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Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, # JPG.jpg)

459d7c No.1636137

Welcome To Q Research General










Board Rules (Please read the rules) >>3138

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Q's "Proofs" Authenticating Q >>1552095 SEE FOR YOURSELF...

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 06.03.2018


Tuesday 05.22.2018

>>1509322 ----------------------- Enjoy the show.

>>1508206 rt >>1508060 ---- Attacks will intensify [all sides].

>>>/patriotsfight/99 ------------ _AF1_5A_

>>1506866 rt >>1506817 ---- It’s happening.

>>1506815 rt >>1506500 ---- Avoid NSA data collection. It failed. (Re: Nellie Ohr)

>>>/patriotsfight/98 ------------ RAPID FIRE.

Monday 05.21.2018

>>1497716 ------------------------ Military OP. [Green]. General K [JFK]: RR<-WRAY->Rachel Brand(Panuccio/Pruitt)-Scheiderman. D5

Sunday 05.20.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/97 ------------ Q! Quotes Ephesians 6:10-18, – 1 Cor 13:4-13

>>>/patriotsfight/96 ------------ Those who are loudest…

>>1483388 ----------------------- We exposed the password [#91] on purpose [23]

>>1483187 ----------------------- The entire time See >>1483318

>>1483159 rt >>1483003 ---- ROT = Rotation

>>>/patriotsfight/95 ------------ US Flag

>>>/patriotsfight/94 ------------ WE ARE Q!

>>1482139 rt >>1482048 ---- TRUST the plan

>>>/patriotsfight/93 ------------ They are losing [all] control

>>>/patriotsfight/92 ------------ [6] surv [value targets]

Saturday 05.19.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/91 ------------ Now Comes The Pain

>>>/patriotsfight/90 ------------ https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/997951982467014656

>>1472746 rt >>1472647 ---- We control [utility]

>>1472647 rt >>1472580 ---- I'd watch the news that day.

>>1472525 rt >>1472472 ---- Mistake or on purpose?

>>1472440 ----------------------- (Password expose)

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1538282 How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1510286 Useful filters

Wind The Clock

Build A Qlock, >>1405672 , >>1566766 , >>1586462 ClockFags update/layers all clocks, >>1591115 Blank template , >>1610688 Transparent winder

Sign the New IBOR Petition! Fight! Fight! Fight!

WWG1WGA! Do you trust POTUS? Do you trust the PLAN? "The choice is yours."


459d7c No.1636145


are not endorsements


>>1615526 , >>1616055 CAPTCHA Issues? Do this, >>1617105 DO THIS

>>1545457 No more bans announcement from BO

>>1616939 All maintenance completed; no shutdown June 9th (A Heartfelt Thank (You) from The Squad here at 8chan, Wizards, Magicians & Warlocks!)


>>1635697 , >>1635762 , >>1635827 , >>1635874 , >>1635971 Secret Societies Dig

>>1635943 Tucson connections: Dig resources

>>1635605 CEMEX connect to Mario Cordero: DIG CALL

>>1635327 "The nail in many coffins": QPost and Giuliani say the same phrase

>>1635482 Tucson POE Robert T. Mourad: connected to the Clintons, Little Rock & Int Heads of State

>>1635466 SUPER-RESOURCE: Reminder that there are mindmaps in our graphics library

>>1635416 Report: Using mobile phones to control school shootings


>>1618616 Tucson Human Trafficking Thread

>>1635107 Facebook: Gateway Pundit and Breitbart are ‘Far Right’ Websites

>>1635020 Fresh Supreme Court Dig

>>1635003 Report: No evidence at Tucson linked to child sex trafficking

>>1634945 , >>1634041 COSCO - China - Clinton ?

>>1634915 Symbolism will be their downfall

>>1634804 Tick Tock BOOM (spacing theory)

>>1634666 Spoopy Docs on what to look for when investigating suspect areas

>>1634756 Cloak of Illuminati (dead head)

>>1634655 Follow the Art (client list)


>>1633951 Jerry Brown retiring

>>1634222 POTUS shows Bakers Love

>>1633876 Black hats in the house

>>1633999 columbite-tantalite, GWHB, Bin Ladin, Canada, and Child Slavery

>>1634041 LA Port Cemex (needs more anons eyes)

>>1634055 Q Clock Hour hand theory on Where To Start The Clock

>>1634296 AZ Child Trafficking Update

>>1633932 , >>1634354 Muller Claims Manaford Wittness-tampering

>>1633902 Iron Mountain Musings, Cabal ownership and why (((they))) hate POTUS


>>1633066 Former Defense Intelligence Officer Arrested for Attempted Espionage/Huber dropped the hammer

>>1633144, >>1633562 Potus statement on Philadelphia Eagles meeting

>>1633211 Cuba's new president meets with US senator, Google exec

>>1633221 Priestap will testify on the hill tomorrow

>>1633224 Cemew Wikipedia page edit

>>1633330, >>1633506 Anons help anons, #ReleaseTheCures

>>1633360, >>1633430, >>1633488 Planefag Update

>>1633384 Clockfag update

>>1633403 Digging on Mifsud again

>>1633425 Venezuela charges Pompeo with leading coup d'etat

>>1633467 Pope blocks German plan for Protestants to receive Catholic communion

>>1633468 Serial killer sketch misrepresentation

>>1633487 Iron Mountain underground storage company (WW)

>>1633633 Strange wording on Hussein article

>>1633755 Italian Populist: We’re Going in the ‘Right Direction’ If Soros Is Worried

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

459d7c No.1636150

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 -- TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 --- META


>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 --- Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>674740 --- Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 -- Newfag Q&A

>>93735 ----- Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 -- Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread


>>4356 ------ Tools and Information

>>4852 ------ Free Research Resources

>>4362 ------ Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 ------ Research Threads

>>32223 ---- Qs chess game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread


>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection

>>885933 --- P=C

>>904395 --- The Plan

>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1579221 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1587271 - @EyeTheSpy & @BackChannel17 Thread

>>1618616 - Tucson Human Trafficking Thread

Graphics of All Q'S Posts

(Moved to this section as section 4 is at max cap)

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#23 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>1628987

Q Graphics all in EST

The missing Qmap in EST has been archived ----------------------------------------------- >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ----------------------------------------- >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures - >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg -------------------------------- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ------------ >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ----------------- >>>/comms/966

459d7c No.1636152

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: http://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 5/13]) >>1403707

* Q Proofs https://qproofs.com

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library


18,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

23 >>1602811 – 22 >>1485456 – 21 >>1352458 – 20 >>1232995 Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ----------------------- qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

New Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

In case of inability to post images, EMBED THE VIDEO FOUND HERE: >>1505954

163805 No.1636185

brains - am I on the right track with the stories I'm picking out re: demons

459d7c No.1636186

File: 01cb5dcc2394434⋯.jpg (127.63 KB, 999x749, 999:749, # Jimm.jpg)



Damn it, forgot about the 'baker' title

I'm sorry anons. Next bread for sure.

Here's some Jimmi Morrison meanwhile…

92bbf1 No.1636189

File: 802c98bdfaaacb9⋯.png (396.48 KB, 640x839, 640:839, Screenshot-2018-6-4 Judici….png)

f3d27c No.1636201

Craig Sawyer 🌐


Following Following @CraigRSawyer


Update on Tucson Child Trafficking Media Firestorm‼️ https://youtu.be/NXBbCzBNZWg

92bbf1 No.1636204

File: e7d93818f4921c3⋯.png (360.67 KB, 640x839, 640:839, Screenshot-2018-6-4 Judici….png)

cecc40 No.1636208




Holy shit.



Qclock ignores daylight savings time because it is a year-long clock.

Read linked posts for explanation.


f3d27c No.1636209


if Craig Sawyer wants this looked at

then I will keep on looking

92bbf1 No.1636210

File: 7456b68bb3b89c8⋯.png (219.85 KB, 640x839, 640:839, Screenshot-2018-6-4 Judici….png)

eb3280 No.1636211


Oh great theory Anon. Bread worthy. And Awan's hearing is Thursday :D

3d566c No.1636212

never forget anons


good discussions last bread


4d6ca2 No.1636213

File: e74d01cbb9dd713⋯.png (135.03 KB, 771x753, 257:251, debbiews1528170158429.png)

Debbie Wasserman goes apeshit to protect Awan. Very likely both of them are Mossad assets.

d670f3 No.1636214

If Q doesn't post tonight tomorrow is going to be Fing huge.

bd504e No.1636215

>>1636176 lb

>>1636175 lb

>>1636178 lb

>>1636182 lb

all ive got for source is the VOP facebook page, he has said it in 3 of his most recent videos now. there are others claiming to have witnessed it as well saying it on twitter,.

but big fucking surprise the media is not reporting it what a fucking shocker! /sarc

3d566c No.1636216


FFS Awan is MB

or is this muh joos?

bb49b4 No.1636217

File: 68a837b866494a5⋯.png (196.09 KB, 1474x359, 1474:359, 6-11-18 800am.png)

846428 No.1636218


hopefully his name is seth rich. a man can dream cant he ? and jfk jr too that would be lit

d670f3 No.1636219


Awans are not Jews and most likely not Mossad agents either.

49d437 No.1636220


I haven't given much credence to the ClockFags in the past so help me out..how does the idea of daylight savings time not ruin the idea of it's credibility rather than reinforce it?

Thanks Anon.

92bbf1 No.1636221

File: d392916f52445cb⋯.png (492.86 KB, 640x839, 640:839, Screenshot-2018-6-4 Judici….png)

e61969 No.1636222


>>1636180 <<< This - it's the device being used to VIEW THE POST that determines the timestamp.


3d566c No.1636223


no shit

I know that tell that to the other anon

d670f3 No.1636224



163805 No.1636225

File: a281ade656a3946⋯.jpg (50.23 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, Eternal-Darkness-pic-9.jpg)

they don't make these stories for no reason

5dd1dd No.1636226

File: 8682427768deff4⋯.jpg (128.29 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Why.jpg)

File: de4519a6dfdd0dd⋯.png (169.13 KB, 568x332, 142:83, Flying Graphic.png)

67def8 No.1636227


You know what would wake up half the dems? That a Bernie supporter (Seth Rich) was killed by Hillary for leaking info to Wikileaks. And that MS13 was used to kill them and then those MS13 guys were killed to cover up the crime.

Yeah I'd say the Bernie supporters would want Hillary's head

eb3280 No.1636228

Anons anyone else hear the theory/story that the famous Trump Tower meeting with Don Jr and Russian lawyer Natalia (long last name) where she was allegedly selling dirt on HRC to DJR, etc, That during the meeting, Don Jr and JK and others knew/assumed they were being recorded and tapped so they started talking about the reasons why Russia does not allow USA to adopt Russian child anymore is because of the rampant child trafficking and rampant pedo amongst our politicians? The news simply leaves it at "adoption was talked about", but it goes deeper. Anyone else hear this? And this is prob why Dems avoid talking about this meeting, and don't play any audio from it

adb5ee No.1636229

>>1636083 lb


d3cd46 No.1636230



King Abdullah II's mother was Princess Muna (born in UK), his father's second wife. Lisa Halaby (Queen Noor) was his father's fourth wife. (It's complicated.)



e61969 No.1636231


>>1636180 <<<

"I don't think Q is ignoring DST.

I think it is something with the the time on the device being used to view the post. I noticed on the Q app that it said MDT 13:58:29 for the last post and when I came to the board it showed EDT 15:58:29 and then auto switched to MDT 13:58:29 but on a screenshot someone shared of the original post from their computer it showed EST next to the time which was 14:58:29."

455dd0 No.1636232

File: 052181dc27297d1⋯.jpg (29.2 KB, 531x478, 531:478, shit nigga.jpg)

eb3280 No.1636233

File: 16ed405b85e4fda⋯.jpg (87.17 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 27ii18.jpg)

3d566c No.1636234


cya next bread FEtard

92bbf1 No.1636235

As a U.S. attorney, Huber has full authority to empanel a grand jury and to file criminal charges. A grand jury can be empaneled anywhere, which means that it could be a group of citizens from deep-red Utah – in the heart of Trump country – instead of the D.C. Swamp that decides whether to hand down indictments for felony prosecution

d35d99 No.1636236

File: 27d16a2063717dd⋯.jpg (27.44 KB, 275x350, 11:14, IMG_2261.JPG)

6e8ee9 No.1636237


Q, did you produce this Belly/Weeknd music video?


Talk about symbolism…. Fucking flying pyramid in jail…. stacks of money on fire… LOL

Jacket is a checkerboard…

Holy fuck, it's not even remotely hidden.

03abe2 No.1636238


GMT doesn't change in summer. If anon used a GMT source and added the same difference to get Eastern Time, it won't be Daylight Savings Time.


ab80f3 No.1636239

File: 78c82c640506b0a⋯.png (416.7 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Slide1.PNG)

>>1636085 (lb)

Let it be known Q shall not take into account Daylight Saving Time, if he is to use the clock year-round.

bb49b4 No.1636240


got what

claimed nothing

just pointing out that times/dates

f123dc No.1636241

>>1636020 (LB)

This hypothesis is testable. Does the pattern extend into the past?

183d1a No.1636243


>>1636033 LB

Q doesn't do daylight time. lol

d670f3 No.1636244


I heard that they knew they were probably being recorded. I wouldnt doubt that they talked about the trafficking thing too though. Was JK at that same meeting with Don Don?

cecc40 No.1636245


No one has tried using the clock to predict things down to the hour before, just to the day. We never had to worry about DST before.

But now that it came up we realized things were 1 hour off from where they should have been, and some anon realized that DST should be ignored for a clock that runs all year long.


No this is wrong.

I checked the timestamp on many websites and it gave the exact hour and timezone, no device bias.

it was posted 15:58 EDT.




eab1fa No.1636246

File: b7aa9c6e8933335⋯.png (570.95 KB, 627x827, 627:827, PEPEEARTH.png)

d29695 No.1636247

File: a9e091ce5bb956e⋯.jpg (365.61 KB, 1347x928, 1347:928, 2018-06-05_00.08.26.jpg)

File: dad004c8b5bdb54⋯.jpg (791.97 KB, 1440x2292, 120:191, 20180605_000330.jpg)

File: 43c336d0faab97d⋯.png (488.06 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, 20180605_000548.png)

…Once More


>>Black Monks tentacles are long

3069ef No.1636248


Sooner than you thought baller, ey?


46d8bc No.1636249

File: 645e332fbce6da9⋯.jpg (395.54 KB, 1080x793, 1080:793, Screenshot_20180604-212244….jpg)

File: 394fbdd5e64c881⋯.jpg (855.25 KB, 822x2212, 411:1106, 20180518_201500.jpg)


d670f3 No.1636250


Proud asshole here then!

80b53e No.1636251


Man, Israel is going to owe the US of A favors until the end of time after we bust them with this.

"We saved Israel for last for a reason"

(((They))) have a problem

(((They))) have had this problem for a very long time

(((They))) are going to have to deal with it

I'm a big fan of asset seizure. Beat 'em up and take their shit, white hats.

65531c No.1636253

aa5038 No.1636254


yes. figured this early on. any talk about "adoptions" with "Russians" was code for "child sex trafficking".

6d4f7f No.1636255

File: 68c3ea27a239f0f⋯.png (534.67 KB, 610x413, 610:413, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e7c2cd052f483ff⋯.png (44.41 KB, 594x843, 198:281, ClipboardImage.png)

No clarity on US-China trade as North Korea summit looms

Deal may be in limbo until after Trump-Kim meeting.

US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross went to Beijing over the weekend to talk trade, and the result was left to interpretation. Most headlines suggested that a cold warning from China on tariffs, and the lack of any joint statement, meant a trade war is imminent

By the White House’s account, released on Monday, nothing has been decided, but a deal on reducing the bilateral trade deficit is still in the works.

“The meetings focused on reducing the United States’ trade deficit by facilitating the supply of agricultural and energy products to meet China’s growing consumption needs, which will help support growth and employment in the United States,” the bland statement posted to the White House website read.

“The delegations will now report back to receive guidance on the path forward.”

Apparently, the US president hasn’t had time for a briefing on the fate of the world’s most important bilateral trade relationship yet.

That last statement can be read in the context of an announcement last week that tariffs on US$50 billion in Chinese goods will be proposed on June 15. The duties will be implemented “shortly thereafter,” the statement said.

The timing of the tariff proposals puts it immediately following Trump’s June 12 meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. Analysts – along with the Trump administration – have linked the US-China trade relationship with Beijing’s cooperation in applying pressure on the Kim regime and achieving denuclearization. Trump has himself suggested that Chinese President Xi Jinping had influenced a statement from North Korea following Kim’s second visit to China.

http:// www.atimes.com/article/after-round-3-of-trade-talks-no-one-has-any-idea-where-trump-stands/

d3cd46 No.1636256

File: 2f73f2a06e7bf39⋯.jpg (46.36 KB, 574x323, 574:323, huber.JPG)


That you, Bill?


29df6c No.1636257

File: 82bd8fbb03bc46d⋯.png (993.31 KB, 1062x592, 531:296, earthrope.png)

d29695 No.1636258




d35d99 No.1636259

File: 113f1a52777e3ee⋯.jpg (38.42 KB, 384x384, 1:1, IMG_2258.JPG)


Try a reach around

cecc40 No.1636260


Nice graphic anon, thanks. Very clear.


I'll look into it.

737f07 No.1636261


Pakistani ISI

Haven't seen anyone prove MB…for the Awans anyway…

bf587d No.1636262

File: afa02e651f8e343⋯.jpeg (7.55 KB, 288x175, 288:175, EyesWideOpen.jpeg)

07395c No.1636263



FE BOT in a loop

785f84 No.1636264

File: 1958d27f61ce9f7⋯.png (1.43 MB, 771x680, 771:680, noname2.PNG)

3d566c No.1636265





848685 No.1636266

File: 29d574c38421440⋯.png (370.97 KB, 308x938, 22:67, ClipboardImage.png)


055472 No.1636267


dumbass ! Do you even think or really only shill uselessly ? lol.

Q posted 14:58 EDT, two days later clock shows 15:00, but other than that they're ignoring daylight saving …. hahaha wait, let me scream for the baker to make a notable out of it ….lol

d35d99 No.1636268


Do you seek a benis

afc12e No.1636269


The North Star does move, it was Thuban before, Polaris now, and will be Gamma Cephei eventually

29ed42 No.1636270

I had this gem occur at the end of last bread.

Truly I was only confirming my (187) murder digits when Kek granted another.



e61969 No.1636271


Change the time on your computer to a different time zone and then check again. Also try setting it to ignore or include if you don't DST.

eb3280 No.1636272


Yes it was like 8 people total, and JK was one of them. Funny side note, that Russia lawyer Natalia met with Fusion GPS before the meeting, and again after the meeting. And her VISA was expired and Loretta Lynch was the person who approved a temp VISA just for her to even get into the country. Dems almost got away with it

163805 No.1636274


always is.

c7e3e1 No.1636275


The Clock ignores DST, the posts reflect it.

737f07 No.1636276


Funny that Bernie never commented on the DNC Fraud lawsuit…

The one about taking all of Bernie's donations for Hillary…

dd2b7c No.1636277




wait one red hot fucking minute…the Awans are Pleidians. Quit trying to mislead anons with this MB/ISI crap

just kiddin'

ade1a0 No.1636278

File: 683ea6e4ab0329b⋯.jpg (151.39 KB, 1200x714, 200:119, LibertyTree02.jpg)

3d566c No.1636279



shitty sauce but the point of it is Lt CoL Shaffer said it on Laura's show live almost a year ago

no proof but indications

eb3280 No.1636280


I think so. I also wonder how Kanye had to sit by waiting for Trump to put him into action. He had to have known about the plan for a long time

846428 No.1636281


definitely im 80% convinced that "robbery" in paris was an intimidation attempt on her and kanye. shes gonna red pill alot of people when it comes out

f53039 No.1636282


Do we want a gal with Ass Implants?

428f5c No.1636283

File: dd5ec3e80cb1db1⋯.png (62.4 KB, 935x654, 935:654, ClipboardImage.png)

merriam-webster page for traitor


cecc40 No.1636284



226e8b No.1636285

File: 0e8323b630b77f9⋯.jpg (20.88 KB, 480x360, 4:3, combustion.jpg)

File: 0804c010985e13c⋯.jpg (91.37 KB, 655x444, 655:444, Earth.jpg)


Me BOT say you human limited knowledge.

Me know what you do not.

Me programmed with truth.

You programmed by television and teachers.

My programming more dependable than yours.

9a2c9f No.1636286

File: 140ad233d2e8b33⋯.gif (900.71 KB, 498x373, 498:373, kekpep.gif)


TO ARCHIVE EVERYTHING OFFLINE, from the anon that made the thread:

"One final note:

if you find something really, like that image of Hillary sacrificing children to Moloch that we all know is floating around,

make sure to archive first before you come here and tell everyone else.

We know that

8ch is being watched,


by blabbing what you've found you're giving them a chance to pull their stuff offline before anyone else can get to it.

But once you've got it, then by all means, tell everyone–the more people there are that have a copy, the better it is for you…after all, you don't want to be the only person with that kind of evidence on your hard drive, do you?"

How to archive a website offline


163805 No.1636287


i heard she was raped

d670f3 No.1636288


Ha! These people are such crooks!

ecbd9e No.1636290


I hope not.

848685 No.1636291


if it's for the children….i guess we can manage…

459d7c No.1636292


Here's what I've collected for the dough about the clock. Is there any post missing / info which should be corrected?

>>1636139 , >>1636085 , >>1636162 , >>1636245 Clock breakthrough: Timezones & DST

>>1636100 POTUS will celebrate singing the National Anthem instead of Eagles NFL at 3 pm (re clock)

>>1635970 The Clock: Today is a special day: 3am. Why 3? >>1636020

3d566c No.1636293




not sure just a fat ass, kanye is meh too, good for the black vote for POTUS though


no pretty sure just robbed, pretty sure she was "uninjured"

2c6816 No.1636295


Read this all before but why would Trump endorse Cox? Is there something we don't know that he does?

80b53e No.1636296

"Oconus lures" (Strzok texts)

@hfinch61 breaks down the Spygate setup plan:


052c6f No.1636297

We gonna talk now?

5e0ae4 No.1636298

a6fbef No.1636299

Reposted this at the end of the last bread:





Impromptu interview with an ex-Fenster student. Pardon the profanity and stuttering. Mapfags should check out the washes near the building, apparently students were growing weed right off the property.



Please save offline.

3d566c No.1636300


lol got half way through and and was about to say stfu

good one anon

e8f7bd No.1636301


nice one :o)

163805 No.1636302


im too poor to talk to you

cecc40 No.1636303

File: 70ec46dfa56a7f5⋯.jpg (3.68 MB, 2031x4783, 2031:4783, 1515222909908.jpg)

226e8b No.1636304

18d8a0 No.1636305

File: 7916bec5bf72a21⋯.jpg (82.33 KB, 832x320, 13:5, bookandsnake..JPG)



d670f3 No.1636306


Go for it.

e6196a No.1636307

Craig Sawyer…. From Wikipedia. After his military career, Sawyer ran specialized teams to provide security to politicians and dignitaries including Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Donald Rumsfeld, and John Negroponte.[2]

Sawyer founded Tactical Insider to provide training and technical advice to films, actors, and corporate clients

Worked for…

Bad actors….


DNC Bad Actors

f123dc No.1636308

File: 7f248f35212e86c⋯.jpg (151.79 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, ChristmasCard.jpg)


If so, she has a lot of penance to do. Look at the symbology in her Christmas cards.

But she has seen the light..her knowledge could be useful.

ef3a46 No.1636309

File: 82e5c724e5f62b1⋯.jpeg (23.49 KB, 474x242, 237:121, psychologicalwarfare.jpeg)


Fucking kike (((shill))) whore, covering for the mossad/isi operation.


israel also had a hand in killing JFK. Remember this. These fucking jews and pakis need to pay, in BLOOD.

b5fb19 No.1636310

Bretty shilly tonight. What's the FF for tomorrow? They have been quiet awhile.

664b43 No.1636311

File: 6e4e7b711e7b64f⋯.png (129.36 KB, 459x437, 459:437, 6e4e7b711e7b64f50bfa39884d….png)


So you're saying that if someone was to stumble upon some incriminating evidence of high ranking officials, they should save it offline before posting here? And that they should spread it as fast as they can from there?

acdef5 No.1636313

File: 4673885eee3ed8f⋯.png (6.21 KB, 912x155, 912:155, Screenshot-2018-6-4 Q Rese….png)

>>1634804 (previous bread)

doesnt include March 17th Booms.. but those Booms were all aligned.. if closer spacing signifies an acceleration towards Boom event.. what happened on March 17th that would qualify as a Boom ?

631bb5 No.1636315

File: 582f6fe74ffe609⋯.gif (1.95 MB, 400x246, 200:123, otmld0C.gif)

d29695 No.1636316


You married?

d35d99 No.1636317

File: 5e87165955ac139⋯.png (302.68 KB, 375x523, 375:523, IMG_2283.PNG)

DM rolls thanos dex save

162829 No.1636318

File: a7d2cbab9572dfc⋯.jpg (132.37 KB, 830x541, 830:541, JOHN BRENNAN.jpg)



7bb203 No.1636319

File: f1a384e483cf4cd⋯.png (482.75 KB, 589x560, 589:560, tucsonnews 1 re camp 6-4-1….PNG)

File: 4b93dcdedf70423⋯.png (79.38 KB, 612x351, 68:39, tucsonnews 2 re camp 6-4-1….PNG)

File: dfa4bbe3e5971cb⋯.png (1.23 MB, 645x883, 645:883, KVOA 1 re Tucson Camp 6-2-….PNG)

File: 83c7aa45cb1e7a5⋯.png (45.77 KB, 649x346, 649:346, KVOA 2 re Tucson Camp 6-2-….PNG)

File: b86477a843b3800⋯.png (753.55 KB, 1331x791, 1331:791, BS Tucson re using qresear….PNG)


The group the "discovered" the abandoned homeless camp dismantled it and kept the items.

They say they will give the items to Homeland Security.

Group wants federal investigation into abandoned camp in Tucson



Homeless camp or child trafficking den?


>but big fucking surprise the media is not reporting it what a fucking shocker! /sarc


There is plenty of news coverage debunking this story

Someone or group wants to tie this story top qresearch


656610 No.1636320

>…a barely noticed legal case to shockingly reveal that the US Department of Defense secretly records and stores every single phone conversation made on their global telecommunications network—and that, unmistakably, includes their most secure military base called the White House which the US military oversees all of the operations of—to include all of its phone communications that are managed by the US military’s White House Communications Agency—thus leaving nothing to the imagination as to what the Pentagon has secretly recorded from the Obama-Clinton regime in their plot to destroy Trump.

From Sorcha Faal. Can anyone cite the case?

737f07 No.1636321


Preet was involved also…

Natalia and Glenn Simpson were actually working together to lift the Magnitsky sanctions at the time…

Simpson was in trouble for not filing his FARA paperwork.

d670f3 No.1636322

Has anyone figured out the SR Vegas connection yet. That one still baffles me.

598bf0 No.1636323




6e8ee9 No.1636324

Seriously anons..

Look at the symbolism in this video…Flying triangle, in Jail… MK ultra women…, oak tree laying down, checkerboard jacket, FILMED IN A JAIL…. LOL

<iframe> width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z14A0Vblm0I" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen </iframe>

ef3a46 No.1636325


>>1636303 (awan/israel infographic)

Baker, notable

>(((DWS))) screamed, threatened awan case investigators

3d566c No.1636326


which one?

jenners and kardashians are all sexy

some moar than others though

656610 No.1636327


The connection is MS-13 involved in both hits.

dd2b7c No.1636328


couldn't resist some light humor

acdef5 No.1636329

File: 7eb529abdc1d6b1⋯.png (5.88 KB, 912x140, 228:35, Screenshot-2018-6-4 Q Rese….png)


and also these..

3f752f No.1636330

File: e08c3bf2f9aa2f8⋯.jpg (293.63 KB, 1473x1138, 1473:1138, Qroad.jpg)

c64fa7 No.1636331


Kim has Armenian blood.


5e0ae4 No.1636332


Kendall duh.

598bf0 No.1636333


Hey Clowns

should CA vote Allen or Cox?

eb3280 No.1636334


Good to know, thanks Anon. Just added to my notes database

03abe2 No.1636335


We had discussions back in the 4chan days. Zulu/UTC/GMT was called out as official time because operatives are in multiple time zones. So that is what I went with in my own work. Some chose to correct to WH time, though apparently sticking with Standard Time in doing so.

cecc40 No.1636336


Looks great.

I'm not sure if it's 3am or 3pm though. I'd lean towards it being pm because POTUS is doing his thing at 3pm and Q posted at 2:58 pm a few days ago.

49d437 No.1636337



MUCH LOVE<333333

8811c5 No.1636338


Just the top half…

0a595c No.1636340


And? The new American dream should be joblessness, food stamps and gang violence?

Proud of POTUS.

737f07 No.1636342


Not doubting they were selling info to everybody…


bin Laden

Yemen raid got a SEAL killed

Sold it all.

I just haven't seen anyone tie Awan to the MB.

Not arguing…just haven't seen it.

07395c No.1636343


prove your FE bs mr BOT by giving us your formula for sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset. I can accurately predict sunrise and sunset using a spherical model, can you accurately predict sunrise and set moonrise and set on bs FE model? You cannot, so it seems I know more than you. You cannot debunk the multiple AMATEUR circumnavigations that have occurred in the southern hemisphere that have happened to be completed in a reasonable amount of time based on a spherical model. Prove your worth to your bot master and set me straight otherwise, del system32, botfag.

ab80f3 No.1636344


>>1636239 this one if you feel like it clarifies it for the newfags

eb3280 No.1636345


Jesus Campos, the mandalay bay "security guard" was also a MS-13 gang member who posed as a security guard

6d4f7f No.1636346

File: b36ffae9209409b⋯.png (238.49 KB, 611x411, 611:411, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 603c2d38ae6dc15⋯.png (31.1 KB, 554x628, 277:314, ClipboardImage.png)

EU takes a stand against China’s ‘technology violations’

The 28-nation bloc follows the US in taking action against the world’s second-largest economy at the WTO.

Since the dawn of time, there has always been a battle raging about technology. Sometimes silent. Sometimes vocal. Today, it has become deafening.

Last week, the European Union joined the chorus line of the disgruntled when it launched legal proceedings against China at the World Trade Organization about “intellectual property” violations.

This was the second time Beijing has come under fire over the issue after the United States threatened to roll out tariffs on US$50 billion worth of Chinese imports, mainly from the technology sector.

President Donald Trump’s administration has called for a halt to state subsidies for Beijing-backed high-tech industries and the “forced transfer of technology” as part of the deal of doing business in China under the joint venture program.

“Technological innovation … keeps our companies competitive in the global market and supports hundreds of thousands of jobs across Europe,” Cecilia Malmstrom, the EU Commissioner for Trade, said. “If the main players don’t stick to the rulebook, the whole system might collapse.”

In response, Beijing admitted it “regrets” the complaints to the WTO and stressed it attached “great importance” to the protection of intellectual property rights.

“The Chinese government has always adopted strong measures to protect the legitimate rights and interests of domestic and foreign intellectual property rights holders,” the Ministry of Commerce revealed in a statement, released on Sunday night.

Still, in the space of a week, Beijing is now embroiled in two disputes revolving around technology with the EU and the US at the WTO.

http:// www.atimes.com/article/eu-takes-a-stand-against-chinas-technology-violations/

163805 No.1636347

File: 37bdd9f93a76cc2⋯.jpg (94.14 KB, 611x564, 13:12, download_20180604_230852.jpg)

ecbd9e No.1636348


Kourtney? Yeah, i'll give you that..

However, if you know who Stuttering John is, he said that the mom would have the younger preteen girls, at the time, dance on a stripper pole at parties…

d35d99 No.1636349


Pedovore coke dealers don't pay taxes either

54a15f No.1636350


I agree.The more I learned about all this the more I became convinced that if a robbery even really happened it was as a cover. The real event was intimidation. Just like they did to Kanye after his concert where he called out the lies in the msm and pop culture. Prior to Paris event, Kim was quasi-open about being pro-Trump, or at least not virulently anti-Trump like the rest of the Hollyweirdos. After Paris you can see her talk about her surrogate and how "important" it is that she be a democrat. It's laughable to hear that, until you have the context. I believe the West family is now under POTUS protection.

7d53fc No.1636351




>>1636286 Friendly Reminder to Archive Everything Offline

>>1636139 , >>1636085 , >>1636162 , >>1636245 , >>1636239 Clock breakthrough: The clock ignores DST

>>1636100 POTUS will celebrate singing the National Anthem instead of Eagles NFL at 3 pm (re clock)

>>1635970 The Clock: Today is a special day: 3 o'clock. Why 3? >>1636020

9a2c9f No.1636353

File: 48dc5c254e0482e⋯.jpeg (39.66 KB, 620x592, 155:148, intepepe.jpeg)


>find shit

>come here and spread it

>cabal notices, erases shit

>no archive


>find shit


>share it here then to your peeps OR >share it to your peeps then here

>archive there is

first one


second one

at least there's shit archived

have better plan?

0ab091 No.1636354


Yeah, they definitely tired in q research today, asking for 'help'. Can confirm.

b97c3e No.1636355


<implying anyone here would trust the 'over 9000 proofs' of a retarded version of skynet.

cecc40 No.1636356



Thanks baker

226e8b No.1636357


Nope. Show the sauce or be seen for what you are.

A deceiver of many.

29df6c No.1636358


"The Kingdom of Armenia…became the first state in the world to adopt Christianity as its official religion in the late 3rd or early 4th century AD."

d670f3 No.1636359


OK that's the only thing I could think of.

3d566c No.1636360


they're half sister though

thought you meant a kardashian

I fuck with kylie, shes a milf now lol

18d8a0 No.1636361

File: 4b36e20585ece00⋯.jpg (48.21 KB, 704x269, 704:269, bookandsnake2.JPG)



Look who was a member.

6e5e61 No.1636362


awesome for adding the fren'dly reminder



Anon was agreeing with u bruv

9896cc No.1636364


The good news is that being an asshole does not carry the death penalty.

Like…I don't know…TREASON!

b5fb19 No.1636365


The North Star doesn't move. Get a grip on your spinning planet anon.

29df6c No.1636366


wish Q would address those globe pictures

ab80f3 No.1636367


Thing is the clock was created during no DST, and probably using eastern time because POTUS posts in eastern time, and POTUS tweets were (IIRC) used to confirm the clock.

Q might have used eastern time zone, no DST only out of convenience.

ef3a46 No.1636368


Baker, (((DWS))) notable here:


see attached posts.

c5e5ff No.1636369


DWS was holding most in Congress hostage with the Awan's. That has nothing to do with Mossad.

7bb203 No.1636370


Looks like a set up to try to discredit anons

Won't work

e61969 No.1636371

File: ddaf3d97f3da81d⋯.jpg (113.62 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_1768.JPG)

File: 9db1054a61788d9⋯.jpg (284.48 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_1769.JPG)

File: 1d0cb6abf2b28a3⋯.jpg (284.86 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_1770.JPG)

File: 3d3ad89e8bb5c3b⋯.png (52.28 KB, 584x291, 584:291, est.png)

eb3280 No.1636372

When was UBL killed in Pakistan?

May 2 2011

Where was UBL located?

Close proximity to?

Think logically.

When did AWANs mission op go green?


Follow the timeline.

What happened during this time w/ Huma / VJ / AWAN / +3?


Follow the timeline.




Who is protected?


Aid cut off in 2010?


What happened in 2011?

Define ‘Exchange’.

Sick yet?


Anons, do you interpret this as OBL wasn't really killed in the "raid", but we said he was so we could claim Pakistan gave us the intel, so we could keep giving them aid? Or did you interpret this as OBL WAS killed in the raid, but so we could claim Pakistan gave us the intel, so we could then keep giving them aid?

d80061 No.1636373

File: d41d74946847527⋯.png (640.53 KB, 1024x605, 1024:605, oanslsr.png)

File: 2a4d6bc3c33abf2⋯.png (880.46 KB, 1017x514, 1017:514, wontsayit1.png)



The one Shawn Lucas served the DNC & DWS on July 3, 2016?

Found dead in bathroom one month later (Aug 2).

d29695 No.1636374


Nice work anon

I understand he hated Jack's "indiscretions"

d35d99 No.1636375


I'm got charges filed tomorrow homo

3d566c No.1636376


FE is stupid af

would be one hell of a waste of a crumb

if you don't know FE is fake and gay and STUPID, go read a book and spend less time on the internet

92bbf1 No.1636377

File: c3abd214143cb98⋯.jpg (123.7 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, CI.jpg)

03abe2 No.1636378


Could be a procession issue. In the time frames relevant to us, it doesn't move or does so so slowly it doesn't matter. But across an entire 2600 year procession, it might.

0ab091 No.1636379

File: 444c0f737dbc9ea⋯.png (126.94 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180604-214132.png)


Wiki agrees


65531c No.1636380


are you that faggot that keeps asking to suck muh dick on gab?

for the last time…NO!

c8b620 No.1636381


Very good anon

Follow the wives

Don't think these societies aren't still meddling with EVERYTHING

Who else?

You've seen the past, now find the present players.

664b43 No.1636382

File: 654057beac0cb31⋯.png (1.43 MB, 2532x3012, 211:251, 654057beac0cb3101b16d73337….png)


It's a great plan, the best of plans

The Spirit Bombaru.

3ca40b No.1636384


I was voting Allen before Trump endorsed Cox. I've been on the fence every sense. Allen seems to be a better shot at winning. I think there is some 4d chess going on here.

3f752f No.1636385


Ah, ForkBot is learning.

5e0ae4 No.1636386

Ok… this is getting awkward for me because I am lost on the whole clock thing. What the hell is it, how's it work, can we use it to predict anything, and can we confirm it?

29df6c No.1636388


those NASA photos look fake

d04bf7 No.1636389

File: 5874aa11f5b215f⋯.png (231.91 KB, 1391x873, 1391:873, more.PNG)


More in Florida

d35d99 No.1636390

File: 014da81e6f87f00⋯.jpg (28.85 KB, 339x433, 339:433, IMG_2262.JPG)


Try teh treasonous homotus lube job

2ccf4d No.1636391

File: 722f6a9e878f73b⋯.png (1.75 MB, 2022x1739, 2022:1739, comp1le.png)

226e8b No.1636392


Sure I can. So have our ancestors for thousands of years. You think the sunrise has to do with earth?

The motions of the sun never change, so yeah, they are predictable.

A routine of motion, over and over year in and year out.

So suck your "formula", its only baby food for the blind.

ecbd9e No.1636393


Nope, it's a wild goose chase.

dd2b7c No.1636394


his SAWMAN tshirt and frequent appearances on the Bill Hicks show should tell you all you need to know.

d670f3 No.1636395

500 unredacted Strzok/Pages texts showing that the Russia investigation actually originated in 2015


332aa5 No.1636396

File: d68b7f33eec41f0⋯.png (265.75 KB, 1689x675, 563:225, sawyer.PNG)



I fucking knew it. A LOT Of us did. deep state. CIA gets their hands on well trained vets. they need someone to do their ops and shooting for them. OH boy yep

163805 No.1636397


people think it's a clock but it's a stopwatch

f005ef No.1636398


A weird kind of honeypot for anons who hate the idea of children being abused?

Still waiting for any actual evidence of child sex trafficking that was claimed.

3d566c No.1636399


go away

846428 No.1636400


people dont realize that kim has the highest red pill possibility out of almost anyone. she was queen bee of the fake bullshit. she has a bone to pick too her family is Armenian. the cabal orchestrated that shit.

cecc40 No.1636401


Qanon.pub is correct because it shows the time in EST. Washington DC timezone.

It ignores DST as well.

The other timestamps are based on the device and observe DST.

When looking for timestamps, you need to find ones that EXPLICITLY say which timezone they are referring to.

d670f3 No.1636402


Its not an accurate predictor of anything.

bb49b4 No.1636403

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


<vid related

7bb203 No.1636404


You work for Newsom don't you?

46d8bc No.1636405


idk, why hasnt he or Q said anything about it? DT doesnt hold back. Cox was an Anti'Trumper … only thing i can think of is Control. DT probably has leverage on Cox but not on Allen.

9a2c9f No.1636406


pleasure to help, and sorry for unnecesary response!


apologize my last bullcrap, anon, I'm gonna get a snack to wake up kek!

449971 No.1636407

File: 3c08a17bf60fb4f⋯.jpg (155.78 KB, 600x608, 75:76, mary-caitrin-mahoney.jpg)

MS-13? Has some similarities to the Seth Rich murder.

Mary 'Caity' Mahoney

White House Intern

Died: July 6, 1997

An attractive 25-year-old woman, Mary was a former White House Intern for Bill Clinton working as the Assistant Manager at a Starbuck's Coffee shop in Georgetown.


In the pre-trial publicity surrounding Paula Jones lawsuit Mike Isikoff had dropped hints that a "former White House staffer" with the initial "M" was about to go public with her story of sexual harassment at 1600 Pennsylvania. Just days later, gunmen entered the Starbuck's while the crew was cleaning up after closing.

Mary's two associates, Aaron Goodrich, 18 and Emory Evans, 25, were taken to a room and shot. Mary herself had five bullets in her, from at least two different guns, most likely with silencers. A total of ten shots were fired; none of them heard by neighbors in the densely populated Georgetown section.

Mary was shot in the chest, her face, and in the back of the head. Someone wanted her very dead. Or to send a message.

Even though more than $4000 remained in the store, the police have categorized the triple murder as a robbery, even as they acknowledge the "execution style" killings.

There was no sign of forced entry, which means that either Mary of one of the employees let the killers in (at least one hour after closing). That means that the killers included at least one person known to the victims.

One report is that the Starbuck's was still locked when the bodies were found the next morning. Robbers don't bother locking doors.

George Stephenopolis, Monica Lewinsky, and Chelsea Clinton were all regulars at the Starbuck's.

Carl Cooper, the man charged with the Starbuck's murders on the basis of a confession has now recanted that confession, claiming that it was obtained under coercion (not unlike that of James Earl Ray).

A affidavit filed by NOAA's Sonya Stewart, confirms that the Department of Commerce was selling trade mission seats in exchange for campaign donations, and illegally blocking FOIA requests. Named in the affidavit as the White House staffer directly connected to this obstruction was Doris Matsui. Doris's assigned intern during this period was Mary Mahoney.

Read more: THE CLINTON BODY-COUNT | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/POLITICS/BODIES.php#ixzz5HWU0lkGn

03abe2 No.1636408


When I view a POTUS post on Twitter, I see it in local time, which is Pacific. Time is relative. Not quite sure how to word this, but the time of the post can be normalized to whatever time zone one wishes. Someone in GB will say he posts in the British time zone. I see it in Pacific. It's still the same time. That is why normalizing to GMT/UTC is useful. It reduces confusion.

7bb203 No.1636410


There isn't any.

I've been posting articles the last few breads

4d6ca2 No.1636411

File: be7904b7c088782⋯.jpg (685.29 KB, 2048x1463, 2048:1463, 6dac381bd843dba6e59c87be37….jpg)


> muh joos

Looks like some feathers are ruffled. Initial theory was that he was ISI but since finding out about his fathers problems and how they got solved Im looking at Israel.

He wouldnt be the first Awan to have worked for Mossad either.

Mohammed Akram Awan was Mossad hitman.



226e8b No.1636412

File: 0efb7123c5fcde0⋯.jpg (340.51 KB, 816x949, 816:949, chicago1.jpg)


I wonder what formula could explain this?

d29695 No.1636413


It's moving but it's (practically)* imperceptible in a human lifespan

*occasionally naked eye perception can be extraordinary

cecc40 No.1636414


Shills hate the clock and want to keep you in the dark.


0a595c No.1636415



Eventually HRC will be bagged

29df6c No.1636416

File: b6cbf9c36866e51⋯.png (1.84 MB, 754x1330, 377:665, timing.png)


probably the first one?

19aa43 No.1636417



5e0ae4 No.1636418

3ca40b No.1636419


Ha! Fuck that guy! I got a damn text from that POS and they got to learn who Q was that day.

664b43 No.1636420


More responses means more optics.

Remember there is a constant spawn of shitposting for this Raid boss.

c5e5ff No.1636421



POTUS met with her, didn't he? Made it very public too.

St. Paul went from arresting and committing murder (he called himself "Chief of Sinners") to become a Saint.

It's very possible she saw the light.

ade1a0 No.1636422

File: 987b326a26223c5⋯.jpg (42.45 KB, 900x295, 180:59, Brennan02.jpg)

d35d99 No.1636423


Buddhist kali reject wtf

46d8bc No.1636424


fuk off. everyone hates that dick

846428 No.1636425




c64fa7 No.1636427


Sometimes I'm very thoughtful about the tweet of Kim K about Armenia.

ecbd9e No.1636428



All imagination, no proof.

18d8a0 No.1636429

File: 53632d37491248c⋯.jpg (74.65 KB, 908x562, 454:281, skullandkey.JPG)



They all point to Yale. Skull and crossbones too

c5e5ff No.1636430


We all have penance to do anon.

f005ef No.1636431


>I wonder what formula could explain this?

What the fuck is a 'MARIAGE'?

HAve a formula for that?

b912e2 No.1636433



most left wing shit i hae ever seen published a ZH


e61969 No.1636434


Yes and no.

If you are trying to verify if something was posted before or after a drop, you also need to know whether their device is set to ignore DST or not.

80b53e No.1636435


You guys read this, okay? @hfinch61 is the old @nameredacted7 account. @jackass kicked him off.


(Graphics in the unroll)

Earlier today, one of the best researchers out there @nick_falco found a key text that was UNREDACTED by @JusticeOIG where Special Agent Peter Strzok *admits* running lures to bait & hook HUMINT sources aimed at @realDonaldTrump campaign. This is well before the coin case opened.

Nick pointed this out and also pointed to the fact he was 'getting approval' for the lures for OCONUS ops. This a big deal. We know Peter Strzok made multiple trips to London and Rome.

points out some VERY interesting timeline notes relating to why it's important; one of the people working w same HUMINT sources was Stefan Halper, involved w setting up @GenFlynn

made another discovery today as well: FBI Asst Dir Bill Preistap *intentionally distanced himself* from ALL of these HUMINT interactions.

This is a momentous discovery that fits w and confirms what nick was pointing at: HUMINT penetrations illegally targeting @realDonaldTrump many months before a COIN investigation was opened.

More: popadopoulos started w Ben Carson campaign, not trump. Moved to team trump AFTER contacts w Strzok. Were Carson, Cruz & Rand Paul also spied on & efforts consolidated after @realDonaldTrump won @GOP nom?

found another blockbuster. The conspirators in the 'secret society' as FBI Special Counsel Lisa Page put it knew these ops were illegal. HUMINT w/o investigations, 702 query abuse by contractors like Fusion GPS. Sally Q Yates hiding it.

The moment the realized they were in real, serious, life threatening jeopardy was this moment right here:

We need to unpack this. 11/18. They realize NSA Dir Adm Mike Rogers went to visit trump tower. How did they respond? This is where is gets interesting.

They took the comms right out of govt channels, & into an encrypted messaging app on personal devices called lync. And Lisa Page ran right to her boss's office to discuss. Her boss is now-fired Dep Dir Andrew McCabe who a month later ordered Strzok to forge @GenFlynn 302s.

I don't have to tell you who McCabe is, or what his part in the attempted coup against @realDonaldTrump was, or McCabes involvement in Mid Year Exam. Or his lying and leaking. See my link in my bio for threads on him.

These people knew they were caught. But during the lying and leaking investigation that began w FBI INSD & was taken over by @JusticeOIG Lisa Page turned cooperating witness. @JohnWHuber @drawandstrike & others have written about this extensively.

She gave up all the comms, and her devices. Horowitz has it. All of it. FBI redacted these texts to hide this info. Horowitz un-redacted it. @jim_jordan released BOTH SETS of texts.

More Is going to come out. Like the knowledge that FBIs initial representation in the Russian hacking case was only the Cyber Dept. A certain former FBI agent & CNN reporters ex-husband is part of that team. Coincidental I'm sure.

You know the one that had her followers mass report my last acct, nameredacted7, for asking @JusticeOIG to look into that.

Well, I'm back. And the truth is coming out, one way or another.

46d8bc No.1636437


hey dipshit, didnt know u like rothschild cock

7bb203 No.1636438



Anon you are the best for finding and posting this



Agree notable

6e5e61 No.1636439


yeah, get this shit out of the notables.

>>1634296 AZ Child Trafficking Update

bread 2055

cecc40 No.1636440


Who do Jews trust the most?

Hint: Other …

226e8b No.1636441



Notice how they react violently? They are trying to force people away from FE

by making you look dumb when in fact they just don't want people to research it.

THEIR TRICKS ARE GROWING WEAK. We know their ways and can now defend against them.

d670f3 No.1636442

Unredacted Strzok Page Texts…anyone….is this thing on…?

500 pages


d35d99 No.1636443

File: 80361c6fe3aa613⋯.jpg (2.3 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_2293.JPG)

This firearm was planted @gpas house by the bush family

455dd0 No.1636444

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c887ff No.1636445

File: 08f295d7de0c250⋯.jpg (135.55 KB, 753x500, 753:500, 2bmoiu.jpg)

Hey baker and Qanons!

I wasn't lurking on board for few days but one major news caught my eye and I could not sleep whole night.


"Mexican presidential front-runner Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has extended his lead well beyond his nearest rivals with just a month to go before the July 1 election, an opinion poll showed on Thursday."

If you cannot process it here is the cold stone truth:

Communist-socialist Andrés Manuel López Obrador prepares to take power in Mexico

I was contemplating WHY POTUS signature promise was to Build The Wall? Was it just some funny joke that resonated in masses so he decided to run with it or some military/intelligence guys advised him to deliver such option early so it is not strange why we need to build the wall.

Mexico city is one of deadliest cities on the world where Andrés Manuel López Obrador was governor. Now he is going to come on power in whole Mexico. I think Globalists are pushing for him in order to create massive war/distress zone in Mexico and flood United States with refugees and throw us in total disarray.

The leftist US mainstream propaganda media has deliberately kept hidden from us citizens that Mexico has become the world’s deadliest combat zone after only Syria—with over 25,000 people being killed last year alone, and whose staggering numbers are now added to the estimated 80,000-100,000 Mexican people who have been killed since 2006—and that during this year’s election season, has seen at least 100 Mexican politicians being assassinated too.

POTUS threatened to shut down government if Congress do not give him the wall. We must not be blindsided by the threat that is brewing under our southern border.

656610 No.1636446


>I wonder what formula could explain this?

Easy. Earth's surface is concave. And light bends up and inwards over sufficient distance.

598bf0 No.1636447

File: 31cfcaa8221d898⋯.jpg (18.42 KB, 255x255, 1:1, No Feelings.jpg)

6d4f7f No.1636448

File: c0bdad926957030⋯.png (93.63 KB, 780x562, 390:281, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 178b8f7b8f5e1f8⋯.png (148.13 KB, 811x892, 811:892, ClipboardImage.png)

Apple's new operating systems to block web tracking by Facebook, other sites

SAN JOSE (AFP) - Apple on Monday (June 4) unveiled new operating systems for its iPhones and computers with features designed to thwart secret trackers, such as those used by Facebook, to monitor people's online activities.

The announcement by Apple comes amid a growing focus on protecting privacy following a Facebook data scandal and new rules being enforced by the European Union for online services.

Apple, kicking off its annual developers conference, appeared to be setting itself apart from Facebook, which has drawn the ire of privacy activists, and even showed how its software could prevent the social network from tracking users on Apple devices.

The upcoming versions of software powering iPhone and Mac computers will block the use of so-called "cookies" from Facebook "like" buttons that can follow people from one website to another, Apple said.

"Turns out 'like' buttons and 'comment' fields can be used to track you, so this year we are shutting that down," Apple senior vice president of software engineering Craig Federighi told a standing-room crowd of some 6,000 developers at Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference in the heart of Silicon Valley.

New MacOS Mojave and iOS 12 software to be released later this year will also make it harder to use trackers to create "unique fingerprints" by gleaning data about devices being used, according to Federighi.

"It will become dramatically more difficult for data companies to identify your device and track you," Federighi said.

Enhanced privacy was part of a slew of improvements touted by Apple to developers, whose creations are key to the popularity of iPhones, iPads and Mac computers.

The conference kickoff came the same day the New York Times reported Facebook gave special access to device makers, including Apple, to personal data on social network users and their friends.

Facebook said it "disagreed" with the report and that the agreements with device makers were far different from those with third-party developers including one which shared data with the political firm Cambridge Analytica.

Apple's software upgrades also include features that help users understand how much time they are spending on their devices, amid concerns of growing smartphone "addiction."

Features being added to "limit distraction" from iPhones included being able to turn-off lock screen notifications at bedtimes to avoid "getting spun up" by prompts when perhaps one just wants to check the time.

"I think we are all going to be using Do-Not-Disturb a whole lot more," Federighi said.

https:// www.straitstimes.com/world/united-states/apples-new-operating-systems-to-block-web-tracking-by-facebook-other-sites

07395c No.1636449


Your canned bot replies are useless. Waiting on your formula because it is important. If spheroid earth is false, then why is my formula accurate? TRUTH IS YOU DON'T HAVE ONE. You won't even address the AMATEUR circumnavigation because you know you'll lose the argument even further. Time to make your bed and shave your neckbeard, bucko.

3328d0 No.1636450

File: b5ce9fe93f1aeaa⋯.jpg (1.59 MB, 2128x2758, 152:197, Screen Shot 2018-04-17 at ….jpg)

7bb203 No.1636451


>yeah, get this shit out of the notables.


Baker please do remove from Notables

d35d99 No.1636452


He was later poisoned for a dirt airstrip,

03abe2 No.1636453


Interesting timing. Media distraction? I didn't notice then. I do still have a PDF of that birth certificate saved sometime around then. I was able to verify the layered traits. The software I used doesn't work on my current computers, though.

d35d99 No.1636454


And the cleburn connection

c8b620 No.1636455

File: e8f7d80d71a8664⋯.png (9.69 KB, 1280x756, 320:189, Flag_of_the_British_East_I….png)

File: cffccf5e7443e28⋯.png (2.15 KB, 1280x640, 2:1, 1280px-British_East_India_….png)

Did the Revolution actually end? It's still on. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT

The founding of Yale College in 1701 pre-dates the American Revolution by several

generations. Many of the founders of Yale were righteous men of the Puritan heritage who devoutly believed in God and country. Some of these patriotic souls later made up the core of Benjamin Franklin's political coalition which ultimately broke with the mother country, Great Britain. Many graduates of Yale were active in the American Revolution and the founding of the United States.

Benjamin Franklin once gave a speech endorsing the adoption of the Company's flag by the United States as their national flag. He said to George Washington, "While the field of your flag must be new in the details of its design, it need not be entirely new in its elements. There is already in use a flag, I refer to the flag of the East India Company." This was a way of symbolising American loyalty to the Crown as well as the United States' aspirations to be self-governing, as was the East India Company. Some colonists also felt that the Company could be a powerful ally in the American War of Independence, as they shared similar aims and grievances against the British government tax policies. Colonists therefore flew the Company's flag, to endorse the Company.

c7e3e1 No.1636456



226e8b No.1636457


It's nothing you would know anything about, for sure.

Still sucking on your formula baby bat?

d670f3 No.1636458



Right here anon. No one else is paying attn. I believe that thread is dead on.

0f64c4 No.1636460

File: 09407f5bbe58679⋯.jpg (96.25 KB, 630x630, 1:1, kekistani_af_recon_squadro….jpg)

File: 8a10c131cf697dd⋯.png (687.47 KB, 3000x1734, 500:289, KING87_1.png)

File: 3c8935bf9f50967⋯.jpg (668.41 KB, 3000x1724, 750:431, ATTACK_tucson_3.jpg)

Possible search and rescue in southern Arizona.


>Lockheed Martin delivered the first HC-130J Combat King II combat search and rescue tanker to the California Air National Guard on April 5


>The A-10 was designed for close air support (CAS) of friendly ground troops, attacking armored vehicles and tanks, and providing quick-action support against enemy ground forces.


>The EC-130H Compass Call is an electronic attack aircraft flown by the United States Air Force. Based on the Lockheed Martin C-130 Hercules, the aircraft is heavily modified to disrupt enemy command and control communications, perform offensive counter-information operations, and do other kinds of electronic attack.

455dd0 No.1636461

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

c64fa7 No.1636462


<I think Globalists are pushing for him in order to create massive war/distress zone in Mexico and flood United States with refugees and throw us in total disarray.

The curious is that The Mexican MSM hates ALMO. Even so. it's a Chinese/Russian operative.

0ab091 No.1636463


Crafty bitches

7d53fc No.1636465


Where does it say he's CIA / deep state? If you repost without that I'll add it. Otherwise, post proof.

46d8bc No.1636466

File: d05a79a9eb6fd5a⋯.jpg (250.86 KB, 787x1465, 787:1465, Screenshot_20180416-183139.jpg)

846428 No.1636467


so by your logic erik prince is a black hat. ? good people worked for deep state types as security. maybe craig is a blackhat. but 1 wikipedia page doesnt prove it

163805 No.1636469

f005ef No.1636470




So, what is a MARIAGE?

bd504e No.1636472


they did not dismantle it, they relocated a few pieces of evidence from private land to public land, to prevent its destruction.

the bulldozing today did exactly that, destroyed everything that was still on the private land….

there has been zero debunking and your a fucking shill for saying there has been.

the corrupt department claimed the site had no evidence, but that is as clearly a lie as is your attempt to derail this. as clear as bulldozing the site is an attempt to cover it up…

cd27e3 No.1636473


This example is apparently a high quality one, tho.

785f84 No.1636474


it's on,With you, just checking it out : )

cf7312 No.1636475


got it. thx

0ab091 No.1636476



Probably am attempt to fire up the courts and get people prosecuted.

18d8a0 No.1636477

I've been mention text from it. Some of the big Twatter researchers have been digging them all day.

455dd0 No.1636478

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

c62e20 No.1636479


EST is the correct zone to use

i have determined this through clock confirmations

6e8ee9 No.1636481


Seriously anons, check out this Belly/Weeknd song, came out 5 days ago..

Flying pyramid into jail….. money on fire, MKultra, fallen oak tree, number pyramid on shirt,

Filmed in a JAIL….. lol I don't know how much more of a message it could send.

dd2b7c No.1636482

File: 9d55aec749a4bcb⋯.png (356.47 KB, 683x332, 683:332, Sawman.png)

80dc87 No.1636483


Clockfags are total shills and a slide.

I can't believe that it even makes it into notables.

f123dc No.1636484


I'm not convinced there is anything to it.

They seem to be mapping days of posts to other posts made on past days based on this clock pattern. This means that there will be a 1-in-60 chance of any two given posts being "connected". There are 1439 posts now. So any given day will have 1439 / 60 = 23.98 , on average, posts connected to it. There are many recurring themes in Q's body of work. So what is the probability of finding connection within the Q-Clock just be pure chance? Pretty good. And what are the chances that any given days current events might match-up with with a past post via Q-Clock mapping? Near certain.

This is why I insist on seeing a testable hypothesis and successful predictions before I get onboard with it.

ef3a46 No.1636485

File: b5efd10d1c5afe7⋯.jpg (150.21 KB, 743x730, 743:730, jewinsight.jpg)


We know, you stupid fuck. (((shill))) getting uppity.


What about Awan.

Is Israel involved?

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 88957f No.613229 📁

Mar 10 2018 13:04:36 (EST)


We are saving Israel for last.

Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.


0ab091 No.1636486




He's definitely making an effort to make ties to the Bundy incident to make like they're doing things right, "not like the Bundy thing"…. That alone is pretty perturbing.

6d4f7f No.1636487

File: 91ed0ebd282f7b8⋯.png (539.04 KB, 780x579, 260:193, ClipboardImage.png)

US appeals against ruling that President Donald Trump could not block Twitter followers

WASHINGTON (REUTERS) - The US Justice Department said on Monday (June 4) it would appeal against a federal judge's ruling that President Donald Trump may not legally block Twitter users from his account on the social media platform based on their political views, according to a court filing.

Jameel Jaffer, a lawyer for the seven plaintiffs who sued, said the @realDonaldTrump account had unblocked the seven plaintiffs on Monday.

"We're pleased that the White House unblocked our clients from the President's Twitter account but disappointed that the government intends to appeal the district court's thoughtful and well-supported ruling," Jaffer said in an e-mail.

The White House did not comment immediately. A Justice Department spokeswoman confirmed the plaintiffs had been unblocked.

Trump has made his Twitter account - with more than 52 million followers - an integral and controversial part of his presidency, using it to promote his agenda, announce policy and attack critics. He has blocked many critics from his account, which prevents them from directly responding to his tweets.

US District Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald in Manhattan ruled on May 23 that comments on the president's account, and those of other government officials, were public forums and that blocking Twitter users for their views violated their right to free speech under the First Amendment of the US Constitution.

Buchwald's ruling was in response to a First Amendment lawsuit filed against Trump in July 2017 by the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University and several Twitter users.

The plaintiffs include Philip Cohen, a sociology professor at the University of Maryland, and Brandon Neely, a Texas police officer.

Cohen, who was blocked from Trump's account a year ago, wrote on Twitter late Monday: "We whined. We complained. We sued. We won our First Amendment lawsuit in federal court. And now @realDonaldTrump has unblocked me. Wow!"

Neely tweeted at Trump after he was unblocked late Monday:"@realDonaldTrump 368 days and a win in court and now I AM BACK!!!"

Novelists Stephen King and Anne Rice, comedian Rosie O'Donnell, model Chrissy Teigen, actress Marina Sirtis and the military veterans political action committee VoteVets.org are among others who have said on Twitter that Trump blocked them.

Buchwald rejected the argument by Justice Department lawyers that Trump's own First Amendment rights allowed him to block people with whom he did not wish to interact.

Trump could "mute" users, meaning he would not see their tweets while they could still respond to his, she said, without violating their free speech rights.

https:// www.straitstimes.com/world/united-states/us-appeals-against-ruling-that-president-donald-trump-could-not-block-twitter

9a2c9f No.1636488


>Mexico city is one of deadliest cities on the world where Andrés Manuel López Obrador was governor. Now he is going to come on power in whole Mexico. I think Globalists are pushing for him in order to create massive war/distress zone in Mexico and flood United States with refugees and throw us in total disarray.


Exactly, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is OPPOSING THE CABAL here in my country, that's why he is so fucking hated by the media, that's why he is painted as communist-socialist but he is NOT, he has no proven ties to the cabal, they are terrified for him to win because he would end the fucking PRI-PAN corruption.

he may be the equivalent of a USA leftist, here in my country, but since the guy is not involved with those fuckers, MSM is playing THE EXACT SAME TACTIC they used against Mr. POTUS Trump.

I wouldn't be surprised if he gets suicided or something

a6fbef No.1636489


Um, ok? Explain your logic here.

c7e3e1 No.1636490


anything buried is still there.

18d8a0 No.1636491


Read this one too.


226e8b No.1636492


You are being laughed at by many.

You think a silly baby formula explains the whole universe?

What formula explains where the subatomic particles and energy came from that formed the big bang?

Hmmm. How can I predict a predictable movement??

Which is more difficult?


c887ff No.1636493



No kidding bro there is NO theoretical chance unless he got full support of MK Ultra MSM media in Mexico. They are planting bomb under our Country mark my words.

7d53fc No.1636494



It won't be coming out of notables, but if you post a counter argument I'll post it alongside it.

6e5e61 No.1636495



are we still workin on secret/societies

British Round-Table Group

Dutch east India trading company


Roman Nobility

f3d27c No.1636496


so many murders

will there be anyone left?

7bb203 No.1636497


I think you have been exposed.

Real anons will carry on ignoring your lame ass story

And BTW fuck you bitch

I have had just about enough of your bullshit

I called the FBI re the Chandler instagram

You are the shill

4d6ca2 No.1636498

File: c3f8559e1d4682d⋯.jpg (401.1 KB, 750x1311, 250:437, awanmossad54775747499900.jpg)


Another interesting bit about the other Mossad Awan….

6d4f7f No.1636500

File: bfee958139b7f9d⋯.png (491.73 KB, 780x571, 780:571, ClipboardImage.png)

Manafort attempted to tamper with potential witnesses: US special counsel

WASHINGTON (REUTERS) - President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, who has been indicted by US Special Counsel Robert Mueller, attempted to tamper with potential witnesses, Mueller said in a court filing on Monday (June 4).

Mueller, who is investigating possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, asked the judge overseeing the case in US District Court for the District of Columbia to revoke or revise an order releasing Manafort ahead of his trial.

Manafort was released to home confinement after his arraignment in October 2017.

Mueller has indicted Manafort in federal courts in Virginia and Washington, DC, with an array of allegations from money-laundering and failing to register as a foreign agent, to bank and tax fraud. Manafort has pleaded not guilty.

FBI Special Agent Brock Domin, in a declaration filed with Mueller's motion, said Manafort had attempted to call, text and send encrypted messages in February to two people from "The Hapsburg Group," a firm he worked with to promote the interests of Ukraine.

The FBI has documents and statements from the two people, as well as telephone records and documents recovered through a search of Manafort's iCloud account showing that Trump's former campaign manager attempted communication while he was out on bail, according to Domin.

The communications were "in an effort to influence their testimony and to otherwise conceal evidence," Domin wrote. "The investigation into this matter is ongoing."

Manafort is the most senior member of Trump's campaign to be indicted, though the charges do not relate to campaign activities.

Trump has denied collusion with Russia and called Mueller's investigation a "witch hunt."

https:// www.straitstimes.com/world/united-states/manafort-attempted-to-tamper-with-potential-witnesses-us-special-counsel

846428 No.1636501


all those people are going to heaven. bill is not

rip(ieces) bill

848685 No.1636502

File: b0ddef7a0631671⋯.png (1.26 MB, 962x1367, 962:1367, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf44a4e637cca7d⋯.jpg (1.9 MB, 4409x5150, 4409:5150, grim-reaper-3.jpg)

ef3a46 No.1636504


Be wary of (((shills))) trying to censor notables, baker.

(((their))) focus on trying to discredit or otherwise censor the tucson issue is telling - they don't want more digging in that direction. Likely we are pulling at the edge of a thread and don't want it followed up on. The anti-tucson angle started in earnest yesterday for some strange reason. Coordinated.

3d566c No.1636505

vaginas have ball….


lol after trey and matt came out as republicans THIS NEW SEASON SHOULD BE HILARIOUS

2db7ea No.1636506

File: 880efe4fdcefb42⋯.png (389.82 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, V_V_W.png)

File: 25ad10302561125⋯.png (392.6 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, A_inverted_V_with_or_witho….png)

not taking sides on this Tucson thing

1) think the dig on Cemex is good

2) this person may want to re-think their use of fonts


Two Vs making a W… usually not good

An A as an upside down V with no slash… no good

always look for As that are inverted Vs or inverted Vs with a –slash–

c5e5ff No.1636507


Explain how 60 days is 1 turn of the clock? Why Why not 12?

226e8b No.1636508


I know you. What is your model of the sun?

(ignore the verifiable evidence and pick out anything silly to distract from it and piss them off)

sound like the demon way, demon?

c62e20 No.1636509

File: 71852d879837a2b⋯.jpg (2.82 MB, 2882x2694, 1441:1347, qclock531proofsconf.jpg)


of course the clock deniers jump out to discredit it

you can use it to connect news to past crumbs

look…. 5/31 two big crumbs

[d]ay [of] [d]ays and

freedom day

the dept of defense tweeted about dday

and trump posted a pic to facebook/instagram with FREEDOM in big red letters

look at the dates on the clock that fall on the same minute as 5/31

ab80f3 No.1636510


But for the clock to work, since it is created in a specific time zone, with no DST, for it to work year long, you have to always use the same basis, which is the unmodified eastern time.

Also, if Q is in china, and doing a clock confirmation with Trump in USA, they all have to be working on the same basis

For example, if Q wants to create a marker of 5 minutes with a Trump Tweet, they must both be looked through the same basic timezone to get the marker correct.

332aa5 No.1636511



I've been saying that the whole Tucson shit ' this pile of rubbish is muh child trafficking so lets dump it RIGHT in the Q board' is a distraction from the 2000 pages of LV shooting eyewitness testimony that came in just a short time before. Anons quit digging the 2000 pages and went RIGHT for this B.S.

Who do you think does the shootings and killings in false flags? Hillary campaign staff?????????????????????

dd2b7c No.1636512

5e0ae4 No.1636513


Odds wouldn't be the same for each post, but yeah I get it. It's a half baked idea but maybe some hyperautist will figure out the entire future and it'll be like that stupid circle language from that alien movie.

Alternative thinkers love circles and lines and circling things and drawing lines between them.

ef3a46 No.1636514


appreciated, anon.

c64fa7 No.1636515


What happen is that Merkel support to Morena (?) and Ayala is as a pickle operative (Macron case). Same. it needs more focus in South america.

Duterte Case?

6d4f7f No.1636516

File: c3500551260f1a3⋯.png (587.53 KB, 780x581, 780:581, ClipboardImage.png)

Washington state sues Facebook, Google over election ad disclosure

SAN FRANCISCO (REUTERS) - The state of Washington said on Monday (June 4) it had sued Facebook Inc and Alphabet Inc's Google for allegedly violating state campaign finance law by failing to maintain information about who buys election ads.

The state's attorney general, Bob Ferguson, who posted copies of the lawsuits on his website, said he was seeking penalties against the companies and an injunction for failing to disclose ad spending in state elections since 2013.

Facebook said it looked forward to resolving the lawsuit quickly after it recently introduced tools for people to see who is buying political ads on its social network.

A representative for Google could not immediately be reached for comment. Like Facebook, Google has pledged to create an online archive of ads that run on its service.

Facebook and Google have faced criticism from lawmakers, users and advocates for campaign finance regulation for their role in selling political ads after Russians allegedly used fake names to buy ads to sway American voters around the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Unlike most US jurisdictions, both Washington state and the city of Seattle have laws dating to the 1970s that require companies that sell advertising, such as radio stations, to disclose who buys political ads. Other states put the burden of disclosure on the buyers themselves.

A Seattle official said in February that he thought Facebook was in violation of the city's law, though Seattle has not sued the company.

Ferguson said his office received a citizen complaint in April alleging that Facebook and Google had not provided legally required information on political ads.

https:// www.straitstimes.com/world/united-states/washington-state-sues-facebook-google-over-election-ad-disclosure

7bb203 No.1636517



Bread 2055



No, but I have this clown.

"Tucson Police Department officers, detectives, and command staff conducted a thorough inspection of the site,

spoke to the reporting parties, and collected evidence. Based on the department's investigation to the point,

there is no indication this camp is being used for any type of criminal activity, including human trafficking.

Yesterday, an unsubstantiated assertion was made that a body might be buried at the site.

A cadaver dog was used to check the area with negative results. The department has been in contact with the

property owner who advised no one has permission to be on the property."

We'll keep you updated if there are any developments.

TPD returns to abandoned camp off I-19


e6196a No.1636518


Very fast to react to ""exposure""

c887ff No.1636519


Hmm could he be pawn in their game? I mean they used Noriega and many to plant chaos around world it would not be first time?

6e5e61 No.1636521


Right on, there's this post:


and also,

there was some suggestion that the

T-shirt he was wearing (in the vidya in the notables)

was a cabal symbol (looking now, I'll link to ur post)

5a9257 No.1636522

File: 6032b738a54f15d⋯.jpg (56.72 KB, 740x508, 185:127, 60min.jpg)

bd504e No.1636523


you did not say a single thing about the subject, instead you just attacked me, what did i say that is shill? what did i say that is wrong? point it out? why do i have to ask you to point it out?

all ive said is they bulldozed the private land to cover it up, is that incorrect?

and VOP only relocated evidence from private land to public land to prevent its destruction from for example that bulldozin.

is that wrong?

im shill for saying that?


07395c No.1636524


Weak sauce, mr BOT. You have no credibility and no mathematical formula to predict a simple thing like the time the sun becomes visible every day, where as I DO have that formula. Address the AMATEUR circumnavigation once so the rest of us can laugh at you more.

a6fbef No.1636525


The amount of back and forth with the issue is astounding. We really punted a hornet's nest with this one!

2ccf4d No.1636526

File: f75f8867a89383f⋯.png (16.6 KB, 294x118, 147:59, kasichfag.png)




2eaf70 No.1636527


Like Eminems new album cover?

4d6ca2 No.1636528

File: 9d4b086fba3da4e⋯.png (316.33 KB, 680x529, 680:529, 1521778109461.png)

People either underestimate Mossad or dont understand a thing about the spy game.

Yes they would totally be interested in the servers of US senators or reps.

Yes they would use a pakistani guy to get what they wanted.

Yes they wouldnt give a shit.

ef3a46 No.1636529


Also note (((they))) are trying to shit talk awan/israel angle here. They know that cat is already out of the bag with Q more or less confirming the link - but still tries to mess with Patriots.

We need to kill/capture these fucking treasonous scum and have them [neutralized].

bdded4 No.1636530


Never mind the symbols. Being an AJ associated e-celeb with your own gay branded t-shirts of course diminishes credibility somewhat.

737f07 No.1636531


Have any of you watched his vid from tonight?

He's not calling the site anything.

Says it is suspicious and needs to be investigated.

b912e2 No.1636532

File: 13dabc924c3ef89⋯.jpg (634.14 KB, 924x713, 924:713, the-1881-assassination-of-….jpg)

File: c3eee436499c60c⋯.png (770.46 KB, 510x633, 170:211, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bad36a6ad9f9a9c⋯.png (810.61 KB, 487x677, 487:677, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9eddbda0845e8ae⋯.png (401 KB, 488x670, 244:335, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f6a2289441d71a7⋯.jpg (37.74 KB, 300x375, 4:5, 300px-Enemy_jew.jpg)

7d53fc No.1636534


Glowing hard, aren't they?

c8b620 No.1636535


It can be documented by comparing the family charts of the early Bonesmen that there is today a core group of no more than 20 to 30 families who form the nucleus of the Order. The majority are old-line Puritan families who came to North America in the very first wave of settlers in the 17th century. Among these prominent families are: Whitney, Lord, Phelps. Wadsworth, Allen, Bundy, Adams, Stimson, Taft, Gilman and Perkins. A second group of families in the Skull & Bones core earned fabulous fortunes during the 18th and 19th centuries and thus won a rite of passage into the New England elite, even though they were not among the earliest settlers. The leading Skull & Bones families in this second category are: Harriman, Rockefeller, Payne, Davison, Pillsbury and Weyerhauser.

A few of the Jewish banking families who made their way from Germany to the United States during the 18th and l9th centuries were eventually granted limited access to the WASP inner sanctums. Some families, like the Schiff, Warburg, Guggenheim and Meyer families, were unofficially designated as intermediaries between the New England WASPs and their cousins in London. This was especially true after the Rothschild interests supplanted the Anglican Baring group as the most powerful financial cabal in the City of London. Some of these German Jewish families became so absorbed into the WASP or Anglican society that they eventually converted from Judaism to Protestantism and were gradually ostracized from the Jewish aristocracy.

The WASP families, however, never saw the prominent Jewish investment banking families of America as equals. The Jews were considered politically and culturally different by the WASPs, and have never been accepted into the latter's inner circle. For the most part, these Jewish merchant bankers are viewed with suspicion and distrust by the members of the Order. Moreover, the Jewish fraternal societies, such as B'nai B'rith, were formed out of the British-based Scottish Rite Freemasonry. Their sponsors in America, the Rothschilds and the Cecil Rhodes Trust (also known as the British Round Table Group), are connected with the British Foreign Office and its secret intelligence apparatus.

2ccf4d No.1636537

cecc40 No.1636538


Because each day lines up with a minute marker, not an hour marker.

60 minutes on each turn of the clock.

only 12 hours.

c7e3e1 No.1636539


nobody is stopping you from digging on that 2000 pages. how's that going? any results you can post?

c5e5ff No.1636540

File: 7b2bb0762200710⋯.jpg (15.51 KB, 800x533, 800:533, picture-unknown-businesswo….jpg)

332aa5 No.1636541


yeah like John McStain's wiki page says he's deep state.

connections anon. We have connections of Sawyer to deep state actors. on top of the fishy stench of his 'rubbish heap in the desert-tied purposefully to Q'. So go dig on Sawyer. find where he was during the LV shooting.

67def8 No.1636542

File: 397dd65621f2353⋯.jpg (76.82 KB, 640x449, 640:449, kimkardashian_baphomet_sat….jpg)

File: b36f5202fae1dbf⋯.jpg (70.8 KB, 612x612, 1:1, Kanye-West-and-Kim-Kardash….jpg)

File: 5b67290ef09a560⋯.jpg (18.95 KB, 500x238, 250:119, main-qimg-d8f151fd1604cff4….jpg)

File: 3b744b228f1c52f⋯.jpg (15.51 KB, 340x270, 34:27, 5aa54d39887e410882cb455143….jpg)





You don't know anything about Kim Kardashian

846428 No.1636543


ok that is weird. thats a much better reason that "muh worked for hillary as security" someone on reddit was telling me they had a bad experience messaging him about vets 4 child rescue

f005ef No.1636544

File: 69d87937f60e49b⋯.jpg (24.58 KB, 600x338, 300:169, Firefly_1x01_219.jpg)


>I know you.

The assumptions of ideological zealots never ceases to amaze. Good luck with your weak and flaccid slide attempt.

f53039 No.1636545


He is a nothing but a Patriot.

c5e5ff No.1636546


Yeah some spook confirmed it.

ab80f3 No.1636547


You'd have to dig through the markers Q furnished in the earlier drops.

The 60 days to an hour was determined throughout multiple markers that made it evident that 1 day = 1 minute. Some clockfags could point out the specific markers probably.

cecc40 No.1636548


I know that her mother is an Armenia Jew.

I confirmed it for myself.


Did she flip to the good side?

Was she just a puppet?

Is she being blackmailed by POTUS? Or by the CABAL before?

These are the important questions.

226e8b No.1636549


>Weak sauce, mr DEMON. You have no credibility and no mathematical formula to predict a simple thing like the origin of subatomic particles.

I DO have that formula… I just stopped sucking the bottle years ago.

332aa5 No.1636550


difficult, they are on 'anti-copy paper' so can't be made searchable by OCR scanning. but many of the witnesses state multiple shooters, shooters on the ground, guys with guns on the ground, shooting at the bellagio and at hooters. too many to ignore. and oh, some of the witnesses who were verbal about multiple shooters are dead now.

cc2258 No.1636551

A week to remember? June 6 is the anniversary of the D-Day Landings in Normandy…wonder if Q and team are considering this special date for a similar unstoppable assault on our enemies…

c64fa7 No.1636552


Hollywood isn't my topic.

46174e No.1636553


Ever heard of this group? International clown party!

c62e20 No.1636554

File: 7cfcf5bca419a79⋯.png (467.77 KB, 1152x672, 12:7, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at ….png)

File: aa261543f22ed5e⋯.png (313.83 KB, 1028x477, 1028:477, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at ….png)

File: 012536e0d515121⋯.png (384.67 KB, 1046x579, 1046:579, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at ….png)

File: 78c72186a39c88c⋯.png (391.53 KB, 1001x630, 143:90, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at ….png)

File: 7f8cc341d9123a5⋯.png (412.51 KB, 1091x612, 1091:612, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at ….png)

19aa43 No.1636555

File: 0e771580e576d31⋯.png (2.96 MB, 1500x1210, 150:121, hinting - v is for vril.png)




The V stands for Vril, the name of the aliens that are here behind everything.

2db7ea No.1636556

File: 6587b621bc7222b⋯.jpg (6.34 KB, 259x194, 259:194, images.jpg)

7d53fc No.1636557


That was in an earlier notables batch, so won't be included in this one.

6e5e61 No.1636558


Bread 2056



226e8b No.1636559


Done pretty well so far. I drew you out didn't I?

c62e20 No.1636560

File: 79d9e306a77348a⋯.png (443.22 KB, 1092x638, 546:319, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at ….png)

File: 1bd2b2d9336eb03⋯.png (376.92 KB, 1110x558, 185:93, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at ….png)

File: 6d322f0b2dac2a4⋯.png (452.73 KB, 1046x668, 523:334, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at ….png)

File: cdb459a526652d2⋯.png (420.19 KB, 985x664, 985:664, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at ….png)

File: fdc08e44dc25a9f⋯.png (459.14 KB, 1059x689, 1059:689, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at ….png)

a2cfee No.1636561

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>You know what would wake up half the dems?

Yes, the Dems and Indies need to be educated that the Democrat leadership has selected which candidates should win in local races and don't care what voters in states think. They are trying to trick Indies into voting for their "moderate" choices who will support their far-left agenda.

adb5dc No.1636562

File: 90c12df3645aee6⋯.jpg (29.47 KB, 400x264, 50:33, judge smails.jpg)

67def8 No.1636563


They don't let you go so easy especially when you are influential. They'll kill you for the insurance money before they let you flip

a8f518 No.1636564


I was thinking the same thing. Do we have any proof of his accomplishments in this area? It seems like something would have been accomplished. I'll dig.

737f07 No.1636565

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Everyone screaming 'Craig Sawyer is deep state'…

Watch his vid from tonight.

All he says is the site is suspicious, and should be investigated.

He's not the one spreading the disinfo.

6e8ee9 No.1636566


Could have been a very long term asset/double agent for NSA….. like others it seems.

and now is just the right time to uncover.

We don't know.

c62e20 No.1636567

File: 96974f9274fc536⋯.png (472.76 KB, 1133x667, 1133:667, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at ….png)

File: 313170d82a6f7eb⋯.png (221.49 KB, 873x411, 291:137, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at ….png)

File: 9311c4307eb57e4⋯.png (439.31 KB, 1007x662, 1007:662, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at ….png)

File: f1b3d6744e1da82⋯.png (417.83 KB, 1040x648, 130:81, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at ….png)

File: 59aa286588346d5⋯.png (411.44 KB, 1069x608, 1069:608, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at ….png)


more still

f123dc No.1636568


[d]ay [of] [d]ays == D of D = Department of Defense.

43794a No.1636569

File: 5b2fac3d5d7b94b⋯.jpg (13.81 KB, 255x205, 51:41, pepelookleftasuigaiugd.jpg)

3d4d39 No.1636570


332aa5 No.1636571



NONE of our notables are PROOF, and you know that baker. They are notable connections. No, I wont repost it. It shows he's connected to Hillary and McCain and Hollywood. We've got notables with FAR fewer connections from digging.

163805 No.1636572

they make loud screeching noises right? maybe like dinosaurs. y'all can see how brave I am.

4d6ca2 No.1636573

File: 1f741d22ff588be⋯.jpg (145.79 KB, 820x1200, 41:60, 1f741d22ff588be0372eb63116….jpg)


Just trying to explain to people that you cant be 100% sure of anything. He could be a double agent for both ISI and Mossad.

A lowly tech guy from the subcontinent he is not though.

768cd2 No.1636574

just got here anything on Howard Schultz resigning?

5e0ae4 No.1636575

File: ba10c48e3b060b4⋯.jpeg (24.84 KB, 313x313, 1:1, download (5).jpeg)

c62e20 No.1636577

File: 8262d62d94e8172⋯.png (488.66 KB, 1156x640, 289:160, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at ….png)

File: e4ca70ff117aafc⋯.png (458.91 KB, 1143x623, 1143:623, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at ….png)

File: 9a68fa92f6dad86⋯.png (149.82 KB, 1044x218, 522:109, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at ….png)

File: 01cb9e4623339b2⋯.png (440.23 KB, 1079x649, 1079:649, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at ….png)

File: cef63dbdfcc70d4⋯.png (489.36 KB, 1056x714, 176:119, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at ….png)


few more

cecc40 No.1636578


Patriots can offer strong protection.

2db7ea No.1636579


or maybe their graphic designer is just oblivious

adb5dc No.1636581


Say a prayer for me, Anons, I'm going in to battle /them/ tomorrow and I could use your prayers, which have been so helpful in the past. Thank you.

846428 No.1636582


nice try reptillian we all know its you guys

c32c15 No.1636583


TY for sharing ANON!!!

d670f3 No.1636584






848685 No.1636585


fired. got caught drinking McCafe….

bd504e No.1636586


they didnt bulldoze it immediately for no reason at all. its an obvious coverup,

police cannot rule that there is no evidence of a crime within the first day of looking at the scene, when there is bloody straps bloody clothes bloody knife.

its outrageous youd believe the police on this.

0f64c4 No.1636587

File: a3ff51df09f4903⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 3000x1740, 50:29, Q4_2.jpg)


USAF UAV flying north over Poland

c62e20 No.1636588

File: ac73955e053bcf0⋯.png (466.32 KB, 1114x711, 1114:711, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at ….png)

File: 46ebe330adf11a6⋯.png (485.72 KB, 1109x696, 1109:696, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at ….png)

File: f405d10958b69e1⋯.png (86.45 KB, 1093x110, 1093:110, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at ….png)

File: 070ec5dfffcb858⋯.png (437.46 KB, 1063x623, 1063:623, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at ….png)

File: 9ac1237a7c6fef0⋯.png (45.38 KB, 903x63, 43:3, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at ….png)


last few

a9c1b4 No.1636589



77bbdc No.1636590

Bill Clinton interview, other turning into a poor Bill moment, he lied about 3/4 of the people stayed with him. We impeached him. Very different response. Also, the reporter says that was 20 years ago lets talk about JFK, or LBJ. Duh that was 50 years ago +. Then he gets to say, he won't go into because he dealt with it already. All about you Bill, you lie to yourself, but no one else is fooled. Imagine him in the White House with Hillary. I hope mid term voters get that. Bill throws Trump under the bus, when no proof of wrong doing, only heresay.

46174e No.1636591



German Secret Society. V might stand for another name depending who you ask. Definitely worth looking into.

78d913 No.1636592


Noice one, Baker! Thank you for your service to our great nation!

07395c No.1636593


you really are a juvenile BOT. not well formed. Nothing much in the way of verifiable scientific information. Just a few juvenile BOT like replies to slide the threads and try to paint the Q movement as a bunch of lunatic, flat earthers. I know you don't believe your own bullshit because you won't address the AMATEUR circumnavigation of the southern hemisphere.

ef3a46 No.1636594

File: 41239159e19f261⋯.jpg (3.25 MB, 2031x4783, 2031:4783, kikelies22.jpg)

File: f820bb90bee9297⋯.jpg (340.83 KB, 750x1311, 250:437, kikelies21.jpg)


They are indeed, baker.

I put together the following pics from the bread regarding AWAN/israel thing.

>>1636213 (((DWS))) threatened, screamed at Awan investigators


Awan/Israel infographic, ties.


Awan family/father ties to various intelligence organizations/(((whore))) for spies including israel.

Pic included here if needed.

adb5dc No.1636595


Bern got paid allright. Bern's very crooked. He's a liar and a fraud.

3f752f No.1636596


Was made by lining up Q time stamps and dates.

This is a work in progress. People that don't understand how and why it was made attack it, like I did at first.

Not sure the intent is to predict anything.

899a47 No.1636598

File: 7376a5d36f6559c⋯.jpg (241.1 KB, 1200x960, 5:4, qfaggot.jpg)

>It doesn't matter if you are liberal or conservative

>Terrible News Will Spread


>Don't believe it!!

>People you know, like from Hollywood, will be accused of bad things, which aren't true

WEINSTEIN THE JEW (for example)

>Zionist People have been fighting behind the scenes in order to save the world


>We don't want money or fame - we are just trying to warn you

because whites will destroy our Zionist agenda!!!

>We have been supporting Pres Trump

because he supports the Zionist agenda! ! !

>It doesn't matter if you support Trump or not - good people will prosper

If they support the Zionist Agenda

I don't know why you guys are still doing this for Baruch and Pamphlet anon -

All they are doing is making money off of you

Just look at PA's face - He's a Jew

Spreading the Zionist agenda

Realize please that there are Jews and then there are Zionists.

you may be pointing out Jews,

but you are working under the pretenses of the Zionist

look up the Israel Lobby

look up Zionist Agenda

332aa5 No.1636599


some say that about Mcstain.

Blackwater types were ALL veterans at one point.

c62e20 No.1636600


no shit… i said it right in the graphic

the dept of defense tweeted about d-day

67def8 No.1636601


you don't get to their position unless you've done some bad things.

let me just say, they are going to have to prove it beyond a few words

ef3a46 No.1636602


Day of Days.

6e8ee9 No.1636604


We are with you… Give em hell.

c6b9b4 No.1636605

File: fa7fa66f9afdca9⋯.jpg (304.49 KB, 871x871, 1:1, scrable FLAT.jpg)

Don't let them bother you. Many are silent, but know the truth.


f53039 No.1636606


We will see. Also, Wikipedia gets funding from Sergey Brin.

adb5dc No.1636607


Yep, that's why the Russkies dont allow adoptions here anymore.

5e0ae4 No.1636608

File: 210e608dc23f4f8⋯.jpg (23.9 KB, 313x313, 1:1, 2bmp81.jpg)

b42edb No.1636609


"mariage" … do you mean mirage?

might want to correct the misspelling in your picture, it would lend more credence to you claims of knowledge.

d670f3 No.1636610



07395c No.1636611


FE shill torn to shreds so no the Muh JEWS bots show up. Its predictable.

f123dc No.1636612

19aa43 No.1636613


There are reps, too. They are the ones masking themselves as humans to rule.

6d4f7f No.1636614

File: d8ffac93d1396da⋯.png (818.15 KB, 780x582, 130:97, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 84ce63f8bf7f31e⋯.png (643.21 KB, 780x578, 390:289, ClipboardImage.png)

File: db2a36ee6938278⋯.png (411.9 KB, 780x811, 780:811, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 67b8fe033ef659f⋯.png (79.02 KB, 799x795, 799:795, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d84b1798b81567b⋯.png (76.73 KB, 804x772, 201:193, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump-Kim summit: Shangri-La Hotel's vicinity declared 'special event area'

SINGAPORE - The Government has declared the area surrounding the Shangri-La Hotel a "special event area" for the period of June 10 to 14, for the upcoming summit between United States President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

While some observers say this has raised the likelihood of the hotel being the venue of the historic summit, others think the Shangri-La could be where one of the two men will be staying, or a “decoy” altogether.

The choice of summit venue has been shrouded in secrecy so far, leading to all kinds of speculation.

The gazetted area is bordered by Dunearn, Paterson, Grange and Cluny roads. Observers point out that it covers other high-end hotels such as the St. Regis Singapore and Four Seasons Hotel Singapore.

The Capella Hotel on Sentosa and The Fullerton Hotel near Fullerton Road have also been mentioned as either where Mr Trump and Mr Kim will stay, or meet.

An order made on Sunday (June 3) in the Government Gazette under the Public Order Act said the “special event area” will take effect from June 10 and run to June 14.

The order, signed by Permanent Secretary for Home Affairs Pang Kin Keong, said the summit may consist of meetings between representatives of the two countries, and includes “any lead-in activities and social events connected with the summit”.

It added that private land in the gazetted area will not be part of the special event area.

https:// www.straitstimes.com/singapore/trump-kim-summit-shangri-la-hotels-vicinity-declared-special-event-area

541192 No.1636615

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

ty baker

great job anons

love you fags

9a2c9f No.1636616






kek I'm not following, please forgive my lack of sleep, can you elaborate? was Merkel supporting AMLO?


>AMLO pawn in the game

I really don't think so, the guy has been in a constant battle for three election cycles (current is 3rd).

On the past two, the cabal machinery played the accustomed voting fraud, despite AMLO winning Trump style (by majority) TWICE

PRI: Jose Antonio Meade

PAN: Ricardo Anaya

Those bastards will do ANYTHING (even killing Mexican people) to get into power.

They have done it in the past

by the way

in the exact same period when Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) was Mexico City Governor, the economy was BETTER, and CRIME RATES WERE FUCKING HISTORICALLY LOW.

ALSO, the motherfucker has never stolen a single fucking peso from govt budget, he is truly honest and cares for people, I don't know about his leftist ideology, but the guy is honest and I bet my fucking life Trump and him would get along fantastically.

cecc40 No.1636617

File: d621335d2ac0212⋯.jpg (752.78 KB, 1189x7173, 1189:7173, Q-NKVisitor.jpg)


This I agree with.

No one gets a free pass.

Keyword: free.

2c6816 No.1636618


Will do. Godspeed!

f00c49 No.1636619


[C]leaned House

level? 65/70

[R]ats PRAY [PREY]







BOOMS will be confirmed.

Why did this outside group post months ago with COMM_F?


It is real. It is happening. Waters are rising.

Have Faith. Numbers are Rising. Strength

We are not LARPS. Proven previous posts.

We HELP. You are the Answer.

Trust in God, Trust the Plan. United We Stand.


F 35 P

b97c3e No.1636620


Vril, Vlash, Reptilian

similar names, all seething ugly, evil reptiles.

Say, where'd that dragon energy come from, anyway…

adb5dc No.1636621

File: 889a74f9578200b⋯.jpg (234.51 KB, 858x536, 429:268, judge roy cape.jpg)



3d566c No.1636622


thats a new FEtard pic

still idiotically wrong and annoying

848685 No.1636623

File: ce3d6bd4737d9e8⋯.jpeg (7.39 KB, 255x166, 255:166, 6cf271b3380764147cb0cd533….jpeg)

378ef7 No.1636624

File: 3a3be48d955aba3⋯.png (283.33 KB, 1026x668, 513:334, 1 Boom Boom Boom Boom L….png)

c5e5ff No.1636625


Done. It's going to be fine.

332aa5 No.1636626


Craig sawyer's connections to special security ops for Hillary and Mcstain and his working with Hollywood are suspicious and should be investigated

7bb203 No.1636627


I have posted more in this bread

The story is complete BS

e8f7bd No.1636628

File: 3a3f6b557f01cb1⋯.jpg (143.32 KB, 800x800, 1:1, short-v2.jpg)

File: 69fb395483e2286⋯.jpg (141.15 KB, 800x800, 1:1, short-v3.jpg)

File: 23735a7f9636cd2⋯.jpg (140.87 KB, 800x800, 1:1, short.jpg)

163805 No.1636629


day of days.

3d566c No.1636630


BO/BV have shown numerous times they're the same

513197 No.1636631

File: 912561c5c4bfe6b⋯.png (377.91 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Godspeed Patriot

541192 No.1636632


prayers sent anon

03abe2 No.1636633


When POTUS posts in China, we will still see the post in our local time zone. No weird conversions necessary.

d35d99 No.1636634

File: 48194841aa5befa⋯.jpg (80.81 KB, 620x472, 155:118, IMG_2286.JPG)

Needs cash homos

737f07 No.1636635



And no one but Anons ever gave a shit.

f005ef No.1636636


>I drew you out didn't I?

I'd love to see a storyline of what you fantasize is playing out in your head… Actually, no I wouldn't.

This anon realizes science is infinitely mutable, and forever open to new evidence. FE evidence presented here is weak and flawed, and presented with such blind brute force as to be clearly distraction-driven and therefore malevolent.

Keep it up, Tiger.

Try Harder, somewhere else.

3f752f No.1636637

File: ce58a04a943dadb⋯.jpg (18.6 KB, 225x359, 225:359, Fags.jpg)

File: 09abf165ba79d5d⋯.jpg (22.79 KB, 624x360, 26:15, FlingTampon.jpg)

File: 8592b608ebccb61⋯.jpg (268.67 KB, 1200x860, 60:43, FlatJunk.jpg)

File: ddebd2450667d71⋯.jpg (556.96 KB, 2200x1700, 22:17, ShillForceDummies.jpg)

File: d8ac13b08eccc73⋯.jpg (39.71 KB, 322x338, 161:169, ShillBrain.jpg)



Notice how the bread becomes cozy without you?

c6b9b4 No.1636638


Whats really predictable is you guys thinking we are all connected.

LOL - you are the blind pretending to see.


If I were seeking the secrets of the universe I don't a spelling mistake would keep me from it.

See Ya

182bdc No.1636639

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Great deception is coming upon the Earth. The veil is thinning! Will you be one those who been tricked into the best system? Has it already begun?

“For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”

MAGICIANS and THE RISE OF THE anti christ BEAST system (Part 3)

19aa43 No.1636640


Yes, but you must expand your thinking for they are real.

656610 No.1636641


POTUS seems more like a Raffles Hotel kind of guy.

846428 No.1636642


you should watch the art bell interviews with red elk or w/e his name is no idea if its true but super interesting. also what caliber bullet takes down lizard people asking for a friend

899a47 No.1636643

File: cf9fc70b78b8c7e⋯.jpg (50.93 KB, 400x400, 1:1, hitler ice cream.jpg)


oh yes,

you are so sharp.

so wise.

have some ice cream provided by our pajeet street shitter

5e0ae4 No.1636644


Confirm them then.

848685 No.1636645

File: 2f42cbc2f766896⋯.png (5.03 KB, 255x79, 255:79, ea9fecfbb3d59ed6785aa5f80a….png)

378ef7 No.1636646

File: 5db1e1687db36ee⋯.jpg (50.24 KB, 480x264, 20:11, 1500932149028.jpg)


((Prays and + LIGHT))

513197 No.1636647

File: 76b8b02f64f26ae⋯.png (535.23 KB, 803x688, 803:688, ClipboardImage.png)

bb49b4 No.1636648


inb4 call for notable

c5e5ff No.1636650

File: 83d137d43335709⋯.jpg (4.18 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images (5).jpg)

c6b9b4 No.1636652


Weebles Wobble but they don't fall down.

Such actions are woble catious.

Cleary a dart in the wind flaps of trees.

See, we can spew nonsense too.

2eaf70 No.1636653


Lord, please protect one of our brothers. He's going into battle and wishes to be under your loving wings. Please guide him and his team, and lead them to Victory. Allow all your warriors to come home to their families. In Jesus name I pray, Amen

6583a9 No.1636654


Kill GS

ab80f3 No.1636655


2 channels opened?

46174e No.1636656


People want to get hung up on if this is true or not. To me, at the end of the day does it really matter what race they are (just like the colors we identify the human race)? No, they're still assholes that is pretty clear. We really need to come together. -not bashing you, just asking people to expand their thinking. Exclude what evidence proves false, that still leaves a whole lot of possibilities.

182bdc No.1636657

File: df04b7c63692a86⋯.png (258.49 KB, 757x421, 757:421, b72bbc64caf5345708c3922eba….png)

File: 1540d8b3039e485⋯.png (327.4 KB, 791x282, 791:282, 26f9e2eed2d471bb2343fbcf25….png)

848685 No.1636658


yeah screw that. i'm outta here.

0e3389 No.1636659

File: 5657737711872fb⋯.jpg (128.09 KB, 900x900, 1:1, gun-barjjrel-from-inside-j….jpg)

80b53e No.1636660


Oh yeah. The Pinay Circle/Cercle. All the same freaks.

19aa43 No.1636661

File: ae5e3471352b147⋯.jpg (475.55 KB, 2064x1824, 43:38, dave c - not sick, ptsd.jpg)


What if they all have PTSD on steroids because of the aliens (Vril)?

a8f518 No.1636662



this comes up on Sawyer but it's weak sauce. He makes no claims of him making arrests, only that he supports Trump in this effort. Flimsy

846428 No.1636663


gitmo doesnt discriminate. neither does kinetic energy lul

513197 No.1636664

File: 381d1e75dedbaef⋯.png (481.38 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


c8b620 No.1636665


Then see my other post


a780f5 No.1636666

There are movies where the bad guy wins.

Most time bad guy is morally good in essence.

The ones we are dealing with - less than zero.

70dc23 No.1636667

File: 6637cc18f2ae684⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1784x3320, 223:415, De3c4gGgi62svjf8438f3fcvc3….png)

ef3a46 No.1636668

File: de109f979f104af⋯.jpg (21.78 KB, 204x255, 4:5, savingkikesforlast.jpg)

File: a7e6f467d7b1e33⋯.jpg (59.11 KB, 456x457, 456:457, jewtruth.jpg)

File: 8f07b682644c51d⋯.png (31.1 KB, 497x322, 71:46, kikeskilledkennedy2.png)

File: d7d8ed7d6bd016d⋯.jpg (214.61 KB, 1180x766, 590:383, kikeskilledkennedy3.jpg)

File: 22bb0504b824c3f⋯.jpg (77.48 KB, 274x414, 137:207, kikesvstruth.jpg)

>07395c ←–possible JIDF calling everyone a bot/AI including BO

>3d566c ←—same (((shill))) team, the usual shit talking, no content 20+ post per bread/shit talking their own FE shill to gain credibility.

Anyone talking 'muhjooshill' term is instantly suspect - literally (((MSM))) tactic 101. 'muhantisemite' = 'muhjooshill'


PSA for newfags.

Heads up for all, thank you for your continued service baker.


Remember the EVIL who killed our beloved president, JFK.

Same ((cabal)) and their lackey #1 (((shills))) trying to manipulate the public now and playing ALL angles.


c62e20 No.1636670



fuck guys…. yes caution should be exercised with anything. but speculating endlessly about PEOPLE is fucking lame. look at the information… find reasons that it is or isn't credible.

and please please not another IS THIS FAG WHITE HATE OR BLACK HAT endless battle…. its fucking tiresome and fucking beneath us

9a2c9f No.1636671



so the clock goes backwards?

163805 No.1636672



c64fa7 No.1636673


Already at least exist a good volume of Awake people. and it's rising.

455dd0 No.1636675


mmm not the right feels

7d53fc No.1636676

File: 64dd9e771675f3d⋯.jpg (143.14 KB, 472x518, 236:259, Comfy.JPG)

6d4f7f No.1636677


I am wondering if the choice was his, thinking Singapore decided based on security measures and what capacity they have to handle the event.

4d6ca2 No.1636678

File: 6c4d510d1bbd416⋯.jpg (22.3 KB, 279x400, 279:400, FSJ79532371432b495ab83deba….jpg)


Guys I want to stress out a couple of things.

We dont know where Akram Awan is or whether he is related to the brothers. He was supposed to have been released in 2014.

Im just making a point that a Mossad connection with Imran isnt so far fetched.

a34b1e No.1636680


She says the same about June 11 and some more important info.


3d566c No.1636681


I actually feel bad for you FEtards

the universe is beautifully complex and you refuse to even try to understand it

I truly pitty you

(unless you know that and are just shilling then kys)

182bdc No.1636682

File: d483179eee60c00⋯.jpg (73.72 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 73b7d11ef81312a53ce6a19e2d….jpg)

789090 No.1636683

File: 89296e40cf25e3c⋯.jpg (118.89 KB, 1024x536, 128:67, billllllll.jpg)


Bill you make me laugh!

7bb203 No.1636684


Tucson Police find no evidence abandoned south side camp linked to child sex trafficking


[Anons read the comments to the video if you wish. They are losing their shit in response to the video just like here]

80b53e No.1636685


500 pages of newly unredacted Strzok/Page texts:


9a2c9f No.1636686


and give him strength and wisdom and health.


46174e No.1636687


Some of us have long memories. Assuming that isn't fucked with as well. Hard to assume anything these days.

ade1a0 No.1636688

File: dead824df7263d8⋯.png (620.49 KB, 1672x1522, 836:761, stain2.png)


a gift for you, use it well.

c5e5ff No.1636689


Yes it is. Impossible in fact.

a34b1e No.1636690


Hey f ass, I taught the Bible for 10 years and couldn't explain the firmament until FE so go learn from the ants since you can't reason from scripture.

ef3a46 No.1636691


Noted. Intelligence business is a grey, ugly one.

Thank you, will follow up on that dig.

FBI Agent In Charge Of "Russiagate" Operation And Clinton Email "Matter" To Testify Tuesday

https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-06-04/fbi-agent-charge-russiagate-operation-and-clinton-email-matter-testify-tuesday

"FBI Counterintelligence chief, Bill Priestap, will sit down for a closed-door session with lawmakers on Tuesday, according to John Solomon of The Hill.

Priestap will be answering questions about the Hillary Clinton email case as well as the counterintelligence operation on the Trump campaign - both of which he oversaw. Priestap was the direct supervisor of Peter Strzok - the FBI agent whose anti-Trump / pro-Clinton bias was revealed after 50,000 text messages to his FBI-attorney mistress, Lisa Page, were discovered by the DOJ's Inspector General, Michael Horowitz.

All accounts say that Priestap is a cooperating witness. In other words, if there's one person who can confirm that the FBI counterintelligence operation on the Trump campaign was politically motivated - or that malfeasance occurred during the process, it's Bill Priestap."

64f228 No.1636692

File: 18827ca71781dd6⋯.jpeg (203.41 KB, 696x607, 696:607, glowing earth orb.jpeg)

File: 91dd172f60f1917⋯.jpg (383.48 KB, 1140x670, 114:67, Impossible Hubble.jpg)

File: 82aa1ae9d22cb3d⋯.jpg (464.51 KB, 1280x873, 1280:873, darwin shh1.jpg)

File: 0efb7123c5fcde0⋯.jpg (340.51 KB, 816x949, 816:949, chicago1.jpg)

File: a2727abe902f6d1⋯.jpg (193.71 KB, 631x623, 631:623, no sound.jpg)

How do you know what to research? Whatever THEY tell you not to.

29df6c No.1636693


you are obsessed. filtered.

6e5e61 No.1636694


thank u fren

055472 No.1636695

flat earthers, daylight saving experts and tucson shills – fuck you faggots, enjoy the mold fest

513197 No.1636697

EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM TEST just went off for me

03abe2 No.1636698


What these particular Jews fail to account for is that they are only one of the 12 tribes. There are 11 more, and the covenants of Israel apply to them as well. These tribes have gone to other areas and may not even realize who they are. For instance, Ephraim is supposedly England. So all these people they are thinking of as goyim may in fact be Israel. I've got to believe God will take them to task for that.

2eaf70 No.1636699

>>1636615 love you too brother Anon

>>1636686 amen brother. Thank you for adding

ab80f3 No.1636700


>Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 622a94 No.1497716 📁

May 21 2018 18:04:49 (EST)

When does the clock run out?

makes sense

163805 No.1636701

cheers friends

67def8 No.1636702


now your trying too hard

d35d99 No.1636703

File: e687923615dc0ed⋯.jpg (32.98 KB, 331x445, 331:445, IMG_2248.JPG)

All the North Korean McDonald's r belong @kim

95648c No.1636704


Where and take a photo

ef3a46 No.1636705


(((they))) post the FE bullshit, then shit talk themselves to build credibility and LIE later on, while sliding the bread. (((shill))) JIDF act 101.

Do not engage (((shills))).

dd2b7c No.1636706


good one

c5e5ff No.1636707


Where are you?

a8f518 No.1636708


His team is working in tandem with local and federal law enforcement agencies from California to Connecticut. “They are allowing us the authority in the area to run these operations,” said Sawyer.

Last month in Guilford, Ct., he ran a joint sting with police. Sawman says the team targeted potential sex predators they made contact with through social media. Five hundred responded in less than 24 hours. Five showed up, including 44-year-old Kevin Millen.

The documentary crew captured him entering a two-story home. He's met by a decoy, an investigator on Sawyer's team, posing as the mother of a 13-year-old girl, who was another adult decoy.

The documentary “Contraland” is slated to be complete this summer or early fall. Meantime, we'll continue to follow the making of this documentary and the impact of sex trafficking in Southern Arizona.


Sawyer is making a documentary about trafficking and using his contacts to accompany law enforcement. He's basically making a career out of this.

f123dc No.1636709


Wats it sayin?

29df6c No.1636710


bret easton ellis novel 'less than zero'.

bring them down.

dd2b7c No.1636711


anybody looked at this yet?


182bdc No.1636712


"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near."

Jesus answered and said to him, Truly, truly, I say to you, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

6e8ee9 No.1636713



Was it a test or real?

22046b No.1636714

Hey I just wanted to say thank you to all of you, I really felt like I was part of something here ever since FBI anon, and Trump's cbts news conference. This is goodbye for me though, I need to check out. God bless all of you, may you live to see your hardness work bear fruit for you and your children.

I can't anymore. I will see you all in the next life, in sure we will recognize one another, but I am at the end of what can bear.

I love you all, goodbye.

19aa43 No.1636715

File: 88a793741806b75⋯.jpg (114.49 KB, 591x507, 197:169, Eye symbols.jpg)


I know the history, too. Lots of distractions.

The eye symbol is about the Vril, too.

95648c No.1636716

Any east coast veterans lurking?

Looking for others to help get a carpool going down to Tuscon AZ.


c0087d No.1636717

Vengeance is a water vessel with a hole.

It carries nothing but the promise of EMPTINESS!


3d566c No.1636718


I really don't care what you did

and I bet you think the Earth is 5000 years old and we lived with dinosaurs dumbass


go ahead FEshill

8f4a43 No.1636719


I don't know,

When sauce came out that HRC stole election from FeelTheBurn I thought It would split party in two. I would have been pissed had it been my party and my voice silenced.

Dems: Muh rigged primary

513197 No.1636720

File: e63281bf55e1fa4⋯.jpeg (72.48 KB, 640x480, 4:3, image2.jpeg)

File: 3ed31dbbd352fa9⋯.jpeg (60.98 KB, 640x480, 4:3, image3.jpeg)

6d4f7f No.1636721

File: 545a6ec47e4190f⋯.png (6.44 KB, 434x229, 434:229, ClipboardImage.png)


I followed this yesterday and somewhat today, I check corresponding news sites in the area and found nothing that fit the narrative that was being pushed for this. Most fitting for this situation is this Q drop.

c64fa7 No.1636722


Something like that

64f228 No.1636723

File: b10fcb74d53dd28⋯.jpg (308.68 KB, 1199x701, 1199:701, Bible 2.jpg)

File: 655069d66f2143d⋯.jpg (242.99 KB, 672x729, 224:243, Yellow Submarine.jpg)


Yes, the Bible confirms it in MANY ways.


No longer monthly… they are now weekly.

46174e No.1636724


I remember 3 sisters in red. Coming up from below. Does this mean anything to you?

f123dc No.1636726


Imagine people 10 years from now looking back at these pictures knowing what they'll know then.

598bf0 No.1636727


{26:7} He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, [and] hangeth the earth upon nothing.

{40:22} [It is] he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof [are] as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:

ee7dfe No.1636729

I vote first passenger shuttle to be launched be packed with FE degenerates, then left up there as a memorial to a shitty theory

adb5dc No.1636730



Thank you all so much, most encouraged.

95648c No.1636731


>Required monthly test


846428 No.1636732


i woudlnt do that if i were you. go get drunk or soemthing

d670f3 No.1636733


You'll be back. Take care anon.

c5e5ff No.1636734



And the dinosaurs were created by the fallen angels by mixing other species, so YES, we did live with them.

Why do you think GOD flooded the Earth and wiped it all out? ALL Flesh was corrupted anon.

Bible is true. All that SF you see on TV, those ideas come from the Bible.

18d8a0 No.1636735

For anyone that care MsTrial is back under a new name too.

541fa0 No.1636736

File: ac28dc15ef80ab6⋯.jpg (501.74 KB, 1417x1701, 1417:1701, comfy.jpg)

adb5dc No.1636737


Seems like the msm wants the K's gone.

f436b5 No.1636738

File: 1e67507b4cdcd99⋯.jpg (150.93 KB, 540x450, 6:5, Travis Allen Governor.jpg)



Pro Home-school

Strong border/build wall

Anti-sancuary cities

Businessman, not a career elite politician.

c8b620 No.1636739


Over the mark.

Their symbols will be their downfall!

According to some accounts, the Skull & Bones secret society at Yale has an

underground affiliation with two other societies which were simultaneously founded at wo other locations. The number "322" that appears under the skull and crossbones on the Order's emblem is believed to indicate the year of its founding – 1832 – and the fact that it is the second lodge within an international system. By some accounts, the lodge holding the number "1" is in Germany and the lodge numbered "3" is based at another American college.

3d566c No.1636741


hahaha that'd be hilarious

like this retard: >>1636734

656610 No.1636742


That must really have freaked out the targets in that area who were being monitored or arrested.

c887ff No.1636743


Godspeed anon very informational… it is problem we do not have full picture and our hive mind really helps. I read on propaganda websites that AMLO is communist

64f228 No.1636744


The bible calls it a leviathan, I think.

Yes, they walked among us.

But most skelletons are fake.


Yep… and half man bests as well. Not legend.

43794a No.1636745

File: 63848d45804aa1d⋯.jpg (88.92 KB, 752x500, 188:125, 28uiggio.jpg)

7d53fc No.1636746

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

I'm just sittin here watchin the shills go round n round

I really love to watch them glow

07395c No.1636747


I never called BO a bot. prove it. I called out the FE bot. Not JDIF either, try again. Sick of the sliding BS and FE trying to hitch their shillwagon to a legit Q movement.

6e8ee9 No.1636748


You wait this whole time…. and you're going to miss the best part?

Common anon, just stay with us, see what happens.

The days will only get more wonderful from now on.

8539a7 No.1636749

File: 4fa78c8d6df0ef9⋯.png (42.18 KB, 663x563, 663:563, d73f1c498cfff917610066c72e….png)

11 June 18

Where will POTUS be?

Why is this day significant?

Think 1776

Think IG Review.


7bb203 No.1636750


Yeah I know.

I am just posting real info so that there is a rebuttal to show when the "pizzagate" hits the fan

Not too vested in the fake story lest some posts to show the integrity of real anons

19aa43 No.1636751

File: a301b347d2e030a⋯.jpg (57.12 KB, 634x437, 634:437, rihanna.jpg)

File: 59f625eb3fdd9de⋯.jpg (67.8 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, keanureeves.jpg)



They can't say anything to us, only hint, or they would be tortured by the Vril.

adb5dc No.1636752

File: bb4ef1f2ac935d2⋯.jpg (44.79 KB, 640x409, 640:409, pelican 40000.jpg)

0e3389 No.1636753

File: 17463b9a5f2ca65⋯.jpg (74.49 KB, 782x540, 391:270, qg.jpg)

File: 2d507fc0bd7dde9⋯.jpg (37.29 KB, 550x498, 275:249, Q-Clock-15.jpg)

File: c5f4964d573dd19⋯.jpg (581.3 KB, 1614x1614, 1:1, mvenjhlxod111 (1).jpg)

c5e5ff No.1636754


Are you saying the Holy Bible is wrong anon?

Be careful, GOD shall not be mocked.

656610 No.1636755



reading now…

c7e3e1 No.1636756


good work anon. my take on it is:

"we have it all," so what parallel construction needs digging right now?

DNC-connected famefag SEAL guy and the homeless camp were planned as a distraction. Famefag SEAL guy interfered at Malheur? Big black mark. Nobody thought the anons would think to look up the property owner of the homeless camp … got us all digging on CEMEX. Ooops. Wishing you good digging on Vegas. Anons dig what they dig. Asking that another anon's dig be taken out of notables to replace it with your dig, maybe not so cool. Carry on.

46174e No.1636757


Yes we barely scratched the surface here. Hoping for a Yugely awesome plan.

161153 No.1636758


>Bill throws Trump under the bus, when no proof of wrong doing, only heresay.

Are you not paying attention?

Who do you think set up and paid for all this Russian bullshit?

Bill is trying to cya.

03abe2 No.1636759


And you couldn't conceive that the firmament could be a spherical bubble encircling the earth? What hole did you crawl out of? You have clearly never gone anywhere.

4d6ca2 No.1636760

File: b31f3e4544826c1⋯.png (1.2 MB, 706x7351, 706:7351, bahawalpurcrashakramawan34….png)

Last bit about Akram Awan - Mossad - Zia-ul Haq.

6d4f7f No.1636761


With you on that Anon.

3d566c No.1636762


it must anger you that everything you say I immediately disregard as laughable

god bless your ignorance though, ignorance is bliss!

cd7e30 No.1636763

File: 9a4d8427aeb3ed1⋯.jpg (202.92 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 85674382.jpg)

64f228 No.1636764


Just because you don't agree with FE why you call them a bot?

Why can't they be just people with what you think is a stupid proven fact?


7d53fc No.1636765

Notables Update

If anything important to add, pls post for consideration.


>>1636591 , 1636739 Further digging on Secret Societies from #2057

>>1636509 The clock explained

>>1636487 US appeals against ruling that President Donald Trump could not block Twitter followers

>>1636448 Apple's new operating systems to block web tracking by Facebook, other sites

>>1636407 The Clinton Body Count: Mary 'Caity' Mahoney

>>1636303 Awan/Israel theory, infographic & connections

>>1636498 Awan family father has ties to various intelligence organizations including Israeli

>>1636213 Debbie Wasserman insulted investigators in an attempt to protect Awan

>>1636286 Friendly Reminder to Archive Everything Offline

>>1636139 , >>1636085 , >>1636162 , >>1636245 , >>1636239 Clock breakthrough: The clock ignores DST

>>1636100 POTUS will celebrate singing the National Anthem instead of Eagles NFL at 3 pm (re clock)

>>1635970 The Clock: Today is a special day: 3 o'clock. Why 3? >>1636020

a780f5 No.1636766


Need to get our house in order.

I look around and the USA is fairly messed up.

1. Clean my house

2. Clean up the town

3. Fix my state.

4. MAGA.

5. Help the world.

Not necessarily in exact order…

664b43 No.1636767


And you couldn't conceive that everything you know and assume about flat earth is because of youtube university?

785f84 No.1636769

File: a4012c122515627⋯.png (121.14 KB, 1035x212, 1035:212, em5.PNG)

They never thought she would lose.

43794a No.1636770



They happen all the time.

Looking for real alerts or false alerts. Moar info anon.

7f02e7 No.1636771


What do you mean by next life?

Peace be upon you.

c5e5ff No.1636772


You anger GOD not me anon.

2493d4 No.1636773

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

4:40 peter shipp mentions brennon

03abe2 No.1636774


I'm a world traveler. I don't need YouTube to tell me anything about such things. I know from experience.

6526c6 No.1636775


Saving for posterity but that's a lot to skim.

78d913 No.1636776


Fair enough, Bozo. I was called an asshole long before POTUS, and I can say with a fair amount of confidence that I will be called an asshole in the future. The difference will be, my future asshole self will live in a world without the constant threat of nuclear war 🇺🇸👍

ef3a46 No.1636777


Try harder, you stupid fucking kike. You (((glow))) every bread.

b42edb No.1636778


>I taught the Bible for 10 years and couldn't explain the firmament

…what a self incitement of your false teaching career.

455dd0 No.1636779


wait, since when does an EBT have 2 pgs, let alone says another test coming in city x..?

29df6c No.1636780

46174e No.1636781


Oh I understand, lucky me I am not quite that important. Just wish I could be of more assistance.

bb49b4 No.1636782

File: 161740d17cc664e⋯.png (69.88 KB, 500x700, 5:7, 6dcdeb12614323131bc697bedb….png)



The Association for Civil Rights in Israel

Established in 1972, ACRI is Israel’s oldest and largest human rights organization and the only one dealing with the entire spectrum of rights and civil liberties issues in Israel and the Occupied Territories. An independent and non-partisan organization, ACRI’s mandate is to ensure Israel’s accountability and respect for human rights, by addressing violations committed by the Israeli authorities in Israel, the Occupied Territories, or elsewhere.

ACRI is committed to promoting the universality of human rights and defending the human rights and civil liberties of all, regardless of religion, nationality, gender, ethnicity, political affiliation, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic background.


A GSSP, more fully a Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point, is an internationally agreed point which defines the start of a stage on the geologic time scale.


We were just talking about the Q-Clock maybe having to go in reverse, then the FuckYoClockFags went wild….

(over a target??)

Then this post pops up…



<pic related???

i dunno. didn't feel like yeeling fake and gay, kind of bored, figured i would poke at it a little

d35d99 No.1636783


Threats from politicians ?

a34b1e No.1636784


That's right, define circle and define sphere dummy. You cannot even reason it out in relation to other verses such as a firm earth set on pillars - that hang on nothing because pillars do not hang - they sit on solid foundations. Again, go and consider the ants because scripture is above you.

a8f518 No.1636786


*announces on 8chan*

3d566c No.1636787


I pray to and praise God, creator of the UNIVERSE

you're just an idiot

737f07 No.1636788


So you didn't watch the clip.

c64fa7 No.1636789


Now, talking about of Latin America.

in South America. A lot of persons haven't root with Populists/Nationalists, (See the Chavez Case)

If the White Hats want more pawns, it needs more people cold and intelligent, almost as the panws of the Cabal.

f436b5 No.1636790


Then please put it in the Tucson dedicated Thread where it belongs.

598bf0 No.1636791

File: c2656c0a8be55f7⋯.jpg (83.02 KB, 658x610, 329:305, Dont Post.jpg)

110b22 No.1636792


first they gave them ideas , then they gave them rights to entertain those ideas

d35d99 No.1636793

File: 1c3b1bcb9a0a962⋯.jpg (493.42 KB, 600x5298, 100:883, 4B2B78B4-C01B-4950-A48C-D0….jpg)

102880 No.1636794

File: ee93a548d6b9529⋯.jpg (74.4 KB, 587x417, 587:417, DmdSlk_Chickens.jpg)

0e3389 No.1636795

File: db7c84f59d74346⋯.png (654.71 KB, 1672x1522, 836:761, qoffeffe.png)

4d6ca2 No.1636796


Baker we dont know Akram Awans connect to Imran Awan. We dont even know what name Imrans father used before he changed it. Other than he was an Awan.

64f228 No.1636797

File: 843820c58841275⋯.jpg (129.31 KB, 720x720, 1:1, poisoned.jpg)

File: 6f4334434b41ef0⋯.jpg (61.67 KB, 854x480, 427:240, PLANE HIT.jpg)

7222ea No.1636798


I gotta trust POTUS on this one. I vote tomorrow.

2eaf70 No.1636799


After you successfully finish your mission, come and tell us about it Anon. Go with God and may all your guardian angels cover your 6… I will be praying for you tomorrow as well. Love you brother, and thank you for your service

67eb76 No.1636800


Her mom is literally a Madame to the cabal and her partner in business is Disick. Not sure how that's gonna work out.

2c6816 No.1636801


I wrote here weeks ago here how this election in CA was very stressful for me because I trust and respect our POTUS but think Allen is better. Still feel the same way.

29df6c No.1636802


Thanks, interesting find

46174e No.1636803

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Embed related… I never judge these people after this movie.

6526c6 No.1636804




So far it doesn't look UNredacted. Still lots of censored material.

a34b1e No.1636805


That's your answer? Define circle and define sphere dummy!!

Is a ball a plate? One is a sphere one is circular. Again I say go and consider the ants because scripture is too high for you!!!

d35d99 No.1636806

File: ee747ad2d89f283⋯.jpg (32.7 KB, 384x384, 1:1, IMG_2233.JPG)

Buy teh shirt

6d4f7f No.1636807

File: 6d45053a1122a0d⋯.png (786.6 KB, 780x581, 780:581, ClipboardImage.png)

Anti-nuclear Nobel prize recipient ICAN offers to pay for Trump-Kim summit

SINGAPORE (REUTERS) - Nobel Prize recipient anti-nuclear campaign group ICAN has offered to pay for the cost of the historic summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and United States President Donald Trump, including the hotel bill for the impoverished state's leader.

The offer comes after a media report that the cash-strapped North may have trouble bearing the cost of its leader's stay in Singapore and the large delegation of security and support staff for the meeting scheduled for June 12.

The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), which was awarded last year's Nobel Peace Prize, said it was willing to use its prize money to pay for any accommodation or meeting space needed to make the summit a success.

"The Nobel Peace Prize included a cash prize and we are offering funds from the prize to cover the costs for the summit, in order to support peace in the Korean Peninsula and a nuclear-weapon-free world," ICAN official Akira Kawasaki said.

"This is a historic meeting, and once in a generation opportunity" to help establish a world free of the threat of nuclear weapons, Kawasaki told Reuters by telephone from Tokyo.

Kawasaki heads the Tokyo-based Peace Boat, one of ICAN's 10 international steering groups.

The intention to spend the prize money is in line with the work the group has done to lobby for the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which was adopted by 122 nations but not any of the nuclear weapons states or North Korea.

"It's not about paying for luxury rooms for the leader of the DPRK or anyone, that's not our intention," Kawasaki said. DPRK is short for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the formal name of North Korea.

Kim Chang Son, the de facto chief of staff for the North Korean government, was seen at The Fullerton five-star hotel in Singapore last week during a visit to meet US officials to work out the logistics for the summit.

The Fullerton was North Korea's lodging of choice, the Washington Post has reported. The presidential suite may set the government back by at least S$8,000 a night, it said.

Kim's trip to Singapore, which would be the farthest he will have travelled as leader, poses logistical challenges such as the likely use of Soviet-era aircraft to carry him and his limousine, as well as dozens of security and other staff.

Singapore, a small but wealthy South-east Asian city-state, has said it would bear the cost of the summit to do its part to ensure a successful meeting.

The Nobel Prize award differs from year to year, and in 2017, the prestigious prize was set at nine million Swedish crown (S$1.3 million).

https:// www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/anti-nuclear-nobel-prize-winner-ican-offers-to-pay-for-trump-kim-summit

a8f518 No.1636808


watching shills try to convince that Q is a larp is a major pain in the ass, but i'm comfy

03abe2 No.1636809


I'm with you on that. Can't afford to dilute the vote. Otherwise, we risk not having a MAGA candidate on the final ballot.

846428 No.1636810


people can change. see alan dershowitz

look at how many former black hats support trump

bb49b4 No.1636812


…and that's what makes this place beautiful

adb5dc No.1636813


I will, thanks.

cd7e30 No.1636814

File: 1887f5789be45b2⋯.png (1.68 MB, 960x960, 1:1, hedgepic.png)

6e5e61 No.1636815


I'm off baker,

outstanding Job protecting the Bread!

God Bless!


2c6816 No.1636816


Wait typo Allen better than Cox not our POTUS

1cadcb No.1636817






I remember seeing these this morning. Almost exactly like this, meaning pictures with no references as to what they were or where they came from.

So, I can understand why it didn't get a lot of attention.

64f228 No.1636818

File: 541d42464c639a1⋯.jpg (264.88 KB, 1172x551, 1172:551, HIDDEN PAST.jpg)

d35d99 No.1636819

File: bb83f2b8a390dc7⋯.jpeg (190.94 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 8810F36E-1C32-424D-813C-A….jpeg)

f436b5 No.1636820


Laura Loomer saying a police report she just got says


when they went in.

Names redacted. Mind-blowing. Who were they and what were they doing there.

f86552 No.1636821


I think it's more complicated than that. I think Kanye and Kim are sending a message to the Hollywood 'handlers' that they are no longer controlled. Strings cuts like Q said.

78d913 No.1636822


Yes! Crooked-ass politicians that love the money that comes from keeping the public in fear of nuclear war. It's done. You can't stop it now. The WORLD will be de-nuked, the dollar will belong to the People, the water and air will be clean and the list of other greatness is too great to list here. Oh, and JINOs will be obliged to declare their worship of the ONE AND ONLY God of Abraham, or swing from gallows-Salem Style! KEK

07395c No.1636823


I'm Italian american, try again. You have no proof in jdif, just shill like accusations. You are the one that is glowing CIA shill. Every single post you make is about JEWS. Are you obsessed, did a JEW fuck your mom when daddy was away? I was the last poster Q responded to. How close over the mark are YOU?

2ccf4d No.1636824

File: 9d1090db6a120e2⋯.png (67.26 KB, 611x236, 611:236, imsg.png)

still a whole lot redacted in those texts

67eb76 No.1636825


Actually says three. Crazy shit.

737f07 No.1636826


Scanner audio says the same..

Also, active shooters on the runway…

b42edb No.1636827


>everything you know and assume about flat earth is because of youtube university?

nope, it's like Q said…

"history books"

c8b620 No.1636828


This is fascinating! What is this??

785f84 No.1636829

File: 6f2a41cc5328892⋯.png (51.55 KB, 1042x119, 1042:119, em6.PNG)

Hahaha, Trust Sessions : )

f123dc No.1636830


Please, sir, stop feeding the trolls.

bb49b4 No.1636831



forgot to add in the clock part

if in fact the q-clock is a year long clock, the earth's rotation around the sun takes a year while spinning counterclockwise.

w/e… something, nothing. maybe.

play with it

0e3389 No.1636832

File: 35e341ec5711940⋯.png (88.57 KB, 1100x644, 275:161, QfwBImv.png)

2ccf4d No.1636833

been reading the texts. sounds like someone is but hurt they are not on the leadership team for the SC investigation

d35d99 No.1636834


Abrahamovites sacrificed children, allah chops heads

19aa43 No.1636835

File: f8c1d87d4f1ce98⋯.png (5.27 MB, 2500x2500, 1:1, mkultra polks dots map.png)

MKUltra programming is used by people to control people.

MKUltra is also used to by the Reps and Vril to control people.

Expand your thinking. Desensitize yourself because these truths are coming. Q will supply the sauce.

7222ea No.1636836


Is it possible that something will come out about Travis Allen before November? Something that would take him out completely?

598bf0 No.1636837


"circle" strong's 2329 chug=Vault

Last you'll hear or not Fukken dipshit.

acdef5 No.1636838


is this strzok/page?

9fd667 No.1636839



How can people not find this pic FASINATING?

ef3a46 No.1636840

File: 0b418c3b929c562⋯.png (69.26 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, breakthemsm.png)






Nigga you hittin jew level that we didn't even think…

actually you are just textbook.

>These people are STUPID.

>Maxine stupid.

179942 No.1636841


I'll drop it in the clock thread.

07395c No.1636842


you're probably right. They make me so pissed sometimes. Hard to stop.

d35d99 No.1636843

File: 1b72ce6a2aa4f43⋯.jpg (48.3 KB, 401x367, 401:367, IMG_2268.JPG)

b6beb6 No.1636844

This makes me proud. This shit right here makes it worthwhile to be anon! Darkness into light. We are Anon. When we all fight together. No amount of money or power will save them. Da perp walk!!!! Worth more than gold!

https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=56kb33RyLc4

ab80f3 No.1636845


Great job Baker!

785f84 No.1636846

7d53fc No.1636847


Thanks anon, I'll add that in.

a34b1e No.1636848


Yea, I was brainwashed like you to think different - to think spinning ball. You're the one that need to think different if you're a baller.

2eaf70 No.1636849


Stop feeding the division troll brother Anon. We all know that he's full of shit and lying… Just ignore him, and if you can't, filter. The bread is co cumfy with him gone… Love you, but don't get yourself upset over a shill. Remember, he gets payed for this shit, don't increase his paycheck

03abe2 No.1636851


I don't know. But anyone POTUS endorses is likely going to be subjected to the same distortions and lies that they heap on POTUS. And that's enough to disregard much that comes out of the MSM about them.

9fd667 No.1636852


I mean… fascinating.

0e3389 No.1636853

File: 036c379dcf49d0d⋯.png (716.62 KB, 1672x1522, 836:761, qoffeffee.png)

acdef5 No.1636854


definitely notable

86685b No.1636855


There is a clock thread. Currently it may not seem totally relevant, but I believe it will prove vital in the future. The shills hate it, so that's a good sign.

7d53fc No.1636856


Thanks anon ;)

Sleep well anon. God bless.


846428 No.1636857


if you do one thing today read this .

1457b8 No.1636859


It is water erosion

which is fascinating enough in itself if you think about what it means

656610 No.1636861

File: 85bdc0e4d971b34⋯.png (19.63 KB, 1236x245, 1236:245, Acrobat_2018-06-04_22-36-5….png)


f3d27c No.1636862


d35d99 No.1636863

File: ed3cad6125a72f5⋯.jpg (188.42 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, IMG_2213.JPG)

File: 8738ad6cb845fbb⋯.png (579.68 KB, 602x572, 301:286, 68FBAB3A-6C60-4C59-BC18-59….png)

File: 2679afd9b81b446⋯.jpg (68.23 KB, 626x523, 626:523, IMG_2225.JPG)

Aim for the thermal below the exhaust

6526c6 No.1636864

File: bfae56bad39eba2⋯.jpg (124.93 KB, 780x749, 780:749, faggots.jpg)

6b58bc No.1636865

File: 4e6a35b67d4b170⋯.jpg (65.51 KB, 500x335, 100:67, baffled.jpg)

7f02e7 No.1636867


Nite Mary-Ellen

bb49b4 No.1636868


get your Zzzzz

2477be No.1636869


Vast inland sea.

3b2211 No.1636870


some interdasting stuff, but i do require source on some things

>eye of horus, symbol of sodomy

i was under the imrpression that the eye of horus is a crosscut of the human brain and not a symbol of sodomy.

c8b620 No.1636871


What did Q say about Nazi's and NWO?

Two critics of the Order, historian Antony Sutton and investigative journalist Ron

Rosenbaum (himself a Yale graduate), both concluded that Skull & Bones has

degenerated since its founding and has taken on more of the occult and ritualistic trappings of the majority of European freemasonic and Illuminati secret societies. Sutton charges that the Order is secretly known among its initiates as the "Brotherhood of Death" and has become an evil instrument in the hands of America's secret power elite. Rosenbaum claims that the society's Germanic origins are inherently wicked and preNazi.

86685b No.1636872


sea, that water is still under the ground

7222ea No.1636874


I've been wondering about this but if they're bulldozing it, then I think there might be something there (or just an elaborate ruse).

d670f3 No.1636876


Cry babies

d670f3 No.1636878

a34b1e No.1636879

File: cc5b85a1f25ff77⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1200x749, 1200:749, ClipboardImage.png)


Looks pretty square in that vault to me and flat too.

So fuk off a hole

6b58bc No.1636880


yeah ok

737f07 No.1636882


Nothing to see here.

So, we'll just go ahead and run a bulldozer over the area.

Nothing to see here.

ba72ad No.1636883

File: 0c24a4b0c52bcae⋯.jpg (290.73 KB, 804x655, 804:655, clipper.jpg)


Russells heavily involved in opium trade, coolie slave trade, also established Watchtower Society (Jehova's Witnesses). See pic.

6d4f7f No.1636885

File: 3ec731506a4bb67⋯.png (446.58 KB, 630x379, 630:379, ClipboardImage.png)

Huckabee Sanders to Reporter: You ‘Choose to Write About Things the American People Don’t Care About’

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders responded to a question about President Donald Trump's tweets Monday, suggesting members of the media should focus on concerns more important than the president's controversial tweets.

Playboy White House correspondent Brian Karem asked Sanders whether White House staff wishes Trump tweeted less, suggesting staff might be annoyed because they had to respond to the president's tweets rather than being able to focus on excellent unemployment numbers.

"In terms of Twitter, the president uses Twitter to communicate directly to the American people," Sanders said.

"You have the ability to choose what you want to write about, and you guys choose to write about things the American people don't care about, day in and day out," she said. "That's a decision you make, and frankly I think it's the wrong one."

Karem also asked during the exchange if the president would come out to the briefing room to take questions from the media.

Sanders said he would let the press know if he planned to come to the briefing room, but she also indicated the president communicates with the media in other forums.

"You guys would be the first to know if the president comes out here, but thankfully he does address the press in a number of ways and in a number of venues. We'll see if it happens here, and we'll certainly let you know," she said.

As Sanders moved on to another reporter, Karem attempted to get in another question, indicating he was still concerned about the tweets and wished to ask the president directly about them.

"Can we at least get an opportunity to ask him a question about tweets?" Karem said.

http:// freebeacon.com/politics/sarah-sanders-reporter-choose-write-american-people-care/

c8b620 No.1636886



This needs more love

03abe2 No.1636887

File: 9541ecd2e49291a⋯.jpg (23.84 KB, 519x278, 519:278, WilliamCasey.jpg)

Somewhere, someone is declaring the FE psyop a success. Stick a fork in them. They're done. They'll believe anything we tell them.

c7e3e1 No.1636889

why does it seem like 332aa5 and c62e20 are coordinating?

785f84 No.1636890

File: e8f19e63f9edb19⋯.png (195.91 KB, 963x427, 963:427, EM7.PNG)

Fuckery a foot in here

3b2211 No.1636891


looking good baker.

first notable has a mislink.

>>1636591 , >>1636739 Further digging on Secret Societies from #2057

20a327 No.1636892

File: 9ea4738692c595d⋯.jpg (53.05 KB, 663x314, 663:314, Hide Clown Distractions.jpg)


Its easy to do and makes getting through the bread so much more enjoyable

c8b620 No.1636894


Isn't it sad that the drug and slave trade has infected the most powerful actors in our history?

Clowns dealing drugs and the opioid crisis is OLD BOOK

dfb477 No.1636895

File: 540f0b5be6eaf29⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1029x657, 343:219, dont-be-evil.png)


f436b5 No.1636896


After looking into them both, my family and I chose to go with Allen.

Vaccinations does it for us with children and grandchildren. Schools being mandatory vaccinations is intolerable.

Living here, we have a strong sense of what is a good Governor for CA. If it was a Senator or Congressman, I'd go with Potus.

fed6e2 No.1636897

Early Bread cooked, safe?

598bf0 No.1636898

File: 5dc3128d39dca1b⋯.jpg (96.53 KB, 565x494, 565:494, Dat Shiz Crazy baby.jpg)


That' your answer ha

e157a5 No.1636899

File: b82d157f45dcdf3⋯.png (60.49 KB, 510x332, 255:166, IMG_1775.PNG)

Just re-read the Hill article about Strzok testifying tomorrow

(Catching ip)

This says the 1st IG report will be released before Strzok testifies….scoobydoohruh?

>According to The Hill, Bill Priestap, the assistant director of the FBI’s counterintelligence division, and Michael Steinbach, the former head of the FBI’s national security division, will testify shortly after the release of the IG report.

…will testify shortly after the release of the IG report.

…will testify shortly after the release of the IG report.

…will testify shortly after the release of the IG report.

Punch me Anons, is it true?

737f07 No.1636900

File: 95ebf6a3ec85ad4⋯.png (73.65 KB, 642x469, 642:469, Screenshot 2018-06-04 at 1….png)

dfb477 No.1636901

File: d15044d2932c956⋯.png (29.64 KB, 549x374, 549:374, fb-blackberry.png)

File: 79b57db68783651⋯.png (990.06 KB, 1025x694, 1025:694, spybook.png)



ef3a46 No.1636902


Looking good, Baker.


>(((Google))) ends AI agreement with Pentagon

639b0e No.1636904


like feeding seagulls,

noisy, meaningless

and bound to shit on yah.

don't look up with your mouth open, fam

6583a9 No.1636905



19aa43 No.1636906


They have scrubbed everything as far as a source. But the connections are everywhere.

I believe the Eye is a representation of the brain, too.

6526c6 No.1636907


The reply to that text seems very related to Q's London pics.

c64fa7 No.1636908


Judgment Day was avoided.

e157a5 No.1636909

File: efce3d6936a5ad4⋯.jpg (228.57 KB, 1440x907, 1440:907, IMG_3138.JPG)

3d566c No.1636910



we fight every day to maintain the ideals fought for in the Revolution from those who would seem them fall into the "dustbin of history" (commie term)



ab80f3 No.1636911


c62e20 seems legit

664b43 No.1636912

File: 7e9d0aac25756cf⋯.png (977.98 KB, 720x712, 90:89, 1526973434462.png)


But what if those history books are in fact forms of mind control? Thought control through guilt based consciousness and submission to thought? Instead of being the master of thought it teaches you to obey thought.

The sun does not reflect the light of the moon, but the moon that of the sun.

Sun being the soul, Moon being the mind.

a34b1e No.1636913


That's right!! That's my answer to your stupid Strong's word "vault". Strong btw was one of (((them))) but that is all you religious fags have. Going on what others tell you instead of using your own fukin brain.

Show me a spinning vault with life forms!

35de26 No.1636914

File: 9e083b839d214a6⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1080x1231, 1080:1231, #.png)

Baking Bread "for Baker"

A dedication to our dedicated Bakers



Thanks for that brah, appreciate.

2ccf4d No.1636917


ooo schnikeys

0e3389 No.1636918

File: 05176b724bdee22⋯.jpg (355.5 KB, 871x871, 1:1, fa7fa66f9afdca93bd46ffgghj….jpg)

c8b620 No.1636920

cecc40 No.1636922


A Q helper came by a previous bread and gave us some stuff to think about and dig on.

No other posts or connections.

86685b No.1636923



it's official, there are no human traffickers moving people (including women and children) through the desert. and those non-existent human traffickers absolutely do not and never have raped anyone - especially not women and children. how could they if they don't exist??? move along anons, our trustworthy (((media))) has proven us to be the unstable (((conspiracy))) nuts we truly are.


f86552 No.1636924

Just a reminder Anons that Q stated that the leaks are but the news is fake. So with Trump's lawyers' statements to the special counsel being leaked what you're probably seeing is it was leaked and the statements were then altered if not completely forged. The reason for the leaks is so the media can give it their "spin" so they can maintain their narrative………

f436b5 No.1636925


Cox has donated to Soros groups.

c5e5ff No.1636926


>http:// freebeacon.com/politics/sarah-sanders-reporter-choose-write-american-people-care/

Playboy has a WH reporter? And he's a swamp lover.

03abe2 No.1636930


CNN has a WH reporter, too. *shrug*

3d566c No.1636931

WRWY cali anons


6d4f7f No.1636932


Surprised me too, I would have never thought that in a million years. kek

fed6e2 No.1636933


Fuck Off Shit Head

Sun does the moon and the moon looks like the sun

Fuck Off

3b2211 No.1636934




ask the current baker!

2ccf4d No.1636935


nice try but you need to work on the delivery a bit.

>>1636319 is a glowing faggot and can go suck a donkey dick

7bb203 No.1636938


Can't find one legitimate reference or any to the site being bulldozed.

I did post about cadaver dogs finding nothing at all and also that the group refuses to give items they claim they found to police.

And also posted that a news crew said the so called "restraints" were straps to hold their structures together

598bf0 No.1636939

File: 87536801c1e9257⋯.jpg (33.27 KB, 332x500, 83:125, 3cab9ea506c96fbd949c36a37e….jpg)


Thought you were 10 years religious fag..no?

You're a fucking idiot go fuck you're mother some more

c64fa7 No.1636940


Who can to win in the big tech city?

e8bc15 No.1636941


You know that there's some major fuckery going on there, with those two shitbirds (Schmidt and Flake) involved!

dfb477 No.1636942

File: 514806c74329f59⋯.png (389.29 KB, 589x430, 589:430, mary-jane-saves-the-day.png)

03f75f No.1636943


Those images are fake.

Obvious. Anyone with a

functioning brain can see that.

cecc40 No.1636944






a2cfee No.1636945


The Dems have an inner war going on between the progressives and neo-liberals. Whenever there's a big upset election at the national level, their party typically runs further left candidates. When they lose a few cycles, they straighten out themselves and move back to being more moderate.

This time their leadership is trying to run shady hand-picked "moderates" who will support a far left agenda. We can't have that especially if they regain control of one or both houses.

If Dems and Indies are educated that the Dem leadership is continuing to rig local elections, enough will probably stay home or flip due to anger. The Reps appear to be self-purging while the Dems have not yet.

2ccf4d No.1636946


that is not what the dude who is running the show says. all you need to do is go to the facebook page and watch some vieos. FAIL

3d566c No.1636947


I meant for governor

also those three or so congress seats Rs need to hold

f436b5 No.1636948


Release to the Committees. They will NOT release the Report to the public before the Hearing.

6d4f7f No.1636949


Absolutely, I think they are looking for their next clown playground.

3d566c No.1636951


nice IP hop FEshill

a34b1e No.1636953


I thought you were a religious fag using your brainwashed religious garbage, now you are without an argument or a good answer to my questions so you resort to cussing. All you religious fags are the same. GTFO and get a fukin life fuk ass and go fuck your own mama.

18d8a0 No.1636954

File: 678ba4998157641⋯.jpg (11.28 KB, 191x255, 191:255, Jazzmusicstops.jpg)

c8b620 No.1636955

I'm starting to think Benjamin Franklin was Illuminati scum

c64fa7 No.1636957


Who is the winner for Governor (R's) in Cali?

7bb203 No.1636958


I posted a video of the news crew tour


ef3a46 No.1636959

File: d4b0bfec201f188⋯.jpg (14.08 KB, 255x255, 1:1, LaughesinAmerican.jpg)

File: e526895cfaaa839⋯.jpg (169.67 KB, 542x824, 271:412, liesofkikes2.jpg)


Try again, (((bitch))).


cecc40 No.1636960


Thanks anon, didn't realize there was one.

03f75f No.1636961


Check my posts, retard.

No IP hopper here.

GTFO shill.

35de26 No.1636962


I'm the current baker! Just had to go to back up connection.

3d566c No.1636963

3d566c No.1636965


mean post (SINGULAR) right?


18d8a0 No.1636966


Sauce on that article?

35de26 No.1636967


It's in the notables anon, I'm sure.

6526c6 No.1636968

File: 8f84a5e071f9e37⋯.jpg (103.44 KB, 751x751, 1:1, ThanQ.jpg)



03f75f No.1636969


Wrong. Look at my post history, bitch.

48af83 No.1636970


Hamilton isn't looking great

a34b1e No.1636971


Not only did I teach the Book for 10years but have a degree in Biblical Studies. All as a baller. All went thru the window when FE came and demonstrated the Book is true and a circle is not a sphere and pillars do not hang on nothing but sit on foundations. Leaves the religious faggots without a valid argument period. I am smart enough and blessed enough to not have a religious spirit but commonsense.

03abe2 No.1636972


I used a crop of a NASA pic for the header image of a website. It was a challenge to get the curve of the earth to fit inside the crop. Definitely not as straight as those images posted earlier. Those weren't original NASA photos. It wouldn't be that difficult to bend the image to make it straight.

2ccf4d No.1636973

please continue to claim they didn't find anything in tucson.. i see a glowing fag, do you see a glowing fag?

846428 No.1636974

File: 913fd33dc5948ad⋯.jpg (14.58 KB, 255x248, 255:248, 43d1c6711130cf9465b9d48541….jpg)

e8bc15 No.1636975


Any sauce for that, or just talking out of your ass like some many on here, since the invasion from Reddit, and the fame fags?

3d566c No.1636976


lol dumbass your first post was the one I replied to

if you posted more than your first (then 2 replies to me) THEN YOU IP HOPPED

pick one, can't have both

18d8a0 No.1636977


add that one to my collection. ThanQ

03f75f No.1636980


Funniest shyt you'll see on NASA is their green screen games, BUBBLES in space, scuba divers, and NO 4TH WALL.


NASA lies.

d3cd46 No.1636981



Not my post, but the copy/pasta is from here


c64fa7 No.1636982


Someone has the list of that meme?

48af83 No.1636983


So did the Jewish banking families take over the WASP elite?

It sounded like the WASP elite emerged out of partnering with the Roths etc.

Don't the Bushes all serve ++ ? So how does that work?

03abe2 No.1636984


That much, they're not lying about.

449971 No.1636985


Going around Bill via Andy. Bill may not be happye.

ef3a46 No.1636987


>So did the Jewish banking families take over the WASP elite?

((they)) control all sides. Puppet faces are irrelevant.

Many are used under the illusion ((they)) are just go-getters.

Expand your thinking.

846428 No.1636988


On February 16, 2012, Rothschild wrecked his city vehicle, a 2008 Toyota Prius, when he collided into a passenger truck. Rothschild stated that he "looked down briefly to grab a notebook on the seat next to him and didn’t see the passenger truck in front of him." No citations were issued.[5]

On February 18, 2017, Rothschild was carjacked at gunpoint. The carjacker drove away in his city-owned Toyota Prius. Rothschild said that he had just left his home and was walking to his city-owned vehicle when a man approached him, pointed a gun at him, and demanded his keys.

No one was hurt and the car was found a short time later.

0c77c5 No.1636989

File: d60201f1cca8a4d⋯.png (17.07 KB, 506x101, 506:101, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at ….png)

with all the AZ kid trafficking /Cemex shit going down i went back to the drops…check it…

the black forest.


03f75f No.1636990

File: a4c7ad08cb0939f⋯.png (634.07 KB, 545x601, 545:601, mrsmith2.png)

File: d092d02e0543a68⋯.png (855.68 KB, 915x510, 61:34, nazis2.png)

File: e04810523a33598⋯.png (352.99 KB, 600x635, 120:127, nazis1.png)

Operation Paperclip

Operation Highjump

Operation Deepfreeze

Operation Mockingbird

Operation FISHBOWL

Project Dominic

785f84 No.1636991

File: 41a43af2612f082⋯.png (163.03 KB, 949x353, 949:353, em9.PNG)


03f75f No.1636992


This isn't the only bread I've posted in, retard.

Fuck off back to reddit.

b42edb No.1636993


>Thought control through guilt based consciousness and submission to thought? Instead of being the master of thought it teaches you to obey thought.

discernment isn't knowing right from wrong, but knowing right from almost right…

e6196a No.1636994


Been making a documentary for over a year…. was not a naturally organic find or discovery.

9a2c9f No.1636995

File: d211b39ffe938e9⋯.jpeg (53.22 KB, 472x502, 236:251, pepgrl.jpeg)



Thank You for reading anon, I know, that's why we are here together standing for Truth and Confirming It.

I mean, he TOTALLY would be a "leftist" equivalent to USA, here in Mexico, but trust me in that the guy is a true patriot, he may be mistaken in some things of his ideology, but I really think (from what I KNOW) he will be a fella of ours!

(I could almost bet he is already working with Trump, don't believe me on that one, it's just a gut feeling)


baker could you please 1636616 check that one in this post, I think it might be valuable information.


3d566c No.1636996



a8f518 No.1636997

48af83 No.1636998


It seems like the Jewish families controlled that whole thing, I think we're agreeing.

03f75f No.1636999


NAZI scumbag …. your time is almost up.

GITMO for (You)

7ba3bf No.1637000


Don't know this is reliable. It says they are traffickers.


03abe2 No.1637001


Plus, NASA isn't the only agency working in space.

541fa0 No.1637003

File: e305e1f8de38a6c⋯.jpg (404.88 KB, 2112x2459, 2112:2459, YouFags.jpg)

b5e482 No.1637004

File: 84a1c3f9d6ae379⋯.jpg (21.03 KB, 360x268, 90:67, 84a1c3f9d6ae3790c4fc16a6da….jpg)


Aaron must be AZ…Zebley I'd guess.

And of course Brennan's name had to pop up…

c7e3e1 No.1637005


"put it all the dedicated Tucson thread" seems like a slide.

4bc2a1 No.1637006

Twatter just take a dump for anyone else?

3d566c No.1637009



you're a FEshill

6526c6 No.1637010


Funny thing that big name jews also conveniently "fled" to America in the same time period…not really. America was always the goal.

b42edb No.1637011


>The sun does not reflect the light of the moon, but the moon that of the sun.

speculative lie brought to you by "science"

35de26 No.1637012

File: 3a6d182fce94d6b⋯.png (974.2 KB, 777x769, 777:769, TheBakeTeam.png)

Dedicated Bakers Bread

Dedicated Bakers Bread




For our incredible A TEAM BAKE TEAM

You know who you are <3

ef3a46 No.1637013




Couple of dumbass (((shills))) talking to each other 'manufacturing' discussions. 'legitimatizing' FE/building cred.

Anons, ignore these fools in coming breads.


Since 1800s, ((they)) controlled the entire world.

48af83 No.1637014


the Chinese use the bubbles, since they're in the pool

aa169f No.1637015


Oh I got something even better with Brennan I'm posting in the next bread rn

639b0e No.1637016


yah, it's a weekly thing now, at least.

656610 No.1637017

File: 6af4d307fc1c50b⋯.png (140.31 KB, 1172x561, 1172:561, Acrobat_2018-06-04_23-01-2….png)

48af83 No.1637018


Right, thanks anon

2477be No.1637019

4770d0 No.1637021


That's a very nice gesture by ICAN. Obama certainly wouldn't offer his Nobel prize $$$ to further the peace talks.

03f75f No.1637022


You're a dumbass clown

179942 No.1637023


I almost fell for it again. Lel

454690 No.1637024


Psalm incoming!

321645 No.1637025


Guys with FE facts, please understand, this board is not FE research, anons do not argue over the shape of the earth, they are digging info over corruption/pedophilia/cults and other stuff related to that. Some of us understand that at this point anything is possible regarding our knowledge over existence. But we don't push those facts to not distract or reroute research over different topics. First, lets finish with the cabal, clintons and pedos then we can proceed with Flat/Concave/Convex/Hollow earth theories..

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