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File: 07d13cdd87e9620⋯.png (951.02 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, maine image.png)

96e357 No.1585628

Welcome To Q Research General

Rest in peace, President Kennedy. Through your wisdom and strength, since your tragic death, Patriots have planned, installed, and, by the grace of God, activated the beam of LIGHT. We will forever remember your sacrifice. May you look down from above and continue to guide us as we ring the bell of FREEDOM and destroy those who wish to sacrifice our children, our way of life, and our world. We, the PEOPLE.

". . . Start A Storm . . ."


Sign the New IBOR Petition! Fight! Fight! Fight!

WWG1WGA! Do you trust POTUS? Do you trust the PLAN? "The choice is yours."

>>1427755 , >>1489251 https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-18

Board Rules (Please read the rules) >>3138

New sticky thread to clear the air of doubt re: Q's Authenticity >>1552095

Q's New Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs new Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 05.22.2018

>>1509322 ----------------------- Enjoy the show.

>>1508206 rt >>1508060 ---- Attacks will intensify [all sides].

>>>/patriotsfight/99 ------------ _AF1_5A_

>>1506866 rt >>1506817 ---- It’s happening.

>>1506815 rt >>1506500 ---- Avoid NSA data collection. It failed. (Re: Nellie Ohr)

>>>/patriotsfight/98 ------------ RAPID FIRE.

Monday 05.21.2018

>>1497716 ------------------------ Military OP. [Green]. General K [JFK]: RR<-WRAY->Rachel Brand(Panuccio/Pruitt)-Scheiderman. D5

Sunday 05.20.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/97 ------------ Q! Quotes Ephesians 6:10-18, – 1 Cor 13:4-13

>>>/patriotsfight/96 ------------ Those who are loudest…

>>1483388 ----------------------- We exposed the password [#91] on purpose [23]

>>1483187 ----------------------- The entire time See >>1483318

>>1483159 rt >>1483003 ---- ROT = Rotation

>>>/patriotsfight/95 ------------ US Flag

>>>/patriotsfight/94 ------------ WE ARE Q!

>>1482139 rt >>1482048 ---- TRUST the plan

>>>/patriotsfight/93 ------------ They are losing [all] control

>>>/patriotsfight/92 ------------ [6] surv [value targets]

Saturday 05.19.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/91 ------------ Now Comes The Pain

>>>/patriotsfight/90 ------------ https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/997951982467014656

>>1472746 rt >>1472647 ---- We control [utility]

>>1472647 rt >>1472580 ---- I'd watch the news that day.

>>1472525 rt >>1472472 ---- Mistake or on purpose?

>>>/patriotsfight/89 ------------ Updated. (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>>/patriotsfight/88 ------------ TRIP CHANGE (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>1472440 ----------------------- (Password expose)

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1538282 How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1510286 Useful filters

Q Clock Graphic



Start Building A Qlock, >>1566766

96e357 No.1585630


are not endorsements


>>1583589 BO on Clown's bots

>>1545457 Major announcement from BO

>>1555357 PDF Uploading Enabled


>>1584897 More info on POTUS Legalizing MJ for terminally ill Patients

>>1584907 Judge Dale truth history of Gov Agencies links to corporations (DIG ANONS)

>>1585232 (anon digs on Judge dale) retired federal judge reveals the con

>>1585034 Communist party too much power in NZ 5-eyes might stop sharing intel

>>1584952 Geo politics Soros/(((them))) Destroy Asia Financially, then white-knight

>>1585059 Tommy Robinson arrest has the eternal anglo spooked (4ch xpost)

>>1585056 GermanAnon Update (Guardian of the Bread, Keeper of the KEK)

>>1585326 Iran builds legal case against ‘ISIS-founder' US, case based on Trump campaign claims

>>1585489 Donations to Scam PACs

>>1585493 Australian Earthquake near Melbourne

>>1585524 Facebook co-founder's wife bankrolling Black Lives Matter activist's PAC: report


>>1584119 More on [VJ], >>1584124 Obama's Handler

>>1584130, >>1584136 loop capitalfags reposts on VJ >>1584498 Loop capital CIA

>>1584150 NSA, Stellar Wand, Tempora (Greenwald/Snowden/Poitras), >>1584621

>>1584160 Israel strikes at Gaza

>>1584219 FBI investigation into James Bowman ([VJ]'s father)

>>1584255 More disturbing details coming about NXIVM

>>1584309 Anon muses about Roseanne's redpilling process, >>1584402 Roseanne to appear on Joe Rogan

>>1584358 Rumour: ABC boss talked lengthily with Never-first Lady Michel le Obama

>>1584389 Obama/Facebook/Cambridge Analytica, >>1584433 {More}, >>1584434 Obama And The Elections

>>1584407 New OIG reports from today on DoL, PBGC and OIG,

>>1584507 Dept. of Interior report was scathing, >>1584554 More swamp draining

>>1584453 Jared Kushner brokers meeting between Kim Kardashian & Trump?

>>1584454, >>1584456 Disc the networks Axelrod, (bin ladin in chicago '70, '81 BHO Pakistan '81

>>1584463 Governor replacement in Missouri. Eric Greitens resigns, Mike Parson steps up.

>>1584479 Desiree Tate, former Obama Foundation member, dies at 62, >>1584508

>>1584564 (1981) [Hussein]'s lifegap in Pakistan

>>1584585 (2011) Judge Roll vs BHO: BHO considers Congress "mere speed bump" to smuggling cash

>>1584672 GoFundMe origins

>>1584679 , >>1584730 FBI Agents vow to Expose Obama and Comey

>>1584703 POTUS timelline

>>1584704 CNN hired [VJ]'s daughter as a journalist, without her having any previous experience

>>1584771 Russia to meet Korea

>>1584806 Nazi Soros calls Roseanne a Nazi

>>1584810 FBI Files show Feds gave billionaire pedo Epstein freedom in Exchange for ‘Information’

>>1584873 MagneGas Corporation Bo Linton associated recurring pattern of shareholder disaster.



>>1583993 Trump starts bringing Washington bureaucrats to heel with 3 new EOs

>>1583962 All in the family: Valerie Jarrett and the Chicago communists

>>1583939 QClock timestamp with date examples

>>1583859 New A&E series on Cults and Extreme Beliefs. Episode one features NXIVM

>>1583637 Stanford Alumni Blow the Whistle on Valerie Jarrett

>>1583520 Chuck Schumer orders media to cover up 'Spygate'

>>1583523 Obama's White House and the Muslim Brotherhood

>>1583500 CDAN on Brian Peck

>>1583435 Ex-Cuomo official claims boss treated women like ‘sexual objects’


>>1583130 The #1 Google search trend today is Valerie Jarrett

>>1583054 Jarrett's parents the Bowmans: profiles

>>1583022 JIDF & e,= fag are one and the same, caught shilling with IP hash

>>1582601 SIGINT theory

>>1582900 Number crunching The Wall

>>1582880 Horowitz (DOJ OIG) Report On Confidential Informants

>>1582570 Grassley: Fusion GPS Testimony "Extremely Misleading, If Not An Outright Lie"

>>1582589 SJC holding hearing of OIG 1st Report~6/5/18 10am


>>1582436 Did Roseanne take her show out on purpose?

>>1582345 MB + Planet of the Apes = Valerie Jarrett. It wasn't an insult, it was a warning

>>1582138 Soros Funding Brexit Re-Vote Campaign

>>1581907 , >>1582095 Is POTUS holding the same black folio?

>>1582044 Jarrett's Ties to Cair/Hamas/Muslim Brotherhood

>>1582002 , >>1582745 Jarrett / Loop Capital & Woodlawn Preservation Investment & The Fund

>>1581883 , >>1581892 Trey Gowdy's views on the briefing last week

>>1581863 Bilderberg Group Reveals Italy as 2018 Meeting Location

>>1581850 VJ tried to protect Osama Bin Laden

>>1581841 Rotshchild Prepares for Pandemic? Trafficking?

>>1581810 VJ assists Clinton with sixty children from Haiti

96e357 No.1585632


>>1581526 WikiLeaks calling for DIG on VJ

>>1581453 Grassley and Sen. Judiciary Committee: Hearing on IG report starts June 5th

>>1581496 Trump Asked Sessions to Retain Control of Russia Inquiry After His Recusal

>>1581475 Jarrett through her housing company Habitat alongside Loop Capital funded the Obama Campaign

>>1581458 , >>1581480 ABC Canceled Roseanne Barr - The Real-Reason Is QAnon: Article

>>1581455 Watch the National Guard and Be Ready

>>1581439 Meet Valerie Jarrett, One of Chicago’s Biggest Slum Lords

>>1581351 Loop Capital resource

>>1581243 No-name's Mob Connections

>>1581142 How much: FB user puts personal data up for sale to highest bidder. Removed at £300

>>1581134 Obama, Zbigniew Brzezinski, VJ, Mika, Pakistan, Russia and Afghanistan

>>1581055 Edgar Bronfman, Sr's granddaughter, Hannah is seen with Valerie Jarrett

>>1581188 Loop Capital and Jarrett: Digging on connections

>>1581019 In Depth article about the FBI investigating VJ's family

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

96e357 No.1585633

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 -- TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 --- META


>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 --- Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>674740 --- Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 -- Newfag Q&A

>>93735 ----- Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 -- Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>1147812 -- Notable Resignations Thread 2/2


>>4356 ------ Tools and Information

>>4852 ------ Free Research Resources

>>4362 ------ Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 ------ Research Threads

>>32223 ---- Qs chess game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 --- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread


>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection

>>885933 --- P=C

>>904395 --- The Plan

>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1427755 - Battle for Internet Bill of Rights

96e357 No.1585636

Graphics of All Q'S Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#23 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>1527495

Q Graphics all in EST

The missing Qmap in EST has been archived ----------------------------------------------- >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ----------------------------------------- >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures - >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg -------------------------------- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ------------ >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ----------------- >>>/comms/966

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: qmap.pub >>1334710

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 5/13]) >>1403707

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

'* http://''qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library


18,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

22 >>1485456 21 >>1352458 20 >>1232995 Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ----------------------- qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn To Bake!

New Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY9

In case of inability to post images, EMBED THE VIDEO FOUND HERE: >>1505954 Re: >>1514062

96e357 No.1585640

File: bd330e57c9f9909⋯.png (338.89 KB, 491x642, 491:642, alien pepe bro.png)

Previous dough #1993


96e357 No.1585652



NON (((shill))


Thank you anons


74adce No.1585653




420 MAGA praise JESUS

014be3 No.1585658

The Pleiadians love you and that's all you need to know.

They don't need you to be perfect to love you.

They don't need a political party or a religion (or another season of your show, kek) to love you.

They are beings of Love.

704a05 No.1585660

File: fafe92c6ce034d2⋯.jpg (86.12 KB, 564x700, 141:175, fafe92c6ce034d20e085912cb3….jpg)

Nice work, baker!



570182 No.1585661

Had to re-read the bread title… read it as a Rick Astley bread.

Was just about to complain about being trolled by the baker


74adce No.1585662



do they have a choice? sounds like they would get steamrolled

014be3 No.1585668



The UFO in the image is Venussian. Venus is a Pleiadian colony in a higher dimension (that means it is invisible to us while we are in a lower base frequency / dimension). Their contactee was George Adamski.

b59fd9 No.1585674

File: 0e4abf435fb6935⋯.jpeg (100.71 KB, 550x767, 550:767, dA5cb6V8m67RStLhzZ60z4jhx….jpeg)

Excellent work, Baker.

Busy morning here, otherwise I'd volunteer right away.

Will be free in the afternoon on emergency standby at the very least.

b04180 No.1585675


Never gonna give! Never gonna give!

3d18c9 No.1585682

NXIVM compnaies 90+ of them. My first one is Rainbow Cultural Garden.

https: //theyig.ning.com/front-page-news/nxivm-affiliated-companiesSo just posting muh bitchins/update. I assume anyone working on this may have come across the same shit.

What do they do? They are a high class babysitting outfit for rich people (they charge $125,000/yr for thier services), that focuses on culturalization of young children. They claim that raising young children with multiple languages from an early age will make them a better person. Even though, Joseph O'Hara, a child-welfare advocate who previously worked with NXIVM, told the Sun We've got examples of kids coming out and not being able to speak in any language, just babble.


"Whatever Rainbow is, it is not a licensed educational institution here in New York state or a daycare, and I'm pretty sure that is the case around the world,". They are worldwide. Go figure! Where ? London, New York City, Miami, Mexico City, Guadalajara Mexico, Monterrey Mexico.

Most of those sites (wich are facebook) are now closed except this one… https: //www.facebook.com/rainbowculturalgardenuk/

Two things are going on here. One, these children are bieng raised as sex slave agents. And two, its a cover for International child trafficking. I doubt they are trafficking the rich peoples kids, that is just the cover. And a lavish one indeed.

The cover is for a child trafficking organization that is worldwide. Some of these kids grow up to be sparrows..


They become international blackmail agents. Thats muh theory. Anyway In this article, http: //www.miaminewtimes.com/news/alejandro-sanzs-wifes-miami-school-closed-by-state-tied-to-nxivm-sex-cult-founder-10295903 They mention a woman named Patricia Pietra. Patricia Pietra https: //www.facebook.com/patricia.pietra.50W Who may or may not be the curent manager. Strangely lives in Montevideo, Uruguay. And yet at the same time she owns another company called Marcelo Ergas MIAMI LYMPH in Miami florida. https: //www.facebook.com/MiamiLymph/… How do you live in Uraguay and run a company way the fuck up in Florida? THats like an entire flight across the USA away!

Some other companies pop up in research in this company.. RCG CORP LLC , that is tied to another NXIVM company called Ultima LLC. THose two are tied by a lady by the name of Michele Tarzia. https: //www.corporationwiki.com/p/2jdh1f/ultima-llc

THis soccer mom looking creature has some interesting followers on twitter. One of note is an actor by the name of Vin Diesel. As well as a few other high ranking actors and singers. And just the other day, I noticed she decided to follow Edward snowden. It wasnt there for the past few weeks, then suddenly there he is being followed by this soccer mom. Not leading to anything just interesting shit. One of the companies that Follows her is a music production company by the name of Stage Right Secrets. That name alone has had me researching it for a few days. Havent found much yet. However how does a soccer mom have followers like these? Either I live a pathetic boring life or how does a soccer mom have famous actors and singers following her on twitter? hmmm. I need to get out more I guess.

IMHO NXIVM is the big key to a lot of shit. The bronfmans fund this company with 150+ million dollars! NXIVM is bigger than even we believe! This is a big dig. 90+ compnies! This is THE child trafficking network INMHO. Im just not there yet.

d09d91 No.1585687

File: c9369b35514a00d⋯.png (278.44 KB, 1226x1052, 613:526, rg5g24gf.png)

014be3 No.1585688


Love includes defence against violence. The Pleiadian fleet is part of the Galactic Federation fleet, which is extremely powerful. The only way dark side can do anything is through hostage taking. We the Earthly population, are all hostages. Example - look at the media, the 9-5 jobs and the amount of pointless violent division. All making us docile slaves occupied with bs.

38a061 No.1585690

File: d8ca2133e8d85d9⋯.png (2.77 MB, 1797x1487, 1797:1487, 289CE773-A7FF-4738-AE95-09….png)

3e87e3 No.1585691

File: 08ab008d6fa1c43⋯.jpeg (16.19 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 7e9f8db48ac01835edbaeed02….jpeg)

96e357 No.1585692

File: 634406345ed5ec9⋯.png (183.07 KB, 894x894, 1:1, vapor pepe.png)




So much love bros

Thank you


467fca No.1585693

>>1585593 lb

>>1585655 lb

Anons, these posts:



are pretty spoopy to me. Doesn't it bother you who they are? It would make me feel better if BO could shed some light on it. Do you think they could be helper anon?

I wasn't here for the fe shill exposure. would love to have been. But fe shill was just here the day before yesterday. Or, atleast one was.

3d18c9 No.1585694


well fuck I didnt think it was going to be that jarbled when I pasted it. Ill post a graphic here eventually in the NXIVM section. I was just posting some shit to give folks something to chew on.

I think NXIVM is yuuge. Why the fuck would they be so highly funded? By a loser looking dude like ranier? He is a fall guy I think.

f39342 No.1585695


Pleadians are just a group of stars.

Besides that Nordic mythology about humanoid angels, and recently part of new age shit about it being humanoid aliens

38a061 No.1585696

File: c1182c1995f28dd⋯.png (54.46 KB, 700x466, 350:233, fundog.png)

467fca No.1585697


You know that's just for the terminally ill, right?

5f9c70 No.1585698

File: 861e09ae806f024⋯.jpg (210.65 KB, 720x540, 4:3, richterscalertnt.jpg)


TNT = Richter scale Equivalents

3d18c9 No.1585699


nah man its for people who have the need to not kill stupid motherfuckers.

c81f78 No.1585700


Excellent info anon.

This is HUGE!

96e357 No.1585701


Thanks bruv

I snuck it in to dough, it will update next bread:


>>1585626 richter scale vs tnt (so anons can conceptualize scale of seismic activity)

014be3 No.1585702


Bible speaks of angels descending from the clouds, too. What a coincidence!

ae6f2d No.1585703


That is some Saucy jarble!!!

e0f6bd No.1585704

File: 3a2dc943eeb7317⋯.png (465.15 KB, 430x558, 215:279, ClipboardImage.png)


5088c5 No.1585705



c81f78 No.1585706

File: 79799246453cad2⋯.png (10.79 KB, 233x255, 233:255, pepeice.png)


My favorite 3 letter agency

5f9c70 No.1585707


Gee wasn't it angles that went to Lot?

e0f6bd No.1585708

File: 6665cf633f1a343⋯.png (216.25 KB, 895x609, 895:609, ClipboardImage.png)

What's up with Gowdy?

1733e9 No.1585709

Just quit my job last night because it was interfering with our /qresearch/. Might take a few months still, but the plan is to pack up the family and move back stateside after, thankfully, missing the entire O'bummer admin. MAGA.

dfcdf3 No.1585710

File: 7dc6a15a2e556f4⋯.png (185.18 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 7dc6a15a2e556f427042a3a852….png)

File: 9a739f5bf1fda58⋯.png (233.52 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 9a739f5bf1fda58a3b25bfa25d….png)

File: 4555ad7f6b974d9⋯.png (2.64 MB, 1500x6000, 1:4, 4555ad7f6b974d997f41ff2cb3….png)

Deception in Demise

WaPo article from 5/27

"Noname reports for duty in his own heroically touching HBO tribute"

"By Hank Stuever

TV critic

May 27"

"Sen. Noname (R-Ariz.) was by all accounts alive when I wrote this review a few days ago, but I had to check anyhow, because a long and boundlessly approving HBO documentary, “Noname For Whom the Bell Tolls” (premiering Monday), all but assumes the former-POW-turned-elder-statesman has gone on to his greater glory. The film is clearly intended as a grand farewell, with no mistaking what all the bell-tolling is about, and for whom."

Article never answers the initial question.

There is a taped intro by noname.

Wouldn't he take a live Q&A / Interview on the recently-released docudrama?

Look at how recently.the airing date was nailed down:

"HBO’s Noname Documentary Gets Premiere Date & Title – Update

by Erik Pedersen

May 8, 2018 12:06pm

PREVIOUSLY, April 16: Noname certainly has led an extraordinary American life, and now HBO has begun work on a documentary about the six-term senator, 2008 GOP presidential nominee and longtime Vietnam POW.

Produced and directed by multiple Emmy winner Peter Kunhardt (HBO’s Jim: The James Foley Story, King in the Wilderness), along with his Emmy-winning sons George Kunhardt and Teddy Kunhardt (Jim: The James Foley Story), the untitled film is an exclusive profile of one of the most influential forces in modern American politics…"


"Noname Takes Parting Shot at Washington Politics in Trailer for HBO Documentary (Video)"

"We need to give the American people what they deserve and right now they’re not getting it,” senator says

Umberto Gonzalez | May 18, 2018 @ 10:43 AM"

So we know.the taped intro.was done.before May 18th. Maybe well before.

"Noname agreed to the filming shortly after he was diagnosed with a deadly form of brain cancer, known as glioblastoma…"


Not even a picture of him watching the premiere at his Sedona compound.

Is he too busy working? He's still drawing that paycheck. His staff and fam claims he's still working.

So where is he?

Why no access for MONTHS?

Last trip to Mayo was mid-April.

Anothed WaPo article , this one from yesterday:

‘We wanted noname to see this while he still could’: Inside the making of HBO’s new noname documentary"

By Steven Zeitchik - The Washington Post

Posted: 8:00 a.m. Tuesday, May 29, 2018

"A few weeks ago [6 weeks] noname saw his life unfold before his eyes.

The Arizona senator was in a hospital room at Phoenix's Mayo Clinic recovering from a serious intestinal procedure when Teddy Kunhardt paid a visit. The 32-year-old Kunhardt had just co-directed "noname: For Whom the Bell Tolls," about noname's life, and he wanted to show it to the politician.

Noname sat and watched, transfixed. When it was over he clasped the filmmaker's hand and thanked him.

"I think I was so emotional I just ran out of the room," Kunhardt recalled.

"It was a little — abrupt," laughed Mark Salter, noname's longtime speechwriter and ghostwriter who was in the room."

"The world of media and entertainment has rushed to find ways to celebrate noname, whose brain cancer diagnosis came just 11 months ago. That celebration reaches a crescendo of sorts this weekend, as a Salter-written memoir of noname, "The Restless Wave" (which hit stores just several days ago), and "Bell" (which debuts on HBO on Monday) both arrive to consumers.

Multiple mediums have been marshaled essentially to create a rare object: a living eulogy."

Do a search for noname documentary and ALL the usual MSM outlets are reporting on it.

Yet not one even reports calling noname for his current thoughts. No pix. Nothing. Doesn't that seem odd?

Is it simply a case of being on glide-path? That would be understandable. But if he's fit enough to work, he can't take a single interview?

If he's not, why hasn't noname resigned, and let someone able do the job Americans expect of their elected representatives?

Here's one possible reason:

676619 No.1585711


credit to the movement anon , great digging, great digging.

ee0725 No.1585712


The Plan has failed.

b1b6bc No.1585713

File: c23e5e0ac0b9ead⋯.png (39.52 KB, 600x375, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

And…. added.

feb822 No.1585714

>>1585685 (lb)

BecauseI see through you.

I see what are you trying to do, and that disgusts me.


You will do anything for you to feel good.

479684 No.1585715


A. Include the link next time.

B. It's the huffingtonpost…..

3d18c9 No.1585716


Well dig into it. Like I say its endless. 90+ companies. and what are the odds that Rainbow is working with children? Worldwide? Really? A known sex cult is associated with a multicultural organization worldwide that babysits kids? And they are once again funded by the bronfmans by 150+ million dollars? I think NXIVM is THE international cildtraficking organization! I think they are the kingpins of it.

e78a5a No.1585717

every anon is a little bit like Ragle Gumm.

while we dig, shitpost and meme, the air movements caused by our butterfly wings are mapped and reduced by Our guys to know where the next enemy actions will take place.

38a061 No.1585718


everybody has a role to play

dfcdf3 No.1585719


He's compd & swamped.

CTH tears him a new one:

Never, ever, ever trust a member of the Washington DC UniParty. Write it down; underline it; stick a reminder on your bathroom mirror -if needed- in order to see it when you brush your teeth twice daily; do what ever it takes not to forget the fundamental aspect to avoid consigning yourself to a life of ‘Battered Conservative Syndrome‘.

As much as this video might make a blood-pressure-cuff explode, it is important to see, and remind yourself, exactly how corrupt DC politicians are. This is exhibit #1 in professional UniParty gaslighting. Please force yourself to stay with it:



19374b No.1585720


I can never fathom how stupid these people are

1d12e4 No.1585721

File: dbedd403b66bb80⋯.jpg (24.37 KB, 401x271, 401:271, whoop.jpg)

3d18c9 No.1585722


I apologize It didnt paste like I thought it would. I plan to do some graphics on it in the NXIVM board. Just thought Id throw some data out there.

479684 No.1585723


C. Read the article..

"Gowdy faulted Democrats, however, for not specifying that Trump isn’t the target of the investigation. “This had nothing to do with Donald Trump.”


280fe3 No.1585724

Guccifer 2.0 Forensics lead to at least one operator being on the West Coast in USA.



96e357 No.1585725


IDGAF about formating when its that important/

relevant to the mission. Its in the notables.

Thank you for the work you are doing

9d868f No.1585726


You know what this is about.

The meeting they had instead of keeping the pressure on them for the documents, allowed them DOJ to set the narrative.

I knew as soon as they dropped the subpoenas we would see some fuckery like this.

e0f6bd No.1585727

File: 7b2d64d7cbf26bb⋯.png (247.38 KB, 586x615, 586:615, ClipboardImage.png)



ebaff4 No.1585728


Someone said something similar to me thirty-five years ago.

1d12e4 No.1585729

File: c03a07a3b117381⋯.jpeg (48.06 KB, 700x467, 700:467, fake news.jpeg)


Stop posting Fake News btw. You are doing a disservice to your fellow anons.

704a05 No.1585730

File: 969a9e0bdf24103⋯.png (227.25 KB, 790x395, 2:1, 969a9e0bdf2410327799818849….png)


I'm really, like REALLY, scared how much shit we will uncover once we unearth the nasty nanny services.

In the minds of most people, all pedophiles are men.

While 50% of all pedophiles are women.

And some of them get to babysit our children.

3d18c9 No.1585731


I cant believe some dumb cunt that inherits what a billion from the seagrams company would waste thier time on this shit! If I inherited that much money Id be fishin off the side of my yacht!

014be3 No.1585732


Took you long enough.

1c60e3 No.1585733


Someone discovered a new shell company with Raniere as an agent. Feds missed this one in their court filings.

New Raniere company uncovered — The Think Tank LLC

May 21, 2018

Recently, the US Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of NY was good enough to reveal in a court filing some 90 companies they are aware of which are associated with the sex trafficking, forced labor, tax evading, RICO-worthy Bronfman-Raniere crime syndicate.

And Artvoice and Frank Report were pleased to list them all.

While the list included many companies Frank Report previously identified, there was at least one the Feds missed.

So if it is not too presumptuous, I will provide it now: The Think Fund LLC .


https:// frankreport.com/2018/05/21/new-raniere-company-uncovered-tthe-think-tank-llc/

e0f6bd No.1585734


You got sauce?

252a05 No.1585735

Just a thought on what if the Rosanne Barr thing was a planned OP?????

What makes a great movie….


Her tying VJ to MB just might be part of the plan and another way to expose the Lame Street Media for what it is.

It sure would be nice if Q and 45 would get this ball rolling sooner than later.

5cc3f9 No.1585736


Welcome back patriot. Kept the beer on ice for ya.


280fe3 No.1585737

File: 1e929a8ad8cc4a0⋯.jpg (94.06 KB, 678x533, 678:533, IMG_4423.JPG)

3d18c9 No.1585738


Why get involved with this shit? Your in the prime of your life and you choose to fund some crazy sex cult? Christ! WTF? Like I say Id be traveling the world on my yacht skiing and fishing and all kinds a shit. Not running around hiring lawyers for Ranier, some crazy fuckin idiot. Thats why I think there is much more to it than that.

676619 No.1585739


I think that's why they cancelled wayward pines .

People where waking up .

9d868f No.1585740


I'm starting to wonder if women are more into pedo than men to be honest.

How many female school teachers are being outed these days for sex with underage students?

1c60e3 No.1585741


It's called trust fund baby. Or nepotism if she's actually running the company. These kids have never worked a day in their lives, compared to the blood, sweat, and tears put into building a multi-billion dollar company. They know nothing of the value of hard work so they spend frivolously.

ee8fda No.1585742

File: 27fd8d91128161f⋯.jpg (13.69 KB, 264x191, 264:191, hr.jpg)

Roseanne as Hitler

Stick some liberal snowflakes in the oven while you're at it

e0f6bd No.1585743

File: 486dac69c6ea1df⋯.jpg (40.85 KB, 461x341, 461:341, JewishPedoII.jpg)







Yeah, now I'm filtered from you faggots.

1d12e4 No.1585744

File: 1529ade499131dc⋯.png (188.73 KB, 594x500, 297:250, Gowdy Deep State.png)


Gowdy = Deep State [NO NAME'S] Operative

38a061 No.1585745

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




better yet watch the interview


1d12e4 No.1585746



433b77 No.1585747

File: b8acbc3e921aad3⋯.jpg (268.39 KB, 977x767, 977:767, FighttheSerpent.jpg)

ee0725 No.1585748


POTUS always makes statements that seem unsupported by facts, but the truth always comes out.

The media, and many politicians will again be discredited.

ebaff4 No.1585749


>All the pedos that molested me were men.

3d18c9 No.1585750


Well you may or may not heard of the saying. If a man could hear the thoughts of a womans mind, he wouldnt feel so guilty for his own sexual desires. Women are just as dirty, they are just more discreet about it.

5cc3f9 No.1585751






5088c5 No.1585752


You can almost think of what potus is doing as a turn based strategy game (like vidya). He can't just act. He has to wait his 'turn'. Plan can't be sped up bro…We just have to be patient and trust the plan. We're not running blind tho and i get the feeling we're getting close here

dfcdf3 No.1585753

File: 708bf8397a0c6b3⋯.jpeg (16.35 KB, 474x349, 474:349, th (17).jpeg)


Can't believe Picard kept getting smashed on Saurian brandy & porking Guinan…

ee8fda No.1585754

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



Jake Morphonios has done a good vid on NXIVM. Links it to Roths and others

1c60e3 No.1585755


It's the women who seem to be calling the shots in the cabal. But with these teachers, it's just a matter of female empowerment. Or should I say emboldened females. They feel like they have a pussy pass to go do whatever the hell they want because "me woman grrrrrr!" I see woman get away with horrible behavior daily because of what's between their legs. There's virtually no punishment for these women who are caught. Ankle bracelet and probation. Maybe a year or two in prison but nothing compared to if it had been a male teacher and female students.

9d868f No.1585756

433b77 No.1585757

File: 5527ddb25fd2d75⋯.jpg (349.81 KB, 1456x1080, 182:135, dfdcal.jpg)

File: b266c6ad8fa2321⋯.jpg (85.53 KB, 602x536, 301:268, gvrbreak.jpg)

e0f6bd No.1585758



I'm not sure this is a good source..

ee8fda No.1585759


oh and every time he says 'bleep' he means Jew. YT censorship

37d0db No.1585760


Check out Trey Gowdy's demeanor at the very beginning of video right before he goes on.

Mind Control? Guilt?

This explains everythingdeepstate and now I know why nothing he or Darrel Issa investigated Never went anywhere. F&F, IRS ect.

https:// theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/05/29/trey-gowdy-praises-doj-fbi-efforts-during-spygate-fbi-did-exactly-what-president-trump-asked-them-to-do/

ebaff4 No.1585761


And all the histories of family and friends I learned, it was men.


Men rationalizing. In your dreams, asshole.

18df18 No.1585762

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>read it as a Rick Astley bread.

Never gonna let Jew down

3d18c9 No.1585763


One thing about women, is that they figure out long before men, the underbelly of sexual desire. They learn to use it as manipulation. Why? because they arent as strong as we are. So its their secret weapon of survival. We can beat their ass, so they study sexual desire and use it against men.

014be3 No.1585764

File: ac719d5c84572b6⋯.jpg (43.34 KB, 605x385, 11:7, roseayyne.jpg)


Most of his filters could really be deemed useful, because when those words are used the discussion is rarely fruitful.

However, reaction to information about positive extraterrestrial angels in the sky is telling of one's soul development. If you can respond to Love with Love, you are heading in that way, if you dislike this information you are happy with the negative status quo, which begs the question why come to this board at all.

ee0725 No.1585765

Remember, TG is on the Resignation List…

9d868f No.1585766


So much for everybody swooning 'He's /ourguy/!'

ae6f2d No.1585767


Parents set example.

Blood, sweat, and tears were not shed by those parents.

They Bled others for that fiat slush.

Spawn does same.

38a061 No.1585768

9d868f No.1585769


He may not make it to resignation now, seeing how he's possibly flipped.

3bd363 No.1585771

File: d2146ba2addd880⋯.jpg (112.13 KB, 719x668, 719:668, zug1.jpg)

433b77 No.1585772

File: b8040ac32421124⋯.jpg (28.68 KB, 261x345, 87:115, obbew.jpg)

File: 7dfd50d7fb77d26⋯.jpg (141.55 KB, 1275x551, 1275:551, 3BlindMice.jpg)

3d18c9 No.1585773


yup. its all about power.

1c081f No.1585774


they own half the money and all the pussy

ebaff4 No.1585775


Here comes the asshole brigade.

19374b No.1585776

File: d0e361333ab2bca⋯.jpeg (202.97 KB, 1419x946, 3:2, fullsizeoutput_19a4.jpeg)

File: 158678642e3fb59⋯.jpg (535.92 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, IMG_3794.JPG)


Please listen to the frog, Mr. President.

He does make a good point.

Cut the red tape, and executive order canabis right off the list of illegal controlled substances. Do not just change if from a high level to a low level drug, make it not a "drug." Please give this gift to the people. Not only will we be much healthier, we will be much wealthier. Industry will have a ball all over the country designing and releasing new products making an economic BOOM like no other ever seen before as long as our collective memory goes back. We know you love booms. We know Q loves booms. Give us this BOOM, Mr. President!

to anon…Thank you for liking that meme I put together, the really talented memer did the Pepe smoking which I did use and gladly!

1c60e3 No.1585779


I've never felt comfortable making a call on Gowdy. One of those time will tell things as far as I'm concerned. He's too damn cryptic. His behavior doesn't make sense. Just like Mueller's behavior. Can't figure out if he's a shitbag deep state operative or playing a character role.

ee8fda No.1585780


That first pic.

The theory that the Mil approached Trump.

Perhaps more patriotic individuals in IC saw what BHO was doing in tapping the Trump campaign.

Perhaps Trump & mil fed the wiretaps false info.

They fell for it. She lost.

dfcdf3 No.1585781


Statted with the LeTourneau nutcase in WA. Left her fam for some student. Got busted. Didn't care. Kept doing the student. Zero penalties.

Started the whole tidal wave.

Male teachers do student girls and (rightfully) get sacked & charged.

Massive double standard.

433b77 No.1585782

File: ea1aceef48e3864⋯.png (2.8 MB, 1232x1235, 1232:1235, Lbvbing.png)

File: 3d10555022ae2d5⋯.png (2.61 MB, 1533x1009, 1533:1009, Qffn.png)

File: 8af6271cb10885a⋯.jpg (141.93 KB, 937x529, 937:529, Tommy48.jpg)

File: 4a78a2159749fea⋯.jpg (48.47 KB, 425x360, 85:72, vbv.jpg)

e0f6bd No.1585783

File: 3a909da04e836a1⋯.jpg (99.72 KB, 716x340, 179:85, VJ.jpg)

19374b No.1585784


me either

time will tell I suppose

I haven't given up hope that he is on our side

3d18c9 No.1585785


Very true LMAO

77c2d5 No.1585786

Jon Cooper 🌊

Jon Cooper 🌊


GOP Rep. Trey Gowdy, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, said on Tuesday that the FBI’s use of an informant for the Trump campaign in 2016 was appropriate, joining top Democrats in disputing Donald Trump’s characterization of the informant as a spy.

252a05 No.1585787







Thanks guys. sounds to good to be true, but I hope it is.

I understand we must be patient but it is hard and we are all like kids at 2am Christmas morning waiting.

I guess in a way Q and 45 are just giving the clowns more and more rope to hang themselves.

1c60e3 No.1585788


How would you explain the large uptick in female teachers molesting their students? Simple macroeconomics, supply and demand? Psychological component? There's a reason why this is happening more frequently.

1c081f No.1585789


i dont believe most of what is put in the news

9d868f No.1585790


Well, we know they have something on him, or he wouldn't be trying to resign.

47dc87 No.1585791



belongs on her twatter feed

b1b6bc No.1585792


Gowdy is swamp.


Leaving congress

Enriched himself during his term

Supported Rubio (also said this same shit about the FBI)

Slow walked Bengazi, in general all talk and no action

No action on docs from DOJ

Now says illegal spying is just fine?

Q is teaching us to identify swamp rats on our own and decide. Watch Gowdy… I have.


5088c5 No.1585793


A while back on halfchan i read a thread where someone claiming to work for a R congressman had some info that their boss was being blackmailed for having a black child out of wedlock. A part of me always thought of TG. I wish i would have saved that screencap.

0ff498 No.1585794

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


15 seconds in mang

77c2d5 No.1585795


We had multiple discusdions on him here, i never trusted him

139637 No.1585796

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Just tossin' it out there, whoever puts the effort towards making something in the style of video-related, but naming the traitors instead, would unequivocally win all the internets for quite a while.

3bd363 No.1585798

File: 6b03da485f17fd2⋯.jpg (111.26 KB, 720x720, 1:1, zug2.jpg)

1c081f No.1585799


he was def one of the loudest

i loved watching him tear people new assholes

then they would go have a beer together

all show

ae6f2d No.1585800


Consider the drug trade. Drugs are poison. Value of drugs is fabricated, enforcement financed.

If legalized, price drops to actual value of poison, and now stocked on store shelves with other pest deterrents.


Large portion of population needs new income, though they have no practical skills. Dealers, pimps, enforcers, traffickers, doctors, attorneys…

Druggies will have all they want, and no need to resort to violence or theft. Their bodies will pile up initially. This is a good example for youth.

Return to natural law will require this type of freedom.

Are your Loved ones Ready?

Are You?

This would WRECK our Ecomony.

b1b6bc No.1585801


Many millions have had their lives ruined chasing pussy around. The stupidity never ends.

8f8a6c No.1585802

File: 3da390412c17808⋯.png (16.86 KB, 562x221, 562:221, phase_2.png)

File: eafc985028caaab⋯.png (85.29 KB, 512x245, 512:245, phase_pre3.png)

File: 3a2dedd7e05b1de⋯.png (929.99 KB, 1544x1544, 1:1, qclock_0530.png)

Just two observations regarding the QClock – no interpretation of their meanings (if any at all), just mentioning it because it somewhat stands out:

→ When counting the days that have no post from Q, then in the first "turning" (i.e. 12/07 – 02/04) there were 23 days.

The second "turning" (02/05 – 04/05) had 24 days without Q posts. We're in the 3rd cycle now, and there were (so far) only 13 days without a Q post.

→ Q posted "Phase I", "Phase 2" & "next phase will bring JUSTICE.". The dates of these may (or not) coincide with the quarters in the clock:

Phase 1 could have been first cycle + first quarter (i.e. 1st Q post or 12/07 until 02/20 = 5 quarters)

Phase 2 started & announced on 02/21 lasting thru 05/06 (1 cycle + 1 quarter = 5 quarters)

Phase 3 started 05/07, but announced earlier ("pre_stage" on 05/04 due to comm silence between 05/04 & 05/08). If true, Phase 3 would last thru 07/20 and phase 4 start 07/21.

(also attached example of today's qclock)

4068a9 No.1585803

>>1585149 (lb)

>The way I see it is Seth Rich snagged the DNC emails and sent to WL. Awans dimed him out and Dems/HRC Campaign utilized MS-13 to clean up the lose ends.

I don't see it that way. We know that SR was in touch with KDC and either JA or one of his agents, both foreign nationals. This loosely gave the premise for a FISA warrant to surveil their communications. When a DNC worker is found to have been in touch with these people it would only make sense that they would be a priority for unmasking.

Once unmasked, John Podesta's email about making an example triggers the hit on SR. The dems are responsible either way, but the involvement of the FISA courts, the alphabet agencies, and the administration takes the conspiracy to commit murder right to the White House.

3d18c9 No.1585804


Agreed. Its creating a diversion between male and female. Now you have men who are fematized. All these little faggots, who are now male feminists have no idea that they are being used. they are giving up their manhood. they are becoming pussies.

5cc3f9 No.1585805


Gingrich said the spying scandal goes all the way to the top, to Valerie Jarrett and Obama. It was about 30 minutes ago on Fox News.

e0f6bd No.1585806


good enough.


9d868f No.1585807


Amazing how fast they are going from things like, 'He should be on the DC.' and other bullshit people kept saying he should do.

While the whole time trying to get anons to understand he's resigning.

They have something on TG. Can't wait to see it come out now.

5cc3f9 No.1585808


The FBI spy's were in place in the spring. That's before WL having the emails.

1d12e4 No.1585809


Than do a reverse image search via google. You can find whatever source you think is good. But please for the love of god, before you share see if its fake. Be better than MSM.

1c60e3 No.1585810


Divide and conquer. Alinsky tactics taken to the extreme. Drive a wedge between not just races but genders as well. And it's working incredibly well.

37d0db No.1585811


When Q first said all those resigning are swamp things, I was like no, not Gowdy or Issa….


I can't believe how he conflated 2 different timelines. The spying was Before DJT was elected Not after. What an asshole but the Dems are playing this shit 24/7 on MSM.

38a061 No.1585812

anyone find a transcript from the rally last night?

might be good to make a list of the topics he highlighted for us

b1b6bc No.1585813




Yeah but there is always some fag screaming disinfo is necessary, and we're watching a movie.

Q is teaching us to spot this on our own for the future. Swamp.



Exactly. We've been chasing our tails. It should be completely obvious not. He's resigning. Backed Rubio in the primaries.


e0f6bd No.1585815

File: 5a4fa05c37d05a0⋯.jpg (64.93 KB, 553x459, 553:459, BigFoot.jpg)


Don't need to be hall monitor. I saw it in last bread at end…

47dc87 No.1585816

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>#1994: Never Give Up, Never Give in, Never Stop Fighting Edition

<A useful tip for coxing the catch in a crew boat

coxing - The loudest, most passionate, instructional, scariest, intense, motivating 6-7 minutes in sports where a coxswain pushes his/her crew team through the pain and fatigue through a 2k at a regatta.

19374b No.1585818

File: 7330c3ab56fb3a9⋯.jpg (16.39 KB, 255x183, 85:61, IMG_0056.JPG)


this is cannabis we are talking about here, including industrial hemp

you may be overreacting

e0f6bd No.1585819

Yeah, never saw Q say Trust Gowdy.

f4cb78 No.1585820


re read crumbs

9d868f No.1585821


Did anybody notice POTUS's hands?

He even said look at these big hands.

He held up both hands with all fingers extended…5:5

704a05 No.1585822

File: 8b5a8627854628c⋯.png (79.49 KB, 532x881, 532:881, ClipboardImage.png)



Q's posts related to TG

aaf826 No.1585823


If it was planned it is going to be a complete failure.

Roseanne is not exposing/red pilling anyone. People are searching VJ because they want to know who she is. When they click the first or second links what they are going to see is a very reputable Presidential Assistant. No one is going to dig deeper and if they do, they'll think it's racism of the Roseanne type.

Roseanne is serving as classic disinfo. She is being held up as representing "conspiracy theorists" of the Q variety.

Yet, she made bad information public - Chelsea/Soros and VJ/Muslim/iranian.

She apparently should LURK MOAR, yet she is going on the Joe Rogan show.

It is going to be extremely difficult for her to hold up her side of the conversation with Rogan who is a deep interviewer and will dig on her.

I hate to say it, but it's going to be ugly.

It's going to be difficult to explain to family and friends why the Q I have been talking about is not necessarily the one Roseanne is going to be talking about.

Lots of fanboys on here, though.

9a3903 No.1585824

BO - What's up with Hooktube recently?

For the past several day Hooktube imbeds have stopped working for me. They expand but never play. I'm using win10+FF. Youtube works fine. Any ideas? Thanks

f48ce6 No.1585825


WOOT!! Get home safely Patriot. Time to MAGA.

5cc3f9 No.1585826

File: dbf8aa8a5f6d5d1⋯.png (253.17 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_4718.PNG)

File: 88cf6f80b1f2d18⋯.png (297.65 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_4719.PNG)

To every1 questioning Gowdy I present Q.

1d12e4 No.1585827


Not hall monitoring. Sick of people asking for sauce, you provide and they question the sauce.

RESEARCH yourselves is all I am asking. A simple right click- search google for image and boom.

18df18 No.1585828


Maybe female teachers were always having sex with students and we never knew until we had a generation of soy boy eunuchs?

If one of my beautiful teachers had seduced me, it would have been the greatest day of my life.

0a65dc No.1585829



>bodies will pile up

Do you even?

e0f6bd No.1585830

File: aa41f313c8233a3⋯.png (15.39 KB, 776x314, 388:157, ClipboardImage.png)


Please don't lecture superstar.

I've got 9000 tweets and now, just now, I'm fucking being shadowbanned.

You know how frustrating that is. Why bother?

3d18c9 No.1585831


Agreed. Weed or booze. which is more poisonous? If you choose weed, your brian is already pickled by booze.

dfcdf3 No.1585832

Now they're going after FLOTUS:


"White House silence on Melania stokes conspiracy theories

The first lady hasn't been seen in public since her release from the hospital after a routine procedure."

By ANNIE KARNI 05/29/2018 05:25 PM EDT


Not WORD ONE on noname.being MIA from DC for 6 months with NO public sightings, NO pictures, NO interviews, NADA.

FLOTUS has always been low-key and they're trying to create something for not hurling herself in front of the cameras and scumbag press 2ho will pounce on the slightest imperfection.

Don't have a fakebook account so somebody PLEASE start hammering the comments with "where's noname?" and#WhereisMcCain, #IsMcCainDead


0ff498 No.1585834


Gowdy is cool I don't know what your problem is. Have you guys not seen him in action in congress?

And stop pretending that Q is implying Gowdy is resigning therefore swamp.

If anything Q has implied that Gowdy might be getting a more bad ass job

38a061 No.1585835


it's a crazymaker. do not feed.

98910e No.1585836

File: 3c880ba6843b680⋯.jpg (67.83 KB, 640x626, 320:313, woopie.jpg)

But The View is not a problem…

Bye Woopie.

ebaff4 No.1585837


Large? Define large in this particular set of circumstances. Like how the news barely reports what so many male teachers do, but disproportionately make a media circus if it's a female. I haven't checked into the histories of these few women. Are they part of the demographic of having been molested as children in what is now a pandemic culture of pedophilia? Similar to the backgrounds of prostitutes?


Based on your fantasies.

b1b6bc No.1585838

File: ae74213ca9c25cc⋯.png (32.15 KB, 508x307, 508:307, ClipboardImage.png)




This. Staring us right in the face.

He didn't need to step down from the HEC. Plain as day. We always read that as he was headed for something good.


What role might TG be walking into?


1d12e4 No.1585839

You morning anons are fucking touchy. Peace. I'll ride with the night crews.

3c31db No.1585840


wtf does wayward pines have to do with it?

as i recall plot was something like they were thousands of years in the future from cryosleep and their small town was all that remained of humanity other then some feral wild abominations that would attack and kill anyone that left the town.

thats the show your saying was onto something?…..

e0f6bd No.1585841


You're going to get hammered by the hall monitor. Just sayin…

47dc87 No.1585842


care to recommend a site to upload vids besides YouTube (owned by GOOGle)?

care to share a direct link to the posted video? looks fun.

cb80c6 No.1585843

RE: >>1582095


Anyone have a 4K source for the video from the rally yesterday? I've failed to find one so far.

9d868f No.1585844


You are the fool that is soon parted with your money.

No U for you.

914470 No.1585845


maybe the role he was going to step into was working for the cabal and prosecuting Trump for crimes they thought Mueller would find.

what is the logical thinking on him?

Sun 29 Oct 2017 11:47:07 No.147104628

Open your eyes.

It finally came out that Rod/Bob were key players in the Uranium scandal.

Don’t you think POTUS would be tweeting about removal given clear conflict.

Why did POTUS meet Bob under the cover of FBI Dir interview?

Bob is unable to serve as Dir per the law.

Gowdy comments on Comey (history will ….)

POTUS has everything.

Not everyone is corrupt (fewer than you think).

Follow Huma.

Operation Mockingbird.

Priority to clean out the bad actors to unite people behind the America First agenda.

Many in our govt worship Satan.

Not about Republicans v Democrats at this stage.

Where is HRC?

Why is the NG called up across 12 cities?

Trust in your President.

God bless, Patriots.

Goodlatte & Gowdy [important].

Chairman of the House Committee on the Judiciary.

Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Why is the NY AG resignation important?

What past/current 'high profile' FBI investigations are within the jurisdiction of NY?

Define roadblock.

You have more than you know.

Do not fall victim to MSM/other fake/false narrative pushes.




Wed 16 May 2018 11:42:00 115e25 No.1431154

No Such Agency vs Clowns In America.



What is being revealed?

What will it lead to?


Faces of lawmakers stepping out.


When did Adm R step down?






Next [1/2].


e2f5c6 No.1585846


Yeah that's the big difference. The male students are in heaven. But they're psychologically damaged, they just don't realize it. What really makes me scratch my head is many of these women are in their 20s, very attractive, usually married, yet they're going after boys who are 14, 15, 16, etc. It makes no sense whatsoever. May be one of those cases of "It's always been this bad, you're just now finding out how bad it is."

a3bd0a No.1585847


Rosanne is 100% planned OP - on the other side.

Use your head: would they really give her a platform if she wasn't working for them? of course not.

Whole thing is a morality play for the public they want to keep in line:

1) rosanne tweets about "conspiracy theories" (oh no, bad)

2) rosanne is pro-trump

3) rosanne is racist

4) rosanne is fired and ostracized

5) go back to work and stop questioning authority stupid pleb

The script is so obvious and stupid that it has to be made by hollywood.

1c081f No.1585848

its quiet, too quiet

b1b6bc No.1585849


You're either a shill/bot or stupid.

It's staring you in the face. Lots of tough questions and talk and NO ACTION. What actual actions have you ever seen TG take??

Yeah… some fun youtube clips. Any real action?

b24cc1 No.1585850



I see this a little differently. He now KNOWS what is really going down. Meuller found stuff SO DAMNING it cant be ignored. (as we ALL know what there is to be found)

He names the stars of the perp walk up front. He knows it is coming to a head..they (Nunes Gowdy et al) will now go quiet about getting the info they were screaming about a couple weeks ago. They have it all now.


I don't think Gowdy and Nunes are corruptible.

Oldfart Anons input

519368 No.1585851

File: c2ececa35d579dd⋯.jpg (38.14 KB, 480x444, 40:37, 33894875_10211809467054868….jpg)

252a05 No.1585852


It will be very interesting to see what happens.

She has never come off as being to bright and well spoken.

Which could be to her advantage.

I don't think that Q is involved and she just got in to deep.

1d12e4 No.1585853


KEK why the fuck do I care about your twitter? Shake your dick, the pissing contest is over.

92e048 No.1585854


>>Why are they meeting so close to Rome for the first time since…

Okay O Mighty Know-It-All, I'll bite.

Since when is Turin "so close to Rome"? I haven't done the math, but it might be farther away from Rome than any other major city in Italy. (Hint: look at a map.)

To fill in your dramatic blank, it's "for the first time since 1987, when they met in Villa d'Este, which is right outside Rome."

http:// americanfreepress.net/bilderberg-group-reveals-2018-meeting-date-location/

So what's your point?

793473 No.1585855

For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

3d18c9 No.1585856


HIlaious. A threat of 187 to the presidant of the united states and yet wearing a pussy on her head while doing it.

ae6f2d No.1585857


Triple Dubs, No respect.

Overreacting would be taking my freedoms back by force.

I offered my best deduction of our situation.

I am not ok with being fucked with just the tip, or with generous lube.

You may lack commitment. Are you comfortably sissified?

Small infractions of liberty have led us to this.

252a05 No.1585858



It will be very interesting to see what happens.

She has never come off as being to bright and well spoken.

Which could be to her advantage.

I don't think that Q is involved and she just got in to deep.

4068a9 No.1585859


>The FBI spy's were in place in the spring. That's before WL having the emails.

True, but unrelated to the unmasking.

92e048 No.1585860


Anon, this is outstanding. TYVM for taking the time to do this. Those with attention-spans of five minutes or less have lost sight of all this long ago

0ff498 No.1585861


You are a faggot, and I don't need your yewz

a11cc1 No.1585862

File: fc8db0dcf7f92ff⋯.jpg (1.45 MB, 2834x1665, 2834:1665, Qcation2.jpg)

9d868f No.1585863


>Based on your fantasies.

You haven't explained the up-tic of women in schools being outed for it now either…have you.

So no, no fantasy, actual news making it to the public.

No U for you either.

b1b6bc No.1585864

File: 79c40c1f77e9b4f⋯.png (455.86 KB, 1005x964, 1005:964, ClipboardImage.png)


Both Gowdy and Rubio are parroting the SAME TALKING POINT ANONS.

Gowdy supported Rubio in the primaries. We know Rubio is swamp.



1f1a58 No.1585865

File: 3529981029562c8⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1189x2289, 1189:2289, langsamgehtswirklichlos3.png)

File: c330a07ba39369a⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1451x1651, 1451:1651, langsamgehtslos2.png)

File: 1c23c2666429001⋯.png (293.45 KB, 700x1300, 7:13, Apache.png)

File: 48d22aeafbf71e2⋯.png (630.13 KB, 1614x1614, 1:1, cleanclock.png)

Ok anons…

Let me present my first 3 graphics using the Qclock. I just did a bit of digging to see if the Q drops connect with the news (because, news unlocks map).

Its not about the findings or topics, more like about the clock and finding out how to connect things. Its just day 3 for me using the clock and i will now try to go beyond "looking for news and connect little dots" and try to play with markers, time stamps, and and and. I'm really not autistic nor good at graphics so i hope some real brainfags will join. But probably the real ones already cracked how all of this works :)

96e357 No.1585866

File: ba1d795b4d853c5⋯.gif (1.42 MB, 1049x1484, 1049:1484, destruction of temple.gif)


goodnight/moring bro

clowns tryin to divide with disinfo

neets respond


(pic related)

e0f6bd No.1585867

File: 23ea56547d82442⋯.jpg (31.95 KB, 374x380, 187:190, AngryCat.JPG)


Cause fucking normies aren't coming here, they are looking on Fuckbook and Twat…

Are you a basement dweller?

5cc3f9 No.1585868


Testify is capitalized because I should focus on that.

He had to step down from the Ethics committee b/c it would be a conflict for a prosecutor which is what he is going back to. He's not steeping down to TESTIFY. He's stepping down to PROSECUTE. He asked all sorts of questions in his investigations (especially classified ones); now he can use that info legally in a case.

479684 No.1585869


I can get down with this interpretation. I was just rereading crumbs myself and came to a similar conclusion.. although turncoat would be interesting..

5cc3f9 No.1585870


*you not I

feb822 No.1585871


Looks like Flat Eartth it's OK 4 U.

But 7 Sister ARE NOT.


3d18c9 No.1585872


Lol is the zombie apocalypse, famefaggotry is everywhere.

914470 No.1585873


more on Gowdy (TG)

Sun 14 Jan 2018 14:49:27 No.22


TG departure [HEC].

NOT to testify.

NOT needed to testify.

Think logically.

NO NEED to step down if needed to TESTIFY.


What ROLE might TG be walking into?

Who can WE TRUST?

RATS everywhere.

EVIL everywhere.

TRAITORS everywhere.






Boards changed due to statements re: private comms - FALSE.

Boards changed due to failure to IDEN accurately.

Boards changed due to MISINFO.

Targeted approach to direct flow of info created.




MAJOR players here to distract, create doubt, and alter the direction.

SC: MISINFO everywhere.

SC: MISINFO from past reliable sources.

SC: AXIS OF EVIL can & will return FIRE [is].

SC: Seek immediate [F9-Sx_VB8239].



Wed 31 Jan 2018 23:42:36 c3f516 No.231058

Effective yesterday, while standing under the statue of FREEDOM, POTUS FREED those ‘good’ people who are currently being blackmailed, threatened and enslaved.

Those who stood chanting “USA” were FREED.

The shot heard around the world.






ebaff4 No.1585874


It does look like it's designed to put people in a bad light and scare everybody back onto the res.

014be3 No.1585875


Good people are given platforms all the time. If they are too good they end up dead. Think John Lennon, Bob Marley, MLK, John F. Kennedy…

139637 No.1585876



for a direct link to the video. If there were a catchy song like this out there, red-pilling would be an absolute breeze.

as for an upload site besides googtube, well, there's probably something else out there, somewhere..

98910e No.1585877

File: 6d94d7e8970bffe⋯.png (32.54 KB, 452x202, 226:101, Screen Shot 2018-05-30 at ….png)

9d868f No.1585878


Move to the other state. KEK!

Bet you won't like the politics there.

So now it's a question of common sense politics, or unlawful dumb shit just so you can get a buzz.

1c081f No.1585879

did anyone watch "the outsiders" the sitcom?

about the mountain people?

that was a damn good show

it had o boy from soa in it.

i wonder why it was canceled, ratings was there

c10357 No.1585880


I volunteer to meet a pleiadian and report back with info. Let them know to hit me up. We'll hang with my dog, free all day.

446ff3 No.1585881

File: 2b23c50929fa43f⋯.png (12.95 KB, 255x233, 255:233, cunt.png)


Every time I see those pussy hats, I think towards ( Related pic). and that this is what they should be wearing.

Now I'm convinced.

878eaa No.1585882


Oh yeah? What's his net worth?

b1b6bc No.1585883


NO. The crumb specifically says:

>TG departure [HEC].

>NOT to testify.

>NOT needed to testify.

>Think logically.

>NO NEED to step down if needed to TESTIFY.

HE DID NOT NEED TO STEP DOWN. End of story. Stop spreading fake news.

Gowdy departs HEC, it was not to testify, he is not needed to testify, so think logically, because there was no need to step down if he was needed to testify.

96e357 No.1585884

File: 874ef359946e004⋯.jpg (8.48 KB, 251x242, 251:242, pepe exhaustion.jpg)


Anons please do not feed the paid (((Shylocks)))

(((they))) Get paid when you respond

Obvi Concrn Faggots/AI IsN'T AI FAG, are obvious

'''If you are slide/muhdic/obvishill/toesuck’’’

‘’’Im gonna filter you, if you are notable and wonder why’’’

‘’’im ignoring you, That is why’’’

(i reset filter after each bread)

Current List of Notables


>>1585682 'Rainbow Cultural Garden' NXIVM sexualization of our children (SICK, DIG ON THIS)


Help the baker out

Baker notable=

'Link Post

Brief description of why it's notable

Anything else wrong, Please let me know

Pretty beat at this point, wouldn't be surprised if there are mistakes


Appreciate all of you Anons!




Baker Requested

Current Baker is fading..

479684 No.1585885


Actually, no not a turncoat..

NOT to testify

e0f6bd No.1585886


I love Colorado, except for Denver, Boulder and most of the front range..

0ff498 No.1585887


so do you think Gowdy is a prosecutor? Did you watch the damn hearing?

Corrupt FBI and Corrupt DOJ failed us not Gowdy

679cca No.1585888


Q did say be careful who you follow. Was certain one of those people was roseanne, even more certain now.

47dc87 No.1585889

File: 5ffe87b4fa10c82⋯.jpg (182.44 KB, 1005x614, 1005:614, 235_18_17.jpg)


>>1585590 (lb)

9d868f No.1585890


>May be one of those cases of "It's always been this bad, you're just now finding out how bad it is."

Sounds about right. Was just really well covered up.

519368 No.1585891


Sadly enough, you're right. All over a natural plant. Yet we can buy alcohol anywhere, at any time, around the clock.

e2f5c6 No.1585892


It is a bit…disturbing when you see "little Marco" flapping his gums, parsing words, and Gowdy in agreement. Playing this split hairs game. "Informant" is not a spy. Apparently they are unfamiliar with synonyms for the word "informant."

914470 No.1585893


>TRUST SESSIONS.TG departure [HEC].NOT to testify.NOT needed to testify.Think logically.NO NEED to step down if needed to TESTIFY.

So he is not needed to testify like Admiral Rogers is.

Rogers knows everything and is NEEDED TO TESTIFY.

Gowdy knows a lot, but he is not needed to testify.

a7b578 No.1585894


Roseanne Barr is not racist who own godson is black and has been her own sons buddy thru out time …months ago she posted pics of them as little kids in the tub together! And all episodes from 20 yrs ago a lot were about stopping the prejudice between ppl

252a05 No.1585895


Thank God we have got intelligence idiots like you around to enlighten the rest of us.

Go back to mommy's basement.

014be3 No.1585896

File: 4e096cabb5269fb⋯.png (41.54 KB, 782x383, 782:383, qwhynointel.png)


After the Cabal threat is removed, sure. Until then you have CE-5 and meditation. No undeniable proof allowed yet - crumb related.

1c081f No.1585897


muh ambian

74adce No.1585898

74adce No.1585899


stephen greer is a quack undercover agent

a11cc1 No.1585900

File: e802efe2b1249dc⋯.jpg (122.72 KB, 1626x852, 271:142, stewie.jpg)

914470 No.1585901


carry on - Q

5cc3f9 No.1585902


So u didn't read what I wrote. Brilliant.

Notice it also says what role is he stepping into? Wtf would Q ask that if the "role" was ex-congressman?

479684 No.1585903


I think anon was saying yes, he didn't step down to testify but did he step down to prosecute?

Think logically..

If not to testify.. then for what reason?

What role might TG be walking into? Not testifying… then what role?

Judge, Juror, Prosecutor?

Those are what logically follow TESTIFY..

It has to do with the courts.

615d44 No.1585904



Posted on May 19th.

+ 61 days = July 19th (61 timetable)

- 23 days = June 26th

c97cc5 No.1585905

File: 5f9220ae92ebbaf⋯.jpg (25.52 KB, 460x288, 115:72, VJ-HUMOR.jpg)



014be3 No.1585906


It's a way to contact ET's based on meditation and sending thought impulses relaying your location asking for contact. More info in the alien thread.


What for? What would his purpose be?

9d868f No.1585907


My sister was murdered in Denver…that place can fuck right off.

519368 No.1585908


I don't want to go hog wild on the stuff, but it sure would be nice to take a couple of hits occasionally to alleviate stress and pain. It really is a wonderful plant if used in moderation and for the right purposes.

Must also confess, nothing more enjoyable than having a few hits and going fishing… I swear I can feel every little rock, grass bed, nook and cranny my lures are sliding over. And when that lunker crushes the bait, it's Sooooooooo on.

3d18c9 No.1585909


Like I say. one of the co actors on that show is Gilbert. She is on the Talk. Can you take acid, snort coke, and smoke meth and come up with a more fucked up propaganda machine than the talk? The audience of that show, is so retarded Im not sure many doctors could argue that they are medically alive.

ae6f2d No.1585910



Open to alternative ideas…

Ones that do not force me to support rehab or prison or corrupt enforcement or 'stable' addicts.

b8489a No.1585911


none of those are good people. they are what hollywood thinks is good people.

and nobody good is *given* platform … some earn/take it

trump was given platform because they though hillary would beat him and thought he was the ONLY one hillary COULD beat. but they fucked up on that.

66f91b No.1585912


It never happened when I was in school…that I'm aware of. Of course, we didn't have many attractive teachers in my high school…or my middle/Jr high. Maybe one or two in my entire high school of about 1800. Elementary, yeah, but even that is pushing it.

479684 No.1585913


Damn, sorry to hear that Anon.

Did they catch the fucker?

a28ce3 No.1585914

Friend just heard on the radio while driving to work there is going to be a school shooting drill at Shadow Ridge High School in north west area of Las Vegas.

252a05 No.1585915

File: ef3b51558487e04⋯.png (105.12 KB, 255x233, 255:233, ClipboardImage.png)


Remember George Carlin's famous line regarding women libers….

"Most of them are so ugly you wouldn't want to $uck them anyways."

19374b No.1585916

File: 4746fefdbf6cb56⋯.jpg (46.68 KB, 394x495, 394:495, 1502813740022.jpg)


ok, that didn't really make sense

so I'm not sure where weed fits in with your freedoms being tampered with

other than weed has long been used by those who have tampered with said freedoms as a means of control and finance

we need to take back our freedoms, like having the right to grow a plant and do what we will with it

even heal ourselves and others from the ravages of decades of big pharma control

i'm assuming you are not a shill by interacting with you and not being baited into an escalation into a pissing match here

181458 No.1585917

>>1584907 lb

If Joo town (Israel) owns the UN then the snake is eating its own tail as the UN charges Joo town with crimes against humanity over Palestine.

5630f9 No.1585918

"Pain" password created on May 8.

23 days later is May 31.


>I'd watch the news that day.

519368 No.1585919


Not a big fan of Denver myself. I'm not a mountain person. Give me a good old Lousianna or Florida swamp any day. A thick green canopy and more life per sq ft than anywhere in the world. I never feel more alive than when I'm alone in the swamp.

467fca No.1585920


You must not have been there for that drop. Anons were going crazy with speculation about Gowdy leaving the HEC to testify. Q dropped those crumbs to get anons back on track and stop focusing on that. That was before he announced his retirement. Gowdy stepped down from the HEC because he was on 2 other cmte's that were taking alot of his time. Period. Do Not chase MISINFO.

19374b No.1585921


what's that

I fed it

5cc3f9 No.1585922


This. The absolute shillfest against Gowdy all but proves it. Same as the attacks on Mueller when we realized he was working in favor of POTUS. This also explains Bongino publicly attacking Gowdy to sell it. (Think how Hannity used to do with Mueller and Comey but it was always with kid gloves and then stopped)

ca606a No.1585923

File: 016ff13ab891b32⋯.jpg (277.68 KB, 757x591, 757:591, Screen Shot 05-30-18 at 02….JPG)

e0f6bd No.1585924


Yeah, stick with the mountains and the west slope if you're coming to CO…..

We got some good weed waiting for ya.

Sorry to hear about your sis..damn.

ef01f0 No.1585925

Why Has All Been Quiet Re: Two Meetings Last Week?


The first meeting showed /ourguys/ that Sessions and Huber are coordinating attack with IG help.

Leave it all be for now.

The second meeting was the opposite because it had the dems in it.

They were told by DOJ/FBI that because of ongoing investigation there would be no release of docs because of sensitive intel on sources/methods/doxxing.

Now, /ourguys/ know that there's no need for these docs anymoe because the Huber investigation plus IG report will be enough to try/prosecute/convict DS fuckery. They all go along with second meeting whith DS dems because DOJ/FBI confirm that release ofsources/methods will damage investigations. The only difference between the two meetings is that in the first one, the damage would be to the Huber/DS investigation, whereas in the second meeting the 'damage' would be to the Mueller and related investigations.

Everybody is happy.

No one has to leak.

Comfy levels high for all involved.

No sauce, just 'spidey-sense' tingling.

b8489a No.1585926


larger lesson is dont FOLLOW anyone. think for yourself. If you want to follow, follow god.

13413e No.1585927

676619 No.1585928

File: 22c9d0df5628c26⋯.png (161.92 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, IMG_2127.PNG)

Keep digging anons

06262e No.1585929

can anyone tell me what program to use to create

a patch. like the wizard & warlocks etc…

9d868f No.1585930


The point is, most of the states that have legalized it, are demoncrap controlled and have seem to tossed common sense out the window.

So which do you prefer to live with is the main question.

Common sense politics and no weed, or get buzzed and have demoncrap bullshit constantly throwing higher taxes, allowing illegals to over take the place, and all the same shit you see in most of the states that have passed it…i.e. west coast.

014be3 No.1585931


Why wouldn't they be good people? Some are singers with a message of Love, others are politicians with the wish to free humanity from slavery. At one point they were considered conductive to the Cabal's goals, but as their actions benefited the People more and more, Cabal took action.

f48ce6 No.1585932

File: 9b834e02dd21361⋯.png (463.16 KB, 605x351, 605:351, Screen Shot 2018-03-10 at ….png)


It's been a major blessing to me. HUGE.

914470 No.1585933

David Gregory, CNN, is sticking up for Trump today….. what is going on with him?

3d18c9 No.1585934


LMAO. look at me my face is protruding from a giant smelly pussy. And they prolly brought thier kids along for the show, because its very important thier kids learn how to participate in demonstrations. wow. Mommy whats on your head. Its a giant pussy honey.

878eaa No.1585935

File: cd53707ffbfc061⋯.png (230.29 KB, 540x307, 540:307, ClipboardImage.png)

704a05 No.1585936


Good catch:

I am still in limbo about

>What ROLE might TG be walking into?

>Who can WE TRUST

This implies, to me, that TG is to be trusted. The recent information, >>1585727, might be disinfo. Probably is? I'm not sure at the moment, have to dig, read & think.

793473 No.1585937

And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony. And they did not love their lives so much that they were afraid to die.

a11cc1 No.1585938

File: bd340dc20c4a88b⋯.jpg (76.89 KB, 1075x784, 1075:784, AreYouQ.jpg)

13642b No.1585939

File: 25e673fb3597c6d⋯.jpg (40.71 KB, 530x510, 53:51, whoopi-goldberg-nasty-woma….jpg)



This is the original.

Whoopie is a degenerate, but give her a break on this. Reposting this bullshit makes you look like a fool.

Same with the Valerie Jarrett is a Muslim crap. Newfags try redpilling with this disinfo and get called out. Makes us all look insane.

b1b6bc No.1585940

>>1585902 I read it, anon. What role? A role doesn't have to be an appointment, in movie terms, a role is a part… what part is Gowdy playing?

And the role I see clear as day now is running interference for the swamp.


If thats the case, why would he need to step down so many months ago? Why not step down from HEC in the moment?

If you can't see it, sorry. It's staring you in the face. He is stepping into a role… and it's not positive.

What do we do here? Base things on speculation or facts? Isn't the Gowdy fact pattern the same as the rest of the swamp rats fact pattern?

704a05 No.1585942


TG & Sessions on the talking points for today..

b43470 No.1585943


You should have stopped at your 1st post. You’ve shitposted 16 times since.

18df18 No.1585944


When I was in high school, one of the teachers was openly courting a girl student. Nobody batted an eye. She was a thick, homely girl, so maybe it was thought that she was lucky to find someone at all?

Things have changed. I never saw any evidence of a female teacher with a male student but if it had occurred, I'm sure it would not have been

met with the condemnation that we see in today's society.

914470 No.1585945

File: 41890e3b44a2072⋯.jpg (11.01 KB, 220x298, 110:149, David_Gregory_new.jpg)


>David Gregory, CNN,

Gregory was born in Tarzana, Los Angeles, California, and raised in Encino and Van Nuys,[3] the son of Carolyn (née Fitzpatrick), an account manager, and Don Gregory (originally Don Ginsburg), a film and theatrical producer.[1][4][5] His father was Jewish and his mother was Irish Catholic.[3] Although he was bar mitzvahed and attended Hebrew school during the week, he also attended Sunday school and celebrated Christmas with his family.[3] Gregory is a practicing Jew today

f48ce6 No.1585946


Legalization ruined our neighborhood and state. If it was legal everywhere, it wouldn't have gone this way. Sucks.

Gonna move back home and help them figure it out. Sure will suck for a while, but I can't take it here anymore.

9d868f No.1585947


>Did they catch the fucker?

Yep. The bitch is still in prison serving her 20 years.

519368 No.1585948

704a05 No.1585949


>"I am more than my vagina"

>Wears a giant vagina over her head.

Feminism c. 2018

e0f6bd No.1585950

File: 36f7822e3ec1617⋯.png (222.91 KB, 636x618, 106:103, ClipboardImage.png)

Looks like EU is falling apart..


5cc3f9 No.1585951


Your glowing has intensified.

446ff3 No.1585952


God bless his soul ;-)

b1b6bc No.1585953


You're fucking insane or stupid or both. So now Bongino is "selling" it?? Give me a fucking break. He's swamp. It's staring you in the face.

1d12e4 No.1585954


Careful, the shills will label you as the next hall monitor. Faggots are all over today.

015ae6 No.1585955

A China-born Australian billionaire and political donor has been named in federal parliament as a co-conspirator identified by the FBI in the bribery of a UN ­official and as having close links to the Chinese Communist Party.

In allegations levelled last night, the chairman of the joint ­committee on intelligence and ­security, Andrew Hastie, told parliament he could reveal that a ­figure codenamed by the FBI in the bribery case as CC-3 was ­Australian property developer Chau Chak Wing.

9d868f No.1585956


> If it was legal everywhere, it wouldn't have gone this way.

I agree with that.

ae6f2d No.1585957


I am equally upset with the situation.

Look for who is lobbying for prohibition.

You may find food america with their contract to prison food.

You will find many other vested interests.

I would rather discuss the General Flynn parallels to the attempted white house coup in 1933.

Not to reduce the importance of 'muh dope'.

Regulation is the keystone of corporate profit.

dfcdf3 No.1585958


Yeah. VJ is not a moslem. Neither is BO. They just send pallets of cash to Iran for S&G.

3c31db No.1585959


>and i wish i did

that doesnt sound like trust sessions…. q said to trust sessions…. does potus not trust sessions anymore?

wtf is going on here…..

914470 No.1585960


Since June 2000, Gregory has been married to Beth Wilkinson,[1] a Methodist.[53] Wilkinson is a former federal prosecutor, former Fannie Mae executive vice president, general counsel and corporate secretary, and [1][54][55] a lawyer representing four of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides in the FBI's investigation of Clinton's email scandal.[56][57] They met while Gregory was covering the Oklahoma City bombing as a reporter and Wilkinson was serving as prosecutor on the case

92e048 No.1585961


It's awfully shilly in here today, isn't it?

You've been trying to talk sense into one, in fact. I would respectfully suggest that you save your breath, and go try to redpill your neighbor or something more constructive than this. This asshole is probably getting paid just to up your blood-pressure about Trey, he'll be telling us that VP Pence is a satanist next

679cca No.1585962


Thats what I've always operated under, and still do.

c81f78 No.1585963

File: 3182605dda54e59⋯.jpg (19.06 KB, 191x255, 191:255, wait_wut.jpg)


0 delta between posts

519368 No.1585964


I don't want either. That's why I wish it was legalized everywhere. Also why I'm not moving. I don't want it THAT bad. I just wish I could enjoy a little now and then without the risk of being arrested and treated as bad, if not worse than a child molester.

b1b6bc No.1585965


STFU with the weed slide, take your chit chat somewhere else.

1c081f No.1585966


me too'

i think all actors are weird

d2b90d No.1585967


he is on the swamp resignation list FOR A REASON…

1d12e4 No.1585968

File: ea82a96c6a707ab⋯.png (291.86 KB, 588x404, 147:101, 10 Twitter.png)

Look at this fake news bullshit


Trust Sessions

9d868f No.1585969


>This implies, to me, that TG is to be trusted.

How did those 2 lines imply to trust TG?

It speaks nothing of trusting him at all.

96e357 No.1585970

File: 41c655ce043d250⋯.png (2.55 MB, 2255x1324, 2255:1324, shadow ridge highschool.png)


LVPD shouldn't have released

those transcripts…

I hope (((they))) aren't trying to send a message

by shooting up ANOTHER school.


519368 No.1585971


Either he's acting for some unknown reason ( we don't see or hear it all, we know that ) Or, we are no longer trusting sessions. Sucks being on the fence and wondering like this, doesn't it?

19374b No.1585972


please do sauce those parallels and right away

I'd love to see some fresh fucking meme fodder around here

793473 No.1585973

You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.…

52916e No.1585974


Enjoy the show

How many times does Q have to say, ‘Enjoy the show?’ before people relax, sit back and ENJOY THE SHOW

e7fa27 No.1585975


Exactly .. Im in a REC state .. Actually not that notable

98910e No.1585976

File: 3ab699cdd8a107a⋯.jpeg (76.92 KB, 745x854, 745:854, wayoer.jpeg)


Thanks for the check

Though the crowd is different so the pic you posted is not the 'original'

Claiming it is makes you look like a fool.

You make us all look like shills.

If it is indeed a fake news mistake, oops a fuckin doopsie.

519368 No.1585977


You should also look at POTUS's most recent tweets. You'll be wondering like the rest of us.

446ff3 No.1585978


Thanks for the catch….TRUTH… I take back my shirt comment but stick by my pussy hat remark…. WWG1WGA

52916e No.1585979


Damn punctuation screwup .. that’s what I get for typing in bed

1f7dbf No.1585980

http:// www.foxnews.com/us/2018/05/30/large-explosion-reported-at-kentucky-ups-center-draws-police-response.html

Large Explosion Rips through UPS center in Kentucky

1c081f No.1585981


post them

139637 No.1585982


see >>1585923

POTUS literally just quoted Gowdy, and said he wished he'd picked a different AG..

Popcorning intensifies.

519368 No.1585983


and who are you to decide who gets censored here and who doesn't? You sound like @draintheswamp

18df18 No.1585984

File: e35253414297329⋯.jpg (84.78 KB, 700x585, 140:117, oscars.jpg)


>does potus not trust sessions anymore?

>wtf is going on here…..

f77017 No.1585985


Did the same back in sept 2016 when pedogate kicked off, Cant work when shit like this is rampant around us. So been here every since, Universe finds a way to provide everything i need to say in my home too.

1733e9 No.1585986

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

1c081f No.1585987


put ur jazz one on, whats with just text today?

19374b No.1585988


not a slide

this is a matter of national security

leaving the business in the hands of whom? ms13? other gangs? leftist politicians? sure that's great

calling out a legit thread as a slide however is a slide

519368 No.1585989


They were just posted here… scroll up a bit… all three are here.

f4cc4b No.1585990

File: 7e53174549f6225⋯.png (165.88 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180530-182632.png)

6d653f No.1585991

From the notables


Start Building A Qlock, >>1566766

OK I've been looking into this. I'm pretty sure I can get this done pretty quickly, but what would speed it up, is if a graphics anon can create this as an SVG file.

View the source here. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4d/Swiss_railway_clock.svg

SVG == XML. I can animate the clock hands/make them interactive using HTML5/canvas/JS. I figure if a graphics anon can get this done in SVG it will save me 3-4 days of jacking around with it to create a new SVG.

Then I suck in the JSON data I have and we should be set.

Gotta head out to a funeral in a minute, but I'll check back in when we get back to see any responses.

Lets get this done anons!

3d18c9 No.1585992

File: 0ee6aae734ce234⋯.jpg (34.63 KB, 947x228, 947:228, whoppiesphotochop.jpg)


Wow agreed. I pulled both images up and took a look see the 187 does look PS

1c081f No.1585993


ty anon

96e357 No.1585994


>Large Explosion Rips through UPS center in Kentucky

2nd notable out of 300 posts.

thank you anon

6d653f No.1585995


Don't care about the blue dots/data. I'll put those in. Just the underlying clock/spiral

e7fa27 No.1585996


That reads to me as a covert message.. SESSIONS ACTIVATED … Here comes the hammer

b1b6bc No.1585997

>>1585988 Fuck off. This has nothing to do with Q research. Take your fucking side conversation somewhere else.

f48ce6 No.1585998


Fact. It's been a wild time. I got my med card the 2nd day you could have one back in 2009, when they lightened the rules up. It's life changing in it helps me deal with pain and some of the PTSD I still have. I'm just better on it.

Being able to find strains that work, for instance, even though Sativas normally don't help with headaches, Golden Goat and Casey Jones are life changing for migraines and cluster headaches, is a blessing.

I hope everyone has it soon!! KEK!!

186fd0 No.1585999


Would not put it past DJT to troll Gowdy, however, Q said TG would be important.

ae6f2d No.1586000


Sauce is in the bread, few nights back.

Search White House Coup 1933 will help, Videos for lazy normies.

Fascinating scenarios.

I will forward what I find.

b24cc1 No.1586001


NOT just to get a buzz. I live in a "legal" state.

As you suggested politics SUUUUUUCK.

But being able to get the CORRECT weed for me, (and ALL STRAINS AFFECT DIFFERENTLY) has enabled me to step away from mainstream med. NO hi BP meds. No Anti depress, no Cholesterol meds. NO PAIN MEDS.

…..pluss….the buzz is nice at times also. bottom line…all available at corner weed store.

LEGALISE nationwide

139637 No.1586002

File: 893686643fe8c6f⋯.jpg (65.59 KB, 474x259, 474:259, Pepecorn.jpg)


It's nap time, too tired to dig through the meme repository, kek.

1733e9 No.1586003


I was pilled on a bunch of stuff back then, but I pedogate was still on the fringes of my awareness and I didn't look into it. My intro was through David Seaman who knew to be a complete shill through crypto…so I didn't look deeper. Now I realize that maybe that was his role…

98910e No.1586004

File: 7049f3f8512b450⋯.png (312.13 KB, 600x399, 200:133, comeykho.png)

467fca No.1586005



He stepped down because he was on 2 other cmte's and didn't have time for HEC. Period.

f77017 No.1586006

File: edfc0bb0cceb61f⋯.jpg (22.57 KB, 440x429, 40:39, edfc0bb0cceb61f3846ce8aafb….jpg)


Will sessions drop the hammer now? Trumps calling him out, Keeping a social distance from him.

96e357 No.1586007


there is an anon who has been working on it,

asking other Anons for their imput,

I think they posted last bread, or one before

it towards the beginning.

Glad to hear you can help anon


9d868f No.1586009

Speaking of teachers, look who's back in the news again.

Notorious teacher Mary Kay Letourneau details her years in the slammer


1733e9 No.1586010


Thanks. 16 years alcohol-free here, but if you have a good 0%er then I'm down.

644825 No.1586011


13 angry democrats


e0f6bd No.1586012

So Trump is quoting Gowdy who's throwing Sessions under the bus…hmm..

18df18 No.1586013


You weren't discussing national security

You were whining about your own discomfort

Stop trying to shoehorn things into your argument to justify your slide and shut the fuck up

5cc3f9 No.1586014


Ur absolute fear is palpable. The only thing left for you to do is the right thing anon. Repent and help the white hats.

d06d59 No.1586015

I love how many anons started questioning whether Wikileaks was compromised. They have never had to retract a publication. They do not deal in disinformation, unlike Q. Although they have given an opinion on Q, take it with a grain of salt. By comparison, Wikileaks makes muh Q seem as accurate as CNN. How many have towed the line for an anonymous source who tells you flat out they are lying, for so long is a fucking travesty. Carry on critical thinkers. Trust the muh plan, whatever that means.

a28ce3 No.1586016


I know it makes us worry. I just hope Q is watching and can keep an eye on things.

facd2e No.1586018

Anon are you still trusting the plan?

Roseanne part of this or did she just screw her meal ticket?

ebef79 No.1586019

File: 9f4569fffafa5c1⋯.jpg (47.7 KB, 736x736, 1:1, 9248f079c5af7513d2d1f6c5f8….jpg)

Pretty sure POTUS trusts sessions…

*like how MANY times does Q need to say it geniuses*

914470 No.1586020


>a lawyer representing four of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides in the FBI's investigation of Clinton's email scandal.[

David Gregory was defending Trump this morning on CNN. This was very surprising because he normally trashes Trump.

HIs wife represented four of Hillary's staff in the FBI investigation of her emails

HIs wife also prosecuted Timothy McVeigh

His wife has donated to Hrc and dems.

If FBi is still investigating the emails, I think his wi

74dca3 No.1586021

File: f47dd6c72a3d62a⋯.jpg (51.61 KB, 573x729, 191:243, f47dd6c72a3d62ae8dec595fa6….jpg)

a7b578 No.1586022


Omg ok I’m gonna jump in on this convo because now you’ve ticked me off ! Let’s start with can you not get beyond the fact that “weed” is more then just ppl getting buzzed ?

e0f6bd No.1586023


Your an arrogant ass who just got filtered.

You shut the fuck up.

dfcdf3 No.1586024


13 = M

MS-13 = MS-M ? MSM are certainly angry democrats.

91f136 No.1586025


Enjoy the fucking show!

704a05 No.1586026


Keith Olbermann.. why is that digusting childfucker still alive?

9d868f No.1586027


I'd rather risk getting caught than having that kind of political environment.

1f1a58 No.1586028

File: 1c23c2666429001⋯.png (293.45 KB, 700x1300, 7:13, Apache.png)

File: 85761e196d47da4⋯.png (42.64 KB, 585x334, 585:334, beam.png)


Found a connection(?) from POTUS Tweet on March 31. He said it in a complete different context but still interesting.

ef01f0 No.1586029


POTUS has been complaining about Sessions from the day Sessions recused himself. Nothing has change.

Q has been saying TRUST SESSIONS from the start. Nothing has changed.

In fact, Q keeps saying TRUST SESSIONS because ppl keep trying to undrmine that trust both here on /qresearch/ and 'out there' on the 'stage'.


Just chillin' and enjoyin' the show.

014be3 No.1586030

File: 3cffa15e1aec441⋯.jpg (11.17 KB, 275x183, 275:183, why.jpg)




793473 No.1586031


Amen only ONE I TRUST!

47dc87 No.1586032

File: c4331da3109684e⋯.jpg (29.37 KB, 666x351, 74:39, Prezs-1881-187.jpg)

File: be71e4ffb9df41b⋯.jpg (32.91 KB, 666x449, 666:449, Prezs-CBC.CHC.jpg)

File: 89abe9101df432e⋯.jpg (26.31 KB, 666x448, 333:224, Prezs-JFK.LBJ.jpg)

File: 0a659c56fd000d6⋯.jpg (27.62 KB, 666x448, 333:224, Prezs-wierd-but-Truman.jpg)


thanks much, anon. srsly subversive video fo sho. totally forgot that Chester Arthur was assassinated too…in 1881 no less.

would be quite brilliant to do a remake of 41-44. could do The Family after that. talk about some sweet tasting redpills.

excellent idea. now all we need is a Terry GilliamAnon to step up to the plate…and something besides googtube :0

704a05 No.1586033


Disney instructs ABC to fire Roseanne after she tweets an insult to [VJ].

Everybody is focused on [VJ] (millions..), gets digged to shit and we unearth all her foul stuff.

Meanwhile, Roseanne gets her show rebooted on Fox.

This is quite excellent!

19374b No.1586034

File: 0f1463e9a33c248⋯.jpeg (416.54 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, E469B46E-D7D6-4F3B-BEB6-4….jpeg)


seems important

i do recall it but didn't

get to the bottom of it

b24cc1 No.1586035


YES…the CORRECT strain. That is the key.

Pineapple Express…..yesssss.

Pain Relief, FOCUS. Stress Relief.

Wanna have minds blown?? look at these tax revenue numbers.

GEOTUS sees numbers like this he is gonna be allllll in.


ae6f2d No.1586036


I Like it.

Throw it out here, We Luv to Dig thru jarble for the wives!!

Thanks, Anon!!


3d18c9 No.1586037


Wut the fuck is wrong with getting a buzz?

1733e9 No.1586038


Been trying to make the world great for a while, but it's definitely come time to MAGA because if there is no leader, there won't be followers. Plus I'm fucking raging pissed about what's been going on while I've been away trying to do things honestly. People hate Americans and it's only gotten worse since I've been abroad. They used to love us. Fuck you, Obama. Seriously, I hope you get what's fucking coming to you. And I'm doing my part to make sure all these fucks see their day in front of the Judge.

914470 No.1586039


>If FBi is still investigating the emails, I think his wi

I think his wife is singing

The wife of CNN political analyst David Gregory is the attorney representing Hillary Clinton’s ex-aides in the FBI’s investigation into her private server usage, raising concerns of a possible conflict of interest.

It was reported by Politico on Friday that Gregory’s wife, Beth Wilkinson, is representing four of Hillary Clinton’s former state department staffers in the FBI’s investigation of Clinton’s use of private email. Wilkinson is a former federal attorney who prosecuted Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh.

Gregory, who used to be the host of “Meet the Press,” has joined CNN as a political analyst, and most of his work will be done on their morning show “New Day.”

Politico’s report doesn’t mention that Wilkinson is Gregory’s wife until the fourteenth paragraph. They also mention that according to FEC records Wilkinson is a donor to both the Clintons and the Democratic Party.


facd2e No.1586040


Any confirmation on FOX picking it up?

446ff3 No.1586041

File: 4b96b5634598d7a⋯.jpg (14.96 KB, 303x166, 303:166, give that man a cigar.jpg)

9d868f No.1586042


Fuck off if you didn't read the rest of what was posted and then come back yelling about your fucking disapproval about saying a buzz?

No fucking U for you and you are not talking to me. Bye, you fucking shill-muh-feelz-hurt.

Go be selfish on your own.

186fd0 No.1586043


POTUS has been doing this the entire time. Relax, it's all a show. If Sessions wasn't trusted, he would be gone. We have seen many go, he remains. Why?

13642b No.1586044


Same with Chelsea is a Satanist wearing an upside down cross necklace. It's been debunked, but Newfags see it and get all worked up. I don't want unsuspecting Anons to get put in the same garbage bin as tin foil hat conspiracy theory Alex Jones fans.

Same with Q trolling the Biblefags with Scripture quotes. It turns off millennials and normies who could be easily redpilled but who don't believe in religious bullshit.

c81f78 No.1586045

File: 0aa09f9b09789d0⋯.png (545.7 KB, 600x429, 200:143, Kanye - We got a runaway.png)

Uh oh! Kanye's wife…

Got another runaway?


ter months of back-channel talks between Kim Kardashian and Jared Kushner, the high priestess of reality television is coming to the White House. By late afternoon on Wednesday, Secret Service agents will wave Kardashian and her attorney through the southwest appointment gate to the West Wing, where they will meet Kushner to discuss prison reform before he walks with them to sit down with President Donald Trump, likely in the Oval Office, along with White House counsel. According to a person familiar with the meeting, Kardashian plans to ask Trump to pardon a woman serving a life sentence without parole for a first-time drug offense. (White House staffers have joked about who will get to accompany her to the West Wing, and what they should wear for the occasion. The White House did not immediately respond to requests for comment.)


3c31db No.1586046


this really is a slide from qresearch, make a thread on it, then we can discuss all sorts of things about it.

like how in rec states barely any companies cure their product so you almost always have mold in the product, whereas when it was illegal, street dealers (our their sources) did know to cure it, so it was much better quality, and didnt contain the mold….

wonder what the effects of smoking mold is…. interesting that pretty much all weed now has mold thanks to legalization…….

dont respond to me here, make a thread on it, respond there, or not at all, time to stop sliding qresearch with weed talk

18df18 No.1586047


>Any confirmation on FOX picking it up?

Total bullshit

FOX is trying to sell their network to the same people who just fired Roseanne.

Does anyone really think they're going to queer that multi-billion dollar deal by hiring Roseanne?

9d868f No.1586048

91f136 No.1586049


How do you debunk multiple images. The chick tagged the church of satan in a tweet. It's not necessarily a secret

914470 No.1586050

Roseann is making sure (((they))) can't blame drugs for their behavior and actions.

a7b578 No.1586051


Dude no one wants the liberals or sanctuary city’s ….but this attitude if that’s the only way to have weed is obsurd ! Trump hates big pharma and I’ve seen trump comment on knowing there’s medical proof in weed for many and gonna look into that …meanwhile this is a war on good vs evil ..not conservative vs pot so stop the bullshit ! And I don’t even smoke the chit !

f21538 No.1586052


HUGE DISSERVICE! I copied it as a meme and might have shared it to underscore very real hypocrisy. Thanks Anon for the fake news heads up. And to 1585704, are you a shill or just stupid? In either case, you're an asshole and don't belong here.

ae6f2d No.1586053


Short version…

American Legion infiltrated and gaslighted to create FF attack using agents provocateur.

General approached to lead clueless Legionnaires to effect policy.

Flynn approached with similar offer?

19374b No.1586054

File: 4e0aaa0569d2d49⋯.jpeg (77.01 KB, 1225x225, 49:9, 9CACBC75-A1AF-42F1-96A5-A….jpeg)


did you even

check em?!

before uttering such drivel?

9d868f No.1586055


The purchase deal, did not include Fox.

704a05 No.1586056



Feck, I thought i heard that yesterday.., but that was misinfo.

re: Fox. I thought Fox was selling only part of their network, not everything?

facd2e No.1586057


That is what I was thinking, why the hell would FOX put itself in the line of fire while trying to get rid of the channel?

e4dc6c No.1586058

File: fd206da1a8774c4⋯.jpg (62.91 KB, 800x585, 160:117, tumblr_p6o4xgcQy31s7e5k5o1….jpg)


- Painter[415]

2473e1 No.1586059

Trump 3 tweets this morning [0] deltas

139637 No.1586060


Well, I can understand the need to drop the bible stuff here and there, the cabal's been pre-programming the concept of revelation-tier mayhem for so long that they've gotta get some heavy duty influential biblefags on the scene deprogrammed from that agenda.

d2b90d No.1586061


It's not just men. women do it also, and it is a handy tool to mainstream the behavior, as it opens an avenue to compromise men, who have a hugely disruptive hormonal burst at puberty. men are traditionally pursuing women and often think its 'cool' that they got themselves a teacher. sounds nuts until you think back to what puberty was like (if you are male). pubescent males are far easier to trap and comp. males go cogdiss between desire to 'tap that' and emerging moral compass.

females can freely tap their own infants and kids via babysitting. huge opportunity there and the usual repercussion is simply no more babysitting for that family, as they want it to go away rather than bring it out for fear of 'scarring' those kids.

i have seen females do it in high schools (basketball, softball, volleyball coaches should ALL be circumspect) and colleges. know both pedos and victims personally of females. have exposed several only to see the schools cover it up by transferring rather than firing due to the blowback.

793473 No.1586062


And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony. And they did not love their lives so much that they were afraid to die.

feb822 No.1586063


Hope EU will die and hitler's offspring will be in chains.

6400d2 No.1586064

File: ec3783fbf2ed4e9⋯.png (364.46 KB, 600x595, 120:119, ClipboardImage.png)

Good morning, anons. Wew, this bread!

Pic related…

014be3 No.1586065

467fca No.1586066


Are you insane? Hannity never treated Mueller with kid gloves and he certainly has not stopped crying foul on this witch hunt. What drugs are you on?

7b7dc3 No.1586067

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f48ce6 No.1586068

File: 4d49eed1eaa2ad1⋯.png (226.56 KB, 838x585, 838:585, Screen Shot 2018-05-17 at ….png)


Bingo!! And Pineapple Express is great. Used to get it up in Nederland from the old heads. When they changed the laws and all the old schoolers and their AMAZING strains had to leave the game, the shit tanked. The herb was SO amazing for a while.

There's only a couple of spots in Denver/Boulder that are good enough for me. I'm a snob yo!!


b1b6bc No.1586069





POTUS just tweeted Gowdy… why?


Gowdy was shit talking Sessions… someone we know to Trust.

POTUS RE-QUOTED IT. Think mirror… who to trust?

e4dc6c No.1586070

File: 7d78c64d2a6ed52⋯.jpg (234.35 KB, 845x1183, 5:7, q-eliz-30.jpg)

Q - "When does the clock run out?"

- Painter [415]

8f8a6c No.1586071


>Found a connection(?) from POTUS Tweet on March 31

Looks rather like "11. Marz 2018"…. "langsamgehtslos" – I see. I don't quite understand today's graphic yet in >>1585865 but the day's just started, and the other two make sense to me.

f77017 No.1586072

File: 4850952cc64cc2f⋯.jpg (362.33 KB, 1540x460, 77:23, shm (10).jpg)

SR going crazy, been pulsing every 15 mins for the last week or so, Its now pulsing every 7 mins.

http:/ /sosrff.tsu.ru/new/shm.jpg

18df18 No.1586073


Kardashian has been working with Kushner for awhile.

Look at the history.

Both Kanye & Kim offered to campaign for Obama and he didn't even dignify them with a response.

Meanwhile, he's treating JayZ & Beyonce like royalty.

Kanye is still steamed that those 2 skipped his wedding.

Obama also publicly called Kanye a jackass, twice.

Trump is showing Kanye respect.

Kim is already taking a lot of heat for even dealing with Kushner, despite the good cause but she will still redpill many of her 40 million Twitter followers.

facd2e No.1586074


Hinting at Gowdy replacing Sessions or at least where Sessions was recused.

41f517 No.1586075


> How many times does Q have to say, ‘Enjoy the show?’ before people relax, sit back and ENJOY THE SHOW

But there is no show. There have been no happenings, Q has been silent for a week, known problems in California are not being cleaned up, and it is now too late to clean them up without being accused of interfering in the elections. Q has hinted that he knows… and nothing happens.

2259ae No.1586076


Site bug. There are a few threads at >>>/sudo/ addressing the issue.

704a05 No.1586077


Weed is a pacifier.

Chronic weed use makes you passive.

f48ce6 No.1586078

File: c5a923a584ba1a4⋯.png (239.45 KB, 592x422, 296:211, Screen Shot 2018-05-30 at ….png)


Good morning Anon. A pretty good night, not a LOT going on. Lots of weird shilling and Roseanne has been going at it. Ummm…yeah…Get comfy.

Oh, there's THIS. I wonder if Ye is going to be there?? This would be HUGE for the black community, people who have been FUCKED by the prison business, and America in general.

e0f6bd No.1586079

File: 6b4b9b739685bb7⋯.jpg (21.4 KB, 270x313, 270:313, QueenEvil.JPG)


The Chair

875cc3 No.1586080


So maybe it's RR on the way out? Could be.

96e357 No.1586081

File: e974bd3cbc9fc27⋯.jpeg (10.7 KB, 228x221, 228:221, pepe eyes bleed.jpeg)


400 posts and 2 notables

if you are just here to argue, you are wrong.

Anons please do not feed the paid (((Shylocks)))

(((they))) Get paid when you respond

Obvi Concrn Faggots/division hatred' is obvious

If you are a slide

Im gonna filter you, if you are notable and wonder why

im ignoring you, That is why

(i reset filter after each bread)

Current List of Notables


>>1585682 'Rainbow Cultural Garden' NXIVM sexualization of our children (SICK, DIG ON THIS)

>>1585980 Large Explosion Rips through UPS center in Kentucky


Help the baker out

Baker notable=

'Link Post

Brief description of why it's notable

Anything else wrong, Please let me know

Appreciate all of you Anons!




Baker Requested

b1b6bc No.1586082



Why was Captcha request removed from the bread? Was it responded to?

0ff498 No.1586083

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


The Business Plot was an alleged political conspiracy in 1933 in the United States. Retired Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler claimed that wealthy businessmen were plotting to create a fascist veterans' organization with Butler as its leader and use it in a coup d'état to overthrow President Franklin D. Roosevelt. In 1934, Butler testified before the United States House of Representatives Special Committee on Un-American Activities (the "McCormack-Dickstein Committee") on these claims.[1] No one was prosecuted.

At the time of the incidents, news media dismissed the plot, with a New York Times editorial characterizing it as a "gigantic hoax".[2]

While historians have questioned whether or not a coup was actually close to execution, most agree that some sort of "wild scheme" was contemplated by a Wall Street bond salesman who discussed it with Butler. Butler himself was a speaker at left-wing rallies who denounced capitalists.


13642b No.1586084

File: af2ec3614bad62f⋯.png (236.38 KB, 672x500, 168:125, unicorn.png)


She trolling them you faggot. Fighting fire with fire.

Besides, Satan isn't real. Good and evil don't actually exist. There is no way to prove anything supernatural exist.

Wake the fuck up.

3c31db No.1586085


totally get it, ill continue to trust sessions until Q says not too,

and i do recall those trump tweets though i dont think they were ever as direct as this one…

i think it just stood out to me cause it feels kinda pointless at this stage to try distancing himself from sessions, my thinking on that is that i doubt the deep state have any more wonder over sessions interests.

but i guess i should have thought about the purpose of public perception, that much does make sense,


f48ce6 No.1586086


Not if you smoke sativas. It's like a mood enhancing speedish type of vibe. I hit an indica, and I want to sleep for weeks.

And forget edibles. ZzzzzzzzzZzzzzzzZzzzz

e0f6bd No.1586087


Bullshit. I'm a chronic user and I get shit done.

875cc3 No.1586088


it's a full length feature show. I saw the end when Q posted we were coming in for a landing.

323438 No.1586089

File: b67a5b8da43fc79⋯.png (158 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


It's funny that the Founding Fathers didn't bother to enshrine this into the Bill of Rights, because it was so obviously in their era that it didn't need legal protection. Only in the past century has the Big Pharma and Big Medicine lobby gotten so strong that fundamental rights have been stripped away from We The People.

The Right to Try bill is a step in returning fundamental rights to the People, but I can't really get all excited about it. We should have the ability to select and consume whatever herbs, supplements, nutrients, etc. we believe will benefit our health and well-being. This is certainly not just about marijuana although marijuana is one of those substances with a lot of credits on the healing side. It's about EVERYTHING. It's about fighting back about the U.N.'s Codex Alimentarius too. It's about and and all substances from nature for health maintenance.

e4dc6c No.1586090

File: d28ba9b89d98ecf⋯.jpg (25.44 KB, 240x159, 80:53, 32733099450_1749d2721d_m.jpg)


Beneath the Chair is a STONE

- Painter[415]

91f136 No.1586091


You're a shill or utterly naive. We didn't come from nothing. There is a God and thus a Devil. You must be new here if you don't think evil exists. There is pure evil operating every day to abuse and torture children. You have no idea. I'm more awake than I would like to be sometimes.

f48ce6 No.1586092




467fca No.1586093





The deal has already been made. Shareholders will vote on it.

Fox Sets Shareholder Vote on Disney Sale


a7b578 No.1586094


Gowdy is one of two things:

Either he is a “bad guy”

Or he’s compromised

If compromised he could still be a actor in the show …..get it?

914470 No.1586095

File: c1f524acb9123f1⋯.jpg (71.37 KB, 500x421, 500:421, Wilkinson-with-Cheryl-Mill….jpg)


David Gregory's wife, Beth Wilkerson is the daughter of a submarine commander – a former JAG lawyer – represent a woman who was a key part of the illegal Benghazi arms-smuggling operation, – who cut back the security force, – and who participated in the blame-game cover story that everything was caused by ‘vile internet video’


014be3 No.1586096

File: 5b3d62d44d47e99⋯.jpg (143.75 KB, 584x573, 584:573, kim.jpg)


Kim loves her husband. She has immense power, I hope she awakens spiritually just as Kanye did. Given their proximity this is likely to happen.

1a77f4 No.1586097


drug prohibition like alcohol prohibition is a LIBERAL policy.

too many americans confused by lies.

man has no right to "illegalize" what god created - but use your brain and don't do things that harm you.

90f7eb No.1586098


I tend to have noted that President Trump means what he says. Can you give me an example otherwise?

e0f6bd No.1586099


Early the next morning Jacob took the stone he had placed under his head and set it up as a pillar and poured oil on top of it.

e3d721 No.1586100

File: a16b2857d4492f1⋯.png (149.62 KB, 304x264, 38:33, 1527546757694.png)

3c31db No.1586101


we could come up with the lyrics first.. hard to come by an anon who can both make the video and the lyrics..

479684 No.1586102


That is terrible. I hope you and your family are doing the best you can be.

d07394 No.1586103

File: 6c8a25cfc9d4157⋯.png (922.19 KB, 1614x1614, 1:1, clean Qclock - Copy.png)


>>1566766 (prev bread)

clockanon got us a blank clock template

update >>1566766 ??

TY BAKER (newfag here, pretend this is in red?)

dfcdf3 No.1586104


Queen (then Princess) Elizabeth as a driver in WWII

844e0d No.1586105


what is SR?

d2b90d No.1586106


a LARGE part of cabal ops is simply to let the current scandal "fade away' in the news cycle. once you realize that, you can see who is helpig it happen. you can also see Potus not letting it happen via twatting.

Gowdy is dirty, on the reignation list.

Gowdy never completed any investigation.

Gowdy talks both sides and pretends honesty and fairness - the centrist appeaser - but never ends anything.

Gowdy and the entire bunch he is with are professional 'scandal starvers' to let these stories get tired and worn out in the public eye so they eventually get buried by the next corruption cycle.

40k level lets you see it

ef01f0 No.1586107

File: 0facaf94ba89560⋯.jpg (85.06 KB, 722x500, 361:250, shills - Dont-Read-Crumbs.….jpg)


>Common sense politics and no weed, or get buzzed and have demoncrap bullshit …bla bla bla.

False dichotomy.

Those are not the only two options, although you might think/believe they are.

This has been explained to you and/or others now several times.

Right here in this bread!


014be3 No.1586108


There is a Creator and you can be close or far away from him, giving you the experiences of "good" and "evil".

50e48b No.1586109

File: 6ed78e9b11e8ac8⋯.jpg (24.88 KB, 491x232, 491:232, FollowtheSTARS.jpg)

Keep following them STARS

479684 No.1586110


Ok, if not a positive role then what role are you eluding to?

91f136 No.1586111


Schuman Resonances

13642b No.1586112


How about teaching people critical thinking skills and to change the narrative with intelligent debate using logic and evidence?

This lowset common denomintor shit needs to stop.

e0f6bd No.1586113

Now Roseanne is blaming Ambien for her tweet..

I don't trust her..

96e357 No.1586114


Hey bruv,


number 8 on the list,

see if you can get this anons attention


793473 No.1586115

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

ae6f2d No.1586116


Cool. Criminal Conspiracy.


Who approached Flynn?

What was to be the target?

Who were the mercenary forces to be?

Who is bankrolling.

Who is Really Bank Rolling?

a7b578 No.1586117


Completely agree

e9ee1e No.1586118


So what does it mean if you are seeing them, the actual pleiadian beings.

e4dc6c No.1586119

File: 20e5b56ddeccfc3⋯.jpg (8.85 KB, 355x142, 5:2, download (3).jpg)


June 13 - She is hiding

June 21 - She is gone

April Showers = Lyrids Meteor Shower


Hurricane headed her way.

- Painter[415]

b1b6bc No.1586120

File: c233772c31636bf⋯.png (24.9 KB, 646x143, 646:143, ClipboardImage.png)

b797d6 No.1586121


Trump will say things that are just slightly wrong to get the MSM to flip their shit and tell the truth just to spite him.

723a4d No.1586122


We know, normal people don't know. Normal people must be made to know before anything can be done. Like Q said, the hardest part is knowing but unable to act until the public knows. You are witnessing a chess game right now except the Q team knows all possible moves now and knows all roads lead to victory. So sit back, relax, maybe get some covfefe or some tea if that is your thing though that is served best in a harbor, and lastly enjoy the show.

c81f78 No.1586123


The Roseanne event sends the signal that it's not safe to step outside The D Plantation.

Today KKW goes to DC.

(((They're))) losing the narrative.

(((They're))) losing control.



a71e06 No.1586124


can you tell the pledians if they exist to hurry up and fire a energy weapon at soros. or podesta. just one would do it

18df18 No.1586125


It's a confusing deal.

Disney and Comcast are battling for FOX right now


But Disney already made a deal in December

>Disney’s $52 billion all-stock buy out of Fox’s film, television, and international businesses was announced in December 2017

Either way, there is no way FOX is getting Roseanne

467fca No.1586126


You don't have a clue on whether anything has been done with CA or not. DHS will release a report in June about it's investigation into voter fraud. You won't get this info on MSM, so best to watch the DHS website for info. It's not being ignored and it is not necessarily too late.

dfcdf3 No.1586127



In chess. "When does the clock run out?"

A chess clock has a timer for each player. The player who runs out of time losses

3d18c9 No.1586128


Did Kim fuck his bros piece?, while looking cool wid his fiddy an a sweada on??

Was his dog happy bout how he felt when da president din slap it like his gold chain?

What about Jayz dog? did Jayz buy dose new pair ah chooze? wit da booz bruhda?

If homedog Obama din dignify, den wut up wit dat?

Trump chowin da nig respect?

Right da fuk own brodda.

Kim takin dah head wit da kush kush and a case? gonna redpill dat chit?

40 mil on da twit bra.

bouncin dat chit dawg!

a7b578 No.1586129


Maybe she’s doing exactly what the liberal side does to prove a point ? We really don’t know and can only guess at this point…but being quick to judge is never good

e4dc6c No.1586130



Coronation Stone

Stone of Scone

- Painter[415]

252a05 No.1586131


More interesting stuff.

ea6a93 No.1586132

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Invading Luciferian Doctrine

of the Fallen Ones, The Ancients

pre-adamic, antediluvian world to present

The history of the world explained


have you ever wandered why they operate like they do

click it….. dont ticket …….baby

very interesting / informative

Tim Alberino Interview -

on the Hagmann & Hagmann Show

b1b6bc No.1586133



I can't say, anon. I always leave the door open for possibilities of being wrong, but the evidence he's swamp is starting to get overwhelming. At some point you gotta trust your own eyes. Q can't hold our hand forever.

Speaking of, they need to drop us a bone. This long gap is bad for morale.

71ee7d No.1586134


How would "rewind the clock" come into play with this theory?

aa1bbb No.1586135


Got to find proof of life before june 2 or its cindy for sure.

2259ae No.1586137


I don't know, I didn't remove anything from the breads. I did answer it multiple times though. The only two options for captcha are: 1 captcha per post (disabled), and captcha when creating threads (enabled).

18df18 No.1586138


I don't speak Jive

d01f90 No.1586139

The Protocols of Zion

Full text of book:


Amazon book:


*** Damn..^^ Read the reviews of this Amazon Book.!!! And the description.!!

Whistleblower ex illuminati video.( notice tears well up in this man's eyes when he talks about child blood sacrifice he was asked to do- very sincere ) this video got me digging Protocols of Zion….

*Now to find the NSA whitepaper he mentions in video* if any Anons have already found this, please link/reply

Here is the video:


What is BIS. Bank of International Settlements.? Big. Vatican

Crypto currency created in 90's by.((them)) bitcoin etc is just version 3 of it.

Much more…. Dig

d2b90d No.1586140


the child suffers. let the truth out. maybe a divorce results, maybe not as women can bear more than men. embrace the child and come clean even if it costs you that position.

covering it up is what benefits the cabal. we all make mistakes, but a child should be the primary focus and not cast off as collateral damage. acknowledging and/or embracing it best for child, conscience and eliminates it as leverage for future use.

5cc3f9 No.1586141


POTUS retweeted Gowdy to amplify his statement. Makes POTUS look frustrated over Russia probe. If you haven't picked up on POTUS's game yet there's no hope for (you). Then again from ur first post we can all see ur intent here.

c81f78 No.1586142




Played them like a fiddle, Q did!

Enjoy the show.

f48ce6 No.1586143


Let's hope!!

65fea3 No.1586144

File: 3dad9339ede39ab⋯.jpg (129.04 KB, 500x687, 500:687, america the sexy 2.jpg)

Q has opened our eyes to the fact that evil is getting its ass kicked right now. Pedos are dropping like flies, Propaganda machines are eating up Roseanne shit. POTUS and team Q are keeping evil on the run.

Soros now out in the open. No longer 4 steps removed. Money is drying up fast! ThankQ POTUS. And thank you Day BAKER.


52916e No.1586145


Yep, and they gonna do her for trafficking 15kg of Fentanyl in that big ol ugly ass of hers

014be3 No.1586146


Can we get a quick rundown on those?

8f8a6c No.1586147


There was a set of PDFs as well, zipped @ mega.nz, containing all 720 (12 hrs) minutes for those who're not scared of latex-created pdfs … lol. I could dig out the link, if needed.


Not sure if anon still needs svg files. Can create them pretty quickly probably.

9a3903 No.1586148



b1b6bc No.1586149


I recall. A sudo thread was created but never responded to.


91f136 No.1586150


Learn to speak properly before talking here. We're not gonna lower ourselves to your level in attempts to understand whatever the fuck you're trying to say

38a061 No.1586151

File: d9ed1899ad01f51⋯.png (654.14 KB, 1432x560, 179:70, memday2018.png)

To every family member of the fallen, I want you to know that the legacy of those you lost does not fade with time, but grows only more powerful. Their legacy does not, like a voice in the distance, become a faint echo. But, instead, their legacy grows deeper, spreading further, touching more lives, reaching down through time and out across many generations. Through their sacrifice, your loved ones have achieved something very, very special: immortality.


f48ce6 No.1586152

File: dd2bc19f3ccaee7⋯.png (447.27 KB, 720x476, 180:119, Screen Shot 2018-02-01 at ….png)

467fca No.1586153


exactly. Some anon last night called me every name in the book because this went against his narrative. FOX isn't going to pick up Roseanne.

Correct, the deal with Disney has already been made. The big question is will Disney shareholders vote no and allow a bidding war.

323438 No.1586154

File: 906658d229bfb6a⋯.jpg (146.84 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, EnjoyTheShow.jpg)

File: 68c4bb971dceb70⋯.jpg (175.93 KB, 1251x554, 1251:554, 2018-05-29_12:00:34.jpg)



"Every detailed accounted for"

"Every scenario planned for"

"Enjoy the show"

We're good, anons.

Things are moving along just right.


(But keep digging, meming, and praying).

58ad9c No.1586155

File: 410001d5ae43e86⋯.jpeg (497 KB, 1261x1300, 97:100, A69D994C-1852-4466-BAEA-0….jpeg)

“…follow the pen…”

Just POTUS pen or might this “cia pen” tweet be of interest?

90f7eb No.1586156


What is "slightly wrong" about regretting his selection of Sessions? How many times does President Trump have to say it? It has nothing to do with Trust and everything to do with President Trump's regret.

721ddb No.1586157

I'm blacker than Valerie Jarrett (I'm white)

ebef79 No.1586158


*until somethin 'supernatural' happens to you :D…..interesting word selection*


c7b030 No.1586159

Nobody is disputing the Valerie Jarrett = Muslim Brotherhood connection.

134e89 No.1586160


bully, taking your censorship bitching elsewhere

014be3 No.1586161


If more people were aware of the situation that certainly would help. This is a delicate matter.

1d12e4 No.1586162


I got your 6 anon. Stay frosty.

117ef0 No.1586163

File: 762926f4bf9c81b⋯.jpeg (407.14 KB, 1350x1347, 450:449, download.jpeg)

While Right to Try is being hailed as a boon for marijuana users (Only if you are terminally ill, btw, hope this isn't you!!!) the bill that POTUS is about to sign needs to be recognized for so much more.

The bill BREAKS big pharma.

The bill moves CURES into the pipeline.

You see, Big Pharma (see also Rothschilds) has relied for many years on the corrupt FDA to protect its profits. Once the Right to Try is established, doctors and patients can take non-approved techniques and medicines and put them to practice. (Do always remember that it's the PRACTICE of medicine.) Once these cures and techniques are in place and used effectively, we start feeling better. Drug prices start going down because of increased competition from natural products.

Remember, many of the natural cures have reams of data to argue their efficacy, it's just that Big Pharma doesn't make money off of them, so they have been deliberately withheld.

Here's to a new day for health care in America.



And thanks anons for sticking with it here.

793473 No.1586164

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Yuri Bezmenov : Subversion and Control of Western Society

ae6f2d No.1586165



This is how Q Started.

Something bad enough to be a catalyst.

If You do not address this Anon, You must be Shill.

0e20fe No.1586166

File: 339b7c6035c9fb0⋯.jpg (154.3 KB, 469x460, 469:460, Q-easter-laugh.jpg)





Not a follower, but Roseanne rocks.

Anyone who sows seeds of doubt on this matter given her appearance(s) in the crumbs

<pic related

>should not be participating in discussions.

here. You are free to go elsewhere to express your opinions, e.g. the YouTube chat/comment sections.

721ddb No.1586167


6400d2 No.1586169

File: 92757b2f1ca4d91⋯.png (69.03 KB, 500x246, 250:123, ClipboardImage.png)


The Forensicator’s earlier findings stated that Guccifer 2.0’s NGP-VAN files were accessed locally on the East Coast, and in another analysis they suggested that a file published by Guccifer 2.0 was created in the Central time zone of the United States. Most recently, a former DNC official refuted the DNC’s initial allegations that Trump opposition files had been ex-filtrated from the DNC by Russian state-sponsored operatives.

So, if Guccifer 2.0’s role was negated by the statements of the DNC’s own former “official” in a 2017 report by the Associated Press, why do we now return our attention to the Guccifer 2.0 persona, as we reflect on the last section of new findings from the Forensicator?

dfcdf3 No.1586170


Battle of Britain

3df9e8 No.1586171


13 Angry Democrats

13 A D


479684 No.1586172


Ok, I've contemplated the possibility Trey Gowdy is comped or blackhat.. I've seen more posturing and "acting" but we all have our bias.. I guess we'll just wait and enjoy the show.

bec09e No.1586173

numberfag here,

17 dots in POTUS ellipses today…

467fca No.1586174


I don't trust her either. She's gone off the plantation before. Just because she voted for Trump does not make her a conservative. She is not. And I don't think this is some elaborate plan to confuse the DS. But, time will tell. Just wish anons would quit glorifying her.

e4dc6c No.1586175


​Broadmayne D5: The Days Before D-Day.

704a05 No.1586176


Who are Disney's Shareholders?

I bet most of them are dirty af.

2259ae No.1586177


You could always try sending an email. admin@8chan.co

6400d2 No.1586178

File: 6d7c0644816e7f4⋯.png (358.14 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Of note, when Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) asked Simpson if he was still being paid for work related to the dossier, Simpson refused to answer.

“So you didn’t do any work on the Trump matter after the election date; that was the end of your work?” Schiff asked.

Simpson responded, saying: “I had no client after the election.”

where we do have actual evidence of misleading testimony in Committee interviews, we should treat it seriously. For example, when the Committee staff interviewed Glenn Simpson in August of 2017, Majority staff asked him: “So you didn’t do any work on the Trump matter after the election date, that was the end of your work?” Mr. Simpson answered: “I had no client after the election.”

As we now know, that was extremely misleading, if not an outright lie. -Sen. Chuck Grassley

“Contrary to Mr. Simpson’s denial in the staff interview, according to the FBI and others," Grassley notes, "Fusion actually did continue Trump dossier work for a new client after the election."

2aa8f9 No.1586179


She's spotlighting big pharma, just like she did on her show. What's so hard to understand?

f48ce6 No.1586180


What if endless experiences that you had before you were even age 10 didn't line up with what you were saying??

But this is why religion (Not Jesus or the other teachers) is so wack. You can't prove Spiritual Truth, you have to experience it. It is ONLY REALLY worth anything to those who experience it.

914470 No.1586181

U.S. Committee for the Care of European Children (USCOM)


U.S. Committee for the Care of European Children" (USCOM)[1][2] was a quasi-governmental American body established in June 1940, with the intent to try to save mainly Jewish refugee children who came from Continental Europe, and to evacuate them to the United States. Since the U.S. was neutral until Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, USCOM was still able to operate in Vichy France from its founding in June 1940, until the Nazi occupation of Vichy France in November 1941.

USCOM should be contrasted with CORB, whose purpose was to bring children from Great Britain to the U.S.

USCOM was co-founded by First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt and Louis S. Weiss. Eleanor Roosevelt, from her position of influence, continued to strongly support USCOM. In actuality, she was greatly involved in the mission to rescue mainly Jewish European children through all possible relevant agencies (see below).

Many other non-Governmental organisations, such as HIAS, the Joint, and the Quakers, and individuals such as Gilbert and Eleanor Kraus, also worked to save mainly Jewish children and send them to the United States. In Europe, these included the American-based GJCA which worked directly in Germany, and the French Jewish organization OSE.

721ddb No.1586182


The way I look at it is if Gowdy is black hat, Q team would know this. And if we already have it all, he is useless at this point. I think he is good play just playing a part. If Trump easily got everything he asked for, it would look suspicious. It needs to look like he is not working hand in hand with Congress, so when congress resists him a bit that is a good thing for optics

8f8a6c No.1586183


Not sure yet, myself. Maybe you would find some message Q pointed to, like demonstrated in >>1585865 (1st image), and in that message find another marker or some "delta" (in minutes).

So you'd then wind then clock by these number of minutes, or to that next marker, and check that message as well. But all just ideas so far …

9d868f No.1586184


SHILL! You obviously didn't do your research.

No U for you, your to much of a non-expanded mind thinker to understand anything, GTFO.

a0c0a7 No.1586186


Nice catch! 17 .

7b7dc3 No.1586187

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2aa8f9 No.1586188


If wishes were fishes, the world would be an oyster.

POTUS and Roseann have a good relationship. I can believe her fooling me, but she ain't fooling Trump. If he likes her, I like her.

f48ce6 No.1586189


Oxycontin, Ambien and Xanax, those are the main death pills. There are others, but those three…DAMN.

3adf65 No.1586190

It's too bad the Soros part of Rosanne's tweet is being overlooked.

He warns of the "upcoming economic crash". He has done it twice before: Britain and Asia.

6400d2 No.1586191


Wikileaks VJ search

3d18c9 No.1586192


Oh cause there for a second I thought you were posting a copy of some script from Jerry springer.

19374b No.1586193


what bill is he signing?

ebef79 No.1586194


17 dots confirmed

17= Q

Is Q w/ POTUS?

96e357 No.1586195


I don't know how much longer i can keep

my eyes open and bread is speeding up with

all the shills,

If you want to put it together and i'm still

here i will for sure notable it for others to see

What you are doing is super important

9d868f No.1586196


There's the problem with the US, to busy trying to care for other assholes that don't fucking care about us!


Let them continue down a path they CHOSE!

e4dc6c No.1586197


SA → US → Asia → EU

7 Monarchies of the EU. They are all related. The Queen is the Head.

Hitler was a Pawn.

Their War never ended, just [changed] form.

18df18 No.1586198


Comcast is trying to sway the shareholders with a better offer before the Disney deal is confirmed but Comcast owns the majority share of NBC. They're just as Leftist as Disney and they're not going to allow Roseanne on FOX.

e0f6bd No.1586199

File: 4383deeae4e56ff⋯.png (49.01 KB, 396x488, 99:122, ClipboardImage.png)

VJ in the news, takes me back to this Q post

f48ce6 No.1586200

File: f47654a23c95494⋯.png (209.49 KB, 510x509, 510:509, Screen Shot 2018-05-30 at ….png)

53b6cf No.1586201


big question is why we are using synthetic opiates cut with garbage instead of natural raw opium.

100,000+ dead and rising all for profits.

793473 No.1586202

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

America's Marines Singing "Days of Elijah"

50e48b No.1586203


Give me one valid reason for Roseannes stupid comment.

e3d721 No.1586204

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Who blew up this SpaceX launch and why? ET intervention begins to increase. What was the real cargo? Sauce about half way thru the video

bec09e No.1586205


Pretty sure POTUS is on Q team,

all three tweets posted at the same time was also a Qlue…

117ef0 No.1586206


From last bread.


145a0c No.1586207

File: 68ab4f5ff7758b7⋯.png (103.69 KB, 718x340, 359:170, Val Jarrett.PNG)

In the November/December issue of Stanford Magazine, letter-writers filled in the blanks left by the puff piece. Just speaking truth to power, Val!

When I saw the cover photograph of Valerie Jarrett, I was reminded of the school fight song referring to “Stanford Red.” I am quite dismayed that this radical leftist is featured (“I Want Her Inside the White House,” September/October). She is, as you might recall, the one who recruited the self-avowed communist, Van Jones, to be part of President Obama’s inner circle. [Jones was special advisor on green jobs at the White House Council on Environmental Quality from March 2009 until his resignation in September.]

Some have also likened her to a slumlord, er, lady. According to the Boston Globe’s Binyamin Appelbaum on June 27, 2008, Grove Parc Plaza, a slum housing project in the very district that Obama represented for eight years, is 20 percent uninhabitable because of “unfixed problems, such as collapsed roofs and fire damage. Mice scamper through the halls. Battered mailboxes hang open. Sewage backs up into kitchen sinks. In 2006, federal inspectors graded the condition of the complex an 11 on a 100-point scale—a score so bad the buildings now face demolition. . . . Jarrett is the chief executive of Habitat Co., which managed Grove Parc Plaza from 2001 until this winter and co-managed an even larger subsidized complex in Chicago that was seized by the federal government in 2006, after city inspectors found widespread problems.”

As Appelbaum reported, “Grove Parc and several other prominent failures were developed and managed by Obama’s close friends and political supporters. Those people profited from the [federal] subsidies even as many of Obama’s constituents suffered. Tenants lost their homes; surrounding neighborhoods were blighted.” Among those [profiting] was convicted felon, Antoin “Tony” Rezko. Need I go on?

I located this information with a few mouse clicks. You could have done so as well. How far left has the Farm become? Is this cover an indication? Valerie Jarrett has no business being lauded by our magazine, despite her connection with Stanford and the current administration. Shame!

Ward S. De Witt, ’62

Missoula, Montana

How timely to see Valerie Jarrett on the cover. You have highlighted the woman who has just been exposed as one of the most vocal advocates for Van Jones, an avowed communist and public supporter of a cop-killing murderer [death row prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal], now exposed and removed from government.

What a great lesson: Valerie’s Stanford education did not provide her with a moral compass sufficient to recognize that Jones would be bad news in any administration. I’m left wondering if Jarrett, or Stanford, can recognize the immoral shamefulness of her actions?

As a senior mentor in India once told me, “An educated scoundrel is still a scoundrel.” How true it is.

Pete Holzmann, ’79

Black Forest, Colorado

You cannot imagine my dismay to learn that the architect of the Van Jones debacle is a Stanford graduate.

Tom Flood, ’66

Danville, California

The ill timing of the Valerie Jarrett cover story was really quite ironic. Far from being a canard of the right, the Van Jones affair is troubling on many levels. In his own words, Jones, a self-proclaimed communist, attributed his conversion to people he met during his incarceration: “I met all these radical people of color, I mean really radical, communists and anarchists. It was like ‘this is what I need to be a part of.’ I spent the next ten years of my life working with a lot of those people I met in jail, trying to be a revolutionary.” In 1994, Jones was one of the founders of STORM. Among other things, he accused “white polluters and environmentalists” of deliberately poisoning people of color. There is much more, all of which can be easily sourced, but to the point of Jarrett, it was she who, last month, told conferees, “Ooh, Van Jones. We were so delighted to recruit him to the White House. We were watching him . . . for as long as he’s been active out in Oakland.”

Jarrett’s role in the circumvention of confirmation proceedings through the appointment of “czars” is profoundly disturbing. Sen. Robert Byrd, among others, has warned of the danger of these “czar” appointments. The concentration of power in the executive branch, coupled with the circumvention of the confirmation process, is a serious threat to our nation and our way of life.

I hope that this story doesn’t end with the glowing endorsement of the September/October STANFORD.

Thomas A. Keiser

Wexford, Pennsylvania


ef01f0 No.1586208


>but did he step down to prosecute?

I recall him saying this in an interview (on fox?) back when he announced his retirement.

Disappointed he couldn't get anything done in congress because of limited powers.

1d1633 No.1586209


Whoa Anon. Gotta dig.

19374b No.1586210

File: 82528684a395bb4⋯.png (2.55 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 74ED18C3-5378-4243-89C7-7B….png)


hope you are right

dfcdf3 No.1586211


Trigger liberals.

9d868f No.1586212

Yeah, I know, cnn fuckery, right?

In addition to 21st Century Fox's movie studio and regional sports networks, Disney is buying cable channels FX and National Geographic. Disney will also get Fox's stakes in Hulu and European pay-TV provider Sky (SKYAY).


3d18c9 No.1586213

File: 7c36d39dcdb4783⋯.jpg (94.7 KB, 870x472, 435:236, american negros.jpg)

3df9e8 No.1586214


Protocols of zion are in Behold a Pale Horse right?

117ef0 No.1586215


I've always wondered this, too, anon. Laudanum has a long and useful medical history.

6ef455 No.1586216


Pop some popcorn, get comfy & enjoy the Show Anons!

134e89 No.1586217


I just watched Norah and Gayle announce on CBS this morning that a cure for bone and blood cancer was found in the trash at Oak Ridge.

5e51d5 No.1586218

we wont hear from Q until Friday (if 10 days of darkness applies)

f48ce6 No.1586219


So that they can #Genocide us.

I nearly died from oxy back in the day. Fuckers.

2aa8f9 No.1586220


You are watching a movie.

914470 No.1586221


>USCOM was co-founded by First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt and Louis S. Weiss.

Look at Weiss and his connections

These kids were 'indoctrinated/ MK'd ?


At war's end, he returned to Columbia Law School, where he became Editor-in-Chief of the Columbia Law Review and graduated in 1920.

In the late 1930s, Weiss met Marshall Field III through their common interest in psychoanalysis, and Weiss became Field's lawyer

Weiss was a longtime member of the National Legal Committee of the NAACP, and was elected to succeed Howard Law School Dean Charles H. Houston as its chair. He was a director of the American Council on Race Relations, a founder with Eleanor Roosevelt of the U.S. Committee for the Care of European Children at the outset of World War II, a longtime trustee and eventually chair of the New School for Social Research,[3] and a trustee of, among other organizations, the Field Foundation, the National Opinion Research Center, and the American Psychoanalytic Association.

793473 No.1586222

In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.

c81f78 No.1586223


No one who played the game is completely clean.

They all made a choice.

They are all making a choice as we type.

She is a potential conduit for good, like Kanye.

That said, her ass is ginormous

50e48b No.1586224


I suspect its more likely she has sent many voters back to the Demonrat Plantation

644825 No.1586225


my grandma always told me

"only dogs go mad"

a6e6b9 No.1586226





467fca No.1586227


No idea who the shareholders are but agreed about them being dirty.

2aa8f9 No.1586229


(((Your))) plan.

117ef0 No.1586230


Make it saucier, please.

35dd01 No.1586231


I'm sure Melania has seen some bad stuff in the modeling world. Jennifer Sky has written about the abuse in the modeling biz

"Countless questionable things happened to me during my time as a model. From neglect to molestation to topless photo shoots to men exposing themselves to being made to stand in a freezing pool until I turned blue, I would be abused for the entirety of my career. "


above article also mentions Bob DiNero lived next to the apartment where she & the teen models lived.

Robert DiNero has been quite loud. Getting scared, Bob?

6ef455 No.1586232


Imagine how our enemies feel…they don't know what or who to trust either. Brilliant plan of a stable genius! Get comfy.

c81f78 No.1586233

File: fcc55ff0e4c55b0⋯.png (228.09 KB, 708x572, 177:143, 6iz87l-vaGGSMY.png)

3d18c9 No.1586234


Have at it. If you see anything post it on the NXIVM board. Ill prolly try to put up some graphics on it. Running out of juice. 90+ companies on it.

3adf65 No.1586235



Nothing about campaign. All comments are about post inauguration. That Wray/Rosenstein are acting appropriately for the information known.

He deflected.

e0f6bd No.1586236

We've been giving aid money to Pakistan since 1948, the year Israel was formed…

Who did that aid money protect?



3df9e8 No.1586237


That kind of planning requires a tech we don't have knowledge of or a connection to the Almighty.

Or Both.

7fdfc7 No.1586238

Good luck at your meeting(s) today Pompeo!!

cd2f6b No.1586239


>have exposed several only to see the schools cover it up by transferring rather than firing due to the blowback.

That's the problem with public sector unions overall, but the teachers unions are some of the worst offenders. They strong-arm the schools into keeping this shit hush hush, perpetuating the abuse. They DO NOT give a flying fuck about the kids. Teacher fucks (or beats) student, teacher transferred to another school where he/she fucks (or beats) students. Around and around we go. When I was in school, they used to transfer teachers who physically battered students. They didn't wanna bother trying to fire them because the process for firing a tenured teacher is a nightmare and probably would've been unsuccessful. Fourth grade teacher tied up a student and put him in the closet. She was transferred. No discipline.

e4dc6c No.1586240

File: 6a8f9f58263e998⋯.jpg (111.24 KB, 960x720, 4:3, slide_17.jpg)


17 is also here. See file name.

Gen. "Black Jack" Pershing….mentor to the Stars.

[5 Stars]

914470 No.1586241

Gowdy just set himself up to be the darling hero of the MSM along with SESSIONS

18df18 No.1586242


Blaming Ambien is not going to help Roseanne.

Roseanne had to be destroyed because her show's finale exposed America's pill epidemic.

That is TABOO

All those drug ads you see are not to sell drugs.

They have their Doctor/Pushers for that.

The ads are to funnel billions of dollars to the media so they become dependent on that cash flow and do not DARE to report on all the problems caused by their opiods, psychotropics, etc.

a69eaa No.1586243


Allow me I speak jive.

He's saying through the use of allegory that the respect that Trump is giving the Negro Kanye is a street-smart stellar move that will give Trump political capital and Kim/Kanye more bling. Win/Win.

c7b030 No.1586244


Yes, it's actually often like this:

Known herbal cure relabeled as "snake oil".

Pharm synthesizes known cure. Not exact but close.

Body cannot process synthesized chemicals, therefore: side effects.

Pure evil going on there.

1f1a58 No.1586245


You mean 31. marz? :) cuz i dont know where you have found 11. marz.

Yeah today it was not a good hit for me. It would help me a lot if i would rly understand what Apache Beam is. Because of "APACHE" i looked today for news about "Data" or something along this. And the only real news i found was that Tencent (top 10 company beside apple, google,…) is moving its data center in China.

35dd01 No.1586246


Cure for some cancers found in an Oak Ridge National Lab waste container

117ef0 No.1586247

File: 589c524214fb587⋯.png (63.97 KB, 824x372, 206:93, Screen Shot 2018-05-30 at ….png)

File: 1745ec763850be2⋯.png (78.35 KB, 809x450, 809:450, Screen Shot 2018-05-30 at ….png)


Rothschilds, anon. Of course they are. Have you not been around long enough for the deep Disney digs? (Images related re: Disney holders.)

139637 No.1586248

File: c1c96979688ae62⋯.jpg (218.15 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Netflix n Shill.jpg)


Yeah.. he put out a public warning, cabal's M.O., that he has plans to crash some markets.

but have his other recent 'warnings' come to pass? he warned that US and NK nuclear war is a distinct possibility back in Jan…

38a061 No.1586249

File: 439ba442e0f43d6⋯.png (22.64 KB, 317x511, 317:511, ambien.png)

Ambien is trending

13642b No.1586250


Do you realize consciosness and self awareness is a product of our brain structure?

For example, love doesn't actually exist. It the result of chemicals in the brain interacting with specific brain structures that have evolved over thousands of year. You change brain chemistry or alter the brain structures and you create hallucinations.

We don't have free will either. The brain is hard wired to respond to most stimuli already. Do you understand basic neurochemistry? How about ROM and RAM and data storage in computers? It's not magic or supernatural. It's called science.

2aa8f9 No.1586251


Absolutely planned. She bet on the winning side and it's going to pay off for her. Over 100M searches yesterday for Valerie Jarrett. From what I see, we are nearly at exit velocity with respect to the redpilling. Things like Roseanne's tweet storms (huge audience) are just the boost we can use.

19374b No.1586252

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


repost for convenience, ty

baker notable

again please if already, for the weedfags

793473 No.1586253

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

117ef0 No.1586254


Indeed I once read where the patent requires one molecule difference, so they move the one molecule and make the big money.

7fdfc7 No.1586255


Yep. He got a positive Trump tweet. He's been annointed.

f48ce6 No.1586256


Ah ha!! KEK!!

e0f6bd No.1586257

File: 0726bdd8c23a709⋯.png (89.54 KB, 286x534, 143:267, ClipboardImage.png)


>Gen. "Black Jack" Pershing

467fca No.1586258


True, they have known each other a long time. Also true Potus is nobody's fool. But that doesn't mean a whole lot in reality. He use to be friends with the Clinton's too. Look at his long time atty, Cohen. Now seems to be crooked af. What about Tillerson? The list goes on.

I'm not saying she is bad or good. It doesn't really matter in the long run. She is one cog in the wheel. If she raises awareness, great. Just like Kanye, we should not be glorifying the stars. There is a bigger picture to look at.

186fd0 No.1586259



96e357 No.1586260


Love it when i see Anons post about

(((State Street Corporation)))

31005a No.1586261

File: 2a1126baf67a279⋯.jpeg (60.02 KB, 714x500, 357:250, image.jpeg)

File: f95a0edd59c2e99⋯.jpeg (93.38 KB, 820x1024, 205:256, image.jpeg)

File: 3dbdfd54e687d57⋯.jpeg (122.53 KB, 728x547, 728:547, image.jpeg)

File: 22f19daed153e9c⋯.jpeg (60.71 KB, 728x567, 104:81, image.jpeg)

File: 7b1d8e0d7c815e5⋯.jpeg (53.36 KB, 876x493, 876:493, image.jpeg)

Sadly for me I'm in too poor health to be affected by this latest round of lunatic-leftie faux outrage, to whit Roseanne Barr.

An African-American female co-worker was beside herself yesterday proclaiming civil discourse had reached its lowest point in American history due to President Trump. I was too tired to respond, and knew it would be fall on deaf ears were I to have done so. It must be a figment of my imagination that, in close to fifty years, I had never felt more condescension, as a heterosexual male patriotic American, than during the last six years of the Obama administration. Must be my imagination that distasteful (or worse), comments and snide remarks have been leveled at conservatives, President Trump, Vice-President Pence or basically anyone right-of-center from the likes of Joy Behar, Joy Reid, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, Keith Olberman, Michelle Wolf or any other of the cast of public characters too large to count. Never one word of said outrage when the situation is reversed.

So I remind this community of two recent examples, both of which received no blowback from the left after theirs actions. The first are comments and paintings by Jim Carrey (pic related), especially as it pertained to our Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, a title that recently gave rise to a Michelle Wolf joke about incest and inbreeding at a White House Correspondent's Dinner. In fact, it's a staple of the left to insinuate nefarious feelings by President Trump from his obvious admiration to his daughter, Ivanka. The other was the profanity laced barrage by Madonna at the Women's March, oddly enough, timed right on the heels of President Trump's inauguration (imagine that). If you find Madonna's speech too mild, there is always 'nasty woman's' Ashley Judd to augment it.

I believe in the marketplace of ideas where bad thoughts and ideas are best countered with better thoughts and ideas. The left must be exposed for the hypocritical double-standard they display on a daily basis.

19374b No.1586262

File: 74a0985090d54e3⋯.jpeg (885.87 KB, 1467x1744, 1467:1744, F19BB119-8D98-43B8-94B4-D….jpeg)

File: 5cecd58b418a652⋯.jpeg (424.69 KB, 1350x1347, 450:449, 1FF22478-552D-4E49-AB9A-7….jpeg)


was supposed to have these

3df9e8 No.1586263



There was one minute between the first two.

Zero minutes between the second two.


Cue Jeff Goldblum ala Independence Day.

Independence Day.

3e87e3 No.1586264

File: ee2486a7b35affa⋯.jpeg (300.45 KB, 1440x1383, 480:461, 1527687989.jpeg)

53b6cf No.1586265


yeah, fucking fake tough guy deniro got busted with teenage prostitutes in france already.

https://www.independent .co.uk/news/the-sex-scandal-that-wouldnt-lie-down-1185127.html

that tough guy act wouldnt hold up so well in prison

467fca No.1586266


new this was coming. Really tired of all these hits we are taking. Sure could use a bone every now and again.

18df18 No.1586267


I posted facts.

You posted gibberish.

Stop bothering the adults.

9d868f No.1586268

I'll be back when all the libtards have shut up about weed.

117ef0 No.1586269


My mother chided me the other day for "those herb things that can cause so much trouble." She uses more than 20 prescription pills a day, but shakes a finger at me for choosing aspirin over ibuprofen.

2aa8f9 No.1586270


That's it - it's a boost. Piece of the puzzle. Get the normies where the normies hide - behind the TV screen.

3adf65 No.1586271


Only point: He is dangerous and an agitator with the $$$ and power to inflict damage economically, politically, and through civil unrest.

Russia, Romania, and Hungary have expelled his NGOs. Time for U.S. to get rid of him too.

134e89 No.1586272


Wish I could, it was a super quick segment, I almost missed it.

f48ce6 No.1586273


Negative. I have left my body hundreds of times, and I am FAR more "aware" and ALIVE than when I'm here. Most NDE folks don't want to come back (And don't give me the line about DMT please, that shit's bunk) and while it may be pretty, this place is either hell or limbo or something.

38a061 No.1586274

File: edf9beb012a5020⋯.png (80.85 KB, 718x930, 359:465, GO-month.png)

File: 4a7d64c94f406fb⋯.png (32.95 KB, 586x461, 586:461, GO-month2.png)

June 2018 is Great Outdoors Month


50e48b No.1586275


I know a few girls that ran in to issues in the modelling biz. If you want to get ahead you have to do x,y and z. Its a sleazy business and I wasnt surprised to find that Hope Hicks was a former model. She was comped and had not one but two seedy suspect relationships before she was let go.

5cc3f9 No.1586276

It's absolutely hilarious seeing so many try to attack Gowdy still, shilling back and forth. Thought I layed it out clearly. How many more tweets will it take before you guys jump?

>TG not needed to TESTIFY

Means pay attention to "Testify" ie has a diff task.

>step down from HEC

It's a conflict of interest to be on an ethics committee and use classified info as a lawyer. In fact the prerequisite of being a lawyer is not having ethics. (Ex: you have a duty to defend your client even if u know they're guilty)

>what ROLE is he steppping into

Why would Q mention a role if it had nothing to do with Q?

>shot heard around the world


Seems like Q saying Gowdy is taking the first shot.

TG has explained he's leaving congress to go back to law as a prosecutor. TG is on Fox all the damn time. POTUS is retweeting him. Does any of this sound like Gowdy is a blackhat?

117ef0 No.1586277


Why, anon?

3e87e3 No.1586278

File: 61883ac39462f20⋯.jpg (36.21 KB, 630x420, 3:2, eab9389e714ff07cc48451b696….jpg)

31005a proves once again the left can't meme

186fd0 No.1586279

e4dc6c No.1586280



Pershing's sister Grace married Paddock in 1890…


7fdfc7 No.1586281

Dang, now I really miss Q. Hopefully no more than 2 more days before they are back.

117ef0 No.1586282



793473 No.1586283


Past Time,

914470 No.1586284


remember Trump's doctor and ambien?


ae6f2d No.1586285


Smart Anon.

f48ce6 No.1586286

File: 7f8664345fd8180⋯.jpg (579.42 KB, 2550x1432, 1275:716, Screen_Shot_2018-03-05_at_….jpg)


Medicine. And none of us are libtards. You could use a bong rip. Relax and get comfy. Would you rather we talk about Hogg or FE??

e4dc6c No.1586287


Back tomorrow.

467fca No.1586288


Not sure about a Corp "agreement" Is Fox bound by the agreement with Disney or can they entertain other offers?

Guess it really doesn't matter. It's not the point. Agreed FOX will not pick up Roseanne.

38a061 No.1586289


because of Roseanne's tweet about being on it

5e51d5 No.1586290


sounds like my aunt. turns her nose up at weed (even though she smoked it for 30+ years) because now she is on a biweekly script of opioids and methadone, which is better because its from a doctor (she has also threatened suicide if they take her off these drugs)

96e357 No.1586291

File: d811e5c211e1a04⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1064x773, 1064:773, pepe Gerome.png)


Current List of Notables


>>1585682 'Rainbow Cultural Garden' NXIVM sexualization of our children (SICK, DIG ON THIS)

>>1585980 Large Explosion Rips through UPS center in Kentucky

>>1586103 ClockAnon Update

>>1586103 Chill on Trey Gowdy, and Trust the Plan

>>1586207 Valerie Jarrett / Van Jones Stanford alum exposes Valerie

>>1586221 Louis Weiss USCOM


Help the baker out

Baker notable=

'Link Post

Brief description of why it's notable

Anything else wrong, Please let me know

Appreciate all of you Anons!



Baker Requested

Workfags if your out there i'm having trouble

if you can bake the next bread I would really

appreciate it.

721ddb No.1586292

Either Avenatti or Cohen is about to do a live press conference

b5766e No.1586293


Release the sauce!

ea6a93 No.1586294

File: 67537174894d1d8⋯.jpg (323.87 KB, 2856x1308, 238:109, Bane-Vs-Batman.jpg)

081bb6 No.1586295



Vegas shooter?

117ef0 No.1586296


Wait. I missed that. She's on the board for that group?

3d18c9 No.1586297


My point being is how does the kardashians, a fucking reality tv show, and jayz a satanic rap fag fit into this shit. I get tired of infatuation with stupid shit. Unless Im missing something. Maybe im bieng an asshole. And maybe IM wrong, but the kardashians? Jayze? Kenye? really? JayZ is a satanic prick! Kenye is a stanic famefag prick., the kardashians are all stupid candy for sheeple mentality. They are children of a lawyer that defended OJ simpson in a murder trial! Am I missing something?

914470 No.1586298


Roseanne blamed her tweet on an ambien night and the MSM won't give her a pass on it.

Now, none of them can claim drugs as an excuse for the actions.

Hey….noname and the rest of the swamp

479684 No.1586299


Agreed, and it was the same tactic POTUS used during his campaign. Had both sides resisting and hating him which lead to more attention and ultimately higher approval ratings.

I think this is what could also be going on regarding Q's latest about attacks from both sides will intensify.

It some way it is intentional/by design to draw attention and cultivate the conversation about Q and this board.

f48ce6 No.1586300

File: 93e6a0ac5f9863d⋯.png (420.27 KB, 1092x562, 546:281, Screen Shot 2018-05-30 at ….png)


Beautiful. More talking about WHAT MATTERS.


19374b No.1586301



what the fuck does

"patients must have exausted all existing treatment options"


1c081f No.1586302


muh ambien

270ce2 No.1586303

I would love to get the Roseanne conversation, on the heels of Tommy Robinson (notice we are talking about that anymore!), moving in the direction of FREE SPEECH!

There are far too many people in America who sincerely believe that the FIRST AMENDMENT DOES NOT COVER "HATE SPEECH!" We can let it go when they joke out our president or call us racists or insult us from under a pussy hat, but we can NOT let this "little tweek" to our freedom of speech go! This is a DEVASTATING thought to have, this belief that feelings trump rights…. The subjectivity of "hate" is just eluding these people as they define hate like pornagraphy… "I know it when I see it."



2473e1 No.1586304

f48ce6 No.1586305


THIS!!! The Roseanne offensive was brilliant. She went off. This is perfect.

38a061 No.1586306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


DJT says Get Outside

96e357 No.1586307


top notables,

bread 1993

721ddb No.1586308


Thanks Anon, the discord about Gowdy is getting out of control. Anons are missing the basic clues. If POTUS' twat was a Gowdy quote, we KNOW something is happening and Gowdy is playing some important role here

efa43b No.1586309

Analyze what it is Gowdy is SAYING.

It is laying the foundation for what we will learn very soon.

The appearance of Gowdy's involvement is of the highest importance.

This is not new.

Why no Q?

Have you thought about that too?

It Is Fucking Happening Right Fucking Now.

117ef0 No.1586310


True. Plus she throws the Ambien side effects into the wide open.

Kek. Not gonna stand in line for an autograph, but maybe she's /ourgirl/ after all.

467fca No.1586311


Disney is trying to get a monopoly on media entertainment. That's not a good thing.

1f1a58 No.1586312


Ok i think i rushed with this idea a bit too much.

I will get myself some coffee, empty my head and re read Crumbs

479684 No.1586313


I recall that was well. He was talking about going to a position that he could be more effective.. seemed like he was eluding to the justice system.

134e89 No.1586314




An ORNL isotope is saving the lives of cancer patients in medical trials, and is on its way to helping more Americans as the president prepares to sign new legislation that would allow more patients to try experimental medical treatments.

Actinium-225, an isotope of the element actinium, which is usually found in uranium ores, is proving effective in curing - not just treating - myeloid leukemia.

Myeloid leukemia

Myeloid leukemia is a rare and rapidly progressing blood and bone marrow cancer that interferes with the body's production of platelets and normal white and red blood cells.

The cancer is treatable in young patients, but often fatal for people over 60 years of age. That's particularly problematic because the American Cancer Society says 67 is the average age of diagnosis.

But in medical trials, Actinium-225 successfully treated the disease in elderly patients. ORNL nuclear medical scientist Saed Mirzadeh said some patients went into remission after only one treatment.

The isotope, when combined with tumor-seeking antibodies, is able to target and kill cancer cells without affecting healthy cells that surround them.

"It works very well actually; everyone is surprised how well this works compared with the other isotopes," Mirzadeh said.

"With leukemia, if even one percent of the leukemic cells are not killed, then there's a possibility that they come back, but for some people, the cells are all being killed in apparently just one treatment. Some had to go and get maybe the second or third treatment."

Trash to treasure

Mirzadeh came to ORNL from Iran in 1995. He had researched Actinium-225 for years before he came to the United States seeking bomb-grade uranium from which to extract the miracle isotope.

Actinium is a byproduct of Uranium-233, which the United States produced for ORNL's Molten Salt Reactor Experiment in the 1960s.

More: How using molten salt to cool nuclear reactors is gaining momentum in the Southeast

More: Contaminated Molten Salt Reactor Experiment may be entombed in concrete

"There is not much use for it now," Mirzadeh said. "I was naive and thought I could go and get all the U-233 and process Actinium out of it, but it turns out it was more complicated than that."

Then, he found out there might be another way. "They had dumped all the waste associated with the U-233 production into a stainless steel tank that was here, and that thing sat there for about 30 years," he recalled.

So in the late 1990s, Mirzadeh and the team of scientists he works with made a pitch to clean the waste tank and purify the Actinium inside.

Scientists continue to purify actinium, working in "hot," or radioactive, caves at ORNL's Radiochemical Engineering Development Center.

A manipulator works inside a radioactive hot cell

More: Oak Ridge heavy element production site receives historic designation

More: Inside the Radiochemical Engineering Development Center at ORNL

Right now, Oak Ridge is the world's only source for the isotope.

The project has garnered support from the Department of Energy. Mirzadeh said DOE has set a significant amount of funding aside to find another way to produce actinium if the FDA approves it as a cancer treatment.

Other cancers

Cf-252 Program Manager Julie Ezold points out a lab at the Radiochemical Engineering Development Center at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tennessee on Wednesday, May 16, 2018. The REDC is a multipurpose radiochemical processing and research facility which includes labs and heavily shielded hot cells used to research and develop unique radionuclides for use in research, defense, medical, and industrial applications.

The treatment is in the second phase of its clinical trials on human subjects, but has not yet been approved by the FDA. After this phase, it has one more to go through before the FDA will determine if it can be released to the market.

But, Mirzadeh and other researchers expect Actinium-225 will be released in Europe before it hits the United States market.

Using Actinium to cure myeloid leukemia is the only clinical trial for the isotope in the United States now, but multiple trials are going on in Europe where they have found the isotope is also effective in treating prostate cancer and brain tumors.

"For prostate cancer, it's actually very effective, Mirzadeh said. "They see drastic improvement compared to other isotopes and for the brain tumor, it is the same thing."

f48ce6 No.1586315


It means your doctor will decide what options to give you. Having a SMART and up to date doctor will be important.

914470 No.1586316


you need some covfefe

7394d0 No.1586317

File: be471d6d62109bc⋯.jpg (61.25 KB, 720x480, 3:2, Tengen Toppa Spirit of Men….jpg)

File: edac32ca6761927⋯.png (30.38 KB, 335x238, 335:238, yhwachs-eyes-decide1.png)


Did the same end of 2016,

Once sure @GEOTUS would be seated.

Left the US in a surreal daze back in 2002;

Felt the timeline shift, magicks at play;

Didn't know it then–only that it all felt surreal:

Everyone and everything going crazy,

Meanwhile /ourfuture/ vanishing into vapor:

Roaring dot.com economy–killed-off strategically,

Biotech explosion–buried with stroke of pen,

US budget surpluses–reversed instantaneously,

Geopolitics rightfully aligned vs Asia–dead,

90s culture–replaced overnight by droll faggotry.

In that haze I wandered the globe,

Acquiring & selling a certain intel-related skillset,

USA ronin, helping others make sense of chaos,

Watching from afar as the 90s were erased.


Goddamn I KNEW something was up.

Dave Chappelle effectively reasserted the 90s,

Something BIG had to happen to reset the Niggs,

To satisfy them while giving them nothing,

And OBABA was just that—

As if on cue: "Racism doesnt exist anymore!",

Chanted libtard/Clowns encountered overseas…



What {{they}} do is STEAL FUTURES,

By "wearing the skin" of someone who is OWED:

{{Jacob}} and Esau;

In the early 1900s BLACKS were OWED,

The political climate of the time favor reparations,

"Social Justice" was being handed out on plates;

{{Imposter Jews}} thus manufactured holocaust,

To usurp the blessings being directed to Blacks,

At a time the Collective Conscious demanded it.

…And this is what I felt back in 2002.

Wasn't until Trump's victory did things feel "right".

Guess its a question I'm asking:

Is Ascension of Trump a NEW/best timeline,

Or correction to one that was stolen by Clowns?

I'm back USA-side now with kids in tow,

Feeling like a Kryptonian arriving on Earth,

Or Simon Phoenix waking up in Fagified LA,

Or Khan being pulled out of stasis by POTUS/Q…

Just hoping this all ends with us being let free.

Christ goes on to destroy what he built,

This is a key from Sampson & Hercules stories,

Overlooked and masked by {{Cabalists}},

A final "Trump" card to ease their minds:

There's a "truth" that Trump will eventually see,

That'll turn him against that which he now builds,

Leading to his eventual self-sacrifice to atone.

THAT is where I am now positioning myself,

Prevent at all costs Trump self-sacrifice scenario,

Predicated on we deplorables losing our shit,

And going overboard in our rightful retributions;

Book of Enoch explains it:

We–God's Chosen–are here on Earth to judge,

But our judgements are also being judged;

The fates we decide for others seal our own;

Hence Christ's "judge not lest ye be judged".

War on Anon,

But always with appropriate restraint.


96e357 No.1586318


baking, and i'm shot, wiki it and dig

you'll see.

1c081f No.1586319


thats bad shit

people sleep driving

doing all kinds of crazy shit while suppose to be asleep

crazy drug

cafd3c No.1586320

Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I get to scalp those cia niggas for religious purposes

19374b No.1586321


id like to know where to find those

talk about the indoctrinated class!

186fd0 No.1586322


Avenatti was asking Court today to be allowed to represent Stormi in Michael Cohen case. May be that.

878eaa No.1586323

File: c4c9437d147819d⋯.png (82.22 KB, 255x207, 85:69, fug.png)

cafd3c No.1586324

Where is saurons money benis

b43470 No.1586325


Baker, put that new baker request in a separate post, it kind of gets lost in the notables posts.

13642b No.1586326


You can alter your brain chemistry with psilocybin and experience out of body experiences. You can apply magnet stimulation to the temporal lobes of the brain and induce mystical experiences and altered states.

Why isn't this world with all of its beauty and wonder enough for you? Belief in some other world is just a waste of time.

721ddb No.1586327


Thanks anon. I cant tell if the anons need coffee this morning, or if its shills playing dumb to cause discord

914470 No.1586328



Pelosi is the smart one . . she is gearing up for a brain defect defense.

e4dc6c No.1586329



Stephen Paddock, the Las Vegas shooter, had an arsenal of 17 weapons in his hotel room, mostly military-style rifles, according to a law enforcement source.

0ff498 No.1586330


you got a double there baker:


d01f90 No.1586331


I think Bill Cooper did mention the protocols in behold a pale horse.

Have researched so much since beginning of Q that I would have to refer back to be sure though

323438 No.1586332

Very disturbing that TG said an FBI informant in DJT's campaign was appropriate. This is clearly wrong, wildly wrong. People can say TG is playing a role or whatever……..and I have appreciated many things he has said and done in the past. The jury has been out on TG for a long time, and I have given him the benefit of the doubt. Now I don't trust him at all after he goes on TV and says something that is wrong, wrong, wrong. And he has to know it…….how is this not a deliberate shot at POTUS and the people who are trying to save the world? Change my mind.

467fca No.1586333


So Big Pharma snuck into her house and post that twat to destroy her?

721ddb No.1586334


I still cant figure out Stormy/Avenatti. At first I thought black hat, then white hat, now black hat again, but this one seems to be different than the usual *girl comes forward and claims sexual allegations against Trump* type situation

a71e06 No.1586335


i saw that thats either millitary tech or based ets i dont care either way its lit. and im sure the real cargo was some horrible shit

96e357 No.1586336


thanks brother



3d18c9 No.1586337


I dunno. when we resort to needing help from hollywood actors that just makes me feel dirty. Whats her name gilbert is part of the talk. Thats a propaganda show. Do we really wanna put hope in hollywood? Im just saying. Actors are drama, thats what they do best is lie and fake shit. Im just saying.

a3c2a8 No.1586338


even more crazy that the majority of the "elite" are living on a cocktail of amphetamines/cocaine and ambien while they burn billions of dollars (elon musk being the most obvious)

facd2e No.1586339


Where do you find people on Ambien, they sound fun?

1068a3 No.1586340

File: cf102cba1d71d3d⋯.jpg (121.53 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, DecsEI3W0AAEllp.jpg)

1236f8 No.1586342



So Q has asked us to think logically and also asked what role TG may be stepping into IIRC. Could he simply be a witness that will be used? He's retiring after all.

b5766e No.1586343


Gowdy is saying that Trump didn't obstruct shit. He welcomed their little spy games to trap them in their coup attempt.

e6567c No.1586344

File: d2c2625cfe0f173⋯.png (314.02 KB, 555x555, 1:1, bakerneeded_qresearch.png)




721ddb No.1586345


what if he said this to get the entire country on the same page of accepting there WAS someone placed in Trumps campaign? LIberals dont know how bad the situation was, but until Gowdy said this, they werent all agreeing there even WAS someone in the campaign. What if Gowdy is going to drop a hammer in the near future, and he needed this for optics so liberals are in his corner first

5a9530 No.1586347


You know what they say; the revolution will not be televised. I seriously doubt, it will all be publicly uncovered. Q covered this btw. That would cause serious problems.

117ef0 No.1586349


The Rothschilds are trying to get a monopoly on media entertainment.

Cabal infighting. They want a bigger share because (((they))) think they know better.

a9ae01 No.1586351

How are Q-anon and Qre going to tackle this? Trust sessions? Never did..


a71e06 No.1586352


uh oh i just had a dream about a tsunami…

914470 No.1586353


my hope is not in them.

3d18c9 No.1586354


so elon musk is a drug fien? Not bieng a dick just asking

1068a3 No.1586356



They are PAID and awarded to make people believe they are someone else.

All the world is a stage. They are everywhere…

bc0549 No.1586358


yeah it is

1068a3 No.1586359


Meaning Hollywood, 'crisis events', infowars, etc…

ae6f2d No.1586360



Consider the drug trade. Drugs are poison. Value of drugs is fabricated, enforcement financed.

If legalized, price drops to actual value of poison, and now stocked on store shelves with other pest deterrents.


Large portion of population needs new income, though they have no practical skills. Dealers, pimps, enforcers, traffickers, doctors, attorneys…

Druggies will have all they want, and no need to resort to violence or theft. Their bodies will pile up initially. This is a good example for youth.

Return to natural law will require this type of freedom.

Are your Loved ones Ready?

Are You?

This would WRECK our Ecomony




3e87e3 No.1586361

File: 7c476a105494829⋯.jpeg (137.59 KB, 1440x847, 1440:847, 1524184826.jpeg)

efa43b No.1586362



Welcoming ALL to thoroughly investigate every available lead/scenario.

Then BOOM.

After the most in depth, time consuming dive into this situation…

Here is what we found.

Spider Web.

081bb6 No.1586364


On August 17, 2017 Trump tweeted: "Study what General Pershing of the United States did to terrorists when caught. There was no more Radical Islamic Terror for 35 years!"

8f8a6c No.1586365


oops sorry, see it now. Was unable to view larger version before.

a40ae1 No.1586366


not garbled. wowowowowow. I can't believe it. I wonder if our team knew it was this big, to begin with?

amazing where it all leads, isn't it?

They have had to be in business for a good long time, to have established this all.

Once all it researched and tied in a nice bright bow, the world …everyone needs to know about this all.

facd2e No.1586367


Musk is the strangest fuck around, he travels with his entourage of yes men and does weird shit to piss off his employees.

96e357 No.1586368

9be592 No.1586369

File: 8e055bda4fdc4a7⋯.png (292.4 KB, 707x617, 707:617, Capture _2018-05-30-08-55-….png)

Y'all, I think it's about that time. I think Sessions is about to show out.

278464 No.1586371

File: 740c251aa0dfeb6⋯.jpg (34.21 KB, 443x395, 443:395, 740c251aa0dfeb611721d9f598….jpg)

a3c2a8 No.1586372


he has said so openly and it is quite obvious. his "gf" amber heard also well known coke head and birds of a feather definitely flock where that is concerned.

914470 No.1586373


how do you trap a wild animal?

52916e No.1586374


Awesome memes

Reassuring and informative post


ea38e3 No.1586375

enjoy the show.

she pulled VJ + pharma issues into the spotlight yesterday… it was a good day.

we could also include msm hypocrisy too…but they're not going to see that.

35dd01 No.1586376

BNA Nashville airport evacuated bc of possible bomb but now given all clear.


19374b No.1586377

File: 50a29b5a064de6a⋯.jpeg (378.42 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 2A06C31C-CA26-4F47-B4B6-5….jpeg)


welcome home

get comfy

and enjoy the show

1068a3 No.1586378


Andrenochrome and other 'delicacies' about in the billionaire's club

914470 No.1586379



a9ae01 No.1586380


Do tell, talking in riddles doesn't do much.

6895de No.1586381


CTH headline and article is WRONG and does not match interview!!???!!

gowdy fine

117ef0 No.1586382

File: 5882636e7c063cc⋯.png (16.44 KB, 255x235, 51:47, Hurricane Pepe.png)

Anons, have we ever successfully broken down the companies within the various cabal strongholds?



House of Saud (not claiming this is perfect)

We know they are fighting with each other about self-driving vehicles. That puts Tesla on one side and other players like Google on another.

They appear to be fighting a bit in entertainment.

I see the potential for a war to be opening in Big Pharma.

Finance is the other area where I'd keep an eye out.

I can scratch at it on my own, but just wondering if it's in the bread from the past or if someone else has done it and not brought it forward yet.

facd2e No.1586383

File: 8158256f276f30d⋯.png (89.64 KB, 549x413, 549:413, ap,550x550,16x12,1,transpa….png)


Johnny Depp is addiction central. Poor boy is angry and…

139637 No.1586384


Agreed, however it seems that Roseanne's storm has sent discussion in multiple directions; Drugs (pharma), Jarrett (handler), and (generally less discussed) Soros.

It's clear that these topics were thrown out there as part of the plan; so how many ways can the 3 subjects correlate…

d01f90 No.1586385


NSA wrote a paper on digital currency on June 18, 1996


6895de No.1586386


yeah -that is NOT what he said

attacks intensify

721ddb No.1586387

"""I am even more convinced that the FBI did exactly what my fellow citizens would want them to do when they got the information they got, and that it has nothing to do with Donald Trump,"""

Key phrase - "got the information they got".

What information did they get? We don't know that yet

f48ce6 No.1586388


I don't believe in it Anon, I GO there. So do you while your sleeping, we all do. Physical reality doesn't exist and neither does time, we all know that. Then shit gets strange.

And this world is beautiful enough, but it's FAR more beautiful outside of our bodies, which I love. Everything is so much brighter and lighthearted, and of course, there's no cabal, or Joy Reid or IRS…

But, telling you about it is of no good. Gotta GO there.

cafd3c No.1586389

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Just warming up

47e429 No.1586390


roseanne is shiny object for them (cabal, deep state msm, etc,), not for us, kim k another shiny object for them, not for us

117ef0 No.1586391


Just thinking about this anon.

She's scattered these to the wind in her surly housewife manner.

Fits perfectly with her schtick, yet allows for progress with normies.

Gotta Kek.

1236f8 No.1586392


Enjoy the show.

ae6f2d No.1586394


Gowdy doled out many a red pill before they were cool.

I can't help but like him.

Trust takes Time.

feb822 No.1586395

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



abe942 No.1586396

File: b40f76bf2d13a2c⋯.png (34.11 KB, 783x265, 783:265, ClipboardImage.png)

I like this guy, entertaining if nothing else

bde286 No.1586398

The same people emploed in manufacture, distribution and sale of drugs can rebuild American infrastructur in 2 years national service.

They can work in opiate and addiction remediation program.

Or attend virtual university.

Or, the may choose to live in hell with dracos.


181458 No.1586399

Where is Melania?

247821 No.1586400


all about taking it to the next level. read about satanism amongst the nobility at versaille. well known documented history. not "conspiracy theory"


3d18c9 No.1586401


Me either. Hollywood IMHO is how we have so many normies. Hollywood is a symbol for the wand of the druid wizards considered masters of trickery. With their wand made from a holly tree they cast spells of false bullshit.

http:// www.secretsinplainsight.com/magic-of-holly-wood/

if there was anyone you should be careful to follow, it would be Hollywood. the masters of deception.

3df9e8 No.1586402

You guys are missing the obvious.

Fits TG, Q and POTUS.

Which blood relative of the current President is and has been previously, an FBI informant?

467fca No.1586403


You're wrong anon. My guess is you weren't here for the drop of Q's you are referencing. That morning Gowdy announced he was retiring from the HEC. He stated he was on 3 cmte's and did not have them time for all of them. That's it. Anons went crazy with speculation. Kept insisting he was stepping down so he could testify.

Understanding that important part, now re read Q's drop. He said those thing so anons would stop following disinfo. He was not stepping down so he could testify. Q said it 3 times. He didn't need to step down. And it is not to PROSECUTE either. Here you go trying to fit something into a narrative.

Q mentioned what role would he be stepping into. None. No role. Later Gowdy announced he was retiring from Congress. He is fed up with the swamp and wants out. He is going into private practice. He said he would not even accept a supreme court justice position, if offered.

My take is he or his family was threatened nd he wants out of DC permanently. I really wish anons would quit trying to put him in roles he has said he doesn't want.

117ef0 No.1586404


I see the potential for the media to get lost in their 4am drops

Tangle about on how to respond to Roseanne

Actually contradict themselves on coverage of these issues.

Enjoy the show, indeed.

914470 No.1586405


you make them feel very safe and secure in their environment You let them believe they have no fear of danger. You let them believe they are in control.

It can take a while for the wild animals to feel comfortable in a new environment (Trump Adm).

b43470 No.1586407



Baker, you good to set up next one and we'll keep trying to get a new one in it?

e6567c No.1586408



sad Dilley cries,

you abandoned him

117ef0 No.1586409



a71e06 No.1586410


has anyone seen her in public recently ?

6895de No.1586411


yeah with the timlline of indictments beings unsealed just before midterms and the new military justuce rules kick in 1/19 seems like TG is the man

96e357 No.1586412


THanks bruv i'ts baked, next bread is all yours

if you can hit me up at the begining

914470 No.1586413


>He said those thing so anons would stop following disinfo

you know this?

52916e No.1586414


In bed, waiting for her beloved Trumpie Pumpie

bc6aa3 No.1586415


Please translate a la Beaver's mom in Airplane!

467fca No.1586416


By right now, you mean when? Next month when the OIG report finally starts to dribble out? What happened to forcing RR to resign last week? Is that off the table now? What exactly do you see happening right this very minute?

914470 No.1586417


that is what the MSM is asking

2aa8f9 No.1586418


Gowdy probably got one too many death threats, and has been handcuffed for years.

35dd01 No.1586419

File: efa167a37163c72⋯.jpg (68.24 KB, 600x830, 60:83, haha.jpg)

5cf8d0 No.1586420



Researchanon on the endocannabinoid system=ECS...here is WHY this is UBER important!

Marijuana or cannabis effects something we all have called an endocannabinoid system. We developed this system in something called a sea squirt and we developed it before we developed a brain, or legs, or arms, or lungs...so it is DARN important...

It sits above your central nervous system as to function and it (appears) to regulate the entire human body...certainly copious research to say it is the regulation system for immune, feeding and craving, cognitive, and every other human system studied with it...so not MUCH of a leap to say it is your master regulatory system...

It is a resources driven system. It runs on chemical mediators that we MUST get from our diet or thru intervention therapies like cannabis. For an example, we all know about dopamine and serotonin...these are chemical mediators..they have to be replenished. Without them we become horribly depressed and cannot think straight...so where do they come from??? From our diet of course and from food that contain tryptophan. So, if I deny you tryptophan you would not be able to generate dopamine and serotonin and you would become depressed and not think straight..THAT is a "resource driven system"...

Back to the ECS..resources driven...master regulatory system...so why is cannabis so important?

What if a magic tool was given to the physician community that could COMPLETELY MANIPULATE YOUR MASTER REGULATORY SYSTEM? This is EXACTLY what cannabis is! Can address pain, inflammation (both immune which is regulated by the ECS)..many conditions and basically can address any disease of dis-regulation...

However, only one state is proposing to actually put this in the hands of the physician community and that is Oklahoma (most states regulate around a list of conditions..physician is approving that "yes, indeed cannabis would work for that.." when he signs "approval" or "recommendation"..Oklahoma proposing completely in the hands of the doc...no net ..will DRIVE social change...)

38a061 No.1586421


fuck off we read that drivel the first time

1d12e4 No.1586422

File: 195c73473a23326⋯.png (503.46 KB, 1665x929, 1665:929, Stanford Magazine Articl….png)


VJ was/is BHO's handler

117ef0 No.1586423


Or a little help from an anon.

Can't see it all.

No need to if we hive mind properly.

Sigh. Oh well.

b43470 No.1586424


I can't bake, no clue. I'm just trying to help you out, I know you're fading

a69eaa No.1586425


Dilley used to get the good shit man

756cbb No.1586426


a stunning reminder of how out of touch some people are

721ddb No.1586427


>My take is he or his family was threatened nd he wants out of DC permanently. I really wish anons would quit trying to put him in roles he has said he doesn't want.

If you want to play the game where you literally believe everything he says, then you have to believe Paul Ryan literally stepped down so he can spend more time with his family. Of course Gowdy has to say that for the cameras….come on anon. He isnt going to reveal his true reason and plan

ebaff4 No.1586428


You don't want to know. Jive-ass ugly shit.

3d18c9 No.1586429

File: f02aca080e24e6b⋯.jpg (191.37 KB, 1244x589, 1244:589, wikiscanstatsroseanne.jpg)


I dunno all they gotta say is, and that is what they are saying is Roseanne is a conspiracy theorist, fucked up on ambien, just like all other crazy conspiracy theorists. Yea she gained attention to herself. But no one even looked up Muslim brotherhood. At least as far as wikistats show.

19374b No.1586430

File: 90ecbe188b6d969⋯.jpeg (253.67 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 444512AC-9F85-4489-87CC-C….jpeg)

ae6f2d No.1586431


I like it. Let us all choose freely and wisely.

Regulation is Keystone to Corporate profits.

Reduced prohibition would wreck Big Pharma.

467fca No.1586432


He doesn't need to step down to be a witness. Did you not read Q's crumbs?

7fdfc7 No.1586433


Not cool.

117ef0 No.1586434

Ambien = zombies.

721ddb No.1586435


Dilley never said anything Q also did say, or if Dilley said things we never heard from Q, none of his drops have ever proven to be true yet

5cc3f9 No.1586436


I've been making this argument since last night but anons gonna anon. Look I'm not saying I'm in tune with the world but I made 2 main posts last night:

Roseanne brought attention to VJ b/c SR info is coming out in June and it ties together with the Obama spygate. (Via the Awans-MB connection)

>>1584309 (lb)

>>1584362 (lb) (responded to)

>>1584540 (lb)


Gowdy was double speaking (choosing words wisely/lying without lying) re: the FBI investigation.

>>1584429 (lb)

(& several posts on this thread re: Gowdy)

Theories are going 2 for 2 today.

Newt Gingrich said "the spying scandal goes all the way to the top, to VJ and Obama" first thing this morning on Fox News.

POTUS retweeted Gowdy re: investigation.

Not looking for kudos or anything just trying to bring continuity of brainstorming across shifts.

1068a3 No.1586437


Look into his connections w/ the West Memphis 3


96e357 No.1586438

File: eb44f2ca99e1769⋯.png (1.21 MB, 799x1029, 799:1029, Anon Dharmapada.png)


Fresh breadz




new baker requested

18df18 No.1586439


You can't fix stupid.

In this analogy, you're the stupid.

17db67 No.1586440


Then there is the "disinfo" part -

Just because Q said or hinted something about Gowdy does not mean it is true. Could be part of a LARP they are running on Gowdy.

Evidence before us says Gowdy is comped like a table full of sushi.

467fca No.1586441


good point anon

58ad9c No.1586442


Disappointing to see these stories. Big hit to many people.

914470 No.1586443


Why did Adm Rogers step down?

ae6f2d No.1586444


That is a Fine Compliment, Anon.


467fca No.1586445


nah…Potus has been saying this for 18 months.

e6567c No.1586446

914470 No.1586447

7fdfc7 No.1586448


Dude. If you have info, drop it. No one here is going to treat you like Q. Quit talking down to us and spill it if you got it. Otherwise, dig, meme, pray, or GTFO.

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