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Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, # JPG.jpg)

ee19be No.1545831

Welcome To Q Research General

Vincit Omnia Veritas

"Start a storm." Sign the New IBOR Petition! Fight! Fight! Fight!

WWG1WGA! Do you trust POTUS? Do you trust the PLAN? "The choice is yours."

>>1427755 , >>1489251 https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-18

Board Rules (Please read the rules) >>3138

New sticky thread to clear the air of doubt re: Q's Authenticity >>1530489

Q's New Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs new Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 05.22.2018

>>1509322 ----------------------- Enjoy the show.

>>1508206 rt >>1508060 ---- Attacks will intensify [all sides].

>>>/patriotsfight/99 ------------ _AF1_5A_

>>1506866 rt >>1506817 ---- It’s happening.

>>1506815 rt >>1506500 ---- Avoid NSA data collection. It failed. (Re: Nellie Ohr)

>>>/patriotsfight/98 ------------ RAPID FIRE.

Monday 05.21.2018

>>1497716 ------------------------ Military OP. [Green]. General K [JFK]: RR<-WRAY->Rachel Brand(Panuccio/Pruitt)-Scheiderman. D5

Sunday 05.20.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/97 ------------ Q! Quotes Ephesians 6:10-18, – 1 Cor 13:4-13

>>>/patriotsfight/96 ------------ Those who are loudest…

>>1483388 ----------------------- We exposed the password [#91] on purpose [23]

>>1483187 ----------------------- The entire time See >>1483318

>>1483159 rt >>1483003 ---- ROT = Rotation

>>>/patriotsfight/95 ------------ US Flag

>>>/patriotsfight/94 ------------ WE ARE Q!

>>1482139 rt >>1482048 ---- TRUST the plan

>>>/patriotsfight/93 ------------ They are losing [all] control

>>>/patriotsfight/92 ------------ [6] surv [value targets]

Saturday 05.19.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/91 ------------ Now Comes The Pain

>>>/patriotsfight/90 ------------ https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/997951982467014656

>>1472746 rt >>1472647 ---- We control [utility]

>>1472647 rt >>1472580 ---- I'd watch the news that day.

>>1472525 rt >>1472472 ---- Mistake or on purpose?

>>>/patriotsfight/89 ------------ Updated. (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>>/patriotsfight/88 ------------ TRIP CHANGE (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>1472440 ----------------------- (Password expose)

Backup Q Posts


Previous Q Posts

Find Previous Q Posts at: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1538282 How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1489607 Useful filters

Q Clock Graphic


ee19be No.1545832


are not endorsements

>>1545457 Major announcement from BO


>>1545641 All for a Larp & Is Q Real? Graphics

>>1545542 California man pleads no contest to raping 5-year-old, gets house arrest

>>1545546 President of the University of Southern California, C.L. Max Nikias, steps down

>>1545476 , >>1545525 Freedom Stringer Code Breaker

>>1545448 NEW Epstein Island Images from mystery poster

>>1545167 , >>1545396 , >>1545440 Further digging on the new Epstein Island images

>>1545367 Further digging on Dyncorp / Human & Organ Trafficking & >>1545722 Pastebin link

>>1545332 Trump to Save $100 Million by Slashing Use of Govt. Time on Union Work

>>1545326 Stringer Crumb Theory

>>1545253 QPosts Timeline

>>1545178 Congress files HRes 907 for FBI/DOJ/FISA abuse/why clinton probe ended/2nd special counsel


>>1539021 Dig and theory about phones, sky event and a trap

>>1544746 Tommy Robinson's Israeli Connections

>>1544847 Collection of QProofs: Article

>>1544787 The FBI Spied for LBJ’s Campaign

>>1544659 Some Q posts dealing with RR for rereading

>>1544394 Q's Tripcode Change: New Proof Graphics

>>1544389 DynCorp and Human Trafficking

>>1544382 Adm Rogers wanted a front door KEY, with lots of locks

>>1544365 Schools involved with shootings linked through "Blackboard"


>>1544141 Q's Tripcode Change: Side-by-Side with IP Hash

>>1543977 Comparing new Epstein Island images

>>1543787 St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) discuss ways of ditching the dollar

>>1543786 John Giacalone, Executive Assistant Director of FBI’s National Security Branch: Profiles

>>1543729 Comey Disaster: Will testify before Congress

>>1543726 Hussein and Cabal kept the war going in Afghanistan: Breitbart

>>1543646 Link to the Epstein Island folder in our Graphics Library (for comparing with the new images)

>>1543581 Parkland & Santa Fe connections to DynCorp & SES


>>1542787 Saudis Halt All Government Orders From German Companies Because of Iran Deal

>>1542795 Obama Attorneys suing P.I. Firm investigating Seth Rich

>>1542844, >>1542906, >>1543070, >>1543071 Update re: Epstein pics

>>1542859, >>1543462 Think this is worthy of 24 hour op?

>>1542870 There's something going on with the dots (…)in trump's tweets

>>1542889 Mike Pompeo: US should expose wealth of corrupt Iranian leaders

>>1542922 Jr is trending on twitter

>>1542989 Pentagon approves 736 more National Guard troops to support air, land, sea border agents

>>1543008 Q's Password Reveal Proof

>>1543016 Planefag Update

>>1543018 Louis Farrakhan clip

>>1543030 The plan of trump, how the MSM is being neutralized

>>1543094 Link dump re: Epstein

>>1543142 Trump tweeting about reinstating the Summit

>>1543182 Looking through POTUS' old twats for 'spy' and found this

>>1543282 Ginsburg And Gorsuch Are Trolling Each Other In An Epic Way

>>1543293 What "movement" would the POTUS survey be referring to?

>>1543351 111 Day Connection


>>1542046 The ADFGVX cipher

>>1542069 There Have Been Five Successful Or Attempted Mass Shootings In The Past Nine Days

>>1542137, >>1542154 Trump tweet re: ZTE phone company

>>1542169 Trump signs three executive orders taking aim at unions

>>1542207, >>1542740 Planefag Update

>>1542231, >>1542279 New pics from Epstein Island, follow ID >>1542574, >>1542683 List of posts

>>1542315 Sitrep re: Teachers pushing political ideology and squashing dissenting opinions.

>>1542594 POTUS Schedule Flashback Two [2] Days

>>1542662 POTUS Tweet today linked to tweet 2/12 & Q post 11/11

>>1542671 Giuliani: WH wants Briefing on Classified Meeting.

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

ee19be No.1545834

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 – QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 – Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 – TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 — META


>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 — Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 — Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 — The Letter Q

>>674740 — Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 – Newfag Q&A

>>93735 —– Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 – Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>1147812 – Notable Resignations Thread 2/2


>>4356 —— Tools and Information

>>4852 —— Free Research Resources

>>4362 —— Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 —— Research Threads

>>32223 —- Qs chess game

>>256741 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 — Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 — Merkel research thread


>>810563 — NXIVM info collection

>>885933 — P=C

>>904395 — The Plan

>>911014 — Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 — No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1427755 - Battle for Internet Bill of Rights

ee19be No.1545837

Graphics of All Q'S Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#23 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>1527495

Q Graphics all in EST

The missing Qmap in EST has been archived >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 —————————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures: >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg —————— >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —- >>>/comms/966

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: qmap.pub >>1334710

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 5/13]) >>1403707

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

'* http://''qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>851957

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library


18,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

22 >>1485456 21 >>1352458 20 >>1232995 Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————– qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn To Bake!

New Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Bakers Manual https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY9

In case of inability to post images, EMBED THE VIDEO FOUND HERE: >>1505954 Re: >>1514062

ee19be No.1545841

#1943 Dough


ee19be No.1545849

File: 06b89d5bd178196⋯.png (68.54 KB, 1024x600, 128:75, QWinningBigly.png)

We have no baker on duty

Someone pls bake the next and self confirm. TY.

Godspeed Anons.

e91c78 No.1545867

What if the twist at the end was that most of the bad things we thought were happening were not, and it was really just a bunch of stupid globalists trying to make the world a better place and failing?

No kuru, no Satanism.

Just dumb elites disconnected from the world.

And what if Trump woke us all up?

And Farrakhan came together with Kanye, and North Korea with South, and Obama and Hillary with Trump, and us with the Jews and the Muslims.

And we each learned to live with each other, and make our countries and our world better.

Would that be so bad? It's probably a fantasy, but it's an interesting one. Would we rather all the violence and hatred of our imaginations?

e91c78 No.1545879

If you could wake up from this dream and realize no one was evil, only broken and in desperate need of repair, would you be happier?

e91c78 No.1545881

Just a thought experiment.

36d181 No.1545882


fd93e4 No.1545902

File: dd03b81dba2c3b9⋯.png (680.24 KB, 738x629, 738:629, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)


TY, Baker!

b3b3dc No.1545913


Dig back on the history of the Roths and their funding of the wars. Millions of dead…all for a buck. You think they were trying to make the world a better place?

24f886 No.1545914

File: ff832d0693b3e83⋯.jpg (14.37 KB, 310x530, 31:53, 33320381_251133845627948_9….jpg)

TY Baker!

b8173a No.1545915

File: 7c18d9f322b8284⋯.jpeg (137.77 KB, 749x921, 749:921, 25C6F5CC-8B81-41E3-A51A-A….jpeg)

This is the end of David Hogg.

b8173a No.1545916

This is the end of David Hogg

a0c6a3 No.1545917

File: 0c01cca9c5bc103⋯.png (700.36 KB, 2208x1242, 16:9, BAAD841A-2B09-4222-BF89-D8….png)

Anyone found anything new in the Epstein files FBI just released?

https:// vault.fbi.gov/jeffrey-epstein

0ad52c No.1545918

File: b7d3090f6cf4a8f⋯.png (230.13 KB, 446x391, 446:391, ClipboardImage.png)

aec696 No.1545919


Spygate leads to London. Jack Posobiec

ec961c No.1545920

b3b3dc No.1545921

Antarctica speculation got me watching The Thing again. Really going to be watching to see whatever seems to be so interesting down there.

b31ee8 No.1545922


game on

e91c78 No.1545923


Yes. In their mind, I do. They probably thought the world would be better if they controlled it. Absolute power, does what it does to people.

0bfe1b No.1545924

File: 553b7db66208eef⋯.png (589.25 KB, 500x1112, 125:278, 1522482649541.png)

File: c41bf02f329ed50⋯.jpg (65.03 KB, 539x960, 539:960, davidhogg4873438340902.jpg)

File: 14f87076c834f26⋯.png (158.59 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 1523951947754.png)


If they werent so smug and leftist id feel bad for the shill kids.

57a630 No.1545925

>>1545890 last

Eliminating these fucktards is only a threshold issue. Obviously, many will not be here to see the New America, which is likely 5-10 years out right now. But if we make progress from now til then, that will be a very good trend, and nothing succeeds like success.

8c4869 No.1545926


i usually don't acknowledge the hoggwash but. me likey.


24f886 No.1545927

File: 638fc7b4495c88d⋯.jpg (84.5 KB, 775x960, 155:192, 33216413_10155842153697424….jpg)


Oh now this is going to be fun.

b3b3dc No.1545928


I think the most notable things were that 1) He cooperated with the FBI, naming names and 2) if he violates any of the terms (unknown details) of his State sentence then the Feds will drop the hammer on him.

30e1f1 No.1545929

File: 3625615df45436b⋯.jpg (119.74 KB, 500x595, 100:119, fuck off hogg.jpg)


>incites memewar, doesn't even meme his incitement to a memewar

he's already lost.

ec961c No.1545930


I have used twitter about 10 times. Hate the damn thing. But I would watch this lol

198db5 No.1545931


>Just dumb elites disconnected from the world.


>If you could wake up from this dream and realize no one was evil, only broken and in desperate need of repair, would you be happier?

Poor misunderstood elites.

What a pantload.

b3b3dc No.1545932


Yeah, better for them - slavery for the rest of us. How Noble.

2fa70d No.1545933

File: 389f0a05e9d4779⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1763x919, 1763:919, trumpeo.png)

2075ff No.1545934

File: 51a05077b22df80⋯.png (277.81 KB, 658x598, 329:299, BOOM.png)

File: 2a5b4be558b52e8⋯.png (263.36 KB, 648x660, 54:55, IRIAF.png)

Iran giving more supplies in Idibil

https:// twitter.com/obretix/status/998986839183806465

More BOOMS!!!

https:// twitter.com/obretix/status/999912485359566849

27d714 No.1545936

File: 4c0cd08c63538af⋯.jpeg (157.8 KB, 900x574, 450:287, bootay.jpeg)

thank you baker

971a5f No.1545937

File: 454060e1b9db7bb⋯.jpg (76.8 KB, 900x768, 75:64, hogg004a.jpg)


Slightly improved version. Cleaned up the mask a bit, better cropping.

e91c78 No.1545938


It's a thought experiment about yourself and what you are capable of believing in. Has nothing to do with what you think is the truth necessarily.

b3b3dc No.1545939


Yeah. I don't think I'll make it but I'm still trying to do my part for the country.

8990cc No.1545940


try morse code.

I was thinking the letter mistakes might be trying to spell out something as well.

9e90ed No.1545941


spam him with good guy guns down mass shooter memes,

he will have to either confront his cognitive dissonance or tune them out entirely and quit the meme war.

8b74ce No.1545942


A quote from the Matrix…."I know this steak doesn't exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize? Ignorance is bliss."

This is how many woken people think.

57a630 No.1545943


Yeah. Traitorous alinskyites like the Klintons, Soetero, Bush and Kerry are just regular ol' muricans tryin to help out gosh

617a73 No.1545944


Sounds deep.

483278 No.1545945

File: 746944a8216b992⋯.png (282.45 KB, 654x498, 109:83, 746944a8216b992a88f736d01b….png)



8a32fa No.1545946


Why is anyone giving him a platform? He is totally irrelevant.

494330 No.1545947

File: 07f032a1832dc1e⋯.jpeg (129.68 KB, 736x552, 4:3, harder_than_you_think.jpeg)

The thing about D5 chess is that once you win you keep winning.

e91c78 No.1545948


Absolute power fucks with their stupid heads.

8d56ef No.1545949

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this dude here knows how to read comms……….if you wana know how to read Q's comms study this guy………geez he's a trip…but he's right..

0aa030 No.1545950


Would the planet be flat too?

2fa70d No.1545951

File: ea40dce6ed07e7d⋯.png (356.46 KB, 610x366, 5:3, egrjTIg - Imgur.png)

b8173a No.1545952

We need a hashtag. I’m assuming just #DavidHogg or #Hoggwash?

b3b3dc No.1545953


Junkies think that the world would be a better place if they had an unlimited supply of heroin. Power does the same thing to someone's mind.

9f5c7a No.1545954

File: 492e0c40d9f0971⋯.jpg (17.07 KB, 799x599, 799:599, fullmoon.jpg)

File: cdfa09ed56debb8⋯.png (58.62 KB, 818x312, 409:156, mayflowermoon.PNG)

I wonder if this is the "Sky Event". Interesting what this "wiccan priestess" says.

https:// msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/whats-hot/the-one-thing-you-should-do-during-this-months-full-moon/ar-AAxNYkD?li=BBnb7Kz

57a630 No.1545955


If you woke up and had a load of cum on your face,would you be happier? Would you have better skin tone and a glowing attitude like a CIA nigger?

971a5f No.1545956


I agree, but he wanted a meme war… I had to make at least a couple rounds.

8c4869 No.1545957


agreed, he doesn't deserve the attention but on the other hand it gives us something to do for lulz while we wait for moar Q.

0e4bbd No.1545958

File: 400535bc3fb378a⋯.jpg (184.31 KB, 488x797, 488:797, great meme war 2.jpg)

b18aaa No.1545959

File: 0b0dd721ec95ee7⋯.png (379.06 KB, 458x598, 229:299, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 396c73f9a443cf3⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1023x683, 1023:683, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 03310e4ccae337c⋯.png (3.21 MB, 1252x1296, 313:324, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b6f12d44f09e586⋯.png (572.73 KB, 500x647, 500:647, ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you baker

Have some green eyed girls

Gaze deep in their eyes

Feel the LOVE

bcbc3d No.1545960

File: 732fecf0138e99f⋯.jpg (12 KB, 255x183, 85:61, 96f0050ee340c025686fb554c9….jpg)

57a630 No.1545961

File: 639ba5264346a7c⋯.jpg (123.26 KB, 500x888, 125:222, delaney meme.jpg)

e91c78 No.1545962


You are projecting.

483278 No.1545963


#Hoggwarts or #Hogwarts?

63ec6e No.1545964


Because he's made a classic blunder: you never get in a meme war with /pol/

It will be historic.

a0c6a3 No.1545965

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


The Thing could transform itself exactly like the fabled Octopus within an isolated lake under ice.

57a630 No.1545966



e91c78 No.1545967


Yes. The feeling of being right is similar. It's why we are all here.

8b74ce No.1545968


They are being led and promised shit by the cabal. And when their use is up. The real world is going to hit them very hard. Hogg thinks hes gonna me a superstar. SUPERFAMEFAG

bcbc3d No.1545969

File: 984d753cb9fe30d⋯.jpg (16.45 KB, 229x221, 229:221, 68ac299fa156e864f5f06c33ba….jpg)

971a5f No.1545970

File: 3215ebd180a03cd⋯.png (457.37 KB, 636x795, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)


And this is what we are up against…. We might as well just give up now…. Kek!!!!

0e4bbd No.1545971


The black and white original? The 80's version? Or the latest installment from a few years ago?

8b74ce No.1545972


Maybe Hagg should consult Corsi before entering this war

7da110 No.1545973

File: 7d56f85854914f6⋯.jpg (22.56 KB, 219x301, 219:301, 55.jpg)

File: 6f43fe786fa8e52⋯.jpg (44.25 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 151iq.jpg)

Where the fuck is Q?

I was hoping for some solid 5:5 (no fag).

0aa030 No.1545974

File: a9b589f1cedb9fb⋯.png (99.23 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)








0bfe1b No.1545975

File: 92b128e47a8ebf6⋯.jpg (51.52 KB, 285x372, 95:124, 1521951831971.jpg)


Not antisemetic. Not my idea. No ban pliz.

A /pol/ faggot rightly pointed out that their meme HQ was given pro bono by the Jewish Community Center.

Best way to target would be to show Hogg boy as a sponsor of Israeli genocide against Palestinian children. Would even turn leftists against them.

b3b3dc No.1545976


80s all the way.

c7d80c No.1545977


How about:

"Only my bodyguards

get guns"

57a630 No.1545978


3) Killary is writing up his suicide note.

a0c6a3 No.1545979


That’s four asses worth of ass.

494330 No.1545980

File: a63d587dd182984⋯.jpeg (11.07 KB, 300x193, 300:193, rescue_eagle_war_cry.jpeg)

Did they lock the great wizard away in a tower after he found out about Palantir?


198db5 No.1545981


>It's a thought experiment about yourself and what you are capable of believing in.

I don't try to deceive myself or refute the truth with "thought experiments".

cb418c No.1545982


80's version fan here.

>The black and white original?

Gonna have to look into that one. Any good?

66ee12 No.1545983

File: f35674f449ad4b8⋯.jpg (45.34 KB, 500x500, 1:1, kekdestroyerofnarratives.jpg)


mein neger, anon.

914fbc No.1545984


Globalism is really just another name for White genocide because only White countries have been "globalized". Everyone else is as nationalistic as always.

Asians and African countries have bought into the economic globalism but haven't tried to "diversify" their populations.

bccb89 No.1545985

Hogg will just run crying to the Twitter, get his "harassers" banned, and then strut around like he won.

14fa20 No.1545986

File: df4f6e6c4307b04⋯.jpg (89.68 KB, 480x449, 480:449, 2b1dzd~2.jpg)

Netflix and Obama whites want you to fuck off.

57a630 No.1545987


Maybe it will go fast if progress is exponential.

9c80e0 No.1545988

File: e8dec8303e49ea6⋯.jpeg (245.23 KB, 631x799, 631:799, pag1.jpeg)

File: 73cf8578d30a618⋯.jpeg (288.97 KB, 630x801, 70:89, pag2.jpeg)

Found an old but interesting article on GB


(by Scott Thompson)

4c92df No.1545989


Got any sauce with that?

66ee12 No.1545990

File: c0795db9bd45b15⋯.jpeg (14.82 KB, 474x355, 474:355, shhiietnigga.jpeg)


#1 You are fucking correct 100%

#2 Who gives a fuck about hogg Q told us multiple times it doesn't mean shit stop being distracted.


b3b3dc No.1545991


Solzhenitsyn had great observations here. The Leftist Intellectuals made the most noise for change, convincing other to go along - but that same minor charisma and influence makes them too dangerous to allow them to remain. They were the first ones shipped off to the GULAG.

1da702 No.1545992


who invented swearing?

God duh.

Who invented the lie?

God duh.

who swore first.

God duh.

who lied first?

Satan duh.

God never has and never will have reason to use a lie.

Satan has every reason and always will have reason to lie.


19d12a No.1545993

I know what we have been lead to believe about BC17, some think this, some that…

I do know that an interesting key is sitting on their twatter account….

be3963 No.1545994

File: 7e53125cd3dee1d⋯.png (592.74 KB, 524x540, 131:135, hoggwash.PNG)

0e4bbd No.1545995


The 80's version is one of my all time favorite flicks. Timeless classic. The black and white one tells the story of what happened in the Norwegian camp but I honestly havent seen it in years so I dont really remember much.

cb418c No.1545996

File: b2d9cd65cde83d1⋯.png (790.92 KB, 1200x1110, 40:37, snowday.png)

4a15cc No.1545997

File: 77e81c1c020b658⋯.jpg (41.3 KB, 439x306, 439:306, ass.jpg)


421df3 No.1545998

File: bcd4be647bd9fc9⋯.jpg (51.41 KB, 512x358, 256:179, bf789e5d35c58d76e585cd7e40….jpg)

Calling it now.

Hoggs meme war is a giant distraction attempt aimed at us using subversive agents already on this board that'll eventually backfire so bad we'll make history. Again.

Screenshot this.

8b74ce No.1545999


Yup. When you make a deal with the devil, what makes you think its enforceable by any kind of just law?!

aec696 No.1546000


Did anyone catch Judge Jeanine who was hosting Hannity's program allude to this tonight?

f77c25 No.1546001

Where is Q?

6f0e2a No.1546002

Last Backchannel Post was this:


and an MIA video called "Paper Planes"

bccb89 No.1546003

0aa030 No.1546004


Saw this posted in an earlier bread:

FBI: Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Was Informant for Mueller’s FBI; Special Counsel Under Fire for Deal with Sex Offender


b31ee8 No.1546005


ok so screen shot it

9c80e0 No.1546006


gone fishing..

8b74ce No.1546007


Maybe, but destrying the 2nd amendment is pretty fucking serious shit!!!

7da110 No.1546008

File: 09abf165ba79d5d⋯.jpg (22.79 KB, 624x360, 26:15, FlingTampon.jpg)



e91c78 No.1546009


Hm. Scott Adams would disagree.

Might you ever ask a leftist to imagine a world in which they were wrong? If not, why not.

b3b3dc No.1546010


Yeah, well the Constitution stomping corrupt cops here Swatted my house based on a BS tip from my ex wife, confiscated all of my valuable property, refused to return it, and now they are pressing some made up (planted) Felony charges against me because I filed a lawsuit to get my shit back. I'm a disabled vet, too old and tired for this shit, and I'm not living the rest of my life as a slave/convict.

C'est la vie…but I'm still doing what I can here.

2342d3 No.1546011


Trust the plan.

0aa030 No.1546012

File: cb0d55264686a92⋯.jpeg (19 KB, 510x332, 255:166, pepe_suit.jpeg)

19d12a No.1546013



Happy Hunting.

72c988 No.1546014


Hogg, Hhmm.


Never Heard of Him!

b3b3dc No.1546015


It's hard to find. It's been 20 years since I saw it.

57a630 No.1546016

File: 2dcb81f7686de16⋯.png (415.33 KB, 600x427, 600:427, clint barry.png)

63ec6e No.1546017


Meme war will likely be at halfchan, mainly, not on this board although many anons will take an interest and of course we can be in both places.

It shouldn't be a major distraction here beyond a way for the boys to have fun.

1ea0fc No.1546018

File: 75be5fc0fd8c282⋯.jpg (167.43 KB, 661x510, 661:510, wfaf.jpg)

File: 4f590ae0a468860⋯.png (154.1 KB, 767x767, 1:1, InternetBillofLove.png)

File: 234a5f555a00b65⋯.jpg (126.74 KB, 800x591, 800:591, 8ca9adc744e4cac2e05b279cff….jpg)

File: 01a8bfcd72a0a13⋯.png (563.63 KB, 2872x3448, 359:431, QIBOR.png)

File: 3a9d087e8070e4b⋯.png (360.82 KB, 1313x805, 1313:805, 400d0422ec5aa3437f6f79570f….png)

Internet Bill Of Rights

Let your voices be heard!






President Trump's twitter is officially a public forum, this gives you immunity to shadowbans and censorship when @POTUS.

Take this plot armor and go forth to spread the message!


Read carefully and honestly

Do you believe that your right to privacy and freedom of expression should pertain to your experiences online?

Do you believe that WE THE PEOPLE deserve full representation of our rights wherever we may go?

Do you believe that protections should be in place to preserve these rights?

Please, spread the word about the Petition and remind the people that they do indeed have the POWER and VOICE to create CHANGE


>#1. We the People have the Right to complete free speech when on the Internet.

>#2. We have the right and shall be guaranteed absolute privacy when online. There shall be no unauthorized monitoring, recording, or storing of our data at any time.

>#3. We shall be given access to the most up to date and powerful technology available to us, with all provisions & efforts made by our elected officials to ensure that our Internet quality is always reflective of its importance to our Republic.

>#4. We have the Right to NOT have our Internet throttled, prioritized, or restricted in any way.

>#5. We have the Right to select and appoint a new special council to oversee these Rights, and a report on the State of The American Internet shall be submitted to POTUS by January 15th of each year.

Remember that this is an American issue and humanitarian issue of Rights.

All voices deserve equal and fair representation so that an honest dialog may take place.

The people have been divided for too long, let us be the anthem of hope and freedom that WE THE PEOPLE deserve!

Attached are combinations of memes for a variety of viewpoints.

Freedom of speech and privacy is not a partisan issue, but that of all people.

>>1489251 Internet Bill Of Rights

>>1489251 Internet Bill Of Rights

Thank you brave patriots, from the bottom of my heart I salute you in all of your endeavors!

bit. ly/QIBOR


If you have yet to sign and are on the fence about it, be BRAVE and remember that YOU HAVE ALWAYS HAD THE POWER!






66ee12 No.1546019


>Hoggs meme war is a giant distraction attempt aimed at us using subversive agents already on this board

Anons, DIG and don't let these (((shills))) distract you with hogg. Damn, boys.

8d56ef No.1546020


You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was

a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he

lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

b3b3dc No.1546021


Eastwood post above yours gave me an idea for tomorrow….The Good, The Bad, and the Hoggly meme.

e91c78 No.1546022


There are many reasons to support globalism, if you simply ignore the truth that it doesn't work.

Some people can't help but ignore the truth.

617a73 No.1546023


God Bless you all. So sweet.

66ee12 No.1546024


Why the fuck not we can chew a bone or two while digging also.

94dffa No.1546025

File: fe5bcaa81e4f4c0⋯.png (1.29 MB, 690x919, 690:919, hoggconcieved.png)

Hey…David ASKED for a meme war…Didn't he?

0efbeb No.1546026

File: 445e80c3629484b⋯.png (1.33 MB, 2560x1600, 8:5, Mara.png)


In document 3 around page 85 it mentions this Virginia girl who was Epstiens sex slave, she met him while working at Trumps Mar-a-Lago golf club, her dad was head of maintance at the course.

9677d6 No.1546027

From the Bible.

'You shall not give any of your offspring to offer them to Molech, nor shall you profane the name of your God; I am the LORD.Leviticus 18:21

Then it came about in the morning that Balak took Balaam and brought him up to the high places of Baal, and he saw from there a portion of the people. Numbers 22:41

Then they made their sons and their daughters pass through the fire, and practiced divination and enchantments, and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the LORD, provoking Him. 2 Kings 17:17

They even sacrificed their sons and their daughters to the demons, Psalms

"And shed innocent blood, The blood of their sons and their daughters, Whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan; And the land was polluted with the blood. Ps.106:38

"They have built the high places of Topheth, which is in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire, which I did not command, and it did not come into My mind. Jeremiah 7:31

"They built the high places of Baal that are in the valley of Ben-hinnom to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire to Molech, which I had not commanded them nor had it entered My mind that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin. Jeremiah 32:35

"You slaughtered My children and offered them up to idols by causing them to pass through the fire. Ezekiel 16:21

"Thus says the Lord GOD, "Because your lewdness was poured out and your nakedness uncovered through your harlotries with your lovers and with all your detestable idols, and because of the blood of your sons which you gave to idols,

Ezekiel 16:36

8b74ce No.1546028


Hang in there sir. My old man was a disabled vietnam vet. His first wife fucked him over with a dear Jon letter. Please dont go crazy and kill people. My old man went crazy way back when I was a kid. Held us captive in a house. The sheriff happened to be a Vietnam vet and talked him down. Its not worth your soul. I will pray for you sir.

cb418c No.1546029



Anyone recall if the B&W film was titled "The thing" or something different?

Curiosity piqued~

57a630 No.1546030


I read you loud and clear. The police state is a yuge problem and were nowhere close to fixing that, because we will use it against /them/. Maybe after that, we will return to open carry and few police, as it should be.

3f3aa0 No.1546031


I hope he stays gone.

7a290a No.1546032

File: 4d1cdb5fd6aec19⋯.jpg (106.38 KB, 967x544, 967:544, trap.jpg)

b3b3dc No.1546033


There is zero reason to support Globalism. There is no one size fits all solution to governing…same reason most of the Founders wanted a weak Federal Government…problems can be better solved on a smaller scale.

b18aaa No.1546034


It is going to hit some people very hard

To realize that during the 4000 to 5000 years

That the Illuminati have been steering civilization

They have brought the world lots of good things

For instance, the rigid hierarchical structure of the military

Was an Illuminati invention

They just went to far

When they tried to impose it on all of society

And they failed to see its weaknesses

Even for military use

There is a place for small collective teams

That do not live by orders from above

But as a band of brothers

Like SEAL team 6, Army Rangers, Delta force

And the rest of JSOC, not to mention Blackwater

And it's descendants and copycats

MK Ultra Mind control is evil

As is Satanic Ritual Abuse, the more ancient system

That it descended from

But there is great power in being able to divide your mind

And dissociate one persona from another

If only a person does this by their own choice

And not forced by torture from another

Who only wants a slave to do their bidding

And satisfy their perversions

Norman Vincent Peale will teach you how to use this kind of mind control

On yourself.

With no torture

You will become a more effective worker in the field you have chosen

When you no longer fear failure

When your thoughts are firmly fixed on the goal

And you want to BE BEST

You may find that as you drive to work

Through crazy traffic

You can dissociate your mind

And drift into an inner space

Where you think through work problems

While another persona

Controls the car

Calmly avoiding the idiot who cuts in front of you

The jaywalking woman who runs between cars and stumbles in front of you

And so on.

One persona goes to an inner fantasy world

And gets real work done

Another persona

Drives the car calmly, with no fear and no emotion

And with the highest level of driving skill

We need to study everything that the Illuminati do

Unveil it completely

Understand it

And mine from it things that we can use

In a better way

And without their ancient baggage of satanic religion

Because we create the world

And we do not want satanic rituals in our world

At all.

BE BEST my friends

It will be GLORIOUS!

0e4bbd No.1546035


I just checked on Youtube and nope, not there sadly.


Looks like it was originally titled The Thing From Another World

1da702 No.1546036


but satan is so inept.

God gave satan the ability to lie.

satan is a cucked liddle nigger.



cb418c No.1546037



Loving parents, Roscoe and Boss.

494330 No.1546038

File: e6931c4007f72c8⋯.jpeg (565.51 KB, 1920x1546, 960:773, quotes_obscure.jpeg)


The firebombing of Dresden.

8b74ce No.1546039


The original Thing was in color. I thought It came out in 1979. Fuking classic.

0bfe1b No.1546040

File: fce5f5002b5df98⋯.jpg (155 KB, 732x1024, 183:256, hoggvs4chan9484093.jpg)

File: b3d8a866e41bf6f⋯.jpg (76.24 KB, 589x743, 589:743, 1524287632195.jpg)


Here. Some autist already went there a while back.


Im actually against it but this would be the best and quickest way to shut them down. Show them as asking for gun ban while supporting baby murderers.

They wouldnt know what hit them. Hogg thinks its going to play out in some lame drawn out he said she said highschool crap. Hero Liberals vs Ebil Republohitlers. Israel angle and baby murder is indefensible.

bccb89 No.1546042

Look at the lame responses to his original tweet. He has no idea how out gunned he is. He's going to find out.


b3b3dc No.1546043


1982, I think, and that was a remake

ec961c No.1546044

"I will leave both sides with some words of wisdom acquired from my parents; you can take it or leave it. To the MAGA guys: Don’t walk around while wearing a blindfold, you might walk straight into traffic. And to the America First guys: Don’t be so quick to throw the baby out with the bath water."

George Orwell Jr

0efbeb No.1546045


I see you found January…

483278 No.1546046

File: 3e6c639c5ade0b3⋯.png (161.78 KB, 1324x902, 662:451, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ae3a947bdb563dc⋯.png (78.53 KB, 735x289, 735:289, ClipboardImage.png)





Larping again probably, trying to imitate JA.

57a630 No.1546047


My prayers also.

d3ec56 No.1546048


>Would we rather all the violence and hatred of our imaginations?

It's not our imagination, newfag!

'They' are the ones that hate us!

Why the hell do you think they call us sheep?

'They' think they are better then us!

They would murderer every damn one of us (and only keep enough slaves to service their needs and clean their toilets) if they could!

'They' don't think we deserve to live a full, happy life without their gdamn foot on our necks! Wake the fuck up! Imagination my ass!

9c80e0 No.1546049


The original novel was written by Theodore Sturgeon "who goes there?"

There is a movie (1950) credited by Howard Hawks and the classic "the thing" by Carpenter

2075ff No.1546050

File: 2d2497a35b90a2c⋯.png (321.9 KB, 636x536, 159:134, YEMEN.png)

More News.

https:// twitter.com/The_NewArab/status/999165546850643969

e91c78 No.1546051



You two cleary do not understand how a thought experiment works.

Step 1 is NOT "refuting select parts of it and not learning a single thing."

57a630 No.1546052

File: 273fac6c5d37419⋯.png (658.51 KB, 800x500, 8:5, judge roy lunch.png)

8b74ce No.1546053


Ah your right. Always been a classic to me. I was pretty young when it came out.


2075ff No.1546054

File: 58b0f91555968f3⋯.png (25.81 KB, 616x200, 77:25, YEMEN2.png)


More Ballistic Missiles

https:// twitter.com/AlmanarEnglish/status/999620203293106176

cb418c No.1546055

File: 599a022f2b56a38⋯.png (445.41 KB, 1112x620, 278:155, Thing3.png)


>The Thing From Another World


>was in color. I thought It came out in 1979

Awesome. Thanks for deets.

1da702 No.1546057


right now satan is screaming at me.

punk pussy dog fucker.

e1fba5 No.1546058

File: 7e0e9c0834f2201⋯.jpg (75.69 KB, 640x458, 320:229, images.duckduckgo.jpg)

8d56ef No.1546059


You are the anointed cherub that covers; and I have set you so: you were on the holy

mountain of God; you have walked up and down in the middle of the stones of fire.

You were perfect in your ways from the day that you were created, till iniquity was found in you.

1da702 No.1546060


here I AM.


e423ae No.1546061

File: 1272b5eeb2d2e5a⋯.jpg (777.71 KB, 994x1897, 142:271, Qsuicidecolors.jpg)

File: 8caead40e158cdb⋯.jpg (776.69 KB, 994x1897, 142:271, Qclocksuicideweekend.jpg)

File: 2cfc54c3aa16f22⋯.jpg (727.34 KB, 935x1800, 187:360, 5eyeswtweetpics.jpg)

File: c9f41f74f21ee3a⋯.jpg (1.6 MB, 1928x2754, 964:1377, qkimjongungraph.jpg)

File: f2d98b4c047eb27⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 1590x1500, 53:50, QRTgraphic.jpg)

just posting for late night fags

2be2f7 No.1546062

File: 141f6266f860190⋯.jpg (11.63 KB, 251x201, 251:201, 1482641306236.jpg)


There's so much convoluted internet shit clogging the tubes I don't care about hog anymore than the rest of these animals

Just look at /pol/ tonight, fuckin' A

7da110 No.1546063

File: 8e30cbd794282da⋯.png (189.53 KB, 500x281, 500:281, BrainForced.png)

File: 9047360f493b72d⋯.jpg (21.76 KB, 306x356, 153:178, CockFree.jpg)

File: 8d22368d1b53979⋯.jpg (42.08 KB, 720x340, 36:17, ShitTalker.jpg)

File: bf0b395de06973d⋯.jpg (29.44 KB, 480x320, 3:2, VoteDNC.jpg)


Wow. Your complete bullshit is almost believable when assembled in hieroglyphics.

b3b3dc No.1546064


You clearly do not understand that we know how Bullshit Programming works to infiltrate under the guise of "Hey, just consider this…what if there is nothing wrong with ::insert repugnant idea:::

Let's do a thought experiment…without judging or refuting, consider that there are good points to adults fucking 5 year olds.

See how that works?

e91c78 No.1546065


They think they know better than you.

You think you know better than them.

They want to take away your power.

You want to take away their power.

They think everything you believe is wrong.

You think everything they believe is wrong.

They hate you.

You hate them.

d3ec56 No.1546066


>If you could wake up from this dream and realize no one was evil, only broken and in desperate need of repair, would you be happier?

Yes, and the place to get a repair is with their maker! So the executions for treason should start asap! smfh They ARE evil, dumbass!

1c2a54 No.1546067

File: d53e8f9d3e22df3⋯.jpg (378.71 KB, 750x770, 75:77, 1511151142816.jpg)



Kek, already thought of this. The great thing is that anon can multitask like no other on this earth. Regardless, we've been consuming and compiling info on a daily basis for ages, autists make deep connects on the daily, memefags do their thing. Two sides of the same coin. Hell 4chan and plebbit alone can handle Hogg's little brushfire "war". Hogg might as well go piss in the ocean for all the good it'll get him in return, a big ass wave in his face. Let us stay on task though, good on looking past the BS anon.

28b8f3 No.1546068


Interesting thought experiment.

I guess it depends..

If globalists were to win, then I'd be happier if I was convinced that they are trying to make the world better, and are just rationalizing temporary evil as a means to an ends.


if & when we win, then I'll be much happier to know that we saved the world from evil, than from well-meaning arrogant elitists.

24f886 No.1546069

File: c862ed3736537ba⋯.jpg (197.67 KB, 598x577, 598:577, playdyoself.jpg)

e91c78 No.1546070


What, pray tell, are the good parts?

9c80e0 No.1546071

File: 4991fe627d7535b⋯.jpg (426.36 KB, 1036x800, 259:200, thething.jpg)




The original novel was written by Theodore Sturgeon "who goes there?"

There is a movie (1950) credited by Christian Nyby but directed by Howard Hawks and the classic "the thing" by Carpenter

0e4bbd No.1546072


There is also a prequel as well from 2011.

Not as good as the 80's one, but not half bad either.

b18aaa No.1546073


Why does this post have all the signs of a clown shill posting?

When Q first dropped #InternetBillOfRights anons started to discuss what we might do given that the previous #IBOR attempt failed.

But that discussion was stifled by a few loud voices demanding that we blast out a huge number of tags and make a new petition. That was the exact same thing that was done before and which failed before.

How many times must this happen before we realize who are the real clowns who have co-opted this board?

The petition is a disgrace. I didn'tr sign it. I don't tell anyone about it, If a meme includes a link to it I do not use it.

And I notice on Twitter that not many other people are using those memes either. I think people are more awake than the clowns realize and simply do not fall for these kinds of liberal tricks any more.

Let the liberals sign petitions, hold demonstrations, and act like assholes.

I think that conservatives are better at listening to each other and working out sensible and creative ways to solve our problems. The conservative future will be glorious.

cb418c No.1546074

File: 16915ce1af6e890⋯.png (171.69 KB, 666x517, 666:517, Selection_165.png)


>The Thing From Another World

This looks like the one.

Thanks again for info.

1da702 No.1546075


forgot… fuck (You).

3f3bf7 No.1546077


Night Baker Here

I don't think anyone has volunteered yet, so I can take us until about 7am. Send me notables but I probably have time to read thru what's already here.

d3ec56 No.1546078




Are you seriously that dumb or just a slidefag?

7da110 No.1546079


Oh Fuh Shua.

66ee12 No.1546080


Godspeed, good Patriot Baker

9c80e0 No.1546081


yes directed by a norwegian artist..is the prequel at the norvegian base

8b74ce No.1546082


I fuking hate psychologists. Its a bullshit copout degree.

e91c78 No.1546083


Exactly the point.

Consider the implications of that last sentence. What does it say about what we want?

b3b3dc No.1546084


What are the good parts of Globalism?

f663f8 No.1546085

File: 0b31d0727d26683⋯.mp4 (4.14 MB, 480x360, 4:3, videoplayback.mp4)

File: 1cae901dde331f0⋯.png (1 MB, 1440x900, 8:5, 26.png)

File: 89cb813b5cd4b85⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1440x900, 8:5, 14.png)

File: cf1fb0331a5b31b⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1440x900, 8:5, 1.png)

File: 923f340908124d6⋯.png (481.99 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, 0.png)

f663f8 No.1546086

File: 7b5325973e2bbde⋯.png (447.29 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, 32.png)

File: a60191c37085a12⋯.png (422.89 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, 33.png)

File: 3e16b8442fdebee⋯.png (938.29 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, 31.png)

File: 3f0f84c33af9d41⋯.png (691.31 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, 30.png)

File: 5ac176aa131d23f⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1440x900, 8:5, 28.png)

c7d80c No.1546087


conceived (i before e except after c)

14fa20 No.1546088

File: c1e57cce7851ece⋯.jpg (94.9 KB, 500x558, 250:279, 2aucmu~2.jpg)

File: df4f6e6c4307b04⋯.jpg (89.68 KB, 480x449, 480:449, 2b1dzd~2.jpg)

Trump is the King

9c80e0 No.1546089


I've always thought tha Sturgeon knew a lot..

b18aaa No.1546090


Why would you search for something like that on YouTube?

Search it on Google, click Videos, and there it is!


f663f8 No.1546091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f663f8 No.1546092

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3c28b8 No.1546093

File: a8a2e1a06fe391f⋯.png (306.21 KB, 500x538, 250:269, ClipboardImage.png)

d3ec56 No.1546094


>They probably thought the world would be better if they controlled it.

'They' think the world would be a better place if there was only 500,000,000 people worldwide, idiot! gtfo

0bfe1b No.1546095

File: 2053b89df63ce0c⋯.jpg (68.44 KB, 616x372, 154:93, 2053b89df63ce0c76af394254e….jpg)


I dont even understand what your response means. But i bet schitzophrenia runs in your genes.

8b74ce No.1546096


HAHA NICE. Now thats notable!!!

1da702 No.1546097



rules idiot?

yeah i have them too.

fire away asshole.

9c80e0 No.1546098


Sorry…my mistake..was written by John W. Campbell, Jr.

28b8f3 No.1546099


It means subconsciously we want the glory. We want to feel like we've made the biggest impact. And would rather accept existence of evil, just so that we can say we defeated it. Obviously we'd sacrifice all that if we could undo the suffering that we believe was done by the evil. But it wouldn't quite feel the same.

2342d3 No.1546100


I can't believe that douchebag declared a meme war. What an idiot.

14fa20 No.1546101

File: 4a5d916dfb72e3e⋯.jpg (44.46 KB, 480x570, 16:19, 2azgf3~2.jpg)

File: ed8680183fbefbb⋯.jpg (47.86 KB, 480x699, 160:233, 2azg5v~2.jpg)

Bitch we are coming.

494330 No.1546102

If your job involves cleaning toilets I think you should be paid a wage that can support a family.

ec961c No.1546103

File: 00288afd0244977⋯.jpg (7.5 KB, 292x173, 292:173, download-5.jpg)

9e90ed No.1546104



if we are spamming him accurate memes like good guys shooting mass shooters. that gives us his platform to redpill the sheep that follow him..

also remember guy, include @potus in every tweet, so twitter cant shadow ban or censor it.

b3b3dc No.1546105


Paid by whom?

d78234 No.1546106

Fake Empire

The National

Stay out super late tonight

Picking apples, making pies

Put a little something in our lemonade

And take it with us

We're half awake in a fake empire

We're half awake in a fake empire

Tiptoe through our shiny city

With our diamond slippers on

Do our gay ballet on ice

Bluebirds on our shoulders

We're half awake in a fake empire

We're half awake in a fake empire

Turn the light out, say goodnight

No thinking for a little while

Let's not try to figure out everything at once

It's hard to keep track of you falling through the sky

We're half awake in a fake empire

We're half awake in a fake empire

c7d80c No.1546107

File: 1090a57df3a2db2⋯.jpeg (14.49 KB, 255x170, 3:2, Comey McCabe Babies held ….jpeg)

0e4bbd No.1546108




Its going to be interesting to find out how close those films are to the truth. Or not.

Cant come fast enough.

ec961c No.1546109


Holy fuck is that an awesome meme hahahaha!

494330 No.1546110


The person who pays a wage is typically called an employer.

3c28b8 No.1546111

File: cad6437fcb8006c⋯.png (467.2 KB, 720x780, 12:13, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 03e78f003023f2f⋯.png (736.27 KB, 750x996, 125:166, ClipboardImage.png)

d78234 No.1546112

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e91c78 No.1546113


Well, if you ignore the fact that it doesn't work (that was the stipulation), it's a great idea. Lower trade barriers mean cheaper products, which overall should improve the quality of life for everyone. If people could get along, free movement of people across borders would mean greater access to good locations and services, which should allow market forces to push countries and companies to improve their offerings to attract higher paying taxpayers and customers, which in turn would improve overall quality of life and spread wealth.

The concept is partly based on "a rising tide raises all ships" mentally, which is easy to believe if you are very poor and stupid or very rich and stupid, but obviously false if you are smart.

6f67a1 No.1546114

File: aceb99f59ddf0b7⋯.jpg (131.91 KB, 1858x985, 1858:985, 64.jpg)


Another anon was posting something in the last bread that had me think of something in the Q drop. so i went to check back in the Q Drops.

1da702 No.1546115


peace? kma forgotten.

e91c78 No.1546116


Would we sacrifice all that?

That's the great question, of life, the universe, and everything.

cb418c No.1546117

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Definitely interesting.

Haven't watched the 1951 film yet, but found this 4 minute clip and it's pretty awesome…


19d12a No.1546118


If BC17 was a "cover" for someone, then generally speaking it would be considered fake right?

b3b3dc No.1546119


I'm an employer. One man company. If I decide that I now want someone to come and empty my trash and clean the toilets, and I offer $x an hour (what it's worth to me) then you can accept or decline. If you decline and someone else accepts, then we have a deal. If nobody does then I either increase my offer until I do find someone, or I keep doing it myself.

ec961c No.1546120

Well Anons. The day you have all been waiting for.

A meme war.

Load em up.

971a5f No.1546121

File: 52e063a4c2c3c4f⋯.jpg (470.02 KB, 900x626, 450:313, sessions-SmallKek.jpg)

9e90ed No.1546122

File: e2b8bc969905122⋯.png (243.76 KB, 517x594, 47:54, e2b8bc969905122a8bfaf389b5….png)

File: 86d80a9f2cbaab3⋯.jpg (73.19 KB, 566x528, 283:264, kkk.jpg)



c7d4d2 No.1546123

Guys.. what if the governments have been filling up the prisons with muslims for years on purpose? It would serve the dual purpose of:

1. Creating hotbeds for islamic extremism to spread in, basically creating an underground army in case of SHTF.

2. Anyone uncomfortable to the Cabal who, after the prison is in essence taken over, gets sent there will get a death sentence that the government can't be taken to account for in the style of 'accidents happen' and 'inmates fight all the time - not my islam'.

Almonds firing.. Worried about Tommy Robinson.

Previous case: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4075328/Man-jailed-leaving-bacon-sandwiched-outside-mosque-dead-prison-half-way-12-month-sentence.html

0e4bbd No.1546124

File: a3bafcc0919374f⋯.png (269.06 KB, 655x432, 655:432, reagan top kek.png)

018064 No.1546125


You can't beat a Hogg roast .

But you can fuck one.

1da702 No.1546126


wats tha matter lil nigger satan?

forgot wat it was like to be cucked like the bitch you are?


57a630 No.1546127

File: c3cd9d931b94b44⋯.jpg (112.5 KB, 758x787, 758:787, obama legacy.jpg)

7da110 No.1546128

File: e6deeb7701b9821⋯.png (472 KB, 790x497, 790:497, Evicted.png)

494330 No.1546129


Slavery is profitable, it will always win in the free market.

9d6387 No.1546130

So what the actual fuck is happening re: POTUS cancelling the NK summit?

d3ec56 No.1546131


>They think they know better than you.

>You think you know better than them.

I don't "think" jackass, I know!

I don't "think" I'm better than anyone else because I have more paper money or power!

I don't want to murder others because I "think" they are sub-human (sheep)!

I don't want to rape liddle kids and murder unborn babies!

I don't get off on power trips because I'm scared of who I really am!

I don't worship Satan!

I don't "think" I'm better than them!

I fucking know I am!

Now take your "thought experiment" and gtfoh!

This is /qresearch/, not your fucking lab!

018064 No.1546132


And the hide and seek at school award goes to ….

David Hogg

b3b3dc No.1546133


Slavery is through force or threat of force. I engage neither, but offer a voluntary deal.

0ba468 No.1546134


don't feed the shills

494330 No.1546135


Just like monopolies.

1da702 No.1546136


I am Daniel and I Am LAUGHING AT YOU SATAN !!!

faa660 No.1546137


>>Trust the plan

>>Enjoy the show

57a630 No.1546138


Where is Hogg on a car ban? Doesnt he read the news? Get on your bike and ride, son! Torontonians are dying en masse by assault car!

b3b3dc No.1546139


I am SATAN and you are making me self-conscious by laughing at me. Please Stahp.

7da110 No.1546140


>obviously false if you are smart


2342d3 No.1546141

Has anyone gone to David Hogg's twatter to see the replies to his dumbass declaration of a meme war? He is getting BTFO.

34c266 No.1546142

File: d9c02be18499a39⋯.jpeg (59.76 KB, 856x960, 107:120, DeFL5yzWAAEaY8q.jpg large.jpeg)


just art of the deal.

didn't hogg lose the meme war a long fucking time ago?

1da702 No.1546143


joker is too good for you.

stroker is ever to good.

nigger is (You).

N too good.

2f1802 No.1546144

File: 7ae8553be1d9519⋯.jpeg (527.43 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 7ae8553be1d95196cfcfbdb00….jpeg)

e91c78 No.1546145


Free market includes social forces, which have determined slavery unacceptable. Demand is high for companies who don't use slaves.

Only issue is lack of awareness. Where awareness is low, companies aren't accountable to social pressure. Those places can utilize slave labor.

57a630 No.1546146

File: 12d8ab030f5a75b⋯.jpg (47.58 KB, 600x427, 600:427, clint.jpg)

379971 No.1546147

File: 07b1cf0172fa52f⋯.jpeg (2.35 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, D1C84BC6-A317-494B-9EE2-1….jpeg)

File: 8d92077ed7b3dd0⋯.jpeg (2.34 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 56194F35-FFFA-4909-83A3-F….jpeg)

Chandler, AZ

1da702 No.1546148


8d56ef No.1546149

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What if their not broken, there just not fully

human? Would that frighten you?

e27909 No.1546150

File: 21bad94fa52025d⋯.png (68.53 KB, 742x746, 371:373, ClipboardImage.png)

" This is the not just the largest seizure of Fentanyl in Nebraska history, but, also the largest ever in the United States — enough to kill more than 26 million people."

32da42 No.1546151

Does Q hate gay, trans, and bi people???

2075ff No.1546152


Both. Even the First is a dangerous road. practically is to declare the War.

US must be very pissed with that. Now has the enemy near of the home.

24f886 No.1546153

File: 32e05a18b2e1335⋯.jpg (161.02 KB, 532x400, 133:100, hs.jpg)

e91c78 No.1546154


And yet.

28b8f3 No.1546155


Sure we would. If reality that's beyond our control, suddenly was changeable by us, then if we seek to be righteous, we would never settle for selfish glory if it means suffering to others. We'd still fight against globalism, knowingly that the victory will still be sweet, but nowhere nearly as sweet as it will be when the great awakening is complete.

be3963 No.1546156

File: 7741b9271fa5bbd⋯.png (441 KB, 863x594, 863:594, hoggwash2.PNG)

Going down

9e90ed No.1546157


logic, when Q typed "Fake" in response to a bc17 image it was pretty obvious Q knew we would all take that to mean BC17 is a clown op.

and he made no correction.

bc17 is a clown op.

so is anyone talking down IBOR, anyone present the last ten breads can see very clearly the shill effort to demoralize us from IBOR, there is literally zero reason against signing it, and pushing it on everyone you can

a few of those shills in this very thread…..

b3b3dc No.1546158


Before I forget. I was digging into two things based on this q-post (partial)


I was looking at demographics in Toronto, and they a high Muslim Population. There is also a town (Ham something…ironic) right outside of Detroit that just elected a majority Muslim city council and seem to be taking over the place (prayer loudspeakers throughout the city, etc). Was wondering if there is a SinInt detachment in Detroit placed on alert in case of actions north of the border supported by infiltrators.

494330 No.1546159


Why would someone freely choose to clean toilets in exchange for a wage so low they can't even support a family with?

Is it really a free market?

0efbeb No.1546160


Of course, doesn't everbody?

32da42 No.1546161


Huh, I ask for legit reasons.

e91c78 No.1546162


Nah. Kinda interesting actually. I mean, aliens.

f8d2a0 No.1546163

File: 929f880daab00b7⋯.jpg (172.07 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Q research anons 2.jpg)

File: 47a6de53c276b86⋯.jpg (215.93 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Q Research anons collage.jpg)

File: 51b40ba12ce79d9⋯.jpg (186.5 KB, 800x500, 8:5, 23g1iw.jpg)

File: 746863f30fd8f23⋯.jpg (117.62 KB, 800x500, 8:5, 23g28x.jpg)


I made that last Nov, kek My first meme series, of anons and shills, kek

1da702 No.1546164


don't try this at home folks.

I AM scares the fuck out of this liddle faggot satan.

Pussy faggot.

d3ec56 No.1546165


>This is the not just the largest seizure of Fentanyl in Nebraska history, but, also the largest ever in the United States — enough to kill more than 26 million people.

Sounds like the Clowns' depopulation plans are still going strong! Sick, evil bastards!

0e4bbd No.1546166


Whats interesting about this, to me, is that Operation Highjump with Admiral Byrd was just several years prior.

1080a3 No.1546167


They're!! They're!!!!


2d8017 No.1546168


You're a fucking retard, if you think that there aren't always going to be enemies! It's not a matter of thinking we need enemies, it is a reality, which is something that you obviously aren't too familiar with! As long as there are humans that covet what you have, or hate you for whatever reason such as nationality, race, religion, politics, status, there will be enemies f others on Earth. Lurk moar, until you can post something without sounding like an idiot!

0efbeb No.1546169

Any anon have the Hogg meme readily available where a hog is going down a slide…. that one always gets me laughing.

494330 No.1546170


Compliant and unaware.

24f886 No.1546171

File: 3d8739d047eb521⋯.jpg (50.15 KB, 400x300, 4:3, judge_faggot.jpg)


>Huh, I ask for legit reasons.

No you don't.

b3b3dc No.1546172


So you know how easy it is to aerosolize Fentanyl derivatives that are 100-1000 times stronger than Fent, and can kill in microgram doses? A close to invisible mist in an enclosed space could kill hundreds, if not more.

8b74ce No.1546173


YOu might wanna go back through the archives. It was talked about pretty good yesterday. Its kind of a long story, but from what the Anons agreed on was that the letter was Trump playing laong with the media letting them believe that its true. However on the Anon side. it looks like Trump is in the works with Kim Jong Poon to actually deconstruct North Korea and merge with South Korea. Big news if its true. Im still a bit skeptical, but Im going with it for now.

32da42 No.1546174


So this thing is a creation of the deep state then??

b3b3dc No.1546175


I'm just an employer who is tired of cleaning my own toilets. It's worth $x to me. If someone wants to take it (as opposed to, I don't know, making zero dollars) then they can. If not, I can clean my own toilets. If we agree, then it's no problem.

b18aaa No.1546176


What if American prisons are designed to be a form of Satanic Ritual Abuse for adults. Before the eggheads working for the CIA, came up with the MK Ultra system to fast track the creation of Mind Control slaves, other folks had developed the American prison system. People go in a little bit dishonest, and there they learn to be hard core criminals. When they come out, if they fit the profile of a job the Illuminati need doing, then they get brought in. Maybe to build up a gang. Maybe as an enforcer. Maybe just a recruiter of wayward youth to get them to commit some crime that will put them in prison to keep feeding the system.

Ever think that Trump has ulterior motives in his recent actions with the prison system? Maybe he knows how the Illuminati use it to CREATE people who will do their dirty work.

0bfe1b No.1546177

File: cc619285e96013e⋯.png (184.34 KB, 601x600, 601:600, 1523561930107.png)


Yep i remember these. Got some others in my ShariaBlue folder. Thx for the work.

1da702 No.1546178


still here asshole opened by big fat cock.

ec961c No.1546179

Come on woth those hogg memes. If anyone wo s this ear it's you guys.

32da42 No.1546180


Okay, so you were a jobber and now a wrestler…


7da110 No.1546181


Methane addiction. Iz tuf.

ec961c No.1546182

Holy fuck drunk autocorrect

0efbeb No.1546183


Nah, just no queers brah. Cuz they suck.

beaaa5 No.1546184


Virginia Robert's dad is named Sky, there was an old article in a British tabloid that speculated Epstein was C-A, and Epstein proposed that Virginia Roberts bear him a child, while signing away all her rights.

It makes you wonder if that's how he got some of his slaves, or even if he planned on inseminating her with his own sperm.

9e90ed No.1546185


anyone talking about "I AM" like its some good thing is a shill, its just another mask on another luciferian project.

dont respond to shills it just feeds them.

8990cc No.1546186


I found this place down a long winding road…

"Like a true castle, it has hosted royalty including Prince Philip. Some other notable guests have been Henry Kissinger, the Archbishop of Canterbury Robert Runcie, and Governor George Deukmejian."

The builder is an old alumnus of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midland_School%2C_Los_Olivos%2C_California

Lots just to dig on there…like for the fact that is directly across the street from Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch…

moving on…

The old headmaster from 2001-2006 https://www.stab.org/explore/senior-administration

has been the headmaster of that school in Charlottesville since then.

Cali to VA? Quite a move…perhaps not uncommon in elite prep school administration circles…

oh, look at those alumni:


perriello…slaughter. New America Foundation

All the crew connected to the Brennan Gilmore shill witness during the Charlottesville event…plus the podestas, plus soros financing, etc. etc…

Even FlyEaglesFly linebacker Chris Long…kneeling in Philly this season?

d3ec56 No.1546187


I can't stand seeing that liddle POS' face here but that's a good one!

9c80e0 No.1546188


I was always wondering about Campbell and Sturgeon..their story is "strange", and it's possible that they already knows many things…

1080a3 No.1546189


Shut up and fuck off, aqualung.

e91c78 No.1546190


I wonder many times if I would rather there was no evil. I've punched someone who deserved it once, and it felt great. Would I take back what they did? No, because it was worth getting Justice.

A city has to decide, knowing how many more people will die each year, to cut the police force or raise the speed limit for cost savings or efficiency.

Everything has a trade-off. I bet some people here would prefer there are aliens eating babies just so we can destroy them. They'll never admit it.

1da702 No.1546192


do NOT try this anons.

I AM Daniel.

satan is my bitch.

0bfe1b No.1546193

File: 46a4243582cd99d⋯.png (136.32 KB, 840x380, 42:19, 1515645347yggu9ypfd7465606….png)


Theyre getting absolutely smashed on Twitter. Go get some memes from there. Liberalism is a mental disorder. Their memes will always be shit.

8b74ce No.1546194


Gays and Trannys? Id say the whole constant discussion about gays and trannys everywhere we turn is a deepstate thing. Any normal person in their right mind especially when it comes to solving social problems have much more serious things to occupy their mind then to drop everything and worry about gays and trannys.. Personally I couldn't give a fuck long as they STFU about it.

0b6d95 No.1546195


Sounds like your equation benefits evil people.

32da42 No.1546196


15 post shill…


d3ec56 No.1546197


ck meme thread!

2075ff No.1546198


The Prisons are factory for to do MK-ULTRA subjects (As Shooters as example, or even Agents). perfect opportunity for to do the weird experiments

Even the Prison Systems are so comped. inefficient

c7a17c No.1546199

https:// www.documentcloud.org/documents/1508273-jeffrey-epsteins-little-black-book-redacted.html

link to epst3ins bb lots of names and dots worth connecting enjoy the digs

8c4869 No.1546200


u r a namefag. and namefags get the filterrrrrrrrrrrrrr…..

1da702 No.1546201


14 but…? really?

40 or 50 is where i call shill.

you learn comms anon.

learn it.

b363a4 No.1546202

File: 096266650ec6a61⋯.jpg (312.57 KB, 1014x1600, 507:800, at-the-mountains-of-madnes….jpg)


At The Mountains of Madness - HP Lovecraft

https:// theoutline.com/post/3598/guillermo-del-toro-at-the-mountains-of-madness-revival

"In the story, an expedition to Antarctica finds an ancient, undisturbed city filled with alien life forms, suggesting a stranger precedent to humanity. The expedition goes… not well, as you might imagine. People die, and are driven insane. Horrific monsters emerge from the abyss, ready to conquer life on Earth. Is there a happy ending? Of course not!"

At this stage it is not going ahead (exept in real life?)

More on teh Lovecraft story here http:// lovecraft.wikia.com/wiki/At_the_Mountains_of_Madness

e1fba5 No.1546203


Kek because it is. Consider it from this perspective.

>#1. We the People have the Right to complete free speech when on the Internet.

CIA shills cannot be stifled.

>#2. We have the right and shall be guaranteed absolute privacy when online. There shall be no unauthorized monitoring, recording, or storing of our data at any time.

CIA shills cannot be tracked.

>#3. We shall be given access to the most up to date and powerful technology available to us, with all provisions & efforts made by our elected officials to ensure that our Internet quality is always reflective of its importance to our Republic.

The "newest" and "most powerful" equipment is often the most infected with CIA malware.

>#4. We have the Right to NOT have our Internet throttled, prioritized, or restricted in any way.

You're not allowed to stop the CIA shills from DDOSing you.

>#5. We have the Right to select and appoint a new special council to oversee these Rights, and a report on the State of The American Internet shall be submitted to POTUS by January 15th of each year.

That's right, lets create a new independent governing body so the cabal has something else it can use to hide behind.

8e79ee No.1546204


Has anyone attempted to do a voice print analysis?

494330 No.1546205


If you are having to choose between doing it yourself and having low wage workers do it for you it would seem to imply a cashflow issue.

1c2a54 No.1546206

File: 388856dabb1b4b4⋯.jpg (231.22 KB, 828x830, 414:415, WWG1WGA.jpg)


How's that quote go…"You either die the hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain"? Honestly, the fight will never end, THAT is the real redpill. Protecting something is pointless unless you have an enemy wanting to take it. We might be fighting an enemy with a name here right this instant but what we're really struggling against is human nature in the end. Hate to get pseudo-philosophical here but I'm already looking past the cabal, wondering who the next enemy is or will be claimed to be as the enemy.

7da110 No.1546207


I bet he doesn't care what you do in private. You can die on your own time, just don't sell it to children and tell us we should.

32da42 No.1546208


Your leaders were gay, and yet you hate me!!!

cb418c No.1546209


For sure. This film, with a 1.6 million dollar budget in 1951 was a pretty big production. Clearly made with much government equipment, manpower, and resources.

Talk about soft disclosure…

0ba468 No.1546210


what the fuck is I AM and how do you know its a luciferian project?

b3b3dc No.1546211


At the most surface level, they create a whole class of people that are helpless to fight against corrupt power. One peep and they throw you back in. No good job prospects, poverty traps…the perfect prey for Democrats.

d0190b No.1546212


By my figurin he's either been dead since 2016 and being used as a sock-puppet, or in protective custody. No way he is still in that embassy.

66542d No.1546213

File: 3ab0363e3a5fbc7⋯.jpg (11.01 KB, 375x360, 25:24, legQ.jpg)

3c28b8 No.1546214

File: 7e4b54122fb9734⋯.png (572.57 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)

e1fba5 No.1546215


Knock yourself out anon.


e91c78 No.1546216


My equation assumes there are none. So my equation doesn't apply in the case of evil people.

32da42 No.1546217


I'll fuck you, your mom, or anyone else, up the ass, NO CUNT!!!

f8d2a0 No.1546218

File: 85afca020046b35⋯.jpg (60.83 KB, 500x527, 500:527, 272dxb.jpg)

File: 972bc27f6d74382⋯.png (570.57 KB, 530x629, 530:629, 972bc27f6d74382077a5d8b438….png)

File: cbb26c09d8acd31⋯.png (257.55 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Davey Hogg on a bike w bas….png)

File: 99706848fbdde43⋯.png (217.69 KB, 748x750, 374:375, Hogg soy boy cheerfag.png)

9c80e0 No.1546219



as Melville once said,literature is a pretext to talk about something else..

6d77fc No.1546220

File: 5b658fe02eb88b6⋯.png (201.87 KB, 1080x1680, 9:14, Screenshot_20180526-125933….png)

494330 No.1546221

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tick tock.

7f218c No.1546222

File: fd647c26caafd7b⋯.jpg (103.43 KB, 528x321, 176:107, b4334399c537380cb54f49cc40….jpg)



halfchan is an absolute toilet of shilling diarrhea these days. The median IQ is /pol/ is usually subsaharan

2342d3 No.1546223


Why do you say that? Don't you remember when WikiLeaks released the pdf for the Fire and Fury book and two chapter titles had 'Q' in them. Then, Q said, "Two chapers, coincidence?"

7da110 No.1546224


We will shit in your mouth until you gag faggot.

1da702 No.1546225


I AM is God. Scares thr fuck out of satan.

satan fights back… but not some. never tell satan off unless you can anon. I CAN!

8c4869 No.1546226


unleash the wilburine!!!!!!!!!!

I want to read that. u got sauce?

b3b3dc No.1546227


It keeps me and my wife fed. So if a little more starts coming in I can spend it however I wish. If I want to pay someone $10 an hour to empty my trash, then that's what it's worth to me. If someone thinks that's acceptable to them then it's a private voluntary agreement.

32da42 No.1546228


She looks 14!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't report it!!! It's fort…

Back yourself into this….

beaaa5 No.1546229


If it hasn't been found yet, this is a notable. Tons of names, some of them highlighted, many of the "those who are the loudest…" like Alec Baldwin.

7da110 No.1546230

File: 242bcf1e5eeb5cc⋯.jpg (59.19 KB, 600x320, 15:8, HogginAlive.jpg)

8990cc No.1546231



Rubel Castle?


"Sally Rand, the silent screen actress and fan dancer, famous since the 1933 Chicago World's Fair, never missed Dorothy Rubel’s parties, which were so extravagant that the packing house became known as “The Tin Palace.” Other people of note who came to the Tin Palace in those days include Dwight Eisenhower, the Duncan Sisters, Woody Strode, Beatrice Kay, Harry Townes, Bob Hope, Jack Benny, Kid Chissell, Angie Dickinson, and Alfred Hitchcock. Fellow castle builder "Colonel" Jirayr Zorthian was a supporter and friend."

There's some other weird crap about that castle…

oh, and holy shit, read this fucking sketchy letter: http://www.theshriek.net/shriek.002.html

334005 No.1546232


Weinsteain > Arizona Treatment Centre > disgraced "Pastor Mark Driscoll's new "Church" - child trafficking > teen pregnancies > home grown supply babies for abuse > pathogens > plague > orphans >Madagascar


bccb89 No.1546233

File: 7d14bd97568fbd4⋯.jpg (9.45 KB, 254x199, 254:199, 7d14bd97568fbd4b75c9479ac8….jpg)

6d77fc No.1546234


White house twitter

3c28b8 No.1546235

File: 9b71aea2bc00913⋯.png (2.41 MB, 1842x1504, 921:752, ClipboardImage.png)

be3963 No.1546236


lmao good one

0e4bbd No.1546237



So, if you owned Hollywood, and you didnt want people to know what is really on Antarctica, and knowing full well average peeps like you and me cannot go there, would you make films that held some extent of the truth, or the complete opposite of the truth? Just wondering what everybody thinks on this, whatever it may be, because there are good arguments to be had on both sides.

6d77fc No.1546238

File: 68d75d295461b86⋯.png (424.95 KB, 1080x909, 120:101, Screenshot_20180526-130209….png)

File: 157906c95117cbb⋯.jpg (28.34 KB, 802x234, 401:117, IMG_20180526_130149.jpg)

Some great shill fookery going in. Disinformation campaign by clowns.

Let them know who we are!

8990cc No.1546239

File: 3c01b9e04017a8a⋯.jpg (95.5 KB, 540x701, 540:701, shriek.002.5.jpg)

File: 5361c67f758e6e4⋯.jpg (110.13 KB, 540x701, 540:701, shriek.002.4.jpg)

File: 9d38a4a230122c8⋯.jpg (112.66 KB, 540x705, 36:47, shriek.002.3.jpg)

File: 4758514e226c950⋯.jpg (110.43 KB, 540x703, 540:703, shriek.002.2.jpg)

File: ce2a73f646f1486⋯.jpg (102.97 KB, 540x699, 180:233, shriek.002.1.jpg)

8c4869 No.1546240


tanks anon. i appreciate's it.

32da42 No.1546241

I get 1500 a month, but it ALL goes to my jobbing, NOT my self controlled signature…


2f1802 No.1546242

http:// thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/389409-michael-flynn-tweets-deletes-photo-of-harvey-weinstein-with-hillary

f8d2a0 No.1546243

File: f1bb2b3ae513249⋯.jpg (127.38 KB, 807x500, 807:500, 2afvzv.jpg)

File: e96999c58983d8b⋯.jpg (100.92 KB, 579x500, 579:500, 2aoon7.jpg)

File: d4e0dc871135653⋯.jpg (134.44 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 29dqpn.jpg)

File: 9b955fc1b371871⋯.jpg (99.49 KB, 500x519, 500:519, 29dr5l.jpg)

8d56ef No.1546244

“Truly, truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.”

“Truly, truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and

the Spirit. Flesh is born of flesh, but spirit is born of the Spirit.…

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest

9e90ed No.1546245


your either a shill or clueless what petitions are for.

petitions are not bills, they do not get entered straight into law, transliterated.

they merely force the potus to address the petition point by point, it would be up to potus what the resulting rights look like, petitions just formalize the discussion.

to discourage the petition is to discourage the discussion, Q wants us pushing ibor, the petition does that.

ALL THIS WAS RESOLVED AND ARGUED A THOUSAND FOLD 50 BREADS AGO. that is WHY it was added to the top of the bread to sign ibor.

you need to lurk more if your just now getting this….

c7d80c No.1546246

File: 1b591072cf68f58⋯.png (106.38 KB, 1059x411, 353:137, Screen Shot 2018-05-26 at ….png)

File: a75dae5c409eb35⋯.jpg (17.3 KB, 640x360, 16:9, DeEWa73X0AEytTa.jpg)

File: 78bc078bebae222⋯.jpg (116.39 KB, 702x768, 117:128, DeFFwfwWsAIAqlr.jpg)

File: 352003691248aec⋯.jpg (42.5 KB, 525x326, 525:326, DeEn5poU8AAEY3D.jpg)

File: 643c1182cb142b4⋯.jpg (35.83 KB, 500x310, 50:31, DeCbfjAWAAA2wqK.jpg)

1da702 No.1546247

i saw satan sucking a donkey cock.

0efbeb No.1546248


The chapters where titled "GQLDMAN" and "HQME" and then JA posted a pic of himself in a yellow Ecudorian soccer jersey on his twatter after that whole US Navy Julian Assange twat shenanigans on Christmas Day.

32da42 No.1546249

Do any of you TRY to make wrestling work???

1da702 No.1546250


he was making LOVE to it.

e91c78 No.1546251



These seem like bots

9c80e0 No.1546252


absolutely….you got the point

2075ff No.1546253


For that I think that at least the MS-13 and other gangs must be exterminated, As the jihadist. They're even very dangerous for the prisons. really done for to kill every thing. Only for to survive. Not Human.

Trump needs to reform the law of the prisons for extreme criminals, As the Death penalty (Lethal injection, Electric Chair or something in the manual of learning of Gina)

Although. Don't as the example of the Communists/ Nazis. Already is enough with the EUFEMA.

1da702 No.1546254


i thought it was valentines day.

0efbeb No.1546255


The chapters where titled "GQLDMAN" and "HQME" and then JA posted a pic of himself in a yellow Ecudorian soccer jersey on his twatter after that whole US Navy Julian Assange twat shenanigans on Christmas Day.

e91c78 No.1546256

494330 No.1546258

File: 45fd27b6f9da2d1⋯.jpeg (467.36 KB, 1765x1000, 353:200, not_appropriate_for_child….jpeg)

The man behind the curtain isn't just a character in a children's book.

1da702 No.1546259


against satan? how nigger are you asshole?

0d8b44 No.1546260


Well putting some pieces of truth in movies shift the truth in the fiction domain.

An other thing is "they" can't prevent themselves fro showing their symbols, so I guess for truth it's the same, they have to tell it but in a way people won't believe it.

That's something that always surprised me, why these people don't remain in a complete clandestinity instead of spreading their signs everywhere they are, giving clues to their enemies.

a3d298 No.1546261

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yes to moon colony, but no prisons. Didn't work out so well for the good guys in Aliens or MIB franchises.

Vid-related. Thought it interesting that the villain here was Boris the Animal, in light of current political nomenclature.

1ea0fc No.1546262

File: 10201a0e4f028e1⋯.jpg (168.11 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, collab.jpg)

File: 87d2aac96a90232⋯.jpg (109.14 KB, 500x756, 125:189, collab2.jpg)

File: 02c8aac5a31131d⋯.jpg (70.42 KB, 568x359, 568:359, collab3.jpg)


f8d2a0 No.1546263

File: 434a766d93546e9⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1316x1324, 329:331, Q proof Wikileaks fire fur….png)

5454a7 No.1546264

>>1545952 #MemeHogg

32da42 No.1546265



Wrestling works, learn…

Lazy boomer… I got called.

1c2a54 No.1546266


As if it weren't obvious enough from the samefagging…

c7a17c No.1546267


Marcelo de Andrade - brazilian serial killer

Coincidence? This is a goldmine.

9c80e0 No.1546268


good..!!! that's right

1da702 No.1546269


^^^%^^^^^^^^weirdo baby raper

2342d3 No.1546270


Exactly. I think he is alive, well, and has already left the embassy. He is probably somewhere safe. All it takes is his live testimony of who leaked the DNC emails and it will be the official end of the democratic party.

b3b3dc No.1546271


We are sold our own slavery as entertainment.

32da42 No.1546272


3f3bf7 No.1546273


Sauce here


57a630 No.1546274


Mooslams are bad, um-kay?

28b8f3 No.1546275


True, justice feels great. On the other side of that it would feel real bad punching him, and finding out that he didn't do what you believed him to have done. But we're talking beyond perfect information. We're talking having control of what is true. If we have that power, and choose a selfish justice, that brings about pain & suffering that we could have avoided, then how are we different than those we're fighting?

>I bet some people here would prefer there are aliens eating babies just so we can destroy them

I think a lot of us have an attachment to the red pill truth, b/c of the sacrifices that it comes with, and the vindication that we expect when we'll win. But I wouldn't mistake that attachment to choosing the evil to exist in the first place, just so we can get our fix of glory.

2075ff No.1546276


But The earth already is a prison.

Which could be the change for Mars?

4ab03f No.1546277

1. Google that stringer (58204802B92838x-ZjA378402-12) Look at the LAST RESULT. All of the products contain this hardware part, which, in this particular case, is a "MODEL402"). What is that part?

2. Fsurv = Federal surveillance in London

5. Fsurv_London_ps, Fsurv_London_ps1, Fsurv_London_ps2 = Fed Surveillance of Peter Strozk (OP WFH)

4. X.png = Chinese plane loading (IMHO) X10 packages. Note Q's comment on this post "We are everywhere Anon. Q"

5. X10 = (https://www.smarthomeusa.com/how-x10-works/) - "X10 transmissions are synchronized to the zero crossing point of the AC power line." Comms over AC power lines to be used by the Cabal? *[class_1, class_2 "classified"? pics]* could be one part of what was shipped in those boxes (containing MODEL402 hardware?), comms equipment using X10 method of communication? X10 tech is unconventional, no tapping by 3 letter agencies possible/secured? Are they servers? Laptops, too? Some boxes are large, others (AMD) are smaller and look like laptops. AMD is a PC processor brand in use WW for decades. AMD processors are in billions of laptops.

6. FOXCONN_ZZ = Foxconn ZZ in Zhengzhou, China Does Apple make phones w/X10 tech?

7. LV_remove = (https://techcrunch.com/gadgets/) Fortoli & Vegas Tech Fund - they manufacture Tiny Cube Satellites ("tiny CubeSats that are already the farthest such tiny satellites have ever been from Earth — by a long shot…The CubeSats, named MarCO-A and B, are an experiment to test the suitability of pint-size craft for exploration of the solar system; *previously they have only ever been deployed into orbit.* " *These microsats are equipped with high grain antennas and fisheye cameras.* They've been successfully used in low Earth orbit and on May 5, 2018 the MarCO twins detaching on a similar trajectory to the geology-focused Mars lander. By May 6 they had traveled 621,371 miles from Earth. *MICRO SATELLITES.* (NASA civilian challenge for building micro sats: https://techcrunch.com/2017/08/28/citizen-spacecraft-builders-literally-race-to-the-moon-in-nasas-cube-quest-challenge/). *So were these micro sats shipped from Las Vegas for cabal comms use in conjunction with X10 servers?*

9. X2 = Method of delivery for CubeSats?

10. P = Nathaniel P. Rothschild?

1b982f No.1546278

Q, thank you all for your service. Over the past few days ive been watching more into the chess game, and man… I can see the show playing out. stage set perfectly! I always said if you decide to train a fighting dog, it would be in your best interest to keep it on a leash. man I thought yall would come with guns, but you simply sneak in with scissors. snip the leashes and sit back and watch. I learn more every day watching Q. God speed, and God bless you all.

1da702 No.1546279


^^^^^^ even as bad. a backer of a baby raper.

57a630 No.1546280

File: dae193c3d30c13f⋯.jpg (132.38 KB, 750x400, 15:8, bar-feature-image.jpg)


Bacon-greased bullets 5 cents extra.

4ab03f No.1546282


Anonymous  05/15/18 (Tue) 14:14:49 0e4f69 No.1421263

https:/ /www.nextgov.com/emerging-tech/2018/05/pentagon-wants-cloud-secure-enough-hold-nuke-secrets/148192/

SAMI? Southern Appalachian Mountains Initiative*

CNWDI? Critical Nuclear Weapon Design Information**

THINK about what this means. Nuke secrets aren’t secret!

Expand your thinking. Conspiracy to sell/trade info

DoD_JITC_Certificates.tar.gz. TS NSA access files stolen!

DoD's Joint Interoperability Certifier and only non-Service Operational Test Agency for Information Technology (IT)/National Security Systems. JITC provides risk based Test, Evaluation & Certification services, tools, and environments to ensure Joint Warfighting IT capabilities are interoperable and support mission needs. 

StormingRhino_IepRhino.zip. more stolen/hacked info

CARELESS. Stupid people in very important positions

This is not a game. Serious shit!!

This is real life.

Details matter. Activities traceable, info vulnerable

Some [BEES+] can sting more than once. Bezos + Brennan? have multiple methods of attack

Some stings can cause GRAVE and IRREPARABLE harm.NUKE

Threats THRIVE in a [tropical rainforest]. TS data not secure, stored on AMAZON cloud


EYES WIDER OPEN. Brennan sold TSNI secrets to..?

God bless each and every Patriot in the world.


*The Southern Appalachian Mountains Initiative (SAMI) is a voluntary partnership led by eight states (AL, GA, KY, NC, SC, TN, VA, and WV) surrounding the Southern Appalachian Mountains. Representatives of the states, Environmental Protection Agency, National Park Service, US Forest Service, industry, environmental groups, academia, and the public are participants. SAMI is focusing simultaneously on four air quality issues in the Southern Appalachian Mountains: visibility impairment, acid deposition impacts to aquatic and forest ecosystems, and ozone impacts to forest ecosystems.


**A U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) category of Top Secret Restricted Data or Secret Restricted Data that reveals the theory of operation or design of the components of a thermonuclear or fission bomb, warhead, demolition munition, or test device. Specifically excluded is information concerning arming, fuzing, and firing systems; limited life components; and total contained quantities of fissionable, fusionable, and high explosive materials by type. Among these excluded items are the components that DoD personnel set, maintain, operate, test or replace. The sensitivity of DoD CNWDI is such that access is granted to the absolute minimum number of employees who require it for the accomplishment of assigned responsibilities on a classified contract. Because of the importance of such information, special requirements have been established for its control.

8990cc No.1546283

File: 68fcedd4175eb61⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1884x1206, 314:201, Screenshot 2018-05-26 at 4….png)

File: 2036bff4d04f550⋯.png (476.21 KB, 2088x1422, 116:79, Screenshot 2018-05-26 at 4….png)

File: 0968bfca5e02bbf⋯.jpg (141.57 KB, 540x665, 108:133, shirt_safety_third.jpg)


DAMN! And this site leads to St. Johns!!!

Long path but pretty clear links…

Epstein Island to Cali Castle/School/Neverland to Charlottesville to Cabal center…with lots of scattered parties of interest along the way…

0efbeb No.1546284


This is a fake Paul Serran account. the lower case L is a capital I, clowns be gettin tricky now days.

9e90ed No.1546285


started for me about 12 years ago seeing it everywhere in my neighborhood in seattle, looking into i started seeing connections between it and certain individuals who were proud alester crowley worshippers.started researching the meaning of it etc etc

long story short. the concept of I AM is to reinforce the illusion of individuality, to obfuscate the fact we are actually all one. one group or one spirit however you want to look at it, that is the point of classifications like LBTQSADFHSFGH etc w/e, the more unique and individual you consider yourself the more you mentally separate yourself from the group.

whats the old saying, first they came for the jews but i didnt speak up cause i wasnt a jew, if we didnt subscribe to labels and allow them to define us as smaller groups then the whole of humanity on earth, then they would speak up wouldn't they.

this is imo the root of WWG1WGA.

where the country goes we all go, despite political differences of opinion despite our separate groups we identify with, none of it changes the fact that WWG1WGA!

to me, I AM is obviously a counter to that group think concept.

we are all anons, we oppose namefags, BECAUSE namefagging is essentially screaming I AM!.

b067fa No.1546286

File: 0feb9fb713de9f6⋯.jpg (94.09 KB, 549x548, 549:548, IMG_7991.JPG)

File: 330728c7e3f3dbe⋯.png (161.42 KB, 542x532, 271:266, IMG_5874.PNG)

File: e2b8bc969905122⋯.png (243.76 KB, 517x594, 47:54, IMG_1047.PNG)


Got a couple for your collection, Kek

(Not sure if you had them)

57a630 No.1546287

File: 9565de96da3163a⋯.jpg (49.21 KB, 588x960, 49:80, judge roy bean.jpg)


This is complete fuckery. We have been aware of these creeptards' crimes against our country and humanity for decades.


0aa030 No.1546288


It's no coincidence the prisons are loaded with crips/bloods, aryan brotherhood, ms13, nation of islam. If you don't join one, then you will become someone's bitch.

494330 No.1546289

File: 4d94d789d89ccbe⋯.png (76.99 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, drip_drip_drip.png)

What do you guys think is in the Wikileaks insurance files?

6f67a1 No.1546290

Later Anons

It's been a very long day

0ba468 No.1546291

File: 4b965d9b40bebc1⋯.jpg (127.86 KB, 587x651, 587:651, bc17.jpg)



0ba468 No.1546292


just right now

4bb91d No.1546293

File: 1e7d146fede27db⋯.png (351.25 KB, 694x530, 347:265, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d5edf1eb13e1d7⋯.png (228.03 KB, 625x350, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d5c00073795aee⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1800x1352, 225:169, PicardBluesClues.PNG)

368a1f No.1546294

File: bf269215bb03416⋯.jpg (60.77 KB, 800x416, 25:13, david-hogg-college-rejecti….jpg)

File: b7740c45ff6c041⋯.jpg (31.8 KB, 400x226, 200:113, new suit.jpg)

57a630 No.1546295


Part of the nwo plan to destroy the traditional family, in which theyve been very successful. Marriage and Baby Boom 2019 to MAGA!

0aa030 No.1546296


The most sought after job in a GM plant is janitor.

0efbeb No.1546297


I'm still waiting for Seth Rich to enter stage left in this greatest of shows.

His Name Is Seth Rich

4ab03f No.1546298


Anonymous  05/14/18 (Mon) 22:04:02 638a88 No.1413181

X is not Q.


Q trumps X.

This is not a popularity content.

Focus on the MESSAGE.

WE must work TOGETHER.

Fifty shades of WHITE.

BLUE LIGHT. Project BlueBeam?


11 Feb 2018. Q posts on these days?

12 Apr 2018

22 Apr 2018

14 May 2018



How are WaPo and BuzzFeed connected?



What is the world’s largest tropical rainforest? AMAZON

Why would ++ be stored [there]? Pentagon Nuke Secrets?*

Think about what this means. Not secure, open

STORMING_RHINO. Data .tar file TS US nuke intelligence

Accident or retaliation? guessing accident?



Details matter. Trackable, vulnerabilities

A CHAIN is only as strong as its weakest LINK.

A CHAIN is only as strong as its weakest LINK.

A CHAIN is only as strong as its weakest LINK. Only takes 1 break in protocol

When is a ROW not a ROW? When not aligned

[C5]. Various corp/gov projects

What is the DELTA between a team and a SEAL team?







<Accident or retaliation?

Rinos threat to Trump



After of that if happen, No mistakes.

<A CHAIN is only as strong as its weakest LINK.

<A CHAIN is only as strong as its weakest LINK.

<A CHAIN is only as strong as its weakest LINK.

The Pope as the puppets?. Politicals, CEO's?


Open source

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concrete5

Microsoft dynamics

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Dynamics_C5

Air flights

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CommutAir

Eyes in the sky

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_C-5_Galaxy

Anonymous  05/12/18 (Sat) 23:22:56 d9fa32 No.1391715


19 APR 2017. **





WHAT IS A MASK? Cover, disguise


++++ injury → ++++ rage. THEY R hurt & THEY R pissed!

Re_read crumbs re: 'Projection.' accuse DJT of their crimes

LEARN THE TERM 'GASLIGHTING'.Purposefully distort truth

"THAT didn't happen, THIS happened." MSM tactic


A manipulation tactic where one person will not communicate directly with another person, instead using a third person to relay communication to the second, thus forming a triangle.

They think you are STUPID.

WHO is the VICTIM? THEM (traitors)

WHO is the REAL VICTIM? We The People




THINK [2].

WHEN DOES ONE KNEEL? When defeated

WHEN DOES ONE NOT KNEEL? When strong/fighting/victor


These people are STUPID.

What is a DELTA? A change (over time), difference

What is the DELTA between GOOD and EVIL?

What is the DELTA between LIGHT and DARK?

What is the DELTA between a PATRIOT and a TRAITOR?

What is the DELTA between a PATRIOT and a MERCENARY?


A mistake in reasoning, evaluating, remembering, or other cognitive process, often occurring as a result of holding onto one's preferences and beliefs regardless of contrary information. THEY change meaning of words (by…)




Common errors in reasoning that will undermine the logic of your argument. Fallacies can be either illegitimate arguments or irrelevant points, and are often identified because they lack evidence that supports their claim. …using logical fallacies.



THIS IS NOT A GAME. Q and our fight for freedom is real



Mess with the best, die like the rest. “Hackers” !!

War Ridge. WV! Southern Appalachian Mountains Initiative (SAMI)















494330 No.1546299


Their crimes are indefensible. Full panic.

1da702 No.1546300

>e91c78 <<nigger

read… you'll get what IT is.

cb418c No.1546301



Let's hope they don't subcontract with Bezos again.

55a684 No.1546302


trolling cia can't even think.

if they were doing good for the world, it would have happened hundreds of years ago. there would have been no wars or inequality.

fuck off.

4ab03f No.1546303

Anonymous  05/14/18 (Mon) 00:37:35 d994d3 No.1404165




Why is this IMPORTANT? Tactical maneuver

The SCORPION and the frog. The fable, AJ = Scorpion

DELTA_ZERO. Nothing changed

Know thy enemy. Same old tactics

What is the DELTA between one who is a SEAL and one who is not?


What is the opposite of MINDLESSNESS?

KNOW thyself.

Division has many faces.

They try to divide by religion and party affiliation.

They try to divide by race and class.

They [2+] try to divide by ATTENTION.


Do not lose FOCUS [POOL].

Do not lose FOCUS [laser].

Do not lose FOCUS.


Dark to light.




Trust has been earned.

Trust earned how?

Series of proofs.

Trust earned by?


What is SIGNAL? Q

What is NOISE? Delta 7, MSM, Bad Actors

Learn to DISCERN.


How is a phonetic ambiguity useful? Stealth



When is 128 not enough? When u run out of room/space?

When is 256 not enough? “

The time is NOW.



Pink is not Red.




“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”









TriDelta 7:


Pamela Bondi Attorney General State of Florida (2011-present)

Deborah Norville Board Member of Viacom, former MSM journalist

Katherine Anne Castor (D) U.S. Representative for Florida's 14th congressional district (2013-Present)

Rita B. Harmon Illinois Supreme Court Justice 4th District

Michelle Lynn Lujan Grisham US Rep, New Mexico’s 1st congressional district (2013-Present)

Lisa M. Boscola (D) Pennsylvania State Senator, 18th District (1999-Present)

Doris Kearns Goodwin Board of Directors Northwest Airlines, Author [plagiarist], frequent guest commentator of Meet The Press (48 times since 1994)

Catherine Jean Crier award-winning broadcast journalist, best-selling author, former Texas State District Judge for the 162nd District Court



[POOL] = [PULL?]

[laser] —> “BLUE LIGHT” (Project BlueBeam?)

[SHADOW TO HIGHLIGHT] deep state to launch?

When they run out of room (???)

The time is NOW. (Finally cornered and desperate enough?)


Anonymous  05/16/18 (Wed) 02:10:55 7422d4 No.1428365

Would you like to play a game?

Find ANY disinformation in the below.

Find ANY division in the below.






None to find.

X is here for Q.

Just like you?

Fifty shades of WHITE.

Patriots UNITE.


Sorry, X this is all I had time for -- in case you're a helper anon.


1da702 No.1546304


satan is a sheep fucker.

f8d2a0 No.1546305



Also they can give them medication( put things in their food) behavior affecting drugs, and see what happens, or how violent they can get.

Also if you control the system( judges, a few cops/ prison guards) When you find the right inmates, you can make deals( most will do almost anything to get out of jail sooner)

Then when they get out, have them sell drugs, start gangs, rob certain people( break in and steal incriminating evidence to blackmail people with)

The possibilitys are endless( and the prison would be like a supermarket of criminals) Plenty of time to find the right personality profiles you are looking for.

513cfe No.1546306


Anyone think that Toronto bombing is retaliation for Canada pulling out of the AECON deal?

Obviously Trump put the hammer down on the china/cabal deals, in turn Justin gets to look tough for it.

I just found it funny that it happened later the same day.

The restaurant was also a indian/sikh place…… who's important in Canada that the cabal might want to send a message to?

Maybe I'm wayyyyyyy off, but just a random thought.

28b8f3 No.1546307


I agree that even after the cabal is done, we'll have new battles ahead of us. We'll have to undo the damage of the cabal, which won't end with justice. We'll have to deprogram, and fight against the phantom-cabal. Perhaps the cabal would have some contingency plan that will seek to climb up again. I suspect they'll try to pass themselves as the anti-globalists/anti-statists, as a way to demoralize the post-cabal state. It'll be a hard sell, but if we neglect our kids' education, few generations down the line they could succeed. So I see the next fight, as to make sure we do everything to immunize future generations from any possible infiltration threat, cabal or otherwise.

9c80e0 No.1546308

WaPo and BuzzFeed


494330 No.1546309

Wary but welcome.

3f3bf7 No.1546310


Didn't Assange or Wikileaks tweet out that same song sometime last year?

1da702 No.1546311

satan loves fucking catfish in the ass.

f8d2a0 No.1546312


add in the power of the clowns, and social media( facebook, twitter, personal messages)

They would have everything they need to lure/bribe/control the people they target to work for them.

f5e7ff No.1546313

Make the first and fourth amendment great again

0efbeb No.1546314


on Dec 31

f6749d No.1546315

File: 32423adda7cc6ce⋯.jpg (61.49 KB, 519x700, 519:700, calmnomore.jpg)

shit be going down today in the UK

I wonder

I hope

c7d80c No.1546316

File: 7171bb6d34fb011⋯.png (175.23 KB, 763x663, 763:663, Screen Shot 2018-05-26 at ….png)

Hell has frozen over….

1da702 No.1546317


liddle dick faggot satan can't even hurt a wormsass when fucking it.

57a630 No.1546318


School reform is key and today's exec orders help pave the way.

3f3bf7 No.1546319



>>1545988 Nazi Roots of the House of Windsor

>>1546114 Map, Key, Truth, Light, Humanity

>>1546150 That's a lot of Fentanyl

>>1546292 Last? @BackChannel17 twats?

Missed anything so far?

3f3bf7 No.1546320


oops, fixing last link

3f3bf7 No.1546321


>>1545988 Nazi Roots of the House of Windsor

>>1546114 Map, Key, Truth, Light, Humanity

>>1546150 That's a lot of Fentanyl

>>1546291 Last? @BackChannel17 twats?

1da702 No.1546322

s'matter bots?

keep up.

f8d2a0 No.1546323

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

816214 No.1546324

Backchannel17 = fake and gay

1b982f No.1546325

is ATTN X legit? color me blind, but I like this guy. Anon sharing his perspective? or shill? interesting.

bccb89 No.1546326


Looks like a SHA256 hash. Did he post any kind of insurance file at any time?

0ba468 No.1546327

File: dae065aa3013c66⋯.jpg (69.14 KB, 592x687, 592:687, JA.jpg)

8b74ce No.1546329

File: 7bc8c6df47b3c70⋯.jpg (45.75 KB, 574x383, 574:383, thefifthriech.jpg)

Throw this one at em

903f86 No.1546330

File: 6b7bce403b5e72e⋯.jpg (55.27 KB, 640x795, 128:159, IMG_1702.JPG)

Redheadanon chekeking out for da night.

Keep digging, patriots!

4ab03f No.1546331


Anonymous  05/15/18 (Tue) 14:14:49 0e4f69 No.1421263

https:/ /www.nextgov.com/emerging-tech/2018/05/pentagon-wants-cloud-secure-enough-hold-nuke-secrets/148192/

SAMI? Southern Appalachian Mountains Initiative*

CNWDI? Critical Nuclear Weapon Design Information**

THINK about what this means. Nuke secrets aren’t secret!

Expand your thinking. Conspiracy to sell/trade info

DoD_JITC_Certificates.tar.gz. TS NSA access files stolen!

DoD's Joint Interoperability Certifier and only non-Service Operational Test Agency for Information Technology (IT)/National Security Systems. JITC provides risk based Test, Evaluation & Certification services, tools, and environments to ensure Joint Warfighting IT capabilities are interoperable and support mission needs. 

StormingRhino_IepRhino.zip. more stolen/hacked info

CARELESS. Stupid people in very important positions

This is not a game. Serious shit!!

This is real life.

Details matter. Activities traceable, info vulnerable

Some [BEES+] can sting more than once. Bezos + Brennan? have multiple methods of attack

Some stings can cause GRAVE and IRREPARABLE harm.NUKE

Threats THRIVE in a [tropical rainforest]. TS data not secure, stored on AMAZON cloud


EYES WIDER OPEN. Brennan sold TSNI secrets to..?

God bless each and every Patriot in the world.


*The Southern Appalachian Mountains Initiative (SAMI) is a voluntary partnership led by eight states (AL, GA, KY, NC, SC, TN, VA, and WV) surrounding the Southern Appalachian Mountains. Representatives of the states, Environmental Protection Agency, National Park Service, US Forest Service, industry, environmental groups, academia, and the public are participants. SAMI is focusing simultaneously on four air quality issues in the Southern Appalachian Mountains: visibility impairment, acid deposition impacts to aquatic and forest ecosystems, and ozone impacts to forest ecosystems.


**A U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) category of Top Secret Restricted Data or Secret Restricted Data that reveals the theory of operation or design of the components of a thermonuclear or fission bomb, warhead, demolition munition, or test device. Specifically excluded is information concerning arming, fuzing, and firing systems; limited life components; and total contained quantities of fissionable, fusionable, and high explosive materials by type. Among these excluded items are the components that DoD personnel set, maintain, operate, test or replace. The sensitivity of DoD CNWDI is such that access is granted to the absolute minimum number of employees who require it for the accomplishment of assigned responsibilities on a classified contract. Because of the importance of such information, special requirements have been established for its control.

d78234 No.1546332

File: 5e43112954d61f7⋯.jpg (132.99 KB, 1467x1259, 1467:1259, NETFLIXANDSHILL.jpg)


Netflix and Shill

1c2a54 No.1546333


Complacency is a silent killer in and of itself, our leaders said similar after both world wars, granted that was under the cabal's thumb. I also see that the more technological we become, the more complacent we become in turn, instant gratification is a helluva drug.

1da702 No.1546334


satan fucks minnows cause it near cock is FAKE

2075ff No.1546335


So Amazon is a perfect contractor of the C_A and open for the backdoors of FIVE EYES, Right?

Amazon now have more power in their public servers. Someone remember the email of Wikileaks about that The C_A could to hack Nukes?

816214 No.1546336


Backchannel17=fake and gay

c9635b No.1546337

File: 8498a286af3f41d⋯.jpg (61.84 KB, 524x540, 131:135, davidsmemewar.jpg)


Lol had to do it

9e90ed No.1546338


yes thats the point, couple days ago bc17 made the claim they are going to free JA by june 12th, of course Q has done this first months ago Q told us JA would be free in june, so really bc17 is just repeating Q's prediction like it is their own with the addition of a day-date.

also see >>1546324

0aa030 No.1546339

File: b0b3ced27a1dd02⋯.gif (2.54 MB, 390x373, 390:373, faggot1.gif)

1b982f No.1546340


except the White Unite kinda throws up red flags..

1da702 No.1546341


bot bot bot assholes.

483278 No.1546342

4ab03f No.1546343


1. Google that stringer (58204802B92838x-ZjA378402-12) Look at the LAST RESULT. All of the products contain this hardware part, which, in this particular case, is a "MODEL402"). What is that part? Use?

2. Craig: Trafalgar (pronounced TRA-FAL-GAR) Square, London

3. Fsurv = Federal surveillance in London

4. Fsurv_London_ps, Fsurv_London_ps1, Fsurv_London_ps2 = Fed Surveillance of Peter Strozk (OP WFH)

5. X.png = Chinese plane loading (IMHO) X10 packages. Note Q's comment on this post "We are everywhere Anon. Q"

6. X10 = (https://www.smarthomeusa.com/how-x10-works/) - "X10 transmissions are synchronized to the zero crossing point of the AC power line." Comms over AC power lines to be used by the Cabal? *[class_1, class_2 "classified"? pics]* could be one part of what was shipped in those boxes (containing MODEL402 hardware?), comms equipment using X10 method of communication? X10 tech is unconventional, no tapping by 3 letter agencies possible/secured? Are they servers? Laptops, too? Some boxes are large, others (AMD) are smaller and look like laptops. AMD is a PC processor brand in use WW for decades. AMD processors are in billions of laptops.

7. FOXCONN_ZZ = Foxconn ZZ in Zhengzhou, China Does Apple make phones w/X10 tech?

8. LV_remove = (https://techcrunch.com/gadgets/) Fortoli & Vegas Tech Fund - they manufacture Tiny Cube Satellites ("tiny CubeSats that are already the farthest such tiny satellites have ever been from Earth — by a long shot…The CubeSats, named MarCO-A and B, are an experiment to test the suitability of pint-size craft for exploration of the solar system; *previously they have only ever been deployed into orbit.* " *These microsats are equipped with high grain antennas and fisheye cameras.* They've been successfully used in low Earth orbit and on May 5, 2018 the MarCO twins detaching on a similar trajectory to the geology-focused Mars lander. By May 6 they had traveled 621,371 miles from Earth. *MICRO SATELLITES.* (NASA civilian challenge for building micro sats: https://techcrunch.com/2017/08/28/citizen-spacecraft-builders-literally-race-to-the-moon-in-nasas-cube-quest-challenge/). *So were these micro sats shipped from Las Vegas for cabal comms use in conjunction with X10 servers?*

9. X2 = Method of delivery for CubeSats?

10. P = Nathaniel P. Rothschild?

1da702 No.1546344



c6e27d No.1546345


I thought we were winning and the CIA wasn't going to be in control of everything from here on out??

It sounds like the CIA is going to keep running everything from this report.

421df3 No.1546346

File: cbb1839baf14cd5⋯.jpg (1.59 MB, 1920x6111, 640:2037, FireShot Capture 126 - IP ….jpg)


Can you not?

57a630 No.1546347


muh sports teams.

8990cc No.1546348

File: efdb2ca2d51f5fa⋯.png (776.58 KB, 1440x1188, 40:33, ClipboardImage.png)



The farm is a time machine, placed in the universe where palm and live oak meet. It absorbs the seconds and gobbles the hours - a mythological land that lives in the past with roots in the future. A land where tha sun is always warm and the wine always chill. It is a land which smells of dusky wood smoke. When you walk through it, you brush its timbers, and if you're careful, you'll pick up splinters that will work their way into your imagination. It is a flash and a boom to welcome a new year or the rebirth of Spring. It is people: tall ones, pretty ones, big ones, short ones, not-so-pretty ones, skinny ones, hairy ones, smooth ones, young ones, old ones, diverse, different! but all with that same, sometimes barely hidden, glint of laughter just behind their eyes, almost as if they were remembering some old joke or funny story that came to them just as they passed through the gates. It is out-of-plumb lines that only converge in some other dimension. It is concrete and rock, wood and nails, oil and dirt, tin and iron, all bound together with sweat and love. It is all the people who have seen it and left with a new sense of themselves. But above all, it is Michael.

1da702 No.1546349


concern faggot bot…


never ever ever.


c6e27d No.1546350


I'm in awe of this. People are shitting themselves tonight.

The rate of winning is amplifying.

2342d3 No.1546351



Might be fake, but I did see one interesting picture that they posted. It was President Trump's tweet from May 2. Whoever is running that twatter knows the full scale of the plan enough to understand the true meaning of that tweet. That doesn't mean that Backchannel is an insider though. Anyone who has read all crumbs like Q has instructed should understand the entire plan too. Q has said no other comms though. President Trump's tweet said, "There was no collusion ( it is a hoax) and there is no obstruction ( that is a setup & trap). What there is is negotiations with North Korea over Nuclear war, Negotiations going on with China over trade deficits, Negotiations on NAFTA, and much more. Witch Hunt!" Read that tweet very carefully and think really hard about it.

026a5e No.1546352


Stop replying to yourself. K thx.

8b74ce No.1546353


Oh I think we have a big battle before us. As it stands now, Id say its POTUS, MI, and about 20% of the people against the 1% who controls 99% of the moneyflow.

0b6d95 No.1546354


Sounds like a pretty big false assumption.

d0190b No.1546355


BackChannel is fakengay

And that photo is actually from 2013 (was only reposted in 2016).

2075ff No.1546356


It seems that X posted scary crumbs about of Amazon and the contracts with the Pentagon..

And the Tech of Google/London

1080a3 No.1546357



there was that new epstein drop

1da702 No.1546358


never made a bot go away forever i see.

fuck off.

ee09c3 No.1546359



6-11-2018 has not yet happened!

0ba468 No.1546360



8990cc No.1546361

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



My whole series of posts is getting notable a fuck and you fools are fighting with shills…

026a5e No.1546362


Be nice.

28b8f3 No.1546363


I'll have to take a look at today's exec order.

But it'll take more than legislation. Even with school choice/voucher system, most of the edu-establishment will be fighting against us. It'll be like going from 1 MSM choice to many. Our task will become to do to edu what we did to MSM. To replace it with an alternative. To get patriot citizens to replace the teachers & schools. And to use edu-tech to make it scalable. I have big plans for this phase. I can't go into details yet. But when the time is right, we'll have our work cut out for us. Can't wait!

1da702 No.1546364


in your ass next life if you beg. bot.

091f0e No.1546365


>When is 128 not enough? When u run out of room/space?


>When is 256 not enough? “

These probably refer to bit encryption and the answer is when you have a fast enough computer/computers to crack them…

2f1802 No.1546366

LOL Clinton says her new dream job is to run FaceBook !

https:// www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2018/05/25/hillary-clinton-as-ceo-facebook-would-be-her-first-choice/?utm_term=.7c6ba8f5026d

8b74ce No.1546367


U still meme waring with David the Hogg? Isnt it way past his bedtime?

9c80e0 No.1546368

File: 64aa3e0841fd757⋯.png (372.69 KB, 1303x1865, 1303:1865, Screenshot-2018-5-26 Delta….png)

Delta Delta Delta (ΔΔΔ), also known as Tri Delta and Tri-Delt, is an international [1] sorority founded on November 27, 1888 at Boston University. With over 200,000 living initiates, Tri Delta is one of the largest National Panhellenic Conference sororities.

Asfalos Agapomen Allaylas ("Let us steadfastly love one another")

see picture for members

4b1f99 No.1546369

File: fb75d548ef8be9a⋯.png (1.98 MB, 1760x1176, 220:147, 17Qgraph.png)

57a630 No.1546370


Agree it's a big job. I may be able to get involved, my area is heavily libtarded. They need to be eradicated.

1da702 No.1546371



eb92a8 No.1546372


Several Hwood movies have implied that there are secret underground bases and structures that house advanced alien tech.

Stargate SG-1 had multiple soft disc. implications including

1) Human progenitors - First hominids or in this case probably Martian-Earth hybrids

2) Advanced alien tech - "The Ancients". Oh brother, who came up with this one. Definitely an inside Air Force term someone coined thinking it was awesome sounding.

3) Advanced FTL travel technology.

Of all the fucking places around the world to pick from, ONeil and Carter end up gate transporting to a 2nd abandoned stargate in Antarctica?

You can find remains of giant skeletonized ancient serpents (15-20 miles long) in Antarctica. I had some suspicion that in Antarctica is the location of the Garden of Eden mentioned in the Bible.

87fff8 No.1546373


Crap article.

971a5f No.1546374


in the 80's and 90's the leftis battlecry was 'para los ninos'. It failed. May be interesting to dredge it up now.

9c80e0 No.1546375

File: ae0430f9cb500e6⋯.gif (1.31 MB, 169x124, 169:124, 1105LWCS.gif)

bccb89 No.1546376


Yep. Fake and Gay.

That SHA256 hash is the same JA ominously posted back in Dec 2017.


1da702 No.1546377



55a684 No.1546378


spot on.

3f3bf7 No.1546379


Sure I'll add it.



Learn our comms

8b74ce No.1546380


WOW does that speaks volumes. Im kinda leaning towards that might be a sticky. Is something bieng said there? Interesting.

bccb89 No.1546381


He's been suggesting that JA will be freed/released/something on that specific day.

1b982f No.1546382

Side note, how have only aprox 5000-6000 signed the IBOR petition? GOOGs trying to hide it for a reason..


1080a3 No.1546383


Fuck up you stupid cunt.

Arent you wasting precious time?

Shouldn't you be figuring out how to survive whats coming?

Don't you realize we are the lightning rod for your ragefagging?

Annoying us has no consequence. Its habbening.

368a1f No.1546384


"Think of the children"

Still one of their favorite tropes.

c6e27d No.1546385

File: 2396f128d749860⋯.jpeg (66.62 KB, 474x355, 474:355, class5.jpeg)


Trying to fix the school system is like trying to fix a relationship that started with a 70 year old man kidnapping and raping a child for years on end.

Is that REALLY a "relationship"?? I guess.

Are these REALLY "schools"?? I suppose.


1ea0fc No.1546386

File: 4d047e8bdd0de53⋯.jpg (168.96 KB, 1136x718, 568:359, collab3.jpg)


Sometimes people have trouble finding the latest draft, #18.

c7d80c No.1546387

File: 777f9759a1e71b8⋯.png (279.41 KB, 569x557, 569:557, Screen Shot 2018-05-26 at ….png)

28b8f3 No.1546388


Definitely. It's hard not to take the good days for granted, and relax, and gradually lead our kids to disarm. But without the globalist thumb, it'll hopefully be much easier to prevent. Once what we know is widely known, everyone will recognize the need to create & defend a government system that's impenetrable. Constitutions have a way of getting eroded, so embed a damn dictionary into it. Big gov is susceptible to cronyism & corruption, so we'll preserve a limited government without the statist/globalist creep. It's more than doable once we're free for the first time. And as far as technology goes, as much as it can be used as a tool of complacency, it can likewise be used as a tool for freedom preservation.

1ea0fc No.1546391

File: ba33f10357d0983⋯.png (116.21 KB, 814x945, 814:945, wtfgoogs.png)

1c2a54 No.1546392


Active sabotage. I checked it 4 days ago and it was at 5600 or so. Unless people have a direct link it won't show in search and no method of searching available on petition site.

1b982f No.1546393



If thats the case… Problem solved


bbb22b No.1546394

File: 0e878a5509409fe⋯.jpg (208.66 KB, 765x500, 153:100, blackhoggdown.jpg)

b18aaa No.1546395


The minister of Defence is Sikh

And Sikh men are tough guys who like to join the army

And you know who is behind Trump, backing him and supporting him? Military men.

Q even mentioned that there are UK military on side

So, can Canada's military be far behind?


c7d4d2 No.1546396

File: 178a33bc3c3d0f0⋯.png (253.98 KB, 997x9526, 997:9526, screenshot-sys.8ch.net-201….png)


Spammer? Bot?

You deicde! But seriously, please stop.

0aa030 No.1546397


Interesting what's said about JK in the second chapter. Not seeing the significance of the first chapter.

1da702 No.1546398


recognize what i just did and fuck off. I KILLED A BOT. now you show me up faggot.

4ab03f No.1546400


TriDelta 7:


Pamela Bondi Attorney General State of Florida (2011-present)

Deborah Norville Board Member of Viacom, former MSM journalist

Katherine Anne Castor (D) U.S. Representative for Florida's 14th congressional district (2013-Present)

Rita B. Harmon Illinois Supreme Court Justice 4th District

Michelle Lynn Lujan Grisham US Rep, New Mexico’s 1st congressional district (2013-Present)

Lisa M. Boscola (D) Pennsylvania State Senator, 18th District (1999-Present)

Doris Kearns Goodwin Board of Directors Northwest Airlines, Author [plagiarist], frequent guest commentator of Meet The Press (48 times since 1994)

Catherine Jean Crier award-winning broadcast journalist, best-selling author, former Texas State District Judge for the 162nd District Court

From my post >>1546303

3c28b8 No.1546401



c7d80c No.1546402

File: f7cc94b46855f54⋯.png (120.53 KB, 793x594, 793:594, Screen Shot 2018-05-26 at ….png)



4th one down……. but say's site won't let them show.

1c2a54 No.1546403


I get it, not trying to be a cynic, the bad has just outweighed the good for a very long time. That's why I'm here, there's real good being done.

0aa030 No.1546404

File: d69ad39fdbd8c68⋯.png (91.78 KB, 750x259, 750:259, ClipboardImage.png)

1ea0fc No.1546405


Looks like coordinated effort to squelch it.

4bb91d No.1546406


And it's not even the link to the most recent version

2342d3 No.1546407

File: 9757c217639b37f⋯.png (84.32 KB, 640x502, 320:251, POTUS May 2, 2018.png)

Read this tweet very carefully. POTUS is being as clear, truthful, and obvious as possible, yet the dumbass leftists still don't have a clue what's happening.

0efbeb No.1546408


Its not the text thats of interest to us Anon, its the titles of chapters 6 and 10. The O's are Q's…. funny thing of it is this particular pdf of "Fire & Fury" was posted by @Wikileaks on their twatter. Coincidence?

3c28b8 No.1546409




34c266 No.1546410

#WhereAreTheChildren trending on twitter

0efbeb No.1546411


Think about chapters 6 and 10 in the pdf of "Fire & Fury" that @wikileaks posted…. maybe JA will be freed on 6/10/18.

0aa030 No.1546412


That's the petition from march and it's closed. Same thing in jewgle.


Oh I see. That makes sense then. Chapter numbers and titles are significant. Thanks.

1c2a54 No.1546413

File: 17c69237f4ff703⋯.jpg (1.53 MB, 3000x1998, 500:333, 1441219768560.jpg)

Alright guys I'm out for awhile, I'll pick it back up in a few hours, steady as she goes and keep giving em hell. WWG1WGA.

2be2f7 No.1546414

File: 4fe66372d6c8ade⋯.jpg (30.94 KB, 404x399, 404:399, 1518841586631.jpg)


I'd tell you to look into it but I doubt you'd have the capacity to. I was in those threads that cap derives from, everything about it checked out on a physical evidence basis. The CNN video of their 'meme-lab' was located by autismal deductions and google-fu. An anon then posted pictures of tagging the wall with that printed patch.

Also, spoiler your aids ridden spunk in the future, faggot.

57a630 No.1546415

File: acf072b5664d5b7⋯.jpg (23 KB, 341x268, 341:268, monkey continue.jpg)

c7d80c No.1546416

File: 52c1393f21825d5⋯.png (336.68 KB, 595x598, 595:598, Screen Shot 2018-05-26 at ….png)


1ea0fc No.1546417

File: 4f590ae0a468860⋯.png (154.1 KB, 767x767, 1:1, InternetBillofLove.png)






9c80e0 No.1546418

File: 4cd3ee54904851e⋯.png (437.3 KB, 853x479, 853:479, Screenshot-2018-5-26 fb4e5….png)

File: 81522523ec1f355⋯.png (607.46 KB, 853x476, 853:476, Screenshot-2018-5-26 fb4e5….png)

File: ac4f8e6cf48ce7d⋯.png (580.08 KB, 854x484, 427:242, Screenshot-2018-5-26 fb4e5….png)

8d56ef No.1546419



Your getting warmer sororities and fraternities are definitely Illuminati prime recruiting grounds out of college, highly sought after by corporate recruiters. These are the gateway drugs or door ways to the nwo.

f8d2a0 No.1546420

File: 02988aee9f40acf⋯.png (98.86 KB, 400x302, 200:151, STUPID FUCKING HOGG.png)

File: 3c9b71949696ea2⋯.jpg (54.83 KB, 634x422, 317:211, 4CA27F7600000578-0-image-m….jpg)

File: 41de057fa2a11ad⋯.jpg (55.04 KB, 634x423, 634:423, 4CA246E900000578-0-image-m….jpg)

File: c858a4c16f48e35⋯.jpg (61.24 KB, 634x476, 317:238, 4CA2453700000578-0-image-m….jpg)

SPEAK OF THE DEVIL, just saw this new on daily mail

FFS, If i owned that supermarket, and a bunch a little snots came in, laying on the floor blocking the aisles, ( would call police, and have them arrested)

( after i either turned the air conditioner up full blast( make it like the fucking artic,

COOL KISS OF THE KEISER( air conditioner from married with children), KEK

I would make the fruit pile fall( step on their hair) Get a bunch of people to eat tons of burritos and eggs, the walk around where they are dropping stink bombs.

Publix suspends its political campaign contributions after Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg leads a series of staged 'die ins' in the aisles to protest their support for a pro-NRA candidate

David Hogg, 18, a leader of March for our Lives lead chants of 'USA, not NRA!'

Students lay in the aisles for 12 minutes–representing the number of mass shootings since the Pulse Nightclub shooting

Publix donated more than $400,000 to gubernatorial candidate Adam Putnam who calls himself a 'proud NRA Sellout'.

The chain announced late Friday that it has suspended political donations

Hogg tweeted 'the young people will win' in response to the announcement.

Read more: http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5773645/Parkland-survivors-stage-die-supermarket-aisles.html#ixzz5GauEjx00

Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook


f8d2a0 No.1546421

File: c1f182f48e34d49⋯.jpg (69.17 KB, 634x433, 634:433, 4CA2454700000578-0-image-m….jpg)

File: 24d6a6c201e3d64⋯.jpg (32.81 KB, 634x441, 634:441, 4CA2487900000578-0-image-a….jpg)

1b982f No.1546422


Lol, his cackle intro bugs the shit out of me every time, then i end up loving his vids regardless.

1da702 No.1546423

i think that one over there ate a tums.

he voted republican i heard.


yup POS.

hang on let me call my friend.

87fff8 No.1546424

File: 92b7bb0bd0ffab5⋯.jpg (2.82 MB, 2208x3928, 276:491, P_20180511_104619.jpg)

Keep it happening. See you in a few hours.

27a344 No.1546425

File: 97d8dadf3648e4e⋯.jpg (53.42 KB, 711x709, 711:709, Think Mirror.jpg)



One theory about why they divulge some truth in TV and movies is because they believe it removes the karmic consequences of their evil. If they "tell" us their plans and we do nothing to stop it, then they don't take the negative karmic hit.

3c28b8 No.1546426


https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOy4zwXrOHc

0ba468 No.1546427


wtf I couldn't watch that, "video doesn't exist"

57a630 No.1546428


coz muh Marine Bob is an honorable man with a long history of serving the country dont question muh honorable Marine Bob.

334005 No.1546429


Monday, January 15, 2018

Blind Item #7 - The Church's Money

Why would a church way out in the middle of nowhere America be spending so much time in Africa? Yesterday I told you about an experiment that has gone horribly wrong. I also told you about the bribes they have been paying to try and keep everything quiet and to also pay off government leaders in those countries for allowing their citizens to be used in an awful drug experiment and killed.

Where is all the money coming from. Yes, the leader is very rich, but apparently he is not using just his money for all of this. It was his money that he donated to various causes that led to the discovery of the pathogen but that was incidental to the cause he was funding.

Where is the church getting all of this money? Apparently that is another reason they are in Africa. Several years ago they learned about the presence of a "map." I call it a map but it was just a sheet of laminated paper. On that paper were the names of apartment buildings and apartment numbers. These apartments were scattered across almost every country in Africa.

Where was this sheet of paper located? Libya. It was the treasure that Gaddafi had stolen from his own country and also all of the ill gotten gains he collected for being the pimp to every bad desire everyone had ever wanted fulfilled. If you go back a few years, I wrote about one of those horrible fantasies and the members of Hollywood involved.

After the fall of Libya in 2011, no one could find his money. They found some, but not the assumed billion or two he must have had stashed away. One of the lovers of one of his sons had the list but no one could find her. It turns out that this lover had a part in one of the blinds from earlier this week. After the divorce from her husband, she took up with one of the sons and he helped finance her lifestyle. Yes, she was and is very rich, but the son had much more money and he had access to all of the leaders in Africa and all that money to be made from gems and oil.

At some point she acquired that list. Some say she acquired that list in 2012. What else happened in Libya in 2012? Yeah.

For the past six years, The Church has methodically gone to these apartments and found boxes and boxes of cash. Literally rooms filled to the top with boxes of cash. That is a whole lot of money to move even with their connections. They then stumbled upon an idea that until recently has worked very well for them. They loaded cash in boxes belonging to a relief organization that has operations in every country of the world including the US. Those boxes are never checked. What a wonderful way to move the money all over the world. Recently, however, in a raid by a country that actually can't be bribed police found some of the boxes being readied for shipment. One could hope this would throw a spotlight on to the operation, but they just have so many friends in so many places, it is going to be tough.

Posted by ent lawyer at 10:30 AM 186 comments

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Labels: blind item

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Blind Item #7 - The Church's New Investment

Apparently The Church is finding it more difficult to bring in children the way they have in the past. That elusive head of the Church has donated tens of millions of dollars to research against diseases, many of which adversely affect third world countries. It was during this process of trying to eradicate a disease that one of the scientists created a pathogen which can kill swiftly and effectively. When the head of The Church heard about it, he agreed to test it on a village in a country that was friendly to bribes. It worked really well. It killed an astonishing number of people which were mainly adults. The children of the adults were 30-40 miles distant at a boarding school. Now, with no parents, they needed to be adopted. The Church, along with more bribes to the government had a great way to get large numbers of children quickly.

With that success, they decided to try it again, but this time, the villagers didn't stay in place as they had before and some traveled to a neighboring village. The next thing you know, it has now started spreading to different countries and killing people faster than they can create cover stories. Look for them to spread the rumor it is an Ebola outbreak to give themselves a chance to destroy the evidence of what they did.

It wouldn't shock me if they come forward with a cure and make hundreds of millions of dollars. That might bring too much publicity for them though. Even they would have tough time watching thousands of people die though wouldn't they?

8990cc No.1546430



2b96f2 No.1546431


Pompeo serves as a local church deacon and teaches Sunday school.[98]

9c80e0 No.1546432

File: acebd7e531138df⋯.png (257.34 KB, 855x472, 855:472, Screenshot-2018-5-26 fb4e5….png)

File: ee539d9ab385568⋯.png (22.42 KB, 248x139, 248:139, Screenshot-2018-5-26 Gabri….png)


too much 4 me..

57a630 No.1546433


Frats/Sorors are part of the masonic system.

9ae6e5 No.1546434

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Babylon 5 moments of transition.

Another type of soft disc.

971a5f No.1546435


if it is a violation of the first amendment for GEOTUS to block someone on Twatter, it is a violation of the first amendment for Twatter to shadowban anyone.

bccb89 No.1546436

I don't think it's an encryption key. SHA hashes are a way to identify a file or some other string of data. The earliest reference to it seems to be this bit of bad animation form 2009.


Either there exists a damning File that JA wants someone to know he in in possession of or he was simply pointing to this Youtube video, which may have just been given a placeholder name (in which case it means nothing special). But if the former theory is true, than the creator of that video is also in possession of The File. The channel that it was posted on is just a lot of shitty animation. So either the channel owner is a spook-ish person who is using these video for some sort of steno communication or JA was merely saying something about air planes and we can all stop obsessing over a random string of letter and numbers.

2342d3 No.1546437


Off you go newfag. You've got some crumbs to read before you go to bed.

34b029 No.1546438


Eurobaker here

What's your timezone? Can probably take it over from 7 Am.

f8d2a0 No.1546439


At one point, a counter protester, Bill Caracofe, stuck his middle finger an inch from Hogg's face outside the grocery store just a few miles from the school where 17 of Hogg's classmates and teachers were gunned down.

57a630 No.1546440


To you, it's actually Dr. Oldfag, dumbfag.

0ba468 No.1546441


nvm.. search fb4e568623b5f8cf7e932e6ba7eddc0db9f42a712718f488bdc0bf880dd3 on youtube, tons of results

2342d3 No.1546442


Oh hey Dr. Corsi. How's Tracy's ass taste tonight? "Buy muh book."

1b982f No.1546443


sorry to be that guy, But more important than you know.


will you leave the back door open because you know juijitsu? how about those you love? close the backdoors. at least take proactive measures against intruders..


0efbeb No.1546445


What crumbs are you referring to? I can't recall Q every clarifying where Mueller stands….

0aa030 No.1546446

File: 5857a2f5b58dc82⋯.png (386.14 KB, 503x712, 503:712, checkem_trust_kansas.png)


Now that's higher level thinking.

3f3bf7 No.1546447


UTC -7

9c80e0 No.1546448

File: 0e34840f179a552⋯.jpg (1.55 MB, 1612x5206, 806:2603, Screenshot-2018-5-26 Satsc….jpg)

File: 4b6e7c3da7187d2⋯.png (281.41 KB, 859x704, 859:704, Screenshot-2018-5-26 fb4e5….png)


satscape films

1da702 No.1546449


it's THAT serious idiot. Dems will enjoy you killing their base if it furthers their goals. no dem will listen. sorry for even bringing it the fuck up

lol. not happening. pic related.

34b029 No.1546450


Cool, first I'm going for a walk in the park with a lady. I'll be back around 7 am (UTC-7)

If not, some other fine patriot will most definitely stand up!

5399ee No.1546452

Hahaha President Trump is setting up a massive trap for the MSM.

Clapper is under a FISA warrant as a foreign agent.

He has admitted that Trump was spied on.

The flood will come.

All those tweets will not age well.

bbb22b No.1546453

File: 52e25ecfa133484⋯.jpg (56.75 KB, 372x363, 124:121, 28rew3.jpg)


Even in 'death' they hold on to their smartphones…

can somebody get those kids to protest drug abuse in a starbucks restroom in the same way?

57a630 No.1546454


Better than your sister's, she tastes like nigger.

8d56ef No.1546455


Yes, speaking from personal experience, they are the training grounds, recruitment grounds, the door to darkness and the nwo…

c7d80c No.1546456


The courts point was that Government officials can't block public.

But, we get blocked all the time from Government officials (Schiff, etc.)

34b029 No.1546457

File: 1538469df66f1c6⋯.png (11.15 KB, 117x111, 39:37, o-no-an-ona-shitpost.png)


Go home Corsi, you're lame.

971a5f No.1546458


exactly. Equal application of the law. I think the ruling may eventually lead to something bigger.

c7d80c No.1546459


But, Hogg blew it again (every single time he protests) - Publix also stopped political donations to Equal Marriage and Planned Parenthood.

ddeafb No.1546460




Same for me

7d1448 No.1546461

Hey Jerry, we're about to jump in the Plymouth and head to Reno. You're welcome to come along, but make sure you bring your blue blazer.

3c28b8 No.1546462

File: 0ee7226b91fa025⋯.png (1 MB, 1200x677, 1200:677, ClipboardImage.png)





b18aaa No.1546463


When I read this tweet:

Donald J. Trump

Verified account


8h8 hours ago


We are having very productive talks with North Korea about reinstating the Summit which, if it does happen, will likely remain in Singapore on the same date, June 12th., and, if necessary, will be extended beyond that date.

I thought, "Why extended?". I can't see denuclearization and a trade deal taking that long. However, if reunification is under discussion, then I can definitely see it taking that long. And I will bet that some "incident" happens on the afternoon of June 12th which causes some important people in the North Korean delegation to walk out. The MSM and the Dems will start slamming that fool Trump whose disastrous negotiations with NK are making things worse. And the next day, after the media have shot themselves in the foot (after all they know all about Trump because they read Fire and Fury) the delegation will come back, the final touches will be put on reunification, and then after the US papers have gone to the presses, there will be a surprise announcement of a reunification agreement being signed with an aggressive schedule to complete in a few months. No doubt some North Korean generals will be on the stand with all the dignitaries at the Military Parade in DC on November 11th.

The MSM and Dems who don't commit suicide will all end up in the mental hospital because they have so lost touch with reality.

2342d3 No.1546464


There was one that said, and I'm slightly paraphrasing, "A traitor leaked that POTUS was not a target in the Mueller investigation and that it wasn't supposed to be revealed yet." Then, right as the media began to ask questions, there was an FBI [raid] to regain control of the narrative. This was convenient timing huh? No coincidences. The traitor who leaked failed.

9c80e0 No.1546465


google this:


f886c4 No.1546466

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3c28b8 No.1546468

File: de4dcdcbadda36a⋯.png (408.3 KB, 633x356, 633:356, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ee7226b91fa025⋯.png (1 MB, 1200x677, 1200:677, ClipboardImage.png)

File: de4dcdcbadda36a⋯.png (408.3 KB, 633x356, 633:356, ClipboardImage.png)


Everyone wants to know what the heck does fb4e568623b5f8cf7e932e6ba7eddc0db9f42a712718f488bdc0bf880dd3 mean?

In the latest cryptic tweet to come from Wikileaks's Julian Assange a 60 digit code now has the internet scratching it's head. The curious tweet also included the song "Paper Planes" by MIA which has led many to speculate about what the significance of this release may be…

In this video

Dan Dicks of Press For Truth encourages the viewer to not get their hopes up about a major truth bomb coming anytime soon as this appears to be yet again another limited hangout coming from Assange and wikileaks.

786eba No.1546469

I think we need to look more to the M.I.A.-assange connection other than just the lyrics. They had a close connection. He even opened a concert for her. And she has had pictures with jack dorsey and has previously stated that Facebook and google were created by the Clowns before Q or Trump ever came around. Something we’re missing here fellas.

1b982f No.1546470

Question, If the Dem/Repubs had a huge shift in the 60s/70s, why did Robert Byrd stay in senate from 1969-2010? Is Dem leader fuckery afoot, or business as usual? Maybe dems can explain it…

df680f No.1546471


This article was posted earlier in the month, but this is my first time running across it. Hope it's not already been posted… you can delete this post to save room if it is though..

But seriously, I'm still asking myself how tf you lose track of 1500 kids.

36d181 No.1546472



🇺🇸 Make America Great Again 🇺🇸

!. Keep America Great !



c6e27d No.1546473

File: 8bb3fe22b1e9bd1⋯.jpg (307.04 KB, 792x714, 132:119, did-someone-say.jpg)


They've far outlived their usefulness. From every angle I can find, and it's my life's mission to either drop the skool system or force a HARD reboot that rinses the shit out and gives our children an honest chance.

If I were presenting a case to HONEST peers, it would be an open and shut case that schools are harmful to children on many levels and SUCK at providing a true practical education or the foundational character needed to be happy and productive. Quite the opposite.


PS I homeschooled my kids by myself, broke as a joke, and even with all the challenges and lack of resources, they are ALL coming out to be people we can be proud of and HAPPY that OUR future belongs to.

One of them is even a fellow Anon. KEK!!


0efbeb No.1546474


I remeber that crumb, not sure how this clarifies where Mueller stand.

57a630 No.1546475


When evil men rule, the people groan. Bushbamanation

9c80e0 No.1546476


ID are related to colors?

for instance

3c28b8 =strong blue

c6e27d No.1546477


I feel this. Quality post.

053b55 No.1546478

File: 08a86a1af952e8a⋯.jpeg (235.55 KB, 1200x740, 60:37, DeGk3jfX4AA8kGS.jpg-large.jpeg)

Memewhile, on twatter, shit's gittin' so cray that it makes 8chan look tame.

2342d3 No.1546479


What do you mean? Q made it perfectly clear that POTUS isn't a target. It was supposed to stay a secret but a traitor almost blew it by leaking to the press. President Trump was never the target to begin with. It's always been about draining the swamp since day one.

0b6d95 No.1546480



he's probably proud of that label…

b18aaa No.1546482

This is interesting…

If you have 10,000 YouTube channels how do people tell which ones are good news and analysis sources and which ones are flakes, paytards or clowns?

Why not run a counterintelligence op to OUT all the bad ones, and help patriots learn who they can rely on for truth and analysis?


@BackChannel17 Follow Follow @BackChannel17 More

Before I give this last message. I want you all to know:

It has been an honor to fight here beside you all in secret

I apologize for disinformation given about MY identity

Again, all will become clear very soon.

Disinformation was necessary in order to stay safe.

Truth Matters

11:34 PM - 25 May 2018

53ef9b No.1546483

worth the read link to thread reader below

Thread by @_VachelLindsay_: "1. I think I may have discovered what the DOJ & FBI are desperately trying to hide. It was POTUS Obama himself who authorized the use of […]" #Obamagate #MAGA

https:// t.co/4SOgxbrKD6

8b74ce No.1546484

File: 6afb830ecf2cb6c⋯.jpg (27.01 KB, 382x353, 382:353, thgnm666.jpg)

c6e27d No.1546486

File: 0504c3b917674c7⋯.jpg (45.71 KB, 552x382, 276:191, rfcavleulqmz.jpg)


I'll say it again, we're the only normal ones left anymore.

Amazing Meme BTW. Stealing. KEK!!

0efbeb No.1546487


Very ossible, clear thinking with your theory Anon.

d78234 No.1546488

File: d4020cbd873228f⋯.png (5.16 MB, 1404x1800, 39:50, trumpscales.png)

Even Louis Farrakhan had to acknowledge a great man, our President who is fighting everyday for those under the thumb of a corrupt DOJ & prison system.

1b982f No.1546489


planes is a huge theme then, everyone keep n eye out for plane stuff soon. lets hope this isnt SKY EVENT… Unless it works for us… or maybe Q will just release info on prevSKY EVENT…. Been waiting for that one… dying a little inside every day that it stays buried. Sorry thinking aloud.

3c28b8 No.1546490

“It Is About Bloody Time”: Harvey Weinstein Assault Survivor Reacts to Arrest in NYC on Rape Charges

https:// kpfa.org/player/?audio=286107

https:// kpfa.org/episode/democracy-now-may-25-2018/

6d3be8 No.1546491


There’s a thousand ways to clean a toilet.

334005 No.1546492


>https:// t.co/4SOgxbrKD6

Sounds totally credible.

9ae6e5 No.1546493

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d78234 No.1546494


4767 5774 6a7a 4d6c 6330 666b 314a 3453 0000 0907 84b4 f787 7616 86f7 a737 5707 5736


9c80e0 No.1546495

File: 6d814bcd38b5f18⋯.png (386.83 KB, 853x476, 853:476, Screenshot-2018-5-26 fb4e5….png)

File: dc4a239b66d7c91⋯.png (280.81 KB, 853x479, 853:479, Screenshot-2018-5-26 fb4e5….png)

958e38 No.1546496

"attended Catholic convent schools such as the Holy Family Convent, Jaffna where she developed her art skills"

34b029 No.1546497


Teens in Hollywood get suckered in the same way.

Hey, tidbit from group psychology: if you want to influence a group, become friends with the most popular/attractive people in the crowd.

Now broadcast and normalize their lying behaviour.

Voila: you are succesfully spoiling a generation!

0ba468 No.1546498



>and the very interesting thing of all this is … click here to know more!

2342d3 No.1546499


If that's true, then I'm sure Corsi will write a book on how to do it. "Buh muh book."

0efbeb No.1546500

>>1546479 It seems we're not talking about the same thing here… I understand POTUS isn't the target, never has been. I was refering to where in this movie does Mueller stand. White Hat? Black Hat? Gray Hat? Did he cut a deal? He is an enigma of a character.

6c498c No.1546501

File: 4b71bd0681c8ea0⋯.png (221.14 KB, 340x406, 170:203, 2018-05-26_04-50-29.png)


Most of us do not even bother with this miserable little twit, but this one brought a smile.

Thank you anon!

c63410 No.1546502

Has markels songbird on the new royal family crest been noted?

479e87 No.1546503

>>1545332 (last)

I was amazed by some of the stuff they're cracking down on, like "official time". They're using the time we pay for, against us. That's hostile behavior. I hope after he's reelected Trump will take things down more, and ideally collective bargaining rights should be removed from federal employees. There's no reason to give our public servants such power to organize against us.

9c80e0 No.1546504

File: f97ad51dd3fbd13⋯.png (460.86 KB, 694x431, 694:431, Screenshot-2018-5-26 Stanl….png)


The original photo (shining)

053b55 No.1546505

File: 302a9d3cac3290d⋯.png (373.25 KB, 1099x764, 1099:764, QPePatton.png)


I can teach you de wae of Myrimemetamagic.

It could be something that goes on while the going gets tardy.

Let's build off each others memes, adding more and more details to look into.

It's like the Economist cover, but now with m0ar autism.

bccb89 No.1546507


That was from Oct 2017.


Did anyone ever figure out what it meant?

c7d80c No.1546508

File: c2b6294f1dae3a1⋯.jpg (10.84 KB, 255x164, 255:164, 322e10da960f2d83312d8bba21….jpg)

File: 822c52f8f84978f⋯.jpg (87.6 KB, 640x630, 64:63, Dc8iiBrVMAAHb3x.jpg)

File: 99bd0b5c5e00b4a⋯.jpg (69.57 KB, 793x487, 793:487, Trump Deep State Just Expo….jpg)

d78234 No.1546509

File: 8520394551a1464⋯.png (2.78 MB, 3450x3105, 10:9, GROPEANDSTRANGEtrumpit.png)

a7f5a6 No.1546510


Henry VIII gave up a thrown to be a secret nazis agent during WWII

0aa030 No.1546511


That guy is not wearing a tux.

479e87 No.1546512


It's a reasonable point of view, but ONLY if your job market is protected from opportunistic refugees, illegal immigrants, and low skilled immigrants.

You can't run a welfare state without secure borders and high immigration hurdles. Or at least you've very stupid if you do.

2342d3 No.1546513


No real way of knowing for sure. But what I do know is that our President is Donald Trump and I trust his decision making. He brought in Sessions, Mueller, and Rosenstein. The only reason Sessions recused himself and wasn't the one to appoint Mueller was because his senate confirmation vote was too close and it would have been viewed as too partisan. That is the only reason. And as a bonus, he got to make up some stupid story about sitting at a table with a Russian at a dinner party. This gave even more ammo to extend the leftist support for an investigation that they had no idea would actually be looking into their own criminal activities. Q has said numerous times that they are really stupid. So, in my opinion, Mueller is a white hat.

9ae6e5 No.1546514

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f8d2a0 No.1546515

File: be1afb28d67ec8f⋯.jpg (33.74 KB, 382x353, 382:353, 2b1hjw.jpg)

1ea0fc No.1546516

File: c7d42423a6cb7f1⋯.jpg (154.81 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, NumeroUnoIBOR.jpg)

File: eb779a0ca3c17fa⋯.jpg (185.52 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, DosIBOR.jpg)

File: dccf7cefb1d83bb⋯.jpg (237.76 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, IBOR3.jpg)

File: db28f8b78aec1c9⋯.jpg (165.43 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, IFOUR.jpg)

File: 66a92912b26c51c⋯.jpg (212.78 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, IBORfif.jpg)


Not sure what you mean by that anon?

c7d80c No.1546517


Do anons remember where the 3rd photo came from of POTUS?

First one to get it right wins a KEK

479e87 No.1546518


Edward VIII, not Henry.

053b55 No.1546519

File: a2574df66e44182⋯.png (384.09 KB, 1099x764, 1099:764, QPePattonKitty.png)

9c80e0 No.1546520


They were ph/shopped after. In other words someone shopped the photo after the movie

958e38 No.1546521

"Jimmy Iovine, the chairman of M.I.A.'s American distribution label Interscope, compares M.I.A. to Reed and punk rock songwriter Patti Smith, and recalled, "She's gonna do what she's gonna do, I can't tell her shit."[161] "The really left-of-center artists, you really wonder about them. Can the world catch up? Can the culture meet them in the middle? That’s what the adventure is. It doesn’t always happen, but it should and it could."[162] Richard Russell, head of XL Recordings, states, "You've got to bend culture around to suit you, and I think M.I.A has done that" adding that M.I.A.'s composition and production skills were a major attraction for him"

5399ee No.1546522


Can I recommend Art of the Deal to those who haven't read it.

Amazing book.

Especially since it's 30 years old.

14fa20 No.1546523

File: df4f6e6c4307b04⋯.jpg (89.68 KB, 480x449, 480:449, 2b1dzd~2.jpg)

File: a1c1480409463b9⋯.png (44.55 KB, 415x362, 415:362, full.png)

Niggers get fucked with your BLM dog shit… Obama fuck off.

f8d2a0 No.1546524

File: 79ea4dfec9d0449⋯.jpg (33.83 KB, 382x353, 382:353, 2b1hle.jpg)




c6e27d No.1546525

File: edd27ad3764a525⋯.jpg (36.06 KB, 442x520, 17:20, Screen Shot 2017-10-18 at ….jpg)


That's amazing. I have NO meme magic, but I collect them all!!


1080a3 No.1546526


Dont correct him, it was sooo good that way!

I'm still laughing

2342d3 No.1546527


Oh no. Please tell me this isn't happening. "Muh Dick" guy is back!!!! Dude, you have it out for the royal family. Especially Harry.

3c28b8 No.1546528

File: f7b90d45dc6af22⋯.png (289.14 KB, 859x704, 859:704, ClipboardImage.png)



Got that.

CBBE 4CF3 84B5 FCA7 3BAA F3D0 FF72 6BC2 1C1D A0C7

https:// twitter.com/astepanovich/status/977576205447761920



c7d80c No.1546529


Someone said it was on audio - maybe on YT?

479e87 No.1546530


We know Mueller has hired a number of committed Dem attorneys. Those guys would never go hard after Dems. Has he also, secretly, hired some other attorneys who would go after Dems? Can he hire attorneys secretly?

Because if not, he is definitely a black hat.

9c80e0 No.1546531

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


shining 60 years before shining ????

8b74ce No.1546532

File: 92d100ed23b18de⋯.jpg (27.28 KB, 385x352, 35:32, cnndhg666.jpg)



Forgot the CNN logo. Yup thats the point behind this meme. Ever heard the saying devil at the crossroads? Thats where this kid is at. And if we start to fail at our mission? Wat do you wanna bet this kid winds up as a congressman ;)

053b55 No.1546533

File: 469c074239ccfbf⋯.png (1.6 MB, 3450x3105, 10:9, Groypdher.png)

14fa20 No.1546534

File: f81c6f77c9bf12d⋯.jpg (108.6 KB, 500x642, 250:321, 2a2ast.jpg)

File: df4f6e6c4307b04⋯.jpg (89.68 KB, 480x449, 480:449, 2b1dzd~2.jpg)

3f3bf7 No.1546535

Last call for



>>1545988 Nazi Roots of the House of Windsor

>>1546114 Map, Key, Truth, Light, Humanity

>>1546150 That's a lot of Fentanyl

>>1546291 Last? @BackChannel17 twats?

>>1545917 , >>1546199 Paydirt for Epstein diggers

To all the shills and concernfags, the BC-17 post stays. As far as I'm concerned, either

1) An insider just dropped a hint and claims to never return

2) A LARPER is claiming he will stop LARPing

Both of which are notable. You shills keep your shit up, I'll make sure a fine patriot steps up and gives me a reason to put Meghan Markle's name back in the notables before dayfags have their first cup of covfefe.


This Patriot Baker isn't fuckin around

0efbeb No.1546536


I've flipped flopped on Mueller to many times to count over the last 6 months… The meeting with POTUS, the alleged FBI Director interview just muddies the fuck out of the water on this…. can't wait to see the final act. I'm sure Muellers part will be quit the twist.

971a5f No.1546537


like the thought, but, the red glow on the text makes it unreadable… if a normie can not read a meme in 2.125 seconds, normie moves on.

5399ee No.1546538


I bought a copy.

Worth every penny.

A guide to making win win deals.

Genius approach to game theory.

How you can enjoy work and make brilliant decisions.

A very good approach to life.

479e87 No.1546539


1. it's special "counsel" not council.

2. special counsel is the wrong tool for the job. What you need is a regular government bureaucrat in an agency, possibly one appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.

1b982f No.1546540



I guess the hunted is becoming the hunter…

34b029 No.1546541

File: 1ce6ac43d240448⋯.jpg (15.5 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 388856dabb1b4b46f781068903….jpg)


You're a fucking Rockstar, Baker@!

971a5f No.1546542


never, ever, use a decorative typeface for headline text. Typesetting 101.

36b621 No.1546543

File: b6d468c33cb53cc⋯.jpg (134.35 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, IMG_0240.JPG)


In case not.


Of course (((CNN))) would report this.

14fa20 No.1546544

File: c0951221d66ddc1⋯.jpg (67.08 KB, 450x505, 90:101, 2b07fq.jpg)

File: 17174ce69d85c34⋯.jpg (85.14 KB, 695x477, 695:477, 2au6cz~2.jpg)

0e4bbd No.1546545


I just saw it today. there is an audiobook of about 10 hours

c7d80c No.1546546

File: c71d6fa43f67f26⋯.jpeg (13.33 KB, 255x186, 85:62, 4710782ef021a31a229f470b0….jpeg)

3c28b8 No.1546547

File: e5fc75c15da2339⋯.png (607 KB, 800x531, 800:531, ClipboardImage.png)


Going Dark

Law enforcement at all levels has the legal authority to intercept and access communications and information pursuant to court orders, but it often lacks the technical ability to carry out those orders because of a fundamental shift in communications services and technologies. This scenario is often called the “Going Dark” problem.

Law enforcement faces two distinct Going Dark challenges. The first concerns real-time court-ordered interception of data in motion, such as phone calls, e-mail, text messages, and chat sessions. The second challenge concerns “data at rest”—court-ordered access to data stored on devices, like e-mail, text messages, photos, and videos. Both real-time communications and stored data are increasingly difficult for law enforcement to obtain with a court order or warrant. This is eroding law enforcement’s ability to quickly obtain valuable information that may be used to identity and save victims, reveal evidence to convict perpetrators, or exonerate the innocent.

Make no mistake, the FBI supports strong encryption, and we know firsthand the damage that can be caused by vulnerable and insecure systems. As such, the Department of Justice, the FBI, and other law enforcement agencies are on the front lines of the fight against cyber crime. The government uses strong encryption to secure its own electronic information, and it encourages the private sector and members of the public to do the same.

However, the challenges faced by law enforcement to lawfully and quickly obtain valuable information are getting worse. The Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) was enacted in 1994 and applies only to traditional telecommunications carriers, providers of interconnected voice over internet protocol (VoIP) services, and providers of broadband access services. Currently thousands of companies provide some form of communication service, and most are not required by CALEA to develop lawful intercept capabilities for law enforcement. As a result, many of today’s communication services are developed and deployed without consideration of law enforcement’s lawful intercept and evidence collection needs.

When changes in technology hinder law enforcement’s ability to exercise investigative tools and follow critical leads, we may not be able to root out the child predators hiding in the shadows of the Internet, or find and arrest violent criminals who are targeting our neighborhoods. We may not be able to identify and stop terrorists who are using social media to recruit, plan, and execute an attack in our country. We may not be able to recover critical information from a device that belongs to a victim who cannot provide us with the password, especially when time is of the essence. These are not just theoretical concerns.

We continue to identify individuals who seek to join the ranks of foreign fighters traveling in support of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, commonly known as ISIL, and also homegrown violent extremists who may aspire to attack the United States from within. These threats remain among the highest priorities for the FBI, and the United States government as a whole.

Of course, encryption is not the only technology terrorists and criminals use to further their ends. Terrorist groups, such as ISIL, use the Internet to great effect. With the widespread horizontal distribution of social media, terrorists can spot, assess, recruit, and radicalize vulnerable individuals of all ages in the United States either to travel or to conduct a homeland attack. As a result, foreign terrorist organizations now have direct access into the United States like never before. Some of these conversations occur in publicly accessed social networking sites, but others take place via private messaging platforms. These encrypted direct messaging platforms are tremendously problematic when used by terrorist plotters.

To help address the challenges posed by advancing communications services and technologies, the Department of Justice’s National Domestic Communications Assistance Center (NDCAC) leverages and shares the law enforcement community’s collective technical knowledge, solutions, and resources. NDCAC also works on behalf of federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies to strengthen law enforcement’s relationships with the communications industry.



8b74ce No.1546548




Spread this out and post it. Im kinda backin off a bit. Wierd shit has been happening lately. I connect to the Internet through a tethered burner phone (im an IT guy). This burner has had several hangup calls from maryland the past few days. Makin muh nervous.

36b621 No.1546549


Baker note my last post on markel.

0aa030 No.1546550


Never seen that one before. Is it the same hotel?

2342d3 No.1546551


He probably hired as many criminal leftists as possible for two reasons. 1. They took a plea deal and are on his special council grabbing their dicks without any real authority 2. To give the appearance that the SC is biased, corrupt, and out to bring down POTUS. Leftists know down deep that President Trump is innocent but they don't care. Their only hope is for corrupt leftists to bring him down. So now that they've been worshipping the Special Counsel and Mueller for over a year now, they will have to accept all evidence of Obama's treason when it's presented. They won't be able to discredit Mueller or ignore any of it.

f8d2a0 No.1546552

File: f2ca6f42b492520⋯.jpg (104.76 KB, 786x500, 393:250, 26d7pv.jpg)

File: 7cc6da43e58ce2e⋯.jpg (143.3 KB, 500x625, 4:5, 27aggo.jpg)

File: b55beb89dd9a44e⋯.jpg (73.63 KB, 530x389, 530:389, 27hibm.jpg)

File: fe7486a1505684f⋯.jpg (110.68 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2b1hrl.jpg)

1b982f No.1546553

File: 2389df74a8a6037⋯.png (267.85 KB, 1921x1043, 1921:1043, PaperPlanes.png)

14fa20 No.1546554

File: 89165738d1389a6⋯.jpg (53.61 KB, 480x601, 480:601, 2av4qp~2.jpg)


Nancy busted a load

3f3bf7 No.1546555


well done

34b029 No.1546556


Holy fucking shit..

Crown at the throat.


RIP beneath the bird?

The symbolism in this is wicked

479e87 No.1546557


Right, that's a possible scenario, but only if Mueller was able to secretly or at least quietly bring in others who actually do the work of going after the scum.

34b029 No.1546558

File: 2b87e4c6c2c0fb5⋯.png (592.43 KB, 548x734, 274:367, 2b87e4c6c2c0fb567b3df1cf33….png)


The fight is real..

I've received mutiple intimidations as well.

They're bitches anon, but I understand that you are slowing down a bit.

d78234 No.1546559

File: aed824bb0fe8b85⋯.png (2.67 MB, 3450x3105, 10:9, GROPEANDSTRANGE.png)

1b982f No.1546560


My guess/hope is he's treading the fine line, placed by us. But whatever his position, Q is in Contrl…

018064 No.1546561


Maybe it was the therapy boom ?

Remember when it was cool for celebfags and the rich fags to get MK ULTRAD

14fa20 No.1546562

File: 057f8211d6d054a⋯.jpg (45.14 KB, 437x437, 1:1, 2auuvb~2.jpg)

File: bcaf0aac37b17ca⋯.jpg (35.83 KB, 477x340, 477:340, 2augep~2.jpg)

Trump is crashing these fuckers.

a7f5a6 No.1546564


Notice the "H" was gone in "HIS TEMPLE".. hahahaha damn man going back now how much clearer it is now than back then. Still not clear, but gettin better!

479e87 No.1546565


and furthermore, it requires that we believe none of those lefty lawyers leak anything to anyone. Don't even tip off any fellow Dems the Mueller isn't what they think he is.

The more I think about it, the more I don't believe it. Mueller's bad news, always has been, is now. Leopards don't change their spots.

34b029 No.1546566


We won't fail our mission, but that has probably been the path they set out for hogtied Hogg.

Would be worthwhile to investigate his bloodline: he seems like one of their own crop

f8d2a0 No.1546567

File: 55985834914483e⋯.png (775.37 KB, 843x804, 281:268, Meghan coat of arms.png)

File: 3d8670257d2ba0c⋯.png (68.92 KB, 793x675, 793:675, Meghan crest meaning.png)

File: d6676520651d733⋯.png (13.2 KB, 763x131, 763:131, Golden poppy symbolism.png)



I posted all about this earlier

That bird is a songbird

( when does a bird sing)

And the golden poppies are Egyptian funeral flowers( death)

d78234 No.1546568

File: d215556da51a41d⋯.png (780.21 KB, 940x500, 47:25, impeachspygate.png)

d78234 No.1546570



8d56ef No.1546571

File: 89d35ad89019841⋯.jpg (51.03 KB, 480x360, 4:3, e4f12e9b82e50d3e1ba3482176….jpg)

14fa20 No.1546572

File: a1c1480409463b9⋯.png (44.55 KB, 415x362, 415:362, full.png)

File: 4dd55bf85fe6d52⋯.jpg (36.2 KB, 296x407, 8:11, 29svr4.jpg)

Obama's are 100% daemonic.

9c80e0 No.1546573


the movie is KORKARLEN-THE PHANTOM CARRIAGE by Victor Sjöström

3c28b8 No.1546574

File: 3f521c296ad6a58⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1024x788, 256:197, ClipboardImage.png)

479e87 No.1546575


Whoever wrote the "meaning" slide: in #2 the "Sunshine State" is Florida. California is the "Golden State".

0ba468 No.1546576


ty baker

( . ) ( . )


what's the meaning of the crown at the throat???

f8d2a0 No.1546577


http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/afp/article-5772151/Meghans-coat-arms-pays-tribute-California-roots.html

http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/video/femail/video-1696302/Video-Duchess-Sussex-given-Coat-Arms-featuring-California-poppy.html

http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/pa/article-5771881/Meghan-s-Californian-Coat-Arms-revealed.html

http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/ap/article-5771877/Coat-Arms-revealed-new-Duchess-Sussex.html

http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-5771667/The-coat-arms-created-Meghan-approved-Queen.html

1b982f No.1546578



question is, what is the 5 bar symbolism? in the vid

971a5f No.1546579

File: 46fe7f9506e61b3⋯.jpg (32.76 KB, 612x408, 3:2, admR-Kek.jpg)


1000% better….

I did not waist 25 years of my life in signmaking for nothing… (never learnet to spell, downfall of many a typesetter…. give us correct copy, or GTFO)

and you get the rare Adm R. kek!

8b74ce No.1546580


Yea not overly scared, but just a lil cautious. Im pretty careful about covering da tracks, but ya juzz neva know!! I wouldnt be surprised if some Anons have been 187, and we just dont know about it. Never doxxx eva!

2342d3 No.1546581


Harry and Meghan's coat of arms should read like this: My brother is visibly retarded and will still be king. I lacked the courage to off him while I had the chance. Now, I'm 6th in line to nothing, married to someone who wants to steal my money, and I'm walking around grabbing my own dick. Muh dick."

8d56ef No.1546583

File: cda813ebb435317⋯.jpg (188.13 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, c1537c3c165fbb09bbc568fb38….jpg)

479e87 No.1546584


He can at best be restricted (what's in that classified August 2017 memo expanding his authority?) and monitored.

1b982f No.1546585


Many skullBones Refs too.

0ba468 No.1546586


>remember when it was cool

was there really a time when it was cool????????

d3ec56 No.1546587

File: a4cb4ae2641603f⋯.jpg (117.26 KB, 888x500, 222:125, McCabe Andrew.jpg)

FBI Agents Spill Beans on Comey & McCabe-Era Threats Against the President: “Trump and Friends Better Watch Their F*cking L…”


a7f5a6 No.1546588


agreed. keep it to yourself.

34b029 No.1546589


It signifies something for sure, Symbolism IS their downfall.

This is my speculation..

The Power of the Word Reigns?

She never will be a Queen?

Her marriage to Harry will signify the downfall of the Windsor Clan?

0aa030 No.1546590

File: f69a4db809bde0f⋯.jpg (24.1 KB, 424x473, 424:473, Selection_133.jpg)

hoo dis

f8d2a0 No.1546591


That came from Daily mail article, Brits might not know, kek

And they meaning them being golden rays,

And unofficially some call California the sunshine state too.

14fa20 No.1546592

File: c1e57cce7851ece⋯.jpg (94.9 KB, 500x558, 250:279, 2aucmu~2.jpg)

File: bcaf0aac37b17ca⋯.jpg (35.83 KB, 477x340, 477:340, 2augep~2.jpg)

I voted for Trump to erase Obama…

God Bless You Donald Trump.

1080a3 No.1546593


What if every other Royal goes down in the Great Habbening?

If these two were king and queen it would be hilarious.

053b55 No.1546594

File: 6285e58949396a9⋯.jpg (136.36 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, blankavsguile.jpg)


Now where have I seen this before…

34b029 No.1546595

File: 85eb11067ddce21⋯.png (336.18 KB, 715x443, 715:443, 85eb11067ddce214f41e496356….png)


>I wouldnt be surprised if some Anons have been 187, and we just dont know about it. Never doxxx eva!

This is the thought that hunts and drives me forward.


9c80e0 No.1546596


good job!!

1b982f No.1546597


does her obvious-ish heritage and visa refs come into play? warning from them? or to them (fm JA?) to us from WH?

479e87 No.1546598


1. Is the other brother (I can't be bothered to remember their names, it's like a mental block) actually stupid?

2. If she's a b* why did he marry her? But there is a tendency in that family for men to marry older women. Edward VIII mentioned earlier in this bread did also, maybe Edward VII's first wife was also older if I remember correctly – it's enough to be a trend.

0e4bbd No.1546599


Dude, I get weird calls all the time since this shit started. Got a call from all zeros a couple months back. Shit be crazy

0aa030 No.1546600

File: 76929e24fa157be⋯.jpg (3.5 KB, 80x135, 16:27, Selection_134.jpg)



and his friend

3f3bf7 No.1546601


479e87 No.1546603


That kind of stuff was happening more to me six months or a year ago, seems to have settled down now for me.

9c80e0 No.1546604


Very good!

0aa030 No.1546606


getting nothing from reverse image search

2342d3 No.1546607


Would be great, but Royals don't go down. They are royals. That's one of the perks for them, they are above the law.

0e4bbd No.1546608

d78234 No.1546611


That was actually my first one, then I fancied it up. I like the soviet yellow a bit better for the background…

971a5f No.1546612

File: 7cca90562c349c9⋯.jpg (46.05 KB, 620x413, 620:413, Kim-Kek.jpg)


here is a (kinda)short article on Font Choice, basically a quick version of what was drilled into me in many years of schooling…

8d56ef No.1546613

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



1080a3 No.1546614


pretty sure Q said the queen is fucked. Am I stoned?

a57428 No.1546615

File: 54083c1c82f9771⋯.jpg (290.45 KB, 451x400, 451:400, SpacePEPE.jpg)

9c80e0 No.1546617

File: cef95ccb8e5d28a⋯.png (494.24 KB, 644x382, 322:191, Screenshot-2018-5-26 Kubri….png)

File: 78637407a690dac⋯.png (323.65 KB, 648x311, 648:311, Screenshot-2018-5-26 Kubri….png)

File: e6ecb05b9f4b886⋯.png (376.9 KB, 644x316, 161:79, Screenshot-2018-5-26 Kubri….png)

File: 715bc7f002ee8ce⋯.png (258.8 KB, 544x333, 544:333, Screenshot-2018-5-26 kubri….png)

found this stuff very cryptic…

14fa20 No.1546618

File: c0951221d66ddc1⋯.jpg (67.08 KB, 450x505, 90:101, 2b07fq.jpg)

File: ee816d354e9c955⋯.jpg (163.81 KB, 1072x821, 1072:821, DdLkOKpU0AAWBUT.jpg)

Obama is a lowlife degenerate.

0e4bbd No.1546619


Speaking of font choice, I need another quick and easy program that has more font choice than just MS paint for memes. Nothing crazy like photoshop cause I dont have the time to learn it while Q is all up in my brain. Anybody have any suggestions?

971a5f No.1546621


like the yellow., just beware the contrast.

1ea0fc No.1546622


Just search around for free font packages.

0e4bbd No.1546624


Lately my caller ID has been doing weird shit too. All caps names. It never did that before.

0aa030 No.1546625


That movie is LOADED with symbolism in every scene. All of Kubrick's work is.

0b6d95 No.1546626


kinda looks like Mike Enoch.

971a5f No.1546627


I use Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator. but….

Have heard great things about the free app Inkscape.


(never used it. but many anons swear by it)

0aa030 No.1546628

File: 17b4de33d12edb2⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


>kinda looks like Mike Enoch.

Does… Interesting name too.

9c80e0 No.1546629

File: 4b2c4318dd38aa5⋯.png (285.82 KB, 424x360, 53:45, Screenshot-2018-5-26 mike ….png)

053b55 No.1546630

File: 249445850ec18a8⋯.png (17.3 KB, 512x448, 8:7, MARIOPAINT.png)


Fuckin' amateurs.

0e4bbd No.1546631



Thanks guys. Looking into both of those now

14fa20 No.1546633

File: 834e13a70cf6a59⋯.jpg (83.11 KB, 798x1071, 38:51, 28c0731b8b5aa61d34566db4d6….jpg)

File: dd78eb3e57c0cac⋯.jpg (136.04 KB, 900x900, 1:1, bb20998883213efe3873acc1ef….jpg)

IG report is a cover up then buckle up Deep State.

f8d2a0 No.1546634

File: f8867fc608f6478⋯.png (84.18 KB, 410x316, 205:158, Crazy Guy killed by armed ….png)

My life is in danger, satan is after me': Crazed Youtube videos of Oklahoma shooter who ranted about coworkers bullying him and Satan being 'after his a**'… but no one flagged him to the police

Alexander Tilghman, 28, shot up a packed restaurant in Oklahoma on Thursday

Videos posted to his YouTube account in weeks leading up to it discuss demons

Tilghman believed demons were inside animals, his family and even in the ceiling

He spoke of being lonely, suicidal and desperately wanting to talk to someone

He worked as an armed security guard and was licensed to carry a gun

His brother said Tilghman was let down and efforts to have him committed failed

After a bizarre interview with an LBGTQ outlet in January, police were called in

They took transcripts of Tilghman's words and said: 'he needs to be on our radar'

Just weeks before Alex Tilghman shot up a packed restaurant in Oklahoma City, the 28-year-old had made a series of concerning videos about demons.

If his YouTube videos are to be believed, the man who fired his gun into Louie's Grill and Bar on Thursday night, injuring a female veteran and two young girls, believed he was under attack by demons, the devil is 'after my f*ing a' and that his life was in danger.

Tilghman calmly told viewers of a clip labelled: 'Please Contact Me If Your [sic] Real' he was under 'a hardcore amount of attack' and needed 'some real people in my life'.

'I've just been dealing with a lot of shit recently and so I'm pretty stressed right now… I apologize, I'm not doing well, doing really really bad right now,' he said.

'My life is in danger.'

Throughout a lot of his videos, Tilghman spoke of being lonely, suicidal, and unable to find 'real humans'.

'I really need a friend, if there's someone real out there please get in touch with me,' he said in one clip.

In another, titled 'Someone Help Me, I'm Losing It', he said he felt like he was living in a movie, and he was the only real person in the world.

Tilghman said he could hear 'tapping, crazy-a** tapping' and 'big cracks and booms' in his ceiling.

'I even have my refrigerator attacking me. It's extra loud since we live in a matrix,' he said.

'The devil can make things louder as well, so it's pretty bad.'

Tilghman saw demons in living things as well, including gnats, squirrels, parrots and ducks.

One clip showed him in a park, where he filmed ducks quacking and told viewers they were demons laughing at him.

'See them acting strangely, just quacking around,' he said to viewers. 'These are all demons.'

http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5773663/Crazed-Youtube-videos-Oklahoma-shooter-shot-packed-restaurant.html

OMFG, the ducks had me rolling,,, LMFAO, Cabal did a number on this guy, FFS he was OFF HIS ROCKERS, AND A TOTAL NUT JOB.

0e4bbd No.1546635


Dude I made some bad ass art on Mario Paint before screenshots were a thing.

c7d80c No.1546637

File: e0bd9540d448993⋯.jpg (54 KB, 607x607, 1:1, DbjCLa7XkAAZY0-.jpg)

File: 1f9609c9fa7ae20⋯.jpg (12.2 KB, 190x255, 38:51, 28c0731b8b5aa61d34566db4d6….jpg)

3c28b8 No.1546638

File: 03151c40dddad2e⋯.png (1.3 MB, 996x2048, 249:512, ClipboardImage.png)

4b1f99 No.1546639

File: d876d216f6a44e4⋯.jpg (77.47 KB, 472x669, 472:669, DeDMPK7V0AEiHSi.jpg)

File: c6dfda17cd251cd⋯.png (18.95 KB, 350x140, 5:2, image.png)

e3570a No.1546640

The drunk unruly passenger on a plane looks like spike Lee in disguise.

14fa20 No.1546641

File: 96e0854b8d69182⋯.mp4 (357.86 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 1525746951.mp4)

Black's in China.

053b55 No.1546642


For reeeeeeeeeally?

3f3bf7 No.1546643

File: b82d157f45dcdf3⋯.png (60.49 KB, 510x332, 255:166, suprisepepe.png)


holy shit

where'd this pic come from?

d0190b No.1546644

8b74ce No.1546645

File: 70400679e3ee4e2⋯.jpg (79.81 KB, 624x382, 312:191, muhrylcrst.jpg)

muh royal crest

053b55 No.1546646

File: c1d9a843d0715d4⋯.jpg (179.55 KB, 811x444, 811:444, dream_zq9l5f7vyrm.jpg)


That's what I'm sayin'…

8d56ef No.1546648


Oops…original source was LA Marzulli link posted here…….first hand testimony…..US Military Special Ops

8d56ef No.1546649

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



f8d2a0 No.1546650

File: 53bd6255ba08e1b⋯.jpg (134.47 KB, 592x901, 592:901, insider-trump-tmagArticle.jpg)


Here is the real picture.

His initials as numbers would have been cool.

971a5f No.1546651


I intended them to be the other way….

Hills first, than Hussein…. that way they are looking at each other.

053b55 No.1546653

File: fccedde05a5079a⋯.jpg (168.71 KB, 811x444, 811:444, dream_5u0c86e8dyq.jpg)

File: c462cde542fdac9⋯.jpg (221.62 KB, 811x444, 811:444, dream_uk0b3zuacoa.jpg)


Ooooooh weeeeeell

8d56ef No.1546654



bb6c06 No.1546655


same boat but they stole my children. Keyed in whatever the fuck they wanted in the state police criminal database. They allegedly deleted the bullshit when I sent a written complaint. I still have no children though….like I'm a damn egg/sperm donor and have no liberty.

f8d2a0 No.1546656


Oh pic is from 1973

0aa030 No.1546658




NEO-nazzee LARP - no surprise here… does this lead to charlottesville?

White supremacist outed for having Jewish wife


9ae6e5 No.1546659



Depersonalization is a strange disorder in which the sufferer feels that they are living in a dream world; it is the feeling of watching oneself act, while having no control over a situation. It can be considered desirable, such as in the use of recreational drugs, but it usually refers to the severe form found in anxiety and, in the most intense cases, panic attacks. Often a person who has experienced depersonalization claims that life “feels like a movie” or things seem unreal or hazy. Also a recognition of self breaks down (hence the name). Depersonalization can result in very high anxiety levels, which further increases these perceptions – a snowball effect. One way to describe the physical manifestation of the feeling is to compare it to a film technique called the vertigo shot or dolly zoom. In this technique, the subject of the picture stays fixed within the shot while the surrounding background is pulled away, providing a sense of vertigo or detachment.

34b029 No.1546660

File: 336c1b5b66624ca⋯.jpg (52.7 KB, 736x552, 4:3, 829c0ef2e6f7cc9ab6d4bdf1c4….jpg)

File: ae270f4cc92b4ba⋯.jpg (117.27 KB, 600x726, 100:121, 1663.jpg)

File: 99857cee18bad24⋯.png (244.4 KB, 500x643, 500:643, 1931ae38accc2.png)



5399ee No.1546661


Roles are becoming clear.

This is the most relevant thing in the news so far today.

Read carefully.


3c28b8 No.1546662

File: fe433ae8f5250ca⋯.png (47.8 KB, 255x166, 255:166, ClipboardImage.png)

9ae6e5 No.1546664


Once upon a time giants walked the earth whilst angels played their haarps!

5399ee No.1546665

President Trump and Q win.

0aa030 No.1546667



14fa20 No.1546668

File: 4a5d916dfb72e3e⋯.jpg (44.46 KB, 480x570, 16:19, 2azgf3~2.jpg)

File: ed8680183fbefbb⋯.jpg (47.86 KB, 480x699, 160:233, 2azg5v~2.jpg)

File: bcaf0aac37b17ca⋯.jpg (35.83 KB, 477x340, 477:340, 2augep~2.jpg)

Ben Rhoades eat shit you fucker.

1cc37b No.1546669


Schh… No spoilers.

c7d80c No.1546670

File: 65c886ee97e1577⋯.jpg (44.93 KB, 475x358, 475:358, DcaUnW9XUAAZgMw.jpg)

8d56ef No.1546671


nah…..fallen angles dont play harps…but they sure like f…..g our women…..thus giants were born

3d1d71 No.1546672


Shoot high!

678ab0 No.1546673


my sides

3f3bf7 No.1546674







14a286 No.1546675


He mentions FE? Is he our fe shill?

053b55 No.1546676

File: 2b55fc16639fb90⋯.jpg (71.94 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 33657352_10216669524552836….jpg)

File: 127892362922b17⋯.jpg (61.35 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 33522426_10216669511632513….jpg)

File: 45e97d1b1ad8df5⋯.jpg (62.12 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 33574468_10216669507152401….jpg)

File: d4c5ce3d060ce9a⋯.jpg (56.86 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 33585827_10216669509512460….jpg)

File: 2c7baa66bcef865⋯.jpg (86.71 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 33475219_10216669499552211….jpg)

9c80e0 No.1546677


what I understand is nobody in the end wants to be with the match lit in hand…the fish stir in the ever-drier pool

14fa20 No.1546679

File: e2ee4e0d701afdd⋯.jpg (14.7 KB, 239x211, 239:211, 2a6mgq.jpg)

0aa030 No.1546680


watcha buildin, rabbi?

c4ec41 No.1546681

9ae6e5 No.1546682

File: 2b19c4d54f020ff⋯.jpg (54.25 KB, 480x486, 80:81, 33232489_2115592852005319_….jpg)

File: 28210654ae55f8a⋯.jpg (141.74 KB, 722x960, 361:480, 33340943_2115935695304368_….jpg)

Fillers and additives…

c7d80c No.1546683

File: cf3445679d4a493⋯.jpeg (11.82 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 2eb8eefa7a25e06d00d0c81d6….jpeg)

f8d2a0 No.1546684

File: 386151804f4b86c⋯.jpg (10.96 KB, 300x168, 25:14, 22.jpg)

File: a96b084b79671b6⋯.jpg (63.22 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 2albvw.jpg)

File: 7cfcf3243178a53⋯.jpeg (13.68 MB, 3533x4263, 3533:4263, 7cfcf3243178a5397dc55d0d8….jpeg)

File: 1ff6517d66dadb9⋯.png (34.61 KB, 1000x652, 250:163, 1ff6517d66dadb975b7818de95….png)


503f80 No.1546685


Some of these are new?

Haven't seen them before.

8b74ce No.1546687


you drunks still at it? Boy is there gonna be some hangovers tommorrow.

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