from prison

mp4 1:27


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ff3a92 No.21081211

File: 872ddf52cf3f045⋯.png (36.96 KB,627x265,627:265,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 30be6d7e0aef63e⋯.jpg (48.86 KB,700x662,350:331,30be6d7e0aef63e5918987fe4b….jpg)

Tim Pool



CNN is now threatening any social channels that provide commentary on the debate stating they will not allow the use outside of CNN

Commentary on a presidential debate is the epitome of fair use and we fully intend to provide insight and real time fact checking Thursday LIVE

Jun 24, 2024 · 11:32 PM UTC



Public vs Private?

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99bfd4 No.21081214


There’s really no logical reason to let him out at this time. So if the ‘hackers’ white hats demanded Assanges release- to conceal the Federal Reserve’s secrets- that should get interesting pretty fas. He knows where all the bodies are buried and they had to let him out with the public watching

It’s gettin spicy!

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9e4dc9 No.21081215

the difference between prophecy and a plan is participation.

reading the book of revelations again makes it sound more like a roadmap for would be god-kings. got your technology all wrapped up? extended your life? got a getaway bunker all ready? time to kill off most of the populace using the four obvious paths and rescue just enough of the populace to keep you comfy. divide your new populace into 12 professions/groups so no one can get enough power to rebel and start the whole ball of crap over again.

oh, and let's all act like this "rules for radicals" style guide hasn't been used before.

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2722ee No.21081216


Censorship is real.

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098f0f No.21081218

File: 85e96de096317e6⋯.png (102.82 KB,1073x565,1073:565,ex.PNG)


Explosive Study Once Removed by Lancet

within 24 Hours, Now Peer-Reviewed and

Public: Reveals 74% of Deaths Directly

Linked to COVID-19 Shot

Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hoft

Posted By: cjjeepercreeper, 6/24/2024 11:19:02 AM

A previously censored paper from The Lancet has now undergone peer review and is available online. The study, titled “A Systematic Review of Autopsy Findings in Deaths After COVID-19 Vaccination,” analyzed 325 autopsy cases and found that a staggering 73.9% of deaths were either directly due to or significantly contributed to by the COVID-19 vaccination. The paper’s lead author, Dr. Nicolas Hulscher, faced significant opposition in bringing these findings to light. After initially being downloaded over 100,000 times, The Lancet removed the paper within 24 hours, according to Dr. William Makis.

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de9b22 No.21081219

File: 734ede9c9da9d58⋯.png (412.55 KB,646x485,646:485,Julian_Assange_0a18e0ad307….png)

Q Research General #25843: It Has Begun Edition

it has baker, it certainly has..

so, where was Julian that whole time?


looking good!!!


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dfa467 No.21081220


>rump being greet


>rump class


>rump to visit


>rump in the “doc


>rump Press


>rump Preps For bate


>rump’s first 3


>rump would have Ass


>rumpador, most of them real


>rumpador Max


>rump Posts

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fa5c48 No.21081221



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808642 No.21081222

File: b3297225bee29d8⋯.png (93.99 KB,316x172,79:43,ClipboardImage.png)

JA Julian Assange was released just in time for a presidential debate

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24b7f9 No.21081223


Who would need a protective pad to protect from a fake sissy slap?

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17aeb6 No.21081224


kek, I doubt it, but its funny to imagine.

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2a4d05 No.21081225

File: 5216253fd392111⋯.png (350.71 KB,500x533,500:533,ClipboardImage.png)

Stick a fork in them.

they're dun.

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e8c533 No.21081226

File: 14814ca91184bae⋯.png (1.35 MB,1438x831,1438:831,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21080885 lb

>>21080903 lb


Want some cheese with that whine ***?

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919d8c No.21081227


are you solomon? keep spamming this fucking shit.

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9fe3ff No.21081228

File: 00670cfa01f87c3⋯.jpeg (239.55 KB,642x495,214:165,72C5BB8B_9C62_4BDB_B2C3_2….jpeg)


Talks to self cuz it’s filtered by most

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3e442c No.21081229


black caitlin clark

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db9efc No.21081230

File: 45fbeb69641b6df⋯.jpg (28.17 KB,360x360,1:1,GQ4kjtHWkAM3Wsv.jpg)

Dems are scared.

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c74ba5 No.21081231

File: cc0cbc54fcc9628⋯.jpeg (964.89 KB,1536x2048,3:4,IMG_6685.jpeg)

>>21080688 LB

>>21080507 LB

>>Why didn't you post the real Mt R. pic?

The real Mt. R. pic?

The two are unrelated.

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c2d5e0 No.21081232

File: 2842573c1da2856⋯.png (1.5 MB,699x916,699:916,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bcf5f0bce101a4f⋯.png (34.18 KB,319x534,319:534,ClipboardImage.png)


TYB again

No look at this, read the last line of the post.

These people are losers!

Who does that sound like?

He didn't sign it Q+ but that's him, I'd put 5k on it & I don't even have 5 grand right now.

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fa5c48 No.21081233


I like your theory. Timing is EVERYTHING.

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66cfc5 No.21081234

File: 20a7fd706f5b79e⋯.png (703.24 KB,962x932,481:466,ClipboardImage.png)

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db9efc No.21081236

File: ab3f163110a6291⋯.png (437.2 KB,533x580,533:580,Capture.PNG)

Blowing our minds 💥

#AusArmy Gunners from the 103rd Battery, 8th/12th Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery fire the M777A2 howitzer & use the Moskito Thermal Imaging camera at Mount Bundey Training Area as part of Ex Predator's Walk.

📸 GNR Reuben Woof


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828f57 No.21081237


seems like you're forgetting something

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1eab01 No.21081239

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a47a96 No.21081240

File: de4c09eaf67e5ae⋯.jpg (414.28 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240419_113148….jpg)


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3e442c No.21081241


you can't handle de-BAIT

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dfa467 No.21081242




>They knew Ass


>all them ass


>could be ass


>The ass


>pushing back on “radical ass


>assy” (….) “I left The Great Wizard after midnight.


>assed by the GOP


>demanded Ass


>>rump would have Ass

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3de5ff No.21081243

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

House of the Rising Sun


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828f57 No.21081245

so assange is free… is it a trick? hope he has a lot of bitcoin for security

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9fe3ff No.21081246

File: ad9b1c0ef951b46⋯.png (451.72 KB,665x893,35:47,6A4A3175_FF5B_4480_866B_1C….png)



What label willyou apply nao?

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66cfc5 No.21081247

File: efb856da29e9f0f⋯.png (680.39 KB,501x619,501:619,ClipboardImage.png)

It was Obvious to only a Few

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a85a79 No.21081249

File: 8641372a9f65619⋯.png (553.1 KB,767x618,767:618,00000000000000000000000000….png)

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de9b22 No.21081250



tyvm. bakes has filturd with prejudiced


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a85a79 No.21081251

File: 1ff2d904c28ffa1⋯.png (763.6 KB,832x801,832:801,00000000000000000000000000….png)

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ff7c7f No.21081252

London sues vatican

Horse kicks royal in the head

Julian released.

Busy over there

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c2d5e0 No.21081253

File: 1065d7375444f47⋯.mp4 (5.17 MB,480x848,30:53,no_fly_zone.mp4)

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db9efc No.21081254

File: ac6600a38e49d66⋯.jpg (430.79 KB,1410x1307,1410:1307,GQ4kpsjacAAHo9T.jpg)


Just the opposite.

[They] are afraid of him.

The same people protecting Trump, will protect Assange.

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7f6576 No.21081255


>Trump 'narrows VP search to THREE candidates'

Please let it be Mike Lindell

His crackhead energy would be hilarious.

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25827a No.21081256

File: f0494ad4012265f⋯.mp4 (2.57 MB,1280x720,16:9,652623523.mp4)

File: c09ed3f208ce42d⋯.png (793.89 KB,720x675,16:15,t4b3q1v44321.PNG)



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a85a79 No.21081257

File: 42434f73cedeb1c⋯.png (193.42 KB,1109x939,1109:939,00000000000000000000000000….png)

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9fe3ff No.21081258

File: aaf9bbfab1f0123⋯.png (600.14 KB,850x593,850:593,1247568A_EE9D_48E9_83CD_8B….png)


See like a bad rash it won’t go away

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a9c5a1 No.21081260

File: d5a60e3fd96d14d⋯.png (825.94 KB,862x1503,862:1503,Screenshot_2024_06_25_at_0….png)

File: a6c05aae436e37f⋯.png (25.6 KB,861x287,3:1,Screenshot_2024_06_25_at_0….png)

Hmm.. Suicide Weekend Incoming?

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828f57 No.21081261


but they've been doing it for years

the judges sacrifice goats to moloch

why whould they be in trouble now?

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a85a79 No.21081262

File: 23e6b815014d9f3⋯.png (755.83 KB,721x985,721:985,00000000000000000000000000….png)

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198e1b No.21081264

File: 3a0d86512a77cc0⋯.jpg (368.55 KB,1063x1666,1063:1666,53add75f4bc47c7a.jpg)


The end of the Demoncrat Party. Vindication for Seth on the way, anon hopes…

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66cfc5 No.21081265

File: ecc4456e9ebb90a⋯.png (141.98 KB,1308x658,654:329,ClipboardImage.png)

Pfizer Violated All 10 of the Nuremberg Codes

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a85a79 No.21081266

File: 8641372a9f65619⋯.png (553.1 KB,767x618,767:618,00000000000000000000000000….png)

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828f57 No.21081267


hope so!

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3b8eaf No.21081268


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9fe3ff No.21081269

File: fb5765758c1959d⋯.jpeg (203.02 KB,640x640,1:1,F44E144B_FD33_4CD8_8B24_4….jpeg)



Fuq man he never shuts up

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90c021 No.21081270

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note: notes below.


LIVE: The Revolt Is Growing



Watch Nigel Farage in Newton Abbot as he addresses a huge sold-out event


farage; we are sold out we have had to close the gates.

something is happening out there and i can feel it.

farage: 23rd june i am not going to forget, we told the establishment.

we told them all and the bbc, we ignored them all, we voted for brexit.

farage: yesterday my first grandson was born, i will never forget the 23rd june

farage: i said don't poke the russian bear with a stick you will get a bad response

farage; they hate me because i have proven to be right, somehow i am made out to

be a putin apoligised. boris said i was morally repugunt.

farage; he did not like it when i appeared this morning when i appeared with

a front page of the independent, they are hypocrites. liars.

farage: boris gave us massive immigrantion, it was mrs johnson, carrie antonitte as

she was known in downing street.

farage: all the peace deals have gone, this country is going down the drain

thanks to the police who stand aside.

farage; Chyna is a very big threat. as a friend of mine says.

farage: We now have china, russia and iran gathering togather

farage: look at plymouth, a reduced navy, army and air force. we must rapidly

increase defense spending. we must go to 3% gdp spending on defense.

farage.: we need a ministry for veternans care.

farage: we helped create the trouble in the middle east with libya, isis did not exist until

we helped this migrant crisis.

farage: They are attacking me, maybe because they are attacking me

we can not have proper debate on defense.

farage: if boris tells any moar lies about me, i will tell the truth about him.

farage: sunak conservative party is nothing moar than a illegal betting consortium.

farage: We should talk about the big issue, they would rather not discuss what

is happening, i filmed the boats coming, it was obvious we stopped deporting people.

farage: i said i thought there might be a invasion. i should ashamed according to the media.

it not just the 8 million pounds a day, it is far moar serious than that.

farage: most of them are fighting aged men. this is a national security crisis.

farage: we have to leave the echr, in labours manifesto, illegal and legal immigrantion

does not even get a mention.

are you with me, will you vote on july 4th, join the revolt

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b77625 No.21081272

File: 42b38b07aae1d68⋯.png (211.5 KB,456x492,38:41,ClipboardImage.png)

that is not him

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0b9c60 No.21081274

File: 15cf6f7ceeeb632⋯.mp4 (1.53 MB,852x480,71:40,video_2024_06_24_19_10_16.mp4)


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f5ab98 No.21081275


Canonically it is.

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3149d0 No.21081278

File: bb0ae9ded24b56f⋯.png (731.94 KB,1200x630,40:21,bb0ae9ded24b56f7f2279c6510….png)

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072790 No.21081279


Sounds like a super spreader event.

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7e0d2a No.21081280

File: 84e05b56c85a804⋯.jpg (81.24 KB,500x501,500:501,MAGA_1_.jpg)

File: b3b9f3dfc9cfba6⋯.jpg (51.15 KB,500x546,250:273,843034_1_.jpg)

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af0115 No.21081281

File: 938364fc4d89dba⋯.png (435.55 KB,724x483,724:483,ClipboardImage.png)

Do you guys think israel blackmails the vatican, considering all the dirt the vatican's done?

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0b9c60 No.21081282

File: fd5853c8a0af9bd⋯.png (494.33 KB,883x500,883:500,ng56u8.png)

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828f57 No.21081283

File: fceea10e38a687d⋯.png (32.28 KB,660x181,660:181,ClipboardImage.png)

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9fe3ff No.21081284

File: 92e80db38c15831⋯.jpeg (30.67 KB,300x300,1:1,A09E9B67_B28C_4C2D_8BE0_A….jpeg)


Larp moar

You don’t do it enuf

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c2d5e0 No.21081285

File: bc2a5db4887442d⋯.png (711.45 KB,754x1362,377:681,ClipboardImage.png)


What month is it?

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af47e6 No.21081286

File: 0c85fea26f29380⋯.png (1.55 MB,1024x1024,1:1,c9cc7612ee3a16d5601dc6e0a4….png)


More threats?

Over something beyond anyone's control here?

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66cfc5 No.21081287


During the Nuclear Standoff

-All- the Blackmail Will be Dumped

Everything everyone has on Anyone

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3de5ff No.21081288

File: 1fec9570053b1b9⋯.jpg (226.06 KB,1068x665,1068:665,1fec9570053b1b97dd0ebebc67….jpg)


The beginnings have begun

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41fcc7 No.21081289


Yeah….let’s celebrate sodomy

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a48c69 No.21081290

File: 1a154792cc548e3⋯.png (1.52 MB,1386x897,462:299,ClipboardImage.png)

Jonathan Pollard Was One of the Most Damaging Spies in US History

When Jonathan Pollard was convicted of espionage in 1987, he became the first American to go to jail for life for passing secrets to a U.S. ally. The top-secret information Pollard passed on to Israel is so vast and damaging, the complete list of files is itself top secret. He was sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole after 30 years.

There are few things both liberals and conservatives agree on these days, but keeping Pollard in prison for the rest of his life was one of them. Yet, he was released in 2015 and quickly made his way to Israel – where he received a hero’s welcome.

(read more)


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de9b22 No.21081293

File: fc26876ed3d10bc⋯.png (454.6 KB,454x902,227:451,pepe_riding_cat.png)

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46a3bb No.21081294


Little tip:

You can't be gayand conservative.

Unlessyou think being gay is immoral and a sin and should be outlawed.


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c89d57 No.21081295

File: dd1ab40ac467dc6⋯.png (3.35 MB,3000x2323,3000:2323,ClipboardImage.png)


>just in time for a presidential debate

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3e442c No.21081296

File: 1030b17ece6ace5⋯.jpg (19.88 KB,276x183,92:61,wpo_2020_07_21_19_13_26_UT….jpg)

File: 14a4fd03f0af081⋯.png (302.96 KB,515x405,103:81,14a4fd03f0af081357cd0f01c6….png)

File: b3d3edf174bdca2⋯.png (207.61 KB,568x426,4:3,b3d3edf174bdca2ddd97384975….png)



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66cfc5 No.21081297

File: cf5f7e36247cec1⋯.png (664.67 KB,858x536,429:268,ClipboardImage.png)

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a273bb No.21081299

File: ddcb28db7f3df97⋯.png (332.86 KB,400x400,1:1,ddcb28db7f3df97c1a30484be9….png)


>The same people protecting Trump, will protect Assange.

Roger that Anon. 07

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de9b22 No.21081300


OOOoo am I on?

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822cf4 No.21081302


Trump is writing her scripts. She became a plot line in the movie when Trump commented that she is "unusually beautiful." It is the beginning of her redemption arc. She will ultimately reveal herself as trans, the process/system around trans, and trans in Hollywood/entertainment. But, of course, we have to be shown first. Thus, a slowly building series of events/happenings, each a bit more controversial than the last, to draw a different type of attention to TS making even the Swifties wonder what is going on.

In her recently released song "Fortnight" (two more weeks), TS sings that someone did "this" to her, that she wants to kill someone, and that some "she" is looking up at them from Hell and laughing at them. Seems a bit dark for TS.

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0b9c60 No.21081303

File: 57ea7a37b045bbd⋯.jpg (134.87 KB,1011x1215,337:405,photo_2024_06_24_18_06_03.jpg)



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9fe3ff No.21081305

File: 6e6c8b819677924⋯.gif (688.16 KB,220x255,44:51,D143DDB0_E507_4DFE_879B_B0….gif)



Wasted enough posts on you

You keep going with that

All you have

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af0115 No.21081306

File: 938cf32afe133b4⋯.png (566.67 KB,736x736,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


will we see some nudes of chanel rion?

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f9e87e No.21081307

File: c99a113bb70819b⋯.png (442.62 KB,800x533,800:533,c99a113bb70819b18d8b181e6b….png)

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fa5c48 No.21081308

File: f595e68bb0f77aa⋯.png (3.12 MB,1473x982,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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0b9c60 No.21081309

File: 288afad974081c4⋯.png (464.49 KB,500x640,25:32,nh52j.png)

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41fcc7 No.21081310

File: 7d72c68f6645051⋯.png (3.51 MB,1502x1080,751:540,IMG_3696.png)

If we gonna be truthful

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3b8eaf No.21081311

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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84a118 No.21081312

File: 1dc0bf6458490ed⋯.png (684.96 KB,1920x1010,192:101,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e031058f2e7f3a7⋯.png (189.92 KB,720x407,720:407,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b098ff4f995c5dc⋯.png (327.87 KB,853x734,853:734,ClipboardImage.png)

Chinese counterfeit version of US C-17 Globemaster.


On 13 July 2016, Chinese national Su Bin pleaded guilty and admitted to charges that he conspired with others to hack into U.S. defense contractor Boeing and steal documents related to the development of the C-17, F-22 and F-35 aircraft. Once the information was stolen, he admitted to analyzing and translating documents from English to Chinese, which he then emailed to the Second Department of the People's Liberation Army General Staff Department. Su Bin admitted he did so for financial gain, and sought to profit from the data that was stolen. In addition to financial gain, court documents revealed, in emails to the Second Department of the PLA, Su Bin noted the information, "…has extremely vital significance in our country's speeding up the development," of Project A, revealed to be China's program to develop the Xi'an Y-20.


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c89d57 No.21081313


is pizza gate real?

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3e442c No.21081314

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a9c5a1 No.21081315

File: 06ab701d2d1d173⋯.mp4 (10.3 MB,1080x640,27:16,Dan_Scavino_Jr_on_X_httpst….mp4)

New Dan.


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7ae309 No.21081316

File: 3ce01944d689ca1⋯.png (785.26 KB,1080x1003,1080:1003,Screenshot_20240624_073248….png)

File: 83007e4d9e4e81a⋯.png (1.12 MB,1080x1551,360:517,Scxfj.png)

File: 2d2ec17cca74f06⋯.png (179.62 KB,1043x743,1043:743,Screenshot_20240623_091423….png)


Disabled is disabled so why the huge difference in payment amounts?


I want to tell you guys a HORROR story regarding Social Security SSI Disability Benefits.

I know a 65 year old man who was in an accident and hasn't worked in a longtime because he can't walk and one arm is partially disabled but I always see him trying to get around and participate in life as much as he can and I greatly respect him for his efforts.

The other day he explained to me that he was on SSI Disability and it is really hard to makes ends meet with the Bidenomics price increases but he manages to keep going on only $943 dollars a month for all his expenses.

To me the maximum amount of SSI Disability payments for a disabled elderly man only being $943 a month, makes no sense at all it'sCRUELTYno matter how you slice it.

I decided to give him $300 a month to help him out and also looked into other benefits he might be eligible for every month.

After contacting the 'Social Security office I was told if I give him $300 a month then $300 a month will be deducted from his SSI monthly payment and I said how can he possibly get ahead when he cannot have more than $943 a month and no more than $2,000 in total life savings or he will be kicked off the program.

Social Security workers they don't give two shits about anyone.

Where I live you can't even rent a closet for $943 a month so I'm wondering why are the the politicians in Washington DC doing this to America's elderly that are unfortunately disabled?

All that fucken taxpayer money going to non Americans in the Ukraine and all them asshole politicians in Washington DC can't even give America's disabled elderly a couple more hundred dollars a month at least…


Thank God all politicians are going to HELL.

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a9c5a1 No.21081318

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0b9c60 No.21081319

File: 15cf6f7ceeeb632⋯.mp4 (1.53 MB,852x480,71:40,video_2024_06_24_19_10_16.mp4)



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de9b22 No.21081320

File: 9d2b0a61482f427⋯.jpg (66.23 KB,668x374,334:187,biblical.jpg)


JA didnt die in UK

we have the servers…


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2a4d05 No.21081321

Tim Pool: "Fake News CNN threatening social channels that provide commentary on the debate stating they will not allow the use outside of CNN. Will live commentary and fact checking shows for the CNN Debate be taken down if CNN files a DMCA or will X default to fair use and have the matter handled externally?"

Elon: "The public has a right to see Presidential debates however they would like. DMCA does not apply."



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af0115 No.21081322


she looks like a dude in that thumbnail

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66cfc5 No.21081323


Does BLM Burn, Loot & Murder?

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af0115 No.21081325


>what is "it"?

your mom's orgasm. I dick her so good that when the dick approacheth, she ominously says "it has begun" in a low voice.

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f9e87e No.21081326

File: 3f02d666f2d5e3c⋯.gif (8.26 MB,360x341,360:341,3f02d666f2d5e3c19fbeffb78f….gif)


>What a coincidence

What a notable



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d45dc8 No.21081328

File: b44a1b5add6242a⋯.jpg (8.67 KB,276x183,92:61,2Q_57_.jpg)

File: f8dbe7f0c98b9d8⋯.jpg (13.33 KB,184x274,92:137,images_311_.jpg)

File: eb0c5ddca808529⋯.jpg (9.96 KB,203x248,203:248,images_312_.jpg)

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828f57 No.21081329


maybe the blackmail are the real nukes

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912b90 No.21081330


You obviously didn't buy premium membership.

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de9b22 No.21081331

File: f0b34de0ad17833⋯.png (1 MB,1352x1140,338:285,do_you_like_me_8a53a0ded35….png)


I like your tone…

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1eab01 No.21081332

File: 7c5995f7e976945⋯.webm (285.41 KB,320x240,4:3,kek24.webm)


>what is "it"?

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69f4e4 No.21081333

File: e9267fd16af5d06⋯.mp4 (9.35 MB,640x360,16:9,Lady_who_woke_up_to_get_a_….mp4)



love the '107' behind her!

and the song

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d45dc8 No.21081334


Anhedonia: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

www.webmd.com › … › Reference

Nov 9, 2022 · Anhedonia is the inability to feel pleasure. It's a common symptom of depression as well as other mental health disorders.

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a9c5a1 No.21081335

File: c65c34e4b291aa3⋯.mp4 (1.28 MB,562x348,281:174,Dan_Scavino_Jr_on_X_httpst….mp4)


Hmm. wrong vid.

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c51cd6 No.21081336

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bossie: The Commission On Presidential Debates Is DEAD



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de9b22 No.21081337


do more research, mrna can be turned off

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ff3a92 No.21081338

File: b72a845c44795d6⋯.png (78.47 KB,156x179,156:179,ClipboardImage.png)

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66cfc5 No.21081339

File: a7043ec32391923⋯.png (898.6 KB,797x768,797:768,ClipboardImage.png)

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02053e No.21081341

File: d6ddcc72b6cc4b7⋯.jpg (13.15 KB,255x188,255:188,54a2c872694390605c82e537dd….jpg)

File: e2ce008d95bdb13⋯.png (8.37 KB,255x241,255:241,2e94cbc67cbc64244ed1d9355f….png)

File: 007a3a23c26c6de⋯.jpeg (7.04 KB,220x220,1:1,images_2023_05_29T082301_….jpeg)

File: ad1781176c4789d⋯.png (9.2 KB,255x211,255:211,267f490378658ee06c1c7ccbe3….png)

>>21081194 >aoc leg up high,

but need to flip image

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41fcc7 No.21081342

File: 94024ffb27f50d4⋯.png (2.79 MB,1138x1080,569:540,IMG_4561.png)

Birds of a feather, flock together

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c09a76 No.21081343

File: ae8b8e0adff9cb5⋯.png (726.42 KB,822x537,274:179,ClipboardImage.png)


Pollard: Jews ‘will always have dual loyalty’ & should consider spying for Israel

Jonathan Pollard, the convicted spy for Israel whose story haunted the American Jewish community’s relations with the US government for decades, is unrepentant.

“The bottom line on this charge of dual loyalty is, I’m sorry, we’re Jews, and if we’re Jews, we will always have dual loyalty,” Pollard said in an interview published Thursday in Israel Hayom, his first extensive remarks since his release from prison in 2015.

Pollard recalled how much of the Jewish leadership did not stand up for him following his 1985 arrest, when he was a civilian analyst for the US Navy who was found to be spying for Israel.

“If you’re outside Israel, then you live in a society in which you are basically considered unreliable,” he said.

The US Jewish leadership eventually softened in its outlook, and some Jewish leaders lobbied for Pollard’s release, saying his life sentence was excessive.

Pollard’s full interview will be published Friday. In an earlier excerpt published by Israel Hayom, he said he knew he “crossed a line” when he relayed the information to Israel, but added that he believed the United States was withholding from Israel intelligence critical to its security.

Pollard’s arrest and eventual conviction complicated ties between US Jews and sectors of the government. Jews seeking entry into or advancement in the national security apparatus were often rebuffed, with Pollard cited as the reason. The Pollard narrative in part drove the espionage charges brought in 2004 against two top staffers for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee — a case that fell apart but drastically changed how AIPAC operated.

Pollard suggested that Jews were deluding themselves if they thought of America as a home and suggested he would counsel a young US Jew working in the American security apparatus to spy for Israel.

“I’d tell him, not doing anything is unacceptable. So simply going home [to Israel] is not acceptable. Making aliyah is not acceptable,” Pollard said. “You have to make a decision whether your concern for Israel and loyalty to Israel and loyalty to your fellow Jews is more important than your life.”

Pollard was paroled from his life sentence in 2015. The terms of his parole were not renewed last year and he flew to Israel, where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu greeted him at the airport. Sheldon Adelson, the late owner of Israel Hayom, provided a private plane for Pollard to fly to Israel.


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de9b22 No.21081344


#25843 >>21080981

>>21080997 Julian Assange bun

>>21081053, >>21081090 Julian Assange walks free: CAP (0:13)

>>21080991, >>21081002 Maricopa County election officials blaming one black man, for rigging elections across the entire county

>>21081013 Two-Tier Justice: Boeing May Evade Criminal Charges Over 2018, 2019 Crashes as Biden's DOJ Claims Prosecuting the Company is Legally Risky

>>21081036 Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case on Tennessee’s ban on s*x change surgeries and cross-s*x hormones for minors

>>21081057, >>21081082, >>21081141, >>21081171 Jake Tapper's top producer resigned after he was put under investigation by Fairfax County Child Exploitation Squad

>>21081059 Paoletta: Justice Clarence Thomas Is Spearheading The Judicial Fight Against Administrative State

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889181 No.21081345


is this where the Qaynons inject the Q liquids?

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b77625 No.21081346


true. but its important to me to understand what im looking at. controlling narratives aint my yob

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ff7c7f No.21081347

File: 2b290982fa26766⋯.jpg (44.13 KB,504x454,252:227,6hul2j.jpg)

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889181 No.21081348




is this where the anons do the searches?

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ac85db No.21081349


noice yoh

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373ded No.21081350

File: 10b59b05386d667⋯.png (212.44 KB,774x1125,86:125,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21080977 LB

>It has begun.


>"it has begun."

Used in 2 posts:


JA in the news?

Think JC.

Server unlocks SR.

MS_13 (2 187'd nearby) phones unlock command & control.

ETA (estimated).

It has begun.


:::::Flash Traffic:::::

Three letter agency embedded tracking/up-channel into POTUS' Twitter to specifically target through specialized geo and send his location.

We anticipated this (see post a few hours ago).

It has begun.

Perhaps more posts to follow as expected imminent departure.

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889181 No.21081351

is this where the anons do the prayings?

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828f57 No.21081352


The Holocaust 1.0

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912b90 No.21081354


Nope this is a Tibetan basket weaving group.

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d99c22 No.21081355


>the un-fuckening

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828f57 No.21081357


that used to be at 7

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c51cd6 No.21081358

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gableman: "Racine Recall" Of Robin Vos Has WSJ Editorial Board In Total Meltdown"They are desperate, pathetic traitors they are.



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de9b22 No.21081359

File: 2f7dfbbbb28455a⋯.jpg (116.19 KB,640x826,320:413,gallery_1462569617_gettyim….jpg)

File: 2efe91a523513c5⋯.jpg (724.51 KB,3000x1815,200:121,GettyImages_631481660_e148….jpg)

File: 04492d15e839100⋯.png (3.02 MB,1024x1024,1:1,04492d15e83910032e400d8f70….png)


im in this

totally in this

come what may


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90c021 No.21081361

File: 74be4814d8caebd⋯.png (691.17 KB,568x679,568:679,ClipboardImage.png)

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69f4e4 No.21081362


still can be

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2788c1 No.21081363

File: 9efa33be77f9b45⋯.png (141.71 KB,696x475,696:475,ClipboardImage.png)

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1eab01 No.21081364


People age over 15 years and may gain or lose weight, especially since their last public photo, etc, etc. It's him.

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3de5ff No.21081365

File: 295211651d51888⋯.png (652.16 KB,696x532,174:133,295211651d5188816219cb1e63….png)

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822cf4 No.21081366


that and financial nukes

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9fe3ff No.21081368

File: 7bd7874cea98805⋯.jpeg (330.21 KB,1199x617,1199:617,3D71AC64_7A12_4CBC_BA85_A….jpeg)

>>21079882 pb

45in N757AF 757 departed New Orleans Intl to Palm Beach Intl

Donald Trump visits New Orleans as supporters and protesters spar verbally on street


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af0115 No.21081369

File: a041313be62f4a8⋯.png (504.36 KB,1170x610,117:61,ClipboardImage.png)

They need to point a camera RIGHT at his ears. I want to see those fake ears hiding an ear piece.

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66cfc5 No.21081371

File: 5e230accd839bd5⋯.png (696.28 KB,682x480,341:240,ClipboardImage.png)

1 Year in Prison for every use of the Phrase

"Safe & Effective"

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41fcc7 No.21081372

File: f64721495bfc1b2⋯.jpeg (32.82 KB,480x360,4:3,IMG_3220.jpeg)

Is it time?

Asking for a fren

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dd7ee5 No.21081374

File: c1a972fed5f36e8⋯.png (1.03 MB,980x802,490:401,migran.png)

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198e1b No.21081375




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3e442c No.21081378

File: 464ea493a9fdd72⋯.png (39.69 KB,226x223,226:223,464ea493a9fdd7274161170acc….png)

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af47e6 No.21081382


Oh look!

More jpost bullshit

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69f4e4 No.21081383



TY anon

love this place

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828f57 No.21081389


not normal for a jew to say that openly

even in a jewish newspaper

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6754a7 No.21081390


We are about to cancel the cancel culture.

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02053e No.21081392

Q uantum


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912b90 No.21081394

File: 64207d166b9bb68⋯.png (141.23 KB,549x394,549:394,MuhJoo2.png)

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b660eb No.21081395


oh look

a jew defending a jew spy on the internet who stole u.s. secrets and sold them to israel

must be just another day

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dd7ee5 No.21081396

File: 0d41a36d3789d7b⋯.png (1.1 MB,978x928,489:464,ww2f.png)

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d45dc8 No.21081399

File: 146ca4f1fb75381⋯.jpg (6.85 KB,259x194,259:194,images_314_.jpg)


You do you, boo. You know where I'll b

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db9efc No.21081400

File: 4923497a2d070e7⋯.png (8.51 KB,598x112,299:56,Capture.PNG)

File: d37ddf51f981e9a⋯.png (540.26 KB,830x620,83:62,Capture1.PNG)

US Catholic leaders voiced concern in a January 2017 letter to President Trump that George Soros may have conspired with Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and the Obama administration to force out Pope Benedict XXIII and replace him with Pope Francis, based on E-Mails released by Wikileaks:


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912b90 No.21081401

File: 60e8acd310ce3b3⋯.png (2.92 MB,1656x1908,46:53,shillfu.png)

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ff7c7f No.21081402


Jesus is the Light of the world

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828f57 No.21081403


still might be, I'm not on then.

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db9efc No.21081404


Good job anon.

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828f57 No.21081406

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af47e6 No.21081407

File: c3bd7705a038c79⋯.png (235.46 KB,539x606,539:606,c3bd7705a038c79bbedb1f88f7….png)


You and your fake obsessions

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b660eb No.21081408


>another kike supremacist acting like they're better than the goyim cattle

another one

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1eab01 No.21081409

File: 641ea707d998735⋯.png (334.84 KB,680x448,85:56,ClipboardImage.png)


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ff3a92 No.21081410

File: a10eaef283cac62⋯.png (197.17 KB,551x548,551:548,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 968d5e3f8f4a50e⋯.jpg (39.16 KB,298x400,149:200,we_choose_to_go_to_the_moo….jpg)

Space Launch Delta 45




Tomorrow, SLD45 will support the Falcon Heavy GOES-U launch.

The launch window opens at 17:01 EDT, 21:01 UTC on June 25.

T-0 may vary.

Hazard and airspace closure areas at patrick.spaceforce.mil/

Live launch coverage: spacex.com/launches

Jun 24, 2024 · 9:01 PM UTC




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912b90 No.21081412


Burgess and McLean weren't Jewish.

There's your entire 'It's the Jews' argument fucked by one old and indesputable fact.

You suck.

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198e1b No.21081413

File: cdcaee0964c9539⋯.png (280.27 KB,630x500,63:50,cdcaee0964c95391de28b87fbc….png)


Q1591 is referring to this John Solomon piece from June 25, 2018:


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69f4e4 No.21081414


>Is it the place, or is it the people, you love? Anons. Patriots.


Chkt my timestamp in previous; also, palindrome in post#. :)

And, it's more than just both: I love the challenge, the struggle, the wins, the losses to learn from, converting enemies into frens, and finding a way out of this body and back, because I am more than my physical body.

God bless in Jesus name.

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3e442c No.21081415

File: df52c0937ae9c28⋯.png (284.24 KB,600x678,100:113,df52c0937ae9c2837e1b9148c8….png)

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ff7c7f No.21081417


Bama is having a Terrible June

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41fcc7 No.21081418

File: aaac1ace953b552⋯.png (2.23 MB,1290x1040,129:104,IMG_2828.png)

Sure….trust the government

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d8b4b2 No.21081420


seems like it the show from mr.robot.

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828f57 No.21081421


what do you think that proves

when someone says "it's the jew", what is "it"?

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d99c22 No.21081422

filtered for thinking a brand new untested treatment won't simply do more damage they will discover later


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db9efc No.21081423

File: 8ca9a0c2d6bcaca⋯.png (299.59 KB,680x437,680:437,FqvaLwnaIAIZPQi.png)

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1eab01 No.21081425


Generic paid posting simpleton running through his ethnic accusation script. The only thing to praise about your persistence is how fucking dumb you have to be to continue with it at this point. So, congratulations.

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02053e No.21081426

File: 752e2733212cfd1⋯.jpg (5.77 KB,247x204,247:204,download.jpg)

File: 84dd7d1ef551a51⋯.jpg (6.02 KB,290x174,5:3,download.jpg)

File: e738e762be084d9⋯.jpg (9.58 KB,300x168,25:14,download.jpg)

File: 493a34f10edd572⋯.jpg (10.1 KB,281x180,281:180,download.jpg)

File: cf4a478dc1c1db2⋯.jpg (6.76 KB,299x168,299:168,images.jpg)

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6754a7 No.21081427


Assange is a Lisper, how cool is that? Emacs Elisp, the editor of a lifetime. Thanks for your contributions.

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b660eb No.21081429

File: 6ae1eab7e75cc94⋯.png (448.78 KB,691x855,691:855,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3903d8c198b6637⋯.png (86.2 KB,625x663,625:663,ClipboardImage.png)


>a documented kike spy who had to get a presidential pardon only to flee to israel is fake



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912b90 No.21081433


You still suck.

In fact that response makes you suck more.

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db9efc No.21081434


Still May on the lunar calendar.

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af0115 No.21081435


hey shill. Whenever you reveal yourself with you "meme" I filter you. Thanks for revealing yourself. You just played yourself. Owned and filtered.

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66cfc5 No.21081436

File: 1dfd957648a0fdc⋯.png (1.07 MB,828x778,414:389,ClipboardImage.png)

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d7d47f No.21081437

File: 7571566482485bf⋯.jpeg (466.61 KB,1249x731,1249:731,IMG_2405.jpeg)

File: 329ea549689e803⋯.png (42.81 KB,898x498,449:249,447.png)


13 Q posts containing no deals


There should be no plea deals to avoid prison for anyone that endangers the security of our military or the national security of the United States. Ever.



Dec 23, 2017 3:22:21 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 479ca5 No. 158078

SEARCH crumbs: [#2]

Who is #2?



6y, 6m, 1d, 6h, 6m ago


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828f57 No.21081438


typical jew

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3de5ff No.21081439

File: 18e6c2e1c345b07⋯.mp4 (5.37 MB,576x1024,9:16,large_97_.mp4)

Mid bread dance

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b660eb No.21081440



>the post

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a1089b No.21081441


you don't seem to now what a precipice is.

one doesn't ascend on.

one finds one along the trail.

you might ascend TO a precipice but you'd need ropes and climbing gear to climb up a cliff and reach it.

the precipice is the place at the top.

there is no more ascending beyond that usually.

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d45dc8 No.21081444

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d99c22 No.21081445


>amazed without totally understanding

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6754a7 No.21081447


Seals and Frogs to destroy them, Biblical.

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b0ef97 No.21081448

File: 23383328b90732e⋯.png (1.56 MB,887x1328,887:1328,23383328b90732e50027984790….png)

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bcbed6 No.21081451

File: 68c94a1cda5dedf⋯.jpg (103.68 KB,500x1063,500:1063,187_digits.jpg)

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66cfc5 No.21081453

File: ef719abd66af760⋯.png (729.02 KB,828x558,46:31,ClipboardImage.png)

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912b90 No.21081455


Oh Noes…not the filter!!!

You won't get to see me call you a no-answers, no-evidence, no-intellect, bigot cunt!!!

I am devastated.

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db9efc No.21081456

File: f733ed5e5871b7f⋯.gif (2.01 MB,382x382,1:1,f733ed5e5871b7f069a58dabd3….gif)

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7868f6 No.21081459



You're both right.

>You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

>My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.

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02053e No.21081460

File: e34d2563b0aab95⋯.jpg (5.79 KB,300x168,25:14,download.jpg)

>>21081361 would be kek

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a1089b No.21081463


I suppose ti could be a precipice along a mountainside and there could be more ascending.

but the precipice itself isn't a path or a trail, or even a climb.

It's a place along the edge of a cliff or abyss where there is a large drop.

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828f57 No.21081464


how's tel aviv, anyway?

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dec76b No.21081465

He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

2 Corinthians 5:21

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41fcc7 No.21081467

File: db671d2547b1f99⋯.jpeg (69.81 KB,720x718,360:359,IMG_6334.jpeg)

Who will be the “Herbert Hoover” of the 21st century?

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d45dc8 No.21081468

Saying "God bless" to me is becoming hollow from most….

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af47e6 No.21081469


Walker case was worse

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24b7f9 No.21081472


>Do you guys think israel blackmails the vatican

The Vatican is the Head of the Blackmail ring, they invented Confession to get people to tell on themselves.

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912b90 No.21081473


Is your last name Hoover by any chance?

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828f57 No.21081475


is yours goldstein?

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c2d5e0 No.21081476

File: 6edc1b6e03616a7⋯.png (78.79 KB,586x614,293:307,6edc1b6e03616a771e6fbcbc5d….png)



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99bfd4 No.21081477

File: 766422d878b3508⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB,1170x1269,130:141,IMG_2635.jpeg)

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1eab01 No.21081478


Spent a lot of time using Emacs. Emacs with Slime and you're cooking with gas. Mainly use Vim these days though for quick text edits and regex search/replace as the only coding I tend to do these days is maybe write a Bash for-loop to iterate over some files and do something to them.

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de9b22 No.21081479



#25843 >>21080981

>>21080997 Julian Assange bun

>>21081117 You think the federal reserve ransom may have been Assanges freedom? Something about ‘33’ terrabites?

>>21081053, >>21081090 Julian Assange walks free: CAP (0:13)


>>21080991, >>21081002 Maricopa County election officials blaming one black man, for rigging elections across the entire county

>>21081013 Two-Tier Justice: Boeing May Evade Criminal Charges Over 2018, 2019 Crashes as Biden's DOJ Claims Prosecuting the Company is Legally Risky

>>21081036 Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case on Tennessee’s ban on s*x change surgeries and cross-s*x hormones for minors

>>21081057, >>21081082, >>21081141, >>21081171, >>21081150 Jake Tapper's top producer resigned after he was put under investigation by Fairfax County Child Exploitation Squad

>>21081059 Paoletta: Justice Clarence Thomas Is Spearheading The Judicial Fight Against Administrative State

>>21081093 Catherine Herridge: publishing the Army Human Resources Command memo with redactions ‘Covid vaccine injured’

>>21081110 MAJOR WARNING: If Republicans Want to Win in 2024 We Have Less than Two Months to Clean Bloated Voter Rolls — August 7th Is Cut-Off Date

>>21081136, >>21081256 If You’re Unsure If The 2020 Election Was Stolen Here’s Your Answer Alabama Attorney General is repeatedly questioned whether Joe Biden is the “duly elected and lawfully serving" President of the United States

>>21081164 Trump Preps For Debate Against Biden By Going to Nursing Home And Arguing With Dementia Patients

>>21081183 Judge Cannon Presses Special Counsel For Answers On Who Is Supervising Jack Smith

>>21081189 Masks are going from mandated to criminalized in some states

>>21081190, >>21081211 CNN is now threatening any social channels that provide commentary on the debate stating they will not allow the use outside of CNN

>>21081218 Explosive Study Once Removed by Lancet within 24 Hours, Now Peer-Reviewed and Public: Reveals 74% of Deaths Directly Linked to COVID-19 Shot

>>21081253 No Fly zones

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d99c22 No.21081480


#2 so haht today

>Who is #2

(undiscovered comms)

if 1-6 are MIL, then #2 is MIL?

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db9efc No.21081484

File: e26344ebf5c54bf⋯.mp4 (7.7 MB,640x360,16:9,JAsong.mp4)

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912b90 No.21081485



But it would be kinda funny if your last name was Hoover, or Dyson perhaps?

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dec76b No.21081486

File: 1f8d38906605eeb⋯.png (762.04 KB,900x828,25:23,IMG_1580.png)


No. Just no. You’re coming off as stupid.

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d45dc8 No.21081488

File: f8dbe7f0c98b9d8⋯.jpg (13.33 KB,184x274,92:137,images_311_.jpg)


So, how DO you catch a dangerous animal….and keep it's attention?

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b0ef97 No.21081489

File: f114db6cb4239ff⋯.png (396.91 KB,720x501,240:167,f114db6cb4239ff6cb88b477ba….png)

It is happening.

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66cfc5 No.21081490

File: ece0d4d6b110ecb⋯.png (1.18 MB,1261x599,1261:599,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e88caeb1dc362b⋯.png (392.66 KB,1261x854,1261:854,ClipboardImage.png)

Curious setup of props

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7868f6 No.21081491


The one who handed Him over committed the greater sin. No one took His life, He gave it. HE had the authority to lay it down and to take it up again. He is counted among the transgressors.

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a1089b No.21081494


sorry, anon. I do know what it is.

you are gaslighting now.

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02053e No.21081495

File: 7d7d75f231f2bfd⋯.webp (21.01 KB,640x640,1:1,H5197485e32b241459ae408c3….webp)


>Who knew all you needed to get into Maricopa's election system was a security fob.

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828f57 No.21081496


goldberg or shlomowitz?

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373ded No.21081497

File: 1505cab8c5e03e9⋯.png (440.44 KB,996x609,332:203,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2130c2491d775b⋯.png (959.59 KB,813x1125,271:375,ClipboardImage.png)


WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will plead guilty in deal with US and be freed from prison

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will plead guilty to a felony charge in a deal with the U.S. Justice Department that will resolve a long-running legal saga over the publication of a trove of classified documents. …


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022116 No.21081500



>unelected tranny bullshit an queer fillur

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6d97fb No.21081501


JA's plea deal is seen as a good thing? Has this anti-American regime done anything good for the country?

I'm in this weird place where I absolutely do not trust BOYL0V3, but I also don't trust JA at all. What was his relationship with Pamela Anderson? Why?

Did Best POTUS ever answer any questions about JA? Did Ms. Owens ever ask him about why he didn't pardon JA?

Maybe I'm misremembering - this all seems very odd to me.

'Anons' posting about how they're 'literally crying'? Does that seem strange to anyone else?

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7868f6 No.21081504


He is counted among the transgressors.

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a1089b No.21081505


you posted this over and over and over.

are you doing it again because you are conflict mongering again?

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9fe3ff No.21081506

File: cac15672fbaaca1⋯.jpeg (527.53 KB,1210x617,1210:617,DB9AED33_49C6_45C0_97ED_F….jpeg)

>>21080358 pb

SAM052 C32A departed Los Angeles Intl EN

This arrived as AF2

Kneepads parking her ded ass in LA for a few days at least while she does muh abortion.

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3e442c No.21081507

File: da08464c83c32a0⋯.jpg (16.5 KB,262x192,131:96,movie.jpg)

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db9efc No.21081508

File: 17d58d830ecf120⋯.jpeg (570.45 KB,1626x2033,1626:2033,3de2da341c7459ab2f1b21cb1….jpeg)

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de9b22 No.21081509


#25843 >>21080981

>>21081048, >>21081060, >>21081064, >>21081132, >>21081264, >>21081278, >>21081288, >>21081317, >>21081320, >>21081332, >>21081350, >>21081352, >>21081355, "it has begun."

>>21080997, >>21081285 Julian Assange bun

>>21081117 You think the federal reserve ransom may have been Assanges freedom? Something about ‘33’ terrabites?

>>21081053, >>21081090 Julian Assange walks free: CAP (0:13)


>>21080991, >>21081002 Maricopa County election officials blaming one black man, for rigging elections across the entire county

>>21081013 Two-Tier Justice: Boeing May Evade Criminal Charges Over 2018, 2019 Crashes as Biden's DOJ Claims Prosecuting the Company is Legally Risky

>>21081036 Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case on Tennessee’s ban on s*x change surgeries and cross-s*x hormones for minors

>>21081057, >>21081082, >>21081141, >>21081171, >>21081150 Jake Tapper's top producer resigned after he was put under investigation by Fairfax County Child Exploitation Squad

>>21081059 Paoletta: Justice Clarence Thomas Is Spearheading The Judicial Fight Against Administrative State

>>21081093 Catherine Herridge: publishing the Army Human Resources Command memo with redactions ‘Covid vaccine injured’

>>21081110 MAJOR WARNING: If Republicans Want to Win in 2024 We Have Less than Two Months to Clean Bloated Voter Rolls --- August 7th Is Cut-Off Date

>>21081136, >>21081256 If You’re Unsure If The 2020 Election Was Stolen Here’s Your Answer Alabama Attorney General is repeatedly questioned whether Joe Biden is the “duly elected and lawfully serving" President of the United States

>>21081164 Trump Preps For Debate Against Biden By Going to Nursing Home And Arguing With Dementia Patients

>>21081183 Judge Cannon Presses Special Counsel For Answers On Who Is Supervising Jack Smith

>>21081189 Masks are going from mandated to criminalized in some states

>>21081190, >>21081211 CNN is now threatening any social channels that provide commentary on the debate stating they will not allow the use outside of CNN

>>21081218 Explosive Study Once Removed by Lancet within 24 Hours, Now Peer-Reviewed and Public: Reveals 74% of Deaths Directly Linked to COVID-19 Shot

>>21081253 No Fly zones

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c2d5e0 No.21081510

File: d4d84a163a86669⋯.mp4 (13.3 MB,854x480,427:240,Freemasons_are_even_told_l….mp4)



Remember baker with the Freemasons, they only tell half truths.

Nonetheless there is some truth in it…

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d7d47f No.21081511

File: 46e280dbfa60fce⋯.png (271.67 KB,1376x674,688:337,11.png)


#2 or 1+1=2

Q drop 11


Oct 29, 2017 11:20:11 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: Eka5Om1K No. 147175452


Military Intelligence v FBI CIA NSA

No approval or congressional oversight

State Secrets upheld under SC

Who is the Commander and Chief of the military?

Under what article can the President impose MI take over investigations for the 3 letter agencies? What conditions must present itself? Why is this so VERY important? Who surrounds POTUS? ▶️▶️▶️▶️ They lost this very important power _ the one area of the govt not corrupt and directly serves POTUS. ◀️◀️◀️◀️

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41fcc7 No.21081512


How is pleading guilty a win?

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d8b4b2 No.21081513

File: 53e44e526a99898⋯.png (86.92 KB,946x582,473:291,purple.PNG)


[SWAMP] contains RED & BLUE.

No state is strictly red or blue, they are all shades of purple.

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ff3a92 No.21081515

File: 56e3d35a91949f1⋯.png (126.47 KB,567x522,63:58,ClipboardImage.png)

NOAA Office of Space Commerce



1/ The Office of Space Commerce has published a compendium of space industry technical standards, including standards relevant to space situational awareness and #SpaceTrafficCoordination… 🧵👇

Jun 24, 2024 · 7:51 PM UTC




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46a3bb No.21081516

File: 721a517d32a5319⋯.png (1.31 MB,1186x1636,593:818,Screenshot_2024_06_24_at_8….png)

File: acc06dce152cc15⋯.png (853.56 KB,1280x776,160:97,ClipboardImage.png)


The United States Federal Reserve has been allegedly hacked by a ransomware group called LockBit.

The declaration was made through a post on the Dark Web.

The group claims to have extracted 33 terabytes of sensitive banking information.

The data reportedly includes confidential details of American banking activities.

This could be one of the most substantial breaches of financial data in history if proven to be true.

They are already linking this group to Russia.

There has been no confirmation of the breach by the Federal Reserve so far.

The number 33 should tell you everything you need to know.

The Federal Reserve has less than 24 hours according to the group.

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7868f6 No.21081518


A lot of things have been posted repeatedly here. Does what I posted bother you?

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d99c22 No.21081520


or #2 is not one of less than 10? then #2=VP possible

was Pence ever military?

>no. Nat'l Guard yes.

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d45dc8 No.21081521

File: 8107671657a6dd0⋯.jpg (8.04 KB,300x168,25:14,images_274_.jpg)

Some chemical reactions can occur in only one direction. These reactions are called irreversible reactions. The reactants can change to the products, but the products cannot change back to the reactants.

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90c021 No.21081522

File: 0ecb066b3d84aff⋯.png (679.32 KB,646x500,323:250,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 26ad152673d8243⋯.mp4 (10.11 MB,854x480,427:240,djt_post_video_parady_mook.mp4)


show the anons and Trump you mean business and vote, vote vote.

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02053e No.21081525

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8fd995 No.21081527


It is over by then if the primaries are riggedwho cares about Nov, our primary in Washington state is 8/6/24 lets just wait till one day after it doesn't matter, the R,S are cheating like mad in the primaries to get the fake resistance in place

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9fe3ff No.21081530


Yeah I’m not buying how this is all good

Just gonna let him walk out eh?

Smells to me

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a7e51b No.21081531



The number "187" has been used by gangs throughout the United States and elsewhere as a synonym for murder; this usage has been documented in Florida, Wisconsin, the United Kingdom, Germany and Norway. It also features widely in hip-hop culture, such as in Dr.


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02053e No.21081532



shall we play a game

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2a4d05 No.21081535


Didnt Pence endanger the nation by failing to do his duty as VP and use his powers to allow states ro investigate election fraud?

He really has no credibility to slander Assange.

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a1089b No.21081536


you ignore that they counted him as one but he wasn't one.

why do you ignore that part?

because you take scripture and try to start fights with it.

and by their fruit you will know them.

one who uses scripture to start fights is clearly not using scripture as intended.


and now you're doing the 'inquistor' bit.

who says it bothers me.

I'm pointing out that you have a well known 'bit'.

you pretend to be about the Jesus story but really you just learned enough to use it to gaslight and try and start conflicts.

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c51cd6 No.21081538

File: 911a63e6a729353⋯.png (1.29 MB,1178x601,1178:601,ClipboardImage.png)


Vos is desperate to not be recalled, and they are trying for the second time to prevent it. Gablema notified the FBI of all the second recall vote, and they will all voters. For some reason the WSJ (owned by the Murdochs) don't want Vos recalled. But they have an overwhelming majority that wants to kick him out. The Murdoch' don't want the people to know it was legal to recall him the first time.

Murdochs are scared to let the public know they hate Trump. (my guess is Fox paid Vos to betray Trump in the 2020 election, no worries it will come out, that's why Fox paid Dominion when they are majority stock holder of Dominion)

I can't wait for FOX being revealed they called it early in AZ to back up the lies of the Bidan regime winning.

They should all be prosecuted, when the time is right

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41fcc7 No.21081539


Because Senators represent a small group of rich assholes

Simple extrapolation

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1eab01 No.21081541

File: 968f68d5fc3fb1e⋯.jpg (104.26 KB,896x607,896:607,5ca2c3ce5a2eafb5d006fca93e….jpg)


Zip it, retard.

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828f57 No.21081543



he must mean it means it's a masonic trick

but probably the hackers will sell the info back, fed reserve can pay it after all

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d45dc8 No.21081544

Coughing up blood (blood in phlegm) | nidirect

www.nidirect.gov.uk › … › A to Z

Common causes of coughing up blood. Don't diagnose yourself - always leave that to a doctor. The most common reason for coughing up blood is a chest infection.

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af47e6 No.21081545


and there it is

The "operators" have been the ones wasting bread with fake religious "arguments " for weeks now

You exposed yourself and your team mate

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d7d47f No.21081547

File: 3ba4f21b8b46125⋯.mp4 (2.42 MB,RPReplay_Final1719270498.mp4)

File: b869c347187fb54⋯.jpeg (34.37 KB,183x276,61:92,IMG_2326.jpeg)



VP not corrupt, directly serves POTUS

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3de5ff No.21081548

File: 5366d586ba50051⋯.jpg (697 KB,720x815,144:163,334198.jpg)


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02053e No.21081549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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df2476 No.21081550


Probably has more dead-man switches than teeth at this point.

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e1a321 No.21081552

File: 59fcfb391e6c7df⋯.png (586.64 KB,602x606,301:303,trump227.PNG)

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dec76b No.21081554

File: 0b841b2eeaffc15⋯.jpeg (38.62 KB,360x360,1:1,IMG_1674.jpeg)

They leave me alone when I’m naked. Haha got me again today, not tomorrow, or the next day. You’re so hot when you’re angry, go downstairs. Get out. There’s lunch meat in the drawer, I don’t want to see you. The bedroom is mine tonight. No TV. Keep the dog off the couch. Goodnight

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84119d No.21081555

File: 9b38d69608525c3⋯.gif (1.93 MB,800x340,40:17,YaRRRR.gif)


>Smells to me

like Q.

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7868f6 No.21081558


Who are you to give orders?

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de9b22 No.21081560

File: dc9df64cbe2b0c5⋯.jpg (77.34 KB,680x383,680:383,see_freen_hug_fren.jpg)


hello yo yo!

how have you been?

im good looking

please tag muh id with good posts, am rusty


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d99c22 No.21081561


Commander Riker is #2

Commander in Chief is #2 (depending on circumstances…)

am i following?

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9fe3ff No.21081562


For sure but he’s still controlled (always has been) and I don’t think many want to accept that.

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828f57 No.21081564


did he fake his own death and will it be exposed

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2788c1 No.21081565

File: 50008680f9623fb⋯.png (155.61 KB,988x328,247:82,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0dca59b6faa2e80⋯.png (9.68 KB,444x178,222:89,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 41e90bc98e2ecf5⋯.png (216.5 KB,1110x484,555:242,ClipboardImage.png)


Expand your thinking

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ff3a92 No.21081566

File: ad27ba2bfbcc04c⋯.png (1.05 MB,876x1339,876:1339,Screenshot_2024_06_24_at_2….png)

The Trump Organization



Embark on an unforgettable journey to our iconic properties worldwide this summer, starting with the luxurious @TrumpLasVegas.🌴

Marvel at breathtaking Strip views through floor-to-ceiling windows, rejuvenate at our expansive 11,000 sq ft Spa at TrumpⓇ, and indulge in culinary delights at DJT restaurant & bar or the H2(EAU) poolside bistro.

Dive into our sprawling 110-foot heated pool, find serenity in air-conditioned cabanas, and savor signature cocktails as you bask in anticipation of an unforgettable evening ahead.

Book your escape now ✈️: trumphotels.com/las-vegas/of…

#NeverSettle #TrumpHotels

Jun 24, 2024 · 1:46 PM UTC


Welcome Julian.

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9acb02 No.21081567

File: 9a02eb0638a4a89⋯.png (417.78 KB,1334x473,1334:473,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 28a670e5aed1e16⋯.png (568.75 KB,1526x587,1526:587,ClipboardImage.png)



muh hands can heal

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7868f6 No.21081568


You ignore that He told you who committed the greater sin.

You like Peter refuse what He said must happen, having not in mind the concerns of God buy merely human concerns.

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02053e No.21081570

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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198e1b No.21081571


#2 was McCabe the Faggot in that post, but double meanings and shit maybe kek.

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d45dc8 No.21081572

File: 9ffdc7995df021e⋯.jpg (11.22 KB,194x259,194:259,Z_55_.jpg)

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d7d47f No.21081573

File: 5cbe4817ca4a0ba⋯.png (80.45 KB,1376x768,43:24,4955_2.png)


Check ALL June 24 Q drops

It had to be done this way.


Jun 24, 2022 10:09:39 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 000000 No. 16505677

Jun 24, 2022 9:52:15 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: b3aa4e No. 16505361

Throw us a bone Q, we’ve all been waiting for what seemed like an eternity.What’s going on?


It had to be done this way.


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373ded No.21081575


Timeline of the Assange legal saga over extradition to the US on espionage charges

— 2010: WikiLeaks releases almost half a million documents relating to the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

— August 2010: Swedish prosecutors issue an arrest warrant for Assange based on one woman’s allegation of rape and another’s allegation of molestation

— September 2010: Sweden’s director of prosecutions reopens the rape investigation. Assange leaves Sweden for Britain.

— November 2010: Swedish police issue an international arrest warrant for Assange.

— December 2010: Assange surrenders to police in London.

— February 2011: A district court in Britain rules Assange should be extradited to Sweden.

— June 2012: Assange enters the Ecuadorian Embassy in central London, seeking asylum, after his bids to appeal the extradition ruling fail.

— August 2012: Assange is granted political asylum by Ecuador.

— July 2014: Assange loses his bid to have an arrest warrant issued in Sweden against him canceled. A judge in Stockholm upholds the warrant alleging sexual offenses against two women.

— March 2015: Swedish prosecutors ask to question Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy.

— August 2015: Swedish prosecutors drop investigations into some allegations against Assange because of the statute of limitations; an investigation into a rape allegation remains active.

— October 2015: Metropolitan Police end their 24-hour guard outside the Ecuadorian Embassy but say they’ll arrest Assange if he leaves, ending a three-year police operation estimated to have cost millions.

— February 2016: Assange claims “total vindication” as the U.N. Working Group on Arbitrary Detention finds that he has been unlawfully detained and recommends he be immediately freed and given compensation.

— September 2018: Ecuador’s president says his country and Britain are working on a legal solution to allow Assange to leave the embassy.

— October 2018: Assange seeks a court injunction pressing Ecuador to provide him basic rights he said the country agreed to when it first granted him asylum.

— November 2018: A U.S. court filing that appears to inadvertently reveal the existence of a sealed criminal case against Assange is discovered by a researcher.

— April 2019: Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno blames WikiLeaks for recent corruption allegations; Ecuador’s government revokes Assange’s asylum status. London police haul Assange out of the Ecuadorian Embassy and arrest him for breaching bail conditions in 2012, as well as on behalf of U.S. authorities.

— May 2019: Assange is sentenced to 50 weeks in prison for jumping bail in 2012.

— May 2019: The U.S. government indicts Assange on 18 charges over WikiLeaks’ publication of classified documents.

— November 2019: Swedish prosecutor drops rape investigation.

— May 2020: An extradition hearing for Assange is delayed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

— June 2020: The U.S. files a new indictment against Assange that prosecutors say underscores Assange’s efforts to procure and release classified information.

— January 2021: A British judge rules Assange cannot be extradited to the U.S. because he is likely to kill himself if held under harsh U.S. prison conditions.

— July 2021: The High Court grants the U.S. government permission to appeal the lower court’s ruling blocking Assange’s extradition.

— December 2021: The High Court rules that U.S. assurances about Assange’s detention are enough to guarantee he would be treated humanely.

— March 2022: Britain’s Supreme Court refuses to grant Assange permission to appeal against his extradition.

— June 2022: Britain’s government orders the extradition of Assange to the United States. Assange appeals.

— May 2023: Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese says Assange should be released and “nothing is served” by his ongoing incarceration.

— June 2023: A High Court judge rules Assange cannot appeal his extradition.

— Feb. 20, 2024: Assange’s lawyers launch a final legal bid to stop his extradition at the High Court.

— March 26, 2024: Two High Court judges in London give U.S. authorities three more weeks to submit further assurances, including a guarantee that Assange won’t get the death penalty, before deciding whether they will grant him a new appeal against his extradition.

— May 20, 2024: The two High Court judges rule that Assange can mount a new appeal based on arguments about whether he will receive free-speech protections or be at a disadvantage because he is not a U.S. citizen.

— June 24, 2024: The U.S. Justice Department says in a letter filed in court that, under a deal with the agency, Assange plans to plead guilty to an Espionage Act charge of conspiring to unlawfully obtain and disseminate classified national defense information, which will allow him to walk free. >>21081053


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3de5ff No.21081576

File: 74afa5e9998a88b⋯.gif (41.09 KB,380x217,380:217,74afa5e9998a88b8084c5c464b….gif)

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7868f6 No.21081578


Of which you are not one.

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1eab01 No.21081579

File: b2e765e4682f33c⋯.jpg (159.68 KB,1280x866,640:433,b2e765e4682f33cd504c81421b….jpg)

It's like they're treating this as a quasi-religion again, just like when they had the board from May 2021 to Jan 2022. They're proselytizing drops. Posturing themselves as the "priests of qanon." KEK!

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17aeb6 No.21081580


Fro dem bones

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41fcc7 No.21081582


When Federal Reserve crashes, Trump will lose over half his moola

Same shit as 2008, history always repeats

Save the petrodollar…..kek

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a39b16 No.21081583

File: 068c55e58c20d01⋯.png (916.71 KB,1036x1176,37:42,068c55e58c20d01d875b1d47cb….png)

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5c4c75 No.21081584


holy shit, dat was a long time ago already.

time do fly.

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9acb02 No.21081585

File: 28acc98076a8b9e⋯.png (414.34 KB,894x894,1:1,hahaha.png)

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3e442c No.21081587

File: e4406f56ae7b139⋯.jpg (103.91 KB,720x720,1:1,bbcbf5d01a2661e7715b27311d….jpg)

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828f57 No.21081588


>Timeline of the Assange legal saga over extradition to the US on espionage charges



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de9b22 No.21081589

File: c77fcefe371de7e⋯.png (985.76 KB,1013x844,1013:844,QClock_any_ole_day_Olga_s_….png)



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1eab01 No.21081590

Or, perhaps not posturing as priests, but definitely trying to create the consensus that they're the authority to be trusted.

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b660eb No.21081591

imagine thinking anyone reads your long winded posts

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90c021 No.21081593

File: 1ea3dfe865bfa98⋯.gif (1.4 MB,260x258,130:129,PEPERMAN_2.gif)


noice stolen

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02053e No.21081594

>>21081570 the most dangerous person to run for president in the modern history of america (DJT) TMD the most dangerous


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d99c22 No.21081595



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5c4c75 No.21081596

File: df10c2fbdc914c7⋯.jpg (8.77 KB,255x144,85:48,potusmnspeechquote.jpg)

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dec76b No.21081597


Trips confirm the Persians have to go back.

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c51cd6 No.21081599


Gableman says why would you allow 7.7 million on the voter rolls when they are slightly about 4.4 million on the voter rolls that are eligible and alive.

"2020, It's not over yet'

my opinion, our country can never go forward until the whole diabolical steal of 2020 is revealed to all citizens, let them decide. Seeing Bidan's betrayal of America will cement it happened and we will make sure it never happens again, including right and left

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3e442c No.21081601

File: 6f1e0570d29947d⋯.png (2.62 MB,1000x2043,1000:2043,6f1e0570d29947d5be5e7bc9d1….png)

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244ac4 No.21081603


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373ded No.21081605

File: 45d1ecce8983af3⋯.png (110.99 KB,681x701,681:701,ClipboardImage.png)


>Q1591 is referring to this John Solomon piece from June 25, 2018:




How Comey intervened to kill WikiLeaks’ immunity deal

One of the more devastating intelligence leaks in American history — the unmasking of the CIA’s arsenal of cyber warfare weapons last year — has an untold prelude worthy of a spy novel.

Some of the characters are household names, thanks to the Russia scandal: James Comey, fired FBI director. Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. Department of Justice (DOJ) official Bruce Ohr. Julian Assange, grand master of WikiLeaks. And American attorney Adam Waldman, who has a Forrest Gump-like penchant for showing up in major cases of intrigue.

{mosads}Each played a role in the early days of the Trump administration to try to get Assange to agree to “risk mitigation” — essentially, limiting some classified CIA information he might release in the future.

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ff3a92 No.21081606

File: 266b691b6c67077⋯.png (242.09 KB,558x553,558:553,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Turnberry



🎷🌅 Life is better with a soundtrack! 🌅🎷

Thank you to Abigail Coia for sharing this moment, beautifully captured by her talented husband.

Saxophonist Emily Sophia performed at our recent Business Beats Cancer Ayrshire event - the Scottish coast providing the perfect backdrop.

Jun 24, 2024 · 2:00 PM UTC



For the love of money is the root of all evil

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d45dc8 No.21081611

File: ba00b36e0c72f75⋯.jpg (535.46 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240624_194805….jpg)

File: 9b5944e043d5f89⋯.jpg (11.35 KB,259x194,259:194,images_318_.jpg)

File: e5c3b142c5e68b1⋯.jpg (7.02 KB,194x259,194:259,images_319_.jpg)

File: c0c9b94b9465fcc⋯.jpg (8.49 KB,282x178,141:89,images_320_.jpg)


I'll call you

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de9b22 No.21081612

File: d16b9f23f0bd51f⋯.png (159.46 KB,561x399,187:133,digits.png)

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1eab01 No.21081615

File: 5ac1afffa594946⋯.jpg (97.4 KB,772x898,386:449,bd59ci7qn7tb1.jpg)

Filtered faster than he can IP hop and get a post ready to spam his schizophrenic drivel. At least he's paid though, right AEI?

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9fe3ff No.21081616


Way worse than 2008


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ff7c7f No.21081617

File: 18ac40f277ffab9⋯.jpg (57.25 KB,500x516,125:129,ughui6.jpg)

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198e1b No.21081618

File: 95a8bb2847c1ac3⋯.jpg (38.04 KB,409x409,1:1,736a61895fd7b58b.jpg)


"Q-nan" is on it kek!!

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a39b16 No.21081619

File: e32fcd66e28881b⋯.png (971.41 KB,1011x840,337:280,ClipboardImage.png)

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c7db0b No.21081620


"If you fuck around with us, if you do something bad to us, we are going to do things to you that have never been done before."

-POUTS Donald J. Trump

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a7e51b No.21081622

File: ee25863a3de9b40⋯.jpg (7.89 KB,275x183,275:183,sdfj_lsd.jpg)

File: 8b1896964ebb8be⋯.jpg (59.28 KB,577x432,577:432,djt_.jpg)


Ask Nancy Pelosi and Liz Chaney, or refer to Chaper 7 of the Narrative of the Final Report of the Select Committee to Investigate January 6.

187Minutes of Derelection


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e1a321 No.21081623

File: c54f68ffc2622ef⋯.png (427.58 KB,851x994,851:994,ClipboardImage.png)

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c7db0b No.21081624

Unprecedented success = Unprecedented revenge

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6dc62b No.21081625


have always felt Pence was acting the Judas role. Hope I am correct.

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17aeb6 No.21081626

File: f910dce5b02da7f⋯.png (263.11 KB,500x499,500:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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e8c533 No.21081628

File: 245cfc906c4a561⋯.png (20.7 KB,519x364,519:364,ClipboardImage.png)

File: beca5b8a76201d1⋯.png (6.18 KB,350x89,350:89,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 132de8ee8d6fa21⋯.png (1.22 MB,1366x790,683:395,ClipboardImage.png)



todays delta.

about flynn.

The Peoples General.



this part coming up is something to blow them away.

Cult 93 ***

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d8b4b2 No.21081629

I was thinking this morning why the paki/indians buy all the gas stations around and motels.

I thought the motels is where they can move people in and out.

and the gas stations they could control the gas.

i'm not saying what else i thought about that as it is too messed up to think about, so i cannot.

not hating on them, just trying to understand why all of them are being bought out by these people.

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dec76b No.21081630


Pence is deeply entrenched in human trafficking in Indiana

Shill count really high

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efb57f No.21081631

File: c8b0d97435ec1f1⋯.png (72.49 KB,892x601,892:601,ClipboardImage.png)

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d45dc8 No.21081632


Ever leave a tooth behind?

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d7d47f No.21081634

File: dc8eefed9168c18⋯.jpeg (308.75 KB,1118x1463,1118:1463,IMG_8602.jpeg)

File: fedb25f9ba5e2d9⋯.jpeg (243.64 KB,1113x1447,1113:1447,IMG_8603.jpeg)

File: d2333d2598a3da5⋯.jpeg (157.86 KB,1293x433,1293:433,IMG_1781.jpeg)

File: b4b0acdbdc89cb1⋯.jpeg (134.55 KB,846x451,846:451,IMG_2148.jpeg)

File: 1dc8463f1b8a603⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB,1279x1139,1279:1139,IMG_2149.jpeg)


Proof for 11 Commander and Chief

VPPence is a constitutional lawyer he knows it’s CIC

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57ad96 No.21081635

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The great Willie Mays meeting the great Vin Scully in 2016 for the first time.



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3de5ff No.21081636

File: 7834fa0076c4d6e⋯.mp4 (2.65 MB,480x480,1:1,1_UIYKxNWVgyp3oa.mp4)

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c7db0b No.21081637


Mike Pence is a Traitor. HE FAILED.

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ff3a92 No.21081640

File: 76a18244d9be4ed⋯.png (294.61 KB,567x572,567:572,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Winery


Jun 20

Thanks, @Nigel_Farage 🥂

Jun 20, 2024 · 2:37 PM UTC


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de9b22 No.21081647

File: bf176ee0272fd83⋯.jpg (198.71 KB,1200x630,40:21,Pence_Electoral_College_De….jpg)

File: af3591e9f2af8ba⋯.jpg (111.8 KB,1024x628,256:157,trump_kiss_of_death_pence.jpg)

File: 471addf276a0e89⋯.png (1.49 MB,1080x1537,1080:1537,you_55.png)

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db9efc No.21081648

Julian Assange = 133

"For example, the rules for

the parole of POWs would apply to them.


- Law of War Manual

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d45dc8 No.21081649

File: 7f3b4dd7ef87cde⋯.jpg (14.99 KB,219x231,73:77,images_321_.jpg)


Learn your comms

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c7db0b No.21081650

Anons, 3 hours to go!

War paint is a work of art.

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efb57f No.21081652

File: 3e68f5f9d308ffb⋯.png (63.81 KB,890x448,445:224,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 34ff68642819132⋯.png (21.9 KB,893x225,893:225,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 689159a52732469⋯.png (45.43 KB,893x322,893:322,ClipboardImage.png)

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cd2be2 No.21081653

File: 72481c6da6bc0b0⋯.png (26.39 KB,835x325,167:65,ClipboardImage.png)

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c89d57 No.21081654

File: 811361477067d6a⋯.mp4 (1.48 MB,480x360,4:3,zionistbiden.mp4)

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d99c22 No.21081655

File: 7d7b79acd5cd44b⋯.png (334.71 KB,464x1105,464:1105,ClipboardImage.png)

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84a118 No.21081657


29 years old?

He looks 40, at least.

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bcbed6 No.21081658

File: e08c1f331eb14fa⋯.png (108.92 KB,251x255,251:255,pepe_vibe_check.png)

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02053e No.21081659

File: ebb256815381563⋯.jpg (108.48 KB,750x1000,3:4,fposter_small_wall_texture….jpg)

File: a1eb8809a6d4d5b⋯.jpg (12.69 KB,279x181,279:181,download.jpg)


don't forget WHO DJT was

talking about

when he said


regarding "stollen" the election

>fruit bread of nuts, spices, and dried or candied fruit, coated with powdered sugar or icing sugar and often containing marzipan.

fruit bed


candied fruits

powdered sugars

in the deep state


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db9efc No.21081660

Is Assange release the Trump card?

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d45dc8 No.21081661


Pain? Looking around, it's just me…

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c2d5e0 No.21081662

File: 88bd72eea08d9b3⋯.jpg (50.46 KB,600x829,600:829,FB_IMG_1547658366315.jpg)


You bring the beer, I got the burgers.

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d7d47f No.21081663

File: 21491009b7f3294⋯.png (1.88 MB,898x3198,449:1599,2515_2.png)

File: a154108b51f4b6c⋯.jpeg (2.57 MB,1620x2120,81:106,IMG_0112.jpeg)

File: 857d36aa8982129⋯.jpeg (970.91 KB,1496x1330,748:665,IMG_0048.jpeg)

File: c547c6b87b6e86e⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB,1620x2011,1620:2011,IMG_0347.jpeg)

File: 7e3fd567b24ff15⋯.jpeg (1.3 MB,1435x1950,287:390,IMG_0402.jpeg)




Better check your sources

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de9b22 No.21081664



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d99c22 No.21081666


>will listen to what you suggested. was busy scraping.

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c51cd6 No.21081667

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Toboroff: Jews Have Yet To Cross The Rubicon By Voting Against DemocratsTHEY ARE NOT WOKING UP THEY ARE SERIOUSLY HATED.



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244ac4 No.21081668


I suspect Flynn is a rat.

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a7e51b No.21081669


Sorry in advance, I'm short on patience today but WTF does this even mean?

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ff7c7f No.21081670

File: 5d1d1bcf3091fb5⋯.jpg (510.05 KB,2880x2880,1:1,20230613_221735.jpg)

Jake tapper tell the control room to get Trump off his screen after calling Trump a antisemite and a rabbi walks up to Trump and asks if he can pray for him.

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c888fb No.21081671

File: 7d0de44161cf0b9⋯.jpg (141.64 KB,638x434,319:217,5_5_VIBE.jpg)

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1eab01 No.21081672

File: 11b206186f93958⋯.webm (662.08 KB,427x240,427:240,that_all_or_is_there_moar.webm)

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d45dc8 No.21081673

File: 2072282b0e74098⋯.jpg (9.83 KB,287x176,287:176,images_322_.jpg)

File: 8a9132b91c8f577⋯.jpg (9.83 KB,263x192,263:192,images_323_.jpg)



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c89d57 No.21081674

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Is Assange release the Trump card?

Want to play a game?

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57ad96 No.21081675

File: 77228eceaf0919f⋯.png (381.35 KB,735x708,245:236,Trump_baseball.png)

File: bf52c8d4c9730e5⋯.jpg (211.68 KB,865x629,865:629,Sports_Captains_NYMA_inclu….jpg)

File: f40d38fdf6937b4⋯.png (456.41 KB,484x837,484:837,President_Trump_holding_ba….png)

File: 717995debb9fc79⋯.png (158.49 KB,724x742,362:371,Great_POTUS_baseball_don_j….png)

File: a1c4d5387bb4e57⋯.png (5.44 MB,2880x1578,480:263,Coach_Trump_of_our_Basebal….png)

>The great Willie Mays meeting the great Vin Scully in 2016 for the first time.




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9fe3ff No.21081676

File: 68cd44395c001e9⋯.jpeg (457.83 KB,1206x617,1206:617,23D6C940_E607_4E7F_B0B4_B….jpeg)


VJT199 Global 6000 London to Bangkok

Possibly JA and given as a link to FlightRadar in the last bred

Someone pick this up as PF will not be here when it reappears after crossing Indian Ocean

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c7db0b No.21081677

File: d91ae44b5e32d7f⋯.png (72.95 KB,1009x527,1009:527,2607.png)

File: 1434b7f9a8f5199⋯.png (58.19 KB,1023x767,1023:767,6_5_24.png)

June 5 → 1396

June 23 → 2607

"More to come."

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9fe3ff No.21081678

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d7d47f No.21081683


Check Again…

TrumpPence.com where does this redirect?

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c7db0b No.21081685


Pence is a Traitor.

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57ad96 No.21081686

File: 67f112afa838a58⋯.png (1.97 MB,1440x794,720:397,_MAGA_Jackie_Robinson_Roy_….png)



>The great Willie Mays meeting the great Vin Scully in 2016 for the first time.



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3de5ff No.21081688

File: bd936c00d39eca6⋯.png (630.6 KB,713x565,713:565,bd936c00d39eca66adc18c5b94….png)


Pig trying to ruin the party again by dominating the convo

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de9b22 No.21081690

File: 19a009c0c3e24f8⋯.jpg (52.26 KB,498x315,166:105,bonk.jpg)

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c7db0b No.21081692




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02053e No.21081693

File: 5e7c9f98fd2faa6⋯.webp (262.02 KB,700x350,2:1,5c06201abde70f280a44197c.webp)

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a41502 No.21081695


Christ compels you to return to your hell pit, demon.

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7d9061 No.21081696

Good to see you Q.

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0de9c6 No.21081697

File: c9da8ebcca06098⋯.png (1.87 MB,1212x682,606:341,c9da8ebcca06098b3c7179eb9c….png)


so umm, before all of this Assange mess left the embassy I heard that the CIA had control of the front end server but was never able to get access to the back end data server, which was rumored to be hidden physically in some data center in northern europe.

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de9b22 No.21081698


#25843 >>21080981

>>21081048, >>21081060, >>21081064, >>21081132, >>21081264, >>21081278, >>21081288, >>21081317, >>21081320, >>21081332, >>21081350, >>21081352, >>21081355, "it has begun."

>>21080997, >>21081285, >>21081303, >>21081605, >>21081307, >>21081497, >>21081575 Julian Assange bun

>>21081117, >>21081516 You think the federal reserve ransom may have been Assanges freedom? Something about ‘33’ terrabites?

>>21081053, >>21081090 Julian Assange walks free: CAP (0:13)


>>21081575 Timeline of the Assange legal saga over extradition to the US on espionage charges

>>21080991, >>21081002 Maricopa County election officials blaming one black man, for rigging elections across the entire county

>>21081013 Two-Tier Justice: Boeing May Evade Criminal Charges Over 2018, 2019 Crashes as Biden's DOJ Claims Prosecuting the Company is Legally Risky

>>21081036 Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case on Tennessee’s ban on s*x change surgeries and cross-s*x hormones for minors

>>21081057, >>21081082, >>21081141, >>21081171, >>21081150 Jake Tapper's top producer resigned after he was put under investigation by Fairfax County Child Exploitation Squad

>>21081059 Paoletta: Justice Clarence Thomas Is Spearheading The Judicial Fight Against Administrative State

>>21081093 Catherine Herridge: publishing the Army Human Resources Command memo with redactions ‘Covid vaccine injured’

>>21081110 MAJOR WARNING: If Republicans Want to Win in 2024 We Have Less than Two Months to Clean Bloated Voter Rolls — August 7th Is Cut-Off Date

>>21081136, >>21081256 If You’re Unsure If The 2020 Election Was Stolen Here’s Your Answer Alabama Attorney General is repeatedly questioned whether Joe Biden is the “duly elected and lawfully serving" President of the United States

>>21081164 Trump Preps For Debate Against Biden By Going to Nursing Home And Arguing With Dementia Patients

>>21081183 Judge Cannon Presses Special Counsel For Answers On Who Is Supervising Jack Smith

>>21081189 Masks are going from mandated to criminalized in some states

>>21081190, >>21081211 CNN is now threatening any social channels that provide commentary on the debate stating they will not allow the use outside of CNN

>>21081218 Explosive Study Once Removed by Lancet within 24 Hours, Now Peer-Reviewed and Public: Reveals 74% of Deaths Directly Linked to COVID-19 Shot

>>21081253 No Fly zones

>>21081312 Chinese counterfeit version of US C-17 Globemaster

>>21081368, >>21081506 45 in N757AF 757 departed New Orleans Intl to Palm Beach Intl

>>21081400 George Soros may have conspired with Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and the Obama administration to force out Pope Benedict XXIII and replace him with Pope Francis

>>21081515, >>21081410 Office of Space Commerce publishes a compendium of space industry technical standards, relevant to space situational awareness and #SpaceTrafficCoordination

>>21081510 Free Masons only tell half truths

>>21081047 KASH PATEL: Speaker Paul Ryan and His Team Rigged Our Russiagate Investigation Before He Started It

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d45dc8 No.21081699

File: 284207c4774b306⋯.jpg (10.38 KB,285x177,95:59,Z_56_.jpg)

File: 0919b677d3b272c⋯.jpg (11.52 KB,259x194,259:194,images_324_.jpg)

File: 01067b7ca1b72f8⋯.jpg (11.09 KB,259x194,259:194,images_325_.jpg)



Fuck your couch

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66cfc5 No.21081700

File: 06eee3474f8ebf9⋯.png (82.62 KB,510x332,255:166,ClipboardImage.png)


How Curious

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c7db0b No.21081701


Q is on the way HOME (again).

It's going to get tactical tonight (here).

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c888fb No.21081702

File: 6c9d0b041513028⋯.jpg (30.17 KB,296x297,296:297,CHESS.jpg)

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efb57f No.21081703

File: 71970456df6d32e⋯.png (664.82 KB,1000x600,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Maybe it will be declassified in 70 years.

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d99c22 No.21081704


Could people pay such gangs to kill opponents and why / how to insulate against exposure?

The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed. These people areevil.

chk digits

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db9efc No.21081705

File: 54686936da2869b⋯.png (7.35 KB,346x127,346:127,Capture.PNG)

Couple of cold beers in order this weekend


Insane delta

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e1a321 No.21081706

File: 53690edb5be6bd3⋯.png (92.76 KB,886x645,886:645,ClipboardImage.png)

OUTRAGEOUS! FBI Refuses to Turn Over Seth Rich Laptop – Is Still Hiding Its Contents from American Public Despite Court Order – And Now Makes Up Ridiculous Story to Prevent It’s Release via


Was Seth’s brother working with the FBI?

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46f913 No.21081707

File: ae91375e0967cff⋯.png (1.25 MB,1021x678,1021:678,5n434564h353.PNG)

Since the CIA /FBI glowies at CNN dont want you to have an audience, and want to lock Trump down with all these glowie rules.

I think it would be best for people to watch it with a group of friends, and record their reactions.

All those conservative grifters should be having live broadcasts and debate watching party's too.

People should be posting those videos on Social media so there will be a counter for any narratives they pull.

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c7db0b No.21081708


Conspiracy no more.

Time to FEED.

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57ad96 No.21081709

File: 99ba8633218178b⋯.png (444.65 KB,540x786,90:131,Roberto_Clemente_baseball.png)

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1eab01 No.21081710


He's only dominating the conversation, in your mind. Is he taking attention away from you?

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02053e No.21081711

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

why no wedding ring


at McCain funeral

just 6 years ago


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d7d47f No.21081713

File: d6ee3512b8ff4b2⋯.jpeg (33.06 KB,92x92,1:1,IMG_2407.jpeg)

File: 41ec25824f9fc61⋯.jpeg (593.58 KB,1170x1470,39:49,IMG_6961.jpeg)

File: 97351a60eca8591⋯.jpeg (209.87 KB,806x1024,403:512,IMG_1497.jpeg)


RAT = Republicans Against Trump

The People’s General is Loyal to CHINA it’s a game!

Joseph Flynn gave him the Title “The People’s General” in a letter to the Judge

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db9efc No.21081715

"If you don't control your mind someone else will."

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f5ab98 No.21081716



>Checks year of post

On 6/6/6 day no less

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acda13 No.21081717

File: 241fbc05b0f381f⋯.png (254.72 KB,735x402,245:134,ClipboardImage.png)

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d45dc8 No.21081718

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e1a321 No.21081719

File: a5c79a4314a4faa⋯.png (255.03 KB,525x395,105:79,pepe563.PNG)

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c89d57 No.21081720


if you don't wash your brain, someone else will

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d99c22 No.21081722

File: 1deec076c355886⋯.png (98.32 KB,464x848,29:53,ClipboardImage.png)

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3de5ff No.21081723

File: c2acc9ebcc35fbd⋯.jpg (34.33 KB,327x324,109:108,rvvvru.jpg)

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c888fb No.21081724

File: 3bab903c4cf4b8b⋯.jpg (118.21 KB,635x483,635:483,GREEN_BEER_WIN.jpg)

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0de9c6 No.21081725

File: 51e2a62f575b931⋯.png (40.7 KB,978x551,978:551,ClipboardImage.png)




can confirm, this file ships with emacs.

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d99c22 No.21081726

File: 02bc37590c7548e⋯.png (61.47 KB,470x258,235:129,ClipboardImage.png)

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02053e No.21081727


see hand better here @16:48


no wedding ring? biden at McCain funeral

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c51cd6 No.21081728

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

HARNWELL: People don’t realise the extent to which France has already gone over to Marine Le Pen

What’s The Matter With Caen?! Here’s a quite astonishing fact of just how much the French have rejected Emmanuel Macron and the entire political class that he represents.

France is divided into 35,000 communes — the most local level of administration.

At the recent European Elections on June 9,in a staggering 93% of these communes Marine Le Pen’s National Rally came first.

Indeed, in some areas of France’s Rust Belt, in the deindustrialised north, the Rally got *seven times* more votes that Macron’s Renaissance.




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af47e6 No.21081729


One of the alphabets is desperate to get control of QR

I take it you didn't catch the spam attack where thousands of new bullshit breads came up in the Catalog in just minutes? Jim even posted a short video about it

Hard push like there's some kind of deadline

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fa5c48 No.21081730

File: a80eaa46b9dafc9⋯.png (594.26 KB,1000x667,1000:667,ClipboardImage.png)

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c2d5e0 No.21081731

File: 2033e90fb139400⋯.png (150.26 KB,828x437,36:19,ClipboardImage.png)

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de9b22 No.21081732

File: d1613b8232deb56⋯.png (254.16 KB,1133x804,1133:804,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e2f8ae6504ca308⋯.png (309.43 KB,809x940,809:940,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump



Jun 24, 2024, 11:04 PM



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50665d No.21081733

>>21080925 PB lockbit data

there is that maui clinic included. Anon will look into what they released

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9d1640 No.21081734

File: d533d07731f1ee4⋯.jpg (587.3 KB,928x1270,464:635,Schumann20240624030421.jpg)

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9d1640 No.21081735

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c888fb No.21081736

File: 6364e2c9b0c7dc0⋯.jpg (102.38 KB,614x470,307:235,JUST_B_HAPPY_INSTEAD.jpg)

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d45dc8 No.21081737

File: 331624859bb498f⋯.jpg (9.72 KB,221x225,221:225,images_326_.jpg)

File: f3cacaff46475f5⋯.jpg (8.05 KB,296x170,148:85,2Q_58_.jpg)



In pictures

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5cd43d No.21081738


gravity is time

time is gravity

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d7d47f No.21081740

File: 82ff505308c2774⋯.png (1.12 MB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_2409.png)



You are being tracked.


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2a4d05 No.21081741


Shills whine

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7d9061 No.21081742

File: bb930f8914e46f0⋯.jpeg (172.35 KB,1118x544,559:272,F7459C23_C813_4A1F_9FEE_3….jpeg)

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8a1adb No.21081743

File: 14fa50a998a5527⋯.png (340.01 KB,598x515,598:515,ClipboardImage.png)


Congrats to Assange, but there may be a catch in Saipan.


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efb57f No.21081744

File: 6410ec67b94a598⋯.png (1.34 MB,1150x1085,230:217,ClipboardImage.png)




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fa5c48 No.21081745

File: bd4080eda1a3441⋯.png (368.38 KB,1034x811,1034:811,ClipboardImage.png)

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02053e No.21081747

File: a5437671f346a6f⋯.jpg (14.47 KB,273x184,273:184,download.jpg)


His name is Seth Rich

Not 14, 27

4am talking points

Murder of Seth Rich


https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Murder_of_Seth_Rich

The murder of Seth Rich occurred on July 10, 2016,


4:20 a.m.

in the Bloomingdale neighborhood of Washington, D.C.

killed for leaking DNC emails to Wikileaks

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db9efc No.21081748

Assange: Clinton is a cog for Goldman Sachs & the Saudis (JOHN PILGER EXCLUSIVE VIDEO & TRANSCRIPT)


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973b1d No.21081749

File: fe76ff74509af83⋯.png (271.08 KB,603x385,603:385,Screenshot_2024_06_24_2117….png)

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de9b22 No.21081750

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c7db0b No.21081751

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Q+ 11:04 PM, Jun 24, 2024 > (00:33)

Q: 1104 > 'Central' algorithm. The stage had to be set.

Q: 33 > Take good care. God bless.


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02053e No.21081752

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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3de5ff No.21081753

File: a94173940cd5c95⋯.jpg (34.71 KB,327x324,109:108,rvvrvvuvr.jpg)

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373ded No.21081754

File: a84a5dadb068f44⋯.png (436.4 KB,730x644,365:322,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

The Biden Campaign engaging in Cheap Fakes! They’re embarrassed that they drew a very weak Crowd, and so they have to manipulate and lie about President Trump’s energetic and overflow Rally. MAGA!

Jun 24, 2024, 11:16 PM


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02053e No.21081755


JA interview dated 9th August 2016

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d45dc8 No.21081756


You gonna tax my two retirements?

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020f38 No.21081757

Apple currently scans text from photos on phone harddrives

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eb367c No.21081758

File: d9e2360a750f588⋯.mp4 (3.97 MB,270x480,9:16,j65346k54354j3.mp4)



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6cd9b0 No.21081759

File: 2a6aa00d4ef8f65⋯.jpg (38.08 KB,214x254,107:127,2a6aa00d4ef8f653344c6c3f85….jpg)

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24b7f9 No.21081760


Soyjack at #2 , I reported most threads for CP get that shit outta here

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1eab01 No.21081761

File: b308fece9387c6d⋯.png (1.07 MB,1024x1024,1:1,smokingstorm2.png)


Notice the complete lack of the regular ethnic spam narrative, only one spamtard active but attacks on a personality that mouths off the deep state and makes them look stupid regularly begin. They even make memes about him.

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c2d5e0 No.21081762

File: 8f5cb1fd0b32053⋯.png (1.67 MB,1138x902,569:451,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e71f8f80977c5ed⋯.png (1.2 MB,1027x999,1027:999,ClipboardImage.png)


The Biden Campaign engaging in Cheap Fakes! They’re embarrassed that they drew a very weak Crowd, and so they have to manipulate and lie about President Trump’s energetic and overflow Rally. MAGA!

11:16 ET


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db9efc No.21081763

File: 12143b78877bd61⋯.png (16.26 KB,837x208,837:208,image_2024_06_24_231717429.png)

WikiLeaks Releases Documents On Alleged CIA Spying On French Presidential Candidates


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de9b22 No.21081764

File: f5d7831911b4c24⋯.png (155.39 KB,473x1113,473:1113,ClipboardImage.png)



Q 142

11/12/2017 12:16:24

4chan/pol: 149122955

How did Soros replace family ‘y’?

Who is family ‘y’?

Trace the bloodlines of these (3) families.

What happened during WWII?

Was Hitler a puppet?

Who was his handler?

What was the purpose?

What was the real purpose of the war?

What age was GS?

What is the Soros family history?

What has occurred since the fall of N Germany?

Who is A. Merkel?

What is A. Merkel’s family history?

Follow the bloodline.

Who died on the Titanic?

What year did the Titanic sink?

Why is this relevant?

What ‘exactly’ happened to the Titanic?

What ‘class of people’ were guaranteed a lifeboat?

Why did select ‘individuals’ not make it into the lifeboats?

Why is this relevant?

How do we know who was on the lifeboats (D or A)?

How were names and bodies recorded back then?

When were tickets purchased for her maiden voyage?

Who was ‘specifically’ invited?

Less than 10.

What is the FED?

What does the FED control?

Who controls the FED?

Who approved the formation of the FED?

Why did H-wood glorify Titanic as a tragic love story?

Who lived in the movie (what man)?

Why is this relevant?

Opposite is true.

What is brainwashing?

What is a PSYOP?

What happened to the Hindenburg?

What really happened to the Hindenburg?

Who died during the ‘accident’?

Why is this relevant?

What are sheep?

Who controls the narrative?

The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.

It must be controlled.

Snow White.

Iron Eagle.

Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream).


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c888fb No.21081765

File: 3a818adda90cedb⋯.jpg (73.31 KB,445x539,445:539,BEERLY_NIZE.jpg)




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9fe3ff No.21081766

File: 365735190049e63⋯.jpeg (400.8 KB,1242x588,207:98,3EA85EC5_371E_4901_A743_C….jpeg)


45in N757AF 757 just the tip heading for Palm Beach Intl from New Orleans Intl depart


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efb57f No.21081767

File: cb123475515e1ee⋯.png (412.88 KB,509x374,509:374,ClipboardImage.png)

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4d1882 No.21081768

Those who are highly likely part of the LESS THAN 10 Super Patriot ClubTop 10 List

1: Alex Jones

2: General Flynn

3: Steve Bannon

4: Roger Stone

5: Mike Pence

6: Tucker Carlson

7: Elon Musk

8: Jim Watkins

9: Jack Posobiec

10: Ron Watkins

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84a118 No.21081769


top kek


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af47e6 No.21081770

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Any anons have creative juices going tonight?

I went to "modify" the 1964 Bond movie "Goldfinger" title track in regards to our "operators" but haven't made it very far


He's the man

The man with the glowfag touch

A retard's touch

Such a smooth brainer

Beckons you to enter his web of sin

But don't go in

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c2d5e0 No.21081771


My bad didn't see you before I sent >>21081762

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2a4d05 No.21081772


Kek, Q+ again calling out the Biden cabal's projection.

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d99c22 No.21081773

File: 59efeae71b8ef64⋯.png (40.11 KB,325x377,25:29,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 38d75bc7c127269⋯.png (337.2 KB,1284x1080,107:90,2304cap.png)


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acda13 No.21081774

File: abe5b9a37a1358e⋯.png (22.54 KB,519x376,519:376,ClipboardImage.png)


>11:16 PM

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244ac4 No.21081776


You're correct, Flynn (and his entourage) do whine a lot.

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4d1882 No.21081778

File: 8ca9a25d60155d9⋯.png (127.65 KB,370x195,74:39,10e.png)

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de9b22 No.21081781

File: 36674712938c5f6⋯.png (49.28 KB,1061x475,1061:475,ClipboardImage.png)

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c94101 No.21081783

File: 99bcd3d0f42c622⋯.jpeg (681.72 KB,1331x1521,1331:1521,IMG_0958.jpeg)

File: 124cf251fc60b2e⋯.jpeg (884.8 KB,1331x1620,1331:1620,IMG_0959.jpeg)

File: 61dd055d28a48e8⋯.jpeg (965.57 KB,1346x1620,673:810,IMG_0960.jpeg)

warning….don’t read this story if you have just eaten….or otherwise…it will make you sick


Cannibal with 'insatiable appetite' fed neighbours 'human flesh' at BBQs

Nathaniel Bar-Jonah, who was convicted of murdering and eating a child, used to host cook-outs at his home and served burgers, spaghetti, chilli, meat pies, and casserole.


11:18 ET, Mon, Jun 24, 2024 | UPDATED: 11:41 ET, Mon, Jun 24, 2024

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4d1882 No.21081786

File: 25d5414c93af98f⋯.jpeg (158.6 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1da1.jpeg)


night shift wants to use the magic wand too!!!

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d45dc8 No.21081787

File: ba00b36e0c72f75⋯.jpg (535.46 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240624_194805….jpg)

File: 207327e1c8adc7a⋯.jpg (12 KB,318x159,2:1,images_316_.jpg)

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eb6912 No.21081788


Not too shabby, kids.

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373ded No.21081789


no worries.

value in those CAPs, too.


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8a1adb No.21081790

File: ce1686f505b5245⋯.png (404.48 KB,678x701,678:701,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f58075d4cd1b166⋯.png (147.59 KB,559x287,559:287,ClipboardImage.png)

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db9efc No.21081791

File: 52b83190583686b⋯.png (21.21 KB,750x352,375:176,Capture.PNG)

File: 316e46e1326e282⋯.jpg (97.85 KB,640x481,640:481,transcription_from_wikilea….jpg)

Sweden’s unethical – and unlawful ­­– arms deals with ‘ISIS-backing’ Saudis


This secret arms deal between Sweden and the Saudis [6] has also been exposed by the organization WikiLeaks. This occasioned the Swedish military react preposterously against the WikiLeaks founder, accusing Mr Assange and WikiLeaks on Swedish TV of “blackmailing Sweden”.

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902edc No.21081792

File: 6eb01518e6ee871⋯.png (105.6 KB,583x428,583:428,Screenshot_20240624_231929….png)

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acda13 No.21081794

File: 0346596ab86a014⋯.png (127.25 KB,519x841,519:841,ClipboardImage.png)

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c94101 No.21081795


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4d1882 No.21081796

File: 4c28d72224ac518⋯.png (209.95 KB,471x356,471:356,1gg.png)

Those who are highly likely part of the LESS THAN 10 Super Patriot ClubTop 10 List

1: Alex Jones

2: General Flynn

3: Steve Bannon

4: Roger Stone

5: Mike Pence

6: Tucker Carlson

7: Elon Musk

8: Jim Watkins

9: Jack Posobiec

10: Ron Watkins

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4d1882 No.21081797

File: 76bae29806a078e⋯.png (1.62 MB,2360x1840,59:46,1tt.png)

File: 3efa3278c73b1fe⋯.gif (350.88 KB,480x270,16:9,3e.gif)

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373ded No.21081798



<I’m hopeful my time spent here was not wasted.

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c2d5e0 No.21081799

File: 898bd08754f2ced⋯.jpg (497.51 KB,864x864,1:1,WWG1WGA_anons.jpg)




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1eab01 No.21081800

File: c7fb9d3bcfcde8f⋯.jpg (97.54 KB,736x738,368:369,69c9d480227313de4b1efb5503….jpg)

He's so fucking stupid. It's going to be so sweet when those clowns finally get what they deserve.

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c94101 No.21081801


There will be no audience at the debates….supposedly.

So ,we don’t need to wait for people to be seated.

We only need for the stage to be set.

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902edc No.21081802

File: 891de1a87ad10e0⋯.png (76.83 KB,474x266,237:133,th_34_.png)

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2a4d05 No.21081803


Anon doesnt like to use the n word, so changed it up. Feel free to replace clown with your preferred pronoun, kek

Clown liar, he's the clown

The deceiver of them all

Beware of his disguise

He will laugh, but it’s all lies

Clown liar, trickster's game

Fooling everyone the same

With his painted grin

You won’t see his sin

Clown liar

He's the master of deceit

With a smile so sweet

But inside, he’s plotting schemes

Chasing your dreams

Clown liar, false delight

He’s the jester in the night

Don't be fooled by his show

For the truth, you’ll never know

Clown liar, painted face

In his world, truth's erased

With his tricks so sly

He’ll leave you high and dry

Clown liar

He's the master of disguise

Pulling strings behind the lies

He will charm, then betray

In his web, you’ll stay

Clown liar, wicked jest

Deceiving with the very best

Behind laughter and cheer

Lies a world of fear

Clown liar

So beware, of his act

For the truth, he lacks

In his circus of deceit

Trust you’ll never meet

Clown liar, he's the clown

The deceiver of them all

With a heart of stone

You’ll be left alone

Clown liar

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efb57f No.21081804

File: 410028ccf02fc22⋯.png (596.37 KB,474x677,474:677,ClipboardImage.png)

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c74ba5 No.21081805

File: ec068dc7aa1ddf2⋯.jpeg (385.19 KB,2048x1536,4:3,IMG_9783.jpeg)

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b660eb No.21081806

funny how it's pedophiles and pedophile sympathizers that target flynn

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d99c22 No.21081807

File: 7428996dae8510f⋯.png (251.78 KB,325x846,325:846,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c4c36b5c38d0403⋯.png (499.06 KB,816x980,204:245,2316cap.png)

File: 61fd0cbebfd44bc⋯.png (1.1 MB,1138x902,569:451,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e52cd97026a42d8⋯.png (637.85 KB,1027x999,1027:999,ClipboardImage.png)





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c2d5e0 No.21081808

File: 9bb09653316f9bc⋯.jpg (761.21 KB,547x672,547:672,9bb09653316f9bc80cc80eed0c….jpg)


That's a really noice meme fren ;)

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9c1888 No.21081809



The world has figured that out a while ago.

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2a4d05 No.21081810


And it's always innuendo, never factual/proved.

Same shill pattern.

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90c021 No.21081811

File: d65105bf8924231⋯.png (619.43 KB,1119x805,1119:805,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 177064c8aa35fb5⋯.png (1.12 MB,1121x867,1121:867,ClipboardImage.png)

pattern recognition

When All the media report the same news and the shills and controlled faggots bombard this board with the same news from the media and than push the story.

The news has come from the u.k and its deep state.

Farage is the reason..

ignoring the news about farage and his speeches here is a direct tactic to stop his voice with a election on july 4th.

Does that sound organic?

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5cd43d No.21081812



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b660eb No.21081813


sure thing, pedo

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c311bf No.21081814





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acda13 No.21081815



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c2d5e0 No.21081816

File: 2c35664c33e1d63⋯.png (1.79 MB,1800x1200,3:2,2c35664c33e1d633d88df9cb81….png)

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de9b22 No.21081817


#25843 >>21080981

>>21081705, >>21081716, >>21081717, >>21081724, >>21081735, >>21081764, >>21081781, >>21081788 Julian Assange on twitter X: Couple of cold beers in order this weekend

>>21081048, >>21081060, >>21081064, >>21081132, >>21081264, >>21081278, >>21081288, >>21081317, >>21081320, >>21081332, >>21081350, >>21081352, >>21081355, "it has begun."

>>21080997, >>21081285, >>21081303, >>21081605, >>21081307, >>21081497, >>21081575 Julian Assange bun

>>21081117, >>21081516 You think the federal reserve ransom may have been Assanges freedom? Something about ‘33’ terrabites?

>>21081053, >>21081090, >>21081423, >>21081436, >>21081697, >>21081719 Julian Assange walks free: CAP (0:13)


>>21081706, >>21081731, >>21081747, >>21081749, >>21081752 OUTRAGEOUS! FBI Refuses to Turn Over Seth Rich Laptop – Is Still Hiding Its Contents from American Public Despite Court Order – And Now Makes Up Ridiculous Story to Prevent It’s Release via

>>21081575 Timeline of the Assange legal saga over extradition to the US on espionage charges

>>21080991, >>21081002 Maricopa County election officials blaming one black man, for rigging elections across the entire county

>>21081013 Two-Tier Justice: Boeing May Evade Criminal Charges Over 2018, 2019 Crashes as Biden's DOJ Claims Prosecuting the Company is Legally Risky

>>21081036 Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case on Tennessee’s ban on s*x change surgeries and cross-s*x hormones for minors

>>21081057, >>21081082, >>21081141, >>21081171, >>21081150 Jake Tapper's top producer resigned after he was put under investigation by Fairfax County Child Exploitation Squad

>>21081059 Paoletta: Justice Clarence Thomas Is Spearheading The Judicial Fight Against Administrative State

>>21081093 Catherine Herridge: publishing the Army Human Resources Command memo with redactions ‘Covid vaccine injured’

>>21081110 MAJOR WARNING: If Republicans Want to Win in 2024 We Have Less than Two Months to Clean Bloated Voter Rolls — August 7th Is Cut-Off Date

>>21081136, >>21081256 If You’re Unsure If The 2020 Election Was Stolen Here’s Your Answer Alabama Attorney General is repeatedly questioned whether Joe Biden is the “duly elected and lawfully serving" President of the United States

>>21081164 Trump Preps For Debate Against Biden By Going to Nursing Home And Arguing With Dementia Patients

>>21081183 Judge Cannon Presses Special Counsel For Answers On Who Is Supervising Jack Smith

>>21081189 Masks are going from mandated to criminalized in some states

>>21081190, >>21081211 CNN is now threatening any social channels that provide commentary on the debate stating they will not allow the use outside of CNN

>>21081218 Explosive Study Once Removed by Lancet within 24 Hours, Now Peer-Reviewed and Public: Reveals 74% of Deaths Directly Linked to COVID-19 Shot

>>21081253 No Fly zones

>>21081312 Chinese counterfeit version of US C-17 Globemaster

>>21081368, >>21081506 45 in N757AF 757 departed New Orleans Intl to Palm Beach Intl

>>21081400 George Soros may have conspired with Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and the Obama administration to force out Pope Benedict XXIII and replace him with Pope Francis

>>21081515, >>21081410 Office of Space Commerce publishes a compendium of space industry technical standards, relevant to space situational awareness and #SpaceTrafficCoordination

>>21081510 Free Masons only tell half truths

>>21081047, >>21081631 KASH PATEL: Speaker Paul Ryan and His Team Rigged Our Russiagate Investigation Before He Started It

>>21081732, >>21081758 Donald J. Trump: VOTE FOR TRUMP - NO TAX ON TIPS!

>>21081754, >>21081774 Donald J. Trump: The Biden Campaign engaging in Cheap Fakes! They’re embarrassed that they drew a very weak Crowd, and so they have to manipulate and lie about President Trump’s energetic and overflow Rally. MAGA!

>>21081762 Donald J. Trump: Biden Campaign engaging in Cheap Fakes! They’re embarrassed that they drew a very weak Crowd, and so they have to manipulate and lie about President Trump’s energetic and overflow Rally. MAGA!

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198e1b No.21081818

File: 276cb4db52554b4⋯.gif (1.67 MB,498x426,83:71,youre_damn_right_eric_cart….gif)



Dude's a real-life Cartman, fuck.

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84a118 No.21081819

File: 6b653eabae2f8bf⋯.png (1.3 MB,1660x950,166:95,ClipboardImage.png)



USAF Boeing RC-135U Combat Sent 64-14847.


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2e9bfa No.21081820

Congrats Faggots

You survived Devil Day



The Day Assange was Released…

God Help Us!

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9e17ea No.21081821

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d45dc8 No.21081822


It means your reading comprehension is low i.q.

Now, shall I understand that for you, too?

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af47e6 No.21081823

File: 2ed905991135740⋯.jpg (40.24 KB,500x375,4:3,2ed9059911357402f4e5ca062c….jpg)


That is absolutely badass!

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1bc737 No.21081824

File: 2a0e78b1b3fac75⋯.png (1.58 MB,675x1075,27:43,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e3d05522460b7f7⋯.png (645.21 KB,720x540,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21081027, >>21080981

TYB's / Clockfag

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84a118 No.21081825

File: 0c413abc0f4aced⋯.png (571.64 KB,1920x1010,192:101,ClipboardImage.png)


picrel, kek

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2a4d05 No.21081826


You misunderstood, anon was describing those attacking Flynn.

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02053e No.21081827

>>21081801 like it fren

>we don’t need to wait for people to be seated.

>We only need for the stage to be set.

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020f38 No.21081828


States evidence?

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ff3a92 No.21081829

File: b44921621c01026⋯.png (173.82 KB,386x409,386:409,ClipboardImage.png)

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b660eb No.21081830


my bad

your id was similar to the one attacking him and didn't feel like scrolling back up

i stand corrected

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efb57f No.21081831

File: bf351e9723fe2bd⋯.png (940.13 KB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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02053e No.21081832

File: 641a2922126f72f⋯.jpg (13.14 KB,255x188,255:188,d6ddcc72b6cc4b7822fdafb647….jpg)

File: 7cf8eb0fb953516⋯.jpg (4.56 KB,255x187,15:11,6eb01518e6ee8713df00c55ae5….jpg)

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c94101 No.21081833


How does Hillary er KILLHIMhery feel about Assange’s release?

Has she bought herself a drone yet?

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2a4d05 No.21081834


Happens to us all from time to time.

Happily digital friendly fire on this board has no real victims.

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198e1b No.21081835


Thank you for snagging, anon…am phonefagging atm kek.

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d99c22 No.21081837

File: c0f993297b0f2b1⋯.png (959.23 KB,1270x1802,635:901,2316cap.png)


update with new info


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d45dc8 No.21081838

File: 9b5944e043d5f89⋯.jpg (11.35 KB,259x194,259:194,images_318_.jpg)

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02053e No.21081839



would additionally like her AOC weird face clearly hanging like a nut sack to recognize who it is

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d45dc8 No.21081840


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de9b22 No.21081841

File: 2fd9d080a324713⋯.png (103.7 KB,852x696,71:58,ClipboardImage.png)


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1bc737 No.21081842


News = Water


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6697d8 No.21081843


welcome to readings globals 101

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02053e No.21081844

File: 213ab99e91bb8f2⋯.jpg (4.8 KB,284x177,284:177,download.jpg)

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f5ab98 No.21081845


Spam bot attack happened yesterday bigly.

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5f77d7 No.21081846


seems kinda BOT'ish?

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1eab01 No.21081847


Yeah, it is, isnt it, VaticanClown. Now you're going to take it and spam it repeatedly, aren't you, so it's associated with you, because you covet things. You imitate other Anons here, not like using a public doman catchphrase, but imitate other Anons personalities. Your handler at the keyboard behind that persona, managing all your fake is not going to like what's coming for him.

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ff3a92 No.21081848

File: 1025d0e8bf46702⋯.jpg (58.94 KB,640x640,1:1,media_GQX_ok1XkAAjkZc.jpg)

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c2d5e0 No.21081849

File: de7672ec1c238fd⋯.jpg (7.39 KB,255x166,255:166,Pepe_Shocked.jpg)



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5cd43d No.21081850






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66cfc5 No.21081851

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af47e6 No.21081852


Have not seen any anon's post showing her tweeting anything about it

I'd like to think she's at the "little farm" zooming around breaking stuff

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de9b22 No.21081853


dude, i just linked in…

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c2d5e0 No.21081854

File: 084923c8bfdb34d⋯.png (233.43 KB,400x384,25:24,084923c8bfdb34dbd834ac87c7….png)


>welcome to readings globals 101

Like anons do that, keking audible

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d99c22 No.21081855

File: 078ff3db0f11ef6⋯.png (23.61 KB,325x260,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b7e1a1d63822f40⋯.png (256.25 KB,1274x790,637:395,2327cap.png)




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90c021 No.21081856


wow, shut out of bakers

controlled breads now.

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342585 No.21081857

Bombshell: ‘You Were Right, Vaccines Are Killing Millions of Our Loved Ones’. Japan’s Former Minister of Internal Affairs Apologizes to the Unvaccinated

The foregoing is misleading as pointed out in Kazuhiro Haraguchi’s courageous statement:

“‘You Were Right, Vaccines Are Killing Millions of Our Loved Ones”


“They are trying to block our freedom, our resistance, our power. But we will never lose.”

Haraguchi issued a rallying call for action.

He urged the people to stand united in challenging the government and its questionable decisions.

“Let’s overthrow this government,”


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6d97fb No.21081858

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

In conversation with President Trump


(0:00) Bestie intros: Big house talk!

(1:37) Economy: Regulation, taxes, tariffs, taming inflation, de-dollarization

(12:02) Federal debt: growth, spend control, where to cut, role of energy, nuclear

(20:22) Foreign policy: Ukraine/Russia

(25:05) Foreign policy: Israel/Palestine

(28:13) Abortion: Stance on a national ban

(31:09) Foreign policy: China

(32:33) COVID: Origins, Fauci relationship, deep state, bad deals

(39:39) Border: Wall, immigration, H-1Bs, recruiting global talent

(46:07) JFK Files: Full release, importance of transparency

(48:06) Debate prediction

(50:15) Post-interview debrief

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ff3a92 No.21081859

File: 10960300685f7db⋯.png (82.35 KB,266x258,133:129,ClipboardImage.png)


Welcome to the gulag comrade.

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de9b22 No.21081860


im fuckin busy

and sick

fuck you

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02053e No.21081861

File: c59923c85552622⋯.png (1.41 KB,310x163,310:163,download.png)

>>21081831 not was

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342585 No.21081862

Julian Assange to plead guilty under Espionage Act, freed without imprisonment, returning to Australia.

Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, has indeed reached a plea deal with the U.S. Justice Department. According to court documents filed recently, Assange will plead guilty to a felony charge related to the Espionage Act. This deal will allow him to avoid imprisonment and resolve a long-running legal saga that spanned multiple continents. The charge specifically relates to conspiring to unlawfully obtain and disseminate classified national defense information. His hugely popular secret-sharing website made him a cause célèbre among many press freedom advocates who saw him as a journalist exposing U.S. military wrongdoing. However, investigators assert that his actions broke laws meant to protect sensitive information and jeopardized national security.

Assange is scheduled to appear in federal court in the Mariana Islands, a U.S. commonwealth in the Western Pacific, for his guilty plea. Afterward, he is expected to return to Australia. The deal ensures that Assange admits guilt while sparing him from additional prison time. His case has been one of international intrigue, and this resolution marks an abrupt conclusion to a complex legal battle.


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de9b22 No.21081863



Q Research General #25844: Couple of cold beers in order this weekend? JULIAN ASSANGE EDITION

Fresh Bread

Q Research General #25844: Couple of cold beers in order this weekend? JULIAN ASSANGE EDITION

do it your self, to fuckin sick today

of course you would spoil this for me

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84a118 No.21081864

File: 80a3ff7756c1ab8⋯.png (1.21 MB,927x1269,103:141,ClipboardImage.png)



>im fuckin busy

>and sick

>fuck you

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342585 No.21081865

Hungary doesn't support the Ukraine war


The US Supreme Court has agreed to rule on whether Holocaust survivors and their heirs can seek compensation through the American judicial system for property that was confiscated from them in Hungary during World War II.

The high court revealed on Monday that it will intervene in a lawsuit filed 14 years ago by Jewish Holocaust victims against the Hungarian government and its national railway. At issue is whether an American court has jurisdiction over the matter. Supreme Court justices are expected to hear arguments from both sides later this year.


See how the world works?

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c2d5e0 No.21081866

File: 3cae8e284291d11⋯.jpg (84.37 KB,500x646,250:323,Trump_Wave.jpg)

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68f2d4 No.21081867



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de9b22 No.21081868

go to your email BOofhead

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ff3a92 No.21081869

File: 4b450bd1c82a51b⋯.jpg (151.68 KB,1179x1645,1179:1645,media_F4QD4rVXgAAXESo.jpg)

Only pedos like censorship.

Deal with it.

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1bc737 No.21081870

File: 06c48e3ae4a0729⋯.png (1.41 MB,889x1568,127:224,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b229119e4e31f9f⋯.mp4 (13.92 MB,1280x720,16:9,R_7pRtrLsDGVctmU_1_.mp4)



Fox News is big mad that we’re for the many, not the money.

We rallied 1200 people in the Bronx to take on dark money, get fired up, and send busloads of volunteers to canvass and phone bank.

It’s called organizing. And it’s fun as hell.

Get into it: https://mobilize.us/jamaalbowman/


Justin Baragona




What are we outraged about today, folks?

2:18 PM · Jun 24, 2024


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0b9c60 No.21081872

File: 288afad974081c4⋯.png (464.49 KB,500x640,25:32,nh52j.png)

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d99c22 No.21081877

File: 9a180f6d1515a15⋯.png (18.95 KB,325x184,325:184,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5dac144578e4f9d⋯.png (394.18 KB,1290x1048,645:524,2233cap.png)



If they turn off your MIC, then turn off his EARPIECE (or other tech)

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9acd7f No.21081879


If this is the baker I think it is, you have Reporter cred. Need to sign in to bake.

Turned off the requirement temporarily, but we have serious spammer issues - why this requirement is on most of the time.

See Globals please.

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2a4d05 No.21081880


Only pedos spam the board with what gets deleted.

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342585 No.21081881

File: 4bf91683fe6b4d7⋯.png (2.85 MB,1200x1668,100:139,ClipboardImage.png)

So drop the price to 11 cents a liter like in SA

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84a118 No.21081883

File: 45a9a336d8ec6b3⋯.png (634.63 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f6639b36d7cefb2⋯.png (3.29 MB,1500x1027,1500:1027,ClipboardImage.png)

USAF BOEING E-3 Sentry 76-1605.


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de9b22 No.21081885


dude, I DID

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af47e6 No.21081886



Imagine a scene in this movie where there's some last minute fuckery and they try to lock up JA in the Marianas. Media going "WTF" and then the sound of jets gets louder. Jets pass overhead, have Chinese markings.

Offshore is steaming the newer and more numerous ships of the Chinese Fleet that showed up to make sure JA got back to Australia okay

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57ad96 No.21081887

File: b014621021a651b⋯.jpeg (66.29 KB,851x419,851:419,smollet_check_2.jpeg)

File: 1d871f3fb395bf8⋯.png (272.85 KB,634x596,317:298,Smollett_pictures_of_his_h….png)

File: aa0777067b946a8⋯.jpg (31.22 KB,444x640,111:160,Scooby_Doo_Bleach_Attacker….jpg)

File: 25aaf7bc26adfd5⋯.png (675.18 KB,888x758,444:379,Liddle_Adam_Schitt_meets_J….png)

File: 2e910f77218a442⋯.png (134.92 KB,1348x467,1348:467,Jussie_Smollett_tweet_What….png)

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342585 No.21081888

So if Assange signs an NDA with a DOJ that was installed by way of FRAUD

And FRAUD VITIATES does that mean he is bound by the NDA?????

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de9b22 No.21081889

Fresh Bread








Q Research General #25844: Couple of cold beers in order this weekend? JULIAN ASSANGE EDITION


it decided to work… whatever

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373ded No.21081890

File: d47e227c1130d1b⋯.png (775.28 KB,687x522,229:174,ClipboardImage.png)


Compare & Contrast

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84a118 No.21081892

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d7d47f No.21081893


It’s because he has a list. That NO ONE HAS EVER SEEN.

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ff3a92 No.21081894

File: a49c775ccae865f⋯.png (131.15 KB,438x439,438:439,ClipboardImage.png)

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1bc737 No.21081895

File: 91b75bcf03a78e0⋯.png (115.59 KB,967x549,967:549,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ba5d8c6a659b70⋯.png (86.77 KB,606x511,606:511,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ba5d8c6a659b70⋯.png (86.77 KB,606x511,606:511,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ba5d8c6a659b70⋯.png (86.77 KB,606x511,606:511,ClipboardImage.png)


Follow the money, it’s the key.

AOC, confirmed plant?

5 days before AOC calls out Dark Money Fox News,DJTcalls out RINO (Dark Money)Fox News.


Nobody can ever trust Fox News, and I am one of them, with the weak and ineffective RINO, Paul Ryan, on its Board of Directors. He’s a total lightweight, a failed and pathetic Speaker of the House, and a very disloyal person. Romney was bad, but Paul Ryan made him look worse. As a team, they never had a chance. Rupert and Lachlan, get that dog off your Board - You don’t need him. ALL YOU NEED IS TRUMP. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

9.74k ReTruths 36.3k Likes

Jun 19, 2024, 11:58 AM

Funny, just typo'd above "RINO" as "RION" - made me think of Chanelle Rion….intentional?

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efb57f No.21081896

File: b7b74649509fafa⋯.png (563.97 KB,600x455,120:91,ClipboardImage.png)

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d99c22 No.21081898


have the server

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af47e6 No.21081899

File: 55f12e8a9622873⋯.png (491.21 KB,679x723,679:723,55f12e8a9622873af70abb6781….png)

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de9b22 No.21081900

File: dfa3843217ed8dc⋯.png (79.85 KB,405x263,405:263,woke_turns_to_shit.png)


are my creds working or not?


you ruined everything

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2e9bfa No.21081901

Lets suppose Assange shows up at the debate this Thursday? Could be very, very interesting…

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84a118 No.21081902

File: a440936ef3e0b42⋯.png (682.99 KB,1920x1012,480:253,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3543ed2ddc07c48⋯.png (1.8 MB,2160x1456,135:91,ClipboardImage.png)

USAF Boeing RC-135V Rivet Joint 64-14845.


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902edc No.21081903

File: b8d803f9f6bf7f4⋯.png (543.84 KB,1033x575,1033:575,Screenshot_20240624_234725….png)

File: 42f2f724d6297b4⋯.png (539.52 KB,1068x585,356:195,Screenshot_20240624_234759….png)

File: dfcebfccaf6bab5⋯.png (616.31 KB,1080x607,1080:607,Screenshot_20240624_234851….png)

File: e49d88260fc4426⋯.png (30.56 KB,126x156,21:26,213ab99e91bb8f2dd28cb9359b….png)

File: 6eb01518e6ee871⋯.png (105.6 KB,583x428,583:428,Screenshot_20240624_231929….png)




Here ya go one sack, out the shorts, and two balls, take yer pick or use these parts to make her own….

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d8b4b2 No.21081905

is it scary to fly? i thought maybe if i do something i never done then i would know i'm not afraid of it.

same with boats…

nvm i'd never beable to afford it lol.

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c2d5e0 No.21081912

File: 73964d46292de3f⋯.jpg (65.1 KB,500x678,250:339,8uwxtb.jpg)

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d99c22 No.21081913


>signatures are important

>symbolism will be their downfall

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84a118 No.21081914

File: bb583439631d2e9⋯.png (670.55 KB,1920x1012,480:253,ClipboardImage.png)






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24b7f9 No.21081916

File: 3b8c56b7ba7cfdf⋯.mp4 (782.19 KB,360x640,9:16,Su_27_Carrier_Landing_With….mp4)

What jet lands like this? SU-27? is what it says

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d8b4b2 No.21081921


they are just amazing

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84a118 No.21081923


that's a flight sim, not real

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be5722 No.21081924


A CGI jet in DCS.

Computer simulation.

Stop wasting everyone's time.

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af47e6 No.21081926

File: 46dd184cef2b6cb⋯.png (917.46 KB,1023x671,93:61,22729370913_c12439e7ab_b.png)


Check with Geneeral Aviation outfits in your local area. Since you just want a ride and not an intro flight for lessons (beware, you may suddenly want to) they might have a nice price to just go up for a short bit and let you see the world like you've never seen it before

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902edc No.21081929

File: 4ec7da7de8917c0⋯.png (742.49 KB,1007x1656,1007:1656,Screenshot_20240624_235854….png)


Is that an ejection?

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d99c22 No.21081930


bad bread not updated

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b660eb No.21081936

File: 3dd0734360d7202⋯.png (5.66 KB,378x87,126:29,ClipboardImage.png)


>oh no, i can't clickbait people for the flavor of the day post and it's really affecting my engagement revenue because ongoing operations haven't been leaked

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02053e No.21081937


AOC sheeznutz



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17aeb6 No.21081940

File: a9dba8eb753bc4a⋯.png (73.59 KB,680x672,85:84,ClipboardImage.png)


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84a118 No.21081942

File: 9b66ab869fcf211⋯.png (63.25 KB,760x507,760:507,ClipboardImage.png)


she's pissed because an anon said the other night that Karen Read looks like AOC in 10 or 15 years

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02053e No.21081945

File: dfcebfccaf6bab5⋯.png (616.31 KB,1080x607,1080:607,dfcebfccaf6bab5adc84b49056….png)

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af47e6 No.21081952

File: 138d9dace224b2d⋯.png (151.85 KB,583x428,583:428,8uwyk7.png)

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d10303 No.21081953


Someone on or associated with the Supreme Court would need to be part of the <10, if only for coordination. My guess Thomas, one of Trump's appointees, or one of the tough-as-nals wives.

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02053e No.21081956

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d99c22 No.21081958

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d7d47f No.21081964

File: 857d36aa8982129⋯.jpeg (970.91 KB,1496x1330,748:665,IMG_0048.jpeg)

File: a154108b51f4b6c⋯.jpeg (2.57 MB,1620x2120,81:106,IMG_0112.jpeg)

File: 516a3161a223c6d⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB,1620x1532,405:383,IMG_0199.jpeg)

File: a4ae5edb765a53e⋯.jpeg (513.68 KB,1620x1755,12:13,IMG_0201.jpeg)

File: c547c6b87b6e86e⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB,1620x2011,1620:2011,IMG_0347.jpeg)



Pence and Pompeo are both HuGE Pro-Life advocates so anyone that’s bashing them must be pro-abortionists.

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1bc737 No.21081967

File: 3d0a73c024ce063⋯.png (103.81 KB,1962x887,1962:887,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21081870, >>21081895

Cardi B | Bi Drac

Bisexual Dracula

Drac - Devil, Demon (drac is Romanian; "ul" is the definite article "the" - Romanian grammar puts it at the end of a word. Therefore you would translate Dracul as "The Devil or Demon"

(I used to live in Transylvania of all places…)

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02053e No.21081972

File: 56f11ca31c8a496⋯.png (4.67 KB,255x94,255:94,54686936da2869b5c8f1bf6097….png)

File: b99b3dbd7c73735⋯.jpeg (15.77 KB,273x183,91:61,download_2024_06_24T21075….jpeg)





>Couple of cold beers in order this weekend


Just ahead of Independence Day

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d8b4b2 No.21081976

File: bd55279b6520e21⋯.png (322.2 KB,474x513,158:171,perfecthug.PNG)

here's a hug. gnite :D

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902edc No.21081979

File: b83001c9c635006⋯.gif (1.44 MB,498x498,1:1,pepe_deez_nuts_pepe_the_fr….gif)

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02053e No.21081982

Like when all the clinton accusers showed up at trump hillary debate


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5f77d7 No.21081990

File: 5888edb319384b6⋯.mp4 (263.18 KB,320x320,1:1,5888edb319384b68b1ef2e0af2….mp4)

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d8b4b2 No.21081998


yes..but crazy o.O

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02053e No.21082000

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21081706 conseQuences


Former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz tells Police Chief Matthew R Verderosa during a May 18 House Appropriations Legislative Branch Subcommittee hearing that there will be 'consequences' if a laptop taken from her not returned


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d99c22 No.21082001

File: 123693caa44c23a⋯.png (25.75 KB,755x204,755:204,ClipboardImage.png)

when will this be back in the NEWS?

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d99c22 No.21082012



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02053e No.21082021

Andrew breitbart


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02053e No.21082037

He likes then less than 10


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5f77d7 No.21082040

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133e72 No.21082073

File: 160cea9b5806d76⋯.jpg (19.2 KB,480x402,80:67,FB_IMG_1552306106754_15523….jpg)

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5f77d7 No.21082077

File: 5930032d9df23d4⋯.jpg (95.44 KB,729x702,27:26,Screen_Shot_2022_12_21_at_….jpg)

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133e72 No.21082078

File: ecd0a7afe9a3edf⋯.jpeg (27.31 KB,350x423,350:423,dce1090a1dd87aa239f876099….jpeg)

Close this fucking bread out

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d24a60 No.21082480


try to make a thread, then you will know.

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