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File: 8f0afb01e688c62⋯.png (52.09 KB,250x140,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

bfbdc7 No.21079382 [View All]

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11e4b8 No.21080144

==NOTES @ 700=


>>21079417, >>21079682, >>21079981, >>21080039 Reports that Russia has downed an American surveillance drone over Black Sea near Crimea

>>21079429, >>21079805 Alex Jones Responds To Reports of Infowars Imminent Closure

>>21079447 Invention Secrecy Act

>>21079479 WEF: 2023 Food Pyramid

>>21079509, >>21079668 CNN Could Be Forced To Pay $1 Billion From Defamation Suit

>>21079521 Jennifer Garner bangs drums draped in a Palestinian keffiyeh

>>21079542 @NavalInstitute: USS Theodore Roosevelt in South Korea Ahead of Transit to Middle East, North Korea Condemns Visit

>>21079697, >>21079707 PF: RCAF CFC1 Challenger 600 Trudope departed Trois Riviers Airport to Vancouver Intl

>>21079712 DJT Truths letter from Congressman Ronny Jackson demanding Biden take a drug test

>>21079726, >>21079793 Bowman and AoC have been going viral after this image exposing the true size of their New York rally leaked

>>21079740 The US Supreme Court to extend Donald Trump’s Presidential immunity case into July

>>21079765 Biden DOJ Official Lied Under Oath About Previous Arrest For Stabbing Her Then-Husband

>>21079772 @GenFlynn: And we don’t want them to know what is being planned 😎

>>21079796 These are the "asylum seekers" Biden is allowing to pour into our country

>>21079800 Emergency officials are on high alert as a Minnesota dam is in imminent danger of critical failure

>>21079802 Hedge Funds Cut Mexican Peso Bets in One of the Biggest Retreats on Record

>>21079814 Five U.S. states are now sueing Pfizer for lying about the safety and efficacy of Covid vaccines

>>21079821 From FLA courthouse: Gag order hearing just ended - will have details shortly

>>21079833, >>21079860 Attorney General Andrew Bailey: Missouri has a huge problem with New York right now

>>21079838 Karoline Leavitt: But don't you dare repeat their own words… or they will cut off your microphone!

>>21079842 Jack Smith is seeking to impose a gag order on Trump in the “documents” case in South Florida

>>21079862, >>21079905 California Reveals All Job Gains In 2023 Were Fake

>>21079882 Donald Trump to visit New Orleans on Monday to raise cash for his presidential campaign

>>21079911, >>21079941, >>21080025 Biden’s radical judicial nominee just got busted lying under oath, Sen. Kennedy brought damning receipts

>>21079969, >>21080053, >>21080028, >>21080100 Julian Assange to plead guilty for plea deal with the U.S. DoJ / Qproof June ETA

>>21079961, >>21080111 DJT Truths the Babylon Bee Biden Debate Joke

>>21080141 Mil / Misc decodes

>>21079484, >>21079490, >>21079492, >>21079653, >>21079728, >>21079771, >>21079880 Memes


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f555e6 No.21080145

File: 02db2344b85cea1⋯.jpeg (134.3 KB,828x459,92:51,02db2344b85cea1334a3e7cf5….jpeg)

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f6392d No.21080146

File: 9734e63d667255e⋯.png (20.18 KB,474x309,158:103,ClipboardImage.png)


Saul Alinsky Tactic 714 - Use a Beloved Figure to Inject your Poison and To Steal "credibility" by Association

Israeli Shill FingerPrint - Likes to Use Finger Pointing at You images.

or Pointing a Gun at you.

Inherently vicious.

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c6bf79 No.21080147

File: 08907fea23c103f⋯.jpg (19.94 KB,364x298,182:149,pepe_hands.jpg)


He's a fraud & a spook, whatcha expect…

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5f277a No.21080148

anon tactic 17

filter copiously the BS

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13bce8 No.21080149

File: b869c347187fb54⋯.jpeg (34.37 KB,183x276,61:92,IMG_2326.jpeg)

File: 7d8a46a6855f3ca⋯.jpeg (1.68 MB,1170x1607,1170:1607,IMG_6628.jpeg)

File: a6ee8c9e1730ad3⋯.jpeg (758.42 KB,1576x2100,394:525,IMG_6907.jpeg)

File: 439fdb787e071fd⋯.jpeg (877.73 KB,1576x2100,394:525,IMG_6908.jpeg)

File: 79aaf5486a52038⋯.jpeg (3.01 MB,2043x3526,2043:3526,IMG_6849.jpeg)


Are you listening NOW?

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1a786e No.21080150


One of the biggest Q proofs to date.

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f8e9cb No.21080151

File: 0ad80e97612e99f⋯.png (861.65 KB,1484x970,742:485,kek.png)

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f4e3a2 No.21080152

File: 0eeafecac30da91⋯.gif (2.29 MB,695x392,695:392,0eeafecac30da91f798d897813….gif)

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542013 No.21080153


Trump is also being hit but mostly baron.

Talking about the Trump coin which lead me to

a man that claims he has "proof" it was made by baron and him.

But.. there's a catch. Trump called him a lil spoiled brat or something and then the guy endorsed trump. Well he's connected to big pharma. He founded a company..not sure how, but he got ahold of a special "AID's" drug. course you know fousi or watever his name is had used it. But I also ran into many ppl especially the UNITED STATES CORPORATION AGENCY who is ran by a Chinese name. So many 1 ppl having so many board positions and running their own pharma company.

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4cb5a8 No.21080154

File: 6ac8ebda168745f⋯.jpeg (202.86 KB,952x873,952:873,1FB7E848_1E85_4D07_84B6_2….jpeg)


Img for next bread if you want it

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f9d37e No.21080155

File: a8ae9f77b3ffec6⋯.png (154.06 KB,400x400,1:1,larry_david_SNL_predators_….png)

>>21078383 pb

>Jewish voters overwhelmingly prefer Biden as US Democratic nominee, poll finds

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f2ee5e No.21080156


I didn't see any anons nominating those memes that made the Notables cut.

What's up with that?

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06dc0f No.21080157

File: 145dbb2a764ec8c⋯.png (563.35 KB,860x430,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 09ef4cf1e381ac1⋯.png (432.38 KB,458x525,458:525,ClipboardImage.png)


seems rather inorganic.

something smells of distraction.

maybe the election campaign is not going well and they need to shift the narrative.

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11e4b8 No.21080158



>>21079417, >>21079682, >>21079981, >>21080039 Reports that Russia has downed an American surveillance drone over Black Sea near Crimea

>>21079429, >>21079805 Alex Jones Responds To Reports of Infowars Imminent Closure

>>21079447 Invention Secrecy Act

>>21079479 WEF: 2023 Food Pyramid

>>21079509, >>21079668 CNN Could Be Forced To Pay $1 Billion From Defamation Suit

>>21079521 Jennifer Garner bangs drums draped in a Palestinian keffiyeh

>>21079542 @NavalInstitute: USS Theodore Roosevelt in South Korea Ahead of Transit to Middle East, North Korea Condemns Visit

>>21079697, >>21079707 PF: RCAF CFC1 Challenger 600 Trudope departed Trois Riviers Airport to Vancouver Intl

>>21079712 DJT Truths letter from Congressman Ronny Jackson demanding Biden take a drug test

>>21079726, >>21079793 Bowman and AoC have been going viral after this image exposing the true size of their New York rally leaked

>>21079740 The US Supreme Court to extend Donald Trump’s Presidential immunity case into July

>>21079765 Biden DOJ Official Lied Under Oath About Previous Arrest For Stabbing Her Then-Husband

>>21079772 @GenFlynn: And we don’t want them to know what is being planned 😎

>>21079796 These are the "asylum seekers" Biden is allowing to pour into our country

>>21079800 Emergency officials are on high alert as a Minnesota dam is in imminent danger of critical failure

>>21079802 Hedge Funds Cut Mexican Peso Bets in One of the Biggest Retreats on Record

>>21079814 Five U.S. states are now sueing Pfizer for lying about the safety and efficacy of Covid vaccines

>>21079821 From FLA courthouse: Gag order hearing just ended - will have details shortly

>>21079833, >>21079860 Attorney General Andrew Bailey: Missouri has a huge problem with New York right now

>>21079838 Karoline Leavitt: But don't you dare repeat their own words… or they will cut off your microphone!

>>21079842 Jack Smith is seeking to impose a gag order on Trump in the “documents” case in South Florida

>>21079862, >>21079905 California Reveals All Job Gains In 2023 Were Fake

>>21079882 Donald Trump to visit New Orleans on Monday to raise cash for his presidential campaign

>>21079911, >>21079941, >>21080025 Biden’s radical judicial nominee just got busted lying under oath, Sen. Kennedy brought damning receipts

>>21079969, >>21080053, >>21080028, >>21080100 Julian Assange to plead guilty for plea deal with the U.S. DoJ / Qproof June ETA

>>21080111 DJT Truths the Babylon Bee Biden Debate Joke

>>21080141 Mil / Misc. decodes

>>21079484, >>21079490, >>21079492, >>21079653, >>21079728, >>21079771, >>21079880 Memes


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1cea16 No.21080159

File: 9fde31a9141f503⋯.png (545.16 KB,1200x630,40:21,91FFBD06_F394_4C7D_B45D_D5….png)

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358091 No.21080160

File: 2b1667f72725468⋯.jpg (15.31 KB,255x224,255:224,assange2.jpg)

Thank you Q

What a great proof about JA in June.

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388c4a No.21080162

File: 175e3e77a6e9931⋯.png (365.04 KB,529x628,529:628,ClipboardImage.png)


Cry harder.

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f6392d No.21080163

File: 2791601b1c7a93e⋯.png (7.08 KB,200x200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


You just described yourself.

Kekkkity Kek

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3169b9 No.21080164


Majority of NY jewish voters voting Trump


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807546 No.21080166

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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60454d No.21080169


Wait until the pope dies/lands in the hospital in August

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5f277a No.21080170

File: 3eeb1475672d2d0⋯.jpg (261.04 KB,321x1123,321:1123,Julian_being_arrested_in_L….jpg)

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1f854d No.21080172

File: c3cc7aeae0ae3bc⋯.jpg (3.97 KB,255x212,255:212,trump_halloween_point.jpg)

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3169b9 No.21080173

File: 0275116231eb5a2⋯.jpeg (74.14 KB,500x533,500:533,download.jpeg)


Shill cringier.

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13bce8 No.21080174


Well then I guess the Q movement shouldn’t have posted all these posts with links!


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1920ad No.21080176

*broken sheesh*

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9aade1 No.21080177


Q+ Jun 14, 2024, 06:34 PM > Join me LIVE

Q: 0634 > :Heart attacks can be deadly.

Q+ (RT) Jun 16, 2024, 10:06 AM > Sloppy


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2e6590 No.21080178


Epstein took his money with him.

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f2ee5e No.21080179


Tunnel voting will be YUGE this year.

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06dc0f No.21080180

File: 8dcec3eafd92c40⋯.png (386.32 KB,557x420,557:420,ClipboardImage.png)


that same meeting is where patrick byrne is hanging around in the background.

it was before he attached himself to general flynn and sidney powell,

clown move.

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388c4a No.21080181

File: e021de4627b5acd⋯.png (265.68 KB,789x573,263:191,ClipboardImage.png)

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3af65e No.21080182


>Likes to Use Finger Pointing at You images

Done for still publicity shots and live during performances by generally the Lead Guitar of 1980s bands

You fail

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908cc5 No.21080183

File: 006da47e2949f7f⋯.jpeg (249.56 KB,2048x1389,2048:1389,HeIM9gBjiY1d.jpeg)


>something smells of distraction.

Nah, not distraction. Something else. Can't quite put my finger on it.

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8275ea No.21080184

Heard it here first, folks.

Biden debate not happening. They’re not achieving cognitive results required to “pass” him for debate.

Camp David has received multiple cognitive therapists labeled as “medical staff” on visitor logs.

We’re getting ready to be asked to leave. Huge announcement is coming what looks to be tonight or in the morning.

Apparently, he is currently unable to distinguish himself as President from Trump. It’s bad.

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9aade1 No.21080185


It's Biblical… MORON. YOU'RE FIRED!

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f9d37e No.21080186

File: 47f394a382db08b⋯.jpg (83.39 KB,712x678,356:339,uk_good_behavior_zone_lois….jpg)


>that was strange AF

It was jones trying reverse psychology.

jones & flynn are both shills.

jones was trying to imply there was animosity

he's crazy, so his shilling doesn't even work right

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3169b9 No.21080188



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b720a5 No.21080189

File: b19cce486f9da27⋯.jpg (6.34 KB,250x250,1:1,b19cce486f9da27e5f49894d90….jpg)

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11e4b8 No.21080190

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f8e9cb No.21080191


reads like pseudo-sactimonious holier than thou narcissism. Puts the "Not my Concern" into perspective.

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02a5f0 No.21080192

File: 11c6fedc0c1c730⋯.jpg (10.83 KB,255x175,51:35,e5b5aba292ce7163f52bfba9ec….jpg)


>Saul Alinsky Tactic 714

You do realize ALinskey did number any "tactics".

He was an utter cunt for all to see, so why don't you just quote him instead of making shit up.

It shows a certain state of mind when you can't take the most odious member of a population from base facts and feel the need to add lies to what is quite reprehensible on its own.

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13bce8 No.21080193

File: 490aaa530c6a84c⋯.gif (322.47 KB,425x550,17:22,IMG_0244.gif)


Back To The Future

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5f277a No.21080194


what if he does one of those Vulcan mind melds like he did with Francis?

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f2ee5e No.21080195


that sign is why we can't have nice things. Liberals.

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9aade1 No.21080196


Difference? CLEAN HOUSE.

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343eaa No.21080197

File: b19cce486f9da27⋯.jpg (6.34 KB,250x250,1:1,b19cce486f9da27e5f49894d90….jpg)

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1a786e No.21080199


Keep an eye out for it to go viral on X-Twitter.

Big test to see if SM Q has free reign to blast it.

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1cea16 No.21080200


Say hold the line next


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f9d37e No.21080202

File: 976c7e5ed004247⋯.gif (1.21 MB,480x287,480:287,trump_wrong.gif)


>Biden debate not happening

buy puts on your opinions

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