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First time on 8chan? First time on /QResearch/? Click here before posting, newfag.

File (hide): 929419eccc29b37⋯.png (8.7 KB, 255x143, 255:143, qresearch.png) (h) (u)


dd256d (18) No.1546602>>1547051 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

Vincit Omnia Veritas

"Start a storm." Sign the New IBOR Petition! Fight! Fight! Fight!

WWG1WGA! Do you trust POTUS? Do you trust the PLAN? "The choice is yours."

>>1427755 , >>1489251 https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-18

Board Rules (Please read the rules) >>3138

New sticky thread to clear the air of doubt re: Q's Authenticity >>1530489

Q's New Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs new Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 05.22.2018

>>1509322 ----------------------- Enjoy the show.

>>1508206 rt >>1508060 ---- Attacks will intensify [all sides].

>>>/patriotsfight/99 ------------ _AF1_5A_

>>1506866 rt >>1506817 ---- It’s happening.

>>1506815 rt >>1506500 ---- Avoid NSA data collection. It failed. (Re: Nellie Ohr)

>>>/patriotsfight/98 ------------ RAPID FIRE.

Monday 05.21.2018

>>1497716 ------------------------ Military OP. [Green]. General K [JFK]: RR<-WRAY->Rachel Brand(Panuccio/Pruitt)-Scheiderman. D5

Sunday 05.20.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/97 ------------ Q! Quotes Ephesians 6:10-18, -- 1 Cor 13:4-13

>>>/patriotsfight/96 ------------ Those who are loudest…

>>1483388 ----------------------- We exposed the password [#91] on purpose [23]

>>1483187 ----------------------- The entire time See >>1483318

>>1483159 rt >>1483003 ---- ROT = Rotation

>>>/patriotsfight/95 ------------ US Flag

>>>/patriotsfight/94 ------------ WE ARE Q!

>>1482139 rt >>1482048 ---- TRUST the plan

>>>/patriotsfight/93 ------------ They are losing [all] control

>>>/patriotsfight/92 ------------ [6] surv [value targets]

Saturday 05.19.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/91 ------------ Now Comes The Pain

>>>/patriotsfight/90 ------------ https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/997951982467014656

>>1472746 rt >>1472647 ---- We control [utility]

>>1472647 rt >>1472580 ---- I'd watch the news that day.

>>1472525 rt >>1472472 ---- Mistake or on purpose?

>>>/patriotsfight/89 ------------ Updated. (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>>/patriotsfight/88 ------------ TRIP CHANGE (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>1472440 ----------------------- (Password expose)

Backup Q Posts


Previous Q Posts

Find Previous Q Posts at: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1538282 How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1489607 Useful filters

Q Clock Graphic


dd256d (18) No.1546605


are not endorsements

>>1545457 Major announcement from BO


>>1545988 Nazi Roots of the House of Windsor

>>1546114 Map, Key, Truth, Light, Humanity

>>1546150 That's a lot of Fentanyl

>>1546291 Last? @BackChannel17 twats?

>>1545917 , >>1546199 Paydirt for Epstein diggers

>>1546543 , >>1546567 Meghan Markle new royal coat of arms, with a songbird


>>1545641 All for a Larp & Is Q Real? Graphics

>>1545542 California man pleads no contest to raping 5-year-old, gets house arrest

>>1545546 President of the University of Southern California, C.L. Max Nikias, steps down

>>1545476 , >>1545525 Freedom Stringer Code Breaker

>>1545448 NEW Epstein Island Images from mystery poster

>>1545167 , >>1545396 , >>1545440 Further digging on the new Epstein Island images

>>1545367 Further digging on Dyncorp / Human & Organ Trafficking & >>1545722 Pastebin link

>>1545332 Trump to Save $100 Million by Slashing Use of Govt. Time on Union Work

>>1545326 Stringer Crumb Theory

>>1545253 QPosts Timeline

>>1545178 Congress files HRes 907 for FBI/DOJ/FISA abuse/why clinton probe ended/2nd special counsel


>>1539021 Dig and theory about phones, sky event and a trap

>>1544746 Tommy Robinson's Israeli Connections

>>1544847 Collection of QProofs: Article

>>1544787 The FBI Spied for LBJ’s Campaign

>>1544659 Some Q posts dealing with RR for rereading

>>1544394 Q's Tripcode Change: New Proof Graphics

>>1544389 DynCorp and Human Trafficking

>>1544382 Adm Rogers wanted a front door KEY, with lots of locks

>>1544365 Schools involved with shootings linked through "Blackboard"


>>1544141 Q's Tripcode Change: Side-by-Side with IP Hash

>>1543977 Comparing new Epstein Island images

>>1543787 St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) discuss ways of ditching the dollar

>>1543786 John Giacalone, Executive Assistant Director of FBI’s National Security Branch: Profiles

>>1543729 Comey Disaster: Will testify before Congress

>>1543726 Hussein and Cabal kept the war going in Afghanistan: Breitbart

>>1543646 Link to the Epstein Island folder in our Graphics Library (for comparing with the new images)

>>1543581 Parkland & Santa Fe connections to DynCorp & SES


>>1542787 Saudis Halt All Government Orders From German Companies Because of Iran Deal

>>1542795 Obama Attorneys suing P.I. Firm investigating Seth Rich

>>1542844, >>1542906, >>1543070, >>1543071 Update re: Epstein pics

>>1542859, >>1543462 Think this is worthy of 24 hour op?

>>1542870 There's something going on with the dots (…)in trump's tweets

>>1542889 Mike Pompeo: US should expose wealth of corrupt Iranian leaders

>>1542922 Jr is trending on twitter

>>1542989 Pentagon approves 736 more National Guard troops to support air, land, sea border agents

>>1543008 Q's Password Reveal Proof

>>1543016 Planefag Update

>>1543018 Louis Farrakhan clip

>>1543030 The plan of trump, how the MSM is being neutralized

>>1543094 Link dump re: Epstein

>>1543142 Trump tweeting about reinstating the Summit

>>1543182 Looking through POTUS' old twats for 'spy' and found this

>>1543282 Ginsburg And Gorsuch Are Trolling Each Other In An Epic Way

>>1543293 What "movement" would the POTUS survey be referring to?

>>1543351 111 Day Connection


>>1542046 The ADFGVX cipher

>>1542069 There Have Been Five Successful Or Attempted Mass Shootings In The Past Nine Days

>>1542137, >>1542154 Trump tweet re: ZTE phone company

>>1542169 Trump signs three executive orders taking aim at unions

>>1542207, >>1542740 Planefag Update

>>1542231, >>1542279 New pics from Epstein Island, follow ID >>1542574, >>1542683 List of posts

>>1542315 Sitrep re: Teachers pushing political ideology and squashing dissenting opinions.

>>1542594 POTUS Schedule Flashback Two [2] Days

>>1542662 POTUS Tweet today linked to tweet 2/12 & Q post 11/11

>>1542671 Giuliani: WH wants Briefing on Classified Meeting.

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

dd256d (18) No.1546609

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 -- TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 --- META


>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 --- Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>674740 --- Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 -- Newfag Q&A

>>93735 ----- Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 -- Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>1147812 -- Notable Resignations Thread 2/2


>>4356 ------ Tools and Information

>>4852 ------ Free Research Resources

>>4362 ------ Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 ------ Research Threads

>>32223 ---- Qs chess game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 --- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread


>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection

>>885933 --- P=C

>>904395 --- The Plan

>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1427755 - Battle for Internet Bill of Rights

dd256d (18) No.1546610

Graphics of All Q'S Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#23 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>1527495

Q Graphics all in EST

The missing Qmap in EST has been archived >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ---————————-- >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures: >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ---————— >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ---- >>>/comms/966

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: qmap.pub >>1334710

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 5/13]) >>1403707

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

'* http://''qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>851957

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library


18,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

22 >>1485456 21 >>1352458 20 >>1232995 Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ---——————-- qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist --- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ---————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn To Bake!

New Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Bakers Manual https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY9

In case of inability to post images, EMBED THE VIDEO FOUND HERE: >>1505954 Re: >>1514062

b3a24c (10) No.1546616>>1546704

File (hide): 7cf5e3d21a2a385⋯.jpg (71.15 KB, 736x1103, 736:1103, baker_babe.jpg) (h) (u)



love the thread title

dd256d (18) No.1546620>>1546693 >>1546699

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Current Dough



dc69e2 (5) No.1546657>>1546694


>Paper planes

Paper is money. The song is about taking money.

Money shipped on planes.

2a7452 (1) No.1546678>>1547143

File (hide): 139c6519db6cdd2⋯.jpg (13.65 KB, 640x512, 5:4, space ship charging.JPG) (h) (u)


1fa851 (1) No.1546686>>1546697 >>1546698 >>1546701 >>1546974 >>1547067 >>1547324

File (hide): ac9e64c37e0759f⋯.png (758.39 KB, 1026x842, 513:421, IMPORTANT.png) (h) (u)







389f2f (7) No.1546689>>1546708


There are a couple YT channels called Age of Disclosure and Mudfossil University that explore giants, and they do a pretty damn good job of it imo

6a6294 (2) No.1546690

>>1546676 (lb)

Some of these are new?

Haven't seen them before.

062a07 (5) No.1546692>>1546696


An anon posted a ton of new pics from Epsteins Island

Notables #1938

dc69e2 (5) No.1546693>>1546706 >>1546721 >>1547167


I fly like paper, get high like planes

If you catch me at the border I got visas in my name

If you come around here, I make 'em all day

I get one done in a second if you wait

I fly like paper, get high like planes

If you catch me at the border I got visas in my name

If you come around here, I make 'em all day

I get one done in a second if you wait

Sometimes I think sittin' on trains

Every stop I get to I'm clocking that game

Everyone's a winner, we're making our fame

Bona fide hustler making my name

Sometimes I think sittin' on trains

Every stop I get to I'm clocking that game

Everyone's a winner, we're making our fame

Bona fide hustler making my name

All I wanna do is bang bang bang bang

And click ka-ching

And take your money

All I wanna do is bang bang bang bang

And click ka-ching

And take your money

All I wanna do is bang bang bang bang

And click ka-ching

And take your money

All I wanna do is bang bang bang bang

And click ka-ching

And take your money

Pirate skulls and bones

Sticks and stones and weed and bongs

Running when we hit 'em

Lethal poison for the system

Pirate skulls and bones

Sticks and stones and weed and bongs

Running when we hit 'em

Lethal poison for the system

No one on the corner has swagger like us

Hit me on my burner prepaid wireless

We pack and deliver like UPS trucks

Already going to hell, just pumping that gas

No one on the corner has swagger like us

Hit me on my burner prepaid wireless

We pack and deliver like UPS trucks

Already going to hell, just pumping that gas

All I wanna do is bang bang bang bang

And click ka-ching

And take your money

All I wanna do is bang bang bang bang

And click ka-ching

And take your money

All I wanna do is bang bang bang bang

And click ka-ching

And take your money

All I wanna do is bang bang bang bang

And click ka-ching

And take your money


Third world democracy

Yeah, I've got more records than the K.G.B

So, uh, no funny business

Some some some I some I murder

Some I some I let go

Some some some I some I murder

Some I some I let go

All I wanna do is bang bang bang bang

And click ka-ching

And take your money

All I wanna do is bang bang bang bang

And click ka-ching

And take your money

All I wanna do is bang bang bang bang

And click ka-ching

And take your money

All I wanna do is bang bang bang bang

And click ka-ching

And take your money

Writer(s): Mathangi Arulpragasam, Paul Gustave Simonon, Michael Geoffrey Jones, John Mellor, Thomas Wesley Pentz, Nicholas Bowen Headon

M.I.A. - Paper Planes Lyrics

Skull & bones

Sticks and stones = weapons

Lethal poison = drugs or opium

Burner phones, fake visas for border crossing

Third world democracy = puppet gov

KGB = intelligence services

1be5f8 (12) No.1546694


Swag on the corner and passports at the border…

2870b1 (20) No.1546695>>1546700

File (hide): d2ca1a1366150a8⋯.jpg (64.63 KB, 473x587, 473:587, 2an45e~3.jpg) (h) (u)



Prince Harry had counter strike coming.

6a6294 (2) No.1546696



13f210 (21) No.1546697>>1546717


nah….we are at war you know….could be for chinese, muslims or us, hopefully not….i trust potus….but things can change fast

389f2f (7) No.1546698


Maybe Sheriff Joe Arpiao was given an official tent city?

062a07 (5) No.1546699>>1547424

File (hide): e16ff0efe29536e⋯.jpg (82.04 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 252csp.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): feb7d695b5cff44⋯.jpg (82.17 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 254yr2.jpg) (h) (u)

2870b1 (20) No.1546700

File (hide): 7103037feec4ba6⋯.jpg (56.88 KB, 469x469, 1:1, 2an3r9~2.jpg) (h) (u)


Prince Harry crashed and burned.

43d21b (25) No.1546701>>1546720 >>1546729


~30,000 sealed court documents last check

If we have this many perps….I sure do hope they have a super plan for victim assistance because I sure as hell can't deprogram my children on my own after 4 yrs of brainwashing by the perps.

5d6018 (7) No.1546702>>1546716

File (hide): 3b6dbf2e0828a43⋯.jpg (21.07 KB, 255x255, 1:1, IMG_0004.JPG) (h) (u)

TY Baker

ed79f5 (2) No.1546703

File (hide): df33e6d635301f3⋯.jpg (42.91 KB, 613x409, 613:409, Merkel-Macron-May.jpg) (h) (u)


Macron meets in Russia with head of rights group, Solzhenitsyn's widow

Putin, Macron bond over shared unease at Trump's actions


Macron Heads to Russia in European Effort to Salvage Iran Deal

What do they want from Putin?

0d9811 (24) No.1546704>>1546927

46c429 (2) No.1546705

File (hide): cd784903a6b8d78⋯.jpg (96.45 KB, 1200x515, 240:103, hills08.jpg) (h) (u)

Here is where we would be, right now if it were not for Adm. R…..

1be5f8 (12) No.1546706>>1546721

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here is a song that samples paper airplanes. From an album called "Paper Trail". Maybe related.

7da570 (1) No.1546707>>1547248

File (hide): 2a5e7c205e5dac4⋯.png (962.71 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, NZ_GMO_DARPA_Monsanto1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 75f6f95e5d381c4⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1500x1500, 1:1, NZ_GMO_DARPA_Monsanto2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 803c7c3f0c8e049⋯.png (668.75 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, NZ_GMO_DARPA_Monsanto3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2f44859c0eea945⋯.png (3.48 MB, 1500x1500, 1:1, NZ_GMO_DARPA_Monsanto4.png) (h) (u)

Australia and New Zealand to be test sites for GM insect trials courtesy of DARPA

(DARPA) - US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

19 December 2017


‘The coming gene drive PR spin by Emerging Ag will claim benefits such as controlling mosquito diseases but other not mentioned “benefits” will be to try to develop a Monsanto pesticide resistant bee which will be used to pollinate crops sprayed with the chemicals without dying.’

‘The logic being why remove a profitable chemical which happens to be killing bees and other pollinating insects when you can change nature itself, at huge profit but with an unknown long-term cost for humanity.’

Other relevant GMO/Monsanto/Ebola/New Zealand info in older posts here -


2018 African Ebola Outbreak - Putin & Kim previously accused Gates & US of experimenting on Africans Anonymous


Bayer/Monsanto [Y] Symbol + Info


John Kerry -- FVEY November 2016 New Zealand / Antarctica trip




NEW ZEALAND INFO - Re-posting older posts


NEW ZEALAND - Older re-posts


13f210 (21) No.1546708>>1546715 >>1546717


Yes your right…I've studied it extensively. The cover-up is real. Supposedly dna has found and cloned etc.

2870b1 (20) No.1546709>>1547183

File (hide): b6b3458628bff06⋯.jpg (575.12 KB, 1847x1912, 1847:1912, 3261a75f30cde2b73e7b34afcb….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7103037feec4ba6⋯.jpg (56.88 KB, 469x469, 1:1, 2an3r9~2.jpg) (h) (u)

Prince Harry Torpedoed the Royal's.

daca16 (5) No.1546710>>1546712 >>1546713 >>1546849

File (hide): b413987652f2be1⋯.jpg (271.76 KB, 1728x1728, 1:1, BOOTY.jpg) (h) (u)

Ty baker

43d21b (25) No.1546711>>1546780

Treasury Targets Procurement Networks and 31 Aircraft Associated with Mahan Air and Other Designated Iranian Airlines



MAY 24, 2018

Washington - Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) designated nine individuals and entities procuring export-controlled, U.S.-origin goods for sanctioned Iranian airlines. They were designated as Specially Designated Global Terrorists (SDGTs) pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13224, which targets terrorists and those providing support to terrorists or acts of terrorism. OFAC also identified 31 aircraft in which entities previously designated under E.O. 13224 have an interest.

“The facilitators designated by the Treasury today have been procuring parts and providing services for the fleets of sanctioned Iranian airlines, including Mahan Air, Caspian Air, Meraj Air, and Pouya Air. In so doing, they extend a lifeline to the IRGC-QF and enable the Iranian regime to transport weapons, fighters, and money to its proxies, including Hizballah, and to prop up the brutal Assad regime,” said Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin.

Mahan Air was designated in 2011 under Executive Order 13224 for support to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force (IRGC-QF). Mahan Air has ferried IRGC-QF operatives, weapons, equipment, and funds to international locations in furtherance of Iranian state-sponsored terror operations.

2870b1 (20) No.1546712>>1546714 >>1547467

File (hide): 17ac0c91185ab03⋯.jpg (60.4 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 2axyrr.jpg) (h) (u)


Continue jacking off..

13f210 (21) No.1546713>>1546717


now thats a real life ass…nice ass (much better luvin too…just sayin)

daca16 (5) No.1546714


I save my seed for the bitches in need.

Or the shower drain if I'm in testicular pain.

389f2f (7) No.1546715>>1546726


According to those channels, there is also the tie-in with gold.

I couldve guessed with their push for kaiju films in the last 60 years but what the hell could they want to do with giant's dna? Are they trying to revive them, do you know?

13f210 (21) No.1546716

94792c (2) No.1546717>>1546732

File (hide): 6c2afd295c58c1a⋯.jpg (234.78 KB, 1100x1000, 11:10, 0cd176f2a91ec9c8affefb3b42….jpg) (h) (u)

d71c12 (4) No.1546718

>>1546567 lb

Do anons not remember the instagram pic of Markle posted recently that looked like it was connected to Ray Chandler, which was subtitled "I know when caged birds sing" or something similar?

bf4d36 (4) No.1546719

Today a reporter asked Trump:

"Mr. President, do you think Kim Jong Un is playing games?"

Trump said "EVERYONE plays games"

God, I love this man. People are so accustomed to hearing what they want to hear from a president,

they have no idea how to process the truth when they hear it.

062a07 (5) No.1546720>>1546725

File (hide): f1c32b564e4c19a⋯.jpg (369.06 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, DcRj1arXUAA7b5U.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 83fb18f70b04a33⋯.jpg (163.14 KB, 1200x778, 600:389, DcRj2jSXcAAiysy.jpg) (h) (u)


4,393 new from 4/1/18 to 4/30/18

28,937 new sealed indictments entered from 10/30/17 thru 4/30/18

dc69e2 (5) No.1546721>>1546729



Should maybe dig on the writers for deep state connections.

0a81b4 (2) No.1546723>>1546735 >>1546749 >>1547261

I see the clowns have been out in force trying to discredit Tommy Robinson.

Ignore them.

Tommy is a patriot who puts his life on the line every day.

Q - when are you going to deal with the cabal-run UK? Theresa May is the most authoritarian prime minister ever.

She is pure evil, and she was behind the creation of the fake Trump dossier by Steele and GCHQ.

2870b1 (20) No.1546724

File (hide): e66eb10dfa39410⋯.jpg (18.19 KB, 300x265, 60:53, 2att0k~2.jpg) (h) (u)

Fox News has hit rock bottom.

43d21b (25) No.1546725>>1546736 >>1546746


Almost time for a new count or better yet, unsealing!

13f210 (21) No.1546726


Yes a lot of treasure hunters look for them there mummie usually are decked out in gold…plus the artifacts and even bones are priceless or highly valued…

Oh ya they want that dna…for cloning purposes….they supposedly found nimrods in iraq and cloned him, they also try to separate various gene traits liike iq, size and strength, healing etc

c108a5 (13) No.1546727


>You two cleary do not understand how a thought experiment works.

Those pesky thought experiments.. Doug should have a class on exactly what that is:

It's just that certain things can never be "ok". Advocating for the Devil (ie- suspension of integrity) is not "ok". Cultural Marxism is not "ok".

Not even "for the sake of an argument".

f106e9 (1) No.1546728


EO, Dec 20, confiscate property of traffickers

rothchilds property: stock in central banks.

confiscate, debt cancelation, rinse, repeat.

1be5f8 (12) No.1546729>>1546733

File (hide): aeef3fcaffb4a6e⋯.jpg (8.65 KB, 255x255, 1:1, che.jpg) (h) (u)


4 years… assuming you mean college. They got it the worst. Go in normal and come out radicals.



XL Interscope


Maya Arulpragasam Wesley Pentz Topper Headon Mick Jones Paul Simonon Joe Strummer

Producer(s) Diplo

43d21b (25) No.1546730>>1547067 >>1547324

File (hide): 2f6a4917de83a71⋯.png (66.11 KB, 839x451, 839:451, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

State Department Official Pleads Guilty to Honest Services Wire Fraud and Theft of Federal Funds


According to admissions made in connection with her plea, Davis was a Program Specialist for the State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Office of Citizen Exchanges. She also served as the Program Manager and Grants Officer Representative for the Sports Visitors Program, which sponsored foreign exchanges for emerging youth athletes and coaches from various countries. The exchange program was managed by George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, through a federal grant and cooperative agreement with the State Department.

Between February 2011 and March 2016, Davis conspired with others to steal portions of the federal money allocated to the Sports Visitor Program by, among other things, falsifying vendor-related invoices and making fraudulent checks payable to a government contractor, Denon Hopkins, who supplied transportation services for the program.

In total, Davis and Hopkins, stole approximately $17,335 from the State Department. They have both admitted that Hopkins used portions of the funds to pay kickbacks to Davis to retain his transportation contract. In addition, Davis stole an additional $17,777 from the program over a multi-year period.

bf4d36 (4) No.1546731>>1546734 >>1546747 >>1546882


You think it's bad now……. just wait. They have you right where they want you.

No free speech, unable to defend yourselves and throw in jail if you go against their narrative.


You start out by meeting like minded people, talk to neighbors, shop owners, friends….start groups.

13f210 (21) No.1546732


Really? I don't meed to talk to idiots anyways…just hit that filter button faggot, I got no time for it.

43d21b (25) No.1546733>>1546739


>4 years… assuming you mean college. They got it the worst.

You assume wrong. It will be revealed soon….our government has weaponized social services and has set up their own kidnapping ring to steal taxpayer dollars.

daca16 (5) No.1546734>>1546738 >>1546740


In an ideal London, citizens would have firearms. The refugees attitudes would change real quick

46c429 (2) No.1546735


its funny, a month ago the Muh Jooooooz shills were calling Tommy one of them…. today they are saying he deserves to die.

Either way, He is going to be murdered in a British jail. And it seems that is how the crown wants it.

1fa736 (6) No.1546736>>1546745 >>1546746 >>1546748 >>1547290


Can't wait for them to be unsealed. Strmwatcher on Twitter is the one that updates 9n sealed indictments. He always updates at the end of the month so we should have an update within the week.


2870b1 (20) No.1546737

File (hide): ff8c9f5fd5232cb⋯.jpg (68.78 KB, 480x413, 480:413, 2ayto3~2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4dd55bf85fe6d52⋯.jpg (36.2 KB, 296x407, 8:11, 29svr4.jpg) (h) (u)

My children will never watch Netflix.

383680 (1) No.1546738>>1547300


London is toast, same with most of eu. only hungary and italy appear to have balls, the rest are pussies.

1be5f8 (12) No.1546739>>1546743


Touche, that is worse. I am aware.

c108a5 (13) No.1546740


Isn't it funny how an armed society is a polite society?

I welcome polite society with open arms!

0c267e (15) No.1546741

Trumps speech to graduates

The great re-awakening!

d33871 (1) No.1546742>>1546744

Q - you KNOW soda is a killer. We need you healthy please.

43d21b (25) No.1546743


I came across April written Congressional testimony about it and linking it to Project Cassandra but now I can't find it. Uggghh. Still looking.

1be5f8 (12) No.1546744>>1546862


Especially sodas containing aspartame.

629705 (1) No.1546745>>1546764


Thanks! I just followed him.

062a07 (5) No.1546746


It costs them hundreds to get indictment count through pacer( thats why 10 plus people pool together every month or so and get the counts)



13f210 (21) No.1546747>>1546765


its like………the boiling frog parable i'm sure you've heard that one right..same thing going on here since WWII…just not as successful…t.g. hrc didn't make it in or we would be right there with them… right now

43d21b (25) No.1546748>>1546750 >>1546759


damartin32 is how I found Q :-)

66e35c (2) No.1546749>>1546768 >>1546777 >>1546781 >>1546810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You supporting this imbecile?

Leave. You don't belong here.

062a07 (5) No.1546750


Been following him since the very beginning, and first indictment count.

2870b1 (20) No.1546751

File (hide): a9ceb27d71e93c5⋯.jpg (38.98 KB, 474x405, 158:135, downloadfile-6.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e1a19a9b9c7d569⋯.jpg (49.59 KB, 398x499, 398:499, 29t3rg~2.jpg) (h) (u)

Americans are done with the demonic homosexuality.

bf4d36 (4) No.1546752>>1546753 >>1546757 >>1546763

I need sleep - does anyone have anything important to say or share before I go?

842c67 (2) No.1546753>>1546770


Love you.

13f210 (21) No.1546754>>1546769


think for yourselves

don't be so much of a hive mind

that a few idiots, maybe clown idiots even who

knows…. steer or control the narrative here

patriots speak your mind

9d34f1 (4) No.1546755>>1546761

How do we know BO isn't a black hat/ bot?

Moderation shouldn't be nearly so impossible as it has been made to seem. There is no reason to keep going back and forth between nonsensical moderation and zero moderation-- but that's precisely the game that has been played.

0a4e01 (6) No.1546756

what a faggot


2870b1 (20) No.1546757


Fart on your gay lover..

Faggoted moron.

43d21b (25) No.1546758>>1546776 >>1546961 >>1546973 >>1547324

File (hide): 79d597ae6f5684a⋯.png (219.59 KB, 526x607, 526:607, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): afa8723118ea63a⋯.png (133.29 KB, 453x450, 151:150, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

January 11, 2018 AG Sessions announced he was investigating Project Cassandra.

Here is an excellent Congressional letter explaining Project Cassandra…..Q.


1fa736 (6) No.1546759>>1546760


Glad to have u here. WWG1WGA!!!

I don't think it's a coincidence Q started posting pretty much exactly when the counts started to rise.

43d21b (25) No.1546760


Q is posting for a couple of reasons. There are some involved with Q and this is their only comms.

842c67 (2) No.1546761>>1546826


>How do we know BO isn't a bot

Because we're not fucking idiots.

6ba0c3 (1) No.1546762


Rockefeller Uni….

db9c85 (3) No.1546763


You are the Light of the World.

Shadilay & sleep well Anon!!

1fa736 (6) No.1546764


NP anon! Happy to help.

c108a5 (13) No.1546765>>1546787


>t.g. hrc didn't make it in or we would be right there with them… right now

It would be worse than that, which I'm sure you know. Baby games are over, Europe needs to wake up and fight.

2870b1 (20) No.1546766

File (hide): 0ac2b1213b34b00⋯.jpg (57.52 KB, 480x437, 480:437, 2aukhq~2.jpg) (h) (u)

Still have my pension.

0d9811 (24) No.1546767>>1546771 >>1546778 >>1546815 >>1546825 >>1546950 >>1547067 >>1547324 >>1547373

File (hide): 03151c40dddad2e⋯.png (1.3 MB, 996x2048, 249:512, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

How could BC17 keep such a promise?

Theory: BC17 = JA

0c267e (15) No.1546768>>1546810


You Failed

13f210 (21) No.1546769


Be A Leader

Not A Follower

We Are Q !!!

bf4d36 (4) No.1546770


Awwwww…. what a nice thing to say.

I love you too. G'nite anons!

dc5cf6 (20) No.1546771>>1546791


Why is BC17 closing shop?

cb375c (28) No.1546772>>1546786 >>1546792 >>1546989

Hey faggots.

I am occasionally in a place where I overhear public leftist discussions, and one big thing they’re doing is adding every little MSM bullshit items to Wikipedia.

Take a look at this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_interference_in_the_2016_United_States_elections and read some citation articles. It really strikes me how fucked we were with media in 2016. Also look at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_Russian_interference_in_the_2016_United_States_elections

Example unbiased source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/alimwatkins/a-former-trump-adviser-met-with-a-russian-spy. Nice source Akmed, want to bring it to the White House?

We should consider unleasing the autists on this shit before it gets too out of hand. Or, conversely, maybe we just wait. Dunno. But you have to understand these leftists BELIEVE with the certainty of a Qfag, maybe higher even. Their task right now is hijack wikipedia and use MSM sources as citations.

13f210 (21) No.1546773

File (hide): 1ff6517d66dadb9⋯.png (34.61 KB, 1000x652, 250:163, 22d1f05a6c112d8de497bf3850….png) (h) (u)

daca16 (5) No.1546774>>1546785 >>1546795 >>1546796 >>1546986 >>1546995 >>1547001 >>1547011

Anons, simple slide here. If someone were to cheat on their girlfriend of 9 years should they tell?

389f2f (7) No.1546775>>1546779

File (hide): 3fe359fe60523b9⋯.jpg (113.33 KB, 634x427, 634:427, 2b1jmh.jpg) (h) (u)

43d21b (25) No.1546776>>1546823

File (hide): 25f32c0973c8051⋯.png (447.89 KB, 1119x578, 1119:578, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Here is the Politico article referenced in the Congressional letter.

Worth a read if you haven't read it!


0a81b4 (2) No.1546777>>1546810


Are you a GCHQ clown?

Looks like I hit a nerve.

2870b1 (20) No.1546778>>1546808

File (hide): bcaf0aac37b17ca⋯.jpg (35.83 KB, 477x340, 477:340, 2augep~2.jpg) (h) (u)


Julian Assanga is a faggot loser.

Leaker jerked.

1fa736 (6) No.1546779


Fukken sjw's. I like it.


6af2e2 (4) No.1546780



>Master Mahan

Mormon Iranians?

c9325b (8) No.1546781>>1546810


I don't think you belong here muzzie loving fag.

63c483 (1) No.1546782


2870b1 (20) No.1546783

b79553 (10) No.1546784>>1547004

File (hide): 852deec6fc9d041⋯.jpg (147.84 KB, 1060x600, 53:30, assangeSchiff.jpg) (h) (u)

Julian Assange seeks audience with Adam Schiff to prove ‘there is no collusion’


c9325b (8) No.1546785


Never tell. More harm than good. Never recover.

6af2e2 (4) No.1546786>>1546800


> adding every little MSM bullshit items to Wikipedia

Leftistpedia was pozzed ten years ago. We recently went through the "reliable sorces" charade to drive narrative with Gamergate.

13f210 (21) No.1546787>>1546794 >>1546803


your right….but its now or never

I don't even think they have guns…

but thats ok theres ways of overcoming that

problem… various tactics etc

72ea17 (3) No.1546788

File (hide): acb1bccc66afd0d⋯.png (429.93 KB, 532x418, 14:11, schiffag.png) (h) (u)

2870b1 (20) No.1546789

File (hide): c1e57cce7851ece⋯.jpg (94.9 KB, 500x558, 250:279, 2aucmu~2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 745d04fcb7b45bc⋯.jpg (31.46 KB, 392x562, 196:281, DdxaLMGVwAIrvky.jpg) (h) (u)

Obama crashed and burned.

0a4e01 (6) No.1546790>>1546797

0d9811 (24) No.1546791>>1546793 >>1546799 >>1546802 >>1546807 >>1547067 >>1547324


Data dump by JA on 6-11.

BC17 gave the same code JA gave earlier.

How would BC17 know WL was "comped" and why did WL back off?

What does WL know about BC17?

Why did BC17 only follow 5, and now only follows 1 account?

What 1 account does BC17 still follow? -JA

cb375c (28) No.1546792>>1546804


To expand slightly, there’s also apparently a behind the scenes forum and also some kind of chat where they cackle over how to smear POTUS. If we could at least get our people on the inside capturing all of it, I think it would help. You’d have to go deep undercover, more undercover than I am capable of, though.

0d9811 (24) No.1546793


BC17 might be down because JA is traveling…?

c108a5 (13) No.1546794


>I don't even think they have guns

The pen is mightier than the sword anyways. We don't promote armed revolts here.

c9325b (8) No.1546795>>1546798


And 9 years? The fuq? Put a ring on it or move along pussy.

db9c85 (3) No.1546796


Depends on what we mean by "cheat".

2870b1 (20) No.1546797>>1546801

File (hide): 0e3823c5f96ddf3⋯.jpg (54.96 KB, 500x584, 125:146, 2afwre~2.jpg) (h) (u)

389f2f (7) No.1546798

0d9811 (24) No.1546799




cb375c (28) No.1546800


Yeah I remember, I just wanted to explicitly point it out for any who weren’t around + the shit I overheard last week

0a4e01 (6) No.1546801

c9325b (8) No.1546802


BC17 blocked me for saying POTUS and Q do not give dates when they said 23rd confirmed. If you want a lap. BC17 is a larp

13f210 (21) No.1546803>>1546997


Anons don't let ANYBODY ever censor YOUR VOICE so that you have to form to a particular mindset or narrative………….THEY WHO DO ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS…….BO we love you bra…we appreciate you bra…but pls change your ways….censorship is so not Q !! Its just not man…Its no bueno !!! just let it fly bra….We are big boys now !!

43d21b (25) No.1546804>>1546806


Leave the undercover work to Q

2870b1 (20) No.1546805

File (hide): df4f6e6c4307b04⋯.jpg (89.68 KB, 480x449, 480:449, 2b1dzd~2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1904f2adf3e1ac8⋯.jpg (33.32 KB, 437x377, 437:377, 2a96d0~3.jpg) (h) (u)

cb375c (28) No.1546806>>1546809 >>1546812


Fuck off faggot

dc5cf6 (20) No.1546807>>1547010


Okay, but why is BC17 closing shop now?

And why so suddenly?

0d9811 (24) No.1546808>>1546811


That doesn't rule out that BC17 could = JA, nor does it prove it.

43d21b (25) No.1546809>>1546814


>You’d have to go deep undercover, more undercover than I am capable of, though.

Simply agreeing with you FFS.

Leave the undercover work to Q

66e35c (2) No.1546810





EDL clowns here.

IPs registered.

2870b1 (20) No.1546811

File (hide): a1c1480409463b9⋯.png (44.55 KB, 415x362, 415:362, full.png) (h) (u)

c108a5 (13) No.1546812>>1546819

File (hide): 2d2205f79a0fdc7⋯.jpg (239.82 KB, 1600x1059, 1600:1059, bce521b4d9d1b95cf65468b433….jpg) (h) (u)


This isn't Rocky Horror Picture show. The audience doesn't get to participate in that way…

[gets more popcorn]

0a4e01 (6) No.1546813>>1546816 >>1546821

cb375c (28) No.1546814>>1546833


>Literally a public encyclopedia

>open to public participation by design

>fuckhead leftists hijack

>suggest someone who can stand their BS go infiltrate & log

Leave the undercover work to Q

Fuck you faggot

0d9811 (24) No.1546815>>1546950 >>1547067 >>1547324 >>1547373

File (hide): f67205558df76b6⋯.png (243.59 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


BC17 changed Profile pic to Truth set Free.

Data dump coming…. 6/11?

2870b1 (20) No.1546816

File (hide): f2739f02686ef6d⋯.jpg (69.55 KB, 500x595, 100:119, 2agtju.jpg) (h) (u)

2ac77c (2) No.1546818>>1546830 >>1546831 >>1546844 >>1546946 >>1547067 >>1547324

Link collection:









I probably missed some, some are in the .png.

Went all over the place for research

Here you go, anons! Time to focus? :)

cb375c (28) No.1546819>>1546822


Have fun in the camps

2870b1 (20) No.1546820

File (hide): f81c6f77c9bf12d⋯.jpg (108.6 KB, 500x642, 250:321, 2a2ast.jpg) (h) (u)

0110b1 (4) No.1546821>>1546829


Hogg said "meme the Alt Right". He has branded us Alt Right

Meme war should NOT be against Hogg

Meme war against "LOW LEFT" or "LYING LEFT". Brand them all, not an individual.

c108a5 (13) No.1546822>>1546828 >>1546834

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


umad? kek


1be5f8 (12) No.1546823>>1546840



Wow, I hadn't seen that. Incredible work by politico. Didn't know they had it in them. Thanks

d61bbb (1) No.1546824

File (hide): b5d2bb6152fdeac⋯.png (49.82 KB, 1592x847, 1592:847, 4353465445354.png) (h) (u)

b25c3f (3) No.1546825>>1546839 >>1546852


In a recent BC17 twat he/she used the word 'HONOR' JA would not use this word he would use the correct spelling which is 'HONOUR' as he is Australian and they use British English!

9d34f1 (4) No.1546826


That isn't an explanation of a sound process. Surely you'll agree that it's not implausible that the attempt to control this board would be made. We must be vigilant. The entire global part structure is threatened-- so the attempt to control this board (where media and internet domination are key strategic points)

would therefore seem to be a given….So shouldn't we be wary by default?

And the "issues with moderation" arte a perfect front you allow AI control to flourish. I don't see any reason why moderation is inherently so difficult as to entail, at all times either

1. Arbitrary and often anti-rational moderation


2. No moderation at all

The most likely explanation is that BO is fostering a bad environment intentionally. In any case, it certainly needs to be seriously addressed as a possibility. It's folly to treat it as if it is too crazy to discuss.

11427f (9) No.1546827>>1546842

File (hide): 3622535921b1de8⋯.jpg (1015.63 KB, 2474x1156, 1237:578, Comey lies.jpg) (h) (u)

Slimeball Comey talking about liars…


cb375c (28) No.1546828>>1546836


I pray your sentence is just and your punishment swift, nothing more, nothing less.

d71c12 (4) No.1546829>>1546842 >>1546848


Lying Loony Left

dd256d (18) No.1546830

File (hide): 8d4c74d01f86c35⋯.jpeg (59.97 KB, 596x600, 149:150, added.jpeg) (h) (u)

a92d81 (7) No.1546831


That bee-itch is DEEEEP mk ultra!

They both deserve eachother (I mean congical rapings in GITMO)

Great digging anon! Keep it up.

0c267e (15) No.1546832>>1546850 >>1546858

we catch this?

Kim Jong-un’s school life REVEALED: Ex-pupils lift lid on North Korea dictator

CLASSMATES of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un have revealed just what the dictator was like as a pupil at a Swiss school.

Swiss school.


1be5f8 (12) No.1546833>>1546837 >>1546838 >>1547189

File (hide): ca4a2fb999fc980⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 356x260, 89:65, faggot2.gif) (h) (u)

2870b1 (20) No.1546834


100% Faggot

13f210 (21) No.1546835

Confiscate Rothschild Banks🐉

c108a5 (13) No.1546836



You have no idea what you're even talking about. Good day :)

2870b1 (20) No.1546837


Dead whore fart.

cb375c (28) No.1546838


>trying this hard to coopt

May God have mercy on you, nobody else will. Last post to you.

0d9811 (24) No.1546839>>1546846 >>1546857


BC17 is now only following JA

43d21b (25) No.1546840>>1546918


That Politico Article was published …

Then came the 12/21 EO….

Then came this 'Sessions orders review of DEA Hezbollah investigation following Obama exposé'


Then came the announced investigation 1/11/18…

Remember…DOJ does NOT announce investigations unless it is a National Security issue


11427f (9) No.1546842


>Lying Loony Left


2ac77c (2) No.1546843>>1546851 >>1546856

File (hide): 2c47c0ab83cca9f⋯.png (2.84 MB, 1061x5615, 1061:5615, screenshot-sys.8ch.net-201….png) (h) (u)


Dear 2870b1

A final warning you damn little spammer,

More posts like that, and I'll bring down the hammer.

40f385 (1) No.1546844>>1547015


Might she be /ourgirl/ ?

An infiltrated of the royals, which will serve as an informant?

1664f8 (14) No.1546845>>1546855 >>1546859

>>1546421 (last bread)

This little guy and his followers will only get more support if normies perceive them being further "victimized." Do not engage in intellectual battles with unarmed opponents. Instead follow the money and go after their supporters, just as they are doing. Who ARE their financial supporters, anyway? Hmmm....

b25c3f (3) No.1546846


I know Anon, but some are speculating

2870b1 (20) No.1546847

File (hide): c0951221d66ddc1⋯.jpg (67.08 KB, 450x505, 90:101, 2b07fq.jpg) (h) (u)

Transgender Shit Dick on Your Dick.

(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST - What did I literally just tell you, 2870b1? Get lost.)

389f2f (7) No.1546848

File (hide): a604cffa7b9e2bb⋯.jpg (67.06 KB, 719x392, 719:392, 2b1kc9.jpg) (h) (u)

5cb9e4 (12) No.1546849>>1546906


You know promotion of the big booty is an anti white thing right?

Muh diversity.

c9325b (8) No.1546850>>1546853 >>1546901


Pieczenik, has been saying for a long time he went to Swiss school

1fa736 (6) No.1546851>>1546869


>It's consuming more than 10% of 5he bread so far

>literally nothing of value added

Drop it. It's just gonna continue to slide.

0d9811 (24) No.1546852


Don't know…

Maybe too obvious if it was spelled "honour" with a "u".

dc5cf6 (20) No.1546853>>1546863


This is common knowledge.

cb375c (28) No.1546855


Disagree. Go after every target and show no mercy. The left exploits weakness, real or perceived. Be like Islam and give no ground to these parasites. Follow each and every one down every rathole. Same for their support network.

13f210 (21) No.1546856


that shit is getting old….same shit memes everyday..thx for the headsup ..filtered..

43d21b (25) No.1546857>>1546864 >>1546951

File (hide): 0d41b9f12a13308⋯.png (94.79 KB, 470x508, 235:254, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


>BC17 is now only following JA




0c267e (15) No.1546858


I dont get it, why go to school there?

0110b1 (4) No.1546859>>1546865 >>1547024


Right. War is with 'LYING LEFT'

Not this little faggot. Hogg memes will not red pill anyone.


944197 (16) No.1546860>>1546861 >>1546913

File (hide): 3d3b85e855c4f21⋯.jpg (329.9 KB, 1701x727, 1701:727, 2-LIVE 26 May 18 1145.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4be13f4ddb7c5ec⋯.jpg (273.54 KB, 1181x811, 1181:811, 2-LIVE 23 May 18 Grenoble.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5e8b9362ac826f3⋯.jpg (99.02 KB, 566x558, 283:279, Red Arrow.jpg) (h) (u)

Morning all. Skies are quieter than usual. 2-RODS ( a light Cessna) is out and about around Kenley Airfield, but it's too low to register on ADS-B

2-LIVE is on the return trip to an airfield North.of Grenoble.

389f2f (7) No.1546861

File (hide): 5a8b76bb2fd8083⋯.jpg (74.8 KB, 600x400, 3:2, planefags thumbs up 2.jpg) (h) (u)

e10f9d (1) No.1546862>>1546866 >>1547368


Especially. Zero calorie aspartame may taste sweeter than sugar but is carcinogenic, which causes cancer, and upsets the fat set point so it actually makes you gain weight, not lose.

0c267e (15) No.1546863

File (hide): 0f225077d479d2f⋯.png (335.29 KB, 590x680, 59:68, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

5cb9e4 (12) No.1546864>>1546867 >>1546871 >>1546877 >>1547020


Wasn’t saying BC17 was #fakenews.

Was saying that anon inference to BC being Q was a fake anon connection.

BC does not claim to be Q.

That still doesn’t mean he doesn’t have any information, just not Q.

Others have info too.

cb375c (28) No.1546865>>1546868 >>1546880 >>1547024


Based on what, your feelings? Fact of the matter is daily death-by-1000-cuts to this Hogg asshole on twatter/fagbook has severely eroded his star power. So we should stop now?

No thanks

5cb9e4 (12) No.1546866>>1547367


Not directly carcinogenic, it is neurotoxic.

Not the same thing.

c9325b (8) No.1546867


Why would any military intel give specific dates of happenings? They wouldn't fuck of with the BC17 horseshit

0a4e01 (6) No.1546868>>1546883 >>1547024



hoggs asking for it

9d34f1 (4) No.1546869


Every single bread is filled with a great preponderance of garbage. This is undoubtedly intentional. Lack of proper moderation allows this community to be derailed.

741240 (11) No.1546870>>1546873 >>1546893

M.I.A. = Military Intelligence Agency.

I looked through many of her lyrics, but this point seems to be the most interesting one I've discovered so far:

I'm on ten like men, even better than them

Yeah I don't lose focus like a German called Sven

My third eye's open and my focus ain't joking

Yeah You got it wrong, cause my focus is so strong

Why? Who is German Sven?

I believe Sven Martinek was meant. He's a German actor who participated in many strange movies, which by name correlate with our Chan Investigation Agency.

- The Clown (film of 1996)

- The Clown (series from 1998-2001 based on the film)

- The Infiltrator

- The holy whore

- Goddawn - Berlin will fall tomorrow

- Victor - The Protection Angel

- Voodoo for beginners


6f776c (8) No.1546871>>1546879 >>1546886


no outside comms.

BC17 might be "interesting" but is not a "valid source of information".

(purely imo)

c108a5 (13) No.1546872>>1546890



>responds to self, with message to BO that has no context.

misfire? …

c9325b (8) No.1546873>>1546875


I take it you know what it takes for your third eye to be open?

6f776c (8) No.1546874>>1546894

File (hide): fb8e6445e723bdf⋯.jpg (403 KB, 886x1152, 443:576, black-cube-strikes-again.jpg) (h) (u)

reposting something i spotted last night.

black cube pokes its head up again.

a) convenient on a day when weinstein is arrested.

b) how did NBC get "internal BlackCube documents"?

741240 (11) No.1546875


Answers only. Questions to anons which you can only already answer are unnecessary barriers. Reveal if you have any sort of real info

cb375c (28) No.1546876>>1547031

Based on what I see here in the last few days, the fucking hammer is going to drop. There is a fucking infestation of the best, subtlest, subversive, almost etherial trolls/shills money can buy. We’re near the target lads, gives me hope that the IG report blows shit wide open and is followed by a staged unsealing of the 30,000+ sealed indictments. WWG1WGA BITCHES

dc5cf6 (20) No.1546877>>1547346



Anon showed Q a side-by-side with the wrong connections.

Q replied. "Fake".

Doesn't say anything about BC17.


BC17 abruptly closing shop, tells me that there is something fishy.

BTW, Q not showing up, doesn't further my trust in "the plan" either.

Why start something and then don't care about your audience?

0c267e (15) No.1546878

how do we even know he is the true son?


'He pulled out a photo of him alongside his father and said 'I am not the ambassador's son. I am the son of the North Korean President.' One member of staff at the school, identifying himself only as Joerg, said: 'We had these after-school discussion groups. I remember I was outside the school having a smoke when this black, armoured Mercedes with smoked glass pulled up.


5cb9e4 (12) No.1546879>>1546888 >>1546889 >>1546891 >>1546904


No outside comes means Q team does not communicate as Q team with other people.

There are journalists and others who are separately given information however.

You think everyone who is in the know doesn’t ever fucking talk to anyone but each other?

That this board is the only plan?



0110b1 (4) No.1546880>>1546897 >>1546899

File (hide): 5ba0c0024a98dee⋯.png (66.95 KB, 255x119, 15:7, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5ba0c0024a98dee⋯.png (66.95 KB, 255x119, 15:7, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5ba0c0024a98dee⋯.png (66.95 KB, 255x119, 15:7, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


No Anon. Based on Q.

We are not fighting one mouthpiece.

We are fighting an evil movement.

If you think a war against Hogg is a good strategy to bring down cabal and expose Deep State coup, do it. I am just offering an alternative strategy

22f1f7 (3) No.1546882>>1546907


they have tolerated a bunch of random german inbred psychopaths "ruling" over them for quite some time, what the fuck do you think? Brits are among the most pathetic sheep on the planet.

cb375c (28) No.1546883>>1546892 >>1547024


Who bases their strategies upon their enemies’ requests? Who gives a fuck what that faggot says

49094a (3) No.1546885>>1546909 >>1546921 >>1547138

File (hide): 11bb5c1f5fd2865⋯.jpg (266.2 KB, 1200x907, 1200:907, DeGazZLU8AAiRIe.jpg) (h) (u)

re: UK london pm anyway of verifying the authenticity of this pic ?

dc5cf6 (20) No.1546886>>1546945 >>1546956 >>1546962 >>1546966


You are missing something:

BC17 never claimed to be Q!

9d34f1 (4) No.1546887

The idea that "censorship" is a pressing problem is a cover for allowing this board to be controlled by garbage. AI can produce an unlimited volume of garbage, and therefore non-moderation is all to the advantage of the AI. Our purpose is THE MISSION. This is war-- war always entails a tightening up, because fair play goes out the window. Therefore, we need to strategize how to have effective moderation.

43d21b (25) No.1546888>>1546898


>There are journalists and others who are separately given information however.

That's called LEAKS and exactly what Trump Administration is trying to stop.

9e4abb (4) No.1546889>>1546916


I personally think this board is a diversion to take focus off of other happenings until it’s too late.

13f210 (21) No.1546890>>1546896


what? say it dont spray it natzi faggot

6f776c (8) No.1546891


you're right, of course. but those people know Q.

why would a public communication be called "backchannel" if it was truly "backchannel", though?

i don't think any journalists are given information from anyone truly identifying themselves as (the real) Q. that's the point of no outside comms. officially Q as an identity only exists here.

0a4e01 (6) No.1546892>>1547024



>Who gives a fuck what that faggot says

Not me faggot

dd256d (18) No.1546893>>1546905 >>1546931 >>1546940

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Been jammin out to M.I.A. for like 3 hours now.

6f776c (8) No.1546894>>1547098


forgot my archive links and text:

recall that in 2017 ronan farrow wrote a piece for the New Yorker in which BLACK CUBE the shadowy spy agency tried to help today's arrestee Harvey Weinstein gather info and discredit Rose McGowan.


NBC News is running a piece today that BLACK CUBE, the shadowy spy agency which nobody can figure out is trying to DISCREDIT BHO's staff to wreck the Iran deal. WURT.


sounds traitorous.


bb8a33 (1) No.1546895>>1546948

File (hide): 2c17be443c86048⋯.jpg (145.61 KB, 356x474, 178:237, Screen Shot 05-26-18 at 12….JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 39ad9232d143b82⋯.jpg (604.69 KB, 1061x721, 1061:721, Screen Shot 05-26-18 at 12….JPG) (h) (u)

https:// www.rt.com/news/427843-assange-testify-russian-meddling/

c108a5 (13) No.1546896>>1546900


>what? say it dont spray it natzi faggot

That escalated quickly :)

You seem fixated on the word faggot.. Are you one?

11427f (9) No.1546897


That's a lot of lies!

And I stopped because I didn't want to make it too big! I could have added on for a week!

5cb9e4 (12) No.1546898



I said certain people including some journalists.

I wasn’t talking about The NY Times, WaPo and buzzfeed.

Read the crumbs and see if you spot any journalists?

They are there, some by name.

cb375c (28) No.1546899


Nice thumbnails Achmed. Want to bring them to the White house?


13f210 (21) No.1546900>>1546902


wtf deemed you chief natzi……go smoke another j……..clown faggot

22f1f7 (3) No.1546901>>1546910


its in wikipedia for fucks sake

c108a5 (13) No.1546902>>1546908


Ah ok, so you're an operator then.

e7ac8d (1) No.1546903>>1546923

Mysterious' cutback by nuclear sub patrols

-NO AUTHOR-·8 hours ago

The number of Pacific patrols by America's nuclear-armed ballistic submarines dropped "mysteriously" during 2017, according to a report from the Federation of American Scientists.

The report by Hans Kristensen explains that the nation's fleet of subs still carry out strategic deterrent patrols -- at a steady rate of about 30 per year – according to the U.S. Navy, says Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin.

"Yet the data shows the U.S. SSBN fleet conducted a total of 27 patrols in 2017 (five less than in 2016), the lowest number of patrols in as single year since the early-1960s when SSBN deterrent patrols began," the organization said in a new report.

"The new data reveals a mysterious reduction of deterrent patrols in the Pacific in 2017: a nearly one-third drop from the 2016 level of 19 patrols to only 13 in 2017. The drop in Pacific patrols in 2017 happened despite completion of a second Explosive Handling Wharf at the Kitsap-Bangor Submarine Base that same year, which is intended to allow for additional maintenance needed as the submarines get older," it said.

The FAS report said the cause for the cutback in Pacific patrols isn't known.

"The size of the SSBN fleet at Kitsap-Bangor Submarine Base hasn't changed, the Navy and U.S. Strategic Command haven't announced a change in strategy, and there has been no public reports about serious technical problems that could have forced the reduction."

The report said whatever the reason, the drop seems to have disappeared.

"In mid-March this year, the Navy told Congress that SSBNs 'conducted 33 strategic deterrent patrols … over the past year,' or five more than the 27 patrols the FOIA release says were conducted through 2017," the FAS said.

There are eight subs in the Pacific fleet and six in the Atlanta, the report said.



43d21b (25) No.1546904>>1546925

File (hide): 86352bfaf4681b0⋯.png (66.97 KB, 454x599, 454:599, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


>You think everyone who is in the know doesn’t ever fucking talk to anyone but each other?

Q May 21, "Once the 'extremely guarded & highly classified' information is finally revealed to House investigators, DNI, public etc., RR must recuse or forcefully terminated."


741240 (11) No.1546905>>1546919


WTF! Is this a real song of her?

daca16 (5) No.1546906>>1546936 >>1547243


I'd say the exact opposite. Society, or in your case, white people, have socially engineered you to find small asses more attractive.

It's not about race, it's about dna. Wide hips subconsciously signal fertility, big breasts too.

It's common knowledge that women like big cocks, and yet, in ancient Greece, micropenis was carved into statues and depicted in art. Much like vogue and small asses. It was deemed culturally appropriate and attractive to have a small penis as it made a man seem distinguished. Rural cultures historically have larger cocks. That's why generational indigenous people tend to have larger cocks on average, while people with longer urban exposure (Europeans) generally have smaller penises.

I've always fantasized about big booties since high school, even if I didn't know why. I'm white

83ff57 (3) No.1546907>>1546932

File (hide): 6a23eeb2bb1c115⋯.jpg (4.68 KB, 190x265, 38:53, queencharlotte.jpg) (h) (u)


Read a book you fucking half wit…The Royals are Rothschild kikes and niggers…Those fucking inbred child fuckers are anything but ethnic German

13f210 (21) No.1546908>>1546911


projection …..really… gtfo

11427f (9) No.1546909


reverse image search brings up…


c9325b (8) No.1546910


Yeah I know, I didn't fucking say it was a mystery,

c108a5 (13) No.1546911>>1546912


>..really… gtfo

Take your own advice :)

13f210 (21) No.1546912>>1546917


good comeback d….f…r

64d3de (1) No.1546913

File (hide): a3c1cf28d009197⋯.png (651.59 KB, 727x845, 727:845, REDARROW.png) (h) (u)


Thank you planefag

73d979 (3) No.1546914

File (hide): 09c115af3cfe7f7⋯.jpg (370.94 KB, 1541x1085, 1541:1085, WelcomeHome.jpg) (h) (u)

0110b1 (4) No.1546915>>1546930

>>I'm j1546897

Just an old fag that didn't realize I copypasta'd 3X. Was responding to an anon who wants meme war about Hogg.

AGREE FULLY WITH YOU. Exposing "Lying Left" is a very effective meme strategy.

Obviously, you caught MY attention.

5cb9e4 (12) No.1546916>>1546929


I think the board is a tiny peek into what is happening behind scenes to occupy us so we won’t agitate too hard, turn on admin and allow left to take the plan down before it happens.

Pissed anons are a powerful force.

If not for some info, many of us would have completely lost hope.

In addition, we have knowledge put together that can be used to explain to our still insane fam and friends when shit does come down so at least maybe they won’t go apeshit.

c108a5 (13) No.1546917


>derpa derpa derrrr.

You seem grumpy. It's ok, we're winning :D

1be5f8 (12) No.1546918

File (hide): f5c2ec2939535fc⋯.jpg (241.89 KB, 800x800, 1:1, comfyq.jpg) (h) (u)

dd256d (18) No.1546919


One of my favs

0c267e (15) No.1546920>>1546922

Did you see the Ryan [PR] interview a short time ago?

When you are no longer seeking another term you are 'FREE' to make better decisions.



49094a (3) No.1546921


podesta and the mayor of london

43d21b (25) No.1546922>>1546941 >>1547012


Did we ever identify exactly what interview this was? I don't recall ever seeing it in the breads.

1fa736 (6) No.1546923>>1547052


Interesting. Wonder if that could be because they are busy doing something else? There was that one sub that came to port flying the upside down jolly roger a few months back. Supposedly only happens after a successful combat mission, iirc.

2be718 (2) No.1546924>>1546939 >>1547067 >>1547160 >>1547314 >>1547324

So much has been achieved.

When will the public learn?

The final trigger.

5cb9e4 (12) No.1546925>>1546928


So you are sayin Q is one guy, and he talks to no one but us?


And you are saying the crumbs about Sara carter, hannity and John Solomon were crap?

Like I said…


3a6abb (1) No.1546927


STI DVC limited, fantastic gun !

dc5cf6 (20) No.1546928

9e4abb (4) No.1546929>>1546944


I agree, let me rephrase. Different tangents to divide their resources to follow up.

cb375c (28) No.1546930>>1546937


Oldfag here too, but I would recommend euthanasia in your case. Hopefully I never become the tangled knot of Alzheimer proteins that you seem to be.

1be5f8 (12) No.1546931


sounds like some shit junkies rock out to with a headfull of oxys

22f1f7 (3) No.1546932>>1546933 >>1546935 >>1547302


no one mentioned the rothschilds. the "windsors" are german.

83ff57 (3) No.1546933


German? When Queen Elizabeth is a direct descendant of Queen Charlotte the negress…

German names are not an indicator of race

11427f (9) No.1546934>>1546952 >>1547352

File (hide): 07f814be2808003⋯.png (29.25 KB, 571x237, 571:237, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Trump’s Tweet Got Saudi Arabia to Drop the Price of Oil

"Saudi Arabia stopped supporting higher oil prices after Donald Trump said higher prices “will not be accepted.”

The world’s largest oil exporter was said to have planned to move oil prices up to $100 a barrel but now appears to have decided that prices should not move higher than $80 a barrel."


dc5cf6 (20) No.1546935


They are as "German" as the Bush family"/ Clinton's/ Rockefeller's/ Astor's are "American".

5cb9e4 (12) No.1546936>>1546967


That isn’t just a wide pelvis.

It is an ethnically pleasing ass.

White women who have wide pelvises don’t usually have large glutes.

White men cant jump for a reason.

Naturally large white asses due to bulbous buttcheeks are rare.

Gluteal development if from African stock because of muh predators.

11427f (9) No.1546937


>tangled knot of Alzheimer proteins


73d979 (3) No.1546938

File (hide): 03095b7a245fb4f⋯.png (778.65 KB, 732x462, 122:77, wayitis.png) (h) (u)

dd256d (18) No.1546939>>1546942

1be5f8 (12) No.1546940>>1546947 >>1546955


Interesting lyrics. Is she an ally?

At seventeen

What's gonna happen to him once he finished that scene?

What's he gonna start doin' when he's bored?

When he's bored?

I just give damn damn damn

I just give a damn damn damn

I just just give a damn

I just just give a damn

I just just give a damn

I just just give a damn damn damn

I just just give a damn

I just just give a damn

I just just give a damn damn damn

Who sayz all the rules are made with rulers

We break 'em and breakin' them computers

I ain't buying no more from them looters

Who try to out school us

So we jump on our scooters

I hope you understood us

I just just give a damn

I just just give a damn

I just just give a damn

I just just give a damn damn damn

I just just give a damn damn damn

Hocas pocus

But you can't take away our focus

We growin' up in middle of a digital rukus

You can say fuck us

I ain't puttin' on the stoppers

We go be hackers

Makin' loot like Lakers

While we become workers

You become golfers

The modern day coppers

Beatin' on us for the papers

I just just give a damn damn damn

I just just give a damn damn damn

0c267e (15) No.1546941


cant find it, looking now

cb375c (28) No.1546942


Good catch!

11427f (9) No.1546943

File (hide): bf674647f27e840⋯.png (195.76 KB, 707x585, 707:585, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

We need to kick Dem ass in the mid-terms!

Republicans have taken a six-point lead over Democrats


5cb9e4 (12) No.1546944



It serves more than one purpose.

6f776c (8) No.1546945>>1546982


implied a relationship.

implied a tie to Q.

that tie, those coincidences, Q called fake.

if i'm being careful of who i "follow", that's good enough for me.

dc69e2 (5) No.1546946>>1546978 >>1547315


Good job but officially it's a song bird not a swan. See below official meanings. Perhaps you can include some of these also.

The shield’s blue background

This represents the Pacific Ocean off the coast of California, where Meghan grew up.

The gold rays across the shield

These are representative of the sunshine in Meghan’s home state of California.

The three quills

These are a symbol of Meghan’s communication skills, and the power of words.

The golden poppies

The poppies on the grass are there to represent California’s state flower -- the golden poppy.

The wintersweet

The wintersweet in the grass, which is mixed in with the golden poppies, represents the union of Harry and Meghan, with wintersweet growing in the gardens of Kensington Palace, where Harry grew up and now lives with Meghan.

The songbird

The Supporter on Meghan’s side of the shiled On the right-hand side of the shield sits a songbir with wings as if flyign open beat power of comm.

The Coronet

The Coronet around the songbird’s neck, which has symbolically been assigned to the Duchess, is the same Coronet laid down by a Royal Warrant of 1917 for the sons and daughters of the Heir Apparent. It is composed of two crosses patée, four fleurs-de-lys and two strawberry leaves.

1cede6 (3) No.1546947


her father was the leader of the tamil tigers. and they were clowns,

so i wouldn't have thought so.

but i didnt guess NK was a clown cutout state so…

b79553 (10) No.1546948>>1546957 >>1546996


Posted earlier in this bread. Schiff says he won't go to London for the meeting. Instead, he says he will meet with Assange once JA is in US custody. Not surprising that AS want JA arrested since POTUS has signaled support for JA.

73d979 (3) No.1546949

File (hide): ef293ae7cc62159⋯.png (3.32 MB, 1481x1113, 1481:1113, Election2016.png) (h) (u)

dc302a (29) No.1546950>>1546959 >>1546975

File (hide): 9dcd8453a8b45a0⋯.png (120.82 KB, 560x646, 280:323, BC17 Fake.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9f1d8da22febc08⋯.png (315.93 KB, 763x626, 763:626, BC BS.png) (h) (u)





0d9811 (24) No.1546951

File (hide): 2e1beb70019fdc4⋯.png (274.38 KB, 407x534, 407:534, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 03151c40dddad2e⋯.png (1.3 MB, 996x2048, 249:512, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Q said:



Fake Counter-Intel USAF.

Q also said:

Disinformation is real.

Disinformation is necessary.


Disinformation is real.

Distractions are necessary.

Intel real? We will see…

JA… We will see…

Intel drop 6/11?… We will see

JA code fb4e568623b5f8cf7e932e6ba7eddc0db9f42a712718f488bdc0bf880dd3


dc302a (29) No.1546952>>1546963 >>1546972


That was a month ago and prices are still climbing?

944197 (16) No.1546954

File (hide): 67f017179c8a94f⋯.jpg (417.9 KB, 1649x677, 1649:677, NAF11 26 May 18 1150.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7621e07138b3bc3⋯.jpg (327.3 KB, 1199x965, 1199:965, NAF11 26 May 18 Eindhven S….jpg) (h) (u)

Netherlands Air Force just flew from Eindhoven to Schipol.

dd256d (18) No.1546955>>1547054


IMO yes. That song's in the movie Hacker Wars. Decent watch

ca5bde (15) No.1546956


Directly called out by Q as fake. Stop shitting things up.

9dcc01 (22) No.1546957


Of course he won't go to London. And if JA is actually in US custody, he'll find a fucking excuse why he won't talk to him on US soil. Schitt won't learn anything new from meeting JA.

0d9811 (24) No.1546959>>1546964 >>1546965

>>1546950 JA is not fake and gay.

944197 (16) No.1546960

File (hide): 5c1cfb924d6d90d⋯.jpg (435.08 KB, 1811x711, 1811:711, Conga Line 26 May 18 1225.jpg) (h) (u)

There's a bit of a conga line headed to the Middle East. Brits, French and Netherlands AF's.

a78499 (7) No.1546961

>>1546758 Project Cassandra Investigation Request


dc302a (29) No.1546962


Why do you keep coming here pushing your fake twitter account?

b79553 (10) No.1546963>>1546969 >>1546983

File (hide): a590c5ec8c77237⋯.png (28.45 KB, 765x385, 153:77, oilPrice.PNG) (h) (u)


Climbing? Looks like they are dropping.

dc302a (29) No.1546964


I never said he was. Reading comprehension problem?

ca5bde (15) No.1546965>>1546968 >>1546976 >>1547021


Shit brain, Q called BC fake. Do you even read, bro

So many niggers here

1cede6 (3) No.1546966


back channel = fudge tunnel

db9c85 (3) No.1546967>>1546971


I could dunk in 8th grade at 5'11. And I can rap.

White as Fuck.

741240 (11) No.1546968


Don't answer to this bullshit anons.

These people are stupid.

Reread comms or your a shill.

GTFO if true.

dc302a (29) No.1546969>>1546984 >>1546992


Prices in my neck of the woods is climbing still. $2.86 How long before prices fall at the pump?

944197 (16) No.1546970>>1546977

File (hide): 501ce26f06d4067⋯.jpg (91.91 KB, 799x499, 799:499, Recon Patrol.jpg) (h) (u)

Best settle in for a long one, it's going to be quiet today. Get the kettle on, Navigator..

5cb9e4 (12) No.1546971


That’s called being a “whigger”.

9dcc01 (22) No.1546972>>1546979


The market is pricing in supply losses from Venezuela. Political risk is always priced into assets and commodities (also assets). Plus OPEC cartel is openly manipulating the market.

48bec5 (7) No.1546973>>1546991

Morning anons…



e12aa0 (9) No.1546974



Big if true.

a92d81 (7) No.1546975>>1547002


haha I read this as 6th Nov.. Took a while for the penny to drop that this is in a week or two.

Free beer on 6/11/18 anon's (give BC17 benifit of any doubt).

No outside comms - they didn't use any intel from 8ch to make that determination.

b25c3f (3) No.1546976>>1546988


Q also said 'disinfo is necessary' in order to fool the idiots (you)

78bed4 (23) No.1546977

File (hide): 0010c7400c927c4⋯.jpg (5.95 MB, 6000x6000, 1:1, Planefags we love.jpg) (h) (u)

b8d133 (1) No.1546978


The Swan connection wasn't about the swan, but the neck-crown and Lancaster. I've noted the bird as a songbird already.

The golden poppies and wintersweets are noted already.

I'll look over your other additions and add as appropriate - Thank you!

894f77 (3) No.1546979>>1547013


High prices are good for US shale anyway

Energy independence

11427f (9) No.1546980>>1546981 >>1546985

File (hide): 1c6f182ea9e21f6⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 2472x1544, 309:193, Comey lies.jpg) (h) (u)

Obama brags: ‘I didn’t have scandals’ during my presidency

894f77 (3) No.1546981


A liar always lies

dc5cf6 (20) No.1546982>>1546987 >>1546988 >>1547009


They didn't "imply" a relationship with Q.

This is not about, who you or I "follow".

This is only about people saying that BC17 claimed or "implied" to be Q or to be "related" to Q.

BC17 didn't do that.

I'm reading and listening to whomever I want to and don't let an anonymous source tell me whom to listen to and whom not to listen to.

Talking about Q, why isn't he showing up?

Did he lose interest in his own project?

dc302a (29) No.1546983>>1546999


Prices continued to rise after Potus tweet. Almost $75 a few days ago. This may be a temporary drop. We'll see what happens next week. Way too early to tell if he has been successful getting OPEC to come to heel.

b79553 (10) No.1546984>>1547018


Those were oil prices. Gas prices typically rise b4 Memorial Day and still high for the summer. The question is how high will the gas prices go this summer? Oil prices coming down should help stabilize gas prices.

1cede6 (3) No.1546985


wont age well

e12aa0 (9) No.1546986


Never tell anyone.

dc302a (29) No.1546987>>1546990


Nobody gives a fuck who you listen to. Just stopping bringing that fake and gay BC shit here to Q research. You are glowing.

ca5bde (15) No.1546988>>1546994



Lying niggers lying

48bec5 (7) No.1546989


Other than the MSM…how do they spread their message? Talking points have to go out…they have to have ways to change the narrative and they have to have a mechanism to spread.

My 2 cents is that messages are spread thru leftist and dem orgs..ACLU in particular and how pushed to the masses…

ACLU dig might be in order…

dc5cf6 (20) No.1546990>>1546993


How impressing.

dd256d (18) No.1546991>>1547005 >>1547056


While I agree it is important, it is old news and I'm not putting it in the notables.

9dcc01 (22) No.1546992>>1547008 >>1547018


It could be a while. Typically there's a weak correlation between gas prices and oil prices. Plus they play monkey games with formulations, artificially increase prices because of expected demand (like right before a holiday weekend, etc).

We need to tell Trump to allow building new refineries. Not a single refinery built since 1976. There's a huge bottleneck, they could refine more crude into gas but the capacity just isn't there. With regard to oil prices, see this. Russia and Saudi Arabia are considering upping production.

https:// oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/OPEC-Sends-Oil-Prices-Crashing.html

ca5bde (15) No.1546993>>1546998


We don't speak Euronigger here. Speak fucking English you AIDS infested liar

dc5cf6 (20) No.1546994


Educated reply.

Is this all you have?

48bec5 (7) No.1546995


Why tell? To lessen your own guilt? Would that not be supremely selfish…just to make yourself feel better?

Living with guilt a pretty good consequence…just sayin'

78bed4 (23) No.1546996>>1547007


The point seems to be that Mueller never contacted Assange - more witch hunt evidence. Schiff is grade A asshole thats all with Kamala Harris Plant being a close second

e12aa0 (9) No.1546997>>1547093


Read the top of notables, dumbass.

This was changed last night.

dc5cf6 (20) No.1546998


You have no manners. How about your second, third and fourth language skills?

b79553 (10) No.1546999>>1547018


RU just announced they will increase output to offset Iran sanctions and Venezuela turmoil (refiners pulling out). This is helping.

2be718 (2) No.1547001


Why is this in qresearch?

dc302a (29) No.1547002>>1547006 >>1547016


Sorry, I'm sick and tired of BC coming here pushing their twitter account. This is anon. I will always call them out for being fake. Go push BC on reddit.

48bec5 (7) No.1547004>>1547014 >>1547065



THIS kind of BS is what makes me think Assange NOT a white hat…

Lets meet with the devil to prove he is not evil…come on now…

43d21b (25) No.1547005


Suit yourself…this letter was never in notables and summarizes quite nicely current happenings and what Q team is doing.

dc5cf6 (20) No.1547006


Nobody is pushing them. They closed.

b79553 (10) No.1547007>>1547055


>The point seems to be that Mueller never contacted Assange - more witch hunt evidence.

TY, Anon.

5cb9e4 (12) No.1547008>>1547030


Both point are true.

They raise prices every time they can.they lower them slowly and usually not to prespike levels unless there is a crash.

New gasoline refineries also needed.

Most refineries in my old neck of the woods (Pasadena, bay city etc Texas) are plastics not gas. Most people think refinery means gas. It usually doesn’t.

6f776c (8) No.1547009>>1547023


it's early in the morning, i have no problem filling up the bread with bits of nothing to talk to you.

you know why Q isn't showing up - it's not a part of the plan.

you also know that i'm GLAD you're reading and listening to whomever you want. i only talked about what I am or am-not doing.

you also know that this isn't just a project.

i hope you're well in the rest of your life, anon. world events may not treat us all with the same kindness.


bceb8e (2) No.1547010


Because they never gained traction. My suspicion is they even tried to plant info like Stormy/NXVIM shit even on this board. Theyll be rebranded and a new psyop will start.

cb375c (28) No.1547011


Explain in great detail the specifics, particularly taking ng great care to cover the tangy taste of feminine penis, and how tight that AIDS infested asshole was as you rammed your 3/4 erect dick into that opiate addled dry turd.

0c267e (15) No.1547012>>1547019


ok i cant find it anywhere


What i did notice if the FREE from Q

Could PR have been under control but has now been freed?

9dcc01 (22) No.1547013


Especially if rumors are true that Saudi Arabia, Iran et al are drying up.

b79553 (10) No.1547014


Not following you, Anon (coffee is slow this morning)? Mind expanding on that?

48bec5 (7) No.1547015

a92d81 (7) No.1547016>>1547033


I don't really know BC much.. Not USfag

At least there will be a reason to never trust their shit anymore (after 6/11)..

Remember that Assange has many friends, not just us anon's.

86322a (3) No.1547017>>1547042

File (hide): e2bfded44b89f99⋯.jpg (140.66 KB, 630x630, 1:1, KeK AF Glide Path Jake.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 382485e0ceb6924⋯.jpg (772.78 KB, 1603x925, 1603:925, Screenshot-2018-5-26 ADS-B….jpg) (h) (u)

French AF A400 back to France. Came in 24 hours ago.

dc302a (29) No.1547018>>1547025



Thanks anons. I agree with the reasons gas prices get high from Memorial thru beginning of summer. Expected consumption higher than normal.


That's a excellent point anon. I know we currently have massive excesses in crude. Was hard to understand how prices could rise with having so much. We are producing way more than we are using.

Potus is no dummy. Maybe he has already started working on allowing new refineries to be built.

43d21b (25) No.1547019>>1547047 >>1547082 >>1547084


Maybe it is the PR Gayle King interview?


b2d84f (16) No.1547020>>1547029 >>1547032 >>1547036


If your to stupid to understand what 'no outside comms' means, then you don't need to be here.

And this is the intelligence level of this country's future…fuck, we in trouble!

0d9811 (24) No.1547021

File (hide): f67205558df76b6⋯.png (243.59 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 03151c40dddad2e⋯.png (1.3 MB, 996x2048, 249:512, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


ID is Fake.


Fake Counter-Intel USAF.






741240 (11) No.1547022>>1547026


dc5cf6 (20) No.1547023>>1547027 >>1547059 >>1547087 >>1547123


I hope, you're well too.

I'm not angry. Q not showing up, might be part of their plan. But I think, it is a bad plan, to start something and to not follow up on the expectations, you raised.

Trump telling the world that the negotiations with Kim are stopped, Kim then telling the word that he wants to keep up negotiating is huge.

Q not showing up is not furthering trust.

1664f8 (14) No.1547024>>1547035 >>1547062 >>1547063 >>1547069 >>1547157 >>1547158 >>1547191 >>1547271 >>1547328 >>1547406 >>1547427 >>1547457






Gentlemen, one of the things I love about this board is the tenacity of Anons to express their opposing viewpoints. I am a 25-year high school English teacher. I am fortunate to teach in predominantly red district in an unfortunately predominantly blue state. That said, I have spent my entire career committed to the notion that it is not my job to indoctrinate the youth to my political viewpoints. Rather, I have always sought to "teach students how to read, think, observe, and draw their own conclusions," whether those conclusions are in opposition to my own. Probably for that reason I haven't had any issues with parents, students, or administration in my 25 year tenure. I have helped students refine their arguments for pro-gay marriage, con-gay marriage, pro-abortion, con-abortion, pro-gun rights and anti gun rights. As their teacher, my only concern is that they argue effectively in writing, refute counterpoints, and use source material correctly. (For truly if we do not understand the opposing viewpoints, we do not understand our own.) As you may imagine, I am somewhat of a dying breed, but I count among my colleagues plenty enough that hold to these same principles. That said, as a citizen and a taxpayer, I am VERY concerned by the anti-NRA allegedly student-led movement of which Mr. Hogg appears to me but a mere puppet of a well-orchestrated leftist movement aimed at the 18-24 age group. My "concern fagging" about the meme war is that if not done with the utmost of taste and discretion, it could sway untold young Twittterers (I just made up that word) toward the left at a critical time when they, too, have begun to question the veracity of the shootings and the subsequent push for more gun control. I know this because they speak to me about their thoughts, about what they have read, and yes, about their "feelings." I even have a handful of former students who have since graduated and gone on into careers who meet up with me for dinner and always the subject turns to the "news" and what they have heard/read. Common theme is they are scared, confused, not sure who or what to believe, and rightly so, for we live in crazy world. But of the many things my dear students have shown me over the years is they are not stupid; they can read between and beyond the lines. Problem is -- they are bombarded with leftist ideologies on MSM and much, if not most, of Social Media. We who lean to right have an obligation, I think, to provide them with counter ideologies to ponder, but they must be presented in an intelligent, respectful, well-argued manner for them to "buy" in. And I maintain that insulting Mr. Hogg and/or the Parkland students in personal ways will backfire on the aim you seek to achieve. Meme away, as you wish, comrades, but I beg you to consider your audience, and to do so with the utmost discretion.

9e4abb (4) No.1547025>>1547045


EPA required summer blends to reduce air pollution / ozone

741240 (11) No.1547026

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sorry, reposting embedded video.

MIA on Al Jazeera on her song Borders while it faced a lot of controversy.

5cebac (1) No.1547027


This is normal, he vanishes and reappears, get used to it.

e12aa0 (9) No.1547028

You're new to the chans.

Mods here do a phenomenal job and catch tons of shit no matter what they do.

You need to clear your own path. The preponderance of garbage is one of the reasons Q chose this part of the Web. It presupposes readers can separate the wheat from the chaff and makes it hard for casual observers to determine what is going on.

Use the filter and if you must critique them, only praise BO and BV. When you do those things, you will belong here.

43d21b (25) No.1547029


>If your to stupid to understand what 'no outside comms' means, then you don't need to be here.

Agreed, so easily distracted by the cabal.

9dcc01 (22) No.1547030


>They raise prices…they lower them slowly and usually not to prespike levels

That's one thing that makes me wanna scream. I drive past a gas station that was at, say, $2.49 yesterday and now $2.89 less than 12 hours later. Then they walk it down by a penny per day for maybe two weeks or so, jack it by more than the aggregate reduction in price. Wash, rinse, repeat.

48bec5 (7) No.1547031


+1 on the last few days…




0d9811 (24) No.1547032>>1547037 >>1547060

>>1547020 no outside comms necessary for BC17

dc302a (29) No.1547033>>1547057


They started out pretending to be insiders. Q called them out. Yet, they still continue with the impression of being insiders. Couple that with the non stop glorifying themselves here. They know nothing. JA isn't going to be talking to some fools like BC. He talks to very few people, as you would imagine he has to be extremely careful.

233faa (1) No.1547034>>1547092

File (hide): b3dda6e240755be⋯.jpg (1.89 MB, 1970x4891, 1970:4891, MuhVigilance.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 073b25057430302⋯.jpg (43.03 KB, 498x330, 83:55, MuhModeration.jpg) (h) (u)

ID 9d34f1

He's back. Kek- Remember when I banned this faggot the other day for shitting up the bread? What a nutcase…

dc5cf6 (20) No.1547035>>1547041 >>1547050 >>1547063


You are right. Insulting Hogg, ridiculing him and the whole left, will only deepen the division.

0d9811 (24) No.1547036>>1547053

>>1547020 well i am here so deal with it.

dc302a (29) No.1547037>>1547049


BC is fake and gay and doesn't belong here.

0c267e (15) No.1547039>>1547044 >>1547074

File (hide): 27419c6ee0310ac⋯.png (290.51 KB, 1353x699, 451:233, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Military OP.



Operation Greenhouse?

5cb9e4 (12) No.1547040

FDA and CDC now advocating people should wear clothing treated with permethrin to avoid ticks.

It is an insecticide. Neurotoxic to ticks and other insects.

It’s not enough that they hose down our neighborhoods, pollute air and waterways, contaminate our food….

They want us to wear it.


894f77 (3) No.1547041


Do stupid things win stupid prizes

944197 (16) No.1547042>>1547070


Roger Jake, I'm monitoring.

741240 (11) No.1547043

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

MIA on Q TV.


9e4abb (4) No.1547044


FBI operation Green

dc302a (29) No.1547045


hahaha…good ole govt sticking their necks in to mess with things and causing prices to rise.

43d21b (25) No.1547046

File (hide): 9f2ed71830ea947⋯.png (332.34 KB, 560x366, 280:183, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

I never saw this in the bread…

Paul Ryan's interview with "CBS This Morning" -- full transcript

To answer Q post May 22nd, "Did you see the Ryan [PR] interview a short time ago?"


0c267e (15) No.1547047>>1547082

File (hide): d6d3d67ec0b1d20⋯.png (8.57 KB, 436x265, 436:265, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


just heard it all


just this

again freedom

does match Q's flag name!

KING: I think, Mr. Speaker, nobody questions your dedication to your family and your love for your family. But I was taking the Acela yesterday, the 4 o'clock. You were the topic of conversation on the train. And people said, "Oh, this is--" I heard two schools of thought. "Yay, freedom for him," or, "What happened to Paul Ryan?" Did Trump fatigue in any way play a role in this?

944197 (16) No.1547048>>1547081 >>1547097 >>1547124 >>1547132 >>1547165

File (hide): 8631be7b8f7068a⋯.jpg (289.2 KB, 1215x935, 243:187, 2-LIVE 26 May 18 1250.jpg) (h) (u)

2-LIVE now up on Flightaware. It's over Nantes, seems to be heading back to Jersey/Guernsey.

0d9811 (24) No.1547049>>1547075 >>1547110



We don't have to agree and yet BC17 is gone, so why are you so worked up about my theory?

Your blood pressure rising?

b79553 (10) No.1547050>>1547058


I think its better to boycott Publix for being such pussies.

6f776c (8) No.1547051>>1547114 >>1547151

File (hide): 3fcb4aeed27fdb8⋯.jpg (198.1 KB, 1195x1080, 239:216, archiveoffline.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 77d2f0ebed28b4a⋯.jpg (222.72 KB, 864x576, 3:2, zero-evidence.jpg) (h) (u)

>>1546602 (OP)

i have found something disturbing, anons.

and i think this is notable - but you decide for yourselves.

archive everything offline? yeah because of this:


and this


i was trying to grab these two articles about black cube, and how the MSM is alleging that "trump aides" used them to kill the Iran deal (by somehow discrediting old BHO staffers)

https:// www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/may/05/trump-team-hired-spy-firm-dirty-ops-iran-nuclear-deal

http:// www.phillytrib.com/commentary/why-did-a-creepy-israeli-intelligence-firm-spy-on-obama/article_12686ad6-8ce0-53fc-be8d-505550817880.html

Kahl is quoted in the article that he has ZERO evidence of the spying attempt - but several outlets blasted/are blasting the story as truth.

problem is - i can't archive it, except for myself, offline.


6a7eb4 (7) No.1547052>>1547173

File (hide): 1b3a9759b2eea6f⋯.png (67.64 KB, 896x470, 448:235, wehavethesub.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): e978bd06224ba35⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 3840x2549, 3840:2549, gallery-1505417743-3754953.jpg) (h) (u)


I always wondered if Q's comment about having the sub was related to that photo.

Remember, this is war. No doubt Q isn't going to tell us about Operations in real time. Especially given that there are so many people watching this board.


b2d84f (16) No.1547053>>1547064


Go get a 12th grade level IQ then come back to torment us with your BS.

1be5f8 (12) No.1547054


haha YTCracker @15:50


78bed4 (23) No.1547055>>1547141

File (hide): 564a6342a61fa03⋯.jpg (882.21 KB, 2507x3228, 2507:3228, MUELLER UNMASKED.jpg) (h) (u)


Could be JA calling out Schiff for the lying dickface he is…JA knows all sorts of intel about the DNC and Schiff is no way immune

what a wus blohard fjckface that guy is

Pic is intel on Mueller from Gohmert 30 years in the senate he knw all - a good read at Scribd. link in the pic~

48bec5 (7) No.1547056


Missed date and had not seen in previous notables (I missed it!) so flagged..ty baker! Weird morning.

Always interesting what shills will think will cause a slide and tells us alot about how THEY think WE think…

Probably why Q came here as THEY miss the autist boat everytime and they are very transparent…

Love you guys..no homo

a92d81 (7) No.1547057>>1547068


ahhahaha thanQ for the info anon. I didn't know that about BC17..

Had my hopes up for a while, I always like to give someone the benefit of the doubt if I can't feel if they are telling the truth or not.

dc5cf6 (20) No.1547058


Spending your money where your values are respected is always the way to go.

143bd1 (4) No.1547059>>1547087 >>1547089 >>1547107


Anon, you have the right to feel however you feel, this Q ride has been interesting and not for the faint of heart. Maybe you should take a couple days off and not watch the board, when Q disappears for a bit its more disheartening if you are checking the board every hour. Go do something outside, anything.

If Q posts, they posts will not change, nothing is going to be so earth shattering that you will not be able to catch up, and if you look at how may pieces are in this puzzle you may only miss 1/1000th of the habbenings. Its not like if you take some time you will be at Starbucks and the news will say Cabal Arrested, New World Order Thwarted etc……just clear you head. I think your just frustrated because you want justice to happen now and this project is not working that way. In a death by a thousand cuts it the executioner probably wishes he could just get it over with too. Anon, you can have the day off, go get a beer, or a coffee or see a movie or whatever you like to do.

b2d84f (16) No.1547060


Don't try mixing that info with Q's info.

a74e2c (2) No.1547061

FOX LIVE… next …Boy who was not allowed to speak at his graduation because he was going to talk about Jesus. At a Catholic school. After Commercial break. Hard to believe.

ca5bde (15) No.1547062>>1547103


Well reasoned arguments don't stand a chance against meme magic, well-intentioned teacheranon. Meme is devastatingly effective. Read your Bernays. Read your Pepes. Read the Twitter of Donald J. Trump. Emotional manipulation wins. Hogg will be rightly ridiculed until his dying day.

cb375c (28) No.1547063>>1547078



You both are something akin to "centrist leftists". You think according to their rules. You exist in their space.


These people only respect force. We have no obligation towards them whatsoever except to resist them at all costs. You believe their "feelings" (scare quoted by you) are best to be catered to or assuaged, and I absolutely, positively, 100% fucking disagree. BRING THE PAIN.


There is no reason whatsoever to take any mercy on these shitbags. The worst part about this is that you know this already, deep down.

0d9811 (24) No.1547064>>1547071


Well you are wrong. But if that belief gets you through the night, i could care less.

dc302a (29) No.1547065


Anon, it's a game. Schiff knows how JA got HRC emails. Yet Schiff keeps saying it was Russian hacking. JA has to get to the US so all this can come out in court.

aa766e (2) No.1547066>>1547131 >>1547175 >>1547186 >>1547214


from an email sent to me from a name you would know if doxxed. He did not write the twit just passed it on with the comments below.

Sauce at link.

This guy is really “Imperator Rex” who was forced to use a different name due to death threats some time ago.

His argument is stunning, but, I guess, not surprising. In a nutshell, he argues that Obama undertook the spying on Trump’s campaign WITHOUT a FISA because . . .

He didn’t need one. It’s right there in the law. Now, he is supposed to report back to Congress through Lynchmob. (Riiiiiight).

If Rex is right, this answers almost all questions about the difficulty of getting stuff out of DOJ because it would EXPOSE OBAMA AS THE ONE WHO INITIATED THESE INVESTIGATIONS. It would, for the first time, directly implicate Zero in not only “knowing” about the coup, but in LEADING it.

This would explain why even Sessions and DOJ are reluctant to let out the name----likely not knowing how politically to proceed against an ex-pres, and also would explain why Mulehead seems to be just running around in circles (if he knows this as well). This would by far be the scandal of all American history.


dd256d (18) No.1547067>>1547086 >>1547119 >>1547125


Morning dayfags, grab some covfefe. Here's what we're up to:



>>1546686 Habbenings over on pol, possible Pedo Concentration Camp

>>1546730 DOJ Release on State Dept Official

>>1546791 , >>1546767 , >>1546815 JA/BC17 connections digs and speculates

>>1546818 Meghan Markle infographic and links

>>1546924 The final trigger

78bed4 (23) No.1547068>>1547077 >>1547149


Veeteran Anon here WTF is BC17 dont remember seeing that befre

e12aa0 (9) No.1547069>>1547073


Welcome teacher. Seriously, thanks for teaching.

Hope you teach your students to use line breaks or paragraph breaks. Galileo invented them for a reason.

Memes are a dirty business because everyone wants to participate, and most people, as you well know, are idiots. Luckily, the best ones are usually the ones that circulate most widely. It is an organic rather than managed process, though.

Your concerns are valid but we are in the Wild West here.

86322a (3) No.1547070


Roger that, will sweep Asia and be back

b2d84f (16) No.1547071


HA! I'm wrong?

I'm not the one trying to convince people to use bad Intel on their digging.

1664f8 (14) No.1547073


Kek. I stand corrected. Point taken. : )

e69054 (4) No.1547074

File (hide): b150cf95f2419d2⋯.jpg (81.15 KB, 750x500, 3:2, EnjoyTheShow.jpg) (h) (u)


Enjoy the show.

bceb8e (2) No.1547075

File (hide): c283c90f5ce243b⋯.jpg (108.21 KB, 640x853, 640:853, 7cbc15b5439420943f77441d22….jpg) (h) (u)


Theyre not relevant. Theyre not even relevant to ppl in the normiesphere. Good info attracts interest. They didnt.

Seriously look at what kind of views per vid normies doing Q on YT get and look at BC17s 10k followers. Whatever they were doing they werent giving up sauce. Whats point of coming here every 2 days and advertising the 'fact' theyre 'legit'?

a92d81 (7) No.1547077>>1547094 >>1547149


I have seen em around, paid 0 fucks to them before they started to make this claim about JA..

Now they appear to be fake and gay, like AIM / corsi / AJ / beanz / pamphlet… blah blah blah

ca5bde (15) No.1547078


Correct. No mercy.

be6330 (4) No.1547079>>1547102

File (hide): 8d3c24be5b3c114⋯.jpg (140.17 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, jidf en masse.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5e91ba10e1de856⋯.jpg (118.3 KB, 1481x878, 1481:878, blossom jewish supremacst.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 60e977eec3e4825⋯.jpg (103.76 KB, 741x500, 741:500, 1965 immigration act jews.jpg) (h) (u)

Remember anons, JIDF are active in these threads. Americans are sleeping at present so they gain a foothold, pushing the narrative towards Hezbollah and Iran.

Real anons know who the true enemy is, both inside and outside our nation states. That's why Q came to /pol/. Do NOT let (((them))) shift the narrative.

86322a (3) No.1547080

File (hide): e2bfded44b89f99⋯.jpg (140.66 KB, 630x630, 1:1, KeK AF Glide Path Jake.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d694ed2f03a9171⋯.jpg (702.77 KB, 1603x925, 1603:925, Screenshot-2018-5-26 ADS-B….jpg) (h) (u)

2 RAF Tornados left Amman Jordan

21K Alt 500 Knots

Must be nice!

dae8af (8) No.1547081



plane registered to Stammair Guernsey Ltd.

0c267e (15) No.1547082>>1547095



Could Castle be a reference to a house?

Your home is your Castle?

0c267e (15) No.1547084

File (hide): ec24ebec4065386⋯.png (382.09 KB, 669x614, 669:614, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


PR home

e23538 (2) No.1547085>>1547326

File (hide): 91b88036112f3f0⋯.jpg (82.69 KB, 900x600, 3:2, rimpac.jpg) (h) (u)


dc302a (29) No.1547086>>1547128 >>1547139




Do NOT include anything from BC17. They are fake and gay and called out by Q.

6f776c (8) No.1547087>>1547101



agreed. we are along for the ride. i wish well for everyone who knows this.

sorry if you think it's a bad plan, but i trust it, i'm going to keep trusting it, and i'm hopeful for the future.

b484f2 (4) No.1547088

>>1545867 (prev)

Back away from the crack pipe, newbie anon.

Better to spend your time dreaming of winning the Power Ball Jackpot. Your odds would be radically increased.

Even if Crack is not our release of choice, there IS a support join available to shed the affliction with which you are consumed.

A lot of us here have been there. The situation at hand will require you have your best wits about you and eyes wide open in order to be of best service to yourself and those you love. While it may seem like there is nothing in your control, your sobriety and enlightenment are. I pray daily for those for which this has not yet occurred, and will happily add you to that list.

God Speed.

dc5cf6 (20) No.1547089>>1547096 >>1547104 >>1547156


> I think your just frustrated because …

Thank you, for your reply.

No, I'm not frustrated.

I'm an adult.

What I'm doing here is criticising Q's modi operandi, because I wouldn't act like them.

If I were interested in giving info to an audience, I would show up more regularly and treat my audience with some respect.

I lived before Q and I will live without Q, when Q's time is over.

But I'll never will just "applaud" or excuse, what Q is doing or not doing.

6cca0e (1) No.1547090>>1547135

Backchannel17 claims to be JA.

9ca613 (1) No.1547091>>1547099 >>1547148

This board has turned to shit

6a7eb4 (7) No.1547092


BO is this the same one claiming the 27th will be the end?

13f210 (21) No.1547093


thank you ….ah

78bed4 (23) No.1547094

File (hide): ea5c14561e08c07⋯.jpg (20.05 KB, 468x427, 468:427, ASSANGE free Julian.jpg) (h) (u)


Thx Anon - 'splains why the Anon Radar dint go off about it

43d21b (25) No.1547095>>1547112


>Could Castle be a reference to a house?

>Your home is your Castle?

For sure! What caught my attn with this PR interview was this….

Well, my kids have only known me their entire lives as a weekend dad.

RYAN: Well -- but I wasn't gonna resign. And I never ruled out retirement. I've said all along, just like Janna and I do every two years, we, before the filing deadline, decide whether we're gonna stay or not. The filing deadline's coming up. We made our decision a different way this year. You know why? 'Cause our kids aren't getting younger. I gotta tell you, Gayle, I've had so many people in their 50s, 60s and 70s tell me, "I wish I spent more time with my kids." Well, my kids have only known me their entire lives as a weekend dad. And now they're teenagers in or about to be in high school. And you know–

I believe Q will reveal how social services in this country has been weaponized and there are MILLLIONS of parents across this country who's kids have been KIDNAPPED BY US GOVERNMENT to steal tax payer money.


ca5bde (15) No.1547096>>1547106


No one cares about your shit opinions, you entitled whiny leftist asshole. Leave here.

dae8af (8) No.1547097


Stammair formed: 18 April 2017 (about 1 year ago) Zero web presence, nor public info, shell company?

6af2e2 (4) No.1547098


Yep, (((Blackcube))) is worth looking into.

602847 (2) No.1547099


This shit has turned to board.

397692 (4) No.1547100>>1547154 >>1547166


This is heavy-duty shilling.

Tommy Robinson is one of /ourguys/


Anti-Islam rape gangs (Rotherham, Telford).

Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller support him because he calls out Islamic rape gangs of young girls.

If that is your (((Jewish))) connection it's pretty tenuous.

The same people that are raping white and sikh girls in the UK are the ones that want to destroy Israel.

In case you don't know he's been arrested for reporting on the Islamic paedo rape gangs in a travesty of free speech/journalism in the UK.

Twat hashtags





as a side note, Theresa May was home secretary (head of police and immigration) at the time of the Rotherham rape gangs but refused to do anything about it. (((They))) have been after him ever since, and want him to be killed in prison.

It's all in his book "Enemy of the State"

dc5cf6 (20) No.1547101>>1547126 >>1547146


>sorry if you think it's a bad plan

I'm not talking about the plan.

I've been replying to an Anon, who said that Q not showing up, is a part of the plan.

This "not showing up", if it were part of the plan, is what I call a bad idea.

6af2e2 (4) No.1547102


I still want to fuck Blossom.

45fe8f (4) No.1547103

>>1547062 Correct. Teacheranon could have been me writing, in every detail. EXCEPT for the conclusion. Wrong. Memes are one of the main reasons we are here. We were selected for this reason, among others. This is WAR, teacheranon, and in war you must attack your enemy relentlessly. Push them back without giving them a tempo. Corner them and crush them. Let the young find out the truth……if they can't handle it, they will get flushed with the rest. Because we are taking out the trash, and giving other potential enemies the warning that if they foolishly decide to step out on the stage and bray at the world, there will be consequences.

143bd1 (4) No.1547104>>1547111


It think that you are viewing Q as a news show….or an entertainer…and we are an audience…..I guess we have a fundamentally different view of what/why Q is on this board. Have a good holiday weekend.

dc5cf6 (20) No.1547106


What gives you the impression that your dumb voice was needed to be heard?

35aa76 (5) No.1547107>>1547120 >>1547127


Just butting (sic?) in, but well said. Wish more people understood what you wrote. Would write a red "Notables," but it's actually worthy of being included at top in the bread. Should be mantra.

Sometimes people get too close and become testy as a result. Per your advice, I have found it very helpful to add a little spacing between my visits. My life sucks in the real world, nothing but stress and blue-pill friends and family, but, it still needs tending to. Everything requires proper balance.

72ea17 (3) No.1547108>>1547116

File (hide): 314c6ca499dc7c1⋯.png (924.8 KB, 800x800, 1:1, excrtvybunjmk.png) (h) (u)

94792c (2) No.1547109

File (hide): 10201a0e4f028e1⋯.jpg (168.11 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, collab.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 07e3f5c562e5c9e⋯.jpg (149.02 KB, 625x945, 125:189, collab2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4d047e8bdd0de53⋯.jpg (168.96 KB, 1136x718, 568:359, collab3.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 01a8bfcd72a0a13⋯.png (563.63 KB, 2872x3448, 359:431, QIBOR.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3a9d087e8070e4b⋯.png (360.82 KB, 1313x805, 1313:805, 400d0422ec5aa3437f6f79570f….png) (h) (u)

Internet Bill Of Rights

Let your voices be heard!




President Trump's twitter is officially a public forum, this gives you immunity to shadowbans and censorship when @POTUS.

Take this plot armor and go forth to spread the message!


Read carefully and honestly

Do you believe that your right to privacy and freedom of expression should pertain to your experiences online?

Do you believe that WE THE PEOPLE deserve full representation of our rights wherever we may go?

Do you believe that protections should be in place to preserve these rights?

Please, spread the word about the Petition and remind the people that they do indeed have the POWER and VOICE to create CHANGE


>#1. We the People have the Right to complete free speech when on the Internet.

>#2. We have the right and shall be guaranteed absolute privacy when online. There shall be no unauthorized monitoring, recording, or storing of our data at any time.

>#3. We shall be given access to the most up to date and powerful technology available to us, with all provisions & efforts made by our elected officials to ensure that our Internet quality is always reflective of its importance to our Republic.

>#4. We have the Right to NOT have our Internet throttled, prioritized, or restricted in any way.

>#5. We have the Right to select and appoint a new special council to oversee these Rights, and a report on the State of The American Internet shall be submitted to POTUS by January 15th of each year.

Remember that this is simply protections for our First and Fourth ammendent while online!

These should already be in place!

>>1489251 Internet Bill Of Rights

>>1489251 Internet Bill Of Rights

bit. ly/QIBOR



dc302a (29) No.1547110>>1547117 >>1547130


I don't give a rat's ass about your theory, frankly. I don't even know what your theory is. Anytime you bring up BC17, I won't read a word of but instead call you out for being fake. BC doesn't belong here and you know it. Yet you continue to come here and push it. Therefore, I will continue calling you out. Simple as that.

dc5cf6 (20) No.1547111


>It think that you are viewing Q as a news show

you are entitled to think, whatever you want.

But here you are wrong.

0c267e (15) No.1547112


i was thinking PR was controlled and is now free?

397692 (4) No.1547114


This is bad.

Have been getting GDPR emails in my inbox for a few weeks.

I didn't realise that the whole Euro web has been Merk'd

e4d8a0 (1) No.1547116

cb375c (28) No.1547117

0c267e (15) No.1547118>>1547121 >>1547129 >>1547155

File (hide): d6c2b004248b148⋯.png (328.3 KB, 586x361, 586:361, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

new meeting!

b3a24c (10) No.1547119>>1547150 >>1547215 >>1547253

File (hide): 199c7cc27569eff⋯.jpg (30.45 KB, 586x553, 586:553, peepeewizard.jpg) (h) (u)


Eurobaker has returned

143bd1 (4) No.1547120>>1547282 >>1547337


That is exactly what I mean….I am using a little of the philosophy that got me sober. Balance and perspective. Having resentments or disappointment in others only leads to a bad outcomes. This is a river, just get in the let the flow take you.

dc5cf6 (20) No.1547121



eb8f96 (1) No.1547122>>1547178


78bed4 (23) No.1547123


Frankly the beautiful thing about POTUS and this board is Trust isn't necessary when FACTS are in evidence. Trust is a feeling - True Q Anons work with the intellect of sourced reliable facts~

dae8af (8) No.1547124>>1547163

File (hide): 9c4bbe4edf9b272⋯.jpg (74.16 KB, 917x335, 917:335, stammair.jpg) (h) (u)

ca5bde (15) No.1547125


Remove the garbage BC garbage. FFS this was called out by Q directly.

dc302a (29) No.1547126


Q comes here to drop crumbs when they need to be dropped. It's not suppose to be everyday for snowflakes to hold his hand.

bda61c (6) No.1547127>>1547212


>Sometimes people get too close and become testy as a result. Per your advice, I have found it very helpful to add a little spacing between my visits. My life sucks in the real world, nothing but stress and blue-pill friends and family, but, it still needs tending to. Everything requires proper balance.

If I didn't read the Bible and Spurgeon's Daily devotions every morning and evening, (see below for today's Morning Devotion) I wouldn't be able to withstand the flood of evil that is being exposed here, so I understand completely where anons are coming from and the need for a break from here - whatever form that takes.


“Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee.”

- Psa_55:22

Care, even though exercised upon legitimate objects, if carried to excess, has in it the nature of sin. The precept to avoid anxious care is earnestly inculcated by our Saviour, again and again; it is reiterated by the apostles; and it is one which cannot be neglected without involving transgression: for the very essence of anxious care is the imagining that we are wiser than God, and the thrusting ourselves into his place to do for him that which he has undertaken to do for us. We attempt to think of that which we fancy he will forget; we labour to take upon ourselves our weary burden, as if he were unable or unwilling to take it for us. Now this disobedience to his plain precept, this unbelief in his Word, this presumption in intruding upon his province, is all sinful. Yet more than this, anxious care often leads to acts of sin. He who cannot calmly leave his affairs in God’s hand, but will carry his own burden, is very likely to be tempted to use wrong means to help himself. This sin leads to a forsaking of God as our counsellor, and resorting instead to human wisdom. This is going to the “broken cistern” instead of to the “fountain;” a sin which was laid against Israel of old. Anxiety makes us doubt God’s lovingkindness, and thus our love to him grows cold; we feel mistrust, and thus grieve the Spirit of God, so that our prayers become hindered, our consistent example marred, and our life one of self-seeking. Thus want of confidence in God leads us to wander far from him; but if through simple faith in his promise, we cast each burden as it comes upon him, and are “careful for nothing” because he undertakes to care for us, it will keep us close to him, and strengthen us against much temptation. “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusteth in thee.”

0d9811 (24) No.1547128

>>1547086 So onerous.

a92d81 (7) No.1547129>>1547147


>watch the water…

No water… Is that like no beef?

cb375c (28) No.1547130>>1547136

File (hide): e5f7f41bae3d783⋯.png (485.72 KB, 467x1040, 467:1040, the-safe-choice-alt2.png) (h) (u)



e12aa0 (9) No.1547131>>1547140


Bumping this for Notables.

Did spy order come directly from Obama?

(suggested title)

I am not overly thrilled about pointing out yet more crime by the black hats. Like many here I am just pissed off every day with no arrests.

however, we need to know the truth, and if "It was 100 percent Obama" is the truth, let's make that part of our message.

"OBAMA DID IT" maybe.

Anyway, anon is right, this is Notable.

dae8af (8) No.1547132


Looks like a financial services company registered to Guernsey with no supporting info to doc as a legit business. Same old story with these people.

b2d84f (16) No.1547133>>1547145 >>1547226

File (hide): 2baebc552ba5676⋯.png (9.44 KB, 466x186, 233:93, 1.png) (h) (u)

I don't see what is so hard to understand about this drop.

Can someone explain to me why it's so difficult for some anons to comprehend what this means?

944197 (16) No.1547134

They all are. It's a nest of financial do=baddery.

dc302a (29) No.1547135


Too funny. When bc created their twitter account in April, they claimed to be insiders at USAF. So full of shit.

78bed4 (23) No.1547136

File (hide): b4f9566a7457ec3⋯.jpg (58.07 KB, 960x640, 3:2, Pelosie CanYouRead].jpg) (h) (u)

43d21b (25) No.1547137>>1547152 >>1547172

I believe one purpose of Q drops here is to 'mirror' Bill Gates' Grand Challenges…

The Grand Challenges in Global Health is a research initiative launched by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in search of solutions to health problems in the developing world.

gatesfoundation.org, "The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation recognizes that solving the most pressing challenges in global health and development requires more of the world's brightest minds working on them."

a78499 (7) No.1547138>>1547142 >>1547461

File (hide): 516d3f3eafcbd4e⋯.jpg (80.65 KB, 623x710, 623:710, khan podesta twitter.JPG) (h) (u)



0d9811 (24) No.1547139>>1547145


So much for internet bill of rights….


aa766e (2) No.1547140


The twitter link quotes the law that supports the claim that POTUS can do this.

b79553 (10) No.1547141


TY, Anon.

a92d81 (7) No.1547142


Podesta can only get man/boys now? kek

Getting some london spirit curry

14feb7 (1) No.1547143


WTF is that? Weird

944197 (16) No.1547144

File (hide): 435fc9cf2219554⋯.jpg (632.51 KB, 1885x969, 1885:969, FRAFD 26 May 18 1315.jpg) (h) (u)

French Air Farce are headed seriously East. We'll probably lost them over Romania as ADS-B gets patchy there.

b2d84f (16) No.1547145

eac20e (2) No.1547146


Stop being such a bitch and figure things out for yourself.

Not everyone is so stupid as to start convulsing with doubt if Q doesn't come to the board daily.

Anons who actually understand what the fuck is happening barely need Q anymore, it's getting pretty easy to read events and understand what is for narrative purposes, what to ignore, what is relevant to the overall plan, etc.

I'm glad Q isn't catering to pathetic retards like you.

2083f2 (2) No.1547147>>1547200


Snow and frozen water in the mountains on the background, good weather and sunny, so the snow/frozen water will melt

b8f043 (1) No.1547148>>1547169


Q keeps the board on track

848aed (1) No.1547149


they sound very much like one of the affiliated larping namefags


dd256d (18) No.1547150>>1547232


Think I'm good. Gonna handoff at beginning of next bread if you're still around. Thanks tho

e69054 (4) No.1547151


Looks like archive.or has a snapshot:


78bed4 (23) No.1547152>>1547159 >>1547383


D NOT come here praising Gates please - THINK:

Gates Foundation (PIC RELATED) was run by Sylvia Matthews Burwell wh went on to join Obama eventually heading bamacare GATES FOUNDATION is fully corrupt now thx to the Cabal get used to it.

944197 (16) No.1547153

File (hide): 5071ae7af9da14b⋯.jpg (554.03 KB, 1817x945, 1817:945, Canucks 26 May 18 1315.jpg) (h) (u)

Canucks headed into Jordan, most likely, French Air Farce in trail. Netherlands and Brits from earlier will also be out there somewhere.

be6330 (4) No.1547154


Robinson is a Zionist operative. He exists to hide the Jewish role in the collapse of the UK.

This is done by a false dichotomy wherein Israel is painted as being on the side of the football lads.

Nick Griffen tells how he was approached by Zionists who offered to fund the BNP IF they dropped their opposition to jews and banks.

Griffen refused. A week later the EDF was formed with Tommy Robinson - a fully loyal Zionist - as it's head.

Robinson IS a psyop. Another layer of insurance for (((the globalists))) who own the UK.

602847 (2) No.1547155


I swear this is the fucking "watch the water"

e12aa0 (9) No.1547156>>1547168

File (hide): e3eb8bdf78189f1⋯.jpg (100.22 KB, 960x539, 960:539, seemnice.jpg) (h) (u)


Read and learn, and especially read the history of Q posts since October.

You do not have the concept of what is going on here, at all.

Anons will rip you a new one if you persist with this simpering fuckery.

PS I am being friendly.

9dcc01 (22) No.1547157>>1547161 >>1547171 >>1547184 >>1547237 >>1547328


You're a dying breed, anon. You don't take it upon yourself to teach children what to think. Only HOW to think. That is the goal of education. Or…what used to be the goal. My parents must not have trusted the public school system because I remember being a loud mouthed little shit when I was in elementary school, questioning my teachers and getting into arguments with them about politics. Mind you, I went to a school in a school district that is considering pulling SROs from all of the schools, just as there's been a huge uptick in violence at all of the schools within the district. They don't expel you're black and bring a loaded handgun to school (just ask the kid who got busted for it a second time and not expelled). My mouth got me into a lot of trouble for "challenging authority" like my 5th grade teacher telling the class that Bill Clinton is a role model. I laughed and called her out in class, said "A rapist is a role model? Who else? Is Jeffrey Dahmer a role model?" (living in Wisconsin at the time, right after Dahmer arrested) "Get the FUCK OUT of my class!" Oops touched a nerve, didn't I? I just despise liars, always have, and I call it like it is. I don't care about someone's feelings when it comes to debating issues like gun rights. Emotions should not even be a factor.

Attacking Hogg personally is…he's made himself such a juicy target that it's extremely difficult to resist. By design or just stupidity. The kid lies so effortlessly it actually scares me. I don't know if he's dumb like a fox or just dumb for putting this asinine shit like "I can't tell the difference between fireworks and gunfire" on twatter. Not quite sure how to frame it so we are not attacking these kids personally, because they ARE liars. They are disrespectful little shits. The little "die in" stunts they're pulling, bullying companies into bending to their will, Hogg's outright attempted extortion of Publix.

Meme war is likely not the best way to fight this shit (but that doesn't mean it won't be fun). Counter with facts. Cold, hard facts. I'd like to think that the 18-24 crowd is capable of thinking for themselves if presented with all of the facts. Just requires faith in the generation's ability to actually think instead of being drones who are told what to think, too lazy to do the legwork themselves, etc. Sounds like your students are capable of that but not all teachers bother with making sure their students can think or learn. New generation of teachers from my shithead generation (millennial) just regurgitate information, kids memorize shit, spit it back out for an exam, forget it. They believe the classroom is the place for politics. I could rant about the education system for days.

78e09b (1) No.1547158>>1547174 >>1547191



Is this what Antifa is up to now?

43d21b (25) No.1547159


>D NOT come here praising Gates please - THINK:

I did NOT come here praising Gates. I quoted what they said about Grand Challenges. PERIOD

Crumbs are dropped here and brightest minds (autists) work on them here.


dd256d (18) No.1547160


So what's the final trigger? Will it trigger the shot heard round the world?

cb375c (28) No.1547161>>1547164

File (hide): 5a3363227ee0652⋯.png (314.53 KB, 500x504, 125:126, blj2.png) (h) (u)


>Meme war is likely not the best way to fight this shit

944197 (16) No.1547162

File (hide): c57fd1c6e17962f⋯.png (598.85 KB, 800x600, 4:3, concern_vs_planefags.png) (h) (u)

You must be like planefags… ignore the shills and concernsfags, concentrate on the target.

944197 (16) No.1547163>>1547179


The whole 2-reg registry is full of stuff like that. You go around in circles and find nothing.

9dcc01 (22) No.1547164>>1547177


I'm eating crow. Thought about my comment, did a facepalm. Memes are pretty much the only way to fight that fuckin shit because of how they appeal to people who don't wanna do the digging. They want facts right in front of them. Memes accomplish that goal.

dae8af (8) No.1547165>>1547176


should have caught this. stammair guernsey lists its address as Quay House South Esplanade St Peter Port GUERNSEY GY1 4EJ. This is the St Peters Trust: http://www.stpeterstrust.com/ which popped up in the panama papers. similiar to delaware us scheme to house all manner of company registrations. still perplexed by stammair only in that there is not a trail to any sort of ownership.

be6330 (4) No.1547166>>1547198

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This isn't shilling.

Here's testimony Robinson is deep state. He's controlled opposition for the (((globalists)))

397692 (4) No.1547167

File (hide): 1edfec76c8dca77⋯.jpg (119.79 KB, 600x850, 12:17, dice.JPG) (h) (u)


Skull and Bones

Bohemian Grove

Secret societies

Council on Foreign Relations

Lucifer (LIGHT) = Satan


TEN FAMILIES of the NWO: Collins, Dupont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li, Onassis, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russell, Van Duyn, Merovingian.

New World Order

etc etc

all explained in Mark Dice's book.

Reading it this week while Q is having a break.

Essential reading IMHO.

b11b14 (7) No.1547168


This is correct.

Some people have trouble grasping what Q is and what this is all about.

>"his audience"

Most anons would say "GTFO" at this point, so let's omit that remark and remain polite and loving. Why are anons most definately not an "audience"?

13f210 (21) No.1547169


maybe more so…now thats he / they aren't banned for life

ca5bde (15) No.1547171

File (hide): bb8e2e9e3bb6d5c⋯.png (703.03 KB, 662x635, 662:635, bb8e2e9e3bb6d5cc5e7c47f3a2….png) (h) (u)


Your word wall vs. meme. You lose every time. Leave here you ignorant misinformed child

>Meme war is likely not the best way to fight this shit

78bed4 (23) No.1547172


>I believe one purpose of Q drops here is to 'mirror' Bill Gates' Grand Challenges


5c0788 (5) No.1547173>>1547195 >>1547218 >>1547324



1664f8 (14) No.1547174

File (hide): d7a55d8c552013a⋯.jpg (11.99 KB, 255x134, 255:134, Sarah Anon.jpg) (h) (u)

dc302a (29) No.1547175


Why would Rex have to go before Congress?

944197 (16) No.1547176>>1547216


I couldnb't find 2-RBTS Ltd. last night. I tried searchjing but info just isn't out there. It's registered in Jersey, but almost no info on it.

cb375c (28) No.1547177


Memes are distilled facts that touch logic and emotion simultaneously. The problem with words alone is that logic doesn't make it through the emotional filter. Memes are a dual-pronged attack that strike before the gates close.

13f210 (21) No.1547178


wait what 1948?

dae8af (8) No.1547179


sometimes anon gets lucky, but yeah, totally agree

944197 (16) No.1547180

File (hide): 4b3ee533c568025⋯.jpg (433.26 KB, 1821x799, 1821:799, Combat Sentry 26 May 18 13….jpg) (h) (u)

RC-135U Combat Sentry BUDD74 off the Lebanese / Israeli coast. I saw this the other night but it dropped off before I could capture it.

72ea17 (3) No.1547182

File (hide): 4d50dc9dc7c8723⋯.png (308.32 KB, 800x800, 1:1, typt.png) (h) (u)

9471db (1) No.1547183


Who gives a shit about the 'royals' they are leeches. I find it funny that the 'royal' family now has coon blood. It would be friggen hysterical if they had a kid and the nigger dna took over and it was as black as an africal porch monkey. LoL.

45fe8f (4) No.1547184>>1547187 >>1547196 >>1547202

>>1547157 Hogg is our enemy. He has declared himself so in every way, after being selected by the beast as one of their point creatures. He made his choice. Yes, Hogg Boy, you are my enemy. You hate everything I love and are actively attempting to destroy it. For money. And you don't care if your mouth has become a conduit for a river of deceit. So be it. We are unmoved; we will speak our truth. THIS is how to reach that 18-24 age cohort. Lies of the magnitude being relentlessly forced upon the populace MUST be confronted.

d819ad (2) No.1547185

A forced diet for those inclined toward True Believers, a play in (n) acts.

548b99 (1) No.1547186


You seriously still cut and pasting this from 12 hours ago.. Probably Every Bread since 8pm last nite … Get some sleep and get original

dc302a (29) No.1547187


I wish there was some way we could cut off his financial backing.

944197 (16) No.1547188>>1547190 >>1547208

Heads up Planefags

Flightaware and ADS-B Flight Exchange history daat is being screwed with. Unless we track it live at the moment, we can't get any tracking information.

I got lucky with NAF11 earlier, but it's not working for F-RAFD now.

Stay frosty!.

4d8c9f (2) No.1547189>>1547204


She is pretty.

944197 (16) No.1547190



FFS, my typing sucks.

78bed4 (23) No.1547191


Apparently so <sigh


the U.S. intelligencia suffers from The Great Asleepening ad nauseum

f73524 (9) No.1547192

no matter your stance on hogg, we are anons, if some of us like an idea, we run with it. no one is forcing the others to partake. we all contribute in our own way, wether or not you see it that way is up to you.

b484f2 (4) No.1547193

File (hide): 5650f2bdfcc873f⋯.jpg (160.75 KB, 923x489, 923:489, D Hogg DA.jpg) (h) (u)

I do subscribe to the lying left and mouthpiece arguments.

However, still seems a shame to waste such a good one though.

11a582 (2) No.1547194

File (hide): de5244f7bdcbce0⋯.jpg (131.87 KB, 994x652, 497:326, IMG_20180525_185634.jpg) (h) (u)

(embellished on another Anons idea)

6a7eb4 (7) No.1547195>>1547213

File (hide): 1ad574a31661339⋯.png (462.02 KB, 1238x1456, 619:728, crossingtheline.png) (h) (u)


She just repositioned from the East Coast to the West Coast at the beginning of this year.

You've got my attention.


bda61c (6) No.1547196>>1547199 >>1547242 >>1547255 >>1547263 >>1547285


> Lies of the magnitude being relentlessly forced upon the populace MUST be confronted.

I totally agree; but they must be confronted with truth disclosed in cogent and reasond arguments, not with ad hominems. Ad homs are the resort of the liberal left who cannot formulate a decent argument and therefore attack the messenger instead of the message he bears. Why would anyone want to join the ranks of such intellectual dummies? Compelling arguments not ad homs is the way forward.

397692 (4) No.1547198>>1547223


Makes zero sense.

TR has been removed from Twatter and Zuckbook. If he was /their/ guy he would have bee protected.

He is not

a78499 (7) No.1547199>>1547255 >>1547285 >>1547351


>ad hominem


Ad hominem, short for argumentum ad hominem, is a fallacious argumentative strategy whereby genuine discussion of the topic at hand is avoided by instead (((attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument))), or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.

b79553 (10) No.1547200


A "thawing" of relations

90d66a (1) No.1547201>>1547229

>>1543754 (pb)

The EO giving TG top security clearance etc is a definite 'future proves past' for those keeping score.

Seems to me there are Q posts which referenced this a few months back.

Phonefagging so I'll never find it.


9dcc01 (22) No.1547202


Not just Hogg but Kasky, Gonzalez, and Tarr. Hogg is just a fucking attention whore who has declared himself head of this shit. As a gun owner, he definitely is my enemy. He seeks to deprive me of civil rights. I take great exception to that and it's even more insulting that someone who just graduated high school develops such a superiority complex. He'd trash a WWII vet who fought at Iwo Jima or stormed the beaches at Normandy if he thought it would get him something. He is not just our enemy, he is an enemy to the Constitution. An enemy to freedom and liberty. Who would have thought that a bunch of 18 year olds could be ao threatening to our constitutional republic.

2fe0e9 (1) No.1547203

File (hide): fafa2c150fd6511⋯.jpg (102.48 KB, 864x381, 288:127, Hillary Supports Cuomo Grr….jpg) (h) (u)

1be5f8 (12) No.1547204>>1547210


may God rest her soul

741240 (11) No.1547205>>1547228

[MIA] La la la…

… Guns blow doors to the system…


b11b14 (7) No.1547206

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

dae8af (8) No.1547208


check, seriously screwing with me. think we've been outed. all for a larp.

d59e59 (2) No.1547209>>1547215

File (hide): d811e5c211e1a04⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1064x773, 1064:773, pepe Gerome.png) (h) (u)

No Baker?

Just woke up, reading through last nights notables that i missed,

Found a post saying

we have no baker

do we still not have a baker?

can bake if there is no baker

haven't read through everything yet,

apologies if we already have one.

4d8c9f (2) No.1547210>>1547294

File (hide): f0b0d131d5b7d07⋯.jpg (53.13 KB, 697x795, 697:795, nasim-pray.jpg) (h) (u)

244d25 (1) No.1547211

Anyone here still investigating the Obama Hillary coins ?

35aa76 (5) No.1547212>>1547246


Thanks for sharing that. Truth be told, I really had not thought of it that way. It comes at a good time for me, where I have been trying to 'help' a situation far beyond my means (though it has enveloped me). I invaded his Providence (now that you mention it). I will start to implement what is described. The burden has been too big and, though well intentioned, beyond any assistance I can bring. Came at a good time as I have Memorial Day weekend to let it sink in before I have to face the situation again on Tuesday. Godspeed anon.

5c0788 (5) No.1547213>>1547252 >>1547262 >>1547324

File (hide): b2fcf04ea4bc941⋯.png (154.29 KB, 529x889, 529:889, Screenshot-2018-5-26 Subma….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): a7ac29ad7370042⋯.png (367.37 KB, 793x560, 793:560, Screenshot-2018-5-26 Spyin….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): a6af52256b39eeb⋯.png (762.41 KB, 804x530, 402:265, Screenshot-2018-5-26 Spyin….png) (h) (u)



b484f2 (4) No.1547214>>1547220 >>1547244


> . . . he argues that Obama undertook the spying on Trump’s campaign WITHOUT a FISA because . . . He didn’t need one. It’s right there in the law.

Point me to that Law. Give me the US Code.

Seems you are smarter than the Constitutional Lawyers on FOX. Enlighten me, please.

d59e59 (2) No.1547215>>1547232





Just saw eurobaker is in here.

Praise KEK


dae8af (8) No.1547216


check this out: some dude uses "swifty" as a handle to log plane: https://forum.flightradar24.com/printthread.php?t=1872&pp=40&page=401


2018-05-12, 16:24




525B Citationjet CJ-3


dd256d (18) No.1547218>>1547222



U.S. Naval Academy is in Annapolis, MD

25dd2b (1) No.1547220>>1547235


Its pelican shit … Saw it posted word for word last nite at like 8pm

a78499 (7) No.1547221


5c0788 (5) No.1547222>>1547274


God Bless him..

be6330 (4) No.1547223>>1547227

File (hide): 8770af424f5d419⋯.jpg (43.5 KB, 720x450, 8:5, herzel masonry.jpg) (h) (u)


Yep because it's beyond the capabilities of the (((globalists))) to lend their man some credibility. Think deeper anon. Look how deeply (((they))) calculate

46f265 (1) No.1547225


"We found antibiotics, we found antidepressants, chemotherapy drugs, heart medications and also oxycodone," biologist Jennifer Lanksbury, who led the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife study, told K5 News.

0d9811 (24) No.1547226>>1547238


No known comms exist between Q and BC17, and such was never said.

That doesn't mean BC17 wasn't an Anon, any anon or, like you or me, or a nobody doing the fight fight fight. But here he is likened to a leper. Seems to be hated like Corsi. Unfair. BC17 is not known to be a paytriot.

S/he never said s/he had comms with Q.

I just said I had a theory that BC17 might have a connection with or even = JA.

BC17 never said he was JA, but certainly left the impression that s/he knew about JA's freedom. Even repeated JA's code.

"Cop" -anon then goes ballistic saying that Q never had comms with BC17, which I do not disagree with at and kept namefaging for no reason.

I don't see any of this to contract any of what Q has said.

I'm not trying to shit your platform. I love it here. Sorry if I'm not as autistic as most of you. I mean not harm to your "culture" of Kekistan. I've been larping since Nov. 2nd. Don't shit on me because I'm not like you.

11a582 (2) No.1547227

File (hide): 5cecec9d82693b6⋯.jpeg (95.86 KB, 1440x577, 1440:577, 1523649481.jpeg) (h) (u)

9dcc01 (22) No.1547228>>1547234


Joe Biden self-defense class. Also, if you hear a noise outside, just load a couple shells of 00 buck into your break barrel, double barrel shotgun and fire off both shells into the air. Erm wait…double barrel…both shells…out of ammo. I'm not sure if he just doesn't think at all before opening his mouth or he does, and this is what he comes up with. Honestly can't say which one is worse. Either way, it's fucking idiotic.

I've actually seen multiple criminal cases where someone actually took Biden's advice and ended up with a felony reckless discharge charge. There's actually the Biden defense being used. "Vice President Biden told me to do it." It doesn't work. I don't know what's worse. Biden giving this advice or people actually listening to him.

dc302a (29) No.1547229


What EO gave Gowdy higher security clearance???

3d5d9d (3) No.1547230

have the feds rounded up the CBTS crew pretending to be Q yet? They're saying to watch the news. Gonna be good!

a78499 (7) No.1547231

File (hide): a71ed74a4e2a6f0⋯.jpg (24.25 KB, 294x346, 147:173, fbi twitter ou may like.JPG) (h) (u)

FBI Twitter page.

CNN being recommended BOTHERS me…even of it is auto-generated…anyone know?

b3a24c (10) No.1547232

File (hide): e0ae15fc5dca4e3⋯.png (366.29 KB, 596x720, 149:180, 1526973968516.png) (h) (u)




thanks darling

741240 (11) No.1547233>>1547239

Anons, I'm backing off for today.

Start researching here:


I strongly believe this is very important.


Godspeed patriots.

741240 (11) No.1547234


Great input patriot!

Thank you!

b484f2 (4) No.1547235


I hadn't seen it, although I did read that this morning. Was being sarcastic so he could see we weren't that stupid and maybe stop.

Was so retarded I had to respond before some other nigger picked up that banner.

0a61b4 (4) No.1547236>>1547250

File (hide): fd468beda0ddc8e⋯.jpg (40.47 KB, 603x370, 603:370, Q-f666d7.jpg) (h) (u)

>>1545448 #1943

>NEW Epstein Island Images


1664f8 (14) No.1547237>>1547259 >>1547265 >>1547268 >>1547328


Thank you, Anon. Sorry for my word wall. I was on a rant and just wanted to state my mind before the bread ends. And sorry for your experience in public education. Like I said, I have been fortunate to teach in a conservative district, but I am fully aware of the influence/infiltration of leftist ideology in our schools.

It may interest you to know that just yesterday I had a conversation with another old English teacher fag who expressed his dismay that in recently teaching "Brave New World," some of his students found nothing wrong with government-issued Soma (blue pills) and actually could not embrace the notion of dystopia as a bad thing.

He said, (and I paraphrase), "Orwell is thought of the master of exposing the dangers of Big Brother/Big Government imposing mind control on the people, but I think Huxley was more on point in that people will ASK for the infringement of rights upon themselves. They WANT to be blue-pilled, told what to think and what to do." (End Paraphrase)

On another note: be assured I am not at all against the meme-war per se. Some of the memes I have seen are in fact quite effective -- like the facts about school shootings occurring mostly in gun-free zones, etc. And the abortion statistics certainly do counter the "children are dying" argument.

I just hope that Anons keep the memes clean, and I would further suggest they target Hogg's "adult" supporters.

Newsflash -- one of them is the NEA. There you go.

dc302a (29) No.1547238>>1547254 >>1547266 >>1547272 >>1547275


Why are you continuing to push BC????? STOP!!!


b3a24c (10) No.1547239>>1547245

File (hide): 880ba4356b28906⋯.png (57.39 KB, 1621x495, 1621:495, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)



ca5bde (15) No.1547242>>1547284


Why are you setting up a false dichotomy? It's not

>muh well-reasoned arguments


>muh ad hominos

Maybe no one is arguing that?

You are in the middle of a global war, and you think polite arguments will win the day. You misunderstand everything, including the forum in which you are presently posting. Welcome to the chans. We elected POTUS through meme magic, not leftist lying. Why are you saying otherwise?

a74e2c (2) No.1547243


I further weigh in that the ultra skinny models of which Twiggy was hugely popular are an effort to trick women to want a man body with no hips. This encourages women to starve themselves to have a mans body. and entices men to lust after men. Public is unawares, mostly.

9dcc01 (22) No.1547244>>1547256 >>1547258


50 U.S.C. § 1802

HOWEVER, one GLARING problem with Obama using this statute as basis for warrantless spying…


(1) Notwithstanding any other law, the President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance without a court order under this subchapter to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year if the Attorney General certifies in writing under oath that---


(B) there is no substantial likelihood that the surveillance will acquire the contents of any communication to which a United States person is a party; and

Let's see here. Ordering surveillance on US citizens under a statute that expressly prohibits exactly what Obama did. That's a problem.

741240 (11) No.1547245>>1547247 >>1547287 >>1547432


Thanks for catching it.

Get into the connections between him/Germans.

See you later anons.

Love you all!

bda61c (6) No.1547246>>1547320


You're welocme, Anon. I can't tell you how much Spurgeon's Daily Devotions have helped me. I use e-Sword (online Bible) with Spurgeon's Daily Devotions as one of the optional add-ons, so I can easily refer to Scripture when I'm browsing here - it's my plumbline against which I measure everything to determine its truth or lack thereof. God bless you, Anon. "Cast all your anxiety on him, because He cares for you." 1Pet 5:7

I will be praying for you, dear one.

3faaee (2) No.1547247


love you too

catch ya later

dc69e2 (5) No.1547248


This bee image sparked a memory of a film The constant gardener. About a Parma company trying to cover up a bad drug.

It is actually a novel written by John le Carrè, the pen name of David John Moore Cornwell - a former MI6 spy.

From wiki:

>John le Carré writes in the book's afterword: "by comparison with the reality, my story [is] as tame as a holiday postcard".[1] The book is dedicated to Yvette Pierpaoli, a French activist who died during the course of her aid work.

A few possible mines to dig on the Parma front.


0a61b4 (4) No.1547250

File (hide): ccf529288f8de3c⋯.png (22.76 KB, 217x227, 217:227, 123ABC321.png) (h) (u)

>>1546114 #1943

Nice work, anon.

Wish more would acknowledge the letter-# connection.

Opens a whole new realm of understanding & decoding.


11427f (9) No.1547251

File (hide): dedfbc0243f12ef⋯.jpg (262.31 KB, 671x1037, 11:17, Clapper lies.jpg) (h) (u)

HRC spent $1,200,000,000 on her losing 2016 campaign.

Russian Company spent $100,000.

Clapper still lying about Russia turning the election toward Trump! lmao

I guess she should have spent $1,200,100,000!!!

Idiots! smh

6a7eb4 (7) No.1547252>>1547264 >>1547324 >>1547449

File (hide): 0aa8327ed241173⋯.png (449.23 KB, 1340x1452, 335:363, sub01.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ddbdc080b01b506⋯.png (199.19 KB, 1356x624, 113:52, sub02.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): cc8d824c30e8daa⋯.png (398.77 KB, 1336x1264, 167:158, sub03.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3b29f56027d3fbe⋯.png (300.82 KB, 1394x916, 697:458, sub04.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9212235485bd5a4⋯.png (269.79 KB, 1260x922, 630:461, sub05.png) (h) (u)



c108a5 (13) No.1547253


That pepe is so lit

b2d84f (16) No.1547254>>1547269 >>1547319


The future is looking pretty dim when individuals like that can't understand a simple drop that clearly tells us that we are not suppose to mingle outsider's bullshit with Q's drops.

I'm really starting to believe that asshat is nothing more than a paid shill or an actual clown trying to shove disinfo down our throats.

1664f8 (14) No.1547255>>1547285

File (hide): e76d35202b9f6df⋯.jpg (45.31 KB, 508x219, 508:219, DigitAnon.jpg) (h) (u)

dc302a (29) No.1547256


My thoughts exactly, tho I am not a lawfag. That is for foreign surveillance. Potus had no direct contact with Halper or Steele or any of the unknown characters consider foreign.

92893d (3) No.1547257

File (hide): 1ecaf96ea21d036⋯.mp4 (11.81 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Full Circle.mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

full circle Q proof..hit me shills..

to all good people..EXPAND YOUR THINKING.

78bed4 (23) No.1547258>>1547281

cb375c (28) No.1547259>>1547267


>I just hope that Anons keep the memes clean

You’re in the wrong place. There is nothing clean about what they’re doing, and there will be nothing clean about the response in totality. Sure, there will be individuals that subscribe to your ethos creating “clean” memes (whatever those are; memes are memes if they are effective, and not memes if they aren’t; cleanness is only ancillary)

However, the overwhelming majority will be ignoring your pleas and doing whatever memery is necessary. Memery is amoral and seeks truth. If the truth demands viciousness, there will be viciousness.

b11b14 (7) No.1547260


>“Where is the money going? Nobody knows,” said Franklin Spinney, a retired military analyst for the Pentagon and critic of Defense Department planning.

c4d1b1 (4) No.1547261


“What? Did absolutely none of my countrymen read my Book?” - George Orwell

5c0788 (5) No.1547262


well done

45fe8f (4) No.1547263

>>1547196 Well, those reasoned arguments are certainly there already. With the touch of the keyboard, any person can access just about anything. But many do not WANT to do it. They are too lazy, too confident in their ignorance, and too absorbed in the myriad of distractions available. Our large cities now have a functional illiteracy rate of 50%. To reason with such, in writing, is not only a fool's errand, but also throwing pearls before swine.

5c0788 (5) No.1547264>>1547283


well done..

78bed4 (23) No.1547265



this iznt a chatbard Dumbass

0d9811 (24) No.1547266>>1547279



But that doesn't mean he doesn't know about JA.

I have no agenda with BC17 and won;t bring him/her up again. BC17 is gone anyway.

But he/she is not a leper nor contradicts Q.

I won't bring him/her up again.

However, I do think JA has a roll to play.

1664f8 (14) No.1547267>>1547273


As I said, Anon. Meme away. Just know there are millions of 18-24 year olds who are watching and trying to decide which side of the blue/red polarity they wish to join as registered voters. What and How and to Whom you meme will effect their decision.

9dcc01 (22) No.1547268


Both 1984 and Brave New World were required material. Forgot when I first read 1984 but I do recall BNW being required in freshman English. Many students thought that Brave New World was how it should be, minus the test tube babies ("That's wrong!"). They were already brainwashed in the late 90s. They didn't really understand 1984, the message being sent. Which I find difficult, if not impossible to miss. This was back when teachers were given far more latitude than they have now. They think it's just a book rather than a warning to humanity.

They're (students) taught that the government is good. Government will protect you. Government will take care of you. And they drink the Kool-aid. That runs counter to everything we stand for as a nation. I'd estimate 75% of those in my graduating class (of 365) are still blue pilled and like it that way. They don't wanna hear anything that challenges their beliefs. And some have gone on to positions within the government, medicine, tech, etc. It's…staggering to see my childhood friends buy this shit, eat it up and ask for more. Sad.

dc302a (29) No.1547269


Either that or a desperate attempt at being a Q wannabe. But, with them continuing to push it here day after day, I think you are right. shill/clown.

574bac (1) No.1547270

Is Clint Watts (FBI, MSNBC, GMF) related to Shannon Watts (part of Bloomberg gun control cult)

Looks like she’s lived Missouri, Indiana, Colorado, has also gone by Shannon Troughton

Cant find any info on him pre-college

https://www. americas1stfreedom.org/articles/2014/9/1/not-watts-she-seems/

https://www. marathi.tv/personalities/shannon-watts/

https://www. denverpost.com/2017/06/12/colorado-jared-polis-congressional-seat-candidates/

https://www. linkedin.com/in/shannontroughton


https:// edition.cnn.com/2017/03/30/politics/who-is-clint-watts/index.html

https://www. intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/documents/bio-cwatts-033017.pdf

755004 (1) No.1547271


Interesting. This meme (you know what memes we make )war against the left may turn off our credibility. Be very normiechans friendly.

3d5d9d (3) No.1547272


Q specifically said, "Those who claim to be intelligence are fake" BC17 is the ONLY one claiming to be intelligence. They saw the article about JA being evicted and are running with it on a gamble. Nothing more. Chances are, JA is going to be taken into custody and arrested and he's out of the US jurisdiction.

78bed4 (23) No.1547273>>1547295 >>1547299

File (hide): 03cac731be585d2⋯.jpg (137.8 KB, 632x391, 632:391, ShillClwnPRopaganda.jpg) (h) (u)


AFFECT not EFFECT hope yu dn't teach english

6a7eb4 (7) No.1547274


So it was a message.

3d5d9d (3) No.1547275>>1547292


Sorry, that was to the other dipshit, not you.

f73524 (9) No.1547276

b76c4b (1) No.1547277>>1547286 >>1547289

BackChannel17 is Julian Assange





447991 (2) No.1547278

Watch for June 3rd

Lance Wallnau


Justice coming.




dc302a (29) No.1547279



Shut up already. I'm not reading your theories. Got it? Nobody cares about you or BC.

Continue and you will be spamming the bread and subject to banning.

5d6018 (7) No.1547280

Prince Albert and Anderson Cooper currently up close and personal chatting away together at the Monaco F1 Qualifying

9dcc01 (22) No.1547281


Obama certainly had a knack for picking morally deficient individuals for his cabinet.

35aa76 (5) No.1547282>>1547337


We are on the same page anon. Well said.

(Unrelated), the only other thing I feel compelled to add is that, for me (and with close to thirty five, out of fifty, years on the front lines), I came to view sobriety not as an end in and of itself, but more a state of mind. For me, do I function well in society and/while making sure NOT to cause harm to others? If I can answer in the affirmative to both, all is well (though I'm typically broke). I would ask the casual observer if they felt my postings were written by someone 'under the influence.' If a tree falls in the woods…

That said, one must be honest with themself and be able to fairly, and accurately, gauge one's well being. 'To thine own self be true.'

Forget the proper spelling (on a bad computer), but, if interested, look up the difference between Mallum per se AND

Mallum prohibitum (sic?)

Those acts that are innately bad/evil (child abuse), and those only wrong when measured by society (driving 60mph on a 55mph street).

Throw your religious beliefs into the former category. I don't get too hung up living how another person defines as sober. Only by my own (honest) measure. Something about crazy being well adjusted in an insane world. Unfortunately I know too many sober people who would benefit from a medically supervised (or shaman assisted) 'high.' They are so judgmental and stressed out it's killing us. Godspeed.

6a7eb4 (7) No.1547283


Thank you. I'm trying to piece it all together.

bda61c (6) No.1547284>>1547293 >>1547307


I don't believe I have presented a false dichotomy. I have seen memes that in very few words have presented good arguments and are therefore incredibly effective. I have also seen memes that are little more than ad homs attacks. I think the former are more effective than the latter. not the least because they raise the standard of discourse from a mere exchange of insults to an exchange of ideas.

Godspeed, Anon.

cb375c (28) No.1547285>>1547304




Oy vey goys, only the chosen are allowed muh precious “ad hominems”. We can use them as we wish, as often as we wish, with great impact, and with whatever viciousness we choose, but if you do the same it (((won’t be effective))).

Oy vey

dc302a (29) No.1547286


Reported for spamming

b3a24c (10) No.1547287>>1547432

File (hide): 3561c6f4943d225⋯.png (388.16 KB, 699x1203, 233:401, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5720ce268bbc481⋯.png (3.24 MB, 690x5113, 690:5113, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)



Don't know if this is what you meant, but hooo boy.. who is this servant of the devil?

a35c31 (3) No.1547288


It was executed against Romney/Ryan.

It is inconceivable that Trump/Pence didn't see it coming.

It is thus probably that Trump/Pence laid bait for it.

That's what makes it so glorious.

49094a (3) No.1547289


not unreasonable to ponder the notion in the absense of an internet connection of his own a clever friend was able to slip him a special smartphone

c4d1b1 (4) No.1547290>>1547303 >>1547311


Wait. How can Texas be one of the highest and California the lowest on that map??

742a64 (1) No.1547291

File (hide): 34dd0f706377530⋯.png (273.58 KB, 576x338, 288:169, Untitled.png) (h) (u)

found this on my FB page from yesterday, havnt seen it on the news though, not even FOX

dc302a (29) No.1547292


kek…no worries. Report dipshit for spamming. Maybe next bread will be more comfy.

cb375c (28) No.1547293


The prelude to an exchange of ideas is often an exchange of insults

a35c31 (3) No.1547294


That's really fucking warped, isn't it. Let the dead rest in peace.

1664f8 (14) No.1547295


Oh fuq. You are right, at least about affect/effect. Again, I stand corrected. Thank you, kind Anon.

447991 (2) No.1547296

good prophetic video

possibly happening by June 3rd

Justice for Trump

Take down of deep state.

78bed4 (23) No.1547297>>1547310

Note to self

JEWclownsShillSliders ETA 5-9AM daily per coast - Weekends they sleep in half an hour

a78499 (7) No.1547298>>1547334

File (hide): 11b2d8a1d6f0560⋯.jpg (70.34 KB, 571x424, 571:424, amazon rekognition 2018.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): a6c1f6a871eb103⋯.jpg (26.58 KB, 579x348, 193:116, amazon rekognition 2018_2.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 75224f35ce80874⋯.jpg (55.67 KB, 568x351, 568:351, amazon rekognition 2018_3.JPG) (h) (u)

Amazon Rekognition


9dcc01 (22) No.1547299>>1547312 >>1547313



Affect, verb, "to influence something." Effect, also a verb, "something that is/was influenced." It is the correct usage of the word "effect."

c4d1b1 (4) No.1547300



a35c31 (3) No.1547301

anonabees out in force today. #assholes

d71c12 (4) No.1547302


I think anon was suggesting you do some research of your own re the Rothschilds and "Windsor" DNA connections

324e15 (10) No.1547303>>1547309 >>1547353 >>1547417


A LOT of corrupt bastards here in TX! A lot of luciferians as well!

45fe8f (4) No.1547304>>1547317 >>1547318

>>1547285 Certain groups are fighting to literally exterminate us, along with the ideas we represent. But oh no, we can't call them what they are. Ridiculous and suicidal.

f73524 (9) No.1547306



Flipped so quick almost like it was part of the show. . .

ca5bde (15) No.1547307>>1547418


Anon, the majority of the world's population does not once in their day rely upon ideas or arguments. Meme does not operate at the level of intellectual discourse, and it's effectiveness has nothing to do with the intellect. Raw emotion to hammer raw truth, bypassing all discourse. How can you not know this? Here's a wordy book all about it: http://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/chicago/E/bo5966662.html

43d21b (25) No.1547308>>1547324

File (hide): 326cced014ac6dd⋯.png (212.02 KB, 769x449, 769:449, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)




I'm working on graphics to explain.


Q's present day playbook is based on successes in Operation Titan and Project Cassandra: YOU HAVE MORE THAN YOU KNOW!

Counter-Narco Terrorism Operations Center (CNTOC) organized a four-phased plan.


1. OFAC designations

2. 311 Actions against banks and exchange houses

3. Civil Money Laundering Actions

4. Criminal Prosecutions

9dcc01 (22) No.1547309


Before or after it began to turn purple (or royal blue in cities like Austin)?

0b395c (7) No.1547310>>1547333 >>1547338 >>1547371


Today they decided to pretend to be red pilled teachers with advice to dumb it down for the 18 - 24 yr old demo.

A wise man once said in a book nobody read…

"Until you are 30 people are basically worthless in their political opinions."

- That guy jews hate

324e15 (10) No.1547311>>1547316

>>1547290 Also…"Stupid" is everywhere, but the Stupid here in TX is far more pronounced!

1664f8 (14) No.1547312>>1547347


Fug me again. I actually think either affect/effect could be used in this case, but it's Saturday morning and yea, splitting hairs. Thank you.

78bed4 (23) No.1547313


Yu try to Affect an outcome, the Effect of the affectation is measurable.

To Effect an outcome is to ellicit it, not influence it.

Regardless of what Gurgle says

9e52ea (2) No.1547314


The IG Report.

d71c12 (4) No.1547315


Did you see her Instagram pic that looked like it belongs with the Ray Chandler shit on which she wrote "I know when caged birds sing"? or words to that effect

f73524 (9) No.1547316>>1547335 >>1547394

File (hide): 8a938a4423f0f0c⋯.jpg (372.45 KB, 610x494, 305:247, 7pDdSSG.jpg) (h) (u)


you have AJ to thank

1664f8 (14) No.1547317>>1547321 >>1547325


You will catch more flies with honey than you will with vinegar, Anon.

cb375c (28) No.1547318


It’s literally the occult--- not being able to see clearly what is before your very eyes in plain sight.


0d9811 (24) No.1547319>>1547323 >>1547342 >>1547345 >>1547366

>>1547254 Whatever dude. I'm just a dad with an autistic young daughter, a middle aged doctor that hates electronic medical records because my typing sucks. So back off. I'm sure I have a higher IQ than the mean. MCAT's, USMLE's, and Licenses. I won;t say more because I'm not going to dox myself. You take me as I am. No more. No less.

35aa76 (5) No.1547320


Cheers anon. I will look it up now. Thanks again (if only my own family were as helpful!).

0b395c (7) No.1547321


Guess what? Your honey didn't work here. Now fuck off.

96995f (2) No.1547322

Thanks Bakers, BO and Anons. Enjoy your werkends. Stay safe !

ca5bde (15) No.1547323


Here comes the high IQ slide. This fucking guy….

dd256d (18) No.1547324>>1547334 >>1547340 >>1547373 >>1547383

Last Call


>>1546686 Habbenings over on pol, possible Pedo Concentration Camp

>>1546730 DOJ Release on State Dept Official

>>1546791 , >>1546767 , >>1546815 JA/BC17 connections digs and speculates

>>1546818 Meghan Markle infographic and links

>>1546924 The final trigger

>>1547173 , >>1547213 , >>1547252 SSN-760 Annapolis, Radiant Gemstone, submarine digs

>>1547308 , >>1546758 Project Cassandra dig

e12aa0 (9) No.1547325


Please tell us more.

e23538 (2) No.1547326



f73524 (9) No.1547327

File (hide): ac76c281f538374⋯.png (939.89 KB, 917x619, 917:619, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

>Watch The Water

though it's not water


0a61b4 (4) No.1547328>>1547360

File (hide): d70579c410bdadb⋯.jpg (60.8 KB, 487x800, 487:800, TAROT_Fool-Hux.jpg) (h) (u)




Thx for sharing, anon.

If you and/or your colleague wanted to teach the REAL history on Huxley, check out the 2 speechs he gave in Cali in the early 60's:


Lays out the entire future playbook in full Technocolor.

Might be a fun exercise to play the full lecture in class & let the students hear Aldous break it down in his own words. That way no one (students/parents) can accuse you of injecting their brains with 'propaganda'.

The kids may not understand the entire speech, but willing to bet it will make a profound effect on at least a few of them. Could also be a good exercise to break the class into small groups and have each analyze a small part of transcript, then have the group explain it to the rest of the class.


Also, happen to agree with you 100% on little David.

Another fun little class exercise -- do a dig on the appearance of the Hoggs in US History (not Dukes of Hazzard).

e.g. Big Jim Hogg and his daughter Ima Hogg.

The kids might be surprised on what they find.

Godspeed, teacheranon. You're doing God's work planting seeds. Bless you and your colleague.

ddd0d9 (1) No.1547329>>1547332 >>1547387

God bless and keep you from harm, honest anons, this day and forever.

b11b14 (7) No.1547330

If a project is organized in such a way that not even the highest government officials elected by the People have the knowledge about it, then the project is not constitutional and all who are serving in or abiding by its rules it are rogue elements. Agreed or not?

b11b14 (7) No.1547332

File (hide): c076ff4af9e8267⋯.jpg (199.88 KB, 1050x763, 150:109, c076ff4af9e8267e0ca1742c28….jpg) (h) (u)


Thank you dear soul for stopping by.

9dcc01 (22) No.1547333>>1547343 >>1547434


>"Until you are 30 people are basically worthless in their political opinions."

I must agree with that statement as I don't believe that I actually had a grasp on how the world actually works until I hit 30, 31, around that age. All of these 20-somethings I deal with on a daily basis are willfully ignorant. They don't care about what's happening. They don't have skin in the game. Their 401k is managed by someone else. They were essentially given their job whereas I had to fight tooth and nail for mine. They've never had to fight for anything, everything is given to them.

a78499 (7) No.1547334


>>1547298 Amazon Rekognition Surveillance

324e15 (10) No.1547335>>1547365 >>1547375

>>1547316 …TX is a GREAT state, but the unholy spirit of pride has DEEP roots here! I remember a mindless political argument where a guy was arguing that he not only WANTED our (TX) politicians to be liars…he said he wanted our "liar" politicians to be the BEST liars in D.C. so they could "out lie" the other liars!

The "Stupid" that does exist here has no comparison anywhere else!

We've got "yellow dog" demoncrates here that won't vote any other way because…."that's how their great grand daddy voted, their grand daddy voted and their daddy voted"!

Literally no reasoning with the "stupid" that live here!

Fortunately, we've got men like Greg Abbott running the show!

1b0897 (5) No.1547336

>>1546543 (lb)

Compare to William and Kate's crest https://www.popsugar.com/celebrity/Kate-Middleton-Prince-William-Coat-Arms-31964414

Wider and more elaborate

Just grass underfoot with no flowers

Two crowns rather than just one (king and queen because William is a prince and Kate is a princess whereas Meghan is just a duchess even though Harry is a prince?), also another lion above the higher crown meaning their child will be the next prince?

Contains individual shields for each one; Harry&Meghan's contains only shield which is just a symbol rather than being round and usable in battle.

5d6018 (7) No.1547337

File (hide): 1dec28f2d88e7c6⋯.jpg (22.13 KB, 94x125, 94:125, IMG_1224.JPG) (h) (u)



Physical sobriety is the beginning

Then comes emotional sobriety, and oftentimes not until one hits a wall and that may take many years

it's a great blessing to have one and a spiritual awakening guarantees both

With work it can be achieved

This is the substance of a revealing letter which Bill Wilson wrote several years ago to a close friend who also had troubles with depression. The letter appeared in the "Grapevine" January, 1953. …

Next post

1664f8 (14) No.1547338>>1547364



>Today they decided to pretend to be red pilled teachers with advice to dumb it down for the 18 - 24 yr old demo.

That, Anon, is taking my words way out of context and thus false. Never said dumb it down, although it is apparent you yourself may not be the sharpest pencil in the box. Also not pretending.

9ce094 (2) No.1547339

File (hide): fd0729918aa2ffd⋯.jpg (86.09 KB, 851x781, 851:781, backitup.jpg) (h) (u)


From yesterday?

For archive us archive.org

and archive.is

They are not 100%. Things will be scrubbed and will disappear from there.

Therefore you must save locally and off-line.

To unload files [supposedly] anonymously go to Mega in NZ get free anon hosting where you can get a link, share the link to spread the data in case the archive[s] go bad?

dc302a (29) No.1547340>>1547344



What the fuq is wrong with you??? Take the stupid BC shit out of notables!

9e52ea (2) No.1547341>>1547355

File (hide): a447d3d80372bcd⋯.png (20.16 KB, 513x96, 171:32, hoggtwat.png) (h) (u)


Sign up FOR his meme war, then unleash the memes ON him and AGAINST the anti-2A.

78bed4 (23) No.1547342

File (hide): ccaba668a04475f⋯.jpg (41.2 KB, 424x283, 424:283, WrongVenueLibtard].jpg) (h) (u)


Lurk Moar

You Credentialed Intelligencia is what got us in this mess so take a moment, rethink your life path, slice open your massive IQ and realize that being the smartest guy in the forest doesnt mean sjit to a tree~

0b395c (7) No.1547343>>1547361 >>1547370


Congratulations you just agreed with Hitler. Now go read his book or never mention his name ever. (Not saying you did)

b3a24c (10) No.1547344

File (hide): d473dce6d89a405⋯.jpg (140.46 KB, 891x500, 891:500, oh-boy-biden.jpg) (h) (u)

324e15 (10) No.1547345

>>1547319 Our son is autistic…if you haven't heard about it, check out nonPariel.Institute!

Major good stuff going on there!

c4d1b1 (4) No.1547346>>1547354


BC17/JA slide fags.

9dcc01 (22) No.1547347


Parents always said I should be a lawyer because I play word games with shit like the word "is." Clinton-esque hair splitting. I don't even know why I jumped on that haha. It's the weekend and the English language is one of the most, if not the most difficult languages to learn much less master. Impossible to master IMO.

5d6018 (7) No.1547348>>1547362

Part 2


"I think that many oldsters who have put our AA "booze cure" to severe but successful tests still find they often lack emotional sobriety. Perhaps they will be the spearhead for the next major development in AA, the development of much more real maturity and balance (which is to say, humility) in our relations with ourselves, with our fellows, and with God.

Those adolescent urges that so many of us have for top approval, perfect security, and perfect romance, urges quite appropriate to age seventeen, prove to be an impossible way of life when we are at age forty-seven and fifty-seven.

Since AA began, I´ve taken immense wallops in all these areas because of my failure to grow up emotionally and spiritually. My God, how painful it is to keep demanding the impossible, and how very painful to discover, finally, that all along we have had the cart before the horse. Then comes the final agony of seeing how awfully wrong we have been, but still finding ourselves unable to get off the emotional merry-go-round.

How to translate a right mental conviction into a right emotional result, and so into easy, happy and good living. Well, that´s not only the neurotic´s problem, it´s the problem of life itself for all of us who have got to the point of real willingness to hew to right principles in all of our affairs.

Even then, as we hew away, peace and joy may still elude us. That´s the place so many of us AA oldsters have come to. And it´s a hell of a spot, literally. How shall our unconscious, from which so many of our fears, compulsions and phony aspirations still stream, be brought into line with what we actually believe, know and want! How to convince our dumb, raging and hidden ‘Mr. Hyde' becomes our main task.

I´ve recently come to believe that this can be achieved. I believe so because I begin to see many benighted ones, folks like you and me, commencing to get results. Last autumn, depression, having no really rational cause at all, almost took me to the cleaners. I began to be scared that I was in for another long chronic spell. Considering the grief I´ve had with depressions, it wasn´t a bright prospect.

I kept asking myself "Why can´t the twelve steps work to release depression?" By the hour, I stared at the St. Francis Prayer … "it´s better to comfort than to be comforted." Here was the formula, all right, but why didn´t it work?

Suddenly, I realized what the matter was. My basic flaw had always been dependence, almost absolute dependence, on people or circumstances to supply me with prestige, security, and the like. Failing to get these things according to my perfectionist dreams and specifications, I had fought for them. And when defeat came, so did my depression.

There wasn´t a chance of making the outgoing love of St. Francis a workable and joyous way of life until these fatal and almost absolute dependencies were cut away.

0d9811 (24) No.1547349>>1547386

>>154732 Only to defend myself against cop-anon who insists I'm a 12th grader. So back off.

5d6018 (7) No.1547350>>1547399 >>1547477

Part 3

Because I had over the years undergone a little spiritual development, the absolute quality of these frightful dependencies had never before been so starkly revealed. Reinforced by what grace I could secure in prayer, I found I had to exert every ounce of will and action to cut off these faulty emotional dependencies upon people, upon AA, indeed upon any act of circumstance whatsoever.

Then only could I be free to love as Francis did. Emotional and instinctual satisfactions, I saw, were really the extra dividends of having love, offering love, and expressing love appropriate to each relation of life.

Plainly, I could not avail myself to God´s love until I was able to offer it back to Him by loving others as He would have me. And I couldn´t possibly do that so long as I was victimized by false dependencies.

For my dependence meant demand, a demand for the possession and control of the people and the conditions surrounding me.

While those words "absolute dependence" may look like a gimmick, they were the ones that helped to trigger my release into my present degree of stability and quietness of mind, qualities which I am now trying to consolidate by offering love to others regardless of the return to me.

This seems to be the primary healing circuit: an outgoing love of God´s creation and His people, by means of which we avail ourselves of His love for us. It is most clear that the real current can´t flow until our paralyzing dependencies are broken, and broken at depth. Only then can we possibly have a glimmer of what adult love really is.

If we examine every disturbance we have, great or small, we will find at the root of it some unhealthy dependence and its consequent demand. Let us, with God´s help, continually surrender these hobbling demands. Then we can be set free to live and love: we may then be able to gain emotional sobriety.

Of course, I haven´t offered you a really new idea --- only a gimmick that has started to unhook several of my own hexes´ at depth. Nowadays, my brain no longer races compulsively in either elation, grandiosity or depression. I have been given a quiet place in bright sunshine."

Bill Wilson

3faaee (2) No.1547351


>(attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument

as every good lawyer knows these are actually critical points in credibility or lack therof…

d87342 (1) No.1547352

File (hide): 2484daf4bfd469e⋯.png (900.73 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, Peter-Zeihan.png) (h) (u)


Fun fact to all the anons:

We don't need other people's oil.

The only reason we take other people's low-grade oil is because if we didn't, they literally would not have a functioning economy.

It's like that in a lot of parts of our economy.

That's why POTUS is saying that.

Higher prices won't be accepted because the U.S. is only taking Saudi oil out of the goodness of our hearts, essentially.

b2d84f (16) No.1547353>>1547363


Up to and possibly including that RINO governor.

He's being converted faster than stink on shit.

dc302a (29) No.1547354


I think baker is from BC17. Won't take the fake shit out of the dough.

96b7e9 (2) No.1547355


I just scrolled through the comments on his tweet. Worth a look if anyone hasn't yet. The left can't meme because there ideas are shit and it shows up in meme. All there meme are belong to us

19f0db (1) No.1547356>>1547470

Liberals on twatter are picking up on the story that 1500 undocumented children are missing

They want to find out what happened to those kids


This might be a good opportunity to highlight this case as well as all other cases

d427cf (1) No.1547357>>1547401

Throw shit at me, i went into mostly lurking moad for the last couple of weeks, thinking i would make up my mind by the end of May. Here we are, moves and countermoves as usual. More we research, more fuckery we uncover. No major breakthrough in the open, families consider us crazy. Cryptic messages will continue. Midterms are most likely red. But i am losing hope on arrests and revelations. Time for me to take a major break. If it happens, it happens regardless of whats going on here.

944197 (16) No.1547358

File (hide): be7ecafa2b1ab48⋯.jpg (677.5 KB, 1749x881, 1749:881, GAF630 26 May 18 1400.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5206d17d240086c⋯.jpg (494.56 KB, 1765x769, 1765:769, 2JSEG 28 May 18 1410.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): dedb24b6bbaf1ee⋯.jpg (282.18 KB, 1207x997, 1207:997, NAF11 26 May 18 1415.jpg) (h) (u)

GAF 630 headed down Italy. 2-JSEG in the air but no tracking. NAF11 appears to be headed to wards Malmo/Copenhagen.

70eee5 (2) No.1547359>>1547378

File (hide): 0a6d4837eac4c12⋯.png (103.26 KB, 465x164, 465:164, screenshot_1041.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2d616c1dc9e78b7⋯.png (78.88 KB, 462x271, 462:271, screenshot_1151.png) (h) (u)

Tommy Robinson jailed, 13 months for practicing journalism.

Talking about it is illegal in the UK, I kid you not!

1664f8 (14) No.1547360


Wow, thank you, Anon! What a gift! SAVED! Will most definitely use and pass it on. Godspeed to you and yours as well!

9dcc01 (22) No.1547361>>1547377


I agreed with Hitler on that statement alone. The large majority of 20-somethings (NOW) are clueless idiots. It wasn't always that way. Not even 10 years ago. It's getting exponentially worse. Eventually I will disagree with that statement because the dumbasses who don't understand shit are aging, will soon be in their 30s and still ignorant.

I don't agree with the entirely of Mein Kampf. Yes I know it's from Mein Kampf. I've read it.

78bed4 (23) No.1547362>>1547369


Keyword DEMAND ←-Addicts downfall

Please find anther board

324e15 (10) No.1547363>>1547389

>>1547353 Abbott? RINO? Say what?

cb375c (28) No.1547364>>1547374 >>1547380


>although it is apparent you yourself may not be the sharpest pencil in the box.


Oy vey, shut it down!

1b0897 (5) No.1547365>>1547382 >>1547384


Texas is called a large state but it's more like a small country, with emphasis on "small". People from Dallas would not be caught dead in Houston, and vice versa, and both have no respect for country folk from west Texas. Lots of little particularities it seems.

I like Texans, but their state has its strange aspects.

b2d84f (16) No.1547366


Well, reading comprehension is very elusive for you, eh?

813294 (2) No.1547367


At a minimum, neurotoxins cause memory and vision loss. These effects dont show up right away & may take years to manifest, mimicking aging. My 90 yo mum never consumed aspartame & had great memory

6adb75 (2) No.1547368>>1547381 >>1547438


Aspartame is made from bacteria feces, patent confirms. … According to the patent, which is available for the public to read online, genetically modified E. coli are cultivated in tanks and fed so that they can defecate the proteins that contain the aspartic acid-phenylalanine amino acid segment used to make aspartame.Aug 27, 2013

5d6018 (7) No.1547369


People are bleeding

Go fuck yourself

And then get back to digging, CUNTARD

e12aa0 (9) No.1547370

File (hide): eac4ea8a118bbee⋯.png (533.17 KB, 1023x573, 341:191, Fuckery.png) (h) (u)


You must think this is Boomer Day.

Sorry, but this isn't Boomer Day.

78bed4 (23) No.1547371

File (hide): a943cf29bc531bb⋯.jpg (3.61 MB, 6000x3000, 2:1, KEKflag.jpg) (h) (u)

b2d84f (16) No.1547373>>1547440


>>>1546791 , >>1546767 , >>1546815 JA/BC17 connections digs and speculates

Why are you mixing outside comms on this board?

ca5bde (15) No.1547374

File (hide): ea0fe1ac26cecc9⋯.png (131.83 KB, 597x617, 597:617, 1526155805554.png) (h) (u)

f73524 (9) No.1547375>>1547390


Follow ya, been to parts of the country like that. Can't say i ever had a bad time in Texas. Some good people there. Glad you got a good leader. W/O self-doxing, my state could use one. >>1547335

0b395c (7) No.1547377>>1547414


Its getting worse due to false history. Add in jew curriculum, jew media, jew movies, etc.

Inoperable jewed brains. Thx jews!

1b0897 (5) No.1547378


tongue not tonque

1664f8 (14) No.1547380>>1547409 >>1547410



Yea, well, I'm human, too. And no need to shout, Anon.

813294 (2) No.1547381



9dcc01 (22) No.1547382>>1547415 >>1547464


Texas sort of reminds me of Illinois. The "city folk" have such contempt for those of us in rural areas. I get shit from "enlightened" people because I hunt. To that, I say fuck you. I'd rather kill my own food than have some Mexican do it for me.

Think Hillary won about 6 counties out of 104 here, the rest went to Trump, and she still won the state by double digits.

78bed4 (23) No.1547383

>>1547152 "BDT & Sylvia Burwell Podesta Obama linked-Repost"


324e15 (10) No.1547384


Yeah…and Soros has been trying hard to drive more corruption through the middle of it!

There's still A LOT of staunch Constitutional patriots here that WILL stand and fight, but, like everywhere else, apathy did it's work here!

eac20e (2) No.1547385

Anons, I don't know who the fuck BC17 is, just like I didn't know who TB was or AIM before anons constantly shitted up the board about them.

You reveal how pathetic and captive to social media you are when you bring that shit here as if it is somehow relevant.

Only an extreme minority know who these fucking idiots are.

They do not have intel.

No one cares.

Please stop embarrassing yourselves.

0d9811 (24) No.1547386

>>1547349 Got her in the Mind-Institute.

I really appreciate what happens here.

Gives me great hope for my daughter, and I know most of you aren't autistic, your autists. But

I like the inclusiveness of what you represent to me. And your approach to autism.

I don't want to go on that tangent.

I am here for the fight.

Like me or hate me… I'm here to stay.

b3a24c (10) No.1547387


Such a soft and warm post..

Thank you, Anon

God bless

92893d (3) No.1547388>>1547392

File (hide): 4c7ec396a4c2df3⋯.mp4 (3.49 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, THE GREAT RE-AWAKENING.mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]


b2d84f (16) No.1547389>>1547407



He's all in for gun control now, which is a far cry different from the platform he ran on.

324e15 (10) No.1547390

>>1547375 Agreed! Lot of good "neighborly" types here!

96995f (2) No.1547391>>1547398 >>1547408 >>1547435

File (hide): dd1a4d8c19eee35⋯.png (98.66 KB, 720x603, 80:67, 20180526_142319.png) (h) (u)

fb631c (1) No.1547392>>1547476

File (hide): cb1b6e165ed8eff⋯.jpg (14.76 KB, 184x275, 184:275, PEPE destroys baal.jpg) (h) (u)


I Love that man

96b7e9 (2) No.1547393>>1547423

Donald J. Trump

Verified account


Following Following @realDonaldTrump


Good news about the release of the American hostage from Venezuela. Should be landing in D.C. this evening and be in the White House, with his family, at about 7:00 P.M. The great people of Utah will be very happy!

c360db (2) No.1547394>>1547447


That was actually Robert David Steele that said that in an interview - search for the vid - the look on Alex's face is priceless as he immediately switches the topic.

It will go down as one of the best shill vs shill encounters I've ever seen.

b22586 (3) No.1547396

File (hide): 80834a9b2bafe51⋯.png (757.36 KB, 1238x446, 619:223, Screenshot_94.png) (h) (u)


b11b14 (7) No.1547397>>1547404 >>1547442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How about taking a break about famefags and watching this video that is:

-20 seconds long

-from the Senate Select Committee on Secret Military Assistance to Iran and the Nicaraguan Opposition (Iran-Contra hearings) (1987)

-extremely relevant to today's events

dc302a (29) No.1547398



143bd1 (4) No.1547399>>1547444


That is good stuff anon, I relate with the part about my attitudes being perfectly fit for a 17 year old and not a fifty year old. I stopped emotional development when I started using drugs and booze to deal with life. I am physically sober, but I am on a journey to get my emotions where they need to be for a man my age. The thing I remind myself of is that bohemian people can be fun, but its not fun being their kids. The same reason I got sober….oh and not going to prison, was for my children. Lets just say I had a legal intervention, and the same reason I will keep working on myself is for my children. I am pretty happy but realize I a fk'd up way of thinking when I don't meditate on things. I react like i did when i was 17. First thought wrong! is my new motto.

dd256d (18) No.1547400


78bed4 (23) No.1547401

File (hide): 7d825bc57735c89⋯.jpg (99.65 KB, 2400x1200, 2:1, QAnon WRWY.jpg) (h) (u)

b4c0d4 (1) No.1547402>>1547412

File (hide): a8cb02f3e7ff5ab⋯.jpg (31.66 KB, 500x368, 125:92, kim moon.jpg) (h) (u)

Love you guise (no homo)

b3a24c (10) No.1547404>>1547474


Violating The Logan Act

2083f2 (2) No.1547406


It's not popular to be leftist anymore. Mainly because of the memes ….the left can't meme

Satire will destroy the deepstate, and as long as the deepstate keeps using Hogg as a poster boy for their Marxist agenda we will keep making funny memes about him

If they stop using Hogg the memes will eventually stop

Only funny memes go viral, and many inside joke memes and memes placed by shills here will never leave this board

9dcc01 (22) No.1547407>>1547421 >>1547441


Gun storage laws (requiring shit to be locked up) are questionable in terms of constitutionality. How can one have a firearm at the ready for armed self-defense against intruders if they have to jump up, run to the safe, plug in a combo. Especially if they require the safe to be located in some fucked up location in the house.

b2d84f (16) No.1547408


Well done POTUS!!

cb375c (28) No.1547409>>1547426


>And no need to shout, Anon.


Oy vey, shut it down!

>Yea, well, I'm human, too.


0b395c (7) No.1547410>>1547425


Can you do us all a favor?

Admit you are a jew.

Do it.

70eee5 (2) No.1547411

File (hide): 8f16bdfcefeff3f⋯.mp4 (11.65 MB, 202x360, 101:180, Orwellian Police arrest To….mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

In the early morning of 25.05.2018 Tommy Robinson was live streaming the court verdict of Islamic grooming gangs. This was reason enough for the police to silence him by intimidation and unlawful arrest! The UK is an Orwellian police state, addressing the problems is now an offence as our government no longer represents us, we the people are grossly offended and this type of persecution cannot be tolerated! We the people must write to our MPs, elect those whom will represent us and most of all attend Speakers Corners on Sunday and other events across the UK!

78bed4 (23) No.1547412

File (hide): 13f618dc83cdd7f⋯.jpg (29.8 KB, 600x500, 6:5, Pelosi Kim Hai Noncee.jpg) (h) (u)

29b1d4 (1) No.1547414>>1547443 >>1547462


It official. All of the shills went full, "muh joo tards." No mention of btrennan, clapper, yates, obama, hillary, kerry, comey, etc. They just scream muh joos.

324e15 (10) No.1547415>>1547437

>>1547382 Houston is gone! Dallas is almost gone, but I don't see the overwhelming contempt for for rural folk, except perhaps from the fags and lesbos in Dallas…and there are A LOT of lesbos here…trips me out, you see them more than you see the fags! And the lesbos are FAR more militant than the fags!

c10348 (2) No.1547417


Basic greed and on the border. TX has always been very corrupt. Like Cali is corrupt but different. Small towns in TX are totally corrupt as well. Greed and power infest both parties. TX even has it's own flavor of Maxine Waters. The democrat candidate to run for governor is gay, female, and a open borders white latina.

bda61c (6) No.1547418>>1547433


>Raw emotion to hammer raw truth, bypassing all discourse.

I'm not sure that I'm following your argument. If it is the case that the intellect of the average person is so deficient as to be impervious to rational argument and responsive only to imagery, it doesn't necessaraily follow that such imagery should be of the ad hoinem variety. Let us suppose that the average intellect is that of a five year old? Are you suggesting that the only way to instruct a five year old is through imagery of an ad hominem variety? As parents, surely we just adapt our arguments and simplify them so that they can be understood by our five year old, don't we? We don't resort to calling them all types of an idiot so as to convey our message.

b2d84f (16) No.1547421



When he was running for governor he was making out like he was pro-gun and wanted to ease up some of the restrictions. Now look what he's doing.

4fc089 (2) No.1547422

File (hide): d90968aa9a77d03⋯.png (355.99 KB, 791x370, 791:370, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Didn't know there was an American hostage in Venezuela … did you?

3bae30 (1) No.1547423>>1547436


hmm…wonder who this is?

e0f952 (1) No.1547424>>1547428


>Punctuation FAIL.

1664f8 (14) No.1547425

File (hide): 187de33f6ea8744⋯.jpg (29.77 KB, 397x400, 397:400, laughing dog.jpg) (h) (u)


Kek. I'll do you one better, Anon. I am a recovering Catholic.

0b395c (7) No.1547426>>1547478


Sometimes (((they))) forget we have been debating (((them))) on the internet for a decade and can recognize (((their))) gay as fuck shitlib tactics.

d7b645 (1) No.1547427


I agree, talking to a friend the other day who said I see sooo many people I talk to, I said well make sure you word it all intelligently with logical factual proofs they will understand. Not swearing and going off, which in turn creates more fear. They can easily dismiss it as oh that guy is just crazy….. Most people simply do not understand. It takes a while to really realize how far the indoctrination has gone, generations deep. I often ponder things people have told me, weeks after they have, to get a good grasp on the point they are making. Sometimes things come up and it's in my face, and I think hey, so and so said this, and here it is…. live example of it. Sugar and honey go farther than piss and vinegar!

4fc089 (2) No.1547428

File (hide): c0f22cec80944a6⋯.jpg (189.54 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening551.jpg) (h) (u)

0a61b4 (4) No.1547432>>1547460

File (hide): 021fda8415e7aa1⋯.jpg (191.22 KB, 960x666, 160:111, BC-BandBros-NK-flowers.jpg) (h) (u)


Thanks, anon.


And don't forget, Band is in THIS photo.

Here's a nice little recent tidbit on Dougie to get the almonds activated:


Longtime Clinton Adviser Doug Band Pays $20 Million for David Rockefeller’s New York Townhouse

Mr. Band purchased the property from the estate of Mr. Rockefeller, the grandson of industrialist John D. Rockefeller

Doug Band , President Bill Clinton’s longtime adviser, has paid $20 million for the Manhattan townhouse of the late banking chief David Rockefeller, according to two people familiar with the transaction.

The house on East 65th Street originally came on the market for $32.5 million last June. It served as the home to Mr. Rockefeller and his wife Peggy for almost seven decades, according to the listing. Mr. Rockefeller, the onetime chief executive of Chase Manhattan Bank and the grandson of industrialist John D. Rockefeller, died last year at the age of 101.

Mr. Band, 45, bought the home through a limited-liability company. He is a founder of Teneo Holdings, a global consultancy. He began his career at the White House in 1995, serving as President Clinton’s adviser from 2002 until 2011 and helping spearhead the Clinton Global Initiative, according to Teneo’s website.

ca5bde (15) No.1547433


At this point fuck right off with your straw man derailing attempts. Literally no one but you is conflating meme with you bullshit ad hominem bullshit. I already called you out for making this false dichotomy, yet you persist like a shill bitch. Drink all the bleach.

88ffd1 (1) No.1547434>>1547450


Institutionalizing Ignorance screws us up young.

By Lying to ourselves and our children by extension, We have created the stupid.

I knew, as many do, that things were fucked up by the earliest age of consciousness. Tried to conform, then I was fucked up too.

We are all to blame, Unless you prefer to blame your parents… Your clergy… your media…

Take pride in this REEEE-Awakening.

78bed4 (23) No.1547435

File (hide): 8bca0ae3000bdb5⋯.jpg (301.62 KB, 800x546, 400:273, Q BoatSwampDrain..jpg) (h) (u)

e69054 (4) No.1547436>>1547445


Joshua Holt of #Utah.


9dcc01 (22) No.1547437>>1547456 >>1547468


Fact for the day. Lesbians have a higher incidence of domestic violence when compared to straight and gay men.

1b0897 (5) No.1547438


That's not so bad necessarily. That's what we use bacteria for, to digest things and "shit out" something else.

Good soil has passed through a worm and been "shitted out".

But aspartame is nasty shit nevertheless.

b2d84f (16) No.1547439

Trump behind Chicago cops protesting mayor who they say 'turned his back'


0d9811 (24) No.1547440>>1547475

>>1547373 I research wherever the facts take me… and apply critical thinking to what I discover, not for the purpose of pleasing others.

324e15 (10) No.1547441>>1547452 >>1547466

>>1547407 2A IS the line of demarcation! We won't give up our guns! Btw…that is how they do it in California! If you defend your family in the middle of the night and kill an armed intruder, you might face an investigation to determine if your weapon was loaded BEFORE the POS broken into your home! If it was, you could be charged with premeditated murder!

6adb75 (2) No.1547442


That was Iran-Contra, Oliver North involvement

83ff57 (3) No.1547443


All the people you listed answer to Bolshevik jews instead of Zionist Jews



s US President Barack Obama stood before the packed synagogue sanctuary, a white kippa comfortably atop his head, he spoke of the impact that images of kibbutzim, Israel’s founders and the 1967 war had on him as he was coming of age.

“To a young man like me, grappling with his own identity, recognizing the scars of race here in this nation, inspired by the Civil Rights struggle, the idea that you could be grounded in your history, as Israel was, but not be trapped by it, to be able to repair the world -- that idea was liberating. The example of Israel and its values was inspiring,” Obama said that day, speaking in 2015 at my own synagogue, Adas Israel Congregation in Washington DC, in celebration of Jewish American Heritage Month.

5d6018 (7) No.1547444


A lot of likeminded people on this board. We think outside the square yet often extremely immature. It's not a crime. But also not helpful kek.

Get the Big Book

The Roman numeral pages are where its at

Begin at the beginning for a new beginning


Re-awakening ;-)

b2d84f (16) No.1547445>>1547463


Isn't he the guy that is near death?

b22586 (3) No.1547446

Pain coming.




Suicide weekend.

Buh-bye, Johnny!

Podesta #23

Enjoy the show.

Eat the Pain, John and choke on it!


f73524 (9) No.1547447>>1547455 >>1547458

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


This one?

78bed4 (23) No.1547448

File (hide): 433c0d82a22ef48⋯.jpg (472.49 KB, 4500x4500, 1:1, Q_IfGodotCmes.jpg) (h) (u)

6a7eb4 (7) No.1547449

File (hide): a0a2e0b563552b5⋯.jpg (11.38 KB, 300x240, 5:4, 57dac845a2b54.image.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): eb42f9d96ae01a4⋯.jpeg (13.61 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 0.jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5ef8cc5eb173321⋯.png (467.76 KB, 1252x1356, 313:339, changeofcommand.png) (h) (u)

9dcc01 (22) No.1547450


I'm tossing red pills everywhere I think that someone may be open. I turned my old lady from an Obama loving, gun hating liberal into a Trump voting, gun LOVING conservative who's 100% redpilled. It was a wonderful accomplishment. I'm very proud…of her. Especially since she's in her 20s and is now trying to redpill her friends, also in their 20s. Not much luck so far but who knows.

1b0897 (5) No.1547452


Murder 1 charge only if it's a particular person you expected to break in, or just in general if you intended to kill whatever intruder came in?

Regardless this is yet another good reason to leave the Golden State.

9ce094 (2) No.1547454

File (hide): ad29d37f174fdea⋯.jpg (1.47 MB, 2396x1908, 599:477, scotbagpipes.jpg) (h) (u)

Ill try to go fast since we're hitting the end of the bread.

People have been writing about the traitors and how their coms have been compromised.

We all know how they communicate through the mass media via codes. And how they've been sending various codes to give the message they plan to kill the President.

As with JFK, before they killed him, there were "tells" placed in the Media. I believe they think it's funny and anyway a tradition for them?https://archive.org/stream/KingKill33V2_201604/King%20Kill%2033%20V2_djvu.txt

KingKill33 goes into details.


The NYTimes posted an image of a Scot Guard walking into a shadow. as they passed near Trump Tower 5th Ave. 2017, St. Patrick's Day.

A Scotanon said they were Irish. However, when I asked how he knew that, he finally replied he knew from the Green Tunics.

However, they are not wearing Green Tunics. but only green short leggings [It's St. Pat's day after all]

Their skirts/kilts were Orange.

THINK House of Orange.

One can't see their pipes since their backs are turned . To tell between Irish and Scot pipers you have to see the Pipes.

They look like they are wearing Biker jackets? Black leather?

The caption says "Bagpipes" which is Scots.

President Donald Trump is said to have an ancestor who was King of Scotland.

There's occultish connections with McNoName since the historical play deals with the killing of a valid King. And there is believed, by actors, to be a curse upon the play to the extant that it is a tradition not say the name of the play in the Theater.

So this ties into a recent post as to the likely background of the whole on-again off-again meeting in Singapore. I don't have the links right handy but it was discussed yesterday or last night.

If I find, I will link next bread

f73524 (9) No.1547455


ff to about 3:30

324e15 (10) No.1547456>>1547459

>>1547437 Yeah, I marvel when women and fags say that we'd be better off if women were in charge…the truth is women, in many respects, can be more vicious and ruthless then men!

c0ee61 (1) No.1547457


Teacherfag, back everything up. We will need nonpartisan educated ppl to write textbooks.

c360db (2) No.1547458>>1547472


That's the one. Thanks for posting - in lazy early morning mode presently…

b22586 (3) No.1547459


Women, by nature, are born slaves. Slave brain.

b3a24c (10) No.1547460

File (hide): 8fabf2ad0de8e80⋯.png (256.77 KB, 1016x5360, 127:670, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f514517a083a8e9⋯.png (35.14 KB, 986x1469, 986:1469, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)




From Wikileaks

also.. Cheryl Mills? Again?

ed79f5 (2) No.1547461


Sadiq Khan had ties to the MB!

0b395c (7) No.1547462




e69054 (4) No.1547463


must be mixing it up with Otto Warmbier from NK ?

From what one can read, they treated Joshua a bit better -- at least found nothing too serious so far …..



c10348 (2) No.1547464


HRC did not win TX. All TX electoral votes went to Trump. But Houston is a lost cause, and Dallas proper is a mess. All teh republicans live in the burbs north of Dallas.

d819ad (2) No.1547465

Another fun mini-game is counting the use of "I" or "me" in a single post. It's revealing :P

9dcc01 (22) No.1547466


Here in Illinois, the second you make entry into a home (forcefully), the home owner may use lethal force. The predicate offense is a forcible felony. So burglary is a forcible felony, therefore lethal force is permitted. Unfortunately, civil liability is still attached even if it's ruled a good shoot. Only way to get civil immunity is to be prosecuted for the "crime" and be acquitted.

fb549f (1) No.1547467


Dont want to spoil the fun, but that looks like Nelson Mandela, not Morgan Freeman.

ca5bde (15) No.1547468


The filthy cross-dressing men who think they are women are by far the most violent class of mentally ill criminal.

dd256d (18) No.1547469







bda61c (6) No.1547470


I wish some Anon would pick up on the following (there's much more associated) and relate it to the Q post about those whom we trust are the ones who are betraying us. I'd do it myself but my tech abilities are pretty poor and I rarely get more than ten mins at a time uninterrupted due to demands of a severely disabled daughter who requires near constant attention.

It is to do with the children…


b3a24c (10) No.1547471

File (hide): f514517a083a8e9⋯.png (35.14 KB, 986x1469, 986:1469, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

>"Acro-yoga" with Jess

f73524 (9) No.1547472


think you are right about award for best shill vs shill

b11b14 (7) No.1547474


What are the implications of this? Beyond the Logan Act.

What power do WE THE PEOPLE have against those rogue elements? How can we help the good people that want to come out, set things straight, put the cards on the table and do what's right?!

b2d84f (16) No.1547475

File (hide): 7fcda5a43f36ad8⋯.png (14.75 KB, 466x186, 233:93, temp.png) (h) (u)


Facts from BC17 are fucking lies!!!!

92893d (3) No.1547476



35aa76 (5) No.1547477


I strongly encourage, and hope for, everyone to reach the inner peace of mind Mr. Wilson describes (as a side-note I used to own a valuable second edition of the Blue Book).

That said, I prefer a society where people are content and helpful to one another versus having to satisfy other's beliefs in my sobriety. Who knows? Perhaps mine is the wrong course, but it works as a guide for me.

I would argue the concept of 'sobriety,' is so vague and open to subjective interpretation that, in many ways, it's meaningless when defined against the standard I described earlier.

What is the remedy for those who, in my opinion, are addicted to sobriety? A dog chasing its own tail.

Let us strive to be a well functioning, healthy society that cares more about our own improvement and spiritual development and less on on others. I think most here would caution against the nanny state, dare I say police state, when the same concerns are broadened to the macro-level. How can one claim inner peace when concerned with another's state of mind? Another who, by all measures, is well? What is gained by that?

cb375c (28) No.1547478


This. Trying to remember the saying, something like “you either die young or live long enough to become the jew.” This was right before we memed Trump into office using largely jew tactics ourselves.


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