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File: 30935da16d79ef9⋯.jpg (306.07 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Q_research_header_image.jpg)

5e44bd No.1655129

Q Research General #2081: Don't call me Hansel Edition

Welcome To Q Research General










Board Rules (Please read the rules) >>3138

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Q's "Proofs" Authenticating Q >>1552095 SEE FOR YOURSELF...

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 06.03.2018


Tuesday 05.22.2018

>>1509322 ----------------------- Enjoy the show.

>>1508206 rt >>1508060 ---- Attacks will intensify [all sides].

>>>/patriotsfight/99 ------------ _AF1_5A_

>>1506866 rt >>1506817 ---- It’s happening.

>>1506815 rt >>1506500 ---- Avoid NSA data collection. It failed. (Re: Nellie Ohr)

>>>/patriotsfight/98 ------------ RAPID FIRE.

Monday 05.21.2018

>>1497716 ------------------------ Military OP. [Green]. General K [JFK]: RR<-WRAY->Rachel Brand(Panuccio/Pruitt)-Scheiderman. D5

Sunday 05.20.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/97 ------------ Q! Quotes Ephesians 6:10-18, – 1 Cor 13:4-13

>>>/patriotsfight/96 ------------ Those who are loudest…

>>1483388 ----------------------- We exposed the password [#91] on purpose [23]

>>1483187 ----------------------- The entire time See >>1483318

>>1483159 rt >>1483003 ---- ROT = Rotation

>>>/patriotsfight/95 ------------ US Flag

>>>/patriotsfight/94 ------------ WE ARE Q!

>>1482139 rt >>1482048 ---- TRUST the plan

>>>/patriotsfight/93 ------------ They are losing [all] control

>>>/patriotsfight/92 ------------ [6] surv [value targets]

Saturday 05.19.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/91 ------------ Now Comes The Pain

>>>/patriotsfight/90 ------------ https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/997951982467014656

>>1472746 rt >>1472647 ---- We control [utility]

>>1472647 rt >>1472580 ---- I'd watch the news that day.

>>1472525 rt >>1472472 ---- Mistake or on purpose?

>>1472440 ----------------------- (Password expose)

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1538282 How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1510286 Useful filters

5e44bd No.1655136


are not endorsements


>>1615526 , >>1616055 CAPTCHA Issues? Do this, >>1617105 DO THIS

>>1545457 No more bans announcement from BO

Blank Clocks >>1597885 , >>1630037 Build the map. More at Clockwork Qrange >>1579221


>>1654943 Obama secretly gave Iran access to US financial markets: Senate report

>>1654729 Trump wants to shrink welfare programs and rename HHS

>>1654646 John Cusac's connection to Huma Abedin

>>1654659 Journalists spread those Melania health rumors, and now they're blaming Trump for it

>>1654554 Grassley to Rosenstein.

>>1654482 Possible BOOM, more sauce needed

>>1654463 Link to Strzok/Page texts

>>1654426 Atlanta sting netted dozens of arrests and the rescue of dozens of children


>>1653662 Thousands in EVERY city

>>1653777 Checkem folks

>>1653957 More arrests

>>1653974 The definition of CYA

>>1653878 No obstruction even possible

>>1653910 Love letter about #spygate

>>1653897 , >>1654177 , >>1654198 They never thought she would lose

>>1654090 MS13 facial tats as reverse disguise

>>1654260 IG Access Act 2018


>>1652764 , >>1652812 Morse code anon delivers!

>>1652944 SPYGATE Released

>>1652890 Poor Me, An SJW Guide to gain attention

>>1653066 JPB Dig

>>1653068 What a LARP!

>>1653095 How many incomprehensible shootings have their been in the last 20 years? 10 years? 5 years?

>>1653101 , >>1653200 wtf does Alex really know? (Kate Spade dig)

>>1652878 The problem with throwing shit is it gets all over your hands, and it rarely hits the target

>>1653135 + Owls

>>1653165 NG OG

>>1653138 He didn't need to go to Thailand

>>1653194 Did someone say walnut sauce?

>>1653259 Muh Racist narrative

>>1653131 , >>1653337 Get "it"?

>>1652840 New letter from Senator Grassley to Rosenstein about Flynn.

>>1652912 , >>1653512 The begining of your awakening is always the hardest. Keep on Trumpin

>>1653529 What a coinkydink


>>1652117 The army of frogs...

>>1652177 Mandarin Oriental Hotel Fire in London happening now.

>>1651847 see >>1652291

>>1652218 More allice

>>1652199 , >>1652311 , >>1652398 #Safespace We ARE Anonymous

>>1652275 Everything ever leads up to this moment

>>1652264 , >>1652281 , >>1652400 , >>1652429 , >>1652646 Anon practices breathing

>>1652309 Top KEK

>>1352065 , >>1652317 , >>1652662 #GreatAwakening

>>1652248 , >>1652306 , >>1652390 Widespread Panic

>>1652279 , >>1652315 , >>1652434 Anyone can win the game.

>>1652509 What Happened? Gary Johnson

>>1652514 Kid Proof

>>1652528 , >>1652349 Love all ways wins

>>1652586 The mountain of evidence

>>1652347 , >>1652610 #KillTrumpNow

>>1652611 I believe the phrase is "GOT 'EM"


>>1652735 Alice Q posts

>>1652764 Morse code anon report!


>>1651291 Todays Q Clock

>>1651384 Peter Thiel dig

>>1651405 New Position: CEO of the Broadcasting Board of Governors

>>1651433 Are we the robots?

>>1651468 The revolving back scratch

>>1651469 , >>1651644 "We need lots of it for.... building things!"

>>1651480 UNITY

>>1651464 They are running out of excuses

>>1651550 , >>1651632 , >>1651686 , >>1651710 , >>1651726 , >>1651905 Alice thread, welcome to Wonderland

>>1651715 25 New Appointments to POTUS & FLOTUS today

>>1651774 President Trump Signs S. 2372 – VA MISSION Act of 2018

>>1651788 “It is like the finger pointing to the moon…”

>>1651310 Don't get mad bro/sis Love wins :)


>>1650471 IG Report leaked???, >>1650004

>>1650512 POTUS just signed S-2372 into law, Including the Veteran's Choice Act, >>1650548, >>1650656 Video Coverage

>>1650546 Dimwitted CNN star Don Lemon wants journalists to behave like womanchild April Ryan.

>>1650602 Joris Demmink, former employee of the Dutch Government & spider in the Pedoweb #Rolodex

>>1650633 D'Adesky Family Haiti Map

>>1650664 Airkeks: Planefag Updates, >>1650733, >>1651067, >>1651088, >>1651103, >>1651115, >>1651155, >>1651174

>>1650760 Mandarin Oriental close to Julian Assange

>>1650875 Celebrities creating a narrative for their Court defense: Deer In The Headlights + PTSD, >>1650945

>>1650926 Deus Vult

>>1651001 Digs on Bilderberg members, >>1651007, >>1651013, >>1651021, >>1651166, >>1651175,

>>1651027 Wikileaks NFL dig

>>1651062 Bilderberg meeting: June 7-10.

>>1651186 Wikileaks Beret Mail

>>1650791 , >>1650924 , >>1651076 Droga5 Dig (Why we are here)

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

5e44bd No.1655141

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 -- TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 --- META


>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 --- Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>674740 --- Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 -- Newfag Q&A

>>93735 ----- Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 -- Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread


>>4356 ------ Tools and Information

>>4852 ------ Free Research Resources

>>4362 ------ Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 ------ Research Threads

>>32223 ---- Qs chess game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread


>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection

>>885933 --- P=C

>>904395 --- The Plan

>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1579221 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1587271 - @EyeTheSpy & @BackChannel17 Thread

>>1618616 - Tucson Human Trafficking Thread

Graphics of All Q'S Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#23 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>1628987

Q Graphics all in EST

The missing Qmap in EST has been archived ----------------------------------------------- >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ----------------------------------------- >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures - >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg -------------------------------- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ------------ >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ----------------- >>>/comms/966

5e44bd No.1655144

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: http://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 5/13]) >>1403707

* Q Proofs https://qproofs.com

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library


18,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

23 >>1602811 – 22 >>1485456 – 21 >>1352458 – 20 >>1232995 Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————– qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

New Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

In case of inability to post images, EMBED THE VIDEO FOUND HERE: >>1505954

9538fb No.1655146

There is literally nothing more powerful than love

5e44bd No.1655153

Current paste https://pastebin.com/Ydbi2AZf

3c70bf No.1655179

File: eaacbf5ae2ee67b⋯.jpg (142.42 KB, 640x960, 2:3, IMG_1780.JPG)

Thank you, baker!

3cc642 No.1655180

File: b5f37a335bfd031⋯.jpg (71.34 KB, 500x600, 5:6, 28jopx.jpg)

File: fb129d60f389a48⋯.jpg (60.12 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 28jpl7.jpg)

effee6 No.1655181


Heroin is up there too I hear

9b8586 No.1655182


God is love. Love is the answer to everything

35d0e8 No.1655183

File: c24203db7a19faa⋯.jpg (113.33 KB, 573x572, 573:572, TRUMPFIGHTINGSHINOBIBOSS2.jpg)

0661d5 No.1655184

File: 627775733195e53⋯.gif (10.93 KB, 227x255, 227:255, bakergirl9.gif)

thanks baker!

b4aab0 No.1655185

File: 5d97a65a86ccd1a⋯.jpg (46.58 KB, 1026x311, 1026:311, bab5387.jpg)


3c70bf No.1655186

File: 5476b4cb75bb840⋯.png (20.97 KB, 429x244, 429:244, IMG_1788.PNG)


And nipples

a992ce No.1655187


i love that…

077a2a No.1655188

File: 373b054711a8eb6⋯.jpg (10.49 KB, 255x248, 255:248, Pepelooking..jpg)

Good god that last Baker took a shit all over the notables.

2fd10f No.1655189

>>1655132 lb

With a super majority, you have enough votes from your own party to pass legislation. With only a majority, you have more than the other party but not enough to pass certain laws.

469eb6 No.1655190

File: 9a785722a816131⋯.jpg (83.13 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 9a785722a8161310a5b469bb52….jpg)

3342b5 No.1655191

Full body and face tattoo coverup video with a product called deemablend. MS13 reverse disguise looking easier and easier…


99f200 No.1655192

File: 14508d72a6d1a11⋯.jpg (296.88 KB, 960x726, 160:121, They-are-watching-you-What….jpg)

The cabal is watching.

Booms aren't coming.

Run for the hills.

0661d5 No.1655193

File: 84c5196e48464b3⋯.gif (3.09 MB, 437x504, 437:504, bakergirl8.gif)


fucked up saving the gif, redemption

0cdd1e No.1655194

File: f33eb8494cc6c6c⋯.jpg (22.71 KB, 341x364, 341:364, !big-eye-boobs.jpg)


Eyes on you baker!


0661d5 No.1655195


lol if you do you probably don't like the WORKING gif..

eaaabf No.1655196

File: fbd303a4ba911a9⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1309x874, 1309:874, ClipboardImage.png)

File: de8896b30afdc7e⋯.jpg (99.58 KB, 500x500, 1:1, de8896b30afdc7e3dac1fe6903….jpg)

So it looks like Doug Ford is going to win the Ontario Provincial Election tomorrow. What do my fellow Canadanons think? Is he /ourguy/ or just another shill for deepstate interests?

I was a fan of his brother despite the crack smoking.

64217d No.1655197

File: 648ba5ad74f06bb⋯.png (273.13 KB, 637x356, 637:356, RevAlSharpton.png)


Al Sharpton: Trump on course to win in 2020 because Dems are ‘too tame’ to deal with him

The Rev. Al Sharpton reportedly said Wednesday that President Trump is set to win reelection in 2020 because Democrats are “too tame to deal with an untamed opponent."

Sharpton told The Guardian during a visit to the United Kingdom that Democrats likely to face off against Trump in 2020 are failing to excite opposition to the president.

He said a lack of leadership would lead to a bad result for Democrats in the midterm elections and noted that mobilization is needed for a landslide win.

“They’ve lost the ability to dramatize,” Sharpton said. “He understands spectacle and drama and they don’t.”

Sharpton said that Democrats should be deliberately “getting themselves arrested” by Immigration and Customs Enforcement over the current controversy concerning the policy of separating migrant parents from their children at the border.

“What was the Civil Rights movement if not drama? Martin Luther King was the master of street theatre,” Sharpton said. “No one would have listened if he just gave speeches.”

cbe133 No.1655198


good i like they fact that they know their a bunch of faggots.

a043db No.1655199

>>1655148 (lb)

yes. lower frequency.

still for the "EMP effects" (higher frequency) they are worried about, not a bad idea.



bfe0ab No.1655200

File: 18018b18da83911⋯.jpg (131.75 KB, 736x920, 4:5, e6530a1dba6a62c5f4599ea7f7….jpg)

51b8e3 No.1655201

File: 6dd5fb3cf631445⋯.jpg (62.8 KB, 1000x644, 250:161, pink slip.jpg)

File: 9cec572f3f5e3d3⋯.jpg (5.03 KB, 234x216, 13:12, you're fired.jpg)



For the the shills...

3342b5 No.1655202



c6aecd No.1655203

File: 3801469fa41707a⋯.png (2.29 MB, 1280x1024, 5:4, Screenshot from 2018-06-06….png)

San Xavier Indian Reservation, directly south of VOP Alpha.


1c3258 No.1655204



look at these stupid niggers

do you niggers even Gerald Ford, brah?

82e334 No.1655205

File: 1455050882daf47⋯.png (243.08 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Lanier_NFL_.png)

>>1655178 (lb)

DC police chief was not a he

fd55f5 No.1655206

File: dbf135b74e8e203⋯.jpg (232.29 KB, 731x946, 17:22, Screenshot_20180606-184822….jpg)

Monsanto = Bayer … ppl will be confused. everyone hates monsanto… but bayer.. thats ur friendly headache drug

f287d1 No.1655207

>>1655138 (lb)

Why do anons insist on being retarded? Fucking google for 10 secs before typing. When ur doing that explain how Nixon was pardoned without being charged or even indicted.

c85f18 No.1655208


Persecution is simply the tensing of the arrows of darkness coming to a centre of Light to be consumed.

And when the arrows come, welcome them and intensify Light in order to consume them.

If darkness must be free, and the only way that it can be free is through persecution, then do not resist that energy.

Let that energy be consumed so that another will not have to bear the weight of that persecution.

effee6 No.1655209

File: 442ac155cc0d5a3⋯.jpg (65.73 KB, 686x686, 1:1, XGpIpxQkT935QXNqYWN96lvpJ4….jpg)

a169df No.1655210

File: 99c09b3d4c4809a⋯.png (55.75 KB, 663x361, 663:361, Scavino45 6-6-18 6 37 pm P….PNG)

File: a0e097167589b01⋯.png (472.42 KB, 456x799, 456:799, Scavino45 6-6-18 6 37 pm P….PNG)

3851e3 No.1655211

File: 8cf97fa8b3bc5d3⋯.png (818.09 KB, 770x435, 154:87, ClipboardImage.png)

FDA sues soap company that claims to protect against Ebola

The Department of Justice has filed a civil complaint against a hand soap and sanitizer company for claiming that its products will protect customers from diseases.

The move, filed on behalf of the Food and Drug Administration, seeks to block California-based Innovative BioDefense Inc. from selling its Zylast products, which include not just hand sanitizers but lotions and handwashes as well. The complaint, which was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, also cites Colette Cozean, the company’s president and CEO.

FDA is going after the company on the grounds that it has falsely claimed that its products can protect from deadly illnesses including the flu, Ebola, and norovirus.

BioDefense says Zylast starts killing germs 15 minutes after use and that the protection lasts for six hours. The product also appeared in a 2018 list of hand-sanitizing measures by Becker's Hospital Review, a leading trade publication for the industry.

Federal law prohibits companies from selling products that falsely market medical benefits or that market benefits without showing regulators that their products work. Several steps are involved in allowing regulators to put a stop to the practice. The FDA and the Federal Trade Commission first sent a warning letter to the company in June 2015, under the Obama administration, but BioDefense continued to sell its products.

"Despite being warned by the FDA about their unproven claims, this company has continued to market their products as a tool for preventing infection from serious disease-related pathogens, without adequate evidence to support these uses," FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb said. "We’re concerned that people potentially exposed to pathogens may use these products with a false sense of safety."

People may wash their hands less or protect less against infection as a result of using the products, he said.

If the court grants a permanent injunction, the company would need to go through FDA approval to sell its products again. BioDefense would have to receive certification that the products protect against the illnesses that it claims in its marketing materials.

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/healthcare/fda-sues-soap-company-that-claims-to-protect-against-ebola

142b9e No.1655212


Redhead fags are the best of all fags

c6aecd No.1655213


It's exactly halfway between Tucson and the border.

3b3809 No.1655214


They invented heroin

a900e4 No.1655215

File: 5fa6c5727618837⋯.png (257.58 KB, 638x664, 319:332, Screen Shot 2018-06-06 at ….png)

File: 467057eedea4da3⋯.png (390.1 KB, 658x587, 658:587, Screen Shot 2018-06-06 at ….png)

2 Documentaries being released on Child Sex Trafficking coming out

469eb6 No.1655216


5e0293 No.1655218

File: 936d59103ca5243⋯.gif (991.08 KB, 300x337, 300:337, VDFYcXR.gif)


this one?

3e8ef4 No.1655219

>>>1654646 John Cusac's connection to Huma Abedin

If it is the actor John cusack - he hung out with Snowden.

a992ce No.1655220

File: 19235c4d612ab9b⋯.png (47.89 KB, 1804x116, 451:29, ClipboardImage.png)



yeah, i do. i was alive then. were you?

605da6 No.1655221

File: e1749ace59c3c47⋯.jpg (83.44 KB, 800x764, 200:191, fack.jpg)


Dems gonna excite people the wrong fucking way pretty soon…

0661d5 No.1655222


lol thanks

I must've saved just the thumbnail, not the working gif

077a2a No.1655223


I remember when they kicked his dumb ass out of the Gulf War.

3e8ef4 No.1655224

File: 807ce73b371aef6⋯.png (907.71 KB, 1142x780, 571:390, ClipboardImage.png)


>John cusack - he hung out with Snowden.

3851e3 No.1655225

File: af8b600612b2e0e⋯.png (146.21 KB, 370x209, 370:209, ClipboardImage.png)

House to vote on slew of opioid bills

Dozens of bills to combat the opioid crisis will receive votes on the House floor during the next couple of weeks, Republican leaders have announced.

“It will take us two weeks to finish this process, but at the end of the day, we'll continue to make America safer and more secure and more prosperous,” House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said when announcing the schedule.

McCarthy did not release a final list of bills that will be taken up for a vote, but at least 57 were passed out of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Lawmakers have been working on the bills for months in the face of mounting deaths from opioids, which include illegal drugs such as heroin and prescription painkillers. Latest-available data, from 2016, show that more than 42,000 people died of such overdoses.

Given the multifaceted reality of the crisis, lawmakers have been considering a variety of approaches, and have said repeatedly that they expect to turn back to the issue even if legislation is agreed upon by both chambers and signed by President Trump.

One of the provisions would repeal a law that does not allow hospitals to have more than 16 substance abuse and mental health beds in order to be reimbursed by Medicaid. The rule, which was created in 1965, intended to promote the expansion of smaller community-based centers. The centers didn't materialize, and patients instead are placed on long waiting lists.

Other bills that may be considered would expand treatment for people who entered prisons with addictions to opioids, give the Food and Drug Administration more authority to intercept illegal drugs that are trafficked through the mail, and allow the agency to bring more nonaddictive treatments for pain to market.

A Senate opioid bill was passed out of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, but a floor vote has not yet been announced.

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/healthcare/house-to-vote-on-slew-of-opioid-bills

effee6 No.1655226

File: 64c9bc191cdbf02⋯.png (905.9 KB, 483x720, 161:240, DweE8J1n0uTjk_w9KayAc8dZ5I….png)


Post it Anons!!!

05a611 No.1655228

File: 2ae1fd0dbf49778⋯.jpeg (52.69 KB, 1023x575, 1023:575, 3CE6673B-BD1C-43AB-8BA8-E….jpeg)

cbeba2 No.1655229


I think the leafs were doing it wrong…. they should have pumped the liberals everywhere.

As far as I see it…

Two outcomes from that, and they're both good.

A) Max 5 years, Canada is even more owned by China and the globalists, becomes too geographically risky for USA, they annex.

B)Left goes so overboard that it goes too far, population is destabilized, Quebec will strike first.. From there USA annexes once again.

Take Alberta/Sask/Man, everyone cheers, Ontario surrounded because Quebec is DTF. BC also surrounded…. Nothing in the Yukon/NWT anyway.

Easy peasy.

The worst thing leafs could do is keep playing in the game and living in the middle..

Let it crumble.

3c70bf No.1655230


Prevent class actions from roundup, etc.?

eb46a3 No.1655231

Anyone seen a list of names of those arrested in Atlanta?

f653ab No.1655232


Securedrop is why cusak is relevant to huma.

b9a971 No.1655233

File: 0ff0efda6822fa7⋯.jpeg (128.07 KB, 1440x1095, 96:73, 1528334582.jpeg)

0d5629 No.1655234

File: 18ab0dd23671223⋯.png (48.59 KB, 490x547, 490:547, ClipboardImage.png)

>>1654720 (lb)

>>1654616 (lb)

>Page 224 through 226

>Is JB-JohnBrennan??

>Who is JM–No Name/

>Who is George? Papadopoulous??

I found Senator Johnson letter that says who the people might be in the Strzok/Page texts SEE PIC

James Comey;

James Rybicki;

Andrew McCabe;

John Giaclone

James Turgal;

David Bowdich;

Jonathan Moffa;

Peter Strzok;

Lisa Page;

Trisha Anderson;

E.W. Priestap;

George Toscas;

Randy Coleman;

Brian Brooks;

Michael Kortan; and

James Baker.



f57a58 No.1655235

Political Leaders Cannot Allow Slippery Tech Tycoons To Evade Tough Questions On Terrorist Propaganda

In April, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg made his first trip to Capitol Hill but avoided tough questions by relying on carefully crafted rhetoric and spin tactics. Just one month later, it was the leaders of the European Union who had the similar unsatisfying experience of listening to Mr. Zuckerberg’s talking points and non-answers to their queries about data privacy, terror content, Facebook’s monopolistic practices, and other pressing issues.


4d3143 No.1655236


>more drug control

Fucking gay

3cc642 No.1655237

File: 88f16e731c028e2⋯.jpg (73.02 KB, 500x550, 10:11, 28ij7p.jpg)

0fd13b No.1655238


Ironic? They are inter-connected?

b404f4 No.1655239

File: 939f935c949a325⋯.png (490.62 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, c70a9a25875c5247a059b739be….png)


He scurred

3f32a2 No.1655240

File: 7a4a695e02c71f2⋯.jpg (374.62 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 1526254990368.jpg)

File: dd9db86f3f3a325⋯.pdf (10.13 MB, 329835159-New-Gangsta-s-Pa….pdf)


READ THIS. Answer the questions the writer poses. For example, on page 53:

"Were Clinton Foundation donors at the luncheon? Who was invited? Is there a transcript of the remarks?"

YES. there is a transcript at least. Found here:


Fucking look into this.


From user "ItsNot1984" on scribd.

UPLOADED AROUND THE TIME JA Deadman switch went off!

Wikileaks changed it's time to 1984.


bc64eb No.1655241


any interesting backstory to the disappearance of opium and absinth as (relatively) common drugs?

05a611 No.1655242


Fukken saved.

f57a58 No.1655243


wow. thats powerful

3cc642 No.1655244


Mr CIA himself

cbda22 No.1655245





eaaabf No.1655246

File: 4a7bd96fafb6e99⋯.jpg (48.34 KB, 697x455, 697:455, bayer.JPG)

File: 33443acf5af0bb8⋯.jpg (67.13 KB, 800x414, 400:207, bay2.JPG)

File: 5125ed09ff3912c⋯.jpg (125.15 KB, 778x593, 778:593, bay1.JPG)


sauce https://www.i-lawsuit.com/the-dark-history-of-bayer-drugs/

a900e4 No.1655247

File: 4523abb832e362f⋯.jpeg (11.2 KB, 255x232, 255:232, ab5c85bb1fc8f467d80c24e10….jpeg)

51b8e3 No.1655248


done… this says it all….

3e8ef4 No.1655249


>b Tech Giant

>more concerned with politically correct icon than cutting down booting time of OS.


0cdd1e No.1655250

File: 5d2fd2c93722ef6⋯.jpg (138.71 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, !Cat scared by cucumber.jpg)


Can we get a pepepickle on this image?

c8eb4a No.1655251

File: dc65095dd9c7609⋯.jpg (48.72 KB, 496x436, 124:109, 2breax~2.jpg)

>>1655224 (You)

2fd10f No.1655252


Still no Bobby though

770204 No.1655253

File: 5722793b4bc8f48⋯.jpg (118 KB, 798x699, 266:233, pureevil2.JPG)

File: bb4f9d6a35ab44e⋯.jpg (117.03 KB, 1593x861, 531:287, qcapchta2.JPG)



0d5629 No.1655254


^^^A list of the mentions in Strzok/Page texts per Senator Johnson

And for other anons that want to dig on the new Strzok/Page texts



99f200 No.1655255

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

In honor of the upcoming IG report:

"There's a man going around taking names

And he decides who to free and who to blame"

b99255 No.1655256

All of a sudden Hal Turner doesn't allow swearing on his show, including, it is to be supposed, by Hal Turner.

All of a sudden only "subscribers" can comment on Hal Turner's website.

Hal Turner's gone from being a fringe whackjob to being a fringe whackjob sellout.

342ff7 No.1655257


Good find! With the Cemex stuff going down, it may actually mean something.

f57a58 No.1655258

FEDS: School Tutor Traveled Across State Lines To Have Sex With 14-Year-Old

WASHINGTON – Anthony Brooks, 29, of Indian Head, Md., pled guilty today to federal charges of transporting a minor across state lines with intent to sexually abuse her. The minor was a 14-year-old girl whom Brooks tutored as part of an afterschool program the child was ordered to attend by a family court.

Brooks pled guilty in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia to two counts of transportation with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity. Trial had been scheduled to begin on June 7, 2018. The charges carry a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years in prison.


53184d No.1655259


Not to bring Tracy Beanz up but she found back end files on WL dated 1984 many months ago and talked about it. She had someone contact her that spoofed her. This was way before Q and when she only had like 3k Twitter followers. Just saying…I remember.

c8eb4a No.1655260

File: 5a9fb9e17a388c8⋯.jpg (19.63 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 2bhf4h~2.jpg)

87623c No.1655261

File: e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png)

File: 083b39b855f014b⋯.png (542.95 KB, 788x788, 1:1, dwarfs.png)

What is CERN for?

What is CRSPR really meant for?

Why is symbolism so important?

Sum of all fears?

Goodnight bots

Goodbye AI




2210a0 No.1655262

File: 570126973d4b4d6⋯.jpg (489.52 KB, 869x682, 79:62, Securedrop.jpg)


Securedrop and onion addresses.

00d2bc No.1655263

File: 14593292360e3fc⋯.jpg (206.92 KB, 576x324, 16:9, PEPEPJ.jpg)

Stay ON target anons!

f287d1 No.1655264

Just FYI to everyone just now finding out Cusack is dirty he was dug extensively a while ago. Iirc it was right after the Kevin Spacey sex assault shit came out. He's like a higher level Bono.

f8e2c0 No.1655265

As you all may know.

Matt Drudge who was a Hero to the Right for 25 yrs is a Closet Fag.

He's out now and has some far left fag running his life.

He posts things that Hurt Trump now, not objectively, but he choose. Hand Full of scrodum over Us.

His latest to fuck up the Summit:

TEL AVIV—President Donald Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, said North Korean leader Kim Jong Un got “on his hands and knees and begged” for their summit to be held after Mr. Trump canceled it last month.

077a2a No.1655266

File: 9e8ceeed6a64c55⋯.jpg (23.31 KB, 537x379, 537:379, SnowdenHaydon.JPG)


Anyone that that thinks Snowden was a patriot needs to remember this pic with shithead Michael Hayden.

3bb895 No.1655267


s/b Arkancide

5e0293 No.1655269

File: 02c3701d856ee7b⋯.jpg (64.58 KB, 550x619, 550:619, Pets.jpg)

342ff7 No.1655270


Interesting that the NFL themselves would point this out.

0cdd1e No.1655271

File: 6e0d3528b52cb8a⋯.jpg (188.48 KB, 783x475, 783:475, !ErasingAMistake.jpg)

For meme'rs

f57a58 No.1655272

This was yesterday. How did I miss this?

Someone SWATted Parkland Activist David Hogg, Said Hostages Were Taken

The Broward County Sheriff’s Office sent a SWAT team to the home of Parkland student-activist David Hogg after reports that someone inside had a weapon and that hostages may have been taken.


effee6 No.1655273


Snowden's job was to discredit and destroy the NSA.


f287d1 No.1655274


Rudy literally said that.

c8eb4a No.1655275

File: ba6f55c4802ce0f⋯.jpg (43.54 KB, 452x452, 1:1, 2bohvw~2.jpg)

>>1655271 (You)

1c3258 No.1655276



Nigger, what kind of bullshit argument is

>i WuZ AliVe tHen, WuZ u?

Yes, fuckhead, I was alive. And thank you for proving my point with your clever quote. A president's power to pardon in nearly absolute and includes preemptive pardons for crimes that may have been committed but for whom the party was never indicted. JFC this board.

obligatory kill yourself you disgusting boomer

06c658 No.1655277

File: 39bb59e004446c0⋯.jpg (79.83 KB, 984x737, 984:737, 1480097968929.jpg)

File: 6c39b604f61140a⋯.jpg (55.65 KB, 1024x574, 512:287, 1480097986986m.jpg)

File: dc98c47e6df28b2⋯.jpg (29.64 KB, 594x293, 594:293, 1480098036128.jpg)

3b3809 No.1655278


Opium became morphine, at the turn of the 20th century it was a massive epidemic in America. So heroin was invented to get people off morphine.

b99255 No.1655279


The story that gets weirder with every new headline.

bc64eb No.1655280

File: 96698434f6bae7c⋯.png (1012.2 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Cat scared by pepumber.png)


um… like this?

very curious to know why you'd ask me, and/or if that wasn't a mislink

fb1b1a No.1655281

File: 7cca90562c349c9⋯.jpg (46.05 KB, 620x413, 620:413, Kim-Kek.jpg)

cbe133 No.1655282


So we are working with the Government of Haiti and a wide range of public and private partners not only to build affordable homes with clean running water, flush toilets, and reliable electricity, but also built to resist hurricanes and earthquakes. And we’re partnering with CEMEX and others to make low-cost loans and supplies to help families renovate and expand their homes.

f57a58 No.1655283




LA Sheriff's issuing a warning:

"If you see a crying kid asking you to take him to an address, DO NOT TAKE HIM TO THAT ADDRESS. Take him to the police station. This is a new tactic being used by gangs to lure women to be kidnapped and raped"

Democrat run areas are the worst…

d90c05 No.1655284

File: f3653f9b319c414⋯.jpg (19.02 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 100pr0.jpg)

c06005 No.1655285

File: 778d382af114be3⋯.png (701.06 KB, 2046x553, 2046:553, ! ! ! ! ! 5_5 ! ! ! ! !.png)

72b6b2 No.1655286

File: fba87bdc218ec71⋯.jpg (162.32 KB, 1077x964, 1077:964, sexyclickbait.jpg)

>>1655139 (last bread)

Whats hilarious is that this isn't the first time the cabal has fallen for Q's Pressure and it won't be the last..

The latest being the long string of pictures ending with an owl before the royal wedding - forcing the cabal to launch that school shooting and more a few Fridays ago.

3cc642 No.1655287

the current head chairman of Smartmatic is also the vice-chairman of Open Society Foundation. Hmmmm. George Mark Malloch Brown

c8eb4a No.1655288

File: 50c4712024eb11d⋯.jpg (48.59 KB, 483x439, 483:439, 2brdhk~2.jpg)

51b8e3 No.1655289


Anon… it's going viral… they are moved by this one…. NICE JOB!!

14dacb No.1655290

File: f07034cd212d44b⋯.pdf (83.1 KB, Sealed Indictments MAY 201….pdf)

Evening Anons

Didn't know if the updated sealed indictment log, thru May, had already been dropped here. Up to 35,000

https:// drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-1bDtCNdsSBjG2SupkhIRc6Dz4gacqI5

a169df No.1655291

File: c1f7a1223db4c28⋯.png (42.84 KB, 660x345, 44:23, WDWA re Arrests 6-6-18.PNG)

File: 04a8a59a552752e⋯.png (109.22 KB, 629x889, 629:889, 1 WA DOJ 6-6-18.PNG)

File: a614658ca60d6dd⋯.png (117.63 KB, 624x915, 208:305, 2 WA DOJ 6-6-18.PNG)

File: b4435aa860885e7⋯.png (57.38 KB, 621x498, 207:166, 3 WA DOJ 6-6-18.PNG)

Joint Federal State and Local Operation Across Puget Sound Targets Violent Drug Trafficking Organization


3e8ef4 No.1655292

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




>Securedrop is why cusak is relevant to huma.

IIRC Some were saying Securedrop was compromised. The fact he probably glows in the dark would explain it.

His movie Numbers Station (vid embed) is very related.

d138a4 No.1655294

File: 62c45bd16bb11d9⋯.jpg (13.81 KB, 255x205, 51:41, pepe_look.jpg)


Keystone Peak

f3d4a6 No.1655295


I'm confused. I thought he was a bad guy but then he looked like he was working with Q

7a4499 No.1655296

File: 485a8d1edfaaf14⋯.jpg (39.7 KB, 625x415, 125:83, gay-garfield.jpg)



Love is fake and gay, just like God…and (You).

3cc642 No.1655297


How is SecureDrop connected to Huma? I missed that one earlier

a900e4 No.1655298


She is very good at examining documents.

b59693 No.1655299

File: baf1e178fe91742⋯.jpg (127.8 KB, 931x1024, 931:1024, 1510358395040.jpg)

File: 37367c8031b69f5⋯.jpg (1.31 MB, 809x2290, 809:2290, 1510358501903.jpg)

File: 24e3f99e97aa069⋯.png (840.51 KB, 1145x324, 1145:324, 1510362809203.png)

File: 3d889790b5804b4⋯.jpg (2.4 MB, 2268x1512, 3:2, 1510532910219.jpg)

3cc642 No.1655300


Which means technically to some degree, Cusack is connected to Snowden

0cdd1e No.1655301


Was mislinked alright (forgot to back out the click that opened RT window), but I must have nailed a pepe-artist!


c8eb4a No.1655302

File: ad31240a1a2e74e⋯.jpg (51.08 KB, 469x566, 469:566, 2bqx6u~2.jpg)

Trump deportations are fantastic.

3b3809 No.1655303

Does anyone have any news on Ted Malloch?

Last i heard he was detained by FBI weeks ago, but set free.

067f0f No.1655304


it's (((NOT))) untill they get caught , then they want to make deals.

prior to that they thought that they would not get caught.

ed4d32 No.1655305


Bad ass responding anon.


c06005 No.1655306

Feeling some pressure from (((them))) the last few days, pray for me anons!

>Jeremiah 29:11

>"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."'

I'm needing this a real time

a992ce No.1655307


hey, cock breath…. what's your point? do you think the ford pardon of nixon was legit? do you history much? who set-up watergate? why? who worked in the white house during that time? why was ford president? why not have a trial? the bay of pigs thing?

b99255 No.1655308


later creep.

06c658 No.1655309






19980a No.1655310

File: ee6cdd6737963ff⋯.jpg (48.81 KB, 750x563, 750:563, 5ad7a74726645afc298b46c2-7….jpg)

Eric Schmidt's Innovation Endeavors Announces New Fund and New Partner

Innovation Endeavors III has raised $333 million from 69 investors to invest in “visionary founders, transformational technology”

Amarelle Wenkert


Innovation Endeavors co-founders Eric Schmidt and Dror Berman announced a new fund called Innovation Endeavors III in a blog post on Tuesday. The $333-million fund will invest in “visionary founders, transformational technology, and emergent ecosystems,” the blog post read.


72b6b2 No.1655311

File: 83db77dceccd5d3⋯.jpg (154.72 KB, 1200x852, 100:71, BB1.jpg)


3f32a2 No.1655312


Read the fucking document.

State department officials and Clinton Foundation officials along with HRC talking about preferential treatment of industry members tied to CF donations.

Those same industry members received major grants from USAID during HRC tenure.

Fucking shill.

f57a58 No.1655313

What killed the computer hacker who turned in Chelsea Manning still a mystery

Forensic pathologists who performed Adrian Lamo's autopsy were unable to determine how the 37-year-old died in March in Wichita. His autopsy report, released Wednesday afternoon, lists Lamo's cause and manner of death as "undetermined." That means that after a thorough examination of his body, results of toxicology testing and information about Lamo's life and last hours, there is nothing that points to a specific reason he died.

"Despite a complete autopsy and supplemental testing, no definitive cause of death was identified," Scott Kipper, deputy coroner and medical examiner at the Sedgwick County Regional Forensic Science Center, wrote in the report.


0cdd1e No.1655314


>Democrat run areas are the worst…

"In every conceivable way, anon…"

9b8586 No.1655315


Keystone, you say?

b536f7 No.1655316


Smartmatic is the big guilty of Frauds in the elections around the world.

HQ in Netherlands.

Venezuela was the perfect test

3b3809 No.1655317


Huh, Trump has been pictured with many slimeballs, so does that make him a bad guy?

c8eb4a No.1655318

File: 9fcaee421ad6f94⋯.png (20.15 KB, 251x251, 1:1, Screenshot_2018-06-02-11-4….png)

File: 8f1ddd98ece4a26⋯.png (42.42 KB, 466x532, 233:266, Screenshot_2018-06-06-14-4….png)

c1e837 No.1655319

File: a0d3cd5c5d1ba0a⋯.jpg (417.74 KB, 1920x2500, 96:125, chickwithback.jpg)

glorious bread baker.

0661d5 No.1655320

File: c365cf528db18ae⋯.png (20.84 KB, 372x164, 93:41, keystonecrumb.png)


don't start

548ace No.1655321

hey just a note to the iphone fags that cant post, a decent work around is installing Team Viewer(free) on a pc and using their iphone app to remote control it from your phone. not the optimal solution but it‘s the easiest i’ve found.

f13a1f No.1655322


this site is pretty alternative mainstream and has an article about the veterans in Tucson finding a child trafficking bunker. It mentions the connections to CEMEX the CF NXIVM the Rothschilds and the Bronfmans all in one red pill article NICE!

http:// www.thedailysheeple.com/rothschilds-nxivm-sex-cult-connected-to-alleged-child-trafficking-bunker-found-in-tucson_062018

142b9e No.1655323

File: 4e94254ba689fa0⋯.png (99.24 KB, 644x464, 161:116, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 27d463c6cede4c2⋯.png (64.98 KB, 773x728, 773:728, ClipboardImage.png)



Woke or not woke that is the question..

8c6918 No.1655324


Spooky, not good

a169df No.1655325

File: aa2166d3a4d0e2e⋯.png (659.16 KB, 657x721, 657:721, DoD 6-6-18 7 pm PST.PNG)

File: 2cec20117bfcd4b⋯.png (2.29 MB, 1206x801, 134:89, DoD 6-6-18 7 pm PST Pic.PNG)

Raptor refuel.

c6aecd No.1655326


Thanks. I've been going through satellite images for a few hours. I suddenly dawned on me that Tohono O'odham was kind of far away (to the northwest), and that the best way to find the guy with the horse was to follow the water… which lead south to San Xavier. San Xavier has a bit more political influence in the area, and they are a convient midpoint between the nearest 'large' American city, and the border with Mexico. It's a straight shot to America through the middle of nowhere.

f653ab No.1655327

File: c72a5e87f80dfa1⋯.jpg (260.58 KB, 1061x1393, 1061:1393, Screenshot_20180606-220351….jpg)


Connected to Cusak, who's connected to freedom of press and securedrop

b59693 No.1655328

File: 0f79d4caf135c21⋯.jpg (3.7 MB, 8133x6283, 8133:6283, 1510292230716.jpg)

File: 68c60ce58ca8f99⋯.jpg (2.54 MB, 6000x6000, 1:1, 1510307180588.jpg)

File: c91e681a672aae9⋯.png (46.29 KB, 901x813, 901:813, 1510357486626.png)

077a2a No.1655329


Ask yourself this. If Snowden was working with Q, and Q says to trust POTUS, then why was Snowden against Gina Haspels nomination?

067f0f No.1655330


pressure only comes when (((They))) are feeling threatened! don't give up anon, youre over the (((Target))).

ed4d32 No.1655331

[ c8eb4a ]

a992ce No.1655332

File: 094455f10ccf3b9⋯.png (551.16 KB, 660x442, 330:221, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3db99b22b973fbe⋯.png (961.16 KB, 660x846, 110:141, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d083a576312cd3d⋯.png (3.95 MB, 2600x1808, 325:226, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4b233d2cf062265⋯.png (134.44 KB, 474x271, 474:271, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ebf3ad8aec0b144⋯.png (74.3 KB, 250x265, 50:53, ClipboardImage.png)

b59693 No.1655334

File: 84b7016a63c5d98⋯.jpg (3.21 MB, 4500x2884, 1125:721, 1510808292208.jpg)

File: e34e06ae4d02e5c⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 3380x2398, 1690:1199, 1511049685714.jpg)

File: 870ffe7af6f9096⋯.jpg (341.63 KB, 1192x1684, 298:421, 1511051526518.jpg)

File: 4be877184131f72⋯.jpg (147.48 KB, 700x525, 4:3, 1511532208979.jpg)

3f32a2 No.1655335

File: 3ff5674eef723aa⋯.png (149.66 KB, 534x875, 534:875, Very Important Email.png)

9b8586 No.1655336


I'm not. Kek…

But..but you know it could be..

I'm kidding. Keystone has been settled

b536f7 No.1655337


Pompeo and others want dead Snowden.

72e1a0 No.1655338


Snowden was, and is, a black hat clown.

bc64eb No.1655339



ah, i see - well, i knew i could provide it easily, at least in that form, why the surprise - so yeah, ask and ye shall receive. hehe

i thought(hoped) it might be a bargaining chip for an answer to the question…

0d5629 No.1655340

File: f2cd25919a9fb84⋯.png (145.57 KB, 707x376, 707:376, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm dying to know who HE is here, anons. SEE PIC

This is Strzok talking (Strzok had many meetings during this time with the WH), "He insists on different investigative paths and encourages another field office to reopen a case (____ we closed. Promptly leading to discussion in OI [OIG HOROWITZ?] about whether the new office made material misrepresentations in their FISA application, leading to the case to be closed."

Hrm…. WHAT IS THIS?!!!

sauce: ~page 141


3e8ef4 No.1655341


Huma & Cusack dated for 2 years.

See noteables. #2081

>>1654646 John Cusac's connection to Huma Abedin


06c658 No.1655342

was FBI anon killed?

c8eb4a No.1655343

File: 7cd2695cf86a81f⋯.jpg (23.6 KB, 474x413, 474:413, downloadfile-1.jpg)

Deep State is unraveling.

2fc063 No.1655344

File: fcd7bd2528a90a6⋯.png (718.77 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, tuckercarlson.png)

>>1654898 (lb)

>>1654947 (lb)

>>1654953 (lb)

0661d5 No.1655345

cb81cd No.1655346

File: 5d97e684201a194⋯.jpg (1.48 MB, 3732x3482, 1866:1741, RR.jpg)

82e334 No.1655347

File: 8e99156fd2118cb⋯.png (445.96 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, SCHMIDT_RESIGNS_COINCIDENC….png)


$333 million

c8eb4a No.1655348

File: 49897f35a75bc88⋯.jpg (80.55 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

c6aecd No.1655349


Zoom out. Look north-northeast, and south-southwest.


cb81cd No.1655350

File: 5180531318b6cc7⋯.jpg (367.14 KB, 1361x931, 1361:931, freckles.jpg)

1c3258 No.1655351


My point you stupid lazy ignorant nigger is that I'm factually correct about preemptive pardons. Your idiotic questions have no bearing on anything. Go pound sand. I'm done with you.

5e0293 No.1655352


Kek! that is perfect for Tucker

cbe133 No.1655353


it's from the link you posted faggot.

82e334 No.1655354

File: 45a3694c6162a88⋯.png (3.64 MB, 4167x2083, 4167:2083, Rod_Rosenstein_dont_say_mu….png)

eb46a3 No.1655355

File: 9cf321f4f1d8bf5⋯.png (968.55 KB, 1849x499, 1849:499, ClipboardImage.png)

a992ce No.1655357

File: 916421d0565bd01⋯.jpg (29.32 KB, 604x446, 302:223, Putin_fukc.jpg)

3cc642 No.1655358


They royally fucked Venezuela. Coincidentally headquartered there too


Wow, thanks Anon

d52261 No.1655359


top kek :)

b536f7 No.1655360

f54185 No.1655361


No wonder that shitstain is melting down on Twatter. Lmao!

f57a58 No.1655362

Mulvaney fires all 25 members of CFPB's advisory board

Acting head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Mick Mulvaney fired all 25 members of the agency’s internal advisory board on Wednesday, following criticism of his leadership by several board members earlier this week.

Mulvaney took control of the federal consumer watchdog agency earlier this year.

After waging a legal battle against its deputy director, who was designated acting chief of the agency after her Senate-confirmed predecessor stepped down last November, Mulvaney has faced criticism for declining to take swift enforcement actions against credit card companies, debt collectors, and banks.


364d86 No.1655363

File: c75c9bc40eee05e⋯.png (205.96 KB, 900x765, 20:17, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05528c1d5276b10⋯.png (183.11 KB, 899x526, 899:526, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b0db8dd3ba026aa⋯.png (302.29 KB, 894x843, 298:281, ClipboardImage.png)

"We Cannot Defy The US": European Refiners Fold To Trump, Will Stop Buying Iran Crude


3f32a2 No.1655364


Indeed. Turns out i'm the faggot today.

my apologies.

That's a big fucking deal too lol.

82e334 No.1655365

File: 2cd4da3183cbade⋯.png (311.28 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Church_of_Satan_NFL.png)



NFL Anniversary coming up… mostly likely deal was made 6-6… and announced 6-8

eaaabf No.1655366



Could be a gray hat

Might have thought he was doing the right thing, trying to take down the NSA

He obviously has a tremendous skillset and knowledge that could be helpful to /our/ cause

What scares me is who all was involved in spiriting him away… namely Sarah Harrison of wikileaks, who has more or less been running things over there since JA's detainment. She is also JA's top 'advisor' (handler). Methink's she was Ed's handler for a while too. This is why I have trouble trusting WL.

ca0640 No.1655367

File: a3f3680d27b61dd⋯.jpg (46.46 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2bnxme~2.jpg)

File: 44d087d1f4f04ed⋯.png (61.99 KB, 661x441, 661:441, Screenshot_2018-06-05-14-4….png)

3e8ef4 No.1655368



Not technically, there's a solid link between Cusack and Snowden.

22e050 No.1655369

Dear God, make me pay for whatever I owe to the cosmos,

forgive my wrongdoings for I am truly in pain and ashamed of my wrongdoings.

Please make me a tool of your Mighty Will and let me be a conduct of love and joy for my family and friends,

let me give them not tears, but smiles.

let me give them not fear, but faith.

not sadness, but happiness.

give me wisdom and strength.

because til this point in my life I've proven that I know horseshit about how to live life.

and at this point I just want to do good but I don't know who to trust.

please show me the way.

let my mother and father be happy,

let me find my true desire.

take care of every anon who is a true truth seeker,

give them strength, wisdom and health.

remove my doubts,

and since Mr. Donald Trump is fighting on the side of Goodness,

give him all the strength he needs.

please take away my pain and suffering.


4bfc0a No.1655370

File: 2c6be52e0b1c8dd⋯.png (29.6 KB, 516x430, 6:5, Screenshot-2018-6-6 QMapp.png)

In game theory, a player's strategy is any of the options he or she can choose in a setting where the outcome depends not only on his own actions but on the action of others. A player's strategy will determine the action the player will take at any stage of the game.

c06005 No.1655371


Many thanks anon, you're loud & clear! Still pushing foward regardless

cb81cd No.1655373

File: f699c226cf012bd⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 324.3 KB, 500x375, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

sry i had to

its a dick pic nofag

but ya gotta see it

no shilling

1c3258 No.1655374


lol take the L brah and walk away. you got owned, just walk away

91b2ed No.1655375





3928be No.1655376



cbda22 No.1655377

For Immediate Release June 6, 2018



East Room

9:01 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Please sit down. Thank you. Good evening, and thank you all for joining us – this iftar dinner – as we celebrate the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. It's a great month. A lot of friends, a lot of great friends.

I want to thank Vice President Pence, Secretary Mnuchin, Secretary Ross, Secretary Chao, Secretary Azar, and Administrator Linda McMahon for being with us tonight. Thank you all very much. Appreciate it. We had a very busy day, a very successful day in Washington, D.C. A lot of great things are happening. Tremendous economy – best we've ever had. And we have a wonderful administration; they're doing a lot of great things. So that's really terrific.

I also want to thank the members of the Muslim community at home and abroad for joining us. And a special thanks to Imam Agbere and all of the folks at the U.S. Army. Imam, where are you? Imam? Very nice. Thank you very much for being with us. It's a great honor. Thank you. (Applause.)

At tonight's dinner, we especially are pleased to welcome members of the diplomatic corps, representing our friends and partners across the globe. And a very warm welcome to all of the ambassadors here tonight representing Muslim-majority nations. We're greatly honored by your presence, and thank you very much for being here. Some very good friends. To each of you and to the Muslims around the world: Ramadan Mubarak.

In gathering together this evening, we honor a sacred tradition of one of the world's great religions. For the Islamic faithful, the iftar dinner marks the end of the daily period of fasting and spiritual reflection that occurs throughout the holy month of Ramadan. Iftars mark the coming together of families and friends to celebrate a timeless message of peace, clarity, and love. There is great love. It's a moment to call upon our highest ideals, and to give thanks for the many blessings we enjoy. Thank you very much.

Tonight, we give thanks for the renewed bonds of friendship and cooperation we have forged with our valued partners from all across the Middle East. So many of you I spent time with not so long ago – about a year ago. That was one of the great two days of my life. That was one of the most fabulous times, and I think we accomplished a lot together.

Only by working together can we achieve a future of security and prosperity for all. For this reason, I was proud to make my first foreign trip as President to the heart of the Muslim world, where I addressed an assembly of more than 50 leaders of Muslim-majority countries. That was something.

The partnership and solidarity that we established over the past year has only deepened with time. So many friendships. So many meetings, even in the Oval Office. And we've made a lot of progress, I think, a lot of tremendous progress.

So tonight, as we enjoy a magnificent dinner at the White House, let us strive to embody the grace and goodwill that mark the Ramadan season. Let us pray for peace and justice, and let us resolve that these values will guide us as we work together to build a bright and prosperous future that does honor and glory to God.

Thank you very much, and enjoy your evening. Have a very blessed Ramadan. Thank you very much for being here. It's a great honor. (Applause.) (Inaudible.) Thank you.

END 9:05 P.M. EDT

3cc642 No.1655378

This Q drop is in relation to Snowden. I dont know what country he is really loyal to, but I can basically say its between UK, Israel, or Hong Kong. I'm ruling Russia and America off the list

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 04b0ec No.599730 📁

Mar 9 2018 06:39:47 (EST)


Which country does he really work for?

Expand your thinking.


d7d11d No.1655379

5e0293 No.1655380

File: 9f7d313d1d6a2f5⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1034x762, 517:381, BGarrison6618.PNG)

a992ce No.1655381

File: d00a0752d42f3ca⋯.png (59.43 KB, 1213x427, 1213:427, ClipboardImage.png)

Girl was taken away from her parents by the state and this guy was an instructor at the school she was sent to.


3851e3 No.1655382

File: f6657099917b00b⋯.png (365.6 KB, 770x468, 385:234, ClipboardImage.png)

Apple CEO Tim Cook: Government regulation of tech companies a 'fair' question due to privacy risks

Though Apple CEO Tim Cook is not a fan of the idea of government regulation of tech companies, he admits discussion about it is "fair" because data privacy is a burgeoning issue.

“Generally, for me, I'm not a big fan of regulation, I think self-regulation is the best," Cook said in a CNN interview Monday night. "But when it's not working, and in some cases it's not working, you have to ask yourself what form of regulation might be good. And I think it's a fair question many people are asking at this point."

Cook added that Apple’s stance is that “privacy is a fundamental human right.”

"The privacy thing has gotten totally out of control," Cook said. "I think most people are not aware of who is tracking them, how much they're being tracked, and sort of the large amounts of detailed data that are out there about them."

Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg said earlier this year while testifying before Congress that he was open to governmental regulation on Facebook and other social media and tech companies, as long as it was the right regulation.

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/technology/apple-ceo-tim-cook-government-regulation-fair-question-privacy-risks

72e1a0 No.1655383

c06005 No.1655384


You sank my Battleship!

perfect touch

d6ebf9 No.1655385

File: 00f0e7a6fea53b3⋯.jpg (102.67 KB, 655x450, 131:90, nigel farage top kek.jpg)

ca0640 No.1655386

File: 573e88c51fcae46⋯.jpg (272.38 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, bfe1b4f0387a40f8b4e038f895….jpg)

Always a asshole in the he crowd.

f6c41e No.1655387

File: b4ee59122b1d4ef⋯.jpeg (137.16 KB, 799x553, 799:553, Screenshot_2018-06-06-22-….jpeg)

Chelsea Clinton wants you to call (((their))) sex trafficking hotline because if you don't your spreading lies!!! Turn over all trafficked kids to the Clintons!

6f7256 No.1655388


The Cemex plant to the NNE and a wash trail running parallel to a freeway straight to Mexico to th SSW.

Caves or tunnels or hidden area under Keystone Mtn?

9b8586 No.1655389


2fd10f No.1655390


I'd bet it's Flynn

3cc642 No.1655391


Obviously he was never in Russia. What I cant figure out is why Russia went along with the lie

a992ce No.1655392


how so? nixon had a scotus judgement and articles of impeachment against him. ford pardoned him for those crimes and any other crimes he may have committed during his presidency. it's not like nixon had a free pass to go on a killing spree after he resigned.

f8e2c0 No.1655393


You missed my point.

The left Bury news like this,

Drudge puts it Bold Red now, front page along with NYT, WaPo.

31106b No.1655394


‘A lot of politics'

Besides his current role as the archivist of Clinton's papers, Roberts, a former member of Governor Clinton's staff, also served on the Arkansas Board of Correction during some of the most controversial years of the state-run plasma program. Clinton appointed him to the board in 1986.

It was an era when almost everything about the prisons was contentious, if not dangerous. Problems with the prisons' plasma program were almost totally eclipsed by other serious problems — including suspected murders, rapes, bribery, embezzlement, and substandard medical care. Clinton and his aides were also battling to end an entrenched system of bonuses for high-ranking prison employees.


142b9e No.1655395

File: ffdab39d4c8060c⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1361x931, 1361:931, ClipboardImage.png)


Ah Yes much better…

b536f7 No.1655396


Putin Active.

ed4d32 No.1655397


>any interesting backstory to the disappearance of opium and absinth as (relatively) common drugs?

Definitely interesting thoughts.

First thoughts go to centralizing profits by corps producing more refined (proprietary) opiates. Opium is fairly easy for individuals to produce… Heroin and morphine, not so much.

Also most likely tied directly to Rockefeller monopolizing and commodifying western medicine. James corbett did an awesome vid about it a few years ago.

Not clue about Absinthe's story. Although people definitely still make it, homemade style.

3c0408 No.1655398


What is there, past "angry"? I'm too old to go after any of these freak criminals personally. But not too old to constantly remind LE and gov't officials to stay on top of this.

This is how we fight, now, today. "Bumping", constantly reminding, keeping topics & subjects & certain "persons of interest.

We've known Tavistock is pure evil, through and through.

As FBI Anon said, everything links back to the Clinton Foundation. The #1 source for anything and everything related to the CF is Charles Ortel. He has patiently given hours and hours of detailed, thoughtful talks online, methodically detailing everything to do with the CF. My hope is that Mr. Ortel will index his YT talks soon, to make them more accessible and searchable. He's a peerless resource, literally irreplaceable as a prosecution witness when it comes to the Clintons' financial malfeasance. Cannot think of anyone more informed, more suitable, more educated, more experienced.

As for #30, it's long past time for the American Republic to completely overhaul tax and oversight laws on every entity in that category. They are being exploited as camouflage, and it has to stop.

ca0640 No.1655399

File: e2aa5ee8b7dc99c⋯.jpg (50.58 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 2bonop.jpg)

File: 4654e19ecaa68be⋯.jpg (113.53 KB, 469x469, 1:1, 2bq8lx.jpg)

Sessions is asleep.

3851e3 No.1655400

File: 92b52d381a1d93e⋯.png (578.58 KB, 770x435, 154:87, ClipboardImage.png)

Judge says feds can't cut grants to Philadelphia over 'sanctuary city' policy

A federal judge ruled on Wednesday that the Trump administration cannot withhold grants to the city of Philadelphia for its policies on undocumented immigrants.

U.S. District Judge Michael Baylson wrote in a 93-page memo that the administration's treatment of the situation is unconstitutional, "arbitrary and capricious," and said that Philadelphia's policies are appropriate and reasonable.

The ruling prompted Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney, who this week called President Trump a "fragile egomaniac" after the Philadelphia Eagles got disinvited from a White House celebration, to break into a song and dance, according to the local NBC-affiliate.

In its response, the Department of Justice said it found the ruling to be a "victory for criminal aliens in Philadelphia, who can continue to commit crimes in the city knowing that its leadership will protect them from federal immigration officers."

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in July that any city or state receiving public safety grants must give U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement a 48-hour notice of any scheduled release of so-called prisoners of interest so that immigration officials have the opportunity to interview them while in custody. Philadelphia responded that it can not turn over immigrants to ICE without a warrant signed by a judge since it is a "sanctuary city."

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/judge-says-feds-cant-cut-grants-to-philadelphia-over-sanctuary-city-policy

72e1a0 No.1655401


Ask Brennan. He orchestrated.

186331 No.1655402

File: e3d33445c8411fc⋯.jpg (101.63 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, bigger-than-you-can-imagin….jpg)

c6ae20 No.1655403

File: ecbae5a22ce76d3⋯.png (21.97 KB, 300x209, 300:209, MKULTRAtv.png)


Couldn't be a plant or anything. :P

Fat fuck prolly hasn't seen his dick in years.

394155 No.1655404


Thank you! Will share on twatter!

cbda22 No.1655405


Pool was taken to State Dining Room where guests were already seated , 7 tables hosted 8 on each. One or two tables had an empty chair . Tables were decorated with white flowers, and white plates. Food wasn't served by the time pool was escorted out . Each table has a member of the administration. On the Head Table, the President sat with Saudi Ambassador Prince Khalid Ben Salman, and Jordanian Ambassador Dina Kawar.

The Arab Ambassadors identified by country :












PLO Representative wasn't there. He was recalled back after the US embassy was moved to Jerusalem

My colleague Vivian Salama will add the other Muslim ambassadors and the remarks of the President.

3cc642 No.1655406


What's Putin's role in all of this? Helping Trump drain the world swamp as a temporary alignment? Or being forced to dance for us?

a043db No.1655407

File: 52fa7beadcf81bd⋯.jpg (22.53 KB, 409x599, 409:599, 409px-Bayer_Heroin_bottle.jpg)


BAYER's true history definitely meme worthy.

would be fun to swarm their twatter account with it.



nice thought anon, but those dates in the top line are WAY OFF by about 100 years.



1st to commercialize it for sure.

Heroin (diacetylmorphine), a now illegal addictive drug, was trademarked and marketed by Bayer as a cough suppressant and non-addictive substitute for morphine from 1898 to 1910.[11]

Bayer scientists were not the first to make heroin, but their scientists discovered ways to make it, and Bayer led commercialization of heroin.[12] Heroin was a Bayer trademark, until after World War I.[13]


really good question.

197e6c No.1655408


>>1655362 Mulvaney fires all 25 members of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's advisory board

Anons have previously noted connections between CFPB and Fauxcahontas.

Was it a slushfund for liberal causes?

b59693 No.1655409

File: 749360c924092a1⋯.jpg (234.19 KB, 960x1200, 4:5, 1510404078049.jpg)

File: 3d889790b5804b4⋯.jpg (2.4 MB, 2268x1512, 3:2, 1510532910219.jpg)

File: a0733296dc4bfb0⋯.png (603.54 KB, 1280x642, 640:321, 1510547385545.png)

34456d No.1655410


Maybe a double with fake documents was sent.

142b9e No.1655411

File: b15b95a8fdb44b0⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1361x931, 1361:931, ClipboardImage.png)


even better

d6ebf9 No.1655412

File: 33594bff7f42953⋯.jpg (178.76 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, kazuma top kek.jpg)

3f32a2 No.1655413



This is tied to the USAID/Enmarcolda/Digicel/Haiti dig.

Read it!

3851e3 No.1655414

File: e235bf03e4da6f6⋯.png (195.32 KB, 370x209, 370:209, ClipboardImage.png)

Judge in the Brock Turner case recalled by California voters

California voters haven't forgotten about Brock Turner.

Two years after Santa Clara County Judge Aaron Persky sparked widespread outrage for sentencing the Stanford University swimmer to only six months in jail, he was tossed from office in a recall election.

Persky's recall, decided by voters on Tuesday, marks the first time a judge in the Golden State has met that fate since 1932. His sentencing of Turner, who was convicted of sexually assaulting an unconscious woman outside a Palo Alto fraternity house, sparked an uproar back in the summer of 2016, fueled by the victim's viral reaction to it. Turner was convicted that spring of sexual penetration with a foreign object of an intoxicated person, sexual penetration with a foreign object of an unconscious person, and intent to commit rape, and prosecutors had sought a six-year sentence (the maximum was 14 years). Per his own request, Persky subsequently stopped hearing criminal cases to mitigate distractions amid the intense public backlash.

But even among legal experts who understood concerns that Turner's sentence was too light, there was apprehension about the recall efforts. Writing in Vox on Wednesday, Oakland public defender Rachel Marshall argued, "Long before this week’s vote, the recall campaign’s impact had been felt in courtrooms across the country, where judges became increasingly cautious about exercising discretion, worried that they might be punished for leniency."

"When judges are looking over their shoulders, worried about losing their jobs if they enrage the public, the fairness of our system is compromised. Judicial independence is especially important because the public is often wrong, particularly on a local level," Marshall contended.

In a 2016 statement, Santa Clara County District Attorney Jeff Rosen said, "While I strongly disagree with the sentence that Judge Persky issued in the Brock Turner case, I do not believe he should be removed from his judgeship. I am so pleased that the victim's powerful and true statements about the devastation of campus sexual assault are being heard across our nation. She has given voice to thousands of sexual assault survivors."

As the Los Angeles Times reported this week, "The legal community has largely opposed the recall, calling it a threat to judicial independence."

"More than 90 California law professors, including 20 from Stanford’s law school, have signed a statement opposing it," according to the Times. "They say it will encourage judges to give tougher sentences and perpetuate mass incarceration."

Persky was cleared of misconduct by an independent state agency in 2016.

Dueling letters from Turner's victim and his father created a powerful juxtaposition at the time of his sentencing, fanning the flames of outrage. While Turner's father framed his son as a victim, the actual victim wrote that Turner "pushed me and my family through a year of inexplicable, unnecessary suffering, and should face the consequences of challenging his crime, of putting my pain into question, of making us wait so long for justice."

Sixty percent of voters on Tuesday cast ballots to recall Persky, with 40 percent voting in his favor.

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/aaron-persky-judge-brock-turner-recalled-california-voters

048e4c No.1655415


Graphic is wayyyyy wrong Aspirin has been around since turn of last century.

3c0408 No.1655416


How about Chelsea and Webb Hubbell's legitimate daughter just do an episode of "Who Do You Think You Are" together, after DNA tests?

f3d4a6 No.1655417


I thought it was a LARP. I can't keep up with all the cloak and dagger and 4D chess. And I'm better at it than most.

ea5a82 No.1655418


Can anyone locate any Obama cronies on this list?

3cc642 No.1655419


Possible, but Putin would know it wasnt him. Its intriguing why Putin went along with a lie of Snowden being trapped at the airport for however long it was (officially he is still in Russia)

197e6c No.1655420


I expect this decision to get appealed by the Trump Administration. If the Court of Appeals doesn't rule in favor of the administration, the case will make it all the way to the Supreme Court, and Trump will win.

my 2c

ca0640 No.1655421

File: 686ea7bc2bba78f⋯.jpg (34.52 KB, 503x498, 503:498, downloadfile.jpg)


He is a Asshole plant.

5e44bd No.1655422


Got it, thanks anon

b59693 No.1655423

File: 4202623b6525829⋯.jpg (117.09 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 1510631805734.jpg)

077a2a No.1655424


No doubt Snowden has skills. That is a fact.

I don't trust WL at all, or even JA. Clearly though, JA and WL are no longer working together, (I don't listen to twatlarps either).

I just think JA is a truth hound. He has nothing in the game at this point but his safety in mind.

And WL is in it for the donations now.

de4fe7 No.1655425


Hmmm, Kurt Cobain referenced Puget Sound in some of his songs. Maybe his lyrics were more chopped and methodical, hinting towards things (((They))) didnt want over the airwaves. Look at kurts last music video heart shaped box. Filled with relevant messages.

cbda22 No.1655426

Denver nightclub offers free drinks ‘forever’ to man shot after FBI agent dropped gun while doing a back flip

c06005 No.1655427

File: a6da54c4f03b948⋯.png (23.82 KB, 560x191, 560:191, ClipboardImage.png)



Setting the example. Only after the "SA problem" was taken care of, of course.

f3d4a6 No.1655428


They are acting comped. Saying that pizzagate didn't come from them. They released the damn emails.

605da6 No.1655429


>cant figure out is why Russia went along with the lie

Probably to give the farce more rope to hang itself with would be my guess, eventually Snowden is gonna become more trouble than he's worth and we know what the Chinese do with loud, useless people.

cbb356 No.1655430


Did you know he was a Piped Piper Agent?

It came out in a court case - He was able to get away because it was part of an operation.

Caveat Hal Turner

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hal_Turner

https:// www.infowars.com/hal-turner-admits-he-worked-for-the-fbi/

197e6c No.1655431

File: 0b9a0ba34d864c4⋯.jpg (136.18 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Vatican lucifer telescope ….jpg)

File: 1970306161ab91c⋯.jpg (122.27 KB, 740x520, 37:26, Vatican lucifer telescope.jpg)

File: 004b29becf71162⋯.jpg (34.46 KB, 600x444, 50:37, Telescope.jpg)

3d5d5c No.1655432


I swear that POTUS managed to turn himself and his policies into the single greatest litmus test ever conceived.

Every single dose of corruption and excess seems to throw on uniforms then throw themselves into the meatgrinder of their own volition.

Whatever small victories they manage to get are countered by massive, grievous losses with legions of helpful idiots getting captured, killed, or converted.

59647d No.1655433


Even more important is the CFPB in funding Operation Mockingbird.

Although I doubt anyone here has a clue what I'm saying.

I have never watched an entire day be lost to the shills. Wow.

f3d4a6 No.1655434

34456d No.1655435


How would Putin know?

1c3258 No.1655436

File: a9d5a5f0ae872cb⋯.png (190.62 KB, 417x319, 417:319, e2230b723ec10935f804398dde….png)


I cited case law dating back to 1866 that established this well-known precedent. Not my business that you misunderstand it. Do you need me to read it to you? What is wrong with you faggots? Too hard? Try this:


fd55f5 No.1655437

File: a4818142004c4cd⋯.jpg (438.4 KB, 1078x1498, 77:107, Screenshot_20180606-191802….jpg)

Don't mean to derail topic..

are the "deadsea scrolls real' …

3cc642 No.1655438


Is Russia bad in a sense they dont really want to be friends with us, and they want to be #1, but currently we are just temporarily aligned because we both want the Roths gone and the deep state's hold gone? I cant figure out how to best accurately describe Putin/Russia dynamics to us

3f32a2 No.1655439


Yes I'm (you) fagging.

This pdf has so much fucking organized data.

Starting on page 111 there's a fucking spreadsheet showing all USAID recipients and their projects.


Geotechsol (tied to enmarcolda)

Digicel (Denis O'Brien)

>Related to Conan O'Brien who went to Haiti and attacked Trump's narrative that Haiti is a 'shithole' all while staying at Enmarcolda's Wahoo Beach Bay Resort

b536f7 No.1655440


Before of 2012. Putin was with the Cabal.

He obviously and with China searched won more tech of these actives. As Snowden.

But, As China/Russia did that own league. So at least Russia is helping (Re-read Crumbs) and after to negociate the Post World,

If Exists….

cbb356 No.1655441


Kekidy Kek kek KEK!!

bc64eb No.1655442



thanks, interesting responses. The business side seems pretty straightforward, was also curious to see if any more psychedelic anon had theories about effects and such…

From what i've read of the real absinth, it was awfully destructive… and though you can find some such drinks, not sure you can get the stuff they got high on in the late 1800s

72e1a0 No.1655443


I would never click on a pdf link from 4ch or 8ch, just sayin'

a169df No.1655444

File: 0279f79da32a75b⋯.png (71.83 KB, 506x829, 506:829, DC 1 CRoss re Papadopoulos….PNG)

File: dff7459fa3bedb4⋯.png (69.88 KB, 508x831, 508:831, DC 2 CRoss re Papadopoulos….PNG)

File: f273abed61593c7⋯.png (68.68 KB, 492x844, 123:211, DC 3 CRoss re Papadopoulos….PNG)

File: 5678109206e2f23⋯.png (14.73 KB, 492x155, 492:155, DC 4 CRoss re Papadopoulos….PNG)

Papadopoulos Was Approached By ‘Highly Suspicous’ Businessmen, His Wife Claims


3cc642 No.1655445


If a foreign agent got trapped at an airport in Wash DC because his passport was suspended during the flight and he could not continue on to final destination, you dont think our president would know if he was there or not?….especially going on 5 years which is what Snowden is at this point

bf7bb5 No.1655446


I remember being at an air show when the Raptor was relatively new and seeing a majority of the other pilots climb onto the wings of the other planes the see it perform. Not knowing what they were standing for at the moment, I thought, "Uh oh, something good is coming up." I was not disappointed.

5e44bd No.1655447

Current notable posts

This is what I've got, let me know if anything needs to be added/changed. Thanks anons!


>>1655362 Mulvaney fires all 25 members of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's advisory board

>>1655327 More Cusack/SecureDrop/Huma connections

>>1655239 Those with the loudest voices: John Cusack edition

>>1655225 House to vote on slew of opioid bills

>>1655215 Two Documentaries being released on Child Sex Trafficking

>>1655197 Al Sharpton: Trump on course to win in 2020 because Dems are ‘too tame’ to deal with him

59647d No.1655448

8ch goes down for maintenance.

By midweek the board is completely lost.

Do you believe in coincidences?

c6aecd No.1655449


Multiple meanings.

a900e4 No.1655450

File: bb4cf8c8e338b26⋯.jpg (19.01 KB, 377x423, 377:423, Board Clinton Bill Bug Eye….jpg)

3f32a2 No.1655452


ffs. How else to propagate? jpg?

b4c55c No.1655453

File: 00288afd0244977⋯.jpg (7.5 KB, 292x173, 292:173, 00288afd0244977ffd6829c297….jpg)

c6ae20 No.1655454

File: 5022bf2c1590b8f⋯.jpg (44.21 KB, 612x345, 204:115, SRAANHRT1.jpg)

3cc642 No.1655455


Would it be accurate to say Russia wants whats best for Russia even if they have to play dirty, and even if they have to screw over America, BUT, Russia also wants the Roths and deep state out of their business and free of their stronghold, so while they arent our best friend and closest ally, they ARE assisting Trump in the draining of the world swamp and the restoring of true freedom to every country?

469eb6 No.1655456

File: c60326122776f6b⋯.png (47.98 KB, 523x519, 523:519, MUHDICK.png)

ca0640 No.1655458

File: 45119ad4e7802f8⋯.jpg (22.2 KB, 303x271, 303:271, 2b87ia~2.jpg)

File: 4dd55bf85fe6d52⋯.jpg (36.2 KB, 296x407, 8:11, 29svr4.jpg)

<>© Psycho Degenerates.

0254ad No.1655459

File: 31d27e2713c43bf⋯.png (257.26 KB, 1579x735, 1579:735, Aspirin.png)

File: b79361d5773217a⋯.jpg (217.39 KB, 644x1006, 322:503, Filipendula_ulmaria_Sturm1….jpg)

History of aspirin


3c0408 No.1655460


Great Jesus Lord.

What on earth with those freaks? What was their line of thinking?

"Hey, let's sell morphine to people who want to get off opium!"

"Oh wait, let's sell heroin to people who want to get off morphine!"


Bayer, you are vampires.

28977d No.1655461

File: 926cdc41e9e00c5⋯.gif (72.27 KB, 409x569, 409:569, JessThanksBaker.gif)

Good bread Baker.

32988d No.1655463

Reading thru it now.


ed4d32 No.1655464

[ ca0640 ]

34456d No.1655465


President would be told. Would not know if double or real deal.

f39073 No.1655466

File: 7fb07472c526d84⋯.png (27.48 KB, 1742x305, 1742:305, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 403903d1b171b3c⋯.png (2.04 KB, 609x58, 21:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c6df75e477fd130⋯.png (6.5 KB, 587x205, 587:205, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a0ba32be973ecc⋯.png (2.27 KB, 516x57, 172:19, ClipboardImage.png)

Trusting the plan…..

a169df No.1655467

File: ab70a0f4e45c2bd⋯.png (142.8 KB, 655x757, 655:757, DC CRoss re Papadopoulos 6….PNG)

067f0f No.1655468

File: ce16d6a20779247⋯.jpg (32.44 KB, 600x400, 3:2, youre-fired-d13y4c.jpg)

File: 1b8cac18ec8fe2a⋯.png (350.14 KB, 589x414, 589:414, Mulvaney-fires-25-CFPB-mem….png)

eb46a3 No.1655469

File: 165a5f47f90bff7⋯.png (943.77 KB, 1849x499, 1849:499, ClipboardImage.png)

ca0640 No.1655470

File: 3e5ee1bfc5222b6⋯.jpg (13.63 KB, 204x204, 1:1, 2boddw.jpg)

>>1655456 (You)

Geraldo is a pervert fag.

a992ce No.1655471

File: 4823f81dafb7ffc⋯.png (42.55 KB, 1599x167, 1599:167, ClipboardImage.png)

f57a58 No.1655472

Papadopoulos Was Approached By ‘Highly Suspicous’ Businessmen, His Wife Claims

Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos was target of “suspicious” approaches, his wife claims

Simona Mangiante wonders if Papadopoulos was targeted for entrapment

A dossier source allegedly offered Papadopoulos $30,000 a month to work from inside Trump administration


cbeba2 No.1655473

I'm very uncomfortable In here tonight.

Shills have also been staying up past bed time lately.

I don't like it.

c6ae20 No.1655474


Do you need a blankey?

a043db No.1655475


>Al Sharptongue

>Democrats should be deliberately “getting themselves arrested”

>Martin Luther King was the master of street theatre,” Sharpton said.


>John Cusack

>"Let's go to streets – Who owns the streets? Civil disobedience – blah blah"

Oh, that doesn't look coordinated at all. Wonder if this was in the [4am] talking points?

Looks like they're aching to get the pawns out on the streets again. surprise, surprise

Ratings must be really plummeting.

92bba2 No.1655476

File: abadf3a51df4c69⋯.jpg (185.97 KB, 1178x833, 1178:833, abadf3a51df4c69aa31549937e….jpg)


Cultists have kept medications and treatments off the market for years , could have save thousands of diabetics from blindness and ambutation of extremities .

Check out #afrezza for that.

Cancer treatments, like cd 47 antibody treatment at stanford have been bought off, blocked or delayed for decades while expensive, toxic. profitable and ineffective chemotherapies have been kept on the market by the same cultist conspirator.

Q said it would not be safe for them to walk down the street.

They have sytematically subverted educational system using a full spectrum of tactics; from introducing occult programming like pedovore Salinger's Catcher in the Rye, to rewriting school district employment contracts to make certain good teachers are assigned to office duties, gym teachers teach math etc.

The university humanities departments are populated with frauds who review each others papers and degenerates who hate America make that the subject of pseudo disciplines.

Getting rid of pedovores is just a start. We will undo the damage they have done and restore our nation and communities.

This will take 50 years, if exponential change were not a factor.

But it is a factor. It wont take that long.

e26735 No.1655477

File: 75ff9266166a7cf⋯.jpg (28.25 KB, 540x417, 180:139, 56c0930de5ed4885006672bd0c….jpg)

ed4d32 No.1655478



Getting larger every day.

605da6 No.1655479


On the world stage those that are 'good' are moving towards global cooperation, not globalism, cooperation, big difference. I don't see Russia as particularly 'bad', certainly not the hardass it used to be either but even then the country has been standoff-ish throughout this whole cabal roundup, except in the case of the middle east. I think Russia is running interference for us there without getting too involved, keeping Israel busy until we're ready to crack that egg, that last part is pure speculation though. One can dream.

de4fe7 No.1655480


(((Lyrics to - Frances Farmer will have her revenge on Seattle))) – It's so relieving to know that you're leaving as soon as you get paid

It's so relaxing to hear you're asking wherever you get your way

It's so soothing to know that you'll sue me, this is starting to sound the same

I miss the comfort in being sad

In her false withness, we hope you're still with us,

To see if they float or drown

Our favorite patient,

A display of patience, disease-covered 'Puget Sound'

She'll come back as fire, to burn all the liars,

And leave a blanket of ash on the ground

I miss the comfort in being sad

65a830 No.1655481

Got rid of the Muh Dicks and a few others and it's nice and comfy

a2e9a7 No.1655482


Probably a bigger one coming tonight.

32988d No.1655483


Citizen watch

72e1a0 No.1655484


That's what she said?

3c0408 No.1655485


Angrier than I can describe at heroin. Personally know two kids under 30 who died from it. Know another kid dead from painkiller addiction.

Fuck the bastards for stealing our young people.

cbeba2 No.1655486


Would be nice, so would some Obama pics and a few MOAB's….

I could also use a nice cigar mmmmmmmm

91b2ed No.1655487


>In 1897, scientists at the Bayer company began studying acetylsalicylic acid as a less-irritating replacement medication for common salicylate medicines. By 1899, Bayer had named it "Aspirin" and sold it around the world.


f57a58 No.1655488

ICE chief: Illegal immigrant children get better care than American kids

The head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement is pushing back against the media’s mischaracterization of his agency’s handling of illegal children, claiming they get better medical care and food than many American kids.

Outgoing Acting ICE Director Thomas Homan rejected nationally televised reports that his agents are “separating” parents from children without cause and sticking the kids in shoddy holding centers.


65a830 No.1655489


Just filter them and move on. Or take a break and come back tomorrow. You won't miss anything.

ca0640 No.1655490

File: c4c705adcca4100⋯.png (34.29 KB, 388x513, 388:513, Screenshot_2018-05-30-15-0….png)

0661d5 No.1655491


why do you post here?

0254ad No.1655492

File: efc3c6135915e05⋯.png (169.54 KB, 560x845, 112:169, California Voters.png)


a55036 No.1655493

File: 4dbaac628727de9⋯.jpg (165.15 KB, 728x855, 728:855, ~~.JPG)

Mueller called Jim Baker????

077a2a No.1655494

File: 4e61454e3a53959⋯.jpeg (11.96 KB, 205x246, 5:6, index.jpeg)


Let me use my NSA x-ray program and get to the bottom of that Michael Obama pic.

Yup, that's a dick

b536f7 No.1655495


Top Player.

But with the Allies of Russia. Yet exists a lot of black hats, As the Case of Iran/Venezuela/Cuba/Central Asia with Russian Vincules.

Same, that Allies and Globalists will search to China as business partner.


(Tech + Gold)

Hurry up. they're a yuge problem.

3b8f7e No.1655496


How long until they try to ban the national anthem for being hate speech?

f3d4a6 No.1655497

File: 0d0a60392fbe47c⋯.jpg (47.31 KB, 540x300, 9:5, love-doll-petite-nano-1[1].jpg)

Should they be advertising this stuff right on our site, we are supposed to be taking pedos down, not selling them toys.

82e334 No.1655498

File: 582e54372b5887b⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1342x1404, 671:702, Screen Shot 2018-06-06 at ….png)

File: 0634e3e7de4326e⋯.png (152.83 KB, 850x622, 425:311, Maria_Carey_Sister.png)


Chelsea Clinton had her wedding right across the river from where this stories states that Mariah Carey's sister lives

https:// www.thesun.co.uk/news/5917183/mariah-careys-sister-reveals-traumatic-childhood-in-which-she-was-sexually-abused-survived-an-arson-attack-and-was-taken-to-satanic-gatherings/

f57a58 No.1655499

Josh Caplan

Josh Caplan




BREAKING: Deputy Chief of Staff Joe Hagin is leaving White House - Wash Post

b5defe No.1655500

File: 6d3e1960f28d28c⋯.jpg (85.53 KB, 960x724, 240:181, 5f9499b7e3f748aa6b897a8f62….jpg)

d7d11d No.1655501



True if big!!!!!

f3d4a6 No.1655502


That's Kanojo toys with a 10% 8chan discount

a2e9a7 No.1655503


Never for a minute did I see this coming…

469eb6 No.1655504


kek, i think some people are just to touchy for these boards…

9c4794 No.1655505


I wouldn't say the board is lost at all, but it's disappointing to see people still responding to the same shills after having them pointed out multiple times every day.

33886c No.1655506

File: db2d97719f93001⋯.jpeg (875.1 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 65547A06-BEA3-4B38-969A-5….jpeg)

not seeing images

you guise see this rare rodman?

605da6 No.1655507


If it'll keep em away from kids, let em sell out.

114d55 No.1655508


Why the "Hell".


53184d No.1655509



Yes, wrong I was just looking at this after reading anon's post. 1997 and after appears to be when they officially recognized it for several health "benefits."

Poor misleading explanation on graphic.

ca0640 No.1655510

File: a1771ad4734b243⋯.jpg (31.56 KB, 329x330, 329:330, 2bq9dv.jpg)

>>1655491 (You)

e26735 No.1655511

File: f0112ca5b4c81d3⋯.png (46.26 KB, 774x267, 258:89, Screen Shot 2018-06-06 at ….png)

Deputy Chief of staff seen leaving White House…

7c69af No.1655512

File: 55bad61847081fb⋯.png (2.59 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_2958.PNG)

File: 6bdd757f16d9b43⋯.png (2.34 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_2956.PNG)

File: f3b9ea4e6fffe21⋯.png (2.53 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_2959.PNG)

File: 2ae54b7ee09858b⋯.png (2.56 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_2960.PNG)

File: a6ad47ad09735fa⋯.png (2.72 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_2961.PNG)

Bones missing from graves.

"Whole lot of witchcraft going on"


bf175d No.1655513


This is true, but the new age/modern christianity way it's taught is so simplistic as to be dangerous. Kinda like saying nuclear fission is the most powerful force on earth therefore shaking cans of enriched Uranium at people will solve all problems. Sometimes love means drawing boundaries, defending good things even if it means hurting feelings or otherwise causing harm/losses in whatever force you're resisting. SJW's don't understand this. They substitute license or tolerance for love. Modern christians substitute the same for "forgiveness," where the bible actually teaches forgiveness is meant to be given only when there is repentance, i.e. a cessation of offending behavior. It's not a bottomless get-out-of-jail-free card.

Love without wisdom is ill-advised when surrounded by snakes (think Trump's snake poem). For you well-meaning light workers, liberals and christian newbs joining the board, please understand this kind of mindset is where we anons come from with our "tough love" angle. We view free speech and holding one another accountable as love of our ideals, and we fight hard so that we can all live up to them.

33886c No.1655514



i see images again

weird but true

382713 No.1655515


trips confirm

b5defe No.1655516

File: f3f4184ec035095⋯.jpg (24.83 KB, 480x342, 80:57, 256_db.jpg)

605da6 No.1655517

File: a8f0e01f3ca65fd⋯.jpg (7.95 KB, 300x168, 25:14, OK.jpg)


Love you BO.

364d86 No.1655518


It's all good BO, the early Anon's are still here and solid!

9538fb No.1655519


It's just newfriends.

The board and the Patriots will stay united until the Cabal is gone.

f57a58 No.1655520


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Joint Federal State and Local Operation Across Puget Sound Targets Violent Drug Trafficking Organization

More than 35 Arrested on Indictments and Criminal Complaints Charging Gun and Drug Crimes

In the fourth major drug trafficking ring takedown in as many months, federal, state and local law enforcement officers fanned out across King, Pierce, Snohomish, Skagit and Thurston Counties to execute search warrants and arrest more than 35 members of a drug trafficking organization, announced U.S. Attorney Annette L. Hayes. Today’s arrests are the fourth takedown in a series of cases aimed at reducing drug and gang violence in Seattle, South King and North Pierce Counties. Those taken into custody today will appear at 2:00 in U.S. District Court in Seattle.

“Over the last four months, more than 80 drug dealing conspirators moving meth, heroin, cocaine and fentanyl have been taken off our streets where they preyed on destructive addictions and used gun crime to further their trade,” said U.S. Attorney Annette Hayes. “For more than a year, local police worked with federal partners to build these cases, with the goal of addressing the shifting crime problems in South Sound communities.”


0661d5 No.1655521

File: b9bc9db95d7c727⋯.png (156.22 KB, 807x741, 269:247, checked2.png)


o7 baker

nice digits too

53390b No.1655522


Doormats are not nice.

3851e3 No.1655523

File: b64fea89918916b⋯.png (14.33 KB, 1041x544, 1041:544, ClipboardImage.png)

ACLU sues Trump administration over census citizenship question

The American Civil Liberties Union sued the Trump administration Wednesday to challenge its decision to include a citizenship question on the 2020 census.

Filed on behalf of five immigrants’ rights groups in federal court in Manhattan, the ACLU suit argued the Department of Commerce committed statutory and constitutional violations by including the question. The ACLU is asking the court to keep the question off the census form.

“[T]he addition of the citizenship question is a naked act of intentional discrimination directed at immigrant communities of color that is intended to punish their presence, avoid their recognition, stunt their growing political power, and deprive them and the communities in which they live of economic benefits,” the complaint stated.

The lawsuit argued that the addition of a citizenship question will “sow enormous fear in immigrant communities of color” that will discourage participation and lead to an undercount. An undercount, the group argued, will lead to a reduction in federal funds allocated to states and local communities with large immigrant populations.

It said that because states use census data to draw congressional, state, and local districts, an undercount would cause immigrant communities to be underrepresented in their districts.

The ACLU also accused the Trump administration of harboring an “undisputed and undisguised animus toward” immigrants, and cited recent immigration enforcement actions, its decision to end temporary protected status programs for people from five different countries, and its push to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program as evidence of that hostility.

“President Trump is adding the citizenship question into his toxic stew of racist rants and draconian policies in order to stoke fear, undercount, and strip political power from immigrant communities,” Sarah Bannon, managing attorney for the ACLU’s Voting Rights Project, said in a statement.

The Department of Commerce announced in March the 2020 census would include a citizenship question, which the administration said was needed to ensure proper enforcement of the Voting Rights Act.

The decision from the Commerce Department came after the Justice Department called for the question to be added to the census in a letter to the agency in December.

In addition to the lawsuit from the ACLU, a coalition of more than a dozen states is also suing the Trump administration over the citizenship question.

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/courts/aclu-sues-trump-administration-over-census-citizenship-question

99f200 No.1655524


Hagin was running the Singapore summit

3c0408 No.1655525


"your country needs you"

You're an ugly girl inside and out, Lisa Page. Bow wow.

5e44bd No.1655526


sauce that

c06005 No.1655527


This anon knows where he his, and why. Therefore, the board is not completely lost.

I've seen some decent digs today, last few days.

& lots & lots & lots of shillery. Same as usual.

7c69af No.1655528

File: 7fe8d2f87060bbf⋯.jpg (240.76 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, IMG_2900.JPG)

File: d815517b1664866⋯.png (3.06 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_2902.PNG)


Thank You BO!! For the board and all you do!

82e334 No.1655529

File: 68a19a705f67b7c⋯.png (1.76 MB, 2508x1167, 836:389, Apache_Geronimo322_correct….png)


generational witches can not help themselves

stealing skulls… it is a witch thing

142b9e No.1655530


This is super low brow to say for this board but what the hell .. LOL!

d7d11d No.1655531



Still holding strong.

Original Anons are still here.

The ones spazzing out are the newbies who came flooding in after this board was made widely known in mainstream media.

077a2a No.1655532

File: 68f6d25954bc5a4⋯.jpg (14.67 KB, 584x80, 73:10, joe hagan.JPG)

And Joe Hagin is out of the WH.

945d4a No.1655533

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kudlow did pretty good in this press conference.

His tv/radio training serves him well.

c72f2b No.1655534


Think of how many lies Russia has gone along with over the decades. 9/11 (they had to know it was an inside job). Antarctica. Whatever is going on in space.

31106b No.1655535


Inciting Insurrection

a992ce No.1655536

File: f0018f2b9b476ac⋯.png (887.14 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

3851e3 No.1655537



I have been saying for a while that most of what he does and says will be determined by the courts, mainly SC, because the lower courts seem to be comped.

ca0640 No.1655538

File: 8c1c9f1e1de1b84⋯.jpg (96.13 KB, 500x547, 500:547, 2bhvoh~2.jpg)

6b14ba No.1655539

File: 32b3779dc7edcf7⋯.jpg (58.99 KB, 960x540, 16:9, party on.jpg)


shills and concernfags BTFO

3928be No.1655540

b536f7 No.1655541


Solution for the virgins?

48040e No.1655542

File: c5f53d844a4e18c⋯.png (191 KB, 1520x1162, 760:581, Screen Shot 2018-06-06 at ….png)




Why is why this happened earlier today.

Replacement already in.

53390b No.1655543


Or google drive link

077a2a No.1655544


My bad, I don't usually step down that low. but it was just an easy shot.

72e1a0 No.1655545

File: 1452035157e51ad⋯.png (286.44 KB, 513x551, 27:29, ApplicationFrameHost_2018-….png)

6f7256 No.1655546

File: 6753f9330805582⋯.jpg (75.85 KB, 804x449, 804:449, 26l8oe.jpg)

File: 366fbcb5cd9c154⋯.jpg (10.07 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 5722e037b780cbb2d3001bb2f0….jpg)

a2e9a7 No.1655547


I wonder if they caught him informing the black hats?

342ff7 No.1655548


That wasn't all he did. He let everyone know that they were being spied on 24/7.

31106b No.1655549



DARK TO >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LIGHT.






469eb6 No.1655550

File: b2f0f40c86fe1fe⋯.png (473.97 KB, 503x712, 503:712, POINT POMPEO.png)



33886c No.1655551

File: ffe9c6ef5a4aca1⋯.jpeg (249.07 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 8826F068-B2CC-4EEC-A738-8….jpeg)



f6c41e No.1655552

File: a829c4a3d9fc4e6⋯.jpeg (376.74 KB, 799x1108, 799:1108, Screenshot_2018-06-06-22-….jpeg)

3 Die in Bahamas plane crash. No names but reporting they are from South Carolina

cbeba2 No.1655553


Is this why the location change!?


a992ce No.1655554

File: 7c449c590de7a34⋯.png (269.67 KB, 474x296, 237:148, ClipboardImage.png)

d6ebf9 No.1655555


This is also seriously close to Tucson

0661d5 No.1655556




check em

bc64eb No.1655557

File: cd8c71742daebc1⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1111x1111, 1:1, Q_message.png)

e26735 No.1655558

File: 13f663ee3437116⋯.jpg (23.15 KB, 480x533, 480:533, 5be59cec8e1187488f5f43cb58….jpg)

File: 687590cf9d7822c⋯.jpg (76.58 KB, 968x681, 968:681, DfDGjk4W4AEe9tf.jpg)


ec9333 No.1655559


I have stopped wondering why Trump from time to time shakes up the staff. IMO, he knows when he needs which person and when someone else would do a better job for the task at hand.

a043db No.1655560

File: 3dc1dcbde8987f2⋯.jpg (38.5 KB, 666x277, 666:277, AMBIEN-sanofi-aventis.jpg)

File: 26acebb224e4e56⋯.png (166.78 KB, 826x888, 413:444, Sanofi-Aventis-family-tree.png)

File: 8f658e22a0ab145⋯.jpg (63 KB, 938x468, 469:234, Sanofi.violations.jpg)



It gets better. Another IG Farben company, Hoechst, has been merged into a few others to form Sanofi-Aventis, makers of Ambien.


Thats makes 2 German WWII pharma vampires still operating with their "medicines" presently avaiable on US pharmacy shelfs today.

So who won that war exactly?

c331e8 No.1655561

File: ef64436047311d7⋯.jpg (163.18 KB, 522x522, 1:1, kneel.jpg)

0661d5 No.1655562

770204 No.1655563


Putin was never “with” the cabal.

He may have been under their thumb somewhat and wants to be rid of whatever power they hold but Putin is “with” Russia and only Russia.

He will do what is best for Russia, including using us or helping us. Whichever works out for Putin, and Russia by proxy.

3e8ef4 No.1655564


you can tell that story is made up. Brit cops aren't even allowed to beat an egg.

0661d5 No.1655565


can you make a .png of them???

e26735 No.1655566


That's wicked good!

a2e9a7 No.1655567


Da BossMan!

ca0640 No.1655568

File: c39d711025f8557⋯.jpg (47.22 KB, 480x362, 240:181, 2bq8qe-1~2.jpg)

File: 5c2f1c91fc5145e⋯.jpg (71.9 KB, 480x546, 80:91, 2bhh8z~2.jpg)

342ff7 No.1655569


Someone posted a new EO 1 or 2 breads ago. Part of it basically stated that Congress does not have the right to interfere in presidential appointments. This might be one of the results.

469eb6 No.1655570

File: 4d0cc26836fdc35⋯.png (48.92 KB, 607x477, 607:477, qpepecock.png)



3851e3 No.1655571

File: 59fd0c28af26f21⋯.png (554.03 KB, 770x468, 385:234, ClipboardImage.png)

State Department: ‘A number of people’ in China may have suffered mystery attack

U.S. officials are checking “a number of” State Department personnel in China who may have suffered from the same kind of mysterious attack that caused brain injuries to two dozen Americans in Cuba, the department’s top spokeswoman announced.

“The medical screenings are ongoing for any personnel who have noted concerning symptoms or wanted baseline screening,” State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said in a Wednesday evening statement. “As a result of the screening process so far, the Department has sent a number of individuals for further evaluation and a comprehensive assessment of their symptoms and findings in the United States.”

Nauert’s statement followed a report that the State Department “evacuated at least two more Americans from China on Wednesday,” according to the New York Times. That revelation follows Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s announcement that an official in China had been stricken with ailments “consistent with what happened to American officers” in Cuba. One of the officials evacuated complained that the State Department didn’t alert the team on the ground immediately upon learning of the first incident.

“In an email sent to the entire staff of the consulate, he complained that the first employee was evacuated in April, but that no one was told of the health concerns until a month later — after doctors in the United States had found evidence of brain trauma,” the New York Times reported.

Nauert implicitly pushed back against that criticism, noting that Pompeo mobilized a medical team “as soon as” the department linked the incident in China to the attacks in Cuba.

“The State Department has been and will continue to be diligent and transparent in its response to our employees' concerns,” she said. “US medical professionals will continue to conduct full evaluations to determine the cause of the reported symptoms and whether the findings are consistent with those noted in previously affected government personnel or possibly completely unrelated.”

The cause of the incidents remains a mystery, but the emergence of symptoms in both China and Cuba raises fears of a far-reaching threat to American diplomats.

“The public evidence we have is consistent with two theories that are diametrically opposed: One is the Chinese are behind this, and the other is somebody is trying to frame the Chinese,” a Senate Republican aide told the Washington Examiner. “Are the Russians capable of screwing with our diplomats in Cuba and China in order to paint the Cubans or the Chinese? Of course they are. But are the Chinese capable of screwing with our diplomats in Cuba and [China] because they don't like us? Of course they are.”

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/defense-national-security/state-department-a-number-of-people-in-china-may-have-suffered-mystery-attack

364d86 No.1655572


Quints don't lie!

19980a No.1655573

File: 19925150ca3624e⋯.jpg (66.19 KB, 446x594, 223:297, Dennis Rodman Turns 50 X4z….jpg)


all is well…

76dfdf No.1655574


This is the guy Trump sent in to bust up the Pocahontas slush fund right?

6f7256 No.1655576

File: 19534e4f8a43712⋯.jpg (326.24 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 19534e4f8a437123fef535c7f2….jpg)



9538fb No.1655578

File: 83d6b32cd1a0ec3⋯.jpg (71.38 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 1592695323444.jpg)


Thank you for your post.

Love is a permeating energy, the ultimate force of good that has no compatibiltiy with any weakness or evil whatsoever. Love is only complicated if you don't have love. In that case, it's only pretend love. But the real journey to love is an inner journey first and foremost. That way you learn to avoid the mistakes you pointed out.

Wisdom is love in its purest form. Love is the solution for EVERYTHING. Spiritual anons know this.

00d2bc No.1655579

2b7fca No.1655580


This is great! All the little nuances. :)

ec9333 No.1655581


That said, these are probably Kelly decisions.

f6fea7 No.1655582




Anons get in here. Lots to read and dig.

945d4a No.1655583



Schwing and a miss, son.

0661d5 No.1655585


yup, by one

shit happens!

3cc642 No.1655586

File: 84669f1f1b20533⋯.jpg (73.79 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 28cerj.jpg)

f94fd7 No.1655587


Yup. Sounds to me like it's being busted up kek

bc64eb No.1655588

File: deea224a35a6ce2⋯.jpg (58.65 KB, 1180x842, 590:421, the important part is that….jpg)

197e6c No.1655589

File: f2470fd62fd7d6d⋯.jpg (112.49 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening40.jpg)

File: 3bac2662bc20225⋯.jpg (258.63 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, GreatAwakening606.jpg)

File: 9b4e8b65df85e62⋯.jpg (256.06 KB, 1025x519, 1025:519, GreatAwakening701.jpg)

File: 14c00444f2ee6f3⋯.jpg (152.59 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening703.jpg)

File: 70ccfcef2a80c47⋯.jpg (272.99 KB, 1025x527, 1025:527, GreatAwakening707.jpg)


No worries, BO.

Trueanons ever faithful.

077a2a No.1655590


He worked for Bush, who knows.

ca0640 No.1655591

File: 003824a7d3293d2⋯.jpg (23.04 KB, 480x480, 1:1, a40ba5b0d0310710c63abbf34c….jpg)

>>1655573 (You)

Rodman takes it in the ass.

19980a No.1655592

File: 2ccbdce0a184953⋯.jpg (44.59 KB, 798x584, 399:292, 1111-5d23.jpg)

7beed8 No.1655593


>>>1654426 Atlanta sting netted dozens of arrests and the rescue of dozens of children

that notable says "dozens" when the article itself says 160, since when do we notate digits in the hundreds as "dozens"….

its to downplay the scale, it is spin,

51c6d3 No.1655594

File: 7b178c5288619d9⋯.png (433.47 KB, 1080x1347, 360:449, Screenshot_20180607-075012….png)

It's very strange to see her saying this.

91b2ed No.1655595

File: 034fa637f0ef181⋯.png (207.43 KB, 500x383, 500:383, daleGribbleDunno.png)



>people still responding to the same shills after having them pointed out multiple times

this begs the question

are shills people?

f6c41e No.1655596


Most say No

c06005 No.1655597

File: 4dbd301ffc339d8⋯.gif (4.41 MB, 361x309, 361:309, download.gif)

3cc642 No.1655598

Washington Post is reporting about Joe Hagin….can we assume its credible?

83a3df No.1655599

File: 1bdb7f06bd85f8b⋯.jpeg (9.73 KB, 255x143, 255:143, weseeyou.jpeg)



(((JIDF))) fails every time. Try harder, clown nigger. Your script (((glows))).

33886c No.1655600


i would not have noticed today was d-day but for this place

of course this is the only place i go

very nice meme, ty

1f6769 No.1655601

File: c309a903f9a62f5⋯.jpg (349.83 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, moffa_meme.jpg)

Memefags thoughts please?

1c3258 No.1655602


famefagging for the yous. works every time.

c331e8 No.1655603

File: a668bb44cc05165⋯.png (418.01 KB, 670x724, 335:362, kap_cutout.png)

194697 No.1655604


Exclusive: Mick Mulvaney: Senate Will Not Do An Omnibus Bill This Year


2fc063 No.1655606


A lot of newfags don't know how to handle shills (ignore them). They think their cutting remark or witty reply will be so blindingly brilliant that the shill will just pack it up and go home.

bc64eb No.1655607


<do AI dream of electric shills?

342ff7 No.1655608


Well, she did question CF finances at one point. She may not be as hard-core as her mother.

7beed8 No.1655609


shes just saying it a hoax its not surprising she would call it a hoax…. obfuscate, ridicule, distract, her modus operandi

ca0640 No.1655610

File: 6d019f38508a419⋯.jpg (33.53 KB, 355x355, 1:1, 2b3bii~2.jpg)

bfe0ab No.1655611

File: ef236e878e1b3d6⋯.jpg (79.54 KB, 1767x348, 589:116, putincontrolled.JPG)


Putin is controlled or was at some point

Don't let you're personal narrative that you are comfortable with get in the way with the realities of the world

83a3df No.1655612


Some of (((these))) are dedicated enough to fool newbies. We keep doing PSA, but some serious overhaul may be needed in the future.

This shit cannot turn into reddit lite. /pol/ spirit is essential to the #greatawakening, and we need it back.


7c69af No.1655613


Damn! Geronimos skull supposed to be w skill and bones


The "anon" escapes them

b5defe No.1655614


some of us dinosaurs are still around as well.. left overs from game step

770204 No.1655615

File: 0e0f85b0c783fcc⋯.jpeg (124.15 KB, 750x500, 3:2, F3B285D3-35BA-4321-8F9E-E….jpeg)


No. Kathryn Ruemmler was white house advisory counsel to Obama.

Real person.

053b08 No.1655616


Malloch = Moloch

3851e3 No.1655617

File: d8a4f78eb912bad⋯.png (647.78 KB, 1232x693, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Europe asks US for exemptions to Iran sanctions

A group of European allies asked President Trump for exemptions to the U.S. sanctions aimed at isolating Iran's economy in a newly-released letter to the administration.

“As allies, we expect that the United States will refrain from taking action to harm Europe’s security interests,” officials from the European Union, the United Kingdom, Germany, and France wrote June 4. “[A]s close allies we expect that the extraterritorial effects of U.S. secondary sanctions will not be enforced on EU entities and individuals, and the United States will thus respect our political decision and the good faith of economic operators within EU legal territory.”

The letter, addressed to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, is the latest step in an international effort to keep the Iran deal in place despite the U.S. withdrawal. But the Europeans conceded that their companies won’t be able to do business with the Iranians if the U.S. takes an aggressive approach to punishing such deals.

“In their current state, U.S. secondary sanctions could prevent the European Union from continuing meaningful sanctions relief to Iran,” the officials wrote.

That’s the key to the Trump administration’s strategy.

“After our sanctions come in force, it will be battling to keep its economy alive,” Pompeo said during a recent speech at the Heritage Foundation. “We understand that our reimposition of sanctions and the coming pressure campaign on the Iranian regime will pose financial and economic difficulties for a number of our friends . . . But we will hold those doing prohibited business in Iran to account.”


European allies credit the agreement, known formally as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, with defusing an Iranian nuclear crisis. “We are still convinced that the JCPOA is the best means through which we can prevent a nuclear-armed Iran,” the top European finance and diplomatic envoys wrote in the June 4 letter. “There appears to be no credible alternatives at this time. As such, an Iranian withdrawal from the JCPOA would further unsettle a region where additional conflicts would be disastrous.”

Pompeo believes, to the contrary, that the deal empowered the regime to finance military aggression against its neighbors and U.S. allies. “[T]he bet that the JCPOA would increase Middle East stability was a bad one for America, for Europe, for the Middle East, and indeed for the entire world,” he said in May. “It is clear that the JCPOA has not ended Iran’s nuclear ambitions, nor did it deter its quest for a regional hegemony. Iran’s leaders saw the deal as the starting gun for the march across the Middle East.”

With transatlantic allies at such an impasse, a refusal by the administration to grant the exemptions will contribute to European frustration that the U.S. is dictating their foreign policy.

“We have been clear with the U.S. in our intention to uphold the JCPOA, including through ensuring Iran continues to feel the benefit of sanctions relief,” a British government spokesperson told the Washington Examiner. “This letter is part of our wider discussions with the U.S. on the need to make allowance for economic ties between Europe and Iran – including legitimate UK business — to ensure we can meet our obligations under the deal.”

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/defense-national-security/europe-asks-us-for-exemptions-to-iran-sanctions

53390b No.1655618


Dangit Dale, you know they are all robots!

077a2a No.1655619

Joe Hagin does seem to be the guy that was orchestrating the Singapore plan.


f6c41e No.1655620


Didn't know that, good link

5e44bd No.1655621


I'll check it out

4bfc0a No.1655622

Political science

The application of game theory to political science is focused in the overlapping areas of fair division, political economy, public choice, war bargaining, positive political theory, and social choice theory. In each of these areas, researchers have developed game-theoretic models in which the players are often voters, states, special interest groups, and politicians.

Early examples of game theory applied to political science are provided by Anthony Downs. In his book An Economic Theory of Democracy,[51] he applies the Hotelling firm location model to the political process. In the Downsian model, political candidates commit to ideologies on a one-dimensional policy space. Downs first shows how the political candidates will converge to the ideology preferred by the median voter if voters are fully informed, but then argues that voters choose to remain rationally ignorant which allows for candidate divergence. Game Theory was applied in 1962 to the Cuban missile crisis during the presidency of John F. Kennedy.[52]

It has also been proposed that game theory explains the stability of any form of political government. Taking the simplest case of a monarchy, for example, the king, being only one person, does not and cannot maintain his authority by personally exercising physical control over all or even any significant number of his subjects. Sovereign control is instead explained by the recognition by each citizen that all other citizens expect each other to view the king (or other established government) as the person whose orders will be followed. Coordinating communication among citizens to replace the sovereign is effectively barred, since conspiracy to replace the sovereign is generally punishable as a crime. Thus, in a process that can be modeled by variants of the prisoner's dilemma, during periods of stability no citizen will find it rational to move to replace the sovereign, even if all the citizens know they would be better off if they were all to act collectively.[53]

A game-theoretic explanation for democratic peace is that public and open debate in democracies send clear and reliable information regarding their intentions to other states. In contrast, it is difficult to know the intentions of nondemocratic leaders, what effect concessions will have, and if promises will be kept. Thus there will be mistrust and unwillingness to make concessions if at least one of the parties in a dispute is a non-democracy.[54]

On the other hand, game theory predicts that two countries may still go to war even if their leaders are cognizant of the costs of fighting. War may result from asymmetric information; two countries may have incentives to mis-represent the amount of military resources they have on hand, rendering them unable to settle disputes agreeably without resorting to fighting. Moreover, war may arise because of commitment problems: if two countries wish to settle a dispute via peaceful means, but each wishes to go back on the terms of that settlement, they may have no choice but to resort to warfare. Finally, war may result from issue indivisibilities.[55]

Game theory could also help predict a nation's responses when there is a new rule or law to be applied to that nation. One example would be Peter John Wood's (2013) research when he looked into what nations could do to help reduce climate change. Wood thought this could be accomplished by making treaties with other nations to reduce green house gas emissions. However, he concluded that this idea could not work because it would create a prisoner's dilemma to the nations.[56]

83a3df No.1655623

File: 139c1417d8f87ad⋯.jpg (16.9 KB, 326x184, 163:92, trumplaugh2.jpg)


"We Cannot Defy The US": European Refiners Fold To Trump, Will Stop Buying Iran Crude

https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-06-06/we-cannot-defy-us-european-refiners-fold-trump-will-stop-buying-iran-crude

"For all of Europe's bluster, and increasingly vocal "resistance" to Trump unique approach to international politics, especially when it comes to Iran when Brussels swore it would defy the US president and continue business as usual with Tehran, it took Europe about a month to fold, and as Reuters reports European refiners are now unofficially winding down oil purchases from Iran, closing the door on a fifth of the OPEC member’s crude exports.

And since the only true leverage that Iran had vis-a-vis Europe was its deeply discounted crude oil, the shuttering of crude purchases from the Islamic republic will suddenly make European governments especially ambivalent whether to continue fighting Trump in hopes of salvaging the Iranian nuclear, when there is only downside left.

How did Trump win? By the implicit threat to sanctioning and cutting off Europe's financial institutions, and although European governments have not - yet - followed Washington by creating new sanctions, banks, insurers and shippers are gradually severing ties with Iran under pressure from the U.S. restrictions, making trade with Tehran complicated and risky, and if anything, all cash (or bitcoin)."

(((EU))) folding under pressure, moar winning for POTUS and MAGA.

This is great news.

077a2a No.1655625


Q+ at work maybe?

5e0293 No.1655626


Only Sauce I see is WA-Po

2fc063 No.1655627

File: e894b505dc37ddf⋯.png (411.26 KB, 695x463, 695:463, rg67.PNG)


Dale's asking the real questions.

91b2ed No.1655628


where is Hari Seldon when you need him?

a900e4 No.1655629


BO have your back.

342ff7 No.1655630


Gotta remember, a lot of those shills get PAID to do it. So, yeah, they're not going to just go away.

3e8ef4 No.1655631


Caption with:

"I spy with my little eye…"


3cc642 No.1655632

File: 8023c0196ff5e47⋯.png (286.98 KB, 521x389, 521:389, Untitled.png)

c382cc No.1655633

File: 728e686c297d1dc⋯.png (475.41 KB, 579x500, 579:500, nasim-unity-dark-to-light.png)

9538fb No.1655634


New tactic. She thinks her implication that PG is false will somehow debunk it all.

It won't.

ad593a No.1655635

Same mystery illness that struck US diplomats in Cuba is happening in China. What the hell?


0661d5 No.1655636

File: 2972383a9c58bb9⋯.jpg (6.32 KB, 232x217, 232:217, fukkensaved.jpg)


thank you

this can go far!

bfb2a2 No.1655637


So who care? if nothing is done about it!

0cdd1e No.1655638

File: 6525773632ae159⋯.jpg (237.2 KB, 2181x853, 2181:853, inapickle-obongo.jpg)

Fresh out of the meme garden.

83d857 No.1655639



0fdefc No.1655640

File: ec075bed0934d96⋯.jpg (44.92 KB, 1880x220, 94:11, A1.jpg)

File: 9ca398d770aa685⋯.jpg (105.67 KB, 1266x664, 633:332, Shiiiit..Sherlock.jpg)

Obama's Hawaiian Mafia = Soros - Obama - Williams Reeves - Brian Schatz - Debbie Berger - Foundations - Tavistock - (City of London=Roths)

Sauce: http://www.rense.com/general96/obpays.html

Parm Cheese:


2fc063 No.1655641


Exactly. It just shits up the bread with more replies.

364d86 No.1655642

File: 33c9cbf3c6f801a⋯.png (460.97 KB, 716x900, 179:225, ClipboardImage.png)

f4f71a No.1655643

File: f17fc1d6f0fc33a⋯.png (2.23 MB, 2000x1328, 125:83, cc.png)

b9a971 No.1655644

File: 192ae4282b2021b⋯.jpeg (259.01 KB, 1440x819, 160:91, 1527695911.jpeg)

077a2a No.1655645


fake news of course, but CNN too


I'll keep digging this one.

a043db No.1655646


I'm with ya. Even angier at the ones selling it off in scripts (aka doctor approved).

Just heard on the FEMA broadcast that FLOTUS is spearheading the opioid reponse.

Can think of no better topic to get normies closer to the heart of the Beast more quickly than Big Pharma.

Have you heard of the Sackler family (Purdue Pharma)?

342ff7 No.1655647


Are you talking about the energy weapon attack?

b536f7 No.1655648


it's my idea or China wants the war?

5e0293 No.1655649




077a2a No.1655650


Notice all the exact same headline?

a992ce No.1655651

File: 31b8fe9f0b52539⋯.png (777.26 KB, 738x562, 369:281, ClipboardImage.png)

3cc642 No.1655652

File: c949fd2a15d41ee⋯.jpg (15.91 KB, 173x255, 173:255, 29c6786b8ef2b63997b18ec340….jpg)

770204 No.1655653



a55036 No.1655654


These fucking Pedowood assholes screaming for the useful idiots to do their dirty work. They show up for the cams for 5 minutes and then bolt with their armed guards. Cucksack also palled around w/ Mr snuff film hunter s thompson.

5e0293 No.1655655

3851e3 No.1655656

File: 8e2ec2f977ed7f7⋯.png (915.33 KB, 816x544, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump should give the Europeans 90 days to reach a new Iran nuclear deal or face secondary sanctions

President Trump should inform European governments that they must reach an improved nuclear deal with Iran within 90 days or face sanctions on their corporations doing business in Iran.

Trump's timely action is relevant considering the letter sent to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin by their British, French, German, and European Union counterparts. Sent on Monday and first reported by the Wall Street Journal on Wednesday, that letter requests the Trump administration suspend plans to introduce secondary sanctions on European businesses that are operating in Iran.

It is clear why the Europeans are concerned.

They believe that if European businesses operating in Iran are sanctioned, Iran will withdraw from the nuclear agreement and recommence high-percentage nuclear enrichment. At least in that assessment, I believe the Europeans are correct. Iran's more-moderate governing elements aligned under President Hassan Rouhani and foreign minister Javad Zarif must show Ayatollah Ali Khamenei the economic dividends of continued participation in the nuclear deal if he is to authorize its continuation. Khamenei is presently taking a tough line toward Rouhani, suggesting that the hardliner revolutionary guards are persuading him that the deal's continuation is incompatible with the Islamic revolution.

A 90-day window to renegotiate the deal would balance U.S. national security interests alongside the possibility of a positively renegotiated deal. In specific terms, it would give the Europeans and Zarif time to agree new safeguards against Iranian ballistic missile and covert warhead research. But it would also offer an olive branch to close U.S. allies in Britain and France.

There is an important caveat here. Namely Mike Pompeo's recent speech on Iran, which suggested that the Trump administration may be seeking the Iranian government's overthrow rather than an improved nuclear agreement. If that is the case, the Europeans are whistling in the wind here. But if President Trump is serious about getting a better nuclear deal, a 90-day window offers a time-sensitive, albeit hard-edged, olive branch towards that objective.

Europe can take that olive branch and make something happen, or their Iran-operating companies can suffer U.S. sanctions.

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/trump-should-give-eu-90-days-reach-new-iran-nuclear-deal-face-secondary-sanctions

41d940 No.1655658

File: 51d46712ec356d1⋯.png (83.62 KB, 236x255, 236:255, stand.png)

ca0640 No.1655659

File: fa579b3bdce1cc0⋯.jpg (71.07 KB, 700x490, 10:7, 2brhak~2.jpg)

364d86 No.1655660

Mattis: 'NATO Will Never 'Turn Off' Dialogue With Russia Despite Tensions

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - NATO will never cut-off communications with Russia despite Moscow’s alleged meddling in American and European elections, US Secretary of Defense James Mattis told reporters en route to Belgium.

"NATO will never turn off dialogue with Russia," Mattis said on Wednesday. "NATO will never turn its back on trying to make better relations with Russia."

The prospect of improving relations between Russia and NATO are hindered by the Kremlin’s alleged interference in US and European elections and its "changing borders in Europe through the force of arms," Mattis said.

Mattis added that Russia, from NATO’s perspective, has more in common with the alliance in terms of its future. However, it has been extremely difficult to find a common cause with Russia, Mattis said.

NATO's defense ministers will meet on Thursday and Friday to prepare for the July summit which is focused on approving a new command structure which may boost personnel by 1,200.

Earlier in the day, US Envoy to NATO Kay Bailey Hutchison said NATO defense ministers this week will focus on approving a new streamlined command structure for more rapid response and deployment of forces to crisis areas in the 29-nation alliance.



cb81cd No.1655661

File: e305e1f8de38a6c⋯.jpg (404.88 KB, 2112x2459, 2112:2459, YouFags.jpg)

608597 No.1655662

- .. . . … - — -. ..- — -..

‏ @kill_rogue

2h2 hours ago

You win.


dc7a4e No.1655663

Is Hagin out to make it look like the Summit is in shambles? Watch, it'll be at the WH.

Hagin will pop back up in a month as an adviser of some department.

3e8ef4 No.1655664



>>1655642 Feinstein & Grassley request FBI documents earlier today.

c55b5d No.1655665


Meth Sharpton

605da6 No.1655667


Let em sweat.

3bb427 No.1655668

Q is here

91b2ed No.1655669


Fetid & Feculent

3cc642 No.1655670


The WaPo article says he is eyeing a CIA leadership position. Not sure how much truth to that, but…

b536f7 No.1655671


Focus in Kazakhstan/Central Asia also


More focus to China.

25e81b No.1655672


the pic of the people is from Stranger Things (Matthew Modine on the far right).

f287d1 No.1655673

b1112e No.1655674

File: 86a2256a6c77dec⋯.png (256.6 KB, 450x440, 45:44, forgiveness.png)

f3d4a6 No.1655675


That's what a 10 foot length of rope is for. That's what they all need, even the celibate ones.

f653ab No.1655676


Q is always here.

83a3df No.1655677

File: e18cde21ecfdc0b⋯.jpeg (7.65 KB, 200x151, 200:151, targetinsight.jpeg)


Plus most JIDF and black hat types are operator assisted BOTS, algos, etc.

You see the same shit snytax, mixed in with some operator input 'conversations' that are actual human texts. (((they))) eat up literally 40% of breads now with no content or dead end topics. muhalice, muhqislarp muhqisn'tcomingback, muhracism muhantisemitismz muhfeelz muhnodivisionz (for (((them)))).

Literally (((MSM))) 101. No matter how many times this message is repeated, newbies seem to just gloss over them.

(((shills))) are responding to each other to manufacture consensus we know, and many of the 'replies' to these JIDF types are 50/50 shill buddy/useful idiots. Nevertheless, fucking newfags from reddit and stupid grandma/mommy types think they are still talking on kikebook.

Truth bends knee to no one. The only way to make truth 'ineffective' at least until blackhats carry out their phase of the plan is to bury, mock, and derail it. aka buy time.

Which (((they))) are doing right now with 'poison the water tactics' that newfags are swallowing wholesale.

Let's see where all this goes. Original autists like us are all still here. I would seriously consider some kind of military action and [kill] missions against these shills at this point. Perfectly legitimate - enemy combatants. KILL.

0cdd1e No.1655678

ed4d32 No.1655679

File: 1879f1ed47579b3⋯.jpg (679.89 KB, 1600x1079, 1600:1079, lexingtonandconcord!.jpg)

5e0293 No.1655680

File: 351b7e16df272d9⋯.png (7.17 KB, 532x90, 266:45, haginleavedate.PNG)

Notice the date, from Politico… Really old news

3851e3 No.1655681

File: 104e877edacdaa1⋯.png (510.84 KB, 770x489, 770:489, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d8bf51a81c78354⋯.png (702.95 KB, 770x511, 110:73, ClipboardImage.png)

Yes, D-Day was good for Germany

Heather Nauert is right about D-Day's positive historical dimension in the U.S. relationship with Germany.

I note this in reference to Nauert's comment on Tuesday, when the State Department acting undersecretary of state for public affairs suggested that the D-Day landings were evidence of a strong U.S. relationship with Germany. Considering that the D-Day landings directly led to the collapse of the German government in power at the time, Nauert's comment raised some eyebrows.

But as I say, Nauert is right.

Because in coordination with the Allied invasion of Italy in September 1943 and the ensuing invasion of southern France in August 1944, D-Day led not only to Germany's liberation from Nazism, but also its salvation from total Soviet annihilation.

To understand why most German historians would now speak fondly of D-Day, recall the situation on June 5, 1944. On the eastern front, the German army was under relentless pressure. While its army groups were holding territory with remarkable effectiveness, hundreds of massed Soviet divisions meant the outcome was inevitable. Evidencing as much, two weeks after D-Day, the Soviets began Operation Bagration. With vast numerical advantages in forces and equipment, the Soviets had broken the back of Germany's Army Group-Center by August and began the final envelopment of Germany.

But if that envelopment would be the ultimate cause of Nazi Germany's collapse, the advancing Allied armies who had landed at D-Day would be the German people's salvation. After all, the disparity between Soviet treatment of German prisoners and civilians and the U.S. and British treatment of the Germans was wide indeed. Infuriated by their extraordinary war losses at German hands and only temperamentally restrained by their commanders, Soviet ground forces killed, looted, and raped their way through millions of Germans. My grandfather was a U.S. Army noncommissioned officer in Berlin after the war (as shown below: a photo of him playing baseball in Berlin in 1951!), and today at 93 years of age, he is still moved by the stories women in Berlin told him.

Were it not for Allied group commander Omar Bradley and his aggressive army commanders George Patton and Courtney Hodges, the Germans would have suffered much worse than they did. Evidencing as much, the widespread westward defection of German forces and civilians towards Allied lines in the latter stages of the war was not coincidental.

So, yes, D-Day led to the end of a despicable German government. But it also led to most Germans being saved from the Red onslaught. The defensive lines created by the partition of Germany would maintain a democratic peace in western Europe for the next forty-five years.

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/yes-d-day-was-good-for-germany

c382cc No.1655682


She is not pretty.

770204 No.1655683

File: d3e8fb2f01fd51f⋯.jpg (135.06 KB, 1024x685, 1024:685, niggersontheboard.JPG)

cb81cd No.1655684

File: cb8a5d4dd49a30b⋯.jpg (635.93 KB, 1141x1521, 1141:1521, comfy1.jpg)


even newfags pay attention

i do like to poke though

c55b5d No.1655685

File: 7334f6bd8020d0b⋯.jpg (466.07 KB, 1024x757, 1024:757, 6YmuUT5.jpg)


Life was real tough in Da Hood…

9538fb No.1655686

File: 7469820ad562128⋯.png (42.98 KB, 1000x727, 1000:727, 7521256770129.png)

Re-read crumbs about

a043db No.1655687


i'd personally like to hear Rand Paul's opinion on these bills.

>and allow the agency to bring more nonaddictive treatments for pain to market.

sounds promising, but devil's always in details, esp. when it comes to a regulatory body.

eafb5d No.1655689


fn shitstain cusack it was not my president putting kids in cages it was yours

197e6c No.1655690


- .. . . … - — -. ..- — -..



7a3103 No.1655691

File: 7a963f23cf7cf7d⋯.png (945.68 KB, 797x535, 797:535, ClipboardImage.png)

0fdefc No.1655692


John Cusack introduced Johnny Depp to Thompson. 3 amigos

077a2a No.1655693


Apparently Joe was on the Singapore team going overseas. And I think most intelligent Q researchers know Q or at least Q+ was on the same team.

Is this a MI/Q hitjob (figuratively speaking)?

e26735 No.1655694

File: b3d1993b05f7c91⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1917x1605, 639:535, Screen Shot 2018-05-21 at ….png)

3851e3 No.1655695



I believe it's about time they did sweat it out, they have been glad handed long enough.

770204 No.1655697



>controlled by

There is a difference.

5e0293 No.1655699


at least a distraction…

077a2a No.1655700


That was from when he was working for Bush…Pay attention.

5e44bd No.1655701

Current notable posts

Here's what i have so far anons, let me know if I need to add anything. Thanks


>>1655660 Mattis: NATO will never turn off dialogue with Russia

>>1655604 The U.S. Senate is going to abandon the omnibus appropriations bill this year

>>1655471 Hawaii Volcano activity

>>1655362 Mulvaney fires all 25 members of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's advisory board

>>1655327 More Cusack/SecureDrop/Huma connections

>>1655239 Those with the loudest voices: John Cusack edition

>>1655225 House to vote on slew of opioid bills

>>1655215 Two Documentaries being released on Child Sex Trafficking

>>1655197 Al Sharpton: Trump on course to win in 2020 because Dems are ‘too tame’ to deal with him

142b9e No.1655702

File: c122539844f6ae9⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1053x546, 27:14, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 63b7ab6d4558ad2⋯.png (474.84 KB, 674x397, 674:397, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e802058efc924d2⋯.png (894.22 KB, 822x524, 411:262, ClipboardImage.png)


afba01 No.1655703


needs bacon, salami, cheese,egg, avocado, and jalapenos. That includes everything

3cc642 No.1655704


Youre pointing out 2 digits next to each other? That happens like 30 times in 750 posts

7a4499 No.1655705

File: 942bc4b37e9c8c3⋯.jpg (7.96 KB, 280x180, 14:9, fat-val.jpg)

605da6 No.1655706


>"…it has been extremely difficult to find a common cause with Russia"

Not anymore. Mattis playing a role, easing cabal fears? Keep them complacent? Remember, cabal wants division.

d740be No.1655707

Anyone else have this whole "awakening" ruin their personal reputation or life?

It is bizarre how many people have turned on me, if arrests aren't really made (including local/state corrupt actors), than I guess I will have to move. Just so over these evil, corrupt, devil worshiping liars. I wish the Military Arrests would start to happen already.

41d940 No.1655708

File: 825567332bf6811⋯.png (81.17 KB, 236x255, 236:255, e.png)

72e1a0 No.1655709

File: 50b159f829638b1⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, kneelingtrash.png)

c331e8 No.1655711

File: 3982a2ab568beb3⋯.jpg (400.85 KB, 800x593, 800:593, kneel2.jpg)

036dee No.1655712


Anyhow, the question is raisesd here that why France, Germany and UK are eager to preserve the deal. For sure, they pretend to be peaceniks who care about other countries, but the fact is that their support and that of the European Union for the JCPOA is basically rooted in self-interest. Yes! For them, the JCPOA translates into dollars and valuable trade with Iran. It should be noted that the European Union was Iran’s largest trade partner before the imposition of sanctions and clearly has an interest in recovering that position.

65a830 No.1655713


I don't believe that account is the Real John Cusack

dc7a4e No.1655715


I guess "ICE" does expand.

a169df No.1655716

File: 2004742151475ee⋯.png (29.74 KB, 646x307, 646:307, Haberman re Reddit Conspir….PNG)

File: bac800f7e81fb04⋯.png (498.74 KB, 659x734, 659:734, Axios re Spygate 6-6-18.PNG)

File: e9ae301e8da63bc⋯.png (121.26 KB, 697x799, 41:47, Axios 1 re Spygate 6-6-18.PNG)

File: 20610a003619079⋯.png (109.42 KB, 707x782, 707:782, Axios 2 re Spygate 6-6-18.PNG)

Go deeper: Digging into Trump’s latest "Spygate" tweet


c55b5d No.1655717

File: 88b6e3973799276⋯.jpg (64.85 KB, 480x364, 120:91, winning.jpg)

6391e5 No.1655718

Hive Mind.

Is it good or bad?

Seems like hollyweird has been pushing this "hive mind" a lot. (altered carbon, westworld, kinda pacific rim)

So is it a tool or straight evil?

7f7a39 No.1655719

File: 0815d3bfd46d96d⋯.jpg (114.12 KB, 551x736, 551:736, 54b92d0bded328b0e24956f669….jpg)


974bf3 No.1655720


You guys make me so proud!

2fc063 No.1655721

File: ce8572c2d749438⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1600x1295, 320:259, kaeperdick.png)

605da6 No.1655722


I agree honestly but can't punish someone who hasn't committed a crime yet.

a55036 No.1655723


Wow….this guy is so full of shit!

077a2a No.1655724


Baker, >>1655532 is notable.

It's mine, but without a doubt needs to make it. Fishy shit going on.

e0daed No.1655725

Did you all see Trump commuted a life sentence for a grandmother named Alice? Alice Johnson was serving life for first time drug offense. Thought maybe a double meaning with the name. Alice is being freed from wonderland?

65a830 No.1655726



His account is @johncusack110

7f7a39 No.1655727


Their hive mind is actually an echo chamber. Our hive mind is the real hive mind because we all bring different opinions and ideas and when they come together we find the truth.

59b943 No.1655728


yep. 2079 & 2078 are stinkin' up the joint worse than any notables I've ever read.

0fdefc No.1655729



Self nominating…

Obama's Hawaiian Mafia = Soros - Obama - Williams Reeves - Brian Schatz - Debbie Berger - Foundations - Tavistock - (City of London=Roths)

Sauce: http://www.rense.com/general96/obpays.html

Parm Cheese:


a1875f No.1655730

File: 4b8103578dadc0e⋯.jpg (81.46 KB, 1214x779, 1214:779, fish-with-big-eyes.jpg)

fb1b1a No.1655731

File: 066e16cfdf03c13⋯.jpg (224.87 KB, 1280x681, 1280:681, ThisIsFine.jpg)

ff0895 No.1655732


>Eric Schmidt

How big is Eric Schmidt closet and how many little skeletons does he have buried away? Sick, sick person, nearly beyond saving at this point. He should be publicly exposed sooner or later.

0661d5 No.1655733


I hope lurkers/twatterfags are getting these out

f30e1a No.1655734


What shall we do? Progress must continue.

7f7a39 No.1655735



8970ae No.1655736

3cc642 No.1655737

Lets start indicting these motherfuckers

c6ae20 No.1655738

File: 3717398c9d5bdc7⋯.png (240.32 KB, 396x518, 198:259, ClipboardImage.png)


cigars require single-malt. kek

b5defe No.1655739


>- .. . . … - — -. ..- — -.. = Uniteted

2fcba3 No.1655740


That shit needs to be cleaned up…

a992ce No.1655741

File: f6191e9a4fd743d⋯.png (740.57 KB, 918x739, 918:739, ClipboardImage.png)

22e050 No.1655742


for what I humbly know, hive mind = collective awareness

hence a tool that can be used for good or bad

a8ccfb No.1655743


Prayers for you Anon! Praying for an armor of protection over you!

3cc642 No.1655744

Midterms are 5 months from today. We got a lot of bombs to drop in that time span

077a2a No.1655745


Hell you can see where a shitty Baker started, and ended.

Whatever. I'm not going to sleep over it.

We got a good one now.

b75129 No.1655746

File: c7750df5bd2a58c⋯.png (1.94 MB, 827x1093, 827:1093, CEMEX-ManyInEastFlorida.png)

File: 07fb6f65b113828⋯.png (3.39 MB, 1739x1088, 1739:1088, CEMEX-NearTheShootingAndSh….png)

File: 0578e0b0e0eae21⋯.png (3.53 MB, 1613x1102, 1613:1102, CEMEX-WonderWhatCouldHaveB….png)

File: 353f010548cc222⋯.png (2.84 MB, 1371x1014, 457:338, CEMEX-IntoTheSwamp.png)

File: 5d2137d76416752⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1140x885, 76:59, CEMEX-OceanPortWorldWideAc….png)

CEMEX in ultra-swampy Broward County and area

False flag

hanging chad

Clinton loose nukes nearby

everglades for hiding and loosing

911 flight training

church of Satan

CEMEX on every corner

CEMEX port – direct international access – import and export

c55b5d No.1655747

File: d3b266b0e024a54⋯.jpg (207.34 KB, 540x720, 3:4, hlpob.25yov3.jpg)

a169df No.1655748

File: 2f5c07f9760fdbd⋯.png (47.82 KB, 664x269, 664:269, CRoss re Peters 6-6-18.PNG)

I never liked Peters.

Always thought he was deep state.

0661d5 No.1655749





Love you anons (no homo)

b1112e No.1655750


Start by explaining that the news is just narratives, and therefor propaganda, and that all the stuff you're researching is simply the best way of finding out the real news, alternative news.

ed4d32 No.1655751


"Hive mind" seems evil to this anon. Implies central control.

Collective consciousness, or something similar makes more sense. Like a massive central cloud of all thoughts, intimations, pasts, presents, futures and so on. Available to most all living beings to one extent or another at any given time…


c06005 No.1655752



<looking for folks with a victim mentality

6391e5 No.1655753


Sounds logical.

What are the aspects that define this hive consciousness?

Any ideas?

08ef60 No.1655754


When (((they))) strike you with darkness, and they always will, you strike back with light 10x stronger. You have infinite power, wisdom and strength within you. (((They))) know that, do you? (((They))) fear that. Tap into that eternal source, and hit em like they fear you will. Come from the ground with it.

4You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. 5They are from the world and therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world, and the world listens to them. 6We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the Spirita of truth and the spirit of falsehood.

1John 4:4

cb81cd No.1655755

File: bd84ed7002c3c3b⋯.jpg (864.66 KB, 1724x1793, 1724:1793, Q_team1.jpg)

83a3df No.1655756

File: c876a7f96823857⋯.jpeg (194.71 KB, 1440x1439, 1440:1439, seeniggaitsthejews.jpeg)


Tick tock.

b5defe No.1655757

File: 7681f3b8ebb9bf3⋯.jpeg (2.09 MB, 2448x3264, 3:4, glenlivet-21.jpeg)

1f6769 No.1655758

File: a5573c3f41432b0⋯.jpg (413.85 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, moffa_meme_blue.jpg)


Okay position? better with blue?

ec9333 No.1655759


Peters left Fox News some time ago .. got his feelings hurt apparently. Bye Felicia IMO.

8970ae No.1655760


You can't fix stupid,haha

25bbbc No.1655761

(((they))) = Amalek = Luciferians who pretend to be Hebrews (plus European royalty) = the cabal

did I get it?

3b3809 No.1655762

Look for a Trump tweet at midnight.

d740be No.1655763


LOL @ meme

Yet.. One may say it doesn't really suffice to winning…

048e4c No.1655764


I'm local to this. It's very widespread down here. Comes from all the influx of Caribbean islands immigrants. I've lived next to a family actively practicing santeria. They would sacrifice chickens and wear all white clothes. Son would sit outside and play his bongo drum for an hour or two each night. The mom looked like a priestess with long straw like witchy hair. As far as I can tell they never harmed anyone. Just followed their 3rd world religion in peace.

bca277 No.1655765


eye rape :O

1803e1 No.1655766

File: e4c87ad8f42ed7a⋯.gif (699.54 KB, 500x200, 5:2, IMG_8218.GIF)


Even this perv doesn't get it!

82e334 No.1655767

File: b7fa8bd3cb0e40a⋯.png (570.73 KB, 797x535, 797:535, 7a963f23cf7cf7da39d1304ff1….png)

bbeb8f No.1655768


Better the truth than neck deep in the bullshit just because its with everybody

0cdd1e No.1655769

File: cef03a656cf8e9c⋯.jpg (160.62 KB, 1006x673, 1006:673, bringtokneel.jpg)


do anons remember this shit…

19980a No.1655770

File: 9ce22c7e33e0403⋯.jpg (8.71 KB, 174x255, 58:85, 5142783bcfb5ecd4b49f80d5c8….jpg)

469eb6 No.1655771

File: 538d6ac641193ca⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1024x724, 256:181, ClipboardImage.png)

c06005 No.1655772


Read previous breads. This has been beat into the ground already, became muh Alice really fast. Read previous breads.

1f6769 No.1655773


The blue? stick to white?

1a1db7 No.1655774


Post the sauce for associated Notable or stfu

65a830 No.1655775


I don't understand why an Anon would be searching through images like that.

0661d5 No.1655776

File: 481765c9c250961⋯.gif (602.45 KB, 320x213, 320:213, ITSHAPPENING2.gif)


5e44bd No.1655777



I'll add them if people are digging. I'm not going to add these just because you find your own posts interesting

27914f No.1655778

File: c5fef3e36d5f772⋯.jpg (53.49 KB, 918x519, 306:173, DIT.JPG)

6391e5 No.1655779


Why does it seem evil?

Do you believe in a "The Alpha & Omega"??

Does this not imply a form of "central control" perspective from where we are in the 1-5 dimensions?

ff0895 No.1655780


Naw bro, if anything I'm winning more and winning more bigly. I embraced the Q, asked myself many Q, that led me to embrace God even more and ask him a few Q about myself and he dropped many revelations and disguised blessings on me. In the end Q brought me to this which is easy to say, harder to type and even harder in practice:

Knowledge and wisdom and love for God and for all others is what I found.

e0daed No.1655781


Sorry anon been work fagging non stop lately, didn't see in notables.

c06005 No.1655782


Are you not reading the bread? Your answers are right in front of your face. Define? No, watch it work. Define it for yourself.

0661d5 No.1655783


sorry "ANY TIME NOW"

7c69af No.1655784

File: 85142e599d6030e⋯.jpg (836.67 KB, 1800x1013, 1800:1013, IMG_2965.JPG)

File: fdedbb1cc0b9730⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, IMG_2967.PNG)

0fdefc No.1655785


wouldn't expect anyless anon.

6391e5 No.1655786


Glad other anons are on the same page as this anon :D

cb81cd No.1655787

File: 1fe9701597c984a⋯.png (561.22 KB, 659x510, 659:510, ClipboardImage.png)

a55036 No.1655788


Seems a lot of dems calling for people in the streets today…for what? I say do it and we'll get a super majority house/senate. The forgotten men and women have had enough of their political theater!

22e050 No.1655789




much love 4 u, my blokes.

may you stay vigilant and simultaneously comfy.

c06005 No.1655790


worth over 9000 words

469eb6 No.1655791

File: 16394a20f4695fd⋯.png (685.69 KB, 888x514, 444:257, ClipboardImage.png)

6f7256 No.1655792

do a hammer


19980a No.1655793

File: 98766c8985a2652⋯.jpg (9.98 KB, 255x168, 85:56, 3aa5c4408e875a68d096ef65a8….jpg)


Winning Bigly!

1f6769 No.1655794


Fuckin awesome.

25e81b No.1655795


Balvenie's the stuff. Haven't tried DoubleWood yet.

3b3809 No.1655796


Fake news

3851e3 No.1655797

File: 305b59b5d348023⋯.png (106.48 KB, 315x220, 63:44, ClipboardImage.png)

George Soros-Backed District Attorney Candidate Loses Big in San Diego

Billionaire handed rare defeat after dropping $1.5 million into PAC backing Geneviéve Jones-Wright

Liberal billionaire George Soros was dealt a rare defeat in San Diego, Calif., as his preferred candidate for district attorney in that city's race was soundly defeated.

Summer Stephan, the current district attorney of San Diego County, won by 28 points. Stephan garnered 237,227 votes (64 percent) to Geneviéve Jones-Wright's 134,753 votes (36 percent).

Soros poured $1.5 million into the California Justice & Public Safety PAC, which was established by Whitney Tymas, a longtime Soros consultant, to bolster Jones-Wright, the Washington Free Beacon previously reported.

Jones-Wright, who claimed during the election that she has never met Soros, appeared at last fall's investment conference of the Democracy Alliance, a liberal dark money donor network cofounded by Soros. The conference took place at La Costa Resort, located just 30 minutes outside of San Diego.

The Free Beacon was present at the resort and obtained documents that showed that Jones-Wright was on a panel cohosted by the billionaire discussing district attorney race efforts for 2018.

Soros's involvement was part of his quiet efforts to overhaul the criminal justice system across the United States by funding far-left candidates for district attorney. Jones-Wright also received the backing of other liberal PACs such as the Real Justice PAC, a committee cofounded by Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King and former staffers of Bernie Sanders's 2016 presidential campaign.

Unlike past district attorney candidates who were on the opposite end of Soros money, Summer Stephan's campaign strategist, Jason Roe, made it a central point to focus on the outside cash flowing into the county from the liberal financier.

As part of the effort, Stephan's campaign launched ThreatToSanDiego.com to draw attention to Soros's involvement. The DA regularly talked about Soros during local and national television interviews.

A large group of Los Angeles-based California deputy district attorneys also came out in opposition to Soros dumping money into the state, calling his efforts an "assault on the criminal justice system."

Soros, who spent hundreds of thousands on activities to support Jones-Wright, http://freebeacon.com/politics/george-soros-backed-district-attorney-candidate-loses-big-san-diego/

Soros has spent millions funding district attorney candidates in numerous states. Prior to the San Diego, Soros-backed candidates have lost only two out of 14 races.

http:// freebeacon.com/politics/george-soros-backed-district-attorney-candidate-loses-big-san-diego/

b59693 No.1655798


y'all know that Bayer is Bauer and Bauer is Rothschilds

If you didn't, you do now…

6510ca No.1655799

File: 8cb3e07ea2c2ce6⋯.png (125.09 KB, 249x252, 83:84, Rainbow baby.png)

a992ce No.1655800

File: 26fd07297ff180e⋯.png (449.82 KB, 829x555, 829:555, ClipboardImage.png)

cb81cd No.1655801

File: 95b1a5f99a11989⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 3090x2181, 1030:727, YouGotThatOutOfThat.jpg)


you realize this is 8chan

9fdf56 No.1655802

File: d7b3c060e85f0e5⋯.png (416.2 KB, 981x654, 3:2, gasp2.png)

8c27fc No.1655803

File: 6c132b73c795769⋯.jpg (112.06 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, angel-with-flaming-fiery-s….jpg)

f287d1 No.1655804


Cuz Tucker destroyed him over his constant accusations that anyone not attacking russia is somehow working for Putin.

c55b5d No.1655805


Eh… it's pretty middle of the road.

7a3103 No.1655806

File: 7ecac012a5e0d32⋯.png (707.51 KB, 801x400, 801:400, ClipboardImage.png)

7f7a39 No.1655807


Being allowed to have free thought in a group setting. Also, the being anonymous part makes you only as good as your ideas and information you bring. No one can attack you for your gender/race/religion/appearances/etc. so its only about your mind.

0661d5 No.1655808

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


go back 4-5 minutes to the start of Fox News @ Night

bca277 No.1655809

File: 6008d48182ae8aa⋯.jpg (943.76 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, a5573c3f41432b0dcd172d1ac8….jpg)


less eye rape

bfe0ab No.1655810

File: 1810def7b5c3c6d⋯.jpg (137.36 KB, 750x392, 375:196, uPdww6f.jpg)


do you think Hillary is WITH the cabal?

do you think Soros is WITH the cabal

Small distinction anon. EVERYONE is controlled who works with the Cabal. That's how the top families work. NO one gets in unless they have dirt on them and they can control them

469eb6 No.1655811

File: 438424fecf6bc90⋯.jpg (147.66 KB, 1150x769, 1150:769, 438424fecf6bc903be92e655c5….jpg)



8d8713 No.1655812

please say this is the family that raised him.

8970ae No.1655813


We Will Win…Because Will is in the middle : ) Hard work and Faith always pays off, God Bless you Anon

7f7a39 No.1655814


You missed his late night tweet last night.

91b853 No.1655815

Dumbfag here…not newfag tho.

Can anyone point to the spot where Q said anything about June 11?

I know Anons and folks like B and EtS have, but when did Q mention June 11?

197e6c No.1655816


No, it doesn't say that in American Morse, whether frontward, backward, or anagram. Your idea does not contain an O and there is are two O's in there.


28115a No.1655817


Now that's something.

c6aecd No.1655818


Not an accurate representation. I have a great job, a house, and my wife and I dig like mad and contribute every way we can. There are about 8 guys at work I talk to daily about this stuff, and I certainly haven't lost any friends over it.

And, for the record, winning in this case isn't about acquiring(or even keeping) a job, a car, a house, or a wife.

It's not about making gains.

It's about stopping losses.

Loss of Life.(wars,human trafficking, etc)

Loss of Liberty.(oligarchic police state)

Loss of Happiness.(poor slave cattle)

91b853 No.1655819


IG report will be released to the public before the Senate hearing?


2fd10f No.1655820


anyone have the website to check for the release?

85855a No.1655821

File: ba6057fc669d2e0⋯.jpg (290.21 KB, 1100x734, 550:367, usa-erco-serpentine-sackle….jpg)

Along the chain of connection between Marina Abramovic and CEMEX are a couple of art galleries in London called the Serpentine Gallery and the SERPENTINE SACKLER Gallery. The latter was funded by the SACKLER FOUNDATION in 2013, designed by Zaha Hadid Architects (worth a dig).

Still digging to see what is the relation between the Sackler Foundation and the Sacklers of Oxycontin fame.

"“Come and See”, the new show by Jake und Dinos Chapman which will be on display here in the first winter since opening, reveals once more the artists’ macabre British sense of humour. Life-size Ku Klux Klan figures are found standing around in the brightly lit room much like observing visitors, surreal installations with human organs on display alongside blood-drenched battlefields featuring plastic figurines."

pic related. hammers and babies.

fb1b1a No.1655822

File: 4894b74cad1d58d⋯.jpg (44.2 KB, 550x550, 1:1, Untitled-5.jpg)

7f7a39 No.1655823



0661d5 No.1655824

9fdf56 No.1655825

File: c33cf89f073c736⋯.png (252.53 KB, 992x1337, 992:1337, 2018-06-02 why 8ch went do….png)


Q didnt, but heres where the June 11 reference came from

c55b5d No.1655826


It was a joke you fucktards

7f7a39 No.1655827



d6be2f No.1655828


No Q didn't mention the 11th. Backchannel 17 did, and played like they were Assange.

e26735 No.1655829

File: ec15ce259a0d0f2⋯.png (580.45 KB, 797x535, 797:535, 7a963f23cf7cf7da39d1304ff1….png)

d138a4 No.1655830


Need a D day one….

a55036 No.1655831


Wrong……don't ever take a unknown kid in your car…wtf! Stop and call 911….jeesh!

3f32a2 No.1655832

CEMEX and port everglades.

Enmarcolda and Port Everglades.

These connections are activating my almonds.

0661d5 No.1655833


its strictly a theory anon

start here: >>1472440 ———————– (Password expose) (5/19/18)

23 days from then is 6/11/18

41d940 No.1655834

File: 97e9dc2e5d19e6f⋯.jpg (108.83 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

077a2a No.1655835

File: f23c67b4e54fd19⋯.jpg (29.9 KB, 649x107, 649:107, hagin.JPG)

Get this ANONS, the real ones left.

Joe Hagin, left Japan on Monday for Singapore per NHK news, to plan the Singapore meeting.

And is canned today. Somewhere in that 9 days, Hagin did something so bad as to be canned. While on the trip.


3f32a2 No.1655836



7a4499 No.1655837


How about Voter ID? Pises me off that POTUS isn't making this a priority. If we lose the Senate, POTUS is fucked for the next two years.

3851e3 No.1655838

File: 0d6a4cd3e1eb4c1⋯.png (123.58 KB, 315x220, 63:44, ClipboardImage.png)

Sanders-Backed Candidate Comes Up Short in Iowa Primary

A former top aide to Sen. Bernie Sanders' (I., Vt.) faltered in his bid for a U.S. House of Representatives seat on Tuesday, despite receiving extensive political backing from the self-described Democratic socialist.

Pete D’Alessandro, who was instrumental in helping Sanders wage a credible challenge to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, finished third in the contest for the Democratic nomination in Iowa's 3rd Congressional District, according to the Des Moines Register.

From 2015-2016, D’Alessandro served as Sanders' campaign coordinator in Iowa. His efforts on behalf of the senator resulted in a nail-biting race between Sanders and Clinton in the 2016 Iowa Caucuses, with the former secretary of state winning the state by the closest margin in the contest's history.

When announcing his run in April 2017, D’Alessandro initially looked as though he would be able to build off Sanders strong support in the Hawkeye state. The candidate ran a progressive style insurgency campaign, similar in mold to Sanders' 2016 effort, by emphasizing his support for the senator's hallmark policy agenda. D'Alessandro ran on his support for a $15-an-hour minimum wage, tuition-free college, and Medicare-for-all.

D’Alessandro, however, failed to repeat Sanders' initial success at the ballot box. On Tuesday, he garnered only 15.6 percent–8,595 votes–of the total 55,247 vote primary electorate. The candidate's vote total placed him firmly in third place behind the race's front-runner, Cindy Axne.

The poor showing was compounded by the considerable political capital Sanders expensed in support of D’Alessandro's bid. The senator journeyed to Iowa in February to host a rally on D’Alessandro's behalf and utilized his sweeping donor network to solicit money for the candidate. In May, when polling showed D’Alessandro falling behind his two primary competitors, Sanders stepped in to bolster the fledgling campaign by recording his only tv ad of the 2018 election cycle.

The Vermont senator wasn't alone in his efforts. Our Revolution, the political advocacy group that spun-off from Sander's 2016 campaign, endorsed D’Alessandro early in the primary process and attempted to underwrite his candidacy through building grassroots support.

Axne, a small business owner and prior Iowa Democratic official, is set to face incumbent Republican Rep. David Young in the general election this November. Young has represented the 3rd Congressional District, which encompasses Des Moines and its southwest suburbs, since 2014. Although the district is marginally Republican on paper, President Donald Trump carried it over Clinton by a close margin of 4 percentage points in 2016. Young, in comparison, was overwhelmingly re-elected the same year by 14 points.

http:// freebeacon.com/politics/sanders-candidate-iowa-primary/

00d2bc No.1655839

File: 55d000950d6f453⋯.jpg (3.1 MB, 3000x1933, 3000:1933, download (19).jpg)

2fc063 No.1655840

File: df3f88898358429⋯.png (554.42 KB, 1023x563, 1023:563, rogersbadass.png)

b5defe No.1655841

File: b9da31c968e2cf2⋯.png (655.88 KB, 854x573, 854:573, all8chan.png)

1f6769 No.1655842


Yeah nice. Cheers anon.

2d4aa5 No.1655843


Hive mind

Jesus said, "Wherever two or more are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them."

19980a No.1655844


you forgot the disclaimer…kek

a992ce No.1655845

File: 5bb0fc78bf5af5d⋯.png (944.07 KB, 1316x1252, 329:313, ClipboardImage.png)


dude, don't you clock?

7c69af No.1655846

File: 68a3ebd286b2fa3⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, IMG_2969.PNG)

c331e8 No.1655847

File: 1dff9ba95ca9691⋯.jpg (402.05 KB, 1280x941, 1280:941, kneel3.jpg)

197e6c No.1655848


OIG's twitter feed where they announce each OIG report


Typically 5, 10, 20 announcements each day.

bd3387 No.1655849

Washington Examiner

‏Verified account @dcexaminer

1h1 hour ago

Mulvaney fires all 25 members of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's advisory board https://washex.am/2M7oMLR

35d0e8 No.1655850

File: 21aea1aa43a36c9⋯.jpg (311.04 KB, 900x1000, 9:10, 9df7c0bab6454a845b2ce9087d….jpg)


The bots are gone, NOTICE THAT FAGGOT FUCKING [fakebot]:::::::::23414>> thing is gone?

inb4 some faggot changes their name to it, AGAIN.

6510ca No.1655851

File: e362a2ad0ee3a34⋯.jpg (71.36 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 2atrey.jpg)

File: d018e2e3d95916f⋯.jpg (106.12 KB, 1200x771, 400:257, DT367pCVoAAPT73.jpg)

File: e664a52fe5a7947⋯.jpg (213.54 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, e664a52fe5a794702311c8280b….jpg)

3851e3 No.1655852


I agree this is awesome! Need Moar! kek

6391e5 No.1655853


I would refer to the many times throughout history where a tremendous break through was made by multiple people all throughout the world at roughly the same time. This was before instant communication tools existed. Proving that if even one anon has a break through, we all have potential to experience the same breakthrough.

91b2ed No.1655854

ed4d32 No.1655855


Perhaps that was a bit overstated.

"Hive mind" seems kind of like "consensus" rules or something like that. Puppets on strings, since consensus is easy to manipulate these days. Versus people being able to drink at will from the "global knowledge well" or something.

Hive mind I guess seems more 'programmed' and compliant than the idea of a massive central library of sorts with all knowledge.

Of course when many tap into the same shit at once, and catalyse changes of views and such, the synchronicity is amazing.

19980a No.1655856


The Master.

c06005 No.1655857


Many thanks and much appreciation anon, i'll take all of the armor that i can wear


(((They))) know it, and (((they))) know that I know it, (((they )))can't end me & i know of (((their))) end. Thanks anon for the reminders, much needed, in real time

a992ce No.1655858

eafb5d No.1655859


i'd score it as 4-0 but tennis is not my sport of choice

31106b No.1655860


Q !CbboFOtcZs No.97 📁

May 20 2018 17:34:26 (EST)

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints."

– Ephesians 6:10-18

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."

– 1 Cor 13:4-13

7a3103 No.1655861

File: 6c8bafb25bd362f⋯.png (890.44 KB, 802x451, 802:451, ClipboardImage.png)

bc64eb No.1655862


yup, the most credible theory came from the 23 in the revealed password ( >>1655833 ) but not Q.

2fcba3 No.1655863


Can you change the dough?

Notables for #2078 need to be replaced with:

>>1652117 The army of frogs…

>>1652177 Mandarin Oriental Hotel Fire in London happening now.

>>1651847 see >>1652291

>>1652218 More allice

>>1652199 , >>1652311 , >>1652398 #Safespace We ARE Anonymous

>>1652264 , >>1652281 , >>1652400 , >>1652429 , >>1652646 Anon practices breathin

>>1652611 I believe the phrase is "GOT 'EM"


>>1652735 Alice Q posts

Not perfect, but much better

I will fix 2079 next bread

770204 No.1655864

File: a64882641f2cc5b⋯.jpg (91.14 KB, 627x481, 627:481, putacabre.JPG)

077a2a No.1655865


I should have clarified, not this past Monday. Monday the 28th.

c06005 No.1655866


No prob, It went onto slide mode really fast, so carry your discernment with you

c55b5d No.1655867


Id be more impressed if it was a bowling ball.

7a4499 No.1655868

File: aaccbfc5e6d1efe⋯.jpg (9.21 KB, 294x172, 147:86, suck-my-clock.jpg)

b5defe No.1655869

File: 4fa78c8d6df0ef9⋯.png (42.18 KB, 663x563, 663:563, d73f1c498cfff917610066c72e….png)


This is where it came from. 1776. 11 June, is when the 5 of the founding fathers were chosen to draft the declaration of Independence.

1a1db7 No.1655870


Just don't. It was wrong when they did it to Ivanka. It's wrong now.

3851e3 No.1655871

File: 8ce1cc37ddbf72f⋯.png (156.6 KB, 315x214, 315:214, ClipboardImage.png)

Republican Fitzpatrick Holds Sizable Lead Among Potential Voters in PA 1

A new poll released this week shows Republican congressman Brian Fitzpatrick leading his Democratic opponent by 7 points among potential voters but also indicates a tight race if turnout is better for Democrats than in previous elections.

The Monmouth University poll shows 49 percent of voters saying they support Rep. Fitzpatrick while 42 percent say they support Democratic challenger Scott Wallace. Monmouth also found 53 percent of potential voters had a favorable view of the congressman while 22 percent had an unfavorable view and 25 percent had no opinion. Thirty-two percent said they had a favorable view of Wallace while 15 percent had an unfavorable view and 53 percent had no opinion.

Haley Bova, a spokesperson for the Fitzpatrick campaign, said the poll was evidence that the congressman's approach to bipartisanship resonated with voters in the southeastern Pennsylvania district.

"The poll goes on to state that ‘Fitzpatrick would be a shoe-in if he was running in a political vacuum,'" she said. "This is a direct result of the fact that the Lugar Center at Georgetown University identified Brian Fitzpatrick as the number-one most bipartisan freshman congressman in the nation, which is exactly what our community wants in our representative."

Bova said the poll showed that spending by Wallace in the Democratic primary did not produce good results.

"It is remarkable that, after Scott Wallace spends $2.5 million on his primary race, that his numbers are as poor as they are," she said. "Perhaps this is due to the fact that he spent those millions viciously attacking the character of the only female candidate in the race [Rachel Reddick], who also happens to be a military veteran."

She went on to criticize Wallace for his decision to relocate from his homes in Maryland and South Africa in order to run for Congress in Pennsylvania.

"Scott Wallace magically appeared in our community just this year from his multimillion-dollar estate in South Africa in a shameless attempt to buy an election with his hundreds of millions of dollars," Bova said. "To make matters worse, the first time he’s ever voted in our district was for himself just this year. Our community will see right through Scott Wallace’s fraudulent campaign and will see for themselves that this man is dishonest, disconnected and dangerous for our community."

The Wallace campaign did not respond to a request for comment, but in a fundraising email to supporters it highlighted the results of the Monmouth poll's likely voter screens.

"A new poll confirms that this race is a statistical dead heat—Scott is running neck and neck against Brian Fitzpatrick, one of Trump's key congressional enablers," the campaign told its supporters. "With the race so close, it's going to come down to which side gets voters to turn out on Election Day."

Monmouth found that depending on whether or not Democrats turn out at a higher level than usual in a midterm election, which remains an open question, the race may be closer to a tossup with either candidate enjoying just a one-point advantage.

"The race is much tighter using two different likely voter models," Monmouth University said in a statement about their polling. "A historical midterm model gives Fitzpatrick a negligible 48 percent to 47 percent lead, while a model that includes a turnout surge in areas where President Donald Trump is unpopular gives an insignificant edge to Wallace at 48 percent to 47 percent."

Wallace, who made a splash early in the campaign by calling for a new ban on certain guns and attacking the National Rifle Association, warned his supporters that the polling could mean more money spent on ads attacking him in an effort to "steal this election."

"Our race could make the difference in taking back the House this fall, which is why this poll is only going to motivate the GOP to spend more money in negative attacks against Scott," Wallace's fundraising email said. "We can't allow special interests like the NRA or billionaires like the Koch brothers to steal this election from working people."

http:// freebeacon.com/politics/republican-fitzpatrick-holds-sizable-lead-among-potential-voters-pa-1/

0661d5 No.1655872


exactly purely a theory

but an anon pointed out 6/11/18 HERE is 6/12/18 IN SINGAPORE

3b3809 No.1655873


f6fea7 No.1655874

File: b1cee5427ebd2fc⋯.png (93.89 KB, 556x312, 139:78, elementary.png)

6391e5 No.1655875


My heart believes. My mind is autist.


I believe global knowledge is real and can be tapped into. Just haven't figured out how..

e26735 No.1655876

File: 30c0327039a3bb0⋯.png (588.4 KB, 797x535, 797:535, 7a963f23cf7cf7da39d1304ff1….png)

bd3387 No.1655877


Please come out tonight!

5e44bd No.1655878


Got it, thanks anon

0c9dae No.1655879


Man being used for Cannon fodder. WW2 History is nothing like Saving Private Ryan. We shouldn't be kneeling, we should be abolishing the US Government entirely.

1803e1 No.1655880

File: 42c8a89e935e596⋯.jpg (121.97 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_8222.JPG)

c382cc No.1655881


Q didn't say June 11. It's all been speculation. Q did say Day of Days. June 6, 1944 (D Day) was referred to as "Day of Days." And Q said D5. Following D Day, every day was referred to as D Day +1 or D +1. So, this is where the theory about June 11 came from. Of course, there is no real proof that anything is actually going to happen though.

08e2cf No.1655882


I thought he was C_A

448df2 No.1655883


He's leaving soon

c55b5d No.1655884

File: a8c7034a2731f8f⋯.png (12.49 KB, 615x649, 615:649, Screen-shot-2015-08-11-at-….png)


Here it is…

5e0293 No.1655885

File: 27ab7ca2c9a0e64⋯.png (543.5 KB, 800x449, 800:449, DecKneesobs.png)


Beat me too it… kek

b5defe No.1655886


Wrong little newfag shill. You're wrong again, still the REAL failure and always will be. I am your father and that automatically makes me right. Now get back down in you room in the basement and clean it up, you're sister's comin' to visit tomorrow.

af930a No.1655887

Felix Henry Sater:

Muler's Trump card?

1803e1 No.1655888

File: 62c1fde5c308483⋯.jpg (271.69 KB, 1125x1105, 225:221, IMG_8052.JPG)

Request from the other night

3f2872 No.1655889

File: d8a97e43e82d25f⋯.png (1.12 MB, 854x573, 854:573, da58a0164a484d747d254715a5….png)

Anon requested cow added to this img. Here you go

5e44bd No.1655890


Those notables are already jacked up. I'm not making any changes, especially if they include keeping those Alice posts

91b2ed No.1655891


> real questions.

the real question is

do anons who reply to obvious shills qualify as intelligent lifeforms?

cb81cd No.1655892

File: a7a9a8e800fdcbf⋯.jpg (194.63 KB, 2831x1926, 2831:1926, 4.jpg)

eb46a3 No.1655893

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


5e44bd No.1655894


3b3809 No.1655895


There's multiple D Day's. June 6th was not only one.

770204 No.1655896

File: a05fa6f5d620a86⋯.jpg (115.96 KB, 839x637, 839:637, blotteracid.JPG)

00d2bc No.1655897


Thats awesome anon!

c55b5d No.1655898


I really want some of what you all are smoking.

fd55f5 No.1655899

File: dfe3c329d655ba1⋯.jpg (664.28 KB, 1080x1685, 216:337, Screenshot_20180606-201400….jpg)

File: 8ca81ccec4db5fa⋯.jpg (926.58 KB, 1077x1962, 359:654, Screenshot_20180606-201229….jpg)

048e4c No.1655900


There's a fuck ton of limestone quarries here. Every damn housing development has the limestone dug out for a man-made lake. The whole southern tip of florida is essentially just a huge block of limestone.

5c229a No.1655901

File: 6f44bebb2b925fd⋯.jpg (580.78 KB, 1918x926, 959:463, Screenshot-2018-6-6 ADS-B ….jpg)

File: 36ff4b320efd093⋯.png (323.44 KB, 1423x837, 1423:837, Screenshot-2018-6-6 Flight….png)

Qatari A7-AAG

On it way home from Disney World. I shit you not. Okay, maybe Legoland.

077a2a No.1655902


I don't blame ya baker. It's noted that that baker is a shill. I have my eye out for him.

0661d5 No.1655903





lol no clue what you're talking about

see this: >>1655833

^^this is the origin of the theory

6cbfe4 No.1655904

dc7e3e No.1655905

Wow. I go away for a few hours, come back and it's all hostile in here. Seems more like daytime 8ch.

197e6c No.1655906

File: 123f8a8331d0f93⋯.jpg (675 KB, 1885x976, 1885:976, 2018-06-06_21:14:31.jpg)



Here's a sample of the @OversightGov twitter feed (via RSS) … lots of stuff daily

d138a4 No.1655907

File: ec5fa3dd348f9b3⋯.jpg (9.93 KB, 186x216, 31:36, loooongstar.jpg)

26dc80 No.1655909

>>1655715 Yeah, we don't know how much of a price that guy had to pay! Not saying he made good choices, but I was lined out and on the same track for Hollywood fame and fortune! I got "found" and I got invited - multiple times…and I knew upfront EXACTLY what it was gonna cost me…but…I couldn't do it! Bet if he had it to do over…he wouldn't do it!

3f32a2 No.1655910


New container port!?

bc64eb No.1655911

6cbfe4 No.1655912


You know what they say, "The Freaks Come Out At Night."

c06005 No.1655913


'tis correct


3b3809 No.1655914


Felt the need to announce that?

2fcba3 No.1655915


OK, well I just eliminated as much of the crap as I could before you had to bake… They are total bullshit.

The Alice stuff has to do with childrens birthday parties on airflights.

51d725 No.1655916

3851e3 No.1655917


Wrong target, anon, kek

7a4499 No.1655919

File: f1f09683b1fa30b⋯.jpg (30.22 KB, 421x447, 421:447, jesus-middle-finger.jpg)


Go back faggot.

bd3387 No.1655920

I noticed last night that when I clicked on a hashtag on Twitter and chose latest it was only showing like the last 3 items or so posted, when it use to show all the latest. I had to go to left side of the screen where it says Search Filters (Click Show) and go down to the last drop down and choose "Quality Filter off". Just wanted to share if this is happening to anyone else on Twitter.

2fd10f No.1655921


It's the wrong OIG. You want DOJ OIG

197e6c No.1655923



20a972 No.1655924


my new fave meme

bca277 No.1655925

File: 602e4929ffd9ad5⋯.jpg (530.2 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, normany-invasion-kneelers.jpg)


desktop sized

c382cc No.1655927


I'm not smoking anything. Like I said, there's absolutely zero evidence that anything is going to happen on June 11. I was just explaining how anons were coming up with the date. I don't make predictions of dates because every one that we've ever made never happened.

2016a3 No.1655928

Hagin looking at position in CIA. Not seeing a thing about him being canned.


53390b No.1655929


I told you they think we are stupid.

dc7e3e No.1655930


Yes, because its usually pretty civil at night.

3928be No.1655931

File: 08758daa0e89b1d⋯.jpg (148.73 KB, 450x300, 3:2, banjo.jpg)

19980a No.1655932

File: 9a200a90b390bc8⋯.jpg (59.88 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 108899_0.jpg)

9fdf56 No.1655933

File: fb8468007239aa8⋯.jpg (60.4 KB, 570x587, 570:587, me.jpg)


welp, the sooner i go to bed, the sooner the OIG report will come out

thats how my luck works

5e0293 No.1655934


– Ephesians 6:10-18

It's a date…

6cbfe4 No.1655935

File: 07c6274aaf5e41a⋯.jpg (108.99 KB, 1021x537, 1021:537, http---o.aolcdn.com-hss-st….jpg)


POTUS will be on AF1

SESSIONS is a backwards kill box, meaning…

27914f No.1655936

File: 1e63c788e7683ff⋯.jpg (52.21 KB, 917x516, 917:516, DTH.JPG)

d138a4 No.1655938



bd3387 No.1655939


Awesome! Thanks! :)

7a4499 No.1655940

File: 95a8db0f966a69e⋯.jpg (7.24 KB, 255x153, 5:3, who-to-filter.jpg)

dc7e3e No.1655941


You think I wanna play your shill game? Bwahaha

c331e8 No.1655942

File: ec1831d37ec67ff⋯.jpg (234.09 KB, 522x522, 1:1, kneel4.jpg)

3851e3 No.1655943

File: 71a82fa17022134⋯.png (163.59 KB, 315x220, 63:44, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump on Midterm Elections: There ‘May Be a Big Red Wave’

President Donald Trump on Wednesday praised Republican candidates for their success in California's primary election Tuesday night and predicted there "may be a big red wave" come November.

Democrats have been long-predicting there will be a major "blue wave" in the midterm elections this fall, but Trump pushed back by saying Democrats are "easy to beat."

"Great night for Republicans! Congratulations to John Cox on a really big number in California. He can win. Even Fake News CNN said the Trump impact was really big, much bigger than they ever thought possible. So much for the big Blue Wave, it may be a big Red Wave. Working hard!" Trump tweeted.

Great night for Republicans! Congratulations to John Cox on a really big number in California. He can win. Even Fake News CNN said the Trump impact was really big, much bigger than they ever thought possible. So much for the big Blue Wave, it may be a big Red Wave. Working hard!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 6, 2018

GOP gubernatorial candidate John Cox came in second in the primary election, securing a spot to face off against the Democratic frontrunner, current Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom. In California's "jungle primary" system, the top two candidates in the primary advance to the general election, regardless of party affiliation.

Trump later added his congratulations for Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R.), the incumbent in California's 48th Congressional District race who won the primary on Tuesday. Rohrabacher will face a to-be-determined Democrat in the November general election.

Congratulations to Dana Rohrabacher on his big California win. We are proud of you Dana!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 6, 2018

Trump also tweeted about voter turnout in California's jungle primary races, saying, "more Republican voters showed up yesterday than the Fake News thought possible."

"Many more Republican voters showed up yesterday than the Fake News thought possible. The political pundits just don’t get what is going on out there – or they do get it but refuse to report the facts! Remember, Dems are High Tax, High Crime, easy to beat!" Trump tweeted.

Many more Republican voters showed up yesterday than the Fake News thought possible. The political pundits just don’t get what is going on out there – or they do get it but refuse to report the facts! Remember, Dems are High Tax, High Crime, easy to beat!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 6, 2018

The Washington Post reported that Democrats "barely" avoided a disaster in three Orange County-area House races that are critical for them to take back the House in November. While results show Democrats will most likely finish second in the primaries for three Republican-leaning races — the 39th, 48th and 49th districts – thus ensuring a Democratic candidate will be on the ballot come November, it's not clear the party will be able to get every win it's looking for.

http:// freebeacon.com/politics/trump-midterm-elections-big-red-wave/

5e0293 No.1655944


From a Q post…

25bbbc No.1655945

File: a0c1d7e2cabc3db⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1746x1156, 873:578, Screen Shot 2018-06-06 at ….png)

5e44bd No.1655946

File: c6b8f3b59205479⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, pepe_comfy_fireplace.png)

====Fresh Bread====




====Fresh Bread====

0661d5 No.1655947

File: be6ce71e36b0e5a⋯.jpg (54.32 KB, 720x407, 720:407, REREADCRUMBS2.jpg)

a900e4 No.1655948


Probably "Corporate" Protection members, not "Consumer".

Good. Fire em all and start fresh.

c55b5d No.1655949


Looks like a retard fractal

1803e1 No.1655950

File: c6ad2ab7aca8ad6⋯.jpg (88.68 KB, 512x640, 4:5, IMG_7993.JPG)


Thank you PlaneFags!

048e4c No.1655952



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