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File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, # JPG.jpg)

7ca3ed No.1935744

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.



Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095 SEE FOR YOURSELF

Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>1739215

100+ Q Proof Graphics download qproofs.com

Q Plan to Save the World - introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Q's Latest Posts

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Wednesday 06.27.2018

>>1933629 ----------------------- These people are sick!

>>1932231 ----------------------- #Winning Patriots one & all!

>>1931875 ----------------------- We see you. So many VIPs @ the rally.

>>1931671 rt >>1931388 ----- Goodlatte on Fox “FBI attorney instructing PS not to answer

>>1931438 rt >>1931405 ----- Just landed. You have time

>>1931388 ---------------------- Sound familiar?

>>1929453 ----------------------- GDP error...Busy day!

>>1929392 ----------------------- ARE YOU AWAKE?

>>1928420 ----------------------- Should we add him to the list? (Gowdy not re-filing)

>>1927025 rt >>1926855 ---- His choice?

>>1926787 ----------------------- “The hearing of PS and the other hating frauds…”

>>1926130 ----------------------- PS “Texts taken out of context” (transcript from Strzok testimony)

>>1925892 ----------------------- We stand w/ the good people of IRAN… battling their ‘installed’ regime for FREEDOM

>>1925521 rt >>1925332 ---- If you are smart (stupid) you know what just occurred at the meeting in Russia.

>>1925332 rt >>1925226 ---- If you continue to proceed down this dangerous path…

>>1921310 ----------------------- Fist pumps re: POTUS / Q encounter = Keep up the good fight, Patriot.

>>1920424 ----------------------- Chatter. Trains. Buses. Be vigilant.

Tuesday 06.26.2018

>>1918932 rt >>1918913 ---- Frame of shot. Expand your thinking

>>1918891 rt >>1918887 ---- Known3

>>1918887 rt >>1918879 ---- Known2

>>1918879 ----------------------- Known1

>>1918277 ----------------------- Time to FEED

>>1917911 ----------------------- Why are we a threat to them?

>>1917399 rt >>1917343 ---- Pic from >>1739490 (Thank you USSS)

>>1917343 ----------------------- QRepost of flight from May 2

>>1916327 rt >>1916245 ---- JA in the news?

>>1916260 rt >>1916176 ---- Error. Long night.

>>1916147 rt >>1915880 ---- Do you believe it’s a coincidence extreme rhetoric is being pushed while at the same time [RR] is on the brink of collapse?

>>1915880 rt >>1915774 ---- Nothing provided is random

Friday 06.22.2018

>>1866070 ---------------------- Q&A reschedule THERES A THREAD FOR QUESTIONS

Thursday 06.21.2018

>>1843122 rt >>1843055 ---- Q&A Saturday. Time TBD.

>>1843055 rt >>1842740 ---- We stand. We fight. TOGETHER

>>1842740 rt >>1842655 ---- We told you proofs were going to be important very soon.

>>1842655 rt >>1842592 ---- Jan 20, 2017 June 20, 2018 Exactly 17 months.

Wednesday 06.20.2018

>>1840075 ----------------------- Now that's what I call a VIP!

>>1838471 ----------------------- Shift in tactics

>>1838281 rt >>1838246 ---- R they serious?

>>1838246 ----------------------- Boom!

>>1837073 rt >>1837019 ---- Look for more direct confirmations. It's time

>>1837019 rt >>1836621 ---- TOGETHER. WWG1WGA! #WINNING

>>1835669 ----------------------- We hear you, Patriots! WWG1WGA!

>>1834282 ----------------------- Abandon Ship! Hussein Staff Talking

>>1831799 ----------------------- They want you DIVIDED!

>>1829713 ----------------------- DOJ forced to supply

>>1828656 rt >>1828594 ---- (Sheila Jackson Lee is) Part of the club

>>1828504 rt >>1828481 ---- Spelling error due to mobile

>>1828481 ----------------------- FF Prevented

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1730603 How To Quickly Spot A Clown ; >>1838738 Freedom of Speech

7ca3ed No.1935748


are not endorsements


>>1844122 A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>1787690 BO lays it out for Newfags

>>1891030 BO's Response to BV Ban Accusations

>>1892024 BV Update on Shills (Including Analysis of Their Network Resources)

>>1908841 Q - The Plan To Save The World (video)

>>1913787 Track Pro-Trump thread

>>1914368 BO: Vote for poll on baker TC's (https://www.strawpoll.me/15973538)


>>1935583 , >>1935648 Moar White Squall inc. short, must see clip

>>1935590 House Judiciary Committee Hearing to Examine SM Filtering & Effect on Free Speech

>>1935607 Meme Magicians: Request for moar #WalkAway

>>1935544 Italian Prime Minister to Meet Trump in July

>>1935525 Quotes from movie 'White Squall': Graphic

>>1935407 Meme material & Meme Request: CP / Netflix / BHO / Rice

>>1935301 US Customs and Border Protection Agent charged with falsifying ship inspection records

>>1935190 Born rich: The world's 30 biggest family fortunes

>>1935181 , >>1935188 QAnon's and POTUS at the rally. More confirmations?

>>1935110 , >>1935166 Is Q signaling that we're approaching The Storm?


>>1934627 , >>1934853 White Squall movie

>>1934739 /OUR/ bakergirl at the rally?!

>>1934762 #PedoJoe Biden unsure if he'll run for president in 2020

>>1934625 Heatmap of the days and times that Q posts

>>1934379 , >>1934357 , >>1934842 Comfy! MyPillow "Q" confirmed

>>1934469 POTUS: Keeping Senate in GOP hands 'the most important thing'

>>1934311 CF Official Arrest Details: THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK

>>1934292 , >>1934478 New Fist Pump Side-by-Sides


>>1934000 POTUS and the SuperElites

>>1933764 CF Official was "trying to arrange rape of multiple children as young as two"

>>1933635 , >>1933804 , >>1934153 , >>1933913 Q'ery at the rally

>>1933731 , >>1933747 , >>1933764 CF Official Rape Charges Digs

>>1933661 New Side-by-Sides

>>1933624 McConnell: Senate Will Confirm Justice Kennedy’s Successor This Fall

>>1933612 Qanon.pub update: New tineye search

>>1933611 , >>1933639 Southern Syria: US forces under threat due to Israeli interference


>>1933594 , >>1933574 Clinton Foundation Official Arrested On Child Rape Charges

>>1932940 , >>1933104 Fist pumps and photos from the rally

>>1933034 Craigslist ad to stop Trump

>>1933020 Syrian Army Cleared Deir Ezzor Desert From ISIS: General Command

>>1933005 Paige Herwig, former DoJ was on plane with LL and BC. DIG CALL

>>1932968 China cannot lose 'any inch' of territory, Xi tells Mattis

>>1932932 , >>1933030 President Donald J. Trump’s Supreme Court List

>>1932918 DT Jr. Cites Trump Assassination Tweet to Call Out Maxine & Cory Booker

>>1932840 VIPAnon located at rally


>>1932048 Unhinged. (Buckle up lads!) >>1932155

>>1932072 Q and POTUS have to go thru pretzels to keep each step moving

>>1932099 >>1932206 US dept o Defense; Always ready, sunrise or sunset

>>1932223 Trump to meet Putin regardless of ‘noise’

>>1932229 Colombia to resume aerial spraying despite cancer concerns

>>1932497 Strzok instructed not to answer many questions


>>1931297 Justice Elena Kagan…an OBAMA appointee..."black-robed rulers overriding citizens’ choices.”

>>1931328 MSNBC analyst urges Democrats to 'play by Street rules'

>>1931330 VIPAnon says he is here everyday lurking.

>>1931333 McCaskill Rails Against Voter ID at NAACP Dinner

>>1931377 AND gave the definition of PATRIOT that Q used

>>1931430 If you want to try planefagging, the app is... (instructions & links)

Best Of Bread https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

7ca3ed No.1935754

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Anon Research Tools

>>974637 How to archive a website offline

Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 -- Q Proofs Thread - Proofs of Q's Validity

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>143179 --- META

>>494745 --- Quest for Searchability

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>198093 --- Q Memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1286065 - Find The Key Dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1579221 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1689200 - Twitter watcher #3 (@BackChannel17, @TheRealCheshCat, @TrustfulAlice, @Hatterliveshere, @UK_Revolution17)

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#27 >>>/comms/1307 , >>1917329

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————————————————— >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————-—————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————– >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ———-——– >>>/comms/966

7ca3ed No.1935755

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: http://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 6/12]) >>1718255

* Q Proofs https://www.qproofs.com/home.html

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library


21,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

24 >>1745576 | 23 >>1602811 | 22 >>1485456 | 21 >>1352458 | 20 >>1232995 | Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist – main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon ——————— http://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

7ca3ed No.1935766

File: 6a7c1a16863500a⋯.jpg (119.47 KB, 594x597, 198:199, 6a7c1a16863500a0d299978c8b….jpg)

#2440 Dough


656f90 No.1935770

File: d24007403704142⋯.jpg (36.71 KB, 660x480, 11:8, ea5b340b07.jpg)

File: 703da7da13ce7a2⋯.jpg (64.96 KB, 1024x554, 512:277, jh5b342fed.jpg)

RBG meme fodder

2037c9 No.1935791

who has Kobe steel info of faulty steel sold to USA? redpilling about 40 ( 26 seem on the fence willing to hear me)

7ca3ed No.1935800

Ready for handover, JBaker?

d38be0 No.1935832

File: d2a512de97c84d0⋯.png (23.49 KB, 569x158, 569:158, ClipboardImage.png)

Fantastic Day

ddcde3 No.1935837

Kamala Harris: Dem Colleagues Ready to Play ‘Hardball’ to Save Constitution from Trump SCOTUS Pick

Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Hardball,” Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) said her colleagues in the Senate were ready to play “hardball” to delay President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee’s confirmation to replace Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy until after the 2018 midterms.

When asked what a Trump pick would look like, Harris said, “We are looking at a destruction of the Constitution of the United States based on all the folks he’s been appointing thus far for lifetime appointments. He’s been appointing ideologues. He’s been appointing people who have refused to agree Brown v Board of Education is settled law.he’s been appointing people not even qualified by bar associations. So this has got to be one—we all need to understand this to be one of the most serious fights we have yet to have had with this president. And we cannot relent.”

When asked if Democrats will play hardball, Harris said, “based on every conversation I have had with my colleagues this afternoon, everybody is prepared to play hardball.”

When asked if the process can be delayed until after the election, Harris added, “We have to fight to push it off. Listen, unlike Merrick Garland, where there were eight months left in that term, there are four months. We’re four months away from an election. One-third of the United States Senate is up for election. The decision that we make is going to have a generational impact. And the American people should be able to weigh in on who will be this in this position on the United States Supreme Court. Let’s remember. This is not like Gorsuch, where Gorsuch was about one conservative replacing another conservative. We fought on that one. I voted against him, but he’s there. He replaced Scalia. This is about a swing vote. This is a different seat, a different seat and everything lays in the balance in terms of how this court could swing on everything from choice, Roe versus Wade, to what we did in terms of same-sex marriage to so many issues that are about fundamental rights and about respecting the Constitution of the United States. So this is not like Gorsuch.”


9f7f7d No.1935838

File: 3fe800718f8ceab⋯.png (323.88 KB, 375x525, 5:7, ClipboardImage.png)

56e7e5 No.1935839

File: 904f9d3ca747670⋯.png (434.14 KB, 486x368, 243:184, bho-fakeprez.png)

Posting this cause I can, can save it for use if you anons want for later when the time is right…

81baa4 No.1935840

File: 92f4de13c5a8963⋯.jpg (672.51 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, netflix_fags.jpg)

>>1935677 lb

>>1935688 lb

>>1935802 lb

Hows this?

1fe65d No.1935841



2cc18b No.1935842

File: 44a9e4e9eb8d6be⋯.png (47.46 KB, 659x279, 659:279, kansas.png)


bread bakers cmon guys

47a022 No.1935843


Consider the Q post where it said "Disinformation is necessary."

5a97ad No.1935845


Handoff confirmed

4f3018 No.1935846


hut! hut!

81baa4 No.1935847

File: 78fa6458f1b89f0⋯.jpg (673.33 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, netflix_fags.jpg)

>>1935677 lb

>>1935688 lb

>>1935802 lb

This actually, Greetings needed an s.

ac5618 No.1935848

Deport refugee! Revoke asyum! Letter from U.S. Democratic Senators Diane Feinstein, Mark Warner, Bob Menendez, Durbin, Blumenthal, Markey, Bennet, Coons, Manchin & Shaheen demands @VP Mike Pence tell Ecuador to revoke @JulianAssange's asylum.


266688 No.1935849

Now that the patriots are starting to wear Q shirts at the rallies in addition to displaying WWG1WGA signs, perhaps it's time to start chanting "WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL!" in addition to "USA USA….!"

9a8a16 No.1935850

File: 9650675160899e5⋯.png (515.37 KB, 655x803, 655:803, DoD 6-27-18 9 pm PDT.PNG)

File: 71edb77e5648216⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1251x832, 1251:832, DoD 6-27-18 9 pm PDT pic.PNG)


dc0fb0 No.1935851

thank you baker!



I forgot Soros bought into it…

b1d3e8 No.1935852


The bread is not it.

b38585 No.1935853

File: a1403d0746b836b⋯.jpeg (1.76 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Q Photographer.jpeg)

Who is the woman that shot the pic Q posted?

Vid here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vC5dtjX9xs

7ca3ed No.1935854


New Baker Confirmed

Thank you baker, enjoy and Godspeed.

2cc18b No.1935855

File: 1f8785d1c1d4eb9⋯.png (280.07 KB, 1043x623, 149:89, g1.png)


G1 summit

304594 No.1935856



You two better shut up, pulling on a mighty tail.

9ccbe0 No.1935857

File: 077565698578f5b⋯.jpg (15.95 KB, 255x219, 85:73, 2d10xm.jpg)

dc0fb0 No.1935858


its not that important anon, just a pic of people who know about Q

c349ce No.1935859

>>1933629 ———————– These people are sick!

As far as notables go, I think the name of this one should be "Clinton Campaign official arrested for pedophilia." Let's not sugar coat it. These people are sick doesn't compare to what that vile faggot has done, or wanted to do.

cfb4db No.1935861

File: 1785efc86404250⋯.png (264.47 KB, 500x595, 100:119, WeDontDoxQNaseem.png)

631cc0 No.1935862

No one who links to yournewswire can be real.

460b81 No.1935863


NBC Los Angeles

‏Verified account @NBCLA

PHOTOS: Liza Minelli's personal items, family items are going up for auction.


b3aa73 No.1935864

>>1935813 (LB)

>>1935734 (LB)

Tinnitus has nothing to do with osteoporosis. It's caused by the nerves at the base of the little hairs in your inner ear getting stuck in the On position.

Use a tone generator to hit that nerve that's bugging with the frequency that it responds to. You may be able to knock it loose. If that fails, it will help train your brain to ignore it.

(note: I'm not an audiologist or any other kind of doctor. I'm just a guy on 8chan guessing that this might work.)


965b22 No.1935865

>>1935836 Last bread

Its Cool Anon When you have time> Very interesting

5a97ad No.1935866

File: 2ce3873cf4f1f3f⋯.jpg (74.85 KB, 576x768, 3:4, rainbows.jpg)


Thank You for your service Baker

460b81 No.1935867


Sorry for yelling

acb19f No.1935868

anyone else feel like the truth is actually going to come out??? It is hard to believe but Holy Shit it habbening

47a022 No.1935869


>No one who links to yournewswire can be real.

uh….wow. ur dum.

dc0fb0 No.1935870


thanks for sharing shill

094634 No.1935871

File: 5c92d2b0d215e3b⋯.jpg (41.44 KB, 631x314, 631:314, PS2.JPG)

288659 No.1935872


it's because it indicated that he was part of Clinton's campaign and other sources didn't, concernfag

4f3018 No.1935873

File: c5ff7421af8cc81⋯.png (582.37 KB, 2015x1068, 2015:1068, ClipboardImage.png)

All right now boys and girls. Let's get home safely.

6dcce1 No.1935874



8e6018 No.1935875

File: ad7a14eb2bf6f6e⋯.jpeg (314.24 KB, 1600x1066, 800:533, F9ABDD06-AB63-41AF-8062-E….jpeg)

Fresh cookies for the baker !!

658354 No.1935876


damn this is good

>6 gorillian keks

b3aa73 No.1935877


Confusing. Not an effective meme.

9a8a16 No.1935878

File: 4e795cab77aa052⋯.png (50.94 KB, 653x377, 653:377, Feinsten re SCOTUS 6-27-18.PNG)

91111a No.1935879


Welcome shill. Let’s cut to the chase. Is the story false?

7ca3ed No.1935880


Bakers directly quote Q in his post descriptions, although I agree that this, or other cases shouldn't be sugar coated. Ever.

631cc0 No.1935881

yournewswire is the best known fake site on the net, morons.

79dbcd No.1935882

File: d38f83433104901⋯.jpg (426.27 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, JP4SCOTUS.jpg)

>>1935390 -lb-








let the libs bring up her age

>>1934752 -2438-

2037c9 No.1935883

>>1935841 I heart you no homo! TY I win! We win!

643530 No.1935884

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



58d6f5 No.1935885


>We are looking at a destruction of the Constitution of the United States

Does she want borders and controlled migration? I had to kek when she threw out this statement. They don't give a rats ass about the Constitution.

83bb35 No.1935886


Dig moar - ND's know its the skull affecting the nerve where it passes through to the ear.

ad6d42 No.1935887


The Cabal will change of strategy of the dems.

They will use the bernie bros as the next pawns for their party

The best form for to counter the dems is use the narrative of Venezuela, Bernie and other always praise the socialism of Venezuela. An example in How the communist destroyed the country until the extinction of their culture

The best form for to counterattack the bernie bros is use the fear of Venezuela. it's very useful.

47a022 No.1935888


nicely irradiated with all that granite.

caf518 No.1935889

File: 612d8e0eef7963f⋯.png (233.91 KB, 819x603, 91:67, ClipboardImage.png)

Joel Davis, 22, a 2013 Port Charlotte High School graduate and 2015 Nobel Prize nominee, was arrested by the FBI on Tuesday in Manhattan on charges of enticement of a minor to engage in sexual activity

Port Charlotte is near FT MYERS FL.

>I was molested in fort myers 28 years ago. I bet its a hotbed

moar sauce


464839 No.1935890


Well I am glad to hear that. I have hope for you.

Just be sure not to walk away and forget.

Do the research. If you are a Christian the Bible

will help you support the science you'll find on it.

It really does change everything.

Where is God? Above our head.

Look into book of enoch.

Why did they remove it from Bible if Enoch was

a prophet and the book of enoch is quoted in

the New Testament two times?

121b91 No.1935891


They had a say. Trump is POTUS.

52d40f No.1935892

>>1935659 (prev bread)

Amateur (non-gov) rocketfags launch a rocket they built, it is powered by a "Q motor" with on-board electronics - including a camera. It's not a fish eye. Tired of FE slides.... watch and learn. This is NOT NASA or any other government - these people are your neighbors (if you're American). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HTwbpjBUOk

2118b3 No.1935893

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b38585 No.1935894


Thomas Drake

"Question Everything"


adaa75 No.1935895

File: 47762da17032667⋯.jpg (50.3 KB, 596x428, 149:107, 1530156879456.jpg)

The jews are completely losing their shit over SCOTUS ruling on Trump travel ban, and the announcement of Kennedy retiring.

Their tears are so delicious.

No more open borders.

No more pedo protectors.

b9e7ae No.1935896


Why the sudden interest in Assange?

288659 No.1935897


click arrow

add to filter

by ID+

df8c7e No.1935898


that title goes to neon nettle, but the story is being reported elsewhere too.

094634 No.1935899


The story is true.


42e317 No.1935900


Get it 5:5. !dox

763b5e No.1935901

>>1935058 (previous bread)

well yeah see the problem here is you have judges that are not fit to judge a goat roping contest & here they are on the bench of the highest court

c1dec5 No.1935902


BIG difference. McConnell decision was a PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION not merely mid-terms.

9fd8d6 No.1935903


Invitation letter by President Donald Tusk to the members of the European Council ahead of their meetings on 28 and 29 June 2018

Last but not least, while discussing migration or the Euro area reform, it is important that we keep in mind the geopolitical context following the G7 summit in Canada. Despite our tireless efforts to keep the unity of the West, transatlantic relations are under immense pressure due to the policies of President Trump. Unfortunately, the divisions go beyond trade. I will share with you my political assessment of where things stand.

It is my belief that, while hoping for the best, we must be ready to prepare our Union for worst-case scenarios.


69a7e5 No.1935904

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Listen…sending some pumped up vibes to the MAGA universe

27841f No.1935906


I'm working on a formula that increases BMP7 in the inner ear to regenerate those sensory hairs. Having good results with initial testing.

e31df6 No.1935907

File: cd338dc9652e668⋯.gif (1.94 MB, 400x225, 16:9, cd338dc9652e668ff049b62c07….gif)


Dude, I wish I could get paid to power nap like RBG. That's a fucking talent right there.

1c93cc No.1935908


Most excellent.

58d6f5 No.1935909


RGB should have resigned so BOH could have made a pick. She blew it. Too much hubris.

658354 No.1935910

File: 86b15b6c03d97d3⋯.jpg (204.42 KB, 1167x1534, 1167:1534, justice_salt.jpg)


yes, please let them have their say. then when they lose they'll have nobody they'll want to kill but themselves.

ddcde3 No.1935911

File: 16c8b518307dfa1⋯.png (815.97 KB, 667x879, 667:879, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca77af14555c89b⋯.png (47.89 KB, 656x870, 328:435, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 46d201d4ba2c9d3⋯.png (19.19 KB, 651x344, 651:344, ClipboardImage.png)



Leftist Anti-Trump, Soros-Funded Groups Join Open Borders Protests


007b18 No.1935912

File: 9132de9689b781d⋯.png (440.8 KB, 620x326, 310:163, ClipboardImage.png)




Paladin artillery system operation

The Paladin artillery system is operated by a crew of four, a commander, driver, gunner and loader. Paladin is able to operate independently with no external technical assistance. The crew are able to receive mission data via a secure voice and digital communications system, compute the firing data, automatically unlock the cannon from the travel lock, point the cannon and fire, and move to a new location without external technical assistance. Paladin M109A6 fires the first round from the move in under 60 seconds. The ‘shoot and scoot’ capability protects the crew from counterbattery fire.

Paladin was used in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom in March / April 2003 and in the continuing operations in Iraq, including Operation Al Fajr in Fallujah in November 2004.

BAE Systems Land and Armaments supplied 219 modification kits for US Army Paladins which enable the use of the modular artillery charge system (MACS) and the 155mm precision-guided extended-range XM92 Excalibur projectile being developed by Raytheon and Bofors Defense of Sweden (a BAE Systems subsidiary). Deliveries began in 2005.

58d6f5 No.1935913


Baby ducks rock!

1fe65d No.1935914


they had the fix in already…. LL was taking RBG seat as payback from HRC why the hell would BHO get involved in thier shenigans?

098989 No.1935915


All true, but it must be asked: who could possibly argue with Hugo Boss attire?!?


acb19f No.1935916


last time i checked didn't the president appointment judges. Do your job you old fuQ

121b91 No.1935917


Well share when you can, anon. You've got a potential goldmine in this board alone.

1c378c No.1935918

You guys want an artificial neuron synapse cluster that can actually learn and figure out real stuff?

Not just weights and biases and all that crap

6f1ba6 No.1935919


Intersting how (((shills))) latched onto this angle.

"conspiracy theory"

Q did not pick it for no reason.

Did JIDF and black hat shills get burned too hard?

We noticed their actions to scrub yourwire from notables before.


91111a No.1935920


Let us know if that’s what Snopes says.

9f7423 No.1935921

Anyone do gematria?

http: //www.lifenews.com/2018/06/27/woman-kills-her-newborn-child-by-drowning-the-baby-in-a-bathtub/

007b18 No.1935922



c349ce No.1935923


Big difference is that the mid term election won't affect POTUS' ability to nominate someone. Sorry Libs, you've lost.

c7f63c No.1935924


Most eggcellent… Got a hi-res version formatted for twatting?

27841f No.1935925


I can't wait until we can all go public with each other…gonna hook up EVERYONE with Q discounts.

dc0fb0 No.1935926


/ourgirl/ no doubt!

79dbcd No.1935927

File: a99f6f81dc6b291⋯.jpg (88.58 KB, 945x676, 945:676, rbgsleepslo.jpg)



"She's too old to be on SCOTUS!!!"


58d6f5 No.1935928


Any new collegefags out there? Get a job in the psychiatry field. With politics they way it is your job will be as steady as a bartender and mortician.

b26ce1 No.1935929

File: fe0e79e3fcdf8d3⋯.png (510.64 KB, 630x480, 21:16, Trumpopcorn.png)

< One of these days at one of these rally events, I want to see him walk out like this.

631cc0 No.1935930

So let's sum up. Q, the "insider", is too dumb to know yournewswire is the worst possible source.

The only people who read that site are tinfoil kooks looking for a fix.

So now we know Q is one of those.

That's who you're all following.

c1dec5 No.1935931


and show each other our tits.

2118b3 No.1935932

File: 8b1210eb8fb7b71⋯.jpg (60.52 KB, 489x750, 163:250, vmnr76xk7l611.jpg)

How long until the slide on this bread?

bae087 No.1935933


If anyone knows how to ball hard it's Kamala

00f439 No.1935934


Anyway .. wasn't it Harry Reid that set that standard so McConnell could follow suit?

47a022 No.1935935


Possible that just because of the appearance in this board, the circulation of the information would spread and be believed regardless of the details. Could be using their own disinformation against them.

Personally, I believe the story simply because it fits with the rest of the puzzle.

460b81 No.1935936


I was wondering that too. That it's interesting who the senators are that suddenly find an urgent need to lock him up

b6c06b No.1935937


Okay, then. Bye!

27841f No.1935938


As long as you aren't gay porn fag

094634 No.1935939


It's a shit site. He's right.

Don't attach me to your JIDF larping.

Only shill I see is you.

9a8a16 No.1935940



The are in meltdown mode

I am not sure why they even try anymore

e31df6 No.1935941


Oooh! I got one. Put a microscope under her.

4cc113 No.1935942

File: faa593da94fa59c⋯.jpeg (77.95 KB, 577x584, 577:584, 3BD307FA-5199-483E-8044-6….jpeg)

Tweet this far and wide

79dbcd No.1935943


meme courtesy of

>>1933666 -2437-

c70866 No.1935944


WTF is this?

Proton email chain Ryan & Pence admins

Trying to take down DJT in 2016

Setting up new website for their ticket

Went to plan B Bimbo brigade instead????

288659 No.1935945

do NOT reply to 631cc0 concernfagging and being a general glowing shill, you are feeding It (YOU)'s and thus paying the basement-dweller

47a022 No.1935946


for the love of god don't give these asshats ideas!

82eb16 No.1935947


Is the source pic a shop?

15ff15 No.1935948

File: 6c1709f1388602d⋯.png (185.33 KB, 800x600, 4:3, high-kick.png)

121b91 No.1935949

File: f4b329b600f3827⋯.jpg (72.43 KB, 600x800, 3:4, cheesehead pepe.jpg)

Pffft. That was the bread deflating.

Manana, y'all.

Q and POTUS, sleep well.

e0bca9 No.1935950


meanwhile, you're ignoring the truth of the story in order to issue ad hominem attack.

so, you're one of those idiots..

64fea7 No.1935951

>>1935936 How about we call PS wife to talk about what

her husband was talking about to his gal pal

master KEK!

48f06f No.1935952


(you) fellow Q-patriot have just won the internet for today

4f7bd7 No.1935953

File: e3af7109da90e20⋯.png (839.87 KB, 627x577, 627:577, flatbreakdome.PNG)

File: 3343c372a0b7c69⋯.png (493.87 KB, 738x444, 123:74, flathell.PNG)

File: 8fd840b7528b2dd⋯.png (726.19 KB, 679x608, 679:608, flatpressure.PNG)

File: 90764e98e4f1927⋯.png (556.35 KB, 682x672, 341:336, FLATLOBOT.PNG)

File: 00ff3d8b6514a5c⋯.png (744.76 KB, 844x545, 844:545, flatex.PNG)

>> 1935890

Stupid fucking FLATTARD SHILL

b26ce1 No.1935954

File: 03fedf102e45c4a⋯.png (289.71 KB, 632x353, 632:353, asleepagain.png)

85702c No.1935955

File: f9abdca5a86c71f⋯.png (47.36 KB, 663x309, 221:103, Screenshot 2018-06-27 at 2….png)


yeah…I sent her Harry's tweet from 2013…she hasn't gotten back to me yet.

716072 No.1935956


Reminded me we have to research those connected with the Smithsonian. They have been covering up all the giant skeletons found over the past century. And who knows what else!

2f2949 No.1935957


We'll miss you

91111a No.1935959


Did all the children go home Joe? You bored now?

caf518 No.1935960

File: 975d496e5c90e58⋯.jpg (7.42 KB, 255x166, 255:166, b82d157f45dcdf388632345f32….jpg)





Joel Davis confirmed

From Fort Myers Florida local high school. You know what to do!

47a022 No.1935961


you can start with the suppression of the Wright Brothers' invention. And do it somewhere else.

631cc0 No.1935962

That sinking feeling when you all realize you've spent months "decoding" messages from a feeble-brained larper.

82eb16 No.1935963


Anons, we all get that Q did not take these pics, right? Either taken from phones, staffers/aides, or social media? Q never claimed he was taking photos of anons personally.

069d1c No.1935964


well lets see…they could

kill someone

scream for useful idiots to riot

try to stretch the Thurmond rule to include whatever they want new

but its going to happen anyway

and it will be glorious

e31df6 No.1935965


This is why I listen to death metal.

4f7bd7 No.1935966

>> 1935956

Do not reply to FLATTARDS They are kike cia psyop bread wasting sliders

d6fc22 No.1935967

File: 2888df369a081be⋯.jpeg (226.42 KB, 2304x1296, 16:9, 37918F11-ADE5-4615-BC45-3….jpeg)

Thank you POTUS.

Amazing job tonight and always.

God Bless You and Yours.

I noticed that once the confession about Stormy came out at least on payment, the Fire went out shortly after.

At least with the majority of conservatives.

Its now a non issue.

Keep up the great work Sir!

58d6f5 No.1935968


LL was to take Scalias seat.

df67cf No.1935969


You seem angry and confused.

cdeb6e No.1935970


DWS land..

b6c06b No.1935972


Saving a very nice bottle of single malt for the day they round up George Soros.

4ab9b4 No.1935973

File: 840fd24b8339043⋯.jpg (337.29 KB, 1200x1500, 4:5, IMG_2088.JPG)

File: 34cbc8342d3c112⋯.jpg (138.1 KB, 960x720, 4:3, IMG_2099.JPG)

File: 16816a44e1af4e0⋯.jpg (116.33 KB, 888x499, 888:499, IMG_2109.JPG)

File: 7871c3af8e9d58b⋯.jpg (51.72 KB, 480x325, 96:65, IMG_2093.JPG)

File: 4bb09041bf7b4a8⋯.jpg (74.93 KB, 433x510, 433:510, IMG_2089.JPG)

069d1c No.1935974


I do. NSA gets everything off all phones real time

you don't even have to send them.

Like I dont have to finish typing my post and hit send and they had it

a09b8a No.1935975

File: 22abd2cad495f4c⋯.png (697.61 KB, 854x960, 427:480, ClipboardImage.png)

1fe65d No.1935977


Sorry you're probably right anon I haven't looked at it for quite awhile now.

b3aa73 No.1935978


That would be great if you wanted to ossify those sensory receptors…

b46e73 No.1935979


Cookies baked.

Yet her hand is not burned.

b6f67c No.1935980

File: e666364b66fbd67⋯.gif (306.13 KB, 450x324, 25:18, falsegif.gif)



>We'll miss you

716072 No.1935981


Plus the opposition(Dems) 187'd Scalia. He was killed to swing the court to liberals.

460b81 No.1935982


Seriously tho. How fucking embarrassing for HER!! You know she'll read the texts. So all the ones that talk about Hillary will have new meaning. All out in public like that. Poor Woman. And poor Husband of the weezel

c349ce No.1935983


And yet a website, known for its bias and fake news, is reporting the truth. Do you see this story on MSM? That is the point. Even sources known to be discredited are reporting this story. Did you see mention of it on any of the MSM channels? No? Why not?

5efeec No.1935985

The Biden rule? Who the hell cares? It's not legally binding and he has no.power.

07c70d No.1935986

File: 0934a825976c5ce⋯.jpeg (103.13 KB, 1054x640, 527:320, 64c07230fc3ae7a6457f43663….jpeg)


Thanks for the heads up, Corsi

069d1c No.1935987

File: 3cc6f1cea37a3d2⋯.jpg (180.37 KB, 962x769, 962:769, 3A2F745C00000578-3913524-i….jpg)


sex is a non issue to conservatives. everything has sex. nobody cares.

and based don has had women throwing themselves at him for years. come on..who wouldn't?

88f7e2 No.1935988

File: 032a1f0872ae8bc⋯.png (348.19 KB, 551x676, 551:676, Screen Shot 2018-06-27 at ….png)

reddit post on r/greatawakening said the same thing last night

62c4e3 No.1935989


They people are so dishonest it is fucking nerve wracking…

1) The Biden Rule is what McConnell followed becaus ehe was th eone that sadi a new President should have th eright to appoint the next Justice in a Presidential election year; and

2) Obama appointed Kagan right before the 2010 mid-terms where Republicans took back the House.

Fuck You, Diane Feinstein, you dishonest dusty whore!!!

Fuck You, Kamala Harris, you lying sleezy whore!!!

ddcde3 No.1935990


The plan may be to allow some trouble to start so it is a pretext to shutting down the country. The Senators and the like are fair game for the indictment roll out then!

5ba48e No.1935991


In the article it links to original article from http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5890179/Anti-child-abuse-advocate-arrested-trying-sex-kids.html

ddcde3 No.1935992


Best get some ice ready!

b8c838 No.1935993

File: e408a21e35fd139⋯.jpg (177.89 KB, 1240x1754, 620:877, correct.jpg)

007b18 No.1935994

File: dc778c78129d40d⋯.jpg (17.07 KB, 272x145, 272:145, hey girl djt.jpg)

8e6018 No.1935995

. Dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5890179/Anti-child-abuse-advocate-arrested-trying-sex-kids.

7ca3ed No.1935996


No. It was found randomly on someone's instagram account a few weeks ago. Does anyone have the original, or any side-by-sides on Obama in satanic mask? TY if so.

ab876a No.1935997


Are you kidding me? Kek. By the time Dems realize what hit them (red wave), we won't need any Dem votes no put whoever we want in whatever position necessary. This is so brilliant as I watch it unfold… What a show!!! Best movie EVER!!!

4cc113 No.1935998

File: 05fb9f1c4332dab⋯.jpeg (94.84 KB, 640x664, 80:83, 19A5ADC1-C7F7-48C4-AD80-0….jpeg)

Why do ((they)) keep bringing up ‘Civil War’?

Not gonna happen!

Alex Jones aka misery enjoys company

Dude has a hardon for destruction

230041 No.1935999

File: de2563c58d99de5⋯.jpeg (66.59 KB, 500x590, 50:59, image.jpeg)

b26ce1 No.1936000



>Scalia date of death: February 13, 2016

That was pretty much the consensus.

052603 No.1936001


Kek, hung with their own rope.

50d069 No.1936002

File: 5d5b49952e9bfac⋯.jpg (89.27 KB, 1122x1058, 561:529, 5d5b49952e9bfac5a991a2ba83….jpg)

631cc0 No.1936003

It doesn't matter if the story is true. What matters is that your precious insider is reading and linking a known kook site.

464839 No.1936004


Never let one single video set your mind on anything.

Especially if you did not produce it.

Examine scientific evidence to support or disprove.

A single video says litttle to nothing.

82eb16 No.1936005


So what Josh Marshall is saying is that eliminating income tax is only possible with the heavy tariff strategy, less federal government spending, and higher GDP.

Yep, that's a challenge I'm up for.

ddcde3 No.1936006



Anyone inciting violence is either naive or projecting!

4ab9b4 No.1936007

File: 93c47a244b7b906⋯.jpg (80.57 KB, 500x666, 250:333, IMG_1718.JPG)

df67cf No.1936008


Obama's nominee was to get Scalia's seat and then LL to get RBG's after the dust settled. They needed her where she was until then.

7e01e0 No.1936009


Dingy Harry Reid that bastion of virtue and integrity from Nevada <sarcasm>

Reid was one of the most corrupt and devious senators we have had in this country. That says a lot about his character and judgment.

069d1c No.1936010


I pray for justice. that was a pretty early dig and proof, long before Q

I sometimes think I should go back and post of all the digs and proofs BEFORE Q but there. is. so. much. newfags, just take our word for it that the democrats through John Podesta arranged for the murder of Scalia

4cc113 No.1936011

File: 38199180c6f2f53⋯.jpeg (70.85 KB, 640x473, 640:473, 251A30E4-FA25-4DCF-9902-5….jpeg)

acb19f No.1936012

File: f3c5050f3bc6f51⋯.jpg (19.75 KB, 400x229, 400:229, poop.jpg)


look closely and fuQ them all

caf518 No.1936013

It really is a moot point to talk about winning the election midterms and general. It IS A LOCK, but we need the base to be motivated. And boy will they be motivated, but a Dem would have to have no shame to go vote for them after the GA


e31df6 No.1936014

File: 76e996f81032913⋯.jpg (120.69 KB, 600x900, 2:3, girl-eating-popcorn-329933….jpg)


Nice Ad Hominem.

b8c838 No.1936015


he should of been behind bars years ago

64fea7 No.1936016

>>1935982 Yes but we can help them WALK AWAY!

126029 No.1936017


The XM92 is now known as the M982. It is a GPS guided munition capable of being used in close support situations (75m to 150m)

4f3018 No.1936018

File: 93e02530934bf67⋯.png (259.73 KB, 541x680, 541:680, ClipboardImage.png)

094634 No.1936019


Or maybe he linked a site that doesn't have the absolutely disgusting details the zerohedge article does.

caf518 No.1936021

am I glowing because because my ip hash is bright? I am a good anon, is there a secret way to tell if someone is a glowy faggot at a glance?


2cc18b No.1936022

Group of Twenty = GoT

Nymeria World Order

ltake a walk in history and find white haired blue eyed supernatural beings who gave birth to often red headed giant offspring with humans in the past

sangs twoofy = vamps real

well, theres a wherewolf element too

88f7e2 No.1936023

69a12d No.1936024


They were so certain the witch would win they were too fucking lazy to push through the new justice before the election.

c349ce No.1936025


Jesus. You are seriously a faggot, aren't you. Even if I paint you a picture, not paint by numbers mind you, but an actual picture. You still can't see it? You are a fucking shill obviously. WTF are you even doing here. You obviously have nothing better to do. I hope you get goat raped by Allah faggots for the rest of your days.

27841f No.1936026


Nah, BMP7 is a lot more diverse in function, and you only have to increase production very slightly. Incredibly potent.

Not gonna post the studies since it gives away the ingredients.

b9abd9 No.1936027

File: ce7699e106f8b0b⋯.jpg (40.19 KB, 526x434, 263:217, IMG_20180628_095301.jpg)

File: 5fbc3c7ca1b1bcc⋯.jpg (44.86 KB, 530x413, 530:413, IMG_20180628_095259.jpg)

8bebfd No.1936029

File: 53e5a9044924198⋯.jpg (141.01 KB, 900x540, 5:3, bannon.jpg)




WWG!WGA, it's a navy motto thing, naval officers like Q, goes along with some of Q's other movie references and his many naval phrases and mottos, and correlates with Trump surrounding himself with naval officers and seals, did Q hunt submarines back in the day?

2cc18b No.1936030


how many underworld vamps and wolves movies have there been

9f7423 No.1936031

Guys…Ridley Scott directed White Squall…..

Look up his movie themes…always Illuminati driven

3beff8 No.1936032


To be considered - ringing in ears could be a buildup of ear wax deeper in the ear canal, up against the eardrum. I've watched vids of it being removed and people stating that after surgery, the ringing stopped.

91111a No.1936033


Your 1st sentence proves that you are a mental giant and we are not worthy.

You should really read what you write before hitting the new reply button.

85702c No.1936034


And yet, here you sit, wasting your 'precious' time.

You are a waterhead.

82eb16 No.1936035


FE, others may disagree on whether or not you're harming this forum. I just want to say that I appreciate your efforts in spreading what you see as esoteric truth, just as we are.

As anons, we can disagree on how far down the rabbit hole goes. But you're at least ensuring there's another hole available here to dive down if people will to search.

I'm not endorsing your content, but I will say that a mind open enough to question even these fundamental beliefs we're surrounded by is the type of mind that will do will in the upcoming unveiling.

Cheers, anon.

b26ce1 No.1936036


Hope everyone of them are on a watch list

f3736b No.1936037


Gawd….I seriously hate these fucking people. Go march idiots - we'll be continuing to work on the demise of your filthy, evil idols.

bccd7d No.1936038

File: 5acfd1a1ce4d087⋯.png (533.72 KB, 1895x600, 379:120, qpillow.png)


I think I nailed it on the first shot here :0

ab876a No.1936039


It's already over and they don't even know it yet…or they do, that's why they're acting all retarded..little do they know , they're further helping us out… Boy is this fun…. What a brilliant plan. And as always, Q ir right. These people are really really stupid!kek

7e01e0 No.1936040

File: 44059421068d10f⋯.png (826.84 KB, 1172x900, 293:225, ClipboardImage.png)

4f7bd7 No.1936041

File: 6bea1d2588aeac3⋯.png (154.32 KB, 786x756, 131:126, qanonpoints.PNG)


Chexx digits

LL was promised SCOTUS seat by WJC during tarmac meetup to coverup HRC email server crimes, she wasn't supposed to lose

df67cf No.1936042


HaHaha- TruDat

007b18 No.1936043

File: 36089ff8993f271⋯.jpg (242.3 KB, 2048x1334, 1024:667, storm1.jpg)

7ca3ed No.1936044


Info on it and video here -


cd4799 No.1936045


how bout this faggot?

see video



094634 No.1936046

File: 586cfb2dbf8e109⋯.jpg (12.81 KB, 149x144, 149:144, gigglingpepe.JPG)


No newfag. You're fine.

007b18 No.1936048

File: 5542f41db104b8b⋯.png (493.91 KB, 767x499, 767:499, ClipboardImage.png)

b6f67c No.1936049

File: 06edbca2f463ebb⋯.png (276.84 KB, 631x447, 631:447, ClipboardImage.png)

e31df6 No.1936050


Stormy played her part well. Think about the raid on Cohen. How do you get evidence in court? Stormy was never a mistress. Shes part of team Trump.

631cc0 No.1936051

Q = Qook.

Ask him about yournewswire when he does the Q&A.

If he ever does the Q&A he failed to deliver.

464839 No.1936052


Appreciated mate.

4f3018 No.1936053

File: 47af041039d1de0⋯.png (286.03 KB, 427x602, 61:86, ClipboardImage.png)

052603 No.1936054


Last Q&A an Anon asked about gold backed currency / end of central bank, Q answer was "Structure". This the beginning of the change to structure?

58dffe No.1936055


when this article popped up, a number of anons were referring to the navy ships that were experiencing more damage than the crashes/impacts should have created.

472964 No.1936056

File: 09eb7fb46091e4c⋯.png (379.6 KB, 702x606, 117:101, ClipboardImage.png)

Hillary greeted with ‘furious protest’ in Ireland: ‘Done nothing to progress the causes of women

“She advocated a war in Iraq which cost half a million lives, led the bombing of Libya which left a chaotic vacuum behind that has been filled by a return to human slavery, and promoted and facilitated a coup in Honduras which led to the murder of many progressive, female political activists,” Councillor Eilis Ryan of The Workers’ Party told The Journal.

“Promoting war should be reason enough to deny her this honour,” Ryan said."


35eaa7 No.1936057



And if truth comes out about LL to get Scalia seat….or even RBG seat, from tarmac meeting of WJC and LL, then RBG will have to resign in shame!!

6f1ba6 No.1936058


nigger obviously not lol

JIDF has been all the rage, we see the actors here.

We got this.

Almost time for hammer to be drawn.

f81673 No.1936059


There ya go…notice it was reported over 24 hours ago by "MSM"? Nice sauce

Shills can suck it for the sourcefaggetry…

318d6c No.1936060

File: 973a0e8b182c2c9⋯.gif (1.5 MB, 2051x1077, 2051:1077, FEtards_needProofLOL.gif)

27841f No.1936061


The setup. Imagine a SCOTUS challenge to the 16th amendment.

40de1f No.1936062


there is something to flat earth, but you aint gonna convince these anons with your post when they've had a life time of brainwashing that it's a spinning orbiting globe. aint gonna happen. you could post "proof" and it wouldnt be accepted. eventually though, the truth will win out and they will know how seriously misled they all were.

472964 No.1936063

File: eac21b608bfd970⋯.png (401.81 KB, 551x661, 551:661, ClipboardImage.png)

947553 No.1936064


Forward these to SS/FBI. Sometimes cops need a formal complaint before they're allowed to act.

d6fc22 No.1936065


Well not exactly. Potus is a stud no doubt.

However conservatives not caring is not quite accurate.

Especially older conservatives. They remember Bill C’s shenanigans and Melania is very loved and admired.

It happened a long time ago. They are willing to overlook but arrogance or indifference about it is dangerous.

Christians are a fickle crowd.

Stormy was gaining heat when Potus avoided the question.

Once he fessed up and Melania stuck with him they are willing to move on.

Grace is powerful.

God Bless Potus and Team.

7e01e0 No.1936066

File: 51bb6aef8f1dbcf⋯.png (93.13 KB, 1176x416, 147:52, ClipboardImage.png)

Peter Fonda’s new movie grossed $29,552…


4cc113 No.1936067

File: 09ce984b25c602c⋯.jpeg (112.43 KB, 928x523, 928:523, 8F3F306E-1AE2-4F5F-ACBD-B….jpeg)


They sell fear porn so I could see them just trying to play the tabloid card however..

Alex makes these ‘predictions’ that often involve the injury of his support base.

Does he want shtf?

I think it won’t – I think Dems will lose bigly in Nov and will become disorganized and resentful then start pointing fingers at each other spreading the blame.

But alas

If a ‘paytriot’ meddles and mingles with ((them)) such as AJ how is he to be trusted?

b26ce1 No.1936068


Correct that's why his seat was never filled under the remaining Obama term. It was being used as a bribe. It was suppose to be Hillary who was going to appoint the new candidate. Trump filled the seat a year later.

>Scalia's seat has been vacant longer than any Supreme Court justice's 391 days.

9384f8 No.1936069

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How convenient Free School channel posted a vid on The American Revolutionary War for Kids: Learn About the Revolutionary War for Children just today.

For all of you were don't remember this in school have a watch.

6adb91 No.1936070

File: 3262bcca3b29c09⋯.jpg (42.85 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, spy.jpg)

>>1935655 (lb)

good thinking anon


>>1935665 (lb)

just watched it. for whatever reason my stomach jumped when they showed the bell for the first time.

e03afa No.1936072


Your repeated splerg has been heard.

You know where the door is.

31069c No.1936073

File: c2999a361258911⋯.png (332.79 KB, 923x2025, 923:2025, IMG_4556.PNG)

File: ce920c5ca620413⋯.png (377.93 KB, 792x2030, 396:1015, IMG_4557.PNG)

File: 8d31b1989ced611⋯.png (319.58 KB, 941x2048, 941:2048, IMG_4558.PNG)

File: 327f789aa143961⋯.png (119.34 KB, 1425x950, 3:2, IMG_4559.PNG)

File: f25f1b0290a5a6c⋯.png (157.07 KB, 1475x588, 1475:588, IMG_4560.PNG)



I posted it from scribd and clowns were telling me it wasn't real, idk whether it is real or not. I do know PR is quitting for some real reason. I also copied the post, the last pic idk if you can read it or not. There was a note on one of the post. I'll go back and find it if it can't be read

460b81 No.1936074

File: ef8b2c0df20eaba⋯.jpeg (40 KB, 255x252, 85:84, ef8b2c0df20eaba150c2482b9….jpeg)

83afb3 No.1936075

File: bfbdbae653e2362⋯.mp4 (9.17 MB, 640x360, 16:9, WWG1WGA.mp4)

White Squall Official Movie Trailer

0a2ffa No.1936076

File: c40748b7c8353f6⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Broward County is odd. Somethings smelling like hell over there and it reaches me in Germany

4f7bd7 No.1936077

>> 1936035

Subtle shill cooperation still not getting past muh FLATTARDERY detector, see ya next bread, & nope, no (You) for ewe

70e4e0 No.1936078

File: 519f946d9112271⋯.jpg (44.31 KB, 300x300, 1:1, IMG_6354.JPG)

File: 56d3b678d7b8356⋯.jpg (90.5 KB, 1005x1005, 1:1, IMG_6355.JPG)

File: 963239b8e0748f8⋯.jpg (32.93 KB, 480x360, 4:3, IMG_6356.JPG)


Password: ChaseIsOnTheCase

Signature: No Job Is Too Big

Srsly?? Their “fixer” uses two catch phrases from the kids show ‘Paw Patrol’?!?!…I don’t think so.

Inauthentic & Joyous

9a8a16 No.1936079


The "conspiracy news site" that posted a verifiable story

Q's just 50 steps ahead of you

b8c838 No.1936080

File: 0954fa9be8a4e0c⋯.jpg (430.22 KB, 1754x2480, 877:1240, THELIE.jpg)

1bf1b3 No.1936081

File: 503822d49d57419⋯.png (49.77 KB, 504x578, 252:289, ClipboardImage.png)

2037c9 No.1936082

anons here is what I faced and with help from another anon I over came. FB argument about Harley Davidson leaving that spun off into steel tariffs being the reason. Everyone carrying on with the standard argument so I introduced the tariffs being not about money but keeping intentionally bad steel meant to destroy USA from the inside out into the subject. 40 ppl chiming in attacking a few who defended the policy. I raised the sabotage aspect of steel and got these emoji faces with wide eyes and mouth open looking like 'OH NO' face. I gave them this article from anon who stepped in to help me after reading my request here

https:// www.reuters.com/article/us-kobe-steel-scandal-ceo/kobe-steel-admits-data-fraud-went-on-nearly-five-decades-ceo-to-quit-idUSKBN1GH2SM

c3b8db No.1936083

File: 0b2e6e4c24b3c47⋯.jpg (152.13 KB, 1024x573, 1024:573, Stormy_Mics5.jpg)

40de1f No.1936084


that's not proof of curvature. it's not a mirage either. it's distortion. a function of light waves traveling through a medium over distance.

if it were curvature, those buildings would be at a different angle than where the photo was taken.

adaa75 No.1936085

File: 85db6e4da96ad54⋯.jpg (144.81 KB, 1080x968, 135:121, 1530159874547.jpg)


They are truly losing their minds.

50d069 No.1936086


Yes but this board is for Q related research…. flat earth is not related to Q

b3aa73 No.1936087


There was a Q post suggesting that it was RBG's that was promised to LL.

Yep, found it:

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ Sun 15 Apr 2018 19:57:32 bbec14 No.1055924


Side by side graphics are important.

To be clear, LL was promised the Supreme Court position of RBG.



RBG big problems.


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ Sun 15 Apr 2018 20:03:34 bbec14 No.1056025


Think timing.

LL remains AG HRC.

HRC appoints new AS replacement.

RBG steps down.

LL steps up.

New AG.

‘The Plan’.


464839 No.1936088


we are softening the target. preparing the minds.

Beginning the transition.

the right person will be awakened and the rest

will happen.

All started here… well, broke loose from here.

863f65 No.1936089

Why is the baker trips still being voted on (and why was there need for a voter in first place)?

Just wondering what the hold up is( while I watch rats scurry).

79dbcd No.1936090


haven't laughed that hard in weeks

ty fren … so good

50d069 No.1936091

File: 02d8a5e1571a915⋯.jpg (64.49 KB, 450x720, 5:8, 2ctev4.jpg)

40de1f No.1936092


i disagree. it ties into the satanic pedo elite thang

78f8f5 No.1936093

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How about a big NOI shout out to the Poverty Pimp!

afb07e No.1936094

File: 7d9df90a3a7f663⋯.png (106.67 KB, 1005x248, 1005:248, harblnd.png)


Shocker (not!), just the other day, she was the consensus of the CDaN comments.

>Which first term US politician is apparently so important she can't wait five minutes for a pregnant federal judge with morning sickness to get out of the restroom to meet about sex trafficking of unaccompanied minors? I guess that lunch date with some of her celebrity donors was of greater concern than abused children. Not to be outdone, the judge's penultimate boss wants to have her removed from the bench for exposing the fact that many of the unaccompanied minors are not fleeing but have been sent, which is to say bought and paid for by wealthy men in LA, New York, and elsewhere. It's all been arranged through a multinational organization that's been in the news recently. Obviously, the boss wants to talk about the organization, as does his own. But identifying the kids as trafficking victims, rather than as members, is bad for the narrative.


If link don’t work, it’s Blind Item #4 Posted Tues 7:30 am by Enty

69a12d No.1936095


Its fun to watch. Cry more please. Cry more.

460b81 No.1936096


Does any of this have anything to do the Ships getting hit and Soldiers dying? Not "Q" this, but attacks on the Navy I dont know it just jumped out at me. Those attacks messed me up at bit. So horrible.

48f06f No.1936097

Hey Q and Q-Patriots.

Wanted to share my theory on TG and the SC.

I have always suspected that TG deep down inside was a good guy with a good heart that wanted to do right for his Country.

Like many others in Congress, TG, IMO was threatened and or blackmailed by the Deep-state, and had to play by their rules.

But Trey Gowdy did stand up and Chant…USA…USA…USA… at the SOTU address.

Q-post 659

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: c3f516 No.231058 📁

Jan 31 2018 23:42:36 (EST)

Effective yesterday, while standing under the statue of FREEDOM, POTUS FREED those ‘good’ people who are currently being blackmailed, threatened and enslaved.

Those who stood chanting “USA” were FREED.

The shot heard around the world.






IMO….Trey Gowdy is not a bad dude, he loves his COUNTRY and his people

If you take a closer look at the Q-post "POTUS FREED those ‘good’ people who are currently being blackmailed, threatened and enslaved.

The keywords here are "good people". confirming TG always had a good heart and mean well.

So I encourage QOTUS to put TG on the list and I ask ANONS to take another look at TG, because he would make a valued SCJ for decades.

e0d99e No.1936098

File: e15fb98841589c9⋯.jpg (42.8 KB, 321x381, 107:127, barackgay.jpg)

Moar #walkaway meme

56e7e5 No.1936099


Should have seen all the salt earlier…

They are all unhinged

d09819 No.1936100

Only a demonic faggot would call a child’s privates a cunt.

50d069 No.1936101


How so?

6dfb5b No.1936102


This is great

What entertainment

1c378c No.1936103



Jesus, do these people just jump from one issue that triggers them to another one all for the sake of getting triggered? Has to be a biological component to this, much like drug addiction and drug addicts going from fix to fix.

e03afa No.1936104



Reacting to fantasy nightmares of their own creation.

88f7e2 No.1936105

File: 516f014bd5ef3fe⋯.png (65.31 KB, 815x173, 815:173, Screen Shot 2018-06-27 at ….png)


There were rumors of a backdoor meeting w/their elections person. If you recall election night, Broward held back their numbers a long time. & don't forget, it's Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's district.

07c70d No.1936106


>I'm going to get as many abortions as I can before they enslave my body

What the fuck is wrong with these people?

c349ce No.1936107


So they plan on riots if their ability to kill children in their wombs is taken away, but the children torn away from mothers at the border is Hitler like? Got it. Fucking SMDH

47a022 No.1936108


what water?

4f7bd7 No.1936109

File: 2972383a9c58bb9⋯.jpg (6.32 KB, 232x217, 232:217, fukken saved.jpg)

>> 1936084 Fell for FLATTARD bait see ya next bread retard

>>1936060 Thanks for the excellent trap Anon,

50d069 No.1936110


I know right

6dfb5b No.1936111

File: 70d4b68cba07217⋯.jpg (204.26 KB, 848x477, 16:9, suicide week.jpg)

9f7423 No.1936112


Ridley Scott directed White Squall

cd4799 No.1936113



nice try (((madafakas))) pew pew!

52d40f No.1936114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Can't even take it. The earth is round.

These are AMATEURS trying to prove expertise in rocketry - not trying to prove anything else at all. They have no agenda - just want bragging rights at the BALLS launch. There are THOUSANDS of these people in America doing this - they're not all in on it.

95f02c No.1936115

File: 9bb4c72181f5471⋯.jpg (230.16 KB, 850x567, 850:567, WeThePeopleRestoreTheRepub….jpg)


Post last edited at

0a2ffa No.1936116


WOW. When the information is being published of what we suspect to have happened that night, HELL WILL FREEZE OVER

b6c06b No.1936117


Fort Myers is a beach community just north of affluent Naples. It's in Lee County.

Lee County has a pedo problem.




5ba48e No.1936118

File: fb56729479bd607⋯.png (57.81 KB, 657x567, 73:63, DailyM.png)

File: 14b84e3e04db8ef⋯.png (651.1 KB, 831x766, 831:766, NewsW.png)

4f3018 No.1936119


rite of passage. welcome to qresearch!

70e4e0 No.1936120



Password: ChaseIsOnTheCase

Signature: No Job Is Too Big

Srsly?? Their “fixer” uses two catch phrases from the kids show ‘Paw Patrol’?!?!…I don’t think so.

Artificial & homosexual

91111a No.1936121


“Qook” like Food Network bearing CNN in ratings?

Is the article true or false? Was he arrested or not? You know the answer, even MSNBC tells the truth once and awhile.

c1dec5 No.1936122

File: 2ca1de25a7336f4⋯.jpg (59.37 KB, 800x416, 25:13, 2ca1de25a7336f406d96145fee….jpg)

File: 2ddb51538ac4964⋯.png (378.47 KB, 500x560, 25:28, 8e98cb4c375e94c34384a41c9b….png)

File: d39eca0150e1e6a⋯.jpg (387.89 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, fcd2ad0e50fb55a04d82dad132….jpg)

File: 0d1c3240063b72d⋯.jpg (113.98 KB, 780x438, 130:73, f7c0bc08ed1fd456b887be0d71….jpg)

ab876a No.1936123


He's just making shit up Anon. Don't fall for it. He keeps posting pictures of angels and telling us to watch imaginary water…. Kek

dc0fb0 No.1936124

File: 70625c3001222c0⋯.jpg (17.53 KB, 300x300, 1:1, yuck.jpg)

adaa75 No.1936125









It's election day all over again for them.

Reliving the trauma.

I almost feel bad for them.

95f02c No.1936126

File: 406b0021e18b8f9⋯.jpg (761.91 KB, 2450x3733, 2450:3733, LegitSourceOfQAnon_1.jpg)


Post last edited at

36f75c No.1936127


They want to get JA because he was getting ready to come forth with the "technical data" that proved Russia did not hack the DNC. This info that JA had would show exactly WHO it was. These @sswipes don't want this info out, of course.

It was almost completely set up for JA to have "safe passage" to come forward with the data. Comey & Sen Mark Warner D-VA f'd that all up, on purpose. Said NO.

Here is an article by John Solomon-The Hill - scribd email exchanges included.

http: //thehill.com/opinion/white-house/394036-How-Comey-intervened-to-kill-Wikileaks-immunity-deal?amp&__twitter_impression=true

PS - I also saw somewhere yesterday that the UK is "very concerned" about JA's health. Sure they would like to get their filthy hands on him & cause a "heart attack". I'll see if I can find the article.

07c70d No.1936128


People still use that site?

667cbd No.1936129

File: 119e8cc7b7619e3⋯.jpg (137.72 KB, 500x666, 250:333, IMG_3835.JPG)

47a022 No.1936130


i see boobz. boobz everywhere.

69a12d No.1936131


Q either means he was forced out like other politicians for being corrupt, controlled op, or he is hinting that he announced he wasn't seeking future office long ago because Trump knew exactly when he would make Kennedy retire, and wanted Gowdy ready and free for nomination.

95f02c No.1936133

File: 6ef22da6c22cfae⋯.jpg (56.02 KB, 550x309, 550:309, BiggerThenStarWars.jpg)


Post last edited at

d6fc22 No.1936134

File: e154f748c7cbf65⋯.jpeg (56.2 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 6BFADCAF-8F16-49EE-BFC9-2….jpeg)


Im on the fence with that anon. Seeing pictures of Stormy a decade ago and then looking at Marla Maples and Ivana and being a blonde fanatic myself in younger days. IDK kek Occam’s Razor and all.

We’ll see.

Regardless it shouldn’t be a thing moving forward.

40de1f No.1936135


the idea is terrifying and liberating at the same time

1c93cc No.1936136


Not you again.

9ebd15 No.1936137

716072 No.1936138


That's Steve Bannon when he was young?! Good looking! I still think (and hope) Seth Rich is Q, but if Seth did die as reported, Steve Bannon is my second guess. Third guess is Sean Spicer.

e03afa No.1936139


The agenda is to derail.

(You)'s are enough for them to 'validate' their work.

Don't feed the beast.

cb9959 No.1936140


Late to bread, but I seriously hope this cunt goes down. Sometimes I get disappointed thinking about how long assholes like her got away with shitting on our Constitution and our people.

83afb3 No.1936141

>>1936075 ←— official trailer


I keep posting the official movie trailer….

74c642 No.1936142

Interesting excerpt from Benjamin Fulford's latst update:

Of course, the Khazarians, who are literally fighting for their lives as their mass murder and war crimes are revealed, will try to create as much mayhem and death as possible before they are removed from power, according to CIA, Pentagon, and other sources.

For this reason, an ongoing secret effort to remove the Khazarian control of the world’s financial system is of the utmost importance. It has now been made clear that the Khazarians gained this control by illegally using stolen Asian royal gold. The rightful owners are now claiming back their gold, and the BIS as well as other central banks have been put on notice.

To this end, there are secret negotiations taking place between the Pentagon, Asian secret societies, Asian royal families, the Chinese government, the Russian government, etc. There is much we cannot reveal, but we can say that there is general agreement on the need to create a Western future planning agency to complement the Chinese-led OBOR initiative.

This is what a Western secret space program source had to say about the situation:

“Lots of whistleblowers are now coming forward to spill the beans, thinking they are going to get off easy. Nope; not going to happen.

“The manipulation of the money energy that causes harm and death is in violation of Galactic Law.

“When they bombed Japan in 1945, it affected other worlds. This is why earth is on lockdown. It got real serious when they tried to put nukes into space. The Challenger ‘blow up’ was done to prevent that from happening. Israel did that one, but the Galactics took everyone off before it blew up.

“This is coming to a head real fast, I feel.”

Pentagon sources, for their part, say, “Trump created a space force to unleash the secret space program and its suppressed technology to benefit humankind with things like anti-gravity, free energy, holographic med beds, life extension, teleportation, cloaking, replicators, etc.”

We hope this space stuff is true, but even if it is not, if Khazarian financial control is ended, many trillions of dollars will be released for projects to turn the deserts green, replenish the oceans with fish, explore the universe, etc.

1bf1b3 No.1936143

File: 2dd6550679e1fce⋯.jpg (96.98 KB, 553x415, 553:415, 4a95cbcdf3566de54cdccb4ace….jpg)

slight addition to another anons work

ab876a No.1936144


I concur brother

82eb16 No.1936145

File: 0874b1e4d0bab87⋯.png (482.41 KB, 763x485, 763:485, ogob.png)

File: aac04ffafd2d490⋯.jpg (42.28 KB, 720x470, 72:47, silvergarb.jpg)

File: d5f66703d5486e1⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1208x725, 1208:725, no shop.png)

File: 36f34a1a8124b2c⋯.jpg (107.37 KB, 1024x615, 1024:615, 2 in photo.jpg)




I did some digging anon. 4 photos linked.

1. Original post with title.

2. Sample of original post with original comments before deletion due to, according to the OP, "too much hate and not enough support."

3. Supposed evidence it is not photoshopped.

4. Potential ID on the two seen in the photo.

02c969 No.1936146


yournewswire is absolutely a piece of shit site

perhaps by linking to a shitty site… it's a BAIT

it will make those that seek to discredit Q to point to the "FAKE NEWS STORY"


this one definitely isn't fake

thus bringing more attention to it

c1dec5 No.1936147

File: c890b2bcf328738⋯.jpg (39.8 KB, 640x480, 4:3, c890b2bcf328738c0d8de2411e….jpg)

472964 No.1936148


>Stormy was never a mistress. Shes part of team Trump.

You think POTUS would embarrass FLOTUS like that by having a porn slut paraded round for months? Give me a fucking break! smfh

70e4e0 No.1936149

File: 519f946d9112271⋯.jpg (44.31 KB, 300x300, 1:1, IMG_6354.JPG)


Pics related

0338ce No.1936150


i keep wondering if a lot of this is happening bc maybe Obama isn't American born and therefore his presidency is null and void?.

2a46a3 No.1936151


soft disclosure

667cbd No.1936152


Im so thirsty..

b1d3e8 No.1936153

File: bca2de58d1cb2fb⋯.jpg (52.17 KB, 499x499, 1:1, 1516844771.jpg)

3bdf03 No.1936154


Q wouldnt have pointed there if it was junk. I believe it is a news aggregator, so good and bad journalism gets thrown together. use discernment anons

56e7e5 No.1936155



4f3018 No.1936156

File: 2e751dbe210a68c⋯.jpg (112.23 KB, 640x528, 40:33, download (5).jpg)

95f02c No.1936157

File: d53aa982c436bfc⋯.jpg (422.51 KB, 887x665, 887:665, LegitQandTheEmpireStrikesB….jpg)


Post last edited at

4f7bd7 No.1936158

File: 1f806a931ba3f3e⋯.jpg (24.66 KB, 255x248, 255:248, pepecrosseyed.jpg)


Have the latest pepe

81baa4 No.1936159

File: e4241fe0af890ba⋯.jpg (829.08 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, netflix_fags.jpg)

Netflix pedo meme ready for the canons.

2843aa No.1936160


looks like Don Jr.

62c4e3 No.1936161


>That's Steve Bannon when he was young?! Good looking!

That was before his permanent Tavern Tan…hope he has finally made it to AA.

7e01e0 No.1936162

File: 2bb13cef7b1756b⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1304x1176, 163:147, ClipboardImage.png)

"Leftist Anti-Trump, Soros-Funded Groups Join Open Borders Protests"

Soros has caused so much conflict, hatred and division all over the world. When will his corrupt foundations and pressure groups be exposed for what they are?


3bdf03 No.1936163


I hate that on date nite…

464839 No.1936164


darkness loves to post posts that keep people in

the dark. Your pic has no sauce, no proof… this

one does.

Thanks for playing and helping me to educate

anons how to spot a decoy.

acb19f No.1936165



They are not that creative. None of us are really. Do you think any of us could make this shit up.

4cc113 No.1936166

File: f6504833bc023f0⋯.jpeg (148.67 KB, 584x935, 584:935, 3161CBF8-AF1F-48C8-87D0-6….jpeg)

Judas Goats

🐐. . 🐐 .. 🐐. . …

Also one of those ‘muh donations’ types..

9a8a16 No.1936167

File: 3f26c26eee6c665⋯.png (742.52 KB, 670x785, 134:157, Scavino45 6-27-18 9 24 pm ….PNG)

File: 5904ec60d324fab⋯.png (1.1 MB, 756x802, 378:401, Scavino45 6-27-18 9 24 pm ….PNG)

95f02c No.1936168

File: 575d0206f9d14a2⋯.jpg (397.09 KB, 1550x977, 1550:977, TheDestroyerOfTheNWO_7.jpg)


Post last edited at

688b31 No.1936169


this is a video of the joel davis story on a local tv news station

this joel davis guy - Nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, Clinton Campaign worker, Started a Children helping organization.

Has child pornography, tried to have sex with a 2 YEAR OLD.

Isn't this EXACTLY what we've said the Democratic Party is completely full of? It seems like Joel Davis is a poster boy.

8bebfd No.1936170


good job of convincing yourself, but no one else

f84b48 No.1936171

File: 97eafc1fd618a7f⋯.png (569.85 KB, 940x621, 940:621, vivaldi_2018-06-27_23-41-1….png)

How's this for a teeshirt? Not sure if there is too much text or not…

40b7a5 No.1936172

Wasn't this AIMFaggot?


Heeees back!!!!!

069d1c No.1936173


it takes a lot of time on the chans to study clowns and shills and get to know their glow.

They use anon words but not anon syntax. they TRY to fit in but their agenda always comes through. and they cycle through shill tactics so after a while you learn all the shill tactics and recognize them immediately. they really have nothing new, though they do get creative with old tactics and change them up

if you want to know more, its a deep field of study, and we've been studying them a LONG time


47a022 No.1936174


>It seems like Joel Davis is a poster boy.

Makes a pretty good candidate for an early public arrest, does he not?

bccd7d No.1936175


I was actually starting to get sick of the FE shit, then I had the same thought, maybe they're spamming for a reason to soften the blow in case any of this shit turns out to be true.

4262e1 No.1936176


No doxing of Q.

0338ce No.1936177


…just like to throw out wacky scenarios to see wat do

d6fc22 No.1936178

File: 39c45be1d617dbc⋯.jpeg (1.2 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, AFC85C88-8259-4C15-A418-2….jpeg)



31069c No.1936179


I can't believe I didn't catch that, my grand daughter loves that show. I was just looking through scribd docs and ran across.


b6f67c No.1936180


>flat earth is not related to Q

That's not for you alone to decide.

95f02c No.1936181


Shills attacking already.


Not you again.

2a46a3 No.1936182

File: 2a942661e6e4516⋯.png (142.34 KB, 618x340, 309:170, hrcsNigga.png)

dc0fb0 No.1936183




you stupid faggot gtfo and kys

25e83b No.1936184

File: d363bb30163ac71⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1920x740, 96:37, fem-rage.png)

88f7e2 No.1936185


Let's hope!

02c969 No.1936186

File: 424caf328c9515b⋯.png (172.88 KB, 1050x541, 1050:541, Screen Shot 2018-06-28 at ….png)

another pedophile priest ousted


947553 No.1936187


When in doubt, KISS

4cc113 No.1936188

File: 295ead0b653874f⋯.jpeg (119.8 KB, 928x523, 928:523, 089CCF90-FFF9-40BB-852C-5….jpeg)

464839 No.1936189


A llittle busy.

Fewer words.

Don't try to say to much at one time.

3a83ad No.1936190

File: 877f82becfd7f30⋯.png (155.35 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot from 2018-06-27….png)

File: 00e34b1a3f18844⋯.png (73.83 KB, 400x666, 200:333, its over.png)


this one is for you


thank god for wikileaks. i hope to god you're still alive JA

95f02c No.1936191


You as a shill will never be convinced.

cb9959 No.1936192


When will this faggot be in PRISON Q?!?!

7ca3ed No.1936193


Beers on me at the parade anon, thanks. Was kicking myself I didn't have a folder on this, have now. Cheers man.

95f02c No.1936195


Shills are never convinced.

2843aa No.1936196


I like it.

472964 No.1936197


fucking psycho!

"I'm going to kill as many unborn babies as I can to get back at muh Trump!"

a09b8a No.1936198

File: 1b3228b4e1a1534⋯.jpg (53.74 KB, 300x300, 1:1, defago.jpg)


Fuck off you cock gobbling goblin.

4f3018 No.1936199

File: ce3d6bd4737d9e8⋯.jpeg (7.39 KB, 255x166, 255:166, 6cf271b3380764147cb0cd533….jpeg)

File: c242410c7e7c66d⋯.png (1.27 MB, 946x1004, 473:502, ClipboardImage.png)

230041 No.1936200

File: 5d39cbe7490e3cb⋯.jpeg (92.78 KB, 620x436, 155:109, image.jpeg)

The entire point of Paul Ryan's AMNESTY BILL VOTE today was NOT to pass the bill.

The message was clearly sent:



4cc113 No.1936201

File: f7a9fadaeb98f3b⋯.jpeg (103.2 KB, 640x690, 64:69, DE6F8054-CAAD-44F2-A181-5….jpeg)

So Important!

6a0cf7 No.1936202


I remember something about RGB not wanting to give Hussein another pick, she apparently thought that Kagan was utterly unqualified. (I actually agree with RBG on that one)

667cbd No.1936203



First I have seen this, freaking awesome!

95f02c No.1936204



No, I explained, I am not AIM nor do I work for AIM.

14a884 No.1936205


You are NOT alone..

69a12d No.1936206


has it always been that way?

a2f289 No.1936207


I hereby nominate Judges Jeanine Pirro and Andrew Nepolitano for any upcoming openings on SCOTUS.

82eb16 No.1936208


Any time, Patriot!

95f02c No.1936209


Fag shills attacking already. I am not Defango you fags. Nice try to discredit this post paid shills.

688b31 No.1936210


Should whatever Soros is doing be legal? And Soros can just be killed, right? We want Hillary to have lengthy trials of everything including Whitewater and Vince Foster. We want "we've been hating Hillary Clinton for decades because of THIS. This is not a secret, we've known about it all along, and we're been talking about it all along, and we're finally getting justice." With Soros, all we really want is no more Soros.

9ebd15 No.1936211

40b7a5 No.1936212


just pushing the same BS, therefore you are another version of him.

8bebfd No.1936213


Seth Rich was a Bernie supporter, in other words a progressive socialist, in other words, a commie, no way is, or was, he Q

95f02c No.1936214


Get lost fag. I am not Defango you moron.

7e01e0 No.1936215

File: 05afab10df6afe7⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1278x1296, 71:72, ClipboardImage.png)

"Nancy Pelosi Scoffs at Leadership Challenge: I’m Female, I’m Progressive, What’s your Problem?"

REPORTER #2: “The Democratic Party is increasingly younger, more female, more diverse, more progressive. Should the Democratic House leadership look that way?”

REP. PELOSI: “Well I’m female, I’m progressive. What’s your problem?”

Please, please NP - never retire. The anons so love having you around. Every day we have some more comedic relief from you that so brightens our days.


dba9ca No.1936216

I think POTUS should pardon White Boy Rick. A 17 year old kid sent to prison for life, for selling drugs.

bccd7d No.1936217


Thanks, I just whipped it up, too easy to miss!

40de1f No.1936218


this is the great awakening, no?

are we not learning about the luciferian baby eating elite? the god they worship?

you think it's just pretend or they do this to something imaginary?

the the earth were flat, or were not a spinning orbiting ball and the whole ETs and infinite universe were not real, what would that infer to you about this reality/world?

what would it imply?

47a022 No.1936219


>you moron.


95f02c No.1936220


Get lost, you have no clue.

d6fc22 No.1936221




Still it’s a mitigated issue now.

Notice Hope Hicks had to bounce too.

Damn it Potus.

I know I know its tuff

Girlies are amaaazing and fun but you have got a world to save. Focus!


468e7c No.1936222

Thoughts on any traitor GOP Senator's that will keep us from voting on a SCOTUS nominee in the Fall?…..I'm looking at you Sen. Murkowski

e31df6 No.1936223


Simplest explanation is Trump could have literally had sex with any other woman. Stormy doesn't fit the profile. Stormy came to Trump for help when she learned he was working with white hats to rid the world of evil. The same groups like NXIVM that she was enslaved in.

e03afa No.1936224


Fair enough.

Perhaps the distorted views many have are more like a subscription service…

A mass abdication of individual discernment to the will of the MSM narrative?

"Many prefer the comfortable lies, to the uncomfortable truths"

716072 No.1936225


The Federal Reserve/Cabal NEVER put in their own money. They just printed it and then collected interest on the money. It was made up out of thin air. Our debts to other nations ARE Real.

cb9959 No.1936226


Take it from someone with germaphobic perfectionistic OCD. He didn't sleep with that twat.

9f7f7d No.1936227

File: 5fe4cdaa9e05373⋯.png (150.21 KB, 450x338, 225:169, ClipboardImage.png)

460b81 No.1936228


For real. they go from "SAVE THE CHILDREN" one day to "I NEED ALL THE ABORTIONS" the very next day…..

f77ea3 No.1936229

Hollywood pedos are feeling the HEAT

That's why the anti-yournewswire shilling

Has been shitting up the last two breads

But Q has a VERY good reason to use their link

Anybody can send stories to YourNewsWire

Therefore, people who really want to get fake news posted

Especially unverified stories that seem to fit with the rest of their coverage

Can slip under the radar

But most of the stories on YourNewsWire

Are actually good.

Look through their homepage

Also, they have been slammed for some of their

HOLLYWOOD stories, saying they are made up

Or exagerrations.

But YourNewsWire is located in LA

So if anybody knows the truth of Hollywood

They know it

What if their most outrageous Hollywood stories

Are mild, and hold back most details

Because Hollywood is far, far more evil

Than any of you can imagine


464839 No.1936230


Very well said.

The good news is… the longer you know, the MORE you know

the more comfortable and liberating it becomes.

If you are a christian, that is. If you are not… perhaps

you soon will be cause of what it means.

Heaven is literally above our head. WOW!

3bdf03 No.1936231


bccd7d No.1936232


I hope the fucking mypillow guy is Q

40b7a5 No.1936235

Don't reply to AIMFAG anymore, he just sliding the bread.

5dd8a6 No.1936236


need youth

b26ce1 No.1936237


Hope one of the candidates for SC is a black female. That would be a very first. Can't use gender or race anymore against trump.

ea9407 No.1936238

File: 688e7193b9caa7f⋯.png (27.23 KB, 500x482, 250:241, 21954145.png)


You sure smell like an AIMfag.

069d1c No.1936239


adding your new tactic to clown college thread



f3736b No.1936240


Hadn't thought about that possibility

0e7542 No.1936241


Have studied the giants a lot. It's real.

d6fc22 No.1936242


Judge Jeanine!!!!


Ah well she is a little old but damn agree with you!

e31df6 No.1936243



FLOTUS knows the play. Shes tougher than you shills, that's for certain.

9a8a16 No.1936244

File: c87f42237fc8269⋯.png (116.05 KB, 663x601, 663:601, Schwartz re SCOTUS Picks 6….PNG)

File: dc7ce18b94e4b1e⋯.png (38.14 KB, 619x670, 619:670, SCOTUS Picks 1.PNG)

File: 4f170b667c46898⋯.png (33.53 KB, 600x717, 200:239, SCOTUS Picks 2.PNG)

95f02c No.1936245

Save off-line now. Shill and clown attack under-way.

4f7bd7 No.1936246

>> 1936062

Brock you must try harder, not sending the best are (You)?

Enjoy filterdom(e)

9ebd15 No.1936247


great now the gossip fags are here

7e01e0 No.1936248

File: 858f1a3ef8fa483⋯.png (944.34 KB, 1292x1032, 323:258, ClipboardImage.png)

"Report: House to Vote Thursday on Rod Rosenstein Handing Over FBI Records"

Ok - I will admit I was wrong. I did not expect the house to actually follow up on all their threats and do something more than talk.

"The House is preparing to vote this Thursday on a resolution demanding that the Justice Department hand over requested documents related to the FBI’s handling of the Trump-Russia investigation, according to Politico."


464839 No.1936249


The heart is in the right place.

adaa75 No.1936250


They have fewer brain cells than I thought.

667cbd No.1936251

File: 9303f33217fc7ea⋯.png (2.88 MB, 1920x740, 96:37, 3F73EE81-421E-42CF-A967-65….png)

91111a No.1936252

Good night Patriots.


81baa4 No.1936253

File: ae78dad65eae1aa⋯.jpg (828.4 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, netflix_fags.jpg)

A bit cleaner.

4cc113 No.1936254

File: 39f2a3bff19a082⋯.jpeg (116.98 KB, 928x523, 928:523, 3F725E8D-16B9-453F-8091-1….jpeg)

dc0fb0 No.1936255

File: 6ceb4f962656ad3⋯.gif (6.33 MB, 480x270, 16:9, unbanananable.gif)

pretty sure its the unbananananananananananable faggot from AIM (notice how it has to say I'm not from AIM)

a5ee2e No.1936257


The enemy, unwitting ally.

0b319e No.1936258

File: b0d00811764cff4⋯.jpg (21.6 KB, 300x300, 1:1, NoIdea.jpg)


95f02c low grade shilling

1d1019 No.1936259

File: 608488183ce1eae⋯.jpg (335.61 KB, 2131x1478, 2131:1478, 1530151466433.jpg)

95f02c No.1936260


And you smell like a clown fag.

c3b8db No.1936261


Nice job, MultipleEditFag.

5dd8a6 No.1936262


nailed.. needs posted to #qanon

464839 No.1936263


Knowledge of the Giants in depth will walk you right

into flat earth. Where did they come from? Who

were they?

Book of Enoch… good start.

436ee3 No.1936264


Ft Myers is in a different county. Its miles away. Town is known as Ft Misery. There is nothing to do there. Most of the residents are snow birds and only live there half of the year. Port Charlotte is the same but about 10 times smaller.

78f8f5 No.1936265


Gowdy will take the vacant seat. It's too perfect not to be. That's exactly why his name should not be on the list.

069d1c No.1936266


no, he would type ALL IN CAPS IF HE WAS Q!!!

85702c No.1936267


House judiciary voted yesterday to give him 7 more days.

How many votes and threats are we up to now?

667cbd No.1936268

EVERY shill and bot is out.. so sad.. kek

4f59fa No.1936269

File: 47ff3fb1fe0bb8a⋯.jpg (87.92 KB, 1152x897, 384:299, CunvgdvXYAAD1tm.jpg)


Goodnight Patriot.


3beff8 No.1936270


Flake and no-name, if he's still alive (c'mon grim reaper)….maybe Corker

069d1c No.1936271


immediately thought of that when I saw he was not on it. too fucking perfect millionD level parcheesi!

2a46a3 No.1936272

who did @POTUS call "my friend" during the rally earlier?

95f02c No.1936273



95f02c low grade shilling

b1d3e8 No.1936274

File: 6d6ab2c84c2d138⋯.jpg (333.9 KB, 1024x1092, 256:273, 1519877165.jpg)

b6f67c No.1936275

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


kek. that reminds me of this song.

6a0cf7 No.1936276


Too much text.

0e7542 No.1936277

Only if you follow Skiba. Giant believer, but not flat earther here.>>1936263

667cbd No.1936278

81baa4 No.1936279


Kek. Learning anon, baby steps.

12ae93 No.1936281


>Joel Davis



Davis' journey began at Port Charlotte High – where he helped the Model UN team rake in several trophies. His former coach, Robert Johnson, couldn't be more proud.

"Joel has done something that the average person, even from the Model UN has done. So it's very, very rewarding," Johnson said.

Davis says his work with the Model UN in high school showed him world problems he wants to solve, and he hopes he can help inspire Port Charlotte's current students.

"That's a really important program and I would say I hope young people have the opportunity to find something they're passionate about," Davis said.

More than 200 individuals and organizations were nominated this year. It will be awarded in Norway in October.



pedos hiding in here? http://bestdelegate.com/americas-best-high-school-model-un-teams-top-1-5/

95f02c No.1936282

95f02c high grade shilling


0b319e low grade shilling

acb19f No.1936283



6a0cf7 No.1936284


There ya go! Good work.

95f02c No.1936285



c3b8db No.1936286


I'm the same and have been called out. Just passing along the feedback I've received. It's all good! God bless.

7c12bd No.1936287


thanQ for editing the notables section

b1d3e8 No.1936288

File: f740a9962ec3de8⋯.jpg (103.58 KB, 700x480, 35:24, 1516255966-1.jpg)

1bf1b3 No.1936289

File: 13ff8be991fc4a3⋯.jpg (114.75 KB, 942x500, 471:250, a7515b520f9608cc9730ed5cca….jpg)

688b31 No.1936290


It's Glyphosate, not gluten, that's the problem.

a96410 No.1936291

File: f67a37be01f9b3e⋯.png (140.72 KB, 500x733, 500:733, double-issur-december-19-2….png)

0a6abe No.1936292

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

wanted to watch the ND rally…

noticed a bunch of slight edits..

one example.. 19:54

b3aa73 No.1936293


{keks sardonically}

3bdf03 No.1936294

File: f844e5f92a33d58⋯.png (954.47 KB, 698x733, 698:733, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 376196212bbb0ee⋯.png (280.9 KB, 550x300, 11:6, ClipboardImage.png)

95f02c No.1936295


Nice try to discredit clown.

dc0fb0 No.1936296


fuck off shill

4262e1 No.1936297


We don’t dox Q. Stop it or leave. Seriously. Not done.

40de1f No.1936298



f824b6 No.1936299


Even the denial gives them away. Always written in the same style. It's like someone saying 'You can't see me', when they are standing right in front of you.

3beff8 No.1936300

bccd7d No.1936301

File: 45ae54261eb7aa0⋯.png (605.44 KB, 629x459, 37:27, deeep.png)


SR was a patriot, he would be right here with us every day….


put the most prominent well known names right under netflix, where your eye is naturally drawn, to bring attention and focus to the rest of the motley crew. And go bigger with your text, dont be afraid to get loud. Killer line to end it.

dc0fb0 No.1936302


1. we don't dox Q

2. those guesses are stupid as fuck

8bebfd No.1936303


I've noticed he's not so "sloppy" anymore when seen in public, he is a thinker and even more 'unpolitically correct' than POTUS, too busy reading, writing, and strategizing, he really doesn't give a shit about the way he looks, doesn't matter to him, he's rich

7ca3ed No.1936304


Least I could do. YW anon.

c1dec5 No.1936305

File: 4d974a76d9d6a78⋯.png (592.77 KB, 1218x523, 1218:523, Screen Shot 2018-06-27 at ….png)

File: 758c8feeb910f90⋯.png (373.81 KB, 766x545, 766:545, Screen Shot 2018-06-27 at ….png)

File: bd824d25e3ce3a7⋯.png (36.53 KB, 763x327, 7:3, Screen Shot 2018-06-27 at ….png)

Oversight of FBI and DOJ Actions Surrounding the 2016 Election

With FBI Wray & DOJ Rosenstein




ea9407 No.1936306

File: 8ba05166f47b0c9⋯.gif (4.01 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 8ba05166f47b0c9f2c093a0b55….gif)


>95f02c (17)

These fuckin' shills crack me up. I wonder what their morale is like, knowing their side is losing.

436ee3 No.1936307


Trumps face should only be on good news side or else remove it.

81baa4 No.1936308


Acknowledged. Time to end these fuckers.

adaa75 No.1936309


They keep making the comparison. KEK

7e01e0 No.1936310

File: 67d1ca2b87bef56⋯.png (582.26 KB, 836x858, 38:39, ClipboardImage.png)

"Whoopi Goldberg: Trump Is Not the Change People Wanted — America Is ‘Lesser’"

"Wednesday on ABC’s “The View,” co-host Whoopi Goldberg said people who wanted change and voted for President Donald Trump did not get what they expected."

Whoopi, there probably 150+ million people that would STRONGLY disagree with you. In fact POTUS is so much more than we expected, or could have hoped for.

We could not be happier


d6fc22 No.1936311


Are you seriously like 14 years old?

Potus done dood it.

Billionaire playboys do that kind of shit.

Shouldn’t have brought it up.

Didn’t meen to twist panties.

Potus is a great man with a huuuuge heart.

A role model.

But he is human.

Thinking critically is part of maturity.

Learn to do it anon.

1b5e09 No.1936312

shills get the rope too

9f54c6 No.1936313

File: c3947b30b6157ff⋯.jpg (3.97 MB, 2926x2131, 2926:2131, color codess.jpg)

Green Forrest = "I am your plant"

Yellow Sunshine= "Gold/Reward"

Blue Ocean= "Info/Surveillance"

Red Fire= "Anger/Smear"

Cult Color Codes!

They also use letter codes and symbolism a lot but whenever I try to make info-graphics explaining this stuff I end up spending way too long making it way too big.

Anyway, cult victim here if anyone wants clarification on this stuff or other codes or any other question. : )

dc0fb0 No.1936314


was anyone here for that shill that post LEGIT 52 times?

I think this is the same one, just brought its script this time

a4d0f6 No.1936315


why does it reply to itself with all that bait

e31df6 No.1936316


And it's on twitter.

Nicely done!

b1d3e8 No.1936317


Didn't make it.

9a8a16 No.1936318

File: 67fe8265d06e005⋯.png (111.21 KB, 827x691, 827:691, USNews re Whidbey 6-27-18.PNG)

File: 5f5fb5094c872df⋯.png (179.55 KB, 416x390, 16:15, Q re Whidbey Island Missil….PNG)

Navy Plans to Increase Fighter Jet Traffic on Whidbey Island


95f02c No.1936319



c3b8db No.1936320


Agreed, Anon. Whoopie can now fade into obscurity.

7e01e0 No.1936321


Anon - you just broke my heart :)

I was so hoping the congress has manned up. Oh well.

85702c No.1936322


Thursday is the 28th

472964 No.1936323

File: d4190e80285344f⋯.jpg (120.78 KB, 606x500, 303:250, a fucking POS Muslim.jpg)

56e7e5 No.1936324


You mean Thursday morning? kek

95f02c No.1936325


No,but you are another version of the clowns paid shill.

95f02c No.1936326



85702c No.1936327


It's worse.

Committed passed resolution.

Now will get voted on by house.

If passes, RR has 14 days…not 7.

9d0a9b No.1936328

File: 3c32bcc29b1e48a⋯.png (154.17 KB, 1112x699, 1112:699, 54fce37be54f417843a84d0e6a….png)


Anons are memeing their timeline dreams out of existence. Amorphous Archive? few breads ago it was posted

<pic related

dd81c9 No.1936329


I'm usually one of the people that say yournewswire.com is shit but since Q posted it, I went to the site. It had sources. Shills probably haven't checked this particular article… Dude wanted to have sex with 2 year olds… You shill for pedos and you too deserved to be hanged.

47a022 No.1936330


welcome, newfag.

8bebfd No.1936331


tell that to Q

7a00e6 No.1936332

Just had a thought..

Number of days between 11/22/63 - 11/11/18 = 20078.

8+7+2 = 17.

Victory parade.

81baa4 No.1936333



1b5e09 No.1936334


bill cooper mystery babylon

long but worth it

about secret societies

templars assassins freemasons

skull and bones

dc0fb0 No.1936335


no one will ever click on that shit

2f2949 No.1936336


Every cult/sect/religion uses different "codes" for the colors btw

9ccbe0 No.1936337

688b31 No.1936338


I was going to say that there's something really wrong in the Trump Administration if one of their inside people analyzes all the available data and chooses to give us a source that has such low credibility.

I thought - "yournewswire" this is a potentially big story. Is it true? And I found a local tv news report on youtube. that is a better link. A local tv news station is at least believed to have some credibility.


9879ac No.1936339

>>1934232 (pb) rt >>1933629 (qpost)


>Why did you choose to link that website? Some very interesting articles on there...

No idea if this is true or not as I've never verified it:

Long ago, when I was pretty young, someone told me the gov at that time was required to publicly disclose even the most sensitive information (think advanced technologies, secret experiments & advanced research, political assassinations, etc).

The way to get around drawing unwanted attention to disclosures that would definitely cause problems was to post the information in media outlets known for being sensationalist garbage; like the junk mags you see next to the candy bars in some grocery store check out lanes. So, for instance, disclosure about a too-advanced-to-be-believed technology would be very briefly described and inconspicuously placed somewhere amongst pages with garbage "news" articles like "Aliens Taught My Pet Gopher to Sing Beethoven!" and "Brad Pitt & Oprah Have Secret Love-Child; Angelina Furious!". The information gets disclosed, but no one pays attention or believes it cause of all the garbage around it. Camouflage.

b1d3e8 No.1936340

File: cabc6cb6ef8dec0⋯.jpg (237.83 KB, 600x750, 4:5, 1506651877417.jpg)

e03afa No.1936341

File: 64017bad367d828⋯.jpg (110.54 KB, 880x587, 880:587, frogbeetle.jpg)



Hilarious right?

You can see how HRD they try.

Probably some schmuck hired at a ridiculous rate by [them], and absolutely knows he's failing.

His rope is shorter every day…

6dcce1 No.1936342

The lunatics come out with the full moon. Nothing today has been a surprise. Stay hydrated anons.

95f02c No.1936343


Clowns continue to attack this with the same tactics.

dc0fb0 No.1936344


same, the article actually had a sauce to the Daily Mail


huh? if you're referring to the pic from earlier, Q got it from twatter

e31df6 No.1936345

File: 96bacced5da9aff⋯.gif (2.39 MB, 286x258, 143:129, 1517018228972.gif)

ea9407 No.1936346

File: 7059a470cbc8bfa⋯.jpg (19.2 KB, 207x255, 69:85, 7059a470cbc8bfa0f4a18f26ed….jpg)

402b97 No.1936347

File: 3eb212a2f475984⋯.jpg (117.43 KB, 889x499, 889:499, 2d12ku.jpg)

File: dd5211927cf42b2⋯.jpg (96.53 KB, 490x595, 14:17, 2d12pl.jpg)

Tonight Trump said Maxine Waters, She's a Beauty, kek

56e7e5 No.1936348


It reeks of clown op.

Yo smell like a clown.


cfb4db No.1936349

File: 60af305a74bf39e⋯.jpg (107.1 KB, 500x500, 1:1, BlanketsShillyInHere.jpg)

b6f67c No.1936350



Because John Prine? Seriously?

See if you can get your post count to (52)…that's the record so far. kek

c1dec5 No.1936351



oops….. I have no concept of time anymore.

95f02c No.1936352


Paid clown shill you. Game over clown.

f81673 No.1936353

File: f14f5a45fb2274c⋯.png (162 KB, 1183x510, 1183:510, Screen Shot 2018-06-27 at ….png)


The breaking sauce was NBC NY…yesterday. Silly shills…

ab1e54 No.1936354


he's just showing off trips

b934eb No.1936355


Insufferable woman. Thanks a lot, Willie Brown.

9d0a9b No.1936356


>no one will ever click on that shit


67eb2c No.1936357

File: b8d63432fc22c37⋯.jpg (90.55 KB, 667x406, 23:14, NFLX.jpg)

File: 2dc1a0302112788⋯.png (171.69 KB, 770x415, 154:83, Screen-Shot-2018-06-27-at-….png)

b14d4c No.1936358

File: a7cc7fbfd08e5ca⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 1200x1820, 60:91, Dont Dox.jpg)

9f54c6 No.1936359


the cult in America uses these based on my family which, well, my sister Worked under Obama so the codes used in my life are the major ones used in the media and in businesses today.

It's all english - even the currency jokes like the Russian Rouble = Rube - as in country idiot - or the North Korea Won - as in they won. - So anyway… long story but while the premise of your argument is logical I believe it's not pertinent in this circumstance. : )

5a97ad No.1936360


>>1936305 Hearing Friday Morning - Oversight of FBI and DOJ Actions Surrounding the 2016 Election

>>1936038 My Pillow Q Promo Code For A Great Awakening

>>1935899 Charity Head CHarged With Sexual Violence

>>1935881 YourNewswire is Best fake Site

>>1935889 Port Charlotte High School graduate and 2015 Nobel Prize nominee arrested by FBI

>>1935903 More False Flags On The Way

02c969 No.1936361


Q is daring them to say it's fake news because it's a yournewswire link

the story is true

and their eagerness to prove trump/Q wrong will only draw more attention to the story

6a0cf7 No.1936362

File: ce97b6ec1f3e20d⋯.jpg (71.01 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, Mueller005.jpg)


I think that's the same shill from last night, it hit 52 posts in one bread.

e03afa No.1936363

File: 2998a6463a93dee⋯.jpg (71.54 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, potus_Fargo.jpg)


You Funny!!!

0a6abe No.1936364



Germany was a cesspool after ww1..

Hitler restored pride and family values..

USA turning into a cesspool…

Trump restores pride and family values..

cover works for me..

The Greatest Story NEVER Told

2843aa No.1936365

An Argentinian movie that Netflix offers called Desire is upsetting subscribers because of what looks like illegal content. Viewers on Facebook have shared a clip of the movie and are calling it outright child porn. In the opening scene, two little girls who look to be about seven and nine are playing "horse" on pillows. The older girl begins to obviously masturbate as the younger child watches. The camera even takes this scene into a closeup of the child's face in slow motion, moving up and down and panting like a porn star. The scene is graphic and includes an orgasm. The film is directed by Diego Kaplan.

PJ Media reported it to the FBI and the Department of Justice, along with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, which has launched an investigation.


3beff8 No.1936366


What strange anomaly in the universe happened that made Whoopi relevant to anything?

086963 No.1936367


f73eb0 No.1936368

Baker Available

Regular baker available for the next threae.

464839 No.1936369

f824b6 No.1936370


Someone posted 77 times in one bread either last night or the night before.

c08253 No.1936371

>>1929865 Previous

Always tried.

Always tested.

Semper Fi.

Q or no Q.

Pre and Post Q.

With Q.

Semper Gumqy

df8c7e No.1936372

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I try to think of it like we're all hotshot cops telling our captain

"Common captain, we can get this guy"

and the captain is all like

"NO ANON! You're on thin ice! We play this one by the book! You're a good cop, but you're also a loose cannon, the DA will have my ass if there's any more screw ups! Now get out of my office!"

b6c06b No.1936373

File: 6b931c32de938fb⋯.jpg (66.29 KB, 650x528, 325:264, BannonHBS.jpg)

File: fc190bf97399cbe⋯.jpg (257.17 KB, 958x1080, 479:540, Bannon2.jpg)

File: fd02df80537f1c8⋯.jpg (140.15 KB, 1620x1080, 3:2, Bannon2005.jpg)

File: d91e1c804983b28⋯.jpg (40.66 KB, 640x711, 640:711, Bannon3.jpg)

File: c921d15531f46a6⋯.jpg (146.12 KB, 1599x896, 1599:896, Bannon4.jpg)

Ladyanon here with insomnia

These pics of the oh-so-hot Steve Bannon aren't going to help, kek

I'm about the same age as Steve

Would walk over hot rocks just to have a drink with him

Waking up hubby next & will tell him. He'll laugh, kek

(I don't care what the rule is, I won't do it)

I even love the pic in the infamous "sofa photo" (see link) I would elbow people out of the way to snuggle up on that sofa. Hubby very possibly resembles this photo ;)


(My hubby's secret love is ice skater Tonya Harding. I don't get it, but whatever.)

f84b48 No.1936374

File: c5c93e132ccc054⋯.png (350.11 KB, 818x431, 818:431, vivaldi_2018-06-27_23-53-0….png)

File: 452f9d9042d9264⋯.png (596.82 KB, 1133x656, 1133:656, vivaldi_2018-06-28_00-00-4….png)

Attempt 2

Front + Back

8bebfd No.1936375


he leaked to wikileaks to help Bernie, not Trump

402b97 No.1936376

File: 87868cb76735abe⋯.png (429.71 KB, 548x734, 274:367, 2b87e4c6c2c0fb567b3df1cf33….png)




Trump says he uses his pillows.

Comfy pepe pillows

afb07e No.1936377

File: ac028109a403da3⋯.png (760.57 KB, 915x640, 183:128, potus&p.png)


Why do we give these hideous shitbags the attention? At least X the feces above the collars out in screenshots (& memes) of them.

dc0fb0 No.1936378


see: >>1936314

same way of typing

I agree


NO WAY, most I've seen was like about 60

47a022 No.1936379


>The Greatest Story NEVER Told

For those unaware, this is the title of a video you can search for and find. It is a very hard pill to swallow. Enjoy.

5a97ad No.1936380


TY Baker… I can handoff after next bake

1d1019 No.1936381

File: 27512cf37aa08ab⋯.jpg (29.75 KB, 373x500, 373:500, 1530150582406.jpg)

a5ee2e No.1936382


The 'Q' needs to be more prominent.

7bd3d0 No.1936383

File: 8de1a6dd82c572e⋯.gif (138.59 KB, 1169x993, 1169:993, cointelproforumtactics.gif)


that or something else.

important to be aware of different tactics.

f77ea3 No.1936384


So sad

You all missed the point of what you were taught

In the dream

When the Angels said

The earth is smaller than you know

And Heaven is right above your heads

So close you can almost reach it

They were not saying that the earth is flat

The were saying that the world you enter

Every night in THE DREAM

Is really the reality of EVERYTHING

And that past present and future

Heaven and Earth

Are all so close to each other

You could reach out and touch them

This is closer to the theories of alternate universes

And that we create our own reality

And that the Mandela effect is real

It is the waking world that is a movie set

But infinity does exist within this set

And the stars really are hundreds of light years away

But still,

You can almost reach out and touch them

And if you want to visit a star

Or another planet

It is as close

As the next time you enter the dream

In particular think of the Mandela effect

Where did the memory of an alternate universe

With a different past come from?

It is the same as waking up in the morning

And looking on your dresser

To see a physical photograph

That shows you with a girl at a party

And you remember

That this was the party you were at last night in the dream

This is a message

That the dream is real

And this real world around you

Is actually the illusion

Forget the flat earth

It is a trick designed to confuse you

By those who want to enslave you

Because if you would wakeup

You would learn that they have NO POWER

Over you.

8bebfd No.1936385


it's spelled moron, moron

0b319e No.1936386

File: 638e81ffd2e7fe8⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1461x733, 1461:733, Screamer.png)

e31df6 No.1936387


Word of advice. If you are going to pretend to be an anon, try to sound less like a lib female. Make it more of a challenge. Flinging insults is a literal feminist tactic.

85702c No.1936388


kinda like Melania wearing a certain jacket…

688b31 No.1936389


General Studies student Joel Davis was arrested Tuesday in Manhattan on charges of child pornography and attempting to sexually exploit children as young as two years old.

Davis spent years as a sexual assault prevention activist both on and off Columbia’s campus. He was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2015 for helping to found Youth to End Sexual Violence and serving as the chairman of the International Campaign to Stop Rape and Gender Violence.

After being arrested, Davis allegedly confessed to officers that he had sexually abused a thirteen-year-old boy in the past, and that he kept child pornography on his phone.

Davis was a columnist for Spectator in 2017, writing on topics including being a survivor of sexual assault (like most Spectator columnists, Davis was an outside contributor who was not a member of Spectator’s staff). In a 2014 op-ed in the Huffington Post, Davis condemned the sexual exploitation of children.

fc2383 No.1936390



Senses tingling…

dc0fb0 No.1936391


yea but HItler was a sissy faggot without children who lost WW2

POTUS is the GEOTUS, never stops winning, and has 5 children and 9 grandchildren

b364eb No.1936392

File: a4c8c272e433f39⋯.png (654 KB, 1169x711, 1169:711, Screen Shot 2018-06-27 at ….png)



460b81 No.1936393


True or not, I'd read that book

75c78c No.1936394


Its the Arabic letter, "N", stands for Nazarene, indicating Christian. Often used to mark their houses for death.

9ebd15 No.1936395

58d6f5 No.1936396


Good ol' "It's not rape-rape" Whoopi. Everything about her disgusts me.

3bdf03 No.1936397




lower right corner.


dc0fb0 No.1936398


interdastingly, moar anons here habben to spell it moran

7a00e6 No.1936400

File: 4aaec251e6de9bb⋯.png (4.19 MB, 1742x1224, 871:612, JFK Q.png)


Just had another thought..

Future proves past.

Number of years between 1963 and 2019 = 55.

Trust the plan.

66776e No.1936401



47a022 No.1936402

File: 0ed167e48b4f64d⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


lurk moar.

>For those unenlightened individuals who don't get it, the use of the misspelling 'moran' is an ongoing joke in this board. Have a nice day. Welcome, newfag.

069d1c No.1936403


what do you need help with?

sorry if autist can't guess, need it specific

472964 No.1936404

White House Now Hosting Petition to Expel Violent Maxine Waters From Congress

Rep. Maxine Waters has made it clear that she wants the Trump administration to go, and she’s willing to use any means possible to do it.

Now, a group of petitioners has made it clear they want Waters to go — and they’re using the White House’s website to get their way.

Waters made news over the weekend after she called for physically resistance of members of the administration’s Cabinet members in a speech delivered at a Los Angeles immigration rally.

“Let’s make sure we show up, wherever we have to show up,” Waters said.

Maxine Waters calls for attacks on Trump administration: "If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere."

“If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you cause a crowd, and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome — anymore, anywhere,” Waters said. “We’ve got to get the children connected to their parents, the children are suffering.

“Mr. President, we will see you every day, every hour of the day, everywhere that we are to let you know you cannot get away with this,” she concluded."

This was clearly a threat — and a group of angry conservatives decided to take to the White House’s petition website to say that enough was enough.

“It’s time for Maxine Waters to go,” the petition reads.

“Waters has crossed a dangerous line, calling for attacks and violence against all Trump officials."

“What Waters said, when she called on Americans to ‘push back’ against Trump officials, and make it impossible for them to shop, eat out, or go to gas stations, is one of the most irresponsible statements anyone could have said, let alone a so-called Democrat leader,” the petition adds.

“It is especially dangerous to call for public attacks at a time in our country when liberals are so wildly unhinged and violent, have no control over their emotions and are brainwashed by fake news and hoodwinked by lying, sleazy politicians like Maxine Waters."

“Under the circumstances, censure is not enough for Maxine Waters.

“Waters should face expulsion for what she’s done.”


cfb4db No.1936405

File: 7b4bbf0e6cd0081⋯.png (359.95 KB, 524x700, 131:175, SoComfyCat.png)

e6e318 No.1936406


the left can't meme. also kys

69a12d No.1936407


There is lots to do there. It is a paradise with no state income tax, beautiful beaches and women, fishing, outdoor life, relatively good politics, ect. Nice place to grow up. Don't insult my state because a few non-native pedos moved there.

b39199 No.1936408


Heady Green lives.

b14d4c No.1936409

File: 133802a1a58fddc⋯.png (998.01 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, soldering.png)

58d6f5 No.1936410


It seems that all of these fuckers put on some persona of being against what they actually do.

Self-hate? Is this why progressives are so nasty? Because they know they are bad people.

069d1c No.1936411

File: bfd0b1d4e0982ba⋯.png (548.54 KB, 800x824, 100:103, meme team.png)


now that's a graphic

have a badge

b1d3e8 No.1936412

File: 0b4783f0db2cc81⋯.jpg (93.92 KB, 500x517, 500:517, 1506569190279.jpg)

3bdf03 No.1936413


Is it possible to get Ol SoreAss tied in really tight with the Netflix news?

58d6f5 No.1936414


Hot kek!

7cc006 No.1936415


Its called projection.

47a022 No.1936416


>Because they know they are bad people.

They don't know they're bad people (not most of them, anyway.) They're just in a powerful filter-bubble and they're conditioned to believe all of the crap they see in their Facebook feed.

85702c No.1936417

Spending too much time talking about yournewswire.

Q posted it for a reason.

Story is good, and verified, and posted many other places.

Q picked that source for a reason.

Kind of like Melania wore a green jacket with writing on the back for a reason.

4262e1 No.1936418


Have you noticed where Q posts?????

069d1c No.1936419

File: eb1a4af3ffda1d5⋯.png (317.95 KB, 632x353, 632:353, eb1a4af3ffda1d5cd8a3aa7bfc….png)

47a022 No.1936420

460b81 No.1936421


So they took the picture from the plane thats causing the reflection. niiiiice

e03afa No.1936422

File: 80158c39858d2ff⋯.jpg (18.65 KB, 444x438, 74:73, 2106782847_a21a40ae92_o.jpg)


Or, a less photoshopped version…

7e01e0 No.1936423

File: 5e21d148c9fe221⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1324x1276, 331:319, ClipboardImage.png)

"CNN’s Ratings Take Another Dive, HLN Sinks Into Abyss"

The fact that CNN is tanking is old news to us. However, I wonder why Jeff Zucker is driving that network into the dirt?

Zucker is either completely tone deaf (and ideological) or is absolutely controlled by a higher power that does not care about the business succeeding as long as they can get the propaganda out.


763b5e No.1936424


Dammit bones stop thinking with your glands. I know what you are thinking

66776e No.1936425

File: 6b8cdb3ec52ad1d⋯.png (333.1 KB, 808x467, 808:467, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ee2001a4d2ff603⋯.png (74.06 KB, 839x845, 839:845, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a4bfd35096ba646⋯.png (15.85 KB, 553x258, 553:258, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Puts ICE Protesters and “Extremist Democrats” on Notice “The Only Response They Will Find From Our Govt is LAW AND ORDER!”


ece75f No.1936426

File: 7075a83ef910ff9⋯.jpeg (95.7 KB, 857x480, 857:480, 4091640C-101A-42E4-A4BC-4….jpeg)

These people are sick!

c7c723 No.1936427


Eat my asshole feinstein

66c1dd No.1936428


Liberals call this, "Early Post-Birth Abortion." It is literally no different than other abortions.

1b5e09 No.1936429

how many of the cabal are transgender ?

5a97ad No.1936430


Can someone post with a link so it can go in Notables?

cd4799 No.1936431





I'll say it every time

<I don't trust BIG GUMS

that is all

947553 No.1936432

Did the Q&A refer to congressional grilling?

58d6f5 No.1936433


I expressed myself bad. This guy was nominated for a peace prize because of his work against the abuse he was involved in. Not sure it is projection. They seem to gravitate towards these roles.

cf9163 No.1936434


If that is what they were saying… then why didn't

they say it?


YOU just said it… not them.

But nice try.

Obviously then… you are the deceived.


4cc113 No.1936435

File: 1b30344903ee569⋯.jpeg (95.3 KB, 639x566, 639:566, A85CE795-64B8-4B1E-A59C-F….jpeg)

6a0cf7 No.1936436


Better, I agree with >>1936382

And the 'What a wonderful day!' should be the same font as the ANON.

a few general rules of thumb,

Don't use more than 2 fonts on one layout.

Never use all caps italics with a serif font.

NEVER EVER use Comic Sans.

When all else fails, use Helvetica Black.

81baa4 No.1936437


Kek. Appreciated.

47a022 No.1936438


yerp a derp.

4f3018 No.1936439

File: bfed63c6200b500⋯.png (1.45 MB, 955x725, 191:145, ClipboardImage.png)

b9abd9 No.1936440


For that I need to be American Patriot. USAnon will do that.

230041 No.1936441

Congress’s oversight authority derives from its “implied” powers in the Constitution, public laws, and House and Senate rules. It is an integral part of the American system of checks and balances.


McGrain v. Daugherty, 273 U.S. 135 (1927) was a case heard before the Supreme Court, decided January 17, 1927. It was a challenge to Mally Daugherty's contempt conviction, which he received when he failed to appear before a Senate committee investigating Attorney General Harry Daugherty's failure to investigate the perpetrators of the Teapot Dome Scandal. The Court upheld his conviction.[1]

McGrain v. Daugherty

Seal of the United States Supreme Court.svg

Supreme Court of the United States

Argued December 5, 1924

Decided January 17, 1927

Full case name

McGrain v. Daugherty


273 U.S. 135 (more)

47 S. Ct. 319; 71 L. Ed. 580; 1927 U.S. LEXIS 985


The Constitution grants Congress auxiliary powers to carry out its duties. As congressional investigations have a legislative purpose, Congress has the power to make inquiries and to compel information when it is necessary and proper to execute Congress' authority under the Constitution.

Court membership

Chief Justice

William H. Taft

Associate Justices

Oliver W. Holmes Jr. · Willis Van Devanter

James C. McReynolds · Louis Brandeis

George Sutherland · Pierce Butler

Edward T. Sanford · Harlan F. Stone

Case opinions


Van Devanter, joined by Brandeis, Butler, Holmes, McReynolds, Sanford, Sutherland, Taft

Stone did not participate in the consideration or decision of the case

Laws applied

U.S. Const. art. I

In the case, the Supreme Court held for the first time that under the Constitution, Congress has the power to compel witness and testimony.[1]

df67cf No.1936442

dc0fb0 No.1936443

File: f40e8b65e99ec0e⋯.png (692.88 KB, 1059x826, 1059:826, pepecrying.png)

File: 11fd269dda99b7d⋯.png (689.57 KB, 1001x991, 1001:991, pepeMemes.png)


I watched the progression

good job!

9a8a16 No.1936444

File: a23d0542217ab71⋯.png (505.86 KB, 654x665, 654:665, Saavedra re Old Pelosi 6-2….PNG)

This is funny


b26ce1 No.1936445


Wonder when the advertisers are going to jump ship

643530 No.1936446

File: e713ac8507a8f65⋯.png (83.07 KB, 1537x1042, 1537:1042, emotion_cube.png)

psychfags: is this a relatively complete map of human emotions?

4cc113 No.1936447

File: b8cda0bd780ecc0⋯.jpeg (45.87 KB, 600x300, 2:1, 720CCB77-1D59-4787-9534-8….jpeg)

15fc40 No.1936448

File: e23c6c60f4aa337⋯.jpg (84.6 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 2d1345.jpg)

580b6f No.1936449

File: 5cbaafc79fce06c⋯.png (40.78 KB, 811x268, 811:268, Obama policy.PNG)

US forces basically allowed a 2017 takeover of Kirkuk because Obama holdovers in the State Department "misled the White House."


c1dec5 No.1936450


Can you please change the date to THURSDAY Morning on the 1st one.

TY Baker

0b319e No.1936451




eebaf2 No.1936452


And Brian can't spell brain, Kek

I hadn't a friend who got a bday card said to brain, his name was Brian. Brain became his nickname

7a00e6 No.1936453


Try harder.

8bebfd No.1936454


"the most knowledgeable man in DC"

3488fa No.1936455

File: cb9ca07f9418f55⋯.jpg (161.97 KB, 719x803, 719:803, Screenshot_20180627-230713….jpg)

"I am Jewish. That means you're supposed to be nice to me. We have a code."

I see your true colors dining through…

dc0fb0 No.1936456


another version:

#MeToo –→ Libtards

935be5 No.1936457

File: 09e68c7f7bd78db⋯.jpg (60.65 KB, 448x448, 1:1, User1.jpg)

The reaction of the anons to one of their ops being busted let's us know all that we need to know. I think you know my meaning.

Smoke and mirrors…

An illusion.

Have fun with this ruse.

You got careless …

Own it!


5a97ad No.1936458


Got it

e6e318 No.1936459


Q picked yournewswire because it was the only article that bothered to mention the link to Hillary Clinton's campaign. The other cabal owned news sites ( credible . yeah whatever) hid that fact.

Come on you fucking retards get it together. Shills are crawling on all fours while we fuck the, up thr ass. They have nothing. Move along.

47a022 No.1936460


Nah….we were all newfags. They just need to get up to speed. They'll make great plague fodder when they grow beyond pollywogs. :)

4cc113 No.1936461

File: dc8e5e015e70853⋯.jpeg (143.02 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, AE7579C7-7C08-4290-8CBA-5….jpeg)

069d1c No.1936462



nom nom inated for


there was more about the boom boom room a few weeks ago. wut wuz?? oh so much in my head!

3488fa No.1936463


6dcce1 No.1936464





Beware of clickbait

27841f No.1936466


I suspect that the last Q&A was also referring to something else, but anons got so excited that Q just decided to roll with it.

5a97ad No.1936468


already grabbed it

904b39 No.1936469


Godwin's Law invoked

6dcce1 No.1936470

>Critical thinking dismisses fictional clickbait claims.

15fc40 No.1936471

File: 17f3d6e6c58fc7b⋯.jpg (84.72 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 2d137h.jpg)

8f7ade No.1936472

Just out of curiosity. Is the majority here millennial ? I just hope younger voters in majority still believe in individual liberty.

I'm concerned with the marxist push of the left for our future.

1dadaa No.1936473

File: b057baab2a13d2e⋯.png (643.95 KB, 781x866, 781:866, firefox_2018-06-28_01-05-4….png)

DailyBeast pushing a FF narrative. Note, also, the publishing time:

>Michael Hari, Joe Morris, and Michael McWhorter of Clarence, Illinois were arrested in March on charges related to the bombing a Minnesota mosque in August 2017. The trio is also accused of a failed bombing at a Champaign, Illinois women’s health clinic three months later. A pair of cases, including an indictment returned against the group in Minnesota last week, describe the trio as a wannabe terror cell that carried out bombings and robberies under the banner of their right-wing militia, the White Rabbits.

>The group also went by the “White Rabbits.” The name is a possible reference to QAnon, a right-wing internet conspiracy theory that claims President Donald Trump is not actually under investigation, but that he is actually playing the stooge to help convict the Clintons and other high-level Democrats of crimes relating to Satanic pedophilia. The trio appears to have adopted the White Rabbit name after October 2017, when the QAnon theory kicked off and its adherents took up the rallying cry “follow the white rabbit,” a reference in The Matrix.

>But the militia wanted to bring white rabbit worship offline and into the real world. On their YouTube channel, launched in late December, the group pushed “White Rabbit Money”. The currency consisted of phony bills the militia claimed could be used at “downstate Illinois” businesses and cashed out “in gold upon maturity at the White Rabbit Bank.” (No such bank exists.)



230041 No.1936474

File: 20423a483f6da46⋯.jpeg (82.72 KB, 888x499, 888:499, image.jpeg)

ece75f No.1936475

File: 64cceb443bb075e⋯.jpeg (34.54 KB, 300x315, 20:21, FF6779CB-0909-4943-94E4-5….jpeg)

These people are sick!

47a022 No.1936476

5a97ad No.1936477


Not a millenial… old af fag

e31df6 No.1936478



Man, are these imposters in for a RUDE awakening when the final truths are revealed…

ea9407 No.1936480

File: 546d8e80fbfc54d⋯.jpg (101.6 KB, 1424x542, 712:271, 546d8e80fbfc54db6fbf071baf….jpg)




>4cc113 (11)

This dumb fuck replying to himself. Filtered and on I go.

3bdf03 No.1936481


…..AAAND they are thinking it will be better AFTER the elections?


cf9163 No.1936482

472964 No.1936483


>Can someone post with a link so it can go in Notables?


100,000 needed,

currently at 44,614

Expulsion For Maxine Waters - Remove Her From Congress https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/expulsion-maxine-waters-remove-her-congress

27fa84 No.1936484


Here's why…..


dc0fb0 No.1936486



kek, anon I meant this:

chick walking away: #WalkAway

dude: liberals (signifying normal liberals)

chick look at the dude: libtards (signifying crazed libtard)

e03afa No.1936487


That's pretty great!

caf518 No.1936488

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

CD Projekt Red Secret Project

The red show and soft porn caught my eye

They are hiring in POLAND for a new "UNique Multiplayer game"


5a97ad No.1936489


Ty Anon

df8c7e No.1936490

File: 9a9f646a8b5936a⋯.jpeg (116.4 KB, 278x418, 139:209, IMG_8131CB9184DB-1.jpeg)


it's nice to see traditional farming is alive and strong

caf518 No.1936491

21f24b No.1936492

Did a Bunch of antisemite troll a bunch of autists with belligerent socialist horseshit and the absolute worst memes Money could be wasted on?

d7db9e No.1936493


maybe do one like that using….4Q !

dc0fb0 No.1936494

File: e10c92656b8a287⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1500x929, 1500:929, jeb1.png)


←— every single shill

7e01e0 No.1936495

File: a7e309619733127⋯.png (1018.3 KB, 858x894, 143:149, ClipboardImage.png)

Iranian money funds terrorism all over the world. Most of the rockets and arms that the Palestinians use come from Iran or are funded by Iran.

The Iranian regime is in essence a terrorist organization.

36f75c No.1936496


Female POV - He's hot in this pic. What can I say?

3beff8 No.1936497


I tend to think the incorrect spelling of brain was intentional. It's a "make ya think" joke. If it needs further explanation for anyone, then it's lost on you. It's an ironic satire thing.

52d40f No.1936498


2018 - this year is 55th anniv.

aeebd0 No.1936499

File: e200bcf111451b5⋯.jpg (147.66 KB, 987x712, 987:712, onlymylover.JPG)

File: a6baa196fc66f81⋯.jpg (183.07 KB, 1502x808, 751:404, letsseewho.JPG)

dc0fb0 No.1936500


you might get hit with anons saying "you know the rules"

I'll let it slide because its POTUS

21f24b No.1936501

Anyone figure where these Faggots live

ad6d42 No.1936502


Between Both

4185bc No.1936503


Yeah, FR…

069d1c No.1936504


no no no no

dont wreck your anonness

he's just hot in this picture

your body parts dont make that meaning change. HE"S JUST HOT IN THIS PICTURE

dont make it about your parts. stay anon.

ok tits or gtfo

c1dec5 No.1936505



Wait a minute….. The Boom Boom Room doesn't say it's at The Standard hotel.

"The Boom Boom Room Restaurant"

"Did you mean Standard Grill at Meat Packing"

Where does it tie to The Standard Hotel????

e6e318 No.1936506


tits or gtfo

5a97ad No.1936507



afb07e No.1936508


And it won't go any further than local NY on a network affiliate. Just scanned Faux Chat Channel's site again - nothing. Victoria Secret Model massacred by bedbugs still a HUGE story. Have to scroll past all the Wacky Walters shit & pics first, though.

88f7e2 No.1936509

File: 06e5be22d4ecb39⋯.png (422.19 KB, 529x602, 529:602, Screen Shot 2018-06-27 at ….png)

File: a1ac1465d591db4⋯.png (68.46 KB, 542x419, 542:419, Screen Shot 2018-06-27 at ….png)

File: a1fc282981ef0d9⋯.png (153.79 KB, 277x484, 277:484, Screen Shot 2018-06-27 at ….png)

Lads, how did we miss this?



58d6f5 No.1936510


This still cracks me up. Neither the model or photographer had a clue with what they were taking a picture of. Not only is her hand on what would be the hot part of the soldering iron. You wouldn't use a soldering iron with that big of a tip to do micro-miniature repair.

b1d3e8 No.1936511

File: 7b8760372e328fa⋯.jpg (100.72 KB, 341x751, 341:751, NoPizza1.jpg)

c7c723 No.1936512


She female… but her pussy like day old grilled cheese

ece75f No.1936513

File: 5e63a0ac871963f⋯.jpeg (35.88 KB, 307x261, 307:261, F6DF07DA-6258-4DE8-9776-F….jpeg)

These people are sick,

d6fc22 No.1936514

File: a81918fa49b7fc6⋯.jpeg (941.84 KB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 673036AE-74FD-4B93-9766-3….jpeg)


Point taken.

Is irrelevant really.

And its turning into a slide.

This site caused me a long while ago to be an always Trumper.

Come what may, He is my President.

He and Q are reasonably responsible for great things happening in my life right now.

God Bless Q and God Bless Mr. President

6dc862 No.1936515


thanks for info jidf…. how does it feel to be losing control of everything?

82eb16 No.1936516


I compiled this if you're interested


caf518 No.1936517

Its 0945 in Tehran Iran. Do we have iranian memes ready to go?

I got twat action


b364eb No.1936518


its owned operated and I believe at the top of the hotel. Its like the top level bar area if I'm digging correctly

ea9407 No.1936519

File: f981dc084725a8f⋯.jpg (13.3 KB, 200x243, 200:243, a1c.jpg)


(You) know the rules.

069d1c No.1936520


then make the guy be MODERATES

everyone always forgets that big bell curve bulge of moderates in the middle

47a022 No.1936521


I don't think this was missed - remember seeing this in Nov. 2017 in cbts.

904b39 No.1936522


BUT she's wearing her safety goggles, so there's that.

Safety first, right?

9ebd15 No.1936523


"I am Jewish. That means you're supposed to be nice to me. We have a code."

I see your true colors dining through…


so special

special enough for a golden star

so special

specially [stupid]

36f75c No.1936524


As much as I can't stand that witch, Hell no. Leave her there. She's good for business. Poster child for "Crazy Leftist Lunatic"

05ce1c No.1936525


Old as dirt

f77ea3 No.1936526


Try making a series of smaller pages

Then package the pages up in a PDF and upload to the board

But also upload single images, with some text to explain it

5a97ad No.1936527


I added to notables

88f7e2 No.1936528


Ok, good. News to me then.

4f3018 No.1936529

File: a0711654e2704a5⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

947553 No.1936530

File: bfce959d3d8ddd9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 763.79 KB, 2256x1932, 188:161, b886b03b1feae3fb2665d0555c….jpg)


You know what to do.

069d1c No.1936531


I have 1 TB of graphics, docs, records, digs, memes now (but a lot of them go back to first day on /pol) I remember too but Ill never find it

9a8a16 No.1936532

8f7ade No.1936533


I'm gen x with four kids all in teen years. I've got my two oldest thinking freely and we're working on my 15 year old. She's a pure SJW but we're making headway.

eebaf2 No.1936534


Yeah, that's what made me think of my friend "Brain" I definitely got it!

69a12d No.1936535


Q wont be doxxed unless he wants to be doxxed. Seems to me he's starting to come out.

47a022 No.1936536


Impossible for any individual to keep up with everything. Tsunami of minutia.

c1dec5 No.1936537


I agree. I even posted it last night with a Crime site as sauce,

and it was then in Notables.

It was everywhere today.

b6c06b No.1936538

File: 12bc55ed66e1067⋯.jpg (355.7 KB, 1200x1500, 4:5, Admiral_Michael_S._Rogers,….jpg)


Oooh [fans self]

Wednesday = Ladies Nite at /qresearch/

Admiral Mike Rogers. I'm just sayin'. Hellooo, Admiral

3bdf03 No.1936539

File: 20e1dc940794e07⋯.png (162.74 KB, 306x425, 18:25, ClipboardImage.png)


WTF is up with those hands???

460b81 No.1936540

File: 489a7b3053b4f80⋯.gif (1.59 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 489a7b3053b4f801741e9e2a0a….gif)

688b31 No.1936541

File: 93320ee1e181af6⋯.jpg (35.8 KB, 634x388, 317:194, 4DB0E23900000578-5890179-i….jpg)


Is that Podesta with Joel Davis?

caf518 No.1936542

shirt says



a03ba0 No.1936543

File: 221fba394b30cc8⋯.jpg (70.74 KB, 946x568, 473:284, wifi.JPG)

2ddbc9 No.1936544

BO request for a new perma topic in threads and research

what steps and balances overview or regulatory measures can be put into effect to make sure that once we clean the swamp and the child protection agencies of all the pedos they dont weasel there way back in becasuer we know they predators and they put themselfs in postions were they can get easy prey HOW CAN WE STOP THE INFILTRATION

b1d3e8 No.1936545


It is a container.

dd81c9 No.1936546


Is that why they are so crazy? The cellphones? I don't use a cell much. hmmmmm

b364eb No.1936547

File: 38442873a9db74e⋯.png (230.41 KB, 638x754, 11:13, Screen Shot 2018-06-27 at ….png)

8bebfd No.1936548


he's been giving clues since the beginning

b26ce1 No.1936549

File: 5e79bf927599545⋯.jpg (50.36 KB, 800x500, 8:5, amanda_lepore.jpg)


I'm regretting digging into the Boom Boom Room

472964 No.1936550

File: 6f3c645adbe07f4⋯.png (232.94 KB, 985x517, 985:517, ClipboardImage.png)


SIGN IT, Anons!

Expulsion For Maxine Waters - Remove Her From Congress https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/expulsion-maxine-waters-remove-her-congress

7e01e0 No.1936551


So you are saying Q is incorrect about Iran? Easy with the knee jerk reactions anon. Iran is and has been an axis of evil for many years. Who do you think pulls the strings ultimately in Iran?

947553 No.1936552


…….and that's where the records were kept.

8bebfd No.1936553


she's praying to satan

7f8cd3 No.1936554

Why isn't Trey Gowdy on the list for supreme court?

Or did Q mean the list for resignations?

d67398 No.1936555

File: ade367f613d5945⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 72.57 KB, 276x141, 92:47, ClipboardImage.png)


Let's see em, anon.

4d2c9f No.1936556


Good meme anon ^^^

58d6f5 No.1936557


No no anons. She is calling them out. They do have a code. She is trying to tell the world about it.

069d1c No.1936558


chess, the bishop sitting there till your opponent forgets about it

b3aa73 No.1936559


No. We want MW to remain the face and voice of the Democratic Party.

dd81c9 No.1936560


You guys got a weird affinity for mismatched nipples…

a03ba0 No.1936561


She takes blood thinners. Probably has atrial fib or something like that. Very common side effect. If you fall down and hit your head you can die of a brain bleed.

2ddbc9 No.1936562



514f63 No.1936563


>The setup. Imagine a SCOTUS challenge to the 16th amendment.

Might take 5 years to wind through the courts and get there. Who wants to wait?

230041 No.1936564


That went over their head.

Different agendas

89d3ca No.1936565

File: ee56b43f1e1d2df⋯.jpeg (101.77 KB, 550x836, 25:38, 41BEB760-FA23-4026-AD55-6….jpeg)

7bd3d0 No.1936566

File: a232681f2ac3314⋯.png (447.25 KB, 750x500, 3:2, ConnectionEstablished.png)

File: 7cd397b1a057f8c⋯.jpg (126.65 KB, 500x779, 500:779, cupofwrath.jpg)

File: cc7df8451d4471e⋯.jpg (109.08 KB, 500x656, 125:164, GodStrikethDownTheBeast.jpg)


universal memes are always good

b26ce1 No.1936567


They have lots of codes. Such as no collecting interest on loans between them. tzedakah.

3beff8 No.1936568


Of course! Protect your eyes; cauterize your fingers. OSHA approves.

472964 No.1936569

9a8a16 No.1936570

File: 0b8c9e3c4c94110⋯.png (503.98 KB, 671x745, 671:745, Tapper re Roe v Wade.PNG)

a09b8a No.1936571

File: 40f6609761a78c4⋯.png (422.88 KB, 600x450, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

f77ea3 No.1936572


I believe that part of your family's plan

For their Noetic World Order

Was that there would be one language

And that language would be English

Thus allowing them to insert more of these

Suggestive foreign words and ensuring

That everyone forgets their original meanings

And their originals languages

85702c No.1936573


hey genius (translated - asshole)

DailyMail article linked him to Clinton also.


069d1c No.1936575


Q is not wrong

the #FreeIran2018 movement is also #qanon and using the hashtag. they are getting rid of their deep state (mullahs) and its happening right now

b1d3e8 No.1936576

File: a77e6adfa57f953⋯.jpg (82.94 KB, 722x388, 361:194, 1519875396.jpg)

ad6d42 No.1936577

How the marxism can be deleted of the Western World?

caf518 No.1936578

Y'all Q is the crowd behind Trump in tonights RALLY. Remember what he said. "These guys behind me will be famous tomorrow" or something such. I think the Q VIPs were photog by Q TEAM

There must be crumbs there but I cant really do the grabs and analysis. getting heavy attacks on my end. SLOW PC

b6c06b No.1936579

File: f19f8b58773faf1⋯.jpg (33.1 KB, 640x521, 640:521, Bannontweet.jpg)


Uh uh, my radar is going 100% the other way ;-)

From the Bloomberg article:

"Ordinarily, Bannon’s townhouse is crypt-quiet and feels like a museum, as it’s faithfully decorated down to its embroidered silk curtains and painted murals in authentic Lincoln-era detail. When I first stopped by in January, about the only sign that I hadn’t teleported back to the 1860s was a picture on the mantle of a smiling woman on a throne with a machine gun in her lap (it was Bannon’s daughter Maureen, a West Point grad and lieutenant in the 101st Airborne Division; the throne belonged to Saddam Hussein—or once did)."

1bf1b3 No.1936580

marijuana drug screens are narrowing down my employment options, can we get something done with pot please?

dd81c9 No.1936581


That's what I'm thinking, plus what can potus really do about getting Mad Max out of office?

ed7ce6 No.1936582

File: 0a0d4d028cd2f27⋯.png (108.56 KB, 479x641, 479:641, MaeBrussell-Antartica.PNG)

File: 2ec8723814d3ee9⋯.png (366.52 KB, 960x760, 24:19, MaeBrussell.PNG)

9879ac No.1936583


>never interrupt your enemy when…

ea3f24 No.1936584


Not Skippy

7ea846 No.1936585


I think they are called Purpura or she is taking the purple revolution too literally…

Purpura, also called blood spots or skin hemorrhages, refers to purple-colored spots that are most recognizable on the skin. The spots may also appear on organs or mucous membranes, including the membranes on the inside of the mouth.

Purpura occurs when small blood vessels burst, causing blood to pool under the skin. This can create purple spots on the skin that range in size from small dots to large patches. Purpura spots are generally benign, but may indicate a more serious medical condition, such as a blood clotting disorder.

Sometimes, low platelet levels can cause excessive bruising and bleeding. Platelets are the cells that help your blood clot. Low platelet levels may be inherited or genetic, but they may also be related to recent:

bone marrow transplants



stem cell transplants

HIV infections

hormone replacement

estrogen therapies

use of certain medications

b26ce1 No.1936586

File: 3baa233c751f70c⋯.jpg (67.51 KB, 560x800, 7:10, amandalepore1.jpg)

3bdf03 No.1936587


She needs to go. Dangerous, she is.

e03afa No.1936588


Top K!

27841f No.1936589

Ok..rebroadcast of Hannity is FINALLY on. Since I asked him to say POPCORN tonight, going to see if another anon's voucher is good.

d67398 No.1936590


Tough chick.

Leather skin?

d6fc22 No.1936591

File: 459b251cad800fd⋯.jpeg (27.06 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 945724C9-F1A1-49B9-A345-E….jpeg)

Horry Shiiiiit

Boomer FemAnons ovulating again tonite.

God Bless You Patriotesses!

9f54c6 No.1936593

File: 110608242c85732⋯.jpg (46.89 KB, 1200x161, 1200:161, owls in the box.jpg)

File: e5b6e18edf49d74⋯.png (38.17 KB, 444x260, 111:65, Extra Terrestrials.png)


https://twitter.com/watkins_2 I go through them individually and at greater length.

Tho most of the time I talk about the cult stuff…

I was a victim, tortured and experimented on camera 24/7 from childhood until just recently.

I was brought to a facility with other filmed victims last month and I learned that every "show" is different and so each of the victims likely had their own variety of torture and experimentation to the delight of those that enjoy watching. It's a lot of things, the entertainment is one, the deterring of people who might betray the cult, as well as insurance in that it's family members that help with the torture - that they themselves get this as blackmail early on. It's a lot of things really.

I don't know how many survived but given I'm 36 and escaped their attempts at murdering me by sheer luck multiple times… well, the question of how many dead children fell victim to it? Even without the dead kids it'd be the biggest case ever by a large margin, and it's coming.

b1d3e8 No.1936594

File: 3ed2039682338c9⋯.jpg (45.11 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 1518913845.jpg)

47a022 No.1936595

a09b8a No.1936596

File: bb84a5be633819f⋯.png (144.88 KB, 357x400, 357:400, lickie.png)

88f7e2 No.1936598


True, but I should have noticed the possible destruction of evidence. No accidents w/our psychopaths.

6dcce1 No.1936599

File: 76d2f8bbb4d766c⋯.jpeg (385.16 KB, 600x750, 4:5, Volunteered.jpeg)

230041 No.1936600

File: e266e8fdb1b4d05⋯.jpeg (48.54 KB, 590x390, 59:39, image.jpeg)

caf518 No.1936601

Hannity is on the popcorn tonight!


8bebfd No.1936602


the constitutional repeal of prohibition happened very fast

ed7ce6 No.1936604

File: fd60153bef59045⋯.jpg (30.85 KB, 634x357, 634:357, 40A4C1B000000578-0-image-a….jpg)

2ddbc9 No.1936605


BO request for a new perma topic in threads and research

what steps and balances overview or regulatory measures can be put into effect to make sure that once we clean the swamp and the child protection agencies of all the pedos they dont weasel there way back in becasuer we know they predators and they put themselfs in postions were they can get easy prey HOW CAN WE STOP THE INFILTRATION


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