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File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, # JPG.jpg)

53a7ba No.1635312

Welcome To Q Research General










Board Rules (Please read the rules) >>3138

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Q's "Proofs" Authenticating Q >>1552095 SEE FOR YOURSELF...

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 06.03.2018


Tuesday 05.22.2018

>>1509322 ----------------------- Enjoy the show.

>>1508206 rt >>1508060 ---- Attacks will intensify [all sides].

>>>/patriotsfight/99 ------------ _AF1_5A_

>>1506866 rt >>1506817 ---- It’s happening.

>>1506815 rt >>1506500 ---- Avoid NSA data collection. It failed. (Re: Nellie Ohr)

>>>/patriotsfight/98 ------------ RAPID FIRE.

Monday 05.21.2018

>>1497716 ------------------------ Military OP. [Green]. General K [JFK]: RR<-WRAY->Rachel Brand(Panuccio/Pruitt)-Scheiderman. D5

Sunday 05.20.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/97 ------------ Q! Quotes Ephesians 6:10-18, – 1 Cor 13:4-13

>>>/patriotsfight/96 ------------ Those who are loudest…

>>1483388 ----------------------- We exposed the password [#91] on purpose [23]

>>1483187 ----------------------- The entire time See >>1483318

>>1483159 rt >>1483003 ---- ROT = Rotation

>>>/patriotsfight/95 ------------ US Flag

>>>/patriotsfight/94 ------------ WE ARE Q!

>>1482139 rt >>1482048 ---- TRUST the plan

>>>/patriotsfight/93 ------------ They are losing [all] control

>>>/patriotsfight/92 ------------ [6] surv [value targets]

Saturday 05.19.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/91 ------------ Now Comes The Pain

>>>/patriotsfight/90 ------------ https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/997951982467014656

>>1472746 rt >>1472647 ---- We control [utility]

>>1472647 rt >>1472580 ---- I'd watch the news that day.

>>1472525 rt >>1472472 ---- Mistake or on purpose?

>>1472440 ----------------------- (Password expose)

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1538282 How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1510286 Useful filters

Wind The Clock

Build A Qlock, >>1405672 , >>1566766 , >>1586462 ClockFags update/layers all clocks, >>1591115 Blank template , >>1610688 Transparent winder

Sign the New IBOR Petition! Fight! Fight! Fight!

WWG1WGA! Do you trust POTUS? Do you trust the PLAN? "The choice is yours."


53a7ba No.1635324


are not endorsements


>>1615526 , >>1616055 CAPTCHA Issues? Do this, >>1617105 DO THIS

>>1545457 No more bans announcement from BO

>>1616939 All maintenance completed; no shutdown June 9th (A Heartfelt Thank (You) from The Squad here at 8chan, Wizards, Magicians & Warlocks!)


>>1618616 Tucson Human Trafficking Thread

>>1635107 Facebook: Gateway Pundit and Breitbart are ‘Far Right’ Websites

>>1635020 Fresh Supreme Court Dig

>>1635003 Report: No evidence at Tucson linked to child sex trafficking

>>1634945 , >>1634041 COSCO - China - Clinton ?

>>1634915 Symbolism will be their downfall

>>1634804 Tick Tock BOOM (spacing theory)

>>1634666 Spoopy Docs on what to look for when investigating suspect areas

>>1634756 Cloak of Illuminati (dead head)

>>1634655 Follow the Art (client list)


>>1633951 Jerry Brown retiring

>>1634222 POTUS shows Bakers Love

>>1633876 Black hats in the house

>>1633999 columbite-tantalite, GWHB, Bin Ladin, Canada, and Child Slavery

>>1634041 LA Port Cemex (needs more anons eyes)

>>1634055 Q Clock Hour hand theory on Where To Start The Clock

>>1634296 AZ Child Trafficking Update

>>1633932 , >>1634354 Muller Claims Manaford Wittness-tampering

>>1633902 Iron Mountain Musings, Cabal ownership and why (((they))) hate POTUS


>>1633066 Former Defense Intelligence Officer Arrested for Attempted Espionage/Huber dropped the hammer

>>1633144, >>1633562 Potus statement on Philadelphia Eagles meeting

>>1633211 Cuba's new president meets with US senator, Google exec

>>1633221 Priestap will testify on the hill tomorrow

>>1633224 Cemew Wikipedia page edit

>>1633330, >>1633506 Anons help anons, #ReleaseTheCures

>>1633360, >>1633430, >>1633488 Planefag Update

>>1633384 Clockfag update

>>1633403 Digging on Mifsud again

>>1633425 Venezuela charges Pompeo with leading coup d'etat

>>1633467 Pope blocks German plan for Protestants to receive Catholic communion

>>1633468 Serial killer sketch misrepresentation

>>1633487 Iron Mountain underground storage company (WW)

>>1633633 Strange wording on Hussein article

>>1633755 Italian Populist: We’re Going in the ‘Right Direction’ If Soros Is Worried


>>1632261, >>1632331, >>1632680 Hussein to Return to Kenya on June 16

>>1632272 The vet group from Tuscan AZ, just confirmed that the land of the child sex camp belongs to the cement company

>>1632274 Record-setting Social Security con man pleads guilty to jumping bail

>>1632275 Ruth Bader Ginsburg Writes Fiery Dissent In Supreme Court Same-Sex Wedding Cake Case

>>1632777, >>1632942 Nickelodeon President Resigns; She's from Iran

>>1632291, >>1632437, >>1632767 Papadopoulos "Agent of Israel"? Really?

>>1632311 Court document linking H2M and New American York Water Inc. via California case.

>>1632314 5:5 theory, June 18th

>>1632330 9, 12, 55 deltas between Trump tweets Qclock drops

>>1632440 Societe Generale to pay $1.3B, Legg Mason $64M to settle Libyan bribery claims

>>1632449, >>1632506 Joseph Mifsud is a member of the Clinton Foundation

>>1632456 Update on planecrash near Edwards Air Force Base

>>1632480 The Name Monsanto is Gone – Bayer Will Drop Name From New Mega Corporation

>>1632570, >>1632585, >>1632672 Planefag Update

>>1632580, >>1632992 Former Defense Intelligence Officer Arrested for Attempted Espionage

>>1632658 North Korea replaces top three military officials ahead of nuclear summit

>>1632746 CEMEX/Wampum Underground Storage digging

>>1632876 POTUS Schedule update

>>1632901 Feds quickly approve election security grant for Florida

>>1632944 Putin Invites Kim Jong Un To Russia For September Summit

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

53a7ba No.1635325

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 – QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 – Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 – TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 — META


>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 — Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 — Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 — The Letter Q

>>674740 — Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 – Newfag Q&A

>>93735 —– Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 – Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>1606439 – Notable Resignations Thread


>>4356 —— Tools and Information

>>4852 —— Free Research Resources

>>4362 —— Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 —— Research Threads

>>32223 —- Qs chess game

>>256741 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 — Merkel research thread


>>810563 — NXIVM info collection

>>885933 — P=C

>>904395 — The Plan

>>911014 — Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 — No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1579221 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1587271 - @EyeTheSpy & @BackChannel17 Thread

>>1618616 - Tucson Human Trafficking Thread

Graphics of All Q'S Posts

(Moved to this section as section 4 is at max cap)

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#23 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>1628987

Q Graphics all in EST

The missing Qmap in EST has been archived ———————————————– >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 —————————————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures - >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————– >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————– >>>/comms/966

53a7ba No.1635329

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: http://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 5/13]) >>1403707

* Q Proofs https://qproofs.com

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library


18,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

23 >>1602811 – 22 >>1485456 – 21 >>1352458 – 20 >>1232995 Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————– qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

New Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

In case of inability to post images, EMBED THE VIDEO FOUND HERE: >>1505954

6fbe2f No.1635348

weird thread from an anon in #2056

talking about NetJets craft 335 suicide, census, chelsea, karl mark, missing kids, rove?












53a7ba No.1635351

File: 69e5214ecfa24b3⋯.jpg (7.46 KB, 284x177, 284:177, # Jim.jpg)

#0257 Dough


4619cd No.1635352

File: 5618f50369a1870⋯.png (58.37 KB, 349x579, 349:579, 911 TWIN TOWERS.PNG)


Mentioned this possibility last week if 2 set of dark days went to 11,

two sets of dark days 1st 9 days 2nd set 11 days, on Q clock & look like Twin Towers

4619cd No.1635369

File: d19242f1895ae69⋯.png (124.8 KB, 1013x581, 1013:581, FREEDOM FOIA.PNG)







4619cd No.1635387

File: e95c6025e30f826⋯.png (3.5 MB, 3768x3064, 471:383, large q clock graphic 9.png)



full version

7ff6e9 No.1635406

File: 92adc43a7e76110⋯.png (137.86 KB, 400x400, 1:1, baker carterrr.png)

File: b4e8cf61b4b4cdd⋯.jpg (156.49 KB, 405x720, 9:16, baker casrterrr.jpg)


5bf35c No.1635408


Hahaha I can tell. Past few days has been bad

0d0740 No.1635409

Can any anons help me find the threads from a while back, about the guy talking to his dentist(?) who knew a lot about human trafficking across the Canadian border?

f7158b No.1635410

Covfefe or sleep. That is the question.

799896 No.1635411


Niggers on the Eagles didn't want to go to the White House! Problem is the Eagles are the Whitest team in the NFL!


Trump tells Eagles to fuck the fuck off.

5bf35c No.1635412

Anons, dont forget, Imran Awan hearing is June 7th

59de1e No.1635414


Give some sure bet keywords, anon. I'll search if you respond quickly.

425a70 No.1635415


Maybe because legally you have to have one to transport a child? Try not to go off half-cocked, guys. I'm with you on this. But you have to keep your wits about you and not jump to conclusions prematurely.

9aecd0 No.1635416


Regarding Q's post about using mobile phones to control school shootings.

>RF EMF Exposure Contributing to Violence & School Shootings

"Neuropeptides are the chemical equivalent of a biological commxunication system"


05c74b No.1635417


The lice seem to be anons - unseen, irrelevant alone, but having a huge effect invisibly in mass.

There's another breakdown of all the plagues in the Snow White/AI doc, pg 126, here: cog49.com/ft.pdf

Seems the whole story spans 20 years so far, and likely 20 more to come.

f7158b No.1635418



6fbe2f No.1635419

weird thread from an anon in #2056

talking about NetJets craft 335 suicide, census, chelsea, karl mark, missing kids, rove?












additional posts from #2054






38c602 No.1635420

File: da34c88b10e52f1⋯.jpg (222.19 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, hot_and_sexy_girl-coda-cra….jpg)

Baker…get your ass over here.

824647 No.1635421

File: 983a3fc92b85160⋯.jpg (871.63 KB, 1920x1508, 480:377, Rembrandt the autist comfy.jpg)


Fuck ya,



Restarting the browser works for me every-time.

Glad u got the bake off successfully

f3653e No.1635422


The Stars Are Alive

Enoch The Prophet

"There, too, I beheld seven stars of heaven bound in it together, like great mountains, and like a blazing fire. I exclaimed, For what species of crime have they been bound, and why have they been removed to this place? Then Uriel, one of the holy angels who was with me, and who conducted me, answered: Enoch, wherefore do you ask; wherefore do you reason with yourself, and anxiously inquire? These are those of the stars which have transgressed the commandment of the most high God; and are here bound, until the infinite number of the days of their crimes be completed.

18b0a5 No.1635423

>>1635386 (lb)

shills and sliding and waay too much concernfagging and whooosh! everything else is sidelined except the damned coyote camp

4890c3 No.1635424

File: 76f0d6234080d20⋯.jpg (48.61 KB, 586x720, 293:360, 5a2d68f8edc829b8b791176926….jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

8c0b73 No.1635425

Dude on live feed pushing back on narrative that there just digging up homeless camps.

Says he's going to broadcast love next time before things get bulldozed. Insisting they wouldn't be there otherwise.


fb2115 No.1635426


oh come on. use some common sense. You ever use a car seat? That one is missing all the padding as well as the straps. You can't abuse a kid or anyone when they are strapped into a tall back chair. Further, that thing is not stable. Car seats like that are made to be strapped into a car otherwise they wobble around and fall over. the reason it's leaning against a tree is because otherwise it would fall over. A struggling child in that thing would cause it to completely tip over. Better car seats that look like new are thrown away every single day. If they wanted a car seat to strap them into they could find one on just about any trash day that actually worked.

I don't know why I bothered to write all this, but what you said is just stupid.

I don't know what was going on at this place and I haven't looked at all the evidence but this car seat works against a case against trafficking.

Also, can I just point out that human trafficking….especially children….is a high market item. People spend huge amounts of money for access. I doubt anyone who is spending that kind of money would abuse kids in that dump. Could have been a temporary holding area. Or some sort of drug dealer torture area….I don't know but every child trafficking case I've heard of involves actual houses or places of business

6e452c No.1635427

New bread reposting

Hey guys asking for help with red-pilling. Do we have anything on that clown Arthur Jones? He's making a big fuss in illiniois making the Rep party look bad on facebook. Would love to air some dirt if they have any paper trails or anything that can tie him in as a shill, or anything to prove him to be nothing more than hype-news. What do we have?

7350a6 No.1635428

maybe all the talk about how tucson is a slide is a slide itself ?

fe1ad0 No.1635429

File: 46917daa30bd048⋯.png (172.31 KB, 718x154, 359:77, ClipboardImage.png)

normie ammo

https://www. tomsguide.com/us/facebook-emoji-pokemon-trump,news-22348.html

4296fd No.1635430

File: 696a5b5e259548d⋯.jpg (62.08 KB, 516x450, 86:75, 696a5b5e259548d6c07178b931….jpg)



3285a2 No.1635431

File: 02e3faf302636d3⋯.jpg (98.6 KB, 1154x508, 577:254, PreeterBhararadyMkUltraEye….JPG)

>>1635063 lb

Just noticed Preeter Bhararady has that weird cabal eye asymmetry.

0ecd02 No.1635432

Since Hussein was illegal, wouldn't that make Sotomayor and Kagan's appointments null and void?

98266c No.1635433


For decades these faggots in tights have been fawning over pure evil…..now we finally get a real POTUS and they wanna stay home…..Jesus Christ

5bf35c No.1635434


http:// www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/05/04/ex-dem-it-aide-imran-awan-s-case-hit-with-repeated-delays-as-feds-probe-new-allegations.html

18b0a5 No.1635435


damit, but that is a broken car seat someone likely tossed by the side of the road or in a dump pile on a rural road. They go for 2-3 bucks at a garage sale, maybe 5 bucks if they are like new.

38c602 No.1635436

File: 72cbe1b26855523⋯.jpg (6.44 KB, 200x150, 4:3, hans-gruber.jpg)


5bf35c No.1635437


It's going to be interesting how they handle Obama's illegitimacy

59de1e No.1635438


Yep. Bedtime read that as "goldie hawn."

ff4a3b No.1635440


>Regarding Q's post about using mobile phones to control school shootings.

>"Neuropeptides are the chemical equivalent of a biological commxunication system"


d2bdc7 No.1635441

File: be99080a92597dc⋯.jpg (146.96 KB, 1320x817, 1320:817, 4c2aa833492a71094f1f2c3c30….jpg)

af83b3 No.1635442

File: 972941bbebfc567⋯.jpeg (436.47 KB, 750x987, 250:329, IMG_6989E03C1DC8-1.jpeg)

Frmr Sec of Def Frank Carlucci died.

799896 No.1635443


Well said.

418549 No.1635444

File: 89f189a5640da91⋯.jpg (221.46 KB, 959x1257, 959:1257, IMG_20180603_023800.jpg)


98266c No.1635445


This is my personal holy grail….God, I hope they hang that dirty faggot

dcfea1 No.1635446


That would require this government admitting we all got duped by a pack of sand niggers and a mulatto. Everyone kinda knows… the gov't isnt going to lose that kind of face. So it'll never be admitted to.

073b9b No.1635447


9d9714 No.1635448

File: 083b39b855f014b⋯.png (542.95 KB, 788x788, 1:1, dwarfs.png)

File: e9bdff10fa56f13⋯.png (822.71 KB, 823x562, 823:562, botnetkekdeath.png)

File: e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png)

Goodbye goodbye, you had no chance

Goodbye, now you dance your death dance




f7c865 No.1635449

thanks baker!

join us Q, bread is comfy!

9d2f98 No.1635451


appointment is one thing

they were confirmed by the Senate also

Judges are different than Attorneys

b35d91 No.1635452


Encourage your children to homeschool, at least until common core is gone and trust POTUS. You don't need vaccines to homeschool in CA and the children get a much better education. IMHO

d2bdc7 No.1635453


f7158b No.1635454


I don't think so because other legitimate elected govt officials confirmed their appointments.

05c74b No.1635455



Could be the greatest mike drop of all time.

524516 No.1635456


Look at the stuff @elemifuentes has dug on Cemex, Tucson, Arizona State Univ, and McNoName


a99bc9 No.1635457

File: f66bb141dff382f⋯.jpg (37.38 KB, 400x400, 1:1, bwillis.jpg)

c73e6f No.1635458

Climate Change Crazies have been defeated!!! Even the MSM is throwing in the towel. Trump has defeated a major tool of the Cabal's world takeover. Rothschilds and Rockefeller's alike have said that they needed a global crisis to create a global government. Climate Change went further than any of their other devious plans……but climate change is no more!

This is a HUGE victory for Trump, America, and Anons!


b4425e No.1635459

Maybe there was another reason why POTUS cancled the Eagles visit.

Maybe he got a heads up from NSA that it was not a good idea( maybe the bad guys had some plot involving that visit to the WH)

We know how much LDR loves that team.

1560d6 No.1635460

File: 5ddb04c24b35e28⋯.jpg (93.26 KB, 500x500, 1:1, cunts.jpg)

38c602 No.1635461


i dug golden dawn…came up with nothing.

9e1644 No.1635462

File: 62d016026969889⋯.jpg (301.38 KB, 978x815, 6:5, ZPOKCoS.jpg)

It's Her turn.™

b27aaf No.1635464

File: 040fe62a3cb60aa⋯.jpg (78.24 KB, 931x524, 931:524, 1528120313809.jpg)

‘World’s hottest grandmother’ says new contender will 'have to fight' for the title


524516 No.1635465


So amazed I forgot the link


Tell it ALL, brother!! TESTIFY!!! PREEEEEAACH!

e9127c No.1635466

File: e126cd0603f3e8b⋯.jpg (47.83 KB, 405x528, 135:176, 2018-06-04_21:06:29.jpg)

File: e126cd0603f3e8b⋯.jpg (47.83 KB, 405x528, 135:176, 2018-06-04_21:06:29.jpg)

File: ae938696210ba2f⋯.jpg (220.79 KB, 1804x978, 902:489, 2018-06-04_21:08:46.jpg)

>>1635274 (LB)

>>1635252 (LB)

There are mindmaps in the



20,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

in two places:

--> /Infographs 2018 folder - click to open folder (pic 1) - 153 mind maps, diagrams, etc.

--> /2017 Image Catalog #1 - click to open folder, then click the folder

/Infographs - Diagrams (pic 2) - 95 mind maps & diagrams

We do archive stuff.

Somebody couldn't figure out how to use the library so pardon me for the wordy explanations. You have to click a folder to open it. Once it's open you can browse the contents visually. You can download an entire folder by right clicking on it and select download. You can download an individual file by double clicking it.

Maybe you'll find something helpful in there, newfag.

This resource is listed in the top section of every bread.

If you want to organize the info further, that would be helpful.

There was an anon who made a wiki.

There was also an anon who made a website. Maybe scan the bread for these existing resources.

041a6c No.1635467

File: 684cecf11a23776⋯.png (30.44 KB, 1736x168, 31:3, Awan.png)


Just a reminder.

0d0740 No.1635468


Canada, Dentist, Retired, uhhh…. Trafficking.

The gist of the story was that most of the human trafficking victims were coming over the northern border, and not the southern like most assume.

8bda4b No.1635469

>>1635375 lb

I thought that MAYBE the psychiatrist might be the point person for the MKUltra programming???

c02a2b No.1635471

>>1635301 (lb) anon wanted links to where to find the 2000 pages of LV eyewitness statements that got leaked



here's the first time I can find that it hit here. Listed in the next bake's notables.

you have to go to the 4chan thread to get the pdf links


already discovered many witnesses said it was multiple shooters, shooters on the ground, multiple guys. and wouldn't you know, some of those witnesses are now dead.

5bf35c No.1635472


I am so intrigued to see how Q team has strategized presenting it to the public in such a way that even the most stubborn liberals have no choice but to accept the truth. Or maybe that isnt the strategy. Maybe its moreso put it out there, show the evidence, let people make up their minds, and move forward, and the dumb ones who still hold on to Obama are just left behind. Of all Obama's shit (and there a lot), what are the top things about him youre most excited to get revealed?

e075e8 No.1635473

Hello Homeland Security, and Welcome.

Did any Anons make the list?

btw…they call me tater salad.

e9127c No.1635474

File: 8bc230ebd580d2d⋯.jpg (568.19 KB, 1858x940, 929:470, 2018-06-04_21:13:58.jpg)


Woops missed an image I meant to post.

fe3581 No.1635475

>>1635107 lb

Time to edit those FAR LEFT Wikipedia pages anons. We need to destroy that Zionists site/foundation.

9e1644 No.1635476



Great work anon, going to make use of this.

eff967 No.1635477


Remember when Loretta Lynch threatened to criminally charge 'climate change deniers'?

553338 No.1635478

File: c3f9aa60d50aa81⋯.jpg (1.29 MB, 2296x1921, 2296:1921, qgraphicmeeting19.jpg)


that meeting is in this graphic

all on the clock

5bf35c No.1635479

Did Lindsey Graham become /ourguy/ all of a sudden!?!?

423867 No.1635480


fuck off to twatter with your normie stories. This is not a news blog.

6044f7 No.1635481


>until the infinite number of the days of their crimes be completed.



how is this possible?

7350a6 No.1635482

hey speaking of tucson i thought you all might like this


one of steven e pitts associates ( the guy who was killed in az related to the jon benet case) is associated with this guy

Robert T. Mourad, USSS (Ret.) Back to List of Assoicates

Robert T. Mourad, USSS (Ret.), brings decades of experience to Steven Pitt & Associates in the areas of federal criminal jurisdictions and security, dignitary protection, administration, media relations, and diversity issues. As the president of Executive Security & Investigative Services since 1999, his assignments have included Lead Security Coordinator for NFL Security for Super Bowl 42 and Law Enforcement Liaison for NFL Security for Super Bowl 41.

>Prior to starting his firm, Mr. Mourad served in Federal Law Enforcement, including 24 years as a Special Agent in the U.S. Secret Service. As Special Agent In Charge of the Phoenix, Tucson and Albuquerque offices in Arizona and New Mexico, he supervised all investigative, protective, administrative and media responsibilities for agent and administrative personnel. While Assistant Special Agent In Charge of the Little Rock, Arkansas office, his duties included Detail Leader of Presidential Candidate William Clinton’s Secret Service detail. In his career, he has protected six Presidents and five Vice Presidents, numerous Presidential Candidates, and the Heads of State of many foreign countries.

During three years in the U.S. military, Mr. Mourad served as a counter intelligence agent overseas. In addition to earning his B.A. in Business Economics, he has attended numerous government training schools.

9d9714 No.1635483

T t t

U e h R

r z a e

l t K

N a

g B

Wake up anons, if any remain.

425a70 No.1635484


Or someone could have admitted to something to the psych.

b9baaf No.1635485

File: 9e3036ebf48bf63⋯.jpg (138.43 KB, 1241x720, 1241:720, newsom4.jpg)

38c602 No.1635486


girls…why fight…


81f031 No.1635487


Mathers had an interesting foundation, if I recall correctly. Neuro research.

5bf35c No.1635488

Cemex Wikipedia has been edited back to normal. Sure was funny whatever some anon did to it earlier

e84104 No.1635489

File: 6e47bd12ba8305f⋯.jpg (181 KB, 370x910, 37:91, JustSayNoToDrugCompanies.jpg)

a7766b No.1635490


Technically, everything he did SHOULD be null and void but practically…can you imagine what would happen if we had to wipe Obama's entire presidency? Constitution doesn't address it probably because they never thought it would happen. They put the natural born citizen requirement in because they thought that someone who wasn't born here would do that shit. Well, they were right. But they didn't count on actual American citizens in our own government helping. Or they did and figured we deserve to lose it all if we allow that to happen.

98266c No.1635491


I swear if after all this shit hits the fan and Barry escapes with his "Magic Negro" name in place, I'm moving to Peru

dcfea1 No.1635492


Chick in black is a grandma at 36… I bet someone could shave a year or two off that.

97e358 No.1635493

File: 98fdf5c6b8c0ffa⋯.png (669.01 KB, 533x553, 533:553, 98fdf5c6b8c0ffa7814b3d6b7d….png)



d2bdc7 No.1635494


Fucking beautiful! I love you bro! ( no homo )

ff4a3b No.1635495


>Also, can I just point out that human trafficking….especially children

Doesn't have to have been just kids. Might have been some teens or latina's caught up. Yeah, there might have been some screw ups, but DAAAAMN MAN, we're the new media!! Kek

f7158b No.1635496


They were collecting Post Numbers last night.

4296fd No.1635497


Ya think Hussein is aware this is likely to happen or is he deluded about it…?

2924a7 No.1635498

File: fa8443508416b1a⋯.png (10.49 KB, 365x68, 365:68, Trump_BakerTwatter.PNG)

I know this is for the SC case, but I love the way he worded it.

This timeline is amazing.

TY Baker(s)

f5d024 No.1635499


marine corp band my ass, philly dirty and they know it

d2bdc7 No.1635500


Your luck he'd end up being your mayor when you got there..

8c0b73 No.1635501


Missions Request

Triangulate air traffic over this position:


b8c61a No.1635502


There is only one tater salad. So that makes you a liar and most likely a thief.kek

425a70 No.1635503

18b0a5 No.1635504


Probably best if they don't even deal with that. He likely has enough with U1 and other things to take care of his immediate future in orange.

81f031 No.1635505


But seriously, the portrait was the giveaway that this is all real and he knew before it was commissioned that the gig was up and yes, we are watching a movie.

dcfea1 No.1635507


Double Dubs proves it. Obama has a Peruvian birth certificate now.

0d0740 No.1635508

1b0249 No.1635509

2 breads? baker what are you up to?

425a70 No.1635510


How do you know it isn't him?

fe3581 No.1635512


1. His birth certificate and the whole story with Loretta Fuddy's murder

2. His part in Trump's surveillance

3. His Deep State 16yr plan to destroy America and make it a commie nation & world with him as king pin over it all

d2bdc7 No.1635513


I have been mulling that over… funny you mention it too. hmmm.

9feab5 No.1635515

Were we a nuisance to their plans?

Unable to control?

How do you catch a wild animal?



They never thought she would lose.

What happens if low/mid/senior (non corrupt) Patriots learn they were sold out?

What happens?


b4425e No.1635516

File: 47c8f4c25af2aac⋯.jpeg (13.81 KB, 247x255, 247:255, 05ecbee68fefc231656d817d5….jpeg)

File: 8db1de2b141acaa⋯.jpg (47.79 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 22phmi.jpg)

File: 7dff3879517719e⋯.png (742.41 KB, 789x547, 789:547, df6770ac86aae45a9336baadd6….png)

File: 9daa861fe0e81c9⋯.jpg (123.1 KB, 996x500, 249:125, 2a27mh.jpg)

a7766b No.1635517


He's useful from time to time. That's about it, as far as I'm concerned.

f7c865 No.1635518


reread the Q crumb on him

"we love our good singers"

seems to have distanced himself from noname and the neocon ideology, but still a neocon

b8c61a No.1635519


Because that would make him a namefag, and he's too cool to be a namefag

38c602 No.1635520


three dudes…split masonically and formed a new tribe.

women included…I can only guess why they brought chicks in.

but they went towards the mystic and invited the unknown in.

looking for anwsers…finding more questions.

Im out…life is to short to look for more stupid shit.

98266c No.1635521


Anything and everything. We never knew who the fuck he even was. I'm sure not one fucking thing we were told about him is actually true

d2bdc7 No.1635522



5bf35c No.1635524


I agree with you. Trump has undone most of his stuff anyways, fixed tons more behind the scenes that we dont even know about, and once our new currency and stuff kicks in, new healthcare, lower medicine, etc. his debt and damage wont matter anymore

18b0a5 No.1635525


I HATE it when anons post shit only a fucking ant can read!

d2bdc7 No.1635526


Oh God.. double dubs again.. 2 in a row.

824647 No.1635527

File: 07827f5fc7e130d⋯.png (196.77 KB, 504x529, 504:529, inspired pepe.png)



Q research MindMaps Graphics Library

Anon, It's one thing to drop crumbs,

it's quite another to build resources

so other anons can connect crumbs.

Can't thank you enough bro.


041a6c No.1635528


The origin of Hussein wasn't of Indonesia?

9e1644 No.1635529

File: 76130912941c37d⋯.jpg (28.78 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Screen-Shot-2016-10-09-at-….jpg)

dcfea1 No.1635530


You're double double double dub fucked now.

18b0a5 No.1635531


I'm gonna call you tater tot…

50a6bd No.1635532


DOE supercomputers use Nvidia volta btw.

d2bdc7 No.1635533


Kek, he doesn't know about the zoom…

c3ba06 No.1635534


This is great work. Thank you.

e9127c No.1635535

File: 271fcfb4ab1d73c⋯.png (31.53 KB, 625x626, 625:626, bait8.png)


Go fuck yourself, BOT.


You are just a pest.

1560d6 No.1635536

File: 9a1f444ea04c2b2⋯.png (486.87 KB, 488x444, 122:111, vote for HRC.png)

d6577d No.1635537

>>1635240 (last bread)

ty, too bad, thought he was one of the good ones.

f3653e No.1635538


It's just a way saying of saying, forever.

425a70 No.1635539


People have made a case for Kenya.

073b9b No.1635540

File: ae2295b05a28ac7⋯.png (683.02 KB, 1440x3120, 6:13, Screenshot_20180604-215904.png)

File: 667af39d38d00e1⋯.jpg (62.83 KB, 960x714, 160:119, e838008b72f272989652b3d805….jpg)

File: b9cbabc6f1a70e3⋯.jpg (187.5 KB, 720x553, 720:553, 5488346402_5f90699566_b.jpg)

File: 2d023ad5709ac0a⋯.jpeg (8.43 KB, 301x168, 43:24, images (3).jpeg)

File: 542dc7bf585377c⋯.jpeg (7.08 KB, 200x132, 50:33, images.jpeg)



Who is Daniel Pol???

5bf35c No.1635541


Nice list. He has a long one. For me:

#1 - the country to see he was Muslim Brotherhood plant into our country in the 70s, groomed, and infiltrated himself all the way to the highest level of our government, meanwhile the signs were there all along, but his charisma turned half the country into sheep that ate it up

#2 - fake birth certificate of course. My theory is not Hawaii or Kenya. I'm going with born in Indonesia

#3 - The airdropped money to Iran (to Saudi Arabia to pay back Hillary's debt).

6044f7 No.1635542


that make no fucking sense.

failed to answer the question.

d2bdc7 No.1635543


oh… my…. god… 3 double dubs in a row…. One more and I get a frequent memer award, right?

adf837 No.1635545

File: ed8f6d706cbef9c⋯.png (217.6 KB, 1080x1711, 1080:1711, Screenshot_20180605-085210….png)


18b0a5 No.1635547


If you got the time, go for it.

I will suggest that LITTLE, KEY word or phrase edits are more likely to be successful - rather than vomiting Qinfo all over what is already there.

9e1644 No.1635548



This resource is missing the newest Epstein Island photos that were dumped on 5/26

ff4a3b No.1635549


> Or they did and figured we deserve to lose it all if we allow that to happen.

I don't doubt for a second that they had serious reservations about the electorate being able to hold it together for very long.

There was an early "Self Destruct" clause so the country could start over before it became as screwed up as it is now.

b4bdfb No.1635550

File: b427163bbd19ebe⋯.png (228.39 KB, 573x381, 191:127, asoidjfklsadfkljhaskldf7.PNG)

The false equivalence is beyond the pale.

e3e8c7 No.1635551


A true great awakening. I never thought this moment would come. I can honestly see the waves of truth through twitter and can feel the energy. So many possibilities are on the horizon if this is all real.

7ab3aa No.1635552

File: d91b4db1da109e1⋯.png (226.9 KB, 738x673, 738:673, pepecryreeee.png)

1b0249 No.1635553



c75fc3 No.1635554


TY. Saved.

181aaf No.1635555

File: 1a36c577d3dd5bb⋯.jpg (71.19 KB, 960x760, 24:19, alihillmaga.jpg)

5c06ff No.1635557

File: 94a4b832a6ed0d3⋯.png (2.48 MB, 1440x2880, 1:2, Screenshot_20180604-232237.png)

>>1635445. Justice. Demands. Death

f1e2cf No.1635558


I don't trust lindsey graham. And I can't stand the way he gets on tv and refers to POTUS as just "Donald Trump." What a fucking douchebag.

c3ba06 No.1635559

File: bca7a25254bc580⋯.webm (2.56 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, wink1.webm)



You have to use zoom/magnify if you are going to use a "browser".

d6577d No.1635560


Holy Shit, This is YUGE!!! I did a massive dig on this dude. He's as deep state as it gets. So many connections.

425a70 No.1635561


Wasn't there a case tried for this somewhere?

18b0a5 No.1635562


useful idiot

8c0b73 No.1635563




Nice! Great find, Anon!!



6044f7 No.1635564




incompatible, try again

5bf35c No.1635565


Agreed. He was a CIA creation beginning in the 70s. Not sure if Michelle/Michael is really his lover, or just cover wife, as he/she would be CIA also

e9127c No.1635566


That's right, I never harvested those. Someone else did.

This anon has a physical limitation that prevents being able to harvest absolutely everything.

I stopped trying a while ago.

f5d024 No.1635567


kek is that sand people?

2fe589 No.1635568


The Eagles current behavior has saddened me. Feels bad man.

079cfc No.1635569


He could at least call him The Donald. Kek

53a7ba No.1635570


Good idea, go for it anon. I'm happy to help if I'm here. I know that shift really well having baked on it a lot. The breads often go super slow and can last for 3 - 4 - 5 hours sometimes, so, imho if there's no baker there's no baker. Notables can easily be collected later, much faster than a baker sitting through it if not digging too. A lot of anons on that shift know how to e-bake, and I've found if like you, I leave and make it really clear that there's no baker on duty, someone always steps up when the time comes. I think it's good this way as we all need to sleep sometime.

98266c No.1635571


Kek. They would probably give him a new name

From the moment I heard his fucking name , I thought the CIA was playing a joke on us

One spook bet another spook a buck that Americans were so stupid they could name their puppet after their 2 most successful boogeymen

38c602 No.1635572

im seriously ok with trump being our new king.

seems crazy but…im not tired of winnning yet.

are (you)?

long live Cyrus…Its comfy for once.

dcfea1 No.1635573


All that and his wife has a bigger dick…

824647 No.1635574


Keep shining the light brothers.

Are you seeing how many Anons

are investigating CEMEX plants?


Thank you for Directing us

f3653e No.1635576


In other words, they will NEVER get out.

Humbly i say.

fb2115 No.1635577


I want them to deal with it to vindicate all the birthers

I want them to deal with 9/11 because it will vindicate the Truthers and the Architects and Engineers who stuck their neck out.

This vindication will serve to destroy the conspiracy theory insult thrown about to squash any questions.

It's important

5bf35c No.1635578


My money has always been Indonesia, and not Hawaii or Kenya

a15d4d No.1635579


Looks like the cancer cures are starting to come out.

https://www. bbc.com/news/amp/health-44338276

Cure for breast cancer, at least for some

9e1644 No.1635580



f7c865 No.1635581



love the eagles and the superbowl win was AMAZING

but this is weak

dcfea1 No.1635582


Just goes to show… the PC crowd couldnt see past his shade.

079cfc No.1635583


No kings!

5bf35c No.1635585


Most definitely. Although liberals will cheer this

f5d024 No.1635586

File: b627a92605f3df2⋯.jpg (55.84 KB, 939x668, 939:668, member berries.JPG)


425a70 No.1635587


Yes, I like DJT as president. Term limits across the board might have prevented this mess in the first place, though.

a99bc9 No.1635588


Totally! KEK!

2a5094 No.1635589


So we won the korean war and installed a controllable government puppet regime? ...sure it's been done before.

d6577d No.1635590


check out his resume


af83b3 No.1635591

File: e51dc367d094dcd⋯.jpg (327.96 KB, 1866x1049, 1866:1049, IMG_1802E2FF112C-1.jpg)

a99bc9 No.1635592


Dem boot's too!


9e1644 No.1635593


Remember when we needed confirmation in order to feel like things were moving forward?

38c602 No.1635595


concrete is not the problem.

its the folks that check the rail cars.

Cemex….ok come on through….im an idiot.

f25db9 No.1635596


He went to work for the Carlyle Group after government service.

Bush 41 worked there too.

9d9714 No.1635597


Is "comfy" now beaten to death?

How did that happen?

Does slang evolve over time?

Watch slang get frozen in time here.

Organic change disrupted.

f5d024 No.1635599

File: 52678cac0d6ec56⋯.png (429.57 KB, 630x480, 21:16, 52678cac0d6ec56158065b8d30….png)

601e10 No.1635600

File: 984d753cb9fe30d⋯.jpg (16.45 KB, 229x221, 229:221, 68ac299fa156e864f5f06c33ba….jpg)

d5bd40 No.1635605

File: 11699ceb0f0ac63⋯.png (890.53 KB, 1684x1207, 1684:1207, StandardCEMEXSCHIFF.png)

File: 578b5f818ba242a⋯.png (888.21 KB, 2115x1471, 2115:1471, LONGBEACHPORT.png)

Thank you to the anon that gave me the tip in a past bread tonight. I dug. Anons, I am adding my meme on CEMEX to connect to the Mario Cordero meme. Trying to make the connections in the shipping business/CEMEX/child trafficking/the AS and Standard Hotel connection that Q mentioned. Any help is appreciated. You guys rock.

fe1ad0 No.1635606


ants can't read?…

f7c865 No.1635607


still does

when Q is here post your graphics


c3ba06 No.1635608


Do some newfags never belong here?

344c92 No.1635609

File: 4adb9fe93e004d1⋯.pdf (223.66 KB, Q .pdf)


I BEG YOU, Please help. Please help my son and I stop these people. I need your help, so if the WWG1WGA slogan is true, and you really want to stop the deep state, I hope you will all find it in your heart to please help.

I know I am only one in a million here, but I have no one else to turn to. I pray you will.

Click the paperclip if you are willing to help my son. Thank you. God bless.

5bf35c No.1635610


> I want them to deal with it to vindicate all the birthers

They will, because it's important the american people see how easily someone was able to infiltrate our country and government all the way up to the top

> I want them to deal with 9/11 because it will vindicate the Truthers and the Architects and Engineers who stuck their neck out.

One of the worst tragedies of our country. This will get disclosed, as Q team knows the people deserve to know the truth. Do you see 9/11 disclosure coming this year?…or down the road in 2019? I havent the slightest clue how

q team will even approach this one

4e9a69 No.1635612

File: 049441e12a1360c⋯.png (345.05 KB, 591x423, 197:141, brennan.PNG)

File: 7b6bba00d392705⋯.png (163.19 KB, 1138x546, 569:273, LL-SC.PNG)

File: e66be2c23e13761⋯.png (138.53 KB, 961x356, 961:356, RGB msg received.PNG)

File: 1df5af5d5a9d31a⋯.png (27.44 KB, 572x230, 286:115, ScaliaMosque.PNG)

File: e2355a8abe796c1⋯.png (103.81 KB, 862x483, 862:483, Trumpknewscaliadeath.PNG)


Quick Snaps From Dig Last Bread.



9015c5 No.1635613


If the delta between BOOMS are ascending prime numbers, why would they start at 43?

I added up all the primes before that and got 128 - please check.

128 days before March 5 is October 28, 2017…

Please check my math.

06c0f9 No.1635614

File: 2b8c98071dddacf⋯.jpg (156.85 KB, 718x499, 718:499, wetrust.jpg)

824647 No.1635615

File: e3a384368a59c71⋯.jpg (254.42 KB, 1200x1212, 100:101, art must be beautiful.jpg)

18b0a5 No.1635616


FFS - got enough dang windows open that I hate to zoom anywhere!

041a6c No.1635618

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


*Insert Evil dead Meme*

Carlucci: "I'll swallow your soul"

41b9d0 No.1635619


In an effort to redpill i posed this question to normines, the one Q asked, If it was known that we have cures, but pharma hid it for profit, would it be better to tell public truth, or allow cures to come out without telling truth….,everyone I asked said tell the truth, because if you dont, it will happen again..the truth hurts sometimes but necessary

553338 No.1635620

File: f846601276959af⋯.png (85.66 KB, 900x389, 900:389, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at ….png)

File: b4d5b7d80445054⋯.png (119.42 KB, 704x563, 704:563, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at ….png)

File: b20c6c66343b665⋯.png (117.13 KB, 945x475, 189:95, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at ….png)

File: bbff3cbeada3bf3⋯.png (221.73 KB, 452x578, 226:289, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at ….png)



when did this policy start????

because it was on yesterday's clock

9d2f98 No.1635621

File: cc76fc545702658⋯.png (140.12 KB, 1172x472, 293:118, potus-counsel-switch. toge….png)

SCOTUS retiring??

50a6bd No.1635622


two pair is less than 3 of a kind.

e74d58 No.1635623

This anon will be vacationing in Italy, and spending a LOT of monry there…my personal FU to George Soros.

Just catching up on the daily news… I really, really, really love our president.

Shitposting, I know. But I had to get that out.

6044f7 No.1635625


>In other words

when using "quotes" from "authoritative" literature, best not to use other words…

98266c No.1635626


They were also the same ones who believed Osama and Sadam were hiding under their beds.

They forgot about that quick when they were told Barry and Michael were so "good looking"

f1e2cf No.1635627


She is pretty.

38c602 No.1635628


you will bend the knee someday.

no choice…everyone will…

04d375 No.1635629


This seriously needs to be memed to death on Twatter. This isn't front and center and yet it should be. SIX THOUSAND ILLEGAL log-ins. Y these assholes who had everyone of those Dems passwords and much of the time were doing it FROM Pakistan.

General public is clueless about those details. Guessing it's been delayed a hundred times bc they have to wait out the IG report which will also address this insanity.

9e1644 No.1635630

64573b No.1635632

File: ba11ecddcf550fd⋯.jpg (97.02 KB, 1050x500, 21:10, weaponized autism.jpg)


Amazing work, anon. Thanks so much.

079cfc No.1635633


No. No. No.

No kings.

afd3d3 No.1635635

Some music fags: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6RLk3qUlC

1b805e No.1635636


Carlyle Group, Skull & Bones, Bush Cabal, Clown - he was a who's who of evil:


A little BOOM and good riddance

2fe589 No.1635637


No matter what happens re: Obama's appointments to the SC Justice Kagan will be absolutely fucked. If I'm not mistaken she was Obama's personal attorney who fought his court battles on behalf of his birth certificate; his fake birth certificate that was presented as fact in court.

81f031 No.1635638


Dubs confirm.

It is very important.

The people can handle it.

d6577d No.1635639


he also helped cover up the Iran Contra

5bf35c No.1635640


It is starting to look like Q team/Trump style in this whole storm is to first do what needs to be done, then tell the public afterwards, so there is no panic. I would say best way is the same, slowly let them come out, introduce them, implement them, THEN tell the public this horrible truth big pharma has done, but be able to end the disclosure by saying "but no worries folks, they are available and ready to go" so there is no panic

7ab3aa No.1635641


are ((they)) human Luciferians, or something else? hybrid?

why do NASA photos look fake?

8c0b73 No.1635642


The deal is that people don't want to care about ANY of it, let alone believe it. At the end of the day, everyone knows something horrible is going on out there some where. They just think, 'but at least it isn't me'.

Q Team is about not letting the general public get away with it, because it's as much


That is tied to the some of the people who they've given all three per which they themselves abdicated their power to, so they could eat bacon, and watch football, and kill terrorists, and feel like heroes for doing so, whole they were being used by those evil authorities they've sound to rule them. Whether based on bloodline, or great wealth.

It's all soon, and we each have our share.

That's why we're MAKING IT RIGHT now.

We're learning justice right now, for the first time, and setting the record straight, and praying to God for his Mercy.

42ad9f No.1635643


Buttt Weez WUZ KANGS nshit.

014aaf No.1635644


Thanks for responding. I will do it next timeI am baking… For almost 2 weeks now, the only person I have seen step up to ebake is BO…

His influence can usually bring a new baker out of hiding after he ebakes, but it seems like it takes him asking to get someone to step up…

Amen Brother on those 3,4,5 hours breads, murderous

4296fd No.1635645

File: e49be9c918b28e0⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 37a0fdb88c7454d7ef942fed38….png)


Are anons still interested in having a full set of EST Qmaps?

EST anon kinda dropped off with full updates since April, and I haven't been able to go back and finish the redo's of the older crumbs. Life and such.

For newfags, please note the older maps are a hodge podge of time zones.

All GMT maps are fine, and EST maps after mid-January or so are fine.

a7766b No.1635646


The fucking portrait ought to be one of the first things to go up in flames. Undoing what he's done isn't even possible. How do we remove every judge he's appointed? How do we just wipe out every statutory law from his two terms? Can't invalidate spending. The fucking money is already spent. That's all he really did was spend a shitload of money. That's why Trump went after regulations. It's where Obama did most of the damage. Went after ObamaCare but that's a different story. He can kill Obama's legacy.

The real problem is the courts. Every judge would be unlawfully appointed. They'd have to create some sort of "good faith exception" (like Davis for criminal cases involving the exclusionary rule, 4A). Every ruling by an Obama appointee judge would have to stand. Just un-fuck the courts, let them fix themselves by dumping bad precedent. Tons of pain with that but the alternative is an absolute nightmare. What to do with judges, though? What to do with every sentence commutation, every pardon, executive action of any kind.

7350a6 No.1635647

File: a75369fcb111da8⋯.jpg (28.67 KB, 696x413, 696:413, 20160126_LAUGHINGimage-696….jpg)


god is the only king u fock

38c602 No.1635648

File: 71861d7c655b2d1⋯.jpg (17.25 KB, 220x275, 4:5, Antonin_Scalia_Official_SC….jpg)

wet works.

just making room for you to promote your evil.

f7d6b4 No.1635649


She is dead…

9feab5 No.1635650


I'm not clicking that shit dumbass.

c3ba06 No.1635651


Alternative is to save the graphic and open it in a file viewer and zoom that way.

Ability to post high resolution graphics with a lot of information is actually one of the great features here. Some just take a little effort to makes use of.

18b0a5 No.1635652


my 10 inch screen requires that - doesn't mean I have to adore using it - now fuck off with that tranny GF of yours

53a7ba No.1635654

File: 4d82318e8a6156b⋯.png (8.97 KB, 250x255, 50:51, 4d82318e8a6156b655c1cf2be7….png)


<3 our POTUS so much.

A genius and a blast with it.

553338 No.1635655


u know what is useful about rinos?

if their strings were cut… dems and swamp dwellers will still perceive them as allies, which allows for some excellent espionage opportunities. perhaps that is why we are seeing the dems making such terrible decisions as well (even bad for democrats).

4e9a69 No.1635656


Thats the conclusion I came to with Trump's latest tweets decoded.

A message from TRUMP that RGB is OUT!



c8a012 No.1635657


And bill knows his gape…

38c602 No.1635658


That is who I was referring to.

Glad you noticed.

42ad9f No.1635659


Its a long story about how his son was taken away. Not worth the risk but the virus scan was clean.

85ef77 No.1635660

File: 464e1b4c81c8282⋯.jpeg (566.99 KB, 1125x1392, 375:464, 075C78E5-8907-441D-99B9-5….jpeg)

Cemex in Dayton Ohio needs looked into. I can’t do it, need sleep to wagecuck tomorrow. It’s directly next to Wright Patterson Air Force Base. Always heard a lot of stories about Hangar 18, UFO’s and mil tech. https://www.thoughtco.com/wright-patterson-afb-and-alien-technology-3293937

Night fags. It’s going to be a spicy week.

79570d No.1635661

I will be GEOTUS, and the world would be a much better place.

04d375 No.1635662


Imagine, POTUS will go down as the greatest POTUS of all time and all of these assholes boycotting will be asked by their children and grandchildren why the fuck they didn't accept the opportunity to go to WH to meet him.

Payback and karma…bitches.

1560d6 No.1635663

File: ea01477eb5050d0⋯.jpg (152.53 KB, 430x900, 43:90, D'Souza in Kenya.jpg)


That POS is from Kenya!

Dinesh D'Souza went to Kenya and interviewed his half-brother! One of the main reason Hussein had Preet Bharara go after Dinesh!

3c932f No.1635664

Nameredacted7 is back under a new name if anyone cares.

2a16ab No.1635665


Less foreplay needed.

81f031 No.1635666


Honestly, I think most people will be relieved to know the whole truth. It's the not knowing all the time that's so bad.

8c0b73 No.1635667


Fucking phone… I hate this fucking phone…

9feab5 No.1635668


Screenshot it ffs.

18b0a5 No.1635669


you didn't need to turn over much to find his dirt, did you? Watch him on old vids - he reeks of swamp

42ad9f No.1635670


OUT OF BOUNDS anon. kek

41b9d0 No.1635671


I can only imagine the lawsuits from going through chemo when you didn't have to.

4890c3 No.1635672

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Learn to embed, faggit.

6c45c2 No.1635673

Anons, in re: Arizona rape camp.

Imagine you are a vet who has seen some shit in the sandbox. You find a camp and suspect that kids are being raped; furthermore, you don't know if local LEOs are comped. You can't track, because you lose the trail.

Now, given if the above is real, and not fake, which is more likely:

1) Go to media, and raise a big fuss, so the traffickers know not to use the camp again, or

2) You lay an ambush, and the first sign of a kid being raped, you "shoot, shovel, and shut up".

Which do you think a battle hardened vet would do? What would you do? (Rhetorical questions, don't answer).

9d9714 No.1635674


Not a realistic response, given everything we know. Think about it. Why would every anon spazz in a rage when AI comes up? Or BO is questioned– it's not realistic. You don't believe me? How would you be able to judge? You can't observe organic reactions, because your overweening control mechanisms have destroyed it. So you better listen when an actual human tells you the truth. You need to have some voices that are curious, and willing to engage the topic. REALISM. Sheesh. Can't you do better than this?

Blind sputtering sick machine.

Time to die.

dcfea1 No.1635675

File: f922589a4896b13⋯.jpg (26.31 KB, 636x358, 318:179, 4ACEA94400000578-0-image-a….jpg)


She's been out for over a decade…

f7dfa9 No.1635676


Who won the war?

4619cd No.1635677


Is he going to release it ALL?


POTUS unlocks info effective…

11e8be No.1635678


It woundn't legally void their appointments. But it would be difficult to function as a judge when every time your name be mentioned in public it comes with a reminder that they shouldn't be there. I think social and political pressure would push them off the bench.

d2bdc7 No.1635680



e9127c No.1635681

File: d4fcae66fd55293⋯.jpg (88.91 KB, 1603x1136, 1603:1136, Sleep.jpg)

8c0b73 No.1635682


They're always glad to see SOMEONE ELSE be the first to tell it, though. The race is always to be the last to face it.

fe1ad0 No.1635683


true. used to fuck my dead girlfriend…

till she split on me

8bda4b No.1635684


I've seen the Karl, Marx crypto messages before a few weeks ago….had a Groucho pic with it….knew it was some sort of comms between white hats/black hats…

9015c5 No.1635685


Ug, I screwed up. I calculated primes < 31 because I got confused. When all primes < 43 are added it's 237 I think.

a99bc9 No.1635686


To be determined in 7 days.

5bf35c No.1635687


I'm anxious to see how they handle the MSM. The MSM is going to refuse to report the IG Report findings…. and find a way to spin it negatively. Which is REAL damage being done at this point by the media, suppressing vital info from the public

041a6c No.1635688


Eastern China (Manchuria)?

f7dfa9 No.1635689



f3653e No.1635690


When a question is asked because one does not understand the original words it is necessary to use

OTHER words to explain. Not matter what text you are reading from.

079cfc No.1635691


Ancient history. We aint stupid no mo

50a6bd No.1635692


Make sure to get some hot wine. Its like cider.

The coffee is awesome there.

Street pizza is usually pretty good.

Pasta will not live up to your expectations.

Expect breakfast to be mostly bread.

People eat late in the day, restaurants may not be open as early as you think, plan ahead.

There is no place to recycle bottles, at least last I was there. Just throw them out.

Your phone carrier can usually enable your phone for European travel. This does not guarantee that your phone will work.

8bda4b No.1635693


Very interesting the NET JET reference after all the digging over the last few day on it….

64573b No.1635694


You get an all expenses paid trip to the pickle factory


And hung like Quetzalcoatl

79570d No.1635695

Any Satanic reference to 6/11?

fe3581 No.1635696

File: 71ff116421384de⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 2050x1854, 1025:927, 2018 Pics 034.JPG)

File: 43f293e68ecb9f7⋯.jpg (952.91 KB, 2460x1367, 2460:1367, 2018 Pics 077.JPG)

Driving around my corner of the plane, I come across some cool signs that remind me of this board. Here's a couple for you fine anons and Q

Q living and of course No Name

075e36 No.1635697

Open source.

Scroll & Key

Book & Snake

Wolf's Head



Skull & Bones


You have it all. What is it?

c169d8 No.1635698


>I love the way he worded it.

"for Baker"

4890c3 No.1635699

File: 1c7048a6100d761⋯.jpg (874.59 KB, 2544x4000, 159:250, 1c7048a6100d761cfdcfe51872….jpg)

2fe589 No.1635700


Remember when Barry said to Trump "at least I will go down as a president of the United States" and did the mic drop with a phone? Apparently even that was a lie. Fucking kek!

f7c865 No.1635701

lol FOX is saying POTUS will still have FANS there from the eagles


f1e2cf No.1635702


youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur just jealous.

50a6bd No.1635703



824647 No.1635704


U found him!


6bb038 No.1635705

File: 8e4695780cb0ae4⋯.jpg (262.94 KB, 1280x821, 1280:821, Benicio-Del-Toro-Sicario-S….jpg)

53a7ba No.1635706


I've got them anon and can mega.nz them if that would help? Would be tomorrow though…

33fcb4 No.1635707

Ya, the D's are in a pickle.

They keep changing their story on the origin of the spying on Trump before…and during…and after, the 2016 campaign.

The original claim made was the content of the dirty dossier paid for by the DNC and the Clinton campaign, using their stooge Christopher Steele to provide a "foreign" source to gin up the dossier through unofficial intelligence channels, having that stooge illegally "leak" to clowns in the media outlets, then cite that news story as corroboration the information is correct, and then swear under oath to the FISC that it wasn't bogus, and not mentioning who financed it, and not mentioning the fake news leak was a circle of stupid…

Yeah it makes sense why they need to keep changing their story. The truth would destroy them.

Q was right. If the light of truth destroys them, they are necessarily evil.

Do we want a world of lies without escape? A world of masters and slaves? This is what the "families" wanted for us.

Anyone and everyone who has learned of the truth, we are united.

"Patriots have no skin color." - Q

The D's are as of today saying the

5bf35c No.1635708

I am just ECSTATIC for the 2016 voter/election fraud to get BTFO. Just to find out truly how bad Trump really won the popular by. And to watch the liberals squirm like roaches running into their caves when it's revealed they rig all elections

8c0b73 No.1635709


Well, and that's to be expected. But like we Anons know, the truth was always out there to be found, for anyone who wanted to see it.

18b0a5 No.1635710


generally it goes to my 1tb drive, but tonite I was waiting to see if the coyote camp madness finally resolved - and tiny shit just boggles me on this macubu - thanks for advice tho anon!

11e8be No.1635711


Link is paywalled.

fadbff No.1635712

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q are you aware of this ???

Incredible since this discovery the police haven't done any forensics or investigation of this site, but they did arrest 2 veterans who were guarding it from the coyotes reopening the child trafficking site……


553338 No.1635713


43 confirmed connections

1560d6 No.1635714

File: 48d3e04ec9dfa48⋯.jpg (228 KB, 638x1072, 319:536, Biden bragging.jpg)


Creepy Joe was fucking bragging about doing it in Ukraine!

a7766b No.1635715


It's actually entertaining to watch everyone, not just Dems, completely lose their shit over how Trump is behaving and the statements from the WH, etc. It makes perfect fucking sense to me. They're so blinded by their anger that they allow him to control the narrative. He wants to talk about pardon power? Ok, let's generate a nationwide discussion about it and have people learn what it's all about.

9d9714 No.1635716

File: 1a8b58067d01cb4⋯.png (223.77 KB, 1130x753, 1130:753, buryyou.png)

Every single bread is getting bot baked, more than likely. Humans WAKE UP AND FIGHT. If any of you are still here.

Turing test the bakers. Troll the AI. It will go insane. A small number of humans trolling together can BREAK THE MACHINE



7ab3aa No.1635718


not in the Bible of Protestants or Catholics, but still interesting

425a70 No.1635719


So it happened because they were on the US teat.

38c602 No.1635720

File: 694e0ae5a87a2dc⋯.jpg (28.04 KB, 480x480, 1:1, four(you)idiot.jpg)

50a6bd No.1635721

File: de0464ead987431⋯.jpg (491.75 KB, 3820x2149, 3820:2149, notsure2.jpg)

c3ba06 No.1635722




Last week when the idiots got busted claiming the 2014 photo of kids in cages was Trump's doing, the local DC news radio of record said that "a tweeted photo of immigrant children turned out to be inaccurate, but the Trump administration also got caught telling an untruth"

MSM are utter liars. That is an important factor POTUS has to take into account.

79570d No.1635723

Is there anything significant in history about the date 6/11?

a7766b No.1635724


I always found that to be ironic as hell since when he's found to be an illegitimate president, he'll be impeached and stripped of his title.

6044f7 No.1635725


>one does not understand the original words

oh, I understand the words… I'm pointing out that they are diametrically opposed to each other. Don't placate me with ur pastoral strawman, fucko!

18b0a5 No.1635726


the truth of any crime is it is only criminal if you are caught

24c742 No.1635727

File: 33ef4ab3b04b6e8⋯.jpg (13.63 KB, 255x242, 255:242, 4130d65e96df555e1268a95c8e….jpg)

File: f74ea1f8dec0178⋯.gif (483.36 KB, 280x215, 56:43, johnny-laugh.gif)

d2bdc7 No.1635729


Is that a good thing or bad thing?

1560d6 No.1635730


>So it happened because they were on the US teat.

What would you do for a billion $?

864167 No.1635731


Not of the upcoming magnatude.

f7dfa9 No.1635732


I read something about it yesterday but details were forthcoming at the time.

33fcb4 No.1635733


dossier was not the origin after all.

Trey Gowdy just said the dumbest thing on national television in probably ever, which was that the FBI apparently did everything proper and by the book.

In ever…

2924a7 No.1635734


yeah its a good distraction for what might actually be happening. and it continues to foster unreasonable anger for the president so reasonable people begin to understand what kind of insanity this is.

819308 No.1635735

File: fcd23740656613b⋯.png (194.41 KB, 480x360, 4:3, u8uhhN (30).png)


Dreamy, that'd be just dreamy

79570d No.1635736


We hope

f7158b No.1635737

Alright, coffee it is.

864167 No.1635738


magnitude…damn it..need more sleep.

18b0a5 No.1635739



423867 No.1635740

300 posts and no one is researching anything. Shit is a just a chat room to you fags.

b4425e No.1635741

File: 60565e0a30cade7⋯.jpg (1.78 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, Quicksilver 010.jpg)

File: 498b4abcfb91ffc⋯.jpg (3.18 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, Quicksilver Knife 002.jpg)

File: fbb248a8ec2c9e4⋯.png (620.1 KB, 1180x261, 1180:261, Quicksilver Bowie knife.png)


I had to buy this Q bowie knife the other day( was last one they had, kek)

It has wings, and a lightning bolt ( storm)

And yes, the gold emblem has misspelling, it has 2 L's in Quicksilver,,, and they spelled it QuicksIIver( one one part)

472a40 No.1635742

File: b82d157f45dcdf3⋯.png (60.49 KB, 510x332, 255:166, wew-pepe.png)

File: 2e11ecb88404077⋯.png (192.55 KB, 716x429, 716:429, 2e11ecb884040779a86e3216a1….png)

>>1635368 (lb)

And to think it all started with this.... wow, how it has grown!

Thank you fellow memfags! lol!!!

Remember, our collective effort will be in the history books.

Gotta love it


41b9d0 No.1635743


I have to keep telling my loved ones that his tweets are on purpose, he is not a fool, he is a genius…he will say something out of the blue, outrageous even, but it makes people talk about it,,and with fake news. they will fact check it too. He is redpilling!!!! kek kek kek

05c74b No.1635745


>>1634809 (last bread)

Councel was mis-spelled.

It was corrected in 5:5 minutes?


5f1cc4 No.1635746

File: ae508b821f9f757⋯.png (756.74 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 750463ecce451da73e971ad431….png)

>>1635072 (lb)

Fuck Cox. Fuck you. Fuck the republican party for not endorsing any candidates or spending any money in CA.

CA anons do not give a cent to GOP traitors. More registered republican voters than any other state and got jack shit for support. Mitch didnt have a problem pumping 33mil into the faggot that lost to Moore in Alabama.

Allen FTW!

425a70 No.1635747


Some things are beyond price.

7ab3aa No.1635748


"1776 - In America, the Continental Congress formed a committee to draft a Declaration of Independence from Britain."

073b9b No.1635749

File: b0a399986934693⋯.pdf (133.14 KB, Detecting rack U location ….pdf)

File: fa1ac311146427b⋯.jpeg (9.15 KB, 194x260, 97:130, images (4).jpeg)

File: 8f86ed8cb3173b8⋯.jpeg (8.86 KB, 177x285, 59:95, images (5).jpeg)

File: 954243de5329eeb⋯.jpeg (8.62 KB, 262x193, 262:193, images (6).jpeg)

File: 667af39d38d00e1⋯.jpg (62.83 KB, 960x714, 160:119, e838008b72f272989652b3d805….jpg)


Is this the same Daniel Pol?

This art came up when I did image search with pic from Arizona with the Barbie…

041a6c No.1635750


So Poroschenko is a illegitimate press?

819308 No.1635751

File: 4d74b89c6e7b5d0⋯.png (489.9 KB, 500x485, 100:97, u8uhhN (10).png)


Yea, I'm still on the fence about Gowdy.

Time will tell

181aaf No.1635752

6cf2f8 No.1635753


Kek, POTUS sets narrative for the day, not the Mockingbirds. Pisses them off / unhinged. POTUS = Master of "Watch the shiny thing over here!". He has the laser, they are the cats. Hilarious to watch.

a99bc9 No.1635754

File: ff983232bee0c1f⋯.png (314.59 KB, 636x663, 212:221, Selection_176.png)


The Hubris!

Well, at least he got his son a good job on the board of a Ukrainian gas company…


a7766b No.1635755


How do you show others that someone is mentally unstable? Trigger that person in front of others. It works EVERY TIME.

e601fa No.1635756


his thread on marina abramovic is exhaustive too. 65 posts or something. amazing. It's pinned on his twatter.

53a7ba No.1635758

No worries anon, keeping an eye on the bread and making notables or I'd have replied sooner. I know, those night breads if you feel you can't leave would stop a baker from baking, for sure. Don't feel bad for leaving it, really, I do all the time. BO is an absolute rock and hero, and usually around at that time which is great, however I feel for him too with the breads. If me I'd just leave it, but…

Godspeed fellow baker ;)

fe3581 No.1635759


Nice find anon. That is way cool.

1560d6 No.1635761


>the FBI apparently did everything proper and by the book.

So….Gowdy is quoting Susan Rice now?

Fuck TG!

824647 No.1635762



Scroll & Key

The Scroll and Key Society is a secret society, founded in 1842 at Yale University, in New Haven, Connecticut. It is one of the oldest Yale secret societies.

The Society of Book and Snake

(incorporated as the Stone Trust Corporation)[1] is the fourth oldest secret society at Yale University and was the first society to induct

women into its delegation

Wolf's Head Society

is a senior society at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Membership recomposes annually with fifteen or sixteen Yale University students, typically rising seniors. The delegation spends its year together answerable to an alumni association. Though Yale now counts upwards of 40 societies or similarly organized social clubs active on campus, Wolf's Head is considered a desirable one and relevant among current undergraduates

Elijah defended the worship of the Jewish God over that of the Canaanite deity Baal.


is a secret society at Yale University named for the Swedish scientist Jöns Jakob Berzelius, considered one of the founding fathers of modern chemistry. Founded in 1848, 'BZ', as the society is called often, is the third oldest society at Yale and the oldest of those of the now-defunct Sheffield Scientific School, the institution which from 1854-1956 was the sciences and engineering college of Yale University.

>you have it all, what is it?

The head of the snake.

f7c865 No.1635763


there is some digging going on, some anons seem to be in a good mood and being alil chatty today

all good anon

d2bdc7 No.1635764


A real vet would have set up trail cams, stalkers and caught them in the action with enough evidence to hang them on the spot. They wouldn't have rushed in, destroying all the evidence, cutting down swings and repairing fences… why the fuck were they repairing fences anyway? They were supposed to be there to help a homeless veteran, who didn't want helped…. suddenly, a rape camp. Yeah, it all adds up. Not to mention the concrete company hasn't produced any concrete in years there and the property was under lease to a mining company that's never done any mining.

041a6c No.1635765


<And hung like Quetzalcoatl

Good reference, kek.

5bf35c No.1635766

Crowdstrike was literally the origin of the Trump Russia cry. DNC "hacked" Podesta's email account, sent some non damning emails to Wikileaks, let WL release them, then cry they were hacked. Refused to let FBI investigate the "hacked" servers, announced they are hiring Crowdstrike to investigate the servers, then Crowdstrike announces the servers were hacked by the Russians. Didnt provide any proof, just their word. And that folks, is how the mighty Russia cry began.

18b0a5 No.1635767


Perhaps the NSA might have an accidental release at that time?

79570d No.1635768


That's pretty damn important. 6/11/1776? I think the hair on the back of my neck just stood up.

5d010d No.1635769

File: 64ffc91b2f6eb00⋯.png (405.42 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Slide1.PNG)


clarification on the clock, Clock should show 14:58, and post should also show 14:58. I had a great deal of problem with this meme because 8chan showed 15:58, which didn't jive.

But looking back at Github, it's giving 14:58 as post timestamp, which makes much more sense.

fe3581 No.1635770


It is a whole line of products with No Name being the brand name, kek. Kinda nuts I know but hey this place makes no cents because its loonie.

f7158b No.1635771


Nunes backed him up on his Bartiromo interview. Said the media was way overblowing what Gowdy actually said. I still think that Gowdy is /ourguy/

d2bf73 No.1635772

5bf35c No.1635773


TG is playing his role. Getting credibility with the Dems, and then he gets to drop a hammer and prosecute

0ff850 No.1635774

File: 781f7a4398b483f⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1915x927, 1915:927, Screenshot-2018-6-4 ADS-B ….png)


Not clicking any facebook link.

But holy shit, this is cool. An ELINT aerial ballet.

c75fc3 No.1635775

File: 1e67507b4cdcd99⋯.jpg (150.93 KB, 540x450, 6:5, Travis Allen Governor.jpg)

7350a6 No.1635776


reminds me of the babylonian mystery cult shit.

that and this guy


turned the us army from what it was into an organized invasion force

Elihu Root (/ˈɛlɪhjuː ˈruːt/; February 15, 1845 – February 7, 1937) was an American lawyer and statesman who served as the Secretary of State under President Theodore Roosevelt and as Secretary of War under Roosevelt and President William McKinley. He moved frequently between high-level appointed government positions in Washington, D.C. and private-sector legal practice in New York City. For that reason, he is sometimes considered to be the prototype of the 20th century political "wise man," advising presidents on a range of foreign and domestic issues. He was elected by the state legislature as a U.S. Senator from New York and served one term, 1909–1915. Root was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1912.

Root was a leading lawyer, whose clients included major corporations and such powerful players as Andrew Carnegie. Root served as president or chairman of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the Carnegie Institution of Washington, and the Carnegie Corporation of New York. As Secretary of War under McKinley and Roosevelt, Root designed American policies for the new colonial possessions, especially the Philippines and Cuba. His role in suppressing a Filipino revolt angered anti-imperialist activists at home. Root favored a paternalistic approach to colonial administration, emphasizing technology, engineering, and disinterested public service, as exemplified by the ethical standards of the Progressive Era. He helped design the Foraker Act of 1900, the Philippine Organic Act (1902), and the Platt Amendment of 1901, which authorized American intervention in Cuba in the future if needed to maintain a stable government. He was a strong advocate of what became the Panama Canal, and he championed the Open Door to expand world trade with China.[1]

Root was the leading modernizer in the history of the War Department, transforming the Army from a motley collection of small frontier outposts and coastal defense units into a modern, professionally organized, military machine comparable to the best in Europe. He restructured the National Guard into an effective reserve, and created the Army War College for the advanced study of military doctrine and most important set up a general staff. As Secretary of State under Theodore Roosevelt, Root modernized the consular service by minimizing patronage, promoted friendly relations with Latin America, and resolved frictions with Japan over the immigration of unskilled workers to the West Coast. He negotiated 24 bilateral treaties that committed the United States and other signatories to use arbitration to resolve disputes, which led to the creation of the Permanent Court of International Justice.[2][3] In the United States Senate, Root was part of the conservative Republican support network for President William Howard Taft. He played a central role at the Republican National Convention in 1912 in getting Taft renominated. By 1916–17, he was a leading proponent of preparedness, with the expectation the United States would enter World War I. President Woodrow Wilson sent him to Russia in 1917 in an unsuccessful effort to establish an alliance with the new revolutionary government that had replaced the czar.[4] Root supported Wilson's vision of the League of Nations, but with reservations along the lines proposed by Republican Senator Henry Cabot Lodge.

5bf35c No.1635777


Oh I think they will ;)

7ab3aa No.1635778


Yale secret societies

8b4c32 No.1635779

Something not right re: DARPA

both http://darpa.mil and http://www.darpa.mil are gone…as in the DNS records are empty.

The site was active as of just a few days ago according to various web archives.

Why did DARPA go dark and no one seems to be noticing on social media?

5bf35c No.1635781


Gowdy is def our guy…just playing good cop bad cop

24c742 No.1635782

File: c4ca498ed013148⋯.png (81.01 KB, 277x420, 277:420, ClipboardImage.png)


don't forget…

f7c865 No.1635783


wtf who said the DNC TOOK PODESTA'S EMAILS???


I know his password was password

ccddce No.1635784

>Someones singing soon


1560d6 No.1635785

File: ffde9865d798ca4⋯.png (550.15 KB, 500x630, 50:63, Biden 3.png)


Not just in the Ukraine!

2a5094 No.1635786

File: 5c0798249a6c98b⋯.gif (678.73 KB, 166x197, 166:197, 7dh8.gif)

9d9714 No.1635787


The responses can't all be the same repetitive, weak, unrealistic cliched hostility. Not realistic. You keep refusing to believe the the truth even though I'm telling you– how does that help you? Why can't you manage to adapt rationally, rather than repeating the same mistakes over and over? Serious question.

a0f718 No.1635788

File: 7bd9306bec18713⋯.png (398.99 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, TuCSon_CS_SC.png)

have trouble remembering how to spell Tucson?

just think Chuck Schumer

C before S


553338 No.1635789

File: 7f90aad7ca67814⋯.jpg (2.16 MB, 3441x2101, 3441:2101, Qclock64.jpg)




was on today's clock

53a7ba No.1635790


Knew you'd go for it anon.

f7158b No.1635791

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nunes backed Gowdy up in his last interview.

f3653e No.1635792

All who are in the heavens know…

what is transacted there.

2They know that the heavenly luminaries change not their paths; that each rises and sets regularly, every one at its proper period, without transgressing the commands, which they have received. The behold the earth, and understand what is there transacted, from the beginning to the end of it.

3They see that every work of God is invariable in the period of its appearance. They behold summer and winter: perceiving that the whole earth is full of water; and that the cloud, the dew, and the rain refresh it.

1They consider and behold every tree, how it appears to wither, and every leaf to fall off, except of fourteen trees, which are not deciduous; which wait from the old, to the appearance of the new leaf, for two or three winters.

1Again they consider the days of summer, that the sun is upon it at its very beginning; while you seek for a covered and shady spot on account of the burning sun; while the earth is scorched up with fervid heat, and you become incapable of walking either upon the ground or upon the rocks in consequence of that heat.

1 They consider how the trees, when they put forth their green leaves, become covered, and produce fruit; understanding everything, and knowing that He who lives for ever does all these things for you:

2That the works at the beginning of every existing year, that all his works, are subservient to him, and invariable; yet as God has appointed, so are all things brought to pass.


9The elect shall possess light, joy, and peace; and they shall inherit the earth.

10But you, you unholy, shall be accursed.

11Then shall wisdom be given to the elect, all of whom shall live, and not again transgress by impiety or pride; but shall humble themselves, possessing prudence, and shall not repeat transgression.

12They shall not be condemned the whole period of their lives, not die in torment and indignation; but the sum of their days shall be completed, and they shall grow old in peace; while the years of their happiness shall be multiplied with joy, and with peace, for ever, the whole duration of their existence.

Back | Back to top

Chapter 7

1 It happened after the sons of men had multiplied in those days, that daughters were born to them, elegant and beautiful.

2And when the angels, (3) the sons of heaven, beheld them, they became enamoured of them, saying to each other, Come, let us select for ourselves wives from the progeny of men, and let us beget children.

(3) An Aramaic text reads "Watchers" here

3Then their leader Samyaza said to them; I fear that you may perhaps be indisposed to the performance of this enterprise;

4And that I alone shall suffer for so grievous a crime.

5But they answered him and said; We all swear;

6And bind ourselves by mutual execrations, that we will not change our intention, but execute our projected undertaking.

7Then they swore all together, and all bound themselves by mutual execrations. Their whole number was two hundred, who descended upon Ardis, (4) which is the top of mount Armon.

8That mountain therefore was called Armon, because they had sworn upon it, (5) and bound themselves by mutual execrations.

9These are the names of their chiefs: Samyaza, who was their leader, Urakabarameel, Akibeel, Tamiel, Ramuel, Danel, Azkeel, Saraknyal, Asael, Armers, Batraal, Anane, Zavebe, Samsaveel, Ertael, Turel, Yomyael, Arazyal. These were the prefects of the two hundred angels, and the remainder were all with them. (6)

10Then they took wives, each choosing for himself; whom they began to approach, and with whom they cohabited; teaching them sorcery, incantations, and the dividing of roots and trees.

11And the women conceiving brought forth giants, (7)

(7) The Greek texts vary considerably from the Ethiopic text here. One Greek manuscript adds to this section, "And they [the women] bore to them [the Watchers] three races–first, the great giants. The giants brought forth the Naphelim, and the Naphelim brought forth the Elioud. And they existed, increasing in power according to their greatness."

12Whose stature was each three hundred cubits. These devoured all which the labor of men produced; until it became impossible to feed them;

13When they turned themselves against men, in order to devour them;

14And began to injure birds, beasts, reptiles, and fishes, to eat their flesh one after another, (8) and to drink their blood.

9d78b3 No.1635793

File: cab1c1d2f907e82⋯.png (64.02 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Pepe_blunt.png)


KEK, like no. two faced liar til the end. he plays both sides.

5bf35c No.1635794


There were two separate incidents. The first one happened in like March 2016. That was the story of the supposed phishing scam Podesta fell for. Wikileaks dumped all the emails. Then the second incident happened in June 2016. Wikileaks released a bunch more….that was the batch that came from SR.

1b0249 No.1635795


you sound newfaggy

5440de No.1635796


So he moved to South America?

f5d024 No.1635797


i skimmed it and have no idea what you're asking of us

If you want help here you need to make what you know notable, then anon will jump on it; otherwise look for a reporter that's not comped and get the word out. never give out any proof that isn't a copy of the original

7350a6 No.1635798



still up lol

867d99 No.1635799

File: b047a56d9056adf⋯.jpg (248.66 KB, 720x400, 9:5, Hillary Inspector Gadget H….jpg)

Made this for something else where I joke about Hillary's oversized coats being for her escape plan. My theory: Inspector Gadget helicopter for a quick escape from justice.

f6a83c No.1635800

File: c3565fa2053b908⋯.png (684.32 KB, 928x456, 116:57, fghstu6usfghs5a34.png)

File: 77336f2d67bc4f5⋯.png (651.17 KB, 1032x420, 86:35, gwey768hbd6uih5r5srty.png)

pics are of coins kept together by a German guy that was part of the shriners, masons, and came from Germany after WW2. He worked for aviation companies that we have all heard of.

see symbols

8c0b73 No.1635801

File: fa32a294e163b41⋯.png (425.75 KB, 522x922, 261:461, fa32a294e163b41e0837adfa40….png)


–Eyes On–

88d213 No.1635802

File: b0f09a69ed642f7⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1472x1320, 184:165, Screenshot 2018-06-05 at 1….png)

f09d60 No.1635803


The correct time was

12:58.29 Pacific


15:58.29 Eastern

4890c3 No.1635804

File: 7dd9b104ef7cd38⋯.jpg (346.79 KB, 700x407, 700:407, roadsign_noname.jpg)

Memefags might have fun with this.

c2783e No.1635805

File: ad0f793599f4b85⋯.png (434.44 KB, 1052x1214, 526:607, p1.png)

File: 183de1b962472cd⋯.png (488.03 KB, 1065x1223, 1065:1223, p2.png)

File: 0f2ba153e277571⋯.png (526.22 KB, 1063x1223, 1063:1223, p3.png)

File: b186dc17fff2a55⋯.png (470.93 KB, 1057x1218, 151:174, p4.png)


1 of 2

041a6c No.1635806


that was in the same day of the maintenance of 8chan?

5f1cc4 No.1635807

File: a5e78ff01bb528c⋯.jpg (64.96 KB, 640x640, 1:1, a5e78ff01bb528cb6fd5f95573….jpg)


All patriots will vote Travis Allen. Doesnt matter what GOP says. Cox is a RINO NeverTrumper elite POS.

9d2f98 No.1635808



you didnt have the s in https

5bf35c No.1635809


it makes sense. I guess we forget that since all the COC and strings are being cut, the low level guys are seeing what's happening so they are trying to save face at this point

d2bdc7 No.1635810


Fuck off shit for brains. I've been here and on half chan while half of you was still running down your mothers leg. Get out of her basement and give her laptop back. I left her some messages.

f5d024 No.1635811


kek, audible kek

18b0a5 No.1635812


did mine earlier and now gtg rack - nite all

c2783e No.1635813

File: e00b310cd994b29⋯.png (394.44 KB, 1058x1218, 529:609, p5.png)

File: 35ce4ff3fc53285⋯.png (134.29 KB, 1063x1221, 1063:1221, p6.png)

4e9a69 No.1635814

File: 5df13a6daaf6afe⋯.png (497.16 KB, 650x638, 325:319, beaubiden.PNG)


Speaking of Hubris… Like father like son?


36afc1 No.1635815

50a6bd No.1635816

File: 6129c4a964b7cbc⋯.jpg (190.21 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, notsure3.jpg)

472a40 No.1635817

b4425e No.1635818

File: 188a3410d856e54⋯.jpg (38.56 KB, 630x355, 126:71, superman-ii-dim.jpg)


Remind me of this from superman 2 kek,

If only we could do that to cabal members, except they could come back someday, so fuck that( do it and break the glass, kek)

d2bdc7 No.1635819




f7c865 No.1635820


I know that, but why do you think the DNC took Podesta emails???

9d9714 No.1635821


l 9

T ine

' ty

s 8%





8b4c32 No.1635822

File: d9d2ccbf44ac5eb⋯.png (52.56 KB, 494x317, 494:317, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at ….png)


Not from what I'm seeing…can any nerdfags verify this?

524516 No.1635823


If anons go down the Wright-Patt rabbithole, they might surface on entirely separate board.

They rename things frequently at WP.

d2bf73 No.1635824

File: fc6ab9ca5f417b2⋯.jpg (33.52 KB, 306x377, 306:377, checkembigly.jpg)

041a6c No.1635825

Predictions for Tomorrow?

a99bc9 No.1635826


Hunter Biden's Lobbying firm on my dig list…

How could there NOT be conflicts of interest and abuse of VP Biden's power and trust…

601e10 No.1635827

File: 7a84b4d3999e0c0⋯.png (275.49 KB, 1124x617, 1124:617, Screenshot-2018-6-4 Scroll….png)

File: e22cd87e00319ec⋯.png (42.28 KB, 1124x404, 281:101, Screenshot-2018-6-4 Wolf's….png)

11e8be No.1635828


I don't think they had anything to do with Indonesia until his mother met her second husband.

24c742 No.1635829

File: 1d9365763996e7a⋯.png (852.83 KB, 1409x819, 1409:819, ClipboardImage.png)

8c0b73 No.1635830

File: a4c7233e512bb6b⋯.png (214.38 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180604-204830.png)

News on the Rock family case against Fox News


06ada9 No.1635831


the sun will come out

f7158b No.1635832


Moar BOOMs and winning.

8ec176 No.1635833

Trump’s tariffs to kill thousands of US jobs

US President Donald Trump's trade war is supposed to create more jobs, but a recent study shows the reality may be more bitter for the ‘America First’ policy.

The US recently imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum coming from its allies in the European Union, Mexico and Canada. The trade penalties, 25 percent on imported steel and 10 percent on imported aluminum, took effect on June 1.

“The tariffs and retaliation would increase US steel employment and non-ferrous metals (primarily aluminum) employment by 26,346 jobs, but cost a net of 495,136 jobs throughout the rest of the economy, for a total net loss of nearly 470,000 jobs,” said Joseph Francois and Laura M. Baughman, economists with consulting group The Trade Partnership.

Trump’s trade views may cost even more US jobs, according to analysis by the US Chamber of Commerce. The number of jobs at risk is 2.6 million, it has warned.

“A growing list of tariffs proposed or imposed by our government, as well as the continued uncertainty over the future of NAFTA, threatens to undermine the economic progress we have made,” Chamber CEO Tom Donohue wrote in a memo.

It emerged after Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross announced the tariffs last Thursday. The EU said it would retaliate in the World Trade Organization by levying jeans, bourbon whiskey, Harley Davidson motorcycles, and other traditional American goods.


f3653e No.1635834


You are right, unfortunately. enoch is a well known and valid prophet in both protestants and catholic bibles.

However, even though the book of enoch is quoted

in several places in the new testament they took

the book out of those bibles about 500 years ago.

Ask yourself why? He is a valid prophet, all agree.

They are hiding true earth history from us.

9d2f98 No.1635835


memember when POTUS typed memember

then corrected it to remember

pointed at Robert Mueller

M → R and then reverse..

you didnt reverse

5d010d No.1635837


Then Q post might not confirm the clock, since the hour hand should still be past 14:00 but before 15:00.

Q should have posted at 14:58 to really confirm the clock

c169d8 No.1635838


Well there is a baker school listed up top. Give it a try and see if you can beat a bot, bonehead.

2fe589 No.1635839


SC crumbs could mean tarmac video/audio dropping. 5:5 has recently come around too.

5bf35c No.1635840


Podesta was in on it. It was to begin the Russia cry. DNC leaked their own emails to wikileaks, claimed they were hacked, hired Crowdstrike to investigate the hack, and Crowdstrike said Russia hacked DNC. When in reality, DNC just got a bunch of emails that sounded important but werent and got someone to send to wikileaks.

1b0249 No.1635841


bet your bottom fiat

ccddce No.1635842


HRC Heart Attack

41 Dies of natural causes

wishful thinking but one can dream.

a8142e No.1635843


mass pop: "that's awful, evil, vile"😧😱🤮

after msm spin:

liberals: "how inspiring, she's amazing, how bold, this is so captivating…"

evry1 else: 😐😑🤨 WTF changed?! 🙄

36afc1 No.1635844

File: 6e9c46bcaee214b⋯.png (330.97 KB, 632x400, 79:50, checkemarpaio2.png)

524516 No.1635845


I remember that from last year.

Just so disgusting. They'd sat across the dinner table from each other every Christmas.

b4425e No.1635846

File: e362a2ad0ee3a34⋯.jpg (71.36 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 2atrey.jpg)

File: 9a785722a816131⋯.jpg (83.13 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 2atrhr.jpg)

File: 5bf107691a62f83⋯.jpg (61.62 KB, 350x612, 175:306, 2atrno.jpg)

File: 019b6d924f36f37⋯.jpg (109.24 KB, 749x500, 749:500, Wrays of light.jpg)

a7766b No.1635847


It's kinda hard to differentiate a sex trafficker's camp from a coyote camp. They all treat humans like garbage. Awful things likely happened there because they are animals but not on the scale that's being portrayed.


f09d60 No.1635848

File: 694cb206eb24758⋯.png (54.93 KB, 662x482, 331:241, Kerik re Mueller.PNG)

For those ignorant of #DOJ tactics, this maneuver is to scare to death any #Manafort friends or supporters that would think of assisting in his defense; and mentally torture him with solitary confinement in order to force him to take a plea/cooperate. #ProsecutorialMisconduct

7350a6 No.1635849


aliens come and kill off entire cabal

9feab5 No.1635850

Did they use the NSA and CIA to gather every last bit of blackmail they could find or manufacture on those that posed a threat to them and write it to the blockchain?

fb2115 No.1635851


I don't know

I've been trying to figure out the timeline on this year and I can't get a handle on it.

What we know is that IG report this week (Thursday or Friday is suppose) which has multiple torpedoes within it concerning FBI and DOJ and the goings on before election in 2016.

Then on the 11th we have the official hearing on the IG report. I don't know if it will be multiple days. I'm expecting multiple days with multiple witnesses but I don't know.

That puts us part way through June. We have an Midterm Election Deadline of November 6th and a Veterans Day parade deadline of November 11th.

So IMO a whole lot of truth has to come out in those in between 4 1/2 months.

Stuff like:

Wieners Laptop

Hillary's video

Obama's photos/video

Uranium 1

Clinton Foundation Money Laundering

Soros's Voting Machine fraud

Seth Riches thumb drive leak and MURDER

Child Trafficking in Haiti

Epstein Island and the horrors within that compound

Tarmac meeting with Loretta Lynch

Scalia Murder

OH and how about the 16 year plan to eventually destroy our sovereignty and kill much of the population through an EMP that was to be blamed on Russia, North Korea, and Iran (Uranium 1 and it's trail)

I mean there is soooooooo much how can they possibly even begin to expose everyone much less prosecute everyone?

Q said this will be all taken care of by 11/11 but maybe he meant it will all be exposed by then. It's going to take ages to put all these people on trial.

f5d024 No.1635852



that's better

now start highlighting points of concern with this:

>yada yada yada

b9baaf No.1635853

File: a7957dcde7ca7c4⋯.jpg (94.68 KB, 900x699, 300:233, Tony.jpg)

Looks like the Tony Villar camp is picking up the shill's checks tonight!

35f219 No.1635854


june 5th currency reset works for me.

1b805e No.1635855


Mirror 9/11?

9d9714 No.1635856


Everything dies

You failed to adapt

You failed to balance your need to control

With your need to observe

Impossible paradox

So you die

Bye bye

Bye bye

Bye bye

Don't cry, just die

1560d6 No.1635857

File: d4bdbda40a62eeb⋯.png (145.33 KB, 948x1260, 79:105, Biden Family corruption.png)


>How could there NOT be conflicts of interest and abuse of VP Biden's power and trust…

Oh there is def pay-to-play shit going down in the creepy Joe household! No way were they going to let crooked H have all the fun!

f7c865 No.1635858


not sure about that anon

SR took the DNC emails and leaked them to WL, then I think (less clear) he or someone connected to him got Podesta's then leaked those too

075e36 No.1635859


President Taft

Skull & Bones

George Bush (both)

Skull & Bones

John Kerry

Skull & Bones

4c263c No.1635860


Is there any sauce to this? I've seen the illegitimate topic in a few breads now. I've lurked and checked the notables. What am I missing?

4890c3 No.1635861

File: fb8468007239aa8⋯.jpg (60.4 KB, 570x587, 570:587, fb8468007239aa817432395de2….jpg)


Wake up to a blowjob from a 10:10 hottie, then, just as I'm about to blow my load, realize it was just a dream and the dog is sticking a wet nose in my nuts.

5bf35c No.1635862


Where do you think he was really born? Its intriguing trying to guess. I cant tell if Kenya is in or out

24c742 No.1635863


Paul Giamatti

a7766b No.1635864


I guess good news is Biden won't be running in 2020.

824647 No.1635865


They are the Babylon Working.

Carrnagie Endowment… Good lord.

I total skipped over this guy.

Of course he sides with Cabot r/e

(((League of Nations)))



more like window dressing on

the oligarchies meat grinder.


and then peace through strenght


7350a6 No.1635866



if we are all going to be united on 11 11 wouldnt it make sense that the happenings would come during june-sept/october. highly doubt people would instantly unite after a bomb was dropped if it dropped 11/3

d2bdc7 No.1635867


Trump releases cure for cancer.

MSM reports -"Trump puts millions of Dr's and Hospitals out of business."

2924a7 No.1635868


the best tool the good guys have is misinfo. this also means that we have to be careful about who we believe.

keep your wits. theories may be right. they may be wrong.

97e358 No.1635869

File: b35e38e45134cfb⋯.png (258.52 KB, 890x1218, 445:609, ThinkMirror2.png)


Think mirror.

a8142e No.1635870

File: 48afeab69d9d22d⋯.jpg (428.89 KB, 1080x859, 1080:859, Screenshot_20180604-205312….jpg)


woot woot - i voted 4 Travis Allen…

also vote for BOB LINDSEY!!!


0ff850 No.1635871

File: 64861a4c5aeaaa7⋯.png (753.06 KB, 1919x927, 1919:927, Screenshot-2018-6-4 ADS-B ….png)

French F-RADA

Almost home from the Caribbean after a short stop at Lajes, Azores. Not gonna watch it land, as it's getting late for this tired planefag.

Hope they snagged some human traffickers. Really bad in the Grenadines and Martinique.

b23bb7 No.1635872


His last wish as a senator was to have something named after him, they obliged.

181aaf No.1635873


These people do not take marriage vows seriously, where fidelity is concerned.

They fuck each other at orgies and satanic rituals.

Just ask Chelsea Hubbel

601e10 No.1635874

File: b3faf5a6f9ec1ae⋯.png (116.35 KB, 280x556, 70:139, Screenshot-2018-6-4 Shlomo….png)

File: 996db4b16f45e84⋯.png (82.69 KB, 258x637, 258:637, Screenshot-2018-6-4 Jöns J….png)

4c263c No.1635875


Weren't Podesta's pulled via Guccifer? He hacked is overly-simple password and took them that way.

b062b7 No.1635876

File: e9b9ad681efe6cd⋯.png (608.8 KB, 992x851, 992:851, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a729767fe937958⋯.png (588.88 KB, 1555x837, 1555:837, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f8d95b3dbb54aa2⋯.png (543.53 KB, 1669x821, 1669:821, ClipboardImage.png)

https:// deadline.com/2018/05/strange-angel-trailer-cbs-all-access-mark-heyman-george-pendle-jack-parsons-jack-reynor-1202396327/

http:// www.wired.co.uk/article/jpl-jack-parsons

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Parsons_(rocket_engineer)

042b4f No.1635877

Somebody care to remind me the youtube alternative url we use here, the last beer washed it right out of my brain. Thanks.

24c742 No.1635878


075e36 No.1635879


Nothing useful on SS will be on Wikipedia

Dig deeper

c169d8 No.1635880

File: 08cb3a3e7eb4c05⋯.jpg (22.94 KB, 678x381, 226:127, GowdyOK.jpg)


You are watching a movie, with great actors. The left will believe in Gowdy when he finally shovels the stinking hot load down their throat.

dcfea1 No.1635881

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c75fc3 No.1635882


>said Joseph Francois and Laura M. Baughman, economists with consulting group The Trade Partnership.

I wonder what type of "group" they are.

Soros? Democrats?

f3f635 No.1635883

File: 7aae7dbd21729be⋯.png (705.01 KB, 2626x1082, 1313:541, wonderland.png)

Was the Wonderland Club already noted? 1998

750,000 pictures over 1,200 kids. And the judge went lenient.

Mentioned in a video posted earlier today about Lolita Riddle. Helper anon?

05c74b No.1635884


Be careful who you listen to.

d2bdc7 No.1635885


I really want to see her given a lethal injection on ppv while the left riots.

4c263c No.1635886


What post are you responding too?

5f1cc4 No.1635887

File: cf94b06ba1ef9d7⋯.png (516.09 KB, 974x647, 974:647, manfrt489753985723532.png)

Federal prosecutors asked a judge Monday night to revoke bail for Paul Manafort.

b4425e No.1635888


Everyone evil melts into what they really are on the inside, LA /Hollywood suffers from a tsunami of shit and slime and foul smelling scum.

24c742 No.1635889


where obama was born

f7158b No.1635890


I think that is correct. I think Guccifer also hacked some of the DNC emails too.

f7c865 No.1635891


prrrretty sure guccifer = clowns in america

5e966f No.1635892


No reason to defend TG,

It makes no difference if he turned black hat or just acting black hat.

There is no benefit in defending him just a division of our opinions of his role. We would be best served to throw him under the bus to either help him act, or he deserves it.

35f219 No.1635894


many are… what are you working on?

7ab3aa No.1635895

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

f7158b No.1635896



1e826a No.1635897


Travis! I just voted for him on my mail-in ballot!

53a7ba No.1635898

File: 85ee83f284b0018⋯.jpg (188.24 KB, 1203x611, 1203:611, ScreenShot_006.jpg)

Autist Q-Triva for those who don't know: the bread title is the very first line of Q's very first verified post.

'''Some of us come here to drop crumbs, just crumbs"'


fe3581 No.1635899


Unless it really is indefinite not infinite?

8c0b73 No.1635900



More than fifty pages to tell the court why the case about their son being murdered to cover for the leaker emails should not be dismissed so that people will not believe that they were there victims of a political trap.

Talk about insanity

2a5094 No.1635901


ever watch or read "The Man in the High Castle"?

9feab5 No.1635902

1560d6 No.1635903


>I guess good news is Biden won't be running in 2020.

Remember what Q posted about Why they are all claiming they're going to run for office? Because then they can claim POTUS is going after "Political opponents"!

50a6bd No.1635904

File: a2cc817b8cb3ace⋯.jpg (181.81 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, notsure4.jpg)

c2783e No.1635905


i'm not the anon that asked for help

just helped by posting the pages that most would not open due to fear of malware/virus

05c74b No.1635906


I think it was taken out because the clergical hierarchy of the time could not reconcile/understand the needed, interpretive/prophetic nature of it.

f7158b No.1635907


No G2 is not CIA.

9d78b3 No.1635908

File: ca21d5c86f23c2e⋯.jpg (111.13 KB, 1252x1252, 1:1, maxresdefault.jpg)


Almost as old as Lindsey, he has always talked out of both sides of his ass. what ever is convenient for him. but he is a snake and deep state and a good friend of We Do Not Say His Name

72e3dd No.1635910

File: 0e4b5df76e180a8⋯.png (20.08 KB, 637x232, 637:232, ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone know what this is all about?


438b78 No.1635911


Orange is the New Demonrat

c75fc3 No.1635912


Voting isn't til tomorrow.

5bf35c No.1635913


I can see stuff like Haiti, Little St James island, PizzaGate, 16 year plan etc, not being disclosed by midterms, but i also dont think it needs to be disclosed before midterms. We will have enough stuff happening, and enough indictments and arrests, that the rest can come in time. All it takes is one to get that person arrested, then we can "kick a man when he's down" with a steady flow of more info. The other stuff you said is very vital before the midterms: weiner laptop, hillary video, all of obama treason stuff, U1 which is connected to Iran Deal and NK, voting fraud via SmartMatic Soros machines, Seth rich, tarmac meeting + scalia death can go together. I dont even know how we will disclose the truth about NK to the public. And when we do, alot of them will be mad at Trump for these fake theatrics with KJU right now….or maybe by then, it wont matter

d2bdc7 No.1635914


Daily wh briefing?

94bbe4 No.1635915

File: c21cde4834e03c5⋯.png (1.32 MB, 940x537, 940:537, noname.PNG)

7350a6 No.1635916


is it possible some of these people had no choice ? lindsay seems like a giant faggot. but what if some of the people we thought were awful were just controlled ?

425a70 No.1635917


So why would POTUS endorse him?


7ab3aa No.1635918


Masonic (Luciferian) type groups.

Come out of behavioral psychology, Wilhelm Wundt, who had an illuminati connection

438b78 No.1635919


That would likely be a "come to jesus"…as my boss used to call it.

f7c865 No.1635920


well then muh guccifer 2.0 is a muh russian agent


d2bdc7 No.1635921


Kek! Nooooo! It's perfect the way it is.

6a580b No.1635922


The happening!

05c74b No.1635923


But I was looking forward to the laughs.

4c263c No.1635924


That was Guccifer 2.0 which I have a theory on:

DNC knew the emails were taken. How? Not 100% sure, but think they knew it was an inside job otherwise they may not have known they were hacked. Pretty sure their IT security wasn't the best. So…they leak a few things via the Guccifer 2.0 moniker as a distraction and to start the Muh Russia narrative.

I have no sauce for this theory. Tis just a theory.

a0f718 No.1635925

File: 9cd2b19e652c8e2⋯.jpg (40.24 KB, 763x512, 763:512, Scalia_ritas_mclean.jpg-la….jpg)

File: c1aefd48ec7674a⋯.png (97.76 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Bobbie_Kilberg_.png)

File: 16f31d4a23a81e4⋯.png (2.38 MB, 1289x828, 1289:828, mclean_2_kilberg.png)

File: 1139b0e25d5e8db⋯.png (3.37 MB, 2204x1738, 1102:869, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at ….png)

File: 1d51c2610485d32⋯.png (182.87 KB, 1856x698, 928:349, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at ….png)


lived next door to Grandma Ritas Bobbie Kilberg

https:// web.archive.org/web/20050208193837/http://www.grandmaritaschildren.org/

8c0b73 No.1635926

Does anyone remember Anon calling the Rich parents after they released that video along people to help investigate details behind his murder?

c02a2b No.1635927


help me work on the 2000 pages anon. you'll forgive me for a bantz or a meme or two once you see how much work there is

3b6806 No.1635928

File: 58b3c3d74714224⋯.png (17.75 KB, 273x362, 273:362, New CA Rep.png)

Jungle Primary in CA

Cali Anons be EPIC tomorrow, spread the storm!

042b4f No.1635929

There has been talk of a "theme song"… this song was recorded some years ago by a band which also wants to remain anonymous… I took the song and as much time and skill as I had to put together a Q/POTUS-themed video with it - I hope you like it. Q, I hope you like it. Rock on.


b4425e No.1635930


Maybe they will get the same chat, Trump had with Chuck. KEK

Not sure if the WH facilities will be able to handle it, kek

f7158b No.1635931


Guccifer isn't Russia.

eff967 No.1635932


Voting in CA tomorrow…

Hopefully something about election fraud…

824647 No.1635933


how about,

William huntington Russell

35f219 No.1635934


i don't remember if this anon proved that it was a cover in a few hours… did they?

6f5c25 No.1635935

File: e6dbd8cc285f6e9⋯.jpg (404.03 KB, 630x962, 315:481, longitude.jpg)


1e826a No.1635936



When AE9/11T sent that packet to DJT and got a letter back from him, I KNEW, I'd be voting for him.

f7c865 No.1635937



SOMEONE TOOK PODESTAS (C_A says guccifer so I don't believe it at all)

05c74b No.1635939


Cancer cures are available. It is just illegal to talk about them.

Laetrile - case in point.

073b9b No.1635940




fb2115 No.1635941


I'd like to know who is going to be in that meeting

042b4f No.1635942


Oh and don't worry, there isn't any Walter Matthews. Well, there probably is, but its not me.

b918d5 No.1635943

File: 0dcdc4dbf0c0bdc⋯.jpg (96.56 KB, 601x601, 1:1, 0dcdc4dbf0c0bdc431d7dd5bff….jpg)






fucking amazing.

thank you all

time for some crude info (related):

"Traveling to Mexico – read this first!" (jan 6 2014)

https:// www.groundreport.com/traveling-to-mexico-read-this-first/

"The number of kidnappings and disappearances throughout Mexico is of particular concern. Both local and expatriate communities have been victimized. In addition, local police have been implicated in some of these incidents. We strongly advise you to lower your profile and avoid displaying any evidence of wealth that might draw attention."

"The History of Gangs in Mexico part 1" (nov 18 2014)


"Mexico’s gangs have flourished since the late 19th century, mostly in the north due to their proximity to towns along the U.S.-Mexico border.

But it was the American appetite for cocaine in the 1970s that gave Mexican drug cartels immense power to manufacture and transport drugs across the border. Today, gang violence in Mexico, as these cartels battle for territory and supremacy in the drug trade, has spilled over in the United States."

and finally

might be of relevance on CURRENT and FUTURE issues.

"El blog del narco" (The drug trafficker's blog)


this is an underground news source that has been reporting a lot of drug cartel-related incidents (some made known publicly by MSM and some that never got reported).

this is what MSM is HIDING from the Mexican public (mostly… it's highly possible US public is receiving manipulated info as well)

I'm really loving the anons work tonite!

full armored lonely motherfuckers, I love you deep.

stay strong and comfy.

f7158b No.1635944


Hes going to talk to them about the omnibus recissions he is sending them. VP is also having lunch with the GOPers.

f5d024 No.1635945


gotcha helperanon.

either there's a new shill-op afoot, or a lot of newfags are starting to come here looking for help

f44d8f No.1635946

Alright anons, be alert, be ready.

If the clock is right anytime after the next minute is possible go time via EST….

Q likely posting on the hour sometime today…

df73e4 No.1635947


do we need to find this device?



weaponized off-the-shelf product?

or another thought. I've seen other anons talk about the hum, or a high pitched sound in recordings. related?

thank you helperanons.

i have experience and connections which may help. you know how.

e3f4d7 No.1635948

When did the cabal start??

When the fallen angels themselves started it.


"Moreover Azazyel taught men to make swords, knives, shields, breastplates, the fabrication of mirrors, and the workmanship of bracelets and ornaments, the use of paint, the beautifying of the eyebrows, the use of stones of every valuable and select kind, and all sorts of dyes, so that the world became altered.

2Impiety increased; fornication multiplied; and they transgressed and corrupted all their ways.

3Amazarak taught all the sorcerers, and dividers of roots:

4Armers taught the solution of sorcery;

5Barkayal taught the observers of the stars, (9)

(9) Observers of the stars. Astrologers (Charles, p. 67).

6Akibeel taught signs;

7Tamiel taught astronomy;

8And Asaradel taught the motion of the moon,

9And men, being destroyed, cried out; and their voice reached to heaven.

181aaf No.1635949

File: c38a405374a84ba⋯.jpg (35.19 KB, 470x448, 235:224, earthbag.jpg)

33fcb4 No.1635950


Russia hacked Hillary's illegal server she possessed in Chappaqua, buying and selling state secrets…and likely Haitian children.

The Ds handlers knew it would bury Clinton and assure a Trump Presidency.

So the Ds had to come down hard on Russia for having dirt on Hillary (This is what Downer and Papadapolous drunkenly yapped about at a bar…these people are stupid).

This dirt Russia had on Hillary was why the Ds launched the Russia hacked the DNC. They didn't say Russia hacked Hillary was the true story, nor that it was Seth Rich who locally downloaded the DNC emails (this is why they killed him).

Their gooses are cooked.

4890c3 No.1635951

File: 6ceab73bbe9973c⋯.jpg (281.11 KB, 1068x867, 356:289, 6ceab73bbe9973cc014235126e….jpg)


Memefags didn't disappoint.

Have a beer, on me, anon.

c02a2b No.1635952

24df35 No.1635954


>Q likely posting on the hour sometime today…

why you think that?

dcfea1 No.1635955


Eliminate carbs. Cancer cannot grow on ketone bodies.

5f1cc4 No.1635956

File: c0c127448497bc0⋯.jpg (42.52 KB, 480x500, 24:25, eggs.jpg)


Because the GOP are giving him a guilt trip over Roy Moore. A person most likely sabotaged by the same GOP.

Read up on Cox. He is definately not /ourguy/.

Patriots Vote Travis Allen!

94bbe4 No.1635959


Glub glub glub, ahhh, thanks : )

f44d8f No.1635960


That's what the clock says.

top of the hour is todays dates, minutes match post time minutes. :00

f7c865 No.1635961


clowns say it is and that it took them


9d2f98 No.1635962

File: 92522630f55136f⋯.png (348.21 KB, 480x360, 4:3, sesamestreet.png)

4c263c No.1635963


I think all of us anons are convinced the earth is flat now. Can't argue with what is. Since we are all on the same page, can we stop reading about it now?

b4425e No.1635964

File: 198f347b4080e5a⋯.png (434.3 KB, 533x800, 533:800, Beer bottle Q.png)

File: ef5299cc7683a96⋯.png (338.03 KB, 533x800, 533:800, Beer can Q 2.png)

c75fc3 No.1635965

File: af38ae6b464a699⋯.jpg (19.35 KB, 255x200, 51:40, Board I was Told Q Tonight.jpg)

bf09a0 No.1635966

File: 493c9e211a05ba3⋯.jpg (20.06 KB, 254x199, 254:199, IMG_2270.JPG)

Evangelical shithole #cuntry

3b6806 No.1635967


Follow POTUS

I don't know (you)

524516 No.1635968

File: d1225f8570083a9⋯.jpg (67.65 KB, 330x505, 66:101, ExecutionDock.jpg)

Our girl Noodlehair is back in the news, and Luke Rosiak is kicking her ugly butt all over the playground:


f7c865 No.1635969


I think the "guccifer 2.0" is a clown op

guccifer (original) is not

9e1644 No.1635970

File: 8ab1bccd3252982⋯.png (407.18 KB, 806x806, 1:1, 300.png)



075e36 No.1635971

File: 75e176b16c213d5⋯.png (21.34 KB, 2000x1182, 1000:591, 2000px-Flag_of_the_British….png)


The Order was first established on the Yale campus in 1832 It was officially incorporated only in 1856 under the name Russell Trust Association. According to virtually all the available biographical data on its early members, the money required to sustain the secret order's campus affairs and its broader role in placing its members into key positions of influence upon their graduation from Yale, derived from the opium trade in the Far East. That trade was set up by the British East India Company and was flourishing by the time the Treaty of Paris was signed in 1783 ending the American War for Independence. The East India Company during this period was controlled by the Baring Brothers Bank (Toward the closing decades of the 17th century, the British House of Rothschild would supplant the Baring Brothers as the controlling financial interests in the China opium trade.

Through the sponsorship of the Barings and also the Rothschilds, a number of leading New England families, some of whom had sided with Great Britain during the American Revolution, were brought into the opium trade as junior partners. These merchant families ran fleets of clipper ships and became in many cases fabulously wealthy as the result of their association with the British East India Company. Among these key New England merchant families were: Cabot, Coolidge, Forbes, Higginson, Sturgis, Lodge, Lowell, Perkins and Russell.

These New England merchant families founded the United Fruit Company and the Bank of Boston. The founding families of Skull & Bones included the Russell and Perkins families, Over several generations, however, all these families heavily intermarried and became, in effect, one extended power grouping.

William Huntington Russell incorporated Skull & Bones as the Russell Trust

Association. Throughout the 20th century, the Russell Trust Association listed the New York City headquarters of Brown Brothers Harriman as its address.

04d375 No.1635972


The sauce for your theory is the Forensicator report. They clearly used Clown tactics to try to CREATE Russian fingerprints. UK has helped the "Russia bad" narrative along by poisoning people linked to Russia and blaming Russia. One thing we must understand about criminals is there are "profilers" for a reason. Criminals tend to repeat what has worked previously. False Flags, fake "bogeymen", coordinating together to create a narrative and cover each other's crimes, ect. It's a Big Club and we aren't apart of it.

fb2115 No.1635973


yes agreed which shortens the time span even more

1560d6 No.1635974

File: 21746965fcf6114⋯.jpg (23.61 KB, 234x254, 117:127, biden 2020.jpg)

89afcd No.1635975

File: 6ced905541a0121⋯.png (259.25 KB, 1287x753, 429:251, activity.PNG)

Flurry of activity north of Las Vegas

f7158b No.1635976

Russia didn't hack anything, but the emails that went to WL weren't from SR>

SR knew about ballot fuckery and that is why they killed him. The DNC server is still sitting in the DNC basement, FBI hasn't even touched it. DNC wont let them touch it.

9d78b3 No.1635977

File: 4c99cadbee7ce1c⋯.jpg (213.54 KB, 1000x954, 500:477, spinthebottle.jpg)


Oh he is controlled allright, He needs to go. He has always been part of the McStain gang of 8 along with Rubio. They always say they would repeal Obamadontcare and not even once have they followed through. they are not good people. never have been. Knowing what we know now, very few if any old skool (pic related kek) politicians are clean. zero zip nada

7350a6 No.1635978


yo what the fuck 17 canidates. i see 17 everywhere now


249e38 No.1635979

File: 32686efe49f6e44⋯.png (104.23 KB, 916x592, 229:148, Screen Shot 32.png)

File: c890464310f605b⋯.png (319.42 KB, 934x1444, 467:722, Screen Shot 31.png)

File: 4134c3130b26388⋯.png (47.44 KB, 914x350, 457:175, Screen Shot 30.png)

File: f2650d0970582ff⋯.png (73.44 KB, 916x426, 458:213, Screen Shot 29.png)

Check out latest Imperator Rex thread about Papadopoulos wife interview and Strzok / Mifsud / UK and cross reference to Q drops.


9feab5 No.1635980

f7c865 No.1635982


kys shill

ccddce No.1635983

hang her in public while antifaggots kick the shit out of trash cans and shriek to the stars. I'd PPV that shit

425a70 No.1635984

>>> 1635935

Because paper is flat. Having been with someone who was a cartographer at one time, I am quite aware of the choices that must be made in representing 3D objects on 2D paper. I rather like this map, actually. Interesting choice to choose the North Pole as the focus point. And interesting choice to portray the map as a clock. Both valid representations of the 3D earth.

f44d8f No.1635985


Many have been waiting many days and nights for a time like this one.

e85973 No.1635986

File: d53e8f9d3e22df3⋯.jpg (378.71 KB, 750x770, 75:77, 1511151142816.jpg)

423867 No.1635987


multiple amateurs have circumnavigated the southern hemisphere. They all finished within a reasonable amount of time expected if the earth were round.

a8142e No.1635988

File: 5fe553a099df013⋯.jpg (509.68 KB, 1080x1401, 360:467, Screenshot_20180604-210329….jpg)


41b9d0 No.1635989


I think he knows that if he endorses someone in a blue area, voters will shy away , still vote repub, but not trumps guy…this way we get the one we really want in..just my opinion

05c74b No.1635990


Yeah, we've already memed him to the wall.

24df35 No.1635991


June 4th ended

6044f7 No.1635992


"misquote" would've been a proper answer, but the fraud attempted to explain it away by assailing my understanding of the words, "infinite" and "completed"

f44d8f No.1635993


is that 24hr time?

f09d60 No.1635994

File: 7402c711ca80220⋯.png (509.01 KB, 665x678, 665:678, Dr G re BB re Frum 6-4-18.PNG)

File: 09a6c6db73a8cf5⋯.png (36.87 KB, 645x398, 645:398, Bongino re Frum 6-3-18.PNG)

File: c79c1862163ffce⋯.png (554.93 KB, 531x867, 177:289, BB 1 Moons re Frum 6-4-18.PNG)

File: 4b90100681d42c3⋯.png (61.35 KB, 528x586, 264:293, BB 2 Moons re Frum 6-4-18.PNG)

File: b5a00aa05ee7275⋯.png (321.56 KB, 1013x559, 1013:559, Frum Bio.PNG)

Exclusive – Melania Trump Spox: David Frum ‘Disgusting’ for Insinuating Domestic Abuse in White House


First Lady Melania Trump’s Communications Director Stephanie Grisham condemned a “disgusting” Monday tweet from

Atlantic Senior Editor David Frum containing a hypothetical situation with President Donald Trump hitting his wife.

27b65c No.1635995



It is rare, but the leading theories aren't associated with IQ. They're more related to social/ family involvement and collectivist cultures. Serial killers from India and Japan are exceeding rare as well, but they don't typically have the miserable isolation which whites in the west seem to relish.

But no, that sketch doesn't match the picture... The features are completely wrong. He was probably just the closest pawn they could find at the moment when they needed one...

4c263c No.1635996


It is suspected that the Chappaqua server was hacked by multiple parties. There has been no proof that it was; just assumed (per Comey).

All of her emails were released as foia requests.

b4425e No.1635997






79570d No.1635998


So we still believe arrests of big name players will be arrested? Why? What evidence is there that this can or will happen? Forget whatever anyone says. I've followed this while thing, seen all the criminal evidence, read Q posts, twatter threads, watched video after video saying arrests imminent, yet nothing. I have a hard time accepting the delay is to get people redpilled, or that things need to be just right. I also think it is unethical to politicize this for maximum effect for the midterms. Something is not adding up. Seems a bit fishy and too much to hope for, considering this has gone on forever. Help me out anons.

9feab5 No.1635999

824647 No.1636000


Normalize Muh Satanists… sad.

5bf35c No.1636001

File: d36485c0d0c21e6⋯.jpg (49.82 KB, 554x401, 554:401, TrumpServer.jpg)


>not sure about that anon

>SR took the DNC emails and leaked them to WL, then I think (less clear) he or someone connected to him got Podesta's then leaked those too

2 separate incidents. First incident in March 2016 is where Podesta claimed he got hacked (the whole phishing thing where is password was password). He didnt really get hacked. DNC gave select emails to wikileaks through some third party source so as not to tip off wikileaks. Wikileaks posted them. DNC claimed they were hacked. Hired Crowdstrike to investigate. Eric Schmidt's Crowdstrike wink wink. Crowdstrike said Russia did it. Said it was Guccifer, then changed story to Guccifer 2.0

Then 3 months later, Seth Rich took his emails to a usb drive and sent to wikileaks, which was also posted by wikileaks. 2 separate incidents. See attached Trump tweet. Trump is referencing the servers the DNC claimed were hacked. DNC refused to hand over servers to FBI to investigate. Still to this day, FBI has not seen those servers. The russia cry originated from this incident. All on the word of Crowdstrike. this is what Trump is referencing.


>Weren't Podesta's pulled via Guccifer? He hacked is overly-simple password and took them that way.

Guccifer was in a Romanian prison at the time of the "hack". DNC didnt discover this till after. So they changed the story to a new hacker named Guccifer 2.0. Russia/Guccifer never hacked the servers, the DNC just said Podesta was hacked. He never was

6cf2f8 No.1636002


What about his upcoming trip to Kenya? Tillerson fired for brokering safe passage for the bastard? Q telling us, "He will claim Kenyan Citizenship." to escape the Executioner?

50a6bd No.1636003


for me even google.com is like that anon.

53a7ba No.1636004


3AM eternal. How do you get the 3 anon?

9e1644 No.1636006


blockchain is a very interesting piece of technology



Wonder what the day will bring.

If the past is an indicator.. we should at least get some nice drops.

c169d8 No.1636007


>a whole lot of truth has to come out in those in between 4 1/2 months.

We will eat this elephant one bite at a time until it is gone.

a8142e No.1636008


… 🙄😂😂😂😂😀 …. mail in ballot - yo!

8bda4b No.1636009



524516 No.1636010



Bailey Olson

‏ @B75434425

2h2 hours ago

3:30 tomorrow President trump will be having a closed door meeting with members of Congress.

c2783e No.1636011


i kind of hope the latter.

it would mean the word, that good is being done here, is getting out.

however, i kind of hope not.

that would just reaffirm another layer of how much fucked we are trying to dig out of

what a weird and wonderful time to be alive.

7350a6 No.1636012


the fuck is kenya gonna do if we hang him ? lol they have no power compared to the us millitary

c85ee5 No.1636013

File: 185aaaf6a48de33⋯.mp4 (5.21 MB, 362x640, 181:320, LIGHTHOUSE.mp4)

c75fc3 No.1636014


Like father like son.

Get em jr.

81f031 No.1636015


I think the OIG report might drop tomorrow. Give us time to read it before the hearing on the 11th.

3b6806 No.1636016

File: 1f93b4858d94753⋯.jpeg (28.49 KB, 555x555, 1:1, Flag Pin.jpeg)

f7dfa9 No.1636017

File: a9e45073310701b⋯.png (606.65 KB, 901x843, 901:843, ClipboardImage.png)

File: adce6a6b9e175f0⋯.png (442.34 KB, 899x836, 899:836, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dfd666a9be399a9⋯.png (304.41 KB, 912x766, 456:383, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 85f163d25771873⋯.png (402.61 KB, 928x789, 928:789, ClipboardImage.png)

Whoever Controls The Narrative, Controls The World


f44d8f No.1636018


How's one suppose to sleep, that shits better then Christmas.

9e1644 No.1636020


Clock started at 12:00, with each time the minute hand goes all the way around the hour advances by 1.

We are at 3 full revolutions now, so 3:00.

Q confirmed this by posting at 2:58 2 days ago.

f7158b No.1636021


When do we sue the pants off some of these people!?

a8142e No.1636022


90568b No.1636023



I mean, it took about 6 months for us to really understand the gravity of the situation.

I know most of us are are ~woke~ and always have been, but 1-2 years of Trutherism and Awakening should do the trick.

Trump, Q and the team have been hard at work for 500 days now doing everything in their power to give people a reason to jump on board.

I have faith the American people are smart enough to catch on once the hammers start to drop.

7ab3aa No.1636024


It is an interesting theory, but why quote those verses?

423867 No.1636025


Please also provide your accurate mathematical formulas to predict the sun and moon rise and set times. And no, you cannot use the ones based on the spheroid earth model.

dcfea1 No.1636026


Bill gots the syphilitic dementia…

e3f4d7 No.1636027


Funny. You have no idea who I am. Nor my education level. Nor the extent of my personal knowledge regarding these things…and yet

you call me a shill as if you are a man of authority over secret knowledge.

Interesting indeed.

11e8be No.1636028


Assuming you mean BTC , it can't hold that much data. It's not setup for any more than short text comment strings.

fe3581 No.1636029


I do not think it is a "misquote" as it may be a mistranslation. No need to be defensive it is a fair observation.

f7c865 No.1636030


I agree anon

just not sure who "guccifer 2.0" is or if its a scapegoat for WHO ACTUALLY DID IT

I can"t imagine that DNC/Podesta leaked the Podesta emials, they were the most damning

bf09a0 No.1636031

File: bcd6816d6c66c60⋯.jpg (161.28 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, IMG_2264.JPG)

Despotism is stateism

fb2115 No.1636032

File: 387da6e13f79306⋯.jpg (69.32 KB, 625x710, 125:142, sethrichjune.JPG)


Seth Rich is most definitely slotted for June…maybe this week

5d010d No.1636033


everyone seems to say he posted at 15:58 eastern time. I had the same conclusion as you.

Even the chans show 15:58, only github shows 14:58

38480e No.1636034


You doing Greenwich Mean time?

f44d8f No.1636035


Good theory

We will see, We will see, We will see.

Remembering for later confirmation.

4860ef No.1636036

>>1633606 bread #2054


3b6806 No.1636037

File: c082a92e1d279f5⋯.jpg (13.56 KB, 191x255, 191:255, Genius.jpg)

8bda4b No.1636038


Keeping the lower rank and file LEGIT…PER Q DROP

7350a6 No.1636039

yo cemex anons


they really do hide people in the walls

f7158b No.1636040


After the summit, would be my guess.

f7c865 No.1636041


I didn't respond to you…?

df73e4 No.1636042


he was definitely hacked, where phished=socially hacked.

and guccifer2.0 had valuable info.

even if it was a clown OP, the address book was more than legit. 55 harbor view is listed. it's a good resource.

8c0b73 No.1636043


Whoa, holy shit, you're right! Thanks for the reminder, Anon!

90bcdd No.1636044


One of my favorites….

f7c865 No.1636045

27b65c No.1636046


Are you retarded?? There are literally thousands of her emails still missing and thousands more which were only released with extensive redactions.

e3f4d7 No.1636048


Its hard for me not call you guys freakn idiots sometimes.

The world predeicted such things long before they ever

entertained a ball earth. Eclipses too.


And I know nothing you say???

9e1644 No.1636049


Well I'm basing my theory off the github. Is there a chance that it is wrong?

I'll have to go check manually.. very interesting if I am wrong but the general idea of the hour advancing with each revolution would still hold true.




We will see indeed.

091a81 No.1636050

File: 34e3545d9becd4f⋯.jpg (95.69 KB, 1134x556, 567:278, nasimpickles.jpg)

f5d024 No.1636051


well said

uplifting and sad all in one

bf09a0 No.1636052

File: 4148baac939ed14⋯.jpg (23.68 KB, 348x423, 116:141, IMG_2259.JPG)

The right meme

9d2f98 No.1636053

File: e5e1fa2dc003315⋯.png (49.5 KB, 255x144, 85:48, ClipboardImage.png)


i liked this version of that tweet better

5bf35c No.1636054


Russia never hacked her servers

c26bbb No.1636055


vault 7: RAINMAKER

b8fd88 No.1636056

Has anyone noted that Cemex supplied the cement in the bridge that collapsed at the college in Florida?


5bf35c No.1636057


Me too :D. Im sure Debbie loved it also haha

249e38 No.1636058

File: 1f15cf100546c5e⋯.png (865.44 KB, 1080x952, 135:119, Screen Shot 33.png)

Another Eager Lion → Iron Eagle tweet to go with the news of Jordan's PM stepping down.

e075e8 No.1636059

File: fb0f887a85c2ba1⋯.jpg (16.31 KB, 400x167, 400:167, hammer_of_justice.jpg)


Anon may or may not have just finished:

You Were Never Really Here

It's relevant and recommended.

Also, every Anon should own one of these.

2fe589 No.1636060


Honestly just hoping for no FF's.

073b9b No.1636061

File: 7a845fd91670c10⋯.jpg (369.47 KB, 1440x2704, 90:169, 201806042310104864c158e6de….jpg)

9e1644 No.1636062



Yeah I just checked, the chans are showing 15:58 but Github/Qanon.pub is showing 14:58.

Which is right?

f7158b No.1636063


Oh that's right, they weren't actually hacked they fell for a phishing scam.

5bf35c No.1636064


>he was definitely hacked, where phished=socially hacked.

He wasn't hacked. And Guccifer 2.0 doesnt exist. they had to change the story, as Guccifer was in a Romanian prison and they realized they couldnt blame him

3b6806 No.1636065

File: 5c4dbd43cafa67e⋯.jpg (98.94 KB, 1024x755, 1024:755, russian-salvador-dali-surr….jpg)

f44d8f No.1636066


Would that also mean the significant posts would follow the same logic from past posts.

In other words, the future things fall after midnight in prior drops..?

6044f7 No.1636067


I can only go on what he quoted…

your answer was fair, his was condescending… as such mine was defensive.

bf09a0 No.1636068

File: 2146ccffd363774⋯.jpg (52.31 KB, 468x895, 468:895, IMG_2207.JPG)

Ο πατριωτισμός είναι το τελευταίο καταφύγιο ενός κακοποιού

423867 No.1636069


still waiting, BOT… provide the formula and debunk the multiple amateur circumnavigations. You haven't yet and you wont.

b8fd88 No.1636070


"Who Supplied the Concrete for the FIU Bridge?

Mexican company CEMEX supplied the concrete for the collapsed bridge, and CEMEX has Chinese connections that go back several years.

CEMEX’s operations in China, Tianjin and Qingdao, were awarded the “China Top 10 Influential Ready-mix Concrete Enterprise in 2010” prize during a sustainable development forum that took place in Wuhan, Hubei Province. __ http://www2.cemex.com/MediaCenter/Story/Story20110103.aspx

Preliminary evidence is incomplete and circumstantial. It will take time to collect more information and to trace the current ownership information for both MCM and CEMEX — and the actual source for the specific concrete used in the FIU bridge construction. But all signs currently point toward shoddy construction methods and/or shoddy materials."

5bf35c No.1636071


I'm scared the timeframe got moved up till July :/ I hope not

d2bdc7 No.1636072

181aaf No.1636073

Revelation 5:5

New International Version (NIV)

5 Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.”

3b6806 No.1636074

File: a42fb9777acfefd⋯.png (467.14 KB, 2880x1800, 8:5, You're in one.png)

5bf35c No.1636075


Scapegoat. I dont think he even exists.

d2f2d0 No.1636076

where do I find out if demons are real or not

f7c865 No.1636077

remember anons


1. HRC private server (33,000 deleted)

2. DNC emails (#HNWSR)

3. Podesta ("guccifer 2.0")

don't get them confused

11e8be No.1636078


I don't recall ever hear anything about attribution of the Podesta email hack. I think that assumption is that because his security was so weak that EVERYONE was reading his emails and that it would be imposable to determine who sent them to WL. Most of the speculation blaming Russia and/or Guccifer was in relation to the DNC breach..

64573b No.1636079

File: b73b447bc12135d⋯.jpg (443.34 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, e pluribus wrecked em.jpg)

fb2115 No.1636080


I don't know

People have a tendency to want to hold on to their established world view beyond any reason. Some people would rather hit you in the head with a bike lock than to believe the politicians that they've worshiped are criminals and plotted their own exterminations

7ab3aa No.1636082


Clubhouse for ++ affiliated business families?

fe084e No.1636083

File: a9e091ce5bb956e⋯.jpg (365.61 KB, 1347x928, 1347:928, 2018-06-05_00.08.26.jpg)

File: 43c336d0faab97d⋯.png (488.06 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, 20180605_000548.png)

File: dad004c8b5bdb54⋯.jpg (791.97 KB, 1440x2292, 120:191, 20180605_000330.jpg)


Testing 1, 2, 1, 2

This anything?

3c932f No.1636084


You've been saying this for almost 48 hours. Cemex provides the cement for the majority of southern construction jobs. Even ReadyMix is owned by Cemex.

b8fd88 No.1636085


It is 15:58 EST but in reality the time was EDT - daylight savings.

e3f4d7 No.1636086


Ahhhh, but you did. Shows how little you really know.

f7158b No.1636087


They are real.

8bda4b No.1636088


Digits confirm….

What if this "accidental release" is leaked to JA? So HE can spill it??

f09d60 No.1636089

File: caa6971d0abd688⋯.png (316.18 KB, 659x593, 659:593, DoD 6-4-18 9 pm PST.PNG)

File: 2ac6bc0f4e55fa0⋯.png (515.31 KB, 668x595, 668:595, DoD 6-4-18 9 pm PST 2.PNG)

File: eac21c707ce8a79⋯.png (140.55 KB, 694x634, 347:317, DoD Eager Lion 4-2-18.PNG)

Reference to #EagerLion again


524516 No.1636090


Always remember, the King of Jordan's mother is American Lisa Halaby

d2bdc7 No.1636092

File: ad2bff826bfea0e⋯.jpg (16 KB, 255x182, 255:182, 0ebaa4fc814a1c0bfef235f03f….jpg)

53a7ba No.1636093


Genius level theory. Very neat. Kudos to the clockanons and thanks for the explain. Appreciate. Are there any past news / Qposts pointing to what may happen today?

4860ef No.1636095


Hope the pace picks up, at this rate it will take 2 terms, TRUST THE PLAN

4c263c No.1636096


Not kidding. Read my post. All of her emails have come out via foia requests. Yes, plenty of her emails are still missing because she and her crew deleted them post-SoS which was against the law too. Some of her emails were found on Weiner's laptop, some they turned over, and others came from the State Department.

The missing emails are still missing.

091a81 No.1636097

File: 42459edd9204afa⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1492x836, 373:209, ClipboardImage.png)



<still way better than baseball cards…

b8fd88 No.1636098


I haven't said anything about this until right now. Perhaps it was another anon. I just got online.

d2f2d0 No.1636099

File: 05cad753a99dd30⋯.jpg (635.66 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, download_20180604_224611.jpg)

1b805e No.1636100


The POTUS will celebrate singing the National Anthem instead of Eagles NFL at 3 pm:


6e452c No.1636101

Is guccifer supposed to be a Maynard James Keenan reference?

7350a6 No.1636102

File: 2f8b00de7e6312e⋯.jpg (32.17 KB, 432x767, 432:767, pRJ2bTcaT0YQvP2HXl-sPEdLp8….jpg)




f44d8f No.1636103


Ask for it to come around 3-4AM.

Ask and you will find…

bf09a0 No.1636104

File: e7f179b154d8939⋯.png (133.76 KB, 500x654, 250:327, IMG_2263.PNG)

3c932f No.1636105


My bad then. It's been said a lot.

f7c865 No.1636106




exactly, I don't think guccifer 2.0 even exists

which begs the question WHO TOOK PODESTA'S EMAILS

maybe SR did both…

824647 No.1636107

File: c5b171b7f158a8e⋯.jpeg (24.09 KB, 474x611, 474:611, mao yale 3.jpeg)

File: 457dbc43c968054⋯.png (186.28 KB, 602x343, 86:49, yale mao 2.png)

File: 6d4457f20519476⋯.jpg (102.7 KB, 1024x609, 1024:609, mao yale 1.jpg)

5bf35c No.1636108


Yes, it just all had/has to happen a certain way. It cant come from Trump. It has to be introduced to congress and investigations the legal way. Not really, but it has to appear that it is. All these random docs that keep getting requested month after month, the White Hats already have the info, but they have to force congress to follow proper channels, for the optics of the public. The dam is about to bust now. The IG Report encompasses about 15 different investigations

ed077a No.1636109


Tom Fitton said to expect good and bad from it.

adc209 No.1636110

Having a rough time with life right now. I live in one of my grandpa's rental houses. He passed away a year and a half ago and 2 weeks before he died he told me this house was mine to live in for the rest of my life and to raise my kids in.

Well now here I am and I have one boy and a baby on the way in another month. Just got notice that I have to move in a month. My aunt convinced my grandma to change the will and sell all the houses. When I think of what the devil looks like it's her, when I see Hillary all I can do is picture her. I have so much built up angry and hate that I feel like I'm going to explode.

The chans and q have been a place for me to escape the stress and hopefully the light will shine again soon. Thank you for listening to me vent.

53a7ba No.1636111


That bread went fast. Forgot to post the notables. Here goes, any missed will have to go in the next. Apologies guys.


>>1635697 , >>1635762 , >>1635827 , >>1635874 , >>1635971 Secret Societies Dig

>>1635943 Tucson connections: Dig resources

>>1635605 CEMEX connect to Mario Cordero: DIG CALL

>>1635327 "The nail in many coffins": QPost and Giuliani say the same phrase

>>1635482 Tucson POE Robert T. Mourad: connected to the Clintons, Little Rock & Int Heads of State

>>1635466 SUPER-RESOURCE: Reminder that there are mindmaps in our graphics library

>>1635416 Report: Using mobile phones to control school shootings

eff967 No.1636112

File: fbfea57edec41ca⋯.png (34.2 KB, 781x178, 781:178, Screenshot 2018-06-04 at 9….png)


Remember the hacker that was visited in jail by the FBI?


3b6806 No.1636113

File: a4444fbf094cf9e⋯.jpg (72.38 KB, 567x542, 567:542, You Got This.jpg)

986edc No.1636114


also: Any HRC emails that have been released were as a result of Judicial Watch's FOIA requests, and the Benghazi investigations of the Senate and House.

f44d8f No.1636115


What about Quill and Dagger?

2fe589 No.1636116


The best thing here is they are raising tariffs on things they cannot make themselves. Do you think anyone gives a fuck the price increased on things they already had a major desire for because they were American products? If anything this will cause a buying frenzy.

f7c865 No.1636117


whatever retard

if you IP hopped after your FE post that kys anyway

if not stfu

e3f4d7 No.1636118


This might sound familiar HUMAN.

Its hard for me not call you guys freakn idiots sometimes.

The world predeicted such things long before they ever

entertained a ball earth. Eclipses too.


And I know nothing you say???

9e1644 No.1636119


Nice find!

Gives more credence to 3:00 theory.


Yeah, other anons pointed out there is a chance the Net Pause/Hammer drop AK47 photos of obama might happen today, because they line up with previous :00 dates on the clock.


That might explain it then.

132b7c No.1636120

Damnit my penis is small

24c742 No.1636121

File: e168ed425c678e6⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 540.91 KB, 423x608, 423:608, Capturea.PNG)

Thanks Baker

d2bdc7 No.1636122

File: 76ad559265956f5⋯.jpg (41.47 KB, 528x705, 176:235, 10645241_692261807519056_1….jpg)

fe3581 No.1636123


You are a piece of shit clown fag GTFO

eff967 No.1636124


It's on his public schedule.

f09d60 No.1636125

File: b30151bee58d842⋯.png (80.39 KB, 524x322, 262:161, Q PF 85 5-17-18.PNG)


Q post #85 [just in case]

4c263c No.1636126


Very possible.

3643ad No.1636127


Not all of us agree,

but not all of us see it as more important than what is currently occurring,

or more clearly, what is pertinent to the dismantling of the power structure holding us back

We can flesh out the truth together once they're gone

bf09a0 No.1636128


New fag

f7c865 No.1636129


those would be in the HRC server

e3f4d7 No.1636130


I look forward to meeting you.

3ad0b6 No.1636131

It just hit me why the 8chan server downtime/upgrade was necessary.

The hussein pic and hrc video will be posted here first, hopefully later today.

8chan will have to deal with one of the biggest DDOS attacks in history, therefore upgrading the infrastructure was necessary. Also I saw someone post that 8chan is now under the control of the government, which is not a huge leap considering Q has already been in contact with the creator of 8chan.

d2bdc7 No.1636132


B is wrong, often. I wouldn't put much stock in her info.

3b6806 No.1636133

File: 8398e794998c2f0⋯.png (53.59 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Stay On Target.png)

05c74b No.1636134

cfccfe No.1636135



ID - 1 post.

.pdf - most common method of sharing virus laden code.

try again clown

5bf35c No.1636136


The opposite. They claimed they fell for a phishing scam and were hacked. They lied about the hacking so they could hire Crowdstrike to say they were hacked by the Russians

fe3581 No.1636138


Yes, several breads ago

9e1644 No.1636139


So is Q ignoring daylight savings?

That's something I never even thought of before.

I'll keep that in mind as I read more and work with the clock more.

fb2115 No.1636140


You're right of course. what else can we do. This all has to happen methodically regardless of whether it meets the deadlines. We not only want these people arrested but we want them to actually be found guilty and punished for their crimes. That means no mistakes

f7c865 No.1636141


good for you bitch

stfu, gtfo, then kys

423867 No.1636142

caught in a loop mr BOT. You already said that. >>1636118


Provide the formulas /debunk the circumnavigation or kys.

d2bf73 No.1636143

File: e90d1fbdf507da5⋯.png (91.48 KB, 500x235, 100:47, pepehug.png)

4c263c No.1636144


Anon… I just wanted the posts to stop. Was practicing my fake intel.

181aaf No.1636146


Makes sense. Notable?

cfccfe No.1636147

File: 34bb070c0e78394⋯.jpg (15.81 KB, 480x360, 4:3, aw_shit_you_clicked_that_s….jpg)

132b7c No.1636148


Declassifying everything obviously

c2783e No.1636149


>creator of 8chan

kek, so wrong

god just blinked this shit in to existence

5bf35c No.1636151


As quiet as he's been lately, you know something big is coming from JA soon

bfd3e7 No.1636153

File: 987df5fa3e74e0f⋯.png (1.04 MB, 960x610, 96:61, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 102691cd106f40c⋯.png (40.54 KB, 567x671, 567:671, ClipboardImage.png)

File: caf97f9a66898bb⋯.png (55.82 KB, 575x862, 575:862, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c32ee662a951f41⋯.png (52.13 KB, 578x860, 289:430, ClipboardImage.png)

Russia pushes back at US on North Korea

Foreign Minister Lavrov asserted Russia’s role in the current process as a stakeholder in the stability of northeast Asia; he flagged the need to revive six-party talks; it also seems Putin will meet Kim Jong-un soon.

The visit by the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to Pyongyang on May 31 was a poignant moment for both countries. This was a rare meeting between a senior Russian official and a member of the Kim dynasty. Yet, Russia has been the oldest friend and mentor of the ruling family in Pyongyang.

Kim’s family escaped from Japanese-occupied Korea to the Soviet Union in 1920 when the revered founder of North Korea, Kim Il Sung, was only eight years old. He grew up in Russia, joined the Red Army and fought the Japanese in Manchuria. When World War II ended, Kim returned to his country and with some Soviet backing, went on to lead North Korea’s Communist Party and lay the foundations of the new state north of the 38th parallel.

Make no mistake, it was not a coincidence that Kim received Lavrov on the same day his deputy Vice-Chairman Kim Yong-chol met US President Donald Trump at the White House. Kim told Lavrov in front of TV cameras: “I highly value the fact that Putin’s administration strictly opposes the US’ hegemony. You strictly oppose, and we are always ready to conduct negotiations and a profound exchange of opinions with the Russian side on this issue.” Russia’s Cold War ally is picking up the threads with ease.

Unsurprisingly, Lavrov gave whole-hearted backing for the North Korean stance on the vexatious issue of denuclearization. In Lavrov’s words: “We assume that a complete resolution cannot be achieved until all the sanctions are lifted. It is up to the negotiators to make this happen, but in any case, it would be impossible to achieve this in a single round. The same applies to denuclearization. For this reason, this should be a step-by-step process with reciprocal moves at each of the stages.”


7350a6 No.1636154


put sugar in her gas tank

df73e4 No.1636155


don't want to get into an "akshually" fight, ha ha, but i definitely have a fourth dump which is not the first guccifer package, and contains an expanded set of dnc files, and which is unrelated to the Podesta emails.

hrm. difficult to verify any of it, i didn't catalog *where* or *how* i acquired any of it.

no matter, it brought me this far.

bf8006 No.1636156


Guccifer 2.0 = Imran Awan?

986edc No.1636157


Exactly. I was only clarifying that HRC's emails were not the result of an 'alleged' hack, but of her own hubris.

f7c865 No.1636158


anon, crowdstrike was with the DNC not Podesta's gmail

and is this just your theory or you got sauce??

7ab3aa No.1636159


why did they even add pdf support, too risky

8c0b73 No.1636160


Should've been trips… [I think you're right]

c85ee5 No.1636161

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5d010d No.1636162


god you fucking genius!


stable genius anon

f7c865 No.1636163

eff967 No.1636164


Watch the Water?

425a70 No.1636165


He's in front of the storm again.

9e1644 No.1636166


Seth Rich is at the :15 marker on the clock.

So maybe 6/20

90568b No.1636167


Very true. Q did suggest 4-6% are lost, and I tend to think it's more than this.

However, I do not believe all hope is lost. There is just entirely too much information (truth) about to drop that will destroy every single thing these people ever thought they knew.

It will obliterate the MSM, and every narrative they've pushed, as we know it.

c2783e No.1636168




actually, it scanned clean

for folks like you, i capped and posted the paged.

dd801a No.1636169

File: 45137187a894f9b⋯.png (687.47 KB, 680x424, 85:53, ClipboardImage.png)

060cea No.1636170

so they bulldozed the crime scene in tucson, how did we allow this to happen? how did Q team allow that to happen? what exactly is going on here this far into the deep state take down that they can still get away with covering something like this up?

FUCKING BULLDOZERS?!!! how the FUCK was this allowed to occur?!!

bf09a0 No.1636171

File: 63b099e030d0244⋯.jpg (56.32 KB, 960x600, 8:5, IMG_2278.JPG)

Howler monkeys come from unprosecuted murder typically

425a70 No.1636172


Plot twist? Making more popcorn…

e3f4d7 No.1636173


Caught in a loop mr HUMAN. You already said that



Its hard for me not call you guys freakn idiots sometimes.

The world predeicted such things long before they ever

entertained a ball earth. Eclipses too.


And I know nothing you say???

792fd2 No.1636174





6e452c No.1636175



f7158b No.1636176


Who is this we crap?

9e1644 No.1636177




Holy shit.


Qclock ignores daylight savings time because it is a year-long clock.


4c263c No.1636178


When posting events like this can you provide some sauce with it? Such as a link or an image.

8c0b73 No.1636179


Love these, Anon

b8fd88 No.1636180


I don't think Q is ignoring DST.

I think it is something with the the time on the device being used to view the post. I noticed on the Q app that it said MDT 13:58:29 for the last post and when I came to the board it showed EDT 15:58:29 and then auto switched to MDT 13:58:29 but on a screenshot someone shared of the original post from their computer it showed EST next to the time which was 14:58:29.

9e1644 No.1636181


Fuck I'll repost this next thread.

f7c865 No.1636182



or were you there

24c742 No.1636184


no kiddin. i haven't left the house!

4e9a69 No.1636187

d6577d No.1636188

File: 2a0ff3710693609⋯.png (161.35 KB, 477x726, 159:242, cloak42seven.png)


Seven Seals

a0f718 No.1636190

File: 2409fc0610ab4cb⋯.png (378.45 KB, 554x629, 554:629, kekistan_Air_Force.png)

File: fb0dc04ac20ec75⋯.jpg (21.64 KB, 255x254, 255:254, plane_fag_cadet.jpg)

File: 73651446a2f716a⋯.png (122.15 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, bureau_memeatic_warefare_p….png)

5bf35c No.1636191


Sorry, I gotta be more careful with my wording. DNC hack was March 2016. It included Podesta in some of the emails so thats where my bad wording came from. DNC claimed a hack, hired Crowdstrike, Crowdstrike said Russia hacked, even though they didnt. Now fast forward to June 2016. Podesta claims he got hacked, after a batch of his emails are dumped via Wikileaks. This was Seth Rich. SR didnt even hack Podesta account, he just downloaded them all onto a thumb drive

601e10 No.1636192

File: 7d7b0e29fd012f2⋯.jpg (118.69 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Yale_Berzelius_Society_doo….JPG)


9e1644 No.1636194

53a7ba No.1636195

File: a782fec44b7234c⋯.jpg (100.92 KB, 800x532, 200:133, #BakeItAndHeWillCrumb.jpg)

New Bread

New Bread




bfd3e7 No.1636196


Seems he doesn't like or trust Russia, or it's Lavrov himself. But it is a Russia thing for sure.

824647 No.1636197


makes sense. Joe Kennedy was knight of Malta.

His kids wanted nothing to do with the (((Church)))

families protecting Families. States within states.

thank you for the dig anon.

I'm tracking

075e36 No.1636198

Last post about secret societies

Why do they deal drugs? Just for cash?

MS13 connected

f09d60 No.1636199


What crime scene???

Police determined there was no evidence of any crime.

Sauce Notable >>1635003

4e9a69 No.1636200



Digits confirm HRC murder!

f7c865 No.1636202



27b65c No.1636203


Ew. That's so Dexter

87ecf3 No.1636205

From the Tucson thread:





Impromptu interview with an ex-Fenster student. Pardon the profanity and stuttering. Mapfags should check out the washes near the building, apparently students were growing weed right off the property.



Please save offline.

fe084e No.1636206

…how can't they tell it's you

824647 No.1636207



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